
yesudeep1!codecs | phillip00:00
ubottuphillip: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:00
murlidhardjzn, every harddisk has an mbr.   mbr will be rewritten if windows is installed and grub is written on the mbr.00:00
candiveSomeone please remind me how to install root password in ubuntu terminal, I cannot mount my external drive without being root00:00
phillipthey are mpegs00:00
Evil_Lucandive: sudo -i00:00
Kungen354646doesnt any1 know how to play midis in a gui?00:00
bdogis there a good keystroke logger for ubuntu?00:00
murlidharcandive, sudo passwd root00:01
candiveEvil-Lu thanks I,m in00:01
_Netlegend2440: http://rafb.net/p/UTihZU22.html00:01
stillmotionHi everyone.00:02
candivemurlidhar, is that another step or another way?00:02
murlidharKungen354646, search "midi"  in synaptic00:02
murlidharcandive, another way00:02
candiveCool thanks00:02
TurtleUrltewhere to find roms for the Znes emulator?00:03
stillmotionI'm using rsa public keys to authenticate clients via ssh. Without knowing, I changed a key on my client and now can only access the machine physically. How can I turn off rsa authentication and just use normal passwords?00:03
candivemurlidhar, Do you know where I can find info on all linux commands?00:03
phomeasorry if i repeat...but i can't install ati's driver on 2 different kernel...does anyone how to do this?00:03
ferfactorwhere is the font directory???00:04
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer00:04
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bdogis there a good keystroke logger for ubuntu?00:04
murlidharcandive, i am not sure of all but most of them (specially basic ones_) are at linuxcommands.org00:04
Shaba1Guys ok what "repositories does unbuntu come with and how do I add others?00:05
ferfactorthanks ubottu00:05
Evil_LuIs there an ubuntu channel where it's a bit more high-level than "where's my fonts?" and "What's a wav file?" or is this the lot?00:05
ThaBla420hey yall i got a question00:05
candivemurlidhar, Excellent thank you00:05
Azsilly question, but does anyone have any tips for improving the slow extraction performace for individual files using tar (non compressed)??00:05
ThaBla420i need a burnin prog to burn mp3 to cds all i got say the format is not supported00:05
evaristeHi, I'm having a problem with my system. It seems when I am on youtube, occasionally, my computer randomly logs out. It used to be that X would just crash, but now it is logging out. I have tried both the open source and restricted drivers for my graphics card, but the same problem occurs.00:05
WalloOEvil_Lu: after you don't need help... cause you are too good00:05
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed.00:05
unavailableThaBla420 =: you need to convert them to wav00:06
apophis_ch@ bdog cat /dev/hidrawX > keylog.log :) only as root00:06
ThaBla420wut i use to do that00:06
Evil_LuWalloO: I ain't that good, or I'd not be here asking a question that nobody seems to be able to answer ;)00:06
murlidharcandive, pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html00:06
Azmy tar's are > 12GB in size :s00:06
Jack_SparrowThaBla420 k3b  and there is an addon in the repos00:06
ThaBla420dats wut i am usin ne thing special i am supposed to be doni00:06
phomeaEvil_Lu i have the same proble eh eh what's your question?00:06
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed.00:07
WalloOEvil_Lu: everybody here ask question... there is no guaranty there is someone to answer... :)00:07
|Juan|ive beeing asking mine for 2 weeks00:07
|Juan|posted in the forums, etc00:07
Evil_Luphomea: since an update this morning on Hardy 2.6.24-17-generic, with new headers etc, my laptop (acer aspire 7720) has constant light on     AboSamoor  the hard disk led and seems to be cycling all the time. Would there be a reason for this?00:07
legend2440_Net: there is something wrong on line 28. the same uuid you get that error on.  what you can try is comment out that line in fstab by placing a    #  at beginning og line. then reboot00:07
murlidharThaBla420, do u want to make audio cd or data cd containing mp3s?00:07
ThaBla420audio cd00:08
Evil_Lusorry, irssi just added people's names in00:08
schmittyhow to i change the color of the text in the panel00:08
Evil_Ludamn terminal irc isn't ALWAYS a good idea00:08
SpookyETWhy is apt-get/aptitude's interface so damn ugly compared to pacman, zypper, yum, etc? I'm talking about output.00:08
WalloO|Juan|: You can try using two X11. Maybe it can help you.00:08
legend2440_net sorry line 26 is wrong00:08
candivemurlidhar, thank you again00:08
Azanyone good with tar?00:08
|Juan|WalloO, please explain00:08
_NetYea. line 24 was gentoo, I removed gentoo but its still looking for it.00:08
_NetI'll try commenting it00:08
murlidharcandive, my pleasure00:08
AboSamoorEvil_Lu, i think there is a problem with the ACPI, try to switch that to off00:08
Evil_LuAboSamoor: I need the acpi on, sorry, didn't mean to grab your name in that paste :)00:09
legend2440_net  well line 26 is the uuid number the error message refers to.  right?00:09
apophis_chAz: you are extracting single files from 12GB tar files? ;) you know that tar is the tape archiver and is optimized for linear processing... everything out of order is slow... there is no way around it00:09
legend2440_Net:  ok comment out that line and try it00:10
infidelisi have a problem- clicking on an icon in the "workspace switcher applet" no longer switches to that workspace00:10
WalloO|Juan| you can have two X11 server running at the same time. One as :0.0 and one as :1.0. If you can start these two sessions, then, it may work, since the system do not have to deal with different sessions on the same X11 server. Changing user never work on my computer. It's not something really stable.00:10
_NetOk. Restarting.00:10
WalloOEvil_Lu, have you tried to stop the disk just to see.00:10
|Juan|WalloO, do you have a link explaining the procedure00:10
Evil_LuIf I stop the disk then I won't have an operating system running.00:11
doubledi need a cool wallpaper00:11
Azapophis_ch.. yep ;)  im going to have to switch00:11
yoanishi there00:11
Evil_Ludoubled: try google, I hear it's fantastic00:11
Azzip or rar?00:11
WalloO|Juan|, sorry, I don't, since it may need to deal with starting your system.00:11
_Netlegend2440: Awesome it worked like a charm. Thanks. Now If I want to install gentoo, should uncomment that or just leave?00:12
phomeaEvil_Lu but there is a new update to kernel -18 ?! you may try it00:12
WalloOtry a startx :1.0 or something like that just to see.00:12
apophis_chAz filesystems are good for single files ;)00:12
WalloOThen ctrl+alt+F7 to come back00:12
murlidhardoubled, maybe gnome-look.org or customize.org would help u00:12
psramkaI am having trouble with my NVIDIA (nvidia-glx 96.43.05) driver being able to detect all of the modes (of resolution) of my monitor. My monitor can go as high as 1920x1080, but the driver is only auto-detecting 640x480 and 320x240... Does anyone have any ideas???00:12
candivedoubled, http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/index.php?sort=date00:12
apophis_chpsramka, only one monitor?00:12
legend2440_Net: not sure doesn't gentoo set up the partitions for you upon installation?00:12
WalloOEvil_Lu, stoping the disk doesn't mean unmounting it... just ask it to stop rotating... if necessary it may restart00:12
|ns|nR8psramka, install nvidia-settings00:12
schmittyhow do you change the color of the text in the panel ie. 'Applications','Places','System';00:13
psramkaapophis_ch: I have two monitors, but I have the trouble even when I only use the one...00:13
yoanisguys i just go an "Easy TV USB" device00:13
yoanisi did lsub00:13
yoanisand the device id00:13
Evil_LuWalloO: I'm not sure how to do that? I tried hdparm -B 255 etc.. a few things after reading Google and forums00:13
WalloOEvil_Lu, wait... I look for the command... it's very simple...00:13
phillipis there anyone that can please help me with my sound issue?00:13
psramka|ns|nR8: I did install nvidia-settings... it won't recognize higher than 640 x 48000:14
yoanisthe device ID is eb1a:288100:14
yoanisi did modprobe "em28xx"00:14
phillipit would be appriciated00:14
_Netlegend2440: Ya I think so. I'll give it another try to install it00:14
yoanisbut i don't see a new device file on /dev00:14
apophis_chpsramka, :) I know have the same problem... even though on Ati ...00:14
doubledthx candive00:14
schmittyhow do you change the color of the text in the panel ie. 'Applications','Places','System';00:14
candivedoubled, my pleasure00:14
|ns|nR8psramka, did you set monitor type in nvidia-settings00:15
Azgenerally i would like to just have a list of archives, for portability and manageability, most of the time i wouldnt need to extract individual files, but testing it today i realised how slow it really is00:15
psramka|ns|nR8: How do you set the monitor type?00:15
legend2440_Net: you can leave that line commented. at worst you will have that line rewritten by gentoo . then you can delete that commented line if you want to00:15
|ns|nR8run nvidia-settings00:15
candivedoubled, one more http://www.socwall.com/browse/index.php?wpCategory=Everything&wpSubcategory=All&wpLimit=9&wpSortby=0&wpFilter=3&wpQueryType=0&wpMarker=100:15
WalloOEvil_Lu, sudo sg_start --stop /dev/sdb    you need to install sg_start (use synaptic). Change to sda or other as needed. I use it to stop may noisy HD with Windows everytime I start my session00:15
Feloniouswhy does linux with nvidia restricted drivers run at 59hz but windows runs it at 60hz?00:15
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_Netlegend2440: Ya thats true I was thinking it might00:15
unavailableschmitty system > preferences > appearance00:15
Evil_LuWalloO: Thanks - I shall do this00:15
out-izzyhow do you get to a command prompt?00:15
legend2440_Net: ok good luck00:15
doubledthats perfect candive, thx :D00:16
_Netlegend2440: Thanks for your help :)00:16
unavailableout-izzy open terminal00:16
apophis_chAz, if you rarely use it, just stick with it, normally its not worth to change a runnnin system if not really needed00:16
Feloniousout-izzy, applications > accessories > terminal00:16
the_eraseranyone know a command to show which font the console is using?00:16
schmittyunavailable: i don't see colors in there, all i c is font style00:16
out-izzyso if i wanted to install my wireless card driver, i would do it through that?00:16
bigbughi all00:16
Azill be waiting all day to extract a 100kb doc from a 12gb tar archive though :)00:16
WalloOpsramka, I had this problem. It suck big time... Fortunately, I had a saved xorg.conf. After everything worked well.00:17
Azyeh i might just stick with it though00:17
kkathmanschmitty  thats not the right answer to your question00:17
schmittydo you have the correct one?00:18
psramka|ns|nR8: There is not option to "set the monitor type" in nvidia-settings00:18
apophis_chshouldnt take all day long ... 12 GB at 40MB/s ... should not take longer than 300 seconds or 5 minutes...00:18
out-izzydo i install hardware drivers through the terminal?00:18
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:18
WalloOpsramka, do you want a working xorg.conf for 1024x768? it may help you after to set everything right00:18
Azapophis_ch - haha00:18
mortisWhy when I start up Ubuntu does my sound mute itself?00:19
kkathmanschmitty,  that area really isnt part of the "panel" per se, and Im not sure you CAN change the textual colors there - I'm checking in gnome-config and gnome control panel right now to see if you can00:19
mohadibmortis: turn the sound up00:19
mortisNo know this00:19
mohadibthen run alsactrl save00:19
mortisI'm saying, I like hearing that catchy log on sound though :(00:19
dkulchenkoif I make my own spin of Ubuntu with Reconstructor, and then modify it further, can I call it something other than Ubuntu?00:19
mortisBut Ubuntu mutes itself after it boot00:19
mohadibmortis: do what i said00:19
mortisI did.00:19
|ns|nR8psramka, yes there is..X server display configuration00:19
mohadibboot , run alsactrl save00:19
mohadibyou did?00:19
mortisWait what?00:19
LesserRemarkablehow do i use wine?00:19
infidelismsg ubottu etiquette00:19
psramkaWallO: When I use the other monitor, I can get 1024x768 to work fine... The problem is not with the xorg.conf file, but with the driver not auto-detecting the proper resolutions available from monitor00:19
schmittykkathman: how do you get to gnome-config or gnome control panel?00:20
WalloOLesserRemarkable, juste type wine your_exe_file00:20
dkulchenkoinifidelis: you forgot a / before the msg00:20
apophis_chAz, seriously!00:20
mortisWhat you told me to put in doesn't work.00:20
LesserRemarkabletype it where?00:20
AmpedCanadaschmitty alt+f2 the gnome-config00:20
Azno i know, thats what was funny about it!00:20
psramka|ns|nR8: Yes, but I can not set a "monitor type", I can only chose from the monitors that the driver has discovered00:20
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infidelisyeah it didn't respond after i did it right anyway00:20
Evil_LuWalloO: that sg_start didn't do a thing :)00:21
WalloOLesserRemarkable, if wine is install, you just have to double click on the exe, like you did in windows00:21
kkathmanschmitty,  the config editor should be under Applications->system tools, the controlcenter you can get to by Alt F2 and type gnome-control-center00:21
LesserRemarkableokay... thanks00:21
infidelisi'm sure there's something in there about not repeating my question 20 times, so i'll refrain00:21
schmittyAmpedCanada: file couldn't be found00:21
mortisHow do I save my sound settings? They reset everytime I boot Ubuntu00:21
mohadibmortis: alsactrl00:21
mortisThat doesn't work.00:21
WalloOEvil_Lu, now we know... So the system keeps reading the hard drive.... Do you have a process which uses CPU?00:22
mohadibdoes for everyone else , so no clue00:22
mortisAre you sure it's not something else?00:22
schmittykkathman: cool thankyou00:22
mohadibmortis: i misspelled its alsactl00:22
mohadibalsactl --save00:23
mohadibor possibly -save00:23
mohadibbut that will  do the trick00:23
mohadibyou have to adjust your sound to what you would like the default level to be first00:23
mohadibthen alstactl save00:23
Evil_LuWalloO: I'mm unsure what would be using it, it's doing it when I'm "idle" as in no terminal, irssi, radio, browser, im etc00:23
mortisalsactl save doesn't work either00:23
mortisit says save is an unknown command.00:23
Evil_Lumortis: alsactl storre00:24
WalloOanybody knows how to setu up a Core 2 Q6600 2.$Ghz to run at 3.6Ghz quite stable?00:24
mohadibyes , im too old to remeber much now days :s00:24
mortisalsactl: save_state:1278: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied00:24
mohadibmortis: install it?00:24
hurryhxjoin #fedora00:24
mohadibbe root00:24
WalloOanybody knows how to setu up a Core 2 Q6600 2.4Ghz to run at 3.6Ghz quite stable?00:24
mortisAh, I forgot I have to put sudo, thanks00:25
WalloOEvil_Lu, is it is the light blinking?00:25
=== jason__ is now known as wofs
aguiteli delete old kernel (linux-image) but are stillin in the grub.list ,how solve this ?00:25
apophis_chOverclock it and keep it cool :P00:25
WalloOaguitel, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:25
CorpseFeederI think my problem is the Firewire card itself does not work in Ubuntu. How do I verify this?00:25
Evil_LuWalloO: light blinking very fast and the drive is making a noise the whole time, it's a new laptop and it's only happened since this morning00:25
wofsare there any plugins that work for firefox3 for adobe shockwave?00:26
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WalloOapophis_ch, it'S quite cool, but after 20 minutes of cpuburn (4 at the same time) it freeze, even if the temperature is under 65°00:26
aguitelWalloO: i will make this edit00:26
apophis_chso you probably went to high with the OC, but you can play with the Voltage... this might help00:26
slim1i try to configure xserver using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it configure only keyboard, and the rest when i look xorg.conf i see "Configured Monitor", "Configured Video Device" ..etc how to configure xorg ?00:27
mortisAnd now my system sound don't work00:27
WalloOaguitel, be carefull in editing if you want to boot next time... :)00:27
CorpseFeederThe only firewire device I have is a video camera.. and nothing happens when I plug it in and turn it on. How else can I test if a firewire card is actually working/detected?00:27
WalloOapophis_ch, I did, but don't know the perfect combination... that's a head ack00:27
Shaba1anyone install firefox3 yet00:27
WalloOEvil_Lu, I don't know which soft to use to know which process access the hard drive00:28
aguitelWalloO: only the las kernel are there ( kernel 2.6.24-19-generic)00:28
Shaba1if so did your install come without a jre?00:28
apophis_chyou might just have a chip sample which won't work stable at this frequency, not all chips are the same, you might have a slow silicon sample00:28
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore00:28
Evil_LuShaba1: yes, now type about:robots in the location bar00:28
Evil_LuWalloO: thanks for trying to help, it's appreciated00:28
AboSamoorI'm using PIL, data=img.load(); data[i,j]=6 gives me an error "image is read only" ??00:28
infidelisGenerally speaking, is it best to let the system updater do everything it can, or just leave well enough alone?00:29
apophis_ch@ Shaba1 : ff3 works fine00:29
apophis_chfirefox 300:29
murlidharcan i make a custom livecd of ubuntu?00:29
Shaba1Well I am trying to connect to my desktop machine which is running vnc00:30
Shaba1I am trying to use the java port00:30
emorrisis git-core installed by default on ubuntu?00:30
Evil_Luright, I shall try and fix this again tomorrow, i need sleep, thanks for assistance, even if it's not mended, i learnt things00:30
WalloOapophis_ch, maybe... however, I will try to find the good combination, since I improved the life time a lot with some tweaking... But when it crash, you don't know why (to much volt, not enough, and which voltage to change....)00:30
murlidhari mean i should be able to install it on other desktops too00:30
wofsanyone know how to install adobe shockwave? i've tired different times using different options, and end up with the same result...not working.00:30
Shaba1and firefox keeps telling me I need additional plugins00:30
candiveEveryone, keep up the excellent work. Chow.00:30
apophis_chWalloO, :) good luck experimenting00:30
Conundrum_whats the package for wmv codec on ubuntu?00:30
|Juan|w32codecs at medibuntu00:31
Shaba1it gives me a choice of gcj webplugin,JRE6,JRE5 and GCJ web pluging (open jdk)00:31
apophis_chwofs, shockwave, flash? you need it for firefox?00:31
Shaba1Which seems wierd00:31
WalloOapophis_ch, I do that just for fun... I don't need 1/4 of the power of my computer when not overclocked... :)00:31
linxehShaba1: jre600:31
jcoleConundrum_: echo "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list00:31
Shaba1I have install it using synaptic update manager00:31
WalloOShaba1, JRE5... beleive me, don'T try the 6... It has bugs with Java 2D00:31
Shaba1and firefox is still saying the same thing00:32
jcoleConundrum_: apt-get install non-free-codecs00:32
WalloOyou have to restart firefox, and maybe log out and log in to updfate your paths00:32
Conundrum_ok thanks00:32
linxehWalloO: that depends on your graphics drivers. java6 uses accelerated calls where possible for much of java2d00:32
jcoleConundrum_: errr s/gutsy/hardy00:32
wofsapophis_ch, shockwave. flash is working. the pulldown appears asking i need additional plugins, and i click it and can't find any, so i manually do it, and follow the sh script to install it, and still isn't working. and on top of that keeps starting in 'offline' mode. btw, this is a fresh 8.04 install. wiped and reformatted lastnight.00:32
WalloOlinxeh, I know that, and Java 5 too... But Java 6 crached my nvidia card, so I recommend the 500:33
apophis_chwofs, 32 bit / 64bit?00:33
linxehWalloO: 5 has very little in terms of acceleration, I thought none on Linux in fact00:33
apophis_chwofs, strange, no idea00:33
emorris is git-core installed by default on ubuntu?00:33
WalloOShaba1, you have to restart firefox, and maybe log out and log in to update your paths00:33
MasterShrekwofs, is it listed in about:plugins?00:33
CorpseFeederThe only firewire device I have is a video camera.. and nothing happens when I plug it in and turn it on. How else can I test if a firewire card is actually working/detected?00:34
MasterShrekemorris, i doubt it00:34
linxehWalloO: thats prolly why it works for people (apart from where the stuff needs java6, which is more and more common). Java5 enters end of life support this summer btw00:34
WalloOlinxeh: you are probably right. My mistake... I mixed with Windows version...00:34
aguitelWalloO: thanks i fixed00:34
wofsMasterShrek, shockwave says it's disabled.00:34
MasterShrekCorpseFeeder, i assume the camera works on a different computer with firewire?00:35
wofsMasterShrek, **Enabled.00:35
CorpseFeederMasterShrek: You have assumed correctly.00:35
linxehCorpseFeeder: check dmesg etc00:35
WalloOaguitel, you fixed what?00:35
enaneri somehow completely messed up my avant-window-navigator ... now i would like to remove all traces of it .. and then reinstall .. can someone help me?00:35
MasterShrekCorpseFeeder, try lspci and see what kind of firewire it is and google if there are any problems with it00:35
WalloOlinxeh, maybe, but most of Java apps on the web are compliant with 1.300:36
linxehWalloO: haha :)00:36
linxehWalloO: applets maybe, but very few java aps are 1.3 or 1.4 now - most new code is all written using generics00:36
aguitelWalloO: delete old entry in menu.lst00:36
CorpseFeederlinxeh: I have typed dmesg and saw nothing useful. there is meaningless stuff about ieee1394 toward the end of the output and there is no change in this output with the camera on/plugged in or off/unplugged.00:36
mortisWhy doesn't my Volume Control slider match up with the GUI?00:36
WalloOaguitel, ha, ok. perfect..00:37
MasterShrekwofs, not sure then sorry00:37
AboSamoorI'm using PIL, data=img.load(); data[i,j]=6 gives me an error "image is read only" ??00:37
wofsWTF!!! why does FF keep starting in offline mode!?!00:37
mortisWhy doesn't my Volume Control slider match up with the GUI?00:38
WalloOlinxeh, that's true... poor mac owners which can't use MacOSX10.2 with new java app...00:38
AtomicSparkAny network admins in here? What's the best way to keep a group of ubuntu computers updated? I already have "install security updates automagically" enabled. But I want all updates too.00:38
apophis_chwofs, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faq/9600:38
AtomicSparkI could run a cron script. Donno if that is such a good idea.00:38
yushirohey i got a question: does anyone knows how to install sap on linux??00:39
apophis_chAtomicSpark,  why not? just pick a time when the pc actually is runnning ;)00:39
linxehWalloO: well, anyone not on 10.4 or later deserves what they get :)00:40
MasterShrekAtomicSpark, make a cron job with sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get -y upgrade00:40
linxehWalloO: they can always install ubuntu and install the IBM jdk etc00:40
AtomicSparkapophis_ch, no secuirty isssues running administrative level commands?00:40
CorpseFeederMasterShrek: lspci says "07:00.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link)" I can't find anything about it not working in ubuntu00:40
WalloOlinxeh, sorry, but I hate apple Policy... And I hate apple when I have to use a mac...00:41
linxehWalloO: heh, what do you hate with apple policy? the fact they dont support an ancient OS ?00:41
linxehCorpseFeeder: what camera is it ?00:41
wofsHAHA, even better, tired it both true and false, and it STILL starts in offlien mode...jesus....should of kept with the tried and tested....00:41
WalloOlinxeh, oups... IBM Jre have problems... I had a bug only with IBM JRE on a calculation...very disapointing...00:41
apophis_chAtomicSpark,  Cron is privileged anyway00:41
AtomicSparkapophis_ch, good point. ill try that. :)00:42
yushirohey i need answers about  running sap on linux00:42
linxehWalloO: hmm, we use the IBM JRE on many of our servers (that's all that runs) and we don't have problems, but maybe there are bugs on particular platforms00:42
WalloOlinxeh, apple like money, and it's too much visible. And they are considering their customers as dumb ass...00:42
phillipok i have a big problem  i have system sounds but cant play any music i have searched everywhere that i could think forums and googled and all but i cant get it to work. will some one please help me00:42
linxehWalloO: shrug, I like OSX and macs :)  (as well as debian, ubuntu, etc)00:43
apophis_ch!codec | phillip00:43
ubottuphillip: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:43
StorrgieJack_Sparrow: whenever you get time bud, I am back on00:43
WalloOlinxeh, it was on windows with ibm jre. Don't know where it come from, because it worked on all other JVM (apple, Sun, Microsoft with all versions)00:43
CorpseFeederlinxeh: it is a Sony DCR-TRV480E00:44
phillipive looked there and it makes no sense to me . im still a little green lol00:44
linxehWalloO: ah, we use sun Java most places, and then the IBM JVM on PPC00:44
apophis_chphillip, ok, what kind of file you want to play?00:44
WalloOlinxeh, I've one mac, I can't access my hard drive root with finder because it says "Hard drive is in use", but I do what I want on my desktop, and I can go where I want using the terminal... That not crazi?00:45
MasterShrekCorpseFeeder, can you pastebin the output of dmesg |tail for me please?00:45
phillipwell idownloaded  mpegs the other day and they were working fine and now it will only play system sounds00:45
tj83Hello all.. someone plz recommend a good method of checking disk NTFS and/or EXT2/3 ? I have a dive that needs drive integrity and is through scan.00:46
linxehWalloO: I've got a linux machine at work that wont display any characters on the screen - it just draws random lines. does that mean linux sucks ? :)00:46
WalloOtj83, chkdsk00:46
apophis_chso they worked before? but they dont work now? have looked into the mixer00:46
CorpseFeederMasterShrek: Do you want that both with camera plugged in and unplugged? (I think there is no difference - but what would I know, I'm only human)00:46
linxehWalloO: presumably an OSX reinstall didnt fix it ?00:46
tj83WalloO, just like in windows? what is the command?00:46
apophis_chphillip, look into the mixer / system / admin / audio00:46
phillipive went everwhere  that i can think of i clicked on the sount icon00:46
MasterShrekCorpseFeeder, after you plug it in00:47
WalloOlinxeh, don't have time to reinstall. But in fact I don't really like OSX interface and way of working. I lose too much time doing what I want.00:47
apophis_chphillip, do you have more than one soundcard? maybe a usb headset?00:47
ubuntu_how can i install libgtk1.200:47
phillipno i have a sb live card00:47
linxehWalloO: I can appreciate that - I swore I'd never own a mac after my experiences with OS7 / 9 and 10.100:48
WalloOtj83, hmmm... maybe I mixed it with windows command. wait00:48
nickrudubuntu_ for compiling?00:48
PrivateVoid/etc/inittab needed to be changed after the test mode install00:48
WalloOlinxeh, I use one for porting software to mac. But I really don't like.00:48
apophis_chphillip, look into / system / admin / audio / try to chose the "alsa mixer" and make sure your soundblaster card is selcted00:48
phillipi went into system admin  but there is no audio00:49
nickrudubuntu_ system->admin->synaptic , ctl-f (search) libgtk1.2 , if you're compiling you'll also need the -dev package00:49
WalloOtj83, it's fsck00:49
linxehWalloO: for me things changed with 10.4, and especially in 10.5, but its largely familiarity that helps00:49
apophis_chahm,... then its /system/pref/audio00:50
WalloOlinxeh, didn't saw any major difference. I still need midnight commander (mc) to manage files quickly00:50
apophis_chshould really switch to the english interface *g*00:50
EightiesKI've not been able to get my Sound to work on my laptop.00:50
WalloOtj83, but NTFS may not be supported00:51
nickrud!sound | EightiesK (start here)00:51
ubottuEightiesK (start here): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:51
EightiesKit was working when I had gnome installed. I switched to kde and it stopped working.00:51
EightiesKnickrud: I already have tried that been 3 days.00:51
nickrudEightiesK try asking in #kubuntu , they know kde better00:51
enanerwhats the folder whee all the icons are stored00:51
ubuntu_how i install libgtk1.200:51
nickrudubuntu_ system->admin->synaptic , ctl-f (search) libgtk1.2 , if you're compiling you'll also need the -dev package00:52
EightiesKnickrud: there clueless.00:52
dimas869how do i move a file from desktop to ./?00:52
nickrudEightiesK heh00:52
nickrudEightiesK there are some non-clueless ones there, maybe not on your schedule00:52
agnostikDCC SEND harroharroharro00:52
apophis_chdimas869,  mv ~/Desktop/yourfile ./00:52
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PriceChild!don't feed the troll00:53
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.00:53
DunnieDCC SEND harroharroharro00:53
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Conundrum_do the downloaded packages from apt-get get deleted after they are installed?00:54
BlackdragHey guys, I'm trying to boot back into gnome to change a few settings. I installed the kubuntu-desktop package to use KDE. When I stop kdm, gdm won't start because it isn't the default session manager. I forget which config file decides what is defult. Can you point me to it?00:54
nickrudConundrum_ no, they get saved in /var/cache/apt/archive , up to 500mb of them00:54
apophis_chCondoulo, yes apt is very clean ;)00:54
apophis_chMea culpa00:55
WalloOBlackdrag, if you switch to gnome in kdm doesn't it launch gdm after00:55
barbaraHello, I have a network that consist of 2 laptops Jesus and Shiva (both ubuntu), a tower Yahweh (Kubuntu stores all of my media) and a PS3, Xbox 360 and a Wii. I want to serve media from my Kubuntu box to my laptops and my PS3. Does anyone know what I can do?00:55
ntoloHow  do i check the mysql version in ubuntu ?00:55
BlackdragWalloO: I'm trying to load gnome and gdm, not Gnome in kdm00:55
CorpseFeederMasterShrek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21524/ (dmesg | tail did not get all the info, so I just did dmesg and copied the end)00:56
illustrissimBlackdrag: you dont need to do it that way00:56
WalloOntolo, maybe mysql --version00:56
nickrudntolo mysql , then exit in a terminal (one way)00:56
CorpseFeederMasterShrek: sorry for the delay. I was on the phone.00:56
barbaraHello, I have a network that consist of 2 laptops Jesus and Shiva (both ubuntu), a tower Yahweh (Kubuntu stores all of my media) and a PS3, Xbox 360 and a Wii. I want to serve media from my Kubuntu box to my laptops and my PS3. Does anyone know what I can do?00:56
illustrissimif you just log out of the kde environment, then you can change your session to gnome and log in again00:57
Blackdragillustrissim: Really, all I need to know is where the config file is. I realize that gnome can be loaded bother ways. I have a reason for doing this :-)00:57
barbaraor how to do it.00:57
FeloniousIs there anyway to minimize evolution to the systray?00:57
apophis_chbarbara, you need a upnp server, you can select one via / system / admin / synaptic, search for upnp or dlna00:57
WalloObarbara, does using a samba share may work?00:57
wofsEVERYONE*** if your having the problem of firefox starting in offline mode, good chance it's Networkmanager telling FF it's off the network because the cat5 cable is unplugged, but your online via wireless. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42462600:57
ubottuMozilla bug 424626 in OS Integration "(linux) Firefox is put into offline mode on startup when NetworkManager is running but not controlling the active network interface (e.g. when using PPP)" [Major,New]00:57
apophis_chwofs,  hehe ... thats a nice one: overenigneered :)00:58
Blackdragillustrissim: SO do you know where the config file is so I can tell my system that it's okay to start the gdm session?00:58
wofsi don't get it.00:58
nickrudBlackdrag  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm , if I read your question right. You want to use gdm instead of kdm?00:58
apophis_chthe bug is a nice example of overengeneering, instead of solvin a problem, its creating one,...00:58
illustrissimnot off the top of my head, no.  sorry dude00:58
wofsoh right.00:58
wofswell, that's what it is, didn't notice it until i unplugged to move around.00:59
suweidHow do I set Monday as the first weekday in Clock (2.22.2) ?00:59
wofsjust removed network-manager. it's kinda worthless to me anyways.00:59
apophis_ch:) hehe00:59
dimas869which are the best parameters to extract (tar) .gz file?00:59
illustrissimyou can maybe edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager00:59
wofsno v! takes alonger.00:59
apophis_chthe best? the only one!00:59
apophis_chI like v ;)01:00
Blackdragnickrud: No, what I'm trying to do is eliminate a few problems I've had from switching over. Rather than explainign the problem in detail and causing confusion (I know how to fix it), I just want to know where the config file is that tells Ubuntu what my default session manager should be01:00
dimas869suweid you talking to me?01:00
WalloOI like v too01:00
suweiddimas869, yes01:00
wofsblah, like you can read it anyways.01:00
apophis_chbut you know something happens01:00
nickrudBlackdrag see illustrissim I do believe he's got it :)01:00
BlackdragAh I missed it.. thanks ;-)01:00
BlackdragThough that file doesn't exist for me01:01
CorpseFeederI have another problem too - I have a BTune bluetooth stereo headset. I can't work out how to pair it with my laptop - it shows up as BH1000C, type "headset", when I browse bluetooth devices... but that is as far as I can get. It never asks for a passkey or anything.01:01
Blackdragnevermind, I was looking at it wrong01:01
Blackdraghaha.. go being tired01:01
BlackdragThanks for the help guys... onward01:01
=== RandomCake___ is now known as RandomCake
WalloOCorpseFeeder, I my experience a few times ago, there was a kde bluetooth manager which worked better than the gnome one. You may try. I don't remember the name exacte01:02
CorpseFeederMasterShrek: Did you read my pastebin yet?01:03
apophis_chwell since the traffic is down, anyone has an idea how one can use mplayer with compiz? :) x11 cannot be resized, and all other rendering methods flicker because of compiz...01:05
Dmoleapophis_ch: I'm using compiz and mplayer01:05
apophis_chhow? :)01:06
Dmolei think it just worked01:06
Dmolebut it should work either way01:07
Dmoledid you try the vid patch ?01:07
apophis_chwell I read plenty of threads, all told me to use the X11 renderer... which doesnt scale01:07
apophis_chno I have no patch?01:07
yoshimitHi there! Please, how to install Firefox java plugin on Ubuntu 64 bits??? I can't find the lib...01:07
mortisWhy is Ubuntu refusing to read files from my old drive? The one with windows01:08
Dmoleyoshimit: java.sun.com01:08
pipegeekhmm.  Why isn't freenx in the archive, out of curiosity?01:08
mortisI can't load my music up anymore because it refuses to read my Z: drive.01:08
Dmolemortis: mount with ntfs3g01:08
yoshimitDmole: hehe... I tried that already...01:08
mortisHow do I do that?01:08
Herissyyoshmit : open firefox and type about:plugins into the address bar to check to see if its really NOT loaded first.01:08
yoshimitDmole: it's not that simple... seems the lib needed by Firefox is not shipped anymore by java packages...01:08
wofsZ: drive? this isn't microsoft!01:08
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
mortisWhat else am I supposed to call it? That's what it's listed as.01:09
Dmoleapophis_ch: did you install compizConfig?01:09
WalloOmortis: if you didn't umounted it correctl in windows and it's a ntfs partition, you have to restart windows, stop it correctely, and it will work01:09
yoshimitHerissy: it's not loaded...01:09
erik_I need help with the workspace switcher in ubuntu hardy01:09
Herissylol had to ask.01:09
mortisCome to think of it, it did freeze last time I opened windows.01:09
mortisSo, I have to make it shut down properly...?01:09
mortisThen I can access it?01:09
yoshimitHerissy: the problem is the lib needed by Firefox (libjavaplugin_oji.so) seems to be not shipped anymore by java packages...01:09
Roby718_I have a problem with DVD players, complete with the required codecs, the don't play DVDs01:09
Dmolemortis:  or mount force01:10
tech0007!info virtualbox01:10
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in hardy01:10
apophis_chDmole, yes I did01:10
mortisHow do I do that Dmole?01:10
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
_NetI have ubuntu installed and want to install gentoo. Do I have to create teh new partition with the mountpoint "/" too for gento? or differently?01:10
=== jokerman85 is now known as jokerman
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:10
erik_For some reason it won't let me add workspaces in rows. I can add them by adding columns01:10
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
Dmoleerik_: Ctrl +Alt + arrows01:11
CRASH69I just disable root account using "sudo passwd -l root" and reanable by "sudo passwd root", it say it has been changed, but when "su --login" I get this: "Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator, su: User account has expired" any input?01:11
DmoleRoby718_: use VLC01:11
mortisDmole, how do I force mount?01:11
erik_I want 4 columns and 2 rows01:11
erik_but it won't let me do that01:11
Dmoleapophis_ch: I see a "video playback" under Utility01:11
=== ffoxler is now known as Ffoxler
promethi'm trying to remove a library i installed01:12
=== Ffoxler is now known as ffoxler
erik_it adds the second row on the switcher, but I can't access the workspaces01:12
promethbut ubunutu's synaptic package manager says:  "E: vhba-module: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"01:12
kennyi want to update ubuntu01:12
suweidHow do I set Monday as the first weekday in Clock (2.22.2) ? (It apparently has to do with me being in Sweden, but wanting to have Ubuntu in english)01:12
Dmolemortis: type "man mount" into a prompt01:12
erik_and the ctrl+alt+arrows doesn't work01:12
mortislolololololz man mount01:12
WalloOKenny, apt-get update than apt-get upgrade01:13
apophis_chDmole, yes I have that too, and i have a tick there (YV12 colorspace) but that is not the solution :) thanks anyway01:13
Dmolemortis: something like "mount -f /dev/sda1 /media/sda1"01:13
dmsuperman_I have a Logitech MX600 mouse...and I'm having trouble getting xev to recognize any of my extra buttons. Is anybody here proficient in such a topic that wouldn't mind helping me configure my extra mouse buttons to have functionality?01:13
kennyit ask me manually  run dpkg --configue -a so what is my problem now?01:13
promethi'm trying to remove a library i installed but ubunutu's synaptic package manager says:  "E: vhba-module: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"01:13
SheezayEquestion: cron: lock /var/run/cron.pid, otherpid may be 11940: resource temporarilry unavailable (when i type cron -l)01:13
Jack_SparrowCRASH69 you are doing something we highly recommend that you do not do01:14
Herissykenny : you should also have it under System | Administration | Update Manager.01:14
Dmoleerik_: you can click on the lil box on the bar with the start menue01:14
Jack_Sparrow!buttons > dmsuperman_01:14
mortisIt said it couldn't find that.01:14
CorpseFeederI found the manufacturer of my bluetooth headset - http://www.k-mate.com/ProductShow.asp?ArticleID=126 does anyone recognise this? searching BH1000C does not yield any results in the Ubuntu forum and google gets me nowhere except places to buy same.01:14
erik_dmole that doesn't work either. It's like it adds the workspaces if I add columns, but doesn't add them if I add a row.01:14
Dmoleapophis_ch: hmm I know it works on both card types01:14
mortisI'm just going to boot windows01:14
mortisShutdown, then reboot ubuntu01:14
WalloOkenny,  I don't really know. Do what it says01:14
apophis_chI have a Ati ;) anyway01:15
Dmoleapophis_ch: try all the other output options then a different driver01:15
erik_dmole if I click on the workspaces in the bottom row it just flips me to the top rows desktops01:15
Dmoleapophis_ch: also Java apps sometimes interfere Aze****01:15
=== ffoxler is now known as Cash
promethi'm trying to remove a library i installed but ubunutu's synaptic package manager says:  "E: vhba-module: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"01:16
HerissyVNC'ing into my windows box to access the internet sucks. I wish there were some way of bridging the connections.01:16
CRASH69and what is that Jack_Sparrow? having a working root account is healthy, just at the release of 8.04 setting the domain in samba corrupted the sudo user in a way only root can fix it, if you had it enable of course, anyway, I dont use su, I use sudo, that is why I enable/disable, just want to learn how to renable01:17
=== StupidBot is now known as NoobLearning
Dmoleerik_: how many do you have right now?01:17
Roby718_I have another problem, when I try to uninstall an IRC server it stops inst/uninst is there a way to remove it with synaptic01:17
=== Cash is now known as ffoxler
WalloOHerissy, ask your windows box to share the connection.01:17
tech0007is there virtualbox modules for -19 modules yet?01:17
erik_I have it set up for 4 columns and 2 rows. but it will only let me access the workspaces on the top row.  When I rotate the cube it only shows 4 workspaces.01:18
zaccouris there a way to watch youtube videos without having flash installed? i don't want proprietary software01:18
HerissyI have tried but its like a spoiled little kid with a handful of candy (xp Home)01:18
Joeb454tech0007, I just run "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" and it worked fine01:18
StarnestommyRoby718_: if you installed it with the package manager, you can remove it with the package manager.  If it wasn't installed in the package manager, the uninstallation is different01:18
Joeb454or do you mean guest additions?01:18
promethzaccour: you're stupid01:18
WalloOzaccour, yes, download them and play them with vlc<01:18
tech0007Joeb454: what kernel do u run?01:18
prometh"i don't want proprietary software" lol01:18
Joeb4542.6.24-19 I think01:18
Roby718_i installed it with the package manager01:18
promethpeople are allowed to maek money, you know01:18
promethand flash is a great product01:19
BixBoxwhich file must edit if I want change ubuntu repository?01:19
promethand the flash player is free.. what's your problem ?01:19
Joeb454tech0007, it's the generic one01:19
StarnestommyBixBox: /etc/apt/sources.list01:19
kennywhen i click updated..there has a error01:19
tech0007Joeb454: i have th esame kernel...so u can open from VMs?01:19
Joeb454I can open the VM's I have yes01:19
CRASH69zaccour: there is an open flashplayer01:19
erik_and if I click on the bottom row it just sends me to the workspace it's below01:19
tech0007Joeb454: ok will try it01:19
zaccourhow do i get the open one?01:20
promethand the flash player is free.. what's your problem ?01:20
zaccourgnash doesn't work for the videos01:20
kennymy updated doesn't work01:20
promethi'm trying to remove a library i installed but ubunutu's synaptic package manager says:  "E: vhba-module: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"01:20
promethi'm trying to remove a library i installed but ubunutu's synaptic package manager says:  "E: vhba-module: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"01:20
erik_Dmole did you catch all of that? I forgot to type your name so it would highlight for you.01:20
tim_the newest gnash works with some videos01:20
zaccourits free but it can't be altered, which means limitations to the user01:20
promethi'm trying to remove a library i installed but ubunutu's synaptic package manager says:  "E: vhba-module: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1"01:20
WalloOprometh, it's free not open...01:21
promethWalloO: ya... who cares if it's not open01:21
promethit's a quality product01:21
Feloniousprometh, stop spamming01:21
promethso fucking read my message!01:21
tech0007Joeb454: tried that but it didnt work01:21
WalloOprometh, some care... That's there belief01:21
Feloniousobviously noone knows the answer01:21
Joeb454hmm, tech0007 I can't think of anything else currently, sorry01:21
Feloniousso stop spamming01:21
tech0007Joeb454: thats fine01:21
Jack_SparrowFelonious stop please01:21
Feloniousok sorry01:22
tech0007Joeb454: i think we need to wait til the devs come up w/ vbox modules w/ same kernel version01:22
WalloOprometh, try to repare your databse, maybe it can help01:22
Dmoleerik_: so you have something like 4 workspaces on 2 rows (your not using compiz and ony ave one set of workspaces) yes?01:22
CRASH69zaccour: add/remove>Swfdec flashplayer01:22
Joeb454tech0007, you may be right01:22
candive!ubotto, language | prometh01:22
ubottucandive: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:23
SeaPhorhow do i change mount point of 2nd HDD from /FTP to /var/ftp and the later is owned by root?01:23
erik_dmole it shows 8 workspaces on 2 rows, but I can't use the bottom four. I am running compiz.01:23
zaccouri'll try that thanks01:23
=== edcrypt is now known as edcrypt_
StorrgieJack_Sparrow: whenever you get a moment, I PMed you01:24
nickrudLetsGo67 no spamming01:24
WalloOSeaPhor, change /etc/fstab01:24
Dmolecompiz has it's own switcher01:24
LetsGo67NickRud did you visit it?01:24
nickrudLetsGo67 yep.01:24
Dmoleerik_:compiz has it's own switcher01:24
SeaPhorWalloO, thats it? no chown,,,,,?01:24
LetsGo67NickRud: why does this exist?01:24
nickrudLetsGo67 because someone bought the name01:24
nickrudLetsGo67 that's a better topic for #ubuntu-offtopic01:25
LetsGo67Why didn't Canonical buy it first?01:25
WalloOSeaPhor, it'S the mount option which will set access rights If I remember correctely01:25
Jack_Sparrow!coc > prometh01:25
* nickrud gotta improve grammer01:25
erik_dmole ok so right now the workspace switcher on my panel is just using the compiz workspaces?01:25
CanageekHello, I'm having some trouble with dpkg and was wondering if someone could help me01:25
WalloOSeaPhor, but maybe chown what you want depending of your needs01:25
nickrudCanageek what kind of problem?01:25
Canageekwhen I run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" I get "dpkg: failed to write status record about `konqueror-nsplugins' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device" even though theres 30gb left on that drive. And becuse of the error all my package managers don't work01:25
iTellulz confused*01:26
Dmoleerik_: right and compiz only works on one row at a time01:26
Jack_SparrowStorrgie I dont have time to work that out..  something you tried earlier might be keeping the fix from working as it should01:26
GohalienThere is any dvd creation tool (to create dvds with menu to reproduce it in a dvdplayer) in ubuntu ?01:26
Dmoleerik_: there is a way to change I just forget01:26
nickrudCanageek what does df -h say about free space on that partition?01:26
erik_dmole how can I disable the compiz workspace switcher then?01:26
LetsGo67NickRud #ubuntu-offtopic01:26
WalloOCanageek, you may check your disk (fsck) maybe you have some issues with it01:26
erik_dmole even still thank you for pointing me in the right direction01:26
Dmoleerik_: you don't want to01:26
nickrudLetsGo67 I'm not really interested, myself. Maybe someone over there is01:26
Dmoleerik_: just mak it one line01:27
barbaradoes anyone know anything about mediatomb?01:27
WalloONickrud, df shows the free space df=disk free01:27
JFlashI'm using OGMRip to rip a dvd on a 64 bit core 2 duo. however, when i look at used resources, it 16% on cpu0 and  5% at CPU1  .  why so  low resource usage?01:27
Dmoleerik_: just make it one line: right click property's etc01:27
nickrudWalloO yes. He said he had space left on the disk, how about the partition?01:28
Herissynice you learn something new everyday. never knew about df01:28
Dmoleerik_: then turn on rotate cube in compizConfig for coolness01:28
WalloONickrud, df give info on all mounted partitions01:28
nickrudWalloO always check what the error messages says first :)01:28
erik_dmole my only problem there is that it makes the switcher on my panel 8 columns long01:28
barbaradoes anyone know anything about mediatomb?01:29
erik_taking up tons of space01:29
WalloOnickrud, but if your partition has errors, the info may be wrong. It's why I recommend a check first<01:29
Dmoleerik_: if you look in compizConfig you will find a way to switch01:29
erik_dmole I thought I had found it, but that's not working either01:29
nickrudWalloO next step, after examining the error01:29
Dmoleerik_: I know I did it once accidentally01:29
kozlojakeverytime i boot my os i get a "grub hard disk error" i installed ubuntu on a hdd connected to the pci ide card(i think this is te prob) and installed grub on my main hdd how do i fix this?01:29
CorpseFeederhas MasterShrek woken up again yet?01:29
bdogis there a good keystroke logger for ubuntu?01:30
erik_dmole did a google search and found a site that led me to the right area, but it didn't do what I wanted either01:30
WalloOnickrud, you already checked you partitions using fsck?01:30
nickrudWalloO not my error :)01:30
Billenium1Is there anyway (using the LiveCD) to install ubuntu without going into the Desktop Mode?01:31
SiegeXi was really surprised to see that ubuntu had my laptop's volume up/down/mute buttons working out of the box with a nice pop-up graphic. What program is actually taking care of this?01:31
Conundrum_hey kozlojak01:31
Conundrum_so you installed ubuntu on a external hard disk?01:31
tech0007how do i boot from an iso?01:32
Billenium1Burn it to a CD then pop it in the CD drive01:32
kozlojakcodundrum : no i installed it on a pci ide controller(add in card)01:32
Billenium1@ techo000701:32
WalloO tech0007 burn it on a CD not the file itself, and boot on the cd01:32
nickrudSiegeX I think it's gnome-settings-daemon01:32
Conundrum_are you on the livecd now?01:32
tech0007WalloO: how to boot from an iso, i dont want to burn it01:33
CanageekHow do I use fsck? It says it shouldn't be used on a mounted partition, but I can't unmount /01:33
CanageekDo I have to use a live cd?01:33
nickrudCanageek you'll need to boot with a live cd01:33
Billenium1Tech0007: i dont think thats possible...01:33
WalloOtech0007, so use a virtual machine. That's the only way01:33
Dmoletech0007: you don't01:33
kozlojakconundrum : yes01:33
Dmolevirtual machine is not realy booting01:33
Canageekknoppix or the kubuntu boot cd better for that?01:34
WalloOtech0007, use virtualbox for example, or vmware.01:34
khajaviHELP: how can I solve this problem while installing libgtkmm: The following packages have unmet dependencies01:34
tech0007WalloO: but there's no -19 yet for virtualbox, so you're all telling me there's now way to do it?01:34
Dmolemore like virtual booting01:34
Conundrum_ok kozlojak fire up a terminal01:34
Canageek\or does it matter?01:34
khajavi HELP: how can I solve this problem while installing libgtkmm: The following packages have unmet dependencies01:34
kozlojakdone and done01:34
Conundrum_run grub01:34
WalloOtech0007, what is -19?01:34
nickrudCanageek I actually prefer knoppix for fixing stuff01:34
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications01:34
nickrudCanageek but either are fine01:34
tech0007WalloO: 2.6.24-19 kernel...01:34
barbaraI am trying to setup a upnp media server on my computer so I installed mediatomb and now my PS3 can see Mediatomb but I keep getting an odd error when I try to add a new folder. Does anyone know how to setup a upnp media server?01:34
CorpseFeederHow do I drop this incompatible piece of crap hardware out of an 8th story window onto the cold hard pavement below if I am only in a single story building? I search the Ubuntu forums and I can't find anything. Searching Google just gives me porn sites. Help!01:34
Conundrum_and type find /boot/grub/menu.lst01:34
nickrudknoppix is the only time I use kde these days01:34
nickrudCorpseFeeder catapult01:35
grobda24I need to keep giving my wireless a password. I have not been asked to setup a keyring. I can't find anything about this. What dop I need to do to save the password ?01:35
dmsupermanEvery time I reboot my machine starts in low settings mode. If I stop X, reinstall the driver, then start X again, it works fine until next boot. Any idea what would cause that?01:35
WalloOtech0007, use xen or another one01:35
kozlojakcame back with  (hd0,0)01:35
DmoleCorpseFeeder: try a virtual window drop01:35
nickruddmsuperman what driver?01:35
CorpseFeedernickrud: thanks. I will try that.01:35
khajaviHELP: how can I solve this problem while installing libgtkmm: The following packages have unmet dependencies01:35
WalloOtech0007, iit may work, but slowly01:35
tech0007WalloO: nv01:35
Conundrum_so do you want grub on your mbr?01:36
nickrudkhajavi put the complete output of the apt-get run on paste.ubuntu.com01:36
dmsupermannickrud: latest nvidia driver from their website, for 7900 gs ko01:36
q_a_z_stevehey, is the fox and the grapes /Examples file somewhere where I can download it, or is it somewhere in the distro now that I've installed???01:36
Billenium1Using the liveCD without the Desktop Enviroment installer... IS that even possible?01:36
kozlojakyes of the other hdd01:36
nickruddmsuperman try putting   nvidia   on a line by itself in /etc/modules . There's probably another way, but this will make sure the driver gets loaded01:36
WalloOtech0007, try qemu or even qemu with kqemu01:36
nickruddmsuperman that would be my first try, anyway01:37
Conundrum_alright type setup (hd0)01:37
kozlojakmy bios wont detect this hdd as it is on a add in card so i need it to load grub from the other hdd01:37
dmsupermannickrud: just the word nvidia?01:37
nickruddmsuperman yes01:37
elmerCan you force a umount?01:37
dmsupermannickrud: k, rebooting brb01:37
WalloOBillenium1, there is a special version of ubuntu for text mode01:37
elmerI'm installing BF2 in WINE, but I can't eject the drive to switch to CD101:37
nickrudelmer umount -f , but why do you need to force it?01:37
elmererr CD 201:37
nickrudelmer ignore me, I don't do wine01:38
elmerOK then01:38
barbaraI need help setting up upnp01:38
=== hooey is now known as coldboot|home
Jack_Sparrowelmer common issue.. /join #Winehq01:38
kozlojakok i ran that command01:38
CorpseFeederHelp!! Whenever I close my eyes, my whole screen goes black and the display does not return to normal until my eyes re-open. Is this a known issue with ATI cards?01:38
Conundrum_kozlojak: now nano /boot/grub/menu.lst01:38
Billenium1WalloO, do i have to burn the alterniative iso? or is it possible to get the text based installer on the liveCD?01:39
nickrud!ot | CorpseFeeder (they have wetware answers)01:39
ubottuCorpseFeeder (they have wetware answers): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:39
Jack_SparrowCorpseFeeder Yes, with all cards01:39
Conundrum_paste me the line that references the ubuntu kernel01:39
q_a_z_stevenickrud: can you help me get the "fox and the grapes" from the example folder? I've installed ubuntu as a windows app (wubi.exe). Is it here?01:39
CorpseFeederok. thanks.01:39
DmoleCorpseFeeder is damn funny01:39
saltedlighthi. is there any way to stop icmp replys using ufw? i have used "net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1" on /etc/sysctl.conf but this is not working if ufw is enabled.01:39
khajavinickrud: before installing libgtkmm-dev I updated my packages but I have this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21532/01:39
WalloOBillenium1, it's on the other CD. But I don't know if it gives access to a working shell01:40
nickrudq_a_z_steve I've never used wubi, so I'm not sure what's in there01:40
kozlojakkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=09a0ddca-8a84-4528-a9$01:40
nickrudkhajavi looking01:40
Conundrum_ok see the line above it with the title root?01:40
Billenium1Well i guess i just have to burn the alternate iso to a disk... darn01:40
q_a_z_stevenickrud: let me back up, what file type is that stuff?01:40
kozlojakroot            (hd0,0)01:40
WalloOBillenium1, maybe on the last version there is an install mode in text, but no shell01:40
Conundrum_change the hd0 to hd101:40
nickrudkhajavi you don't have the main repo enabled, see the following factoid01:40
Conundrum_save changes and reboot01:40
nickrud!hardysources | khajavi01:40
ubottukhajavi: In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).01:40
erik_dmole thx man I just gave up. Figure I'll just stick with the 4. it's all I really need anyway01:41
Conundrum_should work fine after that01:41
Jack_SparrowBillenium1 cant get the live to install?01:41
dmsupermannickrud: didn't fix it01:41
Decepticondo isos get updated, the ones we download, the final releases?01:41
kozlojakok thanks off to try it01:41
nickrudq_a_z_steve in my example folder there were ogg, jpg, png, etc01:41
q_a_z_stevenickrud: doing a *grape* search now01:41
LetsGo67Every time I start my computer, I get the GRUB screen with choices, displays for 10 seconds.  How can I change that to hide the screen, and boot Ubuntu in 3 seconds?01:41
nickruddmsuperman well it works with ati :) . I've seen people talk about that kind of issue with the nvidia driver from their site, but didn't pay much attention. Keep asking, someone who's dealt with it will come thru01:42
Amunubuntu needs a 'change ownership' option in the explorer... thingy.01:42
tech0007!info bum : LetsGo6701:42
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.10-1 (hardy), package size 82 kB, installed size 532 kB01:42
Conundrum_LetsGo67: change the timeout option in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:42
dangergrrlthe alt install CD uses a normal debian install procedure, you can get shells on consoles 2-4 i think01:42
barbaraArgh, what is a good application to stream media to my PS3 from ubuntu?01:42
doubledhi, i was wondering how i can install "compiz fusion revolution"01:42
tech0007LetsGo67: sorry thats not it01:43
tech0007!info qgrubeditor | LetsGo6701:43
ubottuletsgo67: qgrubeditor (source: qgrubeditor): graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 267 kB, installed size 716 kB01:43
nickruddangergrrl 2 & 3, 4 is the install scroll (at least in alternate for sure)01:43
LetsGo67It's all right, tech000701:43
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:43
dmsupermannickrud: is there a place X logs errors to? In my syslog, I get "gdm_slave_xioerror_handler - fatal X error: restarting :0"01:43
dangergrrlwell, i know you can get a couple of shells at least01:43
nickruddmsuperman /var/log/dgm01:43
Decepticondo isos get updated, the ones we download, the final releases?01:43
nickruddmsuperman /var/log/gdm that is01:44
q_a_z_stevenickrud: *grape* did not find it, anywhere on the web?01:44
tech0007dmsuperman: i think its /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:44
kwirkHi. I have a GeForce Go 6200/6400 on Hardy. Wonder if its possible to get GLX version 1.3. glxinfo states i have version 1.2, but a particular program using Java3D requires version 1.301:44
nickrudq_a_z_steve I'm not familiar with it01:44
q_a_z_stevenickrud: PM and email it to me?01:44
nickrudq_a_z_steve if it was in my examples folder, I don't have it. Deleted the folder immediately after instal ;(01:45
WissI want to add a boot flag on my GPT partition... but I don't find the answer on the web. Could someone help me ? Thanks a lot in advance01:45
erik_so where can a guy go to just chat with folks about linux?01:45
phillipI have an Intel 3945ABG and I can't seem to get it working.  iwlwifi is version 1.2001:45
dmsupermanit appears to be loading xorg.conf.failsafe...any clues why that might be? I haven't configured my xorg.conf beyond what nvidia-xconfig does01:45
nickrudq_a_z_steve just remembered, it's in /usr/share/example_content, and I think you're looking for fables_01_01_aesop.spx01:46
saltedlightDecepticon, the isos available for download are just as they were wen they become available.01:46
nickrudWiss you can run   sudo cfdisk /dev/<device> , and set the boot flag with that01:46
q_a_z_stevehey, does hardy have the desktop search???01:47
khajavinickrud: ubottu: this is mu source.list file. what is the wrong?01:47
q_a_z_stevenickrud: ^^01:47
Wissnickrud: I try it01:47
Decepticonsaltedlight whats a fast way to check i have the latest iso01:47
Wissnickrud: "Warning !!  Unsupported GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected. Use GNU Parted.01:48
LetsGo67Gracias dude 000701:48
q_a_z_stevenickrud: hey, does hardy have the desktop search???01:48
doubledhi, i was wondering how i can install "compiz fusion revolution"01:48
tech0007LetsGo67: np01:48
nickrudkhajavi no, that's a good sources.list. But Depends: libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.12.0) but it is not going to be installed is definitely in main, it would be very odd that it won't install with those sources01:48
twiztidmindcan someone tell me how to add my trash bin to my desktop on Ubuntu?01:48
shingenhow do I disconnect a usb hard drive and spin down the platters?01:48
Wissnickrud:  I downloaded the latest version of GParted today, but I have an error on the boot... problem with the resolution I think..01:48
twiztidmindor just tell me how to empty it01:48
shingenunmounting a usb hdd doesn't make the platters stop spinning01:48
tech0007twiztidmind: empty it using nautilus01:49
nickrudWiss I'm not familiar with parted at all, it scares me01:49
tech0007!trash | twiztidmind01:49
ubottutwiztidmind: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash01:49
Wisscfdisk and fdisk don't support GPT :(01:49
tech0007Wiss: whats GPT?01:49
Wisstech0007: GUID Partition Table01:49
Decepticonhow do i tell if i got the latest iso, i dont want to have to download 700mb over again01:49
khajavinickrud: could you guide me how to solve this problem?01:49
MarcosDVGuys im trying to install bacula on my ubuntu with this cmd: apt-get install bacula-common bacula-console bacula-director-common bacula-fd bacula-sd libpg3 mtx mt-st01:50
MarcosDVbut i keep having this error01:50
WissNobody knows how to add a boot flag on GPT partition ???????????01:50
Jack_Sparrowshingen umount didnt do the job.. not unmount01:50
MarcosDVit can find libpg301:50
saltedlightDecepticon, #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423)]/ hardy main restricted ... this is the first line on my /etc/apt/sources.list and i have about 12 hours since i installed. i have used the iso obtained from Canonical01:50
nickrudkhajavi first, try   apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-dev , and put the results on the pastebin01:50
Decepticonsaltedlight what? im talking about the physical iso file that you download and burn to cd01:50
Decepticonnot apt sources01:50
tech0007MarcosDV: what version of ubuntu?01:51
Decepticonor cd rom01:51
MarcosDVtech0007 8.0401:51
Jack_Sparrowshingen  Umount: Example assumes the first partition..../eject /dev/sdc1 and umount /dev/sdc1 (with umount you could also use the mountpoint like umount /media/USBDRIVE01:51
dmsupermanUsing nvidia drivers from nvidia.com (the latest for the 7900 gs ko card) every time I reboot my computer I get low settings mode. If I stop X, reinstall the driver, then start X, it works fine until next reboot. Any ideas what could be causing it?01:51
shingenJack_Sparrow: umount doesn't stop the drive platters from spinning01:51
tech0007MarcosDV: you can just run 'sudo apt-get bacula'...there's no libpg3 in hardy01:51
murlidhari want to use minimal ubuntu along with ubuntu. how do i dual boot it ?01:52
saltedlightDecepticon, sure but if you look carefully you see that the iso was made on 2008.04.23 ;)01:52
MarcosDVtech0007 on every howto i got it gives me that command01:52
Decepticonsaltedlight gotcha01:52
tech0007!info bacula | MarcosDV01:52
ubottumarcosdv: bacula (source: bacula): Network backup, recovery and verification (Meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.8-5ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 84 kB01:52
dmsupermanmurlidhar: grub...just add more entries after installing the second OS to empty partitions01:52
nickrudmurlidhar the second one you install will be the controlling grub and menu.lst01:52
khajavinickrud: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-dev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21535/01:52
khajavinickrud: apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-dev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21535/01:52
tech0007MarcosDV: apt-get will install all deps of bacula01:53
Kelenq_a_z_steve: you can use locate in terminal instead the search.01:53
MarcosDVtech0007 ok i will try that01:53
dmsupermanUsing nvidia drivers from nvidia.com (the latest for the 7900 gs ko card) every time I reboot my computer I get low settings mode. If I stop X, reinstall the driver, then start X, it works fine until next reboot. Any ideas what could be causing it?01:53
WissWho know GPT here ?01:53
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:53
murlidhardmsuperman, Nickrud thanks but how to add more entries in the menu.lst01:53
catronmy friend is trying to install the nvidia glx new package for his 8600 GT, but when he does his resolution is restricted to 640x480, I am guessing something is wrong?01:53
nickrudkhajavi so that should satisfy the mm-dev. Try installing it, then running the mm install again. Paste the results01:54
LeefmcWhat is a good audio editing software?01:54
dmsupermanmurlidhar: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst from the OS controlling GRUB01:54
nickrudmurlidhar the second install will find the first install01:54
LeefmcNote that i personally dislike soundforge heh.. or did in the paste01:54
WissNobody knows how to put a boot flag on GPT partition ?01:54
asmo[B]I'm having problems getting songs onto my ipod... I've tried amarok and gtkpod, is there a firmware update that I need to do to my ipod to get them to work?01:54
dmsupermanLeefmc: Audacity?01:54
nickrudmurlidhar after that, when you upgrade kernels on the first install, you will have to manually update the menu.lst in the second install01:54
murlidharnickrud, autmatically?01:54
Leefmcdmsuperman: Erm, sorry, thats the name. Audacity. I dislike the program01:54
WalloOCatron, maybe it's the xorg.conf he use to start using nvidia-settings. Mays need a basic working one, and it may be ok.01:54
nickrudmurlidhar yeah, just like it finds windows on install :)01:55
sc0tt_im compiling the latest stable release of the kernel..i gave the make command..but its been going on for an hour now..i have a 1.4 GHz machine...approximately how much time does make take to complete ?01:55
dmsupermanLeefmc: that's pretty much the extent of it as far as I know...more than that and you're looking at professional grade software which costs, and they usually don't make linux ports01:55
Leefmcdmsuperman: k01:55
kwirkcatron: I had problems myself. I just used 'envyng' and it fixed everything up.01:55
WalloOcatron, yes.01:55
dmsupermanUsing nvidia drivers from nvidia.com (the latest for the 7900 gs ko card) every time I reboot my computer I get low settings mode. If I stop X, reinstall the driver, then start X, it works fine until next reboot. Any ideas what could be causing it?01:55
linxehsc0tt_: when I last compiled a kernel (approx 1997) my 486 took around 3 hours to compile it. the kernel is somewhat bigger now :)01:55
Leefmcdmsuperman: Audacity definitely doesn't have the quality to sound, as Blender does to 3D01:56
sc0tt_lin : ok..thnkx :)01:56
dmsupermanLeefmc: you haven't played with it enough. Audacity is a bit confusing, but it's very powerful01:56
WalloOdmsuperman, do not forget to save the config in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:56
Alex135Leefmc: i agree with dmsuperman on that one01:56
Leefmcdmsuperman: It causes some bad card problems a while back for a different comp for me.01:56
linxehsc0tt_: it depends how much you choose to include01:56
linxehsc0tt_: if you build everything (eg as modules) it will take a long time01:56
khajavinickrud: whe i want to install it it say: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21538/01:56
dmsupermanWalloO: it's not the xorg.conf, I have a very basic one that the nvidia installer generated for me01:57
suweidHow do I set Monday as the first weekday in Clock (2.22.2) ? (It apparently has to do with me being in Sweden, but wanting to have Ubuntu in english)01:57
Leefmcdmsuperman: Horrid, bad bad joojoo. IIRC, it basically broke the audio card.01:57
asmo[B]nevermind figured out what I have to do with gtkpod :)01:57
dmsupermanLeefmc: give it another try, it's a great software :D01:57
Leefmcdmsuperman: Any piece of software that has that neglect, i consider bad. Note that this was neglect, because it was a known bug.01:57
murlidharsc0tt_, i heard it sometimes takes upto 3 hours01:57
WalloOdmsuperman, yes, but it doesn't work. I has this problem on one of my computers01:57
CShadowRunanyone know a command line program to move windows around workspaces and geometry?01:57
Alex135Leefmc: your card was probably outdated01:57
Leefmcdmsuperman: And imo, the feature or even ability to use the program, should be taken away, if they _know_ it will break the card.01:57
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
dmsupermanLeefmc: you're in the wrong channel...there have been known (major) bugs in ubuntu for a while. it's a matter of time01:57
LeefmcAlex135: It was, for sure.01:57
sc0tt_lin : i just copied my old copy of config file ti /usr/src/linux..and after setting few options via make gconfig..issude make01:58
LeefmcAlex135: However, is outdated hardware a reason for them to allow their software to break it?01:58
Leefmcdmsuperman: I'm in the wrong channel?01:58
dmsupermanLeefmc: as with firefox, and many other open source softwares. it really depends on the community developing it01:58
WalloOdmsuperman, I may provide you a basic working one. You will have to change screen size parameter by hand. that's it01:58
Alex135Leefmc: well, gnome does it allot with they're display enviroment01:58
Alex135Leefmc: if a program breaks, tough...01:58
dmsupermanWalloO: when I reinstall the driver, it works. I don't modify the xorg.conf. That means, it's not the xorg.conf01:59
LeefmcAlex135: So they knowingly ignore a bug that can perma break hardware?01:59
nickrudkhajavi what do you have in your local repository?01:59
dmsupermanLeefmc: not ignore...just don't have time to fix01:59
WalloOdmsuperman, it may. give it a try01:59
LeefmcAlex135: This is a lot different than a bug that stops the program from working, i'm talking breaking hardware.01:59
dmsupermanLeefmc: or if it's lesser used hardware it goes low on the priority list. It's all about priorities01:59
Alex135leefmc: ill put it to you this way, i had an old nvidia card with 32mb of memory on it01:59
Alex135leefmc: at the time i was running fedora01:59
mortisHow do I get my mic working in Ubuntu 8.04?01:59
dmsupermanWalloO: it's been like this on many different installs and many different Xorg.conf's, with many different drivers01:59
sc0tt_lin :since i first copied my old config file to /usr/src/linux and then did make gconfig and then make, is this the same as doing make old config ?01:59
Alex135leefmc: when i updated, the hardware accell never worked again01:59
Alex135leefmc because nvidia and fedora stopped supporting it02:00
q_a_z_stevedoes anyone here use beagle?02:00
dmsupermanWalloO: it's a conflic between my hardware and the driver...but it's definitely not the xorg.conf.02:00
Leefmcwell righto then, i'll accept that opensource means broken hardware.. since thats what you seem to be fighting for :p02:00
dmsupermanWalloO: I've probably spent 20 total hours working on various display issues with linux + my computer02:00
Alex135leefmc: i had to get a whole new card... but i eneded up instead getting my nice new duel core machine i have now for christmass02:00
BixBoxI want to install htb. when I compile it, its like an unknwon command (/sbin/htb.init compile)02:00
dmsupermanWalloO: I've pretty much narrowed all my issues down to the nvidia driver. I fixed this current issue at one point, but I don't have a clue how I did02:00
WalloOdmsuperman, I had such problem with my computer, and fixed it with a working xorg.conf. I propose you my xorg.conf. if you don't want to give it a try, ok.02:01
BixBoxare there some packet must be install?02:01
dmsupermanUsing nvidia drivers from nvidia.com (the latest for the 7900 gs ko card) every time I reboot my computer I get low settings mode. If I stop X, reinstall the driver, then start X, it works fine until next reboot. Any ideas what could be causing it?02:01
dmsupermanWalloO: you could try...I'm in irssi though02:01
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman Did you put in the specs for your monitor in the xorg?02:01
dmsupermanWalloO: do you know if I can still recieve files?02:01
WalloOdcc may worjk.02:01
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: it auto-detected them correctly02:01
WalloOdmsuperman, are you single or dual screen?02:02
LeefmcAlex135: Either way, i do find it odd that your justifying breaking hardware, but thats your kicks i spose :o02:02
dmsupermanWalloO: dual, but the problem happens during single screen mode02:02
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman JUst pointing out that often people focus on just the driver and ignore the actual monitor settings.  even if it seems to have the right res.02:03
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: nope, one of the first things I checked :)02:03
WalloOdmsuperman, I can give you a single screen xorg.conf02:03
Alex135dmsuperman: try running sudo displayconfig-gtk and reconfigure your screen settings02:03
nickrudkhajavi ?02:03
dmsupermanWalloO: doesn't matter...once I get any of them to work adding dualhead support is easy02:03
dmsupermanAlex135: i'm assuming that's a GUI app?02:03
Alex135dmsuperman: erm yes, that a problem?02:04
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman what are the v & h rates for that monitor02:04
dmsupermanAlex135: yeah, X isnt running02:04
Alex135dmsuperman: hmmm, well what card are you useing?02:05
Alex135dmsuperman what model of nvidia02:05
WalloOdmsuperman, ok. I dcc you the xorg.conf02:05
dmsuperman31-81 & 56-7502:05
dmsupermanAlex135: 7900 gs ko02:05
dmsupermanAlex135: EVGA02:05
dmsupermanWalloO: I don't have any requests02:05
Alex135dmsuperman: hmmm, not sure, i had a problem that was similer, but somehow i got hardware accell working and then installed KDE because GDM was off center02:06
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman seems a bit low...  What make and model of monitor.. not that I doubt you.. just trying to help02:06
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dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: some ViewSonic CRT monitor02:06
pegazoalguien esta disponible para este novato en linux?02:06
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman Oldie ..02:07
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: yeh, it was a buck =P02:07
Jack_Sparrow!br > pegazo02:07
pegazoque tal jack02:07
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: which one is measured in Hz?02:07
pegazome acyudas a entender!02:08
pegazolos entornos graficos de linux?02:08
shaba1how do i see what video driver i am using?02:08
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: vert-refresh is Hz right?02:08
WalloOdmsuperman, I sent it in private message. It is quite short02:08
WalloOdmsuperman, the fiule I provided you enable the tv output too... It's my mythtv config... :)02:08
pegazoalguien por alla?02:09
dmsupermanWalloO: that looks like mine...not really feasible to copy it byte for byte to mine but your settings seem similar to mine02:09
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman   Horizsync28-64Vertrefresh43-60                      is how I show them02:09
WalloOpegazo, la gente parla ingles02:10
pegazoen que servidor hay alguien que hable español?02:10
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: I mean, when a monitor says it has X hz - Y hz, is that vertrefresh or horizsync to xorg?02:10
tritium!es | pegazo02:10
ubottupegazo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:10
WalloOdmsuperman, I had the same issue than you until a get this version from an old configuration, copied it and now it works perfectely02:10
Jack_SparrowWalloO Wasnt sure if pt or es was right02:11
geniix-horiz y=vertical02:11
pegazook gracias02:11
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman It should be very clear in the spec sheet02:11
WalloOdmsuperman, what the menning of pt or es?02:11
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman v =      h =    sometimes just show the hight limit02:12
WalloOoups.... sorry, wrong person02:12
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: my CRT only has one range listed on the back. It says "56Hz - 75Hz" Am I correct in assuming that's Vertrefresh?02:12
Jack_SparrowWalloO bot trigger for spanish or port02:12
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman no02:12
WalloOJack_Sparrow, , what the meaning of pt or es?02:12
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:12
WalloOJack_Sparrow, ha, ok02:13
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman Find your exact make and model and look it up02:13
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman that could be your only real problem02:13
kwirkdmsuperman: On CRT the refresh rate is vertical.02:14
geckosenatorhi, I have a radeon card, and I need to load the radeon kernel module for it, but when I modprobe radeon, the module does not exist02:14
geckosenatorhow am I supposed to get it?02:14
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: what about with a dual monitor setup...how can I specify different ranges for each? I have an LCD and a CRT both02:14
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman cant help you with that..02:14
WalloOgeckosenator, use the restricted driver option, it will enable everything for you02:14
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow: alright02:14
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: what video card?02:14
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dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: evga 7900 gs ko (nvidia)02:15
WalloOgeckosenator, look in administration panel to open this tool02:15
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: do you have nvidia-settings installed?02:15
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: I do02:15
jonathande4Hey guys I have a question about installing tar.gz files02:15
geckosenatorWalloO: what is it called?02:15
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: run nvidia-settings, and you can set refresh rates, etc, in there, then save them02:15
pegazodonde encuentro el servidor en español?02:15
IndyGunFreak!compile | JonathanD02:15
ubottuJonathanD: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:15
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: Ah. Thanks.02:15
IndyGunFreak!compile | jonathande402:15
jonathande4I'm trying to install compiz02:15
ubottujonathande4: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:15
FuRomHow do I completely remove all the kubuntu-desktop & it's dependencies without removing the dependencies that gnome desktop originally came with in ubuntu desktop editition?02:16
IndyGunFreakJonathanD: no need to install that from a tar file, its in the repositories02:16
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>02:16
FuRomThank you02:16
WalloOgeckosenator, "hardware driver" in the admninistration menu, You may see your ati card. Just enable the driver by clicking on. the red ligh may become green02:16
jonathande4I installed all those files02:16
IndyGunFreakJonathanD: is your graphics drivers installed?02:17
jonathande4which one02:17
keanuWhat can I do to find the cause of a possible kernel panic?  (by possible, I mean: music playing stops, mouse freezes, screen has a reduced color look, changing screen brightness using laptop's fn key doesn't work, ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't work, wifi led suddenly turns off......basically, the only thing that works is sysrq)02:17
geckosenatorWalloO: I don't have that, I'm in gnome02:17
geckosenatorWalloO: do you know the name of the program?02:17
w1llThis might sound stupid, but is there a way to get access to the breezy ports collection?02:17
IndyGunFreakjonathande4: well how many video cards do you have?02:17
* julio_neto Olá pessoal! | Hello everyone!02:18
WalloOkeanu, CPU heat, or hardware with issue. Memory too02:18
IndyGunFreakjonathande4: did you install your graphics drivers, not compiz, the drivers for your ati card02:18
geniiw1ll: No, breezy reached it's End Of Life and the repositories no longer exist02:18
jonathande4one actually sorry02:18
WalloOgeckosenator, it'S in ubuntu gnome menu, in administration. Wait, I look for the soft name02:18
w1llgenii, that's what I thought =\02:19
IndyGunFreakjonathande4: ok, wel, i canm't help you beyond that, i know ATI has its own issues, try asking in #compiz-fusion02:19
IndyGunFreak!compiz | jonathande402:19
ubottujonathande4: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:19
geckosenatorwhen I run glxinfo I get "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."02:19
w1lloh well i'll just have to wait till I can upgrade02:19
pegazoalguien habla español02:19
geckosenatorI can't even get software opengl02:19
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jonathande4Okay thanks ill try some more02:19
geniiw1ll: If it's a lower end box which can't run a later edition of ubuntu perhaps consider Damn Small Linux02:19
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kitche2geckosenator: you need glx loading in your xorg.conf02:20
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geckosenatorkitche2: I added that02:20
geckosenatorkitche2: maybe X has a log somewhere about it02:20
Cpudan80How do you change the default keyring password?02:20
kitche2geckosenator: if you put load "glx" in your xorg.conf you need to reload it if you haven't already02:20
geckosenatorkitche2: I did, let me reload x again02:21
dmsuperman_IndyGunFreak, Where in the nvidia-settings panel can I _change_ my refresh rates? The only mention of refresh is the current rate02:21
w1llgenii, it can run newer versions, but I don't wanna upgrade 80 boxes remotely when their critical I plan on flying out to the DC soon anyway02:21
keanuWalloO, temperature in /proc is reporting 46C, and I don't think it's gone too much higher than that.  First time it's happened since I've had this laptop.  I seem to remember on an old laptop when it panicked it would say something like "we're panicking..." or similar - if you're familiar with what I'm talking about, do you know if that's written to a log?02:22
KeatonCould anyone reccomend some alternatives to Rythembox? I used to run KDE, and Amarok was perfect, but I'm unsure of how well it will get along with Gnome.02:22
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: unfortunately i'm not at my PC, on my laptop and it doesn't have nvidia, but I'm amlost positive its there.. isn't it where you set the resolutions?02:22
dmsuperman_IndyGunFreak, no, only the position, resolution, and panning are settings in that screen :(02:22
IndyGunFreakKeaton: amarok runs perfect in gnome if you ant to use it.02:22
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: sorry, i can't remember off hand, but i could have swore it was there02:22
KeatonAlrighty, that works for me.02:22
Kelensomeone of kernel headers has released02:22
geniiw1ll: Ah, OK. Yes better to do that stuff from local console ot local netboot server02:22
dmsuperman_IndyGunFreak, it's fine02:22
IndyGunFreakKeaton: you'll have to install a lot of kde dependencies, but it should work fine02:23
WalloOkeanu, kernal panic is mega crach... don'T know if it's logged02:23
w1llgenii, I've been begging for KVMoIP for a while. I can't wait till I get one!02:23
WalloOgeckosenator, the soft is " jockey-gtk "02:23
Metatron^im trying to get my video drivers right, old ati all in wonder pro, i think i need the mach64 driver, my xorg.conf file has practically nothing in it.  this is a minimal ubuntu system with no gnome, using fluxbox so i don't have all the normal tools, anyone know what packages might help in setting this up?02:23
WalloOgeckosenator, silly name. It ws long to find02:23
lolodoes anyone know of an easy way to play music stored on another ubuntu box within a network....02:24
keanuWalloO, yeah, I'm (mostly) familiar with kernel panics, but wasn't sure if something similar to what an OSX KP does (write to NVRAM, save to log on reboot)02:24
arakthorAlright, so I'm running an ssh server. I just changed the connections that the computer has, and now whenever I try to ssh into it, the connection drops before it asks for a password. I ran ssh -v user@host ; and the initial connection was made and keys were verified. No attempts to connect show in the servers auth.log. Any ideas why this might happen?02:24
geniiw1ll: I used to use this one called PCI Weasel but thy are expensive if for like...80 boxes :)02:24
doidinheGuys i just installed bacula on my ubuntu 8.04 and i would like to know wich is my config file, cause in the tutorials i read the is a bacula-dir.conf and i dont have it02:25
WalloOkeanu, I really don't know02:25
doidinhebut i have two others02:25
keanuWalloO, ok, thanks though02:25
w1llgenii that's the problem. If we could even get one for 16 and then have a guy at the DC move the cables around that would be nice02:25
pegazodonde estan lso servidores en español02:25
geckosenatorWalloO: I don't have that program, and I can't install it with apt-get02:25
WalloOgeckosenator, you don't use ubuntu 8.04?02:26
geckosenatorWalloO: I'm not sure what version I am using02:26
geckosenatorI'm going to try rebooting02:26
WalloOgeckosenator, is there a heron on your desktop?02:26
dr_Willisabstract-art Bird wallpaper. :)02:26
dr_WillisI dident even realize it was a Heron at first.. heh.02:26
geniiw1ll: Usually if they like you they'll do it. But they frown on all those physical kvm switches and cords usually, especially if they span racks/cabinets02:27
WalloOdr_Willis,  for sure it'S a heron... :)02:27
w1llgenii, we pay them enough they shouldn't mind :P02:27
dr_WillisWalloO, I thought my video card was going bad at first. :)02:27
WalloOand this one like to be a hardy one.02:27
doidinheDoes anyone know wich file i have to edit on bacula so that i can configure my bacula server?02:28
WalloOdr_Willis, my experience wit ati and linux a few monthes ago what that I had to add option glx and other by hand in xorg to enable opengl support02:28
geniiw1ll: I hope your 80 boxes are 1U :) But we get offtopic at this point02:28
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w1llgenii, yeah they are :P that's not even all of them. We have 2 independent networks there with over 2 gigs of bandwidth brought in02:29
w1llNot a lot for some people, but it was a lot me02:30
geniiw1ll: Nice02:30
jtabyi have the alternate installer, I've just installed ubuntu, but i want to install some extra packages from the installer, how can I jump through the text installer?02:30
tony__anyone know the command for "volume up" in kmix or something so to configure my logitech keyboard?02:32
geniijtaby: Well, a way I know of may not be approved of generally. But I have done: alt-f4  to go to the 4th console then repeatedly hit ctrl-c then alt-f4 back to console1 where when it hits a snag you can then enter the main setup screen which gives the options of continue install by remote ssh, install extra packages, etc etc02:32
geniijtaby: alt-f1  rather to return to first console02:33
CorpseFeederI just tried my firewire video camera with kino on a different Ubuntu PC and everything worked fine - capture/play/etc. So I assume the PCMCIA firewire card on the laptop is useless. Where can I find a list of known compatible PCMCIA firewire cards so that I may purchase a working model?02:33
Metatron^how can i enable resticed hardware if i dont have gnome, using fluxbox?02:34
khajaviI have umet dependency any one could help me?? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21540/02:34
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed.02:35
Kelenit always reinstall nvidia drivers  after upgrade important things, like kernel, x server, is there anyone has good ways for this problem?02:36
vipesterHas anybody here tried wicd?  I cant connect to secured networks with it02:36
jribKelen: I don't understand what you said02:36
WalloOI come back... see you02:36
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Kelenjrib: there is a require for me to reinstall nvidia driver..02:37
jribKelen: use the packages from ubuntu.  Then you don't need to worry about that02:38
khajaviI have umet dependency any one could help me?? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21540/02:39
jribKelen: system -> administration -> hardware drivers02:39
jribkhajavi: have you mixed repositories or installed debs manually?02:39
crislkillaim looking for a tv channel where u can see cities like new york or las vegas at night filmed by a helicopter. do u know whats the name of this channel?02:40
daixiaoaican anyone talke to me?02:40
khajavijrib: usualy I install my package from synapric02:40
jribcrislkilla: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?02:40
genii|Juan|: You might find something useful in the Related Bugs links in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnifiedLoginUnlock02:41
jribkhajavi: ok, that's not really an answer... Can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*, and the output of the command: apt-cache policy libgtkmm-2.4-dev libcairomm-1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libc6 libc6-dev02:41
jrib!pastebin > khajavi (read the private message from ubottu)02:41
cranshinibonwhere can i go to find help getting my sound card to work02:43
jribcrislkilla: why the question marks?  Do you understand what I said?02:43
Pulpiewhy would packages be held back?02:43
crislkillabut its not an off topic question either02:43
crislkillai dont know where to go with that question02:43
Pulpiewhy would packages be held back from being apt-get update?02:43
jribcrislkilla: it has nothing to do with ubuntu support.  It is offtopic.  I told you there is a #ubuntu-offtopic02:43
khajavijrib: this my source list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21541/ and02:44
cranshiniboncan anyone help me get my sound blaster audigy 2 zs to work....i cant get any sound no matter what i try02:44
StarnestommyPulpie: probably because updating it would break another package's dependencies02:44
Metatron^crislkilla: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic and try there  in case u dont know how to change rooms02:44
PulpieStarnestommy: Well there are 110 un upgraded packages how do I find out what package is causing what packages to be held back02:44
Ali1121wat is unallocated space02:45
StarnestommyAli1121: unused space that's not part of a partition02:45
cranshinibonwhere should i go for help with getting my sound to work02:45
Metatron^when i use ubuntu with the default desktop, there is a way to access restricted drivers and hardware, im not in gnome, using a minimal install with fluxbox, can i install something that gives me access to the drivers?  if so what is it?02:45
Ali1121can u help me get rid of xp and get all the hd to ubuntu while iam using ubuntu?02:45
jribAli1121: just boot of the ubuntu disk and tell it to use the entire disk when you install02:46
WalloOcranshinibon, maybe you can by a good old standard sound card like a soundblaster 128 or so... It works everytime... :)02:46
cranshinibonive had this one for 3 years...im pretty set with it02:46
WalloOWow... my Vcore voltage is really unstable... does it comes from the motherboard or from the PSU which is too weak?02:47
Metatron^cranshinibon: creative labs has a linux site, with links to alsa stuff, ive found it helpful before02:47
cranshinibondo you have a link02:47
Cheezisis amd puma supported? does it work "out of the box"?02:47
Metatron^search on sound blaster linux driver or creative linux and you should find it02:48
Metatron^its promonent02:48
Kelenjrib: the packages of the from system is not for this graphics card. so i must going to install nvidia driver manual.02:49
Metatron^note that alsa support in ubunut is sent through a pulse audio alsa driver/wrapper thingy (cant rember what its caled) but alsa stuff should still be valid02:49
jribKelen: how did you determine that?02:49
Metatron^also just check your mixer and see if thevolume is set to zero, that happens alot02:49
_NetIm trying to move a file and it says "File name too long"02:49
ShishireI'm having a problem playing a dvd, VLC is giving me an error saying that it doesn't have encrypted DVD support.  I checked the repository, and I found libdvdread3, but I couldn't find libdvdcss.  Anyone know what I should do?02:49
_NetAnyone know how to go around that?02:49
Cheezishas anybody tried an amd puma notebooks with ubuntu yet?02:49
ryanakcaWhere can I get the source images for Ubuntu Hardy?02:50
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PatrickDKis there a simple enough way to have ubuntu-desktop boot without loading the gui every time? probably so I can make a new grub entry for it?02:50
Keleni using NVS 140M, it is not included from system drivers packages .02:50
dr_WillisCheezis,  i thought there was a notebook specific forum - on the ubuntu forums.  You might want to search there. - Just got me a new Laptop today. :) getting rdy to put Ubuntu on it in a few min,.02:50
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Ali1121so i boot form the live cd and do it from there? but i already installed ubuntu?02:51
powertoo108my ssh server is rejecting my login attempt with error "unable to use key file (not a private key)" can't I use a public key insted, why won't it let me?02:51
jribKelen: then you have to manually reinstall it after kernel upgrades02:51
Kelenjrib: i using NVS 140M, it is not included from system drivers packages .02:51
WalloOPatrickDK, with redhat you have to change the value to 3 in /etc/inittab. With ubuntu I don't really know02:51
Kelenjrib: yeah,02:51
dr_WillisPatrickDK,  disable  the gdm service.02:52
nuno_nunesHI PPL02:52
Starnestommypowertoo108: you need to use a private key02:52
dr_WillisPatrickDK,  not sure of a way to do that optinally from grub.02:52
Kelenjrib: always do that after some important upgrades.02:52
nuno_nunesPlz help, to force mount partion NTFS02:52
PatrickDKhmm, I believe you can add a kernel option that will be passed to the env, I can probably just edit the gdm start script to key off it02:52
cranshinibonim looking on the site and really not finding anything helpful as far as actually getting it to work02:53
cranshiniboni found my card on the list but as far as that goes i dunno02:53
powertoo108Starnestommy: So its impossible to login with a public key? there's an option of "PubKeyAuthentication yes" in my sshd_config...02:53
PatrickDKthe server uses public keys02:53
Ali1121how can i get rid of xp while iam on using ubuntu and already installed ubunut?02:53
PatrickDKthe machine you login with, uses private keys02:53
Kelenjrib: for this problem, do you have anyone good ways?02:53
Starnestommypowertoo108: you need to use a private key, but when public key authentication is used, the client sends a copy of its public key for authentication02:54
ryanakcaWhere can I get the source images for the Ubuntu Hardy CD?02:54
jribKelen: no02:54
powertoo108Starnestommy: PatrickDK: Thanks02:55
khajavi1jrib: I disconneced again. sorry, this is my source.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21543/ and apt-cash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21541/02:55
lolo does anyone know how to move all files in a folder and all its folders to another folder ex to move all of a1,a2,a3,b1,b2 etc... to c AND if there is a file with the same name it will automatically rename it...?02:55
ShishireI'm having a problem playing a dvd, VLC is giving me an error saying that it doesn't have encrypted DVD support.  I found libdvdcss, and built from source, but it hasn't changed anything.  Anyone know what I should do?02:55
=== powertoo108 is now known as powertool08
StarnestommyShishire: you may need to run sudo ldconfig02:56
jribkhajavi1: run 'sudo apt-get update'.  Then try the install again02:56
Herissygood question Shishire02:56
Kelenjrib: OK, but still thank you a lot for your answers with me.02:56
jribKelen: I'm not familiar with your video card, but are you sure not even the nvidia-legacy package works?02:56
ownerI just got Linux but I don't know how to download and run msn or yahoo messengers/02:56
jribKelen: nvidia-glx-legacy, sorry02:57
khajavi1jrib: It doesn't worked02:57
Herissyowner : which flavor of linux?02:57
glitsj16Shishire: does the package libdvdcss2 not work for you ?02:57
jribkhajavi1: pastebin the erro02:57
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Shishirewell, ok, I got past where it couldn't find support02:57
Shishirenow it just says that it found nothing to play02:57
Starnestommyowner: pidgin is compatible with msn and yahoo02:57
WalloOowner, install amsn02:57
ownerI don't know how to download pidgin.02:58
WalloOowner, sudo apt-get amsn02:58
khajavi1jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21545/02:58
Herissythere are several pidgin, amsn, ymess02:58
IndyGunFreakowner: its installed w/ a base install..02:58
ownerWhere would I find it?02:58
IndyGunFreakowner: if you don't need webcam support for amsn, i wouldnt' recommend amsn02:58
jribkhajavi1: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev    then pastebin that erro02:58
D3RGPS31is there a directory where the icons of videos, images, and text documents are stored? (where it shows a preview)02:58
WalloOowner, open a terminal and run sudo apt-get pidgin02:58
glitsj16Shishire: are you running vlc from terminal ? if so, what command did you give it ?02:58
IndyGunFreakowner: applications/internet/pidgin02:58
Starnestommyowner: I think pidgin is already in applications > internat > pidgin02:58
ShishireI typed in vlc02:58
nuno_nunesthis command for force this partiton NTFS02:58
nuno_nunesplz help...02:58
IndyGunFreakWalloO: pidgin is installed w/ a base install02:59
Herissyyah pidgin is02:59
Shishirethen I opened the disc the way I would normally do and tried to play it02:59
IndyGunFreakowner: are you familiar w/ the windows program Trillian?02:59
WalloOIndyGunFreak, yes, you're right. My mistake02:59
Shishire[00000289] main playlist: nothing to play02:59
c0mp13371331337WalloO: wouldn't it be sudo apt-get install pidgin?02:59
IndyGunFreakowner: or maybe you remember GAIM02:59
khajavi1jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21546/02:59
glitsj16Shishire: ok sounds the regular routine, you do have liobdvdcss2 installed ?02:59
IndyGunFreakc0mp13371331337: not gonna be either, its already installed..lol02:59
WalloOc0mp13371331337, yes... double mistake for me... :)02:59
Shishirewell, I just built from source, so I should03:00
Kelenjrib: you mean i should install "nvidia-glx-legacy" for this problem?03:00
jribkhajavi1: that's not what I said03:00
khajavi1jrib: I think I should reinstall my ubuntu?!! :-(03:00
c0mp13371331337IndyGunFreak: Yes, very true.  WalloO: Sorry for the double-whammy. ;-)03:00
ownerAlright, I have it but I need to use my mic too.03:00
Herissyowner : Applications | Internet | Pigin Instant Messenger or type ./pidgin into a terminal.03:00
glitsj16Shishire: typo, libdvdcss2 from apt-get, no problem getting that going whatsoever, you might want to try that one03:00
jribkhajavi1: no, you should just look into whether or not that supports your card.  There are nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new, and nvidia-glx-legacy03:00
khajavi1jrib: sorry03:00
jribkhajavi1: do you know what you have to do?03:00
djznhi, can a ISO image be done of an Audio CD (technically possible?)03:01
Shishire[00000289] main playlist: nothing to play03:01
IndyGunFreakowner: mic support is very shaky, similar to webcam support03:01
ShishirePackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:01
WalloOby the way, for someone used to msn, I recommend amsn. I installed it for my girl friend, and she never asked me any question about it.03:01
Ali1121how do i get unallocated space to use for ubuntu...iam not able to do it with Gparted03:01
Herissysorry just pidgin into terminal.03:01
IndyGunFreakShishire: are you sure libdvdcss2 is installed?03:01
khajavi1jrib: thisi gtk-dev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21547/03:01
=== xerophyt1 is now known as xerophyte
glitsj16Shishire: libdvdcss2 might be from medibuntu repo, i'll check03:01
ownerSo, is there a way that I work it with Pidgin?03:01
IndyGunFreakglitsj16: it is..03:01
IndyGunFreak!medibuntu | Shishire03:02
ubottuShishire: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:02
glitsj16IndyGunFreak: thx03:02
jribkhajavi1: yes, keep following them.  Now try to install libcairo2-dev and libpango1.0-dev (separately)03:02
IndyGunFreakShishire: add the medibuntu repo, then install libdvdcss2 w/ the instructions, and you'll be watching DVD's again03:02
lordleemodoes anybody know sudobash?? if so tell him and his little scriptie frends that im better .... lordleemo kils little sripties ciao bye bye03:02
khajavi1jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21549/03:03
jriblordleemo: please don't bring this discussion up in #ubuntu again03:03
WalloOHow many time do I have to run cpuburn to assume a system is stable?03:03
ownerI am asking for work reasons, I need my mic to work well enough.03:03
jribkhajavi1: keep going: libfontconfig1-dev  eventually, we'll find the problem03:03
lordleemothey started the discussion03:03
ubottuFactoid gyachi not found03:04
jriblordleemo: it doesn't matter who started what03:04
khajavi1jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21550/03:04
dmsupermanI've tried everything I have found and still am unable to get my driver to remain working upon reboot. I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card, with the latest drivers (though the problem happens with every single driver I've tried). Whenever I reboot, I'm in low settings mode. Stop X, reinstall driver, and start X, and it works. it's not my xorg.conf, and my syncs are correctly detected. Anybody have a clue what could cause this?03:04
IndyGunFreakowner: well wether you want it for work or pleasure, doesn't change the fact that mic support is fairly shaky with any of the IM clients, you can try amsn or gyachi.. but i don't know how they handle mics03:04
lordleemojrib ok im sorry my friend but i didnt start03:04
djznhi, can a ISO image be done of an Audio CD (technically possible?)03:04
ownerAlright. Thanks anyways.03:05
c0mp13371331337dmsuperman: Hold on a sec, I've got a link for you to try.  Had the exact same problems myself.03:05
khajavi1jrib: I confused. what is the problem?03:05
dmsupermanI shouldn't say it's not my xorg.conf, but everything I've tried in xorg.conf hasn't fixed it. I've regenerated it using all manners of fixing it and it still doesn't work03:05
dmsupermanc0mp13371331337: awesome :D thanks :D03:05
fitztrevHow can I install Adobe Acrobat Reader?03:05
=== elisboa is now known as elisboa-off
Shishireworks, ty IndyGunFreak!03:05
IndyGunFreakfitztrev: sudo apt-get install acroread03:05
khajavi1jrib: does it have any way to fix this problem?03:05
IndyGunFreakShishire: :).. no prob03:05
dmsupermanc0mp13371331337: I'm in irssi, if you could PM it to me that'd be great (so I can actually switch back and type it :P)03:05
jribkhajavi1: somewhere a package dep is messed up.  This may just be because of -proposed.  Try the ones you have not tried yet: libfontconfig1-dev and libxft-dev03:06
fitztrevIndyGunFreak: it's not in the repos03:06
trippssso what is the alternative to xgl that supports real 2d/3d acceleration and eye candy? I forget03:06
IndyGunFreak!medibuntu | fitztrev sorry, forgot its in medibuntu03:06
ubottufitztrev sorry, forgot its in medibuntu: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:06
c0mp13371331337dmsuperman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79599703:06
dmsupermanc0mp13371331337: thanks :D i'll give it a whirl03:06
c0mp13371331337dmsuperman: No problem, let me know how that goes!03:07
IndyGunFreakfitztrev: but if you dont wnat to use medibuntu.. i think there' a program in the default repositories called Evince, that reads PDF03:07
IndyGunFreak!pdf | fitztrev03:07
ubottufitztrev: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)03:07
khajavi1jrib: I find the problem: libfontconfig1-dev: Depends: libfontconfig1 (= 2.5.0-2ubuntu3) but 2.5.0-2+eeepc2 is to be installed03:07
TwoDDoes anyone know if there's a good program for [automatically] transferring images from my phone (bluetooth) to a folder on my computer?03:07
khajavi1jrib: what should I do to fix libfontcomnfig?03:07
fitztrevIndyGunFreak: ok thanks for the help :)03:07
jribkhajavi1: good, now you know the issue03:07
IndyGunFreakfitztrev: np03:07
jribkhajavi1: did you have a reason for installing the other version?03:07
=== arooni_ is now known as arooni-mobile
khajavi1jrib: I think this is the result of my local repository03:08
khajavi1jrib: how can I fix libfontconfig versions?03:09
jribkhajavi1: you can try downgrading it: sudo apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION03:09
jribkhajavi1: read carefully what it wants to do.  Do not say "yes" if it wants to remove half your system03:09
khajavi1jrib: ok03:09
dmsupermanc0mp13371331337: so ultimately you just added "nv nvidia_new" to your disabled modules?03:10
trippssdoes ubuntu support aiglx? is it easy to switch to it from xgl? do I get to keep my compiz?03:10
c0mp13371331337dmsuperman: I believe so.  It's been a while since I did it.  Sounds about right though.03:11
WalloOyesss.... big nice crash.... direct reboot... That's good03:12
khajavi1jrib: this is apt-cash libfontconfig1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21551/ what should I do?03:12
caryhow ocme linux crashed my me 2x03:12
dmsupermanc0mp13371331337: I've already tried that, didn't fix it for me. Thanks for the link though :)03:12
carybut only today03:12
=== cary is now known as Commie_Jebus
jribkhajavi1: sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1=2.5.0-2ubuntu303:13
m_newtonAny one need help03:13
m_newtonjust /ping or private msg me03:13
Commie_Jebushow come linux crashed my me 2x but only today?03:13
khajavi1jrib: result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21552/03:14
Commie_Jebushow come linux crashed my me 2x but only today?03:14
WalloOcary: I overclocked my Q6600 from 2,4Ghz to 3.6Ghz, it was quite stable and cold (60°C), but after 20 minutes with 4 cpuburn running, it reboots. I'm disapointed03:14
geniiCommie_Jebus: Is that a rhetorical question?03:14
amrikCommie_Jebus: I don't really understand your question03:14
m_newtonwhat do you mean?03:14
Commie_Jebusno, linux crashed on me 2x BUT03:14
Commie_Jebusit never happened on any other day03:14
jribkhajavi1: so there is more than one unofficial package installed03:14
c0mp13371331337dmsuperman: That's odd.... usually it's me that's always stuck with the NOT easy solution.  Sorry man!03:14
m_newtonwell, did it give you a error msg03:15
Commie_Jebusno it just03:15
m_newtonwhat were you running before it crashed03:15
dmsupermanI've tried everything I have found and still am unable to get my driver to remain working upon reboot. I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card, with the latest drivers (though the problem happens with every single driver I've tried). Whenever I reboot, I'm in low settings mode. Stop X, reinstall driver, and start X, and it works. it's not my xorg.conf, and my syncs are correctly detected. Anybody have a clue what could cause this?03:15
Commie_Jebusa movie03:15
=== eitreach is now known as eitreach_Zzzz
Commie_Jebusand hte second time was firwefox03:15
khajavi1jrib: :-( I whould do this for All these packages :-/ :-D03:15
m_newtonwhat were you running it with03:15
WalloOdmsuperman, have you tried my xorg.conf file?03:16
=== eitreach_Zzzz is now known as eitreach_Zzzzz
m_newtonI cant help, sorry.03:16
dmsupermanWalloO: I can't use it...short of manually retyping the whole thing03:16
dmsupermanWalloO: i'm in irssi03:16
glitsj16trippss: for what card are you looking support again ? missed that if you mentioned it sorry ..03:16
jribkhajavi1: you could have one long line, yes.  Or just reinstall and stick to official repositories.  You should make sure you have backups at this point03:17
WalloOdmsuperman, I don't know what irssi is.03:17
dmsupermanWalloO: command line, in a tty, irc client03:17
dmsupermanWalloO: no mouse or copy/paste03:17
WalloOdmsuperman, ok. I understand.03:17
dmsupermanWalloO: perhaps if you uploaded it to some webspace somewhere? Not like a pastebin, but directly upload the file where you can send me a direct link and I could wget it03:17
WalloOdmsuperman, I was thinking about it.03:18
WalloOwait a second03:18
trippssglitsj16, thought I knew but not sure. how do I find out? either ati or nvidia don't remember03:19
khajavi1jrib: I was configuring my hardy in these weeks and now I would reinstall it :-(03:19
candiveHi, before I format and reload ubuntu is there a way to make it recognize my external HDD??\03:19
dmsupermanI've tried everything I have found and still am unable to get my driver to remain working upon reboot. I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card, with the latest drivers (though the problem happens with every single driver I've tried). Whenever I reboot, I'm in low settings mode. Stop X, reinstall driver, and start X, and it works. it's not my xorg.conf, and my syncs are correctly detected. Anybody have a clue what could cause this?03:19
jribkhajavi1: just backup your ~03:20
tdaharshI am having a problem with installing programs and starting certain ones. My taskbar shows it is trying to start an administrative task and then it goes away and nothing happens.03:20
bentglasstubeI am getting the following error when I try to upgrade from dapper: bzip2: Depends: libbz2-1.0 (= 1.0.3-0ubuntu2) but 1.0.3-0ubuntu2.1 is installed03:20
Jaffarkelshacis there app that can merge 2 videos, i have a lot of cd1 cd2 videos03:20
glitsj16trippss: try running "lspci | grep VGA" to check03:20
trippssglitsj16, ATI radeon 960003:20
khajavi1jrib: 9 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 1 downgraded, 422 to remove and 125 not upgraded,  WHAT is the downgrade?   422 remove :-/:-X:-$03:21
eboyjrWhat makes Ubuntu's mouse cursor so smooth?03:21
IndyGunFreakbentglasstube: are you trying to go from 6.06 to 8.04?03:21
Alex135jaffarkelshac: there are programs that can import videos and you can import more then 1 into 1 kind03:21
bentglasstubeIndyGunFreak: I am just doing apt-get dist-upgrade from 6.06, I believe it will take me to edgy first, no?03:21
jribkhajavi1: yes, well, it seems like reinstall will be easiest then03:21
IndyGunFreakbentglasstube: yeah, probably, but  you can probably set it to take you from dapper to hardy, since they are both LTS03:22
tdaharshI cannot get programs to install. The taskbar shows "Starting Administrative Task" for 3 or 4 seconds and then goes away without installing anything.03:22
candiveCannot mount volume. "you are not privileged to mount the volume '165 GB'03:22
bentglasstubeIndyGunFreak: in any case, any apt command gives me this strange error that I apparently have the wrong version of bzip installed03:22
IndyGunFreakcandive: use sudo before the mount command03:22
solexious[Q] How can I find out what channel a wifi ap is using?03:22
glitsj16trippss: okay, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI for instructions03:23
WalloOdmsuperman, do you have the link?03:23
khajavi1jrib: can I reinstall hardy without check the check box: [format root direcory] during installing hardy?03:23
unavailableanyone know anything about burning games for a psx?03:23
tdaharshI cannot get programs to install. The taskbar shows "Starting Administrative Task" for 3 or 4 seconds and then goes away without installing anything.03:23
IndyGunFreakbentglasstube: strange, no idea on that one03:23
dmsupermanWalloO: no, what is it?03:23
jribkhajavi1: no03:23
candiveIndyGunFreak, will try03:23
WalloOdmsuperman, now you got it?03:23
failasaurusDo you guys like Mudkips?03:23
bentglasstubeIndyGunFreak: thanks anyway03:24
tdaharshis anyone else having problems starting synaptic package manager?03:24
IndyGunFreaktdaharsh: no, fine for me03:24
GohalienThere is any dvd creation tool (to create dvds with menu to reproduce it in a dvdplayer) in ubuntu ?03:24
glitsj16tdaharsh: no03:24
IndyGunFreakGohalien: i think acidrip, dvdrip do that, don't hold me to it though03:24
Alex135Gohalen: yes but no good ones in linux that i know of03:24
Kizlumtdaharsh, try to run it in a term03:25
glitsj16Gohalien: try devede, works just fine for me03:25
candiveIndyGunFreak, what is the command? It is not displaying the command required03:25
solexious[Q] How can I find out what channel a wifi ap is using?03:25
GohalienI dont need to rip a dvd :P I have a bunch of .avi that i want to send to my grandma :P03:25
tdaharshkizlum: how do i do that? I am new to linux03:25
IndyGunFreakcandive: command for what03:25
Alex135Gohalen: non of those that i know of make menues easily03:25
khajavi1jrib: I had reinstall hardy in tree time.=-O I will dont use local repository. thanks for your support. just a question: when I install new hardy how can I say to hardy to install all my installed packages in older hardy?03:25
solexious[Q] How can I find out what channel a wifi ap is using?03:25
candiveIndyGunFreak, to mount my external HDD03:26
IndyGunFreakcandive: hang on03:26
jrib!clone | khajavi103:26
ubottukhajavi1: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate03:26
dmsupermanWalloO: no, that didn't do it03:26
glitsj16Alex135: have you used devede ? it's a simple GUI (granted, exotic menu's need dvdstyler i presume, but you can let that go after devede did it's voodoo)03:27
Kizlumtdaharsh, no problem :) if you use gnome : use Alt+F2 then type "gnome-terminal" (without " "), then ther term appears and type synaptic03:27
onthefence928how do i set up double monitors on ubuntu03:27
WalloOdmsuperman, just a question: ÉHave you plugged the power supply to your video card?03:27
tdaharshkizlum: thanks. i will try that03:27
khajavi1ubottu: jrib: thanks alot.  bye bye03:27
ubottukhajavi1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:27
Alex135glitsj16: i have used it yes03:27
chaosrlhey, does anyone know how to install compiz-master or where i can go to find out how?03:28
IndyGunFreakcandive: see the pm i just sent you03:28
Alex135Chaosrl: you dont what that....03:28
onthefence928did ubottu just pass the turing test by contradiction?03:28
WalloOI've to go.03:28
candiveIndyGunFreak, on left panel ?03:28
Alex135Chaosrl: oh wait nvm, thinking about something else03:28
IndyGunFreakcandive: should be a pm there from me.03:28
Kizlumtdaharsh, it may help you o find the problem. it may return errors messages03:29
glitsj16Alex135: what didn't work for you with devede ? recently gone through a lot of progress, might be worth a second look03:29
onthefence928hey can anybody tell em how to set up double monitors or multiple displays with ubunt03:29
ubottuFactoid monitor not found03:29
linkmaster03If I lock my account on GNOME so that you need a password to log back in, will my torrents stay running?03:29
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:29
arvind_khadrilinkmaster03, ya03:29
Alex135glitsj16: maybe, i dont remember what the problem was, but there was something...03:29
linkmaster03arvind_khadri: thank you03:29
arvind_khadrilinkmaster03, welcome :)03:30
Alex135glitsj16: reguardless i will try it again, thx :)03:30
dmsupermanI have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this process03:30
glitsj16Alex135: np, togehter with dvdstyler (if you need audio menus) it does the job these days03:30
Alex135glitsj16: i dont think i ever used dvdstyler, i think that was the problem03:31
Alex135glitsj16: or part of it03:31
glitsj16Alex135: could be, it's not very well documented that you can use them together03:31
dcoblenthey, can anybody help me with an installation problem that I'm having?  When I run the hardy installer, gparted doesn't recognize my hard disk.03:32
Alex135glitsj16: do you know how to use em together properly?03:32
arvind_khadridcoblent, what error do you get??03:32
dcoblentbut if I run the installer for gutsy, it recognizes my drive fine03:32
dmsupermandcoblent: have you tried running "sudo fdisk -l" from the installer disk?03:32
dmsupermandcoblent: from a TTY or the like03:33
IndyGunFreakdcoblent: friend of mine has the same problem03:33
glitsj16Alex135: basically you do the conversion in devede without menu and add those with dvdstyler on the VIDEO_TS output03:33
dcoblentarvind_khadri, when I run the installer, it gets to the step about partioning and just doesn't show anything03:33
dcoblentfdisk -l doesn't output anything either03:33
dmsupermandcoblent: if fdisk -l works, then you may have had the same problem as I did03:33
dmsupermanoh, then i dunno :S03:33
dcoblentif I run gparted it just say no devices found or something03:33
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: what does fdisk -l do?03:33
Alex135glitsj16: ah, yes i do remember reading about that03:33
tdaharshI cannot run any administrative applications. It just starts then stops before beginning the program.03:33
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: lists your partitions03:33
Alex135glitsj16: but i never heard of dvdstyler03:33
arvind_khadridcoblent, did you try a different cd???03:33
dcoblentfdisk doesn't give any output03:33
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: well yeah, but how does that make gparted see the drive?03:34
onthefence928hello i am currently running a laptop with ubuntu 8.04, i am trying to make it play nice with an external monitor i have, it's plugged in and powered, hell it even did the boot-up bug my laptop usually does when booting up with another monitor plugged in where it shows the booting up on teh side monitor03:34
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: regardless of mounting or not...I just remember that gparted used some wierd detection scheme that fdisk didn't...and fisk saw it03:34
dcoblentnope, haven't tried a different cd03:34
onthefence928how do i get it to work on both now that i am here03:34
MrPocknix_command to search for a particular folder?03:34
geniitdaharsh: Is the username you are logged in with the default one you made when installing? Or a user you created after this?03:34
glitsj16Alex135: haven't been using them in tandem for very long myself, a zoo ther multimedia scape out there lol03:34
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: the bug's already been reported03:34
arvind_khadridcoblent, try a different cd and go for a alternative cd...03:34
Kizlumtdaharsh, try to add "sudo" or "gksudo" before your application (i'm not sure i understand really well the problem)03:34
=== AfterDea2h is now known as AfterDeath
IndyGunFreakdmsuperman: any idea on the bug #?03:34
Alex135glitsj16: indeed, i just got my system reinstalled today and im trying now to get my media working again03:35
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: dcoblent: Ultimately what I did was add some unallocated space between each of my partitions and it worked...it was a problem with "overlapping" partitions (or so it thought)03:35
FjssI ran this " sudo dpkg --configure -a" in the terminal and got this error "dpkg: error processing hal-info (--configure):03:35
Fjss unable to fill /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i with padding: No space left on device" what could the problem be??03:35
Alex135glitsj16: just before it screwd up i had rmvb files playing in Mplayer :(03:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:35
Alex135glitsj16: now it wont work...03:35
jribFjss: your partition is out of space03:35
dcoblentI'm using an older live cd now, and if I run fdisk I get lots of info and everything looks fine03:35
dmsupermanIndyGunFreak: and no, I don't. I think it's one of the few bugs I commented on, if it's possible to search by posts by user my user is dmsuperman03:35
arvind_khadriFjss you must have ran out of space03:35
geniiFjss: Um, your disk is full?03:35
tdaharshgenii, i am on the original user name. i am also unable to install ubuntu updates.03:35
Yumarihas anyone had problems getting their mic to work with wine with an audigy 2 sound card?03:35
glitsj16Alex135: rmvb, that's the realmedia variable bitrates yes ?03:35
Metatron^can someone tell me how my computer even runs a gui with this xorg?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/21554/03:35
Fjssjrib: how can I create more space??03:36
candiveAnyone paste screenshot where?03:36
Alex135glitsj16 i belive so... thats just the file extension, if thats what it stands for then yes :P03:36
jribFjss: delete stuff or buy a new hard drive03:36
dmsupermanMetatron^: we don't ask such questions...when things just magically work you thank whoever it is you pray to :D03:36
geniitdaharsh: In which manner are you attempting to run the programs?03:36
arvind_khadridcoblent, fdisk shows the details of your mounted drives...the best bet now would be going for an alternative cd...hey always work :)03:36
Alex135glitsj16: .rmvb03:36
dmsupermanMetatron^: you could be running in failsafe mode, with a lower resolution and vesa drivers03:36
geniitdaharsh: eg: sudo appname       for instance will mess up things if it is a graphical application03:36
IndyGunFreakcandive: what do you need a screenshot of?03:36
dmsupermanI have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this process03:37
Metatron^how can i get my xorg correct, im in fluxbox not gnome, need restriced mach64 ati driver...i think03:37
Fjssjrib: delete packages? or is there any way to expand the partition?03:37
tdaharshgenii, i am not using the terminal. i used terminal to open synaptic package manager, for example, and it would not allow me to save changes. I cannot open from the menus.03:37
glitsj16Alex135: ubuntustudio is a nice distro for all things multimedia, no need to get codecs from left and right and god knows where, very handy actually :p03:37
jribFjss: delete anything03:37
arvind_khadriMetatron^, use envy :D03:37
arvind_khadri!envyng | Metatron^03:37
ubottuMetatron^: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.03:37
candiveIndyGunFreak, It is a little confusing "I do Not have permission to change permissions"03:38
Alex135glitsj16: im currently useing the medibuntu repos, makes things easy enough for most stuff03:38
Metatron^xdebconfigurator outputs in terminal what looks like correct data, but it dosnt make it over to xorg.conf, where does xdebconfigurator put its output03:38
KelvNeAnyone there?03:38
Metatron^envy fails03:38
Alex135glitsj16: added them in after the ubuntu install and after i put KDE in03:38
KelvNe :D03:38
Metatron^says driver cant be found...very old machine03:38
KelvNeFuck everbody03:38
dmsuperman!ask KelvNe03:38
ubottuFactoid ask kelvne not found03:38
dmsuperman!ask | KelvNe03:38
ubottuKelvNe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:38
IndyGunFreakcandive: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"03:38
dmsuperman!ohmy | KelvNe03:38
ubottuKelvNe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:39
glitsj16Alex135: true, i don't even remember playing realmedia for ages by the way, any errors with mplayer trying to play those ?03:39
=== kat is now known as Guest86806
Alex135Alex135: Gmplayer complains something about an audio error, but i play in KMplayer and i get sound but no video03:39
candiveIndyGunFreak, in terminal?03:39
IndyGunFreakcandive: no..lol, here in #ubuntu03:40
ximis there a good daemontools like program to mount an ISO as a filesystem in linux?03:40
tdaharshI can't install my ubuntu updates. I let it sit for four hours last night and nothing happened. I looked at the process and it said it is sleeping.03:40
dmsupermanxim: just mount it03:40
genii!iso | xim03:40
ubottuxim: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:40
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:40
dmsupermanyeah that one03:40
ximoh haha sweet03:40
glitsj16Alex135: i suppose you tried playing with the audio output prefs in mplayer already, can't think of any quick fixes i'm afraid03:41
dmsupermantdaharsh: tried running "sudo apt-get update" and making sure it's not your internet?03:41
Alex135glitsj16: well im telling Kaffeine (KDE player for just about everything) where the codecs are and seeing if that works03:41
dmsupermanI have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this process03:42
tdaharshdmsuperman, all of my other internet services are working fine.03:42
Alex135glitsj16: so much for that...03:42
Alex135glitsj16: error occured03:42
lolohow do i use ls or another program to spit back only the sub dirs and their subdirs with full path name?03:42
bahramWoow, 1248 member online!!!03:42
Alex135bahram: some are bots...03:43
arvind_khadrilolo, grep whatever you want03:43
glitsj16Alex135: i only read this http://ubuntupasuruan.wordpress.com/2008/03/02/memainkan-file-rmvb-menggunakan-mplayer/, but you probably done all that ..03:43
bahramAlex135, :D03:43
arvind_khadrilolo, what exactly do you want03:43
Alex135glitsj16: ya, thing is before when i did it it worked perfectly03:44
=== dmsuperman is now known as dmsuperman_
sigma_hey guys, i'm having very strange problems with ubuntu at the moment - perhaps triggered by an update of something. for example firefox opens to a blank tab in spite of being configure to a homepage03:44
Herissyare there any networking people here with both ubuntu and windows xp experience?03:44
Alex135glitsj16: now it doesn't....03:44
sigma_and if i press the logout button at the top right of the screen i lose my panels03:44
simonfor some reason, when logging in, GNOME just doesn't appear. a light-grey box does, but no behaviour.03:44
sigma_and dont get a logout screen03:44
arvind_khadrilolo, ls -R | grep " pattern name " > directory.txt will do03:44
sigma_did i install a bad package or something?03:44
lolojust the dirs, not files and the dirs full path name03:44
chemlabi want to set only the ip address 192.168.*.* and 192.168.*.*  can get into the my ftp acounts,and make the other ips  not get into it. how can i do this?03:44
glitsj16Ale135: always irritatignwhen things suddenly break down for no obvious reason, ah well, plenty of other media formats around ;)03:44
dmsuperman_lolo, how about "ls -R | grep ^d"03:45
c0mp13371331337sigma_: As far as firefox goes, try using File > Quit and then re-open firefox, see if it goes to your home page then.03:45
arvind_khadrilolo oh ok...03:45
jriblolo: you are better off using find in my opinion03:45
sigma_comp133713371337: nope03:45
dmsuperman_lolo: sorry, ls -al | grep ^d03:45
arvind_khadrilolo, dmsuperman_ is correct...03:45
sigma_and there are a ton of other weird things happening03:45
c0mp13371331337sigma_: Anything in the error console in firefox?03:46
CITguy08would anybody know of an SQL client that I can use to connect to an Oracle database?03:46
dmsuperman_sigma_: all sorts of bugs sounds like it's time for a reinstall to me03:46
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces03:46
arvind_khadridmsuperman_, its ls -R he needs sub dirs too :) -a shows all files and dirs in that directory03:46
sigma_i can't open the sessions window under preferences, and i had to start nm-applet manually after a full restart, and several of the systray apps were absent03:46
theFATMAN! medibuntu03:46
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:46
sigma_and after a few minutes they all loaded up, including a second nm-applet03:46
dmsuperman_lolo: ls -arl | grep ^d03:46
RedHatMattCitguy08 - What about sqldeveloper?03:46
lolols -al | grep ^d did not give me full path name ... ex /foo/bar/1 /foo/bar/boo/203:47
CITguy08RedHatMatt: is that in the repository?03:47
dmsuperman_lolo: hrm...03:47
arvind_khadrilolo, its ls -Rl | grep ^d03:47
lolols -Rl | grep ^d is no goo too :(03:47
arvind_khadrilolo, i have a doubt on whether we can fetch the path name03:47
sigma_im looking in dmesg for a problem. is there anything i should keep an eye out for03:47
RedHatMattCitguy08 - probably not. lemme check.03:48
geniidmsuperman_: I find ls -ldr *      for top then ls -ldr */* for two deep and so on works but also lists symlinks unfortunately03:48
lolo<arvind_khadri> how come>?03:48
eltopoI'll find out03:48
arvind_khadrilolo i meant we cant...but now i think sed should also be included03:48
ArtPulsehey everyone!03:49
dmsuperman_lolo: yeah...you're looking at something like a script more than a simple command03:49
* jrib wonders why lolo neglects find03:49
arvind_khadrilolo, are you good at srcipting??03:49
arvind_khadrijrib, :) his cause wont be helped with find :)03:49
noctemusing gnome the sound card/system can only handle one program at a time. is there a fix for that?03:50
jribarvind_khadri: sure it will...03:50
glitsj16CITguy08: there's http://a5exclamation.org/2008/04/14/oracle-and-tora-on-ubuntu-hardy/ .. might be helpful03:50
jribarvind_khadri: this is trivial with find03:50
loloude find with what options?03:50
arvind_khadrijrib, how??he wants to travel all over a tree...03:50
PrimoTurbois it possible to execute 2 commands at the same time?03:50
jriblolo: -type d  sounds promising...03:50
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces03:50
ArtPulsei have horrors of problems with audio in ubuntu since i've downgraded to hardy T_T03:51
jribarvind_khadri: which find does by default03:51
PrimoTurboI want to make a shortcut to CD into a folder and run a program from there03:51
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: cmd1 && cmd2 executes them one after another03:51
arvind_khadrijrib, :) reading the man pages now03:51
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: but not at the exact same moment, not really03:51
PrimoTurboexact same moment doesn't mattert03:51
jriblolo: find /your/base/path -type d   does what you want if I understand you correctly03:51
PrimoTurboI have a game called Teeworlds it has problem unless it's run from it's directory03:51
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: then "cd /some/dir && exec_cmd"03:51
PrimoTurbofrom terminal it looks like this cd /folder/teeworlds03:51
ToranWhen I'm on wireless in ubuntu, my download speed seems limited to 100kb/s down. Sometimes it jumps up to 6-7mbps (my connection max), but only rarely. It is almost always limited to exactly around 100k/sec. Other computers in my house have no problems. What's going on?03:51
lolofind -type d is so close!!!!!! just not FULL path03:51
PrimoTurbothen ./teeworlds03:51
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: "cd /folder/teeworlds && ./teeworlds"03:52
jriblolo: put the base path...03:52
dmsuperman_jrib: he wants the paths returned like /media/somedir ... /media/someotherdir ... /media/somedir/blah03:52
solexious[Q] HOw can i check what driver my wifi card is using?03:52
dmsuperman_jrib: so it gives you the full path for each dir03:52
jribdmsuperman_: find does this...03:52
dmsuperman_jrib: from what I can determine at least03:52
RedHatMattCitguy08 - Nope no package available.  You can get an RPM from oracle and install as alien.  It is possble to get it to work but will require some fiddling.03:53
PrimoTurbothsi doesnt work when I add it to execute from obmenu - "cd /home/primo/Files/Games/Teeworlds/ && ./teeworlds"03:53
dmsuperman_jrib: I'm not doubting...I haven't used it...I'm just trying to communicate what he is unable to communicate03:53
PrimoTurboit doesn't launch game it works from terminal but not as a shortcut03:53
arvind_khadrijrib, it would be something like find -type d03:53
jriblolo: find $(pwd) -type d    if you want something dynamic...03:53
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: you don't need to cd if it's as a shortcut03:53
jribdmsuperman_: oh, thanks :)03:53
rjis there any way to use win xp as wine ?03:53
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: just try making the shortcut to /home/primo/Files/Games/Teeworlds/teeworlds03:53
arvind_khadrijrib, :D we both hit at the same time03:54
Flaw^how can i get identd working, so i won't have a ~ in my ident?03:54
IdleOnePrimoTurbo, linux is case sensitive is it /teeworlds or /Teeworlds03:54
lolofind $(pwd) -type d FTW!!!!03:54
RedHatMattlolo - you can also use 'locate <file>'03:54
dmsuperman_RedHatMatt: he's trying to get a tree directory listing03:54
PrimoTurboTeeworlds directory and teeworlds file03:54
PrimoTurboI cannot make a shortcut to a folder using Openbox03:54
sun01techsolexious: did you check in administration>hardware drivers03:54
PrimoTurboi can only excute commands03:54
dyfhow do i prevent the network manager from handling my network connections?03:54
dyfi want wifi-radar to handle them03:55
Jack_Sparrowrj vbox?03:55
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: I'm saying, just make the shortcut directly to the executable03:55
joshritgerhow can I undo an update (linux-generic ( to
joshritgerlinux-headers-generic ( to
joshritgerlinux-image-generic ( to
joshritgerlinux-libc-dev (2.6.22-14.52) to 2.6.22-15.5403:55
joshritgerlinux-restricted-modules-common ( to
joshritgerlinux-restricted-modules-generic ( to
FloodBot3joshritger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
solexioussun01tech: how can i change it to madwifi?03:56
rjok will try03:56
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces03:56
PrimoTurboI cannot make a shortcut03:56
dmsuperman_joshritger: http://pastebin.com/03:56
PrimoTurboDo u not understand? I am on openbox03:56
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:56
joshritgerdoes anyone know how to undo the update for gutsy for today?03:57
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: you were telling me how you could make a shortcut to execute "cd ... && ./teeworlds"...how else would you run those cmds?03:57
sun01techsolexious: what are you trying to accomplish?03:57
PrimoTurboI use openbox menu03:57
PrimoTurboto make an execute command03:57
PrimoTurbousing obmenu03:57
arvind_khadrijoshritger,i dont think there is any way to do that....03:57
arvind_khadrijoshritger,what exactly is your prob03:58
PrimoTurboDo you understand what I mean? In openbox there is a menu that you can access using right clikc on desktop03:58
candiveIndyGunFreak, laptop run routine drive check at restart I let it run still no HDD03:58
PrimoTurboyou can add entries to it03:58
PrimoTurbobut you can only use it to execute commands03:58
PrimoTurbo"cd /home/primo/Files/Games/Teeworlds/ && ./teeworlds" doesn't work there03:58
dmsuperman_PrimoTurbo: so why don't you just make the command "/home/primo/Files/Games/Teeworlds/teeworlds"03:58
solexioussun01tech: trying to use it with kismet03:58
candiveIndyGunFreak, how do we share link03:58
PrimoTurbobecause teeworlds has errors03:58
pwolfeim trying to run a command in the terminal:    sensors | grep 'Core 0' | cut -c13-16  why does it not print anything?  it just takes me back to a prompt03:59
PrimoTurboit doesnt run correctly unless u cd into directory and run teeworlds sepratley03:59
PrimoTurbothis is what happens if you run it like you mentioned: http://www.teewars.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=84003:59
PrimoTurbonow I'm thinking how would I pass commands to a terminal03:59
pwolfewell for core 0 it works03:59
PrimoTurbomaybe I can execute a terminal and pass the cd and execute commnad to it?04:00
PrimoTurbousing gnome-terminal any ideas?04:00
pwolfecore 1 says sed: -e expression #1, char 6: unexpected `}'04:00
RedHatMattPrimo - What about (cd <dir>; ./teeworlds) ?04:00
joshritgerafter today's update to gutsy I lost my nvidia drivers, I am at the lowest screen res, can't get envy to install, the drivers from ubuntu wont help, nvidia 8800 GTS04:00
dmsuperman_joshritger: just go onto nvidia.com and download latest drivers04:00
joshritgerI dont know how to compile04:00
dmsuperman_then stop X, run then (sudo sh /path/to/driver) and then start X again04:01
=== candive is now known as candivenoob
dmsuperman_joshritger: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" to stop X and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to start it again04:01
dmsuperman_joshritger: do all three of those commands from a TTY04:01
dmsuperman_joshritger: you'll just get the driver from nvidia.com first (it'll be a .run file)04:01
ubottuFactoid share not found04:02
dmsuperman_candivenoob: !samba ?04:02
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:02
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces04:02
candivenoob! samba04:02
dmsuperman_candivenoob: no space... "!samba" without quotes04:03
sparker2000Okay... I switched to Ubuntu to see if linux would be a better option for me than windows and I'm having severe compatability issues all over the place.  How do I get my hard drive to allow me to install windows back onto it?04:03
sun01techsolexious: do you know what chip you have in your card and have you installed the restricted drivers for it? have you install madwifi in the synaptic package manager?04:03
dmsuperman_candivenoob: and "!samba > candivenoob" to get it to send the message to yourself04:03
PrimoTurboWhat command would I use to open a terminal (say gnome-terminal) and pass a command to it like cd a folder?04:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:03
PrimoTurbognome-terminal cd /folder/folder doesn't work any ideas?04:03
arvind_khadrisparker2000, compatibility with what??04:03
dmsuperman_sparker2000: just put in the windows disk and install it...but you're honestly better off trying to fix your problems with ubuntu here than installing windows again04:04
solexioussun01tech: I could only find madwifi-tools in synaptic04:04
candivenoobdmsuperman, boy am I feeling unintelligent tonight04:04
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed.04:04
sparker2000i can't get my sound card to work with wine correctly, my video settings aren't the greatest with my games...04:04
dmsuperman_candivenoob: it's no problem, just takes getting used to syntaxes of various things04:04
sparker2000I'm having to manually mount any usb drive...04:04
RedHatMattPrimoturbo - Did you try (cd <dir>; ./command) ?  With parentheses?04:05
doidinheWhy dont i have the file bacula-dir.conf on my bacula installation directory? Quite strange04:05
doidinheCant find out04:05
Alex135glitsj16: fixed it04:05
dmsuperman_sparker2000: which games? playing games in linux is generally not very good...I personally dual boot windows and ubuntu. Ubuntu is my every day OS, for serious work, then I reboot into windows to play games04:05
arvind_khadrisparker2000, one thing you must note that Linux wasnt made for games...they support a lot now...wine is still in the development stages04:05
jsquare1how do I see a log of exactly the boot/startup messages?04:05
Alex135glitsj16: had to install a huge windows 32 codec package from adept04:05
glitsj16Alex135: good news, how did you get it going ?04:06
PrimoTurbognome-terminal -e "cd /home/primo/Files/Games/Teeworlds/ && ./teeworlds" is what I have so far04:06
PrimoTurbodoesnt work04:06
dmsuperman_jsquare1: remove "quiet splash" from your grub entry04:06
jsquare1dmsuperman_: no, I mean, after booting04:06
candivenoobIndyGunFreak, thanks for help going to try recovery in windows04:06
jsquare1I can't read it scrolling by that fast =P04:06
dmsuperman_jsquare1: not sure it logs it anywhere tbh :P04:06
geniijsquare1: Usually dmesg has that stuff04:06
IndyGunFreakcandivenoob: recovery of what?04:06
Alex135glitsj16: combo of that tutorial that you found and the package called w32codecs04:06
doidinhecan someone help with bacula on ubuntu?04:06
glitsj16Alex135: lol, i'll note that down, just in case rmvb shows up on radar, thx04:06
jsquare1genli: doesn't look like it's the same stuff as the boot messages04:06
geniijsquare1: eg:   dmesg | more04:07
jsquare1one of my boot items is reporting [fail] but it scrolls by too fast to read04:07
Alex135glitsj16: its good if you like watching pokemon :P04:07
jsquare1I did dmesg | grep fail and got nothing04:07
candivenoob!samba >IndyGunFreak04:07
sun01techsolexious: is your wifi not working with the network provided by ubuntu?04:07
PrimoTurboHow would I start a new terminal and pass a command to it right away04:07
IndyGunFreakcandivenoob: ok, good luck04:07
glitsj16Alex135: there's people in the house here that might just wann ado that heh04:08
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces04:08
PrimoTurboI want to start gnome-terminal and pass cd command to it how would the execute code look like?04:08
solexioussun01tech: it is working fine with ubuntu04:08
arvind_khadriPrimoTurbo, use alt+f2 there type your command and say use in terminal04:08
vipesterive been trying to get wpa to work with 8.04, with both network manager and wicd with no luck, any tips?04:08
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: he's trying to make a shortcut to open something in terminal04:08
PrimoTurbonot using Gnome04:08
PrimoTurboI need an execute command04:08
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: but not a normal shortcut04:08
IndyGunFreakviper007: what device?04:08
bug71I recently upgraded to ubuntu 8.04.  Previously, if I inserted a cd that had mixed 'sessions' (data on one, audio on the other), I was prompted on what I wanted to do (listen to music or browse files).  That doesn't happen under 8.04, and I can't figure out how to get to the data files, only the audio tracks are available.  How do I get the old functionality back?04:09
jribPrimoTurbo: checkout 'man gnome-terminal' and the --working-directory and --comand switches04:09
arvind_khadridmsuperman_, pretty confusing////04:09
vipesterbcm4328, dell wireless 150004:09
geniijsquare1: more /var/log/messages          may also be enlightening04:09
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: he basically wants to do the functionality you suggested in a single shortcut04:09
webcamwonderAny ideas on howto increase the usplash timeout?04:10
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: I think jrib's suggestion may have just sorted him out though04:10
arvind_khadridmsuperman_, :D ask him to go to gnome then...04:10
pwolfecan someone help me develop a command that will grep sensors and only return the temps of my 4 cores?04:10
RedHatMattPrimoturbo - gnome-terminal -e "(cd <dir>; ./command)"04:10
arvind_khadripwolfe, lmsesnors | grep "Temp"04:11
zeei have multiple ip adreses, but whenever i for example surg the web my public ip adress is same04:11
bestpvphow do u format a 500 gb usb drive to linux partition?04:11
PrimoTurboRedHatMatt I get "there was an error creating child proccess for this terminal"04:11
zeecan i choose what adress i want to use somehow?04:11
dmsuperman_bestpvp: gparted is the easiest way04:11
DARKGuyHey, anybody knows if there is any program similar to TortoiseSVN but for Linux, that integrates into Nautilus? I know I have RapidSVN, but I want something more... integrated. Any ideas? ^_^04:11
dmsuperman_bestpvp: format it using either the "ext2" or"ext3" filesystem04:12
bsucomplabhello everyone.. i cant run a 3D test on POL?04:12
webcamwonderAny ideas on howto increase the usplash timeout?04:12
arvind_khadribestpvp, cfdisk too is useful04:12
bsucomplabcan some1 pls help me?04:12
pwolfearvind_khadri: that gives me the sys temps, but not the temps of the individual cores04:12
bestpvpwhat command do i use?04:12
arvind_khadri!ask bsucomplab04:12
ubottuFactoid ask bsucomplab not found04:12
dmsuperman_!patience | bsucomplab04:12
ubottubsucomplab: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:12
arvind_khadripwolfe, grep core too :)04:12
dmsuperman_bestpvp: "sudo gparted"04:12
geniiwebcamwonder: Add to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/usplash something like: TIMEOUT = 30   (or what number you like)    then rebuild the initramfs. You'll need the initramfs-tools installed04:12
arvind_khadridmsuperman_, gksu gparted bestpvp04:13
zeeif i have multiple ip addresses can i choose which one will be my public address when i surf04:13
pubDoes anyone have java working on ubuntu? like applets that run in firefox browser04:13
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: yeah, whoops I always forget that04:13
dmsuperman_bestpvp: what he said, gksu not sudo04:13
arvind_khadridmsuperman_, thats ok :) happens04:13
webcamwondergenii: where do you recommend, right at the end of the config file?04:13
bestpvpit doesnt show up in cfdisk04:14
geniiwebcamwonder: Yes. Make sure you have a newline at end of file04:14
=== bsucomplab is now known as PoGzTImz
sun01techsolexious: this might help or give guidance:  http://www.twistedethics.com/2007/04/25/how-to-setup-kismet-in-ubuntu-704/     http://www.wi-fiplanet.com/tutorials/article.php/359553104:14
arvind_khadribestpvp, sudo cfdisk /dev/hda04:14
webcamwondergenii: after the ending of the if?04:14
arvind_khadribestpvp, is that drive a new unformatted one??04:14
solexioussun01tech: thank you04:15
PoGzTImzcan some1 pls help me with 3D graphics acceleration?04:15
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces04:15
geniiwebcamwonder: put the entry before the if04:15
bug71how do select a specific session to view on a cd that has multiple sessions?04:15
geniiwebcamwonder: On a separate line04:15
pwolfethat just returns coretemp-isa-0000, but not the temp itself04:15
=== tato is now known as tatofoo
webcamwondergenii: ok, using a previous guide, I did try usplash_write "TIMEOUT 120" and also tried /sbin/usplash...04:16
pwolfedmsuperman, that sounds like you have remnants of old drivers04:16
webcamwondergenii: didn't seem to work04:16
webcamwondergenii: drops to console after mouning swap04:16
arvind_khadridmsuperman_,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41806404:16
dmsuperman_pwolfe: already removed every single nvidia related package and uninstalled completely, to no avail04:16
jos1 does anyone know of a way to transfer mp3s from a linux box to a ps3 over a network?04:16
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: not related to my problem...at least from what I can tell. I'm almost positive it's not my xorg.conf04:18
dmsuperman_arvind_khadri: thanks though :D04:18
geniiwebcamwonder: Doesn't sound like some usplash issue04:18
webcamwondergenii: is it suppose to be in the format of TIMEOUT = 120 or usplash_write "TIMEOUT 120"?04:19
bestpvphow do i mount /dev/sdd?04:19
dmsuperman_!mount | bestpvp04:19
ubottubestpvp: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:19
dmsuperman_bestpvp: it basically boils down to mount -t TYPE /dev/sdd /mount_point04:20
dmsuperman_bestpvp: where TYPE is usually vfat for FAT32, ntfs-3g for NTFS, ext3, etc.04:20
geniiwebcamwonder: According to manpage of usplash_write, for that command is TIMEOUT 120              for instance. But I'm not talking of the usplash directly. I'm speaking of the config file initramfs will use to configure it. Where the syntax there is TIMEOUT = 12004:20
webcamwondergenii: ok, let me give timeout=120 a shot and rebuild my image04:21
webcamwondergenii: thanks for your help04:21
coldboot|homeDoes anyone know of a third-party repository without stupidly out of date ffmpeg and mplayer?04:21
geniiwebcamwonder: np. I hope it takes. I'll be here a little while longer04:21
joshritgerdmsuperman: that will not work, it mentioned linux header problems, I believe that is what was updated today, anyway to go back to the previous version?04:21
bestpvpso after cfdisk u can mount?04:22
dmsuperman_coldboot|home: as far as I know ffmpeg's last update was like 2001 or 200204:22
coldboot|homedmsuperman_: Yes, that's what's reflected in the Ubuntu packages, they update subversion every now and then.04:22
dmsuperman_bestpvp: you can mount any disk any time, so long as it has a filesystem04:22
dmsuperman_coldboot|home: on sourceforge the last update is like 2001 i think...i've never really had problems with it so i never feel the need to update anyway :P04:23
joshritgerdmsuperman_: that will not work, it mentioned linux header problems, I believe that is what was updated today, anyway to go back to the previous version?04:23
bestpvpso if i wanted to mount ext3 /dev/sdd what would i tpye?04:23
dmsuperman_joshritger: you mean roll back updates? There's no way as far as I know04:24
dmsuperman_bestpvp: mount -t ext3 /dev/sdd /PATH/TO/MOUNT/POINT04:24
dmsuperman_bestpvp: the mount point is usually a folder inside /media04:24
joshritgerthere are alot of issues with dependencies with what was updated, envy wont install because build-essential wont install04:24
Metatron^can anyone suggest how to get my xorg setup, old ati card, no gnome, xorg.conf has all default vaules, no values for card, have tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and sudo xdebconfigurator, the later seems to show correct values but they are not added to xorg.conf04:24
YumariI have a Geforce 6600 GT.  When I got into Visual Effects and select normal or extra I get a error saying "The Composite extension is not available".  any ideas?04:25
dmsuperman_Metatron^: perhaps it's just auto-detecting correctly?04:25
dmsuperman_I have a nvidia 7900 GS KO video card. I have downloaded several different versions of the driver, all of which have (at some point in time) worked, so it's not that they're incompatible. Whenever I reboot, I have low settings mode. Stopping X, reinstalling the driver (even the same one I already have downloaded), and starting X again makes the whole thing run smoothly. Once I reboot again, however, I must run through this proces04:25
Metatron^dmsuperman_: other distro's i get an xorg with ati driver, or mach64 driver, and im missing a higher resolution i can run on other distro's04:26
PoGzTImzis there a way i can test 3D graphics in Ubuntu?04:26
bestpvpwell it has a linux partion04:26
coldboot|homedmsuperman_: They don't use sourceforge. Nevermind.04:26
Metatron^im dling the flglxr driver now, but without the basic driver im dubious04:26
bestpvpbut it says wrong filesystem04:26
webcamwonderok, thats weird04:27
webcamwonderthat didn't work either04:27
bestpvplogical linux04:27
geniiwebcamwonder: :(04:27
webcamwondergenii: yeah :(04:27
mrealtimeAny reason why knetworkmanager keeps requiring me to choose Hex key instead of passphrase?04:27
webcamwondergenii: I am on ubuntu through wubi, any connections?04:27
webcamwondergenii: ok nvm, I guess I can live with the console04:29
webcamwondergenii: lived long enough with it while programming on windows04:29
acee1234firefox 3 seems to be truncating several websites im trying to view and ie views them just fine. any fixes for these issues? drop down menus also dont always come to the top layer04:29
geniiwebcamwonder: dO YOU KNOW HOW TO APPLY PATCHES?04:29
geniiBah capslock04:30
pizzledizzleoh hai04:30
webcamwondergenii: by patches you mean? I am fairly new to linux04:30
bug71how do select a specific session to view on a cd that has multiple sessions?04:30
pizzledizzleanyone know why when i try to play wmv files it goes really choppy?04:30
bestpvpmount -t ext3 /dev/sdd /media/usb104:30
mrealtimepizzledizzle: low on memory?04:31
bestpvpthat wont work for some reason04:31
pizzledizzlemrealtime, nope04:31
geniiwebcamwonder: A patch is basically a change you want to make to a file, in a file of it's own. You apply that to the file you want to change. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/214271 has a patch which might fix your issue04:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214271 in initramfs-tools "Usplash timeout too low in script/local_premount/resume : stop usplash" [Undecided,New]04:31
pizzledizzlesomeone help. i got bunch of porn in wmv format and i can't watch it in linux :(04:32
webcamwondergenii: yeah, patched many things in windows :p going to see the term first time in linux :P04:32
webcamwonderpizzledizzle: do you have the codecs installed?04:32
chuckhi, i'm getting this after running Gentoo's LDAP migration tools, any ideas?04:32
chuckroot@uranium:/usr/share/migrationtools# ldapadd -D "cn=manager,dc=unixpod,dc=com" -W -x -f /tmp/base.ldif04:32
chuckEnter LDAP Password:04:32
chuckadding new entry "dc=padl,dc=com"04:32
chuckldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: no global superior knowledge04:32
FloodBot3chuck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
axisysis there a pkg for djbdns ?04:32
pizzledizzlewebcamwonder, i don't know which codecs to install. i installed few gstream codecs i think04:33
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed.04:33
axisysapt-cache search djbdns did not find any04:33
webcamwonderpizzledizzle: I personally prefer just getting vlc, you don't require installing other codecs04:33
punzadavlc & mplayer are both win04:33
webcamwonderpizzledizzle: Also make sure that the videos you are trying to watch are indeed not choppy really04:33
webcamwonderpunzada: i agree mplayer and vlc and kill any other players out there04:34
pizzledizzlewebcamwonder, i tried vlc too. same result. it starts ok but then when there's a lot of motion it gets choppy04:34
webcamwonderpizzledizzle: Have you played this file perfectly on another media player somewhere else?04:34
pizzledizzleworks fine on windows04:34
newbee617a quesion , anyone uses f-spot to upload pictures to picasa? when i upload 500 pictures ,the f-spot crashes04:35
pizzledizzlewebcamwonder, er it's fine on windows04:35
lvlefistoThere is a vulnerability on firefox04:35
MasterShrekanyone konw how i can put linuxmce on ubuntu 8.04?04:36
bestpvphey how do i mount format dev/sdd to ext3?04:36
lvlefistowhen is it planned to fix it in the port for ubuntu?04:36
webcamwonderpizzledizzle: are you trying to seek the file in vlc?04:36
pizzledizzlewebcamwonder, i tried with seeking and without. same deal04:36
webcamwonderpizzledizzle: this is where my linux knowledge ends, sorry :(04:36
webcamwondergenii: so you suggest me applying this patch to the scripts/resume?04:37
geniiwebcamwonder: First I would make a backup, but yes04:38
Jack_Sparrow bestpvp if you are trying to fromat sdd to ext3 use gparted or mkfs04:38
newbee617anyone uses f-spot?04:38
metalpresok, so the question thats been answered a billion times, can someone just give me a quick opinion,  is there really any benefit to using the amd64 version over the i386 version?, and is there any drawbacks?04:38
webcamwondergenii: given that it is not hampering my proficiency in any manner, would it be advisable to not?04:38
gatenpizzledizzle:  u can convert wmvs to avis like this:  mencoder FILE.WMV -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o FILE.AVI04:39
orpheanmetalpres: benefit would be able to access all installed ram (ie, you have 4 gigs, you can use 4 gigs). there might be possible drivers issues depending on your hardware however I have not run into them yet (which doesn't mean they don't exist)04:39
orpheanmetalpres: if you don't have 4 gigs or more of memory there's not much point for now imo.04:40
webcamwondergenii: ok second question, is it normal for automount to take ages for a usb drive of 30 gigs?04:40
geniiwebcamwonder: If it fails horribly you can boot to recovery mode, reinstate the original file and rerun the initramfs04:40
geniiwebcamwonder: No.04:40
webcamwonderok, I will give this a shot later on04:40
bestpvphow do u start QTParted?04:40
metalpresorphean: ok thanks,  thats kind of what i was thinking04:40
webcamwondergenii: and does the automount mount fat32 as readonly in hardy by default?04:40
geniiwebcamwonder: Offhand I can't recall default vfat mount options04:41
theLichKinghow do i start the wpa_supplicant service?04:41
webcamwondergenii: wait, so gnome-volume-mount still uses my fstab for automount?04:41
geniiwebcamwonder: Yes.04:42
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:42
ubottuFactoid qtparted not found04:43
webcamwondergenii: and, would automount fall back to readonly mount if it detected some corrupt filesystem or the partition was marked as dirty>?04:43
Yumarii need a program that, on boot, will convert my hard drive from whatever format it is to Fat32 or NTFS.  Any suggestions?04:43
bug71I recently upgraded to ubuntu 8.04.  Previously, if I inserted a cd that had mixed 'sessions' (data on one, audio on the other), I was prompted on what I wanted to do (listen to music or browse files).  That doesn't happen under 8.04, and I can't figure out how to get to the data files, only the audio tracks are available.  How do I get the old functionality back?04:43
ubottuFactoid mkfs not found04:44
onthefence928hey does anybody know how to make linux mount a drive as soon as it boots?04:44
Jack_SparrowYumari All I can ask is why?04:44
geniiwebcamwonder: Yes, default behaviour normally in corrupt scenario is to mount rw if possible (for almost all fs)04:44
new2linuxhey guys, how to download all the repositories for ubuntu? i mean all the updates or certain updates, for future use without having to download it again04:44
onthefence928as in part of teh boot process04:44
geniiwebcamwonder: ro   rather04:44
Bob_SagotQuestion: How do I access the screens and graphics tool in 8.04?04:44
webcamwonderontheface928: you need to place the config in your fstab04:45
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 create a mount point and add it to fstab04:45
onthefence928Jack_Sparrow: ok, and how do i do that exactly?04:45
bestpvpgees 15 years of linux and still had to deal with a simple drive04:46
webcamwondergenii: any chances of dosfsck completely corrupting the data on my external hdd?04:46
acee1234how do i get IE installed on ubuntu, i have my reasons.?04:46
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 create a mount point sudo mkdir /media/descriptivenameofwhatisonthedrive04:46
geniiwebcamwonder: No idea on that04:46
rjwhat happened to the network manager  on 7.4 my wireless worked  7.10 and beyond does not.04:46
bestpvpy can't linux get away from the commands04:47
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 what partition is it.. sda1 or what?04:47
webcamwondergenii: great thanks, and it might seem as if I am too nagging, but few more questions04:47
webcamwondergenii: if fine with you04:47
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 sudo fdisk -l   if you need to look04:47
geniiwebcamwonder: Almost midnight here and need sleep soon :) But if they are brief or so04:47
webcamwondergenii: want to get started on programming in linux04:47
Jack_Sparrowacee1234 /join #winehq04:48
webcamwondergenii: background of C++ (noob almost), c# and VB.net... recommendations?04:48
bestpvpor maybe god just cursed me with a pos brain :(04:48
geniiwebcamwonder: I'd suggest visiting #ubuntu-devel and enquiring along the C/C++ veins then04:48
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder bash and python04:48
webcamwonderjack_sparrow: bash is the linux shell if I am not mistaken?04:48
geniiwebcamwonder: A lot of things are scripted in bash on linux04:49
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder scripting is quite useful and will be easy place to see some progress as you learn linux general commands04:49
webcamwonderjack_sparrow, and what about more... robust like... rapid application development... using GUI and stuff?04:50
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed. Help please04:50
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder there way pyqt04:50
webcamwonderjack_sparrow: pardon me?04:50
bestpvpsomeone shoot me04:51
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder pyqt  it is a qucik gui rapid deployment setup..  I hate to say google it .. but I dont have a link handy04:51
chuck0/w 3004:51
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder sorry for the typing but I smushed a finger today04:51
Ne0_WizArdi got a question how can i speedup my internet speed ?!?04:51
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: oh, I guess I am good with that... I do ask people to google things as well :d...04:52
Jack_SparrowI try to avoid telling people that04:52
geniiNe0_WizArd: For firefox, the addon fasterfox works quite well to tweak04:52
Ne0_WizArdthanks and where can i get that04:52
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: Qt would be the development towards KDE environment? What about Gnome an dGDE?04:53
Metatron^Ne0_WizArd: what connection do you have?  obvious answer, buy more bandwith,  tweaking mtu can help sometimes, but is usually handled automatically correctly04:53
Ne0_WizArdi have cable04:53
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder things are quite interchangeable these days. I run several kde apps in gnome like k3b and konversation04:53
Ne0_WizArdbut am not sure about the speed04:53
Metatron^if mtu is incorrect, fixing can have a significant effect.04:53
Proseis there a hard drive read/write test ?04:54
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: hmm thanks...04:54
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder ig you are in gnome.. apt-get something like ksudoku..  just for fun04:55
Ne0_WizArdthe thing is that i an upgrading to the newest version of ubuntu04:55
webcamwonderand last (maybe not), is there a utility to easily see the free disk space in all the mounted points04:55
Ne0_WizArdand it taking a long time04:55
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: yeah using Wubi, was able to mess around with Ubuntu quite a lot04:55
jc__EvilDennisR: I think you were helping me out this morn with my openoffice stuff - if so thanks I got it fixed finally04:55
geniiNe0_WizArd: Apologies. Fasterfox is not available for version 3 of firefox, only version 2. But if you have that, can still get it, from: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/126904:55
s_spiffNe0_WizArd: if i may ask.. why do u wanna upgrade? and not a fresh install?04:55
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder df -h04:55
Metatron^im running ubuntu without gnome, i need a file search utility but cant seem to find one, suggestions? something other than cat or grep with a gui, and options a result as text would be great04:56
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: great, they should make a GUI assisted CLI04:56
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder Do a regular install asap04:56
linuxfceubuntu is fun04:56
Metatron^maybe i need to get rox-filer04:56
Ne0_WizArds_spiff> do u think it would be better04:56
Ne0_WizArdthanks genii04:56
geniiNe0_WizArd: The speed on upgrade depends on other things. Primarily how close the repository is physically to you.04:57
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: Just got into Ubuntu, wanted to rip it apart first in order to see its stability04:57
s_spiffNe0_WizArd: well.. quite a few complaints wrt upgrades.. doesn't  rule out issues in a fresh install, but A clean install seems more sensible to me. you can ofcourse back up your stuff and then do a fresh install.. and then restore your data.04:57
Ne0_WizArdwhat would be best04:57
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder hardware support is the big issue.. if you plan on using ubuntu and you are buying hardware it is easy. fighting an unsupported device is not fun04:58
Ne0_WizArdthe thing is that04:58
danbhfivewebcamwonder: I tried to make one, but the project is floundering atm04:58
danbhfivewebcamwonder: there are several other projects too...04:58
linuxfcei always do a fresh install04:58
Ne0_WizArdi updated my system today and after updating the system need a restart and i did after that my resolutiuon went all wrong why would that be04:59
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder when you setp your system.. create an extra partition for /home..  you will thank me later04:59
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: and then mount it in my fstab?04:59
mrealtimewebcamwonder: they do make GUI assisted CLI04:59
Metatron^Ne0_WizArd: the restricted vidoe driver might have gotten disabled04:59
linuxfceim on my psp with pspirc04:59
jc__I've got a spare HD I want to install windows on and make this computer a dual boot, is it easier to install windows with all the drives already installed and then reinstall grub, or remove my ubuntu drives, install windows and then tell grub where to find windows?04:59
webcamwondermrealtime: oh, the irony!04:59
Ne0_WizArdi have already checked on that04:59
Ne0_WizArdand it says that it is in use05:00
danbhfivejc__: imho, the first option05:00
linuxfcei type so slow on this thing05:00
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder dont bother with /home until you lose wubi...  you can do a regular install without setting up the extra /home but it isnt hard to do inside the installer05:00
geniiwebcamwonder: Any more questions before I depart?05:01
s_spiffNe0_WizArd: edit xorg.conf to whatever resolution you want.. should become sticky.05:01
jc__danbhfive: is that because windows will complain to much if it do it the second way?05:01
webcamwondergenii: no not now, thank you very much for your help05:01
Jack_Sparrowjc__ just install windows and fix grub..05:01
afallenhopeanyone able to help me out? I checked the forums and I'm a bit lost. With the sony eye toy... when I try to insert the module I get the following message:insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/extra/ov51x-jpeg.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module05:02
geniiwebcamwonder: You're welcome and best of luck05:02
metalpresis ff3 final in the hardy repos yet or is it still a seperate install?05:02
danbhfivejc__: no, grub will complain05:02
Ne0_WizArds_spiff i dont know how to do that05:02
s_spiffmetalpres: its in the repos already05:02
webcamwondergenii: thank you, I don't remember how long ago I had this much of fun playuing with OS :D05:02
s_spiffdo u have nvidia?05:02
Flanneljc__: Windows doesn't pay attention to GRUB in your MBR and overwrites it.  The other way around, GRUB plays nice.  But you just have to reinstall GRUB to your MBR if you install windows later05:02
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder it gets even better...05:02
Metatron^Ne0_WizArd: open term and type xrandr, it will show the resolutions it thinks are avialable05:02
Metatron^xrandr --help might help too05:03
jc__Jack_Sparrow: danbhfive : Oh OK then thats what I'll do, There's a webpage in the ubuntu docs that will tell me how to reinstall grub right? should I back up the current grub before I do anything?05:03
Ne0_WizArdand what do i do next05:03
Metatron^if your resolution isnt shown, something happend to xorg or the driver05:03
Jack_Sparrowjc__ dont worry about grub05:03
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:04
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: ok, now do you have any experience in the field of video editing?05:04
Ne0_WizArdit does show 800x60005:04
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder tons.. but I cheat and dual boot05:04
danbhfive!fixgrub > jc__05:04
Flanneljc__: Its only overwriting a small part of GRUB, so your menu config will be untouched, etc05:04
s_spiffNe0_WizArd: ok great.. open up a terminal and enter : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.confback  then go to System > Admin > Nvidia Server Settings05:04
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: doesn't matter, got vista on my laptop... here is myt problem05:04
Flanneljc__: first link that Ubotu just gave will give you instructions on fixing it05:04
gooodyhow can i share drives in a network?05:04
afallenhopeAnyone got any ideas05:05
ZoiksI am playing around with virtualbox. Is there anyway that I can get virtualbox to virtualise an already installed xp partition05:05
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: PVR produces non-standard TS files... with varialble frames rates skipping from 24000/1001 - 30000/100105:05
Jack_Sparrow!samba > gooody05:05
jc__cool thanks05:05
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: tried almost eveyrhting, quick way to fix it without reencoding?05:05
Metatron^!samba >Metatron^05:06
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder if the pvr isnt giving you a standard ts file you will need to re-encode.. I dont know a way around it.05:06
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow, aww that almost means hours and hours to waste...05:06
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder my pioneer works just fine05:06
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow: ok, reencoding preferred software?05:07
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed. Help please05:07
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder I have two pvrs both pioneer.. that give me great files.. I use studio8 for most things.05:07
afallenhopedon't know how but I seemed to have fixed it05:07
afallenhopethanks for nothin lol.05:07
robuntuI installed the latest video drivers via Envy, but when i restart it brings up the nvidia splash screen and it hiccups a little and then it puts me in low graphics mode and refers to the xorg.conf.failsafe config file.05:08
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder There are some hard core command line tools but they are not very user friendly05:08
rungssanyone upgraded to Firefox 3 Release in Hardy???05:08
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow Actually I am kinda in love with mencoder05:08
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder ffmpg05:08
gooodyJack_Sparrow: can i view shared folders in windows here in my ubuntu system?05:09
webcamwondergooody: yes05:09
Jack_Sparrowgooody I sent you the link for samba05:09
hittingpilothello, i'm having having system freezing problems since i installed compiz manager05:09
Bob_SagotI need help, I cant configure my laptop's onboard screen to display the GUI when I install the nvidia driver05:09
Jack_Sparrowgooody if you are talking about partitions on the same computer.. that is didfferent05:09
gooodyJack_Sparrow: i am more familiar with the windows way of sharing folders in a network.05:10
|Juan|I have a main user whos session I keep always open. Then I have a second user for anyone else who wants to use the computer. Since I upgraded to Hardy, whenever the second user logs in after my user's session is locked, it comes to a point when that second user is taken to the gdm screen, re-authenticates and continues with its session while mine is killed. Help please05:10
Jack_Sparrowgooody this isnt windows..  read up on samba.. it isnt hard05:11
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gooodyJack_Sparrow: OK. thanks for the support. i'll try using samba.05:12
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder I am at the end of a long day here 15 hours or so.. I am calling it a night05:13
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow Awesome! Thanks for all your help!05:13
Metatron^how can i enable restriced video driver from command line05:13
webcamwonderSo any other Linux Literate left? :d05:13
pubDoes anyone have java working on ubuntu? like applets that run in firefox browser05:13
Daisuke_Laptopyou start by not using envy - it's responsible for eating children and burning villages05:14
Daisuke_Laptop!info sun-java6-plugin | pub05:14
ubottupub: sun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB05:14
hittingpilothello, i'm having having system freezing problems since i installed compiz manager05:15
orpheanMetatron^: For nVidia: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new for ATI: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx OR (if you have a newer card) apt-get-install xorg-driver-fglrx-envy05:16
armonhi,all, I have a serial port, under windows it works, but under Ubuntu7.10, it doesn't work~any idea?05:17
Metatron^ok dling fglrx now (not envy) envy doesnt work on this card05:17
Metatron^its ati05:17
Metatron^and its very old05:17
hittingpilotarmon:what's the problem?05:18
blknyteI don't have one specifically05:19
Alecsandrohowi can exit the grafic mode and log on terminal mode?05:19
robuntuI installed the latest video drivers via Envy, but when i restart it brings up the nvidia splash screen and it hiccups a little and then it puts me in low graphics mode and refers to the xorg.conf.failsafe config file.05:20
pub<Daisuke_Laptop> ; i already attempted to install that05:20
armonhittingpilot,  my serial port under windows can send and recive signals , but under ubuntu7.10 can't send or recive anything05:20
pubit doesn't work :/05:20
jc__Hey one more quick question about install windows an the second HD, I currently have ubuntu installed in a raid (software raid, not fake raid) and my /boot is also on the raid, that shouldn't be a problem should it?05:20
Jack_SparrowMetatron^ The 'fglrx'driver does not support cards earlier than the 9500.05:21
Danish989where is the 'what is the best' channel? I forgot the name ..05:21
pub0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 47 not upgraded.          how do i ugrade via terminal?05:21
Jack_Sparrowjc__ yes.. I would expect problems05:21
orpheanpub: sudo aptitude safe-upgrade is one method.05:22
MSVU123hello, i have a question05:22
danbhfivepub dist-upgrade05:22
Danish989What was the name of the room with the 'what is' bot?05:22
will01i plugged my friends zune into a hardy 64 bit installation. it wasnt detected at all by the os, but now it doesnt work, any ideas as to what mighta went wrong/05:22
jc__Jack_Sparrow: bummer, ok what kind of problems?05:22
Alecsandrorobuntu: but envyhave the 169 driver and nvidia site hada 173 ..05:22
armonhittingpilot, I used  dmesg | grep ttyS* ,   serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A, serial8250: ttyS2 at I/O 0x3e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A,is it correct?05:22
soldatsAlecsandro: press and hold "ctrl+alt+f3" this will get you a terminal when you want to get back to the gui press "ctrl+alt+f7"05:22
=== Bob_Sagot is now known as AForcedRecursive
Jack_Sparrowjc__ I could not beging to guess.. but I can almost guarantee.. it will not go smoothly05:23
pubalright, thank you orphean ` danbhfive05:23
Danish989can anyone tell me what the name of the room was with the bot that tells you what the best application is, by the poll?05:23
MSVU123i have two graphics cards on my system (Stamina & Speed) when i tried to move from one to the other the system adjusted the resolution by itself and now i only can use a small window in the centre of the screen, how can i change that ?? or is there is system restore point ??05:24
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:24
zack1403hey all, what is the best way to find out if my microphone is working properly?  Skype cant detect it and I'm not sure how to test it05:24
devilhey zack05:24
deviltype alsamixer05:24
devilin the console05:25
jc__Jack_Sparrow: because of the raid I'm guessing, when I set up this machine I had read mixed reports about including /boot in the raid, in the end it made sense to do it, but I know when I install windows it going to see three different drives not a raid05:25
devilwait you want to test it, go to applications -> sound and video -> sound recorder05:25
devilthat should help you test05:25
MSVU123hello any help !!! plzzzzzzzzzz05:26
robuntuI just installed the latest version of video drivers via Envy but when i reboot the nvidia splash screen comes up, hicups a little then goes into lo graphics mode, and then refers to the xorg.conf.failsafe.05:26
zack1403devil: excellent thank you for your help!05:26
armon I used  dmesg | grep ttyS* ,   serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A, serial8250: ttyS2 at I/O 0x3e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A,is it correct?05:26
gaminggeekMSVU123: whats your problem?05:26
zack1403devil: looks like its  not being detected :\05:26
devilyou're welcome05:26
MSVU123i have two graphics cards on my system (Stamina & Speed) when i tried to move from one to the other the system adjusted the resolution by itself and now i only can use a small window in the centre of the screen, how can i change that ?? or is there is system restore point ??05:26
gaminggeekhmm that odd05:26
devilthen you probably need to mess around. system->preferences - > sound05:26
robuntuany ideas?05:27
devilzack> does it give you an error message or just doesn't do anything?05:27
gaminggeekgo to the screen res screen dialog and see if changing it to say 1042 and then back again works05:27
MSVU123i just wanna go back to my old resolution !!05:27
anmarHey guys. I am on ubuntu hardy and when I play a youtube movie, sounds doesn't come out of rhythmic box until I quite firefox.  Shouldn't we be able to play both at the same time? Not sure if this is a setting or a bug. Help?05:27
gaminggeekWhat graphics card are they?05:27
zack1403devil: it just doesnt give me any sound05:27
devilzack > just go to console , type alsamixer05:28
zack1403devil: ill chec dmesg to see if its detected period05:28
zack1403no levels in alsamixer05:28
devilhit tab05:28
deviland check for the microphone options05:28
MSVU123i moved to Nividia05:28
robuntuI just installed the latest version of video drivers via Envy but when i reboot the nvidia splash screen comes up, hicups a little then goes into lo graphics mode, and then refers to the xorg.conf.failsafe.05:28
gaminggeekrobuntu: are you having the same problem as MSVU123?05:28
MSVU123like there is 2 graphics cards05:28
MSVU123and you can move between them using a button05:29
robuntugaminggeek: no, lol05:29
MSVU123i don't know if that helps05:29
zack1403devil: there is a full bar for the mic section but no bars in the two input source areas05:29
gaminggeekrobuntu: dont use ENVY its bad05:29
deviljust press spacebar05:29
devilwhen you are on the mic05:29
robuntugaminggeek: what should i use?05:29
devilhaving volume doesn't necessarily mean its enabled05:29
gaminggeekjust the ubuntu package05:29
MSVU123how to go to screen ??05:29
unavailableso has anyone fixed the sound in trackmania??05:30
robuntugaminggeek: how do i use the ubuntu package now05:30
gaminggeekunavailable: are you using wine to play trackmainia05:30
MSVU123i couldn't it only has 800 x 60005:30
zack1403devil: it doesnt do anything when i hit space bar, it does for the two capture sections though05:30
MSVU123and 600 x 46005:30
devilwell boost up the capture sections05:30
gaminggeekMSVU123: hmm that odd05:31
jc__robuntu: I've never had a problem with Envy, but if its giving you problems I would remove it and revert back to the official nvidia drivers05:31
unavailablegaminggeek yep05:31
puborphean ` danbhfive         http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml05:31
selocoli keep on losing my wireless internet connection? can someone help me out? i entered essid, selected WPA personal and input a key. this works, but after a while, i lose my connection05:31
pubwhen i go here, it says STart: applet not initialized05:31
gaminggeekunavailable: ask in #winehq05:31
pubdoes anyone have JAva working on ubuntu?  ?05:31
dmseg<selocol> please xplain well05:31
Jack_Sparrowjc__ envy from online is different than envyng from our repos05:31
robuntujc__: how the old ones were giving me issues as well05:31
gaminggeekMSVU123: are you using the nvidia driver?05:31
dmseg<pub> icedtea is jave platfrom on linux05:31
robuntujc__: what do you recomend05:32
jc__true, I've only used envyng from our repos05:32
lsi installed java on my system05:32
zack1403devil: i just have louder static now :)05:32
gaminggeekMSVU123: try using nvidia settings05:32
pubdmseg, must i restart after i sudo apt-get it ?05:32
Jack_Sparrowjc__ once they use envy from online, the results are VERY mixed after that05:32
selocoldmseg: i gave all the details already. i just input my connection details in the properties window of wireless connections, but after a while, i lose my connection05:32
robuntu I just installed the latest version of video drivers via Envy but when i reboot the nvidia splash screen comes up, hicups a little then goes into lo graphics mode, and then refers to the xorg.conf.failsafe.05:32
devileven i had the same problem i tried a lot of permutations and combinations in alsamixer05:32
devilbefore i got it to work05:32
deviltry enabling only one capture05:32
gaminggeekbtw anyone here with an intel sound card got it to work05:33
jc__robuntu: use the envy command to remove it05:33
devilif that doesn't work try the other05:33
dmseg<pub> afetr an apt-get install you will have to restar your system in order to invoke init.d05:33
robuntuto remove the drivers?05:33
gaminggeekI followed something in the forum because my sound was barley audible and now I have no sound :/05:33
jc__Jack_Sparrow: so it sounds like even removing envy can cause problems?05:33
zack1403devil: ah gotcha, ill give it some different combinations05:33
lshelp me on installing mac os x in ubuntu using vmware software05:33
Jack_Sparrowjc__ It doesnt remove cleanly..05:34
gaminggeekls I have heard that mac os doesnt like working in a VM but I could be wroung05:34
MarshalAny one got info on Ubucon Ohio 08?05:34
webcamwonderAwesome, My PVR drive just died05:34
dmseg<selocol> do youcahnge in distance ort is it atime out to your ap05:34
=== Marshal is now known as plop1234
devilanyone here has experience with nvidia card on ubuntu and dual displays?05:34
gaminggeekI do05:35
devili got xinerama enabled and compiz doesn't work05:35
gaminggeekwhats your problem devil?05:35
dmseg<devil> ndivia will cause a lot of problems in xorg05:35
gaminggeekIIRC xinerama doesnt work with nvidia they have thier own version05:35
selocoldmseg: im not sure what you mean by change in distance. my apps timeout, yeah05:35
devilthe moment i turn xinerama off, i am able to use hardware acceleration05:35
Jack_Sparrowdevil Do yo have an nvidia video card?05:35
gaminggeekdevil: turn it off05:35
devilyeah there is a bug, was wondering if anyone knows workarounds for it05:35
robuntuDoes anyone have recomendations on how to install the latest Nvidia drivers, ive had issues with envy and using just the .run files, i always get reverted to low graphics mode05:35
jc__robuntu: try envy --uninstall-all, and backup your xorg conf file05:35
deviljack> yes i do.05:36
devil8800 GTS05:36
gaminggeekdevil: and go into the nvidia setting gui and try set it up in there its alot easier05:36
pubdmseg,. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml can you go to that page and see what happens05:36
devilyup did that05:36
pubdmseg, i have been trying to get java to work for 3 days now05:36
Jack_Sparrowdevil xinerama cannot work with compiz (or any other composite manager) on nvidia05:36
robuntujc__: than what05:36
thenindonesian here??05:36
devilok so i guess thats it. have to live without compiz05:36
lsgaminggeek : i heard that it's possible to install mac os x using vmware05:36
deviltill nvidia fixes it up or something05:36
bazhang!id | then05:36
ubottuthen: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:36
gaminggeekls: ok then05:37
gaminggeekls: look on google that might have a tutorial or something that you can follow05:37
jc__robuntu: that is supposed to remove the driver and revert back to the normal one, but I've heard it does not always work, but I would give it a try anyway05:37
devilanyone found it weird that there is no Opera in the package manager, or is it something wrong with my version?05:37
Jack_Sparrowdevil opera has issues05:38
jbroomego download it from their site05:38
Jack_Sparrowit was pulled from hardy05:38
devili find firefox pretty sluggish,05:38
zack1403devil: even ff 3?05:38
Jack_Sparrowdevil dont expect to get flash running with opera...05:38
jc__robuntu: after that you should be able to select the official restricted driver from system>administration>hardware drivers05:38
devilyup and i got a  quad core with 4 gigs,05:39
plop1234Ubucon 08 info?05:39
thenwant 2 see me??05:39
devilmaybe its just Xorg messing things up, since in Xinerama, none of the hardware acceleration works, so could be that too05:39
magehey whats the script that does the startup? like before run-parts on /etc/rc2.d/05:40
ZoiksMy flash support in firefox is not working. But it used to :(05:40
deviljack> thats weird05:40
devilflash works fine in opera05:41
pubdmseg, i have been trying to get java to work for 3 days now05:41
pubdmseg,. http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml can you go to that page and see what happens05:41
Jack_Sparrowdevil Lots of people coomplaining about it05:41
devili'm actually watchin youtube on it right now05:41
deviloh ok, could be05:41
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow, you still planning to stay online?05:41
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder Having a drink and kicking it until the wife gets home05:41
=== kwan is now known as doseryder
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow wow :|, ok quick question, you know the syntax for direct stream copy for video and audio in ffmpeg?05:42
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder no but the youtube-dl.py script may have a clue...05:42
Jack_Sparrow!find youtube05:43
ubottuFound: libwebservice-youtube-perl, youtube-dl05:43
Jack_Sparrow!info youtube-dl05:43
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.01.24-1 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB05:43
josef_guys want to ask is there a prg that convert ogv to mpg or not05:43
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow hmm thanks!05:43
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder sorry it isnt a better answer05:44
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow google is my friend05:44
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow want to say it as more relationships, but that would truly be weird05:44
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genericwhy nautilus is used for05:47
Jack_Sparrowgeneric file manager mostly05:47
generichow i manage files05:47
jbroomei'd use nautilus05:48
buymytoastersevening gents05:48
nigelanyone know anything about sasc-ng?05:48
buymytoastersand gentettes05:48
webcamwonder!find ffmpeggui05:48
ubottuPackage/file ffmpeggui does not exist in hardy05:48
Jack_Sparrownice try05:49
webcamwonderYea, found one on videohelp, wanted to give it a shot :d05:49
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder there is another tool for video off the web  I am trying to think of the name05:50
|Joker|is someone help me out? i didn't get whats going on.. i just install linux distro in my machine.. but somehow my machine its not going to be stable.. its shutdown itself..  can someone help05:50
Jack_Sparrow!info miro05:50
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1908 kB, installed size 7316 kB05:50
mitchellanyne uses squid here?05:51
nigelso nobody can answer anything about sasc-ng?05:51
webcamwonder!info konverter05:52
ubottuPackage konverter does not exist in hardy05:52
brian__hey all05:52
brian__for some reason, when i compile modules not available in the repos by hand, they get put in the wrong dir, and when i try to modprobe i get "module not found"05:53
blknyteanyone have a recommendation for Ubuntu Groupware?05:53
brian__blknyte: im messing with kolab server.  i find it to be the only truly open source flavor05:53
nigelwow, friendly room. you people are a credit as to why i should stick to xp!05:54
zack1403devil: using alsamixer i had to flip the source from the jack to the built in mic. youre a life saver!!05:54
blknytehmmm - thanks05:54
mitchellanyne uses squid here?05:54
buymytoastersCommon causes for the destop v8.04 live cd to hang up?  Did the hash check thingy, burned it with infrarecorder, and it hangs up whenever I try to do anything with the CD.05:54
webcamwonderbuymytoaster how much RAM do youahve?05:55
buymytoastersHP laptop, old pentium 4 (northwood core)05:56
webcamwonderDoes it hang or does it lag?05:56
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buymytoastershangs.  CD drive spins uselessly, nothing happens on screen.  When I eject the CD it gives me the boot cd error and I have to restart05:57
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters Do you get to the desktop? or you dont get it to run live session at all?05:57
choudeshbuymytoasters, when you see the boot screen/splash screen - hit F6 to edit the properties and take out the 'quiet --' and tell me where it stops05:57
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"05:58
kininjabuymytoasters Maybe it's fscking?05:58
webcamwonder!find super05:58
ubottuFound: openbsd-inetd, xinetd, cm-super, cm-super-minimal, cm-super-x11 (and 19 others)05:58
buymytoastersGoing to try the quiet and splash fix.  One more question before I go, how would I determine if my cd drive is at fault?  I've had this issue one other time (trying to install fallout 1 ;) )06:00
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters dell and hp really need the cd burned at a very slow speed..06:01
buymytoastersI did it at 10x, slow enough?06:01
webcamwonderDidn't you already verify the md5sum as well?06:01
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters dell or hp?06:01
buymytoastersdid verify md5sum06:01
webcamwonderafter burn before burn?06:01
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters It seems stupid that even with md5 being right that burning slow would make a difference.. but it does..06:02
buymytoastersbefore, when I try and check cd integrity (or however its worded) it hangs06:02
ubottubastard: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:02
webcamwonderI think that mught be your problem06:02
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters if it does not pass integrity test you need to reburn06:02
buymytoastersHmmm, will reburn at 1x then06:02
robotgeekhi, i have kubuntu hardy installed. my computer has 4gb of ram (bios reports so). how come free -m does not report 4 gb. !pastebin is here: http://pastebin.com/d45696b6306:03
Jack_Sparrowbuymytoasters 4x should be fine06:03
Jack_Sparrowrobotgeek you should see 3.4 or so06:03
jbroomerobotgeek: 32bit vs 64bit06:03
buymytoasterslooking forward to having Ubuntu breath new life into this 6yo HP, thanks for the help folks.  Hopefully I won't be back too soon06:03
quicksilver_Question: Why does ubuntu have so much junk installed, yet it leaves out great things like lmsensors? If you are going to have an OS with everything, you might as well include the necessities. :)06:04
Flannelquicksilver_: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place for that question06:04
Jack_Sparrowquicksilver_ comments and opinions belong in #ubuntu-offtopic06:04
robotgeekjbroome, Jack_Sparrow : so unless i move to 64bit, i wont see the extra gb?06:04
quicksilver_Not that the bluetooth thing isnt fantastic.. I mean, I almost pretended to use it once.06:04
conkyGuy_hey .. I just did an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 (using the update manager ). now i'm having a weird problem : none of the menus open . I mean the application,places and system menus and even the menus inside applications (like the file menu) . When i click them there's a little flicker and the menu disappears ... any solutions ?06:04
=== Rael is now known as Guest72934
=== Guest72934 is now known as Rael420
quicksilver_Oh, sorry about that. Thanks for the heads up06:05
Jack_Sparrowrobotgeek It is in use.. if you need to see the 4 gigs free .. install the server kernel06:05
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow any mind jogs with the ffmpeg gui?06:05
robotgeekJack_Sparrow: so, if i understand this right, ubuntu is using it, just displaying it incorrectly?06:05
Jack_Sparrowrobotgeek the desktop kernel will only show you 3.4 or so...  but it is not lost..06:06
Rael420hi could someone please give me a hand. I just installed ubuntu and cannot connect to my wifi. I can connect to the internet by plugging directly into the router with an ethernet cable. i have an atheros wireless card06:06
Rael420it does not list any wireless networks in the network manager06:06
robotgeekJack_Sparrow: thanks.06:06
LSD|NinjaRael420: what model Atheros? Some of the newer ones still aren't supported in the version of madwifi shipped with 8.0406:06
Rael420atheros 802.11, it says a proprietary drive is installed06:07
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder nothing comes to mind..  like I said.. it is late.. mind is getting foggy06:07
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow just tried "Super" under wine and the program failed miserably06:08
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org06:08
ZLemurcurious: I downloaded ubuntu just now (8.04) and extracted the .iso to disk06:09
ZLemuri ran the installer and got all sorts of fun options (kubuntu, xubuntu etc.)06:09
ubottuTo burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:09
ZLemuri noted that it wanted a 550 mb download of installation files.06:09
ZLemuri thought maybe it was becuase i just extracted the image, so i mounted it on a virtual drive.06:09
Jack_SparrowZLemur did you download the minimal cd by chance06:10
ZLemurwhen i wen to run the installation from there, all those options were gone. just gave me 'ubuntu' as an option (And wanted 733mb download)06:10
ZLemurprobably, Jack_Sparrow06:10
coldboot|homeIs there a program that can print out the dimensions of a video file?06:10
adityaghow do i play .dat (VIDEO FILE) ???06:10
ZLemurthe question is, though06:10
ZLemurwhy does it remove options if it's mounted?06:10
coldboot|homeOr pass arguments to mplayer to get it to quit immediately?06:10
Ashfire908What is the difference between the -generic/-server kernel and the -rt kernel?06:10
coldboot|homeOr ffmpeg?06:10
ZLemurwhen i went back to the on-disk extraction, the options were also gone.06:10
ZLemurwhen i unmounted the image, the options came back06:10
ZLemurjust seemed strange to me06:11
Jack_SparrowZLemur I have not used the minimal.. so no idea06:11
adityagadityag: what do i install to play a .dat (video file) & .wmv files ?06:11
theLichKingwhat is the other name for 8.04?06:11
theLichKingand why don't they just use version numbers and stop confusing people06:11
oswadoZLemur--> you extracted the iso and run the installer? you meant you put an entry in your menu list and rebooted right?06:12
jbroometheLichKing: i think you're the only one that's confused.06:12
Jack_Sparrowadityag install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:12
jbroome8.04 is the version number, hardy heron is the name06:12
ZLemurNoya, i used winrar to extract the iso to my harddrive06:12
ZLemurand ran wubi.exe06:12
theLichKingok, how am i supposed to remember a stupid name like hardy heroin?06:12
theLichKing8.04 is pretty straight forward06:12
ZLemurnot Noya, just 'no'^06:12
adityagJack_Sparrow: thank you06:13
Jack_SparrowtheLichKing 8 = 2008...  04 = month.. not difficult06:13
theLichKingJack_Sparrow: i know, right?06:13
Jack_SparrowZLemur Read the faq for using wubi..  carefully06:13
theLichKingwhile hardy heroin doesn't make sense at all06:13
theLichKingand hard to remember06:13
theLichKingand confusing06:13
LSD|NinjaZLemur: wubi is the windows installer, you need to burn the iso and boot the CD to install it normally06:13
theLichKingand not supposed to be official06:13
theLichKingjust a code name06:13
ZLemurwill the way i'm doing it technically work, though?06:13
geckosenatorhow do I change the permissions for usb devices so my user can access them?06:14
ZLemuror will it be all smurfed up?06:14
theLichKingyet, they use the names in the documentation06:14
LSD|NinjaZLemur: sure06:14
alfa119hi, I am having an issue with port forwarding, is there something I am missing?06:14
ZLemurcause it's 498mb into it.06:14
theLichKinglike https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager06:14
webcamwondercoldboot|home: you want the res of the viode?06:14
Jack_SparrowtheLichKing Your comments belong in #ubuntu-offtopic06:14
Jack_SparrowZLemur it will probably be smurfed up06:15
alfa119the issue is, I am using virtualbox port forwarding and I want to be able to port forward to the designated port on the host, but on the host its not accepting forwarded ports, and outside access to the system06:15
ZLemurungh. guess i'll get to burnin06:15
DARKGuyhey, silly question, but I'm kinda tired of googling and getting 5 different answers which do different things. How do I add myself to a specific group, using the terminal?06:15
webcamwondercoldboot|home: ffmpeg -i [filename] will provide you with codec details of the file including the resolution06:15
alfa119is there anyway to find out what is preventing this from happening?06:15
Ashfire908What is the difference between the -generic/-server kernel and the -rt kernel?06:16
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FlannelAshfire908: Generic is probably what you want.  Server is specialized for servers, has things like PREEMPT turned off, and less hardware support.  Real time is a realtime kernel, its used for mostly live audio/video/etc stuff where "real time" matters.06:18
legend2440webcamwonder: winff is a frontend for ffmpeg      http://www.winff.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=44&Itemid=5306:18
webcamwonderlegend2440 wow thank you...06:18
Ashfire908Flannel, would rt help with a system acting as a router?06:19
FlannelAshfire908: probably not.  real time tends to give all the resources to one application at a time06:19
webcamwonderlegend2440 The site says it is supported in 7.10. Will it work for Hardy?06:20
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tech0007i open firefox and i get this"Prefetching is not allowed due to the various privacy issues that arise." what's this?06:20
Jack_Sparrowlegend2440 thanks for winff.. installed and looking good06:20
Ashfire908Flannel, do you know what would speed it up?06:21
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder This box is gutsy..06:21
legend2440Jack_Sparrow: your welcome06:21
finx01hi! can somebody recommend an app that can display all images in a directory as thumbnails, as well as animated GIF?06:21
mitchellanyne uses squid here?06:22
theRealBallchalkfinx01 windows06:22
magemitchell: theres a squid channel i think06:22
ganthor93so anyone help a /b/rother out with an ubuntu installation/partition?06:22
mage!ask | mitchell  hehehehehe06:22
ubottumitchell  hehehehehe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:22
magethats my bot abuse for the day06:22
legend2440webcamwonder: i used it when i had gutsy. haven't tried winff since hardy06:23
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow didn't get what you just said :s06:23
finx01ganthor93: are there stairs in your house?06:23
webcamwonderlegend2440 they do provide a deb package, is it version dependent?06:23
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder I just installed winff.. but this box is running 7.1006:23
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow Oh, I am not yet fimilar with the lazy lingo06:23
ganthor93finx01: nope06:23
legend2440webcamwonder: it will install on hardy06:23
webcamwonder!find winff06:24
ubottuPackage/file winff does not exist in hardy06:24
ganthor93Srsly guys...who can help me install this crap or linkz me to a guide06:24
Jack_Sparrowwebcamwonder http://www.winff.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=34&Itemid=60           third one in the list06:24
finx01just a /b/tard?06:24
theRealBallchalkganthor93 huh?06:24
ubottuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training06:25
webcamwonderJack_Sparrow already on it, just wanted to make sure it isn't in the repos06:25
Jack_Sparrowganthor93 did you see the training guide06:25
ganthor93where at06:26
Jack_Sparrowlook up06:26
ubottuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training06:26
ganthor93got ya (its late here lol)06:26
ganthor93its 8.0406:26
Jack_Sparrowganthor93 same process06:26
Jack_Sparrownothing different about the partitioning06:27
ganthor93just wanting to know where the exe file is for starting the install06:27
Jack_Sparrowgnight all06:27
ganthor93or do i have to read the tl;dr06:27
theRealBallchalkganthor93 just stick in the disk and boot06:28
Flannelganthor93: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-a4ce2efae45e59e9c2d668173338133ac2e755e406:28
webcamwonderlegend2440 Any special utility to perform a direct stream copy and be able to switch add/drop frames?06:28
Jack_SparrowYou can read the table of contents or ask a well formed question in here.. but I am leaving06:28
MSVU123i have a quesiton06:28
MSVU123how can i restore the system ??06:28
AyabaraI keep getting "mount.nfs: Stale NFS file handle" on Hardy06:28
MSVU123or probably do a recovery ??06:28
oswadoMSVU123--> restore to what?06:28
MSVU123i just wanna start over06:28
MSVU123like reinstall the system06:29
ganthor93therealballchalk: not using disk...i've got the iso but is there a way to use it like an embedded zip or do i need to mount it?06:29
oswadoMSVU123--> may as well re-install then06:29
ganthor93i'mma try mountin it and running it from there06:30
MSVU123and how to do that ??06:30
tech0007!install | MSVU12306:30
ubottuMSVU123: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:30
DARKGuyhey, silly question, but I'm kinda tired of googling and getting 5 different answers which do different things. How do I add myself to a specific group, using the terminal?06:30
mageDARKGuy: just edit /etc/group maybe groups06:31
MSVU123is there anyway i can do a recovery instead of re-installing ??06:31
FAJALOUtrying to get suspend to ram to work with proprietary drivers?06:31
Darknezzi have a question. at the moment im running wine version 0.9 and i want to update to 1.0 how can i do that (i went to terminal and put in sodu -getapp instal wine and told me i have the newest version)06:31
DARKGuymage: yeah I've read about that, but I'm not very confident about that method... is that the only one ?06:32
mageeverything else just does that for you06:32
kininjaDARKGuy: look at usermod, I think -G with an append option may be what you're looking for06:32
DARKGuyDarknezz: um, WINE isn't 1.0 yet06:32
tech0007DARKGuy: sudo usermod -aG [group]06:32
ganthor93tech0007: thx...i fouind that earlier today in fact06:32
DARKGuyOh wait, it is!06:32
mageDARKGuy: i thought it was on slashdot yesterday as being 1.006:32
webcamwonderIt was released earlier this week06:32
DARKGuyyeah, I totally forgot about it06:32
DarknezzDARKGuy: http://www.winehq.org/ check it out06:32
DARKGuythanks tech0007 ^^06:33
DarknezzDARKGuy: lol06:33
legend2440webcamwonder: not much experience with direct stream copy but i thought vlc was capable of that...not positive though06:33
MSVU123i have a problem i can't adjust the resolution which has been set too low06:33
FAJALOUtrying to get suspend to ram to work with proprietary drivers?06:33
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webcamwonderlegend2440 well, I have a specific problem, know anyone who might have tons of experience with video encoding?06:33
ZoiksI have been playing around with samba. I started using the tool within nautilus but then progressed to doing it through the samba config file. I have a folder coming up in samba that is not in the config file and also cannot be found on the computer. Any ideas?06:33
FAJALOUwhat are you using,06:33
FAJALOUlike what video card etc/06:33
Darknezzcan anyone help me update?06:34
webcamwonderZoiks are you talking about "CUPS"?06:34
FAJALOUDarknezz: try sudo apt-get update06:34
tech0007Darknezz: update?06:34
MSVU123i believe there are 2 graphics cards06:34
MSVU123Stamina (intel) Speed (Nividia)06:34
FAJALOUMSVU123: ok which one are you using?06:34
kininjaDarknezz: ... apt-get dist-upgrade ?06:34
legend2440webcamwonder: have you tried channel   ##video?06:34
Zoikswebcamwonder: im not sure. Im playing with samba shares06:34
MSVU123and i always used intel06:34
Flannel!upgrade | Darknezz06:35
ubottuDarknezz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:35
webcamwonderlegend2440 see as a newb that might be helpful! Thanks!06:35
MSVU123until i moved to nividia and it asked me for an update06:35
DARKGuyMSVU123: stamina? speed? who's Strength and Dexterity then? :P06:35
FAJALOUMSVU123: on #nvidia they can help you06:35
dmsupermanc0mp13371331337, so I'm not sure exactly what I did...but I removed like everything relating to nvidia in general. Deleted xorg.conf, uninstalled the drivers, etc. Rebooted, installed the drivers, ran nvidia-xconfig and now it all works :D06:35
oswadoDarknezz--> upgrade what? perhaps a new install is better?06:35
FAJALOUi just had this problem, and they just helped me through it.06:35
MSVU123okay one last question06:35
FAJALOUMSVU123: ask for crdlb, or aaronp06:36
Zoikswebcamwonder: the samba integrated thing I was talking about was right click -> sharing options06:36
MSVU123is there any way i can do a system recovery06:36
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Darknezzoswado: wine06:36
FAJALOUMSVU123: like what?06:36
oswadoMSVU123--> restore to what?06:36
MSVU123or restore to the last installation point06:36
FAJALOUdid you just switch from gutsy to hardy?06:36
MSVU123to the last time i updated the software or installed anything06:36
FlannelMSVU123: What's broken?06:36
oswadoDarknezz try sudo  apt-get update wine06:37
FAJALOUtrying to get suspend to ram to work with proprietary drivers can anyone help??06:37
dmsupermanMSVU123, setup a daily/weekly/monthly rotating backup system and then just restore the backup if you screw something up06:37
dmsupermanMSVU123, it's what I do.06:37
MSVU123nothing is broken i just installed a drive and the resolution adjusted it self to be 800 x 60006:37
FlannelMSVU123: you installed a drive and your resolution changed?06:37
dmsupermanMSVU123, I could be mistaken, but I'm almost positive drives have nothing to do with resolution06:37
FAJALOUok MSVU123 #nvidia can totally help you out w/ the whole nvidia card they just helped me through it.06:37
dmsupermanUnless platters somehow now affect video settings06:38
dmsupermanSATA allows for 1024 x 76806:38
MSVU123thx a lot06:38
dmsupermanIDE is 800 x 600 only06:38
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loganhi, i have a toshiba laptop and the wireless card is seen and i can see different networks, but my card just can not connect to the networks06:38
jbroomeSAS is 1280x102406:38
logancan anyone help me get internet? thanks..06:38
webcamwonderZoiks just make sure that those folder that you see in your samba config aren't commented06:39
dmsupermanAnd SD flash is 1600 x 120006:39
FAJALOUlogan, are they protected?06:39
loganyes WEP06:39
ganthor93tech0007: it says i need to create the file c:\Boot but there is one already there06:39
FAJALOUok, are you using network-manager?06:39
loganyes i am06:39
Zoikswebcamwonder: the folder I shared using the nautilus thing is not in the samba share config file06:40
FAJALOUok so when you connect does it ask you for a wep code?06:40
loganyes it does06:40
dmsuperman...do you put in the proper code?06:40
FAJALOUand are you sure that you put it in correctly, and that the key code is correct?06:40
loganlol yes i do06:40
tech0007ganthor93: sorry i dont recall what the issue is06:40
logani even show the code, its correct06:40
dmsupermancase sensitive i believe06:40
dmsupermancheck for spaces at the end or beginning, sometimes they sneak in there06:41
logani am connected with my dell laptop with the same code...06:41
dmsupermanit shouldn't have an issue, honestly if you're sure you're doing it right i'd look at the router06:41
loganim connected wwith my other laptop though...06:41
_NetIs it important I load all the modules I want in gentoo while installing gentoo or can I do that later. Im not sure what all the modules are yet06:42
trivialis there a fix for konsole/xterm problem "DUMB TERMINAL CANNOT GO INTO FULL SCREEN MODE>>>> NO CURSOR CAPABILITIES"06:42
loganthe network says 0/92 signal...which is weird too...06:42
dmsuperman_Net, not really an Ubuntu question :P06:42
_NetWrong channel, forgive me.06:42
jbroome_Net: you may want to emerge #gentoo06:42
_NetIm there. Wrong window06:42
dmsuperman_Net, no problem :P06:42
webcamwonderZoiks, are you able to access that foldera from a diff pc?06:42
dmsupermanjbroome, what's emerge?06:42
trivialrequest to switch into FULLSCREEN mode failed: too dumb terminal 'xterm' (no cursor move capabilitie)06:42
kininjadmsuperman:  lol gentoo's package manager thingy06:43
dmsupermani knew it sounded familiar06:43
logandoes anyone know some technical fix for my internet?06:43
tecknomancerkind of prob here i have a netcore wifi card router not detected under ubuntu 8.04 but the os do detect the card as a marwell chip one06:43
kininjadmsuperman: sorry, wasn't laughing at you06:43
tecknomancerwhat can i do?06:43
Zoiksi cant find the folder on the local pc06:43
dmsupermankininja, no worries06:43
triviallogan what is wrong with your internet?06:43
marpali have a problem06:44
FAJALOUlogan:  you could possibly try installing wifi-radar, and seeing if you can connect through that,06:44
oswadoanyone i can bother with GRE tunneling? I tried the tutorials and cant get the data to pass through the tunnel,  is there some extra steps I have to do tell make the user use the tunnel?06:44
dmsupermantrivial, he can't connect to a WEP net06:44
logantrivial: wifi doesnt connect...06:44
Zoikswebcamwonder: but i can access it via samba on the local and via a remote pc06:44
marpalsomebody I need help06:44
dmsupermanlogan, why are you even using WEP? you realize it can be cracked in like less than a minute?06:44
loganFAJALOU: ill try that...but i dont have internet right now...its wireless...06:44
trivialI hve a problem "request to switch into FULLSCREEN mode failed: too dumb terminal 'xterm' (no cursor move capabilitie)" in both konsole and xterm06:44
Zoikswebcamwonder: i cant find it on the local pc but i can access it via samba on the local and via a remote pc06:44
dmsuperman!ask | marpal06:44
ubottumarpal: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:44
logandmsuperman: i know...06:44
dmsuperman!patience | trivial06:44
ubottutrivial: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:44
FAJALOUlogan:  try going to packages.ubuntu.com and then finding the correct package06:45
loganFAJALOU: ok06:45
dmsupermanlogan, I'd try to get it with WPA rather than WEP, unless you plan on using WEP permanently, in which case reference my previous statement06:45
FAJALOUfrom another computer, load it on a flash drive, and then cp it over.06:45
SiegeXhow do I list the files that a package just installed?06:45
dmsupermanmarpal, just ask it. if somebody knows, they'll answer. If you've gone a while without anybody even responding to you, try asking it again06:45
oswadotecknomancer--> detected by the os ? and not by 8.04? what do you mean?06:45
sheepSiegeX: dpkg -L name-of-package06:45
FAJALOUtrying to get suspend to ram to work with proprietary drivers can anyone help??06:45
marpalwhy is the AWN manager did not run06:46
tecknomancerno sorry probably just that my english is bad detected by ubuntu just not the router....06:46
SiegeXsheep: ahh, I was trying to use apt-cache, thanks06:46
marpalI just installed the necessary repo06:46
dmsupermanmarpal, try to run it from the command line to see if it has any errors06:46
generichi all i want to send A3 printing from Xpdf or Kpdf any idea06:46
genericits not working06:46
dmsupermanmarpal, I don't remember the command off the top of my head...check System -> Preferences -> Main Menu to get your menu options, then find AWN Manager in the menu, right click and go to properties06:47
tecknomancerseem like the networkmanager fail to start06:47
oswadotecknomancer--> what test did you do on the route that indicates it detected your wifi nic card but not your ubuntu?06:47
dmsupermanmarpal, that'll give you the command it executes to open AWN manager. Paste that command in a terminal window and then look at the output to see if it gives you any errors06:47
marpalok i'll check it06:47
oswadotecknomancer--> router*06:47
tecknomancerwell the icon that show the network say marwell adaptor so i guess it detected06:47
oswado!who | tecknomancer06:48
ubottutecknomancer: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:48
dmsupermanI hate this channel. I was supposed to go to bed like 2 hours ago but every time it finally seems like there's no more questions I can answer somebody asks another one. I never get enough sleep :(06:48
marpalI'ts not working!06:48
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tecknomanceroh sorry oswado guess your right06:48
marpalei whats the command?06:49
grafthi, how can i get an ubuntu-packaged firefox 3? is it available yet? for hardy?06:49
marpalsorry for being noob,06:49
[dmsuperman]marpal, I told you how to find it06:49
jbroome!ff3 | graft06:49
marpalI'm so new in ubuntu06:49
ubottugraft: Firefox 3 Final is currently in the Hardy package repositories.  For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com.06:49
Flannelgraft: It is.  It should already be available if you have hardy-updates enabled06:49
oswadotecknomancer--> sudo lshw -C network  would tell you if your wifi nic is detected at all06:49
trivialgraft try google into firefox 306:49
webcamwonderZioks could you repeat that06:49
webcamwonderZoiks does it work across network or not?06:49
graftFlannel: hardy-updates, you say?06:49
FAJALOUtrying to get suspend to ram to work with proprietary drivers can anyone help??06:49
Flannelgraft: indeed.  You should already have it enabled06:50
[dmsuperman]I need to get some sleep. If somebody could help marpal figure out how to execute AWN Manager from the command line I'd/marpal'd appreciate it.06:50
tecknomanceroswado thanks have to reboot i am on windoze cuz not net lol06:50
tecknomanceroswado back after06:50
graftFlannel: what's the difference between that and hardy-backports?06:50
[dmsuperman]I just don't remember the command for it :)06:50
oswadoFAJALOU--> once you have suspend to ram works, you go into hibernate mode?06:50
trivialis ubuntu ready for wifi?06:50
Flannelgraft: -updates is regular updates to packages (non security updates, but just regular updates), -backports is where a backport from a newer version is backported into Hardy06:50
Flannel!backports | graft06:51
ubottugraft: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:51
oswadotrivial--> what do you mean?06:51
marpalthanks for your help but seems it won't open on my desktop06:51
FAJALOUoswado:  ok what happened is i went into suspend to ram, and then i had to reboot,06:51
graftFlannel: i kinda see, thanks06:52
FAJALOUthen when i got back in, it said that sleep didn't work correctly06:52
marpalanyone I need help06:52
graft!ask > marpal06:52
oswadoFAJALOU--> i doubt that hibernation works well yet...a bit buggy still06:52
SiegeXwhats the difference between "mark for removal" and "mark for complete removal" ?  What does the latter do that the former does not?06:53
creeedhello every body06:53
sheepSiegeX: the latter also removes things like config files06:53
oswadoSiegeX--> config files included in mark for complete removal06:53
FAJALOUoswado: ok,,, so suspend to ram, i tried pressing a keyboard button, and it didn't start the computer back up, is that correct?06:53
SiegeXthanks guys06:53
FlannelSiegeX: Its the same as removing with apt-get with --purge06:53
trivialno one has a clue on my question?06:53
creeedI get my home Folder content in the Desktop!! how can I fix this?06:54
albec1anyone know why firefox 3 isnt in 7.10 yet?06:54
=== albec1 is now known as albech
oswadoFAJALOU--> i have not done it myself, but from questions asked here and reading i 've done, its just not quite there yet..cant get back easily from hibernate06:54
marlon_albech i think it's not included on 7.1006:54
creeedwhere can I find the config-file to configure the Desktop folder to be on my Desktop?06:54
marlon_you can have ff3 if u install the hardy06:54
albechmarlon_: well shouldnt it appear as a normal upgrade?06:55
FAJALOUhmmm, ok oswado what about suspend?  because i went into suspend to ram and then typing on my keyboard didn't do anything...06:55
trivialalbecl didn't firefox 3 just come out? didnt 7.10 come out before firefox3?06:55
marlon_I don't think so06:55
albechmarlon_: had tons of problems with wireless in hardy06:55
marlon_much better if you install hady06:55
oswadoFAJALOU--> i believe those fall on the same category, just not quite working yet, people have lots of issues..06:55
Flannelalbech: No.  Software in Ubuntu is generally frozen to the versions it released with (except for updates)06:55
sheepalbech: the updates for firefox in 7.10 are just for the 2.x branch of firefox06:56
trivialI hve a problem "request to switch into FULLSCREEN mode failed: too dumb terminal 'xterm' (no cursor move capabilitie)" in both konsole and xterm06:56
trivialany clues?06:56
albechmarlon_: as far as i can tell from the bug-base the wireless card issues are still unresolved for my card06:56
marlon_well, maybe they can fix it once ubuntu 8.10 released06:56
FAJALOUoswado: hmmm ok shoot, what was interesting though was that when i clicked the power button and restarted i was able to get everything back, like open files etc... is that normal?06:56
albechill try hardy again once the project is finished.. i dont really have time to work on a hardy installation atm :(06:57
oswadoFAJALOU--> its a hit and miss kind of thing, some people get lucky, lots are not, so i'd say you were succesful in recovery..not sure how often you can repeat such feats06:57
FAJALOUhmm ok, so just turn it off :P06:58
creeedmy desktop-folder is the home-folder? any idea how do I fix this?06:58
oswadoFAJALOU--> yes, may as well shutdown06:58
FAJALOUhmm ok06:58
oswadoFAJALOU--> beside the boot up process is pretty quick now adays06:59
FAJALOUtrue true07:00
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=== oswado is now known as oswado_afk
FAJALOUok just as a poll: what is the best gnome music player?07:00
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:01
FAJALOUthank you smilin_jack sorry for that ...07:01
dyfcan someone suggest a good book that makes you more proficient with linux?07:05
tecknomanceroswado well all is detected...07:05
FAJALOUin exaile, is there a way to set up keyboard shortcuts?07:05
adityagjack_sparrow :: i installed that package, but still i can neither view .dat nor .wmv07:06
soldatsdyf: if youpick up the Linux From Scratch book and do the install a few times on different machines you would be really proficient07:06
FAJALOUdyf:  installing it helps, you get better, and just using it, and asking alot o question.07:06
dyfsoldats: ok, good idea07:07
dyfsoldats: but i didn't like LFS07:08
dyfsoldats: all it teaches you is how to fetch some packages and compile them07:08
dyfit starts well, but then you just fetch packages and install07:08
adityagJack_Sparrow :: you there ?07:09
soldatswell then id say get any linux users guide from a local used or new bookstore or maybe something on linux administration07:09
tecknomanceroswado but i noticed it eaid network unclaimed is that my prob07:09
soldatsthis is offtopic so if you need further assistance ask in #ubuntu-offtopic07:09
minibnzhello can anyone here help me with torrentflux on ubuntu hard or point me towards a channel better suited..07:11
adityaganybody there to help me with .dat and .wmv files ?? i installed a package called ubuntu-restricted-extras but still i cant view them07:12
tech0007adityag: use mplayer and download win32 codecs07:12
AliRezaTaleghanihi, is there any simple way the change the pptp port (1723) to somewhat like(17023)?07:12
BoltClockhi, i want to install pidgin plugin pack 2.3.0, but not using apt as apparently its outdated in the repos (2.0.0), i cant seem to find the docs for building the plugins i wish to install. im new to building stuff, so i thought i'd ask07:13
BoltClockor should i be asking this in another channel like #pidgin? :S07:13
adityagtech0007: so ubuntu-restricted-extras is not required ?07:13
AliRezaTaleghaniis there any simple way the change the pptp server port (1723) to somewhat like(17023)?07:13
tech0007adityag: also needed but for other formats07:13
maxfilesI am having an issue with port forwarding from my router to the root o/s thats linked to the guest o/s server is there any way to get this to work?07:15
bpunanyone knows of a special usb device-- it is an unusual request but i'm looking if there is such a usb device that connects to two usb ports, each of its ends to separate machines> so that 1 machine serves an iso image and the other machine sees it as a usb cd-drive..07:15
adityagtech0007: ok, can you name that package pls ???with full name07:15
minibnzbpun: i think that is only possible with firewire if find that would be cool07:16
adityagavifile-win32-plugin ???  tech0007:  is this the one ?07:16
tech0007adityag: whats ur mediaplayer?07:17
Species8472is there an arabic unubtu or debian IRC channel?07:17
adityagmovie player07:17
adityagthat comes in=built with 8.0407:17
bpunSpecies8472, probably googling in arabic with irc://07:18
bullgard4packages.ubuntu.com does not find a program 'net-setup'. Is net-setup only available from SystemRescueCD? Where can I find a manual for the program 'net-setup'?07:18
graftSpecies8472: try #ubuntu-sa07:18
tech0007adityag: that's totem...run 'sudo apt-get install mplayer' in terminal07:18
Species8472thanks graft07:18
Species8472damn, one user -- me07:18
bpunbullgard4, dpkg -L <packagename>07:18
tecknomancercrappy card i dont like to be stock in windows07:18
Danish989can anyone tell me what the difference is between a GTK, Emerald, and Metacity theme?07:19
graftSpecies8472: sucks, sorry07:19
Species8472do they all use windows over there?07:19
mynetdudeover where?07:19
KyleKDanish989: gtk is the controls in an app, and metacity is the window title stuffs07:19
trivialGTK is kool Emerals and Metacity I dont know07:19
dyfSpecies8472: lets make one07:19
KyleKDanish989: so go google emerald and tell me what it is ;)07:19
adityag tech0007: thank u07:19
sherkinIs there a package for installing c++ standard libraries reference documentation ?07:20
trivialDanish989 they are all themes ..... they are gui cosmetics07:20
graftSpecies8472: i imagine there just aren't as many users period, so the number of ubuntu users will be small07:20
mynetdudeHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu and my HDD right now has windows on it and when I try to install ubuntu it gives me options to partition however I want to format and wipe windows off how do I go about doing this?07:20
* fxtgear is looking for wormux opponents :P07:20
Danish989trivial: so why the different programs? is any better than the other?07:20
KyleKmynetdude: then select the second option07:20
bpunsherkin, http://cppreference.com/07:20
trivialDanish989 they are all themes ..... they are gui cosmetics...... its like windows themes07:21
KyleKmynetdude: one of the options in the installer is use the whole drive07:21
trivialDanish989 themes == cosmetic looks07:21
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mynetdudeKyleK, hmm didn't see that let me reboot the installer again one sec07:21
Danish989trivial: yes, but what do the different themes apply to? To me it seems all of them change the GUI and if so, why are they different?07:21
=== Gumby is now known as GGumbyCAD
BoltClockhi, i want to install pidgin plugin pack 2.3.0, but not using apt as apparently its outdated in the repos (2.0.0), i cant seem to find the docs for building the plugins i wish to install. im new to building stuff, so i thought i'd ask07:22
sherkinThanks bpun. But  I'd like man, info or devhelp stuff for consulting offline07:22
trivialDanish989 themes == cosmetic looks..... its like wallpaper which wallpaper look better to you?07:22
tech0007!compile | BoltClock07:22
ubottuBoltClock: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:22
Danish989trivial: I know what a theme is, im just saying why there are three different programs for one purpose07:22
KyleKDanish989: linux is made of different pieces, each piece has its own theming system07:22
BoltClocktech0007: thanks07:22
KyleKDanish989: so look up what emerald does already07:22
ubottuFactoid emerald not found07:23
bullgard4bpun: Your answer is wrong.07:23
tecknomancerso anyone have a netcore card and suceded to get online under linux?07:23
=== GGumbyCAD is now known as Gumby
Danish989Kylek: emerald is something to do with compiz07:23
KyleKDanish989: emerald is the 3d window manager i see07:23
Danish989kylek: yesh .. so if I change the GTK theme, the window title wont change?07:23
newbee617i found f-spot not very good uploading photos to picasa. and advice?07:24
trivialDanish989 probably all the same except it looks different like cars with many different colors and models07:24
KyleKDanish989: ubuntu has a screen where you can select a theme thats a grouping of all three07:24
dyfnewbee617: upload them manually?07:24
Danish989Kylek: are you talking about the appearance mangaer?07:25
tech0007newbee617: use picasa207:25
dyfnewbee617: use Flock?07:25
KyleKso you can easily hit customize and assemble a black theme and a white theme07:25
newbee617no, automatically07:25
bullgard4packages.ubuntu.com does not find a program 'net-setup'. Is net-setup only available from SystemRescueCD? Where can I find a manual for the program 'net-setup'?07:25
KyleKDanish989: maybe07:25
Danish989KyleK: so you're not sure?07:25
KyleKbullgard4: better question, what does net-setup do?07:25
nickrudmorning bullgard407:25
KyleKDanish989: I use vista all day07:25
newbee617tech007: picasa2 , u mean the wine version of picasa?07:26
bullgard4nickrud: Good morning from sunny Berlin!07:26
tech0007newbee617: yup07:26
bpunsherkin, you mean a package? not sure.. probably apt-cache search ansi+doc07:26
Bert_2Hi, does anyone know a good application to record my screen (like what I see on the screen -> video file) ?07:26
Danish989KyleK: okie, thanks for the help07:26
KyleKDanish989: anything in the gui i'm fuzzy on, expert on the command line though07:26
tech0007!info grecordmydesktop | Bert_207:26
ubottubert_2: Package grecordmydesktop does not exist in hardy07:26
tecknomancertryed many distro and all dont make it work seem impossible07:26
bullgard4KyleK: "what does net-setup do?" If I knew, I would not ask for a manual.07:26
newbee617dyf: no ,not flock . i use f-spot . a photo-manage software. not as good as i wished07:26
tech0007!info recordmydesktop | Bert_207:27
ubottubert_2: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-1 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 136 kB07:27
KyleKbullgard4: i thought you were trying to find the program, not the manual07:27
nickrudbullgard4 I found net-setup in gnunet-tools07:27
bullgard4KyleK: Some OPs had problems with it according to the Internet.07:27
Bert_2tech0007: and is the quality okey, cause most of the ones I tried give me 2 frames for 5 min. of recording07:27
navetz_what is some good voice recording software I can download?07:27
newbee617tech0007:  is it as good as the windows version?07:27
stuhi guys i have a question, i am running ubuntu 8.04 on my compaq laptop and for some reason the built-in dvd software doesnt work, any suggestions?07:27
KyleKnavetz_: i think audacity is linux too07:27
tech0007Bert_2: works for me07:27
mynetdudethanks KyleK :)07:28
Bert_2tech0007: okey, thanks07:28
navetz_KyleK: thanks07:28
dyfnewbee617: use Flock07:28
nickrud!dvd | stu (probably the libdvdcss stuff)07:28
ubottustu (probably the libdvdcss stuff): For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:28
mynetdudeis there any way to have more than 2 workspaces in ubuntu?07:28
tech0007newbee617: never tried windows version since i stopped using M$ last 5 yrs ago07:28
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nickrudmynetdude right click the window switcher box, and choose you number07:28
newbee617tech0007: hmm. haha.07:28
navetz_KyleK: would you happen to know if there is software that allows you to record your voice and a video of your desktop at the same time?07:29
mynetdudenickrud sweet, ty again07:29
newbee617tech0007:  i will check it out07:29
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dyfnewbee617: use Flock\07:29
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KyleKnavetz_: i know there is, but dunno what its called07:29
navetz_KyleK: alright thanks.07:29
KyleKmaybe x11vnc with a vnc recorder ;)07:30
dyftech0007: recordmydesktop lags07:30
tecknomancerbettet just buy another card trying to get a suported distro going to cost me more in upload anyway07:30
dyftech0007: the sound lags07:30
newbee617dyf: u have give me another choice. i think i will try. since f-spot is not so good . i 'd like to find a better one07:30
dyfnewbee617: use Flock07:30
bullgard4nickrud: Are 'net-setup' and 'gnunet-setup' identical?07:31
newbee617dyf: ok ok07:31
dyf!flock newbee61707:31
ubottuFactoid flock newbee617 not found07:31
sherkinbpun: I think I found. libstdc++6-doc07:31
nickrudbullgard4 not sure, but might be07:31
nickrudnavetz_ try gtk-recordmydesktop07:31
ubottuFactoid flock not found07:31
dyfstupid bot07:31
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bpunsherkin, thats good, give it a try.. some people are saying I'm "wrong".. at least this is worth a shot..07:31
navetz_nickrud: ok, that also has voice recording? I think I have it but didn't know about the voice recording.07:31
newbee617dyf: sorry .but what r u doing07:31
dyfknows whole lot of stuff and doesn't know flock07:31
dyfnewbee617: i am asking the robot to spit out more information on Flock07:32
navetz_nickrud: ahh it does, thanks.07:32
nickrudnavetz_ it records audio, one of which can be the mic input07:32
newbee617dyf: what do u mean by asking me to use Flock. i thought Flock is a photo-manager...07:33
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tech0007i think flock is a browser07:33
newbee617dyf: or maybe a command in irc?07:33
dyfnewbee617: it is not, but it makes it easier to upload photos07:33
annie_gHi - I used this command in Terminal to get my DVD to play movies - "wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2"  -  It worked great!  Can someone tell me what "&&" part means ? ?07:33
nickrudannie_g   do the following command if the previous command completed successfully07:34
adityagannie_g: that means LOGICAL AND07:34
nickrudadityag not in a bash line ;)07:34
annie_gnickrud: The command worked - I just was curious what the " && " part of command this does?07:35
adityagannie_g: other-wise u have to enter those commands one after the another , right ??? nickrud:  ??07:35
nickrudannie_g see my previous line, that's what it means07:35
bpunanyone knows of a special usb device-- it is an unusual request but i'm looking if there is such a usb device that connects to two usb ports, each of its ends to separate machines> so that 1 machine serves an iso image and the other machine sees it as a usb cd-drive..07:35
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annie_gadityag: Thanks - Got it.....07:35
sherkinbpun: thank you. It's a big set of html files ...07:35
bpunsherkin, no prob07:35
=== Helios is now known as Helios_Pramod
nickrudadityag yes, but it doesn't complete both commands and compare the result07:35
adityagnickrud: now am i right ?07:35
bpunsherkin, there's also good online sites i'm sure with commentaries (like php for eg)07:36
nickrudadityag it's not a comparison, but sort of an if then statement07:36
newbee617i still don't understand . u seems used some strange command on me .but , i will forget it07:36
annie_gnickrud: Sorry misunderstood - I see what you're saying - Thanks also!07:36
orpheanannie_g:  apt-get install foo && apt-get install bar  The system will only run 'apt-get install bar' if 'apt-get install foo' completes without an error.  you can chain a bunch of commands together like that and it will stop at the first error or complete.07:36
newbee617i'd google "flock". haha07:37
annie_gorphean: Aw - becoming clear now - Thx07:37
denisquien habla español07:37
bpunmy amsg err, just meant to ask in #hardware.. sorry07:37
tech0007!es | denis07:37
ubottudenis: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:37
nickrudadityag mispoke, not a comparison but not a mathematical operator either07:38
micahcowannickrud, it _is_  a logical operator, however, which is what adityag actually said...07:38
nickrudmicahcowan Logical and? Anyway, annie_g got her answer, is happy and I'm straying off topic07:38
Helios_Pramodhihihihi... Ubuntu is coool... :)07:39
BangersI tried to install Ubuntu 8.04 via Wubi, but it's throwing a "cant read cd" type error07:39
Bangersin the log, it says: CD2ISO failed: LastError = 1 Incorrect function.07:39
Bangerswhat can I do?07:39
adityagsorry.......i am new to shell programmingg, and said that as i know C07:39
newbee617Flock is an RSS aggregator written in Java.  so i don't think it can help to upload photos.07:39
nickrudBangers have you tried doing the install with the iso rather than the physical cd?07:39
nickrudBangers I had better luck with the iso and not using a cd myself07:40
Helios_PramodBangers: are you sure the cd is not corrupt?07:40
Helios_PramodBangers: do an integrity check on the cd... :)07:40
BangersYes the CD is fine07:40
BangersHelios_Pramod: how can I do an integrity check on the CD?07:41
mynetdudedoes anybody know if there is limewire for ubuntu?07:41
Helios_Pramodcheck for the hash using MD5checksum...07:41
mynetdudehow do I get wine? I wanna run MSN Live Messenger and AIM on ubuntu07:42
sherkinDo you think there is any reason why there are so few opensource packages in C++? Portability ? Culture ?07:42
bazhang!wine | mynetdude07:42
ubottumynetdude: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:43
polliesherkin, that is incorrect07:43
nickrudmynetdude try frostwire , but limewire is java and runs under linux07:43
mynetdudenickrud whats the difference between frostwire and limewire?07:43
micahcowansherkin, a variety of probable reasons, but it's really not topical here.07:43
mynetdudecool I will check them out...07:44
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:44
nickrudBangers https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-7e85795f0b0ee2beb8c8b28e2eaba6b3dee2b68d a few paragraphs down: An installation procedure that will work in most cases is the following:  Works for Me™07:44
sherkinmicahcowan: Thanks. Could you point me somewhere ?07:44
penmynetdude: lol, one is not free one is free07:44
mynetdudepen you saying limewire isn't free?07:44
micahcowansherkin, sorry, I don't know any good sources on that. Google, I guess.07:44
nickrudmynetdude frostwire seemed to work better than limewire for me07:44
penmynetdude: it is not if you want full feature07:45
DracoZAHi, for some reason when I start my machine instead of booting into Ubuntu its botting into something called "BusyBox" and I have no idea why... ?07:45
trevhegdoes anyone know if drivers for the RaLink RT61 wireless chipset are included in the current linux kernel?07:45
penmynetdude: well i'm not very sure, but you have to pay for the pro07:45
Zoikswhy does my flash stop working?>07:45
metalpresdoes alltray work with 8.04?   it worked fine on gutsy, but now with hardy any program i run doesnt show up in the tray or the taskbar07:45
sherkinThe reason I asked here is precisely that very little info exists on it. So I would deduce it's cultural ?07:46
mynetdudeI don't use limewire, my brother does... so I'll see what I can do07:46
Helios_Pramodmetalpres: wat's alltray?07:46
mynetdudeif Limewire Pro is java I'd get that... I already have pro for windows07:46
polliesherkin, C++ is a language that is tougher to master07:47
Britneyhello friends, I'm a newbie and I don't know how does my desktop configuration change the desktop folder to my home folder? any suggestion please?07:47
metalpresit forces any program to run in the system tray so when you minimize something it goes to the tray instead of the taskbar07:47
polliewhat you are asking, is similar to "why people prefer PHP ?"07:47
DracoZAcan anyone tell me why my machine is booting into "BusyBox" ?07:47
mynetdudebrb need to see if I can run the google browser sync from ubuntu in FF307:47
nickrudmynetdude frostwire or gtk-gnutella, they both work the same network as limewire07:47
micahcowanAnd still off-topic...07:48
mynetdudeoh ok frostwire then...07:48
polliesimple, you have your work cut down better at times for simple tasks with another language/platform, so people tend to go after that; anyway, yes, offtopic :)07:48
sherkinpollie: And easier to structure and maintain, and manage memory ...07:48
nickrudBritney change the desktop folder? Your question isn't very clear. Desktop configuration is mostly kept in .gconf, .gnome2, .config and .local in your home directory07:48
polliesherkin, about memory management, well that is not actually a problem07:49
polliepm ?07:49
afallenhopeanyone know how to get itunes to work? I have an iPod Touch and I need to update the firmware. Supposedly there's a huge security bug.07:49
candivenoobIndyGunFreak, you still here?07:49
nickrudafallenhope windows or mac, no way to run itunes under linux/wine yet07:49
afallenhopenickrud: I was told that gkpod worked07:50
nickrudafallenhope thats not itunes :)07:50
afallenhopenickrud: well what if I run VMWare and Windows?07:50
sherkinI'm trying to move a package to C++. If the community hates C++, it will probably be ignored ?07:50
nickrudafallenhope I havent' tried that yet, but have heard horror stories07:51
nickrudsherkin kde is written in c++ , the community doesn't hate it, just zealots07:51
orpheanafallenhope: Its possible. I've had to do it for someone.07:51
afallenhopeorphean:  you think you can help me out?07:52
orpheanafallenhope: Getting the virtualized windows installation to recognize the ipod is plugged in a pure voodoo. just a warning.07:52
Britneynickrud, thanks for replying. the Desktop foreground contains files of my Home Directory! it should contains files from ~/Desktop but it doesnt after I rename the Desktop folder from desktop to Desktop, as I rename it back it happens nothing.07:52
micahcowansherkin, there is actually tons of free software written in C++, it's just perhaps less common than C. And you should really discuss this elsewhere, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic.07:52
orpheanafallenhope: there's not much to help with. install vmware. install windows. plug in the ipod and pray. :)07:52
kakaltoupgrading dapper to hardy, got to the "sudo do-release-upgrade" stage and it says there is no new version available =(07:52
Zoikswhy does my flash stop working?07:53
gordonjcpbecause flash is crap07:53
nickrudBritney try gconf-editor /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir , make sure that is not checked07:54
sherkinmicahcowan: apologies. I didn't mean to troll07:54
Britneynickrud, I just know want to get the Desktop foreground to show me files of ~/Desktop or ~/desktop and not from the home folder07:54
gordonjcpit's a terrible bit of software, written using horrible outdated APIs07:54
blackrabbitZoiks, stop working isn't a very detailed question, please elaborate07:54
nickrudBritney did you catch my last?07:54
Britneynickrud, okay I'll try, thanks ^^07:54
gordonjcpsherkin: what do you mean "move a package to c++"?07:54
nickrudBritney make sure it's Desktop, not desktop07:54
Britneyyes I do07:54
nickrudBritney uncheck that, you'll get back your Desktop.  you might need to run   alt-f2  killall nautilus   to get the change to take effect07:55
aikikoI am triying to install Kerrighed but on the ./configure i got http://pastebin.com/m76393ac7 any idea what to do ?07:55
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:56
thebinzhello there07:56
Spudlyjust wondering if anyone has ATI Radeon 9800 and Hardy?07:56
haroldno speak english07:56
nickrudharold what language?07:57
Zoiksblackrabbit: I have an x64 installed. Flash used to work, now im just getting grey boxes07:57
nickrud!es | harold07:57
ubottuharold: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:57
thebinz< nvidia 7600GT07:57
Britneynickrud, /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir was unchecked07:57
andre__alguem fala portugues?07:57
ozzloywhat is a good phone that syncs easily with ubuntu?07:57
nickrud!pr | andre__07:57
ubottuFactoid pr not found07:57
ozzloyor a phone i could even put ubuntu on?07:57
nickrud!pt | andre__07:57
ubottuandre__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.07:57
Spudlythebinz: cheers mate - you had any issues with GARTSize being too small?07:57
Britneynickrud, perhaps I should signal that I use 3d Desktop with the compiz07:58
nickrudBritney ok, make sure the ~/Desktop dir exists, then run   alt-f2   killall nautilus07:58
nickrudBritney shouldn't make any difference07:58
Britneyit does07:58
kakalto~es | harold07:58
kakalto!es | harold07:58
ubottuharold: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:58
shonenrunning ubuntu 8.04 with latest updates. I am having troubles installing netbeans. I get this error when I try to install the package. http://paste.ubuntu.com/21582/ I found this bug which seems very similar https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/240502 but I am stumped as to how to fix it.07:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240502 in netbeans "Netbeans won't install" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:58
Jordan_Uozzloy, Not sure of it's progress or how good of a phone it is but you might look into http://wiki.openmoko.org if you want an open source phone07:58
Harde_I'm trying to get my new HD to work, it shows now this when I try to mount it07:58
Harde_What now?07:59
thebinzSpudly: nope, do you have the 7600GT also?07:59
ozzloyJordan_U: that's not open to the public right now07:59
nickrudHarde_ I'd suggest the first option listed07:59
ozzloyJordan_U: they're "sold out" they say07:59
haroldviva ubunuuuu07:59
Spudlythebinz: nope < ATI Rad 980007:59
stodanis it possible to remove labels from personal bar in ff?08:00
Spudlyharde_: you can do as the article says (run the mount command with the -o force option) - that's what I did08:00
thebinzthough i continue to have a reoccurring problem with this card.08:00
Harde_Spudly: Ok, thanks08:00
SpudlyHarde_:  that happened to me with an external fw drive - i think I shut down Windows without Unmounting and then that error came up08:00
ozzloyseriously though, my phone is dying, i'm off contract.  i want a phone that is just a phone and maybe a contact list and a calendar.  and i want to sync with my linux desktops.  does such a phone exist?08:00
ozzloyif so, what is this phone?08:00
Zoikswhy does my flash stop working? I have a x64 installation and I all could see were grey boxes. I tried uninstalling flash, now it just keeps coming up that I need to install flash, even though it is installed again08:01
stuhi guys, sorry to be back so soon, I did what it said about playing dvds and am still getting read errors off my dvd's, which all play in the other dvd players around the house, installed xine and same thing with it08:01
nickrudSpudly you mean the labels under the buttons? right click the bar , then near the bottom there's a choice about showing text or only icons08:01
Spudlyharde_: had no problems with the -o force option, and I think it even fixed the problem08:01
Spudlynickrud: not sure what you mean?? don't think it's me you need to direct that comment to...08:02
Arodonhey all. on my laptop I can run the command " xrandr --output LVDS --set PANEL_FITTING full_aspect" to make the driver preserve the aspect ratio on smaller video modes. Is there a way to set this property when the driver is first loaded? something in xorg.conf maybe?08:02
* nickrud shudders about ntfs forcing08:02
thebinzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=816750 < the problem im experiencing with this card.... its really annoying08:02
nickrudSpudly though you wanted to get rid of some labels in firefox? those were the only ones I could think of08:02
shonennever mind, I just found a solution: "sudo aptitude install tzdata tzdata-java" it seems the latest version has some broken dependencies, and it reverted to an earlier revision.08:02
SiegeXis there a way to have an app remember its window location so that when i re-open it, it comes up in the same place?08:03
Spudlynickrud: no mate, not me - i'm wondering if anyone is havin GARTSize issues on Hardy. btw - forcing the mount actually worked on my system and reset the ntfs log which meant the error didn't come back08:03
nickrudSpudly yeah, I found the right guy :)08:03
Flannelshonen: Do you have hardy-proposed enabled?08:03
Spudlynickrud: all good08:03
nickrudstodan  you mean the labels under the buttons? right click the bar , then near the bottom there's a choice about showing text or only icons08:03
nickrudSpudly he was just before you in the scroll, eye drift08:04
quinncan anybody help me to upgrade the kernal of ubuntu server 8.04 . sudo apt-get dist-upgrade doesnt work08:04
stodannickrud, on bookmark bar, i found plugin for that08:04
Flannelquinn: What errors does it give?  pastebin them08:04
Spudlynickrud: hehe - no dramas, wouldn't be the first person (or the last)08:04
Flannelquinn: actually, pastebin this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:04
nickrudquinn if you have -19 , you have the latest version from ubuntu08:04
quinnno errors,it just said 0 will update08:04
Flannelquinn: What makes you think you aren't at the latest then?08:05
shonenFlannel:never mind, I just found a solution: "sudo aptitude install tzdata tzdata-java" it seems the latest version has some broken dependencies, and it reverted to an earlier revision.08:05
BoltClockhow do i get grub to only display the latest ubuntu kernel? setting howmany=1 in /boot/grub/menu.lst doesnt work08:05
Flannelshonen: You said that.  Do you have hardy-proposed enabled?08:05
quinnFlannel, 2.6.24-17-server08:05
Spudlyquinn: do you mean upgrade to 8.04, or just updating the kernel in 8.04?08:05
Flannelquinn: pastebin sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:05
quinnFlannel, i want to upgrade to -1908:05
soundrayBoltClock: did you run 'sudo update-grub' after making that setting?08:06
thebinzuname -r08:06
quinnjust kernel08:06
kakaltowill my install screw up if I change every instance of "dapper" in my /etc/sources.list to "hardy"08:06
Flannelkakalto: You should use update manager08:06
shonenFlannel: not sure. netbeans is installing right now, so I cannot open synaptic to check.08:06
BoltClocksoundray: nope. will do that now. although i didnt need to do that after setting timeout. does it have something to do with the # symbol?08:06
genericguys any one work on SAP gui in ubuntu08:06
soundraykakalto: most definitely yes08:06
nickrudkakalto and probably yes08:06
Flannelshonen: open /etc/apt/sources.list08:06
Spudlykakalto: you're fridge will be the first to go, then you're tv08:06
Sertseits won't let me on the forums08:06
kakaltoFlannel: mm, I'm trying; having a little trouble =]08:06
kakaltosoundray, nickrud, thanks08:06
kakaltoSpudly: already gone =P08:07
Sertsenevermind, now it works08:07
Flannelkakalto: Alright, if update manager isnt working for you we can do it manually, yes.  Theres a few steps to be done before that though.08:07
soundrayBoltClock: the timeout affects the behaviour of the boot loader directly. The options that start with # affect update-grub08:07
BoltClocki see08:07
shonenFlannel: no, it is not in sources.list08:07
Spudlykakalto: i tried to use update manager to go from Edgy to Hardy - i had a few X11 issues, so I re-installed Hardy from CD (backup, format, install)08:07
FlannelSpudly: You can't go from Edgy to Hardy.  You can go from dapper to hardy.08:07
quinnSpudly, i just want to update the kernel in 8.0408:08
orpheanFlannel: What? Yes you can.08:08
Flannelquinn: Have you pastebinned that command yet?08:08
Flannelorphean: You have to go Edgy > Feisty > Gutsy > Hardy08:08
kakaltoFlannel, Spudly, okay... Is there a webpage that just shows dapper --> Hardy upgrade, manual?08:08
quinnFlannel, it will take some time08:08
orpheanFlannel: ah i see what you mean.08:09
SpudlyFlannel: i was given the option to use upgrade-manager to 8.04 (which I used), so it may have been dapper - either way, had a few issues so I decided to install fresh...08:09
sherkingordonjcp: I'm talking on #ubuntu-offtopic with micahcowan and pollie08:09
soundraykakalto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades08:09
Flannelkakalto: Its pretty simple.  Make sure you have your kernel metapackage, ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, and any other metapackages (apache2, for instance) installed.  Make sure you're up to date with dapper (that includes dapper-updates).  Disable any third party repos (hopefully none, if there are, and if they are used heavily, you'll need to evaluate their effect on the upgrade).  then change dapper to hardy in sources.list, update, and dist-up08:10
kakaltoSee, what I find is that it tells me everything is up to date08:10
soundraykakalto: the command line version is under "Network upgrade for Ubuntu servers"08:10
Britneynickrud, /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir was unchecked, ~/Desktop exists, I unshekd shekd the key in gconf-editor, nothings changes, any other suggestion pls?08:10
Spudlykakalto: the update-manager does do an excellent job of upgrading and bringing you back into ubuntu (considering everything that has to happen, it's a really smart tool) - i just had some X issues which weren't resolved (and just complicated) by the upgrade...08:10
soundrayFlannel: dist-upgrade from dapper to hardy will break08:11
nickrudBritney did you restart nautilus?08:11
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Flannelkakalto: Do you have a desktop metapackage as well?08:11
Flannelsoundray: No it wont08:11
Britneynickrud, yes I do08:11
soundrayFlannel: you have to do sudo do-release-upgrade08:11
Optimus55sup room08:11
nickrudBritney no, those are the only things I've had to do to switch back and forth between home as desktop and Desktop as desktop08:12
Flannelsoundray: No, you don't.  And the dapper update manager is failing for a lot of people anyway.08:12
kakalto Flannel, Spudly, cheers, I'm going to go off and give this all a go now, I'll be back if there's trouble :-)08:12
Spudlykakalto: backup your goodies first!08:12
kakaltooh, and soundray, thanks to you too =]08:12
Flannelsoundray: that is, u-m-core, no idea re: GUI, haven't had any problems with it that I can remember08:13
bullgard4packages.ubuntu.com does not find a program 'net-setup'. Is net-setup only available from SystemRescueCD? Where can I find a manual for the program 'net-setup'?08:13
edavidburgIs there an ETA on a fix for the prefetching issue on ubuntuforums.org?08:13
Flannelkakalto: Again, if you do have a GUI on this (I thought you said server, but could be mistaken) make sure you have your proper *-desktop metapackage as ewll08:13
soundrayFlannel: there you go, but you thought you should contradict me twice08:13
Flanneledavidburg: ask in #ubuntuforums08:13
* soundray shakes head08:13
quinnFlannel, thanks ,it works08:13
Britneynickrud, okay thanks anyway08:13
edavidburgAlready did, no one's there.08:13
Flannelsoundray: What?08:13
kakaltoFlannel: nah, not server - kubuntu, actually08:14
Flannelkakalto: Ah, then make sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed as well.08:14
Zoikswhy does my flash stop working? I have a x64 installation and I all could see were grey boxes. I tried uninstalling flash, now it just keeps coming up that I need to install flash, even though it is installed again08:14
nickrudoh, rhythmbox quashes my sound on highlight! wonderful08:14
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quinnFlannel, 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' doesnt continue ,but 'sudo aptitude upgrade works , it update more package.08:16
Spudlynickrud: what issue r u havin with your Nvidia card?08:17
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nickrudSpudly I don't use nvidia, I prefer open drivers ;)08:18
Danish989Hi all08:19
nickrudSpudly sadly, I've only had a question I needed answered answered her a couple of times08:19
Danish989Is there any way I can set a different wallpaper for different workstations?08:19
nickrudDanish989 there are some scripts that claim to do that; if you want to do it with compiz you have to recompile some stuff. Not trivial08:20
Danish989nickrud: I have no idea about compiling08:20
Danish989nickrud: Can't it be done within ubuntu already? Or can't I just install some program via synaptic that allows me to do so?08:21
nickrudDanish989 so, you wait with the rest of us (been waiting for years)08:21
soundrayDanish989: do you have desktop effects enabled?08:21
Danish989soundray: yeah08:21
Danish989nickrud: bummer :(08:21
Spudlynickrud: does anyone who knows ubuntu internals come on at all??08:22
ghindoHibernate no longer works for me, yet suspend works fine.  What's wrong?08:22
Danish989soundray: desktop cubes, wobbly effects, the works. Do you have a plan?08:22
nickrudSpudly Flannel is here, and others08:22
Danish989ghindo: did you install with wubi?08:22
soundrayDanish989: the one that nickrud suggested08:22
Danish989soundray: wallpapoz, I presume?08:22
Spudlynickrud: probably should apologise to Flannel then shouldn't I (sorry Flannel) :P08:22
Danish989nickrud: were you talking about ''wallpapoz'' ?08:23
nickrudSpudly not as often as I would like. They did a lot in the early days, but this sucks too much time08:23
nickrudDanish989 it sucks08:23
ghindoDanish989: No, it's a clean Ubuntu 8.04 install08:23
Britneynickrud, I fixed it after changing the path on ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs next, I just want to initial it for the victim ^^08:23
Spudlynickrud: absolutely08:23
Danish989nickrud: I read somewhere that ''wallpaper-tray'' and ''drapes'' can do the same, do you know about that?08:23
FlannelSpudly: For what?  I don't knw of anything apology-worthy08:23
nickrudBritney ah! I know of that, but only vaguely. I'll play with it for the next time, thanks08:24
SpudlyFlannel: oh good - was hoping you wouldn't have interpreted my comment as an inference that there wasn't anyone here who knew ubuntu internals08:24
nickrudDanish989 yes, and they all suck08:24
Danish989nickrud: suck, as in, have crappy interface, or just don't work?08:24
Danish989nickrud: even if its a pain in the @** to look at, but works, I'll use it .. I just want a seperate wallpaper for my seperate workstations, so if I get tired of looking at angelina jolie i switch to jessica alba on the fly08:25
nickrudDanish989 as in don't work smoothly. Like, you shift desktops, and after a visible delay they switch backgrounds, or the rotate the background on all desktops, other glitches08:25
Danish989nickrud: that just plain sucks08:25
Danish989nickrud: oh well, guess I'll join you guys with the wait08:25
Danish989nickrud: by the way, congratulate me, I finally have Ubuntu running and am happy with it :D08:26
nickrudcongrats ;)08:26
Danish989nickrud: I dont know if you remember or not, but I've been here a million times just to get it to work, and now it finally is :)08:26
Danish989nickrud: anyway, thanks again08:26
* Spudly congratulates Danish989 for adding a million lines to #ubuntu logs :P08:26
BoltClockwelcome to freedom Danish989 lol08:27
Harde_I need help with my new internal drive, it isn't system drive, just for storage08:27
alliecatI feel like I'm walking on eggshells since I upgraded to Hardy with my wireless. Do I have to do a whole clean install to go back to Gutsy?08:27
SpudlyDanish989: if you're looking for a really stressful linux experience, do a Gentoo stage 1 install08:27
nickrudalliecat yes08:28
SpudlyDanish989: you will marry your ubuntu system after that08:28
Danish989BoltClock:  that makes me feel like im in the matrix or something08:28
* Spudly hugs his ubuntu system08:28
BoltClockDanish989: really? i dunno i never cared about the matrix08:28
* Danish989 takes his ubuntu to vegas08:28
* BoltClock follows what Spudly did08:28
Danish989BoltClock: I'm just saying, that sounded really cool :p08:28
nickrudSpudly that's nothing, try lfs about 8 years ago, when you had to go find sources on sunsite08:28
alliecatSo, my wireless has worked flawlessly through Edgy, Feisty and Gutsy08:28
BoltClockDanish989: lol :)08:28
alliecatusing ndiswrapper08:28
alliecatand now that I'm on Hardy, it's awful08:29
Spudlynickrud: we could go back in time to the 70s and make punch cards - point is, it's painful08:29
nickrudalliecat what chip ?08:29
nickrudSpudly did that too08:29
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alliecatwhat do you mean? amd6408:29
nickrudSpudly but you are absolutely correct08:30
nickrudalliecat no, wireless chip08:30
alliecatbcom umm08:30
Spudlynickrud: i think i installed slackware from floppy disks once.... i think i was single at the time (surprise surprise)08:30
nickrudalliecat hm, that's not enough info08:30
Rat409alliecat: try lspci | grep Network08:30
alliecat05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)08:31
Danish989Hey, one quick question: How do I change what the background looks like while I'm rotating my 3D Desktop, switching through workstations?08:31
SpudlyFlannel: have you modified your Xorg.conf on Hardy at all??08:31
SpudlyDanish989: do you mean having different background images on different workspaces?08:31
nickrudalliecat I use that exact chip. remove ndiswrapper, and use system->admin->hardware driver. Do it while you are wired up to the net08:32
Danish989Spudly: Nope, I already got the answer to that (that its not possible) I mean the background to the 3D cubes, you know how its dull and gray with the cubes reflection as default ..08:32
alliecatwill it not be an option to use the hardware driver while ndiswrapper is installed?08:32
Danish989Spudly: The background where the cube rotates? I have no idea how to make this question make sense08:32
alliecatbecause right now it isn't there08:32
nickrudalliecat you don't want ndiswrapper and the b43 drivers conflicting.08:33
alliecati can connect wirelessly but it just dies every so often08:33
SpudlyDanish989: I found a site that describes how to do it, but it doesn't work (sigh)... re: cubes, have you tried using cube Skydome or anything?08:33
SpudlyDanish989: I this i know what you mean08:33
alliecatand it isn't the connection, because it happens on both that i have access to08:34
SpudlyDanish989: I think rather08:34
Danish989spudly: I know right :o( I really wanted that .. oh, and I think the thing I want IS the skydome thingy ... can you just tell me in guidelines what I need to get?08:34
EvolElm0hey.. just wondering.. ive got a canon 400D does ubuntu support any .raw -> .jpeg (or similar) converters?08:35
SpudlyDanish989: wish i could say i knew how - fancy a journey thru the Compiz settings manager?08:35
SpudlyDanish989: fyi - my background (when i engage Rotate Cube) goes from Dark (top) to light (bottom) - it's this you want to change, right?08:35
Danish989spudly: I already looked around the compiz settings manager, and I could change the top and bottom of the cube (with image files)08:36
Danish989spudly: what I want to change is the dull gray at the complete back of the whole cube08:36
Danish989spudly: you're right, the dark top and light bottom gradient background08:36
EvolElm0found the answer to my own question :D rawstudio!08:36
alliecatnickrud: is there any way i can do the switch with ndiswrapper and the b43 drivers offline08:36
alliecatso i don't have to bring my laptop all the way across the house to connect it to the router via a wire08:37
SpudlyDanish989: ok - it's not actually the cube itself you want to change (i am being picky, but for a reason) - it's the background behind the cube08:37
alliecat(i want to stay where i am now and if i go back there i'll get enticed into staying back there)08:37
Danish989spudly: yup08:37
Spudlyhave a look at the Compiz cube reflection plug-in08:37
nickrudalliecat you have to download some firmware for the card from the net, so you have to be wired to enable the driver I'm talking about08:37
Spudlyi've got it enabled and it appears to have settings related to what we're talking about.... and if i make a subtle modification... (drum roll)....08:38
* Spudly changes something in compiz, not knowing whether the world will end08:38
nickrud!wireless | alliecat (I think the do talk about a way, downloading some stuff ahead of time)08:38
ubottualliecat (I think the do talk about a way, downloading some stuff ahead of time): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:38
Danish989spudly: awesomeness .. but is there anyway I can place an image there instead of a gradient?08:38
alliecati'll do it while the person i'm trying to avoid is showering :P08:38
Rat409night all08:38
mercureeSpudly, a gentoo stage 1 install? is that where you install the base the download the tarball and so on? i got as far as trying to install xorg and quit. moved onto ubuntu :P08:40
SpudlyDanish989: if i turn off the Cube Reflection plug-in, my background is completely black.... let me have a squizz....08:40
Danish989Spudly: Ive seen a lot of videos with people having image files at the back instead of that dull gradient ... I do think it's called a skydome or something of the sort08:40
mercureei saw someone mention iceweasel just now. looked it up. i want it. im guessing i have to update my apt sources.list? the geticeweasel.org site is rather cryptic. anyone got the sources for me?08:41
micahcowaniceweasel = firefox with different branding08:42
SpudlyDanish989: consensus seems to be a skydome image in the cube plug-in08:42
micahcowanand, perhaps, a little more freedom08:42
ahsandeifne more freedom08:42
cyberadoes anyone use transputty?08:42
cyberaor any version/mod of putty 0.60 /w transparecy08:42
Danish989spudly: aaand?08:43
micahcowanahsan, well, if you're going to use the official firefox branding, you can't really change the program much (it's brand protection: they don't want to let people hack whatever they want into firefox, and still call it that).08:43
SpudlyDanish989: ...that seemed to work for me....08:43
SpudlyDanish989: skydome image08:43
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choriusing the latest fglrx drivers for my hd2600pro card I get an fatal error and then a signal 11 in my Xorg log whenever I try to run a movie. Anyone have any ideas?08:44
SpudlyDanish989: can send you screenshot if you like08:44
Danish989spudly: go ahead08:44
Spudlyhow should i send it to ya?08:45
Danish989spudly: it says its waiting for the transfer to begin?08:45
SpudlyDanish989: prob firewall08:46
SpudlyDanish989: do you have another preferred method?08:46
Danish989spudly: pfft, how about email?08:46
SpudlyDanish989: fine by me08:46
Danish989spudly: danish989@gmail.com08:46
Danish989spudly: you changed the image?08:47
SpudlyDanish989: added an image08:47
Danish989spudly: how?08:47
SpudlyDanish989: skydome (as it apppears to be known) was blank. in Compiz settings manager, in the Desktop Cube plug-in, select the Appearance tab08:48
Spudlythen open the skydome twisty08:48
Spudlythen add an image in the Skydome Image boxy thingy08:48
dondawhen type commands on the terminal i get an error   (pratik@pratik-desktop:~$ sudo pppoeconfig08:49
dondasudo: unable to resolve host pratik-desktop08:49
Danish989spudly: i believe I got kicked out08:49
Spudlyemail on it's way08:49
dondacan any one help me08:50
SpudlyDanish989: awesome - i been thinking about how to do that, but never got around to doin anything about it (lazy arse me)08:50
Danish989spudly: lol, how nice08:50
SpudlyDonda: it depends on your problem - if it's chick or dude related, ask your Mum08:50
Danish989spudly: another thing, can you tell me what the bloody difference is between a Metacity and an Emerald theme?08:50
ajhtiredwolfHey, I have linux and vista installed on my primary hard drive and xp installed on the secondary. XP is hd1,0 linux hd0,4 and vista hd0,3. XP wont boot because windows wants to be on hd0,0 how can i make it load?08:50
Flannelajhtiredwolf: use map in grub to make it look like hd0,008:51
peter77spudley: why can't we ask you chick questions?08:51
micahcowanDanish989, Metacity is a window-manager (the default one in Ubuntu); I don't know what Emerald is, but I'd hazard a guess it's another wm.08:51
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, map??08:51
Danish989micahcowan: thanks~08:51
micahcowanAh, window decorator for compiz.08:51
SpudlyPeter77: hey, if you want my advice i'm happy to share! :) but I can't guarantee you won't get slapped....08:51
Danish989micahcowan: yesh08:51
SpudlyDanish989: If i knew that, I'd answer you in a jiffy.... isn't Emerald a Window Decorator (?), and Metacity a Window Manager?08:52
Danish989spudly: what exactly is the difference between those two? :S08:52
SpudlyDanish989: .... was hopin you'd be able to answer that old boy!08:52
dondawhen i type sudo pppoeconfig on terminal i get an error08:52
Danish989spudly: lol, unfortunately not ... dude, I do love what your ubuntu looks like, what are you using?08:53
dondathe error is sudo: unable to resolve host pratik-desktop08:53
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen08:53
KyleKheh https08:53
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, what do you mean by map?08:53
generichey how i send prints from JRE08:53
genericany idea?08:53
peter77Spudley: ok there's this girl I like but she's a sadistic satanist, is she worth asking out?08:53
Flannelajhtiredwolf: in your XP entry, map (hd1) (hd0) then on the next line map (hd0) (hd1), anywhere in the entry (beginning is easiest).  Don't change the root, that's independant of mapping08:53
SpudlyDanish989: which bit do you like??08:53
Flannelajhtiredwolf: so, one per line your XP entry is summarized by: title, map, map, root(noverify), chainloader, makeactive, or something similar to that08:54
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, that will make hd1 look like 0 and hd0 look like 1?08:54
Flannelajhtiredwolf: To XP, yeah.08:54
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, will that make the vista on the real hd0 not be able to boot?08:54
dondawhen i type sudo pppoeconfig on terminal i get an error .the error is sudo: unable to resolve host pratik-desktop08:54
Flannelajhtiredwolf: No, it only affects the menu entry it's in08:54
Flannelajhtiredwolf: (it only gets evaluated when you boot that entry)08:54
Spudlypeter77: ask yourself this - is she likely to tear your head from your neck if u say "I'm hanging out with the fellaz tonight dear".... if the answer is yes, then change your address.08:55
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, oh sweet08:55
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mercureeim running ubuntu hardy and if i do apt-cache search iceweasel i only find plugins not the actual program08:56
Danish989spudly: mainly the orange and white color scheme of the GUI?08:56
mercureeshould i add debian sources to my list or what?08:56
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, so it should look like this http://pastebin.com/m525850d5 ?08:56
dondawhen i type sudo pppoeconfig on terminal i get an error .the error is sudo: unable to resolve host pratik-desktop08:56
khinhey why is it that when i clear the screen in bash and then dump a lot of text, some of the stuff i cleared comes back into view08:56
Danish989spudly: please be a saint and don't tell me that's the default theme (because it does look like the default theme and im new to ubuntu)08:57
khinthat is really annoying08:57
mercureepeter77,  is she a linux nut by any chance?08:57
peter77mercuree: mac user08:57
Danish989peter77: no08:57
napnaphi all08:58
dondaplz ne one help me out08:58
SpudlyDanish989: with the exception of the skydome image (mine), it is all default08:58
legend2440donda: check the   /etc/hosts file and make sure second line matches  /etc/hostname file08:58
Danish989spudly: thats what I was afraid of .. lol08:58
Danish989spudly: maybe thats what made me install ubuntu in the first place, how good it looks :D08:58
peter77the eternal hatred of people who use and own an apple computer08:58
Watchbot07hi yall08:58
napnaphow can I mount MAC OS X  install disc ?  mount -t hfs /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom => mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0   (with and whithout -t option)08:58
Watchbot07could someone help me with wireless on 8.04?08:59
SpudlyDanish989: well, GNOME (desktop thingy) is very clean - it's quite nice to use08:59
Danish989peter77: I specially hate all those mac ads where they're brainwashing the viewers08:59
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, still there?08:59
Danish989spudly: yup, it's wonderful08:59
SpudlyDanish989: and with all the compiz bells and whistles, i've impressed no less than 5 people with it :)08:59
Watchbot07i can connect to the router but cant get out to the internet08:59
Watchbot07any ideas?08:59
Danish989spudly: I know, right! I've just mastered the technique of cube rotation and I shall make jaws hit the floor tommorow when I show it off to all my friends lol08:59
micahcowanDanish989, what, then 1989 ads? The idea was that the Mac was a revolution against... something. A little ironic...09:00
swanskI can input Korean characters.09:00
aj_ irc.hqirc.co.uk09:00
Flannelpeter77, Spudly, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, or somewhere else.  Thanks.09:00
swanskUsing OO09:00
SpudlyDanish989: henceforth, you will be CubeRotationMan09:00
Flannelajhtiredwolf: Yes09:00
SpudlyFlannel: sorry, will stop now09:00
alliecatSo, I uninstalled ndiswrapper09:00
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, yes that is correct?09:00
Flannelajhtiredwolf: No.  root hd1,009:00
Danish989micahcowan: lol, no, they have some new Mac ads  like that too don't they, where this thin actor who's playing a mac is standing next to a fat suit wearing 'pc'09:00
SpudlyDanish989: i'm still trying to get some 3D games working, not havin a great deal of success tho09:00
swanskPM me is you have an idea!!!09:00
alliecatCan someone tell me how to get the correct drivers working?09:00
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, oh woops yeah, i changed that but it changed back09:01
Flannelajhtiredwolf: The mapping only happens for the OS it boots to, not GRUB itself09:01
* swansk needs help09:01
Danish989spudly: cube rotation man it is, to the cube rotation mobile!09:01
Flannel!patience | swansk09:01
ubottuswansk: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:01
* swansk can't print Korean characters for some dumb reason09:01
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, alright but other than hd1,0 everything else right?09:01
Flannelswansk: Have you tried asking in #ubuntu-ko?09:01
SpudlyWatchbot07: can you get an IP from router?09:01
Flannelajhtiredwolf: Yep09:01
Danish989flannel: there's a ubuntu-ko? how kickass is that ...09:01
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, thnanks that is really helpful, brb gonna see if it works09:01
FlannelDanish989: There's LoCo teams all over09:01
dondalegend2440:i hav got this names09:02
swanskFlannel thanks for your response.   I wasn't trying to be rude.09:02
alliecatseriously, I need help to get my wireless working :(09:02
* swansk *shame*09:02
* Danish989 wants his workstations to all have different wallpapers :(09:02
dondalegend2440:# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts09:02
dondafe00::0 ip6-localnet09:02
dondaff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix09:02
dondaff02::1 ip6-allnodes09:02
dondaff02::2 ip6-allrouters09:02
dondaff02::3 ip6-allhosts09:02
FloodBot3donda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:02
SpudlyWatchbot07: tell me how you know you can connect....09:02
* mynetdude has had a brief tout with ubuntu... unfortunately I'm using the 64bit edition... and some things are just not possible09:02
srizzi've been having trouble upgrading my ubuntu, does anyone mind helping09:02
SpudlyWatchbot07: and in your response, try and use my name (helps people know who you're talking to)09:02
SpudlyWatchbot07: unless of course you're talking to everyone, then that's ok :)09:03
Watchbot07Spudly: i can see the router in the list and enter the key09:03
alliecati need some help too. i uninstalled ndiswrapper so the drivers don't conflict, but now i can't seem to get the bcom drivers working09:03
alliecati guess i should restart09:03
Watchbot07Spudly: then it does something but i cant get out09:03
SpudlyWatchbot07: which key is this? how is your router configured?09:03
legend2440donda: paste your /etc/hostname  file in pastebin09:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:03
srizzi went to the update manager to update to 7.0 and got an error box09:03
Watchbot07Spudly: with wep and the ssid is broadcast09:04
SpudlyWatchbot07: ah ok - cool. i had to use manual configuration to get my wireless working09:04
swansk#ubuntu-ko has 6 people online and their all sleeping.  Not much help.  Ubuntuforums.org only has someone vaguely talking about this about Chinese characters but I didn't understand the haphazard work around.  For example I don't know how to output in PDF.09:04
srizzim not sure how to correct it09:04
Watchbot07Spudly: i got it to work in 7.04 but not 8.0409:04
SpudlyWatchbot07: can you see the little network icon (two monitors overlapping) top-right near the time/date?09:04
swanskIf I output in PDF where is the file sent to?09:05
Watchbot07Spudly: yes09:05
SpudlyWatchbot07: select that (left mouse but) and select Manual09:05
swanskPMing me with any info is acceptable to me.09:05
Watchbot07Spudly: ok, thats the list where i can see the router09:05
Spudlyok, select Manual configuration09:06
Watchbot07Spudly: ok09:06
Danish989spudly: I just chose an image for the skydome, but it still doesnt show up when I rotate the cube =\ what do you think is wrong?09:07
SpudlyWatchbot07: you should get a box that says "Netowrk Settings" and you should see a list under "Connections" - the first item in the list is hopefully Wireless09:07
ajhtiredwolfFlannel, thank you so much, it worked.09:07
Watchbot07Spudly: yeah its my router09:07
kimmey2k3any suggestions to GUI for truecrypt?09:07
dondalegend2440:ican i change the hostname09:07
SpudlyWatchbot07: so I assume the SSID is right. click on Unlock, enter your password, then select the Wireless network connection and hit Properties09:08
legend2440donda: you changed the hostname?09:08
SpudlyDanish989: hmmmmm09:08
dondalegend2440: no09:08
Watchbot07Spudly: i cant see it right now its a dual boot on this machine and im on win09:08
swanskFound something....How do I add all used TrueType Fonts to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4????09:08
SpudlyDanish989: if you have any other settings, do they take effect ?09:09
Watchbot07Spudly: ive gone into the properties before09:09
dondalegend2440: hostname is=pratik-desktop09:09
srizzcan someone guide me through installing Ubuntu 8.0409:09
SpudlyWatchbot07: cool - didn't want to lose you by assuming09:09
swansksrizz there might be a video online like youtube that will do that09:09
srizzi already downloaded it09:09
Watchbot07Spudly: ok09:09
Watchbot07Spudly: ive set my wep key there and have done all the type of connections09:10
Watchbot07Spudly: even tried a static ip but no dice09:10
ajhtiredwolfAre ATI cards still big trouble in linux?09:10
SpudlyESSID is correct? Password type is "WEP key (hexadecimal)"? network password is your key (without any dashes)?09:10
legend2440donda: ok you are missing two lines in the  /etc/hosts file   first line should be  and second line from top should be        pratik-desktop09:11
Watchbot07Spudly:  yeah ive done both hex and ascii, my key has spaces, could that be it?09:11
SpudlyWatchbot07: hearin' ya - goto System menu, then Admin, then System Log09:12
SpudlyWatchbot07: on the left, choose 'syslog'09:12
SpudlyWatchbot07: remove any spaces and try again09:12
SpudlyWatchbot07: i think the key has to be all hex or ascii (no dodgey bits)09:13
Watchbot07Spudly: ok, it works on win, would underscores be ok here?09:14
SpudlyDanish989: did you see my q?09:14
Danish989spudly: sorry, I stepped out for a while, hold on let me scroll up09:14
Danish989spudly: what do you mean by other settings? I changed the color of the gradient previously09:15
SpudlyDanish989: if you have any other settings, do they take effect immedately?09:15
Danish989spudly: yes, immediately09:15
SpudlyDanish989: i'm going to assume you can open that image normally (is it a jpg? png?)09:15
Danish989spudly: Ohh, sonovab**** .. lol, I didnt tick on the square to enable skydome *embaressed*09:16
Gokee2Where is opera?  I have spent 10 min trying to figure out where my laptop gets it from!  apt-get policy on my laptop says         500 http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Packages.  But I can`t get it on my desktop!  First I tried copying over "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner" (ran apt-get update) but apt-get policy opera still came up empty...  So I tried copying my whole sources.list from my laptop running update09:16
Gokee2but I STILL DONAT GET OPERA!?09:16
SpudlyWatchbot07: i'd stick with entering it as hex if you can09:16
swanskhttp://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=71249&highlight=korean+asian+printing    Same problem here no solution yet.  Blaming Ubuntu not OO on the problem.09:16
SpudlyWatchbot07: so I'm assuming underscores would be OK, but hey, it it barfs again remove the underscore and see if it works without it09:16
dondalegend2440:thanks buddy its done09:16
SpudlyDanish989: haha09:16
Watchbot07Spudly: ok, thanks for the help, i need to hit the sack, cya09:17
legend2440donda: error message gone?09:17
SpudlyDanish989: man, I was gonna ask - but I thought..."naaaaah, he's a bright guy"09:17
SpudlyWatchbot07: later09:17
swanskI did not have a problem with printing asian characters in Breezy.  I believe this is a relatively new issue.09:17
Spudlydang, this on-topic thing is hard... i keep goin to type and then I get the "Flannel-Eye" :P09:18
* swansk is worried. Company needs me to print Asian fonts. I don't want to have to wipe Ubuntu and install Windows because of this.09:18
alliecatOk, seriously, I've gotten myself into a mess now.09:18
bazhangswansk, breezy is no longer supported; consider getting a more recent version09:18
alliecatI uninstalled ndiswrapper throuth the advic eof someone here09:18
bazhang!eol | swansk09:19
ubottuswansk: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases09:19
swanskI am using the MOST RECENT version.  I was just commenting that Breezy didn't have this problem.09:19
alliecatgot b43-fwcutter and bcm43xx-fwcutter09:19
bazhangswansk, do you have the asian language packs installed?09:19
alliecatand my wireless card is not being recognized at all09:19
szonekhi, i have a problem with playing wav files.. when i play little bigger file (size > 100KB) with: aplay /usr/share/sounds/login.wav it works fine but when i try to play shorter file, for example info.wav i get nothing ... info.wav isn't silent09:19
swanskas far as I know I do. I can view Korean fonts and INPUT THEM.09:19
alliecati really need the help of someone who actually knows this wireless stuff09:19
Danish989spudly: lol, guess i'm just tired (can't think of anything else to blame it on)09:19
bazhangswansk, you only need Korean?09:20
swanskbazhang : right09:20
swanskbazhang : but Chinese it seems is having the same issues.  http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=71249&highlight=korean+asian+printing09:20
bazhangswansk, what font/language packs? there are separate ones for OO iirc09:20
swanskI am not sure.  I'll happily tell you if you tell me where to locate them.09:20
SpudlyDanish989: so you're set now.... skydome image and all...09:21
bazhangswansk, what about opening synaptic and searching for korean, or apt-cache search korean and installing all you see09:21
SpudlyFlannel: when you say off-topic, does that include jokes about configuration of ubuntu?09:21
swanskok.  I'll try that.  To eliminate that possibility.09:21
swanskI'll be right back09:22
Danish989spudly: yup :) thanks a lot09:22
swanskPMing me is ok09:22
Danish989spudly: now the only thing bothering me is how to have a different wallpaper for different workstation ..09:22
alliecathow do you de-blacklist something09:22
SpudlyDanish989: workspace?09:22
alliecatthat's probably the best question09:22
Danish989spudly: yes, workspace, sorry09:22
Dusti[n][os] Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 [cpu] 2 AMD @ 2002.36 MHz x86 Family 15 Model 75 Stepping 2 [memory] 0/2048mb [0.00%] [--------------------] [display] card(s), 1024x768x32bpp - 0Hz monitor [sound]09:23
Dusti[n][hdd] [C: 225,958.65mb (51,619.89mb free)] [D: 225,958.65mb (51,619.89mb free)] [L: 225,958.65mb (51,619.89mb free)] [L: 225,958.65mb (51,619.89mb free)] [bios] [connection]09:23
Dusti[n][XP install date] Thu Feb 26 01:00:00 2037 [uptime] 1day 57mins 11secs [record uptime] 1day 57mins 11secs on Jun 20 2008 ::acidmax::09:23
SpudlyDanish989: i tried one suggested idea, didn't do anything - not sure why...09:23
Danish989spudly: did it have anything to do with compiling and then running?09:23
SpudlyDanish989: no, just setting an option in gconf-editor for Nautilis09:23
SpudlyDanish989: telling Nauty not to 'show-desktop'09:24
Danish989spudly: I've so far heard of 'wallpaper-tray' 'drape' and 'wallpapoz' as applications that can do what we need09:24
Danish989spudly: but according to nickruds, they all suck09:24
* Spudly looks at nickruds09:24
Spudlynickrud: is this true?09:24
bazhangSpudly, wallpaper-tray would be what you want; wallpapoz is no longer under development iirc09:24
swanskbazhang : I am worried I will end up changing my system to Korean menus and such by installing so many KO packages :) :)09:24
nickrudDanish989 Spudly could you take this to a pm or another room, you're drowning out everyone else (and yes, I think they all suck)09:25
Spudlyalrighty, time to cook dinner for the wifey09:25
szoneki have a problem with playing wav files.. when i play little bigger file (size > 100KB) with: aplay /usr/share/sounds/login.wav it works fine but when i try to play shorter file, for example info.wav i get nothing ... info.wav isn't silent09:25
Danish989nickrud: lol09:25
Spudlynickrud: drowning out?09:25
Danish989bazhang: how is wallpaper-tray, according to you?09:25
bazhangDanish989, never tried it sorry09:25
Danish989bazhang: okie, thanks anyway09:25
SpudlyDanish989: nite mate, sweet skydome dreams09:26
nickrudSpudly help requests getting lost in the flow. See you guys around, bed time09:26
michael__anyone here know how to set background image for wmii09:26
Danish989spudly: lol, you too dude, thanks again :) cya again hopefully09:26
Mo0oSaHBitchX is not included in hardy repo?09:26
swanskbazhang : found a few packages that might help PostScript out printing, unsure....still working on it.09:26
bazhang!info bitchx09:26
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in hardy09:26
bazhangMo0oSaH, nay09:26
Danish989bazhang: what the hell is bitchx?09:26
alliecatnickrud: i think you helped me earlier. i removed ndiswrapper and i can't get the b43 and bcm43xx drivers to load now09:27
bazhangDanish989, it is a irc client that is cli (irssi is the one to use)09:27
alliecatso my card isn't recognized at all!09:27
nickrudalliecat try sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules09:27
ubudwhat adress book is good?09:27
nickrudalliecat do you see your driver in the driver manager?09:27
alliecati don't09:28
nickruddo the apt-get install09:28
alliecati did apt-get install b43-fwcutter and bcm43xx-fwcutter09:28
alliecatand i still don't see them there09:28
nickrudalliecat restricted modules?09:28
alliecatok, i did that09:29
alliecatdo i need to reinstall the fwcutter files AGAIN now?09:29
swanskbazhang : currently installing 34 files 100+ MB of korean language stuff.  It would be great if ONE fixed this.09:29
nickrudalliecat no, check system->admin->driver manager09:29
alliecatstill not there09:29
bazhangswansk, hope it does :)09:29
carreradoes 8.04 support software RAID?09:29
jlwHey guys, I suck. How do I find out if I have what kind of wine to install? Edgy/Dapper/Breezy?09:29
nickruddang. That's all I did day before yesterday09:29
nickrudbut its 0130 here, gotta get up at 060009:30
bazhangnight nickrud :)09:30
=== Bash is now known as eeeOOO
nickrudalliecat I'm around most evenings if you still have trouble.09:31
swanskbazhang : breezy didn't have this problem so just adding a package might do the trick, unless OO or Cups Printing has changed significantly09:31
mantiHi guys. Is there a way for me to find out about my video card from the command line?09:31
bazhangmanti, lspci09:31
nickrudgood afternoon, bazhang09:31
kennywhen i click install updates button. An error occured-> E:dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configue -a' to correct the problem. E:_cache->open() failed, please report. so anyone can help me to solve this problem.09:31
bazhangkenny, run that command then09:32
orpheanmanti: glxinfo will tell you various gl related things as well.09:32
bazhang!fakeraid | carrera09:32
ubottucarrera: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto09:32
=== pawel314 is now known as pawel314_
kennyok, i open the terminal09:32
bazhangjlw what system are you using (gutsy, hardy)09:33
mantiNow I can guess which drivers are best, without having to actually look inside the cse09:33
kennywhat should i do next?09:33
jlwI have no idea, I'm a  newbie. How can I find out?09:33
bazhangjlw open a terminal and type lsb_release -a (dont paste here)09:33
jlwHardy :)09:34
=== helder is now known as hfmls
bazhangjlw, get wine from the hardy repos then; either sudo apt-get install wine , or open synaptic and install from there.09:35
hfmlsi installed beryl09:35
hfmlshow do i start it ?09:35
bazhanghfmls, beryl is now compiz-fusion09:35
hfmlswell, at least i think i did09:35
hfmlsi did sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-bcop09:35
bazhang!ccsm | hfmls09:35
ubottuhfmls: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion09:35
hfmlsok, installed09:36
* Saj5786 Bons dias **09:36
jlwbazhang: I'm trying to follow this tutorial to install World of Warcraft, can I link it to you?09:36
* swansk falls at the feet of bazhang thanking him. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I suspect xpdf-korean might have been the package that fixed it. Unsure of course.09:36
bazhangjlw, check the appdb or go to #winehq for help with that09:37
bazhang!appdb | jlw09:37
ubottujlw: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org09:37
jlwAlright, thanks09:37
hfmlsbtw, where can i get the latest via chrome9 drivers? (installed one that worked perfect, but want to make sure it's the latest)09:37
bazhangswansk, nicely done :)09:37
TMPSAPhi! how do you re-activate your NICS in console? I dont want to use a GUI09:38
kennywhat should i do after i open the terminal.09:39
legend2440kenny: in terminal type     sudo dpkg --configure -a09:39
* swansk actually likes elinks....grumbles that some sights have too many images.09:39
kennythen what i should do next.09:40
cyberadoes anyone know/have any experience with why after i upgraded from 7.10->8.05 that i lost a EIDE ATA/100 WD120GB disk, but my SATA disks show up in 'fdisk -l'09:40
legend2440kenny: try      sudo apt-get updates     and see if that fixed it09:41
TMPSAPhi! how do you re-activate your NICS in console? I dont want to use a GUI <-- is it possible at all? O_O09:41
bhcsudo ifconfig eth0 down09:42
ubottuccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion09:43
legend2440kenny: try      sudo apt-get update    and see if that fixed it   sorry thats update not updates09:43
TMPSAPbhc thanks man09:43
cybera(my box: v2.6.24-19-server; Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7); At the begining of my dmesg i see: ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found.09:45
cyberaIs that a serious problem or nothing really to worry bout?09:45
hfmlsi installed via chrome9 and now works perfect in ubuntu09:47
hfmlshow can i check if i have latest version? and how can i check if 3d is working ?09:47
bXihfmls: 3d should be checkable with glxgears i think09:48
ishmael^hi could someone help me changing my mac address?09:48
ishmael^ive read the forums09:48
ikoniaishmael^: why do you want to change your mac address09:49
bXiwhy would you want to change it?09:49
ishmael^and the way inserting a line in /etc/network/interfaces09:49
ishmael^does not work09:49
ikoniaishmael^: that can have reasonable complications09:49
hfmlssorry, what ?09:49
ikoniaishmael^: doesn't work ?? your mac address ?? how does it "not work"09:49
ishmael^coz of my isp09:49
ikoniaishmael^: please explain09:49
hfmlsbXi,  how do i do it?09:49
bXihfmls: open a terminal and type glxgears09:49
ishmael^my isp desires a certain mac09:50
hfmlsnothing happens09:50
bXihfmls: then i think 3d isnt working09:50
hfmlsglxgears: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:50
bXiishmael^: i somehow doubt that09:50
ikoniaishmael^: they contact your ISP and tell them your using a different mac address09:50
ishmael^but i dont want to09:50
ikoniabXi: some ISP's do tie broadband connections to specific mac addresses, it's not uncommon09:50
ishmael^i know there are ways to override it09:51
bXiikonia: yeah but wouldnt the ISP supply a modem with a known mac address?09:51
Kinchis there anywhere on this server I could go to share my art made solely on ubuntu?09:51
ikoniaishmael^: contact your ISP and tell them you have changed your mac address, we are not here to help you get around and break your ISP's Terms and Conditions09:51
ikoniabXi: depends on the ISP09:51
Sinnermanhi i was using a mist theme, and to make the panel menu size smaller, i was using gtk-icon-sizes="panel-menu=12,12" in .gtkrc. however with murrine, which i now want to use, that does not seem to work, i've tried modifying the theme file itself, to no avail, and i have tried making a .gtkrc-2.0 file in my $HOME, to no avail either. how can i solve this? i basically want to make the menus from the panel stretch half the lenght of the screen rather tha09:51
Sinnermann the whole lot.09:51
ikoniaKinch: #ubuntu-artwork09:51
ikoniaKinch: they would appriciate it09:51
kennyonce i go into sudo apt-get update what should i do next09:51
KyleK#ifconfig $WAN hw ether 00:1B:24:CE:72:8109:51
ikoniaKinch: also there is an "art work" forum on ubuntuforums09:52
Kinchthank ikonia09:52
Sinnermani dare say it works for menus elsewhere.09:52
KyleKdont use my laptops mac address09:52
legend2440kenny: well if that worked ok then you can open   system>administration>update manager and check for any new updates if you want09:54
zethero1anyone here with experience in configuring a network?09:54
michael__zetherol,maybe i can help you ,what's your problem09:55
Kinchall is quiet in ubuntu artwork, for those interested check out http://rethaw.com/wp/videos to see the videos i've made using basic compiz settings09:56
Kinchand video feedback09:56
jeroinis there a howto for xen on 8.04?09:56
ikoniaKinch: thats not really appropriate for this channel09:57
jeroinbecause https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen seems outdated for previous versions09:57
ikoniaKinch: if -artwork is quiet, leave a message, or make a forum post on the artwork forum on ubuntu forums09:57
Kinchikonia: my dearest apologies!09:57
hfmlsi ear some noises in my 5.1 speakers09:58
hfmlsand i'm not listen to any sound :S09:58
hfmlsit happens in ubuntu09:58
hfmlssome little clap09:58
hfmlslike 10 in 10 seconds :S09:58
hfmlswhere can i get the latest P4M900 VIA Chrome9 driver?09:59
kennystill cannot update10:00
ikoniahfmls: be careful using ones not provided in the ubuntu repo's10:00
hfmlswhat da hell10:00
hfmlsi pressed num lock10:00
hfmlsnow every time i write a caracter my pc goes bip bip bip10:00
=== ali___ is now known as Mo0oSaH
hfmlsonly in xchat10:01
xnvIs there a safe way to change my user id? Even when I unlock, the user id box is grayed out in the User Settings app10:01
=== ali___ is now known as Mo0oSaH
ikoniazethero1: anyone what ?10:01
michael__xnv,i dont think that you can change your uid10:02
ikoniazethero1: what good is saying "anyone" ?10:02
civixierMay I ask snes9x-related questions in here?10:02
hfmlsikonia,  do u know where i can find it ? where can i get the latest P4M900 VIA Chrome9 driver?10:02
zethero1anyone here with experience in configuring a network?10:02
xnvmichael__: You definitely can.10:02
zethero1I asked already above..... :)10:02
michael__what's your problem10:02
ikoniahfmls: well, you'd either need to look in via for an xorg driver, or the xorg cvs repo10:02
hfmlsi installed one that works ok.but still i dont have 3d.. via has support for ubuntu 3d now.10:02
ikoniazethero1: many people, ask the question10:02
afallenhopeis there an scp GUI version?10:03
michael__xnv,how can i chang the uid?10:03
xnvmichael__: The usermod command is one option, but I don't know if it'd screw things up in the rest of Ubuntu.10:03
ikoniazethero1: if someone didn't see the question saying "anyone" won't tell them what the question is, if someone doesn't know the answer saying "anyone" won't make them know it10:03
zethero1I would like to assign static ip addresses to the computers on the network....10:03
ikoniahfmls: whos says via has 3d support ?10:03
ikoniazethero1: ok, I assume they are running ubuntu ?10:03
choriI'm having problems with my xorg/fglrx config geting a fatal error and a backtrace. Google suggest it might be a bug in glibc and that recompiling libpixman with gcc 4.1 solves the problem. But how to compile? Anyone?10:03
hfmlswell they released drivers 2 weeks ago for via10:03
zethero1ikonia: yes10:03
erin<zethero1> I would like to assign static ip addresses to the computers on the network...    <-- sudo ifconfig eth0     etc10:04
ikoniazethero1: ok, so open system --> administration -> network gui10:04
michael__xnv, you are right, thank you10:04
ikoniahfmls: who did ?10:04
ikoniahfmls: who released these drivers ?10:04
michael__zethorol, you can edit /etc/network/interfaces10:04
zethero1ikonia: network settings?10:04
ikoniahfmls: who said these drivers have 3d support10:04
michael__and that files will keep your configs10:05
ikoniahfmls: so you'll need to get the drivers from via then10:05
zethero1ikonia: by the way 3 are on wireless and one on wired10:05
ikoniazethero1: thats fine10:05
kennydpkg problem make me cannot update my ubuntu10:05
ikoniazethero1: they are still just network interfaces10:05
hfmlsi had the lkink in windows, googlint it, 1 mnt10:05
ikoniazethero1: just open the gui I told you, and assign IP addresses to the network you want10:05
zethero1ikonia: I just don't know what to put in Gateway address10:06
ikoniazethero1: what is your network gateway ?10:06
zethero1ikonia: I think the Subnet Mask is
ikoniazethero1: ok,10:06
ikoniazethero1: you need to speak to the person who runs your network10:06
michael__you need to ask your network administrator10:06
ikoniazethero1: ask him what the gateway for your network is10:06
zethero1ikonia: I dunno what the gateway is ... I thought it was
ikoniazethero1: ask you network administrator10:07
zethero1ikonia: I run the network :)10:07
ikoniazethero1: come on.....10:07
ikoniazethero1: is this a home network ?10:07
zethero1ikonia: yes10:07
ikoniazethero1: right, so your gateway will mostlikley be your broad band router10:07
kennyE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. <---i having this problem until cannot update my ubuntu.10:07
hfmlsTux Racer, Divx, Xvid, DVD, e até o Compiz (desktop 3D) funcionou! (após algumas configurações).10:07
erinif its your home network, why isnt DHCP set up?10:07
ikoniazethero1: be aware that a lot of routers won't allow use as a gateway unless they give the IP address out by DHCP10:07
zethero1ikonia: DHCP is enabled10:08
ikoniazethero1: so why are you assigning static IP's10:08
hfmlsikonia,  http://linux.via.com.tw10:08
ikoniahfmls: why are you telling me this ?10:08
zethero1ikonia: I thought my gateway was but it does not seem to work10:08
michael__ikonia,good question10:08
ikoniazethero1:  maybe because your router won't allow use as a gateway UNLESS it gives out an ip address via dhcp10:08
erinzetherol: tell it to get an IP address automatically, setting up static IP's in your situation is pointless10:08
ikoniazethero1: thats not uncommon for home routers10:09
jeroinhello? is this readable?10:09
zethero1ikonia: becasue I setup apt-cacher to connect to ... but if the ip addresses keep changeing then we are in trouble10:09
ikoniajeroin: yes10:09
hfmlsikonia,  a guy said it used drivers for P4M900 VIA Chrome9 from that site: http://linux.via.com.tw  but when i go there i can't find P4M900, what do u think i should use ?10:09
ikoniazethero1: use a hostname for apt-cacher10:09
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FlynsarmyIf i share my M drive (an NTFS drive) will it become un-shared every time i reboot ubuntu? That seems to have been what happened10:09
ikoniahfmls: I think you should contact via or the guy who told you to use the drivers from that site10:09
jeroinLets say i have Ubuntu 8.04 and need a VM to run FreeBSD 7 with heavy I/O on Areca, should I use KVM or Xen then? What howto should I use I found one for Xen on the official Ubuntu page but its for earlier Ubuntu versions10:09
zethero1ikonia: all the computers on the network connect to .... can I change it to make them all connect to the name of my pc?10:10
ikoniajeroin: I'm a firm believer in kvm personally10:10
ikoniazethero1: sure10:10
jeroinikonia: why? do you have a good howto for it for 8.04?10:10
zethero1can I pastebin the sources.list to you?10:10
ikoniajeroin: https://help.ubuntu.com search for "kvm"10:10
ikoniazethero1: why ?10:11
zethero1ikonia: well... I dunno how to make it point to my pc...10:11
zethero1ikonia: how to I find my hostname?10:11
ikoniazethero1: change the IP address to the name of your PC10:11
ikoniazethero1: "hostname" is the command, and you set it up when you installed ubuntu10:11
zethero1ikonia: hostname in the terminal10:12
ikoniazethero1: yup10:12
zethero1ok.... will try it10:12
ikoniazethero1: see if you can ping it first, to see if your router is acting as a resolver for you10:12
legend2440kenny: what were you doing when you first got that error message?  an update or installing software?10:12
zethero1ikonia: oh ... how do I do that?10:12
jeroinikonia: i found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM but its community document, and i don't know for which Ubuntu version... it doesn't state that...10:12
ikoniajeroin: its 8.0410:13
zethero1ikonia: ping hostname ? in terminal?10:13
ikoniazethero1: thats right10:14
kennyan update, legend2444010:14
tyler__can someone help me with samba permissions....i cant change the folder names from a client pc10:14
zethero1ikonia: ok I did it and its giving me line after line of something.....10:14
ikoniazethero1: I need more info than that10:14
zethero164 bytes from zeth-ubuntu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms10:14
jeroinikonia: how do you know? on top it says The previous version of this page (which was documenting KVM for Feisty) has been moved to KVMFeisty10:14
ikoniazethero1: ok, great10:14
ikoniazethero1: are you doing that on a remote age10:15
ikoniajeroin: because I wrote part of it10:15
zethero1ikonia: remote age?10:15
ikoniazethero1: remote machine sorry10:15
zethero1ikonia: I am on my PC.....10:15
ikoniazethero1: well, you need to ping it from a remote machine10:15
jeroinikonia: OK can you maybe add that its for 8.04 or make this clear for the reader or tell me how i should have known?10:15
zethero1ikonia: ok... from another machine on the network10:15
kennysorry...it's install updated10:15
FlynsarmyIf i share my M drive (an NTFS drive) will it become un-shared every time i reboot ubuntu? That seems to have been what happened10:15
kennynot updated10:15
ikoniajeroin: it's not actually for 8.04 specificly, it's a living document, but as 8.04 is current and the previous version was "fesity" - it can only be 8.04 as there is nothing after fesity thats not 8.0410:16
ikoniajeroin: ahh I see, it could have been gutsy10:17
ikoniajeroin: I'll look at re-wording the intro10:17
jeroinikonia: yes, so i thought, f,g,h :) thanks!!10:17
TMPSAPthis is pure hell10:18
ikoniaTMPSAP: do you have a question ?10:18
TMPSAPmaking my wireless work in ubuntu10:18
zethero1ikonia: from another computer it says unknown host10:18
TMPSAPikonia, yeah sort of how do you make D-Link DWL-G510 work in ubuntu (wireless)?10:18
ikoniazethero1: ok, so your router isn't acting as a dns host,10:18
ikoniaTMPSAP: is it visable in the network gui ?10:18
legend2440kenny: lets try it again  in terminal type   sudo dpkg --configure -a   then when thats done type   sudo apt-get clean10:19
TMPSAPikonia:  it was yesterday then it just vanished, apparently I have to compile my own drivers, but im getting tons of errors10:19
ikoniazethero1: login to your router and assign the mac address of your PC to a static IP, so that the PC is still served up by DHCP, however that 1 PC will get a static IP10:19
ikoniaTMPSAP: who said you have to compile your own drivers?10:19
TMPSAPikonia, a lot 510 users10:20
TMPSAPikonia, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83340010:20
zethero1ikonia: that is what Iam having a hard time doing in the router10:20
hfmlswich was the command to test 3d again pls?10:20
ikoniaTMPSAP: first line of the guide "These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 6.10"10:20
ikoniaTMPSAP: are you using 6.10 ?10:20
Mercureeis there a package manager for ubuntu that can pause and resume getting a file? ive only used apt-get so far and am happy with it but would like this feature10:21
Mercureei dont really like synaptic. not sure if it supports this or not10:21
TMPSAPikonia no, 8.0410:21
TMPSAPikonia, are you telling me theres a HUGE diff between gutsy vs hardy in terms of general compiling?10:21
ikoniaTMPSAP: 6.10 it's gutsy10:22
ikoniaTMPSAP: 6.10 isn't gutsy10:22
Flynsarmyis there a single package in apt that installs large numbers of codecs the way build-essential does for compiling?10:22
TMPSAPwhat? 6.10 is gutsy and its not?10:22
zethero1ikonia: I have the DSL-2640U Router/ADSL modem...... and its very different to other Netgear and Dlink units in the layout and wording of things..... so I am confused10:22
Mercureezethero1, do you not have a manual for the router?10:23
TMPSAPikonia: well okay, do you have a better guide?10:23
ikoniaTMPSAP: 6.10 = October 2006 release - 8.04 = april 2008 release, do think there is no difference10:23
xnvAnyone know how to map uids when using automount/NFS to mount a disk over the network?10:23
TMPSAPikonia, thats not what I said10:23
ikoniaTMPSAP: not without looking10:23
ikoniaTMPSAP: what did you ask then ?10:23
zethero1Mercuree: yes.... but I am not sure of what I am looking for exactly....10:23
TMPSAP<TMPSAP> ikonia, are you telling me theres a HUGE diff between gutsy vs hardy in terms of general compiling?10:23
ikoniaTMPSAP: gutsy is 7.1010:23
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels10:23
ikoniaTMPSAP: how does gutsy have anything to do with this10:23
zethero1Mercuree: in the router.,,, there is an area in the Home section called LAN10:24
TMPSAPmy misstake10:24
zethero1but there is nothing much in there10:24
ikoniaTMPSAP: and yes, there are huge differences in the glibc, compiler, headers, kerenl version that module slops into10:24
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Mercureedo you not see a static dhcp entry?10:24
TMPSAPikonia, I see, well I guess im out of luck then, because thats the only guide ive found for my card10:24
ikoniaTMPSAP: massive between gutsy and hardy, and SUPER big between 6.10 and hardy10:24
VEhystrixAnyone mind helping me, My screen fills up with SQUASHFS errors when I boot the 8.04 Live CD10:24
kennylegend 244010:26
kennyi have done wat u said10:27
kennywhat should i do next?10:27
zethero1ikonia: does Dynamic DNS sound right?10:27
zethero1The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static hostname in any of the many domains, allowing your DSL router to be more easily accessed from various locations on the Internet.10:27
sinanhey all! Is there a command to know the amount of memory each process is using?10:27
legend2440kenny: ok now in terminal type   sudo apt-get update     and then   sudo apt-get upgrade10:28
DJonessinan: Try typing "top" in a terminal, that should give you that sort of information10:28
zethero1sinan: you can use the System Monitor10:28
sinanDJones: top doesn't seem ot list all the processes.10:29
zethero1sinan: there is a great GUI in System > Administration called System Monitor10:30
Mo0oSaHI accidentally added some text to be highlighted in irssi and can't find how to remove it :( anyone help?10:30
sinanzethero1: checking it out, thanks :)10:30
zethero1sinan: click on the Processes tab10:30
sinanzethero1: thanks, pretty much what i needed ;)10:30
civixierHi! I want a custom command for the terminal that gives me the current time and date in the same window. Is this possible?10:31
civixierhahahahaha :D thanks10:32
kennyok..i'm in...it ask me do i want to continue [y/n]?10:32
AshishAUSHi Harshal how r u mate?10:32
harsshalhi man10:32
legend2440kenny: y10:32
sinanzethero1: the info in the system monitor is not consistent with the info i get from running "free" in terminal10:33
harsshalhow are you?10:33
AshishAUSSo how was your day?10:33
sinanzethero1: free reports 1.4 gigs of memory used, system monitor reports 400 mb10:33
AshishAUSI am good thaks for asking10:33
zethero1does anyone know of a channel for routers etc?10:33
harsshalwhat do you do?10:33
AshishAUSWhat abt you10:34
ubottuccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion10:34
zethero1sinan: I actually use a screenlet for monitoring my RAM10:34
AshishAUSWhere do you work?10:34
sinanzethero1: if i may ask, what's a screenlet?10:34
civixierIs there a way to close the terminal by pressing escape? Feels more natural that way.10:34
harsshalanybody nkow how can we login as root from login promt??10:35
magicalanyone else being pm spammed by komila? D:10:35
zethero1sinan: http://www.screenlets.org10:35
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legend2440harsshal: sudo -i10:35
ema92harsshal: you have to enable the root account with10:35
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ema92sudo passwd root10:35
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kennyi think i have solve the problem.10:36
legend2440kenny no problem10:36
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praveer_coolwhy am i getting Segmentation fault when i do nvclock -h (btw, nvclock is nvidia overclocking utility), i am using Ubuntu Hardy 8.0410:36
harsshalyeah. but i'll first have to login with some other user.10:37
harsshalthen in promt do that10:37
harsshali want to login as root directly10:37
ema92then you shuld try booting Ubuntu into recovery mode10:37
praveer_coolany option passed to the console version of nvclock results in Seg fault10:37
ema92then log in as root10:38
ema92and then type that command10:38
ema92to log in as root in normal sessions10:38
praveer_cooleven the nvclock_gtk reports Seg fault, i tried reinstalling both packages, but to no avail10:38
Slartpraveer_cool: works here, hardy 64 bit10:40
Slartpraveer_cool: are you on 32 bit?10:40
rick111is there a shortcut to minimize all windows?10:40
praveer_coolSlart, yep10:40
Slartpraveer_cool: try using another repository..10:41
harsshalbut still i cant login from login window.It says sys admin is not allowd to login herre10:41
ema92rick111: the show desktop button10:41
praveer_coolSlart, which one, afaik isnt it on only one repo by default?10:41
doctorowI've got a Thinkpad running Gutsy. The native internal LCD res is 1400x1050; I have an external Samsung monitor with the same native resolution. When I plug the monitor into the ThinkPad's dock and reboot, the laptop wants to drive the monitor at 1280x1024, and 1400x150 doesn't show up as an option in Gnome -> System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution10:41
Slartpraveer_cool: or wait for the package maintainers to fix whatever the problem is10:41
civixierrick111 system > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts10:41
Slartpraveer_cool: are you using the main ubuntu repository?10:41
praveer_coolSlart, yes10:42
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civixierbrowse the list, you can find the shortcut in there somewhere :)10:42
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Slartpraveer_cool: hmm.. you could try one of the mirrors.. but I doubt that will work.. I guess they get the packages from the main repos10:42
ubottuccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion10:43
doctorowI've got a Thinkpad running Gutsy. The native internal LCD res is 1400x1050; I have an external Samsung monitor with the same native resolution. When I plug the monitor into the ThinkPad's dock and reboot, the laptop wants to drive the monitor at 1280x1024, and 1400x150 doesn't show up as an option in Gnome -> System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution - how do I force the correct resolution on external video?10:44
pvh_sa|wrkanyone here using libpam-heimdal ?10:46
kennyupdates very helpful for ubuntu?10:46
zetheroook ... Pidgin crashed again... did I miss anything?10:47
doctorowI've got a Thinkpad running Gutsy. The native internal LCD res is 1400x1050; I have an external Samsung monitor with the same native resolution. When I plug the monitor into the ThinkPad's dock and reboot, the laptop wants to drive the monitor at 1280x1024, and 1400x150 doesn't show up as an option in Gnome -> System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution - how do I force the correct resolution on external video?10:47
pvh_sa|wrki am using libpam-heimdal - and authentication doesn't work with the latest version. compile it from source (get the source with apt-get source) and the resultant binary works fine....10:47
ema92doctorow with the Samsung monitor plugged sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:47
ema92that shuld work10:47
kennyi cannot see the sharing drive on workgroup :o(10:47
kennybut they saw mine10:48
rick111civixier thanks10:48
rick111thanks ema9210:48
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kennycannot see sharing drive inside workgroup but my friend saw mine sharing folder on ubuntu.10:49
doctorowema90 -- Do I need to reboot afterwards?10:49
doctorowema92 -- Do I need to reboot afterwards?10:49
sinanzethero1: is there a way to hide/show all screenlets with a shortcut?10:50
ema92no just restart X10:50
the_eraserhi anyone know a command to see which font the console is using? :-)10:53
cyberadoes anyone know what these "skge pci error 0x147" errors are about/how to fix? (Linux version 2.6.24-19-server (buildd@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) #1 SMP Wed Jun 4 17:16:58 UTC 2008 (Ubuntu 2.6.24-19.33-server)10:53
pvh_sa|wrkwhat is ubuntu-motu ?10:55
civixierhow do I leave a manual in the terminal?10:56
ahsanteype exit10:56
sinancivixier: press q10:56
ahsansorry q10:56
civixierah, thanks :D10:56
Metatron^i did a command line install from the ubuntu cd adding my own lite weight windows manager.  but now i would like to install some more components, avoiding downloading on dialup, (like open office).  how can i look at the packages on the CD and use aptitude or synaptic to install them?10:56
ema92pvh_sa|wrk: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-motu10:57
hfmlshow could/can i compile via driver to latest 8.04 kernel ? :S10:57
pvh_sa|wrkema92, thanks10:57
doctorowI've got a Thinkpad X61 running Gutsy. The internal LCD resolution is 1400x1050@60Hz. It is in a dock that is connected to an external display that has the exact same resolution. When I reboot with the monitor connected, the Gutsy ThinkPad drives the monitor at 1280x1024@60Hz. The correct resolution doesn't show up in Gnome > System -> Preferences > Screen Resolution. I just tried running the Xorg autodetect and rebootin10:59
doctorowNevermind! It just started working!11:00
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msshamshi, when i try to apt-get install -f it says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21592/ can you please help me?11:01
gaminggeekanyone know what package time.h is in?11:01
zetheroocan someone help me configure my router?11:02
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ahsanMetatron: use apt-cdrom to add a cdrom to your sources11:04
ahsanthen go for an apt-get update11:04
ahsanand install anything that you want11:04
ruiboongaminggeek: there is a lot of such time.h this is likely to be the one that you are looking for libc6-dev: /usr/include/time.h11:05
gaminggeekthat should be it thank you11:05
ema92gaminggeek: you can find more info about packages at11:05
gaminggeekok thanks11:06
whitezrYo, how can I restore the default files in ubuntu in apache2 on fiesta or w/e it's called11:09
whitezrI deleted the apache2 directory and I can't get it to install or uninstall11:09
whitezrand I am logged in as root11:09
Blade_Wizard_Falrunning Ubuntu 8, Firefox 3, has all flash plugins, video codecs available. Why are my embedded videos (such as youtube) still choppy?? any ideas?11:09
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adantehi, iwlist wlan0 produces 'no scan results', but network manager finds a lot of waps, is this some sort of resource issue or what causes this?11:12
PupUserubuntu_: did u test your hard drive?11:16
ubuntu_How test?11:17
* JoaoVr Boas11:17
PupUserwhats ur pc? and whats ur hard drive?11:17
ubuntu_I dont understand where you want.11:18
PupUserubuntu_: just answer the questions11:19
ubuntu_What question?11:19
PupUserubuntu_: read up11:19
ubuntu_What is your PC? And what is your hard drive?11:20
ubuntu_That makes no sense.11:20
PupUserubuntu_: never mind11:21
Almindoris there virtualbox-kernel module package for -19 kernel somewhere? (amd64)11:22
Almindorthe ones in repos are old, latest kernel is -19 but the modules require -1811:22
PupUserAlmindor: last time i checked no.. so i switched to sunXVM11:22
PupUserAlmindor: yeah11:22
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AlmindorI bet the -18 would work, it's not like the kernel's THAT incompatible11:23
Almindor(IIRC -version changes are packaging?)11:23
zethero1how do I find my gateway in Ubuntu?11:24
Almindorzethero1, you mean you have a gateway but don't know it's ip?11:25
zethero1Almindor: yep11:25
zethero1Almindor: there is a Broadcast Address ... but no Gateway!?11:26
Almindorzethero1, "gateway" is a machine, it's a computer/router which provides NAT or such, you have to get it's IP address and set it11:26
AlmindorI don't know of an "auto-find-gateway" tho there might be some obscure protocol11:27
zethero1Almindor: well to get into my router I go through
Almindora safe bet is, if you know your own IP, that it's the network's first one, eg: if you're on then it's probably
Almindorzethero1, that'd be your gateway then11:28
zethero1Almindor: ok.... but when I manually point a computer to that as the Gateway it fails to connect....11:28
Almindorzethero1, your ip is 192.168.1.somethign right?11:28
zethero1mine is
Almindorzethero1, yeah that computes.. tey to ping 1.111:29
Almindorzethero1, if ping works, you need to set DNS too11:29
Sinnermani fixed that murrine thing, by the way, it turns out there were two entries in its .gtkrc-2.0 file for gtk-icon-sizes (for two different items albeit), and that was preventing things from being read correctly. once it hit the second line, the other values defaulted.11:29
zethero1Almindor: pinging works.... how do I stop it?11:29
Almindorzethero1, DNS can be either the same as your gateway, or some obscure number really11:29
Almindorzethero1, ctrl+c11:29
Almindorzethero1, try to set DNS (the other tab in net settings) to the same ip11:30
zethero1Almindor: configure DNS in my router?11:30
gaminggeekanyone here with a inspiron 1525 with sound working correctly?11:30
Almindorzethero1, what's your router doing? NAT for a cable connection or such?11:30
Almindorzethero1, if so, you need to set your provider's DNS on your ubuntu machine11:30
zethero1Almindor: NAT is enabled ... DHCP is disabled11:30
Almindorzethero1, eg: in my case I got an old P120 as NAT router for 192.168.0.x network (home net), and is the router's ip (so the gateway), but DNS is given to me by my ISP11:31
Almindorzethero1, so, I set gateway to the router's internal lan ip address and DNS to the provider's DNS one (on the end-user machine)11:32
Almindorzethero1, there are other ways to do this but this one's simplest11:32
Almindorzethero1, I also use static IPs like you so it's virtually same setting I think (just different ip)11:32
amantigliowhere can i download firefox3 deb for gutsy?11:32
zethero1Almindor: ok... maybe I should tell you the whole story ...11:32
Almindorzethero1, go on :)11:33
BeatsI just deleted my main panel for another one, but i dont see my ssytem, tray icons even when i restart. ?11:34
murlidharhow to access hidden folders in home folder using the bash terminal11:34
Flannelmurlidhar: just cd into them11:34
amantigliowhere is firefox 3.0 deb final release?11:34
murlidharFlannel, i am  not able to do to the hidden folders11:35
DillizarBeats: make a new panel11:35
zethero1Almindor: I recently setup apt-cacher so that all the computers running Ubuntu on the network would connect to my machine (1.4 at the time) to get updates. This was all fina and dandy until I noticed the computers taking on different IP addresses and thereby screwing with the whole setup..... so now I am looking to setup (at least my computer) with a static IP address.,....11:35
Flannelmurlidhar: yes you can, the folders name is .whatever, just cd .whatever11:35
Almindorzethero1, ok, but that doesn't really change anything about what I said about DNS :)11:35
Almindorzethero1, as for your local machine, if you set the apt-source via IP (not host) you don't need to have a DNS entry for the router itself11:35
zethero1Almindor: with previous routers I had an easy time getting around and configuring all this ... but on this particular router I am pulling my hair out11:36
Almindorzethero1, the router provides inernet connection right?11:36
Almindorzethero1, so you have 2 problems, no updates and no internet/DNS11:36
zethero1Almindor: I tried setting up using my hostname instead of ip address but the other computers were not pinging to my hostname for some odd reason11:37
murlidharFlannel, thanks it wasn't autocompleting it , so i thought may it does work that way11:37
Flannelamantiglio: It will be in gutsy-backports eventually11:37
Almindorzethero1, they don't know the name, unless you change /etc/hosts.conf, try pinging
poisonkillerwhy cant i access ubuntu forums? it gives me this error: Prefetching is not allowed due to the various privacy issues that arise.11:37
murlidharFlannel, thanks again11:37
Almindorzethero1, if you can ping that IP (with the gateway set to your router) you're online, but with no DNS11:37
Flannelmurlidhar: it should tabcomplete, just make sure you have the .11:37
Flannelpoisonkiller: #ubuntuforums11:37
amantiglioFlannel ..the release final?11:37
murlidharcya guys11:37
Almindorzethero1, you could set up DNS server on the router, but I have no exp. with those11:38
zethero1Almindor: pinging worked11:38
Flannelamantiglio: It should be, yes. Right now its beta4 in backports (and alpha8 in regular)11:38
Almindorzethero1, yeah, basically what you're missing is setting the DNS on each host to your provider's DNS11:38
zethero1Almindor: how can I get the computers to ping the hostname?11:38
amantiglioFlannel...when will be the final?11:38
Almindorzethero1, add the entry to /etc/hosts.conf eg: "ROUTER"11:39
zethero1Almindor: or can I just assign IP addresses to Mac addresses?11:39
lusiusey,, i need to convert a line from normal hex, to text, by console, can this be done?11:39
amantiglionow there is the b4 in synaptic?11:39
Flannelamantiglio: I don't know.  Whenever the backports team gets around to it.  Hardy already has final.11:39
Almindorzethero1, err /etc/hosts I mean11:39
Almindorfor example mine is: localhost11:39
Almindor127.0.1.1 XERXES11:39
Almindor192.168.0.1 LAMER11:39
Almindor192.168.0.3 SHODAN11:39
Flannelamantiglio: its in gutsy-backports, yes.  Which isn't enabled by default11:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:39
Almindorcome on, 4 lines11:40
amantiglioFlannel thanks...11:40
Almindorzethero1, LAMER is the router :)11:40
zethero1Almindor: LAMER?11:40
Almindorzethero1, but you still need to set the provider's DNS in order to get proper hostname recognition for internet names11:40
Almindorzethero1, same goes for router's DNS11:41
Almindorzethero1, it's a P120, how would you call it? :)11:41
zethero1Almindor: ha11:41
zethero1Almindor: can I change the IP address of my machine back to 1.4?11:41
Almindorzethero1, what do you mean 1.4?11:42
zethero1Almindor: back to
Almindorzethero1, sure, but each machine in the LAN has to have a unique IP11:42
zethero1Almindor: yes11:42
zethero1Almindor: I don;t undestand what I am seeing in this /etc/hosts file11:43
VixusHi, is there anything I can use to add files to an ISO?11:43
VixusOn Windows I used to do it with Winrar.11:43
Almindorzethero1, "hostname IP.IP.IP.IP" pairs11:44
Almindorzethero1, right.. inverted :)11:44
atle|fVixus: maby maniso11:44
Almindorzethero1, add router to get a "router" hostname recognition11:44
zethero1Almindor: whats
Almindorzethero1, or whater hostname you wish, you can have more to one ip11:44
Almindorzethero1, localhost11:44
zethero1Almindor: and why does it say my machine is
Almindorzethero1, each machine is, it's a loop address :)11:45
WalloO127.0.0.1 = yourself11:45
pvh_sa|wrkthe whole block is loopback11:45
Almindorzethero1, google for localhost11:45
Seras_UbuntuDoes anyone know if there is a way to see which, if any audio/video decoders my version of ubuntu is recognising?11:45
Almindorzethero1, the /etc/hosts file is just a sort of "manual DNS", you just specify hostnames for IPs you need but are not in DNS servers11:46
WalloOSeras_Ubuntu, don'T think so, since there are libs used by several soft, and some soft with their own codec like vlc11:46
zethero1Almindor: so if I am on a machine with an ip address of and I want it to ping zeth-ubuntu ( I would ..... do this in the file:
Seras_UbuntuWell, I've spent days installing all sorts of decoders/codecs. And I still can't get it to play even an Mp3. So I'm wanting to see where I stand.11:48
Almindorzethero1, exactly11:48
WalloOSeras_Ubuntu, if you open a mp3 with the media player, it will propose you to install it.11:48
atle|fSeras_Ubuntu: did you install ubuntu/restricted/extras11:48
FlannelSeras_Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-7dc8d31ff5c7ccda3d326c0c17763853d296dc0711:48
WalloOSeras_Ubuntu, which player do you use?11:49
Seras_UbuntuRight now, just the 'Movie player' that came with 6.06 (the version I'm running.)11:49
itai-michaelsonquestion: after firefox 3 came out, if i download hardy now will it have the beta still?11:50
FlannelSeras_Ubuntu: Ah!  You're on dapper.  That changes some things.  Were you aware that theres a new LTS version you can upgrade to?11:50
FlannelSeras_Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-99259e1841e1e1262f4f71e0c72d5a51b3fb69e9 is the instructions for Dapper11:50
WalloOitai-michaelson, no it will be the last version, even if it's writtent rc311:50
WalloOsince rc3 and the release are the same11:51
Flannelitai-michaelson: No, the ISO will still have the old stuff, but 8.04.1 is coming out early next month, which will include updated packages11:51
Seras_UbuntuI'm on 6.06 LTS. Actually.11:51
atle|fitai-michaelson: there are daily builds11:51
FlannelSeras_Ubuntu: yes, that's dapper.  And that last link is instructions for it11:51
itai-michaelsonmmm... i get conflicting answers...11:52
Seras_UbuntuOh, alright. I'll read that. :P11:52
itai-michaelsonis firefox 3 in the repos for hardy?11:52
FlannelSeras_Ubuntu: If you just want the mp3 stuff,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3#head-929f2f9a41824e3726860dc6f810e303e1a074ae11:52
Flannelitai-michaelson: yes11:52
atle|fitai-michaelson: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/11:52
HardDiskitai-michaelson, yes.11:52
itai-michaelsonFlannel- so if i still get the beta i can just update i suppose,,,,11:52
Flannelitai-michaelson: the Hardy ISO is identical to the day it was created.  FF3 (final) is in the repos, and you'll get it with your first batch of updates.  Or if you need it on the CD, you can either use daily CDs, or wait until 8.04.1 comes out at the beginning of July11:53
db92what can i do to improve the playback quality of videos? the quality here is ****(insert profane word here)11:53
itai-michaelsonFlannel, very clear answer - thanks!11:54
WalloOSeras_Ubuntu, just upgrade to 8.04. However, I recommend ytou to re-install on a empty hard drive instead of using any upgrade process.11:54
Seras_UbuntuYeah? I dont' mind reinstalling at all. I just had the 6.06 LTS Disc. I'm sort of new to linux, so I bought a book!11:54
hfmlsinstalled emerald11:54
hfmlshow do i aplly themes now ?11:54
Seras_UbuntuWhich, hasn't proved very helpful. >.>11:54
itai-michaelsonany chance of firefox3 making it to gutsy repos?11:55
WalloOhfmls, for me, with hardy, emerald doesn't work for an unknown reason. Instead, I instal metacity themes, and it works11:55
Dillizardb92: i think you cant do anyting about it !11:55
FlannelSeras_Ubuntu: Ubuntu has come a long way since 6.06, it's a lot more friendly, and you can upgrade from 6.06 straight to 8.04.  Or theres always reinstall, of course.11:55
chalcedonyhow can i unzip something called helpfiles.zip ?11:55
jribchalcedony: unzip helpfiles.zip   (or just double click on it)11:56
Flannelitai-michaelson: alpha7 or something was shipped with it, beta3 is in backports currently, and final should be making its way to backports eventually.  I have no idea on timeframe though.  Depends on the maintainer11:56
Metatron^whats the right syntax for apt-cdrom11:56
atle|fchalcedony: you have an archive manager installed11:56
WalloOhfmls, go here for some theme: http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=101&PHPSESSID=dbffcee6a07cdef0f85a886903c0f17311:56
amikropHello. So, let me understand how Ubuntu handles software updates/upgrades/new-releases. For example, Wine 1.0 will be in the repos, only in Intrepid? And never in Hardy? (Wine 1.0 has been released on June 17, and now, in Hardy's repos, there is Wine 0.9.59.)11:56
Seras_UbuntuWell, -nothing- is on this HDD, all my files are on an external drive so I may as well just do a fresh install.11:56
hfmlsWalloO,  but after i had the theme to emerald11:56
hfmlswhat should i do11:57
itai-michaelsonFlannel, thanks...11:57
FlannelMetatron^: `sudo apt-cdrom add`  but, if you installed from the alternate CD, the CD should already be in your sources.list, so you won't need to do that.11:57
Flannelamikrop: It'll be in hardy-backports11:57
Dillizardb92: cuz if it was posible i will download all the movies for 200mb and make them DVDs :D11:57
atle|famikrop: it will be updated11:57
Flannelamikrop: but not everything is put into backports11:57
amikropFlannel: Just backports? Not the "main" repos?11:57
chalcedonyi prefer command line11:57
Metatron^that did it, i took the source out at one point, thnx11:57
Flannelamikrop: correct11:57
amikropatle|f: Where? At "normal" repos?11:57
mgolischamikrop: no why would it?11:58
amikropFlannel: Why?11:58
mgolischcause it would break other stuff?11:58
mgolischall packages stay at the version they where introduced in that release11:58
atle|famikrop: it WILL be updated later11:58
WalloOhfmls, usually, after puting your theme in emerald, clicking on the theme displayed should enable it. For me, with hardy, it doesn't work, it's why I recommand using metacity theme, and install it using "appearance" soft.11:58
Flannelamikrop: Because versions of things are frozen per release.  Only bugfixes/security updates get put into Ubuntu afterwards11:58
chalcedonywow now i have lots of *things*11:58
amikropFlannel: But not new features?11:59
mgolischto ensure compatibility with other packages11:59
the_eraserhi anyone know a command to see which font the console is using? :-)11:59
mgolischamikrop: no only in abckports maybe11:59
atle|famikrop: or get wine-doors11:59
Flannelamikrop: correct.  They'll get put into the next release (and on some packages, put into -backports)11:59
amikropI see. OK. Thanks, guys.11:59
Flannelamikrop: in fact, the guy responsible just asked for a backports sync for wine 1 a few hours ago11:59
the_eraseranyone into fonts?11:59
hfmlsare they good as emerald? WalloO  ? i liked this theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Soft+%26+Clear?content=6657512:00
amikropFlannel: ;)12:00
WalloOhfmls, unfortunately, it seems there are less good theme than for emerald.12:00
ninjabuntuthe_eraser: I like fonts and all but mostly for art work... why?12:00
hfmlswhy cant this work?12:00
hfmlsi have 8.0412:01
hfmlsand u12:01
Flannelamikrop: But, on another note, the wine people do a good job of maintaining their own Ubuntu repository.  That's definately a viable route12:01
the_eraserninjabuntu: ok do you know how to check which font the console is using? :-)12:01
Seras_UbuntuOne thing I will say. I had a HDD that completely went dead on my Windows machine. Put it in an external enclosure. Windows still wouldn't read it. Plugged it into Linux to format it. Popped up like a charm! <312:01
Dillizarhfmls: do ya know how to install the themes12:01
kripzhow to delete all files ending with .db? rm -R *.db?12:02
ninjabuntuthe_eraser: no, sorry buddy I'm pretty much a 2 week newbie... really wish i could help...12:02
hfmlsi just add them to emeral12:02
hfmlsthen i dont know what to do12:02
WalloOhfmls, I don't know, it worked perfectly for me with 7.10 and with 8.04, it doesn't work. ho yes, one time, the theme appeared but never after... So I don't know. Maybe there are to theme managers fighting, and emerald loose most of the time.12:02
Dillizarok hfmls12:02
Flannelkripz: assuming none of them are hidden, yes.12:02
atle|fthe_eraser: try profiles in the terminal window12:02
Dillizarwhere are the themes saved hfmls12:03
the_eraserninjabuntu: ok np :)12:03
the_eraseratle|f: oki12:03
Micheleeei have a problem with adesklets... when i start it, it close automatically...is it a known problem???12:03
WalloOhfmls, usualy, you have to run compiz with an option like compiz-real --replace emerald and then it may work12:03
WalloOMicheleee, use screenlet, it works well12:03
DillizarWalloO: he doesnt know how to install them what so ever12:03
Micheleeethanks WalloO12:03
hfmlsTo get emerald working, install the compizconfig-settings-manager package. Then go to System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings, scroll down to the Window Decorator plugin and change the command field to emerald --replace.12:04
WalloODillizar, he seems to say it's in emerald theme manager, but don't know how to enable it. That's my understanding12:04
zethero1Almindor: it just dawned on me that using hostnames instead of ip addresses with apt-cacher is not going to do any good anyhow12:04
DillizarWalloO: mine was that he has a new theme and dont know how to install it :D who knows12:05
zethero1Almindor: I wish I could just assign my mac address to an ip address ....12:05
WalloOMicheleee, once you install screenlets, you can give a try to my system monitor screenlet:  http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/WaterMark+system+information?content=7196012:05
gordonjcpzethero1: dhcp?12:05
Micheleeeyes sure12:05
Dillizarhfmls: What do ya wanna do12:05
zethero1gordonjcp: dhcp is disabled...12:05
zethero1gordonjcp: why?12:06
Gallezi've noticed that the ubuntu version of azureus downloads files a few times slower than the windows version. the configuration is the same in both versions. anyone know a possible explanation for that?12:06
ovidiuhi, I have a question: in Windows XP I was able to do something like this: 1. On the monitor to do that: http://home.roxe-multimedia.mobi/ovidiu/example.png 2. On the TV to see that: http://home.roxe-multimedia.mobi/ovidiu/example1.png12:06
gordonjcpzethero1: dhcp will assign IP addresses by MAC address12:06
hfmls emerald --replace. didnt work12:06
Micheleeenice... complete infos...12:06
ovidiuit is possible to do this in Ubuntu?12:06
Micheleeei'll try to install it12:06
db92what can i do to improve the playback quality of videos?12:06
zethero1gordonjcp: can I manually pair a mac address to an ip address for good?12:06
atle|fhfmls: did you restart x12:07
zethero1gordonjcp: I mean ... I know I can becasue I did it on other routers... but this router is such a pain12:07
atle|fhfmls: ctrl alt backspace12:07
Micheleeecan i use desklets application with screenlets?12:07
WalloOMicheleee, I don't think soo, but you have good applications for screenlets.  I prefer screenlet12:09
Micheleeeok thanks for your support12:09
db92Dillizar, i think youre not getting it12:09
soshkahey guys12:09
db92Dillizar, what i mean is improve the playback quality, not the video quality in the files or something12:10
soshkahow do you change brightness settings in ubuntu HH12:10
db92cos i dual boot and i know that the original video quality is pretty good, simply on linux it appears a bit (insert profane word here)12:10
WalloOMicheleee, you are welcome12:10
Gallezsoshka: use your monitor options12:10
Gallezsoshka: i mean the buttons on your monitor12:11
hfmlsits working12:11
soshkathose arent working12:11
MicheleeeWalloO: i have installed your app...but i can just see cpu usage..12:11
Micheleeewhere do i have the select all the options?12:11
soshkayou see my ubuntu is very dark and i can change brightness using nvidia settings but each time i restart the settings restart12:11
WalloOMicheleee, you have to launch it several time. Then right click on each one to go to properties,12:11
soshkais there a way to make the settins stick?12:12
Gallezsoshka: edit xorg.conf then12:12
Gallezthat way at each boot your settings will automatically be applied12:12
rubydiamondhi ppl12:12
WalloOMicheleee, then you can configure each one to display whatever you want12:12
atle|fsoshka: what video card12:12
inflexCan you go from a 6.10 system straight to an 8.04, or does one have to go to 7.10 first?12:12
Micheleeeok perfetc12:12
KrimZonin hardy i'm trying to play with encfs, and i get the error "fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied" - i'm not sure if the fuse kernel module is present or enabled - does anyone know how to check and fix this?12:12
massmcPlease help!!!  I turned my computer on and can't turn it back off.. I have not slept for 3 days..12:12
atle|fsoshka: do you have nvidia-settings installed12:12
soshkaeach time i restart the settings go back to old ubuntu settings12:13
atle|fsoshka: if not, install it12:13
Gallezwhat file specifies grub settings?12:13
WalloOMicheleee, in howto.txt there are a few scripts to control fan speed and display more system information...12:13
Riottamassmc: sudo halt -p12:13
Riottain terminal12:13
YumariDue to several errors trying to install games through wine, I've decided to switch back to windows.  However, after going through the initial setup for windows (formatting to NTFS and installing setup files) my computer starts into a reboot loop.  Is windows having a hard time changing the disk format to NTFS or is it a separate issue?12:13
WalloOMicheleee, but be carefull to not burn your system... Playing with overclock and fan speed may be dangerous... :)12:13
atle|fsoshka: then alt-F2 and gksu nvidia-settings12:13
rubydiamondhow do I search the files using grep reverse chronologically?12:13
Gallezwhere can i edit grub settings?12:13
jribYumari: you should ask ##windows12:14
ccookerubydiamond: you want to tell grep to search a list of files, starting at the youngest and working back?12:14
WalloOGallez, /boot/grub/menu.lst12:14
GallezWalloO, thanks12:14
atle|fGallez: alt-F2 gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:14
rubydiamondccooke: yes12:14
massmcRiotta, I tried that but it told me to get more coffee12:14
hfmlshow can i merge the top bar with programs and the bottom bar with windows?12:15
soshkaatle|f and what does that command do?12:15
ccookerubydiamond: that'll be a compound command - grep can't do it on its own12:15
massmcI keep having dreams about Nelson Mandala.. tis why I dont sleep12:15
Riottamassmc: use the force12:15
WalloOhfmls, just remove the bottom bar, then right click on the top bar and "add to panel"12:15
atle|fsoshka: it will start it as root12:15
ccookerubydiamond: (grep just takes a list of files to search - the only ordering is provided by for it)12:15
atle|fsoshka: and it will stick12:16
WalloOhfmls, you can add all properties from the bottom bar to the top one like that12:16
ccookerubydiamond: are all the files in the same directory (and can you guarantee they will always be in the same directory?)12:16
rubydiamondno.. they can also be subdirectories12:16
rubydiamondbut fine they can be in same directory12:17
Gallezcan i just remove an entry from /boot/grub/menu.lst if i don't want it to appear on the list?12:17
ccookerubydiamond: and you want a newer file in a subdirectory to be processed before a file in the root of the search?12:17
atle|fGallez: you can uncomment with #12:17
massmcmassmc@massmc-desktop:~$ sudu ./use the force12:17
massmcbash: sudu: command not found12:17
rubydiamondthat could be better12:18
atle|fmassmc: sudo12:18
massmcoh ok12:18
bazhang!sudo | massmc12:18
massmci'll try that brb12:18
ubottumassmc: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)12:18
ccookerubydiamond: either is possible, but there's a simpler solution for the always-in-one-directory problem :-)12:18
rubydiamondccooke: what is that?12:18
massmcmassmc@massmc-desktop:~$ sudo use the force12:18
Gallezatle|f: so if i don't want the old kernel ubuntu to appear on the list, i just put # in its entry in menu.lst?12:18
massmc[sudo] password for massmc:12:18
massmcwhats my password?12:19
jribmassmc: the same one you used to login12:19
massmc!sudu | bazhang12:19
ubottuFactoid sudu not found12:19
atle|fGallez: yes, or remove it all togeteher with synaptic and it will be gone from the menu.lst12:19
atle|fmassmc: sudo12:20
Kartagis!sudo | bazhang12:20
ubottubazhang: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)12:20
ccookerubydiamond: ls -tr "directory" | while read file ; do grep "pattern" "${file}" ; done12:20
massmckk i'll try sudo12:20
bazhangKartagis, thanks :)12:20
rubydiamondccooke: thanks man12:20
ccookerubydiamond: the more complex version will take me another minute or so :-)12:20
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:21
massmcubottu,  asl?12:21
ubottuFactoid asl? not found12:21
massmcFactoid? How racist12:22
mcquaidkinda ot for ubuntu, but does anyone have hl2 installed for wine?  it works fine except i'm getting an error on two textures12:22
Gallezazureus on ubuntu downloads files much slower than azureus on windows. the configuration is the same. the same thing happens on transmission (so generally all torrent clients for ubuntu are slower). anyone know the possible explanation?12:22
Rudd-Oguys, where's the best place to ask packaging questions?  I'm having a problem with apt-get source12:22
mcquaidi've tried flushing the cache etc but not working.  if i give someone the file names of these two, could you send them to me?12:22
mcquaidthey're like 200k each only two of them.12:23
=== jords__ is now known as jords
jribmcquaid: just tell people exactly what you want12:23
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
jribRudd-O: #ubuntu-motu I guess.  But you can ask here too12:23
ccookerubydiamond: find "directory" -printf "%A@ %p\n"  | sort -n | while read time file ; do grep "pattern" "${file}" ; done12:23
ensonpeter pig isn't here?12:24
[newb]MikiHi. I had a problem with my vid card. I asked it in ATI and the guy said there is something wrong with my dri or something, and he told me to say it here. (this is a file that shows the problem or something : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ )12:24
Hewmcquaid: #winehq might be a better channel for wine issues, and in that case, check AppDB12:24
mcquaidok i need METALWALL031A.vmt/vtf and METALWALL045A.vmt/vtf if anyone has them installed12:24
jribccooke: no reverse? :)12:24
jason__how can i get past the mysterious 13 updates that can never seem to be updated?12:24
bazhang!appdb | mcquaid12:24
ubottumcquaid: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org12:24
ccookerubydiamond: (that'll do it for Acccess time. change the A@ to C@ for the time the file last changed status, to T@ for modification time12:24
mcquaidya i guess i'll try there as well, thought there might a gamer here who has it12:24
ccookejrib: oops, yes12:24
ccookerubydiamond: find "directory" -printf "%A@ %p\n"  | sort -rn | while read time file ; do grep "pattern" "${file}" ; done12:25
Rudd-Ohere's the deal, apt-get source is failing with the following error:12:25
amikropFlannel: sure12:25
ccookejrib/rubydiamond: It's also not the most efficient solution - but that is less easily understandable12:25
Rudd-Opkg-source: fallo: eliminar copia de seguridad de parche dbus-1.1.20/debian/patches/03_fix_inotify.patch.dpkg-orig: No existe el fichero ó directorio12:25
Rudd-Othat is: pkg-source: fail: delete backup copy patch .... yadda yadda ... no such file or directory12:25
Rudd-Ostrace clearly shows that to me12:26
jribRudd-O: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying12:26
Rudd-Ounlink("dbus-1.1.20/debian/patches/03_fix_inotify.patch.dpkg-orig") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) <- this is the second-last line before the write+exit(1)12:26
Rudd-Ojrib: aye aye, okay12:26
Gallezazureus on ubuntu downloads files much slower than azureus on windows. the configuration is the same. the same thing happens on transmission (so generally all torrent clients for ubuntu are slower). anyone know the possible explanation?12:26
Rudd-Oso, what am I doing wrong?  why is apt-get source failing?12:26
=== sheep is now known as Starnestommy
hfmlscan anybody help me pls12:27
GUARDiAN|officei'm having a strange problem, getting "fireflies" (http://somewhere.fscked.org/fireflies/) to run on ubuntu hardy: when run on itself, the fireflies-binary opens a window in which the screensaver is running - so far so good. when setting it up as screensaver, putting a .desktop in /usr/share/applications/screensaver and selecting it in gnome-screensaver-preferences, neither the preview nor the screensaver itself work. p12:27
GUARDiAN|offices shows that the binary gets executed as "fireflies -r" which is correct, but the screen stays black. any ideas what i might have done wrong?12:27
hfmlsi want to apply this theme12:27
Rudd-OGallez: I have no idea, azureus works fine on linux for me, but I prefer ktorrent.  Linux is generally superior in networking.12:27
hfmlscan anybody help me12:27
jason__how can i get past the mysterious 13 updates that can never seem to be updated?12:27
[newb]MikiHi. I had a problem with my vid card. I asked it in ATI and the guy said there is something wrong with my dri or something, and he told me to say it here. (this is a file that shows the problem or something : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ )12:28
mcquaidno luck in winehq.  does anyone have hl2  installed?12:30
remfarkashi all12:30
chao1has anyone ever installed a z800 series lexmark on ubuntu desktop?12:30
Johnny_5i have gutsy on my laptop...i recently did a reinstall because of corruption due 2 power outages...now my screen goes black n the middle of movies....i have 2 restart the comp 2 fix it...it never did that b4....12:30
jribmcquaid: yes.  locate does not find such a file12:30
Rudd-Owhat sort of printer is it?  gdi?  how does it connect?12:31
Johnny_5could it be due 2 a bad install??12:31
mcquaidjrib, locate unfortunately misses files all the time.12:31
atle|fmcquaid: not at the moment, but i have played thru it with no problem before12:31
Rudd-OJohnny_5: your computer is damaged, have its hardware checked.12:31
home_my friend lost his password :D is there any uneversal pass :D or how can he hack it :D12:31
chao1my experience normally with printers in ubuntu was that it would install automatically and work. but this printer is installed but it just feeds the paper12:31
bazhangJohnny_5, try turning off compiz12:31
Rudd-Oand get an ups, Johnny_5 - power outages damange computers12:31
ubottuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords12:31
jribchao1: lexmarks are a pain.  Check to see if anyone else was able to get them to work though:12:32
mcquaidjrib, it should be under: materials/metal/12:32
jrib!printing > chao1 (read the private message from ubottu)12:32
Mo0oSaHhow do you open terminal with a certain profile setting from another terminal?12:32
jribmcquaid: where is materials? Start from Steam/12:32
jribMo0oSaH: man gnome-terminal   gives you the switch12:32
home_atle|f: i dont get it?12:32
Johnny_5that's what i was afraid of...12:33
Rudd-OMo0oSaH: man gnome-terminal has the info, gnome-terminal --help more info as well12:33
Mo0oSaHjrib: umm... lol ok12:33
home_atle|f: recovery mode and to then type !sudo?12:33
jribMo0oSaH: do you understand?12:33
atle|fhome_: thats all i know about it12:34
atle|fhome_: try again in the channel12:34
mcquaidjrib, sb /hl2/materials/metal12:34
home_my friend lost his password :D is there any uneversal pass :D or how can he hack it :D12:34
the_eraseranyone know a command to see which font the console is using?12:34
Mo0oSaHactually gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Default woks better12:34
[newb]MikiHi. I had a problem with my vid card. I asked it in ATI and the guy said there is something wrong with my dri or something, and he told me to say it here. (this is a file that shows the problem or something : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ )12:35
jribMo0oSaH: I don't have that.  Let me start the game.  I may not have played it on wine yet12:35
Rudd-Ohome_:  there is a way to boot in recovery mode and set the password12:35
jribmcquaid: I don't have that.  Let me start the game.  I may not have played it on wine yet12:35
home_Rudd-O: tell me how12:35
Rudd-Oboot in recovery mode.  there's a boot menu.12:36
Rudd-Othen you type "passwd theusernameinquestion"12:36
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:36
maniac_anyone there?12:37
maniac_is anyone there?12:37
jrib!language omega112:37
ubottuFactoid language omega1 not found12:37
jrib!language | omega112:37
ubottuomega1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:37
maniac_what is this thingy12:37
Mo0oSaHmaniac_: everyone is here :)12:37
atle|fhome_: ou need to reboot into recovery mode. That will give you a single user root shell. Then you can use passwd to change your users password and when you reboot , you should be able to login as usual.12:37
maniac_i just started using ubuntu12:37
jribmaniac_: many people.  This is a support channel for ubuntu.  Please stay on-topic.  You can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:37
atle|fmaniac_: !ask12:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:38
home_atle|f: but i dont know the pass in the first place12:38
maniac_can anyone give some advice on what to do on ubuntu?12:38
Rudd-Ohome_: recovery mode doesn't ask you for a password.12:38
dns53can we please keep this channel to questions, there are chat channels for chatting12:38
atle|fhome_: passwd is a command12:39
maniac_i want to get to know it better12:39
jribmaniac_: whatever you want to do.  Read through help.ubuntu.com to start learning12:39
home_atle|f: passwd and then ***** right12:39
maniac_where is that?12:39
gordonjcphome_: if you boot into recovery mode, you're root anyway12:39
atle|fhome_: i guess, never used it12:39
=== PmDematagodaUbun is now known as PmDematagoda
ubottuTranslate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/12:40
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:40
gordonjcphome_: so if you lose your password you'd boot into single-user mode, and then say "passwd <username>"12:40
chao1!thanks > jrib12:40
zethero1can I restart the network devices from the terminal instead of having to reboot after a change is made in the network settings?12:40
maniac_hey in appearance in visual effect why can't i use extra option?12:40
jribmcquaid: sorry, I don't have any of those files12:40
jattzethero1: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:40
mcquaidhmm strange, ok thx for trying12:41
[newb]MikiHi. I had a problem with my vid card. I asked it in ATI and the guy said there is something wrong with my dri or something, and he told me to say it here. (this is a file that shows the problem or something : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ )12:41
zethero1jatt: thanks12:41
heorsheI'm watching naruto in ubuntu12:42
bazhang!ccsm | maniac_12:42
ubottumaniac_: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:42
=== s_arts_ is now known as s_arts
maniac_how do i install that thing???12:43
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:43
WalloOheorshe, cool And my mythbox record sponge bob square pants12:43
jrib!software > maniac_ (read the private message from ubottu)12:43
bazhangmaniac_, via synaptic package manager12:44
jribmaniac_: use Add/Remove or Synaptic12:44
dondahow to install axel12:44
atle|ffor those of you who want a more advanced version of gparted live cd, try http://partedmagic.com/wiki/PartedMagic.php that is what i am using now, it has network, gparted and other great programs12:44
WalloOheorshe, do you use tvtime software?12:44
jrib!software > donda (read the private message from ubottu)12:44
jribdonda: use Add/Remove or Synaptic for example12:44
heorsheWalloO no,12:44
hfmlsanyone using emerald ?12:44
WalloOheorshe, to watch TV, tvtime is really the best software.12:44
jribhfmls: best to just ask the channel your question12:44
WalloOhfmls, it is still not working?12:44
hfmlsi applied the theme12:45
dondagive me the command for installing axel12:45
hfmlsbut i have to install other stuff12:45
hfmlsdont know what12:45
jribdonda: don't be rude.  I told you how to install things.  Did you read what I sent you?12:45
heorsheWalloO I  don't watch TV in the computer12:45
hfmlsguys i want to put my desktop just like this12:45
hfmlscan anybody help me pls12:45
WalloOhfmls, thank you for your help, I forgot a parameter, now emerald work for me... :)12:45
WalloOheorshe, ok, you watch a recorded film...12:45
s_spiffanyone here have installed the latest Azureus?12:46
bazhangdonda, sudo apt-get install axel12:46
WalloOhfmls, emerald will just change the bar at the top of your windows... that's it, no more.12:47
dondacompleted installation of axel12:47
dondanow how to open gui of axel12:47
jribdonda: axel is a command-line program.  No gui12:47
s_spiffanyone here have any experience in install azureus??12:47
ubottuPlease prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab12:47
WalloOhfmls, for the rest, you have to find the software for system information by yourself.... :)12:48
hfmlsi know, i noticed that :)12:48
hfmlsi have gtk theme now12:48
hfmlsbut i dont know how to apply it12:48
jrib!info azureus | s_spiff12:48
ubottus_spiff: azureus (source: azureus): BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 7061 kB, installed size 7916 kB12:48
dondahow does it help in accelarating my download speed12:48
jribs_spiff: install it from the repositories12:48
jribdonda: read 'man axel'12:48
atle|f!who | donda12:48
ubottudonda: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:48
s_spiffjrib: thanks.. but thats the old one. the latest is which has become Vuze.. and has stuff changed.12:48
bazhangdonda, better to get the firefox plugin for that; see extensions in firefox menu12:48
WalloOhfmls, for gtk theme, it's menu->preferences->appearaence, then click on on the button to add theme, then select your gtk theme (the tar.gz file). Then, it will ask you to enable it or not. If it doesn't ask you, go in customize, and select it.12:50
Miglowgoood morning12:50
hfmlsit's the tar file12:51
hfmlsi extratcted12:51
bazhang!enter | hfmls12:51
ubottuhfmls: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:51
[newb]MikiHi. I had a problem with my vid card. I asked it in ATI and the guy said there is something wrong with my dri or something, and he told me to say it here. (this is a file that shows the problem or something : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ )12:51
atle|fhfmls: you can even drag it over to the apperance window12:51
WalloOhfmls, I know it can be confusing... but ubuntu is simple, so think simple... ubuntu and gnome will do the job for you... :)12:52
chazcoHi... due to the buggy hardy kernel i need to add clocksource=hpet to my command line to boot without a 30 second day... is this safe?12:52
home_atle|f: sorry for this but what if he doesnt know the username to ?12:52
bazhanghome_, then it is not his computer.12:53
home_yes its his but he didnt know that he had a linux installed with the laptop12:53
Miglowthen I would say contact the manufacturer12:54
home_the laptop its 2-3 years old12:54
Keleninvalid Msg for me.12:55
atle|fhome_: maybe backup important files - reinstall and be happy12:55
jribhome_: just do 'ls /home' to get the username12:55
dschieHi. I'm looking for someone who has some experience with synce/opensync. msynctool is segfaulting when looking for plugins. it used to work, but i didnt used it lately, so i dont know which update killd it12:55
home_10x jrib12:56
atle|fbye bye, reboot12:57
m1revil grub error 1712:57
lololoHi ppl12:57
lololoWtf is up with Automatix?12:57
bpunhow can one tell what video driver is being used in X?12:58
headentsmodprope: command not found <-- how do I install that?12:58
jrib!automatix | lololo12:58
ubottulololo: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »12:58
bazhanglololo, there is no automatix anymore, nor any need for it.12:58
ushimitsudokibpun: look at /etc/xorg.conf?12:58
WalloOheadents, just write it correctely: modprobe not modprop12:58
lololoWHy? How to install skype or flash on 64 bit linux>!12:58
jriblololo: just install flashplugin-nonfree from multiverse for flash12:59
ushimitsudokibpun: er, i mean /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:59
WalloOlololo, good question, it's why is use a 32 bits version... :)12:59
s_spiffanyone here installed Vuze (azureus 3.1??? )12:59
froldIm looking for a good RubyonRail editor for ubuntu - what do you recommand Im using?12:59
bpunushimitsudoki, X loads and a few video drivers are loaded.. but how do i know which driver is being used for current session? xdpyinfo doesnt say...12:59
bpunWalloO, correctly is spelled correctly13:00
=== dex_ is now known as Dexical
headentsthanks WalloO13:01
ushimitsudokibpun: sudo lshw -C video ?13:02
WalloObpun, anyway... it'S better to write good commands in your shell than making mistaque in IRC. By the way, i'm not an english speaker, so it's normal I make many mistakes13:02
WalloOet merde, comment ju'ai écri mistake moi.. "mistaue" trop fort... :)13:03
DexicalNetworkManager isn't working, or at least the front-end applet. It doesn't detect my wireless card, although I can access and configure it through the console with iwconfig/wireless-tools. I can disable wireless, enable it and disable/enable the interface. If I want to right click to connect to any wifi AP, it says "no network device found"13:03
DexicalCan somone help?13:03
remfarkassearch for ndiswrapper descriptions to get wiwfi working13:04
WalloOanyway.. can't write right today... I need to leave my computer....13:04
KristianDKHi there, is there any way to get Eclipse WDT working, without having to install like 300 pre reqs? Something like an all-in-one package, that can just be installed?13:04
ubuntuubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck13:04
ubuntufsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)13:04
Dexicalremfarkas: are you talking to me? My wireless chipset doesn't require ndiswrapper.13:04
headentsim tryng ndsiwrapper my self13:04
cranshiniboncan someone help me get my sound to work13:04
headentsive been at this for hours13:04
toxic_salut tout le monde, je cherche un moyen d'accéder à mes partages samba qui sont protégés par mot de passe (enregistrés dans le trousseu de clef) sans qu'on me demande à chaque fois le mot de passe du trousseau....13:05
remfarkasDexical, then dunno13:05
bazhangtoxic_, english here please13:06
filthpigHi. When I try to install ubuntu through wubi, I get as far as rebooting, organizing partitions and the actual install starts, but then at ca 15% the computer simply dies. It's an old Dell Inspiron 5150.. I suspect cpu overheating, any other ideas?13:06
db92toxic_, #ubuntu-fr13:06
[newb]MikiHi. I had a problem with my vid card. I asked it in ATI and the guy said there is something wrong with my dri or something, and he told me to say it here. (this is a file that shows the problem or something : http://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ )13:06
derspankstercranshinibon, what's the problem?13:06
toxic_sorry, thought i was un ubuntu-fr...13:06
cranshiniboni have a sound blaster audigy 2 zs and im using the newest version of ubuntu and for some reason my sound just wont work13:06
[newb]Mikiwehre can you find a list of hardware?13:07
cranshiniboni changed it to the right sound card, my device manager isnt saying it needs anything, i unticked the audigy analog/digital output jack and still nothing13:07
AccidusWhere can I find missing info files? For example, my 'info kpathsea' page doesn't exist.13:07
toxic_i'm looking for a way to access my password protected samba shared folders (passwords are in the keyring ) without having to enter the keyring password every time i try to get access to it...13:07
derspankstercranshinibon, have you tried plugging in your speakers in various outputs of your card? My old soundblaster works but I have it plugged into another port other than standard.13:07
fudus9How do i stop gnome from snapping to edge of screen when i drag a window near the erdge?13:08
fudus9it is annoying13:08
filthpigAccidus, have you tried synaptic?13:08
cranshinibonlemme try it now....i figured it wouldnt work bc it worked fine in xp under this port13:08
AccidusWhat, 'info synaptic'?13:08
filthpigfudus9, metacity or compiz?13:08
AccidusDoesn't work...13:08
derspankstercranshinibon, I understand, I did the same thing. Worth a shot13:09
filthpigAccidus, no, you can get loads of docs for programs via synaptic, it's under system - administration13:09
dns53Accidus there are 2 manual systems, man and info, try info kpathsea13:09
AccidusTried that dns, it doesn't work13:09
cranshinibonk just tried all of em....nothin13:09
sdfdase2oh god13:09
sdfdase220% signal strength13:10
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.13:10
lololoHEELP! i get this error http://fpaste.org/paste/2899 when i launch firefox13:10
fudus9No manual entry for strftime how do i get that manfile13:11
lololoMy homepage is http://games.inbox.lv13:11
Accidusfilthpig: Erm, I'm a bit new to Ubuntu, I'm using Kubuntu. What did you mean by 'system - administartion'?13:11
=== lucas_ is now known as lucasrizzini
Kartagislololo: did you recently update it?13:12
derspankstercranshinibon, OK, have you double-clicked your volume control to see if you have the soundblaster enabled? Also, check to see if if you have all the sliders enabled and up close to max. PCM and Wave13:12
filthpigAccidus, oh, I thought you were using the GNOME version of ubuntu. Er, I'm not sure about kubuntu, havent used it for years13:12
Dexicalfilthpig: what is he trying to do?13:12
filthpigAccidus, pop up a terminal (Konsole) and type "kdesu synaptic"13:13
AccidusI'm looking for kpathsea info page.13:13
filthpigDexical, start synaptic :P13:13
cranshinibonyea is enabled as wel as having everything else all the way up...however there is no wave bar under the preferences13:13
Tophative got an issue with my BCM4318 (bcm43xx) i've got it working once with ndiswrapper and now it wont work. at all.  any suggestions?13:13
AccidusHmm... I don't think I have synaptic installed.13:13
DexicalI think kubuntu uses adept, and another simpler interface for apt, Accidus?13:13
DexicalAdept rather than synaptic13:14
filthpigAccidus, try kdesu adept, then13:14
DexicalK icon -> System -> adept13:14
fudus9How do i stop gnome from snapping to edge of screen when i drag a window near the edge in metacity? ubuntu 8.0413:14
Accidusadept's on13:14
AccidusWhat should I search for?13:14
filthpigAccidus, yeah, or kpathsea info13:14
filthpigjust see what pops up13:14
AccidusAlready done that. It just gives me the libkpathsea package, which is already installed13:15
derspankstercranshinibon, well, my card is ancient so it still has a wave slider. Do you have a sound card on your motherboard? If so, have you disabled it in your bios?13:15
DexicalNetworkManager isn't working, or at least the front-end applet. It doesn't detect my wireless card, although I can access and configure it through the console with iwconfig/wireless-tools. I can disable wireless, enable it and disable/enable the interface. If I want to right click to connect to any wifi AP, it says "no network device found". Can somone help me figure this out?13:15
lololoHello, how to install NVidia driver for GeForce 8400M at 64 bit system?!13:16
filthpigAccidus, there is a possibility that the file does not exist. I dunno about that, though.13:16
DexicalI remembered that you can't use NetworkManager to configure network interfaces if they're specified in /etc/network/interfaces13:16
DexicalBut only loopback is there13:16
filthpigAccidus, tried this: http://www.nada.kth.se/cgi-bin/info?(kpathsea)Supported%20file%20formats13:16
xtermin8rAnyone seen a skinnable media player that I can make big buttons for my touchscreen with?  (not mythtv as it installs 700mb of junk).13:16
bpunushimitsudoki, thanks, this is for somebody... can you see this log please? http://pastebin.ca/1051881  .. not sure what the 'unclaimed' is meaning...13:16
AccidusThanks filthpig13:16
froldIm looking for a good RubyonRail editor for ubuntu - what do you recommand Im using?13:17
bpunor if anyone can see this?13:17
AccidusI'm wondering, though, why there's no info page about it13:17
cranshiniboni do have a sound card and im pretty sure i disabled it....i took of the onboard sound as well as the instant music config13:17
Accidus(on my machine, that is)13:17
filthpiglololo, the ubuntu restricted driver installer should do that for you. System - administration - restricted drivers13:17
xtermin8rlololo: ok, thanks.13:17
lololobut i want OFFICIAL driver pack13:17
lololoi cant find .run for 8400M13:17
lololoonly  8700M :(13:18
derspankstercranshinibon, you can check if you disabled by plugging your speakers in the onboard port.13:18
=== fudus9 is now known as fudus
mr_whippyhey all13:18
cranshinibonkk lemme check then13:18
filthpigfudus9, I'm not on ubuntu right now (running XP, ugh), but I guess it should be under system - prefs - appearance (just a guess)13:18
zolikyIs possible to read/write an OS X leopard HDD in ubuntu?13:18
[newb]MikiI must say you people here are very helpfull -.-13:18
zolikyI need to transfer a file to osx partition13:19
filthpiglololo, you DO get the official from the restr. driver program. Maybe not the latest, but the safest.13:19
lololoi tried, compiz doesnt work with it ;(13:19
derspankstercranshinibon, check this page as well, http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html13:19
lololomaybe it is too new for uboontoo driver?13:20
ushimitsudokibpun: can you look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log? Perhaps the driver module is failing to load? I am not sure why "UNCLAIMED" is there, and the driver and module are not listed in the "configuration: " line in the output13:20
cranshinibonive been to the website but i dont know what to do once im there13:20
dns53zoliky it should be,  does anyone know what file system they use by default?13:20
DexicalHey guys my wireless doesn't work. Except it does - if I configure it from the command line. I dont want to do this every time, how do I get the applet for NetworkManager to be able to connect to wireless networks on right-click?13:20
kaloyanwhat does the TIME FORMAT in dmesg and  logs represent13:20
derspankstercranshinibon, have you read it? You mean you don't understand it?13:21
mr_whippycan anyone help me with a problem, how do i allow my client to connect to my server once i have reinstalled the server i cant connect using ssh it says i need to modify a file(havent got the file name as of yet, as i havent reinstalled the server last time i ended up reinstalling the client as well) if i just delete the content of the file will it allow me to connect then13:21
cranshinibonive read it but im not sure exactly what to do...btw my onboard is still working for some reason13:21
derspankstercranshinibon, your onboard should not be working if you disabled it in your bios. This is most likely your issue.13:22
AccidusAh! I found it13:22
AccidusMy texlive-base-bin-doc package wasn't installed13:22
filthpigDexical, I guess you can write a script that launches at boot, but I don't know how, sorry13:22
kaloyanwhat does the TIME FORMAT in dmesg and  logs represent ,more importantly how can i change it13:23
zolikyIs possible to read/write a HFS+ partition on ubuntu live CD?13:23
filthpigAccidus, oh, that's obvious ;p13:23
kaloyanany pointers???13:23
x_dimitriI need help getting an iburst pcmcia card to work on ubuntu. Has anybody been able to get this working?13:23
cranshinibonlet me double check again its weird that its not opening13:23
AccidusI have another problem though, although I'm not sure whether this is the right place to ask it13:23
bhci use pcmcia 3g modem13:23
bhcworks well13:23
AccidusMy headphones used to work up to several days ago13:24
filthpigAccidus, ask and we'll see13:24
AccidusNow they've stopped working13:24
AccidusI suspect this may have to do with Skype, since this is the only application I've installed that may have anything to do with it13:24
x_dimitribhc:I'm having problems installing the pcmcia driver form sourceforge13:24
bpunushimitsudoki, y the radeon, ati and a fb driver are being loaded...13:24
AccidusI've tried the system->sound system configuration13:24
Accidusand the Kmix application13:24
bhcmy kubuntu auto detect the pcmcia13:24
Accidusbut either I'm using them wrong, or that's not the way to ask it13:24
ushimitsudokibpun: hmm, and only one of those is listen in xorg.conf?13:25
mr_whippyhey all, can anyone help me with an ssh problem should be a quicky13:25
x_dimitribhc:did you have you install the drivers manually13:25
ushimitsudokibpun:  listen = listed13:25
x_dimitribhcL did you have to install the drivers manually?13:25
bhcplug and play13:25
dbgltfor some odd reason... whenever I click... it's coming out as a double click... suffice to say, it's very annoying13:25
kaloyananybody about the time format in dmesg?13:25
dbgltany ideas? :13:25
x_dimitribhc: well, it's not working for me... :-(13:26
filthpigAccidus, hm, you might wanna try the #kubuntu channel, but I guess there's just a setting that's been changed. I guess you can try alsamixer and see if you find anything there.13:26
bpunushimitsudoki, correct, just "ati" i believe - will ask him for the log file13:26
ushimitsudokibpun: well, that is my best suggestion to check - i don't have ATI card on this machine13:27
m1rhow to tell grub that partition it need boot is EXT3 ?13:27
adantehi, can someone tell me how to start my bluetooth adapter?13:27
[newb]MikiWhere can you find a list of all the hardware in your pc?!!!13:28
rsk[newb]Miki: lspci13:29
cranshinibonok so yeah onboard audio is disabled as well as instant music configuration, midi port and gaming port but for some reason its still working when i plug it in13:29
filthpig[newb]Miki, use lspci in a terminal13:29
[newb]Miki01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] <-- it knows my vid is in13:30
derspankstercranshinibon, "instant" music?13:30
[newb]Mikiwhy do i only get 150 fps in glxgears?13:30
cranshinibonits a dumb little thing under the extras tab13:31
Tophatcan someone please help me with a  bcm43xx issue?  ive followed the tutorials on the forums and had it working once, but now it shows up, but doesn't find a wirelss access point.13:31
filthpig[newb]Miki, appearantly you don't have the 3d acc driver installed13:31
dns53[newb]Miki run glxinfo13:31
[newb]Mikiglx gears is completely rendered by my processor :(13:31
remfarkasTophat, i got it work with ndiswrapper13:31
Tophatremfarkas - me too.13:32
Tophatremfarkas - i can't use the b43 driver - just not up to par just yet13:32
LordOllieI get around 4k frames/sec13:32
afeijohello all13:32
[newb]Mikihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/21597/ here is the log of the glxinfo13:32
derspankstercranshinibon, and you're sure your soundblaster is the selected device? Using alsa mixer?13:32
afeijomy crontab isnt working in my user, only with sudo13:32
afeijohow can I investigate that?13:33
[newb]Mikifilthpig how do i install it? there is nothing in the list at 'restricted' drivers13:33
filthpig[newb]Miki, I have no experience with ati drivers myself, so I don't know13:33
filthpig[newb]Miki, installing envy might help13:33
bdancerhi all13:33
jpds!envy  | filthpig13:33
[newb]Mikiin #ATI they can't help me :(13:33
ubottufilthpig: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.13:33
afeijomy crontab isnt working in my user, only with sudo. How to investigate?13:33
bdanceris there any repositories for gusty with KDE 4 SVN?13:34
kevin_theSetting printer slave terminal in gnome?13:34
derspankstercranshinibon, well, ubuntu is outputting to your onboard audio13:34
[newb]Mikierm i got them, they are under application : systemtools13:34
anandajoin #ubuntu-br13:34
cranshinibondouble click on volume control > file > change device >  audigy 2 zs [SB0350] (also mixer)13:34
pteague_workanybody know if it's possible to get ubuntu to do dual-monitors with a Y video cable?13:35
cranshinibonhow can i make it output to the soundcard though13:35
_eks_anybody familiar with xmonad ?13:35
afeijopteague: what?? thats just mirroring screen13:35
[newb]Mikii got an error with envy : card is either not found or not supported13:36
bdanceris there any repositories for hardy with KDE 4 SVN builds?13:36
[newb]Mikiwhere can you find a list of cards that work with envy?13:36
adantehowdy, i have a laptop, how does it know to do what it does when i press the Fn+X keys? is this an acpi thing? i tried disabling acpid but it still did it13:36
kevin_theSetting printer slave terminal in gnome?13:36
derspankstercranshinibon, I can only speak from my experience. I switched off my onboard audio from my bios and then found that I had to change the normal speaker port to another one to get sound. My card is an old soundblaster live.13:36
chadeAnyone know why USB mice will no longer work on my machine?  They light up but I cant move the cursor.  Tryed a brand new mouse still nothing13:37
wire0please someone help me... i finally got wireless working but the signal strenght is a joke.. no its NOT my setup I get 100% in windows, so I know this is related to linux13:37
cranshinibonhm ill try to switch it again...maybe i missed one....the only thing i find awkward is that the onboard works even under the audigy alsa13:37
cranshinibonis that normal?13:37
wire0knetwork tells me 55% and sometimes its down to 20% = UNACEPTABLE13:37
Riottawire0:  what wireless card you use ?13:38
Riottait's probably releated to this card13:38
wire0Riotta: D-Link DWL-G51013:38
derspankstercranshinibon, the OS is porting sound through your onboard apparently, independent of what you select.13:38
Riottamaybe that can be helpful for you wire0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17675213:39
cranshinibonany ideas? i mean i dont mind using the onboard sound but id much rather use the card ive had for god knows how many years13:39
wire0Riotta: thanks but that guide is useless13:39
wire0Riotta: I run into so many compiliing errors im crying13:40
chadeUSB mice will not work on my system ... what can i do ?13:40
wire0how do you check signal strenght without using knetwork manager?13:40
Tophathow can i setup an ad hoc network in ubuntu?13:40
derspankstercranshinibon, I'm unsure of what else to tell you. My experience is limited to my soundblaster live card. I had the same issues as you and solved them as I've previously described.13:41
wire0any bash command to verify true signal strenght13:41
warddrhow can I make screenshots of wine-games?13:41
tschakawire0 try something like "iwlist wlan0"13:41
filthpigI'm gonna buy a new wlan pcmcia (or usb) card very soon. Do you know of any cards (chipsets) that have OPEN SOURCE drivers?13:41
tschakagot no wireless here, so dunno exactly. but i could check on another machine13:42
Ecnerifedhi all, how can i get my ubuntu to just auto update everyday instead of asking me and telling me theres new updates every day?13:42
Tophatfilthpig - most linksys products are13:42
cranshinibonscrew it lol ill just use the onboard13:42
wire0its funny ralikn supports linux13:42
wire0they have linux drivers13:42
wire0not that it matters13:43
wire0tschaka hmm "unknown command"13:43
derspankstercranshinibon, sorry i couldn't get you going, perhaps someone else?13:43
cranshinibonnow how do i get my external hard drive to mount so i can access the files lol13:43
adantethe bluetooth icon in the tray - should it do something when i click on it?13:43
wire0I need to calm down im so angry13:43
danzawire0, try iwconfig13:43
filthpigTophat, not the usb device I bought last time ;) Maybe they've fixed that since then, although I haven't heard about it13:43
cranshinibonyou helped me plenty :) lol i wouldnt have even tried the onboard in the first place13:43
tschakawire0 calm :D eerr, is this card a ralink chipset?13:43
wire0Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g13:44
wire0iwconfig  Link Quality=75/100  Signal level=-28 dBm13:44
sirlarkHi there, I'm trying to set up a software raid1 system, following the instructions available at http://advosys.ca/viewpoints/2007/04/setting-up-software-raid-in-ubuntu-server. But so far I cannot get it to boot13:44
tschakawire0 ok. signal level is ok. -28 dbm is a quite good value.13:44
sirlarkI'm installing from scratch13:44
sirlarkwire0: trying to get ralink wireless card to work?13:45
wire0tschaka: yeah but its not stable, it gose from 75- down to 20% all the time13:45
tschakawire0 general question, do you experience some unstabilities when downloading files from the internet? or moving files on network?13:45
[newb]Mikii need an ATI 7500 mobility radeon driver13:45
tschakawire0 quality and signal level isnt the same.13:45
cranshinibonhow do i change myself to root13:45
wire0tschaka i dont understand13:45
wire0tschake hold on13:46
sirlarkcranshinibon: assuming you've set a root passwd, just use su13:46
wire0I will start my server, I can leach at 1mB/s with full strenght in windows13:46
hfmlsguys how do i send exaile near the clock? like emesene and xchat13:46
wire0lets see13:46
cranshinibonoh thats it lol i figured it was different hahahaha13:46
sirlarkcranshinibon: if you haven't set a rot passwd yet, use sudo passwd13:46
tschakawire0 i mean on ubuntu.13:46
jrib!root > cranshinibon (read the private message from ubottu)13:46
otsman i'm wondering if any taskserver exists for linux, i don't know if such software solution exists in any platform but probably there is. i' need something like rememberthemilk.com but shared by departments, any idea?13:46
jribsirlark: please inform users of sudo before recommending that.  It's entirely unnecessary13:47
derspanksteranyone having problems reaching ubuntu forums today?13:47
jribcranshinibon: there is no need to set a root password, and doing so isn't even recomended13:47
tschakawire0 i'm asking, coz i got 2 machines with rt61 chipset based cards, and both are very very much unstable when moving files on high bandwidth. (also on 250 kB/s) etc.13:47
axisyshow do I find out what files gets installed from a pkg name ?13:47
axisysfrom cli13:47
jribaxisys: dpkg -L13:47
cranshinibonhow do i remove the password then13:47
hfmlshow do i send exaile to tray ?13:47
axisysjrib: dpkg -L <pkg-name> ?13:48
tschakawire0 other thing is, you should rather rely on signal level then on quality. as far as i know, this is much more important. you could do e.g. a "ping www.google.se" do found out, if you got packet loss.13:48
jribaxisys: yes13:48
sirlarkjrib: sorry, I'm a gentoo man, never use sudo myself, keep forgetting you ubuntu guys don't like su13:48
dns53hfmls it is an option in the preferences to use the tray and taskbar13:48
axisysjrib: thnx13:48
tschakahfmls click on the tray icon.13:49
jribcranshinibon: passwd -l root  will lock the account again13:49
x-ipQ: which is the default run level in ubuntu hardy heron ? i cant find /etc/inittab to know it13:49
Starnestommyx-ip: 213:49
wire0tschaka, i pinged google, 64 bytes from py-in-f99.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=238 time=12413:49
cranshinibonhow do i mount my external hard drive i get an error : Cannot mount volume. Unable to mount the volume 'New Volume'.13:49
tschakawire0 let it run for 2 minutes or something, and look for packet loss.13:50
wire0tschaka: okay I will, and thanks for sticking with me friend13:50
=== komputer13 is now known as vidic
tschakawire0 if there is no, your connection should be stable. no13:50
x-ipthanks Starnestommy ^.^'' ... if its not to much to ask ... where is this defined ?13:50
SaiedI have a problem with Firefox 3 in font rendering, http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/mail_merge_openoffice_org this page apears sth like this http://tinypic.info/files/vnbio76ugmtz993gtjlk.jpg How can i solve it?13:50
tschakawire0 no problem*13:50
sirlarkhas anyone successfully set up a raid0 machine using ubuntu-server? I can't get my fresh installation to boot13:52
dns53sirlark what is your problem?13:52
Starnestommyx-ip: I think it's /etc/event.d/rc-default13:53
sirlarkI have a fresh ubuntu server install on a RAID1 (sorry typo in last post) system. I'm getting the BIOS message DISK BOOT FAILURE ...13:53
jmazaredoanyone have a setup of ubuntu+ postfix with postfixadmin here13:55
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer13:55
dns53sirlark the /boot should not be part of the raid or duplicated with raid 0, best to have grub in the mbr on all drives13:55
x-ipthanks a lot Starnestommy =)13:56
sirlarkdns, I have grub setup'd all drives successfully, but don't have a separate boot partition... is this strictly necessary? i.e. I have to reinstall13:56
FlynsarmyIs there a way to limit the upload speed on my PC with ubuntu?13:57
wire0tschaka hmm is it normal that it takes this long?13:57
tschakawire0 what do you mean exactly?13:58
tschakawire0 when cancelling the ping (through ctrl+c) there is a summary. do you see packet loss there?13:58
wire0tschake oh i thought it would stop on its own , oka doing ctrl+c now13:58
wire0tschaka:  497 packets transmitted, 494 received, 0% packet loss, time 496185ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 132.637/254.358/3291.925/419.229 ms, pipe 413:58
FackamatoHi guys. Can I install ndiswrapper from the ubuntu cd?13:59
Fackamato(8.04, 64bit)13:59
FackamatoAnd also, I need the XP 64bit driver for ndiswrapper to work in 64bit ubuntu, right?13:59
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs13:59
sirlarkdns53: err, I also have RAID disabled in BIOS, but I was under the impression that BIOS raid was not necessary13:59
tschakawire0 mmh well the ping seems pretty much high. but as long as you wont play online games this shouldnt matter. at least there is no packet loss, which means your connection should be pretty stable. those fluctuating times could be an issue of the driver (which is still in development) but shouldnt disturb too much.14:00
MohammadBoozarywhat is GIO package ? How to i can install it in ubuntu gutsy ? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/74154/14:00
cranshinibonis forcing an NTFS mount a bad idea?14:00
wire0tschake I dont game at all, but what about downloading?14:01
hfmlsguys what do i have to download to watch 3gp ?14:01
hfmlsk800 video14:01
dns53sirlark you are probably setting up software raid (unless you have a really expensive add on card), you need the kernel to boot first then start the raid, so have the /boot fies in a separate partition14:01
tschakawire0 but, to tell you already, if u will experience connection drops when downloading or moving files on the network, i can't help you. but this isnt related to ping times, they shouldnt affect Downloads and DL speeds not at all.14:02
sirlarkdns53: cool, thanks, reinstalling now14:02
wire0tschaka: okay im gonna try my server now, starting with a HD movie 30GB, im used to 1mB/s lets see14:02
MohammadBoozaryWho Have Fiber Channel Internet ?14:03
tschakawire0 could be you need to reconnect after that (disable network in knetworkmanager and enable it again) or even reboot. if DL stops.14:03
hfmlsi eat fiber cereials while i'm internet14:03
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Riottais it safe to disable mountfs-bootclean.sh and waitnfs daemons at but up, If I don't use samba and not sharing folders with other computers in the web ?14:04
AborymWhat is the maximum size supported for a RAID volume in Ubuntu? Do I need to patch the kernel for volumes larger than 8TB?14:04
Riottaat *boot up14:05
hfmlshow can i watch 3gp movies in mplayer14:05
FackamatoHi guys. Can I install ndiswrapper from the ubuntu cd?14:05
wire0tschaka im getting 90-300kB/s and im used to 1mB/s :(14:05
chadeYesterday I installed Virtualbox to test it over Vmware, and now my mouse will not work inside 804.  It shows the mouse in dmesg but i cant move the cursor .. just sits in the center of the screen ... PLEASE HELP14:05
dns53Aborym at a guess i would expect several exabytes maybe bigger14:05
tschakahfmls moment.14:06
tschakawire0 ok, so it is most prolly an issue of the driver :( can't help you there :(14:06
Aborymdns53: With ext3?14:06
wire0tschaka oh well thanks for helping me though buddy, I appreciate it14:06
adantehi, can someone tell me how to access a samba share on another computer? when I use windows i can access it by going to \\pveer\adante and logging in with adante\password -- when i do this in the gnome browser it times out14:06
wire0tschake I will try to read all the links i have, about 10 now heheh, maybe there is a solution14:06
wire0tschaka people like yourself gives me hope to never give up :)14:07
tschakawire0 no problem. you may want to wait for future kernels, (if u wont fine solutions on your links :P )14:07
chadeadante:  do a man smbmount14:07
Aborymadante: smb://<ip here>14:07
tschakawire0 hehehe thanks i feel much better now. nice that u r happy tho i couldnt help you. thanks.14:07
home_ok this may sound stupid BUT can i run the live cd without HD14:07
dns53Aborym not sure about what file system limits are, but i think ext3 can handle petabytes without too much trouble, i have a 1.5 ext3 storage volume myself14:07
wire0tschaka ^_^14:07
dns53Aborym 1.5tb14:08
Demented_Ferret<-- Thinks WOW now I see how big ubuntu is and wonders how Good ubuntu is (waiting for disc)14:08
adanteAborym: oh nice, thanks -- why does that work but no the hostname?14:08
chadeCan anyone please help ... USB mice will not work in Ubuntu .. they show in dmesg when i plug them in .... but no movement14:08
ranticGood morning everyone14:08
Jack_Sparrowhome_ yes14:08
andycas2whats the difference between primary and logic partition types?14:08
home_10x Jack_Sparrow14:08
Aborymadante: Uh not sure.. you could just add it to /etc/hosts as a temporary fix14:09
Jack_Sparrowhome_ you can also set it up to save changes to usb14:09
FlynsarmyIs there a way to limit the upload speed on my PC with ubuntu?14:09
ranticCould anyone tell me how I would troubleshoot a headset where the microphone doesn't work ?14:09
dns53andycas2 you can only have 4 primary partitions, you can make one of them an extended partiton and these do not have a limit14:09
Jack_Sparrowhome_ If you want to do that it is called persistent mode14:09
home_well i want is to check if is mst wrong with my HD14:09
filthpigI'm gonna buy a new wlan pcmcia (or usb) card very soon. Does anyone know of a card that works out of the box and is on the shelves?14:09
DSpairHallo Reaper239914:10
tschakahfmls you could try to install w32codecs from medibuntu.org14:10
home_Jack_Sparrow: my PC is running but i cant move the mause or use the keyboard14:10
m1rgrub error 17 , any tips how to fix ?14:10
Aborymfilthpig, I would stay away from Broadcom14:10
zupbhi, guys. please tell me the best program for recover information?14:10
Jack_Sparrowrantic /join #alsa for the best help with sound14:10
ranticJack_Sparrow: Thanks :p14:10
Jack_Sparrowhome_ how much ram?14:10
Jack_Sparrowrantic np14:10
home_512 Jack_Sparrow14:10
filthpigAborym, (very cool band, btw), I know ;)14:11
Jack_Sparrowzupb recover from what partition type14:11
zupbext3 and ext214:11
Aborymfilthpig :D14:11
Jack_Sparrowhome_ To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"14:11
ranticI must applaud developers, this is my first experience with Linux and in less then an hour counterstrike is running ^^14:11
Demented_FerretHi is there a room on this server that can explain what ubuntu is as a newbie ?14:11
FackamatoDemented_Ferret look on http://www.ubuntulinux.org/14:12
Jack_Sparrowzupb if you deleted them there is little hope.. can you give more details14:12
home_Jack_Sparrow: my PC is running but i cant move the mause or use the keyboard do ya know smt about this?14:12
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:12
xiownthisplacexhi all14:12
Jack_Sparrowhome_ Did you boot the livecd and get to a desktop where you cant do anything14:13
Aborymdns53: Okay I just checked out wikipedia, and it seems my requirement of a 10TB RAID volume is within the limits, but not sure if that works with the default kernel or if it needs to be patched14:13
xiownthisplacexi did this already in terminal date mmddHHMMYYyy but when i create a folder, it still has an hour more :s how do i fiz this14:13
zupbJack_Sparrow, i delete file from /var/tmp, for exaple, not from partion14:13
Jack_Sparrowzupb yes but that folder directory is on an ext3 partition.14:13
Jack_Sparrowxiownthisplacex Would an example of how I use time in a filename help?14:14
giedzhello... does anyone now why nautilus creates folder with permission rwxr-xr-x eventhough umask is set in .gnomerc on 0002?14:14
xiownthisplacexi guess14:14
home_no Jack_Sparrow i am talking bout my installed ubuntu i instaled it like 2-3m ago and i have porblems the live CD was the plan B :P14:14
Jack_Sparrowxiownthisplacex cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop/sources.list.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)14:14
zupbJack_Sparrow, i don't remember :( how i can see it? :)14:15
dns53Aborym i would expect it to be fine like i said i have a 1.5 ext3 storage drive so it should be fine untill you get to petabytes or exabytes14:15
Jack_Sparrowhome_ SO you do have a hard drive and you did install it with the livecd and now the live cd wont work..14:15
Jack_Sparrowzupb how did you delete the file?14:16
zupbin mc i with F814:16
Jack_Sparrowzupb there are two trash cans.. one for user and one while you are root user14:16
Jack_Sparrowzupb what is mc14:17
zupbmighting commander14:17
home_Jack_Sparrow: naww i am preforming fsck like every day dunno why and i was thinking to boot it from a live cd to see if i have problems with my HD14:17
zupbJack_Sparrow, not root14:17
seyed-mehdihi everyone14:17
Jack_Sparrowhome_ if it is fsck every day, something is not getting shut down correctly14:17
ranticJack_Sparrow: I've only been up and running with Ubuntu for a few hours, but is their a control panel for my video card? I installed the restricted drivers etc but can't locate a CP for my nvidia card14:18
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:18
seyed-mehdii can't open any https page, can anyone please help me ?14:18
xiownthisplacex-bash: tzconfig: command not found14:18
home_Jack_Sparrow: yeah cuz i need to restard my pc like 10 times a day cuz my kboard and my mause are not working14:19
Jack_Sparrowrantic I dont know much about the video setup in Hardy yet.. most of my machines still have gutsy.. since it is working just fine14:19
dlozarieis anyone having any problems with FF3?14:19
Jack_Sparrowhome_ what kind of mouse/keyboard14:19
corsica13re all14:19
recondlozarie: You'll have to be a bit mroe specific./14:20
home_lol Jack_Sparrow noname14:20
seyed-mehdidlozarie: yeah, I cant open any https pages14:20
Lunar_Lampdlozarie: I am, I get a segfault when I close a tab with a logged in Gmail instance.14:20
Jack_Sparrowhome_ ps2, wireless bluetooth etc?14:20
home_lol Jack_Sparrow a  ps214:20
xiownthisplacexJack_Sparrow i did what u said sources.list.06-20-2008-14:14:34 but when i create a folder, still gives me 15:14 :s14:21
seyed-mehdidoes anyone has any problem with opening https pages ?14:21
beeI've got $10 via Paypal to the person who solves my php5-sybase problem.14:21
dns53seyed-mehdi normal http pages work fine? any other services effected?14:22
Jack_Sparrowhome_ you can restart mouse with sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse   but there is more going on14:22
dlozarieThe Firefox-closes-when-I-close-gmail-tab problem is still there. anyone got any solutions? :D14:22
elementhi everyone14:22
Lunar_Lampdlozarie: not that I'm aware of.14:22
seyed-mehdidns53: yeah, i dont have any problem with normal http14:22
elementanybody know why when i play youtube, the rhytbox crash?14:22
DSpairbee: You should probably take that question to a PHP channel.14:22
m1rdlozarie: tryed log out of gmail ?14:22
gordonjcpelement: because youtube uses flash, and flash sucks and is broken14:22
home_Jack_Sparrow: but my keyboard isnt working to14:22
seyed-mehdidns53: but none of https !14:22
home_Jack_Sparrow: and my nim lock button isnt working14:23
elementgordonjcp: and how can i fix it14:23
DSpairbee: Join #php and I will help you there.14:23
beeDSpair, that is one option.  But I did not have this connection problem prior to my 7.10 to 8.04 upgrade.14:23
Jack_Sparrowxiownthisplacex If you want to include seconds there is a different code..14:23
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beeSo I suspect it is an Ubuntu configuration issue.14:23
gordonjcpelement: close rhythmbox before going to youtube14:23
xiownthisplacexnot seconds14:23
dlozariem1r, I really don't want to log out of Gmail, so that's not an option. :)14:23
Jack_Sparrowhome_ Basic information to help us help you: Which distro/release are you using, have you modified your sources.list, have you compiled programs from source, Is this a regular install or are you running in some sort of virtual machine or did you install with wubi etc?14:23
xiownthisplacexwhat i mean is that it gives me an hour later14:23
dns53seyed-mehdi you working at a company? perhaps they have a firewall blocking https traffic. is it restricted to a single page or any https page?14:23
m1rdlozarie: just for test *14:23
gordonjcpelement: and pester Adobe to bring flash kicking and screaming into the 21st century14:23
elementi wasnt open the rhythmbox after play youtube14:24
AlexCONRADhi, does anyone have experience with .desktop files ? (desktop entries) I'm having an issue when an autostarted application doesn't seem to take in account the Path=/foo/bar key I've set in my file... ideas?14:24
xiownthisplacexit is currentl 14:23 and when i create a folder, it says 15:2314:24
wire0guys whats the bash command for checking network transfer rates when youre downloading/uploading? I have a gui but i prefer console14:24
db92how to improve video playback quality?14:24
seyed-mehdidns53: no I'm at home and can browse https by Windows,14:24
dlozariem1r, okay, I'll try it out now. Although I've found a bug article on the Ubuntu forums about it. tnx.14:24
choudeshwire0, I always use either iftop or cbm14:24
seyed-mehdidns53: but in ubunu I cant since I've installed Hardy14:24
elementgordonjcp: i was watching youtube only, then i close youtube and when i opened the rhythmbox ...i cant play the music14:24
Jeruvyok, /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwraggerMRC420CN Failed. how can I fix this?14:24
Bert_2Hi, I'm doing a bash script with zenity and I want to ask the user a question and then check whether he said yes or no, how do I do that ?14:25
gordonjcpelement: close firefox completely, it still has grabbed the soundcard14:25
Jack_Sparrowxiownthisplacex ah..  sounds like a user or time zone issue or daylight savings thing.. no I dont know what to do with that right now.. still waking up here14:25
choudeshBert_2, Please look that up on google14:25
xiownthisplacexlol ok14:25
pradaubuntu is really starting to piss me off14:25
Jack_SparrowBert_2 /join #bash14:25
elementgordonjcp: ok let me try14:25
home_Jack_Sparrow:  ubuntu 8.04, no, dunno what is that yes no novirtual machine and i dont have windows just ubuntu14:25
gordonjcpelement: Flash uses an old way of dealing with sound that makes it insist on being the only thing using the card14:25
xiownthisplacexi already did tzselect14:25
dns53seyed-mehdi well it perhaps is related to the ssl random number generator problem,    anyone here have any more ideas?14:25
choudeshprada, what seems to be the issue?14:25
Bert_2choudesh: tried, but they all say --question does that but it doesn't return anything14:25
rick111CHEEKY CHOPS14:25
Jack_Sparrowhome_ what all have you installed or added or changed14:25
wire0thanks choudesh, I tried iftop but it couldnt get my ip, but cbam did thanks14:25
elementgordonjcp: but that really sux14:25
Jack_Sparrowrick111 please dont14:25
gordonjcpelement: that's flash for you14:26
dlozariem1r, FF3 doesn't crash anymore when I close the Gmail tab after log-out, so it must be something in the Gmail scripts, right?14:26
elementgordonjcp: lol, theres a way to fix it?14:26
choudeshBert_2, http://www.google.com/search?q=bash+user+input&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a14:26
seyed-mehdidns53: whats that "ssl random number gererator" ?14:26
gordonjcpelement: pester Adobe to bring flash up to date, and not use an API that's been dead for ten years14:26
Bert_2choudesh: that's for basic bash, not bash with a zenity front-end, I'm asking how to handle zenity not bash14:27
elementgordonjcp: thx im playing music right now14:27
home_Jack_Sparrow: some few programs theme icons visual effects thats all14:27
choudeshBert_2, it is similiar to g_dialog14:27
Jack_SparrowBert_2 What you are asking is beyond the scope of ubuntu support14:27
Bert_2Jack_Sparrow: okey, I'm sorry14:27
pradawhenever i decide to into using grub...dual booting i get this F******* grub 17 error everytime14:27
home_Jack_Sparrow: not ant major settings like sorce or smt like that14:27
dlozarieoh, and with regards to that earlier complaint about not being able to access any https pages, https://mail.google.com works fine. :D14:28
dns53seyed-mehdi the randomness of ssl keys was not that random, i'm not an expert and it is only a guess14:28
gordonjcpelement: cool14:28
gordonjcpelement: it's a PITA but that's how things are right now...14:28
Jack_Sparrowhome_ you could have a failing hard drive...  just not enough info to tell.14:28
elementgordonjcp: but..i dont understand who can i fix it14:28
choudeshBert_2, input=$(zenity --text "What you like to call the GDM Login screen?" --entry14:28
home_Jack_Sparrow: ok14:28
seyed-mehdidns53: thx alot 4 ur info, do u know how can I fix my prob ?14:28
choudeshBert_2, it takes two seconds with google and man pages14:28
elementgordonjcp:  i wanna play youtube and i wanna play music at the same time14:28
pradaits's crap14:29
home_Jack_Sparrow: i will miss my bus must go ta-ta14:29
Bert_2choudesh: sorry I overlooked it then, excuse me14:29
gordonjcpelement: only Adobe can fix it, unless someone writes a thing that somehow intercepts Flash's attempt to grab sound14:29
m1rcant boot into ubuntu , grub reports error 17 , any tips how to fix this ?14:29
seyed-mehdidns53: I'd googled but didnt find anything useful14:29
dns53seyed-mehdi unfortunatly no i'm just guessing that is the problem14:29
Jack_Sparrowelement look into this..Basic information to help us help you: Which distro/release are you using, have you modified your sources.list, have you compiled programs from source, Is this a regular install or are you running in some sort of virtual machine or did you install with wubi etc?14:29
elementgordonjcp: lets kill the adobe programers lol14:29
jattwhen I do select Help->Contents I get:14:29
jattThere was an error displaying help: There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.14:29
jattWhich package should I install to get the help.14:29
Jack_Sparrowelement hold on14:29
choudeshBert_2, No problem. But if you can get a good answer out of a specfic channel (bash) then use google. Its only 9am on the east coast. ;-)14:29
Jack_Sparrowelement http://wvarner.blogspot.com/2008/05/firefox-crashing-on-youtube-in-ubuntu.html  Lets you use pulseaudio for flash (which lets you have audio in flash without having to close other programs using audio first.) and it prevents flash from ever crashing firefox.14:29
jatt(I tested with the gnome-terminal application)14:30
elementthx jack14:30
elementJack_Sparrow: thx14:30
Jack_Sparrowelement np sorry for the other paste.. working with one snoggerd up finger today14:30
elementi really love this chanel14:30
elementubuntu rulez14:30
pradaseems i'm not the only one14:31
Jack_Sparrowjatt what program are you trying to get help with and are you running gnome or kde14:31
dlozarieanyone know how to get to firefox live chat support?14:31
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Jack_Sparrowdlozarie I assume that is one busy place..14:32
dns53dlozarie chatzilla?14:32
jattJack_Sparrow: I am running gnome (Ubuntu Dapper). I open the gnome-terminal and then press F1 (or use the Help->Contents menu).14:32
elementJack_Sparrow, gordonjcp: thx very much dudes14:32
=== Arabi is now known as Osama
choudeshprada, what file system are you using?14:32
dlozarie@dns53, how do I get there? :)14:32
elementJack_Sparrow, gordonjcp: cya guys14:32
Jack_Sparrowelement let us konw if that works out for you14:32
elementJack_Sparrow, gordonjcp: i gtg to work14:32
pradanow i'm gonna hane to take my computer apart to fix it14:33
elementJack_Sparrow, gordonjcp: sure i will come to tell you14:33
gambihi, i try to install ubuntu server on already partitioned and formated disk (with fdisk) but somehow i'm not able to select any of my partitions in the installer. only the erase all option is available. how can i manually set the root partition?14:33
choudeshprada, why are you going to have to take your computer apart if it is only grub?14:33
jatt(I'm installing yelp lets see if it the help works better)14:34
webvictimgrub nub!14:34
Jack_Sparrowgambi is this a raid setup?14:34
=== loner is now known as weirdo
m1r i get grub boot error 17 , and from what i heave read that it can determine filesystem on disk i am trying to boot, how can i make grub aware is ext3 ?14:34
=== weirdo is now known as weirdor
dns53dlozarie to install or use? to use you need to enter a protocol like irc://server14:34
gambiJack_Sparrow: nope, just one ata disk14:34
jatthm. that solved the problem: install yelp14:34
webvictimerror 17 generally means that it can't find the disk where /boot is located14:34
Jack_Sparrowgambi I have not used the server install but there should be a manula partition setup14:35
jlwHow do I reload my window manager? I cant click the menus or show desktop, though I can  use alt + f114:35
m1rwebvictim: from what i read it cant understand FS14:35
webvictimjlw: gnome or KDE?14:35
Jack_Sparrowm1r Are you running live cd on that box now14:35
m1rJack_Sparrow: no14:35
webvictimsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart14:35
gambiJack_Sparrow: well there is one. but it's unfortunatly filled with only one option :(14:35
gambierase all ...14:36
webvictimif you can get to a terminal, kloseline14:36
m1rJack_Sparrow: i start it now14:36
webvictimoops, jlw14:36
webvictimi guess that worked then :P14:36
Jack_Sparrowjlw Did you just lose the top bar or open windows.. the minimize max and close buttons etc?14:36
m1rJack_Sparrow: loading livecd on that machine14:37
webvictimJack_Sparrow: he just disconnected i think14:37
Jack_Sparrowwebvictim compiz --replace   or metacity --replace14:37
dlozariehere's the live support channel: http://support.mozilla.com/kb/Live+Chat14:37
pradaok this is shitty ...i'm on palm pilot and cant scroll up to read what anyone is saying14:37
pradai almost didn't install and i wish i didn't14:38
Jack_Sparrowprada DO you have a real support question..   Comments and discussion belong in a different room14:39
choudeshJack_Sparrow, side room please.14:40
Jack_Sparrowpm me14:40
JeruvyBrother printer installed drivers, not printing docs.  Document shows in spool as status 'stopped'  generates error reported in bug# 137984.  How do I print?14:40
stemount^!language | prada14:40
ubottuprada: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:40
adantehi just confirming, there is no graphical dual screen configurator for ubuntu yet right?14:40
choudeshadante, there is one if you use nvidia14:41
m1rJack_Sparrow: livecd booted14:41
Jack_Sparrowm1r sudo fdisk -l14:41
Jaffarkelshaci thought the displayconfig-gtk was for that but dont have dual monitor to check14:42
choudeshJaffarkelshac, actually you are right.14:42
webvictimJack_Sparrow: yeah, true :P14:42
choudeshJaffarkelshac, displayconfig-gtk does have one now14:42
Jack_SparrowJeruvy did you check the list of supported hardware to make sure your printer was in there and if people were having problems14:42
adantei'll take a look for that, thanks guys!14:42
filthpigadante, yes there is? I guess it's under system - administration - screens and graphics?14:42
m1rJack_Sparrow: /dev/sdb1 boot*14:42
adantefilthpig: i do not have that option, do you know what package installs it?14:42
filthpigadante, maybe under preferences?14:43
Jack_Sparrowm1r Please state your question again for me14:43
m1rJack_Sparrow: grub error 1714:43
JeruvyJack_Sparrow: well I'm not sure, the drivers are official for hardy, they install fine, but they do not print and I encounter another error with the doc queue as noted.14:43
adantefilthpig: i have an option for screen resolution but that shows a single monitor14:43
Invaderhow do I check whether my wireless pc card driver is installed correct or not?14:43
filthpigadante, which gfx card do you have?14:43
Jaffarkelshacare you using live cd now?14:44
pradayeah ! sure do! grub messed up my computer AGAIN with the grub 17 error... how else can i say it Jack_Sparrow14:44
Jack_Sparrowm1r SIngle drive?  not an external etc14:44
adantefilthpig: quadro fx 570m14:44
m1rJack_Sparrow: 2 drives , 1st XP , 2nd ubuntu14:44
Jack_Sparrowprada Tone it down14:44
generic What are the softwares use for private/secure file sharing in Ubuntu??14:44
dns53Invader if you have the device shown under network manager it is probably working14:45
CoronaBWHow can I tell if Ubuntu is having problems with my RAID controller?14:45
Jack_Sparrowm1r Did you install windows after ubuntu and where did you install grub  mbr of first disk14:45
pradai'm tired of taking my computer apart14:45
Jack_Sparrowprada are you mixing sata and ide drives14:45
filthpigadante, ah, then nvidia-settings should do the trick. try sudo nvidia-settings (and hit tab for alternatives, I don't remember exactly the name of the command). That's a nice tool to use, it fixed my dual monitor problems, at least14:46
pradayes i installed windows first14:46
Jack_Sparrowprada are you mixing sata and ide drives14:46
choudeshJack_Sparrow, m1r, prada, this usually only occures if there you are trying to boot grub on a unsupported filesystem (ntfs, reiserfs/patched, ...). Another issue is device.map and SCSI vs IDE in the BIOS14:46
DbproguyHey is that thing where you can install Ubuntu inside Windows any good?14:47
DbproguyLike is it faster if you do otherwise?14:47
Sysctlhey folks. i think theres something wrong with Xen on ubuntu server 8.0414:47
bobbob1016I burned a video DVD, and I don't think it was finalized since it isn't read by PC's without a DVD-RW.  Is there a way I can finalize it?14:47
m1rJack_Sparrow: xp is there for years , ubuntu was instaled fresh b4 few days on 2nd hdd (64bit) , for grub i think is installed on 1st HD (xp one)14:47
Jack_Sparrowprada are you mixing sata and ide drives           do you understand the question?  and how to know14:47
choudeshJack_Sparrow, I would suggest these people boot off the live cd and run grub-install --recheck14:47
dns53Dbproguy it is called wubi and comes on the normal live cd, just insert it while running windows and it will come up14:47
Jack_Sparrowchoudesh there is an issue when people mix ide and sata...  the drive mapping keeps switching on them14:47
m1rchoudesh , Jack_Sparrow , both my drives are sata14:48
Jack_SparrowDbproguy In my opinion.. no. I wont use or recommend it14:48
choudeshJack_Sparrow, I know. I have similiar issue - but when I shut down I have script that runs grub-install14:48
Sysctlit seems to hang faily easily, to the point that doing long operations  on mysql evenutally lose connection... never seen that before on debian14:48
dns53Dbproguy it should work fine but you have a layer siting between your files and the file system so it can be slower and does not work well if your drive is fragmented14:48
Dbproguydns53, yea I know I already tried that, I'm just wondering if it can go faster14:48
choudeshJack_Sparrow, I really think the issue is fake-raid controllers14:49
pradacsn you pm me because i cant even reac what you are typing since i'm on palm pilot14:49
Sergeant_Ponyanyone having a problem with COmpiz? it messes up my screen so bad I have to reboot.14:49
Invaderdns53: Sorry to ask - is the network manager = system -> Administration -> Network? If yes, then I've got two wireless connections - should I set them to roam-mode or configurate them manually?14:49
wire0Sergeant_Pony: whats your command to start it? compiz -- replace?14:49
choudeshJack_Sparrow, the fake-raid controller boot up with min. firmware emulating an IDE device - but once inside the OS - they load the software raid driver14:49
Dbproguydns53 I had already tried partitioning my drive and dual-booting windows and ubuntu but my computer doesn't like partitioning drives, the main partition is locked and is taking up the entire hard drive.14:49
Sergeant_Ponynot sure... where do I lok at the command?14:50
Invaderdns53: It's a WPA2 PSK protected lan14:50
Jack_SparrowDbproguy You cant resize a mounted drive14:50
Jack_SparrowDbproguy look into the gparted livecd14:50
DbproguyJack_Sparrow: What can I do then?14:51
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:51
DSpairJack_Sparrow, that's not exactly true... If you are using LVM2 it is possible to extend a partition.14:51
Jack_SparrowDbproguy 50 meg download and a handy tool to have around14:51
dns53Invader i was thinking more about the icon in the system tray, it looks like you have the drivers working atleast and i don't know your network, give everything a try14:51
DbproguyJack_Sparrow: Okay, thanks!14:51
adantehrm ok so i can't use nvidia-settings to configure for xinerama?14:51
Jack_SparrowDSpair I base help on standard installs not one of the many different ways people modify it14:52
pradaJack_Sparrowe everthing you typed to me ..i couldn't read14:52
DSpairJack_Sparrow, Understandable. But LVM2 is standard on Ubuntu server...14:52
Jack_Sparrowprada are you mixing sata and ide drives           do you understand the question?  and how to know check14:52
wire0Sergeant_Pony: try compiz --replace in console14:53
Jack_SparrowDSpair if he could not resize it..  he was not running server lvm214:53
DSpairJack_Sparrow, Good point.14:53
dns53nudges Jack_Sparrow about resize2fs for resizing ext3 drives14:53
Invaderdns53: At the network manager in system tray, only the wired connection can be enabled - the wireless cannot... Any suggestion?14:53
JeruvyBrother printer installed drivers, not printing docs.  Document shows in spool as status 'stopped'  generates error reported in bug# 137984.  How do I print?14:53
* DSpair is not the only one picking on Jack..14:53
Jack_Sparrowdns53 not while they are mounted in a live session14:53
harris /swap , /root..... /what's the other one???????? I forgot14:54
Jack_Sparrowharris .home14:54
dlozarie@Jeruvy, your Brother printer comes with Linux drivers?14:54
zupbguys, where i can find a trash for mighting commander?14:54
* DSpair likes Brother printers...14:54
DbproguyJack_Sparrow: If GParted is only 50 meg can I just stick it on my USB Flashdrive and boot from that?14:54
dns53Jack_Sparrow yes they can, i did it yesterday but that is a little off topic14:54
Jack_Sparrowdns53 You should not resize a mounted partition..14:55
Sergeant_Ponywireg I got nothing but errors14:55
Jack_SparrowDbproguy more trouble than it is worth14:55
m1rJack_Sparrow: devices /sda1 and /sdb1 have marked boot * sign with fdisk -l14:55
Jack_Sparrowdns53 show me a tutorial where it suggests that it is a good idea.14:56
Jack_Sparrowm1r sorry to leave you in the middle of that.14:56
Jeruvydlozarie: I used the ones 'official' from hardy multiverse14:56
m1rJack_Sparrow: no problem , i see u very busy ;) i wait14:56
dlozarie@Jeruvy, and you installed them properly and without incident, yes?14:57
Jack_Sparrowm1r you need to install grub to mbr of the drive that the bios boots.. normally sda but some bios allow you to boot sdb14:57
DbproguyWow I love Ubuntu already, I don't know if it's just the server's I'm downloading from but my download speeds are just about always 10-20% better than what I got with Windows14:57
LordOllieAnyone here use netbeans and have it hang on "creating new project"?14:57
dlozarieIs there a Linux program similar to CCleaner for Windows?14:57
bebobli2I have GSNES9x, and ZSNES. The first does not properly use my joystick. No matter how I set it there is no reaction. It seems to be aware of the controller yet as I said the games do not react. ZSNES is unable to play sound. No clue why, every other application seems to be dandy with sound aside from flash of course.14:58
hp2133dlozarie: what does CCleaner do?14:58
NickGarveydlozarie: shred14:58
NickGarveyoh nope14:58
NickGarveydlozarie: not shred14:58
Li-Plu1The nvidia drivers have failed to install this is the log from the installation. http://rafb.net/p/MWGxTc97.html14:58
m1rJack_Sparrow: i guess i can do that from livecd , but i dont know how14:58
NickGarveydlozarie: there is no registry in linux, thus no need for ccleaner14:58
NickGarveyoh it does have file erasing too14:59
Jack_Sparrowm1r Since I am busy .. you can read the grub tutorial...14:59
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:59
dlozarie@NickGarvey, I see. :D14:59
m1rtnx Jack_Sparrow , i check it out14:59
Jeruvydlozarie: yes, they show in printer ok.  Print a test page, sends job to queue.  Job status is 'stopped'?15:00
harrishey,,,,,, which must be bigger..??? /home or /root15:00
Jack_Sparrowharris /home15:00
harrisok..... thankkksss15:00
Jack_Sparrowharris /root 10 gig    /hoe 20 or 30 or more15:00
Cheesypieceshi guys, how do i watch youtube videos in opera?15:00
dlozarie@Jeruvy, that's weird... look, I'm no printer/hardware genius, but I'll try to help you as much as possible, mkay? try going to system->administration->printing. :)15:00
onatsthat's a lot of hoes!15:01
bensimonare you french ?15:01
s3p4nyou probably need to install flash player? ;p15:01
Jack_SparrowCheesypieces have you tried to install flash from the repos yet15:01
ParanoyaMDoes anybody know why i have no sound in any browser, in system i has sound?15:01
bensimonim franch !!!!!!!15:01
bensimonhum hum15:01
X-tremAl_RavenHi. I've upgraded the packets this morning and after restart my WiFi isn't working. What could it be?15:01
VenkateshH-laptoany video chat software out there?15:01
Jeruvystatus 'stopped' error reported in bug# 137984. But launchpad is really goofy with bug status, is it fixed or not?15:01
Li-Plu1Can someone help me i need to install latest nvidia drivers but they fail to build15:01
VenkateshH-laptobecause i cant get skype to work!15:01
bensimonbonjour !!!!!!!!15:02
tschaka!french ubottu15:02
tschakahow does this work :/15:02
bensimonfrench ?15:02
ubottuFactoid french ubottu not found15:02
DJones!fr | bensimon15:02
ubottubensimon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:02
AborymVenkateshH-lapto, amsn maybe?15:02
Jack_SparrowX-tremAl_Raven double click the volume icon and run the pcm all the way down and back up.. that seems to take care of some15:02
bensimonyes ?15:02
CheesypiecesJack_Sparrow: yes, I have - it just shows a grey box where the video should be15:02
Jeruvydlozarie: its been open a while...15:02
VenkateshH-laptodoes that work?15:02
VenkateshH-laptolet me try that15:02
VenkateshH-laptoi tried openwengo15:02
dlozarie@Jeruvy, have you tried printing a test document in OpenOffice.org?15:02
VenkateshH-laptobut my webcam is not detected15:02
Jack_SparrowCheesypieces flash from our repos, not from inside firefox15:02
=== loner is now known as weirdor
VenkateshH-laptoand i am sure everyone knows the problems with skype!15:03
Dmolehey ubuntuers I use ubuntu for my FLAC music collection  and am looking for a new amp I thought this might help us help us :) : http://internet.wikia.com/wiki/Amplifier_Comparison15:03
Jevonis there a way to use the ubuntu/kubuntu CDs as a recovery disk, replacing the base filesystem of a drive without deleting all my specific files on my username?15:03
AborymVenkateshH-lapto: Did you install your webcam drivers?15:03
VenkateshH-laptoyes i did15:03
Jeruvydlozarie: no, only in printer configuration15:03
CheesypiecesJack_Sparrow: i got it from synaptic...15:03
VenkateshH-laptothe webcam works on skype15:03
ParanoyaMDoes anybody know why i have no sound in any browser, in system i has sound?15:03
VenkateshH-laptoi have audio issue there..15:03
dlozarie@Jeruvy, could you try printing from OpenOffice then? Just to check. :)15:03
Jeruvydlozarie: I did attempt to print a text doc and a web page, same results15:03
X-tremAl_Raven<Jack_Sparrow> What kind of joke is that?15:03
VenkateshH-laptoi'll give amsn a try then15:03
VenkateshH-lapto@Aborym, thanks!15:04
adantehowdy - anybody had any luck force mounting an ntfs volume?15:04
Jeruvydlozarie: I do not have oo on this box.15:04
dlozarie@Jeruvy, okay.15:05
Jack_SparrowX-tremAl_Raven you will need to be more specific, certain people seem to want to waste my time this am15:05
dlozarie@Jeruvy, hmm. any suspicions as to what may be causing the problem? Maybe that could help. :)15:05
Jeruvydlozarie: other than brother is a pita?  not really... :)15:06
X-tremAl_Raven<Jack_Sparrow> Ubunto 8.04. Some packets were upgraded and upgrade manager said that it needed to restart. Now I'm not able to change the CPU frequency and got no WiFi at all.15:06
Li-Plu1would somebody spare a moment to help me, nvidia drivers are failing to build and this is the log from the failed attempt http://rafb.net/p/MWGxTc97.html15:06
Jack_SparrowX-tremAl_Raven ah..  understood...15:06
dlozarie@Jeruvy, LOL. Anyway what printer model do you have?15:06
X-tremAl_Raven<Jack_Sparrow> Thought if this was caused by some of the upgraded packets - then I must not be the first one to have that problem.15:07
Jeruvydlozarie: mfc420cn15:07
dlozarie@Jeruvy, wow, that's what Brother calls their printers? hmm. okay, I'm googling around. :)15:07
Jack_SparrowX-tremAl_Raven any changes in your sources list that may have added to the problem15:08
Jeruvydlozarie: been there all day yesterday.  Talked to brother support, talked to the printer repair guy down the street.  Either the printer communication is fried (I really doubt since I can talk to it and XSANE works)15:08
dlozarie@Jeruvy, I found this in the Ubuntu forums: "I'm currently using the 32-bit driver for the Brother MFC420CN on my 64-bit system. That required first installing the csh package, then installing the driver debs with "--force-architecture." If you want yours to run on AMD64, it might be worth a try."15:09
Jeruvydlozarie: or ubuntu has a bug15:09
R2LMDoes anyone know a good video player for .swf videos (not .flv)?15:09
Jeruvydlozarie: its a P3 :)15:09
X-tremAl_Raven<Jack_Sparrow> Third-party: http://ppa.launchpad.net/robvdl/ubuntu - I use it as the latest django repository15:10
Jack_SparrowX-tremAl_Raven yep.. that would do it..15:10
Jack_SparrowX-tremAl_Raven launchpad bit a few people yesterday15:11
Prodocgood afternoon15:11
dlozarie@Jeruvy, oh, okay. I don't think your printer communication's fried; must be a driver/incompatibility problem, and perhaps a bug in Ubuntu. Which version are you on, btw? Hardy?15:11
otsman i'm wondering if any taskserver exists for linux, i don't know if such software solution exists in any platform but probably there is. i' need something like rememberthemilk.com but shared by departments, any idea?15:12
Jeruvydlozarie: yes15:12
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ProdocI had the medibuntu repository included in the software sources for a while but now I've disabled it. There is, however, still a release from that source included in the update manager. I don't want to install it but I can't seem to find a way to remove it. How can this be done?15:13
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ne2k__what's the best way to reinstall the version of openoffice that comes with standard ubuntu? something got corrupted with openoffice so I removed it altogether, but when I reinstalled teh package openoffice.org, I get a different theme and it doesn't work with SMB shares15:13
Guest16777cacchio ragazzi e troppo un casino15:13
ne2k__Guest16777: oh yes, absolutely15:14
dlozarie@Jeruvy, have you taken a look at this page? http://is.gd/C6o15:14
Jeruvydlozarie: problem is I need a solution, I can't wait 5-18 months for a bug fix....this driver package for brother-lpr was supposed to be it.  Since it does work but the job hangs, I'm guessing another issue is at hand, namely the job queue (or whatever its really called)15:14
dns53ne2k__ you may need  openoffice.org-gnome to be able to use the gnome vfs for smb shares15:15
dlozarie@Jeruvy, could be, but then again I'm afraid I can't say for sure.15:15
Jack_SparrowJeruvy what make and model of brother printer15:15
dlozarie@Jack_Sparrow, he's on mfc420cn15:15
dlozarieor he has a Brother mfc420cn printer, I should say.15:16
SpookyETSuspend/hibernate still does not work for me in Hardy15:16
ne2k__dns53: something's really broken with openoffice15:17
cojackone question15:17
cojackI using a quanta15:17
cojackand a konqueror for ftp klient15:17
cojackklient / client15:17
Jevonis there a way to use the ubuntu/kubuntu CDs as a recovery disk, replacing the base filesystem of a drive without deleting all my specific files on my username?15:17
Jeruvydlozarie: that is a dated package and does not work on hardy.  This is the one I refered from:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/2596615:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 25966 in Ubuntu Hardy "NEW PACKAGE: Printer drivers for Brother needed" [High,Fix released]15:17
cojackhow to make to open file from ftp in konqueror to run one quanta?15:17
cojackand if I open next file I open next quanta...15:18
cojackhow to change it?15:18
dlozarie@Jeruvy, ah yes, I failed to notice that. Hmm.15:18
Jack_SparrowJeruvy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=332224              and    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10570315:18
ne2k__I have pasted the output here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/21627/ When I try to launch it with the default launcher, it just loads the splash screen and then does nothing15:19
darklingduckHow do I edit the menu for LILO?  Each time I update Ubuntu it adds a new set of menus for linux.  I want to delete the extra ones.15:19
JeruvyThis is the problem atm:  status 'stopped' error reported in bug# 137984.15:19
geniidarklingduck: Lilo or grub?15:19
tuvmy toshiba tecra m8 freezes randomly. running latest ubuntu and up-to-date. logs show nothing. how do i debug the problem?15:19
craigbass1976Anyone know of a construction calculator for ubuntu?  I didn't see any in the repos, and can't find anything on sourceforge either.15:19
dns53darklingduck you need to remove the old packages with synaptic/aptitude/apt15:19
m1rJack_Sparrow: still same error after following livecd part of that guide ...15:20
darklingduckGenii:  Whatever the default for Ubuntu is......lol15:20
geniidarklingduck: In that case, grub and not lilo15:20
geniidarklingduck: As dns53 says then, to just remove the ones you don't want by uninstalling them, it will auto clean up the grub file15:21
edmondhello all15:21
jtabyhey, i just installed ubuntu 8, but the login i thought i used isn't working, how can I reset the username and password?15:21
darklingduckGenii:  I am new to Linux, I am not sure what to uninstall.15:22
edmondi need some help my xfce panel crash disapper now i wanna open in terminal "cfce-panel can only start but when i close terminal it dissaper again how o ?15:22
edmondneed help thk15:22
tuvall the logs show is "restart" at the time of the hard reset, nothing suspicious before that!15:22
ne2k__darklingduck: /boot/grub/menu.lst is the config file15:23
dns53jtaby boot into a live cd, mount your installed drive, chroot to the place where you mounted that drive, run sudo passwd username15:23
jtabydns53, i don't have live cd, i have the alternate installer15:24
m1rgrub part is so anoying fragile...15:24
ne2k__jtaby: boot into single user mode and do the same thing15:24
edmondedmond@edmond-laptop:~$ xfce4-panel15:24
edmond(network-admin:7131): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items15:24
tuvedmond, append & at the end of the command15:24
edmondwat this means ?15:24
dlozarieuhm, I need to increase the disk space on my Ubuntu system. I dual-boot with Vista and Ubuntu Hardy, and there's still >15GB of space left for me to use. However, my Ubuntu system tells me i only have <2GB of disk space left. How do I increase that? kthx. :D15:24
geniidarklingduck: For instance if you wanted to remove the 2.6.24-17 entry there, in Synaptic Package Manager remove the package linux-image-2.6.24-17-generic   (unless you have 64 bit in which case the -generic part is named differently, etc)15:24
dns53jtaby even better, put that in, it gives you a recovery option, get it to mount your drive and give you a terminal, once there just run 'passwd username'15:25
Azhas anyone actually got filesystem restoration through a tar file working?  just had to do a fresh install (my WD Raptor died this morning).... hooked up another disk -> fresh install -> restore filesystem from tar archive.... ubuntu now wont load15:25
Azjust sits there "loading"15:26
tuvgenii, even amd64 use -generic15:26
saint-takeshiis there anything specific you need to do to enable winedos? i want to play simlife?15:26
saint-takeshiwait, that last "?" didn't belong in that sentence15:26
dns53Az try loading up a live cd/alternate cd, chrooting to your install and running grub-install15:27
saint-takeshihang on, i'm a fool.15:27
saint-takeshii'll just install windows 98 on a VM and play that way15:27
Jax0xWhats t the difference between ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu and edubuntu15:27
doubledJax0x: the interfaces i think15:28
jtabydns53, "rescue a broken system"?15:28
Jax0xis that it, whats the best one in your opinion?15:28
saint-takeshijax0x: different desktop environments15:28
m1rubuntu dont boot , GRUB error 17 , any help appriciated15:28
doubledubuntu = gnome as far as a i know, kubuntu = kde , xubuntu = i dont know,  and edubuntu is a interface specifically for education15:29
spideymanJax0x, go here http://www.ubuntu.com/15:29
doubledmlr, i can help you with that15:29
dns53jtaby yes15:29
m1rdoubled: yes please15:29
doubledi had it myself as well15:29
saint-takeshijax0x: depends what you want from it15:29
tschakaJax0x xubuntu uses xfce, a light weight window manager.15:29
doubledmlr: most likely you are using sata drive to install it on ?15:29
jtabydns53, which should i use as a root file system? sda1, 2 or 5?15:29
m1rdoubled: yes, 2 HDD's 1st with win XP and 2nd with ubuntu15:30
Nathan406Hello ppls!15:30
Kartagishoşçakalın / bye15:30
dns53jtaby i don't know, try one, if that does not work reboot and try the other one15:30
nictimjucan anyone help me find the necessary drivers to make a Sony V-Gear vidcam work?15:30
Li-Plu1how do I reconfigure my x server15:30
Jax0xI have a iMac g3 and want to install ubuntu on it, but whenever i put the disc in it boots straight into os x.15:30
Azgrub seems to be ok, i can boot all the previous kernels etc that i could before... but ubuntu just hangs... looking at the log it freezes on loading up the hardware15:30
jtabydns53, it says "unknown user jtaby"15:31
m1rLi-Plu1: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:31
nictimjuLi-Plu1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:31
dns53m1r you can occasinally have problems if your kernel is too far deep in the drive, having a /boot partition helps this15:31
nictimjuping jarrick15:31
dns53Li-Plu1 dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:31
Azthe only directories i excluded from my file system backup script were /proc /sys /media /mnt /lost+found /dev15:31
m1rdns53: it is already working system installed all by deafult without /boot :/15:32
nictimjuanyone in the know for vidcams15:32
Jax0x I have a iMac g3 and want to install ubuntu on it, but whenever i put the disc in it boots straight into os x.15:32
gordonjcpnictimju: what kind of camera?15:32
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:32
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/15:32
Li-Plu1dns53: that utility did not give me the option to change video cards15:32
nictimjugordonjcp: A Sony V-Gear webcam15:32
spideymanJax0x, is your bios set to boot from cd15:32
idefixsudo mount -t vfat /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom15:33
idefixmount: No medium found15:33
dns53jtaby have a look at the file /etc/passwd and see if that user exists15:33
idefixwhat's wrong, can anyone help?15:33
nictimjulsusb doesn't show it up15:33
nictimjuidefix: it should not be vfat15:33
m1rLi-Plu1: u can change drivers there , not video card15:33
dns53Li-Plu1 run nvidia-xconfig15:33
nictimjuidefix: what is yuor cdrom?15:33
idefixan SUS 36x15:33
doubledmlr: one sec, on phone15:33
doubledok im back15:34
nictimjunot the cdrom drive, the cd which you have inserted15:34
m1rdoubled: kk15:34
idefixnictimju I tried several15:34
m1rdoubled: maybe PM so we dont flood chanell ?15:34
nictimjujust try mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom15:34
doubledok sure15:34
idefixno medium found15:34
nictimjuor did you put in a dvd?15:35
nictimjudid you put in a dvd?15:35
idefixno a CD15:35
nictimjuwhat is on the CD do you know?15:35
jtabydns53, i couldn't find it15:35
idefixjust some documents15:35
idefixnictimju whatever CD I put in, nothing works15:36
nictimjuyeah but what format iso9660, or what15:36
LimCoreis there one working music player in ubuntu?15:36
gordonjcpLimCore: yes15:36
nictimjudo you have any settings in /etc/fstab15:36
LimCoregordonjcp: which one?15:36
gordonjcpLimCore: there are several, in fact15:36
LimCoreoh, a GUI one15:36
LimCoregordonjcp: tell me one that really works15:36
jon_high9000is there any particular recommended PPA on Launchpad.net that is recommended for putting into the Software Sources Section?15:36
dns53jtaby did you get it to chroot to your partition or is it still in the installer partition?15:36
gordonjcpLimCore: well, it comes with rhythmbox, that's pretty good15:36
LimCoregordonjcp: skips sound15:36
jtabydns53, i got a shell with one of the filesystems mounted15:37
jtabyand it put me in /15:37
idefixthere is no entry for CDROM in my fstab15:37
LimCoregordonjcp: skips sond while I move between windows, on dual core amd 2400+15:37
aantnwhat's the package for the gnash firefox plugin?15:37
gordonjcpLimCore: then you've got a faulty soundcard15:37
dns53jtaby run mount to see what is mounted, i think you need to run chroot /mnt or something like that first15:37
LimCoregordonjcp: other players play witohut such skips15:37
nictimjudid you make a directory in /media ?15:37
gordonjcpLimCore: hm, maybe you've got some weird setting then15:38
idefixnictimju? there is an entry for CDROm, it says udf,iso9660 user, noauto15:38
LimCoregordonjcp: nope15:38
jcaspei want my ubuntu to look like vista. is there anyway? dont hate me for this. i just want to show my colligues how powerful ubuntu can be.15:38
SpookyETWhy does Synaptic show show me kernel 2.24.18 for x86_64 as an upgrade on i386?15:38
s_spiffjcaspe: why not try Futurelooks pack..15:38
gordonjcpLimCore: for reference, I'm using Hardy with no particular tweaks, on a celeron 1400, which is running a Django dev environment, compiling stuff with gcc, and has firefox and gedit open, with no skips at all15:39
gordonjcpLimCore: oh, and I'm on battery at the moment so it's probably running at 800MHz15:39
tigerHi I have an Intel ICH7 High Def Soundcard that worked on Ubuntu Gutsy but since I've upgraded it to Hardy it gives a gstreamer device and/or codec error can anybody please help me?15:39
nictimjuidefix what ver of linux u using15:39
jcaspes_spiff: is it available at synaptic?15:39
tigerNo sound15:39
s_spiffjcaspe: nopes. wait.. will get you the link15:39
gordonjcpLimCore: you could also try audacious, that's basically the modern equivalent of xmms15:39
idefixnictimju very old 2.6.15-29-38615:39
spideymanjcaspe, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows-vista.html15:39
dns53SpookyET no, you need to install the 64 bit version they are too seperate as you need all the libraries to be 64 bit, note that 32 bit applications can run on a 64 bit kernel but not the other way around15:39
s_spiffjcaspe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=796572&highlight=Futurelooks15:40
LimCoreaudacious have broken GUI15:40
mudithi i was just going to re-install ubuntu hardy, well I want to keep a seperate partition for home directory, can someone guide me or get me tutorial15:40
nictimjuthat's ok15:40
nictimjucan you paste the line from fstab here that shows the cdrom?15:40
idefixwierd, I tried mount 0t iso9660 .... and it losed my cdrom15:40
idefix/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       015:40
idefix/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       015:40
LimCoregordonjcp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/241152  can you confirm this bug?15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241152 in audacious "double-size GUI (bigger gui - zoom) FAILS " [Undecided,New]15:40
jcaspethanks for the links guys...15:40
nictimjuyou have 2 cd ?15:40
SpookyETdns53: I know. I'm asking why Synaptic doesn't see that I have a i386 installation and offers 64bit paks15:40
s_spiffjcaspe: glad to help.15:41
idefixit closed my cdrom yet it said no medium15:41
slaytonmudit: boot the live cd, create two partitions. Set them both to EXT3 set one mount point as / the other set at /home.  Make the / partition about 20gigs and the /home the rest of your drive (minus the size of swap15:41
Li-Plusmy screen resolution is wrong and can't go above 800x600 also I can't turn on compiz fusion how do I set up these things once more15:41
jtabydns53, can i add an entry to /etc/passwd and set the password for it?15:41
slaytonmudit then reintall15:41
Lolo316Hello, i'm frensh and i have a problem with imap, can you help me ?15:41
nictimjuyou have to first determine whether it is /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd15:41
jtaby`mount` returned a bunch of things i don't understand, `chroot /mnt` gave me an error15:41
gordonjcpLimCore: double-size doesn't work, but it is perfectly readable on my 1680x1050 monitor15:41
idefixsudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/hdd15:41
idefixmount: mount point /media/hdd does not exist15:41
Mr_Cheetohelp, my network settings keep changing on their own, how is this happening?15:42
gordonjcpLimCore: I'd close that bug wontfix/submitter needs new glasses15:42
dns53jtaby do not edit it directly, instead use the command line tools, useradd to create a new user, passwd <user> to set the password15:42
nictimjuthat's because you do not have a directory /media/hdd15:42
LimCoregordonjcp: the bug is that the Double function do not work15:42
FloodBot3Lolo316: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
idefix/dev/hdd/ /media/cdrom15:42
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> wifi? is the roaming mode enabled? i'd uncheck if it was me15:42
tigerHi I have an Intel ICH7 High Def Soundcard that worked on Ubuntu Gutsy but since I've upgraded it to Hardy it gives a gstreamer device and/or codec error can anybody please help me as i have absolutely no sound an did a search on all forums?15:42
Mr_Cheetono wired15:42
gordonjcpLimCore: in fact just trying it at work, at 1920x1600 it's pretty much ok15:42
muditslayton , i should a create new partition table ?15:43
gordonjcpLimCore: on my laptop at 1024x768 it's way too big15:43
Mr_Cheetoamenado, i'm in Kubuntu, the Kubuntu forums/chat are NO help15:43
gordonjcpLimCore: it looks like a nice easy bug to fix15:43
SpookyETE: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 115:43
nictimjudo a mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /media/cdrom15:43
nictimjuany joy?15:43
LimCoregordonjcp: is the Double button doubling the gui for you?15:43
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> wifi? is the roaming mode enabled? i'd uncheck if it was me15:43
SpookyETI can't remove that package15:43
Mr_Cheetoamenado i'm using wired15:43
tigerHi I have an Intel ICH7 High Def Soundcard that worked on Ubuntu Gutsy but since I've upgraded it to Hardy it gives a gstreamer device and/or codec error can anybody please help me as i have absolutely no sound and did a search on all forums?15:43
slaytonmudit, no necessarily15:43
tuvmy toshiba tecra m8 freezes randomly. running latest ubuntu and up-to-date. logs show nothing. how do i debug the problem?15:43
idefixnictimju technically speaking it is a directory? what's the difference between whatever is in the /dev/ dir and in the /media/ dir?15:43
LimCoretuv: try is it possible to ssh into it while frozen etc15:44
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> wired? okay, what changes frequently? can you elaborate?15:44
dns53jtaby i think you are still using the installer as the root instead of your partition, try running   chroot /mnt/target or chroot /target15:44
ninefoldWhat's the error say tiger?15:44
jon_high9000I see you folks are extremely busy so i try to check it myself. no hard feelings fellas.15:44
idefixnone taken15:44
slaytonmudit there are two ways to do this, 1- nuke partitions and create new one (Fast, Reliable). 2 - resize current partitions (much harder, slower, prone to errors)15:44
tuvLimCore, no.. that's how i knew it's frozen. does not even respond to pings15:44
nictimjunote that /dev points to the physical device, /media/cdrom is the directory which points to it15:44
aantnfound it: mozilla-plugin-gnash15:44
tigergstreamer error: There is no gstreamer codec and/or device present.15:44
Mr_Cheetoamenado, for some reason out of nowhere it seems to contact some unknown DNS server and it pins me with some unkown and non-working IP, it does this all on it's own, is there some sort of refreshing/reseting tool i can dissable?15:44
slaytonMudit, I would recommend that you back up all your data to DVD's or something then just delete all your partitions and create new one15:44
muditso creating a new partition table is better option !15:45
LimCorenictimju: such bugs are very hard to debug....  google for bugs in mobo/cpu/etc support,  and then perhaps file a bug... and perhaps ask LKML/kernel devles15:45
jtabydns53, when i ran useradd, then passwd, and i tried to login, it said that it couldn't find a home directory (which is understandable)15:45
nictimjuidefix: can you type in cdrecord and see what happens15:45
spideymanidefix is your cdrom in your fstab15:45
ninefoldtiger, do you have gstreamer installed?15:45
idefixnictimju  cdrecord: No tracks specified. Need at least one.15:46
KamazeHi, i have a pretty weired and annoying problem, i cant create/edit files/folder in /var/www/<username>15:46
KamazeBut in firther directorys it works15:46
nictimjuok, look at the messages what does it say there on the /dev, e.g. /dev/cdrw15:46
ninefoldone sec...15:46
idefixspideyman no it is not15:46
KamazeIt doesn't work as user nor as root15:46
tigerlast time i fixed it reinstalling alsa but i just want to know if there is any other way and why it happens...15:46
Lolo316HELP ME15:47
sirlarkhi all, still trying to set up software RAID1 for a fresh ubuntu installation, and can't get the resulting system to boot. I have two identical SATA Hdd's, partitioned identically {32Mb: boot, 195Gb: root (raid md0), 5Gb: swap (raid md1)}. On reboot I simply get DISK BOOT FAILURE from bios, and I've tried force re-grubbing /dev/sda1 (the 32Mb boot). I've checked that /boot/grub/menu.lst is pointing to the right stugg, but the fact that I'm15:47
idefixspideyman only cdrom0 and cdrom115:47
gordonjcpLimCore: as it says in the bug, it's not doubling, it's about 1.5x size15:47
spideymanidefix did you try adding it15:47
amenadoMr_Cheeto what you claim is correct, in order to resolve ip addresses the client is referred to other name servers (which most you do not know) to resolve .15:47
Lolo316Help me15:47
Lolo316Help me15:47
Lolo316Help me15:47
Lolo316Help me15:47
Lolo316Help me15:47
Lolo316Help me15:47
FloodBot3Lolo316: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
LimCoregordonjcp: usually double means x215:47
nictimjurats v-gear talkcam pro is not supported15:47
gordonjcpLimCore: yeah, it's clearly a bug15:47
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> pins you? what does it mean by that? pins you?15:47
spideymanidefix should look something like this /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 015:47
Mr_Cheetoamenado, so how do i dissable it from automatically switching?15:48
db92how can i config a mic using oss? the only guides i can find just say about alsa15:48
rogersirlark are you set properly in the BIOS?15:48
Mr_Cheetoamenado, i mean it gives me a new IP15:48
monrealhi. how can I prevent the LAN driver "tg3" from being loaded automatically at boot?15:48
Lolo316Help me15:48
Lolo316Help me15:48
Lolo316Help me15:48
Lolo316Help me15:48
Lolo316Help me15:48
Lolo316Help me15:48
FloodBot3Lolo316: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
idefixspideyman /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0 is in it already15:48
erUSULdb92: oss is obsolete that's why info only covers alsa is like asking help for msdos ;P15:48
erUSUL!ops | Lolo31615:48
ubottuLolo316: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!15:48
gordonjcpdb92: 1998 called, they said that OSS died a long time ago and you shouldn't disturb the past15:48
ninefoldtiger, sorry but its out of my league i think.15:48
MyrttiLolo316: puhleeze15:48
db92keke, too bad that alsa still doesnt support x-fi cards >>15:48
dns53sirlark it needs to be able to load the kernel first, and then be able to load the software raid as it starts to boot, you need a /boot not in the raid or on a raid 015:48
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> what you do you mean a new ip, a new ip address is assigned to your host? or you resolve a name like www.yahoo.com to diff ip addresses?15:48
vorianLolo316: once is enough :)15:49
muditslyton, how can i define the swap partition ?15:49
tigerThanx anyway ninefold. Any idea where i can find help?15:49
Lolo316Can you help me ?15:49
erUSUL!ask | Lolo31615:49
ubottuLolo316: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:49
Lolo316What ?15:49
erUSULmudit: in fstab15:49
Mr_Cheetoamenado, i mean every 5 seconds it somehow assigns me a new IP, i have no idea where it comes from but it just happens15:49
spideymanidefix can you see it in terminal15:49
KamazeAgain: I can't create/edit files/folders as root nor as user in /var/www/default-host, i always get permission denied, even as root! And no, there is no immutable bit set15:49
Lolo316Hello, i'm frensh and i have a problem with imap, can you help me15:50
erUSULLolo316: just ask15:50
idefixspideyman? see what?15:50
spideymanthe cd rom15:50
idefixyou mean in GNOME? no.. :(15:50
gordonjcpdb92: x-fi cards are terrible15:50
ninefoldtiger, will absolutely NO sound play in anything?15:50
erUSULLolo316: are we supposed to figure out the problem or you are going to tell us??15:50
spideymanthen its not mounting15:50
db92gordonjcp, thats too bad, thats the one i got >>15:50
Mr_Cheetoamenado, i'm in KDE15:50
gordonjcpdb92: is it on-board?15:50
erUSULdb92: creative's fault they even do not have decent windows drivers15:50
db92gordonjcp, now instead of comments, i was mainly looking for support, i spose it should be impossible to use a mic then with oss? :P15:50
tigerNone whatsoever ninefold15:50
sirlarkroger: I think so... do I need to set up RAID in the bios to?15:51
idefixspideyman, it is not in GNOME or terminal, I do not know what terminal is15:51
db92erUSUL, windows drivers work pretty well for me, idno15:51
gordonjcpdb92: in theory it should be ok, but nothing has supported OSS for a decade or so15:51
db92gordonjcp, no, its a normal x-fi extreme music15:51
Lolo316PHP Warning:  fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/tools/webmail/program/lib/imap.inc on line 46815:51
Lolo316[20-Jun-2008 16:17:57 +0200] IMAP Error: Could not connect to at port 143: Connection refused in  on line 015:51
muditand how much must be the swap area ?15:51
db92if im not mistaken at least15:51
ninefoldhmmm... maybe your gstreamer error is leading you down the wrong path.15:51
spideymanidefix command line15:51
idefixhow can it be in there?15:51
muditi mean wht size should be swap area ?15:51
spideymanidefix open terminal and cd to the directory15:52
tigerNinefold immediately at startup there is an error message that says Gstreamer error. I'm going to try to reinstall ALSA now. Wish me luck.15:52
sirlarkdns53: when you say not in the raid, do you mean not on the same physical drive?15:52
idefixspideyman how?15:52
Lolo316erUSUL> PHP Warning:  fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/tools/webmail/program/lib/imap.inc on line 46815:52
Lolo316[20-Jun-2008 16:17:57 +0200] IMAP Error: Could not connect to at port 143: Connection refused in  on line 015:52
ninefoldtiger, good luck.15:52
rogersirlark i had a similar problem when booting from a SCSI drive.... my scsi adaptor didn't understand LBA mode15:52
tigerhehe Thanx15:52
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> can you paste in pastebin your  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  ?15:52
erUSULLolo316: i read it but i've never set up a webmail service so i dunno15:52
AyabaraI have the impression that my avi-vids look better in windows than in linux. could this be?15:53
muditslayton, how big should be the swap area ?15:53
Lolo316erUSUL The problem is imap15:53
spideymanidefix i use kubuntu so mine is called konsole but you should see it in your sysytem programs15:53
dns53sirlark with raid 1 the files will be split between the drives, you need a kernel to boot, the kernel is distributed between the drives, grub does not know how to merge them together on it's own, instead create a /boot partition to store the kernel15:53
Lolo316erUSUL the port is locked15:53
MyrttiLolo316: well do you have imap?15:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:53
ne2k__anyone else having problems with openoffice? I've tried completely removing it and reinstalling it and I'm still having this error when I try to run it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21627/15:54
Myrtti!msg > Lolo31615:54
Ayabarashould I be able to manage without the ubuntu restricted extras on hardy?15:54
erUSULLolo316: i can tell that by default ubuntu does not block any port nor set ups firewall.Make sure the imap server is running and is setted up correctly15:54
Mr_Cheetoamenado http://paste.ubuntu.com/21633/15:54
idefixspideyman I use ubuntu, I don't have it15:55
spideymanidefix you do have a terminal program15:55
ne2k__I can't work out what it's trying to lock and what it can't lock15:55
erUSULidefix: Apps>Acces..>terminal15:55
Lolo316Before he worked but now15:55
X-tremAl_RavenOk. After the latest upgrade (already using Ubuntu 8.04 and till now it was fine) my WiFi doesn't work, I can't change CPU frequency and I can't control battery level of my laptop.15:56
dns53sirlark you basically have a chicken and the egg problem, you need the raid running to load the kernel, the kernel is not loaded to read the kernel files of disk, so you need this on another partition first15:56
ne2k__I also have no idea what I did to make it suddenly stop working15:56
idefixyes I just opened it15:56
spideymanidefix open it and cd to the /media directory15:56
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> prepend domain-name-servers,;  <-- are these good name servers?15:56
Lolo316Connection is refused :(15:56
idefixI can see it spideyman15:57
ne2k__dns53: you can boot from another disk (say, live disk), then modify the initrd image on the hard disk to include the required module. I had to do that the first time I installed ubuntu. it was fun15:57
Lolo316Help me :'(15:57
Mr_Cheetoamenado yes15:57
spideymanls to see whats in the directory15:57
ne2k__amenado: those are private IP addresses15:57
erUSULLolo316: it seems that noones is familiar with your problem ... try again later15:57
legend2440using Hardy and have a NEC Dvd writer.  it will burn cd-r,cdrw,dvd but not dvdrw's. when i type in terminal    sudo lshw | grep 'dvd'   it comes back with   logical name: /dev/dvd   and   capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r. it does not mention  dvdrw.  should it?15:57
idefixwell cdrom cdrom0 and cdrom115:57
sirlarkdns53: the kernel is not on a raided partition15:58
thefishhello - ive booted knoppix on an ubuntu build, chrooted to ubuntu's / and am running dpkg --configure a - any reason that wouldnt work/will break/gotchas?15:58
spideymanidefix ok cd to them one at a time and then use the ls command to see if there is anything15:58
ne2k__how can my openoffice just have completely died?!15:58
idefixnothing in them at all15:59
ubottuFactoid none not found15:59
sirlarkdns53: I took your advice earlier this afternoon, reinstalled, now have three partitions, a small boot unraided partition, and the / and swap partitions raided15:59
dns53sirlark, ne2k__ is right, you then need the raid driver, but i thaught that was included in the kernel15:59
amenadone2k__-> so what if they are private ip addresses?15:59
spideymanidefix try mounting them one at a time15:59
ne2k__amenado: they're unlikely to be DNS servers15:59
sirlarkit's like grub hasn't even installed to the MBR15:59
ne2k__amenado: but... they might be15:59
=== Tchatteur` is now known as Lolo316
ubottuFactoid none not found16:00
muibemy ndiswrapper-driven wlan stop working after i did some changes - whatever i do nothing works - so i think i need to reset all the network configurations and i set everything again all down the line - how can i reset all the network configurations?16:00
sirlarkand I've marked the first partition bootable just in case16:00
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> can you also paste your /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases16:00
spideymanidefix if still nothing could be your fstab entry16:00
Li-PlusI have been trying to build the nvidia kernel module but it always fails while it is building16:00
Li-Plusanyone think they can help me with this one16:00
idefixit says with cdrom0 that /dev/hdc/ does not exist and with /dev/cdrom1 that no medium is found16:01
Mr_Cheetoamenado, how do i open that file in terminal?16:02
idefixso strange no? spideyman?16:02
FloodBot3Lolo316: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:02
spideymanidefix try a different cd just for shits and giggles16:02
eklofHi. I have problems setting up encrypted partitions during an alternate-install. It locks all the time at 47% when returning to the partition editor after generating the keys.16:03
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> just like the other file i asked you to paste16:03
Mr_Cheetoamenado, i just opened that file, i dind't run it in terminal16:03
sirlarkne2k__: dns53: err, I'm not even getting to loading the initrd16:03
idefixno shits no giggles16:03
dns53sirlark i gave up on raid myself and i just use lvm, what you might need to do is boot from a live cd, update the kernel, i think you may need to get the raid config loaded into the initrd16:03
idefixand no medium found16:03
Jack_Sparrow!fr > Lolo31616:03
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> so cut and paste, you have to use some common senses...16:03
spideymanidefix same thing no media found ?16:04
Prashanthhey i have vista. i need to install ubuntu. can anyone help?????16:04
Mr_Cheetoamenado, but I'm not able to open that file in any text editors16:04
sirlarkdns53: ne2k__: I'm not even getting a G output from grub here, it's as if grub hasn't installed itself into the MBR16:04
amenadoMr_Cheeto-> no need to edit, just cat it16:04
idefixspideyman what's going on? why does nothing work?16:04
Talio-GladiusPrashanth: do you want to dual boot?16:04
stutterI was wondering if i could get some help, or insight, on running dual monitors16:05
=== sourcode_ is now known as sourcode
spideymanidefix well im running out of ideas all i can say is check your drive in google to see if there are any problems then maybe try changing fsab entry16:05
ranticcould anyone tell me how to run a .exe with wine that's just sitting on my desktop? am i safe to double click and follow the installer16:05
Talio-GladiusPrashanth:  plenty of tutorials in the forums.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20787016:05
ubottuFactoid be not found16:05
Nathan406Can someone help me find out what kind of kernel my machine is using16:05
dns53sirlark it may not have, load the alternate cd and run grub-install and install on the mbr of both drives16:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:06
Talio-GladiusNathan406: uname -r will tell you16:06
ranticNathan406: I think it's uname -r in console16:06
rich_Does anyone know how to get the keyboard light sensors working on a macbook pro penryn under ubuntu 8.04, as pommed does not work!?16:06
stutterI've got an nvidia 6600gt running 2 monitors currently, using envy-ng and twinview.  twinview seems to just fool ubuntu into thinking you have 1 monitor that is 3200x120016:06
Sergeant_Ponywhat's the other window manager besides compiz?16:07
wersI'm having a problem with my wireless network. Our other laptops (connected to the same router) have fast download speed. I tried connecting to the internet through LAN and it gave me really fast download speed. any idea how I can fix this? :D16:07
Nathan406let me try16:07
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony metacity for one16:07
m3llingcan someone tell me how to change the resolution of Ubunto 8.04 in Virtualbox.  800x600 is the max.16:07
stutteris it possible to make ubuntu recognize each monitor as a screen so you can actually use them in a way that is less ridiculous16:07
Avenged-Revengeis there anyway I can change the default location of new desktop icons? I have conky setup on the top left and icons won't show because they're under it16:07
Sergeant_PonyJack_Sparrow Compiz barf's on my system... I have to hard boot to regian control then I lose all my desktop settings16:08
Nathan406it worked!16:08
Seldon75Hello, I just installed Heron and during the install created a user 'george'.  the problem I have is that when i 'su' using george's password, I get 'su: Authentication Failure'.  anyone know why?16:08
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony compiuz isnt for everyone.. especially some of the onboard video cards16:08
Jack_SparrowLolo316 Dont do it again..ok16:09
Nathan406but can the kernel affect the sound output?16:09
Seldon75su root, that is16:09
Avenged-RevengeSeldon75, try sudo16:09
joaopinto!sudoroot | Seldon7516:09
ubottuFactoid sudoroot not found16:09
Jack_Sparrow!sudo > Seldon7516:09
Nathan406Jack_Sparrow: my speakers wont work16:09
tschaka!fr | Lolo31616:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:09
ubottuLolo316: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:10
Nathan406i guest the kernel type is the problem16:10
=== belendax is now known as adam2
Nathan406Jack_Sparrow: can i change my kernel16:10
Avenged-RevengeI'm running the gutsy, how do I upgrade to FF3?16:11
=== adam2 is now known as Saied
Jack_SparrowNathan406 Not sure what you did.. but /join #alsa for the best in sound help16:11
ne2k__this openoffice.org problem is not there if I run it as sudo... plus it tells me that the regular user is running openoffice, which it clearly isn't. perhaps there is some lockfile somewhere. but where could it be?!16:11
joaopinto!ff3 > Avenged-Revenge16:11
Seldon75Jack_Sparrow: how does that help?16:11
joaopintooh, gutsy, check if it's available from backports16:11
* delcoyote hi16:11
=== Saied is now known as belendax
Avenged-Revengejoaopinto, how would I do that16:11
Jack_SparrowSeldon75 You dont setup a regular root account in ubuntu16:12
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:12
Avenged-Revengejoaopinto, thanks16:12
Seldon75Jack_Sparrow: ah, I see.  so I *can't* su as root in Ubuntu16:12
Seldon75sorry, I come from Suse16:12
idefixspideyman bummer man16:13
Jack_SparrowSeldon75 you can.. but you normally would sudo fdisk -l  etc16:13
Jack_SparrowSeldon75 of gksudo for gui apps16:13
Seldon75Jack_Sparrow: if I can, how is it done?16:13
spideymanidefix whats up?16:13
Jack_SparrowSeldon75 sudo -s   to hold root for your session16:13
Jack_Sparrow!notroot > Seldon7516:14
idefixspdeyman I needed to send something important to someone imporant16:14
Sergeant_PonyJack_sparrow I have both compiz and metacity installed. Can I get rid of COmpiz and just use metacity?16:14
spideymanidefix from the cd?16:14
Jack_SparrowSergeant_Pony yes..  /join #compiz to find out the particulars as I am a bit busy16:14
DjViperTerminal Server Client (tsclient) how do you minimize to regain access to gnome desktop?16:15
Jack_SparrowSeldon75 I understand that su or root is not a big deal in the hands of an experienced user, but it is hard to tell in here how much experience a user has16:15
legend2440does anyone here have a dvd writer?16:15
spideymanidefix i dont know what to say maybe jack can figure it out for you?16:16
idefixwho's jack?16:16
ProseI couldn't figure out through the man page for 'cp', but could one do " cp SaidFile SaidPlace+%date "?16:16
ne2k__what is the ubuntuish way of mounting smb filesystems into my user area?16:16
spideymanidefix jack-sparrow16:16
erUSULne2k__: rm -rf ~/.openoffice.org2/   <<<< ???16:16
Jack_Sparrowprose cp /boot/grub/menu.lst ~/Desktop/menu.lst.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)16:16
spideymanidefix hes extremely knowledgeable16:17
idefixright, what's his nick?16:17
ne2k__erUSUL: the problem is related to the openoffice.org-gnome package -- if I remove that, it goes away16:17
Jack_Sparrownot today Im not16:17
LinuxHelpI have a computer (A) without a monitor, and behind a NAT. Computer A cannot accept incoming connections, it can only "dial out". Computer A runs Ubuntu. Computer B runs XP. I want to run my GUI programs on Computer A. I have installed XMing on computer B. How do I connect from A to B, so that my desktop is displayed on B, but the programs are run on A? Remember that A cannot accept incoming connections.16:17
spideymanJack_Sparrow, dont be modest16:17
EnselicIs there a Ubuntu counterpart to Win + E on WIndows (that brings forward Windows Explorer) ?16:17
idefixJack_Sparrow! do you know my problem?16:17
_nutella_sorry for offtopic: anyone experience with acer notebooks? I can't switch it on anymore. Not with battery nor with power adaptor nor with both :(16:17
spideymanidefix ask again16:17
ne2k__LinuxHelp: cannot accept incoming connections of any type?16:18
ProseJack_Sparrow: so appending        .$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)      does the trick ?16:18
Jack_Sparrowidefix I didnt see the question..  could you post it again please16:18
idefixJack_Sparrow, I can't mount my cdrom16:18
Jack_SparrowProse yes, as in the example I gave16:18
LinuxHelpne2k__, no type at all. not even ping16:18
ProseJack_Sparrow: awesome, thanks16:18
Avenged-Revengeis there anyway I can change the default location of new desktop icons? I have conky setup on the top left and icons won't show because they're under it16:18
Jack_Sparrowidefix it should show up when you stick one in the drive.16:18
Prosecrontab, here I ocme16:18
ne2k__LinuxHelp: you could have computer A initiate a VPN connection to computer B -- they you would be able to connect to Computer A through the VPN16:18
idefixwith the command mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /media/cdrom116:18
joaopinto_nutella_, try #hardware16:18
Jack_SparrowProse have fun.. hope that helps16:18
_nutella_joaopinto: thx!16:19
LinuxHelpne2k__, I was thinking more along the lines of reverse XDMCP..16:19
idefixI'm afraid I'm going to have to upgrade my ubuntu dist, but that's such a drag16:19
LinuxHelpwhatever that is16:19
ne2k__LinuxHelp: beats me ;-)16:19
Jack_Sparrowidefix have you looked in your fstab to see how it is mounted16:19
jono_digg! --- http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ashley_Highfield_BBC_executive_Reviews_Ubuntu16:19
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:19
erUSULLinuxHelp: if you can not log into computer A you can not lounch programs there16:19
Jack_Sparrowidefix Make a mount point... sudo mkdir /media/mydrive ...mount using... sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/jack/Desktop/KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso /media/mydrive16:20
=== Merc is now known as Mercuree
LinuxHelperUSUL, Sorry I forgot to report that I have access to a console on Computer A16:20
LinuxHelperUSUL, no GUI though16:20
m1rJack_Sparrow: after following 1st part of that tutorial , i managed to reconfig grub, but still same error, is there a way to tell grub partition i am loading is EXT3 ?16:21
erUSULLinuxHelp: then you need to set the correct DISPLAY variable on computer A and lounch program on A. If B (Xming) can accept X connections the app will display in B16:21
LinuxHelperUSUL, ok. I think thats the way I want to go yeah16:21
erUSULLinuxHelp: at least that's how i understand it16:21
Jack_Sparrowm1r I just finished my workout but you dont need to tell it that..   running live cd mount the ubuntu install and look at your /boot/grub/menu.lst16:22
spideymanJack_Sparrow, how long you been using nix?16:23
ne2k__what is the approved "ubuntu" way of mounting smb file systems for my user account? I can hack /etc/fstab but that feels a little brutal, and I feel there ought to be some more ubuntuish way of doing it16:23
Jack_Sparrowspideyman first tinkered with it in early 90's with X.. but it wasnt ready16:23
Jack_Sparrowne2k__ have you read our tutorial16:24
Avenged-Revengejoaopinto, can't find firefox 3 in hard-backports16:24
ne2k__LinuxHelp: if you have access to the console, just type DISPLAY=computerb:0.0; xterm;16:24
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:24
LinuxHelpne2k__, THanks I'll try that now16:24
ne2k__Jack_Sparrow: which tutorial would that be?16:24
m1rJack_Sparrow: what should i look specifically in menu.lst ? to me all looks ok there , i tried changing root=UUID to root=/dev/sdb1 but got same error 1716:24
joaopintoAvenged-Revenge, so you only option is to download and install it from the tarball, I am sure you can find some instructions how to do it using google :)16:25
Almindorhow do you fix "diversion" problems?16:25
Avenged-Revengejoaopinto, thanks. The only thing I could find was firefox 3 b416:25
AlmindorI can't uninstall the xorg-driver-fglrx because of a "diversion conflict" but there's neither of the 2 mentioned linkes16:25
Almindor(amd64, diversion is done on X11R6/lib32 gl stuff)16:26
Almindorany way to force the uninstall?16:26
ne2k__Jack_Sparrow: is there no more elegant gui-like way to do it?16:26
Jack_Sparrowne2k__ I dont use samba.. and I dont know of a gui way16:27
Cosmo-sanwhat are the hotkeys to open a terminal?16:27
mindframe-Xorg and ld-linux.so.2 are using up 50% cpu each and ld-linux.so.2 has been climbing in memory usage steadily to 30%... what's going on with this?16:27
LinuxHelpne2k__, xterm says "display is not set"16:27
Jack_Sparrowm1r Im too light headed from my workout to help you with that..  I need to lurk and cool down..16:28
LinuxHelpne2k__, and yet, echo $DISPLAY produces
Jack_SparrowCosmo-san ctrl-alt F1-6   and 7 to get back16:28
ne2k__LinuxHelp: hmmm. that is not the correct behaviour16:28
m1rJack_Sparrow: no problem, tnx for help anyway, i check further16:28
LinuxHelpne2k__, Maybe DISPLAY isn't formatted correctly?16:29
ne2k__LinuxHelp: looks right to me16:29
ne2k__LinuxHelp: try some other X client, e.g. xeyes xclock16:30
Avenged-Revengejoaopinto, i can only find tutorials on how to install the betas...16:30
joaopintoAvenged-Revenge, those tutorials should also apply to the final, only the download url changes16:31
Avenged-Revengeok, thanks16:31
mindframe-Xorg and ld-linux.so.2 are using up 50% cpu each and ld-linux.so.2 has been climbing in memory usage steadily to 40%... Can someone help me track the problem down?  The only solution I've found is to restart xorg16:32
H__question : how do i install a .deb i downloaded from sf which has uninstalled dependencies ?16:33
amenadoH__-> you have to met the dependencies16:34
xtermin8rI have two input devices, touchpad and touchscreen configured in X (works fine), how can I get compiz to rotate desktop cube with the touchscreen by default, ie, no keyboard action.16:34
m1rJack_Sparrow: fixed , tnx for help m816:34
ranticIs their an Nvidia control panel or something for ubuntu, i got counterstrike working but it looks like crap with some anti aliasing / anisotropic filtering16:35
H__amenado : can't the package tools do that for me ? (they do if i add software via them that is part of the repositories)16:35
amenadoH__-> try dpkg -i packagename.deb16:36
masterkillerhey whats the file that says which window manager to load when you 'startx"?16:36
nictimjudoes anyone know how to get the device id of a webcam?16:36
LinuxHelpne2k__, I put echo $DISPLAY into a new bash script then ran the script, and it came out blank16:36
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masterkilleri was using beryl, i upgraded. it told me i no longer need to specify for it to go into xgl mode...but i dont know where to turn that off? i'm not getting xgl desktop =/16:36
LinuxHelpne2k__, and yet, when I type echo $DISPLAY outside the script, it works16:37
H__amenado : I did, it reported lines like "Package libboost-filesystem1.34.1 is not installed.", and failed. Hence I came here16:37
LinuxHelpne2k__, I assume this means that the DISPLAY variable is not going down into the script16:37
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LinuxHelpne2k__, and so is not going down into xterm either16:37
LinuxHelpne2k__, I'm going to grep my hd for any DISPLAY= now16:37
amenadoH__-> then satisfy the dependencies first then install the package16:38
xtermin8rmaster_of_master: /etc/X11/default-display-manager16:38
H__amenado : manually, ok then. Thanks.16:38
BLKNITEhi all16:38
amenadoH__-> no problem..good luck my friend16:38
=== rick111_afk is now known as rick111
ranticIs their an Nvidia control panel or something for ubuntu, i got counterstrike working but it looks like crap without some anti aliasing / anisotropic filtering16:39
Drk_GuyHi guys!16:39
Drk_GuyCan anyone help?16:39
joaopinto!anyone | Drk_Guy16:39
ubottuDrk_Guy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:39
Li-Plushas anybody got compiz to work on the nvidia-glx-envy drivers16:39
Drk_Guydpkg wont install a pckage, can you check the error? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/21636/16:40
Drk_Guyjoaopinto, -.-16:40
BLKNITEcan someone help me on a display problem. I am using a REDEON X600 with dual 24" and I can only get clone to work, no BigScreen16:40
dholbach"How to run a Bug Jam" IRC Session in #ubuntu-meeting in 20 minutes16:40
joaopintoDrk_Guy, your download was corrupted or you dont have enough free space to install the package16:40
Drk_Guy!resolution | BLKNITE16:40
ubottuBLKNITE: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:40
Drk_Guyjoaopinto, How could it be corrupted? wget is treal good for downloading16:41
tschakaDrk_Guy remove the old package before?16:41
tschakaDrk_Guy anyway, i am away, good luck16:41
joaopintoDrk_Guy, check the .deb file size16:41
kjs_Anyone recommend a decent webdesigner ?16:42
Daisuke_Laptopwhy not just install nexuiz through the repos?16:42
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Drk_Guyjoaopinto, K16:42
Li-Plushow to use compiz on nvidia-glx-envy16:42
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joaopintoDaisuke_Laptop, that specific version is not available16:42
Daisuke_Laptopis a minor point release *that* important?16:42
Drk_Guy322,3 MB joaopinto16:42
Daisuke_Laptop2.4 is available in the repos16:42
Daisuke_Laptop2.4.2 is the one available through getdeb16:43
Drk_GuyDaisuke_Ido, 2.4.2 ain't compatible with 2.416:43
tayfunhey room i have a question16:43
tayfunhow can i change the backside image from my desktop cube16:43
Drk_GuyDaisuke_Ido, And, how did you know i was downloading nexuiz?16:43
Daisuke_Laptopbecause it's in the pastebin :)16:43
joaopintoDaisuke_Laptop, "Fixed several problems with lagging gameplay/crashes/wrong display of effects16:44
joaopinto" seems important ;)16:44
Drk_Guy!compiz | tayfun16:44
ubottutayfun: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:44
Daisuke_Laptopahh, yes, yes it does seem important16:44
Drk_GuyBut the wget logs report no errors16:44
tschakaDrk_Guy remove the old version of nexuiz and install the new one.16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241277 in firefox "Java console not available." [Undecided,New]16:44
tschakamaybe it struggles at overwriting files.16:44
jc-dentonthis works perfect with ff on wikndows16:44
Drk_Guytschaka, No previous version installed16:45
jc-dentonwhy the fuck does this not work with ff in ubuntu16:45
joaopintoDrk_Guy, pleas ask on #getdeb, your issue is specific to that package, is not a general dpkg problem16:45
joaopinto!language | jc-denton16:45
ubottujc-denton: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:45
jc-dentonand why does ubuntu ship with a freetarded version of java instead of a working one!?16:45
jc-dentonno i'm pissed16:45
tschakaDrk_Guy ah ok, sry missread ur pastebin (as i aint spanish)16:45
Drk_Guytschaka, lol, thanks16:45
Drk_Guytschaka, Should i MD5 it?16:46
m1rjc-denton: join #ubuntu-offtopic16:46
joaopintoDrk_Guy, erm, have you read my previous answer :P ?16:46
tschakaDrk_Guy  you could. sry i really got to go, but i guess someone else will help ya. i could start the download and try myself later ( approx 1 hour)16:46
Daisuke_LaptopDrk_Guy: Drk_Guy yeah, see how that turns out, it sounds like they had a problem packaging it perhaps16:46
tayfunhey people how can i change my backside image in my desktiop when i turn the cube?16:46
Drk_GuyOk tschaka, thanks16:47
Drk_GuyIll ask on getdeb16:47
xtermin8rtayfun: You got compizconfig?16:48
tayfunyes xtermin16:48
BLKNITEsrry had to restart16:48
eetfunkwhat's the best way to split large files and merge them back together after?16:48
grempushas anyone ever seen a problem where the last login between ssh sessions is always "Last login: Wed Dec 31 1969" ?16:48
thebishopi'm using vsftpd to upload files to my www directory.  the problem is the default permissions cause apache to throw 403 errors.  how can i set the "default permission" to be what i need (755 i think)16:48
ne2k__eetfunk: split16:48
eetfunkne2k__: i found that one, but the manpage doesnt say how to merge them back after.  it's binary data, not text if it matters16:49
xtermin8rtayfun: Try looking under desktop cube -> appearance -> background image16:49
ne2k__eetfunk: just use cat16:49
BLKNITEdid anyone get the ATI X600 card to work in BigScreen mode?16:49
ubottuFactoid vsftpd not found16:49
notplus_MRunning Ubuntu 8.04, and I just updated to 2.6.24-19-generic.  I installed the virtualbox ose modules for this kernel revision, but the vboxdrv module cannot be found16:49
eetfunkne2k__: even with binary files? i'm a little surprised16:49
thebishopbogey-, ?16:49
ne2k__eetfunk: don't be. it's just a file16:49
eetfunkok :)16:49
ne2k__eetfunk: try it out on something the doesn't matter just to satisfy yourself that it works16:50
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weirdorgeen verschil16:50
eetfunkne2k__: k ;-)16:51
weirdorik wil mijn geluid terug16:51
Cheesypieceshi guys, how do i watch youtube videos in opera? I have flash but it just shows up gray where the video should be16:52
ne2k__!ubuntu-nl |weirdor16:52
ubottuFactoid ubuntu-nl not found16:52
elmerHow can you check the Xft name of a font?16:52
Seldon75hi all.  In suse, I was used to yast2, a GUI for installing new packages.  Is there an equivalent GUI under Ubuntu?16:52
RAdams!synaptic | Seldon7516:52
ubottuSeldon75: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:52
elmerSeldon75, under applications there should be something calld add/remove16:53
joaopintoCheesypieces, I randomly have that problem with firefox, restarting sometimes get it work, i have no idea about opera16:53
elmerI think16:53
elmerHow can you check the Xft string of a font?16:53
Cheesypiecesjoaopinto: ok thanks, i'll try that16:53
RAdamsanyone else having a problem with glipper crashing on every restart?16:53
ranticIs their an Nvidia control panel or something for ubuntu, i got counterstrike working but it looks like crap without some anti aliasing / anisotropic filtering16:54
Mr_Cheetohey, when i play back MP3's in Amarok for Kaffene it seems to play at higher than normal speed, what's wrong with the playback?16:54
joaopintoRAdams, my experience with glipper is that it is very unstable16:54
RAdamsrantic: nvidia-settings16:54
gordonjcpMr_Cheeto: sample rate weirdness?16:54
xtermin8rI am using desktop cube on my eee PC with touchscreen, but sometimes it goes nuts and spins out of control like a donkey on crack, is there a way to fix this??16:54
joaopintoRAdams, try Parcellite16:54
RAdamsjoaopinto: ty16:54
Mr_Cheetomaybe? how do i change it gordonjcp?16:54
gordonjcpMr_Cheeto: no idea, I don't use amarok, sorry16:55
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ranticRAdams: Ah, thank you :P16:55
anavarrohi, how can I execute irc commands?16:55
fiXXXerMetThe ssl cert that was generated when Courier was installed (from package) is issued to localhost, instead of the server's FQDN.  How can I recreate the cert to use the FQDN?16:55
gordonjcpMr_Cheeto: as a handy hint, if you're playing back a 44.1kHz recording at 48kHz it will be about a semitone and a half sharp16:55
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anavarrohere where I am writing now?16:55
Mr_Cheetoah, i'll play with the sample rate16:56
boumacould i please ask for advice on a chan to go to to find out how to export a simple greyscale image into a list of integers ?16:56
monanyone here that managed to get netatalkd working with authentication? been trying all day16:56
EvilDennisRjc__: w0rd.. Wha'd you do to fix it..16:56
darlenehow do i setup ubuntu to allow remote access?16:57
DRebelliondarlene, ssh or gui?16:57
darlenewhat would be easier for a starter to use?16:58
DRebelliondarlene, ssh = command line; gui = graphical desktop;16:58
darleneim setting this computer up for someone who has never used ubuntu or linux before16:58
DRebellionoh right16:58
darlenei guess would be easier16:58
DRebelliondarlene, System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop16:58
DRebelliondarlene, you can access it with a VNC client16:58
RAdamsjoaopinto: you don't happen to have a repository for parcellite do you? or did you have to build it from source?16:59
darleneok, so all i need is the ip address then16:59
joaopintoRAdams, http://www.getdeb.net/app/Parcellite16:59
RAdamsjoaopinto: thanks16:59
darleneand username and password in case they run into issues16:59
xtermin8rboubbin: If you can save the image as RAW unsigned, then use something like 'hexdump' with a format string....  Or just right a small C program to read the RAW image data and output integer data.17:00
xtermin8r^ write17:00
DRebelliondarlene, if the user is behind a router, you would need to forward the ports17:00
darlenethey wont be17:00
DRebelliondarlene, okey :)17:00
BilleniumWhen ever i log into ubuntu, i cant click on my desktop bars and i get this error: http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/1920/screenshot1nk7.png After i exit out of the error it lags and i have to force quit, then my desktop bars disappear. What do i do now?17:01
cesar__Hola ¿alguien puede decirme como instalar las fuentes del kernel en guadalinex?17:02
chutanyone knows which webcam work good on linux?17:02
joaopinto!es | cesar__17:02
ubottucesar__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:02
TronicIs it possible to make PulseAudio talk to JACK?17:03
RAdamsdarlene: VNC over Internet is completely transparent, fyi. I recommend some kind of secure SSH/VPN tunnel17:03
mudithi i was just going to re-install ubuntu hardy, well I want to keep a separate partition for home directory, can someone guide me or direct me to some tutorial17:03
cesar__join #ubuntu-es17:03
TronicI tried with PA JACK module and with ALSA JACK plugin already, but neither approach was successful.17:03
RAdams!partitioning | mudit17:03
ubottumudit: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter17:03
RAdamsupdate the factoids17:03
RAdamsmudit: gparted makes what you wnat to do pretty easy17:04
muditRAdams yes partitioning17:04
muditRAdams I m doing a fresh install !17:04
muditfrom the live CD17:05
RAdamsmudit: gparted is on the live cd :o17:05
JC_Denton__I've just bought a new laptop. Any advice on getting my MS tax back once it arrives?17:05
muditi m through the process where you have to define your partitions17:05
RAdamsJC_Denton__ Chances of actually getting it back are about 0%17:06
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muditits there !17:06
=== loner is now known as weirdor
muditi dont see it !17:06
JC_Denton__RAdams: I thought people successfully returned their license after not accepting the eula?17:06
RAdamsJC_denton__ returned yes, got their money back no17:08
RAdamsJC_Denton__ the defense is that you agreed to purchase the laptop with all components17:08
JC_Denton__RAdams: oh, that's dissapointing17:08
thelostolivequestion .........17:08
RAdams!ask | thelostolive17:08
JC_Denton__RAdams: yes but you did not get to read the license agreement yet, did you..17:08
ubottuthelostolive: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:08
RAdamsJC_Denton__: you are falsely assuming the Microsoft tax is fair, or open to reasoning.17:09
thelostolivegoogle is not helpful so ill ask here, i know what version of a package I have....I want to compare agains what the repo has w/out installing.....how?17:09
JC_Denton__Bah, I feel so dirty having sponsored MS again17:09
RAdamsthelostolive: wat do you want to compare? just versions?17:09
InvaderHow come does the wireless icon with green dots not show up? I've installed drivers using Ndiswrapper and I've set all connections (two wireless and this one ethernet) to roaming mode. A wireless router is supplying internet connection.17:09
thelostoliveyea, what I have against what the repo will upgrade me to17:10
thelostoliveI know how to get what I have17:10
RAdamsthelostolive: dpkg -l name-of-package17:10
LimCorejava is installed by default in Ubuntu (firefox) ?17:11
RAdamsLimCore: no17:11
thelostolivedpkg -l name-of-package is what I have, I know that, I want to know if an upgrade is available w/out installing it17:11
SanketsuLimCore, Iced Tea Java is, if I remember correctly.17:11
JuJuBeeI just bought an externtal HD enclosuer (ide->usb).  When I plug in to my laptop(Feisty), it does not mount, but does on my desktop (Hardy)17:11
muditok just one question, what should be the size of swap area ?17:11
thelostoliveusing apt-get or somehting17:11
SanketsuLimCore, but that may not work with what you're needing.17:12
LimCoreso on Ubuntu java applets do NOT work by default?17:12
RAdamsmudit: in general, 2x your physical ram17:12
RAdamsLimCore: correct17:12
geniithelostolive: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy <packagename>    the one with asterisks is the one which is already installed17:12
SanketsuLimCore, Most will, some will reauire the nonfree java though.17:12
RAdamssanketsu: most .apps work piss-poor to not at all with icedtea17:12
muditi m making it 6GB, i have 2 gb ram and 160 of hard drive17:12
RAdamsbut then again, i havent tested that in about 3 versions of icedtea17:12
RAdamsmudit: 4 gb is more than enough, but whatever floats your submarine17:13
xtermin8rI get some corrupted console characters (on the eeePC), where is the console font(s) stored?17:13
SanketsuRAdams, true, I'm an oekaki addict and had to get the nonfree about 3 seconds after installing Ubuntu on my laptop.17:13
X3nonanyone with a Sil3114 controller and a raid 0 working?17:14
RAdams!raid > RAdams17:14
muditand what should be the Location of the swap Partition begining or End ?17:14
RAdamsmudit: depends on what you want. In general, many people prefer the end. It is best practice to have /boot be the first, regardless17:15
muditand i hope making a separate home partition will help me in system restore !17:15
thelostolivethanks for answer, it worded17:15
yareckonhi guys, recommendations for gigabit ethernet cards that work with ubuntu desktops?17:15
ne2k__yareckon: I know that e1000 works fine on linux17:16
geniithelostolive: No worries. If you want to do upgrades but leave a specific package alone, look into pinning17:16
yareckonI know that intel PRO works, but they cost $5017:16
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner17:16
yareckonwhat is the e100017:16
ne2k__yareckon: intel17:16
genii!pinning > thelostolive17:16
picasohe can anyone help me with wireless connestion for hp laptop17:16
muditand what should be the type of Partition Logical or Primary ?17:16
yareckonthanks ne2k__ I wonder if that is the $50 nics I've been seeing17:17
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alfredhi! can anyone help me?17:17
yareckonI'm looking more for $25 :)17:17
yareckonbut thanks for the suggestion17:17
xtermin8rWhy do var mounts appear seperate, run / lock etc.. what is so special about these crazy mounts?  I am trying to reduce my mounts.17:17
iesieshoot lol17:17
ne2k__alfred: ask your question, don't ask to ask.17:17
RAdams!partitioning | mudit (this factoid will tell you what you need)17:17
ubottumudit (this factoid will tell you what you need): Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter17:17
RAdamsnot that one17:17
RAdamswhere's the bleeping partitioning guide17:18
alfredthe screen resolution is was lower than the screen is... and i can only choose between two options...17:18
alfred*way... is way17:18
tayfunhey room17:18
cyrusOla galera!17:18
cyrusTo com um problema no meu codigo  php17:18
xtermin8ralfred: Use alt+plus drag the window.17:18
tayfuncan someone pls tell me how can i download the music video klips what i can watch in youtube or somewhere else17:18
RAdams!ubuntu-es | cyrus17:19
ubottuFactoid ubuntu-es not found17:19
tayfunor can someone give a website where i can get simply for free music video clips17:19
muditRAdams, i am in GUI mode how can I run commands !17:19
picasohey room can anyone help me with wireless conn for HP loptop please17:19
iesietayfun: youtube-dl download it from synaptic, its a command line program17:19
RAdamsmudit: terminal17:19
RAdamsmudit: Acessories --> Terminal17:19
thefishwhere does ubuntu get the name for eth{n}?17:19
thefishor.. how do i find which interface is what card?17:19
muditRAdams, lol, I am making a fresh install in GUI mode17:20
RAdamsmudit: what command do you need to run?17:20
JFlashguys, should I use virtualbox or vmware to run vista on ubuntu?17:20
alfredxtermin8r: huh? drag what window? i mean that that everything is like way too big...17:20
mudit!partitioning |17:20
ubottu: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter17:20
=== alfred is now known as alliha
muditas you said17:20
tayfuniesie thanks man i found that what u said17:20
tayfuni m downloadin right now17:21
tayfunthanks and bye17:21
muditubottu shut up17:21
ubottuFactoid shut up not found17:21
xtermin8rtayfun: there is something called unplug, I think it runs on any platform.  You can save most flash type (flv/fla) videos.17:21
iesietayfun: np, dont forget to check the man pages "man youtube-dl"17:21
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner17:21
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=== loner is now known as weirdor
allihawhy can i only choose between 800x600 and 640x480 resolution?? is it because i haven't installed graphics card driver?17:22
muditthis is a somewhat irritating17:22
FlynsarmyAhhh! I hit a keyboard combination and now my screen is partially zoomed in. how do i turn it off?17:22
xtermin8r!question why does desktop cube (compiz) sometimes spin out of control like a donkey on crack?17:22
RAdamsmudit: if you're just trying to partition, use "manual' to get a similar toolset to gparted17:22
ubottuxtermin8r: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:22
JFlashbah i'm reading that vwware is not suported on heron?17:23
mudityeah so what should be my Partition Type >>> Primary or Logical17:23
babohow big is the FF history file ? I was surfing a web page 15mins ago and it's no longer in history ... :-(17:24
nooroI have a script for my users to access with a desktop icon that runs a single command:17:24
noorosudo /home/user/scripts/dostuff17:24
FlynsarmyOK disabled compiz zoom effect. that did the track17:25
RAdamsbabo: its configurable17:25
RAdamsmudit: depends on how many partitions you have17:25
=== PmDematagodaUbun is now known as PmDematagoda
nooroit needs the sudo to do all the stuff in "dostuff" but at the end I try to bring up firefox with a status report17:25
firefly68mudit: i've only ever used primary partitions. i think u only need logical ones if you need more than 4 partitions on a physical disk17:25
nooroand firefox won't start in the users gui session17:25
geniimudit: You want partitions to be primary if possible. There is a max of 4 primary partitojns possible.17:25
=== PmDematagodaUbun is now known as PmDematagoda
nooroI assume because we're sudo'd when it gets run17:26
muditi have only 3 partitions >>> /home, / and swap area17:26
max__I'm having an issue with sound. For some reason, sound can only be playing with one program, I want sound to play on all programs I have running. How do I do this?17:26
nooro(right beside my dostuff icon is a firefox icon that works fine)17:26
firefly68mudit: select primary partions then :)17:26
muditdo i need more partitions lol,17:27
muditi m complete noob17:27
firefly68mudit: the three you've described are normal for a workstation17:27
nooroso I'm thinking in the last line of the dostuff script I need to do something like17:28
noorosu - user && /usr/bin/firefox /home/user/scripts/results.html17:28
nooroto bring up that results.html status report after doing stuff17:28
noorobut it no worky17:28
KyleKnooro: that runs firefox as not the user17:28
mudita separate partition for /home would help me with system restore ?17:28
RAdams!oneline | nooro17:28
ubottuFactoid oneline not found17:28
KyleKsu - user firefoxcommandhere <--- try that17:28
nooroKyleK: the script is running sudo'd already, I'm trying to get the last line to run as the user, not sure how17:29
evilbugi'd like to announce that starting two days ago,i finally have ubuntu doing everything exactly as i wanted for the first time since i started using it in november.17:29
EvilDennisRnooro: gksudo --user anon firefox17:30
neuratixi would like to scale all the pictures in a directory, i have imagemagick. how could i do that?17:30
KyleKhate scrolling17:30
EvilDennisRneuratix: Yup17:30
Spliffstergnome/X11 experts: can i configure applications to start on a specific display (gnome-session-manager doesn't seem to be capable)?17:30
mudita separate partition for /home would help me with system restore ?17:30
Spliffsterneuratix: use convert17:30
noorogoogling gksudo17:30
Spliffsterneuratix: man convert17:30
EvilDennisRneuratix: You have the convert command to use on the command line17:30
OiPenguinHow do I remove a panel from the right of the screen back to the top when there is no free space at the panel to click and drag?17:30
=== loner is now known as weirdor
KyleKnooro: sudo -u user firefox /stuff17:31
neuratixEvilDennisR: how do i do the command on all the files in the directory with bash then?17:31
firefly68Does anyone have any links to good documentation on 'upstart'? I tried ubuntu a while back but there was no clear documentation for upstart (ended up going back to opensuse)17:31
KyleKnooro: gksu just gives a gui if it needs to ask for a password17:31
KyleKfirefly68: whats upstart?17:31
KyleKthe fancy init thing?17:32
firefly68kylek: the replacement for the normal init scripts (i thin!)17:32
firefly68i think17:32
SpliffsterKyleK: upstart is the boot script17:32
nooroKyleK trying the -u now i think that's the ticket thx17:32
Spliffstergnome/X11 experts: can i configure applications to start on a specific display (gnome-session-manager doesn't seem to be capable)?17:32
kunwon1firefly68, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReplacementInit17:32
EvilDennisRneuratix: for x in `/bin/ls *.jpg`; do convert -resize 800x600 $x `echo $x|sed 's/.jpg//'`-800x600.jpg; done17:32
firefly68cool. thanks kunwon1 :)17:33
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kunwon1firefly68, np17:33
bintrue|workHas anyone seen a problem where the numpad ceases to function after an update?17:33
neuratixEvilDennisR: i love you. thanks17:33
EvilDennisRneuratix: That should do the trick, change the syntax accordingly17:33
EvilDennisRI didn't test it, so my logic might be off17:33
yareckonne2k__, I'm going to go with the  Intel PWLA8391GT 10/ 100/ 1000Mbps $25 at newegg17:34
yareckonit's based on the e100017:34
limepiwhenever I troubleshoot linux I feel like I'm just making it worse17:34
ne2k__EvilDennisR: urgh!17:34
limepityping magic words into the command line17:34
EvilDennisRne2k__: Que?17:35
KyleKlimepi: sudo pleasedontdie?17:35
ne2k__EvilDennisR: you don't need to use ls. the shell expands *.jpg already. for x in *.jpg; do...17:35
ne2k__limepi: is that because you keep deleting parts of the kernel? ;-)17:36
limepiI'm troubleshooting my computer with a nokia n800. it is slow and poorly maintained and clunky17:36
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limepiI was able to bring my sound back from the dead17:37
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coldbootDoes anyone have a /etc/bash_completion that isn't broken?17:37
coldbootsh -x /etc/bash_completion to see if yours doesn't give an error17:37
EvilDennisRcoldboot: Dude, you don't sh bashcompletion you include it17:38
JFlashI only see one VirtualBox package listed on the install apps page17:38
EvilDennisRif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then17:38
EvilDennisR    . /etc/bash_completion17:38
limepinow my wifi is acting up, with wlan:avahi17:38
JFlashhow do I tell if its the 64bit version or 32bit?17:38
coldbootEvilDennisR: When my ~/.profile includes /etc/bash_completion, it never finishes running, because /etc/bash_completion is broken in 8.0417:39
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EvilDennisRcoldboot: Are these stock files, or did you change them17:39
limepithe computer can see wifi, but can't get an IP17:39
limepiwhat gives?17:39
coldbootEvilDennisR: Stock17:39
EvilDennisRcoldboot: show me17:39
EvilDennisR!pastebin | coldboot17:39
ubottucoldboot: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:39
soundraycoldboot: it's not broken generally. How are you including it?17:40
limepidon't even get me started on the RaLink chipset17:40
hacksilberi want to search for some text, recursively in a given directory, how would i do that?17:40
EvilDennisRcoldboot: ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile /etc/bash.bashrc17:40
EvilDennisRcoldboot: pastebin those files for me17:40
coldbootIn ~/.profile17:40
soundrayhacksilber: grep -r text directory/*17:40
soundraycoldboot: I said how, not where17:40
hacksilbersoundray, thanks17:40
EvilDennisRcoldboot: .profile as well17:40
coldbootI mean ~/.profile includes ~/.bashrc, and ~/.bashrc includes /etc/bash_completion, and after including bash completion, I have "echo 'done'" which never gets executed17:41
EvilDennisRcoldboot: Pastebin the files17:41
EvilDennisRcoldboot: Then we can look at them, and tell you whats wrong17:41
soundraycoldboot: HOW do you include?17:41
coldbootone sec17:41
coldboot. /etc/bash_completion17:41
EvilDennisRsoundray: . .file17:41
coldbootFor the most part, I know what I'm doing.17:41
coldbootI've been using Linux for 10 years, working on those pastes.17:42
EvilDennisRsoundray: ewpz, I meant coldboot17:42
limepianyone here good with getting wifi up?17:43
Spliffsterdoes any one know how to start an application on a specific desktop when X11 starts ?17:43
limepiI want to smash the n800 into a trillion pieces for being so buggy17:44
limepibut I gotta use it17:44
powertool08does xmms have a crash log?17:44
EvilDennisRpowertool08: I don't think so17:44
whileimhereHi. I was wondering if there is a way to get the GNOME menu to pop up on a middle button click to the desktop like you can in XFCE and so many other desktops?17:44
EvilDennisR!xmms > powertool0817:45
limepias I type at 30 char/min even though I'm using a bluetooth keyboard17:45
soundraycoldboot: perhaps you have a rogue entry in /etc/bash_completion.d/ ?17:45
coldboot~/.profile and ~/.bashrc http://pastebin.com/m7cffb8f3 -- /etc/bash_completion is stock, just confirmed by doing apt-get install --reinstall bash-completion17:45
limepiso please help me out with my wifi here :(17:45
coldbootsoundray: maybe17:46
limepiI can connect to my AP, but I can't get an IP17:46
soundraycoldboot: does it halt when you call it from a command line, ie. . /etc/bash_completion  ?17:46
hyphenatedlimepi: you don't think it's just weak reception, or an AP that doesn't use DHCP?17:46
limepiI was able to connect to it for months17:47
coldbootsoundray: Rogue entry in /etc/bash_completion.d confirm17:47
limepiit's about two feet away from me17:47
coldbootsoundray: How do you find out which one is broken?17:47
soundraycoldboot: bisect17:48
limepithen I updated to, um.... hardy heron?17:48
hyphenatedlimepi: it's your AP? reboot it :-) they're buggy little things17:48
coldbootsoundray: Ah good old binary search17:48
aguitelwhere i get ubuntu hardy iso image with all update incluide ?17:48
limepiwhatever the newest one is17:48
limepiit's not the AP. my room mate uses it17:48
soundraycoldboot: or compare with my ls: apt-file  debconf  inkscape  ooffice.sh  pon17:48
limepithe computer I'm using is connected to it17:48
limepiit's not the AP17:48
ubottuFactoid spamassassin not found17:49
limepithe offending computer can "see" the AP, and even authenticate17:49
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methodswhy doesn't my wireless card work on 18 ?17:49
limepibut it is not getting an IP17:49
hyphenatedlimepi: so it never worked after the upgrade?17:49
coldbootsoundray: Working now, thanks. I don't know why it worked, I just moved the files out and back in to /etc/bash_completion.d17:50
limepino, it worked briefly17:50
AndycasCould someone give me a guide to make fglrx work with kernel?17:50
aguitelwhere i get ubuntu hardy iso image with all update incluide ?17:50
Adlai!google ubuntu fglrx | Andycas17:50
carlesoriolIs there any tool to create a default user based in my user profile?17:50
ubottuAdlai: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:50
pkcahier-!- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI17:50
soundrayAndycas: Ubuntu comes with a 2.6.24 kernel17:50
soundrayaguitel: you should wait for the point release, scheduled for some time in July17:51
AdlaiAndycas: start with pkcahier's link17:51
AdlaiAndycas: are you compiling it yourself?17:51
hyphenatedlimepi: you didn't do anything silly like assign a static address for wireless... :-)17:51
eurekaanyone know how to upgrade to Firefox 3 in 7.10?17:51
newclimbhello anyone can help me with my audo17:52
AndycasAdlai: yeah17:52
soundray!ff3 | eureka17:52
ubottueureka: Firefox 3 Final is currently in the Hardy package repositories.  For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com.17:52
aguitelsoundray: ok ,but is any hardy release image with all update at now ?17:52
AndycasAdlai: I compiled .25.7 kernel and then tried building 8.6 ATI driver from their web17:52
AdlaiAndycas: that's going to be ill-supported here; maybe try #linux or #gentoo17:52
Andycasdidnt seem to work out17:52
soundrayeureka: probably not worth it -- better to upgrade17:52
AdlaiAndycas: do you have the error?17:52
eurekaubottu: I don't have Hardy,17:52
ubottueureka: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:52
JFlashso what it means to me is that all this talk of the OSX being the ultimate, years in the future OS is bullcrap17:52
soundrayaguitel: no17:52
AndycasAdlai: well i cant use flgrx in xorg, it will result with white screen of death17:53
eurekasoundray: what do you mean?17:53
AdlaiAndycas: but the module compiled fine?17:53
EvilDennisRAndycas: I have the same problem with fglrx17:53
JFlashbecause if this whre true, they would be geting ppl onto their OS in evry way they possibly could, including virtualization17:53
soundrayJFlash: this is not the appropriate channel -- try #ubuntu-offtopic17:53
Adlaiare you trying to use XGL/AIGLX?17:53
soundrayeureka: I mean upgrade to hardy17:53
AdlaiI remember having a hell of a time with that, even though fglrx is 'supposed' to work with it now17:53
pinchartlI've just suffered from a failed do-release-upgrade. the process stopped while configuring packages because slapadd crashed. I debugged the issue, turned out it was caused by a manually compiled slapd module, I fixed that, and reran dpkg --configure -a. is there anything else I should do to complete the do-release-upgrade process ?17:54
JFlashsorry , i thought I was in #virtualbox17:54
eurekasoundray: I just like to upgrade Firefox, not to Hardy17:54
limepioh geez I let the tiny window scroll by17:54
anabolixcan someone please explain to me why i cant play multiple sound files at the same time with ubuntu? ive asked this question a few times before but no one ever seems to have an answer :S17:54
limepino, I didn't change comething silly like that17:54
soundrayeureka: it may be in the proposed or backports repositories17:54
EvilDennisRAdlai: I couldn't get it to work.. I ended up just using the stock ati drivers and have no 3d acceleration =(17:54
soundray!info firefox-3.0 gutsy17:54
ubottuPackage firefox-3.0 does not exist in gutsy17:55
AndycasAdlai: modprobe fglrx doesnt give any errors17:55
AdlaiAndycas: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:55
Adlaigrep for lines with EE and/or WW17:55
aguitelsoundray: what is this:http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/hardy/daily-live/current/hardy-desktop-i386.iso  ?17:56
soundray!backports | eureka, firefox-3.0 is in the backports repo17:56
ubottueureka, firefox-3.0 is in the backports repo: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:56
EvilDennisRAndycas: When you get the white screen o death, does your machine crash completely ?17:56
eurekasoundray: thanks17:56
AndycasEvilDennisR: Yes17:56
EvilDennisRAndycas: Same deal for me.. What kind of video card do you have ?17:56
AndycasEvilDennisR: I have Xpress115017:57
Andycashere is my Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/d10ae406017:57
EvilDennisRI have a crappy radeon 240017:57
soundrayaguitel: well spotted, I hadn't heard of this before. Mind you, this is pre-release17:57
bogey-!ati | evildennisr17:57
ubottuevildennisr: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:57
jshrivergreetings :)17:58
EvilDennisRbogey-: Yeah thanks, been there plenty of times and already done that.17:58
bogey-ok :(17:58
jshriverHow/where do you edit filename extension associations?17:58
AdlaiAndycas: I see a lot of warnings about AIGLX...try turning it off17:58
jshriverlike what program is linked to what ext?17:58
Adlaijshriver: nautilus preferences17:58
aguitelsoundray: i think this iso incluide all update till today17:58
gharzguys, how do i assign geany to open all .txt files?17:59
gharzbecause if i have .txt file it uses openoffice and i don't want to run openoffice because it eats my memory resrource17:59
jshriverhow do you start "nautilus"?17:59
Adlaijshriver: nautilus is the file manager17:59
Adlaigo to your home directory or something and try Edit > Preferences17:59
soundrayaguitel: that's very useful. So, you've answered your own question.18:00
Adlai...or something18:00
mynetdudecan someone recommend a good IRC app that is either just as good or better than mIRC for ubuntu? (no I don't mean Xchat)18:00
bogey-!pidgin | mynetdude18:00
ubottumynetdude: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete18:00
* EvilDennisR throws up..18:00
bogey-!kopete | mynetdude18:00
ubottumynetdude: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin18:00
EvilDennisRPidgin is not an awesome irc app =)18:00
mynetdudeubottu oh yeah... cool pidgin is included18:00
ubottumynetdude: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:00
jshriveronly options I see are media types CD/DVD/Music player/Photos/Software18:00
gharz!kopete | gharz18:00
evolveddoes anyone use Samsung Syncmaster 2232BW with Ubuntu Hardy?18:00
Adlaijshriver: in that case, try right clicking on the file whose extension you want to reassign, going to "open with", and changing the default there18:01
soundrayjshriver: right click a file of  the type you want to re-associate. Click Properties and open the Open With... tab. Select the new app from there.18:01
* Adlai hasn't used gnome in a while, sorry, I'm a bit rusty18:01
mynetdudeubottu you're better than an inteligent bot18:01
ubottumynetdude: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:01
mynetdude:P stupid errors though ;)18:01
jshriverAdlai: aye did that :) problem is that it now associates that file type with severall applications and most dont work.18:01
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bogey-ubottu is my lover :P18:01
ubottuFactoid is my lover :p not found18:01
mynetdudebogey- haha18:02
jshriverbasically most video's are associated with mplayer but I want to remove those and change it to mplayer -vo sdl18:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:02
mynetdudecool fair enough, pidgin it is18:02
Adlaijshriver: there should be a way to tell it to try one first...like a radio button or similar18:02
Adlaijshriver: ohhhh18:02
Adlaijshriver: easier to write your ~/.mplayer/config18:02
soundrayjshriver: why don't you fix the -vo option in the mplayer config file?18:02
mynetdudecool I don't know how that bot knows good stuff around here... awesome channel18:02
Adlaithen any time you invoke mplayer, it will use vo=sdl18:02
jshriverhrm didnt know that let me check18:02
evolvedmy Samsung Syncmaster 2232BW doesn't get recognized, i want to use 1280x720 resolution. in windows i can use it, in linux no. please help me18:02
misieqhi! how can i change the firmware of my wireless card without having to reboot (using live cd)?18:02
Spliffstercan some one tell me  how to start any window on a certain display if X11 starts ?18:02
soundrayjshriver: like Adlai suggested long before me18:03
Adlaijshriver: http://howto.wikia.com/wiki/Howto_configure_MPlayer18:03
jshriverjust add vo=sdl? my config is blank18:03
Adlaithat should get you where you need to go18:03
soundraySpliffster: you need to use a helper program like devilspie18:03
soundray!info devilspie | Spliffster18:03
ubottuspliffster: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.21-1 (hardy), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB18:03
Spliffstersoundray: is it possible devilspie is not in the repos ?18:03
misieqI'm told to "cp *.fw //lib/firmware/2.6.22-14-generic/" and  reboot18:04
soundraySpliffster: no. See above18:04
Spliffstersoundray: ty18:05
soundraySpliffster: found it? Maybe you have to enable universe18:05
Spliffstersoundray: i just got home, had 4 beers and can't read apt-cache search results anymore. Cheers c(_)!18:06
EvilDennisRSpliffster: light weight18:06
jshriversweet thanks for the help :) vo=sdl in the config worked18:07
vipesterCan someone help me configure my wireless for WPA?  I've been at this for a while and am out of ideas, it can detect but cannot connect (bcm4328, ndiswrapper)18:07
Adlaiolsano_: #ubuntu-es18:09
cYgIIIs anybody has problem with install Broadcom Air Force One Wireless ?18:09
myname4566test :P18:10
soundraymyname4566: failed18:10
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vipesterCan someone help me complete my WPA config?  It can detect, the supposedly hard part...18:11
mynetdudehmm I'm having trouble with pidgin connecting to freenode it keeps trunicating my screen name and it won't connect to MSN18:11
VenkateshH-laptoanyone knows how to automount a drive on startup?18:12
Adlaiolsano_: go to #ubuntu-es, or ask your question18:12
Traktor1pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:12
pilpihi. how about an encrypted partition with not full fisk usage, as here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=787950 ?18:13
olsano_i know english18:13
AndycasAdlai: disabling the aiglx didnt help me much. I still got the white screen of death18:13
VenkateshH-laptowell, i hv a ntfs drive which i want to mount18:13
AndycasAdlai: But the machine did not lock up, i was able to restart X and use vesa driver18:13
olsano_but no cool, but i understand your messengers XD18:13
powertool08Does anyone know if keyboard media buttons work with audacious? They work with xmms & amarok.18:14
TophatIs there anyone in here having issues with BCM43xx?  I've tried just about everything and it doesn't work, I had it working once yesterday and now its futile.18:14
ZeusX^7pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:15
ZeusX^7pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:15
ZeusX^7pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:15
ZeusX^7pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:15
ZeusX^7pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:15
ZeusX^7pls come in new IRC server balkanchat.no-ip.org just type /s -m balkanchat.no-ip.org .We will give you IRC OP18:15
FloodBot3ZeusX^7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
cYgIII have problem with Broadcom WIFI18:15
cYgIIMy card doesn't work18:15
VenkateshH-laptojust google it18:16
VenkateshH-laptoyou will find an answer18:16
TophatcygII - welcome to the club.18:16
Tophatlapto - what horrible assistance.18:16
VenkateshH-laptoi have my broadcom 4312 rev 01 working18:16
MyrttiVenkateshH-lapto: thanks for the insightful response18:16
noapicheh ...18:16
cYgIIyeah right18:16
VenkateshH-laptoi am happy you liked it18:16
doubledcYgII: what card ?18:17
cYgIIBroadcom Air Force one18:17
vipesterIve googled the world to try to get this bcm4328 to work18:17
AdlaiAndycas: got a new x log for me?18:17
doubledwhats that, a sound card ?18:17
MyrttiVenkateshH-lapto: if you don't have anything constructive, please refrain from answering in the future, you're just adding in to the noise18:17
ne2k__hi everyone, my driver doesn't work, what can I do?!18:17
noapicVenkatesh make entries in fstab.18:17
AndycasAdlai: sure, give me a moment18:17
doubledah k18:17
vipesterwent through that tutorial like 5 times18:17
Tophatcygii - you have the bcm4318. its the same card im having troubles with.  its a rather difficult card to get ndiswrapper working with, but the proprietary drivers work rather well18:18
VenkateshH-laptothis worked for me18:18
cYgIIok thx I can try again '\18:18
VenkateshH-laptowhich wifi card do you have?18:18
cYgIIBroadcom Air Force one18:18
VenkateshH-laptobroadcom .. ?18:18
vipesterbcm4328, dell wireless lan 1500.  it is possible, i had fedora core working18:18
VenkateshH-laptooh ok18:18
VenkateshH-laptoi am not sure  about that then18:18
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:19
AndycasAdlai: Xorg log http://pastebin.com/d7899277218:19
doubledim thinking of installing linux on my mother's computer18:19
AdlaiAndycas: wrong log, this one is for when you used vesa18:19
Adlaitry Xorg.0.log.old or something18:20
AndycasAdlai: uhh, damn18:20
myname4566join #wikipedia18:20
cYgIII've installed drivers via ndiswrapper18:20
dragon33greetings, i'm trying to reinstall the OSS drivers for my system.  what command can be used to uninstall it using the 'sudo dpkg' options? thanks18:20
AndycasAdlai: hold on ill make a log for you18:20
vipesterif I can detect, why is it so hard to connect... there has to be some sort of little config issue18:20
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner?18:21
cYgIIwhen I turn on Network Manager and then I click Configure I don't see anything because software write Interface doesn't exist18:22
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AndycasAdlai: http://pastebin.com/d12f1f33d18:24
cYgIIok thx for help18:24
mynetdud1yay I got pidgin to work\18:24
theFATMANon a 64bit intel box, do i need to install the i386 medibuntu or amd64?18:25
cYgIII'll try do it something else18:25
wire0holy moses, why is it impossible to burn a dvd9 in linux?18:25
khamaeldoes anybody know where I can find the microdia webcam drivers? they use to be here: git clone http://repo.or.cz/r/microdia.git18:25
AdlaiAndycas: weird, I don't see any problem there18:26
BilleniumWhen ever i log into ubuntu, i cant click on my desktop bars and i get this error: http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/1920/screenshot1nk7.png After i exit out of the error it lags and i have to force quit, then my desktop bars disappear. What do i do now?18:26
=== mynetdud1 is now known as yooshi
cYgIIif I'll be have any other problem I'll find out in Google ;]18:26
wire0linux is really powerful, but it cant burn a simple dvd9... seriously whats up?18:26
AdlaiAndycas: have you disable the Composite extension?18:27
Adlaiif not, try doing that too18:27
theFATMANBillenium: set the background properties to a different image18:27
AndycasAdlai: no18:27
wire0ive tried google, sure theres a lot of requests but no answers18:27
theFATMANthen restart your window manager18:27
fbcIs there a GUI that will walk me through creating a NAT/DHCP/PPPOE/ROUTER out of my ubuntu box?18:27
AdlaiSection "Extensions"18:27
wire0pretty weird18:27
AdlaiComposite "0"18:27
BilleniumtheFATMAN: how do irestart my window manager?18:27
Adlaiadd that to xorg.conf and try it again18:27
fbcBillenium, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:28
theFATMANBillenium: are you using compiz-fusion?18:28
Adlaiif that doesn't work, it's probably some obscure kernel option that I don't really have time to help you debug18:28
vipestersigh, nobody can help on the forums either18:28
BilleniumtheFATMAN: i think so18:28
JFlashhow do I disable nautilus wallpaper:18:28
theFATMANBillenium: ok, do you have the compiz-fusion icon installed?18:28
theFATMANif not get it in synaptic real quick18:29
theFATMANit maks life easier18:29
theman1Hello, i did my daily update yesterday as i normally do. But today when i tryed booting up into ubuntu it will not full load and is lagging badly.  Is any one else having this problem?18:29
AndycasAdlai: this is what i get in syslog: http://pastebin.com/d3647afc18:29
=== forsak3n is now known as forsaken
BilleniumtheFATMAN: i am not using ubuntu ATM... since not having bars got me really angry and i coudlnt deal with it anymore18:29
yooshitwo things: how can I login as root to make some changes that I can't do as user? Or better yet how do I get some permissions as user? Like I can't create folders or delete folders I am no longer using in the filesystem18:29
AdlaiAndycas: ewwwww18:30
theFATMANBillenium: goto your synaptic manager and search for compiz-fusion icon18:30
theFATMANits a simple fix18:30
theFATMANi promise18:30
localjoost@yooshi: sudo (command) ?18:30
theFATMANon a 64bit intel box, do i need to install the i386 medibuntu or amd64?18:30
BilleniumOkay so i go to synaptic and search for compiz-fusion icon18:30
Adlaiummmmmmm search for segfault fglrx_dri.so b6b74000+f3000018:30
yooshiI'm not familiar with cli why can't I just use the gui?18:30
theFATMANBillenium: yea18:30
Adlaisee if there are any bug reports or whatever, maybe file your own18:31
wire0anyone know a way to burn a dvd9 in linux?18:31
cYgIIanyway anybody know is posible to copy files from ISO to pendrive and then boot system from him ?18:31
Adlaimy knowledge is reaching the end of its rope18:31
localjoostyooshi, you should be able to, did you install yourself?18:31
yooshiyeah I installed it myself18:31
yooshiI'm on gui but I can't create any folders in the filesys18:31
nicola3hola soy de mendoza18:31
theFATMANBillenium: you got it?18:31
yooshiI can create folders on the desktop18:31
Billeniumim writing this all down first :P18:32
yooshiI can create folders on the desktop though]18:32
BilleniumtheFATMAN: some said reinstall gnome-applets and gnome-applets-data would work also... is this true?18:32
yooshierr my bad double post18:32
localjoostahh, where are you creating folders?18:32
akimwill the nvidia driver 174.04.15 be in the repos?18:32
Billeniumshould i just reinstall gnome-applets and gnome-applets-data then?18:32
localjoostbecause, you can't create folder everywhere without the right permissions...18:32
theFATMANyeah, but you need to change the image as well18:32
AdlaiAndycas: you could also try out the radeonhd driver, it's been working great for me on my gentoo box (although I don't have the largest graphics requirements...like 3d)18:32
Billeniummy background?18:33
yooshilocaljoost: well how do I? I guess I need root access to get those permissions?18:33
AndycasAdlai: I will, ill try to get some help from kernel and ati channels18:33
theFATMANBillenium: you need the background image to be in your system, not online18:33
localjoostso, yooshi if you really need to create a folder outside of your home directory, and gnome doesn't let you, open up a terminal and go to the desired place you want to create a folder ( cd /var/www )18:33
yooshigood lord... the font size sucks in pidgin18:33
BilleniumWell how do i change it if i cant right click anywhere xD18:33
AdlaiAndycas: good luck sir18:33
localjoostand do sudo mkdir (dirname)18:34
localjoostif you want to be able to write in that folder to, do: sudo chmod (dirname) 75518:34
localjoost(so i believe)18:34
localjoostprobably an easier way though :)18:34
cyberfinHi folks can anyone tell me if there is a problem with a recent update on hardy? I rebooted after seeing the reboot icon in the corner and was smacked in the face by GRUB with a "Error 17: Can't mount this partition"... any pointers pretty please?18:34
cYgIII'll prepare to buy new Asus EEE... and I think his doesn't has CD-rom18:34
yooshilocaljoost: I just need to create a folder in /usr/local/xx (xx marks the folder I want to create)18:34
chaosrlthis might be a simple question, but how to i "unlock" my desktop? currently it doesn't show any files/folders in my ~/Desktop and i can't right click the desktop either.18:35
obf213hello, last time installed wine, there was a programs menu, in my menu bar, now i have to explore the c drive to find the exe, which is kind of annoying how do i get this menu option back18:35
cYgIICan I install UBUNTU from pendrive?18:35
R0YHello! I am new to linux. Is there any gui to edit the tcp for hardy heron?18:35
localjoostso do:18:35
localjoostsudo mkdir /usr/local/xx18:35
localjoostsudo chmod /usr/local/xx 75518:35
BilleniumtheFATMAN: thanks for all your help... So i change the image, reinstall gnome-applets and gnome-applets-data, then restart... then it works?18:35
aguitelcYgII: i have it18:35
theFATMANBillenium: yep18:35
Adlailocaljoost: don't the permissions come before the directory, or does it not matter?18:35
Billeniumkk ty18:36
localjoostmaybe, i usually just try ;)18:36
theFATMANno p18:36
ompaulyooshi, what are you trying to install?18:36
yooshithis is silly... not that cli matters, but if there is a gui why can't it be done through gui?18:36
localjoostterminal will give a message when its not right hehehe18:36
localjoostbecause users will mess up the system with gui's (also with terminal, but if you really really need to...)18:36
cyberfinI forgot to mention I can't access my ubuntu partition and I'm chatting from (sigh) windows. Please help18:36
yooshiompaul: 32 bit ff2 cuz I have 64bit gnome ubuntu and none of the plugins I want to use will work with 64bit ff218:37
R0YHello anybody knows how to edit the tcp parameters in ubuntu?18:37
ompaulyooshi, because to do such a thing though a gui and make a mistake you will be in the land of the reinstall with no data lost - if you are lucky18:37
R0YIs there any gui?18:37
localjoostroy, tcp-ip? system -> administration -> network ?18:38
yooshiheh make a mistake? how? just make a folder in /usr/local/ no problem18:38
ompaulR0Y, sorry that question lacks detail can you tell us more18:38
localjoostwhy do you want to have a folder there?18:38
localjoostwhy not in /home/username/18:38
yooshiso I can extract 32bit ff218:38
R0Ythat is only for ip, dns etc. not tcp18:38
localjoostah my bad18:38
yooshiuh cuz the instructions says to put it there?18:38
localjoostff2 (firefox?)18:38
ompaulyooshi, to do what you want to do have a look at18:39
ompaul!chroot | yooshi18:39
ubottuyooshi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box18:39
The_Big_GeeKompaul: Error: "chroot" is not a valid command.18:39
Ziedhello every body18:39
yooshilocaljoost: yes, and I know 8.0 comes with 3.018:39
vipesterhas anybody here got a bcm4328 card to work with wpa?  mine works with unsecured networks18:39
ZiedI want to backup my gpg keys18:39
crash9any grub or syslinux experts in here that can help me use a floppy to boot xubuntu that is installed on a pendrive?18:39
ompaulThe_Big_GeeK, if that is a script turn it off now18:39
The_Big_GeeKompaul: Error: "if" is not a valid command.18:39
localjoostwhy do you want an older version (i keep telling my customers to upgrade, not downgrade ;))18:39
yooshiompaul: I can't run 32bit without it?18:39
ompaulyooshi, correct18:39
yooshilocaljoost: compatability18:40
* yooshi sighs18:40
ompaulR0Y, please have patience no one is paying us to help and your question lacks detail18:40
onatsproblems with my nvidia 7300GS... I am still running in failsafe mode... how do i fix this?18:40
yooshithis is more work than I was hoping... links don't open a browser here18:41
slack_hi all18:41
cyberfin+bump+ Hi folks can anyone tell me if there is a problem with a recent update on hardy? I rebooted after seeing the reboot icon in the corner and was smacked in the face by GRUB with a "Error 17: Can't mount this partition"... any pointers pretty please?18:41
ompaulonats, system administration restricted drivers manager should help you18:41
R0YIs there any GUI to edit the TCP/IP parameters in Ubuntu???18:41
ZiedI want to backup my gpg keys to use it later in my home computer !18:41
bob_foleyhello, how can i change the n="bla" of this irc?18:41
praetcyberfin: do you happen to be using a raid? try setting raid in bios18:42
crash9anyone got enough grub experience to help me use a grub floppy to boot to usb drive?18:42
EvilDennisRbob_foley: you can't18:42
ompaulcyberfin, no that is not a hardy problem, it is not nice, check http://www.ubuntuforums.org for a good answer18:42
bob_foleywhy not? its my username?18:42
EvilDennisRbob_foley: unless you find one of the ircops and ask them to change it for you18:42
obf213hey. im trying to watch espn360 using ff3 on wine. when i open up the the espn player and vido starts streaming, the colors on my monitors get completely messed up, like all negativish..., when i capture a screenshot however, i see my desktop as it should look...an ideas as to whats is making my screen look so weird18:42
EvilDennisRbob_foley: oh, you just wanna change the username?18:42
cranshinibonis there anything i can use to get a virtual mac os18:42
cyberfininteresting will try18:42
EvilDennisRbob_foley: i thought you wanted to get rid of the n=18:43
Billeniumwhy does firefox3 need wine?18:43
localjoostyooshi have you tried: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/05/04/how-to-install-firefox-2-in-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron/18:43
EvilDennisRBillenium: it doesn't18:43
localjoostbillenium, it doesnt ?18:43
localjoostlol :)18:43
bob_foleythe username, yes18:43
BilleniumDidn't think so...18:43
ompaulbob_foley, /nick paulo or some such18:43
EvilDennisRbob_foley: I dunno, its a setting in whatever irc program you're using I believe18:43
crash9cranshinibon, look at the insanely mac website. they might have something18:43
Billeniumobf... stupid, stoping being that18:43
Ziedwhat I nedd to backup my gpg keys to use it later in my home computer ? thx18:43
bob_foleybut its the nickname18:43
yooshilocaljoost: checking18:44
localjoosthope it works :)18:44
localjoostany dutch here by the way? :)18:44
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:44
FishsceneHow do I start the X server?18:44
obf213Billenium, espn 360 doesn't work with linux...18:45
jribZied: backup ~/.gnupg/18:45
ompaulFishscene, it should start when you start the machine - so what is happening?18:45
R0YHello! Is there any GUI to edit the TCP/IP parameters in Ubuntu???18:45
Ziedthx jrib18:45
ompaulR0Y, your question lacks detail  tell us what you are trying to change18:45
obf213Billenium, obviously i wouldn't got through the trouble of using wine if i didnt have too18:45
crash9Roy i think there is a network manager18:45
cranshinibonhow do i get vmware for linux so i can use max18:45
airstrikei'm having problems with checkinstall.. can anyone help me out?18:45
Fishsceneompaul, I'm booting off of the release-date Hardy Heron CD. it looks like it's frozen running init scripts. I was able to access a terminal (ctrl-alt-f2) and I'm looking to start the GUI18:45
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers18:45
aguitelFishscene: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start18:46
R0YRecieve window, MTU etc18:46
yooshislow site18:46
SebNaitsabescranshinibon:  you want to run Mac OS X inside Ubuntu?18:46
crash9fishscene try startx18:46
cranshinibonyeah....not to use it as a main os but just so i can play around with it18:46
Jack_SparrowNibeck Please dont do that18:46
SebNaitsabescrashinibon: have you got a Mac  DVD/CD ROM?18:46
ompaulFishscene, ahh so then when you get the chance to edit the boot options add in  noapic noapci  and for fun delete the word splash -- downside is that as a read only device you can't save that to the CD :)18:47
Achoth_When a fullscreen application freezes in Ubuntu, how do I kill it?18:47
yooshigreat.... brb18:47
cranshinibonno i was going to download the image for it18:47
hhans221codecs work in firefox but not in new installed opera 9.5. How should i make the plugins work for opera?18:47
Fishsceneompaul, I'll try that as the other options aren't working18:47
SebNaitsabescrashinibon:  getting Mac running on a PC is  an issue18:47
SebNaitsabescrashinibon: you can't just get Mac OS X running on a  PC, unless you do a load of messing around18:47
cranshiniboni thought it would work fine if i ran it through a virtual machine18:48
SebNaitsabescrashinibon:  VMware player and server which are the free ones as far as I know won't suppourt it just as Workstation the paid for one won't.18:48
SebNaitsabescrashinibon: and virtualbox won't suppourt it either as far as I know18:48
hhans221streams are working in firefox but not in newly installed opera18:49
cranshinibonoh ok thats news to me i guess i was wrong...thanks for letting me know lol18:49
SebNaitsabescrashinibion: if you want Mac running on a PC you need a specific Mac emulation software that can run your ROM18:49
hhans221how can i make plugins work for opera?18:49
ompaulR0Y, I have answered you twice18:49
ompaulR0Y, you have not given more detail18:49
Fishsceneis it "noapic" or "noapci"?18:49
R0Yit wasn't quite helpful18:49
localjoostroy try www.google.com if you don't want to give more information :P ;)18:50
ompaul!patience | r0bby18:50
ubottur0bby: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:50
ompaul!patience | R0Y18:50
ubottuR0Y: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:50
Jack_SparrowFishscene noapic18:50
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE18:50
ompaulr0bby, your name was badly tabbed :)18:50
K`zanHi folks, trying to install vmware from adept and it just ignores my request to install, what gives?  Do I need to download from vmware site and install manually?18:50
localjoostyooshi, is it working for you?18:50
hhans221trying to get plugins for opera 9.518:50
R0Ywhat detail do u need??? I want to change tcp receive window, ttl, mtu etc. is that not enough???18:50
bakersfieldboyhelp : not sure how to word this, i right clicked on the part of the icons that rest next to the time and date,showing what program is running. does enyone know how i can get that back i need it to shut down running programs and other things as well.18:50
crash9i still need a grub expert if one is around18:51
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers18:51
ompaulR0Y, no there is no gui for changing the behaviour of the network stack18:51
R0Ythan what IS there?18:51
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:51
ompaulR0Y, the command you want is called "ifconfig" and please display some patience you come across as very agressive18:51
Jack_Sparrowroy of you cant tone down the attitude you wont get much help18:51
cranshinibonhow come sound wont play for youtube videos in konqueror18:52
hhans221are there any plugins for opera available?18:52
R0Y1 min pls. ..18:52
ompaulcranshinibon, go to #kubuntu they mind that18:52
K`zanNot a grub guru, but if you ask someone might know.18:52
cranshinibonok thank you18:52
hhans221can i redirect the mozilla plugins to opera in any way?18:53
gob1029what channel should i go to for help with compiz?18:53
r0bbyompaul: damn you@18:53
crash9I have an old laptop with busted cdrom.  i have a grub and a syslinux floppies.  i have xubuntu installed on usb pendrive. i want to install to hard drive18:53
hhans221somebody uses opera here?18:53
ompaulr0bby, you could have said nothing - I have some unwanted bans in my bag here want one ;-)18:53
SaveFerrisHello, when I click the networking icon in the top right of Hardy, the "Connect to 802.1x protected network" dialog doesn't appear... any fixes?18:53
crash9i don't know how to probe for drives in grub18:54
mynetdudehey localjoost, I looked at the instructions on how to install FF2, I know how to do that... and I did install FF2 but its 64bit edition... I need the 32bit edition... and it doesn't seem you can get this through the add/remove or synaptics18:54
=== hhans221 is now known as abcd1
eth01Simulous: :p18:54
eth01Simulous: birkdale, southport?18:54
mynetdudelocaljoost, I need 32bit for google toolbar and all its nice stuff to work18:54
abcd1asking help for opera 9.5 on ubuntu 8.0418:54
ompaul!opera | abcd118:55
ubottuabcd1: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser18:55
cYgIIguys thx my Broadcom working ;]18:55
r0bbyompaul: you're mean :(18:55
metalpreshow do I get a working trash folder on an ntfs drive in hardy?  in gutsy it would automatically make one called /.Trash-xxxxx on each drive, but in hardy it only gives me the option to delete files, not move them to trash18:55
abcd1opera plugins not there18:55
localjoost mynetdude hmmz i wouldn't really know about it... just googled your question and that link was what i got (did you change nick?)18:55
* r0bby hugs ompaul 18:55
ompaulr0bby, it is the weekend ;-) lets party18:55
* r0bby goes back to his normal irc'ing 18:55
K`zancrash9: Beyond my expertise.  I upgraded to 8.04 last night and had to screw with grub to get things back to the right places.  Time to rebuild here, with .82T the system has turned into a *mess* and with linux things work for a long time and one forgets :-/.18:55
r0bbyI'm a soc student -- weekend has no meaning18:55
abcd1ok ubotto18:55
mynetdudelocaljoost, lol no... I'm on another PC because I couldn't get your link to load on my ubuntu PC18:56
* mynetdude = yooshi18:56
kyle__2uhm. when i installed Hardy, i gave my two other partitions the mount points /windows and /neutral.18:56
powertool08Does anyone who got audacious from the repos have support for keyboard media buttons?18:56
Kelenwhy is there no control center option under system menu?18:56
mynetdudehmm, wonder if I can install x86 version of hardy rather than 6418:57
kyle__2but now Ubuntu mounts my neutral as /media/neutral. does anyone here know how to change that.18:57
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts18:57
K`zanpowertool08: look up xmodmap, it mostly works here with the correct selection of keyboard...18:57
shingenany reason my Dell D610 would completely freeze up, leaving only the numlock and shift lights blinking?  I'm running 8.04 hardy heron18:57
mynetdudedoes anybody know if there is any benefit to using 64bit vs x86 on a 64bit cpu assuming either will work?18:57
shingenand it's happened twice since I performed a clean install18:57
powertool08K`zan: Jack_Sparrow: thanks18:57
localjoostmynetdude when i am looking in add/remove apps, i  see ff2, but, i am on a 64b machine now, so wouldnr really know18:57
localjoost(to my knowledge 64bit software runs better on a 64bit cpu, correct me if im wrong)18:58
K`zanmynetdude: I have an 64x2 and unless something has changed to warrant it, I am still running 32bit - much didn't work for me under 64.  But that was a while back now.18:58
mynetdudelocaljoost thats what I just said... I'm using 64b hardy on the machine its installed on due to the fact its an AMD64 so therefore that FF2 is also 64bit18:58
localjoost64b works fine for me18:58
SaveFerrisany ideas why "Connect to 802.1x protected network" isn't showing up in my networking icon?18:58
localjoostok im sorry, misunderstood you i think18:59
bobstromynetdude:  sorry, may have missed something. is firefox your only problem on 64?18:59
sidHI is this the right place to ask a question on setting up a little complicated home network....?18:59
vipestercan someone help me config wireless, i can detect secured networks but cant connect18:59
Jack_Sparrowmynetdude we suggest people use the 32 bit at least until they get a feel fopr how things work.. unless they have over 4 gigs of ram18:59
mynetdudebobstro so far, I can't use google toolbar in 64bit18:59
enaner whats the diff between sparc and x86?18:59
alesanhi what is the best way to install a fully functional Java environment, from the compiler to the plugin for mozilla, on ubuntu 64?19:00
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:00
mynetdudeJack_Sparrow I wonder if that is also the reason why my install is somewhat slow? I only have 1GB RAM and its an AMD64 mobile 3719:00
redbackhello I am a new ubuntu user (today) and am loving it - have been given a server and I am trying out how to list the updates available - not actually install them - is there a way19:00
bdoganyone else having problems with amarok since the update?19:00
mynetdudeI think I'll just grab the x86 version19:00
Jack_Sparrowmynetdude it should still be decent.. have you turned off effects.. that will help19:01
localjoostJack_Sparrow, i have 2gb RAM and 64bit, no problems here.. ubuntu doesnt even use my swap19:01
K`zanmynetdude: Seemed to solve a lot of problems for me, but others think differently...19:01
ASULutzyredback: you could either clicked system->administration->update manager and hit check, or you could type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and it will list all the potential things to install19:01
* mynetdude wasn't sure if I HAD to use 64b19:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:01
=== Tallken_ is now known as Tallken
Kelenis there anyone know why there is no control center option under the main meun?19:01
sidHey guys I connected my Ubuntu box to my wireless router which connected to the internet.... But now i need to connect my windows box using ethernet.... But i need to access internet from both the windows thing fails...19:01
Jack_Sparrowmynetdude no you dont have to use 6419:01
redbackASULutzy, there is no GUI - won't they install them?19:01
bdogsuddenly I get "amarok currently cannot play mp3 files"19:01
bdogxine plugins are still installed19:01
mynetdudespeaking of swap... I'm not even using swap either... but sometimes it takes a toll on my cpu19:01
EvilDennisR!samba > sid19:02
K`zanmynetdude: Nope you don't.  Been running 32bit on this box for over a year now with far less problems that 64 bit (64x23800/2G)19:02
mynetdudemy laptop sounds much louder with ubuntu... I guess that has to do with the 64b architecture19:02
SaveFerrisKelen: Click System > Preferences > Main Menu and enable Control Center19:02
mynetdudeyeah I'm gonna try the x8619:02
mynetdudesomeone mentioned turning off some effects? what effects?19:03
ASULutzyredback: Ah right... Hmmm, you tried aptitude?19:03
bobstromynetdude:  fwiw - google toolbar works on my FF3 on 64 bit. if you're installing 32 bit anyhow, no big deal but i'm curious what broke?19:03
Jack_Sparrowmynetdude system.. preferences.. appearance.. last tab..19:03
mynetdudethe default install is far less glamorous than the overbloated default XP glamour19:03
mynetdudebobstro really? it does? cuz I tried and it said that it was not compatible with 3.019:04
redbackASULutzy, no - I will google that noow :)19:04
bobstromynetdude:  yeah, just installed it and FF was updated to 3 yesterday.19:04
bobstromynetdude:  when did you try it?19:04
ASULutzyredback: Just type aptitude in a command line, it will open a nice console app that is great for updating19:04
mynetdudebobstro last night19:04
KelenSaveFerris: thank you, but i got another way to open this option, typed "gnome-control-center" in terminal.. lol    :) but still thanks for your answer..19:04
mynetdudebobstro I'm using the FF3 Beta 5 in ubuntu19:04
SaveFerrisKelen: my way puts in in your gui permanently19:05
detrateAnyone here using twinview know how to set applications not to span both monitors?19:05
redbackASULutzy, cool19:05
bobstromynetdude:  perhaps related to mine being "released" FF3?19:05
mynetdudebobstro I didn't do any updates yet... yeah now this is good I know cuz I'm not going to go to FF3 until EVERYTHING works including in windows19:05
bobstromynetdude:  i didn't do anything, just installed latest batch up updates.19:05
KelenSaveFerris: OK, but there is no "main meun"19:05
bobstromynetdude:  a lot of addons probably still don't work, but the one's i use do at least.19:06
ChaosTheory_Is mutt supposed to "fetch the list of headers" each time you start it up?19:06
mynetdudebobstro hmm interesting... I gnome is telling me there is 180 software updates for all the software installed19:06
mynetdudebobstro does your goolge bar still work?19:06
bobstromynetdude:  ah, that's a few days worth at least. if FF3 in there?19:06
SaveFerrisKelen: it's not under "Keyboard shortcuts in System preferences19:06
bobstromynetdude:  well, i just installed it for 1st time after reading your message. but yes, it's working. at least its loaded and search works.19:06
mynetdudebobstro thats what I don't understand... FF3b5 IS in there its what comes by default19:06
mynetdudewtf... that makes no sense19:06
chombeeAnyone know the best way to embed a video in a web page I'm making? I recorded the video in OGG format. Should I try to find something to convert it to GIF?19:06
bobstromynetdude:  mine was FF3b5 until recently, but it updates itself.19:06
bobstromynetdude:  er, updateD19:07
SebNaitsabesit will update to a later version  of Firefox for sure if proposed updates is on19:07
Flannelmynetdude: What are you wondering about?19:07
ReddAny body have exprience on enabling visual effects on certain laptops? Coz i cant do it in mine19:07
mynetdudeoh hmm you mean you ahve the official release now? That would be why19:07
brohanI've got a problem with ubuntu not recognizing my wireless card19:07
FlannelSebNaitsabes: No, its in hardy-updates19:07
mynetdudeguess I should go install those updates :P19:07
brohanIt's internal, and due to a bunch of shenanigans it's not being picked up19:07
bobstromynetdude:  yeah, i'd definitely try that before giving up, at least for that reason.19:07
mynetdudebobstro good point... :) brb19:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:08
Reddbrohan: U tried to look for ubuntu drivers on the net for your wireless??19:08
mineraleis there a command line utility in ubuntu that allows for creating a torrent? I've seen the source for a tool called mktorrent but it's not included;  apt-cache search torrent | egrep -i "create|make" | wc -l  -> zero results19:08
AnAntHello, how does  ~/.gtk-bookmarks get updated ?19:08
SebNaitsabesRedd: what graphics card?19:08
KelenSaveFerris: lol,, i got it, i found it in control center's window... lol19:08
brohanRedd: let me define the shenanigans which started this events19:08
Kelenthere is a main menu19:08
SaveFerrisKelen: wow, how circular... have fun! lol19:09
brohanRedd: I have an x61, wireless worked before I switched out my hd to another computer for a presentation19:09
=== silverblade|work is now known as silverblade
ReddSebNaitsabes: erm ATI HD 2400 XT ( Itś a laptop. aceraspire 4920)19:09
brohanAnd then suddenly eth0 became eth319:09
Flannelminerale: minerale try apt-cache search torrent make, and apt-cache search torrent create19:09
SebNaitsabesRedd: is the ATI driver installed?19:09
brohanand eth1 didn't exist any more19:09
Flannel!enter | brohan19:09
ubottubrohan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:09
KelenSaveFerris: ok, thanks a lot ...19:09
mynetdudebobstro, since last night there is now 191 updates lol... this will take an hour or so19:09
bobstromynetdude:  i pretty much just install them as they show up.19:10
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mynetdudeif this works, I can breathe easier and not have to fiddle with creating folders and crap19:10
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ReddSebNaitsabes:im not so sure i just install ubuntu on my system and wanted to get stuff working. but im afraid if i go about looking for drivers, my xServer ain´t going to start up after installing it coz i have those kinds of problems on other computers19:10
SebNaitsabesRedd: ah yes19:11
mynetdudebobstro well I would too... but 8.0 was probably updated a few days ago so I would imagine all those updates since then19:11
ASULutzyRedd: Well that's why we make backups of xorg.conf before we do stuff like that19:11
masterkillerahhh can someone point me in direction for "Big Desktop" howto on gutsy? (for ATI)19:11
greeghi folks.19:11
SebNaitsabesRedd: well X can be fixed rather easilly now with hardy19:11
SaveFerrisanyone know why the "Connect to 802.1x protected network" isn't an option in my Manual network configuration icon?19:11
SebNaitsabesRedd:  if it happens19:11
SebNaitsabesRedd:  you know on Grub the boot loader go recovery mode and then do fix X19:11
ASULutzyRedd: Just do this sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_origbak19:11
ReddSebNaitsabes: guys im using ubuntu studio at the moment19:11
Semyazaanyone know if there's packages of subversion 1.5 available yet?19:12
vipestershould i wait a few weeks and hope that a bcm4328 entry is entered into the wifidocs?  im out of ideas...19:12
ASULutzyRedd: and if it breaks just do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf_origbak /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:12
Semyazalike... unofficial ones perhaps19:12
SebNaitsabesRedd: I was recommended a program to make sure I had the correct Nivida driver installed that worked great for that, and it also does ATI, so I suggest you install the same program and try that19:12
Reddooouh okey ive done that tons of times last time but i forgot how to do it now... can you run through the steps and the lines that i amm supposed to type to restore x19:13
ReddSebNaitsabes: ouh itś Envy?19:13
SebNaitsabesRedd: use  envyng19:13
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Reddyeah used that before on my nvidia system.. will it work on ATI?19:13
Jack_Sparrowvipester BCM43xx  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff19:13
SebNaitsabesRedd:  yes seems it also does ATI19:13
greegi haven't built a PC in 6 years. Im a cis major (not that that means anything),  that wants to work at circuit city over the summer.  what hardware/specs should i spend most of attention to ?19:14
KelenSaveFerris: Hi, guys, i wanna change all kind of folder icons. what can i do for this if i got a icons package from gnome?19:14
bobstrogreeg:  selling the service plan.19:14
Jack_Sparrowgreeg networking..wifi,,  and video19:14
vipesterJack_Sparrow, Ive tried that tutorial, no luck :(19:14
ogzyhi all, i am using 8.04, when i tried the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i am not able configure video and monitor options, after the keyboard questions configuration ended up, how can i make the dpkg-reconfigure create the xorg.conf with the true video and monitor settings?19:14
Dusk_hi there i have a problem with wireless. i have a laptop and a 1mbit internet connection. i can use the connection fully on wired connection but i have a low connection on wireless..how can this be happen??19:15
greegwould tiger direct show me the light?19:15
ReddSebNaitsabes: ok cool ill try it after updating my ubuntu.19:15
SebNaitsabesRedd: from Gutsy?19:15
Jack_SparrowDusk_ rt wireless card?19:15
Dusk_Jack_Sparrow, yes rt7319:15
R0YHello. ifconfig only gives some info about network config etc. No TCP stuff there. Anything else anybody can suggest?19:15
Reddnono i mean just normal updates for the system coz i just installed ubuntu without internet connection.19:16
Jack_SparrowDusk_ I dont know from personal experience.. but.. Networking: rt2500pci .. Speed issue: "force" the speed with sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M to get decent speed (by default i get 1MB/s)19:16
ASULutzyR0Y: what exactly are you looking for? netstat -t shows all your active tcp connections19:16
bobbob1016I installed gftp, but it is only going 100kbps, is there a hidden speed option or something?  My connection is rated for 700kbps.  I know it could be the server, I'm just not sure.19:16
praetKelen: System > Preferences > Appearance > Themes > Customize > Icons19:16
SebNaitsabesRedd: ok19:16
R0YI want to EDIT the tcp parameters to tweak my connection speed.19:16
Dusk_Jack_Sparrow, i will write sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M on terminal??19:16
SebNaitsabesROY: with Firefox?19:16
ReddSebNaitsabes: thanks for the help people. will do soon. and also to the rest.19:17
Kirschhey guys, i'm trying to create a VPN server, i need some help, i read this documentation: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=132029 and now i'm able to connect to the server, but i don't know much about how to route traffic from the server out, can anyone help?19:17
R0YNo, not browser specific... i mean overal ...19:17
Jack_SparrowDusk_ JUst passingon what someone said worked.. let me know if it does.. yes, use the terminal19:17
Kelenpraet: but all icons here is not i wanted.19:17
SebNaitsabesRedd: yeah np good luck19:17
SebNaitsabesRedd: no problem good luck19:17
Jack_Sparrowroy what specifically does lsb_release -a in a terminal show you19:17
ASULutzyR0Y: You can use ifconfig to edit things like MTU and other stuff... What exactly are you trying to change?19:18
k1dugarhello, in ubuntu 8.04 I use selinux, I want to install grub2 but selinux is PreDepends on Grub. But I have used in debian grub2 with selinux19:18
Kelenpraet: so i downloaded a icons package. but i don't know how to add them to here..19:18
Beererdehi. when i play a flash video, firefox hangs for about 20 s completely, then it works. this does not happen when pulseaudio is running. but i don't want pulseaudio. what can i do?19:18
Dusk_Jack_Sparrow, it worked like a charm19:18
mm1I want to have dnsmasq and dhcp (client). For now, dhcp  overwrites /etc/resolv.conf, leaving out  dnsmasq.  Is there any solution, or do I have to hack a shell script (& go through man pages)?19:18
SebNaitsabeswhich reminds me.   is there a good reason for me to get Grub2  or  should I just stay with legacy it works after all19:18
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R0YI tried the ifconfig... it only showed netork config. Yes I do want to change stuff like TCP receive window, TTL, MTU etc.19:19
Dusk_Dusk_, i will do everytime or just once?19:19
Dusk_Jack_Sparrow,  i will do everytime or just once?19:19
NetEcho_Hi I'm trying to install gDesklets and the install guide on the ubuntu forums says go to your gnome panel but I can't find a gnome panel anywhere19:19
masterkillerany ati howto's for gutsy big desktop? (using compiz)19:19
ASULutzyR0Y: man ifconfig19:19
Jack_SparrowDusk_ I think you will need to do it each time or make a script and add it to the startup..  Cool eh19:19
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller:  got the correct ATI driver installed?19:19
KelenIs there anyone got idea for this problem for me? please!19:20
R0Ytype "man ifconfig" in terminal?19:20
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller: 100% sure?19:20
masterkillerworks fine in single, when i try to enable dual (prob doing it wrong) it just has it repeated on 2nd monitor19:20
Jack_Sparrowroy what specifically does lsb_release -a in a terminal show you19:20
NetEcho_how do I get to the gnome panel in ubuntu?19:20
ASULutzyR0Y: Yes, that will give the manual page for ifconfig and show you all the things you can do with it19:20
k1dugarSebNaitsabes:  grub2 has really cool futures one of it is life busybox I guess19:20
masterkillersebnaitsabes: not 100%19:20
zoldarhello, after alsa stopped warking after some recent update, I've tried to replace it with oss. The change made surprisingly great difference (in plus) in sound quality. There's one problem though. When sound hits some high tones there'a a noticeable crackling. Something similiar happend in ALSA but it was because of PCM set to max. Any solutions for this ?19:20
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller: ok well then install this and try this  envyng19:20
Maxwell0983I've a problem, when I boot up my computer it just stops at the login and says "Authentication failed".  How can I fix this, or how can I get my bookmarks out of .mozilla so that I can just format my system (less preferrable)19:21
SebNaitsabeslife busybox feature????19:21
knightwisehey everyone , is there a support irc channel for ubuntu-ppc users ?19:21
tannerwth is with the high IOwait time19:21
ASULutzyR0Y: You can change mtu from there... I think to change ttl you need to do some trickier stuff,19:21
Jack_SparrowMaxwell0983 USe live cd to recover things you need..19:21
k1dugarSebNaitsabes: sorry typo live busybox19:21
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:21
SebNaitsabeswhat's that?19:21
vipesterwell ill try this guide again, i will uninstall ndiswrapper and install from source this time19:21
Beererdehi. when i play a flash video, firefox hangs for about 20 s completely, then it works. this does not happen when pulseaudio is running. but i don't want pulseaudio. what can i do?19:21
zoldarforgot to mention the sound card model - X-Fi Xtreme Music19:21
SebNaitsabeswhat's live busybox?19:22
NetEcho_how do I get to the gnome panel in ubuntu?19:22
Maxwell0983Jack_Sparrow: I am trying, it won't let me access the folder.19:22
Jack_SparrowMaxwell0983 LIvecd wont let you read your installed setup.. have you mounted your hd installed partition?19:22
vipesterJack_Sparrow, since Ive tried so many methods, do you think I should reinstall ubuntu to get a fresh install?19:23
ubottuFactoid busybox not found19:23
Maxwell0983I cannot remember how to do that in shell...so no.19:23
jribNetEcho_: it's the panels at the top and bottom of your screen with the menu and time and stuff19:23
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/19:23
ubottuFactoid grub2 not found19:23
Maxwell0983wait, yes.19:23
Maxwell0983It is mounted.19:23
NetEcho_jrib, k19:23
k1dugarSebNaitsabes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BusyBox19:23
Jack_Sparrowvipester the should work if you do a fresh install and have harline connection to the internet and do all your updates then enable restricted hardware19:23
Maxwell0983So what should I do?19:24
Maxwell0983It still won't let me use it?19:24
vipesterok will try Jack_Sparrow , thanks a bunch19:24
masterkillersebnaitsabes: having a hard time finding docs on envying19:25
Jack_Sparrowvipester create a sep /home.. it will make your future problems more manageable19:25
SebNaitsabesk1dugar:  I don't see how that will be useful for me19:25
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller: it's a GUI program19:25
Maxwell0983"failed to open .mozilla: permission denied"19:25
Jack_Sparrow!who > Maxwell098319:25
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k1dugarSebNaitsabes: grub2 is much advance then grub. it has lots of new features. you can use gfxboot other then usplash19:25
Maxwell0983Jack_Sparrow: You can still obviously read what I wrote, any constructive suggestions.19:26
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SebNaitsabesk1dugar: what's  gfxboot?19:26
Maxwell0983Potes dicere in latina?19:26
R0YJack Sparrow, here's what lsb_release -a shows: No LSB modules are available.19:26
R0YDistributor ID:Ubuntu19:26
R0YDescription:Ubuntu 8.0419:26
FloodBot3R0Y: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
raisefisthey all , anyone here have an acer 5051 laptop ?19:26
ubottuFactoid gfxboot not found19:26
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller: do this sudo apt-get install  envyng-gtk19:26
Jack_Sparrowroy USe the pastebin.. dont paste into the channel19:26
vipesterwhat do you mean sep /home, Jack_Sparrow, doesnt all the installation stuff go into sys folders like /etc?19:26
R0Ydamn. sorry.19:27
doubledis there some freeware program for using your electronic music keyboard ?19:27
Jack_Sparrowvipester http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome19:27
steven_Hello everybody19:27
BoopopHi all, can someone help me set up Ubuntu on my Macbook? I'm having issues with build-essential19:28
k1dugarSebNaitsabes: graphical boot logos, introduced and developed by SuSE.19:28
celine\join brecouilles19:28
AugCamposDoes any one try the ATI HD2400 PRO on 8.0419:28
R0YThat link took me to a German (I think) site.19:28
SebNaitsabesk1dugar: ok well sure normaly I would go Grub2, but  I haven't yet, since I am a bit worried that it will screw things up for me. here's why19:28
BoopopI try some of the commands on the Ubuntu for Macbook help page and it tells me "E: Couldn't find package build-essential"19:28
Maxwell0983I've a problem, when I boot up my computer it just stops at the login and says "Authentication failed".  How can I fix this, or how can I get my bookmarks out of .mozilla so that I can just format my system as when I try it says "permission denied" (less preferrable option)19:28
Jack_SparrowBoopop you need to enable the right repo for that..19:29
Jack_Sparrow!info build-essential19:29
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB19:29
Boopopah right, how do I do that?19:29
rogue_traderdoes the ATI vs. compiz problem exist on other distributions as well?19:29
SebNaitsabesk1dugar: since of  the ways my partitions are done now and what not.  I have  the Ubuntu /boot/Grub folder that is not used by Grub itself since it's on another parttion, but yes everytime it installs a new kernel it will update the menu.lst for that one.  and I have to edit my Grub partition manualley19:29
BoopopSynaptic Package Manager?19:29
Jack_SparrowBoopop system..admin.. software sources and make sure main is enabled19:29
SebNaitsabesk1dugar:  so menu.lst in the Ubuntu install gets updated, but I am actasully using another Grub on another partition19:30
steven_Does there anyone know how to make the hp 6510b's  fingerprint work?19:30
Jack_SparrowBoopop then sudo apt-get update  then sudo apt-get install build-essential19:30
k1dugarSebNaitsabes: if you install grub2 from synaptic for smooth  transitional19:30
SebNaitsabesk1dugar: and I assume if I install Grub 2, it will update the Grub in Ubuntu that is not being used.  if that goes over my MBR with that Grub, well then fine, but if not well then19:31
raisefistanyone have experience with acer laptops ???19:31
eagohi.... anyone has an old colorpage scanner?19:31
stemount^I do raisefist19:31
raisefistmainly the wireless thats troubling me19:31
BoopopJack_Sparrow : Everything appears to be enabled under the "Ubuntu Software" tab - There's no option for that repository specifically19:31
eagoi have a colorpage sp2x and i'm wondering if is possible to make it run in ubuntu19:31
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers19:31
masterkillersebnaitsabes: that is in gutsy repository? search comes up empty =/19:31
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller:  your on GUtsy?19:32
Maxwell0983QUESTION: If I re-install Xubuntu, will I lose my bookmarks?19:32
Jack_SparrowBoopop gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:32
k1dugarSebNaitsabes:  well you must have installed grub from within some os, else you can always fix it via live cd :P19:32
masterkillersebnaitsabes: yessir19:32
AugCampos[Maxwell0983] Foxmarks19:32
raisefiststemount^ : it seems my wifi wont work out ofthe box , it detects the atheros HAL but it doesnt connect to anything , is there something ive been doing wrong /??19:32
SebNaitsabesmasterkiller:  upgrade to hardy then do what I said19:32
albechOMG Hardy has been out forever and they still havent fixed support for Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG :(19:32
raisefistlol its a driver issue19:33
stemount^albech: eh19:33
BoopopJack_Sparrow - Done that, what should I add to it?19:33
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner?19:33
* SebNaitsabes Many wireless companies do not suppourt Linux, hence why a ton of wifi hardware does not just work with Ubuntu and other distros19:33
Jack_Sparrowalbech You mean Intel hasnt provided a driver19:33
AugCamposcam some one recomend a good Graphics card for Ubuntu 8.04 (and low price)19:33
Maxwell0983AugCampos:What are "Foxmarks"?19:33
albechits been working flawless in 7.1019:34
SebNaitsabesAugCampos:  just get a Nivida one or something19:34
Jack_SparrowBoopop It should be as simple as removing the # in front of the one for MAIN19:34
dfgashow do i enable xdmcp?19:34
doubledyeah nvidia cards work no problem :)19:34
AugCampos[Maxwell0983] is a Firefox plugin19:34
SebNaitsabesAugCampos:  and Ubuntu is good enough with pretty much any graphics card.  if you want effects though the 3D effects stuff you need something relitavily decant19:34
Fishsceneok, so I'm trying to start Xserver on a Ubuntu 8 Livecd... and at the prompt, I type in "startx" and the output is it can't connect to xserver... there's no such process19:34
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FishsceneHow do I start the Xserver process?19:34
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askandFishscene:  startx?19:35
stemount^Fishscene: /etc/init.d/gdm start?19:35
k1dugarJack_Sparrow:  can you help with grub2 and selinux install on ubuntu 8.04. since selinux PreDepends on grub but on debian sid I use grub2 with selinux without any problem19:35
stemount^or kdm19:35
dfgasi remember how19:35
Jack_Sparrowk1dugar no19:35
Maxwell0983AugCampos: I cannot install it as I cannot access any of my firefox files.19:35
SebNaitsabesk1dugar:  you said I can fix with the Live CD. so it is using the correct Grub for everything?19:35
dfgashow do i add users to samba. is there a easy program to set that up and all the shares? if so what is it?19:35
BoopopJack_Sparrow - This is what it's got for main, I *think* - deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security main restricted19:36
albechso there much be some different way 8.04 handles drivers from 7.1019:36
Jack_SparrowBoopop yes...19:36
Boopopno #19:36
Jack_SparrowBoopop then sudo apt-get update  then sudo apt-get install build-essential19:36
pucko-what's new in grub2?19:36
AugCampos[Maxwell0983] you can store your bkmarks online19:36
mrbrownhi all19:37
Jack_SparrowBoopop put the whole file in the pastebin19:37
R0YHey Jack! I figured out that pasting stuff. Here's what lsb_release -a showed me: http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m1473804a19:37
ffeynmanguys, how do i find out if my ubuntu (have it on a VPS) is 32 or 64 bit?19:37
tmapjcan here help me with virtual box?19:37
k1dugarSebNaitsabes: the best way to fix it, edit fstab by mounting right boot partition as boot and then update19:37
jbroomeffeynman: uname -a19:37
mrbrowni have a strange problem with an atheros pci card (gigabyte ), could someone help me?19:37
SebNaitsabestmapj: yep maybe,  what's the issue19:37
adityaghey i want to play games like counter-strike on ubuntu19:37
ffeynmanjbroome: thanks!19:38
SebNaitsabesadityag: I think that might have a native Linux version19:38
tmapjSebNaitsabes, i dont understand how to make a shared folder19:38
adityagSebNaitsabes:  i have ubuntu 8.0419:38
k1dugarpucko-: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-2.en.html19:38
SebNaitsabestmapj: try the virtulbox channel19:38
BoopopJack_Sparrow - Hold on, just trying that last command now19:38
Jack_Sparrowroy I dont know why your link is asking me to download a file.. that isnt how it is supposed to work19:38
dondahey i want to play games like counter-strike on ubuntu19:39
BoopopJack_Sparrow - Looks like it's working, thanks!19:39
R0YIt is a txt file.19:39
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:39
SebNaitsabesdonda:  that might have a native Linux version19:39
IndyGunFreakadityag: linux isn't very good for gaming, it can be done, but you're best bet is to stick w/ linux native games19:39
Jack_SparrowBoopop great19:39
tmapjSebNaitsabes, you dont know the answer?19:39
dondaSebNaitsabes:  i have ubuntu 8.0419:39
whiki cant install regnum online19:39
UbuntuProblemsmy grub boot stop working with an error 17 message. how do i fix it?19:39
rafiekwhere can I find information about ubuntu sync with wm619:39
whikhow do you install a bin file?19:39
adityagwhats w/ linux native games ?19:40
SebNaitsabesadityag:  you don't know what native games means?19:40
Jack_Sparrowwhik How to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/19:40
adityagIndyGunFreak: dont u think we must introduce those games in linux ?19:40
whikthanks jack sparrow19:40
R0YJack did you see the txt?19:41
adityagSebNaitsabes: i guess those games like mines, nibble,chess right ?19:41
rafiekhello world19:41
Jack_Sparrowroy I dont know why your link is asking me to download a file.. that isnt how it is supposed to work19:41
IndyGunFreakadityag: its not our decision, write the makers of the games.. would you try to play a windows game on a macintosh, if there was no macintosh?.. same idea... if software developers would make linux versions of their games, there would be no issue19:41
R0Yit is a text file.19:41
ffeynmanguys, where could I find a good vimrc? does it come with ubuntu?19:41
Jack_Sparrow!pm > UbuntuProblems19:41
SebNaitsabesadityag:  lol well there are those, but in fact there are a lot of good native Linux games to19:41
R0YOpera should tell you that it is indeed a text file19:41
R0Yor any other browser...19:42
Jack_Sparrowroy read on how the pastebin is supposed to work19:42
IndyGunFreakSebNaitsabes: there are good native linux games.. but what i was saying, his best bet was to stick w/ native linux games19:42
jribffeynman: create one... google "dotfiles" if you want, but it's better to just create one with the options you want19:42
SebNaitsabesyes and I was  asking if he knew what that meant19:42
k1dugarUbuntuProblems: Try reading post #9 to solve your problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294519:42
ffeynmanjrib: ok...19:42
Jack_SparrowI am leaving to go see a movie.. play nice19:42
adityagIndyGunFreak: i understand that....but we should make linux attractive to those game developers19:42
IndyGunFreakSebNaitsabes: well i would certainly hope he did.19:42
R0YI just pasted the text into their pasting place and clicked send.19:43
LordOllieWeird my pointer changes when I move it between monitors.19:43
IndyGunFreakadityag: again, this is not "OUR" decision, if a software developer chooses to make a game for Windows, and not for Linux, what does "we" have to do with it,19:43
SebNaitsabessome of the propritary games companies do their games for Linux, but the open source and free software community have done a load of games that are at the same kind of standard as the propritary sold for games19:43
welkincan any one tell how to view the source code or vlc player????19:43
jengelh2welkin: to view vlc, run vlc.19:43
erUSULwelkin: dl the source from their website19:43
Freeaqingme_I'm trying some stuff with the nfs userspace thing, is this the right place to ask a question about it?19:44
SebNaitsabesin fact there have been a few articles on that recnetlly19:44
nandwelkin: apt-get source vlc19:44
Achoth_welkin: The source is located on their website19:44
jribwelkin: apt-get source vlc   if you want the source code for the package you get in ubuntu19:44
Dusk_BeyJack_Sparrow, no way sorry..it didn't work :(19:44
Jack_Sparrowadityag Please take the comments and discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic19:44
adityagi am quite addicted to linux.....i off-late i have started hating windows, but i cant miss on Counter-strike , and other similar games19:44
Jack_SparrowDusk_Bey what didnt work19:44
Rg12is there somehone so gentle to help me?19:44
adityagJack_Sparrow: okkkk19:44
UbuntuProblems[R0Y]: <Jack_Sparrow>, i had downloaded linux server edition (without graphics) .. My Grub does not work. because of the 2 hard disks: linux and windows....19:44
Rg12if you want to please query me19:44
jribRg12: best to just ask the channel your question19:44
R0YJack, sorry. Here it is: http://pastebin.com/m1473804a19:44
Dusk_BeyJack_Sparrow, wireless problem...19:44
Rg12ok jrib thanks19:45
Dusk_BeyJack_Sparrow, let me search google :(19:45
grafthi, my firefox is crashing with this line: Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 623: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!19:45
Rg12i ahve a strange problem with a Gigabyte Pci Wireless card (Atheros chipset, 5212 or 5213, i'm not sure); if i put it into the slot and i power up my pc, ubuntu freezes saying "loading hardware drivers"19:46
Freeaqingme_I mounted a nfs mount, and I'm able to browse through the files on the server from the client.  Whenever I try to edit/move a file however (using the client), I get the message that it's mounted ro, while my exports explicetely say to have it mounted rw. What could I be possibly missing?19:46
* SebNaitsabes 42 of The Best Free Linux games: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20080510052539217/Games.html 42 more of the best free Linux games: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20080522164112313/Games-Part2.html 42 of the best commercial LInux games: http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20080530054213402/CommercialGames.html19:46
Rg12if i power up the pc without the card, and on the grub screen i put the card into the slot, then boot ubuntu, it works!19:46
Rg12i really don't know what to do19:46
dtoljIs there a package for PHP-MSSQL?19:46
kkathmananyone here knowledgeable about samba and any file restrictions?19:46
chalcedonyRg12: i'm sure thats frustrating.. have you checked with support for that card?19:46
Rg12i'm not so newbie with unix system19:46
Rg12support with gigabyte?19:47
Rg12some kind of customer care?19:47
Rg12i have thought about, i think that it could be some IRQ trouble19:47
jribRg12: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying19:47
R0YJack, u here?19:47
Rg12but...why it works if i put the card after grub?19:47
Rg12sorry jrib19:48
ezeany one can help me to upgrade mysql to the 5.0.51 version?19:48
Rg12does anyone have some idea?19:48
graftcan anyone help me with this bug? my firefox is crashing with this line: Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 623: _dl_open: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed! Google is unrevealing.19:48
Rg12i've tried noapic nolapic noacpi ecc.. options on grub lines but it doesn't work19:49
welkincan any one tell how to view the source code or vlc player????19:49
grafterr, no wait, now it works, for some reason19:49
DSpairwelkin, "apt-get source vlc"19:49
Rg12i've took a look on bugtrac of madwifi19:49
erUSULwelkin: i already told you; go to the website dl the sourcecode and use a text editor19:49
graftexcept DNS lookup still doesn't work19:49
Rg12chalcedony, no ideas?19:50
elitgio03c503c003ac03c103c703b503b9 03ba03b103bd03b503af03c2 03bd03b1 03bc03bf03c5 03c003b503b9 03c303c703b503c403b903ba03ac 03bc03b5 03c403b1 linux?????19:50
Kelenlol,, i got it,, good way for change icons.  its so easyyyyy..19:50
erUSULRg12: irqpoll ?19:50
LimCoreelitgio no19:50
Rg12yes, already trie19:50
LimCore!ch | elitgio19:50
ubottuFactoid ch not found19:50
LimCore!cn | elitgio19:50
ubottuelitgio: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:50
R0YJack_Sparrow, are you still here?19:50
LimCore!jp | elitgio19:50
ubottuelitgio: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい19:50
AugCamposSory query again i by a Asus EAH2400PRO (ATI HD 2400) and in some screen saver like tube the screen flick in the top and botton19:51
Rg12the worst thing is that i've bought this card lookin' at madwifi wiki that says "works out of the box"19:51
graftdangit... i wish i had a working web browser.19:51
graftmaybe i should download opera19:51
JC_Denton__!cn | JC_Denton_19:52
ubottuJC_Denton_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:52
JC_Denton__!cn | JC_Denton__19:52
graft!botabuse > JC_Denton__19:52
stemount^!botabuse > stemount^19:53
LimCore!botabuse > *19:53
stemount^LimCore: that *was* attempted bot abuse19:53
R0Yhmm... so much for etiquette.19:53
chalcedonyRg12: i'm sorry, i'm good with google but not an expert with ubuntu19:53
FishsceneHow do I view a list of drives on the computer?19:53
stemount^Fishscene: fdisk -l19:53
R0YI have to feed my cats. So bye everybody.19:53
SebNaitsabesFishscene: or  you can use GUI stuff like kdiskfree19:53
stemount^enjoy R0Y19:53
LimCoreFishscene: for example:  mount    or fdisk,   or gparted   or many other ways depending.19:53
ezeany one can help me to upgrade mysql to the 5.0.51 version?19:53
Maxwell0983Mmm, cats.19:53
ezeany one can help me to upgrade mysql to the 5.0.51 version?19:54
R0Ynothing 2 njoy...19:54
stemount^Fishscene: GNOME Partition Editor is always a winner19:54
R0Ysee ya later19:54
SebNaitsabesFishsence: kdiskfree is a winner if you just want to see your partitions and how much space has been taken up and that19:54
UbuntuProblemsany one can help me with grub boot19:54
NickGarveystemount^: wow, I never made the connection that that is what "gparted" stood for19:54
FishsceneI can't install things19:54
blackvdI can't remember which etc file i edit to set my default login manager i.e. kdm,gdm,xdm?19:55
Nathan406Can someone tell me how to check my kernelt19:55
stemount^NickGarvey: :)19:55
SebNaitsabesFishscene:  sure you can.  Synaptec package manager or in the terminal sudo apt-get program name19:55
FishsceneI'm running Ubuntu 6? livecd (as Ubuntu 7 and 8 fail)19:55
AugCamposAny ATI Expert??19:55
Nathan406Can someone tell me how to check my kernel19:55
FishsceneI'm trying to open up the Internal hard drive and copy files off onto a network share19:55
ReddSebNaitsabes: Im finished with updating my system, and now i wanna try download envy. I´m downloading from the synaptic package manager.... whichone should i DL? thereś 3. Core, Gtk and Qt19:55
UbuntuProblemsany one can help me with grub boot19:56
UbuntuProblemsany one can help me with grub boot?19:56
=== zied is now known as Zied
SebNaitsabesRedd: just get the GTK one19:56
Reddouk okewill do19:56
erUSUL!anyone | UbuntuProblems19:56
ubottuUbuntuProblems: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:56
SebNaitsabesRedd:  ,but you can get the QT/KDE one if you want as well19:56
welkinDSpair>>>> how to edit it???19:56
sc0ttim using ubuntu 8..can i remove a kernel i installed manually i.e. without using synaptic ?19:56
TattUbuntuProblems    ??? yep19:56
SebNaitsabesRedd:  GTK apps are Gnome apps and QT apps are KDE apps19:56
JC_Denton__!vista | JC_Denton__19:57
DSpairwelkin, "vim file.c"19:57
=== zied is now known as Zied
Nathan406Can someone tell me how to check my kernel19:57
sc0ttNathan : uname -r19:57
SebNaitsabesNethan406: there is a basic command for that, but19:57
erUSULsc0tt: how did you instaled it? with a deb?19:57
Reddouh yah saw what the packages contains19:57
whiksorry but whats the command to join the off topic chat?19:57
Fishsceneok so I found a program called "disks". I selected the hard drive and clicked "enable" the window flashes and the drive is still disabled19:57
erUSULwhik: /j #ubuntu-offtopic19:57
lenswipe[Issue] For some reason ubuntu keeps setting the default search domain to home in the network manager, and when it does that the internet doesnt work on my laptop, anyone know why>19:57
FishsceneDrive round at : "/dev/hda1"19:58
SebNaitsabesNethan406: I don't remember it right now19:58
maixhi, i have a little problem with the gpg agent. GPG_AGENT_INFO is /tmp/seahorse-A1a9aq/S.gpg-agent:6408:1 (6408 is seahorse-agent --execute x-session-manager), but if i sign something with gpg, it says19:58
maix  can't connect to `/tmp/seahorse-cmqD97/S.gpg-agent': No such file or directory19:58
maix(then it asks for the password itself and doesn't remember it)19:58
maixif i try to verify a signature, it says19:58
maix  gpg: waiting for lock (held by 7563 - probably dead) ...19:58
maixthat process does not exist.19:58
FloodBot3maix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
shingalatedhow do I give something a uid and gid of nnn?19:58
sc0tterusul : i downloaded the latest stable source from kernel.org..and did all the steps to install it19:58
sc0ttversion is
lenswipe[Issue] For some reason ubuntu keeps setting the default search domain to home in the network manager, and when it does that the internet doesnt work on my laptop, anyone know why>19:58
erUSULsc0tt: the debian way or jus make; make install19:58
Mitsuoi was trying to build some qt4 app... i have installed the packages and stuff.. now, the include is <qt4/QtGui/...> however the provided header files are <QtGui/...>, this makes compiling impossible, ow can i fix that?19:58
dtscould it be that old SSH keys are not working anymore because they are unsecure?19:58
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> how can i comunicate with you? pvt or typing here?19:58
sc0tterusul : make , make install19:58
TattUbuntuProblems:    type here19:59
welkinnand jengelh2 erUSUL achoth jrib DSpair>>>>> how to edit a source code??19:59
welkinDSpair>>>> its not coming....19:59
erUSULsc0tt: rm the files on /boot/ and the /lib/modules/$(uname-r) dir19:59
lenswipe [Issue] For some reason ubuntu keeps setting the default search domain to home in the network manager, and when it does that the internet doesnt work on my laptop, anyone know why?19:59
JC_Denton__I've just bought a new laptop. Any advice on getting my MS tax back once it arrives?19:59
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> ok ... typing....19:59
nandwelkin: use an text editor :)19:59
maixshingalated, something=?19:59
maixa file?19:59
Mr_Molezhi, I have eth2 (wireless lan) and eth0 (wired lan) ubuntu is using eth2 as the default connection for the internet for some reason, is there any way to set it so eth0 is the default for internet access ?19:59
nomopofomodoes anyone know anything about the lame gstreamer plugin?20:00
SebNaitsabesNethan406: did a Google search and so:  uname -r20:00
erUSULwelkin: with a text editor there are dozens on unix including vim emacs joe gedit kate nedit etc20:00
welkinnand where to find the source file?? where will it be??20:00
nomopofomorather, does anyone know anything about the gstreamer plugin for lame?20:00
lenswipe[Issue] For some reason ubuntu keeps setting the default search domain to home in the network manager, and when it does that the internet doesnt work on my laptop, anyone know why?20:00
Avenged-Revengeis there anyway I can change the default location of icons on my desktop? I have conky set up on the top left but new icons always end up under it20:00
nandwelkin: as said before => apt-get source vlc. That will download the source code. Then edit it.20:00
lenswipe[Issue] For some reason ubuntu keeps setting the default search domain to home in the network manager, and when it does that the internet doesnt work on my laptop, anyone know why?20:00
welkinwhere wil the source code download....?? nand20:01
lenswipe [Issue] For some reason ubuntu keeps setting the default search domain to home in the network manager, and when it does that the internet doesnt work on my laptop, anyone know why?20:01
nandwelkin: where you type the command20:01
psyconhello all20:01
psyconi have issues20:01
welkink... nand20:01
welkinill try20:01
maixlenswipe, stop that20:01
welkinnand ill try and then ill tel u20:01
psyconi just installed 8.04 onto my pc and it wont let me install any programs20:01
shingalatedhow do I give someone a uid and gid of "nnn(username)"?20:01
abelabelfrom one moment to another, I've run into a problem on Ubuntu 7.10 - half an hour ago, I got a warning about low disk space on my boot partition and was taken to the login screen. Since that moment, resizing windows in Gnome takes me there, too, even after removing some old kernels using Synaptic (so the original space problem should be gone). Any hints on how to resolve this?20:01
psyconlike drivers for my wifi, or anything in the installer20:01
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:02
psyconsays programs arent made for i38620:02
lenswipemaix: its just that when nobody speaks to you, a guy starets to feel invisible, you know....20:02
nandwelkin: ok, Iet's take the problem at the root: why do you want to edit the source code of VLC?20:02
welkinnand how to view a preinstalled programs source code?20:02
Mitsuoi was trying to build some qt4 app... i have installed the packages and stuff.. now, the include is <qt4/QtGui/...> however the provided header files are <QtGui/...>, this makes compiling impossible, ow can i fix that?20:02
psyconanyone seen this20:02
Pxrboyhi. very quick question, ive been using Gnome for a while now and id like to try KDE, am i able to mearly install it?20:02
=== rick111_afk is now known as rick111
Yataswill ubuntu play absolutely any video ??20:02
maixlenswipe, maybe nobody knows an answer20:02
ubottuFactoid psycon not found20:02
Yatassuch as ogg files20:02
rabidsnailWhat kernel modules must be enabled to have v4l on hardy cli?20:02
welkinnand just to try for the first time20:02
psyconyes lenswipe20:02
SebNaitsabesPxrboy:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:02
lenswipemaix: k20:02
doubledYatas, yes it will download any codec needed20:02
JavaUser459You want play a wormux?20:02
JFlashdoes amd64 mean  is for any 64bit platform?20:03
lenswipepsyco: nvm, i was just testing something20:03
PxrboySebNaitSabes: thanks :)20:03
JFlashi run an intel core2duo20:03
* Yatas Pats doubled20:03
psyconi thot u had an anser wfor me20:03
JavaUser459My passworld is : cocotou20:03
shingalatedPxrboy: sudo apt-get install kde4, if you want to try kde 420:03
nandwelkin: when an application is installed, only the compiled source are installed. If you want to see the source, you will have to download them. And to do this, use the command apt-get source vlc20:03
lenswipe!is not dammed well20:03
rabidsnailJflash: Amd64 includes intel20:03
Avenged-Revengeanyone know how to change default icon locations on the desktop? looked through gconf-editor and couldn't find anything20:03
ubottulenswipe: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:03
doubledim watching some naruto as we speak :)20:03
SebNaitsabesPxyrboy: that will intal KDE3 if you want KDE4 another package needds to be installed20:03
jribJavaUser459: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?20:03
psyconso has anyone seen this20:03
nandwelkin: or download directly on VLC's website20:03
JFlashshould i be downloadin software that is marked as  amd64 or x86?20:03
welkinoh.... no only i know that nand.. thanks........20:03
psyconwhere it wont install any program20:03
lenswipeis there a channel where i can test things?20:03
psyconits on a quadcore q660020:03
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> I had downloaded ubuntu server, last version. i make the install with only linux drive. Now i had plugged other hard disk with linux, i mounted it. when i tryed do boot on windows, a text appear at screen "starting up ..." and does nothing... after , i restart my pc, and i cant even load grub... have you any ideia?20:04
erUSULJFlash: deopends on the version you instaled20:04
psyconintel dg33tl mobo20:04
YatasJFflash ?20:04
rabidsnailJFlash: If you want flash player, use x8620:04
Yatasit depends on ur architecture20:04
welkincan u suggest me a simple source code which i can learn editing it for the first time nand??20:04
shingalatedhow do I give someone a uid and gid of "nnn(username)"?20:04
machuidelHow can I start the network manager and let it connect to my preferred wireless network from the console, without logging into Gnome?20:04
KyleKwhats with hardy-updates20:04
sc0tterusul..u there ?20:04
=== zied is now known as Zied
KyleKlike is it pending updates to hardy or?20:05
nandwelkin: if you want to learn, VLC is not a first good example. It's pretty big. You can use some tutorials on the net (C / C++ / Python) or see a small application like... Cheese20:05
TattUbuntuProblems: do you see a brief grub boot screen where you can press ESC  to enter grub menu?20:05
erUSULsc0tt: si20:05
erUSULsc0tt: yep20:05
psyconwhen i run the live cd it detects mroe hardware than when it installs20:05
psyconthat is not right istn it20:05
welkink.. nand ill try and tel u the result20:05
Yatasi will install ubuntu on a 1TB HDD then download alot of videos on it20:05
JFlashgot it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6420:06
Pxrboyshingalated: thanks also :) i think il try out the stable first, then go for the new shtuff20:06
YatasJFflash ? what is ur architecture ?amd64 or x86 ?20:06
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> no i got error 17 before loading Grub20:06
nandwelkin: be aware that since you are beginning, coding can be really difficult. I strongly recommend you to start with some simple tutorial. C++ or python.20:06
lenswipecan someone tell me something about ubuntu network manager....20:07
TattUbuntuProblems:  do you have a live cd available?20:07
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:07
KyleKdoes hardy normall add the hardy-updates repo?20:07
=== rick111 is now known as rick111_afk
Yatasubuntu network manager = you can hack U.S FBI or satellite with it and go by unoticed20:07
lenswipeSebNaitsabes: no i need specific help with something...20:07
JFlashhow can i tell if i'm running ubuntu 64bit?20:08
Nathan406Can someone tell me what are the sound default settings for ubuntu 7.04 for alsa20:08
gordonjcpJFlash: what does uname -a say?20:08
SebNaitsabesJFlash: depends what version of Ubuntu you downloaded20:08
SebNaitsabesJFlash: and installed20:08
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:08
YatasJFflash ? do you know what type of mother board ur using ?20:08
raisefistlook in system resources20:08
SebNaitsabesJFLash: if it's the 1386 then your 32bit20:08
lenswipeis anyone actually listening here?20:08
raisefist64 bit20:08
pub is it possible to drop a .exe onto another .exe in ubuntu?20:09
Yatasits 8620:09
Yatasits x8620:09
psyconhow come mine detexted as amd6420:09
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> hummm, no i have only ubuntu server image burned at cd-rom (http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition)20:09
psyconwhen its intel20:09
Yatasintel duo core20:09
SebNaitsabespub:  .exe  Windows?20:09
lenswipeblip blop bloop banga o langa woof, nubby phraph 120000 ecklek oo loo a scap bibble de booble wop!20:09
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:09
pub is it possible to drop a .exe onto another .exe in ubuntu, under wine20:09
TattUbuntuProblems:  does it say  "Error 17, cannot mount the selected partition   ?  or similar20:09
SebNaitsabespub: drop?20:09
lenswipecan i be listened to?20:09
raisefist[]D [] []V[] []D20:09
pubyeah click on an exe and drag it over another20:09
YatasJFflash go for the x8620:09
lenswipeTESTING TESTING!20:09
Nathan406Can someone tell me what are the sound default settings for ubuntu 7.04 for alsa20:10
jribraisefist, lenswipe: do not do this here please20:10
raisefistok jrib20:10
lenswipejrib: im not im just trying to get someone to listen to me20:10
komputesDoes anyone know how to do Install Ubuntu on a USB stick, skipping step 3*, it seems the installer always tries to make "magic" happen in the background when an existing ubuntu instalation is on another hard disk drive. *Step 3 (physically disconnect all hard disk drives) from http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/04/14/ubuntu-804-usb-hard-drive-install/20:10
SebNaitsabespub:  I don't know what you mean by that, and probably everyone else here or nearlly everyone else20:10
jriblenswipe: ask a question...20:10
lenswipewhy does ubuntu automaticaly set the search domain to home on 7.10?20:11
raisefistjrib: will my acer aspire wireless work in gutsy 32bit?20:11
lenswipehow do i change that because it fouls miy internet up20:11
psyconk fuck ubuntu then20:11
jribraisefist: ask the room, I have no idea20:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:11
psyconwhat is another good distro20:11
jribpsycon: mind your language here please20:11
lenswipejrib: see20:11
psycongraphically pleasing and whatnot20:11
SebNaitsabes!psycon:  PC Linux OS20:11
ubottuSebNaitsabes: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
lenswipei do not need documentation20:11
lenswipei am having problems20:11
nomopofomoI'm looking for some information regarding the gstreamer-lame package.20:11
lenswipereal problems20:11
jribpsycon: what is your issue?20:11
rudihawkpsycon try linux mint20:11
KyleKkomputes: i just had to edit my grub menu list for a USB hard drive20:11
SebNaitsabespsycon: PC Linux OS20:11
TattUbuntuProblems:  this is because the added disk has changed to BIOS disk order so grub cannot see the boot on the inteded disk.  you could run some commands to rectify if you can boot from the live cd or..............................20:12
lenswipeBIG problems20:12
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> no, only error 17... i think it is config problem ...20:12
SebNaitsabespyscon: Fedora Core20:12
psyconwhen i install it wont detect any hardware, or let me install any apps20:12
KyleKkomputes: like at the top (hd2,0) to (hd0,0) and then update-grub20:12
SebNaitsabespyscon: Open Suse20:12
rudihawkpyscon: gentoo20:12
komputesKyleK: yes i've tried that from the boot menu, but it still won't seem to boot20:12
SebNaitsabespyscon:  Freespire20:12
jriblenswipe: ask your question with the details on a single line and wait patiently.  There's no need for the commentary afterwards.  You just make it harder for people to get help20:12
[NuB2]DigiJo2good evening guys20:12
rudihawkpsycon: openSuse20:12
meeperhow do I get ubuntu to actually bring a window to front instead of just flashing the icon in the app bar?20:12
komputesKyleK: quite bizarre20:12
KyleKkomputes: try making use of tab completion to get the right stuff20:12
CorbinFoxpsycon: is it just stopping at a black screen?  or how far into ubuntu is it progressing?20:13
lenswipemy ubuntu internet doesnt work...20:13
AbhorcosmCan someone help me set up my wireless?20:13
jribpsycon: that doesn't make sense.  Are you having trouble actually installing ubuntu onto your computer or just having trouble installing software after successfully installing ubuntu?20:13
SebNaitsabespsyscon: Puppy Linux :)20:13
lenswipemy ubuntu internet doesnt work...20:13
meeperAbhorcosm: there's plenty of tutorials on the web20:13
jpdspsycon is no longer among us...20:13
meeperlenswipe: that's nice. provide more information20:13
AbhorcosmI really can't figure it out, my router works, but its not cnnecting20:13
[NuB2]DigiJo2anyone ever tried to install ubuntu on an asus eeepc? i got some problems20:14
lenswipemeeper: it keeps setting the search domain to home, and when it does the internet doesnt work20:14
machuidelHow can I disable compiz from the console? Ubuntu installed with compiz enabled by default and it freezes my machine.20:14
komputesKyleK: that's right! you're awesome, thanks for reminding me20:14
lenswipemeeper: it just wont connect properly20:14
SebNaitsabesmachuidel: console I don't know, but the GUI sure.  system preferences desktop effects20:14
TattUbuntuProblems:  try going here and getting grub on a floppy which you could use to reconfigure you grub setup.   you may need to know which disk your /boot is on (hd0) etc....                  ..............http://www.supergrubdisk.org/20:14
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> humm where i can downlaod the live cd to fix ths problem?20:14
ubottuFactoid emerald not found20:14
=== [NuB2]DigiJo2 is now known as DigiJo_Linux_beg
ubottuFactoid meeper not found20:15
BoopopCan someone help me with the brightness on my Macbook? I press the F1 or F2 keys, the brightness control shows up but nothing happens20:15
SliMMhow can i get freetype library to go with php5-cli, the ones in the repository don't work, and "freetype" does not exist (although it is referred to)20:15
DigiJo_Linux_begwell it seems i cant get wifi to work and a few other things20:15
Boopop(and the bar is emtpy despite my screen appearing to be on full brightness)20:15
lenswipefuck it, ill sort it myself...20:16
machuidelSebNaitsabes: The problem is that I cannot log into gnome without it locking up (it starts compiz by default). But I just found a solution. I'll just log into a xterm session and disable it using the gnome appearance pref from there ;)20:16
BoopopJack_Sparrow - Got my wireless working =D First time I've managed that20:17
TattUbuntuProblems: try going here and getting grub on a floppy which you could use to reconfigure you grub setup. you may need to know which disk your /boot is on (hd0) etc.... ..............http://www.supergrubdisk.org/20:18
UbuntuProblems<Tatt> ok, thanks for helping me. I have downnloaded this software, and i think it gonna be work. Thank you very much!20:19
t_I just installed Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) perfectly, except the PCI BIOS Bug when I boot. But after 5 min of use, the system start to crash. I cant open files (Unable to start child process) and I cant do anything ... And the icons start to disappear.20:19
jtmoneywho do i contact if i found an error with ubuntu documentation?20:20
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen20:20
jpds!bug | jtmoney20:20
ubottujtmoney: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:20
KyleKjtmoney: try the bug tracker maybe?20:20
=== athewk_ is now known as athewk
jtmoneyokay, thanks20:20
Herlazinesshello all how do I find out what locale I am using, for reporting bugs?20:20
jpdsjtmoney: and try #ubuntu-doc too20:21
erUSULHerlaziness: echo $LANG20:21
JonnnanTürkçe bilen var mı?20:21
HerlazinesserUSUL: thanks!!!20:21
ifireballHerlaziness: ron "locale" from the command line20:21
KyleKHerlaziness: for some reason I typed locale and it tells me im using posix odd20:21
ifireballHerlaziness: run*20:21
Moi'm debating between the 64 bit version and the 32....which is better?20:22
Jonnnanhello luke:)20:22
SebNaitsabes32bit version is usaully better people say20:22
SebNaitsabes,because there are issues here and there with 64bit20:22
jribMo: if you need 64bit for some reason, use 64bit.  Otherwise, use 32bit20:22
Herlazinessthanks ifireball and KyleK!!20:22
Flannel!tr | Jonnnan20:22
ubottuJonnnan: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:22
Mois there anything that the 32 bit version can do that the 64 version cannot?20:22
jribMo: yes20:23
Yatasherlaziness ?? what about me ?? you didn't thank me ?20:23
Yataswhat the hell man ?20:23
FlannelMo: closed source stuff tends to bemore abundant on 32 bit (flash, etc)20:23
luke_does any one know what file the screen resolution data is in on ubuntu 8.0420:23
KyleKMo: 64bit has gotchas like flash is slightly harder to make go, issues with wine maybe?20:23
Mocool, thanks for your help everyone,  i'll use 32 then20:23
ennethI want to remove one of my internalt harddisks, but when I do GRUB says "No such partition" (error #22 I think). The OS is not installed on this disc, but on my 750 GB harddisk. The swap partition is on the harddisk I am trying to remove. Could that be the reason why it won't boot when it's removed? Do I just reinstall grub on the OS partition?20:23
Yatasanytime Mo20:23
KyleKluke_: like running xrandr or looking at the X org conf? /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:24
reddragonhi there! anyone good with configuring sound in here ? i can't set up my 5.1 speakers to work, get only 2.1 sound. any help would be nice (tried alot of forums and googling)20:24
ennethdisc = harddisk *20:24
luke_i will try it20:24
KyleKenneth: swaps not the problem grub is before swap20:24
KyleKkeith4: lol20:24
=== Jonnnan is now known as Jonathan-Livings
KyleKdont ctrl+enter?20:24
keith4i sweat that used to work20:25
keith4swear, even20:25
ennethKyleK: Then how come it not want to boot when the harddisk is unplugged? Does GRUB require that all disks that were plugged in at install are plugged in?20:25
keith4enneth: removing a disk could have changed the disk order, as grub sees them20:26
Simuloushey. can anyone tell me how i apply icons ive downloaded in to emerald theme manager. I got em from gnome-look.org and i get a .tar file which doesnt import (Im kinda new to linux) It took me a while to get my display drivers ready and install beryl.20:26
keith4for example, if you took out hd0, what used to be hd1 might now be hd020:26
luke_Section "Screen"20:26
luke_Identifier"Default Screen"20:26
luke_Device"Configured Video Device"20:26
luke_Monitor"Configured Monitor"20:26
luke_SubSection "Display"20:26
FloodBot3luke_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
Andehi have no sound in audacity20:27
ennethThe disk order is just as it is listed using fdisk -l, right?20:27
SebNaitsabesAndeh: no sound in audacity what about music and video players?20:27
ennethSo the first disk listed is hd0?20:27
luke_what should i change in this20:28
luke_ Section "Screen"20:28
luke_  Identifier "Default Screen"20:28
AndehSebNaitsabes: Just audacity.'20:28
luke_  Device  "Configured Video Device"20:28
luke_  Monitor  "Configured Monitor"20:28
FloodBot3luke_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
luke_  Defaultdepth 2420:28
SebNaitsabesAndeh: maybe it's to do with pulseaudio20:28
Sergeant_Ponythey never learn20:28
AndehSebNaitsabes: It is.20:28
JFlashhi, im running heron and i got virtualbox as a .deb from sun.  what should I do with this file?20:28
SebNaitsabesAndeh:  well then  killall pulseaudio20:28
AndehSebNaitsabes: I have Virtualbox running on pulseaudio20:29
AndehSebNaitsabes: :/20:29
SebNaitsabesAndeh: with which guest OS?20:29
SebNaitsabesAndeh: killall pulseaudio is only a temporey thing20:29
ennethIs there a way of identifying which disk is hd0, hd1 and hd2?20:29
SebNaitsabesAndeh: it won't stay like that20:29
SebNaitsabesAndeh: your next boot or re boot or yeah will mean pulseaudio is running again20:30
Andehi did that20:30
SebNaitsabesAndeh: now try audacity20:30
SebNaitsabesAndeh: for sound20:30
AndehNothing has changed :/20:30
teamzanybodu here using tf-b4rt ?20:30
jtmoneythis is stupid, but i screwed up my apache config, so i rm -rf'd /etc/apache2 and apt-get removed apache2, and apt-get installed apache2... however, the default configuration was not reinstalled with apache2... how can i force this to happen?20:30
luke_what do i change to make res 1024x76420:30
NetEchohas anyone gotten AWN working?20:31
airstrikeivanovjtmmoney: sudo apt-get remote apache2 --PURGE20:31
SebNaitsabesAndeh:  hummmmmm well  of course really you should be using the native Linux version of audacity, but as a tempory thing you could have it in your VM20:31
Flare183NetEcho: yes20:31
AndehSebNaitsabes: I AM using the native linux version of audacity20:31
AndehSebNaitsabes: I never said it was in the guest :P20:31
JC_Denton__RAdams: there's this I found: http://www.linux.com/articles/5938120:31
TwanWow. I updated 8.04 with all 115 or so updates, and now my network configuration doesn't work (I have no Internet, and am not allowed to change the configuration), and I can't change the resolution.20:31
Flare183!awn | NetEcho20:31
ubottuNetEcho: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy20:31
=== Exposure` is now known as Exposure
NetEchoFlames how do you start the object dock20:31
SebNaitsabesAndeh:  yes and since I can't really help you get your sound work with the native,  I gave another suggestion20:31
NetEchoI have it installed and everything20:31
jtmoneyairstrikeivanov: thanks20:32
NetEchojust can't find anything to start the object dock20:32
reddragonhi there! anyone good with configuring sound in here ? i can't set up my 5.1 speakers to work, get only 2.1 sound. any help would be nice (tried alot of forums and googling)20:32
SebNaitsabesredderagon: ah yes hardware sound issues20:32
AndehSebNaitsabes: Oh, i thought the point of what you said was that i shouldnt be running it in vm20:32
Andehbleh. anyone else?20:32
airstrikeivanovjtmoney: the --purge option removes all configurations and such from the packages. You can then reinstall and it will set up new defaults.20:32
SebNaitsabesAndeh: I said you can run it in the VM if you want, but really you should start getting away from Windows more :)20:32
jtmoneyairstrikeivanov: okay, and i ran "apt-get install apache2" and it did not install the files in /etc :(20:32
AndehSebNaitsabes: MSN.20:33
AndehSebNaitsabes: :)20:33
airstrikeivanovjtmoney: Try: sudo tasksel install lamp-server20:33
jlewis_could someone help me get ubuntu to read my bluetooth usb?20:33
SebNaitsabesAndeh: Windows Live Messenger?20:33
airstrikeivanovjtmoney: That is how it is installed with the Server edition distro.20:33
TwanI updated 8.04 with all 115 or so updates, and now my network configuration doesn't work (I have no Internet, and am not allowed to change the configuration), and I can't change the resolution.20:33
AndehSebNaitsabes: And its lovely handwriting tool.20:33
shingalatedCan anyone make any sense of this?  http://pastebin.com/d71a222d2 I am trying to install sun's version of Citrix and the installer is telling me that the users / groups are not set up correctly.20:33
SebNaitsabesAndeh:  you could try audacity in Wine as well :)20:33
AndehSebNaitsabes: Eww20:34
SebNaitsabesAndeh: also Windows Live Messenger apparnatlly works well in Wine 1.020:34
AndehSebNaitsabes: It's buggy enough on linux!20:34
airstrikeivanovHey JC_Denton_, my native DX works! No sound, and the maps are broken, but the game ittself starts natively now.20:34
SebNaitsabesAndeh: not tryed yet myself20:34
ennethIs it possible to edit the disks listed in GRUB? Like removing one.20:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:34
AndehSebNaitsabes: Ive missed a lot in the 4 months i was offline20:34
SebNaitsabesAndeh:  the WIne you get from Ubuntu repo is an older one, but no Wine 1.0 is much better20:34
SebNaitsabesAndeh: the instructions are on the Wine site for getting Wine 1.0 and it is much better now20:34
airstrikeivanovAndeh: I recommend using the latest possible version of Wine. You can get easy install instructions from the Wine site.20:35
SebNaitsabesAndeh: it's worth another try20:35
airstrikeivanovAndeh: The latest version has a lot of bugfixes and new DLL files and such.20:35
Moi'm installing and it freezes while trying to creat ext3 file system for / in partition #1 of scsi720:35
ipod_touchi would love to have it so that grub doesn't come up and i'm able to boot up Ubuntu automatically20:35
Moany ideas what this could be?20:35
Oli```I recommend compiling Wine with sudo checkinstall (instead of sudo make install) so it installs as a deb (and can then be replaced by a repo version if they update before you)20:36
airstrikeivanovipod_touch: Impossible. A boot manager is REQUIRED for any OS to start.20:36
hacksilberhi hi20:36
SebNaitsabesAndeh:  this is how it should be for Windows apps in Linux.  run them in Wine, if no luck even after messing around and really got to have that app fine  an XP VM20:36
jtmoneyairstrikeivanov: ahh, it was apache2.2-common that had the files20:36
jtmoneythank you20:36
airstrikeivanovjtmoney: Ah, no problem.20:36
shingalatedairstrikeivanov, yes, but there is a way to make it come up for only a second, no?20:36
airstrikeivanovjtmoney: It took me forever to fix the same problem.20:36
ipod_touchi have a windows boot manager for me to start ubuntu20:36
airstrikeivanovshingalated: I believe so.20:37
ipod_touchwhat i don't want is that timer that comes up before Ubuntu boots up20:37
airstrikeivanovipod_touch: Bad idea. I recommend using GRUB if you have bboth Linux and Windows.20:37
shingalatedI think it is in /boot/grub/menu.lst somewhere20:37
airstrikeivanovYeah, I'm not too sure. I normally don't mess with the boot manager.20:37
shingalatedthe delay before booting the defualt OS20:37
ipod_touchwell the thing is, Wubi doesn't install with grub coming up when the computer first turns on20:37
shingalatedoh...it's wubi20:38
shingalatedthen I have no idea20:38
meeperanybody know how to make ubuntu actually bring a window to the front instead of just flashing its icon?20:38
ajopaulcan i ask a evolution related query here? or is there any other appropriate place?20:38
ipod_touchclick it20:38
erUSULOli```: why compiling when you have the "official" winehq repo for ubuntu ??20:39
SebNaitsabesajopual:  Evoloution why not just use Mozilla Thunderbird instead?20:39
welkinnand r u there.....20:39
airstrikeivanovajopaul: Go ahead, Evolution is an Ubuntu-supported program.20:39
meeperipod_touch: I'd like it to come to the front automatically...20:39
TwanI updated 8.04 with all 115 or so updates, and now my network configuration doesn't work (I have no Internet, and am not allowed to change the configuration), and I can't change the resolution.20:39
ipod_touchThunderbird is just so...ugly20:39
SaveFerrisdoes anyone know why the "Connect to 802.1x protected network" doesn't show up in my network configuration?20:39
SebNaitsabesipod_touch: lol that's what themes are for?20:39
nandwelkin: you got some tutorial?20:39
ipod_touchthats true20:39
ipod_touchbut i would like a theme similar to firefox 320:39
SebNaitsabeswhich FIrefox 3?  Gnome look XP or Visduh?20:40
welkinya nand i got new ideas..... the first one is to study c and c++ completely20:40
SebNaitsabesindeed having a Firefox 3 theme for Linux for Firefox and Thunderbird that looks like Visduh's and another one that looks like XP's  would be pretty good20:40
ajopauli already have a gmail configured on it, its been long since i installed it on ubuntu, now any new accounts i add the mails are fethced to the global inbox folder20:40
ajopauland not to a seperate one like i have for gmail.20:41
SebNaitsabesin fact there is a Firefox 3 Visduh or XP look for Firefox 220:41
zifthhi, I am using Xubuntu, I have ff3, installed flash. But still cannot watch youtube and other flash icons.20:41
bdoganyone know about mp3s being distorted in ubuntu?20:42
SaveFerriszifth: So what does ff say when you go to youtube?20:42
shingalatedCan anyone make any sense of this?  http://pastebin.com/d71a222d2 I am trying to install sun's version of Citrix and the installer is telling me that the users / groups are not set up correctly.20:42
nandwelkin: that's a good one. Good luck, you will have a few months to learn and start doing great things20:42
=== Jonathan-Livings is now known as xxjonathan
luke_what comand can change my res20:42
zifthSaveFerris: it doesn't say anything, it just not plays. I mean nothing is on the display. Just WHITE.20:42
welkinnand wats ur age and wat r u doing in ur life??20:42
X-tremAl_Ravengot acpi problem:20:42
X-tremAl_Ravenmodprobe acpi20:42
X-tremAl_RavenWARNING: Error inserting processor (/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/processor.ko): No such device20:43
SebNaitsabesluke_: just do it in the GUI?  system preferences screen resoloution20:43
X-tremAl_RavenFATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq (/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)20:43
meeperman this is so annoying. why would anybody imagine this should be the default20:43
SaveFerriszifth: idk sry20:43
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash20:43
graftdangit... is it too much to ask that i have a browser that isn't full of bugs and crashes all the time?!20:43
nandwelkin: 22, I'm the Ubuntu brainstorm developer20:43
TwanI updated 8.04 with all 115 or so updates, and now my network configuration doesn't work (I have no Internet, and am not allowed to change the configuration), and I can't change the resolution.20:43
SebNaitsabesgraft: which browser?20:44
welkinnand wat is brainstorm developer20:44
logan_hi, my screen only goes up to 800x600 so its really small...how do i change it so it can go higher?20:44
SebNaitsabeslogan_:  try  system prefrences screen resoloutoin20:44
andycasIs it possible to use kernel with ATI fglrx? I just did a distro reinstall because it kept giving me white screen of death, only way to get it to work was to use vesa but that is unacceptable!!20:44
SebNaitsabesandycas: graphics card issue?20:45
nandwelkin: just a software developer :)20:45
logan_SebNaitsabes: the 800x600 is the highest it goes20:45
andycasSebNaitsabes: Its more like a driver fault20:45
welkink... can u suggest me wat r the languages i need to study to built an os completely by me??20:45
dfgashow do i get my wireless networking to log on to my network and give me a static ip right away20:45
dfgaswithout having to login20:45
welkink... can u suggest me wat r the languages i need to study to built an os completely by me?? nand20:46
SebNaitsabesandycas:  yes that's what I meant what type of graphics card?20:46
andycasSebNaitsabes: I posted some xorg logs and it was having some sort of buffer errors20:46
andycasSebNaitsabes: Xpress115020:46
SebNaitsabesandycas: so it's not Nivida or ATI?20:46
daigorobrdfgas: you should edit /etc/networking20:46
graftSebNaitsabes: opera, right now... but konqueror for kde4 is a mass of bugs, and firefox won't resolve DNS for me20:46
zifthhi, I am using Xubuntu, I have ff3, installed flash. But still cannot watch youtube and other flash icons. I installed the 3 pluggins which it asked me to install but still its not working20:46
graftSebNaitsabes: so i can't browse with anything but lynx, basically20:46
SebNaitsabesgraft:  try Galeon and Epiphany :)20:47
ubuntuguy-bzwhat do i do if i accidently deleted /etc/init.d/network ?20:47
nandwelkin: I'd say first that building your own OS is just irreaslistic :) But you should really start by learning C. C is a subset of C++, so it's better to start by it.20:47
SebNaitsabesgraft:  altough maybe they sort of use FIrefox, but try them anyway20:47
andycasSebNaitsabes: ofcourse its an ati card, i wouldnt use flgrx then20:47
andycasSebNaitsabes: fglrx*20:47
airstrikeivanovfglrx is horrible20:48
daigorobrdfgas: like in here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo20:48
welkinnand i know that is tough.... but i just want to know tat..... is c and c++ is enough??20:48
SebNaitsabesandycas: ok so install this  envyng-gtk20:48
ajopauli already have a gmail configured on evolution, now any new accounts i add the mails are fethced to the global inbox folder instead of its seperate folder like gmail's20:48
nandwelkin: it will be difficult because you will have to learn much (read, a few months) before doing very simple things. But once you start to get it, it's wonderful :)20:48
SebNaitsabesandycas:  or if you want the KDE one  envyng-qt20:48
graftSebNaitsabes: yeah those don't work, same bug as firefox is crippling them, whatever it is20:48
nandwelkin: with C/C++, you can basically do whatever you want.20:48
joetheoddI put [ 0 2 * * * apt-get dist-upgrade -y ] in root's crontab, but for some reason it's not working every night at 2AM. Can anyone see a problem?20:48
welkinnand where r u frm??20:48
andycasSebNaitsabes: envyng didnt work with the custom built kernel, kept giving me DRI errors because the kernel does not have fglrx module compiled in it20:48
SebNaitsabesgraft:  could just be simpally a currupted profile20:48
mcclarrenhey, guys.I need to get a serial port working in Ubuntu for Dosemu. Running lshw shows "serial UNCLAIMED" What does this mean, and how do i resolve it?20:49
SebNaitsabesandycas: ok I can't help then20:49
Yatasis ubuntu better in playing almost any videos in comparing to windows ?20:49
airstrikeivanovYatas: Yes. As long as you have the right codecs.20:49
graftSebNaitsabes: nah, i've deleted my profile a billion times20:49
Yatasright codecs ?20:49
hacksilberYatas, videos require codecs to play, same concept in windows20:50
airstrikeivanovYatas: Just like in Windows, to play certain formats you require the right software to be able to display the content.20:50
daigorobrandycas: you should read /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what is wrong with it.20:50
Yatasshouldn't ubuntu be doing that for me while i sit back ?20:50
airstrikeivanovYatas: If you try to play a video without the proper codecs, Ubuntu will ask you to find them to install.20:50
hacksilberYatas, ubuntu will go out and find the codecs for you if you don't have them to start with20:50
airstrikeivanovIt DOES NOT do it automatically.20:50
andycasJust one question, will the opensource radeon driver support 3d acceleration (compiz)?20:50
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications20:50
hacksilberYatas, linux in general is better for video given less overhead on the operating system20:51
Yatasahh good20:51
daigorobrandycas: for your board, I think it should.20:51
graftandycas: if it works on your card, it will20:51
Yatasthats  what i wanted to hear20:51
crdlbandycas: not on that card20:51
X-tremAl_RavenGot no acpi support after latest packet upgrade. What to do?20:51
graftandycas: what's your card?20:51
andycasgraft: ATI Xpress 115020:51
airstrikeivanovHm, odd, I can't delete the mounted ISO I just mounted.20:52
airstrikeivanovI mounted it to ~/.mount and now I can't empty the .mount folder.20:52
airstrikeivanovKeeps saying "Read-only file system", even when I sudo it.20:52
meeperI guess there's no way to do it. This is terrible.20:52
mynetdudeyay... FF3/google work for me now too20:52
RxDxdoes ubuntu still have the problem that reduces the HD life-time?20:53
meeperAnybody know how to get gnome/metacity to actually bring a window to the front instead of just flashing its icon in the appbar?20:53
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: maybe because it is read-only. don't isos get mounted like normal cds?20:53
airstrikeivanovI mounted a Starcraft ISO20:53
airstrikeivanovNormally when I do this it lets me delete it to mount the Brood Wars expansion20:53
MrKeunerhi all, has Ubuntu switch to some different updating policy. I do not remember installing that much updates in feisty. Don;t get me wrong i am happy with frequent updates, just curious20:53
mcclarrenanyone able to assist with a serial port? Seems Ubuntu recognizes it, but it is not enabled.20:53
daigorobrWait a sec... But did you unmount it successfully?20:53
mynetdudeanybody know if linux supports dualview desktop extension on dual monitors? I know it can clone for sure20:54
airstrikeivanovI use gnome-mount and click Unmount and it doesn't unmount20:54
mynetdudewell at least gnome ubuntu20:54
daigorobrmynetdude: which gfx board?20:54
mynetdudedaigorobr I don't remember exactly, its an ATI mobility20:54
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: maybe sudo umount ~/.mount20:54
airstrikeivanov"Device is busy"20:54
TimiSo, I've heard that the new iPods don't work well with ubuntu, is this true?20:54
airstrikeivanovOdd, but Wine isn't running anymore....20:55
daigorobrmynetdude: I got dualhead working with the open source drivers in an xpress200m, flawlessly.20:55
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: i hate when this happens. there is something still using your iso.20:55
airstrikeivanovHow can I find out what it is?20:55
airstrikeivanovCause the INstall.exe/Wine program ended a while ago.20:55
daigorobrmynetdude: but can't help 'cause my ati laptop is home.20:55
mynetdudedaigorobr AFAIK I can get ubuntu to clone what i see on the laptop on an external display, but what about extending the desktop rather than cloning?20:55
welkinnand any way thanks a lot.............. bye bye\'''''''''''''''''20:56
daigorobrmynetdude: skim the net for xrandr tutorials.20:56
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: usually i give up when it happens.20:56
mynetdudedaigorobr ok, well I was just wondering if it could... I'll have to try it and see what it does by default first20:56
airstrikeivanovdaigorobr: How do I find out what's using the ISO? I need to mount the next disk.20:56
SaveFerrisany ideas on why the "Connect to 802.1x protected network" doesn't show on my network configuration (Hardy)20:56
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: apparently there is a way to find it through ps.20:56
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: but i am not that advanced to help you now.20:57
stutteri have a bash script that i'm using to start, stop, and restart my synergy client. start and stop work, but restart just kills the process and doesn't start a new one - can someone take a look? http://pastie.textmate.org/private/eebi0ke3y6sh9govxtwczg20:57
daigorobrmynetdude: what are your screens?20:57
airstrikeivanovAh, no wonder20:57
airstrikeivanovdbus-launch --autolaunch20:57
airstrikeivanovIt's trying to autolaunch a Windows CD20:57
daigorobrairstrikeivanov: there it is. congrats.20:58
mynetdudedaigorobr what do you mean? I just have the laptop which is a 15" TFT and a 19" LCD monitor20:58
GohalienSocorro =) todos los iconos de mi escritorio desaparecieron, reinicié y siguen sin aparecer, pero la carpeta "Escritorio" esta todo ok y se ven las cosas20:58
mynetdudegonna try it here in a sec20:58
jpds!es @ Gohalien20:58
ubottuFactoid es @ gohalien not found20:58
jpds!es | Gohalien20:58
ubottuGohalien: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:58
advhow can i start networkmanager from the cli20:58
koki__hello there20:58
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:59
GohalienOops sorry, didnt realized I joined #ubuntu not #ubuntu-es20:59
jlewis_someone, how do I save a modified file in  nano /etc/default/bluetooth?20:59
ajopauli already have a gmail configured on evolution,  now any new accounts i add the mails are fethced to the global inbox folder instead of its own folder20:59
koki__i need some shell help, i connected a HDD, but i don't know under what name it is in /dev/, what command should i use to list all partitions on all disks ?20:59
ajopaulkoki__, sudo fdisk -l21:00
GohalienHelp, all the icons on my desktop disappeared, I rebooted and they still missing, but is everything ok in the folder "Desktop", all the files I had are there.21:00
daigorobrmynetdude: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.221:00
amineالسلام عليكم21:00
apophiswow arabic letters ;D21:00
daigorobrGohalien: maybe nautilus (given it is gnome) isn't running in bg.21:00
Yatasso how are you guys doing on ur ubuntu huh ??21:00
Yataseverything good huh?21:01
Gohaliendaigorobr, yes, I use gnome21:01
Yatasgreat great21:01
koki__ajopaul: it only lists mounted filesystems21:01
amineI need Proxy21:01
daigorobrGohalien: So try to check if nautilus is running.21:02
amineHelp me please21:02
Yatasyou need proxy ??21:02
ajopaulkoki__, df -h lists mounted ones, fdisk lists both..21:02
=== platyhelminth_ is now known as platyhelminth
Yatasget the proxy searcher program21:02
Yatasit searches for proxies21:02
Gohaliendaigorobr, nautilus is running21:02
dmacnuttis that anything like the left handed pie scraper?21:02
Gohaliendaigorobr, even right click on desktop isnt working21:02
ashgargcan somene help me with an ubuntu query?21:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:03
ashgargokay here goes21:04
X-tremAl_RavenThe latest package upgrade is a total shit!!!21:04
X-tremAl_RavenNow my laptop can't get onfo about batteries, can't switch CPU frequency, can't shutdown gracefully AND! my wireless isn't working!!! Shit!!!21:04
ashgargi have a dual boot machine running mac os x and ubuntu. i'm trying to backup all the files from both operating systems but my hard drive isn't picked up when i boot into the Mac OS. is there any way I can access all the files in the Mac OS through ubuntu, just to copy?21:04
ipod_touchCan you just use an external hard drive?21:05
apophiswhat you mean by not "picked up" ? you mean you dont see it under ubuntu?21:05
macmouseashgarg: you need to get a ext3 reader app21:06
ashgargI'm trying to copy the files onto an external hard drive. The hard drive is accessible via Ubuntu but not via the Mac OS21:06
macmousefor os x21:06
daigorobrGohalien: Use Alt+F2 and call Nautilus. It should be enough.21:06
dbindnerAny chance that people are complaining today about the backlight spontaneously going off on their laptops?  I'm still on Ubuntu 7.10 and my backlight goes off every couple of minutes on my Dell Inspiron 1520.  I can reset it with 'xset dpms force off; xset dpms force on' but that is really tedious.21:06
ipod_touchhmm, what file system does your HDD have?21:07
macmouseI /think/ this would work ashgarg: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsx/21:07
pilpidbindner, i have a similar problem, too21:07
apophisfat32 should be mounted everywhere ;)21:07
ashgargipod_touch, im not sure hwat file system my External HDD has, let me take a look21:07
dbindnerIt's pretty maddening.21:07
ipod_touchoh ok21:07
macmouseashgarg: was it formatted differently previously?21:07
ashgargmacmouse, what does the application you have just sent me do?21:08
macmouseashgarg:it could have two different partition tables on it21:08
macmouseashgarg: I'm sorry, I thought you were trying to read linux files from the mac... I mis-understood what you were saying21:08
ipod_touchhmm, i know it can't be a driver issue21:08
jsalazari have a touchscreen on my computer and need help getting it set up21:08
ipod_touchit's just a HDD21:08
ashgargno macmouse, it's the otherway around - need to copy the mac files through linux21:08
dbindnerpilpi: Right now I'm seeing my screen go off about every 45s or 60s.21:09
GreenThumbI'm having trouble accessing my share folder on my windows computer from ubuntu, but no problems accessing my share folders on ubuntu box from windows box21:09
macmousewell, linux does have beta support for HFS21:09
macmouseso you could mount it... do it was read only though21:09
ipod_touchhmm, you think maybe /host/ leads to the mac partition?21:09
jsalazari have followed some stuff online but i get the error of a server already active for display 021:09
Watchbot07jsalazar: yo21:09
ashgargokay - could you tell me how to mount it?21:09
GreenThumbi've searched high and low and all answers i've come up with are for enabling sharing in linux21:09
pilpidbindner, oh, for me it just dims the backlight as if savinf the battery21:09
pilpihi (3rd time, next: giving up). am I in vein asking about how to get ubuntu 8.04 installer encrypt only the part that is given to it, so that other OSes can keep the space they already have? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=831469 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78795021:09
NetEchohas anyone here had any issues getting compiz working under 8.04?21:09
daigorobrNetEcho: which video board?21:10
GreenThumbany ideas?21:10
analyserhey guys, im trying to setup the HUAWEI gsm modem, i already installed the driver, and it is connecting pretty nice with wvdial, but i wanna try to configure the Network window, at gui, to dial correclty, anyone know how can i do this? im doing it because it is my girlfriend laptops and it should be userfrindly.21:10
ashgargipod_touch: there's no /host/ folder - or maybe im just missing it21:10
gordonjcppilpi: try just encrypting the partition you're using21:10
NetEchodaigorobr Ati X1400 Radeon Mobility21:10
apophisGreenThumb, Guest Login?21:10
DIL!samba | GreenThumb21:10
ubottuGreenThumb: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:10
ashgargmacmouse: could you tell me how to mount the mac os through ubuntu?21:10
macmouseyou might have to recompile the kernel to enable HFS support though.. no idea what what ubuntu has it set by defualt21:10
gordonjcppilpi: no-one actually uses disk encryption anyway21:11
DIL!nfs | GreenThumb21:11
ubottuGreenThumb: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.21:11
daigorobrNetEcho: I really don't know if it is possible, let me check, tho.21:11
pilpigordonjcp, is this possible to do with the alternative CD installer, and if it is, how? the only automatic option is to do the whole hd21:11
macmousemount -t hfsplus <blah blah>21:11
gordonjcppilpi: I don't know, I've never tried21:11
dbindnerpilpi: Mine goes black.  If I tilt the screen into the light, I can just barely see.  I'll try with the power unplugged, maybe that will work differently (i.e. I could live with dim better than black).21:11
NetEchodaigorobr had it working under 7.1021:11
daigorobrNetEcho: well, so it is possible.21:11
gordonjcppilpi: I honestly can't see a use for disk encryption, and the performance hit would be crippling21:11
KyleKhow can I stop some network interfaces from swapping around? like eth0 and eth1 switching which card they're attached to21:11
GreenThumbyeah, i've set it up and accessing the share files from my windows system works like a charm, but when i try to navigate in ubuntu to the windows share files i get a message that the contents can't be viewed21:11
ashgargmacmouse: I'm checking out the link just now. What is the "blah blah" in the mount command you said?21:12
apophisgordonjcp, you definitly have no idea about encryption21:12
amineI need Proxy for Ubuntu  ??21:12
pilpigordonjcp, it is not very wise to take a laptop on any longer journey to be stolen without it. do you have research data to show it really is crippling?21:12
daigorobrNetEcho: you could try to debug it by calling "compiz --replace" from command line and googling the errors that come by.21:12
macmouseashgarg: well, it depends upon what type of HD you have and which position it is21:12
DIL!nis | GreenThumb21:12
ubottuFactoid nis not found21:12
macmouseyou could try doing fdisk /dev/hda21:12
apophispilpi, its not crippling, its about 1 - 4% on a modern cpu21:12
NetEchodaigorobr been doing that for a while heh21:12
macmouseassuming it is an ide drive21:12
ashgarghow can i check that? (sorry for being so ignorant)21:12
ipod_touchOk, is Ubuntu installed in the Mac?21:12
pilpiapophis, this is a thinkpad t41 1600mHz, 512 mb?21:12
ipod_touchprobably not, right?21:12
daigorobrNetEcho: can't help you, then. Sorry.21:12
ramribeiro_hello. i have one toshiba notebook with intel GM965 card video and when i use googleEarth the screen be black but the system don't freeze. can someone help me?21:13
macmouseashgarg: try running "fdisk /dev/hda" or "fdisk /dev/sda"21:13
macmouseas root21:13
ashgargipod_touch: Ubuntu is installed on a Macintosh, yes21:13
macmouseand you either get a list of info or nothing21:13
GreenThumbok, thanks for those links. i'll get reading!21:13
Azalarramribeiro: you dont have it set to space mode do you21:13
ipod_touchoh ok, and it's not through Parallel's is it/21:13
Wolvenhavenguys how do i get pidgen through an ssh tunnel, set the ports manually to the port i assign the ssh tunnel to?21:13
apophispilpi, you won't play games on that machine anyway... and the power is only used when accessing the harddisk, you wont see a difference in working with or without a harddisk encryption21:13
macmouseipod_touch: yeah, you can run ubuntu on a mac natively21:13
ashgargipod_touch: it's not through parallels, its native21:13
pilpii wonder if it would be possible to thread all these discussions live so one could just follow some of them21:14
ashgargmacmouse: i did fdisk /dev/sda21:14
ashgargnow it asks for a command21:14
ipod_touchoh ok, so there should be a /host/ folder21:14
murlidhari don 't get the option to hibernate. what is the problem?21:14
ipod_touchtype that in any folder21:14
ipod_touchin the address bar21:14
ashgargmacmouse: okay i typed p21:14
DILpilpi: it is logged21:14
macmouseashgarg: did it list the partition table?21:14
ipod_touchdo you see anything or does an error come up?21:14
ramribeiro_Azalar: so sorry, i can't understand you21:14
ashgargmacmouse: yes it did, i get a list of partitions21:14
analyserhey guys, im trying to setup the HUAWEI gsm modem, i already installed the driver, and it is connecting pretty nice with wvdial, but i wanna try to configure the Network window, at gui, to dial correclty, anyone know how can i do this? im doing it because it is my girlfriend laptops and it should be userfrindly.21:15
Azalarramribeiro: google earth has a sky mode for the stars, maybe thats why its black21:15
trainpicwhere should I ask about when the latest madwifi modules will be in ubuntu?21:15
kikrubuntu didn't take my network card21:15
daigorobranalyser: maybe with network-manager 0.721:15
macmouseashgarg: could you msg me that list?21:15
apophispilpi, thats why you should always adress the person you are talking to ;) so the line gets highlighted... and for a hightraffic channel its quite possible to follow ;D I wonder myself21:15
pilpiapophis, ok. so do you have an idea about the question about keeping a small ntfs partition? or does the "use full disk" really preserve ntfs as is implied here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78795021:15
analyserdaigorobr: i'll look for it21:15
Ayabarajava applets doesn't seem to work in ff3 on my hardy.21:16
DILpilpi: it is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/21:16
daigorobranalyser: there is a ppa for it. will get the url. wait.21:16
ashgargmacmouse: im actually chatting from a different machine, the one i'm having trouble with doesn't have internet. is there something specific i can tell you from it?21:16
trainpicAyabara, are you on 64bit?21:16
ramribeiro_Azalar: lolo... the same problem did when i working with OpenGl, on my chemistry packages. every time when i try to rendering some imagens the system crash21:16
pilpiDIL, ok, though that does not really answer my q21:16
ipod_touchashgarg, see if you can find the right partition where your mac files are21:16
rogue_traderdoes anyone here run boinc? i always get the error message that i can not connect to a client21:16
pilpiDIL, but it don't matter, just wondering out loud21:16
Ayabaratrainpic, no, 3221:16
analyserdaigorobr: ok, i dont know, but i have here is too simple, i cant edit many options from the modem21:16
Flannelpilpi: Use full disk will do just that, use the whole disk21:17
ipod_touchunder /host/21:17
daigorobranalyser: https://launchpad.net/~dalbers/+archive | take care and use it wisely.21:17
zetherooI have the DSL-2640U ADSL modem/Router and I would like to assign an IP address to each Mac address on the network... but I cannot where in the world to do this in the firmware.... please help21:17
trainpicOK... scratch my theory21:17
Azalarramribeiro: heh ok, must be the drivers then21:17
macmouseashgarg: yeah... well, you can quit it and try them sequentially, since we know what disk it is now21:17
apophispilpi, I am not familiar with that method of fulldisk encryption, do you have any pointer to the implementation or the program used?21:17
macmouseashgarg: so /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 etc21:17
murlidhari don 't get the option to hibernate. what is the problem?21:17
ipod_touchif you find the right partition, copy your files from there to your HDD21:17
daigorobranalyser: I never used a gsm modem, but I read nm0.7 should do it.21:17
gordonjcppilpi: disk encryption isn't really worth the trouble21:17
Azalarapophis: truecrypt is good for that21:17
ramribeiro_Azalar: someone said me once which that problems was stabilized on hardy heron, because it was too on gutsy21:17
Nekuhey is there a ubuntu version of orbit downloader or something similar21:17
trainpictry uninstalling/reinstalling sun-java-plugin. Dunno, maybe FF3 hasn't picked up the plugin21:17
ashgargipod_touch: i cant actually find a /host/ directory21:17
aminei need some proxy in Linux21:18
ashgargmacmouse: i see all the partitions, is there a way to know which is the mac files?21:18
ramribeiro_Azalar: my drives is ok, i965 packages21:18
macmouseashgarg: "mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda2 /mnt/"21:18
kikrhey, what are the steps to take if ubuntu doesn't detect the networking device?21:18
ipod_touchi can't really help you on this one then because i normally use windows and ubuntu together21:18
macmouseashgarg: well, it should say hfsplus21:18
ajhtiredwolfhey does nayone know if the 9800gtx has working drivers in linux and or works well?21:18
ipod_touchi haven't tried this on a mac yet21:18
macmouseashgarg: maybe... I don't know if fdisk can tell21:18
trainpickikr: can u /msg me the output of lspci?21:18
apophisAzalar, truecrypt has no possibility for fulldiskencryption under linux ;)21:18
Nekuhey is there a ubuntu version of orbit downloader or something similar21:18
analyserdaigorobr: it doensnt a dragon with 7 heads, its a bit simple to use, kppp works pretty fine with huaewi21:18
ipod_touchhold on21:19
pilpiapophis, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Encrypted-Ubuntu-8-04-85271.shtml that is all I know21:19
kikrtrainpic, not really. the computer is downstairs. i can retype some of the info though21:19
apophispilpi, ty21:19
Azalarapophis: how do you mean, full disk encryption? is can do entire partitions no problem21:19
daigorobranalyser: will get one as soon as 3g gets to my region.21:19
ipod_touchashgarg, goto the places menu on the menu bar21:19
macmouseashgarg: traditionally, a mac has 3-4 different partitions for drivers and disk information, then one for the actual data - but because you are running ubuntu, it is going to be a custom layout21:19
ashgargmacmouse: should it say hfsplus after or before i mount it?21:19
analyserdaigorobr: but this default dialer of ubuntu is too simples, i cant configure the first and second string of modem's dialing21:19
ipod_touchand see if you see any drives that look familiar from the mac21:19
Flannelpilpi: What's your question?21:19
pilpigordonjcp, so you prefer exposing your life to anybody?21:19
daigorobranalyser: brazilian?21:19
ipod_touchtell me if you see anything21:19
ashgargmacmouse: actually i can see /dev/sda/1 2 3 4 and 5 all for the macs21:19
AugCamposFolks any one know how to configure the 3D in a ATI HD 240021:19
ashgargipod_touch: doing that right now21:20
analyserdaigorobr: yeap =)21:20
simotemplerhi there - have a small problem just installed my new lexmark t640 printer with ubuntu and a new toner cartridge and all pages are printing black - anyone any ideas tried google21:20
macmouseashgaras: ok, so try #5... or whichever is the biggest one21:20
gordonjcppilpi: eh?21:20
daigorobranalyser: beleza. why don't you hard set it through configuration files?21:20
ajhtiredwolfhey does nayone know if the 9800gtx has working drivers in linux and or works well?21:20
pilpiFlannel, "am I in vein asking about how to get ubuntu 8.04 installer encrypt only the part that is given to it, so that other OSes can keep the space they already have? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=831469 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=787950"21:20
ashgargipod_touch: i clicked places, and there's only "Computer", "CD/DVD Creator" and "Lacie 120 GB" which is the external21:20
pilpiapophis, ?21:20
analyserdaigorobr: i looked for it, but im not a ubuntu user, i just dont know where is the confs21:20
apophispilpi, it looks like its above the partition, so in principal it should be possible to just encrypt part of it21:20
trainpickikr, on the downstairs computer, try lspci > devices_list, and put the devices_list file on a USB drive and then /msg me the contents21:20
gordonjcppilpi: how would I be "exposing my life", as you so floridly put it?21:20
murlidhari don 't get the option to hibernate. what is the problem?21:20
daigorobranalyser: will check it out. wait a sec21:21
ashgargmacmouse: under the "size" column for the partition table, they all (except the external) seem to have sizes in kilobytes. is this an error?21:21
ipod_touchthis is really weird21:21
analyserdaigorobr: i hard configured it with wvdial, and worked fine, but i want some graphical tool, because isnt for me21:21
ipod_touchthis is when google comes in21:21
pilpigordonjcp, well I would be if someone steals my laptop while I am traveling with it.21:21
apophispilpi, however you always should have an emergency copy of all data ;) especially things which are encrypted!!!!21:21
macmouseashgarg: yeah... it is most likly to be the biggest one (but not guarenteed)21:21
ipod_touchi know Western Digital HDD's work fine with any OS21:21
daigorobranalyser: what if you set up a sh script and put an icon in the desktop or something?21:21
pilpiapophis, surely, but I am doing this for the privacy21:21
gordonjcppilpi: <shrug>21:21
macmouseashgarg: you could also run "df -k" and if any of them match up, then you know those ones are linux and being used21:22
Flannelpilpi: Manual partitioning, make encrypted LVM on the physical volumes that you created, and it won't touch anything else.  You'll *probably* want to have an unecrypted boot separate from LVM21:22
yooshiahh much better21:22
daigorobranalyser: it is a meia-boca, but functional solution21:22
macmouseashgarg: but that is probably too much info21:22
=== rick111_afk is now known as rick111
apophispilpi,  you can keep the copy somewhere safe!21:22
gordonjcppilpi: I don't have anything particularly important on my laptop, and when I'm travelling it never leaves my sight21:22
Azalarapophis: what do you mean by full disk encryption? like encrypted a partition?21:22
daigorobranalyser: http://gutocarvalho.net/mediawiki/index.php/Instalando_e_configurando_CLARO_3G_no_Ubuntu21:22
yooshiwoot my bro wil like this when he gets home21:22
macmouseashgarg: with it set to hfsplus, it will either work or fail, and if you try 1-5 it should eventually work21:22
ashgargmacmouse: when i try to run mount i get the response "only root can do that"21:22
analyserdaigorobr: i though something like this... but im trying to do first in the right way... if it becomes too hard, i'll make it by hand with scripts21:22
macmouseashgarg: ah, you need to run it inside sudo21:22
GUARDiAN-i'm trying to use pulseaudio on hardy, but when running "sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start" i just get the prompt again and there's no pulseaudio-process running. any ideas what might be wrong here?21:22
ashgargmacmouse: am i doing something wrong?21:22
apophisAzalar, I mean that the root partition is encrypted, where the OS resides21:22
ipod_touchashgarg, do you think maybe the Lacie 120 GB isn't compatible with the Mac?21:23
daigorobranalyser: so try nm0.7 it can really help you.21:23
ashgargmacmouse: what do you mean?21:23
macmouseashgarg: you need to run "sudo bash" and type in yourpassword21:23
Azalarapophis: ahh ok, think encfs does that no?21:23
henrywot is this21:23
macmouseashgarg: to get root access21:23
analyserdaigorobr: ok, ill look for it21:23
gordonjcppilpi: I could understand those concerns if you were travelling to the USA21:23
analyserdaigorobr: really thanks21:23
ashgargipod_touch: it can copy files to and from the mac very easily, so i dont see why not21:23
macmouseashgarg: it is like an extra safety percasuion21:23
Ven]nhow do i install ccsm in a default ubuntu installation+21:23
pilpiFlannel, so you know that there is no easier way, it is either total annihilation by the installer or doing it completely independently?21:23
yooshiok, got another question... is there any way to show users on the "welcome" screen in ubuntu like winXP and Vista do it?21:23
ashgargmacmouse: trying that now21:23
macmouseashgarg: as you can get into /real/ trouble as root very easily21:23
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daigorobranalyser: btw, you could put kppp in gnome (horrible, but working).21:23
ipod_touchhmm, maybe try rebooting the Mac21:23
Flannelpilpi: Doing it manually isn't difficult21:23
analyserdaigorobr: yeah, i though about it too21:23
Flannelpilpi: Personally, I'd never want LVM to be done for me21:24
andyca1Are ati open source drivers better than fglrx?21:24
apophisAzalar, there are plenty of methods doing that under linux, however I wasnt aware of a special solution for ubuntu, thats why I asked for his method :) I myself use CompuSec which does crossplatform PBA (Pre Boot Authentication) for linux and windows21:24
analyserdaigorobr: in early days, existed a "gppp" but i dont know if it still exists21:24
ashgargipod_touch: rebooted the mac loads of times, it just doesnt work21:24
DILpilpi: most compuyers allow you to put a pw on the bios and on the hdd - if computer is stolen wont be easy to use unless they know how to clear it and the hdd cannot be used w/o pw21:24
ashgargmacmouse: i'm in root, tried the mount command you said above and it says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2"21:24
apophisDIL, thats not true, the HDD is always readable even with a BIOS Pass... you just have to open the laptop21:25
kikrtrainpic, sent21:25
dbindnerpilpi: It seems that I can run on battery more successfully....  It's dim (as always on battery) but not black so far.21:25
macmouseashgarg: ah good, that means that # is not right21:25
yooshiany way to make user accounts appear on ubuntu welcome screen rather than having to type in the username?21:25
macmouseashgarg: so change it to 3, and try again21:25
gordonjcpapophis: no, some hard disks will not play without a password21:25
macmouseashgarg: and 4 and then 521:25
analyserdaigorobr: i found a gnome pppon21:25
Nekuhey is there a ubuntu version of orbit downloader or something similar21:25
gordonjcpapophis: at that point you need magic kinky firmware to get them to talk to you21:25
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apophisgordonjcp, these are rare21:25
analyserdaigorobr: im trying too install and use it, ill run it now21:25
Ven]non my ubuntu install i cant move windows further up than the top bar.. how do i fix this?21:25
Avenged-Revengeafter an update today, I lost all sound! Help! Checked alsamixer and everything, i now only have master volume. before I had tons of sliders21:25
ashgargmacmouse: did so, same issue with 3, 4 and 521:25
pilpidbindner, i don't really have much of an idea on your problem21:25
gordonjcpapophis: yes, they are21:25
Ven]ni have a eee pc.. so i need more space21:26
daigorobranalyser: g'luck.21:26
DILapophis: you will need the pw to boot it21:26
macmouseashgarg: hrm... well try #1 then.. lol21:26
daigorobrVen]n: It is possible.21:26
ashgargmacmouse: hmm same thing21:26
ajopaulhow do i have seperate folders for evolution accounts, instead of global inbox?21:26
daigorobrVen]n: How much space is being taken now?21:26
apophisDIL, he doesnt fear that someone can boot the laptop, he fears that his companies secrets get exposed ;)21:26
trainpickikr, what brand of NIC is it? Or is it integrated on the motherboard?21:26
DILapophis: ok21:26
rogue_traderpdgin started showing me a new user which is identified as first name "icq" and last name "system". it has the number 12111 and can not be deleted - if i delete it, it reappers the next time i start pdgin. how can i change that?21:26
Nekuhey is there a ubuntu version of orbit downloader or something similar21:26
Jessicahow can i get the thing like on DSL which is at the top right hand side of my desktop displaying my computer stats21:26
Ven]ndaigorobr: i just need to be able to move windows further up than the top bar so i can see the OK, CANCEL buttons21:27
aedrillI have a question about wine21:27
macmouseashgarg: so is your problem that you can not  boot into os x?21:27
aedrillcould any1 help me?21:27
amineالسلام عليكم   أنا أبحث عن عرب     أين أنتم يا عرب ؟21:27
macmouseashgarg: and you want your data?21:27
daigorobrVen]n: Oh!21:27
kikrtrainpic, most likely it is integrated. it's a dell pc.21:27
Avenged-Revengeaedrill, just ask the question21:27
ashgargmacmouse: no, i can boot into and use the mac os perfectly fine. i just cant access the external hdd from it and need to copy the data somehow21:27
macmouseashgarg: yeah... how did you format that external HD?21:27
daigorobrVen]n: You could go to #ubuntu-eee21:27
Ven]ndaigorobr: and i think its a compiz issue.. someone said that compiz was default in ubuntu now21:27
DigiJo_Linux_beganyone ever tried to install ubuntu 8.04 on an asus eeepc 701?21:27
macmouseashgarg: under linux?21:27
Ven]ndaigorobr: indeed, ty21:27
ashgargmacmouse: i dont know, is there a way to check?21:27
ompaul!sa | amine21:27
ubottuamine: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa21:28
GleizerHello all21:28
aedrillI'll ask once more, maybe21:28
Avenged-Revengeanyone? after an update that required restart, I lost all sound.21:28
GleizerAnybody have problems with no machine nx21:28
trainpickikir: OK.  Can you look up the model of Dell PC and tell me what chipset the NIC card uses? It doesn't show up in the lspci file.21:28
ipod_touchashgarg, sometimes with my HDD or flash drive, if it doesn't come up on a particular computer or linux, what i do is goto another pc and safely eject the device, then goto linux or the other pc and try again, and it usually works21:28
DigiJo_Linux_begall hints i found to get wifi to work dont help21:28
aedrillcould you help me with wine?21:28
macmouseashgarg: there is, but I don't know of an easy way to do it21:28
gordonjcp!ask | aedrill21:28
ubottuaedrill: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:28
apophis!ask | aedrill21:29
apophisups sorry21:29
macmouseashgarg: maybe sda is the external disk?21:29
ashgargipod_touch: okay i'll try that. it's working successfully with linux, so if i safely eject it from here and then reboot into the mac it may work?21:29
macmouseashgarg: is that computer online right now?21:29
GleizerHello, anybody can help me nomachine nx?21:29
daigorobrDigiJo_Linux_beg: it went smooth for me. Maybe #ubuntu-eee could help.21:29
ashgargmacmouse: ah you may be riiight21:29
andyca1Are ati open source drivers comparable to fglrx?21:29
ipod_touchi would give it a shot21:29
ashgargmacmouse: dev/sda6 is "Lacie d2 120gb"21:29
ipod_touchbecause sometimes even my devices do that21:29
trainpicandyca1: no not really21:29
daigorobrandycal: for me (xpress 200m) they are better.21:30
AHAI just installed ubuntu 8.04 and it finds my wireless network fine, but when i try to connect to it i just get the blue spinning circle with the two grey dots and it doesn't connect21:30
DigiJo_Linux_begoki thx, i try that channel21:30
ashgargmacmouse: unfortunately that computer is not online right now21:30
MrKeunerhi all, has Ubuntu switch to some different updating policy. I do not remember installing that much updates in feisty. Don;t get me wrong i am happy with frequent updates, just curious21:30
trainpicAHA: are u using WPA or WEP?21:30
macmouseashgarg: ok, so that makes sense then... so try doing "fdisk /dev/hda" then21:30
arooniPackage xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:30
aroonihow do i fix?21:30
AHAtrainpic, WPA21:30
DILashgarg: if you boot with knoppix you could chroot and do it that way or just mount as root the drives a use the co command21:30
kikrtrainpic, not sure what went wrong?21:30
gavii have an interesting question, if i am using pidgin and a msn user is using msn, can they see if im really not idle? please assume that pidgin is set to be idle on last message sent rather than movement of mouse or keystrokes21:30
aedrillI have installed wine, and then I tried to run Baldurs Gate from CD, what should I do, to force Wine to run setup.exe?21:30
DILashgarg: cp command21:30
GleizerCrash installation nxserver, anybody help...21:31
daigorobrarooni: xmms2, maybe21:31
EvilDennisRgavi: I don't think msn reports idle times21:31
blummdoes anybody know how to port-forward within virtualbox ?21:31
Avenged-Revengesound not working after update... anyone got any idea21:31
trainpickikr: No, the kernel doesn't even detect your card as hardware. See if the card is PCI and if so is it slotted fully21:31
ashgargmacmouse: that makes sense.. it is the hda drive21:31
gaviEvilDennisR, are u sure, i think the windows live might21:31
aroonidaigorobr, is there a gUI for that?21:31
trainpicAPA: did it ask you for the passphrase?21:31
ipod_touchashgarg, did it work at all?21:31
db92linux insists on making me have the monitors refresh rate lower than it normally should be... how can i increase it anyway to what its meant to work with? >>21:31
apophisMrKeuner, 8.04 is still young and some major bugs were found (the worst bug ever too :)) will probably settle (thats IMHO)21:32
daigorobrarooni: synaptic.21:32
macmouseashgarg: ok, so try the same thing but with /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2,etc21:32
daigorobrarooni: under system -> admin21:32
aroonidaigorobr, no;;  xmms2 appears to be command line only21:32
EvilDennisRgavi: Leme ask..21:32
gaviim gona ask in windows21:32
MrKeunerapophis: which specific bug are you refering to as the worst21:32
ipod_touchSafely unmount it, then try using the HDD on a Mac21:32
EvilDennisRgavi: I'm 99% sure though21:32
ashgargmacmouse: trying to mount it now21:32
gaviEvilDennisR, ok thanks21:32
gaviEvilDennisR, you could be right21:32
daigorobrarooni: no luck, then. Sorry.21:32
apophisMrKeuner, the debian SSH bug which was probably the most expensive and most severe bug ever found in open source software, the imparct was huge21:33
yooshihow do I install a key? I want to install google picasa but google is saying I need to install a key first21:33
gavii wouldnt be supprised if you were right!21:33
Nekuhow do u download last fm tracks on ubuntu?21:33
GUARDiAN-i'm trying to use pulseaudio on hardy, but when running "sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start" i just get the prompt again and there's no pulseaudio-process running. any ideas what might be wrong here?21:33
MrKeunerapophis: ah, I know that one a little. But what is huge about it?21:33
macmousedoes anyone know if ubuntu re-formats external drives as ext2 by default?21:33
ashgargmacmouse: you're my hero!!21:33
MrKeunermacmouse: not if you do not ask it to do21:33
daigorobrarooni: in fact, i see no xmms in my repos either.21:34
aroonidaigorobr, wonder what happened21:34
macmouseashgarg: whew!21:34
joaopintomacd, ubuntu does not reformat external drives unless you tell him to do so, with the format you specify21:34
TuniX12hello is this story true : http://boycottnovell.com/2008/06/07/ubuntu-remix-codecs/21:34
apophisMrKeuner, Every single encrypted connection in the last 2 years with a debian (and derivates like ubunut) machine was basically unencrypted, :) lets hope your bank hasnt used ubunutu21:34
ashgargmacmouse: thank you so much, i really appreciate it. you guys are amazing - this will help a lot21:34
joaopintoTuniX12, keep on topic !21:34
ashgargipod_touch: you too, thanks a lot - loads of help21:34
ipod_touchdid it ever show up on the mac?21:34
macmouseashgarg: make sure to not touch/write any new files to it, only read the files21:34
MrKeunerapophis: but isn't that true for all root exploits21:34
ennethAlright.. I'm soon gonna freak out. NOTHING works when I remove a harddisk that is not the root disk. If I remove it it just runs a check on the disk and says that the file system contains errors.. Is it really impossible to remove ONE worthless disk and then everything f*cks up?21:35
TuniX12joaopinto: so it is true!!21:35
Gleizernxserver troubles installation... help!21:35
MrKeunerapophis: I am aware that ssh bug is not a root exploit21:35
daigorobrarooni: lemme check if it is in any ppa21:35
goldinsfor some reason the new firefox refuses to connect through a proxy :-/21:35
ennethThe root disk contains errors i.e.21:35
ashgargipod_touch: i havent tried that yet, will do so soon..21:35
joaopintoTuniX12, do not be dumb, it is not true, but this is not to chat about every news that some people decides to write, if your question is not support related, use ubuntu offtopic instead21:35
ashgargmacmouse: i'll make sure only to read stuff.. thanks!21:35
ipod_touchok, i hope my trick works for you.21:35
ennethThe disk I am removing is not even in GRUB, som what could be the problem?21:36
daigorobrarooni: https://launchpad.net/~kirkland/+archive21:36
trainpicWhile I wait for the people I'm helping, where would I ask about the inclusion of the MadWifi drivers that support the AR242x under AMD64? I hate recompiling for every new kernel :-|21:36
apophisMrKeuner, The Problem is that SSL is so widely used :) Your encrypted emails could've been compromized, encryption is everywhere :)21:37
daigorobrtrainpic: I think madwifi is tainted by non-gpl code. so it won't be included.21:37
kikrtrainpic, i just checked. it is integrated into the mother board21:37
MrKeunerapophis: I understand but there will always be bugs in any software21:38
aroonidaigorobr, whats that21:38
daigorobrarooni: it is a repository with xmms in it.21:38
trainpicBut it is in restricted... because it is used for other Atheros cards. I have had other Atheros cards use and included madwifi driver on Ubuntu. I know it's there, I just need the latest version21:38
MrKeunerapophis: assuming good people are more than bad people we will detect them before much happens21:38
apophisMrKeuner, yes! But not every bug has such an impact ;) I dont care if FF3 crashes every 3 months21:38
daigorobrarooni: xmms was removed due to numerous crashes, apparently.21:38
tara0101hi i'm in gutsy and my sound stopped working. what do I do?21:39
X-tremAl_Raven"Error inserting processor" - da hell does that mean?!!!21:39
joaopintoMrKeuner, it is huge in the sense that if you ssh for trusted no password logins, someone has the potential to login into your system with a minimal effort21:39
joaopintoif you use..21:39
trainpictara0101: what happened to make your sound stop working? did you change a setting, install something?21:39
trainpicDid anything seemingly related happen before that?21:39
MrKeunerjoaopinto: with that user's rights, yes21:40
tara0101trainpic: there was a system update thing, then it asked me to restart. Upon restart I lost all sound21:40
Gleizernxserver, anybody can help me?21:40
tara0101and I lost all my sliders21:40
blummcan anybody tell me how to forward a port under virtualbox ?21:40
tara0101I only have "master" and "pcm" now21:40
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yooshiI setup a repository, how do I use the source now?21:40
X-tremAl_Raven<trainpic> Same shit as tara0101 has. But I lost CPU freq scaling and WiFi!21:40
trainpichm... try booting with the previous kernel, (select under grub at boot) see if that helps.21:40
thiebaudetara0101:reinstall your sound driver21:41
Nekuhow do u download last fm tracks on ubuntu?21:41
daigorobrblumm: is it even possible?21:41
tara0101thiebaude how would I do that??21:41
trainpicXtremAlRaven: try the same21:41
blummdaigorobr: i hope so :)21:41
joaopintoMrKeuner, yes, the ability to be able to remote login with a server which is not owned by you, is a severe problem21:41
trainpictara: drivers are part of the kernel, see what I said21:41
SignilHi I get this message "This AVI file is broken. Seeking will not work correctly. " with VLC any1 have any ideas?21:41
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X-tremAl_Raven<trainpic> Ok. But that would mean that this was a pretty shity new kernel!21:41
apophis!codecs | Signil21:42
ubottuSignil: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:42
jothCan someone please help me connect to my wireless network?21:42
airstrikeivanovHello everyone. How do I find out what processors I have installed?21:42
NetEchoif I move .wav files into /usr/share/sounds/  how do I make it so I can preview them when I set them in the sounds preferences?21:42
jothThe card seems to be working, but it's not detecting any wireless networks when it scans.21:42
keeganhello , how do i set up a ad-hoc network on ubuntu ,21:43
tara0101trainpic, were you telling me to use the old kernel?21:43
joaopintoairstrike, from a terminal type: lshw21:43
keeganhello , how do i set up a ad-hoc network on ubuntu ,  can u direct me to some documentation21:43
kikrtrainpic, wow. it appears that the owner disabled the integrated network interface in the bios :(21:43
yooshihow do I use software from a repository I setup in hardy?21:44
trainpicif you reenable it does that fix things?21:44
trainpictara: yes21:44
airstrikeivanovI -thought- something was up when my System Monitor reported TWO cpus21:45
airstrikeivanovlshw only reports a single 3.0GHz P421:45
joaopintoairstrike, maybe you are using hyperthreading ?21:45
airstrikesomeone stole my nickname :(21:45
kikrtrainpic, yeah it works now21:46
airstrikeivanovOh, true, I am21:46
airstrikeivanovIt has HT enabled21:46
trainpickikr: cool, glad you found the problem21:46
airstrikeivanovI've never had or used Hyperthreading before though so I don't know how it works21:46
yooshihas anyone here used repositories?21:46
joaopintoairstrikeivanov, that explains it, for the software it's seen as 2 cpus ;)21:46
joaopintoyooshi, everyone which installs software...21:46
ompaulyooshi, you do every time you do a security update and it is now most of us add software to systems21:47
airstrikeivanovOh nice21:47
NetEchohowcome when I try to change system sounds to another .wav file it doesn't work21:47
yooshiompaul: even if I use the add/remove to add software?21:47
joaopintoyooshi, yes21:47
gordonjcpompaul: speak for yourself, I add software to systems by hand-carving the bits on the drive platters with tiny tiny chisels21:48
ompaulyooshi, if you use the system tools yes21:48
X-tremAl_Raven<trainpic> Rebooted using previous kernel. Still got nothing good.21:48
yooshijoapinto: ok well I setup a repository manually to get google picasa but now how do I add that software?21:48
airstrikeivanovHm, what is seahorse-agent and vino-server?21:48
airstrikeivanovI've never seen those before.21:48
* yooshi prefers the system tools it knows where to put them and all that... less hassle by hand21:49
keeganhow do i set up a ad-hoc network on ubuntu21:49
yooshiofc I could install it without using the repro but then again21:49
keegancan u direct me to some documentation21:49
yooshiand I think repros help with getting updates better21:49
jake_needs_helpCan I get some assistance troubleshooting my Ethernet connection on 8.04 please?21:49
jothWhen I restart the driver using modprobe, it detects the network, but then stops almost immediately. Any ideas?21:50
gordonjcp!ask | jake_needs_help21:50
ubottujake_needs_help: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:50
yooshiompaul: so I added a repository how do I use the software then? its not listed in add/remove21:50
peter86Im looking for help with NVIDIA drivers for ubuntu21:50
* Narcissus waves21:50
joaopintoyooshi, Synaptic Package manager, make sure you update the repositories info, then search for picasa21:50
Flannelyooshi: Add/remove only lists a small portion of all the software in the repositories.  You should use synaptic package manager to see everything21:50
NarcissusHow can I help you peter86?21:50
vocxyooshi, if you have the repo in your "sources.list" then type "sudo aptitude install <package>"  where package would be picassa or however it is named.21:50
yooshiahh ok ty21:51
peter86Narcissus, I heard, that installing nvidia graphic cards is very easy under Ubuntu21:51
ompaul!3rdparty | yooshi21:51
ubottuyooshi: Packages contained in 3rd party repositories are not included in Ubuntu for a reason. Whether this be poor packaging standards, bugs or malicious authors. You should trust the maintainers of these repositories before using them. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297814 for consequences.21:51
yooshiblah I gotta restart, I changed the hostname21:51
X-tremAl_Ravensudo modprobe acpi-cpufreq: WARNING: Error inserting processor (/lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/processor.ko): No such device --- da hell does that mean?!!!21:51
NarcissusYes peter86?21:51
peter86Narcissus, I have downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.09-pkg1.run from nvidia.com but cant run it under x21:51
jake_needs_helpubottu - Thanks for the tip!:)21:52
ubottujake_needs_help: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:52
dbboltonhow can i get firefox 3 to preview image files rather than downloading them?21:52
NarcissusTwo seconds, I'll just check the file out21:52
peter86Narcissus, also, under console, the message apears to shut down X before installing21:52
dfgasgeforce 4 mx440 what nvidia driver should i use on 8.04?21:52
koki__guys, my krusader always crashes when i try to copy some file with special characters in it, can i do anything to prevent this? (apart from renaming the file)21:52
metrekareHello. I just removed firefox 2 from synaptic, and installed firefox 3, but now it doesn't work. what can I do?21:53
Narcissuspeter86, what is your graphics card make and model?21:53
airstrikeivanovWhat is seahorse-agent and vino-server?21:53
geolrHi all, I read about that my openssh packages which were held back by apt-get update will be installed by dist-upgrade. So what does cause this difference?21:53
peter86Narcissus, Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS21:53
adam7metrekare: what version of Ubuntu?21:53
airstrikeivanovI have no idea what those processess are, but they're running.21:53
ipeiHi all happy Ubuntuists! I have a proboblem with my mainmachine. I tried to install nvidia drivers, but now I just get "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" Eaven if I try to uninstall them and install via the packagemanager. Please help! :'(21:53
joaopintometrekare, are you using hardy ?21:54
vocxkoki__, what is krusader, what special characters? it may mean is has no support for unicode, you may ask the developers or file a bug report.21:54
koki__vocx: file manager for KDE21:54
metrekareadam7:gutsy gibbon21:54
NarcissusHave you tried sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.09-pkg1.run peter86?21:54
peter86Narcissus, its my first ubuntu right now. Under debian with ati cards and fglrx I havant any problems21:54
koki__vocx: possibly, i guess i'll need to look around for UTF support then21:54
metrekarejoaopinto: no?21:54
adam7metrekare, if you run firefox from the command line, what do you get? (just open the terminal and type firefox)21:54
Narcissusdo "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.09-pkg1.run" then21:54
vocxkoki__, is that a new file manager?21:55
peter86Narcissus, yes - exactly sudo sh NVIDIA(...).run - the installer is running but it says Im under X server21:55
joaopintopeter86, I have the same card and I am using the drivers from the repositories, no problems21:55
koki__it's here for some time, remember using it with kubuntu 6.0421:55
metrekareadam7:it says it isn't installed21:55
a1metrekare: go to synaptics package manager and uninstall ff3 and use ff2 instead i fyou haven't  uninstalled that.21:55
adam7metrekare, sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox21:55
joaopintopeter86, you should not install from nvidia unless you have a strong reason to do so21:56
peter86joaopinto, yes, it works fine, but I would like to see the diffrence betwen open and closed drivers21:56
jribpeter86: erm, the closed ones are in the repositories21:56
metrekareadam7:ok, but I'm sure I have installed it, it is in my start list. I install again anyway21:56
joaopintopeter86, erm, the one from the repositories is also closed, i mean, if you are using the restricted driver21:56
peter86joaopinto, jrib hm... how to check drivers version?21:56
NarcissusTry this peter86 "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"21:56
superkuhI'm on  8.04. I have an USB mass storage device camera that's automounted upon connection. Under 'System: Preferences: Removable Drives and Media' I have unchecked under "digital camera" the "Import digital photographs when connected" option, but fspot still opens (and subsequently crashes) every time I plug in my camera. Is there a configuation file on disk I can edit?21:56
adam7metrekare, wait, try this: firefox3 at the terminal21:56
peter86Narcissus, I did that five minutes ago, also nvidia-settings or smth like that21:57
metrekareadam7: firefox3: command not found21:57
joaopintopeter86,  grep driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log, nvidia_drv.so is the closed (3d enabled)21:57
joaopintometrekare, the command is firefox21:57
adam7metrekare, ok, try this: firefox<tab> (in other words, type the word firefox, and then press tab)21:58
vocxsuperkuh, also check out the launchpad page, maybe it's a know issue for fspot21:58
ipeiCan someone help me with nvidia drivers and "Ubuntu is running in low graph mode"? Please21:58
superkuhOkay. Thanks vocx.21:58
Narcissusidk then peter86 -21:58
metrekareadam7, firefox-3.021:58
metrekare*NOTICE* No previous firefox-3.0 profile found, we'll initialize a profile using a copy of your existing 'firefox' profile.21:58
metrekareTransfering...cp: "/home/unal/.mozilla/firefox-3.0" dizini oluşturulamıyor: No space left on device21:58
metrekare done.21:58
metrekare(firefox-3.0:5818): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:21:58
metrekareAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.21:58
FloodBot3metrekare: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
peter86joaopinto, X.Org XInput driver : 2.021:58
a1ipe: u want 2 run in high graphics mode?21:59
adam7metrekare, whoops ;)21:59
joaopintometrekare, you are out of disk space21:59
peter86Narcissus, idk? command?21:59
adam7!pastebin | metrekare21:59
ubottumetrekare: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:59
Narcissusidk = I dont know21:59
joaopintopeter86, not that part, its the load driver msg21:59
peter86Narcissus, =]21:59
koki__vocx: well, it seems that every 'file copy' aplication just crashes21:59
koki__as all of them use the default linux file copy thing i guess21:59
metrekareadam7: ok thanx, sorry for the flood21:59
adam7metrekare, no worries :)21:59
vocxkoki__, seems such a big issue for a file manager, maybe it's something else. Have you done anything strange lately?22:00
jothCan anybody please help? My wireless card sometimes detects a network on a scan, but then it doesn't for ages. Any ideas?22:00
peter86joaopinto, what versions of drivers do you have?22:00
ipeia, did you mean "ipei"? :)22:00
kikrhmm... i click the firefox icon, then the mouse changes. but firefox doesn't load. what's up with that22:00
koki__vocx: not really22:00
Jigme_Datsejoth: maybe there isn't a network that it can connect to?22:01
koki__i'll try copying it with console22:01
jothThere is, because it can detect it and start to connect sometimes - but then it stops, and can't detect it any more.22:01
joaopintopeter86, the one available on the repositories22:01
jothAnd other laptops can connect to the network fine.22:01
joaopintopeter86, apt-cache show nvidia-glx-new | grep -i Version22:01
ipeial, Yes I wan't to run in high graphics mode. :)22:02
a1ipei: yes22:02
apophiskikr, open a console and enter: firefox that way you can see a possible error message22:02
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peter86joaopinto, Version: 169.12+
Chrysaliswhen do you use gksu or gksudo or sudo whats the difference?22:02
joaopintopeter86, assuming you have nvidia-glx-new installed, yes22:02
ipeial, sorry. Didn't see you msg. But, yes, I want to run in high graphic mode.22:02
vocx!sudo | Chrysalis22:03
ubottuChrysalis: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)22:03
peter86joaopinto, is nvidia-glx-new drivers closed or open ones?22:03
joaopintoChrysalis, gksudo addresses some environment setup specific to graphical apps, unlike sudo22:03
joaopintopeter86, closed22:03
a1ipei:   goto System>Preferance>Apearance>Visual effects and chose the one u want22:03
vocx!gksudo | Chrysalis22:03
ubottuChrysalis: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:03
peter86joaopinto, does ubuntu has some 3d application where can I practicaly see the efect of good working drivers?22:03
joaopintopeter86, glxinfo | grep -i direct22:04
joaopintoof you want pratice, just install a 3d game, example, nexuiz22:04
ipeial, But the problöem is that I can't enable nvidias accelerated driver. If I do so Ubuntu just start in "Low graph mode" and I need to reset my xorg.conf file via recoverymode22:04
J2i just noticed my system doesnt like it when i do suspend. so now i was fixing my partitions using "sudo fsck -y -t ext3 /dev/xxxx"22:05
J2worked well on all partitions but one where I get bla blabla "Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/xxxx"22:05
J2any ideas?22:05
peter86joaopinto, http://pastebin.com/mc9fd43722:05
peter86seems like it dont work22:05
vocxJ2, don't manipulate partitions if they are mounted22:05
DRebellionJ2, well, the "magic number" is used to identify file types/filesystems, etc.22:05
a1ipei: have u gone to system>administration>hardware drivers ?22:06
peter86joaopinto, i tried to install those closed drivers from nvidia site, meaby I just broke something22:06
J2vocx / Drebellion - they arent mounted since ubuntu doesnt even recognize what sorf of partition it is since I did suspend22:06
jonsmith420im new to linux i have installed wubi on my sony vaio laptop nr series, my wireless card isnt working can someone help me?????????//22:06
ipeiYes. But the thing was that I was stupid enough to try the drivers from nvidias site >.<. So now I can't enable it.22:06
vocxJ2, that sounds a bit extreme!22:06
BoopopCan someone help me with mymacbook's touchpad?22:06
jonsmith420im new to linux i have installed wubi on my sony vaio laptop nr series, my wireless card isnt working can someone help me?????????//22:07
joaopintopeter86, I dont use the nvidia installer for a long time, eventually you have installed them over the package ones22:07
J2drebellion / vocx - linux couldnt recognize any of the partitions, but after i did the fsck they all got fixed but this last one (the most important one!!!)22:07
peter86joaopinto, how to get back - to first drivers version?22:07
BoopopOn OSX I hardly have to touch the trackpad to move the cursor, whereas on ubuntu I have to press my finger down - Which option do I change in xorg.conf to change this?22:07
evilbugBoopop- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook22:07
BoopopYes I've looked at that22:08
joaopintopeter86, does the nvidia script provide an uninstall option ?22:08
vocxJ2, I would say this is a job for "rebooting" !!!  It also works in Linux.22:08
Boopopbut it doesn't mention my problem22:08
evilbugBoopop- i've had that issue with 7.10 but it worked fine with 8.0422:08
J2vocx - hm... gonna try that...22:08
peter86joaopinto, the problem is that, I havent install those drivers... I just tried - but the installer says Im under X server, and first I have to close it - i didnt22:08
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BoopopEvilbug - Could you copy and paste your xorg.conf file somewhere for me?22:09
evilbugBoopop- are you running hardy?22:09
BaltazaarHi what is the easiest app to use to rip a movie DVD to a regular sized DVD-R, that will play on a regular DVD player?22:09
Boopopevilbug - can you paste your xorg.conf somewhere so I can try your trackpad config22:09
evilbugBoopop- i'm in os x now,what changes have you made from the fresh install?22:09
peter86joaopinto, Onces I have seen some driver center in ubuntu - where my friend could install all needed stuf22:10
ipeial, I just tested to start ubuntu with the older kernel number or something in the grub menu... It worked with that. I believe that the nvidia driver did something strange...22:10
superkuhThe launchpad server hosting f-spot-import source is currently timing out on the server side. Can someone direct me to another mirror?22:10
jonsmith420im new to linux i have installed wubi on my sony vaio laptop nr series, my wireless card isnt working can someone help me?????????//22:10
Boopopevilbug - I've copied the options example at the bottom of the first post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49375822:10
evilbugBoopop- the thing is that i didn't install anything for the trackpad,i just left it alone.22:10
happymonkeycan someone confirm or deny that Ctrl-Alt-L which should lock the screen using gnome-screensaver is not in 8.04?22:10
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apophisBaltazaar, sudo apt-get install dvd95 , or search in / system / admin / synaptic for dvd9522:11
unstableWhat is the easiest way to take raw DV video files, cut them up, to take out some stuff, and add a voice over to them with my microphone. WHat software can do this easily?22:11
evilbugBoopop- and the trackpad option in System>Preferences>Mouse was still there (unlike 7.10)22:11
ipeial, I don't really know the difference between the chooices in the menu... But the previous worked... But How can I solve that?22:11
peter86joaopinto, I just run some drivers program, and it get me back to first configuration22:11
nickrudipei, did you reinstall the nvidia driver for the new kernel? Has to be done each time you update the kernel for drivers from outside of ubuntu22:11
evilbugBoopop- first i'd suggest uninstalling anything you've installed for the trackpad.22:11
Baltazaarapophis: dvd95? console based?22:11
peter86joaopinto, also direct redendering is yes22:11
geirhahappymonkey: I use that often in hardy. Check system -> prefs -> Keyboard shortcuts22:12
evilbugunstable- kino?22:12
Boopopevilbug - all I did was change the options in xorg22:12
bb-lapim curious does any1 use logmein.com for remote to access a windows machine via linux?22:12
a1hang on....22:12
ipeinickrud: Sorry, I didn't really get it... Reinstall what? :/22:12
Boopopevilbug - it wasn't working very well in the first place22:12
evilbugBoopop- give me one sec,let me reboot.brb.22:12
apophisBaltazaar, no its gnome22:12
happymonkeygeirha: I'm saying it is not working on my computer22:12
nickrudipei, the nvidia driver you got from nvidia.com22:12
Boopopevilbug - Great, thanks22:12
Baltazaarok... Thanks apophis... Been stressing around with dvd::rip22:12
geirhahappymonkey: even though it's set as a shortcut?22:13
ipeinickrud, I did install it after the update of the kernel. So, :'/22:13
yooshiis there any way to clear the cache or remove install files after a program has already installed or does the os take care of that for you?22:13
happymonkeygeirha: yes, of course22:13
apophisBaltazaar, you're welcome22:13
jonsmith420am i on the help channel22:13
nickrudipei, heh. that's the reason I tend to avoid 3d party drivers22:13
vocxsuperkuh, mmm. here are the bugs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f-spot22:14
apophisyooshi, apt-get purge to force it, apt has a cache but cleans it itself22:14
superkuhYeah, I saw those.22:14
joaopintoyooshi, sudo apt-get clean22:14
yooshihey joaopinto, I installed the app from the synaptic but its not in my applications menu, how do I get it there?22:14
nickrudipei, more accurately, 3d party drivers that haven't been massaged by people who know what they are doing22:14
superkuhNone covered what I am experiencing. Thank you for your help, though, vocx.22:14
joaopintoyooshi, what application was it ?22:14
K`zanjust did the upgrade from 7/10 to 8.04 and every damn time I open a link firefox moves to the window that I selected the link from, how do I fix this - rather irritating :-)?22:14
Baltazaarapophis: and it supports encrypted DVD's too? (for backup off course)22:14
superkuhFor now I'll just have to figure things out through the source.22:14
geirhahappymonkey: that's odd. If you open a terminal and run « tail -f ~/.xsession-error » then hit Ctrl-Alt-L, is there any output?22:15
ipeinickrud: Ok. But now I can only start ubuntu (with good graphics) in the previous KERNEL. wHAT SHOULD i DO?22:15
ipeinickrud: Sorry for the caps...22:15
yooshijoaopinto:  google picasa22:15
geirhahappymonkey: sorry, .xsession-errors (with a plural s)22:15
apophisBaltazaar, I dont know, you might need some DeCSS to do so22:15
nickrudK`zan, edit->preferences->tabs, last item on the dialog box22:15
Nekuhow do u download last fm tracks on ubuntu?22:15
apophisCroatia wins against turkey :)22:15
K`zannickrud: Thank you sir!22:15
Baltazaarapophis: have installed libdvdcss...22:16
Boopopapophis - weren't turkey the favourites?\22:16
ipeinickrud: Because as it is now the latest kernel will be "auto started"...22:16
vocxBoopop, turkey favourites, you kidding?22:16
apophistry it, should work Baltazaar22:16
Boopopvocx - I don't know, I don't follow football really :P22:16
apophisBoopop,  :) well the goal was in the 120th minute, so it was an equal game ;D if only zattoo would work with compiz...22:17
vocxBoopop, you phail at linux and football then22:17
evilbugBoopop- http://pastebin.com/d6c8c2f7022:17
nickrudipei, I'd use the previous kernel for now :) You can designate which kernel gets started in /boot/grub/menu.lst , see the line with default. Start counting with 0, so the one you want is probably 2.22:17
BoopopMaybe I just don't like football >.>22:17
BoopopThanks evilbug !!22:17
apophisCRO - TUR 1 : 122:17
BaltazaarJust tried out Suse 11... That sucked better than my brand new vacuum cleaner... Been using Ubuntu since 2005, before that, Debian... must say... Ubuntu is the only thing.22:17
vocxBoopop, goal of Turkey!!!22:17
darkdelusionsCompiz is evil :) that is all :)22:17
raisefist1compiz isnt evil22:17
apophisCompiz is evil when direct rendering is used :OP22:18
Baltazaarcompiz will eventually get usable22:18
ipeinickrud: Yeah, ok. (This one was the third in the list, yeah :)) But will it be "auto solved" when they reales a new kenel version?22:18
apophiscompiz is already quite usable, but fails with direct rendering :)22:18
vocxapophis, how can you use it then? I thought Compiz needed direct rendering. I know I can't use it.22:18
Boopopevilbug - I'll give it a test now22:19
nickrudcompiz is very nice, if you leave out the cube and all the geegaws, and focus on the stuff that makes your desktop workflow easy22:19
yooshijoaopinto: any idea how to add an app that was added manually?22:19
a1ipei: goto synaptic package manager... look for nvidia... choose the generic modules you need.22:19
evilbugBoopop- yeah.22:19
nickrudipei, possibly, or there'll be some info on what works on ubuntuforums.org .22:19
Baltazaarwho needs direct rendering? Computers are for writing letters, no?22:19
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apophisvocx, I mean if other software directly draws to the framebuffer, compiz does aswell, which means both application draw and dont know from each other! this gives flickering22:19
ipeinickrud: Ok. If it doesn' its quite easy to reinstall Ubuntu. :)22:20
yooshihow do I get that box that I see in the ubuntu tour that you can see more than one desk space or something22:20
Baltazaarnever re-install Linux... Fix it22:20
happymonkeygeirha: thank you I have to restart gnome, I deleted the file22:20
vocxapophis, ah, but there is no way to use compiz with only software rendering right?22:20
Baltazaarre-install is for window$22:20
happymonkeythere is some issue22:20
nickrudipei, heh. And, <caps> don't use stuff that doesn't come in packages! </caps>22:21
evilbugBaltazaar- i've reinstalled ubuntu before with no problem :P22:21
Baltazaarme too22:21
ipeial: Yeah I know. I just got the problem half-solved so... Buyt thanks for the help, and thanks Nickrud too! :)22:21
evilbugBaltazaar- AND windows AND os x.22:21
apophisvocx, well in principal it should be possible ;) but you dont want it (1 frame per 10 seconds) so its probably never been tried22:21
unstableevilbug: How do I take 6 1 gig DV files, and mesh them together, so I can edit them all at once with kino?22:21
joaopintoyooshi, try "picasa" from the terminal22:21
vocxapophis, I know22:21
Boopopevilbug - Thats fixed it I think, thanks22:21
ipeinickrud: Yeah... I know, but I thought "nvidia" was a trust able source  :P22:21
yooshijoaopinto: well I'd like to be able to have it as a menu option too but I'll try that22:22
BaltazaarJust re-installed Ubuntu on a new 7K SATA disk on my ThinkPad. Runs smooth...22:22
evilbugunstable- never used it much before...i guess you just import them into the playlist and drag them into the timeline.22:22
joaopintoyooshi, Righ Click on Applications, Edit Menu22:22
evilbugunstable- that's what i usually do with final cut pro.22:22
joaopintoand add a menu entry22:22
evilbugBoopop- no worries.22:22
crdlbvocx: what video card do you have?22:22
vocxcrdlb, S3 Unichrome Pro, from VIA22:23
bloodrockyooshi you could also add a launcher to desktop for that program too22:23
ipeinickrud: But I'm learning. I wont do that again... -.- Thanks for the help!22:23
evilbugunstable- once you import them and put them in the timeline,the export will make it one file in the format you want.22:23
crdlbvocx: it's possible that VIA cards might get good 3d acceleration soon; VIA seems to care about fixing their linux drivers22:24
BaltazaarAnybody reading the "Official" Ubuntu books? Just subscribed to one from Safari Online... That'll be fun bed reading...22:24
yooshibloodrock: don't think I'd want to clutter up my desktop.. wouldn't that slow things down?22:24
NetEchoDoes ubuntu have a control panel like OSX?22:24
vocxcrdlb, considering that this chipset was released around December 2005, it was about time.22:24
bloodrockyooshi no22:24
yooshiand yes running picasa from terminal worked and brought up the media detector22:24
BeatsHey guys im tryiung to play my games and all of them lagg. It just happened. How can i stop this lagg. (The games are running through WINE)22:25
evilbugNetEcho- not really.22:25
joaopintoBeats, try asking on #winehq22:25
yooshibloodrock: still... too cluttered of a desktop would make me commit suicide :(22:25
apophisBeats, use a faster computer :)22:25
BeatsI have a fast computer22:25
Beatsit has never lagged22:25
apophiswhat Game?22:25
BeatsCounter strike, Half Life, guild wars, Wow,22:26
Beatsall of them22:26
yooshiare any of them even compatible with wine?22:26
apophisWell then set your settings lower22:26
apophisyes they work, but... dont ask ;D22:26
apophisBeats,  lower your settings or get a faster computer :)22:26
yooshisure they work.... but22:26
lockdI installed Ubuntu-server kernel for improved memory but nvidia driver won't load.. is this normal?22:27
vocxapophis, Turkey can't possibly defeat Germany, no way22:27
lockdthis is a desktop box but I'd rather have the ram22:27
BeatsI have an alienware with Intel core extreme processer i don need a faster computer22:27
bloodrockyooshi k what bout adding a launcher to your panel22:27
apophisvocx, But I dont want Germany in a final :P22:27
aguiteli can't raise/lower/mute volume22:27
vocxapophis, no other way around it22:27
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NetEchoCore Extreme or Core 2 Extreme?22:27
Baltazaarlockd: you could just recompile the default...22:27
joaopintoapophis, if you don't have any wine specific knowledge then it would be smarter to forward the user to #winehq, instead of providing useless help22:28
lockdBaltazaar: oh, thanks.. well, I'll still have to get the modules for nvidia won't I?22:28
joaopintoBeats, since your issue is wine specific, please try #winehq22:28
apophisBeats, you dont get it, do you? Emulation needs time, its normal that its slower under Linux, reduce your settings, you can't expect to be able to play with the same settings as in windows :)22:28
Baltazaarbut the Nvidia driver loads as a module, so if it is under /lib/modules/"your kernel, you could try sudo modprobe nvidia22:28
joaopintoapophis, again, you are misinformed, wine is not a pure emulator, and some games are know to perform better under wine than they do natively on windows22:29
lockdBaltazaar: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia22:29
apophisjoaopinto, I know!22:29
lockdBaltazaar: that's when I try to modprobe22:29
apophisbetter under wine? ;) lol22:29
Nathan406can someone tell me a software that installs windows drivers!22:30
aguiteli can't raise/lower/mute volume any ideas about this problem ?22:30
vocxNathan406, it is silly to do that?22:30
Baltazaarlockd: then install gcc and make, kernel-headers, and build the driver from Nvidia's site22:30
brightsidehi.. i have no sound. here is what i know: i have two devices (one onboard, and one pci), but my mixer recognizes both cards, and alsamixer settings are set to high and all channels are unmuted.. still, no sound.. what am i doing wrong?22:31
Nathan406i cant get my sound card to work22:31
lockdBaltazaar: it says those are installed.. how can I be sure it's for the server kernel?22:31
vocxNathan406, because it not the same operating system?22:31
Baltazaarthe module you use is for the wrong kernel... lockd22:31
joaopintoNathan406, you can't use windows drivers on linux, not for a sound card22:31
kikranyone ever experience audio not working?22:31
felixfloreshey guys i just did a fresh install of ubuntu 8 and for some reason it didn't detect what video card i have, now its stuck at 800*600 resolution, how should i go about fixing this?22:31
yooshihow can I get the box on my desktop as shown on the ubuntu tour?22:31
Mohow do i disable a restricted driver i previously enabled22:31
lockdBaltazaar: or should I just remove all the other kernels (server and the old one that was updated from)?22:31
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner?22:31
Baltazaarlockd: don't bother...22:31
joaopintoyooshi, please provide a screenshot link, to see if i am familiar with it22:32
vocxMo, what driver?22:32
Moati video22:32
Baltazaarlockd: just download the right driver from Nvidia22:32
yooshiah.. haven't done a screenshot in linux yet... I'll try22:32
Nathan406my friend install the windows drivers for his video card22:32
BaltazaarIt compiles for the running kernel22:32
kikrlscpi detects the audio card but i can't hear any sound22:32
Nathan406and it works22:32
Chrysalisso basically, sudo for file operation etc and gksu for anything with a gui including gedit. . . i seem to be getting different results wether i use sudo or gksu with gedit, sudo gives me a file that needs premission to open and gksu does not22:32
Nathan406so i think it may work22:32
Xcaliber009Can anyone reference a good video DVD creation program?22:33
Movocx: was working just fine, installed the restricted driver, did a bunch of updates, now i get a white screen just after I login22:33
yooshithat was easy22:33
niku_Xcaliber009: burning, or movie-dvd?22:33
vocxNathan406, you obviously don't know what you are talking about, so I suggest you become more knowledgeable first22:33
Nathan406so can someone tell me a software that installs windows drivers!22:33
spideymanXcaliber009, qdvdauthor is excellent22:33
BaltazaarNathan406: ndiswrapper?22:34
hard3rsa tu jacys polacy ?22:34
frostburnNathan406, windows vista22:34
joaopintoNathan406, you can't install use windows drivers with linux, except for very specific cases22:34
vocxBaltazaar, he is trying to install a video card22:34
frostburnas for sound configuration, check out the alsa pages on either ubuntu or gentoo forums22:34
Baltazaarwell that will not work22:34
Baltazaardifferent code22:34
Nathan406let me crash test22:34
K`zanAnyone know why adept ignores requests to install vmware server?22:35
Nathan406mess up ma laptop22:35
Nathan406dont care22:35
joaopintoK`zan, there is no vmware server available from the repositories...22:35
vocxMo, well I think there is some menu under System > Preferences, or maybe just use the oopen source driver "nv"22:35
BaltazaarUse VESA!22:35
K`zanjoaopinto: Err, adept says there is ?!?!?22:35
spideymank'zan really22:36
joaopintoK`zan, not on the ubuntu repositories, only if you found a 3rd party one for it22:36
frostburnK`zan, there used to be, not any more, grab the binary from vmware sites and install it manually22:36
Nathan406so there is no such think22:36
K`zanfrostburn: Got it but evidentally the upgrade to 8.04 hosed it badly - can't remove old thus won't install the new :-(.22:36
joaopintoK`zan, you can rm /etc/vmware, that does the trick22:37
vocxNathan406, perhaps you should phrase your question better, not as a one-liner22:37
apophisAnyone else hears this noise from car-horns? ;)22:37
K`zanjoaopinto: Thank you Sir, much appreciated - will give that a go.22:37
frostburnK`zan, nah just delete out the .. what joaopinto said22:37
niku_k'zan: I think it just hoses the kernel module22:37
K`zanalso, vmware is in adept...22:37
joaopintofrostburn, hum ? what's wrong with my advice ?22:37
Nathan406ok! let me try!22:37
Nathan406i need a22:38
niku_you should be able to re-run the install script and it will work again22:38
joaopintoah, ops, sorry misunderstood :P22:38
frostburnjoaopinto, nothing, i was about to type the same22:38
Nathan406window driver installer22:38
K`zanvmware server    not installed  no change  Free virtual machine server from VMware22:38
Nathan406i can install my sound card22:38
frostburnniku_, usually yes, but the install script is set up to not install if it's already installed, and if it wasn't installed cleanly before, it won't allow any new installations22:38
* DIL says that must be an example of sarcasm22:38
K`zanupdating repos makes no diff, still there.  Strange.22:39
Nathan406#alsa can help22:39
frostburnNathan406, what sound card is it22:39
niku_huh, weird22:39
=== maix_ is now known as maix
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner?22:39
=== niku_ is now known as niku
spideymank'zan all i see is some widgets and a display driver in addept 8.0422:39
Nathan406frostburn: 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)22:40
fmlHello. I have problems with getting a WLAN connection. I use ubuntu 8.04, wlan card is atheros 5007eg (I think). I installed ndiswrapper and the windows driver.22:41
frostburnNathan406, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79102822:41
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner?22:41
yooshijoaopinto: www.thenetdude.com/talktalk/thebox.png22:41
onthefence928hey i'm trying to get my xbox 360 to play movies that are streamed from my computer. how do i do this using ubuntu hardy?22:41
ubottuFactoid upnp not found22:41
joaopintoyooshi, thats a compiz cube22:42
joaopinto!compiz | yooshi22:42
ubottuyooshi: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:42
fmlThe wlan is shown in the network manager, and also the name of the wlan router is shown on the DNS tab (it was detected automatically, I didn't enter it).22:42
yooshiah ok, is compiz worth using?22:42
Ramzican anyone help me install my ATI All in wonder usb 2.0 tv tuner?22:42
apophisonthefence928,  You need a Upnp server for that... install a upnp server, user / System / Admin / Synaptic and search for upnp or dlna22:42
panthroany special reasons to upgrade my kernel22:42
joaopintoRamzi, no, and repeating will not help either22:42
onthefence928apophis: and does it require any sort of configuring?22:43
kikrguys i can't get audio to work. anyone have any recommendations? lspci detects the audio card but i just can't get audio to work22:43
joaopinto!ops | ABAydin spamming22:43
ubottuABAydin spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!22:43
bloodrockramzi try useing tvtime22:43
apophisonthefence928, yes it probably needs to know where your vids and music are ... it depends on the different servers how difficult this can be22:43
K`zantvtime works good, watching it now :)22:43
ubottuFactoid upnp not found22:43
Ramziwhats tvtime?22:44
tommy_how can I check Hardy Ubuntu for keyloggers and spyware and virus?22:44
ABAydinubottu shut the fuck up22:44
Tekhnewhat's the current software raid standard for linux 2.6 (ubuntu)? is it still mdadm and company?22:44
ubottuABAydin: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:44
IndyGunFreaktommy_: lol22:44
vocx!info tvtime22:44
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB22:44
bloodrockramzi i have a ati all in wonder pci and tvtime was best program22:44
joaopintotommy_, there are no known wide programs of that type for Linux22:44
joaopintoerm, wild22:44
KRFubottu, but i think you're more intelligent than abaydin22:44
ubottuKRF: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:44
K`zanubotto is ublotto...22:45
yooshiwhat do you all recommend for ftp? I'm used to filezilla22:45
Pici!virus | tommy_22:45
ubottutommy_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:45
tommy_IndyGunFreak, you have become very arrogant and condescending person lately, and I have to wonder why your self-esteem is so low for you to put others down all the time in this channel22:45
joaopintoyooshi, I like to use nautilus22:45
IndyGunFreaktommy_: i wasn't being arrogant or condescending. i found your remark humorous.. if you don't like it.. "/ignore indygunfreak" should handle your problem22:45
yooshiok I'll check it out22:45
apophisonthefence928, meditomb is a very nice mediaserver with a Web - Interface...22:45
Baltazaarwhat is the best way to sector-by-sector clone a disk, for installation on a new one?22:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:46
joaopintoyooshi, its available from, Places -> Connect to server22:46
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com22:46
Xcaliber009niku_, making movie DVDs22:46
joaopintoBalaams_Miracle, partimage22:46
joaopintoerm, Baltazaar ^22:46
onthefence928apophis: ok let me check it out22:46
joaopintowell, not purely sector by sector, it will skip unused sctors22:47
Agionhow much does ubuntu need space? how big memory stick is needed?22:47
JC_Denton__yooshi: I think there is an app called gftp too which cld help you22:47
rogue_traderwhy do you think ubuntu is the best distro out there? (obviously you do, or you would not be using it)22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
joaopintoI personally find gftp ugly :P22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
FloodBot3ABAydin_2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
ABAydin_2i bet we feel special ...  eheueh Crazy Turks http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/3884/1161a2eb3f4942a15ht7.jpg   and ubottu: you are asshole :D22:47
* yooshi is loving pidgin22:47
Agionhow much does ubuntu need space? how big memory stick is needed?22:48
joaopintoAgion, depends on what you plan to install, 2GB is fine for a base install22:48
Agionok, thanks22:48
MezAgion, a default install is around a gig... then you need space for expansion22:48
yooshion a memory stick? that'd be slow22:48
Nix3rhow can i finish a console session and go back to X, which i start by pressing ctrl alt F1 while i was in X. ?22:48
MezAgion, the companies I know sell them on 2Gb+sticks22:49
dabaRhow do I set up NTLM authentication for Vinagre?22:49
joaopintoNix3r, ctrl - alt -f722:49
Agionokay, thaks you very much!22:49
yooshijoaopinto:  wow this os is more complete than ever22:49
Nix3rjoaopinto:  that will terminat the console session and ill be back to X ?22:49
onthefence928apophis: hey so where does it show up after i install it?22:50
joaopintoNix3r, that will switch to X. it will not terminate whatever you are doing on the console22:50
Nix3rjoaopinto:  ok . thx22:50
joaopintoeach console is independent, you dont need to terminate them to switch22:50
yooshihmm compiz doesn't want to start, could I just type compiz in terminal?22:50
onthefence928apophis: nvm found it22:50
joaopintoyooshi, have you read the links suggested by ubotu ?22:50
yooshiI read one link22:50
Baltazaaryooshi:sudo killall gdm, then startx?22:51
K`zananyone here running vmware?  All it seems to want to do is open a web connection expecting a logon - any clues appreciated!22:51
yooshithink I'll go back over those links again22:51
K`zanNot at all like the vmware that 8.04 killed off :-(.22:51
onthefence928apophis: ok how do i make it work with my xbox?22:51
Baltazaarhey... It's friday22:52
offlinehi all22:52
tommy_IndyGunFreak, so I am safe and can have peace of mind using Ubuntu for my netbanking etc as there is no keylogger or spyware that I need to worry about?22:52
psycowhere are the icons for programs stored??22:52
ubottuFactoid xbox not found22:52
offlinei need help here with my ubuntu hardy22:52
IndyGunFreaktommy_: sorry, i don't want to come off condescending and arrogant if i answer22:52
tommy_offline, dont we all ;)22:52
Ayabaramy network setup is broken. when I boot it won't connect to my wlan unless I reconfigure it manually22:52
tommy_IndyGunFreak, its ok, just answer :)22:53
apophisonthefence928, Open this in your browser: /var/lib/mediatomb/mediatomb.html22:53
Xcaliber009offline: state your question, for there might be an answer22:53
Ayabarahow can I delete all the stored network settings to start over?22:53
IndyGunFreaki'd rather not take the chance.. sorry22:53
broken_quiche1How do ATi's drivers compare to those of NVidia now-a-days?22:53
tommy_IndyGunFreak, I understand. thanks anyway22:53
Baltazaarpsyco: spread, but/usr/share/pixmaps would be a starting point22:53
Xcaliber009ATI has crappy linux support, period22:53
Icki opened VI and typed something out. i lost power before i got a chance to save the file, and vim -r doesn't find anything. i need the file pretty badly. what can i do?22:53
tommy_I am safe and can have peace of mind using Ubuntu for my netbanking etc as there is no keylogger or spyware that I need to worry about?22:53
offlinei got this "failed to add entry to user" everytime i login .. what's wrong ?22:53
psycoBaltazaar: TY22:53
Oli```broken_quiche1: still worse although openish and improving faster22:53
broken_quiche1I see.22:53
broken_quiche1Best to stick with NVidia then?22:54
ubottuFactoid keylogger not found22:54
ubottuFactoid spyware not found22:54
Baltazaarpsyco: ?22:54
offlinepls somebody help me on this22:54
dabaRhow do I set up NTLM authentication for Vinagre?22:54
psycoI said Ty, as in Thank You.22:54
broken_quiche1Actually, I guess that would make more sense, since graphics cards are the thigns youre meant to replace fairly frequently if you're serious about high-end gaming according to some folks.22:54
Baltazaarpsyco: TY?22:54
tommy_does Hardy support digital cameras?22:54
Xcaliber009broken_quiche1: ATI will work on ubuntu, as my laptop is running 8.04LTS, but it can be tricky to configure22:54
Baltazaarfor what?22:54
Ayabarawhere's my network settings stored? like preferred network, wpa-key and stuff22:55
broken_quiche1Thanks then Oli and Xcaliber0022:55
tommy_offline, what you want help with?22:55
Oli```tommy_: you're far less likely to install one unknowingly. Anybody could write a keylogger. Linux won't stop something like that existing22:55
broken_quiche1Ah, okay Xcaliber00922:55
ubottuFactoid tired not found22:55
Xcaliber009broken_quiche1: my understanding is that Nvidia is just easier to use on linux distros22:55
b4l7424ri tried updating firefox today in synaptic, but it wasn't able to fetch all the required packages, is this a temporary error?22:55
offlineTommy :  i got this "failed to add entry to user" everytime i login .. what's wrong ?22:55
ubottuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training22:55
Baltazaarb4l7424r: change mirrors22:55
psycoBaltazaar: Telling me icon path22:55
tommy_Oli```, so how can I make sure I dont have one installed now?22:55
Baltazaarpsyco: ah... ok...22:56
b4l7424rBaltazaar, i'm not sure how to do that, i'm a newbie22:56
stutterhas anyone here successfully gotten synergy to start when GDM starts so you can use your shared mouse & kb to log in?22:56
tommy_offline, I have never seen that error ever.  Backup your home folder and reinstall Ubuntu22:56
Baltazaarpsyco: have been up for 48 hrs...22:56
tommy_Oli```, u there?22:56
Oli```tommy_: there are commercial and free antivirus programs (avg, for example) just like with windows but not running/installing anything from outside the repos is a good start22:56
tommy_Oli```, so I should run AVG on Ubuntu to make sure I dnt have a keylogger installed on Hardy?22:57
offlinetommy, reinstall ? oww :D any other advice pls ? thx anyway22:57
stutterdo you mean to say...linux is not impervious to viruses like macs?! OMG!22:57
naliothtommy_: you don't have it22:57
b4l7424rmirror mirror on the wall...22:57
Baltazaarb4l7424r: open /etc/apt/sources.list, and try changing the two letter code with a nearby country...22:57
naliothtommy_: it was an affliction that affected Windows software22:57
Picitommy_: Did you read the link from the bot about viruses on windows?22:57
tommy_offline, there is no other advice as the error: ""failed to add entry to user" is unknown to us here it seems22:57
Picier, linux rather.22:57
b4l7424rBaltazaar, ok, thanks22:57
joaopintotommy_, did you read my previous answer to your question ?22:57
tommy_nalioth, what dont I have?22:57
naliothtommy_: windows problems22:58
Baltazaarb4l7424r: maybe check ubuntu mirrors first...22:58
TuniX12lol many banned guys today22:58
whitekidneyhow do i update my video card drivers? (i have a gainward gefirce 8500gt)22:58
offlineok thank you tommy22:58
Oli```tommy_: I'm not telling you that. I'm saying you *can* use an antivirus to check now but unless you're planning on downloading random untrusted source code or binaries and running those, you should be fine22:58
Baltazaarwhitekidney: go to a computerstore and say: this sucks22:58
apophis!upnp is To Stream Media to other upnp aware devices (Like XBox, PS3, iRadio or other PC's) you need a upnp Server, ubuntu Repositories (search in / System / Admin / Synaptic Packet Manager for upnp or dlna) MediaTomb is an example upnp Server with Web Interface (sudo apt-get install mediatomb) (web UI: /var/lib/mediatomb/mediatomb.html) (docu: http://mediatomb.cc/)22:58
tommy_joaopinto, sorry I missed it, please tell me again22:58
tommy_nalioth, how can I be sure I dont have any keylogger or spyware etc already on Hardy now?22:58
whitekidneythats obviously not funny.22:58
whitekidneyhow do i update my video card drivers? (i have a gainward gefirce 8500gt)22:59
whitekidneyuh oh, geforce *22:59
tommy_Oli```, I have installed 2 3rd party apps, how can I check they are ok?22:59
joaopintotommy_, at the present time there is no know malware on the wild for linux22:59
Baltazaarwhitekidney: that has a Nvidia chip22:59
Oli```tommy_: btw, the same goes for Windows. Keep the system patched and updated and you'll be fine 99.999% of the time.22:59
tommy_joaopinto, ok22:59
stutterhas anyone successfully gotten synergy to start with gdm so you can use a shared keyboard to log in?22:59
Baltazaarso install Nvidia drivers whitekidney22:59
naliothtommy_: theres no such thing as what you describe22:59
whitekidneyBaltazaar : How ?22:59
tommy_Oli```, are you claiming that MS windows updates clean spyware and virus?22:59
whitekidneyim new to linux, i need more in depth infomation22:59
dabaRHow do I set up a VNC connection to a PC that expects NTLM authentication.23:00
tommy_nalioth, ok so I can use Hardy confidently for netbanking etc and copying and pasting text from a text file into the website forms?23:00
Oli```tommy_: No. Not installing malware kind of goes without saying.23:00
yooshikillall gdm does a lot :P23:00
joaopintotommy_, yes23:00
tommy_whitekidney, do you seek a black kidney? :)23:00
juanfotoshello Fredo...23:00
naliothtommy_: nothing is keeping you from pasting stuff into a phishing site23:00
tommy_Oli```, I cant use Hardy confidently?23:00
whitekidneyfor god sake, help me23:01
juanfotosfredo, do you speak spanish?23:01
joaopinto!es | juanfotos23:01
ubottujuanfotos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:01
bloodrockoffline you might try doing a google for the error23:01
J2guys what can i do when fsck gives me smth about "Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open device xxx"?23:01
Bart_Burroughstrying to see my ubuntu box from my windows xp machine. I can see the xp box from ubuntu but not the other way around. wireless by the way. any ideas?23:01
tommy_nalioth, i type the banks website evert time.  so with that in mind, what else I need to be concerned about?23:01
whitekidneywhat do i type in the terminal do get my nvidia drivers?23:01
yooshimalware on linux?23:01
joaopintoJ2, I would search for the backups of that device :P23:01
naliothtommy_: so long as you are using a https:// known banking site, not much, i guess23:01
revilodrawok this is really annoying me! i have a dell inspiron 6400 core2due t7200 with 2gb ram - is it amd64 or i386?23:01
Oli```tommy_: I believe you're being deliberately abrasive now. Unless you're here for actual support (giving or receiving), please clear off.23:01
vocxtommy_, if you are so afraid of potential malware you shouldn't be using computers at all, there is no such thing as a perfect protection. But generally speaking you should fine.23:01
Baltazaarcan't believe what folks in #slackware would say... Maybe: The support chain is: 1. Wiki / Web / Google, 2. Forum search, 3. IRC23:01
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:02
J2joaopinto - thanks thats realy confortable to hear ^_^23:02
tommy_Oli```, thou shalt not judge because your assuming to know my intentions.23:02
whitekidneywhat do i type in the terminal do get my nvidia drivers?23:02
amikropWhere can I set which Window Decorator I want to use (I bet, in some file, I replace the word "gtk-window-decorator" with the word "foo", where "foo" is the window decorator of my choice)?23:02
tommy_Oli```, you are now on ignore23:02
PiciBaltazaar: Well, you aren't in #slackware...23:02
tommy_vocx, ok thanks23:02
Baltazaarwhitekidney: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx23:02
J2bart_burroughts - you have to put your ubuntu box into the same workgroup as the windows group23:02
offlinebloodrock, i've search for the error @google, nothing found23:02
joaopintoJ2, what the partition formatted ?23:02
tommy_whitekidney, http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_to_install_Nvidia_driver_in_Ubuntu_Hardy_heron23:03
barslowfirefox 3 sucks23:03
Bart_BurroughsJ2 great, how23:03
J2joaopinto - ext323:03
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete23:03
tommy_barslow, I love ff323:03
barslowim so sorry i 'upgraded' to heron23:03
joaopinto!language | barslow23:03
ubottubarslow: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:03
joaopintoJ2, I am asking, how did you got into this scenario ?23:03
barslowwow you guys run a tight ship23:03
Flannelbarslow: complaints/opinions/suggestions are welcomed in #ubuntu-offtopic, but please keep #ubuntu support related only23:04
barslowthey say s*cks on disney now23:04
ubottuFactoid wotd not found23:04
pkcahier-!- renascent \rih-NAS-uhnt\, adjective:23:04
pkcahier-!- Springing or rising again into being; showing renewed vigor.23:04
barslowi need support23:04
tommy_nalioth, ok thanks. I feel better and more confident now knowing that. cheers23:04
bloodrockoffline is it your main user account that you get the error23:04
Baltazaarshould have word of the day23:04
revilodrawok this is really annoying me! i have a dell inspiron 6400 core2due t7200 with 2gb ram - is it amd64 or i386?23:04
barslowsomeone help me fix firefox so it stops crashing23:04
J2bart_burroughs - system>administration>network settings>general>domain name that should be it23:04
tommy_nalioth, is rkhunter any good?23:04
yooshibarslow: FF3?23:04
J2joaopinto - i hit the suspend button and it broke all filesystems on the HD23:04
joaopintorevilodraw, it a 64 bits capable system, you can use either 32 or 64 bits23:05
[dmsuperman]What's the command to execute a file with associated application from the command line?23:05
Bart_BurroughsJ2, thanks I am assuming in hardy right?23:05
QuicksilvaHello.  I bought a PIXMA IP2600 printer but there are no drivers for it.  I tried the 2000 and 3000 driver but neither work.  is there any way for me to get my printer working?23:05
tommy_nalioth, just out of curiosity, why cant Hardy get infected with a keylogger and be in my memory right now?23:05
joaopintoJ2, and fsck does not provide the option to fix it ?23:05
J2joaopinto - i could fix all fo them using fsck but the important partition isnt working ^_^23:05
barslowit keeps crashing randomly, and for some reason when i highlight the file menu the txt disapears23:05
tommy_barslow, reinstall FF?23:05
infidelisi have a problem- when i click on another workspace icon in the "workspace switcher applet", it no longer switches me to that workspace23:05
barslowi've tried that23:05
[dmsuperman]tommy_, you'd pretty much need to want a keylogger, or install some third party app without knowing about it23:05
revilodrawjaopinto; thank you, you are a legend23:05
J2joaopinto - no, it gives that msg about the "bad magic number"... no idea what it means ^_^23:05
J2bart_burroughs - 8.0423:06
joaopintotommy_, you can't, the same way you can't on any OS unless it was totally developed by yourseld23:06
tommy_[dmsuperman], I have installed a third party app called Keepass. How can I know that didnt contain anything nasty?23:06
[dmsuperman]I usually just research it, see what others have to say23:06
joaopintoJ2, it seems to me that thart partition is seriously damaged, to an exten that fsck is unable to check it23:06
Flanneltommy_: You can't23:06
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
joaopintoJ2, can you read from that device using dd ?23:07
rawbtommy_: read the source code23:07
J2joaopinto - whats dd?23:07
tommy_Flannel, so on Hardy, I could have a keylogger from that third party app I installed and never know im infected?  no way to check?23:07
Baltazaartommy_: to read stdin from linux, you need rights. To install an app that does that you need rights.23:07
tommy_rawb, lol23:07
J2joaopinto - and no it cant be mounted, ubuntu doesnt even recognise that it is a ext3 partition23:07
Flanneltommy_: Did you install it with sudo?23:07
psycowhat do you call the codes widgets use to find your place for weather updates????23:07
apophiscan we just ignore tommy now?23:07
Flanneltommy_: Or, have you used sudo with it in any manner?23:07
joaopintotommy_, please go to google, you seem to be unfamiliar with software an operative systems in general23:08
Bart_BurroughsJ2, yes 8.0423:08
edburnsI've never seen this before, but when I apt-get install bison, I'm getting a 404 not found.23:08
IndyGunFreaklol.. and you call me condescending23:08
edburnsSame story with Synaptic package manager.23:08
joaopintotommy_, your question is not related to ubuntu, but about using software in general, regardless of the OS you are using23:08
dabaRHow do I set up a VNC connection to a PC that expects NTLM authentication?23:08
tommy_lets assume the worst scenario and that I am now infected with a keylogger etc from the Keepass 3rd party app I installed.  How now can I check to see if im infected?23:08
edburns404 Not Found
Baltazaarif your'e concerned about keyloggers and the likes, install tripwire23:08
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:08
tommy_Flannel, only used sudo to install it.23:08
joaopintoJ2, dd allows to do raw reading, meaning, it doesnt care about the part format23:08
edburnsIndeed the URL generated by both apt-get install and Synaptic Package manager does not exist.23:09
J2bart_burroughs - well then I THINK its there. didnt test it yet though. if its not here try searching for the setting that is the equivalent to the domain name in windows. like "mshome" by default in windows23:09
joaopintoit would be just to check if you can do disk I/O to the device23:09
edburnsCan someone please help?23:09
tommy_Flannel,  it now loads and runs without needing to use sudo all the time.  is that a good sign?23:09
naliothtommy_: have you run any programs using your 'sudo' password that you didn't know what they did?23:09
Bart_BurroughsJ2, went into network settings, general, set domain as MSHOME which is how I see the xp machine on hardy and re-booted. is this correct23:09
joaopintoJ2, if you do not, then you have an hw failure23:09
tommy_nalioth, I cannot remember.23:09
J2joaopinto - how can i read from it using dd?23:09
Flanneltommy_: When you installed it, it *could* have installed anything anywhere, including overwriting key system files to hide itself from you, etc.  The question is, do you trust where you got it from?23:09
Baltazaartommy_: check /etc/sudoers file...23:09
J2bart_burroughs - yeah23:09
joaopintoJ2, dd if=device of=/dev/null23:09
harveydsilly question probably but its annoying me, what to I type to quit a telnet session23:09
tommy_nalioth, so it comes back to my original question... how can I check Hardy is not infected?  will RKHUNTER check for that?23:09
J2bart_burroughs - good luck ^_^23:10
tommy_Flannel, I do not know, so I cannot 100% trust it.23:10
barslowdoes anyone else's txt dissapear when you highlight the file menu in FF323:10
naliothtommy_: i can 110% gaurantee you, that unless you've used your 'sudo' inappropriately, you're not 'infected' with anything23:10
apophisharveyd, depends on the protocl, but normally you just type: quit23:10
apophis(or exit)23:10
Flanneltommy_: Checking for "regular' malware is easy enough.  Its the rootkit stuff that's troublesome.  However, a liveCD would be able to check your harddrive23:10
joaopintosorry, it had to be CAPS23:11
=== Blackcomb is now known as Bl4ckcomb
apophisjoaopinto, thats why he wants a virus scanner because he feels safer then ;D23:11
Flanneltommy_: This is getting a little bit offtopic, care to move to #ubuntu-offtopic?23:11
harveydthe server doesnt have any way to quit the session, its just expecting the client to23:11
Baltazaarso install a freakin virus scanner!23:11
tommy_nalioth, but I used sudo when I installed Keepass .deb file from http://www.keepassx.org/downloads?PHPSESSID=33d7d7cc4f66153708ca2ab4232c55e223:11
J2joaopinto - im doing a "man dd" and in the description it says "copy a file, converting and formatting according to the operands"23:11
joaopintono, he just keeps repeating the same question about how to use a system in general23:11
harveydand everything ive tested, including the escape characters, just get sent over telnet23:12
BaltazaarI think it's trolling23:12
tommy_Flannel, This is the keepass .deb file I installed. Do you think it looks safe?  http://www.keepassx.org/downloads?PHPSESSID=33d7d7cc4f66153708ca2ab4232c55e223:12
rawbtommy_: here's the source code: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/keepassx/KeePassX-0.3.1.tar.gz?download feel free to read it all and look for anything suspicious23:12
harveydincluding ctr+c23:12
J2joaopinto - im kinda confused as to how this will help me lol23:12
ubottuFactoid troll not found23:12
ubottuFactoid trolling not found23:12
joaopintoJ2, it will just check if you can read from the disk...23:12
naliothtommy_: i'm not up on security issues, as i compile my own programs from source or use trusted repos  (were you not able to find keepass in a trusted repo?)23:12
ubottuFactoid mencoder not found23:13
J2joaopinto - ok... im kinda confused as to how to input the command. its the /dev/stb5 partition, could u show me how the command has to look?23:13
harveydah, found it23:13
Flanneltommy_: You know keepassx is in the repos, right? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/keepassx23:13
tommy_rawb, why are you keep saying stuff like that!  I told you 2 times already. I am not a programmer and I have NO IDEA what the source code says23:13
joaopintoJ2, dd if=/dev/stdb5 of=/dev/null23:13
blistovChriiist this is  alot of people23:13
tommy_Flannel, I didnt know that :P  so how do I now remove the keepass I downloaded and install keepass from the repos?23:14
J2joaopinto - ok lemme try that...23:14
joaopintotommy_, the answer YOU CAN'T KNOW, do not use computers!!!23:14
blistovi've installed ica client 10.6, but when i run wfmgr, i get wfcmgr: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:14
blistovi have installed libmotif3 and libxaw23:14
vocxjoaopinto, ha ha23:14
apophisC A P S :)23:14
ipeiHi again guys! May I ask how I can change when I dubbleklick on the title row on a window from "rolling up" to maximize? :/23:14
tommy_joaopinto, do you think your comment is feasible and sensible and realistic?  are yuou tryung to help or just annoy people? :)23:15
joaopintotommy_, just go to your bank instead, and be carefull the guy on the desk can be fake23:15
tommy_joaopinto, be careful23:15
apophisblistov, ica client is not from the repository?23:15
Oli```!ops | tommy_23:15
ubottutommy_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!23:15
joaopintotommy_, you have been annoying on all your lines, I am sure I Can annoy you with a single line23:15
tommy_nalioth, i didnt know you were an op :)23:15
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.23:15
=== [dmsuperman] is now known as dmsuperman
Flanneltommy_: Remove the package you have installed with your favorite package mangaer, then install the version from the repository23:16
J2joaopinto - is it normal that it takes allot of time to check?23:16
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org23:16
joaopintoJ2, well, it would read from your entire disk, if its running, it means it is able to read from your disk23:16
joaopintoyou can abort it with CTRL-C23:16
tommy_Flannel, ok thanks23:16
dabaRHow do I set up a VNC connection to a PC with UltraVNC with NTLM authentication?23:16
Meztommy_, joaopinto please take your difference of opinion to /msg, rather than in here23:17
tommy_Flannel, ill do that, sounds like a feasible plan and a sensible one.  thanks for your help23:17
J2joaopinto - well its doing smth but i dont know what exactly. there is no text outout since i hit enter23:17
tommy_Mez, ok23:17
joaopintoMez, please read the entire thread, this was not an opinion matter, thanks23:17
tommy_Mez, I found a solution from Flannel anyway, so I dont need to continue the topic. thanks23:17
joaopintoJ2, there are some recovery tools, I am not sure it will help on your case, and I can't remember the name right now.. probably someone else can help...23:18
=== mgolisch is now known as mgolisch_einbeck
xandecomo eu fasso pra baixar23:18
hacksilberhey guys, i'm trying to mount a sansa e26023:18
joaopinto!pt | xande23:18
ubottuxande: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:18
J2joaopinto - well thanks anyway for your time. btw you know anything about this software? http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk23:18
hacksilberi can see it from doing "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices23:18
Scunizianyone know why most channels on shoutcast via Streamtuner won't load.. all I get is unable to tune in . stream is empty.???23:18
hacksilberanyway i can figure out where it is to mount it?23:19
ipeiHi again guys! May I ask how I can change when I dubbleklick on the title row on a window from "rolling up" to maximize? :/  In "Window preference" "maximize" is choosed, so something is wrong :(23:19
joaopintoJ2, ops, that was the software I am aware for recovring, it is available from the repositories23:20
Chrysalisis it safe to delete symlinks or will that delete whatever its pointing to aswell?23:20
Odd-rationaleChrysalis: it is safe to delete symbolic system links.23:21
J2joaopinto- ok ill try using it then. thanks allot!23:21
sabenick mitm23:21
=== sabe is now known as mitm
ChrysalisOdd-rationale: well i use the ln -s to make them if the -s stands for symbolic23:21
Odd-rationaleChrysalis: correct.23:22
MiescoHow would I use my headset for just VOIP?23:22
MiescoIn a game23:22
t_ I have a problem, 5 minutes after booting ubuntu. The system freezes, and the icons disappear, and no files can be opened (Unable to open the chil process).23:22
xandedesculpa mas eu nunca entrei no irc23:22
hacksilberfrom doing cat /proc/bus/usb/devices i can see it is on bus 005 and is device 00223:23
rainabbaGetting along pretty decent with my new 8.04 install, but I'm catching hell setting up samba shares using any GUIs. System>Administration>File Sharing (or similiar) doesn't exist and the Nautilus Sharing dialog fails citing file permissions in /var/lib/samba/usershares, but I'm in the sambasharing group. Help? Another GUI I could use?23:23
hacksilbercan't relly seem to get any further than that23:23
joaopintoxande, please type /j #ubuntu-pt23:23
thosgbhow do you remove your splash screen boot screen, so its just text?23:25
jay_how to install any program ?23:25
bloodrockrainabba: did you try system-config-samba23:25
joaopintoJay, you should start from Add/Remove23:25
pilpijay_, applications-menu -> add/remove23:25
offlineBloodrock, u still here ? thank you for your great assistance on my prob... now my machine is back to it's norman life23:25
bloodrockoffline cool glad to have been able to help23:26
jay_how i want to get a driver for sound and cam23:26
dabaRthosgb: You need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the option 'quiet' to the right line. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+grub+quiet&btnG=Search&meta=23:26
MiescoI have headphones and speakers plugged in, both are plugged into audio out, how do I make them both work?23:26
offlinebloodrock, ya :D glad to get help from u to thanks23:27
jay_oo ic23:27
pucko-thosgb, and remove splash as well if you want text-only23:27
ubottuFactoid spyware not found23:27
thosgbpucko will that also take care of the logo?23:27
ubottuFactoid adblocl not found23:27
jay_my cam is lose23:28
offlinebye bloodrock23:28
DanielRMI don't suppose anyone knows how to stop aalib from cutting off half of my video?23:28
coilhas anyone gotten unreal tournament working on hardy?23:28
jetscreameri remember a song by bloodrock23:29
ConstrabusVideo works fine in X, but when I kill X i cant get back to the console. I just get a blank screen. Any ideas? Card: 8800m GTX laptop gpu23:29
offlinewhat song ?23:29
coilhas anyone gotten unreal tournament working on hardy?23:30
pucko-Constrabus, common problem.. do you use vesafb?23:30
jay_how i want to change my theme23:30
offlineunreal tournament is for windows isn't it ?23:30
joaopintocoil, are you running it using wine ?23:30
ninefoldIn the synaptic it says "Firefox 3.0~b5". Is this a beta version or final? Just wondering because of the b~5.23:30
asathoorjay >> just rightclick somewhere on the desk...23:30
coilno, loki installer23:30
abchirkoffline which version?23:30
joaopintoninefold, ff3 final is already available from the repositories, unless your is not synchronized yet23:31
thosgbpucko should I delete all the splash, and quiet in grub?23:31
asathoorjay >> and then choose theme23:31
rainabbabloodrock: That did it, thank you.23:31
dabaRConstrabus: can you get to the console without killing X?23:31
offlineabchirk : i bet that question is for coil :D23:31
asathoorjay >> you can create your own or download from www23:31
pucko-thosgb, no, just one instance.. if you read the comments you'll see it..23:31
abchirkoh sorry. :P23:32
mythrilI updated my kernel last night and now sound doesn't play (Ubuntu 7.10) where should I start to solve this issue.23:32
offlineabchirk :D23:32
abchirkcoil the original or Ut2004 or else?23:32
Constrabuspucko- Yes, I have it compiled into my kernel. It still happenes when i take vge=0x730 out of my boot string.23:32
thosgbpucko the link you gave me, thats 150 results, and 15 pages23:32
Constrabuspucko- Would I have to take it out of my kernel for it to fix?23:32
offlineasathorr : which theme is the most light ? i mean not hogging too much resource ?23:33
pucko-Constrabus, yes, happened to me too. I had to use vga16fb to get it working. don't know about the nvidia drivers though.23:33
AutoMatriXHi folks Dock just said I've got to take some painkillers but strictly every 12 hours, does somebody know the way to a 'crontab' example to help me remind that, or shall I just RTFM ? :D23:33
hvgotcodeshey on gutsy compiz worked fine with my ati m300 -- on gutsy its slow as spit23:33
hvgotcodesis this a known issue?23:33
hvgotcodesi meant hardy second one23:33
pucko-thosgb, that wasn't me.23:33
RabidWeezlewhat's the command to run ubuntu's updater?23:33
Constrabuspucko- So you think If i take it out of my kernel, it will work?23:33
RabidWeezleI run kde and it doesn't work the same as in gnome23:33
asathoorAutoMatriX >> perhaps anacron is better, if your system isn't a server23:34
thosgbpucko oh okay23:34
thosgbwell I dont know what line to add, that guy posted a link with over 150 search results23:34
pucko-thosgb, look for the line begining with # defoptions=23:34
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pucko-thosgb, and don't forget to run update-grub afterwards23:34
FlannelAutoMatriX: you could use crontab, sure.  But there are probably better specialized tools for reminders.  A cursory search reveals "remind" which may work23:34
AutoMatriXasathoor, this machine si sometimes used as a testserver ;)23:35
thosgbpucko how do I update grub?23:35
pucko-Constrabus, as I said. don't really know about nvidia drivers. but it worked for me23:35
pucko-thosgb sudo update-grub23:35
AutoMatriXFlannel, interesting solution, in fact :D23:35
asathoorAutoMatriX >> if it's not online all of the time anacron is better. Just edit /etc/anacrontab23:35
offlinedo i need firewall on ubuntu ?23:35
thosgbpucko thanks man23:36
linxehoffline: maybe, depending on what you might run / want to hide23:36
dabaRoffline: not unless you know you need one.23:36
AutoMatriXasathoor, 'm going to have a look at that solution too,23:36
RabidWeezlenvm, I got it, update-manager23:36
coilabchirk: goty23:36
AutoMatriXasathoor, Flannel, thanks à lot23:36
coilbut im having problems with the unrealtournament.ini file23:36
coiltrying to get the opengl working23:36
RabidWeezlecoil, GOTY DVD?23:36
coilnot dvd23:36
coiljust the two cds23:37
=== eitreach_Zzzzz is now known as eitreach
abchirkwithout OpenGL it won't run. :)23:37
RabidWeezleoh, cause the DVD has no linux installer at all, but it has a linux logo on it, LOL23:37
coilyes abchirk23:37
coiland i hvae opengl and 3d accell already23:37
RabidWeezlestupid midway23:37
coili just need help with the viewportmanager option in the .ini23:37
coilyes abchirk23:37
pucko-Constrabus, what i did was to add fbcon and vga16fb to /etc/initramfs/modules23:37
offlinelinxeh & dabar : yes, i want to avoid some attacks like flooding from my LAN... but is it linux is set to hidden port by default ?23:38
RabidWeezleanyone know how to enable sshd?23:38
dabaRoffline: do you have any servers set up on your computer?23:38
soundrayRabidWeezle: sudo apt-get install ssh23:38
HalphaZhello, can i see what ports are open in my uubnut?23:38
RabidWeezleahh, thnx23:38
RabidWeezlefigured it would be installed by default hehe23:39
soundrayRabidWeezle: only the client23:39
DaenythHow do I get MPD to start when the machine boots?23:39
offlinedabar : no.. LAN is straight from switch23:39
RabidWeezlemakes sense, keeps the machine for secure23:39
ForsakenSoulhey can someone tell me what was the command for editing a file from the console23:39
soundrayForsakenSoul: nano filename23:39
RabidWeezleForsakenSoul, well, there's pico23:39
prodigelHi all. Anyone using mythtv? I'm just setting it up and I can't see anything when selecting 'watch tv'. any help appreciated23:40
RabidWeezleand nano23:40
Daenythand vim :>23:40
ForsakenSoulpico ?23:40
Daenythvim is better23:40
Oli```HalphaZ: use Network tools (in System > Administration) on localhost23:40
RabidWeezleI use mc lol23:40
Odd-rationale!best |23:40
ubottu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:40
RabidWeezleI use mc for just about everything23:40
offlinedabar : but on my vista machine, i got massive attack of flooding..23:40
dabaRoffline: the Ubuntu firewall is by default set up to disallow any inbound connections.23:40
ForsakenSoulhmm  how was the command to open a file with gedit for instance from the console with root perms23:40
yooshiw00t I got compiz working23:40
soundrayprodigel: what kind of TV card do you have?23:40
RabidWeezlegedit <filename>23:41
dabaRForsakenSoul: gksudo gedit23:41
RabidWeezlefor root privs23:41
JFlashwhat software can I use to copy a dvd to the HD, not trancode it?23:41
Lunar_Lampprodigel> Hi all. Anyone using mythtv? I'm just setting it up and I can't see anything when selecting 'watch tv'. any help appreciated <== have you configured the tvcard in the settings, and tuned it?23:41
RabidWeezleI use gksu23:41
jay_ok thanx23:41
HalphaZOli```: I'm using KDE4 compiled from trunk, so I suppose I need some command line command...23:41
prodigelsoundray: it's a leadtek 2000 ... donno exactly it's name, pretty old. anyway with xawtv it's working pretty fine23:41
JFlashi found a bunch and installed OGMRip but then it just rips it23:41
vipesterim back again... still trying to connect to wpa.  i reinstalled ubuntu to try some tutorials fresh and it still doesnt work23:41
offlinedabar : so you're saying it is not really necessary to use additional firewall on ubuntu coz it's already safe ? correct me23:41
JFlashlike, it's a lossy process23:41
RabidWeezleooh, new nvidia drivers o_O23:42
sp1d3rhey folks!  Does anyone knows a terminal which I can slide in/out when I want to use it?23:42
Oli```HalphaZ: you can still run gtk apps under kdm (assuming you've still got all the ubuntu-desktop packages installed)23:42
prodigelLunar_Lamp: I've run myth-setup and did some settings according to some article, and seemed ok, also found a bunch of channels23:42
dabaRoffline: ya, if you don't know whether you need a firewall, you don't probably. I don't use a firewall.23:42
Lunar_Lampsp1d3r: I think "tilde" is what you're looking for - though I haven't used it.23:42
jay_ermm.. how to download any filem23:42
ForsakenSoulok thanks guys23:42
RabidWeezleThis has been an awesome summer of code, we got a new firefox, wine 1.0, new nvidia drivers... this is great23:42
Lunar_Lampprodigel: ok, so when you say you can't see anything - do you mean the screen stays black but sound is heard?23:42
tannerugh, this high io wait time is bs23:43
prodigelLunar_Lamp: it goes blank for a fraction of a second and then comes back to the menu23:43
jake_needs_helpI'm having problems with my Ethernet connection on 8.04... assistance please23:43
Lunar_LampOK, you will want to check the logs, but I think that sounds like it's not connecting the database properly.23:43
offlinedabar : ok.. that helps :D i think i'm not gonna use additional F/W coz i will got additional resource hog as well :D23:43
sp1d3rHey guys, where I can find a curtain terminal23:43
HalphaZOli```: I can't reach that program from menù... what is its name?23:43
RabidWeezlejake_needs_help, what kind of problems?23:43
dabaRoffline: in other words, there is a firewall installed in every Ubuntu installation. It is set up properly when you get it, and gets updated as needed. You don't need to configure it if you don't encounter trouble.23:44
Lunar_Lampsp1d3r: I think "tilde" is what you're looking for - though I haven't used it.23:44
prodigelLunar_Lamp: where can I find those logs?23:44
Lunar_Lampprodigel: from memory I'm not sure - but I think /var/log/mythtv23:44
Odd-rationalesp1d3r: tilda or guake23:44
Oli```HalphaZ: gnome-nettool23:44
sp1d3rLunar_Lamp yes! I want that !! thx23:44
soundrayprodigel: it might also just go to /var/log/syslog23:44
sp1d3rI forgot the name!23:44
rainabbaUsing vmware-any-any-116 I managed to get VMWare Workstation 6.5 Beta installed and I created a VM, but when I try to run I get "Version mismatch with vmmon module: expecting 198.0, got 167.0". Anyone know what install step I goofed on to end up here?23:44
RabidWeezlethere's also Kuake for kde if you use kde sp1d3r23:45
jengelh2rainabba: don't use any-any with workstation6.23:45
jake_needs_helpRabidWeezle: I can't seem to ping anything on my network... I think i'm having issues with IPv4 for some reason23:45
HalphaZOli```: thank you a lot23:45
Oli```HalphaZ: though you might want to run it from another computer as some ports may be open but only for local connections23:45
rainabbajengelh2:  So I should uninstall and try again without any-any?23:45
RabidWeezleso you can't access your lan, but you can access the internet jake_needs_help ?23:45
jay_how to install any program23:45
Zanthrainabba: maybe you should stick to a fully working VMWare version, not the beta.23:45
offline:D thanks23:45
jengelh2jay_: vmware-any-any ...23:45
rainabbaZanth: No go man.23:46
prodigelLunar_Lamp: the only error I see in mythfrontend.log is joystick related, which is of null importance23:46
jake_needs_helpRabidWeezle: nope.. can't get to the internet either... I can't even ping my default gateway... very strange... I've tried both static IP and DHCP23:46
offlinejay : sudo apt-get install <program name>23:46
prodigelLunar_Lamp: also says 'connected to ...'23:46
mrgogetemany one help with web cam on pidgin23:46
soundray!software | jay_23:46
ubottujay_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:46
Zanthi recently installed vmware 6.0.4. and i could get it to run without having to use the any-any patches.23:46
RabidWeezlejake_needs_help, this might sound terrible, but try using a different cable?23:46
HalphaZOli```: can I scan also udp ports?23:46
yooshiwhat is the "super" key?23:47
RabidWeezleEthernet cables are finicky23:47
jengelh2yooshi: the one with power.23:47
RabidWeezlectrl = super23:47
rodolfohi all!23:47
blkadf8everytime I reboot, im disconnected, becaus I have to re-login on my wpa, how do I make linux to login automatically?23:47
jay_ok thanx23:47
yooshioh... ok :D uh23:47
jribyooshi: usually it is the windows key23:47
soundrayyooshi: super is normally mapped to the right logo key23:47
soundrayRabidWeezle: ctrl != super23:47
J2just some general info since it was hard to find. best free software to fix broken sectors, deleted partitions and so on: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk23:47
jengelh2yooshi: Super is the Windows key (either SuperL or SuperR)23:47
jake_needs_helpRabidWeezle: Good suggestion, but nope, the cable is good, when I boot into Windows, it works fine... just when I'm using Ubuntu... :-(23:47
rodolfoI have a ton of linux kernel versions! If I remove some, will it put the system in danger?23:47
yooshiok.. cuz whoever said that ctrl is super is wrong... if your'e using compiz23:48
jengelh2yooshi: there's a lot of noise in here..23:48
yooshihmm whats super n then?23:48
prodigelLunar_Lamp: I'm seeing now in console this message: DPMS Deactivated\nDPMS Reactivated.23:48
RabidWeezlejake_needs_help, has it ever worked with linux?23:48
raisefist2rodolfo : no you wont really booting from the lastest kernel should be fine however if you want to be careful then keep the version before just in case23:48
yooshiyeah 1,300 people so far the most I've seen23:48
soundrayyooshi: hold down the right logo key and hit n23:48
Zanthrodolfo: maybe you could try 'sudo apt-get autoremove' . if there are more recent versions of your kernel installed, Ubuntu will remove them and should remain bootable, using the most recent kernel installed.23:48
troythetechguyAfter installing the updates today, the wifi on my lap top quit working.  I re-installed restricted drives and all works fine now.  Is this normal?  Has anyone else experiences this?23:49
yooshioooo compiz is my friend23:49
jake_needs_helpRabidWeezle: It has never worked in this machine but I'm using the same brand NIC in 8.04 server just fine23:49
mythrilI updated my kernel last night and now sound doesn't play (Ubuntu 7.10) where should I start to solve this issue?23:50
soundrayrodolfo: you can safely remove older kernels. Just make sure you keep the one that's running -- check with uname -r23:50
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prodigelsoundray: "could not connect to socket" how does this sound in frontend console responses?23:50
soundrayprodigel: is mythtv reporting that?23:51
ninefoldIn synaptic it said "Firefox 3.0b~5" and I just installed it and it was firefox beta 5. I absolutely updated synaptic and I am on the main server and it undoubtedly is, and says, beta 5 for me. Does anyone know what's going on?23:51
prodigelsoundray: yes, between other stuff23:51
prodigelsoundray: I'm running it from terminal, and that some of the output23:52
rainabbajengelh2:  That was it (no any-any). Thanks.23:52
jengelh2according to the irclog sizes, there is 5x more traffic in #ubuntu than in #fedora... probably 5x as much noise too23:52
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=== JohnnyPea is now known as Achmed
yooshiheh, I hear #linux has lots but its not noisy23:52
rodolforaisefist2, I'm afraid the current kernel is still under development. thus, are not considerable 'stable'. In fact, I don't read all the details that comes with linux kernel when the update manager gets it installed...23:52
fortune82Hey, I'm having trouble starting up Ubuntu 8.0423:52
rodolfoZanth, sudo apt-get autoremove doesn't work23:53
soundrayprodigel: I think you've found a clue there, but I can't think of anything to suggest (I'm a vdr user myself)23:53
fortune82It boots up into the Command screen instead of the GUI23:53
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete23:53
Zanthrodolfo, well, how many kernels are installed?23:53
Simulouswhat would i use to enable me to play a couple of windows based pc games on unbuntu please? :)23:53
rodolfosoundray, I will try that23:53
jengelh2Simulous: Windows.23:53
]RandoM[not having any luck with the intel drivers for 4965 agn wireless.. i get connected but the speed is really slow like (20kB/s), the wifi led doesn't show up.. my router is a b router, but there isn't any problem connecting to it with the same card in vista23:53
soundrayrodolfo: use (for example) sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic23:53
]RandoM[i'm thinking of trying ndiswrapper and using the windows driver23:54
Zanthdunno why, but autoremove worked for me.23:54
plikSimulous: you could try win4lin  or wine23:54
jengelh2Simulous: vmware. with Windows.23:54
yooshiI know, stupid answer...23:54
rodolfoZanth I don't remember...maybe six or seven..23:54
moonchild___help please23:54
ajhtiredwolfhey does nayone know if the 9800gtx has working drivers in linux and or works well?23:54
rodolfosoundray, --purge?!23:54
Simulousthanks mate. Not sure about the VM tho as it vitalizes the displayer adapt..23:55
jengelh2great games come with great impact23:55
]RandoM[which windows driver do i use ? 32bit or 64? i am using amd64 distro of hardy23:55
soundrayrodolfo: removes configuration files as well. Not sure whether it makes a difference in the case of kernel packages23:55
fortune82Ubuntu 8.04 boots up into the Command screen instead of the GUI -- How to fix this?23:55
jengelh2]RandoM[: a 64-bit linux driver.23:55
arakthorSo, I'm running 8.04 64bit edition, and Gimp is gimped because it can't open the menu-toolbox and some other stuff. Basically everything in the directory /usr/share/gimp/ is missing, and I tried reinstalling. any suggestions?23:55
soundrayrodolfo: I use --purge as a habit23:55
rodolfosoundray, I know, but I'm pretty sure it will have some impact23:55
]RandoM[jengelh2: the intel linux driver isn't working well for me (i have it working right now). it's pretty new so it might be just buggy23:56
soundrayrodolfo: it certainly won't remove anything that your current kernel still needs23:56
]RandoM[downloads are very slow.. lots of lost packets i think23:56
]RandoM[the driver is iwl396523:57
fortune82Ubuntu 8.04 boots up into the Command screen instead of the GUI -- How to fix this?23:57
linkmaster03How do I clear 'screen' sessions?23:57
coilCritical: appError called:23:57
coilCritical: Class Actor Member Owner problem: Script=48 C++=5223:57
coilExit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError23:57
coilExit: Executing USDLClient::ShutdownAfterError23:57
]RandoM[if i try ndiswrapper do i need to do anything so that it doesn't use iwl3965 driver anymore?23:57
rodolfosoundray, gonna try it then.. Zanth, raisefist2, thank you all!23:58
soundraylinkmaster03: how do you mean 'clear'?23:58
linkmaster03soundray: like if I type screen -ls and it shows previous sessions, how do I erase those sessions totally23:58
jengelh2-wipe, read the mp23:58
soundrayarakthor: /usr/share/gimp is still empty after you reinstall gimp?23:58
fortune82Ubuntu 8.04 boots up into the Command screen instead of the GUI -- How to fix this?23:59
Shadow_Iceso... anyone around?23:59
arakthorsoundray, yeh23:59
soundraylinkmaster03: ideally, you should attach and exit them. If they aren't attachable, use screen -wipe23:59

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