
Myrttiwoooooo sleepybyes00:23
LjLnalioth: #k too please?00:28
naliothubottu is returning01:48
mneptokas was foretold in Leviticus02:04
tritiummneptok: we miss you in #ubuntu-us-nm03:15
mneptokoh! sorry, not in my auto-join03:15
geniiNew Mexico?03:16
tritiumYou're always welcome to drop in and say hello.03:17
mneptokit's like Old Mexico, but newer.03:18
mneptokor ... something.03:18
PiciLow in saturated fat?03:18
mneptoknot just good, but good for you.03:18
naliothtritium: one would have thought your Indians had finally succeeded in getting rid of the malevolent spirit . .03:18
* nalioth runs03:18
* tritium ponders the meaning of that cryptic phrase03:19
naliothtritium: you're inviting the 'malevolent spirit' back03:20
naliothnothing cryptic about it - mneptok knows who he is03:20
tritiumaww, poor mneptok03:20
tritiumnalioth: one of these days you'll have to find your way over here.  We're just one state away.03:21
tritiumPici: no, the food is rather high in both fat and cholesterol.03:21
* genii wonders if #ubuntu-ca-on exists03:22
tritiumgenii: You're in Ontario?03:22
geniitritium: Yuppers03:22
mneptokgenii: close to QC?03:22
geniiDarn, I'm the only one in that channel :/03:23
naliothtritium: yeah, wouldn't be a problem if we were Yankees03:23
tritiumOne of my old college roommates is from Windsor.03:23
naliothunfortunately, there's 1000 miles 'tween us  :P03:23
geniimneptok: Nah, in Toronto03:23
tritiumnalioth: indeed03:23
mneptokgenii: ach so. was wondering if you might attend the Montreal release party03:23
geniimneptok: ?On Halloween03:23
mneptokgenii: no, Thursday @ 180003:24
geniimneptok: It would be impossible, I finish work at 1700 and the drive is much longer than anhour from Toronto to Montreal03:25
mneptokyes it is03:25
mneptoki'd say fly, but Air Canada is prolly slower than driving03:25
geniiHehe, yeah03:26
mneptokand would charge you for a seat cushion, breathable air, and toilet paper03:26
geniiAnd seatbelt03:26
mneptok(worst airlaine *evar*)03:26
geniiI go WestJet when possible03:26
tritiumI'm trying to remember the coffee chain up there in Ontario.  They thought they were lacing the coffee with nicotine to get the patrons addicted...03:26
geniiStarBucks ?03:27
mneptokTim Horton's?03:27
* genii starts craving a Tim Horton's coffee03:27
tritiumIt must be the nicotine!03:27
geniiIt's just good coffee :)03:27
tritiumI know :)03:28
mneptokif you want *real* culture shock, when i was in Tokyo i saw a Krispy Kreme03:28
mneptokit just seemed so ... wrong.03:29
mneptoki wonder if they serve raw eel filled glazed donuts ....03:29
geniimneptok: So you're from NM living in QC now?03:30
naliothgenii: he's from the 3d ring of Hades, actually ( don't let him fool you ).03:33
geniinalioth: Thanks for the heads-up03:34
tritiumgenii: he came here to visit, checking out the area as a possible place to relocate03:35
Jordan_UProbable troll in #ubuntu, "<gobuntu> is there anybody knows about LUNIX?"03:36
geniiNo, lunix exists03:36
geniiIt is a small *nix for C64 platform however and not related much to *buntus03:37
mneptokgenii: no, from east coast US and now in QC via 6 years in Portland, OR03:37
Jordan_UAh, I had heard "lunix" in a joke mocking linux03:38
geniiJordan_U: Well, maybe is a troll :) 03:38
geniimneptok: I'm mostly an Ontario boy, travelled quite a lot in the US late 80s but been here in Toronto now since 9103:40
mneptokgenii: CT, NY, DC, OR etc etc03:40
geniiConnecticut is nice03:41
mneptokwas basically raised there03:41
mneptok(Hartford suburbs)03:41
mneptokHartford is not so nice. New Haven is far nicer.03:41
mneptok(lived there, too) :)03:42
geniiI liked the country there03:42
geniiFairfield, etc03:43
mneptok'spensive, though03:44
geniiYes. I guess sort of like being a tourist at Marthas Vineyard or so03:45
mneptoki'd rather be a guest of one of the super rich ;)03:46
* mneptok closes up shop and heads home03:48
geniiWherever that is ;)03:48
naliothgenii: an enclave for the very rich on the coast of Massachusetts03:51
naliothgenii: you should get out more  :P03:51
geniiGetting out more would cut into my computer time...03:52
tritiumBuenas noches, amigos!03:52
naliothnight, tritium 03:53
tritiumGood night, nalioth.03:53
Tm_TSWAT___: hi07:06
Tm_TJordan_U: something else we can help you with?07:06
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu07:10
FlannelWe ought to add something for -release-party, yes?07:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, J-_ said: !ted is <reply> Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers. Ideas worth spreading. http://www.ted.com/07:31
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !AtomicSpark is <reply> has access to ubottu07:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, BruteSource said: !brutesource is <reply> a command line warrior07:35
FlannelAtomicSpark: Can we help you?07:35
AtomicSparkPlease ignore my ubottu request, for I knows not what I do. :P07:35
FlannelOr, rather, How can we help you?07:35
AtomicSparkFlannel: I had to say sorry. :(07:35
FlannelAtomicSpark: sounds good.07:35
FlannelAnyone awake with -ot?08:06
jussi01elkbuntu: nalioth PriceChild LjL-Temp: can we just give Flannel ops in -ot? Please? 08:16
jussi01this happens too often...08:17
Tm_Tjussi01: I had same problem few years ago08:17
Tm_Tthen I thought, meh, why bother anymore (;)08:17
ubottusnuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (BruteSource)08:22
jussi01Morning elkbuntu08:24
jussi01elkbuntu: any chance you will be in or near melbourne in the next few weeks?08:24
* jussi01 is coming home!!!08:24
Tm_Tjussi01: <308:25
Tm_Tjussi01: remember to hug people for me08:25
jussi01Ill be in melbourne area from about the 12thId say08:25
jussi01Tm_T: :D08:25
Tm_Tand no I'm not joking08:25
jussi01Tm_T: if I get time so see any of them. 08:25
Tm_Tthanks son08:26
elkbuntujussi01, nope :(08:27
* elkbuntu whimpers08:27
Tm_Tso who's coming to see our new baby in a few weeks?08:28
jussi01Tm_T: wont be here :(08:28
Tm_Tjussi01: chicken08:28
Tm_T (;)08:28
Myrttihello kids08:31
* Tm_T huggggles Myrtti 08:31
=== SWAT___ is now known as SWAT
SWATTm_T: hi, anything I can do for you?08:35
Tm_TSWAT: hug me?08:35
juliuxhey SWAT 08:36
SWATjuliux: hey, long time no see08:43
Tm_Tlong time no jazz08:44
SWATTm_T: maybe next time ;)08:44
ubottusnuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (gentoon (ban evading))08:49
Tm_Telkbuntu: ^08:50
Flanneljussi01: thanks for fixing that.08:51
jussi01Flannel: fixing what?08:51
elkbuntuit's a game of whack-a-mole08:52
Flanneljussi01: the echoing here bit?  Maybe you didn't fix it.08:52
Flannelbut, someone did.08:52
elkbuntushell providers ought to play with barbies instead.08:52
jussi01Flannel: ahh, yeah I chatted to stdin about it and he got it fixed08:52
Myrttielkbuntu: FREE shell providers08:52
elkbuntuMyrtti, yes, that's what i meant08:53
Tm_Thug me?08:53
elkbuntualthough, you can get irc shells for like $2, that's basically free.08:53
jussi01elkbuntu: not really if you have no way to pay, a la 13 year olds...08:54
Tm_Telkbuntu: you can get those free from friends too08:54
elkbuntunow i have pms08:54
* Tm_T huggles elkbuntu 08:54
* Tm_T is sad, noone is hugging 'em08:54
* Gary hugs Tm_T 08:56
* jussi01 sends Gary flowers08:56
jussi01Gary: in which part of the UK are you located?08:57
* Myrtti huggles elkbuntu08:57
* jussi01 should try organise to see some people while he is there...08:57
elkbuntujussi01, come to sydney :Þ08:58
Garyjussi01: at the mo, home is in Colchester, Essex, but I work near Nottingham08:58
Garywhich sucks08:58
jussi01elkbuntu: hehe, maybe, Im checking things out08:58
Myrttieveryone is West Midlands based08:58
jussi01Gary: Ill be visiting Manchester, Liverpool and london most likely08:58
Garyessex is just a bit north (and east) of London08:59
jussi01ok. on the train line from manchester?08:59
Garynottingham is nearish to manchester09:00
Garyby nearish, it is 1.5 hours drive away09:00
juliuxSWAT: next ubucon will be in ocotber 2009 ;)09:00
jussi01Gary: well then, you can comepick me up then :D09:01
Tm_TGary: which Nottingham?09:01
GaryTm_T: there is more than one?09:01
Tm_TGary: sure there is09:01
Tm_TGary: but glad we all know what we are talking about, Nottinghamshire that is09:04
Garyhome of robin hood09:05
Tm_Twhich one?09:05
Myrttiand the football club09:05
Tm_TMyrtti: every british town is09:05
Myrttiwell, yes09:05
Tm_TGary: because there's several sources of that legend (:)09:06
Myrttibut Nottingham has a football club even *I* have heard of.09:06
Tm_TMyrtti: how'bout 'pool?09:06
GaryTm_T: the real source, there is only one robin hood :p09:07
Tm_TGary: there's one modern legend yes, but on the early years there were multiple sources09:07
Tm_TGary: like any historical tale, it has many sources in its history09:07
Tm_TI wish it would be lies, but...09:08
* Tm_T sometimes hates the complexity of life09:08
Garyt'is simple really, you get born, pay taxes, then die09:09
Tm_Ttaxes? no, I get paid (:)09:09
Garythe other stuff is there just for entertainment purposes09:09
Tm_TI have got more tax refund than paid taxes in last two years09:10
elkbuntui'm still being harrassed by this user. i'm going to send him here, he's going to cry bull. you might want to stop your personal discussions so i can do this09:11
Tm_Telkbuntu: sounds perfect09:11
elkbuntuMyrtti, you're the only other active -ops op. do you want to have the challenger try explain why entering with 'who's the genius' isnt trolling?09:12
Myrttielkbuntu: go ahead09:12
elkbuntuhe refuses to come here. wants an active op in PM09:13
Garyelkbuntu: what user?  and what channel did it start in?09:13
FlannelOh,hey.  People are awake.  We ought to update !intrepid to get rid of broken software bit, and add in -release-party, yes?09:13
elkbuntuhe wants to enter because he's banned, not because he wants to be there09:13
Myrttiwell, I'm trying to work atm, I'd rather have him here where someone else can listen to him if I have to "run" (not that much that I can run while in my bed, but anyway)09:13
elkbuntuaside from, you know, harrassing users.09:14
elkbuntuGary, gentoon. the one with the bshellz hostmask. the one who came in to challenge someone who disagreed with his friend bruteforce09:14
Garythe android one09:15
elkbuntuGary, oh, and it was -offtopic09:15
elkbuntuapparantly i cant justify a single rule he broke. he refutes trolling. apparantly it's his right to come in swinging for a fight, etc.09:16
elkbuntui even offered to unban if he'd not return to the same behaviour, and he said he would because he could09:18
Garyso he said he would return to being a troll, because he can?09:18
Myrttirevelation: after waking up, but before getting up from the bed, it's really uncomfortable to work in bed with the laptop on your lap.09:18
Garythats enough to tell him the ban stands...09:18
elkbuntuGary, not those exact words, but yes.09:19
elkbuntuMyrtti, is he still going on?09:23
Myrttijust now started09:23
ikoniaelkbuntu that would be me who disagreed with bruteforce09:26
elkbuntuikonia, you genius, you.09:27
Garyelkbuntu: did you know your halo is showing in -orftopic09:27
ikoniahe was trying to get cross-compiled toolchain support for an embedded device in ubuntu and had a REAL attitude problem09:27
ikoniaI think I've still got the delightful pm's he sent me09:27
GaryI save those and print them out :-)09:27
ikoniaelkbuntu: who is the user ?09:28
elkbuntuikonia, it's plausible the gentoon isnt bruteforce, but he's only there for a fight, not quite the kind of person we want there.09:28
ikoniawhere is he (sorry I only picked up half the conversation)09:28
ikoniaahh ok this is in pm09:29
FlannelThis is about brutesource?  note what he said in #u about an hour ago.09:29
ikoniabrutesource or brutefrce09:29
ikoniathe user I delt with was BruteFrce09:30
MyrttiI was planning to have a shower...09:30
FlannelI only see BruteSource as a brute*09:30
elkbuntuin various PMs09:30
Flannelwas it misspelled?09:30
elkbuntuikonia, <gentoon> so who is the genius saying that you can't go eeper than the application stack on android which is completely open, since you have root?09:30
ikoniaelkbuntu: no-one discussed that, it looks like the same guy - but the user BruteFrce came in a few days agao and hasseld for instructions on how to cross-compile a mips toolchain09:31
elkbuntuikonia, he returned tonight09:31
ikoniathe mips toolchain was for a "phone" he was working on, he had no idea what he was doing09:31
ikoniaI should have banned him at the time for his attitude - sorry09:31
ikoniaelkbuntu: he's not in the ubuntu logs as BruteFrce09:31
Tm_TMyrtti: I just got shower09:32
elkbuntuikonia, i mispelled then09:32
ikoniaor I can't see him in #ubuntu as BruteFrce09:32
elkbuntuhe was in -ot as brutesource tonight * BruteSource (n=BruteSou@m150e36d0.tmodns.net) has left #ubuntu-offtopic (requested by elkbuntu)09:32
elkbuntu* elkbuntu sets ban on *!*@m150e36d0.tmodns.net09:32
FlannelAnd #u shortly thereafter09:33
MyrttiTm_T: shutup09:33
elkbuntui didnt see him there09:33
elkbuntuMyrtti, just tell him the ban stays, and forward him to freenode staff, aka Gary09:33
MyrttiI'm making progress!09:34
Garymeh /me hides09:34
Myrttidon't make me stop now!09:34
Tm_TMyrtti: shut me up09:34
elkbuntuMyrtti, what progress? you're going to let him back in so he can start looking for fights again?09:34
MyrttiI need to concentrate09:34
elkbuntuthat's the only progress he's interested in :Þ09:34
MyrttiI have to see it myself09:36
FlannelIRC is a privledge, not a right.09:36
elkbuntuFlannel, damn straight09:36
Tm_TFlannel: for me it's left09:36
ikoniaelkbuntu: I'm not sure thats teh same user, the topics the same but the usr/host is different09:36
elkbuntuikonia, he came in swinging. that's what got people offside09:37
elkbuntuthat's what he got nuked for09:37
ikoniaI don't think he's the same guy as BruteFrce asking about the android / mips toolchain09:37
Flannelshould -release-party be +t?09:38
elkbuntuikonia, he was sent by brute09:38
MyrttiFlannel: of course09:38
FlannelMyrtti: it's not currently09:38
ikonia10:15 -!- BruteFrce [n=IrcNet@m3a0e36d0.tmodns.net09:38
ikoniait's him09:38
ikoniathat was from my pm log when he was being a bad chap09:38
ikoniaI should have banned him when he was a pain - sorry09:38
ikoniaelkbuntu: he's a lot more agressive/rude in -ot than he was in ubuntu but the content is the same09:39
ikoniahttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/10/21/%23ubuntu.html randomly offtopic all day then becomes a pain at 9:5909:48
ikonia(in between this conversation I'm getting PM's to STFU you know jack etc09:51
Myrttiwhat does adly mean?09:55
ikoniawhere ?09:55
Myrttioh, right09:55
Myrttihe mistyped it X-D09:55
Myrtti[11:54] <gentoon> wtf are you talking about? i invited the guy who was talking adly  about android, he was and still is there.09:56
Myrtti[11:55] <Myrtti> adly? (looks it up)09:56
Myrtti[11:55] <gentoon> your english is not god enough to understand the ituation, you  shouldnt be an op.09:56
* Myrtti chuckles09:56
elkbuntuGary, your turn09:58
Myrttiok, the discussion is officially now so complex I don't understand him anymore09:59
Myrttihe's going in circles09:59
elkbuntuit's too close to release to be dealing with pests like this09:59
elkbuntuMyrtti, best to pass it on to an englishman until your english is God enough.10:02
Myrttihilarious, isn't it.10:02
Garygod enough?10:02
MyrttiGary: see the paste  ^10:03
elkbuntuGary, i believe that's one step before 'good'10:03
Garyi'd soft ignore him to be honest, it seems like you will not win by talking10:03
elkbuntuGary, and he's a wimp. he's not even used the shell provider to it's full potential10:03
elkbuntuor threatened to do so either10:03
elkbuntunalioth, we might want mr bot 3 to visit #u-r-p at some point10:05
elkbuntuor, even mr bot 5, if anyone can drive it10:06
FlannelAlright, weve got Glitch ban evading in #u10:07
Flannel(he's also in -ot)10:07
Flannelironically, -ot makes it easier to find him in #u10:08
ikoniaand release party10:08
elkbuntuand in #u-r-p10:08
* elkbuntu headbangs with ikonia10:09
Flannel-r-p is window 32 :P not one I'm in the habit of checking often yet.10:09
Flannelmind setting a realname ban on him? marshtom?10:11
FlannelI don't think I've done it successfully yet10:12
ikoniaFlannel: join the club10:12
Myrttielkbuntu: you're a chick, btw.10:12
Myrttidid you know?10:12
elkbuntuMyrtti, really?10:12
elkbuntugee, i thought the lack of dangly meant otherwise...10:12
elkbuntuhow wrong i was.10:13
FlannelAnyone?  ident ban doohickey?10:13
MyrttiI'm getting bored10:13
ikoniawho's doohickey ?10:15
elkbuntuguys, someone might want to review bans in #ubuntu and remove anything that looks expirable.10:16
Flannelwell, shucks.  We've found a keeper.10:16
ikoniaelkbuntu I'm going thorugh now10:16
elkbuntuikonia, <310:16
Flannelthat one was hell.10:16
ikoniaI got a prod from ompaul the onther night so it was on my list for today10:16
MyrttiFlannel: I'm getting out of luck here10:17
Flannelelkbuntu, ideas?10:17
Myrttijust a sidenote: OH DEAR GOD I'M SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS10:20
Flannelwell, shucks Myrtti, I didn't know you liked me like that.10:21
Myrttidid marshtom get bored?10:22
FlannelEither that or he's looking for another rooted box to use10:22
Myrttiok, is anyone else ready to take over gentoon?10:22
MyrttiI'm really getting tired here10:23
* Flannel is going to sleep soon. It is 330 afterall.10:23
elkbuntuikonia, he prodded me too, i havent had time10:25
Myrttiand whizz bang. I couldn't care less about this person anymore10:25
ikoniarunning though now10:29
elkbuntuGary, are you moonlighting with a troll name?10:31
Garyme, where?10:32
Dave2buntu, ideas?10:32
* Dave2 stabs right-click paste a bit10:32
elkbuntuGary, 'gay4gay' in #ubuntu10:33
Garynot me10:33
Garythat is quite trolly10:33
elkbuntuesp since it appears aimed at you10:33
Garyyeah, I see10:34
Myrttianyone want logs?10:34
elkbuntuMyrtti, yep10:34
MyrttiI really can't handle this person anymore10:37
MyrttiI've wasted an hour with him10:38
MyrttiI should be working10:38
elkbuntuMyrtti, i told you to hand it on.10:38
MyrttiGary, anyone?10:38
Myrttiplease, take him off.10:38
GaryMyrtti: whats the nickname?10:38
Garydealing with him10:39
elkbuntuyou're not going to satisfy him unless you obey his whim10:40
elkbuntuGary, would you like my logs for reference too?10:40
Garyelkbuntu: no need, I'm gonna tell him to shut up and wait a week10:42
Myrttithank god almighty for the script that allows me to ignore while irssi still logs10:42
Myrttiit's been a lifesaver10:43
Myrttiikonia: what the HELL are you doing?10:45
Myrttiremoving *everything*?10:45
GaryI'm being ignored by gentoon btw10:46
ikoniajust some really old ones10:46
Myrtti*!*@fuck.you.pay.me.shellium.org!#ubuntu-ops <-- NO10:46
ikoniachecking the logs to see what they did and if it's a dynamic address10:46
ikoniaMyrtti long gone10:46
Myrtti[12:39] ~~~mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@silenceisdefeat.org] by ikonia <-- no!10:46
Myrtti[12:40] ~~~mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*otg*@210.240.*] by ikonia errrhhh, not10:46
ikoniaMyrtti: the log for that wasn't massive, I can put it back ,but it needs commenting10:47
ikoniathere are no comments and the offense in teh logs look "minor"10:47
ikoniathere you go10:48
elkbuntuput silenceisdefeat back. it's a common and popular anonoymiser10:48
Myrttihttp://silenceisdefeat.org/ "Currently, a free shell account with us offers:10:48
Myrtti50MB storage space, http access(http://silenceisdefeat.org/~username), ssh, sftp, 10:48
Myrttiimap-ssl mail, pop3-ssl mail. Instant messaging clients for IRC, AIM, MSN, ICQ, 10:48
MyrttiYahoo!, Gadu-Gadu, Jabber, and Lily. Optional trainable 10:48
Myrttiserver-side spam detection is also included. We also have a few vhosts for fans of IRC.10:48
ikoniaMyrtti: sitck a comment in the log10:48
ikoniaas the offenses in the logs for the actual ban look minor10:49
ikoniaa commnet would be really helpful on some of the unseen issues10:49
Myrttisometimes I hate irssi10:50
elkbuntuikonia, the problem is that dennis took some of the oldschool ban comments with him10:50
ikoniaelkbuntu I can see, maybe worth going thorugh and checking them, there arn't that many "none-removed" bans10:51
ikoniaif anyone knows anything more about them, stick a comment in 10:51
ikoniastops mistakes like mine just happening10:51
Myrttiare those banned?10:52
Myrttiif not, please ban10:52
MyrttiI *really* shouldn't irc10:52
Myrttiin fact...10:52
* elkbuntu huggles Myrtti lots before she disappears10:53
ikoniaMyrtti yup, they are banned10:53
ikoniaMyrtti: they where "obvious" at a glance to leave10:53
elkbuntuom.nomnomnom.org <-- :( why did that one have to get misused like this? WHY?!10:53
Garynom nom's elkbuntu 10:55
elkbuntuikonia, continue as you were. we need this unbiased review of the bans, some of us have developed allergic reactions to some stimuli10:55
ikoniaI was almost done any how10:56
ikoniagetting into late sept/early oct10:56
elkbuntuany ip address that doesnt look like the turkbots or .dyn. type thing older than a month can go10:59
elkbuntuin fact, anything specified as dyn that is a week old is worth moving11:01
ikoniawhat is wrong with *!*@silenceisdefeat.org as a ban ?11:10
ikoniaooh it did work11:11
ikoniait just didn't appearin the channel ??11:11
elkbuntui saw you put it back11:12
bazhangits back11:12
ikoniahow odd, didn't appear on my scren11:12
elkbuntuirssi can be odd like that11:13
ikoniaok - think we are quite up to date, few #kubuntu and #-ot's left11:17
elkbuntuikonia, did you see http://elkbuntu.net/transfer yet?11:18
ikoniaooh no11:19
elkbuntusad part is linode seems to block access to member areas from the ips they allocate. i've got my laptop doing the wget script on cron, and scping them up in batches, then running the imagemagick script there.11:22
SWATjuliux: ah, how was the con?11:49
elkbuntunot this twit again11:49
elkbuntuGary, i found you a new toy ^^11:50
Garyelkbuntu: leave it for me for a bit please11:51
elkbuntufujisan is a bit more fun anyway i guess :Þ11:51
jriboops, ok no more forwarding here11:52
elkbuntujrib, no, please leave it like this11:52
jribubuntwo was a bot whose hostname I forwarded here11:52
elkbuntuwe can at least monitor and it's not going to disrupt an actual channel11:52
elkbuntujrib, this person is a pest anyway11:52
elkbuntunote the cloak11:52
jribthis makes 4 bots I've banned in the past 24 hours (3 in the last 20 minutes)11:53
Garyelkbuntu: where is it ban forwarded from, and why?11:55
jribGary: from #ubuntu because it was speaking publicly11:56
elkbuntuGary, the cloak should be in bantracker11:56
Garycheers jrib 11:57
Garyelkbuntu: seems to just be a messed up bot, might be worth changing the banforward to ##unavailable or just a plain ban12:00
ikoniashouldn't be running a bot 12:01
ikonia12:01 -!- floyd is now known as DarkSpirit12:02
ikoniaheads up on these two nicks12:02
ikoniaasks questions and gets offensive if he doesn't like what he gets12:02
ikoniaI was going to ban forward him here yesterday, but got distracted12:02
elkbuntuGary, this is probably relevent to the bot: * shani (n=zeeshan@unaffiliated/shani) has left #ubuntu12:03
elkbuntuthey're actually in #ubuntu-devel12:05
elkbuntuasked them to come here12:06
shanihello friends12:06
elkbuntushani, i believe you run an irc bot. correct?12:06
shaniyes i do12:06
elkbuntucan you explain why it was in #ubuntu?12:07
shaniincidently 12:07
elkbuntuyou mean accidentally?12:07
shanii made a test channel for them #ubuntwo and with typing mistake of mine they got into #ubuntu12:08
shaniso that might be a big crime ? no 12:08
elkbuntuok, you might want to revise the nick if it's going to cause that sort of confusion.12:08
shaniwell ill make sure that this thing donot happens again12:09
elkbuntuaccidents are not crimes no. however if you could please find a way to make sure it doesnt start big messages in #ubuntu, especially in release time, it'd be good.12:09
shaniwell i prepared them for channel security and to test my tcl scripts 12:10
shaniit'd be good ? how 12:11
jribshani: just make sure the bots don't talk in #ubuntu12:12
elkbuntuwe already have enough official security bots in there.12:12
elkbuntuthe floodbots are our security bot team.12:13
shanijrib : ill make sure , but my problem is that i like talking bots , bot that have ability to explain some thing , ability to guide fellows , so i know that you guyz are not happy with me but ill make sure to control them and put silence on them12:13
elkbuntushani, the channel has 1300 people in it. extra bots are not compatible with that many people.12:14
jribshani: sure.  You can always make your own channel where your bots talk and try to guide people12:14
elkbuntuwe know you only want to help, but unfortunately it's not help.12:15
shanielkbuntu : i told you , i didnt meant to put my bots in #ubuntu , i am not fool they you people cant trace them , it was just an accident12:15
elkbuntuwell, it's taken us a while to figure who it belongs to. we've had to ban it before.12:16
jribI don't believe shani's bot is ubuntwo, is it?12:16
elkbuntujrib, look at the ident of ubuntwo12:16
jriboh, maybe it is12:16
shaniwell it is and i am still thinking that why it is not listening to me , might you put some thing on it , thats y 12:17
jribwere BOTSSL and FOSSL also yours shani?12:17
shaniyes they are mine 12:17
jribshani: the bots were just banned from #ubuntu, that's all12:17
shanithank you jrib12:18
shanicause at that time they were out of my control12:18
elkbuntueep. uncontrolled bots are bad12:18
jribshani: have you seen the Terminator movie?12:19
shanijrib : yup i do , the extreme ai12:19
shani<+elkbuntu> eep. uncontrolled bots are bad ---> correct , but they are repairable 12:20
Tm_Tbannable too (;)12:21
* elkbuntu nods at Tm_T12:21
ikoniashani why are you running 3 bots in #ubuntu though ?12:21
shaniikonia : my all bot listens to me , so any command i supply auto applu to all bots 12:22
ikoniashani so you miss-typed the command join #ubuntu and all 3 did it12:23
shaniaccidently i did .join #ubuntu instead of #ubuntwo12:23
shanithat was the mistake12:23
ikoniayeah, I saw that, but then the other 2 did that too12:24
shaniikonia : i think there is not much science involve in it , what you say jrib ?12:24
jribshani: I think we all understand each other now.  Just make sure no public speaking bots make their way into #ubuntu in the future12:25
ikoniaI was just trying to understand why the other 2 appeard12:25
juliuxSWAT: it was very sucessfull12:25
juliuxSWAT: you can find pictures at ubucon.juliux.de12:25
shaniohkay now i want to know some thing for you all , or the one who leads you all 12:26
ikoniateh 3 bots joined at different times though12:26
ikoniathere is a 20 minute delay between ubuntwo and the FOSSL bots12:27
shaniyeah lagging12:27
ikonia20 minutes12:27
shanihere in pakistan we have very low bandwidth12:27
shaniand sometimes bots hangs or dont listens  to my commands12:28
ikoniathey hang for 20 minutes ?12:28
shaniikonia : may be more 12:28
shanirunning at 4 kb/s12:28
* ikonia is dubious12:28
shanion a old bbs12:28
shani33.6k modem12:29
shaniso can i ask my question now ?12:29
elkbuntushani, if such problems can exist, then you're not in real control. anything can happen in 20 minutes.12:29
shanielkubuntu : i agree you but that would be harmless 12:30
shaniso can i ask my question now ?12:32
jribgo ahead shani12:33
shanijrib : we 3 friends , faria , zaouhair and me live in different cities of pakistan , managed and arranged 3 servers with 1 mb connectivity running ubuntu 8.04 servers , we want to offer free public access to help learners and newbies to test and learn ubuntu with lamp , so i want to merge it officially here , i want to know what is the right way to offer them , at current we are testing them at operating the service at #shellhell , 12:36
shani*at = and 12:37
elkbuntupublic shells are dangerous12:37
elkbuntuyou'll find yourself comprehensively banned from lots of places12:37
shanibut we want allow users to compile 12:37
PiciI don't understand what this has to do with #ubuntu12:38
Picishani: 'want' was correct.12:38
shaniPici : read my qestion again12:39
shanii hv no concern with #ubuntu or canonical12:39
* Pici looks at what channel he is in12:39
ikoniashani: allow me to summerise, if you don't know how to administer this safley on your own - you shouldn't be doing it, you open yourself up to crazy risks, and probably blacklisting from IRC/ISP's/etc12:41
shaniikonia : go head 12:41
elkbuntushani, i dont think you have any further business here. your bots are not to be seen in #ubuntu or any channel they're not invited into by the person who registered the channel.12:42
shanielkbuntu : i dint get my answer yet12:43
shanior you dnt have any answer12:43
elkbuntushani, you're asking in the wrong place.12:43
shanielkbuntu : then why are you not guiding me ?12:43
elkbuntushani, we tried to guide you to not do it. you're refusing that guidance. we're not here to tell you what you want to hear12:44
shanielkbuntu : you are just pointing errors , and i m asking for corrections12:45
shanithere is a difference 12:45
elkbuntushani, i do not know of a way to do it and be safe. at all. i cannot tell you a correction.12:45
elkbuntuyou're asking for an answer that does not exist12:46
shaniif it does not exsist then its a good home work for you all BIGGIES 12:46
* ikonia was right to be dubious12:46
Picishani: This doesn't concern us at all.12:46
ikoniaI don't believe him on the bots either12:47
elkbuntuikonia, nor do i. i'm waiting for nal to wake up and see that he's 'at it again'12:47
ikoniaoh, is he known12:48
ikoniaok, this becomes clearer12:48
* ikonia randomly waves at the readers of this log - the many readers12:48
elkbuntuhe used to have a channel in the ubuntu namespace that shared out his bots to gulliable fools. it invited itself to #ubuntu-au and everything.12:49
elkbuntuthat was an accident apparantly12:49
elkbuntui removed two bots from there. ubuntwo and fossl12:50
ikoniahe seems prone to accidents12:50
elkbuntuwhy my evil twin agreed to two, i'll never know. my evil twin doesnt talk to me.12:50
* ikonia wishes him look with his open shell access12:50
elkbuntuis it just me or is paddy_EIRE getting more and more obnoxious?12:53
PiciIts not just you.12:54
Tm_Tit's not, just you.12:54
Myrttimy bum hurts and I still stink...13:12
Myrttisometimes I just hate working from home13:12
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Garyelkbuntu: I can set sianis's member cloak if you like13:32
elkbuntuGary, thanks13:33
jussi01Gary: dont we normally require those things you mentioned?13:36
Garyjussi01: for a project cloak no, but they are a damn good idea13:37
Garythe alt so you can always join and be cloaked, and the email incase you forget the password13:37
Garys/always/mostly always13:38
jussi01Gary: ahh... ok, just normally they get made to do that when anyone else cloaks them :)13:38
Garyit's advised, but for normal project cloaks is not required, maybe for ubuntu ones it is, I do not normally do them13:38
Myrttiwe harass people to have altnick and email setup13:39
LjLGary: it is required for ubuntu cloaks13:39
Garymaybe I should make him do it?13:39
Myrttiwith pink pointy sticks13:39
LjLGary: in theory it's something we should take care of, but given we cannot really check for alt and email (especially email), we have to rely on you to give the go-ahead13:40
Garyahh, oki, I'll bug him to do those bits then13:40
* Myrtti needs a huggle13:42
* Pici hugs Myrtti 13:43
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)13:43
PiciCan/Should we get ubottu or similar in #u-r-p?13:44
LjLPici: i was thinking perhaps i could put a fb there too13:44
LjLpartying is partying but also flooding is flooding13:44
PiciLjL: Might not be a bad idea... 13:44
PiciDid we have floodbots in #u for the last release?13:45
wgrantIt would seem to be a bad idea to not...13:45
LjLPici: did they even exist?13:46
PiciLjL: I don't remember thats why I'm asking.13:46
LjLi don't remember either13:46
LjLbut i guess so13:46
LjLsince i have files from 2007 in the fb directory13:46
LjL... anyway, i'll give the usual two suggestions that are always killed off at once13:47
LjL1) redirect +1 to -party *not* to #ubuntu13:47
jussi01Id rather not put poor ubottu in there, she is rather overloaded, and nothing but factoids is really needed, so how about ubot3 or ubot5`13:47
LjL2) keep +r in #ubuntu and let the others bounce into another channel (-party might do) first13:48
jussi01LjL: I like the first one13:48
LjLas for the second one, remember that with the floodbots, we can do something similar to -proxy-users13:49
LjLi.e. let users *automatically* join #ubuntu, but only after some sort of acknowledgement13:49
Garywe could moderate all ubuntu channels :p /me hides13:49
LjLif you have never been in -proxy-users, you'd be surprised at the amount of cruft it filters13:49
* jussi01 puts Gary in the corner13:49
LjL(considering it's only mibbit users)13:49
LjLGary: sure, and i'll grant you the privilege of manually relaying relevant messages13:50
* Gary waddles off to the corner :'(13:50
jussi01LjL: why not try it, it could work really well, though we would have a lot of people asking for support in -party13:51
LjLjussi01, figure this13:52
LjLi'm an unregged user13:52
LjL /join #ubuntu13:52
LjLi ret redirected to #ubuntu-unregged13:52
LjL(#ubuntu-unregged) FloodBot1: If you want technical support for Ubuntu, please join #ubuntu - If you want to party for the release if 8.10, join #ubuntu-release-party13:53
LjLmeanwhile, FloodBot1 sets +e on me in #ubuntu13:53
jussi01LjL: that sounds sane to me13:54
PiciThat sounds like a lot of +e traffic13:55
jussi01but thats only for unregged users correct, Im registred so I go straight in?13:55
LjLPici: a bit, yeah, but still better than the flooding13:55
LjLPici: also, it could be even made like this if you're worried about that13:55
PiciLjL: But now we'll see +e and a join instead of just a join13:55
LjL"If you want technical support for Ubuntu, please type « support » and then join #ubuntu"13:55
LjLPici: ^13:56
PiciLjL: I don't think thats a good idea.13:56
LjLjussi01: yes, i was thinking only for unregged users13:56
* jussi01 hrms...13:56
LjLPici: well, it's the only way to do that while avoiding gratuitous +e's13:56
LjLPici: or, we could avoid the +e's completely and just require them to register13:57
PiciLjL: I think that will force a lot of people to seek support elsewhere13:57
PiciEspecially now that email confirmation is needed to complete registration13:58
LjLPici, typing one single word and then joining a channel isn't particularly hard. if you can't do that, then you probably can't even follow the support advice you're given.13:58
PiciLjL: But why do we need to ask them to do that? 13:58
LjLPici: 1) so we can avoid the gratuitous +e's, which is a purely technical reason but not a bogus one  2) that weeds away botnets and completely "random" users13:59
PiciLjL: Why just not set +r then?14:00
LjLPici: err yes, that's what i was proposing... +r, but with the bots taking care of giving people instructions on how to join (and by using +e, you can spare them the whole registration thing)14:00
PiciLjL: Why do we need to set +r? It sounds like you're creating a problem just so you can fix it.14:01
LjLPici, where have you been the past releases? :P #ubuntu gets utterly unusable14:02
LjLand the attackers hardly miss the chance, either14:02
LjLunaffiliated/unafilliate? hm.14:02
PiciLjL: We delt with that bot owner earlier.14:03
PiciLjL: They're probably doing it on purpose14:03
LjLPici: i know14:04
LjLbut i was afraid ##unavailable would get a little too cramped14:04
jribhe's getting banforwarded from #ubuntu14:05
ikoniawhy is this bot back again14:06
LjLjrib: oh, then i should have forwarded to #ubuntu14:06
LjLrecursive forwards are fun14:06
jribLjL: i don't like either idea, but I don't have a better one.  We could try (2) and see how it goes though14:07
Jack_SparrowHi guys, just wanted to let you know I am still here, but swamped with working on a project14:08
LjLjrib: #1 seems only natural to me... if you were on #ubuntu+1, now you probably want to discuss the release, and -party is the place for that. and if you don't and want support instead, well if you've already learned how to join +1, you definitely know how to join #ubuntu all by yourself14:08
ikoniaget staff on it apparntly he's known14:09
LjLJack_Sparrow: ok :)14:09
PiciJack_Sparrow: Glad to see you around again :)14:10
Jack_SparrowI needed a day off to clear my head...  Swim in the pool and enjoy the day14:10
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: sound super14:12
jribLjL: well if someone is in #ubuntu+1, they are there for support atm, so I think it makes sense to forward them to another support channel14:13
Jack_SparrowTake care and keep up the good work.  14:13
LjLjrib: ok, that point of view makes sense too, but imho mine does as well. the plus of mine is that you avoid (well, redirect) all the questions "why was this channel closed" "i want it back" "why the fsck did you kick me" etc14:14
Garywhats the other two nicks that fellow uses?14:18
PiciGary: shani and fossl iirc.14:19
LjLGary, can you cloak partybot1 ubuntu/bot please14:29
Piciwoo... partybot14:30
PiciWhy not partybotu?14:30
LjLPici: people might think it's the factoid bot...14:30
PiciLjL: ah... I didn't realize it was a floodbot14:31
LjLPici: ubot3 is already in there for factoids14:31
LjLi can't use the floodbot nickname because the other ones would get confused14:31
GaryLjL: partybot is droppable btw14:32
jussi01partybot :D14:32
geniiHeh, floods, facts and parties14:32
LjLGary: i know but that doesn't matter, the code needs a trailing 114:32
jussi01genii: lol14:32
geniijussi01: I think the bots have a more active social life than me14:33
GaryLjL: done, still think partybot is better thou14:33
LjLGary: wait... i meant ubuntu/bot/partybot, ubuntu/bot all by itself is a, err, slightly nonstandard cloak...14:34
LjLnot that it matters much to me but14:34
LjLGary: i know partybot would be better but i can't be bothered going and changing the code so the trailing numbers are not required. there's more places that need that than you'd think14:35
geniithe !xmms factoid has bmpx and xmms2   twice in the suggested replacements14:46
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.14:47
jussi01!no, xmms is <reply>xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.14:48
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0114:48
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.14:48
jussi01oh ubot5` shut the heck up...14:49
LjL!no xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. Alternatively, try xmms2, and if you aren't found of it, consider using xmms2 instead.14:49
ubottuI'll remember that LjL14:49
jussi01LjL: wth?14:49
LjL!no xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. Alternatively, try xmms2, and if you aren't found of it, consider using xmms2 instead. Also, how about xmms2?14:49
ubottuI'll remember that LjL14:49
jussi01I liked mine better... and s/found/fond/14:50
jussi01LjL: so is there really a point to having that factoid like that?14:52
LjL!xmms | jussi0114:52
ubottujussi01: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.14:52
* jussi01 slaps LjL - you are supposed to be nice to me!!14:53
PiciSays who?14:53
LjLme, nice?14:53
ubottuMwahahahahhahaha. No!14:53
* Myrtti kicks apt in the groin15:05
Picilow blow!15:08
* genii puts on more coffee15:09
* Myrtti goes to microwave hers15:09
geniiLjL: I gather you're fond of xmms2 ?15:10
Piciziroday`: Howdy, how can we help?15:10
ziroday`You might want to know that there is a #ubuntu-party that appears to be masqueraidng for a #ubuntu-release-party15:11
LjLziroday`: wonderful15:12
LjLgood to know thanks15:12
Piciziroday`: Thanks for the heads up, we'll take a lok15:12
ziroday`cheers, have a great day :)15:12
LjLthis fellow who's op never even was in #ubuntu15:16
ubot3In #ubuntu-release-party, LjL said: !no intrepid is <reply> Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Introduction and new features: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/810rc - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu15:20
Picithats annoying15:21
LjLwe do need to be able to update factoids in there15:24
LjLtorrent and http links, everything15:24
LjLoh, here is the hammer15:26
LjLi couldn't find it15:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hammer15:26
ubottu━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊15:27
jussi01Gary: still around?15:37
Garywell, I'm not that fat :'(15:37
* Myrtti facepalms15:42
jdongcan someone shut up __u8requeue:1;15:43
jdonghe's spewing nonsense in #ubuntu-devel15:43
jdongoh nvm cjwatson is on the case.15:43
* Flannel votes no on random forwarding to other channels around release time (requiring 'support' to get back, etc). FWIW.15:48
* Pici agrees with Flannel 15:49
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Piciflameware... 16:22
bazhanggreat topic in -party16:23
ikoniawhcih is /16:23
Piciikonia: #ubuntu-release-party16:23
bazhangdelayed 2 hours every time someone asks :)16:24
ikoniano I meant whats the topic16:24
bazhangsounds like Hobbsee16:24
ikoniaoh the actual /topic16:24
ikonianot a topic16:24
bazhangsorry 16:24
Myrttianswer is it's delayed with 42 minutes everytime someone asks16:26
MyrttiI so hope it were Friday already16:33
PiciMe too...16:34
Myrttiplease, make it Friday today16:34
PiciIt feels like a busy friday here16:34
jussi01please will someone make the us election over already?16:34
PiciAnd 8.10 out too.16:34
LjLPici: yay is using a shell account ftr16:34
LjL-Lemholy cow, my client is spitting all NAMES and banlists raw16:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:00
ikoniagents I'm off to catch a train, #ubuntu is manic at the moment enjoy :)17:00
Piciikonia: thanks ;)17:01
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore17:21
PiciLjL: the second part of that doesnt make sense. Typo?17:23
LjLPici: hm?17:24
PiciLjL: Oh, misread...nevermind.17:26
PiciMore than once too17:26
jussi01anyone familiar with inkscape here?17:26
LjLReading package lists... Done17:28
LjLW: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 0 236417:28
LjLW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems17:28
LjLwho's seen that before?17:28
PiciNot I.17:28
Dave2(On Intrepid AMD64)17:28
Picijussi01: Does Kubuntu 8.10 release simultaneously with Ubuntu 8.10?17:33
jussi01Pici: its supposed to....17:33
* Myrtti slaps Pici's forehead since he doesn't realise to slap it himself17:43
jdongPici: actually, the blue means that the release is accelerating towards you faster than Ubuntu.17:45
Picijdong: ah, blueshift.17:45
MyrttiI think I finally might be done with today's work18:11
PiciLucky you :)18:12
Myrttiyeah, 13 hour days rock!18:13
Myrttiand surprising as it is, staring at a buddy icon of friends who are away from the computer doesn't magically make them come online and available.18:14
* Myrtti stares some more18:15
geniiLjL: I've seen it a couple times when a broken deb download18:16
LjL[19:18:25] <-- Azhi_Dahaka_ has left this server ("Ex-Chat").18:19
LjL[19:18:27] <jspiro> RinTinTigger: so ask away.  But don't say "how are you" because your responses use up 600 packets each time.  That costs a small but noticeable amount of bandwidth.18:19
LjLa genius18:19
geniiLjL: He's spent more time wasting the resources he's concerned about lecturing the other fellow18:20
geniiAfter release, #ubuntu+1 merges?18:26
PiciWe usually forward #ubuntu+1 to elsewhere18:26
geniiHaha, floodbot lecturing ubottu for flooding in #ubuntu18:29
LjLthere's something wrong i think... it's not the first time they do that lately18:29
LjLbut it just sent three messages...18:29
jussi01its funny when the bots fight18:30
jussi01been happening for quite a while though18:30
genii3 messages in less than 60 secs likely the trigger18:30
PiciLjL: The messages were kind of long18:30
LjLPici: right... but there's no check on length18:31
PiciLjL: Nevermind then18:31
LjLah right i know why18:31
LjLit said "www" once18:31
PiciWhy ask Windows or Gentoo questions in Ubuntu?18:34
geniiWell, it wasn't really an os-specific Q18:37
Picigenii: It might not be, but I wouldn't mention the distro I was using if I was trying to get an offtopic question in.18:39
geniiHehe, me either18:40
Myrttiplz I can has Friday? kthx18:40
* Myrtti hides18:41
LjLbanned "redi" from #ubuntu as they asked why they were banned from #mandriva18:56
LjLbecause they had already asked the same in #freenode, been given the name of the op who banned them, explained how to PM someone, and eventually they just left saying "fuck you all"18:56
Flanneljussi01: Im pretty handy in inkscape18:59
jussi01Flannel: I got it sorted. thanks anyway :)19:00
geniiDamn. I'm really surious now what he wants to compile that could be taken as if he wants to be malicious19:02
LjLjspiro is getting a bit on my nerves19:03
geniiYes, that guy IS annoying19:06
LjLand already got kicked by ompaul some time ago19:06
FlannelI'm messaging him regarding the fact that we appreciate the effort, but don't need the help at the moment19:07
FlannelHe seems to understand, we'll see how it goes.19:08
FlannelErm.  We're larger than #gentoo, right?19:12
LjLa bit, why?19:12
* Flannel could've swore the 1700 people around edgy was freenode max19:12
Flannelhe's saying we should ask #gentoo what they do, since they're around 2K19:12
FlannelAny way to see their numbers besides joining?19:13
LjLthey've never been above 1000 for more than 10 minutes at a time...19:13
LjLasking me, because i'm in there ;)19:13
FlannelLjL: sounds good :)  but, in general? /me is curious for new tools.19:13
LjLno way to do it19:13
LjLa /names or /who would only tell you about users who aren't +i19:14
nalioth962 currently19:14
* nalioth whistles19:14
LjLnalioth: ok, no way for normal beings19:14
LjL(aside from the fact that you're in there too)19:14
* nalioth is in #gentoo atm19:14
LjLFlannel: anyway i'm not so sure we're freenode's top, i think wikipedia's party for the millionth article brought in quite a few folks19:15
FlannelLjL: Well, at that time it was max.  I haven't exactly kept up with the record19:16
Flannelor at least, I *heard* we were max at that time.19:16
LjLFlannel: actually wait, it would seem that ALIS gives you the accurate amonut of people19:16
FlannelLjL: what are the columns with ALIS anyway?19:17
LjLchannel name, amount of people, topic19:17
FlannelOh, right.  amount of people is what that is.19:17
* Flannel has never seen much more than 2 digits there.19:17
LjL /list does it too, but aside from being slow, i *think* it doesn't report the right amount (i.e. doesn't include +i users) - couldn't swear on it too19:18
Flannelthat was an interesting part.19:18
LjL[20:18:28] <balz> what is the lighttp package name?19:19
LjLi hate them when they do this19:19
MyrttiI hate these kinds of days20:43
Myrttiit's almost eleven o'clock20:44
MyrttiI just came out of the morning shower.20:44
Myrtti"I'll just check the email before heading to shower..."20:44
LjLuhm, i didn't mean to give him the attitude kick message but the away kick message. oh well.20:49
Seeker`LjL: should have the same sort of effect20:50
LjLyeah, both result in a kick20:50
LjLi know i'm not in -doc but, when i go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and see "two methods" of installing the driver, one "easier"... (and i guess the same goes for nvidia and other things)21:11
LjLi'm just left to wonder - is it us who aren't supporting something that ought to be supported, or is it the wiki that's kind of on the wrong track?21:12
LjLit gives disclaimers in the header but if one just skips using the contents table, there's no warning whatsoever21:13
LjLit should be as big a warning as for enabling root21:13
LjLthe nvidia page does it better at least21:14
LjL(i.e. doesn't mention the nvidia.com driver at all except in "see also", where that page does give a huge warning)21:14
MezUbuntu Inbox status: 666 Total.21:16
Myrttioh my dear god, I just hit the comic zone. I'm too tired AHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI *screams*21:34
Mezcomic zone?21:36
jussi01Mez: she is delerious...21:37
Mezah, I thought she was just reading webcomics ;)21:38
AdamDVWould anybody know how irc.ubuntu.com was set up?21:45
Myrttiit's a cname21:45
Myrttifor irc.freenode.net21:45
AdamDVI was wondering how to setup an irc server.21:46
Myrttimyrtti@kani:~$ host irc.ubuntu.com21:46
Myrttiirc.ubuntu.com is an alias for chat.freenode.net.21:46
ubottuptx0 called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:47
Myrttiyeah, sorry.21:48
PriceChildAdamDV: there's a reasonable guide on wiki.ubuntu.com for the ubuntu dancer packages iirc.21:55
PriceChildAdamDV: But whatever ircd you want, their help files, and comments in the config files will probably be helpful.21:56
jussi01Hrm, Im going to forward #kubuntu-kde4 to #kubuntu now as per the plan, if nobody has any objections?22:07
jussi01PriceChild: you ok with that?22:10
PriceChildsounds sensible22:10

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