
SeaPhorguardian, well i would try to mount it via USB before i gave up on it, at least to recover data00:00
macdI have a feisty server, is there a way using upgrade-mananger I can update to gutsy not hardy?00:00
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:00
windowskillahmmm irssi or xchat.00:00
danbhfivemacd: you have to upgrade to gutsy before hardy anyway00:01
DarrenCTanyone get ProjectM visualizations working in Hardy Heron?00:01
halyconhey everyone has anyone had any experience working with an Ipod in Ubuntu? I am attempting to get it working with Amarok and I have read a couple of the howto's and documents ive found on google and I'm still not able to get it to mount/detect00:01
DarrenCTmusic visualizations00:01
SeaPhordanbhfive, ok, i am working putting together a doc of what all the "-x" are and do00:01
MachinTrucChoseok, so if I have a program that I seem to be able to run just fine as root, how do I determine what I need to do to allow non-root users to run it? I've tried all sorts of permissions since yesterday. The program is self-contained in a folder.00:01
Chapaihow do i specify dns with ifconfig,00:01
windowskillawatch out with that man00:01
DarrenCThalycon, what version ipod?00:01
windowskillaI erased my entire music collection with one click of the mouse using gtkpod00:01
halyconDarrenCT, it is a ipod video 30gb00:02
macddanbhfive, Im well aware of this, and Im not upgrading to hardy, the upgrade wiki seems to revolve around upgrading to the current release, over a prior release,00:02
DarrenCTdo you know what generation it is?00:02
MachinTrucChosewindowskilla: aren't you glad it's such a simple GUI?00:02
gennahey, can someone please help.  ive installed ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell with ATI rage 128 ultra graphics card.  I am trying to get compiz working but I get an xgl not found error and my card is not recognized by envyng00:02
LEJI have a question about Mounting a Striped Volume from the Live CD.  LSI SAS 1068 PCI-X Controller. Shows in lspci normally but there are no /dev/sd* to mount. Suggestions? Do I need to compile driver/insert module perhaps?00:02
danbhfiveSeaPhor: I didnt follow that00:02
MachinTrucChoseit's the same with Nautilus not asking you to confirm you want to delete files00:02
s3adoes any1 no how to use ubuntu's scientific calculator to simplify fractions?00:02
windowskillano I mean I wiped it completely out.00:02
halyconDarrenCT, lemme see if i can find out00:02
danbhfivemacd: well, cant you just stop once you hit gutsy?  whats the problem?00:02
Daisuke_IdoMachinTrucChose: a very unsuccessful troll, as nautilus does ask by default if you want to delete files.00:03
windowskillano it deleted the shit when I went too sync my playlists.00:03
macddanbhfive, b/c do-release-upgrade doesnt support moving from feisty to gutsy.00:03
michael_boa noite00:03
halyconDarrenCT, I believe its 5th generation00:04
SeaPhordanbhfive, ok, i am working putting together a doc of what all the "-x" are and do, like: <command> -x <path>00:04
alec_i cant play dvds can anyone help me? i have VLC?00:04
NighteyesWhenever I try to upgrade from Gutsy (7.10) to Hardy (8.04), the upgrader fetches 15 of 23 files, and then freezes. If I click Cancel, it then brings up the list of files that were not fetched. How can I remedy this?00:04
danbhfivemacd: doesnt look like that is correct: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades00:05
windowskillaIm just glad it didn't crash my system like my gutsy upgrade did.00:05
danbhfiveSeaPhor: I think the man pages already do that00:05
windowskillacrash and burn00:05
DarrenCTHalcyon, have you installed "libgpod" from synaptic?00:05
danbhfiveSeaPhor: right?  please don't be insulted, but have you looked at the man pages?00:06
macddanbhfive, http://pastie.caboo.se/198534 I can read documentation myself.00:06
halyconi installed gtkpod im not sure if that includes that tho00:06
gennaanyone know where to get a legacy driver for ati rage 128 ultra00:06
EkusheyCan someone point me to any presentation on what's new on Hardy?00:06
macdgenna, I think the vesa driver is the only option for you00:06
danbhfivemacd: is feisty uptodate?00:06
gennawhere can I get the vesa00:06
SeaPhordanbhfive, none taken, i am a n00b, so i "man what"?00:06
macddanbhfive, of course00:07
danbhfiveSeaPhor: try this: man ls00:07
DarrenCThalcyon, you know how to use synaptic?00:07
DarrenCTwhat ubuntu you using?00:07
SeaPhordanbhfive, ok, TY! :-))00:07
halyconDarrenCT, Im using Hardy Heron and should I install libgpod0 or 300:07
danbhfivemacd: well, I dunno, sounds like a bug to me, but I would just drop the tool, and do a manual upgrade00:07
windowskillaeventually Ill figure out how to use irssi. lol00:08
gennamacd, does vesa support compiz00:08
Daisuke_Idogenna: nope00:08
windowskillagenna : not very good if at all.00:08
macdgenna, according to ati, the ATI driver in the repos will work, but provides no 3d acceleration, meaning your card is to old to run compiz.00:08
mikefizzhey i installed xp on a seperate partition and i think it messed up swusp (hibernate) and now my comptuer wont hibernate00:08
Hammer89I need to export the display from one Ubuntu system to another... I tried issuing the "export DISPLAY=<ip address>:1.0" command in terminal... but it's not working... what am I doing wrong?00:08
macddanbhfive, "do-release-upgrade" think about that ;) release......00:08
windowskillayou installed xp on the computer first or second?00:08
mikefizzsecond windowskilla00:09
Stormx2Really quick question. Need to grep for foo OR bar in a file. How?00:09
gennamacd, even though it supports 3d00:09
danbhfivemacd: think about what?  I don't follow00:09
gennathat stinks00:09
DarrenCTlibgpod3 should install everything you need Halcyon00:09
macddanbhfive, its for upgrading to the current release from the previous, nothing else.00:09
halyconDarrenCT, yeah it says it was installed already00:09
DarrenCTHalcyon, then you just tell Amarok what version of Ipod you have00:09
halyconim not sure where it is mounting00:10
halyconor if it is mounting it00:10
dobedooBuilt a USB bootable 8.04 but having trouble with persistency.  The USB boots ok into persistency mode but on reboot no changes are saved.  Had a quick look at the casper-rw partition under partition manager and it is an unknown filesystem and it is not mounted.  Any ideas?00:10
NighteyesWhenever I try to upgrade from Gutsy (7.10) to Hardy (8.04), the upgrader fetches 15 of 23 files, and then freezes. If I click Cancel, it then brings up the list of files that were not fetched. How can I remedy this?00:10
mikefizzit says "cannot find swap device" and something else but it closes too fast for me to read00:10
SeaPhordanbhfive, i am looking for other stuff, like what the " -phigh" in "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" means, and that kind-of things00:10
windowskillaanyone know how I can sorta pin my term window to the desktop?00:10
macdNighteyes, could you pastebin the upgrade log that it outputs.00:10
DarrenCTHalycon, do you see it mounted on the desktop?00:10
halyconDarrenCT, no its not00:10
macdSeaPhor, at the bottom of the man page for dpkg, it shows see also, one of those contains all of that00:10
enriqueianyone remember the command to pump the output of a shell script to a virtual terminal, so you can run the shell script thru a ssh session and then end the session without killing the script_00:11
imamacAnyone have luck using scim-anthy is Skype? I have tried scim-bridge, xim , but it doesn't seem to let me do it00:11
DarrenCTopen a term, and type "df" this will show what is mounted00:11
Bizzehwhere do i go to report a piece of merchendise broken on delivery00:11
danbhfivemacd: yeah, clearly its broken, You could file a bug report maybe,  But, unless you want to do a manual upgrade, I can't help further, sorry00:11
halyconno its not mounted00:11
SeaPhormacd, cool, thanks00:11
macdgenna, yes it does, but its very antiquated hardware.00:11
dmsupermanI have my mouse, and it's an MX600. The zoom in/out buttons are already mapped to volume control, but I can't figure out where they're mapped at. I have compiz enabled. Where can I determine what is causing them to do volume up/down?00:11
macddanbhfive, its not broken! its designed that way ;P00:11
halyconin my dmesg I am getting the following00:11
macddanbhfive, and yes a bit of sed and some apt can upgrade it anyways.00:11
halycon[ 2082.769212] FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors00:12
halycon[ 2082.769229] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb2.00:12
danbhfiveSeaPhor: did you try: man dpkg-reconfigure   ?00:12
halyconand dmesg also says some stuff about sdc but i tried mounting that and it wouldnt work00:12
DarrenCTHmm... sounds like the ipod might have a damaged file system?!00:12
Hammer89I need to export the display from one Ubuntu system to another... I tried issuing the "export DISPLAY=<ip address>:1.0" command in terminal... but it's not working... what am I doing wrong? (3rd and last try for the day... looked around on google a bit but nothing seems to be working... help appreciated)00:12
DarrenCTis this a new ipod?00:12
halyconit works in windows00:12
gennamacd, is there a way to at least get the normal visual effects since extra doesnt work00:12
Clydei have a problem with apache2..it's doesn't work on my address (example: google.ro) but it's working on LocalHost...i wanted to change something in httpd.conf but it's nothing there...00:12
macdgenna, honestly I dont think so00:13
gennaalright thanks00:13
macdgenna, compiz wasnt written with that old of hardware in mind00:13
DarrenCThhmm..... did you first use it in windows?00:13
Nighteyesmacd, Pastebin says that the upgrade log is triggering the spam filter.00:13
DarrenCTthe very first time?00:13
macdgenna, but you could prolly pickup something cheap that would run it great, anything nvidia, unless its a laptop then well, sorry ;)00:13
halyconDarrenCT, I have lots of stuff on it00:13
halyconI used it with itunes00:13
macdNighteyes, classic, try http://pastie.caboo.se00:13
dobedooBuilt a USB bootable 8.04 but having trouble with persistency.  The USB boots ok into persistency mode but on reboot no changes are saved.  Had a quick look at the casper-rw partition under partition manager and it is an unknown filesystem and it is not mounted.  Any ideas?00:14
DarrenCTyou are familiar with mounting drives ??00:14
gennaok thanks00:14
imamachardy + amarok + ipodmini 2gen = work? no works :( It worked with gutsy...00:14
halyconDarrenCT, to be honest I havent really done it00:14
DarrenCTif you can't get it to mount, there might be a problem00:14
halyconDarrenCT, to be honest I just copied the command from a document i found on google00:14
Titaniumhello my friend i have a problem i can't use WINE ! there are my past with différent error ! http://pastebin.com/m50169ce5 if someone can help me ?00:14
cyntekHey everyone, I have little problem, when i play music btw sounds okay but not what I expected. I would like to know if it's possible to change the sound configuration in ubuntu, for example bass and treble or surround sounds configuration is possible to do in ubuntu 8.04?00:14
Nighteyesmacd,  http://pastie.caboo.se/19854000:14
dmsupermanI have my mouse, and it's an MX600. The zoom in/out buttons are already mapped to volume control, but I can't figure out where they're mapped at. I have compiz enabled. Where can I determine what is causing them to do volume up/down?00:15
macdNighteyes, ah, I see, just wait a while and try again, that indicates the mirrors are heavily loaded00:15
alteregoahow can i link a directory?00:16
macdNighteyes, or you can use another set of mirrors00:16
alteregoaln ?00:16
psycosei'm updating an Ubuntu 7.10 desktop concerning the OpenSSL/SSH problems, apt-get ugprade is telling me that  openssh-client openssh-server ssl-cert package will not be upgraded, is it normal ?00:16
DarrenCTsorry Halcyon, gotta run... work on getting it mounted first "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/ipod" where sdb1 is whatever your ipod is when you do "fdisk -l" to show all disks, and their location00:17
NighteyesThanks macd, I'll just wait till tomorrow then do it.00:17
SeaPhordanbhfive, yes, but i dont see the -phigh or -i, or g. maybe thats why im having trouble on the man pages00:17
halyconDarrenCT, okay thanks for your help00:17
macdpsycose, no they should be upgraded, at console, could you type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if that happens again00:17
danbhfiveSeaPhor: do you see -p ?00:17
SeaPhordanbhfive, yes, priority00:17
psycosemacd, ok so may be when i will run it again it will upgrade them ...00:18
danbhfiveSeaPhor: so it means priority 'high'00:18
SeaPhordanbhfive,  hi?00:18
hacimi'm trying to enable the restricted drivers for the bcm43 but when I go to Hardware Drivers, its not listed there00:18
macdpsycose, possibly lets try and see if that helps, if not we can take another avenue00:18
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to get X-Chat to automatically log you in at startup?00:18
macdpsycose, but the output from the console will tell us if they are intentionally being held back or if its an error00:19
BodsdaHi guys, whenever an application uses the wifi on my machine it lags untill its stopped -- like my machine will be really jumpy the mouse laggy and it doesnt stop untill firefox finishes loading the page, this also happens with apt so its not a FF prob,.,. anything that uses the internet causes it,. cpu spikes to 60%-100% -- what can cause this and is there a fix?00:19
CLEARviewF~karma amarok00:19
danbhfiveSeaPhor: that tells dpkg-reconfigure to only ask questions that are marked with the highest priority00:19
=== Petto_ is now known as Petto
psycosemacd may be i can just see if someone pin-point them ? do you remember the command ?00:19
DevourerWhy does it say "Manual page make(1) line 112/162 (END)" is the end when it is only at page 112 out of 162 in man pages?00:19
tmapjhey seaphor00:19
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to get X-Chat to automatically log you in at startup?00:20
macdpsycose, I just gave it to you a few lines up00:20
dmsupermanI have my mouse, and it's an MX600. The zoom in/out buttons are already mapped to volume control, but I can't figure out where they're mapped at. I have compiz enabled. Where can I determine what is causing them to do volume up/down?00:20
macdpsycose, no they should be upgraded, at console, could you type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see if that happens again00:20
tj43876could someone help me when i try to use update it freezes after I click install and also synaptic package manager will not open when i click on it don't know if the two are related00:20
psycosemacd ok thanks00:20
SeaPhordanbhfive,  high, lol, duh00:20
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to get X-Chat to automatically log you in at startup?00:21
SeaPhordanbhfive,  i was trying to add switches together00:21
Bodsdatmapj, add it to System-->Pref-->Sessions   then in xchat edit the 'Ubuntu Servers' to come here automatically, then tick the 'skip network list on start' box00:21
gennacan anyone reccomend a good wallpaper changer app?00:22
hisingh1yo waz up00:22
SeaPhortmapj, heya , good to see ya00:22
pgidzanybody know if the the servers have gone down, can't seem to update my system00:22
danbhfiveSeaPhor: ya, I saw the mistake.  I knew, because I have seen the command dpkg-reconfigure -plow00:22
SeaPhordanbhfive,  lol, yeah that makes sense now!00:22
Dew420genna, what are you after exactly?00:23
tj43876i'm having trouble updating and downloading packages is it the servers00:23
Dew420which release?00:23
Daisuke_Ido!repomirror | tj4387600:23
gennasomething that will rotate between 10-20 images00:23
ubottutj43876: Go to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.00:23
pgidzhardy for me00:23
gennaor fetch new ones daily00:23
Daisuke_Idogenna: there's one that uses flickr, let me see if i can remember the name00:23
psycosemacd when you use ssh to get a remote session, ssh login@host usually i does not ask you for a passphrase, what is the problem if it is the case ?00:23
annonymousecan i ask  is any ones msn down?00:24
Flare183!ot | annonymouse00:24
ubottuannonymouse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:24
Dew420dang... I gotta learn what that ubottu commands are00:24
gennathanks daisuke_ido00:24
Dew420save me some time00:24
* emma *smiles*00:24
macdgenna, you can have a bunch of wallpaper in your wallpaper location and have a slideshow, or use a program called "drapes" which in available in synaptic.00:24
SeaPhordanbhfive,  Thank you so much for taking pity on a poor dumb animal :-))00:24
gennamacd, thanks00:24
MachinTrucChosehas anyone here used tellico before?00:24
mgromanman mount00:24
annonymouseclosely followed by  my pidgin client isnt connecting00:24
gennalol, can anyone reccomend a good source for scenic wallpapers00:25
macdpsycose, if it doesnt ask then your authing with a ssk key00:25
sparrhow do i except a web page from FF3's stopbadware.org site blocking?00:25
mgromanam i gay if i `man mount`?00:25
danbhfiveSeaPhor: np00:25
Daisuke_Idosorry, genna: http://www.webilder.org/download.html00:25
macdmgroman, we dont talk like that in here.00:25
tj43876when i clicked on software sources it just thinks for a little while then nothing00:25
gennadaisuke_ido thanks a ton00:26
Daisuke_Idogenna: you're welcome00:26
dmsupermanI have my mouse, and it's an MX600. The zoom in/out buttons are already mapped to volume control, but I can't figure out where they're mapped at. I have compiz enabled. Where can I determine what is causing them to do volume up/down?00:26
MrPeepers310i just dl'ed the last update for ubuntu and now my comp can not suspend00:26
chuy_maxmgroman, lol00:26
pgidztj did you do an update on hardy today00:26
Daisuke_Idoi use it myself to grab some of the more interesting photos from flickr :)00:26
mmdskiis there a windows help file reader for linux?00:26
psycosemacd so you are saying it's normal that when i run ssh login@host that i'm beeing ask for my passphrase ?00:26
macdpsycose, yes, or else anyone could login00:27
tj43876i tried but it freezes when i hit install00:27
clintchanceAnyone know how i can stop ubuntu from changing my wifi password and logging mw off the network? My card works and all but something keeps changing the credintials00:27
SeaPhortmapj, hey, you know the channel?00:27
Daisuke_Idogenna: something else you might want to take a look at is wbs, which is a linux webshots client00:27
MrPeepers310can anyone put their comp into suspend after the last update?00:27
tmapjseaphor i need some help with xchat00:27
SeaPhortmapj, ok]00:27
psycosebut on some system it don't ask me for the passephrase each time00:27
psycosemacd but on some system it don't ask me for the passephrase each time00:27
macdpsycose, then your using public key aith on those hosts00:28
macdpsycose, and if thats not the case, you hvae a serious security flaw somehow00:28
todzhow can i see what is eating my cpu ?00:28
macdtodz, 'top'00:28
MrPeepers310whats the program that allows the computer to suspend?00:28
macdMrPeepers310, its a combination of kernel+acpi00:28
MrPeepers310todz: "ctrl-esc"00:29
MrPeepers310macd: after the last update my comp doesnt suspend anymore00:29
clintchanceAnyone know of an automatic Wifi connector? so i dont have to go into the settings and reconnect it?00:29
macdMrPeepers310, Im not the one to ask about suspend issues.00:29
SeaPhortmapj, its /join channel   or click server at the top, join channel, and retrieve channel list or type it in00:29
macdclintchance, network-manager should do everything that you've asked00:30
sparrpackage bug?  sugar-pollbuilder-activity: Depends: python-abiword but it is not installable00:30
MrPeepers310clintchance: nm-applet00:30
macdsparr, yes, since the package it needs dosnt exist00:30
tmapjseaphor how do i get xchat to enter a chatroom and log me in automatically everytime i start up?00:30
MrPeepers310does anyone know anything about suspend?00:30
tmapjstart up xchat that is00:31
macdtmapj, start xchat on login, or login to servers on xchat start?00:31
clintchancemacd, the network manager changes the password every couple of minutes00:31
macdclintchance, impossible, unless youve manually set one in /etc/network/interfaces00:31
tmapjloginto servers on xchat start00:31
cyntekwhat sound mixer is preinstalled in ubuntu hardy  8.04?00:31
clintchancemacd, how do i tell00:31
MrPeepers310cyntek: kmix00:32
gennais there a way to increase taskbar size and gnome panel height, along with the font to make it easier to see00:32
macdtmapj, goto your network list, then click edit on the network you want to connect at start, and hit the checkbox, connect to this network on startup00:32
macdgenna, right click --> properties00:32
cyntekMrPeepers310: Thank you. hope this will fix my bass issue00:32
SeaPhoryou should have a box open up when you first click Xchat, where you can put in what nick, pwd, and server you want?00:32
macdgenna, to increase text size, youll need to go into system--> prefs--> appearance00:33
SeaPhortmapj, you should have a box open up when you first click Xchat, where you can put in what nick, pwd, and server you want?00:33
tmapjwhere is the network list00:33
gennamacd, thanks a ton00:33
gwpcross your fingers all i am using Wine to download and install world of warcraft00:33
clintchancemacd, the only thing set in that is autos00:33
todz 6318 xx        20   0 36396  12m 9044 S 21.9  1.3 103:22.61 python00:33
MrPeepers310cyntek: if your looking for a sound equalizer kmix isnt it. i dont think linux has a sound equalizer00:33
macdclintchance, hmmm, ok, next time it happens we'll need an exceprt from /var/log/dmesg around tyhe timeframe it happened00:34
SeaPhortmapj, click xchat at top00:34
MrPeepers310gwp: world of warcraft works under wine00:34
cyntekwell, I need to configure my sound because it seems there's too much bass when playing00:34
cyntekI dont want to blow my speakers.00:34
GrizHey Gang. Older Emachine laptop. Tossed xubuntu onto it and it runs, but there is a 'band' of video corruption across the bottom of the lcd. Google results that I've found have been concerning changing resolution only.   http://rafb.net/p/bPrQEJ69.html   <- has the info of the box.00:34
gwpMrPeepers310; parently so I figured it would work if i were pulling it from a windows mount, I was curious about downloading and installing it via blizzards ap00:35
irotasstupid question .. how do i generate a list of all the packages currently installed?00:35
MrPeepers310gwp: o, that, i have no idea but i dont see why it wouldnt work. you're just dl'ing the install file that you would get on the cd00:35
SeaPhortmapj, you get it?00:35
cyntekim running creative audigy 2 soundcard.00:35
Flannel!cloning | irotas00:35
ubottuirotas: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:35
sparrmacd: i was under the impression that that sort of problem was not supposed to get into ubuntu's repositories?  im used to it from debian unstable, but i thought i had given up that sort of problem when i gave up the cutting edge00:36
Flannelirotas: or, dpkg -l00:36
BodsdaHi guys, whenever an application uses the wifi on my machine it lags untill its stopped -- like my machine will be really jumpy the mouse laggy and it doesnt stop untill firefox finishes loading the page, this also happens with apt so its not a FF prob,.,. anything that uses the internet causes it,. cpu spikes to 60%-100% -- what can cause this and is there a fix?00:36
SeaPhortmapj, you get it?00:36
tmapj_not yet let me try again00:36
cyntekand I have tried configuring Alsamixer but still too much bass!00:36
MrPeepers310cyntek: try tap-plugins, it looks like it should help but im not sure00:36
macdsparr, were all human, and there are thousands of packages with only a fraction of MOTU's to maintain them00:36
sudobashbodsda what kind of cpu and how much ram?00:36
irotasFlannel: thanks!00:36
aleci cant play dvds, what do i do. i have vlc. and others00:37
SeaPhorcyntek, heya, is this same as the other day?00:37
macdsparr, but if you file a bug and give me the bug# I'll happily fix it, and hopefully get someone to upload it within a day or so00:37
Bodsdasudobash, amd 64 18ghz 1.5 gig ram and plenty of free hard drive space00:37
cyntekHey, Seaphor. How you doing?00:37
sudobashhmmm maybe you have an irq conflict although it is very rare00:38
sparrmacd: still getting used to a bug reporting system not stuck in the 80s (see previous comment about migrating from debian)00:38
SeaPhorcyntek, good bro, i finally am wireless00:38
cyntekyes, im trying to reconfigure my sounds.00:38
sudobashwhat wifi chipset?00:38
tmapjit works now :D00:38
dobedooBuilt a USB bootable 8.04 but having trouble with persistency.  The USB boots ok into persistency mode but on reboot no changes are saved.  Had a quick look at the casper-rw partition under partition manager and it is an unknown filesystem and it is not mounted.  Any ideas?00:38
aleci cant play dvds, i get to the menu and the video stops. how do i fix this?00:39
MttJocyHumz, I'm getting 503 errors from gb.archive.ubuntu.com :s00:39
macdhehe@sparr, well we use launchpad, and its very nice on your end, just a little messy on the ends for manageing stuff00:39
SeaPhorcyntek, well i'm clueless there, sorry00:39
dobedooanyone used LabVIEW for linux?00:39
Bodsdasudobash, dunno,how do i find out?00:39
terrestretheres a channel to c# here?00:39
Holyhandgrenadehey people .... can i just remove a "folder" with junk files (wine is removed) will this remove the instances of previously installed wine programs?00:39
Starnestommyterrestre: ##csharp00:39
macdterrestre, and its chock full of microsoft developers.00:40
sudobashbodsa are you using a laptop or what? do you know if your wifi is on board or pci?00:40
Bodsdasudobash, its a usb dongle on a desktop00:40
cyntekI was trying to create a msn account throught linux but apparently you can't create one while using linux. I was trying to add you to msn messy00:40
terrestrethanks Starnestommy00:40
sars-aeolanyone wanna help me with setting up a dual-monitor on 7.10?00:40
cyntekusing pidgin of course.00:40
phoenixzHow can I send the output of sed to a file instead of stdout? > doesnt seem to work00:41
sudobashoh then you should be able to look at the usb dongle and tell me what manufacturer and model00:41
Bodsdasudobash, Belkin F5D7050B00:42
terrestremacd, yes, but i need help with some oop00:42
ilan_ramosalguem online? somebody online?00:42
ilan_ramosalguien online?00:42
macdterrestre, then thats where you should be /join ##csharp ;)00:43
macd!es ilan_ramos00:43
ubottuFactoid es ilan_ramos not found00:43
macd!es | ilan_ramos00:43
ubottuilan_ramos: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:43
terrestremacd :) there's no mono channel :)00:43
ilan_ramosmacd que hablas?what language do you speak?00:43
Sindaciousanyone around that can tell me how to get rid of a random force quit window that won't disapear00:43
macdilan_ramos, I speak english00:43
eeevansi've been running vmware server 2.0 beta and recently upgraded gutsy to hardy...vmware seems sluggish and I saw a post where someone said it ran better with the realtime kernel00:43
sudobashbodsda http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=644529   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22442400:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224424 in ubuntu "wifi/internet lags system" [Undecided,New]00:44
ilan_ramosmasc Oh, ok!00:44
sudobashtwo links00:44
adambAnyone use snoopy here before?00:44
Bodsdasudobash, cheers dude00:44
macdeeevans, yeah you need to not use the CFQ kernel scheduler00:44
ilan_ramosmacd do you have orkut?00:44
sars-aeolanyone wanna help me with setting up a dual-monitor on 7.10?00:44
eeevansi found an article explaining the steps to download and build the realtime kernel but have run into failures during the build00:44
* Holyhandgrenade will give hardy a try out .... must stay up to date :P00:44
osmosiswhat is up with flash audio in hardy!00:45
kshow do I upgrade php from 5.3.3 to 5.2.5 under ubuntu ?00:45
adacis there a program that has a webinterface and can list informations about my movies?00:45
Bodsdasudobash, the forum link was about mouse and keyboards and i made that bug report00:45
eeevansmacd, how do I stop using it?00:45
Holyhandgrenadeits just such a bummer cause i just fineshed setting 7.10 up ... with all them nice daily update my systems and stuff00:46
macdeeevans, rebuild the kernel and select the other one00:46
macdeeevans, let me give you a link to that......   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115800:46
eeevansmacd, do you have a link to some steps for doing so?00:46
sudobashhahaha i thought you might have00:47
sudobashare you using ndiswrapper?00:47
Bodsdasudobash, no im not, i dont know how and cant find propriety drivers for it00:47
sars-aeolanyone wanna help me with setting up a dual-monitor on 7.10?00:47
sudobashat least you know your bug report is out there hahaha00:48
sudobashtry using ndiswrapper and see if it improves anything..... i can give you a link to drivers one sec00:48
sars-aeolanyone wanna help me with setting up a dual-monitor on 7.10?00:48
Bodsdasudobash, its been there for weeks with no reply,.,. can you help me find out what driver i need and where to gget it?00:48
sudobashsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper00:49
pat10hi evryone!!!00:49
Bodsda!repeat | sars-aeol00:49
ubottusars-aeol: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:49
scythefwdhas anyone played with ubuntu mobile on x86 gear?00:49
osmosisdoes anyone know why the audio in flash seems broken in hardy ?00:49
sudobashsars-aeol there are walkthroughs for twinview00:49
sars-aeolokay thanx.. ive been wrestlin for a while00:50
sudobashOne Sec Bodsa00:50
cyntekMrPeepers310: What is Tap-Plugins?00:50
Bodsdasudobash, which ndiswrapper? common or modules??00:50
sudobashgot your name wrong00:50
sudobashtry common00:50
Bodsdasudobash, kk00:50
sudobashwhich one 1-5?00:51
Bodsdasudobash, the ones from belkin are a program which installs some software -- no idea which one,.how do i tell?00:52
sudobashyeah but you can probably get the inf and drivers from it00:52
Bodsdasudobash, ok,. il try00:52
SpeakerManiaI am using the latest version of Pidgin (2.4.1) and am trying to connect to my MSN. I am getting this error: Connection Error from Notification server: Reading error. Can anyone help me?00:52
sudobashPlease note that this product comes in several versions. To determine which version you have please compare the FCC ID on the product to the one listed on chart below. That will tell you which version of the device you own. Please download the correct driver for your version.00:52
sudobashFCC ID00:52
FloodBot2sudobash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:52
clintchanceHey how can i change the Main Menu Icon? I wnat it to stand out more00:52
scythefwdwhat can anyone tell me about the flash based desktop in ubuntu mobile, and is it out in beta yet?00:53
sudobashscythefwd if no one answers try #ubuntu+100:53
Prez00i can't get java working on my Hardy firefox?  I see GCJ plugin in about: can I have regular sun java?00:53
Bodsdasudobash, version 3 -- but i cant download ndiswrapper,. just sits there not downloading it00:54
sudobashtry doing sudo apt-get install update and then try ndiswrapper again00:54
sudobashi mean sudo apt-get update00:54
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
aleccan anyone help me stting up my video player?00:55
sudobashso download the 3rd version XP drivers and rename from .exe to .zip and open that and there are your drivers00:55
sudobashi just did it00:55
Bodsdasudobash, this is odd,. it stops here - just a blinking cursor -- 99% [Connecting to gb.archive.ubuntu.com (]00:56
prowerHi :> I just ran sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so to change it from the kubuntu splash to the ubuntu splash...when i shut down everything is okay, but when i reboot it boots up with the kubuntu splash?00:56
Flannelprower: sudo update-grub afterwards00:57
Bodsdaupdate intramfs00:57
Bodsdabah damn keyboard00:57
prowerFlannel: Thanks, I will try that00:57
fbchow do I install the xfce desktop? apt-get install xfce? could it be that easy???00:57
cc_khi...does anyone know if there is an ONYX (MacOSX app) equivalent for linux?00:57
Bodsdais this bad? -- W: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-backports/restricted/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2  Unable to connect to gb.archive.ubuntu.com http:00:58
scythefwdcc_k what does ONYX do?00:58
Flannelcc_k: What does onyx do?00:58
fbconyx is a maintenance app00:58
FlannelBodsda: If thats the only error, no, don't worry about it00:58
sudobashis it done bodsda?00:58
MortuisIs anyone else having a problem with the easycam repository?  deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main00:58
fbconyx it's lika another app called mac janitor. that optimizes tables, and cleans up old files, and stuff like that.00:59
MortuisWhen I try to do update it's giving me lines like: Ign http://blognux.free.fr unstable/main Packages00:59
cc_kright--runs unix system maintenance scripts00:59
Bodsdasudobash, no,i cant et ndiswrapper down,. il try a reboot,. brbr00:59
alteregoacan i use the mount -o bind command with a NTFS disc already mounted in fstab to a folder?00:59
quietFrankcan anyone tell me how to get a *.pde files to syntax highlight like c files in emacs22 ?00:59
cc_kbut they're all in one place...can't believe linux lacks such an app01:00
scythefwdHas anyone attempted to run ubuntu on something as slow as a VIA epia 800 with 1G ram?  I figure I am going to have to slim down the system a bit, but how does the defaults run?01:00
fbchow do I install the xfce desktop? apt-get install xfce? could it be that easy???01:00
scythefwdfbc, you could search for it using synaptic01:00
alteregoavias are slow01:00
Starnestommyfbc: xfce is normally installed with the xubuntu-desktop package01:00
alteregoaget a intel core2duo 1.2gh ultra low voltage01:00
Mortuisfbc: looks like apt-get install xfce401:00
robinskanyone got any tips on setting ICC color profiles for screens?01:00
Prez00do java applets for people here on hardy's FF 3 beta?01:01
alteregoathey need aprx 3w01:01
scythefwdalteregoa, I understand that, but I need a very low foot print, its going into my dash01:01
Mortuisfbc: do an apt-cache search xfce and see for yourself01:01
alteregoait is smaller then the via crap01:01
sudobashif you want xfce best way is download the Xubuntu Alternate Cd01:01
alteregoaits a nano mainbaord with 1.2ghz intel cpu01:01
scythefwdalteregoa, does it come in pico itx?01:01
fbcStarnestommy, scythefwd  thanks...01:02
alteregoauntil the femto from via gets out01:02
alteregoaor the angstrom motherboard01:02
alteregoait fits in a snailhouse01:02
macdIm trying to upgrade and get an error debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable01:03
fbcMortuis, is xcfe4 installed with the xubuntu-desktop package or an older version?01:03
aleccan anyone help me setting up my video player?01:03
macdI have no running apt processes, or dpkg processes01:03
MachinTrucChoseis it normal that I can't have two programs playing sound at the same time? Eg, if I'm listening to music, youtube sound is muted. Even if I stop the music, the youtube sound isn't there until I restart Firefox.01:03
alteregoathose via crapboards have not a real fpu01:03
scythefwdsnail house?  I literally need a board that is 6.5 inches square, preferably less.  I need integrated vid, sound, usb and ide.01:03
cycletronicQuestion: If I am having trouble getting ehci (usb 2.0) to work on a system, is there something I can do to get it working?01:03
alteregoathere is something in the pipeline01:03
sparrmacd: adept, adept-updater, aptitude, synaptic...  lots of processes can lock that01:03
alteregoayou have to use needles as connectors01:03
scythefwdalteregoa, I am not going to be running compiz, and the most difficult thing I will be doing is gps.01:03
zChriscycletronic: install windows *snicker*01:03
=== RandomCake___ is now known as RandomCake
alteregoayeah , compiz needs cpu power01:04
macdsparr, no adept, no synaptic, and aptitude is also not running, in fact the file shows no running procs against it01:04
alteregoavectors and stuff, is done in the fpu01:04
cycletroniczChris: it's tempting, but I do need linux in this case...01:04
alteregoaforget compiz with via01:04
sparrmacd: lsof /var/cache/debconf/config.dat01:04
macdalteregoa, I think some gfx cards do that on chip01:04
zChriscycletronic: whats the error when modprobing the module then ?01:04
alteregoayes, but not everything01:04
macdsparr, yeah nothing is running against it01:04
scythefwdI plan on running ubuntu mobile if I can get more info, ubuntu's website is sparse on info.  My dvd playing will be done with the head unit.  It will be a mp3 player, obdcII, and nav on it.  That's about it for now.01:05
alteregoacompiz on  a via is like windows 95 with an 386dx4001:05
macdsparr, I was hoping to not have to reboot first, but it looks like that may be my only solution01:05
cycletroniczChris: it's not on modprobe, it's on connecting a device.  dmesg shows a bunch of "new high speed USB blah blah using address 78" or so.  Then it gives a "port 4 reset error -110" and then a "hub_port_status failed (err = -32)" after that01:06
visofi can't install real player at 8.0401:06
sparrmacd: look into the possibility of a lock file.  im not really sure how dpkg stuff locks01:06
visofi have error01:06
sparrvisof: count yourself lucky01:06
scythefwdalteregoa, I did win95 on a 386 sx25, my friends 486dx was smoking in comparison01:06
macdsparr, yeah I rm;d the lockfiles already, Ive never encountered this before01:06
alteregoai hate those slowape systems01:06
sparrmacd: put on a flame-proof suit and ask in #debian01:06
macdsparr, heheh, or just reboot and save face ;)01:07
zChriscycletronic: i assume you tried several ports?01:07
scythefwdalteregoa, how are the genode procs?  I am trying to get this in under 1.5k installed01:07
alteregoavia is dead01:07
adacis there a program that shows me information to my movies that i have on disk? best would be over a webinterface01:07
cycletroniczChris: yes, a few, but perhaps I should try all of them... there are 7 to try...01:07
alteregoathey even can't build working chipsets01:07
macdscythefwd, same if not worse, the geodes instruction sets are what I call "whack"01:07
bazhangalteregoa, please take offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks01:07
alteregoathey have its knowledge from cyrix01:07
sparradac: look into mythtv.  its way more than what you need, but it can do that01:07
RainMakerHow can I create a new user in mysql?01:07
zChriscycletronic: do that, also try another usb device01:07
alteregoabut after cyrix has aquired by via, via isn't competitive at all01:08
sparrRainMaker: you dont really add users in mysql...  you give a nonexistent user a password  :)01:08
RainMakerHow do I do that?01:08
arooni__Fatal error: Received unexpected header from the server:01:08
arooni__ expected "Unison 2.13\n" but received "Unison 2.27\n\000\000\000\000",01:08
arooni__which differs at "Unison 2.2".01:08
arooni__how do i fix?01:08
FloodBot2arooni__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
=== _robilive is now known as robilive
adacsparr: mythtv is really way more than i would need ;)01:08
arooni__sorry FloodBot201:08
Imaginativeone_how do I run XWindows from the command line?01:09
sparrim setting up a dedicated mythtv box for my new roommates soon01:09
zChrisImaginativeone_: startx01:09
sparrImaginativeone_: startx01:09
* sparr loses01:09
FloodBot2sparr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:09
sparrFloodBot2: stfu01:09
DyskImaginativeone_, Or, init 5 depending on what you're going for01:09
bazhang!stfu | sparr01:09
ubottusparr: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.01:09
arooni-mobilehow do i fix:  Fatal error: Received unexpected header from the server;  expected "Unison 2.13\n" but received "Unison 2.27\n\000\000\000\000", ; which differs at "Unison 2.2".01:10
sparrbazhang: thanks.  period.01:10
toresn_this is probably an easy fix, but ... how do i disable the shortcut for help (F1) in Gnome01:10
ifireballarooni-mobile: you need matching versions of unison at both sides of the connection01:11
sudobashlmao at sparr01:12
clintchanceAnyone know how to change the icon for the Main Menu?01:12
=== toresn_ is now known as toresn
arooni-mobileifireball, how do i update unison to the matching version?01:12
sparrbazhang: i think your factoid needs to be corrected with regards to rhetorical statements made at bots01:12
macdsparr, I tracked it down, I had some kernel panics a while back while writing a kernel uhh kit. but rebooting should fix that01:12
bazhang!brainstorm | sparr01:12
ubottusparr: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!01:12
ifireballarooni-mobile: its ubuntu on both sides?01:13
arooni-mobileifireball, yes hardy01:13
=== cyntek_ is now known as Cyntek
sudobashA Gentle Dissolve01:13
arooni-mobileifireball, i try to run sudo apt-get install unison;  and it complianis its already installed01:13
jackalwhat is unison?01:13
arooni-mobilefile synchronization01:13
Bodsdasudobash, hey dude,. installin ndiswrapper-common now01:13
jackalhey what is the best way to run WOW on linux01:14
jackalwine or cadega01:14
clintchanceI guess no one does.01:14
Bodsdaflip2405, yeah?01:14
jackali have a ati x60001:14
macdarooni, is unison really any better than rsync?01:14
flip2405Did you need help ?01:14
Bodsdasudobash, ok, done,.whats next?01:14
arooni-mobileifireball, you there ? ;p01:14
sudobashWOW needs to be put on HDD or on DVD to get best results01:14
sudobashpreferably DVD01:14
ifireballarooni-mobile: use synaptic, I din't konw how it goes in hardy but in feisty there are 2 unison packages: unison and unison2.9.101:14
jackalim not downloading it have the cds01:14
Bodsdaflip2405, yes sudobash is helping at the moment but i'd be gratefull if i could come to you if he cant fix my prob01:14
sudobashBodsda download the XP w32 driver for version 3 on that page01:15
jackali just want to know what it runs best under01:15
flip2405Hey sudobash whats the best way to run cs1.6 and cs's01:15
sparrjackal: i prefer cedega for wow01:15
Bodsdasudobash, this page? http://www.belkin.com/support/article/?lid=en&aid=538101:15
jackaldoesnt cedega have ati problems though?01:15
bazhangjackal you can check the appdb for wine; apparently runs well; not sure about the other though01:15
sudobashflip2405 what do you think about this...01:15
ifireballarooni-mobile: were both systems installed the same way?01:15
sudobashbodsda is having lag issues when using wifi01:15
sudobashusb wifi01:16
sudobashdo you have usb 2.0 Bodsda?01:16
flip2405Umm what type of card01:16
arooni-mobileifireball, yes both were gutsy => upgraded to hardy just a few days agao01:16
Bodsdasudobash, yep -- the driver is a .exe ??01:16
jackalone more question. what is the best program to use a network printer that is run off of a vista server01:16
sudobashyeah change .exe to .zip01:16
Bodsda!best | jackal01:16
sudobashand open and that is your driver01:16
ubottujackal: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:16
arooni-mobileifireball, in synaptic on the laptop it says latest version is 2.13.16-9 and on the desktop it says latest version is 2.27 ... ideas?01:16
chalcedony i was logged in as another user (with admin priveleges) to do my upgrade  from feisty to hardy, using do-release-upgrade.) It asked for me to reboot, do i login as THAT user again and then what? or as me and how do i reload my data?01:16
bazhangbodsda usb wifi likely never going to be great01:16
=== eCokeNCod is now known as CokeNCode
ifireballarooni-mobile: update the repos on the laptop01:17
bazhangchalcedony, what have you tried01:17
flip2405Bodsda thats fine ndiswrapper is ment to install exe drivers01:17
sudobashyeah but maybe ndiswrapper can help it possibly?01:17
m0u5ewhenever i try to right click properties a *.mkv file, it says "loading properties window" and it just stays there, the program doesnt freeze, it just does nothing... is there a way that I can manually edit how gnome manages my *.mkv mime extensions or reset it to default?01:17
Bodsdabazhang, yeah but it shouldnt be this bad01:17
bazhangBodsda, true01:17
jackalsamba ??01:17
sudobashyeah it can install exe but i always install inf and sys01:17
arooni-mobileifireball, how do i do that from GUI01:17
Bodsdasudobash, i chaned from .exe to .zip and it cant open it01:17
sudobashlol you have to open with file roller or something can extract zip01:18
ifireballarooni-mobile: you click the large spinning arrows button that says "refresh"01:18
sudobashbut like he said ndiswrapper will work with exe01:18
Bodsdasudobash, oh wait,. it aint finished downloading yet,.,.01:18
arooni-mobileifireball, evven after refresh; latest version shows 2.2.301:19
sudobashread this Bodsda http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic67003.html01:19
CokeNCodewhat's the ubuntu offtopic chat channel again ?01:19
StarnestommyCokeNCode: #ubuntu-offtopic01:19
CokeNCodethanks Starnestommy01:19
sudobashalso there is #defocus01:19
sudobashbut it is frenode01:19
ifireballarooni-mobile: that's weird could the machines be using different mirrors for some reason?01:20
alecwhI'm 90% sure I updated my system with the recent SSH Vulnerability fix, but for some reason, Launchpad.net is saying my newly generated key is compromised. How do I fix this?01:20
ifireballcould it be that the laptop wasn't really upgraded correctly? 2.13 seems to be the version on gusty01:21
ifireballarooni-mobile:  could it be that the laptop wasn't really upgraded correctly? 2.13 seems to be the version on gusty01:21
macdalecwh, run ssh-vulnkey in your home dir01:21
m0u5eanyone know?01:21
m0u5eanyone knwo where gnome houses its mime extensions and the associated programs?, that alone would help me alot01:21
lisa__what package contains the ndiswrapper.ko found in /lib/modules/2.6*/ubuntu/misc?01:21
neil__anyone else having issues with IM clients and MSN tonight01:22
Bodsdasudobash, 30% down -- eventually my rubbish internet will get there;~)01:22
arooni-mobileifireball, i thought i did the upgrade properly.... it was whaver the gui upgrade process was01:22
sudobashim going to check my OpenBSD server01:22
sudobashfor the ssh vuln.01:22
ifireballm0u5e: right click on any file, and you can change the association01:22
dafuhi all, i have an issue on firefox. when invoking firefox, ubuntu's workload goes higher and higher. finially system is halt. any idea?01:23
Starnestommysudobash: I think only debian systems were affected by it01:23
belorix23112I have a creative ZEN V SERIES how can i get this wo work on ubuntu01:23
Starnestommysudobash: and debian-based ones01:23
ifireballarooni-mobile: check your sources.list file see if it actually says "hardy" there01:23
bazhangdafu how many tabs/extensions you got01:23
dmsupermanFor some reason two of my mouse buttons are mapped to volume control. It's not compiz, it's not metacity, it's not gnome keyboard shortcuts. What else could it be? How could I determine what it is?01:23
Bodsdadmsuperman, xorg.conf input section maybe01:24
arooni-mobileifireball, it does; theres only gutsy and no hardy there01:24
dmsupermanBodsda, not there either01:24
dafuthe firefox is not invoked successfully. i mean there has been no firefox window yet.01:24
jeletaA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.01:24
belorix23112I have a creative ZEN V SERIES how can i get this wo work on ubuntu01:24
vhaarrHey, I've created my own custom Gnome theme from the Appearance panel, and when I launch applications that require superuser priviledges, like Synaptic, they are not styled accordingly - does anyone know how I can apply the correct theme?01:24
bazhangjeleta, what says that01:25
bazhangbelorix23112, what have you tried01:25
alteregoai think it works with amarok01:25
alteregoathe zen01:25
Bodsda!hi | asclepius2801:25
ubottuasclepius28: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:25
asclepius28thanks! anyone want to help me lol?01:25
Bodsda!ask | asclepius2801:25
ubottuasclepius28: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:25
cycletroniczChris: by the way, thank you for helping me out with that problem... I haven't tried it yet, but thatnks for helping.01:25
ifireballarooni-mobile: seems it wasn't upgraded... you need to run the upgrade again... and make sure it completes successfully01:25
belorix23112bazhang: opening it and it says no music on it, and the music players01:25
Bodsda50% sudobash01:25
arooni-mobileifireball, how do i run that01:26
jeletadoes anyone know any gears of war channel01:26
bazhangbelorix23112, does it mount okay01:26
alteregoasudo apt-get install amarok01:26
alteregoaor something01:26
arooni-mobileifireball, sorry !!!!!!! i mean there's ONLY hardy there and NO GUTSY01:26
Bodsda!ot | jeleta01:26
ubottujeleta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:26
arooni-mobileifireball, in the laptop's' sources.list01:26
bazhangjeleta let me get you a channel list01:26
bazhang!irc | jeleta read the last link01:26
ubottujeleta read the last link: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:26
asclepius28I reformatted my external with NTFS which i thought UBUNTU now can use. I went through the guided set up and now it gives me an error 17 cannot mount the hard drive.01:26
Bodsdaasclepius28, ubuntu uses ext3 not NTFS01:27
belorix23112bazhang, no01:27
alteregoaubuntu supports NTFS01:27
alteregoabut not as  systemdrive01:27
ifireballarooni-mobile: ok. and the servers themselves, are they the same or different between the laptop and desktop?01:27
Flannelalteregoa: except under wubi01:27
sudobashwell yes but it uses ext301:27
alteregoayou cannot install ubuntu to NTFS01:27
sudobashbut yes it supports ntfs01:27
bazhangasclepius28, you tried to instal ubuntu of ntfs?01:27
alteregoaand i would rather to use XFS for the system01:27
alteregoaext3 is obsolete , my opinion01:28
sudobashto read and write with ntfs-3g which is now in default install01:28
asclepius28it installed all the way through and boots up with grub, but now it just cant mount01:28
Bodsdaalteregoa, express it somewhere else01:28
m0u5eifireball: thats the problem i'm having now, the properties window won't create for anything with a *.mkv extension, thats why I am asking how to manually reset it (where can I manually edit the mimes)01:28
sudobashbut you can not use ubuntu on an ntfs partition01:28
sudobashor install it to ntfs partition01:28
sudobashit uses ext2/ext3 and swap among a few other choices01:29
asclepius28what is the best solution as i dont want to reformat my entire drive again (320 gig) takes forever01:29
alteregoause gparted, resize the NTFS partition01:29
belorix23112bazhang, no it isnt mounting properly01:29
Bodsdabelorix23112, what errors do you get?01:29
bazhangbelorix23112, I read about that on the ubuntuforums iirc01:29
asclepius28is gparted on linux im running the live cd right now01:29
sudobashsudo apt-get install gparted01:29
flip2405go to the terminal type gparted01:29
Bodsdasudo gparted01:30
flip2405not nessisary01:30
sudobashis it on live cd?01:30
belorix23112modsda, no erros just wont see any songs on the player itself01:30
sudobashthats cool01:30
flip2405Yes sudobasg01:30
asclepius28okay awesome thanks. so i need to reinstall linux?01:30
m0u5eso if anyone can just give me a straight answer of where gnome manages its file extensions that would be much appreciated01:30
asclepius28how do i get rid of what i just installed01:30
belorix23112bodsda, no errors jsut isnt recognizing any song from the MP3 player itseld01:30
Bodsdam0u5e, ubuntu has no file extensions01:30
flip2405go download the text base installer and reformat useing that01:30
sudobashit is all in the file header01:30
ifireballm0u5e: that's weird... well do some digging in the hidden .gnome and .gnome2 directories in your home folder, it should be in there somewhere, probably stored as a bunch of *.desktop files01:30
m0u5eBodsda: but it remembers how to open each file, what applications have priority01:30
Bodsdabelorix23112, it should just recognize it as a mass storage device01:30
alteregoayeah those extensions are the legacy of cp/m01:31
alteregoaqdos crap01:31
tmapjcan anyone help me create a virtual machine?01:31
m0u5eifireball: i did, i deleted a few files hoping it would reset, but nothing has changed01:31
Bodsdam0u5e, it knows of file type yes01:31
termagan1Hi, I'm trying to install the ndstgk program as referenced in https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/ndiswrapper.html but it isn't acknowledging that it exists.01:31
termagan1Can anybody advise me?01:31
flip2405tmapj come channel #flip01:31
bazhang!vm | tmapj01:31
ubottutmapj: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications01:31
=== termagan1 is now known as temagant
m0u5eBodsda: why does it no longer generate property windows for anything of .mkv extension then?01:31
flip2405tmapj come channel #flip01:31
m0u5eBodsda: whats up with that?01:31
bazhangm0u5e, only vlc will play that iirc01:32
kswhere does apt-get install apache2-src store files ?01:32
ifireballm0u5e: you need logout and log back in or at least force-restart nautilus for such changes to take affect01:32
alteregoasomeday usb gets better01:32
Bodsdam0u5e, right click on a file with that extention and go to properties then open with tab, then specify what you want to open it01:32
m0u5ebazhang: that is not true, mplayer plays it as well, and if you gstreamer that allows mkv playback it will work01:32
m0u5eifireball: I've done all that01:32
asclepius28it says i have a file system ext 3 with 4.40 gigs used and 290 unused with a boot flag01:32
sudobashtermagan1 you need to specify repositories for what you are downloading (where really) in /etc/sources.list01:32
bazhangm0u5e, hmm; my apologies I stand corrected :)01:32
m0u5eBodsda: as i said before, properties windows do not generate for *.mkv files01:32
sudobashi mean /etc/apt/sources.list01:32
temagantOh, okay. How do I know where the file is? It doesn't say in the help document.01:32
Bodsdam0u5e, properties windows??01:33
m0u5eis anyone else experiencing a package break with libtotem-plparser10 currently?01:33
TarasDoes anyone knows a good desktop recording application that can save files as AVI or MPG4 ?01:33
m0u5ewhen i try to "sudo aptitude full-upgrade" i get libtotem-plparser10 as a broken dep01:33
sudobashtermagan1 it should give you the repos on that page01:33
ifireballm0u5e: well, its actually the 1st time I've heard of nautilus not showing property windows at all, what happens exactly? the option doesn't show up on the menu?01:33
m0u5eTaras: try pitivi editor01:34
temagantsudobash: it doesn't, though...01:34
m0u5eifireball: it does, but it just stays at "generating properties window" and stops01:34
temagantInstall ndisgtk (System → Administration → Synaptic Package Manager). is all it says01:34
m0u5eto be exact it says "Creating Properties window: You can stop this operation by clicking cancel"01:34
=== Byan_ is now known as Byan
asclepius28Under gparted its says my /dev/sdb1 with filesystem ext3, wouldnt it say NTFS if that was indeed what it was under?01:35
bazhangasclepius28, sure01:35
sudobashyeah if you have installed ubuntu succesfully you probably used ext3 and swap01:35
bazhangasclepius28, so your problem lies elsewhere01:35
Bodsdam0u5e, must be a prob with your nautilus,. it works forme01:35
ifireballm0u5e: weird indeed, well, do the blank user test, e.g. create a new user account and log in to it and see if its got the problem as well, to figure out weather its a global system problem or just with your account01:35
sudobashyou must have been confused or something01:35
sudobashor maybe i am01:36
simNIXTaras: ive not recorded myself but I an recomend you try UbuntuStudio - it has many record progs installed01:36
bazhangasclepius28, this was grub error 17? this is a dual boot or not01:36
m0u5eBodsda: i realize that... thats why I am asking if I can find out whats up with that -__-;01:36
Bodsdasudobash, ok,drivers downloaded,. what am i looking for?01:36
m0u5eifireball: okay will try that thx01:36
trelaynehi all, I set up  compix (selected Preferences-->Appearance-->Visual Effects--->Extra). Then moved onto Preferences-->Advanced Desktop settings. Later,  I put my visual effects back to" NONe" because of some problems.  When I went back to "Extra" my previous compiz settings were forgotten. Do you have any ideas how I can save my compiz settings?01:36
Bodsdam0u5e, oh, sorry -- misunderstanding01:36
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:36
sudobashdid you read that link i gave you it showed you how to get the drivers in with ndiswrapper better than i could tell you01:37
alteregoaanyone familiar with hamachi?01:37
asclepius28Well i made the mistake of loading ubuntu earlier on my external and it installed grub on my first hard drive with windows and then i used supergrub to fix my MBR and then reformatted the external and loaded ubuntu fresh01:37
Bodsdasudobash, ok01:37
asclepius28putting it grub on the second01:37
ubottuFactoid hamachi not found01:37
ubottuFactoid random not found01:37
Arkaniadim done. O.o01:37
alteregoai installed that01:37
alteregoabut i cannot ping anything01:37
alteregoamaybe the ham0 bridge isn't working01:38
sudobashasclepius28 well if you have any files you overwrote you might be able to still recover them just use GetDataBack01:38
temagantBut even searching the repositories for ndisgtk or ndis comes up with no results.01:38
Arkaniadaltergoo: why does pinging matter?01:38
asclepius28So now 5 hrs later i reinstalled it to find that it cannot mount it now, but i assumed that ubuntu created the ext3 filesystem for me as i have it full reign of the external hd01:38
Arkaniadaltergoo: wait, nevermind.01:38
asclepius28I was able to fix it so when the external isnt plugged in it boots straight to window and when the external is plugged in it goes straight to grub, now it just cant mount the drive01:39
bazhangasclepius28, why not share with xp/vista and use external as storage? you can fix current situation by reinstalling grub01:39
Firestarterhi..all.. how to install hibernate and spring in ubuntu?01:39
trelaynewhen I start my laptop, there's a beep sound.. It started after I configured my ethernet card with the latest firmware... anyone know how to stop the beep?01:39
Arkaniadbazhang: Hey!01:39
sudobashyeah reinstall grub but use the SuperGrub Disk01:39
bazhangasclepius28, update grub01:39
Arkaniadtrelayne: turn off the internal Vol.?01:39
bazhangArkaniad, yes?01:39
=== terrestre is now known as abe
asclepius28okay, you think i could just use supergrub01:39
Bodsdasudobash, this is not good -- Error: no ndiswrapper utils found!01:40
asclepius28even though i just installed it on a fresh hard drive?01:40
sudobashSuperGrub Disk is your Friend01:40
Arkaniadbazhang: you are like always here.01:40
tabidachitrelayne: might be a setting in the bios too. may I ask what laptop & model you have?01:40
trelayneArkaniad,  I've turned off the volume and beep in Ubuntu, but that does not help01:40
=== abe is now known as terrestre
bazhangArkaniad, do you have a support question or just want to chit chat01:40
Arkaniadsudobash: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper??01:40
trelayneInspiron 640001:40
Arkaniadbazhang: i am here to help.01:40
asclepius28So am i correct in thinking that if it was the file system gparted would tell me it was NTFS?01:41
bazhangasclepius28, nm about that; just update grub01:41
trelaynetabidachi, I know when I got my computer and I had windoze installed, it would not beep, so figured it was something in linux..01:41
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
asclepius28how do i go about that? i really am brand new with ubuntu01:41
tabidachitrelayne: just a second, I'm looking this up01:42
trelaynethank you tabidachi01:42
Arkaniadima go.01:42
sudobashsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils01:42
sudobashmy bad its been a while since i have used ndiswrapper01:42
temagantsudobash: That didn't work either.01:42
temagantNOne of it is wokring.01:42
trelaynetabidachi,  what's interesting is that when I had 7.10, I used ndiswrapper and it would beep twice01:42
ifireballarooni-mobile: still there?01:42
carloshi guys, someone knows about how to print in the comand line a specific line from a file ? any comand can do this ?01:42
asclepius28Thanks alot guys, ill try reinstalling grub01:43
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:43
erewhy cant i select 1024 just 800 x 600 ?????????'01:43
Flannelcarlos: specified how? line number? text?01:43
ifireballcarlos: 'grep' can search by regex; a combination of 'head' and 'tail' can yield a line by number01:43
carlosFlannel, text01:43
D0ugh_B0iiCan someone help me install my wireless card drivers please01:44
Flannelcarlos: grep would do that01:44
erewhy cant i select 1024 just 800 x 600 ?????????'01:44
tabidachi_trelayne: two commands for you to do.01:44
m0u5eifireball: okay its systemwide, i created a new account called test, and yeah it still doesn't work for *.mkv files01:44
carlosFlannel, grep find some exgrep, but I want to print an specific line, for example line 5 from house.txt01:45
m0u5eifireball, how would i check nautilus error logs? (where are they stored again? xD01:45
tabidachi_trelayne: # sudo echo "blacklist pcspkr" >>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:45
tabidachi_trelayne: then # rmmod pcspkr01:45
Bodsdasudobash, ok,ive done what the site said,.,. do i need to black list the default drivers that were being used? how cn i be sure the dongle is using the new driver?01:45
temagantIs there a command that will tell me what my wireless card is so I can figure out what driver I need?01:45
carlosifireball, you are right, i will start to think how do that with them :D01:45
erewhy cant i select 1024 just 800 x 600 ?????????'01:46
carlosifireball, thanks01:46
Flannelcarlos: That's not based on text though, that's based on line number.01:46
ifireballm0u5e: I don;t know of any nautilus-specific logs, but there might be something helpful in your ~/.xsession-errors file01:46
ubottuFactoid lspci not found01:46
tabidachi_temagant: is this card in a laptop or desktop?01:46
temaganttabidachi_: A laptop.01:46
D0ugh_B0iii need help with mine for my laptop01:46
temagantA very new Gateway laptop.01:47
tabidachi_temagant: okay. what's the make and model?01:47
trelaynethanks tabidachi01:47
tabidachi_trelayne: No problem. let me know if that works.01:47
temaganttabidachi_: That's what I'm trying to figure out. :/01:47
tabidachi_temagant: okay.01:47
carlosFlannel, you are right, than it can come out with its number,01:47
m0u5eifireball: i just cat .xsession-errors and nothing with mkv came up01:47
temagantThere should be a terminal command or somehting, right?01:47
D0ugh_B0iiu dont know the make and model f your laptop u just bought01:47
temagantI don't remember.01:48
ifireballm0u5e: I suggest you start backtracking and uninstalling "weird" packages that may have to do with MKV, seems on of them may cause nautilus to try and do something too complex when displaying the properties window01:48
carlosFlannel, then I have to cut the number and just let print the text01:48
Flannelcarlos: then you'd use tail and head, to print the first N lines, and then take only the last line of that.01:48
Flannelcarlos: What?01:48
dolphin_noeli'm sorry the question but someone knows why01:48
m0u5eifireball: whats weird is that it doesn't eat up cpu cycles, it just does nothing... like the properties windows for mkv doesnt even exist01:48
D0ugh_B0iii am trying to figure the same thing u r lol but im useing a dell inspiron 152501:48
ifireballm0u5e: nobody ever said its gonna be that easy...01:48
dolphin_noeli'm sorry the question but someone knows why my external hd não mount ?!01:48
m0u5eifireball: thx i appreciate your help though xD01:48
noI see your dead01:48
m0u5eifireball: i'm checking in /var/logs now01:48
dolphin_noelexternal usb :x01:49
^Tech-Help^how do i set permissons for all folders and all files all at the same time? even some that are several folders deep? The need to be all the same permission01:49
trelayneNext time I reboot, I'll take note, tabidachi . I believe I tried this last year though when I had 7.10. But thanks for checking it out.01:49
Flannel^Tech-Help^: What are you trying to change them to, and why? (and which folders?)01:49
nosomeone talk in spanish???01:49
m0u5eifireball: i think this problem started happening after a fsck was run / and it was around the time i installed a new gstreamer plugin01:49
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview01:49
dolphin_noelno i speak portuguese01:49
^Tech-Help^for Joomla installation Flannel01:49
carlosFlannel, you are right, well, I have to mix these comands, thanks01:49
tabidachi_temagant: # lspci -v | less    then copy the output into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for me to look at01:49
matthew_Is it worth it to upgrade to GNOME 2.22 ? is it much different?01:49
flip2405!^Tech-Help^ | chmod01:50
ubottuFactoid tech-help^ not found01:50
m0u5ematthew_: it is absolutely worth it01:50
nopues a mi me ha parecido como muy malo este chat01:50
Flannel^Tech-Help^: chmod with the -R flag01:50
m0u5ematthew_: hardy comes with it doesnt? just upgrade to hardy01:50
matthew_How can I upgrade to is?01:50
ifireballm0u5e: well maybe the nautilus-thumbnailer is chocking on the plugin or something01:50
matthew_to it?*01:50
^Tech-Help^ah ok Flannel ill try that thanks01:50
carlosmatthew, I have been a lot of problems with the sound ¡¡¡ the old one is better01:50
m0u5eifireball: thats a possibility, my .mkv files don't seem to be displaying correctly... ill give that a try thx01:50
jeletai need help im updating to 8.04 and its sayiing there is an error with one of the gnome game what should i do01:50
matthew_I am on the newest Ubuntu already, I dunno if I have GNOME 2.22 though01:50
temaganttabidachi: It says command not found.01:51
LinkinTurkhi. i am on Ubuntu Hardy AMD64. i tried install oracle 10G database. but it need some i386 libraries. i think i can solve problem using debootstrap. how i can use debootstrap for libraries?01:51
jeletai need help im updating to 8.04 and its sayiing there is an error with one of the gnome game what should i do01:51
matthew_Whats the easiest way to upgrade to GNOME 2.22 ?01:51
temaganttabidachi: What exactly should I type inot Terminal? Sorry, I am new to this.01:51
matthew_Will it change my current configuration?01:52
jeletai need help im updating to 8.04 and its sayiing there is an error with one of the gnome game what should i do01:52
D0ugh_B0iitem: i think its list lspci01:52
ifireballdoes anybody know if there is something like TortoiseSVN for Nautilus?01:52
erewhy cant i select 1024 just 800 x 600 ?????????'01:53
tabidachi_temagant: open up a terminal and type "lspci -v | less" (without quotations). Then select the text that the command outputs and paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:53
temaganttabidachi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12605/01:53
dolphin_noelsomeone knows how can i mount one external usb hard drive in ubuntu?!01:53
matthew_Is there much look and difference in feel to the new GNOME 2.22 ?01:53
Flannelmatthew_: what version of Ubuntu are you using?01:54
ifireballdolphin_noel: typically you plug it in and Ubunto does the rest automagically01:54
Itakuhow do i make it so ubuntu doesnt reply to ping probes?01:54
dolphin_noelifireball well here looks it dont work :x01:54
matthew_Flannel: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 32bits01:54
ereItaku:  control + c01:54
tabidachi_temagant: my error. type # lspci -v    this time and copy the output it gives.01:54
dolphin_noelit is one coolmaster xcraft :x whith one hitachi :\01:54
D0ugh_B0iiDoes anyone know how to get the wireless driver for a dell inspiron 152501:54
ereD0ugh_B0ii:  what wireless?01:55
Flannelmatthew_: then you're on 2.22, so there'd be no difference from what you're currently using01:55
D0ugh_B0iimy wireless card01:55
temaganttabidachi: It gives no input. Just a new line.01:55
ereD0ugh_B0ii:  what's the wireless card name...?01:55
IenorandIs the UK repos-servers down atm?01:55
D0ugh_B0iii belives its like dell wireless mini card 139001:55
matthew_Flannel: I am? I didn't even realize, how can I make sure? I thought it would be different looking or something01:55
bazhangD0ugh_B0ii, what chipset01:55
ifireballdolphin_noel: does it show up on 'lsusb' ? (compare before and after plugging in) also to what file system is it formatted?01:55
amenadoD0ugh_B0ii-> what have you done so far? have you looked at tutorials on how to activate your wifi in ubuntu?01:55
D0ugh_B0iii have looked up a few tutorials01:56
D0ugh_B0iibut i catn get them to work01:56
dolphin_noelifireball thank you very much lets me try then01:56
SeaPhordolphin_noel, what format is it in? fatx, vx, nts, etc01:56
dafudoes anyone know why system halts when invoking firefox?01:56
dolphin_noelSeaPhor well i think this come formated :x ... is one hd that come in one litle bad closed :\01:57
D0ugh_B0iii type in 'lspci' and Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller01:57
prowerHmm...it's too bad kde 4.x is so buggy currently, it looks nice :> maybe by the 4.1.x releases it'll be stable enough01:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:57
lucas43Ienorand: I don't seem to be able to access them either01:57
funkjaI cannot both play music with Exaile and Firefox at the same time. Indeed, once one has played sound - the other will not play any sounds until the other is closed. Any idea what would cause this?01:57
dolphin_noelSeaPhor good question maby it is not formated but i make one fdisck -say nathing :x no extra hd01:57
D0ugh_B0iiis that my wireless or my hard wire?01:57
erewhy cant i select 1024 just 800 x 600 ?????????'01:58
ifireballdolphin_noel: its probably formatted to something stupid like NTFS, so Ubuntu doens't mount it by default01:58
SeaPhordolphin_noel, if it is blank, ,, does it show up in /media. or /dev?01:58
ximis there a solution to pidgin font colors getting screwed up by dark themes?01:58
Ienorandlucas43: No, Main works though, so it's not that much of a problem... Hopefully just some upgrades or something.01:58
temagantD0ugh_B0ii: How did you make lscpi work?01:58
carlosifireball, thanks, I have had succeed, thanks for your advice, :D01:59
temagantIt isn't working for me.01:59
D0ugh_B0iiNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller is that my wireless card or my hardwire...?01:59
dolphin_noelifireball i make ... lsusb and have 2 usb ... but dont give me the name of the usb :x01:59
amenadoD0ugh_B0ii-> lshw -C network  should tell you01:59
Jack_SparrowD0ugh_B0ii wireless01:59
m0u5eis anyone else getting the libtotem-plpaser10 broken dep?01:59
m0u5ei'd like to get a confirmation so i can post a bug report01:59
bazhangm0u5e, for doing what01:59
dolphin_noelifireball i try to mount manually but nathing :x only the hd ntfs i can mount :x but not this one :x01:59
ifireballdolphin_noel: well the name sin't really important, as long as it sees a new device02:00
dolphin_noelifireball do do you have some recomendation to me to i can try to resolve this?! :X02:00
D0ugh_B0iiok yea its my wireless02:00
bazhangtemagant, open a terminal and type lspci02:00
ifireballdolphin_noel: like you said, it may nit be formatted (or even partitioned) at all02:00
dimeotaneI'd like to make a slideshow with music.... any thing on ubuntu kinda like microsoft photostory?02:00
tmapjcan anyone help me create a virtual machine?02:00
ifireballdolphin_noel: do you see a new disk when doing 'sudo fdisk -l' ?02:00
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications02:01
Jack_Sparrowm0u5e What did you install from where that needed libtotem02:01
bazhangtmapj, with vbox or other02:01
dolphin_noelifireball but i make one fdisk -l ... and dont have there nathing :x02:01
tmapjwith vbox02:01
dolphin_noelifireball because i can format from linux to right?! ...02:01
temagantOKay, I am pretty sure this is my wireless card : ATI Technologies Inc RS69002:01
ifireballdolphin_noel: did you run fdisk with sudo?02:01
Jack_Sparrowdolphin_noel sudo fdisk -l    last letter is L02:01
DILtmapj, what softawre are you usiong02:01
temagantWhat do I need to make that one work?02:01
bazhangtmapj, ask a more specific question please;what have you  tried etc02:01
m0u5ebazhang: when i try to sudo aptitude full-upgrade , it tells me that it requires that package02:01
dolphin_noelyes i did >>> sudo fdisk -l and there is no hard drive external usb :x02:01
m0u5eJack_Sparrow: its required by a bunch of gstreamer stuff02:02
ifireballdolphin_noel: yes you can, only its not called formatting, its called making a file-systems02:02
Jack_Sparrowdolphin_noel or use this commmand in terminal..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)02:02
bazhangm0u5e, full upgrade to totem or other02:02
SeaPhortmapj, type the name of the person you are talking to so they know, hard to foolow in a room of 1300+ ppl02:02
giorgehi there02:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:02
DILdolphin_noel: is it connected, powered etc.02:03
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow ok02:03
SeaPhortmapj, *follow02:03
dolphin_noelDIl yes there is mae noise and everything :)02:03
dolphin_noellight :)02:03
bazhangcaps lostuser02:03
Broadcomlostuser: waht is the problem?02:04
Jack_Sparrowlostuser Please dont use caps02:04
D0ugh_B0iitabidachi: Can i talk to you in private message?02:04
SeaPhortmapj, and if you type the first few letters then hit "tab" it will auto complete and keep hitting till correct name is there02:04
=== bod_ is now known as Bodsda
Broadcomlostuser: i might be able to help02:04
giorgei;ve recently have done some changes to my updates preferences but i think something is wrong...were there any updates availiable the last 6 hours? and many of them?02:04
Jack_Sparrowlostuser Stop with the caps02:04
bazhanglostuser, disable caps key02:04
Jack_Sparrowlostuser the dell wireless bcm43xx is well supported in the new kernel02:05
temagantCan anybody explain how to install ndiswrapper? It's not finding the package in any of the repositories.02:05
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:05
Bridgertemagant >  What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:05
D0ugh_B0iiHave dell 1525 cant get any wireless to work02:05
temagantBridger: 8.0402:06
bazhangD0ugh_B0ii, you need to read the broadcom link above02:06
BridgerOn second thought, ubottu's link should do it for you. ^^02:06
backzI ran dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and I set console charset to latin1, but my env LANG is still UTF8. How I change it to all users?02:06
D0ugh_B0ii https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs this one?02:06
BridgerDoes anyone know how to change the width of a vertical touchpad scrollbar?02:06
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow ifireball http://pastebin.com/m36bdef1802:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx02:07
lostuserthen what02:07
temagantMy problem isn't with ndiswrapper, my problem is that it says there is no suc..h package.02:07
Bridgertemagant >   You'll probably have to add a repository to your sources.list.02:07
bazhangtemagant, read the wifi links above02:07
bazhang!broadcom | D0ugh_B0ii this one02:07
ubottuD0ugh_B0ii this one: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx02:07
m0u5eokay so here is my pastebin, does someone want to take a look at it and help me confirm?02:07
D0ugh_B0iiubottu: ive been to that site like 50 times and it doesnt help me get the drivers....02:08
ubottuD0ugh_B0ii: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:08
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: i can help with a broadcom02:08
lostuseranyone from jersey02:08
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: lol, it is a bot02:08
Jack_Sparrow!ot | lostuser02:08
ubottulostuser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:08
bazhangchit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic lostuser02:08
infinullI'm having trouble with vertical tearing02:08
D0ugh_B0iiBroadcom can i talk to u in private message?02:09
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow ifireball SeaPhor dil http://pastebin.com/m36bdef18 anything ?!02:09
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: sure02:09
infinullcan someone direct me to the vertical syncing preferences02:09
lostusersomeone made ndis wrapper work then i did a os update and now its gone02:09
dimas869guys...how i do this?....VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root.02:09
Jack_Sparrowdolphin_noel what was the original question.. you didnt use the command I gave, was theat just fdisk -l02:09
DILdolphin_noel: it is showing one drive02:09
bazhanglostuser, you need to read the link we gave you02:09
dolphin_noelyes and i have 2 drives :x02:10
dolphin_noelone external usb02:10
SeaPhordolphin_noel, are you dual boot?02:10
D0ugh_B0iiBroadcom: Did you get the message?02:10
temagantOkay, it looks like ndiswrapper doesn't even support any ATI cards. IS there another ption or am I out of luck?02:10
dolphin_noelyes windows and linux but basic i only use linux02:10
Broadcomlostuser: if it is a broadcom, i can help02:10
bazhangtemagant, ndis is not for video card02:10
Jack_Sparrowdolphin_noel  try sudo /etc/init.d/hal start   to get usb drive recognized..02:10
DILdolphin_noel: two partitions maybe?02:10
temagantbazhang: I know that. I thought that was my wireless.02:11
temagantIf it isn't, then I guess my wireless card isn't showing up.02:11
temagantThat sucks.02:11
Jack_SparrowBroadcom do you have a help page I can use for future reference with those.?02:11
Broadcomyea, holdon02:12
dimas869how can i re set up this?...VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root.02:12
IenorandAre there any thoughts on the Dell XPS1530 regarding Buntu-friendliness?02:12
SeaPhordolphin_noel, follow Jack_Sparrow 's council02:12
DILtemagant: i ahve a laptop with a wireless switch on it some times i hit it and accidentally turns it off02:12
Dr_willisdimas869,  did you rerun  '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root. ?02:12
BroadcomJack_Sparrow: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=b9948e54f2948592b0744c78684400ab&t=686857&page=2 that is for legacy drivers only, but i have not seen somone with trouble with others02:12
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:12
lostuserafter i get to the webdocs what card do i look for02:12
D0ugh_B0iiBroadcom: can you send me a private message so we can talk?02:13
dimas869dr_willis just type that as root then?02:13
IenorandI've read the laptop-testing entry but I was wondering if there was anybody with more comments, or running it right now?02:13
Dr_willisdimas869,  basicially, or sudo COMMAND02:13
temagantDIL: I tried that already. :/02:13
temagantDIL: It's on.02:13
Dr_willisdimas869,  or reinstall virtualbox perhaps.02:13
dimas869no way02:13
Jack_SparrowBroadcom thanks, will read through it later02:14
Dr_willisNo way?  Should be rather easy to reinstall.02:14
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow ifireball SeaPhor dil http://pastebin.com/m484d257c02:14
dolphin_noelok is here02:14
Dr_willisthe issue is that some kernel module proberly dident get updated, when the kernel did get updated.02:14
pac1how do i get make-kpkg to use more than 1 make thread?02:14
nakedgoatdr_willis do this to fix that..02:14
nakedgoatsudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules02:14
Dr_willisnakedgoat,  good answer. :) i aint used vbox in some time.02:15
Jack_Sparrowdolphin_noel still dont see the usb drive.. did you run the command I gave earlier02:15
D0ugh_B0iiBroadcom: can you send me a private message so we can talk?02:15
dimas869Dr_willis i got this.....* Stopping VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv                             [ OK ]02:15
dimas869 * Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv02:15
dimas869 * Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong02:15
Dr_willisdimas869,  ---> nakedgoat> sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules02:15
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow yes i use the command you give to me do you ant one lsusb ?!02:16
temagantIs "RS690 PCI to PCI bridge" a wireless card?02:16
d3dhi, sound suddenly stopped working across all my apps (vlc, mplayer, azurues, rhtymplayer, etc).. they go grey and stop working... any ideas ?02:16
lostuserdell 1520 which card should be the same? :(02:16
SimonftJack_Sparrow: did you get my msg?02:16
Jack_Sparrowdolphin_noel I wish I had more time to help, but need to get started making dinner02:16
d3di haven't done any updates recently, just stopped working.. running latest 7.1002:16
Jack_SparrowSimonft no, sorry didnt see it02:17
nakedgoatlostuser: you just want to install your wireless?02:17
giorgeSimply question: were there any updtes available recently? and how many?02:17
Simonftsorry, kubuntu keeps crashing02:17
nakedgoattry using the guide on ubuntu1501.com should be close..02:17
jscinozwhat is the best way to do RAID0 on Linux, fakeraid, dmraid, LVM or something different?02:17
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow http://pastebin.com/m70ce184402:17
dolphin_noelsee there are to usb not reconized :x02:17
SimonftJack_Sparrow: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=b9948e54f2948592b0744c78684400ab&t=686857&page=2 this is only for legacy, but that seems to be the only one with problems02:17
lostuserit was working some guy install ndis wrapper and the i did un update now it won't see it :(02:17
D0ugh_B0iiCan someone help me get my wireless internet to work on my dell 1525 ive looked at alot of forums and i cant get itto work02:18
Simonftlostuser: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=b9948e54f2948592b0744c78684400ab&t=686857&page=2 try this02:18
backzHow I set ENV=pt_BT to all users at boot?02:18
Jack_SparrowSimonft you are broadcom right.. yes did get that.. thanks02:18
Dr_willisbackz,  /etc/profile would be one way.02:18
SimonftJack_Sparrow: oh, lol, i just realized my username changed. sorry.02:18
Jack_Sparrownp.. just took me a sec02:18
bazhanggiorge, yes the ssl vuln ones (around 7)02:19
Dr_willisbackz,  export ENV=whatever in the various startup scripts for the users.02:19
nakedgoattry this if ur using .0402:19
Jack_Sparrowbazhang goodnight.. see you monday02:19
dolphin_noelJack_Sparrow ok no problem thank you very muchsorry for the trouble i will try to put the hd manually in the desktop to see if it is ok :x and this stuff :x02:19
bazhangJack_Sparrow, cya02:19
backzDr_willis: sorry, I would say, env var LANG=pt_BR02:19
MachinTrucChoseis it normal that I can't have two programs playing sound at the same time? Eg, if I'm listening to music, youtube sound is muted. When I stop the music, the youtube sound isn't there until I restart Firefox. Is it a known limitation?02:19
D0ugh_B0iiCan someone help me get my wireless internet to work on my dell 1525 ive looked at alot of forums and i cant get itto work02:20
bazhangMachinTrucChose, known bug rather02:20
dabbillWhen i burn a DVD ISO with Hardy, my windows computer, or DVD player cant read it.02:20
BridgerMachinTrucChose:  Try to change everything to ALSA.02:20
MachinTrucChoseI see...do you think this will get fixed in the next few months?02:20
bazhangD0ugh_B0ii, what have you tried and what exact errors have you gotten02:20
SimonftD0ugh_B0ii: its broadcom, sorry, kubuntu crashed02:20
MachinTrucChoseBridger: where do I do this?02:20
bazhangdabbill, sounds like you are burning as data02:21
BridgerMachinTrucChose:  System > Preferences > Sound02:21
MachinTrucChosethank youi02:21
D0ugh_B0iiok, i have tryed to use ndis wrapper ive read like 20 forums02:21
IenorandD0ugh_B0ii: You have looked through http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709202:21
D0ugh_B0iiand i stillc ant figure it out02:21
Dr_willisbackz,  if you dont EXPORT it then it wont get set for all following shells.02:21
D0ugh_B0iiyea looked at that one02:21
BridgerMachinTrucChose:  Change everything to ALSA, then try Youtube.02:21
bazhangD0ugh_B0ii, repeating the same question without that info wont get you much help02:21
dabbillbazhang, i have tried just right clicking on the ISO and burn to disk, also used brasero to burn disk image02:22
bazhangdabbill, what iso02:22
dabbillbazhang, one i made of a movie dvd i own.02:22
backzDr_willis: there is a location to define default LANG var?02:22
bazhangdabbill, try k9copy02:22
kornalQuestion: I'v got a ati 9550 video card and when I play games or use a 3d program my screen blinks black any ideas?02:23
BridgerMachinTrucChose:  Is it working for you?02:23
bazhangkornal, turn off compiz02:23
DILD0ugh_B0ii:  have you tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#head-d8ce0e35a4ccdbeddd6cf36f9cb23a11d8e0e9dc02:23
dabbillbazhang, i used dvd95 to make the iso02:23
kornalI did bazhang02:23
Dr_willisbackz,  you could grep all the files in /etc/ I rarely mess with languages. You can set variablwes in /etc/profile or some other config files bash in /etc for the users.02:23
MachinTrucChoseBridger: nope, tried two videos02:23
bazhangdabbill, that is likely the error then02:23
MachinTrucChoseI have Amarok running02:23
dabbillbazhang, hurm i cant even mount the iso02:23
bazhangdabbill, get the dvd. then install k9copy and try again02:24
kornalbanzhang and it still does it02:24
dassoukiis tehre a way i can tell ubuntu not to recharge my pc if the battery is above a certain percentage02:24
dabbillbazhang, okay02:24
MachinTrucChoseBridger: when I click the Test button on the Prefs > Sound screen, it gives me an error about how the device is already in use02:24
MachinTrucChoseI'll try some others02:24
lostuserthanx all for your help but i'll guess ill stay with windows02:24
BridgerMachinTrucChose:  Hmm... that is odd.  I was instructed to do that, and it worked for me.  I never tried the test button... hold on.02:25
bazhangkornal, sounds like driver issue then-->you might try installing envyng-gtk02:25
=== nenolod is now known as happinessturtle
bazhang!windows | lostuser02:25
ubottulostuser: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents02:25
pac1CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4; export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL;  make-kpkg --append-to-version=custom kernel_image  pegged my 8400 at 99% each core.02:25
MachinTrucChoseBridger: PulseAudio is the only one that passes the test. I was able to hear the sound while playing Amarok, no errors.02:25
pac1max temp 56.02:25
MachinTrucChoseBridger: thank you for your help, I'll use PulseAudio :)02:25
BridgerMachin:  Okay, no problem.  ^^02:26
carlos_emmm once again, I am bother you, does exist a comand to sparking your variables in any script ?02:26
portablejimI can't seem to find 32-bit firefox in Hardy. Does anybody know where it is?02:26
bazhangdassouki, how about pulling out the adapter02:26
jscinozI'm planning on running a 4-disk raid0 array, using md and then LVM. I also plan to use dmcrypt on all partitions except for /boot. Can /boot be on the raid array+LVM and still have a bootable system?02:26
dassoukibazhang :D smart comment, how about when you're downloading overnight?02:27
bazhangportablejim, afaik it is only 32bit02:27
bazhangdassouki, not sure why you are trying that--could you elucidate please02:27
macdis there a way to purge packages that are already uninstalled in bulk?02:28
portablejimI am running a 64bit system (Gutsy) and want to know where the 32-bit version is in Hardy, like I have in Gutsy02:28
bazhangportablejim, what about mozilla home page02:29
macdits called firefox-3.0, or firefox-202:29
Broadcomim back, who needed help with a broadcom?02:30
bazhangportablejim, or apt-cache search firefox02:30
D0ugh_B0iime can i send  a private message02:30
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: sure.02:30
bazhangD0ugh_B0ii, you need to register to pm02:30
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: i think i might be rigisterd02:31
bazhang!register | D0ugh_B0ii02:31
i_own_the_circlei upgraded to hardy heron and now i cannot to mysql server02:31
ubottuD0ugh_B0ii: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.02:31
macdi_own_the_circle, locally, or via network?02:31
D0ugh_B0ii!register | D0ugh_B0ii02:31
jpastoreI am using tclient to VNC into my ubuntu box from another ubuntu box and ctrl-alt-enter is not working....does anyone know how i can exit fullscreen mode?02:31
i_own_the_circlemacd, locally02:31
bazhangD0ugh_B0ii, see above02:31
macdi_own_the_circle, can you connect using mysql -u user -p pass ?02:32
i_own_the_circlemacd, when i entered the password i am getting the  error ?02:32
Jaredudoes anyone know if there is any wacom digital tablet support in ubuntu? I'm about to install 8.04 and i was just wondering =)02:33
i_own_the_circlemacd, ""ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) ""02:33
macdi_own_the_circle,  try starting mysql "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart"02:33
pushpopHey anyone know where I could find compiz screensavers?02:33
bazhang!hcl | Jaredu check here and the forums02:33
ubottuJaredu check here and the forums: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:33
tmapjcould anyone help me set up a virtual windows machine02:33
Jareduthanks :d02:33
i_own_the_circlemacd, doesnt make any difference02:33
macdtmapj, there are a bunch of articles on help.ubuntu.com and the forums02:34
i_own_the_circlemacd, same error messsage02:34
macdi_own_the_circle, is mysql actually running?02:34
bazhangtmapj, get the iso or cd you want to vm-->open vbox, choose that iso or cd, then start02:34
jscinozpushpop the screensaver plugin only works with the git version of compiz i believe02:34
i_own_the_circlemacd, i dont know how should i be able to chek ?02:34
ranokI would like help getting my modem working on my T60 in hardy02:34
macdi_own_the_circle, 'ps ax | grep mysql'02:35
giorgeUrgent & Simple:were any updates available today and how many?02:35
bazhanggiorge, over last two days around 7 (as I said before)02:35
ranokhas anyone been able to do it?02:35
i_own_the_circlemacd,  31074  0.0  0.0   3004   768 pts/0    S+   02:34   0:00 grep mysql  ?02:35
temagantOkay, I figured out that what I have is a T-1628 Gateway notebook.02:35
temagantAnd the wireless card is Realtek if I am reading this correctly.02:35
temagantBut ubuntu still won't admit there is a wireless card02:35
temagantWhat should I do?02:36
bazhangcheck lspci for the exact chipset temagant02:36
Jareduwhen installing 8.04 I can create a new partition on my HDD without erasing my alternate OS, yes? as much as I hate it I have to keep vista for my 3ds max work.02:36
Lacrymologyhow do I reconfigure my repos to point to the main repo by hand (text only mode)?02:36
ranokanyone help with a modem setup?02:36
macdi_own_the_circle, its not running, do this "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start"  then if it doesnt work, look@ /var/log/mysql.err to see why its not starting02:36
D0ugh_B0iiBroadcom are you registered?02:36
Cyntekwhat's a good md5 check for ubuntu?02:36
bazhangJaredu, aye02:36
DILmacd, would start make a difference instead of restart02:36
giorgebazhang speaking about only security or in total?02:36
bazhang!md5 | Cyntek02:36
ubottuCyntek: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:36
Jaredualright was just making sure, i know ive done it before but it's been awhile :D02:37
temagantbazhang: How would I find out the exact chipset?02:37
PeloJaredu, use the partition manager in the  system > admin menu on from the live desktop you can rezise your current partiton to make room to isntall hardy02:37
tmapjbazhang, there is no "open" option in virtualbox02:37
macdDIL, start starts it, restart restarts it, but I asssume if its installed it should be started on boot02:37
bazhanggiorge, total and all security02:37
bazhangtemagant, lspci02:37
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:37
bazhangtmapj, join #vbox02:37
temagantbazhang: But lspci says that there is no wireless card.02:37
WaffleHey, I can't boot to any drive right now. I tried partioning my main drive, and now I get GRUB ERROR 15. Can anyone help?02:37
JareduOpenBSD just screwed up my xp partition on my other drive and suse 7 screwed my mbr my freshmany year haha02:37
temagantIT doesn't even show up.02:37
PeloLacrymology, what do you need to know ?02:37
Jaredulivecd it is then :D02:37
bazhanglsusb then temagant02:37
temagantThank you.02:38
PeloJaredu, you can also do it form the alt install cd but donT' ask me the specifics02:38
i_own_the_circlemacd, errlog file is empty02:38
tmapjbazhang, there's no one in #vbox02:38
bazhangWaffle, fix grub; may need to reinstall02:38
bazhangWaffle, grub that is, not ubuntu02:38
temagantbazhang: THe problem is that gives me three results. How do I know which is the correct one?02:38
LacrymologyPelo: I need to point my sources list to whatever it gets pointed to when you put "Download from: Main server", but I don't have a GUI, so I need to know what are the files, and if possible, the url02:38
macdi_own_the_circle, is the package mysql-server installed?02:39
giorgebazhang , i must have messed up my updates preferences.. any directory to check all the last updates that were available?02:39
PeloLacrymology, hold on , I'll try something, it will take a few minutes02:39
bazhanggiorge, all ssl related02:39
i_own_the_circlemacd, it was working perfectly fine but when i upgraded to mysql-server than i started this problem02:39
CoolAcidAnyone know if there is a 2.6.25 kernel going to be available for hardy?02:39
i_own_the_circlemacd, it was working perfectly fine but when i upgraded to hardy heron02:39
Wafflebazhang: I tried to access my HDA1 where Windows is installed, gives me the error that the log file shows it wasn't shut down properly and I cant access it without a force variable... could this be part of it?02:39
macdi_own_the_circle, Im asking you if its installed.02:40
LacrymologyPelo: or at least an easy command-line way to do it. The mirror I use is down02:40
i_own_the_circlemacd, i installed long time ago on this pc02:40
tmapjcould anyone help me set up a virtual windows machine02:40
macdi_own_the_circle, can you check to see if its installed NOW.02:40
Lacrymologyand it's almost 11 at night, and I wanna go home, and I want be done with this02:40
DILafter upgrade install again02:40
macdi_own_the_circle, come on man Im trying to help you here, dont answer my question with something I cant help you with02:40
Lacrymologybuntu: we're not blind, don't yell02:40
PeloLacrymology, I'm resetting my own sources.list file and I'll pastebin it for you , it will just take me a couple of minutes02:40
duaneI I had to download a shell script and it says to download it and add it to your PATH how do you do that??02:41
bazhangWaffle, bad for windows but unlikely for the current woes02:41
i_own_the_circlemacd, yes it is installed02:41
Lacrymologybuntu: what do you want to format it to? fat32?02:41
macdduane, just copy it to /usr/bin/ then chmod +x it02:41
Bodsdaduane, make sure you know what the script does before you use it02:41
bazhangbuntu with cfdisk in the terminal02:41
duanethanks macd02:41
macdi_own_the_circle, do you have files in /var/log/mysql ?02:41
PeloLacrymology, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12616/02:42
Wafflebazhang: so how do I go about reinstalling GRUB? When it was installed the first time it was by Ubuntu, I don't know where to point any of it too02:42
flip2405Hey how do i upgrade my add/remove02:42
temagantSo, is ndiswrapper in the repositories that come with 8.04, and if not, how do I know what repository it is in and how to add that?02:42
temagantI thought it came with, but I can't find it.02:42
i_own_the_circlemacd,  i have mysql.err , mysql.log and mysql directory02:42
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/create-and-manage-virtual-machines-using-virtualbox.html tmapj how about some reading02:42
Peloflip2405, upgrade your apt-remove ??? what do you mean by that ?02:42
giorgebazhang , ok but is there a directory to see them on a site or something just those whick are prompted for updates and the recommended ones also?02:43
macdi_own_the_circle, do you have files in the mysql directory02:43
i_own_the_circlemacd, yes i have file02:43
LacrymologyPelo: damn, that's hardy, I'm running gutsy... will changing hardy to gutsy work?02:43
bazhanggiorge, you dont want them? they are all libssl ones02:43
ubottuFactoid libssl not found02:43
flip2405Pelo no when you go to applications then add/remove i used to have a ton more games i reformatted and now all the games i had in there are gone02:43
i_own_the_circlemacd, yes i have files inside the director they are mysql-bin.0004545  like that02:43
PeloLacrymology, ops,  not sure that would do , sorry ,  you might want to try and do a search in the forum there might be something in there02:43
macdi_own_the_circle, in /var/run/mysqld do you have a mysqld.pid02:44
LacrymologyPelo: I'll just try and see02:44
SeaPhortmapj, yes, what bazhang just sent you is good resource02:44
Bodsdais it possible to have two paste hotkeys? like you can do ctrl+c & ctrl+shift+c -- ctrl+v & ctrl+shift+v   so you could hold to cut/copied things at once?02:44
bazhangflip2405, reinstall them then02:44
flip2405Bazhang noooo02:44
LacrymologyPelo: it workee02:44
Bodsdalast to = two02:44
giorgebazhang thats not the point i want to check them according to a directory online(because i really messed my system...)02:45
i_own_the_circlemacd, no idont have the mysql.pid02:45
Peloflip2405, start by  checking the drop down box at the top of the add/remove dialog make sure it shows  show everythng ,   and /or , goto menu > system > admin < software sources and check all the boxes in the top part of the frst and third tab02:45
SeaPhorPelo, good to see ya, ( i got wireless working btw)02:45
macdi_own_the_circle, do you have mysqld.sock ?02:45
* nakedgoat is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ..[cyp(l/on.p/on)]02:46
i_own_the_circlemacd, no02:46
PeloSeaPhor, congrats , but I thought you had got it working a couple of weeks abo ?02:46
bazhanggiorge, no idea; check the link on ubuntu.com or slashdot for the exact package names02:46
macdi_own_the_circle, do this, sudo dpkg-reconfigure  -phigh mysql-server02:46
lunaz-i just upgraded the server to hardy, and one client to hardy, and that client can't mount the server's samba share thru command or fstab02:46
* Pelo can't control his fan's speed anyomre, the pwm chip on his mobo apparently died02:47
zemigsan Please answer this 1 minute survey :) http://www.esurveyspro.com/Survey.aspx?id=8d944b30-c7c9-4cf0-9259-f674329dbf2302:47
i_own_the_circlemacd, i got message mysql-server is not installed02:47
macdi_own_the_circle, then I guess you should install it right/02:47
giorgebazhang , ok thnx02:47
Pelolunaz-, maybe ask in #samba02:47
bazhangWaffle, you still there? this was error 15 right?02:47
macdlunaz-, some logs might be helpful, or error messages you get when trying to mount, or mount via command line02:48
SeaPhorPelo, it worked for 2 hours, then no more, fresh install and repeat, 1 hour and no more,,,02:48
Wafflebazhang: Yeah02:48
lunaz-should i link to my post on ubuntuforums.org?02:48
PeloSeaPhor, what did you do to finaly get it working ?02:48
Wafflebazhang: as far as I can tell, it means it can't find the file. I'm not sure how to correct the pointer though02:48
macdlunaz-, go forit02:48
amirman84is there a keyboard shortcut for opening the system monitor? my firefox never seems to close out properly02:49
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43591 Waffle have a look see here02:49
macdlunaz-, is samba running on the target box at all?02:49
Wafflebazhang: that's about samba...02:49
bazhangWaffle, you clicked the wrong link02:50
Wafflebazhang: yeah I was just about to say that02:50
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43591 waffle this one02:50
flip2405YOu No No guys okay the add/remove applications before i formated i had well over 400 games available to install now i have like 50 how do i remake all the games/packages available via add/remove applications02:50
lunaz-on the server? ya, i can get to it with this computer02:50
lunaz-i have smbfs on the other client02:50
SeaPhorPelo, bought a Airlink AWLH4130 108 PCI Wireless-G 108Mbps PCI and booted up to wireless heaven, no ndswrapper, no wpa_supplicant, no config at all, just put in wpa code and BOOM! i was on!02:50
macdlunaz-, have you investigated hosts.allow and hosts.deny on the machine also?02:50
PeloSeaPhor, that's cheating :-)02:50
flip2405nvm i got it02:50
bazhangflip2405, enable the repos, reload, then choose show all in add/remove02:51
macdlunaz-, also, on the server , 'sudo iptables -L' make sure something like fail2ban didnt block it02:51
jeletahow do i run .bin files02:51
amirman84flip2405: it apparently must be your repos, maybe you need to enable 3rd party, backports, and all that in your software sources02:51
SeaPhorPelo, after 6 months,,, the gloves were off!!02:51
amirman84is there a keyboard shortcut to open the system monitor?02:51
jeleta how do i run .bin files02:52
PeloSeaPhor, don't forget to write a strongly worded letter to the maker of your original wifi card to complain about the lack of linux drivers02:52
Starnestommyjeleta: what do you need to run a .bin file for?02:52
=== Shkodra is now known as ghost
jeletato install java02:52
bazhangjeleta what does ubuntu gutsy bin file turn up02:52
amirman84jeleta: have you tried right clicking , going to properties, and clickin on, run as executable02:52
xaphooAny news on when Firefox 3 RC1 is getting put in the repositories?02:52
bazhangxaphoo, likely very soon02:53
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xaphoolike today?02:53
jeletastill wont work02:53
=== ghost is now known as ShKoDrAnI
bazhangxaphoo, no way :)02:53
macdxaphoo, as soon as debian syncs it most likely02:53
SeaPhorPelo, send me email on how to do that? and i definitely will!!02:53
temagantWhere should I look for the devices listed under lsusb?02:53
temagantSO I can add them to ndiswrapper.02:53
amirman84i guess i have to add system monitor to my panelllllll02:53
PeloSeaPhor, you need a guide to write a letter ?02:53
xaphooso like a week?02:53
macdxaphoo, you wont get any guestimates from me02:54
bazhangxaphoo, by June for sure02:54
buntuLacromology: fatal error02:54
buntuthe cfdisk02:54
xaphooFirefox Beta 5's CPU trouble is my system's only remaining major glitch02:54
xaphooother than that, Hardy is the best system I've ever run02:54
bazhangbuntu what about it02:54
jeletait does not wrk when i run as executabel02:54
mhollisjrhow can I determine which of my events as in /dev/input/event* are making use of my keyboard?02:55
SeaPhorPelo, lol, there are 4 wireless devices i tried before i got this one,, who to write is what i need help with02:55
Starnestommyjeleta: what happens when you try to run it?02:55
bazhangjeleta did you check the search I suggested02:55
buntuThe cfdisk cannot be open.02:55
danhi = my hardy heron doesnt see the dvd burner and i can tmount  it02:55
amirman84jeleta: why don't you install java from synaptic?02:55
danhow do i get it to see the dvd burner02:55
jeletaCouldn't display "/home/jeleta/Desktop/jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin".02:56
jeletaCouldn't display "/home/jeleta/Desktop/jre-6u5-linux-i586.bin".02:56
PeloSeaPhor, nahh,  write to all of them , just use Open office to make a sample letter and use the watchamacall it featuer for mailing to print it and personnalize it for each02:56
bazhangjeleta, what are you trying to install02:56
SeaPhorPelo, and i followed 30-40 diff "how-to's" on ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant, and so-on02:56
bazhangjeleta, get from repos02:56
jeletawhere is that02:56
bazhangjeleta, synaptic02:57
jeletaoohh ty02:57
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:57
SeaPhorPelo, promise! i will, i documented all at my website02:57
buntubazhang:  hoy02:59
bazhangbuntu hay02:59
amirman84am i invisible?02:59
seth1991i have 6.06 and amaroK installed. for some reason, i have added music from the home folder (for me seth1991) and it won't play. i click a song and it says "playlist finished" after it runs through showing the titles of the songs for about half a second. i have the codecs installed as far as i know, what do i need to do to get this running, i want to use amarok02:59
bazhangamirman84, nay02:59
Wafflebazhang: Thanks, I'm going to give it a try... hopefully will be back without problems02:59
bazhangWaffle, not to worry; we never sleep02:59
mdowlingIs it possible to have completely different looks and visual customizations for different users?03:00
PeloSeaPhor, think about it this way,  you learned a lot,  you are  now probably the most knowleagable  helper on wifi issues in here03:00
hisingh1i am baffeled03:00
* Pelo gives SeaPhor the official key to the special "helper" restroom03:00
Peloamirman84, it's abusy channel,  just repeat your query periodiacaly ,  and briefly03:00
farfadet_ç'est ou pour le serveur en français déjà03:00
bazhangmdowling, sure03:00
oddalotanyone here know about postfix?03:00
bazhang!fr | farfadet_03:00
ubottufarfadet_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr03:00
mdowlingi just want to make one user look like Vista and one look like OSX, would that be doable?03:00
hisingh1Anyone know how to change the image on the background screen03:00
bazhangmdowling, easy03:00
jeletahmm i cant seem to find what i am looking for any other ideas03:00
Pelo!fr | farfadet_03:00
mdowlingbazhang, alright thanks a bunch03:00
bazhangjeleta, jre or jdk03:00
amirman84pelo: it wasn't so much that no one answered my question, it was more the combination of that and that i told someone to use synaptic and they ignored me and then after 5 minutes bhazang told them the same thing03:01
SeaPhorPelo, lol, using that key right away, back in a bit, been full of it lately!03:01
Peloseth1991, can you play those files in anyother player ?03:01
mdowlingbazhang, is there any aspect that you can think of that would have to be the same among different user accounts?03:01
amirman84pelo: not trying to be a big whiny boy though03:01
Pelohisingh1, right click the desktop ,  change wallpaper03:01
seth1991Pelo: Yes, i can play them in Rhythmbox.03:01
bazhangmdowling, internet connectivity :)03:02
Peloseth1991, try making a new play list maybe03:02
bazhangamirman84, he just ignored me too dont feel bad :)03:02
mdowlingbazhang, well that's not necessarily a bad thing now is it, of course you don't mean the way the internet configuration gui looks do you?03:02
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Peloseth1991, there is also an #amarok channel where you could ask03:02
=== ghost is now known as ShKoDrAnI
seth1991Pelo: I will try that, thanks!03:03
bazhangmdowling, other than that not really--up to as far as who has admin rights though03:03
hisingh1<Pelo, not the desktop bf, the login screen03:03
amirman84jeleta: click on menu>administration>synaptic package manager then in the search field type "java" you should be able to find it03:03
Steve-calIf I'm having problems with my sound being shaky, or sometimes briefly stopping when CPU usage is high, what processes can I give a higher priority to (nice value) to keep my sound "smooth" and working?03:03
JburrkeAnyone know how to use rarlab to extract series of .r00/.r001/.r02 ect?03:04
amirman84jeleta: you may need to first go into menu>admin>software sources then allow 3rd party software sources03:04
bazhangJburrke, just get unrar03:04
Pelohisingh1, ,  get a new theme from a site like gnome-looks.org then drag drop the tar.gz file on the login windows dialog , second tab03:04
Jburrkebazhang: unrar?03:04
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:04
mdowlingbazhang, alright thanks a bunch03:04
hisingh1<Pelo, where is the login windows dialog??03:05
Jburrkebazhang: Thanks, will the free version do it for me?03:05
Pelohisingh1, menu > system> admin < login screen or login window, not sure what it is in english03:05
bazhangJburrke, might do-->depends on the formatter03:05
CountDownHas anyone else noticed that URLs don't work properly in either Thunderbird or Pidgin in 8.04?03:05
Jburrkebazhang: Thanks, I'll give it a try :)03:05
bazhangJburrke, just click the first one the rest will follow03:06
FloodBot2buntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:06
bazhangbuntu stop please03:06
buntuhow are you?03:06
Pelobuntu, , you have been eaten by a grue03:06
bazhangbuntu chit chat elsewhere please03:07
amirman84buntu: stop typing multiple lines of random letter, or even one line, please, thanks03:07
FloodBot2buntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
Pelo!ops | buntu03:07
ubottubuntu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!03:07
TheNerdGotchUbazhang are you in the room03:08
mike_Is there anyway to make ubuntu refresh the restricted drivers list? (to look for new devices)03:08
console_jockeybloody hell, ban the little twerp03:08
ekAnyone here happen to have a .deb of pine for AMD64?03:08
ekOr know what I can find one?03:08
Jburrkebazhang: is this one done through the terminal too?03:08
bazhangJburrke, gui03:08
Jburrkebazhang: How do i open the gui?03:08
Peloek, try on www.getdeb.net03:09
ekPelo: Thanks. I'll take a look.03:09
absntI need some help with bluetooth, just got a Kingston Micro USB Adapter and I set the BT icon to "Always Show" in the tray and its not showing..03:09
Jburrkebazhang: Nevermind, I got it03:09
Jburrkebazhang: Thanks :)03:09
hisingh1Any one a pro with COMPIZ FUSION??03:09
Pelohisingh1, the ppl in #compiz03:10
hisingh1<Pelo> do you know how to get diffrent icons on a cube desktop without losing all the icons??03:10
hisingh1<Pelo> correction, diffrent wallpaper03:10
Hawkeye-Xhttp://www.pastebin.org/36493 - could someone take a look and tell me why my dvd player is not working?03:11
Pelohisingh1, I have no idea , I don'T use compiz , ask in #compiz03:11
danbhfivehisingh1: try ccsm03:11
ekPelo: Strange. It shows zero results for anything I search for.03:11
hisingh1<danbhfive> tried it, didnt work03:11
giorgebazhang , did you also recommended ones?03:11
ekPelo: No big deal. I love pine. But, I can deal with mutt. :P03:11
ekThanks again.03:11
giorgebazhang , did you also recommended updates ones?03:11
JohnnyWellshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481366&highlight=snapfishI've followed this guide exactly, yet the option to "send to snapfish" doesn't work.  Can someone help me trouble shoot03:11
bazhanggiorge, aye all of them :)03:11
alexbOrsovahow do you make the changes modprobe makes permanent?03:11
Peloek, there might not be a package for it  you might have to build it from source03:12
Daisuke_Idothis is ridiculous03:12
absntHow do I check to see if Ubuntu sees my USB Bluetooth adapter?03:12
bazhangDaisuke_Ido, what is?03:12
Daisuke_Idoi reboot, and now i can't access the net via a static ip03:12
Daisuke_Idoi had to reset to dhcp to even get a connection03:13
nakedgoatis that dude having the vbox issue still here?03:13
Daisuke_Idoi was connected to the router, but not the net...03:13
PeloalexbOrsova, there is a /etc/module  or modules file were you can add name of moduels hyou want loaded on startup ,  and there is a modprobe black list thingy somewhere03:13
bazhangDaisuke_Ido, that happened to me two days ago03:13
roboticHi all!  I wonder if there's a way to check if my machine is sending out infected packets03:14
Dante123hi all, how do I get to see the list of hardware on my machine.  Gutsy had a way of displaying this via gui under System etc.03:14
Daisuke_Idowell, two days ago was when this update came down, it's been bugging me to reboot since then03:14
soothesayerek: try alpine03:14
TheNerdGotchUwhat is ubuntu server used for and what could I do with it?03:14
Dante123Can't find it under Hardy03:14
hisingh1the ppl at compiz are not responding03:14
anacaonahello hello. is there a way to restart the font server without restarting gnome?03:14
Hawkeye-Xhttp://www.pastebin.org/36493 - could someone take a look and tell me why my dvd player is not working?03:14
alexbOrsovaPelo: I need ndiswrapper to start automatically but ssb keeps blocking it. I've added ssb to /etc/modules.d/blacklist but it still starts up. How should I fix that?03:15
hisingh1Do you know how to get diffrent wallpaper on a cube desktop without losing all the icons??03:15
Dante123hi all, how do I get to see the list of hardware on my machine.  Gutsy had a way of displaying this via gui under System etc. Can't find it under Hardy03:15
PeloalexbOrsova, sorry i can'T help with that ,  I would have tought that blacklist would have been it03:15
Daisuke_Idobazhang: were you ever able to fix it?03:15
alexbOrsovaPelo: it is it. but it's not working. thanks anyway...03:16
tmmoyeris there any way to restrict a package to a specific version?03:16
bazhangDaisuke_Ido, yes, resetting the modem and router did it03:16
ochawhats the program that comes with ubuntu for torrents?03:16
bazhang!torrent | ocha03:16
ubottuocha: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:16
robotichi all -- do versions of Ubuntu prior to 7.04 need to update SSH?03:16
TheNerdGotchUwhat is ubuntu server edition puurpose03:16
ochabazhang, thank you sir.03:16
Daisuke_IdoTheNerdGotchU: it's for running a server.03:17
seth1991This may be an incredibly simple question, but, if I were to begin a music collection. Where should I place the mp3 files? I am new to Ubuntu. Should I make a folder in one of the Filesystem folders?03:17
ximwhat software can play real (.ram) files?03:17
Daisuke_Idoi'll be back03:17
PeloTheNerdGotchU, specialiesed installer that only installs a cli os with server related pacakges03:17
Dante123 hi all, how do I get to see the list of hardware on my machine.  Gutsy had a way of displaying this via gui under System etc. Can't find it under Hardy03:17
Peloseth1991,  no in your /home folder03:17
TheNerdGotchUlol Daisuke_Ido no shit03:18
Peloseth1991, in linux ,  put all your user stuff in your /home folder,  the rest is for the os and is protected03:18
hisingh1ocha it is for companies, basically  ubuntu is for the a cheep or the extreammly smart It is also for companies that want a safe server03:18
alexbOrsovaI've added a kernel module, ssb (network card driver), to the blacklist at /etc/modules.d/blacklist but it still starts blocking ndiswrapper. Does anyone know how to fix this?03:18
bazhangTheNerdGotchU, watch the language please03:18
arooni-mobileifireball, yhou there ?03:18
hisingh1 cheep or the extreammly smart ppl03:18
PeloalexbOrsova, did you remove the module with modprobe -r modulename ?03:18
ochahisingh1, what is it? i don't understand you. i am sorry03:18
hisingh1no offence to any03:18
hisingh1ocha nothing03:19
xaphoodo you guys recommend using the kernel for CPU scaling (powernow-k8) or to use powernowd...?03:19
Dante123 hi all, how do I get to see the list of hardware on my machine.  Gutsy had a way of displaying this via gui under System etc. Can't find it under Hardy03:19
hisingh1Does anyone know how to get diffrent wallpaper on a cube desktop without losing all the icons03:19
Peloocha, the default bittorent client in hardy is transmission03:19
Pelohisingh1, did you ask in #compiz ?03:19
ximdoes anyone know a program in linux that can play realaudio .rm files?03:19
alexbOrsovaseth1991: it depends on what software you use to play your files, but you should generally keep them under music or documents in your home folder (which is /home/<username goes here>/)03:19
Pelo!realplayer | xim03:20
ubottuxim: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:20
hisingh1ya, i asked in #compiz-fusion, to no avail03:20
alexbOrsovaPelo: yes03:20
hisingh1trying compiz now03:20
ochapele, thanks.  have you used it before?  is it light on the processors?03:20
Pelohisingh1,  try installing the ccmi thing,  the compiz setting manager , what ever it is ,   check in there03:20
hisingh1wait /join #compiz joins to compiz-fusion03:21
Peloocha, the lightest I found is to run utorrent on wine03:21
Ashfire908I checked for updates and there's a confilct that i can't seem to resolve. "libtotem-plparser10 depends upon libcamel1.2-11 (>="03:21
alexbOrsovaPelo: I've properly configured ndiswrapper too, because that's how im online right now. the problem is, as soon as I restart i lose the work ive done so far03:21
hisingh1pelo it is ccsm, ya it didnt work03:21
xaphooxim: also VLC plays real audio I think03:21
dabbillbazhang, any good sites for how to use k9copy? I have tried 2 times now to make a backup for my DVD, but it doesnt create the ISO file.03:21
Ashfire908It already appears to be installed though.03:21
PeloalexbOrsova, I know nothing about wifi sorry I realy can't help ,   SeaPhor  might know however , if he,s still around03:22
Pelohisingh1,  you might have to add an extra compiz plugin to do it ,  check the compiz website03:22
wols!info libcamel1.2-1103:22
ubottulibcamel1.2-11 (source: evolution-data-server): The Evolution MIME message handling library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu2.1 (hardy), package size 296 kB, installed size 800 kB03:22
Ashfire908Wait, the new packages don't exist?03:22
TheNerdGotchUI want t download it and install it. but dont really know much about it Hey bahzang you think you can help me run it? im willing to grant you permission to acces it03:22
tmmoyernm, I found my answer in the apt howto03:22
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: are you here?03:22
ochapelo, i thought utorrent was still buggy in wine?03:22
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/K9Copy dabbill what about this03:22
wolsTheNerdGotchU: NEVER give anyone from IRC access to your box. NEVER03:23
larson9999what's the deal with shutting down not working until you do a ctl+alt+backspace?03:23
bazhangTheNerdGotchU, access what03:23
Peloocha, no it works very well for me, I've had no problems for over a year03:23
=== Gohalien_Feliz_F is now known as Gohalien_Feliz
alexbOrsovadoes anyone know how a kernel module which has been blacklisted can still be loaded at startup?03:23
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, yes, sorry was afk a sec03:24
wolsalexbOrsova: initrd03:24
ochapelo, wow. i am out of the loop here.  do you use anythign else with your utorrent?03:24
larson9999my favorite editor got an upgrade today!  funny the kinds of things i get happy about03:24
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:24
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, whats goin on?03:24
Peloocha, the only issue I've had recently was that one confirmation box poped up behind the dialog I was confirming03:24
ochawhich confirmation box?03:24
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: I need to replace the default ssb wireless driver with ndiswrapper. However, as soon as I restart it's loaded. Yes, I've blacklisted it and configured ndiswrapper correctly.03:25
ereHow is possible that when I did an version upgrade my wireless got not usable, not it doesn't work, why??????03:25
dabbillbazhang, that just says how to install it, i have it installed and open, it shrinks the movie but never makes it in to ISO so i can burn it.03:25
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: what do you suggest?03:25
bazhangDaisuke_Laptop, that fix it?03:25
Hawkeye-Xhttp://www.pastebin.org/36493 - could someone take a look and tell me why my dvd player is not working please?03:25
Daisuke_Idobazhang: restarted *everything* and it's the same03:25
Daisuke_Idono static for me, i guess.03:25
Peloocha, what do you mean anyting else ? ,  I have wine installed,  utorrent runs on it ,  I have utorrent set to grab anytorrent I download to the desktop and I have firefox setup to save .torrent to the desktop ,  that's pretty much it03:25
wols alexbOrsova I just told you03:25
bazhangDaisuke_Ido, for how long, best to give it a minute or two03:25
alexbOrsovawols: what is initrd?03:25
FezzlerWhen I start Minicom, it flash on for a split second and closes?03:25
PeloalexbOrsova, explain the whole issue to SeaPhor  not just the end problems ,  he might know the sources of the prob03:26
wols!blacklist | alexbOrsova03:26
ubottualexbOrsova: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:26
Daisuke_Idowell, when did i ping out?03:26
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, what chipset/ model mfg?03:26
alexbOrsovawols: ive already done that03:26
wolsalexbOrsova: since you have no clue what an initrd is: false03:26
eremy wireless doesn't work now, after an upgrade03:26
bazhangdabbill, not sure what to tell you; works well here you might want to look at the many forums links/threads03:26
erewhat can I do??03:26
Hawkeye-X[20:17] <-- Daisuke_Ido has left this server ("Leaving").03:26
Peloere, redo the setup for it03:26
wolsere: load the proper driver and give us enough info so we can help you03:26
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: broadcom wireless card. However, I know I have the right driver. How do I find the chipset?03:27
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, i type slow so be patient03:27
ochapelo, peerguardin or any other kind of ip blocker03:27
erewols:  how can I know the wireless name?03:27
Daisuke_Idoso two minutes to reboot, that's seven minutes.03:27
Daisuke_Idoand nothing.03:27
wolsalexbOrsova: lspci03:27
wolsere: lspci, lsusb03:27
dabbillbazhang, i have followed all the howtos i have found, and i am doing it same way as them. pretty much click DVD at the top and give the ISO a name, but it never makes the ISO :(03:27
bazhangDaisuke_Ido, how about connecting the router and see if that is all right03:27
erewols:  Bus 002 Device 002: ID 07b8:6001 D-Link Corp.03:27
Peloocha, I know utorrent has  a built in ip blocker that you can use,  not realy built in , a file you edit to add te ips in , but I dont, use it ,  adn I donT' use peergrardians ansd such03:27
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)03:28
Daisuke_Idobazhang: it's a westell modem/router, and with a static IP, i can connect to the router, but nothing outside.03:28
SeaPhorwait, is this usb, pci or built in?03:28
ochapelo, thanks man.  you have been a big help :)03:28
Daisuke_Idobazhang: with dhcp, i'm good overall03:28
wolsere: zd121103:28
erewols:  now what can I do?03:28
tyler_hello can someone help me with proftpd setup for anonymous user access?03:28
Pelolater folks03:28
bazhangDaisuke_Ido, oh router and modem in one; I have the two separate03:28
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok so listed as pci03:28
wolsDaisuke_Ido: dns properly set? default route properly set?03:29
tmapjim trying to run a virtual machine but i keep getting the error "VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED)"03:29
Daisuke_Idowols: yes and yes, it broke after rebooting...  there was an update begging me to reboot03:29
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, look 2 places lspci and lshw -C network03:29
wolsDaisuke_Ido: nslookup google.com  /sbin/route03:29
Daisuke_Idothen i'll be back again03:30
nakedgoattmapj: how did you install it?03:30
sneedleyhello all, I could use some help03:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:30
tmapjnakedgoat: from the add/remove menu03:30
SeaPhorif that shows you have device installed and "working" then we have a separate issue03:31
Daisuke_Idoyeah, this is ridiculous03:31
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, if that shows you have device installed and "working" then we have a separate issue03:31
newbie10i installed ubuntu using install inside windows and when i boot up my pc - i get to 2 options - windows and ubuntu - and choose ubuntu - all does is load up grub03:31
nakedgoattmapj: I did mine via apt-get, works fine.03:31
Daisuke_Idothis is ridiculousness on an epic scale...03:31
newbie10i don't know how to boot into my installed ubuntu03:31
tmapjnakedgoat could you please tell me the command?03:32
nakedgoatthere are a few03:32
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: lspci is in my last post and the result from the other command can be found here http://paste.ubuntu.com/12618/. Note: this is after I've setup ndiswrapper because if I restart I lose everything.03:32
newbie10if anyone can help me - that would be great03:32
D0ugh_B0iiCan anyone here help me with my broadcom wireless drivers pls?03:32
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: and I have to do "sudo rmmod ssb" "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"03:32
tmapjnakedgoat could you please tell me the command?03:32
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, are you on live cd?, have you installed yet?03:33
nakedgoatsudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-source03:33
nakedgoattmpaj: is one of them lemme know when ur done with tthat03:33
Daisuke_Idowols: that gave me absolutely *nothing*03:33
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: yes, ive installed the system03:33
reya276Any reason why Hardy brings up the login screen but after login in only the wallpaper shows?03:33
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: ubuntu 8.04 amd6403:33
sneedleyI have a nvidia gforce6600 le and I would like to use the dual monitor mode. I went in and tried to set it up but all I managed to do was change which display was working03:33
wolsDaisuke_Ido: I do not believe you03:33
Daisuke_Idowell that's nice03:33
wols(öastöpg Daisuke_Ido03:33
SeaPhorok, sorry, run again with the sudo command03:33
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok, sorry, run again with the sudo command03:34
Daisuke_Idoi switched to a static ip03:34
Daisuke_Idonslookup google.com03:34
reya276could it compiz?03:34
wolsDaisuke_Ido: it will either print something or give errors, no other way03:34
reya276can I remove compiz, I actually don't need it03:34
zokohi all03:34
wolsDaisuke_Ido: cat /etc/resolv.conf03:34
J-a-k-ehi all, is anyone able to help me figure out while grub keeps on stuffing up, even after i've reinstalled it using the ubuntu 8.04 cd?03:34
reya276yes anyone?03:34
wolsreya276: yes03:34
newbie10is wubi broken?03:34
Daisuke_Idoi don't appreciate being called a liar, i really don't.03:34
D0ugh_B0iiis there anyone on that can help me with my broadcom wireless drivers?03:34
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok, sorry, run again with the sudo lshw -C network03:35
wolsDaisuke_Ido: then don't lie03:35
sarah_bearhey guys, does anyone here use "Nepenthes"? im having a problem03:35
Daisuke_Idoah, one line03:35
Daisuke_Idoalexbe01@alexbe01-desktop:~$ nslookup google.com03:35
Daisuke_Ido;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached03:35
bazhangwols, please dont say that03:35
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: ok, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/12619/03:35
reya276wols: my issue is that for some reason when I login my desktop won't show except for the wallpaper and that is it03:35
nakedgoatin wols defense, he did lie ;)03:35
Daisuke_Idocouldn't reach anything using a static ip, works fine with a dynamic ip03:35
kr1thello all03:35
wolsbazhang: the command DID print something as I said after all and which he said it wouldn't03:35
Daisuke_Idoyes yes03:35
reya276wols: so I'm assuming is compiz, so should I sudo apt-get remove compiz03:36
wolsDaisuke_Ido: fix your DNS03:36
Daisuke_Idoi am a horrible horrible man, and a dirty LIAR because it didn't work03:36
reya276wols: or better yet how can I remove all03:36
clintchanc1can some one tell me why my WLAN0 just went dead and changed the wifi pass?03:36
newbie10can someone guide me03:36
sneedleyhow do I make my dual displays work?03:36
wolsDaisuke_Ido: man resolv.conf03:36
sarah_bearanyone ever use Nepenthes before?03:36
wolsreya276: what is "all"?03:36
kr1they does anyone else know about the bug in emerald theme manager in hardy?03:36
wolssarah_bear: ask your real question03:36
reya276wols: meaning purge03:36
sarah_bearwols Im having a problem with Nepenthes... i dontknow if its working03:37
wolsreya276: as you said: purge it03:37
macdIs there a way to purge all packages old configs that arent installed anymore?03:37
topheranyone here really familiar with ubuntu 8.04 and installation on a hp notebook?03:37
wolsmcp: dpkg -l |grep ^rc03:37
reya276wols: sudo apt-get remove purge compiz03:37
wolstopher: ask your real question03:37
wolsreya276: no "remove" there03:37
wolsmacd: dpkg -l |grep ^rc03:38
sneedley!twin view03:38
ubottuFactoid twin view not found03:38
reya276wols: sudo apt-get purge compiz03:38
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama03:38
topherlol... k. Just installed 8.04 and rebooted all drivers are restricted, no wifi, no proper resolution03:38
macdwols, I guess I can just awk the output into apt03:38
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok,,, 1 what encryption is your access, 2 did you follow a "how-to" on configuring this? (if so which)03:38
Broadcomi need to fix a swap partition03:38
wolsmacd: no03:38
wolstopher: what wlan chip, what videocard?03:38
Daisuke_Idowols: it's sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>03:38
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama03:39
mikebuntuhello people03:39
newbie10i have a ubuntu question - I installed it via wubi and when system boots up - all i get is grub and nothing else - i don't know what commands to boot up the system - should wubi fix all of this03:39
Broadcomdoes anybody know how to fix a swap partition?03:39
wolsDaisuke_Ido: there is more than one way to do it03:39
Dr`KeovorkianI have a recurring problem. The mouse AND keyboard both freeze while running Ubuntu. The clock and other programs continue what they're doing, as if nothing's going on, but mouse input is nixed, and I can't exit the X server.03:39
macdwols, then how else would you propose to get it into apt?03:39
dimeotaneanyone know of a slideshow program that works ?03:39
Broadcom!hi | mikebuntu03:39
ubottumikebuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:39
J-a-k-eis anyone able to tell me why grub always stops working on ubuntu 8.04?03:39
absntWhy can my phone see my BT on my computer but when I pair to it it says Pairing incomplete?03:39
kr1tanyway i have a problem trying to fix a commented out line in the source code, and when compiling it, it throws some errors03:39
sarah_bearhow can i know if my Nepenthes honeypot is working?03:39
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: my network isn't using encryption (its open. and no I didn't follow a walkthrough. I have done this before on previous installations and this is the first time it hasn't worked. if you want i can tell you exactly what commands i used from the start, though.03:39
wolsmacd: from this output: copy+paste03:39
dimeotanethat can put music with photos and effects?03:39
mikebuntuwhat's the best irc client for gnome, thanks03:39
newbie10J-a-k-e: are u having same problems as me03:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:39
BroadcomalexbOrsova: do you have a broadcom?03:40
Daisuke_Idowols: http://pastebin.ca/102075003:40
Daisuke_Idothere's resolv.conf03:40
alexbOrsovaBroadcom: yes03:40
BroadcomalexbOrsova: oh, goody03:40
J-a-k-enewbie10: it's funny because I never had this problem with 7.1003:40
macdwols, bleh I'll use awk and just grab the package names themselves copy/pasting that much is silly when the shell has tools to use03:40
BroadcomalexbOrsova: put lspci in pastebin03:40
wolsDaisuke_Ido: your DNS (router) is
newbie10this is my first time with ubuntu03:40
Daisuke_Idoyes it is03:40
wolsmacd: sure, awk will work03:40
FezzlerAnyone use irssi?03:40
sarah_bearanyone here ever use Nepenthes honeypot before?03:40
newbie10and i googled the wubi wiki page - no help there03:40
newbie10on this issue03:40
jsidellI'm trying to print over a network with a WinXP print server.  Ubuntu doesn't see the printer instaled on the server.03:41
soothesayermacd:  sudo aptitude purge  $( dpkg -l | grep ^rc | awk '{ print $2 }' )03:41
wolsjsidell: ipp or samba?03:41
newbie10i guess time to uninstall it - i was really looking forwad to see the enchanced desktop03:41
alexbOrsovaBroadcom: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/12623/03:41
absntWhy can my phone see my BT on my computer but when I pair to it it says Pairing incomplete?03:41
macdsoothesayer, 2 seconds to late, Im all over that03:41
jsidellwols: samba03:41
macdsoothesayer, but thanks!03:41
nakedgoatFezzler:  I use BX ;)03:41
newbie10can anyone guide me on what to type on grub03:41
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
J-a-k-emikebuntu: I dont know about"best" but I use chatzilla you'll find it under firefox addons03:41
newbie10since wubi failed to set it up properly03:42
Shadow420newbie10 what do ytou need to do with grub03:42
alexbOrsovaBroadcom: my problem is with kernel modules, though, not drivers. I;m using ndiswrapper btw, and it works03:42
Fezzler1 303:42
newbie10Shadow420: i just installed ubuntu inside windows and when i boot up - i choose ubuntu option03:42
BroadcomalexbOrsova: can you connect to the internet via wireless?03:42
newbie10and only thing which loads up is grub03:42
absntWhy can my phone see my BT on my computer but when I pair to it it says Pairing incomplete?03:42
alexbOrsovaBroadcom: yes, that's how im talking to you right now :)03:42
pretendercan someone please help me i cant seem to get native resolution 1680x1050  for my asus VW222 with nv5200 and gutsy03:43
topherwols: nvidia geforce 7150m / nforce 630m and atheros ar5007 802.11/g wifi03:43
BroadcomalexbOrsova: oh, sorry, i thought you had trouble with wireless. for the record, how did you get it to work03:43
Shadow420newbie10 I have neer used wubi install I just gave ubuntu it's own hard drive to call home03:44
newbie10why is there an option to do it - when does not work?03:44
alexbOrsovaBroadcom: 1) find out chipset/card 2) get driver for windows 3) cabextract it 4) remove default driver using rmmod 5) install windows driver with ndiswrapper 6) add ndiswrapper using modprobe03:44
Shadow420newbie10 but in terminal type sudo update-grub03:44
newbie10Shadow420: i am in grub03:44
J-a-k-enewbie10: have you tried here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD03:44
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok, so it worked before just doesnt since,,,?03:44
newbie10that is all i get03:44
alexbOrsovaBroadcom: plus or minus a few steps, you should look up the specifics before trying those commands03:45
newbie10but my grub loads up03:45
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: Since I installed 8.04. It worked in 7.10.03:45
Shadow420newbie10 get back into ubuntu and load up terminal and type sudo grub-update03:46
BroadcomalexbOrsova: i got mine to work, with somting else. just wondering for other people03:46
clintchanc1Anyone Tell my why my wifi connection turns off every 2 hours and the pass changes at that time?03:46
newbie10ubuntu won't load03:46
newbie10it never loaded03:46
J-a-k-enewbie10: you get further than i do if grub loads, I've tried installing to 3 hard drives 2 dont load and the other just says "missing partition" or somethings like that03:46
Shadow420newbie10 I mean update-grub03:46
wolstopher: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg for your videocard to "nvidi" and use the madwifi drivers for your WLAN03:46
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, sorry, i had to help my kids,03:46
clintchanc1i dont belive this03:46
newbie10update-grub tells me unrecognized command03:46
clintchanc1i think my problem is that i get low signal with linux. So with that is there anyway to fix it with out moving the ap03:46
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok did you upgrade or fresh install?03:47
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: no need to be sorry, the kids come first03:47
newbie10but i have no access to linux terminal03:47
wolsnewbie10: /sbin/update-grub AND you need to use sudo03:47
jo_ehi. i have had a huge problem with upgrading from 7.10 to 8.10. i ran sudo do-release-upgrade and it went through ok, then asked for me to reboot. then it just hung on the rebooting screen with the orange progress bar going back and forth. i tried switching to a text terminal but i just saw the "loading" message. after a while it kicked me into a busybox shell, but i didn't know what to do...03:47
jo_e...so i restarted. i haven't been able to get that shell again.03:47
topherk so a little more in english?03:47
danbhfiveclintchanc1: maybe you need to take it out of roaming mode?03:47
reya276this sucks my desktop won't show and it is a fresh hardy install03:47
newbie10wols: i can't even get linux loaded: i am on the grub prompt03:47
reya276what gives03:47
jo_ei'm writing this on another computer, since I can't connect to my network with the livecd for some reason03:47
clintchanc1its not inroming mode i had to disable it to get it to connect03:47
wolsjo_e: before busybox you got an error03:47
Shadow420newbie10 hmm this is beyond my knowledge03:47
wols!grub | new03:47
ubottunew: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:47
wols!grub | newbie1003:47
ubottunewbie10: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:47
jo_ewols, i think so, but I can't remember.03:47
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, ok did you upgrade or fresh install?03:48
wolsjo_e: so we can't help you03:48
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: fresh install.03:48
clintchanc1can i push more power to my usb stick?03:48
wolsclintchanc1: no03:48
clintchanc1i guess im just screwd then. I gota trade something for this good performance03:48
D0ugh_B0iidid u get my pm03:49
newbie10omg wubi just plain doesn't work - i guess i have to make a partition or something sigh - figuring boot paramters on grub are just to complex - i have c:\ubuntu created by wubi03:49
newbie10thanks guys - no worries - i just have to uninstall it - and use some other method03:49
freckledpI'm having troubles accessing addons.mozilla.org.  Would someone else see if they can hit it?03:49
reya276everything works though meaning all the applications, internet except that the desktop won't show03:49
jo_ewols, thanks for the grub advice. i have to go now but i hope that will help me.03:49
habaneromanhey titanium03:49
clintchanc1Would an internal atherose card be better to connect then say a dlink USB pin03:50
Broadcomhi D0ugh_B0ii03:50
habaneromanhelp wireless03:50
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: here's the guide I used when i first put linux on my laptop with 7.04 http://kellyandsopho.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=LinuxOnHpPaviliontx1000z03:50
Broadcomhabaneroman: broadcom card?03:50
ximdoes mplayer not support drag and drop?03:51
|unjustice|I am having tons of audio trouble (clipping during playback) with hardy heron03:51
D0ugh_B0iidid u get my pm broad?03:51
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: the wireless worked after I followed those steps back then and I've used a similar approach since03:51
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: yes, did you get my reply?03:51
SeaPhoralexbOrsova,  what does network manager say about this? does it even try?, also have you done iwlist wlan0 scan   ?03:51
brand0congnome-desktop-data wont upgrade to 6.2 through update manager or synaptic.  do i have to manually download the package and install it?03:51
D0ugh_B0iiBroadcom: r u registered?03:52
danbhfivebrand0con: is ubuntu-desktop installed?03:52
clintchanc1Guys there has to be a way to get a better signal/.03:52
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: network manager works perfectly once I load ndiswrapper. I haven't done that command yet, should I?03:52
=== ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris
brand0conyes but i think it's broken aswell03:52
brand0conboth packages wont upgrade03:52
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: no, but have to go, sorry. ask alexbOrsova for help with your broadcom, he/she got it to work03:52
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, kill that link03:53
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: what do you mean?03:53
brand0condanbhfive: gnome-desktop-data; nautilus-data; and gnome-system-monitor are all failing to update.03:53
danbhfivebrand0con: maybe you could try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^03:54
* clintchanc1 starts looking at madwifi03:54
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: you mean the D0ugh_Boii guy who is trying to pm me?03:54
BroadcomD0ugh_B0ii: dont pm alexbOrsova  , ask in here03:54
ghstslayerscan somebody help me out with adobe flash plaaaaaaaaaaaer03:55
BroadcomalexbOrsova: he needs help with a broadcom, i have to go. I know you got yours to work, could you please help him?03:55
sphott_how can i set xcaht to show the userlist when i drunked?03:55
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, kill that link03:56
gabrielhi! i have a problem with mu ubuntu 8.04 because he doesn't  diminish the brightness of the screen03:56
ghstslayersi get an error message when i try to instal abobe flash player03:56
D0ugh_B0iialex can you help me with my wirless internet on my dell 152503:56
Broadcomghstslayers: what is the error?03:56
reya276how can I assign a static IP to my PC03:56
brand0condanbhfive: tried that already.  my error -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12631/03:56
reya276through terminal03:56
absntWhat is the default Bluetooth pairing passcode?03:56
reya276I can't see my desktop03:56
Mulderfirefox 3rc1 is out now :)03:57
ghstslayers/bin/sh is needed by adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch03:57
alexbOrsovaD0ugh_B0ii: first of all, it takes me half a minute to spell your name :). What card does your laptop have?03:57
ethana2Mulder: seriously?!03:57
Mulderethana2, no ubuntu package yet of course, but yes http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-rc.html03:57
Broadcom!tab | alexbOrsova03:57
ubottualexbOrsova: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:57
danbhfivebrand0con: you didn't try the command I suggested03:57
alexbOrsovathanks Broadcom03:57
D0ugh_B0iii belive it has a dell wireless mini card 139003:57
sphott_oh my god03:57
absntWhat is the default Bluetooth pairing passcode?03:57
Mulderso if you dontn mind i will just wait for ubuntu package though03:57
JburrkeCan anyone help me install Maya?03:58
brand0consame response03:58
alexbOrsovaD0ugh_B0ii: does it work in windows?03:58
BroadcomalexbOrsova: if he has a bcm43xx, give him this link03:58
danbhfivebrand0con: can you paste that one too?03:58
BroadcomalexbOrsova: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=b9948e54f2948592b0744c78684400ab&t=686857&page=203:58
sphott_no mather i sleep03:58
reya276anyone can help me setup a static ip address, since I can't see my desktop, please03:58
dcorderohello i am trying to get help on an issue that is continuously happening03:59
alexbOrsovaD0ugh_B0ii: what version of ubuntu are you running? 8.04?03:59
sudobashwhats up reya03:59
danbhfivebrand0con: what was the command that you ran?03:59
absntthis channel is useless lately03:59
sudobashstate the issue dcordero03:59
brand0consudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:59
reya276sudobash: I just did a fresh install of hardy and I can't see my desktop everything else works though03:59
sudobashwhy is that absnt? like the name...03:59
danbhfivebrand0con: try adding a ^ on the end of that03:59
dcorderoi have ubuntu 7.10 and it continually keeps freezing up lets say for example when i try to play a music file that is shared out from an external drive04:00
sudobashreya276 can you get a terminal?04:00
alexbOrsovaD0ugh_B0ii: ok, first you need to go and download the driver from the manufacturer's website (for windows)04:00
reya276sudobash: yes04:00
danbhfivebrand0con: you could also try: sudo aptitude full-upgrade04:01
sudobashtype sudo sh /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:01
reya276sudobash: ok done04:01
sudobashwhat did it do?04:01
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:01
giorgehow can i check if ssl is enabled/running? ?04:02
Shadow420absnt this not a room full of people with expert knowledge of linux so chill man04:02
mfacenetbroadcom cards suck04:02
sudobashits peers trying to help peers04:02
sudobashget alfa wifi04:02
=== Cracken227 is now known as Aaa
sudobashor N04:02
=== Aaa is now known as Cracken227
reya276sudobash: is not the GDM that is the problem, that shows and I can login, it is the actual desktop that is not showing04:03
brand0condanbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12636/04:03
JburrkeCan anyone help me with that?04:03
reya276sudobash: all I get is the hardy default wallpaper and that is it04:03
giorgehow can i check if ssl is enabled/running? like running a simple command in terminal...04:03
ochais there a way to move files within "Transmission" after they are done downloading?04:03
wolsgiorge: ssl is a library04:04
Stepa1How can I use my Ubuntu Desktop Edition as a server for a few files.  I do not want to switch to Ubuntu Server Edition.04:04
brand0conthat was from trying sudo aptitude ubuntu-desktop04:04
giorgeoh ok04:04
wolsStepa1: how do you want to server them?04:04
brand0connvm sudo aptiude full-upgrade04:04
ximMplayer still cant play .ram files.  I installed mplayer, medibuntu, w64codecs, all the updates, and now mplayer can play .rm files.  But i want it to play ram files off the internet (should be a common thing) and it still doesnt know how to take the .rm url out of the .ram file and play it.  is there a workaround for this?04:05
Stepa1wols: Basically if my computer is on, just navigate to my IP and then view the files04:05
PramodWhat is the burning software used in Ubuntu?04:05
wolsStepa1: view with what protocol?04:05
brand0conPramod: brasero for 8.0404:05
errpastPramod, brasero is one04:05
danbhfivebrand0con: if this is an upgrade, then maybe its time for a clean install04:05
nakedgoatStepa1: freenas.org :)04:05
mfacenetso how do I increase my volume when the set volume is already at 100% (it's only about a quarter as loud as windows)04:05
Pramodwat about k3b?04:05
Stepa1wols: Do you mean whether i want FTP?04:06
JburrkeCan anyone help me install Maya? When i get to the area in the directions talking about rpm i get this error >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12637/04:06
Stepa1nakedgoat: i will take a look04:06
reya276sudobash: honestly what I need is to be able to set a static internal IP address to this PC, if I can do that I will install all the applications I need through terminal04:06
wolsStepa1: I want to know which of the many file transfer protocols you want to use?04:06
wolsStepa1: you can install any of them on your ubuntu desktop04:06
astro76!rpm | Jburrke04:06
ubottuJburrke: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:06
RB2Part of trying to troubleshoot something, I set the playback options in Pref-->Sound to ALSA. Now, when I set it back to Autodetect (where it was before), I get no sound. Any suggestions?04:06
Stepa1wols: I am not sure, any suggestions?04:06
brand0condanbhfive: this was a clean install, i installed over my hardy alpha 6 wtih hardy final04:06
Stepa1wols: i plan to host some php files04:07
wolscifs or http04:07
dabbillI am useing k9copy to backup some movie dvds i have. I put a check mark in all the titlesets, click DVD at the top, put in the name of the iso file and click save, It appears to run and compress the movie, but a ISO is never made.04:07
Jburrkeastro76: are you kidding me? how the hell am i supposed to install this then??04:07
wolsStepa1: you want a webserver?04:07
Stepa1wols: yes04:07
=== Cracken227 is now known as Cracken226
RB2Now Amarok locks up when attempting to play anything. :-/04:07
wols!lamp | Stepa104:07
ubottuStepa1: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:07
astro76Jburrke: ask the Maya people for a .deb ?04:07
clintchanc1am i on?04:07
* Jburrke dies04:08
sudobashreya http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31904:08
ximJburrke: it can still work just use alien like it said t04:08
plikclintchanc1: on what?  ;p04:08
reya276sudobash: yeah I just saw this04:08
astro76Jburrke: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6685904:08
Stepa1wols: Okay, i will read it through, thanks04:08
sudobashuse nano04:08
echelonhow do I configure the AUTO-STARTUP LIST IN UBUNTU??04:08
Jburrkethanks a ton astro76 .. you saved my ass XD04:09
clintchanc1Guys im having bad trouble. May ubuntu just isnt cut out for wifi. Ive tryed to install madwifi im not sure if it worked because nothing is poping up in network , my usb stik keeps going on and off its a mess. Anyone want to help me or provide some alternatives04:09
dafuhi, my ubuntu halts when invoking firefox 3 beta 5. any idea?04:09
astro76Jburrke: here's another http://zardoztechmage.wordpress.com/3d/installing-maya-7x-8x-or-2008-in-ubuntu/04:09
brand0condanbhfive: are you suggesting a clean reinstall04:10
sudobashclintchanc1 use ndiswrapper04:10
sudobashor try it04:10
clintchanc1i did install it04:10
sudobashit might work04:10
ximclintchanc1: this isnt gonna help but ubuntu worked wonders for my wifi when fedora failed04:10
sudobashdid you get drivers installed?04:10
clintchanc1nothing it produced the same as madwifi04:10
clintchanc1xim, well at least thats one happy customer04:11
sudobashalso BackTrack 3 has support for a good amount of wifi04:11
sudobashits slackware04:11
astro76!caps | echelon04:11
ubottuechelon: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:11
clintchanc1echelon, google04:11
astro76!startup | echelon04:11
ubottuechelon: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:11
sudobashechelon look in the menu04:11
echelonit seems to be the only way i can get your attention :P04:11
clintchanc1i know04:11
clintchanc1unfortunatly it isnt good04:11
sudobashthere are a lot of people in here...04:11
danbhfivebrand0con: well, I can't figure it out.  I figured it was a bad upgrade, I dunno what you should do.  You could try doing sudo apt-get clean, and sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.   See if that gets things going.  But, I'm out of ideas, sorry.04:12
Cpudan80Its a big distro :-)04:12
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:12
* clintchanc1 Now Playing Three Days Grace: Lets Start a Riot04:12
Cpudan80A big, popular distro04:12
echelonclintchanc1: not for gnome sessions.. for system boot04:12
sudobashclintchanc1 did you get drivers loaded in ndiswrapper?04:12
clintchanc1sudobash, yes04:12
clintchanc1i even installed the gui04:12
clintchanc1it says hardware present04:12
ubuntuhello people.04:12
ximholy hell its the man mr ubuntu himself!04:12
ubuntuhaving issues installing Ubuntu. install completed. Boot doesn't go thru. Grub fails saying error 17.04:13
jairodealmeida_hi ,04:13
ubuntuxim: no mr. ubuntu. I'ts the live cd. :)04:13
echelonclintchanc1: autostart at system boot04:13
jairodealmeida_how to install oracle 11g on ubuntu, ??04:13
ubuntuso booted using live cd. mounted /dev/sda1 to /ubuntu where.04:13
clintchanc1echelon, for your porblem or mine?04:14
nakedgoatunbun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294504:14
clintchanc1Google it,04:14
clintchanc1there are a thousand wikis04:14
ubuntunakedgoat: trying both options listed in that article.04:14
sudobashclintchanc1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=945404:14
sudobashhave you seen that?04:14
ubuntunakedgoat: the second option for editing device.map file is where I'm stuck.04:14
dmsupermanEvery time I reboot my machine, it goes into low settings mode. I reinstall my driver and everything is fine after that. What's causing that?04:14
ubuntunakedgoat: in grub when I say root (hd0,0) it says selected disk doesn't exist.04:14
sudobashdmsuperman: vesa mode04:15
ximMplayer still cant play .ram files.  I installed mplayer, medibuntu, w64codecs, all the updates, and now mplayer can play .rm files.  But i want it to play ram files off the internet (should be a common thing) and it still doesnt know how to take the .rm url out of the .ram file and play it (which should be the easy part).  is there a workaround for this?04:15
ubuntunakedgoat: tried root (hd0), root (hd0,0), root (hd0,1) none of them works.04:15
dmsupermansudobash: what do you mean?04:15
nakedgoatllin-ubuntu: did you do a fdisk -l and adjust grub accordingly?04:16
brand0condanbhfive: next question, how could i go about scripting a bash file to reinstall my programs04:16
sudobashhave you looked in Restricted Drivers manager?04:16
sudobashand installed the driver that way?04:16
ubuntunakedgoat: you're asking me?04:16
danbhfive!clone > brand0con04:16
sudobashor how did you install it?04:16
dmsupermansudobash: When I installed the driver that way it was the latest, at least 2 weeks ago, and it wouldn't work properly04:16
ubuntunakedgoat: trying fdisk -l now....04:16
dmsupermanI downloaded the latest from nvidia.com, it's a .run file04:16
flip2405any one need some helpo04:16
ubuntunakedgoat: that does nothing....04:16
sudobashyeah and you ran it and it works now?04:16
nakedgoatllin-ubuntu: lol ok..04:17
dmsupermansudobash: until I reboot04:17
nakedgoatbrb food.04:17
ubuntunakedgoat: never mind. let me trying specifying the disk after fdisk -l04:17
sudobashtry this... sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:17
ProN00buhm, can anyone confirm that the recent openssl random number generator vulnerability will still require remote attackers to know my password for ssh authentification ?04:17
dmsupermansudobash: at which point i'm back in low settings, so i redownload and reinstall it, and it works04:17
dmsupermansudobash: what am I looking for in it?04:17
sudobashand see where it says driver                 "nv"04:17
sudobashor "nvidia"04:18
ubuntunakedgoat: it says can't open /dev/sda104:18
sudobashyou want to be "nvidia"04:18
ubuntuanyone else got any ideas since nakedgoat is going to get some food. :)04:18
wil_Hi, I use azureus to download torrents, but it seems like I'm only seeding files while they are being downloaded and not after they complete. Is there a way to fix that?04:18
ubuntuI can mount /dev/sda1 but can't fdisk -l /dev/sda104:18
dmsupermansudobash: it is nvidia04:18
flip2405wil_ i can help come to #flip04:18
sudobashand it has your hardware listed?04:18
sudobashand it works right now with the driver?04:19
sudobashif it works right now... then restart and make sure it is "nvidia" and when it reboots then check the driver again and see if it has changed to nv04:19
dmsupermansudobash: not right now, because I just restarted (i'm in tty/irssi)04:19
dmsupermansudobash: but if I reinstall the driver it will work04:19
sudobashok so you restarted and it is nvidia04:20
dmsupermansudobash: yes04:20
dmsupermansudobash: so far I haven't reinstalled it or modified xorg.conf yet04:20
dmsupermansudobash: at least this boot04:20
ubuntuok guys anyone able to help with grub stuff?04:20
sudobashubuntu supergrub disk04:20
dmsupermansudobash: and yes, it lists my hardware name in that device section04:21
dmsupermanubuntu: supergrub04:21
ubuntusudobash: supergrub disk??04:21
Qsteranyone use xchat?04:21
dmsupermanubuntu: download supergrub, it's an iso that helps you setup grub really easily04:21
dmsuperman!supergrub | ubuntu04:21
ubottuFactoid supergrub not found04:21
Qsterknow of a  way to create aliases? or maybe a remote script like in mirc?04:21
ubuntudmsuperman: so will have to burn on cd and boot from it?04:21
sudobashdmsuperman restart and check to see it is nvidia again... if it does then do a sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade....04:21
sudobashand then retry04:21
dmsupermanubuntu: yes04:21
sudobashubuntu yes04:21
bingoerhi all04:22
dmsupermansudobash: do you want me to reinstall my driver before rebooting? i haven't started X yet04:22
ubuntudmsuperman: doh. I am hoping that it woudln't come to burning another cd and booting again.04:22
ubuntubut oh well....04:22
dmsupermanubuntu: trust me, it saves a lot of time, and it's only like 2mb04:22
sudobashyou can if you want just make sure it says "nvidia" before you restart04:22
bingoerI have a brand new install of hardy heron, and  I'm facing some problems with Firefox 3 beta 504:22
dmsupermansudobash: alright it already does so i'll just do that04:22
dmsupermansudobash: already up to date, and the only thing in upgrade is libtotem related04:23
dmsupermanbingoer: your best bet is to just install firefox 204:23
dmsupermansudo apt-get install firefox-204:24
bingoerthe problem is: while typing in text fields, if I type _too fast_ the cursor jumps (once) to either some other text field, or to some other point within the text area.04:24
SeaPhorok, need help here, wireless settings are not saved after restart, he has to manually set up his wlan every time, any help, Pelo sent to me but i'm no good at start issues04:24
clintchanc1[14046.768000] ndiswrapper (load_wrap_driver:118): couldn't load driver netathw; check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver'  where is that log04:24
dmsupermanI even went so far as to sudo apt-get remove firefox* before hand, to remove firefox 304:24
bingoerdmsuperman: did you face the same problem ?04:24
tv7497guys how do u register nick name in this channel04:24
dmsupermanbingoer: there's plenty of problems in firefox 3, i'd stay away until it's stable04:25
dmsupermanbingoer: quite a few people come in here with firefox problems04:25
f4rr4rHow do SMB user accounts work in Ubuntu?04:25
bingoerI see :)04:25
dmsupermantv7497: /nickserv register04:25
bingoerright, on to the toughest problems: wireless ! :D04:25
clintchanc1[14046.768000] ndiswrapper (load_wrap_driver:118): couldn't load driver netathw; check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver'  where is that log04:25
dmsupermantv7497: I forget the exact args but it will tell you04:25
Starnestommytv7497: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup04:25
bingoerI'm on a dell inspiron 1525 laptop, and the wireless card is broadcom 431004:25
tv7497thanx dudes04:26
ubuntuthanks all. rebooting.04:26
dmsupermanf4rr4r: AFAIR they're seperate from actual accounts, and you just create them in the shared folders interface04:26
bingoeri've seen a lot of threads covering that, but I was wondering if I could get the default drivers to work instead of having to install ndiswrapper04:26
sudobashclintchanc1 are you loading an exe or zip or inf or what?04:26
dmsupermanbingoer: good luck, to this day i still can't get wireless drivers to work with my dell laptop04:26
kajoTest, can someone respond to me so I can see something, using my username so I know you're talking to me?04:27
bingoeroh dear04:27
kajothat's not my name.04:27
dmsupermansudobash: I ran those, already up to date and the only thing needing upgraded was related to libtotem04:27
clintchanc1sudobash, its an inf04:27
Starnestommykajo: like this?04:27
dmsupermankajo: test04:27
f4rr4rdmsuperman: I'm working from the command line.  Do you know where the file that contains the SMB user accounts is?04:27
clintchanc1sudobash but i just greped ndis04:27
dmsupermanf4rr4r: unfortunately not, sorry04:27
reya276sudobash: how can I download an app from the web via terminal?04:27
dmsupermanf4rr4r: sudo apt-get install lynx, then google it04:28
dmsupermansudobash: same, i still have to reinstall my video driver04:28
sudobashand it says nvidia04:28
dmsupermansudobash: aye04:28
sudobashwhat version of ubuntu ?04:28
dmsupermansudobash: hardy04:28
reya276clintchanc1: what's up?04:28
dmsupermansudobash: but I've had this problem in gutsy before as well04:28
andrerstrange thing... on 7.10, my nfs shares are not being mounted automatically on boot, but they are fine in my fstab (mount -a mounts them).. what "init script" is required for automatic nfs mouting?04:29
sudobashhave you tried installing through synaptic?04:29
dmsupermansudobash: installing what? the driver? I didn't know you could04:29
eboyjrWhat other users can I log in to on Ubuntu? (I may not log in on the one that was created when Ubuntu was installed)04:29
linsejkocheck, test?04:29
sudobashor you could try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:29
sudobashsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-old04:30
sudobashsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new04:30
dmsupermanall three?04:30
sudobashor maybe it is legacy04:30
sudobashwell if one doesnt work maybe the other will04:30
FezzlerHardy struggles with nvidia and Compiz04:30
dmsupermansudobash: my card is a 790004:30
bingoerdmsuperman: did you also remove the firefox meta package ?04:30
FezzlerCrashes on me.  Hardy.  GeForce FX 5500.04:30
astro76andrer: I'd guess networking is being started after mounting04:30
sudobashyeah you need to install through synaptic or restricted driver04:30
dmsupermanbingoer: I just did sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox* and removed everything it asked, then installed firefox-204:30
FezzlerUpgrade frm Fiesty04:30
andrerastro76: yes...04:31
dmsupermansudobash: Should I install all 3? Or try 1 at a time?04:31
Cyntekcan you install the new nvidia-glx while your using default with ubuntu hardy?04:31
andrerastro76: me too.. .but how to fix that?04:31
sudobash1 at a time04:31
andrerastro76: it's a default install/config04:31
sudobashremove if it doesnt work04:31
Fezzlernvidia and glx new don't work so good04:31
sudobashthere a few different ways to do a few different things nvidia wise04:31
dmsupermansudobash: alright04:31
sudobashyeah no doubt04:32
CyntekWhich is better the one provide by nvidia website or the one that came with ubuntu 8.04?04:32
sudobashnvidia drivers used to work great04:32
sudobashi think its a toss up04:32
sudobashdepends on card04:32
sudobashyou have to find the best driver for you04:32
dmsupermansudobash: yeah that's what I'd always heard, nvidia drivers were so awesome, but then I switch to linux and they turn out to not really be04:32
spantherCyntek,  better use the ubuntu one since this one wont need a reinstallation after every update cause its configured to work better with ubuntu :)04:33
bil1Hi all.  Can anyone help a newbie with graphics card configuration?04:33
sudobashwell linux nvidia was fine 6.04 7.04 7.1004:33
SeaPhorbazhang, do you know the best person to ask on this issue?04:33
sudobashhad to do some extra config but that was fine with me04:33
Fezzlersudobash: Amen04:33
Cyntekthanks, spanther:04:33
dmsupermansudobash: I had a bunch of problems in 7.10, that's why I always downloaded the latest from their website04:33
reya276sudobash: I can't access the web, that IP config stuff went Kaput04:33
spantherCyntek,  no problem hehe :)04:34
Cyntekwas just wondering since which driver would be suitable for best performance wise.04:34
Fezzlernvidia and compiz was good in Fiesty, Gutsy too04:34
tv7497thanx guys well my nick name is set and my problem is my splash screen isnt working any idea how to make it work every time i boot my system i need to type ctrl-alt-f1 to get txt type format for ubuntu start up04:34
sudobashreya you need to make sure you have your gateway and dns set04:34
IndyGunFreakso are you still in hawaii?04:34
dmsupermansudobash: nvidia-glx didn't work, trying -new04:34
eboyjrIndyGunFreak: That's funny for some reason04:34
Cyntekwould dmix be good to use in ubuntu hardy04:34
Pramodhey wat's the msn client we use in ubuntu? :)04:35
sudobashdmsuperman try the restricted and synaptic also04:35
spantherCyntek,  well i think they all will do the same work but the ubuntu restricted drivers one is modular you install it with this GUI interface and then still after updates it runs well no need to fix something :) it fits perfectly to ubuntu04:35
reya276sudobash: ok can you help me, cause I don't know how to do that part04:35
flip2405Indygufreak is a newb :P04:35
JburrkeCan alien do the rpm > deb conversions on a mounted file?04:35
dmsupermansudobash: Will do04:35
sudobashyou will find one that works properly... also always start the bin script from nvidia with sudo or as root whichever04:35
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  do you know the best person to ask on this issue? have to reset wireless card after every restart04:35
clintchanc1Thanks everyone!!!!! I got a wireless signal of 80% 60 Feet from the ap using the inside chip!!!! Thanks Sudobash!04:35
steve__can anyone help me with some stuff on ubuntu?04:35
flyingsquirrel32Can someone help me mount a SD card?04:35
Pramodand wat about emesene? it uses gnome... :)04:35
flyingsquirrel32dmesg gives me :error -110 whilst initialising SDIO card04:35
sudobashndiswrapper worked cool?04:36
JburrkeWhen I ran the command I got a bunch of "mkdir: cannot create directory 'blah': Read-only file system04:36
flip2405steve_ what you need04:36
ubottuEmesene is an instant messenger for the WLM network. See http://emesene.org for more information.04:36
flyingsquirrel32SDIO card claims to support the incompletely defined 'low voltage range'. This will be ignored.04:36
clintchanc1sudobash, ohh yeah, i got more signal on here than windows!04:36
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: is it ran by ndiswrapper?04:36
DarmagoI'm installing ubuntu on a laptop, and I've tried installing it a few times with wubi and a few times straight off the CD, but each time it locks up at 15% installation.  I ran memtest, but I wasn't around when it ended.04:36
steve__i need to know how to install programs04:36
flyingsquirrel32Has anyone seen this?04:36
bil1I'm trying to add a resolution to screen resolutions in Ubuntu 8.0404:36
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  yes04:36
astro76!synaptic | steve__04:36
ubottusteve__: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:36
dmsupermanJburrke: NTFS?04:36
steve__im new to ubuntu and linux04:36
bil1Can anyone help with that?04:36
clintchanc1sudobash, now i just hope it dont die04:36
sudobash!apt | steve__04:37
ubottusteve__: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:37
Jburrkedmsuperman: ntfs? Oo04:37
tv7497guys sme help with my splash screen04:37
Cynteksteve_: welcome.04:37
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: does ndiswrapper start on boot up, or do you have to start it manually?04:37
Pramodu can use aptitude...04:37
dmsupermanJburrke: is the filesystem you're trying to write to NTFS?04:37
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  ( i finally have mine working BTW) :-)04:37
sudobashif it does come back and see us04:37
reya276sudobash:  ok is network suppose to be my DNS entry04:37
* clintchanc1 kisses the laptop04:37
Pramod!aptitude | steve04:37
ubottusteve: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide04:37
Jburrkedmsuperman: I have no idea, what's ntfs and how would I know lol04:37
sudobashdns is for domain name resoloution04:37
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: i seem to remember you having an issue, wasn't it realtek?.. ive been out of the loop for a week or so.04:37
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  with someone sent to me for wireless issue, but is a boot isssue04:37
dmsupermanJburrke: well what's the path of the folder you're trying to create04:37
JburrkeI'll just paste bin it dmsuperman04:38
spantherJburrke,  ntfs = windows filesystem :P04:38
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  i fixed it!04:38
tv7497guys can any 1 of u read what im typing04:38
reya276sudobash: I followed this http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/319 to the T and i can get to any website04:38
astro76yes tv749704:38
dmsupermanspanther: not always, FAT is also used by windows and that would allow writes ;)04:38
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  this is for someone i'm helping now04:38
Cyntektv7497: yes!04:38
flip2405steve__ come channel flip04:38
spantherdmsuperman,  fat is not ntfs! :P04:38
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: oh ok.. well, it sounds like you need to add ndiswrapper to your start up, or modprobe it or soething04:38
flip2405steve__ /j #flip2405\04:39
Jburrkedmsuperman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12643/04:39
dmsupermanspanther: exactly what i'm saying04:39
reya276sudobash: I meant can't get to any website04:39
tv7497wow then any 1 of read my post about my splash screen04:39
dmsupermanJburrke: I'm in commandline, I can't much open it04:39
CaramAnyone have problems using IDJC to connect to shoutcast?04:39
dmsupermanJburrke: Just tell me the path of the folder you want to create04:39
Jburrkedmsuperman: Damn.04:39
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: have they addd ndiswrapper to modprobe?04:39
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak,  he does, every time he restarts04:39
spantherdmsuperman, ntfs-3g <-- heard about it is able to open and write on ntfs hehe :)04:39
Jburrkedmsuperman: it's a few branches into /mnt/disk/maya04:39
reya276sudobash everything internally works like I'm actually connected to the machine remotely from a different pc, but only internal IP work04:39
dmsupermanspanther: Yeah, if this turns out to be an ntfs partition that's what i'll suggest, but i want make sure it's not FAT before we try to use ntfs-3g on it ;)04:40
Finirasis there an application that helps me configure grub or do i have to do that manually in some config file?04:40
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: well that indicates he's not adding it correctly or something... is he saving it?04:40
sudobashright well you might have to automaticlly set your dns so you need to figure out what that is and set it in /etc/resolv.conf04:40
dmsupermanJburrke: alright, do "sudo fdisk -l" in your command line04:40
alexbOrsovai heard my story being told somewhere around here... :) ignore me...04:40
spantherdmsuperman,  aaah i see :D hehe okay04:40
Jburrkedmsuperman: Okay04:40
tv7497guys my boot screen / splash screen not working i need to hit ctrl-alt-f1 every time after grub04:40
sudobashreya https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/224804:40
SeaPhoralexbOrsova,  speak up bro04:40
dmsupermanJburrke: There should be something that looks like whatever drive that folder is mounted as04:40
Jburrkedmsuperman: Yeah04:41
f4rr4rIs there a way to display where drives are mounted, in the CLI?04:41
dmsupermanJburrke: What's the Filesystem04:41
flip2405Who hasnt been helped yet04:41
dmsupermanJburrke: sorry, just System04:41
mogunusHello. I installed the most recent version of ubnutu on my laptop, and the fan won't turn on, so it overheats.04:41
dmsupermanflip2405: tv7497 hasn't04:41
alexbOrsovaindi: yo04:41
dmsupermanflip2405: as far as i know04:41
bil1I'm having some problems, too.04:41
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak, name is alexbOrsova , he's new and trying to talk to you04:42
dmsupermanf4rr4r: df04:42
sudobashreya you will have to set your gateway also before you will be able to access inet that would be like a router of some sort04:42
f4rr4rdmsuperman: thank you.04:42
IndyGunFreakSeaPhor: then he needs to say my whole name..lol04:42
Jburrkedmsuperman: I cant see anything that would relate to that folder, but I do see hpfs/ntfs under one area04:42
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: yello04:42
Finirasis there an application that helps me configure grub or do i have to do that manually in some config file? I want to edit the time until it automatically loads a OS and the prefered OS,04:42
bil1flip2405: can you help me with a screen resolution issuee?04:42
reya276sudobash: I did that too04:42
dmsupermanJburrke: Actually yeah I forgot about that haha. Do "df" in a command prompt04:42
Jburrkedmsuperman: the rest say unknown, system, linux, extended, and linux swap/solaris04:42
Jburrkedmsuperman: lol okay04:42
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: are you sure you added it correctly to your modprobe list?04:42
samf12412Hey what is the best wireless card and/or wireless chipset for linux that has drivers currently built into the kernel, and is strong, it needs WPA encryption and to be atleast G (N is okay too)04:42
Cyntekhmm... just noticed that my "refresh rate" is at 53mhz when it should be at 75mhz.04:42
dmsupermanJburrke: Look on the right, you'll see a /mnt/disk/maya or /mnt/disk04:42
bil1flip2405:  I havbe ubuntu 8.04.04:43
flip2405bil1 check pm04:43
dmsupermanJburrke: find the corresponding Filesystem to the left of that04:43
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak, ty,04:43
sudobashso you have a good gateway and good dns positive?04:43
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: what do you mean by correctly? I've been doing "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" to add it04:43
XcellI clocked the crap out of my stuff = asus + amd4600+ corsair 800 + nvidia 7600 ....my processor is @ 1.3 volts  and is clocked @ 11x..what command can i use to get the actual clock speed...besides cat?04:43
CyntekIs there a solution to force change the refresh rate to 75mhz?04:43
flip2405bil1 type /j #flip04:43
Jburrkedmsuperman: gvfs-fuse-daemon sound right?04:43
reya276sudobash: check PM04:44
mogunusPreviously I had slack 12 on it, which turned on the fan fine. I think it is a kernel issue, because I got into /proc/acpi/fan, and it is empty04:44
dmsupermanJburrke: sounds right, but sadly I'm not familiar with it. Somebody else will have to help you figure it out :(04:44
Jburrkedmsuperman: there are two, one ends with maya.iso (the file i'm mounting) and the other ends in mnt/disk04:44
danbhfiveCyntek: if you are using an nvidia card, its a known bug04:44
Jburrkedmsuperman: but the mnt/disk one has a blank filesystem04:44
dmsupermanJburrke: Oh, it's an iso?04:45
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: i really don't know why you'd have to do that.., what wireless card are you using?04:45
mogunuswhich is weird and unfortunate, because all the other acpi stuff (battery, suspend, etc. works just dandy)04:45
CyntekI am using an evga 7950gt ko 512 card04:45
Jburrkedmsuperman: Yeah I'm mounting an iso04:45
dmsupermanJburrke: You won't be able to directly create a folder in it, as far as I know, without some sort of other tool04:45
Cyntekhanbhfive: is there a work a round for it04:45
Jburrkedmsuperman: So extract the files somewhere else? (would that work? Oo)04:45
Finirasis there an application that helps me configure grub or do i have to do that manually in some config file? I want to edit the time until it automatically loads a OS and the prefered OS,04:45
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: broadcom wireless minipci card, do you need the specific chipset?04:45
XcellCyntek:  whats the problem04:46
Cyntekneed to force change my refresh rate04:46
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: no..04:46
andrerstrange thing... on 7.10, my nfs shares are not being mounted automatically on boot, but they are fine in my fstab (mount -a mounts them).. what "init script" is required for automatic nfs mouting?04:46
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dmsupermanJburrke: eh, if all you need to do is get access to those files. If you're wanting to make the change to the ISO, you need other software (i'm pretty sure, could be wrong though)04:46
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: are you using hardy?04:46
Cyntekit's set to 53mhz and needs to be at 75mhz04:46
Xcelldid you install nvidia settings manager in the repros?04:46
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: 8.04.04:46
coolhackerIs nouveau in synaptic?04:46
danbhfiveCyntek: the listed refreshes are wrong, if you want the highest supported value, then just pick the highest listed value.  I pick 53hz, and I get something like 75hz04:47
Jburrkedmsuperman: I've got access.. I'm trying to use alien to change the rpm files to deb files04:47
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: sorry, i don't know the name for it :)04:47
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: wasn't there a new package added to hardy, so you didn't need to use ndiswrapper?04:47
Cyntekits set at 53mhz04:47
Jburrkedmsuperman: But alien cant do it because I cant create directories04:47
dmsupermanJburrke: make a directory elsewhere, on your local filesystem04:47
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: was there? I don't know04:47
m1ranyone here having problems with setting up splashy on ubuntu 8.04 ?04:47
XcellCyntek:  install that...then reboot. to allow X to see it..then come back04:47
dmsupermancan alien specify a directory to output them in? I'm sure it can...04:47
nakedgoatwhoever wanted the grub editor, try google http://www.ubuntugeek.com/qgrubeditor-a-visual-grub-configuration-editor.html04:47
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: I've done the same thing for the past four ubuntu versions04:47
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: this is the first tmie it hasn't worked04:48
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy04:48
dmsupermanJburrke: If alien can specify an output directory, just specify one on your local drive04:48
Cyntekthe default status is set to 53mhz i have been rebooting since i successfully installed the restricted drivers.04:49
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: ok, but04:49
Jburrkedmsuperman: ah, good idea.. But I'm not sure if that's even possible, and if it was I wouldnt even know what to do cuz I'm following a guide XD04:49
Xcellwell have fun then Cyntek04:49
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: that's not exactly the same thing04:49
mogunusOh, and I know the fan isn't physically broken, because it turn on during suspend/resume.04:49
Cyntekthanks for the help04:49
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: i wasn't using bcm43xxx in the first place. Im using ndiswrapper and it works04:49
dmsupermanJburrke: what's the command to run alien?04:49
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: I just don't understand why it doesn't automatically load the module at startup04:49
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: my point is, you shouldn't need ndiswrapper.. but honestly, i really don't know why you have to modprobe it every time, makes no sense04:50
BotulinumAny idea why when a boot from disk ubuntu still says its loadinging after 30 minutes04:50
Jburrkedmsuperman: sudo apt-get install csh alien04:50
dabbillI am useing k9copy to backup some movie dvds i have. I put a check mark in all the titlesets, click DVD at the top, put in the name of the iso file and click save, It appears to run and compress the movie, but a ISO is never made.04:50
BotulinumI burned it at 8x04:50
Jburrkethen you type for i in *.rpm; do sudo alien -cv $i; done04:50
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: btw, im reading the page and i dont see ndiswrapper mentioned04:50
JburrkeWhen you're CD'd into the directory with the rpms04:51
Cyntekwhats the command line to inter xorg.conf04:51
SeaPhorIndyGunFreak, his wireless works, just he has to reset it every reboot to make it work04:51
Jburrkedmsuperman: sorry I didnt write your name, forgot XD04:51
Xcellsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:51
=== Dew420 is now known as Dew420[a]
stephanswhat does this mean? kernel: [84723.372068] ata3.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen04:51
Jburrkedmsuperman: Omg I feel so stupid, I skipped a whole line in the guide04:51
dmsupermanJburrke: heh04:51
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: so whoudl I try a different driver or keep modprobing?04:51
Jburrkedmsuperman: It says clearly on the guide "Copy all the rpm files into a local directory"04:52
dmsupermanJburrke: lol04:52
stephanswhe dvd burners etc try to start they become 'uninteruptible'04:52
dmsupermanJburrke: that would do it04:52
Jburrkedmsuperman: Lmao, thanks for the help anyways04:52
flip2405some one experianced in xchat pm me pls04:52
Starnestommyflip2405: try #xchat04:52
flip2405No i just need some one to test something for me04:53
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: i honestly don't know..04:53
dabbillI am useing k9copy to backup some movie dvds i have. I put a check mark in all the titlesets, click DVD at the top, put in the name of the iso file and click save, It appears to run and compress the movie, but a ISO is never made.04:53
BotulinumDoes anyone know if this is normal?04:53
m1ranyone using splashy ?04:53
stephanswhat does this mean? kernel: [84723.372068] ata3.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen04:53
XcellCyntek:  R U going for broke = the leats bootage to annoy the helpers as you cry for help?...just asking.04:53
dmsupermanJburrke: no problems04:54
wil__Has anyone successfully been able to upload to what.cd in ubuntu?04:54
Jburrkedmsuperman: THERE we go.. Thanks a lot XD04:54
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: ubuntu doesn't even recognize my card without ndiswrapper, though, so Im not usre if there is a diff. driver, you know?04:54
veliuXhello is it possible to use the free space of my windows partition to install ubuntu, or can i repartition the free space without reinstalling windows?04:54
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: i don't thinkt he driver is the issue, if it was a driver problem, it wouldn't work04:55
=== dmsuperman is now known as dmsuperman_
bingoerdmsuperman: silly me, the cursor still jumps in firefox 204:55
dmsupermanJburrke, figured everything out then?04:55
bingoerdmsuperman: it could be a touchpad sensitivity issue as per on of the threads04:56
dmsupermanbingoer, ?04:56
Jburrkedmsuperman: Actually, not at all.. Just the very first bit04:56
bingoerdmsuperman: silly me, the cursor still jumps in firefox 204:56
bingoerdmsuperman: it could be a touchpad sensitivity issue as per one of the threads04:56
dmsupermanbingoer, Oh, missed that. I was just switching IRC clients04:56
Jburrkedmsuperman: The hardest part hasnt even come, and I need some major help with it, but i cant really talk about it here xD04:56
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: exactly my train of thought, so then why is ssb still loading instead of ndiswrapper even though ssb is blacklisted04:56
tv7497guys my splash screen not working04:57
Jburrkedmsuperman: When I get there, you think I could pm you and get some help? :D04:57
IndyGunFreakalexbOrsova: i wish i could give you an answer, i have no idea.04:57
dmsupermanbingoer, Perhaps. I know on my dad's laptop, you'll accidently barely brush the touchpad and click elsewhere, very obnoxious04:57
Xcelltv7497:  be honest..what did you do to it.04:57
dmsupermanbingoer, luckily his has a little button to disable/enable the touchpad04:57
brand0coni get errors when i update because gnome-desktop-data_1%3a2.22.1-0ubuntu6.2_all.deb cant be accessed.  how can i fix the package04:57
dmsupermanJburrke, Feel free, but there's no guarentees I'll be any help :P04:57
alexbOrsovaIndyGunFreak: olright, thanks for trying anyway04:57
=== leo_ is now known as terrestre
tv7497nothing its been after my upgarde to hardy this problem statrted04:57
bingoerdmsuperman: i was actually very careful to keep my palms away from the touchpad so I'm still not convinced04:57
Jburrkedmsuperman: Haha no worries, it's worth a try, right? :D04:58
tv7497*at xcell04:58
dmsupermanJburrke, sure04:58
Xcellok, what is it doing..maybe Ican help04:58
dmsupermanbingoer, Try and lift your hands completely up and type with fingertyips, very quickly, I'd say that's a proper test04:58
In-SaneHi, I plugged in my network cable into Ubuntu 8.04 hoefully it will detect the local settings, I have an issue identifying the network? any suggestions, please?04:58
clintchanc1Guys is there a way to expand my diskspace from within ubuntu?04:59
tv7497xcell : it goes blank totally blank no out put to monitor then i need ro press ctrl-alt-f1 to get text based ubuntu loading04:59
IndyGunFreakclintchanc1: i imagine gparted would do it.04:59
bingoerdmsuperman: hmm, it worked04:59
utnubU_kcuFUbuntu isn't working with my IBM PC Server SCSI drives.05:00
dmsupermanbingoer, Now all you have to do is find a way to set a hotkey to disable the touchpad05:00
gwpI installed wine and then world of warcraft the game ran fine, then I installed burning crusade and now it crashes at the screen to accept the ToS, anyone know a fix?05:00
steven2Ok I have an interesting question. How do I connect my Samsung Blackjack to my computer running Ubuntu Hardy?05:00
Jburrkedmsuperman: Are you registered on this channel?05:00
nakedgoatjust put a delay on the touch pad, 1 sec after a keypressed05:00
utnubU_kcuFIt can't detect a hard disk drive!05:00
dmsupermanJburrke, I am05:00
Daisuke_Idoand i am still at a loss with this network issue.05:00
Xcelltv7497:  is it a laptop?05:00
dmsupermanJburrke, damn it, nevermind05:00
tv7497xcell :ney desktop05:00
utnubU_kcuFIf you can guess what my psuedonym says, you get a free prize!05:01
Daisuke_IdoutnubU_kcuF: if you hate it so much, use something else05:01
Jburrkedmsuperman: Lol, didnt think you were.. Werent answering my pm XD05:01
steven2Whover gets it gets the prize of getting kicked off the server.05:01
weixis there a way to deploy different versions of ubuntu to different machines in a lan from one place?05:01
dmsupermanJburrke, I am, I just forgot to identify05:02
Jburrkedmsuperman: cool :P05:02
utnubU_kcuFNow I need help installing Ubuntu on my IBM PC Server with dual Pentium 90 MHz!05:02
dmsupermanrich_freecomm, agreed05:02
hydrogenif I ndiswrapper -i driver05:03
hydrogenand then ndiswrapper -m05:03
steven2I have a Samsung Blackjack I and was able to connect it fine to Windows XP. But not that I use Ubuntu I want to be able to upload pictures from it. Any ideas?05:03
hydrogenwhy does modprobe ndiswrapper still not work?05:03
Daisuke_Idowhy would i have access to the outside world using dhcp, but only access to the lan using a static ip?05:03
RichardStallmanThis should be GNU/Ubuntu!05:03
Xcelltv7497: in my personal opinion...i would re-do X...since the upgrade, X got corrupted. do...   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    now that being said...you may encounter other problems, there is no guarantee to this..but it most likely fixes the problem.05:03
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Daisuke_IdoRichardStallman: your trolling is quite droll, but annoying.  go elsewhere.05:04
Shootfasthey guys, I have a quick Raid 5 question05:04
hydrogenyou responded to it05:04
hydrogentherefore you made him happy05:04
tv7497xcell :will give it a try dude05:04
In-SaneHi, I plugged in my network cable into Ubuntu 8.04 hoefully it will detect the local settings, I have an issue identifying the network? any suggestions, please?05:04
Xcellok come back when done05:04
dmsupermantv7497, Just as an addendum to Xcell's statement, I'd also backup your xorg.conf before you do anything with it (sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-bak/xorg.conf)05:04
ShootfastI'm on the live cd, however dmraid complains that raid45 isnt in the kernel05:04
Shootfastive modprobed dm_raid4505:05
tv7497dmsuperman :thanx dude05:05
Shootfastnot sure what to do next05:05
steven2I have a Samsung Blackjack I and was able to connect it fine to Windows XP. But not that I use Ubuntu I want to be able to upload pictures from it. Any ideas?05:05
Xcellthanks dmsuperman05:05
dmsupermantv7497, Xcell no prob05:05
=== aCe- is now known as aCCe-
dmsupermantv7497, only from hours and hours of recreating xorg.conf have I learned the hard way to make a billion backups05:05
dmsupermantv7497, I probably have 15 different xorg.conf's backed up haha05:06
mecould anyone please tell me how to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu Studio 8.0405:06
hydrogenwhy do people use sourceforge05:06
hydrogenit sucks05:06
FloodBot2hydrogen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:06
flip2405tv7497 What did you need?05:06
Daisuke_Idohydrogen: at least it isn't freshmeat, where projects go to die05:06
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:07
tv7497lol 1505:07
Xcelllol. the first thing i stress on initial intsall = stress X so it becomes stable = then install to your hearts content05:07
steven2I have a Samsung Blackjack I and was able to connect it fine to Windows XP. But now that I use Ubuntu I want to be able to upload pictures from it. Any ideas?05:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:07
reya276what is the command line to reinstall gnome05:08
flip2405Who needs help with what05:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:08
Shootfastraid 5 :(05:08
reya276what is the command line to reinstall gnome?05:08
* formula99 says "testing"05:08
sudobashsomeone help reya i got to get some sleep05:08
In-SaneWhere do I get help about network? since no one is answering my question :)05:08
sudobashi helped with one issue05:08
brand0conmy gnome-desktop-data package wont update through synaptic, sudo aptitude commands, ect.  how can i reinstall it without reinstalling ubuntu05:08
flip2405sudobash what he need help with05:08
brand0conit seems to have taken nautilus funcionality wtih it05:09
flip2405sudobash what he need help with05:09
sudobashinstalling gnome05:09
flip2405vant do that05:09
aCCe-anyone can tell me one good player simple like a winamp??05:09
sudobashhe figured his network issue out05:09
FloodBot2sudobash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
In-SaneaCCe-: VLC is a good mp3, video player05:10
sudobashthose are the packages reya05:10
nakedgoatapt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xorg gnome-desktop-environment05:10
formula99I just want to say I like this ubuntu thing.  Been running it for a few nights now!05:10
flip2405In-Sane  do you need help with wireless05:10
sudobashyeap nakedgoat got a better one05:10
aCCe-like a winamp??05:10
steven2formala99: It is cool05:10
reya276flip2405: the thing is I did a fresh hardy install but now my gnome desktop won't show05:10
sudobashformula99 welcome to the club05:10
nakedgoataCCe-: xmms is like winamp05:10
sudobashbeen using it a couple years now05:10
emporikosi just installed 8.0405:10
In-Saneflip2405: Nah, I have a cable connection ( local area network), I plugged in the cable but it doesn't detect my network!05:10
sudobashxmms is cool but better than winamp05:11
aCCe-where to get? xmms05:11
dmsupermansudobash: None worked. hardware drivers, nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new still need me to reinstall when i reboot05:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:11
sudobashand vlc is cool also05:11
emporikosand am getting errors on ndiswrapper install05:11
emporikosany help?05:11
Shootfastxmms is winamp like05:11
nakedgoataCCe-: sudo apt-get install xmms05:11
aCCe-where to download05:11
reya276flip2405: I get a GDM and I can login with no problem but once I do all I get is the default wallpaper nothing else05:11
hydrogenI've gotten further05:11
flip2405come to that channel Flip05:11
hydrogenndiswrapper -l05:11
terrestresomeone are using poseidon?05:11
hydrogenshows that the device is present05:11
tv7497xcell ; dmsuperman : maplye@maplye-desktop:~$ sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg-bak/xorg.conf05:11
tv7497cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/X11/xorg-bak/xorg.conf': No such file or directory05:11
hydrogenbut iwconfig isn't showing it05:11
flip2405Reya276 im not good with good grapic files05:11
FloodBot2hydrogen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:11
Daisuke_Idoxmms is deprecated and no longer included in hardy05:11
flip2405Reya276 im not good with good grapic Drivers *05:11
aCCe-Reading package lists... Done05:11
aCCe-Building dependency tree05:11
aCCe-Reading state information... Done05:11
aCCe-Package xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:11
aCCe-This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:11
FloodBot2aCCe-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:11
=== RandomCake___ is now known as RandomCake
hydrogenFloodBot2: you already told me that, I ignored you, no need to repeat it you silly bot05:11
aCCe-is only available from another source05:11
Shootfasttv7497 - sudo that05:12
mdtcmcis anybody having any issues with the uk package server? it seems offline05:12
rich_freecommI have a question I can't seem to resolve.....I have stuff in my Trash bin that I supposedly don't have permission to empty05:12
nakedgoatmy bad05:12
flip2405come to that channel In-Sane05:12
reya276flip2405: oh so you think that is the issue05:12
XcellaCCe-:  audacious is xmms no.. i use Amarok tho05:12
rich_freecommI even tried going directly into the Trash folder and sudo rm'ing it05:12
dmsupermantv7497: sorry, "sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg-bak" first, then that command05:12
flip2405come to the channel05:12
reya276flip2405: oh boy not good, it worked with fiesty with no problem, I don't get it05:12
aCCe-i cant install XMMS05:12
In-Saneflip2405: unable to join channel (need correct key)05:12
dmsupermanflip2405: Were you looking for people with problems before?05:12
flip2405type /j #flip05:12
tv7497dmsuperman :thanx dude05:12
steven2I have a Samsung BlackJack smartphone with Windows Mobile on it. I want to be able to connect it to Ubuntu. But not as a modem. I want to 'sync' my computer with it. Any ideas?05:13
Shootfastanyone know raid 5?05:13
flip2405In-sane try again05:13
steven2I was thinking of hacking it by putting Linux on it. Anyone know how?05:13
XcellaCCe-:  enable your all repros in add/remove05:13
_nix_! hello05:13
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:13
Shootfaststeven2, I dont recommend that05:13
flip2405Dmsuperman What you need man05:14
aCCe-Xcell,  how to do that im new on linux05:14
sudobashbut there is ubuntu mobile05:14
steven2Shootfast: Why? I don't use it for a phone. Only to upload stuff to the internet.05:14
sudobashnot recommended for your purpose though05:14
Shootfaststeven2, you can try the guys at xda developers05:14
steven2sudobash: Where can I get it. Plus installating instructions?05:14
Shootfaststeven2, but barely anything will work on it05:14
dmsupermanflip2405: Having issues with my video driver. Whenever I reboot, I get low settings mode, and I have to reinstall my video driver and restart X to get it to work05:14
XcellaCCe-:  go to applictions>addremove...at the top enable (all)05:14
mdtcmcis anybody having any issues with the uk package server? it seems offline05:14
kamihi guys05:14
dmsupermanflip2405: Once I reinstall it and restart X it works fine, but every time I reboot it seems to lose it somehow05:14
macdmdtcmc, someone using the uk mirrors earlier today was having problems theyre just overloaded05:15
kamiwhere is the LoadModule sections for xorg.conf? I have the new ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS but the xorg.conf seems appear to be incomplete05:15
steven2Shootfast: I only need to connect it to my PCs Ubuntu. But as it is it wont connect. I need Windows ActiveSync. But that doesn't work with Ubuntu.05:15
flip2405dmsuperman as i told him i really dont know how to do grapic drivers but i can try05:15
aCCe-i dont see enable all Xcell  only all avalible app..05:15
flip2405come channel flip05:15
kamican you help me?05:15
mdtcmcahh, thanks. macd. appreciated05:15
steven2Also, I've tried using it under Windows Vista in my Virtualbox. But that doesn't work either.05:15
Xcellok then check for what you are using. most apps change with updates, just search all,05:15
rich_freecommIs there a 'rmdir' that will ignore 'Directory not empty'?05:15
Shootfaststeven2, I dont own one, but if your device has internet or wifi capabilities, perhaps there is a third party application to give you a file manager of sorts?05:15
macdrich_freecomm, rm -rf05:16
Starnestommyrich_freecomm: rm -r05:16
macdrich_freecomm, be careful with it though!05:16
steven2Shootfast: Mine can either connect to a PC with Bluetooth or USB. But I don't have a bluetooth adapter. So that option is out.05:16
aCCe-Xcell,  how to update?05:16
kamihey where can I set the load module option for XGL in xorg.conf05:16
steven2I'll look into Ubuntu Mobile though.05:17
rich_freecommtx macd, Starnestommy05:17
tv7497dmsuperman : dude its asking for using kerel frame buffer device interface shld i aceept it05:17
reya276flip2405: how can I install a .deb through terminal that I download it on my home dir05:17
Shootfaststeven2, theyre pretty cheap, you can pick up a usb bluetooth adapter for about $2005:17
XcellaCCe-:  did it not update when you allowed all apps?05:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:17
Shootfaststeven2, Ubuntu mobile is for x86 mobile pc's05:17
Shootfaststeven2, not for embeded devices05:17
steven2Shootfast: Yeah. I've looked at a few. I don't know what kind of smartphone I have.05:17
mudd`Hossamhello how can i not have to keep changing ownership from www-data and my user account/05:18
tv7497xcell: dude its asking for using kerel frame buffer device interface shld i aceept it05:18
rich_freecommagain...tx macd, Starestommy   That worked like a charm!05:18
Shootfaststeven2, chances are its got an ARM processor05:18
reya276how can I install a .deb through terminal that I download it on my home dir?05:18
eccentricityanyone know a good way with, say, bc to calculate pi to say, 1000 digits?05:18
Starnestommyreya276: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb05:18
Xcellthats new to me .. couldnt tell you.  maybe so sinse it has to make room05:18
steven2Shootfast: How would I find out? Also, I found ubuntu.com/products/mobile. But I can't see where to download and install it.05:19
Shootfaststeven2, ubuntu mobile isnt going to work on your blackjack05:20
Shootfaststeven2, I dont even think it's released yet05:20
rich_freecommGosh Floodbot2....1 admin for 1272 people....don't envy you05:20
In-Saneflip2405: go to hell, first you invite people to your channel then you kick them just like that because you can't the heck answer the givin question?05:20
tmapjcould anyone pls tell me how to upgrade from Hardy Heron to Ubuntu Studio?05:20
tv7497sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:20
tv7497xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration05:20
tv7497   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008051709500105:20
steven2Shootfast: Is there a free operating system that would? Cause Windows Mobile wont work with Ubuntu. Or if it does. I can't figure it out.05:20
tmapjhey folks05:20
Xcelltv7497:  go to addremove and go to prefs.. and check the proper clicks so as to allow you the proper allowances05:21
ari_stressmorning all05:21
flip2405No i kicked you because i told you i dont know how to fix it and i have other people to help so uhh chill out05:21
Shootfaststeven2, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34148705:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:21
Shootfaststeven2, try that link ^^^05:21
tmapjcould anyone pls tell me how to upgrade from Hardy Heron to Ubuntu Studio?05:21
Shootfaststeven2, you'll have to stick with windows mobile (thats what the device was made for)05:21
tv7497xcell : proper allowances ???????????/ didnt get u dude05:21
Shootfaststeven2, but at least then you can sync05:21
steven2Shootfast: Oh and according to the wiki for Ubuntu Mobile. It will be available for Samsung's Q1 Ultra.05:22
In-Saneflip2405: listen moron, I can leave my channel myself, no need to kick me! heh you're dumb like a jackass05:22
Xcelltv7497:  third party05:22
tmapjhey flip05:22
tmapjflip could u help me pls05:22
steven2Shootfast: I don't know what the Q1 Ultra is. But I'll check out the link you gave me.05:22
Shootfaststeven2, thats because thats just a smaller x86 pc05:22
flip2405tmapj what you need05:22
tmapji need to upgrade to ubuntu studio05:22
Shootfaststeven2, mobile phones have different processors that regular pcs05:23
flip2405In-Sane you keep swearing im going to have you glined05:23
In-Sanehe doesn't know the answer05:23
XcellI hate upgrades. lol05:23
flip2405tmapj yes05:23
steven2tmapj: So goto synaptic and download studio then!05:23
trollboylemme know how that works out Tmapj05:23
Starnestommyflip2405: staff on this network don't k/g-line for personal disputes or channel issues05:23
Shootfaststeven2, and due to their proprietary nature, its hard to port linux onto them05:23
trollboyI've seen it online, but don't have a system to put it on05:23
In-Sanewhat a day we are having here!05:23
hydrogenwell.. thats cool05:23
flip2405Starnestommy im not saying a personal dispute do you not hearing him swear every other word05:24
XcellI can do a clean install that would make Mr Clean jealous.05:24
con-manhow do I copy contents of a folder via terminal05:24
dmsupermansteven2: I'll have to agree with Shootfast. Unless the device is designed with Linux in mind, or linux based, it05:24
dmsuperman's harder to manage05:24
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:24
con-manhow do I copy contents of a folder via terminal05:24
steven2dmsuperman: I think he said that.05:24
In-SaneStarnestommy: he invited me to his channel to help me with my issue, see its not complicated.. the complicated part is that after shooting my question he kicked from the channel? LOL05:25
steven2Shootfast: I opened the link. But they basicly only explain how to use the Blackjack as a modem. I need it as a file sharing device.05:25
StarnestommyIn-Sane: and what does this have to do with ubuntu support?05:25
tmapjtrollboy u need help?05:25
Starnestommycon-man: cp -r /path/to/old/folder /path/to/new/folder05:25
In-SaneI really don't know, I asked for supposrt and he GAVE me the support by kicking me hehe05:25
niuqGSynaptics couldn't initialize.05:25
niuqYou have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics05:25
steven2Shootfast: Also, I tried the 'mount' command but it doesn't seem to work for me.05:25
mdtcmccon-man: cp -r /copy/from/* /copy/to05:25
trollboyme? no, I'm just chillin05:26
m1ris there a way to download ubuntu mobile ?05:26
trollboyI offer help when I can, and elsewise eavesdrop05:26
flip2405In-sane i kicked you because i had other people to help it was nothing personal05:26
Shootfaststeven2, In that case i dont know how to help05:26
niuqi have that error when i try to open gsynaptics for configuring my touch pad05:26
dmsupermansudobash: Are you there?05:26
con-manStarnestommy: I would like to move the contents not the folder05:26
steven2mlr: Not from what I've seen so far.05:26
trollboyeavesdropping is a great way to learn05:26
dabbillI am tryin to create an ISO of a DVD with DVD95, but the iso it makes is not readable by windows or my DVD player. Also k9copy wont create a ISO of any DVD.05:26
Starnestommycon-man: oh.  Try mv /path/to/folder/* /path/to/new/folder/05:26
In-Saneflip2405: dah, you're pathetic!05:26
flip2405sudobash went to bed dmsuperman05:26
Xcellm1r: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile05:27
Shootfastanyone here able to troubleshoot my Raid 5 on heron?05:27
Flanneldabbill: Just use dd if you want an image05:27
flip2405LOL dude im pathetic you cant get your lan card working please /quit05:27
Flannel!coc | flip240505:27
ubottuflip2405: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:27
sussuWhat is the kde-based remote desktop called?05:27
trollboycase in point the solution to shootFast's problem sounds awfully sexy should I hear it05:27
dabbillFlannel, I am tryin to compress the DVD from dual layer to single layer as well.05:27
flip2405Flannel you can do that to me but when he is swearing every other word you aint going to do anything?05:28
m1rXcell: download ?05:28
Shootfasttrollboy, lol what?05:28
Xcellall  i gave you was the master, check it out05:28
Starnestommyflip2405: drop it.  This channel is for Ubuntu support, not argueing05:28
flip2405Then tell him to quit FLAMEING ME while im trying to help people05:28
Flannelflip2405: I just got here, I have no idea what else is going on.  Him swearing is no excuse for bad manners though.05:28
KHAnetanyone use tomato firmware for wrt54g?05:28
niuqi get this message when i launch gsynaptics http://pastebin.com/m3491504005:28
Starnestommyflip2405: there's a reason why /ignore exists05:29
dabbillKHAnet, i do05:29
m1rXcell: yes, that why i ask where is download :)05:29
sussuHow can I install Krdm in ubuntu?05:29
KHAnetdo you have problems with downloading when you first load it05:29
flip2405sussu apt-get install krdm05:29
dschulzcon-man:   you can also try  this    $ (cd /path/to/orig/ && tar c . ) | ( cd /path/to/dest && tar xv  )05:29
PhirephlyI'd just like to point out Ubuntu 8 rocks. That is all.05:29
steven2Ok I'm frustrated to hell. I'll see you guys in a couple days or something when I get up the nerve to try again.05:29
techqbertdoes anybody know a serious linux application for removing duplicate files?  I've tried fslint and fdupes yet it still seems to be the case that some files linger in /media/music/X/Y/Song.mp3 and /media/music/X/Y/Z/Song.mp3 and its soo damn annoying, perhaps they don't md5 out to be the same.05:30
XcellPhirephly:  rock on.05:30
dmsupermantechqbert: so manually md5sum them and compare05:30
tv7497xcell : not working dude splash screen :-(05:30
=== sussu is now known as Finnish
dabbillKHAnet, what do you mean? downloading the firmware? or just downloading any thing05:30
dmsupermantechqbert: if they're different then that means they aren't the same file05:30
m1rtv7497: what is problem ?05:30
KHAnetp2p downloads05:30
techqbertdmsuperman: I got like 70gb of music though.  Are you saying I should use a script?05:31
PhirephlyThough I do have a few questions: Is hibernate and suspend in the future for Wubi?05:31
dabbillKHAnet, never any any problems with any downloads, just make sure you have your ports maped correctly05:31
rich_freecommPhirephly, you know it05:31
brand0conhow do i reinstall ubuntu over itself saving my home folder05:31
Xcelltv7497:  i have a few suggestions, but the folks that know more than me may not agree...du to user lack of xperience05:31
brand0conwill the option to migrate be there when i use the live cd installer05:31
dmsupermantechqbert: I mean just to test that those apps are working, try a single mp3 you know to be the same song05:31
dmsupermanand md5sum them05:31
=== mdtcmc is now known as sammy
KHAnetdabbill, ports and everything are fine i just can't figure out why my downloads are so slow05:32
dmsupermanif they're different, then they may be the same song but the audio itself differs05:32
tv7497m1r : my splash screen not working i need to hit ctrl -alt -f1 every time to get text screen wrkng of ubuntu05:32
dmsupermanin which case i have no clue what you could do05:32
techqbertbrand0con: in the future I suggest you create a different partition for home.  I've never been in that pickle so I'm not sure how to help ya05:32
dabbillKHAnet, what app you useing for p2p ?05:32
=== sammy is now known as _sammy_
tv7497xcell : i wld try any thing dude05:32
KHAnetdabbill, KTorrent05:32
techqbertdmsuperman: hrm05:32
m1rtv7497: did u mess with it *?05:32
tv7497mir : nope05:32
Xcelltv7497:  install bootupmanager. ...ur on ur own now...the fix is in05:33
dmsupermantv7497: reinstall ubuntu?05:33
rich_freecommtv7497: mine comes up in the wrong resolution...05:33
dabbillKHAnet, i use transmission thats built in to Hardy, only get slow speeds when the torrents have hardly any seeders.05:33
tv7497xcell : boot up mamager ?????????05:33
PhirephlySo, on to the questions, anyone feel like helping me run Heron at 1440x900 with only integrated graphics?05:34
techqbertdmsuperman: they md5 to the same thing yet fslint and fdupes don't pick up on it05:34
Xcellgo to addremove..look up boot up manager05:34
mudd`Hossamhow can i give my username access to the group www-data for apache2?05:34
techqbertdmsuperman: most important I ran fdupes with the r flag, recurse through subdirectories.  Hrm.05:34
KHAnetdabbill, k thanks i'll try that05:34
tv7497dmsuperman : reinstall but hoe do u back up all the stuff05:34
PhirephlyCurrently stuck at 1280x800 and everything is too big.05:34
dmsuperman_Jburrke, back05:34
Xcellnvidia? Phirephly?05:34
KHAnetdabbill, whats your internet connection05:35
PhirephlyThe only help Google is tossing me is for nvidia.05:35
PhirephlyXcell: No, Intel GMA05:35
flip2405mud`hossam Jin that channel05:35
dabbillKHAnet, 12meg Cable through Comcast.05:35
tv7497rich_freecomm : dude how do u check resolution for splash scree05:35
dschulzmudd hossam:   gpasswd -a yourname www-data05:35
Xcellok. cant help. srry05:35
LSD|NinjaIn 7.10 this would have been easy, but 8.04 dropped the control panel for this >_<05:35
dmsupermantechqbert: I'm not familiar with either of those. I'm assuming that what's happening is they're looking for the same filenames, rather than md5 checksums. is that how they work?05:35
KHAnetdabbill, whats yoru avg. speed with a healthy torrent?05:35
Xcelltv7497:  its in ur 2nd screen in screens and graphics05:36
dabbillKHAnet, good speeds i see 500k/sec to 1000k/sec05:36
dabbillKHAnet, average is 300k/sec05:36
ShootfastSo am I to assume that Raid 5 still hasn't been fixed since Edgy?05:36
Xcelldabbill:  i have my stuff so rockin..it scares me its so fast05:36
^V^Hi, I'm having trouble with printing. The cups error log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12651/05:37
dabbillXcell, lol, i have 6 computers useing my connection tho :/05:37
PhirephlyTo get 1440x900 without an nVidia card, I'm assuming (from what I've read) that I'll need to muck around with Xorg?05:37
KHAnetdabbill, k i have 6meg dsl windstream what should an avg speed for me be then? any suggestions?05:37
synacktionmy new penryn chip has a cpufreq problem.  it lists correct available cpu frequencies, but cpufreq-info reports the wrong range no matter what governor is used05:37
Flannel!anyone | Shootfast05:37
ubottuShootfast: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:37
PhirephlyAnyone familiar with it?05:37
^V^crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 2008-05-17 10:27 /dev/lp005:37
dmsuperman_so does compiz support placing windows on different monitors yet? like, so when you open a new window of something you can use the "place windows" panel to specify for it to go on another monitor?05:37
dabbillKHAnet, i would say 200k/sec to 300k/sec05:37
mogunusSo, I tried installing lm-sensors, and running sensors-detect, and now I get nice readouts of my CPU tems, but the fan still does not turn on.05:37
alecwhI have apache2 installed, and I want to set it up so I can run python scripts in my browser. How do I do this? I installed libapache2-mod-python, but my browser still just wants to download "test.py" as a file.05:38
tv7497xcell :dude im really confused i cant find boot up manager in add remove05:38
m1rPhirephly: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?05:38
Flanneltv7497: use synaptic, not add/remove05:38
KHAnetdabbill, did you just port forward for transmission or did you tweak a lot of things in your router?05:38
Cpudan80alecwh: Did you enable the mod?05:38
gamblerdoes ubuntu latest ship with the openjdk?05:38
alecwhCpudan80: I don't think so. How do I do this?05:38
dabbillKHAnet, just port forward05:38
Xcelltv7497:  my apolgize. im on 7.10...not sure  (thought 8.04 had it)05:38
KHAnetdabbill, k thanks05:39
Phirephlym1r: I'll be honest, I'm taking a shot in the dark, I'm not familiar enough to claim I know what I'm doing.05:39
Cpudan80alecwh: Not sure how to do python..... but the command is a2enmod modName05:39
techqbertdmsuperman: ya know strangely enough fdupes picked up AlbumArt438u93289432.jpg and Folder.jpg but maybe b.c they are in the same directory because it didn't pick up Sublime - Cool Song.mp3 (for sake of brevity) and 18 - Cool Song.mp3 in different directories05:39
Cpudan80alecwh: For php it's a2enmod php5 ---- maybe a2enmod python ?05:40
m1rPhirephly: tpye in console this command and floow instructions on screen -  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:40
Phirephlym1r: I'll give it a shot.05:40
m1rPhirephly: when u get to resolution part, mark 1400x90005:40
^V^From cupsd.conf: SystemGroup lpadmin User lp Group lpadmin05:40
Cpudan80alecwh: After you enable it you have to restart it (sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart)05:40
alecwhCpudan80: alecwh@alecwh-laptop:~$ a2enmod mod_python05:40
alecwhThis module is already enabled!05:40
termagan1This is sort of a weird (and possibly stupid) question, but is there a library of alert sounds anywhere on the Hardy Heron install?05:40
dschulzalecwh:  you should put your python script in a cgi-bin directory05:40
alecwhdschulz: I really just want to run it anywhere on my root directory05:41
Cpudan80alecwh: You have to run that as sudo05:41
niuqq> i get this message when i launch gsynaptics http://pastebin.com/m34915040, any help thank you05:41
tv7497Flannel : cant find boot up manager05:41
alecwhCpudan80: same thing05:41
Cpudan80alecwh: Try restarting apache05:41
dschulzalecwh: you cant as with php05:41
Flanneltv7497: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/bum05:41
Flanneltv7497: sudo apt-get install bum05:42
Xcelltv7497:  maybe tru sudo apt-get install?..ur on ur own kid05:42
alecwhdschulz: what do I do then?05:42
tv7497Flannel : sir what is bum for ?????????05:42
Phirephlym1r: I'm toying around with reconfiguring xorg, but it's asking me for a keyboard layout. It won't let me push OK or pick a certain layout. Nor does it have anywhere to type it in. Am I missing something here?05:43
Flanneltv7497: bum is "boot up manager" thats the package name05:43
tv7497Flannel : oh thanx sir05:43
Joe_is ubuntu newbie friendly?05:43
=== [1]carpool is now known as carpool
dabbillany one know how to make dvd95 make ISO's that are readable by windows / DVD players?05:44
Phirephlym1r: Nevermind. I'm just being dense.05:44
FlannelJoe_: most people think so, yes.05:44
m1rPhirephly: keep default05:44
Joe_do i have to do a clean install everytime a new version of ubuntu comes out?05:44
FlannelJoe_: No, you can upgrade between versions05:44
Joe_flannel with a command?05:44
tv7497xcell : dude im on bum now what05:45
FlannelJoe_: Sort of, yeah.  A few clicks of a button05:45
tj1515i'm trying to get emerald working properly when i start my computer it uses the default ubuntu theme to get emerald i have to alt+f4 and type emerald --replace this fixes the problem till the next restart05:45
nitrohey people05:45
Joe_so ubuntu will always be the latest on my system with the few clicks of a button?05:45
dschulzalecwh: i've found the right solution googlin  "apache cgi-bin python"05:45
Xcelltv7497:  i know nothing about bum.05:45
m1r_yes Joe_05:45
FlannelJoe_: It can be, yes.05:45
Joe_wow thats so cool05:45
Xcelltv7497:  google it, read and educate yourself05:45
Phirephlym1r: After all the keyboard settings, I'm returned to console. There are no video settings.05:46
pkundui have 7.10 installed and want to upgrade to 8.04 CD. how to do that? thanks05:46
Xcelldont do it05:46
m1rPhirephly: at end it should ask you advanced05:46
Flannel!bum | tv749705:46
ubottutv7497: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:46
pkundu*from 8.04 CD05:46
Joe_pkundu:  just a few clicks05:46
tj1515auto update has an option to update to 8.0405:46
Flannelpkundu: do you have the alternate CD or the desktop CD?05:46
pkundudesktop cd05:46
Flannelpkundu: you need the alternate CD to upgrade via CD.  You'll need to download the alternate CD, or just upgrade through the internet05:47
alecwhdschulz: I don't want to use cgi-bin though, I just want to run it like a .php file in my directory.05:47
nitroanyone get screensaver running on compiz?05:47
ximMplayer still cant play .ram files.  I installed mplayer, medibuntu, w64codecs, all the updates, and now mplayer can play .rm files.  But i want it to play ram files off the internet (should be a common thing) and it still doesnt know how to take the .rm url out of the .ram file and play it (which should be the easy part).  is there a workaround for this?05:47
Phirephlym1r: It echoes, "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration05:47
Phirephly   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080516234701" and drops back to the command line.05:47
Joe_flannel how come other linux dist. you have to do a clean install if you want a new version and Ubuntu you don't?05:47
pkunduok thanks05:48
m1rPhirephly: b4 that part chevck for advanced option and there u should edit that modes manualy05:48
FlannelJoe_: I have no idea05:48
dschulzalecwh: ok, I see this article I mentioned has a topic "Running CGI scripts anywhere in your domain"05:48
XcellJoe_ these cats write the song...others cut it short05:49
alecwhdschulz: link me?05:49
tj1515 i'm trying to get emerald working properly when i start my computer it uses the default ubuntu theme to get emerald i have to alt+f4 and type emerald --replace this fixes the problem till the next restart05:49
Joe_thats so cool ubuntu makes it great to upgrade easily05:49
nitrotj which version?05:49
Shootfasttj1515, you can install advanced settings for compiz and add the line under the window decorations box05:50
dabbillany one know how to make dvd95 make ISO's that are readable by windows / DVD players?05:50
mschoolbuswhats windows?05:50
Phirephlym1r: It's asks me if it wants me to use the kernel framebuffer device interface, and no matter what I choose, it sends me to the keyboard stuff. At the very end, it asks for Keyboard options, but after that, it just throws me back to console.05:50
nitrowhy not use compiz?05:50
m1rPhirephly: uwhat card u got ?05:50
AmaranthPhirephly: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg05:50
psykrol1Hello, everyone, I would be grateful for some help. I have a problem with either wine or compiz or both. I installed the new version of wine while running compiz and it didn't seem to be working. I hear that there are compatibility issues with the two so I tried to figure out how to disable compiz without uninstalling. i couldn't figure it out so I just disabled ever option individually. Now, I don't know what to do. My windows for every application are 05:50
tj1515i have the setting manager so i just add the "emerald --replace"05:51
Xcellok..ive got myself in enough trouble...have a good day folks. god bless..and spread the (Ubuntu) word...thanks.05:51
PhirephlyIntel GMA96005:51
ZaidenI converted my little brother to xubuntu :D05:51
Amaranthpsykrol1: that got cut off05:51
PhirephlyAmaranth: No difference.05:51
Amaranthpsykrol1: your windows for every application are what?05:51
psykrol1not visible05:52
PhirephlyDoes it matter that I'm running from Wubi?05:52
psykrol1now I've uninstalled both compiz and wine, no help05:52
techqbertdmsuperman: I think filedupe in the freebsd repos has the functionality I want.  It keeps a list of all files ever encountered with md5/file size and checks against the list on every pass-through.  That's what I need.  It compiles on linux-machines too.05:52
Amaranthpsykrol1: how are they not visible? completely gone? white?05:52
tj1515Shootfast: i'm in window decoration what do i do05:52
psykrol1I see the background05:52
nitrodid you have wine working?05:52
Amaranthtj1515: there is an option to put a command in, it has 'compiz-decorator' in it now05:53
Amaranthtj1515: put 'emerald' in there instead05:53
psykrol1it never worked right for me05:53
psykrol1just installed new version05:53
reya276how can I remove postfix and all the config files?05:53
Shootfasttj1515, go down to window decoration05:53
PhirephlyBRB, Gonna go Googlize.05:53
m1rreya276: apt-get remove --purge (package name)05:53
nitrowine and compiz should not coflict05:53
Shootfasttj1515, and under command, change that to emerald05:53
dschulzreya276:  sudo aptitude purge postfix05:54
Shootfasttj1515, sorry, "emerald --replace"05:54
psykrol1that's not what the winehq channel says across the top05:54
nitrowhat are u trying to do with wine?05:54
psykrol1I was going to try to run games, but I never got that far05:54
nitrofriend was running both today05:55
psykrol1so does anyone know how I can get my windows back?05:55
psykrol1please help!05:55
sho1995hi guys05:55
psykrol1I wonder if I reinstall compiz if it will reset05:56
mschoolbuspsykroll - windows cd ?05:56
m1rpsykrol1: this isnt really windows support chanell :)05:56
psykrol1no, the actual title bar and frame of every window for every application is not there05:56
sho1995having issues with wifi05:56
=== lugia is now known as _Lugia_
m1rpsykrol1: alt+f2 , then type : metacity05:57
nitrowhich game are you trying to install?05:57
pavshow do I convert *deb files to *rpm?05:57
psykrol1I'm talking about programs running in Ubuntu 8.0405:57
mschoolbuswhat gpu ?05:58
Flannelpavs: Why would you need to?05:58
someguyhey, so I just upgraded my ubuntu distro to the newest falcon whatever and went above compiling the development environment. I was able to remove the errors in the odcctools and properly set the environment variables. The whole environment compiled with no errors. I went to recompile some code I had previously unchanged and now the first error is an unknown gcc compiler error by one of the mac headers05:58
sho1995speeds are slow  5mb/s but connections is like 90%05:58
psykrol1title bar gone05:58
m1rpsykrol1: alt+f2 , then type : metacity05:58
psykrol1very sad05:58
pavsflannel just an academic question no actual purpose05:58
Flannelsomeguy: You mean Intrepid Ibex?05:58
psykrol1mlr, what does that do?05:58
mschoolbusyou dont need title bar, hold alt and drag window by anything :P05:59
Flannelsomeguy: er, sorry.  Hardy Heron. That's a bird.  Not an Ibex.05:59
someguyFlannel: version 8.0405:59
bolivarHello everyone.  Through my own absentmindedness I deleted the MBR from my flash drive.  It has all of my sermons on it and I would really like to recover the information.  What tool would restore the MBR without destroying the rest of my data?  I would really appreciate help with this.05:59
Qsterhas anyone had the problem of firefox maximizing past the top bar? and covering the bottom bar?05:59
sho1995any one on my wifi issue?05:59
nakedgoatwhat bottom bar ;)06:00
mschoolbusshol - not on your wifi atm, some other neighbor's06:00
someguyI just wondering that although the online documentation I could find says people can get it to compile by removing a warnings in odcctools make file and changing how to assign an environment variable does it actual work after06:00
psykrol1alt f2 won't do anything. That's the run command, right?06:00
someguyit being the development environment06:00
psykrol1it won't open06:00
sho1995may be video card driver issue Qster06:01
psykrol1yeah, nvidia 880006:01
m1rpsykrol1: can u open terminal06:01
psykrol1it's open06:01
roboticCould someone help me apply the SSH patch for Ubuntu?  I'm running 6.10 and I want to make sure I'm not affected06:02
m1rpsykrol1: can u open terminal and type : metacity --replace06:02
roboticMy reposistory gives me version 1:4.3p2-8ubuntu1.206:02
psykrol1Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.06:02
someguyanyone successfully compiling previously working code using ubuntu 8.04?06:03
roboticHowever, I see on the web that the latest version is 1:4.3p2-8ubuntu1.306:03
mevsthevoicesHi all06:03
jtldI am looking for the best chatline for GPartED06:03
psykrol1oh, ic06:03
psykrol1mucho gracias!06:03
roboticIs there a way to get install Ubuntu 7.04 repostiory files on a 6.10 machine?06:03
psykrol1hey, run works too06:03
sho1995help with wifi06:04
m1rpsykrol1: all ok ?06:04
psykrol1tyvm mlr!06:04
m1rpsykrol1: can u logout / login to check ?06:04
jtldrobotic: To go from 5 to 6 I just edited the mirrors listed in sources.list file06:04
psykrol1don't need reboot?06:04
roboticjtld: did it cause you any problems?06:04
m1rpsykrol1: ctrl+alt+backspace06:04
Flannel!upgrade | robotic06:05
ubotturobotic: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:05
kajoHey, I can't find any information on minimizing my installation of ubuntu right now... I am running fluxbox on an ubuntu install, and I want to delete all the programs it comes with that I don't use (thunderbird, for one example). I can't find an easy way to do this, to just 'delete programs I don't want'.06:05
jtldrobotic: it worked like a charm - Suse on the other hand sucks for that.06:05
m1rkajo , check for minimal ubuntu on forums06:05
BonezAUich di nit argan06:05
kajomlr, are you talking about doing a server install?06:06
Rat409!de | BonezAU06:06
ubottuBonezAU: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:06
m1rkajo , yes06:06
jtldrobotic: change the distro names in the entire file and then run apt-get update followed by apt-get dist upgrade06:06
m1rkajo , cleanest way imo06:06
psykrollmlr, same problem again06:06
Flannelkajo: Either start with a CLI version from the alternate CD, or if you want to remove everything Ubuntu installed, follow these steps: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce  only don't do the install of xubuntu desktop (at the end of that line)06:06
m1rpsykroll: yes i thought so06:06
roboticjtld: thanks; I'm just trying to update SSH to avoid the vulnerability so I don't think it'll be a problem06:06
jtldrobotic: I recommend that you back up first and backup sources.list first.06:06
m1rpsykroll: do you use compiz ?06:07
BonezAUwie installieren Ubuntu06:07
roboticjtld: I can always switch the sources back after06:07
roboticjtld: thanks mucho06:07
Flanneljtld, robotic, it's recommended you use update manager instead of manual editing and such, it's safer.06:07
kajoflannel, thanks.06:07
psykrollI was, but I just uninstalled it06:07
XorgI cant seems to access the manual help on fopen / fprintf / feof are they missing in ubuntu ?06:07
BonezAUzu installieren, wie Ubuntu, ich bin erfahren groCes Problem. kann jemand mir bitte helfen?06:07
Flannel!de | BonezAU06:07
ubottuBonezAU: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:07
roboticFlannel: Update manager lists 213 updates.  I'm scared it'll break something at this point :)06:07
BonezAUFlannel: Danke06:08
Mba7ethhey guys got something weird ... when i restart i can get the login screen; once i login, a terminal show up and that's it ? nothing else is loaded ....06:08
kajoFlannel, so that will remove all of my software, but leave my fluxbox untouched?06:08
FlannelBonezAU: bitte06:08
m1rpsykroll: it is simple thing , but i forgot how i fixed it, to make it short, your "metacity" dont start at boot. sry i had few beers :(06:08
jtldFlannel: I am updating remotely without using a GUI.06:08
Flanneljtld: That's fine, there's a CLI version of update-manager as well06:08
jtldFlannel: What is the command?06:08
Mba7ethi log my gdm completely and other drivers are not loaded also06:08
Flannelkajo: It'll remove everything that Ubuntu installed, which may include some programs you use, but you can reinstall them later06:08
Mba7ethplease help06:08
Flanneljtld: update-manager-core I believe, its in the upgrade notes06:09
m1rpsykroll: u need somehow to set that meatcity loads at boot, i think i just added to "sessions" new entry metacity, but not sure06:09
Mba7ethi can't connect to the internet with it now06:09
kajoflannel, that's exactly what I wanted, thanks. :D06:09
rich_freecommhehe! The way you get more people from Windows to Linux is if you can operate a linux box while intoxicated...then you know you are onto something06:09
roboticFlannel: is there any risk that running the update manager will futz my existing system?06:09
Xorgwhy my ubuntu doesnt support fopen / fprinf /feof / strncmp ?06:09
jtldFlannel: Thanks - Hey do you know GPartED fairly well?06:09
Mba7ethhey guys got something weird ... when i restart i can get the login screen; once i login, a terminal show up and that's it ? nothing else is loaded ....06:10
Flannelrobotic: Upgrading between versions is inherently more dangerous than not, but its fairly stable.  You *dont* want to just grab a package from a newer version though, that's bad.  Update-manager lists 213 updates without changing your sources.list?06:10
PhirephlySo, I'm looking into editing my xorg.conf manually since I am unable to use the dpkg-reconfigure to access the video resolution settings. Though, I don't want to mess that up. Can I get some help?06:10
Flannelrobotic: update-manager is also used to do regular updates as well, not just in between releases.06:10
kajoFlannel, this won't remove terminal commands (programs), will it?06:10
m1rpsykroll: system>preferences>sessions if i recall right06:10
PhirephlyI want to add 1440x900 to my resolution list.06:10
SeaPhorpsykroll, type name to who you are talking to so they see you06:11
Flannelkajo: Anything that's installed in ubuntu-desktop, but I can't think of anything, no.  Most of that stuff is in ubuntu-standard06:11
m1rpsykroll: but that is not the right way to solve that problem06:11
MyrttiMba7eth: you're logging into "failsafe terminal" session06:11
roboticFlannel: Yes, the sources.list is what it's always been; I've just never updated anything except when something broke, on a program-by-program basis from the command line06:11
m1rtnx SeaPhor06:11
Flannelrobotic: Well, thats probably why.  Do a full upgrade, you're worried about ssh, but you've got countless other security updates waiting.06:11
MyrttiMba7eth: when you get into the login screen, there's a button called "sessions", press that and pick the kind of session you like"06:11
=== Xorg is now known as Tankado
psykrolloic System/Preferences/Control Center and then sessions06:11
Mba7ethMyrtti: no the normal one .... even failsafe doesn't work06:11
bjronhmm, it seems I get no sound when pulse audio (or autodetect) is selected, but alsa works - any ideas what might be wrong?06:12
Flannelrobotic: If you don't want to use update manager, `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` will accomplish the same thing06:12
jtldanyone on GPartED??06:12
Flannel!anyone | jtld06:12
ubottujtld: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:12
SeaPhorm1r, np, wish i could help more06:12
roboticFlannel: thanks!  does sudo-apt-get update execute an update on everything, or just update my repository data?06:12
MyrttiMba7eth: login screen as in terminal or login screen as in graphical?06:12
Mba7ethMyrtti: as graphical06:13
tv7497xcell ; flannel : sir in bum usplash utility is idel06:13
m1rSeaPhor: :)06:13
Flannelrobotic: the update grabs new repository data, the dist-upgrade will grab the most recent versions of everything.  (dist-upgrade does not mean you're upgrading your release)06:13
jtldOkay - sorry - How long should a resize take over a Raid 5 with three disks? Running two AMD 2400s and the disks are SCSI about the same age.06:13
m1rpsykroll: type name of person who u address. hard to follow you this way06:13
MyrttiMba7eth: so you've already tried to press the sessions button and pick the gnome/kde/xfce session and you still get to the failsafe session?06:13
roboticFlannel: Great, thanks; I will do that and hope it doesn't break anything06:13
PhirephlyI'm viewing xorg.conf as a text file and the only thing I have is "Section "Device" //  Identifier "Configured Video Device" // Option "UseFBDev" "true"" How do I go about adding a resolution to my video device?06:13
Joe_what a good dvd player app for ubuntu?06:14
psykrollmlr, so we're stumped?06:14
m1rpsykroll: no06:14
tv7497joe_: vlc is good06:14
Mba7ethMyrtti: yes .... only  a terminal apears without any other thing06:14
Phirephlyjoe_: I also recommend VLC06:14
m1rpsykroll: go to session and there add "metacity"06:14
m1rvlc power :)06:14
psykrollmlr: I thought you just said that won't work06:15
Phirephlym1r: Is that like an uprising?06:15
MyrttiMba7eth: are you on ubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu?06:15
Mba7ethMyrtti: ubuntu06:15
psykrollmlr: or I'm losing it06:15
m1rPhirephly: joke :)06:15
Phirephlym1r: Someone should start it, then :P06:15
m1rpsykroll: that is solution, but not the "right" way06:15
m1rPhirephly: :)06:16
dabbillwhat programs do some of you use for DVD backup / compressing from DVD9 to DVD506:16
tv7497mlr : sir in bum my usplash utility is idel any way of making it work06:16
MyrttiMba7eth: there's something wrong with your settings, do you remember with what you were fiddling around before this started to occur?06:16
Joe_is there a good dvd ripper for ubuntu?06:16
m1rtv7497: didnt understand ?06:16
psykrollmlr I chose add and gave the name metacity, what goes in command or comment?06:16
PhirephlyCan someone assist me in getting alternative resolutions in my xorg.conf without an nvidia card?06:16
mschoolbushis bum has an uplash06:16
MyrttiJoe_: vlc can do that too but I'm sure there are "better" options06:16
m1rJoe_ it is called backup software :)06:17
m1rpsykroll: metacity ?06:17
Joe_yep for backup :)06:17
Rat409m1r: bum= boot-up-manager methinks06:17
PhirephlyDoes DVD Decrypter have a linux port?06:17
tv7497mlr : in  my bootupmanger my splash screen option is not working there is a dash b4 it06:17
m1ryes Rat40906:17
Mba7ethMyrtti: I'm sure i did do any changes on the sitting .... i was browsering then my box just hang then i restart and the problem all came out06:17
psykrollrestart or just log out?06:17
psykrollmlr restart or just log out?06:17
m1rpsykroll: ctrl+alt+bckspace06:17
MyrttiMba7eth: do you have access to the said computer now?06:17
Mba7ethMyrtti: I'm at the login screen now06:18
QuasarRichterI DESTROYER YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!06:18
MyrttiMba7eth: type df -h and check that there's home there06:18
kohelethwhats the command to install the adobe pdf reader please06:18
Rat409Phirephly: if you have installed nvidia-xconfig run it if not sudo apt-get install providing you have an nv or nvidia driver06:18
PhirephlyRat: I'm not using an nvidia card.06:18
tv7497koheleth : dude pdf reader must be aldready threr in ur system i guess06:19
TankadoHow can i fetch C development functions into ubuntu? (i already managed to get the man pages)06:19
psykrollmlr, no windows still06:19
Rat409Phirephly: oh sorry try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:19
SeaPhorm1r, wow, i just been watching, and had hard time keeping up, and with all the others chiming in,, nice, impressed and apparently have joined you in a few of those beers!06:19
StarnestommyTankado: install build-essential06:19
m1rpsykroll: argh06:19
Myrttikoheleth: any spesific reason you want adobe reader?06:19
Mba7ethMyrtti: The word home is not there at all ... ?06:19
pretenderyou install live in gutsy06:20
m1rSeaPhor: welcome :P06:20
MyrttiMba7eth: that's what I suspected06:20
PhirephlyRat: My xorg doesn't have that subsection so it needs to be manually configured. As of now, it looks like I need to add a subsection to [Section "Screen"], but I'm unsure of what to have for Depth and Viewport.06:20
pretenderhow do you install live in gutsy06:20
tv7497myrtti : i bet document reader is better than adobe rght ???????/06:20
m1rpsykroll: alt+f2 wortking ?06:20
homeuserhello people06:20
homeuserjust installed ubuntu.06:20
TankadoStarnestommy : i got it and still it doesnt recognize commands like "fopen/fprintf"06:20
psykrollmlr nope06:20
PhirephlyWelcome to the party.06:20
Myrttitv7497: not always, it depends on user's needs06:20
kajoFlannel, when I try to run that giant command, I get errors.06:20
StarnestommyTankado: they're C functions, not commands06:20
Mba7ethmyrtti: but i didn't partition my box at all ... all directories are in one partition06:20
m1rpsykroll: can u install compiz back ?06:21
tv7497myrtti : oh!!!!!!!!06:21
MyrttiMba7eth: uh-oh06:21
kohelethMyrtti, I want to read pdf's within my browser, besides adobes is the best06:21
Tankadoso i will be able to use them within the code?06:21
=== homeuser is now known as johny-b-goode
tv7497xcell u: dude u there06:21
StarnestommyTankado: within the code for a C program, yes06:21
Tankadothanks !06:21
kohelethI installed the restricted stuff but its not there?06:21
psykrollmlr, workin on it06:21
johny-b-goodeok people06:21
Myrttikoheleth: you can install a plugin to be used within the browser and it doesn't need to be acroread06:21
johny-b-goodewhat is the default root pass on the ubuntu install?06:21
johny-b-goodeIt didn't ask me during install....06:22
Starnestommyjohny-b-goode: there isn't onw06:22
m1rpsykroll: think your window manager is messed when u removed it but cant be sure so lets begin from start :)06:22
psykrollmlr: brb06:22
Myrtti!root > johny-b-goode06:22
Madpilotjohny-b-goode, there is no such thing06:22
Myrtti!sudo > johny-b-goode06:22
johny-b-goodeMadpilot: ok so how to login as root?06:22
Myrttijohny-b-goode: read the messages ubottu sent you06:22
Starnestommyjohny-b-goode: you don't need to.  Use sudo instead06:22
tv7497myrtti : dude liitle help needed06:22
Madpilotjohny-b-goode, generally, you don't06:22
Joe_do you need a high end computer to run Ubuntu?06:22
fouadjohny-b-goode,  sudo su -06:22
MyrttiMba7eth: well.06:22
MadpilotJoe_, not really06:22
johny-b-goodeMadpilot: for apt-get and other basic stuff....06:23
StarnestommyJoe_: an average one can usually run ubuntu06:23
tv7497joe_:nope dude06:23
Myrttifouad: eeeep, wrong answer06:23
dabbillJoe_, dont need a high end computer to run any linux06:23
psykrollmlr: still no06:23
m1rjoe_ , aat least 500mhz 128 ram :)06:23
Mba7ethmyrtti: any other clue ?06:23
johny-b-goodefouad: ok so basically just use sudo su - but there isn't a root user?06:23
Madpilotjohny-b-goode, use sudo - see the stuff Myrtti had the bot send you06:23
Myrttijohny-b-goode: read the messages ubottu sent you06:23
Joe_i have a few old cpu sitting around06:23
Starnestommyjohny-b-goode: "sudo command" is the same as "command" as root06:23
Madpilotubottu, root | johny-b-goode06:23
ubottujohny-b-goode: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:23
fouadjohny-b-goode, yep there is a root user06:23
kajoJoe_, ubuntu is an excellent choice for old computers...06:23
Joe_my concern with ubuntu, is i am not sure how to set up the partition?06:23
kajoJoe_, especially fluxbuntu.06:24
PhirephlyWubi it :P06:24
tv7497ubottu : dude little bit help needed regarding splash screen06:24
ubottutv7497: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:24
johny-b-goodefouad: thanks. I was able to sudo su - and then just passwd and set a root pass. It just feels better knowing what the pass is. :)06:24
MyrttiMba7eth: so how about "ls -lah /home"?06:24
Phirephlytv7497: ubottu is a bot.06:24
m1rjoe_ , set it do automaticly pick size ;)06:24
fouadjohny-b-goode, if you want to do something with the root privileges ,, you can do "sudo dmesg" as an example06:24
Flanneljohny-b-goode: Don't do that.  There was no password before, the root account was locked.06:24
Myrttijohny-b-goode: UH-OH06:24
johny-b-goodefouad: of course, never to login as root for browing online but just to know what the pass is. :)06:24
Madpilotjohny-b-goode, seriously, there is no need to do that. Ubuntu is designed to use sudo + user's pw...06:24
tv7497phirephly : bott???????????06:24
johny-b-goodeMyrtti: :)06:24
Myrttijohny-b-goode: that wasn't a good idea06:24
Joe_m1r: thanks it does a good job when picking that?06:24
kajoFlannel, I got errors running that giant block of code06:25
Starnestommyjohny-b-goode: you have just hade it easier for people to crack into your computer06:25
johny-b-goodeMadpilot: yeah I noticed that. I just always have the habit of having the root password set to something .....06:25
tv7497phirephly : sir i dont know what is a bot06:25
Mba7ethMyrtti: i got my user folder there06:25
Madpilottv7497, ubottu is an IRC script, a robot of sorts06:25
kajoI pasted them on paste.ubuntu.com, though I'm not sure how that works...06:25
m1rjoe_ it picks what it thinks is best for pc06:25
Starnestommytv7497: it's a program, not a person06:25
fouadjohny-b-goode, now that you set a password for root , you are a little bit more vulnerable06:25
Flannelkajo: After you paste, and hit submit, you copy the URL of the page you're redirected to to here06:25
tv7497madpilot :oh!!!!!!!06:25
m1rjoe_ , not that all like it... :)06:25
Madpilottv7497, ubottu is also the most intelligent thing in the channel, but no matter :)06:25
johny-b-goodeStarnestommy: don't worry it's not avaialble to the outside world. It's a home computer behind NAT. There is not translateable path to it unless request goes out via NAT. :)06:25
kajoFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12657/\06:25
MyrttiMba7eth: on the same line that you've got your home, does it have your username twice as well?06:25
beniaminocan anyone explain why hardy is trying to install libtotem-plparser10 version 2.22.1-0ubuntu2.1 over an existing 2.22.2-0ubuntu1 ?06:26
johny-b-goodefouad: hehe, maybe next time I install it, I will leave it alone. :)06:26
tv7497madpilot:well how can it respond like human06:26
Flannelbeniamino: Its a bug, just sit tight and it'll be fixed06:26
fouadjohny-b-goode, that is your system , your file , so it's up to you :)06:26
Myrttijohny-b-goode: no but really, it's not a smart thing to do. Ubuntu was designed to use sudo, there are plenty of things that don't work the way they were supposed to run, now06:26
Madpilottv7497, because it's a very clever script. And the most intelligent thing in this channel, as I said06:26
Mba7ethMyrtti: yes for the user and th group name06:26
Joe_and ubuntu is easier to install than gentoo?06:26
fouadMyrtti, like what ?06:26
MadpilotJoe_, much06:26
johny-b-goodewell, I will leave it alone next time guys. :) I just didn't know and was a little too fast to change it. :)06:27
StarnestommyJoe_: almost every linux distribution is easier than gentoo06:27
beniaminoFlannel: ok, thanks06:27
Flanneljohny-b-goode: You can re-lock it, sudo passwd -l root06:27
johny-b-goodeso basically the package updater is asking for a pass, I didn't know what to give it....06:27
nakedgoatbut emerge rox06:27
dabbillWhen i try to mount the ISO DVD95 creates says, Windows cannot access this disc. The disc might be corrupt. Make sure that the disc uses a format that windows recognizes.06:27
m1rjoe_ , for preformace on old pc's try xubuntu or fluxbuntu06:27
Starnestommyjohny-b-goode: yout user's password06:27
johny-b-goodeFlannel: ok sudo <rootpass> -l root?06:27
johny-b-goodeStarnestommy: it works. :)06:27
tv7497madpilot : sir well my splash screen isnt working i tried bootupmanager there its idel (usplash utilty ) any way can i ficx this sir06:27
UF_Linguistthis is a test, can anyone read me?06:27
isforinsectsWhen should I expect hardy to update firefox to 3RC1?06:27
Madpilotjohny-b-goode, user pass, always.06:27
Flanneljohny-b-goode: no.  `sudo passwd -l root`06:27
kajoUF_Linguist, yes.06:27
psykrollmlr: I'm trying not to lose hope06:28
Flanneljohny-b-goode: then when it prompts for a password, enter your users password06:28
Joe_m1r:  why are those better on old ones?06:28
johny-b-goodeFlannel: it says password changed. So it changed it to something and locked it?06:28
Madpilottv7497, I'm not sure - never broken that part of an Ubuntu install myself...06:28
m1rJoe_ , they eat less pc power06:28
johny-b-goodeFlannel: okie dokie. updater is working.06:28
Flanneljohny-b-goode: no, it just locked it.06:28
johny-b-goodeFlannel: thanks. :)06:28
Flannelkajo: Go ahead and manually remove the open office packages, and then try it again.06:28
tv7497madpilot: k sir06:28
kajoFlannel, is there a way to 'force' the uninstall?06:28
nakedgoatpsykroll, try creating a file in your homedir or where ver, called like .start_metacity.sh06:28
kajoFlannel, thanks.06:28
johny-b-goodeok all root is lock.06:28
m1rjoe_ , i prefer openbox for my system, not so easy to config, but runs like dream06:29
nakedgoatpsykroll inside it #!/bin/bash06:29
nakedgoatsleep 10 && metacity;06:29
johny-b-goodeunder lock06:29
johny-b-goodethanks all. You guys are great help. :)06:29
nakedgoatadd that to sessions, make it exec first.06:29
jason__hi, could somebody tell me how to install firefox on ubuntu ?06:29
johny-b-goodedon't worry the root is not open. WIll sudo ....06:29
johny-b-goodejason__:sudo  apt-get install firefox06:29
johny-b-goodejason__: but it should be already installed, no?06:29
Tankadoanyone have a good manual for using emacs for C? (when i try to compile with it its tring to compile Lisp code)06:29
UF_Linguistthank you for the spredy reply. Is this a channel that can be used for.help with Ubuntu?06:29
Madpilotjason^, it's there by default06:30
jason__well right now i have firefox 3 beta 506:30
Joe_m1r:   so with ubuntu when there is a new version, I don't need to brun another iso for it?06:30
MadpilotUF_Linguist, it is06:30
BlakJakAnyone know why the latest set of upgrades for Xubuntu (7.10) did weird things to the menu bar ?06:30
jason__the release candidate 1 for firefox 3 was released today06:30
jason__so i downloaded that.. and i'm not sure how to install06:30
m1rjoe_ , only once u install , the people take care of rest for you :)06:30
tv7497madpiilot: sir u know any 1 who can help this out06:30
jason__also, i dont think that version is on the repositories06:30
dabbillWhen i try to mount the ISO DVD95 creates says, Windows cannot access this disc. The disc might be corrupt. Make sure that the disc uses a format that windows recognizes.06:30
Joe_m1r:   what apps you recommend?06:30
tv7497mlr: sir u r damn rght people really take care of u06:31
Madpilottv7497, not offhand. Try asking  your question again here in a few minutes.06:31
jaffarkelshaci have a dwl-g122 usb wifi, it has this annoying thing at least with me, when i plug it in, it stays on for a while its disconnected, i plug it back in can even connect to internet and use it and it gets disconnected whilst using it, any suggestions06:31
m1rJoe_ , depends of what u will chose, there is too many options :)06:31
Joe_m1r:  what your favorites ones?06:31
UF_Linguistcan anyone tell me if an ossue I'm having is known? I am running the latest firefox and when I play anything, firefox will crash about 1/3 of the time.06:31
m1rjoe_ , what ubuntu ships, i use :)06:32
Geoffrey2jason__, it usually takes a day or two for the repositories to get updated to the latest version....06:32
jason__okay, then i guess i'll wait until it gets onto the repositories06:32
jason__thanks for the help06:32
jaffarkelshaci assume is something to do with flash probably youtube UF_Linguist06:32
m1rgood night all06:32
Madpilotjason__, I'm not sure how the Firefox update will be handled by Ubuntu this time. Usually only security updates are issued to existing Ubuntu versions.06:32
UF_Linguistsometimes youtube, but really anything with flash, and sound I suppose if that helps06:33
jaffarkelshacgood morning m/r06:33
isforinsectsUF_Linguist, have the same issue06:33
bullgard4What is meant by the term nm-applet 0.6.5 > Connection information > Active Connection Information' > 'Primary_DNS'?06:33
kajoUF_Linguist, do you have minimal ram?06:33
isforinsectsUF_Linguist, I am made to understand it has something to do with xulrunner1.906:33
Phirephlyjason__: With all the FF love, it won't be long.06:33
kajoUF_Linguist, or perhaps swappy file issues?06:33
uwohi all. how do i set up which embedded player (plugin) firefox uses for .wmv files?06:33
jaffarkelshacits a known issue, i use epiphany for all my flash if am watching a lot06:33
layoBlakJak, you can choose the " see the different ..."06:33
UF_Linguistnot necessarily glad to hear, but at least it's not just me06:33
UF_Linguistepiphany? Is it a flash substitute?06:34
isforinsectsepiphany?  No.06:34
jaffarkelshacits a browser06:34
BlakJaklayo: for example, the 'door' didnt present the 'logout/suspend/reboot' dialogue but instead simply let me quit the x4ce somethingorother... and when i did.. i was left with a desktop and no menus06:34
UF_Linguistoh, oops. Is it more stable with flash? I've noticed firefox 2 has no such issue.06:34
TankadoIs there any way to change emacs from Lisp Interaction to  C Interaction ?>06:35
isforinsectsUF_Linguist, I'm going to try the latest firefox release 3rc1 and see if that helps06:35
tv7497guys my splash screen /boot screen not working well06:35
tv7497i tried to reconfigure x screen but of no use06:35
jaffarkelshacwhats up with ubuntu sometimes, nothing works, i mean everything does not open, even quit does not open the only way i have been able to get out it is hard reboot06:35
psykrollnakedgoat: I have no clue how to do that, apparently.06:36
UF_Linguistalso, when you shut Ubuntu down, is it /supposed/ to have vertical alternating lines of odd colors for a second?06:36
kajoUF_Linguist, I also would like to know that...06:36
[mando]I get that also.06:36
kohelethwere is acroread in the repos?06:36
nakedgoatpsykroll the whole thing I told u or how to make it exec?06:37
UF_Linguistok, once again glad to hear it's not just me06:37
tv7497even my boot up manager saying the same thng usplash utility not working any help guys06:37
UF_Linguistwell I'm going to go I will return as I have issues. Glad to have found the place.06:37
PhirephlyAlright, everyone pray for me because if I screwed up, I'm gonna have to reinstall ubuntu :)06:37
nakedgoatpsykroll here's a crazy idea, install a new, or reinstall your windows manager :)?06:37
layoBlakJak, you cannt logon the x windows?06:37
psykrollnakedgoat: I don't know how to make it or make it exec06:37
nakedgoatto create it, sudo gedit <filename> or pico, or vi ect...06:38
=== RootMR__ is now known as rootmr
BlakJaklayo: I was in XWindows, I got prompted for some updates, which I applied. I found that Firefox was being very weird, so I went to reboot... the 'door' button  (which moved from right to left aligned) didntd give me the usual reboot dialogues.06:38
=== rootmr is now known as RootMR
nakedgoati belive u want chmod a+x<filename>06:38
BlakJakoh, and post upgrades the shortcuts for firefox (etc) in the menu bar got replaced with defaults that pointed nowhere06:39
nakedgoatwanan sudo that also06:39
happosadhow to rip DVD to FW400-harddrive whit k9copy?06:39
BlakJaki used alt-f2 and ran an xterm, and then init 6'd - it looked the same on reboot06:39
tv7497blakjak : sir my splash screen has been screwed up not working06:40
BlakJaktv7497: what is a splash screen exactly?06:40
nakedgoatpsykroll I take it you've tried sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop06:41
kohelethhas acroread been removed from ubuntu?06:41
tv7497blakjak : d boot screen of ubuntu that starts after the grub06:41
BlakJakah ok. sorry i cant help you with that06:41
eduardam new user of ubuntu can anybody help me06:41
happosadhow to rip DVD to FW400-harddrive whit k9copy?06:41
kohelethwith what06:41
Enseliceduard: what is the problem?06:41
kajoWhat is the difference between installing fluxbuntu, and installing ubuntu & then aptitude-install-fluxbox?06:41
legend2440tv7497: what is wrong with the usplash screen?06:42
eduardi don't know how to use some applications06:42
Enselickajo: if you install ubuntu first, you will also have a lot of packages installed that fluxbuntu wouldn't install06:42
Enseliceduard: what do you want to do?06:42
tv7497legend2440 :sir i goes blank after grubs load evry time i need to press cntrl-alt-f1 to get text version06:42
eduardi saw good features in youtube06:42
psykrollnakedgoat: assume nothing and you'll save me embarassment. I was expecting an easier to maintain OS.06:42
tv7497legend2440 :*it06:43
kajoHow does one cause the login screen to never 'go gui', and just go to a terminal login from a standard ubuntu install?06:43
BlakJaktv7497: Have you tried forcing a more limited video mode on boot?06:43
Flannelkajo: stop GDM from starting06:43
tv7497blakjak : nope how do u do that06:43
kajoFlannel, what is GDM?06:43
wesley_that might be because ubuntu isn't reading your graphics card, try booting in recovery mode06:43
Enseliceduard: when talking to someone on IRC, please direct statements to nicks. Try Ens<Tab> [message]. That way people will get notified when you say something to them06:43
Flannelkajo: Thats the thing you log in to06:43
blah569Whenever I install this GTK theme, it tells me that the theme was succesfully installed, but then the theme is not visible on the list of themes to apply.06:43
nakedgoatwhat excatly are you going to lose re-installing your window manager?06:43
legend2440tv7497: install startupmanager. there is an option in there for usplash themes manager06:44
layoBlakJak, did u resolve?06:44
psykrollnakedgoat: it may be doing something, but it doesn't look like it06:44
nakedgoatpsykroll background and theme?06:44
Drezardwhats another domain of a repo for ubuntu 7.10?06:44
kajoFlannel, what all does GDM do that I would then need to do manually in its stead?06:44
BlakJaklayo: no, i wanted to know if this was something seen before.06:44
Drezardas in like, au.archive.ubuntu.com except a university one06:44
blah569Any ideas as to why?06:44
tv7497legend2441 : done it sir even removed d original splash screen and added a new 1 from gnome.org still no use06:44
Flannelkajo: Whenevre you wanted to log in, either start GDM then log in, or log in then startx06:45
Alex_GaynorWill ubuntu push the FF3 RC1?06:45
FlannelAlex_Gaynor: for 8.04.1, most likely, yes.06:45
legend2440tv7497: which theme you using? usplash-theme-ubuntu?06:45
dabbillWhen i try to mount the ISO DVD95 creates says, Windows cannot access this disc. The disc might be corrupt. Make sure that the disc uses a format that windows recognizes.06:46
* Phirephly frowns.06:46
PhirephlyDidn't work yet.06:46
kajoFlannel, what file controls what apps are loaded on system start up? Is it dangerous to modify?06:46
Flannel!bum | kajo06:46
ubottukajo: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:46
tv7497legend2440 : how do u check it sir06:46
Alex_GaynorFlannel: So it won't be updated the way the small releases were in gutsy(from to for exmaple)?06:46
blah569Does anyone have any ideas to my question?  I am sorry to continuusoly post, but this is an active IRC channel.06:46
FlannelAlex_Gaynor: Bugfixes are always changed, yes.06:46
bullgard4What is meant by the term nm-applet 0.6.5 > Connection information > Active Connection Information' > 'Primary DNS'?06:47
kajoblah569, keep reposting your question, not just references to your question- after all, this is an active IRC channel.06:47
tv7497flannel : sir every time u use ! u r calling bot ????????06:47
legend2440tv7497: open startup manager  look under appearance should say which theme your using06:47
Alex_GaynorFlannel: Ok thats what I meant, it will go out with apt-get, I wasn't asking about putting it onto the CD06:47
psykrollnakedgoat: I turned the theme to a basic one with a solid color background06:47
blah569Whenever I install this GTK theme, it tells me that the theme was succesfully installed, but then the theme is not visible on the list of themes to apply.06:47
samf12412RT2500 or RT2600 chipset for wireless, which is better?06:48
nakedgoatpsykroll well, I meant what would u lose by reinstall ubuntuu-desktop06:48
Flanneltv7497: Indeed06:48
kajosamf12412, obviously higher numbers are better. */sarcasm.06:48
psykrollnakegoat: nope, didn't happen06:48
nakedgoatpsykroll did u try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop06:48
psykrollnakedgoat yes06:49
mauroi have no sound in my computer06:49
tyler_could someone pelase help me out with a proftpd setup?06:49
Drezardhow do i check what DNS servers i have?06:49
Drezardor what the dns setting ares?06:49
tv7497legend2440: sir its chrome-theme06:49
maurocan somebody help me?06:49
tv7497mauro : yes06:50
blah569Whenever I install a new GTK Theme, I receive a message telling me that the GTK theme was installed successfully.  The theme does not appear in the list of themes to apply.  I am on Ubuntu 8.04.06:50
tyler_i created an anonymous ftp where i can only browse with the web browser if i use gftp or anything else it says connection refused. also the files i put in the directory aren't being displayed any ideas?06:50
kajomauro, check the forums. There is a thread that is stickied just concerning no sound in ubuntu.06:50
psykrollnakedgoat the cursur just goes to the next line, but does not go back to user@computername:~$ like normal06:50
legend2440tv7497: have you tried usplash-theme-ubuntu?06:50
dabbillany howtos for hardy on DVD backup?06:51
psykrollIf I have to reinstall I'll freak06:51
tv7497legend2240 : sir there is no option in manage u splash theme06:51
Flannel!dvd | dabbill06:51
ubottudabbill: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:51
maurotv7497: I have been checking the forums but i couldnot find aa solution06:51
kajoFlannel, that long command just finished running to remove everything... yet, firefox is still installed. :?06:52
miickeeHere's my output for sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/scd0:  Timing cached reads:   448 MB in  2.02 seconds = 221.25 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads:   10 MB in  3.52 seconds =   2.84 MB/sec06:52
PhirephlyCan someone tell me more about the package 915resolution?06:52
miickeeIt's too slow.06:52
PhirephlyI want to know if I can use it to work at 1440x90006:52
blah569Whenever I install a new GTK Theme, I receive a message telling me that the GTK theme was installed successfully.  The theme does not appear in the list of themes to apply.  I am on Ubuntu 8.04.06:52
eboyjrWhere is the word list in Ubuntu?06:52
Devil_Angelhey guys, quick question, hopefully with a simple answer. =)    I'm trying to dual boot ubuntu with another popular OS and the installer is telling me that I have no hdd, or it can't find a hdd. has anyone else encountered this?06:52
dabbillFlannel, k9copy doesnt create a iso06:52
AngryBaconWhat would cause a PC to randomly shutoff other than a brownout or bad PSU?06:53
kajoFirefox keeps crashing on me when I try and log in to either facebook or gmail (gmail can be worked around by accessing the HTML version). It did not used to do this. Anyone have an idea of where to start?06:53
nakedgoatpsykroll did you try creating another user?06:53
maurokajo: I have been checking the forums but i couldnot find aa solution06:53
tv7497mauro : sound problem google it out dude there is a huge foroum regrding this dude may be something like this sound noy working in ubuntu in google search06:53
Flanneldabbill: What does it create?06:53
kajomauro, I would look, but my firefox is crashing on me. :(06:53
legend2440tv7497: is usplash-theme-ubuntu installed?06:54
nakedgoatpsykroll still there ;) did u already try creating a new user?06:54
Flannelkajo: Heh.  Xubuntu may use firefox.  This one is a better choice actually: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde (remember to remove the install kubuntu-desktop command at the end)06:54
maurokajo: i have checked a lot of forums but.....06:54
dabbillFlannel, just gives the audio / video folder06:54
Flanneldabbill: Just make an ISO from those folders06:55
tv7497mauro : check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78444906:55
q_a_z_stevecan anyone help me with DVDDecrypter and DVDshrink through wine? http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/dvdshrink/ isn't helping so much!06:55
kajoHelp?? I am running 'top', and it tells me that 253676k out of 320808k are being used, even though I am only running xchat and a terminal with 4 tabs (3 tabs doing nothing currently...)06:55
Starnestommykajo: are any other things running?06:55
kajoStarnestommy, Not a single other thing.06:55
Flannelkajo: Unused RAM is wasted RAM.  Linux stores stuff it think may be useful in RAM so it can get to it quickly.  If other apps need that RAM, it'll be cleared for them06:56
psykrollnakedgoat i just checked my wife's profile, it works fine06:56
D0ugh_B0iiwhat is the code to get the utils for ndiswrapper?06:56
tv7497legend2440:how do u check sir coz im totally noob06:56
nakedgoatpsykroll , just create a new user..06:56
Starnestommykajo: top only shows xchat and gnome-terminal?06:56
kajoFlannel, I understand this, but 75+% being used on xchat and a terminal?06:56
Flannelkajo: No, 75% being filled, not used.06:56
mudd`Hossamwhy isnt apt-get install mysql-server working? it keeps failing when trying to initialize mysqld06:56
kajoStarnestommy, it shows Xorg, xchat, and top as the first three things.06:56
dabbillFlannel, what program to make them iso, or how to just burn them so they will play in a normal DVD Player?06:56
psykrollnakedgoat I can create a new root admin?06:56
psykrolland delete this one?06:57
nakedgoatyes sure06:57
psykrollnakedgoat sweet06:57
Flanneldabbill: if you take the contents of those files and burn them (so those folders are in the root of the DVD) it will work in DVD players06:57
kajoxfce4 terminal, starnestommy06:57
dabbillFlannel, thanks06:57
psykrollnakedgoat I will try but first a smoke outside06:57
kajo253784 ram *used*.... I am suspecting this is the cause of my firefox crashing....06:57
Starnestommykajo: check what's in the res column06:57
nakedgoatpsykroll i hear ya, me too.06:57
legend2440tv7497: open system>administration>Synaptic and see if there is green mark next to uspals-theme-ubuntu06:57
kajoStarnestommy, for which?06:57
roboticdoes Ubuntu automatically log a history of all my assigned IP addresses anywhere?06:58
legend2440tv7497: open system>administration>Synaptic and see if there is green mark next to usplash-theme-ubuntu06:58
kajoxorg shows 14m, xchat shows 14m...06:58
kajoxchat just shot to 23m for a second.06:58
Starnestommykajo: or type f then Q to sort by resident memory use06:58
Madpilotkajo, used, or just in use as cache? linux is quite aggressive about caching - might as well use available ram, after all06:58
D0ugh_B0iiwhat is the code to get the utils for ndiswrapper?06:58
StarnestommyD0ugh_B0ii: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.906:59
kajoMadpilot, all I know is what top tells me. Does top distinguish the two? WHAT would it be caching right now???06:59
FlannelD0ugh_B0ii: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.906:59
maurotv7497: ???06:59
kajoStarnestommy, typing f gave me a screen that displayed what each field means...06:59
Starnestommykajo: press Q then enter06:59
kajoright. By then I had already screwed with 'q' to try and quit, before I realized how it worked.07:00
Madpilotkajo, I don't think top does distingush, actually07:00
Peng/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key, the SSHv1 host key, could still be affected by the OpenSSL issue, right?07:00
kajotop does tell me 'buffers', if that is important, under mem, Madpilot07:00
tv7497mauro: r try resetting alsa07:00
tv7497sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset07:00
kajoStarnestommy, what info do you want?07:01
tv7497legend2440 :yes sir there is a green mark07:01
Madpilotkajo, "man top" for all the info - I think top is one of the lucky programs with a man page that's actually useful07:01
tv7497mauro : sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset07:01
Rat409kajo: free -m is useful sometimes07:02
maurotv7497: and now?07:02
legend2440tv7497: then in startup manager you should have option to choose usplash-theme-ubuntu as usplash theme07:02
tv7497maoro : now ur sound works ??????/07:02
kajoRat409, thanks.07:02
kajoMem:           313        248         65          0          3        16707:03
tv7497legend2440: no sir there is not hoe do i add this07:03
kajoThose are: total, used, free, shared buffers, cache07:03
tv7497legend2440: how07:03
kajoshared, buffers, ca...*07:03
tv7497mauro:dude is ur sound working now07:04
tv7497mauro : dude07:04
maurotv7497: nop, there are a red cross in the KmMix near to the date07:04
kajoStarnestommy, Rat409, Madpilot- when I quit top to run "free -m", that last screen shows Xorg taking 83% of mem...07:04
legend2440tv7497: in startup manager in Boot Options is Show Boot Splash box checked?07:05
tv7497mauro : dont know dude try asking flannel sir07:05
Starnestommykajo: try logging out them back in07:05
Morph3ushi.. i need help.. my xorg suddenly restart, closing my session07:05
roboticis there any list of old IP addresses I registered under?07:05
tv7497legend2240 : yes sir07:05
Rat409robotic: try /var/log/kernel.log etc....07:06
legend2440tv7497: i would try reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu07:06
tv7497legend2440 : how do u do it sir07:07
roboticRat409: thanks!07:07
legend2440tv7497: in synaptic right click usplash-theme-ubuntu choose reinstall07:07
tv7497legend2440: sir cant u do with sudo apt-get install sir07:08
tv7497legend2440: rather than synaptic07:08
legend2440tv7497: yes07:09
FujiMujiwhat happened to workspaces on a cube in ubuntu 8.04?07:09
RyanPriorFujiMuji: still there.07:09
FujiMujihow do I get it?07:09
nakedgoatFujiMuji : ur video drivers :)07:09
FlannelFujiMuji: install simple-ccsm and you can change it back to being on a cube07:10
RyanPriorFujiMuji: install simple-ccsm if you want an easy way to get it, install compizconfig-settings-manager if you want full tweakage.07:10
tv7497legend2440 : does this works sir sudo apt-get install -reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu07:10
FujiMujiit used to be that you went System>Preferences>Desktop Effects07:10
RyanPriorThe program 'apt-get' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install apt07:11
roboticRat409: No luck... it doesn't have IP addresses in the kernel log.  thanks though!07:11
maurotv7497: ??????????07:11
legend2440tv7497:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu    two dashes next to reinstall07:11
smultroni just installed ubuntu onto another partition with my XP install. but after installing and rebooting, it goes straight to XP. i can't access GRUB with esc either. any ideas?07:11
babolat!grub | smultron07:11
ubottusmultron: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:11
tv7497mauro : dude google it out remeber google is ur best friend07:12
soshkahey can anyone help me out my rhythmbox keeps crashing at startup07:12
mauroflannel: i have no sound in my computer07:12
smultronbabolat: it's the other way around. i installed ubuntu ontop of an existing windows install. will this still work?07:12
babolatsoshka: try launching it using the terminal so that you get an idea what causes the problem07:12
FujiMujithanks for the help, I'll see if it works07:13
babolatsmultron: yes. read up and you'll see how to recover Grub07:13
kajoWHY?!?!? is firefox crashing when I try to get on to facebook? It did not used to do this. :\07:13
soshkaGLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_instance_get_private: assertion `instance != NULL && instance->g_class != NULL' failed07:13
soshkaSegmentation fault07:13
soshkathats the messege07:13
mojo_babolat: outside question i want to ask, do you play tennis with Babolat equipments?07:13
smultronbabolat: thanks07:13
tv7497!alsa | mauro07:13
ubottumauro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:13
babolatmojo_: yes i do. but the choice of nick was arbitrary07:13
kajowould this happen as a result of uninstalling flash or something? I think I am just going to do a fresh install....07:14
Morph3usHi.. Hardy has Xorg problems?07:14
babolatsoshka: so when you launch the program, a window is drawn but instantly closes or disappears, right?07:14
babolat!who | soshka07:15
ubottusoshka: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:15
tv7497legend2440: sir i selected usplash-theme-ubuntu now should i restart07:15
legend2440tv7497: yes07:15
tv7497mauro : dude got any help from ubott07:15
tv7497legend2440:thank u sir i will let u know after i restart07:16
bjronanyone know how to set the default soundcard that pulseaudio will use?07:16
kajoIf I do a minimal install of 8.04, and then aptitude install fluxbox, what software will I have installed on my computer? Will this prevent things like firefox, pidgin, totem, etc, from just being installed?07:16
babolatsoshka: please read up -->https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/192624 a workaround has been presented07:16
tv7497!alsa | bjron07:16
ubottubjron: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192624 in rhythmbox ""Segmentation fault" in rhythmbox (dup-of: 164062)" [Undecided,Invalid]07:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 164062 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [Medium,Fix released]07:16
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:17
FinnishHmm, why I can't install Krdm?07:17
tv7497bjron : dude check ubottu post out07:17
* psaikido greets07:17
bjrontv7497: thanks, but alsa works fine, pulse even works when I tell it which card to use, problem is, it has the wrong card set as default07:17
psaikidoi've managed to mess up my apache2 - permission denied when i go http://localhost - before fiddling with my username..what shoudl i look at to fix it?07:18
Morph3usHi.. plz i need some help.. my graphical interface in hardy is restarting itself.. randomly :(07:19
dopievoliMorph3us: is you're compiz turned on?07:19
kajoWhat is the installed on the minimal CD image like?07:19
Morph3usdopievoli, i really don't know (sorry, i am newbie)07:20
tmapjcould some tell me how i can deal with this error, i cant install any software because "<program name> cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"07:21
Morph3usdopievoli, how could i know if compiz is running? :S07:21
dopievoliPM chat07:21
psaikidopermission denied when i go http://localhost ..what shoudl i look at to fix permissions in this context?07:21
babolattmapj: are you on a 64bit machine?07:21
jscinozI want to set up a 4 disk raid0 array, my motherboard is an asus striker ii formula which has the nvidia fakeraid. for the highest possible speed what would be the best way to do this? lvm, nvraid, md, dmraid or something else/combination of the above?07:21
BrahmsCthis is insane!  have this channel been this big last year ?07:21
tmapjbabolat no 3207:21
macdBrahmsC, for the past few years.07:21
roboticdoes anyone know where SSH keys live?07:22
psaikidoBrahmsC: it's like yelling in a train station07:22
macdrobotic, in ~/.ssh/07:22
roboticmacd: thanks!07:22
babolattmapj: is your add/remove Apps window closed now?07:23
tmapjbabolat: no its open07:23
onexusedI'm using Firestarter to configure my firewall.  According to the events tab, a number of IPs keep trying to contact my computer on UDP port 26913.  I can't find this port in any port list.  Do I need to do anything about this?  I already have the firewall set to use a whitelist (26913 isn't on it) and silently drop packets.07:23
babolattmapj: please close it and in a terminal, do: sudo apt-get update07:23
macdonexused, sounds like some automated attack, Id just silenty drop07:23
tv7497legend2440: no sir nothing yet same old problem07:23
psaikidopermission denied when i go http://localhost ..what shoudl i look at to fix apache2 permissions? anyone?07:23
legend2440bjron: read man asoundconf tells how to set default soundcard to use07:23
onexusedmacd: Okay.  Thanks.07:23
dopievoliMorph3us: are you in the log on screen?07:24
macdpsaikido, does accessing via work?07:24
legend2440bjron asoundconf list will list available cards07:24
tmapjbabolat, ok its finished, now what?07:24
BrahmsCpsaikido: i can see that,  looks like america is asleep right now so it's bearable :p07:24
Morph3usdopievoli, after X restart itself, i get the login screen07:24
psaikidomacd: no :(07:24
=== drenz is now known as aCCe-
babolattmapj: ok. now do: sud apt-get upgrade07:25
legend2440tv7497: blank screen at boot?07:25
tv7497legend : yup sir07:25
bjronlegend2440: it's not alsa I need to set the card for - I know how to do that, it's Pulse.  But actually I should have been more clear and said I need to set the default Sink for pulse07:25
pretendercant get 1680 x 1050 res with a Asus VW222 and Nvidia FX 5200 in ubuntu 7.10.  how can i get this native resolution07:25
tv7497legend2440: yup sir07:25
pat5starpsaikido: just covering basics first...is apache running?07:25
dopievoliMorph3us: Now click on the session and select fail safe gnome07:25
macdpsaikido, Id investigate, what your document root is set to, as well as check to verify that directory exists, and has contents, by default apache2.2 on Hardy should say "It works!"07:25
psaikidomacd: i had it all up and running before trying to move all my files in one profile to another.  that didn't work well so i moved them all back and now get this permission thing07:25
dopievoliif that doesn't work you should get some body else to help you with the X07:25
tmapjits downloading07:26
mauroubottu: alsamixer is not working07:26
babolattmapj: ok. tell me when you're done07:26
Starnestommymauro: ubottu is a bot07:26
psaikidomacd: yeah, i set document root in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default07:26
mauroubottu: alsamixer is not working07:26
babolat!bot | mauro07:26
ubottumauro: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)07:26
cyphacan someone suggest an mp3 player in linux?07:26
cyphawith the most functionality07:26
pat5starpsaikido: did you reload apache afterwards?07:26
cyphalike winamp07:26
tmapjbabolat: ok07:26
legend2440tv7497: sorry don't know what else to try07:26
cyphai know there is one that looks just like it07:26
Morph3usdopievoli, all right.. and after that? must i check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log logfile?07:26
cyphabut i want the one with the most powerful media library07:27
psykrollnakedgoat u there?07:27
psaikidopat5star: ah, no, i'll do a restart...07:27
cyphalike it07:27
dpowerdcypha, hello did you ever get your dual monitors working?07:27
macdpsaikido, ahhh, you prolly need to use chown to redo the ownership to www-data so like "sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /document/root/dir/*"07:27
cyphadpowerd! i just did07:27
Starnestommycypha: vlc, mplayer, totem07:27
cyphasome guy dragged me through it07:27
tv7497legend2440: its ok sir and thanx for all the help07:27
dpowerdcypha, awesome :D07:27
pat5starpsaikido: i think (been awhile) apachectl -graceful07:27
kajoGAHH. ALL I want is to just have fluxbuntu, and a handful of programs on my computer. I am willing to do a complete reinstall. What *exactly* should I do?07:27
cyphai had to reinstall ubuntu once !07:27
dpowerdcypha, if you like winamp try xmms perhaps07:27
dpowerdwell at least its working now07:27
tv7497mauro : dude ubott is a robot an intelligent scrpit07:27
kajofluxbox, and a handful of programs**07:27
cyphaxmms just looks like it i thought07:27
macdpat5star, psaikido no you should use the init system, this is debian afterall ;)  'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart or reload"07:28
cyphai read that functionality was not nearly as close07:28
cyphathere was one that i heard was very powerful for linux07:28
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)07:28
dpowerdya it resembles it but i dunno, i use amarok personally07:28
cyphabut it didn't use gnome07:28
cyphaused kdm or something07:28
psaikidopat5star: but not changed07:28
cyphai think amarok07:28
babolat!ot | babolat woohoo! just finished downloading Smallville S07E2007:28
ubottubabolat woohoo! just finished downloading Smallville S07E20: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:28
cyphathat was supposed to be the best i think07:28
dpowerdits very popular i think07:28
pat5starmacd: like I said, been awhile since I admininstered a server...was hoping someone would correct me if wrong :)07:28
cyphait uses something other than gnome, right?07:28
mauroalsamixer is not working...07:29
dpowerdit might use the kde libs? im not sure07:29
cyphakde librs07:29
pat5starpsaikido: did you see what macd wrote?07:29
macdcypha, Rythmbox is pretty nice.07:29
dpowerdim using kubuntu, it came preinstalled if i recall07:29
MrEgg964Hi all. Hardy will no longer print since its last cupsys update (yesterday) :( Can anybody help me?07:29
cyphamacd, what's it do compared to winamp?07:29
psaikidopat5star: only just!  i'm investigating that...07:29
macdcypha, its like osx compared to windows 95.07:29
babolattmapj: are the downloads done yet?07:30
tmapjnot yet07:30
tmapjill tell you as soon as they're done07:30
bullgard4What does mean the classification in Launchpad > Bugs "Status=Invalid"?07:30
tv7497legend2440 : sir could u help mauro the guy is seeking help from past 1 hour regarding his alsamixer :-)07:30
svenskoi'm trying to install quake 3... when it asks for my root PW i put it in and it just hangs07:30
svenskohas anyone else had this issue07:31
tmapjsvensko are you from sweden?07:31
macdsvensko, dont install it like that, prefix your install command with "sudo" instead.07:31
babolat#winehq might be of better help, svensko07:31
psaikidomacd: my username is 'hugh' so i went - sudo chown -R hugh:www-data /home/hugh/sites/* - restart but same result07:31
jscinozI want to set up a 4 disk raid0 array, my motherboard is an asus striker ii formula which has the nvidia fakeraid. for the highest possible speed what would be the best way to do this? lvm, nvraid, md, dmraid or something else/combination of the above?07:31
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:31
tmapjbabolat:  ok its done07:31
cyphamacd...which one's osx! lol07:31
SuperQsvensko: which version of wine is installed?07:31
macdcypha, Rhytmbox07:31
SuperQoh.. wait07:31
SuperQquake3 has a native binary07:32
babolattmapj: ok.. open the Add/Remove Apps window.07:32
macdpsaikido, try chmod 0644 the dir?07:32
cyphafine, i'll dl now, can i apt-get install it?07:32
SuperQno need for wine :)07:32
mauroalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory07:32
macdcypha, yep 'sudo apt-get install rhythmbox'07:32
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
cyphak, cool07:32
cyphahow do i remove it if i don't like it07:32
dpowerdspeaking of cups... i tried to setup a smb share to share my printer attached here (ubuntu box) to share with the windows clients.... the printer shows up on the windows clients but when i send a print job it just sits in the queue and never prints07:32
cyphaso that it's completely removed07:32
dopievoliMorph3us: BrB07:32
kajoI simply want fluxbox & a handful of programs on my computer, nothing more, nothing less. How do I do this most efficiently?07:33
cyphaeverything that came in is removed and left unchanged07:33
macdcypha, and if you want to search for packages, 'apt-cache search name' is your best friend :)07:33
dpowerdcypha, apt-get remove07:33
smultronbabolat: i followed the grub recover instructions, but when i try to boot off the grub menu item labeled 'ubuntu etc.' i get 'partition not found'. but the windows menu item works fine07:33
cyphaohhh, cool macd07:33
cyphadpowerd: what about that --purge whatever thing07:33
cyphaequally as good?07:33
tmapjbabolat: thanks a lot. i just unstalled ubuntu anew. is there anything else i should download right now?07:33
babolatsmultron: pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:33
babolattmapj: click on the "Preferences" button in the lower left of the "Add/Remove Applications" window and enable all the "Downloadable from the Internet" sources07:33
dpowerdnot sure cypha im quite the novice07:33
psaikidomacd: no - never mind i'll try later - it's mad in ere init!07:33
SuperQkajo: you could install server, and then manually install stuff07:33
macdcypha, use purge when your never going to use that program again, then it clears config files, data directores, etc.07:33
macdpsaikido, its always a madhouse!07:34
tonsofpcshow can i clear my temp files without rebooting?07:34
SuperQkajo: are you disk space limited?07:34
cyphait'll put the config file back to before it was installed?07:34
cyphaor undoes the lines it did?07:34
macdtonsofpcs, you shouldnt be deleting anything in /tmp07:34
kajoSuperQ, is the server CD different from the minimal CD? I have only 6 gigs of HD, old laptop..07:34
RyanPriortonsofpcs: It's probably not a good idea, since programs may assume that they will have continuing access to the temp files.07:34
psaikidomacd: yeesh - i'll have more time though - thx and bye07:34
babolattonsofpcs: deleting them manually with mission-critical apps open is unsafe as i have been told07:34
macdcypha, a lil of both07:34
macdpsaikido, anytime.07:34
SuperQkajo: I don't think there is a "minimal" anymore07:35
tmapjbabolat: hello?07:35
kajoSuperQ, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:35
babolattmapj: ?07:35
SuperQkajo: Oh, that's _really_ minimal07:35
tmapjbabolat: there is no "prefrences" in the window07:35
cyphai apparently already had rhythmbox07:36
legend2440mauro: do you have alsa-utils installed?07:36
cyphacame with ubuntu i guess07:36
kajoSuperQ, enlighten me on the finer points, please?07:36
SuperQkajo: Server is a bit bigger, with some more common packages07:36
dmsuperman_So I've been googling for like 30 minutes, and I can't find any. Ubuntu offers you an opportunity to change your startup sound, however I can't seem to find any. I don't want movie clips. something that sounds professional like the currently included one, but perhaps a bit more techno-ey. Is there a website where these exist?07:36
cypharhythmbox looks like itunes07:36
SuperQkajo: minimal appears to be literally that.. the most basic set07:36
kajoSuperQ, like what kind of things would be on server that would not be on otherwise?07:36
SuperQkajo: if you're familiar with Linux stuff, Minimal may be what you want07:36
cyphawhat do i have to do to get amarok?07:37
SuperQkajo: otherwise, try out xubuntu, which is a lighter-weight full distro07:37
RyanPriorkajo: minimal has basically the very core of an operable Ubuntu system.07:37
maurolegend2440: i do not know07:37
macdcypha, yeah I guess I could have told you that ;)07:37
cyphai can't stand itunes07:37
cyphano offense07:37
cyphait's like the worst07:37
babolattmapj: sorry. in Hardy: System > Administration > Software sources07:37
RyanPriorkajo: If you want to install your own window manager, apps, etc, and customize everything the way you like, then minimal may be what you're looking for.07:37
SuperQkajo: I'm not sure off the top of my head07:37
cyphai'd rather use windows media player!07:37
FloodBot2cypha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
legend2440mauro: in a terminal type sudo apt-get install alsa-utils07:37
kajoSuperQ, Ryan- I'm not a poweruser, but all I want is a handful of stuff... ubuntu as it is feels bloated. I do not want Xfce, I want fluxbox, so I don't want xubuntu. I'm considering doing all of that customization, but wondering if that is best.07:37
RyanPriorkajo: The server distribution has packages to set up things like a fully functioning LAMP server easily.07:38
babolatcypha: macd please take the chitchat to #ubuntu-offtopic07:38
tmapjbabolat: thanks. anything else07:38
RyanPriorkajo: the server release also has packages installed by default which are useful in server administration but which are less useful for desktop users.07:38
SuperQkajo: You can install fluxbox on xubuntu, and then remove xfce07:38
babolattmapj: that's about it07:38
jscinozI want to set up a 4 disk raid0 array, my motherboard is an asus striker ii formula which has the nvidia fakeraid. for the highest possible speed what would be the best way to do this? lvm, nvraid, md, dmraid or something else/combination of the above?07:38
cyphai'm trying to find out how to get amarok07:38
happosadhow to rip DVD to FW400-harddrive whit k9copy?07:39
rkhHi, I was trying to get multiple screens working on my laptop and something broke, and I'm stuck with a 640x480 screen with no idea on how to fix it. Can somebody help me out?07:39
macdcypha, just apt-get it.07:39
tmapjbabolat any other reposatories?07:39
kajoSuperQ, but won't that leave other packages that I won't want, parts of the Xfce operating environment?07:39
RyanPriorkajo: There is a distro called Fluxbuntu, but if you want to install fluxbox yourself, you could start with minimal and install Xorg and Fluxbox.07:39
cyphabut it needs some libraries i thought07:39
cyphaand i'm running gnome07:39
cyphai think07:39
SuperQkajo: well, it will include a lot of packages07:39
tmapjwhats fluxbox?07:39
SuperQtmapj: it's a window environment07:39
zionpsyfercypha: It will get the libraries automatically07:39
happosadlike Gnome and Xcfe07:39
RyanPriorrkh: Can you use System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution ?07:39
macdcypha, dont worry apt takes care of all of that, just 'sudo apt-get install amarok' done.07:39
SuperQtmapj: very light weight07:39
tmapjoh ok07:39
rkhRyanPrior: The only option available is 640x48007:40
RyanPriortmapj: It's amazingly lightweight compared to Gnome and KDE as well. Works great on older computers, or for running many graphical sessions on one box.07:40
SuperQI prefer ion3 for my work machine07:40
babolattmapj: you add repositories via /etc/apt/sources.lst07:40
kajoRyanPrior, Yes I've heard of it... but it looks a little backalley... what I want is fluxbuntu with *NO* software on it. I want to install firefox, pidgin, xchat, java, etc., all myself, so that there is nothing more than what I use.07:40
RyanPriorrkh: That is nuts. Don't know how to help. :-(07:40
cyphak, cool, thanks macd, zionpsyfer07:40
SuperQkajo: yea, go minimal07:40
maurolegend2440: yes, I have alsa-utils installed07:40
RyanPriorkajo: Sounds like you want minimal then, but I would disagree with you on not being a power user. :-)07:40
Flannelkajo: start with an alternate CD, at the boot menu, hit f4, install a system without a GUI, then add fluxbox and xserver-xorg07:40
cyphaAMAROK TAKES 131 MB's???07:40
rkhRyanPrior: Also, whenever I try to run System->Administration->Screens and Graphics, it would just say "Starting Screens..." for a while and then just die/disappear07:40
babolat!caps | cypha07:41
ubottucypha: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:41
legend2440mauro: when you type alsamixer in terminal what happens?07:41
RyanPriorrkh: Perhaps try using dkpg to reconfigure xserver-xorg?07:41
rkhRyanPrior: How would I do that?07:41
kajoFlannel, why alternate as opposed to minimal?07:41
Flannelkajo: minimal is identical to alternate only minimal has no packages on it07:41
cyphababolat...131 mbs?07:42
rkhRyanPrior: I'm kind of new to this, so I'm not sure how I would go about changing the config files...07:42
roninoI upgraded from gutsy to hardy using do-release-upgrade, but now my Xen user domain doesn't boot up, any hint on where I can find a howto on that problem or any other help?07:42
babolat!info amarok | cypha07:42
ubottucypha: amarok (source: amarok): versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2: (hardy), package size 9386 kB, installed size 30784 kB07:42
kajoFlannel, what packages do you mean? I want as few as possible. I want it to function, but I don't want software I won't use.07:42
maurolegend2440: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory07:42
cyphawhy is mine 131?07:42
cyphabecause of the libraries or something?07:42
bazhang!cn | zhanglaosan07:43
ubottuzhanglaosan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:43
SuperQkajo: Minimal CD, then apt-get install fluxbox xorg07:43
zionpsyfercypha: If you don't already have kde libraries.... then yes.07:43
legend2440mauro: type lspci in terminal. is your souncard or audio controller listed?07:43
Flannelkajo: with minimal CD, the CD itself contains *only* the installer, there are no packages on the CD (you download everything from the internet, and cannot install without the internet).  With alternate CD, there is the installer, plus a repository of software, so you can install straight from the Cd, without an internet connection07:43
SuperQFlannel: ohh, yea07:43
SuperQI forgot about that07:43
cyphazion: thanks07:44
bazhangbu ke qi :)07:44
cyphaby the way, i was trying to set the clock in ubuntu07:44
cyphai got the new york time right07:44
cyphabut i was trying to set the time in dominican republic, and it wasn't showing the correct time07:44
kajoFlannel, what do you mean "+ a repository of software"??? *WHICH* software? Are we talking software to install and cause it to function, or are we talking about software like thunderbird? Apps, etc.? I do not want the latter....07:44
cyphaalthoough the time zone says dominican republic07:44
kajoSuperQ, thanks. :)07:44
cyphathe time is shown the same as new york07:44
SuperQkajo: good luck07:45
cyphaand i have the ubuntu tim server selected to synch with07:45
tmapjis fluxbox smaller than damn small linux?07:45
babolatcypha: are you doing a dual-boot with Win* ?07:45
maurolegend2440: no07:45
bazhangtmapj, fluxbuntu you mean? no07:45
tv7497!info fluxbox07:45
kajotmapj, fluxbox is used in DSL.07:45
ubottufluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-3 (hardy), package size 938 kB, installed size 3756 kB07:45
babolatthen, this may help -->http://jvliet.blogspot.com/2006/10/ubuntu-system-clock-setting-for-utc.html cypha07:45
cyphathanks babolat07:45
Flannelkajo: Like, for instance, the Ubuntu Alternate CD contains everything needed for Ubuntu (gnome, the kernel, etc), plus some additional stuff (just in case someone wants it).  The minimal CD contains *no* packages, at all.  You can't install *anything* without the internet07:45
SuperQSo has anyone played with DRBD?07:45
cyphaby the way, any way to get xchat to allow you to double click or click the links in the chat to open in the browser?07:45
tv7497babolat : sir i have screwed p my splash screen07:46
Flannelkajo: Likewise, the Kubuntu Alternate CD contains KDE, kernel, etc, plus additional software.07:46
fevetshello all07:46
tmapjis there any version of linux i could install on my smartphone?07:46
SuperQtmapj: heh07:46
Flannelkajo: but this is just on the CD.  Available to be installed, not installed by default, since we're choosing the command line system option07:46
SuperQtmapj: Android :)07:46
babolattv7497: more information will help. what graphics card do you have? which drivers have you installed? etc. and please, no *sir*07:46
tmapjfor real?07:46
bazhangtmapj, ubuntu mobile in a few months perhaps07:46
Flannelkajo: the end results are identical whether you choose alternate or minimal CD07:46
tmapjubuntu mobile07:46
bazhangtmapj, android would be for offtopic07:47
SuperQvery much not #ubuntu07:47
kajoFlannel, I don't want Gnome.... I am fine installing fluxbox myself from scratch... I also want no 'additional' software. But you say it isn't auto installed, the alt-cd lets me pick the software I want to have installed, doesn't just automatically add all the aditional stuff? I don't even want gnome on default, I want complete freedom from 'defaults'....07:47
fevetsanyone able to help get my wireless network to auto connect at bootup ?07:47
bazhangkajo then minimal install is what you want07:47
SuperQfevets: before login?07:47
q_a_z_stevebazhang: can you help with wine detecting my DVD burner?07:48
maurolegend2440: no.07:48
fevetsno after login is fine07:48
Flannelkajo: Yes, when it boots, you hit f4, and choose a "command line system" only.  You want minimal CD or alternate CD, they give you identical installation options, but one *requires* the internet, the other will grab stuff off the CD07:48
bazhangq_a_z_steve, external or internal07:48
bullgard4What does mean the classification in Launchpad > Bugs "Status=Invalid"?07:48
q_a_z_stevebazhang: internal07:48
SuperQfevets: network manager should auto-connect to known wifi connections07:48
pat5starkajo: I almost think you would be better taking a debian cd installer, install the bare minimum, then add to it only the stuff you want later with apt-get07:48
legend2440mauro: is your sound integrated on motherboard or seperate sound card?07:48
fevetsit is connected now, but for some reason i have to run a small script to make it work, and sometimes the script fails and i kill and rerun in order to connect07:48
bazhangbullgard4, not considered real bug07:48
tv7497babolat: i dnt have a clue about my graphics card i use hardy with 2 gb ram 200 gb harddisk thats it  i know about my system well all i get after grub is a blank screen i need to type ctrl-alt-f1 to swtich to text mode07:48
SuperQfevets: What kind of script?07:49
Flannelpat5star: that's what this is07:49
zionpsyferpat5star: ubuntu minimal is the same07:49
fevetssuperq: can we talk privately ?07:49
bullgard4bazhang: Is this your interpretation or an official interpretation?07:49
SuperQfevets: None of my ubuntu machines require anything special these days07:49
SuperQfevets: /msg is ok07:49
kajopat5star, I had a friend recommend this to me recently... how different is debian from ubuntu?07:49
babolattv7497: what version of Ubuntu are you using, and what was the last time you did before this problem?07:49
maurolegend2440: separated07:49
kajoI know ubuntu is a debian based software, but I don't know all that debian entails as opposed to ubuntu.07:49
bazhangq_a_z_steve, that is odd; have you asked in #winehq?07:49
kajoI just haven't experimented much outside of DSL & ubuntu.07:50
legend2440mauro: what soundcard you have?07:50
pat5starFlannel: oh I wasn't aware...sry guys. I did that a couple of years ago for a server and found debian was the easiest, because it installed bare minimum (basically a shell and networking) and you add to it from there07:50
bazhangkajo, you can read up on it; this strictly a support channel07:50
Flannelkajo: debian-installer is what the alternate/minimal CDs use.  They have the program that installs, plus a bunch of packages (either on the CD, or downloaded), that it unpackages like with apt-get to install the system.07:50
tv74978.04 i did nothing this exists from installtion itself07:50
MrEgg964Hi all :) No more printing in Hardy since last update :( Is anybody else have this issue?07:50
Roxy123hey guys, how can i get a gforce 9600GT to work under linux07:50
babolattv7497: what sort of problem are you exactly having? the splash-screen is off center or what? :)07:50
zionpsyferpat5star: Agreed, great for a server. =)  I'm glad ubuntu preserved that ability.07:51
cyphai alraedy had the setting suggested in http://jvliet.blogspot.com/2006/10/ubuntu-system-clock-setting-for-utc.html07:51
cyphabut thanks07:51
Flannelpat5star: no worries, just letting you know07:51
RyanPriorMrEgg964: I've heard the complaint a few times over the last couple weeks, so I'm sure you're not alone.07:51
fevetssuperq: youll have to forgive me, i am not IRC expert or Ubuntu expert07:51
kajoFlannel, thanks for all the help. And everyone else, SuperQ, Rat409, baz, Ryan, etc... appreciate it.07:51
tv7497babolat : sir its off i get just a blank screen07:51
Roxy123could someone please help me?07:51
cyphahowever, how can i i get the 2nd location to show the correct time?07:51
yoandyhi, is there any plan to support bcm94311 rev 02 on hardy? a kernel backport or similar?07:51
maurolegend2440: i do not know. It is an old pc and the sound card too.07:51
cyphait's showing the same time as the first07:51
bazhangRoxy123, this is hardy or gutsy07:51
cyntekI been experiancing a network problem with ubuntu when ever the screen saver goes active, and when it wake up the connection is lost. is that a bug of some sort?07:51
Roxy123hardy bazhang07:51
RyanPrioryoandy: We will support broadcom when broadcom supports us, which they have said will not happen.07:51
legend2440mauro: are you also running windows on that computer?07:52
RyanPrioryoandy: In the meanwhile, there are stopgap solutions like ndiswrapper which works for some folks - but the real solution is to not buy anything broadcom makes.07:52
tv7497roxy123 :contact sir flannel07:52
MrEgg964RyanPrior: Any idea where I should look to solve my problem?07:52
kajoOh, and for the record, I'm ending up going with the minimal- I figure there's no reason to install it off the CD and then have to update it all. It was a close call.07:52
babolattv7497: is this the problem you are having? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/20599007:52
RyanPriorMrEgg964: I don't know a darn thing about printers, so I can't really help much.07:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205990 in usplash "[hardy] splash screen disappears after a few seconds" [Medium,Triaged]07:52
Roxy123tv7497: umm?07:52
bazhangenvyng-gtk may help Roxy12307:52
SuperQfevets: you may need to register with freenode for private chat:07:53
SuperQfevets: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering07:53
smultronhm... how do i get to the /boot/grub/menu.lst when i'm on the livecd? babolat07:53
maurolegend2440: yes. W9807:53
fevetssuperq: you didnt see my reply ?07:53
maurolegend2440: In w98 i have sound07:53
Flanneltv7497: As much as I'm flattered, I'm not an expert in everything ;)  nor am I always around07:53
tv7497roxy123 : ask sir flannel or babolat about ur problem they r born genius they can help u07:53
SuperQfevets: no07:53
babolatsmultron: the LiveCd is commonly used for reinstalling Grub. in a terminal, do: sudo grub07:53
SuperQfevets: you need to register in order to send private messages on freenode (I know, it's lame)07:54
Roxy123bazhang:  do i need to restart? or how can i tell if my card is seen07:54
tv7497flannel : sorry sir but u vere answering everrthng :-)07:54
cyphahow can i view my windows drive in linux?07:54
bazhangRoxy123, I believe you do need to at least logout; I recall restarting after I used it though07:54
smultronbabolat: yeah, i did that like the ubuntu help page said07:54
cyphais it within the root directory?07:54
babolatsmultron: and?07:54
legend2440mauro: device manager in windows may tell you name of soundcard then you could google ubuntu and name of soundcard and you may get info on how to get it working. it may not be supported in linux.07:54
FlannelSuperQ: If you want, you can `/msg nickserv set unfiltered on` and not require registration for queries07:54
Roxy123bbian bazh07:54
smultronbabolat: when i try to boot from the Ubuntu option at boot time, i get 'partition not fond'07:55
yoandyRyanPrior, i already have a broadcom card on my laptop, sorry, i can't just throw my laptop, by support i mean using the propietary broadcom firmware,07:55
fevetssuperq: all signed in !07:55
babolatsmultron: you have access to the Filesystem in which ubuntu is installed, correct?07:55
cyphahow can i select my windows directory in amarok?07:55
tv7497babolat : sir i upgraded from gutsy to hardy and the html that u gave was for kubuntu does it work sir07:56
dmsuperman_How do I install the Java plugin for firefox? sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin doesn't do it07:56
smultronbabolat: i'm trying to get to it... i tried sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc2 /media/disk3 but it says it's in use (from the livecd)07:56
babolattv7497: it should work for you just fine. i told you, no *sir*07:56
RyanPrior!broadcom | yoando07:57
ubottuyoando: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx07:57
tv7497dmsuperman:sir jdk r jre wld compensate java plugin i guess07:57
babolatsmultron: just going to Places > Computer > you-hard-disk doesn't work?07:57
maurolegend2440: can i get the information of my sound card with the Hirens Boot cd?07:57
fatejudgerI just did a fresh install of hardy on my desktop and am not able to set the screen resolution any higher than 640x480. Usually I just modify the xorg.conf, but now that Xorg 7.3 is out and the config is different, I'm not sure what to do. Can anyone shed some light on this problem?07:57
bazhang!it | alessandro07:57
ubottualessandro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:57
smultronbabolat: ah yes. much easier. silly me :)07:57
RyanPrioryoandy: That's the only info I know about regarding broadcom cards. We get more people in here asking about broken broadcom wireless than any other hardware failure though, including broken graphics cards...07:58
yaru1022i have a question07:58
bullgard4What does mean the classification in Launchpad > Bugs "Status=Invalid"?07:58
Bambang_Triatmojpada mau uang ga?07:58
RyanPrioryaru1022: ask. :-)07:58
babolatsmultron: ok. get into the boot folder, then grub folder. open menu.lst and pastebin the file's contents07:58
bazhangbullgard4, that it is unconfirmed and not considered valid07:58
RyanPriorbullgard4: It means it's not a bug.07:58
yaru1022i left my computer for one night07:58
Roxy123bazhang:  that did not work07:58
yaru1022and my hard disk space was 4% used (about 4GB out of 100GB) last night07:58
yaru1022and today07:58
legend2440mauro: if lspci is not listing your soundcard. i doubt it will be different with the hardy boot cd07:59
yaru1022it's like 99GB is used up07:59
yaru1022i have no idea what went wrong07:59
Roxy123anyone know how to get my 9600GT video card working ?07:59
RyanPriorbullgard4: For example, if somebody rants about how much Ubuntu's security team sucks for letting the late vulnerability go unnoticed, that would be invalid because it's better discussed on the mailing list and not the bug tracker.07:59
bazhangRoxy123, you ran the envyng tool from apps-->system tools?07:59
yoandyRyanPrior, ok, i guess i'll have to wait 6months for 2.6.25 kernel on ubuntu, i know current broadcom 4311rev02 problem is because a 2.6.24 bug07:59
tv7497babolat: how do i update initramfs-tools any sudo apt-get install  command07:59
maurolegend2440: i will reboot and i will try to find the information07:59
bullgard4RyanPrior: Is this your personal interpretation or an official interpretation?07:59
smultronbabolat: http://pastebin.com/d671436ad07:59
cyphacan xchat show the Ops and voices?08:00
pat5stardmsuperman_: what do you mean it didn't work for you? did it install but firefox still won't run any java programs?08:00
RyanPriorbullgard4: That is the definition of an invalid bug: a report which is something other than a bug, such as a rant, a question, a request, etc.08:00
Roxy123bazhang:  it said that my card was not recognized08:00
babolatapt-get tv749708:00
RyanPriorbullgard4: search Google for the Ubuntu Bug Squad to find our community bug docs08:00
legend2440mauro: here is list of souncards and whether they are supported or not https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards but you need to know name of yours to check08:00
bazhangRoxy123, you went to system tools and ran the tool?08:00
tv7497babolat : lol08:01
Roxy123yes bazhang08:01
TokenBadI am trying to network vista and ubuntu..can anyone help please?08:01
bazhangRoxy123, what did it do-->and what did you try-->please be precise08:01
Roxy123bazhang:  I selected auto hardware detection08:01
babolatsmultron: your Windows installation and Ubuntu installation are both in the same Hard Disk. Windows is in the first partition while the Ubuntu install is in the 2nd. Correct?08:01
tv7497babolat : coz they ask for the above tools to be uptodate08:01
smultronbabolat: yes08:01
bazhangRoxy123, so you did *not* install the drivers?08:02
pat5staryoandy: sry I missed your convo about your broadcom card, what were you asking? I have the same card08:02
dpowerdTokenBad, have you looked into samba?08:02
Get_A_FixHello. How does one go about moving the /home partition, or the contents of it, to a new, larger /home partition ? Using 7.10. Have added a hard disk, no problem partitioning it with gparted or mounting the partitions, that's all good, but we do need help with naming the partitions properly and what steps are needed to give the /home partition a new larger home.08:02
TokenBaddpowerd yes...but can't seem to get it to work08:02
Roxy123bazhang:  no it did not install anytrhing, i selected auto, then it came withthe error that my card was not found08:02
dpowerdwhats the issue?08:02
eeboyHow can I run an application on startup? It has to run as root.08:02
babolatsmultron: are you sure? because your Grub menu says that Ubuntu is on a second HD08:02
bullgard4RyanPrior: Google does not return a single hit for "Status=Invalid" AND "Ubuntu Bug Squad"08:03
TokenBadits like it sees the workgroup and all but not show the drives08:03
bazhangRoxy123, well it would be helpful if you installed the drivers08:03
tv7497babolat : u dere ????????08:03
TokenBadbut I also can't ping my windows computer08:03
babolattv7497: yes? do apt-get update08:03
yoandypat5star, i ask if there were any plan to backport 2.6.25 on hardy to fix curretn problrm with bcm94311rev02 and 2.6.24 kernel08:03
smultronbabolat: the / partition is mounted on the same HD as windows. the /home partition is on another hard disk08:03
dpowerdis there some vista firewall running?08:03
Roxy123well thats why im here bazhang08:03
legend2440Get_A_Fix: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome08:03
TokenBaddpowerd no08:03
bazhangRoxy123, dont select auto08:04
Roxy123which one?08:04
yoandypat5star, or any other solution to get 4311rev02 working08:04
pat5staryoandy: oh ok...that would be nice. I had to jump through hoops to get mine working but it is, would be much nicer if it just worked out of the box :)08:04
tv7497babolat : thats engh ??????????08:04
RyanPriorbullgard4: You suck at googling. I found this in 10 seconds; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status08:04
babolatok smultron read up -->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12007908:04
[1]IMDdoes anyone know how to hide the hardware drivers icon in the system tray?08:04
yaru1022what's file-contents.db and file-meta.db for?08:05
yoandypat5star, how did you get it working? through ndiswrapper? or?08:05
[1]IMDI installed a propriety driver and don't need to be reminded of it every boot08:05
smultronbabolat: alright, will do08:05
yaru1022file-contents.db takes up like 22 GB08:05
yaru1022and file-meta.db takes up like 62GB08:05
yaru1022what's going on?08:05
melshiaalguien escribe en español08:05
ompaul!es | melshia08:05
ubottumelshia: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.08:05
pat5staryoandy: yes, ndiswrapper was the only way08:05
babolattv7497: do you have the package intramfs-update installed?08:05
bullgard4RyanPrior: Please refrain from stree language: "You suck."08:06
pat5staryoandy: if you want, I can dig up the guide I used to get it working, would take me a sec (not on my laptop right now where I have it all saved)08:06
bullgard4RyanPrior: Please refrain from street language: "You suck."08:06
ompaulNOTICE: I am about to remove several bans this will cause a bit of scrolling08:06
tv7497babolat : dont know sir { and plz bear wit me coz in india v r accustomed to this habbit calling sir :-) }08:06
jscinozI want to set up a 4 disk raid0 array, my motherboard is an asus striker ii formula which has the nvidia fakeraid. for the highest possible speed what would be the best way to do this? lvm, nvraid, md, dmraid or something else/combination of the above?08:06
ompaulprepare for scroll :-/08:07
yoandypat5star, well, if its not to much trouble, plz!08:07
ompaulhave a nice day  ;-)08:07
babolattv7497: whatever suits you. in System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, search for intramfs-update and see if it has a green filled up box08:07
pat5startv7497: it is polite to call people sir here, but it also makes them feel old! seems you may be touching a raw nerve with some people here lol08:08
nakedgoat_i like the foodstamp vhost..08:08
SuperQjscinoz: I use md for all of my raid work08:08
Get_A_Fixlegend2440: Many thanks :-D08:08
tv7497pat5star : lol08:08
legend2440Get_A_Fix: yw08:08
pat5staryoandy: sure no problem, just one minute08:08
yaru1022is it ok to delete file-contents.db and file-meta.db ?08:08
babolatpat5star: age hasn't got anything to do with it. :-/08:08
yaru1022it is in my home directory... ~/.cache/tracker08:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:08
pat5starbabolat: :P08:09
SuperQjscinoz: I avoid motherboard raid chips as often as possible08:09
Starnestommyyaru1022: if you don't use tracker, those files aren't needed08:09
yaru1022it's taking up like 89GB of my hard disk space08:09
yaru1022what does tracker do exactly?08:09
jscinozSuperQ, alright thanks, would there be any benefit in using LVM with md?08:09
SuperQjscinoz: Yes, that's exactly what I do08:09
Starnestommyyaru1022: it's a search system that the deskbar uses08:09
babolat!ot | pat5star, babolat and I am only 17 :P08:09
ubottupat5star, babolat and I am only 17 :P: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:09
=== nakedgoat_ is now known as nakedgoat
SuperQjscinoz: I create /dev/mdX with my RAID5 array and then use pvcreate /dev/mdX to manage that volume into a number of filesystems08:10
yaru1022Starnestommy, so i guess it's a bug in ubuntu tracker system08:10
ompaul!tracker | yaru102208:10
ubottuyaru1022: Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)08:10
yaru1022Starnestommy, I only had like 4GB of data in my hard disk... and now it's suddenly 99GB08:10
SuperQjscinoz: just don't use RAID0 or RAID5 for rootfs (well, /boot)08:10
yaru1022hm... it's weird...08:10
mogunusIs there any solution for an empty /proc/acpi/fan? also, when I try to echo an appropriate line to trip_points (which has only two entires, one at 95C and one at 100C) I get "permission denied" error, even though I am sudo'ing the command.08:10
jscinozSuperQ, i thought recent kernels could boot off a md raid array?08:10
Starnestommymogunus: what is the command that you're using?08:11
SuperQjscinoz: yes, but RAID108:11
tv7497babolat: there is no pacakage bye the following name08:11
SuperQjscinoz: I normally create 2 partitions on my systems08:11
ompaulmogunus, getting supported hardware might help - the reason you get bad values or non existent values is that the machine is not aware of what it is reading08:11
SuperQjscinoz: a small 1GB RAID1 mirror for /08:11
mogunussudo echo -n "xx : xx : xx : xx : xx" > trip_points08:11
SuperQjscinoz: and the rest as a RAID5 for everything else08:11
mogunuswhere the xx's are digits08:12
jscinozSuperQ thanks, also what kind of speed loss would i be looking at if i used dm-crypt on top of the raid0?08:12
Starnestommymogunus: try echo -n "xx : xx : xx : xx : xx" | sudo tee trip_points08:12
SuperQjscinoz: depends on your CPUs08:12
SuperQjscinoz: and how much CPU time you expect after crypt08:12
jscinozSuperQ, quad core, 2.6ghz :P one of the shiny new 45nm ones at that08:12
tv7497babolat : there is  pacakge by d name in synaptic sir08:12
SuperQjscinoz: hah! I doubt you'l notice dm-crypt :)08:12
mogunusI have a system76 laptop, which should be supported. It worked fine in ubuntu 7.10.08:13
JontyOIM getting this error can someon help please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4975169#post497516908:13
SuperQjscinoz: my girlfriend setup her laptop (dual-core T61) with dm-crypt, no issues08:13
jscinozsuperQ, i'm thinking of doing it like this: /boot 1gb outside of md, then the rest inside md raid 0 with dm-crypt, separate home and root08:13
jscinozi'll probably use LVM on top of the md raid008:13
cyphawhy're people on efnet so rude and unhelpful08:13
cyphathey hate newbies08:13
cyphait's clear08:13
Starnestommycypha: that's efnet, not freenode08:14
SuperQjscinoz: if you don't need to crypt root, I would skip /boot08:14
zionpsyfercypha: I don't hate newbies, do I?08:14
zsiavas1error fetching package.deb size mistmach::it says unable to fetch some archives,maybe run  apt-get update or try with --fix-missing08:14
SuperQjscinoz: beware the strange alternate installer bug that tries to install lilo08:14
* zionpsyfer looks around, confused.08:14
jscinozsuperQ, /root will still be on raid0 though08:14
tv7497babolat : there is no pacakage08:14
jscinozsuperq so i guess /boot will have to be separate.08:14
cyphai know, but it's really just hurtful!08:14
SuperQjscinoz: You probably don't need root on raid008:15
cyphai try so hard to not be put down by their comments08:15
SuperQjscinoz: actually, I highly suggest you don't put it on raid008:15
cyphalike they'l help, but they'll be derogatory each line of the way08:15
cyphaEAch line08:15
SuperQjscinoz: 1GB is enough for root and boot if you have /usr and /var on raid008:15
dpowerdcypha, but sometimes you must help yourself and do some independent research08:15
tv7497babolat : sir u there08:15
jscinozSuperQ oh didn't think of putting usr and var on separate08:15
cyphadpowerd: i'm only asking the stuff i've tried to fix and couldn't08:15
SuperQFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on08:16
SuperQ/dev/md0              965M  360M  557M  40% /08:16
cyphai have some simple questions about ubuntu...if someone doesn't mind08:16
jscinozsuperQ so i'd end up with /root 1gb outside of raid and not encrypted, /var /usr and /home inside raid0 and encrypted?08:16
cyphai can't get the second location to show the correct time08:16
SuperQjscinoz: yup08:16
msshamsthis file: "/etc/bash_completion" can't start automatically. how can i fix this problem?08:16
tmapjcould anyone show me how you make a virtual machine? i keep getting an error08:16
msshamsthis file: "/etc/bash_completion" can't start automatically. how can i fix this problem?08:16
cyphaeven though it supposedly will update from an online time server08:16
jscinozSuperQ alright thanks08:16
SuperQjscinoz: well08:16
jscinozsuperq should i use LVM?08:16
cyphait still shows the same time as the first location08:16
SuperQLVM ++08:16
SuperQ/dev/mapper/ns-data   900G  811G   90G  91% /data08:17
cyphasecondly, i'd like to get my c:\ drive to mount08:17
SuperQ:) :)08:17
cyphabut am not sure how...typng "mount" at the cl doesn't show it there08:17
maurolegend2440: i am here. You?08:17
tmapjcould anyone show me how you make a virtual machine? i keep getting an error08:17
jscinozSuperQ so i if i use LVM on the space in the raid0, i can redistribute the free space between /var /usr and /home if i ever need to?08:17
dpowerdcypha, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43423608:17
freakabcdhi all08:17
cyphaand thirdly, i have some random little questions that i was hoping someone could clarify08:17
zionpsyfercypha: The timezone is correct?08:17
SuperQtmapj: can you pastebin the error?08:17
cyphayes zion08:17
legend2440mauro: yes did you find name of card?08:17
maurolegend2440: are you?08:17
SuperQjscinoz: yes08:18
freakabcdi have downloaded the kubuntu iso. I have loop mounted this. How do i add this as a source for apt?08:18
SuperQjscinoz: just be sure to leave a few extents free08:18
zionpsyfercypha: And the NTP server you're able to connect to ?08:18
freakabcdi added this line to the end of /etc/apt-sources.list: deb file:/tmp/koobuntu/ hardy main restricted08:18
maurolegend2440: Sound card type: SoundBlaster 16/16 ASP08:18
jscinozSuperQ doesn't the filesystem inside the LVM have to support hot-resizing (and afaik ext3 doesnt)08:18
SuperQjscinoz: ext3 and xfs both support online grow08:18
tmapjSuperQ, whats the site you do pastebin on?08:18
freakabcdbut when i open synaptic and do reload, then select 'Origin' it doesn;t show the /tmp/koobuntu source08:18
jscinozSuperQ, which of those two would you recommend?08:19
maurolegend2440: this is what you want?08:19
SuperQtmapj: http://paste.ubuntu.com08:19
cyphadpoewrd: GREAT SITE, thanks for the link08:19
SuperQjscinoz: either work08:19
nakedgoattmapj is it the kernal error from earlier?08:19
cyphazion: i'm connceting to the ubuntu time server08:19
SuperQjscinoz: I use XFS for large (> 100GB) filesystems and ext3 for OS filesystems08:19
legend2440mauro: yes let me see if its supported08:19
jscinozSuperQ I'll go look upsome benchmarks then, thanks for the help. One last question, so you're sure ext3 supports live growth? this: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-11.html must be out of date then as it says ext3 doesnt08:20
MikeCulve1What is the current state of compiz and high res video playback on an intel 965-based gpu?08:20
BaltazaarHistory class: The Norwegian constitution was signed May 17 1814 in the town of Eidsvoll and is the historical background for the celebration of Norway's national day.08:20
dpowerdcypha, why sarcastic? it has the answer to your problem08:20
jscinozSuperQ, I'll be starting off with 4 500GB disks08:20
cyphai'm not being sarcastic08:20
dpowerdthats what i meant by independent research i.e. google08:20
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
cyphai was being grateful =)08:20
tmapjnakedgoat i cant get the error it wont let me turn on the machine08:20
dpowerdoh sorry08:20
jscinozSuperQ, hmm raid0 cant be expanded with extra disks? I'd have to recreate the array from scratch correct?08:20
zionpsyfercypha: K, good so far.  And can you confirm it's adjusting the time on your machine?08:20
tmapjsuperq i cant get the error it wont let me turn on the machine08:21
SuperQjscinoz: yes08:21
nakedgoattmapj did u pastebin it yet?08:21
SuperQjscinoz: if you want expansion, you'll have to do LVM appends08:21
tmapjnakedgoat i cant get the error it wont let me turn on the machine08:21
cyphazion: it's not adjusting it,...it's showing the wrong time for that time zone08:21
maurolegend2440: ok08:21
cyphain fact, the time its showing is the same as the primary time for the primary time zone08:21
cyphain fact, let me change the second one to something else and see if the time changes08:21
cyphaone sec08:21
jscinozSuperQ ok thats fine, shouldnt be a problem, if/when i get some more disks i'll just mirror the important partitions to my 4Tb nas :D08:21
SuperQjscinoz: just encrypt a partition on each disk, and then add those to LVM08:21
nakedgoattmapj u installed the kernal modules?08:21
tmapjwhat are the kernal modules? tell me how to install them pls08:21
nakedgoattmapj ie: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-generic08:22
pat5staryoandy: I'm sorry, I can't find the link. Since I'm upgraded to firefox 3 and google sync no longer works, I don't have it bookmarked on this computer. I don't have access to my laptop right now...really sorry :(08:22
SuperQjscinoz: heh, just remember, raid0 is a great way to make data goto /dev/null :)08:22
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SuperQjscinoz: apt-get install ext2resize08:22
bakinghey can someone help me with proftp for ubuntu, I can't get the PASVIVE mode ports open to list diectorys08:22
Ep1cwhat is a good program to extract .rar files?08:22
nakedgoatrar ;)08:22
SuperQEp1c: rar08:22
lars_bauerhow do i mount a MS (memory stcik from my Sony Ericson phone) ?08:22
pat5staryoandy: I remember it was a pain, and the trick ended up being something I had to add to my rc.local script but I can't remember exactly what it was off the top of my head08:22
=== Ep1c is now known as Gomek
zionpsyfercypha:  Hmmm, ubuntu should automatically convert to your timezone.  give me a moment to check it out on my machine.08:22
jscinozSuperQ, so basically in order: create two partitions, 1gb for root and the rest will be made into /dev/md0, then LVM on /dev/md0 and use vgcreate to make /var /usr and /home?08:23
SuperQjscinoz: I would still do md0 root raid108:23
SuperQjscinoz: and then md1 for lvm08:23
legend2440mauro: in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/modules and type this in that file  sb and snd-sb16 then reboot ok?08:23
maurolegend2440: Sound chip vendor: Creative Labs;         Sound chip: CReative LAbs SB Vibia 16X08:23
bakinghey can someone help me with proftp for ubuntu, I can't get the PASVIVE mode ports open to list diectorys08:23
yoandypat5star, dont worry, thanks any way,08:23
jscinozSuperQ what real need is there for mirroring /root not too much important stuff will be on there, and if it gets nuked a system reinstall isnt a problem08:24
nakedgoatbaking, sounds like a router issue..08:24
SuperQjscinoz: raid0 -> dm-crypt -> lvm -> pvcreate/vgcreate/lvcreate08:24
SuperQjscinoz: up to you08:24
jscinozSuperQ thanks :)08:24
SuperQI'm very lazy, so I don't like re-installing :)08:24
pat5staryoandy: really wish I had my laptop now. I'd love to save anyone the time and frustration I went through in order to get mine working!08:24
illmorta1does anyone know a tutorial in which you can add a trash can onto your desktop?08:25
tmapjSuperQ, nakedgoat http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665/08:25
tmapjSuperQ, nakedgoat http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665/08:25
SuperQtmapj: ahh, I havn't played with virtualbox08:25
zionpsyfercypha: K, can you run the following command for me in a terminal and pastebin the output?08:25
nakedgoattmapj ie: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-generic08:25
zionpsyfercypha: ntpdc -p08:26
nakedgoatthat should do it.08:26
kaywhen using command line ftp, can I do sth. like mget */*-trunk/*en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2 to download a bunch of files from ftp server, which are in sub directories?08:26
SuperQtmapj: All of the VM work I have done is with KVM08:26
cyphazion: pm08:26
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linsejko1So, it's been a few days since 8.04 has been released- how reliable does it seem to be? I'm about to do a fresh install, I'm wondering if I should stick with 7.10 or try 8.04.08:26
cyphait's 1 line08:26
zionpsyfercypha: cool, just paste it then. =)08:27
LSD|Ninjalinsejko1: probably best to stick with 7.10 until 8.10 comes out in October08:27
FinnishIs ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 able to run compiz?08:27
linsejko1LSD|Ninja, thanks.08:27
maurolegend2440: at the end of the file?08:27
Gizm0_I'm still having problems with my Samba (Ubuntu 8.04). It keeps changing my samba password back to Unix one. Although i have changed these settings in smb.conf unix password sync = no and pam password change = no. How do i solve this problem?08:27
SuperQlinsejko1: 8.04 is great :)08:27
ompaulLSD|Ninja, there will be 8.04.1 in July ;-)08:27
gumponthewebProblem,the switch between users says "users" and the power icon doesn't give me any options to restart or anything, it just restarts to login screen... What do I need to re-install?... I think the problem happened when I sudo apt-get something like the desktop(if that's any help)08:27
FinnishAt least some desktop effects?08:27
cypha*europium.canoni    2  256  377 0.01260 -0.004798 0.1001108:27
nakedgoatFinnish: yes08:27
legend2440mauro: try at beginning08:27
adam7Gizm0_: if you don't get a good answer, try #samba as well08:28
FinnishI'm on Hardy08:28
Gizm0_adam7: ty08:28
mogunusI always found that reputation really weird.08:28
pat5staryoandy: you still here?08:28
tmapjfinnish can we talk pls08:28
Finnishtmapj: Ok08:28
yoandypat5star, sep08:28
brandontwhy dont i see to have the compiz aquarium plugin?08:29
Finnishnakedgoat: I tried it, but I wasn't able to turn effects on08:29
LSD|NinjaIntel integrated can do Compiz, your Radeon would be heaps better than that. The big problem you'll have is geting the ATi drivers running reliably08:29
zionpsyfercypha: That tells me you're synched up with the server and you're very close to what the time should be.08:29
maurolegend2440:  type this "sb and snd-sb16" at the beginning?08:29
tmapjfinnish is your name registered?08:29
fdvHi. when I install mdadm on hardy, the initrd produced is useless (and won't boot). does anybody know how to fix this?08:29
cyphafor the main clock08:29
cyphabut what about the 2nd ocation?08:29
cyphait's showing the same time as this one08:29
cyphaexcept its in a different time zone08:29
pat5staryoandy: I just remembered, one thing that made it work and I don't know why, was to add this to rc.local: rmmod ssb; rmmod ndiswrapper; modprobe ndiswrapper...08:29
cyphashould be 1 hour difference08:29
tmapjnakedgoat that didnt do the trick08:30
legend2440mauro type sb on one line then type snd-sb16 on another line08:30
dpowerdif its only 1 hour difference you can calculate the time yourself :P08:30
Finnishtmapj: I haven't done any registering, so I guess my name isn't registred08:30
alessandrociao a tutti, mi potreste dire come faccio a trovare ubuntu.it?08:30
illmorta1does anyone know how to show your trash can on the desktop instead of in panel?08:30
tmapjFinnish are you on any messenger?08:30
cyphait's the principle!08:30
dpowerdi know :P08:30
pat5staryoandy: obv you can put those 3 commands on sep lines. but those commands allowed my wireless to startup on boot. if you run those from a shell on your laptop now just to check, it should work08:30
FinnishWell, I'm on some messengers08:31
zionpsyfercypha: Indeed, the time zone shouldn't matter to you as the end user. the NTP client (ubuntu) should adjust the time to your TZ.   Daylight savings perhaps?  What time zone do you have in?08:31
brandontwhy dont i seem to have the compiz aquarium plugin? do i have to install it?08:31
bakingHow do I open up TCP/UDP IP port ranges through ubuntu firewall in terminal08:31
tmapjfinnish: can i have your ID08:31
cyphai'm in EDT08:31
cyphanew york08:31
gumponthewebhello anyone.....MY Problem is the switch between users says "users" and the power icon doesn't give me any options to restart or anything, it just restarts to login screen... What do I need to re-install?... I think the problem happened when I sudo apt-get something like the desktop(if that's any help)08:31
cyphaso America/New York08:31
yoandypat5star, i had read that its necessary because a bug in the order the modules are loaded (ssb and ndis..) or anything like that :)08:31
FinnishQuestion is, why? I'm quite sure we haven't met before08:31
cyphaand the second one is America/Grenada08:32
legend2440mauro: then save the file and reboot08:32
zionpsyfercypha: Alright, I just switched my location to NY, and I'm showing 3:32. That what you're seeing?08:32
pat5staryoandy: right...cause I wasted a lot of time until I got that part, then it's been working great for me since08:32
cyphathat's right08:32
gofaI need help08:32
gofaHow can help me?08:32
gumponthewebme too!08:32
cyphawhat about grenada?08:32
gofaI need to run a swerver08:32
gofairc server08:32
FloodBot2gofa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
burneranyone else have problems where gnome-panel crashes when you click the date/time applet?08:33
gofaHow can I have shell?08:33
vegombreii downloaded and installed an update and lost sound08:33
yoandypat5star, thanks, i will try ndiswrapper tomorrow its 3:00 am here, my head can beat ndiswrapper right now :)08:33
gofafree shell?08:33
vegombreinow there's absolutely no sound08:33
pat5staryoandy: lol, well good luck :)08:33
tmapjSuperQ, nakedgoat http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665/08:33
tmapjSuperQ, nakedgoat http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665/08:33
gumponthewebvegomembrie I lost sound too08:33
Starnestommygofa: look on the internet for one.  If you can't find a free shell account, there are many cheap ones out there08:33
vegombreigumpontheweb: what should i do to fix this ? im clueless08:33
maurolegend2440:  but i have to write gksudo o sudo?08:34
tmapjcould anyone pls help me with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/12665/08:34
gumponthewebI need the applet that swithces useres, MINe is broke, it dont work?08:34
brandontwhy dont i seem to have the compiz aquarium plugin? do i have to install it?08:34
gumponthewebvego, I have NO clue?08:34
legend2440mauro: in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/modules and type this in that file  sb and snd-sb16 then reboot ok?08:34
Starnestommytmapj: sudo modprobe vboxdrv08:34
maurolegend2440:  gksudo gedit /etc/modules   or sudo gedit /etc/modules08:34
zionpsyfercypha:  K, and you're showing 2:30.  I'm a bit stumped if that's the case.  I'd use the Halifax TZ for now so you at least have the right time.08:34
gofaI need help08:34
gofato run a server08:35
gofaHow can help?08:35
legend2440mauro gksudo is better08:35
maurolegend2440:  ok. SO, i need to install gksudo08:35
mgolischgumpontheweb: broken?08:35
Gizm0_I'm still having problems with my Samba (Ubuntu 8.04). It keeps changing my samba password back to Unix one. Although i have changed these settings in smb.conf unix password sync = no and pam password change = no. How do i solve this problem?My smb.conf http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79603408:35
Starnestommygofa: aren't you looking for a shell account to run that server on?08:35
illmorta1can anyone help me set my Trash can onto my desktop?08:35
dpowerdGizm0_, i believe somebody told you to try #samba08:35
tmapjStarnestommy, "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"08:35
legend2440mauro: no for now just type sudo gedit08:35
cyphazion: i don't have 2:30 for grenada08:35
dpowerd!repeat | Gizm0_08:35
ubottuGizm0_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:35
cyphait shows 3:30 for grenada08:35
gumponthewebmgolisch, my user switcher and poweer button dont work right08:35
mgolischwhat doesnt work?08:36
JontyOhey im on 8.04 when i boot on livecd it says /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit08:36
Gizm0_dpowerd: Usually samba is pretty quiet channel :(08:36
JontyOplease hellp08:36
alsadki add a subtitle while using kaffeine but it did not appear , so whats the right way to add subtitle to kaffeine or what i can do ?08:36
tmapjStarnestommy, FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.08:36
vegombreiStarnestommy: i lost sound .. can you help me figure this out ?08:36
tmapjFATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.08:36
Starnestommyvegombrei: I'm not very good at fixing sound problems08:36
legend2440mauro: does sudo gedit /etc/modules work?08:36
JontyOmy problem is also on forums @166991d61e7c79a452b604f0d25d07f908:37
Starnestommytmapj: try running sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-$(uname -r)08:37
maurolegend2440:  yes08:37
gumponthewebmgolish, are they the same thing, the user switch icon on the panel isnt a icon, it says "users". My power Icon turns the comuter off instead of giving me options to hibernate or restart08:37
JontyOthats forum topic if sonmeone can help plz08:37
jscinozSuperQ thanks for all the help, i'll test out how to make it work with virtualbox :P08:37
burnertmapj: alternatively, you could download virtualbox 1.6 .deb files from virtualbox.org08:37
vegombreianybody good with fixing sound problem ?? ubunbtu downloaded and installed an update and lost sound08:37
legend2440mauro: just add those two lines and save file then reboot08:37
GrougrouHey folks; getting crazy on this, i'm getting the 'no module named pygtk' for many softs; guess my installation is corrupted but i don't know how to go about it. Any ideas would be appreciated!08:37
cyphado i need to restart to get the time to show properly?08:37
cyphai just realized, i think it's showing AST instead of ADT08:37
gumponthewebare the 2 icons related to the same thing, applett ot something?08:38
cyphacuz it's daylights time now08:38
JontyOcan someone help me plz :(08:38
burnerGrougrou: sudo apt-get install python-gtk208:38
mogunusStarnestommy: hi, I tried the commands you gave me, and I get xx:xx:xx:xx:xxtee trip_points: input/output error08:38
Grougrouthx burner08:38
gumponthewebgolisch:did you understand me08:38
maurolegend2440:  ok. It looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12666/08:39
JontyOanyone hear me?08:39
zionpsyfercypha:  Heh, yep.  Hold on and let me check something before you reboot.08:39
StarnestommyJontyO: yes08:39
maurolegend2440:  check and then i will reboot08:39
Grougroubut it is already installed08:39
vegombreianybody good with fixing sound problem ?? ubunbtu downloaded and installed an update and lost sound08:39
JontyOCan u help please08:39
StarnestommyJontyO: I'll try08:39
gumponthewebvego, make sure the mixer is set right08:39
JontyOim getting /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit on 8.0408:39
StarnestommyJontyO: did the alterbate cd work?08:39
Starnestommywe, whoops08:39
JontyOwhen trying to boot from livecd08:40
JontyOdunno its downloading :/08:40
vegombreianybody good with fixing sound problem ?? ubunbtu downloaded and installed an update and lost sound08:40
legend2440mauro: thats fine but below##comments and above loop would be better08:40
alsadki add a subtitle while using kaffeine but it did not appear , so whats the right way to add subtitle to kaffeine or what i can do ?08:40
gumponthewebgolisch?? u there?08:40
JontyOStarnestommy: doesnt the alternate cd have less features once installed?08:40
JontyOcause my laptop is a good laptop08:40
StarnestommyJontyO: it installs the same stuff08:40
freakabcdalsadk, what formet is the subtitle in?08:40
JontyOonly a  week old08:40
burnerJontyO: try the cd check to make sure your burn is ok?08:40
JontyOgood :)08:40
freakabcdalsadk, mplayer should be able to handle your subs fine08:41
JontyOburner i tried downloading twice08:41
burnerJontyO: that is untrue about less features08:41
Grougrouguess i'll switch back to xp :P08:41
maurolegend2440: now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12668/08:41
tmapj:(here's the error i got:( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12667/08:41
tmapj:(here's the error i got:( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12667/08:41
mgolischgumpontheweb: yeah08:41
gumponthewebok, cool08:41
burnerJontyO: did you run the cd check? it's possible that both are bad... though unlikely I agree08:41
alsadk<freakabcd> srt , and the video did not work on mplayer08:41
Starnestommytmapj: try running "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-$(uname -r)"08:41
Starnestommytmapj: then "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"08:41
JontyOBurner: I'll try later, im downloading at a fast speed for a sec :P08:42
legend2440mauro:  ok lets try a reboot and see if it loads the soundcard08:42
maurolegend2440: ok. I will reboot08:42
JontyO42mins remaining :/08:42
burnertmapj: alt+f2, gksudo gedit /etc/group  and add your username to the vboxusers: line then logout and back in08:42
freakabcdalsadk, huh? i have all subs and all vids working with mplayer08:42
legend2440mauro: ok08:42
zionpsyfercypha: Try this in a terminal:  sudo tzselect        It gives you much more info and more options.08:42
freakabcdalsadk, weird that your video doesn;t work on mplayer08:42
JontyOburner: im using a download manager that verifies md5 so i told it to compare so i will know if its broken or not now (didnt use manager before)08:43
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alsadk<freakabcd> my vids ,rmvb08:43
JontyOColourful :D08:43
burnerJontyO: perfect.  best of luck08:43
JontyOCheers Burner08:43
freakabcdalsadk, maybe the version shipping with ubuntu is an old version?08:43
JontyOIm really excited to get ubuntu on my laptop again08:43
JontyOI had it on my old pc08:43
freakabcdalsadk, i always compile my own mplayer. so i never see these problems08:43
JontyOI want compiz fusions :D08:43
zionpsyfercypha: Bah, it wasn't a permanent change.  Rebooting will be my next guess. =P08:44
Raditwhat program do i use to partition a hard disk?08:44
alsadk<freakabcd> i download it from add/remove... my ubuntu 8.0408:44
burnerJontyO: out of curiosity, what type of laptop are you using?08:44
JontyORadit what OS08:44
vegombreianybody good with fixing sound problem ?? ubunbtu downloaded and installed an update and lost sound08:44
JontyOToshiba Equium L350 burner08:44
RaditJontyO: ubuntu 8.0408:44
nakedgoattmapj: or u can sudo adduser username vboxusers08:44
JontyOtry g-part08:44
freemandownload decompiler08:44
nakedgoatreplace username with ur username08:44
burnerRadit: boot the hardy livecd and use "system -> administration -> Partition editor"08:45
JontyOdang new features :D08:45
lartza_Flash video is slow. Audio is normal.08:45
cyphak, i'm gonna restart zion08:45
Raditgparted is currently not installed08:45
JontyOI aint used this since 6.10 or somet like that :P08:45
freakabcdalsadk, a bit unfortunate. dunno who packaged the mplayer. but my mplayer works fine with all files and all subs(vob,srt,ass/ssa)08:45
burnerRadit: you can't resize or move your mounted partitions08:45
tech0007anyone tried adobe flash 10 beta? does it work?08:45
Ginlartza_: try flash 10 beta08:45
burnerRadit: so boot the livecd08:45
Gintech0007: it works very well here. great improvement over the 908:45
burnerlartza_: if you use metacity, flash videos are fine full screen08:45
JontyORadit: Don't listen to me I don't know new features :P08:46
tech0007Gin: are you on ff3b5?08:46
Raditburner: i just need to format my partitoins, can i do this without booting to live cd?08:46
alsadk<freakabcd> what about rmvb08:46
* burner can listen to rhtyhmbox and flash again with flash 10 beta08:46
Gintech0007: yes08:46
RaditJontyO: ok.. thanks :-D08:46
burnerRadit: format the partition you're currently running from?  that doesn't seem like what you want08:46
tech0007Gin: so i jst download it from adobe right? its not in the official hardy repo yet?08:46
JontyOnp brb08:46
kohelethhas someone a torrent url for Hardy 32 bit please08:46
freakabcdalsadk, i've never had a problem with rmvb ever since mplayer started supporting that format (which iirc is 5+ years ago)08:46
burnertech0007: might I suggest this blogger.  he works for adobe and always talks about the latest releases  http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/08:47
JontyOBurner: Did ya check out my laptop :PP08:47
Raditburner: not the one i'm running, just a partitioin; i'ts in ext2 i want to change it to ext308:47
mgolischgumpontheweb: when did that happen? i mean those two things not working anymore?08:47
alsadk<freakabcd> ok whats codec i must to install to run rmvb08:47
tech0007burner: thanks, i'll check that out08:47
gumponthewebmy audio went out during my problems too, it also affected my internet, I lost my list o routers to connect to in wireless connections. the upgrade turned off my wifi... I have to keep pressing esc to go to an earlier version.. the 2 things dont work right08:47
Gintech0007: yea, you have to dl it from adobe08:48
freakabcdalsadk, iirc there is no codec needed for just decoding. mplayer package should include all that08:48
legend2440koheleth: bottom of this page http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/hardy/08:48
Gintech0007: here is the link http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html08:48
alsadk<freakabcd> whats iirc08:48
Raditis gparted the name of the program that's in the live cd to partitoin hard disk?08:48
JontyOBurner: Is it easy to install compiz fusion?08:48
burnerJontyO: I didn't, but I haven't had stellar luck on Toshiba's historically08:48
gumponthewebthe fast user switching icon says "users" instead of an icon and also has "other" as an extra user08:48
JontyORadit: Its a ISO u download08:48
JontyOor on floppy08:48
koheleththanks, top for me :)08:48
JontyOand boot with it08:49
JontyOburner: stellar luck? good or bad?08:49
tmapjyou guys nothing will work!08:49
tmapjyou guys nothing will work!08:49
n56hey all08:49
mgolischgumpontheweb: in your menu? or is it something you added to your panel?08:49
gumponthewebthe little man power icon use to bring a window up that asked if I wanted to restart, turn off hibernate, ect... Now it restart to the login screen instead of opening a window08:49
RaditJontyO: oh.. what's the program to partition the hard disk in live cd? my cd is slow08:49
burnerJontyO: according to what I found, it looks like intel graphics which is nice, but I can't tell any of the other hardware... anyway.. i bet you'll be fine08:50
gumponthewebit has always been on the panel08:50
JontyOIn System Admin DiskPartition or something08:50
n56I have a question what is the command for Nautilus config editor08:50
kantehey everyone!08:50
mgolischgumpontheweb: i guess it log you off as your user doesnt have permission to shutdown or something08:50
gumponthewebmy brother sudo apt-get something that caused this, he said it was the desktop???08:50
burnerRadit: you can also hit "alt+f2" and type "gksudo gparted"08:50
zsiavas1"sudo apt-get -f install" Errors were encountered while processing: cron logrotate squid ;;;how to fix it?08:50
gumponthewebI get it...08:50
Ginn56: do you mean gconf-editor?08:51
n56it lets you edit he size of the top and bottom bars08:51
JontyOBurner: DXdiag doesnt show much info either, just 3 tabs display sound input lol08:51
JontyOno hw info08:51
burnergumpontheweb: i bet you got kdm instead of gdm?08:51
n56aswell as a ton of other stuff08:51
Raditburner: is gparted not installed by default in ubuntu 8.04? i have to install it with synaptics?08:51
burnergumpontheweb: try to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" and pick "gdm" from the options08:51
gumponthewebburner maybe08:52
adam7Radit: gparted isn't installed by default, you can install with synaptics08:52
Ginn56: then you can right click on the bars (panels) and select properties ;)08:52
burnerRadit: it's on teh livecd, but not once it's installed08:52
maurolegend2440: thanks thanks thanks and thousands thanks08:52
burnerRadit: you can install it via apt08:52
kanteGuys, I need to make a local repository that consists only of few packages on a usb-flash, I cannot write it to CD, because i'll be running LiveCD Xubuntu version. Could anyone help me to solve this problem?08:52
maurolegend2440: you are the numer one08:52
legend2440mauro your welcome08:52
Raditadam7, burner: thanks :-)08:52
userlolHey there i have this problem with ssh, i can get it running no problemos, but when i boot my machine up, the sshd daemon always says "fatal: Cannot bind any address." so i have to manually restart the sshd daemon which after that it runs fine, but why wont it get it right the first time from the boot up?08:52
maurolegend2440: i really apreaciate so much your help08:53
burnerRadit: anytime, best of luck08:53
n56no it looks like the windows regedit08:53
legend2440mauro:  no problem glad it worked08:53
lars_bauerhow do i mount a MS (memory stcik from my Sony Ericson phone) ?08:53
burneruserlol: you edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config by hand at all?08:53
maurolegend2440: and also your patience08:53
adam7lars_bauer: plug it in, and it should be detected08:53
burnerlars_bauer: plug it in?08:53
gumpontheweb * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration...                              * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended.08:54
gumpontheweb                                            08:54
legend2440mauro:  ok take care i got to go now take care08:54
gumponthewebmgolisch: restart?08:54
burnergumpontheweb: you can just restart....  there are commands you can run to avoid it, but restarting is simpler08:54
Gizm0_Where can i find smb.conf that is delivered with ubuntu 8.04 ?08:54
userlolburner yep ive set it up to listen on my local network ip (static) which is and on port xxxx, like i say, when i manually sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart it works fine, but not from when i initially boot my machine up08:54
gumponthewebcya soon wish me luck08:54
adam7Gizm0_: /etc/samba/smb.conf08:54
Gizm0_adam7: what about the one that has default options, because i have edited that one08:55
burneruserlol: how about just "sudo apt-get remove --purge ssh; sudo apt-get install ssh" to get a fresh config :)08:55
JontyOis it true compiz fusion is built into ubuntu?08:55
adam7Gizm0_: that's the one that is default08:55
burnerJontyO: indeed08:55
userlolburner ill try that thanks08:55
kante I need to make a local repository that consists only of few packages on a usb-flash, I cannot write it to CD, because i'll be running Xubuntu LiveCD version. Could anyone help me to solve this problem?08:55
adam7Gizm0_: if you edited it, you'll need to find a fresh copy somewhere08:55
JontyOOoo how to enable :PP08:55
Gizm0_adam7:  ohok...08:55
maurolegend2440: well, i am glad that this world has person like you08:55
Gizm0_adam7: can i reinstall it somehow?08:55
dpowerdmauro, are you guys gonna make out now? xD08:56
FinnishAny link on making ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 work with compiz08:56
n56your right08:56
lars_baueradam7: burner:  i did that and i dosn't show up :-/08:56
n56thank you08:56
burnerJontyO:  it's on by default if it can be.  otherwise system -> prefs -> appearance -> desktop effects tab08:56
generichi all i have cups install with 10 printers now i want to restrict user to print only from particular printers i now all machine ip so i can do it from Allow from ip but its not working in cups08:56
genericany idea?08:56
adam7Gizm0_: do like mv /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba.smb.conf.1, then reinstall the samba package08:56
Gizm0_adam7: ok will do. thanks08:56
burnerlars_bauer: is it a usb mass storage device?  does it need drivers in windows?08:56
generici define it in <Location />08:56
mudd`Hossamoops i accidentally remove www-data from my /etc/groups what is the default gid?08:56
genericOrder deny,allow08:56
genericallow from ip08:56
genericand thats it08:56
TokenBadok got my network problem set..but does anyone know if xchat-xsys will show network drives..or at least how to get it to do network drives08:57
adam7mudd`Hossam: I think that depends on the computer its installed on08:57
kante I need to make a local repository that consists only of few packages on a usb-flash, I cannot write it to CD, because i'll be running LiveCD Xubuntu version. Could anyone help me to solve this problem?08:57
burnerlars_bauer: you have to set a usb mode on your phone to be either "mass storage" or "modem" or "off" ?  that's hwo motorolas are08:57
mudd`Hossamadam7:  any way to recover the gid maybe from the uid of www-data?08:57
genericall clients should stop printing and only my machine can print logically08:57
gofaany one can help with runing a server?08:57
genericbut all machine can do print08:57
burner/exec -o cat /etc/group | grep www-data08:57
mudd`Hossamburner: thanks08:57
kohelethhey I see there is ubuntu muslim, when is the ubuntu christian coming out?08:57
burnermudd`Hossam: that didn't work, one sec08:57
adam7burner: tab complete? :P08:58
mudd`Hossamburner:  yes that wouldnt work if it aint there =[08:58
Gizm0_adam7: wtf....i just removed samba and it said "removing /etc/default/samba" what's that?08:58
kantePeople! Anyone, please help me, its really important! How to make a small repository on a usb-flash?08:58
mudd`Hossamburner: thanks08:58
vegombreihi, ubuntu downloaded an upgrade last night and i see ive lost sound... what do i do to fix that ??08:58
* burner doesn't have /exec powers in pidgin like in irssi ;)08:58
maurolegend2440: can you explain what you do to fix the problem?08:58
gumponthewebburner: nope , it still shows useres & it has "other" where my names are as an extra option? I dont know if that help diagnose08:58
dpowerdkante, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61490108:58
adam7Gizm0_: I don't know, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.08:59
kantedpowerd: thanks!08:59
userlolburner nah mate, ive got allsorts of errors now :S08:59
burnergumpontheweb: maybe you just deleted the logout button on your toolbar?  right-click it, add to panel, and add the "quit" applet?08:59
alioshawhat terminal command can install every ~/*.deb file in one go?08:59
burnergumpontheweb: i'm not sure I understand... screenshot?09:00
vegombreihi, ubuntu downloaded an update last night and i see ive lost sound... what do i do to fix that ??09:00
Gizm0_adam7: yea...but that could explain something. Like having two configuration files somewhere...09:00
burneruserlol: crazy.  honestly, the only thing I ever do to set up ssh is "sudo apt-get install ssh" then i run ssh -l username ipaddress from another machine09:00
vegombreinobody here can fix sound problem ?09:00
burnervegombrei: dell 1420 by chance?  got the laptop model?09:01
alioshavegombrei, sudo apt-get install alsa-mixer?09:01
* burner noticed breakage that was fixed by editing a modprobe file for the dell 1420s09:01
vegombreii have an assembled desktop .. intel motherboard with onboard sound09:01
alexkdaliosha, for debfile in ~/*.deb; do apt-get install $debfile; done09:01
zionpsyferaliosha: in the directory where they're all at:  sudo dpkg -i *.deb09:02
vegombreialiosha: you think alsa will fix my problem ?09:02
userlolburner crap its having a whinge about host keys, i cant log in09:02
burnervegombrei: do you get sound in any app?  totem? flash? vlc? audacious? amarok?09:02
alioshavegombrei, i had a similar one on 7.10 and it did09:02
vegombreiburner: none ..09:02
burnervegombrei: pulse audio running?09:02
Ginvegombrei: check if your sound drivers are loaded first. lsmod | grep snd  should return a list of entries, if not, then the driver is not loaded09:02
alioshazionpsyfer, would sudo dpkg ~/*.deb do it too?09:02
burneruserlol: have the latest updates?09:03
gofaCan you help me with a running server?09:03
userlolburner yup09:03
userlolburner ill try again09:03
burnergofa: i can try, just ask yer questions :)09:03
eccentricityTrying out compiz, and I have a very, very simple question: Where do you configure it? What is the command for a configuration tool?09:03
zionpsyferaliosha: indeed, just give dpkg the path to the debs.  if they're in your home folder, ~/*.deb would be the ticket09:03
vegombreiGin: it returns a list of entries09:03
burnereccentricity: alt+f2, ccsm09:03
burnereccentricity: you might have to install compizconfig-settings-manager first09:03
vegombreiburner: how do i check if pulse audio is running ?09:03
burnervegombrei: open gnome-system-monitor09:04
Ginvegombrei: then the driver is loaded. Did you try to restart your computer or relogin?09:04
alioshazionpsyfer, woot!09:04
eccentricitysorry, I'm not used to non-sloppy focus....09:04
burnervegombrei: system -> admin -> system monitor09:04
Ginvegombrei: the sound system probably "crashed"09:04
zionpsyferaliosha: heh, glad to have been a help.09:04
alioshazionpsyfer, i was trying to use gdebi, forgot about dpkg at all *shame* *_*09:05
vegombreiburner: it says pulse audio sleeping09:05
lartza_My flash is slow. How to fix this?09:05
lartza_In games, not youtube09:05
maurowho have sound problem?09:06
camillaTrying to understand autofs but I can't. I want to mount a NFS drive ( at startup tp /home/camilla/Skrivbord/Arkivet. What the heck should I write in auto.master for this? Isn't it "/home/camilla/Skrivbord/Arkivet /etc/auto.arkivet"?09:06
lars_baueradam7: burner:  i did that and i dosn't show up :-/09:06
burnervegombrei: well that's ok.  sure all your volumes are up?  try changing the output in system->admin->sound?09:06
lars_baueradam7: burner:  the stick is a FAT configuration09:06
burnerlars_bauer: try "lsusb" at a term... does it show up?09:07
_moro_bana_im planning to buy a wifi router for my  network, want to know if there are copatibility issues with routers09:07
mudd`Hossamif i am running multiple sites on apache2 should i set the ServerName directive in the httpd.conf? and if so what, localhost?09:07
vegombreiburner: .. just got sound back .. strange .. but im glad its back09:07
burnerlars_bauer: You could mount it by hand or try places->computer and see if it's there09:07
burnervegombrei: sweet :)09:08
burnervegombrei: i have an idea09:08
vegombreiburner: i think its because i installed that app u told me09:08
burnervegombrei: there's a bug in flash 9 where if you play a flash video, you can't get rhythmbox going again till you close your browser09:08
mauroi have fixed a sound problem If somebody need help...09:08
* burner notes that it's not restricted to rhythmbox but any audio app until the browser is closed09:08
Ginburner: ah yea, I frogot that bug still exist :D09:08
AaronHlars_bauer, try "sudo lshw -C multimedia" to see if your sound card is recognized and has its drivers loaded09:08
burnervegombrei: you could upgrade to flash 10 beta that came out in the last day or two :)09:09
rhydar\/var/logs question: my toshiba SA60 with newly installed Ubuntu keeps automatically shutting down. Can anyone point me in the direction of the /var/log file to troubleshoot?09:09
TronicIs there some metapackage for autoconf, automake & friends?09:11
vegombreiburner: how do i upgrade that ?? ive put all auto updates to update automatically .09:11
Tronicbuild-essential does not contain those.09:11
burnerit's a hand operation on this one.  tom blogs about it very well.  it was on http://ubuntuweblogs.org recently09:11
fevetshave a problem with bluetooth keyboard and mouse .. any help ?09:12
gumponthewe1Whatever I just did caused my wirless icon to disapear and not let me back on the net09:13
burnerfevets: buy new batteries ;)09:13
Nave_can someone help me do the compiz effects on ubuntu?09:13
burnergumponthewe: upon restarting?09:13
gumponthewe1burner; can i show you a screen shot09:13
* burner is ready for linkage or dcc sends09:13
fevetshehe, not battery related .. have to remove and reinsert the bluetooth USB dongle for Ubuntu to recognise them, after that they work perfectly09:13
GinNave_: be more specific09:13
illmorta1can someone help me change my default menu icon? I in the conf editor and after making the changes and killing panel... the menu icon is still default.09:13
JimmeyHow can I change the resolution of a video using ffmpeg?09:14
Nave_does anyone know how to add the widgets and  compiz effects does anyone have a link to a guide?09:14
burnerfevets: i have the same issue with a wifi usb adapter for windows09:14
Nave_a guided installation?09:14
Nave_like beryle/ compiz09:14
gumponthewe1burner: did i do it right?09:15
fevetsburner: ok bummer09:15
burnerNave_: compiz is on by default... screenlets are easy to install  http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/04/08/google-gadgets-and-web-widgets-on-your-desktop-with-screenlets/09:15
Nave_thanks bruner09:15
burnergumponthewe: not sure, i didn't see anything, but it could be that pidgin's irc support on my side sucks... i don't usually use this app09:15
burnergumponthewe: can you put it up somehwere quick?09:15
gumponthewe1burner: k, where how?09:16
gumponthewe1burner: pm me09:16
kwanHi, what is the default root password? (On the LiveC)09:18
burnerkwan: there isn't one09:18
burner!sudo | kwan09:19
ubottukwan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.09:19
kane77how can I run a command repeatedly on a command line?09:20
kwanburner: i know that.  you are telling me there isn't any default root password (when LivdCD) is ran, when i type su, its for the password.  I simply typed enter, and authentication failed09:22
MetoxGood day. How can I format a HDD?09:22
burnerkwan: you can make a root password09:22
kwanburner: it asks for*09:22
burnerthe password is not blank09:22
burnerit simply doesn't exist09:22
nakedgoatkwan: use sudo09:22
kwanburner: i see. so how do i create one for the root, if i'm in the terminal09:22
burner"sudo passwd" will set the root password so you can use "su" again, but that's lame, just use sudo for the application you want to run :)09:22
kwanburner: okay thx09:23
burnerkane77: for loops are cool09:23
gumponthewe1i lost sound and the wirelees driver or something that doesnt "enable" eth1? I have done tons of things and no success. when i try to ifup eth1 it tells me unrecognized or somethhing?  It happened when I tried updating to the 8 version. The wirless icon doesnt have any routers in the wireless connection list. have you heard anything like this or do you have a clue how nd what to fix?09:23
burnerkane77: http://www.netadmintools.com/art423.html for example09:24
MetoxThe Drive is USB, and I try to get this NTFS sh*( off that disk. It's an external USB drive.09:24
kane77burner, or alternatively are there any benchmarking programs (that benchmark programs)?09:24
burnergumponthewe1: maybe the upgrade didn't finish?09:24
dpowerddoes anybody use gdesklets widgets? im trying to set up one for weather but i get an error retrieving any weather09:24
burnerdpowerd: screenlets are so much cooler than gdesklets.  check em out09:24
gumponthewe1burner: how to do it again.... I dont think so, people on the forums are having the same problems, someone here told me to check my chipset which is broadcomm I think. Did all that and found NO HELP AT ALL09:25
rascal999I'd like to install ubuntu server through PXE, can this be done?09:26
burnergumponthewe1: did you try the ' system -> admin -> hardware drivers ' ?09:26
LSD|NinjaSure, I can't tell you how but I know one of the Universities here has a network port in their computing common room that lets you boot an install Ubuntu over th network09:26
broham1i'm planning to dual boot windows with an existing ubuntu installation. is there some info i should write down before i do this. i know grub will be written over.09:26
burnerLSD|Ninja: pxe server :)09:27
mudd`Hossamhow come only gmail accounts car recieve mail from my posftix server? created using this guide (http://howtoforge.com/virtual-users-and-domains-with-postfix-ubuntu-7.10)09:27
gumponthewe1burner: Can I go back to previous, eveything worked well, after upgrade the wireless was the first thing wrong we noticed, got on the forums and noone can tell anybody how or what to fix... What should I do?09:27
rascal999do I need to download ubuntu server ?09:27
rascal999I've already configured dhcp and tftp09:27
burnergumponthewe1: you can't go back, but forge on, you can make it work! :)  try the hardware drivers thing09:27
Jahootyi have a new hp laptop with an atheros wireless card, ubuntu tells me that the atheros hardware abstraction layer is currently 'in use' however i cant get a madwifi driver installed or my wireless working, how do i do this?09:28
Ginmudd`Hossam: since gmail can receive your mails, so can others. but hotmail blocks mof the mails09:28
gumponthewe1burner: yea, you mean for my wirless, yea it was all fine, just not letting eth1 be enabled, it had a star saying disabled09:28
dpowerdburner, will that work on kubuntu by itself? o.009:28
dpowerdi get an hour glass for a few seconds then nothing seems to happen09:28
mudd`HossamGin: @san.rr.com doesnt recieve them, and @hotmail.com wont either09:28
LSD|Ninjaburner: I figured that was part of it what I meant was I couldn't explain how they set it up09:28
mudd`HossamGin: my ip is not on spamhaus or anything, what can i do to alleviate this issue?09:29
Ginmudd`Hossam: contact hotmail?09:29
burnerLSD|Ninja: me either, cds have always worked quicker than figuring out pxe for me ;)09:29
gumponthewe1burner :can i go back to old setup untill those wireless bugs are fixed?.... It seems to only be laptops?09:29
mudd`HossamGin: eeeeugh, should i have roundcube (imap client) use my ISP smtp server?09:29
burnergumponthewe1: i bet it can work in hardy.  i bet those people just can't get it ;)  you can't go back without losing all your data09:30
fromportQ: i cant find synaptic under SYSTEM->ADMINISTRATION (am using hardy). I can start it from a terminal. how to add it to the menu ?09:31
burnermudd`Hossam: if your ISP works as a smarthost you can09:31
gumponthewe1ok, then what next, the drivers are the same as the 7.0  install I am on now( I have to press 'esc" and chose another boot to have wirless internet)09:32
Jahootyfrojnd, the package manager?  i think adept is the package manager now09:32
mudd`Hossamburner: ill look into it, thanks all09:32
Raditanyone using virtualbox?09:32
unicumis it a known problam that hardy's partitionmanager stalls if you try creating a swap file with a random key?09:32
burnergumponthewe1: boot the latest kernel... pick hardware drivers, and enable it09:32
burnergumponthewe1: you dno't have to use ndiswrapper do you?09:32
gumponthewe1ohhh, how... I am not that trick at this yet.09:32
fromportnever ming my question: found it under "main menu"09:33
burnerthe latest kernel should be booted by default.  i would really make sure you have all the latest updates too09:33
gumponthewe1oh yea, when i use the new boot it wont let me open my hardware manager...what then?09:33
gumponthewe1I just updated to 8.something, should I do anything else?09:34
burneryou can't open hardware manager?  wtf?  i think your update got interrupted somehow09:34
gumponthewe1i used update manager09:35
burnergumponthewe1: can you open synaptic and check for updates and install them09:35
gumponthewe1after reboot it starts to open then i get an error message09:35
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
* nakedgoat sleeps09:36
vegombreidoes anyone know how to get boa to work .. is there a #boa for noob ?09:36
ifireballburner, gumponthewe1 : I think the hardware manager was removed in hardy, I don't know what should be used instead though09:36
burnerit wasn't removed09:36
bazhangvegombrei, what is boa09:36
gumponthewe1burner: yes, it says there are none, ithink i have all repositories and all that09:36
* burner uses it to enable nvidia graphics09:36
vegombreibazhang: its a webserver ..09:36
* burner uses apache209:37
vegombreibazhang: you remember you were helping me do a file sharing ? anyways someone told me boa is the best so i downloaded it but i cant get it to work coz i donno linux commands09:37
snewpanyone has running oidentd ?09:37
burnervegombrei: use apache :)09:38
gumponthewe1should i install again?09:38
bazhangvegombrei, never heard of it; what tutorial are you using09:38
kamashadiwhat can someone use to read .rar archives09:38
MetoxThere is no files on the drive: /dev/sda1             150G  117G   33G  79% /media/HomeBackup. I need to format it. How? Please assist.09:38
bazhangkamashadi, unrar09:38
vegombreibazhang: i have apache .. but i donno how to make that work either09:38
burnervegombrei: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:38
burnervegombrei: if you have apache, just put files in /var/www and then browse to http://localhost09:39
bazhangvegombrei, then best to a bit of reading; let me find you a link09:39
bazhang!lamp | vegombrei09:39
ubottuvegombrei: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:39
bazhang!unrar | kamashadi09:39
ubottukamashadi: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:39
kamashadi<bazhang>can i get that from add/remove applications09:40
bazhangkamashadi, did you read the link09:40
vegombreibazhang: hey can i pvt msg ya i need you to see this msg i get in the termonal09:40
gumponthewe1burner: do you have any other clues for me?09:41
bazhangvegombrei, pastebin so all can see09:41
ajopaulhi i hv nvidia card and hardy i set up dual monitor, hv a video on tv and workplace on laptop display09:41
ajopaulfunnily i dont know how to reclaim the other display ?09:41
burnergumponthewe1: know the model of the broadcom?  run "lspci" and get the model... bcm4392 for example09:42
alioshaok... ickky. I mounted /dev/sda3 to /home when i installed it, but i need it mounted to /home/alex. How do I do this??09:42
gumponthewe1 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)09:43
gumponthewe1burner: is that the prob? i thin the other people on the board had that & others?09:43
MetoxCan any one please tell me how to format a HDD? I have no files on that drive:/dev/sda1             150G  117G   33G  79% /media/HomeBackup : So I need to format it to re-gain the free space? Please assist09:44
vegombreibazhang: did you see ?09:44
KenSentMeI got a problem with wine in Hardy. I have to run wine in a virtual window because i have dual screen setup. But if wine is on my main screen i can't get to the menu's and stuff anymore, even if i alt-tab to another program. Is there a solution for this?09:44
tech0007Metox: what filesystem do you want on that drive?09:45
MetoxNTFS cr*&P09:45
ajopaulMetaBot, gparted ?09:45
sarthorHi, What patach to use for Ubuntu 8.04 gutsy, any.any-115 and 116 are not working, give me the link please if there is any latest patach.09:46
tech0007!gparted | Metox09:46
ubottuMetox: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/09:46
MetoxI downloded it  - but I am too damn stupid to get it running...:-D09:46
burnergumponthewe1: try ndiswrapper?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76999009:47
tech0007Metox: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogrs, then use mkntfs09:49
tech0007Metox: ntfsprogs09:49
bazhangvegombrei, did you read the apache (lamp) link?09:49
Metox Installer crashed on me (GUI),09:50
bazhangmetox use gparted or gparted livecd or parted magic livecd09:50
vegombreibazhang: nope09:50
vegombreiubottu lamp09:50
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:50
sarthorHi, What patach to use for Ubuntu 8.04 gutsy, any.any-115 and 116 are not working, give me the link please if there is any latest patach.09:51
MetoxAllright, I have him running now. Thanks. let's try to format that disk.09:51
burnersarthor: pardon?09:51
ajopaulhow do i switch between dual monitors ?09:51
Wouter136321/msg ubottu etiquette09:52
kamashadi<bazhang>thank i just installed now it's working09:52
eegiizneed help09:52
eegiizanyone there?09:52
tech0007!ask | eegiiz09:53
ubottueegiiz: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:53
bazhangkamashadi, nice going :)09:53
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DhaanIUwhy my email server cannot send external mail example "hotmail" using qmail?09:53
bazhanggofa what is that09:53
kamashadi<bazhang> have u tried hardy yet?09:53
eegiizI was in middle of upgrade of my ubuntu 7 to 809:54
bazhangkamashadi, on it now :)09:54
eegiizbut power went off and after restart my system I see some errors09:54
kamashadi<bazhang>how is it , i want to upgrade my 7 .10, what can u advise09:55
bazhanggofa is there a support question with that link?09:55
JontyORight guys09:55
* delcoyote hi09:55
JontyOGonna install Alternate CD see if that works09:55
JontyOits just downloaded09:55
bazhangkamashadi, best to run live cd first09:55
JontyOwish me luck :D09:55
neetoI am having trouble with firefox 3... it won't load09:55
eegiizso i need help to get my ubuntu 7 back09:55
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eegiizIs there any way to do it?09:56
bazhangeegiiz, you want to go from hardy to gutsy?09:56
dpowerdi attempted to watch a youtube video and it seemingly broke my audio :O amarok reports now "AUdio output unavailable: the device is busy. xine parameters:09:57
bazhanggofa, please dont post random links here09:57
dpowerdanybody know how i can fix this witouh rebooting?09:57
eegiizI was upgrading gutsy to hardy but in middle power went off09:57
Wouter136321Hey, I just installed Ubuntu last week. My main problem is that when I scroll up or down in Firefox or OpenOffice the whole system lags and stalls. Does anybody have any suggestion what could be the problem?09:57
eegiizand upgrade had been interrupted09:57
bazhangeegiiz, please answer my question09:57
eegiizbazhang, I want to get gutsy back09:58
eegiizI was upgrading gutsy to hardy but in middle power went off09:58
KenSentMeI got a problem with wine in Hardy. I have to run wine in a virtual window because i have dual screen setup. But if wine is on my main screen i can't get to the menu's and stuff anymore, even if i alt-tab to another program. Is there a solution for this?09:58
dpowerdWouter136321, have you installed video drivers?09:58
eegiizand upgrade had been interrupted09:58
bazhangeegiiz, only way to is either fix that problem; or a fresh install of gutsy, depending on how far along the install process got09:58
Wouter136321dpowered, yes, I'm running the restricted NVidia drivers09:59
ajopauli hv displays running at 0:0 and 0:1 my laptop is running on 0:1 how do i connect to 0:009:59
kamashadi<bazhang> when i connect my iphone while am in ubuntu it does not charge , any ideas?09:59
eegiizbazhang , means I have to install all those updates from beginning?09:59
rhello what is the link to the ubuntu paste bin09:59
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com r09:59
tech0007!paste | r09:59
ubottur: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:59
bazhangkamashadi, you want to just charge it, or transfer stuff from/to it10:00
dpowerdhow can i restart my sound/audio10:00
rits http://paste.ubuntu.com/12677/ plese read it10:00
eegiizbazhang , means I have to install all those updates from beginning?10:00
kamashadi<bazhang> charge it and be able to tranfer stuff10:00
Wouter136321dpowerd, yes, I'm running the restricted NVidia drivers10:01
dpowerdWouter136321, im not sure what the issue is10:01
bazhangkamashadi, afaik, only itunes can do that-->otherwise you need to 'jailbreak' your iphone to transfer things to/from it10:01
Wouter136321dpowerd, ok, thanks anyway ;) Do you have any suggestions where I could look?10:02
jessicahow can i restart my sound10:02
rhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12677/ plese read its on shipment10:02
bazhangeegiiz, what does lsb_release -a say in the terminal10:02
eegiizk Let me look10:02
rhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12677/ anyone please see it10:04
eegiizbazhang, It`s hardy10:04
eegiizubuntu 8.0410:04
bazhangeegiiz, try sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade10:05
rwill anyone read it http://paste.ubuntu.com/12677/ please i have a deadline to meet10:05
bazhangr give some info first10:06
rits on shipment sir its a favour10:06
_moro_bana_kamashadi:  check this out for something beyond the manuals http://www.apress.com/book/search?searchterm=iphone&act=search&submit.x=0&submit.y=010:06
ri want o no is it possible10:07
bazhangr we need alot more info than that10:07
rshould i paste it here10:07
bazhangr No.10:07
dpowerdstrange ktorrent somehow crashed my sound/audio10:07
rplease it only takes 5sec10:07
dpowerdand restarting alsa-utils didnt work10:07
bazhangr you need to describe your problem not paste something10:07
sectechr, Posting a request for CD's for your organization might be better suited somewhere else.10:08
bazhangr contact shipit10:08
ri did no reply10:08
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs10:08
rits 7-days10:08
bazhangsee above r10:08
ri knwo10:09
jscinozis it possible to set up software raid0 from the alternate install CD?10:09
bazhangr that is the best there is; and offtopic here thanks10:09
sectechr, your in the wrong channel for your request10:09
r!beer | r10:09
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
bazhangjscinoz, should be10:10
bazhang!raid | jscinoz10:11
ubottujscinoz: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:11
jscinoztesting out the alternate installer in vbox with 4 virtual 500GB disks... cant find where to set it up10:11
jscinozok thanks10:11
kirkhelekSomebody know how i can run Ragnarok Battle Offline on linux?10:11
bazhangkirkhelek, native or windows version10:11
Crazedgot problem getting nvidia driver to work :/10:12
Crazedif I install it test it .. its al good10:13
Crazedthen when I reboot10:13
bazhangCrazed, what card10:13
Crazedits messed up10:13
FloodBot2Crazed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:13
Crazedgf8400M G10:13
kirkhelekbazhang, exists a native version?, i only have the windows version...10:13
bazhangCrazed, check envyng-gtk10:13
bazhang!appdb | kirkhelek check here10:13
ubottukirkhelek check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org10:13
Crazedthat is for the drivers nvdia-glx right10:13
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
CrazedI am talking about the nvidia.com drivers10:14
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | Crazed10:14
ubottucrazed: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB10:14
wolsCrazed: dpkg -l |grep nvidia10:15
sarthorHi, What patach to use for Ubuntu 8.04 gutsy, any.any-115 and 116 are not working, give me the link please if there is any latest patach.10:15
Crazedthat will install the drivers from apt-get10:15
wolsCrazed: you need a kernel-module for your running kernel there10:15
Crazeddont want those!10:15
JezzDoes Wubi works with Ubuntu Studio?10:15
bazhangJezz, sure10:15
Jezzok :)10:15
wolsCrazed: modprobe nvidia10:15
eegiizbazhang, is there any automatic way to fix errors>10:15
bazhangeegiiz, what errors you getting please pastebin them at paste.ubuntu.com10:16
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
kirkhelekok thanks10:16
peterlhIs there some problem with sound in hardy? After googleing people post about problems with audiopulse? i usually have sound, but sometimes i dont. how to debug sound issues?10:17
wolsCrazed: you have the kernel source but not a compiled module10:17
Crazed... what exactly do you mean ?10:17
eegiizI`m getting an error says "something is missing from theme or sound" at start10:17
wolseither create the module with module-assistant (m-a install nvidia    IIRC) or install the module or compile it all manually10:17
thebiglifehello, can anyone point me to a walkthrough about disabling display in ubuntu,10:17
eegiizand I don`t see any drives10:18
wolsthebiglife: disabling display?10:18
Crazedwols I used that nvidia script10:18
bazhangeegiiz, it says something?10:18
Crazedcompiled and stuff ..10:18
bazhang!cn | freeman10:18
Crazedworks if I start x then ..10:18
ubottufreeman: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:18
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
Crazedbut when I reboot its all messed up again10:18
wolsCrazed: it didn't. you can try with "modprobe nvidia"10:18
freeman都 是中国人听装B10:18
wolsput "nvidia" (without quotes) in /etc/modutils/10:18
eegiizyes It says that something or somefile is missing10:19
wolsput "nvidia" (without quotes) in /etc/modules10:19
thebiglifewols: i only want to use it as a sort of server, i dont need any interface10:19
bazhangfreeman /join #ubuntu-cn thanks10:19
KenSentMeWhat brands of wlan cards work out of the box in Ubuntu?10:19
bazhangKenSentMe, intel10:19
wolsthebiglife: so your remove gdm, you can even unstinall it10:19
thebiglifeok cool10:19
KenSentMebazhang, do they have seperate cards besides laptop chipsets?10:20
Crazedin this file ? :/ nvidia-kernel-nkc10:20
bazhangKenSentMe, should do, but hard to find10:20
wolsCrazed: no10:20
horuxsaludos desd Venezuela10:20
wolsCrazed: modprobe nvidia    works?10:21
snowdollfreeman: Go to #ubuntu-cn10:21
wolsie. no message, and X loads?10:21
bazhang!es | horux10:21
Crazedwell it doesnt give any output ..10:21
ubottuhorux: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:21
wolsCrazed: that's fine10:21
horuxHooola Saludos desde Venezuela10:21
wolsCrazed: so now enter "nvidia" without quotes into /etc/modules10:21
wolsman modules    if you need more info10:21
bazhanghorux, /join #ubuntu-es10:21
Crazedok done that :)10:22
horuxjoin #ubuntu-es10:22
horuxjoin /#ubuntu-es10:22
Crazednow it should be working ?10:22
wolsnow it's done: when you next reboot no such message anymore10:22
bazhanghorux /j #ubuntu-es10:22
Chousukehorux: put the / before the join10:22
Crazedlets try :)10:22
wolssudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    will start your X (hopefully)10:22
horuxjoin/ #ubuntu-es10:22
Chousukeno, before...10:22
Crazedusing kde :)10:22
wols /etc/init.d/kdm restart10:23
wolsCrazed: tho, using nvidia.com drivers is bad. but your choice if you want to break the package management10:23
Crazedwhy is it bad ?10:23
livingdaylightis there a functional difference installing buntu in xp with wubi or separately?10:24
bazhanglivingdaylight, speed10:24
livingdaylightbazhang, installing with wubi is quicker?10:25
bazhanglivingdaylight, ubuntu runs slower under wubi10:25
wolsCrazed: cause you intall stuff outside your package management10:25
livingdaylightbazhang, but functionally is the same, so i could access external ext3 hard drive10:25
Wouter136321when I scroll up or down in Firefox 3 Beta 5 in gMail my whole pc starts to stall. Does anyone else have this problem? When I enable the basic HTML version of gmail there's no problems.10:26
wolswhenever you update your kernel it will break, X updates can break it, so can libGL updates10:26
bazhanghe left10:26
wolslivingdaylight: yes you can10:27
bazhanghe left too :)10:27
markfWouter136321: I don't have this problem10:27
* wols needs to type faster10:28
kamashadithe latest opera has  64 bit support?10:28
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:28
Wouter136321markf, any idea what could be the issue? it scrolls horribly slow and it even makes my music stutter10:28
wolsWouter136321: javascript10:29
kamashadi<ubottu> i looked up there but thr 64 bit is not there10:29
bazhang!bot | kamashadi10:29
ubottukamashadi: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)10:29
markfWouter136321: Do you have an ATI video card?10:29
KenSentMeI got a problem with wine in Hardy. I have to run wine in a virtual window because i have dual screen setup. But if wine is on my main screen i can't get to the menu's and stuff anymore, even if i alt-tab to another program. Is there a solution for this?10:29
markfWouter136321: The solution might be that you have to turn the desktop effects off.10:30
bazhangWouter136321, does sound like javascript10:30
ArthurArchnixWouter136321: You on intel graphics card?10:31
Wouter136321markf, no it's NVidia10:32
ZoupHey :) how can i disable IDE supporti in boot parameters ?10:32
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Wouter136321markf, I'll try turning them off completely, I now only have them on medium10:32
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markfWouter136321: okay, let's see if that improves it...10:33
roninohow can I find out what package a given file belongs to?10:33
tech0007ronino: dpkg -S <path to file>10:33
roninotech0007: thx10:33
Wouter136321markf, it improves a bit, but it still stalls and hangs...10:33
markfWouter136321: do you have some add-ons installed in the FF 3b5?10:33
Wouter136321markf, yeah. I've disabled all of them and it didn't solve anything10:34
Rockers2Hi..i wana install new version of ubuntu on my pc 8.04..and i have seen that its now have the support to install inside windows...so i wanna know if i install it using this method will it works fine ? and will it ask to to where i should install it. bcoz i have got 2 HDDs. 1 is Sata And other Is Old IDE HDD.And i want to install on IDE HDD..10:34
markfWouter136321: this is strange... only with gmail, right?10:34
Wouter136321markf, other websites are fine, so far.10:35
wolsRockers2: if it installs inside windows it will install on your windows partition making a big file there10:35
wolsif you want to install it on the iDE hdd you will have to install ubuntu normally10:36
markfWouter136321: have you tried to search in google if more people have the same issue with FF 3b5 and gmail?10:36
GG3I am not used to ubuntu/linux .. i dragged my mouse and screen moved left along with all the programs10:36
GG3how do I get it back? I can see all the running program in Alt+tab10:36
Wouter136321markf, no, let me do that first. Thanks bro for the help :)10:36
alinuxfanGG3, i think you sent the program to the other virtual desktop10:37
markfWouter136321: you're welcome. see u later10:37
alinuxfanhit cntl+alt+left arrow10:37
GG3yes that works10:37
markfWouter136321: oh, I have another suggestion...10:38
GG3how many virtual virtual desktop are there10:38
Wouter136321markf, tell me10:38
jootWouter136321, I was getting a prob with firefox fading then hanging I fixed by turning off descktop effects10:38
alinuxfanGG3, in the bottom right of your default gnome desktop there are a couple boxes10:38
alinuxfanby default there are 210:38
Wouter136321joot, I just turned it off, but it doesn't fix the problem really10:39
alinuxfanyou can right click and change preferences and add more rows10:39
alinuxfanthe default a couple years ago on most distros that I used was 4, so I got used to 410:39
jootWouter136321, OK10:39
JontyOI have the /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit on 8.04 and tried the alternate cd but still no luck10:39
JontyOand ideas anyone?10:40
=== Loud is now known as Nai
JontyOburner u ere?10:40
markfWouter136321: There is a bug that makes the CPU work very high... maybe you can search also for this, there is a workaround for this.10:40
JontyOcan anyone helpme?10:41
tech0007!ask | JontyO10:41
ubottuJontyO: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:41
JontyOI have the /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit on 8.04 and tried the alternate cd but still no luck10:42
twinkie_addict i am haveing trouble comiling apps , i get a gcc error saying gcc compiler cant creat executables10:42
=== Nai is now known as Jerf
twinkie_addictin 8.0410:42
JontyOdont go burner :(10:42
JontyONo-one gonna help me?10:43
=== Jerf is now known as Nai
nlindbladWould it be stupid to put /home on an external drive10:43
tech0007JontyO: what are you tryin to do?10:43
JontyOI have the /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit on 8.04 and tried the alternate cd but still no luck10:43
JontyO^^ read there10:43
ArthurArchnixWouter136321: Do you have an intel graphics card and are you running hardy?10:44
twinkie_addictis the c compiler broken in hardy?10:45
fevetsim having problems with my netgear wireless connection not auto connecting at login/startup10:45
bazhangtwinkie_addict, nay10:45
genericany one works on cups10:45
JontyOtech0007 any ideas/10:45
mcphailtwinkie_addict: have you installed build-essential?10:45
twinkie_addict./configure gives c compiler cant create executebles10:45
Wouter136321markf, my CPU runs at around 14% when I'm doing nothing, but the moment I switch to Firefox and start scrolling it goes to nearly a 10010:45
tech0007JontyO: are installing or upgrading?10:45
vemonWouter136321, lot's of pages with flash open?10:46
twinkie_addictno figured it would already be installed ill do that now thanks10:46
Wouter136321ArthurArchnix, I've got an NVidia card with Hardy10:46
Wouter136321vemon: nah, just gmail10:46
mcphailtwinkie_addict: don't think ubuntu has ever installed it as default10:46
=== Nai is now known as Keow
markfWouter136321: I will look for the link with the workaround with high CPU usage...10:47
Wouter136321markf, thanks!10:47
markfWouter136321: here is one bug report... that are probably more bc I saw a work arround... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/22718510:49
=== Keow is now known as Geek
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227185 in firefox-3.0 "firefox 3 beta 5 on ubuntu 8.04 loads the cPU for 100% for random length of time" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:49
=== Geek is now known as G33k
bitkidokuhi there10:50
amorphous_could anyone tell me the permissions that should be on my printer?10:50
kajoYo. Trying to do a minimal install of 7.10 from the minimal disk. Completed install and restarted, followed most of the instructions here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal ||| under barebones- except I don't want a graphical login, and I chose fluxbox instead of IceWM. But I'm still a relative noob- I used startx, and I got sent to fluxbox, but my rightclick doesn't work, so I can't open a terminal. What's more, ctr + alt + f2 thr10:50
kajoough f6 don't bring up anything more than a black screen.... help? (sorry for this being really long...)10:50
markfWouter136321: this is the one I mean: https://bugs.launchpad.net/firefox/+bug/21572810:50
amorphous_ie) /dev/lp010:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 215728 in xulrunner-1.9 "[MASTER] Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O" [High,Fix released]10:50
bazhangkajo, there should be file like flux.conf that you can edit10:51
Wouter136321markf, thanks, I'll take a look to find the workaround10:51
kajobazhang, you still online? :D I don't know how to access any files because of afforementioned dillemna, though.10:51
kajobazhang, if it helps, my mouse seems to have two shadows.... o.O in fluxbox, I mean.10:52
chalcedonyhi generic10:53
Wouter136321I also found a bug report that said switching from compiz to metacity should fix the problem. I don't even know which one I'm running... What do you guys think?10:53
bitkidokuwhen I do "sudo ls -al" in a directory there are some files that has question marks(????) as owner, mod, size etc. I think this is not normal, because whenever I try to remove those files I get "No such file or directory"10:53
bitkidokuhow do I remove those files?10:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204308 in ubuntu "html rendering speed WAY decreased. conflict opera / firefox vs compiz" [Undecided,New]10:53
generichey i am trying to restrict my users from printing through cups10:53
kajobazhang, or ANYONE, why aren't my TTY's working?10:53
generici did <Location />10:54
genericOrder Deny,Allow10:54
generic 10:54
genericDeny from all10:54
genericAllow from</Location>10:54
FloodBot2generic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:54
genericis this ok10:54
remoteCTRLdoes anyone happen to know what switch to use rar with to create r01...r45...*.rar with partial filesize of 15mb? i can't find anything alike in the man pages...10:54
markfWouter136321: yes, there is a work arround. I performed the work arround.10:55
bazhanghttp://www.debianhelp.co.uk/fluxbox.htm kajo this is for debian but should be true for ubuntu also; there are several threads on ubuntuforums as well10:55
markfWouter136321: have you found the workaround?10:58
remoteCTRLah it is called volumes that is why i diondt find it  rat -v15M10:58
remoteCTRLrar even10:58
kajobazhang, while I still want to know why my tty's aren't working (that link didn't seem to answer that question), I am curious- is it possible to start a session with a window manager without using a display manager (as all display managers seem to have gui logins?)10:59
amorphous_I'm having issues with a printer (hp1020) - worked fine before... stopped working (am Gutsy atm), /var/log/messages says " Juno kernel: [37018.986602] usb 6-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 27", with the addres incrementing per line, and every 4th line is "May 17 10:55:37 Juno HP_LaserJet_1020?serial=JL2XQSY: INFO: open device failed; will retry in 30 seconds... " --- does anyone know what thi10:59
amorphous_s could relate to? I've installed according to openprinting rules using foo2zjs, hotplug is installed etc... those are the only things i can find (google) that relates to this printer. am at a loss :(10:59
bazhangkajo, have not read the fluxbox documentation enough myself (linked on that page) to answer that11:00
kajobazhang, so my second question is fluxbox dependent, not just a general linux question?11:00
bazhangkajo seems like you would enjoy screen :)11:01
bazhang!info screen | kajo11:01
ubottukajo: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 576 kB, installed size 980 kB11:01
JontyOOtech0007 im installing11:02
kajoubottu, you're the best!11:02
ubottukajo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:02
kajoAww, shucks, ubottu, we all know you're the mos intelligent in the room.11:02
Wouter136321markf, nope, can't seem to find it...11:02
JontyOOubottu, ya wierdo :P11:02
ubottuFactoid ya wierdo :p not found11:02
JontyOOubottu is funny11:02
ubottuFactoid is funny not found11:02
JontyOOubottu rocks11:02
ubottuFactoid rocks not found11:02
bazhang!fishing | JontyOO11:03
ubottuJontyOO: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.11:03
tech0007JontyOO: try adding all_generic_ide to the kernel11:03
JontyOOhow do I do that11:03
markfWouter136321: I can help you... then you have to follow to step. are you ready?11:03
Wouter136321markf, yes11:03
JontyOOtech pm me11:04
JontyOOso i get all info11:04
markfWouter136321: In FF 3b5 go to: Edit - Preferences11:04
Wouter136321markf, yep11:04
twinkie_addicti love deps lol not11:04
vegombreibazhang: hi, how do i set a root password my mysql ??11:04
JontyOOoh god pm's are blocked11:04
markfWouter136321: go to Security11:04
bazhang!register | JontyOO11:05
ubottuJontyOO: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.11:05
Wouter136321markf, ok11:05
amorphous_also /var/log/errors_log has nothing in it. re ^11:05
otwrwhen does ff work with kde11:05
markfWouter136321: deselect the 2 options "Tel me if the site... blabla"11:05
JontyOOtech0007 can u help me add that to the kernel?11:06
Wouter136321markf, ok11:06
markfWouter136321: close and close FF3b511:06
tech0007JontyOO: boot to the cd, then F6 to add kernel parameter11:06
markfWouter136321: close all the firefox screen quite firefox :)11:06
markfWouter136321: then go to Places11:07
JontyOObrb guys11:07
Wouter136321markf, done (had to save some bookmarks)11:07
markfWouter136321: then go to Places11:07
markfWouter136321: then go to Places - Home folder11:07
Wouter136321markf, my own home folder, or /home?11:07
Wouter136321markf, nvm... it's the same ;)11:08
markfWouter136321: own home folder - then go to View - Show all hidden files11:08
Wouter136321markf, done11:08
markfWouter136321: own home folder - then go to View - Show  hidden files  (sorry, I was not reading )11:08
fevetsafter logon my wireless does not autoconnect, however if i do a 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' it picks up ok .. anyone have any ideas how i can make it auto-connect without my interaction ?11:09
markfWouter136321: cool... then go to the folder .mozilla11:09
Wouter136321markf, yep (went to firefox folder directly)11:09
twinkie_addictoh if the main help is irc why did i have to add my self to the irc group before i could set up a irc client ?11:09
canceri was wondering how to teach the bot from xchat???11:09
bazhangcancer /msg the bot11:10
markfWouter136321: cool... go to bladibladibla.default11:10
Wouter136321markf, check11:10
markfWouter136321: cool... do you see a file urlclassifier blabla?11:11
Wouter136321markf, yep11:11
Wouter136321markf, one txt and one sqlite11:11
markfWouter136321: cool... let me search which file we need to delete. pls hold on, ok11:12
Wouter136321markf, the txt is urlclassifierkey11:12
markfWouter136321: ill be back in a few minutes11:12
Wouter136321markf, cool11:12
markfWouter136321: :) we are almost there anyways...11:12
fevetson windows I can VPN into my work and then remote desktop to my work PC, can i do the same from ubuntu ?11:13
alastair_Networkmanager keeps connecting to some berk's unsecured wireless network instead of our own. Can I tell it which one to connect to?11:13
bazhangalastair_, shut off roaming11:13
alastair_It's a distributed network. It has to roam between nodes.11:14
markfWouter136321: delete urlclassifier3.sqlite11:14
bazhangalastair_, set the essid11:14
markfWouter136321: if this one is there also, delete urlclassifier3.sqlite-journal as well.11:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 alastair_ here11:14
Wouter136321markf, done, the journal is not there11:15
andrewbuntu_When I upgrade my system, I can no longer connect to the internet wirelessly...And my ethernet connection will not ever work. Anyone have a solution for that?11:15
bazhangandrewbuntu_, what chipsets; from what to what upgrade11:16
markfWouter136321: ok, cool... open Firefox again... you will see that the file size of  urlclassifier3.sqlite will stay 32k ;)11:16
frodonhello, does any of you know if partimage is on the hardy liveCD ?11:16
Wouter136321markf, it was 32MB man!11:16
markfWouter136321: yeah, that11:16
[1]IMDandrewbuntu, you'll probably need to check out ndiswrapper11:16
andrewbuntu_My wireless card works now...This is a fresh install...if I upgrade, it no longer works...11:17
markfWouter136321: yeah, that's causing slowness... and is the bug which was reported11:17
DNA24how to install rpm package on ubuntu ?11:17
bazhangDNA24, best to check in repos first11:17
Wouter136321markf, the scrolling problem stays tho... :(11:17
markfWouter136321: umm... so, it's not related?11:18
JontyOstill wont work11:18
darioAfter upgrading my system every time I try to apply fullscreen with totem or VLC my computers stops working. what can I do?11:18
Wouter136321markf, apparently it's a different problem11:18
markfWouter136321: have you updated your Ubuntu?11:18
bazhangWouter136321, javascript problem11:18
JontyOany ideas tech000711:18
markfWouter136321: yes, appearantly...11:19
Wouter136321markf, yeah, Ubuntu is completely updated11:19
markfWouter136321: yes, I've read about a javascript problem as well...11:19
Wouter136321bazhang, markf, what can I do?11:19
andrewbuntu_How do I install the driver on ndiswrapper? I read through several forum pages, and couldn't find my driver...11:19
markfWouter136321: I don't know which java you have installed...11:19
eridamhi, I want to upgrade my feisty to hardy, but I can only with aptitude dist-upgrade command. As always, I have changed the /etc/apt/sources.list, but this time aptitude update cannot find the repo files. Any ideas ?11:20
Wouter136321markf, both 5 and 611:20
bazhangandrewbuntu_, what chipsets11:20
JontyOtech0007 u ere?11:20
peterlhcan anyone help with soundproblems? Getting no sound from intel hda card, with newest kernel, did before. seems to be an issues, nut nothing solves it11:20
bazhangeridam, cannot do it that way-->need to first go to gutsy then hardy11:20
JontyOg2g bye11:20
markfWouter136321: let me check mine bc i have no problem with gmail and ff3b5 appart for the known bug (we've done the workaround)11:20
JontyOi'll try later11:20
eridambazhang: oops, I'm already in gutsy, I made a typo11:21
tech0007did u try it?11:21
JontyOno luck11:21
JontyOall_generic_ide wasnt it11:21
[1]IMDyou mean hardy?11:21
frodonno one knows  know if partimage is on the hardy liveCD ?11:21
Wouter136321markf, thanks! Can I check the security boxes again, or will that reintroduce the problem?11:21
JontyOall help @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4975169#post4975169 please11:21
bazhangeridam, big typo :)11:21
markfWouter136321: it will indeed make the file grow larger again...11:22
dannyr_Please excuse me - I have just successfully installed wubi on an  old notebook with compiz - it is great - thanks for all the support here and on forums11:22
bazhang!yay | dannyr_11:23
ubottudannyr_: Glad you made it! :-)11:23
Wouter136321markf, ok, I'll leave them unchecked11:23
kajobazhang, I'm typing up a forum post that's fairly in depth... but I still don't understand how/why my tty's aren't working. Is that also fluxbox related? I thought tty's went a level deeper than the window managers...11:23
Wouter136321does anyone know what desktop manager is installed by default: compiz or metacity?11:23
dannyr_hi - metacity was on mine11:23
lucabuongiorno a tutti11:24
dannyr_I had to install compizconfig etc using add/remove then play around with the desktop11:24
bazhang!it | luca11:24
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:24
* chalcedony smiles11:25
nininaHello all11:25
krammer_this is weird just installed 8.04 and I am connected to the internet but my wirless lcd isnt lite like always anybody having problem with the new os?11:26
mjnbrndear god thats alot of people11:26
bazhangkrammer_, 3945?11:26
krammer_my card yes11:26
markfWouter136321: After checking... I have online the sun-java6-plugin installed which automatically installed when I installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras11:26
markfWouter136321: I mean, I have only... sorry...11:26
chalcedonysomeone told me to type control+akt+f(1-9) .. he also said that control+alt+f2 would get me back to the gui .. but it's not.. what to do??11:26
markfWouter136321: I mean, I have only... so, not both... 5 and 611:26
bazhangkrammer_, you can enable backports to get that working if it is of concern to you11:27
Wouter136321markf, could that cause problems for me you think, having both?11:27
krammer_can you direct me?11:27
bazhangchalcedony, f7 for gui11:27
jaffarkelshaci am having a peculiar annoying issue, i plug my wireless card (usb) it disconnects, connects and keeps doing that for a while and then never connects again, i have t remove it and plug it in again (dwl-g122)11:27
markfchalcedony: Ctrl + Alt + F7 brings you back to the GUI11:27
bazhangkrammer_, to enable the backports?11:27
kling0ni need a backup solution that can put a filesystem (uncompressed) on multiple discs (spanning backup) does anyone have any good suggestions for a solution ?11:28
bazhangkrammer_, do it in synaptic package manager then refresh11:28
markfWouter136321: yes, that might be the cause... I have only the 6.06 version and not also the 5. gmail is ok with me when scrolling with Desktop effect on full.11:29
chalcedonymarkf control+alt+f7 gives me a flashing prompt in the top left corner, nothing else.11:29
kajoCan anyone help me understand why my tty's aren't working?  Further: I am curious- is it possible to start a session with a window manager without using a display manager (as all display managers seem to have gui logins?)11:29
Wouter136321markf, I'll uninstall java5 and see what happens11:29
markfchalcedony: try to do Ctrl + Alt + F1 first11:29
kajodisplay manager = gdm, wdm, xdm, etc...11:29
krammer_anybody using the new os? if so any problems yet?11:29
=== aCCe- is now known as aCCe
kajowdinow manager, in this case, = fluxbox11:30
kling0nargh... more bloody dbus errors11:30
markfWouter136321: the sun-java5-plugin right?11:30
kling0nhardy is next to unusable11:30
FrostI've just ran the update manager and I can see that there's an update which appears as grayed out, and I cannot select it. Is this normal? I'm using ubuntu's 64bit version, is that makes a difference.11:30
chalcedonyhi kling0n11:30
steph_I'm sorry if I'm on the wrong channel, but I need some help with the wget command11:30
krammer_i just upgrade from feisty11:30
kling0nsorry for broding... but 1/3 of my application launches goes bad due to dbus errors11:31
kling0nchalcedony: hi :)11:31
steph_how can I get a web folder using wget ?11:31
gordonjcpsteph_: wget -r11:31
kling0nsteph_: wget -r -l111:31
chalcedonykrammer_ i'm trying to upgrade from feisty to hardy, it stopped at gutsy11:31
gordonjcpsteph_: might be better to take further questions about it to #ubuntu-offtopic11:31
steph_I want to retrieve the www.website/folder/subfolder*11:31
steph_I tried -R11:31
krammer_ill brb11:31
jaffarkelshaci am having a peculiar annoying issue, i plug my wireless card (usb) it disconnects, connects and keeps doing that for a while and then never connects again, i have t remove it and plug it in again (dwl-g122)11:31
kling0nsteph_: wget -r -np  www.website/folder/11:31
steph_thanks gordonjcp kling0n11:32
=== nunuk is now known as mug
mjnbrnwould i be better off running a Hardy Server or a Gutsy Server ?11:32
Wouter136321markf, now uninstalling java5 basically, should I only uninstall the plugin?11:32
gordonjcpmjnbrn: hardy is an LTS distribution11:32
gordonjcpmjnbrn: so it'll be supported for at least three years11:33
markfWouter136321: both would make sense... I don't have both11:33
Wouter136321markf, ok, done11:33
Wouter136321let's see11:33
bazhangfive years for server11:33
mjnbrngordonjcp: thank you :)11:33
gordonjcpbazhang: oh, is it?11:33
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:33
gordonjcpmjnbrn: it's also generally newer to begin with, which is good ;-)11:33
markfWouter136321: try to close ff first ;)11:33
mcphailmjnbrn: dapper is still a good call for servers11:33
steph_kling0n, worked perfectly thank you11:34
kling0nyoure welcome11:34
Wouter136321markf, yeah I closed it and restarted it, problem stays...11:34
nininaIs anyone else intimidated by the shear number of programs you can install?11:35
mcphailninina: no. just install them all :)11:35
markfWouter136321: then we need to search if more people have the same problem... :(11:35
nininaso much clutter11:35
AgonyCan someone tell me where the best place to ask for ALSA support would be?11:35
bazhangchat in #ubuntu-offtopic ninina11:35
mjnbrnmcphail: I tried installing all the games in the repos once and it broke.11:35
kling0nninina: use the "add application"11:35
AgonyFair enough.11:36
kling0nninina: from the menu... its nicely categorized and has ratings11:36
pucciohello,upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04 (kernel 2.6.24-17) my wifi card does not work anymore, while instead before the updgrade with it works. So now I have to boot with the old kernel to make it work...11:36
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
kling0npuccio: what card and which driver?11:36
chalcedonyi seem to have lost my gui .. kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot11:36
WobboCan anyone help me, i got my new computer, it has 2 nvidia 9800gtx, i installed nv beta drivers since default nv drivers don't support this card yet, now i want to setup sli but i can't find any documentation on it11:36
alioshahi, I trashed my fstab. I'm using livecd and don't want to wipe my installation...11:36
kajoDoes anyone have a foggy idea of why my tty's would just turn up black screens instead of prompts?11:36
Wouter136321markf, actually I have to go now. I'll try to find a solution later. I just saw that the Firefox 3 RC1 is out, so maybe that solves some probs11:36
bazhangpuccio, the -16 is standard11:36
digitalspaghettiAnyone in the UK watching BBC News 24 just now :)  Ubuntu on Click11:37
kling0nWobbo: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8174/README/32bit_html/index.html11:37
pucciokling0n, I'm on an intel laptop, the card uses the driver ipw3945 is it possible?11:37
bazhang!ot | digitalspaghetti11:37
ubottudigitalspaghetti: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:37
markfWouter136321: how about in FF2? you can install this as well...11:37
kahrytanninina,  The reason there is allot of programs because there is no single !best application for any single user. It's best to go over each program and find one that fits you. If you need help with it, message me.11:37
pucciobazhang, -16 is standar but which kernel numer exactly ?11:37
Wouter136321markf, is it possible to run them together on one system?11:37
bazhangpuccio, you using proposed?11:37
mcphailkajo: is compiz and/or xgl running? I know someone who had to disable them to get a tty11:37
kling0npuccio: this might be for you: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/using-ipw3945-instead-iwl3945-in-hardy.html11:38
alioshacan anyone tell me what my fstab should look like? and what the correct permissions for /home &c are?11:38
perlmonkeygreetings from monkey island11:38
Aleksander-plHello. I am trying to connect my Samsung YP-K3 to my Ubuntu Linux and copy files there with AmaroK. I have installed libmtp7, but AmaroK doesn't detect it automatically. When I run dcop kded mediamanager fullList it gives me some errors, such as DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server! - what can I do?11:39
kajomcphail, I have *nothing* running. I am in fluxbox, trying to install my system. I used startx (purposely have no display manager), and now fluxbox's right click menu is not working, so I can't get to terminal. No problem, except that my tty's won't work either.11:39
pucciobazhang, I installed all the linux image packages which are available on the repository at the moment (apparently 2 or 3) and I experimented booting with them. WIth the latest one, I have problems11:39
markfWouter136321: I read that someone disabled the Ubuntu Firefox Modifications addon and scrolling was ok...11:39
pucciokling0n, thanks I'll give a look, but it's weird before it was all working fine11:39
bazhangpuccio, which is why they are in proposed :)11:39
soundrayaliosha: it might be easier if you describe the problem you're trying to solve11:39
kahrytanAleksander-pl,  isn't there a MSC mode on that player as well?11:39
kajomcphail, so no- I have neither of those running. Though, if you asked me to check, I wouldn't know how, as I can't open terminal to run top or pstree. :\11:39
Aleksander-plkahrytan, how to check it?11:39
Wouter136321markf, I tried that, but didn't work11:39
markfWouter136321: here is the bug report: you can read it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/21758011:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217580 in xulrunner-1.9 "Slow performance with Gmail" [Medium,Fix committed]11:39
kling0npuccio: i think the driver was dropped in the new release11:39
kahrytanAleksander-pl,  Read the players manual. Ifthere is, use that instead. Drag and Drop is easier.11:40
kling0npuccio: you might try adding the backprts repository11:40
mcphailkajo: try creating a file called /home/kajo/.config/xserver-xgl/disable and restart x11:40
pucciobazhang, kling0n so basically you say I should backport to the old driver?11:40
kling0npuccio: might be the easiest...11:40
markfWouter136321: workaround is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=441261711:40
kling0npuccio: or you could try troubleshooting on the new one "my card doesn't work" is not a lot of description to try and problem solve from :)11:41
markfWouter136321: just read the bug report more... i will read it now as well ;)11:41
pucciokling0n, i know i know but the only output i get is that with the latest kernel my card really just do nothing, in dmesg i don't have any significant output11:41
alioshasoundray: ok. my linux doesn't log in (boots ok) and it says because permissions on $home are screwed (paraphrased)11:41
Chrysalisis there an install cd which includes all 3 ubuntu desktops?11:41
kling0npuccio: so no driver gets loaded?11:41
pucciokling0n, I can't even switch it on/off (no led actived)11:41
markfWouter136321: which theme are you using?11:42
kling0npuccio: could you pastebin output from lspci ?11:42
bazhangChrysalis, not one supported here11:42
markfWouter136321: I'm using the blue clearlooks theme...11:42
FrostI've just ran the update manager and I can see that there's an update which appears as grayed out, and I cannot select it. Is this normal? I'm using ubuntu's 64bit version, iכ that makes a difference.11:42
puccionow I booted frmo the working kernel. Is it out to paste lspci from here?11:42
alioshasoundray: it gets more fun. /home is a different partition, and the way i managed to screw the permissions was to try and mount it at /home/alex11:42
fla10hello. I cant connect to MSN in Pidgin, however e.g. IRC works.. I get the error message; "Unable to connect"..11:42
markfWouter136321: You can go to: Preference - Appearance11:42
kling0n!pastebin | puccio11:42
Frostif even11:42
ubottupuccio: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:42
Chrysalisbazhang: how about a plain one with no DE11:42
zimhi all11:42
Chrysalisbazhang: so i can install whichever de i want after that11:43
zimjust a quick question re. ftp11:43
pucciokling0n, ok. yes I'm doing it11:43
markfWouter136321: You can go to: Preference - Appearance - Clearlooks11:43
perlmonkeyevery time i boot my laptop i have to manually load ifdown and ifup to get my wifi connection going, i was wondering if there is a way to do this automatically? i need it done just before login, since my /home is mounted on nfs11:43
Wouter136321markf, on my way11:43
zimhow can I download a directory with ftp11:43
bazhang!minimal | Chrysalis11:43
ubottuChrysalis: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:43
markfWouter136321: ok11:43
soundrayaliosha: so your data ended up in /home/alex/alex ?11:43
markfWouter136321: ok11:43
kajoHow do I create this file without having a terminal or gui to start programs from? ctr + alt +dlt doesn't even work, though I can move my mouse and righ click on the taskbar. Should I just hard restart and go from there?11:43
chalcedonyfla10 msn updates at random times and doesn't keep up with linux very well, wait and it might work again in awhile11:43
markfWouter136321: that's the theme I'm using...11:43
kajo@ mcphail11:43
pucciokling0n, http://pastebin.com/m4338f229  <-- is it what you meant?11:43
zimwould normaly use scp but can only ftpto this server11:43
Wouter136321markf, I just have the Firefox default theme11:43
mcphailkajo: you must have a terminal before you type "startx" :)11:44
fla10chalcedony: thank you very much11:44
Chrysalisbazhang: do those have gparted?11:44
alioshasoundray: yes: well, I ended up with 2 copies of data, because there was already a full set in sda211:44
Wouter136321markf, also, I can't find appearance in the preferences of FF11:44
zimany one here any good with ftp? commandline11:44
kajomcphail - I used a terminal to type startx, the terminal that started when I booted; I don't have gdm or other display mgr. After typing startx, I lost access.11:44
bazhangChrysalis, it is a 9mb installer; only what you want gets installed, including gnome or kde11:45
Wouter136321markf, if I go to the Add-ons and look at themes I only see the Firefox default theme11:45
kling0npuccio: does the driver load ?11:45
soundrayaliosha: I don't think that's what happened. Rather, your sda2 partition was mounted twice -- once on /media/sda2 and once on /home/alex -- correct?11:45
perlmonkeyevery time i boot my laptop i have to manually load ifdown and ifup to get my wifi connection going, i was wondering if there is a way to do this automatically? i need it done just before login, since my /home is mounted on nfs11:45
bazhang!hi | perlmonkey11:45
ubottuperlmonkey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:45
alioshait wasn't on /media/sda2 at all11:45
perlmonkeybazhang hi11:45
markfWouter136321: It's the Ubuntu them... you have to go to System - blabla...11:45
pucciokling0n, as I was saying, I am now on the working kernel, otherwise I wouldn't be connected to Internet :)11:45
bazhangperlmonkey, you have support question or just wish to chat?11:45
kajoconcerning Chrysalis, isn't there a DVD that has all the 'buntu's on it?11:45
mcphailkajo: try pressing "Alt-SysRq-R" then "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace"11:45
pucciokling0n, if you are still here I can lspci from the non-working kernel, copy it locally, and then reconnect and paste it11:46
perlmonkeybazhang I have a support question11:46
perlmonkeyevery time i boot my laptop i have to manually load ifdown and ifup to get my wifi connection going, i was wondering if there is a way to do this automatically? i need it done just before login, since my /home is mounted on nfs11:46
soundrayaliosha: is alex the only user you created on the system?11:46
kling0npuccio: oh... ok but when you boot into the new kernel,. does the driver load? does the card show up in network-manager?11:46
bazhang!ask | perlmonkey11:46
ubottuperlmonkey: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:46
alioshasoundray: yes11:46
perlmonkeyevery time i boot my laptop i have to manually load ifdown and ifup to get my wifi connection going, i was wondering if there is a way to do this automatically? i need it done just before login, since my /home is mounted on nfs11:46
kling0npuccio: lspci should not be different between kernels11:46
kajomcphail, I typed them in the wrong order. :\ now I just have a black screen. xD11:46
Chrysaliskajo: yea i think there is, though i dont have a dvd drive ;p11:47
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 perlmonkey see here11:47
perlmonkeyphoenix_ bonjour11:47
rogue_traderhow can I check that the hardware of a laptop i am planning to buy is supported by linux?11:47
pucciokling0n, yes it shows up as far as i remember. In fact the network-manager shows it to me but when I try to "browse" for wifi nets, it simply finds nothing11:47
perlmonkeybazhang: many thanks!11:47
bazhangkajo, one that is not supported here yes11:47
soundrayaliosha: can you boot the system from a live CD?11:47
kahrytanperlmonkey, You use sudo with ifup?11:47
alioshasoundray: that's where I'm talking from11:47
TheJudasPriestjust had to do a clean install of heron ):11:47
mcphailkajo: to be safe, type "Ctrl-Alt-R-E-I-S-U-B" to reboot safely then...11:47
soundrayaliosha: excellent. Have you mounted your root partition yet?11:47
soundraymcphail: you forgot the PrintScreen11:48
Bitscomputer can't seem to identify SD cards... any recommendations?11:48
alioshasoundray: yes11:48
mcphailkajo: sorry Alt-SysRQ-REISUB !11:48
legend2440rogue_trader: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:48
kajomcphail, too late, I tried ctr + alt +dlt, and now it has restarted. At least that works now.11:48
TheJudasPriestdidnt know you couldnt upgrade form the LiveCD and just went ahead and dl'ed it11:48
CorpseFeedercan anyone tell me what Grub error 17 is?11:48
perlmonkeyI think the reason why my network connection isnt starting automatically is because I had to use wpa_supplicant for WPA support11:48
rogue_traderlegend2440, thanks11:48
kajoWhat are those esoteric keystrokes???11:48
kajoI've never seen those.11:48
mcphailkajo: google for "raising elephants is so utterly boring"11:49
rhelp i had copied the xubuntu cd using the xcopy command with /e /h that is using all directories and hidden files and still iam getting a "missing operating system" error when i boot from my pendrive11:49
pucciokling0n, any idea? :[11:49
soundrayaliosha: can you put some information on http://paste.ubuntu.com11:49
kling0npuccio: working on it11:49
kling0npuccio: had to read some stuff..11:49
Wouter136321markf, ok, mine was human. Changed it to clearlooks11:49
kling0npuccio: does it load the iwlwifi driver ?11:49
perlmonkeyCorpseFeeder: error 17 on grub means the filesystem is inaccessible11:49
alioshasoundray: what would you like?11:49
soundrayaliosha: your /etc/fstab and the output from 'sudo fdisk -l'11:49
kling0npuccio: iwl3945 driver even11:49
rhelp i had copied the xubuntu cd using the xcopy command with /e /h that is using all directories and hidden files and still iam getting a "missing operating system" error when i boot from my pendrive11:49
markfWouter136321: you can check again ;)11:49
rwhat is the lnk for ubuntu's usb install manual11:50
alioshasoundray: I just looked at my fstab and think I made it ok.... here goes! http://paste.ubuntu.com/12690/11:50
gordonjcpr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47630211:50
TheJudasPriestwoah this is the support channel11:50
soundray!install | r, it is linked from here11:51
ubottur, it is linked from here: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:51
bazhang!install | r11:51
ubottur: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:51
=== gregoirelamerded is now known as greg
kling0n!backup > kling0n11:51
perlmonkeybazhang are you chinese?11:51
CorpseFeederperlmonkey: ok.. I was trying to format the drive and make a new installation of ubuntu over a previous installation. I think there was still the old grub data left over. How do I remove it completely? Will supergrub do it?11:51
soundrayaliosha: is this the problematic one or the corrected one?11:51
TheJudasPriestuh is there a general channel for ubuntu? may as well ask if im already here11:51
noam_there's a broken package update for libtotem-plupdate. i guess a bug has been reported already?11:51
ArelisHello. How do i get my microphone to work on Ubuntu? I searched google, but most of the instructions there don't help.. but i think it's also because my pc's sound doesn't work. So how do i get THAT to work? It worked fine for about 2~4 years, but now i have no sound anymore, and the speakers are plugged in.11:52
bazhangchat in #ubuntu-offtopic perlmonkey11:52
Wouter136321markf, it makes scrolling on websites much better, but on gmail it still causes the same problem, albeit a bit less ;)11:52
kahrytanCorpseFeeder,  update-grub11:52
Wouter136321markf, so guess we solved half the problem now ;)11:52
soundrayTheJudasPriest: #ubuntu-offtopic11:52
TheJudasPriestthanks alot soundray11:52
romI have a problem with copy paste11:52
alioshahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12691/ (that was corrected, previosly... /home/alex was /media/sda2)11:52
eth01alot isn't a word.11:52
eth01it's a lot * ;)11:53
chazcoHi.. im setting up a dualboot system on a 250GB HDD... i need Vista, Linux with seperate /home and swap, and a data partitons. Anyone know the best layout?11:53
romtry this : open firefox, copy the address : Ctrl + L, Ctrl + C11:53
romopen gedit, paste with Ctrl+V, it works11:53
romnow close firefox11:53
romthen Ctrl+V doesn't work anymore11:53
markfWouter136321: really?11:53
alioshasoundray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12691/ (that was corrected, previosly... /home/alex was /media/sda2)11:53
soundrayaliosha: how and where did you mount your root partition?11:53
rskrom correct that's how it works.11:54
alioshasoundray: um?11:54
alioshasoundray: at the moment is at /media/disk-111:54
soundrayaliosha: is /dev/sda3 your root?11:54
alioshasoundray: yes11:54
perlmonkeyCorpseFeeder: sorry i do not know for sure, formatting should remove it.. maybe this is helpful: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/449411:54
romrsk : it's a bit annoying11:54
kahrytanperlmonkey,  Wouldn't update-grub work?11:55
soundrayaliosha: can you do a 'sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt' and let me have the output of 'ls -l /mnt' (okay to paste it here if it's just one line)11:55
Wouter136321markf, yeah I experience increased performance in scrolling in general (also in chat here), but the gmail problem is still there. So I think there still is another bug that is causing this11:56
Wouter136321markf, I really have to go now tho. Thanks a lot for all the help!11:56
markfyou're welcome... you can always go in the old version of Gmail11:57
WobboI can't figure out if my sli bridge is detected i'm suppose to see that here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12692/11:58
Wouter136321markf, yeah, that's the easiest workaround at the moment. Let's see. some of the latest reports on the bug tracker say that the latest firefox 3 nightly fixes the problem11:58
onatsanyone here using  a 7600GT AGP card on 64 bit amd?11:58
Wouter136321markf, hopefully that is also in the new RC111:58
WobboThat's what the manual says at least11:58
pucciokling0n, sorry my connection went down. Did you reply perhaps?11:58
alioshasoundray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12695/11:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:59
Wouter136321markf, see you man! Thanks a lot :)11:59
soundrayaliosha: okay, I'm starting to understand. I think all you need to do is to fix the permissions on the mountpoint itself -- the contents of your /home/user partition seem okay12:00
Wobbo_if sli is turned on in xorg.conf, would it fail to load if sli hardware wasn't propperly installed?12:00
BobBhi, how does one go about mounting a usb card reader?  There is no /dev/sda showing in my /dev/ folder...  Thanks12:01
alioshasoundray: yes. that sounds cool... -_-12:01
soundrayaliosha: I would do it thus: 'sudo chroot /media/disk-1 bash' followed by 'chown alex.alex /home/alex ; chmod 755 /home/alex'12:01
alioshasoundray: ok... what do those do? :D12:02
Nitro282ma è il canale italiano?12:02
soundrayaliosha: the chroot command runs a shell which assumes that /media/disk-1 is /12:02
markfWouter126321: you're welcome. have fun with the new look ;)12:03
Nitro282qualcuno ha mai usato una videocamera DV coe webcam o per streaming??12:03
markfWouter126321: see you around12:03
_sammy_i just cleaned out my /var/cache/apt/archives. It was 12.23GB in size!12:03
alioshasoundray: useful stuff12:03
soundrayaliosha: that way, when you fix the permissions, it knows that you mean the 'alex' in your installed system, not the 'alex' in the live system, which presumably doesn't exist12:03
alioshasoundray: very much so12:04
dev_eddiecan someone confirm that libtotem-plparser10 is BROKEN right now?12:04
salamatI want to open 'search for file' when I push the F3 key. In ubuntu 7.10 I use as keyboard shortcuts and worked.12:04
salamatbut in hardy dos not work.12:04
soundrayaliosha: I think there ought to be a way of changing ownership by using the numeric user ID, but I don't know how.12:05
Xtreme_Greathi all12:05
alioshasoundray: so chown is a way of changing owners, making /home/alex have owner 'alex' and permissions for 'alex'12:06
=== flemnos_ is now known as flemnos
romrsk: glipper resolve the problem :)12:06
ArelisHello everybody. My sound doesn't work. The speaker is plugged in and all the volume settings are at around 84%. Would anybody help me get my sound to work again, please?12:06
Xtreme_Greatwhere do I get kernel programming manpages?12:06
cyberbrainhi all! is there some specific channel for shell scripting?12:06
BobBdmesg reports "[35778.969594] usb 3-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6", but i'm not quite sure what that means12:07
Xtreme_GreatArelis: Which sound company do you use?12:07
soundrayaliosha: almost. chown alex:alex sets the owner and group of the directory12:07
alioshasoundray: and chmod is... ?12:07
dev_eddiecyberbrain there is a bash channel12:07
ArelisXtreme_Great: on-board sound card, ac7912:07
cyberbraindev_eddie, thanx12:07
Xtreme_GreatArelis: You mean AC97?12:07
legend2440cyberbrain: #bash or #bashscripts ?12:08
ArelisXtreme_Great: yesa12:08
soundrayaliosha: chmod 755 sets the permissions on a directory to 'read, write, enter' for the owner, 'read, enter' for the group and 'read, enter' for everyone else12:08
soundrayaliosha: if you run it on a file instead, it's execute instead of enter12:09
jaffarkelshacexecute actually12:09
soundrayjaffarkelshac: please12:09
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)12:09
alioshasoundray: ok. I remember, when I logged in, it wanted $home/.dmch (or something) to have permissions 644... is that covered?12:09
sidewalkdoes Ubuntu support showing who calls the mobile phone, using bluetooth?12:09
hwildehow do I get firefox java plugin12:09
soundrayaliosha: I recommend you delete .dmrc from /mnt/ -- it'll be recreated for you with the correct permissions12:10
chalcedonyHELP! I upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy with "do-release-upgrade", it finished Gutsy and restarted, I got the gui screen and tried to update aptitude, 0 % upgraded etc. I tried running "do-release-upgrade" but got an error: System Error: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. I told someone that I could not open a file to paste the error into. He misunderstood me, he told me to do control+alt+f(1-9) and coltrol+alt+f7 to ge12:10
alioshasoundray: sudo rm /mnt/.dmrc12:10
soundrayaliosha: yes12:11
ibleedi've got a problem with firefox.  once its open i can't shift focus from windows that are behind it, it is insistant on being in the foreground.  i'm not sure how this happened12:11
hwildechalcedony, sudo dpkg -a --configure12:11
alioshasoundray: and now I should be good to reboot into the installed system?12:11
chalcedonyhwilde ty ty12:11
hwildeibleed, if you close firefox you can get the other windows?12:11
Xtreme_Greatibleed: Try reporting the problem in launchpad...12:11
cyberixWhere can I find desktop hardware that is powerfull enough to run the tracker?12:12
yamanickillibleed: is the window set to appearing above everything?12:12
mcphailibleed: try clicking on the icon in the top-left of the title bar and un-ticking "always on top"12:12
ibleedyes yamanickill its appearing above everything12:12
naxahi. is there a compiz theme manager for ubuntu? (for installing and switching compiz themes12:12
soundrayaliosha: yes. I'll stick around for a while in case you still can't log in12:12
ibleedthanks mcphail12:12
alioshasoundray: wish me luck *_*12:12
ibleedthank you mcphail that worked :)12:13
yamanickillibleed: take mcphails advice...thats basically what i was trying to say lol12:13
cyberixEven when I stop indexing manually it consumes more resources than any other piece of software.12:13
perlmonkeyjoin #hardware12:13
mcphailibleed: np :)12:13
MartinCzHi. What should I read to understand terms like: tty, terminal, getty, agetty, mingetty? Thanks.12:13
eugenhello everzbody12:13
hwildeMartinCz, open a terminal and type in "man something" to get the manual12:13
hwildeMartinCz, you can probably find the same manual online12:14
chalcedonyhwilde i did, it returned a prompt, what should i do now please?12:14
MartinCzhwilde: Well, man getty does not work and man agetty and man mingetty refers to getty :)12:14
chalcedonyperlmonkey hi from earlier :)12:14
hwildeMartinCz, man getty :  http://www.hmug.org/man/8/getty.php12:15
dev_eddiechalcedony: just answer the questions12:15
royalshelterHi,there,can anyone help me with the wireless settings under ubuntu-server? I have already installed gnome desktop enviroument. I need to connect to the wireless router, but I dont find any because I just install the gnome-core12:15
soundraycyberix: just give it an hour or two to do its thing. After that, it will rarely get in your way any more.12:15
eugeni have a problem i will install bz212:15
BobBthanks all, sorted it out.  Had to sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd12:15
plug_n_playcan anyone help me install the nvidia binary driver?12:15
hwilde!nvidia | plug_n_play12:15
ubottuplug_n_play: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:15
BobBnot a clue what sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd does though.  Any explanations?12:15
plug_n_playubottu: ta12:15
ubottuFactoid ta not found12:15
hwildeBobB, it removes the module that provides the ehci  (ehanced something something)12:16
void^BobB: removes the driver for ehci compatible usb2 controllers.12:16
plug_n_playubottu: but my restricted manager says no resticted drivers are in use12:16
ubottuplug_n_play: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:16
hwildeplug_n_play, type "nvidia settings"12:16
naxahow do i change compiz themes in ubuntu?12:16
chalcedonydev_eddie or someone i didn't get any questions ?12:16
hwilde!themes | naxa12:16
ubottunaxa: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:16
plug_n_playhwilde: i only have nvidia-installer in my path12:17
naxahwilde, thanks12:17
hwildeplug_n_play, follow the link from the bot12:17
BobBhwilde, void^ ah thanks, it must be because the card reader is a bit dogdy,12:17
hwilde!nvidia > plug_n_play12:17
Xtreme_Greathwilde: Doesn't rmmod do the same?12:17
hwildeXtreme_Great, man rmmod   will show you the manual12:17
amorphous_nobody knows about printing? :(12:17
hwilde!cups | amorphous_12:18
ubottuamorphous_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:18
plug_n_playhwilde: i followed the binary install howto, installed nvidia-glx-new which dragged in resticted-modules.  modprobe nvidia said: error running install command for nvidia12:18
hwildeplug_n_play, run it with "sudo" before it12:18
royalshelteranyone can help me fix the wireless settings? thanks a lot~~12:18
plug_n_playhwilde: yeah, sudo of course, i did that12:18
perlmonkeywho called me12:18
Xtreme_Greathwilde: Can you tell where I can get manpages for the kernel module functions like init_module12:19
perlmonkeychalcedony: hi!12:19
plug_n_playhwilde: cmd was: sudo modprobe nvidia12:19
chalcedonyperlmonkey :)12:19
hwildeplug_n_play, that removes it!12:19
doctorowIf I want to use apt-get (not Synaptic) to install all updated packages, what's the syntax?12:19
hwildeplug_n_play, reboot and run "nvidia-settings"12:19
hwildedoctorow, sudo apt-get install <package>12:19
Jezzwhat is the diffirence between ubuntu studio and normal ubuntu?12:19
hwilde!apt | doctorow12:19
ubottudoctorow: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:19
hwilde!studio | Jezz12:20
ubottuJezz: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org12:20
Xtreme_Greatubottu: Hey hi..12:20
ubottuFactoid hey hi.. not found12:20
Jezzyeah i know it has extra apps and a new theme12:20
Jezzis that the only diffirence?12:20
hwildeXtreme_Great, you should google them at a good site like die.net or hmug12:20
Xtreme_Greatubottu: restricted drivers12:20
doctorowThat hwilde -- I've been wading through the man without much luck -- do you know the answer?12:20
ubottuXtreme_Great: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:20
hwildedoctorow, sudo apt-get install <package>12:20
Xtreme_Greatubottu: ubuntu12:20
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:20
Xtreme_Greatubottu: drivers12:20
ubottuFactoid drivers not found12:20
Xtreme_Greatubottu: drivers12:20
Xtreme_Greatubottu: driver12:20
ubottuFactoid driver not found12:20
FloodBot2Xtreme_Great: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
soundrayXtreme_Great: don't fish please12:20
hwildeXtreme_Great, /msg him12:21
plug_n_playhwilde: ok, so i am going to install nvidia-glx-new from aptitude (i have just removed it)12:21
salamatI wanted to open 'search for file' when I push the F3 key. In ubuntu 7.10 I use as keyboard shortcuts and it worked. But in hardy open 'Tracker Search Tool'. How can I change it to open 'search for file' ????12:21
hwilde!botabuse > Xtreme_Great12:21
soundrayXtreme_Great: try /msg ubottu restricted12:21
hwilde!keytouch | salamat12:21
ubottusalamat: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts12:21
doctorowhwilde, no I want to update ALL the updated packages, without enumerating them. When I try to run Synaptic, it shows me a long list, but then crashes.12:21
hwildedoctorow, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:21
doctorowThanks, hwilde!12:21
Martiinihow do I create kernel .config  .. I get zcat /proc/config.gz > /usr/src/config   gzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory12:22
salamathwilde: ubottu: thanks12:22
Jezzi saw someone on ubuntu and he had a bar on the desktop with usages like cpu etc.12:22
tuntunGot a section of highlighted text? Need to put in a field that is out of view? Yes, its a constant gripe. Luckily there is the extension "dragtoscroll". This needs to be fixed in ff3 as it only requires a tiny amount of code (eg the extension is 3 KB) and it will be even more important as ff3 finally has recieved native ability to drag-and-drop between tabs.12:22
alioshasoundray: failure. ouch12:22
Jezzdoes anyone know what that is?12:22
Dr_willisMartiini,  that proc thing  - is a feature that not all kernels have enabled.12:22
soundrayMartiini: the config of the current kernel is in /boot12:22
hwildeJezz,  system monitor12:22
damouillehello anyone12:22
Martiinisoundray: duh, obviously :)12:23
Xtreme_Greatdamouille: hi...12:23
Dr_willisThe kernel .config  is in /boot ? never seen that in there...12:23
hwildeJezz, right click on the panel I think you can add it12:23
soundrayaliosha: what did it say?12:23
hwildeMartiini, if you don't know where the kernel config goes then you should probably not mess with it...12:23
Jezzwell im not on ubuntu now but will try it thnx12:23
soundrayDr_willis: /boot/config-$(uname -r)12:23
MartiiniDr_willis:  Im on gentoo and all kernel configs are in /boot12:24
damouilley a t il des francais ?12:24
hwilde!fr | damouille12:24
ubottudamouille: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:24
alioshasoundray: there was the same ignoring .dmrc (permissions need to be 644) message, then a "GDM was unable to start, this means you home folder is full or inaccessible"12:24
Dr_willisMartiini,  well gentoo is a little 'different' then most disrtos. :)12:24
perlmonkeydamouille: bonjour12:24
royalshelterIf I want to get my computer into wireless internet, what package should I install?12:24
hwildealiosha, sudo chmod 644 ~/.dmrc12:24
damouilleok sorry i am a new12:25
fevetsUbuntu 8.04 .. having big problems with wireless, network-manager and VPN (PPTP) .. anyone able to help ?12:25
hwilderoyalshelter, did you try the system menu?12:25
chalcedony[07:11:56] <hwilde> chalcedony, sudo dpkg -a --configure <chalcedony> It went back to the prompt. I did not get any questions. WHAT should I do now?12:25
void^Dr_willis: ubuntu is a little different than most distros too, in the sense that they don't enable /proc/config.gz for some reason ;)12:25
MartiiniDr_willis:  and ubuntu config is also in /boot12:25
damouillehello perlmonkey12:25
yamanickillanyone know where the notification sounds in ubuntu are stored ?12:25
hwildechalcedony, now you should try what you were doing before12:25
perlmonkeydamouille: whats up12:25
soundrayaliosha: okay, changing the permissions has not worked then. hwilde's suggestion won't work -- of course you know that...12:25
perlmonkeyca va?12:25
alioshasoundray, hwilde: I am running from livecd, so need the bash thing to make /media/disk root first...12:25
soundrayaliosha: you're booted back into the live CD?12:25
chalcedonyhwilde thank you12:25
royalshelterfevets:I have install network-manager, but the icon doesn't appear12:25
Jezzalso, the bar on the top seems "flat" in the some screenshots it looks a bit more 3d12:26
hwildealiosha,   type in "sudo fdisk -l" and figure out which disk like /dev/hda1 or whatever12:26
Dr_willisvoid^ i must of overlooked that file. :) i recall others asking about the kernel .config in here. and never seeing them get that answer. :) but then again.. I havent had to mess with the kernel in ages. (yea!)12:26
soundrayaliosha: and you've mounted /dev/sda3 on /media/disk ?12:26
fevetsroyalshelter: not sure i can help .. am having enough problems myself :(12:26
damouilleoui merci et toi12:26
alioshasoundray: yeah12:26
chalcedonyhwilde i still don't get the gui at all, only the flashing prompt in the top left.12:26
Jezzsee the diffirence for example: http://andrew.wedderburn.googlepages.com/screenshot1.png and http://www.belutz.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/screenshot-desktop.png the second screen bar looks diffirent?12:26
alioshasoundray: different from last time dw12:26
damouillejuste un ptit blem12:26
hwildechalcedony, from terminal type "sudo synaptic"12:26
Jezznot so flat12:26
fevetsroyalshelter: what kernel are u running ?12:26
soundrayhwilde: please leave aliosha to me for now. You have enough on your hands12:27
damouillecomment va t on sur le canal ubuntu fr ?12:27
hwildesoundray, sudo chmod 644 /media/disk/home/aliosha/.dmrc12:27
royalshelterfevets:when I installed ubuntu desktop, everything is OK, but now Server edititon have so many problems12:27
System79 o12:27
soundrayhwilde: no, please! (aliosha)12:27
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:27
royalshelterfevets: 2.6.24, bash, ubuntu gnome12:27
alioshasoundray: just mounted sda3 to /mnt12:27
chalcedonyroyalshelter you might also ask in #ubuntu-server (they didn't like my question, but will probably like yours MUCH better :)12:28
soundrayaliosha: what does 'ls -l /mnt/.dmrc' give you?12:28
bullgard4What is the name of a framebuffer driver for Intel chipsets (equivalent to radeonfb for ATI Radeon chipsets)?12:28
alioshasoundray: no such file or directory12:28
soundrayaliosha: thought so. 'ls -l /media/disk/home/alex' ?12:29
soundrayaliosha: sorry12:29
soundrayaliosha: thought so. 'ls -ld /media/disk/home/alex' ?12:29
legend2440soundray: i think you need ls -al to show hidden files12:29
alioshasoundray: total: 012:30
soundraylegend2440: I know. I'm not trying to do that, though.12:30
soundrayaliosha: ls -ld /media/disk/home/alex12:30
alioshasoundray: drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 2008-05-17 08:46 /media/disk/home/alex12:30
royalshelterquestion: how can I join to another channel? this is the first time that I use XChat... thank you12:31
hwilderoyalshelter, /join12:31
aliosharoyalshelter: or /newserver if the new channel is on a different server12:31
plug_n_playhwilde: hi again12:32
hwildeplug_n_play, nvidia-settings12:32
plug_n_playhwilde: yeah, it says i'm not using the NVIDIA driver12:32
soundrayaliosha: nothing wrong with that...12:32
hwilde!nvidia | plug_n_play12:32
ubottuplug_n_play: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:32
alioshasoundray: /mnt/home/alex is indeed completely empty12:33
plug_n_playhwilde: it said toi run nvidia-xconfig, which I did.  it changed my xorg to use nvidia rather than nv.  I rebooted and X would not start12:33
hwildeplug_n_play, I dunno.  the instructions from ubottu work for most ppl12:33
soundrayaliosha: that's fine, it's just a mount point that is unoccupied right now. We'll change that now: do a 'sudo umount /mnt' and 'sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/disk/home/alex'12:34
polysiliconI added SHMConfig=true in my xorg.conf for gsynaptics to work. But now it just runs doesn't control or change anything. What can be done?12:34
soundrayaliosha: any errors?12:34
fevetsroyalshelter: sorry, my wireless keeps dropping out for some unknown reason12:34
alioshasoundray: but... sda3 is the one mounted at /media/disk...12:34
polysiliconI am trying to get vertical scrolling working on my touchpad12:34
plug_n_playhwilde: i did have nvidia working until i upgraded to hardy (was on gutsy before)12:34
soundrayaliosha: well spotted. /dev/sda212:34
alioshasoundray: :D12:35
plug_n_playhwilde: the xorg log says that it could not load nvidia-glx cos there is no kernel driver available12:35
alioshasoundray: worked fine12:35
plug_n_playhwilde: trying to load the kernel module says error running install command for it :(12:35
alioshasoundray: is there a way to *refresh* the user *alex* from that shell which had /mnt/ as /?12:36
hwildeplug_n_play, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new12:36
soundrayaliosha: good idea :) 'sudo chroot /media/disk bash'12:36
alioshasoundray: done12:37
soundrayaliosha: when you've got the chroot # prompt, do a 'su - alex'12:37
soundrayaliosha: any errors?12:37
alioshasoundray: nope, just the 'this is what sudo does' message12:37
plug_n_playhwilde: thats the one i have installed, perhaps i need the nvidia-glx (not-new).  i'll try that12:38
soundrayaliosha: you did enter 'su - alex', not sudo something?12:38
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
hwildethat user won't exist on the livecd12:39
alioshasoundray: but it always comes up... "to run a command as an administrator..."12:39
soundrayhwilde: it will exist in the chroot, though12:39
hwildesudo su alex ?12:39
chalcedony[07:35:48] <chalcedony> (synaptic:27088): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: bckpnow@marcus:~$ * Rleoading Commmon Unix Printing System:P cupsd12:39
soundrayhwilde: when we're already running bash in chroot?12:39
soundrayaliosha: did it return you to a # prompt?12:40
alioshasoundray: nope, $12:40
soundrayaliosha: that's fine then. Do a 'cd ; ls' and see if it lists the files in your home directory12:41
rouiniwhat is the diffrance between ubuntu 7.10 and 8.0412:41
soundray!hardy | rouini12:41
ubotturouini: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents12:41
chalcedony * Reloading system log daemon * Reloading system log daemon12:41
sam88824some stuff like googleearth and tor does not work12:41
alioshasoundray: "cd ; ls" returned nothing (not even... well, anything. took me back to prompt)12:41
NomHowdy all... any idea if the nForce 680i will work properly in Ubuntu 8.04 now?  I'm having huge problems getting it going at the moment :(12:41
rouinii install 8.04 and found nothing special from 7.1012:42
sam88824yeah some stuff no longer works12:42
soundrayaliosha: I think we haven't started the chroot properly. What do you get from 'whoami' ?12:42
chalcedonyrouini nice, enjoy it12:43
|Dreams|can someone help me please adept keeps crashing http://paste.ubuntu.com/12703/12:43
alioshasoundray: alex12:43
sam88824use synaptic12:43
|Dreams|what about updates?12:43
rouiniis there any game 3d in ubuntu 8.0412:44
alioshasoundray: fix'd12:44
rskrouini: sure12:44
|Dreams|synaptic wont load either12:44
rouinilike what12:44
rskrouini: try out openarena12:44
soundrayaliosha: what's fixed?12:44
sam88824clean install sorry12:44
alioshasoundray: i re-did it and "cd ; ls" returns a nice list, and whoami returns "alex"12:44
NomCurrently the install CD is throwing this error: BUG: Scheduling while atomic: swapper/XXXXXXX12:44
rouiniwhat is the version of new openoffice12:45
soundrayaliosha: good. Now you should also be able to create a file. Try 'date >test'12:45
soundrayaliosha: any errors?12:45
soundrayrouini: 2.412:46
alioshasoundray: -su: test: Permission denied12:46
Fungyorouini: urban terror12:46
soundrayaliosha: give me a minute to check something12:47
chewed-onGuys, anyone have the superblock filesystem could not be fixed problem when trying to boot ?12:47
chewed-onI was told the guys at #Ubuntu channel are nice people.12:47
chewed-onHence I'm here.12:47
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My yahoo / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.12:47
hwildechewed-on, what did you do to your superblock?12:48
chewed-onI don't know. . .12:48
chewed-onI didn't do anything :P12:48
hwilde!fixmbr | chewed-on12:48
ubottuchewed-on: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:48
soundrayaliosha: could you just pastebin everything in the terminal since the chroot?12:48
rouinii have pppoe conection what is the bad thing for this type of conection12:48
chewed-onhwilde: it's not grub problem12:49
chewed-onhwilde: I can boot into the Linux but not completely.12:49
bmzanyone hada  problem where the mouse gets "stuck"12:49
hwildechewed-on, how far does it get12:49
soundraychewed-on: run 'sudo e2fsck' on your root filesystem from a live CD.12:49
chewed-onhwilde: it loads files and stuff in black and white text mode.12:49
soundraychewed-on: with the -y option ideally12:49
KenSentMeI got a problem with wine in Hardy. I have to run wine in a virtual window because i have dual screen setup. But if wine is on my main screen i can't get to the menu's and stuff anymore, even if i alt-tab to another program. Is there a solution for this?12:50
bmzevery so often my mouse pointer gets stuck and doesn't move (it jitters about) even when I move the mouse12:50
mod_curehow can i setup mysql to start when the server reboots ?12:50
bmzctrl-alt-backspace to restart X doesn't fix it12:51
plug_n_playhwilde: i have found out why!  there is NO nvidia kernel driver for the current kernel12:51
bt_mod_cure: man update-rd.d12:51
bt_sorry, mod_cure: man update-rc.d12:51
plug_n_playhwilde: but, I don't know how to actually install it...12:51
hwildeplug_n_play, aptitude search nvidia12:51
hwildelook for one that says kernel12:51
rouiniwhen i run my video in skype .there is no sound12:51
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My yahoo / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.12:52
cedric30There is something I don't understand with the problem of Openssl and the generation of corrupted key, to be connected to a server you need a key and a passord, even if you find the key you do not have the passwd, isn't it?12:52
chewed-onsoundray: done. . .12:52
hwildecedric30, you don't have to put a passphrase on it12:52
chewed-onsoundray: something about drive cleaned.12:52
marionHelp getting wifi adaptor to talk with Linksys router12:52
soundraychewed-on: reboot and see if it's fixed now12:53
madmaxmadcan anyone tell me what is port 46481 used for ?? I'm being bombarded on that port and firestarter reports lots of activity but blocks it12:53
marionHelp getting wifi adaptor to talk with Linksys router12:54
soundraymod_cure: did you install mysql from the repositories?12:54
Yunsnhello all12:54
mod_curenew ubuntu. as of 3 day newbie :)12:54
mod_curebeen using freebsd for a long time12:54
Yunsni newly installed SCIM and i dont know how to configure12:54
chewed-onsoundray: it's not fixed.12:54
chewed-onsoundray: same problem12:54
perlmonkeywhat is a SCIM12:54
soundraymod_cure: the LAMP help page has some information on first steps with mysql:12:55
soundray!lamp | mod_cure12:55
ubottumod_cure: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:55
YunsnChinese Input Method12:55
soundrayaliosha: still here?12:55
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My yahoo / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.12:55
alioshasoundray: sorry, phone call http://paste.ubuntu.com/12709/12:56
perlmonkeywebcam problems abound12:56
soundraychewed-on: I know I said e2fsck your root partition -- but is it actually the root partition that causes the superblock error?12:57
IdleOne!touchpad > IdleOne12:57
chewed-onsoundray: yeah I think so12:57
chewed-onsoundray: there's a message out . .. lemme go read it12:57
rouiniwhat is the next ubuntu name12:57
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My gyachi / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.12:58
chewed-onsoundray: something about no such file /dev/ROOT/12:58
marionHelp getting wifi adaptor to talk with Linksys router12:59
alioshasoundray: you got that?12:59
rouinif i run my video in skype .there is no sound12:59
soundrayaliosha: strange, your home directory appears to be owned by root again12:59
rouiniif i run my video in skype .there is no sound12:59
sarthorrouini, how you ran that,13:00
chewed-onsoundray: f2sch.ext3 could not find /dev/ROOT13:00
marionHelp. I have a wifi adaptor just installed yesterday. It is reconnized by Ubuntu thru madwifi but I can't get it to connect to my Linksys router.13:00
sarthorrouini, any link that helps.13:00
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My gyachi / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.13:00
alioshasoundray: oh. I *could* try 'chown alex.alex /mnt/home/alex' again...13:00
soundrayaliosha: I think part of the problem is that your user data is all in the root of the partition.13:01
rouiniwhen i got a call i open my video i have not listen to the person that calls me13:01
soundrayaliosha: I'm not sure, but it's possible that mounting changes the ownership of the mount point. Shall we arrange your data in a more standard fashion?13:01
chewed-onsoundray: my problem is like this guy's: http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=756013:02
alioshasoundray: ok :D *up for anything*13:02
Nomhmm... does the installer in Ubuntu Desktop have a different kernel to the Server installer ?13:02
royalsheltercan anyone give me the name of the software which appear when install a deb file13:03
royalsheltermy gnome-core is lack of it...13:03
chewed-onapt-get ?13:03
Filled-VoidAnyone here who knows how to associate the program picasa I have installe don Ubuntu with firefox so its able tod ownload albums?13:03
royalshelterno, called xxxx package manager?13:03
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)13:04
rouiniarachive manager13:04
soundraychewed-on: it has me stumped, sorry13:04
dario\join #ubuntu-it13:04
soundrayaliosha: enter 'exit' so you end up at the # prompt in the chroot again13:04
alioshasoundray: yep13:05
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My gyachi / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.13:05
rouinihow to change tar files into deb files13:05
soundrayaliosha: now 'mkdir /home/alex/alex'13:05
bullgard4Why does my Ubuntu 7.10 computer need fbcon while it has vesafb yet?13:05
Triumanyone give me a hand configuring my network card?13:06
royalshelterrouini: archive manager doesn't appear in synaptic package manager.....13:06
TriumCan anyone* heh13:06
soundrayaliosha: then 'mv /home/alex/* /home/alex/alex ; mv /home/alex/.* /home/alex/alex/'13:06
alioshasoundray: I saw that one coming13:06
rouiniyes that is true13:06
soundrayaliosha: it's going to say 'can't move alex to a subdirectory of itself' or similar -- that's fine13:06
royalshelterhow can I install a deb package into my computer?13:07
alioshait also has a coupla "device or rezource busy" lines13:07
chalcedonyTrium greetings13:07
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My gyachi / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.13:07
soundrayaliosha: yuck -- can you pastebin them pls13:07
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs13:08
chalcedonyi think rest and wait until someone comes who is able to help13:08
alioshasoundray: no need... it's just the files "." and ".."13:08
soundrayaliosha: okay. When you do a 'ls -la /home/alex' now, there should only be ., .. and alex in there.13:09
alioshasoundray: indeed13:09
soundrayaliosha: fix the permissions again with 'chown alex:alex /home/alex/alex'13:09
soundrayaliosha: ownership rather13:10
laegrhythbox music player > crashes alot when i open it. it opens for a split second and then closes down - how can i remedy this?13:10
soundrayaliosha: then do a 'nano /etc/fstab' and change /home/alex into /home13:10
=== mojo_ is now known as mojo
alioshasoundray: done13:11
soundrayaliosha: do you want to risk a reboot, or shall we double-check everything?13:11
alioshasoundray: doublecheck :D, booting a livecd takes *ages*13:11
marcussalz all13:11
Nombleh looks like the desktop setup is having the same trouble... anyone know parameters I can pass which might get me into the installer ?13:11
demon646hello there... my install cd i just downloaded goes straight to a shell after I choose either 'Install Ubuntu' or 'Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer'.  I just installed and removed the server version with no problems.  Any ideas?13:12
soundrayaliosha: okay. Exit the chroot and check that /media/disk/home/alex/alex has owner 1000 and group 100013:12
Prodocgood afternoon13:13
soundray!hi | Prodoc13:13
ubottuProdoc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:13
alioshasoundray: check13:13
EffexCan anyone help me with some problems I've been having with 8.04?13:14
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My gyachi / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.13:14
soundrayaliosha: 'grep home /media/disk/etc/fstab' returns one line which doesn't contain alex anymore?13:14
chalcedonyEffex and sarthor you may wish to wait until somebody shows up and looks helpful13:15
soundrayaliosha: I think you're good to go.13:15
royalshelterhi, can anyone helpme? when I have download a file, I want to open the containg folder of it, but it is not associated with nautilis(FIle Broswer), so how to?13:15
Nomlol if the memory test on the ubuntu installer cd causes my computer to reset, is that a good sign that the RAM is fubar ?13:15
Effexchalcedony, how do we know who looks helpful? :P13:15
sarthorchalcedony, Yes, i am waiting, and pasting again, time by time, to get help.13:16
TriumSoundray looks helpful, but he's a bit busy.. we need a queue system for him hehe13:16
alioshasoundray et al; wish me luck13:16
* soundray tries to look extremely grumpy and busy13:16
Triumgood luck aliosha!13:16
soundrayaliosha: fingers crossed13:16
sarthorTrium, Yes, i can see him, he is much busy this time, but i am waiting..13:16
soundrayWho's next?13:16
Triumoo my local alias is working I didnt realise..13:17
rouiniis there i have a problem with skype13:17
n3uromanc3rhelp! brasero consistently fails to burn - gnomebaker works fine as does cd/dvd writer built-in to gnome. purely due to speed.  I get fails from all burning apps when the drive tries to burn at full speed.  how do I limit brasero to a lower speed>13:17
soundrayrouini: what problem is that?13:17
ProdocIt was great to see my Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX work right after I installed Ubuntu 8.04, good work! The problems is, though, that the activity light doesn't light up when the camera is in use. Is this a config option somewhere or should I report this as a bug?13:17
rouinii have problem with skype13:17
rouiniwhen i open my video there is no sound13:18
soundrayrouini: did you upgrade to hardy from gutsy?13:18
rouiniskype or what13:18
soundrayrouini: no, ubuntu13:18
rouiniyes i do so13:18
soundrayrouini: you may need the dmix fix. See the factoid:13:19
soundray!sound | rouini13:19
ubotturouini: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:19
Prodocis there a general location where I can change webcam setting in the first place?13:20
rouinihow we can know our sound card name13:20
soundrayrouini: lspci should tell you13:21
rouiniwhat is lspci13:22
soundrayProdoc: do you know the name of the driver that supports your camera?13:22
soundrayrouini: a command that you enter in a terminal window13:22
Prodocsoundray: according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitech it's gspca13:22
Prodocbut please tell me if there's a way to double check13:23
scizzo-does lighttpd in ubuntu hardy support mod_ssi in its normal package or do you need something else?13:23
rouinithanks for every one help me13:23
iggehow can i remove items from the applications menu?13:24
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:24
scizzo-igge: right click and edit menus13:24
Triumigge does the Applications--> Add/Remove not get rid of them?13:24
iggescizzo: ah that easy.. :)13:24
IntangibleLiquidI followed the guide in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HotkeyResearch and identified the hotkey, I want to report the bug. How to?13:24
iggeTrium: it is wine apps and i deleted my .wine directory13:25
hwilde!keytouch | IntangibleLiquid13:25
ubottuIntangibleLiquid: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts13:25
soundrayProdoc: you can control some driver parameters via the sysctl interface.13:25
Triumahhh I'm just removing Wine atm myself13:25
soundrayProdoc: see 'ls /sys/module/gspca/parameters'13:25
IntangibleLiquidhwilde, I can't use the touchpad hotkey, is keytouch able to help me with that?13:26
* aliosha cries13:26
Prodocsoundray: ah, cheers. How do I make sure it's using gspca in the first place?13:26
Triumwelcome back aliosha13:26
alioshasoundray: the other thing about livecd is that you have to reinstall xchat every time you boot13:26
soundrayProdoc: if you want to set one, try for example 'echo 4 | sudo tee /sys/module/gspca/parameters/gamma'13:26
alioshahello Trium13:26
soundrayProdoc: if /sys/module/gspca exists, it's using that driver13:27
sarthorHi, i can view my creative vista webcam on my xawtv and cheese software, but My gyachi / Kopate is unable to broadcast the view... Help me please.13:27
n3uromanc3rhelp! brasero consistently fails to burn - gnomebaker works fine as does cd/dvd writer built-in to gnome. purely due to speed.  I get fails from all burning apps when the drive tries to burn at full speed.  how do I limit brasero to a lower speed13:27
soundrayaliosha: either that, or you use the chat program that's installed (pidgin, I think)13:27
neggeI found the perfect solution to getting flash working on 64-bit ubuntu, atleast if you have the problem where youtube freezes after 2 seconds. All you need to do is uninstall libflashsupport13:27
yamanickillanyone know where the notification sounds in ubuntu are stored ?13:27
alioshasoundray: it didn't work...13:27
Prodocsoundray: cool, it does13:27
neggedon't know why I didn't think of it sooner13:28
Triumaye pidgin I think is installed by default13:28
soundrayaliosha: same error?13:28
alioshasoundray: nope :D13:28
TeapotHello. I was wondering if there was a program inside the Ubuntu repositories that I could sudo apt-get, to reconfigure the screen on my laptop.13:28
adam7negge: doesn't that make the sound stop working?13:28
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neggeadam7 nope13:29
iggeTeapot: there is nvidia-settings if you have  a nvidia graphics card13:29
nael_Hi I am having trouble getting emerald to work on a HP laptop with nvidia graphics , anyone out there have the same problem?13:29
adam7negge: using Hardy?13:29
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neggetried it on my computer and my friend just switched to hardy 64-bit aswell and it worked right away for him too13:29
neggeadam7 yeah 64-bit hardy13:29
adam7w/ pulse audio?13:29
adam7negge: w/ pulse audio?13:29
neggeadam7 I use ALSA13:29
Triumhmmm anyone now what process the Update Manager uses?13:29
Teapotigge: Unfortunately, I do not have an Nvidia graphics card.13:29
adam7negge: ah, then that's why: with pulse, it stops working with sound :)13:30
yamanickillanyone know where the notification sounds in ubuntu are stored ?13:30
iggeTeapot: then I don't know.. but what do you want to reconfigure?13:30
johnanyone know how to adjust screen brightness in knoppix?13:30
shinao1hi im using ubuntu 7.10 on a laptop.. i have forgotten all my passwords for my users.. including root13:30
soundrayaliosha: so?13:30
shinao1how do i reset the root password?13:30
neggeadam7 is there any advantage of using pulseaudio instead of alsa (in this case)?13:30
neggeshinao1 there is no root password13:31
adam7shinao1: you'll need a live cd13:31
Triumyamanickil /usr/share/sounds13:31
alioshasoundray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12719/13:31
neggeshinao1 boot in recovery mode and change your own pass13:31
TriumI *think*13:31
freemansingle mode13:31
Teapotigge: I wish to change the screen resolution and colour depth as the screen on my laptop worked in PCLinuxOS when I did that via the command line.13:31
adam7negge: not in your case -- pulse has some cool new features, however, like network streaming audio support13:31
Prodocsoundray: 'ls /sys/module/gspca/parameters' doesn't give me something for the activity light. Does this mean I should report a gspca Package bug?13:31
shinao1negge: it tried booting to the recovery mode but it still took me to the login gui13:31
adam7shinao1: did you set a root password for that computer?13:31
shinao1no i didnt13:31
soundrayaliosha: hmm, interesting...13:32
Ace2016hey firefox rc1 is here http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-rc.html13:32
shinao1but i would like to login and change the passwords since ive forgotten all the passwords on the machine13:32
iggeTeapot: System/Preferences/Screen Resolution doesn't work?13:32
yamanickillTrium: thanks, that was correct13:32
adam7shinao1: then using recovery mode should allow you to change the root password -- make sure when you get to the prompt, you do passwd USER to change USER's password13:32
SniZhey, i live in belarus, and when i receive ubuntu cd`s, my post wanna take total value from another side of postmail13:32
lintelbug? Totem occasionally and Kaffeine crash GDM -- are there others with the same issue here?13:32
alioshasoundray: shiny new errors, good fun ... -_-13:32
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shinao1ok adam7 ill try again13:32
Teapotigge: I cannot log in or run X. I must use the command line.13:32
SniZ0,88 for each cd13:32
nael_Hi I am having trouble getting emerald to work on a HP laptop with nvidia graphics , anyone out there have the same problem?13:32
soundrayProdoc: I reckon there's no harm in filing a wishlist bug for activity light support13:32
shinao1id like to try a livecd but the cdrom drive on the laptop is messed up13:32
iggeTeapot: ah... then i see... don't know sorry...13:33
Teapotigge: Okay. Thanks very much for your help.13:33
soundrayProdoc: on the other hand, it's probably better to get in touch with the gspca developers about this13:33
mohbanahi, how do i install the divx web playaer?13:33
Prodocsoundray: ok, different applications using the webcam produce the same result so I'll give that a try13:34
alioshamohbana: go to synaptic, search divx player...?13:34
soundrayaliosha: too bad it doesn't say the name of the temp directory that it can't create13:34
alioshasoundray: yes, indeed13:35
Triumanyone know much about network configuration??13:35
soundrayaliosha: have you mounted /dev/sda3 yet?13:35
legend2440soundray: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28805313:35
alioshasoundray:  sda3 is at /mnt, sda2 is at /mnt/home13:36
iggeTeapot: not 100% but maybe "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ?13:36
Prodocsoundray: heh, where do I find the gspca people? :-D13:36
soundrayaliosha: excellent. What does ls -l /mnt/home say?13:36
user01hi im getting a green screen on media playback and need to know how to change video output driver13:36
shinao1adam7: in the recovery console the machine asks for root password for maintenance13:37
adam7shinao1: that probably means you set a root password13:37
OntologAny users in China?13:37
alioshasoundray: total 4 // drwxr-xr-x 91 1000 1000 4096 2008-05-17 12:20 alex13:37
OntologI can't find a mirror that downloads fast enough...13:37
dpowerd!cn | Ontolog13:37
ubottuOntolog: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:37
user01i changed it in mplayer from xmga to x11 and it works fine now . . . but i want to universally change so that it works in the other media players as well13:37
shinao1ok so how to clear it?13:37
adam7Ontolog: pick one in Taiwan13:37
adam7shinao1: you need a live cd13:38
OntologI don't need help in Chinese just the location of a fast mirror haha thanks13:38
blueskynishi guys13:38
Teapotigge: Thank you. I shall try.13:38
adam7Ontolog: the one that has the word debian in the url usually gives me ~150kbps13:38
alioshasoundray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12720/13:38
TriumHello Blueskynis13:38
soundrayProdoc: does 'sudo modinfo gspca' tell you?13:38
Dr_willis_user01,  each media player has its own settings, theres no way to change them 'all'  at once.13:38
shinao1adam7: the cdrom drive is buggered.. i keep getting ioctl error messages13:38
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blueskynisit seems I can't kill a process :( is there any other way besides System monitor and kill13:38
adam7shinao1: well, you could try to boot from a usb key13:38
Ontologadam7: thanks13:39
IntangibleLiquidI cannot configure my touchpad hotkey with keytouch, is there any other way?13:39
Triumdoes the system monitors process kill do a -9?13:39
blueskynisI tried and top too13:39
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts13:39
blueskynisit wont do13:39
alioshasoundray: you get that?13:39
blueskynisit's totem13:39
soundrayaliosha: 'sudo chroot /mnt bash', then 'su - alex', then 'date >test' -- any errors?13:39
user01Dr_willis_, how do i switch from xmga to x11 in vlc and totem then?13:40
alioshasoundray: clean as a whistl13:40
Dr_willis_user01,  check their menus/settings/docs.  Some players may not even have the options.  I normally use gmplayer, and xine. (99% of the time i use gmplayer)13:40
legend2440soundray: aliosha: read #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28805313:41
Prodocsoundray: that gives me a direct e-mail address, is it appropriate to use that?13:41
havchrAllright. I have taken this day off to see if I can solve a problem that I've always had with linux: sound! Basically, my soundcard seems to get "busy" etc very often. Like it's not software mixing. It's an nvidia HDA card.13:42
blueskyniscrap! I must reboot, it tied up my poor CPU :(, see you later guys13:42
soundrayProdoc: I suppose so -- it's publicized after all13:42
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Prodocok, cheers13:42
soundraylegend2440: thanks, that looks useful ( aliosha)13:42
alioshasoundray: 1) did you read that 2) should I have been chrooted to /mnt when i ran it? 3) reckon i should try a reboot?13:43
immuxhelp me pliz.. my totem only display white n black color, why??13:43
Teapotigge: Sorry, that did not work. It just asked me about a bunch of questions to do with the keyboard.13:43
alioshalegend2440: thanks13:43
immuxanyone can help me..13:43
legend2440aliosha: yw good luck13:43
blueskynisme again :-|13:44
soundrayaliosha: 2) yes, 3) yes. If you still can't log in, see if you can use a text console (Ctrl-Alt-F2). Go back to gdm with Ctrl-Alt-F7 from there13:45
TriumAnybody available to advise me on a network card problem??13:45
h0axhi i come across this problem with compiz : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12722/ any ideas ?13:45
TriumWB blueskynis13:45
danbhfiveimmux: try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:45
alioshasoundray: oh, I could do that. first thing i tried13:45
aliosharebooting :D13:45
immuxthanks danbhfive, i'll try it now..13:46
blueskynisI could excpect this from windows, but not linux :(13:46
blueskynisanyway, thanks for help @ Trium13:46
ravihello frnds13:46
TriumDid the reboot help Blue?13:46
TriumHi Ravi13:46
h0axis it me or are most ubuntu users, real hardcore wincrap users13:46
blueskynisyea it's gone now13:47
ravidoes anyone have links for iron man movie online13:47
BotulinumI have downloaded ubuntu from 3 diffrent sources. and burned iso  image to cd, when i boot from disk the menu pops up to install ubuntu but when i click on this, nothing happins, any help ?13:47
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h0axgoogle watch movies online13:47
h0axfirst link13:47
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ubottuFactoid java-plugin not found13:48
ubottuFactoid java-firefox not found13:48
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)13:48
soundraynazgul: please use /msg ubottu java  unless the factoid is relevant to an ongoing conversation13:49
Triumsoundray: are you free atm or busy busy busy still?13:50
alioshasoundray, win! thanks for all your help13:50
soundrayTrium: free (but logging off soon)13:51
soundray!yay | aliosha13:51
ubottualiosha: Glad you made it! :-)13:51
nazgulsoundray: it soon will be :)13:51
sidgyck713 ÎÁ ##linux13:51
legend2440aliosha: just curious how did this happen? trying to put /home on its own partition?13:52
TriumOk, hopefully just a quickie then! When I try to apt-get anything I receive..13:52
Triumsudo: unable to resolve host Chairon13:52
alioshasoundray, :D, and legend2440, thanks to you too... long explanation upcoming13:52
TriumLooks like a network dns error?13:52
soundrayaliosha: use pastebin :)13:52
havchrso, to fix my sound bugs, where should I go?13:52
soundray!sound | havchr13:53
ubottuhavchr: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:53
soundray!intelhda | havchr13:53
ubottuhavchr: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:53
nazgulSoo, I am using Sun java in /opt ever since. Now with Ubuntu 8.04 comes firefox 3b5. I did what many pages say and sym-linked libjavaplugin_oji.so to various places e.g. /usr/lib/firefox(-3.0b5)/plugins etc and it does not show up in about:plugins. Yes I did google and even tried the "sed -i 's/XINERAMA/FAKEEXTN/g' /opt/java/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so" trick.13:53
soundrayTrium: perhaps you've set a http proxy?13:54
SaladinI have a question... Somehow I have lost all the borders around my windows... How can I get them back?13:54
danbhfiveSaladin: disable compiz13:54
TriumI havnt configured a proxy under System-->Network Proxy, and havnt touched the config of eth013:54
nazgulSaladin: right-click Desktop, Change background, visual effets -> none13:55
blueskyniscompiz is to blame13:55
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SaladinBut, but... I like my visual effects. And it only happened about ten minutes ago13:55
SaladinWill I be able to reactivate Compiz afterwards?13:55
soundrayTrium: is this Chairon thing the proxy you've set?13:55
nazgulSaladin: select no effects, then revert13:56
Triumnope thats the name of this PC13:56
esteth__saladin: you could also try running either "metacity --replace" or "emerald --replace" to get them back, depending on wether you use emerald, or the default decorator13:56
danbhfiveSaladin: did you use the restricted-drivers-manager?13:56
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soundrayTrium: do you get this error when you do 'sudo ls'?13:56
SaladinYes, koro?13:56
havchrsoundray, Hm. Alsa is selected, but producing sounds is not the problem. It's that programs hogs sound resource. For instance, sometimes when flash and firefox is running, I can't play music, and if I play music in amarok, I can't play on the synth zynAddSub . And sometimes the only fix to "clear soundcard" is reboot (or maybe a magic cl command)13:56
koroSaladin: my nick isn't familiar to you, right?13:56
nazgulsoundray: it there a known prob with the Java plugin in 8.04? see my post above13:56
alan_cng__how can i manage hardware device with a GUI in xubuntu? anyone give me some hints? thanks :)13:57
TriumI did, followed by a password prompt13:57
soundrayhavchr: did this happen after upgrading, or is it a fresh install?13:57
Saladinkoro, no it isn't, Should it be?13:57
korodifferent saladin i guess, nvm13:57
soundraynazgul: not that I know of13:57
alioshalegend2440, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726/13:57
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SaladinAnd the metacity --replace command worked brilliantly13:57
SaladinThanks guys13:57
havchrsoundray, fresh install. I've had this problem on every computer I've run ubuntu on. HDA nvidia and HDA intel machines.. and maybe one other on-board soundcard that I can't remember the name of.13:58
Prodochow do I determine the installed gspca version? the package manager does not list gspca as installed13:58
alan_cng__hi,guys?  how can i manage hardware device with a GUI in xubuntu? anyone give me some hints? thanks :)13:58
tinglehow can i get a nice hardware overview whitin ubuntu?13:58
soundrayhavchr: I think you may need the DmixPlugin fix from the factoid13:58
soundraytingle: which version?13:59
soundrayProdoc: 'sudo modinfo gspca' ;)13:59
Prodoc'sudo modinfo gspca'  does not give me a version number either13:59
legend2440aliosha: oh ok. well i'm glad your back in business. soundray went above and beyond on that one :)13:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]13:59
Prodocsoundray: yes I tried that first ;-)13:59
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dpowerdhavchr, how about /etc/init.c/alsa-utils restart14:00
alioshalegend2440, it was good fun (and educational)14:00
dpowerderr .d*14:00
soundraylegend2440: once I started, I couldn't abandon aliosha ;)14:00
legend2440aliosha: lol14:00
havchrsoundray, I've also heard that pulseAudio is something that should fix this. But I don't really know that much about computers.14:00
havchrdpowerd, isn't that just cleaning up after the problem instead of fixing it?14:00
SaladinAlso, another question... Is there a way in Ubuntu, like the Windows feature to increase data transfer from HDD to HDD by increasing priorities. Like you can with explorer.exe in Windows?14:00
TriumSoundray: Killed a frozen process of update manager, i still get the resolve error but the package has now been downloaded. Ill have a play and see if im having some network ishoos!14:00
dpowerdhavchr, perhaps :\14:00
Dew420o.O my firefox wont start and my log off/shut off/ restart etc menu wont show up14:01
J-Unitdoes ram get more used up in 64-bit?14:01
alioshasoundray, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726/ is an explanation14:01
soundrayJ-Unit: yes, a bit14:01
andreas__where i change the HZ on the monitor to 65HZ or higher in the xorg.conf ?14:01
soundrayaliosha: yeah, I saw it, thanks14:01
J-Unitsoundray, well how much cuz i had the impression it was almost double the memory14:01
soundrayaliosha: still not sure why this /tmp thing happened14:02
soundrayJ-Unit: my impression was ca. 25% (but I haven't checked)14:02
joakohello, i gotta a question, how can i make grub scan for new systems....and update the menu.list?????????14:02
danbhfive!fixgrub > joako14:02
J-Unitsoundray, u mean 125%?14:02
soundrayJ-Unit: yes14:02
J-Unitsoundray, ok, just wanted to know14:03
J-Unitsoundray, thx14:03
soundrayProdoc: perhaps if you search dmesg output for gspca, you may find a version number there14:03
alioshasoundray, nor am i.14:03
TriumTake care all, thanks for the help Soundray!14:03
Trium4 Hours to Age Of Conan early access :D14:03
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:03
soundrayTrium: how did you fix it now?14:03
alioshasoundray, although from that forum, it seems that it might be an update bug14:04
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:04
Hepococould anyone help me quickly?14:04
soundrayaliosha: I see14:04
TriumNot sure, I had a process of Update Manager dead in the background, killed that. I still get the cannot resolve Chairon error, but the package downloaded and installed correctly14:04
soundrayHepoco: no, we only do slow (if at all)14:05
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carlos22i've installed the last ubuntu distribution and i have a problem with detecting wireless networks , the system recognize i have a card installed (it sees if its enabled or disabled) but it doesnt find networks avialbe around .. the card is "intel 3945ABG" . what can be the prob ?14:05
Triumtake care, thanks again!14:05
soundrayTrium: you should make sure that your /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname are correct14:05
HepocoI was just wondering to install ubuntu I just wipe my hardisk, and insert the cd, no?14:05
soundray!hostname | Trium14:05
ubottuTrium: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab14:05
soundrayHepoco: you could. You could also leave the wiping to the installer.14:06
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers14:06
HepocoI see, thank you soundray14:06
soundrayHepoco: the installer can also create a dual-boot system with your old OS14:06
ParadoxxWhat virtualization program would you guys recommend?14:06
alioshahow does one reset gnome-panel's settings to default?14:06
Hepocois it compeltely safe?14:06
SaladinWhat are the minimum specs for Ubuntu Server Edition?14:06
Hepocoas in, I wont lose any data?14:07
SaladinYou will lose data on the partition you want to install to.14:07
SaladinAs it formats the partition14:07
dpowerdHepoco, you said "wipe"14:07
SaladinBut, other than that, you won't lose any data14:07
soundrayHepoco: no, when you resize a partition, things like a powercut can lead to data loss. Always have a backup.14:07
SaladinJust ensure you install to an empty partition14:07
BotulinumCan some one help me14:08
BotulinumI downloaded ubuntu and burned the image to cd when i boot from disk everything seems fine but it never loads14:09
plamenHello Everyone!14:09
Botulinumupper left coner just says loading14:09
soundrayBotulinum: have you checked the CD's integrity? There is a boot option for that14:09
plamenI'm want to try Ubuntu but the install wouldn't start14:10
plamencan someone here help?14:10
carlos22i've installed the last ubuntu distribution and i have a problem with detecting wireless networks , the system recognize i have a card installed (it sees if its enabled or disabled) but it doesnt find networks avialbe around .. the card is "intel 3945ABG" . what can be the prob ?14:10
BotulinumSoundray: you mean check to see if disk is corupt option ?14:10
Tetrapushi there14:11
soundrayBotulinum: yes14:11
BotulinumIll try that  Ill be back14:11
TetrapusCan anybody name me a windows movie-maker like program? Where I can make movies out of images (+ sound)14:11
soundrayaliosha: I think you have to log into failsafe mode and delete $HOME/.gnome2/panel2.d14:11
enervation3Hi - can't believe I got myself into this situation. I effectively did sudo rm * in /usr/bin. I cancelled it by the time it had got to g, but that means that apt, aptitude, dpkg etc are gone so I can't reinstall stuff. I've downloaded the ubuntu iso but I can't open it to copy the files out, and I downloaded the dpkg .deb package but have the same problem. I had thought of burning the iso and trying to fix from a live environment14:11
kajotetrapus, I recommend trying dyne:bolic...14:12
alioshasoundray, fun... here goes :D14:12
chocobananaHi everyone14:12
SaladinTetrapus, I would also recommend lives, as that seems good.14:12
plamenanyone who can help me install ubuntu?14:12
Saladinkajo: What is Dyne:bolic like?14:12
rskplamen: burn cd boot, and install ?14:12
soundrayplamen: okay, I'll pop round. Where do you live?14:13
Tetrapuskajo, saladin, are dyne:bolic / lives in the repos?14:13
soundrayjust kidding14:13
SaladinLives isn't, I don't think.14:13
rsshi, ubuntu has a plugin for firefox where it covers flash content with a grey screen with a play sign... what is it called?14:13
rssthat add-on for firefox14:13
SaladinIt is an add on for FF14:13
SaladinCalled "Stop Auto-Play"14:13
plamenrsk: I dowloaded the 64bit iso and burnt it on a CD, i get in the initial menu but that's about it14:14
chocobananaI have a problem in Xubuntu 8.04 with a portuguese keyboard: Basically, when I try to make the @ sign (Alt Gr + 2) it will turn on caps lock and num lock and it makes it impossible for me to do the @ sign using the keyboard. Can someone tell me how to make it behave properly?14:14
rssSaladin: cool, thanks.14:14
plamensoundray: thanks but no thanks :-)14:14
SaladinFlashBlock is a bit different, in that it blocks ALL flash, not just videos/music14:14
rssSaladin: my bro had it on his laptop, it was awesome... so I asked.14:14
SaladinI love it.14:14
soundrayplamen: have you checked the CD? There is a boot option for it14:15
SaladinAlso, you may wanna try noscript14:15
SaladinIt makes things so much safer14:15
plamensoundray: i tried but nothing works14:15
wolsrss: you'd need to get it from addons.mozilla.org14:15
mibi am currently using ubuntu fesity14:15
miband i want to know how can i do apt-get java14:15
mibi have version 1.5 currently14:15
mibbut it still complains to me that i dont have java14:16
Tetrapuskajo:  huh? dynebolic seems rather complicated, booting?14:16
mibpls help14:16
soundrayplamen: it's safe to assume you've burned a coaster then. Do a md5sum check of the .iso you downloaded before you try again.14:16
Mark17hello, is it possible to see what packages are installed with apt-get?14:16
rssI know... it is only for youtube and like?14:16
soundray!md5sum | plamen14:16
ubottuplamen: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more14:16
European-Africanhello, I used lvm on part of my harddisk when I install from the alternative cd. But I only formatted and used one of the lv as /home, the others are just lv not being used. How do I format a lv to XFS and mount it?14:16
wols!java | mib14:16
ubottumib: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)14:16
dpowerd!java | mib14:16
SaladinFirst off... mib, go to your terminal and type in sudo apt-get update14:16
Mark17or what packages where installed during installation?14:16
soundrayMark17: 'dpkg --get-selections'14:16
mibi done that14:16
mibsaladin: i done that already14:16
wolsEuropean-African: mkfs.xfs /path/to/device14:16
SaladinAnd then go to the Add Programs thing from your Applications menu14:17
andreas__where i change the HZ on the monitor to 65HZ or higher in the xorg.conf ? can someone help me?14:17
SaladinType in Java on the little search box14:17
SaladinAnd all Java applications will show up for you14:17
plamenok I'll try the md5sum thing thanks guys I'll let you know if it works14:17
European-Africanwols: and the path to device is the one that says /dev/mapper/logvol-music?14:17
illmorta1Can anyone here help me change my default menu icon?14:18
GinetteannAny COD4 PS3 players inside?14:18
filthpigwhat's the best open source alternative to M$ Visual C++?14:18
European-Africanwols: there is also /dev/logvol14:18
mibsaladin: is it Java 1.4 plugin for mozilla /firefox?14:18
illmorta1ginetteann i play COD4 :p14:18
mibor Sun Java 5.0 Plugin?14:18
SaladinHold on, let me find out what I use.14:18
wolsEuropean-African: /dev/mapper/... sounds about right14:18
wolsfilthpig: kdevelop or eclipse I guess14:18
Ginetteannillmorta1, PS3?14:18
wols!ot | Ginetteann14:19
illmorta1im on it right now.... i just finished installing Gutsy Gibbon last night :P14:19
ubottuGinetteann: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:19
danbhfivemib sun-java6-plugin14:19
edwin__why are the themes i've just installed not appearing in my appearance preferences for selection?14:19
SaladinDamn my slow computer14:19
Ginetteann!ot | ubottu14:20
ubottuubottu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:20
mibdanbhfive: i only seen java5-plugin14:20
chocobananaI have a problem in Xubuntu 8.04 with a portuguese keyboard: Basically, when I try to make the @ sign (Alt Gr + 2) it will turn on caps lock and num lock and it makes it impossible for me to do the @ sign using the keyboard. Can someone tell me how to make it behave properly?14:20
illmorta1edwin... probably because you dragged the archive into the themes14:20
Mark17soundray: that isnt working: dpkg: unknown option --get14:20
danbhfivemib: I dunno, Im on hardy14:20
SaladinThen, mib, go with that one. Have you considered upgrading your system?14:20
Mark17so dpkg --get selections isnt working :( (ubuntu 8.04)14:21
mibupgrading in the sense of?14:21
soundrayMark17: 'dpkg --get-selections'14:21
SaladinIt may be that Java 6 is unavailable on feisty repos14:21
illmorta1does anyone know how to change the default menu icon (start button?)14:21
mod_curehow can i see all the package installed on OS ?14:21
wolschocobanana: X or tty?14:21
wolsmod_cure: dpkg -l | grep ^ii14:21
sidewalki installed an nvidia driver on my Ubuntu and now it doesnt work14:21
soundraymod_cure: dpkg --get-selections14:21
sidewalkhow do i reconfigure X ?14:21
Armored_AzraelHey, does anyone know how I can add an action to occur when I resume a session from a locked state14:21
mibsaladin:but java plugin and the default java installed on ubuntu are different?14:21
wolssidewalk: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:21
Armored_Azraelsidewalk: Try running nvidia-xconfig14:21
h0axhow do i add my user to sudoers file14:22
whuutplease somebody help; i changed the /boot/grub/menu.lst, now i cant boot from the hard drive. I'm on live cd now, please help me fix it14:22
sidewalki cant get X running14:22
wolsh0ax: man sudoers14:22
megaserghello, my videofiles are played frame-by-frame with totem on Hardy14:22
sidewalkwols: thanks14:22
soundrayh0ax: you don't14:22
wolsh0ax: sudo nano /etc/sudoers14:22
soundraywols: never! ( h0ax)14:22
enervation3Does anyone know where I can get the hardy version of the dpkg binary (that lives in /usr/bin)?14:22
wolswhuut: edit it back on the live cd14:22
wolssoundray: why not. does adduser add the new user to sudoers? I doubt it14:23
soundrayh0ax: 'sudo adduser username admin'14:23
wolsso adduser now had sudoers support?14:23
francociao a tutti come faccio per scaricare un film???14:23
astro76enervation3: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/dpkg14:23
whuutwols: I'am, but gedit wont let me save it, it says i don't have permission to save it14:23
astro76!it | franco14:23
soundraywols: to edit /etc/sudoers (which is rarely, if ever, necessary), you use 'sudo visudo'14:23
ubottufranco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:23
plamensoundray/ubottu: md5sum says the iso is fine14:23
h0axsoundray, admin doesn't exist14:23
soundrayh0ax: which version of ubuntu do  you have?14:24
enervation3astro76: The problem is I don't have dpkg installed (accidentally wiped about half of /usr/bin out) so I can't use any .deb packages14:24
wolssoundray: true14:24
rascal999can't get sound14:24
soundrayplamen: you compared against the public hashes?14:24
wolswhuut: gksu14:25
rascal999only youtube sound now works14:25
wolsmenu.lst is owned by root14:25
soundrayh0ax: what do you get from "grep admin /etc/group"?14:25
wolsenervation3: either you learn how to unpack .deb with cpio and such or you reinstall14:25
mcphailenervation3: you care going to have to copy across the files from another install14:26
h0axsoundray, nothing14:26
RP_SWEIm trying to install virutalbox on 8.04 but it has compile problems, it wants me to sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup but it dosnt work14:26
plamensoundray: I downloaded ubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso14:26
enervation3ok thx14:26
whuutwols: thank you thank you! :-D14:26
soundrayplamen: compare the md5 result agains the publicized correct hashes on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes14:27
plamensoundray: put it on a CD and tried to install, as I said I boot to the initial menu, but after that nothing works14:27
plamensoundray: that's exactly what i did14:27
CitizenCI'm having a weird issue that started with 8.04: I have to hold down my mousewheel button in order to scroll up in a window (Firefox, local file browsers, whatever). Down works fine.14:27
CitizenCIdeas? :S14:27
soundrayplamen: then your burn must have failed. Sometimes it's better to reduce the burn speed.14:28
WGGMkIm having an issue with Likewise Open, trying to join a domain and it keeps complaining about TCP/UDP ports being blocked. I have a WinXP Pro SP2 machine that is on the same network/subnet and is able to join perfectly fine. Any Help???14:28
soundrayh0ax: is this a recent install?14:28
plamensoundray: I tried more than once - burnt on different discs etc... nothing works14:28
rascal999I can only play sound in flash, why can't I play sound in Totem movie player?14:28
soundrayplamen: have you tried booting another computer with those disks?14:29
soundrayplamen: what CPU do you have?14:29
plamensoundray: AMD Turion 64 Mobile14:30
RP_SWEMy headers are messsed up, cant install virtualbox (deb file)14:30
alessandroHello friends!14:30
CitizenCrascal999: Pulseaudio is poop. System -> Prefs -> Sound. Under "Devices", make sure that all playback options are set to ALSA.14:30
RP_SWEso it wants to compile the source14:30
RP_SWEwhat should I do?14:30
wolsRP_SWE: error message?14:30
plamensoundray: and no, I haven't tried another PCs, I only have this one14:30
CitizenCrascal: I had that same problem14:30
RP_SWEwols: Makefile:127: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again.  Stop.14:30
wolsthen install the sources and header packages for your kernel14:30
plamensoundray: but I do have a Windows XP and CentOS installed on this laptop with a GRUB booter14:30
Armored_AzraelAnyone know how to bind an action to trigger on the resume of a locked session?14:30
RP_SWEwols: how?14:31
perfectorhow can i remove gnome and all packages related to it??14:31
wolsapt-cache search kernel-headers (or linux-headers)14:31
wolssae for source14:31
Nave_how do i add widgets to my dektop?14:31
bazhangperfector, no xserver or only kde or what14:31
perfectorwols: hey wols14:31
white_eaglecan more qt4 themes (styles) be downloaded and installed?14:31
wolsperfector:  remove libgnome32 and libgnome2-common14:31
rascal999CitizenC: thans14:32
Nave_does anyone know how i can add widgets to my desktop14:32
white_eaglenot only those 5 that are already there14:32
wolsNave_: gdesklets for example14:32
Nave_do i search in add/remove?14:32
perfectorbazhang: actually i wont mind having gdm but everything related to gnome must be gone14:32
bazhangperfector, you want any wm?14:32
plamensoundray: so I guess I'll just work with CentOS for now... until Ubuntu comes up with a version that I would be able to install14:32
perfectorbazhang: wols: and then wud install fluxbox..14:32
white_eagleNave_: screenlets14:32
Nave_do i searck that in addremove14:32
white_eagle!screenlets | Nave_14:32
ubottuNave_: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/14:32
perfectorbazhang: wols: machine with less resources..14:33
soundrayplamen: oh, you're giving up?14:33
Nave_compiz runs slow14:33
Nave_on my 1.8gig14:33
perfectorbazhang: wols: so i dont want to login to gnome  at all14:33
plamensoundray: what else is there to do? I already spent 2 days trying to figure this out14:33
Nave_pentium 414:33
white_eagleNave_: what kind of g. card do you have?14:33
bazhang2 days :)14:33
RP_SWEwols: but I dont know what to download14:33
Nave_i have a onboard video card 2 very basic14:33
white_eaglenavetz_: it runs great on my intel celeron m 1.5 ghz processor14:33
soundrayplamen: well, you could choose a non-CD based installation method14:34
white_eagleI meant Nave_14:34
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:34
perfectorbazhang: wols: any idea wht happened to fluxbuntu??14:34
Nave_i dunno its very basic14:34
bazhangplamen, try unetbootin14:34
Nave_well you know in appearences?14:34
perfectorbazhang: wols: seems dead14:34
Nave_when i try to change it to high14:34
Nave_or normal it wont let me14:34
jeletahow do i install planeshift14:34
soundrayplamen: or install with wubi (somewhat limited, but good for evaluation)14:34
=== Webspot_ is now known as Webspot
Nave_oh well i guess basic is not bad still14:35
Nave_this looks still nice14:35
plamensoundray: i didn't see the net install version on the ubuntu website14:35
soundray!install | plamen14:35
ubottuplamen: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:35
filthpigwols, Eclipse claims to support several languages, but when dl'ed from repos it only talks about Java.. Do you have knowledge of using it?14:35
jeletahow do i install planeshift does anyone know14:35
bazhangjeleta, what have you tried; what errors have you gotten14:36
IdleOnejeleta, have you searched for it in Synaptic package manager?14:36
jeletano its a game14:36
spainishIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said America is the axis of the evil and it will be in his black list.14:36
bazhang!info planeshift14:36
ubottuPackage planeshift does not exist in hardy14:36
wolsfilthpig: there are "addons", C should be there out of the box. others I used have been ones for python and for php14:36
IdleOnejeleta, you probably need to install build-essential if you are trying to compile yourself14:36
jeletayea its an mmorpg14:36
=== root is now known as adisini
wolsfilthpig: look for "CDT" that'S the C/C++ one14:37
Dew420whyyy wont the color of my text change14:37
kompi03fuck you penis14:37
IdleOnekompi03, not good. good bye14:37
digbertThis doesn't seem intuitive.14:37
jeletawhere so i get build-essential14:37
digbertI typed apt-get install git and then I typed git.14:37
digbertbash informed me to install git-core to use git.14:37
IdleOnejeleta, sudo apt-get install build-essential14:37
wolsjeleta: same place you get all other packages14:37
perfectorwhats planeshift??14:38
jeletaok thank you14:38
RP_SWEwhich linux-headers should I have for virtualbox???14:38
wolsperfector: a game14:38
jeletaim new so im stupid14:38
Nave_ubuntu is now very user friendly14:38
wolsRP_SWE: the exact ones for your running kernel. uname -a14:38
soundraydigbert: is this a support issue?14:38
sidewalkim having problems changing resolution in Ubuntu 8.0414:38
perfectorwols: k14:38
wolssoundray: if it's like he said it is, it's also a bug then14:38
IdleOnedigbert, you need a more direct answer then install package B to use package A?14:38
wolsIdleOne: apt should do that automatically14:39
digbertIdleOne: No. The issue is that apt-get install git should install *git*.14:39
sidewalki cant configure above 800x600, when doing it with System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution14:39
digbertIdleOne: I shouldn't have to install git-core as git should depend, naturally, on git-core.14:39
BotulinumNothing happind14:39
IdleOnewols, digbert agreed but it didn't and told you what to do so I think that is pretty good14:39
wolsIdleOne: it's crap and a bug14:39
adisinimy pcmcia modem was got IP from my ISP, but the internet is not connected?anybody can help me?14:39
IdleOnewols, report it to launchpad. probably just an oversite14:40
wolsthe point of apt is to do it automatically, or I could stay with dpkg14:40
branstromHi guys. In hardy it seems only "ruby1.8" is installed? Should I install the metapackage "ruby" too? It depends on ruby1.8. And irb depends on irb1.8 likewise and so on...14:40
digbertWill do.14:40
perfectoradisini: no ping replies u mean??14:40
BotulinumWhen i boot from disk the ubuntu menu comes up, but when i try to install or check disk or anything it just acts like its not doing anything14:40
wolsIdleOne: yes a bug. can't since I don't run git (or ubuntu), digbert does14:40
jeletanow what do i do i installed build-essential14:40
soundraydigbert, IdleOne, wols: apt-get install git installs git, but  it's a different git, not the revision control system14:40
filthpigwols, all I seem to find is "plug-in development", as in make your own plugin Oo14:40
IdleOnejeleta, now you follow the install instructions for planeshift14:40
wolsjeleta: now you have a compiler and can compile watever you want14:40
soundraySo it's not a bug, just a namespace conflict14:40
digbertOh, GNU Interactive Tools.14:41
jeletahow do i compile it14:41
Botulinumi wonder what the problem is14:41
Botulinumi burned at 8x14:41
jeletait is a .bin file14:41
perfectorany idead y my custom compiled kernel (using kpkg) dows not build the initramfs during installation??14:41
perfectorany idead y my custom compiled kernel (using kpkg) dows not build the initramfs during installation??14:41
perfectoropps sorry14:41
adisiniperfector: yup. but IP, gateway and DNS was automatic configured14:41
spsneocan i install ubuntu on mac?14:41
Botulinumwhy is ubuntu not installing ?!?14:42
adisinican u help me?14:42
soundrayspsneo: yes, if it's recent enough14:42
perfectoradisini: u mean u can even ping ur dns server, oe gateway server?14:42
spsneoactually i am going to buy one laptop14:42
plamenok thanks guys, I'm going to reboot and try the net install now14:42
perfectoradisini: did u try reconnecting??14:42
spsneoi am confused what to buy a pc or a mac?14:42
perfectorany idea y my custom compiled kernel (using kpkg) does not build the initramfs during installation?? pls help14:42
havchrwhere can I find .asoundrc?14:43
BotulinumSoundray: It does the same thing when i check the disk it jsut acts like its doing nothing14:43
spepshey guys ... i have an mdf image so i converted it to iso with mdf2iso ... but when i try to mount it i get bad fs type ... when i do "file file.iso" i get "file.iso: data"... it seems to be different to iso files ... how can i solve this issue?Thanks14:43
farfadet_french is were?14:43
perfectorhavchr: in ur home folder probably...14:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:43
adisiniperfector: yes, i can't ping anywhere. but i can ping my own IP. I was try to connecting about a week :D14:43
farfadet_ou est le forum francais?14:43
perfectoradisini: is any firewall running??14:44
water_fouli'm having a Apache2/php5/mysql install problem, is this the right place to ask?14:44
BotulinumI used infrarecorder to burn the image, maybe i should try another program to burn it ?14:44
SaladinJe parlez pas Francais. #Ubuntu-fr pour Francais14:44
soundrayBotulinum: perhaps14:45
adisiniperfector: hm... maybe. how can I view my firewall configuration?14:45
soundray!burniso | Botulinum14:45
ubottuBotulinum: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:45
perfectorany idea y my custom compiled kernel (using kpkg) does not build the initramfs during installation?? pls help14:45
soundray!repeat | perfector14:45
ubottuperfector: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:45
perfectoradisini: sudo iptables -L -n14:45
=== kPanic_ is now known as ivo
perfectorubottu: gee sorry ... will do that14:45
ubottuperfector: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:45
unimatrix9is it just me, there seems to be a lot of troubles with wireless drivers, especially the ralink ones ( 8.04 hardy )14:46
Dr_willis_wireless = 'lot of troubles' about everywhere ive ever tried it.14:46
filthpigunimatrix9, it's not just you ;)14:47
soundrayunimatrix9: they are a total pain in the neck. I ripped the card out of my wife's laptop and replaced it with an Intel one.14:47
yamanickillunimatrix9: ubuntu seems to not like laptop wireless. most other ones are fine i've found14:47
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:47
soundrayunimatrix9: no more problems since14:47
spepshey guys ... i have an mdf image so i converted it to iso with mdf2iso ... but when i try to mount it i get bad fs type ... when i do "file file.iso" i get "file.iso: data"... it seems to be different to iso files ... how can i solve this issue?Thanks14:47
yamanickillunimatrix9: i currently use an LM14:47
perfectorwols: ok by removing  libgnome will it also remove stuff like gnome-terminal??14:47
jonahhey guys i've got a second hard drive which shows up no worries in dolphin but i always have to double click it to mount it. how can i have it auto mount or append my fstab to do so cleanly?14:47
filthpigyamanickill, ubuntu's not the problem, the problem is manufactorers not providing drivers14:48
SaladinIn terms of setting up a network, can I use all desktop versions, or would you recommend I use a Server edition of Ubuntu as well?14:48
unimatrix9LM ? =?14:48
adisiniperfector: ok, thx bro. I'll try to check my firewall now. but i need to reboot first. see u later :)14:48
soundrayunimatrix9: it can't just have been a driver issue. I had dropping connections and other failures under a popular closed-source OS as well.14:48
Cew27can anyone tell me why i can acess keyring manager without having to eneter a password and from there it can show my password for that keyring, hardly secure!14:48
perfectoradisini: k14:48
yamanickillfilthpig: yeah, i know that...but i'm just saying thats a problem with linux in general...because of proprietry drivers14:48
wolsperfector: yes since that depends on libgnome14:48
wolsfilthpig: http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/14:48
filthpigyamanickill, true14:48
perfectorwols: cool.... just what i would need... that means it would leave me with a base install of ubuntu ??14:49
yamanickilli like to keep one that works out the box just incase i get any problems...i use an LM technologies USB one and it works perfectly...just seems to be laptop ones i've had problems with14:49
unimatrix9its really hard to pick out an pci wireless card that works out of the box this way..14:49
yamanickillbut...having said that..i've never not got one to work...eventually they all work with me14:49
wolsperfector: define "base". you still have all of X14:49
wolsperfector: gnome is part of ubuntu's "base"14:49
unimatrix9hard cash if you make the wrong choice14:49
perfectorwols: uh yeah ok i get it now..14:50
perfectorwols: thx14:50
wolsunimatrix9: pretty much none does. your best choice is atheros (intel is another good choice but they only exist built in usually)14:50
wolsthere are drivers which could work out of the box (ralink, zd1211, etc)14:50
wolsbut in the end they have various problems14:50
perfectorhow accurate is ubuntuhcl.org??14:51
yamanickillunimatrix9: I've found that i can get most wireless drivers working eventually14:51
Cew27can anyone tell me why i can acess keyring manager without having to eneter a password and from there it can show my password for that keyring, hardly secure!14:51
unimatrix9ralink was the discussion of not working correctly14:51
wolsyamanickill: yes, but with how much hassle (or ndiswrapper)14:51
wolsunimatrix9: the driver is Free, but it's shit14:51
perfectori guess before buying any hw its best to check there14:51
wolsnot too happy about the hardware or software there14:51
yamanickillwols: only one took longer than 10 mins14:51
bazhangohmy wols14:51
* wols hands bazhang a !14:52
bazhanganja hi14:52
unimatrix9wireless seems to have an new chipset out there too, the marvell chip14:52
yamanickilldoes linux have the ability to use 802.11 n yet btw?14:52
cyphawhich codecs should i be installing? gstreamer extra plugins, gstreamer ffmpeg video plugin, or gstreamer plugins for aac, xvid, mpeg2, faad.......or all of them?14:52
yamanickillcypha: depends what for14:53
unimatrix9i did see wimax drivers in the kernel modules of hardy14:53
Cew27can anyone tell me why i can acess keyring manager without having to eneter a password and from there it can show my password for that keyring, hardly14:53
cyphayamanickill, generally, is it better to have all of them, or does 1 of them do what the others do anyway?14:53
cyphai was trying to play a video and it said i needed a codec14:53
unimatrix9cypha : all , why not?14:53
cyphait found those 3 codecs14:54
Chrysaliswhats the difference between hardy-desktop-i386.iso and ubuntu-8.4-desktop-i386.iso here http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/14:54
unimatrix9wont hurt you14:54
cypha...unimatrix9: just in case there was redundancy14:54
yamanickillcypha: install the ones that it needs to play it...don't install more14:54
yamanickillif it says you need them all...install them all14:54
yamanickilli only install codecs i need14:54
taxmancypha: did you check the Ubuntu wiki page on codecs? It's good to know14:54
cyphadoesn't say i need all, but it's asking to choose which to intsall14:54
cyphai didn't taxman, but it's worth a read?14:54
rskChrysalis: i can't find a ubuntu-8.4-desktop-i386.iso there14:54
taxmancypha: yeah, It's right off the main questions iirc14:55
rskChrysalis: or any name having ubuntu-8.414:55
Chrysalisrsk: its there14:55
yamanickillcypha: what were you trying to play14:55
lyziumhow do i get the output of the top most codebox in this post? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79741114:55
cyphayamanickill: a movie14:55
rskChrysalis: unless the search function in firefox is broken it's not there14:55
yamanickillcypha: what type?14:55
filthpigwols, found it through Synaptic :)14:55
Chrysalisrsk: sorry, 8.0414:55
doronhi, Im trying to get my TV card (Hauppage PVR-150) to work with ubuntu but no luck . kernel loads IVTV but I cant change the inputs to something viewable14:55
yamanickillgo for the extra plugins14:55
cyphawill do14:56
rskChrysalis: dunno but take the ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso14:56
cyphaso i'll get them all!14:56
FloodBot2cypha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
rsk's what i used14:56
taxmanlyzium: I'm not sure that's output. I think that user is quoting another user's comments14:56
unimatrix9we need an new list for wireless this one is not up to date https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsByVersion14:57
Chrysalisrsk: i wonder it that one has all 3 desktops. . . the one that doesnt specify ubuntu14:57
unimatrix9its still only for 7.1014:57
taxmanlyzium: nm, don't listen to me14:57
lyziumtaxman, oh i see... i was hoping it was a grep of some command.. that would have been neat as im unsure what driver is running on my laptop14:57
lyziumtaxman, oh14:57
yamanickillanyone had any exprience with nvidia geforce 8400GS? i'm building a new computer and am gonna use that as my second graphics card for dual screen14:58
tacit!HCL @ yamanickill14:58
ubottutacit: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:58
wolsyamanickill: pretty much all videocards have 2 connectors nowadays14:58
wolsno need to buy a 2nd card14:58
* tacit realized he is in a strange land.14:59
enervation3Hi - I manged to wipe out the first quarter of /usr/bin. I've copied over the dpkg file from another installation, but now when using it I get the error "sudo: dpkg: command not found". Does anyone know how I can fix this?14:59
yamanickilli find that a lot more bother to set up dual screen than having 2 graphics cards14:59
unimatrix98400gs does it not do duak screen14:59
bazhang!yast | tacit14:59
ubottuFactoid yast not found14:59
yamanickillplus, my first graphics card is on my motherboard14:59
wolsyamanickill: then it's useless and your 8400gs will be way better, even when it's a crappy card itsel15:00
yamanickillunimatrix9: i've had bad experiences with trying to dual screen with one card15:00
tacitbazhang: Happens sometimes.15:00
cyphaand for vlc, do i do sudo apt-get install vlc-nox ?15:00
taxmanlyzium: I'm not on my Ubuntu box, but you can get that info from one of the items in the system -> administration menu.15:00
cyphais that the right one?15:00
yamanickillwols: so you think i should get one card that has 2 outputs rather than 2 cards?15:00
yamanickillcypha: sudo apt-get install vlc15:00
unimatrix9i see15:01
wolsyamanickill: yes. and a decent one. what mobo/cpu?15:01
taxmanlyzium: or you can read through the output of dmesg :)15:01
wolsyamanickill: and what usage for the PC?15:01
wolsyamanickill: the 8400gs will be as fast or faster than your built in card15:01
yamanickillotherboard is an intel...can't remember model number15:01
OllieHHi, does anyone know why when I play my music it plays at a slightly different frequency? I dont notice it, but if I tune my guitar to the normal 440, then it sounds out of tune, and if i change it to 430 then it sounds right.... any ideas?15:02
yamanickillwols: the pc is just a general home computer15:02
wolsyamanickill: play _any_ games?15:02
tacitenervation3: If you get a live system, see man dpkg for --root and friend to operate on another root file system, e.g. the one containing the /usr/bin you are trying to fix.15:02
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yamanickillwols: only xmoto really15:03
yamanickillbut xmoto works fine with my 7 year old laptop with an ATI graphics card15:03
yamanickillinfact, i got compiz-fusion working on this15:03
wolsok, for a linux only machine a videocard isn't that pressing need15:04
wolsnot many games and video is doable on built in15:04
kwani'm reading a ubuntu install howto right now, and it suggests that one should create separate /boot /swap /home /root partitions.  In particular, it saids creating separate /boot partition is a good security measure15:04
perfectorapt says some packages are kept back but when i say aptitude upgrade it does not get upgraded??15:04
dos000i have funny characters apearing in eclipse in hardy when editing files with unicode15:04
unimatrix9wols, unless you play games on the linux box , i do...15:04
wolsperfector: dist-upgrade15:04
dos000the geditor is fine with the same file15:04
kwancan someone explain why/how so?  i'm new to this, and would like to learn more =D15:04
wolsunimatrix9: not many games available :P15:04
yamanickilli think my motherboard's built in graphics card only has 1 output...which is why i was getting the nvidia15:05
unimatrix9true. but like the ones i play15:05
lyziumtaxman, thank you15:05
wolsyamanickill: yes I understand, but: what mobo is it?15:05
yamanickillwols: i was basically asking...is the nvidia 8400GS any good lol15:05
wolsyamanickill: not really but your needs are very simple15:05
yamanickill2 secs i'll check the model number15:05
wolsyamanickill: however builtin graphics will cost you performance of your CPU/memory bus15:05
dos000anyone here familiar ti the eclise ide and ubuntu hardy ?15:06
illmorta1Does anyone know how to change the "Folder theme" specifically?15:06
perfectorwols: ur a saviour... y does this happen though??15:06
Nave_hey ..there is no need to defrag on ubuntu hey?15:06
bazhangNave_, nay15:06
taxmankwan: googling for linux partitions or partioning, that sort of thing will give you much better info that we can explain here. The short version is you can set different permissions and other filesystem options if you have different partitions15:06
bazhangnot on ext3 Nave_15:06
wols" kept back is when packages have not been upgraded even though newer versions15:06
wols             are available. This happens if dependencies cannot be resolved, packages are on hold or you used "upgrade" not15:06
wols             "dist-upgrade" and new packages need to be installed. "15:06
Nave_how do i know what i have?15:06
yamanickillwols: Intel 946GZ + ICH715:07
Nave_how do i find out what i have?15:07
Chrysalisrsk: sorry, another stupid question, what do i use to erase a RW cd in ubuntu lol15:07
wolsyamanickill: ick. what cpu?15:07
wolsNave_: "mount"15:07
yamanickillwols: Intel Dual Core E218015:07
KenSentMeI put a .pcf.gz font in my font folder, but fc-cache still sees nothing new (/usr/local/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs) and apps cant use the font. What am i doing wrong?15:07
yamanickillyou recommend something else? i've not bought it yet15:07
perfectorwols: thx a lot15:07
wolsyamanickill: I have a e2160. very nice CPU but on a p35 board15:07
unimatrix9brasero to burn cdroms etc15:07
Nave_oh yeah mount15:07
wolsyamanickill: I'd advise you to get one as well15:07
bazhangyamanickill, this is getting a bit offtopic15:07
Nave_how do i access mount?15:07
Falling-InfernoHow would i go about setting up a PHPBB Forum, That is hosting off my computer?15:07
wolsthat it is15:08
wols!info phpbb15:08
ubottuPackage phpbb does not exist in hardy15:08
bazhangterminal Nave_15:08
adelfinoDoes anyone note something strange in one of the GIMP windows?15:08
wols!lamp | Falling-Inferno15:08
christozI'm having problem on acquiring sound events(look at http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1144/soundpreferencesyv8.png)...15:08
ubottuFalling-Inferno: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:08
yamanickillok, thanks wols, i'll look into it15:08
sarah_bearhey guys, anyone here every used Nepenthes for ubuntu?15:08
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rhelp i had copied the xubuntu cd using the xcopy command with /e /h that is using all directories and hidden files and still iam getting a "missing operating system" error when i boot from my pendrive15:08
rthe md5 is fine nothin corrupt or damaged15:08
Odd-rationaleSo midnight commander is the classic unix terminal-based file manager. What are my other options?15:09
TackI think I need a little tech support: I have 3 gutsy systems each with the same sources.list.  After doing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade on each, I now have 3 different versions of openssh-client (4.6p1-5build1, 4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2, and 4.6p1-5ubuntu0.5).  The latter actually does seem to be the latest -- at least it has ssh-vulnkey.  Why might the other two systems not pick up the update?15:09
Skiessihas ubuntu some stupid adjustment for drawing straight lines or is it just my mouse? I can't draw smooth curves or anyhing like that15:09
bazhangr why not cfdisk15:09
luboszin which config file is specified that compiz starts with gnome session start AND can i add some arguments :D ???!?!?!??!??!15:09
rwhats that15:09
bazhangr what tutorials did you follow15:10
christozthe ubuntu help says about enabling sound server startup ,,,where is that?15:10
rno tutorial just copied all files hidden as well15:10
bazhangwww.pendrivelinux.com r check this15:10
JoaoJoaoAnyone here knows a workaround for the rtl8187 wireless "random" disconnection bug?15:11
ri dont want to install just want to keep it live15:11
cyphamy sound has stopped working!?15:11
cyphai'm not sure why15:11
cyphait was working before15:11
cyphanot sure what changed15:11
bazhangr that can be done too15:11
JoaoJoaoapart from the "rmmod rtl8187" "modprobe rtl8187"? Maybe a driver patch15:11
rsomethin inside windows i have no cd15:11
OllieHHi, does anyone know why when I play my music it plays at a slightly different frequency? I dont notice it, but if I tune my guitar to the normal 440, then it sounds out of tune, and if i change it to 430 then it sounds right.... any ideas?15:11
rjust an simulated iso15:11
KingOfDosare there any known bitlbee problems?15:12
kwantaxman: i thought you could set permissions for any file/directory regardless if they're in the same/different partition15:12
rtheres someone named iso!!15:12
bazhangr mount the iso on a partition then15:12
riam inside windows its not as flexible as linux15:12
sudobashwow my car just got towed for jumping another car off15:12
sudobashlast time i try to help someone15:12
pambrociohi peeps i need help installing java-tools-bundle-update5-linux.sh15:13
ri want to keep it live because i dont want to even touch the MBR15:13
bazhangr the way you do it wont work15:13
taxmankwan: yes, but the rub is in the other options you can set and if the the home partition gets corrupted on the off chance, then you don't lose your others. But there are a lot of factors that go into it, which is why I recommended further reading if you really wanted to know. If it's just your home system, the defaults will work super for just about everybody15:14
infamoushey everyone15:14
cyphai don't know what happened15:14
rok i got a toutorial from pendrive linux thanx15:14
=== boJoeb454 is now known as Joeb454
cyphai think i downloaded some codecs and now my sound isn't working15:14
TazzieHi, anyone has any experience with Big Desktop on two monitors?15:14
cyphathe ubuntu-restricted-stuff15:14
cyphaor whatever15:14
J-Unithow do u save the shortcuts for apps onto the bar in xubuntu (in ubuntu i right cliked and chose save to panel)15:14
bazhangkwan psychocats has some excellent stuff on that15:15
KenSentMeHow can i install a new pcf.gz font?15:15
pambrociohow do i install the java tools bundle how do  go about this had hard time installing the sdk by itself15:15
bazhang!java | pambrocio15:15
ubottupambrocio: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)15:15
TazzieAnyone has a dual monitor setup?15:15
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:15
kwanbazhang google psychocats partition?15:16
bazhangkwan let me get you the link15:16
bazhanghttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome kwan15:16
infamouscan someone hellp me i have a problem 2 install a web cam15:17
sudobashTazzie there are tutorials for dual monitor15:17
Tazziesudobash: yeah I tried...15:17
christozI'm having problem on acquiring sound events(look at http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1144/soundpreferencesyv8.png)...15:17
Tazziebut it doesn't work15:17
christozthe ubuntu help says about enabling sound server startup ,,,where is that?15:17
kwanbazhang: thanks, i love to learn the inter-workings.  Linux lets you delve deep into this kinda stuff. :>15:17
Nave_i found what file system i have15:18
Nave_2 types. i have ext3 and fuse???15:18
Tazziesudobash: My login-screen works in dual-mon, (only I can only type on the mon. my mouse is)15:18
Nave_dunno what that is15:18
rinaldi_im getting grub error 13 when I try to boot to windows HDD. here is my fdisk -l and menu.lst http://pastebin.com/m77213da0 any ideas?15:18
Nave_i think its all ext3 however15:18
Xorothalhey guys, i can't seem to find the vmware-server package in synaptic (in hardy), am I missing a repo?15:19
Tazziesudobash: but when I login I get a cloned desktop and when I change to 3360x1050 I get a garbled up desktop15:19
Nave_i installed ubuntu under default installation guided partition15:19
Nave_the default guided installation15:19
taxmanvmware server isn't in the repos anymore is it?15:19
Nave_so i'm assuming its all ext315:19
TazzieHey XS4All doet het weer ;-)15:20
rskxs4all? they have great qw-servers =)15:20
Nave_are there other general chat rooms?15:21
bittinNave_: for Ubuntu?15:21
jussi01!ot | Nave_15:21
ubottuNave_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:21
Nave_cool thanks15:21
Xorothalhey guys, i can't seem to find the vmware-server package in synaptic (in hardy), am I missing a repo?15:21
Xorothal... as i said earlier15:22
rohanon my (and everyone who uses backports i guess) system, qt version is 4.4, whereas pyqt is 4.3.3. will it cause problems? when will hardy-backports have python-qt4 4.4, if at all?15:22
unimatrix9did you enable aal repositories?15:22
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:22
Xorothalunimatrix9, are you talking to me?15:22
JoaoJoaoAnyone here installed the Rtl8187 Windows driver with ndiswrapper?15:22
Nave_so most default installation i.e. guided partition is set to default as an ext3 partition for ubuntu yes?????????????15:22
JoaoJoaoThe rtl8187 driver is terrible15:23
riam a little scared i dont overwrite my mbr15:23
rinaldi_JoaoJoao: I know, I was trying to help someone the other day with it15:23
taxmanXorothal: you must have missed it. I mentioned I don't think it's in there anymore15:23
pambrociothe bot did not tell how to install j2ee15:23
JoaoJoaorinaldi_: Any success? I'm getting "random" disconnections15:23
sidewalkis there some kind of xf86setup for ubuntu?15:23
Nave_so i'm assuming all ubuntu runs on ext3????????15:23
Xorothaltaxman, ok thx15:23
rskNave_: by default yes15:23
Nave_ok cool15:23
bazhangNave_, can do, yes15:24
rohanNave_: not necessarily15:24
Xorothalok.. is there any way to convert a vmware machine into a virtualbox machine?15:24
Nave_i'm happy cos then i don't have to defrag15:24
JoaoJoaoThe rmmod + modprobe works, but I have to do it about 3x an hour15:24
rohanXorothal: i think virtualbox can directly use vmware's disks15:24
Xorothalrohan, interesting... i hadn't even considered the possibility15:24
Nave_why is ubuntu so good and its free?15:24
sidewalkcan anyone help me getting my X working under Ubuntu?15:25
bazhangchat in #ubuntu-offtopic Nave_ thanks15:25
rinaldi_JoaoJoao: it turned out the guys distro was completely broken anyway, so it didnt connect. did you do all that depmod -a and stuff before you modbrobe?15:25
rskNave_: well. lots of people work with it15:25
bazhangsidewalk, need lots more info15:25
lars_bauerFølgende pakker har uopfyldte afhængigheder:15:25
lars_bauer  python-gasp: Afhængigheder: python-central (>= 0.6) men 0.5.15ubuntu2 forventes installeret15:25
lars_bauerE: Ødelagte pakker15:25
JoaoJoaorinaldi_: Mine connects just fine, sometimes it will even work for several hours15:25
rohanXorothal: you might want to look at - http://www.happyassassin.net/2007/02/06/vmware-to-virtualbox/15:26
Xorothalkk thx15:26
sidewalkbazhang: i have an nvidia card and a hpl1720 monitor, which i cant get working15:26
Coggzno windows on it, but rather linux)15:26
rinaldi_JoaoJoao: are you far from the access point? maybe also interference? try changing the wireless channel15:26
JoaoJoaoNo ProbeResp from current AP - XX:XX:XX:XX:X assume out of range15:26
sidewalkbazhang: i need to get the resolution working, but the maximum i can choose is 800x60015:26
bazhangsidewalk, which exact card15:27
JoaoJoaorinaldi_: Not really, I'm about 1 meter from the AP15:27
eitreachI'm considering finally upgrading to HH permanently. Has the Nvidia-drivers been fixed, with shadows in Compiz and such?15:27
cyphacan someone help me with a gnome specific sound problem?15:27
rohanXorothal: or this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/HowTo/Switching_From_VMWare_To_VirtualBox:_.vmdk_To_.vdi_Using_Qemu_+_VdiTool15:27
cyphai can play wavs from the terminal15:27
cyphabut i can't get sound to play otherwise15:27
bazhangeitreach, ask in #compiz15:27
Chrysalisdoes the ubuntu iso have gparted or do i need to make a second CD for gparted?15:27
JoaoJoaorinaldi_: This is the dmesg line "No ProbeResp from current AP - XX:XX:XX:XX:X assume out of range"15:27
eitreachbazhang, right.. but it was really an nvidia-issue - it just roared its head in Compiz.15:27
matthias_Nhardy where can i find the "Multimedia system selector" or what package is needed ...15:27
JoaoJoaoseems to be quite common btw15:28
KenSentMeHow can i install a pcf font?15:28
JoaoJoaoI've heard that changing a kernel param for the driver could d the trick15:28
cyphacan someone help me with my sound please?15:28
rinaldi_JoaoJoao: looks like you just get kicked off15:29
eitreachI can try looking that up, I s'pose.15:29
charimsI have a relatively fresh install of ubuntu, and my sound system seems to freeze a lot when i use web based flash. Is there a command I can use to restart the sound system?15:29
FructoseDidn't Skype used to be installable from Synaptic? I don't find it when I search now.15:29
ikoniaFructose: it's an external repo15:29
bazhangFructose, nay15:29
ikoniaFructose: it is a dpkg repo, but not one supplied by ubuntu15:29
ikoniaFructose: thats how you saw it in synaptic15:30
cyphai can't get sounddd, please help15:30
ikoniaFructose: skype has it's own repo15:30
FructoseHmm. OK. My mistake, then.15:30
bazhangneed to add it Fructose15:30
ikoniaFructose: you are right, it is available through synaptic15:30
ikoniaFructose: just not from an ubuntu repo15:30
charimsSound system frozen, how do i restart it?15:30
JoaoJoaoI'll try installing the windows driver15:30
eitreachapparently, this can fix it: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/04/28/workaround-for-pink-shadows-with-compiz/15:30
JoaoJoaoalthough it seems to have the same issue15:31
Osiri1my wireless suddenly stopped working, it show no available networks,15:31
JoaoJoaortl8187 sucks15:31
=== Osiri1 is now known as osiri1
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk
cappy_Why when im sitting on PC ,my system just logout me ? im not clicking Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or something else.... can any1 help me ?15:31
sudobashcappy how long do you let it sit there?15:32
osiri1cappy_: i get that sometimes when i click on weblinks15:32
sudobashand how long does it take to shutoff? does the PC shutdown or just logout?15:32
cappy_just logout15:32
cappy_1st time i though i touched Ctrl+alt+backspace15:32
osiri1very, i log back on, and the link is ok15:32
cappy_but in 10mins it repeated15:33
WileHello, I have an ATI Firegl mobility 9000 card, and I can't activate the 3D...15:33
cappy_and just 10min ago it happened again... when i was typiing in skype15:33
cappy_(sry for my bad english ;d)15:33
bazhangcappy_, this a notebook?15:34
Ashfire908There seems to be something that keeps searching my filesystem or something, because it will start accessing my hard drive when I'm not doing anything.15:34
cappy_nope, normal PC15:34
cappy_Sysinfo for 'CappY': Linux 2.6.24-16-386 running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2200+ at 1900 MHz (3803 bogomips), HD: 201/269GB, RAM: 633/757MB, 155 proc's, 7.1h up15:34
bazhangtracker Ashfire90815:34
thiebaudeashfire908:disable tracker15:34
cappy_is there anywhere log where i can see why its happening that ?15:35
Ashfire908I have.15:35
cappy_system log or something ?15:35
ferric84how can I upgrade to firefox RC1 in 8.04?15:35
thiebaudeashfire908:check your processes to see what's running15:35
bazhangferric84, wait til it hits the repos15:36
matthias_Nwhere can i change the mic level ?15:36
Ashfire908thiebaude, there's no thing telling me if the process is accessing the hard drive.15:36
bazhangalsamixer matthias_N15:36
cappy_matthias_N: in KMix ,there is option microphone boots ( +20 dB)15:36
favroI use verbose for boot and noticed a line that said " nvidia liscence has "tainted" the kernel" - what the bejeezus does that mean??15:37
jeletahelp where is beryl i clicked the link to the website and it does not load15:37
thiebaudeashfire908:that is strange, i dont know what to say15:37
bazhang!beryl | jeleta15:37
ubottujeleta: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz15:37
matthias_Ncappy_:  i guess yours is for kde i am usung genome ...15:37
jeletaso where do i get beryl15:37
cappy_yup, then try alsamixer15:37
cappy_like bazhang said15:38
WGGMkjeleta: dont use Beryl.... use Compiz Fusion15:38
rinaldi_is firefox 3 rc1 in the repos yet?15:38
bazhangjeleta, you dont-->compiz-fusion15:38
neggerinaldi_ is it released?15:38
jeletaoh ok thank you is it as good though15:38
bazhangrinaldi_, not yet15:38
WGGMkjeleta: its better15:38
rinaldi_negge: http://digg.com/software/Firefox_3_RC1_Now_Available?OTC-ig15:38
cappy_its Beryl + compiz = compiz fusion15:38
thiebauderinaldi:rc1 should be realeased at the end of may15:38
Ashfire908Noticed that trackerd is running despite it being disabled, how do I actually shut down trackerd?15:38
WGGMkjeleta: there were 2 projects Beryl & Compiz.. they combined efforts to make "Compiz Fusion"15:38
hydrogenthat only covers half the battle15:39
hydrogenberyl forked because their coding standards were pretty horribly low15:39
matthias_Nbazhang:  what is it named in alsa mixeer for mic ?, i have capture only, no mic ...15:39
hydrogenthen they begged the compiz doods15:39
hydrogenand it got merged back in15:39
cappy_so is there anywhere something like system logs where i can see what system does do ?15:39
hydrogenand since then not mcuh has happened15:39
hydrogenexcept kwin is much cooler15:39
FloodBot2hydrogen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
bazhangmatthias_N, what about sound prefs15:39
hydrogenenough trollbait for yall?15:39
matthias_Nbazhang: sigmatel ...15:40
thiebaudecappy-system log15:40
cappy_where is it ?15:40
WGGMkIm having an issue with Likewise Open, trying to join a domain and it keeps complaining about TCP/UDP ports being blocked. I have a WinXP Pro SP2 machine that is on the same network/subnet and is able to join perfectly fine. Any Help???15:41
matthias_Nbazhang:  maybe understood you wrong where can i find sound preferance ?15:41
thiebaudecappy-system-administration-system log15:41
cappy_i found it ,ty15:41
bazhangmatthias_N, in terminal type alsamixer15:42
cypha"During the previous startup. KNotify crashed while instantiating KNotify. Do you want to try again or disable aRTs sound output? If you choose to disable aRts output now, you can re-enable it later or select an alternate sound player in the System NOtifications control panel."15:42
thiebaudecappy-your welcomed15:42
Vhozardsomeone has the inverted (negtive) icon issiue in openoffice?15:42
matthias_Nbazhang:   thanks let me check15:42
cyphai can TRy again or Disable aRts Output15:42
TrX^^how to i set my WIRELESS connection on ubintu ??15:42
cyphaaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument15:43
cyphawhat in the world is going on with my linux!15:43
mc-georgehey, can anyone tell me when firefox 3 rc1 will be added to the update list?15:43
matthias_Nbazhang:  mic have nothing15:43
TrX^^how to i set up my WIRELESS connection on ubintu ??15:43
Vhozardmc-george its alreadt added15:43
mc-georgeVhozard, not for me :/15:44
Vhozardmc-george do you have 8.04?15:44
mc-georgeVhozard, yes15:44
=== esteth__ is now known as esteth_
favro I've tainted the kernel with a nvidia liscence - the driver was from the repos - how do I sort this out?15:44
cappy_hm,i dont see any errors :/15:44
Vhozardmc-george when you install package "firefox" does it install firefox 2 or firefox 3?15:44
wolsfavro: you can't. if you use closed source nvidia drivers, the kernel is tainted15:45
wolsif you don't load them, it isn't15:45
louishi, in a maven project, how do I print the classpath contents?15:45
matthias_Nbazhang:  mic says sound source only15:45
mc-georgeVhozard, 8.04 came with firefox 3 beta 5 installed, but i want to update it to rc115:45
TrX^^how to i set up my WIRELESS connection on ubintu ??15:45
neggewols what "tainted" mean?15:45
favrowols: the driver was from the ubuntu repos - that's why I'm asking...15:45
neggedoes it change anything or what?15:45
magicalno, means nothing15:46
wolsfavro: still a non-free driver15:46
BSG75I'm having trouble sending emails with attachments using both thunderbird and Evolution .. however I can send messages with no attachment just fine... any ideas?15:46
magicaljust licence stuff, doesn't break anything15:46
cappy_17.05.2008 17,26,15CappYkdm[7628]X server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly15:46
cappy_17.05.2008 17,26,15CappYkdm[7628]X server terminated: [0, 0, 0]15:46
cappy_17.05.2008 17,26,16CappYkdm[7628]StartServerSucces15:46
FloodBot2cappy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:46
wolstainted means there is closed source in the kernel now, which means kernel devs can't and won't help you troubleshoot if something goes wrong15:46
WGGMk!pastebin | cappy_15:46
ubottucappy_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:46
matthias_Nbazhang:  any idea how to get the row for volume ???15:46
favrowols: ok - so to sort the issue I should just use vesa then?15:46
magicalfavro, no, there is no issue to sort15:47
magicalfavro, it's fine how it is15:47
favromagical: it performs poorly15:47
bazhangmatthias_N, make sure nothing is muted in alsamixer15:47
magicalfavro, the proprietary driver performs worse than vesa? D:15:47
wolsfavro: "nv", but then you have no 3D support at all15:47
Vhozardmc-george owh, sorry my fault. i thought you meant firefox beta... :$15:47
mc-georgeVhozard, no rc115:48
matthias_Nbazhang:  if so how do i unmute ?, the text si in red ...15:48
favrowols: it is the nvidia-glx-legacy driver15:48
mc-georgeVhozard, you know when RC1 will be added to updates?15:48
BSG75favro: it's the hippy part of linux :) we prefer open source .. however sometimes companies doesn't like to "share" their specs or open up their codes.. so linux is forced (to some degree) to provide "closed" code.  So instead of explaining it like a soap box like me .. they just say it's "tainted" :)15:48
Vhozardmc-george no, i dont know that. sorry15:49
ubekanybody have been writing program such as wget?15:49
mod_cureapt-cache search perl <-- would that go out to the web and see what is aviable or would it check it locally(OS) ?15:49
favroBSG75: it is in the repos15:49
wolsfavro: what videocard? what chip?15:49
mc-georgeVhozard, ok15:49
bazhangmatthias_N, then go into sound prefs--this is for a mic or all system sound15:49
matthias_Nbazhang:  i found it and it is not muted ...15:49
matthias_Nbazhang:  this is for mic only ...15:49
Vhozardmc-george but you can download it ofcourse from mozilla's site :)15:49
mc-georgeVhozard, when i do that it doesn't use certain plugins15:50
bazhangmatthias_N, not sure then; usually checking alsamixer will do it15:50
BSG75favro: it's fine .. I am using closed driver for my nVidia card :)15:50
kwanbazhang: in the case of creating /boot partition, one is dedicating the partition for the kernel image, right?15:50
matthias_Nbazhang:  thanks will try ...15:50
Vhozardmc-george you mean like flash and java?15:50
=== dan_ is now known as \\dan\\
mc-georgeVhozard, and other media plugins15:51
BSG75I'm having trouble sending emails with attachments using both thunderbird and Evolution .. however I can send messages with no attachment just fine... any ideas?15:51
neggeBSG75 do you get any kind of error message?15:51
cappy_here is the system log15:51
WGGMkBSG75: firewall? virus scanner? home network or work?15:52
favrowols:riva tnt -64bsgno it's not - I get better performance from a card with half the mem on another comp using dapper15:52
cappy_that is the only 1 i found as reason to logout15:52
Vhozardmc-george so you need a deb package?15:52
mc-georgeVhozard, yea15:52
=== PrivateVoid_AFK is now known as PrivateVoid
lUrkUr0has anyone noticed that moving the mouse over the network pane under a system monitor panel slows your transfer?15:53
void^favro: memory and performance are almost entirely unrelated15:53
sunnybghi. new install of hardy on hp nc4010 laptop (radeon chip). I have allocated 64MB to the graphic card, but still can not start the visual effects. How can I manually (CLI) try to start them, so I see what the problem is? Th etxt "can not start" is not very descriptive15:53
Vhozardmc-george sites like getdeb.net often have new versions, but im not sure about firefox15:53
favrovoid^: seems that installing dapper will solve the issue - hardy doesn't work for me15:53
WGGMkvoid^: is that a joke?15:53
JontyOanyone help with /sbin/modprobe on 8.0415:54
wolssunnybg: does 3D hardware acceleration work?15:54
\\dan\\how buggy is 8.04? i need to know that its going to be reasonably safe for me to upgrade a production machine to a release that seems to have the stability hallmarks of vista and windows as a whole15:54
sunnybgwols: how do I check?15:54
JontyOit says /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit15:54
wolssunnybg: glxinfo15:54
wabiDl went to places > connect to server > ssh, and now i cant delete the bookmark.  where is it saved15:54
jbroome\\dan\\: put it on a test machine and see how it is for your needs15:54
mc-georgeVhozard, they don't have firefox15:54
favroI just wanted to know what "tainted kernel" meant....?15:54
void^WGGMk: no. unless you're talking about some extra fps in 3d games you won't suddenly get amazing performance by doubling video ram.15:54
jbroomeworks great for me15:54
Dew420\\dan\\ the only major bug that I have run into/heard of is with flash15:54
JontyOanyone help me/15:54
favrobye hardy15:55
WGGMkvoid^: well just in general.. memory & performance are directly related15:55
sunnybgwols: tons of info. what I'm looking for?15:55
\\dan\\ive heard of issues with pulse audio, compiz and now with flash15:55
\\dan\\anything else?15:55
ri booted xubuntu form a flash drive its so damn slow what to do15:55
attilajava in firefox15:55
Dew420yeah, pulse audio + flash I have heard of..not compiz though15:55
inubisJe tu  někdo  kdo mě  pomůže  ?15:55
Dew420At least im not aware of me having any troubles o.O lol15:55
WGGMk\\dan\\: why would you need compiz on a production machine?15:55
wolssunnybg: direct rendering yes15:55
\\dan\\i dont15:55
inubismy  Help15:55
Jontycan someone help me15:55
attilacompiz + maple11 = broken15:55
BSG75WGGMK: firewall no.. virus scanner no .. I can telnet to gmail so network no15:55
wols!help | Jonty15:55
ubottuJonty: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)15:55
=== Jonty is now known as JontyO
WGGMkBSG75: i mean are you at work or home?15:56
wols!helpme | JontyO15:56
ubottuJontyO: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:56
inubisHelp my  Ubuntu15:56
BSG75WGGMK: home15:56
wols!helpme | inubis15:56
ubottuinubis: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:56
sunnybgwols: I have it on the 3rd line15:56
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:56
wolsthen it _should: wirk15:56
void^WGGMk: the topic was video memory.15:56
ubottuFactoid xserver not found15:56
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:56
inubisInubis  Czech15:56
WGGMk\\dan\\: i have experienced NO issues with 8.04 on both i386 & amd64, both work fine for my particular builds of hardware.... flash and compiz I wouldnt worry about on a production machine.. sound.. depending on what your doing.. but again i havent experiencing anything wrong15:57
BSG75WGGMK: could it be because I am using amd64?15:57
inubisHelp by Alf15:57
WGGMkvoid^: I know, and still.. they are directly related..15:57
WGGMkBSG75: unlikely15:57
WGGMkBSG75: what error are you getting? if any15:57
BSG75WGGMK: yet when I logon to gmail using FF I can do everything just fine15:57
rneed help i installed xubuntu to usb disk but still is very slow my pc is 256mb ram and 1.4ghzz pro15:58
rneed help i installed xubuntu to usb disk but still is very slow my pc is 256mb ram and 1.4ghzz pro15:58
BSG75WGGMK: eventually it just times out15:58
attilamemory speed is related to performance most of the time, the memory size is not so much (depending on the texture sizes...)15:58
sunnybgwols: nope, when I try to turn it on, it just flickers one time, and then displays: "Desktop effects could not be enabled". Both for Normal and Extra15:58
kwanDew420: hi.  I'm glad you mentioned that b/c I just installed hardy on my laptop.  When I watch videos on youtube, it the video lags so badly that its almost unwatchable.   At first, I thought it was my laptop, then I thought it was a firefox buggie.  So, is the flash problem  a confirmed bug?15:58
Chapainm-applet is not picking up any wireless ap?,15:58
wabiDl went to places > connect to server > ssh, and now i cant delete the bookmark.  where is it saved15:58
matthias_Nbazhang:  thanks for your help but something is missing here ..15:58
BSG75WGGMK: says the smtp server is not there or accepting connection.. but if I take out attachment .. it works just fine :(15:58
WGGMkBSG75: how large is the attachment your trying to send.. im not too familiar with that application but perhaps there is a limit on size?15:58
BSG75WGGMK: 10-800k15:58
matthias_Nbazhang:  are u good at printers15:58
WGGMkBSG75: who is your ISP? double check your SMTP settings15:59
ubottuFactoid ubott not found15:59
Vhozardmc-george sorry, cant help you more.15:59
ubottuFactoid ubot not found15:59
BSG75WGGMK: checked my smtp ... my ISP shaw in Canada15:59
jbroome!jp | chenyong8815:59
ubottuchenyong88: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい15:59
Chapainm-applet is not picking up any wireless ap?,15:59
rneed help i installed xubuntu to usb disk but still is very slow my pc is 256mb ram and 1.4ghzz pro15:59
rneed help i installed xubuntu to usb disk but still is very slow my pc is 256mb ram and 1.4ghzz pro15:59
void^WGGMk: lots of video memory is often used in marketing, to sell cards with sub-par chips.16:00
jbroomer: no one is going to help you if you keep being a dick16:00
mySQLNoobHi there, can anyone tell me why nmap won't work when I execute it in ubuntu running on VMWare??16:00
kwanDew420, hello16:00
WGGMkBSG75: they may require Authentication for you to use their SMTP server, or they may have restrictions on attachments using their SMTP servers.. they may think your sending illegitimate files or something. I would call your ISP and see what they can do for you16:00
mySQLNoobi mean it works it just can't find anyone other than my own virtual machine and the router, noone else inside my network16:00
rok iam not a dick help me now16:00
attilar, add more ram?16:00
Dew420Kwan, I believe iti s yeah16:00
=== emile is now known as skfhsiugfuiee
sunnybghow do I manually (from CLI) enable compiz (visual effects) so I can see more detailed error messages?16:00
Dew420Kwan : I have heard people mentioned youtube crashing FF.16:00
BSG75WGGMK: even though I am using gmail?16:00
rnot possible i hae ubuntu 6.06 how to i make that bootable16:00
crdlbsunnybg: just run 'compiz --replace'16:01
Dew420Kawn : I have yet to personally see it, It worked fine for me16:01
cappy_sunnybg: type  compiz --replace in console16:01
sunnybgcrdlib: root or reg?16:01
WGGMkvoid^: im not getting into specifics.. im just pointing out what you said was basically incorrect... memory and performance are most certaintly related in any case. the more the better.. but the same goes for GPU/CPU/BUS speeds.. if there isnt an equal balance to utilize the memory its fruitless16:01
WGGMkBSG75: yes, your using a POP client which means your not e-mailing thru gmails servers.. your e-mailing thru your ISP's servers16:02
sunnybgcrdlb, cappy: thanks.16:02
kwanDew420, what's FF?  Any fixes or work arounds you could suggest?16:02
WGGMkBSG75: your only recieving e-mail from gmail's servers but it must go OUT thru your ISP before anything16:02
attilaFF = firefox16:02
sudobashi dont think gmail supports full pop/smtp usage16:02
favroI get a message during boot - "nvidia liscence has tainted kernel" - what are the repercussions from this apart from poor performance?16:02
jbroomesudobash: actually it does16:03
sudobashwhich means they will limit what you can do16:03
Dew420kwan, FF = Firefox,16:03
sudobashare you sure?16:03
sudobashmaybe that was yahoo i was thinking of16:03
Dew420Kwan, Which firefox are you using? 2 or ff3b5?16:03
sunnybgNow, Xgl not present... what should I do, glxinfo says direct rendering yes - so 3d is on.16:03
prowerfavro: Not really anything that you need to worry about as an end-user unless you're concerned particularly with how things are licensed16:03
BSG75WGGMK: true .. but why the heck would someone filter TLS and SSl traffic? but then again we are talking Shaw here .. they are definitely no the brightest crayon in the box.. well calling them.16:03
prowerfavro: And it shouldn't cause poor performance if you have an nvidia card :>16:03
jbroomesudobash: https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=86399   outgoing server name: smtp.gmail.com16:03
crdlbsunnybg: that's not the error message; look below that16:03
favroprower: it is the performance that I'm concerned about16:04
CroXWhat's the name of the default "monospace 12" font used in gnome-terminal?16:04
Dew420I have no problems with flash + FF + youtube o.O16:04
WGGMkBSG75: I know its similar with Comcast Cable in the US, they require authentication (basic Username & Password) to use their SMTP server.. some are more strict16:04
kwanDew420: Hardy comes with FF3B5.16:04
attilafavro, nvidia driver taints the kernel since its closed source16:04
prowerfavro: Ah, well that message coming up shouldn't have anything to do with performance issues16:04
ksbalajiHi! I am updating Heron thru adept. It said that rss-glx is upgradable. I clicked request and I get Break(upgradable). Is it OK for me to proceed upgrading rss-glx? What is BREAK?16:04
favroprower: I get better performance with half the mem on another comp running dapper16:04
attiladifferent vid card?16:05
favro*vid card mem16:05
Dew420Kwan : let me see if there is a fix yet. I think someone said yesterday they were working on it16:05
zubui just upgraded to hardy but there seems to be a problem. 1.grub is showing two pairs of ubuntu 8.04 loaders .the first one starts with a screen and wide black rectangular patch in the centre of a white screen. while the other loader starts ubuntu in command mode asks for login but the screen keeps on flickering . finally the gui starts with some error prompt "low graphics like safemode setting" and then it shows the login page .after that the screen resolut16:05
zubuion is altered and hardy is not able to recognise my graphics card .what should i do?16:05
t|zzhi everybody! i have a very old linux-distro installed on a even older notebook (1ghz intel chip). i now tried to install ubuntu, xubuntu respectively, but when i reach the grub to choose if i want to install/try or whatever test ubuntu it doesn't do anything when i hit enter (just the cdrom runs, as it sounds like...). it this a problem with my old notebook or what could it be? i can boot into a gentoo instalation-environment on cd, but not16:05
Dew420Kwan : also, you can install FF2 on hardy, so I was just seeing if you had16:06
kwanDew420, so its not flash (like u mentioned b4).  I knew my laptop could at least handle youtube. lol16:06
jeletawhere do i download compiz-fusion16:06
favroattila: I've never seen that line during boot before - that is the concern16:06
rok i have crated a ubuntu usb stick its a live version so can i get fluxbox on it16:06
rok i have crated a ubuntu usb stick its a live version so can i get fluxbox on it16:06
rskjeleta: from the compiz-fusin website16:06
sunnybgcrdlb: the other message is "Found laptop using ati driver"??? And then it says it falls back to metacity16:06
rthis irc client its stupid it reapeats16:07
rthis irc client its stupid it reapeats16:07
litlebudat|zz, try xubuntu alternate install cd16:07
jeletayea but it is so damn confusing i cant find a link to download it there16:07
zubu i just upgraded to hardy but there seems to be a problem. 1.grub is showing two pairs of ubuntu 8.04 loaders .the first one starts with a screen and wide black rectangular patch in the centre of a white screen. while the other loader starts ubuntu in command mode asks for login but the screen keeps on flickering . finally the gui starts with some error prompt "low graphics like safemode setting" and then it shows the login page .after that the screen resolut16:07
zubu<zubu> ion is altered and hardy is not able to recognise my graphics card .what should i do?16:07
rinaldi_t|zz: try using the alternate install cd16:07
ubottur: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:07
crdlbsunnybg: ah, please join #compiz-fusuion16:07
t|zzlitlebuda:  thanks, will download, whats the difference?16:07
sidewalki turned on "restricted driver" for an nvidia card, and now my computer hangs16:07
attilafavro, its completely normal, probably the previous versions didnt show it during the booting but it was there :)16:07
sidewalkfresh install16:07
Dew420Kwan : im not sure, a lot of people have mentioned flash problems16:07
=== AskHL_ is now known as AskHL
rinaldi_t|zz: it's not graphical16:08
mohan34uzubu: check with 'dmesg' and find what type of card you have..16:08
sunnybgcrdlb: thanks16:08
sidewalkanyone wanna help me out, how do i turn off "restricted drivers" ?16:08
rreflect that iam sorry holy volunteers i have comited a sin16:08
jeletacan you give me a direct link to download it16:08
mehmehwhats the command to switch the javac command to another java compiler?16:08
litlebudat|zz, its in text mode install and has more options than the "normal" cd , its recomended for low mem or older computers16:08
favroattlbut the performance is lacking from previous installs - using dapper it was 20% better showing vids16:08
t|zzwell but gentoo install cd has a framebuffer with splash, even quite-mode, but this can be booted from cd...16:08
favrohardy is the issue16:08
void^WGGMk: exactly, more memory can be fruitless, therefore more memory does not automatically result in better performance. you are, of course, right in saying the more the better - but it's like with money. having more of it is nice, but doesn't guarantee happiness. ;)16:09
t|zzok thanks guys, will try16:09
rplease dont show thy wrath on my weak sole all mighty16:09
rouiniFirefox 3 is very slow what is the problem16:09
zubumohan34u:that is alright but what about two ubuntu loaders ?16:09
Frogzoorouini: best you can do is close it & restart it16:09
attilazubu, do "lspci |grep VGA" to find out what card you have16:09
mohan34uzubu: I didn't noticed your post.. what is that 2 loaders?16:10
ksbalajiFriends! sorry - I repeat my request.  Hi! I am updating Heron thru adept. It said that rss-glx is upgradable. I clicked request and I get Break(upgradable). Is it OK for me to proceed upgrading rss-glx? What is BREAK?16:10
WGGMkvoid^: I agree but, you said memory is almost entirely unrelated to performance which is not true.. lol anyway, we both know what we're talking about with different views.. =)16:10
rouinii do so many times Firefox 2 is better16:10
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)16:10
sidewalkhello guys, how do i turn off restricted drivers (once installed) ?16:10
Dew420rouini FF2 is better then what?16:10
sidewalkmy machine hangs when X starts16:11
zubuattila: it is showing my card. what next?16:11
zubumohan34u: i just upgraded to hardy but there seems to be a problem. 1.grub is showing two pairs of ubuntu 8.04 loaders .the first one starts with a screen and wide black rectangular patch in the centre of a white screen. while the other loader starts ubuntu in command mode asks for login but the screen keeps on flickering . finally the gui starts with some error prompt "low graphics like safemode setting" and then it shows the login page .after that the scre16:11
zubuen resolut16:11
zubu<zubu> ion is altered and hardy is not able to recognise my graphics card .what should i do?16:11
attilazubu, find out what driver you need for it16:11
rouinithen Firefox316:11
Dew420rouini : I see, hmm I don't know what everyones problem is lol16:12
Frogzoois preload reliable on heron, or will I regret installing it??16:12
mohan34uzubu: is that 2nd option for recovery mode?16:12
zubuattila:what about 2 pairs of grub loaders (one is recovery and the other is the normal)  i just upgraded to hardy but there seems to be a problem. 1.grub is showing two pairs of ubuntu 8.04 loaders .the first one starts with a screen and wide black rectangular patch in the centre of a white screen. while the other loader starts ubuntu in command mode asks for login but the screen keeps on flickering . finally the gui starts with some error prompt "low graphi16:12
zubucs like safemode setting" and then it shows the login page .after that the screen resolut16:12
zubu<zubu> ion is altered and hardy is not able to recognise my graphics card .what should i do?16:12
sidewalkhello guys, how do i turn off restricted drivers (once installed) ?16:12
rouiniis there any browser better than Firefox16:12
kirkhelekhi, i have a problem with my hardy heron, i can't run "sudo nautilus" or open a document with "gksu" on Sistem files, when i run sudo nautilus appears : initializing nautilus-shae extension seahorse nautilus module initialized. and five minutes later appears the windows but it freezing and i must to close the window16:12
mohan34uzubu: are you able to login properly in 1st option..?16:13
zubuso i have got 2 pairs of them along with windowss of course16:13
mohan34uwhat it says, if you choose 1st boot option?16:13
letubenaiahsidewalk: System >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers16:13
zubuit shows a white screen with a wide blak rectangular patch in the centre of the screen and then nothing16:13
zubui just upgraded to hardy16:13
yaowho can tell me how to use wine?thanks!16:14
zubuand had to restart the system16:14
rouiniDew420:is there any browser better than Firefox16:14
Dew420rouini : in my personal opinion, no16:14
Dew420yao, try #winehq for wine specific help16:14
mohan34uany gurus help zubu!! is there any way to start x with default resolution and not using nvidia or ati?16:15
Dew420Yao, usually just download the .exe you want to install and double click. Wine should open it16:15
ksbalaji Friends! sorry to repeat my request. I am updating Heron through adept. It said that one rss-glx is upgradable. I clicked request and I got Break(upgradable) message. Is it OK for me to proceed upgrading rss-glx? What is BREAK?16:15
Dew420ksbalaji : give people time to help16:15
zubuyes it shows an X mouse cursor with a black screen16:15
zubuafter that it shows an error.16:16
rouiniDew420: i am the only one i installed Ubuntu here16:16
djoobanyone know the command for giving www-data RW access to a file??16:16
alapidasHi all - I recently upgraded my xorg and now my graphics are all screwed up.  My machine starts in safe graphics mode and the nvidia proprietary drivers arent even an there in the hardware list.  any ideas?16:16
zubui click on continue16:16
zubuand then the lgin screen appears16:16
djoobHello all anyone know the command for giving www-data RW access to a file??16:16
Dew420rouini : I didn't quite understand your last sentence16:16
Dew420!help djoob16:16
ubottuFactoid help djoob not found16:16
mohan34uzubu: do you know what card you have? nvidia or ATI?16:16
Dew420whoops :P16:17
zubuat he time of login screen it shows the normal mouse pointer16:17
djoobDew420: hi16:17
CShadowRunhow do i search a bunch of files for one that contains "some word" ?16:17
Dew420djoob : don't spam your question ;( more then just you need help16:17
djoob!help read write access16:17
ubottudjoob: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:17
djoob!help permission16:18
ubottuFactoid help permission not found16:18
djoob!help permissions16:18
ubottudjoob: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:18
Dew420haha nice response16:18
rouiniDew420:i am the only user of Ubuntu here in this country16:18
Dew420rouini where do you live?16:18
djoob!help file permissions16:18
ubottudjoob: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:18
zubumohan34u:nvidia geforce 8400m gs16:18
djoobMan this bot is crazy16:18
_gtt_anyone got a link for steps to recreate all dsa keys due to the debian openssl flaw?16:18
rouiniDew420:i live in Algeria16:19
mohan34uzubu: sorry zubu.. I am not clear in howto make X to restrict to default.16:19
CondouloIs there anything similar to VMWare Fusion for Ubuntu?16:19
Dew420rouini well, good job on choosing a decent os :P16:19
ksbalajiyao: you get wine automatically in Hardy. If you have gutsy, you can download it from www.winehq.org16:19
orgy_hi, in the console, how do i mv all files except one?16:19
zubumohan34u:so what should i do?16:19
Dew420ksbalaji, wine comes with gusty too16:19
orgy_or cp16:19
letubenaiahdjoob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:20
blue|palmIs there any way to associate icons with file extensions in nautilus? My audacity .aup project files still look like text documents...16:20
zubumohan34u:i am able to see the gui and operate on it. the about ubuntu also shows hardy heron.16:20
termitorhello, who have some gfxboot theme ? where dl someone ?16:20
rouiniDew:i try to help people here but no one interest16:20
Dew420rouini I try to help as well, but you solve one and then expected to solve all :(16:21
mohan34uzubu: are you able to see system menu?16:21
zubumohan34u: but how to remove one of the two pairs of ubuntu hardy loaders and how to remove the remove the error in the second loader16:21
zubuthe GUI is fine16:21
ussertermitor, you mean the ubuntu logo that appear when system is loading16:21
ussertermitor, ?16:22
rouiniDew420:i am trying to help people install Ubuntu but here prefer windows16:22
mohan34uI am confused!! what is your exact problem..? you need to remove your 2nd bootload option?16:22
termitorusser: gfx grub loadeur , it graphical grub16:22
sidewalkcan anyone help me fixing my resolution? i tried using restricted drivers, that didn't work, i tried using envyng-gtk, that doesn't work16:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:23
sidewalkhow in the hell am i going to be able to change my resolution?16:23
zubumohan34u:yes but numerically its the first loader and remove the error from the second ubuntu loader16:23
weixis there something in ubuntu that can be installed to update upgrade or reinstall other systems on a network running solely ubuntu?16:23
ussertermitor, theres tons of this stuff on  gnome-look.org or kde-look.org and program called startupmanager allows for easy setup16:23
weixI would ask google this but i wouldnt know what to ask.16:23
blue|palmsidewalk, you might have to resort to xorg.conf16:23
zubumohan34u:grub is showing three OSs16:23
erUSULsidewalk: «gksudo displayconfig-gtk»16:23
alapidasDoes anyone know how to reconfigure X on Hardy?16:23
blue|palmsidewalk, try what erUSUL said first16:24
mohan34uok.. then.. install startupmanager from synaptic or apt-get16:24
rouiniDew420:is there any perfect theme you use16:24
zubumohan34u:first is hardy heron then recovery then again hardy heron and then again recovery and the vista and ..16:24
fevetsfor some reason, in order to get wireless to work i have to 'sudo /etc/inet.d/networking restart' after i have logged in ?!?!?16:24
Dew420rouini , I have setup my gnome desktop etc to look how I want it to16:25
ksbalajiDew420: you may be right.  I had problems with gutsy without wine and I downloaded. Thatś why I mentioned.16:25
mohan34uor go to /boot/grub/ and comment(#) out whatever you don't want in menu.lst file..16:25
zubudone downloadin16:25
Dew420rouini : try www.gnome-look.org16:25
usserzubu, the other options are probably older kernels16:25
weixis there something in ubuntu that can be installed to update upgrade or reinstall other systems on a network running solely ubuntu?16:25
blue|palmfevets, i dont know what the real problem is, but to help you could add that command to Sessions (System->preferences->Sessions)16:25
Dew420that might be wrong lol16:25
amrikHey, has anyone here tested the new Firefox 3 RC1 on hardy?16:25
weixor is there a place someone can direct me?16:25
blue|palmfevets, then you dont have to run it yourself, gnome will do it for you16:25
mhollisjrhow do you use traceroute6? no matter what host I give it it tells me unknown host, my dns are working properly16:26
amrikI would like to know if the stability is better than beta 5 and so worth upgrading immediately16:26
mohan34uI am using startupmanager for booting options.. I hope it will help you..16:26
zubuusser: i just upgraded to hardy and then restarted the sysstem16:26
usserzubu, yes its older gutsy kernel16:26
monestrimhollisjr, firewall?16:26
orgy_how to copy all files in a dir except for one in the shell?16:26
rouiniDew420:i know this site.are you a new user of Ubuntu or old one.16:26
amrikmhollisjr: don't use traceroute6, use traceroute16:26
mhollisjrmonestri, none unless installed by default on ubuntu,16:26
Dew420rouini, I have been using ubuntu since... let me check I hae the disc somewhere16:26
mohan34uzubu: in startupmanager you have a choice to use only one kernel..16:27
mhollisjramrik, traceroute is not installed by default traceroute6 is, there must be a reason and a way to use it16:27
amrikmhollisjr: traceroute6 only works on fully IPv6 networks. traceroute is what you want16:27
mhollisjramrik, ahh alright, but given the right circumstances it would succesfully resolve?16:27
zubumohan34u:this is what the menu list looks like:16:27
zubutitleUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic16:27
zubukernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=defec752-1475-4068-9a77-7a8f8867bba0 ro quiet splash16:27
zubutitleUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (recovery mode)16:27
zubukernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=defec752-1475-4068-9a77-7a8f8867bba0 ro single16:28
jbroome!flood | zubu16:28
ubottuzubu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:28
zubutitleUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic16:28
weixI just need a bit of information to toss into google so i have an idea where to start looking.16:28
zubukernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=defec752-1475-4068-9a77-7a8f8867bba0 ro quiet splash16:28
Dew420rouini, Ubuntu 6.06 is when I started to use Ubuntu16:28
LynetDoes not exactly explain why traceroute6 is installed by default and traceroute isn't. The latter is kinda more useful in the normal case.16:28
zubutitleUbuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode)16:28
=== Mr_SpOOn is now known as Mr_SpOOn[nonciso
zubukernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=defec752-1475-4068-9a77-7a8f8867bba0 ro single16:28
Dew420rouini, however I started with Kubuntu a little before that16:28
amrikmhollisjr: yes it would, in theory. for example if you lived in japan I think it would work since everything over there is IPv616:28
zubutitleUbuntu 8.04, memtest86+16:28
rskwhy dosen't he get banned ?16:28
erUSUL!paste | zorrolero16:28
ubottuzorrolero: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:28
Lynet!paste | zubu16:28
mohan34uzubu: you did a mess!!!16:28
mhollisjramrik or at least till the route left the country, ok thank you16:28
* erUSUL where is FloodBot ???16:28
rouiniDew420:i prefer gnome .i began with 7.1016:28
zubusorry all of you16:28
zuburealy sorry16:29
Lynet!paste | zubu16:29
ubottuzubu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:29
eth01!ops | zubu flooding16:29
ubottuzubu flooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!16:29
sunnybgcrdlb: this channel is empty, I was the only one there16:29
erUSULzorrolero: sorry tab completion error16:29
zubudidnt kno that16:29
Dew420rouini, I also prefer gnome hence I use it now :P16:29
hydrogen ...16:29
eth01oh damn, that's come late.16:29
hydrogeneth01: that was probably the worst use of a !ops ever16:29
t|zzalternate-cdrom works here, thanks a lot guys!16:29
Dew420I think people need to make better icon sets for gnome. Mehb one day i'll get around to it16:29
ksbalajirouini: Nice to know that you are here to help. Can you pl resolve my prob? I am updating Heron through adept. It said that one rss-glx is upgradable. I clicked request and I got Break(upgradable) message. Is it OK for me to proceed upgrading rss-glx? What is BREAK?16:29
mohan34uzubu: don't edit /boot/grub/menu.lst unless you know what you are doing...16:29
zubui haveent yet changed it16:30
mohan34uuse startupmanager16:30
Dew420ksbalaji, I have tried to find reference to that problem somewhere, and I have found no results16:30
mhollisjrmohan34u, where is startup manager?16:30
hydrogenDew420: you do realize that an icon set has one metric boatload of icons in it... right?16:30
CShadowRunAnyone know how i can search for files containing <text> ?16:30
hydrogenIt's not really something that you "get around to"16:30
mohan34umhollisjr: its for customize booting option..16:30
Dew420hydrogen : yeah, but all the icon sets on gnme-look are ugly and don't match my themes :P16:31
mhollisjrmohan34u, where is it not what is it16:31
amrikso back to my original question. How stable is Firefox 3 rc1 on hardy?16:31
termitormohan34u: i know what i'm do , but , i'm search gfxboot theme with babe or sexy girl :-p16:31
Dew420the colors16:31
BotulinumI just got threw installing UBUNTU. Now when it loads up it goes to this screen with alot of flashy colors and blinking lights... any idea whats wrong ???16:31
attilaCShadowRun, grep -Hhrn <text> *16:31
mhollisjrmohan34u, nevermind not installed ^^16:31
zubuit is showing all the os's but i dont want it to become the default os.16:31
Dew420ksbalaji, just click okay. I think that may be what came up on mine as well16:31
rskBotulinum: you got the christmas edition?16:31
rouiniksbalaji: go to synaptic and look for break software16:31
attilaCShadowRun, only do it in specific directories, otherwise it will take ages :p16:31
CShadowRunattila yup :)16:32
BotulinumI dunno whats going on16:32
weixI dont mean to be a pest but i have like 6 computers in my home that i have to manage16:32
mohan34uzubu: which one..16:32
mohan34uzubu: and where you are talking about? menu.lst?16:32
crdlbsunnybg: #compiz-fusion  make sure you spell it correctly16:32
rouiniDew420:is there any software like skype in Ubuntu16:32
BotulinumHas any one got a problem like that before ?16:32
saltedlighthi. i have a problem with inkscape on ubuntu 8.04. after i have instaled it with add/remove, like usual, it was started only once by another user on this system. now the problem is that _no one_ can start inkscape again on this system, even with root privileges (had to try to be sure). what may be the reason? any sugestions to get it working? please...16:33
jbroomerouini: yes, skype16:33
zubumohan34u:before upgrading to hardy i was able to choose the OS from the boot loader16:33
ChepraHello, i have a problem with my xorg.conf, it takes the x.org.failsafe by standard, how to fix that that it takes my normal xorg.conf?16:33
weixany ideas?16:33
Santanafan1|GTA@stats Zezima16:33
ubottuSantanafan1|GTA: (stats takes no arguments) -- Returns some statistics on the user database.16:33
Dew420rouini ; erm lol. I am not sure :P16:33
{Firemaker}lol @ Santanafan1|GTA16:33
mohan34uzubu: now also you can..16:33
{Firemaker}Santanafan1|GTA, this is for linux16:33
usserrouini, ekiga, twinkle but they actually use open network not compatible to skype16:33
sunnybgcrdlb: I just clicked on your post. anyway, this time it worked. thanks16:33
ubottuattila: I have 59 registered users with 7 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 4 admins.16:33
zubumohan34u ya but it is showing 2 pairs of ubuntu 8.04 loaders16:33
Dew420rouini, skype has a version on their website for linux16:33
jbroome!skype | rouini16:34
ubotturouini: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto16:34
crdlbsunnybg: sorry, I typoed the first time :)16:34
Santanafan1|GTArofl :P16:34
{Firemaker}1.4k users ftw16:34
ericmy desktop has a partitioned hard drive with one part running windows and the other running ubuntu.  the windows partition got messed up somehow and now it won't load.  on top of that, the grub screen stopped loading a while back so i never had the choice to load to ubuntu.  now i'm wondering if it's possible to get my grub screen back, go into linux, and save my files from there.  does anyone know if that would work/be possible?16:34
mohan34uzubu: thats why I am saying.. try to install startupmanager it will help you to configure boot options correctly..16:34
amriksaltedlight: can you type ls -al `which inkscape`16:34
mobst3ris there a boot iso for 8.04 ?16:34
{Firemaker}eric, pm me16:34
btplI need help with samba. i can access the share from an MS box, but it ends up giving me a "cannot read from source file/disk" error after a moment. if i reopen the window, its fine for another moment. smb.conf == http://paste.ubuntu.com/12746/16:34
Dew420eric, yes it is possible to restore your grub16:35
jeletahow do install compize-fusion16:35
rouiniDew420: shall we talk in skype16:35
bazhang!ccsm | jeleta16:35
ubottujeleta: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:35
ChepraNoone can help me?16:35
wygosh! My NTFS partition was corrupted by ubuntu!16:35
mobst3rjeleta : apt-get install compiz-fusion16:35
Dew420Rouini , I do not have it installed and rarely use it :S16:35
mohan34uzubu: or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst manually..(comment out options you don't want)16:35
eric{Firemaker}: i'm a huge nub and don't know how to do that...16:35
wyWhat can I do?16:36
newbie_hello, is there any application on ubuntu that is similar to autocad, or that could let me open and visualize an autocad file?16:36
zubumohan34u:that is ok but why is it showing two ubuntu loaders?16:36
mobst3ris there a boot iso for 8.04 ?16:36
t|zzok people, when xubuntru tries to enable the framebuffer my display gets corrupted, and i can't see anything but strange colors... i can reboot with crtl+alt+del but i can't see anything. how can i boot the alternate-install-cd without framebuffer?16:36
bazhangwy that sounds unlikely16:36
saltedlightamrik, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8234216 2008-04-08 00:42 /usr/bin/inkscape16:36
mohan34uI don't know!!! is there any ubuntu developers here???16:36
mysteriosoi have a question!   when I login to a new user using the user switcher at the top of the screen,  it works, when I try to switch back to the previous user, my screen goes white.  how do I fix it?16:36
zubuzubu:will a single # before the OS in menu list work as a comment16:36
nlindbladShouldn't the HT=on flag re-enable HyperThreading?16:36
rouiniDew420:in that reason i don't prefer skype16:36
erici'm sorry to be a nub, how do you pm somebody in pidgin irc?  do i just click 'new instant message' and put in their username?16:37
nlindbladOr has it been removed at kernel level?16:37
wybazhang: That's true. No I can't copy some of the files and the disk check program report it can't complete the check16:37
mohan34uzubu: yes..16:37
jbroomeeric: /msg <nick>16:37
zubumohan34u: what about my previous question16:37
ericjbroome: thanks16:37
Dew420newbie__ http://www.linuxcad.com16:37
jeletawhen i open my windows tab i get this error "Window manager "compiz" has not registered a configuration tool"16:37
attilazubu, when does it show the second grub? After you select one in the first?16:37
wyI should have be careful not to write to NTFS, but it seems ubuntu thinks that function is robust enough16:37
saltedlightmysterioso, just enter your password and you are good to go. i have the same problem some times, but not all the time...16:37
mohan34uzubu: for one os.. I thinks 3 or 4 lines will be there.. you need to comment out to not appear in grub menu..16:37
bazhangjeleta, install simple-ccsm16:38
mohan34uzubu: what is your previous question?16:38
jeletai did install that16:38
ksbalajidew420: and rouini ofcourse - thanks! bye.16:38
mysteriososaltedlight enter my password in the white screen?16:38
leviwinksI am having a problem16:38
zubuall the six lines or just the first line?16:38
leviwinkswhen I try to view a page on 4chan.org in firefox, it wont display16:39
leviwinksI have to scroll up and down to make it appear16:39
jbroomeleviwinks: that doesn't sound like a problem to me16:39
Dew420ksbalaji : no problem16:39
mohan34uzubu: all the six lines..16:39
amriksaltedlight: try running strace inkscape and see if anything tell-tale shows up; also check the directory that inkscape is installed in (usually /usr/share/inkscape) and make sure it has the right permissions. Also you can try moving your ~/.inkscape  settings folder to ~/.inkscape.backup to see if that is the problem16:39
leviwinksits like the previous page is stuck on top16:39
leviwinksits a problem lol16:39
leviwinksI need my 4chon16:39
bazhangleviwinks, offtopic16:39
leviwinksuhm no16:39
rouiniDew420:from which country you chat with me16:39
nlindbladDoes anyone know if HyperThreading has been completely removed?16:39
jeletabazhang i did install simple-ccsm16:39
Dew420rouini : usa16:39
leviwinksIm asking for help with a problem in firefox16:39
mohan34uzubu: backup menu.lst to some other name(eg: menu.lst.backup) before you edit..16:40
newbie_is there any autocad viewer that is free?16:40
mysteriososaltedlight that is interesting.  What is failing to show up ?  can I change it?16:40
duryhi there channel16:40
Dew420newbie_ http://www.linuxcad.com16:40
leviwinkscan you help me plz16:40
MetoxHi. can Ubuntu provide ore than 2 worksapces?16:40
bazhang!ot | leviwinks16:40
ubottuleviwinks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:40
Jack_SparrowMetox yes16:40
rouiniDew420:that is great in USA and using Ubuntu16:40
weixis there something in ubuntu that can be installed to update upgrade or reinstall other systems on a network running solely ubuntu?16:41
ljsoftnetis there a way to play trailer in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?16:41
btplMetox: yes, right click the workspace icon and select preferences, the option is in there16:41
duryis there a package for lame application16:41
saltedlightmysterioso, i'm not sure... sorry can't help more with this...16:41
amenadoweix unclear requirements, please clarify16:41
bittin!ask leviwinks16:41
Jack_Sparrowleviwinks Please lose the caps16:41
ubottuFactoid ask leviwinks not found16:41
bazhangcaps leviwinks16:41
jbroomesee what 4chan does to people16:41
MetoxMan that was too easy - thanks - Ubuntu Geeks is tops!16:41
mworthI am in the process of upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04, however it appears to have stopped whilst 'installing the upgrades' it has been stopped at 'p bluetooth services' for quite a long time16:42
Dew420what is your problem to start with, and calm down.16:42
Jack_Sparrowleviwinks Please lose the caps and watch your language, we keep a family friendly channel16:42
bittinljsoftnet: get some quicktime codec and it may work16:42
amenadomworth-> do a fresh install, why an upgrade?16:42
ljsoftnetbittin how?16:42
weixamenado, im looking to make sure that once my family's computers are running i can administer them completely from the commandline or gui with minimal effort/intervention16:42
leviwinksit has nothing to do with 4chan16:42
monestriWhy do I get a blank screen on ctrl+alt+f1?16:42
bittinleviwinks: whats the problem?16:42
leviwinksit is its formatting16:42
bigmcq77_join #boob16:42
weixamenado, does that help?16:42
Dew420leviwinks, what is your problem.16:42
leviwinksWhen I visit pages on 4chan, the previous page gets stuck on top16:42
dobledhey hey conectado16:42
mysteriososaltedlight thanks16:42
dobled...alguien de chilito lindo16:43
Daisuke_Idoah, that's an easy one to solve16:43
mworthamenado, why do a fresh install? I have all the apps I want and have got all the settings (especially for my 4 monitors) the way I want them16:43
leviwinksIts like its stuck, I have to scroll up and down to "scrape" it off16:43
rouiniDew420: i am using ktorrent it is good or not16:43
amenadoweix-> nope, its a very broad requirement, you have not even said what os those other host are running16:43
Daisuke_Idoavoid 4chan like the plague, it's nothing but evil16:43
jeletahow do i make myself root to istall compize16:43
amenadomworth-> as you found out...upgrading...16:43
ericmy desktop has a partitioned hard drive with one part running windows and the other running ubuntu.  the windows partition got messed up somehow and now it won't load.  on top of that, the grub screen stopped loading a while back so i never had the choice to load to ubuntu.  now i'm wondering if it's possible to get my grub screen back, go into linux, and save my files from there.  does anyone know if that would work/be possible?16:43
leviwinksIts not 4chan that im worried about16:43
Dew420rouini, I personally use azureus16:43
leviwinksits just the only website so far that Ive seen do this16:43
bazhangleviwinks, take the chat elsewhere please16:43
mysteriosojeleta sudo???16:43
void^leviwinks: ff3/cairo issue, thought it was fixed? works for me anyways. just use ff2 if you're troubled.16:43
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)16:43
weixamenado, the intention is to run all of them with ubuntu my desktop being the administrator.16:43
Daisuke_Idoleviwinks: seriously though, i've not seen that issue ever come up with firefox16:44
mworthamenado, Ive used the upgrader in the past for other upgrades- is this one not properly working then?16:44
jim_beamin compiz i have four desktops.  A cube has six faces.  is it possible to have desktops on the caps16:44
rouiniDew420:why all people in usa using azureus16:44
Jack_Sparrowjim_beam no16:44
leviwinksIll try FF3 RC116:44
crdlbjim_beam: no, but you can have a hexagonal prism16:44
ljsoftnetis there a way to play trailer in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?16:44
knifepointdoes anyone know how to neatly display source code in open office16:44
jim_beamhow hex16:44
Dew420rouini, it's known, it works, it's good16:44
amenadoweix yes it is possible, you have to tools in your fingertips, again you have not really made clear what would you like to control, there is no one single app to control everything.16:44
monestriCan someone help me fix touchpad scroll wheel?16:44
doblednadie que hable español..............16:44
mattro2I accidentally uninstalled ucf the other day and now my computer only opens to terminal. can anyone help?16:44
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:45
saxofonerdoes anyone have teh link to an updated wacom tutorial?16:45
crdlbjim_beam: by changing ccsm > General Options > Horizontal Virtual Size to 616:45
knifepointeg enclose the source code in a type of text box to make it nice formatting (i already tried openoffic.org and no answer)16:45
saxofonerfound it never mind16:45
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:45
crdlbjim_beam: "Advanced desktop effects settings"16:45
mysteriosoWill Ubuntu Studio upgrade with its features to 8.04?16:45
amenadomworth i suspect you will come across issues when doing upgrade, a fresh install imho is cleaner..yes you hve to reconfigure settings but thats less problematic than what you are facing now16:45
rouiniDew420:did know some sites of torrents16:45
erUSUL!es | dobled16:45
ubottudobled: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:45
weixamenado, true ok well one of two things i would like to do is one install the ubuntu os on the remote computers via my desktop and the other just ensure upgrades are all done properly and on time16:46
monestriCan someone help me fix touchpad scroll wheel?16:46
mworthamenado, will it cause big problems if I just kill the upgrader or will I have to find a bunch of settings its changed and put them back?16:46
ljsoftnetis there a way to play trailer in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?16:46
weixamenado, i figure the upgrades can be done with some fancy ssh trickery so thats not a huge issue but something like that would be exellent (and my apologies for being persistant)16:46
white_eaglehow can I renew my Ip adress in linux?16:47
amenadomworth i am not aware of any way to downgrade, or backout of an upgrade16:47
white_eaglewhat should I type in the terminal16:47
vendietaI have all codecs and all latest version of all and I cant play original dvd :(16:47
mysteriosois it possible for me to install Half-Life 2 on my system?  And run it properly?16:47
Pollywogis there a phone dialer for Linux so I can make regular phone calls from the keyboard instead of the physical phone?16:47
PollywogI do not mean VoIP16:47
jim_beamhow about verticle16:47
bazhang!wine | mysterioso16:47
ubottumysterioso: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:47
amrikwhite_eagle: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:47
Varangerhello! How I make a diskette image from a couple of files?16:47
Dew420mysterioso, with steam or non-steam?16:47
mysteriosobazhang I have wine.16:47
mysteriosodew420 ?16:48
white_eagleamrik: thanks16:48
Jack_Sparrow!appdb | mysterioso16:48
ubottumysterioso: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org16:48
Dew420HL2, do you use steam?16:48
Dew420in other words, do you have a legal copy ori llegal16:48
amenadoweix its okay to be persistent..yes you can set up elaborate system to do an upgrade remotely..or as you have said ssh in to a remote host and executing the upgrade16:48
zubumohan34u:how do i change my screen resolution16:48
bazhang!piracy | Dew42016:48
ubottuDew420: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:48
mysteriosodew420 I have a stack of cds16:48
rouiniDew420:thanks a lot16:48
ljsoftnetis there a way to play trailer in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?16:48
mysteriosoin a box16:48
amenadoPollywog-> and what device do you have to make the actual dialing to your POTS ?16:49
Pollywogamenado: via modem16:49
Dew420mysterioso, google installing steam in wine16:49
Jack_Sparrowljsoftnet THose work for me here16:49
mysteriosodew420 ok16:49
mattro2I cannot get my computer to open past terminal, any ideas?16:49
Pollywogamenado: like what Windows does with dialer.exe16:50
jim_beammy screensaver flickers using fglrix and radeon is that because im using the opensource driver16:50
zubuattila:how do i change my screen resolution16:50
rouiniDew:thepiratesby is from which countery16:50
bazhangljsoftnet, sure just click on them16:50
amenadoPollywog-> yes you can use wvdial to issue Hayes AT commands and dial out..now to pickup the reciever to answer and connect it to your voice source ..not sure16:50
humboltoWhy has alsa dmix been disabled in Hardy?16:50
Daisuke_Idojim_beam: since fglrx isn't open source, though16:50
bazhangrouini, that talk is not welcome here thanks16:51
amrikhumbolto: didn't its functionality get replaced by pulseaudio?16:51
Dew420yeah I was talkin to him in pm :/ lol16:51
amenadoPollywog-> i dont remember what dialer.exe does..how do you then want to answer the phone line?16:51
weixamenado, is there some kind of web gui that can be installed to one computer to take care of all the things that would be done locally on a remote computer?16:51
Pollywogamenado: thanks, I had not thought of that, I thought wvdial was only for starting PPP sessions... thanks16:51
jim_beamgot it but what about the flicker16:51
weixamenado, i do recall something that could do something like this but i cant remember the name.16:51
rouinibazhang: i am sorry16:51
Daisuke_Idono clue16:51
Pollywogamenado: I just need it for dialing out16:51
karel_Hi, I've winxp and ubuntu installed on a hd, can I move the partitions to another hd (in the same pc) using a gparted cd or wouldn't that work?16:51
zubuhow can i change my screen resolution?16:51
monestriCan someone help me fix touchpad scroll wheel please?16:51
amenadoweix i cant recall the name of the gui either16:52
humboltoamrik: There are still tons of apps that are unable to use pulseaudio. Therefore you can not play from these and from a pulse app at the same time.16:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:52
wyStrange. All the files created by Ubuntu into NTFS is said to be corrupted.16:52
amenadoPollywog-> well wvdial can do the dialing16:52
=== Omarmatuer is now known as bonhommedeneige
weixamenado, but it does sound like something that could be done?16:52
Pollywogamenado: probably, I had not thought of it16:52
humboltoamrik: Don't understand why to sacrifice this additional layer of compartibility.16:52
dot_what drivers should I use on linux ubuntu 8.04 if I have ases geforce fx 5200 3d card16:52
amenadoPollywog-> then you have to write scripts and such after..16:52
bazhangwy more likely a permissions issue;what you say is unlikely in the extreme16:52
ljsoftnetjack_sparrow do you have mplayer?16:53
Jack_Sparrowmonestri what does that link have to do with your scroll wheel.. Please tell us what the problem really is with it16:53
Pollywogamenado: oh I see I am not explaining it well16:53
amenadoweix-> oh yeah, it can be done indeed, if not with gui, cli off course is readily available16:53
mysteriosoI found this for installing Steam.  Is this the easiest way?   http://fedorasolved.org/gaming-solutions/installing-steam-using-wine16:53
Jack_Sparrowljsoftnet I would imagine I do..16:53
cyphai get an error about KNotify crashing when i press the X on amarok (i'm using Gnome, and amarok is a KDE app)16:53
cyphaafterwards, i get no sound16:53
cyphaany idea how to fix this?16:53
Pollywogamenado: I want to make REGULAR calls from my computer and talk using a heaset/mic16:53
wybazhang: Maybe... I just hope it's not serious problem16:53
cyphaor am i not allowed to use amarok?16:53
amrikhumbolto: yes, I also had this same issue with VMware. I can't remember the exact solution, but you can basically pulseaudio can create the /dev/ virtual devices and you can use these for the applications that arent compatible16:53
ljsoftnetjack_sparrow is there a way to play trailer in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?16:53
Pollywograther than the regular telephone handset16:54
bazhangljsoftnet, aye, just click on them16:54
Filoxhello to everyone.......16:54
Jack_Sparrowljsoftnet I said I just did.. I have one up right now for monster camp16:54
monestrihttp://paste.php.lv/7400?lang=php ?? the problem is it's not working?!16:54
amenadoPollywog-> well after you make it dial, your scripts has to put the connection to sleep while you're having the voice convo,16:54
monestriStops after a coupe hours of use16:54
monestriat seemingly random points in time16:54
duryskype works great on 8.04 lts16:54
bazhang!it | stefano16:54
ubottustefano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:54
Jack_Sparrow!doesntwork | monestri16:54
ubottumonestri: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:54
Pollywogamenado: thanks16:54
ljsoftnetbazhang i can't play those trailers in firefox16:54
FiloxI have a problem I can send file from pc to phone via bluetooth but not viceversa..... any help?16:54
Wobboi can't figure out if my sli is working, if i type 'lspci -t' i get the same overview with sli bridge, without, and using 3 way sli bridge16:54
monestriha ha ha ha ha ha ha16:54
amenadoPollywog-> you're modem has interface for your mic i hope16:54
=== nihility is now known as nihi`
durycouldn't use it under 7.0416:55
max__Connecting to my samba share, I get Connection Refused.   Do I need to forward a port in my router?16:55
bazhangljsoftnet, install the mplayer plugin16:55
Pollywogamenado: it would not need one... I guess I will have to use XP if I want to do this16:55
monestrithe scroll wheel stops working, I don't know how to be more specific,16:55
BSG75anyone know how to get blackberry pearl to work under ubuntu?16:55
ljsoftnetbazhang how?16:55
mewtHI everyone, I'd like to get pae support in my 32-bit desktop ubuntu hardy, anyone know of any tutorials that will help me achieve this ?16:55
Jack_Sparrowmonestri the next time it does that .. type this in a terminal..  sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse16:55
FiloxI have a problem I can send file from pc to phone via bluetooth but not viceversa..... any help?16:55
bazhangsynaptic ljsoftnet16:55
Pollywogor else just buy a different telephone with plugs for handset/mic16:55
monestrinext time?16:55
ubottuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents16:55
monestriit's not working right now16:55
karel_Hi, I've winxp and ubuntu installed on a hd, can I move the partitions to another hd (in the same pc) using a gparted cd or wouldn't it boot from there?16:56
* emma *smiles*16:56
amrikmewt: one quick way is to install the server kernel and boot into that16:56
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Jack_Sparrowmonestri so you would then do what I just said eh16:56
amenadoPollywog-> no one is stopping you, to do those, you are trying to use an equipment designed for something else, but hey thats what innovators do..all power to them16:56
max__karel_, dont move your partitions.  big trouble you will have.16:56
ljsoftnetbazhang i don't see any mplayer plugin in synaptic16:56
mewtamrik, i thought of that, but i dont want to end up using deadline as my scheduler :/ which is why i started looking into getting pae suport for my current desktop kernel16:56
karel_max__: ok, thx16:56
lintelwhere is the start-up picture located please?16:57
monestriwould you then*16:57
monestriyes I did it16:57
amenadoPollywog-> even using windows, if your modem does not have a mic input..dont know how you'd expect to have a convo16:57
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork16:57
amrikmewt: you might have to recompile your kernel then :(16:57
max__karel_, unless you are savvy with grub, edit all your config file to point to the new drive locations (hd1 instead of hd0 example)16:57
Pollywogamenado: what I need is a "softphone" type thing like what Skype has, but for ordinary calls instead of VoIP16:57
rouiniDew420:my PC is AMD is good or not16:57
bazhangljsoftnet, mozilla-mplayer16:57
monestriwhat's next?16:57
* mewt feared so16:57
karel_max__: might be able to do that, but it's ok :)16:57
max__Do I need to open a port in my router for SAMBA ?16:57
amenadoPollywog-> well now, you have just changed the requirements from what you have said earlier...two different animals16:57
ljsoftnetbazhang i already tried that but still doesn't work16:57
cyphano one uses amarok?16:57
blueskynisjust tried something :)16:58
Jack_SparrowPollywog there are no free version that let you call from pc to peoples home phones16:58
mewtamrik, will there be noticeable performance gains or loses if i use a server kernel ?16:58
bazhangljsoftnet, then you need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras and clear firefox cache (restart firefox as well)16:58
amenadoPollywog-> at one time,  dial-pad was very good, bought by google, dont know what they did with dial-pad16:58
PollywogJack_Sparrow: you are not understanding me....  I do not want to use VoIP.  I just want to make a regular call but from the computer16:58
monestriJack_Sparrow, ?16:58
Pollywogthough my regular phone line16:58
duryis it possible this -> http://lame.sourceforge.net/links.php in UBUNTU16:59
PollywogWindows has done this since Win9516:59
amenadoPollywog-> and I also told you, does your modem have a mic to allow you to speak and be heard at the other end?16:59
crdlbjoombaga: vertical only works when using Desktop Wall instead of Cube, and the flicker is due to limitations in the Direct Rendering Infrastructure that both drivers use.16:59
Jack_SparrowPollywog With special modems and drivers.. correct16:59
bazhangPollywog, free phone calls via the phone line?16:59
crdlbjim_beam: ^^16:59
Pollywogbazhang: I did not say free16:59
Pollywogthe local calls would be free17:00
monestriJack_Sparrow, ?17:00
PollywogI would pay for others just like any other call17:00
Jack_Sparrowmonestri what17:00
kwananyone here have experience with dmraid?17:00
bazhangPollywog, does your modem have a mic17:00
amenadoPollywog-> and you gained what?17:00
rouiniAMD is better or intel17:00
monestriJack_Sparrow, what am I supposed to do after removing my modules?17:00
bazhang!ot | rouini17:00
ubotturouini: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:00
amrikmewt: on a high level they are the same, but a lot of low-level options for the kernel are different (pre-emption, scheduling algorithm etc.) you can try it and see if it fits your needs. if not I can recommend http://howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu as a good guide to compile your kernel with settings based on your current ones17:00
Jack_Sparrowrouini Please dont take polls in the channel17:00
Jack_Sparrowmonestri did you run that line I gave17:00
mewtamrik, <317:01
monestrisudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse17:01
Jack_Sparrowmonestri all of it17:01
rsk!better | rouini17:01
ubotturouini: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:01
Pollywogokay thanks ppl I guess I just don't know what I am talking about ;)17:01
Khisanthamenado: convenience!17:01
monestriwhat else did you want me to run?17:01
amenadoKhisanth-> convenience to dial out?  hehe17:01
Jack_Sparrowmonestri  sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse17:01
bazhangemma please ask before PM'ing me thanks17:01
XmatriXHey anyone using ubuntu 8.04 with pulse audio installed?17:01
LinuxRevohey all17:01
monestrisudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse17:01
rskXmatriX: i guess? it's installed by default17:01
monestrii've run it, now what?17:01
LinuxRevoI have a question please17:02
XmatriXwell the pulse isnt installed by default17:02
XmatriXi think alsa is17:02
emmabazhang certainly. may I pm you?17:02
Jack_Sparrowmonestri regular mouse right, not some bluetooth bargain bin special17:02
JustineCHi. I have a *minimal* ubuntu install for a server.  How do I enable iptables in upstart?  'apt-get install iptables' says its already installed, but 'update-rc.d iptables defaults' returns "update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/iptables: file does not exist".  What step am I missing?17:02
cyphadoes everyone have issues running amarok on ubuntu/gnome?17:02
ljsoftnetbazhang i already tried that17:02
monestriIt's a synaptics touchpad.17:02
bazhangemma please ask in channel for the benefit of all17:02
Pollywogcan someone tell me how I can add my jabber ID to my Ubuntu forums contact methods?  I see ICQ and MSN but not Jabber17:02
joombagaXmatriX: ALSA installed vy default for me too17:02
Jack_Sparrowmonestri running that fixed the wheel on mine17:02
Khisanthamenado: no, but at least for me I am often working with headphones on17:02
MattJPollywog: Hmm, I am sure it was there once...17:02
LinuxRevoSwiftFox Error17:02
amenadoJustineC-> typically netfilter and iptables tools are already embedded on the kernel17:02
Khisanththe headphones are connected to the computer :)17:02
krlosi have a problem with my ubuntu cd install17:02
rouiniis there difference between Ubuntu 7.10 and 8.0417:02
kwanI created the raid set.  When i use fdisk & parted, it showed that i have succesfully created the partitions but under /dev/mapper/ the two partitions I created doesn't show up17:02
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad17:02
PollywogMattJ: yes me too but it's gone now17:02
krlosi can't do it17:03
monestrithanks i'll read that17:03
MattJPollywog: Join #ubuntuforums17:03
emmabazhang - This has to do with comments you made. Is that something you want to talk about here?17:03
PollywogMattj: thanks17:03
rouinii found nothing special in Ubuntu 8.0417:03
XmatriXrouini: how did u format those partitions??17:03
ljsoftnetis there a way to play trailer in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?17:03
krlosthis sayme "this kernel requires x86-64 cpu, ... but only detected an i1586"17:03
thompacant enable desktop effects after update?17:03
bazhangemma join ubuntu-ops17:03
rskljsoftnet: use mplayerplug-in17:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:03
amenadoKhisanth-> cool, perhaps you can tell Pollywog which model of modem you have and drivers that go along with it...to feed sounds to your headset17:03
kwantherefore, I can't create filesystems for em17:03
krloswhen i try to change the disk.. the new install showme the same error17:03
amrikkrlos: do you have a amd64 cpu? or i38617:04
PenguinIs it possible to prevent kubuntu/ubuntu from installing apps by default?17:04
ljsoftnetrsk through synaptic?17:04
rskno thourgh firefox17:04
XmatriXPenguin: no, they come by default, but u can remove them in synaptic if you do not use them17:04
Jack_SparrowPenguin there are different options for installs..17:04
ljsoftnetrsk how?17:04
rouinixamatrix:  i am using partition editor17:04
amenadokwan are you doing LVM?17:05
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:05
krlosamrik, it is a Piv i586,17:05
rskljsoftnet: install it and use it?17:05
JustineCamenado: I'm coming from SysVInit-land ... what does "embedded on the kernel" mean?  How do I turn iptables on/off in Ubuntu, I guess is the question?17:05
PenguinI need to have everything uninstalled before I try to install to a 512MB SD CARd17:05
ljsoftnetrsk how do i install it?17:05
kwanamenado, dmraid and following through the fakeraidHowto right now17:05
XmatriXrouini: partition editor, does that run on a boot disk or windows?17:05
clintchanc1How can i make network automaticaly connect to my wireless network, getting tired of having to set password and all that.  Also how can i make two ext3 filesystms merge?17:05
amenadoJustineC-> i meant to say, the netfilter for firewalling is compiled to the kernel..17:05
thompaif desktop appearances no longer starts do i reinstall restricted stuff?17:05
ljsoftnetrsk: just apt-get, isn't it lacking?17:06
clintchanc1MY live Cd wont work i tants a login everytime i use it and i dont know the login17:06
LinuxRevo>:o Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllppppppppppp17:06
Jack_SparrowPenguin are you trying a full install on 512 usb?   see !minimal17:06
XmatriXclintchanc1: download wicd, i feel it much better17:06
amrikkrlos: I'm guessing the obvious reason of "the live-cd is amd64" isn't right...17:06
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:06
rouinixmatrix:in windows there is partition manager17:06
compengii had a problem with nvidia card being detected on hardy. and after installing restricted-drivers things went even worse, the resolution went down to 640x480 and there is no other higher option. in xorg.conf file there was nothing mentioned about my vga card nor about monitor. nothing, only defaults. so i decided to reinstall hardy but took the xorg.conf file from gutsy live cd. everything works fine after, but after every reboot i need to rest17:06
compengiart the x-server to have the xorg.conf file settings loaded. is there any idea how to fix it?17:06
XmatriXclinctchan1: it will solve ur problem and better interface17:06
NW2190hi, how do you update Firefox beta 5 to RC1 in ubuntu?17:06
ubottuFactoid wicd not found17:06
amenadoJustineC-> you dont really turn off the firewall per se, you just either have a default ACCEPT and no rules (same as your definition of off) or have rules to filter unwanted packets17:06
LinuxRevoHey EMMA17:06
clintchanc1XmatriX, what is wicd17:06
emmaHi LinuxRevo17:06
ledmushroomwhats the difference between desklets and screenlets ?17:06
PenguinJack_Sparrow: That's what I need17:07
LinuxRevoemma: how r u?17:07
krlosamrik, nop.. it is a kubuntu for pc.. the last one ... i get it one week ago17:07
JustineCamenado: iptables is a service, no?17:07
Jack_SparrowPenguin great..17:07
krlosand i just installed yesterday in other machinne17:07
LinuxRevoemma: can i ask a question?17:07
emmaLinuxRevo, I'm fine but this is not a good place for chit chat. Check your channel list for all the other Ubuntu channels.17:07
XmatriXclintchanc1: its another internet manager instead of gnome network manager. Before u install i believe u have to remove the gnome one, but in my experiece it works 100% better, and never looses a connection17:07
LinuxRevoall say this!17:07
PollywogMattj: I was told that #ubuntuforums is not a help channel17:07
screenname92834folks, I think I should upgrade my linux version does anyone know anything about this?17:07
bazhang!upgrade | screenname9283417:08
ubottuscreenname92834: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:08
rouinithanks alt for everybody buy17:08
max__I can't ping myself from other computers on the network.  Any Ideas?17:08
amenadoJustineC-> nope, its not a service you start from init..its part of the kernel (modules are auto loaded) and i dont think one can rmmod it, unless you compile a new kernel without it17:08
XmatriXrouini: ive nvr tried partition manager, but try Acronis Partition Expert17:08
kwanamenado, its weird, cuz i should expect to see isw_blahblah1 & isw_blahblah2  under /dev/mapper/17:08
MattJPollywog: Hold on, investigating17:08
amrikkrlos: are you sure that its not the amd64 live-cd though, and is the i386?17:09
PollywogMattj: ty17:09
krlosamrik, this one say me that i require an x86-64... well i tryed to do it, get the x86-64, after that it sayme ... require x8617:09
joombagamax__: Do you have network connectivity?17:09
Armored_AzraelHow do I force evolution to select pgp encrypt by default?17:09
rouinixamatrix : i know acronis17:09
FiloxI have a problem I can send file from pc to phone via bluetooth but not viceversa..... any help?17:09
krlosamrik, i try both17:09
max__joombaga, Well, I'm connected to a router, and the other 2 computers are connected to the same router with the same subnet/gateway.   Is that what you mean ?17:09
XmatriXrouini: thats the one i used when i dual booted, but i heard ubuntu 8.04 comes with a feature called Wubi and u run it on windows and it installs there17:10
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amenadokwan am not very familiar with softraid, i thought you were doing LVM17:10
Lynetkrlos: So.. what error message does the i386 CD give you?17:10
screenname92834so which bits of my system are actually going to be upgraded when I go to hardy?17:10
screenname92834is it just the kernel?17:10
=== Crust is now known as novacrust
XmatriXrouini: almost like a windows application install, but when u boot up u can choose17:10
max__joombaga, how do I add network connectivity?17:10
monestriCan someone help me fix touchpad scroll wheel please?17:10
Jack_Sparrowrouini please read all of the faq and warnings before using that17:11
krlosLynet, requires x86-64, when i use a x86-64 sayme requires x86-i158617:11
max__monestri, what brand touchpad?  Synaptics?17:11
screenname92834what things are included in the hardy  distribution, does it include gnome  and the desktop and things like the CD player?17:11
monestriyep max__17:11
monestrithe scroll wheel dies at random points in time17:11
rskscreenname92834: yes17:11
screenname92834is the kernel going to get updated as well?17:11
max__monestri, ok, I did that on my Dell Inspiron, you just have to install a driver and add synaptics device into your xorg.conf17:11
rskscreenname92834: games officetools instant messenger etc etc17:11
kwananyone here used dmraid??  (Yes, i have read the FakeRaidHowto already)17:11
XmatriXJack_Sparrow: i havent tried it, but my friend has and said it was pretty straight forward, wat are the dangers??17:11
rskscreenname92834: only if there's a bug17:11
monestrimax__, the synaptics driver?17:12
max__monestri, there was a guide I googled for that, you should be able to find it, just search for: ubuntu synaptics touch17:12
=== andreas__ is now known as andor
screenname92834so why do I want to upgrade to hardy?17:12
monestriI already have an entry for it17:12
Jack_SparrowXmatriX It is nothing I would ever use...  and this is not the place to discuss it..17:12
amenadokwan which tutorial are you following trhough? let me see if I can make sense out of it17:12
screenname92834I don't have a problem with dapper.17:12
rskscreenname92834: if you dont you dont. no one is forcing you17:12
joombagamax__: Does it say you are connected?  By default the network monitor applet is on the top panel in ubuntu, and it will say if you're connected.17:12
Lynetkrlos: "i1586" does not exist. What is the exact name of the .iso you burned, and what is the exact error message?17:12
amenadoscreenname92834-> dont need to upgrade, not needed17:12
XmatriXJack_Sparrow: but this is ubuntu irc if not here where else?17:12
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834 Please /join #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions..17:12
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: why?17:13
compengi_i got dc'd, did anyone answer me?17:13
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834 this is support, it is not for polls or discussions...17:13
Jack_SparrowXmatriX Please read the faq....17:13
XmatriXwow dc'd havent heard that since starcraft lol17:13
max__joombaga, Yes I'm connected via DHCP.  my ip is and I am trying to ping that from my other computers which are also 192.168.1.xxx    I assume I'm connected, as I'm on the internet right now.17:13
krlosLynet, in this time i am trying with the last one kubuntu for i58617:13
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: I am getting support. I am discovering information about Hardy.17:13
max__joombaga, The icon says "Manual network configuration"17:14
XmatriXJack_Sparrow: aiight how u get the faq??17:14
compengi_XmatriX, O.o17:14
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834 Not the same thing17:14
MattJPollywog: Join the channel again17:14
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:14
max__joombaga, I can ping google.com and I can ping my router,   and I can even ping the other computers.   But the other computers can't ping me17:14
monestrithe link Jack_Sparrow gave me has information on setting one up, but not troubleshooting one17:15
krlosLynet, it show me . this kernel requires an x86-64 cpu, but only detected and i586 CPU. Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropiate for your cpu17:15
joombagamax__: it's possible that your computer is blocking icmp (ping requests).17:15
XmatriXJack_Sparrow: it said safe, how is it dangerous??17:15
joombagamax__: I'd have to do some searching to figure out how to fix that17:15
max__joombaga, I have port 21 forwarded, and a ftp server installed (proftpd) and I cant ping port 21 either17:15
jbroomeyou don't ping ports17:16
kwan!dmraid | amenado17:16
ubottuFactoid dmraid not found17:16
jbroometelnet ftphost 2517:16
max__jbroome, well I can't telenet it either17:16
Jack_SparrowXmatriX You could lose your windows install and mess up your ntfs partition...  but read the faq on wubi and how it differes from a regular install on its own partition17:16
Lynetkrlos: You should never get that kind of error message if you burned an i586 iso. You are trying to install from a x86-64/amd64 iso.17:16
jbroomeerr, not 25, 2117:16
LinuxRevono one wnts to help?17:16
XmatriXJack Sparrow: aiight man, thanks17:16
monestriCan someone help me fix touchpad scroll wheel please?17:17
max__I'm thinking maybe a reinstall, since 7.10 worked fine out-of-box jbroome joombaga17:17
Toluusanyone know any good games on linux? if yes please pm me :P17:17
kokolohello!! can someone helo me to install grub on separate partition beacause i have a dual boot ubuntu an xp, for that can i use ubuntu live cd and install grub from there to partiotion dev/sda1 or or any other way, pls help17:17
thompahelp. i updated and desktop effects cannot be enabled?17:17
jbroomemax__: whatever works for you17:17
amenadowhoever has created a  large file (5gig) from existing FS, formatted it into a different FileSystem and installed another linux on it? can you make it bootable? or you must put it in a separate partition to make it bootable?17:17
ywwgHow do I restart wpa supplicant on Ubuntu hardy?  I know how to run the command, but I can't find the configuration file it uses or the init.d script that launches it (if any)17:18
clintchanc1XmatriX, why does it timeout during ip retrival?17:18
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clintchanc1XmatriX, why does it timeout during ip retrival?17:18
krlosLynet, ... plop.. i am like a newbie...17:18
joombagamax__: So you're trying to access an ftp share on this computer from the other two?  I haven't had any problems doing that on Hardy17:18
krlosi mistake the cd...17:18
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max__joombaga, ftp and samba17:18
screenname92834how do I upgrade to hardy easily? The website says you need to update everything first which is unnecessary.17:18
Lynetkrlos: Yeah, I kinda figured.. ;-)17:18
amenadokokolo-> you have an installed linux? what happened when you installed ubuntu?17:19
max__joombaga, have ports forwarded, and still get connection refused.   do i need to open ports in iptables, I thought the daemon would do that for me?17:19
clintchanc1XmatriX, why does it timeout suring Ip Retrival?17:19
amenadoscreenname92834-> im suggesting a fresh install instead of upgrade, at least you can delete the new install if you dont like it, but no way to downgrade17:19
defdefin ubuntu 8.04, what do i need to do to RDP into a windows box? I tried changing the port to 3389, that did not work.17:19
max__joombaga, but since icmp isnt even working, it seems like all I have is WAN not LAN17:20
joschanPlease help, i locked myself out of X and have only terminal now. when i startx it says "user not authorized to run X server", how can I quickly authorize?17:20
joschanI have no brpowser and nothing only irc at the present17:20
compengi_screenname92834, read this http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:20
trufknarfHey People! When i do "mount", i get no line with "... on / ". how can / not be mounted?17:20
max__trufknarf, if you have a command prompt, then / is mounted.17:21
clintchanc1why does wcid timeout durring ip retrieval17:21
amenadotrufknarf-> paste into pastebin your result of mount and we'll take a peek17:21
joombagamax__: I don't know, I've only done it between computers that were on the same subnet through DHCP without port forwarding.17:21
h0axhow long should the minimal installation cd hang  at 6% for ... i can see it downloading17:21
h0axfor 8.0417:21
trufknarfamenado: its on my other computer. that one has no internet17:21
amenadoclintchanc1-> dont know what you meant by ip retrieval,  if you type this in your terminal   sudo ip  a  what do you get?17:21
max__joombaga, Ok thanks, I'm starting to think it's the Windows computers that are at fault   =]17:21
mysteriosoOK I just inserted the disk (Half-Life 2 disc 1\5)  and I "installed" Steam  When I ran the icon that it put on my  desktop, It updated Steam.  But when I click on it now It opens an applet type window and it has flashy type icons that are interactive (buttons) but It does not display the text or graphics.  A window for WINE came up and said that the application is trying to display HTML and if I clicked install it would fix it.  It di17:21
zubuattila: how can i install the driver of graphics card17:21
mcphailjoschan: don't use startx. Restart the gui with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"17:21
clintchanc1amenado, whell im connected right now so id return this connections ip address.17:22
zubuattila:also how can i change the resolution of my screen?17:22
clintchanc1using Network manager17:22
joschanmcphail: i am not using gdm17:22
amenadotrufknarf-> you have a usb drive where you can transfer it to a file? or you have to do a manual copy, be accurate with the info, or else you'd get a bad advise too17:22
screenname92834I think they know nothing about ubuntu in ubuntu-offtopic, and seem to be talking about blackadder17:22
Nithmysterioso: your message was cut off at "and if I clicked install it would fix it. "17:22
joombagamax__: I wouldn't be surprised.17:22
amenadoclintchanc1-> did you try the command i gave you?17:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:23
Flannelscreenname92834: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades17:23
mysteriosoOK I just inserted the disk (Half-Life 2 disc 1\5)  and I "installed" Steam  When I ran the icon that it put on my  desktop, It updated Steam.  But when I click on it now It opens an applet type window and it has flashy type icons that are interactive (buttons) but It does not display the text or graphics.  A window for WINE came up and said that the application is trying to display HTML and if I clicked install it would fix it.17:23
clintchanc1amenado, it gave a help message telling me how to use it17:23
monkeyBoxWhy is /etc/init.d/hdparm no longer available in hardy?17:23
mysteriosoit didnt work17:23
mysteriosohow do I fix it? do I have to install the whole game?17:23
amenadoclintchanc1-> try this    ip a17:23
h0axhow long should the minimal installation cd hang  at 6% for ... i can see it downloading for 8.0417:24
mworthmy failed upgrade has resulted in a brolen package, however I am finding it impossible to reinstall it like I am told I must17:24
mcphailjoschan: ok. The obvious 1st question is "if not, why not?"17:24
screenname92834compengi_: what is the point of that?17:24
FlannelmonkeyBox: Because of the switch over to upstart17:24
clintchanc1amenado, it gave ips to all 3 of my connections instead of eth017:24
zubuhow can i install my graphics card driver?17:24
amenadomworth-> you have the liveCD cdrom?  install it from that17:24
screenname92834compengi_: state the obvious and unhelpful wont you17:24
monkeyBoxFlannel, what's upstart?17:25
compengi_screenname92834, didn't you want a upgrade to hardy documentation?17:25
RabidWeezleI need a comparison right now, about to buy a new laptop, need to know what is the state of the ati drivers vs. the nvidia drivers17:25
mworthamenado, I am happy to stay with 7.10 if the upgrade wont work- I dont want to redo everything17:25
amenadoclintchanc1-> so? is eth0 active? is it in use?17:25
Flannelh0ax: Did you verify the CD?  Is this 6% of the actual install?  It would depend on your internet speed and the mirrors internet speed, since you're downloading17:25
Flannel!upstart | monkeyBox17:25
ubottumonkeyBox: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:25
clintchanc1amenado, no eht0 is not active im using wlan0 rightnow with network manager gnome17:25
karel_Hi, I'm trying to fix grub, when I enter the command "setup (hd0)" it says "Error 12: Invalid device requested"... what can I do?17:25
h0axFlannel , yeah it's 6% of the actual installation .. been there about 20 mins now17:25
McRibCould someone please suggest a decent Firefox 2 plugin that will allow me to play streaming video (particularly the Quicktime format)?  I'm using Hardy and mozilla-mplayer no longer supports Firefox 2 in Hardy.17:26
amenadomworth-> just my opinion, 7.10 is wonderful, no need to go to 8.04  and am assuming you have done the patches for that nasty bug..17:26
h0axwhen i used the debian minimal it had got alot further17:26
defdefin ubuntu 8.04, what do i need to do to RDP into a windows box? I tried changing the port to 3389, that did not work.17:26
RabidWeezleaka, performance wise, is ati keeping up with nvidia on linux yet?17:26
amenadoclintchanc1-> then if eth0 is not active why do you expect it to have an ip address?17:26
mworthamenado, dunno what bug you're on about but I have installed all the availible upgrades17:26
jbroomedefdef: check out tsclient17:26
karel_nevermind, found it17:26
mworthhowever I am stuck in shitty graphics mode atm17:26
joschanmcphail: it is nice that you help me. i thougth ubuntu means freedom. you can do things in different way. i was spending 3 hours to get rid of gdm. i just dont want it. so if you are now teling me i should go back to gdm i could go back to windows, right?17:26
Flannelh0ax: Like I said, it depends on the internet.  If this doesn't work, try the alternate CD, same options, just with packages on the CD itself17:27
clintchanc1amenado,i dont, wcid is the program i want to use too connect to my network but when i use it it timesout at ip retrieval (or what ever its called)17:27
amenadomworth-> good that you are updated, its the vmsplice am referring to..17:27
sbohanHey, I am having a problem doing a fresh install of Hardy Heron is the right place to ask for help?17:27
monkeyBoxFlannel, any idea how I would add hdparm to the default startup?   I'm trying to emply a fix to keep my hard-drive from dying (Load_Cycle_Count going up really fast)17:27
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mcphailjoschan: no. I was merely suggesting that getting rid of gdm makes things difficult for yourself. Fair enough - I'll not bother you any more17:27
RabidWeezlealso, another thing I need to know is what is the standard vga= kernel line in ubuntu (I fragged mine on the dell laptop so I get no tty's :/ )17:27
joombagaDoes anyone know what package contains "update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders" ?17:27
RabidWeezlein /boot/grub/menu.list17:28
Flannel!bum | monkeyBox17:28
ubottumonkeyBox: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:28
amenadoclintchanc1-> can you paste the command and the result in pastebin? i have not used wicd..so i am not well versed with it.17:28
mcphailjoschan: ok. The obvious 1st question is "if not, why not?"17:28
FlannelmonkeyBox: Apart from that, I'm not too sure, no.  Not familiar enough wit upstart personally.17:28
joschanmcphail: you are not bothering me. if no one helps me now to get permisions for startx i will have to reinstall gdm and be frustrated for the rest of my life ;-)17:28
clintchanc1amenado, its a gui17:28
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:28
mysteriosohas anyone here ever installed halflife2 using linux?17:28
screenname92834compengi: what I want is to upgrade to hardy without running all the updates first, as I have said. Alternatively someone could explain to me why I need to update all my software to upgrade to hardy.17:28
mcphailjoschan: sorry - didn't mean to repost...17:28
Itakuwhere are firefox cookies stored?17:28
duryhey guys I have problem with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12751/17:29
mysteriosoIt keeps telling me that an application is not allowing the cd to be ejected.17:29
blah569Why is it that whenever I install a Metacity GTK theme, in the "Appearance Preferences," and then I receive a message telling me that the theme was installed successfully, but then the theme is not visible on the list of themes to apply?17:29
joschanmcphail: np. the problem is i have no gui now and only irc.17:29
amenadoclintchanc1-> am not a gui person, i use mostly cli, so what ever your gui can do to retrieve info, i can do likewise..17:29
mysteriosobut I need to put the 2nd cd in!17:29
zubuattila:how can i go back to 7.10 from 8.04?17:29
Jack_Sparrowdury please post a description of the problem and not just a link17:29
Flannelmysterioso: is this for wine?17:29
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.17:29
zvacetscreenname92834: your system have to be up to date to perform upgrade17:29
joschanmcphail: i will now reinstall gdm so i have lost many hours and end frustrated this day. but have to accept it17:29
clintchanc1amenado, do you think a reboot would help?17:29
joschanmcphail: thank you for caring!17:30
mcphailjoschan: i _used_ to know this kind of thing back in the old slackware days! I'm afraid my "startx" knowledge has atrophied over the years!17:30
amenadoclintchanc1-> maybee..dont know what you got..17:30
mysteriosoFlannel  Im not entirely sure.  I have WINE. but I just double clicke the installer in the cd drive17:30
kokolohello!! can someone helo me to install grub on separate partition beacause i have a dual boot ubuntu an xp, for that can i use ubuntu live cd and install grub from there to partiotion dev/sda1 or or any other way, pls help17:30
screenname92834zvacet: why? my system is dapper, and the upgrade runs from dapper to hardy.17:30
mysteriosoand it ran the installer17:30
Flannelmysterioso: What program are you installing?17:30
sbohanWhenever I try and install ubuntu 8.04 onto my machine during a fresh install it crashes my machine at ~97% particularly when i mentions it is trying to install the sbp2 driver17:30
blah569Why is it that whenever I install a Metacity GTK theme, in the "Appearance Preferences," and then I receive a message telling me that the theme was installed successfully, but then the theme is not visible on the list of themes to apply?17:30
mysteriosoflannel Half-Life 217:30
screenname92834now we're making progress17:30
blah569Why is it that whenever I install a Metacity GTK theme, in the "Appearance Preferences," and then I receive a message telling me that the theme was installed successfully, but then the theme is not visible on the list of themes to apply?  I am using Ubuntu 8.04. *17:30
amenadokokolo-> you have an installed linux? what happened when you installed ubuntu? what do you get when you boot? a grub menu?17:31
joschanmcphail: i will have to find this out on a seperate test installation. will bring back my gui now because i need it urgently17:31
joschanthank you!17:31
mcphailjoschan: one thing i would check is the permissions on ~/.Xauthority17:31
sbohanthis is weird as I previously ran 7.10 without issue and kubuntu 8.04 installed fine first time It just didn't support my wireless card (which was strange as I thought it was just the window manager that changed)17:31
Flannelmysterioso: I think that's a yes.  Usually what you do is copy the contents of the CD to a folder, and then do the same for the rest, etc.  But, I'm not really too sure.  You might try #winhq, they'll probably know.17:31
zvacetscreenname92834: you need all Dapper updates not all updates from other releases17:31
TailsfanHello, Is there a way to use Ubuntu to stream Multimedia onto Xbox 360?17:31
mysteriosoflannel thanks, what is winhq?17:32
redwhitewaldoUpdate manager says I can install 7 updates. One of them is libtotem-plparser10. How come it does not have nor will not accept a "check" in the check box?17:32
Derandertailsfan: can always run windows XP in a virtual box ;-)17:32
blah569Why is it that whenever I install a Metacity GTK theme, in the "Appearance Preferences," and then I receive a message telling me that the theme was installed successfully, but then the theme is not visible on the list of themes to apply?  I am using Ubuntu 8.04.17:32
Derandertailsfan: I've heard of efforts before, not sure if they work or not or of their names17:32
Flannelmysterioso: #winehq, is the channel for WineHQ, they know all about wine17:32
McRibCould someone please suggest a decent Firefox 2 plugin that will allow me to play streaming video (particularly the Quicktime format)?  I'm using Hardy and mozilla-mplayer no longer supports Firefox 2 in Hardy.17:32
zvacetredwhitewaldo : sudo apt-get update17:32
amenadosbohan-> what is the problem now? any errors?17:32
sbohanthe machine crashes during install17:32
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joombagaWhere is update-gdk-pixbuf-loader?  After some searching it seems to be a script contained in gtk2 RPMs, but I don't have it.  Are there any packages that contain this for ubuntu?17:32
kokoloa cant boot i have isntall dual boot xp and ubutntu, and i acidentaly remove my first partition of all sistems grub which is on dev/sda1 and now i need to install it there because i dont sue windows bootloader just grub for all systems17:32
amenado!who | sbohan17:33
ubottusbohan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:33
sbohanand then grub complains17:33
mysteriosoflannel thanks17:33
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:33
Flannelkokolo: first link of that last thing ubottu just said17:33
redwhitewaldozvacet: done. now how do i install that?17:33
redwhitewaldoUpdate manager disappeared.17:33
kokoloi didnt lost it i remove the whole partition17:33
amenadokokolo same computer you are chatting now from? or another computer?17:33
Flannelredwhitewaldo: there's a bug with libtotem plparser, it'll be fixed, until then, just ignore it, it won't hurt17:34
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TailsfanBecause I wanted to swtich to Ubuntu or Xubuntu on my Desktop and I that is my main internet server usually for the house17:34
Flannelkokolo: You removed /boot? or windows? or what?17:34
amenado!who | kokolo17:34
ubottukokolo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:34
zvacetredwhitewaldo : with update manager or sudo apt-get install  libtotem-plparser1017:34
amenadoTailsfan-> what is the problem?17:34
screenname92834So I presume, then that 'ubuntu' is an umbrella term for a big collection of software packages. Is the kernel in there too?17:34
Tailsfaneven though I don't have the 8.04 LTS Alt. CD Yet17:34
redwhitewaldoFlannel: ok. thanks. I don't understand. ubuntu is now OUT (officially out), yet how come there are still updates for bugs?  If the updates don't end, why say that ubuntu is officially released?17:35
sbohan@amenado The Grub error I get is Error 1717:35
Flannelscreenname92834: Ubuntu is a linux distribution, it contains a kernel, I'm not sure what youre asking other than that.17:35
monestriCan someone help me fix touchpad scroll wheel please?17:35
ubottuFactoid metacity not found17:35
amenadosbohan-> you have deleted a whole partition, the partition where grub resides?17:35
zvacetredwhitewaldo : If it is out doesn´t mean it is without bugs17:35
screenname92834So how do I update my kernel to a newer version? Is there a package name for it?17:35
Penguinhow can I get the ubuntu installer to install to "rather large" floppy?17:35
Flannelredwhitewaldo: Software will always have bugs, since its huge.  Updates fix bugs, and sometimes packagers make mistakes (like this time) so theres a bug in a packaging scheme, as opposed to the programs itself17:36
TailsfanYeah, But Derander, I don't have enough room for both XP and Ubuntu Togerher17:36
XmatriXscreename92834: Hey if you want to know wat unbuntu means!!! then check out the nelson mandella video in you /home/___/Examples17:36
kokoloi remove patiton of grub!!17:36
TailsfanMy Desktop's HD is only 6 Gigs17:36
TailsfanI would be broadcasting the Multimedia in my USB HD (If it would let me compile the driver :()17:36
amenadokokolo once more, you have to put a nick in front of your response to direct it, or else it will get lost17:36
zvacetredwhitewaldo : if we wait for release without bugs we will allways run beta17:36
joombagaredwhitewaldo: All operating systems have bugs after release.  Windows XP is on its third service pack :)17:36
sbohan@amenado: I did a fresh install and chose for it to use the whole disk (guided), the grub error as far as I can tell is a side effect of the installer not actually completing, I have ran the installer 8 times now and it always crashes at the same point right near the end, however the live CD works fine on the system with no issues17:37
redwhitewaldojust wondering17:37
screenname92834XmatriX: what is it called?17:37
monestriboot with noapic17:37
Deranderdoes anyone know of a solution to my only being able to use one program with audio at a time?17:37
Penguinwill the ubuntu installer detect it?17:37
monestriactually, noaipc no1apic just to be safe i guess17:38
mhollisjris there an easy way to change the ownership of my keyboard to my user perminantly17:38
mhollisjror even a hard way17:38
Tailsfanamendo, it gives me compiling errors, I would say them, but I need to install Ubuntu first to retry, I was going to install Gutsy for right now, because that is the only Alternate CD I have Right17:38
sbohan@monestri: noapic? I know it's a arugment to pass to the installer17:38
sbohanbut how would I go about doing it17:38
XmatriXscreename92834: its in your home folder under another folder called examples (if you didnt delete it) it contains just example files of documents and sounds and also has a video of nelson mandella talking about ubuntu and what it means!!17:38
amenadosbohan-> you have tried 8 times to install? and fails at same exact spot? what errors if any you have observed?17:38
Penguinit doesn't want to detect the floppy17:38
PhydouxHow do I set my external USB DVD drive to auto mount when I turn it on?17:38
McRibAre the US repos back up and running at full speed yet?17:38
duryJack_Sparrow: I got a problem to install Lame-3.97 ->17:38
Jezzhow do i open gconf editor?17:38
joombagaDerander: Try uninstalling your modem if you have one installed.  I know it sounds weird, but I had that problem back in dapper.17:38
monestrisbohan, when the ubuntu screen first comes up press f617:39
Flannelkokolo: alright, you'll need to reinstall it.  Instructions are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows depending on what you have17:39
Deranderjoombaga: no modem, unfortunately17:39
monestriand add 'noapic no1apic' to the boot line17:39
amenadoMcRib-> i have been downloading yesterday and have not observed slowness17:39
sbohan@amenado, it mentions at the bottom "Firewire CD-ROM driver spb2" and then as it's there the machine cuts out17:39
screenname92834XmatriX: that sounds like totally irrelevant to computing.17:39
monestriand any other commands you think will help17:39
DeranderI suppose I might add to my above problem (inability to have two applications using sound) that this is a fresh problem with Hardy17:39
Flannelmonestri: nolapic, not no1apic17:39
emmabazhang you can pm me whenever you like.17:39
monestrilol seriously?17:39
McRibamenado: Alrighty then... thank you.17:39
sbohanthis can't be a hardware issue as I did a test and left the machine running for three hours after install #7 on the installation screen and it didn't crash oce17:39
joombagaDerander: try switching to ALSA, assuming you're using Pulse Audio17:40
amenadosbohan-> you have a firewire connected CD-ROM? is that what you used to boot your liveCD from?17:40
screenname92834XmatriX: sounds like some marketing speak like if I call my product "fastcool" they'll need to translate that in japan.17:40
XmatriXscreename92834: it is relevant to computing, its about community and opensoure and that kinda shiet17:40
Deranderjoombaga: 100% alsa17:40
amenadoMcRib you're welcome17:40
monestri'noapic nolapic' then17:40
monestriyou can check in boot options anyway17:40
sbohan@amenado : No firewire devices are conncted to my machine at all17:40
zvacetJezz : type in terminal gconf-editor17:40
Jezzoh ok :P17:40
XmatriXscreename92834: not everything has to have a direct meaning, like umbrella w/e u were saying, its a broader meaning17:40
zvacetJezz : or you can find it under system tools17:41
Deranderjoombaga: oh, bizarre!17:41
joombagaDerander: well I'm out of ideas.17:41
Deranderjoombaga: apparently if I kill pulseaudio, it kills my sound, even though nothing anywhere sets it to pulseaudio17:41
Jezzthnx found it17:41
sbohan@monestri: cheers will try that now!17:41
screenname92834How do I get a list of all the packages that are included in the definition of "ubuntu operating system"?17:41
Deranderjoombaga: apparently it is the default on this system, or something, how do I turn it off?17:41
monestripulse audio is the default sound server in 8.0417:41
FactTechQuestion: If I use manual partitioning on install to set up three partitions (root, /home, swap), I'm supposed to set the root partition to being bootable, right?17:41
amenadosbohan lets do this,  boot using the liveCD and then lets peek around on your installed system.. open a terminal on liveCD and type  fdisk -l17:41
zvacetJezz :np17:41
DerandermonestrI: bah, lame, thanks17:41
mhollisjris there some form of udev for dummies? my rule doesn't work for changing ownership of my keyboard to my user17:41
ThingyFactTech, yes17:41
sbohankk will do that now17:41
XmatriXscreename92834: wat kind of question is that???17:42
FactTech..Thingy Thanks.17:42
PenguinThe floppy is actually an SD Card but it detects it as a floppy because thats the only thing I can mount it usually virtualbox wit17:42
FlannelFactTech: / not root, and the bootable flag doesn't matter in linux17:42
amenadoFactTech-> no need to be, im booting from a extended partition17:42
joombagaDerander: System > Preferences > Sound.  You can change everything there.17:42
sbohan@amenado: will go quiet while it loads17:42
FactTechFlannel - Yes, I wrote "/" as "root" in the above, but thanks for checking!17:42
sbohan!tab amendo thanks for your help17:42
ubottusbohan: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:42
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:42
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834 http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/17:42
FlannelFactTech: just making sure, since /root is another option, although different completely17:43
joombagaDerander: Luckily mine somehow defaulted to ALSA.17:43
Deranderjoombaga: everything was set to alsa when I was experiencing the problem, pulseaudio was still running and killing it turned off my sound, is there a way to remove pulseaudio entirely and use whatever gutsy used?17:43
LastKnight02Real quick question y'all... any suggestions on how to speed up a copy of Ubuntu? I've got a 2 ghz processor with 1 gig of RAM and it moves slower than Christmas.. lol17:43
amenadosbohan-> use the pastebin to paste the result of questions i ask okay?17:43
FactTechFlannel - It doesn't matter that it's bootable? Is that because the booting is handled by GRUB?17:43
sbohanamenado: where is the pastebin you use?17:43
amenado!paste | sbohan17:43
ubottusbohan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:43
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: thank you my good fellow.17:43
behow to install vlc in ubuntu?17:43
monestrisudo apt-get install vlc17:43
monestrivlc sucks though17:43
monestriI suggest mplayer17:44
FactTechFlannel - Does that mean you only need to set it as bootable if there will be a non-Linux OS on that partition?17:44
FlannelFactTech: the bootable flag only matters to some older things, DOS uses it, Linux doesnt, and if I remember correctly, windows hasn't since moving away from DOS (windows XP)17:44
Derandersudo apt-get remove pulseaudio, hallelujah!17:44
zvacetmonestri : +117:44
joombagaDerander: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio17:44
pablohow I can setup amarok to play the song that I choose from a directory instead of queue it17:44
Deranderjoombaga: yeah, just did that.17:44
sbohanamenado: I will switch to using the ubuntu machine in question now!17:44
joombagaDerander: you beat me to it17:44
FactTechFlannel - OK, thanks. Interesting.17:44
FlannelFactTech: but, go ahead and set it bootable, it won't hurt anything17:44
zvacetmonestri : for mplayer17:44
monestrizvacet, indeed17:45
patco444One very interesting game for the maniacs that are playing strategies or RPG, so if you want to take part in this game skype : patco444 ... http://www.fallensword.com/?ref=146105517:45
=== tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek
pablohow can  I setup amarok to play the song that I choose from a directory instead of queue it17:45
nickellerypablo:  double click it?17:46
NomAnyone got a good link for preventing your mail server from generating backscatter?17:46
NomI get heaps of spam to <randomuser>@<mydomain>17:46
NomI'd like to make sure that doesn't get spammed back as undeliverable to the (probably) forged sender address17:46
jerbearis there any way to get seahorse-agent to fall back to ssh-agent? i already have my key loaded into ssh-agent, but seahorse keeps prompting me for the password17:47
McRibheh... it turns out that Apple has decided to force the use of their Quicktime plugin and ONLY their Quicktime plugin to view movies online.... MPlayer used to work fine...17:47
ThingyNom, you need to specify what your mailserver is and check if there is a channel for that app on freenode.17:47
pabloif I double click it, it's added it to the playlist but17:47
Deranderjoombaga: thanks for setting me on the right track17:48
pablonot played directly17:48
joombagaDerander: So it works? Any time.  You wouldn't happen to know where I can get "update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders" would you?17:48
pablohow can  I setup amarok to play the song that I choose from a directory instead of queue it17:48
pabloif I double click it, it's added it to the playlist but17:48
Deranderjoombaga: nope :-(17:48
pablonot played directly17:49
Tailsfan@amenado, did you get my message about the problem?17:49
monestrihhahaha goodbye ubuntu, i'm switching to gentoo17:49
LuckriderHey everyone, I am installing Feisty on an old hard drive for a friend, am I am having trouble starting the install because he screen res is set at 640x480, is there anyway that i can increase the resolution so that I can install it. I have had no troubles with the screen res on my Hardy comp which i am on right now, but I can not change the resolution in the live cd. If anyone has a terminal command, or any help at all, I apprecite it.17:49
Deranderjoombaga: it appears to be installed on my system17:49
Flare183!enter | pablo17:49
ubottupablo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:49
Flare183no problem17:49
joombagaDerander: is it a package?17:49
newairWhy is there such a problem with DVD-ROM players in Ubuntu?17:49
Deranderjoombaga: no idea, how would I check?17:49
chervaLuckrider: press ALT and drag the window with the mouse17:49
Luckriderchevera, it won't go above the top task bar17:50
Deranderalt+f8 to resize/17:50
Luckriderchervea, it won't go above the top task bar17:50
Flare183Luckrider: it's not supposed to17:50
LuckriderI know17:50
XmatriXLuckrider: i ran into alot of reslotuion problems and always looked around the ubutnu forums for help. If your friend has a nvdia or ati graphics card there is an application that can configure and install it automatically. The program is called envy.17:50
Deranderluckrider: drag the top taskbar to the bottom, alt+f8 to resize?17:50
joombagaDerander:  dpkg -l | grep pixbuf17:50
PhydouxHow do I set my external USB DVD drive to auto mount when I turn it on?17:50
joombagaDerander: it would be listed there17:50
Deranderjoombaga: no, it's not showing up.17:50
Deranderjoombaga: I just see a "pixbuf based theme for ubuntu"17:50
LuckriderIok xmatrix, thanks I will try that17:51
chervaLuckrider: then use the alternate cd17:51
jerbearis there any way to get seahorse-agent to fall back to ssh-agent? i already have my key loaded into ssh-agent, but seahorse keeps prompting me for the password17:51
behow to chat in yahoo using pidgin?17:51
Deranderjoombaga: and gtk2-engines-pixbuf17:51
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: I think that website lists all ubuntu-compatible software, as it lists items that are not on my ubuntu system.17:51
hoggieHey.. is anyone running any OS from an external HardDrive with FireWire? i want to buy a big external HDD with firewire.. and i was hoping for someone that uses it or knows something about it help me out here. :)17:51
XmatriXLuckrider: np, i always hated those dreaded problems17:51
Luckriderit is not showing up XmatriX17:51
Luckriderin the add/remove at least17:51
pablohow can  I setup amarok to play the song directly instead queuing it17:51
DeranderAnyone else having trouble running ventrilo through wine on hardy?17:51
darthanubisbe, read the instructions?17:51
XmatriXLuckrider: wats not showing up??17:51
Cew27is there annother msn client that supports webcam aside from amsn17:52
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: so the question is this: what is considered ESSENTIAL ubuntu, who makes that decision, and where is the list?17:52
Cew27amsn is ugly17:52
XmatriXLuckrider: oo on synapic?17:52
Jack_Sparrowscreenname92834 they may be in uyniverse or multivers or backports or proposed etc..  but all are in our repos17:52
hoggieanyone with firewire HDD here? running ubuntu?17:52
Luckriderin add/remove under applications XmatriX17:52
pablohow can  I setup amarok to play the song directly instead queuing it17:52
Luckriderremember, it is the live CD XmatriX17:52
virtualdCew27: i have a script that installs amsn with anti-aliasing, want to try it?17:52
ZaidenI'm having an issue with either audacious or Ubuntu. When I put my mouse over a song in my music folder, it starts to play the song until I move the arrow off the file. Is there a way to disable this?17:53
XmatriXLuckrider: no it wont be there, i think hardy did add it to synapic but any distro before that u must go to the envy site and download it17:53
chervapablo: there isn't such an option yet ... it's strange....17:53
virtualdCew27: meaning smooth fonts17:53
XmatriXLuckrider: make sure you download the correct one for ur distro17:53
Cew27Virtual:eeerm, can you send me a screenie17:53
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: they may be in the repos, and that tells me that they can run on ubuntu. However, when I install ubuntu, I don't get those packages.17:53
darthanubisZaiden, nautilus preferences of course17:53
Luckrideris there an easy way to change the res temoprarily so I can install it XmatriX?17:53
pabloit is in fact, thank you very much !17:53
Cew27virtuald: add me on msn cew27@violentvomit.net17:53
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: So who makes the ubuntu installation, and what goes on it?17:53
virtualdCew27: ok17:54
XmatriXLuckrider: hmm17:54
chervapablo: you made it ?17:54
XmatriXLuckrider: gimmy 2 mins17:54
Cew27virtuald: thanks17:54
Luckriderk XmatriX17:54
Jack_Sparrow!ot | screenname9283417:54
ubottuscreenname92834: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:54
pablowe should ask for it17:54
neothello people17:54
jerbearis there any way to get seahorse-agent to fall back to ssh-agent? i already have my key loaded into ssh-agent, but seahorse keeps prompting me for the password17:54
screenname92834Jack_Sparrow: this is on-topic]17:54
hansderagonStupid question, but how from the GUI, can I edit my keyring?  I cannot find any icon for it.17:54
chervapablo: well write to the authors .... I don't need it ...17:54
=== Ep1c is now known as Gomeck
darthanubishansderagon, seahorse17:55
hansderagonNo... I found it...17:55
bazhangscreenname92834, you should suggest your ideas on brainstorm.ubuntu.com this is a support channel and that would be better there or in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks17:55
XmatriXLuckrider: ok so let me make sure... ur using fiesty and ur getting 800x600 res?17:55
hoggieHey.. is anyone running any OS from an external HardDrive with FireWire? i want to buy a big external HDD with firewire.. and i was hoping for someone that uses it or knows something about it help me out here. :)17:55
hansderagonAfter 10 minutes, I had to write in the chat room to find it... System/prefs/Encryption & keyrings17:55
Zaidendarthanubis: nautilus?17:55
Luckriderno, I am using the Fiesty live CD, but I am only getting 640x480 XmatriX17:56
bazhang!cn | j_17:56
ubottuj_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:56
quentusrexDoes anyone know when Hardy will have Firefox RC1 released?17:56
ubottuFactoid nautilus not found17:56
hansderagondarthanubis, but thanks for the info.  It is appreciated.17:56
darthanubis!nautilus | Zaiden17:56
darthanubishansderagon, ;)17:56
j_Shutdown的时候出现Message bus daemon error17:56
screenname92834This is my last attempt to get an answer before I conclude that no-one knows the answer.17:56
quentusrex!firefox | quentusrex17:56
monestrii sweear i'll do it!17:56
monestrii'm switching to gentooo!!!!17:56
XmatriXLuckrider: oo even lower =(. i found a post that deals with fiesty resolution problems17:57
jbroomescreenname92834: promise?17:57
darthanubis!google | screenname92834  then goto ubuntu.com and READ17:57
ubottuscreenname92834  then goto ubuntu.com and READ: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux17:57
chervaquentusrex: you mean firefox 3 rc 1 ?17:57
monestrilol @ jbroome17:57
XmatriXLuckrider: check this out -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42343817:57
quentusrexDoes anyone know when the new firefox RC1 package will be released in Hardy?17:57
baking[Google] #1 kkd_ [n=arebibo@bas14-montrealak-1177840977.dsl.bell.ca] has ... ( http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/07/10/%23ubuntu.txt )17:57
newairDVD-ROM problems......always get libdvdcss message.  Could hardware also be the problem?  Toshiba model CD-ROM/DVD-ROM player.17:57
baking[Google] Desc:17:57
chervaquentusrex: hardy comes with firefox 3 beta 517:57
Luckriderthanks XmatriX17:57
darthanubisquentusrex, when its ready17:57
XmatriXLuckrider: np17:57
screenname92834darthanubis: thanks for your infinitely helpful advice. I shall bin it immediately.17:57
quentusrexcherva, yes... I know that.... I'm asking when RC1 will be released....17:57
ThingyLuckrider, see if this howto helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:57
XmatriXnewair: i got the solution for u17:58
darthanubisscreenname92834, don't troll17:58
darthanubis!manners | screenname9283417:58
ubottuscreenname92834: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:58
screenname92834darthanubis: same to you.17:58
XmatriXnewair: did u install anything before hand to make dvd compatibly?17:58
chervaquentusrex: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-rc.html17:58
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.17:58
Sprax567Need help configuring GRUB, what do you guys make of this: grub> setup (hd0) -> Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no -> Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no -> Error 15: File not found (and btw, those files do indeed not exist)17:58
Luckriderhmm, is there just a simple terminal command to start the install rather than the gui? XmatriX or Thingy?17:58
darthanubisSprax567, update-grub17:59
ThingyLuckrider, did you download and burn the desktop installation cd?17:59
newairXmatrix , no.  Hardware with original computer.  An HP17:59
quentusrexdarthanubis, do you know how I can check on the status of the firefox 3 package?17:59
Sprax567mkay I'll try17:59
XmatriXnewair: i mean software wise?17:59
Penguinthe ubuntu installer is not detecting the "floppy" I need to install to17:59
heymrhow do I make epiphany to use webkit?17:59
Luckriderno thingy, my friend got it from shipit17:59
FlannelSprax567: Sounds like you haven't set up your root partition properly.  Have you followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows ?17:59
darthanubisquentusrex, that depends on when FF finishes their browser17:59
newairXmatrix, no pre install software18:00
jimymorriso1canales en español18:00
heymrjimymorriso1: #ubuntu-es18:00
jimymorriso1irc hispano18:00
jbroome!es | jimymorriso118:00
ubottujimymorriso1: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:00
darthanubis!packages | quentusrex18:00
ubottuquentusrex: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!18:00
Luckrider!spanish channel18:00
ubottuFactoid spanish channel not found18:00
beim new to ubuntu, can any one help me to enable cube in desktop?18:00
darthanubis!compiz |be18:00
ubottube: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:00
ThingyLuckrider, priv messages ok?18:00
Xsploityou know how when you hold the windows key and use your mouse scroll button to zoom... after you have zoomed is there any way to lock that screen? so that when you move the mouse around the zoomed area doesnt move aswell18:01
heymrhow do I make epiphany to use webkit?18:01
XmatriXnewair: ok beacuse ubuntu doesnt come with the lib to play dvd's defaulty. so u must download something to enable that. Check this website out http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html18:01
screenname92834The "Ubuntu distribution" is a collection of software packages. What packages are covered by that term? Do not confuse this with the term "all ubuntu-compatible packages".18:01
darthanubisXsploit, this used to be default behavior, dunno why its keep getting changed. But look into the compiz options.18:01
Sprax567darthanubis: grub-update created the files but I'm still getting the "files not found" message (???)18:02
newairXmatrix , I will check. thank you18:02
XmatriXnewair: np, that lib fixed my dvd issues18:02
screenname92834The list will take the form something like this: Dapper 6.06 is mount v2.4, bash v1.2, grep v3.5, gnome v6.2 etc.18:02
darthanubisSprax567, do the files in fact exist? When did this start happening? What did you do recently to provoke this behavior?18:02
Flannelscreenname92834: #ubuntu-offtopic is a great place to discuss this, please take it there.18:03
Sprax567darthanubis: yup I just checked, they were created when I ran grub-update18:03
darthanubisSprax567, have you rebooted since then?18:03
Sprax567darthanubis: well no... should ? :)18:03
darthanubisuhm yeah18:03
Sprax567darthanubis: hmm... thing is I'm running off a live cd18:04
Sprax567darthanubis: how do I "remount" (or something) the installed system so I can keep working on it?18:04
Sprax567after I reboot18:04
darthanubisSprax567, you have to chroot into your system18:04
Sprax567how? :)18:04
darthanubisSprax567, then update-grub18:04
darthanubisSprax567, google chroots usage before you leave the livecd18:05
Sprax567thanks for you rhelp18:05
Sprax567ps. never ever use fakeraid, it's a headache18:05
darthanubisSprax567, of course18:05
joombagaAnyone know how to reset your mime types in GNOME?18:06
darthanubisSprax567, basically you mount the drives that contain the system18:06
darthanubisthen you use chroot to make the system "live"18:06
darthanubisI have not done this since Gentoo18:06
keymoo_hi guys quick one - i've installed xubuntu onto an old PC which has on board video. my video res is set to a max of 800x600 - how can i find out my video card and increase the screen res? thanks18:06
darthanubiskeymoo_, google18:06
heymrkeymoo_: in a terminal> xrandr18:06
Sprax567I'll give it a shot, thanks18:07
darthanubiskeymoo_, or lshw18:07
laegwhen i start my computer with the 8.04 live cd after the splashscreen the language window opens but it pressing the buttons on my keyboards does nothing - then after the counter has finished it tried to load the linux kernel but never gets past 3% - how can i fix this?18:07
hardffhey there... how do I add icecast to the "service settings"18:07
keymoo_ok, thanks18:07
Jezzhi, how do i enable the cube?18:07
Jezzin 8.04?18:07
laegi can't even select anything from the meny18:07
darthanubislaeg, might want to run the memtest first18:07
darthanubislaeg, sounds like hardware issues18:07
heymrkeymoo_: xrandr will list all the available rezzys18:07
FlannelJezz: Install simple-ccsm and then you can switch it to the cube18:07
MedO42Dies anyone know something about short screen "blackouts"? They last for maybe half a second or less, and seem to happen randomly on my system.18:08
jim_beamwhy is xmms not in synaptic18:08
laegdarthanubis: i can't run the memtest if pressing buttons onb my keybaord does nothing - i'm in the console on 8.04 from a previous install now18:08
WaxyFreshIs it possible to set up a sony ps3 sixaxis controller using usb instead of bluetooth?18:08
alapidasHi all, I recently updated my xorg and now ubuntu boots in safe graphics mode and i can't get it back to working like it was before.  any ideas?18:08
TailsfanCan you use a Alt. CD from any version to make a Linux Swap Partition, then install Hardy?18:08
darthanubisjim_beam, they depreciated it for xms218:08
joombagajim_beam: it hasn't been developed in a while.  Try Audacious18:08
quentusrexDoes anyone know why the logout command is broke? and The reboot and shutdown commands are missing from the 'shutdown' window?18:08
darthanubislaeg, sorry18:08
jim_beamis there a guifor xmms218:08
keymoo_heymr thanks it says max is 800x60018:08
laegdarthanubis: my keyboard works fine here18:08
darthanubislaeg, use a livecd?18:08
laegand the 7.04 live cd also works18:08
jim_beami like xmms18:08
heymrkeymoo_: shucks :/18:08
alapidasquentusrex: try shutdown -h now18:08
enrywhy when i move a window i see a grild??18:09
keymoo_am i screwed?18:09
laegdarthanubis: i have the 8.04m live cd which i'm trying to run byt i can't get past the load screen18:09
darthanubisjim_beam, I still have it on my system because I don't do clean installs18:09
FlannelTailsfan: You can use the alternate CD to install Hardy18:09
adacwhat is a safe way to determine the pid of a process on the terminal?18:09
heymrkeymoo_: what graphic card did you say you have?18:09
darthanubislaeg, try another cd?18:09
jim_beamis there a guifor xmms218:09
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
laeglaeg: the install i'm in right now is from 7.04 live cd updated to 7.10 then to 8.04 - i really don't want to go through all this again18:09
TailsfanLousy Ad Bots18:09
quentusrexI'm not trying to shutdown my computer, I'm reporting that in Hardy on my system the logout button is broke....18:09
joombagajim_beam: audacious is a lot like xmms.  I've never tried xmms218:09
laegdarthanubis: the cd was sent to me by ubuntu18:09
darthanubisadac, htop18:09
laegdarthanubis: it's brand new18:09
Jezzi installed simple-ccsm but the cube still doesnt work18:09
keymoo_heymr that's the problem i dont know - it's on-board and the PC is 5-6 years old18:09
Jezzin compizconfig18:09
jim_beamxmms2 appears to work in terminal18:09
darthanubislaeg, so, it could be bad, try another, download one18:09
keymoo_heymr is there a command i can use to find out?18:09
Jezzi can select it but it does nothing18:09
adacdarthanubis: but i want to parse this pid....18:09
jim_beamnot gui18:10
laegdarthanubis: i can't download one.18:10
Fixerhi, can someone tell me correct charset in this channel?18:10
FlannelJezz: you need to turn it on,  one of the options on there is what you want your desktop to look like.  Right now its plane, I believe.18:10
alapidasquentusrex: what happens when you press it?18:10
darthanubisadac, man ps18:10
FlannelFixer: utf-818:10
darthanubislaeg, :(18:10
* laeg cries18:10
Jezzyeah i turned it on i selected it i checked the checkbox :P18:10
alapidasHas anyone experienced a broken x server after the recent upgrade?18:10
Jezzbut it doesnt do nothing it doesnt switch18:10
quentusrexall windows close, the system bar and background window become unresponsive, but nothing else. It just hangs....18:10
darthanubisalapidas, a year ago18:10
laegdarthanubis: i really don't want to have to install 7.04, update it, then 7.10, update it, then install 8.04 etc - especially when i have a brand news ubuntu 8.-04 cd sitting here!18:11
Jezzand how can i get higher refresh rates?18:11
heymrkeymoo_: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, Ctrl+W and type Driver and hit enter. that will show what driver it is currently using18:11
ipkafmy smartphone not working with ubuntu18:11
alapidasdarthanubis: do you know how to reconfigure xorg in hardy?  i think dpkg-reconfigure command doesnt do what it should for x in hardy18:11
FlannelJezz: you might need compizconfig-settings-manager then, which is the more advanced one and has all the configuration options18:11
darthanubislaeg, I can dig it, I did that once, it sucked, but worked.18:11
dissentIs anybody using Pidgin as ICQ client in here ?18:11
MedO42dissent: I am18:11
Jezzyes thats where i selected it18:11
Flannellaeg: Grab the alternate CD instead of the live18:11
branstromdissent: I was until a while ago18:11
darthanubisalapidas, thats usually the way, or xconfig18:11
=== _t00r is now known as t00r
laegFlannel: i can't - this is why i'm reinstalling18:12
Jack_Sparrowdissent pidgin is not a very good irc client18:12
dissenticq ;)18:12
dissent-MedO42: its still losing connection with server, whats the problem ?18:12
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:12
branstromIt was okay for IRC too actually...18:12
branstromAt least that's my opinion18:12
laegdarthanubis: i'll keep trying the 8.04 and eventually resort to 7.04 live cd - i appreciate your efforts18:12
keymoo_heymr thanks lshw give this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12758/18:12
heymrur efforts                  │ _chaky_18:12
heymr[20:11:09]             <-- laeg (n=laeg@ has quit ("leaving")            │ _coredump_18:13
dissentnp for IRC i am using gnome :) ... but i need ICQ client18:13
darthanubislaeg, your welcome wish I could have solved it for you18:13
heymrso much for middle clicking that link18:13
keymoo_heymr and xorg.conf is http://paste.ubuntu.com/12759/18:13
MedO42dissent: I don't really know what you mean. In my opinion the one problem I have with it is that it claims to be still connected when the network goes down sometimes.18:13
alapidasdarthanubis: the dpkg command only asks about keyboard and mouse information18:14
MedO42dissent: Network status detection worked better in the Windows version IMO.18:14
ipkafmy smartphone not working with ubuntu18:14
etheredgecould anyone help me out with a ps3 issue?18:14
alapidasdarthanubis: i think it is a known issue with hardy18:14
ipkafwhat  i have to do to make it working ???18:14
darthanubisipkaf, start by providing details18:15
darthanubisetheredge, depends, you have to ask first18:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:15
MedO42Does anyone know something about short screen "blackouts"? They last for maybe half a second or less, and seem to happen randomly on my system.18:15
enryvedo ancora la griglia18:15
heymrkeymoo_: oh, NVIDIA, eh? You can get more then that... use the nv driver, or get the driver you need from the nVidia website, they have linux drivers18:15
ipkafi got windows mobile 5 smarphone i want to use it on ubuntu18:15
alapidasdarthanubis: so any other ideas on how to fix this?18:15
heymrkeymoo_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg when you get a chance (this might have to kill X)18:15
darthanubisMedO42, check google for know bugs or issues, then check your drivers for updates18:16
etheredge!ask my ps3 will only play games it wont let me access the actuall system itself18:16
ubottuetheredge: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:16
Fixerati so boooring =)18:16
ipkaflike using activesync under windows18:16
dissentMed042: My problem is not in internet connection .... but When I join to pidgin, log in to ICQ it falls down .... and I cant connect .... its like i have closed port on icq ... but i havent changed anything (i am linux newbie :)).... so I cant be on pidgin more than 2 seconds :X18:16
darthanubisalapidas, what kind of video cards?18:16
ipkafbut not woking18:16
etheredgedarthanubis, my ps3 will only play games i cant access the system menu18:16
ipkafwhat i have to do ???18:16
ipkafmake to it work ?,?18:16
alapidasdarthanubis: geforce 730018:16
darthanubisetheredge, lol are you lost?18:16
MedO42darthanubis: I am using the latest proposed updates and already did a short search on Google. I only foud a blog where someone talked about the same problem but didn't know the solution.18:17
alapidasdarthanubis: working beautifully before the xorg upgrade18:17
darthanubisalapidas, run xconfig-nvidia or something like that18:17
etheredgedarthanubis, lost how so?18:17
darthanubisalapidas, oh I think I know18:17
alapidasdarthanubis: doing that makes a new xorg but it still does nto work18:17
=== theseus is now known as bonhoffer
darthanubisalapidas, reinstall the drivers for nvidia18:17
alapidasdarthanubis: i think i tried that, but i willt ry again18:17
darthanubisetheredge, this aint a ps3 forum dude18:17
RudyValenciaHm, has anyone here ever won a contest? (I never have won anything in my life. :( )18:17
jbroomeit's not a forum at all18:17
thehurleyi've just installed 8.04 (completely new to ubuntu) and it seems I cannot login as root, only the initial user I created18:17
MedO42dissent: No idea then, I don't have that problem. Did you try a different client yet?18:17
alapidasdarthanubis: i shall return and let you know, thanks so far18:18
thehurleyis this right18:18
astro76!sudo | thehurley18:18
ubottuthehurley: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.18:18
darthanubisjbroome, channel anal18:18
jbroome!root | thehurley18:18
ubottuthehurley: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:18
ipkafi got windows mobile 5 smarphone i want to use it on ubuntu18:18
ipkafhow to do ??,18:18
hou5tonOn my laptop, when I plug in a monitor to the Video Out, it duplicates what is on the laptop screen, and I can't find a way to make it just Extend the laptop screen.  Any help?18:18
darthanubisipkaf, vague much?18:18
etheredgedarthanubis, i know but i thought someone might be able to helpo18:18
RudyValenciaIt's possible to set a root password but not recommended.18:18
ubottuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)18:18
ipkafno one  windows mobile 518:18
dissentMed042: nope, i dont know any, and what have u got in properties of your icq profile in pidgin ?18:18
darthanubisetheredge, http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#forum18:19
irisi need some help, my network manager stopped detecting wireless sigals and iwlist does not return anything18:19
keymoo_thanks heymr18:19
darthanubisipkaf, http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#beprecise18:19
darthanubisiris, have you restarted nm-applet?18:20
DemonicButtheadcan someone aid me in configuring an nVidia 8800gt video card?  I'm having tons of problems with the tutorials I've been reading18:20
darthanubisiris, restart NetworkManager?18:20
irisdarthanubis: i have restarted, the app and even my computer18:20
bazhangDemonicButthead, what drivers did you install18:20
darthanubisiris, what happens then?18:20
MedO42dissent: login server is "login.messaging.aol.com", port "5190", the checkbox "always use ICQ proxy server" below is not checked, encoding "ISO-8859-1", Proxy "Use Gnome Proxy settings"18:21
tempspaceDoes anybody have a Blackberry from Verizon here by any chance?18:21
irisnothing, darthanubis its like there is no wireless where i am18:21
DemonicButtheadI used the generic restricted drivers that Ubuntu 8.04 allowed me to use18:21
darthanubisiris, do you even see the networking applet at all?18:21
MedO42dissent: You could try GnomeICU for example. Never used it, but it's in the software list.18:21
irisi see it, i click it and no wireless is shown darthanubis18:21
ipkafok i got ubuntu 7.10 gusty gisbon and i also got o2 mini xDA which is running on windows mobile 5, i can't able to synchronize my smarphone with ubuntu like doing with activesync under  windows xp18:22
heymrcould some past their PS1 in .bashrc? I deleted mine :P now it says "bash3.2$" at the promt18:22
dissentMed042: damn, i have the same parametrs ... ok I'll try18:22
ipkafwhat to do to make it working ???18:22
bazhangDemonicButthead, afaik the support for those has just come into the nivida.com ones (ie not beta); not sure if envyng-gtk has that covered yet18:22
darthanubisiris, in a term what does iwconfig reveal?18:22
thehurleyok,so i've logged in as the standard user, i open users and groups because i want to add another user, but the add user button is greyed out18:22
MedO42dissent: Just go to "Applications -> Add/Remove... and search for ICQ, that will give you some choice :)18:22
DemonicButtheadI click system, administration, hardware drivers.. and there it is NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)18:22
darthanubisiris, is the wireless(upon right click of the applet) box checked?18:22
thehurleyhow do i start the user and groups tool with access to add a user18:23
bazhangDemonicButthead, what res are you getting?18:23
ipkafhello darthanubis18:23
ipkafok i got ubuntu 7.10 gusty gisbon and i also got o2 mini xDA which is running on windows mobile 5, i can't able to synchronize my smarphone with ubuntu like doing with activesync under  windows xp18:23
DemonicButtheadI know they work fine.. its just.. it won't detect my displays18:23
iristhe results from that has not changed, it shows my wifi card(i am not in ubuntu right now)18:23
ipkafthis is for u18:23
ipkafok i got ubuntu 7.10 gusty gisbon and i also got o2 mini xDA which is running on windows mobile 5, i can't able to synchronize my smarphone with ubuntu like doing with activesync under  windows xp18:23
DemonicButtheadI'm getting a full 1680 x 1050 on my main screen18:23
bazhangDemonicButthead, ah you got dualhead or xinerama?18:23
DemonicButtheadbut my 32 inch lcd won't work18:23
=== DemonicButthead is now known as Kevi1
dissentMed042: When I search for ICQ :D there is the only choice -> Pidgin :D18:24
Kevi1sorry... easier to write18:24
Kevi1I'm not really positive bazhang18:24
darthanubisipkaf, http://www.pocketpcmag.com/cms/index.php?q=blogs/27/a_new_adventure_windows_mobile_and_ubunt18:24
dissentMed042: sorry :) i have it .)18:24
Jake_I installed Xubuntu for a client and made a Username and Password.  The customer called me up saying he dont know the password or username,  neither do i .  how do i make a new username and password18:24
gusHey. I have ubuntu 8.04 and my resolution is 800 x 600 how do I change it to a higher one?18:24
darthanubisipkaf, start there, google is your friend18:24
darthanubisgus, use the resolution gui in the menu of course18:24
bazhangKevi1, I just plugged in my tv (32 also) and it worked; what res did you want on the bigger one?18:25
Dew420gus : is system > preferences screen es?18:25
Kevi1I'm new to linux.. so terminal isn't completely lost on me and I've used it a number of times.. but I just can't seem to wrap my head around this nvidia issue18:25
drewbywhat the name of the video device?18:25
Kevi11368x768?  somewhere around there18:25
Jake_I installed Xubuntu for a client and made a Username and Password.  The customer called me up saying he dont know the password or username,  neither do i .  how do i make a new username and password18:25
Kevi1I don't remember the exact numbers18:25
darthanubisJake_, you just said you did set one?18:25
drewbyfor the primary display, what device name does it have in the /dev foldeR?18:25
ipkafok i call my friend thx darthanubis18:25
wolsJake_: if you amde the user why don't you know the password? the command is adduser btw18:25
Jake_darthanubis, i made one but forgot it18:25
wolsdrewby: none usually18:25
Jake_i dont even know the main username and pass18:25
gusI'm not sure. I'm new at this18:26
darthanubisipkaf, your not going to read the article?18:26
mewtI'm watching loads of youtube videos right now and firefox randomly seg faults, anyone got this ?18:26
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo18:26
ipkafi m reading18:26
wolsJake_: then you need to boot from a live cd and set a new one18:26
irisdarthanubis: to combat this, i have a dwl-g122 c1 (usb wifi card) that too does not show any wifi signals, but i have a tutorial so i can connect via terminal, but the damn card keeps disconnecting and have to remove and plug back in18:26
darthanubisiris, sounds like a funky wifi card?18:26
Jake_wols, so i can just put in the cd and goto users? it will change the pw on the hard drive?18:27
Flannelthehurley: When you start up Users and Group (System > Admin > Users and Groups) it'll prompt you for your password, and then you'll have acess18:27
McRibmewt: Try running it from the terminal... when it crashes, what output does the terminal give you?18:27
hardffrc3 == boot up18:27
wolsJake_: no. you need to chroot to your harddisk, become root and _then_ change it18:27
irisi dont know if the card or the drivers, because it does not do that on my pc darthanubis18:27
darthanubisiris, http://linux-wless.passys.nl/18:27
Chrysaliswas there some character that i need to put in front of the drive line in fstab to stop it from mounting at start up?18:27
darthanubis!addusers | Jake_18:28
ubottuFactoid addusers not found18:28
darthanubis!adduser | Jake_18:28
ubottuJake_: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo18:28
wolsChrysalis: no. there was an option, noauto18:28
gusHey. I have ubuntu 8.04 and my resolution is 800 x 600 how do I change it to a higher one18:28
wolsgus: what video driver?18:28
darthanubisgus, gave you that answer18:28
darthanubis!patience | gus18:28
bazhangKevi1, you still there? you might want to append my nick to your answers or I miss them18:28
ubottugus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:28
Chrysaliswols: thank you18:28
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:28
mewtMcRib, http://pastebin.com/m67d2f00718:28
thehurleyFlannel, it doesn't prompt for a password.  So far there's only root and the first user I created during installation18:28
mewtMcRib, it's f3b5 on a fresh install today18:29
thehurleyi'm logged in as that first user18:29
Kevi1Bazhang: query?18:29
Flannelthehurley: and the add user button is greyed out?18:29
gusI'm not sure.18:29
bazhangKevi1, what res did you want on the 32 one?18:29
RudyValenciaHow do I setup a local Ubuntu mirror so I can install it via PXE boot?18:29
McRibmewt: Hardy?18:29
mewtMcRib, yup18:29
_Mudasti_hi :)18:30
Bennjegood day18:30
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:30
_Mudasti_ty ;)18:30
bazhang!it | blindmelon18:30
ubottublindmelon: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:30
Kevi1Bazhang:  1366 x 76818:30
gushow do I see my video driver?18:30
darthanubisgus xandr18:31
Flannelthehurley: close that, wait 10 minutes (for the sudo time out, I'm not sure how to clear it... you could try sudo -k) then do it again.  It *will* prompt you18:31
Kevi1bazhang: it's a 32 inch 720p screen with a native resolution of 1366x76818:31
McRibmewt: Hmm... I feel compelled to remind you that FF3 is BETA software... it shouldn't have been included by default in Hardy by most people's standards...  As such, you can expect a lot of bugs... best I can suggest is to remove FF3 and install firefox-2.  Or keep FF3 and report bugs.18:31
P_Kablesomeone knows how to capture a color with Agave ?18:31
bazhangKevi1, not sure the exact res I get, but the card I have is much lesser than your own; the envyng-gtk may be able to do it now, if not then in a very short time18:31
Cheesypieceshi guys i can't start synaptic... it just says starting administrative task and then nothing18:32
mewtMcRib, i dont really have a problem with it crashing  or it being beta, I asked just in case someone has the same prob and if no, to report a bug :)18:32
Kevi1Bazhang.. I'll look for that and read up on it18:32
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | Kevi118:32
ubottukevi1: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB18:32
McRibmewt: Ah... I gave up using Firefox3 the same day I installed it.  :)18:32
jack-desktopwhats the default pictures folder18:32
denisbrHello , how I do for change the language of the gnome when I start using 'startx' command ?18:33
bazhangpictures jack-desktop18:33
Kevi1Ubottu.. could I install this using sudo in terminal?18:33
ubottuKevi1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:33
jack-desktopbazhang, /home/user/pictures ?18:33
bazhangKevi1, aye :)18:33
mewtMcRib, hehe, it freezes all the time on my laptop but never crashed18:33
bazhangjack-desktop, yup :)18:33
jack-desktopbazhang, captail or lowercase P?18:34
bazhanglet me check jack-desktop18:34
heymrKevi1: but ubottu can do the robot -_-_-|\_-18:34
=== martins_ is now known as chester_m
thehurleyFlannel, fixed - when i opened users and groups, I had to highlight my user and click unlocl18:34
bazhangbig P jack-desktop18:34
Kevi1lol.. domo oragato18:34
thehurleythanks anyway18:34
jairodealmeidawhen t install jre1.3 on ubuntu in apt-get ??18:35
Kevi1so what do I do with a *.deb file?18:35
gushow do I install songbird18:35
Dusti[n]is there a program for windows XP so i can see my files on ubuntu?18:35
ikoniaKevi1: you can install it with dpkg -i $file18:35
bazhangdenisbr, on the fly? easier to change once you re in the desktop18:35
ikoniaKevi1: but make sure it is for the ubuntu distro you are using18:36
denisbrbazhang, where I can change ?18:36
bazhangDusti[n], not sure about ##windows stuff here :)18:36
Cheesypieceshi guys i can't start synaptic... it just says starting administrative task and then nothing. any ideas?18:36
Dusti[n]thanks for refering me18:36
ikoniaCheesypieces: open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get update" for me please.18:36
bazhangdenisbr, system admin language support18:36
ikoniaCheesypieces: do you get an error complaining about a hostname ?18:37
alapidasdarthanubis: no luck18:37
Cheesypiecesikonia: yes, it says it can't resolve the hostname18:37
RudyValenciaHow do I setup a local Ubuntu mirror so I can install it faster via PXE boot?18:37
ikoniaCheesypieces: no problem18:37
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers18:38
ikoniaCheesypieces: what you need to do is boot into "recovery" mode and drop to a root shell. Edit /etc/hosts to include your hostname against a localhost ip address (eg;
ikoniaCheesypieces: do you understand that ?18:38
enryHelp naow when i move a window i see a grill with window dimension inside like 80x20 how to return back to normal? (i have no compiz active)18:38
Kevi1you guys are awesome.. I've never felt more at home with linux18:38
enryHelp naow when i move a window i see a grill with window dimension inside like 80x20 how to return back to normal? (i have no compiz active)18:38
WaxyFreshHow do i setup a sixaxis sony ps3 controller via usb instead of the prefered bluetooth?18:38
Cheesypiecesikonia: i think so, thanks a lot18:38
ikoniaCheesypieces: no problem18:38
bazhangWaxyFresh, what app?18:38
ikoniaWaxyFresh: should be the same as bluetooth in terms of options, but it's device will be /dev/usb/something18:38
thehurleydoes ubuntu use similar apt sources lists to debian?18:39
ikoniathehurley: same packge format, different repo's18:39
WaxyFreshim trying to use it with zsnes.18:39
denisbrbazhang, ok, but, where I change of the idiom ? I can see only options: Idioms Supported and Idiom Default for news users18:39
bazhangthehurley, similar aye18:39
thehurleythe reason i ask, is there any merit to downloading apt-spy and running that to get the best mirrors?18:39
amerioguys how to use the new mysql directory which is provided by default in XAMPP18:39
ikoniathehurley: I doubt it as performance of a repo can change on regular bases18:39
ubottuGo to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.18:39
WaxyFreshikonia: im not sure what you mean do i have to mount it or something?18:39
ikoniaamerio: directoy ?18:39
ikoniaWaxyFresh: no, udev should create a device file for it when you plug it in18:40
Kevi1so after using synaptic to download and install envy-gtk.. how would I start using the software to configure my displays?18:40
amerioikonia: I mean where the database is because I get an error each time I type mysql in command line18:40
bazhangWaxyFresh, zsnes has an option to set that up in the config18:40
ikoniaamerio: what is the error you get18:40
ikoniaamerio: the database files are split out18:40
bazhangdenisbr, the idiom? not sure what you mean18:41
alapidasanyone have any suggestions on fixing a broken xorg in hardy?  dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server does not work, only asks questions about the keyboard.  also tried reinstalling the nvidia driver, no luck18:41
amerioikonia: mysql command not found , but im sure its installed with Xampp and when I run Lampp it says its running18:41
Kevi1nevermind.. found out how18:41
ikoniaamerio: sudo apt-get install mysql-client18:41
thehurleybazhang, thank for the repomirror tip.18:41
bazhangKevi1, if your card is supported now (and it will let you know) then just run it from apps system tools; if not then fairly shortly it will be able to do so18:41
amerioikonia: its installed but in different directory , the xampp directory18:41
ikoniaamerio: it shouldn't be18:42
ikoniaamerio: the client should be in /usr/bin18:42
simplexioalapidas: paste xorg.log  into some pastebin and give link18:42
bazhangthehurley, :)18:42
Xsploityou know how when you hold the windows key and use your mouse scroll button to zoom... after you have zoomed is there any way to lock that screen? so that when you move the mouse around the zoomed area doesnt move aswell18:42
simplexioalapidas: there is probably some pastebin that work with lynx or links218:42
alapidassimplexio: where is my xorg.log?  in /etc/X11?18:43
bazhangalapidas, pastebinit18:43
Flannelsimplexio, alapidas, install pastebinit, and you can do it without a browser from the command line18:43
ikoniaalapidas: /var/log18:43
amerioikonia : ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' , this mysql.sock exists in /opt/lampp/var/mysql18:43
alapidassimplexio, ikonia, thanks, i am not farmiliar with pastebin though18:43
denisbrbazhang, for example, I have two users in the my computer A and B , A use the gnome with portuguese language and B use the gnome with english language. But, the B user access the system using the startx command , but when he open the system, the system is in the Portuguese language.18:43
alapidassimplexio, do you want Xorg.0.log?18:44
WaxyFreshikonia: when i plug  the usb cord from the controller and press the ps button nothing happens,the four lights on top just countinue blinking18:44
alapidassimplexio, theres a few18:44
simplexioalapidas: da18:44
ikoniaamerio: thats not where the socket should be18:44
ikonia!pastebin | alapidas18:44
ubottualapidas: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:44
amerioikonia: thats where its installed by default18:44
bazhangalapidas, what do you want to pastebin? cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit and it will give you a url to paste here for example18:44
simplexioalapidas: xorg.o.log is latest log18:44
ikoniaWaxyFresh: look in /var/log/messages18:44
ikoniaamerio: by default the binary is in /usr/bin/mysql - and the socket file in /var/run/mysqld18:44
alapidassimplexio, ikonia, ok i will do that18:44
simplexiobazhang: too bad ubuntu dosent give mouse into vt as default :)18:44
ikoniasimplexio: gpm is your friend18:45
bazhangdenisbr, and they have two separate accounts? should not be an issue if you set it up properly18:45
alapidassimplexio, ikonia, http://pastebin.com/f7045247418:45
bazhangsimplexio, :)18:45
SebNaitsabesisan't https://  meant to be yellow in Firefox?  ,but it's not on my Firefox Beta 5  Hardy Heron.  why's that?  is it to do with that openssl security issue?18:46
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: the colour depends on the level of security18:46
denisbrbazhang, yes, I have two accounts ... I try edit the .dmrc and .xinitrc files, but, I can't sucess18:46
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: red - no cert match18:46
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: green full cert match18:47
Fritzeldoes anyone know anything about alsa?18:47
SebNaitsabesikonia:  it's just white like a normal website18:47
Gekko2Could use a bit help with Ubuntu install. I am on ubuntu alt disc install, but the install software does not regonize my hard disc, which is Seagate ST3300831AS. I need to select a driver for it, but "Seagate" does not work.18:47
SebNaitsabesikonia: my URL bar is white for https18:47
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: is it a https site ?18:47
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: whats teh url ?18:47
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: the url - sorry18:47
SebNaitsabeswell seems all of them are18:47
bazhangdenisbr, this is gnome?18:47
SebNaitsabesUbuntu uses Gnome yes18:48
WaxyFreshikonia im not sure what im looking for i went to /var/log/ and typed cat messaes and its just line after line of:May 17 13:39:37 UnicornShrimper -- MARK --18:48
alapidassimplexio, ikonia, brb gotta restart X18:48
Jake_so what do i do if i forgot the admin username and password to log in?18:48
WaxyFreshikonia: ^ or am i doing something wrong?18:48
ubottuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:48
Jake_i booted to recovery mode18:48
denisbrbazhang, yes18:48
ikoniaWaxyFresh: sorry, I should be clear. "tail -f /var/log/messages" - then plug in the device, you should see some ineo in the window18:48
FlannelJake_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword18:48
mySQLNoobHi, I'm very new to linux, I just downloaded a .tar.gz with an .install inside.. how do I install this?18:49
Jake_i lost the USER NAME TOO18:49
FlannelJake_: that factoid is notoriously unhelpful, but that wiki page helps18:49
morphiusWhen I try to mount a drive I get mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'18:49
bazhangdenisbr, seems setting it via gui would be easier; but your way may yield results as well18:49
ghuquanyone here have any idea how to set up a bluetooth pc adapter in Hardy? It's insignia brand which came with a headset/18:49
FlannelJake_: that's fine.  cat /etc/passwd18:49
SebNaitsabesmySQLNoob:  look up on Google how to install tar.gz in Ubuntu18:49
morphiusIt used to be a member of a raid aray, but I reformatted it18:49
SebNaitsabesor somethign similar18:49
loon_Hi. I'm looking for a program like Parallels for Mac, so that both can doul boot and access windows from inside ubuntu. Does a program like this exist?18:49
morphiusI also changed the type to 83 (Linux) in fdisk18:49
FlannelJake_: one of those is your username.  *Probably* with a UID of 100018:49
ikoniamySQLNoob: what software do you want to install18:49
mySQLNoobit's flash18:50
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:50
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:50
ikoniamySQLNoob: the command "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" will install flash for you18:50
SebNaitsabesikonia: so yes all the url bars are white. any idea?18:50
morphiusI commented out "ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid0 num-devices=4 UUID=ea89faf9:d8d09d48:606c7615:a045ad62" in mdadm.conf too18:50
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: what url are you looking at,18:50
SebNaitsabesikonia:  all the https url bars are white any idea18:50
denisbrbazhang, yes, my problem is that the both users is logged in all time18:50
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: sorry I missed it18:50
SebNaitsabesikonia:  Gmail is an example18:50
zubuhow can i change the resolution of my screen and install the driver for my nvidia graphics card?18:50
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: can you give me an example url18:50
mySQLNoobikonia: oh well i wanted to learn how to install from .tar.gz so that in the future i can do that18:50
SebNaitsabesikonia:  last.fm is another18:50
SebNaitsabesmySQLNoob:  there is good stuff out there on Google you can find something good with a basic search18:51
Jake_i see Owner at 100018:51
ikoniamySQLNoob: installing flash from a .tar.gz is not a good idea as 1.) it is not how normal tar files are installed 2.) it will cause conflict for you package manager18:51
mySQLNoobalready did and didn't work18:51
mySQLNoobohh i see.. thanks ikonia18:51
SebNaitsabesikonia:  http://www.last.fm   http://www.gmail.com18:52
bazhangdenisbr, logged in? but not actively using right? what about just switching users18:52
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: thats not https18:52
Penguinis it possible to copy the linux drive data and paste it on a sd card and then it work?18:52
SebNaitsabesikonia:  monster.co.uk18:52
SebNaitsabesikonia:  they are when logged in18:52
WaxyFreshikonia: nothing yet,brb ill try a different controller.18:52
Penguinbe able to boot?18:52
denisbrbazhang, One user use the system any time, after, other user use the system18:52
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: white for me too18:52
bazhangdenisbr, this is hardy right? then click the little green man in the corner (top right) :)18:52
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: try paypal please.18:52
SebNaitsabesikonia:  I don't have a paypal18:53
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: I think it's to do with the signing of the certs18:53
mySQLNoobikonia: this is what I got: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree18:53
SebNaitsabesikonia: and there has been an openSSL security issue for Debian and Ubuntu18:53
Jake_It Says unknown user Owner\18:53
SebNaitsabesikonia:  so I am wondering if it's got anything to do with that18:53
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: it's not18:53
SebNaitsabesikonia: right so you know what I am on about18:54
denisbrbazhang, why I can't open two sessions , one with gdm and other with startx  command ?18:54
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: yes, I see18:54
Jake_so do i type in passwd Owner sorry   or do i type in passwd <username> or do i type in passwd <Owner> sorry18:54
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: visit https://www.paypal.com18:54
bazhangdenisbr, not sure; I'm more of a gui fan -->best ask the channel for that one :)18:54
ikoniaJake_: what are you trying to set the password of18:54
Jake_ikonia the user that uid is 100018:55
WaxyFreshikonia: nope same thing,nothing. What packages are required to use it? maybe there missing for some reason18:55
zubu"how can i change the resolution of my screen and instal the graphic card driver for nvidia"18:55
denisbrbazhang, ok, thanks for help me18:55
ivan_inrwhat kind of program can i use to burn dvd in Ubuntu?18:55
ikoniaJake_: it doesn't exist any more18:55
ikoniaJake_: thats why you get a uid of 100018:55
SebNaitsabesikonia: interesting  part green part yellow18:55
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: green means the url is signed18:55
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: the yellow bit is just to differentaite18:55
bazhangdenisbr :)18:55
Jake_how do i make a new username and password with full admin rights?18:55
ikoniaWaxyFresh: it's not being detected then18:55
mySQLNoobso i decompress the tar files i have 2 files inside.. flashplayer-installer  and libflashplayer.so but this doesnt have any ./configure.. what do i do18:55
SebNaitsabesjake_:  that is not such a good idea18:56
broonsparrowhello - anyone recommend a music player from the host that are out there? I'm running ubuntu 8.0418:56
ikoniaJake_: use the user admin too and add it to the admin group18:56
ikoniamySQLNoob: as I said - it is none stadnard way18:56
SebNaitsabesjake_:  rule number one of Linux never log in as root (which is your full admin rights)  unless you know what you are doing18:56
zubuikonia:how can i change the resolution of my screen and install the driver for my nvidia graphics card?18:56
ikoniamySQLNoob: use the ubuntu package18:56
ikoniamySQLNoob: it will break your package manager18:56
Jake_ikonia,  i dont know the root admin or any admin usernames or passwords18:56
DemonicButtheadBazhang.. the envy package worked wonders.. I have both displays up and running with the Nvidia X Server settings applet fully functional18:56
DemonicButtheadthanks a lot bud18:56
bazhangDemonicButthead, :)18:56
mySQLNoobikonia: i did what you said, I showed you the error message18:56
ikoniaJake_: what is YOUR username ?18:56
Jake_i dont knwo18:56
mySQLNoobikonia: it didnt work well18:56
ikoniamySQLNoob: I missed the error message18:56
ikoniaJake_:  you don't know your username ?18:56
Jake_i installed it for a client18:57
SebNaitsabesikonia: so I guess it's not really anything to worry about that some https stay white?18:57
Jake_he took so long to pay me that i forgot what i set it to18:57
mySQLNoobikonia: this is what I got: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree18:57
FlannelJake_: the 1000 user should be the user, if thats deleted, is there a 1001 user?18:57
ikoniaMttJocy: show me the error please18:57
ikoniamySQLNoob: what version of ubuntu are you using ?18:57
FritzelHello, I'm trying to configure my front microphone as an input device in addition to my usb mic, using the usb mic as primary (as it is now) my question is how can I simply add a new device makeing certain to use dsnoop since I need to use dsnoop and dmix for wine, http://pastebin.ca/1021170 is what I am working with, and my failed attempt is commented out in .asoundrc I am not certain of the devices, my biggest hurdle is how can I18:57
Fritzel find out which device I want to use?18:57
ivan_inrdvd shrink from Ubuntu?18:57
WaxyFreshikonia: but it is being detected,dmsg says its there18:57
mySQLNoobikonia: 6.0618:57
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: I think it's to do with the encyption on the certificate18:58
Jake_Flannel nope18:58
ikoniamySQLNoob: you need to add the "multiverse" and "non-free" repo's18:58
marcushi all18:58
zubusomeone please help me!!18:58
M1DLGhello all, can I make a link that opens a thunderbird mail to window like I used to to do in windoze?18:58
Jake_Flannel Owner is the 1000 user18:58
ikoniamySQLNoob: visit system -> administration -> software sources and add the other repo's18:58
jdavies!help | zubu18:58
ubottuzubu: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)18:58
ikoniaJake_: what is YOUR username18:58
ikoniaJake_: what did you log in as ?18:58
Jake_I DONT KNOW18:58
FlannelJake_: and that one won't work, right?18:58
ikoniaJake_: how can you not know your own username18:58
jdavies!caps | Jake_18:58
ubottuJake_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:58
ikoniaJake_: what are you logging in as ?18:58
Flannelikonia: he's in recovery console18:58
jdavies!ask | zubu18:58
ubottuzubu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:58
SebNaitsabesikonia:  ok thanks for your help,  I would stay over,  but  I got  rather delayed course work to do,  and my teacher is probably pissed off at me18:58
Jake_just shut the fuck up ikona18:59
SebNaitsabesstay here not over18:59
zubuok thanks18:59
ikoniaJake_: that language is uncalled for18:59
ikoniajdavies: thank you18:59
M1DLGHow very rude18:59
ajax4Hey guys I need some help. I'm currently upgrading my system to Xubuntu 7.10...but its been stuck on one of the steps for hours...since last night. Any ideas?18:59
SebNaitsabesikonia: time to leave IRC before it distracts me18:59
M1DLGhello all, can I make a link that opens a thunderbird mail to window like I used to to do in windoze?18:59
ikoniaSebNaitsabes: laters19:00
jdaviesikonia: no problems19:00
mySQLNoobikonia: and then I just put "multiverse" and "non-free"  in add installation media ?19:00
sigmaHey guys. is there any way to make tracker-search-tool show mp3's with the album art embedded in the tag as an icon?19:00
ikoniamySQLNoob: it's a gui19:00
sigmalet's try this one again19:00
ikoniamySQLNoob: just tick the boxes for the additional repo's19:00
mySQLNoobikonia: thanks19:00
sigmais there a way to make -nautilu-s show mp3's with the album art embedded int he tag as an icon19:00
neo__can i make a live cd with vlc installed in it with all the required sofwares19:00
bazhang!uck | neo__19:01
ubottuneo__: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/19:01
WaxyFreshikonia: any idea about why dmesg can see it being there but the other thing dosent?19:01
SebNaitsabesprobably if you got a big enough19:01
SebNaitsabesDVD or CD19:01
SeaPhorI get this warning message after input username and pwd on boot: User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents... File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not be writable by others.19:01
prabshi guys, just wondering if ipw2200 is patched on hardy?19:01
thehurleydoes ubuntu use LVM when installing>19:01
Flannelthehurley: The Alternate CD does, yes.19:01
Jack_Sparrowthehurley no19:01
ikoniaWaxyFresh: dmesg can see the device - but it looks like the kernel doesn't know how to deal with it19:01
WaxyFreshikonia: would this help? and what do i download/how do i install a kernal patch?  http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=4a1a4d8b87389e35c3af04c0d0a95f6a0391b96419:02
neo__got it...any review abt new version of ubuntu?????19:02
tempspaceHow do I make it so that my keyboard shortcuts for changing desktops in compiz work no matter what application has attention?  I've found some apps like rdesktop won't work if the mouse is in the window, I have to move the mouse away from the window and then do the key combination19:02
thehurleyFlannel, "alternate CD" ?19:02
prabshi guys, just wondering if ipw2200 is patched on hardy? thanks19:02
bazhangneo__, sure19:02
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:03
M1DLGhello all, can I make a link that opens a thunderbird mail to window like I used to to do in windoze?19:03
Flannelthehurley: Yeah, not the Desktop CD (LiveCD installer through ubiquity), but the alternate CD.  Its a textmode installer19:03
neo__is it great???19:03
ikoniaWaxyFresh: I don't know what that patch does without more information19:03
prabshmm, nobody knows eh19:03
FunkyLargeI keep getting this message "You are not privileged to mount the volume 'OS'" What can i do???????????19:03
bazhangneo__, best to wait a bit imo19:03
bazhangprabs, patched for what19:04
astro76thehurley: here's a guide I used to setup encrypted lvm partitions using the alternate cd, it's quite easy actually http://learninginlinux.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/installing-ubuntu-804-with-full-disk-encryption/19:04
prabsbazhang: patched for injection mate19:04
* agamotto bows19:04
bazhangprabs, has to be compiled yourself19:04
agamottoHallo all19:04
thehurleyastro76, ty19:04
agamottoChannel ubuntu-mythtv must be pranged up pretty bad... no activity in three days?19:05
prabsbazhang: so can i follow the usual patching guide found on ubuntuforums.org for hardy as well?19:05
bazhangprabs not sure what guide you mean some may have done it though19:05
mySQLNoobcan anyone explain me what the ./ means in linux? I mean im in the folder where flashplayer-installer is, I copy ./flashplayer-installer and it installs if I do it without the ./ it won't... why?19:05
attilabahh help.ubuntu.com is sooo sloowo19:05
Jack_SparrowmySQLNoob hidden19:05
Jack_Sparrowmy bad19:06
ikoniamySQLNoob: I'd explained to you what to do19:06
prabsbazhang: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50114819:06
ikoniamySQLNoob: is there a reason your not following the advice ?19:06
prabsi wonder if it applies to hardy as well19:06
astro76mySQLNoob: it's a security feature... it prevents binaries which aren't in your $PATH from being accidently ran19:06
bazhangmySQLNoob, just install from repos19:06
astro76mySQLNoob: basically anything not in $PATH has to have the full path specified, and ./ is a shortcut to the current directory19:06
mySQLNoobikonia: I did thanks to ikonia, thanks... but I still wanted to learn :)19:06
zubujust to inforpeople that m y problem has been solved accidently19:06
ikoniamySQLNoob: your not going to learn anything of value19:07
astro76mySQLNoob: but yeah as bazhang said, get flash from repos ;)19:07
ikoniamySQLNoob: that is not how tar files are normally installed19:07
mySQLNoobastro76: thanks for the answer, that's clear now19:07
ikoniamySQLNoob: and you WILL break package dependencies in your package manager19:07
bazhangas i-konia said actually :)19:07
neo__i have a broadband connection .i can open the adsl router configuration page using my ethernet connected home computer but unable to do so with my wi-fi laptop the adsl address is    help needed19:07
WaxyFreshikonia: owever, the controller will still not report any events unless the mode is changed to "operational" using a specific HID_REQ_GET_REPORT command. This patch adds a quirk to the Linux HID driver to automatically switch the controller to operational mode. The patch is already present in Linux >= 2.6.21, but is applicable to earlier kernels. No other changes should be necessary. [1]19:07
mySQLNoobikonia: it's just that i wanted to see a video and outube and th flash website got me to download the file... but I did install it from repo.. thanks a lot19:08
alexbOrsovadoes anyone know how to stop a kernel module from loading at startup?19:08
tempspaceHow do I make it so that my keyboard shortcuts for changing desktops in compiz work no matter what application has attention?  I've found some apps like rdesktop won't work if the mouse is in the window, I have to move the mouse away from the window and then do the key combination19:08
neo__i have a broadband connection .i can open the adsl router configuration page using my ethernet connected home computer but unable to do so with my wi-fi laptop .the adsl address is    help needed19:08
ikoniamySQLNoob: if you've installed it from the repo - why are you trying to still install it19:08
ikonia!blacklist | alexbOrsova19:08
ubottualexbOrsova: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:08
bazhangneo__, what chipset on that wifi card (lspci will tell you)19:08
rouinihow i change language in my keyboard19:08
bazhangrouini, system or only kb19:09
neo__i have a broadband connection .i can open the adsl router configuration page using my ethernet connected home computer(which is win xp) but unable to do so with my wi-fi laptop(ubuntu gusty gibbon 7) .the adsl address is    help needed19:09
alexbOrsovawhat can I do if I have blacklisted a kernel driver and it still loads?19:09
bazhangneo__, see my question above19:09
rouinibazhang only kb19:09
bazhang!broadcom | neo__19:09
ubottuneo__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx19:09
neo__ubottu:   see my problem19:10
bazhangrouini, system prefs kb19:10
ubottuFactoid see my problem not found19:10
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:10
bazhangneo__, read that link first19:10
zubufalse alarm19:11
rouinibazhang.i have not understand you19:11
thehurleywheres a good place to download a new desktop appearance?19:11
neo__and not to mention i can access internet with the connection on my laptop19:11
thehurleyI'm looking for something simple/slick19:11
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:11
zubui did a restart and i am back to the old problem19:11
bazhangrouini, go to system-->preferences-->keyboard and set it there19:11
AaronHmySQLNoob, "./" mean the absolute path to the directory you are in, say you are in "/home/user/program/" and there is a binary or script file that you want to run. In all unix like operating systems if you type the complete path to a file it will execute it, so typing "/home/user/program/script" is the same as "cd /home/user/program/" then typing "./script"19:11
cancermaikeffi: hi da19:12
wols"nvidi" into /etc/modules19:12
neo__ubottu:and not to mention i can access internet with the connection on my laptop19:12
ubottuneo__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:12
ArdorinWhen I open spanish documents I created on my windows laptop I don't see the accented letters (á), instead, I see a question mark.19:12
ArdorinWhat should I do?19:12
jdavies!bot > neo__19:12
rouinibazhang.but i need change it in my keyboard19:12
maikeffiur nick name19:12
drewbywhat do I need in order to be able to capture from display?  I want to be able to capture from the main display and send it over a network.  mp4live looks for a device /dev/video which does not exist.  I'm running 8.04 Hardy.19:12
bazhangrouini, and that is where you do it19:12
ubottuFactoid peak not found19:12
wolsdrewby: vnc19:13
ArdorinI installed ubuntu using the en locale.19:13
virtualdanyone know a good ip6tables script?19:13
drewbywols: I do not want it to be interactive.  Will vnc create a stream that a mpeg4 decoder can play to a TV?19:13
rouinibazhang.it is not like windows19:13
tempspaceHow do I make it so that my keyboard shortcuts for changing desktops in compiz work no matter what application has attention?  I've found some apps like rdesktop won't work if the mouse is in the window, I have to move the mouse away from the window and then do the key combination19:13
Ardorin\join #ubuntu-es19:13
bazhangrouini, very true19:14
neo__i have a broadband connection .i can open the adsl router configuration page using my ethernet connected home computer(which is win xp) but unable to do so with my wi-fi laptop(ubuntu gusty gibbon 7) .the adsl address is    help needed19:14
bazhangneo__, we gave you a link-->please read it19:14
=== gregoirelamerded is now known as greg92iiiiiii
kbrookshi, um how do i make the right windows key have the same effect as the left windows key?19:15
gorushello all19:15
rouinibazhang;that is mistake for Ubuntu .we can't change language for keyboard19:15
gorushas any of you got any of the p5*-hdmi motherboards ?19:15
bazhangrouini, sure you can; just follow the instructions I gave you and no worries :)19:16
duovoicedoes anyone have a link for setting up a wifi connection thrUough on a mac?19:16
bazhangduovoice, which chipset19:16
rouinibazhang.give me your instruction19:16
duovoicehow do i find it in the terminal19:17
jkphey, can someone on a multiprocess machine paste the outpuyt of "cat /proc/cpuinfo" to a pastebin for me?19:17
bazhangrouini, go to the top menu bar--open system--then preferences--keyboard19:17
jkpim writing a python function to get the number of cpus on a box19:17
bazhangduovoice, lspci19:17
Alinoni had compiz working last week just fine, but this week i updated using the update manager and suddenly i'm getting a composite extension is not available when i try to turn on visual effects19:18
duovoicethe responce is bash: Ispci: command not found19:18
Alinoni'm running with an nvidia card19:18
rouinibazhang.but we can't use alt/shift like windows19:18
bazhangduo that is l = L19:18
WaxyFreshhow do i install a kernal patch? http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=4a1a4d8b87389e35c3af04c0d0a95f6a0391b96419:19
bazhang!lnw | rouini19:19
ubotturouini: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm19:19
hardysomeone can help please, I have a intel 865g integrated video 3d is not working, I am using hardy heron, if I boot the live cd 3d is enable but installed not working only 2d19:19
duovoiceAR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI19:20
hardyAlso I checked both files live cd and installed xorg.conf and are the same19:20
bazhangduovoice, does ifconfig have two listings or three19:20
bazhangduovoice, this is hardy or gutsy19:21
bazhangduovoice, does hardware drivers have anything for that card19:21
neo__read the page already knew it19:21
rouiniubottu:yes this is true but Ubuntu is better then windows19:21
TrXukHello people! I need a way to get NetworkManager to completley ignore one of my two wifi cards. I never even want it to decect the card and show it in the list... is this possible?19:22
duovoiceI installed some using ndswrapper... and they show as good, but they don't run19:22
zububefore the login screen i see a prompt which says ubuntu running in low graphics mode?19:22
zubuwhat should i do?19:23
duovoiceOnline I found I needed to use thinkpad drivers19:23
neo__any help19:23
duovoicenet5416... and I installed them19:23
agamottozubu:  What are you using for a gfx card?19:23
zubunvidia 8400m gs19:24
HiSorryI start up Xubuntu and it says owner//Desktop19:24
rouiniwhat is the features of Ubuntu 8.0419:24
HiSorryso that means i need to use Owner as the username?19:24
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow,  do you know anything about this? I get this warning message after input username and pwd on boot: User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents... File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not be writable by others.19:24
agamottozubu:  Hmmm, most likely, your card isn't quite supported yet19:25
=== Mr_SpOOn[nonciso is now known as Mr_SpOOn
mcphailzubu: i'm using that card in gutsy, and need to use the drivers from the nvidia website. I think it should be supported in hardy though19:25
bazhang!ot | rouini you can look at distrowatch.com19:25
ubotturouini you can look at distrowatch.com: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:25
zubuit was supported in gusty19:25
HiSorryhow do i reset my password19:25
zubuactually i had just upgraded to hardy19:25
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor Have you been playing around with root user access lately19:25
agamottozubu: as what device?19:25
CoOlGhOsTglxinfo says: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect - but compiz renders ok. Tried Nexiuz (3D game) and rendering sux. Soneone please give advice...19:25
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | zubu19:26
ubottuzubu: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB19:26
duovoiceany ideas?19:26
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, not at all19:26
mcphailzubu: yes, but not by the nvidia drivers? Surely you were using the "nv" driver?19:26
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor no gksudo nautilus or sudo gui app?19:26
bazhang!password | HiSorry19:27
ubottuHiSorry: Forgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:27
jairodealmeida i need to install oracle11g in my linux (ububtu) amd6419:27
jairodealmeida<-- rhox has quit ()19:27
jairodealmeidaand write the erros19:27
jairodealmeida The user is root. Oracle Universal Installer cannot continue installation if the user is root.19:27
jairodealmeida : No such file or directory19:27
FloodBot2jairodealmeida: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
jairodealmeida that is possible case19:27
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, that works, what am i looking for?19:27
chocobananaHi there everyone. I have a problem in making the @ sign on a portuguese keyboard. It is supposed to work by pressing Alt Gr+2 (right Alt + 2), but when I press the right Alt key it will only turn on the num and caps locks and sometimes act like I'm pressing the F1 key, thus opening the Help. Does anyone have a clue on how to fix this?19:28
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor I would look at how your permissions are set per the error, and more importantly, how they got changed.19:28
DanaGArgh, I'm trying to rsync to restore from a backup, but rsync is segfaulting somewhere.19:28
DanaGrsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1318) [client=2.6.9]19:28
drewbyis there any way I can export the primary display to /dev/video?19:28
emmachocobanana, this might help you --- use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:29
chocobananaemma: thanks, I'll definitely check it out19:29
Wobbomy bios tells me i have 4gigs ram installed, my system monitor tells me i only have 3 gigs can someone explain this?19:29
AaronHdrewby, why not just use VNC?19:30
alexbOrsovahey SeaPhor, IndyGunFreak are you guys here?19:30
agamottoI am having a very vexing problem with growisofs under Mythbuntu 8.04... anyone else having similar?19:30
jbroomeWobbo: are you running 64bit?19:30
emmachocobanana, you have the most delicious sounding nick by the way. Good luck with your problem. :)19:30
Wobbojbroome, nope19:30
sunfireyou need a 64-bit operating system to use 4 GB RAM19:30
duovoiceJust a refresh... I am dual booting Ubuntu on a macbook pro... chipset is as follows:  AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01),  I download and installed a thinkpad driver, and it's showing as valid... but my wireless is not. showing any ideas?19:30
jbroomeWobbo: there you go19:30
drewbyAaronH: I need the video to be in mpeg4 format and I want it to be non-interactive.19:30
agamottoWobbo:  it is due to 32bit cpu limitations19:30
Wobbojbroome, crap... 64 bit sucks...19:30
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, says root owns /home and my user owns /home/username19:30
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: yo, dude19:30
asclepius28hi all19:31
Bodsdaare there any cli irc apps?19:31
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: i figured it out, if you want to know how i did it19:31
jbroomeBodsda: irssi19:31
Wobboagamotto: thanks19:31
agamottoWobbo:  Nah, I have been running 64bit for nearly three years now19:31
bazhangirssi Bodsda19:31
drewbyAaron: can vnc do mpeg4?19:31
Bodsdajbroome, bazhang, is that a popular one then?19:31
Jack_SparrowSeaPhor I really need to go to lunch..  good luck.. back when I get time19:31
DanaGchocobanana: Try making sure the Gnome keyboard settings are correct.19:31
AaronHdrewby, you can make vnc non-interactive, but I don't know how you could record the display, especially over the internet19:31
SeaPhorJack_Sparrow, ok, thanks19:32
drewbyAaron well then vnc will not work for me.19:32
Wobboagamotto: i tried, no succes, WoW won't run, and my new system has 2x 9800gtx, there is no driver for 32 and 64 bit, only a 32bit beta driver19:32
Bodsdajbroome, apt sugggests i should install irssi-scripts     what are they?19:32
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, yes19:32
zubuagamotto:5hours back i had gusty and everthing was fine.but i was upgrading to 8.04.after installing it i restarted the system but this lowgraphics problem has popped out! i have downlaoded several nvidia drivers but still not working19:32
bud32Hi, once Ubuntu 8.04 installed, there was some file left with GID 999 throughout the file system. I fixed it with "sudo find / -nogroup -exec chgrp root {} \;"19:32
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: so, first i blacklisted all the network drivers except the one for wired ethernet in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist19:32
agamottoWobbo:  Ah, yes, if you want to do games under linux, then 64bit isn't quite for you19:32
Bodsdazubu, reboot,choose recovery mode form grub,then pick the 'fix x' option19:33
jbroomeBodsda: scripts for irssi.19:33
mcphailzubu: is there an nvidia driver in the repos called something like nvidia-glx-new?19:33
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: that alone doesnt do it however19:33
WobboIs there anyone here with a 9800GTX that has a lack of performance, probl due to the fact it's a beta driver?19:33
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, yes, ok19:33
Bodsdajbroome, yeah but what do they do?19:33
CoOlGhOsTglxinfo says: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect - but compiz renders ok. Tried Nexiuz (3D game) and rendering sux. Soneone please give advice...19:33
jbroomesweet christ, look on the web19:33
bazhang!info irssi-scripts19:33
ubottuirssi-scripts (source: irssi-scripts): collection of scripts for irssi. In component universe, is optional. Version 20070925ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 659 kB, installed size 3496 kB19:33
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: next, i had to start a few of the kernel modules manually and add "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules19:33
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: and then type "sudo update-initramfs -u"19:33
zubumcphail:how do i check that?19:33
asclepius28I have loaded ubuntu on an external hd put grub on it and now whenever i try start it with my external plugged in it goes to the grub boot menu but when i pick ubuntu it gives me error 22 no such parition. I put in supergrub and used the MBR option (says: useful for people who dont want to restart their computer etc.) when i do this the grub menu comes up and i choose ubuntu and it works fine (as i am on it right now) what could thi19:34
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: and now, finally, two days into it, it works19:34
mcphail!info nvidia-glx-new19:34
ubottunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5125 kB, installed size 15256 kB19:34
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: apparently, even if a module is blacklisted, in the absence of a driver its started anyway19:34
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, wow, you need to write that out in "how-to" format and post it on my website19:34
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: and ssb would start first, blocking ndiswrapper19:35
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: lol, if you really want me to, i will.19:35
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, please do :-)19:35
mcphailzubu: try "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new"19:35
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: how am I going to get the page to you when I'm done?19:36
zubunow what?19:36
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, just post on my website in the forum, under similar board19:37
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: what is your website?19:37
nick__I'm trying to use virtualbox, but everytime I try to start it, I get this error, "Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups." how do I do that?19:37
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, http://www.woodbeeco.com19:37
jairodealmeidais possible remove user from terminal19:37
mcphailzubu: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and pick the "nvidia" driver when asked. That _should_ do the trick. Back up xorg.conf first though19:37
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: ok, will do. nice talking to you again19:37
jbroomeavira: it's called avahi on ubuntu :)19:38
DanaGheh: home/dana/downloads/ファルコン☆パーン(イ゛ェアアアアアMIX).avi19:38
avirathere some body how speak french or not19:38
Morph3ushi.. there is an ATI room? i need ATI support19:38
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, Great to hear you had final victory in over-time ;-)19:38
Vhozardcan someone help me with openoffice?19:38
DanaGI love how unicode stuff works in consoles.19:38
jbroome!fr | avira19:38
ubottuavira: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:38
b0hahello i have lan. How can i connect from ubuntu to other computer which has windows xp installed ?19:38
asclepius28I have loaded ubuntu on an external hd put grub on it and now whenever i try start it with my external plugged in it goes to the grub boot menu but when i pick ubuntu it gives me error 22 no such parition. I put in supergrub and used the MBR option (says: useful for people who dont want to restart their computer etc.) when i do this the grub menu comes up and i choose ubuntu and it works fine (as i am on it right now) what could 19:39
b0hai have set some folders on sharing at win xp19:39
DanaGasclepius28: It sounds like grub was installed on the internal drive, so the partition numbering is screwed up.19:39
DanaGBooting from internal with external connected gives me this: hd0 internal, hd1 external.19:40
asclepius28i made that mistake earlier19:40
asclepius28but when the drive is unplugged it boots straight to windows19:40
DanaGBooting from USB from "F10" menu gives me hd0 external, hd1 internal.19:40
Vhozardcan someone help me with openoffice?19:40
asclepius28its gives me the opposite19:40
markovskii am interesed does someone create a solition for bug : soft lockup detected on CPU#019:40
jbroomeVhozard: double click to open19:40
* agamotto waves19:40
markovskipls answer19:40
majdI get an Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported executable format when i click on Windows XP from the grub menu, how can i fix that? :D19:40
asclepius28hd0 internal hd1 external19:40
zubumcphail where can i find that file? and should i choose yes or no while running he program you mentioned?19:40
DanaGasclepius28:  Hmm, perhaps Grub is pointed to the wrong partition for its stage2 and such.19:41
mcphailzubu: /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:41
Vhozardjbroome ehhhm... i know that -_- But my icons are inverted (negative)19:41
=== bod__ is now known as Bodsda
DanaGI don't remember offhand how to fix it, but that's probably the issue.19:41
asclepius28I thought that might be the case but why when i use subergrub does it work19:41
majdI get an Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported executable format when i click on Windows XP from the grub menu, how can i fix that? :D19:41
asclepius28its goes straight to the same menu and boots up fine19:41
markovskii am interesed does someone create a solution for bug : soft lockup detected on CPU#019:42
zubumcphail what should i select yes or no when i run the xserver program?19:42
mcphailzubu: depends on the question!19:42
majdhelp plx19:43
Atexчто это такое19:43
majdI get an Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported executable format when i click on Windows XP from the grub menu, how can i fix that? :D19:43
Myrtti!ru | Atex19:43
ubottuAtex: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:43
zubuuse kernel framebuffer device interface? yer  no  ???19:43
asclepius28danaG: where could i find out how to fix it? commands and such19:43
mcphailzubu: shouldn't matter which you pick19:43
majdI get an Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported executable format when i click on Windows XP from the grub menu, how can i fix that? :D19:43
asclepius28majd that happens to me as well19:44
asclepius28does your ubuntu boot up easily?19:44
majdasclepius28, and did you fix it? :S19:44
DanaGasclepius28: The most useful thing is to google for the specific error message, perhaps with the word "USB" also.19:44
PincusIs Ubuntu COMPLETELY free? or does it have non-free compoments?19:44
jbroomemajd: i'm not sure, but asking twice in a minute isn't going to make anyone help faster19:44
majdjbroome, at least make them notice :S19:44
asclepius28i have tried that and had no such luck, hence why i am here -)19:44
* DanaG throws a ✈ at madj19:45
asclepius28but ill give it another try19:45
jbroomemajd: or run for /ignore19:45
asclepius28thanks !19:45
FlannelPincus: It has some proprietary drivers included as options by default.  If you're looking for "completely, 100%" Free (as in Speech), you should check out Gobuntu, Ubuntu's 100% Free flavor19:45
majdasclepius28, okay :D19:45
zubumcphail it didnt ask me for the nvidia driver19:46
PincusFlannel: What does mean "proprietary drivers". Will I have to pay for them?19:46
* DanaG ♥ unicode.19:46
zubujust asked about the keyboard and the mouse!!19:46
neetowhat are the default modes and permissions of /tmp/?19:46
* majd kicks DanaG VERY hard19:46
smultroni can't get ubuntu to dual boot with XP. grub doesn't load, it goes straight to windows19:46
mcphailzubu: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"19:47
zubuand then19:47
neetowhat are the default modes and owners of /tmp/?19:47
DanaGExplore gucharmap; it's fun.19:47
FlannelPincus: no, if we're just talking free (as in beer) then yes, Ubuntu is 100% cost-free.  The drivers are closed-source, like video card stuff that nvidia puts out for their graphics cards.19:47
SeaPhorsmultron, can you boot from the live cd?19:47
smultronSeaPhor: yep19:48
neetowhat are the default permissions and owners of /tmp/?19:48
H__Pincus : these drivers cost you no money, but are not open-sourced. They generally deliver better performance19:48
a_donut333hello, can anyone help me with some errors I am getting when trying to install rtl8187b wireless card drivers?19:48
Pincusoh, it is OK with me19:48
H__Flannel : oops, thought you missed the request ;-)19:48
zubumcphail: it is giving me this error : "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration19:48
zubu   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080518001803"19:48
FlannelH__: No worries.  I liked your explanation better.19:48
SeaPhorsmultron, look at your /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if that looks ok19:49
mcphailzubu: that's ok. it's doing an extra backup for you19:49
Pincusthanks guys and girls19:49
zubunow what to do? i didnt get to select the nvidia driver?19:49
sidewalkim having problems using the nvidia drivers (restricted drivers)19:49
Doc_McCoydo you know if the tangerine-icon-theme is free?19:50
sidewalkand i want to be able to use emerald19:50
sidewalkso what do you guys recommend?19:50
rouiniis there Nero for Ubuntu19:50
* DanaG wonders: is it possible to run iwl3945 and iwl4965 at the same time?19:50
DanaGAnd how about iwl4965 and b43?19:51
zubumcphail : i guess i should try fix x from recovery mode19:51
bluefoxxi just read http://blogs.computerworld.com/fixing_debian_openssl <this artical...has it been fixed yet??19:51
DanaGMy next laptop will have two mini-PCIe slots... so I'm pondering sticking TWO wifi cards in it.19:51
sidewalkrouini: http://www.nero.com/eng/linux3.html19:51
bluefoxxalso: lol at today's xkcd19:51
mcphailzubu: shouldn't need to. Didn't you get a screen at all to select a driver?19:51
=== mahmoud__ is now known as mmkassem
zubuno nothing19:51
=== inga is now known as SiebaZ
isleshocky77What's the best way to see what is using a network connection via command line? I feel like I'm getting a lot of network activity, but not sure why.19:52
SiebaZi just got one question.... is it possible to put ndiswrapper into monitor mode?19:52
mcphailzubu: what questions did it ask you?19:52
ThingySiebaZ, iirc no.19:52
H__isleshocky77 perhaps something like trafshow19:52
sidewalkWhile using nvidia (restricted drivers) in a freshly installed 8.04, things "dissapear" from applications when using them in the resolution 1280x1024. When not using the restricted drivers i can have a 1280x1024 resolution, without being able to...19:53
alexbOrsovadoes anyone here know how to check what X server modules are loaded/running ?19:53
=== r2d2_ is now known as terrytibbs
Chillyboarderhey guys, what would be the best linux distro, as friendly as lets say XP.19:53
sidewalk... use emerald, rotate the cube and stuff.19:53
DanaGOh yeah, something interesting:19:53
sidewalkanyone want to help me?19:53
DanaGYesterday I had a chance to try my old Voodoo3 on Hardy, and I found that, for some reason, it wouldn't use the native resolution of the display.19:53
linkmaster03howdo I trasnfer files from my Ubuntu desktop to my virtual machine on virtualbox?19:53
zubuit asked me about the keyboard (autodetect) it turnedd out to be a US pc105 then about the mouse19:54
SiebaZso there is no possibility to scan for wireless ..... and dump the traffic for me ?19:54
DanaGI looked in the xorg log, and it actually showed it getting the EDID with the correct 1280x1024..... but then it didn't USE that resolution!19:54
DanaGWhat's up with that?19:54
sidewalklinkmaster03: scp?19:54
DanaGIt went to 800x600 instead.19:54
RTB|LaptopWho do I talk to to get a universe package updated?19:54
mcphailzubu: you ran it with the "-phigh" part?19:54
pen_why firefox slow down everything? if I minimize it everything will be smooth again?19:54
zubuthat shows me an error:"zubair@zubair-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:55
zubuxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration19:55
zubu   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080518002449"19:55
H__sidewalk : I had the same problem, I tinkered with using the gnome tools, then kde again, and finally threw away my /etc/X1/xorg.conf such that it would be recreated from scratch. That helped, but I got a too wide Virtual display, so I trimmed that down19:55
duaneI cant get my broadcom bcm4310 to work I checked the wifi and it says The bcm43xx driver (via manual install) is now considered to be deprecated as it is now included in Ubuntu 8.04 and all Linux kernel versions 2.6.24 and later19:56
zubuplus after upgrading i am not able to change my screen resolution.19:56
mr_boowhere can i get eyecandy for ubuntu?19:56
zubuits a 600*800 something19:56
DanaGduane: it's been replaced by b43.19:56
duanegnome-look.org mr_boo19:56
mr_boozubu: ah, you've cranked up to 800x600 congrats19:56
linkmaster03sidewalk: what is scp?19:56
duaneshould it work automatically DanaG ?19:56
sidewalkH__: how did you "recreate" a xorg.conf from scratch?19:56
mr_boozubu: xD19:56
alecare there any opensource alternatives to autocad i can run on linux?19:56
alexbOrsovadoes anyone know how to tell what X server modules are loaded?19:56
ubottuFactoid s not found19:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:57
sidewalklinkmaster03: secure copy, do you have network on both machines?19:57
jairodealmeidaFloodBot1: i post19:57
jairodealmeida http://paste.ubuntu.com/12772/19:57
jbroomealec: qcad maybe19:57
lappy198Is there a way to reload synaptics? Cause it bugs and the "scroll" part of my touchpad stops to work.19:57
pen_why firefox slow down everything? if I minimize it everything will be smooth again?19:57
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, i dont know how but does top show you what you need?19:57
alecjbroome: does qcad have a 3d version19:57
duanewhat do I have do get my broadcom wireless working??19:58
jbroomealec: BTSOM, i just searched apt-cache for autocad19:58
mcphailzubu: don't know if this will work, but you can try "sudo nvidia-xconfig"19:58
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: no. but I have a feeling this may take a few days19:58
mr_booduane: hope that is more than just wallpapers19:58
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: lol, here I go again19:58
duaneit is mr_boo19:58
linkmaster03sidewalk: its in virtualbox, the windows xp. it doesnt have internet19:58
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, I know the feeling, i'll help if i can19:59
sidewalklinkmaster03: then sorry for the tip about scp19:59
Doc_McCoyNow, are the tangerine icons opensource?????????????19:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:59
zubumcphail: it shows this:  Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".19:59
zubuVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.19:59
zubu                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver19:59
zubu                  line.19:59
zubuBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'19:59
FloodBot2zubu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
duanehow can i get my broadcom bcm4310 working in ubuntu hardy??19:59
alexbOrsovadoes anyone know what this Qt error means: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12773/20:00
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, have you looked here? sudo gedit /etc/modules20:00
jbroome!pm | alec20:00
ubottualec: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.20:00
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: dude, i never want to see that directory again!!20:00
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: seriously though, those aren't the kind of mudles im talking about20:00
keymoohi i'm trying to install envy to get my gfx card working. i type in sudo apt-get install envyng-core and get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12775/ do you know what could be wrong?20:01
alecoh ok, sorry. i had no idea20:01
mr_boois metacity something that runs under gnome or is it a totally different windowmanager?20:01
mcphailzubu: replace the xorg.conf with your backup and try again20:01
lappy198Is there a way to reload synaptics? Cause it bugs and the "scroll" part of my touchpad stops to work.20:01
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alexbOrsovai need to switch computers, ill be back20:02
alecjbroome: how do i search BTSOM20:02
jbroomethe google20:02
mr_boois metacity a new window manager not compatible with gnome?20:02
alexbOrsovaso does anyone know what this error means: Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed20:02
duryikonia: are you there?20:03
mr_booduane: what is the broadcom thing, a ethernet adapter?20:03
zionpsyfermetacity is an older window manager that's compatible with gnome20:03
duanewireless card20:03
alexbOrsovaduane: you have a broadcom?20:03
duaneis gnome using beryl now?20:03
alexbOrsovaduane: no, gnome uses compiz20:04
duryduane: yeah20:04
duaneyes alexbOrsova its a bcm4310 and not working :(20:04
alecjbroome: is it possible to run autocad in WINE?20:04
duanehow do I get the 3d cube lol20:04
alexbOrsovaduane: does it work in windows and have your tried ndiswrapper?20:04
duryduane: in gnome use compiz it's great20:04
jbroomealec: again, BTSOM.  I have no use or need for autocad.  i'm just going by what i found in apt-cache search20:04
poomalaihello everybody... I have a doubt. Can i run openSSH server in my machine using port 80 or 8080? Will it conflict?20:04
zionpsyfergnome by default uses neither beryl or compiz-fusion iirc.  metacity or sawfish are the defaults available.20:04
Flannelpoomalai: You could, but if you wanted to also run webservers at those ports, you wouldn't be able to do both.20:05
jbroomepoomalai: if you're running a webserver, you'll have trouble with ssh on 80.  8080 won't be a problem20:05
duaneit works in vista alexbOrsova20:05
mcphailpoomalai: not unless you have something else running on that port20:05
Chillyboarderhey guys, what would be the best linux distro, as friendly as lets say XP.20:05
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, try here /etc/X11/Xsession.d and ls?20:05
jbroomeChillyboarder: i'm guessing ubuntu20:05
Chillyboarderdebian and mandriva arnt as gud as ubuntu?20:06
jbroomeyou know, since we're not biased here or anything20:06
duanedury, how do you get the 3d cube effect it shows in the video for hardy?20:06
jbroomeany further discussion needs to go to #ubuntu-offtopic20:06
alexbOrsovaduane: if it doesn't work with the default drivers in Ubuntu, I recommend ndiswrapper. look for your card here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list_b/20:06
zubumcphain: what would happen if i do a fix x from recovery?20:06
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poomalaithanks  Flannel and jbroome. I am not running any web server on my machine. In my office only port 80 is open. All other ports are closed in firewall. Thats why i am planning to run ssh in 8020:06
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: trying that right now20:06
zubucoz. nothings happening!20:06
mcphailzubu: no different to what you're doing just now20:07
Flannelpoomalai: that shouldn't be a problem. Just remember you'll need to specify that port to connect20:07
broonsparrowhello - anyone recommend a music player from the host that are out there? I'm running ubuntu 8.0420:07
mcphailpoomalai: what about 443?20:07
duryduane. are you there, ....?20:07
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, do ls in that parent dir, and look around, best i know20:07
duanethere was a no fuss ndiswrapper with broadcom guide anyone know where it is??20:07
pen_why sometimes firefox slow down everything? if I minimize it everything will be smooth again?20:07
poomalaimcphail: you mean https?20:07
duaneyes dury20:07
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: basically, im trying to get my touchscreen working following this guide: http://kellyandsopho.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=LinuxOnHpPaviliontx1000z20:08
duryduane: you have the gnome or kde running20:08
mcphailpoomalai: yes - then you could also run a webserver on standard potr if you needed to20:08
mr_boohow do i activate metacity themes in gnome?20:08
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: like my last problem, it worked in 7.10 and doesn't now. the story of my life20:08
poomalaimcphail: Thats an excellent idea. I will try that. I have to configure my router too. Right?20:08
roboticHi guys.  I'm trying to check if I've been compromised...  does Ubuntu install & run OpenSSH server by default?20:08
edemcrimeacannot play music with decibel why20:08
Flannelrobotic: Not by default, no.20:09
soulnafeinHello there20:09
zionpsyfermr_boo: right click desktop, change background, theme tab20:09
DanaGduane: b43-fwcutter20:09
alexbOrsovahas anyone here installed linux on a laptop with a touch screen before?20:09
DanaGIt's a package.20:09
duaneI have gnome running20:09
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mcphailpoomalai: yes. Perhaps it would be easier to forward port 443 to 25 in your router rather than changing the default port for ssh20:09
duanedana I did that says cant find package?20:09
roboticFlannel: OK, that's not good then :)  I may have enabled it myself when I installed SSH, but I didn't intend to enable remote logins20:09
duryduane: if gnome... go to system > preferences > Advance Desktop Effects Settings20:09
poomalaimcphail, I dont understand you correctly.20:10
duryduane. are you there, ....?20:10
Hammer89I'm trying to get toshset to work on my laptop... however whenever I run toshset <option> it feeds an error saying "required kernel toshiba support not enabled."... is this just a simple matter of enabling a kernel module?20:10
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, its amazing how much that looks like one of the projects im working on, Not-Yet-Released product, scary20:10
sidewalkhow do i check which graphics card i have?20:10
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: you told me before :)20:10
mcphailpoomalai: doesn't really matter anyway!20:10
mr_boozionpsyfer: it's the same themes that were there before i installed the metacity themes!20:10
Flannelrobotic: What did you instlal when you installed ssh?  the client *is* installed by default.  Do you remember the package name?20:10
duryduane: did you go to go to System > preferences > Advance Desktop Effects Settings20:11
zionpsyfermr_boo:  try dragging the metacity theme to that window.20:11
duaneI dont see that option dury20:11
soulnafeinI have to computers on the same network  (both with ubuntu). One is configured with tomcat5. I would like to have access from the first computer to the folder that contains the website on the second computer. What is the best solution?20:11
roboticFlannel: don't remember. but it looks like synaptic reports I have ssh client and server both20:11
mr_boozionpsyfer: didn't work20:11
poomalaiok then. Thanks for your help mcphail. I will try this today. But i am not able to check my ssh server from my local machine. It says connection refused. But i can connect it from my friend's computer20:11
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: i just received the Ubuntu CDs I ordered with shipit in the mail right now20:12
poomalaicant i connect to my machine from local?20:12
duryduane: in terminal type: sudo apt-get install compiz20:12
zionpsyfermr_boo:  is the theme a .tar.gz?20:12
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: my wireless is working, its an exciting time for me20:12
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: :)20:12
mr_boozionpsyfer: no, i've unpacked it20:12
mr_boozionpsyfer: maybe i shouldn't have20:12
duanesays its installed dury20:12
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, cool! :-))20:12
mcphailpoomalai: you should be able to. have you set the port correctly in the client?20:12
zionpsyfermr_boo: No, don't unpack them.20:12
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duanei have profile -> apperance20:14
mr_boozionpsyfer: now it works20:14
mr_boozionpsyfer: thanks20:14
duanebut not advanced desktop20:14
duryduane: ok soo...... go System > Preferences > Appearence20:14
zionpsyfermr_boo: Glad to have been of use.20:14
duanenothing in there for cube effect20:14
poomalaiyes. I did. when i use ssh it works cleanly. But when i use ssh poomalai.homelinux.com it says connection refused. But i can connect to poomalai.homelinux.com from my friend's machine20:14
poomalaiI think loop back wont work20:14
duryduane: then visual effect tab20:15
duryduane: see?20:15
duaneI was able add extra and that made it for the boxes and wavy and stuff20:15
alexbOrsovaso does anyone know what this error means: Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed20:15
duanebut no 3d cube20:15
asclepius28once 3d cube is enabled how do you start it?20:15
DanaGduane:Try the retrasrtaserfaerawefasdfasdfasdf20:15
DanaGargh, freeze on tab-complete!20:15
DanaGI meant to say:20:15
mcphailpoomalai: i think that's a whole different issue, and one which will make my head explode if i think about it too much!20:15
DanaGTry the restricted drivers thingy in System -> Administration20:15
pck-chemquick question for those csh-ers. I'm using a program that requires the use of the c shell and I need to edit my .cshrc file. Where is this file? and if I need to make it myself, where should I do that? thanks.20:16
duanei did that fwcutter install danag and my card does not work20:16
zubumcphail: lemme give you a clear description of what has happened so far!20:16
zubui had gusty 6hrs back and everything was fine.20:16
zububut after upgarding i got several errors!20:16
zubu1. i had two pairs of ubuntu loaders(one pair = each of recovery and the normal loader)eventually i fised it by editing the menu.lst fromgrub folder by marking it as a comment.now it doesnt show. it also never used to load ubuntu.it just used to show a balck rectangular patch in the center of a white screen.dats it.20:16
FloodBot2zubu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:16
zubu2.the other ubuntu loader used to boot up with this error stating low graphics and i used to press continue so i got this new login screen of hardy which loads up ubuntu gui.<sometimes it also used to show CLI login screen and it used to flicker before going to the GUI login screen. but now it does not appear. somehow it has beeen fixed) so now iam in this pathetic resolution and even compiz is not running advance(extra) version of  itself.not able to detect20:16
zubu the graphics card i guess.20:16
duaneI got to restricted drivers and it says nothing listed20:16
poomalaioh. Sorry for confusing you. Anyway thanks for your help20:16
zubui used it but what after typing the content20:16
poomalaihave a nice time20:16
durymy 3D cube works perfectly20:16
asclepius28how do you activate as in keystrokes 3d cube20:16
duanewhat shortcut is it dury?20:16
Flannelzubu: You had two pairs of each, they were probably different versions (-386, -generic, or something)20:17
zionpsyferasclepius28: CTRL+ALT+left/right arrow20:17
Flannelzubu: If you pastebin your sources.list (after doing sudo update-grub), we can tell you much more concretely instead of speculatively20:17
Studoes anyone here dual boot ubuntu and os x on an iMac ??20:17
zionpsyferasclepius28: Also, CTRL+ALT+click and drag with your mouse20:17
durymine it's the middle botton of the mouse keep it hold and move the mouse20:17
duanewhat the heck20:17
zubuflannel sorry but i am not getting what u r talking about?20:18
asclepius28okay thats not really a cube though its just one plane20:18
durydon't get panic20:18
duaneI do ctrl+alt+left arrow and it slides to the next desktop no cube20:18
asclepius28still looks awesome20:18
Myrtti!paste | zubu20:18
ubottuzubu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:18
StuI cant figure out how to get it boot without first sticking in the CD-ROM - I just get no boot device20:18
gerardojhi guys, does anybody know why when I open any GTK app, my theme becomes like I didnt have any theme installed ?20:18
shane2perudoes anyone know how to determine your network printer's IP address?20:18
Flannelzubu: Are the duplicate entries actually identical?  I imagine they're not.20:18
duryif you don't discover today will be tomorrow.... don't panic20:18
zionpsyferasclepius28: check the number of desktops you've got in your settings, four gives you a cube.  two is just a plane20:18
Stugerardoj: do you mean an emerald theme ?20:18
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, have you looked here? System>Prefs>SCIM input method setup20:19
asclepius28okay ill check it thanks20:19
moveaxIs there a way of installing PHP as a binary on my Ubuntu system so I can use it for shell scripting? Is there a specific package anyone knows of-by-hand?20:19
DILshane2peru: WIRELESS20:19
Flannelmoveax: php5-cli20:19
duryzionpsyfer, it's right20:19
gerardojStu:nop, just my current HUMAN theme20:19
pck-chemAnyone here familiar with csh on Ubuntu?20:19
duovoiceJust a refresh... I am dual booting Ubuntu on a macbook pro... chipset is as follows:  AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01),  I download and installed a thinkpad driver, and it's showing as valid... but my wireless is not. showing any ideas?  Definitely still looking for help.20:19
gerardojbut just when I open it as a sudo20:19
moveaxFlannel: just found that yeah, cheers20:19
Studuovoice: how do you get ubuntu to boot on your macbook ??20:20
gerardojStu:like old fashion theme all gray20:20
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: i get the error when I try to run the "Touchkit" executable from the touch screen driver (available on that page)20:20
gerardojStu:motif perhaps20:20
Studuovoice: I just installed but I need the CD in, boot to that and then tell it to boot from first hdd20:20
Stumotif ?20:20
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: i dont think its an input method problem.20:20
asclepius28how do you get more desktops20:20
gerardojStu: motif style kinda20:20
Stugerardoj: oh... not sure, thought it might be an emerald theme - I battle with getting those to stick, human keeps taking over20:21
zubumcphail: did you read that?20:21
jumper^what's up with ubuntu 8.4?20:21
duovoiceI partitioned using bootcamp, erased the partition in Grub, installed on that partition, making a few mods per thewalk though on the the Ubuntu Forums, and there I had it20:21
gerardojStu: oh ok thx anyway20:21
DanaGAnybody need some dice?  Here you go:  ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅20:21
duovoiceThat was for You Stu20:21
Studuovoice: when you turn on your mac... do you press eomthing ??20:22
Fritzeldoes anyone here have an alsa setup with 1 card for outgoing sound and 2 cards for incoming sound?20:22
DanaGOh yeah, and what would make the tdfx driver not use the EDID modes it finds?20:22
duovoiceI use Reefit20:22
Stuand duovoice  do you have that URL handy  for the walkthrough ?20:22
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: what time is it where you live?20:22
duovoiceit gives me the option of Leopard or Linux20:22
Studuovoice: yes I installed duovoice... it gives me the option of a linux HDD boot but then I get "no boot device"20:22
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: it's like 3:30 PM here20:22
zubuflannel: can you help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12778/20:22
Studuovoice: er I installed refit20:22
roboticIs there a way for me to check when I installed a package, and/or its install history?20:23
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, 2:3020:23
duovoiceI can search for it real quick... anyone have any ideas on fixing my wireless on Ubuntu?20:23
Sturobotic: try dpkg --list | grep package name20:23
TrackilizerWhat is the name of the small tray where applications are minimized to? for example Azureus or amarok. I deleted it by accident and now i don't know hot to restore it.20:23
psykrollHi, everyone, I was hoping for some assistance with installing new programs20:23
roboticStu: thanks, trying20:23
EndGamehow to i add my username to the vboxuser group?20:24
StuTrackilizer: right click on the top bar and there might be an option to add a new one20:24
StuEndGame: man groupmod20:24
thompahelp cannot enable desktop effects since update?20:24
jkphow do i add a directory to the dynamic linker path on linux?20:24
dloringHello World!20:24
Stuthompa: what GFX card?20:24
Tim1can any one help  kjournald  never seems to stop accessing the hard disk, And this will affect the hard drive life span.20:24
roboticStu: that gives me the latest install, it looks like... can I see the history of when diff versions were installed and the dates?20:24
zionpsyferpsykroll: What questions do you have?20:24
alexbOrsovaHello dloring!20:24
Sturobotic: not sure... that was just a guess20:25
psykrollI am running Ubuntu 8.04 and I want to install two things. First a theme that's a .gz20:25
thompaStu: ive tried everything i can think of20:25
Stuthompa: in administration drivers to you see anything about it ?20:25
thompaits enabled20:25
psykrollugh, brb20:25
thompaStu: ive tried all the basic stuff even reconfiguring xorg20:26
Stuthompa: open a terminal and try load compiz from there, I think you can type compiz --verbose20:26
zionpsyferpsykroll: To install the theme, right click on your desktop and select Change Desktop Background.  Click on the Theme tab and drag the theme to the window.20:26
mahognyubuntu 8.04 install cd comes without mkinitrd. synaptic does not list any package with mkinitrd. what do I do now?20:27
TrackilizerStu, i only have an option to add a new panel, my panel is still there but not the little tray on the top panel. I just closed Azureus but i know it's still running, i just can't close it because it minimizes to the small tray.20:27
Studuovoice: do you have the URL that you used to install ubuntu ???20:27
Falling-InfernoHi, I need some help. Im running Ubuntu 8.04 and its been acting screwy since i downloaded the 8.04 Beta. How would I "Wipe" It back to original settings? I don't have a ubuntu Cd and my burner doesn't work. I ordered a CD (2 times about 3 months apart from each other) and still haven't received them. But I need my computer cleaned up, how would i do this?20:27
thompaStu: ok i did that now nothing moves20:27
mahogny(does anyone know the name of the mkinitrd package?)20:27
Stuthompa: you mean in the terminal?? did you get verbose output ?20:27
Flannelmahogny: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=mkinitrd&mode=filename&suite=hardy&arch=any20:27
Stuthompa: or do you mean you cant move windows around etc?20:28
mahognythanks flannel20:28
j1solutionshello all20:28
robotichow can I disable SSH server?20:28
thompaStu: i mean my windows open up top cant move them20:28
Flannel!bum | robotic20:28
ubotturobotic: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:28
Stuthompa: try pressing alt+f2 and typing emerald --replace20:28
roboticThanks for all your help, Flannel!20:28
j1solutionsFalling-Inferno I'll email you a CD if you are in CONUS20:28
duovoiceStu... here it is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro20:28
Studuovoice: thanks20:28
j1solutionsahh, make that 'mail' not email20:28
thompaStu: nope cant unminimize terminal either20:29
Falling-Inferno? CONUS? Im in Tampa,Florida.20:29
thompaStu: ok got a terminal20:29
Flannelrobotic: also, juts removing the -server package would work. as would disabling it in the config itself.20:29
j1solutionsCONUS= continental U.S.20:29
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Stuthompa: a new terminal or the old one has come back ? did you see any errors when compiz tried to run?20:29
j1solutionsemail me your street address, I'll send you a CD  j9solutions-hhr(at)yahoo.com20:30
thompaStu: can i run command again20:30
duovoiceDoes anyone know how to get my mac wireless card to read in Ubnuntu?20:30
Stuthompa: with the same outcome probably.... I beleive there is a verbose mode for compiz so you can see what the error is, might need to google to find it20:30
roboticflannel: I disabled logins in the config, now I just don't want the process running, so I'll do that in config20:30
thompaStu:  There is an unsupported value at path /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/20:30
Stuthompa: or you could install emerald and use that for window decoration20:30
FlannelFalling-Inferno: Also, contact the Florida LoCo team, they may be able to get you one sooner.  #ubuntu-us-fl20:30
thompaStu: compiz always worked20:31
duovoiceit's a AR5418 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Express Adapter20:31
Stuthompa: ok, so scale seems to be causing issues? disable it in the setting manager20:31
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Studuovoice: you have two choices; ndiswrapper or madwifi trunk20:31
legend2440Trackilizer: i think you are talking about the Notification Area if you right click panel >Add to panel>notification area20:31
steve699hellow can you tell me how to play .RMVB files on 8.04 x64 or from where can i get realplayer or codecs for such20:31
\\dan\\steve699: install real playe20:32
rskor MPlayer with codecs.20:32
thompaStu: is there some way to reinstall it,20:32
exp_I need help auto mounting a new SATA drive (fstab).  It is located on /dev/sdb (ext3 filesystem) -- additional hard drive.  I used gparted to create the filesystem and format20:32
Trackilizerlegend2440, yes that was it, thanks alot20:32
pen_why sometimes firefox slow down everything? if I minimize it everything will be smooth again?20:32
pen_any solution?20:32
duovoicei tried ndiswrapper... it shows the wireless driver as being good but it won't start20:32
Stuthompa: yes proabably, try remoiving (compeltely removing) compwiz and anything related to it from synaptics20:33
PleaseKlineMeAny netops here?20:33
steve699\\dan\\: from where it's x64 and it's not included in the packges20:33
thompaStu: compiz now works20:33
Studuovoice: have you modprobed ndiswraooer?20:33
asclepius28are widgets pre installed?20:33
thompaStu: its working now for some reason20:33
PleaseKlineMePLEASE BAN ME20:33
zionpsyferpen_:  Flash would be my first suspect.20:33
duovoiceI don't know... i followed a walk though20:33
Stuthompa: good news :)20:33
sudobashwhat PleaseKlineMe20:33
duovoicewhat do i need to do20:33
Studuovoice: trype ndiswapper -l20:34
thompaStu: i was about to reinstall20:34
Studuovoice: do you see the card listed? if so, trype modprobe ndiswrapper20:34
PleaseKlineMeI'm trying to get my neighbor banned from all channels on FreeNode and EFnet. He has the same IP.20:34
asclepius28widgets anyone?20:34
duovoicenet5416 : driver installed20:34
duovoicedevice (168C:0024) present20:34
exp_PLZ Halp!! trying to  auto mount a new SATA drive via fstab.  It is located on /dev/sdb (ext3 filesystem) -- additional hard drive.  I used gparted to create the filesystem and format20:34
sudobashso he is using your wireless20:34
thompaStu: I had reinstalled compiz earlier and purged kde which was when the problem occured20:34
sudobashthat is the only way to have identical IP20:34
pen_zionpsyfer, how do I block flash to test?20:34
pen_zionpsyfer, what addon should I install20:35
zionpsyferpen_: the flashblock addon will do it20:35
sudobashPleaseKlineMe go to #ubuntu-ops20:35
Morph3ushi.. i have 3 days asking for help.. my ubuntu hardy, suddenly restart the graphical interface.. i need some light20:35
duovoiceStu, is there something else i need to type with that... it gives me a fatal error20:35
rohanwill ubuntu 8.04 be updated to include firefox 3 rc1?20:35
sudobashbut i dont think they will ban you without a good reason20:35
thompaStu: problem was combo or of update, kde4 or kde3 install20:35
duovoiceI'll paster what i typed and what it responded20:35
Studuovoice: which ??? ndiswrapper -l or modprobe ndiswrapper ?20:36
hwildemy usb hub is missing.  how can I restart the usb subsystem and force it to redetect the hardware ?20:36
zionpsyferrohan: Yes.20:36
thompaStu: something in there borked it, still not sure if its clean20:36
duovoicemodprobe ndiswrapper20:36
duovoiceFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted20:36
Studuovoice: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper20:36
rohanzionpsyfer: any idea when?20:36
sudobashsudo modprobe ndiswrapper20:36
\\dan\\steve699:  http://www.real.com/linux Download RealPlayer10GOLD.bin and make the file executable ("chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" from the command line), then run the bin file by typing "./RealPlayer10Gold.bin."20:36
exp_does anyone here know anything about /etc/fstab20:36
\\dan\\steve699:  need to run the last one as root20:37
asclepius28how do you get widgets on ubuntu?20:37
sudobashso PleaseKlineMe you might have to do something bad to be banned and it probably wont be permanant20:37
Stuexp_: its the file systems tables20:37
zionpsyferrohan: Not a clue.20:37
sudobashi was real bad and had like a 2-3 month ban20:37
\\dan\\steve699: so sudo ./Realplayerdkkvkv whatever20:37
rohanzionpsyfer: ok, then how can you be so sure that rc1 will be included?20:37
exp_PLZ Halp!! trying to  auto mount a new SATA drive via fstab.  It is located on /dev/sdb (ext3 filesystem) -- additional hard drive.  I used gparted to create the filesystem and format20:37
duovoicedid that.. thanks sudobash... put inmy password and then it gave meregular prompt my20:37
zionpsyferrohan: Because a LTS release won't continue to use a beta version of firefox for the next five years.20:38
steve699thank you20:38
hwildemy usb hub is missing.  how can I restart the usb subsystem and force it to redetect the hardware ?20:38
exp_hasn't anyone put a new hard drive in a ubuntu system yet?? jeeze20:38
poolgeorgeDoes anyone know how to get an HP Color Laserjet working in 7.10?20:38
rohanzionpsyfer: they can choose to skip rc1 and include final release of firefox 320:38
rohanexp_: i have20:38
steve699\\dan\\: how can i login root from terminal20:38
Stuexp_: you will see examples in fstab already, just copy one line and modify it with the above device ID... you will need to create a mount point though, for example /media/newsatadisk20:38
exp_can you help me?20:38
rohanexp_: yes, what is the problem?20:38
rohanexp_: isn't the disk automatically detected?20:38
legend2440exp_: http://www.smorgasbord.net/how-to-install-second-hard-drive-in-ubuntu-linux/20:38
duovoiceHow can i very very if it's set20:39
exp_rohan:  trying to  auto mount a new SATA drive via fstab.  It is located on /dev/sdb (ext3 filesystem)20:39
rohanexp_: ok, just one partition?20:39
zionpsyferrohan: Indeed they could.  That also would work for you, would it not?20:39
exp_rohan: yes20:39
duovoiceiwconfig now20:39
rohanzionpsyfer: yes, hence i asked whether rc1 specifically would be included :)20:39
Condoulook, I have a question. I am wanting to compile a theme that I downloaded, what tools would I need to use to compile it.20:39
rohanexp_: ok, what line did you add to fstab?20:39
exp_i havn't20:39
Studuovoice: yes, the device should now be listed in iwconfig20:40
EicheShello i need help for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12780/20:40
Stuexp_: where do you want the drive to be mounted? /media/data etc?20:40
Stuexp_: in other words.. the mount point... you need a mount point first20:40
legend2440exp_: here are step by step instructions.  http://www.smorgasbord.net/how-to-install-second-hard-drive-in-ubuntu-linux/20:40
hwildemy usb hub is missing.  how can I restart the usb subsystem and force it to redetect the hardware ?20:41
duovoicenow if i can figure how to run it.. I'll be good, but this is a vast improvement20:41
rohanexp_: you should read up more, but i think for you it'll be -- /dev/sdb1 /mnt/whatever ext3 defaults 0 020:41
Studuovoice: what you mean run it ?20:42
exp_rohan: reading  .....20:42
exp_legend2440: ty20:42
Studuovoice: it should show in the network manager thing20:42
zionpsyferrohan: Yes, and I'd be surprised if the rc wasn't available in a package.  That doesn't preclude everyone skipping to the final, but even if it isn't in the official repos, someone will make a deb for it.20:42
legend2440exp_: yw20:42
EicheShello i need help for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12780/20:42
EicheShello i need help for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12780/20:42
EicheShello i need help for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12780/20:42
FloodBot2EicheS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
sudobashor repeat like that20:42
sudobashnice dead link EicheS20:42
Darlok_WilliamsIt's not a dead link.20:43
Darlok_WilliamsBut it doesn't exactly show a problem :)20:43
balzzand_cookieshow do i get ubuntu to work duel booting ?20:43
sudobashstrange the first time i went to it it said 40420:43
balzzand_cookiesoff hardware and vmware?20:43
hwildethere are extra characters at the end20:43
hwilde!dualboot | balzzand_cookies20:43
ubottubalzzand_cookies: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:43
EicheSvayanse a la mierda20:43
sudobashi have a k8m800 MB20:44
=== balzzand_cookies is now known as eritit
CondouloIn 8.04, in the menus, did the Hardware Devices get removed, or am I just blind?20:44
Darlok_Williams!sp | EicheS20:44
ubottuFactoid sp not found20:44
=== eritit is now known as scientus
Darlok_Williams!esp | EicheS20:44
ubottuFactoid esp not found20:44
rohanCondoulo: in the places menu?20:44
hwilde!es | Darlok_Williams20:44
ubottuDarlok_Williams: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:44
Darlok_WilliamsYeah, i found it :)20:44
EicheSsi y que pasa20:44
hwildeEicheS, what is your problem ?20:44
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:44
illriginal/msg NickServ IDENTIFY20:44
Condoulorohan, ummm... the hardware list.. you know, similar to Device Manager in Windows o-O20:44
sudobashyeah what is the problem?20:44
Darlok_Williamsheh.... that was easy to solve.20:45
devoWhat should I type in to change the boot order to: Windows XP, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Recovery Mode, Ubuntu memtest86+.bin? I"m running both OS's20:45
hwildeCondoulo, I think you have to    sudo apt-get install hwinfo   then it's in the system menu20:45
zionpsyferrohan: Forums seem to confirm this.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79721220:45
illriginalhey guys... how do I verify that I'm the sole owner of this username?20:45
hwildedevo, edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst   and put it in the order you want20:45
illriginalisn't it: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY "password"20:45
Darlok_Williamsillriginal: Yes.20:45
hwildeillriginal, /msg nickserv help20:45
sudobashsimilar setup to mine... im using an Asus SPDIF output adapter on my BIOSTAR k8m80020:45
devolet me give that a shot.. thanks20:45
administratorhello everyone20:46
illriginalam I supposed to put that into this window? or into the freenode-connect window?20:46
legend2440Condoulo: Applications>system tools>device manager20:46
sudobashwow nice nick admin20:46
scientushow do i duel boot with my physical ubuntu inside windows on vmware?20:46
illriginal/msg NickServ help20:46
scientushow do i work out hardware probs20:46
sudobashdual boot VM what?20:46
Condoulolegend2440, Now found there.... =/20:46
scientuslike you can with windows20:46
sudobashdual boot and VM and completely different20:46
hwilde!vmware | scientus20:47
ubottuscientus: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:47
scientusboot the physical ubuntu install inside vmware20:47
scientusi know what vmware is20:47
legend2440Condoulo: not there?20:47
scientusi can do it with windows20:47
Condoulolegend2440, Now there. Checked Edit Menu as well20:47
scientusbut im afraid of messing up hardware stuff in ubuntu20:47
hacxhello, does anybody know some app for ubuntu, which manages tasks for "day life", something like package "plan" but something more user-friendy please?20:47
tharveyso I have 4 choices for a java plugin - which one should I pick?  Is the gjc one full featured?20:47
legend2440Condoulo: sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager20:47
shane2peruok, power flickered, I'm back20:48
shane2peruhow do I determine the IP address of my network printer?20:48
legend2440Condoulo: it will put launcher in applications>system tools20:48
elchhi folks, how can i disable a blinking cursor in gnome-terminal (hardy)? there is no such setting anymore20:48
CondouloWhy isn't this in Ubuntu 8.04 by default? o-O While it is in 7.10 and previous.20:48
=== sudobash is now known as ThieveryCorporat
scientususe avahi shane2peru20:48
administratorHow do I import my yahoo & msn messengers in to this OS?20:49
=== ThieveryCorporat is now known as ThieveryCorp
scientusor it might also show up as a windows share shane2peru20:49
Flare183What driver works best with a Lexmark X1185?20:49
shane2peruscientus, avahi?  is that  program, or cli?20:49
ThieveryCorpadministration pidgin20:49
shane2peruscientus, it is hooked up directly to the network.20:49
=== ThieveryCorp is now known as sudobash
kolie2Trying to install 8.04 x64 on my laptop. After i boot to disk and select install ubuntu, I get a progress bar for a bit, then the screen goes black20:49
=== sudobash is now known as ThieveryCorp
shane2peruscientus, via network cable20:49
scientusits a apt-get program or from add-remove20:49
Condoulook, now that I got past that (Just wanted to see if it detected my SCSI card). What packages do I install do I can compile something from a tarball?20:49
=== ThieveryCorp is now known as sudobash
scientusavahi is a auto-config for networks so you dont have to know the ip address and it will automatically work with whatever ip it is on20:50
Darlok_WilliamsCondoulo: build-essential20:50
scientusit only works on simple networks20:50
exp_I'm trying to mount my new sata drive  getting:20:50
exp_root@ubuntu:/home/exp# mount /dev/sdb /media/threehund20:50
exp_mount: you must specify the filesystem type20:50
shane2peruscientus, ok, will man avahi explain it to me?20:50
sudobashis the new drive partitioned and formatted?20:51
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)20:51
scientusthere is a avahi gui20:51
jl-satyri'm doing a fresh install of hardy.  when it generates my snakeoil keys it's picking up an old fake domain name that i used some time ago.  i want the common name to reflect my fqdn.  i'm formatting all partitions.  can't figure out where it's picking up the information.20:51
steve699how can i login as root from terminal20:51
scientussearch in the synaptic manager to make sure ytou have it20:51
sudobashsudo bash20:51
Darlok_Williams!root | steve69920:51
ubottusteve699: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:51
sudobashwill let you be root20:51
illriginalCan someone assist me in enabling privileges for files that I have just copied from my DVD-Data discs? I can only read, I don't have read/write access.20:51
Condoulois there anything special I would need to compile GTK engines?20:51
joemsamba question- i have multiple drives shared on a windows box, and ubuntu can access all of them, but some do not give me directory listings past the root of the drive (or share).  each share is set up exactly the same on the windows box as well as in fstab, so i dont understand why some work completely fine and others have this issue. any thoughts? thanks...20:51
steve699i know it20:51
legend2440exp_: you can't mount the whole filesystem only the partition ie sdb120:51
sudobashillriginal chown sudobash file20:51
sudobashillriginal chmod 755 file20:52
ghostknifeWhen I type a command that doesn't exist because it's not installed, like "LS", ubuntu tells me what to do to install it, how is this implemented?20:52
shane2peruscientus, I'm not sure I'm understandning this avahi thing20:52
Darlok_Williamsillriginal: run  sudo chown -Rv [username] [path]20:52
illriginalwhat do you mean by path?... I have multiple folders with data in em... Darlok_Williams20:52
scientusthere is a gui that goes along with avahi--im not sure its included by default but if u search avahi in synaptic you will definetely see it20:52
sudobashi think the -R is for recursive right?20:53
sudobashso you can apply to sub dirs?20:53
shane2peruscientus, ok, and that will assign an ip to my printer?20:53
EmptyBoxany body can help me with vim editor ?20:53
scientusyou could also use your router and find a user list or dhcp lease list, etc20:53
IenorandHi, I'm having problem removing residual config of a package [linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic] help anybody? Output from synaptic: http://mibbit.com/pb/2xwTpd20:53
sudobashchmod -R20:53
Darlok_Williamsillriginal: Run it on the top path.  For example, if all the folders are underneath "DVD-Data", you would run sudo chown -Rv illriginal ~/DVD-Data/20:53
scientusit will auto-figure out what ip it has20:53
EmptyBoxi want to run vim and apply  :set ruler & :set number20:53
Darlok_Williamssudobash: Yes, -R is for recursive.... the -v is verbose (shows each file it's working on)20:53
shane2peruscientus, ok, will check into it20:53
Condoulois there anything special I would need to compile GTK engines? Just wondering20:54
illriginalthey're all on my desktop... so sudo chown -Rv illriginal ~/home/illriginal/Desktop ?20:54
steve699what is the command for root login from terminal20:54
illriginalDarlock_Williams ^20:54
wubrgameris it safe to use the gutsy repository for virtualbox for a hardy install? since there is no hardy repo yet?20:54
Darlok_Williamsillriginal: That would set all the ownership for every file/directory on your desktop to you, yes.20:54
scientussu steve69920:55
illriginalbeautiful, thank you sir.. I need to make a text file for commands :D20:55
scientusbut it doesnt work unless youve turned the root account on steve69920:55
sudobashalso illriginal look up chmod since you already know chown now20:55
scientusyou can do sudo du or sudo -i20:55
EmptyBoxhow can send command to vim when you want to open file; e.g: $vim myfile :set ruler ?20:55
illriginalthanks sudobash :D20:55
scientus*sudo su20:55
duovoiceI'm gonna see if it works... silly question, but I don't remember what type of key i have WAP or WEP or which of either of them it is... any clues?20:55
illriginalI did scientus :P20:55
javialquimI tried to install 8.04 from Gutsy using the Software update.  The update failed and now I get the partial upgrade warning (which also fails) and all the outer frames of my applications are missing.... HELP!20:55
nwidgeranyone know where the 'Shared Folders' options went in the System>Administration menu in 8.04?20:55
kolie2Trying to install 8.04 x64 on my laptop. After i boot to disk and select install ubuntu, I get a progress bar for a bit, then the screen goes black20:55
Darlok_Williamsjavialquim: It is always recommended to do a full install for exactly that reason.20:56
sudobashkolie2 how long does it stay black?20:56
illriginallol  root access to 42,041 files o.O20:56
kolie2been that way for awhile now20:56
javialquimMan.... I hate to loose all the programs and customization I did... I mean I use this for everything20:57
Darlok_Williamsjavialquim: Yeah, me too.  But every time I've tried to (or heard of someone else trying to) update from one version to the next, it causes problems.20:57
javialquimGood to know Darlok.... So I do I get back to my original setup (I don't see any frames on my applications20:58
CondouloWhat packages would I need to compile GTK Engines from source?20:58
psychim experiencing gnome freezing after gdm login, that only happenes after X restart20:58
psychany thoughts?20:58
jl-satyranyone know where the snakeoil key generation picks up the common name?  it persists from old installations even when all partitions are formatted in a fresh install.20:58
psychnot a gdm problem20:58
psychsame with kdm20:58
kolie2Why is my ubuntu not working :(20:59
javialquimpsych... That happen to me once, I had to reinstall gnome but I was missing some packages from gnome-session20:59
duovoiceHow do i determine what type of Password i have for configuring my wireless network?20:59
KindOnekolie2, what happens20:59
shane2peruscientus, there doesn't seem to be an avahi gui front end, I found a libavahi-ui0 which talks about a gtk, but I don't see anything about running gui20:59
kolie2Ive said twice.20:59
psychjavialquim, you just did reinstall ?20:59
MachinTrucChoseis there a way to tell which files a package installed? I'm trying to locate the configuration file for Gnome Catalog and I can't (the GUI is pure horror, it lets you change 2 options).  I looked in /etc/ and in /usr/share, nothing. I figured I could look where the package installed the files.20:59
kolie2Trying to install 8.04 x64 on my laptop. After i boot to disk and select install ubuntu, I get a progress bar for a bit, then the screen goes black20:59
thepyratehi all, could someone tell me where I can find "libnotify" package?? i'm trying to install GnomeVoiceControl and it crashes because of the lack of this library20:59
shane2perudoes anyone know how to determine the ip of my network printer?20:59
javialquimI reinstalled all gnome packages.... that won't solve the kde problem though...20:59
IenorandHi, I'm having problem removing residual config of a package [linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic] help anybody? Output from synaptic: http://mibbit.com/pb/2xwTpd21:00
psychits only gnome related problem javialquim21:00
_Digi_Shane2peru  - The printer set up menu should allow you to find the ip of the printer21:00
_sammy_kolie2, try booting with the following kernel options: acpi=off noapic nolapic21:00
javialquimoh.... I thought I read something about kde....21:00
sudobashkoli2 have you tried 32 bit?21:00
illriginalbah... Darlock_Williams... I still don't have permissions for all the folders in my Desktop, do I need to do that command for every single folder in my Desktop?21:00
kolie2I dont want 32 bit.21:00
sudobashor maybe your iso is corrupted21:00
shane2peru_Digi_, it never used to, you have to input it manually (historically)21:00
duovoicei'm gonna try this21:00
javialquimyeah... that's what happened to me and I solved it with apt-get reinstalling ALL gnome packages21:00
psychi said same freeze with kdm21:01
_Digi_Any suggestion on sound cards that ubunto readily accepts?21:01
kolie2my iso is fine, i checked md5, and the disc check was dfine21:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>21:01
javialquimmake sure you reinstall gnome-session21:01
duovoicei may be back.. thanks21:01
psychmaybe gnome desktop does the trick21:01
sudobashtry burning the disc at a slower speed although it shouldnt really matter21:01
psychgnome session eh21:01
sudobashso it freezes during install correcT?21:01
psychgonna do that21:01
javialquimgood luck psych21:01
shane2peru_Digi_, it just gives me the Host option and I have to fill it in.21:01
shane2perudoes anyone know how to determine the ip address of a network printer?21:02
javialquimI spent hours last time when I realized I was still missing individual packages (like gnome-session)21:02
IenorandHow do you install this fancy new virtualisation, [apt-get install kvm] ? or is there more to it to get some gui and stuff?21:02
javialquimshen2peru.... look on the printer setup menu or run NMAP21:02
sudobashhow much ram do you have kolie2?21:02
JustineCHi.  Can someone ID the pkg name for Xen Kernel Sources in Hardy?  "apt-cache search xen | grep -i source" returns "klone - KLone development framework source code", which doesn't look right at all .21:03
kolie2sudobash 4gb21:03
axel_hi everyone, seem to have a problem with my USB 2.0 - anyone who can help? get the following error in dmesg: usb 2-4: device descriptor read/64, error -7121:03
sudobashthats why you want 64 bit ;)21:03
sudobashi see21:03
administratorwhy my pidgin messenger wont open any Idea anyone????21:03
sudobashare you using a dvd rom?21:03
_Digi_Shane2peru - look in private chat for a question21:03
sudobashadministrator restart and try again21:03
shane2perujavialquim, what is dnmap?  the printer setup doesn't allow me.21:03
psychjavialquim, is there a command to reinstall ?21:03
legend2440MachinTrucChose: in synaptic highlight gnomecatalog and click tab that says Installed Files21:03
shane2peru_Digi_, how do I do that?21:03
MachinTrucChosethank you legend21:04
javialquimit's a port scanner21:04
Ienorandtry starting from terminal administrator.21:04
sudobashnmap finale edition came out?21:04
sudobashor has it been out and i have been using it unknowingly lol21:04
javialquimtry apt-get nmap but I think you need the right repo to get it... also try google21:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:04
shane2perujavialquim, ok, installing it now21:05
RequinB5hi Freddy221:05
sudobashwho was that to RwquinB5?21:05
kolie2i set those three options using f6, still a black screen21:05
shane2peru_Digi_, Sorry, I'm not an IRC guru. :)21:05
sudobashkolie2 are you using a dvdrom or cdrom?21:05
Freddy2a friend is trying to set up a software raid from the live-cd installation, and can't find a way to create "md devices".. can this be done with the desktop version? or you need the alternate one?21:05
legend2440MachinTrucChose: the config file may be in your /home/username folder but hidden. hit ctrl+h and look for .gnomecatalog21:05
sudobashtry with dvd21:05
sudobashif you can21:05
kolie2I dont have a dvd21:06
axel_usb 2-4: device descriptor read/64, error -71 - anyone who can help with this error message?21:06
sudobashor try alernate cd21:06
sudobashthat would be a better idea21:06
sudobashalt cd21:06
mindheavyi can connect to an open wireless network just fine, but even though i can see my wireless network, im unable to connect, how would i go about finding the cause of this?21:06
kolie2I fail to see why that would matter?21:06
FishsceneDoes anyone have a recommendation for a PCMCIA wireless card that supports WPA2?21:06
sudobashFishscene ndiswrapper?21:06
frarocoHello, How can i install ArchiCAD and AutoCad in ubuntu system?21:06
javialquimFreddy.... you should be able to do it with desktop edition but make sure you have a real hardware raid and not a sudo raid like they do on the dells21:06
sudobashhmmm maybe with wine or cedega never tried fraroco21:06
shane2perujavialquim, will that give me the hostname of the device too??  When I set it up in Windows (long time ago) it uses a hostname, and not an IP address, but it was a long string of stuff I don't remember21:07
tomo28jpWhat's the command to suspend my pc with hardy??21:07
frarocosudobash, some homologoe?21:07
Freddy2javialquim: it's looking for a software raid, defining a pair of raid partitions (type FD) and then creating the raid "md device" with them.. the controller doesn't have raid support enabled, of course.. it's trying to create software raid, that's the point21:08
javialquimshane2peru:  I thought you just wanted the IP address for other purposes (I assumed you were hacking - sorry)21:08
javialquimshane2:  did you try the cups utility first21:08
kolie2Im going to burn another cd sudobash, if you think it will batter.21:08
shane2perujavialquim, ha ha, I'm looking at this trying to figure out what it is supposed to do. lol21:08
shane2perujavialquim, will it give me the ip of my printer?21:09
zetheroohow do I get full access ad functionality of NTFS filesystems in partition editor?21:09
illriginalCan someone please assist me in enabling permissions for read/write? I have a copied a few folders onto my desktop, but their emblem has a little lock and I can't cut/paste those folders into a different directory.21:09
shane2perujavialquim, I enjoy learning hacking too, lol, what do I put under target?21:09
zetheroodo I need any ntfs packages from the repos?21:09
IenorandHi, I'm having problem removing residual config of a package [linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-12-generic] help anybody? Output from synaptic: http://mibbit.com/pb/2xwTpd21:09
javialquimshane2:  yes, run NMAP with your subnet range for example will scan all ip addresses from .1 to .100 and return entries for the ones that exist and will guess at OS, hostname, ports open, etc.21:10
shane2perujavialquim, cool, that is pretty neat trick!  Thanks.21:10
CapaHQuestion, how do I *DOWNGRADE* Firefox 3 b5 to 3b4 ?21:10
CapaHthere is a plugin / addon I want that wont work with 3b521:10
captainFuture@illriginal what says console if you type la -la ?21:10
illriginalThis command: sudo chown -Rv illriginal /home/illriginal/Desktop21:11
illriginaldoesn't give me access to those folders for read/write21:11
illriginalhold on captainFuture21:11
XcellCapaH:  fire fox is out now21:11
Xcellchech their site21:11
CapaHXcell: I am on their site now :) it says 221:11
illriginalillriginal@illriginal:~$ la -la21:11
illriginalbash: la: command not found21:11
CapaH3 is still beta21:12
illriginalcaptainFuture ^21:12
javialquimhey shane2.... did you try the cups utility first... that always works for me when installing a network printer.... ofcourse assuming that you are on the same network as the printer and the printer is online21:12
captainFuture@illriginalgo cd Desktop21:12
captainFuturethen ls -la21:12
javialquimon gutsy:  System -> Administration -> Printing21:12
illriginalIt lists all the folders I have on my desktop that are restricted from read/write access. captainFuture.21:13
Xcellok i c now21:13
javialquimyou might also need cups-network or whatever it's called... do a apt-get search cuos21:13
javialquimsorry... cups21:13
IenorandFx 3 is actually RC at the moment, but there's only beta 5 in repos21:13
captainFuture@illriginal hten give him access21:13
Xcellya rc121:13
amirman84does anyone here have a problem with firefox not shutting down properly? when i go to open firefox after having closed it, it tells me that it's already open, what's the deal?21:13
captainFuturesudo chown yourusername:users  ###andthisfolder###21:13
illriginalcaptainFuture, how?... I tried the chown command all it does is list every single file in each folder then claims it's retained to me.21:14
Ienorandamirman84: does that remain if you wait a while?21:14
_sammy_amirman84, wait a while21:14
captainFutureexample sudo chown captainFuture:users myrestrictetfolder21:14
shane2perujavialquim, yeah, I always have to put the ip address in that is why I'm thinking, I'm missing something here21:14
javialquimRAID Question:  I just remembered that it also matters what type of raid you have setup (RAID0, RAID1, etc)21:14
shane2perujavialquim, if you just type the first few letters and hit tab, it will finish the persons name you are typing too.21:15
amirman84lenorand: _sammy_: it still happens after about 5 minutes or so21:15
illriginaloh I need to do them to every single folder, captainfuture?21:15
IenorandDoes anybody know how to force purge packages, I have stubborn residual configs!!21:15
captainFuturegive -R this before  like:21:15
mindheavyis there a way i can find out why i am unable to connect to my secure wireless network, yet i can connect every time to an open network?21:15
javialquimshane2peru, .... cool!21:15
captainFuturesudo chown -R username:users21:15
Ienorandamirman84: right somethings wring then...21:15
shane2perujavialquim, yeah, I don't type your whole name out. lol21:15
_sammy_amirman84 odd one. Kill -9 the process, restart FF. Does it persist?21:16
simotemplerHi anyone who can help me - a collegue and I recently moved on to ubuntu and we would like to share one of our folders on each of our PCs in 2 different cities so we can work on a project together - is this possible?21:16
amirman84_sammy_: i'm able to kill it from the system monitor, i was just wondering if there was a way to fix the bug21:16
sudobashsimotempler ever heard of FTP?21:16
crilleHello, I have just made a .asoundrc file to make teamspeak sound stop stuttering, how do I make the system start to use it?21:16
illriginalsudo chown -R illriginal /home/illriginal/Desktop/foldername  ?21:16
olskolircsimotempler, try vnc21:17
javialquimsimotempler, - across cities, yes but you would need to know each other's public ip address... and you better have some good firewall or vpn protection21:17
captainFuturesudo chown -R illriginal:users /home/illriginal/Desktop/foldername21:17
CaPriCoRN^80hi room .. plz help me in filling this survey21:17
javialquimVNC... highly insecure... you might get someone actively scanning for open VNC ports21:17
sudobashyes use dynDNS to keep up your dynamic ip to a domain name21:17
simotemplerya but would prefer to just like add the folders on each of our PCs as new network places sort ofthing21:18
CaPriCoRN^80i m doing little thesis21:18
CaPriCoRN^80pls fill this survery form .. i shall be very thanksful to u21:18
javialquimif you are going to do VNC you are better off with ssh and sftp21:18
sudobashsimotempler you need to get into the linux mindset not XP21:18
FloodBot2CaPriCoRN^80: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
wuxiai hav ea dell vostro 1700 -- how do I get wierless to work on it?21:18
sudobashyes SSH2 and SFTP21:18
mindheavyis there a way i can find out why i am unable to connect to my secure wireless network, yet i can connect every time to an open network?21:18
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simotemplerwell we could just open the ports on our routers when we want to syncronise stuff21:18
amirman84are there any simple walkthroughs or methods of getting the most out of my soundcard? i've been trying out a lot of music composition apps that either wont work at all or have some sound issues21:18
javialquimsudobash, :  I agree21:19
IenorandDoes anybody know how to force purge packages ( and if that would be advisable? ), I have stubborn residual configs!!21:19
illriginalcaptainFuture, I'm sorry but this command isn't doing anything: illriginal@illriginal:~/Desktop$ sudo chown -R illriginal:users /home/illriginal/Desktop/A21:19
trippssmy synaptics touchpad doesn't work after bringing my laptop out of standby. how can i fix this?21:19
kolie2ok just burnt a fresh ubuntu disk, waiting for black screen..21:19
simotemplersomeone said vnc is that not just an image stream with control but not file sharing access21:19
sudobashtrippss find out if there is a process for synaptics tp before you go into hibernation and when you come out of it make sure that same process is running21:20
XpistosHey I have a very specific question, but I was hoping someone could shed some light on it. I have a Dell DJ Ditty and I can't get it to work without great effort. Any suggs? I have libmtp7 compiled and I have tried using several apps21:20
sudobashsimotempler most secure way... ssh2 and sftp... period.......21:20
trippsssudobash, note it does work after hibernating, just not standby21:20
javialquimsimotempler, you can donwload ultravnc server and client and get folders from each other but be warned it is very insecure21:20
illriginalis there any way just to give me read/write permission on the whole computer? This restriction isn't killing a lot of my time.21:20
sudobashyes but very not recommended21:21
simotemplerright might try getting some webspace we can save to21:21
asclepius28is there any backup software bundled with ubuntu?21:21
sudobashvery very insecure illriginal21:21
sudobashbut it is done like this:21:21
amirman84asclepius28: i dont think so but if you go to add remove, there are a few good ones21:21
sudobashi dont know if i should tell you or not...21:21
simotemplerany free web space providers which dont restrict file types etc.21:21
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illriginalok sudobash can I do it for like say... 10 minutes then go back to having restrictions? I really need to move these files. This is more of a security issue if I can't move these files.21:21
CaPriCoRN^80plz do fill my survery21:21
asclepius28okay awesome thanks21:21
captainFuture> sudo chown -R yourusername:users /your/folder/directory21:22
captainFuture> belive me it works21:22
amirman84simotempler: have you tried box.net21:22
javialquimsimotempler, :  dude (or dudette) just use ssh!21:22
kolie2sudobash : new cd, screen is still black.21:22
sudobashillriginal: cd / ; chown -Rv user *21:22
sudobashkolie2 try alternate please21:22
kolie2whats in alternate21:22
illriginaland how do I put the restriction back, sudo?21:22
simotemplerssh port 22 ya21:22
IenorandDoes anybody know how to force purge packages ( and if that would be advisable? ), I have really stubborn residual configs!!21:22
sudobashsame but it installs without GUI21:22
captainFuture> sudo chown -R root:root /your/folder/directory21:23
sudobashhmmm good question illriginal21:23
Xpistosillriginal: linuxreality.com has a good episode on permissions if you look to his site21:23
mindheavyis there a way i can find out why i am unable to connect to my secure wireless network, yet i can connect every time to an open network?21:23
illriginallol there's no way of puttin the restriction back? LOL21:23
illriginalthanks Xpistos.21:23
sudobashyeah learn chown and chmod and you will know21:23
amirman84kolie2: what he meant to say was that the installation process is without GUI but the ubuntu it installs has a GUI21:23
kolie2cant he just run as root?21:23
illriginalok.. will do. I need to learn my commands -.-21:23
kolie2amirman84, I know what he meant.21:24
sudobashwell illriginal you took all rights and gave them to one user... multiple different settings21:24
Xpistosillriginal: NP. If you are not a seasoned Linux veteran, that is a great sight find a lot of goodies21:24
sudobashhow does the pc know what needs to be changed back... you have to know21:24
Xpistosillriginal: In otherwords, I have them all downloaded. LOL21:24
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illriginaloh cool... ok there's only one user on this machine, me. And I don't mess with the file system, only if I need to install/uninstall prgrams.21:24
shane2perujavialquim, I wasn't able to do it through System -> Administration -> Printer ...  ..  I selected HPJet/Direct, and it needs the ip address, however this nmapfe is really cool. :)21:24
sudobashroot own /root users own /home/"user"21:24
hvgotcodesdo i need special software to get photos off a digital camera?21:25
Flare183How can I fix this: Can not get the ticket cache for jesse21:25
illriginalthanks Xpistos :D21:25
hvgotcodesor do i just plug in into the usb21:25
BadChoicedoes anyone know how to bind space key in nautilus to launch the script I want?21:25
lastenthow can I install all the packages that begin with x11proto, sudo aptitude install x11proto*?21:25
sudobashhvgotcodes plug in and look on desktop21:25
Flare183lastent: yes21:25
zyedatlast i m in21:26
lastentFlare183, it is not working21:26
Flare183lastent: then try apt-get21:26
XpistosAnybody with a suggestions about my MTP problem?21:26
sidewalkim having problem with my  nVidia Corporation NVCrush11 [GeForce2 MX Integrated Graphics]21:26
sidewalkcant get compiz working21:26
Flare183Any Suggetions?21:26
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lastentFlare183, It worked thanks21:27
Flare183lastent: your welcome21:27
illriginalomg... they're all saying change not permitted, failed to change ownership of: every single line21:27
sudobashsidewalk make sure you have accellerated graphics21:27
sudobashworking correctly21:27
BadChoicedoes anyone know how to bind space key in nautilus to launch the script I want?21:27
sudobashsudo it illriginal21:27
Flare183I have a samba probelm, when I try to print something it gives me this error: Can not get the ticket cache for jesse. How can I fix this?21:28
illriginalroflao duh.21:28
amirman84illriginal: you could run it as root but i really wouldn't advise it unless you are a linux cowboy21:28
sudobashBadChoice try #ubuntu+1 if you dont get an answer21:28
kaze_hello suckers21:28
hvgotcodessudobash: indeed -- what program is it using to import?21:28
sudobashplease be careful Illriginal your pc is at risk right now21:28
BadChoicesudobash:  what is #ubuntu+121:28
illriginal<,< it's not because it's still not letting me take off restrictions lol21:28
IenorandDoes anybody know how to force purge packages ( and if that would be advisable? ), I have really stubborn residual configs.21:29
sudobashWHY DONT YOU LOOK21:29
ubottuFactoid interped not found21:29
gnubiesidewalk, , http://futuredesktop.org/ look at item 10 here21:29
ubottuFactoid interpid not found21:29
Flare183forget it21:29
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex | Warning lots of breaking software and other good stuff  between now and October!21:29
allamikonia: in the morning i had a problem and u solved it to me the problem was 'i cant see my files in the partition' and the solution is to mount my partition and  when i log in windows and try to enter this partition it show me message told me that the partition is not formatted and want me to format it21:29
sudobashhvgotcodes no program for import drag and drop21:29
illriginaltried sudo, it skipped the "password" part and went right to the change of ownership, which all are failing.21:29
XpistosI guess we are working on birds this ear21:29
sudobashyeah you already put your pass in once for sudo21:30
illriginalis there a reason why all would fail?...21:30
shigutsoHow can I configure Fan Speed of my Dell Laptop? I tried i8kutils, but the message "/proc/i8k doesn't exist" appears...21:30
sudobashwhats the message?21:30
hvgotcodessudobash: its pretty rad -- it must be some program....all it says is import photos21:30
sudobashshigutso BIOS?21:30
illriginaloh wait... no no some are failing, others are "retaining"21:31
sudobashhmmm i usually just drag and drop them21:31
shigutsosudobash, configure in BIOS? there no option for that21:31
sudobashillriginal Ubuntu coders have probably locked out the feature on some files21:31
sudobashor maybe the files are in use21:31
edmellondo you know how to set an audigy card? i get a low sound on subwoofer and nothing else....i used to use alsaconf but is no more available....i got latest ubuntu desktop edition?21:31
sudobashand permissions can not be changed21:31
shane2peruok, all previous attempts have failed, 3rd try how do I detect my Network printer ip number?  It doesn't auto detect in the printer setup.21:31
hvgotcodesgthumb i think it is21:31
hvgotcodesok next question, is there a guide for getting e17 on gutsy?21:31
illriginaltrue... good call sudobash. I just need these files moved lol21:32
TxakalAlguien me ayuda !!???21:32
sudobashshane2peru is there another pc using the printer and it is already working?21:32
sudobashthat is the easiest way just look on another setup21:32
sudobashfor noobs21:33
astro76!pt | Txakal21:33
ubottuTxakal: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:33
shane2perusudobash, it is setup via the network wire, it is an hp102221:33
sudobashyeah shane i figured that much21:33
shane2perusudobash, it was working, and my router went spaztic, so I have an old router hooked up21:33
sudobashis there another pc that can already print to it?21:33
astro76!es | Txakal21:34
ubottuTxakal: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:34
shane2perusudobash, no, I have to reset-up all 3 computers21:34
sudobashsounds like the port might be blocked on the router in use now21:34
sudobashwell you can search for the printer instead of trying to guess the ip21:34
shane2perusudobash, hmm, don't tell me that, the router I have is not in the greatest shape, it won't let me change any configs21:34
dpreacheri've got a question regarding the 'flash part covering javascript menu' that has been discussed before. but what is the status now. some places it was said that the problem was fixed from firefox side in firefox 3 (does it mean the beta 5 that comes on hardy?) but has it been fixed from flash side...how exactly should the fix be applied? Its really necessary to know, so could any of you...21:34
dpreacher...please help me regarding this.21:34
shane2perusudobash, how do I search for the printer?21:34
=== Pacman is now known as Pacman-Luke
shigutsoHow can I configure Fan Speed of my Dell Laptop? I tried i8kutils, but the message "/proc/i8k doesn't exist" appears...21:35
shane2perusudobash, my other router I could go in the router, and see what was connected, and what the ip was21:36
sudobashshigutso bios21:36
illriginalsudobash, in a few minutes, may I give you a screen shot of what my terminal displays majority of the time and a screen shot of my desktop, so you can see the files that are locked?21:36
sudobashwhat type of router you on right now?21:36
shigutsosudobash, I didn't understand21:36
zyedhello friends i want to open the squid configuration file but i cant open it plz guide me21:37
IenorandCan anybody help me with my residual config problems...?21:37
n-iCehow can I get 1024, it just allow me 800 x 600 why21:37
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shane2perusudobash, I'm on a Hawkings, that has been burnt up once, and repaired. lol21:37
sudobashn-ice you need to edit your xorg21:37
n-iCesudobash,  could you give me a hand please?21:37
sudobashsure pm me21:37
shane2perusudobash, you can type the first 3 or 4 letters of the person's name and hit tab, it will complete the name21:37
shigutsosudobash, ok, what's the big deal with bios/cmos? there is no option to configure fan speed there21:37
zyedhello friends i want to open the squid configuration file but i cant open it plz guide me21:38
sudobashshane2peru... does of those work?21:38
shane2perusudobash, hmm, you mean to get into the router?21:38
shane2perusudobash, or as the printer ip number?21:39
zyedhello r u listening me or not ??//21:39
astro76!repeat | zyed21:39
ubottuzyed: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:39
zyedhello r u listening me or not ??//21:39
zyedhello friends i want to open the squid configuration file but i cant open it plz guide me21:39
zetheroois there a better filesystem than ext3?21:40
zyedok i can wait21:40
zyedno problem21:40
MNZhi. Does the config provided on the base system work with the sources from the repos? When I copy it over and `make config` it doesn't seem to accept it (asks me everything)21:40
shane2perusudobash, ok, that worked to get into the router, let me see if I can find an IP number for the printer21:40
bullgard1zetheroo: Define "better" please.21:41
astro76zetheroo: ext3 is fine for most people and probably better tested21:41
astro76zyed: where is the config file and how are you trying to edit it?21:41
shane2perusudobash, ok, found it, sometimes the router cooperates, and sometimes, it just freezes.21:41
zetheroobullgard1: well I have heard that reiserfs is better ... why? ... I dunno21:42
zyedastro i am new in this new world of ubuntu21:42
zyedi just install the squid and it is in etc folder21:42
XpistosAnybody with an suggestions on an MTP issue with my DJ Ditty21:42
dpreacheris it ok to repeat my question or is there a fixed time to wait?21:42
XpistosAnyone at all21:42
astro76zyed: in a terminal type: gksudo gedit /etc/nameofyourconfigfile21:42
zyedi want to edi it according to the guide line21:43
zyedplz let me try then will tell u21:43
bullgard1zetheroo: If you don't know then you better stay with ext3 and devote your valuable time to more important things.21:43
xintronHi, I'm testing to crack my own wireless network key (WEP) and I just wonder, do I need to have #Data to be around 40 000 before starting to crack the key?21:44
zetheroobullgard1: just wondering.... thats all.... I don't want to miss out on anything good21:44
xintronUsing aircrack btw21:44
illriginalsudobash, check your PM.21:44
zyedastro its working now it is open21:44
sudobashreiser allows for defrag and is a little quicker than ext3 but still he killed someone21:44
zyedthanx buddy21:44
zyedlove u21:44
zyedwait let me config it21:45
sudobashnothing in pm21:45
astro76zyed: heh, you're welcome ;)21:45
sudobashtry again21:45
IenorandAnd again: Does anybody know how to force purge packages from synatptic? I have stubborn residual configs that only show up in synaptic (not in apt).21:45
n-iCewho was helping me? lol21:45
x_Hey I have a very specific question, but I was hoping someone could shed some light on it. I have a Dell DJ Ditty and I can't get it to work without great effort. Any suggs? I have libmtp7 compiled and I have tried using several apps21:45
[BTF]JeharHeya, looking for a certain functionality - found some apps that can execute macros and shell scripts, but they always send the output to the terminal window. All I want to do is link a multimedia key so that it outputs another key (such as a letter). Anybody know of such a functionality in any app?21:45
illriginalcheck now sudobash.21:45
x_Anybody with a suggestions about my MTP problem?21:46
aguitelanyone use gnome-artng?21:46
amenado[BTF]Jehar-> you can redirect output to /dev/null21:46
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sudobashmaybe you need to register?21:46
illriginalnothing sudo?... dammit I thought I did.21:47
illriginalscrew it I'll paste it here :P21:47
XpistosI can paste the error if that will help21:47
illriginalsudobash ^21:47
amirman84aguitel: are you talking about the gnome art manager?21:47
aguitelamirman84: yes21:47
astro76[BTF]Jehar: look into xmodmap21:47
aguitelamirman84: it works with you?21:47
amirman84aguite: are you having a problem with it opening?21:48
[BTF]JeharThanks, will do.21:48
aguitelamirman84: yes21:48
JontyOhey guys21:48
amirman84aguitel: me too, i've asked in here but no one answered21:48
JontyOMe again21:48
zyedastro in the file i want to apply vissible host name but i cant find the specific line to edit21:48
JontyOdid anyone find out any help for me21:48
astro76zyed: I don't know anythign specifically about squid, try asking the channel ;)21:49
amenadoJontyO-> you downloaded the alternate cd yet?21:49
aguitelamirman84: i think problem in the server gnome-art21:49
JontyOYes amenado21:49
branstromHow do I make command-not-found work in zsh?21:49
JontyOdidnt work21:49
zyedok asto any way thanx21:49
amirman84aguitel: when i run it from the terminal it looks like it's some problem with something called Ruby, but i'm a newbie so i don't really know21:49
JontyOall_generic_ide or w/e didnt work either21:49
amenadoJontyO-> what errors were you getting if any?21:49
JontyOim really stuck :/21:49
zyedany buddy can help me to configure the squid21:49
aguitelamirman84: iam newbie too21:49
JontyOits /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit21:49
linduxedanyone else whos got a miro that flickers like crazy?21:50
monkeyBoxHas anyone experienced the rapidly increasing Load_Cycle_Count issue?  I can't seem to fix mine!21:50
linduxedand maybe a solution21:50
amenadoJontyO-> are you sure you have a good burn of the cd's ?21:50
monkeyBoxI'm at 1065 and rising...21:50
amenado!who | JontyO21:50
ubottuJontyO: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:50
dpreacheri've got a question regarding the 'flash part covering javascript menu' that has been discussed before. but what is the status now. some places it was said that the problem was fixed from firefox side in firefox 3 (does it mean the beta 5 that comes on hardy?) but has it been fixed from flash side...how exactly should the fix be applied? Its really necessary to know, so could any of you...21:50
JontyOamenado: yes21:50
dpreacher...please help me regarding this.21:50
amenadoJontyO-> how did you verify that?21:50
monkeyBoxI'ts jumping up at a rate of 1 cycle per minute...21:51
JontyOdid the check for defects21:51
monkeyBoxfairly soon I imagine my HD will die thanks to upgrading to hardy21:51
JontyOamenado: did the check for defects thing21:52
amenadoJontyO-> and what did it say?21:52
JontyOamenado: no errors21:52
sean_hi, my client is getting a lease but then i get tftp - pxe-t01 - file not found21:52
armadais there a program like daemon-tools for ubuntu?21:52
=== blueberry is now known as Addyk-l32
amenadoJontyO-> you can run the livecd though? but just can not install?21:53
JontyOamenado: the cd is fine im sure, i think its something to do with sata controller cause i tried installing OS X86 and it wouldnt detect HDD21:53
JontyOamenado: no, it doesnt load21:53
armadaI know it's possible to mount iso's but a program that supports mounting more file types21:53
JontyOamenado: just stays at splash until it says run_program /sbin/modprobe abnormal exit21:53
[BTF]JeharOh, so the ./Xmodmap file just overrides the defaults?21:54
amenadoJontyO-> oh well, sata is really problematic ..as i per experience so far21:54
amirman84aguitel and I are having a problem opening gnome-art which is the gnome art manager, here is what i get when i run it from the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/12796/  --- any ideas???21:54
JontyObut isnt modprobe somet to do with lan or wlan?21:54
aguitelamirman84: http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=13780&group_id=918421:54
SeaPhorarmada, look here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy21:54
amenadoJontyO-> loads modules21:55
JontyOamenado: huh?21:55
=== Addyk-l32 is now known as blueberry
JontyOamenado: but whats wrong then?21:55
amenadoJontyO-> loads modules  ..thats what modprobe does21:55
armadaI'm sorry, could you repeat that, my gnome suddenly restarted21:56
amenadoJontyO-> your sata controller is faulty21:56
JontyOamenado: u sure?21:56
amirman84aguitel: that's all giberrish to me21:56
prabshi guys, im trying to compile 80211 subsystem on hardy but get loads of compile errors, can anyone help me?21:56
=== blueberry is now known as addyk-l32
amenadoJontyO-> am not 100% sure, but my indicator points to it, ie either incompatible drivers or just does not support your hw21:57
raistlinmaje7okay, I've managed to get my laptop to use the HDMI port to display video on my HDTV using the Nvidia-settings utility, but I can't get the audio to go out of the TV's speakers, any suggestions?21:57
JontyOwhy is it always me :'(21:57
sudobashn-ice work?21:57
n-icesudobash,  no, it crashed so i used the .back one back, then again 800 x 600 no 102421:58
amenadoJontyO-> you're the chosen one.. :P21:58
pj_hey everyone, sorry for silly question but i am new to linux,21:58
sudobashn-ice sorry but i had problems with xorg in 7.10 at the end thats why i went to 8.0421:58
prabshi guys, im trying to compile 80211 subsystem on hardy but get loads of compile errors, can anyone help me?21:58
JontyOamenado: so no ideas?21:58
n-icesudobash,  the weird thing is21:59
n-ice SubSection "Display"21:59
n-ice                Modes     "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"21:59
n-iceit is set there21:59
amenadoJontyO-> get an ide hd21:59
pj_i have just downloaded the new ubuntu but dont know how to install it? any help plz21:59
[BTF]Jeharastro76: Perfect, thank you :D21:59
n-ice"1024x768" there21:59
n-icewhy is not able to select21:59
kwanamenado: i figured it out :>21:59
Ginhow do you use the theme file .emerald on ubuntu? what tool to use to ?21:59
sudobashi think it is a conflict in nvidia/xorg/gnome21:59
Xcellis it a nvidia n-ice?21:59
amenadokwan what was the cause?21:59
n-iceXcell,  yes21:59
JontyOamenado: its a laptop :/21:59
rogue_traderhow do i install kde4 in addition to gnome?21:59
sudobashi had serious issue at the end of my 7.10 days21:59
raistlinmaje7pj_: google is your friend: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2F6.10%2Fubuntu%2Finstallation-guide%2Fi386%2Findex.html&ei=OUcvSJGqJZCm8gSc_ZzUAQ&usg=AFQjCNHQWdnshJm0oX9T33y-anLb5KIVaw&sig2=DUn9JIBC0OBcghE6PP7Liw21:59
sudobashmight have something to do with gdm22:00
pj_thanks :)22:00
prabsi suppose nobody knows :s22:00
raistlinmaje7actually, don't use that link, but look around google, that link is for 6.1022:00
sudobashor maybe it is the nvidia drivers fault but i think it is xorg/gdm22:00
amirman84aguitel: could you help decode what they are suggesting to do in the link you sent me?22:00
amenadoJontyO-> oh well, at one time i did hear about for windows only laptop..not sure how true it was22:00
sudobashgo to 8.0422:00
Xcellmaybe try installing nvidia settings manager from repros.. and maybe re-doing X with.. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:00
sudobashit will fix it i am certain22:00
n-icesudobash,  im afraid the upgrade crash my system22:00
sudobashXcell i tried that back then also and it did the same things to me22:01
JontyOamenado: im gonna try some other stuff c ya22:01
n-iceit did it once, using xubuntu to 7.10 to 8.04 it just didn't work :<22:01
sudobashtell me your specs n-ice22:01
JontyOjust wierd that OSX didnt install either :S22:01
amenadoJontyO-> good luck22:01
raistlinmaje7okay, I've managed to get my laptop to use the HDMI port to display video on my HDTV using the Nvidia-settings utility, but I can't get the audio to go out of the TV's speakers, any suggestions?22:01
Xcellah. maybe install envy and get oem drivers then?22:01
aguitelamirman84: i am newbie22:01
JontyO!repeat | raistlinmaje722:01
n-iceXcell,  drivers are installed i have effects, etc22:01
ubotturaistlinmaje7: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:01
raistlinmaje7I thought I waited long enough, sorry22:01
trippsssudobash, no differences in processes pre and post standby22:01
amirman84aguitel: me too, i just thought you might be a more advanced newbie22:01
n-icesudobash,  pentium 4 256 ram 80GB22:01
aaronim running mythbuntu and i'm having lots of trouble trying to get ndiswrapper to start on boot, can anyone help me out?22:02
trippsssudobash, re the touchpad not working after standby22:02
JontyOjust wanted to test it :PP22:02
JontyOim off byee22:02
JontyOwish me goddam luck22:02
aguitelamirman84: i am looking for more information in google22:02
sudobashn-ice used the alternate cd when upgrading and you shouldnt have any issues22:02
benpiccoraistlinmaje7, is there a nvidia audio device or something? does your hdmi out support audio at all?22:02
aguitelamirman84: many people have this problem22:02
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)22:02
Xcell!ohmy | JontyO22:02
ubottuJontyO: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:02
n-icesudobash,  downloading it from update packages isn't the same??22:02
aguitelamirman84: is not about ours22:02
raistlinmaje7benpicco: where would I find that out?22:03
raistlinmaje7its not an Nvidia card, I don't think, its an HD intel card22:03
aaronI have tried both using ndiswrapper -m and adding ndiswrapper to /etc/modules but neither work22:03
n-icesudobash,  if i have the 8.04 cd, how can i upgrade?22:03
linduxedanyone else whos got a miro that flickers like crazy?22:03
amirman84aguitel: you should try running it from the terminal and pastebin the result, so we can compare it22:03
KhanHmmm How can I setup SSL on XChat? Or find information on this?22:04
aaronif i add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules I can not start22:04
aguitelamirman84: wait me22:04
FFighterwhere can I find the restricted drivers manager in hardy?22:04
amenadolinduxed-> restart it22:04
else-anyone using intel gma 965 with an external monitor?22:04
raistlinmaje7oh, did that openssl update I did today fix the no-seeding problem that was discovered?22:05
FFighterwhere can I find the restricted drivers manager in hardy?22:05
benpiccoraistlinmaje7, I don't know if they support audio over hdmi22:05
else-FFighter, system -> administration -> hardware drivers22:05
XcellFFighter:  system \ admin22:05
VanceI tried to install cdemu but vhba got broken, so I tried to uninstall it but it won't uninstall, it returns the error: E: vhba-module: subproces pre-removal script gave an errorcode 122:05
Vanceis there anyway to force an uninstall?22:06
reya276sudobash: you in?22:06
aguitelamirman84: http://pastebin.com/d1a4ecf7422:06
BadChoicehi agains22:06
raistlinmaje7oh, I thought HDMI outputs automatically did video and audio, I'll go look22:06
BadChoiceI'm developing a quickview for linux22:06
else-anyone using intel x3100 with an external monitor?22:06
jessicawhat is a good alarm clock application for gnome ??22:06
BadChoiceand I would like to know how to bind space key from natuilus to launch the script i want22:07
raistlinmaje7jessica: there isn't one, Kalarm works great tho22:07
BadChoicedoes anyone know how to do it?22:07
raistlinmaje7you can just apt-get it22:07
jessicaok thanks22:07
reya276need some hep setting the correct permissions for Maildir and it's sub directories22:07
kwanamendado: the HowTo missed something.  In the raid set activation step, the command needed an extra option to be specifed in order for the raid set to be activated.22:07
FFighterelse-, Hmm... but where can I enable restricted drivers if they're available? I'd like to enable desktop effects for my dv6000 (hp) laptop which has an intel video card22:07
amenadokwan ah okay cool, that you found it, congrats22:08
amirman84aguitel: your error looks very different from mine22:08
raistlinmaje7FFighter: they should install automatically?22:08
trippssi've tried the "blacklist" module approach to try and get the touchpad to work out of standby but that didn't work. anybody have any ideas to diagnose why the touch pad doesn't work out of standby, but does work coming out of hibernate?22:08
XcellFFighter:  just click on restrcted drivers and enable them22:08
raistlinmaje7if you check "Use this device" or whatever, if the drivers aren't there ubuntu'll go out and get them for you22:08
FFighterraistlinmaje7, none is installed22:08
amirman84aguitel: probably because you're using gnome art next gen and i'm using just plain ol' gnome art22:08
FFighterXcell, there is nothing to click at22:08
aguitelamirman84: you run hardy or gutsy ?22:08
amirman84aguitel: hardy22:08
rakanHello, i need help with my wireless card. Model TP-link TL-WN321G22:08
aguitelamirman84: me too22:08
rakanthe driver is working but it is very unstable. Ubuntu's driver that is22:09
else-FFighter, should work out of the box22:09
XcellFFighter:  click system \ administration \ restricted drivers22:09
moveaxAnyone play Nexuiz here who has the slightest clue on how-to update it to 2.4.2?22:09
raistlinmaje7then click the check box next to enable22:09
mega_slayerI have a /home partition of 27 GB that says that it is pretty much fully used in GParted but my /home folder only contains about 11 GB, does anyone know why these are not consistent?22:09
raistlinmaje7moveax: compile it from source22:09
FFighterXcell, I already executed this applet. The listbox is empty22:09
FFighterDoes that mean I have to install the video-driver and XGL extensions manually ?22:09
Xcellthere is no box to check?22:09
moveaxraistlinmaje7: doesn't that defeat the whole point of Ubuntu/debian's package management?22:09
raistlinmaje7moveax: stuff takes time to be integrated into the repos22:10
aaronim running mythbuntu and i'm having lots of trouble trying to get ndiswrapper to start on boot, can anyone help me out?22:10
kwanamenado,  I also found something interesting through this process. All along i don't understand when "chroot" would be used ("When would u ever want to change root directory??? ") until now.22:10
raistlinmaje7rakan: what's the problem22:10
dsdghi, i have a toshiba a200-14e - with a phoenix bios. I cannot get bleutooth to work even with the omnibook module...any advice for me?22:10
kwanamenado I should say learned* not found22:10
moveaxraistlinmaje7: I understand. I already have the patch, I just don't know where nex. keeps its files on my syste,22:10
moveaxraistlinmaje7: otherwise I could do it my self22:10
rakanraistlinemaje7: the driver is working but it is very unstable. Ubuntu's driver that is... Model TP-link TL-WN321G22:11
amenadokwan-> and what have you learned? when do you do chroot? for what purpose?22:11
else-anyone using intel x3100 with an external monitor? can't get the proper resolution.22:11
penanyone here play games in fullscreen? Why my mouse always move back to the middle of the screen?22:11
raistlinmaje7else-: what video card are you using?22:11
Flare183How do i disable Kerberos authentication?22:11
Flare183Please I need help22:11
VanceI tried to install cdemu but vhba got broken, so I tried to uninstall it but it won't uninstall, it returns the error: E: vhba-module: subproces pre-removal script gave an errorcode 122:11
zyedsudo chmod a-w /etc/squid/squid.conf.original.........whats wrong wqith this command ???22:11
else-raistlinmaje7, intel gma 965, x310022:11
penit's very annoying, but the problem eased after I tried window mode. But really there are some good games that deosn't have the window mode to choose22:11
penwhat should i do to fix it?22:12
rakanraistlinmaje7: what is the ubunut's tl-w321g driver built into ubuntu?22:12
yamanickillzyed: is it not "=" instead of "-" ?22:12
else-my monitor expects 1280x1024@60Hz and gets it, but the image is cropped to the left and partly blurry22:12
kdc1956what program do I need to use to rip a dvd to my hard drive22:12
raistlinmaje7kdc1956: dvd::rip or thoggen22:12
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dsdgkdc1956, try transcode22:12
zyedi am tring this command but it not working22:12
raistlinmaje7rakan: I have no earthly idea22:12
kdc1956thoggen is slow22:13
douyeHow can i turn seamless mode of at virtualbox ?22:13
mega_slayerWould anyone be able to help me with a problem I'm having with the space on my /home folder?22:13
else-raistlinmaje7, my monitor expects 1280x1024@60Hz and gets it, but the image is cropped to the left and partly blurry22:13
prabshelp me compile ieee80211 on hardy guys :(22:14
rouinihow to install Islamic software in Ubuntu 8.0422:14
kwanamenado installation is one22:14
else-rouini, use ubuntuME22:14
raistlinmaje7else-: I heard you the first time, I don't know what to tell you22:14
else-<raistlinmaje7> else-: what video card are you using?22:14
else-<else-> raistlinmaje7, intel gma 965, x310022:14
raistlinmaje7I got it else-22:14
yamanickillzyed: try "chmod a=w" instead of "chmod a-w"22:14
amenadokwan one dont need to be chroot'ed to install eh? lest you're using debootstrap..22:14
rouinibut i want keep Ubuntu 8.0422:14
rouinielse:i want keep Ubuntu 8.0422:15
else-rouini, then have a look at which packages ubuntume particularly uses22:15
kwanamenado: yep.  I had to build ubuntu from scratch (w/o using an installer)22:15
raistlinmaje7else-: back up your xorg.conf and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:16
ubuntunoviceanyone know a good podcast aggregator for linux which I can install using aptget?22:16
nateshi people, do you know, if I can use gpl licenced icons for a website I program? the website will not directly sell anything. it will only be providing information for a small company22:16
raistlinmaje7if you've done that already, I can't help you22:16
else-raistlinmaje7, i'm still using the live cd. does this work though?22:16
yamanickillzyed: did that work?22:16
BadChoicehow can I do that a determinate application runs without borders22:16
natesI mean _about_ a small company22:16
raistlinmaje7else-: it should?22:16
rouinielse:how to install Muslim software in Ubuntu 8.0422:16
else-rouini, http://www.ubuntume.com/news#ubuntu_muslim_edition_8.04_final_version_released22:16
fbcHow do I tell the file system to repair itself when it boots up next time?22:17
douyeHow can i turn seamless mode of at virtualbox?22:17
zyedyamaniskill ..plz visite the site and guide where i m wrong http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/squid.html22:17
kwanamenado can you gimme a few more examples of where/when you would use chroot ?? :) i'm kinda new to this22:17
else-raistlinmaje7, brb22:17
amenadokwan to isolate a user space, like a program running in a chroot environment22:17
yamanickillzyed: what happens when you put the command in?22:18
zyednothing happen i want to configure the squid22:18
zyedso its not opening the config file22:18
rouinielse:ubuntume is the same Ubuntu hardy22:18
paulcrossWhy firefox so unstable. It crashs frequently.22:18
yamanickillits not meant to open the file...chmod changes the permissions on the file22:18
prabsnobody knows anything about 80211 ? :s22:18
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
else-raistlinmaje7, sudo dpkg-reconfigure does not change anything related to my graphics settings. it's just asking for keyboard layout.22:19
chocobananaHi everyone22:19
amirman84rouini: it just has a lot of islamic software preinstalled22:19
raistlinmaje7orly? well then, I dunno22:19
raistlinmaje7someone else here might22:19
Ienorandpaulcross: using flsh when it crashes?22:19
Steve-calWhy can I launch my VLC media player with a lower priority, e.g. "nice -n 10 vlc", yet I get a permission denied for higher priority: "nice -n -10 vlc"? If I use "sudo nice -n -10 vlc" then I get two vlc processes in memory--one under my user name, one under root. What am I missing here?22:19
loffepaulcross: Have you installed alot of plugins?22:19
else-k, thanks anyway.22:19
mega_slayerI have a 27 GB /home partition, but Ubuntu 8.04 only says that 12 GB is available, anyone know why?22:19
penanyone here play games in fullscreen? Why my mouse always move back to the middle of the screen?22:19
penit's very annoying, but the problem eased after I tried window mode. But really there are some good games that deosn't have the window mode to choose22:19
penwhat should i do to fix it?22:19
flip2405Hello i was wondering how i could make /dev/dsp  readable and writeable for my amsn so it can play music22:19
yamanickillzyed: unless the chmod command gives an error, it has done what it is meant to22:20
chocobananaI wonder if anyone can tell me why does my laptop take so long (about 1 min.) to show the end session screen when I click on the shutdown button?22:20
paulcrossIenorand, I already had the flashblock plugin installed.22:20
rouiniaminman84:can give some interest islamic software22:20
sidewalkhow do i remove nvidia_agp module ?22:20
EnselicDoes anyone how to make a keyboard show a Quake-like gnome-terimal at the top of the screen? I've seen something similar in KDE but wonder if there is one for GNOME22:20
raistlinmaje7sidewalk: have you tried blacklisting it?22:20
zyeddid u visite the site or not22:20
yamanickillzyed: you using gnome or kde?22:20
amenadomega_slayer-> how did you veriy that your /home is 27gig?22:20
amirman84rouini: if you go to add/remove in your menu and just search for "islam" you will get a lot of great software22:20
yamanickillyeah, i'm looking at it22:20
zyedio am using ubuntu 822:20
=== adante_ is now known as adante
BadChoiceEnselic:  there are yukake and other one22:21
sidewalkraistlinmaje7: where?22:21
zyedi am using ubuntu 822:21
BadChoiceEnselic: tilda I think it was called22:21
raistlinmaje7its in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:21
yamanickillzyed: open the file with "sudo gedit /etc/squid/squid.conf"22:21
loffeEnselic: Try out Tilda22:21
BadChoiceso you can apt-get install ..22:21
sidewalkraistlinmaje7: where do i blacklist it?22:21
amenadomega_slayer-> how did you verify that your /home is 27gig?22:21
yamanickillzyed: then you can do the changes it tells you to22:21
rouiniaminman84:i have just minbar22:21
amirman84rouini: you may have to go to administration> software sources and enable 3rd party, backports, and proposed first if you don't get a lot of software to show up22:22
paulcrossloffe, I had "downthemall" "tabmix" "allinone mouse gesture" "flashblock " "simple mail" and "gladder" installed. Is that too many? But all of them are necessary.22:22
flip2405Hello i was wondering how i could make /dev/dsp  readable and writeable for my amsn so it can play music22:22
VanceI tried to install cdemu but vhba got broken, so I tried to uninstall it but it won't uninstall, it returns the error: E: vhba-module: subproces pre-removal script gave an errorcode 122:22
NorthLionessHiya! I installed ubuntu via wubi.. I have it 5 gb partition... is there an easy way I can increase that?22:22
Jahootywhat all is needed for an atheros chipped wifi  card?  is it just the madwifi-tools package?22:22
mega_slayeramenado-> thanks for your help, I checked GParted to see the size, it is 27 GB22:22
paulcrossNorthLioness, No way.22:22
mega_slayeramenado-> But opening it through nautilus, it says that I have about 12 GB22:23
loffepaulcross: Is there a special site that crashes more often? If so try disable some plugins and try again22:23
rouiniadaminman84:can give some name of third party for islamic software22:23
gamalernI've got an evolution question.  Anyone know why sometimes when I'm responding to Craiglist postings Evolution doesn't seem to want to send the mail?22:23
zyedit says command not found22:23
douyeHow can i turn seamless mode of at virtualbox22:23
amenadomega_slayer-> cat /proc/partitions and see if they match22:23
amirman84rouini: nevermind, there isn't very much apparently, you should go to synaptic package manager and search for islam there, you will get some more things to install22:23
EnselicBadChoice: are you sere it's named Yukake?22:23
kwanamenado: keke.. its kinda hard to put in perspective. examples would be nice, if ya dun mind22:23
mega_slayeramenado-> arlight, I'll check that, one moment.22:23
psykrollhi, can anyone help me install an Ubuntu theme from a .gz file!22:23
NorthLionesspaulcross: you're kidding?22:23
raistlinmaje7NorthLioness: yes22:23
raistlinmaje7paulcross is kidding, but I've never used Wubi, so I can't help you, its doable22:24
paulcrossloffe, No site related. And disable plugins  didnt work.22:24
monomohi psykroll, just untar it in the .theme folder in your home folder22:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:24
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amirman84rouini: i would use the ubuntu muslim edition if i were you, it is the same as ubuntu 8.04 but it comes with a lot of islamic software preinstalled22:24
amenadokwan for example its common to put bind9 in its own chroot environment so in case if it has a fault, it is isolated22:24
douyepaulcross: its firefox 3.0 beta 5, right ?22:24
paulcrossdouye, Yes22:24
psykrollmonomo: it won't see the .gz file22:24
monomothen u can select it via system > prefs > appearances22:24
NorthLionessi cant increase the size from ubuntu? I need to boot windows and run wubi to do it?22:24
zyedits open22:25
fbcIs it possible to turn on your computer one day and discover that you lost and entire directory full of stuff? If so how would you go about of trying to recover it?22:25
amirman84rouini: i don't personally use any islamic software so i can't tell you any good ones, i'm an atheist :)22:25
mega_slayeramenado-> Yeah it says that the partition for my /home is 29 GB (that's what I should have said instead of 27 GB). So this matches GParted.22:25
zyedthanx yamani22:25
sudobashfbc in ubuntu?22:25
douyepaulcross: think its a bug in firefox it self tbh, dont got probs with it when i run firefox or something but FF 3 beta 5 seems to crash rather often (especially with flash related sites)22:25
sudobashyou must have nuked it22:25
fbcsudobash, yeah22:25
monomopsykroll: i dont know what u mean22:25
sudobashit wouldnt just disappear22:25
paulcrossNorthLioness, either its impossible or there is a solution but I dont know.22:25
VanceI tried to install cdemu but vhba got broken, so I tried to uninstall it but it won't uninstall, it returns the error: E: vhba-module: subproces pre-removal script gave an errorcode 122:25
amenadomega_slayer-> does  df -h  also tells same?22:25
monomoyou downloaded your_theme_name.tar.gz or sumthing like that right?22:25
rouiniamiman84:i respect you thank you22:25
zyedyamani now how can i found the specific line in config file ???22:25
fbcsudobash, Well, that just happened to me.22:26
fbcsudobash,  the files just up and disappeared.22:26
psykrollmonomo: i go do system/preferences/appearance and choose install, go to the folder and it doesn't show that it's there when it is--even when I choose show hidden22:26
monomono w822:26
misieqwhen can I expect firefox 3 rc 1 to be available via repos?22:26
monomogo to ur homefolder22:27
amenadodouye-> you really cant complain too much for a Beta stage apps22:27
monomothen show hidden files22:27
rouiniaminman84: i have problem with skype22:27
monomo(we're doin this step by step okay? :P )22:27
yamanickillzyed: to search click cntrl + f22:27
paulcrossdouye, Most crashs  happend when I were closing a tab.22:27
amirman84rouini: your welcome, i hope ubuntuME works for you, you can always download the ubuntuME ISO file and try to get the software from off of there, or you could just look at the UbuntuME website and they may have some links to some good software22:27
psykrollmonomo: i said it doesn't work then either22:27
douyeamenado: i know, but its the explantion for his FF to be crashing22:27
mega_slayeramenado-> I'm getting +1 GB here for what the size of the drive actually is, but yes it shows the same and says that it is 98% used, even though all I have is about 12 GB on it. Here is the output of df -h: /dev/sda5              28G   26G  652M  98% /home22:27
monomothats weird22:27
amirman84rouini: i haven't used skype in ubuntu yet, i'm a newbie22:27
monomocan u give me the link to the theme?22:27
monomothen i'll give it a try22:27
douyepaulcross: hmm weird, my crashes were mostly when i wanted to watch a movie on like youtube22:27
ipkafi got a wireless network with WPA ENTREPRISE protection %22:27
ipkafhow to access it ???22:28
rouiniaminman84:i can help you don't worry22:28
psykrollmonomo: hang on22:28
amirman84rouini: did you see the islamic themed desktop themes and wallpapers in synaptic package manager? they look very nice22:28
amenadomega_slayer-> seems like your nautilus is giving you false readings..btw if I were you move some stuff out of your /home and compress it22:28
mega_slayeramenado-> I just upgraded to 8.04 and I don't remember having this problem before.22:28
rouiniaminman84: i have found theme and wallpaper22:29
fbcsudobash,  Is there a way that I could view the FAT table or whatever table the EXT3 filesystem uses to find out what happened? Like a log of somesorts?22:29
busfahrerExcuse me, I just installed Ubuntu Hardy and this is what reddit.com looks like in Firefox 3: http://i25.tinypic.com/71mivb.png -- The small gray font really looks messed up, really hard to read, it used to be better in Feisty and Gutsy. Any ideas?22:29
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amenadomega_slayer-> i dont know either, not sure what nautilus is giving you22:29
chocobananaI wonder if anyone can tell me why does my laptop take so long (about 1 min.) to show the end session screen when I click on the shutdown button?22:29
mega_slayeramenado-> Is there a command  in the terminal that I can use to see the breakdown of space amongst the folders/files in my home partiton?22:29
rouiniaminman84: i have not found theme and wallpapaer22:29
amenadomega_slayer-> man du and man df22:29
misieqwhen can I expect firefox 3 rc 1 to be available via repos?22:30
Xsploitso, using wubi, i decided to check out ubuntu and chose the 15gb default option for it, is there an easy way to increase this now im happy with ubuntu?22:30
ipkafi got a wireless network with WPA ENTREPRISE protection %22:30
ipkafi got a wireless network with WPA ENTREPRISE protection %22:30
SeaPhoramenado,   do you know anything about this? I get this warning message after input username and pwd on boot: User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents... File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not be writable by others.22:30
ipkafhow to access it ???22:30
FloodBot2ipkaf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:30
mega_slayeramenado-> alright I will check that out and see if I can find what is taking up so much space, I'll be back in a few minutes, thanks a lot.22:30
amirman84rouini: go to "system> administration> synaptic package manager" and search for "islam"22:30
paulcrossdouye, Is there a log or somthing, I can check the error message from.22:30
astro76misieq: usually a couple of days22:30
monomou guys,having probs with the trackpad of my macbook (in hardy), the cursor navigates to where i lay my finger (on the touchpad), which is making it impossible to navigate22:31
amenadoSeaPhor-> i dont know, i dont remember what .dmrc is used for22:31
fbcIs there a way that I could view the FAT table or whatever table the EXT3 filesystem uses to find out what happened? Like a log of somesorts?22:31
monomolike, i just touch it (as in click it), and the cursor directly goes to the position22:31
SeaPhoramenado, K, cool just thought I'd check22:31
monomosome1 knows what im doin' wrong?22:31
douyepaulcross: hmm gotta check on that, will try to get a answer for you soon :P22:32
H__I see "mount.nfs internal error" during boot, and several seconds later (end of bootup) I see a DHCP request coming from the machine !22:32
rogue_traderi have a problem with kde 4: right after installing I clicked with the mouse somewhere inside the panel at the bottom and the widgets including clock, system and workplace moved to the left right next to the start menu icon. I do not see running programs anymore as a result. how can I change the position of the widets back tot the lower right?22:32
paulcrossdouye, :|22:32
sudobashmonomo maybe that feature is not functional yet?22:32
astro76rogue_trader: you'll probably do better in #kubuntu22:33
sudobashyou are trying to double click with a mousepad right?22:33
rogue_traderastro76, ok22:33
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H__btw nfs works fine22:33
monomowell the thing is, a friend of mine is sitting next to me with his macbook, and it works with him22:33
ubottuFactoid bind9 not found22:33
nwidgeris there anyway to use LVM during a ubuntu install to combine multiple hard drives into one?22:33
monomoi checked his preferences en xorg.conf, and its exactly the same as his22:33
sudobashis there any difference in version of system or maybe his has updates that yours doesnt?22:33
monomosame type macbook22:33
sudobashversion of ubuntu?22:33
astro76nwidger: the alternate cd can install lvm, even encrypted22:34
sudobashthe same?22:34
astro76!alternate | nwidger22:34
ubottunwidger: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent22:34
monomoversion = 8.0422:34
amirman84can anyone decipher this error message i get when i try to open gnome-art http://paste.ubuntu.com/12796/ ? any clues would be helpful.22:34
psychim having issues with wpa_supplicant freezing gnome, after X server restart22:35
sudobashmaybe he has done sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and you havent22:35
ubottuFactoid bind not found22:35
psychthis doesnt happen in others dm/wm but gnome22:35
nwidgerastro76: sweet, thanks :)22:35
psychany ideas?22:35
monomoim gonna try22:35
mega_slayeramenado-> ALright, using du -a (all) in my home folder as root showed me that I simply have a hidden trash folder that contains all of the the extra files, I'm going to delete it. Thank you so much for your help! You saved me a lot of time!22:35
mega_slayeramenado-> it was .Trash-root or something22:36
H__mega_slayer / amenado I highly recomment filelight. have a look at it22:36
paulcrossdouye, If I run firefox from terminal. all I can get is "Segmentation fault"22:36
narothepharohwhat is a good program to convert .avi files to iso other than devede?22:36
carpoolwhat are the best drivers for intel 815 onboard graphic chipsets?22:36
mega_slayerH__-> alright, I will check that out, thanks!@22:36
paulcrossdouye, That's really no use.22:36
nwidgerastro76: are there any special options to pass to the alternate installer or anything or is it obvious?22:36
narothepharohthe problem is every time i convert now that im in 8.04 i get no sound it was fine before upgrade22:37
MACscrok, I feel dumb here. I just installed ubuntu desktop version from iso. I don't remember setting up a password for root. I just have my normal user/pass. Did I miss something?22:37
psychany help?22:37
Rat409!root | MACscr22:38
ubottuMACscr: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:38
carpoolMACscr, that is normal that way. there is no root user22:38
amirman84MACscr: root's password doesn't exist by default, it'll ask you for one but nothing will work because a password doesn't exist22:38
sudobashavi to iso?22:38
plikMACscr: no that's how it works... use sudo instead of root - or sudo su if you must22:38
zyedhow to chek the vissible host name22:38
sudobashtwo different things there22:38
astro76nwidger: it's fairly obvious.. I used this guide but it covers using an encrypted volume http://learninginlinux.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/installing-ubuntu-804-with-full-disk-encryption/22:38
amirman84MACscr: if you absolutely need one, i can tell you how to enable it, but you should really be using sudo unless you are a linux ninja22:38
carpoolwhat are the best graphic drivers for the intel 815 graphic chipset?22:39
zyedi need to know how to chek the vissible host name ???22:39
kbrooksamirman84: should or shouldn't ?22:39
douyepaulcross: seems they made it rather hard to see what went wrong to cause FF crash with hardy and FF 3.0 :<22:39
Rat409carpool: i815?22:39
amirman84kbrooks: should, anyone can use sudo22:39
ganeshhai plz can anyone help me22:39
sudobashonly sudoers can use sudo...22:40
douyepaulcross: but if you really wanna see the reason of the crash this site explains how to get the details: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs  , its about on the middle of the page22:40
amirman84kbrooks: you shouldn't be using root unless you're a linux ninja, but instead you should be using sudo22:40
carpoolRat409, are that restricted drivers or open drivers?22:40
kbrookssudobash: sudoer = sudo (us) er22:40
ganeshhow can i upgrade faster22:40
H__MACscr : use sudo su - , then passwd, if you really want a normal root shell and password22:40
kbrooksganesh: you can't upgrade faster22:40
kolie2sudobash : installed via alternate, tried to boot, now its black after boot menu too22:41
kbrooksganesh: here's a hint though, scan for a faster mirror with system > admin > software sources22:41
Dwood... alright. i gotta couple of questions, anybody able to help a bit?22:41
PopcornedDoes vsftpd use the users from the system?22:41
paulcrossdouye, I think its fatal.  There is no cure for Segmentation fault. Its had been there for years. Only way to solve is not using C language anymore.22:41
sudobashtry pressing ctrl alt f222:41
kolie2sudobash : right now?22:41
kolie2doesnt that open a new term?22:42
Jahootyhas anyone gotten a newer hp laptop wirless working under linux?22:42
sudobashit takes you to tty222:42
kolie2still blackness22:42
kbrookspaulcross: umm22:42
sudobashtry all the f1's22:42
Dwoodwhenever i try and play a video, the sounds is all jittery and the video is slow22:42
douyepaulcross: :/ but your FF just crashes when you close a tab ? or when you got a certain site open or.. ?22:42
psychim having issues with wpa_supplicant freezing gnome, after X server restart.... any help to my problem ?22:42
sudobashfunction keys*22:42
kolie2how lond should I wait inbetween22:42
ganesham now using 7.01 i want to upgrade it to hardy my time limit of free usauge is from 2pm to 8am now it shows 3 days and 16 hours remaining22:42
sudobashabout a sec or two22:42
sudobashjust to see if you get a prompt or anything22:43
kbrookspaulcross: it's ironic that you say that because all the major interpreted languages are written in C22:43
ganeshya i took soft sources selected the best server and clicked revert22:43
kbrookspaulcross: so any code written in these languages can seg fault22:43
narothepharohwhat is a good program to convert .avi files to iso other than devede?22:43
narothepharohthe problem is every time i convert now that im in 8.04 i get no sound it was fine before upgrade22:43
Rat409!shipit | ganesh22:43
ubottuganesh: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs22:43
kbrooksganesh: reverting doesnt help22:43
paulcrosskbrooks, Segmentation fault rally no cure.22:44
narothepharohwhat is a good program to convert .avi files to iso other than devede?22:44
narothepharohthe problem is every time i convert now that im in 8.04 i get no sound it was fine before upgrade22:44
mixedmy system update wants to update the update-manager, im getting a pop-up warning saying the  software i'm about to install cant be authenticated, should I install the update-manager?????22:44
amirman84narothepharoh: have you installed all the restricted codecs?22:44
paulcrosskbrooks, You can check it out.22:44
sudobashwell the ultimate language will be written in assembly22:44
kbrookspaulcross: there is a cure, but you wouldn't understand22:44
ganeshbut by installing new os i will lose my installed softwares na22:44
yamanickillJahooty: laptop wireless tends to not be so great on laptops because of proprietry drivers and stuff22:44
narothepharohamirman84: i did before upgrade do i have to do it again?22:44
ganeshi would have to download it once again22:44
paulcrosskbrooks, What is the solution then?22:45
spiderfirewhats a good all round web development package?22:45
mixedmy system update wants to update the update-manager, im getting a pop-up warning saying the  software i'm about to install cant be authenticated, should I install the update-manager?????22:45
tom__Hey;  probably a stupid question.  But I put 4gb of memory in my laptop on 64bit.. the video is an ati shared mem graphics.. if i up to 256mb of video card ram, will I notice a difference?22:45
Gohalienhow to check what drivers I am using for my wireless card ?22:45
amirman84narothepharoh: that's what i would try, i'm guessing the codecs are different for hardy than they were in gutsy22:45
zyedhow to set vissible host name22:45
phenom_hey, can anyone here let me know the default font in their gvim?22:45
zyedand what is vissible host name22:45
sudobashtom no22:45
phenom_for ubuntu22:45
sudobashit wont matter22:45
kbrookspaulcross: to fix the cause of the segmentation fault, for example if a program writes to a NULL pointer, fix that.22:45
sudobashyou wont notice anything22:45
tom__sudobash,  Ok, nm then.22:45
paulcrossdouye, It could happend at any site.22:46
narothepharohamirman84: do you know the command?22:46
sudobash4 gb is more than anyone needs on a laptop22:46
RockfireHi everybody, I've a problem : I can't install Google's Toolbar for Firefox 3 Beta 5 .. Someone can help me ?22:46
tom__that's why i figured dedicate extra to the video card22:46
sudobashso 3.75 will be fine22:46
tom__but if i won't see a difference, I'll just sit ack and chill22:46
tom__so no difference if i up to 256mb for the video card?  that sucks22:46
sudobashwhat i am saying is you should allocate the 256 for vid for sure22:46
mixedanyone knows what is the latest jdk that's available for ubuntu?22:46
douyepaulcross: hmm then or its one of the plugins you use, or you might wanna try reinstalling firefox if you havent already, as i aint getting that crash22:47
tom__Ok, I thought you were saying NOT to22:47
sudobashno change in system performance22:47
tom__Will I see an improvement in graphics, like compiz, etc22:47
taomasterhello 2 all one ?  how do i get the 3d cube to turn with a touchpad on my laptop?22:47
sudobashyour system will still run fast on 3.75 gb ram22:47
amirman84narothepharoh: go here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu22:47
Rockfire**I can't install Google's Toolbar for Firefox 3 Beta 5 .. Someone can help me ?22:47
tom__oh yeah man, the most i've seen it use is 900mb.. on pretty intensive stuff.  It caches mad stuff in the memory22:47
amirman84rockfire: don't do it!!!22:47
RockfireWhy ?22:47
RockfireWhat & why ?22:47
sudobashyeah so i mean go ahead and max out your vid card shared mem because even 3 GB is more than you need on a laptop22:48
tom__OK.  Sweet.22:48
paulcrossdouye, Is it safe to remove firefox?22:48
sudobashit is fine to remove firefox22:48
taomasterhello 2 all one ?  how do i get the 3d cube to turn with a touchpad on my laptop?22:48
sudobashtry opera22:48
douyepaulcross: yeah you can just remove it and reinstall it, you will mostlikely loose your plugins tho22:48
tom__taomaster, Try ctrl+alt + drag your mouse (that's default)22:48
amirman84rockfire; i'm kinda kidding, but i've always seen google toolbar as useless spyware, i think the only useful feature it has is searching entire domains, but i'm sure firefox has an extension for that anyway22:49
tom__np man22:49
carpoolmoving the windows causes artefacts22:49
amirman84rockfire: for a regular google search you can just use the google toolbar that is already built into the browser22:49
tom__I'll be back :-)22:49
WGGMkIm trying to use Likewise Open, but when trying to join the domain I get an error about ports to the DC not being open. I have a Windows XP Pro machine on the same network that authenticates perfectly fine. Any thoughts???22:49
Rockfireno, it's for use my favorites bar :D I don't care about the entire google toolbar, but i need the little star with my favorites ^^22:50
sharperguyis there a GUI to set up samba? In gutsy there was the folder sharing thing but after upgrading to hardy its gone/cjhan22:50
ifireballdouye, paulcross : if you remove FF itll probably alos remove the ubuntu-desktop package and cause a LOT of breakage22:50
amirman84rockfire: you might want to search mozilla.com on the extensions page for something that'll let you have access to your google bookmarks, i'm pretty sure they have that22:51
paulcrossifireball, Thats just what I am afraid of.22:51
douyeifireball: uhm, nop.. havent noticed anything broken tbh, but then again i reinstalled it and the only things it removes are firefox packages22:51
Rockfireokay, brb ...22:51
amirman84rockfire: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=google+bookmarks&cat=all&sourceid=Mozilla-search22:51
Rockfirethanks amirman84 (are you french ?)22:51
amirman84rockfire: no, why do you ask?22:51
ifireballdouye: well, if you tried it...22:52
Jahootyyamanickill, it's an atheros based wifi card, shouldn't madwifi work?22:52
ifireballpaulcross: why remove FF anyway?22:52
RockfireFrench nicks have a lot of numbers :p22:52
paulcrossifireball, because it crashs frequently.22:52
amirman84rockfire: lol, no, i jsut wanted amirman but it was registered already22:52
reya276help!!! E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)22:52
douyeifireball: i did, coz i wanted to go back to FF but then programs wouldnt start it (the command in standard programs wasnt right i guess) so i went back to FF 3.022:52
amirman84rockfire: it's a play on words, a mere man, and my name is amir, so you know...22:53
Rockfire^^ Thanks a lot amirman84 for your help :p I'm on linux since 2 hours .... It's hard :D22:53
Rockfirelol :p22:53
ifireballpaulcross: removing the package won't help with that, deleting your profile from you home dir might though (but it'll loose the bookmarks and stuff)22:53
yamanickillJahooty: i'm not sure...if it doesnt work out the box22:54
yamanickilltry ndiswrapper22:54
WGGMkRockfire: dont think of it as hard.. because its really not.. its just different...... the same would be true if the role of Windows and Linux was reveresed22:54
Jahootyit came with vista22:54
amirman84rockfire: i've only been using linux for about a month22:54
amirman84rockfire: it's fun because it's hard22:54
yamanickillJahooty: look up ndiswrapper22:54
ifireballdouye: that is probably fixable22:54
paulcrossifireball, The error message is "segmentation fault". It could only be fixed by rewrite the code.22:54
Jahootyit's installed22:55
paulcrossifireball, And within my knowledge, I thought its impossible.22:55
narothepharohamirman84: Thanks I appreciate it I guess I didnt have the codecs installed well see if it works now?22:55
ifireballpaulcross: depends on what piece of data causes it to fault, it may be incompatible config data, etc.22:55
douyeifireball: yeah i know but didnt know the right command, so i went back to FF 3.022:55
amirman84narothepharoh: i hope it works out for you22:56
RockfireYes, it's hard swapping OS :) Linux isn't hard, it's the easiest os in the world, and windows' the worst one. I just need take a lot of  practice ^^22:56
paulcrossifireball, Just delete the .mizilla  and .firefox  folder?22:56
con-manI have upgraded to hery hardon and it seems to have changed the way shift clicking and ctrl clicking and all that works. does anyone know about this?22:56
ifireballpaulcross: I'm guessing you are on Hardy? did you upgrade from Gutsy?22:56
amirman84rockfire: yeah we just need to learn it22:56
d0t3hi friends22:56
Finuxdo you know if there is a programm that can change html packages? im too dumb to write my own XD it should work with the prinzip of airpwn (http://airpwn.sourceforte.net on the page documentation) but in the local network22:56
paulcrossifireball, I reinstalled.22:57
con-manif I turn off and go to basic appearance22:57
summelsami cant get wlan working on my macbook... i tried all the things in the wiki :(22:57
ifireballpaulcross: is it a clean install of did you keep your home dir?22:57
con-manthe problem goes away22:57
carpoolhow can i install the "intel" graphic card driver?22:57
paulcrossifireball, Clean install.22:57
ifireballpaulcross: hmm in that case deleting the profile might not help... but I guess you can try it anyway22:58
amirman84con-man: what do you mean exactly? does it go back to normal when you go to basic appearance?22:58
douyeHow can i turn seamless mode of at virtualbox?22:58
calccarpool: you can change the driver listed in the xorg.conf to intel22:58
sidewalkwhen i run compiz, my whole screen turns white22:59
summelsamcarpool: they are automatically installed22:59
summelsamanybody can help me with my wlan problem?22:59
paulcrossifireball, I hate the "Segmentation fault". Most of the time, It means no way to fix.22:59
amirman84summelsam had some amazing patience there23:00
WGGMksure did23:00
summelsamanyone can help me with my wlan problem?23:00
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amirman84must have been a mistake, my bad23:00
bjornh_Stupid question: What is the difference between "removal" and "complete removal" of packages? Redundant deps stays/goes?23:00
astro76bjornh_: complete removal removes config files23:01
=== duhblow is now known as hexoroid
bjornh_astro76: Ah, thanks23:01
hexoroidi just installed ubuntu23:01
zyedFATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname.  Please set 'visible_hostname'23:01
hexoroidbut it never prompted me for root pass ?23:01
hexoroidonly for user pass..23:01
WGGMkhexoroid: there isnt a root password23:01
astro76!root | hexoroid23:01
ubottuhexoroid: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:01
summelsami tried every instruction from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook but none works :(23:02
ifireballpaulcross: yeah, its nasty, though on a stable release I'd expect it to indicate something is fishy with the configuration/hardware because it can't be happening for everyone23:02
hexoroidhow can i install the applications then ?23:02
amirman84WGGMk: why do you need the root password?23:02
hexoroidwith sudo23:02
WGGMkhexoroid: "sudo"?23:02
hexoroiddo i need a pass ?23:02
hexoroidor anything for sudo23:02
astro76hexoroid: sudo, you should read the link it will answer all your questions ;)23:02
WGGMkhexoroid: your user's password23:02
ifireballpaulcross: then again I hear the Hardy browser is actually a beta...23:02
astro76hexoroid: user password, your first user is in the admin group which lets you use sudo23:02
WGGMkhexoroid: not just any user either, the user that was created when you installed it23:02
WGGMkamirman84: i dont23:02
rouiniaminman84:which ubuntu you use23:03
zyedno one like to ans me ??????????//23:03
amirman84rouini: 8.04 the hardiest heron23:03
amirman84zyed: chill out, what's wrong?23:03
paulcrossifireball, Yes and I still dont know why they put it in at the first place.23:03
zyedFATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname.  Please set 'visible_hostname'23:03
WGGMkzyed: for apache?23:04
zyedi ma getting this error from last 4 hours23:04
rouiniaminman84: which software you use in burning23:04
zyedi am setting the squid23:04
zyedfor my ubuntu23:04
zyedits my first day23:04
Finuxdo you know if there is a programm that can change html packages? im too dumb to write my own XD it should work with the prinzip of airpwn (http://airpwn.sourceforte.net on the page documentation) but in the local network23:04
zyedso i am here to get help from the friends23:04
WGGMkzyed: do you have DNS setup on the same machine?23:04
zyedi told u i m new in this ubuntu world23:05
amirman84zyed: i have no idea what any of that means but you could be patient and periodically post your question on here, or you can go to ubuntuforums.com and look for an answer there, if there is no answer there, post your problem on there and wait for a response23:05
zyedjust learning23:05
Esteth_I have a dual boot system that i wish to wipe and start from scratch. I've been advised to "shred" the drive before i delete the partitions. How would i do this from the live cd? I can't find /dev/hda23:05
PopcornedDoes vsftpd use the users from the system?23:05
astro76zyed: yes, no, or I don't know would be helpful answers ;)23:05
WGGMkzyed: ok, but do you have any DNS what-so-ever setup?23:05
iqson716hey i have a problem with yahoo mail on Hardy firefox 3, could you help me?23:05
zyedwgg realy i dont know23:05
amirman84rouini: i haven't burned anything yet, but the default program that comes preinstalled looks pretty good23:05
jessicahow can i run scripts on boot23:05
amirman84iqson716: the solution is gmail.com :) only kidding23:06
astro76!boot | jessica23:06
ubottujessica: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:06
askandI have found a very nice murrinetheme but the progressbars looks like this: http://www.imagebam.com/image/c706856381935  why?23:06
WGGMkzyed: ok, thats fine.. how many computers are you going to have using the proxy server?23:06
zyedjust one23:06
zyedcuz i heard that with squid the browsing is fast23:06
jessicathere should be a file i can put some commands in23:06
rouiniaminman84:serpentine or what23:06
WGGMkzyed: well thats not what squid is made for23:07
ifireballpaulcross: I guess it was the risk of unstable beta against the risk of having 6 months lag on the rest of the world browser-wise as FF3 was released soon after Hardy23:07
zyedthen ?23:07
matjanhi, anybody here using no-ip.org?23:07
amirman84rouini: brasero disc burning23:07
Finuxmatjan: umm yes23:07
Jahootyok, under the "Hardware Drivers" utility in ubuntu, it says atheros hardware access layer is enabled and in use, and support for atheros 802.11 wireless cards is enabled and in use23:07
matjanFinux, cool23:07
Jahootybut i can't get the card to work, does anyone know what's goingo n?23:07
Stwangehey I'm having trouble with something really simple... what can I use to crop screenshots, or drag and drop sections like you can do in paint using the select tool? I don't want anything CPU intensive like gimp or photoshop, but all the paint clones don't do simple things23:07
astro76ifireball: it was pretty good foresight in my opinion, RC1 is out already ;)23:07
matjanFinux, maybe you can answer my question23:07
rouiniaminman84: i use k3b23:08
WGGMkzyed: squid is a proxy server used to make requests on behalf of the user.. its primarily used for filtering unwanted content and to keep a buffer zone from the internet to the user.. one of its features is the ability to "cache" websites.. which would make browsing faster but not incredibly fast23:08
Finuxmatjan: yes ask23:08
Jahootybrb, going to restart23:08
amirman84stwange: try gnu paint23:08
zyedthen what to do for fast browsing23:08
WGGMkzyed: in your situation, i dont think squid proxy is going to give you the results you want23:08
Gindoes gnome support windows shade?23:08
ifireballastro76: is it in the repos already?23:08
astro76ifireball: no, I would expect it soon though23:08
zyedok WGG23:08
mysticdarkhackhey all23:09
matjanFinux, i try to surf to my no-ip.org domain, and then it asks for a username and password... when i put in my no-ip login and password it does not go there... what may be going wrong?23:09
jacekowskihow to force aptitude/apt to NEVER remove kubuntu-desktop package?23:09
WGGMkzyed: that would be your Internet provider, like cable is a broadband connection which is faster then some. just for example though, there is more, but prices goes up with speed23:09
summelsamcan somebody help me getting wlan to work please?23:09
jacekowskibecause i want to remove skim/scim and that cause to remove kubuntu-desktop23:09
mysticdarkhackanyone here know if firefox rc1 going to be in hardy update anytime soon?23:09
mysticdarkhackfirefox 3 rc123:09
Gindoes gnome support windows shade?23:10
Finuxhmm matjan do you mean you configure your no-op porgramm, or do you want to go on the site from no-ip.org23:10
paulcrossifireball, so I have to  live with it, right?23:10
astro76jacekowski: it shouldn't hurt removing kubuntu-desktop, it is just a metapackage23:10
amirman84gin: what's windows shade?23:10
Dwoodwlan is fubared23:10
astro76mysticdarkhack: it should be yes23:10
_sammy_summelsam: What is the problem?23:10
zyedi am laready using dsl 512 kbps23:10
Dwoodwlan is worthless on linux23:10
Dwoodspecially ubuntu23:10
matjanFinux, the last23:10
zyedany way thanx23:10
iqson716amirman84: I have some important mail in yahoomail , I need it ,23:10
WGGMkzyed: your welcome23:10
matjanFinux, so myname.no-ip.org23:10
zyedok plz one more thing23:10
mysticdarkhack<astro76>when would that be and I saw it just release23:10
jacekowskiastro76: and whole system depends on kubuntu-desktop23:10
Finuxum there is no password on the domain...23:11
WGGMkzyed: sure23:11
zyedi am tring to play mp3 songs from online23:11
amirman84iqson716: i was just playing around, i don't use yahoo mail, so i wouldn't know the problem you're talking about23:11
zyedin xp it can played with realplayer23:11
rakanHi, how can i tell whether ubuntu is using my firmware wireless driver or ndiswrapper one?23:11
astro76mysticdarkhack: based on past releases, a few days23:11
tw2113is ubuntu smart enough to detect when it's in a new OS, since I installed it on 1 PC and will be transferring it to a different one, just the hdd23:11
zyedbut here i am getting mesg that missing method23:11
Finuxu don't unterstand the question, sorry^^23:11
Finuxdo you have a html server on you pc, and want to access it from your machin over the no-ip domain23:11
tw2113er new PC23:11
lopinI had a VERY minimal system installed...  Like just x, jwm and thunar, and I just moved up to xubuntu-desktop, and I can't get xdm starting up...23:11
astro76zyed: install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?23:11
matjanFinux, yes, i installed apache23:12
ussertw2113, oh yea23:12
mysticdarkhack<astro76>i c, thx23:12
tw2113just checking23:12
WGGMkzyed: can you give a more descriptive message for me?23:12
Finuxmatjan: and do you have a password on the apache, or on what23:12
ifireballpaulcross: I guess it'll be patched soon enough23:12
rakanwhat CONSOLE command is used to view loaded drivers?23:12
astro76zyed: use Synaptic package manager, or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:12
zyedthis is the only msg23:12
iqson716amirman84:  it just show me mail sender and no mail text or attach file or ...23:12
amirman84rakan: i think it's lspci23:12
zyedok astro i will try23:12
amirman84iqson716: do you have flash and all that installed?23:13
WGGMkamirman84: doesn that just list the PCI Bridge? isnt it modprobe? or something?23:13
_sammy_rakan: lsmod is what you need to check for drivers. lspci for hardware23:13
matjanFinux, i do... do i need to set up a new virtual server to be able to use myname.no-ip.org? sorry, i am really a noob in this...23:13
james65lsmod   lists loaded modules23:13
amirman84WGGMk: i'm not really sure, you're probably right, i thought it listed every device it could find23:13
Prez00ok,  so there seems no way i can get java applets working under hardy... applet started, cannot be initialized..23:13
Finuxmatjan: huuuh i don't understand anything anymore23:13
Prez00i have the gcj plugin showing up under about plugins..23:14
matjanFinux, i am probably not explaining correctly...23:14
iqson716amirman84:  yes , i use swfdec & flash-plugin-nonefree23:14
ricreeMy usb thumbdrive isn't being auto detected.  Is there some way to try and force it to mount?23:15
zyedWGG my local area is connected at 10 mbps23:15
zyedhow can i change it in to 100 mbps23:15
tehkHow would I check to see what version of qt I have installed?23:15
_sammy_ricree: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/mountpoint23:15
amirman84iqson716: i have no idea then, i'm just a simple newbie23:15
Finuxdo you know if there is a programm that can change html packages? im too dumb to write my own XD it should work with the prinzip of airpwn (http://airpwn.sourceforte.net on the page documentation) but in the local network23:16
zyedWGG my local area is connected at 10 mbps23:16
zyedWGG my local area is connected at 10 mbps23:16
zyedhow can i change it in to 100 mbps23:16
FloodBot2zyed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:16
iqson716amirman84: thx23:16
zyedok sorry23:16
amirman84iqson716: you could always open a gmail account and have your yahoo mail forwarded to there23:16
astro76unlike gmail I don't think yahoo offers free forwarding23:17
rouiniis there any Islamic theme for Ubuntu 8.0423:17
amirman84asstro76: you mean yahoo will block gmail from scarping your mail?23:17
BoohbahFinux: sourceforte.net ?23:17
astro76amirman84: well you also have to pay for pop access on yahoo23:18
amirman84rouini: did you open synaptic package manager and search for "islam" ?23:18
BoohbahFinux: looks like a link farm23:18
_sammy_rouini: i use the 'Muslim Edition' of GDM. There should be similar for metacity or whatever you use23:18
astro76!themes | rouini23:18
ricree_sammy_: that seems to mount my hard drive instead.  Would it be one of the other sd's, such as sdc?23:18
ubotturouini: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:18
amirman84boobah: he spelled it wrong, it's sourceforge.net23:18
Finux-.- i meant http://airpwn.sourceforge.net ^^ osrry23:18
Ninjavidualcan i install ubuntu 64 bit version on my intell quad core?23:18
astro76Ninjavidual: yes23:18
douyeHow can i turn seamless mode of at virtualbox?23:18
Ninjavidualis it better?23:19
Boohbahamirman84: i suspected so, but i was just checking. and btw you spelled my name wrong :P23:19
Boohbahamirman84: tab complete is your friend23:19
amirman84rouini: if you open synaptic package manager and search for "islam" there are a few islamic themes in there23:19
astro76Ninjavidual: most people will not notice a difference, unless you have > 3GB ram, which it will allow you to access23:19
Prez00aaaargh, applet not initialized for all java applets23:19
Prez00i have iced tea..23:19
amirman84boohba:sorry poobaa23:20
astro76Ninjavidual: some other things will be more difficult, i.e. closed source stuff like flash and java23:20
rouiniaminman84:give the name of themes there23:20
Prez00what can i check, i have hardy 32 bits23:20
norvI've heard >3GB using x86-32 is possible but not recommended23:20
summelsamwhere can i find drivers for  Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)23:20
ricree_sammy_: looks like sdc did the trick.  Thank you for your help23:20
NinjavidualI have 4 gb ram23:20
ricreeanyone have any idea why my usb drive doesn't auto mount?23:20
astro76Ninjavidual: to tell the truth I have 4gb on a dual core and run 32bit ;)23:20
norvrouini: ever hear of 'google'?23:20
_sammy_ricree: aye, sorry. I should have checked first. No problem23:20
bjornh_Umm... is it possible to resume the normal installer from the live-cd environment? Had to abort the installer to install dmraid.23:21
Ninjavidualastro76: so do you think its worth the effort?23:21
amirman84rouini: ubuntume-themes  ,  ubuntume-gdm-themes  , and uspash-theme-ubuntume23:21
astro76Ninjavidual: it hasn't been for me yet ;)23:21
zyedhow can i change my connection from 10 mbps to 100 mbps23:21
rouininorv :what do you mean23:21
amirman84rouini: do you know how to open synaptic package manager?23:21
Ninjavidualastro76: thanks man. So is it supposed to harnes your ram better or something?23:21
rouiniaminman84:of course yes23:22
Boohbahrouini: i think what he means is that you should search the fine web23:22
zyedastro how can i change my connection from 10 mbps to 100 mbps23:22
pist0l-fishhi there, I just connected a camera to my laptop via USB and was prompted regarding whether or not I wanted to import my pictures. I pressed "Import Pictures to Album" and nothing happened. Can anyone help?23:22
astro76Ninjavidual: no, but with 32 bit it will simply ignore ram > 3GB23:22
astro76Ninjavidual: you will see 3 GB23:22
rouiniboohbah:thank you for explanation23:23
astro76zyed: dunno, that's usually automatic23:23
Boohbahrouini: perhaps a query of 'islam gnome theme' typed into your favorite search engine would yield some useful results23:23
zyedhahahaha astro dunno23:23
amirman84rouini: in synaptic package manager, at the top there is a button that says "search" click it and type "islam" in the search, all those themes i just listed will show up, click the check boxes beside them and then click the button that says "apply" at the top, they will install automatically23:23
Ninjavidualastro76: oh. Thats all?23:23
ubottuFactoid joystick not found23:23
ubottuFactoid hid not found23:24
astro76Ninjavidual: yeah23:24
ubottuFactoid gamepad not found23:24
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)23:24
BoohbahRabidWeezle: what sort of connection does it use? usb? or serial23:24
amirman84rouini: then you should be able to right click your desktop, select "change background" then click on the tab that says "themes" and change your theme right there, no need to search the internet at all23:24
BoohbahRabidWeezle: and what application are you trying to use it with?23:24
Ninjavidualastro76: so not all software will work on the 64 bit ubuntu? is there any way to get stuff like flash working?23:24
astro76!flash64 | Ninjavidual yes ;)23:25
ubottuNinjavidual yes ;): You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava23:25
BoohbahRabidWeezle: try zsnes23:25
BoohbahRabidWeezle: i think that i plugged in my use gamepad with no setup required23:25
Ademanwhere's ubotu at?23:25
BoohbahAdeman: his retarded cousin 'ubottu' is filling in for him while he's on vacation23:26
RabidWeezlethanks Boohbah23:26
ubottuFactoid retarded not found23:26
RequinB5I think ubottu's feelings are hurt23:26
amirman84sorry ubottu23:26
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!23:27
ubuntuGhaving trouble getting nvidia drivers to work, first time amd64... i386 always worked fine. help?23:27
Ademanhuh, what's the deal with that?23:27
Ninjavidualubottu: what about intel quad core? is there anything that there is simply no way to install on ubuntu 64bit?23:27
ubottuNinjavidual: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
Boohbahubottu: you sure you don't mean to say 'Portage' ?23:27
ubottuBoohbah: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
tom__What kind of errors, ubuntuG ?23:27
ubottuFactoid ubuntu64x not found23:27
astro76Ninjavidual: wine perhaps23:27
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.23:27
RabidWeezleBoohbah, isn't ab and xy buttons on snes backwards?23:27
ubuntuGtom__: i cant seem to get high res... only 640X48023:27
RabidWeezlelike YX BA23:28
tehkDoes anyone know what packages provides qt4-config23:28
astro76Ninjavidual: Google Earth... maybe there's a way but I'm not aware of it23:28
tom__ubuntuG, Have you verified Xorg is using th driver?23:28
BoohbahRabidWeezle: don't think so...23:28
norvI thought Google Earth was an OpenGL app23:28
BoohbahRabidWeezle: but always change the key bindings23:28
ubuntuGtom__: yes... its using the nvidia driver.... I just cant get my prefered res (1280X1024)23:29
Ninjavidualastro76: ok. thanks. so nothing major "ah im gona die i cant intall it" ;-)23:29
astro76norv: yes it uses opengl, and is written with qt for cross-platform... but 32bit afaik23:29
Ademanhrm, ubottu really is retarded, didn't know anything about the new firefox release candidate.  I was reading that alot of people were saying the new firefox release candidate would make it into the repos.. I thought ubuntu's policy was not to package any new versions of software in between ubuntu releases23:29
amirman84ubuntuG: you can manually add the resolution you want in your xorg.conf file23:29
astro76Ademan: firefox is the one exception23:29
norvastro76: isn't there a trick to run 32-bit stuff?23:30
astro76norv: probably ;)23:30
norvastro76: like a 32-bit usermode Linux, or something23:30
Ademanastro76: huh23:30
RequinB5amirman84 - just ask microsoft, a well-working internet browser is key to the survivability of the OS23:30
amirman84ademan: are you serious? what kind of policy is that!?23:30
astro76Ademan: they used to backport firefox security updates... but then it's a pain because some plugins expect the newer version number, thankfull Ubuntu capitulated ;)23:30
Ninjavidualnorv: sounds interesting23:30
Ademanamirman84: a policy designed not to introduce new bugs in between ubuntu releases23:31
nosa-jguys do alot of trolls come in hear?23:31
amirman84requinB5: WHaaaa?23:31
norvNinjavidual: not sure if that's even possible, though23:31
astro76amirman84: it's the policy of every distro which uses time-based, versus rolling releases23:31
amirman84ademan: ok i guess i can see that23:31
Ninjavidualnorv: yeah ok23:31
amirman84ademan: but why would they want you to be stuck with a BETA?23:31
astro76nosa-j: our friendly ops keep this channel well under control ;)23:31
RequinB5amirman84 - sorry, that's just an inside joke about micro$oft's 90's method of monopolizing the desktop23:31
Ademanamirman84: well, they're not apparently, they made an exception for firefox23:32
calmHi everyone! Should I refrain from installing Ubuntu on my laptop because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/59695?23:32
nosa-jastro76: thats good i was jsut wondering if ppl bash ubuntu or something jw23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:32
amirman84ademan: i'm glad !23:32
ubuntuGamirman84: pardon me, can you provide an example?23:32
alexbOrsovadoes anyone know how to disable switching desktops through the mouse scroll wheel?23:34
ubuntunovicedoes anybody know why my gpodder downloads keep stalling?!23:34
greenman5:31pm] <ch>23:34
AdemanalexbOrsova: are you using advanced desktop effects?23:34
greenmanAnyone know why a page would just start going somewhere else?  I have some sites like michael.bearfootden.com and tamarisk.bearfootden.com and bearfootden.com23:34
greenman[5:31pm] <ch>23:34
greenmanall of a sudden today, tamarisk.bearfootden.com started loading to bearfootden.com23:34
greenman[5:31pm] <ch>23:34
FloodBot2greenman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
greenmanI didn't change anything on the server, and it was working two days ago...23:34
RequinB5calm: No.  Let me get a link23:34
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: yo dude, are you still here?23:34
alexbOrsovaAdeman: if you mean compiz, yes23:34
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, yeah, whats up?23:34
RequinB5calm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795327&highlight=hard+drive+load+cycles+laptop23:34
AdemanalexbOrsova: install compizconfig-manager,  through there you can define that behavior23:35
greenmanAnyone know why a page would just start going somewhere else?  I have some sites like michael.bearfootden.com and tamarisk.bearfootden.com and bearfootden.com23:35
greenmanall of a sudden today, tamarisk.bearfootden.com started loading to bearfootden.com23:35
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: nothing in general, still working on touch screen, wated to see if you're still here23:35
astro76calm: if you actually have the problem, there is a workaround23:35
alexbOrsovaAdeman: thanks23:35
greenmanI didn't change anything on the server, and it was working two days ago...23:35
calmRequinB5: thanks; i've been trying to read through the 1782562-page comments on that bug for a while23:35
greenmanI've checked the config and it looks right.23:35
amirman84ubuntuG: i'm not very good at this stuff and doing this might mess things up, but i know that if you change the resolution and don't press anything it'll change back so there's not that much to worry about, if your xorg.conf file is recognizing your driver it should be okay to do this but type "sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf" in your terminal, then find the part where it lists your resolutions and add the resolution you want in the s23:35
krosalut tous le monde23:35
calmastro76: yes, according to smartctl, i think i do have the problem.23:35
RequinB5calm: I know exactly how you feel.  I'm on a laptop right now23:35
RequinB5Hello duovoice23:36
amirman84DAMN HE LEFT23:36
calmastro76: presumably the workaround is the apm 254 thing?23:36
norvNinjavidual: no, UML can't work.. doesn't support 64 bit hosts23:36
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, i'll check with a friend in the linux dept on monday, if you could post your whole issue in my forum23:36
astro76calm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/59695/comments/1423:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:36
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: right23:37
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, (I work in the testing labs at HP)23:37
AdemanalexbOrsova: no problem, specifically i think it's under 'Expo Plugin' then go to the Bindings tab, and there you'll see 'Next Viewport' and 'Previous Viewport'   if you click the little broom next to each one it will clear the bindings (so no key is bound to next and previous viewports)23:37
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: hopefully, though, ill get it working before then.23:37
zyedcan real player install on ubuntu ???23:37
amirman84zyed: REAL PLAYER!?// WHY?23:37
astro76!real | zyed23:37
Ademanzyed: you don't need or want real player23:37
ubottuzyed: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:37
calmastro76: yeah that one. i guess i'll try that, but i want to make sure i understand more about the problem, about the monitoring tools and exactly what they output, and about the solutions23:37
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, yeah, i hope so, wish i could help23:37
floating_anyone know why my keyboard stops responding on some window, as if it was "inactive" ..i can't type to a window before I first activate other window, and then activate the window i wanted to type in23:38
hej4zis there any special driver for hp laserjet 1010 or will it be auto-detected when i plug it in?23:38
zyedi read all of them i told u i want to play online mp3 songs but still i am getting error that .....method missing23:38
duovoiceOkay... I have my wireless driver recognized on my mac, running Hardy, using ndiswrapper, but the system does not let me configure the wirless connection resets and I have to modprobe ndiswrapper every time I restart my computer... does anyone have a solution?23:38
=== zera_ is now known as Gohalien
greenmanThis doesn't make any fing sense23:39
astro76zyed: but you didn't ask about your mp3 issue again, you asked if you can install Realplayer...23:39
* Gnomercy ~~~waves to the room~~~23:40
=== wirechief__ is now known as wirechief-intel
wirechief-intelidentify silvermachine423:40
astro76zyed: garbage in garbage out ;)23:40
zyedyes that time u told me to install some restricted ubuntu packages23:40
zyedso i did that but still same error23:40
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, did u look here?23:40
krosalut tous le monde23:40
zyedastro plz23:40
kalamotHello there! Is there anyone here who could help me or tell me where to find help regarding the places menu ?  I have a NTFS partition with windows that i am unable to get rid off from this menu23:40
zyedguide me dear23:40
calmRequinB5: do you know why that workaround uses hdparm -B 200 instead of some other value, like hdparm -B 254?23:40
greenmanwhy oh why would apache suddenly start ignoring a config file in sites-enabled?23:40
astro76wirechief-intel: better change your nickserv password23:41
greenmanthis isn't making any sense23:41
trethkalamot: I think you change your bookmarks in Nautilus and that does it.23:41
amirman84kalamot: don't you think it would be handy to share files with your windows partition?23:41
Ninjavidualnorv: ok, thanks man.23:41
hej4zduovoice: i have rtl8187b wireless adapter and this method has worked with me: http://mycirilo.com/?p=2423:41
astro76zyed: have a link to what you are trying to play?23:41
trethSo, I've found a bunch of bug reports on similar issues, but nothing on this.  My screensaver and suspend both work correctly, but if I let the computer blank the screen on idle, it won't come back.23:41
astro76zyed: and/or the actual error message?23:42
kalamotwell i  dont se it in my bookmrks, for sharing files i have another partition23:42
zyedu can chek the error23:42
trethThe backlight will come on, but the screen stays black.  I know my keyboard input goes into applications because I've blind-IM'ed people before.  But I have to Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to fix it.23:42
amirman84kalamot: ah23:42
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, i found this too, I've gotten the touchscreen and the audio to work.  @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66855823:42
calcSeaPhor: hi :)23:42
wirechief-intel/ns set password new-pass23:42
wirechief-inteltowo|> !res23:42
astro76zyed: that page is rubbish, it's a domain parking page which links to other junk23:42
wirechief-intel/ns set password new-pass23:43
wirechief-inteltowo|> !res23:43
SeaPhorcalc, Heya Bro!23:43
astro76zyed: what is the actual site you are trying?23:43
calcSeaPhor: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ccheney/2008-uds-prague/ :)23:43
trethkalamot: The locations down the left-hand side of the nautilus window?23:43
zyedsorry i was mistaken23:43
kalamottreth:  yes in the places menu23:43
greenmanwhy oh why would apache suddenly start ignoring a config file in sites-enabled?23:43
kalamottreth: i have a 6 gig partition that just anoyes me there it has only my win xp23:44
trethkalamot: if you right-click on the entries in the 'Places' panel in Nautilus and rename or remove one, doesn't it change in the menu as well?23:44
amirman84greenman: there are a lot of why's in linux but even more how's23:44
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
SeaPhorcalc, Very Nice!23:45
greenmanyup, and I can't figure out either.  This just started out of nowhere23:45
trethSo nobody else has had that problem on a laptop?23:45
lnarwhats the problem treth?23:45
kalamottreth: i have only the option open, open in new window and mount ( or unmount if mounted )23:45
lnarive just got in23:45
ubottuFor at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.23:45
calcSeaPhor: been pretty busy so i don't have many pictures yet23:45
calcSeaPhor: but i'll be here until june 1 :)23:45
lnari have a  laptop23:46
trethkalamot: Then I guess I can't be of help.  Sorry.  I customized mine and I thought that was how I did it, but I guess I forgot how.  :P23:46
SeaPhorcalc, Hey i'm ALL wireless now, finally23:46
calcSeaPhor: great23:46
jpw27_I have the kernel installed, I don't use it, but I don't want to delete it, but I'm tired of going into the grub menu every time I boot and changing the kernel.  Is deleting it's sections from menu.lst the best way stop it from being used to boot without fully removing it?23:46
kalamottreth :23:46
trethlnar:  The screensaver and suspend-to-ram both work fine.  But if the screen blanks from an idle, it won't come back.23:46
kalamottreth: :-(23:46
calcjpw27_: it will come back if you run update-grub, but yea that would work temporarily23:46
trethlnar: The backlight comes on, but the screen stays black.23:46
lnarthats a kernel problem treth.... i havethe same problem with mandriva23:46
astro76zyed: ok I see, i think there is a plugin that can help you.. let me try to find it23:46
kalamotso nobody here ever wanted to remove a partition from the places menu ?23:47
greenmanwhy oh why would apache suddenly start ignoring a config file in sites-enabled?23:47
jpw27_thanks calc23:47
zyedlove u astro23:47
lnarinstall ubuntu-modules-restricted23:47
calckalamot: probably not, no23:47
lnarand backports23:47
trethlnar: That's definitely progress, though.  =^^=  Do you know what module it's in, or what i'd search for to see about a fix?23:47
astro76zyed: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/300623:47
calckalamot: if its listed in /etc/fstab you could remove it there and it probably wouldn't come back23:47
kalamotcalc: Doh!23:47
SeaPhorcalc, wow 2 more weeks?23:47
kalamotcalc: no i tried that it is automounted somehow23:47
jpw27_calc: i could never get sound to work with, but I'm holding out that I may figure it out sometime so I don't want to fully remove it23:48
calcSeaPhor: UDS until 5/23 and then vacation :)23:48
lnartreth install those packages... restricted and backports and if u are using xorg finr xserver-xorg-intel and 81023:48
whitethunder922I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu and XP. I haven't used XP in about 3 weeks but when I tried to boot it up (from GRUB) today it wouldn't load. It just sits there and hangs indefinitely. If I try safe mode, it shows a screen that looks like stuff is loading, then the screen goes blank and the computer reboots. Any ideas what's going wrong?23:48
kolie2my ubuntu still has black screen after install23:48
ricosecadaAnyone who knows how to change the language of webalizer? I have installed it using apt-get, and when I use it, it is using my native language, but I would prefer english.23:48
SeaPhorcalc, Very Nice! cool23:48
calckalamot: ah23:48
trethlnar: But I have an nVidia card.23:48
Jack_Sparrowzyed You need to put complete thoughts on one line, your posts are too hard to follow23:48
lnarthen install nvidia23:48
trethlnar: I have, and I'm using it.23:48
calckalamot: i'm not sure where you disable automounting :-\23:48
trethlnar: I have full hardware acceleration.23:49
kalamotcalc: at the begginig it was not there so i figured out i should put it there and it would make some difference but i think gnome-mount is doing something23:49
kolie2I used alternate, to install, because regular ubuntu installer was black screen as well. After boot, I select ubuntu, and then i get black screen again, hitting shift ctrl f# still gives black screen. Any help?23:49
lnarxserver-xgl try with those dont use xorg23:49
zyedok sair23:49
zyedok jack sir23:49
lnarxserver-xorg-xgl i think23:49
amirman84can anyone tell me the easiest way to change my fstab file to automatically mount an NTFS partition, or maybe an even easier way of automatically mounting the partition at startup?23:49
branstromAnybody know what the deal is with SSH? I can't log in with my publickey, even thought permissions and everything is fine.23:49
trethlnar: Thanks for the help.  I'll give it a shot.23:49
kalamotcalc: so fstab or not it still is in nautilus places menu23:49
lnaror xserver-xgl i dont remember, but with those u should be done23:49
Sa[]nTAlright, how do I get my Mic to work? What steps should I take to make that happen?23:49
calckalamot: amirman84 ^ lol ;-)23:49
trethbranstrom:  What have you done to set up your keys?23:49
lnartreth see if u have backports installed too!23:50
amirman84calc: i know, he reminded me to ask23:50
branstromtreth: it worked fine before hardy I believe23:50
kalamotcalc: amirman84 ??23:50
patifabranstrom: Your key might be blacklisted if you added the ssh blacklist in, due to the debian security hole.23:50
trethlnar: Ok.  Gimme a sec.23:50
calckalamot: he is wants to do what you can't figure out how to disable ;-)23:50
branstromtreth: my keys are not blacklisted23:50
lnarno problem man!23:50
branstrompatifa: ^23:50
amirman84kalamot: i'm trying to do almost the opposite of what you're trying to ddo\23:50
trethbranstrom: So you re-installed on the client, or you upgraded, or . . . ?  And how do you add your keys to the keyring?23:50
astro76zyed: hmm maybe that wasn't the extension I was thinking of23:50
kalamotamirman84: ha!23:50
trethbranstrom: Password protected, and if so, same password as your login or different?23:51
kolie2can anyone help? I used alternate to install, because regular ubuntu installer was black screen as well. After boot, I select ubuntu, and then i get black screen again, hitting shift ctrl f# still gives black screen.23:51
ipkafi got 2.4 kernel23:51
lnarnow who can help me! i can play different player with alsa... and if i open a secondary player the sound in the first one goes off and i have to reload alsa... any clues people???23:51
amirman84couldn't i just add a "mount" command to my sessions list?23:51
zyedmay be let me try astro23:51
ipkafhow to upgrade it to 2.6 ???23:51
ipkafi got 2.4 kernel how to upgrade it to 2.6 ???23:51
astro76zyed: this was it... but it isn't supported in FF3 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/44623:51
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: dude, i was messing with the compiz settings and al of a sudden my screen went blank for like ten seconds. it scared me half to death. all I could think was "great, one more thing to fix" :)23:51
Sa[]nTAlright, how do I get my Mic to work? What steps should I take to make that happen?23:52
nikini want to set up an FTP server, with the flolowing options. /var/ftp would be the root for every user, but anonymous. anonymous root folder should be /var/ftp/pub . /var/ftp/companypub should be the firectory where everyone from the company group can read or write. /var/ftp/<username> would be everyones home directory what only the user can reaad or write. /var/ftp/clients should be the directory where the user client can write and read. but not 23:52
jpw27_ipkaf: master kernel thread23:52
lnarso i cant play sounds with different programs running at the same time... how can i make alsa do this??23:52
branstromtreth: I'm on an iMac - but ssh-add seems to be working fine, it lists the id_rsa but still the same error on connect23:52
branstromIt makes me enter password23:52
Jack_Sparrowlnar /join #Alsa23:52
kalamotamirman84: not an expert but i think the answer is in fstab for you23:52
lnark jack thanks!23:52
zyedastro did u try it23:52
rafalhas anyone already installed firefox 3 rc1 ?23:53
branstromBoth the .ssh and contained files on client and on server are just fine, wrt permissions23:53
astro76zyed: I tried the first one which is how I realized it's not the right one.... I don't have FF2 installed to try the second but I'm positive that's the right one23:53
Cromagricosecada: http://www.interworx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=300 is what i found..23:53
trethbranstrom:  Ok.  Just for kicks, could you run ssh-copy-id once more just to see?23:53
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, lol, but all good now?23:53
ipkafjpw27_: ????23:53
branstromtreth: where?23:54
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, did you look at that last link i just sent you?23:54
ricosecadaCromag, yes I found that too thanks, but I am pretty sure the default package wasn't build using danish :-)23:54
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: yeah. Advice: dont mess with the "GLib Inner Loop Compatibility" option in compiz :)23:54
=== kolie2 is now known as kolie
el_ismaHello. Is there any ubuntu live DVD which has both gnome and kde?23:54
trethbranstrom: On your local machine.  Invoke it like ssh: ssh-copy-id user@host23:54
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: no, i couldnt see, remember?23:54
Stwangethanks whoever recommended gnu paint to me. I lost the scrollback while I was playing with it :)23:54
zyedbut this is for old ver23:54
jpw27_ipkaf: google "master kernel thread".  if you don't want to do most of the work yourself, look at KCheck (google it as well).  I haven't used kcheck, but whenever I change kernel I do it following the master kernel thread23:54
zyedastro its not working on new ff23:54
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, i found this too, I've gotten the touchscreen and the audio to work.  @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=668558  this one23:54
arcanisdoes anyone know of a good text editor that allows one to launch the current document in a browser to preview, I'm learning javascript and it would be great.  Screem doesn't parse and highlight the javascript syntax properly :(23:55
RabidWeezleBoohbah, you you get sound at all in zsnes?23:55
trethacranis: use vim.  :P23:55
koliecan anyone help? I used alternate to install, because regular ubuntu installer was black screen as well. After boot, I select ubuntu, and then i get black screen again, hitting shift ctrl f# still gives black screen.23:55
el_ismaarcanis: vi or emacs :)23:55
Cromagricosecada: thats correct. I believe it does something like configure --with-language="what's in locales"23:55
arcaniswhy is it always those :(23:55
arcanisI want a graphical text editor with syntax highlighting23:55
el_ismaarcanis: because they let you do almost anything23:55
ipkafok thx23:55
arcaniswhich is better?23:55
whitethunder922Can anyone help me with fixing a dual boot system where Windows won't boot anymore but Ubuntu will?23:55
ricosecadaCromag, I see, but since it is installed with apt-get it doesn't get build, so that part I don't understand.23:56
el_ismaarcanis: both vim and emacs have graphical versions, with syntaxis highlighting23:56
BoohbahRabidWeezle: yes, i recall there was some library missing from the ubuntu distribution, there are some forum threads about it23:56
trethacranis: vim can be a graphical text editor.23:56
Starnestommyarcanis: gvim, kate, or emacs23:56
el_ismaarcanis: which one is better depends on you23:56
arcanis"sudo apt-get install gvim" and I'm good, right?23:56
Jav13rapt-get command not found. what can i do. any help ?23:56
Cromagricosecada: i was only trying to paint a pic :)23:56
kolie:( Why is my ubuntu broken23:56
el_ismaIs there any ubuntu live DVD which has both gnome and kde?23:56
jpw27_ipkaf, i sent you two links, they should have everything you need23:56
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: damn, dude. that looks like it just might work. let me try it.23:56
trethThanks everybody!23:57
Boohbahkolie: because you haven't fixed it yet23:57
astro76arcanis: if go into the prefs in gedit you can enable the External Tools plugin23:57
ipkafok thx a lot jpw27_ $23:57
jpw27_sure ipkaf, hope it helps23:57
RabidWeezleBoohbah, there are also alot of graphical glitches compared to snes9x :/23:57
astro76arcanis: this will allow you to set a command to do whatever you want23:57
calcel_isma: doubt it23:57
BoohbahRabidWeezle: in what game?23:57
arcanisoh ok23:57
SeaPhoralexbOrsova, hope so :-))23:57
BoohbahRabidWeezle: what graphics mode? there are several to choose from23:57
branstromtreth: oh, didn't know about that one - handy... But it isn't available on my iMac. Tried it on the Ubuntu machine to the same machine though, and the key is identical to what was already there23:57
calcel_isma: that would be a hybrid of both ubuntu and kubuntu23:57
guadahello guys23:57
WillCotton01Ok guys i have a quick question23:58
ricosecadaCromag, thanks :-)23:58
arcanisastro76 in that external tools thing how do I make my command target the current document23:58
kolieBoohbah : how to fix it?23:58
TeslaTonyWhenever I play flash it kills my ability to play MP3's. Anyone know how to fix this?23:58
WillCotton01i've somehow made one of my harddrives not visible in windows how to i reverse it?23:58
WillCotton01do i*23:58
Jav13r 23:58
XmatriXTelsaTony: yes and no23:58
calcWillCotton01: what did you do to it?23:58
SwishI'm thinking of installing 8.04LTS (amd64 server version) on a 2GB memory stick and booting off that.  the reason is so that I can keep the root partition on the 2GB stick and then LVM2/raid two hard drives on the computer to use for other storage23:58
Boohbahkolie: i don't know how to fix it because you haven't told me what the problem is23:58
Swisham I going to run into any problems?23:59
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:59
kolieI used alternate to install, because regular ubuntu installer was black screen as well. After boot, I select ubuntu, and then i get black screen again, hitting shift ctrl f# still gives black screen.23:59
alexbOrsovaSeaPhor: ill be back (terminator style :) )23:59
kolieBoohbah : that is the proble23:59
XmatriXTelsaTony: it will give u the ability the play 2 audio at the same time, but it will give you some flash troubles23:59
RabidWeezleBoohbah, killer instinct and 1440x90023:59
WillCotton01when i was installing ubuntu i accidently marked it as the partition to use as swapfile, then i selected do not use23:59
astro76arcanis: click the Help button in External Tools Manager, then go to section 10.4.4 Variables23:59
kalamotHello there! Is there anyone here who could help me or tell me where to find help regarding the nautilus places menu ?  I have a NTFS partition with windows that i am unable to get rid off from this menu23:59
calcWillCotton01: before or after you activated it?23:59
XmatriXTelsaTony: if you would like ill send u the link and you can go through wether u would like to go ahead23:59
koreskoHello - anyone know how to keep hotplugged drives from getting automounted in Hardy?23:59
andorwhat file shuld i use, .rpm or tar.gz to (k)ubuntu ?23:59
WillCotton01activated what?23:59
Starnestommyandor: probably the .tar.gz23:59

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