
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do we have a taepodong-2 for #kubuntu-kde4 yet?01:44
apacheloggerRiddell, rgreening: I'll be doing 3 talks at next devweek ;-)01:45
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: wtf is a taepodong-2?01:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ask the google :P01:48
JontheEchidnasounds like it could have sexual connotations01:48
JontheEchidna~google taepodong-201:48
kubotuResults for taepodong-2: 1. Taepodong-2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taepodong-2 | 2. Taep'o-dong 2 (TD-2) - North Korea: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/dprk/missile/td-2.htm | 3. Taep'o-dong 2 (TD-2) - North Korea: http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/dprk/td-2.htm01:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the Tumbler has batmissles01:49
JontheEchidnado we have a tumbler?01:49
JontheEchidnaif not, Mark Shuttleworth needs to buy us one01:49
JontheEchidnaI believe that the above should be discussed at UDS01:51
apacheloggerah, probably better anyway01:53
apacheloggeroh god01:53
apacheloggerRMS should not make music01:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, I sure know a different meaning for tumbler than the one you were refering to01:54
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the batmobile from batman begins?01:54
JontheEchidnaah, probably best I don't know01:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: check urban dict01:55
JontheEchidnaah, I see01:56
apacheloggerlast.fm is certainly very left wingy for me today01:57
txwikingerleft wingy?02:10
rgreeningapachelogger: good stuff. :)02:21
rgreening^ re: the 3 talks02:22
kubotuapachelogger: Europe - Vienna - Wed Oct 29 03:22 CET02:22
kuboturgreening: America - St Johns - Tue Oct 28 23:52 NDT02:22
rgreeningstill early 4 me02:22
kubotuJontheEchidna: America - New York - Tue Oct 28 22:23 EDT02:23
apacheloggerah screw that02:24
* apachelogger => cuddling02:24
* ScottK has power again.02:40
* NCommander prefers to fight the power02:40
rgreeningpower to the programmers02:42
rgreeningo/ ScottK02:44
rgreeningScottK: hows the monitor issue02:44
ScottKrgreening: Got it triaged to an upstreamable bug with bryce.02:45
ScottKIt's a clear regression from Hardy.02:45
ScottKHe gave suggestions for workarounds, but since then either $TEENAGERS have been working on homework with the other monitor or we've had no power.02:45
ScottK-laptopnixternal: Krandr was not guilty on my monitor problem.  It's a pure X bug.03:10
ScottK-laptopDoes kdm use .xprofile the same way gdm does?03:25
claydohOT as I can't seem to dig up any alternatives; where can I buy Kubuntu schwag other than cafe press03:28
ScottK-laptopRunning xrandr via /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup seems likely to work.03:39
ScottK-laptopSeems good so far.03:55
ScottK-laptopOK.  One box finally upgraded (and two items for the release notes).04:13
ScottK-laptopRiddell: I'd appreciate it if you'd review my work around in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/290156/comments/14 and tell me if that's a sane approach or not04:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290156 in xorg-server ""Display out of range" after upgrade to Intrepid" [High,Triaged]04:16
ScottK-laptopIt works, which says a lot for it, but ...04:17
* ScottK-laptop notes that we still have no Kubuntu amd64 upgrade test: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/212804:29
ScottK-laptopThat seems to be the only Kubuntu test with no coverage at all.04:29
* ScottK-laptop has no amd64, so can't help out ...04:29
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ScottKStill needing an amd64 upgrade test ... http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/212810:23
RiddellScottK: I have to leave something still to do :)10:24
Riddellbesides the architecture isn't as important as that various kde3/kde4/kde4-ppa upgrades10:24
Riddellwhich is what I have been testing, and that annoying x-session-manager alternative is still broken10:25
ScottKI'm just trying to avoid slangasek looking at us funny and wondering why there's a test not done.10:25
Riddellbut I've worked out why now, I wonder if I can still update kdebase-workspace10:25
ScottKRiddell: Did you get a chance to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/290156/comments/14 (I mentioned it about 6 hours ago)?10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290156 in xorg-server ""Display out of range" after upgrade to Intrepid" [High,Triaged]10:26
RiddellScottK: X isn't really my area, I'd expect bryce or tjaarlton could comment better10:27
RiddellScottK: it would presumably be better to work out why X is settings the wrong resolution in the first place10:27
ScottKRiddell: OK.  bryce said he thought it was good, but he doesn't know much about KDM.  My question for you was more is the the right spot to be picking at KDM.10:28
ScottKRiddell: Yes, that's a clear bug and bryce has sent it upstream.10:28
ScottKIn the meantime my kid's computer works again.10:28
RiddellScottK: that seems to be a sensible place to do what's trying to be done yes10:28
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.10:29
ScottKRiddell: My 14 year old, who is not very technical at all, was really excited about setting up widgets on her desktop.  It's the first time I recall her excited about something she could do on the computer.10:30
ScottKKDE4 is great.10:30
RiddellI'll quote you on that :)10:32
ScottKRiddell: Her quote was, "Dad, guess what?  I figured out widgets.  They are SO cool!"10:33
RiddellScottK: what widgets does she use?10:33
ScottKShe has one that displays comics.  It had Garfield last I saw.10:34
ScottKShe had her TODO on the yellow sticky note ont.10:34
ScottKI think she had a calculator one too.10:34
ScottKMind you she'd just started figuring it out.  It's their computer that I had the resolution hell with.10:35
ScottKI expect it'll get insanely more complex when she's had more than an hour or so to play with it.10:35
ScottKRiddell: She's also the one I had do the dist-upgrade as a test.  She got through the instructions fine.10:36
Riddellthat is good to hear10:37
ScottKShe got a little nervous when I told her she was going to upgrade the compter and I was just going to watch, but it worked out.10:38
ScottKWelcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Only 1 day left! | Test test! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all10:40
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Only 1 day left! | Test test! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
Riddell11:30 < slangasek> Riddell: for the release note for bug #280762, you had written "This issue only occurs for some, and not all": doesn't it affect all who have static IP connections?11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280762 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager under kde4 doesn't recognize the static IP connections that I have configured. " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28076211:38
Riddellnixternal: ^^11:38
rgreeningRiddell: any reason that the hooks run with synaptic (if installed) rather than adept in update-notifier-kde.py11:56
xerosisrgreening: I logged a bug about that somewhere, don't think it got anywhere11:57
rgreeningyeah, I now just found it happened to me. I couldn't dup before... now I have.11:58
rgreeningIt seems it's reading some default from a config file... just got to find it11:58
xerosishere it is, bug 28865311:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288653 in update-notifier-kde "Refreshing package lists in KDE should prefer Adept over Synaptic" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28865311:59
Riddellrgreening: such as what?12:00
rgreeningI have a file which was created in /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d called apt-auth-failure.note.12:01
rgreeningIt contains the following entry... Command: gksu -- synaptic --non-interactive --update-at-startup --hide-main-window12:01
rgreeningupdate-notifier-kde runs this hook which uses synaptic12:01
rgreeningthe dir is part of this package: update-notifier-common12:02
Riddellthat's a bug with the hook12:02
rgreeningthis is inconsistant behaviour with the rest of update-notifier-kde12:03
rgreeningbug listed above12:03
Riddellit's not a bug with update-notifier-kde, it's a bug with apt (or whatever ships the faulty hook)12:04
rgreeningRiddell: ok, where to look?12:04
Riddellthe file is /usr/share/apt/apt-auth-failure.note12:05
rgreeningok, I'll dl and look12:05
Riddellit needs replaced with a script which checks for synaptic && gksu and runs that else checks for install-package and runs that12:08
rgreeningRiddell: apt-0.7.14ubuntu6/share/apt-auth-failure.note12:09
rgreeningin the source, it's just a plain hardcoded txt file12:09
rgreeningquestion, if apt has a problem, it should never depend on running a gui like synaptic, right? shouldn't it just execute a sudo in terminal via the x-term alternatives? only neutral thing to try12:12
Riddellif the update failed, having an upgrade hook for update-notifier seems a sensible way of having the user run it at a time when it has a chance of not failing12:13
Riddellusing synaptic or install-package is far preferable for users than an xterm they won't understand12:14
rgreeningRiddell, yes, but what I am saying is that apt itself is depending on having synaptic installed, but it may not be12:14
rgreeningso, what is the correct upgrade hook command to put in there?12:15
Riddellrgreening: upgrade hooks only ever got run through update-notifier12:15
Riddelluntil recently when I wrote update-notifier-kde so now they get run for kde us12:16
smarterrgreening: a script which will check for the DE and use the correct install method12:16
Riddellusers too12:16
smarter(and failback to xterm if everything else fails)12:16
rgreeningI'll attach apt to the bug. Not sure how to proceed further though12:17
smarterhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/2008-October/009371.html << Riddell: what's that for?12:21
rgreeningbug updated. anyone feel free to make suggestion on how to fix12:21
Riddellsmarter: skim got demoted so only scim available which brings in a load of gtk bits, not suitable for CD12:23
smarterwhy did skim got demoted?12:24
smarterbecause it's kde3?12:24
jtechidnaso what'd the importance be for bug 290620?12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290620 in adept "Untranslatable strings in Adept 3.0beta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29062012:24
Riddellrgreening: write a bash script which does the right thing depend on what's installed, add it to apt, change the hook to run that12:24
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
Riddellsmarter: it dosen't work with kde 4 apparantly12:24
smarterno kde4 port in work?12:25
Riddellsmarter: not that I know of :(12:25
smartershame :/12:26
rgreeningRiddell: ok, I'll have a look at that today. So, 1) script for proper detection 2) update the hook file to run the script 3) update apt to install said script. Any suggestions on where the script should live on the system? and an acceptible name (any convention)12:28
Riddell /usr/lib/apt/apt-auth-failure-update12:31
smarterto detect which DE is running you could try: $DESKTOP_SESSION12:31
rgreeningk. on it boss :)12:31
rgreeningty smarter12:31
rgreeningI think it will be find what's installed and then check which DE is running and prefer the native one if installed, then fallback to any other installed.12:32
Riddellmetellius: it's in /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake12:34
Riddelland part of kdelibs5-dev12:34
Riddellmetellius: it may help to add this to cmake   -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps12:34
Riddellrgreening: he got told to go away from the other channel :)12:34
rgreeningoh my12:35
rgreeninghow rude12:35
rgreeningo/ metellius12:35
smarterwhy does adept launches an update when I click on the button supposed to launch software-properties-kde?12:36
smarteractually, both buttons in the "fetch lists" tab of adept installer have the same effect12:36
metelliusomg, bad bad adept bug. double-clicking a file in the details section can actionally rename it. I mistakently renamed /usr/bin/adept to /usr/bin/df12:36
smarteroh, I understand12:37
* rgreening has to try it12:37
smartersoftware-properties-kde is borken for LANG != C12:37
JontheEchidnametellius: I doubt it'll really change it12:37
smarterRiddell: ^12:37
metelliusJontheEchidna: no, it actually did12:37
smarterRiddell: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 22-23: invalid data12:37
metelliusI can run adept now by /usr/bin/df12:37
JontheEchidnaholy crap12:38
rgreeningmetellius: bug opened for this?12:38
metelliusi discovered it < 2 min ago12:38
rgreeningk. open a bug and paste it here12:39
rgreeningwe'll look at it asap. this is critical12:39
rgreeningand a BIG security problem12:39
smarternop, you have r00t privileges when you launch Adept12:39
metelliusdo you really need a bug when I tell you the easy way to reproduce it right here?12:40
smarterbut, software-properties-kde b0rken if you're not speaking us english is a serious bug12:40
JontheEchidnametellius: I'll take care of the Kubuntu formalities like bug reporting12:40
rgreeningmetellius: yes. absolutely12:40
JontheEchidnasmarter: been known forever , bug 13393712:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 133937 in software-properties "software-properties-kde crashed with error " 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 27-28"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13393712:40
smarternobody fixed it? :O12:41
rgreeningok, JontheEchidna, you got this one12:41
JontheEchidnaI wonder12:41
JontheEchidnaoh, nvm12:42
metelliusi don't see how it's a security problem, but I do see how it's bad because it will ruin the stability of the packages12:42
metelliusso where do the bug go? launchpad some place?12:42
rgreeningmetellius: true, security may be a bit overstated. but it is big12:42
metelliusI have never placed a kubuntu bug before12:42
rgreeningJontheEchidna: you going to open bug for metellius or want me to assist in a walkthough...12:43
JontheEchidnargreening: I'm going to file a bug here and upstream12:43
rgreeningJontheEchidna: cool... metellius ^^12:43
JontheEchidnaif b.k.o was working :/12:43
rgreeningmetellius: and yes, launchpad is the place to file bugs. it's actually quite easy. cheers12:43
JontheEchidnaok, seems my DNS is down but I can still chat :/12:45
JontheEchidnabrb, restarting router12:45
JontheEchidnathe good thing is that the bug is probably easy enough to solve, just flip a few Qt switches here and there to disable editing12:47
davmor2Riddell: kubuntu upgrade from kde 3 to intrepid = fail12:59
davmor2Riddell: mvo is double checking it13:00
davmor2Riddell: some nvidia issues bug 29063813:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290638 in update-manager "kubuntu upgrade error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29063813:02
rgreeningRiddell: what would my new e-mail alias be. I've tested a few alternatives. none work.13:08
davmor2rgreening: they take a while to come through and it will be your launchpad username at kubuntu.org/ubuntu.com13:10
rgreeningok, tried the ubuntu with LP name. bounced back13:11
ScottKrgreening: IIRC I had to ask a question on LP to get it added.13:11
davmor2rgreening: took nearly a week for mine to activate13:11
ScottKBTW, now that release day is almost here, it's marketing time.13:12
ScottKBlog, blog, blog ...13:12
ScottKI think you'll like my latest one when it hits planet.13:12
davmor2get your apples here, get your grapes 2lb a pound13:12
davmor2oh wrong market13:13
Hobbseergreening: how are you testing it?  from gmail?13:13
smarteriirc, the emails alias are set/updated once a month13:13
JontheEchidnamornfall: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17383013:14
ubottuKDE bug 173830 in general "Adept allows editing filenames in Details view" [Normal,New]13:14
Hobbseergreening: oh, and what's your LP ID?13:14
a|wenHobbsee, rgreening: are we talking about the @kubuntu.org address ... mine doesn't work either (get an address not in virtual alias table)13:15
Hobbsee(and yes)13:15
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
rgreeningHobbsee: I tested from my work address.13:17
a|weni supposed it was because their script wasn't running13:17
rgreeningHobbsee: roderick-greening [at] ubuntu.com should be the addy.. which isn't in the virt table13:17
ScottKIt's there now ...13:22
jjessehow are things nixternal?13:56
nixternala little cloudy this morning :)13:56
nixternalour company won the Chicago Technology Innovation Awards last night so we had a huge ceremony13:57
nixternalmy picture will be in the next issue of business week :)13:57
nixternalnow the business world will know who I am!!! and I even have a "Free and Open Source Software" quote in my interview :)13:58
jjessewow, ill have to grab the next bussiness week then13:59
sahin_wHow can I change the color of an KDE3 application in Inrepid? There is no kcontrol packages anymore. :-(14:03
sahin_wI'm an Ubuntu user (with Gnome), however I like Amarok and digikam.14:03
sahin_wIn Hardy that was easy.14:03
smartertry changing it using systemsettings; not sure if it works for kde3 apps14:05
smarterbut this is a support question, not a dev question --> #kubunu14:05
ScottK-laptopActuall #kubuntu-kde414:06
Riddelluntil tomorrow14:06
jjessei cant believe another release is almost done14:07
Riddellnaerly there14:08
Riddellsmarter: I can't even get software-properties-kde to run in non english14:12
Riddellsmarter: ah but importing that key breaks things14:15
=== sebas_ is now known as sebas
ScottK-laptopRiddell: If they're going to have to respin (see #ubuntu-release), maybe the kdm fix could get in?14:41
ScottK-laptopYes, so I thought you'd want to at least consider it.14:46
Riddellit's not something that affects the CDs actually, it only affects upgrades14:47
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/  who sees a stray 'a' there?15:06
ScottK-laptopIt affects people using the CDs for upgrades which apparently a lot of people do (I've never really understood it)15:07
\shRiddell: in firefox, I don't see any stray 'a'...should it be there?15:09
Riddell\sh: seems "Candidate" was word wrapping from the top banner15:10
\shRiddell: in firefox the whole page doesn't even wordwrap ;)15:11
ScottKWahoo!  Two entries in the official release notes from one upgrade.15:21
rgreeningRiddell: almost got the apt script written... it's fun thinking in bash again...15:28
Riddellthat has to be sarcasm, bash is never fun :)15:28
\shbash IS fun15:29
rgreeningdripping as it were...15:29
ScottKRiddell: There are people that enjoy most any type of pain you can imagine and no doubt some you can't.15:29
rgreeningI prefer perl for my quick hacks15:29
\shgood to know that admins are mostly the "M" part of "SM" ;)15:30
rgreeningI once wrote a commercial app that was 250,000 lines in perl (plus documenting the code). Actual code was prob 100K lines15:30
* ScottK wonders if \sh reads BOFH. That's the 'S' part.15:30
\shScottK: BOFH is first level ,-)15:31
\shScottK: BOFH is dealing with users...I'm dealing with problems below osi layer 8 ,-)15:31
\shScottK: did you ever play around with powershell of MS in the past?15:36
_gunni_Everytime i try to add new plasma applet kde is crashing (Intrepid 64bit). Any known bug about this?15:51
rgreeningRiddell: with synaptic, the apt hook can get it to refetch the sources list. adept doesn't ssem to have this command line option (unless I am reading it incorrectly). adept updater installs updates if available but only re-fetches the list if updates are available. Should we update updater to fetch or add a new opt to adept?15:57
_gunni_ok, also crashes when i try to set a new background in desktop settings16:00
Riddellrgreening: use   install-package --update16:02
rgreeningoh.. hmmm.. ok, let me check16:02
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Riddell_gunni_: works for me16:03
_gunni_I tried deleting plasmarc and plasmaappletrc, but that did not help16:03
_gunni_How can i get better info or you on that crash?16:04
Riddell_gunni_: you could try installing the dbg packages and running it through gdb with --nofork16:11
_gunni_All kde4 dbg packages or just the plasma ones? And what should i run in gdb?16:15
smarter_gunni_: kdebase-workspace-dbg should be enough16:19
smarterthen kquitapp plasma && gdb plasma16:19
smarterset args --nofork16:19
smarterthen when it crashes, backtrace16:19
_gunni_i will try16:20
smarterbut normally when it crashes there's a popup16:20
smarterand you can click on "details" or something like that and see the backtrace(if the dbg packages are installed)16:20
_gunni_It just crashes and i am at login screen16:20
smarterhmm, that's probably a video driver related crash16:21
smarterwhat's your graphic card?16:21
rgreeningRiddell: ok, written. but, one small issue .. if I kill the install-package before it finishes, the script hangs. Is this a prob with the script needing to trap certain signals or a problem with install-package not handling a close gracefully?16:23
rgreeningRiddell: nm. I never waited long enough for it to terminate. Works 100%!!!!!16:26
_gunni_Is there a way to output the gdb output to a file, as gdb seems to not catch the crash and i landed on login screen again.16:29
rgreeningRiddell: poke - just fired you an e-mail. have a look at the attached script.16:32
* ScottK-laptop notes that the FAQ about .hidden for Edgy can be deleted off the web site.16:36
Riddellthe FAQ probably needs a few updates for 8.1016:37
ScottK-laptopActually the entire FAQ could use an overhaul.16:37
Riddelllet me know if you want a crack at it :)16:38
ScottK-laptopRiddell: I can do at least some basic cleanup.  Would a patch to the html source work or how should I send you changed?16:41
smarter_gunni_: you should start gdb from a tty16:44
smarterctrl+alt+f1 --> login/pass --> DISPLAY=:0 gdb16:44
smarterthen ctrl+alt+f7, make it crashes, go back to ctrl+alt+f1 and type backtrace16:44
smarter(with the kquitapp, set args and other stuff in the middle)16:45
_gunni_kk, i will try16:45
RiddellScottK-laptop: voila16:45
* ScottK-laptop makes a TODO while fighting $WORK fires.16:46
_gunni_now how can i copy the output from the teminal somewhere?17:05
_gunni_smarter: now how can i copy the output from the teminal somewhere?17:06
smarter_gunni_: hmm I didn't think about that :/17:06
smarterthere might be a gdb command17:06
smarterthe other option is to make it crashes again, but this times start gdb with DISPLAY=:0 gdb |tee ~/plasma-crash.txt17:07
smarterthen it will be in your home  directory in the file plasma-crash.txt17:07
_gunni_i ll try brb17:08
smarterhmm, the exact command is DISPLAY=:0 gdb plasma | tee ~/plasma-crash.txt17:08
_gunni_smarter: plasma seemed to not start complete (no background or plsamoids) but i could right click and got the crash on changing background. I hope that wont influence the output: http://pastebin.com/m694d692417:22
carstenRiddell: anything specifc you want me to test?17:29
carstenAnd is there anything I can do to get a comment on this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/28910617:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289106 in xorg "OpenGL issues on Intel GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller" [Undecided,New]17:30
smarter_gunni_: unfortunately I don't really understand what's going on here, fill a bug report on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu with your pastebin attached so that it doesn't get lost17:34
smarter_gunni_: have this worked before? does it works with a live-CD?17:35
_gunni_It did work a while ago, but i dont remember whe i last added plasmoids or changed background, so i cant say what broke it17:36
_gunni_i can try with a live cd tomorrow (have to watch soccer in an hour :) )17:36
smarterfill a bug report with all these informations when you'll have tested and link it here17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290799 in ubuntu "[intrepid] kde crashing on changing background" [Undecided,New]17:40
\sh_gunni_: hmmm? I'm changing backgrounds on 2 plasma enabled desktop on two screens as slideshow...works perfectly17:41
ScottK-laptop\sh: With nv video?17:42
_gunni_It worked some time ago, as i had a different background17:42
\shScottK: ati17:42
ScottK-laptopMy spider sense says it's a video driver issue, but I haven't actually looked at the bug or anything.17:42
_gunni_nvidia may be a cause of course17:43
jtechidnaif it logs you out then that probably means X is crashing17:43
jtechidnaand then plasma probably crashes since X dies17:43
NakkelIm having few annoying problems with my RC Intrepid. Mainly most of my settings wont survive program restarts, logouts or reboots.17:44
NakkelWhats weird is that I can grep the corresponding lines from conf files but after a reboot *poof* they vanish like magic untill I go thru the ordeal of reconfiguring everything by hand.17:47
=== afiestas is now known as afiestas_office
NakkelAnd its not on some spesific program or subset of programs that suffer from this. System Settings wont hold my icon settings, widget theme or window theme. Kontact and programs running under it forget their settings. Akregator being worst that it doesnt even apply some when hitting Apply/Ok.17:50
smarterNakkel: and does it works for non-kde apps?17:51
NakkelYea, I tried running Gnome for few days and everything was dandy there. Except that I couldnt find much to configure anyway. ;)17:52
ScottK-laptopIs the "How do I play mp3 files the same for Intrepid as it was for Hardy?17:56
ScottK-laptopErr https://www.kubuntu.org/faq#mp317:57
* ScottK-laptop assumes it is and updates the FAQ.17:58
ScottK-laptopRiddell: The FAQ is now up to "not obviously out of date to a casual observer".  It could use more work.18:01
ScottK-laptopAs a  bonus, I added one Intrepid specific one.  https://www.kubuntu.org/faq#settings - That's it for now.  Someone else's turn.18:07
xerosisRiddell: on the release notes there's an entry about ath_pci this doesn't work with knetworkmanager without restarting it, is that worth going on then?18:09
Riddellxerosis: what's the release note say?18:13
Riddelldoes it work with gnome nm-applet?18:13
xerosisRiddell: it's about unloading it and reloading it for suspend18:15
xerosisI presume it does with nm-applet, not tried it though18:15
eeanmAmarok 1.4 is the default player still right?18:24
jtechidnaeeanm: right18:24
eeanmok cool18:24
eeanmjust making sure you all aren't smoking whatever Mandriva is smoking18:25
jtechidnawith amarok2 available through an external-yet-official repository18:25
jtechidnawith which I am currently seeing if I can get it to compile with device support18:26
smartermandriva made amarok2 default? they want to know if their bugs tracker can support tons of new reports? :P18:27
eeanmMandriva does do weird stuff like that18:27
rgreeningRiddell: what's the best way to force a hooks run?18:31
Riddellrgreening: kill update-notifier-kde, rm ~/.kde/share/config/update-notifier-kderc, start it again18:32
Riddellthat file logs the ones which have already been done18:32
Riddellalso check it isn't showAfterReboot=false or whatever that key is18:33
marc_Hi, this is my first login here, I respond to the "more testers wanted" by jridell18:35
jtechidnamarc_: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all18:35
marc_I tried to do an upgrade from Kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 following the instructions on kubuntu.org18:35
jtechidnaoh, testing that is good too :)18:36
Riddellhi marc_, how did the upgrade go?18:36
rgreeningRiddell: It works. ty.18:36
marc_but nothing happens after downloading the upgrade tool18:36
Riddellmarc_: no "Version Upgrade" button on adept?18:36
marc_yes, if I press this button, I get a window that does the download of the upgrade sw18:37
Riddellthat's promising18:37
marc_I see that it downloads something18:37
marc_but the upgrade does not start18:38
Riddellmarc_: does the window close or stay open?18:38
marc_it stays open until I click finish18:38
Riddellmarc_: which step is it at?18:39
marc_I have to click two times next I think and then finish18:39
Riddellmarc_: and it doesn't install the upgrades?18:40
marc_no, the window closes and nothing further happens18:40
Riddellmarc_: could you report a bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+filebug18:41
Riddellmarc_: attach the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/*18:41
Riddellmarc_: also a screenshot of the tool in its final state might be useful18:41
marc_ok, i'll do that18:41
rgreeningRiddell: bug 288653 needs sponsoring. debdiff in the bug.18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288653 in apt "Refreshing package lists in KDE should prefer Adept over Synaptic" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28865318:42
=== thomas__ is now known as galtom
Riddellrgreening: looks good to me at a glace, mvo is the man for apt, you'd need to ask him if you think it would be suitable for a SRU18:44
rgreeningmvo not around...18:45
Riddellrgreening: he's on irc, might be away to tea I suppose, or michael.vogt@ubun tu.com18:49
ScottKRiddell: The 14 year old that found widgets yesterday is now teaching her older sister about them. :-)18:50
jtechidnakde svn 87016518:50
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=870165&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 87016518:50
RiddellScottK: plasmoids seem like a good marketing tool, we should try and have as many as possible available in jaunty18:50
ScottKWe need a few more of apachelogger's Bat Team to get their MOTU applications in.18:51
jtechidnaI'm going to get a few merges under me belt before submitting an motu app, considering I got involved pretty much after merges were done18:52
xerosisrgreening: thanks for fixing that bug :)18:58
rgreeningnp. took a bit of bash'ing :P18:59
reisiinteresting feature: setting cpu governor (through the app in systray) to "powersave" locks my screen (asks for password)19:04
reisihas anyone mentioned that today? :)19:04
reisithis is not clean 8.10 install but gradually upgraded 8.04 kde4 remix -> 8.10 beta -> ...19:04
jtechidnanope, haven't seen anybody mention that19:05
Riddellreisi: funky19:05
Riddellreisi: report a bug to bugs.kde.org please on guidance-power-manager19:05
reisiRiddell: roger that19:06
reisiit can be changed to dynamic or performance with no issues, but powersave triggers locking, this really is funky :)19:07
reisialso, any hp 6510b (laptop) around?19:08
Riddellnot here19:08
=== edward_ is now known as embraceunity
reisithere's this rather old bug concerning hotkey-setup, which does nowdays change /proc/acpi/video/*/DOS from 0 to 7, which prevents system lockup when lid is closed19:09
dcrabshi, i have a hphp 6710s.19:09
ScottKreisi: I think there is an open bug in Launchpad about that too (the lockup issue)19:09
reisiScottK: oh it's still open? i guess that's the one by me19:09
dcrabsreisi: It was guidance right?19:10
ScottKI recall getting the bugmail, but didn't have a chance to really follow up on it.19:10
ScottKreisi: Reporting that upstream to bugs.kde.org would be useful.19:10
reisiScottK: dcrabs: are we discussing the acpi video DOS setting or funky behaviour on guidance? :)19:11
ScottKreisi: I'm talking about Guidance19:11
dcrabsreisi: me too19:11
ScottKRiddell: Speaking of which - Do we need a Jaunty spec on power manager selection?  Do we stick with Guidance or switch to the [insert name here] new on in KDE.19:12
reisidcrabs: the acpi system lockup is an acpi issue -- should be fixable in hotkey-setup19:12
dcrabsreisi: i fixed it here a while ago. remember that19:12
jtechidnaScottK: Powerdevil is the [insert name here]19:13
reisidcrabs: you posted that launchpad based new package?19:13
embraceunityI hear more testers are needed? I can't find anything wrong with this darn operating system. It is depressing19:13
embraceunitywhat specifically needs testing?19:13
ScottKjtechidna: Yeah.  That one.19:13
dcrabsreisi: hm, no I don't think it was me19:13
ScottKAnyway, we should consider it and decide.19:13
jtechidnaI'd go for Powerdevil, no offense to the guidance d00ds19:13
dcrabsreisi: my screen locks too when i change to "powersave" in guidance19:14
jtechidnaIt's got kde-backed plasma integration, a runner for KRunner for managing profiles, and a kcm module for systemsettings19:14
rgreeningRiddell: spoke with mvo... I need to remind him again tomorrow...19:14
rgreeningIt's late apparantly :)19:14
_Sime_if Powerdevil works better and is better maintained, then go for it. no probs.19:14
dcrabspowerdevil works perfectly here. I remove guidance because it uses too much ram19:15
jtechidna_Sime_: oh btw, I was wondering if knotify is exposed in any manner the python bindings19:15
Riddellrgreening: tell him it's not late and he has a whole new round of testing to do19:15
RiddellScottK: I don't think it needs a spec, KDE has powerdevil in kdeutils now, unless there's notable usability problems with it (I havn't looked recently)19:16
reisidcrabs: could you report it then? my network breaks down every 5 minutes and i can't get to bugs.kde.org?19:16
reisi(never share network connection with windows xp!)19:16
dcrabsreisi: sure, i can try.19:16
ScottKRiddell: So your assumption is we'll switch?19:16
jtechidna_Sime_: oh, I assume knotify is exposed because guidance uses it. I guess docs just don't exist?19:17
RiddellScottK: yep19:17
* jtechidna sheds a tear for good old guidance19:17
Riddelljtechidna: I don't think guidance uses knotify, don't see why it wouldn't be in pykde though19:18
reisidcrabs: btw the acpi lockup is on launchpad #157691, not reported by me as i previously stated19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 157691 in hotkey-setup "Hardy/Gutsy crashes when the lid is closed on a HP 6710b, HP 6510b and HP 2510p" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15769119:18
jtechidnaRiddell: my dad gets knotify-looking notifications when I unplug his laptop19:18
_Sime_knotify should be in PyKDE. I don't know why it wouldn't be.19:18
Riddelljtechidna: that's just kpassivepopup19:18
jtechidna_Sime_: oh, I just couldn't find docs ;-)19:18
rgreening_Sime_: got a min?19:24
_Sime_rgreening: hi19:24
rgreeninghey o/19:24
blueyedAre you aware of bug 284055? Is it assigned correctly?19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284055 in kubuntu-default-settings "Intrepid: Suspend from KDE4-Menu (Kickoff) will not lock screen on resume" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28405519:30
rgreening_Sime_ bug 28940219:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289402 in kdebase-workspace "circular build dependency between kdebase-workspace and kde4bindings, broken on lpia and hppa" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28940219:30
Riddellblueyed: that should probably be kdebase-workspace19:31
blueyedRiddell: thanks, fixed.19:32
ScottKRiddell: I've just given powerdevil a quick try.  Seems to work.  Items I think need to be sonsidered that may need a spec: How do we expose the suspend/hibernate U/I, do we replace Guidance on upgrades, do we leave Guidance in Universe or remove it.19:43
RiddellScottK: put those questions on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs I guess19:44
ScottKRiddell: Will do.19:44
rgreeningrgrid sounds like ScottK tried to mash me into Riddell19:45
ScottKIt came out that way, but it was more of a complete failure of typing ability.19:46
smarterRiddell: can I add accessibility to the udsjauntyspecs, even if I'll not be there at uds?19:46
jtechidnargriddle, for making pancackes :D19:46
ScottKRiddell: Done.19:48
[thor]Hi folks. I did an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 yesterday and I ran into an issue with Xorg19:52
[thor]Question: during the upgrade, does my machine get a new xorg file or is my current one parsed?19:53
ScottKThe config file is mostly not used these days.19:53
ScottKWhat issue?19:54
[thor]OK, because after the upgrade, X wouldn't start. It came down to the RgbPath entry in the xorg file...19:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274866 in nvidia-settings "nvidia-settings creates invalid xorg.conf" [Medium,Fix released]19:54
[thor]I manually commented out that entry and X started without any problems.19:55
ScottK[thor]: You might add your troubleshooting/fixing steps here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution19:55
ScottKFor Kubuntu the entire display management system is different with KDE4, so no teeling exactly what does what compared to Hardy.19:56
ScottK[thor]: #ubuntu-x is a good place to discuss such things.19:56
[thor]Thanks. I was running 8.04 with KDE4 prior to the upgrade. I guess I won't be the only one who runs into this issue.19:57
[thor]Other than that things worked just fine. You have done a great job on the 4.1 setup!19:58
vblanton[thor]: stepped in late, what was the issue you ran into thor?19:59
[thor]RgbPath entry in the xorg.conf file...19:59
[thor]My X wouldn't start after the upgrade, but commenting out RgbPath made things work fine again.19:59
vblantonah ok20:01
vblantonthat is something you put in their yourself?20:01
vblantoni'll be back20:02
[thor]No. I have mostly left xorg.conf alone :) I did a clean install of 8,04 with KDE4 IIRC20:02
NCommanderScottK, I can't find kubuntu CDs, just DVDs20:09
ScottKNCommander: Something like http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/ should have it.20:15
NCommanderScottK, I need hardy20:16
ScottKOh.  Ancient history.20:16
NCommanderAMD64 hardy->intrepid upgrade path20:16
NCommandersomeone tested it last night?20:17
ScottKNCommander: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download20:17
ScottKBut there were issues, so more testing is good.20:17
NCommanderDefine issues20:18
NCommanderThat page isn't working for me20:18
NCommanderdo I want to test from KDE3 or from KDE4?20:18
ScottKWeird.  Works here.20:18
ScottKKDE3 -> is the official upgrade path, but KDE4 -> is more likely to be interesting.20:19
ScottKGotta run.20:19
=== Arby_ is now known as Arby
Socceroossoo, is anyone around?21:55
SocceroosI'm considering installing kubuntu RC on my laptop and testing stuff before the release tomorrow21:56
SocceroosI just need to know if there's some devs out there to help with the bugs i find21:56
ArbySocceroos: if you file them in launchpad they'll get dealt with :)21:59
Arbyalong with all the others no doubt :)21:59
ScottKSocceroos: This is a quiet time of day here, but in addition to here there is help in #kubuntu-kde421:59
SocceroosThanks for that fellas.22:00
ArbyCould I get some advice on bug 188950 ?22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188950 in kdepim "kmail composer uses wrong name for ibm866 charset" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18895022:03
Riddellhi Socceroos22:03
Arbyit's pretty complete I think22:03
RiddellSocceroos: if you wait a bit there will be final candidates that will be in sore need of testing22:04
Arbyjust wondering if it's worth forwarding to qt upstream22:04
Arbythe bug doesn't occur in kde422:04
RiddellArby: kde 3 only?22:04
ArbyRiddell: yes, as best I can tell22:05
RiddellQt won't be interested22:05
Arbydoesn't occur for me on 4.1.222:05
Arbyok, how to resolve then?22:05
Riddellif it doesn't affect intrepid you can close it as fixed, if you want you can put in a sru for hardy22:06
vorianany final testing needed?  :)22:06
Riddellvorian: lots in a bit22:06
vorianokie dokie22:06
Riddellwhole new desktop CD and dvd builds coming in half an hour or so22:06
voriani'll hit amd64 stuff22:06
ArbyRiddell: I'll close. thanks22:07
SocceroosRiddell: hahahaha, I'm 98% through downloading the current ISO..........DOH!22:14
RiddellSocceroos: keep going, you can rsync22:14
SocceroosYou mean update via package manager?22:15
Riddellupdate with rsync22:15
Riddellrsync -CvzapP --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/daily-live/current/intrepid-desktop-i386.iso .22:15
Socceroosah, ok22:15
ArbyRiddell: while I'm at it, is my last comment sufficient to close bug 24800 ?22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 24800 in kdepim "Akregator does not save password for authenticated https:// feeds" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2480022:16
RiddellSocceroos: so finish your current download, then run rsync to get the latest image, then wait until new images are announced and rsync again to get the one with the latest fixes which needs lots of testing before tomorrow22:16
SocceroosRiddell: okies22:17
RiddellArby: I'd say so22:18
Arbywoo. bugs--22:18
RiddellseaLne: looks like one of yours ^^22:18
SocceroosRiddell: In terms of testing, if I'm trying things like external monitors/projectors, Cameras, multimedia keyboards and the like is it too late to report bugs on that kind of stuff?22:20
RiddellSocceroos: anything can be reported, serious problems can get a release note and stable release update as appropriate, but the most important thing is just that it installs and runs22:21
Socceroosyeah, ok22:21
JontheEchidnafarewell #kubuntu-kde422:22
RiddellJontheEchidna: already?22:24
JontheEchidnaRiddell: everybody was cleared out22:24
JontheEchidnaI guess it is Oct 30 in UTC22:25
Riddellnot yet, but over in far away parts of europe it will be22:25
Arbyhas the mayhem starte in #ubuntu-release-party yet then :)22:25
Riddellgood question22:25
Arbyapparently not22:26
RiddellArby: able to do some late night CD testing in a bit?22:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: able to do some not so late night CD testing in a bit?22:28
ArbyRiddell: how long is a bit?22:28
RiddellArby: "half an hour"22:28
jussi01Riddell: FYI I just forwarded #kubuntu-kde4 to #kubuntu22:28
Riddellah, jussi01, just the man for some late night CD testing :)22:29
Arbyyes I can do a bit22:29
JontheEchidnaRiddell: got some homework I'm supposed to do i na bit22:29
* Arby pokes rsync into life22:29
JontheEchidnaplus working around the kernel bug that prevents the livecd/latest kernel from booting is no fun22:29
jussi01Riddell: I have 1 eye on bed, considering its 00.30 here and Im working tomorrow. :(22:29
Riddelljussi01: fair enoughski22:30
* jussi01 debates getting some coffee...22:31
ArbyRiddell: do we need full tests or just 'does it install?'22:31
RiddellArby: does it install pretty much22:33
Riddelljussi01: where is "here"?22:33
jussi01Riddell: Helsinki22:33
Riddellnot somewhere I've managed to get to yet22:34
jussi01That reminds me, anyone in midlands of the UK Ill be there next week if you want some company for a beer or coffee.22:35
Riddellsmarter might be22:35
jussi01Liverpool/manchedster area22:35
Riddelldavmor2 too22:35
Riddelloh, I believe that's what the English call "the north"22:35
jussi01Riddell: you should come some day, its a lovely place - just dont come in january...22:35
RiddellEngland considers the north to begin somewhere in the middle22:36
jussi01Riddell: I said UK :D :P22:36
Riddell(to be fair, the central belt is hardly in the centre of Scotland)22:36
Arbyexcept for English people from the real north :)22:36
davmor2Riddell: no that's Londoners :P22:36
Arbywho call Manchester south22:36
jussi01you crack me up :P22:37
RiddellArby: Manchester is just a suburb of London from here :)22:37
Arbywell said :)22:37
jussi01anyway, now I really am going to bed...22:37
jussi01I see you all tomorrow.22:37
Riddellsleep tight22:38
Arbyand the madness has commenced in -release-party :)22:38
Arbymust .... not ..... bait  .... the trolls22:39
Arbybut it's so tempting :)22:39
JontheEchidnabait them 'bout what?22:40
Riddellrelease time I expect22:41
JontheEchidnasoo tempting to hit the publish button on that Kubuntu 8.10 release story...22:42
Riddellthat will annoy a lot of people (mostly the marketing department of canonical who will start getting late night phone calls)22:44
JontheEchidnaoh, you guys get calls when things are released, or just when people say things are released that arent' released?22:45
Riddellthe marketing people do I believe22:45
RiddellI've only occationally got phone calls, never on release day as far as I mind22:45
SocceroosRiddell: I've just finished the initial rsync.....are those fresh ISO's up yet?22:48
RiddellSocceroos: not yet it seems, still waiting for the gears of the publisher to turn22:48
SocceroosRiddell: the suspense.....22:49
Socceroosdoes 8.10 come with a kde4 port of networkmanager applet?22:50
RiddellSocceroos: sadly not, it isn't ready yet22:51
JontheEchidnait's infantile at the moment22:51
JontheEchidnathe plasma people started cooking it into existance a week or two ago22:51
SocceroosRiddell: doh! i was really looking forward to that...... Does the old one have updated support for the 3G networking stuff?22:51
a|wenlooks like the live-cd's just got up :)22:52
RiddellSocceroos: not to speak of :(22:52
Riddella|wen: hmm?  nothing new up yet22:52
SocceroosRiddell:  ......argh. Thats the main reason I wanted to upgrade....22:52
a|wenRiddell: Kubuntu Desktop i386 (20081029.1) on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all ?22:53
Soccerooslooks like i'll have to install the ubuntu applet and use that. Hopefully it works as expected.22:53
Riddella|wen: ok, confirmed, let's get testing22:57
RiddellSocceroos, vorian, Arby: time for rsyncing dudes22:57
a|weni've already updated mine using rsync :)22:57
Riddellour last three days of testing need redone in one night!  all hands to the ISOs!23:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: able to test?23:01
ArbyI need a bigger pipe23:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: nope :(23:01
JontheEchidnabusy finding inverses of matrices23:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: I'm sure you could write a programme to do that :)23:02
SocceroosRiddell: same rsync command?23:02
RiddellSocceroos: yep23:02
dwidmannHmm, I can test an ISO before I go to bed23:08
Riddelldwidmann: excellent, grab from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/  or rsync if you already have a recent one23:08
Riddellreport on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all when installed23:08
dwidmannRiddell: it'll be a while before I can do it though, probably about 8 hours from now ... or is that too late to be useful (silly bandwidth restrictions of a greedy ISP :( )23:09
Riddelldwidmann: that would still be useful23:09
Riddella|wen-testing: how's it looking?23:10
dwidmannRiddell: okay ... I'll test the amd64 ISO as soon as I can then23:10
ArbyRiddell: are we going to co-ordinate here or should we join the #u-testing team ?23:11
a|wen-testingRiddell: going slow, my vm is on a laptop without cpu virtualization ... but apart from that, good :)23:11
RiddellArby: I'm just going to do every test I can23:11
RiddellArby: but if you say what you plan to do here others might be able to do other tests as appropriate23:12
Arbyfair enough, desktop has landed. I'll start with entire disk23:12
dwidmannRiddell: would it be more useful if I did the live or the alternate?23:12
Riddelldwidmann: live23:12
RiddellArby: great (I can't do that one :)23:12
Riddellhi KDesk, able to do some install tests?23:13
a|wen-testingArby: i'm in the process of "entire disk" from the "live" option23:13
KDeskRiddell I think yes :)23:13
Arbya|wen-testing: ok I'll do manual instead then23:13
Riddelldon't be too afraid to duplicate, we do want duplicates too23:13
RiddellKDesk: excellent, grab from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/  or rsync if you already have a recent one, report on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all when installed23:14
a|wen-testingArby: then we can switch manual vs. entire by choosing the install option :)23:14
Riddellinstalling in ! english is a useful test too23:14
Arbysounds like a plan23:14
KDeskRiddell I have rc, how do I rsync?23:14
RiddellKDesk: rsync -CvzapP --stats rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/daily-live/current/intrepid-desktop-i386.iso .23:15
RiddellKDesk: s/i386/amd64/ as appropriate23:15
a|wen-testingRiddell: i'll do the next one in danish23:15
Socceroos48% through rsync.....23:15
Soccerooswaiting waiting....23:16
KDeskRiddell ok. Btw, I have installed rc (i386 )and everything is OK.23:16
Riddellalso testing the install only mode is a useful one even if not on the iso tracker site since that has been breaking quite a bit in past builds23:16
ArbyRiddell: install only? as in not start the live session?23:16
Arbythat's what I always do23:17
RiddellKDesk: there's been quite a few updates since then, and unfortunately we've had this night-before rebuild just done so all the last few days testing needs redone toot sweet23:17
KDeskok :)23:17
RiddellArby: glad someone does :)23:17
a|wen-testingRiddell: i think the test should be split up for live+install and install-only for jaunty23:18
Riddella|wen-testing: I agree, !english should be added too.  trouble is it's hard to change the tests in that site, needs database fiddling apparantly23:19
Riddellanyway, rebooting23:19
a|wen-testingRiddell: and for the alternate cd the entire-disk should be split in LVM and not LVM ... we should in general look at updating them to reflect current situation23:20
dwidmannHum, maybe I should dig out one of my old 250's for this.23:23
rgreeningRiddell: myself and JontheEchidna were looking at the KNotification (to replace KPasivePopup). I have a working solution, but need to know about localization...23:31
rgreeningRiddell: have a look at 1) http://paste.ubuntu.com/64300/ and 2) http://paste.ubuntu.com/64301/23:32
rgreening1) is the .notifyrc file (which requires localization I assume).. just not sure what I need to do in the package to allow Rosetta...23:33
Riddellrgreening: sounds great but can't test tonight, busy install testing23:37
rgreeningnp. it was more of a question about ensuring localization gets in there...23:38
rgreeningI'll do up what I can and try and bzr it up23:38
rgreeningyou can review/accept/reject at yer leisure... :)23:38
=== Socceroos is now known as Socceroos_Aborte
=== Socceroos_Aborte is now known as Socceroos
* arby-testing waves and runs away to start the next test23:54
* a|wen thinks it is SO cool ... Free software + Ubuntu was on national television for 25 minutes today, in a program that is usually seen by around 12-13 % of the danish population =)23:58
ubuntuI have a problem with the live cd of Kubuntu 8.1023:58
ubuntuaudio doesn-t work23:59
ubuntuat all23:59
ubuntuI have a Asus F6a Laptop23:59

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