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HewHey guys. How do I find which package installed a certain file? I'm sure there was some command that did this, but I can't remember it.04:36
bimberiHew: dpkg -S /path/to/file04:39
Hewbimberi: excellent, thank you :-)04:39
bimberiyw :)04:40
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Rioting_pacifisthow do i find the backwards dependancies of a program (what depends on a library)?14:06
seb128apt-cache rdepends library14:06
Rioting_pacifista program is listed twice is that a problem or just the way to apt-cache works works?14:11
seb128you might have several sources providing a different version for this one14:12
seb128you can apt-cache rdepends library | sort | uniq too14:13
seyed-mehdihi everyone14:34
seyed-mehdiI can't open any https pages. can anyone help please ?14:35
seyed-mehdiany suggestion ?14:38
persiaseyed-mehdi: You might ask on #launchpad if there is any way around it, although be warned that there may be problems with some data.14:41
seyed-mehdipersia: thanks 4 suggestion :) which data may have problems ?14:42
persiaseyed-mehdi: I'm not sure.  Personally, I'd not be surprised if e.g. private bugs were not available without https.14:43
seyed-mehdipersia: I donno, its better checking #launchpad :) thanks14:45
seyed-mehdipersia: where r u from ? ur ID is name of my country !14:47
Rioting_pacifistcould somebody with kubuntu please confirm/deny #240472 for me please14:49
persiaseyed-mehdi: Not since 1935, but the United States14:49
persiabug #240472 (not that I use kubuntu, but links are good)14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240472 in kubuntu-meta "firefox3 breaks in kubuntu when certain programs are installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24047214:50
Hobbseepersia: er, why is it a launchpad thing, if he can't open https?14:52
persiaHobbsee: Huh?  Maybe I have the context wrong.14:52
Hobbseepersia: the guy never mentioned launchpd at all - he just said he couldn't open https pages.14:53
persiaseyed-mehdi: Are you here to talk about a bug with not being able to open https, or are you having trouble helping with bug triage because you are behind a firewall that prohibits https?14:53
Hobbseepersia: haven't you noticed a disturbing trend of people coming here for premier support, as #ubuntu is too busy?14:53
persiaHobbsee: Not recently.  I'll try to be more careful, with that in mind.14:54
seyed-mehdipersia: no Im not behind any firewall or proxy. I can have not any problem with opening such urls in Windows14:54
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
Hobbseepersia: that might make it clearer?14:54
persiaseyed-mehdi: Did you already search for a bug that matches your issue?14:54
persiaHobbsee: Indeed.14:55
seyed-mehdipersia: yeah, but didnt find anything14:55
seyed-mehdipersia: there was problem with opening htts in OO or evolution or other progs, but my problem is not those14:55
persiaseyed-mehdi: Maybe you have a new bug then.  Have you tried multiple browsers?14:56
seyed-mehdipersia: yeah, any known browser such as Firefox, opera, Konqueror and others14:57
seyed-mehdipersia: i hadnt this problem in other distro's of ubuntu14:58
persiaseyed-mehdi: Hrm.  Not sure which package to file the bug against then.  You might start with a question, and after some more investigation file a bug.14:58
seyed-mehdipersia: the point is that I've reinstall ubuntu, either kubuntu but nothing changes, even in Live CD I cant browse those.14:59
persiaseyed-mehdi: Right.  It sounds like a bug.  Unfortunately, as it seems to happen under multiple conditions, I don't know where to suggest you file it, which is why I recommended a question.15:00
persiaYou might also find support in #ubuntu helpful towards determining the nature of the bug so it can get filed and processed, and this doesn't happen to anyone else.15:00
seyed-mehdipersia: I was in that channel, no one have any answer for that15:01
persiaseyed-mehdi: Then a question is your best bet.15:02
seyed-mehdipersia: it seems that it's last chance !15:03
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snap-lCOuld I get a member of the bug squad to prioritize / triage a bug? bug 9944516:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99445 in sun-java6 "Java 6 and KDE integration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9944516:07
yuriysnap-l: there are also some bugs about java not working in konqueror and such16:12
snap-lThis is a different issue... it's about appearance, not the plugin16:12
yuriysnap-l: I think the best thing to do would be to put together a spec documenting all the stuff broken with java in KDE and what needs to be done to fix it16:13
james_wsnap-l: I think you've done a good job with the bug, is there anything else that you think needs doing to it16:13
james_wapart from fixing it of course :-)16:13
snap-ljames_w: I can't think of anything at the moment16:13
snap-lyuriy: This is across KDE distros vs. GNOME. I checked it out with Kubuntu and Mandriva 11 last night / this morning using jbidwatcher16:14
james_wI'll set the Ubuntu status to triaged16:14
snap-lyuriy: The differences between how it appears in GNOME / GTK vs. KDE / QT are pretty striking.16:14
james_wsnap-l: are you not a member of bugcontrol yet?16:15
snap-lNo, I am not.16:15
james_whave you considered applying?16:15
snap-ljames_w: I've considered it, but would like to get more familar with the process before having more authority. :)16:15
james_wsure, no rush.16:16
james_wif java looks really bad under KDE then a couple of screenshots added to the bugs might help a bit.16:16
snap-lI'll attach some tonight.16:17
yuriysnap-l: since there's a script that supposedly fixes it, screenshots of how it should look would be good too16:20
snap-lYeah, I'll put them all up16:22
snap-lFuny enough, I don't even use KDE, so I installed Kubuntu and Mandriva under Virtualbox. :)16:23
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yuriyheh, gj snap-l! thanks for your work!16:34
snap-lyuriy: Thank you.16:39
dholbach"How to run a Bug Jam" session in #ubuntu-meeting in 4 minutes16:56
bdmurraycalc: bug 228604 has a test document now but it doesn't crash for me - it just looks really odd18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228604 in openoffice.org "Segmentation Fault with Excel sheet" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22860418:07
calcbdmurray: i just followed up to it, it doesn't crash for me either on hardy-updates. the user claimed it looked weird under excel as well but didn't crash there18:09
calcso the fact the document is bad isn't a problem afaict, just the old crash18:09
calcbut that looks like it is fixed now18:09
bdmurraya screenshot of what it looks like w/ excel might be interesting18:10
bdmurraybut yeah not crashing is progress!18:10
Old_Soldierit limd of defeats the purpose of a test file :) and creates a new / different bug18:15
Old_Soldierack must have coffee!18:15
affluxIs there a way to let E*Botu only announce new bugs which are not sync/merge requests? :)18:51
james_wit can be useful to see them.18:52
affluxI felt bored and scrolled through my scrollback in -bugs-announce, and I had the impression that 99% were sync requests :P18:53
james_wthat's good! :-)18:54
* thekorn did not know that -ananounce is active and usefull again18:54
affluxfor some weeks now, iirc18:55
bdmurrayjames_w: hi there18:57
thekornbdmurray, hi!18:58
bdmurraythekorn: hello, how are things with you?18:58
james_whi bdmurray18:59
james_whi thekorn18:59
thekornbdmurray, good, lot's of soccer here in europe :)18:59
affluxwuuuh, yeah, we won yesterday, yeah!!1111 :P18:59
thekornhi james_w18:59
bdmurrayI've updated my greasemonkey patches script - http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/greasemonkey/lp_patches.user.js19:00
bdmurrayIt now identifies patches in bug comments not just in the attachments portlet19:00
affluxschool was fun today... holidays started today, so it was the last day, we got our reports and so on, and most people were boozed :)19:00
thekornbdmurray, I recently experimented with javascript and greasemonkey, I started a script which integrats the activitilog in the main bugpage,19:01
thekornso you see each log item in a comment box19:01
thekornlike in other bug tracker19:02
bdmurraythat might be neat, especially seeing who modified the description19:02
thekornyes, exactly and you can see the reaction of comments in a chronical order19:03
thekornbut its not mature yet19:03
thekornI've also done some work on py-lp-bugs19:04
affluxbdmurray: btw.: I intend to go to the EMEA board for ubuntu membership. It would be very nice if you could add some testimonials to my wikipage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KjellBraden19:04
affluxbdmurray: I'm leaving for holidays on monday or tuesday, so no hurry ;)19:05
bdmurrayafflux: okay, I don't see a specific section for testimonials19:05
thekornbdmurray, my plan for  the weekend is to reduce the number of unmerged branches of py-lp-bugs. and I'm not sure about the procedure:19:05
affluxhum, will create that in 20 mins..19:05
bdmurrayafflux: okay great, ping me when its ready for me19:06
thekornshould I merge them into a copy of the .main branch and then merge this copy back to .main19:06
thekornor should I merge the changes directly to .main19:06
bdmurraythekorn: I think the bzr log is easier to parse if they are committed directly but james_w might know best19:07
thekornbdmurray, note: some of this changes a really big and some of them are changeing the API19:07
james_wyep bdmurray is right19:07
thekornor removing obviously unused features19:07
james_whowever, if you want to set up a devel branch where you stage all of these big things for some integration testing then that works as well.19:08
thekornbdmurray, some functions are so buggy, nobody seems to use them, else we would get lots of bugreports19:08
bdmurrayIf they are that large I think having a separate branch would be best as it could negatively effect apport19:09
bdmurrayor the retracing service rather19:09
thekornotherwise: if nobody uses this branch, we won't get real-life test results19:09
bdmurrayI'm happy to test it, I'm just concerned about killing the retracer19:10
thekornso I will create a dev brach,19:11
thekornmerge changes,19:11
thekornannounce it,19:11
thekornand after a week of testing merge it to .main19:11
thekornbtw, leonov is a new tool using py-lp-bugs!  https://edge.launchpad.net/leonov19:12
bdmurrayI've seen some stuff on planet about it.  It looks neat19:12
bdmurrayoh, I'd really like to see bug 233948 merged it main19:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233948 in python-launchpad-bugs "add username to http-request header" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23394819:13
thekornbdmurray, damn, I forgot about this bug19:14
bdmurraythekorn: no problem, I understand19:15
thekornbdmurray, there is an (optional) file which contains the name of the user, I named this file ~/.python-launchpad-bugs-cookie in this patch,19:17
thekornbut it is actually not a cookie,19:17
thekorndo you have a naming suggestion19:17
bdmurraymaybe '.rc' or '.conf'19:19
bdmurraythat works for me19:20
thekornjames_w, is it know that  'bzr patch' is broken in hardy?19:22
thekornor, better: do you know about it?19:23
james_wI didn't19:23
james_wwhat's the error?19:23
thekornbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.plugins.bzrtools.errors.PatchFailed:19:24
thekornwill file a bugreport with all output19:24
james_wit's actually a bzrtools command, so can you file it against that package please?19:24
thekornyes, ok, but then there is another bug: it says: Please report a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+filebug19:25
james_wwe can always reassign it, but if I can get you to do the work then it's easier for me :-)19:26
thekornjames_w, ok, it is bug 24173819:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241738 in bzrtools "bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.plugins.bzrtools.errors.PatchFailed: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24173819:29
james_wah, ok, it is a bug19:29
james_wbut the command won't apply a patch that won't apply cleanly19:29
james_wuse --force to get the .rej etc.19:30
thekornjames_w, hmm, sorry, bzr patch --force <file> ?19:31
james_wyeah, I think so19:31
thekornthere is no --force for the patch command for me19:31
james_wthere's something weird going on here19:35
james_wyou don't happen to have bzr aliased to bzr -Derror do you?19:35
james_wah no, the arguments are there19:36
james_wdo you have the .rej files?19:37
james_wI don't know why it is coming up with a backtrace, but it seems like this is intended behaviour19:39
thekornjames_w, I have .rej and the result looks also ok19:41
thekorneverything seems to be patched correct19:41
thekornbut it does not look userfreindly19:41
james_wyeah, you shouldn't have the backtrace.19:42
james_wI can't see why you do from looking at the code. I'm sure Aaron will know what's going on, so I'll leave it for him to look at.19:42
thekornjames_w, thanks a lot19:43
james_wno problem, thanks for the bug report.19:43
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affluxbdmurray: added a section on the wikipage19:54
bdmurrayafflux: are you editing it? your lock has timed out20:09
affluxbdmurray: hm, probably screwed up with tabs.. pressing "abort" in the edit page should release the lock, right?20:11
* bdmurray shrugs20:11
bdmurrayafflux: I've added my testimonial20:29
bdmurrayMy pleasure, good luck!20:30
affluxhuh, that was detailed.  :)20:30
bdmurraythekorn: is there anyway to test bug 233948?20:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233948 in python-launchpad-bugs "add username to http-request header" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23394820:47
bdmurrayoh, a packet trace!20:48
thekornbdmurray, I recently thought about the same question20:48
thekornoh, yeah, you are right20:49
bdmurrayI could ask for logs too but a packet trace seems easier20:49
thekorncan someone please give me an opinion on which of these bugreports should be the master: bug 45516, bug 84098 and bug 20532521:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45516 in vlc "Always On Top doesn't work" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4551621:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 84098 in vlc ""always on top" option in VLC not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8409821:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205325 in vlc "vlc being compiled with wxwidgets 2.6 .. should use 2.8 to fix "allway on top" in Hardy " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20532521:32
thekornthe last one seems to have a solution, but the others have more comments (are older)21:33
thekornI don't even know if this is a bug in vlc or compiz21:33
bdmurraythekorn: it looks like some of my changes got dropeed in python-launchpad-bugs21:40
bdmurrayin basebuglistfilter.py21:41
bdmurrayoh, it's just my comment21:42
thekornbut your comment between reporter and comment in the OPTION_DICT is still there21:44
bdmurraymight just be me then21:44
thekornmaybe a toggle full-line comments option in your $EDITOR21:45
bdmurrayis there a way to force p-lp-b to use http instead of https?21:46
thekornbdmurray, no, I think there is no way to use launchpad via http://21:51
thekornhttp:// is always redirected to https://21:51
bdmurrayhrm, packet traces won't be that helpful then. ;)21:52
thekornbdmurray, you can packet trace this:21:55
thekornpython -c "from launchpadbugs.http_connection import HTTPConnection; c = HTTPConnection(); c._HTTPConnection__opener.open('http://www.google.de')"21:56
bdmurraythekorn: I've got confirmation it works21:58
sbeattiethekorn|bdmurray: does http://www.nxnw.org/~steve/warez/python-launchpad-bugs-add_component_to_task.patch look sensible for exporting the component out of the task in launchpad?22:29
thekornsbeattie, looking22:31
thekorn+    user = LateBindingProperty(get_component)22:31
thekornhas to be component = ..22:32
sbeattiemonkey-see-monkey-do failed me.22:32
sbeattiethekorn: patch updated.22:33
* sbeattie thinks "No wonder I was reduced to call get_component() when I tried to make use of my patch:22:34
thekornok, looks good so far,22:35
thekornbut what do you think22:36
thekornabout changing the default value of "component" to None instead of "unknown"22:36
thekornso you can do something like     if not task.component: ....22:37
thekorninstead of   if task.component == "unknown"22:37
sbeattiesure, happy to do that, that was my area of concern actually, of how to handle the case when the task doesn't have a component listed.22:38
thekornsbeattie, if you change  self._component = ....   to   self._component = value_dict.get("component", None)  task.component will be none if there is no component listed22:39
sbeattieyep, just testing that out now.22:40
sbeattiethekorn: fixed and updated.22:41
thekornsbeattie, ok, cool, looks good, then add yourself to AUTHORS and I will commit this patch :)22:45
sbeattiethekorn: sure thing, thanks!22:45
thekornthank you!22:46
thekornsbeattie, if you are using bzr, can you please run   bzr diff > mypatch.diff   so committing is easier for me ;)22:47
sbeattiethekorn: done and pushed to http://www.nxnw.org/~steve/warez/python-launchpad-bugs-add_component_to_task.patch22:50
sbeattie(I was using quilt rather than bzr diff to generate the patch, just out of familiarity. I have it set to generate -p1 patches by default)22:51
thekornsbeattie, ok, thanks again, I will run some tests now, and than commit it22:53
sbeattiethekorn: great, thanks again!22:53
thekornsbeattie, pushed22:59

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