nick_[nex] | if i reinstall ubuntu over top of an old ubuntu install, will it erase my old home folder? | 00:00 |
yow|laptop | kintarotpc - that sounds like an old compiz bug | 00:00 |
dwiz | guys | 00:00 |
whoDat | where are the kernel modules on the ubuntu cdrom? i need to reinstall the original version of a module | 00:00 |
Flannel | nick_[nex]: If your homefolder isn't on its own partition, yes. | 00:00 |
teenbeat2007 | hi guys | 00:00 |
dr_willis | nick_[nex], it will want to format the / parttion. so yes basicially it will. Unless you got /home/ on its own parittion. | 00:00 |
Arog | hey can someone show me some good UIs for Ubuntu | 00:01 |
yow|laptop | kintarotpc - that happened to me during testing an alpha and i had to switch to metacity as the wm and it went away | 00:01 |
usser | whoDat: /lib/modules | 00:01 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: hmm. It only started after a recent reboot and I did have some effects enabled. Thanks for the hint. | 00:01 |
nick_[nex] | hmm is there any way around this? my home folder is *huge*, and i have no way of moving it | 00:01 |
teenbeat2007 | any one experience with ubuntu 64 bits | 00:01 |
whoDat | usser: there is no lib directory on the cdrom starting at the root | 00:01 |
usser | whoDat: on the live cd? | 00:01 |
Flannel | nick_[nex]: fire up a live CD, erase everything else on the partition, and make that partition your home partition? | 00:02 |
whoDat | yeah | 00:02 |
usser | whoDat: hm im not sure where it is. sorry | 00:02 |
Flannel | nick_[nex]: Unless you have enough space ot just move it to its own partition | 00:02 |
Flannel | !separatehome | nick_[nex] | 00:02 |
ubottu | nick_[nex]: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: | 00:02 |
yow|laptop | kintarotpc - when you get the white screen, try pressing Alt-F2 and type metacity and press enter, see if that works | 00:02 |
nick_[nex] | ah cheers guys, just saved me losing all my files ;) | 00:03 |
yow|laptop | thats how i fixed mine, then disable your effects for the time being | 00:03 |
Tyrath | for some reason when I install progs using the apt tool it never seems to install the .blahrc file | 00:03 |
teenbeat2007 | is ubuntu 64 bits compatible with geforce 9500 GT | 00:03 |
teenbeat2007 | nvidia | 00:03 |
jokkah | lets say i add one file to crontab. this file is a very simple batch script, which just call perl scripts. so what happens is, i want to run all the scripts at the same time parallelaly and independently from each other... what can i do to acomplish this without having to add an entry for each in crontab? | 00:03 |
supernoob | my internet connection is extermely unstable, even when i'm near the router and have good reception. what can i do to optimize my networking configuration? | 00:03 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: Thanks. Be right back. | 00:03 |
jokkah | supernoob: wireless is unsafe.. | 00:03 |
jokkah | supernoob: use cables instead | 00:04 |
Tyrath | !geforce | teenbeat2007 | 00:04 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about geforce | 00:04 |
Flannel | jokkah: Adding separate entries isn't the end of the world. | 00:04 |
teenbeat2007 | yes | 00:04 |
dr_willis | teenbeat2007, my nvidia cards work find with 64bit | 00:04 |
Tyrath | !GeForce | 00:04 |
supernoob | well, it's what i have in my house. cables aren't really an option for me right now | 00:04 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about GeForce | 00:04 |
supernoob | true as that may be | 00:04 |
teenbeat2007 | yes Tyrath | 00:04 |
Tyrath | teenbeat2007: is GeForce nvidia? | 00:04 |
teenbeat2007 | yes | 00:04 |
Tyrath | !nvidia | teenbeat2007 | 00:04 |
ubottu | teenbeat2007: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 00:04 |
jokkah | Flannel: i know, but the problem is i dont want ppl touching the crontab.... so they would only touch one file | 00:05 |
supernoob | jokkah, could it ahve something to do with my wireless card? | 00:05 |
Tyrath | teenbeat2007: hopefully there should be something on what's compatible with ubuntu | 00:05 |
teenbeat2007 | ok cause when i start the live cd my monitor is in blur | 00:05 |
gerob | dr_willis: By the restricted driver manager you mean the one named Hardware Manager? | 00:05 |
teenbeat2007 | all stripes | 00:05 |
jokkah | supernoob: i dont know, but i only hear problems with ppl who use wireless... | 00:05 |
jokkah | supernoob: i dont know, but i only hear problems with ppl who use wireless... (windows, linux, whatever.. the wireless is the problem) | 00:05 |
dr_willis | gerob, proberly- they keep changing its name. | 00:05 |
Flannel | jokkah: "the" crontab? Each user has a separate one. (or can) | 00:05 |
dr_willis | !find jockey | 00:06 |
ubottu | Found: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde | 00:06 |
IndyGunFreak | jokkah: lol, i've never had a problem w my wireless.. people that have probs w/ wireless, are people who don't properly secure their network | 00:06 |
IndyGunFreak | supernoob: what wireless device are you tryin to get working? | 00:06 |
yow|laptop | teenbeat2007 - ive seen that before, try leaving it longer, that happened to me before, but only during boot | 00:06 |
dr_willis | gerob, from the cli the command is jockey-gtk :) | 00:06 |
supernoob | well all i know is the mac user in my house has no problems, ditto the vista/gateway user | 00:06 |
Tyrath | teenbeat2007: that is really weird. i'm guessing you are trying to install the 64 bit version. have you tried installing the 32 bit version? | 00:06 |
supernoob | seamless internet for everyone but the kid running ubuntu on the new acer | 00:06 |
Tyrath | teenbeat2007: or are you 100% sure your pc can take the 64 bit version? | 00:06 |
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jokkah | Flannel: mhmm word!:) | 00:06 |
yow|laptop | supernoob - maybe try a fixed ip address? | 00:06 |
teenbeat2007 | Its a quad core amd pc | 00:07 |
supernoob | yow|laptop: how's that work? | 00:07 |
teenbeat2007 | aswel hdd en mainboard en cpu are compatible with 64 | 00:07 |
yow|laptop | you can set it through network manager supernoob, it might not do anything, but it could prevent ip conflicts if you are using dhcp in the environment | 00:08 |
teenbeat2007 | can i change maxrate of the live cd tyrath | 00:08 |
Arog | something is wierd with my dell xps 1330. when I do not type, my wifi light is always on, but when I start typing it starts flashing. anyone know what's up with that? | 00:08 |
IndyGunFreak | supernoob: what problem are you havign on the acer?.. can you not see wireless networks, or what? | 00:09 |
IndyGunFreak | Arog: its transmitting your messages to the CIA and Secret Service. don't worry about it. | 00:09 |
supernoob | inygunfreak: i fidn the networks fine. when i'm connected, i just randomly lose the connection | 00:09 |
dr_willis | Arog, well when you type on IRC. :) its sending the text? | 00:09 |
IndyGunFreak | supernoob: ah, i see.. no clue on that one | 00:09 |
gerob | What is the command to close my X server again? Even the envyng-qt doesnt work... | 00:09 |
teenbeat2007 | Tyrath: ive just checkt all my hardware is 32 and 64 capable | 00:10 |
=== flaco_ is now known as flaocm | ||
=== flaocm is now known as flacon | ||
dr_willis | gerob, if you really MUST use the nvidia instrallers.. go to console (alt-ctrl-f1) and use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to make X stop. then run the installer 'sudo sh' | 00:10 |
Arog | dr_willis: no that doesn't happen in Windows | 00:10 |
dr_willis | Arog, its the esp type ahead feature! :) | 00:10 |
=== flacon is now known as flacom | ||
Tyrath | teenbeat2007: sorry I don't know. I was going to point you to a Xorg.log but your trying to do a fresh install | 00:10 |
Tyrath | !forums > teenbeat2007 | 00:11 |
ubottu | teenbeat2007, please see my private message | 00:11 |
teenbeat2007 | mainboard and cpu are AM+ 4x2.300 ghz 4 gb ram | 00:11 |
Arog | i'm actually serious about this though.... | 00:11 |
Tyrath | teenbeat2007: try reporting it there or on launchpad | 00:11 |
redhat_ | nick cup0beans | 00:11 |
=== redhat_ is now known as cup0beans | ||
x1250 | hey guys, is there any reason why ATI Radeon 9250 (9200 PRO in lspci) does not work with fglrx? envyng does not list any compatible ati driver for this card, and jockey-gtk does not list any driver either. | 00:12 |
suwro1 | hello | 00:12 |
cup0beans | I have a wireless card that I need to modify the SPROM on and it needs the bcm43xx module. I'm running Intrepid, and when I do 'sudo modprobe bcm43xx' I get the error "FATAL: Module bcm43xx not found". Is there a way to install that module on 8.10? | 00:13 |
suwro1 | it is possible to do asyncronious routing using eth and wireless device? upload on eth and download from wireless? | 00:13 |
Ochian | Test. | 00:13 |
Sylphid | cup0beans, if i remember right its bcm43 not bcm43xx | 00:14 |
Sylphid | cup0beans, sorry wrong again its b43 | 00:15 |
Ochian | !beer | 00:15 |
ubottu | Beer is always appreciated. | 00:15 |
Ochian | !bot | 00:15 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 00:15 |
Tyrath | thanks for the help people | 00:15 |
Tyrath | i'm out | 00:15 |
Ochian | !microsoft | 00:15 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 00:15 |
Ochian | !sex | 00:15 |
ubottu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 00:15 |
cup0beans | Sylphid, how do I install that in intrepid? | 00:16 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: Slightly new problem now. heh. X can't detect my graphics card. Gnome works fine though. | 00:16 |
kintarotpc | heh | 00:16 |
Flannel | Ochian: Please stop abusing the bot. If you're curious, use a query. | 00:16 |
Sylphid | cup0beans, was thinking it came stock .... modprobe -l | grep b43 | 00:16 |
Ochian | k | 00:16 |
Sylphid | !broadcom | cup0beans | 00:17 |
ubottu | cup0beans: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 00:17 |
cup0beans | Sylphid, b43 replaced bcm43xx | 00:17 |
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cup0beans | I need bcm43xx for this particular card | 00:17 |
Sylphid | cup0beans, i think bcm43xx is blacklisted | 00:18 |
=== BrownyFuFu is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
Sylphid | cup0beans, try removing it from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 00:18 |
dr_willis | You still need to install that b43-fwcutter dont ya? | 00:19 |
dr_willis | !info b43-fwcutter | 00:19 |
ubottu | b43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:011-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 100 kB | 00:19 |
Sylphid | cup0beans, i would reccommend blacklisting b43 to so you dont get a conflict | 00:19 |
JHook101 | I would like to know why all of a sudden my sound does not work and in the music player the option to increase or decrease volume has gone grey and unclickable | 00:19 |
JHook101 | !ask | 00:20 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:20 |
JHook101 | Anyone know a answer to that? | 00:20 |
Spreadsheet_ | hi | 00:21 |
JHook101 | cany anyone answer my question there are 325 people in here | 00:22 |
Spreadsheet_ | i have a logitech quickcam pro 4000 and i am using cheese to view it | 00:22 |
JHook101 | *1325 | 00:22 |
Spreadsheet_ | when i use cheese, a green square comes up | 00:22 |
yow|laptop | kintarotpc - not sure what you mean - how does gnome work if your graphics card doesn't work? | 00:22 |
meekatron | hello i have remote ssh sessions connected to my server, how can i close these from the server | 00:23 |
kintarotpc | Well, it's mostly working, it's just using a generic driver Can't get resolutions higher than 800x600. Guess I need to reinstall my drivers. | 00:23 |
yow|laptop | kintarotpc - nvidia or ati | 00:25 |
kintarotpc | ati | 00:25 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: I actually still have the .run file from amd/ati | 00:25 |
yow|laptop | they may have been removed during an upgrade or overwritten which could account for your effects not working, i would try to reinstall them as you mentioned | 00:25 |
Arog | when looking for themes at should I look for GTK 2.x, compiz, or what? | 00:26 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: Come to think of it, that's probably what happened. I had an update come through the other day | 00:26 |
Arog | what kind of theme should I look for and what are the differences | 00:26 |
Logomachist | Question- How does the Public folder work? Is it intended to be Public on the computer, the network or the Internet? | 00:26 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: Thanks for the pointers, by the way. | 00:26 |
CmdPrmtMdnss | logo you can make any folder "public" by changing permissions | 00:28 |
yow|laptop | np kintarotpc, GL | 00:28 |
kintarotpc | ty | 00:28 |
Arog | anyone know the difference between GTK 2.X, Metacity and compiz? | 00:29 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: Hmm, installing the driver doesn't seem to have helped. Should I clear my xorg.conf file and try it again? | 00:30 |
JHook101 | my sound has quit working | 00:30 |
JHook101 | can anyone help me | 00:30 |
Nomexous | !GTK | 00:31 |
ubottu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 00:31 |
Matillo | I couldn't play music while I had left a youtube window open in firefox. | 00:31 |
Nomexous | !metacity | 00:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about metacity | 00:31 |
dr_willis | metacity - is the default gnome window manager.. | 00:31 |
dr_willis | compiz - is a fancy window manager. with lots of effects | 00:31 |
Matillo | but i haven't even started on customizing my sound stuff yet | 00:31 |
IndyGunFreak | Matillo: switch from pulse-audio to alsa | 00:31 |
mysteryc | Hey | 00:32 |
mysteryc | Does anybody want help cause I'm really bored and I wanna do something;p | 00:32 |
JHook101 | I have been askign for help | 00:32 |
Logomachist | I have an easy question | 00:32 |
JHook101 | Regarding my sound not working | 00:32 |
Logomachist | How does the Public folder work? Is it intended to be Public on the computer, the network or the Internet? | 00:32 |
Ochian | Depends on how much you know about Firestarter. | 00:32 |
Arog | got it thanks nomexous | 00:32 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Did you check alsa-mixer? | 00:32 |
JHook101 | I have no diea what that is | 00:33 |
JHook101 | *idea | 00:33 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Ok, you new on Linux? | 00:33 |
JHook101 | yes | 00:33 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Ok. | 00:33 |
dwiz | guys | 00:33 |
dwiz | just a little request | 00:34 |
JHook101 | it was working earlier I was listening to a radio station live on firefox | 00:34 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Was the sound working before? | 00:34 |
dwiz | for those that know | 00:34 |
JHook101 | then when i closed it no more sound | 00:34 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Ok. I assume you checked that everything that has to do with wiring is plugged in correctly right? | 00:34 |
dwiz | can anybody give me a working tutorial on postfix mysql and courier on ubntu | 00:34 |
JHook101 | and in the default music player on ubuntu it does not give me option to adjust volume anymore either | 00:34 |
yow|laptop | kintarotpc - perhaps rename it as a backup and then do a reconfigure for xorg | 00:34 |
dwiz | ubuntu? | 00:34 |
JHook101 | yea | 00:34 |
JHook101 | I check the wiring nothing has changed | 00:34 |
dwiz | besides flurdy and howtoforge | 00:34 |
Matillo | Nawp, switching to alsa didn't change that. | 00:35 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Ok. Well, if you didn't download any other sound managing package, you are probably running alsa. Alsa takes care of everything that has to do with sound. | 00:35 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Open up a terminal and type in alsa-mixer. | 00:35 |
Necrosan | Is it possible to upgrade from 6.06 LTS to 8.10 without reinstalling? | 00:35 |
JHook101 | said command not found | 00:36 |
mysteryc | Necrosan: Without re-installing? Yes, you can upgrade online. Go at the update notifications, there should be an option. | 00:36 |
yow|laptop | alsamixer has no dash | 00:36 |
Necrosan | mysteryc: in update manager? | 00:36 |
Paul[0] | I'm trying to boot an ubuntu 8.10 cd but it gives "no valid modes found" when it should be loading the desktop. S3 savage driver. No matter what i choose, i wind up with a black screen forever... | 00:36 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Oh, yes, sorry. alsamixer with no dash. | 00:36 |
NDPTAL85 | Anyone in here use X-Chat? | 00:36 |
mysteryc | Thank you, yow|laptop. | 00:36 |
Matillo | ksirc. | 00:36 |
JHook101 | ok a screen with abrs came up | 00:36 |
mysteryc | Necrosan: Yes. | 00:36 |
dwiz | i use xchat | 00:36 |
yow|laptop | np | 00:36 |
NDPTAL85 | dwiz: Whats the keyboard command to bring the menubar back? I closed mine by accident | 00:37 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Ok, use your arrow keys to navigate through. Is any bar turned off? I mean is there any bar which is not filled? | 00:37 |
kattollikisd | so one here know... where I can find some Usplash for GNOME? (Not pleases) | 00:37 |
JHook101 | the surround and lfe bar are | 00:37 |
dwiz | don't know | 00:38 |
dwiz | :| | 00:38 |
Necrosan | darn | 00:38 |
Necrosan | guess it wont work | 00:38 |
dwiz | i dont use mirc that much | 00:38 |
mysteryc | kattollikisd: Check I think there is a section for themes, including splashes. | 00:38 |
Necrosan | it is a sparc64 system | 00:38 |
McFrosty | How do I "compile" games that use the Quake3 engine for the PowerPC anyone? | 00:38 |
NDPTAL85 | dwiz: You said you used xchat. mirc is a windows app. | 00:38 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Naviagate to them and use the up arrow key to fill them up. | 00:38 |
NDPTAL85 | Anyways someone in another channel let me know the key combo | 00:39 |
dwiz | :) | 00:39 |
=== matt is now known as yamazaki | ||
dwiz | sory | 00:39 |
dwiz | I use it for the same reson | 00:39 |
dwiz | I use it for the same reason | 00:39 |
Ochian | What was it, NDPTAL85? | 00:39 |
owh | When I run aptitude install libvirt-bin, it installs three packages: dnsmasq-base libvirt-bin netcat-openbsd -- but when I run aptitude purge libvirt-bin, it only wants to remove dnsmasq-base libvirt-bin -- this makes no sense. Why is this happening? | 00:39 |
NDPTAL85 | CTRL+F9 | 00:39 |
gogereaver | McFrosty eer you cant without the sourcecode | 00:39 |
JHook101 | ok i filled them | 00:39 |
dwiz | right now I need some help with postfix on ubuntu | 00:39 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Ok. Now try and play something and let me know if it works. :) | 00:40 |
Matillo | owh: sounds like it doesn't want to uninstall common packages. you could do them manually? | 00:40 |
yamazaki | Im having a hugeproblem getting my soundcard working on an hp pavilion laptop dv6000 | 00:40 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
yamazaki | could someone help me out? | 00:40 |
kattollikisd | mysteryc, thanks | 00:40 |
yamazaki | please :] | 00:40 |
JHook101 | still does not work | 00:40 |
owh | Matillo: But aptitude installed netcat-openbsd automatically, shouldn't it remove it automatically as well? | 00:40 |
enovativ | i have used cfdisk to try to create a bootable usb stick and i get an error that says "Wrote partition tabe, but re-read table failed. Rebot to update table." i have tried to reboot my ubuntu box, and run cfdisk again...that didn't work. how can i get the new partition that i create to write to the usb stick using cfdisk. i need to mention that i use the ( -z ) switch when i initally start cfdisk | 00:41 |
yamazaki | I followed and the only success is that it now shows an audio device on settings | 00:41 |
Matillo | Not if other packages may be using netcat-openbsd. | 00:41 |
=== ___mikem is now known as __mikem | ||
enovativ | i am also trying to crete a bootable usb stick using the FAT16 filesystem | 00:41 |
mysteryc | JHook101: Hmm, sorry then I don't know because I am not even on my Linux now I am on Windows cause I am running this software that I can't run on Linux called Final Draft so I can't check for anything myself. | 00:41 |
owh | Matillo: The two commands are run in sequence, no other installs inbetween. | 00:41 |
JHook101 | anyon else to help me with audio problem? | 00:42 |
Matillo | The uninstaller can't check dependancies on packages that aptitude happened to depend on. | 00:42 |
Matillo | There may be a way to run some sort of cleanup, but I dunno. | 00:42 |
McFrosty | how do i acess the sourcecode or how do i get it? | 00:42 |
owh | Matillo: But aptitude knows that it automatically installed netcat-openbsd as a result of installing libvirt-bin. | 00:44 |
iShock | Can anyone help me find out if my drive can burn DVDs? | 00:44 |
owh | Matillo: Otherwise I might just as well use apt-get. | 00:44 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
owh | iShock: The simplest way is to check the logos on the front of the drive. Simpler than all other solutions. | 00:45 |
w3wsrmn | iShock: ` sudo lshw -C class ` will list drive capabilities. | 00:45 |
enovativ | i have used cfdisk to try to create a bootable usb stick and i get an error that says "Wrote partition tabe, but re-read table failed. Rebot to update table." i have tried to reboot my ubuntu box, and run cfdisk again...that didn't work. how can i get the new partition that i create to write to the usb stick using cfdisk. i need to mention that i use the ( -z ) switch when i initally start cfdisk | 00:45 |
Matillo | Does aptitude know if you've installed anything else which may rely on those packages? | 00:45 |
enovativ | i am also trying to crete a bootable usb stick using the FAT16 filesystem | 00:45 |
McFrosty | how do I get the sourcecode to a game that uses a quake3 engine? | 00:45 |
jrib | Matillo: yes... | 00:46 |
jrib | McFrosty: is such a game in ubuntu's repositories? | 00:46 |
Matillo | Sounds like a problem then, I dunno. | 00:46 |
McFrosty | sorry what you mean by that... | 00:46 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: Fail? | 00:46 |
jrib | Matillo: huh? What's a problem? | 00:46 |
McFrosty | o no its not | 00:47 |
Matillo | Oh, not uninstalling the packages if it already knows dependancies. | 00:47 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: It just says 'PCI (sysfs)' | 00:47 |
kintarotpc | yow|laptop: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and reinstalling my video card driver saved the day. yay! | 00:47 |
w3wsrmn | iShock: sorry, brain was thinking different than fingers. replace `class` with `disk` | 00:47 |
jrib | Matillo: you're making less sense. What exactly are you talking about? | 00:47 |
Matillo | It was a response to owh. | 00:47 |
owh | jrib: Did you see my original question? | 00:47 |
jrib | McFrosty: then you would have to go to the project's home page and look for the source code | 00:47 |
jrib | !who | Matillo | 00:47 |
ubottu | Matillo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 00:47 |
jrib | owh: nope | 00:47 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: lee@Vertex:~/FrostWire/Saved$ `sudo lshw -C disk` | 00:48 |
iShock | bash: *-disk: command not found | 00:48 |
Matillo | owh is trying to make aptitude purge remove dependancies installed for it. | 00:48 |
w3wsrmn | erm, sans ` | 00:48 |
owh | jrib: When I run aptitude install libvirt-bin, it installs three packages: dnsmasq-base libvirt-bin netcat-openbsd -- but when I run aptitude purge libvirt-bin, it only wants to remove dnsmasq-base libvirt-bin -- this makes no sense. Why is this happening? | 00:48 |
McFrosty | where would i find the source code where to look for it at on the page? | 00:48 |
pasal | türkçe bilen varm0131? | 00:48 |
Flannel | !tr | pasal | 00:48 |
ubottu | pasal: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 00:48 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd | 00:48 |
ardchoille | owh: you can remove unused deps with: sudo apt-get autoremove | 00:49 |
w3wsrmn | iShock: looks like a cd/dvd player and cd writer, then | 00:49 |
Logomachist | Hello? | 00:49 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: So I can't write DVDs? | 00:49 |
w3wsrmn | iShock: unfortunately not | 00:49 |
BellinXFelon | gparted to format it to ext3 and xubuntu recognizes it but i cant put anything on it, any suggestions? | 00:49 |
owh | ardchoille: I understand that, but why doesn't aptitude automatically already do this for something it installed. This is the whole point of using aptitude. | 00:49 |
hmuller | hello fellow xubuntuers | 00:49 |
BellinXFelon | its a seagate freeagent pro | 00:49 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: Damn .. Any other ideas how I can install a 2.44GB ISO? VMware is tempting, but VMWare server is wayyyy to big for this box. | 00:49 |
Flannel | owh: try sudo apt-get --simulate autoremove | 00:50 |
Flannel | owh: oh | 00:50 |
jrib | owh: what happens when you try to remove netcat-openbsd? | 00:50 |
Flannel | owh: There's *no* real advantage to using aptitude over apt-get anymore | 00:50 |
FloodBot3 | cYtAmNtmgi: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:51 |
dr_willis | 'Getting Help on IRC : Epic Fail' | 00:51 |
owh | jrib: It removes it without problems. | 00:51 |
hmuller | Flannel: Will apt-get automatically remove dependencies that an app installed? | 00:51 |
owh | Flannel: Since when is that? | 00:51 |
jrib | owh: and doesn't take anything else with it? | 00:51 |
Flannel | owh: Since autoremove | 00:51 |
owh | jrib: Nope. | 00:51 |
Flannel | hmuller: Not automatically, you have to tell it you want to. | 00:51 |
hmuller | Flannel: that is good news I was unaware of | 00:52 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
ardchoille | owh: you used purge, and it does that.. did you use --purge-unused ? | 00:52 |
w3wsrmn | iShock: I believe it's possible to split a DVD into CD sized ISOs, but I doubt the installer would realize the split, and never prompt for the other disks. | 00:52 |
Flannel | hmuller: At least, as far as I'm aware. | 00:52 |
iShock | w3wsrmn: It's the windows 7 ISO | 00:52 |
owh | ardchoille: No. However, it automatically removes dnsmasq-base. | 00:53 |
hmuller | iShock: Does your system have usb ports? | 00:53 |
sysadmin | Hi Everyone | 00:53 |
hmuller | h'lo back | 00:53 |
iShock | hmuller: Ports, but no flash drives. | 00:53 |
John`Anderzon | i have a little problem with Ubuntu... just installed it and there are some small vertical lines that kinda flash on the screen and is especially apparent on a dark background. how do we correct this? | 00:53 |
sysadmin | is there any who can help me out with the data recovery using ubuntu ? | 00:53 |
ardchoille | owh: dnsmasq-base may be dependent on the main app you installed, therefore it can't reside without it and needs to be removed | 00:53 |
hmuller | iShock: and I assume you've no DVDrom drive? | 00:54 |
yow|laptop | good to hear kintarotpc :) nice work | 00:54 |
sysadmin | i have a hard disk from my old linux server ext3 based . . now i want to retrieve data from that disk ? | 00:54 |
iShock | hmuller: I can read, but not wrire. | 00:54 |
iShock | WRite* | 00:54 |
vigo | sysadmin: From the login screen.....? | 00:54 |
=== rich_ is now known as LateralLink | ||
owh | ardchoille: Not according to apt-cache | 00:54 |
ardchoille | owh: no idea, the point is that you didn't use --purge-unused and aptitude was doing exactly what you asked. | 00:55 |
sysadmin | i have just attached that hard drive to my new system based on ubuntu ? | 00:55 |
hmuller | iShock: I missed all the early information, where do you want to install it? | 00:55 |
iShock | hmuller: This box. | 00:55 |
pasal | slm | 00:55 |
pasal | millet beni duyan varm0131 | 00:55 |
iShock | hmuller: A VM would be fine, but VMWare server is too big. | 00:55 |
pasal | turk0131sh? | 00:55 |
hmuller | iShock: What's wrong with qemu? | 00:55 |
vigo | sysadmin: Ok,,I just read about the errors or bugs of ext3, one of them is backups,,,it was on wikipedia | 00:55 |
iShock | hmuller: qemu? | 00:55 |
owh | ardchoille: According to the depends for the three packages there is no difference between netcat-openbsd and dnsmasq-base, so if one is uninstalled, the other should also be. | 00:56 |
earthmeLon | Hey guys! I am trying to add a user to my laptop so that I can use it whenever I connect to an untrusted/insecure hotspot. I want to do a number of things, like create startup scripts like /etc/init.d/XXX specifically for that user. Also, I was wondering if there was a way to modify /etc/network/interfaces for only one user. Any help would be greatly appreciated :D | 00:56 |
sysadmin | vigo : thank you | 00:56 |
hmuller | It's a processor emulator, I've used it to install winxp | 00:56 |
sysadmin | can you please send me the link if youve got one | 00:56 |
ardchoille | owh: that's not how it works with the command you used | 00:56 |
hmuller | iShock: kvm works good too, if you have a processor that supports virtualization | 00:56 |
ardchoille | owh: and perhaps you should be talking to the package maintainer? | 00:56 |
iShock | hmuller: WTF are you talking about, pm me? | 00:56 |
pasal | can you speak turk0131sh? | 00:57 |
owh | ardchoille: First I'm trying to figure out why it's happening, otherwise all I'll be doing is lodging a bug that makes no sense. | 00:57 |
hmuller | iShock: I don't know how to pm uxing xchat, gimme a sec and I'll send you a link to some reading material | 00:57 |
ardchoille | owh: ok | 00:57 |
John`Anderzon | sooo | 00:57 |
John`Anderzon | ne1??? :(((( | 00:57 |
Flannel | !tr | pasal | 00:57 |
ubottu | pasal: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 00:57 |
John`Anderzon | ./me cries | 00:57 |
iShock | hmuller: I don't have that much time, and seriously, /msg iShock MESASAGE. | 00:57 |
owh | ardchoille: I still don't understand the point you're making about --purge-unused | 00:57 |
ardchoille | hmuller: /query nick | 00:57 |
smo_PenguinStyle | Hey all. I was wondering if anyone has messed with the commandline interface to make it case-insensative? | 00:58 |
Flannel | !patience | John`Anderzon | 00:58 |
ubottu | John`Anderzon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 00:58 |
yow|laptop | which video card John`Anderzon | 00:58 |
ardchoille | owh: --purge-unused purges unused packages | 00:58 |
John`Anderzon | im using geforce mx 44 | 00:58 |
John`Anderzon | someone told me i need to change the refresh rate on the vertical lines | 00:58 |
vigo | sysadmin: still here? | 00:58 |
sysadmin | yes | 00:58 |
sysadmin | i am | 00:58 |
yow|laptop | mx440. which driver? from the repo or from the nvidia site? | 00:58 |
John`Anderzon | cuz it just looks like static like little static lines... not very visible but still annoying | 00:59 |
dr_willis | smo_PenguinStyle, i dont see that happening any time soon | 00:59 |
John`Anderzon | im not exactly sure... it came with the machien | 00:59 |
vigo | sysadmin: <<there is the wikipedia | 00:59 |
sysadmin | thank you Vigo | 00:59 |
ardchoille | owh: suppose you install a package and it installs 4 deps. using "aptitude purge" may not uninstall all deps but "--purge-unused" will uninstall the package and all "unused" deps | 00:59 |
sysadmin | ill have a look now | 00:59 |
sysadmin | but is it possible to retrieve data from that disk though using Ubuntu | 01:00 |
sysadmin | ? | 01:00 |
vigo | My pleasure | 01:00 |
Flannel | sysadmin: Assuming there's no damage, yes, of course. | 01:00 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderzon - look up your vert and horizontal rates for that monitor and the refresh rate and then compare that to what is in your xorg.conf. you may need to try out some different settings and manually edit the file. | 01:00 |
sysadmin | thank you Flannel | 01:00 |
sysadmin | the disks are abs fine . . no problem | 01:01 |
earthmeLon | Hey guys! I am trying to add a user to my laptop so that I can use it whenever I connect to an untrusted/insecure hotspot. I want to do a number of things, like create startup scripts like /etc/init.d/XXX specifically for that user. Any help would be greatly appreciated :D | 01:01 |
yow|laptop | and thats assuming that the hw is working correctly | 01:01 |
sysadmin | its just that i have to get the data out from the servers hard disks | 01:01 |
gerber | Do you know any Free Point Of Sales ? | 01:01 |
owh | ardchoille: The rdepends for netcat-openbsd and dnsmasq-base are almost identical - the difference is that dnsmasq-base rdepends on dnsmasq. As far as I can see they're the same. | 01:01 |
Flannel | gerber: What? | 01:01 |
John`Anderzon | ok ty so much | 01:01 |
gerber | pos | 01:01 |
yow|laptop | earthmeLon - create the account and then you can use the sessions option to run custom scripts if you want | 01:01 |
Flannel | gerber: For Ubuntu? | 01:02 |
yow|laptop | np John`Anderzon | 01:02 |
gerber | For restaurant | 01:02 |
gerber | YEs | 01:02 |
earthmeLon | Thanks yow, i'd rather set it up from this account. Trying to learn as much about the OS as possible without cheating with GUI's :P | 01:02 |
earthmeLon | yow|laptop ^ | 01:02 |
hmuller | ardchoille: Thanks for that tip | 01:03 |
John`Anderzon | i checked out my xorg file the only lines that mention 'video' say "configured video device" | 01:03 |
gerber | I download one But i Dont know how to load it pls help | 01:03 |
ardchoille | hmuller: yw :) | 01:03 |
jrib | owh: I don't feel like reading aptitude source and can't find documentation on the meaning of the numbers in /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates, but I would look for differences there next | 01:04 |
yow|laptop | earthmeLon - in that case, if you are going to use init.d then you will need to create scripts and then link each of them to the corresponding runlevels in which you want them to start and then restrict them to only that user. just my 2 cents, someone else may have a better idea | 01:04 |
hmuller | Any trac users in the room tonight? | 01:04 |
vigo | gerber: what did you download? | 01:04 |
orflon | a program asks me for openssl >= 0.9.7 , but I have already 0.9.8, what could I do? | 01:04 |
earthmeLon | yow|laptop So, if I create a script in init.d, how do I restrict it to only run when that user logs in? | 01:04 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderzon - is this a single boot machine? have you tried a different live cd? a different driver perhaps? just trying to rule out a hw issue or a driver issue. | 01:04 |
jrib | orflon: provide more details | 01:05 |
John`Anderzon | it had the same problem when i booted from the live CD | 01:05 |
jamnz | I need to manage available log on times for two user ID's. They are to log on during hours of 3pm to 4pm each day. how do I apply this log on time in Ubuntu 8.10?? Thanks! | 01:05 |
John`Anderzon | i didnt have this prob when i had damn small linux installed././. | 01:05 |
gerber | openbravo pos | 01:05 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 01:06 |
vigo | gerber: I have no idea what that is, but maybe someone that saw it can assist. | 01:06 |
orflon | jrib, I'm on a live cd 8.10, and I'm trying to install wvstreams. It says in the end missing depedency openssl, >=0.9.7 needed, but I do have 0.9.8 already. Ask me anything else you need, thanks mate. | 01:06 |
owh | jrib: That's an excellent suggestion. | 01:06 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 01:06 |
VideoSmith | What's with all the floodbots? | 01:06 |
yow|laptop | earthmeLon - well thats why i suggested using sessions cause its easier that way, tbh, im not sure how to restrict it to one user. you can login still within your current account by using an xsession window and logging in as your proposed user there | 01:06 |
jrib | orflon: what is the name of the package you are installing? | 01:06 |
John`Anderzon | it's dual boot but with the other OS is installed on another HD | 01:07 |
orflon | jrib, I install it from source, it's wvstreams version 4.4.1 | 01:07 |
eseven73 | VideoSmith: they're here to protect us against Microsoft! You didnt know that already? :P | 01:07 |
jrib | orflon: why? wvstreams seems to be in the repositories (not that version in particular) | 01:07 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderzon - does it have the same monitor problem on the other OS? what is the other OS? | 01:08 |
John`Anderzon | nope | 01:08 |
John`Anderzon | i only have this problem with ubuntu | 01:08 |
earthmeLon | yow|laptop I am doing some research and maybe .bash_login or .bash_profile might be a better option. | 01:08 |
yow|laptop | ok so it could be a driver issue then | 01:08 |
gerber | /home/gerber/ntpv_bundle-1.2rc1 | 01:08 |
yow|laptop | ok cool earthmeLon | 01:08 |
orflon | jrib: hm well I can't find it in my repos | 01:08 |
John`Anderzon | i see | 01:09 |
jrib | orflon: apt-cache search wvstreams doesn't return any results? | 01:09 |
gerber | can you help | 01:09 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderzon - are using the ubuntu drivers for the card? if so, which one? 177? 180? | 01:09 |
vigo | gerber: Did you apt-get that? | 01:09 |
BellinXFelon | can anyone help me configure my seagate free agent pro drive for xubuntu | 01:09 |
John`Anderzon | honestly i dont know.. i just installed ubuntu, i'm guessing it installed drivers for it.. but i could be wrong | 01:09 |
John`Anderzon | how would i check? | 01:09 |
gerber | yes | 01:09 |
orflon | jrib: yes it did return, but apt-get install wvstreams doesn't work :/ | 01:10 |
jrib | BellinXFelon: what filesystem? | 01:10 |
jrib | orflon: what did it return? | 01:10 |
Barridus | is there a terminal command to bring up the add/remove function that's in the applications menu dropdown? (not the full synaptec) | 01:10 |
vigo | gerber: Did it install? | 01:10 |
gerber | nnno | 01:10 |
gerber | no | 01:10 |
jrib | Barridus: gnome-app-install | 01:10 |
orflon | jrib: libs of this kind-> libwvstreams* | 01:10 |
orflon | jrib: apt-get install libwvstreams*? | 01:11 |
linxeh | is there a good dyndns client for ubuntu ? | 01:11 |
jrib | orflon: is what you want something different? | 01:11 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderzon - look under system > admin > hw drivers | 01:11 |
jrib | linxeh: I use ddclient, there are others | 01:11 |
vigo | gerber: maybe sudo apt-get or use the Synaptic Package manager.... | 01:11 |
yow|laptop | see if it lists any in use for your video card | 01:11 |
hmuller | BellinXFelon: let me guess, you plug it in, and it is not recognized as mass storage in Ubuntu? | 01:11 |
linxeh | jrib: ok thanks | 01:11 |
John`Anderzon | okay | 01:11 |
Jams44 | I'm currently running 7.04 and want to upgrade to the latest stable version (8.04?) Anywho, the Update Manager can | 01:11 |
orflon | jrib: well, another program says that I must have wvstreams installed, I'm not sure what exactly I want | 01:12 |
vigo | gerber: It may already be installed | 01:12 |
devdavad | does anyone here know how to enable SHMConfig in xorg.conf? | 01:12 |
John`Anderzon | theres ONE driver there but its not enabled.... it's called "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver..." | 01:12 |
jrib | orflon: ok... what other program? | 01:12 |
gerber | how can i find out ? | 01:12 |
Jams44 | t locate updates so I can't go step by step. Is there anyway I can download an alternate upgrade version so i can mount it? | 01:12 |
mFacenet | ATT = Fail, I just called them with a question about a static ip address order the service tech asked me what os I responded Ubuntu, a distribution of Linux and she argued with me to make sure that it wasn't a version of windows xp | 01:12 |
Ryan_Delaney | hahaha | 01:12 |
John`Anderzon | when reading what its about it suposedly is used with some 3-D effects | 01:12 |
Eliteslave | Hello | 01:12 |
linxeh | jrib: out of interest which dns service do you use ? | 01:12 |
hmuller | devdavad: You trying to turn the touchpad off? | 01:12 |
orflon | jrib: wdial | 01:12 |
Barridus | jrib, thanks!!!! | 01:12 |
vigo | gerber: look in your home folder | 01:12 |
jrib | linxeh: dyndns | 01:12 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderzon - its up to you, but i would try enabling that. that should give you 3d acceleration and a better resolution | 01:12 |
linxeh | jrib: ok cool, thanks | 01:12 |
devdavad | hmuller, yes it's starting to bother me a bit on my laptop | 01:12 |
John`Anderzon | okay if it doesnt work and im left with a blank screen.. ? | 01:13 |
jrib | linxeh: afraid dns is nicer | 01:13 |
John`Anderzon | Which i doubt but theres always that possibility, no? | 01:13 |
hmuller | devdavad: I used to use that solution but found one better, give me a minute and I'll send you a link | 01:13 |
Eliteslave | I need some help setting up Ubuntu, <--- Complete Ubuntu / Linux nublet | 01:13 |
ryanakca | When setting a Disc # for a track, what id3v2 tag does it represent? | 01:13 |
jrib | orflon: wvdial is also in the repositories | 01:13 |
Ryan_Delaney | Eliteslave: Go ahead and and your question | 01:13 |
orflon | jrib: maybe I should add a repository? | 01:14 |
hmuller | devdavad: | 01:14 |
meanburrito920 | does anyone know of a way to play music bought on iTunes on ubuntu? | 01:14 |
devdavad | hmuller, thank you | 01:14 |
jrib | orflon: the repositories should be the first place you look for software. What does « apt-cache search wvdial »return? | 01:14 |
hmuller | devdavad: I prefer this now, it works like a champ, and seems to reduce the keyrepeats also | 01:14 |
vigo | gerber: I am returning to Ubuntu from a lond sailing trip absence, so this is all forgotten and has to be relearned for me also, all I know is simple stuff, and not much of that. | 01:14 |
Eliteslave | where can I get drivers for my video card so i can enable 3d | 01:14 |
Eliteslave | ? | 01:14 |
orflon | jrib: the initial programs that I want to install are: gppp and an installer for vmc 3g | 01:14 |
John`Anderzon | okay i need to restart | 01:14 |
Jams44 | I'm currently running 7.04 and want to upgrade to the latest stable version (8.04?) Anywho, the Update Manager | 01:14 |
linxeh | jrib: I just need something simple so I can keep track of a machine thats going to be on an ADSL link (used for offsite rsync backups) | 01:14 |
Jams44 | cant locate updates so I can't go step by step. Is there anyway I can download an alternate upgrade version so i can mount it? | 01:14 |
Ryan_Delaney | Eliteslave: Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and enable them | 01:15 |
gerber | this is what i Want to install.../home/gerber/ntpv_bundle-1.2rc1 | 01:15 |
hmuller | Any trac users/administrators in the room watching? | 01:15 |
jrib | linxeh: dyndns will work fine then | 01:15 |
earthmeLon | Okay, I give up yow|laptop. how do I keep this session running and start another xsession or whatever with the other user? | 01:15 |
jrib | !ask | hmuller | 01:15 |
ubottu | hmuller: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:15 |
meanburrito920 | I've used trac | 01:15 |
Eliteslave | Ryan_Delaney: I have done that, but when i click on lets say Chess and turn 3d mode on it says It doesnt work | 01:15 |
vigo | gerber: uhm,,ok,,let me look for that on the forums....... | 01:16 |
hmuller | jrib: thanks for the tip :P | 01:16 |
gerber | i went to systematic and is not there | 01:16 |
RobertLaptop | Can anyone help with lircd[5211]: segfault at 0 ip b7f47773 sp bfb3b280 error 4 in[b7f43000+6000] | 01:16 |
jrib | orflon: gpppon is in the repositories, if that's what you want. I don't know about vmc 3g | 01:16 |
Ryan_Delaney | Eliteslave: Please be more specific with error messages | 01:16 |
RobertLaptop | Noting shows up on google | 01:16 |
meanburrito920 | how to play protected AAC on Ubuntu | 01:17 |
Eliteslave | Ryan_Delaney: " You are unable to play in 3d mode due to the following Problems : No Python Open GL Support" | 01:17 |
devdavad | hmuller, I'm setting it up now, thank you for the link | 01:17 |
dr_willis | Eliteslave, that 3d chess stuff has never worked well.. in every reelase ive ever tried... Im not sure it has ever worked | 01:17 |
hmuller | devdavad: enjoy, It is much preferable to the SHMconfig trick | 01:17 |
Jams44 | What are the "alternate" downloads that Ubuntu refers to in the upgrade FAQ? | 01:17 |
jrib | !alternate | Jams44 | 01:18 |
ubottu | Jams44: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at | 01:18 |
vigo | gerber: <<<<that covers it | 01:18 |
orflon | jrib: it returned wvdial, but when I apt-get install wvdial, it doesn't find it. | 01:18 |
Eliteslave | dr_willis: well i was using that as an example | 01:18 |
darkdelusions | !restrictedformats | meanburrito920 | 01:18 |
jrib | orflon: pastebin | 01:18 |
ubottu | meanburrito920: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 01:18 |
Eliteslave | I am particulary trying to get Eve-Online to work | 01:18 |
Eliteslave | but it is suffering the same error | 01:18 |
orflon | oh jrib it's ok wvdial is in. | 01:18 |
Ryan_Delaney | Eliteslave: I'm not sure if that's a driver issue | 01:19 |
Jams44 | jrib: can i mount the alternate disk and upgrade from it? | 01:19 |
meanburrito920 | darkdelusions: so i'm stuck with a bunch of dead files i paid for? | 01:19 |
orflon | jrib: though gppp is not in. | 01:19 |
hmuller | I've installed trac (working), the masterticket plugin (working), and the ticketdep plugin but cannot get it to work, is there a trick? | 01:19 |
jrib | orflon: pastebin | 01:20 |
Eliteslave | Ryan - Im using a 9800GTX so do you think that might be a problem? | 01:20 |
Flannel | meanburrito920: You just have use one of the various methods for stripping off the encryption | 01:20 |
dr_willis | meanburrito920, now ya know why a lot of people HATE itunes. | 01:20 |
John`Anderson | yow|laptop, thank you so much | 01:20 |
Ryan_Delaney | Eliteslave: Not that I know of | 01:20 |
John`Anderson | enabling the driver stopped the flickering | 01:20 |
John`Anderson | ty you again so much | 01:20 |
jrib | Jams44: well, if you have packages that are not in the repositories on the cd, you'll need web access anyway | 01:20 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderson - i take it that resolved the issue ? | 01:20 |
jrib | for them to upgrade | 01:20 |
yow|laptop | good good | 01:20 |
RonPaul | I can't seem to extract img files. they are being used in a torrent client while i try to extract them is that what is causing the problem? | 01:21 |
John`Anderson | yes it did | 01:21 |
yow|laptop | cool | 01:21 |
yow|laptop | figured it would | 01:21 |
Eliteslave | also is it possible to get Itunes to work on Ubuntu? | 01:21 |
meanburrito920 | Flannel: I've googled for methods and havent found anything that hasnt been forced to cease and desist | 01:21 |
hmuller | Eliteslave: You can get it to work, but no syncing | 01:21 |
RonPaul | elite: no | 01:21 |
RonPaul | i dual booted for my iphone only | 01:21 |
John`Anderson | the screen looks ALOT better now | 01:21 |
darkdelusions | might help... I dont but stuff from itunes so I dunno :) | 01:21 |
hmuller | Eliteslave: All that's working now is the app itself, and the iTunes store | 01:21 |
John`Anderson | more clearer than my win98 one lol | 01:22 |
darkdelusions | but = buy | 01:22 |
Eliteslave | I dont care bout the syncing really, I just want it to play the music lol | 01:22 |
yow|laptop | or a lot even? John`Anderson ;) | 01:22 |
John`Anderson | ooops i forgot the space | 01:22 |
yow|laptop | yes, most people feel that way about Linux displays | 01:22 |
orflon | well jrib my initial goal is to get this:, to work. | 01:22 |
gerber | * sudo | 01:22 |
gerber | * nmap | 01:22 |
gerber | * libqt3c102-mt | 01:22 |
gerber | * libqt3c102-mt-psql | 01:22 |
gerber | * kdelibs4 | 01:22 |
FloodBot1 | gerber: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:22 |
gerber | * libgdchart | 01:22 |
* RonPaul wish someone would help him | 01:22 | |
John`Anderson | :) | 01:23 |
RonPaul | I can't seem to extract img files. they are being used in a torrent client while i try to extract them is that what is causing the problem? | 01:23 |
gerber | I just want to know if this pks are in ubunutu | 01:23 |
yow|laptop | well good, you're all set to become an expert and help others now John`Anderson :) | 01:23 |
Jams44 | jrib: I'm new to this. Respositories refer to... If ive already had a successful install of an old version of ubuntu can iassume that it would upgrade correctly? | 01:24 |
Jams44 | i have web access, the updates just dont work | 01:24 |
Jams44 | it says something about a fetch error. | 01:24 |
John`Anderson | hope so, im still a newbie at linux but im learning... and ive said it and i'll say again, its A LOT better than Windows.. the only prob is getting software developers to start developing for it instead of windows.. | 01:24 |
hyperair | on a NEC Versa E6500, the notebook's mouse and touchpad don't work. however usb keyboards and mice work. does anybody know what could cause this issue? | 01:24 |
Sorcererbob | !reops | 01:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about reops | 01:24 |
nickrud | Jams44, if the release is old enough, the repos don't exist anymore. what version? | 01:24 |
Sorcererbob | !repos | 01:24 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 01:24 |
eseven73 | Jams44: read those ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 01:25 |
jrib | Jams44: repositories is the online location of the packages you install. The alternate cd only has the main repository on it. So if packages you have installed are not on the cd, they won't get updated unless you let it grab packages from the internet | 01:25 |
hyperair | i tried booting into single user mode, but the keyboard doesn't work either. | 01:25 |
vigo | !ndis |gerber | 01:25 |
ubottu | gerber: Wireless documentation can be found at | 01:25 |
yow|laptop | John`Anderson - you will find that in a lot of cases, the software that Linux has available is equal or superior anyway | 01:25 |
Eliteslave | If i were to d/l a driver at and its for "linux 64bit" would that work for Ubuntu? or no? | 01:25 |
aheckler | Eliteslave: it should | 01:25 |
RonPaul | yeah | 01:25 |
jrib | Eliteslave: just use System -> Administration -> Hardware Driver | 01:25 |
aheckler | or that | 01:26 |
IndyGunFreak | Eliteslave: it should, but why not just use the restricted driver .. | 01:26 |
John`Anderson | thats true, and it's free | 01:26 |
Eliteslave | its old? | 01:26 |
hyperair | on a NEC Versa E6500, the notebook's mouse and touchpad don't work. however usb keyboards and mice work. does anybody know what could cause this issue? it doesn't work in single user mode either, leading me to believe that there are issues between linux and the PS/2 controller. it seems to work on solaris, and windows, but not on anything that uses a linux kernel. | 01:26 |
IndyGunFreak | Eliteslave: is it not working or something? | 01:26 |
yow|laptop | yes John`Anderson free in every sense | 01:26 |
hmuller | Eliteslave: Follow jrib's advice, if you have the amd64 ubuntu version installed, then you'll get the 64bit nvidia driver | 01:26 |
IndyGunFreak | !latest | Eliteslave | 01:27 |
ubottu | Eliteslave: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 01:27 |
eseven73 | hyperair: touchpads are so annoying are you really sure you want that enabled? | 01:27 |
eseven73 | i disabled mine :) | 01:27 |
AlfredHitchcock | xdfgsdfg | 01:27 |
dy_ | Hi, do you guys know how to filter messages in pidgin? I'm getting a lot of spam from my account and I want to allow messages only from my contacts. | 01:27 |
John`Anderson | i was talking to a friend on another network, and we got into the subject of windows security issues.. and i told him, i think pretty honestly that its a marketing tactic | 01:28 |
hmuller | eseven73: that's not the point, hyperair WANTS them working | 01:28 |
earthmeLon | Hello!! I need to figure out a way to run SAMBA on user logon instead of at startup.. I only want samba to run if a specific user logs in. | 01:28 |
John`Anderson | with windows you're FORCED to buy and upgrade | 01:28 |
hyperair | eseven73, hmuller: the pressing issue is that the onboard keyboard does not work! | 01:28 |
=== _wendy_ is now known as wendyyyyy | ||
yow|laptop | John`Anderson - i make a fair bit of money on the side cleaning and reinstalling windows boxes. i dont mind ;) | 01:28 |
hyperair | eseven73, hmuller: not even in a tty! | 01:28 |
dr_willis | earthmeLon, samba is a service.. that makes little sence | 01:28 |
hmuller | earthmelon: Session settings? | 01:29 |
hyperair | eseven73, hmuller: but it does work in GRUB | 01:29 |
John`Anderson | up until a week ago i was using Win98, and microsoft no longer offers support or patches for it. Why? because they cant make money off it no more :P | 01:29 |
dr_willis | earthmeLon, the samba-doc pakcage has all the info you would ever want on samba - if its doable - it may be mentioned in there. | 01:29 |
linxeh | John`Anderson: also because it is crap | 01:29 |
linxeh | :p | 01:29 |
John`Anderson | windows is good, dont get me wrong. i think its excellent as a entertainment system | 01:29 |
hmuller | hyperair: Does dmesg reveal anything? | 01:29 |
=== Imaginativeone__ is now known as swiper | ||
John`Anderson | but it lacks security and stability.. | 01:29 |
yow|laptop | if you find virii and spyware entertaining John`Anderson lol | 01:29 |
earthmeLon | dr_willis It makes perfect sense to me. I only want to run the service if my main user logs in. Not if a guest user logs in. It has nothing to do with samba, it has to do with Linux/Ubuntu. The samba docs will provide little/no help in what I'm trying to do | 01:30 |
John`Anderson | my old tandy computer was more stable than my win98 machine lmao | 01:30 |
tj83 | anyone know a chan related to the Kino video editor? | 01:30 |
hyperair | hmuller: i didn't try checking. i should have eh. | 01:30 |
=== swiper is now known as superduper | ||
hmuller | run it in a terminal: dmesg | less | 01:30 |
John`Anderson | atleast i can browse the net on here and not keep checking file directories for new entries | 01:30 |
=== superduper is now known as dvdmaster | ||
hyperair | hmuller: wait wait, it's not my notebook. i'll have to get my friend to switch back to linux | 01:31 |
John`Anderson | i have XP on the other HD... and after i rebooted today, i logged in and found that firefox had been invaded by a Yahoo toolbar which i did not install | 01:31 |
John`Anderson | and amazingly AVG didnt even pick anything up as installing without my permission | 01:31 |
John`Anderson | nor did windows | 01:31 |
unop | !windows | 01:31 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 01:31 |
=== dvdmaster is now known as quantumstorm | ||
earthmeLon | !ubuntu-chat | 01:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-chat | 01:31 |
unop | John`Anderson, please stay on topic | 01:32 |
yow|laptop | lol | 01:32 |
Flannel | earthmeLon: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to go for chatting | 01:32 |
earthmeLon | John`Anderson /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:32 |
John`Anderson | soory unop my bad | 01:32 |
earthmeLon | Thanks Flannel | 01:32 |
Matillo | Can anyone explain to me why I can't use two sources of sound at once? | 01:32 |
IndyGunFreak | Matillo: i told you earlier | 01:32 |
Matillo | well, I need further explanation, and just switching to alsa didn't fix the problem. | 01:33 |
earthmeLon | Matillo you need to install ALSA and/or PulseAudio. Check the ubuntu docs page | 01:33 |
yow|laptop | cant pulseaudio do that? | 01:33 |
justin__ | hello | 01:33 |
IndyGunFreak | yow|laptop: it never has for me... it always kills 1 sound, | 01:33 |
Eliteslave | well I feel really dumb guys | 01:33 |
hmuller | Is there a trick to getting the trac plugin ticketdep working? I have masterticket installed working correctly, just can't get ticketdep going. | 01:33 |
earthmeLon | IndyGunFreak yow|laptop I had to install ALSA and use PulseAudio to get my audio working perfectly | 01:33 |
yow|laptop | hmmm, dont think ive ever tried it. ive used sound within a browser and also a music player at the same time though | 01:33 |
Eliteslave | I didnt look at the second window, and guess what was running in the background? my game lol | 01:33 |
docbob | @bookaloo | 01:34 |
IndyGunFreak | earthmeLon: i just went to Alsa, and it works fine.. ddn't need to install anything | 01:34 |
justin__ | does anyone here feeling like helping a newb with some dve problems | 01:34 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: well that's exactly what isn't working for me. | 01:34 |
aheckler | justin__: just ask your question :) | 01:34 |
earthmeLon | I do not want samba running when a specific user logs in. To do this, I need to remove it from init.d list and have it run when the user(s) i do want it running with logon. Does anybody have any suggestions? | 01:34 |
yow|laptop | Matillo - which flash plugin is selected for your browser? | 01:35 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: adobe flash. | 01:35 |
=== nathan is now known as Guest74978 | ||
yow|laptop | thats what i have. i remember turning the volume down (but not off) for my music player (sonata) and being able to watch a flash video through firefox | 01:35 |
justin__ | i install ubuntu for the first time about a week ago and was trying to get my dvd drive to work in virtual box and i guess i changed something i wasnt suppose to now i cant read cd or dvds | 01:35 |
Rad | I'm running Ubuntu server with Apache2 and I can't get my GoDaddy SSL to work properly. Mod SSL is installed and working, and I'm specifically working with a virtual host. I get (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long) | 01:36 |
owh | jrib: FYI the bug with aptitude has already been reported: Bug #305504 | 01:36 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: My music player hangs up until the sound resource is freed. | 01:36 |
owh | Matillo, jrib ardchoille, thanks all for your help. | 01:36 |
yow|laptop | justin__ - try unchecking passthrough on the dvd settings? | 01:36 |
justin__ | how do i do that | 01:36 |
jrib | owh: I see, cool. Thanks for reporting! | 01:36 |
earthmeLon | Matillo if you have problems after following these instructions come ask questions: | 01:37 |
Eliteslave | are there drivers to make blueray work on ubuntu? | 01:37 |
yow|laptop | Matillo - is pulseaudio or alsa selected in your sound settings? what does alsamixer show? | 01:37 |
hmuller | earthmelon: Add the startup commands to .xinitrc in each users home directory, and if necessary adding their names to /etc/sudoers for the startup? | 01:37 |
yow|laptop | justin__ - look under settings for the vm you created | 01:37 |
justin__ | im running duel boot with vista now vista shows everything correct | 01:37 |
Jaffarkelshac | i am trying to use a website, its a flash based website but when i try it in ubuntu, my cpu usage goes 100% . is it a problem with my flash? | 01:37 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: I've tried both and autodetect, and alsamixer showed the levels? Not off. | 01:37 |
justin__ | it's gone now i had formatted and redone everything after a bad mbr | 01:38 |
Sylphid | Im trying to convert my single disk install to a 2disk raid 1 setup folloing instructions here however when i try to reboot into the raid volume it fails to an initramfs prompt and also fails when trying to boot to the original volume... i believe that the update-initramfs -u command screwed it up but im not sure how to repair this | 01:38 |
bthornton | Does anyone else who uses Ubuntu/Gnome go through periods where your 10-key keys don't work, regardless of if Num Lock is on/off? | 01:38 |
earthmeLon | Thank you hmuller I think you understand what I'm asking. In order to run stuff from .xinitrc as root, I need to add my user to sudoers file, eh? I will look up how to do that | 01:38 |
Rad | jaffarkelshac: That's a pretty cpu intensive flash application in general. | 01:38 |
yow|laptop | Matillo, hmmm. its possible that it could be a restriction on your sound card. did it ever work for two inputs? | 01:38 |
xinel | bthornton: nope | 01:38 |
justin__ | vista just ejects every disk as if it were no good | 01:39 |
hmuller | earthmelon: I do something similar to what you are trying to do, and that's how I did it | 01:39 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: In windows it did, yeah. | 01:39 |
macman | guys .. im hooking up a palm centro to my ubuntu 8.10 .. there any software i should use ? .. i just want to get the pictures | 01:39 |
Jaffarkelshac | Rad: it runs fine on my laptop and compared to my pc its very low spec | 01:39 |
hmuller | earthmelon: remember the /etc/sudoers file is modified using visudo | 01:39 |
bthornton | jaffarkelshac: Which version of Ubuntu and what arch? | 01:39 |
earthmeLon | hmuller after I add my user to this list, I will be able to sudo foo without request for password? | 01:39 |
yow|laptop | well, that uses different drivers. pulse is a fairly new thing in linux and my understanding is that using two simultaneous audio devices is relatively new territory | 01:39 |
Rad | jaffarkelshac: Any other flash sites do it or just this one? | 01:40 |
Jaffarkelshac | Intrepid 32 bit | 01:40 |
Jaffarkelshac | just this one Rad | 01:40 |
hmuller | earthmelon: I'll pm with you an example from my /etc/sudoers file | 01:40 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: Well, I played a flash video, without audio, then paused and unpaused my music player, and now the music player's not playing again. | 01:40 |
Rad | I bet it's the calculations in the actionscript | 01:40 |
earthmeLon | hmuller thanks, but it seems all I have to do is add my main user to admin users | 01:40 |
bthornton | jaffarkelshac: I've noticed in Intrepid that flash tends to slow Firefox down completely (i.e. scrolling and even clicking menus). The slowdown seems to be porportional to the number of Flash elements on a page. | 01:40 |
maxbaldwin | what exactly happens when you run " :!: | 01:41 |
maxbaldwin | it just returns "bash:" | 01:41 |
adm9393 | Hello, I am having serious trouble after upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04LTS and my graphics card: Nvidia Geforce 460go. After I used envyNG, I reboot to come to find that my screen/graphics card cannot be detected. I understand that many people have had this problem but I've been searching and searching for a very long time only to just give up each day and boot into windows... I've tried all I can. from the hex editing to adding to the xorg... | 01:41 |
yow|laptop | justin__ - if its doing it in two different OS's then it could be a hardware issue. maybe try disconnecting it and reconnecting it? | 01:41 |
Rad | Anybody here have any ideas on my ssl issue? | 01:41 |
xelapond | what version of python comes with ubuntu 8.10? | 01:41 |
aheckler | xelapong: 2.5.2 IIRC | 01:42 |
xelapond | aheckler: thanks | 01:42 |
yow|laptop | Matillo - it sounds like its grabbing the audio and not letting go then | 01:42 |
aheckler | xelapong: enter "python -V" in a terminal to see which version you have | 01:42 |
aheckler | xelapond ^^^ | 01:42 |
Sorcererbob | adm9393: can you get to a command prompt? | 01:42 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: Well it's happening with any sources, not just flash or music. | 01:42 |
unop | !info python | aheckler | 01:42 |
ubottu | python (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.2-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB | 01:42 |
crashsystems | Does anyone know how to get rid of the bootloader on a pen drive? | 01:42 |
yow|laptop | Matillo - are system sounds enabled and esd as well? | 01:43 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: system sounds yeah, ESD? | 01:43 |
aheckler | ooooo thanks unop, i didnt know about that handy bot thing | 01:43 |
unop | crashsystems, do you want to destroy the partition table in the process? | 01:43 |
crashsystems | that would be fine | 01:43 |
yow|laptop | Matillo - system > prefs > sound | 01:43 |
Matillo | yow|laptop: ok, i sees it. Yes it's on. | 01:44 |
Eliteslave | ok guys, heres my last question If I can get this to work I think I will never ever use Windows again, How do i setup Evolution to connect to my Exchange server? | 01:44 |
yow|laptop | i always disable system sounds but enable esd | 01:44 |
crashsystems | @unop I created a new partition table in gparted, but that did not remove grub | 01:44 |
NET||abuse | Hi everybody, i need a pointer in the right direction,, I did a bunch of work setting up and the guys have been adding content to a trac setup on the old LTS, dapper drake, it's running 0.9.3, i need to get it up to a more recent version, in the 0.11 range, so is anyone familliar with it, and help me upgrade here? | 01:44 |
unop | crashsystems, use this command. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX # be very careful that you have the right device here. | 01:44 |
justin__ | when it first happened i got it to read an old win 98 cd the only cd that would run then i flashed a differnt firmware and it would only read reg dvds flashed back and now nothing | 01:44 |
adm9393 | Sorcererbob: yes I can | 01:45 |
yow|laptop | justin__ - do you have another drive to try? it sounds like it could be a hw issue. drives do die sometimes | 01:45 |
crashsystems | @unop does that just rewrite everything with zeros? | 01:45 |
Saida | Hey | 01:45 |
aheckler | Eliteslave: try this -> | 01:45 |
justin__ | no i dont ill probably just buy another when i get some money do you think possibly my etc/fstab is corrupt | 01:46 |
unop | Eliteslave, the evolution connection wizard has an option for MS exchange | 01:46 |
unop | crashsystems, it does indeed | 01:46 |
blouf | does someone use banshee with the nowplaying screenlet here ? | 01:46 |
RonPaul | I can't seem to extract img files. they are being used in a torrent client while i try to extract them is that what is causing the problem? | 01:46 |
crashsystems | @unop um, I hope it does not matter that the thing is mounted... | 01:46 |
* RonPaul is wondering if anyone can help him | 01:46 | |
RonPaul | I can't seem to extract img files. they are being used in a torrent client while i try to extract them is that what is causing the problem? | 01:46 |
yow|laptop | justin__ - i doubt thats the issue if it happens in multiple OS's | 01:46 |
Eliteslave | ty unop | 01:47 |
unop | crashsystems, best to unmount it first | 01:47 |
eseven73 | !repeat | RonPaul | 01:47 |
ubottu | RonPaul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:47 |
justin__ | cool thanks | 01:47 |
crashsystems | too late | 01:47 |
yow|laptop | np | 01:47 |
RonPaul | oh snap | 01:47 |
yow|laptop | RonPaul - an img would be mounted, wouldnt it? not extracted | 01:47 |
justin__ | i love ubuntu vista is going buy buy soon lol | 01:47 |
jgarbers | is it possible to use compiz (which, i assume, is the "enhanced desktop effects") with the non-proprietary (built-in) ATI RADEON drivers? | 01:47 |
tonsofpcs | jgarbers: pretty sure, will probably suck, but i think you can | 01:47 |
kr00l | can someone help me install pdfsam? | 01:48 |
jgarbers | have proprietary drivers working but they don't seem to be allowing me to set up my dual monitors properly | 01:48 |
jgarbers | tonsofpcs, any insight into dealing with dual monitors? | 01:48 |
jgarbers | i get really weird effects when i try to set the resolutions with the ATI Catalyst control center thing | 01:48 |
* crashsystems crosses fingers, hopes he did not destroy $5 pen drive. | 01:48 | |
tonsofpcs | jgarbers: sure, after 24 and the Unit | 01:48 |
tonsofpcs | [or during commercials] | 01:48 |
Vixy | Hello everyone. I'm wondering with a system that has a 64 bit processor and 6gigs of memory should run the 64 bit version of Ubuntu or if everyone would suggest sticking to the 32bit version for better support? | 01:48 |
nickrud | jgarbers, 9500 and before have decent 3d accel with ati driver; later no | 01:48 |
yow|laptop | haha, im watching 24 too | 01:48 |
crashsystems | @vixy I have ubuntu 64bit and love it | 01:49 |
aheckler | Vixy: go for 64-bit, it's not nearly as bad as it's reputation is | 01:49 |
jgarbers | this is a 9800, so i guess i need the proprietary drivers | 01:49 |
aheckler | plus it will use *all* your RAM | 01:49 |
crashsystems | 64bit has improved a lot in recent years | 01:49 |
wolter | my webcam works in xawtv on the first run of the boot, but not in cheese, help! | 01:49 |
RonPaul | I can't seem to extract img files. they are being used in a torrent client while i try to extract them is that what is causing the problem? | 01:49 |
nickrud | jgarbers, try system->admin->hardware drivers | 01:49 |
Vixy | For someone like myself who is new to Linux and Ubuntu I was told that wouldn't be the best choice. Was I told wrong? | 01:49 |
yow|laptop | RonPaul - i already addressed your question | 01:49 |
jos_ | I am trying to install a program and I when I do "./configure" I get this error: "C compiler cannot create executables" | 01:50 |
jgarbers | nickrud: yes, i have done that - have the ATI proprietary drivers installed and am seeing compiz effects | 01:50 |
justin__ | ohh yeh when i try my drfive it says unable to mount location no media in drive | 01:50 |
nickrud | jgarbers, in software probaby | 01:50 |
nickrud | jgarbers, sorry, misread | 01:50 |
aheckler | Vixy: why did the person you asked say that? did they give a reason? | 01:50 |
unop | jos_, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:50 |
Vixy | This was some time ago, but they had mentioned compatibility issues with some of my hardware components and the 64 bit version having quite a few "bugs" as they said. | 01:51 |
BellinXFelon | im sorry, i didnt get the message about configuring my seagate freeagent pro | 01:51 |
nickrud | jgarbers, that's the 8.543 driver, according to apt | 01:51 |
jos_ | thanks, I just installed and upgraded 8.04, why it did not come pre-installed? | 01:51 |
aheckler | Vixy: 64-bit has come a long way in the past year or so, you should be perfectly fine | 01:51 |
sfuentes | anyone know how to enable wireless without having to log into X first? | 01:52 |
Arethius | is there anywhere where I can test to see if my mic is set up properly? I can't get anything to record in Audacity | 01:52 |
Vixy | The only thing I'm concerned about is my graphics card. I have a GeForce 9600 GT. | 01:52 |
joejc | why isnt ubuntu colorful ? | 01:52 |
wolter | my webcam doesn't work in cheese, just in xawtv, please help me! | 01:52 |
Flannel | joejc: That question may be best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:52 |
justin__ | does anyone no of a way to get magicjack to work on linux | 01:52 |
LinuxLover4 | I am running ubuntu server 8.10. On startup my raid0 array doesnt load. Madadm says that the array is degraded, and it cant load (or somethign), i know that none of the drives have failed however. Any help??? | 01:52 |
eseven73 | justin__: do those actually work? | 01:53 |
justin__ | i have three of them and for the price its worth it | 01:53 |
crashsystems | mmm, I'd love to raid0 4 intel ssd drives... | 01:53 |
eseven73 | justin__: ah, ive heard they dont, good to know that they do :) | 01:54 |
jdevel | is iptables off topic from ubuntu? | 01:54 |
LinuxLover4 | i have 3 36gb scsi and 1 40gb sata hd in the raid0 array | 01:54 |
justin__ | great for a fax or if you make alot of long distanc phone calls | 01:54 |
jos_ | thanks, I just installed and upgraded 8.04, why i"./CONFIGURE" is not pre-installed? | 01:54 |
wolter | where can i get the gspca driver? | 01:54 |
arimakun | alguien tiene experiencia en xubuntu??? | 01:54 |
aheckler | Vixy: just google for "ubuntu geforce 9600" and you can see how others' experiences have gone | 01:54 |
aheckler | from a quick check, it looks ok | 01:54 |
wolter | !es > arimakun | 01:54 |
ubottu | arimakun, please see my private message | 01:54 |
Bax_ | what's the HDD footprint of 8.04? | 01:54 |
justin__ | if you have low bandwidth then i wouldnt suggest causes choppyness | 01:55 |
wolter | where can i download the offcial gspca driver for ubuntu intrepid? | 01:55 |
eseven73 | Vixy: you might also want to append [SOLVED] to the end of that google search | 01:55 |
Vixy | So type in something like "ubuntu geforce 9600 [solved]"? | 01:55 |
eseven73 | yeppers | 01:55 |
Rad | Anybody able to help me with the SSL certificates? | 01:55 |
justin__ | i run three computers xbox 3 majicjacks of an unsecured connection aint had no problems | 01:56 |
Tyrath | could anyone help me getting qtstalker working on ubuntu? | 01:56 |
Rad | I'm running Ubuntu server with Apache2 and I can't get my GoDaddy SSL to work properly. Mod SSL is installed and working, and I'm specifically working with a virtual host. I get (Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long) | 01:56 |
ghostcube | hi iam missing the in /usr/lib i have the libgl1-mesa-dev package isntalled i have seen there is an nvidia-glx-180-dev package containing this lib too which one is needed | 01:56 |
Tyrath | like it works, it just doesn't download quotes from yahoo | 01:56 |
aheckler | Vixy: yeah | 01:57 |
Tyrath | i've been to the install manual, downloaded all the requirements, downloaded all the ubuntu requirements... | 01:57 |
Jams44 | How do I mount an iso? | 01:57 |
Tyrath | still no luck - it's not getting the quotes | 01:57 |
eseven73 | !iso | 01:57 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 01:57 |
tonsofpcs | ok, break, what's up? | 01:57 |
kr00l | Jams44, you should go to add/remove and then select Gmout-isso | 01:58 |
aheckler | Vixy: it looks like your card is support by this package: | 01:58 |
jer3my | Wondering if any one can give me a hand with Atheros ar242x wifi card and 8.10, i have tried many guide to get it enabled and still no wifi. | 01:58 |
kr00l | -iso* | 01:58 |
Tyrath | Jams44: I use mount -o loop -t iso9660 <filename>.iso dir/ | 01:58 |
Arethius | where is the linux equivalent to the sounds and audio device properties? | 01:58 |
Tyrath | !qttracker | 01:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about qttracker | 01:58 |
Tyrath | :(\ | 01:59 |
Vixy | aheckler: Thank you very much | 01:59 |
* Tyrath wishes there was a support channel for qttracker | 01:59 | |
jer3my | !Atheros | 01:59 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 01:59 |
Mal3ko | where does ubuntu store cronjob files? | 01:59 |
Mal3ko | where does ubuntu store cronjob files/settings* | 01:59 |
Bax_ | what's the terminal command to show my video card specs? | 01:59 |
Vixy | I do have one more question. In terms of installing Ubuntu. I'd like to at first isntall it on a secondary drive that I have (two sata drives, one 500GB and the other 750GB) Reason being is I'm a bit of a gamer still and would like to keep my windows installation for now. If at a later time I decided to get rid of windows all together, is there a way to have my comptuer boot directly to Linux even though it's on the secondary drive | 02:00 |
Vixy | ? Or would I have to reinstall it on the primary drive? | 02:00 |
comradekingu | Bax_: Sudo lshw -C video | 02:01 |
aheckler | Vixy: yes there is a way through GRUB, the Linux bootloader, although it's probably a bit of a stretch to explain it now | 02:01 |
Vixy | aheckler: I wouldn't want it even if you could. Hehe, Not right now anyways, seeing as how I would be exploring with ubuntu first. But it's good to know that there is a way to do that. | 02:01 |
wolter | where are the official spca5xx drivers for ubuntu? | 02:02 |
usser | Vixy: just remove harddrive with windows when installing ubuntu, that way it will think its alone, and completely self contained, you can use bios boot menu to choose which hdd to boot | 02:02 |
Tyrath | ok bbl, hopefully someone may know then | 02:02 |
Cpudan80 | usser: thats not a good idea | 02:02 |
usser | Cpudan80: why not? | 02:02 |
* yow|laptop agrees with usser about the bios option | 02:03 | |
Cpudan80 | usser: because then you rely on the bios to do the bootloading | 02:03 |
Cpudan80 | usser: Just replace the windows bootloader with grub | 02:03 |
Vixy | usser: Won't my computer be confused by the fact that there would be no HD in the Sata1 slot? | 02:03 |
Cpudan80 | no | 02:03 |
usser | Cpudan80: yea but he said he wanted to keep windows sort of separate | 02:03 |
Cpudan80 | so what | 02:03 |
usser | Vixy: not really with satas it doesnt matter | 02:03 |
Cpudan80 | The bootloader isnt part of windows | 02:03 |
yow|laptop | depends where he wants the bootloader, from what i heard, he doesnt want it on the mbr | 02:04 |
Cpudan80 | oh I missed that part | 02:04 |
Cpudan80 | Why not? | 02:04 |
Vixy | usser: And then when I do re-put in the hard drive, how will the computer know which to go to? I know you said in the bios, but I've had hard times before booting to different operating systems when things go wrong. | 02:04 |
yow|laptop | he wants to just pull the other drive at will | 02:04 |
yow|laptop | thats the way i took it, i could be wrong | 02:04 |
Vixy | O_o | 02:04 |
Cpudan80 | thats not a very good idea | 02:05 |
Vixy | I think I'm confusing people ^^; | 02:05 |
usser | Vixy: they will be completely independent, one os wont know about the other, and bios bootloader is usually something like F12 when computer boots, at least on dells that is | 02:05 |
yow|laptop | Vixy - its just a not a very typical way to do things, thats all | 02:05 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: what are you trying to achieve ? | 02:05 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: and what is your HDD setup now | 02:06 |
aheckler | @Cpudan80 - Vixy: I do have one more question. In terms of installing Ubuntu. I'd like to at first isntall it on a secondary drive that I have (two sata drives, one 500GB and the other 750GB) Reason being is I'm a bit of a gamer still and would like to keep my windows installation for now. If at a later time I decided to get rid of windows all together, is there a way to have my comptuer boot directly to Linux even though it's on the secondary drive | 02:06 |
Vixy | Let me explain. I have right now Vista Ultimate on my main hard drive (sata 500GB) I have a blank secondary hard drive (sata 750GB) that I would want to install Ubuntu on. At a later date, I might wish to get rid of windows all together, and I was just wondering if it was possible to have the computer automatically boot to that secondary hard drive automatically with windows gone. | 02:06 |
wolter | where can i get a working gspca for intrepid ibex? | 02:06 |
Cpudan80 | aheckler: Yes - you just change the default boot option for grub | 02:07 |
Cpudan80 | !info gspca | 02:07 |
ubottu | Package gspca does not exist in intrepid | 02:07 |
Cpudan80 | :-( | 02:07 |
aheckler | Cpudan80: haha that was Vixy's original question, not mine :) | 02:07 |
Flannel | Vixy: Are you looking to overwrite your windows bootloader right now?or no? or you don't care? | 02:07 |
Cpudan80 | aheckler: heh ok | 02:07 |
macman | hmm.. the palm thing works .. i just can get pictures | 02:08 |
macman | it syncs everything else but that | 02:08 |
jer3my | !AR242x | 02:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about AR242x | 02:08 |
Vixy | Flannel: No no. As I said earlier, I'm a gamer. I'd still like to be able to use my windows installation, but I'm saying at a later date when I get rid of windows, to have the computer boot to linux on the secondary drive like it was on the primary. | 02:08 |
jer3my | !Atheros AR242x | 02:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Atheros AR242x | 02:08 |
jer3my | -.- | 02:08 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: you can do that with a standard installation | 02:08 |
aheckler | Vixy: installing a new bootloader wont effect windows | 02:08 |
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aheckler | *affect | 02:09 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: The bootloader allows you to choose which one to start up | 02:09 |
Flannel | Vixy: Yes, "overwriting the bootloader" doesn't mean can't boot to windows. It would only affect it if you removed Ubuntu, you'd have to do a few steps to boot windows. | 02:09 |
usser | Cpudan80: but if u install grub on primary disk and later remove it wouldnt it break things? | 02:09 |
[TiZ] | Hi. My ellipses... the triple periods that appear when text is too long... they're turning into accented capital Es. It happens in the window switcher and in Firefox's tabs. I can't really pinpoint when it happens, it's kind of random. Does anyone know anything about this? | 02:09 |
Cpudan80 | usser: oh I see | 02:09 |
usser | Cpudan80: remove the disk that is | 02:09 |
Cpudan80 | usser: well yes - but its not hard to reinstall grub | 02:09 |
symptom | !udev | 02:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about udev | 02:09 |
djabbour | are there any good resources for converting blu-ray movies to MKV files under linux? I found several tutorials and applications for Windows but can't seem to find any linux-specific resources? | 02:10 |
yow|laptop | Vixy - i think it comes down to how often you would be booting between the OS's | 02:10 |
Vixy | Flannel - Cpudan80: So pretty much when I install Ubuntu on my secondary drive it will create the "bootloader" which will give me the option of which to start up in. At a later date when I get rid of windows, I can just adjust the bootloader to automatically go to linux? | 02:10 |
Tyrath | does this mean anything to anyone: QSettings: failed to open file '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc' ? | 02:10 |
zesss | anyone know of a good http mail program for ubuntu | 02:10 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: yes - you just reinstall it | 02:11 |
Vixy | Reinstall the bootloader? | 02:11 |
Tyrath | zesss: http mail program? would be one | 02:11 |
zesss | to check hotmail | 02:11 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: yes - the bootloader has to go on the primary drive | 02:11 |
Tyrath | zesss: ? | 02:11 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: if you remove it - then you have to reinstall it | 02:11 |
Tyrath | zesss: i'm not sure an HTML program is what you're looking for | 02:11 |
Tyrath | zesss: programs are seldom written in HTML unless they're located on a server | 02:12 |
zesss | tryath im asking if there is a mail program like claw that will check my http mail also as well as my pop3 | 02:12 |
Vixy | Cpudan80: So even though nothing else would be on that primary hard drive because I "uninstalled" windows, I would have to have the bootloader as the only thing on there to point the computer to my secondary hard drive? | 02:12 |
Jams44 | !iso | 02:12 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 02:12 |
Tyrath | zesss: oh. that's a different question. have you tried evolution or thunderbird? | 02:12 |
Tyrath | !thunderbird | zesss | 02:13 |
ubottu | zesss: Thunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see | 02:13 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: ehhhhh yes | 02:13 |
Tyrath | !evolution | zesss | 02:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about evolution | 02:13 |
zesss | ill check it out | 02:13 |
Tyrath | zesss: hope you like it | 02:13 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: youd have to do this with windows too | 02:13 |
Vixy | cpudan80: sorry for the stupid questions. I just want to make sure I would be doing this right. | 02:13 |
Flyboarder | Installation help plz! | 02:13 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: ex if linux was on the primary drive and you got rid of it | 02:13 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: just ask your question :) | 02:13 |
Eliteslave | Is there any Anti-Virus software for Ubuntu? | 02:13 |
Tyrath | anyone? | 02:13 |
Cpudan80 | Vixy: The installer handles it all for you -- just make sure you dont overwrite Windows | 02:13 |
lespea | does anybody know if ibex is going to use 2.6.29 or 2.6.28? | 02:13 |
aheckler | Eliteslave: you dont need it :) | 02:14 |
Cpudan80 | Eliteslave: Yes there are -- but you really dont need them | 02:14 |
Tyrath | the error message: QSettings: failed to open file '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc' | 02:14 |
Tyrath | - any way to fix it? | 02:14 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: I am trying to install ubuntu and every time i do it opens BusyBox? | 02:14 |
Cpudan80 | Eliteslave: Just dont run random things with sudo | 02:14 |
Vixy | Cpudan80: Just one more question and I'll leave you be ^^. Which would be best for someone like me to use? The Ubuntu 8.10 release? Or the 8.04 release? | 02:14 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: that is odd... | 02:14 |
Tyrath | I've set permissions to execute read and write | 02:14 |
Tyrath | both group and universal permissions are switched off | 02:14 |
Tyrath | still no luck | 02:14 |
Eliteslave | Ok cool | 02:14 |
ox-- | ;x | 02:14 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: it does the same with all the other buntu cd's i have | 02:15 |
Tyrath | should | 02:15 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: which ones have you tried? | 02:15 |
Tyrath | should I enable group permissions? | 02:15 |
adam_ | is there a terminal command that cleans up unused packages/libs etc? | 02:15 |
jer3my | Anyone here have or know anything about Atheros AR242x wifi cards? I have tried many guides to get it working on mine and i am having no luck. | 02:15 |
yow|laptop | Flyboarder - did you check the cd before the install for integtrity? | 02:15 |
aheckler | adam_: sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove | 02:15 |
Tyrath | adam_: there may be something under aptitude | 02:15 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: ubuntu,kubuntu,xubuntu, ubuntu studio, | 02:15 |
Tyrath | adam_: actually scrap that and follow what aheckler said | 02:16 |
adam_ | badass, thanks. Ill go man those too | 02:16 |
Flyboarder | yow|laptop: yeah i have | 02:16 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: and those were all regular CD's? have you tried the alternate CD? | 02:16 |
Flyboarder | yep i tried that oo | 02:16 |
Flyboarder | too* | 02:16 |
Eliteslave | so do I need to d/l any drivers for my motherboard? | 02:16 |
aheckler | Eliteslave: you shouldnt need to, you've tested with the LiveCD right? | 02:17 |
Ryan_Delaney | Eliteslave: intensely unlikely | 02:17 |
Tyrath | i've looking for a fix where I don't have to change permissions if at all possible | 02:17 |
Tyrath | because for every problem I seem to get with ubuntu I'm always changing permission ownership to this user | 02:17 |
Eliteslave | aheckler: I just installed it on a test laptop here at work | 02:17 |
Tyrath | and i'm sure that's not the right way to do things | 02:17 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: a text line came up saying rejecting drive | 02:17 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: that's weird, you might want to make a post in the Installation subforum about that, more people will see it | 02:18 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: how can i format my drive for buntu? | 02:18 |
zesss | nope does gamil only | 02:18 |
zesss | would like it to check hotmail | 02:18 |
yow|laptop | Flyboarder -did you try safe graphics mode as well? | 02:18 |
Eliteslave | Ryan - like under my Ethernet connection it says "ForcedEth0" what does that mean? | 02:18 |
Flyboarder | yow|laptop: no ill try that | 02:19 |
enovativ | can anyone help me with cfdisk ? i was trying to create a bootable usb disk..but got the error : "Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed. Reboot to update table" | 02:19 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: well if you choose to install, ubuntu will format it for you, usually as ext3 (a linux filesystem) | 02:19 |
Tyrath | gah | 02:19 |
Flannel | zesss: You'll need to get a scraper that does pop to web.§ion=all | 02:19 |
Mutton | Hello | 02:19 |
enovativ | i used the ( -z ) switch when i ran cfddisk at the command line | 02:19 |
Sylphid | Flyboarder, you may want to try running badblocks against your hard drive from a live disk as your drive may be failing | 02:19 |
adam_ | is there a website/reference that will explain the linux(ubuntu) file system? i.e. usr/lib/etc? | 02:19 |
Flannel | !filesyste | adam_ | 02:20 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about filesyste | 02:20 |
Flannel | !filesystem | adam_ | 02:20 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: I have a live cd for windows but can i get a tool that will allow me to format the drive before i install | 02:20 |
ubottu | adam_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at | 02:20 |
Flyboarder | Sylphid: what? | 02:20 |
Jams44 | So I have my alternate disk in my drive and it appears on my desktop but when i click it, it just goes into folder mode or whatever. io was never given an option to upgrade from it. any ideas? | 02:20 |
adam_ | lol you guys are good at this | 02:20 |
Flannel | adam_: Also has more detail | 02:20 |
aheckler | adam_: we try ;-) | 02:20 |
Flyboarder | Sylphid: oI had some bad sectors in my drive that i repaired with windows | 02:20 |
jtaji | adam_: | 02:20 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: so you want to erase your entire disk before installing ubuntu, is that what you're asking? | 02:21 |
adam_ | wish I had known about this place when I was attempting to setup VMware server 2, but I switched to virtualbox | 02:21 |
adam_ | which was 10x easier | 02:21 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: yeah i want it to be a buntu box | 02:21 |
Sylphid | Flyboarder, linux marks a drive as "failing" if there have been more than 3 bad blocks | 02:21 |
aheckler | !dban | 02:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dban | 02:21 |
aheckler | !DBAN | 02:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about DBAN | 02:21 |
aheckler | garr | 02:21 |
Flyboarder | Slyphid: ok so i should try another hdd | 02:22 |
enovativ | can anyone help me with cfdisk ? | 02:22 |
Sylphid | Flyboarder, if your in a live system open a terminal and run badblocks /dev/xxx where xxx is your hard drive (mine is sda) | 02:22 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: try another HDD or maybe boot the livecd into "safe graphics mode" if you havent already | 02:22 |
yow|laptop | enovativ - mark it as bootable and then quit the app, it is typically recommended to reboot after | 02:23 |
eseven73 | my swap is 4GiB is it safe to cut it to 2 gigs instead? If so how would i go about doing that Gparted? | 02:23 |
Flyboarder | Slyphid: no working box aside from the vista one im one now | 02:23 |
zesss | gmail | 02:23 |
m3lawren | anyone have any idea why I'd be getting "Unable to retrieve MSN Address Book." when I try to log into my MSN account on Pidgin? | 02:23 |
jer3my | Anyone give me a hand with dealing with Atheros AR242x wifi. I have followed many guides and yet i still dont have wifi. =( | 02:23 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: ill swap out the HDD and try it again | 02:23 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: i have tried to reboot , but i can not rebot with the usb stick to on my laptop.... | 02:23 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: my laptop does not fully boot to ubuntu when i do that | 02:24 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: once i take the usb stick boots fine | 02:24 |
maryellen | Hey Gang. Running 6.06.2 here and I don't find keytouch in the repositories. Am I missing something? or blind? :-) | 02:24 |
aheckler | eseven73: 2GB is plenty but if you just change the partition then ubuntu will not recognize it and then it wont use *any* swap | 02:24 |
n8tuser2 | jer3my -> what does sudo lshw -c network tell you about your wifi? | 02:24 |
jer3my | Nothing in there about wifi. | 02:24 |
maryellen | The reason for asking is that my son bought me a nice 'multi-media' kbd and I read in the forum that keytouch is the simpliest way to get it setup. | 02:24 |
n8tuser2 | jer3my -> what does sudo lshw -C network tell you about your wifi? | 02:25 |
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eseven73 | aheckler: hmmm I dont think i need it anyways, so its safe to delete ? | 02:25 |
Sylphid | eseven73, install gparted with synaptic then run swapoff -a ... open gparted and modify the swap partition to the size you want then run swapon -a | 02:25 |
yow|laptop | enovativ - what are you trying to set up? maybe i missed the original question | 02:25 |
TheFunkbomb | silly question. What's the difference between Remote Desktop Viewer and Terminal Server Client? | 02:25 |
jer3my | n8tuser2, | 02:25 |
aheckler | eseven73: yeah you could just remove it, but you may have to edit your fstab afterward so ubuntu doesnt go looking for it | 02:26 |
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eseven73 | ok ty Sylphid and aheckler | 02:26 |
aheckler | eseven73: what Sylphid said lol | 02:26 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: i want to make the usb stick bootable, and then copy windows setup files to the stick so that i can install windows onto a machine that doesn't have a cd rom | 02:26 |
eseven73 | lol ok | 02:26 |
n8tuser2 | jer3my -> what can you summarize from that result? | 02:26 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: what do you recomend for multi boot managment? | 02:26 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: i thought you said you wanted only Ubuntu on your disk? | 02:27 |
jer3my | n8tuser2, That its not enabled or drivers are missing, I have tried a guide that was talking about installing madwifi but it still doesnt work. | 02:27 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: i thought i could use linux to make the usb stick bootable......thru research i have found that i could use cfdisk to make the usb stick bootable. In using cfdisk i was able to pick out the options that i wanted but once i "write" to the usb stick...i get that error i mentionaed earlier. | 02:27 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: i do but i want all 3 so i can compare for when im building my LFS build | 02:27 |
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n8tuser2 | jer3my -> correct, so attempt to load the driver for it, the native or use ndiswrapper with windows drivers | 02:28 |
mib_md77k2 | maryellen: I only see Keytouch support feisty (7.x) on | 02:28 |
KomiaPoika | installing kubuntu 8.10 on the sata disk of a pc that has an ide hard disk also with xp. how do i force grub to install on the ide disk? cause the pc doesn't see the sata disk at boot? | 02:28 |
yow|laptop | enovativ - so if you open it using sudo and toggle the bootable option and then try to save and then quit, you get an error? | 02:28 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: going to that length is really unnecessary, there's enough pro/con discussion online to point you to the right one | 02:28 |
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adam_ | i think you have to force Compatibility mode | 02:29 |
adam_ | in BIOS | 02:29 |
maryellen | mib_md77k2, drats! what should I use here then? ;-( | 02:29 |
adam_ | disable AHCI? | 02:29 |
jer3my | n8tuser2, When i goto System>Admin>Hardware Drivers, all it says that it IS enabled but a different version of this driver is in use. | 02:29 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: | 02:29 |
n8tuser2 | jer3my -> not from what you posted, its not loaded | 02:29 |
mib_md77k2 | maryellen: i wish i knew -- sorry :( . R U stuck on 6 or planning to upgrade would be my guess | 02:29 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: what is that? | 02:30 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: a comparison of the 2 most popular versions of Ubuntu, Ubuntu (using GNOME desktop) and Kubuntu (using KDE) | 02:30 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: i left for a minute ...did i miss a response from you ? | 02:30 |
yow|laptop | enovativ - so if you open it using sudo and toggle the bootable option and then try to save and then quit, you get an error? | 02:30 |
maryellen | mib_md77k2, i'm a FIRM believer that if it isn't broke, don't fix it! :-) this has been running like a DREAM for years and years now. I don't want to chance it or go thru the blues. | 02:31 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: ok so its booting with new HDD | 02:31 |
adm9393 | using a geforce4 460 go graphics card....after installing drivers with envyNG on Ubuntu 8.04, I reboot to find that my screen and graphics card cannot be detected at all and am stuck in low graphics mode...any ideas? I've searched through forums and have found no results except to uninstall the driver and use very generic drivers. | 02:31 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: so the LiveCD works on it now? | 02:31 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: its still doing the loading screen | 02:32 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: yes, the error that i get is as follows : "Wrote partition table, but re-read table failed. Reboot to update table" | 02:32 |
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aheckler | Flyboarder: ahh ok, but it's past the point where it failed before? | 02:32 |
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yow|laptop | enovativ - are you making these changes using sudo? | 02:32 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: no | 02:32 |
aheckler | oh lol | 02:32 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: not yet | 02:32 |
Flyboarder | lol:P | 02:32 |
aheckler | cross your fingers | 02:32 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: i su to root before i run cfdisk -z | 02:32 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: what do you recommend as a base for my LFS? | 02:33 |
Flyboarder | which distro? | 02:33 |
enovativ | yow|laptop: is there a difference between "su" to root and "sudo" to root ? | 02:33 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: what do you mean? which filesystem type would i suggest? | 02:33 |
yow|laptop | yes enovativ but not for that example really | 02:33 |
aheckler | or partition plan? | 02:33 |
justin__ | how do i put a picture on the bottem of my cube | 02:34 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: well which distro would you suggest i use to start my LFS? | 02:34 |
Sylphid | enovativ, sudo retains user environment variables while su does not | 02:34 |
mib_md77k2 | maryellen: I hear you. I looked thru some release notes. Looks like there *may* have been package inclusion notes on Dapper and Edgy to include keytouch & keytouch-editor, but doesnt look like they made it in. Have you tried ALL repositories? | 02:34 |
yow|laptop | maryellen - i can see your point, but then you are cut off from advances in the OS. might be worth trying to live cd to test out the hw and such | 02:34 |
enovativ | Sylphid: thank you very much | 02:34 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: I run Ubuntu with GNOME and it suits me just fine | 02:34 |
Sylphid | enovativ, if you what to get to a root shell the best way is sudo -i | 02:34 |
BellinXFelon | can someone help me with my seagate freeagent drive, i used gparted to format it to ext3, and xubuntu recognizes it but i cant put anything on it | 02:34 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: so now it keeps bringing up errors | 02:35 |
yow|laptop | BellinXFelon - check the permissions on the drive folder | 02:35 |
n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> you made an ext3 filesystem on it? | 02:35 |
BellinXFelon | i did that it says read/write | 02:35 |
BellinXFelon | yea | 02:35 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: what do they say? | 02:35 |
BellinXFelon | was i supposed to do differently? | 02:35 |
n8tuser2 | !who | 02:35 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 02:35 |
yow|laptop | BellinXFelon - you cant create a directory even using sudo on it? | 02:35 |
Elive_user54 | just did the 'Make bootable USB stick' from a Live Ubuntu 8.10 CD... | 02:36 |
Joe_ | for some reason, randomly, firefox (on 8.10) keeps typing "backwards"... anyone have any ideas? | 02:36 |
Flyboarder | Buffer I/O error on device sr1, logical block ......... | 02:36 |
Elive_user54 | ... how do I boot from it on an iMaac? | 02:36 |
BellinXFelon | i havent tried | 02:36 |
BellinXFelon | it reads it as "499G Volume" | 02:36 |
n8tuser2 | !who | BellinXFelon | 02:36 |
ubottu | BellinXFelon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 02:36 |
Sylphid | Joe_, ive had that happen befor but im not sure what caused it but restarting firefox fixed it | 02:36 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: sheesh....i dunno man, i'd probably post in the forums | 02:36 |
Flyboarder | ok | 02:37 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: well this blows | 02:37 |
Flyboarder | lmao | 02:37 |
BellinXFelon | !n8tuser2 i dont know how to get it to read/write | 02:37 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:37 |
n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> you made an ext3 filesystem on it? | 02:37 |
santineh | test | 02:37 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: yeah sorry dude, i cant help you too much more | 02:37 |
BellinXFelon | n8tuser2 yes i did with gparted | 02:38 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: i will try installing windows 7 make sure the new drive works | 02:38 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: good idea | 02:38 |
Rain | Hey. | 02:38 |
n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> i dont believe gparted makes a filesystem, you have to issue a command to make a file system, man mk2efs something like that | 02:38 |
=== jason is now known as DBO2 | ||
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n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> man mkfs.ext3 | 02:39 |
Rain | Hey guys I need help with a deb packagae | 02:39 |
yow|laptop | gparted will format can it not? | 02:39 |
aheckler | Rain: just ask :) | 02:39 |
BellinXFelon | n8tuser2 im not sure how to do that, i am new to this | 02:39 |
Rain | okay. | 02:39 |
flip | hey guys ---- i just installed 8.10 on a lenovo t60p; working outta the box absolutely great, except it connect to my wlan for a few minutes then just drops it | 02:39 |
flip | anyone ever see this? | 02:39 |
techsupport | how can i uninstall perl without the other packages ? | 02:39 |
Rain | Well I downloaded the edb package to install wine for ubuntu 8.04 but it says "dependacy not satisfiable: binfmt-support" what does this mean? | 02:40 |
Rain | deb* | 02:40 |
flip | if i reconnect to the wlan it connects up np | 02:40 |
DiiPhantom | trying to install xchat on another pc, but its not showing on synaptic | 02:40 |
flip | then dies again in a few minutes | 02:40 |
flip | ??? | 02:40 |
Flannel | Rain: You likely grabbed the wrong version. If you need an up-to-date wine version, check out the winehq repositories. | 02:40 |
aheckler | Rain: you need the package called "binfmt-support" | 02:40 |
n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> man mkfs.ext3 | 02:41 |
Rain | Let me try.. | 02:41 |
BellinXFelon | in terminal? | 02:41 |
BellinXFelon | n8tuser2 | 02:41 |
n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> yes, type in a terminal | 02:42 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: so my windows live cd is booting, is the a tool for linux formating? | 02:42 |
[TiZ] | Hi. The ellipse character that indicates that the title of a window is too big for gnome-panel's window switcher... it's turned into an uppercase accented E. Can anyone help me fix this? | 02:42 |
[TiZ] | It'll go back to normal if I restart, but I'd like to know why in hades it's happening. | 02:42 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: not that i know of in Windows, there might be though, i'm not sure | 02:43 |
jinja-sheep | What excellent package have the ability to create *.img ? | 02:43 |
Joe_ | I waited months to upgrade to Intrepid... in hopes small stupid bugs like this would have been fixed... wtf | 02:43 |
Rain | I'm confused -_- | 02:43 |
mib_7fb92a | maryellen: i found these: && if you want to try adding it yourself | 02:44 |
jinja-sheep | Small bugs? Fix them yourself. :) | 02:44 |
Comet | can anyone tell me the way to completely flush everything in ifconfig ? | 02:44 |
aheckler | Comet: what do you mean flush? | 02:44 |
mib_7fb92a | maryellen: and the sourceforge project page | 02:44 |
Comet | aheckler: just get rid of any inet entries and such | 02:44 |
Comet | i tried a flushall but i get an invalid argument | 02:44 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: ok so it looks like im gonna be building a whole new box (instead of fixing these old ones i have) anything i should stay away from if im building a buntu box? | 02:44 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: | 02:45 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: great thanks | 02:45 |
n8tuser2 | Comet -> what do you meant by flush all? are you understanding what needs disabled? | 02:45 |
aheckler | Comet: try looking under "man ifconfig" for what you need | 02:46 |
techqbert | Sound stopped working on my Asus EEE 1000h 40g (Ubuntu 8.10). Would it be wise to uninstall pulse audio and see if sound works then? | 02:46 |
Jams44 | I am trying to run update manager on 7.04 and I get a error that repositories could not be found and lists 404 errors on a series of updates? how can i update from 7.04 to 7.10 if it can find the files on ubuntu's server? | 02:46 |
aheckler | Jams44: try switching to a different server in System > Administration > Software Sources | 02:47 |
n8tuser2 | Jams44 -> may I suggest a fresh install instead of just an upgrade, usually upgrade causes so much headaches | 02:47 |
Jams44 | aheckler: alright, thanks, ill tryi out | 02:47 |
Jams44 | n8user2: I may just have to | 02:47 |
earthmeLon | I have a question about using "ifconfig hw" Do I do "ifconfig hw wlan0" or do I have to use ether. All of the examples I see use ether, but I'm not sure if that's supposed to be the controler name or what... "\ | 02:47 |
BellinXFelon | ok | 02:47 |
aheckler | Jams44: i agree with n8tuser2 though, fresh install usually are much cleaner | 02:48 |
=== five_ is now known as Guest87814 | ||
Rain | Where can I get this binfmt support thing? | 02:48 |
jsmidt_ | hey | 02:48 |
earthmeLon | OH!!! hw is the interface name | 02:48 |
DiiPhantom | any ideas why xchat not coming up in synaptic? | 02:48 |
earthmeLon | err, it goes before hw* | 02:49 |
aheckler | Rain: if you're using the latest WINE, install binfmt-support with "sudo apt-get install binfmt-support" | 02:49 |
Ryan_Delaney | DiiPhantom: all repos enabled? | 02:49 |
Flyboarder | aheckler: any idea where i can sell some old pc parts? | 02:49 |
Flannel | DiiPhantom: Have you reloaded your lists? | 02:49 |
BellinXFelon | n8tuser2 i am in terminal and i typed that | 02:49 |
DiiPhantom | i did click reload | 02:49 |
DiiPhantom | restarted twice | 02:49 |
Ryan_Delaney | Flyboarder: ebay? | 02:49 |
earthmeLon | ifconfig wlan0 hw eth0 < That's correct, eh? | 02:49 |
n8tuser2 | earthmeLon -> nope | 02:49 |
DiiPhantom | had to install it with aptitude | 02:49 |
aheckler | Flyboarder: the Community Market forum -> | 02:50 |
earthmeLon | Whaaaa n8tuser2. errr eth0=ether | 02:50 |
n8tuser2 | BellinXFelon -> read up what it says about making a file system | 02:50 |
Flyboarder | Ryan_Delaney: thought of that but i wont make anything due to shipping and these parts are like 8+ years old | 02:50 |
imyousuf | I am can not connect to MSN/GTalk from pidgin because of "No SSL/TLS installed" any idea what packages I should install for it in hardy? | 02:50 |
Joe_ | anyone else use a Logitech MX5500 keyboard in 8.10, I had found a way to make the number pad work but I can't find it again... | 02:51 |
=== david_ is now known as DavidH_ | ||
aheckler | !ssl | 02:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ssl | 02:52 |
techsupport | how can i downgrade my perl version ? | 02:52 |
bartek | Hi, I'm looking to create a DVD that would be playable on a DVD player. What programs would you recommend for this? Dont need fancy titles, just needs to be playable on a standard dvd player | 02:52 |
AbstortedMinds | would gnome take advantage of a quad core 64 bit? | 02:53 |
AbstortedMinds | meaning the whole desktop experience | 02:53 |
AbstortedMinds | ie, is gnome multithreaded | 02:54 |
techsupport | ubuntu server 8.10 , from perl v.5.10 to perl v.5.8 | 02:54 |
tave | I have Vista and ubuntu duel boot on my system and I want to make more space for ubuntu from the Vista partition what is a good tool to do this with an already installed system? | 02:54 |
techsupport | how can i downgrade ? | 02:54 |
aheckler | tave: gparted | 02:54 |
aheckler | !gparted | 02:54 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 02:54 |
tave | cool thanks | 02:54 |
Flyboarder | tave: diskpart - opened from run | 02:55 |
tave | k, will try that too, thanks guys | 02:55 |
ryanakca | I've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size? | 02:55 |
Flyboarder | tave: google diskpart you should find a good list of commands for that | 02:55 |
Rain | thanks guys. | 02:56 |
bartek | If I put in a DVD into my drive, how can I check via the command line what type it is (DVD-R, DVD+R, etc .. ) | 02:56 |
maryellen | mib_7fb92a, Thank You Very Much, but I've just decided to compile it. | 02:56 |
imyousuf | I have libnss3 and libgnutls13 installed but pidgin (for gtalk & msn) still complains it can not find suitable ssl, any hints please? (Ubuntu 8.04, Pidgin 2.1.1) | 02:56 |
mib_7fb92a | maryellen: that would be my path. good luck. | 02:56 |
Starnestommy | imyousuf: what about openssl's libssl? | 02:57 |
imyousuf | Starnestommy: ok, installing that as well | 02:57 |
maryellen | mib_7fb92a, wherein lies my next issue. :-( configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH Is this gcc that I need to install? | 02:57 |
mib_7fb92a | yes | 02:57 |
imyousuf | Starnestommy: I have libssl0.9.8 installed as well :( | 02:58 |
maryellen | mib_7fb92a, i'm seeing QUITE the list of gcc's available. Is there a 'certian one' I should go for? | 02:58 |
imyousuf | I have libssl0.9.8, libnss3 and libgnutls13 installed but pidgin (for gtalk & msn) still complains it can not find suitable ssl, any hints please? (Ubuntu 8.04, Pidgin 2.1.1) (modified rerun) | 02:59 |
gopp | !theme | 02:59 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 02:59 |
mib_7fb92a | maryellen: itll depend on which lib headers that particular package needs to pull in | 02:59 |
maryellen | mib_7fb92a, would gcc-4.0 be alright? | 02:59 |
mib_7fb92a | maryellen: should be . problem will be finding the right one that mathces the age of that package and which was compatible with 6.0x | 03:00 |
Logomachist | Anyone know where Jedit installs itself? I'm looking in a bunch of folders and Linux seems to put programs all over the place. Why are there so many directories? | 03:00 |
ryanakca | I've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size? | 03:01 |
enovativ | now that i have used cfdisk, i think the "write" took place of what i want the usb stick to be and that is bootable...but now i can not mount the usb stick for some reason. i have tried the following at a commnad line : mount -t vfat -o uid=username,gid=user /dev/sdb /media/disk | 03:02 |
enovativ | i get the error : "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some case useful info is found in syslog - try dmegs | tail or so | 03:03 |
gopp | how do I make ubuntu look like windows 2000 | 03:06 |
AbstortedMinds | dont! | 03:06 |
AbstortedMinds | :p | 03:06 |
gopp | ahh | 03:06 |
Flyboarder | gop: you theme it lmao | 03:06 |
Eliteslave | is there a way to get Ubuntu to play my dvd's or Bluerays? | 03:07 |
gopp | no i mean I understand theme it | 03:07 |
gopp | fly but which theme | 03:07 |
gopp | and were do I find it | 03:07 |
gopp | I only seen xp theme | 03:07 |
peepaw | what zip works with xubuntu? | 03:07 |
gopp | unzip | 03:07 |
n8tuser2 | jar too | 03:07 |
gopp | apt-cache search zip peepaw | 03:07 |
gopp | sudo apt-cache search zip | 03:08 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
Y-Town | Eliteslave: | 03:09 |
gizmo | how im going to be root in my terminaL? | 03:11 |
Y-Town | gizmo: sudo | 03:11 |
eseven73 | !root | 03:11 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 03:11 |
gbear14275 | I seem to be having problems getting my pidgin to connect to MSN I get the Unable to retrieve MSN Address Book error | 03:11 |
Joe_ | 8.10 using old drivers (nvidia-96) glx doesn't seem to load... any ideas? | 03:11 |
mosno | in evolution, how can i add a securty exception for an invalid https certificate (Outlook Web Access)? | 03:12 |
opera | hello.what mean this word : Coming | 03:12 |
opera | from a Microsoft world, where you might just be used to having one hard drive, it can | 03:12 |
opera | seem a bit strange to use an operating system that makes partitioning important. | 03:12 |
exodus_ms | !enter > opera | 03:12 |
ubottu | opera, please see my private message | 03:12 |
Ryan_Delaney | !enter > Ryan_Delaney | 03:13 |
ubottu | Ryan_Delaney, please see my private message | 03:13 |
computer13137 | I'm following a how-to posted online about limiting local network traffic by IP address. I'm trying to setup qdisks with TC. I'm getting an error with the simplest command, there must be something wrong with the syntax from the tutorial I'm guessing. | 03:13 |
computer13137 | The error is: | 03:13 |
computer13137 | Object "qdisk" is unknown, try "tc help". | 03:13 |
Y-Town | kinda quiet tonight | 03:13 |
computer13137 | The command I tried to run: | 03:13 |
computer13137 | tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: cbq avpkt 1000 bandwidth 10mbit | 03:14 |
=== dhoss-laptop_ is now known as dhoss | ||
quinn2005 | hi | 03:17 |
quinn2005 | i need some tech help | 03:18 |
quinn2005 | i have a problem using my DVD-ROM drive in ubuntu 8.04 to read NTFS burnt dvd-rs that contain multiple mp3 and avi files | 03:18 |
quinn2005 | can anyone help? i heard something about ntfs-3g | 03:19 |
pyrophelia | way back when I use to use fxp clients to update ftp server mirrors manually. Is there anything like fxp for sftp? | 03:19 |
gbear14275 | I'm having problems getting my MSN to connect correctly... anyone had any problems recently? Says "Unable to retrieve MSN Address Book" | 03:19 |
quinn2005 | gbear14275, pidgin is having server problem. it'll be back up soon | 03:19 |
e75 | does audio not work under hdmi in ubuntu? | 03:19 |
quinn2005 | i checked their official IRC chat channel | 03:19 |
gbear14275 | thanks quinn2005 | 03:20 |
Bmap | is there a minimal ubuntu install without a gui? | 03:20 |
quinn2005 | your welcome gbear14275 | 03:20 |
quinn2005 | bmap, check out wikipedia. | 03:20 |
quinn2005 | search ubuntu | 03:20 |
eseven73 | !minimal | 03:20 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 03:20 |
quinn2005 | lists all verersions | 03:20 |
Bmap | i did | 03:20 |
Bmap | i found the minimal cd | 03:21 |
quinn2005 | awesome | 03:21 |
Bmap | wasnt sure if it just is a small cd | 03:21 |
Bmap | or a small os | 03:21 |
ZuckusFIll | is anyone else having trouble connecting to MSN with Pidgin right now? | 03:21 |
ZuckusFIll | says it's unable to rerieve MSN address book | 03:21 |
luis_ | no | 03:21 |
luis_ | is good | 03:21 |
jacekowski | - WOW | 03:21 |
e75 | does ubuntu handle audio through hdmi? | 03:21 |
luis_ | maybe you got some misstyping | 03:21 |
jacekowski | i started melting my brain with /b/ on 4chan and i can feel it working | 03:22 |
eseven73 | !ot | jacekowski | 03:22 |
ubottu | jacekowski: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 03:22 |
DavidH_ | what could be that i cant see xchat or ndiswrapper from synaptic in one laptop, but i can from another one? | 03:22 |
pyrophelia | jacekowski, I can only watch about 15 seconds before my brain starts to bleed. does something happen? | 03:22 |
e75 | ummm hellllo? | 03:23 |
e75 | hdmi + ubuntu. does it work? | 03:23 |
tritium | e75: yes | 03:23 |
e75 | as far as audio is concerned | 03:23 |
biker | how do i set up the link between /home/USER and /var/www/ to set up | 03:23 |
Y-Town | jacekowski: We can go downtown to see the crackheads | 03:23 |
jacekowski | pyrophelia: nothing really, except you can't stop watching her | 03:23 |
Bmap | is there an option to remove the desktop enviroment from ubuntu install | 03:23 |
e75 | well i know the video works | 03:23 |
tritium | e75: for audio, newer nvidia, ati and intel are supported | 03:23 |
pyrophelia | yea I can... | 03:23 |
e75 | buuut audio yeah. | 03:23 |
eseven73 | !repos | DavidH_ | 03:23 |
ubottu | DavidH_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 03:23 |
b|urry | /join #slackware | 03:24 |
e75 | well i guess just not outta the box? | 03:24 |
alinaloves | hello! anyone know anything 'bout nvidia geforce4 go drivers? a relative tried here earlier, but we could def use help! nvidia geforce4 460go doesnt detect correctly on ubuntu 8.04LTS after installing with envyNG. any ideas? | 03:24 |
Lemmings | i need some help,I can't login to my ubuntu desktop cus I changed the refresh setting,and all I see now is white screen,how to I change that from commandline,pardon my noobness | 03:24 |
tritium | e75: | 03:24 |
ZuckusFIll | is anyone else having trouble connecting to MSN with Pidgin right now? says it's unable to rerieve MSN address book | 03:25 |
eseven73 | ZuckusFIll: a few people are reporting that too | 03:25 |
Y-Town | ZuckusFIll: <quinn2005> gbear14275, pidgin is having server problem. it'll be back up soon | 03:25 |
PhrozenDead | How do you install KDE on ubuntu? | 03:26 |
tritium | e75: that was as of one month ago. The situation is about the same now. | 03:26 |
ZuckusFIll | ok cool man, thanks alot | 03:26 |
biker | how do i set up the link between /home/USER and /var/www/ to set up | 03:26 |
tritium | PhrozenDead: if you want KDE in addition to your existing gnome install, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:26 |
Joe_ | is there a work around (besides autostart) for the 8.10 gnome session restore bug? | 03:27 |
PhrozenDead | thank you | 03:27 |
tritium | Joe_: bug #? | 03:27 |
Joe_ | tritium there's quite a few of them, but it's quite simple... gnome's session restore doesn't restore | 03:27 |
biker | how do i link /home/USER and /var/www/ to get working in my own user accuount | 03:28 |
tritium | Joe_: nothing on launchpad? | 03:28 |
=== osxdude__ is now known as osxdude|l | ||
alinaloves | sorry for being so persistent but we are a little desperate at this point...anyone know anything 'bout nvidia geforce4 go drivers? nvidia geforce4 460go doesnt detect correctly on ubuntu 8.04LTS after installing with envyNG. We've tried a lot of searching but no success... | 03:28 |
Joe_ | tritium as I said, quite a few of them, here's one 249373 I haven't finished reading the comments to see if someone put in a work around, figured it would be faster to ask here | 03:29 |
tritium | alinaloves: we don't advise using envy | 03:29 |
alinaloves | no? | 03:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !envy | 03:29 |
ubottu | envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk | 03:29 |
ZuckusFIll | PhrozenDead check PIM | 03:29 |
tritium | Joe_: don't know, as I've not encountered that bug | 03:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | alinaloves, Notice Unsupported and use at your own risk | 03:29 |
Y-Town | PhrozenDead: You can also run kde apps on ubuntu without having to do a full kubuntu/kde install | 03:29 |
Joe_ | tritium are you using 8.10 with gnome 2.24? | 03:30 |
DasEi | alinaloves: which g-card ? | 03:30 |
tritium | Joe_: yes | 03:30 |
koshari | alinaloves i would suspect the standard nvidia drivers should work, i have a couple of gf4s and gf2 working frine | 03:30 |
Joe_ | tritium go save your session and restart the computer, you'll encouter it ;) | 03:30 |
tritium | Joe_: perhaps another time | 03:30 |
alinaloves | geforce4 460go.....i apologize, i had no idea that this was not supported. | 03:31 |
exacube | hello | 03:31 |
tritium | alinaloves: it's always best to use the standard ubuntu packages | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | alinaloves, np, we do try to help | 03:31 |
exacube | how do i automount my other partitions when ubuntu starts | 03:31 |
DasEi | alinaloves: did you look at nvidia hp for a linux driver ? | 03:31 |
Joe_ | tritium it's quite irritating, expecially combined with the xinerama bug where all mouse buttons stop working... but I at least found a way around that one | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | exacube, create mount point and add entry to fstab | 03:31 |
DasEi | exacube: put 'em in fstab | 03:31 |
alinaloves | nvidia hp...? | 03:31 |
TheFunkbomb | so, now I'm looking to do cooler stuff with ubuntu but I'm not sure what | 03:31 |
alinaloves | im sorry i dont quite understand | 03:32 |
DasEi | alinaloves: did you look at nvidia homepage for a linux driver ? | 03:32 |
lex0 | for sound nob on my keyboard, its master volume that moves even though the other slider is set to control pcm. how do i change it to one that does affect my volume? | 03:32 |
tritium | alinaloves, DasEi: no, don't use nvidia downloads either. Please use ubuntu packages. | 03:32 |
eseven73 | Joe_: Window Maker has a nice session storage, if you're not apposed to using alternative Window managers :) it works with Gnome and KDE too. so you wouldnt be loosing anything. | 03:32 |
alinaloves | and where could i find those packages? | 03:32 |
tritium | !nvidia | 03:32 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 03:32 |
DasEi | tritium:it's 8.04, drivers there did well for me.. | 03:32 |
exacube | how would i go about adding it to fstab? | 03:33 |
tritium | DasEi: it's always best to use ubuntu packages that will be under package-management of dpkg/apt | 03:33 |
DasEi | exacube: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 03:33 |
Joe_ | seven73 thanks... I might try that if I don't find something else, actually thinking of using kubuntu on my next computer (not a big fan of testing things on this one as it's my main work computer) | 03:33 |
lex0 | for sound nob on my keyboard, its master volume that moves even though the other slider is set to control pcm. how do i change it to one that does affect my volume? | 03:33 |
alinaloves | ubottu: thank you | 03:33 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 03:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | tritium, goodnight see you tomorrow | 03:33 |
tritium | See you, Jack_Sparrow. | 03:34 |
eseven73 | Joe_: that's what VirtualBox is for! Testing!!!! hehe ;) | 03:34 |
exacube | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 03:34 |
exacube | so that's.. | 03:34 |
Joe_ | seven73 prefer VMware myself | 03:34 |
exacube | /dev/sda5 /media/WinXP ntfs rw 0 0 | 03:35 |
exacube | ? | 03:35 |
eseven73 | Vmware with that horrid web interface?! O.o.......hmmm to each their own i guess ;) | 03:35 |
DasEi | exacube : which parti you want to automount ? | 03:35 |
n9xph | I have a boot problem with gutsy. seems to not be able to find /dev/hda5 | 03:35 |
exacube | DasEi, /dev/sda5 | 03:35 |
Joe_ | eseven73 more of a, I used this one first so I'm used to it any other things "feel" strange | 03:35 |
DasEi | exacube: /dev/sda5 /media/WinXP ntfs user,auto,rw 0 0 | 03:36 |
eseven73 | Joe_: yeah i know how that is, qemu feels weird to me although i hear good things about it. | 03:36 |
exacube | what's user,auto,rw mean? | 03:36 |
Joe_ | anyone know if there's a way to make xbindkeys change a keys function based off the active application? I use imwheel for my MX Revo, but for some reason imwheel doesn't recognize 3 buttons (side thumb wheel) but xbindkeys does | 03:36 |
DasEi | exacube: user makes it accesible without sudo, auto is automount, rw is read-write | 03:37 |
hckyplayer024 | Hi, so im trying to connect to my wireless network. The security is WPA2 and at first It could not see my network at all. I then installed wpasupplicant and I could then see my network but when I enter in my password it just tries to connect and then displays the enter password screen again. Im positive im putting my password in right and when i click show password its a bunch of letters and nubers | 03:37 |
ZuckusFIll | Joe_: but vmware is SOO proprietary | 03:37 |
DasEi | exacube:also did you create /media/WinXP ? | 03:37 |
Joe_ | eseven73 well... I did find a "workaround" for this session restore bug... but it's more like making scripts to reproduce the functionality... not exactly how I would want to do it, but being able to script anything is why we all use Linux... | 03:37 |
exacube | DasEi: yup :) | 03:38 |
exacube | thanks so much! | 03:38 |
andresmh | embedded Flash on Firefox shows as a gray rectangle after a few hours of browsing on a couple of Flash websites. Restarting Frirefox helps but I was wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent it or debug it. | 03:38 |
mib_7fb92a | ZuckusFIll: try the Sun xVM player. I tried it yesterday and put 8.04 in a VM on an xp box. flawless.... | 03:38 |
=== five_ is now known as Guest94563 | ||
DiiPhantom | why arent some packages, like XCHAT and ndiswrapper no showing up in synaptic | 03:38 |
DasEi | exacube: so save fstab, then mount -a and take a look in /media.... | 03:38 |
earthmeLon | Uhm, wth....My computer just started randomly typing backwards in all FF input fields, including the google search | 03:38 |
DasEi | exacube: so save fstab, then sudo mount -a and take a look in /media.... | 03:38 |
exacube | DasEi: it wokrs :D | 03:38 |
High_Speed | where can i find the list of localized ubuntu channels (like for specific regions or states in the US)? | 03:38 |
ZuckusFIll | yeah, I know, I love virtuakl box | 03:38 |
earthmeLon | As in, instead of the cursor moving to the right, it moves to the left. Any suggestions guys? | 03:38 |
andresmh | another interesting thing is that when Flash goes gray on Firefox and I open Mozilla Prism it still works on Prism. So it must be an issue with Firefox. | 03:39 |
exacube | DasEi: so i can expect it to auto-mount the partitions when i boot next time? | 03:39 |
Guest94563 | can anyone help me with wine? | 03:39 |
DasEi | exacube: nice and yes | 03:39 |
exacube | DasEi, again, thanks a lot! | 03:39 |
vigo | andresmh: I use that plugin thing,,,from Mozilla | 03:39 |
eseven73 | Joe_: glad you got it "working" :) | 03:39 |
andresmh | what plugin thing vigo? | 03:39 |
DasEi | Guest94563: more specific ? | 03:39 |
Joe_ | anyone know how to reprogram the clear calc button on an MX5500 keyboard back into the numlock key? it seems to act like backspace which is irritating as my attempts to fix it also made the real backspace key become numlock | 03:40 |
Guest94563 | im trying to play on a private ragnarok server with wine but wine does not know how to connect, i think it has something to do with iptables but idk how to redirect to the server address | 03:40 |
vigo | andresmh: No Script,,one sec,,let me look at it | 03:40 |
ryanakca | I've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size? | 03:40 |
andresmh | vigo, ah yes, but how does that help? | 03:40 |
andresmh | I do want Flash to appear | 03:40 |
vigo | andresmh: Flash Block | 03:40 |
eseven73 | Guest94563: you could try firestarter. | 03:41 |
Joe_ | eseven73 this has probably been my hardest upgrade yet, but a lot of it was because I wanted to get my new mouse/keyboard fully working... and Logitech sucks in that they don't have Linux drivers | 03:41 |
mib_7fb92a | High_Speed: list of loco teams on Community pages (i.e. #ubuntu-california) | 03:41 |
CarlFK | are there other voices for espeak? | 03:41 |
ZuckusFIll | lex0: check PIM | 03:41 |
vigo | andresmh: It gives an option to flash,,,is rather handy | 03:41 |
eseven73 | Joe_: odd, my Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse work great in Linux | 03:41 |
andresmh | vigo: Flash block will help me if I wanted to block Flash, but my problem is that Flash stops working after a few hours of browsing and I do want Flash to continue working. | 03:42 |
Guest94563 | eseven73 downloading and installing | 03:42 |
dragon1 | can someone guide me to troubleshoot audio.....? I am using ubuntu 8.10 and not able to hear any sound or play video in movie player.. | 03:42 |
Joe_ | eseven73 MX5500 Revolution, no open drivers for the keyboard (got it mostly working, only 5 extra buttons not working so far and half of the LCD features) Got the mouse all working (required upgrade to intrepid, hardy just didn't like it) | 03:42 |
vigo | andresmh: this plugin allows or does not allow, is based on what you decide when flash is wanting to run,,the h2g2 was not working, I installed that, it works fine now. | 03:43 |
DasEi | !sound | dragon1 | 03:43 |
ubottu | dragon1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:43 |
Joe_ | eseven73 had a nice bonus of now my wife will NEVER touch my computer... 5 monitors and a mouse with 15 buttons just confuses the hell out of her :P | 03:43 |
andresmh | what is h2g2? | 03:43 |
DasEi | dragon1: alsamixer installed ? | 03:43 |
omny_devi | lol | 03:43 |
eseven73 | Joe_: haha | 03:43 |
vigo | Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy | 03:43 |
andresmh | ah :) | 03:44 |
andresmh | interesting | 03:44 |
andresmh | i'll try it out! | 03:44 |
andresmh | do you have by default that it blocks out all the Flash content? | 03:44 |
joborociroboroqu | how can i play need for speed, medal of honor and so on on ubuntu? | 03:44 |
vigo | andresmh: Is still online in the Comm64/Amiga mode | 03:44 |
dragon1 | DasEi: yes when i try to play it gives error as "Could not get/set settings from/on resource." | 03:44 |
vigo | andresmh: Yes | 03:44 |
andresmh | interesting vigo, I'd like it so by default it plays all Flash. do you think that would help? | 03:45 |
DasEi | dragon1: this is what alsamixer gives out ? | 03:45 |
Joe_ | oh... here's another small thing I can't figure out, in Hardy (and the live CD for intrepid, but that's just 1 monitor) the desktop switcher (on my tool bar) uses small squares for the desktops... but when I upgraded they became these massive rectagles (twice the size of hardy)... how do I resize them, I like having 4 workspaces but that just takes up way too much room on my toolbar | 03:45 |
noodlesgc | Nice. Ubuntu in the NyTimes: | 03:45 |
vigo | andresmh: when I visit like youtoob or BBC1,2, I activate or allow it to run | 03:45 |
omny_devi | joborociroboroqu: wine or cedega | 03:45 |
koshari | joborociroboroqu wine? to be honest windows is prolly a better platform for proprietry gaming | 03:45 |
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modjor | hi all | 03:46 |
andresmh | vigo, did you see on their page Flash Block is having an issue with Firefox from Ubuntu? | 03:46 |
vigo | andresmh: Yes, it is completely customizable by the user. | 03:46 |
vigo | andresmh: I use SeaMonkey and the UbuFox | 03:47 |
dragon1 | DasEi: how do i go about...? | 03:47 |
joborociroboroqu | omny_devi, but dont i need any config or file to play? | 03:47 |
DasEi | dragon1: using ibex ? | 03:47 |
dragon1 | DasEi: no i dont know about that.. | 03:48 |
modjor | I have a plain text file of the format <number> <tab> <path-of-file>. I want to grep the <path-of-file> part only which is made of only strings. Any oneliner code that would do that ? | 03:48 |
DasEi | !version | dragon1 | 03:49 |
BarryManilow | I am a version 1.1.0 PyBorg | 03:49 |
ubottu | dragon1: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 03:49 |
dragon1 | ubuntu 8.10 | 03:50 |
tritium | BarryManilow: test | 03:51 |
jinja-sheep | Any good voice-to-text app? | 03:51 |
dragon1 | DasEi: i am unable to open even preferences on volume control... | 03:51 |
e75 | alright, so where would you manually edit which driver ubuntu uses? (considering its not in xorg.conf anymore) | 03:51 |
e75 | ... | 03:51 |
DasEi | dragon1: open a terminal | 03:52 |
dragon1 | ok opened | 03:52 |
miranda_psi | e75: what driver are you talking about? | 03:53 |
jillian876 | hi. does anyone know how to list all drives in terminal in ubuntu 8.04 | 03:53 |
jillian876 | trying to id my dvd rom drive | 03:53 |
tritium | e75: the driver *is* specified in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:54 |
Makuseru | Hi, I seem to be having a problem with a program. It's too long horizontally to fit on my screen, but when i grab the edge to resize it it only lets me make it even longer, i can't make it any shorter. Anyone know what would cause this, and how i could fix it? | 03:54 |
e75 | hmm, well in my xorg.conf its not hardly specifying anything. | 03:54 |
Joe_ | grumble, why does nvidia-glx-96 not work? | 03:54 |
earthmeLon | Okay guys, I am getting really upset. All of my input fields in FF are typing backwards. I can't use CTRL+A to select everything and moving the cursor with the arrow keys fails. Does anybody have any suggestions? I've restarted FF. It remedied the problem, but only for a few minutes. Help will be GREATLY appreciated | 03:55 |
miranda_psi | e75: the new ubuntu doesn't put much in there as it uses other methods, but you can put the usual xorg.conf stuff in there and it will work | 03:55 |
tritium | Joe_: is that the proper driver for your card? There are much newer versions. | 03:55 |
* tanis143 comes in and flops on a couch | 03:55 | |
jillian876 | gotta get my dvd-rom id'd. anyone know to list id's in terminal? | 03:55 |
Joe_ | tritium it is, one of my two cards is pretty old (Quadro NVS 280 PCI) | 03:56 |
jillian876 | so then i can mount it using ntfs-g3 | 03:56 |
jeeves_Moss | is anyone else having problems with signing into MSN with pidgion? | 03:56 |
jillian876 | it's still resolving itself, jeeves | 03:56 |
jillian876 | i checked pidgins IRC | 03:56 |
jeeves_Moss | jillian876, I can get it to sign into my g-mail account | 03:56 |
jillian876 | i can get AIM. | 03:57 |
jillian876 | some stupid MSN certificate problem is occuring | 03:57 |
jillian876 | pissing me off actually.... | 03:57 |
ultratek | can anyone help me with this: | 03:57 |
jillian876 | just like how i can't list all my drives in terminal | 03:57 |
Joe_ | tritium I had a similiar problem with 8.04 which I fixed by installing the drivers manually... but they all fail to build now | 03:57 |
jillian876 | and find out my dvd rom | 03:57 |
jeeves_Moss | jillian876, so it's not just me? | 03:57 |
jillian876 | no it's everyone!! | 03:57 |
tanis143 | OK, quick xchat question: Is there a way to move join and part notices to the server tab? | 03:58 |
jeeves_Moss | jillian876, ok, thanks | 03:58 |
jillian876 | it'll be awhile yet. | 03:58 |
jillian876 | anyhow... | 03:58 |
* tanis143 gets annoyed by those to no end | 03:58 | |
TheFunkbomb | Weird question... I have a gift certificate to Borders books. Any good Ubuntu books for a beginner? | 03:58 |
jillian876 | anyone here know how to list CD-ROMs and DVDROMS IN TERMINAL??? | 03:58 |
_Cid | jillian876: use 'ls' :-) | 03:58 |
jeeves_Moss | jillian876, check the /media directory | 03:58 |
tanis143 | Funk, ubuntu for dummies? :) | 03:58 |
jillian876 | thanks | 03:58 |
miranda_psi | jillian876: look in the file /etc/fstab and your dvd drive should be listed in there | 03:59 |
TheFunkbomb | tanis143, I never do well with the for dummies books lol | 03:59 |
TheFunkbomb | how sad is that? | 03:59 |
tanis143 | Yeah, me neither, I think they are above my level most of the time | 03:59 |
e75 | gaah. well the nvidia driver from what ive read shouldnt have any issue with audio and hdmi :( | 03:59 |
jillian876 | miranda_psi how to do you access /etc/fstab file? | 03:59 |
e75 | jillian876: any text editor | 03:59 |
tritium | e75: so why the sad face? That's good news. | 03:59 |
jillian876 | thanks. | 03:59 |
_Cid | jillian876: its a text file, you can cat, vi, less whatever it - it lists all your drives and partitions | 03:59 |
Joe_ | tritum I get this error in Xorg.0.log: (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions// | 04:00 |
miranda_psi | jillian876: just open it in any text editor | 04:00 |
DasE1 | dragon1 :trml open ? | 04:00 |
tanis143 | I did get a beginning ubuntu server admin book thats easy to understand | 04:00 |
TheFunkbomb | I will look around and see what they have to offer | 04:00 |
e75 | tritium: because that means it is something else lol and yeah, i just want this done with. | 04:00 |
tanis143 | Not that I have read it yet, figured I should master the basics before I work on server stuff | 04:00 |
dragon1 | DasE1: yes | 04:00 |
TheFunkbomb | I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with Ubuntu yet. Seems kind of a waste just to use it the same way I'd use XP | 04:00 |
jillian876 | miranda_psi - what is the terminal command to open /etc/fstab in text editor | 04:01 |
tanis143 | Actually, thats why I switched | 04:01 |
e75 | ill just pass out my user name and password and first one to ssh in and fix it will get a dolllar | 04:01 |
DasE1 | dragon1 :sudo apt-get install alsamixer-gui | 04:01 |
e75 | :D | 04:01 |
tanis143 | I used to do a lot of gaming, thats why I never made the full switch | 04:01 |
miranda_psi | jillian976: vim /etc/fstab | 04:01 |
jillian876 | thanks | 04:01 |
tanis143 | But I've gotten bored with games so I decided to do ubuntu for a month with no windows on my pc | 04:01 |
TheFunkbomb | the only thing I need XP for is for Yahoo literati. I can't get it to run reliably in Ubuntu | 04:01 |
tanis143 | I will say I like the boost I've gotten from running a 64bit o/s as opposed to my 32bit xp pro | 04:02 |
TheFunkbomb | stupid Java | 04:02 |
dragon1 | DasE1: Sorry i have network problemhere .i come back to you later.. | 04:02 |
tanis143 | literati? | 04:02 |
=== tanis143 is now known as Tanis143 | ||
TheFunkbomb | it's like scrabble. I play with my ex-girlfriend/fiancee | 04:02 |
Tanis143 | Ah ok | 04:02 |
Tanis143 | Wait wait wait | 04:02 |
Tanis143 | ex-girlfriend/fiancee, so is she your ex-fiancee as well? | 04:03 |
TheFunkbomb | yes | 04:03 |
Tanis143 | Ah ok | 04:03 |
tritium | Please stay on topic, guys. | 04:03 |
* Tanis143 ducks his head in shame | 04:03 | |
Tanis143 | Sorry | 04:03 |
TheFunkbomb | Anyway, sometimes it will load but soon after, it makes FF do a force quit | 04:03 |
Tanis143 | Weird | 04:03 |
TheFunkbomb | so, I have to switch over to XP just to play her | 04:03 |
TheFunkbomb | really annoying | 04:04 |
Tanis143 | Which ubuntu you running, 8.1? | 04:04 |
TheFunkbomb | yep, Intrepid | 04:04 |
McFrosty | On the Ubuntu Forums how do i list my hardware thats underneath my post? | 04:04 |
Tanis143 | McFrosty, edit your sig | 04:04 |
McFrosty | I put what my Hardware is in my Sig | 04:05 |
TheFunkbomb | I even tried installing openJDK with no love | 04:05 |
Tanis143 | Thats what most people do, put their hardware in their sig line | 04:05 |
McFrosty | ty | 04:05 |
mib_fdczn6gn | Quick question about reconfiguring xorg......I had to install ubuntu 8.10 with the standard 'vesa' driver. My video card is actually a "Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)" (945gm chipset in the computer).... What do I put in my "Device" section? | 04:05 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: u try icedtea? | 04:05 |
miranda_psi | TheFunkbomb: have you tried using the official java from sun? | 04:05 |
TheFunkbomb | mib_7fb92a, yes, I tried icedtea as well. No joy there either | 04:06 |
TheFunkbomb | miranda_psi, yes, that's what I have installed now, I believe. Java6 | 04:06 |
TheFunkbomb | I even did a command line to get the latest | 04:06 |
miranda_psi | TheFunkbomb: you using 64bit? | 04:06 |
TheFunkbomb | miranda_psi, 32bit | 04:06 |
Tanis143 | Ah, I'm using 64bit and have had no problems with java for flash on mine | 04:07 |
Tanis143 | java or flash that is... | 04:07 |
Tanis143 | oops | 04:07 |
miranda_psi | TheFunkbomb: then you shouldn't have any problems - I'm using 64bit and a prerelease of the next java update that has a 64bit plugin and I don't have any problems with java online | 04:07 |
Tanis143 | bbl | 04:07 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: i hate java. its even worse in fedora & suse. but -- icedteam usually works for me | 04:07 |
TheFunkbomb | I think maybe I mucked something up with my install. | 04:08 |
TheFunkbomb | my ubuntu install. | 04:08 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: u load jre too??? | 04:08 |
TheFunkbomb | mib_7fb92a, let me check | 04:08 |
TheFunkbomb | mib_7fb92a, I have Sun Java 6 run time and Sun Java 6.0 Plugin | 04:09 |
mib_fdczn6gn | No takers on my xorg question? | 04:09 |
EADG | How can I input a text file into the rm command to automatically delete a list of dupe files? "rm < /home/dupelist.txt" gives the error "rm: missing operand" | 04:09 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: that *should* work | 04:09 |
TheFunkbomb | Last night I was talking to a dude who had issues too. We tried to resolve it together but we are both new to this | 04:10 |
TeamColtra[TFD | I was following some instructions on how to mount an FTP file Using curlftpfd and I came to the following code: | 04:10 |
TeamColtra[TFD | sudo echo " /path/to/mountpoint fuse allow_other,uid=userid,gid=groupid 0 0" >> /etc/fstab | 04:10 |
clop | Halo... I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy 8.10.. I want to install postgresql-8.2 but I can't get the package from apt. I just can see postgresql-8.3. How I can get package postgresql-8.2 as I get it in Ubuntu 7.10 | 04:11 |
TheFunkbomb | I'm sure it's a user error. When I reinstall Ubuntu, I'll just give XP enough room for some updates and Firefox. Not half of my HDD like I have it now | 04:11 |
clop | thanks | 04:11 |
TeamColtra[TFD | Does that mean the FULL path, or the path of FTP (for instance the full path is like /fatcow/hosting/teamcoltra/www while FTP recognises it as /www | 04:11 |
jedex | hi all. when i run ps from a terminal i dont see an x11 related processes. is this because those processes are not associated with the terminal that i invoked? | 04:11 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: mine has Java 1.7 JRE with icedtea | 04:11 |
Starnestommy | joejc: try running ps aux | 04:11 |
Starnestommy | joejc: oops | 04:11 |
joejc | ? | 04:11 |
TheFunkbomb | mib_7fb92a, I'm going to look for other java based games and see what happens | 04:11 |
Starnestommy | jedex: try ps aux | 04:11 |
joborociroboroqu | why when I try to enter in some channels im directed to ##you_are_kidding thing like that?? | 04:11 |
miranda_psi | jedex: ps -A | 04:11 |
Starnestommy | joborociroboroqu: which channels? | 04:12 |
jedex | thank you | 04:12 |
joborociroboroqu | brasil | 04:12 |
miranda_psi | jedex: ps just get the process involved with where you call it from, the -A tells it to list all processes | 04:12 |
Starnestommy | joborociroboroqu: #brasil? | 04:12 |
Makuseru | Hi, Ive got a program that wont let me shrink its size horizontally, only make it longer. Does anyone know why this would happen, or how i could fix it? | 04:12 |
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo | ||
EADG | TeamColtra[TFD: I believe the /path/to/mountpoint fuse is the path you where you want to mount locally, /media/FTP1 for ex. | 04:13 |
Starnestommy | joborociroboroqu: some channels are closed and forwarded to that channel or ##unavailable if they violate freenode's policies | 04:13 |
miranda_psi | Makuseru: the only way to fix that would be to go get the code and edit it... | 04:13 |
TheFunkbomb | hmm, this java game worked | 04:14 |
joejc | how big should my home folder be? | 04:14 |
TheFunkbomb | let me see what literati requires | 04:14 |
Makuseru | miranda_psi: The program use to let me make it any size i want, but now i can only increase its horzintal size, or shrink or inscrease its vertical size. | 04:14 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: cool. then its the game... my test is always: go to NYTimes site and try loading the classic crossword puzzl | 04:14 |
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TheFunkbomb | mib_7fb92a, I will try that next | 04:14 |
TeamColtra[TFD | EADG: Does it have to exsist first, or will it create it (do you think?) | 04:15 |
earthmeLon | Okay guys, I am getting really upset. All of my input fields in FF are typing backwards. I can't use CTRL+A to select everything and moving the cursor with the arrow keys fails. Does anybody have any suggestions? I've restarted FF. It remedied the problem, but only for a few minutes. Help will be GREATLY appreciated | 04:15 |
EADG | TeamColtra[TFD: Create the dir first... gimme a sec, need to look something up. | 04:15 |
miranda_psi | Makuseru: is this a different version than what you used to use? | 04:16 |
dragon1 | DasE1:sorry when i type aplay -l it shows no sound card found . howdo i go furrther | 04:16 |
Soulwarp | I have a novice question. | 04:16 |
Makuseru | miranda_psi: No, one day when i opened it it just decided to only let me increase the horizintal size | 04:17 |
snowcomb | Have any of you ever come across a fixed-width font that had equal height and width? | 04:17 |
Soulwarp | How do i find my IP address if im on a network | 04:17 |
EADG | TeamColtra[TFD: Yes, mkdir first. then do sudo modprobe fuse. | 04:17 |
miranda_psi | Makuseru: what program is it? | 04:17 |
Makuseru | miranda_psi: Ardour | 04:17 |
EADG | Soulwarp: ifconfig | 04:17 |
miranda_psi | soulwarp: ifconfig eth0 (assuming you are using ethernet) or you can use the networkmanager tool in the system tray | 04:18 |
TeamColtra[TFD | EADG: Mkdir Media/FTP1 should work? | 04:18 |
click170 | earthmeLon: Did you try #firefox or #mozilla? | 04:18 |
EADG | snowcomb: Other than using caps none come to mind. | 04:18 |
Soulwarp | miranda_psi: it's only showing my network IP address | 04:19 |
earthmeLon | No click170 willdo | 04:19 |
click170 | earthmeLon: scratch #mozilla, not a room | 04:19 |
luis_ | hi guys good nite all i like to ask for help i have xubuntu 8.10 and i am trying to launch zsnes but it just wont happen can somebody help me to fix this pls????? | 04:19 |
MyName | did u guys watch the golden globes? | 04:19 |
miranda_psi | soulwarp: isn't that what you wanted? | 04:19 |
abz | luis_: morning (here) | 04:20 |
quaal | why does gnome panel disappear | 04:20 |
abz | luis_: try to launch zsnes from terminal | 04:20 |
rookie1 | golden globes are boring | 04:20 |
dragon2 | can someone guide me to conf sound card | 04:20 |
=== mitch_ is now known as Guest45498 | ||
TeamColtra[TFD | #Off-Topic | 04:20 |
EADG | TeamColtra[TFD: mkdir /media/FTP | 04:20 |
TeamColtra[TFD | whoops | 04:20 |
clop | Halo... I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy 8.10.. I need to install postgresql-8.2 but I can't get the package from apt. I just can see postgresql-8.3. How I can get package postgresql-8.2 as I get it in Ubuntu 7.10 thanks | 04:20 |
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Soulwarp | miranda_psi: i don't think my IP address is the generic 192.168 address | 04:21 |
EADG | How can I input a text file into the rm command to automatically delete a list of dupe files? "rm < /home/dupelist.txt" gives the error "rm: missing operand" | 04:21 |
luis_ | i tried already but it wont launch i also created a zsnes launcher icon on my desktop but it just wont work | 04:21 |
Soulwarp | miranda_psi: lets say i wanted to VNC this PC from another location | 04:22 |
jdjennin | Hello, everyone. I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 with compiz running and emerald as the window decorator. When I try to use Maple, the JPanel that has the whole workspace in Maple won't appear. When I turn off compiz, it works perfectly fine. Can anyone help me with this? | 04:22 |
abz | clop: 8.10 is intrepid not gutsy -_- | 04:22 |
miranda_psi | soulwarp: how are you connected to the network? | 04:22 |
Soulwarp | miranda_psi: how can i get the IP address to help me connect to it over the internet | 04:22 |
Soulwarp | miranda_psi: router | 04:22 |
Hannibalism | iwconfig? | 04:23 |
abz | luis_: try open terminal, and type "zsnes" then the problem causes will appeared . | 04:23 |
Soulwarp | Hannibalism: i think that's wifi | 04:23 |
Joe_ | intrepid, how do I fix: (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules// | 04:23 |
miranda_psi | soulwarp: then the ip it gave you - the 192.168 is probably correct | 04:23 |
Joe_ | The problem is obvious, the // but I can't figure out WHY it does that | 04:23 |
Ryan_Delaney | Soulwarp: To find ip addreses of devices on your network, I recommend zenmap. $ sudo apt-get install nmap zenmap | 04:23 |
luis_ | abz thats the weird thing theres no error see for your self look | 04:23 |
dragon2 | how can i troubleshoot my sound card...for aplay -l its shows no sound card found... | 04:24 |
Soulwarp | Ryan_Delaney: thanks i'll try that | 04:24 |
abz | luis_: ow yeah?? try delete .zsnes in home directory to reset zsnes config | 04:24 |
luis_ | abz this si just a part of what comes up on terminal after typing zsnes: | 04:24 |
luis_ | ZSNES v1.51, (c) 1997-2007, ZSNES Team | 04:24 |
luis_ | Be sure to check for the latest version. | 04:24 |
luis_ | ZSNES is written by the ZSNES Team (See AUTHORS.TXT) | 04:24 |
luis_ | ZSNES comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, | 04:24 |
luis_ | and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; | 04:24 |
FloodBot1 | luis_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:24 |
miranda_psi | soulwarp: if you wanted to use vnc to get to it from the internet you would have to configure your router to forward the vnc port to your computer and you would connect to the ip of your router as given by your isp (you can find the ipaddress in the router status area usually) | 04:24 |
MyName | did u guys watch the golden globes? | 04:25 |
mib_7fb92a | MyName: OT | 04:25 |
abz | luis_: i c i c | 04:25 |
Soulwarp | miranda_psi: that makes sense | 04:25 |
MyName | what | 04:25 |
mib_7fb92a | MyName: offtopic. do you have an ubuntu question? | 04:25 |
MyName | yes | 04:25 |
dragon2 | how can i troubleshoot my sound card...for aplay -l its shows no sound card found...i am using ubuntu 8.10... | 04:26 |
Frederick | Folks I need help.My PC does not allow a partition to be smaller. I tried to resize it both with in vista partitioner and kubuntu partitioner with no luck. Ive ran a defrag and scan disk, what else can I do? | 04:26 |
outofthemadness | hey does anyone in here know how to change the syntax highlighting for an entire filetype in gedit? | 04:26 |
abz | luis_: how?? | 04:26 |
Ryan_Delaney | Frederick: What kind of partition is it? filesystem? | 04:26 |
luis_ | abz whas i c i c ??? | 04:27 |
Frederick | Ryan_Delaney: at the momment i have a big ntsf part | 04:27 |
Frederick | Ryan_Delaney: I want to add partiotions for linux and data | 04:27 |
abz | luis_: have u del .znes dir in your home dir? | 04:27 |
luis_ | i am working on it | 04:27 |
Ryan_Delaney | Frederick: Some filesystems cannot be shrunk. I think NTFS can be but I'm not sure. also, double check that the partition isn't mounted anywhere | 04:27 |
luis_ | i am on file system and then where to??? | 04:28 |
abz | luis_: i've theproblem in zsnes . ..but in my case, i must reconfig .lock directory | 04:28 |
abz | luis_: cd ~ in terminal | 04:28 |
dragon2 | when i try aplay -l its shows no sound card found...i am using ubuntu 8.10...i am not able to play any sounds how do i go about? | 04:29 |
DasE1 | dragon2: does lspci find your s-card ? | 04:29 |
lex0 | hey to the guy i was just talking to plz message me i forgot your nick lol | 04:29 |
dragon2 | DasE1: no... | 04:29 |
DasE1 | dragon2:sure there is on on themn at all ? or broken ? | 04:30 |
DasE1 | *one | 04:30 |
quaal | why does gnome panel disappear | 04:30 |
mib_7fb92a | TheFunkbomb: logging off for the nite. any luck with java? | 04:30 |
dragon2 | DasE1: what do i do ..? | 04:31 |
DasE1 | dragon2:type lspci in terminal and look fo a soundcard | 04:31 |
dragon2 | DasE1: check this link | 04:32 |
Joe_ | intrepid, how do I fix: (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules// | 04:33 |
Wicked | !puregnome | 04:33 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 04:33 |
jenpoj | cual es el canal de ubuntu español? | 04:34 |
eseven73 | !es | 04:34 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 04:34 |
malikeye | looking for some info on mirroring... is the 'pool' directory a collection of all versions of ubuntu? | 04:34 |
malikeye | I just want intrepid mirrored locally, for now | 04:34 |
rwparris2 | hey guys I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and my screen is not centered, and sometimes flashes black, anyone know the solution to this? it did not happen on the live CD | 04:35 |
dragon2 | DasE1:there is no entry on sound card but adio device... | 04:35 |
nsadmin | rwparris2: find out what driver it used on the live cd and what driver it's using now | 04:35 |
rwparris2 | the resolution is correct it is just shifted about 1.5 inches to the right | 04:35 |
dragon2 | DasE1:sorry there is no entry on sound card but audio device | 04:35 |
malikeye | if I go down into the different versions, I just see tarballs, so I have to assume pool is the repo itself | 04:36 |
rwparris2 | nsadmin: how do i know what driver is on the Live CD? | 04:36 |
abz | !enlightenment | 04:36 |
ubottu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. | 04:36 |
abz | !repository | 04:36 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 04:36 |
Ryan_Delaney | !samba | 04:36 |
nsadmin | not what driver is on the cd, but what driver is actually used for the video (maybe lsmod will show that) | 04:36 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. Also see | 04:36 |
mib_cabpo7bq | what are keyboard shortcuts to change screen resolution; i made my inaccessible by mouse?? | 04:37 |
nsadmin | also compare kernel versions | 04:37 |
malikeye | thanks abz | 04:37 |
abz | malikeye: why thx to me?? did i help u? | 04:37 |
lianimator | Image Viewer is very slow after the latest upgrade, it's really starting to bug me. | 04:37 |
nsadmin | start collecting this information into a text file | 04:37 |
malikeye | abz: haha, yep :) | 04:37 |
DasE1 | dragon2:what a device ? | 04:37 |
abz | malikeye: wew, the odd things . . | 04:38 |
mib_cabpo7bq | i should just boot in in safe mode eh? | 04:38 |
dragon2 | DasE1: how do i make sound card to be detected | 04:38 |
malikeye | abz: less than a minute after I asked the question :D | 04:38 |
quaal | why has my gnome panel disappeared and how can i make it come back without rebooting? | 04:38 |
DasE1 | dragon2:what a device ? | 04:39 |
dragon2 | DasE1: i didnt get you...? | 04:39 |
Hannibalism | hay guise, is there a good tutorial for adding routing features to ubuntu 8.10? | 04:39 |
abz | malikeye: heuu, i dunno watu talking . | 04:39 |
DasE1 | dragon2:what tells you lspci about sound ? (or audio...) | 04:39 |
jskroll | Hello everyone. I was wondering if you could help me figure out why I can't make an alarm play an mp3 in evolution mail? It won't play any sound in evolution, but all other sounds work. Ubuntu 8.10 | 04:39 |
abz | malikeye: i c i c . . bout command to obuttu yap?? =)) | 04:40 |
Frederick | Ryan_Delaney: NTFS can be shrunk Ivew done it before and for the mommet it is the only partition on the disk | 04:40 |
dragon2 | DasE1: I had pasted the output in pastebin. | 04:40 |
abz | !ntfs | 04:40 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 04:40 |
sidney | my audigy sound card was installed but the drivers were not and ubuntu says Module snd_ not found. | 04:40 |
Frederick | abz: ? | 04:40 |
abz | !ext4 | 04:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4 | 04:40 |
malikeye | abz: nope... I need the repo information | 04:41 |
exacube | hey, is it possible to get a list of all the libraries installed | 04:41 |
exacube | that is, all the libs i can use for the -l argument for gcc | 04:41 |
nsadmin | exacube: ls /usr/lib /lib | 04:41 |
abz | malikeye: u want to mirroring yupz?? | 04:41 |
Frederick | OKI FOLKS IM OUT | 04:41 |
jskroll | Can anyone help with evolution mail sounds? | 04:41 |
Frederick | ops caps sorry | 04:41 |
abz | anyone have tried ext4 fs?? | 04:41 |
malikeye | abz: yep | 04:41 |
malikeye | with rsycn though | 04:42 |
malikeye | err, rsync | 04:42 |
eseven73 | !lvm | 04:42 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 04:42 |
dragon2 | DasE1: hey are you there........? | 04:42 |
DasE1 | dragon2:close alsamixer, in trml : sudo modprobe hda_intel, reopen alsamixer, card there ? | 04:43 |
abz | malikeye: i've found a tutor for deb mirroring . . | 04:43 |
jskroll | I was wondering if you could help me figure out why I can't make an alarm play an mp3 in evolution mail? It won't play any sound in evolution, but all other sounds work. Ubuntu 8.10 | 04:43 |
abz | malikeye: but in indonesian lang . .:p | 04:43 |
malikeye | abz: yeah, that won't help me ;) | 04:44 |
abz | malikeye: i can translate for you . . | 04:44 |
malikeye | just need to get familiar with the layout | 04:44 |
eseven73 | jskroll: you might have to install ubuntu-restricted-extras for mp3 stuff | 04:44 |
abz | malikeye: fir u've to : sudo apt-get install debmirror apache2 | 04:45 |
jskroll | eseven73: I already have a restricted video driver | 04:45 |
malikeye | abz: yeah, I need to rsync... my mirror server isn't ubuntu | 04:45 |
eseven73 | jskroll: that has nothing to do with mp3 stuff | 04:46 |
quaal | why has my gnome panel disappeared and how can i make it come back without rebooting? | 04:46 |
eseven73 | jskroll: do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' in a terminal | 04:46 |
jskroll | eseven73: I was only making a point that I've already broke the code | 04:46 |
jskroll | eseven73: kidding | 04:46 |
abz | malikeye: yeee . .. here is an ubuntu channel . . :p | 04:46 |
abz | !rsync | 04:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rsync | 04:47 |
whuffor | What does ubuntu-restricted-extras contain? | 04:47 |
eseven73 | !restricted | 04:48 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:48 |
Joe_ | with xorg what is module type1? I get errors that it cna't be found to load | 04:48 |
malikeye | !mirror | 04:48 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 04:48 |
jedex | Has anyone here installed Abuse from the ubuntu packages site? | 04:48 |
abz | !remaster | 04:48 |
ubottu | Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: or use tools such as or | 04:48 |
earthmeLon | I am having a problem with FF. All input fields type backwords. It seem my cursor isn't moving as I type. i've tried pressing insert. This effects FF! Also, my arrow keys do not work and I can't perform CTRL+A or anything similar. I'm in #firefox and nobody in there knows what to do. ANy suggestions will be appreciated | 04:51 |
jskroll | eseven73: that's taking a minute | 04:51 |
DasE1 | earthmeLon: you tried reinstallation ? | 04:51 |
earthmeLon | No DasE1, I have not. That seems like an easy way out. I'd rather figure out what is going on to not have it happen again, but it looks like that's my only option :\ | 04:52 |
DasE1 | earthmeLon: f.e. the arrow keys work in other apps ? | 04:52 |
Joe_ | ah... shit | 04:52 |
earthmeLon | This problem is restricted to FIREFOX | 04:53 |
juiceypoo | hello | 04:53 |
dragon2 | Can someone guide me to enable sounds in ubuntu 8.10. my sound card is working well in windows but sound car not detected in ubuntu.... | 04:53 |
jskroll | eseven73: am I done when it shows this gray disclaimer thing? It says <ok> but it does nothing. Yes, I'm partially retarded. | 04:53 |
juiceypoo | im having the same problem | 04:53 |
DasE1 | earthmeLon:(save your bookmarks ???!), then sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox | 04:54 |
eseven73 | jskroll: does tab move it to <OK>? | 04:54 |
rwparris2 | is there a keyboard shortcut for terminal? | 04:54 |
jskroll | eseven73:-) | 04:54 |
DasE1 | rwparris2: alt&F2 > gnome-terminal | 04:54 |
opera_ | DRAGON2,have you the software of media? | 04:54 |
jskroll | eseven73: yep | 04:55 |
TeamColtra[TFD | I am having problems I am running a script to update my fstab file... and I keep getting: bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denied | 04:55 |
earthmeLon | DasE1 restarting firefox fixes the problem temporarily | 04:55 |
=== cakey is now known as cakey|lunch | ||
eseven73 | !away > cakey|lunch | 04:55 |
ubottu | cakey|lunch, please see my private message | 04:55 |
juiceypoo | I just installed xubuntu, can someone assist me in getting my wireless working? :-) | 04:55 |
dragon2 | opera_:be clear please... | 04:55 |
EADG | rwparris2: ctrl + alt + F1, or install Yaquake, gives a drop-down terminal with F12. | 04:55 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: what is your wireless device? | 04:55 |
eseven73 | jskroll: ok then you should just be able to press the ENTER key, if you havent already done that ;) | 04:55 |
TeamColtra[TFD | I have updated permissions on /etc/fstab and still getting the error... I was going to do it manuly, however the fstab file scares me, and I would prefer to just use the prewriten code | 04:56 |
DasE1 | earthmeLon: which ubuntu do you use ? is it up to date ? if so, save your bookmarks.html and reinstall it | 04:56 |
juiceypoo | no clue just bought this laptop, brb ill find out | 04:56 |
Joe_ | umm... 8.10 was having problems getting glx to work, found the /usr/lib/libGL* symlinks were pointing to the old drivers so I removed them and recreated the links pointing to the correct version... now X won't display... help... | 04:56 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: just run lspci in a terminal and see what it s | 04:56 |
earthmeLon | 2.6.27-10-generic | 04:56 |
jskroll | eseven73: ya, it's been chuggin away | 04:56 |
eseven73 | k | 04:56 |
EADG | How can I input a text file into the rm command to automatically delete a list of dupe files? "rm < /home/dupelist.txt" gives the error "rm: missing operand" | 04:56 |
ltgg | 8.10 newbie problem: cannot play a movie in DVD ..get ...Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file | 04:56 |
ltgg | and | 04:56 |
ltgg | You might want to check that a disc is present in the drive and that it is correctly configured. ... any help? | 04:56 |
juiceypoo | lol, pardon my noobishness but how do i do that? | 04:56 |
nsadmin | EADG: man xargs | 04:57 |
opera_ | when you click the iron of sound, it won't have any sound,in you should download a sotfware of sound for test | 04:57 |
jskroll | eseven73: Ok, I guess it's done. | 04:57 |
EADG | nsadmin: will do. | 04:57 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: open a terminal ( can't remember exactly where thats at in Xubuntu).. then type "lspci" no quotes(thats a lower case L) hit enter, and see how it identifies your wireless device | 04:57 |
jskroll | eseven73: reboot? | 04:57 |
dragon2 | opera_:how do i do that...? | 04:57 |
eseven73 | jskroll: na reboot is a windows concept...usually not needed in Linux | 04:57 |
juiceypoo | Realtek Semiconductor | 04:58 |
Shovi__ | | 04:58 |
dragon2 | opera_:when i click on sound ikon i see "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found" | 04:58 |
ltgg | this as a recent install, all updates, seem to recall it working before. | 04:58 |
IndyGunFreak | !realtek | juiceypoo | 04:59 |
ubottu | juiceypoo: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at | 04:59 |
jskroll | eseven73:-) I was planning to install Windows7, but I got discouraged because I had to wait, so I installed Ubuntu and it's been otherwise easier than Windows, considering the help I can get. | 04:59 |
ltgg | seems like something broke it | 04:59 |
juiceypoo | thanks :) u are all so helpful here | 04:59 |
jskroll | eseven73: windows7 beta, that is | 04:59 |
ernz | Hi, I want to build a how-to on integrating Gmail into 8.10 seamlessly. I have forgotten how to create a new post on, can anyone point me in the right direction please? | 04:59 |
opera_ | you can try to listen singer will auto install some fit software. | 05:00 |
eseven73 | jskroll: yep, that's what makes Ubuntu great, its not the OS, there's a million distros, just as good, but its the Community that makes Ubuntu good. :) | 05:00 |
Rodolfo | larala | 05:00 |
Hikeractive | ernz, integrate how? | 05:00 |
Rodolfo | s | 05:01 |
DasE1 | earthmeLon: ? | 05:01 |
juiceypoo | indygunfreak, do you know how to get compiz working on xubuntu? | 05:01 |
earthmeLon | DasE1 ubuntu is what I use. Latest kernel. I re-installed FF. Seeing if it fixes it | 05:01 |
Joe_ | please... X appears to be broken... very very bad... | 05:01 |
ernz | Gmail as default app, evolution database linking for contact applet compatibility, in-browser compose mailto links and notifier all in one how-to Hikeractive. Just the sort of thing I WANTED half an hour ago. I'm sure other people would be interested too. | 05:02 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: no.. seems kinda counter productive though counter productive.. xubuntu is for older hardware, compiz, can be quite resource intensive | 05:02 |
ltgg | anyone? ... any help? | 05:02 |
eseven73 | Compiz in Xubuntu is an Oxymoron | 05:03 |
DasE1 | Joe_:are you on cmd-line ? | 05:03 |
juiceypoo | hmmm, my system is decent, should i switch to ubuntu instead? | 05:03 |
oxymoron | what | 05:03 |
oxymoron | oh. | 05:03 |
noodlesgc | :D | 05:03 |
eseven73 | O.o lol didnt know there was a nick by that name! | 05:03 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: well what do you consider "decent'.. adn if its decent, what made you deside to try xubuntu? | 05:03 |
dy_ | server 7000 | 05:03 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Do you know how to make a new thread on | 05:03 |
eseven73 | dy_: that's a no no. | 05:03 |
Hikeractive | Hmm, I know Gmail IS integrated by default in Firefox -- just go to Preferences, Applications and search for mailto. The contact comp. might interest others. | 05:03 |
Joe_ | DasE1 yes, though an irritatingly broken one (doesn't scroll with more input and arrow keys don't work...), I have to switch to another screen (CTRL+ALT+F2) then back to see the new input... | 05:03 |
juiceypoo | i just am sick of windows and wanted to learn about a new os | 05:04 |
koshar1 | juiceypoo you can have as many window managers as you like, if you want gnome, (default ubuntu window manager just install it, with sudo apt-get inastall ubuntu-desktop | 05:04 |
oxymoron | eseven73, that's what I get for using a noun as a nick :D | 05:04 |
juiceypoo | well lol...a FREE os | 05:04 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: that makes sense, but you can always research the best choice. | 05:04 |
eseven73 | oxymoron: haha yep :) | 05:04 |
juiceypoo | yes, i guess i listened to my friends first and google was thrown out the window | 05:04 |
jskroll | eseven73: thanks for whatever that was, but it did not help evolution mail :-( | 05:04 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Yea, that's the idea. The mailto links are actually handled by an addon called WebMailCompose in my solution. | 05:05 |
eseven73 | ah well jskroll least now you'll have everything you need to play mp3s/videos ;) | 05:05 |
Necrosan | can't perform an upgrade for some reason | 05:05 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: xubuntu is good, nothing wrong with it, its just kinda geared towards older hardware, so compiz and xubuntu, just doesn't make much sense | 05:05 |
Necrosan | says it can't calculate | 05:05 |
jskroll | eseven73: cool | 05:05 |
koshar1 | IndyGunFreak IMHO the choice od desktop manager is a preferentual one, i actually like flux and use it on some machines that kde or gnome could reside quite welel | 05:05 |
eseven73 | jskroll: have you tried thunderbird? | 05:05 |
DasE1 | Joe_:if your x is broken, backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf and do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:05 |
juiceypoo | i understand, so ubuntu would be a better choice for running compiz? | 05:05 |
Hikeractive | ernz, since it's built in on the latest versions of Firefox, I would use the native -- just instruct people on HOW to do it. I'll check out the Ubuntu forums question for you. | 05:06 |
eseven73 | juiceypoo: yep | 05:06 |
jskroll | eseven73: you would say that now that Ive worked so hard and dumped my gmail account in evolution | 05:06 |
IndyGunFreak | koshar1: i agree, it is definitely preferential.. but if he's wanting to use compiz.. it just seems a normal gnome or kde install would make more sense | 05:06 |
koshar1 | IndyGunFreak many eeepc users use xfce with compiz | 05:06 |
ernz | Hikeractive: I know a lot of people who prefer to rely on web-based email apps like Gmail. It's nice to have it all in one place. Nobody has done a comprehensive guide on making it all "Just work" (which people seem to obsess about in the Linux community) | 05:06 |
IndyGunFreak | koshar1: i didn't say it couldn't be done, i just said it doesn't make much sense to me.. i use regular gnome on my AAO | 05:06 |
abz | !lts | 05:06 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 05:06 |
ernz | Hikeractive: I like the suggestion, how do you say to go about using FF3 to handle mailto's? | 05:06 |
abz | !intrepid | 05:06 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: - Features: | 05:06 |
Joe_ | DasE1 as I said earlier... I was trying to fix an issue where (after upgrade to intrepid) my glx wouldn't work (using nvidia-glx-96), I found /usr/lib/ was a symlink to the old drivers so I removed it and recreated with a symlink to the correct one, did the same for and restarted X... now it doesn't work | 05:07 |
eseven73 | jskroll: lol i spent an hour trying to get Seamonkey working with gmail just this morning, failed and went back to Thunderbird | 05:07 |
Hikeractive | You go to FF3's prefs, then to Application tab, then search for mailto. You can select Gmail as a default there. | 05:07 |
koshar1 | IndyGunFreak while i see your point i still dont concur , compiz can run fine with any desktop manager that supports it | 05:07 |
jskroll | eseven73: I have an idea: Could it be that I'm trying to access music from another user on my pc? | 05:07 |
juiceypoo | i wonder if im the only 12 year old running xubuntu :P | 05:07 |
IndyGunFreak | koshar1: well, then don't concur, i didn't ask for your approval of my opinion | 05:07 |
IndyGunFreak | koshar1: and i never once said you couldn't run xfce and compiz | 05:07 |
koshar1 | juiceypoo i doubt it | 05:08 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Negatory. I see "Yahoo!" mail. No gmail by default though. :( | 05:08 |
eseven73 | jskroll: hmmm could be, im not really a sound guru so i couldnt say for sure. | 05:08 |
ltgg | is there another Ubuntu channel where someone new to Linux might get some help? | 05:08 |
jskroll | eseven73: ok | 05:08 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Perhaps it installed on your FF3 alongside a toolbar or something? | 05:08 |
jskroll | eseven73: thinking with my fingers, I should just try it | 05:08 |
koshar1 | IndyGunFreak i definately didnt set out to offend you just i beleive your view is incorrect | 05:08 |
Hikeractive | ernz, no, default install. In fact, I just installed last night onto my netbook. Which version are you running? | 05:09 |
eseven73 | jskroll: are you using pulseaudio? | 05:09 |
IndyGunFreak | koshar1: well, like i said, if i'd wanted your approval, i'd have asked for it.. | 05:09 |
DasE1 | Joe_:k, I see, the hint for reconfiguring xorg works on ibex too, but I'm out for upgrading issues | 05:09 |
ernz | 8.10 w/ FF3 3.0.5 | 05:09 |
ernz | Hikeractive: 8.10 w/ FF3 3.0.5 | 05:09 |
juiceypoo | i didnt mean to start that argument lol | 05:09 |
Hikeractive | Hmm... that's peculiar. Same here. Maybe the Better Gmail 2 Add on did it. | 05:09 |
juiceypoo | would i be able to find gnome or compiz on the synaptic package manager? | 05:10 |
ernz | Hikeractive: I'll test your theory. | 05:10 |
eseven73 | yep juiceypoo | 05:10 |
Hikeractive | ernz, it's the only addon that I have presently installed. | 05:10 |
juiceypoo | thanks eseven | 05:10 |
IndyGunFreak | juiceypoo: its not an argument, he's trying to suggest i said something that i didn't. | 05:10 |
koshar1 | juiceypoo yes, to install gnome as i said earlier, use ubuntu -desktop and for kde , use kubuntu-desktop ect.. | 05:11 |
juiceypoo | im just yankin ur chain | 05:11 |
Necrosan | How do I update ubuntu with apt-get dist-upgrade/ | 05:11 |
Joe_ | DasE1 it seems the issue is that I had manually installed Nvidia 169.12 in hardy, when I upgraded it went to ubuntu's version of the 96.43.09 driver... but left all the symlinks as they were (pointing ot 169.12 drivers) | 05:11 |
Necrosan | is there a guide somewhere? update manager is borking | 05:11 |
Necrosan | 2009-01-11 22:37:30,949 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' | 05:11 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Interesting: Still no Gmail application | 05:11 |
ltgg | thanks for nada folks | 05:12 |
eseven73 | juiceypoo: thats the nice thing about ubuntu, theres over 23,000 apps for it, if you look on wikipedia for comparison of linux distros, most of them only have like 10K or 5K apps in the repos | 05:12 |
tonsofpcs | eseven73: and how many of them work right from the official distros? | 05:12 |
juiceypoo | dang thats alot of apps, ill be having my fun :) | 05:12 |
tonsofpcs | and are you counting true apps or packages? | 05:12 |
koshar1 | IndyGunFreak "it doesn't make much sense to me" 30 lines up, and it makes perfect sence to me why people would use compiz with xfce, and i gave an example with a EEEpc, | 05:12 |
DasE1 | Joe_:did ibex overtook the xorg.conf of hardy ? | 05:12 |
tonsofpcs | because ubuntu requires about 12 packages for an app that on deb required only one. | 05:13 |
ernz | Hikeractive: U got any google apps or products installed elsewhere? | 05:13 |
Hikeractive | ernz, I just read that some people, like me, DO have it as a default. Perhaps it depends on whether you upgraded from a previous version to the latest or not. | 05:13 |
Hikeractive | ernz, and no. | 05:13 |
IndyGunFreak | koshar1: and thats why its an opinion, if you don't liek it, "/ignore indygunfreak", no quotes, will fix your problem | 05:13 |
Joe_ | DasE1 yes, it all worked find minus the glx failing to load, which AFAIK is because these symlinks are all wrong | 05:13 |
juiceypoo | lol | 05:13 |
koshar1 | IndyGunFreak whatever | 05:13 |
eseven73 | tonsofpcs: according to wikipedia, appz, but who knows really | 05:13 |
Joe_ | DasE1 manually putting the symlinks back to the way they were lets X start up, without working glx | 05:14 |
Joe_ | DasE1 (thank god) | 05:14 |
Hikeractive | ernz, alternatively, while at, you can type this in the location bar, and it will allow you to set gmail as default: javascript:window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler("mailto","https:// | 05:14 |
Hikeractive |","Gmail") | 05:14 |
juiceypoo | theres alot of gnome apps i dont know which one to choose | 05:14 |
luhkevin | exit | 05:14 |
ernz | Hikeractive: A nice workaround to install the service | 05:14 |
Guest67283 | how can i figure out what server wine is trying to connect to for a games o i can change the iptables to the proper address? | 05:15 |
Baz_ | hey, I setup Raid5 through my bios (some call it FakeRAID) and I am trying to install ubuntu 8.10... I read the docs on using dmraid or the alternate install, but when I do the drive is detected as a RAID1 rather than RAID5 -anyone know about this? Thanks! | 05:15 |
eseven73 | tonsofpcs: like example Fedora doesnt have a lot of window managers in the repos like Ubuntu does, I know im comparing apples to oranges at this point, but meh :/ | 05:15 |
Necrosan | How do I update ubuntu with apt-get dist-upgrade/ | 05:15 |
Necrosan | 2009-01-11 22:37:30,949 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' | 05:15 |
DasE1 | Joe_:hm, ibex uses xorg 7.4 and more functions are implemented in the kernel by dbus and hal, and I have no idea how to translate that to ibex, maybe a start with an emtpy xorg works | 05:16 |
koshar1 | juiceypoo choose the ones you want to use, it comes down to choice at the end of the day, you are not even locked into apps by window manager, most apps will run fine on any window manager. lots of people use amarok on gnome, xfce... and firefox on KDE. | 05:16 |
juiceypoo | i see | 05:16 |
modjor | how do i make chmod work on my mounted drive ? any other alternatives for changing priviledges on mounted drives ? | 05:16 |
Joe_ | DasE1 definately not an xorg issue (xorg.conf.failsafe failed to load as well), it's something to do with the upgrade not doing what it should have and migrating everything over to the "new" way | 05:16 |
koshar1 | modjor you could use an fstab line with specific priveliges rather than using hal | 05:17 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Would have been a nice idea. There are too many steps for a n00b. Either way something needs installed. It may as well be webmailcompose which is configurable and supported by documentation. | 05:17 |
scunizi | DasE1, video is handled by xrandr | 05:17 |
ernz | Hikeractive: Thanks for the idea though | 05:17 |
modjor | let me look into fstab. thanks koshar1 | 05:17 |
DasE1 | Joe_: so I got to step back there as I did fresh installs only | 05:17 |
opera_ | what is 'dual-boot system | 05:18 |
DasE1 | !dual | 05:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dual | 05:18 |
DasE1 | !dualboot | 05:18 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 05:18 |
scunizi | opera_, two or more os's on the same hard drive or computer | 05:18 |
DasE1 | whatthefuckhaveyouthought?! | 05:18 |
DasE1 | ups.. | 05:18 |
eseven73 | O.o | 05:18 |
opera_ | SCUNIzi, dual is double? | 05:19 |
scunizi | opera_, yep | 05:19 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 05:19 |
scunizi | like he didn't know | 05:19 |
IndyGunFreak | scunizi: lol.. i wasn't gonna say anything.. I'll order a dual burger next time see if they understand | 05:20 |
scunizi | :) | 05:20 |
Necrosan | 2009-01-11 22:37:30,949 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' <---- getting this when trying to upgrade in main.log | 05:21 |
jitu3485 | hi , I am using ubuntu 8.10 and today my system re-started automatically. can't figure out what happened? /var/log/messages is at this URL: | 05:21 |
scunizi | Necrosan, do you have more repos enabled other than the standard? like "preposed" or something similar? | 05:21 |
Brack101 | hey is it possible to add a "sudo this" command to the context menu in nautilus kinda like in vista? For example I want to extract some icons to /usr/share/icons but I have to go through the trouble of using the command line (I know, that's how I'm suppoed to do it) | 05:22 |
Necrosan | scunizi: I don't think so. Just universe | 05:22 |
Necrosan | ill put the sources.list online, sec | 05:22 |
Necrosan | scunizi: | 05:22 |
eseven73 | Brack101: i think Krusader or Thunar has that | 05:23 |
Brack101 | ok | 05:23 |
eseven73 | Krusader has everything | 05:23 |
scunizi | Necrosan, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .... cut and paste and see what happens. | 05:23 |
corpis | i just installed ubuntu, whenever i install alot of the apt-get functions it is not finding them, comes up with... monster@monster-ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install wine | 05:23 |
corpis | Reading package lists... Done | 05:23 |
corpis | Building dependency tree | 05:23 |
corpis | Reading state information... Done | 05:23 |
corpis | E: Couldn't find package wine | 05:23 |
FloodBot1 | corpis: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:23 |
corpis | monster@monster-ubuntu:~$ | 05:23 |
Necrosan | scunizi: OK | 05:23 |
corpis | woops | 05:24 |
corpis | but when I loaded the same install in wmware on windows it worked fine | 05:24 |
corpis | any ideas?\ | 05:24 |
scunizi | corpis do all the updates first.. see my last post above for the update line. | 05:24 |
IndyGunFreak | corpis: you probably need to add the wine repository | 05:24 |
Necrosan | | 05:24 |
scunizi | IndyGunFreak, wine should be in the repos though. | 05:24 |
eseven73 | wine is in the repos already | 05:25 |
IndyGunFreak | scunizi: oh is it?.. i always just use the wine repo.. I stand corrected. | 05:25 |
scunizi | Necrosan, looks good. | 05:25 |
dj801 | *-* | 05:25 |
Necrosan | How do I get it to upgrade, now? ;) | 05:25 |
Necrosan | It's running 6.06,, I'd like 8.10. | 05:26 |
juiceypoo | Well thanks for the help everyone. Goodbye | 05:26 |
scunizi | !upgrade | Necrosan | 05:26 |
ubottu | Necrosan: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:26 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: you'll have to go 6.06-8.04, then 8.04-8.10 | 05:26 |
DasE1 | Necrosan: do a fresh install | 05:26 |
* IndyGunFreak agrees w/ DasE1 | 05:26 | |
Necrosan | I can't. no cd drive in machine. | 05:26 |
corpis | i didnt need the updates last time... but I will try that first | 05:26 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: ca you boot a USB device, like a thumbdrive? | 05:26 |
Necrosan | No USB on this machine. | 05:27 |
scunizi | Necrosan, if you have a seperate /home then you can fresh install the latest just don't format /home on install | 05:27 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: lol, might be time to sell that to me for target practice | 05:27 |
Necrosan | scunizi: It's a complicated install. | 05:27 |
Necrosan | It's not x86. | 05:27 |
opera_ | Pentium-class CPU--what | 05:27 |
Necrosan | sparc64 | 05:27 |
Baz_ | has anyone successfully get RAID5 to work with ubuntu? | 05:27 |
Necrosan | An upgrade should be possible.. But it's borking. | 05:28 |
BinaryBoy000 | Will I be able to get good performance when running counter strike source using wine? | 05:28 |
Necrosan | The error I posted is coming from main.log. | 05:28 |
BinaryBoy000 | my vid card is a 9800gtx+ | 05:28 |
Necrosan | /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log, anyway | 05:28 |
Necrosan | IndyGunFreak: Can i go from 6.06 LTS to 8.04 directly? | 05:29 |
Necrosan | Or must I hit hardy first? | 05:29 |
remu | Hello everyone, quick question. I like using Geany to edit .c .java .html, and pretty much all source files that I deal with. Though currently I have to either open Geany and then use that to open a file, or right click the file and choose Geany to open it. If I just open the file on its own it opens up in Gedit. How can I set it so all source files are opened with Geany? I tried looking in "Preferred Applications" under System>Pre | 05:29 |
remu | f. But either I'm blind or the option isn't there. | 05:29 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: 8.04 is hardy. | 05:29 |
scunizi | Necrosan, you can't go direct.. unless you fresh install | 05:29 |
Necrosan | Oh, duh. | 05:29 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: 6.06 and 8.04 are both LTS releases, so you can go from 6.06 to 8.04 | 05:29 |
IndyGunFreak | scunizi: yes he can. | 05:29 |
qwexer__ | how could I mount a partition automatically upon boot? | 05:29 |
=== qwexer__ is now known as qwexer___ | ||
scunizi | IndyGunFreak, from 6.06 to 8.10? | 05:30 |
Necrosan | IndyGunFreak: It is borking when I sudo do-release-upgrade | 05:30 |
IndyGunFreak | scunizi: no, he said hardy.. | 05:30 |
Necrosan | I don't care if I must do 8.04 first | 05:30 |
koshar1 | Baz_ you mean software raid? | 05:30 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: then yes, you must to 8.04 first | 05:30 |
scunizi | IndyGunFreak, ah.. missed that.. yep your right | 05:30 |
Flannel | Necrosan: What do you mean borking? | 05:30 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: go 6.06 to 8.04, then 8.04 to 8.10 | 05:30 |
Baz_ | remu: i think you have to have nautilus scripts for that - the easiest way would be to install 'ubuntu tweak' and use their menu for doing that | 05:30 |
Necrosan | I am trying to do that, IndyGunFreak. | 05:30 |
Necrosan | It stops and says cannot calculate or some crap | 05:31 |
IndyGunFreak | Flannel: i think he was trying to go 6.06-8.10 | 05:31 |
ohmygod | qwexer___, you have to edit /etc/fstab | 05:31 |
Baz_ | koshar1: ya, or fakeraid thru the bios | 05:31 |
Necrosan | no, IndyGunFreak | 05:31 |
Necrosan | I was trying to upgrade to hardy. | 05:31 |
Flannel | Necrosan: What method are you using? | 05:31 |
IndyGunFreak | Necrosan: ah, ok... sorry | 05:31 |
remu | BinaryBoy000, I have an Nvidia 9200m GS, I also had an Nvidia 8400m GS, and an Nvidia Go Geforce 6150....running CS:S my performance with Wine was similar to that of it under Windows. | 05:31 |
Necrosan | Flannel: sudo do-release-upgrade | 05:31 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Are you fully up-to-date with Dapper? | 05:31 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Yes. | 05:31 |
qwexer___ | ohmygod: ok thank you | 05:31 |
BinaryBoy000 | really? | 05:31 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Hmmm, do you have any third party repositories enabled? | 05:31 |
BinaryBoy000 | when I tried last time, I was only getting like 25 FPS.... | 05:31 |
qwexer___ | also, what does everyone use as an IRC client? | 05:31 |
mbent_ | hi, has anyone setup virtualisation with virtualbox with harddrive encryption (dm-crypt, cryptsetup etc)? | 05:32 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Nope.. | 05:32 |
BinaryBoy000 | can i use the same settings that I used in windows xp? | 05:32 |
BinaryBoy000 | like the same resolution and antialiasing | 05:32 |
Necrosan | my sources.list is at | 05:32 |
trailmonger | whats the easiest way to convert ubuntu into debian? | 05:32 |
Flannel | Necrosan: hmm, alright; that all looks good. And you've installed update-manager-core I imagine, yes? | 05:33 |
Flannel | trailmonger: Not painlessly, no. Reinstallation is the easiest way | 05:33 |
Necrosan | Flannel: yep. If you'd like I can let you ssh in to poke around.. | 05:33 |
strychnine | anyone know of any good free windows proxy servers | 05:34 |
eseven73 | strychnine: ask in ##windows | 05:34 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Hmm. I see a bug about this here: Does your main.log (I have no idea where that log is in your filesystem) say somethign similar? | 05:35 |
strychnine | cool umm fist time in irc chat rooms how do i change room | 05:35 |
eseven73 | strychnine: type /join ##windows | 05:35 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Nope, my main.log has this | 05:35 |
Flannel | !paste | Necrosan | 05:35 |
ubottu | Necrosan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:35 |
Flannel | Oh, right. You know how to paste already. | 05:35 |
Necrosan | 2009-01-11 22:37:30,949 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' | 05:35 |
Necrosan | its one line ;) | 05:36 |
strychnine | hey anyone know of a simple free proxy server for windows | 05:36 |
christoz | greetings, i've read a rumor that canonical has recently decided to provide by pay, multimedia codecs and DVD playback software, to their users, is that a fact? | 05:36 |
strychnine | . | 05:36 |
Flannel | strychnine: Please don't ask here. Ask in ##windows (/join ##windows) | 05:36 |
scunizi | strychnine, still on the wrong channel ... what irc client are you using.? | 05:36 |
=== qwexer___ is now known as qwexer | ||
nroot7 | I am upgrading to 9.04 and in the list of known issues, one issue is that it does not work properly with ATI drivers. Now I am using closed source ATI drivers right now. In case a problem comes when I restart the system, how should i revert to open source drivers? | 05:36 |
Flannel | christoz: They have made them available by payment, yes. | 05:36 |
Flannel | nroot7: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support questions, thanks | 05:37 |
zetheroo | I followed the how-to on medibuntu to get DVD's to play but its still not playing them ... what to do? | 05:37 |
Flannel | Necrosan: interesting. Well, if you feel comfortable, we can do it manually | 05:37 |
koshar1 | zetheroo you could always try VLC | 05:37 |
Necrosan | Flannel: More than comfortable :0 | 05:37 |
Necrosan | :) | 05:37 |
Necrosan | GF won't be home for another hour and a half too | 05:37 |
zetheroo | koshar1: thats what I am using | 05:37 |
zetheroo | !ubutnu | 05:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubutnu | 05:37 |
zetheroo | !dvd | 05:38 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:38 |
Flannel | Necrosan: alright, first thing is to disable backports. And then (just to be sure) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Is this a server machine? or a desktop machine? | 05:38 |
Necrosan | Flannel: A bit of both | 05:38 |
eseven73 | Flannel: does that mean the ops here will start taking out factoids like '!codecs' and '!medibuntu' because of competition financially? | 05:38 |
Necrosan | Just comment out each line in sources.list with backports in it to disable them, correct? | 05:38 |
Flannel | eseven73: No. | 05:38 |
eseven73 | cool :) | 05:38 |
Flannel | Necrosan: right. And "desktop" -- Do you have ubuntu-desktop installed? (or xubuntu/kubuntu) | 05:39 |
Necrosan | It should be installed, how do I check again? | 05:39 |
Necrosan | Also, without this line apt cannot find binary-sparc folder | 05:40 |
Necrosan | deb dapper-backports main/debian-installer | 05:40 |
Flannel | Necrosan: once you've updated/dist-upgraded, we'll worry about making sure proper packages are installed. Also, what kernel are you using? (-686? -386? what?) | 05:40 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Oh, is this a sparc machine? | 05:40 |
Necrosan | Linux falsity 2.6.15-53-sparc64-smp #1 SMP Mon Nov 24 21:20:59 UTC 2008 sparc64 GNU/Linux | 05:40 |
Necrosan | yeah | 05:40 |
Flannel | Necrosan: oooooh. Umm... Well, that may very well be why it can't successfully upgrade. | 05:41 |
opera_ | what is grub | 05:41 |
Flannel | Let me... do some research. | 05:41 |
koshar1 | zetheroo what specificly is the prob? try runningfrom command prompt and look for a message, are you using simple or menu mode? | 05:41 |
Necrosan | Flannel: I don't see why it should be a problem, all needed packages are there. | 05:41 |
Necrosan | And PPC guys can do it. | 05:41 |
scunizi | !grub | opera_ | 05:41 |
ubottu | opera_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 05:41 |
christoz | Flannel, hmm ok , and how the procedure will be in order for someone to download his/her preffered codec? sudo apt-get install "codec-name" " please enter your credit card number" ? | 05:41 |
christoz | :P | 05:42 |
powertoo108 | Does anyone know how to kick a ghost nick? I didn't get a clean disconnect. | 05:42 |
eseven73 | haha christoz is it was only that easy | 05:42 |
eseven73 | if it* | 05:42 |
scunizi | !ghost | powertoo108 | 05:42 |
ubottu | powertoo108: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password> | 05:42 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Hmm, alright. SPARC is still supported, yeah. Well, ok, don't worry abotu disabling backports yet. We'll disable them when we mvoe to Hardy | 05:42 |
error404notfound | I have install gsynaptic, and it asks me to add "SHMConfig" to true in xorg.conf or XFree86Config, thing is I don't have the latter and in the first there is no device section for mouse.. | 05:42 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Alright. | 05:42 |
powertoo108 | scunizi: thanks | 05:42 |
zetheroo | koshar1: just doing what it says to do on the Ubuntu docs .. and its not working ... | 05:42 |
Flannel | christoz: No, You purchase them through the canonical store: | 05:43 |
Flannel | Necrosan: So, uncomment the backports, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:43 |
remu | Baz_, Thanks, Ubuntu-Tweaks solved my issues. | 05:43 |
Necrosan | Flannel: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 05:44 |
Flannel | Necrosan: then... we're going to make sure you have the proper metapackages. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-desktop, and... linux-sparc64? I don't know what the proper metapackage for sparc is. but something like that. | 05:45 |
rxs | !ubuntu | 05:45 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 05:45 |
rxs | !mplayer | 05:45 |
ubottu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 05:45 |
Ryan_Delaney | !codecs | 05:45 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:45 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Do all of the meta packages? | 05:45 |
Ryan_Delaney | !fstab | 05:45 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 05:45 |
Flannel | Necrosan: No, just those four. -desktop -standard -minimal and your kernel | 05:45 |
rach | koshar1: this is zetheroo on the machine that is giving problems with DVD playback ... | 05:45 |
Necrosan | OK, that's what I meant. ;) | 05:46 |
rxs | !gparted | rxs | 05:46 |
ubottu | rxs, please see my private message | 05:46 |
rach | koshar1: | 05:46 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Once that's done, edit all the dappers and make them hardys, and comment out the backports (we'll assume you don't need hardy-backports, but you can enable them later if you do) | 05:46 |
Grayvon | Can anyone tell me why wicd would not see my wireless adapter after I reinstalled it, when it was working just fine the first time? | 05:47 |
Flannel | Necrosan: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:47 |
Necrosan | OK, I can do this all over ssh safely, right? | 05:47 |
Necrosan | it's not gonna kill sshd at all i presume? | 05:47 |
jinja-sheep | !build-essential | 05:47 |
scunizi | Grayvon, if you have more than one wifi manager installed they could be interfearing with each other. | 05:47 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 05:47 |
rach | !dvd | 05:47 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:47 |
Grayvon | how can i tell if i do? | 05:48 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Um, you really shouldn't upgrade over ssh... I know the installer opens up another sshd on another port. If you can, start this from a physical terminal. | 05:48 |
Necrosan | ok, that's fine. | 05:48 |
Necrosan | Flannel: This machine is SMP. | 05:48 |
scunizi | Grayvon, the wifi manager that is the default install is network manager.. | 05:48 |
Baz_ | anyone know anything about DMRAID? | 05:48 |
Necrosan | I think I messed up doing linux-sparc64 | 05:48 |
Necrosan | Can I just modify silo to point to the SMP kernel? | 05:48 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Just install the -smp kernel and remove the non-smp kernel | 05:49 |
Grayvon | Wicd uninstalls the nm-applet automatically, but i think ndiswrapper might be messing with wicd | 05:49 |
Necrosan | OK, I'll probably have to do that in synaptic. Hold on. | 05:50 |
Joe_ | the upgrade from hardy to intrepid did not seem to migrate all of the 169.12 nvidia driver symlinks to the new 96 driver... is there a way to fix this besides manually fixing every symlink? | 05:51 |
Weez | is there a utility that i can run that will tell me what ip on my lan is grabbing all my bandwith? | 05:52 |
rach | please help ... no DVD playback | 05:52 |
Joe_ | weez EtherApe is a util to monitor bandwidth usage | 05:52 |
scunizi | Weez, wireshark maybe | 05:52 |
DasE1 | Weez:wireshark | 05:52 |
Weez | thanks guys | 05:52 |
=== ember is now known as somethingclever | ||
MTecknology | Is atd necessary to be running for the normal operation of a desktop installation? | 05:53 |
stroyan | Weez: ntop is another good option. | 05:53 |
rach | anyone? | 05:53 |
somethingclever | Can someone help me with Wine? im trying to install guild wars from CD or from download, and it loads to 100% then it hangs and doesnt do anything | 05:53 |
Starnestommy | MTecknology: I think atd is used for scheduling tasks | 05:54 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
Grayvon | is anyone else using a linksys wireless adapter wusb54g? | 05:54 |
DasE1 | rach:install vlc | 05:54 |
jabagawee | all my shows are in the filename Show.s##e##.mkv (for season and episode number). someone wanna craft me up a "find -exec" statement that'll add a period between "s##" and "e##"? | 05:54 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: ya - I just don't know if the system has tasks setup to use it by default or not | 05:54 |
rach | DasE1: already did that | 05:54 |
Weez | thanks stroyan | 05:54 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: same question for cron | 05:54 |
DasE1 | rach: what happens (not) ? | 05:54 |
jinja-sheep | !dvd | rach | 05:55 |
ubottu | rach: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:55 |
rach | DasE1: no dvd playback | 05:55 |
rach | jinja-sheep: already did all that | 05:55 |
somethingclever | Grayvon, check PM | 05:55 |
Vinceman | any kformula users here? I can't get the summation symbol to work :( | 05:55 |
Starnestommy | MTecknology: cron is used for running repetitive tasks at a scheduled time, such as checking for package updates or rotating logs | 05:55 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: i know this | 05:55 |
somethingclever | Can someone help me with Wine? im trying to install guild wars from CD or from download, and it loads to 100% then it hangs and doesnt do anything | 05:55 |
shredder12 | how can i configure firefox to connect to a proxy server somewhere if i m already using a proxy server to gain access to internet.. | 05:56 |
DasE1 | rach: you have a dvd in drive being alright, in vlc, open media ....> scd0 (or what tthe rom is) doesn't work ? | 05:56 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: is it used by a default installation or is it safe to turn off | 05:56 |
Starnestommy | MTecknology: it is used by default | 05:56 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: both? | 05:56 |
Xcerca | whats a good program for importing pictures from a camera and organizing ? | 05:56 |
rach | DasE1: does nto work ... when i do it form the terminal I get errors pertaining to the decoding of the css | 05:56 |
kalvin_ | hello, anyone know if theres any software that will recognize my windows mobile 6 phone? | 05:56 |
king | I need help getting my external mic to work on Dell 1525. There are no instructions on the web to get it to work with pulseaudio. The instructions at Dell wiki give a custom backport deb which is for Ubuntu 7.10 and that too uses ALSA. In addition, the package is incompatible with current kernel. | 05:56 |
jabagawee | Xcerca, picasa or f-spot work great for me | 05:56 |
Starnestommy | MTecknology: I'm not sure about atd. It might be used for something | 05:57 |
DasE1 | rach: tried another dvd ? | 05:57 |
Xcerca | kalvin_ what are you trying to do , i just plug mine in and i can transfer stuff back and forth to it ? | 05:57 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: what does cron get used by? | 05:57 |
kalvin_ | thats what i want to do | 05:57 |
kalvin_ | or even sync it | 05:57 |
mosno | why isn't tracker indexing my evolution (imap) emails? | 05:58 |
rach | DasE1: yes ... tried another one | 05:58 |
Starnestommy | MTecknology: things that must be run on a regular basis, such as log rotation, checking for package updates, running ntp, and refreshing the search database for locate | 05:58 |
ernz | How do you make a file executable in the terminal, anyone? | 05:58 |
mosno | "enable evolution email indexing" is selected in tracker preferences... tracker says indexing is complete, but tracker stats shows 0 emails indexed :( | 05:58 |
node357 | ernz, chmod +x file | 05:58 |
Ahadiel | ernz, chmod +x file | 05:59 |
shredder12 | any solution to this problem.. | 05:59 |
DasE1 | rach: tjat's strange as vlc bring it's own decoder... is the user allowed to access cdrom ? | 05:59 |
node357 | :) | 05:59 |
lawnninja | Anybody know why I can't copy a fold from a fileshare on another machine even though I have used chmod to modify a directories permission to copy the folder into it? | 05:59 |
ernz | lol, nerds. Thanks. | 05:59 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: please read my question... | 05:59 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: I'm asking about what uses these services on a default installation | 05:59 |
rach | DasE1: this is a fresh install of Ubuntu Hardy so I don't see why not | 05:59 |
eseven73 | ernz: geeks, not nerds, big difference ;) | 05:59 |
Starnestommy | MTecknology: everything listed in /etc/cron.* | 06:00 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: I'm not a noob - I know what at and cronn are for - I need to figure out if the system uses them on a default installation | 06:00 |
DasE1 | rach: no hints in /var/log/syslog about rom-dive ? | 06:01 |
ernz | eseven73: "Nerds" was originally "knurd's" - "Drunks" backwards. Derived from a notable segregation of intellectuals and jocks - came out of a fraternity dispute in the states. | 06:01 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: alrighty - thanks | 06:01 |
Necrosan | I got a lot of 404s after apt-get update, Flannel | 06:01 |
MTecknology | Starnestommy: looks like I can kill atd and leave cron :) | 06:01 |
kalvin_ | when i plug my wm6 to my computer, where would is it mounted, if it is? | 06:02 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Its likely that your mirror doesn't carry the Hardy SPARC stuff. Try using another one. | 06:02 |
Necrosan | OK | 06:02 |
somethingclever | can anyone please help me get guild wars working under wine? | 06:02 |
DasE1 | kalvin_: mount tells you | 06:02 |
DasE1 | !wine > somethingclever | 06:03 |
ubottu | somethingclever, please see my private message | 06:03 |
somethingclever | DasE1, wine works the the appdb and i have more than the reccomended req, it just hangs at load screen | 06:04 |
somethingclever | DasE1, at 100 percent | 06:05 |
DasE1 | somethingclever: /j #winehq , ask there and check hp for supported apps | 06:05 |
somethingclever | thanks | 06:05 |
Necrosan | Flannel: doesnt have hardy sparc stuff either | 06:08 |
hellhound | i just completed a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10 after replacing my motherboard, processor, ram, and harddrive and I noticed an issue with my mouse. it seems that after awhile my Logitech G5 mouse will stop responding... i looked in xorg and could not even find a mouse or keyboard section but the mouse will work for a while but not all the buttons work can anyone help? | 06:10 |
Necrosan | has it it seems | 06:10 |
rach | still no dvd playback in Ubuntu Hardy ... please help | 06:10 |
Dr_future | hello, I installed irssi but I couldn't find it in applications, any help please? | 06:11 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: It's terminal irc. Run irssi in the terminal. | 06:12 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, im pretty sure irssi is a CLI irc program | 06:12 |
christoz | Dr_future, just type on shell, irssi | 06:12 |
Dr_future | hmm, yeah, I'm new to Ubuntu | 06:12 |
Darknezz | ZuckusFIll and jeeves_Moss: i think everyone is having this problem at the moment..... | 06:12 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, if you are looking for a GUI irc client for ubuntu, xchat and chatzilla are good | 06:13 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, But how could I update those programmes? | 06:13 |
DarkKnight | i enabled desktop effects and other effects through compiz fusion..andmy system has become very can i retain these effects and still make my system faster | 06:13 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, they have the latest versions in WIndows | 06:13 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, typically, you just wait | 06:13 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, unless a new version has a fix or feature that you must have | 06:14 |
koshar1 | DarkKnight faster hardware | 06:14 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, then you can compile the source for the program | 06:14 |
calebh2 | Darknight: download the settings manager for compiz | 06:14 |
DarkKnight | koshar; i meant any settings to be changed | 06:14 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, it is doubtful you will ever need to however | 06:14 |
Necrosan | Flannel: After editing sources to hardy and sudo apt-get update then what? | 06:14 |
Necrosan | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 06:14 |
koshar1 | DarkKnight see calebh2s post | 06:14 |
DarkKnight | koshar1; i meant any settings to be changed | 06:14 |
Necrosan | crap, spoke too soon | 06:15 |
Necrosan | Failed to fetch MD5Sum mismatch | 06:15 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, for instance, I want to update firefox to the latest version, and ubunto 8.04 comes with version 3, but I want to update it to the latest version 3.05 how could I do that? | 06:15 |
DarkKnight | calebh2; yes i have it in preferences--->advanced desktop effects | 06:15 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, What is the purpose of the update? | 06:15 |
Flannel | Necrosan: update then dist-upgrade, yeah. | 06:15 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, to fix many things | 06:16 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, what problems are you having? | 06:16 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, sorry, but that's illogical, I wouldn't notice those security holes for instance, it's not my job, I have to update it to the latest version that's all | 06:17 |
DarkKnight | calebh2; what am i supposed to do now | 06:17 |
koshar1 | Dr_future the versions in the repos are generally the latest stable builds however if you hare not running the latest distro you can use backports, personal builds or compile from source | 06:17 |
calebh2 | DarkKnight: mess around with the settings. I have run compiz on an old intel intigrated grapics card before | 06:17 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, download the firefox package from the mozilla website here: | 06:17 |
Dougdoug4 | Big server | 06:18 |
rxs | Dr_future: I run ubuntu 8.04 and I have firefox 3.0.5 installed .. and its the latest version in the repos I believe | 06:18 |
rach | ubuntu is not playing dvd's | 06:18 |
rach | please help | 06:18 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, the repos will always be behind main versions for two major reasons A) manpower B) ubuntu devs add patchs to software thus taking longer | 06:18 |
koshar1 | Dr_future by the way the latest version in the repos is 3.0.5 for firefox | 06:18 |
rach | I have vlc and did all the command to get libdvd | 06:18 |
rach | still nothing | 06:18 |
DarkKnight | calebh2; i wanted to have all those desktop effects...but its making my system slower | 06:19 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, it is rare I come across a case in which I need to dl and compile for a new version | 06:19 |
rxs | rach: what dommds did u do ? | 06:19 |
Dr_future | hmm, well, when I searched for Firefox in synaptics I found green boxes, does that mean I have the latest version? | 06:19 |
Dr_future | or that version? | 06:19 |
rxs | rach: commands | 06:19 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, that means it is installed, to ensure it is the newest version check the update manager | 06:19 |
rach | rxs: what it says here : | 06:19 |
koshar1 | Dr_future have you done a refresh of the repos? | 06:19 |
Dr_future | yes | 06:19 |
rach | sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 | 06:19 |
howls | hello everyone. I am having problems with permissions. My user belongs to the group www-data, but I can't write to or modify anything in the /var/www folder. I get the error permission denied. Any ideas what the problem may be? | 06:20 |
rach | sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ | 06:20 |
rxs | rach: okay when u try to apt-get libdvdread3 .. what happens ? | 06:20 |
daedra | howls: ls -la the folder and check that you have permission to write to it in /etc/groups | 06:20 |
rach | rxs: no errors ... | 06:20 |
Titan8990 | howls, you may need to change the group permissions for the folder | 06:20 |
DarkKnight | calebh2; i tried to change again back...but still my system has become very slow | 06:21 |
Titan8990 | howls, try: chmod -R g+xrw /var/www | 06:21 |
rxs | rach:okay ... what happens when u try to play the vdv ? | 06:21 |
Titan8990 | howls, with a sudo, sorry | 06:21 |
Necrosan | Flannel: can I comment security lines out? | 06:21 |
Necrosan | having some problems locating what im looking for :) | 06:21 |
rxs | rach: does it install libdvdread3 ? | 06:22 |
howls | Thanks for the responses, checking | 06:22 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, When I did that, a message said that there is no update for this version, but when I checked its version from "ABOUT" it says 3 not 3.05 | 06:22 |
rach | rxs: nothing... does not play ... and when I play it through the terminal in VLC it gives the folloowing: | 06:22 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: Run this in the command. sudo aptitude update | 06:22 |
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jinja-sheep | Then check the icon on the panel. You may get updates (if you haven't done that already). | 06:22 |
rxs | rach: can you try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras ? : apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:23 |
Kelen | What's happened to me with this dmesg detail? | 06:23 |
Dr_future | jinja-sheep, what is "aptitude"? | 06:23 |
rxs | rach: what dvd are you trying to play ? | 06:23 |
rach | rxs: already installed | 06:23 |
jinja-sheep | Similar to apt-get. | 06:23 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: See ^ | 06:23 |
rach | rxs: a dvd that plays on all other 3 Ubuntu hardy machines | 06:23 |
Dr_future | jinja-sheep, I'm new to ubuntu | 06:23 |
Kelen | What's happened to me with this dmesg detail? it's could not be read when i put on usb driver | 06:23 |
rxs | !aptitude |Dr_future | 06:23 |
ubottu | Dr_future: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See | 06:23 |
Necrosan | OK, got it to work. it's dist-upgrading now | 06:24 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 06:24 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, that is where you copy and paste or type the given command | 06:24 |
howls | Titan8990: tried it, it didn't work | 06:24 |
Dr_future | ok Titan8990 | 06:25 |
Titan8990 | howls, what formate is your drive? | 06:25 |
Titan8990 | howls, err format | 06:25 |
howls | Titan8990: ext3 | 06:25 |
rxs | rach: so the dvd-css is installed and still vlc complain .. can ypui try playing on totem or mplayer ? | 06:25 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, these messages appeared | 06:26 |
rxs | rach: please try xine too .. just want to check if its a vlc only issue .. | 06:26 |
Dr_future | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 06:26 |
Dr_future | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 06:26 |
Dr_future | E: Couldn't rebuild package cache | 06:26 |
FloodBot1 | Dr_future: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:26 |
rach | rxs: movie player also does not work | 06:26 |
Necrosan | Flannel: What's the next step after dist-upgrade? | 06:26 |
rxs | Dr_future: do you have synaptic open ? | 06:26 |
Flannel | Necrosan: Reboot | 06:26 |
Dr_future | ok flokuehn | 06:26 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, try again: sudo apt-get update | 06:26 |
jinja-sheep | howls: What's the directory? Can you ls -al and give me the line for the said directory? | 06:26 |
Necrosan | OK | 06:26 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, you missed the sudo, or he did not tell you to.... | 06:26 |
Necrosan | Think I'll run into problems during dist-upgradE? | 06:27 |
Dr_future | rxs, I'm downloading something | 06:27 |
Dr_future | rxs, the latest version of firefox | 06:27 |
rxs | Dr_future: in synaptic package manager ? , you cannot use apt-get and synaptic at the same time | 06:27 |
Dr_future | no | 06:27 |
howls | jinja-sheep: drwxrwxr-x 17 www-data www-data 4096 2009-01-11 21:28 joomla | 06:27 |
Kelen | Is there any idea for this problem when i put on usb driver but it's couldn't be found, then i checked dmesg its showed this for me. anyone could help me? plz? | 06:27 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: The lock error you experienced is the result of another software using administration. You only can let one software use admin at a time. | 06:28 |
Dr_future | Titan8990 gave me the link for downloading ff and I'm downloading it fromt here | 06:28 |
amina | When I scp from a computer to another, I get 20KB/s max.; is it abnormal or is scp always slow? | 06:28 |
rach | rxs: I am so out of options ... | 06:28 |
jinja-sheep | howls: One more thing. what's your user name? | 06:28 |
rxs | rach: xine ? mplayer ? is the machine connected to teh net ? is it a new dvd ? | 06:29 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, got disconnected | 06:29 |
rach | rxs: here is the most recent output of VLC | 06:30 |
Dr_future | by the way, do I have to install a firewall on ubuntu? | 06:30 |
Dr_future | windows is much easier really | 06:30 |
Dr_future | but Linux is very interesting | 06:30 |
Dr_future | welcome bakc Titan8990 | 06:30 |
jinja-sheep | !firewall | Dr_future | 06:30 |
ubottu | Dr_future: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:30 |
Dr_future | back | 06:30 |
jinja-sheep | Meh. | 06:31 |
amina | Or maybe I could do it through http - is there a simple,stupid way to setup a ftp/http (whatever the easiest) fileserver with ubuntu? | 06:31 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, yes, ubuntu has a firewall but it is not nescessary | 06:31 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: I'll find you a link. | 06:31 |
Dr_future | ok jinja-sheep | 06:31 |
rach | rxs: this DVD plays perfectly on the other 3 Ubuntu Hardy machines here ... | 06:31 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, in windows you have network services installed by default | 06:31 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, and you have to concern youself with malware "getting out" | 06:31 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, this is not the case in linux | 06:31 |
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jinja-sheep | Dr_future: Brush up on your reading skills. It is an overview of all security practices in Linux -- | 06:31 |
Dr_future | that's really interesting, but no viruses in Linux? | 06:31 |
rxs | rach: yes looks like a new dvd and the css keys are not there .. it needs to get them ... okay .. try this .. in ur home dir ... ~/..dvdcss/ .. u will see the keys ... try copying them from teh machines in which the dvd wirks | 06:31 |
jinja-sheep | And no, you don't really need Firewall. :) | 06:32 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, they exist but there are not "in the wild" only from direct attacks | 06:32 |
amina | Or maybe I'm on the wrong channel...where should I go for ssh/scp help? | 06:32 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, but the sudo feature of Ubuntu more or less protects you even from those existing viruses | 06:32 |
Titan8990 | amina, missed your question, sorry | 06:33 |
rxs | rach: check in ~/.dvdcss | 06:33 |
jinja-sheep | rach: Do you have DVD reader? Or is it very old machine you're trying to use? | 06:33 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, I see, I have to learn more about this interesting OS :) | 06:33 |
rach | rxs: ok... but that will only make this one dvd work right? ... | 06:33 |
rach | jinja-sheep: brand new Thinkpad | 06:33 |
alo9999 | i am looking for a video converter for htc g1 format | 06:33 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, also, if you ever get into managing servers, you will find that windows is not easier | 06:33 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, Anyway I have downloaded firefox the extension is tar.bz2, how to react with it? | 06:34 |
DarkKnight | i enabled many desktop effects and they are making it slower...can anyone tell me which effects make it slower....i tryied enabling and disabling...but i m not able to find out | 06:34 |
rxs | that will make this dvd work for sure ... I am not sure about the others ... but if the machine can connect to teh net and fetch keys .. then others too shld | 06:34 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: How do you react with it in the past? | 06:34 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, did you already uninstall the existing version of firefox from synaptic? | 06:34 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, no | 06:34 |
Dr_future | Do I have to? | 06:34 |
rxs | rach: do you see any keys that have the name of the dvd title ? | 06:34 |
jinja-sheep | You drag and drop in the add-on window. Or I do this... Add the plugins through the "Firefox Addons" | 06:35 |
rach | rxs: yes | 06:35 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, yes, and this version will need to be uninstalled manually | 06:35 |
amina | Titan8990, I'm downloading stuff from a computer to another (I'm on a third machine, sshing into one of the others) using scp and I can't go faster than 20KB/s, which is really slow. | 06:35 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, compiling from source really defeats the purpose of using a distro like ubuntu | 06:35 |
rxs | rach: try copying that and see if it plays | 06:35 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, but I will still show you how if you want | 06:35 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, you mean, that tar.bz2 is a source code? | 06:35 |
rach | rxs: nope .. still no joy | 06:35 |
Titan8990 | Titan8990, scp is not a speed oriented protocol | 06:35 |
Titan8990 | lol | 06:35 |
Titan8990 | amina, scp is not a speed oriented protocol | 06:36 |
jinja-sheep | Titan8990: He was talking about Firefox addons, I believe. | 06:36 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, yes, it is | 06:36 |
simplenewb | I need a little help with iptables. Right now I'm using iptables to reject with error packet any attempt to connect to port 22 if I want to allow only my computer do I use -A to append the rule using my ip and ACCEPT or do I need to delete the REJECT rule, etc..... | 06:36 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, yeah I want to experience this , for learning purpose at least :) | 06:36 |
Titan8990 | jinja-sheep, no, he wanted a version of FF that wasn't in synaptic | 06:36 |
Dr_future | SO, how could I uninstall ff first? Titan8990 ? | 06:36 |
rach | why is dvdcss not working ... arrrgh | 06:36 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: Stick to the repos. | 06:36 |
Dr_future | jinja-sheep, I just want to do this for fun :) | 06:37 |
Dr_future | I want to learn the way though | 06:37 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, if you would like to learn to compile from source only for the learning experience, I recommend doing it on an app that you don't use | 06:37 |
Dr_future | of how I could install from a source code | 06:37 |
jinja-sheep | rach: New thinkpad -- don't mean a thing. Do you know if it can read DVDs in first place? | 06:37 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, Could you recommend something? | 06:37 |
jinja-sheep | Titan8990: I got a idea. | 06:37 |
rach | jinja-sheep: of course it can -- what a question ... | 06:37 |
howls | jinja-sheep: sorry about the late response, what would my user name is howls | 06:37 |
zenlunatic | how can I get the network monitor thing back in gnome panel? | 06:37 |
jinja-sheep | Dr_future: Have fun RTFM this. :) | 06:38 |
persei | what is the command line to remove all newly downloaded packages from the apt cache please ? | 06:38 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, I have a perfect app to teach compilation with :) | 06:38 |
Dr_future | ok jinja-sheep | 06:38 |
Dr_future | yes Titan8990 ? | 06:38 |
rxs | rach: can you please check teh region setting related issue in the page u have been following and see if thats an issue ? | 06:38 |
amina | Titan8990, ok (but still weird, even a small fraction of the available bandwith would still be way more than this). What should I use (I don't care about encryption) | 06:38 |
ernz | Could someone do me a favour please? Looking at the Synaptic Package Manager, what are the steps to add a repository? | 06:38 |
Titan8990 | amina, for speed, I would use WebDAV or ftp | 06:38 |
rach | rxs: the region is set to NONE .. just like on the other machines | 06:39 |
Titan8990 | amina, of NFS if they are both linux clients | 06:39 |
jinja-sheep | howls: Look into chown. It probably is what you're looking for. | 06:39 |
Digital7 | "FATAL: Module binfmt_misc not found." occurs on 8.10 during boot, rendering startup impossible. has anyone ever encountered this? | 06:39 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, i am grabbing a link | 06:39 |
Dr_future | Great | 06:39 |
simplenewb | emz: you want to add a restricted repo or a whole new one? One you can do from synaptic the other requires editing sources.list | 06:39 |
rxs | rach: I am confused.. if the machine has tried to fetch the keys ... and if it was successfully get them ... | 06:40 |
amina | Titan 8990, I don't know much about WebDAV, but actually ftp seems like a decent choice. Thanks! | 06:40 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, | 06:40 |
rach | rxs: yeah .. tell me about it ... confused is the word ... | 06:40 |
rach | rxs: maybe I should reinstall Ubuntu from scratch again ... | 06:40 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, download the stable version | 06:40 |
Dr_future | password cracker? | 06:41 |
Dr_future | what's that Titan8990 ? | 06:41 |
ernz | simplenewb: "deb hardy/" <- Non restricted. I am putting together a how to and I need to know the steps - synaptic is being stupid atm not letting me in until I restart and I cant do that because I'm half way through the how to | 06:41 |
persei | please does someone know the command line to remove all newly downloaded packages from the apt cache ? thanks | 06:41 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, it cracks pasword hashes | 06:41 |
rxs | rach: no ... thats too much .. there should be an easier way .. can ypu please try mplayer ? | 06:41 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, its what we learned source compiling on in school | 06:41 |
rach | ok | 06:41 |
Dr_future | Ok | 06:41 |
jinja-sheep | persei: Look in the manual. | 06:42 |
uramagget | I think my Ubuntu OS is completely gone... OS Select does not display it, yet it says that Ubuntu is installed (I installed it with the Wubi Partitioner). This happened after I had to abruptly press the button to reboot forcefully after GNOME stopped responding. | 06:42 |
persei | jinja-sheep: thank you for this helping answer. | 06:42 |
howls | jinja-sheep: I've tried using chown, it doesn't seem to help | 06:42 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, tar.gz. or tar.bz2? | 06:43 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, either is fine | 06:43 |
jinja-sheep | persei: Seriously. Look in sudo apt-get --help | 06:43 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, tar.gz is faster compessing/decompressing but bz2 is more compressed | 06:43 |
jinja-sheep | howls: What command did you use? | 06:43 |
xorand | Today, my ubuntu 8.04 decides to play my music through my earphones as well as my internal pc speakers :( :(. How to I channel the sound through the earphones only? | 06:43 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, smaller size I mean | 06:43 |
Dr_future | Ah | 06:44 |
howls | jinja-sheep: sudo chown www-data:www-data filename | 06:44 |
Dr_future | ok Titan8990 I have downloaded that tar.gz | 06:44 |
Dr_future | what shall I do now? | 06:45 |
=== five_ is now known as Guest6942 | ||
Dr_future | extracting it? | 06:45 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, open the terminal | 06:45 |
Dr_future | ok | 06:45 |
jinja-sheep | howls: You want this... sudo chown howls:howls <the directory path> | 06:45 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, what directory did you download it to? | 06:45 |
Dr_future | done | 06:45 |
uramagget | no ideas? :{ | 06:45 |
Titan8990 | desktop? | 06:45 |
Dr_future | on the desktop | 06:45 |
Dr_future | yeah | 06:45 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, type: cd /Desktop | 06:46 |
Guest96847 | i have a dual boot with kubuntu and xp. Afte upgrade i am unable to log in my xp partition though files etc. are visisble. | 06:46 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future then: did you get tar.gz or bz2? | 06:46 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, sorry gave you wrong command a second ago | 06:46 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, should be: cd Desktop/ | 06:47 |
Dr_future | ah | 06:47 |
howls | jinja-sheep: okay, thanks for the help | 06:47 |
Dr_future | yeah, now it's fine | 06:47 |
jinja-sheep | howls: Did it work? :3 | 06:47 |
Guest96847 | any one to help me with how to bring back the dual boot of xp. My grub menu list contains xp. | 06:47 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, it's .gz | 06:48 |
Dr_future | tar.gz | 06:48 |
jinja-sheep | !grub | Guest96847 | 06:48 |
ubottu | Guest96847: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 06:48 |
sleepy_cat | hi how to access the icons in the menu bar from the terminal | 06:48 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, alright do this: tar xvf john ---- then press tab to autocomplete the name of the file | 06:48 |
uramagget | ubottu, thanks | 06:48 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 06:48 |
uramagget | :} | 06:48 |
howls | jinja-sheep: I used it on an img directory, but I want to keep everything else www-data because of my joomla install | 06:49 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, that is how to extract from the command line | 06:49 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, Could you please tell me, what both tar and xvf mean? | 06:49 |
howls | jinja-sheep: it did work on the img directory btw. | 06:49 |
Dr_future | tar xvf=extract? | 06:49 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, tar is the archive tool used to extract | 06:49 |
jinja-sheep | howls: I suppose you should do this... gksudo nautilus -- It'll open the directory in root. I'm sure you can place files in there under root admin. | 06:49 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, x = extract | 06:50 |
Dr_future | Ah | 06:50 |
Dr_future | Ah | 06:50 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, v = ( in nearly every command) verbose mode | 06:50 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, and f = uncompress the .gz format | 06:50 |
sleepy_cat | where are all the icons in the menu bar in the home dir. | 06:50 |
click170 | If anyone wants to try a faster slimmer FireFox, check this out | 06:50 |
jinja-sheep | !theme | sleepy_cat | 06:50 |
ubottu | sleepy_cat: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 06:50 |
sleepy_cat | so tht they can be accessed from the home directory | 06:50 |
howls | jinja-sheep: yeah, I've been transferring files by root, then using chown, I just thought there might be an easier way | 06:50 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, yeah, I did that and I clicked enter | 06:50 |
billy_maze | hello | 06:50 |
sleepy_cat | I dont want the theme | 06:51 |
jinja-sheep | sleepy_cat: Check under ~/.icons | 06:51 |
billy_maze | does anyone know how I can check which partition windows is on, after installing ubuntu | 06:51 |
billy_maze | ? | 06:51 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, alright, type: cd john- | 06:51 |
howls | jinja-sheep: it doesn't make sense to me why it wouldn't allow my regular user to create or alter files even though I belong to the group | 06:51 |
Dr_future | src=source code? | 06:51 |
billy_maze | I tried checking /dev/sda2 but I had no luck | 06:51 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, yes and it is commonly used | 06:52 |
Dr_future | yeah, done | 06:52 |
Digital7 | after removing/adding drivers with ubuntu's proprietery driver mangaer, "FATAL: Module binfmt_misc not found." occurs on 8.10 during boot and renders startup impossible. any takers? | 06:52 |
=== krzysztof is now known as copter | ||
sleepy_cat | let me explain.. you can see the terminal icon above.. (if u have it then) this icon is a shortcut to the terminal.. where is the main terminal file located in the file system | 06:52 |
jinja-sheep | howls: You're in group howls, but not in group www-var. | 06:52 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, type: make | 06:52 |
sleepy_cat | so u dont need to on it from here.. i can do it directly | 06:52 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, you will be presented with a list of pc architectures that john can be compiled on | 06:52 |
Dr_future | yeah | 06:52 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, are you using 32bit of 64bit ubuntu? | 06:52 |
Dr_future | 32 | 06:52 |
=== copter is now known as dupa | ||
jinja-sheep | gnome-terminal ? | 06:53 |
jinja-sheep | sleepy_cat: See ^ | 06:53 |
sleepy_cat | yes | 06:53 |
sleepy_cat | gnome-terminal | 06:53 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, type the following: sudo apt-get install build-essentials | 06:53 |
sleepy_cat | where is it in the file system | 06:53 |
howls | jinja-sheep: so would changing my primary group help? | 06:53 |
billy_maze | Does anyone here know how I can view my windows partition in ubuntu? | 06:53 |
jinja-sheep | sleepy_cat: Look for the script? Use which. "which gnome-terminal" It'll show you the path. | 06:53 |
billy_maze | from the command line | 06:53 |
sleepy_cat | ? | 06:53 |
billy_maze | ? | 06:53 |
jinja-sheep | howls: Perhaps, add yourself to the existing group (www-var). | 06:54 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, that package contains everything needed for compiling from source | 06:54 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, Couldn't find package build essentials | 06:54 |
=== five_ is now known as Guest10204 | ||
jinja-sheep | howls: I found this -- I can't confirm it -- but it seems promising -- | 06:54 |
Guest10204 | im trying to run a ragnarok online client under wine and it is not attempting to connect to a network any suggestions? | 06:54 |
Titan8990 | !build-essentials | 06:55 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 06:55 |
rach | rxs: back | 06:55 |
rach | rxs: still nothing | 06:55 |
=== dupa is now known as saddam | ||
jinja-sheep | howls: Will find you a better example, I think. | 06:55 |
billy_maze_ | hello? | 06:55 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, sorry, no "s" | 06:55 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 06:55 |
Joe_ | I upgraded from hardy to intrepid, on hardy was using nvidia 169.12 drivers (manually installed), intrepid I hae to use 96.43.09, the upgrade DID NOT work properly in that all the symlinks (like still went to the old nvidia 169.12 drivers. I attempted to manualyl move every symlink to the correct version but now it X just fails to start (starts then crashes, dmesg says a segfault)... how do I fix this? | 06:55 |
Dr_future | yeah Titan8990 | 06:56 |
howls | jinja-sheep: thanks for the help. There isn't a group www-var on Hardy | 06:56 |
Dr_future | Titan8990, what's that I'm downloading right now? | 06:56 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, when it is finished, you can compile john with: make system linux-x86-sse2 | 06:56 |
Dr_future | a compiler? | 06:56 |
persei | and is there a command line to apt-x to know which package a specific file installed belong to ? | 06:57 |
jinja-sheep | howls: You can do it via GUI? System --> Admin --> Users + Group :) | 06:57 |
simplenewb | is there a package that will keep similar/exact same commands from being save in my .bash_history file? I find it very useful to have my previous commands stored there but if I'm testing something i often end up with 20 duplicate entries in a row. | 06:57 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, a compiler along with some other needed programs that help automate the compilation proccess | 06:57 |
Dr_future | Ah | 06:57 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, source usually comes with a "make" file that does all the compiling work for you | 06:58 |
billy_maze_ | hello? | 06:58 |
Dr_future | Ah | 06:58 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, like we see in jonn | 06:58 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, err john | 06:58 |
ebrink | Hi billy | 06:59 |
=== ebrink is now known as Trenter | ||
billy_maze_ | hi ebrink | 06:59 |
Dr_future | Check your private please Titan8990 | 06:59 |
Trenter | Why is everyones country Internic Network? | 06:59 |
howls | jinja-sheep: this is getting weird. The GUI doesn't show www-var or www-data | 06:59 |
billy_maze_ | hi Trenter, do you know how to figure out which partition windows in on a dual boot? | 06:59 |
Titan8990 | Dr_future, I don't see a private | 06:59 |
Trenter | Yes I might be able to help with that, I recently setup my ubuntu with windows dual boot myself | 07:00 |
howls | jinja-sheep: but if I do 'groups howls' it shows me as part of www-data (which is the group that all the major www direcories are assigned) | 07:00 |
billy_maze_ | Trenter: I'm trying to figure out, if my window partition is in /dev/sda1 or not | 07:00 |
billy_maze_ | Trenter: I'm trying to figure out, if my window partition is in /dev/sda1 or if it's somewhere else | 07:00 |
jinja-sheep | howls: If you're part of the group, then you should be able to move files into the said directory. | 07:01 |
_2 | where is the setting that will stop icons from appearing on the desktop ? | 07:02 |
liye | Hi guys, I just installed 8.10 by DVD but it has a initramfs + busybox problem on booting. Is there a quick solution to this? It's on thinkpad T400 | 07:02 |
jinja-sheep | !gparted | billy_maze | 07:02 |
ubottu | billy_maze: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 07:02 |
Trenter | billy_maze_ How did you install ubuntu, through windows or on its own partition | 07:02 |
jinja-sheep | billy_maze: It'll help you see things from graphical perspective. | 07:02 |
liye | Hi guys, I just installed 8.10 by DVD but it has a initramfs + busybox problem on booting. Is there a quick solution to this? It's on thinkpad T400 | 07:03 |
_2 | !grub > liye | 07:03 |
ubottu | liye, please see my private message | 07:03 |
howls | jinja-sheep: that's what I thought, but for some reason I can't ... | 07:03 |
poningru | liye, what does it say right before that error? | 07:03 |
poningru | and ignore the advise regarding grub | 07:03 |
poningru | its probably not a grub error | 07:03 |
jinja-sheep | howls: What's the link? What did you install? | 07:03 |
_2 | poningru wana bet | 07:04 |
Kuwanger | I'd like to organize a collection of files and other data together. Basically, I'm looking for something that's a cross between tagging, a relationship database, and using files for a lot of the underlying data. Any ideas on something that can do this? | 07:04 |
poningru | liye, the exact error must say something like: ".... something happened... dropping you to a shell" | 07:04 |
liye | poningru: i entered exit after (initramfs), now it's booting | 07:04 |
jinja-sheep | howls: | 07:04 |
poningru | liye, what is the exact error | 07:04 |
jinja-sheep | howls: Look under Modifying an Ubuntu Linux Group. | 07:04 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Didn't work. Bombed out. | 07:04 |
poningru | liye, yeah it can be multiple things like the root isnt detected in time etc. | 07:04 |
liye | poningru: i'll reboot and sow, a minute please | 07:05 |
Necrosan | I have two hard disks in the machine.. any way I could write the 8.10 alt install cd image to the second hard disk? | 07:05 |
poningru | by the boot partition | 07:05 |
Necrosan | And install from there? | 07:05 |
andresmh | how can I check what video card I have from the command line? | 07:05 |
Flannel | Necrosan: yes, let me get you a link | 07:05 |
DaSkreech | Guest96847: Hello | 07:05 |
poningru | andresmh, do lspci | 07:05 |
_2 | andresmh lspci lshw | 07:05 |
Flannel | Necrosan: | 07:05 |
Baz_ | anyone know if there are monitoring tools for ubuntu software raid? like a warning that a drive is damaged | 07:06 |
_2 | andresmh lspci | grep -i vga or lshw -C display | 07:06 |
poningru | Baz_, yes mdadm has multiple ones | 07:06 |
howls | jinja-sheep: I'll look into it | 07:06 |
_2 | where is the setting that will stop icons from appearing on the desktop ? | 07:06 |
poningru | _2, its a gconf setting | 07:07 |
andresmh | thanks _2 | 07:07 |
liye | poningru: ot says, Gave up waiting for root device, /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx does not exist | 07:07 |
Baz_ | poningru: are they gui and automatic - as in i dont have to keep checking myself, it just tels me? | 07:07 |
_2 | poningru so i've been told. where is it ? | 07:07 |
poningru | do a gconf-editor orr something in a terminal | 07:07 |
Necrosan | hmm. Will be a bit different because of silo. | 07:07 |
jinja-sheep | _2: I spent my sweet minutes googling for you -- | 07:07 |
poningru | liye, are you using something weird like doing scsi or something like that for your hard disk? | 07:08 |
_2 | poningru i've been all through gconf-editor and havent seen anything that will stop them | 07:08 |
_2 | jinja-sheep ok. looking | 07:08 |
liye | poningru, I'm not sure, it's a laptop, thinkpad T400 | 07:08 |
poningru | oh hmm... | 07:09 |
=== ember is now known as somethingclever | ||
liye | poningru, 8.04 and Arch boots up correctly | 07:09 |
persei | I have a file /usr/local/ant/bin/antRun and I would like to know which package this file belongs too. I 've tried apt-cache search antRun but it doesn't work. Is there another way to get the answer ? | 07:09 |
_2 | jinja-sheep trying now, thanks. | 07:09 |
CaptainMorgan | poningru, nothing weird about scsi :) perfectly normal | 07:09 |
somethingclever | hey, all my video including flash are having a strobe effect, is there a way to fix this? | 07:10 |
jinja-sheep | _2: Welcome. | 07:10 |
Necrosan | Flannel: No hd-media folder | 07:10 |
poningru | liye, yeah I dont know why some reason root is taking too long to get detected | 07:10 |
poningru | I dont know what to tell ya | 07:10 |
poningru | CaptainMorgan, happened to me with a server | 07:11 |
poningru | never got around to looking into this same error | 07:11 |
poningru | since it never gets rebooted and everything is working fine | 07:11 |
CaptainMorgan | liye, just got here.. what's the issue you're having? | 07:11 |
poningru | I just never looked into it | 07:11 |
poningru | I am going to sleep | 07:11 |
poningru | nn guys | 07:11 |
liye | CaptainMorgan, initiramfs + busybox issue | 07:11 |
somethingclever | how do i fix my video? | 07:12 |
liye | it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxx does not exist | 07:12 |
Necrosan | Flannel: | 07:12 |
Necrosan | will that work for vmlinuz / initrd? | 07:12 |
poningru | liye, give him the exact wording of the error | 07:12 |
poningru | ok going to sleep | 07:12 |
_2 | CaptainMorgan the timeout for his scsi module may be too long/short. one could test a sleep command in the initramfs scripts premount maybe | 07:12 |
Flannel | Necrosan: ah yes, ports. Yeah, that's the one. | 07:13 |
_2 | just a thought | 07:13 |
poningru | its not scsi | 07:13 |
poningru | its sata | 07:13 |
poningru | I thought it was scsi he said it was a laptop | 07:13 |
Necrosan | Flannel: You sure that will work? The guide you linked is pointing me to hd-media.. | 07:13 |
poningru | doubt a 2008 laptop has scsi hdd | 07:13 |
_2 | hmmm ok. | 07:13 |
liye | CaptainMorgan, yup, it is SATA HD, i think | 07:13 |
poningru | no clue why though | 07:13 |
_2 | still a sleep 4 might fix it. | 07:13 |
Necrosan | I have a feeling once I reboot to the installer there will be no turning back ;) | 07:13 |
poningru | anyway going to bed | 07:13 |
somethingclever | someone please help me fix my video problem, its the only thing right now keeping me from windows completely | 07:14 |
Flannel | Necrosan: I imagine the naming differences have to do with ports vs official | 07:14 |
Baz_ | is it true that dmraid, and therefore linux, does not support intel bios raid 5? raid... | 07:15 |
uramagget | after i was forced to reboot (by pressing the power button) due to ubuntu freezing, i've found out that it is gone from my OS list. It was installed using Wubi. | 07:15 |
uramagget | .any known way to fix this? | 07:16 |
Necrosan | Flannel: There's definitely a difference between hd-media and cdrom initrd and vmlinuz | 07:16 |
liye | CaptainMorgan, maybe i | 07:16 |
Necrosan | File sizes are way off in the i386 branch | 07:16 |
liye | CaptainMorgan, maybe i had better to install 8.04 | 07:16 |
Necrosan | Must not be an hd-media image built, I assume? | 07:16 |
_2 | Baz_ reverse in question. true is it that intel doesn't support linux in their raid5 :) | 07:16 |
Flannel | Necrosan: you may be able to find some other form of media-less installation: | 07:16 |
lee1733 | Is it possible to have GeeXboX uShare point to a folder on a windows partition? | 07:16 |
liye | I'm so tired to handle these type errors | 07:16 |
Joe_ | please... I've lost 2 weeks of work to this damn upgrade... please can somoene help me fix this nvidia-glx-96 issue | 07:17 |
Kuwanger | Necrosan: If you have a second computer, netboot is a way to go. | 07:17 |
Baz_ | _2: oh really is that true? I thought bios raid was OS independent and it was upto the OS to code to it?? | 07:17 |
=== lee1733 is now known as Luckilee | ||
rutger | hi | 07:19 |
rutger | Anyone here? | 07:19 |
somethingclever | yo | 07:19 |
rutger | Wondering if u could help. I been all over the FAQ and can't find anything. | 07:19 |
somethingclever | whats up | 07:20 |
rwparris2 | how do i browse to ~/ in the file browser? | 07:20 |
rutger | It shows network manager installed but I don't see it there. | 07:20 |
Necrosan | i have a mac | 07:20 |
Necrosan | powerpc though | 07:20 |
_2 | rwparris2 up one level | 07:20 |
zyrorl | hey is anyone else having problem logging onto msn with the pidgin that is released with intrepid | 07:20 |
_2 | rwparris2 cd into .. | 07:20 |
zyrorl | i've been having problems from day ... and its just coming up with MSNunable to retrieve msn address book | 07:21 |
Digital7 | what can i do to produce an output log during bootup? i can't figure out what's going wrong here, and i can't boot up anymore (no error is present when it hangs) | 07:21 |
rutger | I am very use windows and am new to Ubuntu. How do I open network manager. | 07:21 |
Necrosan | oh sweet | 07:21 |
Necrosan | i wont need to | 07:21 |
Necrosan | awesome | 07:21 |
miranda_psi | rutger: should be a picture of two computers in the system tray at the top right | 07:21 |
somethingclever | how do i get my videos to stop giving me seizures? they are flashing badly | 07:21 |
rutger | yea | 07:21 |
rutger | So is this considered my network manager? | 07:22 |
shazoor | when cannonical will update ubuntu human theme>? | 07:22 |
Baz_ | _2: so regardless of whose fault it is, do you confirm that intel bios raid-5 is not possible on ubunut? | 07:22 |
somethingclever | my vids | 07:22 |
somethingclever | my vids shake like micheal J fox | 07:22 |
Kuwanger | Necrosan: Basically any computer will do for the netboot server (I ended up using a win98 machine to install ubuntu). | 07:22 |
_2 | Baz_ sorry, no i cant comfirm nor deny. maybe a look at !hardware would though | 07:23 |
miranda_psi | rutger: you can do everything you need to from there - left and right clicks give you different options | 07:23 |
Flannel | !repeat | somethingclever | 07:23 |
ubottu | somethingclever: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:23 |
_2 | !hardware > Baz_ | 07:23 |
ubottu | Baz_, please see my private message | 07:23 |
Baz_ | _2: ah ok, thank you | 07:23 |
ized | hi all! after upgrade to ibex my video-mode on boot-up isn't set correctly, so i have to choose it manually from a list of modes. please: how can i fix this ? | 07:23 |
somethingclever | damnit | 07:23 |
rutger | Anyone know what the deal is on the netgear WN111 wireless adapter? | 07:23 |
chris248 | so what information management is there for Ubuntu? | 07:23 |
chris248 | like Outlook, Zoot, Chandler | 07:24 |
Necrosan | Kuwanger: what about this method - | 07:24 |
_2 | !info kontact | 07:24 |
zyrorl | anyone else having problems with pidgin and msn? | 07:24 |
ubottu | kontact (source: kdepim): KDE pim application. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 513 kB, installed size 1664 kB | 07:24 |
zyrorl | or is it just me? | 07:24 |
Digital7 | nutger: did you already try ndiswrapper? | 07:25 |
_2 | what's the gnome version of that ? | 07:25 |
_2 | !info evolution | 07:25 |
ubottu | evolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2678 kB, installed size 9092 kB | 07:25 |
_2 | chris248 ^ ? | 07:25 |
zyrorl | !info pidgin | 07:25 |
ubottu | pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB | 07:25 |
Leo | hello | 07:27 |
Leo | anybody there? | 07:27 |
VideoSmith | Leo: Yes, all 1261 of us. | 07:28 |
VideoSmith | Leo: People were talking until you got here at least. :P I was just opening this tab to see what's goin' on. | 07:28 |
Leo | me too | 07:29 |
ized | after upgrade to ibex my video-mode on boot-up isn't set correctly, so i have to choose it manually from a list of modes. where can i set the mode?? | 07:29 |
VideoSmith | I don't know too much, I only just a couple days ago learned about the "repository philosophy". But who knows I might be useful ;) | 07:30 |
amina | I don't understand my upload speeds. Is there any priority mechanism in Ubuntu? I go up to 150KB/s with bittorrent but can't go higher than 30KB/s with ftp. | 07:30 |
_2 | !usplash | 07:31 |
ubottu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 07:31 |
_2 | ized ^ | 07:31 |
Necrosan | crap | 07:31 |
Necrosan | forgot to untar initrd.img | 07:31 |
Leo | the command [sudo] does not seem to work well on my computer. | 07:33 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
Leo | does anyone met the same problem? | 07:33 |
_2 | Leo it either works or doesn't, sudo echo boo | 07:33 |
_2 | if it says boo at you it's working | 07:33 |
Leo | okay let me try | 07:34 |
Starnestommy | Leo: what do you mean by "does not seem to work well?" | 07:34 |
lowerlogic | hi, does anyone know how to set up a logitech usb headset? I've been searching the web and trying things for the past 3 hours without success. | 07:35 |
Leo | when i input a command ,it order my password ,then input the pwd, it shows that can not find the command | 07:35 |
Starnestommy | Leo: what command? | 07:35 |
Flannel | Leo: Does the command without sudo work? | 07:35 |
_2 | !tab > Leo | 07:35 |
ubottu | Leo, please see my private message | 07:35 |
Joe_ | since my MB doesn't support two cards, I've been using the Quadro NVS280 PCI but Intrepid doesn't like it... does anyone know of a good upgrade? | 07:36 |
Joe_ | that does work with intrepid | 07:36 |
Leo | for example, sudo apt-get install ** | 07:36 |
Leo | ok | 07:36 |
Flannel | Leo: it says apt-get not found? | 07:36 |
Leo | hold on a second,please | 07:38 |
=== cakey|lunch is now known as cakey | ||
Wald1 | Hello, stupid question. If I launch an application from a terminal window, the window stays tied up until I close the application. Is there a way to return it to normal function afterward, or to launch applications from it without it doing that in the first place? | 07:40 |
Fiberchunks | howdy, can any of you folks explain to me why a command line dig <hostname> works very rapidly, but through xchat or firefox DNS lookups are hellaciously slow? | 07:41 |
Flannel | Wald1: you can do `command &` and that'll free up the terminal. | 07:41 |
Flannel | Wald1: but if you close the terminal, the window will close | 07:41 |
zyrorl | does anyone here use msn in pidgin? | 07:42 |
zyrorl | at all/ | 07:42 |
zyrorl | or are you all anti microsoft enough not to bother using msn either..? | 07:42 |
_2 | Wald1 the "nohup" command is made for that also if you don't want to just drop the process to the backgound but rather completely "disown" it. | 07:42 |
Starnestommy | zyrorl: I recall heaeing something about MSN having issues with their SSL certificates recently | 07:42 |
zyrorl | :( | 07:43 |
zyrorl | i can't connect, it says unable to retrieve msn address book | 07:43 |
ubuntuHelpMePlea | hi all | 07:43 |
zyrorl | empathy on gnome and windows live messenger on my winblows box | 07:43 |
zyrorl | work | 07:43 |
zyrorl | but empathy < pidgin | 07:43 |
blurr | any staffers on tonight? | 07:43 |
rutger | Anyone know the answer about if Ubuntu is capable with Netgear WN111 Wiresless USB Adapter? | 07:44 |
ubuntuHelpMePlea | i`ve installed ubuntu as application, now GRUB is ok but my virtual paroot patition won`t boot. please i`m in work now, help me | 07:44 |
somethingclever | so all flash works in window mode, but if i try to watch som in fullscreen, it messes up, any ideas? | 07:45 |
Leo | hello | 07:45 |
MFF-EL-BORI | Hola | 07:45 |
MFF-EL-BORI | Primera ves q entro a un irc | 07:45 |
Wald1 | _2: The nohup command seems to work well for opening my embedded desktop stuff from the Terminal. Thanks! | 07:46 |
Grad | help my | 07:46 |
Flannel | !es | MFF-EL-BORI | 07:46 |
ubottu | MFF-EL-BORI: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 07:46 |
jschall | sound is out of sync with video in flash player 10 in intrepid | 07:47 |
Grad | my rasha | 07:47 |
MFF-EL-BORI | how i can enter ubuntu-es irc chat? | 07:47 |
jschall | MFF-EL-BORI: /join #ubuntu-es | 07:47 |
MFF-EL-BORI | thanks jschall | 07:47 |
MFF-EL-BORI | i hope you guys have a nice day bye | 07:48 |
ubuntuHelpMePlea | my seeror is a message: GRUB error 39: GRUB was not booted from DOS or the backup copy of DOS at physical address 0x200000 | 07:48 |
ubuntuHelpMePlea | is corrupt | 07:48 |
Grad | àìåðèêàíöåâ íàêàë | 07:48 |
ubuntuHelpMePlea | is some other channel where i`ll get help? | 07:49 |
somethingclever | would wine and flash work better if i turned off my desktop effects? | 07:49 |
Wald1 | Also, what command would I use to kill one terminal window but not another? 'pkill gnome-terminal something-something-window title'? | 07:51 |
tayfun | hello room i wanna ask a question so i ve heard people can install ubuntu in nintendo ds so i found one and download it but it dosnt work. | 07:51 |
tayfun | ? | 07:51 |
Baz_ | hey, when I'm installing software RAID and I am at the point of "Create MD device", do I create a new MD device for each partition (/, /home, swap)? Or just once? | 07:52 |
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suigeneris | how do I get cut to to use a space as a delimiter? | 07:54 |
Grad | âû âñå ïïèïèïïèïïè | 07:54 |
zmanning | i love ubuntu | 07:55 |
Starnestommy | suigeneris: maybe -d' ' | 07:55 |
jschall | audio and video are out of sync in flash player 10 in intrepid ibex, anyone know the problem? q6600@2.8ghz, 4gb ddr1066 | 07:55 |
tayfun | where can i find some nice applications for linux ubuntu ? | 07:56 |
tayfun | where can i find some nice applications for linux ubuntu ? | 07:56 |
tayfun | where can i find some nice applications for linux ubuntu ? | 07:56 |
FloodBot1 | tayfun: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:56 |
tayfun | where can i find some nice applications for linux ubuntu ? | 07:56 |
blurr | tayfun: google | 07:56 |
LSD|Ninja | tayfun: System -> Admin -> Synaptic Package Manager | 07:57 |
jschall | tayfun: it is not acceptable to ask the same question more than once in a short space of time. please stop spamming. | 07:57 |
tayfun | hahahahah how funny blurr | 07:57 |
tayfun | thanks ninja | 07:57 |
LSD|Ninja | tayfun: Or Add/Renmove Programs in the main GNOME menu | 07:57 |
tayfun | perfect ninja thanks | 07:57 |
tayfun | i m gonna check it | 07:57 |
deags | i sent something ot the mailing list yesterday | 07:57 |
deags | still nothing | 07:57 |
deags | whats going on | 07:57 |
jschall | tayfun: in the future, please do not spam. | 07:57 |
tayfun | jscahlll dont write it anymore man i said already ok | 07:58 |
LSD|Ninja | tayfun: there's also a few neat things in the medibuntu repo if you want to add that too | 07:58 |
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tayfun | ninja i m lookin for some software for the ubuntu kinda like nmap | 07:58 |
zmanning | hey where is the best place to put applications (/usr/share?) | 07:58 |
LSD|Ninja | zmanning: wherever apt puts them ;) | 07:59 |
tayfun | u know i used to use xp so i m new in ubuntu i found nmap and amazing so i thought maybe there is more softwares kinda lik that | 07:59 |
LSD|Ninja | zmanning: it's never a good idea to play games with the package manager | 07:59 |
jschall | tayfun: "sudo apt-get install nmap" or system->admin->synaptic->search nmap->install | 07:59 |
zmanning | LSD|Ninja: eh well not everything is available from apt | 07:59 |
Starnestommy | zmanning: /usr/local for things not installed using the package managers. /usr is fine for most things installed by the package manager | 07:59 |
tayfun | jschall dont u read what i wrote i wrote i have already nmap | 07:59 |
Starnestommy | zmanning: see also `man hier` | 07:59 |
LSD|Ninja | zmanning: Rule 34.1: if it exists, someone somewhere has probably made a .deb for it | 08:00 |
jschall | tayfun: you said you wanted something like nmap, never mentioned having it. nmap is like nmap. | 08:00 |
zmanning | LSD|Ninja: hahaha awesome | 08:00 |
blurr | lol jschall | 08:00 |
zmanning | LSD|Ninja: i lold | 08:00 |
tayfun | i said i found a software nmap i have it already and wanna have more kinda things like that | 08:00 |
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jschall | tayfun: if you don't have a specific need, then you're going to have a tough time finding specific software. | 08:01 |
tayfun | jschall tell me are you bored ? you need someone to talk ? then u are in wrong place i m not the person who you looking for man | 08:01 |
tayfun | so thanks for the help and bye for you help someone else i m sure that there is a lot of people who could need your help | 08:02 |
blurr | tayfun, you looking for pentesting tools? | 08:02 |
tayfun | yeah | 08:02 |
barrel | why is audio in ubuntu or linux in general so complicated....I have an optical audio connection to receiver but sound only works for dts and dolby digital...can someone help me? | 08:02 |
blurr | tayfun, specifically on ubuntu? | 08:03 |
tayfun | yeah | 08:03 |
tayfun | so ? | 08:03 |
nitai | whats the command to open a directory with thunar ? | 08:04 |
nitai | im using fluxbox and want to add a command to open a folder in my home | 08:04 |
Joe_ | where is the list of supported nvidia cards for intrepid? | 08:04 |
Joe_ | I can't find it again... | 08:04 |
nitai | i think the command goes something like this -> thunar \home/pictures | 08:05 |
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blurr | tayfun, just portscanners? or packet capturing, mitm etc | 08:05 |
ubuntuHelpMePlea | how to fix that?: sage: GRUB error 39: GRUB was not booted from DOS or the backup copy of DOS at physical address 0x200000 is corrupt | 08:05 |
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tayfun | blurr port scanners and admin netz tools like ip sniffer netstat -n paket maanager and kinda like this | 08:06 |
blurr | tayfun, have you tried backtrack? purpose built for pentesting | 08:07 |
tayfun | and i m looking for a dictionary software like brutus ( brute force ) for some files what i have in winrar they have password | 08:07 |
tayfun | and i gotta open them | 08:07 |
tayfun | is this a applications back track? | 08:07 |
blurr | tayfun, nah its another distro | 08:08 |
_2 | hmmm i'm having a network issue on one box on my lan, i can ping my gateway just fine, and the routing table looks ok. but can't ping anything on the i(outer)net by name ??? seems to be an reslov.conf issue bur the local /etc/resolve.conf matches the gateway /etc/resolv.conf ??? | 08:08 |
tayfun | blurr give me some softwares names | 08:08 |
tayfun | so i m gonna check it out | 08:08 |
_2 | any thoughts ? | 08:09 |
blurr | tayfun, have a look at backtrack. will do everything you need. | 08:09 |
tayfun | ok | 08:10 |
neil_d | getpwnam() is returning an error :( No such file or directory ..... what file ? | 08:10 |
CAiRO_ | _2: well, try to use "dig" to see if the dsn server is reachable from your lan box | 08:10 |
_Cid | !backtrack | 08:10 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about backtrack | 08:10 |
Joe_ | ok, it's been so long... how do I tell what mother board I have without opening the case up? | 08:10 |
_Cid | oh ...its on I seem to recall | 08:10 |
CAiRO_ | _2: eg "dig @dns.server.ip" | 08:10 |
_2 | CAiRO_ checking | 08:11 |
_Cid | Joe: look at the manual that you kept nicely with the original driver CDs all these years ;-) | 08:11 |
CuriosLinux | Wow. I guess they really want me to go ask someone for help. | 08:11 |
CuriosLinux | Install xchat, start it and it autoconnects me here. | 08:11 |
_2 | CAiRO_ ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached | 08:12 |
blurr | any staffers in here? | 08:12 |
_Cid | Joe: seriosly - while you can find out what chips you got individually (like CPU, embedded sound etc etc) I know of no command that will striaght up tell you what MB you got :/ | 08:12 |
Starnestommy | blurr: staffers of what? | 08:12 |
blurr | starnestommy, freenode? | 08:12 |
Joe_ | _Cid ok, mainly I just need to know what PCI-E slot it has (it's old, and I put it together years ago), just want to make sure it'll support a new graphics card before I buy it | 08:13 |
Starnestommy | blurr: join #freenode and state what you need there | 08:13 |
CAiRO_ | _2: well, maybe your router isnt doing what it should do? | 08:13 |
_2 | CAiRO_ ? it's a ubuntu box | 08:13 |
blurr | starnestommy, thnx | 08:13 |
Necrosan | Flannel: the netboot method i posted seems to be working | 08:13 |
Necrosan | we shall see ;) | 08:13 |
_Cid | Joe_: uh old ....PCI-E is not THAT old ...I tend to use old MB's for linux boxes - and with my definition of old ... we still talking AGP | 08:14 |
lianimator | EOG 2.24.1 takes 10 seconds to load... anyone also having this? | 08:14 |
CAiRO_ | _2: well, i dont know if ubuntu is configure to gateway network traffic by default | 08:14 |
_Cid | Joe_: seriously, before you buy - it seems worthwhile to put a phillips #3 to the test ;-) | 08:14 |
_2 | CAiRO_ it's not the gateway. if it were it would affect all boxen | 08:14 |
_Cid | Joe_: you need to open it anyway to install said card .... whats the harm? ;-) | 08:14 |
Joe_ | _Cid: Well... I built it before I moved here, which means at least 3 years ago, and I didn't have much to spend... so :P | 08:14 |
_Cid | Joe_: seriously doubt it has PCI-E then | 08:14 |
Joe_ | _Cid having to open it up, find out, put back together, turn on, research cards, buy card... | 08:15 |
* _2 warns that "default" isn't in his vocabulary | 08:15 | |
CAiRO_ | _2: ah, ok, can you ping external servers by their ips from your lan box? | 08:15 |
Fiberchunks | why oh why does network manager suck so much? | 08:15 |
Joe_ | _Cid yes, I'm just trying to be lazy... I know the cards it currently has is a GeForce 6200 and a Quadro NVS280 PCI | 08:15 |
_2 | CAiRO_ yessir | 08:15 |
pooger | wow...thats a fair few users >< | 08:15 |
_Cid | Joe_: "put back together" seems like an optional step ;-) but even then, faster than buying blindly box ... put box back together ..take card back to store more research, order old card online ;-) | 08:16 |
CAiRO_ | _2: hmm, and does the dsn check work from other boxes in your lan? | 08:16 |
_2 | CAiRO_ yessir | 08:16 |
_2 | with the exact same /etc/resolv.conf i might add | 08:16 |
_Cid | Joe_: good question though ...can we see what kind of BUS we got going ... humm..worth a try | 08:17 |
CAiRO_ | _2: hmm, thats strange.. maybe your have a difference in the routing configuration or maybe youve set up some iptables rules on the problematic box? | 08:17 |
pooger | I was wondering if anyone might know why my ubuntu has an odd quirk. I have music on an internal harddrive. Audacious wont play it until I manually open the harddrive from nautillus. It seems kind of like a permissions thing? | 08:17 |
_2 | i'm not sure why the wlan and eth are showing up in "ifocnfig" on that box though. only br0 should be showing... | 08:17 |
_2 | CAiRO_ i hadn't thought of iptables, but i'll check | 08:18 |
albech | did anyone try to run win7 under virtualbox? | 08:18 |
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_2 | CAiRO_ nope all clean there | 08:18 |
CAiRO_ | _2: you could try to put down those interfaces you don't need... ifdown eth0 or ifconfig eth0 down | 08:19 |
zmanning | what exactly is Create a USB Startup Disk? | 08:19 |
Ahadiel | albech, sounds like more of a #virtualbox question | 08:19 |
CAiRO_ | _2: even though i would think those other interfaces dont do any harm if you can ping external servers by their ips | 08:19 |
albech | Ahadiel: you are probably right, but i was just trying here ;) | 08:19 |
_2 | CAiRO_ ummm, yeah i could... i'll probably lose sshd that way, but i have physical access too | 08:19 |
_Cid | Joe_: I dont know, and I got no pci-e here not sure what to look for .... sorry ...I would imagine there would be SOMETHING in dmesg or so | 08:20 |
CAiRO_ | _2: ah, ok, than don't | 08:20 |
_Cid | Joe_: oh ...err..I think I do have pci-express ..... try dmesg | grep pci see what you get | 08:21 |
CAiRO_ | _2: you could maybe try to find out if you can reach other dns servers from your problematic box | 08:21 |
_2 | CAiRO_ heh too late. and killing both interfaces errored with/ run-parts: /etc/network/if-down.d/resolvconf exited with return code 1 | 08:21 |
_2 | maybbe i need to remove some /etc/network/if*/crap | 08:21 |
CAiRO_ | _2: well, i would try to find out why the connection to the dsn server cannot be made.. there has to be a reason for that | 08:23 |
_2 | CAiRO_ yes, give me a minute to reset the box after changing some scripts. i'll let you know how it goes. | 08:25 |
CAiRO_ | _2: ok, good luck | 08:26 |
rorot | My BIOS loading Was VERY SLOW, why ? | 08:26 |
Joe_ | _Cid: Ok... it is older than I thought... AGP card | 08:27 |
neil_d | other than /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group what files does getpwnam() require ? | 08:27 |
Starnestommy | neil_d: maybe /etc/nsswitch.conf | 08:28 |
* _Cid is resisting the *I told you so* | 08:28 | |
unop | neil_d, require?? those should cover it | 08:29 |
unop | neil_d, but /etc/g{shadow,passwd} might be used too | 08:29 |
_Cid | Joe_: mind you - you can get some pretty nifty AGP cards for a pretty good price - what kind of graphic needs you got? ...I dont game much (anymore) but I ran wow (under wine) full raid settings with a nvidia AGP under linux | 08:29 |
Joe_ | _CId 4 monitors | 08:30 |
_Cid | Joe_: ah..I see | 08:31 |
Joe_ | _Cid: I was using GeForce 6200 and Quadro NVS280PCI (Now I remember why I found that damn PCI card), Intrepid doesn't like either | 08:31 |
_Cid | Joe_: I got zilch experience in multiple monitors, sorry :/ | 08:32 |
p4rse | proftpd wont start, says "hansserver - fatal: Socket operation on non-socket" (hansserver is my hostname) | 08:32 |
_2 | hmmm i seem to be making matters worse. now i can't even ping by ip anything on the inet. | 08:33 |
_Cid | p4rse: you made sure nothing else runs on that port? :) and/or that whatever user you trying to start it with have rights to write in /var ? (just things of the top of my head | 08:33 |
_Cid | p4rse: when I say /var ...its whatever file its trying to set its lock file | 08:34 |
_2 | CAiRO_ no joy. | 08:34 |
Joe_ | _Cid mainly used for work (programing, low-graphics) so most I use it for is to watch a tv show or two | 08:34 |
p4rse | _Cid: sudo started it | 08:34 |
_Cid | p4rse: was a permission thingy then, oh well - now you rocking :-) | 08:35 |
_Cid | Joe_: I am impressed - you can program on 4 screens at the time ;-) | 08:35 |
p4rse | _Cid: i mean i when i did "sudo proftpd" i got that error | 08:35 |
_Cid | p4rse: oh :/ | 08:35 |
Joe_ | _Cid heh, 1-2 for the actual code, rest is for references and test copies | 08:36 |
Lana | any other webcam compatible programs other than kopete? | 08:36 |
Joe_ | _Cid actually have 5 monitors, my server (where I'm at right now) | 08:36 |
sleepy_cat | hi | 08:36 |
_Cid | what is standard ftp again ...21? | 08:36 |
blurr | yeah | 08:36 |
_2 | ok, i found it. the wlan0 being up but not turned on (no ap avalable) seems to have been interfearing with dns resolution for some "unknown to me" reason. | 08:36 |
_Cid | p4rse: have a look to see if that port is in use already - try 'netstat -n | grep 23' | 08:37 |
Starnestommy | _Cid: 20 and 21 | 08:37 |
_2 | CAiRO_ found it. | 08:37 |
_Cid | p4rse: err..21 I meant ....not 23 ...that is..err..telnet? | 08:37 |
* _Cid forgets his ports | 08:37 | |
sleepy_cat | wI saw the harddisks in the system monitor it showed me 2 one sda1 which is of type ext3 and the other one is .gvfs can u tell me wht these are | 08:37 |
Zeelot | hi guys I need a lot of help please, I have a 2TB raid set and it used to have a bunch of partitions and an ntfs drive for my data (about 1.5TB), but I expanded the ntfs partition with I think GParted and now I cant access it (it shows as 47GB and the rest unpartitioned but I deleted the older partitions and expanded the NTFS partition to take the whole drive) | 08:38 |
Zeelot | I have all my data on this 1.5 TB partition and I just wanted to expand it to use all 2TB, after I expanded it I could access it but then I rebooted and now I cannot anymore | 08:38 |
Zeelot | please any help or direction would be _very_ appreciated | 08:38 |
armyriad | On my school computer, the installed version of Emacs is old. I do not have administrator privileges. Is it possible to locally install a recent copy of Emacs? | 08:38 |
_Cid | p4rse: you could also check by doing a 'ftp localhost' I suppose | 08:38 |
Digital7 | what's the name of the open source NVIDIA drivers included on ubuntu's cd? | 08:38 |
lianimator | Running eog gives the message after a long wait: WARNING **: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. | 08:38 |
Digital7 | package name | 08:38 |
_Cid | Digital7: xserver-xorg-video-nv | 08:39 |
p4rse | _Cid: netstat -n | grep 21 returned nothing, 20 returned something with @/org/kernel/udev/udevd | 08:39 |
baKka | ccc | 08:39 |
baKka | what | 08:39 |
click170 | Which is best, Adobe Flash Player (*cringe*), Swfdex SWF player, or Gnash SWF Player? | 08:39 |
p4rse | _Cid: ftp localhost got "connecton refused" | 08:39 |
p4rse | _Cid: i am running ubuntu server 8.10 btw | 08:40 |
_Cid | p4rse: check it out :) | 08:40 |
saler | :) | 08:41 |
p4rse | _Cid: thanks | 08:42 |
_Cid | p4rse: did that make sense to you? - basically change it to standalone | 08:42 |
p4rse | whats the difference between inetd mode and standalone? | 08:42 |
_Cid | p4rse: its basically a matter of how you organize your servers - I am sure other people feel strongly for inetd ... but standalone works really well on a nice modern system like Ubuntu | 08:43 |
sleepy_cat | Hi | 08:44 |
_2 | oh man this is nice. Memory Used/Total Percent: 9/439 MB (2%) | 08:44 |
_2 | Swap Used/Total Percent: 0/0 MB (0%) | 08:44 |
sleepy_cat | I saw the harddisks in the system monitor it showed me 2 one sda1 which is of type ext3 and the other one is .gvfs can u tell me wht these are | 08:44 |
_Cid | p4rse: I havent used inetd in ages, but it used to be the one place where you defined all your services ... so you could 'restart all internet services' with one command | 08:44 |
Starnestommy | sleepy_cat: what do you mean by that? | 08:44 |
p4rse | _Cid: ok, will standalone start automatically on reboot etc like most daemons do? | 08:44 |
BinaryBoy000 | How do I enable my playlist to automatically load using amarok? | 08:45 |
_Cid | p4rse: check if it put an entry in the init dirs ... most likely it did check in /etc/init.d do you see a proftp link? | 08:46 |
p4rse | _Cid: yes | 08:47 |
_Cid | p4rse: I think you good then :) | 08:47 |
p4rse | _Cid: so everything thats linked in /etc/init.d/ will start automatically? | 08:47 |
_Cid | p4rse: those are the init scripts .... assuming there are links to the scripts from the init startup levels... which are located ...err..gimme a sec (man I need caffein) | 08:48 |
_Cid | p4rse: /etc/rcX.d where X represent the run level | 08:48 |
_Cid | p4rse: have a look in fx /etc/rc2.d | 08:49 |
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_Cid | p4rse: see all those links? (executed alphabetically - hence the naming convention) | 08:49 |
Lana | can someone please help me with using my webcam in ubuntu | 08:49 |
p4rse | _Cid: oh i see, cool | 08:50 |
_Cid | p4rse: I am guessing you got a proftp in either rc2 or rc3 if you do ...then it will call the script in init.d | 08:50 |
Lana | I've tried several programs and tutorials, nothing is working | 08:50 |
p4rse | _Cid: yes its in rc3.d :) | 08:50 |
_Cid | p4rse: meaning it wills tart up in run level 3 or higher ... so if you need to boot up in single user mode (run level 1) it will not start up | 08:50 |
p4rse | _Cid: ok | 08:51 |
_Cid | p4rse: I havent looked at run levels in ages ...used to be 3 was where all server component were and all gui stuff came in 5 ... not sure anymore :) | 08:51 |
Leo | can someone offer me help? | 08:51 |
p4rse | _Cid: hehe ok, thanks for all the help and info :) now proftpd is up and running :D | 08:52 |
Gianpon | Hi everyone. I need a simple html editor, possibly an online one to create graphically simple tables to add to my blog, I thinked to download an html editor but i found only heavy suites that not fit my need a simple tool, can anyone help me please? | 08:52 |
Leo | i use the sudo command ,it keeping ask my password,why? | 08:52 |
_Cid | p4rse: sweet know FTP is notorious un-secure right? ;-) | 08:52 |
_Cid | Gianpon: personal preference, but I like blue fish | 08:52 |
_Cid | Leo: its security ;-) if you do not like it ... you can run as root ...its not recommended though | 08:52 |
Starnestommy | Leo: it's supposed to ask for a password | 08:52 |
blip- | hi all, i'm running ubuntu 8.04. Yesterday I installed the new kernel and when asked to replace menu.lst i let it create one (after backing up my own). For some reason with the new autogenerated menu.lst I'm unable to boot any of the installed kernels including the new one .23... i'm getting an Error 15 File Not found message. any ideas what's causing this ? I can't boot any kernel other than the one i'm using now | 08:53 |
blip- | ( thanks | 08:53 |
* _Cid wonders if he is about to be channel kicked for suggesting using root ... | 08:53 | |
Leo | yeah, and i give it the administrator password | 08:53 |
_Cid | Leo: for sudo, you should use your own password | 08:53 |
_Cid | Leo: when you as a regular user need to perform actions reserved for super users will prompt you for the passwd | 08:54 |
p4rse | _Cid: how do i make it more secure? basically what i need is that each user has ftp access to ~/ | 08:54 |
Leo | i am the other guess session | 08:54 |
_Cid | Leo: shrug.... you can make yourself root then if you like .... <insert standard disclaimer> 'sudo su' | 08:55 |
Leo | ok | 08:55 |
Starnestommy | _Cid: sudo -i is safer | 08:55 |
Gianpon | _Cid: Bluefish is not a very coprehensive editor? I agree with you that a program that can do great thing can do well the little ones also, but I'm not really using html... | 08:55 |
_Cid | p4rse: use encrypted file transfers ;-) or at least sandbox your ftp access | 08:55 |
_Cid | Starnestommy: never did that ...whats thedifference? | 08:55 |
p4rse | _Cid: sandbox ftp access? | 08:56 |
_Cid | p4rse: openssh come with some great stuff, including secure file transfer - that way no one can sniff your mates username/password | 08:56 |
_Cid | p4rse: they would need a secure ... err..WinSCP ...or something like that (if they are on windows) | 08:56 |
p4rse | p4rse: oh, is it easy to set up? | 08:56 |
p4rse | lol | 08:57 |
p4rse | oops | 08:57 |
p4rse | im studip | 08:57 |
kj4hzw__ | remove username/p from that statement and it becomes quite funny | 08:57 |
_Cid | p4rse: sandbox means a closed of area of your server, so even if it is comprimised, thats as far as they go | 08:57 |
p4rse | _Cid: ok. is openssh file transfer easy to set up? | 08:57 |
_Cid | p4rse: openssh is easy to set up, yeah 'apt-get install openssh-server' | 08:58 |
hateball | p4rse: apt-get install ssh | 08:58 |
_Cid | p4rse: I think it will ask you some questions, and help you generate a key | 08:58 |
_Cid | p4rse: now your work is done ...just need to make sure your users use a secure client | 08:58 |
armyriad | How can I install software without sudo privileges? | 08:58 |
p4rse | i already have sshd, but how do i use the secure file transfering thing? | 08:58 |
Gianpon | in addition to it I'd like a software with an easy to use GUI for tables. Surely i can edit it manually, but it will require a lot of time and a nice coding is not so important in my case | 08:58 |
_Cid | p4rse: assuming your friends on are on windows - this one works great (and its free) | 08:59 |
_Cid | p4rse: its part of the bundle baby, you already done ;-) | 08:59 |
_Cid | Gianpon: yeah, agreed - bue fish is mostly text based ...sorry ...thats as far as my leet html coding goes ;-) | 08:59 |
_Cid | p4rse: whoever can ssh in ...can also scp in | 09:00 |
p4rse | _Cid: oh, nice | 09:00 |
Gianpon | _Cid: No problem, thank you! | 09:00 |
cjns3274 | how do I turn off antialising for small fonts on the gdm/gnome login screen? | 09:02 |
p4rse | Gianpon: tables in html are really easy actually... <table><tr><td>row 1 cell 1</td><td>row 1 cell 2</td></tr></table> | 09:02 |
_Cid | Gianpon: you looked at NVU? | 09:03 |
p4rse | Gianpon: i would say learn html instead of hunting down a good html editor for linux and then learning that program... | 09:04 |
_Cid | Gianpon: | 09:04 |
=== Gumby is now known as |test| | ||
=== |test| is now known as Gumby | ||
Gianpon | p4rse: yes, I know and I can made a table textually, but it is a long process to do considering the fact that the contents of the table will be something that you read once and then forget about them... | 09:05 |
=== kevin_ is now known as kevin83 | ||
* _Cid is watching the NVU video ...looks fancy | 09:06 | |
Gianpon | p4rse: in addition to it I'm not trying to build a nice site, I only need some html code to paste on my blog | 09:07 |
p4rse | Gianpon: what do you need? i could try slapping up a quick table for you | 09:08 |
sleepy_cat | I saw 2 harddisks in the system monitor it showed me 2 one sda1 which is of type ext3 and the other one is .gvfs can u tell me wht these are | 09:08 |
_Cid | !gvfs | 09:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gvfs | 09:09 |
_Cid | its a gnome virtual file system | 09:09 |
_Cid | sleepy_cat: here you go :-) | 09:09 |
Gianpon | p4rse: I need something stupid like this:, where I can insert datas and have in response some code. Maybe it will be useful to have the possibility to paste some code and edit it. That's all! | 09:10 |
Artanis00 | Is there any way to get rhythmbox to treat a lowly thumbdrive like an iPod for syncing purposes? | 09:12 |
Melik | Artanis00, | 09:13 |
Melik | banshee has ipod support i think | 09:13 |
Melik | try installing banshee | 09:14 |
Artanis00 | Melik: I'm thinking the other way round: trying to treat a usb thumbdrive as if it was an iPod. | 09:16 |
Melik | oh | 09:17 |
Melik | no idea | 09:17 |
_Cid | Artanis00: no idea ...can rhytmbox place some music in a custom folder? ...then you could use rsync :P | 09:18 |
_Cid | Artanis00: (keep 2 fodlers in sync) | 09:19 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: possibly | 09:19 |
_Cid | Artanis00: then it would work both ways ... you recorded some new awesome music int he studio it on your key ... sync you got it in rhytm | 09:20 |
Artanis00 | true | 09:20 |
Gianpon | that's interesting: you can just paste you OOCalc text and have a table back | 09:21 |
_Cid | Gianpon: did you look at nvu ? :) (just making sure it didnt get lost in channel spam) | 09:21 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: though it lacks in the ability to sync only a certain playlist, i think | 09:22 |
_Cid | Artanis00: lacks lot of stuff, not really a solution - just a hack :P | 09:22 |
Artanis00 | I know | 09:22 |
_Cid | Artanis00: how are plyalists stored? ..could you parse it ? ;-) | 09:23 |
_Cid | Artanis00: I it just a bunch of text? :) | 09:23 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: I think it's in rhyhtmbox's DB until you export. | 09:23 |
Artanis00 | then it becomes a .pls file | 09:24 |
_Cid | Artanis00: which could be parsed...and parse to rsync? ;-) | 09:24 |
Artanis00 | probably | 09:24 |
Gianpon | _Cid: Yes, I had a glimpse on it, but everything seems too professional and heavy for my poor old laptop, so i continued my search of some online tools | 09:24 |
_Cid | Gianpon: oki :-) | 09:24 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: just need a way to automate playlist export, then | 09:24 |
_Cid | Artanis00: is there a CLI interface to rhytmbox? | 09:25 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: yes | 09:25 |
_Cid | Artanis00: hehe ..wont be pretty - but sounds doable | 09:25 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: but there's no playlist export on it | 09:26 |
sunny | hi | 09:26 |
_Cid | Artanis00 rhythmbox-client --print-playing ...will print the current songs ... humm..maybe not | 09:26 |
vince38 | hi to all | 09:27 |
_Cid | Artanis00: oh well, i tried - I need a few minutes to heat up a bottle for the little one, brb ;-) | 09:27 |
Artanis00 | _Cid: thanks for your help | 09:27 |
vince38 | is there someone using a k7 kernel ? id like to have the output of uname -r please | 09:27 |
sunny | no | 09:28 |
rio__ | hi can anyone tell me what is the name of icons scheme for ubntu 8,10 | 09:29 |
sunny | what | 09:30 |
=== ara_ is now known as ara | ||
rio__ | is it called human or tango ? | 09:31 |
rio__ | icon pack | 09:31 |
rio__ | used in ubuntu 8.10 ibex | 09:31 |
fosco_ | both, human by default | 09:31 |
nsadmin | misunderstanding and bewilderment... romantical! | 09:32 |
badfish69 | in my volume control i keep going to "recording" and unmuting the mic and line in, only to have them mute again when i close the volume control. sound card is audigy | 09:33 |
zuberot | I'm having problems logging to MSN using pidgi, I get this message: Unable to retrieve MSN Address Book I've googled but can't find solution | 09:36 |
vince38 | zuberot: same here | 09:36 |
vince38 | zuberot: msn problem i guess | 09:36 |
fosco_ | zuberot: try emesene | 09:36 |
SlimeyPete | yes, apparently everyone is affected | 09:36 |
SlimeyPete | MSN must have changed their configuration slightly | 09:36 |
zuberot | fosco_ emesene works fine, I like Pidgin as my IM client ;) | 09:37 |
blip- | Hi all, in my menu.lst I have 3 ubuntu kernels on there and 1 non-ubuntu distro kernel.... the non-ubuntu boots fine but all the ubuntu's start booting until they reach a stage where it says "Starting Boot scripts /etc/rc.local"... at that point I see brief flashes of a mouse cursor on a black background then it returns to the booting rc.local message and hangs there forever. Can you please help me fix this ? Here is my menu.lst | 09:37 |
blip- | and my unmodified /etc/rc.local . thanks | 09:37 |
batcoder-7 | is xibuntu pretyt much a standard ubuntu system with xfce instead of gnome ? | 09:38 |
SlimeyPete | batcoder-7: yes | 09:39 |
vince38 | yep | 09:39 |
sunny | hai | 09:39 |
batcoder-7 | anything else different ? | 09:39 |
SlimeyPete | batcoder-7: in fact you can turn your ubuntu into xubuntu by just install the xubuntu-desktop package from synaptic | 09:39 |
SlimeyPete | that will allow you to select XFCE (or GNOME, of course) from the login menu | 09:39 |
vince38 | less gnome, more xfce | 09:39 |
batcoder-7 | hmmi installed a regualr xubuntu install | 09:39 |
batcoder-7 | 2 things though | 09:39 |
batcoder-7 | either xfce got more bloated or xubuntu has like 200 daemons in the background i dont need ;) | 09:40 |
sunny | male or female | 09:40 |
SlimeyPete | both, probably | 09:40 |
vince38 | 200 daemons ? | 09:40 |
Gianpon | thank you everyone... I must study a bit now. See you! | 09:40 |
zuberot | why I'm getting this: E: Package pidgin-msn-pecan has no installation candidate | 09:40 |
badfish69 | why does my mic keep muting itself? | 09:41 |
SlimeyPete | zuberot: because it's not in the repositories | 09:41 |
zuberot | SlimeyPete: solution ? | 09:41 |
sunny | male or female? | 09:41 |
SlimeyPete | zuberot: there's a package called "msn-pecan". Maybe that's what you want? | 09:42 |
Digital8 | Is it possible to repair a Ubuntu installation from commandline with the DVD? | 09:42 |
Ububegin | anyone knows where is the #webservice channel | 09:42 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, a standard xubuntu install has got wifi stuff going bluetooth among tons and tons of other things | 09:43 |
sunny | male or female? | 09:43 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: shut this down | 09:43 |
batcoder-7 | huh? | 09:43 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: sorry my english is bad , i meant, deactivate services you don't need | 09:44 |
Flannel | sunny: Please stop. This channel is for Ubuntu support. | 09:44 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, whats your native lang? | 09:44 |
* vince38 is french | 09:45 | |
batcoder-7 | hmmm yea | 09:45 |
batcoder-7 | in french i dont think it would have been used quite that way though hm | 09:45 |
sunny | stupid ans mu question | 09:45 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: sorry i can't get what you mean | 09:46 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, non native speakers make a big mistake of uisng way too many this's and thats | 09:46 |
batcoder-7 | this/that/them 's non engish speakers use too many vince38 but yea | 09:47 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, i hate deactivating services | 09:48 |
batcoder-7 | i fele like they shouldnt be there to begin with heh | 09:48 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: lol , strange philosophy | 09:48 |
batcoder-7 | its very true | 09:48 |
sunny | hi | 09:49 |
batcoder-7 | an engliah speaker would have said, deactivate the services you dont want ;) non english speakers, more so ones that speak a latin based language, feel like they should use english words of germaniac orgin | 09:49 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, i spent some time in france my french was more horrible then your english, only thing i had going for me was a somewhat similar vocabulary | 09:50 |
vince38 | :) | 09:50 |
vince38 | where are you from batcoder-7 ? | 09:51 |
batcoder-7 | usa | 09:51 |
batcoder-7 | miami florida | 09:51 |
batcoder-7 | south part of the usa | 09:51 |
vince38 | ok yes, i know my geography...:-D | 09:52 |
vvd | hey, what was that (relatevely new) app called thats suppose is to ease a kernel update by automatically updating third party modules? | 09:52 |
Seveas | vvd, dkms? | 09:52 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, alot dont heheh | 09:52 |
vvd | Seveas: yeah, ty | 09:52 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: yea, a lot american people :-D | 09:53 |
* batcoder-7 sighs >> typical european :P | 09:54 | |
sunny | hi | 09:55 |
sunny | hai | 09:55 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, no place is really stupid, problem is the french think they are the best and dont need anyone else and the usa thinks the same so yea heh | 09:55 |
sunny | yes | 09:56 |
sunny | how are u | 09:56 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: :-D , it was a joke, but there's some bases of reality in what yoy say , i'd say a high percentage of ppl are not aware of their thoughts of being the best | 09:57 |
sunny | why | 09:57 |
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vince38 | sunny: who are you talking to ? | 09:58 |
sunny | you | 09:58 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, alot of the best stuff can come from perception, canada for instance, many people there think americans think they are the best, but in reality they just see music movies tv etc etcand just assume its the best ;) | 09:59 |
sunny | ok | 09:59 |
vince38 | sunny: look in yur head and actions , and ti others people , and may be you could feel the same as me, may be not too | 09:59 |
sunny | but how | 09:59 |
SergiuT | hi. how can i block dns lookup for a website? | 09:59 |
sunny | why | 09:59 |
bobslaede | vince38: its a bot i think | 09:59 |
hischild_ | SergiuT, add that site in /etc/hosts | 09:59 |
sunny | r u male r female | 09:59 |
vince38 | ooohh ok lol | 09:59 |
vince38 | thx | 10:00 |
hischild_ | !ops | sunny | 10:00 |
ubottu | sunny: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 10:00 |
bobslaede | vince38: he as just banned from ##php a minute ago :) | 10:00 |
Myrtti | sunny: not funny | 10:00 |
SergiuT | on your network from chatting, we suggest blocking DNS lookups to and by returning | 10:00 |
Ariba100 | ?Question After messing with my partitions I am unable to boot my ubuntu-partition. But I am able to read it by runing Ubuntu live-cd. I want do get a list over the packages installed.sudo dpkg --get-selections gets me a list of the packages on live-cd. How do I get the list from the Ubuntu-partition? | 10:00 |
SergiuT | i want to do that but i don't know where to write it | 10:00 |
vince38 | batcoder-7: thx for discussion | 10:00 |
sunny | r u male r female | 10:00 |
halycon | How do I do the following: 2. Create Several Symlinks | 10:01 |
halycon | /usr/local/lib/codecs -> /usr/lib/codecs | 10:01 |
halycon | /usr/local/lib/win32 -> /usr/lib/codecs | 10:01 |
halycon | /usr/local/lib/w32 -> /usr/lib/codecs | 10:01 |
halycon | /usr/lib/win32 -> /usr/lib/codecs | 10:01 |
FloodBot1 | halycon: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:01 |
halycon | /usr/lib/w32 -> /usr/lib/codecs | 10:01 |
batcoder-7 | vince38, lol | 10:01 |
vvd | halycon: ln -s src dst | 10:02 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 10:02 |
SergiuT | so... any hint? | 10:02 |
vvd | Ariba100: what about "unmessing" the partitions? | 10:03 |
vvd | SergiuT: put them into your /etc/hosts | 10:04 |
vvd | | 10:04 |
Ariba100 | vvd: I have tried a lot of things without any succes so now I just wanted to do a reinstall. | 10:05 |
vvd | Ariba100: you could try to chroot to your install disk | 10:06 |
vvd | and run the cmd there | 10:06 |
=== hischild_ is now known as hischild | ||
halycon | oh no it still didnt work | 10:07 |
Ariba100 | vvd: hmm yeah, I will try that. Thanks | 10:07 |
Cedara | Morning | 10:08 |
halycon | Does anyone know how to install all the codecs with Mplayer? There is one audio codec that refuses to play in Linux eventhough it is supposably supported | 10:08 |
leta | hi | 10:08 |
=== leta is now known as maria50 | ||
Cedara | I'm having fun with a dual XP ubuntu system in which windows crashed last night. Luckily I can access grub this morning again. | 10:09 |
Cedara | I'm now pondering if I just should change the ntfs drives (except for the windows one) to ext3 and manually mount them | 10:09 |
halycon | Cedara, what happend to it | 10:09 |
Cedara | last night, I wanted to boot in XP but got the blue screen of death | 10:09 |
halycon | oh what is the BSOD | 10:10 |
Cedara | then after a reboot, I get grub error 22 | 10:10 |
Cedara | I start with the live cd | 10:10 |
Cedara | and I see that the hdd is still there | 10:10 |
maria50 | this is my first experience with ubuntu | 10:10 |
groken | i'm trying to right zero pad floats in this statement: myStr="x=%g" % (myFloat) i want this to function like this: '3.14'.ljust(6, '0') would do but would prefer to keep all of the formating within the string. can i do this? | 10:10 |
Cedara | I only can't access 465GB of my 500gb hdd | 10:10 |
maria50 | i hope I"m not in for a wild ride | 10:10 |
Cedara | this morning | 10:10 |
groken | oops, wrong chan | 10:10 |
Cedara | I start up the system | 10:10 |
=== NeoBlaster is now known as neoblaster | ||
Cedara | and I get grub again and can boot in ubuntu | 10:10 |
ardchoille | maria50: Welcome to a whole new world :) | 10:11 |
Cedara | only the ntfs drives are inaccessible, but there's there in Gparted | 10:11 |
halycon | Cedara, oh you should be able to mount your NTFS drives | 10:11 |
halycon | as read only or something | 10:11 |
oCean_ | maria50: a whole world full of wild rides :) | 10:11 |
Cedara | lemme show you the screen shot | 10:11 |
Cedara | | 10:11 |
Cedara | there | 10:11 |
AslanMan | join #apache | 10:12 |
Cedara | I've tried the check thing on the sda10 | 10:12 |
Cedara | and it came up with errors | 10:12 |
Cedara | so now I'm wondering if I should just try to mount them manually | 10:12 |
Cedara | or if I should just change to ext3 and reformat | 10:13 |
Cedara | because I've backuped 2/3rds of the important stuff anyway | 10:13 |
Cedara | I hadn't used XP for at least 6 months | 10:13 |
halycon | woah you have a lot of drives | 10:13 |
Cedara | so I don't really need it anymore | 10:13 |
Cedara | yeah, I know | 10:13 |
halycon | err partitions | 10:13 |
halycon | hmmm | 10:13 |
halycon | I wonder why they dont show up | 10:14 |
Cedara | me too | 10:14 |
Cedara | I think something is screwed up with XP | 10:14 |
Cedara | I'm surprised it still finds the menue.lst | 10:14 |
halycon | are you using that semagic program | 10:14 |
Titan8990 | lol was sda10 not a typo? | 10:14 |
Cedara | semagic? | 10:15 |
Cedara | I'm on lj, yes | 10:15 |
Cedara | and I'm using it there | 10:15 |
Cedara | with wine | 10:15 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there | 10:15 |
Guest44109 | hi | 10:15 |
silv3r_m00n | while using apache is /var/www the only place to put webfiles .... can inidvidual users have their own directory ? | 10:15 |
Cedara | got an idea, halycon? | 10:16 |
halycon | oh cool | 10:16 |
halycon | Cedara, Im just trying to find some stuff | 10:16 |
Cedara | okay | 10:16 |
Flannel | silv3r_m00n: Yeah, ~/public_html/ | 10:17 |
silv3r_m00n | Flannel: how will it be accessed from the browser ? | 10:18 |
Andy80 | hi all | 10:18 |
silv3r_m00n | localhost/ ? | 10:18 |
halycon | | 10:18 |
Flannel | silv3r_m00n: http://localhost/~username/ | 10:18 |
halycon | did you try any of that stuff | 10:18 |
Cedara | lemme look | 10:18 |
wisniewski | whats the better internetbrowser for ubuntu firefox or opera | 10:18 |
=== neoblaster is now known as NeoBlaster | ||
halycon | you might just have to mount them manually as read only | 10:18 |
wisniewski | or another | 10:18 |
Andy80 | what is the domount command, and where can I find it? I've found an howto, to make virtualbox work, and it requires that command, but I cannot find it... | 10:18 |
Cedara | that means I can't write to them | 10:18 |
Cedara | I used to have them automatically mounted | 10:19 |
Cedara | before the XP crash | 10:19 |
halycon | yeah that is how it is setup on mine too | 10:19 |
Cedara | and no I haven't tried that yet | 10:19 |
halycon | what is the BSOD in windows? | 10:19 |
Cedara | BSOD? | 10:19 |
halycon | the Blue Screen | 10:19 |
Cedara | I can't remember word for word anymore, was too quick | 10:20 |
halycon | oh | 10:20 |
Cedara | something with page something | 10:20 |
Cedara | it didn't boot in xp | 10:20 |
silv3r_m00n | Flannel: i created a public_html folder in my home folder and put an html file but browser says 404 not found | 10:20 |
Cedara | and crashed instead | 10:20 |
ph8 | hi everyone - i've got a weird intrepid error (xorg?) - after i've used the system for a while i can't open any more applications - for instance now i'm using xchat because it was already open but i can't open nautilus, gedit, anything really - i can't find anything in logs - has anyone got any idea where i should look/start? I'm on a three screen system across nvidia 8800gtx+8600gts with xinerama and the other goodies that come with such an endaevour | 10:20 |
halycon | you should press F8 and turn off the automatic restart option | 10:20 |
halycon | in the Windows Advanced Options menu | 10:20 |
Flannel | silv3r_m00n: Alright, do this: sudo a2enmod userdir && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 10:21 |
Cedara | F8? Hmmm | 10:21 |
halycon | yeah | 10:21 |
Flannel | silv3r_m00n: Also, chmod a+x ~/public_html, and also chmod +r the html file | 10:21 |
halycon | it should bring you to the Windows Advanced Options menu | 10:21 |
halycon | and you can try the Last known working configuration | 10:21 |
Cedara | so after a restart, when it gets to grub | 10:21 |
Cedara | I choose XP | 10:21 |
halycon | or disable the automatic restart option | 10:21 |
halycon | yeah | 10:22 |
Cedara | then F8? | 10:22 |
halycon | then immediatly tap on F8 | 10:22 |
halycon | yeah | 10:22 |
Cedara | I haven't tried that yet | 10:22 |
halycon | and it will bring you to the Windows Advanced options thing | 10:22 |
Cedara | okay | 10:22 |
Cedara | and what then? | 10:22 |
halycon | then you can try booting it using the Last Known Good Configuration | 10:22 |
Cedara | okay | 10:22 |
Cedara | and if that doesn't work | 10:22 |
silv3r_m00n | Flannel: enabling the module worked fine | 10:22 |
Cedara | ? | 10:22 |
halycon | or turn off the automatic restart | 10:22 |
silv3r_m00n | Flannel: thanks | 10:22 |
Cedara | okay | 10:23 |
halycon | and see what the error message is | 10:23 |
Cedara | okay | 10:23 |
Cedara | and come back here *G* | 10:23 |
halycon | yeah | 10:23 |
Cedara | okay | 10:23 |
Cedara | back in a bit then | 10:26 |
halycon | ok | 10:26 |
naoshige | what's the cutest, simplest shell prompt you've ever seen? | 10:28 |
unomi | hi guys | 10:29 |
mib_ql86r5 | hi | 10:29 |
unomi | pidgin needs updating | 10:29 |
naoshige | hello? | 10:29 |
SlimeyPete | yes, it's broken at the moment. Workarounds I've heard of: use emesene (or another IM client), or install the msn-pecan package. | 10:29 |
naoshige | ubuntu people! | 10:29 |
naoshige | what's the cutest, simplest shell prompt you've ever seen? | 10:29 |
SlimeyPete | erm | 10:30 |
SlimeyPete | "?:" | 10:30 |
Flannel | naoshige: Try dash? | 10:30 |
halycon | i happen to think bash is quite cute and sexy | 10:30 |
halycon | eventhough I dont know how to use it really | 10:31 |
mib_ql86r5 | #ubuntu-classroom | 10:31 |
judgen | !albania | 10:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about albania | 10:31 |
judgen | !al | 10:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about al | 10:31 |
judgen | isnt there a albanian ubuntu channel? | 10:32 |
=== BADAI is now known as cilegon_cobise_s | ||
Flannel | judgen: #ubuntu-al | 10:33 |
Flannel | judgen: Yes, they just don't have a factoid apparently. | 10:33 |
judgen | Flannel noone there... | 10:34 |
Flannel | judgen: | 10:34 |
Flannel | judgen: Maybe not an active one anymore. | 10:34 |
x1250 | is there any parser for apache logs which can IPs that try to exploit the server, like in: | 10:36 |
x1250 | [Thu Jan 08 02:14:20 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/web11/web/nonexistenshit | 10:36 |
FloodBot1 | x1250: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:36 |
x1250 | s/IPs/ban IPs/ | 10:36 |
Joe_ | I'm gonna guess: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-96_96.43.09-0ubuntu1_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2 is bad... | 10:36 |
inoex135 | somebody know how to fix my mtrr error? i got mtrr: base(0xcd000000) is not aligned on a size (oxe00000) boundary message in my /var/log/messages | 10:37 |
Cedara | back | 10:37 |
Cedara | now that was fun | 10:37 |
inoex135 | the x windows can't start | 10:37 |
Cedara | halycon, you still there? | 10:37 |
halycon | Cedara, hi | 10:38 |
Cedara | hi | 10:38 |
Cedara | Okay, here's what I got | 10:38 |
Cedara | I did as you said, F8 and last known configuration | 10:39 |
halycon | yes | 10:39 |
Cedara | It did CHCKDSK on two partitions, C: (the first one, windows) being one of them | 10:39 |
Cedara | then it rebooted | 10:39 |
Cedara | but I couldn't get in | 10:39 |
Cedara | it just hung there and did nothing | 10:39 |
Cedara | I did a hard reboot | 10:39 |
Cedara | and tried ubuntu | 10:40 |
Cedara | but I had probs with the gnome-settings-daemon that wouldn't start, | 10:40 |
halycon | hmmmm | 10:40 |
Cedara | all the writing was very small | 10:40 |
Cedara | I turned it all off | 10:40 |
halycon | oh I think I have got that error b4 | 10:40 |
Cedara | turned off the router | 10:40 |
Cedara | and restarted everything | 10:40 |
Cedara | It had a bit of a hiccup on booting ubuntu, almost got an error | 10:41 |
Cedara | but the writing is normal sized | 10:41 |
Cedara | still only the ubuntu partition accessible | 10:41 |
Cedara | ideas? | 10:41 |
halycon | hmmmmmmmmmm | 10:42 |
Joe_ | umm... ok... so my attempts to fix a minorly irritating issue has led to a complete failure of X to load... and I can't seem to undo it... help | 10:42 |
* Cedara is *this* close to say, screw it and reformat the rest of the hdd so I can use that in ubuntu | 10:42 | |
Cedara | halycon: good answer | 10:42 |
halycon | Cedara, I wouldnt recommend doing that | 10:42 |
Cedara | okay | 10:42 |
* Cedara grins - there's always format C:/ | 10:43 | |
halycon | Cedara, you could try mounting them manually | 10:43 |
Cedara | okay, I can try that next | 10:43 |
halycon | no Cedara you must not | 10:43 |
halycon | i forbid you | 10:43 |
Cedara | okay | 10:43 |
halycon | ;) | 10:43 |
Cedara | hey, if I can avoid that, I shall | 10:43 |
Cedara | if there are other ways | 10:43 |
=== bvalek2_ is now known as bvalek2 | ||
Cedara | I'll try the other ways first | 10:43 |
halycon | yeah if it see's them there must be some way to mount them | 10:44 |
halycon | i just started using Ubuntu though so im not exactly a wizard with Ubuntu yet | 10:45 |
Cedara | ah | 10:45 |
Cedara | I've been new to this too | 10:45 |
Cedara | last time I used linux was over ten years ago with my first net host ever | 10:45 |
Cedara | they ran on linux | 10:45 |
Titan8990 | is it giving you an error about the ntfs filesystem being locked? | 10:45 |
Titan8990 | when you try to mount | 10:46 |
Cedara | I haven't yet tried | 10:46 |
Cedara | lemme see if I can try the stuff halycon linked me to via terminal | 10:46 |
Joe_ | please... x won't start now... | 10:46 |
poppi98 | ciao | 10:47 |
poppi98 | !list | 10:47 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 10:47 |
Cedara | is the command: sudo mount -t /drivename ? | 10:49 |
Cedara | not that I use that /win/d thing the guy did in that link and I don't need it | 10:50 |
Cedara | yes, I'm still a relative newbie | 10:51 |
Joe_ | what is the command line to pastebin something? | 10:51 |
IrishDavid | hey, is there anyway to create a ghost network device to which I can define the mac address? | 10:51 |
unomi | if you are on ubuntu and you desperately want msn via pidgin there is a package at deb intrepid main | 10:52 |
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Cedara | I've known the manual mount as "sudo mount /drivename" | 10:52 |
Cedara | sorry | 10:52 |
Cedara | I've known the manual mount as "sudo mount /drivename -o unhide" | 10:53 |
Cedara | wrong? | 10:53 |
voldenet | hello, is it possible to repair a pendrive from ubuntu? | 10:53 |
oCean_ | Cedara: for filesystems specified in /etc/fstab the command "mount <drivename>" will do | 10:53 |
c0l2e | where can I store the user-level logoff script in ubuntu? | 10:53 |
Cedara | okay | 10:53 |
dude7064 | in the command line in windows, sometimes i have to pass a file name that contain spaces as a parametr to a software,, how can i do this ?? the software does not see the space as part of the filename but as a separator between parameters ! | 10:53 |
jas_ | grr | 10:53 |
=== onodream is now known as onoz | ||
oCean_ | Cedara: otherwise you will have to specify more options (mount -t <type> <drive> <mountpoint>) | 10:54 |
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Cedara | it's an ntfs one | 10:54 |
bullgard4 | How to call the 'Mini-Commander Applet'? | 10:55 |
oCean_ | Cedara: than the command would be /bin/mount -t nfs /drive /disk1 (this requires that you have a directory called /disk1) | 10:55 |
oCean_ | Cedara: replace nfs with ntfs | 10:55 |
Cedara | hmmm | 10:56 |
voldenet | notnot ntfs | 10:56 |
voldenet | ntfs-3g is better | 10:56 |
voldenet | allows modifying ntfs... | 10:56 |
Cedara | I've had a dual boot, ocean, but XP crashed, so I'm trying to manually mount them - they used to be automatically mounted in ubuntu | 10:56 |
voldenet | then | 10:57 |
voldenet | mount -a | 10:57 |
Cedara | I'm trying to reaccess those drives | 10:57 |
voldenet | re-mount all in fstab | 10:57 |
* Cedara is a relative newbie | 10:57 | |
* voldenet too | 10:57 | |
Cedara | hee | 10:57 |
oCean_ | Cedara: ah well, you've already tried the mount command and have output?? | 10:57 |
=== onodream is now known as onoz | ||
Cedara | the simple one? | 10:57 |
oCean_ | Cedara: the one I typed example for </bin/mount -t ntfs-3g /drive /mountpoint> | 10:58 |
Cedara | they are still listed in the fstab | 10:58 |
voldenet | not /drive | 10:58 |
voldenet | /dev/sda1|2|3|... | 10:58 |
Cedara | so my drive is /dev/sda10 | 10:59 |
voldenet | write | 10:59 |
abhishek | i have intrepid ibex and windows xp installed on my dell. on ubuntu, streaming videos on sites like youtube dont work. how do i resolve this issue? | 10:59 |
oCean_ | Cedara: aha | 10:59 |
voldenet | sudo /mnt/hd10 | 10:59 |
voldenet | sudo mkdir /mnt/hd10 | 10:59 |
oCean_ | Cedara: which would normally be mounted at? | 10:59 |
Titan8990 | abhishek, install adobe flash from the synaptic package manager | 10:59 |
user_ | abhishek: you need to install the flash player for firefox | 10:59 |
amd007 | i m using nvidia 8400gs graphics card on intel c2d system, i just newly installed ubuntu 8.10 , how do i install nvidia drivers? | 11:00 |
abhishek | Titan6990, user_: i did so. it still doesnt work | 11:00 |
* Cedara never had to mount manually, so call me clueless | 11:00 | |
Cedara | sorry | 11:00 |
voldenet | sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt/hd10 -t ntfs-3g | 11:00 |
Cedara | okay | 11:00 |
Cedara | wait a second | 11:01 |
Cedara | those are partitions and not seperate harddrives | 11:01 |
Cedara | those I have | 11:01 |
silv3r_m00n | i typed crontab -e and wrote it now where do i save it ? | 11:01 |
user_ | abhishek: have you enabled javascript and cookies in the browser? | 11:01 |
Cedara | (dev/sda6 , sda7 , sda8 and sda10 | 11:01 |
abhishek | user_: yes. | 11:02 |
oCean_ | Cedara: I know, I found your photobucket screenshot | 11:02 |
Cedara | ah okay | 11:02 |
oCean_ | Cedara: that's not the problem | 11:02 |
voldenet | silv3r_m00n, ctrl+o | 11:02 |
voldenet | ctrl+x | 11:02 |
voldenet | should work fine | 11:02 |
oCean_ | Cedara: please issue command and let us know what the output is | 11:02 |
Cedara | so what do I need to do? could you repeat the commandline please? | 11:02 |
silv3r_m00n | voldenet: is there no specific location where to save this file | 11:02 |
silv3r_m00n | voldenet: or just save it | 11:02 |
Cedara | (sorry, ocean, I'm a bit confused) | 11:03 |
oCean_ | Cedara: see couple of lines above "sudo mount /dev/sda10 /mnt/hd10 -t ntfs-3g" | 11:03 |
Cedara | okay | 11:03 |
Cedara | I shall do that | 11:03 |
Digital8 | Where can I tell the xserver which drivers to use? | 11:03 |
groensal_ | :q | 11:04 |
groensal_ | sorry wrong window | 11:04 |
Cedara | ocean,, shall I copy the result in? | 11:05 |
Cedara | or just summarize | 11:05 |
oCean_ | Cedara: use pastebin | 11:05 |
Cedara | $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) | 11:06 |
Cedara | Failed to mount '/dev/sda10': Operation not supported | 11:06 |
Cedara | Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. | 11:06 |
Cedara | Choose one action: | 11:07 |
oCean_ | Cedara: pls use pastebin...! | 11:07 |
Cedara | sorry, what is pastebin, I'm using a German version of ubuntu | 11:07 |
SlimeyPete | !pastebin | 11:07 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 11:07 |
Cedara | okay, thanks | 11:07 |
oCean_ | Cedara: after that, return us the url | 11:07 |
bullgard4 | How to call the 'Mini-Commander Applet'? | 11:08 |
abhishek | Titan8990: any ideas? | 11:08 |
Cedara | | 11:08 |
oCean_ | Cedara: in the output is a correct suggestion | 11:09 |
Titan8990 | abhishek, did you restart firefox? | 11:09 |
abhishek | yes | 11:09 |
oCean_ | Cedara: that is, "use the force option " | 11:09 |
Cedara | ocean: the force | 11:09 |
Cedara | yeah | 11:09 |
Cedara | okay, I shall try that | 11:09 |
oCean_ | Cedara: the system sees that the ntfs partition was NOT cleanly shutdown (or unmounted) | 11:10 |
oCean_ | Cedara: it is also possible to add the 'force' option to the options mentioned in the file /etc/fstab | 11:10 |
johntramp | hey does ubuntu have the /dev/disk/by-uuid/ symlinks? | 11:10 |
Tekno | yes | 11:11 |
abhishek | Titan8990: yes. | 11:11 |
Titan8990 | abhishek, does it tell you that you need flash when you go to youtube? | 11:11 |
Cedara | ocean: this is the result: | 11:11 |
abhishek | Titan8990: No. the webpage of the video loads but the video itself doesnt load. | 11:12 |
oCean_ | Cedara: yeah, okay. We used a sample mount directory. It just says "/mnt/hd10, that directory does not exist" | 11:12 |
oCean_ | Cedara: so you have to use an existing directory or create the /mnt/hd10 (command: sudo mkdir /mnt/hd10) | 11:12 |
Cedara | shall I look what is in the fstab | 11:12 |
Cedara | it's still mentioned there | 11:13 |
oCean_ | Cedara: sure | 11:13 |
Cedara | jas | 11:13 |
johntramp | anyone?? | 11:13 |
idontknowhowtose | ok so i have a quick ? | 11:13 |
Titan8990 | abhishek, I am unsure | 11:14 |
Joe_ | great... even worse now | 11:14 |
tuskernini | HI all, I have a question: I have a wireless network at work, I can not seem to see the connection from my Ubuntu ibex laptop. I can see the network from my windows laptop when I have bluetooth activated... wierd.. any help to see and connect with Ubuntu laptop would be great... | 11:15 |
idontknowhowtose | i need a prog for ubuntu that will let me like record what i see on my screen.. i forget what there called.. it records video of what i do on my computer.. | 11:15 |
Cedara | Ocean, this is my fstab: | 11:15 |
kraut | moin | 11:15 |
abhishek | Titan8990; thanks anyway. | 11:16 |
oCean_ | Cedara: okay. Default it is mounted at /media/sda10 | 11:16 |
Joe_ | god damn... that forced fsck is god damn irritating | 11:16 |
Cedara | ok | 11:16 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | hi all | 11:16 |
rio__ | I installed Gnome on Kubuntu coz graphics were having problem. Do I need to install my Graphic drivers ? | 11:16 |
oCean_ | Cedara: replace /mnt/hd10 by that | 11:16 |
Cedara | okay | 11:16 |
Cedara | and do the mount command again, yes? | 11:16 |
oCean_ | Cedara: yes! | 11:17 |
idontknowhowtose | anyone help me real quick?? | 11:17 |
SlimeyPete | !ask | idontknowhowtose | 11:17 |
ubottu | idontknowhowtose: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 11:17 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | probably after last update my ubuntu distro is down. All entry's in grub are fine, but Grub says me than is not true. someone can help? | 11:18 |
snypzz | anyone using virtuaol box 1.5.6_OSE ...? | 11:18 |
voldenet | y | 11:18 |
idontknowhowtose | i need a prog for ubuntu that will record whats on my screen.. will record video of what i do.. | 11:18 |
SlimeyPete | !screencast | 11:18 |
ubottu | Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see | 11:18 |
deep_throat | moin | 11:19 |
Cedara | YAY! | 11:19 |
SlimeyPete | idontknowhowtose: use one of these ^^ | 11:19 |
Titan8990 | recordmydesktop is installed by default | 11:19 |
Cedara | ocean: yay, this worked | 11:19 |
idontknowhowtose | whats the best? | 11:19 |
oCean_ | Cedara: nice :) | 11:19 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | idontknowhowtose: recordmydesktop is fine and have frontend | 11:19 |
Cedara | now the rest | 11:19 |
deep_throat | ger here? | 11:19 |
voldenet | ubuntu-U-s-r, grub-install from livecd | 11:19 |
Cedara | ocean: now I shall try the rest | 11:19 |
rio__ | Do I need to install graphics drivers ? to run KDE properly ? | 11:19 |
oCean_ | Cedara: now we can try to mount all the ntfs filesystems by using the force option | 11:19 |
Cedara | yes | 11:19 |
Katangawise | Hi all! I'm using yakuake on gnome.. When i try install skins for yakuake i get the message that "tar" is not recognized.. Are you know what a problem and how can I install those skins?\ | 11:19 |
snypzz | keep getting this error: VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.. | 11:19 |
idontknowhowtose | is there a sudo getapt command for recordmydesktop? | 11:20 |
oCean_ | Cedara: like "mount -a -t ntfs-3g -o force" would try to mount all ntfs partitions in your fstab file | 11:20 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: but i have ubuntu wubi installed | 11:20 |
Cedara | wait, what? | 11:20 |
voldenet | k | 11:20 |
Cedara | ocean: wait, what? | 11:20 |
voldenet | run grub | 11:20 |
voldenet | install on current partition | 11:21 |
voldenet | manually | 11:21 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: i have now mounted my partition as virtual drive | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 11:21 |
Joe_ | I seriously need help with nvidia-96... my X won't even start now | 11:21 |
mas2 | how an I upgrade my open office from 2.4 to latest? | 11:21 |
Cedara | ocean: that command does all at once? | 11:21 |
Titan8990 | idontknowhowtose, it should be installed by default, if not try: sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop | 11:21 |
voldenet | ahh, k | 11:21 |
oCean_ | Cedara: well, since we know now that the problem can be solved by using the -o force option, why mounting all filesystems by hand? | 11:21 |
rit | mas2: apt-get openoffice | 11:21 |
Cedara | okay | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: boot to recovery mode for your kernel and choose fix x server | 11:21 |
oCean_ | Cedara: yes | 11:21 |
mas2 | rit: but I already have open office. Should i uninstall it frist? | 11:21 |
gharz | anybody around who's using bluefish editor??? | 11:22 |
rit | it should just overwrite it, but im not sure, im as new as you round here :) | 11:22 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip trying that already... god damn fscking fsck has me sitting here for half an hour | 11:22 |
Katangawise | Hi all! I'm using yakuake on gnome.. When i try install skins for yakuake i get the message that "tar" is not recognized.. Are you know what a problem and how can I install those skins?\ | 11:22 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | idontknowhowtose: easy way to that applications-> add/remove | 11:22 |
Joe_ | katangawise tar is an archive, try opening it | 11:22 |
voldenet | ubuntu-U-s-r, you need an .img file | 11:22 |
gharz | i downloaded the bluefish from the repo but everytime i click 'view in browser', my html doesn't open and show my html file | 11:22 |
idontknowhowtose | will recordmydesktop work with ubuntu 8.10?? | 11:23 |
voldenet | with grub | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | mas2: | 11:23 |
voldenet | is there possibility to run ubuntu live-cd? | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: then let it run, its a good thing if it wants to run | 11:23 |
Thxpnp^Laptop | 요 | 11:23 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip not when it's the middle of the night, you've been at it for over 12 hours and need to go to work in the morning | 11:23 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | idontknowhowtose: then type recordmydesktop. make sure you have all available applications selected | 11:23 |
Cedara | ocean: done, this is the result: | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | gharz: have you shown bluefish which browser to use? | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: take a nap while it runs | 11:24 |
Cedara | ocean: is there one where I can mount them all again at once? | 11:24 |
Katangawise | Joe_, I know.. I can open the archive but yakuake, to install the skin, must get tar.gz archive.. Strange a little for me.. | 11:24 |
oCean_ | Cedara: I see, however, I think the filesystems are mounted at this point? | 11:24 |
J_P | hi all | 11:24 |
Katangawise | Somebody is using yakuake? | 11:24 |
oCean_ | Cedara: I think they are... type "df" | 11:24 |
Cedara | ocean: yes, I can see them | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | Katangawise: i do | 11:25 |
oCean_ | Cedara: great! :) | 11:25 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip it all worked, except glx wouldn't load, I noticed that all of the symlinks under /usr/lib were pointing to the old 169.12 versions (from Hardy, guess the upgrade didn't work fully), so I backed up /usr and went to work manually re-linking then to the correct version (96.43.09)... of course that didn't work, so I put the backup back over it... and now it's just completely screwed | 11:25 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: .iso file of what? | 11:25 |
=== DRNK-E is now known as drunky | ||
voldenet | Joe_, you win... | 11:25 |
Cedara | ocean: I looked in the folder menue | 11:25 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: sorry .img | 11:25 |
oCean_ | Cedara: since the logfile (on those filesystems) is now reset, you probably won't have to use the force option the next time | 11:25 |
Joe_ | voldenet I win what? | 11:25 |
voldenet | .img file of boot-sector | 11:25 |
voldenet | Joe_ i don't understand ur question ;D | 11:25 |
voldenet | to get .img file of boot-sector use dd | 11:26 |
Cedara | Ocean: the result from the df command: | 11:26 |
voldenet | dd if=/dev/sda# of=/file.img bs=512 count=1 | 11:26 |
Joe_ | voldenet and hope you never have to learn... | 11:26 |
Katangawise | ActionParsnip, Hi! Do you know how can I install new skins manually? Where i have move the tar.gz content, what files to change? | 11:26 |
J_P | are there a acrobat software to edit pdf files for linux ? | 11:26 |
Joe_ | great.. damn fsck has been stuck at 51.8% forever now | 11:26 |
oCean_ | Cedara: well, that's okay, right? You have your filesystem back | 11:27 |
Ham1979 | Hello I ran a distibution upgrade on friday that didn't go to plan - is there a way to do a repair? | 11:27 |
Cedara | Ocean: yes! Thanks a lot | 11:27 |
Cedara | ocean: I was afraid I'd have to reformat it all | 11:27 |
Cedara | ocean: this is much much better! Thanks a lot | 11:27 |
oCean_ | Cedara: you're welcome. Don't forget the force option :) | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | Katangawise: | 11:27 |
Cedara | yes! | 11:28 |
Cedara | ocean: I shall remember that | 11:28 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip ok... ctrl-alt-delete seems to have stopped fsck for me... tried fix x... and still no working x | 11:28 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: could you give me all command? | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | Katangawise: just change the names for the skin you have. ive never skinned yakuake myself as the default is fie for me | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: no a great idea doing that to fsck, could possibly damage data | 11:28 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip X doesn't start... how worse can I make it? heh | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: what errors do you get when you try to startx from root console? | 11:29 |
Katangawise | ActionParsnip, OK! Thanks a lot! :)) | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: damaged files full of garbae so no apps work | 11:29 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip blink, blink, blink, blink... CLI | 11:29 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip, startx typically won't work in ubuntu | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: no, what words does it say | 11:29 |
=== BADAI is now known as co_cilegon_bisex | ||
Joe_ | actionparsnip if it said words, I would have said that | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: its worked up to intrepid with me | 11:30 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip, usually have to start gdm with /etc/init.d/gdm start | 11:30 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip, did you make your own .xinit ? | 11:30 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: i have my ubuntu installed as application in windows | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: so theres zero output to the screen above the prompt you return to? | 11:30 |
voldenet | you said that ubuntu | 11:30 |
voldenet | run ubuntu in virtual-machine | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: i have a vbox which i have | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: i did a minimal install from minimal cd and i have to startx manually after logging in | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: i have no gdm / kdm | 11:31 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: i just mounted virtual partition with disk. will that be fine? | 11:31 |
h141 | hi all | 11:31 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip, which window manager are you using? | 11:31 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip grumble... it's doing it's stupid "I don't want to scroll with text" thing again... yes, error with module ABI doesn't match servers version, failed to load module glx, fatal server error no screens found... | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: fluxbox | 11:32 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip, anyways, for helping other people purposes in ubuntu you usually need to start gdm | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: then thats the error I was on about earlier | 11:32 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip huh? | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: but it does work ;) I get your point though | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i asked if there were any errors displayed and you said none before | 11:33 |
voldenet | usunbu-U-s-r what "virtual partition" means? | 11:33 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip, yeh, I have had it work as well, just saying by default | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: absolutely | 11:33 |
voldenet | ubuntu-U-S-r what "virtual partition" means? | 11:33 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip they were none... because the screen didn't feel like refreshing, keeps doing it... I have to switch to tty2 then back to tty1 to see text | 11:33 |
voldenet | normal file which is simulating disc is mounted in ubuntu live-cd? | 11:34 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: i have mounted partitiont that won`t run | 11:34 |
voldenet | so use grub | 11:34 |
voldenet | write grub | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: maybe you've damaged some permissions / ownerships with the copy (its good to backup, not sure where to go really) | 11:34 |
=== eghie is now known as Eghie | ||
voldenet | then: root (hd0,x) | 11:34 |
Joe_ | so... X won't start, I assume it's an issue with the nvidia-glx-96 install not being correct (based off the errors in Xorg.0.log and the fact that the symlinks in /usr/lib are wrong) | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: uninstall all nvidia stuff | 11:35 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip at this point I'd be happy to go back to the way it was before I tried to fix it... but it doesn't want to do that | 11:35 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip tried that | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:35 |
voldenet | then: setup (hd0,x) | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: and set the driver to vesa | 11:35 |
Leo | hello? my computer has no sound , who has the same problem ? | 11:35 |
voldenet | under hd0,x you should have a: number of hd, num of partition | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | !sound | Leo | 11:35 |
ubottu | Leo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:35 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: i have wubi installed so my aprtition is root.disk, so i must mount ntfs partition first, then i used sudo fsck /win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk | 11:35 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: sorry: sudo mount -o loop /win/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /vdisk | 11:36 |
Leo | okay, | 11:36 |
Caesi | hi all, I would like to partition my ext3 partition with Ubuntu 8.10 already on it - is it ok to do this? | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | Leo: if you run lspci, one line will state your sound device which you can then websearch for | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | Caesi: you can resize partitions using gparted | 11:36 |
=== mshkaji is now known as mflanihv | ||
Caesi | ActionParsnip: can I then also convert it into an ntfs system again? | 11:37 |
Leo | hda intel(alsa mixer) is selected,but still no sound | 11:37 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: now all files i have accesable from partition that won`t boot | 11:37 |
=== mflanihv is now known as mbishi | ||
ActionParsnip | Caesi: you can format the new space as ntfs, yes | 11:37 |
wirefa111 | Hi Al, how can I change my primary monitor from my laptop screen to the external monitor ? I have a clean install of 8.10 on eee 901. Right now, both monitors are detected and work just fine, but the primary monitor remains on the tiny eee screen ? | 11:37 |
Caesi | ActionParsnip: thanks a lot :) | 11:37 |
ActionParsnip | Leo: run lspci and websearch the soundcad, you will find guides how to install it | 11:38 |
Leo | okay ,thanks alot | 11:38 |
voldenet | hmm, why you haven't tried to re-install ubuntu via wubi, then replace /etc and home directories with old ones?? | 11:38 |
=== BADAI is now known as co_bisex83 | ||
KeithGS | | 11:39 |
KeithGS | I got bored | 11:39 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: because that i have much apps, most of them are binary | 11:39 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | voldenet: binary==non open source | 11:40 |
voldenet | k | 11:40 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntu-U-s-r: not true | 11:40 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: what exactly is the problem you're having ? | 11:40 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntu-U-s-r: all the packages you apt-get are binarys | 11:40 |
shiman_ | hello | 11:41 |
=== shiman_ is now known as shimanfnd | ||
zrajm | I cant get network-manager to connect to a wifi network using the ubuntu install on my desktop -- however it works just fine when running from an Ubuntu LiveCD (as I'm doing now). Apart from /etc/NetworkManager where should I look to fix this problem? | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | KeithGS: here's mine: | 11:42 |
augustowebd | hello guys... | 11:42 |
ikonia | hello | 11:43 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ActionParsnip: i know, that why i wrote: binary==non open source, beside ooooo after new install i will have a tons of config | 11:43 |
zrajm | Or is there a NetworkManager-specific chat channel, where I can ask? | 11:43 |
KeithGS | ActionParsnip - no no.. lol | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | KeithGS: ? | 11:43 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: what is the problem you are having ? | 11:43 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: what do you need help with ? | 11:43 |
KeithGS | deskspace+ubuntu, either way - #ubuntu-offtopic, before we get told to go there :p | 11:43 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: i can`t boot my ubuntu distro after last update | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntu-U-s-r: you can get firefox in binary from the repos, but you can get the source for it | 11:43 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: ok, what is the problem ? | 11:43 |
voldenet | hmm... | 11:43 |
augustowebd | anybody knows how to install mod_auth_digest? | 11:43 |
voldenet | add a line in boot.ini | 11:43 |
augustowebd | please help me... | 11:43 |
ikonia | augustowebd: is it not a package in the repo's | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | KeithGS: its fluxbox | 11:44 |
syntax\ | hi, how can i install vmware tools on vmware player in ubuntu | 11:44 |
KeithGS | lol. | 11:44 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip ok... still trying to kill all the nvidia stuff again, but it looks like there's some garbage not being removed with the apt-get remove | 11:44 |
ikonia | syntax\: /join #vmware - it's a binary package provided by them | 11:44 |
augustowebd | ikonia: and how I can install it? | 11:44 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: after selecting ubuntu from menu of my installed os`es grub shows me error 15 what`s not true | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia* | 11:44 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: error 15 is selected partition does not exist, so you need to look at your menu.lst | 11:45 |
syntax\ | ikonia: thanks :D | 11:45 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: i have ubuntu installed as application in windows | 11:45 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: ok can i use pastebi? | 11:45 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: that doesn't change the way grub works | 11:45 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip that doesn't seem to work | 11:45 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: please do use the pastebin | 11:46 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: sorry pastebin? | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: whats it say? | 11:46 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip couldn't find package nvidia | 11:46 |
ikonia | augustowebd: looking at the docs, auth_digest is built into apackage | 11:46 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip if I put * on both sides it complains that it can't find packge | 11:46 |
ikonia | augustowebd: as in, it's already installed, I'm looking to confirm that now | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: did you use nvidia* | 11:46 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip yes | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: try dpkg -l | grep nvidia | 11:47 |
JimmyDee | * on only 1 side | 11:47 |
augustowebd | I did... | 11:47 |
ikonia | augustowebd: you did what ? | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: if it outputs nothing, its all gone | 11:47 |
augustowebd | see the doc :) | 11:47 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: | 11:47 |
ikonia | augustowebd: what doc ? | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: remove any packages it outputs | 11:47 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip quite a big found | 11:47 |
kolpur | how can i view tv in ubuntu .. i have pinnacle tv tuner card .. detected properly ... | 11:47 |
augustowebd | sorry, documentation about apache... | 11:47 |
ikonia | augustowebd: you don't konw what document I'm reading, so you can't say you've read it | 11:47 |
kolpur | what is the package that is to be installed so that i can view tv... | 11:48 |
kolpur | please anyone help me out .. | 11:48 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip I try to remove the ones it shows, but says not installed | 11:48 |
JimmyDee | kolpur: I use mythtv | 11:48 |
ikonia | augustowebd: the ubuntu documentation seems to suggest auth_digest is already installed/built into apache already, so I'm looking to confirm that | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: dpkg -l shows all installed packages | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: try: sudo apt-get-f install | 11:48 |
Joe_ | actionparsni but apt-get --purge remove .... says it's not installed | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: im hoping -f (fix) will fix it | 11:49 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: you are my last hope. i`m in a job and can`t work ;( | 11:50 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed... | 11:50 |
augustowebd | ikonia: ok, I will look for that... | 11:50 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: you shouldn't be using this sort of thing for your job, you should be using a proper install | 11:50 |
Numlock4045 | i need a good video converter for ubuntu.. any ideas? | 11:50 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: I'm looking at your menu.lst now and how grub works with wubi | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ok try installing something new | 11:50 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip new anything? | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | Numlock4045: mencoder and ffmpeg | 11:51 |
Numlock4045 | thanks | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: yeah, anything | 11:51 |
syntax\ | has anyone here experience this: attached thumbnails on ubuntu forums doesnt appear? | 11:51 |
JimmyDee | ubuntu-U-s-r: anything but a full up install is not suitable for production use | 11:51 |
ikonia | syntax\: join #ubuntuforums | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: sudo apt-get install pidgin | 11:51 |
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ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: can I see /ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:52 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip seems it can't connect to download packages... odd | 11:52 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: or is that what I'm looking at already | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ahhh im guessing you used network manager for network conf | 11:52 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip yeah, the default one | 11:53 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: if a user uses a gui app to configure networking, will the settings transfer to root console so they can connect? | 11:53 |
Noah1989 | hi | 11:53 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: what do you mean by transfer ? | 11:53 |
henriquelm | Bom dia pessoal | 11:53 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip it should, I've used apt-get from console before | 11:53 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: the console is just an interaction with the machines current state, so if the gui has configured the network, then yes, it should be the same in the console | 11:54 |
Noah1989 | I need to install ubuntu on a machine without internet connection. | 11:54 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip: network-manager-gnome will write the network configs to the correct config files | 11:54 |
ikonia | Noah1989: use a cd - thats fine | 11:54 |
Noah1989 | ikonia: but i need additional packages | 11:54 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: but the gui never gets loaded in this case, will the settings still work | 11:54 |
ikonia | Noah1989: | 11:54 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | JimmyDee: my fault, no more such things for future | 11:54 |
ikonia | Noah1989: then you'll need to download them on another machine, or try to get the ubuntu dvd | 11:54 |
augustowebd | henriquelm: bom dia. | 11:54 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: I don't see why not | 11:54 |
Joe_ | ok... this is bad... | 11:54 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: but as it's not loading - it's unknown | 11:54 |
Titan8990 | Can anyone recommend a C/C++ IDE that uses gtk? | 11:54 |
henriquelm | Sorry... forgot that this is a internetional channel | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: just checking, i dont use silly gui apps so my config works :) | 11:55 |
JimmyDee | ubuntu-U-s-r: you should remove that virtual thinger, resize your ntfs partition and dual boot full on install | 11:55 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip: I dont use them either | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: can you ping websites? | 11:55 |
Noah1989 | ikonia: i need some language-specific stuff (german spellcheck for - is that in the DVD? | 11:55 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip I'm assuming it's because I was in the console from the recovery mode, so I rebooted into the normal one with the intention of dropping to console once X failed... | 11:55 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | JimmyDee: i exacly try resize day before update my disk | 11:55 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip: and i found that in gentoo network-manager-gnome actually writes network config to the wrong config file | 11:55 |
JimmyDee | Joe_: ping | 11:55 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip but I just have a black screen, there's nothing there and I can't switch to tty1 | 11:55 |
Titan8990 | ActionParsnip: so it is a legit question | 11:55 |
ikonia | Noah1989: don't know, you'll have to look, but you can manually download from the interent and put it on a CD using aptoncd | 11:55 |
JimmyDee | Joe_: then ping | 11:55 |
ikonia | !aptoncd > Noah1989 | 11:55 |
ubottu | Noah1989, please see my private message | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | Titan8990: haha awesome | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: Titan8990: ty for info | 11:56 |
henriquelm | Do u guys know the name of the package of the OpenLDAP? | 11:56 |
ActionParsnip | !ldap | henriquelm | 11:56 |
ubottu | henriquelm: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see | 11:56 |
ikonia | henriquelm: use synaptic to search | 11:56 |
Titan8990 | henriquelm: or apt-cache search | 11:56 |
Noah1989 | ikonia: ah, that's what i was looking for | 11:56 |
JimmyDee | Joe_: no command prompt in your black screen? | 11:56 |
Numlock4045 | thanks for the help guys | 11:56 |
RizR | hello guys. dont know if this is relevant here or not. but I'm wondering what's the difference between nvidia propritary and opensource driver (user experience and performance wise)? | 11:57 |
Joe_ | jimmydee nothing | 11:57 |
augustowebd | iknonia: i think that my distro of apache doesn't have this module(mod_auth_digest), a try to restart apache and he says to me: "apache2: Syntax error on line 187 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 149 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /var/www/modules/ into server: /var/www/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:57 |
augustowebd | " | 11:57 |
FloodBot1 | augustowebd: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:57 |
henriquelm | [ubottu]: Thanks! | 11:57 |
kasola | :) | 11:57 |
ikonia | augustowebd: what version of ubuntu are you using ? | 11:57 |
cmv583 | hi all! i am trying to use livecd but I can't seem to mount any media from cd-rw drive. That's the only cd crive I have. Any help? | 11:57 |
JimmyDee | Joe_: did you setup originally with /home in a seperate partition? | 11:57 |
ikonia | augustowebd: and where did you get the apache install ? | 11:57 |
augustowebd | by the apt-get | 11:58 |
ikonia | cmv583: what is the error your getting ? | 11:58 |
Joe_ | jimmydee yes, why? | 11:58 |
ikonia | augustowebd: what version of ubuntu ? | 11:58 |
JimmyDee | do a reinstall | 11:58 |
mtholdenss | wah, msn s=is down | 11:58 |
mtholdenss | msn is down* | 11:58 |
ikonia | augustowebd: did you put those lines into the config file ? | 11:58 |
JimmyDee | keeping the /home part without reformatting it | 11:58 |
ActionParsnip | RizR: ive never used the one on (except on an old install of mandrake 6), I couldnt comment on performance but i get decent performance from the one on the repos | 11:58 |
ikonia | mtholdenss: we don't care | 11:58 |
Leo | when i use the command[ sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic] it shows like this :[sudo] password for administrator ("administrator" is my login name) then i typed mypassword it says: administrator@ubuntu:~$ user@2008, administrator@ubuntu:~$ user@2008: can not find the command,and i tried server times,i shows the same,the password is right,why? | 11:58 |
mib_ql86r5 | i had a problem with wifi in ubuntu8.04 | 11:58 |
mib_ql86r5 | my wifi is not working | 11:58 |
mtholdenss | ikonia, ok kool :D hi 5 | 11:58 |
augustowebd | is 8.04 | 11:59 |
cmv583 | ikonia: no error just does nothing when i put media in. Had some help running a few tests thru terminal and the comp. is seeing it? | 11:59 |
ikonia | augustowebd: ok, who put those lines in the config ? | 11:59 |
Joe_ | jimmydee hoping to not have to do that, still plenty of stuff I could lose | 11:59 |
ikonia | cmv583: you're meant to boot from the cd | 11:59 |
augustowebd | I did :| | 11:59 |
ikonia | augustowebd: ok, I suggest you remove them for starters | 11:59 |
cmv583 | ikonia: not sure what you mean? | 11:59 |
Noah1989 | ikonia: so installing everything i want in a VM and then exporting packages using APTonCD should work, right? | 11:59 |
Numlock4045 | will wine handle games?? if i install a windows game with wine on my computer will it run fine???? | 11:59 |
ikonia | cmv583: you put the cd in and tell your machine to boot on it | 11:59 |
ikonia | Noah1989: sounds sensible | 12:00 |
Noah1989 | ikonia: thank you | 12:00 |
JimmyDee | Numlock4045: maybe, maybe not, check appdb | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | Leo: type uname -r and hit enter, then manually type the command to get the headers | 12:00 |
Joe_ | ok... so I take it the recovery mode doesn't load network settings? | 12:00 |
ikonia | Joe_: no | 12:00 |
augustowebd | ok, but this version doesan't have suport for this modeule, do you know? | 12:00 |
Leo | ok,i will try | 12:00 |
Joe_ | ikonia: any way I can force it to? | 12:00 |
ikonia | Joe_: manually do it | 12:00 |
mib_ql86r5 | any one please help me about wifi problem | 12:00 |
cmv583 | ikonia: shouldn't it mount when inserted? | 12:00 |
ikonia | cmv583: you BOOT from it | 12:00 |
Joe_ | ikonia: How? | 12:00 |
ikonia | Joe_: what is the problem you are having ? | 12:01 |
ikonia | augustowebd: I said I'm looking for information on it, as the docs suggest it's already built in | 12:01 |
Joe_ | ikonia real problem is X is all screwed up, trying to fix but can only get to command line via recovery mode | 12:01 |
jobrien | Hey all. I am having issues booting a successful 8.10 and 8.04 Install on a Dell 2500 With PERC RAID Controllers. Anyone have any ideas? | 12:01 |
ikonia | Joe_: right - so your X is not working - thats fine, you don't need networking to fix that | 12:01 |
JimmyDee | ok joe, get to command prompt edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver to vista | 12:02 |
JimmyDee | vesa | 12:02 |
ikonia | Joe_: what happens when you boot normally | 12:02 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: there still some hope? | 12:02 |
Joe_ | ikonia I do if I need to use apt-get | 12:02 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: I'm still waiting for you to response | 12:02 |
augustowebd | ikonia thants man! | 12:02 |
ikonia | Joe_: you don't need to do that | 12:02 |
Joe_ | ikonia I get a black screen | 12:02 |
ikonia | Joe_: look at what JimmyDee just told you | 12:02 |
JimmyDee | vesa not vista, early morning fingers | 12:02 |
Joe_ | jimmydee ikonia I already did that and it gives me a black screen | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: you could use something like: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask; route add default gw | 12:03 |
ikonia | Joe_: what video card do you have | 12:03 |
angeleyes | hi all i want to play a real movie file but i can not just get a player to play this file can any one help | 12:03 |
ikonia | augustowebd: no he doesn't | 12:03 |
ikonia | augustowebd: sorry not you | 12:03 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: no he doesn't | 12:03 |
Joe_ | ikonia two old ones, GeForce 6200 and Quadro DVS280 PCI | 12:03 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: his network modules won't be setup yet, | 12:03 |
Joe_ | NVS | 12:03 |
ikonia | Joe_: you have 2 cards in | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: gah | 12:03 |
Joe_ | ikonia yes | 12:04 |
JimmyDee | Joe_: perhaps remove one | 12:04 |
mib_ql86r5 | angeleyes:you can use real player in linux what is the problem | 12:04 |
ikonia | Joe_: 1.) has this ever worked ? | 12:04 |
angeleyes | really | 12:04 |
jobrien | Are there any good resources on solving boot issues with PERC RAID Controllers? | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | !hcl | jobrien | 12:04 |
ubottu | jobrien: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 12:04 |
Joe_ | ikonia yes... as I said earlier, everything worked fine until I upgraded to intrepid | 12:04 |
ikonia | jobrien: what mode are you using the raid controller in | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | !raid | jobrien | 12:04 |
ubottu | jobrien: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on wto and - For software RAID, see | 12:04 |
angeleyes | tell me how to download it | 12:04 |
Leo | hi, i tred as you told, it still the same ,keeping ask the password | 12:04 |
mib_ql86r5 | angeleyes:ya you can download it from real players site | 12:04 |
cmv583 | ikonia:oh duh:-[. ok, I am trying to make my ext.HDD bootable because my int.HDD is tiny. I can just boot from cd and install to ext. HDD and change boot sequence to ext. HDD first right? How can I remove ubuntu from the int. HDD? | 12:04 |
ikonia | cmv583: you remove ubuntu by destroying the partition, and yes you can install to your external disk | 12:05 |
synthe | How can I put a Program into my auto boot? I hope thats right... *g* | 12:05 |
jobrien | ubottu: Thanks. Tired the second set of links I'll dig into thie first | 12:05 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | !usb | cmv583 | 12:05 |
ubottu | cmv583: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 12:05 |
ikonia | Joe_: I suggest you delete your xorg.conf file totally - and reboot and see what ubuntu trys to do first of all | 12:05 |
JimmyDee | dont delete it, rename it | 12:06 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: menu.lst comes actually from destination: win/ubuntu/winboot/ where win/ is ntfs partition with my ubuntu | 12:06 |
Titan8990 | what is the meaning of: Fetch Restriction: 1 package (1 unsatisfied) ? | 12:06 |
augustowebd | ikonia: I discovery my mistake... | 12:06 |
Titan8990 | err sorry guys, wrong irc | 12:06 |
ikonia | augustowebd do tell | 12:06 |
Joe_ | jimmydee I already have backups of xorg.conf, we'll see what this does... | 12:06 |
racquad | hi guys, I need to create a ghost of a machine of mine. What is the best tool to do this? | 12:06 |
parasense | wow big channel | 12:06 |
ikonia | Joe_: just delete it totally | 12:06 |
cmv583 | ActionParsnip: i've read everything and used unetbootin which created ldlinux.sys file. tried to boot from that dive and said it couldn't find kernel. | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: dd | 12:07 |
racquad | ActionParsnip: I mean, userfriendly :) | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | cmv583: check boot options then | 12:07 |
synthe | How can i realize that a program, for example pidgin, starts whenever i start my pc ? | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: dd is user friendly | 12:07 |
cmv583 | ikonia: gparted won't run? | 12:07 |
augustowebd | I try to load the modelo using: loadModule, but the apache on ubuntu load her modules using include :) | 12:07 |
ikonia | cmv583 what do you mean won't run ? | 12:07 |
parasense | hey, im trying to boot ubuntu 8.10 with dual display but im getting a cant find type1 error even though i have set the path to the type1 dir | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: dd if=/dev/sourcepartitionname of=/dev/destinationpartitionname | 12:07 |
parasense | does anyone know how to solve this? | 12:08 |
cmv583 | ikonia: won't run thru /system/admin/partion editor | 12:08 |
Joe_ | parasense I use 4 monitors, always got error about type1 but it never affected me at all | 12:08 |
sidhrt | hey, is there a way to recover deleted files? | 12:08 |
Joe_ | jimmydee ok... I'm back to one screen again | 12:08 |
ikonia | cmv583: jaunch it with gksudo gparted - see what it says | 12:08 |
racquad | ActionParsnip: for a sysadmin yes, but not for a regular user. I want to send a ghost to a user so he can, with few steps, ghost the image to his system without using any command line (or the less possible). I saw system imager or something like that | 12:08 |
JimmyDee | but you have a command prompt now? | 12:08 |
Titan8990 | sidhrt: you can check trash but there is no "undelete" command | 12:08 |
ikonia | Joe_: ahhh thats start, so you now have an xdisplay ? | 12:08 |
Joe_ | jimmydee I've got X back, with one screen | 12:09 |
parasense | joe_ i suspect it is not loading the modules specified | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: use ghost then, it can read ext3 partitions | 12:09 |
badfish69 | any ideas why my microphone and line in would mute themselves again in volume control after i close it? | 12:09 |
sidhrt | Titan8990: its deleted from the trash too. | 12:09 |
parasense | also, i cant find refference to some of the modules in /var/lib/modules is this the way i should explore? | 12:09 |
ikonia | Joe_: so you can now fix/network from there | 12:09 |
racquad | ActionParsnip: but I want a free software. | 12:09 |
ikonia | parasense: is it causing you a problem ? | 12:09 |
Joe_ | jimmydee ikonia now... nvidia-96 is what supports both my cards... but there seems to still be some left over crude from old nvidia drivers... should I just manually delete them? | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: | 12:10 |
parasense | ikonia , yea it restores to default mode and runs with framebuffer i think | 12:10 |
ikonia | Joe_: I would, but it's your call | 12:10 |
ikonia | parasense: default mode ?/??? | 12:10 |
parasense | these are the first lines of Xorg.0.log | 12:10 |
Joe_ | ikonia whatever it takes to fix it, heh | 12:10 |
parasense | (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe" | 12:10 |
parasense | (==) No Layout section. Using the first Screen section. | 12:10 |
cmv583 | ikonia:so, i run from livecd, then gparted to destroy partition, and reinstall ubuntu to ext. HDD? | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | !clone | racquad | 12:10 |
ubottu | racquad: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 12:10 |
x1250 | someone knows what does [apache-noscript] section in fail2ban's jail.conf refers to? | 12:10 |
Titan8990 | Joe_: most likely they were only built for a older kernel | 12:10 |
ikonia | Joe_: I'd do it | 12:11 |
ikonia | cmv583: yes | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: that will make the other system install the same apps as another system | 12:11 |
ikonia | parasense: ok, so it's not detecting your setup and moving to failsafe | 12:11 |
parasense | ikonia, how can i make it detect it | 12:11 |
Joe_ | ikonia the issue (as far as I could tell) fromt he original problem was that the upgrade to intrepid (and therefore the 96.43.09 driver) didn't change the symlinks (they were still pointed to the 169.12 drivers) | 12:11 |
parasense | heh busy man | 12:11 |
balony | What package do I need to install to get "printing" under "Administration" in my gnome ubnutnu menu? | 12:11 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: did you asked me about menu.lst location last time? | 12:11 |
cmv583 | ikonia: will it load apps i have when in livecd? | 12:11 |
ikonia | cmv583: yes | 12:12 |
cmv583 | ikonia: so i can usse pidgin if problem. | 12:12 |
racquad | ActionParsnip: thanks. it will help a lot. My idea is to create a live pendrive usb distro with a simple shell script that will transfer the raw image (stored on the pend drive) to the target disk with few inputs | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: you can even dd to an iso on another partition then dd to the destination drive once you have transported it | 12:12 |
ikonia | parasense: you may have to make a manual config if it's not detecting | 12:12 |
ikonia | cmv583: am I not saying "yes" clearly enough ? | 12:12 |
cmv583 | ikonia: sorry grouch! | 12:12 |
parasense | ikonia can you point the general direction? | 12:12 |
Cedara | Ocean: hi, it's me again - how do I change the rights so I can access the ntfs drive to write on them, now they're root | 12:12 |
ikonia | !twinview > parasense | 12:13 |
ubottu | parasense, please see my private message | 12:13 |
Cedara | If anyone else knows, I'd welcome the help | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip | racquad: you could easily create a script to dd the file across, all it need to know is the destination partition, you'd also need to setup /swp if its needed | 12:13 |
ikonia | parasense: check the message from ubottu | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: how are you mounting the ntfs partition? | 12:13 |
parasense | its intel | 12:13 |
racquad | ActionParsnip: that's the idea. | 12:13 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: automatically in ubuntu | 12:13 |
Cedara | but atm only as root | 12:13 |
Cedara | not for me | 12:13 |
balony | What do I need to install to get the menu System -> Administration -> Printing ? | 12:14 |
Cedara | Action Parsnip: I used to have access to them but I had an XP crash last night and with the force option, Ocean helped me to force the mount | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: you need to use this guide, | 12:14 |
Cedara | okay | 12:14 |
Joe_ | jimmydee ikonia ok... that should be all of the crud, now if I install nvidia-common then hardware drivers (restricted drivers) should detect my cards and tell me to install nvidia-96... right? | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: just make sure you have ntfs-3g installed and change the prtition type to ntfs-3g in your mount command | 12:15 |
Cedara | hmmm good idea, I'll look at that programme | 12:15 |
Cedara | I have it installed | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: you will not be able to rite to some files as they may have some permissions set, other files are ok | 12:15 |
Cedara | okay | 12:16 |
S4nD3r | Hi there. | 12:16 |
mib_720dzoax | I'm facing problems connecting internet through ethernet on my ubuntu 8.04 on dell 1510 laptop. Internet is available on the same system under windows? | 12:16 |
ttuuxxx | you know its funny I went to the #firefox and a Ubuntu user had issues with firefox, So I gave him a link to my FirePup and he was amazed how crappy Firefox series 3.0 has went, since the 1.5 series, he actually compared it to explorer, Firefox does not have to be compiled with any Gnome parts, nor does it have to be compiled as i686, i386 works just the same and everybody is the happier, :) If you don't believe me, rename your /root/m | 12:16 |
ttuuxxx | ozilla/firefox to something else and install ttuuxxx | 12:16 |
Cedara | hmmmm | 12:16 |
yubuntu | !quickstart | 12:17 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quickstart | 12:17 |
S4nD3r | Ihave a problem, every upgrade my videos become horrible to watch... in red tons, then, I need to come a lib to upgrade ... What to do? | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: ? | 12:17 |
balony | !gnome-cups-manager | 12:17 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:17 |
yubuntu | !info quickstart | 12:17 |
ubottu | Package quickstart does not exist in intrepid | 12:17 |
ttuuxxx | ps full screen youtube works on firepup | 12:17 |
Joe_ | ok.... why is it not telling me to install these drivers? | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: you'll need to run sudo fdisk -l to see which partition is the ntfs one to mount and replace it in the command | 12:18 |
Cedara | I have several | 12:18 |
Cedara | partitions | 12:18 |
opersts | why is Ubuntu so unstable / unresponsive ?? | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: well whichever you wanna mount | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: its opensource, it comes with no guaruntees or SLAs | 12:20 |
* dr_willis finds ubuntu very stable and responsive.. | 12:20 | |
ActionParsnip | i think its fine | 12:20 |
dr_willis | Much more responsive the the wifes Vista Machine. | 12:20 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: jas | 12:20 |
badfish69 | my input channels keep muting themselves | 12:20 |
voldenet | opersts, ubuntu is stable | 12:20 |
Joe_ | heh... I generally find it great, until I upgrade and everything goes to hell | 12:20 |
mib_720dzoax | I'm facing problems connecting internet through ethernet on my ubuntu 8.04 on dell 1510 laptop. Internet is available on the same system under windows? | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: if you configure your system better it may improve | 12:20 |
voldenet | problem is between chair and monitor | 12:21 |
voldenet | ;P | 12:21 |
dr_willis | of course there could be some speciric hardware/driver issue I guess for opersts s problem | 12:21 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: let's start with sda10 ( | 12:21 |
S4nD3r | Ihave a problem, every upgrade my videos become horrible to watch... in red tons, then, I need to come a lib to upgrade ... What to do? | 12:21 |
cmv583 | ikonia: you in a better mood, lol? changed bios options, won't boot from cd, why i don't know, but it won't? | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: if the partition is currently mounted, you wil be able to see it in the output of 'mount' | 12:21 |
opersts | dr_willis what kind of hardware problem ?? | 12:21 |
Cedara | it's mounted | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: to mount it you will have to umount it (not unmount) | 12:21 |
voldenet | S4nD3r, use Videolan player | 12:21 |
voldenet | install original nvidia/ati drivers | 12:21 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: what'S the difference? | 12:22 |
dr_willis | opersts, given how you ve not given us any data/info at all.. we cant tell. | 12:22 |
S4nD3r | videolan? | 12:22 |
ikonia | cmv583: I'm not in a bad mood | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: one will unmount the partition, the other doesnt exist | 12:22 |
vince38 | any k7 kernel's users available ? | 12:22 |
S4nD3r | It was perfect... | 12:22 |
ikonia | cmv583: if it won't boot from the cd then either the cd is bad, or the cdrom is broke | 12:22 |
Cedara | okay | 12:22 |
ikonia | vince38: just ask the question | 12:22 |
S4nD3r | after upgrade kernel, happened that | 12:22 |
Cedara | and then remount as user? | 12:22 |
opersts | dr_willis, you havnt asked for any info lol | 12:22 |
vince38 | ikonia: i asked it | 12:22 |
voldenet | S4nD3r, apt-get install vlc | 12:22 |
S4nD3r | update manager upgraded! | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: then simply replace the name of the partition and the mount point in the commands outlined in the link i gave you | 12:22 |
S4nD3r | I have vlc | 12:22 |
ikonia | vince38: I've not seen you ask a question yet | 12:23 |
Caesi | ActionParsnip: hullo again; stupid question: I can't really unmount the currently active linux partition in order to partition it, can I? :) | 12:23 |
voldenet | updater update updated! | 12:23 |
dr_willis | opersts, im not going to play 20 questions to get to the actual question. | 12:23 |
opersts | dr_willis what do you need to know? Firefox, Amarok and other common programs freeze up much too frequently | 12:23 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: Jas, lemme look | 12:23 |
ikonia | vince38: what do you need help with | 12:23 |
mas2 | I have ubuntu 8.10 and open office 2.4 was installed as default but I want the new 3.0. How can I update it easily? | 12:23 |
monzie | Hello all | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | Caesi: use 'cd ~' first | 12:23 |
monzie | Can someone guide me as to how to install bugzilla on Ubuntu? | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | Caesi: unmount, then use the command to remount | 12:23 |
cmv583 | ikonia: just messing with ya, cd is verified, cdrom is fine used it for a while now and never had a prob. Always ran windoze until recently though. It's there for sure and works fine. | 12:23 |
monzie | apt-get install bugzilla runs into problems | 12:23 |
vince38 | well you don't read then lol, i'd like to have the output of uname -r of a k7-kernel user | 12:24 |
S4nD3r | i dont know what to do | 12:24 |
ikonia | cmv583: it clearly doesn't work as yo ucan't boot from it | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | Caesi: if you mount as root without any config, the files are only writable as root (assuming you used ntfs3g to mount | 12:24 |
opersts | is someone going to help | 12:24 |
opersts | or not | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: whats up? | 12:24 |
ikonia | vince38: it depends on the kernel your running | 12:24 |
S4nD3r | I think is any lib that is not good already | 12:24 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, i need Ubuntu to be more stable | 12:24 |
ikonia | vince38: I believe the K7 kernel has been removed now with the generic one (could be wrong about that) | 12:25 |
Caesi | ActionParsnip: I only have the one partition, the other one is Windows... I guess I'll probably have to partition it from windows then won't I? | 12:25 |
opersts | and having things crash / freeze all the time | 12:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | monzie, What specific error | 12:25 |
vince38 | ikonia: i just ask for the output of a k7-kernel user | 12:25 |
cmv583 | ikonia: i've burnt 100's of cd's on it. Doesn't work since i switched to ubuntu? | 12:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find bugzilla | 12:25 |
ubottu | Found: libwww-bugzilla-perl, bugzilla3, bugzilla3-doc | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: when you downloaded the iso, did you md5 check it as well as verify the cd was ok before installing? | 12:25 |
opersts | Firefox and Amarok can be very unresponsive, ActionParsnip | 12:25 |
ikonia | vince38: are you using the K7 kernel ? | 12:25 |
ikonia | vince38: I didn't think it existed anymore | 12:25 |
opersts | md5 check? i dont think so im not sure what that is ? | 12:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find sudo apt-get install bugzilla3 | 12:25 |
ubottu | apt-get is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner'] | 12:25 |
vince38 | ikonia: thx , i wonder why the linux-k7 package exist then | 12:25 |
ikonia | vince38: it may do, as I said I could be wrong on that | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: its how you check what you ahve downloaded has not been corrupted by transmission errors along the way | 12:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | monzie, sudo apt-get install bugzilla3 | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: if you have a bad disk you will get a garbage installation | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | !md5 | 12:26 |
ikonia | vince38: what version of ubuntu, I can't see a linux-k7 package in 8.10 | 12:26 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 12:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | monzie, sorry, just waking up waiting for coffee | 12:26 |
vince38 | ikonia: of course linux-k7 exist in 8.04 | 12:26 |
vince38 | but my kernel is still generic | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: if your md5 fails you will need to redownload and rretest | 12:26 |
ikonia | !info linux-k4 hardy | 12:26 |
monzie | Jack_Sparrow: there is no bugzilla3 package | 12:26 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, are you saying the only solution is to re-install Ubuntu ? | 12:26 |
ikonia | !info linux-k7 hardy | 12:26 |
cmv583 | ikonia: bios sees it and the tests i ran (with some help) showed it in terminal also? | 12:26 |
ubottu | Package linux-k4 does not exist in hardy | 12:26 |
ubottu | linux-k7 (source: linux-meta): Upgrade dummy package. Can be removed. In component restricted, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB | 12:26 |
ikonia | vince38: there you do, dummy package | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: i never said that, i'm saying md5 sum the iso you burned | 12:27 |
Joe_ | jimmydee actionparsnip ok... back where I started, reinstalled the nvidia-96 stuff (the correct drivers) but it gives me a black screen (this time I can get command line) | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: read the words i type | 12:27 |
ikonia | cmv583: that doesnt mean it's burnt correctly | 12:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info bugzilla3 | 12:27 |
ubottu | bugzilla3 (source: bugzilla): web-based bug tracking system. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2101 kB, installed size 14108 kB | 12:27 |
ikonia | cmv583: nor does it mean you set up the bios to boot it correctly | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: if it passes, boot to your burned cd, there is a verify option there which will check the burned cd is ok too | 12:27 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: I know it's a stupid question, but how do I unmount manually? | 12:27 |
vince38 | so k7 settings doesn't exist anymore , wonder why | 12:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | monzie, It is in universe if you are using ubuntu ibex | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: all these checks are important | 12:27 |
ikonia | vince38: replaced with generic, | 12:27 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, i dont think i still have the CD i installed with | 12:28 |
ikonia | vince38: no-need for a specific | 12:28 |
Cedara | ActionParsnip: I'm a relative newbie. | 12:28 |
monzie | Jack_Sparrow: I am using 8.04 | 12:28 |
emilio | hi all | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: sudo umount /mount/point/name | 12:28 |
Cedara | okay | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: do you have the iso file? | 12:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | monzie, you might look in backports. not sure for that release | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: why do you think the have md5 files on the repos next to the iso files | 12:29 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, no not likley as i obliterated the windows partition | 12:29 |
cmv583 | ikonia: jordan_u helped me and it even opened thru term. everything was set fine. I'm familiar with bios and the cd is what i used to install it originally and here i am so it's burnt correctly or i wouldn't be using ubuntu right now. | 12:29 |
monzie | there is a bugzilla package | 12:29 |
Cedara | Action Parsnip: so that would be for sda10 : sudo umount /media/sda10 ? | 12:29 |
ikonia | cmv583: so why are you trying to boot from it | 12:29 |
ikonia | cmv583: if ubuntu is already installed ? | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: then we dont really have a way to verify the installation media was good | 12:29 |
Cedara | Action Parsnip: and later on then mount /dev/sda10 /mnt/media/sda10 -o uid=1000 ? | 12:30 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, is there anything else i can try to improve stability ? | 12:30 |
Leo__ | how can i make myself root? | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: you could also run an fsck on your drive as well as run a memtest (which is part of grub menu) | 12:30 |
IdleOne | !root | Leo__ | 12:30 |
ubottu | Leo__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 12:30 |
cmv583 | ikonia: because ubuntu is installe don my lil 10gb int. HDD and having memory problems, obviously, so i want to install it to ext. HDD which is 750gb. | 12:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !sudo > Leo__ | 12:30 |
ubottu | Leo__, please see my private message | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: have you installed video drivers and is all hardware running ok? | 12:30 |
Leo__ | thanks | 12:31 |
ikonia | cmv583: ok - so if the CD is known good, then the only thing let can be a.) drive is bad b.) cd has been damaged c.) your bios is not setup to boot from cd from first | 12:31 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, there is some problem with sound at the moment | 12:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Leo__, Use gksudo for gui apps | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: and are video drivers installed? | 12:31 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, if I have a music or video player open sound wont play in web pages | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | !sound | opersts | 12:31 |
ubottu | opersts: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:31 |
Phil_ | does anybody know how to mount an hfsx filesystem in ubuntu? | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: have you installed vdeo drivers? | 12:32 |
cmv583 | ikonia: everything was setup correctly i assure you. a & b aren't issues either. Like i said i can boot woindows and use that drive to burn, boot anything. | 12:32 |
monzie | error while doing "apt-get install bugzilla" on an Ubuntu 8.04 | 12:33 |
=== chuck_ is now known as zul | ||
ikonia | cmv583: so you can boot other CDrom's fine | 12:34 |
cmv583 | ikonia: in windows yes, ubuntu no | 12:34 |
ikonia | cmv583: now yoru talking nonsense | 12:34 |
ikonia | cmv583: you BOOT from the bios | 12:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | monzie, It does not look like it exists for that older release | 12:34 |
ikonia | cmv583: not from within an OS | 12:34 |
ikonia | cmv583: so when I say "can you boot other cd's fine" that means does your BIOS boot the cdrom BEFORE loading an os | 12:35 |
Joe_ | I need help getting nvidia-96 to install/work properly | 12:35 |
liwei | hi all | 12:35 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: the location of file from is /ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:35 |
makkalot | hi all i have upgraded to 8.10 but my keyboard doesnt seem to work it (tr) im trying to fix it from keyboard layout but no chnage occurs any ideas | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: do you now have an x server? | 12:35 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: I have no idea, I dont support wubi because I find it a terrible technology | 12:35 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip I can, with one working screen, but only if I use a blank xorg.conf | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: me too | 12:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Me three | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ok run: lspci | grep -i vga | 12:36 |
unomi | hi, i installed xampp(lampp) to have a look, now http://localhost/ gets redirected to http://localhost/xampp/ :( | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: whats the line you get? | 12:36 |
cmv583 | ikonia: sorry i can run games/apps from cdrom in windows, and no. I setup bios and post to boot cdrom first but <whoami> doesn't say ubuntu? | 12:36 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: but i suppose that i was messed with resizing partition | 12:36 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip lists both my cards | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: what does it say exactly | 12:37 |
ikonia | cmv583: then it's not booting from cdrom - because you can play a game from a cdrom does not mean your drive is woring | 12:37 |
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin | ||
sergeykish | Hello, have a question about file mode - replacing the file with different mode doesn't change file's mode is it normal? | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i want the output | 12:37 |
cmv583 | ikonia: ? | 12:37 |
ikonia | cmv583: as I said a.) your drive is broke b.) your cd is damaged c.) your bios is not setup correctly to boot from cdrom | 12:37 |
ikonia | cmv583: it is one of those 3 fails | 12:37 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip on another computer, give me a sec to see if I can get synergy to work too | 12:37 |
Owner | Hey, I found this looking through the sources, any idea if it's just me? | 12:37 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: last time before update i was try to resize partition with no effect | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | ikonia: could be a bad bios image too (doubtful) | 12:37 |
ikonia | ActionParsnip: (bios not setup to boot from cdrom) | 12:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Owner, Explain the issue here please.. briefly on one line | 12:38 |
cmv583 | ikonia: it is!!!!!!!!!!! | 12:38 |
Titan8990 | sergeykish: that is normal behavior | 12:38 |
ikonia | cmv583: how do you know - you've not tried to boot another cd | 12:38 |
sergeykish | Titan8990, thanks | 12:38 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ikonia: is some solution to copy all data, configs and apps together to new partition? | 12:38 |
ikonia | cmv583: as I said it HAS to be one of those 3 options, find out which one | 12:38 |
Titan8990 | sergeykish: it is getting permissions from its parent directory | 12:38 |
ikonia | ubuntu-U-s-r: no, you used a wubi install, I don't support it | 12:39 |
Titan8990 | sergeykish: you should change permissions after moving the file | 12:39 |
Caesi | exit | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: just a brief synopsis will do, like nvidia geforce 6250 or whatever you have | 12:39 |
=== karbo_ is now known as karbo | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi > ubuntu-U-s-r | 12:39 |
ubottu | ubuntu-U-s-r, please see my private message | 12:39 |
cmv583 | ikonia: i don't have other boot cd's just lying around? | 12:39 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip nvidia geforce 6200 and quadro nvs280 pci | 12:39 |
Cedara | Action Parsnip: apparently it's "sudo mount /dev/sda10 /media/sda10 -o uid=1000 for me (that worked)" (THANKS) | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i'd also track the cable to the box to see which video card is currently running | 12:39 |
ikonia | cmv583: then you can't say "IT IS !!!" | 12:39 |
ikonia | cmv583: it may not be | 12:39 |
ikonia | cmv583: it is one of those 3 problems, you need to work out which one it is | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: if we setup the card thats running we can worry about the other later | 12:40 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | !wubi | 12:40 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 12:40 |
sergeykish | Titan8990, seems I need run uninstall in install command, am I right? | 12:40 |
Mahdi | hi,i got many problems about pptp vpn in linux,i tried diffrent distros and desktops,but all failed. kvpnc , gnome network manager, knetwork manager. i can connect in linux,but hardly, or it is disconnected every few minutes | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: do you know which card is running right now? | 12:40 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | ok, so is some irc channel with ubuntu-wubi support? | 12:41 |
cmv583 | ikonia: i know bios options are setup fine, cd's fine. any tests i can run on cdrom?> | 12:41 |
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
badfish69 | i got it | 12:41 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34GL [Quadro NVS 280 PCI] (rev a1) | 12:41 |
Joe_ | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1) | 12:41 |
badfish69 | for some reason i had to install kmix | 12:41 |
IdleOne | ubuntu-U-s-r: | 12:41 |
ikonia | cmv583: you don't know | 12:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mahdi, HAve you looked up your hardware in our supported hardware page. Some of those wireless barely work | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: which is the one giving a display? | 12:41 |
ikonia | cmv583: a.) you can't test b.) you don't know the cdrom's still fine | 12:41 |
ikonia | cmv583: stop talking as if you know fact - when you don't | 12:41 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | IdleOne: i have readed this, was not helpful | 12:41 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip the 6200 | 12:42 |
ikonia | cmv583: a.) the bios options may be set wrong - you need to verify to be certain b.) the cd could have been damaged so no longer valid | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: 6200s are sweet to setup :D | 12:42 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | IdleOne: on the worum most questions is living without solutions | 12:42 |
IdleOne | ubuntu-U-s-r: try #wubi | 12:42 |
Mahdi | Jack_Sparrow: i am not connected to a wireless network, i just use a vpn connection to connect to internet | 12:42 |
ubuntu-U-s-r | IdleOne: sorry worum==forum | 12:42 |
IdleOne | guess not | 12:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | cmv583, The cd has a self test. you can md5 the download you can re-iso the cd and verify if you have to , but iko is right, it has to be one of those three | 12:42 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: he can't use the self test if he can't boot it | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 nvidia-glx-177-kernel-source nvidia-settings | 12:43 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip 177 doesn't support both cards though | 12:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | ikonia, agreed, I was covering all bases | 12:43 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: of course | 12:43 |
opersts | Action_Parsnip how do I check? | 12:44 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip I can put in 177, but only 96 supports both cards | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | oic, then use that in case of the source and driver | 12:45 |
cmv583 | boot sequence is setup to boot from cd first and i change post to boot from cd. cd has been verified in another computer? cdrom is seen by both bios and OS. not sure where to go from there? | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | cmv583: try setting all boot options to cd | 12:45 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip take it you meant nvidia-96-kernel-source not nvidia-96-glx-kernel-source | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | cmv583: and make sure all attatched drives are detected | 12:46 |
lanoxx | does anyone know where cups-pdf saves the files it prints? | 12:46 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip all installed now | 12:46 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 12:47 |
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu | ||
cmv583 | ActionParsnip: they are. that's what i'm trying to understand. why wouldn't it boot? | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i just apt-cache searched and got nvidia-96-kernel-source | 12:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | lanoxx, I would assume somewhere in /tmp | 12:47 |
voldenet | wtf? | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: but if you got it you got it | 12:47 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, do you know how to check ? | 12:47 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip yup, all installed | 12:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | voldenet, Please dont use that sort of rude shorthand | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ok now run: gksudo nvidia-settings | 12:47 |
IdleOne | !netsplit > voldenet | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: check what? | 12:48 |
lanoxx | nope neither in /tmp nor /var/tmp | 12:48 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip says not using NVIDIA X driver, edit x config file (nvidia-xconfig as root) and restart X | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ok, run: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 12:48 |
opersts | ActionParsnip, the video drivers | 12:49 |
angeleyes | how can i intall deb app on my ubuntu when i intall them i can not run them | 12:49 |
opersts | if installed | 12:49 |
opersts | or not | 12:49 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip did, ctrl-alt-backspace? | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: yep | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | angeleyes: sudo dpkg -i debfile.deb | 12:49 |
ubottu | voldenet, please see my private message | 12:49 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip exactly what I did before... now I have a black screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left corner | 12:49 |
ActionParsnip | angeleyes: make sure you are in the same directory as the deb file | 12:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | angeleyes, Are they apps from our repositories? | 12:50 |
angeleyes | yes | 12:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | angeleyes, NOt a good idea to get them from Debian repos etc | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: hmm | 12:51 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip Xorg.0.log shows an error on type1 module (always had that though), glx module (undefined symbol: _nv000040g1) then at the bottom no devices detected, fatal server error no screens found | 12:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | angeleyes, Can you give the name of one that does not work | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: you may have to use the 177 | 12:51 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip I'll try it... but I was using 96 this morning... | 12:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | ActionParsnip, I use 173 on my 6600's | 12:52 |
asea168 | rpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian. | 12:52 |
asea168 | error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - | 12:52 |
asea168 | how do it | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | Jack_Sparrow: but hes got a quattro too thats driven also by the 96 driver | 12:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | asea168, Installing debgs is a bad idea | 12:52 |
IdleOne | asea168: what program? | 12:52 |
asea168 | i want install GCC | 12:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | asea168, And using alien to convert them is dangerous to your setup | 12:53 |
IdleOne | asea168: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 12:53 |
Pici | asea168: Please look in the software repositories before resorting to installing from other sources, your install will thank you | 12:54 |
prodigel | hi all. just noticed my desktop has no more icons, and right click isn't working. Have I pressed some secret combination? I want them back :) | 12:54 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip ok, installed 177 (which removed 96) | 12:54 |
prodigel | gnome/ubuntu 8.10 | 12:54 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: nice | 12:54 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip gdm start just gave me blinky blinky, and no X | 12:54 |
angeleyes | aircrck-ng it worked when i was using fedora | 12:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | angeleyes, It is in our repos.. (even if you wont get help witth it here) | 12:55 |
Pici | angeleyes: Why do you have a .deb file? Are you not installing it directly using apt? | 12:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info aircrack-ng | 12:56 |
remoteCTR1 | can somebody pls help me fix a fontpath problem with freenx? | 12:56 |
ubottu | aircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0~rc1-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1275 kB, installed size 2236 kB | 12:56 |
angeleyes | i am | 12:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | angeleyes, sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng will work | 12:56 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip xorg log no longer complains about glx loading (loaded correctly) but still says no displays found | 12:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, sudo nvidia-settings ? | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ok lemme websearch | 12:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, sudo nvidia-settings ? or is that withourt sudo | 12:57 |
remoteCTR1 | with sudo | 12:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | ty | 12:57 |
remoteCTR1 | elso no write permisions to xorg.conf | 12:58 |
remoteCTR1 | np | 12:58 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow I can do nvidia-settings, but right now X is just black | 12:58 |
asea168 | build-essential (11.3ubuntu1) ... | 12:58 |
asea168 | the next step is ~~ | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | remoteCTR1, Still working on first cup of coffee | 12:58 |
angeleyes | i do not really need the aircrack-ng i need the real player | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, ctrl zlt f1 | 12:58 |
remoteCTR1 | hehe take your time to warm up | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | alt | 12:58 |
=== Mahdi is now known as Com | ||
Joe_ | jack_sparrow yes, that's where I am now | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | !realplayer | 12:58 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 12:58 |
remoteCTR1 | anybody got an idea how i can teach freenx what fontpaths to use? | 12:59 |
=== cprofitt is now known as cprofitt_work | ||
ActionParsnip | Joe_: you could try the linux driver from | 13:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, sudo nvidia-settings wont run from that term? | 13:00 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow it does, but error the control display is undefined | 13:00 |
=== farid is now known as Faradi | ||
Joe_ | actionparsnip tried that before, already have the 96 driver downloaded... could try again... | 13:00 |
AslanMan | hi, the PHP version in the ubuntu repos is 5.2.6, but the last one is 5.2.8 .. why is that? And in any case, if I will install the latest version myself, would that require any configuration from my side with apache? Or it will only replace the old files with the new one with the same old configurations, ie. php.ini ? | 13:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, Like I said earlier I used the 173 driver for my 6600 | 13:01 |
zamba | how do i link pppoe with networking? | 13:01 |
zamba | meaning, i want to bring up ppp0 with a command like 'ifup ppp0' and it then implies that i do a 'pon dsl-provider' under the hood | 13:01 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow I switched to 173 and tried to restart gdm with the same blinky going on | 13:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, was that earlier or just now | 13:02 |
Jeruvy | AslanMan: for information about packages for ubuntu see here: | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i can't really recommend anything else. Do you have an older kernel you can boot to? | 13:02 |
ruw31347 | zamba: maybe you can do that with the "manual" method in /etc/network/interfaces | 13:02 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow just now switched to 173 and hit gdm start | 13:03 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip think I might still have 2.6.24 | 13:03 |
Lemon|work | what is the correct package name for proftpd? | 13:03 |
thickinit | could someone help me with xorg? I want my keyboard to be detected as "microsoft" instead of "pc105"... | 13:03 |
Lemon|work | i get a: | 13:03 |
Lemon|work | E: Couldn't find package proftpd | 13:03 |
thickinit | but xorg.conf is meaningless now | 13:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, In my case I ran the xconfig, restartedm installed 173 then did settings | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: see if thats friendlier, the latest kernel might not like you | 13:03 |
makkalot | hi again, i upgraded from 8.04 t0 8.10 and my webcam doesnt work now, i have gspvae installed but no luck any ideas , in dmesg i can see my webcam connected ? | 13:03 |
fosco_ | Lemon|work: just proftpd | 13:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Lemon|work, Please keep questions on one line | 13:03 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip there inlies the irony, I upgraded to intrepid because of a feature in 2.6.27 that I needed | 13:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, which 2.6.27? | 13:04 |
Jeruvy | Lemon|work: you can find all packages (by version) here: | 13:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info proftp | 13:05 |
ubottu | Package proftp does not exist in intrepid | 13:05 |
=== onodream_ is now known as onoz | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !find proftp | 13:05 |
ubottu | Found: gadmin-proftpd, gforge-ftp-proftpd, gproftpd, proftpd, proftpd-basic (and 4 others) | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | Jeruvy: Lemon|work: or apt-cache search them | 13:05 |
remoteCTR1 | wow now why is that? | 13:05 |
luanluan | 为什么我的AUDACIOUS没声音 | 13:05 |
Pici | !info proftpd | 13:05 |
ubottu | proftpd (source: proftpd-dfsg): versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-12ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 189 kB, installed size 224 kB | 13:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pici, ty | 13:05 |
dennda | !info vsftpd | 13:05 |
ubottu | vsftpd (source: vsftpd): The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 400 kB | 13:05 |
remoteCTR1 | !info freenx | 13:05 |
ubottu | Package freenx does not exist in intrepid | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | !find ftpd | 13:06 |
ubottu | Found: tftpd-hpa, vsftpd, atftpd, ftpd, ftpd-ssl (and 30 others) | 13:06 |
Chousuke | !cn | luanluan | 13:06 |
ubottu | luanluan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 13:06 |
Pici | !ftpd | 13:06 |
Cedara | Dammit | 13:06 |
ubottu | FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 13:06 |
thickinit | could someone help me with xorg? I want my keyboard to be detected as "microsoft" instead of "pc105"... but xorg.conf is meaningless now. I set it up in xorg.conf, but then it goes ahead and autodetects it afterwards and sets it to "pc105" | 13:06 |
luanluan | 3q | 13:06 |
Cedara | Can someone assist me with changing the ownership of partitions? | 13:06 |
remoteCTR1 | !freenx | 13:06 |
ubottu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see | 13:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, Sure one sec | 13:06 |
Jeruvy | ActionParsnip: that won't work across versions. Better to get them direct from the official packages site, you can search as well across versions | 13:06 |
Lemon|work | I'm trying to do: apt-get install proftpd | 13:06 |
Cedara | I've done my umount and then mount as uid 1000 | 13:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, First, check the ownership: Open a terminal and type cd /media ...then type... ls -la ...then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /media/yourPartition (On a live system you must create a user name first) followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /media/yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la to verify the | 13:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | permissions are set | 13:07 |
luanluan | why my audacious is no voice | 13:07 |
Cedara | but when I reboot it changes back to root | 13:07 |
Cedara | Jack_sparrow they are root | 13:07 |
Dr_willis_ | Cedara, what kind of filesystem is this? thats a crtical bit of info. | 13:07 |
Cedara | ntfs | 13:07 |
Cedara | I have/had a dual boot | 13:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, See the instructions above | 13:08 |
luanluan | Have anyone help me? | 13:08 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip I still have 2.6.22-14 | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | !ntfs-3g | Cedara | 13:08 |
ubottu | Cedara: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 13:08 |
Dr_willis_ | Cedara, you must set the permissions for ntfs via the mount options then. yOu normally dont chmod/chown ntfs/vfat filesystems | 13:08 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: wait, lemme see if I can understand it | 13:08 |
Cedara | okay, five are ntfs and one is a fat partiton - they are set as root | 13:09 |
Lemon|work | which source do i need to add to /etc/apt/sources.list to install proftpd on ubuntu 8.10? | 13:09 |
ConstantineXVI | can the live USB maker work for non-ubuntu livecd isos? | 13:09 |
earthling | Dr_willis_:Jack_Sparrow: Cedara just change the permissions in /etc/fstab and restart.. instead of all this?? | 13:09 |
Cedara | ubottu: the ntfs driver is installed | 13:09 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:09 |
Dr_willis_ | Cedara, and they alway will be - untill you mount them with the proper optons in the fstab file. | 13:09 |
Cedara | earthling: lemme grab fstab then | 13:09 |
Pici | Lemon|work: Its in the universe repository. | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | Cedara: read the guide, it will tell you how to mount stuff | 13:10 |
Lemon|work | so i add deb intrepid universe ? | 13:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, Edit fstab.. agreed.. did not know they were windows partitions | 13:10 |
Pici | Lemon|work: It should already be there. | 13:10 |
Lemon|work | its not | 13:10 |
Pici | Lemon|work: Then yes, add it. | 13:10 |
hudnix | Whatever you do, don't try explaining to your wife that she has a FAT partition <--- voice of experience | 13:10 |
Lemon|work | i have to reload some index right? | 13:11 |
Lemon|work | (sorry i'm an ubuntu noob) | 13:11 |
Pici | Lemon|work: sudo apt-get update | 13:11 |
Lemon|work | ok thx! | 13:11 |
Pici | !ot | hudnix | 13:11 |
Cedara | what do I have to change in fstab? | 13:11 |
ubottu | hudnix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 13:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, Paste this in a term sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 13:12 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow actionparsnip this looks promising... stuck me in low graphics mode with two monitors working (in mirror mode) | 13:12 |
Cedara | | 13:12 |
Cedara | my fstab is there | 13:12 |
earthling | Cedara: you change the "umask" value in the line for that ntfs partition.. | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: gksudo nvidia-settings | 13:13 |
Lemon|work | hmm i'm getting errors while trying to install proftpd :s | 13:13 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: | 13:13 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip same thing, not running nvidia drivers | 13:13 |
dyllan | Hi All, i see there are a couple apache2 options when running apt-get to try and install apache2, such as apache2-worker, which package would be the right package for a standard apache installation? | 13:13 |
Lemon|work | hmm nevermind | 13:13 |
Lemon|work | looks like proftpd is already installed | 13:13 |
darksifer | hi room | 13:13 |
earthling | Cedara: but make sure that you know a bit about umask and file permissions before that.. take some guide from the net and go about it | 13:13 |
Cedara | earthling: oh dear | 13:14 |
thickinit | could someone help me with xorg? I want my keyboard to be detected as "microsoft" instead of "pc105"... but xorg.conf is meaningless now. I set it up in xorg.conf, but then it goes ahead and autodetects it afterwards and sets it to "pc105" | 13:14 |
Cedara | earthling: I'm a relative newbie | 13:14 |
* voldenet too | 13:14 | |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: weird | 13:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | thickinit, system.. pref.. jeyboard..layout.. model | 13:15 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip very, glx failed to load again | 13:15 |
earthling | Cedara: I would have loved to explain it to you some other day..:( not feeling like it today.. really sorry.. but the best way is to go through it yourself.. its basics of linux actually.. so happy learning :) | 13:15 |
darksifer | i want to create a forum and i dont know where to start. i have already istall phpmyadmin. ok 4get it. can someone advice me from where to start. i mean the key steps from the begining. thank you very much | 13:15 |
Cedara | uh-huh | 13:15 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip well that would explain why... for some reason it didn't install | 13:15 |
Pici | darksifer: Install a forums package, such as phpbb3 | 13:16 |
darksifer | or any recommendation is appreciated | 13:16 |
Pici | darksifer: or check out their channel for help #phpbb | 13:16 |
darksifer | Pici: thanks. you a saviour ;) | 13:17 |
oCean_ | darksifer: easy to setup, no mysql required -> | 13:17 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip jack_sparrow: when trying to install nvidia-glx-173 E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-173_173.14.12-1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/', which is also in package xserver-xorg-core | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: ahhhh, you seem to be making awesome progress dude, its impressive | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-173_173.14.12-1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb | 13:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, may help | 13:18 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip ok, that seemed to work | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: show it who's boss | 13:19 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: thanks, I'll have a look | 13:19 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip and we're back to black screen with blinking cursor | 13:19 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip apparently it is | 13:19 |
my_haz | what do people use to play mp4 videos, what codecs (and from where) do i need ? | 13:19 |
R` | hi guys, which umask can i use to let a user (apache) create files with full Read/Write/Exec permission for everyone? (777) | 13:19 |
my_haz | R`: yes 777 | 13:20 |
earthling | my_haz : VLC | 13:20 |
R` | my_haz; no i mean which umask does a username need before it can create 777 permissioned dirs/files? | 13:20 |
earthling | R`: umask 000.. though not recommended | 13:21 |
earthling | R`: I guess | 13:21 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip ok... purged again... let's see if the manual install wants to work this time | 13:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | earthling, Scary giving rwx to all | 13:21 |
my_haz | earthling: that doesn't seem to work for me, and when i run mplayer i just get a grey screen with uniformally distributed dots | 13:21 |
R` | earthling; it is set to 000 right now, but the files/dirs the user makes are read/write, not exec:( | 13:22 |
earthling | R`: yeah it does not work for me also ;).. | 13:22 |
earthling | R`: its not recommended any way..:) | 13:22 |
R` | earthling; so how can i do it? | 13:23 |
my_haz | R`: chmod? | 13:23 |
arvernes | Does someone could tell me why I have the following message "sudo: unable to resolve host celtes2" when I run "sudo". I guess this has something to do with my /etc/hostname, but I can't figure out. | 13:24 |
earthling | R`: don't know.. let me see if stumble upon something | 13:24 |
Dr_willis_ | !hostname | arvernes | 13:25 |
ubottu | arvernes: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab | 13:25 |
Pici | arvernes: Did you recently change your hostname? | 13:25 |
* Pici neverminds | 13:25 | |
R` | my_haz; the program which uses the username must be able to create/modify files/dirs by itself at will, without my intervention. if i go work with chmod/chown then i will be doing that all day/night as the app creates the new files..... so.. the app must be able to do it by itself | 13:26 |
arvernes | Pici: yes, but I rebooted once done; And I have no pb to go on the internet, | 13:26 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip ok... glx loaded (correct version, 96) but still not detecting the displays... | 13:26 |
fulat2k | hi folks, i'm using a dell studio 15 and the keyboard gets stuck whenever i adjust the lcd brightness. i need to do a ctrl-alt-f1 and then back to ctrl-alt-f7 to get the keys unstuck. any ideas of a more permanent solution? | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: im way out of my depth now but you seem to be managing. you could try removing the quattro card to test | 13:26 |
arvernes | Pici: my local "network" here is "", and the hostname of that computer is "celtes2". | 13:26 |
my_haz | R`: what language is the app written in? | 13:27 |
arvernes | I've tried to add to my /etc/hostname file : but I still have that message :-( | 13:27 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip almost... I got blinking X that crashes alot... but I can see the pointer in between teh crashes | 13:28 |
AshKyd | Quick question for you clever cats, Ubuntu recently locked up and corrupted a lot of my disk. It’s back again now, but apt is failing with “E: Couldn’t configure pre-depend libc6 for findutils, probably a dependency cycle.” Anyone know how I could re-fix it without a reinstalll? | 13:28 |
Pici | arvernes: You need to modify /etc/hosts as well. See the message from ubottu above | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: you could try manually populating xorg.conf | 13:29 |
Joe_ | actionparsnip arg... it took me forever to get it set up right the first time... but that's probably a good idea | 13:29 |
arvernes | Pici, yes, I just read his message. I change it right now | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: its an avenue to explore | 13:30 |
earthling | R`: well why don't you use your code to change the userid ..i know for sure that C/C++,perl bash can do it.. | 13:31 |
kara | killed israel killed children in gazaa are you killed israell | 13:31 |
superdug | is there an easy-peasy specific channel on freenode? | 13:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | superdug, Specific for what | 13:31 |
superdug | Jack_Sparrow: the project formerly known as unbuntu-eee, which is now just a repackaging of the netbook-remix now called easy-peasy | 13:32 |
kara | Child, murderer, israel, | 13:32 |
kara | Child, murderer, israel, | 13:32 |
=== onodream is now known as Onoz | ||
arvernes | Pici: done. Do I have to reboot to make those changes to take into consideration ? | 13:34 |
superdug | Jack_Sparrow: it's a fairly new name change, but instead of making an eee specific respin apparently they're making a netbook-wide respin | 13:34 |
earthling | arvernes: /etc/init.d/network restart will suffice | 13:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | superdug, Youll need to search freenode channel list | 13:35 |
superdug | Jack_Sparrow: hehehe, that sounds, painful | 13:35 |
arvernes | earthling: ok, i do it | 13:35 |
oCean_ | superdug: seems to be channel #ubuntu-eeepc | 13:36 |
arvernes | earthling: I do not have "network" but "networking". I guess that's the same thing. I did that "restart", but I still wait for the command to finish. That's quite long. Strange | 13:37 |
superdug | oCean_: many thanks | 13:37 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow any ideas... X just keep crashing, but nothing bad in Xorg.0.log, dmesg | tail shows seg faults | 13:38 |
earthling | arvernes: yeah networking must do it | 13:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, I had that with 177 | 13:38 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow how'd you fix it? | 13:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, I went to 173 Like I mentioned 2 or 3 times | 13:39 |
GeorgeA | is there a way to find out what my RAM type is from ubuntu? DDR2/etc and the speed? | 13:39 |
FreshPrince | (gfunk)mount -o loop -t iso9660 Desktop/rzr-srw2.iso /mnt/iso | 13:39 |
FreshPrince | mount: could not find any device /dev/loop# | 13:39 |
FreshPrince | can someone help? | 13:39 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow grumble... that won't work either, heh | 13:39 |
FreshPrince | i'm trying to mount an ISO Image | 13:39 |
beinghuman | okay I'm having some problems... | 13:40 |
beinghuman | I haven't logged into ubuntu in a while and my nvidia legacy driver isn't work | 13:40 |
beinghuman | and I can't go up on resolutions... | 13:40 |
beinghuman | or anything.. | 13:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, You are mixing video chipsets with conflicting drivers. You are in for a long rough ride | 13:40 |
beinghuman | isn't working | 13:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > beinghuman | 13:40 |
cwillu | Jack_Sparrow, ubottu isnt' around right now | 13:40 |
cwillu | beinghuman, please don't use the enter key as punctuation | 13:40 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow both are listed as supported by 96, and it worked (minus a glx error) this morning... also worked perfectly fine under Hardy (using the 169.12 drivers, that aren't supported by intrepid) | 13:41 |
beinghuman | cwillu whatever you say | 13:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | beinghuman, Please keep your questions and responses on one line | 13:41 |
beinghuman | I often do what people tell me to do over the internet | 13:41 |
beinghuman | especially when it doesn't pertain to my situation | 13:41 |
hajar | hi.. does any one advice me a software for web interface design?? | 13:42 |
beinghuman | I'll give it an update and see how it goes. Be right back. | 13:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | beinghuman, Perhaps you might want to read the code of conduct for our channel | 13:42 |
Chilired | on a stardard 8.10 ubuntu server install are ports closed by default? | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | !info bluefish | 13:42 |
jrib | Chilired: no, check with 'sudo iptables -L' | 13:42 |
Chilired | ok | 13:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | were giving ubottu a tuneup | 13:43 |
arvernes | earthling: still the same message. I guess I have to reboot, | 13:43 |
earthling | arvernes: ok .. | 13:43 |
somaunn | hello guys | 13:44 |
SlimeyPete | hi | 13:44 |
Lemon|work | Anyone ever encountered this problem while removing proftpd? | 13:45 |
mib_81a1orh4 | hello all, how can i install ubuntu without a bootloader, i want to use refit for the MBR, then boot ubuntu from there. should i install lilo on the ubuntu partition, or can i get away with no bootloader on the partition | 13:45 |
Saurabh | Hii | 13:45 |
Saurabh | I just installed Ubuntu | 13:45 |
hajar | I need web interface design software , does any one help me?? | 13:45 |
Saurabh | Can someone tell, how to compile and run C++ programs using gcc? | 13:45 |
mib_81a1orh4 | i have all ready set up rEFit, and i know how to configer it, but do i need the bootloader on the partition | 13:46 |
jrib | Lemon|work: have you checked | 13:46 |
barbapapa | gcc -o <executable_name> helloworld.c | 13:46 |
cwillu | Saurabh, install build-essential. However, check if the program you want is already available in the repository | 13:46 |
Saurabh | how to compile? | 13:46 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: you set that up during the install. "extra options" or something like that will let you choose where to install grub | 13:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Saurabh, Please join a C++ programming channel | 13:46 |
barbapapa | once you write the source, like helloworld.c | 13:47 |
cwillu | Saurabh, please don't private message people without asking first | 13:47 |
jrib | Saurabh: g++ for C++ | 13:47 |
barbapapa | yeah g++ not gcc | 13:47 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: thanks but i dont want to install any bootloader, is that an option | 13:47 |
=== _sigterm is now known as sigterm | ||
Chilired | doesn't appear to be any rules set in iptales, according to iptables -L | 13:47 |
Saurabh | _Cwillu_ Sorry | 13:47 |
cwillu | Chiliblack, there's nothing listening on any ports by default | 13:47 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: I've always put grub on the partition with ubuntu (even when using refit) | 13:48 |
Chilired | apache works fine, but my sabnabd I can't connect to | 13:48 |
cwillu | Saurabh, and spell my name exactly as it shows here, otherwise it won't be highlighted on my screen, and I'll probably miss it | 13:48 |
cwillu | (capitalization and everything) | 13:48 |
Saurabh | <cwillu> oops again | 13:48 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: sounds good thanks, do i need to bootloaders or is this optinal | 13:48 |
cwillu | there you go :) | 13:48 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: what? | 13:48 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: cant i just se rEfit | 13:48 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: not afaik | 13:49 |
barbapapa | how can i auto login graphical in fluxbox? | 13:49 |
jrib | barbapapa: install fluxbox from the repositories, then at the gdm login screen, click on options, and select fluxbox | 13:49 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: ow, why not, would luv to know why i cant just point to the linux kernal in rEFit | 13:49 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: what happens when you get a kernel upgrade? | 13:50 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: even if refit could do what you say, you would have a smoother time with having grub on the ubuntu partition anyway | 13:51 |
barbapapa | jrib : i know... but i don't want to insert username and password | 13:51 |
jrib | barbapapa: so what's your question? You don't want to use gdm? | 13:51 |
jpcooper | hello | 13:52 |
jpcooper | has anyone else started to experience great problems with Ubuntu after the last few updates? | 13:52 |
jrib | jpcooper: just state your problems/ask your question | 13:52 |
=== noskcaj is now known as jackson | ||
anr78 | !ati | 13:52 |
ActionParsnip | jpcooper: what was the last thing you updated? | 13:52 |
hajar | is there any web interface design in ubuntu ? | 13:52 |
jpcooper | clearly not | 13:52 |
jpcooper | ActionParsnip, I have the most up-to-date version | 13:53 |
earthling | anr78: ubotu is on leave today :-) | 13:53 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow Actionparsnip it's xinerama that's the problem, if i disable it I can get X to start... but not exactly what I needed | 13:53 |
jpcooper | gnome is now not working, and as a result, nor are the terminal or Pidgin | 13:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, You never metioned you were using xonerama. no it and nvidia dont play nice | 13:53 |
jpcooper | in saying not working, I get an error about the power manager, and then just a black background with the mouse-pointer | 13:53 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i'd get your displays up, then worry about that sort of thing | 13:54 |
arvernes | earthling: it works, thank you | 13:54 |
jrib | jpcooper: create a new user and see if it still happens | 13:54 |
earthling | arvernes:what works? | 13:54 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: i can not use grub as i am triple booting 3 os windows, osx and ubuntu, and i need support for a hybrid GPT/MBR | 13:54 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow actionparsnip didn't even thing about xinerama... as it was workign before, I have all 4 screens working again... just can't use it as I need | 13:54 |
arvernes | earthling: "sudo" and no more warning about my host name | 13:54 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: why can't you install grub to the ubuntu partition? | 13:54 |
odney | hi , i a new user in Ubuntu,but i have to say: better than Ruindows 1000000x | 13:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, HEllo and welcome | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | Joe_: i think nvidia-settings can help | 13:55 |
earthling | arvernes: I guess some one else was helping you on that.. I just told you how to restart networking.. any way you are welcome | 13:55 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: OW i guess i could, i heard that grub can mess up for MBR, but i guess it will not if it is only on the partition | 13:55 |
odney | i'm a brazilian user | 13:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, /join #Ubuntu-gr | 13:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, /join #Ubuntu-br | 13:56 |
odney | tks | 13:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 13:56 |
arvernes | earthling: I guess ubottu did, but it must be gone. thank you ubottu | 13:57 |
jrib | mib_81a1orh4: If you already have the partitioning setup then just note the picture in "Dual-Boot: Mac OSX and Ubuntu"/"Start Installing" section | 13:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, There is also /join #Ubuntu-pt | 13:57 |
odney | whats the better antivirus for Ubuntu ? | 13:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, not needed | 13:57 |
odney | serious ? | 13:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, Seriously | 13:57 |
jrib | odney: of course | 13:57 |
mib_81a1orh4 | jrib: thanks alot i will have a read now | 13:57 |
odney | but , its not dangerous ? | 13:57 |
jrib | odney: no... | 13:58 |
arvernes | Now I try to find a command line to ask for a package a file could belong too. When I was running fedora, I used to use "rpm -qa | grep something, is there such a thing using ubuntu. I tried to find something with apt-cache, but I've not been successfull | 13:58 |
emilio | hi non serve antivirus for ubuntu | 13:58 |
odney | virus only for Windows really ? | 13:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, No not dangerous to run without one and dont worry about adding your firewall manager | 13:58 |
quibbler | odney, it's not necessary but you can install clamav in Synaptic | 13:58 |
odney | cool | 13:58 |
jrib | odney: but clamav is really meant for things like mail servers with windows clients | 13:58 |
jrib | emilio: no need for antivirus on a desktop machine | 13:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | odney, clam is not really for protecting ubuntu but for scanning windows apps etc | 13:59 |
odney | clamav ? easy settings ? | 13:59 |
earthling | Jack_Sparrow: like the stunted typing of people when they ask you "you don't need anti virus?" :p | 13:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | agreed | 13:59 |
emilio | vat this xubuntu | 13:59 |
jrib | emilio: it's the same | 14:00 |
odney | rssss | 14:00 |
jrib | odney: just start using your computer to do stuff instead of worrying about windows problems | 14:00 |
ActionParsnip | earthling: its handy when you have windows systems writing to a samba share | 14:00 |
odney | tks | 14:01 |
laobing | #ubuntu-cn | 14:01 |
odney | it's a true | 14:01 |
earthling | ActionParsnip: ??? on what context?? | 14:01 |
Eliteslave | hello everyone? | 14:02 |
Eliteslave | erm ! | 14:02 |
odney | i cant see the windows after Ubuntu isntall | 14:02 |
Por | Hi everybody Who ever config about openVPN client , serve ? | 14:03 |
odney | i'm making a big market with Ubuntu here in Brazil rsss | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | earthling: well if a windows user uploads a file to your samba share, the av on the server can stop other users downloading the virus to other systems by cleaning it or deleting it or whatever | 14:03 |
muriel | Por: what's exactly do you need to know? | 14:04 |
ActionParsnip | !grub | odney | 14:05 |
odney | the speed of download's in windows are in 120 kb/s , In Ubuntu now is 300>400 kb/s | 14:05 |
ActionParsnip | odney: you may need to add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.list to boot windows | 14:05 |
odney | i not belive when see these | 14:06 |
ActionParsnip | odney: is that from the same server over the same connection? | 14:06 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: the link was interesting, only I don't understand most of the code | 14:06 |
odney | the same | 14:06 |
Weltin | Hi. anyone here that can help me install xymon on ubuntu 8.04 x64?? | 14:06 |
earthling | ActionParsnip:well why will I be so flimsy to let things like that happen.. ?? but I guess you never know.. and again with a bit of C code that can be overcome.. :) also.. well more that a bit may be.. (come to think of it) | 14:06 |
* Cedara sighs | 14:06 | |
odney | i down files for the | 14:06 |
voldenet | [15:06] [voldenet(+i)] [2:Ubuntu/#ubuntu(+JLcfnt)] [Act: 1,3] | 14:07 |
voldenet | [#ubuntu] | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | earthling: depends how paranoid you are | 14:07 |
GeorgeA | !cups | 14:07 |
odney | or the Megaupload | 14:07 |
GeorgeA | there's no bot? | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | !coffee | 14:07 |
_moro_bana_ | hello, I intend to upgrade to 8.10 and would like to know if that would purge programmes which are already installed.!? | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | GeorgeA: i think he's asleep | 14:07 |
GeorgeA | ActionParsnip, alright.. | 14:08 |
jrib | _moro_bana_: no, it should upgrade them | 14:08 |
Por | Who ever config openVPN? Can guide me to config or have document? | 14:08 |
odney | somebody brazilian here ? | 14:08 |
ActionParsnip | !vpn | por | 14:08 |
earthling | ActionParsnip: well if I were that paronoid then I would never let a windows machine be on my network | 14:08 |
jrib | odney: many in #ubuntu-br | 14:08 |
Weltin | Hi. anyone here that can help me install xymon (hobbit) on ubuntu 8.04 x64?? | 14:08 |
odney | cool and tks | 14:08 |
ActionParsnip | earthling: as I say, depends on your securty standpoint | 14:08 |
_moro_bana_ | jrib: does it download the whole system? | 14:09 |
earthling | ok.. anyway.. goonight all.. happy penGOOING!!! | 14:09 |
_moro_bana_ | jrib: sillly question, its ok | 14:09 |
Onoz | Does somebody use KVM here ? | 14:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Onoz, Define KVM | 14:11 |
Weltin | Hi. anyone here that can help me install xymon (hobbit) on ubuntu 8.04 x64?? | 14:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Weltin, If it is a 32 bit app you will need to chroot it | 14:12 |
Onoz | Jack_Sparrow: kernel based virtual machine, the virtualisation software, with virt-manager | 14:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Onoz, Just pointing out that KVM can also mean Keyboard, Video Mouse switch and that acrons' mean different things to diff people | 14:13 |
blouf | does anyone here use the nowplaying screenlet with banshee 1.4 ? | 14:13 |
=== Por is now known as Oak | ||
Weltin | Jack_Sparrow: plz explain (n00b, when it comes to linux) | 14:13 |
Onoz | Jack_Sparrow: okay x) | 14:13 |
=== Oak is now known as Guest48338 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Weltin, We try to get new users to run 32bit for just this reason | 14:14 |
Onoz | Hey people, anyone here use KVM, the virtualisation software? | 14:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Weltin, the bot is in for service so I dont have the factoid that explains it | 14:14 |
=== Guest48338 is now known as Poramet | ||
blouf | hey people, anyone here use the NowPlaying screenlet with Banshee 1.4 ? | 14:14 |
Weltin | Jack_Sparrow, my X3550 wont run the 32bit version | 14:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | blouf, Please hold down the repeats | 14:15 |
blouf | Jack_Sparrow, i'm desesperate | 14:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Weltin, Ihave never seen a 64 box that could not handle 32 | 14:15 |
IndyGunFreak | desperation doesn't make it less annoying | 14:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | blouf, Please hold down the repeats.. | 14:15 |
blouf | IndyGunFreak, it makes it justifiable | 14:16 |
blouf | Jack_Sparrow, wtf, i have no answer ! :'( | 14:16 |
IndyGunFreak | blouf: not at all. | 14:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | blouf, No it does not | 14:16 |
Weltin | Jack_Sparrow, it will install, but after reboot, the OS wonlt load. | 14:16 |
blouf | it's a point of view ... :) so i'm sorry | 14:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | blouf, And please lose the rude shorthand. It is not allowed | 14:16 |
Kalisto | whats the overhead when writing a 512byte file to ext2 or 3. ie how much will it really take up? i plan on writing a LOT of file each of 512 to hdd. | 14:16 |
=== Poramet is now known as fsd | ||
blouf | so ... anyone ? | 14:16 |
Pici | !anyone | 14:16 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:16 |
=== fsd is now known as Poramet | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !chroot | 14:17 |
ubottu | chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment ( | 14:17 |
[FRSK]KRS | anyone having problems with msn and Pidgin252? | 14:17 |
Kalisto | lol | 14:17 |
Doonz | Hey is it normal with firestarter for you to lose 50 -75% of internet speed? | 14:17 |
IndyGunFreak | [FRSK]KRS: if it has to do w/ Pidgin and MSN, MSN is having internal server issues | 14:17 |
blouf | ubottu, ok, that's a good answer, it seems that the nowplaying screenlet (last version in the depo) can't read embedded cover, is there a fix ? | 14:17 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:17 |
blouf | mouarf | 14:18 |
[FRSK]KRS | IndyGunFreak: tanx...then i just have to wait.... tobad it works in win :-( | 14:18 |
IndyGunFreak | [FRSK]KRS: there is apparently a temp fix.. ask in #pidgin | 14:18 |
Eliteslave | Is there a test or anything to determine the stability of linux client? | 14:18 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: what do you mean by 'client', exactly? | 14:19 |
muriel | !vpn | Poramet | 14:20 |
ahz | Why can't I find the new package "bleachbit" in Add/Remove Programs (set to all packages) but I can find it with apt-cache? | 14:20 |
ubottu | Poramet: From more information on vpn please refer to | 14:20 |
ahz | (on Ubuntu 9.04 alpha) | 14:20 |
Eliteslave | Gnea: I mean this computer that I built, Is there a test to determine that it wont crash or will crash? or what can I do to test it to its limits and see if it will hold up or not? | 14:20 |
Gnea | ahz: better to ask in #ubuntu+1 | 14:20 |
IndyGunFreak | [FRSK]KRS: the problem isn't just w/ Pidgin, its Pidgin, Kopete, and probably Trillian as well... MS does this from time to to try and make you use their crappy software.. best to switch to Yahoo or AIM. | 14:20 |
Eliteslave | like is there a 3dmax for Linux? or no? | 14:20 |
ahz | Gnea: thanks | 14:20 |
Pici | Eliteslave: Blender | 14:20 |
Eliteslave | Pici: Where do i get blender? | 14:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, from our repos | 14:21 |
Pici | Eliteslave: The repositories | 14:21 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: I'm afraid I might have to find myself a German link for that. | 14:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info blender | 14:21 |
ubottu | blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.46+dfsg-4 (intrepid), package size 8348 kB, installed size 21868 kB | 14:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, man fstab in a term should do it | 14:22 |
Eliteslave | does that work for amd64? | 14:22 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: any application that's system intensive ought to do - gimp, blender, openoffice, mysql, any spreadsheet app: gnumeric, openoffice... | 14:22 |
[FRSK]KRS | IndyGunFreak: well all my friends is at msn so.. :-( | 14:22 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: Okay | 14:22 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: you could also write a shell script that opens up 50 terminals and then closes them | 14:22 |
nsadmin | Eliteslave: tias? | 14:22 |
scoppy | hello | 14:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, see also umask | 14:22 |
IndyGunFreak | [FRSK]KRS: understandable... i've never really understood why anyone uses MSN... Yahoo is pretty good, and AIM, although their client software sucks, is one of the few thigns I tink AOL done right. | 14:23 |
scoppy | some one can boot from integrated promise sata sx150? | 14:23 |
Eliteslave | Gnea: Mind you im a complete Linux nublet lolol | 14:23 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: okay | 14:23 |
scoppy | (on asus a8v deluxe) | 14:23 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: that's okay :) | 14:23 |
gavi | how do i scedule a fsck for the next startup | 14:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fsck | 14:23 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 14:23 |
Eliteslave | but i must say linux has surprised me so far at how quick to set it up | 14:23 |
gavi | thanks Captain Jack_Sparrow | 14:23 |
nsadmin | Eliteslave: then you should eventually learn the shell and some simple (ls, cd, mkdir, rmdir, cat, more) commands | 14:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:24 |
daleharvey | is it possible to hotkey an application, I want to press f2 to focus firefox, f3 to forcus emacs etc | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Eliteslave: it can be a pain if you have noncompatible hardwares like audigy soundcards | 14:24 |
Eliteslave | ActionParsnip: Whats funny is I have an Audigy card... and here i am listening to Elliot in the morning lol | 14:25 |
simplenewb | can anyone tell me what this means and how to fix it? --> Cannot invoke CheckForMedia on HAL: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. | 14:25 |
* nsadmin patpats his rme hdsp multiface :) | 14:25 | |
ActionParsnip | Eliteslave: some are real PITAs | 14:25 |
Eliteslave | ahh | 14:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | ActionParsnip, :( | 14:25 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: no entry on umask | 14:25 |
ActionParsnip | Eliteslave: just buy hardware off the HCL and you win :D | 14:26 |
nsadmin | buying new hardware, check first if they work in all oses and envs yo're gonna put em in | 14:26 |
mchelen1 | ActionParsnip, my audigy worked fine | 14:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, umask is what I think you needed for that | 14:26 |
nnull | ActionParsnip, i have a audigy, and have recently bought a HD video card, when i first booted all audio was crackly, so i changed all the sound properties to use the correct part of the card (all test pass FINE) and now music and video audio works great, BUT flash and ubuntu system sounds still have the annoying crackle to them? | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | mchelen1: did you have to compile alsa or any other crazy shennanigans? | 14:26 |
nsadmin | what's that init that ubuntu is in the process of changing to, and why? | 14:26 |
Doonz | Hey is it normal with firestarter for you to lose 50 -75% of internet speed? | 14:27 |
nnull | Doonz, lol | 14:27 |
Gnea | nnull: could be a pulseaudio anomoly | 14:27 |
Eliteslave | so, heres a question, Im in console and I type.... sh ts2_client_rc2_2032.tar.bz2 , And it says " Cannot Run " | 14:27 |
nnull | Gnea, im using ALSA for everything, maybe try pulse? | 14:27 |
Gnea | Doonz: no | 14:27 |
Eliteslave | is something wrong? | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | Eliteslave: tar zxvf ts2_client_rc2_2032.tar.bz2 | 14:27 |
nsadmin | Eliteslave: it's not a shell script | 14:27 |
dy_ | I'm having some problem everywhere text is displayed, sometimes one line half-overlapps the next one and same happens with images, I set the visual effects to none and now i don't see that problem, but anybody knows what could cause this? | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | Eliteslave: its not a script, its an archive | 14:27 |
Eliteslave | ahh | 14:28 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: it's a tar archive, not a shell script - you can tell by the extension: .tar.bz2 (it's a bzip2 compressed tar archive) | 14:28 |
nsadmin | and not a shell script/self-extracting archive | 14:28 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: tar xvf ts2_client_rc2_2032.tar.bz2 actually | 14:28 |
mchelen1 | ActionParsnip, nope never did anything beyond normal, it may depend on whether you need all the cards features | 14:28 |
Eliteslave | ahh /me feels dumb lol | 14:28 |
nsadmin | why? | 14:28 |
nsadmin | you shouldn't | 14:28 |
Cedara | Jack_Sparrow: then I shall have to google for that and see if I find something useful | 14:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cedara, The web link I gave shows it | 14:28 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: nah, everyone starts somewhere - it'd be dumb to give up ;) | 14:28 |
Eliteslave | hehe I dont give up easily | 14:29 |
ActionParsnip | MichaelXin: my realtek works flawlessly out of the box :D | 14:29 |
Eliteslave | so expect many a questions :P | 14:29 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: good! then you should have a lot of fun :) | 14:29 |
Rewt | what's some good video editing software for ubuntu? | 14:29 |
ActionParsnip | Eliteslave: as long as you learn its fine | 14:29 |
c_korn | I have this version string: 1:2.24.1-0ubuntu1 what version string should I use so that is supersedes this version but is also superseded by a new version from the ubuntu repositories? | 14:29 |
Gnea | Rewt: avidemux, kino, cinelerra | 14:30 |
Gnea | Rewt: ffmpeg (for conversion) | 14:30 |
mchelen1 | Gnea, yeah, it depends what you are doing exactly | 14:30 |
jrib | c_korn: append '~korn1' after the changes made by « dch -i » | 14:30 |
Gnea | mchelen1: indeed | 14:30 |
nsadmin | Eliteslave: why do you want linux btw? | 14:31 |
Rewt | I just need to do simple editing | 14:31 |
nsadmin | and why are the floodbots fighting each other? | 14:31 |
Gnea | Rewt: avidemux ought to do it then | 14:31 |
Rewt | k | 14:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 14:31 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 14:31 |
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Gnea | nsadmin: the sudden onslaught of join/unjoin | 14:31 |
Eliteslave | nsadmin: I want to learn it since my job wants me to learn it | 14:31 |
nsadmin | oh, well, what do they do? | 14:32 |
c_korn | jrgp: ok, thanks. so the next version in ubuntu is propably 0ubuntu2 and this supersedes 0ubuntu2~anystring? | 14:32 |
Eliteslave | we are a court | 14:32 |
Gnea | 'nuff said :) | 14:32 |
Doonz | ok so if not normal for Firestarter to kill my internet speed. what action can i take to solve this problem | 14:32 |
Eliteslave | its not called Firestarter.. | 14:32 |
Eliteslave | its called Firefox | 14:32 |
Gnea | !info firestarter | 14:33 |
ubottu | firestarter (source: firestarter): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-6ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 407 kB, installed size 1988 kB | 14:33 |
nsadmin | what do you think theuy're gonna have you do? | 14:33 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: 2 different programs | 14:33 |
Eliteslave | ah | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, Firestarter is an iptable manager Firewall manager) | 14:33 |
Doonz | Gnea any idea? | 14:33 |
Gnea | Doonz: on what? i don't use firestarter | 14:33 |
nsadmin | ipmasq is another, and a quite good one | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doonz, Look up problems with your network hardware in supported hardware page | 14:34 |
nsadmin | it's for a specific purpose tho | 14:34 |
fkd | ? | 14:34 |
Eliteslave | nsa: we are soon going to start a migration to a different case management software and the server that it runs on is linux based | 14:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, Cool.. | 14:34 |
Doonz | Jack all the hardware is compatible | 14:34 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: very nice | 14:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doonz, there are different levels of compat. ones that require ndiswrapper are not as efficient as ones with native drivers | 14:34 |
nsadmin | Eliteslave: aha. so you will be needing to understand the shell | 14:35 |
nsadmin | you might be adminning the servers? | 14:35 |
Eliteslave | so this migration isnt slated till september, but i thought I should get a jump on the ball before it starts | 14:35 |
Eliteslave | yep | 14:35 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: did you install 8.04 or 8.10? | 14:35 |
Eliteslave | 8.10 | 14:35 |
Gnea | hmmm | 14:35 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: you might find more stability with 8.04 | 14:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, You might look nto the platform they will be running on.. ie redhat or debian based distro etc | 14:36 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: plus, 8.04 is LTS, while 8.10 is not. | 14:36 |
Gnea | !LTS | Eliteslave | 14:36 |
ubottu | Eliteslave: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 14:36 |
nsadmin | you'll also need to understand how files and filesystems relate to drives and partitions | 14:36 |
Pici | Eliteslave: 8.04 is supported for 3 years on the desktop, 8.10 only for 18 months. | 14:36 |
IntrepidOne | Eliteslave: 8.04 is a LTS long term support. might be better for you to use that version seeing as this is goverment use | 14:36 |
ActionParsnip | so does LTS always skip a release? | 14:36 |
nsadmin | what are the features of the different filesystem types | 14:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | ActionParsnip, yes | 14:36 |
nsadmin | how the unix permission system works | 14:36 |
Eliteslave | From what I was told that the serv actually runs on Ubuntu | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | i gotcha | 14:37 |
Eliteslave | hence why I d/l'd ubuntu | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, Great start | 14:37 |
IntrepidOne | Eliteslave: probably a LTS version of Ubuntu serrver | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, 8.04 would be a good lts choice | 14:37 |
nsadmin | where stuff on a linux box typically goes (like, what's in /usr, how does /usr relate to /var, facts about what should stay in /) | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | !lts | 14:37 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 14:37 |
jrib | Eliteslave: I'd recommend starting by reading through and then moving on to the rute book | 14:37 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: also, I highly recommend that you bookmark and refer to these sites as well: and | 14:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | nsadmin, You are needing to join a discussion channel not the support channel | 14:38 |
nsadmin | Jack_Sparrow: actually not... I'm supporting him by letting him know what he needs to learn. | 14:38 |
Lasivian | is there any reason to use a random MAC address on my network card? | 14:39 |
Eliteslave | well the notes that I have here, is that the serv is run in 64 bit, does 8.04 run in 64bit? | 14:39 |
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Lasivian | or could I just use something simple for me to remember without concern | 14:39 |
Gnea | nsadmin: | 14:39 |
nsadmin | Jack_Sparrow: I've been doing this for a -very- long time | 14:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Eliteslave, yes | 14:39 |
Gnea | Eliteslave: yes. | 14:39 |
ActionParsnip | Lasivian: its put into the card when its made, the first few identify the manufacturer of the device | 14:39 |
IntrepidOne | nsadmin: then you might want to direct that info to him by using his nick. right now all you did was throw a bunch of info in the air | 14:39 |
ikonia | nsadmin: you've been doing what ? | 14:39 |
Pici | Lasivian: There really isn't any reason to touch the MAC address at all generally. | 14:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | nsadmin, then you should understand what offtopic and discussions are | 14:40 |
erUSUL | Lasivian: MAC address is provided by the card and shouldn't be changed without a good reason... | 14:40 |
nsadmin | Jack_Sparrow: maybe you better explain. | 14:40 |
Lasivian | I can limit access via wireless on my router by mac address, so i figured why not set my own list of macs and set the same ones in the router | 14:41 |
ikonia | nsadmin: what is the problem you are looking for an answer for | 14:41 |
ikonia | Lasivian: you just enter the mac addresses you want to block on your router | 14:41 |
nsadmin | ikonia: none | 14:41 |
Lasivian | is there any reason I should not do this besides "don't mess with it because you might not know what you're doing" heh | 14:41 |
ikonia | Lasivian: you don't need to change the mac's on the card | 14:41 |
ikonia | nsadmin: ok, then this channel is for support questions only | 14:41 |
ikonia | Lasivian: it can cause a problem for networking | 14:41 |
Gnea | nsadmin & Eliteslave: | 14:41 |
Pici | nsadmin: You can provide support here, or join #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic (non support) discussions. | 14:41 |
ikonia | Lasivian: you dont need to change the mac | 14:42 |
Lasivian | ikonia: No I want to set an "allowed list" of macs | 14:42 |
ikonia | Lasivian: set it on the router | 14:42 |
Lasivian | ikonia: ok "it can cause problems" is the logical reason I was looking for :) | 14:42 |
ikonia | Lasivian: don't change teh mac on your card, add the "allow" list on your router | 14:42 |
nsadmin | ikonia: explain how providing a list of things someone needs to learn by a specific time is not supportive | 14:42 |
Eliteslave | shouldnt ever really be changed, unless your on a school network and the administrator has rate limited you by the mac address | 14:42 |
ikonia | nsadmin: what ? I don't follow your question sorry | 14:43 |
ikonia | nsadmin: this channel (you can see with the /topic command) is for discussing ubuntu support issues only (hope that clarifyies) | 14:43 |
nsadmin | what word did you not understand? | 14:43 |
ikonia | clarifies even | 14:43 |
ikonia | nsadmin: the sentence, not the word | 14:43 |
Doonz | Jack_Sparrow: im running dual intel gbit nics in this box | 14:43 |
Doonz | Hostname: sserver1 - OS: Linux 2.6.27-9-generic/i686 - CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Xeon(TM) (3600.059 MHz) - Processes: 172 - Uptime: 1d 6h 58m - Load Average: 0.24 - Memory Usage: 513.04MB/3292.40MB (15.58%) - Disk Usage: 1857.72GB/6091.99GB (30.49%) | 14:43 |
Lasivian | nsadmin: I admit I do not follow your point either, but I am curious what you're talking about | 14:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | nsadmin, You can be supportive and still be offtopic for this channel | 14:43 |
IntrepidOne | nsadmin: it would of been supportive if you had directed it to a specific person but the way you did it seemed to us like you were asking for the information. if you have links to this info provide it to the person you think needs it | 14:44 |
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Doonz | Jack_Sparrow: how can i check to see what driver my nic cards are using? | 14:44 |
nnull | Doonz, why is your ram at 3200mb? | 14:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doonz, If you looked them up in the hardware page it would show what others have done to get the best results | 14:44 |
Doonz | i need to convert the box to 64bit cause it actually has 8gb i just installed it this weekend | 14:45 |
nsadmin | well if I'm going to be hassled for helping, I'm out | 14:45 |
ikonia | Doonz: you can't convert | 14:45 |
ikonia | nsadmin: ok, bye | 14:45 |
Doonz | well reinstall | 14:45 |
ikonia | Doonz: cool, just checking | 14:45 |
nnull | Doonz, yea i knew why, just wanted to make sure you did heh. | 14:45 |
IntrepidOne | nsadmin: you were not helping! | 14:45 |
deany | Im assuming it will work, but im thinkin of buying this usb powered dvd+-rw ( think it`ll be ok? | 14:45 |
IntrepidOne | you created confusion | 14:45 |
deany | in ubuntu | 14:45 |
Lasivian | nsadmin: please don't be rude | 14:45 |
deany | the one in my lappy is dying slowly, | 14:45 |
Gnea | Lasivian: he left. | 14:45 |
ad_ | T_T | 14:46 |
nnull | lawl how random | 14:46 |
Lasivian | I value this channel highly, even when I get told i'm being a jerk and should shutup :) | 14:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | deany, booting from them can be an issue | 14:46 |
daleharvey | is it possible to hotkey an application, I want to press f2 to focus firefox, f3 to forcus emacs etc | 14:46 |
Doonz | Jack_Sparrow: is there a way to see the hardware info through ssh cause i dont have desktop access to my box atm | 14:46 |
slobad23__ | when i was using tsclient in fedora, it gave me a windows of launchers for the different connections i had set up and saved - is it possible to do this in ubuntu? at the moment all i have is a drop down list and it is a little untidy | 14:46 |
deany | thats not an issue.. just gonna be writer | 14:46 |
Gnea | Lasivian: eh, give him some time, hopefully he'll cool off and come back and try again :) | 14:46 |
IndyGunFreak | deany: do you have a thumbdrive you can boot?.. if so, google unetbootin.. its awesome for setting up thumb drives to install from | 14:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doonz, Not sure how you would do that, but people here will know | 14:46 |
deany | i can boot usb with my lappy btw | 14:46 |
ikonia | Doonz: what are you looking for ? | 14:46 |
nnull | Doonz, "top" or "htop" --need to install it -- and df -h for diskspace | 14:47 |
soren_schantz | Hello. How do i change my grahics card drivers on ubuntu 8.10? | 14:47 |
Lasivian | Gnea: Yeah, just giving credit where credit is due. Most linux/unix help channels are far less understanding and helpful compared to this one | 14:47 |
Doonz | nnull: i have htop but Jack_Sparrow was saying i need to look at my drivers for my intel nics | 14:47 |
Slart_ | Is there a way to reorder the items in the sidebar in nautilus? can I edit the names? | 14:47 |
Lasivian | in my experience | 14:47 |
ikonia | soren_schantz: that is controlled by Xorg, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 14:47 |
nnull | Doonz, ahh k. | 14:47 |
ikonia | Doonz: lsmod shows the modules loaded, you should see for example ee1000 for an intel nic | 14:47 |
Doonz | i current have the ubuntu box acting as my network router/firewall but my internet speed is 50 - 75% of what it was | 14:47 |
Doonz | ikonia: k thanx | 14:48 |
Gnea | Lasivian: true | 14:48 |
soren_schantz | ikonia: Sure but it's an auto generated file, if i change anything in the file, and restart the x server. It will complain | 14:48 |
chalcedony | i have an open office document that i saved, only now it doesn't seem to be in my home directory.. how can i find it? | 14:48 |
ikonia | soren_schantz: no it won't | 14:48 |
Gnea | Doonz: lshw | 14:48 |
ikonia | soren_schantz: that file is dynamic, you can override it by editing that file | 14:48 |
Slart_ | Doonz: how fast is the internet connection you have? are you doing anything special? encrypting or such? | 14:48 |
deany | chalcedony: look in recent docs in OO.o ? | 14:48 |
Doonz | SLart 25/1 | 14:49 |
chalcedony | deany huh? | 14:49 |
Slart_ | chalcedony: start openoffice again.. save a new file.. see where it saves it by default | 14:49 |
dfalk | I am having sporadic network problems...I am not able to telnet to a device the first time second time always connects. Can anyone recommend any networking tools to help me out? | 14:49 |
deany | in open office, File / recent docs | 14:49 |
Gnea | !info ethstatus | 14:50 |
ubottu | ethstatus (source: ethstatus): console-based ethernet statistics monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3 (intrepid), package size 14 kB, installed size 84 kB | 14:50 |
deany | or what Slart said | 14:50 |
Slart_ | Doonz: hmm.. and what kind of speeds are you getting with the router? | 14:50 |
Gnea | Doonz: check ethstatus out | 14:50 |
chalcedony | deany: hmm if it ever gets done opening save as.. which was my solution to see where it tries to save it | 14:50 |
ne2k__ | howdy all. I'm about to embark upon building a PC for the first time in about seven years, so I'm trying to catch up on all the new hardware. I am planning to run ubuntu. I have a work PC with it on that has an inter core 2 due and nVidia GeForce 8600, and I'd like something fairly comparable, but probably with onboard graphics. looking around, AMD processors seem to be somewhat cheaper than... | 14:50 |
ne2k__ | am I better with a dual core or a quad core? | 14:50 |
Doonz | SLart the reason i had to move away from my router is because it only has a 10mbit wan port. direct connect to modem i get 24/1 speeds | 14:50 |
Slart_ | Doonz: also, make sure you're testing download speed in a reasonable way.. ie don't download a file from around the world and expect to get 24mbit/s download speed | 14:51 |
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ikonia | ne2k__: depends on your need and budget, ask some hardware guru's in hardware channels | 14:51 |
adi1 | hi all | 14:51 |
adi1 | is anyone having problems connectin to messenger trough pidgin? | 14:51 |
Doonz | Ok using lshw it lists both of my nic cards. What info did you want from that | 14:51 |
Slart_ | Doonz: I meant, how fast is your network speed when you use ubuntu as a router | 14:51 |
ikonia | adi1: someone said earlier msn was down | 14:51 |
Gnea | Doonz: have you had any decent luck with bittorrent? i usually get better speeds when downloading ubuntu isos by using the torrent instead of a direct site | 14:52 |
Doonz | SLart 600kb max | 14:52 |
chalcedony | ne2k__: you will probably love ubuntu, go with alsa for sound. my amd64 is great | 14:52 |
adi1 | ah ok | 14:52 |
Slart_ | adi1: yes.. it said something about not being able to download address book or some such | 14:52 |
ne2k__ | ikonia: ok. I hear that nVidia graphics is better supported on linux than ATI. is this still the case? | 14:52 |
adi1 | so it's everyone not just me? | 14:52 |
ikonia | ne2k__: yes | 14:52 |
Doonz | Gnea i get 2.3 using az without firewall just direct to modem | 14:52 |
ikonia | adi1: yes | 14:52 |
ne2k__ | chalcedony: I already use it for work, and I do love it. I just don't have a PC at home so I'm planning to build one. | 14:52 |
Doonz | 2.3mbit | 14:52 |
slobad23__ | quad core ne2k__ - I have ubuntu running on my quad core machine with no problems at all | 14:52 |
Doonz | 2.3MB/s | 14:52 |
quibbler | chalcedony, in open office to to | 14:52 |
adi1 | so it's microsoft servers or pidgin related probs? | 14:53 |
ikonia | adi1: are you listeing ??? msn is down | 14:53 |
Slart_ | Doonz: hmm... that's kind of slow.. how are you checking that speed? | 14:53 |
adi1 | temporary I immagine? | 14:53 |
Slart_ | adi1: you would have to ask microsoft about that | 14:53 |
slobad23__ | MSN you POS... work! | 14:53 |
pauljw | adi1: odd, my kopete messenger shows that i'm connected to msn | 14:53 |
ne2k__ | slobad23__: I read someone say that there isn't much support for multiprocessor stuff, so you're better off spending your money on a faster clock speed, so that at least the single processor stuff will be faster. it would seem logical to me, though, to get the quad core, though, because even if it's not that well supported now, presumably it will be better so in the future, and then I won't... | 14:54 |
ikonia | slobad23__: stop that please | 14:54 |
ne2k__ | ...have to upgrade. I'm planning on buying this and not upgrading for about three years | 14:54 |
ikonia | ne2k__: that nonense | 14:54 |
Pici | !ot | 14:54 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 14:54 |
Doonz | Slart_: on FIrestarter gui and also on firefox download page | 14:54 |
ne2k__ | ikonia: what's nonsense? | 14:54 |
ikonia | ne2k__: smp is in linux (ubuntu) for well over 10 years) | 14:54 |
adi1 | I got some friends here conected to trough windows though? | 14:54 |
ikonia | ne2k__: little support for multi processor | 14:54 |
adi1 | anyway... | 14:54 |
ne2k__ | ikonia: well, yes, the kernel, obviously, but that doesn't mean that applications will support it, does it? | 14:54 |
Slart_ | Doonz: firestarter gui? it measures max bandwidth speed? or it just measures how fast it is going right now? | 14:55 |
ikonia | ne2k__: the kernel manages processing, not applications | 14:55 |
ne2k__ | ikonia: my understanding is that code has to be written in a certain way to take advantage of it | 14:55 |
ne2k__ | ikonia: errm, that's just wrong, sorry | 14:55 |
ikonia | ne2k__: no, your wrong | 14:55 |
Dvyjones | !meta | 14:55 |
ubottu | If you would like to help in #*ubuntu* but it just goes too fast to spot interesting questions, try joining #ubuntu-meta and watching for questions there (note that it is NOT a support channel, however, and questions should still be answered in #*ubuntu*) | 14:55 |
Doonz | Slart_: it gives me the current speed | 14:55 |
Dvyjones | Hmm | 14:55 |
Dvyjones | Where is my Meta key? | 14:55 |
slobad23__ | i can connect to msn through my blackberry and my windows machine... | 14:55 |
Pici | adi1: From time to time Microsoft changes their MSN protocol slightly so that 3rd party clients cannot connect. This is probably an example of that. | 14:55 |
ikonia | ne2k__: certain applications won't be able to use multi-processor through the kernel due to their nature, most will be fine | 14:55 |
Doonz | gnea with ehtstatus how do i shift it to show both eth0 and eth1 | 14:55 |
Pici | Dvyjones: ctrl or alt | 14:55 |
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Dvyjones | Pici: Neither... | 14:55 |
slobad23__ | ubuntu gateway must have gone kaboom | 14:56 |
root__ | k | 14:56 |
Gnea | Doonz: open screen, split it in half, make a second terminal and run one with -i eth0 and the other with -i eth1 | 14:56 |
Dvyjones | Pici: My app tells me to press Meta+Alt+G | 14:56 |
root__ | hi | 14:56 |
adi1 | this is what I was thinking to | 14:56 |
ne2k__ | ikonia: the scheduler decides how much time on which processor to give to each process, but when the process has the processor, it has it all to itself -- the processing doesn't go through the kernel. that would be like a virtual machine | 14:56 |
Doonz | Gnea he got to excited before i posted | 14:56 |
Doonz | thanx | 14:56 |
DJones | ikonia: D you mind a pm | 14:56 |
adi1 | thanks Pici | 14:56 |
ikonia | ne2k__: I didn't say it goes "through" I said it was manged | 14:56 |
ikonia | DJones: sure | 14:56 |
Slart_ | Doonz: firefox download page might not give you 24 mbit download speed... but I would certainly think it would give you more than 600kb/s | 14:56 |
Dvyjones | My app tells me to press Meta+Alt+G. Where is my Meta key? I tried Ctrl, Windows, Alt Gr, everything (I have a norwegian layout, if that matters) | 14:57 |
hummesse | my pidgin can't connect is anyone experiencing the same problems? | 14:57 |
ikonia | hummesse: yes | 14:57 |
Slart_ | Dvyjones: try the special windows keys too | 14:57 |
Dvyjones | Slart_: That is? | 14:57 |
Doonz | Slart_: yeah i used to have 10/1 connection and it maxed out with no problems. So then when i upgraded to the 25/1 package i thought they mebbe screwed up. so i tested directly from mode to pc and i hit 24mbit | 14:58 |
ikonia | DJones: a pm is fine | 14:58 |
Slart_ | Doonz: hmm.. | 14:58 |
hummesse | ok ikonia, since when? | 14:58 |
Slart_ | Dvyjones: the little windows keys. between ctrl and alt.. | 14:59 |
Lasivian | I want an Ubuntu key on my keyboard | 14:59 |
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Slart_ | Dvyjones: you can check in system, preferences, keyboard, layouts, other options too | 14:59 |
Doonz | and ive used the isp direct download link, ive dont speed test both using close and far points and still nothing. I notice that when i run az and doanload something my ssh even become unusable | 14:59 |
ikonia | hummesse: no idea, people have been complaininted today | 14:59 |
Slart_ | Doonz: is this router a reasonably modern computer? | 15:00 |
Doonz | Hostname: sserver1 - OS: Linux 2.6.27-9-generic/i686 - CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Xeon(TM) (3600.059 MHz) - Processes: 179 - Uptime: 1d 7h 15m - Load Average: 1.99 - Memory Usage: 521.64MB/3292.40MB (15.84%) - Disk Usage: 1857.72GB/6091.99GB (30.49%) | 15:00 |
hummesse | ok, ill trust the pidgin guys to make it go away then ;) Seems to be pidgin specific since windows messenger works for my friends | 15:00 |
Lasivian | | 15:00 |
Lasivian | google news | 15:01 |
Slart_ | Doonz: do you run ubuntu on your desktop too? | 15:01 |
hummesse | thanks, ill take a look | 15:01 |
* Doonz hangs head in shame no | 15:01 | |
grndslm | how can i create my own livedvd with the ubuntu livecd + my own configs & packages?? | 15:01 |
etnoy | I am having various problems with the radeon Xorg drivers in intrepid. does anyone know how to downgrade the drivers to the hardy version? | 15:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | grndslm, There are tools for remastering... like uck | 15:02 |
Slart_ | Doonz: hehe.. no worries.. you're getting full speed if you try downloading something from the router directly? | 15:02 |
Tekno | how can I get rid of checker board during xorg startup | 15:02 |
Slart_ | Doonz: hmm.. load average 1.99.. for a router?.. that's kind of high imho | 15:02 |
etnoy | I've been told there's supposed to be a guide in the forums somewhere, but I just can't find it | 15:02 |
IdleOne | how do I restart the trash applet? | 15:02 |
etnoy | it's the open source radeon drivers | 15:03 |
Doonz | Slart_: it running a few apps for my windows pc's | 15:03 |
Slart_ | IdleOne: I always end up removing it and adding it back again | 15:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | etnoy, /join #ati ? | 15:03 |
IdleOne | Slart: just is not updating the image. trash is empty but showing full | 15:03 |
etnoy | Jack_Sparrow: didn't want to ask ubuntu-specific questions in a channel about driver dev and usage | 15:03 |
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etnoy | :) | 15:04 |
Slart_ | Doonz: does the network speed improve if you shut those down for a while? | 15:04 |
Doonz | Slart_: nope | 15:04 |
etnoy | Jack_Sparrow: and that channel is one of the deadest I've seen | 15:04 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
Doonz | there has to be something somewhere that im missing that is bastardizing my speeds | 15:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | etnoy, They know about a wide range of OS's and the ati | 15:04 |
Slart_ | IdleOne: mm.. it does that for me sometimes too.. never found a way to fix it, other than removing it and putting it back | 15:04 |
Doonz | im just not sure what to look at | 15:04 |
adam7 | etnoy: how long did you wait for? | 15:04 |
soren_schantz | Hey. How to i install my intel 945GM driver properly? | 15:05 |
grndslm | i'm with Tekno... "how can I get rid of checker board during xorg startup"?? | 15:05 |
IdleOne | Slart: decided to go with your idea. | 15:05 |
IdleOne | thanks | 15:05 |
Slart_ | Doonz: you haven't installed anything that would limit the network in any way? trickle? some firewall stuff? | 15:05 |
etnoy | adam7: some time, but haven't asked in a while now | 15:05 |
Slart_ | IdleOne: you're welcome | 15:05 |
etnoy | perhaps I'll try there again | 15:05 |
adam7 | etnoy: in smaller channels you need to wait a rather long time -- maybe even > 24 hours | 15:05 |
kurrata | grndslm: | 15:05 |
Slart_ | Doonz: I haven't used firestarter myself.. perhaps it's doing something weird? | 15:05 |
jhb | hi *. I have created an usb startup stick, which boots fine, but its not persisting any changes (despite what I said when creating it). Any ideas how to turn on persistency? | 15:06 |
etnoy | adam7: okay, thanks | 15:06 |
Doonz | Slart_: it may but i cant find anything on it in regards to a speed issue. most of the threads dealing with it are on port fowarding and stuff | 15:06 |
JuJuBee | My daily cron is not executing properly... run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/apt exited with return code 1 What does this error mean? Where can I check to see why failing? | 15:07 |
JuJuBee | I tried looking for /var/log/cron* but no file exists... looks like cron not logging? | 15:07 |
claire2009 | i can't seem to get my dvd-rom to read any dvd-r backup discs, but i can watch dvds and view cdroms | 15:07 |
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claire2009 | cd-rs | 15:07 |
=== Slart_ is now known as Slart | ||
gargar | bonjour | 15:08 |
Slart | Doonz: hmm.. let me do a quick google.. see if my google-fu is strong today | 15:08 |
gargar | Dans le Terminal, quand j'appuie sur la touche "a", la barre des menus est desactivée et quand je rappuie sur la touche a, elle réapparaît.yikesyikesyikes | 15:08 |
gargar | A cette adresse [url], Standart explique qu'il faut modifier le fichier ~/.inputrc et supprimer la ligne "alias cd..="cd ..".tongue | 15:08 |
gargar | Là où j'ai un problème, c'est que pour moi, ce fichier est vide:rolleyes:. Je cherche donc une commande pour reconstruire ce fichier ./inputrc, où alors si quelqu'un peut me donner le contenu du sien (je sais pas s'il de mon matériel, j'ai un toshiba A100-19K).tongue | 15:08 |
Doonz | Slart: hope so | 15:08 |
FloodBot3 | gargar: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:08 |
gargar | Merci d'avance pour votre aide.big_smile | 15:08 |
Pici | !fr | gargar | 15:08 |
ubottu | gargar: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 15:08 |
gargar | sorry I go to ubuntu-fr | 15:08 |
majnoon | Slart, be one with da google :) | 15:08 |
gargar | bye | 15:09 |
Doonz | Slart: i mean i can understand a hit of 100 - 300kb on the net speed but not 1800kb | 15:09 |
Slart | Doonz: btw.. can you run top or htop on the ubuntu machine? see if anything is using up all the cpu power? | 15:10 |
* Doonz goes to look at htop | 15:10 | |
Ham1979 | Help! I upgraded to 8.04 which went wrong towards the end and now I have a system which is painfully slow doing things that worked fine previously - any way of refreshing the op system? | 15:10 |
Slart | Doonz: nope.. I have a small mini-itx server and it handles my 10-mbit connection with no problems at all.. | 15:11 |
Doonz | Slart: nothing. Ethstatus was baggin my cpu tho 80% per ethstatus connection | 15:11 |
Doonz | but thats something i just fired up today | 15:11 |
Doonz | they are shutdown atm | 15:11 |
Slart | Doonz: hmm | 15:11 |
Doonz | and now none of the cpus are higher than 2-3% | 15:12 |
n8tuser2 | Ham1979 -> do you have a separate /home partition? perhaps a fresh install of 8.04 would be better | 15:12 |
Slart | Doonz: have you been messing with other kinds of firewall guis's? | 15:12 |
Doonz | Slart: nope | 15:13 |
Ham1979 | if i do a fresh install will it preserver my setting files for things like postfix? | 15:14 |
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* Doonz is soo confused | 15:15 | |
n8tuser2 | Ham1979 -> not all of it, some are in the server side? and not stash in /home | 15:15 |
Slart | Doonz: well.. it might be that firestarter has somehow messed up your firewall settings.. resetting the firewall and reinstalling firestarter might make things work again.. or it could be something else that is wrong.. I'm not really confident enough with iptables to look at the raw rules and see if anything is out of order | 15:15 |
Doonz | Slart yeah im not sure | 15:16 |
Slart | Doonz: but I would definately say something is wrong.. network traffic shouldn't be that hard to route... | 15:16 |
thickinit | Hi everyone | 15:17 |
Ham1979 | Hmm if weird things like a load of boxes appearing in the dialog box when you click restart would that be a fresh install required | 15:17 |
Slart | Doonz: are you running the server version of ubuntu? or a regular desktop? | 15:17 |
Ham1979 | I think I know the answer just scared | 15:17 |
Ham1979 | my configs for postfix etc are in /etc/postfix | 15:17 |
Doonz | its only desktop version | 15:18 |
Doonz | so it may be something there | 15:18 |
Slart | Doonz: ah, so you have an install cd ? | 15:18 |
Doonz | tonight im going to be installing server 64bit 8.10 but i was seeing if mebbe i could figure out this problem first | 15:18 |
Doonz | Slart: yeah but im not near the server atm | 15:18 |
Slart | Doonz: hmm.. one way to test things would be to boot the live cd and just do the quick internet connection sharing stuff on it.. | 15:19 |
Slart | Doonz: just to see if it handles the same | 15:19 |
Doonz | yeah i think im just going to ignore this problem for the rest of the day and see what happens when i install server 64bit | 15:20 |
thickinit | heh | 15:20 |
Slart | Doonz: ok =) | 15:20 |
Doonz | thanx for your help | 15:20 |
Doonz | its more than ive gotten in the last 2 weeks | 15:20 |
Doonz | :) | 15:20 |
n8tuser2 | Ham1979 -> you can make copies of your /etc/ and stash it in a dir in /home/ if /home will be preserved | 15:21 |
thickinit | Hrm | 15:21 |
soren_schantz | Hello. I've have problems with running Google Earth on ubuntu 8.10 | 15:22 |
gizmo | pidgin cant connect now?(have problem) | 15:23 |
kenois | Hello, after upgrading to intrepid ibex from hardy heron i've lost sound, when i select the oss mixer in system->preferenecs-> sound however, i am able to get sound.. | 15:23 |
kenois | any ideas on how to fix this problem ? | 15:23 |
soren_schantz | Anyone know something about problems with native intel graphics drivers? | 15:23 |
deany | cant see an option in gconf-editor to turn off window animation, just the simple non-compiz minimise/maxmimise | 15:24 |
deany | maximise * | 15:24 |
jtaji | soren_schantz: what problem are _you_ having | 15:24 |
Slart | deany: do you have compiz (desktop effects) enabled? | 15:25 |
soren_schantz | jtaji: I won't run Google Earth properly. If i change to software emulation, it will work okay, but of course run very slow | 15:25 |
deany | no.. | 15:25 |
IndyGunFreak | gizmo: MSN is having internal server issues, thats cut off Pidgin, Kopete, etc.. its well known in the pidgin support channel... you can use until it gets resolved, or use a non-MS IM service | 15:25 |
jtaji | soren_schantz: not sure what you mean by "properly" but I'll guess that you have compiz enabled, if so disable it | 15:26 |
DJones | gizmo: MSN have changed the way its clients are supposed to authenticate to the server and pidgin doesn't currently have that ability, the developers looks to be working on the problem and presumably there'll be a fix soon | 15:26 |
gizmo | ok | 15:26 |
IndyGunFreak | DJones: they had a patch out last night for it. | 15:26 |
sudobash | patch for what? | 15:26 |
IndyGunFreak | sudobash: pidgin/msn | 15:26 |
soren_schantz | jtaji: What is compiz? It won't draw the globe properly, and i'm pretty sure that the problem is related to the graphic driver | 15:27 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
mrwes | will that update hit the package manager today? | 15:27 |
IndyGunFreak | soren_schantz: google earth? | 15:27 |
Ryan_Delaney | I am having problems mounting samba shares over the network with CIFS. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. More info here: | 15:27 |
jtaji | soren_schantz: System > Preferences > Appearance, visual effect tab, click none | 15:27 |
IndyGunFreak | mrwes: who knows | 15:27 |
soren_schantz | IndyGunFreak: Yes, newest version | 15:28 |
IndyGunFreak | soren_schantz: disable compiz as suggested. | 15:28 |
Slart | deany: hmm.. are you sure there is a way to turn animations on/off ? It's been a long time since I used plain metacity.. can't even remember if it had animations | 15:28 |
heath|work | Ryan_Delaney, I can't hit the address you sent, but what is the error? | 15:29 |
linduxed | for some reason my desktop takes ages to start (post-login in gdm). the background loads but the loading cursor stops spinning for a looong time and after it all starts up, im missing the user switcher and the powerbutton in the upper right | 15:29 |
bullgard4 | What is the effect of calling /usr/lib/gnome-applets/mixer_applet2 supposed to be? | 15:29 |
soren_schantz | jtaji: It worked:) How can that be? | 15:29 |
onats_ | what is the fastest protocol to use to transfer between two debian based systems? | 15:29 |
Ryan_Delaney | heath|work: I have mounted some shares over the network in fstab. When I browse them in nautilus with smb://<IPADDY>/ I can write to the shares, but I cannot through the mointpoint, due to I/O error. | 15:29 |
deany | Slart: would of thought gconf-editor would have it.. its only a simple effect, i just rather not see it as its shot crap, and it doesnt look good when ive got a lot of stuff happening.. | 15:29 |
onats_ | over the network? | 15:29 |
jtaji | soren_schantz: opengl apps do not work well with desktop compositing | 15:30 |
Slart | deany: here's a pretty old thread about these animations.. don't know if it still applies though.. | 15:30 |
soren_schantz | IndyGunFreak: Yes it worked by setting it to none. | 15:30 |
heath|work | Ryan_Delaney, your post just came up... let me read through it real quick | 15:30 |
soren_schantz | jtaji: Thanks a lot:) | 15:30 |
Ryan_Delaney | heath|work: Also I can read the files both ways, but I can only write to them in nautilus. It's writing through the mount point that doesn't work | 15:30 |
linduxed | onats_: ftp i'd try | 15:30 |
Ryan_Delaney | heath|work: Ok | 15:30 |
nicoAMG | Hello! | 15:31 |
quibbler | deany: in conf-editor apps -metacity-general turn off compositing manager | 15:31 |
RosMedia | hallo since today i can't burn dvd more... | 15:32 |
nicoAMG | I have a question about madwifi + hostap | 15:32 |
RosMedia | when i give a empty dvd in my pc then nothing happens | 15:32 |
Ryan_Delaney | nicoAMG: Go ahead and ask your question. | 15:32 |
thickinit | Heh | 15:32 |
linduxed | any ideas? | 15:32 |
deany | quibbler: compiz isnt enabled. is that the same | 15:32 |
nicoAMG | i make a WAP using ubuntu on a old-desktop pc | 15:32 |
deany | well its not ticked anyway | 15:33 |
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Ryan_Delaney | heath|work: I have to go to school (first day of classes) in a couple minutes. If you think of anything, can you post it as a reply in that thread, or PM me here? | 15:33 |
heath|work | Ryan_Delaney, sure | 15:33 |
frafra | I need obexftp bindings for python, but they aren't in ubuntu repository. Where can I found them? | 15:33 |
Daremonai | when i print with cups from windows, the printer prints an empty page... how can i fix it? | 15:33 |
Ryan_Delaney | thanks :) | 15:33 |
onats_ | linduxed, its only up to 4mb/sec on a gigabit network... | 15:33 |
nicoAMG | The wireless hadware for the WAP is Atheros, and it uses the Restricted Drivers to operate | 15:34 |
Tekno | WAP ?:| | 15:34 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 15:34 |
IndyGunFreak | nicoAMG: what atheros device is ti. | 15:34 |
MatBoy | weird that my ubuntu raid1 install only reads from 1 drive | 15:35 |
nicoAMG | The problem is: I need to fix the operating wireless channel using hostpd.conf file but..... | 15:35 |
linduxed | onats_: remember that the net is only one component, there are a lot of other things in both comps that will constrict the speed | 15:35 |
toader | Hi, i am using knonsole, it always hangs. any other better terminal recommended? | 15:35 |
=== Stooge is now known as NW-Ih8U | ||
linduxed | onats_: harddrives and card transfer speeds among other things | 15:36 |
quibbler | deany, no it's not the same but if it is not ticked i don't know, what exactly is it that is annoting you about the windows? | 15:36 |
asas90 | is it a bad idea to backup the root directory of a running system with rsync? Will this break things? | 15:36 |
IndyGunFreak | toader: there's several in the repos. | 15:36 |
nicoAMG | hostapd doesn' reconnice the "channel_policy" directive in the configuration file | 15:36 |
toader | IndyGunFreak: which ones? | 15:36 |
onats_ | linduxed, im assuming it shouldn't be the slowest / bottleneck... both hard drives are already at 3.0gb/s sata... | 15:36 |
MatBoy | whn you do a raid1 (softraid) install should the OS read from 2 drives ? | 15:36 |
IndyGunFreak | well, there's gnome-terminal, which is obviously a gnome-app. | 15:36 |
IndyGunFreak | xterm | 15:36 |
Ubuntong | When I run apt-get update I get the following error. Hash Sum mismatch. How can I fix this? | 15:36 |
jtaji | asas90: it won't break anything, but since files may be changing you might not have a snapshot of the system at a particular time | 15:37 |
nicoAMG | IndyGunFreak: the wireless card is a D-LInk DWL-525 | 15:37 |
IndyGunFreak | toader: xterm would probably be my suggestion. | 15:37 |
jtaji | asas90: if this is unacceptable, you can either back up the system while it's not running, or use LVM snapshots if you are using LVM | 15:37 |
IndyGunFreak | nicoAMG: well, what chipset is it is what matters, regardles, whatever you were talking about is way over my head, | 15:37 |
=== etnoy_ is now known as etnoy | ||
deany | reduced resources option in gconf-editor did it, but gives a wireframe when movin windows, which is fixed by turning on accessibility... ive sorted it anyway, thx | 15:38 |
jtaji | asas90: I'd also exclude some directories like for example /var/tmp, /var/run, /var/lock, /mnt, /media | 15:38 |
andy__ | hi. I updated yesterday. Now I cant move my mouse. | 15:38 |
linduxed | onats_: i dont know, all i do know is that i can with fairly modern computers never get more than 30 MBit/s over my network | 15:38 |
nicoAMG | IndyGunFreak: i'm reading the hostapd documentation.. here: | 15:38 |
quibbler | deany, great | 15:38 |
asas90 | jtaji: thanks for your reply. So if I'm not concerned about some backup-ed files to be slightly older than others (that is, no consistent snapshot), it's perfectly fine to backup a running system? | 15:39 |
onats_ | wait, its 4MB per second on my side, x8 its around 32Mbits.... | 15:39 |
deany | compiz is nice but it gets old quick | 15:39 |
Slart | andy__: tried reconnecting it? | 15:39 |
andy__ | Slart yes | 15:39 |
deany | id rather have the ram back :) | 15:39 |
onats_ | linduxed, what's the best way to measure it anyway? | 15:39 |
jtaji | asas90: indeed | 15:39 |
quibbler | deany: I agree | 15:39 |
=== onats_ is now known as onats | ||
nicoAMG | IndyGunFreak: I did installed hostapd from Ubuntu's software repos | 15:39 |
andy__ | Slart I am in virtual terminal lol, only keyboard shortcut i could remember | 15:39 |
deany | its something to have on when you have windows friends round | 15:40 |
Slart | andy__: run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" in a terminal, reconnect the mouse and pastebin the result | 15:40 |
Slart | !paste | andy__ | 15:40 |
ubottu | andy__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 15:40 |
deany | anyway, thx all, tyl | 15:40 |
IndyGunFreak | nicoAMG: how many times do i have to tell you, that what you're wanting to do is over my head? | 15:40 |
Slart | andy__: hehe | 15:40 |
andy__ | how do I use pastebin through a terminal | 15:40 |
nicoAMG | IndyGunFreak: i just need to accomplish this final step | 15:40 |
cpunkpunk | hi, installed ubuntu (8.10) to my flatmate, i then connected a usb wifi adapter (addon wgu195) which ubuntu immediately recognised, i then selected our wifi and insert the wep through the network manager of gnome and connected. It shows signal and everything but wouldn't ping google or anything else. I then check lsusb and it sees it as a rtl8187b... any ideas why it wouldn't work? | 15:40 |
pablolibo | helo | 15:40 |
IndyGunFreak | nicoAMG: that doesn't change the fact i have no clue what you'er talking about. | 15:40 |
Slart | andy__: install pastebinit.. "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" | 15:40 |
cpunkpunk | andy__ use lynx | 15:40 |
linduxed | onats: dunno, i just check my speed through gui provided info | 15:40 |
=== fenris_ is now known as e-jat | ||
pablolibo | My pidgin dont connect to messenger network, any idea? | 15:41 |
Slart | andy__: then you can just do "tail -f /var/log/syslog > tempfile.txt" | 15:41 |
nicoAMG | IndyGunFreak, Sorry. Let it so. Thank you. | 15:41 |
linduxed | for some reason my desktop takes ages to start (post-login in gdm). the background loads but the loading cursor stops spinning for a looong time and after it all starts up, im missing the user switcher and the powerbutton in the upper right | 15:41 |
linduxed | any idead | 15:41 |
cpunkpunk | pablolibo no problem, nobody connect this morning :) | 15:41 |
IndyGunFreak | nicoAMG: i did let it go, yuou didn't | 15:41 |
Slart | andy__: check the tempfile so nothing secret is there.. then pastebin it by using "cat tempfile.txt | pastebinit" | 15:41 |
pablolibo | thank cpunkpunk | 15:41 |
nicoAMG | IndyGunFreak, NP | 15:41 |
IndyGunFreak | toader: if you don't mind installing gnome dependencies, gnome-terminal is about the closest you'll get to konsole | 15:41 |
Slart | andy__: you'll get a pastebin url back. | 15:41 |
pablolibo | for your affirmation | 15:42 |
cpunkpunk | so any known issues with ubuntu and rtl8187b? | 15:42 |
pablolibo | any solution for pidgin? | 15:42 |
cpunkpunk | pablolibo i damm told u | 15:42 |
deany | pablolibo: use the web based msn for now | 15:42 |
cpunkpunk | it's NOT yopur problem therefore NO, u CANNOT do anything until THEY sort it | 15:42 |
cpunkpunk | lol 1415 ppl :) | 15:43 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: take a xannex, and realtek and linux is always a pain | 15:43 |
deany | msn was alway goin down when i used to use it, so i switched to yahoo | 15:43 |
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ASULutzy | !who | 15:43 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:43 |
[Koba] | hiya, xorg/nvidia drivers have randomly broken my system :-( | 15:43 |
[Koba] | can anyone help? | 15:43 |
=== Moo is now known as Guest81019 | ||
aline | #epplug | 15:44 |
IndyGunFreak | deany: i don't understand why other people have not made that decision.. Ive had no issues w/ Yahoo and AIM (although I think the client software for all of them sucks, ) | 15:44 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak it's weird that everything seems working also connects to the network, but no itnernet | 15:44 |
cpunkpunk | and not it;s not a dns related issue | 15:44 |
andy__ | Slart | 15:44 |
=== blueapples_ is now known as blueapples | ||
deany | IndyGunFreak: aye, you can have msn contacts on yahoo | 15:44 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: well if its connecting to your network, and the network is online... | 15:44 |
[Koba] | what is the best way to roll back the drivers/switch xorg back to generic from the command line? | 15:44 |
IndyGunFreak | deany: didn't know that. | 15:45 |
cpunkpunk | deany IndyGunFreak the msn problem of this morning has nothing to do with the client u use | 15:45 |
=== recon69|away is now known as recon69 | ||
Nicke | pablolibo: cpunkpunk: I installed msn-pecan, restarted pidgin, and change my account to use the "WLM" protocol instead. That worked to get on msn again | 15:45 |
ASULutzy | cpunkpunk: So you're getting an ip address? | 15:45 |
Slart | andy__: ok.. it seems to find your mouse alright..strange that it doesn't want to use it.. | 15:45 |
cpunkpunk | ASULutzy i am | 15:45 |
pablolibo | Thank Nick_ | 15:45 |
=== kb is now known as Guest50050 | ||
e-jat | is it and issue for OO if i have ubuntu-desktop n kubuntu-desktop | 15:45 |
cpunkpunk | ASULutzy everythihng automagically works, but no pinging no internet | 15:45 |
opersts | Inappropriate ioctl for device | 15:45 |
opersts | Inappropriate ioctl for device | 15:45 |
cpunkpunk | no ssh i believe too | 15:45 |
opersts | dose anyone know what | 15:45 |
opersts | Inappropriate ioctl for device | 15:45 |
FloodBot3 | opersts: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:45 |
p4rse | ubuntu server 8.10 doesn't install a dhcp server by default does it? | 15:45 |
ASULutzy | cpunkpunk: So you're associated with the router then? Can you access the routers config (or some other local resouce via 192.168.0/24) | 15:46 |
daleharvey | is it possible to hotkey an application, I want to press f2 to focus firefox, f3 to forcus emacs etc | 15:46 |
e-jat | since i need to remove package to make my OO run | 15:46 |
Slart | andy__: you're sure that the mouse hasn't died on you in some way? does it work in another computer? | 15:46 |
recon69 | got a aspire6830g laptop, the sould works but not well, I only have teh master volume control and the headphone jack not seem to work. anyone know what is wrong , ubuntu 8.10? | 15:46 |
opersts | i get this message : Inappropriate ioctl for device | 15:46 |
daleharvey | last time I spam that :P just figure it would be easy / possible already, I wrote an application to do it but it sucks | 15:46 |
opersts | what dose it mean ????? | 15:46 |
[Koba] | or is there an xorg-wizard thing I can use from the command line? | 15:46 |
cpunkpunk | ASULutzy tyhat's the thing, i could ping this ubuntu box form my laptop (same internal net) and get 50% loss | 15:46 |
cpunkpunk | but nothihng else worked | 15:46 |
cpunkpunk | and the signal is fine | 15:46 |
opersts | anyone ???????????????????/ | 15:46 |
Cpplus | Does anyone know of a working fix for the black screen issue when switching between x - tty combined with nvidia cards? I tried numerous solutions like the vesafb/fbcon and manually setting vga mode in grub | 15:46 |
andy__ | Slart: Dont have any others atm, but yes, i am pretty sure, and yesterday in an attempt to fix my corrupted ipod i installed some third party debian software, but i added debian repos and upgraded half my installation from the debian repo by accident. So I'm pretty much screwed and will reinstall soon. But for now, can I fix my mouse? | 15:47 |
Slart | [Koba]: sudo spkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg .. the package name might not be right.. I can't remember if it's xserver-xorg or xorg-xserver | 15:47 |
enday | erere | 15:47 |
Slart | andy__: ouch.. who knows what that might have messed up.. | 15:47 |
roshan08 | we are a local Linux user group in a college and we want to create a local repository/mirror for ubuntu on LAN | 15:47 |
[Koba] | Slart: Thanks, it was kinda upsetting to find ubuntu randomly messed up this morning :-( | 15:48 |
=== Zzero is now known as aleX-xx | ||
andy__ | Slart: New kernel doesnt even boot up, lol. | 15:48 |
[Koba] | Slart: So will that switch to generic? | 15:48 |
andy__ | Slart: But I guess I can use lynx for now. You wouldnt know any command line MSN programs would you? :)_ | 15:48 |
opersts | hello???????? | 15:48 |
ASULutzy | cpunkpunk: Bummer, yea, I had an external USB wireless adapter that uses the RTL1817B drivers, and it's a bit sketchy in Intrepid, kernel panics are common... Have you tried some of the other driver solutions at | 15:48 |
opersts | anyone can help ??? with this "" Inappropriate ioctl for device "" | 15:48 |
sarmisak | hi all | 15:48 |
opersts | sarmisak, hi there | 15:48 |
jtaji | roshan08: use apt-mirror | 15:49 |
Slart | [Koba]: you'll get lots of questions about video drivers | 15:49 |
sarmisak | has anyone got the brand new "MSN user list" problem? | 15:49 |
Slart | [Koba]: and such... hopefully it will let you start from scratch | 15:49 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: just about everyone has | 15:49 |
[Koba] | Slart: Ok thanks, I'm rebooting and trying it now! | 15:49 |
[Koba] | see ya! | 15:49 |
kiskool_ | j'ai une question peut t'on partager une imprimante a partir de mon client ubuntu | 15:49 |
Slart | sarmisak: yes | 15:49 |
Pici | !fr | kiskool_ | 15:49 |
ubottu | kiskool_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 15:49 |
kiskool_ | yes | 15:49 |
sarmisak | any good news about it? | 15:49 |
kiskool_ | oui | 15:49 |
deany | yeah.. the ones i have added on my list (yahoo account) already are fine, adding new ones doesnt work tho.. | 15:49 |
opersts | can | 15:50 |
opersts | SOMEONE HELP NOW PLEASE | 15:50 |
cpunkpunk | ASULutzy i tried last night but gave compilation errors and couldn;t really solve them, i wanted to try this though | 15:50 |
jtaji | !repeat | opersts | 15:50 |
ubottu | opersts: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 15:50 |
sarmisak | opersts, what's the problem man? don't shout | 15:50 |
IndyGunFreak | deany: yeah, the problem seems to come when adding new users... i didn't have the problem until i added a MSN user last night. | 15:50 |
Vimes | Hello good people of #ubuntu :D I have a problem with GNOME and no-one seems to be able to solve it :S (I've asked here and in the forums) so I tought "I'll just re-install GNOME" so the question, how do I re-install GNOME? | 15:50 |
opersts | sarmisak, wat does this means " Inappropriate ioctl for device " | 15:50 |
deany | wonder if yahoo in windows has the same trouble | 15:50 |
davidebr90 | c'è nessuno? sono italiano | 15:50 |
sarmisak | opersts, what do you get this error for? is it a device? | 15:50 |
ASULutzy | cpunkpunk: I wonder which driver Intrepid is using by default, that'd probably be worth knowing ;) | 15:50 |
IndyGunFreak | !it | davidebr90 | 15:51 |
ubottu | davidebr90: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 15:51 |
mgnt | hi, if my proxy user is '' how do I set it on HTTP::PROXY of apt.conf ? Isnt the @(at) going to cause an error because of the domain @ separator ? | 15:51 |
andy__ | can someone please tell me some basic ubuntu shortcuts (not link me), my mouse doesnt work :) | 15:51 |
sarmisak | Vimes, what kind of a problem is this? | 15:51 |
opersts | sarmisak, when i am extracting archieve files for a game | 15:51 |
davidebr90 | | 15:51 |
cpunkpunk | Nicke i installed msn-pecan, restarted pidgin but couldn;t find WLM protocol | 15:51 |
Slart | andy__: hmm.. command line msn.. there is one im for command line.. can't remember the name though | 15:51 |
dumpuz | how can i get my microphone to work with ubuntu can anyone help me? | 15:51 |
Vimes | sarmisak: just let me find my Ubuntu post first | 15:51 |
davidebr90 | | 15:51 |
ASULutzy | andy__: alt+f1 gets you to the gnome menu, alt+f2 allows you to execute a command... That's really all you need ;) | 15:51 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: ps2 or usb? | 15:51 |
Slart | andy__: but msn seems to be broken for everyone anyways.. so you might as well wait until you've reinstalled | 15:51 |
sarmisak | opersts, hmm, probably some crc problem maybe? or are you extracting a PS2 backup or something like that? | 15:52 |
andy__ | ASULutzy: Alt F2 got me into virtual command window... | 15:52 |
andy__ | IndyGunFreak USB | 15:52 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: thats odd, have you tried using a PS2 adapter? | 15:52 |
andy__ | My whole install is corrupted, but i have exams this week so cant really reinstall, and my mum will kill me if she cant surf the web :) | 15:52 |
ASULutzy | andy__: just unplug it, then run dmesg | tail -f, and then plug it back in and see what it says | 15:53 |
sarmisak | opersts, have you seen this thread? | 15:53 |
jtaji | Vimes: most likely you have a user configuration problem which could be solving by deleting or moving your ~/.gnome2 directory to start with fresh settings, reinstalling gnome is likely to do nothing | 15:53 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: well how did your install get corrupted? | 15:53 |
p4rse | Ubuntu Server 8.10 doesn't install a DHCP server by default does it? Network admin says i cant have my Ubuntu box connected because it conflicts with his DHCP server... | 15:53 |
Vimes | How do I find my last posts in Ubuntu Forums? <.< | 15:53 |
jtaji | p4rse: nope no servers by default | 15:53 |
sarmisak | Vimes, jtaji is right, just delete your .gnome2 folder | 15:53 |
Vimes | I'll find the post first ^^ | 15:53 |
IndyGunFreak | Vimes: i always click search, and "find all my posts".. and it will list them in descending order | 15:54 |
sarmisak | p4rse, if you have selected a dhcp server while installing it might | 15:54 |
andy__ | IndyGunFreak: I tried installing third party software through a debian repo. Then I saw there were updates availible, and it converted 80% of my OS to debian. This shit only happens to me :D | 15:54 |
Vimes | thanks ^^ | 15:54 |
roshan08 | jtaji, actually the server is running Fedora we just want to host Ubuntu mirror | 15:54 |
scientes | is ext4 in hardy? | 15:54 |
sarmisak | p4rse, but there shouldn't be any conflicts after all? | 15:54 |
jussi01 | !ohmy | andy__ | 15:54 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: well no offense, but that wasn't very bright. | 15:54 |
ubottu | andy__: Please watch your language, attitude and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! | 15:54 |
p4rse | samrisak: i didnt, only thing i selected was OpenSSH | 15:54 |
scientes | !ext4 | 15:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4 | 15:54 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: maybe you could create a new user... and the mouse would work there. | 15:54 |
scientes | !brtfs | 15:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about brtfs | 15:55 |
andy__ | IndyGunFreak: How would I do that cmd style? | 15:55 |
sarmisak | p4rse, just ask some more explanation from him, I have 2 ubuntu server boxes working on the same LAN | 15:55 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: now that, i don't know.. | 15:55 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: i'm sure someone here knows. | 15:55 |
sarmisak | p4rse, they don't conflict or such | 15:55 |
jtaji | roshan08: that doesn't matter | 15:55 |
p4rse | sarmisak: ok thanks, do you know how to check if i for some wierd reason have a DHCP server running? | 15:55 |
andy__ | or i could just reboot into windows xD | 15:55 |
roshan08 | jtaji, okay | 15:56 |
Vimes | eh, "find all my posts" didn't work o.O | 15:56 |
roshan08 | jtaji, tanks | 15:56 |
sarmisak | p4rse, try this; /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server status | 15:56 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: well my friend says, to run adduser in terminal and it will create a new user | 15:56 |
roshan08 | jtaji, sorry thanks | 15:56 |
jtaji | roshan08: no prob ;) | 15:56 |
jamnz | I need to know where to configure log on schedule so I can allow user ID to log on during certain hours. Any help? Thanks! | 15:56 |
flukxo | howdy, did anyone experience problems with pidgin today while trying to connect to msn? | 15:56 |
evol | Hello everyone, does anyone face any problems with pidgin? I could connect fine yesterday, now I get an error saying cannot load contact list | 15:56 |
andy__ | IndyGunFreak: Thanks. I have exams this week, so I think i'll just boot up windows for my parents to use and fix it when i'm done :) | 15:57 |
sarmisak | flukxo, everyone :D | 15:57 |
evol | flukxo, :) | 15:57 |
flukxo | darn | 15:57 |
Nicke | cpunkpunk: It was there for me (Under Accounts, then edit the specific account, and then under Protocol) | 15:57 |
evol | how do we fix that? shouldn't they push an update or something | 15:57 |
sarmisak | flukxo, no news about the solution yet, still waiting. | 15:57 |
IndyGunFreak | andy__: probably easiest, and let it be a lesson learned | 15:57 |
flukxo | ok, thanks for the help | 15:57 |
* andy__ goes to study. Bye IndyGunFreak :D | 15:57 | |
sarmisak | evol, no news yet. | 15:58 |
andy__ | how do I quit IRSSI | 15:58 |
andy__ | :D | 15:58 |
cpunkpunk | Nicke weird, well afterall i use debian :) | 15:58 |
mgnt | hi. How do I setup the proxy for apt-get ? | 15:58 |
Jeruvy | flukxo, evol : try #pidgin for help with the software | 15:58 |
SimonLarsen | hey guys. I'm having some problems with my cd-rw drive. I'm able to play the song in Rhythmbox, but as soon as i want to rip it (Rhythm or Grip) it just stalls. | 15:58 |
flukxo | Jeruvy, thanks | 15:58 |
Nicke | cpunkpunk: aha, okey.. did this on Ubuntu 8.10 myself | 15:58 |
SimonLarsen | Could somebody tell me the recommended permissions (chmod/chown) for cd-drives ect.? | 15:58 |
sarmisak | ok here's the solution for the MSN thing | 15:59 |
sarmisak | try this; sudo apt-get install msn-pecan | 15:59 |
Rob1 | Hi i need some help | 15:59 |
sarmisak | and then change from mSN to WLM in your pidgin account settings | 15:59 |
sarmisak | connects directly | 15:59 |
Rob1 | Anyone? Help? | 16:00 |
=== atom32k is now known as atomekk | ||
Nicke | !ask | Rob1 | 16:00 |
last_letter | 'sup, Rob? | 16:00 |
ubottu | Rob1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:00 |
jinja-sheep | !ask | Rob1 | 16:00 |
Jaffarkelshac | Rob1: ask the question | 16:00 |
cpunkpunk | sarmisak no need to use sudo here, but still this is what i did | 16:00 |
cpunkpunk | and no wlm shows up | 16:00 |
sarmisak | cpunkpunk, maybe you should restart pidgin | 16:00 |
Vimes | <- the problem | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | sarmisak i did that too of course | 16:01 |
VioletsPie | hi | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | i also changed version | 16:01 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: what do you mean change to WLM in pidgin account settings? | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | i had the last one compiled by me | 16:01 |
sarmisak | cpunkpunk, it worked fine for me, what's your version? | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | now im back to 2.4.6 i think | 16:01 |
Rob1 | right , ive just a nice clean install of ubuntu 8.10 and i am connected to the internet , but when i go to install/update/or use terminal im getiing errors that the thing im trying to install is failin gany help? | 16:01 |
p4rse | sarmisak: thanks for the help man | 16:01 |
jamnz | I need to know how to allow log on of specific user ID for certain hours. Any one know how to do this in Ubuntu? | 16:01 |
davidebr90 | ubuntu have a bug in nautilus or similar....on fedora 10 this bug is not present...,251148.0.html | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | 2.4.3 now, before was 2.5.2 i think | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | but same thing | 16:01 |
cpunkpunk | and i guess there is no need to activate it | 16:02 |
sarmisak | IndyGunFreak, go to your pidgin account settings, you should see a list there (MSN,Jabber,GTalk, etc) and there should be *WLM* also | 16:02 |
cpunkpunk | or enable it | 16:02 |
jinja-sheep | Rob1: The servers can get slow sometimes. Try it again. | 16:02 |
sarmisak | IndyGunFreak, switch to it. | 16:02 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: oh ok. | 16:02 |
opersts | sarmisak, that thread sounds simular to my problem... I have an 1.7 GHZ dual core processer and 2GB of RAM...yet Ubuntu is really unstable and programs frquently freeze up or crash, | 16:02 |
Andeh | IndyGunFreak: YAY! I rebooted into windows and the mouse didnt work either. I wiggled the cable a bit and it worked. Thanks for the help though xD | 16:02 |
oCean_ | Rob1: if you have an example of such failed install, you can paste it in and share the url here | 16:02 |
cpunkpunk | in debian it simply does not appear | 16:02 |
cpunkpunk | debian sid that is | 16:02 |
recon69 | got a aspire6830g laptop, the sound works but not well, I only have the master volume control in alsamixer and the headphone jack does not work. anyone know what is wrong , ubuntu 8.10? | 16:03 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: strange... i don't have that option. | 16:03 |
cpunkpunk | sarmisak IndyGunFreak i don;t have it either | 16:03 |
cpunkpunk | i installed msn-pecan | 16:04 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: so did i. | 16:04 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: what version of pidgin are you using? | 16:04 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak ewhich version u got? | 16:04 |
cpunkpunk | i tried first in 2.5.2 and then in 2.4.3 | 16:04 |
sarmisak | IndyGunFreak, 2.5.2 | 16:04 |
cpunkpunk | and none had it | 16:04 |
IndyGunFreak | 2,5,3 i just compiled it this morning | 16:04 |
chancegarcia | can anyone walk me through setting up my ubuntu machine to a windows network with their auth credentials. i.e. machine username=chance while network username=redTapePolicy? | 16:05 |
opersts | sarmisak, do you think my trouble is releated to DMA? | 16:05 |
Rob1 | here is that link ny ideads? | 16:05 |
opersts | i dont know what DMA is or how to change i am afraid | 16:05 |
Abed | guys i wanna install GTK+ and i already installed all the pre-requirements and so , and the configure prefix=/home/abed/Desktop/installed but when i try to configure the GTK i have to do it with this parameter --without-libjasper and when i try make command i got this | 16:05 |
Mac191 | hi | 16:05 |
oCean_ | jamnz: i know there's option --expiredate to "useradd" command. However, I don't think it is possible for 'hours'... See man useradd(8) | 16:05 |
sarmisak | opersts, might be. or it might be the ATI driver problem maybe? | 16:06 |
Jaffarkelshac | chancegarcia: do you mean connecting to a shared folder on winders? | 16:06 |
IntrepidOne | what is winders? | 16:06 |
jamnz | damn... windows allows to set log on hour schedule but linux/ Ubuntu doesnt??? | 16:06 |
IntrepidOne | oh Windows | 16:06 |
jamnz | wtf | 16:06 |
Jeruvy | chancegarcia: here is a good how to: | 16:06 |
chancegarcia | Jaffarkelshac: yup, something like that. i'm guessing i'm not seeing anything on there b/c of lack of credentials | 16:07 |
IntrepidOne | jamnz: probably does just need to find the correct settings | 16:07 |
opersts | sarmisak, I have Integrated Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator X3100 | 16:07 |
chancegarcia | Jeruvy: thx. i'll check that out and come back if i have any questions. | 16:07 |
Abed | guys i wanna install GTK+ and i already installed all the pre-requirements and so , and the configure prefix=/home/abed/Desktop/installed but when i try to configure the GTK i have to do it with this parameter --without-libjasper and when i try make command i got this | 16:08 |
opersts | sarmisak, how do I check my Integrated Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator X3100 driver are installed properly ? | 16:08 |
Jaffarkelshac | well if its windows share, smb://ip-of-windows should connect you. in nautilus chancegarcia | 16:08 |
recon69 | !sound | 16:08 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 16:08 |
Vimes | Oh God I feel so stupid, when I write "sudo gedit ~/.gnome2" in terminal the terminal just ..freezes and when I try to find the file I can't find it ..I'm on XFCE now | 16:08 |
sarmisak | opersts, I don't have an idea I'm sorry, maybe you should google about it | 16:08 |
Rob1 | Can anyone help me im getting these type of error when either installing programs or updating them , when the update or download manager goes it doesnt move then 2 minutes later i geet errors like this | 16:09 |
Chousuke | Vimes: .gnome2 is a directory :P | 16:09 |
chancegarcia | jaffarkelshac: work is paranoid about giving ips for 1. and 2, when i do smb://workgroup/machine in nautilus, it's blank when i know something is there. hence my wondering if there's a credential mismatch. | 16:09 |
opersts | man i thought this channel was meant to help people with ubuntu problems | 16:09 |
Vimes | I know that, I have to ..delete it somehow, only, I'm to dumb to understand how | 16:10 |
Slart | Vimes: you really should use gksudo with gui stuff.. not sudo | 16:10 |
boghog | hello | 16:10 |
sidney | Anyone here know if mint is less troublesome | 16:10 |
Vimes | Slart: What's the difference? | 16:10 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: i jsut removed the version of pidgin i compiled thsi morning, went back to the version in the repos, and sure enough, i now have WLM.. gettign ready to try it now, thanks | 16:10 |
Slart | !gksudo | Vimes | 16:10 |
ubottu | Vimes: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 16:10 |
recon69 | Rob1: look like a network problem | 16:10 |
Rob1 | Hmm | 16:10 |
Rob1 | how can i fix it | 16:10 |
Slart | Vimes: something about enviroments.. apparently the universe might just explode if you use sudo... and we wouldn't want that, now would we =) | 16:10 |
Vimes | well, still didn't work : | 16:10 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak which version did u go back to? | 16:11 |
chancegarcia | opersts: my problem is getting ubuntu to work at my workplace. the workplace problem is they stubbornly use windows b/c "it's supported" | 16:11 |
boghog | my mom's PC harddisk crashed and we lost the key for windows XP, so I installed Ubuntu on it instead and I would just like to say that I am very impressed by it, installation was a snap, and both the printer *and* scanner worked by default, it really blew my mind | 16:11 |
sarmisak | IndyGunFreak, good luck ;) | 16:11 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: i went back to the version in the repositories(2.5.2), and just signed on to my MSN account no prob. | 16:11 |
Slart | sidney: why not ask the mint people | 16:11 |
Vimes | I'd hate to blow up the Universe, MOTU would hate me :/ | 16:11 |
IndyGunFreak | sarmisak: it worked.. thanks for the info. | 16:11 |
Slart | sidney: or try writing !mint here in the channel and see what the bots thing | 16:11 |
Slart | *think | 16:11 |
sarmisak | IndyGunFreak, no problem. | 16:11 |
Abed | guys i wanna install GTK+ and i already installed all the pre-requirements and so , and the configure prefix=/home/abed/Desktop/installed but when i try to configure the GTK i have to do it with this parameter --without-libjasper and when i try make command i got this | 16:11 |
sarmisak | boghog, what's the scanner? | 16:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | chancegarcia, Ubuntu has paid support, they are not getting windows support for free, that is for sure | 16:11 |
Vimes | but really, how do I find and delete / move .gnome2 in XFCE? | 16:11 |
boghog | sarmisak, an HP scanjet 4000something I think | 16:12 |
sarmisak | Vimes, pop a terminal window | 16:12 |
vocx | Hey, anybody is using an "inprocomm" wireless adapter. I had mine running with ndiswrapper in 7.10, but now in 8.10 it doesn't work, with the same XP drivers. Ping me if you have any idea. | 16:12 |
sidney | where are the mint people | 16:12 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak well lucky u guys :) | 16:12 |
sarmisak | Vimes, and try this; rm -rf ./gnome2 | 16:12 |
recon69 | Rob1: try run sudo apt-get update and see if you get errors | 16:12 |
sidney | thanks | 16:12 |
cpunkpunk | maybe i should compile everything :) | 16:12 |
Slart | Vimes: start nautilus, press ctrl+h.. search for .gnome now | 16:12 |
cpunkpunk | but in my rep in debian i still have 2.4.3 | 16:12 |
Chousuke | Abed: er, GTK+ should already be installed? | 16:12 |
Daremonai | When I print a document from my windows machine onto my ubuntu that's running CUPS, the printer prints, but the output is a blank paper. Can anyone help? | 16:12 |
chancegarcia | Jack_Sparrow: you're preaching to the choir. unfortunately the IT manager (more or less) fears anything she doesn't know. | 16:12 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: i removed the version i compiled, because it didn't work, purged pidgin, then went and apt-get installed the version in the repos... then install msn-pecan, and ti worked perfectly | 16:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | chancegarcia, Then you know where the issue is | 16:13 |
Vimes | rm -rf ./gnome2 did nothing, nautilus made Terminal stop >.< | 16:13 |
Rob1 | recon69: | 16:13 |
Rob1 | i get that | 16:13 |
Abed | Chousuke: on my system? no it is not | 16:13 |
recon69 | Rob1: use "sudo apt-get update" | 16:13 |
Chousuke | Abed: are you using kubuntu? because it should be | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | sidney, /join #linuxmint | 16:14 |
Chousuke | Abed: if you're running Gnome, it is :P | 16:14 |
Abed | no i am using ubuntu | 16:14 |
Abed | gnome | 16:14 |
Slart | Vimes: ehm... rm -rf usually does stuff.. are you sure it didn't do anything? or it just didn't print out anything? | 16:14 |
jinja-sheep | !sudo | Rob1 | 16:14 |
ubottu | Rob1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 16:14 |
Chousuke | Abed: so you already have GTK | 16:14 |
chancegarcia | Jack_Sparrow: yup. but i'm trying to work around it. and she is being generous enough to not be insistent on me switching. also helps i'm not in her department. oh politics. | 16:14 |
Vimes | Slart: It did some stuff now, popped a emtpy window in "I don't work grey" mode ..I'll just have to wait and hope it decides to work | 16:14 |
Abed | on Gnome ? | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | chancegarcia, I wont know the answer but could you repeat the question | 16:14 |
Chousuke | Abed: Gnome depends on GTK | 16:15 |
Rob1 | recon69: | 16:15 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak yes i c your point | 16:15 |
Rob1 | freezes | 16:15 |
Chousuke | Abed: unless you're talking about installing GTK1 | 16:15 |
cpunkpunk | my prob htough is trhat the debian repos have only 2.4.3 | 16:15 |
Chousuke | Abed: in which case: stop, you will fail. | 16:15 |
Abed | no i mean GTK+ | 16:15 |
chancegarcia | Jack_Sparrow: can anyone walk me through setting up my ubuntu machine to a windows network with their auth credentials. i.e. machine username=chance while network username=redTapePolicy? | 16:15 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: ah, ok, didn't realize you were using debian | 16:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpunkpunk, We dont support debian repos.. | 16:15 |
Chousuke | Abed: GTK+ = GTK2 = what gnome depends on. | 16:15 |
cpunkpunk | i know u guys don't | 16:15 |
Rob1 | recon69: I find that i can connect to the internet no problem | 16:15 |
recon69 | Rob1: you using a wireless connection? | 16:15 |
Rob1 | No Ethernet | 16:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | chancegarcia, Have you installed samba? | 16:15 |
cpunkpunk | i never even pretended u guys would answer me debian related stuf : | 16:15 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: well maybe try compiling 2.5.2 | 16:15 |
cpunkpunk | my initial question was about rtl8187b in ubuntu :) | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | then we talked about pidgin | 16:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 16:16 |
Abed | Chousuke how can i make sure or see if is it already installed? | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak i had that before and sdidn't work | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | but prolly because msn-pecan wasn't the right version | 16:16 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: even w/ msn-pecan? | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | still weird though :) | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak yes of course | 16:16 |
IndyGunFreak | ok | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | but i think there is another issue there | 16:16 |
linduxed | for some reason my desktop takes ages to start (post-login in gdm). the background loads but the loading cursor stops spinning for a looong time and after it all starts up, im missing the user switcher and the powerbutton in the upper right... any ideas? | 16:16 |
cpunkpunk | msn-pecan was apt-get installed, pidgin 2.5.2 compiled by me | 16:16 |
chancegarcia | Jack_Sparrow: samba is installed. | 16:17 |
cpunkpunk | so maybe that was the missin glink | 16:17 |
Fraeon | So, MS has broken the protocol again? | 16:17 |
Fraeon | For MSN | 16:17 |
oCean_ | Rob1: did the "apt-get update" complete, or is it stalled | 16:17 |
IndyGunFreak | Fraeon: pretty much.. :) | 16:17 |
Chousuke | Abed: it is | 16:17 |
Chousuke | Abed: it if weren't, you wouldn't be running gnome | 16:17 |
Chousuke | Abed: it's that simple :) | 16:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpunkpunk, Please note MS just kicked off amsn and other non MS uses | 16:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | users | 16:17 |
recon69 | Rob1: it's releated to your network, the connection not staying up, thats why it's stopping, bit unsure of a fix though | 16:17 |
ankit | hi guys | 16:17 |
cpunkpunk | Jack_Sparrow so whatis going on is that MS now wants to get rid of non ms-msn users? | 16:18 |
IndyGunFreak | hopeffully it leads to a big revolt against MS, but somehow they always manage to attract the masses | 16:18 |
Ali_ix | !hi | ankit | 16:18 |
ubottu | ankit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 16:18 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: no, they want you to use their junk software. | 16:18 |
Rob1 | recon69: | 16:18 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak yes we should be the first not to use it actually :) | 16:18 |
Abed | ok thnx Chousuke but one last question , if it is already installed in ubuntu why there is indep source? | 16:18 |
mib_y8akokku | jrib: do u have that link you sent me a few hours ago, we was talking about MBRs and grub a partition | 16:18 |
Fraeon | IndyGunFreak, thought so. #pidgin is moderated and a channel I'm modding is flooded with people asking why they can't log into MSN. :P | 16:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpunkpunk, they changed their codes here just recently so amsn users cant get on.. there was an article posted in here earlier today | 16:19 |
ankit | have is it possible to installed voice messanger on ubuntu | 16:19 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak yes sure, but how would u in lunux anyways even if u wanted :) | 16:19 |
ankit | hi ali | 16:19 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: i've got a friend that has drank their kool-aid, trust me, i've tried pushing them towards AIM or Yahoo. | 16:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpunkpunk, they have done this before and I expect will do it again. | 16:19 |
recon69 | Rob1 : try "ping" | 16:19 |
IndyGunFreak | Fraeon: yeah, it started last night. | 16:19 |
Rob1 | recon69: ive noticed it says conecting to (ip) it didnt do that with 805 | 16:19 |
Jeruvy | !ot | cpunkpunk | 16:19 |
ubottu | cpunkpunk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 16:19 |
Rob1 | 8.04 | 16:19 |
Ali_ix | ankit: voice messenger? have you tried skyp? | 16:19 |
pauljw | Fraeon: everyone keeps saying it's MS, but I have Kopete running here and it's been connected all morning. i just disconnected and reconnected to MSN with no problem. | 16:20 |
cpunkpunk | Jeruvy sorry | 16:20 |
ankit | no didn't try skype | 16:20 |
IndyGunFreak | pauljw: i think the problem only comes, when you add a new user. | 16:20 |
ankit | skype is installed on ubuntu | 16:20 |
cpunkpunk | Jeruvy anyway it was a common discussion, not an ot i wanted to keep up | 16:20 |
Rob1 | recon69: | 16:20 |
pauljw | IndyGunFreak: ah, I see | 16:20 |
VioletsPie | I am trying to set up a PPTP vpn how do I figure out the NT domain next time I boot into winbloze (in the breeze) | 16:20 |
cpunkpunk | !ot | pauljw | 16:21 |
Jeruvy | cpunkpunk: I don't need your apology, you need to understand this isn't a chat channel :) | 16:21 |
ubottu | pauljw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 16:21 |
cpunkpunk | Jeruvy i do understand that | 16:21 |
eltese | Is there anyway to run Terminal on liveCD? Cant get it to work >< | 16:21 |
mib_y8akokku | jrib: do u have that link you sent me a few hours ago, we was talking about MBRs and grub a partition | 16:21 |
oCean_ | pauljw: I'm running 'amsn' and that's fine too (no login problems) | 16:21 |
Jeruvy | cpunkpunk: so your breaking the rules on purpose? | 16:21 |
IndyGunFreak | eltese: applicatino-accesories-terminal? | 16:21 |
recon69 | Rob1: did you upgrade from 8.04 or re-install, you got ADSL? what network CARD? | 16:21 |
cpunkpunk | Jeruvy i wasn't breaking any rules, the all channel is mainly talking about msn issues and i joined the discussion | 16:21 |
IndyGunFreak | oCean_: have you added a new user recently? | 16:21 |
cpunkpunk | that;'s all i've done | 16:22 |
oCean_ | IndyGunFreak: only some days ago.. like almost a week ago | 16:22 |
Chilired | is there anyway to simple install LAMP later | 16:22 |
IndyGunFreak | oCean_: well, if you add one now, you'll have the problem.. | 16:22 |
Pici | !lamp > Chilired | 16:22 |
ubottu | Chilired, please see my private message | 16:22 |
Fraeon | pauljw, a friend of mine has been using aMSN without fail so I'm not sure what the problem is then | 16:22 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there... i am looking for some good games which dont need opengl or lot of graphics memory | 16:22 |
recon69 | Rob1: ctrl-c to stop the ping, the server not responding to ping away | 16:23 |
eltese | IndyGunFreak: yeah I tried that one obviously and didnt work =) | 16:23 |
IndyGunFreak | silv3r_m00n: what kind of games? | 16:23 |
ankit | how can i installed voice messanger on ubuntu | 16:23 |
oCean_ | IndyGunFreak: I see. I have to start rejecting people my friendship :p | 16:23 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 16:23 |
Rob1 | Recon69: i hd to take the PC to a cybercafe to have it fixed and he installed 8.10 on here for me and uses a connection for , so we could use the internet at the cybercafe , but when i borught it bck i couldnt update or nothing | 16:23 |
Ali_ix | ankit: you can install it using Synaptic, Go to Administrator menu then select synaptic and search skype there | 16:23 |
silv3r_m00n | IndyGunFreak: any kind may be 2.5d or 3d | 16:23 |
Ali_ix | !synaptic | ankit | 16:23 |
ubottu | ankit: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 16:23 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak Fraeon *******OT******* i just succesfully connected using amsn as it was always configured, just so u guys knew | 16:24 |
cpunkpunk | SORRY FOR THE OT | 16:24 |
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ankit | ok thanks ali and ubuntu | 16:24 |
Chilired | Pici I know what it is...just I didn't install it I choose to just install apache...regretting that now. But if I install LAMP componants individually using apt-get will I end up with the same as if I installed LAMP at install | 16:24 |
Rob1 | Recon69: but i can still seem to use the internet. | 16:24 |
Pici | Chilired: The bot should have sent you instructions on how to install it. And yes, you'll end up with the same thing if you install it using tasksel or by installing individual packages from the repos. | 16:24 |
silv3r_m00n | IndyGunFreak: any ones ? | 16:25 |
recon69 | Rob1: you got ADSL? I had this exact same problem untill the last kernel update | 16:25 |
student022 | Hi! I have installed Ubuntu8.04 on server B and run the gnome desktop on B, accessing it with nxclient from A. When I open a gnome-terminal from within the desktop on B, I get an error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal". How to avoid this? | 16:25 |
recon69 | Rob1: paste the output of "uname -a" | 16:25 |
Rob1 | recon69: ADSL? | 16:25 |
Chilired | thanks Pici | 16:25 |
Doom2 | can some one help me get my ubuntu to boot? | 16:25 |
student022 | /dev/pts/0 exits, so its unlikely an /etc/fstab or udev error. | 16:25 |
recon69 | Rob1: Broadband | 16:25 |
Doom2 | Pici? | 16:25 |
Rob1 | Recon69: Yes. | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpunkpunk, Here is what I was thinking it was | 16:26 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: what is the problem? | 16:26 |
deany | for now i`ll just login to the web yahoo messy and add the live contacts that way.. | 16:26 |
cpunkpunk | tx Jack_Sparrow | 16:26 |
student022 | When logging in to B from A using ssh -X, I can open gnome-terminal without problems. | 16:26 |
Doom2 | ok 1.) it wont boot after install | 16:26 |
recon69 | Rob1: are you using kernel 2.6.24-23 , use "uname -a" to check | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 16:26 |
pozic | Is there any application that just shows the video output of a laptop camera? I know some instant message applications can do that, but they require an internet connection, IIRC. | 16:27 |
Lasivian | I moved something to /media/ but it's not there, where might it be? | 16:27 |
Rob1 | recon69: 2.6.27-9 | 16:27 |
=== Heinric1 is now known as heinrich | ||
gh0st | anyone ever have ICS working in ubuntu 8.10? ive installed "firestarter" and when i go to enable ICS, the DHCP server stuff is blanked out. so grrr. my target machines wireless is not functioning, but will if i update and it needs a wired connection to do that. the machine is un-moveable, and all ihave is my laptop. any suggestions? | 16:27 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: after clean install? do you get any errors? kernel panic may be? or it freezes somewhere? | 16:27 |
recon69 | Rob1: forgot you 8.10, i got 8.04 on this box | 16:28 |
eltese | anyone who can help med get Terminal to work? Im on Ubuntu 8.10 and currently on a live session. Thanks =)) | 16:28 |
=== sean is now known as Guest70061 | ||
Rob1 | Recon69: Anyideas? | 16:28 |
Lasivian | the move happened, but I think the target didn;t really exist or something | 16:28 |
ankit | ali i got this error | 16:28 |
ankit | W: Failed to fetch | 16:28 |
ankit | 404 Not Found | 16:28 |
FloodBot3 | ankit: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:28 |
Doom2 | freezes and yes a panic after looking at log | 16:29 |
FireFox||__ | Who asked what? | 16:29 |
Ali_ix | !paste | ankit | 16:29 |
ubottu | ankit: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 16:29 |
ankit | ok | 16:29 |
Jeruvy | gh0st: did you configure/disable iptables for this purpose? | 16:29 |
oCean_ | pozic: i thinkg Egika can do that | 16:29 |
threefcata | how do i release a server from being block in mldonkey? | 16:29 |
ankit | W: Failed to fetch | 16:29 |
ankit | 404 Not Found | 16:29 |
vocx | ankit, Why are you using automatix? | 16:29 |
Ali_ix | !skype | ankit | 16:29 |
ubottu | ankit: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 16:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, automatix is terrible on your system.. avoid it at all costs | 16:29 |
=== copter_ is now known as cipa | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !automatix | 16:30 |
ubottu | Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe » | 16:30 |
student022 | Hi! I have installed Ubuntu8.04 on server B and run the gnome desktop on B, accessing it with nxclient from A. When I open a gnome-terminal from within the desktop on B, I get an error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal". How to avoid this? | 16:30 |
gh0st | Jeruvy: i didnt even go into iptables, im using firestarter so i have a gui to do this, im not competent enough to do it otherwize. | 16:30 |
ankit | ok | 16:30 |
ThomasGHenry | hey folks. I've been using wubi (8.10) for a few months now. today i hopped over to XP and then back again and i can't login. it accepts my credentials, spins a bit, then puts me right back at the login screen. there are no errors. my credentials work. im signed into the terminal now and using finch to chat you. thoughts? | 16:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, Although some old web pages etc still mention it.. it is dead | 16:30 |
Jeruvy | gh0st: then try disabling to see if that is any affect. | 16:30 |
oCean_ | Lasivian: did you maybe make a typo and moved it to /mdia or something? Check command history | 16:31 |
Lasivian | no, it was /media/ | 16:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | ThomasGHenry, I wont use nor recommend wubi and help is scarce.. you can try the wubi faq page | 16:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi | 16:31 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 16:31 |
ThomasGHenry | thx | 16:31 |
Rob1 | recon69: What do you suggest? | 16:31 |
oCean_ | Lasivian: then, when you have nothing mounted over /media, it should be there | 16:31 |
ferronica | what application should i use for remote desktop in ubuntu to connect windows XP pro. | 16:32 |
ankit | W: Failed to fetch | 16:32 |
ankit | 404 Not Found | 16:32 |
ankit | what can i do | 16:32 |
FloodBot3 | ankit: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:32 |
ankit | i got again and again | 16:32 |
ankit | error | 16:32 |
gh0st | Jeruvy: it needs a dhcp server installed to dish out ips on ICS, i tried installing a package called dchp3-server as per the ubuntu wiki, but it fails, and firestarter wont recognise it. | 16:32 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, how can help be scarce on wubi if it's now part of the Ubuntu distribution? Shouldn't it be properly maintained by Ubuntu? | 16:32 |
Ali_ix | ankit: stop copy/pasting your error message and look at instructions given! | 16:32 |
recon69 | Rob1: this problem total stumped me, seemed to be a network driver issue for me. I also could use the internet for most things but some pages failed (mostly logging into web sites i'd get "connection Intruppted" error ) and some updates was fail just like yours. I found that late at night it would work (strangely). but this was all on a 8.04 install and problem was fixed when I got latested 8.04 kernel. I would reboot my router if you got one and try again, tr | 16:32 |
Jeruvy | gh0st: what error did you get? | 16:32 |
Ali_ix | !skype > ankit | 16:33 |
ubottu | ankit, please see my private message | 16:33 |
Doom2 | ok on the panic i have a null | 16:33 |
Lasivian | oCean_: found it, thanks | 16:33 |
oCean_ | ferret_: via rdp? Think rdesktop should work | 16:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpunkpunk, | 16:33 |
oCean_ | ferronica: Think rdesktop should work | 16:33 |
gh0st | Jeruvy: fails to start | 16:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, Personally I dislike wubi , I argued against it being included. | 16:33 |
Jeruvy | gh0st: you said you had an error installing it...? | 16:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, Feel free to provide support and handle their questions | 16:34 |
gh0st | Jeruvy: no, fails to start | 16:34 |
ferronica | oCean_: terminal server client will work?? | 16:34 |
Jeruvy | gh0st: can you pastebin the command and the result please? | 16:34 |
gh0st | Jeruvy: 1 sec | 16:34 |
oCean_ | ferronica: well, I don't know about the windows part, I do know that I can connect (rdp) to w2003 using "rdesktop" | 16:35 |
ferronica | oCean_: i am trying to connect to my friend PC via terminal server client but no luck | 16:35 |
pozic | oCean_: also, do I need to load drivers or can I expect the camera to work out of the box? | 16:35 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, I tried wubi, and well, it worked. But I agree that sometimes Windows may mess with it, so it's at the user's risk to use it. | 16:35 |
oCean_ | pozic: not sure, mine worked out of the box indeed | 16:35 |
Jeruvy | pozic: some good cams work, others are work :) | 16:35 |
pozic | oCean_: how can I see which camera it is (so I know which drivers to load) in case it doesn't? | 16:35 |
recon69 | Rob1: if you got a hotmail account try log into it and see if you have a problem | 16:35 |
ferronica | oCean_: from where to run rdesktop? | 16:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, Wubi wont make many friends if it is part of the problem that wipes out a users ntfs/windows installation just because they lost power | 16:36 |
oCean_ | pozic: I'm not sure | 16:36 |
student022 | Hi! I have installed Ubuntu8.04 on server B and run the gnome desktop on B, accessing it with nxclient from A. When I open a gnome-terminal from within the desktop on B, I get an error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal". How to avoid this? | 16:37 |
student022 | I found reports on /etc/fstab or udev errors that prevent the /dev/pts directory from having the right settings. But /dev/pts/0 exits, so its probably something else. | 16:37 |
student022 | When logging in to B from A using ssh -X, I can open gnome-terminal without problems. It only happens under Gnome (or KDE with konsole, respectively.) | 16:37 |
FloodBot3 | student022: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 16:37 |
ubottu | brokenmsn is MS apparently upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients to unable to connect, shame on them | 16:37 |
oCean_ | ferronica: on the linux desktop (in terminal) I'm not sure whether it's installed by default | 16:37 |
Doom2 | Ali_ix? | 16:37 |
sindre | Got a problem: after the last update in ubuntu i got some serious trouble with the prosess Nautilius, it performs only a couple of action before it hangs and runs on 45-50% of my ram. it usually happens after a couple of klikk back and forward in folders or after a copy-paste... need help, dont know where to begin to fix this | 16:37 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: didn't see your responce, what is the error and when you get freezed during tehboot? | 16:38 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, ha, that's sounds a little extreme if you ask me! | 16:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | sindre, HAd you installed things manually or changes sources prior to the upgrade, that is where the issue usually resides | 16:38 |
Doom2 | ok if i read from the log? | 16:38 |
deany | pidgin issues, fix here | 16:38 |
=== zloog is now known as rampkitten | ||
rampkitten | la | 16:38 |
ferronica | oCean_: rdesktop ipaddress | 16:38 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: yes | 16:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, I lost my windows install testing wubi... and it clearly states that in their faq | 16:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, I did have a full backup.. but still wasnt cool | 16:39 |
oCean_ | ferronica: yes. But there are also options (to geometry etc) see man rdesktop | 16:39 |
evilx | anyone know fi there a relase of minefield? | 16:39 |
simmerz | why would i be able to pair devices over bluetooth, use a bluetooth mouse, but when i try to send a file from one laptop to another over bluetooth, I get an error saying "org.openobex.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed" ? | 16:40 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, oh, didn't know! But you mean the recent wubi or the one that appeared about 2 years ago? | 16:40 |
Doom2 | VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown-block(8,1) | 16:40 |
sindre | Jack_Sparrow: no, didnt change anything just clicked update... | 16:40 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: what BT protocals does each device support, chances are one of the devices doesn't support file transfers. | 16:40 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: both are laptop bluetooth devices. how do i find out which protocols they each support? | 16:41 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: ok, so you see the grub menu and then right after selecting kernel you get this? | 16:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | the one from about a year or so.. but the problem still exists simply because of what it is and how it is setup | 16:41 |
cwillu | Jack_Sparrow, link? | 16:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | \!wubi | 16:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi | 16:41 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 16:41 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: and I highly doubt that is the case | 16:41 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: review the tech specs for each product, it will tell you | 16:41 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: there is som e problem finding your root partition there | 16:41 |
cwillu | Jack_Sparrow, to the faq | 16:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | cwillu, Which faq | 16:41 |
Doom2 | no this is in the log | 16:41 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: what is you hdd? what is the connection? how did you started | 16:42 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: they're built in bluetooth modules in an HP pavilion laptop, and an Asus EeePC | 16:42 |
cwillu | the one you were just talking about | 16:42 |
Rob1 | recon69 i do ont have a problem | 16:42 |
Pici | evilx: minefield was the codename for Firefox 3 trunk builds, what are you looking for? | 16:42 |
recon69 | hmm, I just logged in to msn using amsn | 16:42 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: I didn't say it was with any certainty, its the FIRST thing I'd check tho. | 16:42 |
Lokiase | can someone help me, I'm using mythbuntu and I want to add my Mybook LAN-disk to it, to watch movies, but I must mount it first or something like that, can you help? | 16:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | cwillu, Which faq, what problem | 16:42 |
Rob1 | recon69: i can connect to the internet fine | 16:42 |
evilx | oh, i want that new lightweight firefox | 16:42 |
evilx | I dont remember what it was called | 16:42 |
Rob1 | recon69: A new Install prehaps? | 16:42 |
ferronica | oCean_: i am trying to connect to my friend PC windows XP Pro | 16:42 |
Doom2 | Ali_ix? | 16:42 |
cwillu | Jack_Sparrow, the faq talks about the wubi setup itself being vulnerable, not the ntfs | 16:42 |
recon69 | Rob1: can you log into hotmail account? | 16:42 |
Rob1 | Recon69: Yes | 16:43 |
ferronica | oCean_: can u help me in that :) | 16:43 |
Rob1 | Recon69: Maybe im still connected to the cybercafe ip | 16:43 |
oCean_ | ferronica: I have no clue as to what to do on the XP side of things :s | 16:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | cwillu, Trust me, a power failure while running wubi can damage more than your wubi install.. | 16:43 |
oCean_ | ferronica: you tried rdesktop? | 16:43 |
recon69 | Rob1: have a feeling that a new install wont fix it, unless you go back to a previous release that worked for you | 16:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Rob1: having problems w/ pidgin and MSN? | 16:44 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, when it came up I was also against it, but you should try the newer one, just so you get and updated experience. It's bad enough when people criticize bugs that are long gone, and I don't just mean with Wubi, I mean generally. | 16:44 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: what is your hdd connection? how did you installed ubuntu? | 16:44 |
ferronica | oCean_: rdesktop ipaddress | 16:44 |
Rob1 | Recon69: Can get them to install | 16:44 |
evilx | Pici, I have these thin clients and firefox is responding slow for some reason and i need some way to speed it up | 16:44 |
Rob1 | Cant* | 16:44 |
ferronica | oCean_: nothing happend | 16:44 |
Doom2 | what do you mean? | 16:44 |
oCean_ | ferronica: and what happens.. no output, nothing? | 16:44 |
Lokiase | [17:42] <Lokiase> can someone help me, I'm using mythbuntu and I want to add my Mybook LAN-disk to it, to watch movies, but I must mount it first or something like that, can you help? | 16:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, We are hoping it is a temp issue.. per the earlier link | 16:44 |
cwillu | Jack_Sparrow, and I was asking if you had any pointers to discussion about that, because the faq doesn't talk about it | 16:44 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: is it SATA, iDE or external (USB) | 16:44 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: apparently there is a regression bug in ubuntu intrepid where other people are having the same issue on hardware that worked under hardy | 16:44 |
ferronica | oCean_: nothing | 16:44 |
Doom2 | sta | 16:44 |
Doom2 | sata | 16:44 |
Pici | evilx: I'm not sure of the name of a lightweight firefox app... Unless you're referring to prism (which isnt really a browser) | 16:45 |
ferronica | oCean_: no output, do i need to do port forward ??? | 16:45 |
oCean_ | ferronica: can you ping the xp machine? | 16:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, I wont re-test it, suggest it or use it or support it | 16:45 |
ferronica | oCean_: yes | 16:45 |
Doom2 | Ali_ix:sata | 16:45 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: link? | 16:45 |
recon69 | Jack_Sparrow: luckly I not have any issues with pidign | 16:45 |
simmerz | | 16:45 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: I was helping someone yesteday who had a bunch of rprobs w/ wubi.. seems more trouble than tis worth, just install it like everyone else does | 16:46 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: which log file did you get that error message? | 16:46 |
oCean_ | ferronica: ok. Not sure than. I guess 'something has to be enabled in XP to let users connect through rdp | 16:46 |
cpunkpunk | IndyGunFreak recompiled 2.5.2 and also msn-pecan by hand, it now works :) | 16:46 |
recon69 | Jack_Sparrow: ok, now i see, should have read it first :) | 16:46 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: I've also tried using the bluetooth systray menu to send a file with a similar error | 16:46 |
evilx | Pici, can you recommend something faster then firefox that has full javascript(ajax) support and works on gecko engine? | 16:46 |
Doom2 | var/log | 16:46 |
IndyGunFreak | cpunkpunk: great | 16:46 |
Doom2 | using cd | 16:46 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: it appears from that link that there are few bugs... | 16:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, Glad to hear it. I hope it was a temp issue, but I expect the problem will return as they in the past have changed code just to keep non msn users off | 16:47 |
Doom2 | i am using alt 64-bit | 16:47 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: you are on another system or using a live cd? | 16:47 |
Doom2 | another system | 16:47 |
recon69 | Rob1: I think the problem you having is caused by the combination of the ubuntu you running and your isp. so the web shop guys not going to have a clue what you talking about | 16:47 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: there may well be. all I know is that bluetooth obex doesn't work. surprised no one else has seen it. | 16:47 |
Pici | evilx: epiphany-browser perhaps? | 16:47 |
mas2 | someone else having problem connecting with Pidgin today? I got error when trying to connect. | 16:47 |
simmerz | in here i mean | 16:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 16:47 |
ubottu | brokenmsn is MS apparently upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients to unable to connect, shame on them | 16:47 |
evilx | doesnt have the support i needed | 16:47 |
=== jerry_ is now known as Guest81689 | ||
ferronica | oCean_: rdesktop output unable to connect | 16:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, Since your is working.. are you connecting through one of the redirected servers, since that seems to work | 16:48 |
oCean_ | ferronica: i wouldn't dare to paste the link I found here :) But type "rdesktop windows xp" in google and see first hit | 16:48 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: you need to check the grub (menu.lst) file and your root partition | 16:48 |
Doom2 | how do i do that? | 16:49 |
Ali_ix | !grub > Doom2 | 16:49 |
ubottu | Doom2, please see my private message | 16:49 |
Doom2 | new to linux in general | 16:49 |
hareldvd | How can I connect to wireless network? | 16:49 |
recon69 | Jack_Sparrow: dont think it apply to me, I used amsn not pidgin to login to the msn service | 16:49 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: you need to boot the corrupted system using a live cd, mount the boot partion and check the file to see if it points at the right partion as root or not | 16:49 |
Doom2 | ubuntu is on a sepreate hdd | 16:49 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: I use toshiba devices and no problems here | 16:50 |
IndyGunFreak | hareldvd: do you know what wireless device you're using? | 16:50 |
Doom2 | not using a live cd | 16:50 |
hareldvd | IndyGunFreak: Yep, it is eth1 | 16:50 |
Doom2 | live cd wont woprk | 16:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, Seems people with updated setup may have the issue.. lots and lots of people are trying to define the issue as we speak. | 16:50 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: odd. | 16:50 |
Doom2 | thats why im using alt version | 16:50 |
IndyGunFreak | hareldvd: lol, thats not what i'm talking about.. what is the device... like Atheros, Intel, etc. | 16:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, kde 3x and kopete still seems to work | 16:51 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: well I don't think 'working as directed' is odd at all :) | 16:51 |
Ali_ix | Doom2: it might be little hard for you to recover, if it is available, i recommend trying a fresh install (newer version (even unstable)) | 16:51 |
recon69 | Jack_Sparrow: well, this a 8.04 box, and never used any msn stuff in pidgin | 16:51 |
hareldvd | IndyGunFreak: from lspci: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG | 16:51 |
hareldvd | IndyGunFreak: I made it work on Gentoo, if i did it there it must be a pice of cake on ubuntu | 16:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, 8.04 has the older libpurple or something like that | 16:52 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: odd that yours works fine and mine doesn't. | 16:52 |
IndyGunFreak | hareldvd: i don't have much intel experience, but *usually* intel works out of the box. | 16:52 |
Thwatt | hi all | 16:52 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: broadcom manufactured device for HP apparently in the Pavilion | 16:53 |
Jeruvy | simmerz: ok I'll quit picking on you :) did HP have any notes/bugs? | 16:53 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: it's not one of their "linux supported" laptops :| | 16:53 |
Thwatt | i was wondering if someone could help me solve a mail header problem with ubuntu server 6.06 ? | 16:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jeruvy, that bcm43 xx chipset seems to have endless revisions/versions | 16:53 |
hareldvd | IndyGunFreak: On gentoo I had to write a script. How do you set it gnome or xfce GUI system? | 16:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | hareldvd, under options where you login | 16:54 |
IndyGunFreak | hareldvd: i just told you i don't have any experience w/ Intel.. try searching the ubuntuforums | 16:54 |
Jeruvy | Jack_Sparrow: oh, it's that damn b43 chipset. That explains a bunch. | 16:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jeruvy, not for sure.. but highly suspect that it is | 16:54 |
Agion | can anyone go to pidgins msn right now? | 16:54 |
Agion | is the server down? | 16:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 16:55 |
ubottu | brokenmsn is MS apparently upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients to unable to connect, shame on them | 16:55 |
vocx | hareldvd, what kind of script? You need to explain what it did. | 16:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: lol, thats great. | 16:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hey, it saves me a bunch of typing | 16:55 |
simmerz | Jeruvy: the other side is a broadcome BT-253 in the eeepc | 16:55 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, by the way, you need to fix that factoid. The "brokenmsn is" shouldn't appear. | 16:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | simmerz, and that is one of the reasons they have .. wait for it.. | 16:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !eee | 16:56 |
ubottu | Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at | 16:56 |
atlef | Agion: it is down here to | 16:56 |
hareldvd | vocx: I don't remeber exactly (will have to dig into it) but it had a way to link to a specific network according to the ESSID and when encryption was on I had a few keys for various networks I used to use. | 16:56 |
simmerz | Jack_Sparrow: and the bluetooth is "supposed" to work out of the box | 16:57 |
hareldvd | vocx: Any idea how to link to wireless on gnome? | 16:57 |
vocx | hareldvd, well it sounds like that should be done automatically with the networkmanager applet. Maybe you need to use the proper intel driver, because it may be buggy. | 16:58 |
vocx | hareldvd, my first suggestion is to check out the You mentioned intel i2200? I think that's a common chip, so you should find answers right away. | 16:58 |
thrillERboy | hi guys.... just managed to installed ubuntu on VMware | 17:00 |
h2o | somebody to have installed the new nvidia 180.22 drivers successfully? | 17:00 |
thrillERboy | I donno how to change the resolution | 17:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 17:00 |
ubottu | brokenmsn is a !brokenmsn MS apparently upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients to unable to connect, shame on them | 17:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | drat | 17:00 |
atlef | thrillERboy: install guest additions | 17:01 |
thrillERboy | Searched lots of forums... but, nothing rings the bell :( | 17:01 |
Nubun | help with setting up wireless network with remix. have installed Ubuntu remix from USB key | 17:01 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, ha ha, you can't fix it | 17:01 |
thrillERboy | atlef u mean the vmware tool thing? | 17:01 |
thrillERboy | I've managed to install that.... | 17:01 |
h2o | yo ho ho and a bottle of fanta | 17:01 |
atlef | thrillERboy: sorry, thought of virtualbox, but it should be something like it in vmware | 17:02 |
Nubun | can someone help me having problems connecting to my wireless network with Ubuntu | 17:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 17:02 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. | 17:02 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, I should report you for botspammage, he he | 17:02 |
IndyGunFreak | Nubun: what is your wireless device/ | 17:02 |
thrillERboy | btw, whats the command to change resolution? | 17:03 |
thrillERboy | is there a GUI for that | 17:03 |
Tekno | xrandr | 17:03 |
thrillERboy | It sucks to be on 600 res when I've 1440 | 17:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | vocx, NP, I'll put myself on a timeout | 17:03 |
Ali_ix | thrillERboy: try displayconfig-gtk | 17:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | thrillERboy, Please provide info on your video card chipset | 17:04 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: you must have gotten pretty tired of telling people to create a bot | 17:04 |
h2o | a beautifull girl with naked pictures need help with nvidia 188.20 drivers :D | 17:04 |
Tekno | lol | 17:04 |
h2o | :} | 17:04 |
Pici | h2o: Please don't. | 17:04 |
Thwatt | anyone know how to change the "mail from" address on emails sent from the system such as system notifications etc? | 17:04 |
Tekno | "pictures first! " | 17:04 |
thrillERboy | xrandr displays list of resolutions I've | 17:04 |
vocx | h2o, autoban mister | 17:05 |
h2o | just joke :> | 17:05 |
IndyGunFreak | Nubun: do you know what wireless device you're using? | 17:05 |
deany | Ext4, is it worth using over jfs ? | 17:05 |
vocx | deany, ext4 four, as in four fingers? | 17:05 |
thrillERboy | Jack_Sparrow I've ATI RADEON express 200 | 17:05 |
Bruno_Developer | Hi, Anyone know some database designer for Linux? Mysql-Workbench crashs a lot... | 17:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | thrillERboy, great, now put the whole question together with your hardware info | 17:06 |
fuje | thrillERboy, tried System->Preferences->Screen Resolution? | 17:06 |
Markoso | Hi I have xp on this drive and i loaded the ubuntu disk and tried to resize the xp partition but it keeps aborting ? | 17:06 |
logyati | hello | 17:06 |
h2o | how to enable the desktop effects using nvidia 180.22 drivers? | 17:06 |
ge_ | Hey People! I have this Chart in OpenOffice. Without an X-Axis Grid. And I dont find any way to enable the X-Axis grid. The menu entries for X-Axis grid are grey. Y-Axis grid works. Any idea? | 17:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Markoso, You need to defrag windows twice and you need enough room to resize and have at a min 10% free space on that windows drive after the resize | 17:07 |
=== jens is now known as Guest63157 | ||
ankit | guys any other source of voice chat is avaible on ubuntu | 17:07 |
h2o | skype? | 17:07 |
Markoso | i have 80% | 17:07 |
h2o | msn? | 17:07 |
Markoso | i have a 80gig windows taking 20 | 17:07 |
Nubun | can anyone help with wireless setup with Ubuntu ? Wireless device is Broadcom | 17:07 |
HDready | ge_: /join | 17:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Markoso, what is the error ? | 17:08 |
ankit | ali | 17:08 |
logyati | i have an atheros AR242x and im trying to configure it using Intrepid. I installed linux-backports-modules-intrepid and blacklisted ath_pci... now i can see my wireless interface, but i cant find any networks around :( | 17:08 |
IndyGunFreak | !broadcom | Nubun | 17:08 |
ubottu | Nubun: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 17:08 |
Markoso | so defrag twice | 17:08 |
Markoso | no error it just aborts | 17:08 |
Markoso | the partitioning | 17:08 |
IndyGunFreak | logyati: well is it possible there's no networks in range | 17:08 |
ankit | google talk or yahoo voice messanger is also run on ubuntu | 17:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Markoso, run gparted from terminal and see if it spits any readable error | 17:08 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: no, i created one with my other laptop, and i can see it using my iphone | 17:09 |
thrillERboy | fuje yup... I got it under sys pref resolutions :) | 17:09 |
thrillERboy | now I'm on 1440x900 thanks a lot :) | 17:09 |
Markoso | gparted in the live cd? | 17:09 |
Eliteslave | how do i open a TAR file? | 17:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Markoso, please also keep responses on one line so as not to spam the channel | 17:09 |
IndyGunFreak | logyati: odd.. and you're sure the device is disabled in System/Admin/Hardware drivers | 17:09 |
Markoso | sorry | 17:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Markoso, fromlivecd is fine, just run from terminal session | 17:09 |
Eliteslave | like, would it be tar *thenfilename* | 17:09 |
ASULutzy | Nubun: If you are using Intrepid, you should try System -> Administration -> Hardwware Drivers, and see if the Broadcom STA driver is listed there, if so, enable it and that's all you need to do. | 17:09 |
biglinux | oieee | 17:09 |
oCean_ | Eliteslave: tar tvf <filename> to test (only see content) use xvf to extract | 17:10 |
Markoso | ok so defrag 2 times and run gparted from terminal, how do i do that lol | 17:10 |
ASULutzy | That !broadcom trigger should be updated to mention what I just said | 17:10 |
ankit | guys google talk or yahoo messanger is also working on ubuntu | 17:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | brb, need to get the door | 17:10 |
biglinux | oieeeeeee | 17:10 |
Eliteslave | ty ocean | 17:10 |
Rockj | anyone else have issues with pidgin not connecting to MSN? | 17:10 |
ASULutzy | !brokenmsn | Rockj | 17:10 |
ubottu | Rockj: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, which broke the ability for 3rd party clients to connect | 17:10 |
Rockj | I get error: "Unable to retreive MSN Address Book" | 17:10 |
thrillERboy | I get the ugly unknown box on the left top? | 17:10 |
shmuck | hi, i've installed ubuntu, but I think I have installed boot loader to a different partition, what to do? | 17:10 |
IndyGunFreak | Rockj: there's a bit of a work around.. what version of pidgin are you using? | 17:10 |
h2o | Rockj MSN changed their servers | 17:11 |
Rockj | 2.5.2, default in ubuntu repo. | 17:11 |
atlef | !grub > shmuck | 17:11 |
ubottu | shmuck, please see my private message | 17:11 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: "hardware drivers" shows me 2 options of atheros drivers, one disabled (suport for atheros 811...) and one enabled (support for 5xxxx series...) | 17:11 |
thrillERboy | I'm quiting here.... coming via pidgin :) | 17:11 |
ASULutzy | IndyGunFreak: Feel free to share the workdaround, I'd like to know as well :) | 17:11 |
h2o | Rockj unable to use 3rd party clients for MSN now.... they changed the protocol | 17:11 |
ankit | any body know | 17:11 |
ankit | how to stalled yahoo messanger or google talk on ubuntu | 17:12 |
workingchair | Hey does anyone know how to use rdesktop to connect to a windows PC that is on the same router as my ubuntu box? | 17:12 |
Eliteslave | ocean - it says Cannot Open: No such file or directory, any ideas? | 17:12 |
IndyGunFreak | Rockj: try this.. close pidgin, open a terminal... "sudo apt-get install msn-pecan".. restart Pidgin, create new Account, then in the drop down protocol, choose "wlm", and plug in your MSN account info | 17:12 |
IndyGunFreak | ASULutzy: see above | 17:12 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: should i disable both? | 17:12 |
atlef | !pidgin > ankit | 17:12 |
ubottu | ankit, please see my private message | 17:12 |
shmuck | yes I know grub, but I don't want to use grub, do I know have to reinstall ubuntu? | 17:12 |
oCean_ | Eliteslave: you should be in the same directory as the *.tar archive | 17:12 |
Markoso | so how do you start gparted from terminal | 17:13 |
nillerz | Whats the best free virtual machine? | 17:13 |
Lasivian | how do I use a 26-character hex key to connect to a wireless network? | 17:13 |
nillerz | !best | 17:13 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 17:13 |
IndyGunFreak | logyati: are they both enabled? | 17:13 |
Lasivian | the default ubuntu wireless connection window does not like it | 17:13 |
atlef | !virtualbox > nillerz | 17:13 |
ubottu | nillerz, please see my private message | 17:13 |
logyati | nillerz: deppends of what you want... desktop virtualization or server virtualization... | 17:13 |
Bruno_Developer | Hi, Anyone know some database designer for Linux? Mysql-Workbench crashs a lot... | 17:13 |
Eliteslave | its on my "desktop" and the terminal is sean@sean-desktop: | 17:13 |
Eliteslave | is that the correct function? | 17:13 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: no, just the second one (suport for 5xxx...) i believe this is ath5k | 17:13 |
Nubun | Did use lspci.... network controller : Boradcom Copr Wireless Lan Controller (rev 03) | 17:13 |
oCean_ | workingchair: if the win box is configured to let users remote connect, "rdesktop <host>" should work | 17:13 |
IndyGunFreak | logyati: ok, thats how mine looks.... should work | 17:14 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: damn it :( | 17:14 |
Rockj | industrialbs, that works like a charm :) | 17:14 |
Rockj | ehm | 17:14 |
Rockj | IndyGunFreak, that works like a charm. | 17:14 |
tristan_ | Ya des français la ? | 17:14 |
Rockj | btw, what is this message about certificate is invalid? | 17:14 |
IndyGunFreak | Rockj: it seems to work for most. | 17:14 |
IndyGunFreak | Rockj: i've not got that one, not sure. | 17:14 |
atlef | !fr > tristan_ | 17:14 |
ubottu | tristan_, please see my private message | 17:14 |
Lasivian | nevermind, I was missing a character | 17:14 |
NGL-Jabrroa | hello | 17:15 |
Eliteslave | ocean mind if i msg you? | 17:15 |
oCean_ | Eliteslave: nope, pls do | 17:15 |
Baz_ | hey, I am playing around with the 'remote desktop viewer' (vnc) and its pretty cool but how can I use the accounts already in the OS to login - for example if I had an account BAZ and my friend had PAUL, I would like to be able to login to my account, and my friend into his? | 17:15 |
workingchair | oCean_, I'm not exactly sure what to put for <host> though. I know what the "name" of the computer should be. is it just that, or do I have to have that in conjunction with a port number, etc...?? | 17:15 |
Nubun | Unable to enable driver for Broadcom Wireless lan within Hadrware drivers | 17:15 |
Rockj | IndyGunFreak, try to update !brokemsn trigger with that specified information. Thanks for the help | 17:15 |
oCean_ | workingchair: yes, that would be name (or ip) | 17:16 |
IndyGunFreak | Rockj: i'll suggest it to Jack_Sparrow | 17:16 |
Nubun | Requires firmware ??? | 17:16 |
shmuck | actual setup: diskA -> 500GB (NTFS), diskB -> 400GB NTFS, diskB -> 100GB ext3 (previously fbsd) | 17:16 |
shmuck | boot manager=Vista on diskA | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | IndyGunFreak, BAck, what did he want added to the factoid | 17:16 |
Nubun | help with activating driver to enable wireless lan within Ubuntu Remix | 17:16 |
shmuck | where should I install ubuntu's boot loader? | 17:16 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: there's a bit of a work around if your'e using Pidgin 2.5.2, w/ the MSN problem | 17:16 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: the weird thing is, there is no errors in syslog | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | schlort, mbr of primary drive | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | IndyGunFreak, a link? | 17:17 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: are you able to create an ad-hoc with iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc? | 17:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | IndyGunFreak, redirected servers? | 17:17 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: dunno about a link, i just saw someone else suggest it in another channel, and it worked for me, and its worked for 2-e people here. | 17:17 |
ASULutzy | Jack_Sparrow: Can verify that IndyGunFreak's fix works, pretty simple too, just sudo apt-get install msn-pecan, and then restart pidgin and create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 17:17 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: i think so, the whole msn-pecan thing | 17:17 |
Baz_ | shmuck: if u installed vista first, then ubuntu.... ubuntu is smart enough to keep the vista boot, so just keep it at the default | 17:17 |
atlef | shmuck: disk a | 17:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | ASULutzy, noted one sec or two | 17:18 |
Nubun | help | 17:18 |
IndyGunFreak | ASULutzy: not my fix, i picked it up somewhere else, just passing along the info... | 17:18 |
shmuck | atlef but I dont want to use GRUB will automatically install grub on diskA ? | 17:18 |
logyati | IndyGunFreak: iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc says " SET failed on device wlan0 ; Device or resource busy" | 17:18 |
vocx | Ha ha, we'll call it the IndyGunFreak fix for now on. You are legend now. | 17:18 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: i'm pretty sure though, it has to be pidgin 2.5.2.. it doesn't seem tow ork w/ 2.5.3 | 17:18 |
IndyGunFreak | :) | 17:18 |
razen | hi | 17:19 |
jtier | hi guys, is there a way to print scp output on mulitple lines ? i want to be able see the transfer rate on different lines through out the transfer | 17:19 |
atlef | shmuck: why do you not want to use GRUB? | 17:19 |
shmuck | Baz_ but is it smart enough that I already using Bista's boot manager ? | 17:19 |
recon69 | My problem with vista was that resizing the HDD fired vista. and since it's an oem versions could not be bothered to see if the recovery dist would let me set the partition size. so it was good bye vista | 17:19 |
perillux | can anyone else connect to msn with pidgin? | 17:19 |
Baz_ | shmuck: what did u do exactly? | 17:19 |
shmuck | Vista first but there is already boot manager by vista and I want to keep it | 17:20 |
shmuck | why use grub on top of that ? | 17:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 17:20 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is sudo apt-get install msn-pecan, and then restart pidgin and create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 17:20 |
IndyGunFreak | Jack_Sparrow: looks right | 17:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | ASULutzy, Does that work for you | 17:20 |
perillux | ubottu: thank you very much | 17:21 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:21 |
perillux | rofl | 17:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | perillux, Please let me know personally if it does or does not work | 17:21 |
perillux | Jack_Sparrow: ok trying it now | 17:21 |
Baz_ | shmuck: something has to manage the boots - vista doesn't know how to do it, grub can do both, whats the big deal? | 17:21 |
atlef | shmuck: try | 17:21 |
inn | cw=Z]PL;1 | 17:22 |
inn | cw=Z]H~PSG9SUNV | 17:22 |
inn | cw=Z]=;R)OT | 17:22 |
inn | cw=Z]GmRxJfQtL~ | 17:22 |
FloodBot3 | inn: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:22 |
inn | cw=Z]GbR,MoP'N*P$NXP:N3PYMG | 17:22 |
inn | cw=Z]P0N1P+N,RmApP>O| | 17:22 |
shmuck | i used easybcd to setup my botting options | 17:22 |
Nubun | Help with wireless LAN access from my laptop having installed Ubuntu Remix | 17:23 |
inn | cw=Z]PfNzP\O9PtO=S^KePENqPXO4PSO(S=O& | 17:23 |
inn | cw=Z]K=P9NrPRO*P[O4SrI}RL | 17:23 |
shmuck | why slap grub on it? does ubuntu have gui to manage grub ? | 17:23 |
inn | cw=Z]P(N}PRNrPNO2PWN}SbE>Q7 | 17:23 |
FloodBot3 | inn: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:23 |
inn | cw=Z]P]NpP<NiRQO5PKKnR$O9R3O%PNN~R[ | 17:23 |
inn | cw=Z]P6H*QwO-P[O0RQO0PLLRQ[ | 17:23 |
vocx | shmuck, if I recall correctly, there are ways for the Windows bootloaders, whether XP's of Vista's to boot the Linux kernel, but think that is seldom done, so you would need to read some obscure web pages for that info. | 17:23 |
atlef | !startupmanager | shmuck | 17:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about startupmanager | 17:23 |
atlef | shmuck: have a look at startupmanager | 17:24 |
shmuck | ok, now do i need to reinstall the whole os? (ubuntu) | 17:24 |
IndyGunFreak | perillux: did it work for you to? | 17:24 |
subone | Can someone help me change the video resolution of my tv? Here is the details | 17:24 |
Lokiase | how do i access a networkdrive please in ubuntu? | 17:24 |
shmuck | i will use grub, what the hell | 17:24 |
inn | cw=Z]RW=< | 17:25 |
atlef | shmuck: no need to reinstall | 17:25 |
arvernes | Please I would like to know if a file belong to a package I installed, like "apt-cache -qf /usr/bin/stuff " or similar ? the answer should be "file stuff belong to package the_stuff.deb" ? | 17:25 |
inn | cw=Z]QN<3 | 17:25 |
Nubun | does anyone know how to manually install a deb file ?? | 17:25 |
vocx | hey this inn guy is unbannable! | 17:25 |
inn | cw=Z]R*LnP>E\R2O!PRO%P^O} | 17:25 |
inn | cw=Z]O5PXO.SDG{RIO#PTO#PSOGPVO-P. | 17:25 |
inn | cw=Z]T2HjRJO%P[N}PQO"PWO+PXNlP( | 17:25 |
atlef | !grub | shmuck read that | 17:25 |
ubottu | shmuck read that: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 17:25 |
FloodBot3 | inn: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:25 |
inn | cw=Z]TW@QQ5 | 17:25 |
inn | cw=Z]PeO0PKO(R3O/PTMOQpO%R"O$PNO.S$Mv | 17:25 |
sunnyraj | aaa | 17:26 |
vocx | !deb | Nubun | 17:26 |
ubottu | Nubun: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. | 17:26 |
Lokiase | does anyone knows how to access my mybook NAS????? | 17:26 |
shmuck | ok thanks | 17:26 |
shmuck | will try | 17:26 |
perillux | Jack_Sparrow: IndyGunFreak: Yes it appears to connect, however all of my contacts show "offline" which is a little odd, but not too unlikely so I'm not sure if thats a bug or what.. | 17:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | IndyGunFreak, Care to look that over for him | 17:26 |
IndyGunFreak | perillux: well, if most of your contacts are use Pidgin, its a good possibility thats why | 17:26 |
subone | How do i change the screen res of one of my screens? | 17:27 |
IndyGunFreak | perillux: add me to your list(indygunfreak) | 17:27 |
IndyGunFreak | perillux: i've got 2 MSN contacts(all i have), and they are both online and apparently working OK | 17:27 |
perillux | IndyGunFreak: done, and it appears you are online. I guess all is well, thanks :) | 17:27 |
IndyGunFreak | perillux: good deal | 17:28 |
tristanmike_ | Hi, all of a sudden I can't connect to MSN via Pidgen and I don't know why. I can sign in just fine on a Windows box, then I sign out proper and I still can't sign in through Pidgen. Any help would be appreciated. | 17:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 17:29 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 17:29 |
tristanmike_ | thanks Jack_Sparrow, I was unaware :D | 17:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 17:29 |
tristanmike_ | stupid MSN | 17:29 |
vocx | Jack_Sparrow, perhaps you could add this temporally to the channel topic. Although no one reads those, I could simply say "read the topic" | 17:30 |
Lokiase | does anyone knows how I can acces my mybook NAS? | 17:30 |
Nubun | Having problems using my wireless LAN with the installed Remix on my laptop | 17:30 |
Baz_ | Lokiase: do u know its IP? | 17:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nubun, Sorry no idea. I have never seen remix or know who put it together | 17:31 |
Baz_ | Lokiase: go to places >> connect to server | 17:31 |
Lokiase | Baz_: their is no "places", i'm using Mythbuntu | 17:32 |
pbrunier | Is it possible to activate wlan0 on boot instead of networkmanager that only works after logging in into Gnome? | 17:32 |
ikonia | pbrunier: you can use your /etc/network/interfaces file to do that | 17:33 |
=== geo_ is now known as geo05 | ||
Baz_ | Lokiase: i've never used it - is there connect to server? | 17:33 |
pbrunier | ikonia: Read something about clear howtos found. Everyone states something else on this subject. Especially because WPA is involved | 17:33 |
Lokiase | Baz_: only "applications | 17:34 |
thrillERboy | wow... ubuntu rocks!! better than I thought | 17:34 |
thrillERboy | downloading google gadgets now!! | 17:34 |
ikonia | pbrunier: look at the synatx of the interfaces file, there should be some good docs on | 17:34 |
thrillERboy | tell me some eyecandy themes :) | 17:34 |
ikonia | pbrunier: you just treat it as a network card, and there is an extra option for encyption | 17:34 |
Adam_ | wait till you turn on compiz | 17:35 |
ikonia | thrillERboy: look around the net for ones YOU like | 17:35 |
thrillERboy | yea.. compiz, I heard of it.... lemme google ;) | 17:35 |
Baz_ | Lokiase: open up your file manager and in the address bar type (hatever the ip of the box is) | 17:35 |
strangeseraph | all this, this sucks. MY CD-ROM just will not load my burned CDs of anything. None of my data CDs. It'll read music CDs and CDs burned by industry but not my own burned CD-ROMS. Can anybody help me? :( | 17:35 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: what application are you using to burn ? | 17:36 |
JuJuBee | cd | 17:36 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: I have had issues in the past with drive hardware failing to read a certain type of data, but not others, just as you say now | 17:36 |
pbrunier | ikonia: ok thanks. Will look into it | 17:36 |
strangeseraph | uh, I don't know, I burned these CDs on Windows with some sort of free burning program. All my backups of everything will not work. I got one CD to work the other day, but once again it is failing to load. | 17:37 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: there are some windows burn options that won't work on linux | 17:37 |
recon69 | hi, my headphone jack not working on my aspire 6930 laptop, just keep playing through speakers? what do i need to check/change to get this to work? | 17:37 |
strangeseraph | its like it can't decide if it wants to read the CD or not. It will start to read the CD, then suddenly stop | 17:37 |
=== DRNK-E is now known as drunky | ||
strangeseraph | and the linux people haven't found away around that yet? .___. | 17:38 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: no, it's closed source, and they are quite obscure options | 17:38 |
Eliteslave | im having a bit of a problem, I am installing a driver, and it says " Error: You appear to be running an X server; Please Exit X before installing" what do i do to fix that? | 17:38 |
Slart | Eliteslave: installing nvidia graphics driver? | 17:38 |
ikonia | Eliteslave: exit the x server, what driver are you installing ? | 17:38 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: used to have that problem between different versions of windows | 17:38 |
MindVirus | How do I set permissions permanently on a /dev/ device? | 17:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | strangeseraph, What program did you use for your backups | 17:39 |
ikonia | MindVirus: udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d | 17:39 |
Eliteslave | Slart: hit the nail on the head | 17:39 |
ikonia | Eliteslave: what video card do you have ? | 17:39 |
Eliteslave | GTX280 | 17:39 |
strangeseraph | I DON'T REMEMBER. For this CD it was in like, 2007. | 17:39 |
strangeseraph | some might be InfraRecorder, another might be Nero. I just burned CDs when I needed them. | 17:39 |
MindVirus | ikonia, I'm trying to change my iPod permissions... Which file do I pick? | 17:39 |
ikonia | Eliteslave: have you tried the drivers issues through ubuntu's driver manager ? | 17:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | strangeseraph, Any filenames or extensions on the disk | 17:39 |
Slart | Eliteslave: ctrl+alt+f1, log in, stop X (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop), install driver, start gdm (sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start) | 17:39 |
ikonia | MindVirus: look in all of them for your ipods info | 17:39 |
jessid | hello. how can i get the .config file used in ubuntu, if I want to use the same options when recompiling the kernel?????????????????????????? | 17:39 |
Slart | Eliteslave: this will kill all your apps in X though | 17:39 |
ikonia | Eliteslave: system -> administration -> device drivers | 17:40 |
truszx | hi, I'm having a problem getting my RAID0 array up and mounted in 8.10. I have a single drive with the OS installed and booted from and I have 2 other drives in raid 0. All this is on an intel ICH9R chipset. Trying to use DMRAID all I get is | 17:40 |
Slart | Eliteslave: write the instructions down.. | 17:40 |
vocx | strangeseraph, I wouldn't call that a Linux problem. Seems to be something on your side. Your CD burner, the CD brand you used, or the program used to burn your data. | 17:40 |
strangeseraph | yeah, some have mp3s, some have .docs, some have txt files | 17:40 |
ikonia | jessid: why are you building your own kernel - custom kernels are not supported ehre | 17:40 |
Slart | Eliteslave: of course it's much easier to install the drivers from the restricted drivers thingy | 17:40 |
ikonia | here | 17:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nubun, Please feel free to ask your question again, but please dont pm people without asking | 17:40 |
Eliteslave | Im getting bad flashing tho | 17:40 |
strangeseraph | hey, its not the CD-ROM, Windows always used to load these CDs. Ubuntu does not. | 17:40 |
Eliteslave | with the "restricted drivers" | 17:40 |
thrillERboy | does wine supports mIRC? | 17:40 |
Slart | thrillERboy: ues | 17:41 |
=== drunky is now known as drunky|food | ||
ikonia | thrillERboy: #winehq for wine | 17:41 |
strangeseraph | so if I need a driver thing, I need help finding one. | 17:41 |
ikonia | !away > drunky|food | 17:41 |
ubottu | drunky|food, please see my private message | 17:41 |
thrillERboy | gr8 | 17:41 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: you don't need a driver | 17:41 |
ezerhoden_ | the config in in /boot/ | 17:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | !appdb > thrillERboy | 17:41 |
ubottu | thrillERboy, please see my private message | 17:41 |
jessid | ikonia i know, but i am following a book called linux from scratch. I need to recompile mi own kernel, but i am not expert in linux and the configuration process contains many, many options i unknow | 17:41 |
Eliteslave | also what is Xserver? | 17:41 |
Slart | strangeseraph: read what people are telling you.. some windows apps use a weird format for burning cds | 17:41 |
ikonia | jessid: I wrote that book | 17:41 |
Eliteslave | i never setup a Server? | 17:41 |
Eliteslave | lol | 17:41 |
ikonia | jessid: the ubuntu kernel config file should be not used on clean kernels due to a few patches | 17:41 |
jessid | ikonia mmmm i understand! | 17:42 |
ikonia | jessid: linux from scratch support is not for this channel | 17:42 |
ezerhoden_ | jessid: compiling a kernel is a good learning experience. pay no mind to the nay sayers and have fun | 17:42 |
strangeseraph | read what I'm telling you: I had problems with this CD at first in Ubunt, then ONCE it loaded but now its decided not to again. It is NOT the way I burned the CD. | 17:42 |
thrillERboy | thanks | 17:42 |
ikonia | ezerhoden_: no-one said it wasn't a good idea, but it is not supported in this channel | 17:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | thrillERboy, np | 17:42 |
strangeseraph | let me ask a different question: where do I go in Ubuntu to check information about my CD-ROM drive? | 17:42 |
jessid | ikonia i am not asking for support to lfs here. So do you recommend to start from zero??? | 17:42 |
ezerhoden_ | ikonia: he only asked where the config was. That was an ubuntu related question | 17:43 |
ikonia | ezerhoden_: expalining that it's not a good move on clean kernels is as far as it goes though | 17:43 |
ikonia | jessid: yes %100 | 17:43 |
jessid | ikonia ok, I will follow your advice! thanks | 17:43 |
ikonia | jessid: if you read the text in the book you'll find it walks you through it | 17:44 |
vocx | strangeseraph, check the kernel messages, with "dmesg" or optionally from the interface, System > Administration > System logs | 17:44 |
diensthunds | Has anybody set up wifi ics or ap? I'm stuck on getting mine to broadcast the ssid. | 17:44 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: your CD drive could be breaking, is it old? and when did you change OS. | 17:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ics | 17:44 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 17:44 |
ezerhoden_ | jessid: print out lspci -v | 17:44 |
thrillERboy | ubottu: u really a bot? | 17:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about u really a bot? | 17:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | thrillERboy, Yes | 17:44 |
zbyszek | hi, i managed to make my ir remote work - i can receive signals from irw, but i dont know what to do next? how can i controll my computer? | 17:44 |
thrillERboy | okey... | 17:44 |
zbyszek | now i can only watch codes and names | 17:45 |
thrillERboy | I'm liking this os... | 17:45 |
jessid | ezerhoden ok. Thanks a lot! I will do that | 17:45 |
thrillERboy | but codes :/ | 17:45 |
ikonia | zbyszek: you need to write an interface to control your software through IR codes | 17:45 |
diensthunds | and no firestarter isn't working it's not broadcasting the ssid | 17:45 |
zbyszek | ikonia how? | 17:45 |
ikonia | zbyszek: learn a programming language | 17:45 |
waseidel | hi, i want just start one gui aplication but gnome allo to start all how i do to begin just one? | 17:45 |
strangeseraph | dmesg shows a lot of errors | 17:45 |
thrillERboy | !appdb | 17:45 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 17:45 |
strangeseraph | recon69 this computer is only two months old | 17:45 |
zbyszek | ikonia ... | 17:45 |
thrillERboy | this app db page is not so cool :/ | 17:46 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: you have probably burnt them with windows extensions that are not supported | 17:46 |
zbyszek | i can not only read IR codes, but irw also shows me play, net previosu etc | 17:46 |
thrillERboy | it has some top 10 apps, no so friendly | 17:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | thrillERboy, Complain about it in #Winehq | 17:46 |
IrishDavid | hey, im trying to use AWK to get the number of pages from AWK. Does anyone know how to do it? I'm currently trying to learn the syntax | 17:46 |
zbyszek | i doubt i will need to write new program | 17:46 |
thrillERboy | okey | 17:46 |
ikonia | zbyszek: the software you want to control needs to be able to interface with a program that can deal with ir codes | 17:46 |
zmanning_ | hey guys i just installed 8.10 and am getting some wierd ui stuff happening (ff windows disapearing, windows not restoring, etc.) is this a know issue or something with my graphics driver? | 17:46 |
strangeseraph | okay, so linux doesn't support MP3 and DOC and TXT and RTF and JPG? Wow, thats fun. | 17:46 |
ikonia | zbyszek: so hence why I say you need to get an interface | 17:46 |
IrishDavid | i mean the number of pages from the output of pdfinfo file.pdf | 17:46 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: not the data - the burn format | 17:46 |
vocx | IrishDavid, using awk to get the number of pages of awk? What does that mean? | 17:47 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: listen to what's being said rather than coming back with smart responses | 17:47 |
ezerhoden_ | jessid: that will give you what hardware is using what module. you can use the / key in make menuconfig to search for those modules. just keep at it and you will find your way. | 17:47 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: there are burn extensions/formats for windows only | 17:47 |
strangeseraph | <ikonia> strangeseraph: you have probably burnt them with windows extensions that are not supported | 17:47 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: if you have chosen one of them, it won't work on linux/apple | 17:47 |
IrishDavid | sorry vocx I meant to say from pdfinfo using AWK | 17:47 |
strangeseraph | I am not a geek, I don't know what you mean by extensions. I know file extensions are .something | 17:47 |
jessid | ezerhoden_ thanks a lot!!!! | 17:47 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: yes windows extensions, not data | 17:47 |
ezerhoden_ | jessid: any time | 17:47 |
strangeseraph | it was burnt as a DATA CD | 17:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | zbyszek, If you are trying to setup a home media system with a remote, please look into mythty or linuxmce | 17:47 |
ikonia | Nubun: don't use capital letters please | 17:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nubun, Lose the caps.. | 17:48 |
vocx | IrishDavid, actually there is no other way, but to read the manual. If you care about it, you can ask "ghostdog" in in the Programming Talk subforum, the guy is the best using awk, perl, sed, and such. | 17:48 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: thats just a data type | 17:48 |
strangeseraph | I didn't choose any strange functions or features when I burnt, just dragged my files to the CD-ROM in the program and hit the 'burn' program | 17:48 |
Nubun | sorry | 17:48 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: Suggest a trip to a cybercafe with a couple of blank DVD's, use windows machine to read the CD's and copy them back to DVD using ISO standards | 17:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nubun, Lose the caps. and come up with a better question with the information people would likely ask you first like hardware | 17:48 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: yep, that drag and drop most likely cause | 17:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, non finalized multisession blah | 17:50 |
diensthunds | if ics has 2 interfaces bridged how do I get my other computers to recognize the internal wifi ssid that isn't being broadcasted | 17:50 |
Nubun | Have a system up'n running but cannot connect to the network. Broadcom driver in place B43 Wireless Driver with "Status in Use". However cannot see the networks down the street ??? | 17:50 |
strangeseraph | if I burn them to DVD then, what options do I need to put in so that it reads in Linux? | 17:50 |
=== Nightwal1er is now known as Nightwalker- | ||
ikonia | strangeseraph: just a standard iso complient burn | 17:50 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: use nero or somthing, dont drag and drop them | 17:51 |
strangeseraph | I'm pretty sure thats what I did. 9___9 | 17:51 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: you can't say that when you can't even remember the application you used | 17:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | strangeseraph, see above | 17:51 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: you can't be sure of that by even %1 if you don't know what you burnt it with | 17:51 |
strangeseraph | I told you I didn't change any settings in any of the burning programs I used so it would always be at the default. And most programs want you to choose your folder from a drop down list that you want to burn. | 17:51 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: stop making assumpitions | 17:52 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: if you don't know th program - you can't know what the settings are, and you can't generalise | 17:52 |
Nubun | iwconfig lo no wireless extention eth0 no wireless extention wmaster0 no wireless extention | 17:52 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: you might want to do a test run before you copy all you data just to make sure it workd | 17:52 |
strangeseraph | not this CD. but other CDs I've burned using infrarecorder. I know that. UBUNTU recommened that program to me. | 17:52 |
Brendon | org | 17:52 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: ubuntu doesn't recommend windows applications | 17:52 |
strangeseraph | jfc forget it | 17:52 |
Nubun | help help help | 17:52 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: please don't talk rubbish | 17:52 |
testerle | dd | 17:53 |
strangeseraph | ngeseraph: you might want to do a test run before you copy all you data just to make sure it wo | 17:53 |
dustrial | hi all need help with Wlan-AP under Ubuntu, AP is running on my desktop, but i dont know how to use wpa2 ... ? | 17:53 |
strangeseraph | miss | 17:53 |
strangeseraph | it does so | 17:53 |
Pici | ikonia: actually I beleive that the wiki page does suggest infrarecorder for burning the isop | 17:53 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: your card is not supported or you do not have the kernel module loaded | 17:53 |
ikonia | Pici: for burning an ISO | 17:53 |
Nubun | how can i check | 17:53 |
=== basileus_ is now known as basileus | ||
ikonia | strangeseraph: thats for burning an image - you said you burnt file systems | 17:54 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: do you know what module that card uses ? | 17:54 |
strangeseraph | yes, and thats also the program I used to burn the most recent DATA CD which took seventeen tries before Linux finally loaded it. Once. And wouldn't again. And then would. ANd now won't. And other CDs I have behave the same | 17:54 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: so this has worked before | 17:54 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: do you not feel it was worth mentioning that when we said it may have been an incompatible option ? | 17:54 |
Nubun | I know it is supported as | 17:54 |
Nubun | help help help | 17:55 |
strangeseraph | I DID MENTION IT! | 17:55 |
Pici | !helpme | Nubun | 17:55 |
ikonia | Nubun: calm down | 17:55 |
ubottu | Nubun: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 17:55 |
truszx | is pidgin failing to sign in to MSN for anyone else today? | 17:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme > Nubun | 17:55 |
ubottu | Nubun, please see my private message | 17:55 |
strangeseraph | okay, bye | 17:55 |
ikonia | BubbleGums: you have asked your question - someone will respond when they know | 17:55 |
recon69 | Nubun: is this a laptop, if so is the wireless card turned on | 17:55 |
Pici | !brokenmsn | truszx | 17:55 |
ubottu | truszx: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 17:55 |
ikonia | BubbleGums: sorry, not you, typo, my fault | 17:55 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: did you read this page? | 17:55 |
truszx | cheers Pici | 17:56 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: you have installed the firmware ? | 17:56 |
Nubun | yes the wireless card is turned on | 17:56 |
Nubun | lspci suggests this to be the case | 17:56 |
=== jgoguen_ is now known as jgoguen | ||
=== NW-Ih8U is now known as Stooge | ||
vocx | I love freenode notices, they are funny | 17:58 |
ikonia | vocx: they are also offtopic | 17:58 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: unload the kernel module then reload and check dmesg to see if it complains about missing firmware | 17:58 |
vocx | ikonia, that too! | 17:58 |
jim_p | does anyone know a nice guide on how to make joypads work in linux? here is mine ID 046d:c21a Logitech, Inc. Precision Gamepad | 17:58 |
Nubun | how do you unload the kernel module ? | 17:59 |
whatspy | Hi, I really enjoy working with WMII, but it's a little too minimalist: I have to log into the usual gnome session manager to be able to use my USB key! It would be very useful to know how to mount (or automount, even better) the USB key when inserted... | 17:59 |
ezerhoden_ | rmmod | 17:59 |
Nubun | Never done that before ? | 17:59 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 17:59 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 17:59 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: rmmod | 17:59 |
recon69 | anyone know how to get headphones working on aspire 6930 laptop | 17:59 |
Slart | jim_p: try installing one of the joystick calibration apps.. search for "joystick" in synaptic | 17:59 |
jim_p | Slart, :| thanks! never thought of it! | 17:59 |
Eliteslave | gotta love netsplits | 17:59 |
Nubun | how do i find the module name ? | 17:59 |
krusaf | hi all | 18:00 |
Eliteslave | howdy | 18:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, Please also find good notes at stepmania | 18:00 |
Slart | recon69: see if you can't find a volume slider for the headphones somewhere in the mixer settings | 18:00 |
Slart | recon69: that's the only trick I know of, at least | 18:00 |
ezerhoden_ | recon69: 1st guess would be to see if they are muted. alsamixer maybe | 18:00 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, stepmania? | 18:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, a cool dance program.. Let me see if I have a link | 18:00 |
Nubun | please advice how i go about finding the module name to unload the module for the wireless card ? | 18:00 |
=== Guest41616 is now known as FISTICUFFS | ||
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, | 18:01 |
ezerhoden_ | Nubun: google | 18:01 |
Slart | jim_p: oh.. I think one of those setup apps calibrate it for 8 bit values, the other for 16 bit values.. see if it works with whatever program you want to use it with.. it it doesn't work, try the other one | 18:01 |
recon69 | ezerhoden: alsamixer just shows master, the soundmanager has many more options | 18:01 |
Nubun | what ? | 18:01 |
Nubun | no stupid answers please | 18:02 |
Pici | ezerhoden_: Thats not helpful. | 18:02 |
ezerhoden_ | recon69: ok. so, is it muted ? | 18:02 |
recon69 | Nubun: paste the results to "lshw -C network" | 18:02 |
rokr1 | hello guys i am using UBUNTU 8.10 using 3945 wifi card installed drivers....but strange cannot connect to any wifi network nor router or establish AD-HOC connection.. | 18:03 |
rokr1 | hello | 18:04 |
majnoon | moo | 18:04 |
rokr1 | moo | 18:04 |
majnoon | nm that wrong chan , SORRY | 18:04 |
rokr1 | ?????? | 18:04 |
Nubun | command not found ? | 18:04 |
ezerhoden_ | majnoon: #milk ? | 18:04 |
recon69 | ezerhoden_: I got Master(100%) PCM(100%) Front(100%) Front (0% muted) Line-in(0% muted) cd(80%) PC Speaker(0%) | 18:04 |
Nubun | lshw -C network command not found ? | 18:04 |
Slart | Nubun: sudo apt-get install lshw | 18:05 |
Pici | Nubun: What version of Ubuntu are you running? | 18:05 |
Slart | !info lshw | 18:05 |
ubottu | lshw (source: lshw): information about hardware configuration. In component main, is standard. Version 02.13-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 256 kB, installed size 644 kB | 18:05 |
Pici | Slart: it should be installed by default. | 18:05 |
rokr1 | hello guys i am using UBUNTU 8.10 using 3945 wifi card installed drivers....but strange cannot connect to any wifi network nor router or establish AD-HOC connection.. using rite driver with ndiswrapper | 18:05 |
rokr1 | !!!! | 18:05 |
rokr1 | help | 18:05 |
Nubun | it is a UNR (Netbook Remix) | 18:05 |
Nubun | unr-1.0.1 | 18:05 |
Slart | ah.. has it always been like that, pici? | 18:06 |
gruntruk | can anyone offer some assistance in getting reverse ssh tunnel to work? can't figure out what i'm doing wrong... :( | 18:06 |
Pici | Slart: For quite a while, yes. | 18:06 |
Slart | Pici: hm, thanks | 18:06 |
subone | Can anyone help me get svideo working on an ati? | 18:06 |
Nubun | sudo apt-get install lshw ......unable to resolve host | 18:06 |
d0htem_ | anyone know how to edit the keyboard shortcuts file?>??? | 18:07 |
recon69 | Nubun: sorry, but not going to be much help, no idea what remix is | 18:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | !keys | 18:07 |
ubottu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 18:07 |
ezerhoden_ | subone: in the past i have had to reboot with svideo connected to get it to work. have you tried? | 18:07 |
d0htem_ | Jack_Sparrow: i wanna change run-a-terminal | 18:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | recon69, , Nubun is running Usb Netbook Remix of ubuntu | 18:07 |
rokr1 | hello | 18:07 |
d0htem_ | not actually the key | 18:07 |
rokr1 | !!! | 18:07 |
rokr1 | man | 18:07 |
Pici | !patience | rokr1 | 18:07 |
ikonia | rokr1: please stop doing that | 18:07 |
ubottu | rokr1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 18:07 |
d0htem_ | the actual shortcut | 18:07 |
Nubun | it is a cut down version to support running Ubuntu on a netbook | 18:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | rokr1, Please stop | 18:08 |
rokr1 | ok sorry | 18:08 |
rokr1 | !!! | 18:08 |
recon69 | Jack_Sparrow: yep, still never heard of it before :) | 18:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | d0htem_, gconfig-editor | 18:08 |
subone | ezerhoden_: i have it working but the tv is still at 1680x1050, but only displays 1024x768 of it and scrolls when the mouse is at the sides of it, i just want the tv to be 1024x768 without the scrolling | 18:08 |
subone | ezerhoden_: heres what i did | 18:09 |
d0htem_ | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 18:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 18:09 |
pedik | Hi | 18:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | d0htem_, make sure you dont assign one that is in use insode compiz | 18:10 |
ubuntu | alonzo | 18:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | inside | 18:10 |
pedik | vi vse suki | 18:10 |
d0htem_ | Jack_Sparrow: why? | 18:10 |
mas2 | I have downloaded X sensors but when I run it, it's just an open window with nothing in it. What is wrong? | 18:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | d0htem_, Conflicts.. It wont work and you wont know why | 18:11 |
pedik | fuck you | 18:11 |
d0htem_ | Jack_Sparrow: k. | 18:11 |
Nubun | Network setting ? this would be a good place to start ? | 18:11 |
Nubun | Do I need to provide DNS and Host Information? | 18:12 |
strangeseraph | kay, I've calmed down a bit, and pulled out my old laptop (which also has Ubuntu 8.10) and IT reads the CD-ROMS just fine | 18:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | d0htem_, When testing set it to a key combo you know does nothing atm.. then tinker with what you want it to be | 18:12 |
strangeseraph | so its an issue with the hardware. ^^ | 18:12 |
mas2 | can someone explain to me how sensors work? I want to check my cpu temp. | 18:12 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: thats great, | 18:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | strangeseraph, Thank you | 18:13 |
Nubun | jack_Sparrow can you provide with such information ? | 18:13 |
strangeseraph | your welcome Jack_Sparrow | 18:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nubun, No | 18:13 |
strangeseraph | so I posted the issue in the forums, and I shall wait for possible answers there. | 18:13 |
Nubun | Can you tell me if your system has DNS host information in place ? | 18:14 |
Nubun | jack_sparrow | 18:14 |
ikonia | Nubun: doesn't matter what jacks system has, more important what yours does | 18:14 |
Nubun | my information is presently empty | 18:14 |
Nubun | so cross checking with jack_sparrwow | 18:14 |
ikonia | Nubun: it doesn't matter what jack has | 18:15 |
Nubun | sorry sparrow | 18:15 |
Slart | strangeseraph: does anything show up in the logs when it tries to read the cd/dvd? (tail -f /var/log/syslog) will give you a "live view" of the syslog) | 18:15 |
ikonia | Nubun: yours is empty that means you have no name resolution | 18:15 |
zsolty_ | Hello, I might require some assistance with setting up vsftpd ? I am behind a router, and from outside my network the browsers can't connect to my ftp. Help needed. | 18:15 |
Nubun | go on... | 18:15 |
ikonia | Nubun: what do you mean go on ? | 18:15 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: no way, unless you have access to that router | 18:15 |
Nubun | help me | 18:16 |
Slart | zsolty_: you'll need to forward ports .. 20 and 21 if I remember correctly | 18:16 |
zsolty_ | jacekowski: well, I have access to the router | 18:16 |
strangeseraph | uh, one second Slart, I'll check that | 18:16 |
Nubun | jack_sparrow, believe my problem is that my DNS settings and host name remains empty | 18:16 |
Stormx2 | Slart: Just 21 I thought. | 18:16 |
Taurus4619 | hello all! i hope to help me somebody | 18:16 |
strangeseraph | what am I looking for Slart? | 18:16 |
sniffle | Jack_Sparrow: are you the real jack sparrow? | 18:16 |
Nubun | not sure if this needs to be setup ? | 18:16 |
Stormx2 | No, I'm wrong. | 18:16 |
zsolty_ | Slart: I have open port 20 in the router | 18:16 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: so then you just need to configure DMZ | 18:17 |
Taurus4619 | how can i change my icons in openbox? | 18:17 |
Slart | Stormx2: I think one port is for communication.. the other one for data.. | 18:17 |
sniffle | fogobogo: supness | 18:17 |
fogobogo | heya sniffle | 18:17 |
Adam_ | is anyone here familiar with virtualbox? | 18:17 |
recon69 | damn flaky rt61pci driver , crashed again | 18:17 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: ftp work on 21 + 20 | 18:17 |
Pici | Nubun: I suggest you start from the beginning, we're having trouble following your line of questioning. | 18:17 |
fogobogo | Taurus4619: what icons? | 18:17 |
strangeseraph | I get this same line, but the numbers after the 'kernal' bit are different each time. (Jan 12 13:16:40 ******-laptop kernel: [24770.279203] ForceXPAon: 0 | 18:17 |
Slart | strangeseraph: something that looks like an error I guess.. error, bla bla failed.. checksum error when reading disc.. things like that | 18:17 |
zsolty_ | jacekowski: I would like without DMZ | 18:17 |
Taurus4619 | the icon themes | 18:17 |
strangeseraph | oooh, Slart, what about this? /USR/SBIN/CRON[9733]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) | 18:18 |
Taurus4619 | in the file manager | 18:18 |
fogobogo | Taurus4619: thats the gtk icon theme | 18:18 |
Taurus4619 | end enywhere | 18:18 |
ardchoille | Is Brainstorm login broken? | 18:18 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: then forward 20-21 + about 100 some port above 1024 | 18:18 |
sniffle | Taurus4619: you can change the icon themes by running (as root): icon-theme-switch <name_of_icon_theme> | 18:18 |
Slart | strangeseraph: nope.. that's just automatic updates | 18:18 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: then forward 20-21 + about 100 ports above 1024 | 18:18 |
Taurus4619 | thx! :) | 18:18 |
Nubun | Have installed Ubuntu Remix. Works fine, but Connecting to the Wireless network does not seem to be configured | 18:18 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: and configure passive mode support properly | 18:18 |
sniffle | Taurus4619: no problem | 18:18 |
strangeseraph | dmesg gives me a bunch of buffer overflows | 18:18 |
Nubun | My view it is nothing complicated | 18:18 |
Nubun | to an experienced user | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | okay, bit spammy. | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | [23713.522918] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE,SUGGEST_OK | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | [23713.522934] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Hardware Error [current] | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | [23713.522943] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Timeout on logical unit | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | [23713.522958] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 1313408 | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | [23713.522968] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 164176 | 18:19 |
FloodBot2 | strangeseraph: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:19 |
Slart | strangeseraph: buffer overflows? can you pastebin some of those lines? | 18:19 |
Slart | !pastebin | strangeseraph | 18:19 |
ubottu | strangeseraph: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:19 |
Nubun | presently am a novice to Ubuntu and would request if someone could spare some time to diagnose this problem | 18:19 |
fogobogo | strangeseraph: thats was funny ?! | 18:19 |
Slart | strangeseraph: ah.. that looks like an error.. | 18:19 |
strangeseraph | I have to figure out what pastebin is | 18:19 |
subone | gah, i cant get this svideo working | 18:20 |
ezerhoden_ | subone: sorry was on phone | 18:20 |
Slart | strangeseraph: it's just a webpage that lets you paste text to it.. quite handy | 18:20 |
subone | ezerhoden_: any idea? | 18:20 |
NGL-Jabrroa | hey what do i need to do to get a wired internet connection working for terminal mode? | 18:20 |
Slart | strangeseraph: try the link ubottu sent you | 18:20 |
ezerhoden_ | subone: do you have an entry in you xorg.config for 1024x768? | 18:20 |
NGL-Jabrroa | just plug it in? | 18:20 |
strangeseraph | how do I use it Slart? | 18:20 |
hatter243 | NGL-Jabrroa, pretty much... | 18:20 |
NGL-Jabrroa | ok good | 18:20 |
strangeseraph | just paste the text into it, with my username, and then what? | 18:20 |
NGL-Jabrroa | :) | 18:20 |
ezerhoden_ | subone: xorg.conf sorry | 18:20 |
Nubun | How to you configure Ubuntu to browse your wireless network ? | 18:20 |
hatter243 | NGL-Jabrroa, I guess you could also confirm that networking is running: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start | 18:21 |
subone | ezerhoden_: no | 18:21 |
Slart | strangeseraph: just go to, it's quite self-explanatory | 18:21 |
NGL-Jabrroa | yea | 18:21 |
NGL-Jabrroa | alright | 18:21 |
Slart | strangeseraph: tell us the url | 18:21 |
wiredmind | does anybodny know if clonezilla has an IRC channel? | 18:21 |
strangeseraph | all it did was give me the exact same text back. o.o | 18:21 |
ikonia | wiredmind: #ubuntu is not an irc yellow pages please. | 18:21 |
subone | ezerhoden_: i've been trying things and X keeps getting errors and trying to have me troubleshoot it so now its using the default generic xorg.conf | 18:21 |
Slart | strangeseraph: yes, but the url changed, right? | 18:21 |
jsfoxton | jim_p hiya buddy | 18:21 |
strangeseraph | oooh, I post the url! :) | 18:22 |
strangeseraph | | 18:22 |
jim_p | jsfoxton, hi mate | 18:22 |
subone | ezerhoden_: i have no idea what im doing here | 18:22 |
Lazers | Hiya everyone. | 18:22 |
Lazers | Can I get some help with Kubuntu? | 18:22 |
strangeseraph | that same error repeats for all the times I tried to load the CDs. | 18:22 |
ardchoille | Lazers: /join #kubuntu | 18:22 |
wiredmind | ikonia, I know... but have been looking all over the place and can't find anything and since clonezilla is based on ubuntu I thought someone could know here | 18:22 |
zsolty_ | jacekowski: you told me to set up passive mode correctly? What do you mean ? | 18:22 |
eitreach | Am I the only one having problems connecting to MSN via Pidgin? | 18:22 |
Pici | !brokenmsn | eitreach | 18:23 |
ubottu | eitreach: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 18:23 |
IrishDavid | hey, im trying to use ls to return me all the pdfs within a directory (whilst searching subdirectories), at the minute i'm using ls -R | grep .pdf but i need ls to return the complete location instead of just filename, is there a flag (i've checked man ls but didnt see it :S) | 18:23 |
ikonia | wiredmind: we don't support/discuss products based on ubuntu that are not ubuntu | 18:23 |
ikonia | wiredmind: just an FYI | 18:23 |
subone | ezerhoden_: here are the details of my issue: | 18:23 |
britta_ | eitreach no, I am too. | 18:23 |
Pici | IrishDavid: find . -iname "*.pdf" | 18:23 |
eitreach | Thanks. :) | 18:23 |
IndyGunFreak | britta_: read the bot output... there's a pretty easy workaround | 18:24 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: passive mode client to connect to server | 18:24 |
IrishDavid | thanks Pici | 18:24 |
strangeseraph | so Slart, help me understand this error a bit? | 18:24 |
Slart | strangeseraph: does any cds/dvds work in this drive? | 18:24 |
britta_ | IndyGunFreak: thank you :) | 18:24 |
NGL-Jabrroa | hatter243 thanks | 18:24 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: if there is firewall/nat/something between them | 18:24 |
dennda | To whom do I need to talk concerning my ubuntu member status? | 18:24 |
alfred_ | hi | 18:24 |
strangeseraph | my most recent burned backup works. The one I made in Vista | 18:24 |
kane77 | how do I find most recently created files on my /home ? | 18:24 |
ikonia | dennda: the council, and read the ubuntu membership application wiki page | 18:24 |
NGL-Jabrroa | vista.... | 18:24 |
ikonia | dennda: there are local group setup | 18:25 |
NGL-Jabrroa | oh god | 18:25 |
DJones | Pici: Just for info, the brokenmsn factiod doesn't need a new account creating, just the orginal one changing from MSN to WLM, I've just done that myself, whether its a case of working for everyone is another matter though, so I guess the factoid is probably better as it stands | 18:25 |
subone | Where's all the video experts | 18:25 |
dennda | ikonia: I am already approved. My status is about to expire. I want to know how to prolong it :-) | 18:25 |
Pici | DJones: noted | 18:25 |
=== mrwes_ is now known as mrwes | ||
strangeseraph | NGL-Jabrroa now don't tease, I bought the laptop and I couldn't put XP or 8.04 on it, I had to wait to see if 8.10 would work on it and used Wubi until I could run it. | 18:25 |
ikonia | dennda: grab one of the council members | 18:25 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: can you try burn a CD in ubuntu and see if that works | 18:25 |
ikonia | dennda: give them a nudge | 18:25 |
fogobogo | hi dennda o/ | 18:25 |
Slart | strangeseraph: I can't say I understand the error message.. but it's useful for googling | 18:25 |
zsolty_ | jacekowski: I undestand, I will open also port 21, and 100 ports above 1024, this way the browsers will work? | 18:25 |
strangeseraph | Hm. I have some stuff I could burn, yeah | 18:26 |
dennda | hi fogobogo (whoever you are :-)) | 18:26 |
NGL-Jabrroa | strangeseraph ill never go back haha except for xp | 18:26 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: you need to configure vsftpd to use only that range of ports | 18:26 |
strangeseraph | oh wait, now the data cd from Vista isn't working. Dangit! | 18:26 |
Pici | dennda: The membership board for your region should be able to help you: :) | 18:26 |
Slart | strangeseraph: besides.. it's a pretty generic error message.. could be anything from a broken drive to a broken/scratched cd. | 18:26 |
NGL-Jabrroa | see | 18:26 |
NGL-Jabrroa | vista sucks | 18:26 |
NGL-Jabrroa | :) | 18:26 |
FloodBot2 | NGL-Jabrroa: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:26 |
dennda | Pici: Did the organizational structure change? | 18:27 |
jacekowski | zsolty_: pasv_max_port pasv_min_port | 18:27 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: thats fine - we don't need to discuss that, this is for ubuntu support only | 18:27 |
strangeseraph | which burning program should I use in Ubuntu? | 18:27 |
IrishDavid | Pici: is there a command to run that will escape spaces? | 18:27 |
dennda | Pici: Back then there was only one international council | 18:27 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: just I'm thinkin that drivers can go tits up in two months | 18:27 |
Pici | dennda: Yes. The CC delegated membership stuff to regional boards. | 18:27 |
dennda | I see | 18:27 |
Pici | IrishDavid: I'm not sure. Check the find manpage | 18:27 |
NGL-Jabrroa | K3b | 18:27 |
=== eric is now known as Guest46566 | ||
dennda | I know none of them, though :-) | 18:27 |
ASULutzy | strangeseraph: There are lots of options, and there is no "best", but I prefer k3b, others like brasero, and of course there's always dd from the command line | 18:27 |
NGL-Jabrroa | strangeseraph k3b | 18:27 |
Slart | !burn | 18:28 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 18:28 |
strangeseraph | ah, my CD-ROM is trapped! D: | 18:28 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: dont matter, just testing the drive. k3b always worked for me | 18:28 |
dennda | err | 18:28 |
scuzzo1 | any users here into developing games? | 18:28 |
NGL-Jabrroa | me | 18:28 |
strangeseraph | well, since I have brasero already installed I'll try it. | 18:28 |
ASULutzy | !ot | scuzzo1 | 18:28 |
ubottu | scuzzo1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:28 |
subone | heres my xorg.conf | 18:28 |
subone | anyone? | 18:28 |
scuzzo1 | NGL-Jabrroa: mind if I PM you, I got a plan involving ubuntu | 18:28 |
NGL-Jabrroa | go for it | 18:28 |
strangeseraph | the CD will not EJECT. >( | 18:28 |
mas2 | can someone login with pidgin? I have had error retrving adress book all day! is there any way to solve it? | 18:29 |
NGL-Jabrroa | lol | 18:29 |
Slart | strangeseraph: does this look like your problem? | 18:29 |
dennda | was looking at the wrong section of the page. ok, already pinged Sevea_s intuitively :-) | 18:29 |
Nomexous | strangeseraph: run 'eject' from a terminal | 18:29 |
ASULutzy | subone: Sorry I just joined recently, what problem are you having? | 18:29 |
dennda | ikonia, Pici: Thanks. | 18:29 |
ikonia | mas2: msn is broke with pidgin currently | 18:29 |
Slart | !brokenmsn | 18:29 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 18:29 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: close any programs using the cd, then right click on the icon and select eject | 18:29 |
subone | ASULutzy: trying to enable svideo, here are the details: | 18:29 |
mas2 | ikonia: :( do you have any information when it's coming up? is there any site i can check | 18:29 |
NGL-Jabrroa | scuzzo1 go for it | 18:29 |
ikonia | mas2: when pidgin releases an update | 18:30 |
strangeseraph | Slart: yeah it does a bit | 18:30 |
ChrisbookwoodEee | Anybody know where i have to look in the gtkrc to change the stripes inside the red ring? | 18:30 |
mas2 | ikonia: oh is it that bad. could take days/weeks | 18:30 |
IndyGunFreak | !brokenmsn > mas2 | 18:30 |
ubottu | mas2, please see my private message | 18:30 |
Slart | mas2: last time something like this happened I think it was about a week before the patch got released | 18:30 |
ASULutzy | subone: Maybe a long shot, but have you tried sudo apt-get install grandr && grandr | 18:30 |
strangeseraph | it didn't eject | 18:30 |
strangeseraph | oh wait, there it goes | 18:30 |
subone | ASULutzy: no, whats that | 18:30 |
ASULutzy | subone: I've had semi-ok luck with grandr, and it's fairly intuitive to use | 18:30 |
IndyGunFreak | Slart: i was thinking longer than that actually.. but i'm not 100%, it was a while ago | 18:31 |
ASULutzy | subone: It allows you to mess with multiple monitors and change from clone to extended, etc... It's essentially just a graphical frontend for xrandr, which is the command line tool that lets you do the same | 18:31 |
* strangeseraph laughs at herself | 18:31 | |
subone | ASULutzy: will try it | 18:31 |
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: thanks. I saw there is a 2.5.3 version on their website. I got 2.5.2 it won't solve it? | 18:31 |
strangeseraph | I just realized I was running the 'VISTA' CD and I meant to put in the BACKUP CD I MADE in Vista | 18:31 |
ASULutzy | mas2: Both 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 share the problem | 18:32 |
strangeseraph | okay, this CD is working. | 18:32 |
c_korn | is medibuntu also available in kde? | 18:32 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: no, its not a problem w/ Pidgin... | 18:32 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: still should have loaded , thought you had it inside upside down | 18:32 |
biouser | LNX 9,0,152,0 is the latest version of flash we can get? | 18:32 |
ASULutzy | mas2: Blame MS, I'm sure Pidgin will fix compatibility asap, but even if they did it within the week, it would still take a little while to get moved to Ubuntu repositories, so best bet is to try that workaround. I've been using it today, and it works, though I occasionally get disconnected while using it | 18:32 |
Slart | biouser: unless you want to use the beta | 18:32 |
IndyGunFreak | c_korn: medibuntu is a repository of codecs, it will work in gnome, xfce, kde, flux, etc. | 18:33 |
strangeseraph | okay, time to test burning a CD in Ubuntu. | 18:33 |
ikonia | biouser: your best option is to install the flashplugin-nonfree package and let ubuntu manage your flash plugin | 18:33 |
=== pes is now known as pes_ | ||
c_korn | IndyGunFreak: thanks | 18:33 |
strangeseraph | I have my Blank DVD-R in the drive now. | 18:33 |
=== pq_ is now known as pqnet | ||
=== pqnet is now known as [pq] | ||
biouser | says I need a better version but I use sites all the time that have JWF player and they allow fullscreen | 18:33 |
Ximal | anyone here know how I might go about making an offline repository ... I tried bob long's tutorial but I came up with errors | 18:33 |
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: the message I got from the bot is saying to create an account of type wlm. what is that? | 18:34 |
mDemocritus | what's the command for ubottu for info on decrypting dvds | 18:34 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: its part of the work around, did you install msn-pecan? | 18:34 |
ChrisbookwoodEee | Anybody know where i have to look in the gtkrc to change the stripes inside the red ring? | 18:34 |
Ximal | !css | 18:34 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 18:34 |
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: yeah I did sudo apt-get install msn-pecan what should I do next? | 18:34 |
Ximal | mDemocritus: there u go | 18:34 |
fogobogo | mDemocritus: libcss sir | 18:34 |
ASULutzy | !brokenmsn | mas2 | 18:35 |
ubottu | mas2: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 18:35 |
Ximal | oh hehe | 18:35 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: follow the instructions... restart pidgin, create new account, choose wlm, and plug in your msn info | 18:35 |
kane77 | how do I find most recently created files on my /home ? | 18:35 |
MrElendig | man find | 18:35 |
Ximal | whereis filename here | 18:35 |
oCean_ | kane77: "ls -altr" | 18:35 |
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: when addading an account I don't see where to change type to WLM. that's the problem. | 18:35 |
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: where do I do that | 18:36 |
biouser | !adobe-flashplugin | 18:36 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:36 |
ASULutzy | mas2: Did you restart pidgin after installing the package? | 18:36 |
Ximal | !repo | 18:36 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 18:36 |
biouser | when did this package happen? | 18:36 |
kane77 | oCean_, thank you.. that's it :) | 18:36 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: restart pidgin, and wlm should be in the protocol drop down | 18:36 |
fogobogo | MrElendig: i see you! | 18:36 |
ASULutzy | mas2: It's just under accounts -> manage accounts -> add, and then choose wlm | 18:36 |
mas2 | ASULutzy: I didn't have pidgin open when I run sudo apt... so when I started pidgin after I did that I don't have WLM anywhere | 18:36 |
MrElendig | fogobogo: but I'm camuflaged! | 18:37 |
fogobogo | MrElendig: doesnt matter. your router will collapse any minute anyway | 18:37 |
ASULutzy | mas2: It's there, right after Sametime, right before XMPP | 18:37 |
Guest1181 | hi | 18:37 |
strangeseraph | figuring out what to put on this DVD is annoying | 18:37 |
Akiv2 | I am running Netbeans and keep having problems where the dialogue windows are just blank. I assume it is due to the jvm, but I don't know how to fix it. I have already switched it to run the official Java runtime | 18:37 |
Akiv2 | v6 | 18:37 |
mas2 | restarted pidgin again and now it's there! thanks! what is WLM why does it work and are there any backdraws with this solotion? | 18:37 |
mDemocritus | thanks Ximal, fogobogo | 18:37 |
subone | great now im at 800x600 :( | 18:38 |
recon69 | hmm, strange , my headphones are called surround in Volume Control | 18:38 |
RoosterJuice | | 18:38 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: i don't think there's any backdraws, its just another plugin that works for whatever reason | 18:38 |
darkwind | Hiya folks! | 18:38 |
Guest1181 | hi | 18:38 |
ardchoille | RoosterJuice: Please don't post things like that here | 18:39 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: okey cool. Thanks for the help! you made my day | 18:39 |
c_korn | can one play bluray on ubuntu? | 18:39 |
Ximal | <--- I need help with this post... I posted my issues on it as a reply if someone would mind taking a look ... I can't get past the point of downloading the repos | 18:39 |
darkwind | Hey, I'm working on a preseed environment and am having a bit of trouble with the partitioning... Using 8.04.1, I'd really like to use LVM on RAID, but I'd settle for just a few RAIDs... | 18:39 |
ankit | i instelled pidgin after that what can i do | 18:39 |
darkwind | I have a script that runs and creates the partitions, raids 'em, etc. etc. before the partman portion of the installation script. | 18:39 |
subone | i need a video expert before i cry | 18:40 |
ankit | hello | 18:40 |
biouser | how can I remove an old flash that I had to install from tarball? | 18:40 |
NGL-Jabrroa | what? | 18:40 |
darkwind | The problem is, I'm not sure hwo to tell it that /dev/md0 is root, /dev/md1 is swap, etc. etc... it keeps getting hung up at the partitioning. | 18:40 |
darkwind | any ideas? | 18:40 |
sanjeev | Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 18:40 |
darkwind | subone: Whatcha need? I'm no expert, but have some info. | 18:40 |
ankit | i insttled pidgin after thatwhat can i do | 18:41 |
sanjeev | hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 18:41 |
IndyGunFreak | ankit: after what? | 18:41 |
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_- | ||
ankit | installed pidgin | 18:41 |
subone | darkwind: trying to get svideo working on ati | 18:41 |
android15487 | hi | 18:41 |
MaT-dg | . | 18:41 |
darkwind | subone: oh.. svideo out? | 18:41 |
IndyGunFreak | ankit: you're gonna have to put together an understandable question, to get an answer.. you installed pidgin after what? | 18:41 |
wolter | is anybody getting msn problems with pidgin? | 18:41 |
MrElendig | subone: are you using the catalyst drivers? | 18:41 |
ASULutzy | subone: And grandr didn't help you at all? | 18:41 |
Guest1181 | who has tried windows seven beta 1 here? | 18:41 |
ASULutzy | !brokenmsn | wolter | 18:41 |
ubottu | wolter: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 18:41 |
biouser | where does tarball install of flash insert itself? | 18:41 |
subone | MrElendig: yes | 18:42 |
android15487 | how is a better irc java comunity? | 18:42 |
MaT-dg | wolter: check the pidgin channel ;) | 18:42 |
Myrtti | Guest1181: for your information, this is #ubuntu | 18:42 |
subone | ASULutzy: i am not at a point where my video works exactly | 18:42 |
IndyGunFreak | biouser: i think if you download hte ubuntu .deb off of it will just ovewrite the old version | 18:42 |
subone | everytime i try to fiddle with this i break my video | 18:42 |
wolter | MaT-dg, thanks, kind ASULutzy gave me the answer | 18:42 |
android15487 | yes i now | 18:42 |
subone | brb | 18:42 |
MrElendig | biouser: updatedb && locate | 18:42 |
android15487 | but i need a java comunity | 18:42 |
ASULutzy | android15487: /join #java | 18:42 |
ankit | actually i wanna run yahoo messanger and google talk for voice chat some one prefer me to installed pidgin i installed it but i don;t know what can i do after installed it | 18:43 |
MrElendig | android15487: #java ? | 18:43 |
recon69 | when NFS has a problem is really screws gnome up | 18:43 |
android15487 | more one? | 18:43 |
MrElendig | android15487: /msg alis list #java | 18:43 |
ankit | i was extract pidgin | 18:43 |
android15487 | i will try | 18:43 |
Southern_Gentlem | whats the current kernel on ubuntu please | 18:43 |
android15487 | tanks man | 18:43 |
Myrtti | Southern_Gentlem: which release? | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, Why didnt you get pidgin from our supported repos | 18:43 |
MrElendig | ankit: you should install it using apt-get | 18:43 |
Southern_Gentlem | the newest | 18:43 |
darkwind | well, if anyone decides to take a crack at solving a preseed partitioning question, gimmie a shout! | 18:43 |
darkwind | thanks. | 18:43 |
idan | Hi, why do I have this running as root ?? "/bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg" | 18:44 |
IndyGunFreak | ankit: and second, pidgin does not support voice chat | 18:44 |
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idan | my cpu is 100% idle, and temp is very high because of that process... | 18:44 |
Myrtti | Southern_Gentlem: I'm running 2.6.27-11-generic | 18:44 |
RoosterJuice | ardchoille, i take it you didn't find it as funny as i did | 18:44 |
ankit | then what can i do for voice chat on ubuntu | 18:44 |
Southern_Gentlem | Myrtti, ty | 18:44 |
ardchoille | !ot | RoosterJuice | 18:44 |
ubottu | RoosterJuice: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:44 |
Nomexous | Southern_Gentlem: try uname -v in a terminal | 18:44 |
Guest1181 | you've said me for my information this is #ubuntu... and... what's the matter? can't ubuntu geeks try windows seven just for saying that its crap | 18:44 |
Myrtti | Guest1181: Windows is offtopic for this channel | 18:45 |
Tm_T | Guest1181: no, but this is support channel, that is not related to support | 18:45 |
idan | Hi all, what is this: "/bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg" ?? | 18:45 |
Myrtti | Guest1181: if you wish to discuss it, join ##windows | 18:45 |
hAtOrY | Hi... when i try to install ubuntu, after the kernel load, the instalation stops. it seems that cd drive stop working. when a try boot whith all_generic_ide it stopts like this: what can i do ??? | 18:45 |
Vimes | HellO! got a problem I've been dealing with for a long time now >.< ( I don't know how to re-set GNOME from XFCE (I now use XFCE but many programs are slow or don't work here :S), Nautilus is aperantly not working either | 18:45 |
Guest1181 | ok sorry | 18:45 |
MrElendig | hAtOrY: sata cd drive? | 18:45 |
hAtOrY | i think so.. | 18:45 |
ankit | what can i do for voice chat on ubuntu | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, Please slow down your repeats | 18:46 |
Slart | ankit: skype, ekiga, might be others around too | 18:46 |
Tm_T | !voip > ankit | 18:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about voip | 18:46 |
Ximal | ankit: skype or any other voip | 18:46 |
Tm_T | oh, interesting | 18:46 |
Guest1181 | i've intalled ubuntu 8.10 recently... i was using slackware and when I intalled it every single time I turn my computer on it does a strage buzz | 18:46 |
Southern_Gentlem | Nomexous, thanks but that will not work for me | 18:46 |
recon69 | Guest1181: there is a ubuntu-offtopic channel | 18:46 |
biouser | newsflash!!!!!! adobe-flashplugin package install version 10+ and it works :) | 18:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | hAtOrY, To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" | 18:46 |
Slart | Tm_T: hmm.. thought I saw someone use the !voip factoid just some time ago | 18:46 |
idan | Please help, my system is getting super heated because of a strange process....... | 18:46 |
Tm_T | Slart: indeed | 18:47 |
MrElendig | idan: kill it? | 18:47 |
IndyGunFreak | idan: right click your panel, add "System Monitor", go through the processes, and see what is running at 100% and kill it. | 18:47 |
hAtOrY | Jack_Sparrow i will try... | 18:47 |
Slart | idan: what is the process called? | 18:47 |
IndyGunFreak | otherwise, i'd suggest gong back to windows or risk ruining your laptop | 18:47 |
Guest1181 | why have you said something about the ubuntu offtopic | 18:47 |
idan | Slart, it's /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg | 18:47 |
Guest1181 | i've just said a thing | 18:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Guest1181, Please stop | 18:48 |
idan | Slart, I already killed it - but now klogd is going crazy. And I've also restarted sysklog | 18:48 |
Guest1181 | can somebody help me with that buzz | 18:48 |
Slart | idan: hmm.. don't recognize that.. don't know what it is | 18:48 |
strangeseraph | bah, okay Slart | 18:48 |
Slart | strangeseraph: any luck with the cd? | 18:48 |
strangeseraph | help me Slart, the CD burn got all the way to the end, then there was an error while mounting message | 18:48 |
Nomexous | Guest1181: where is this buzz coming from? | 18:48 |
Southern_Gentlem | Guest1181, the way you worded your question the buzz is because of slackware | 18:49 |
Slart | strangeseraph: ok, what is the error? | 18:49 |
mas2 | In deluge my ratio doesn't get saved (I don't know if it's always or sometime) is this a known problem and is there a fix for it? | 18:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nomexous, probably his monitor trying to set a res it cant do | 18:49 |
strangeseraph | Slart: | 18:49 |
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strangeseraph | thats the whole log from Brasero | 18:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | !iso | 18:50 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 18:50 |
strangeseraph | the error is on the last line | 18:50 |
Guest1181 | don't know maybe from hard drive. I'm sure it's not coming from the speakers | 18:50 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: looking more and more like the lazer is going on that drive | 18:50 |
engemec | hi | 18:50 |
engemec | i'm using ubuntu server 8.04 | 18:50 |
engemec | i would like to use blackbox or fluxbox | 18:51 |
strangeseraph | man, this laptop is only 3 months old! XO | 18:51 |
Nomexous | Guest1181: I know on my computer, the BIOS checks to see if there is a CD to boot from, making a noise | 18:51 |
Slart | strangeseraph: from just eyeing through that log it seems like the burning part works alright | 18:51 |
ankit | actually my friend have simple os like xp but i have ubuntu so i m not able talk by using messangers skype is not working any other messanger have for talk | 18:51 |
strangeseraph | okay, I pushed the CD back in, and now its telling me the CD is blank | 18:51 |
engemec | what i need to do? apt-get install ? | 18:51 |
Slart | strangeseraph: do you have another computer you can try the cd in? | 18:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, Skype does work | 18:51 |
strangeseraph | yes, and it has 8.10 too. One sec. | 18:51 |
subone | ok, everything i seem to do just makes X revert to 800x600 :( | 18:52 |
Guest1181 | no it couldn't be that because it continues and it starts when i run my ubuntu | 18:52 |
subone | now i cant even get the svideo working at all | 18:52 |
Slart | if it works in that computer I'm going with your thing, recon69 | 18:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | subone, What video card chipset and what driver did you install | 18:52 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: good will still be under warranty then. but still might not be the drive, do you have other burnt disks you know used to work? | 18:52 |
engemec | heeeeeeeelp | 18:52 |
subone | Jack_Sparrow: ati radeon x800 | 18:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme > engemec | 18:52 |
ubottu | engemec, please see my private message | 18:52 |
Slart | engemec: pretending to be 4 years old won't get you help faster | 18:52 |
subone | Jack_Sparrow: proprietary driver | 18:52 |
engemec | thanks | 18:53 |
engemec | sorry | 18:53 |
ankit | no skype doesn;t work on my friend;s pc | 18:53 |
Slart | engemec: just ask your question.. if you don't get an answer repeat every 5 minutes or so.. | 18:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, ah, well you need to find what does work on his machine first | 18:53 |
Guest1181 | did you read it? | 18:53 |
Nomexous | Guest1181: Is it constant or intermittent? | 18:53 |
strangeseraph | yes recon69, the backup of the data CD I made in Vista works. So do music CDs. It may just be the burnables that are having trouble. | 18:53 |
Slart | engemec: use the time to search the forums and google | 18:53 |
Guest1181 | constant | 18:53 |
=== Wasp is now known as Guest42257 | ||
strangeseraph | or something. Wait, the backup I made in vista was a DVD like this DVD I just tried to burn | 18:54 |
Unoabalto | has anyone been able to use multi finger touchpad functionality (similiar to OS X) in with a synaptics touchpad? | 18:54 |
ankit | ya yahoo messanger and google talk but in ubuntu yahoo voice chat is not posible | 18:54 |
Nomexous | Guest1181: Hard drive, maybe? You figure out which component it's coming from | 18:54 |
c_korn | can one play bluray on ubuntu? | 18:54 |
Slart | recon69, strangeseraph: does reading cds and dvds use different lasers? | 18:54 |
Nomexous | !bluray | 18:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bluray | 18:54 |
engemec | I installed fluxbox with: apt-get install fluxbox, but nothing works. | 18:54 |
Guest1181 | i don't know exactly | 18:54 |
Slart | c_korn: not sure.. I think I read something about kernel support for blueray.. | 18:54 |
Nomexous | c_korn: | 18:55 |
strangeseraph | no, its all one laser, I'm pretty sure. At least I only see one lense | 18:55 |
recon69 | a important clue is that factory burnt disks seem to work , normally points to the coloured lazar failing | 18:55 |
Guest1181 | i haven't opened my computer turned it on and started litsening all components... | 18:55 |
engemec | i would like to install fluxbox on the ubuntu server 8.04, but i don't know what i doing. | 18:55 |
ankit | on ubuntu yahoo voice chat or google talk is possible | 18:55 |
rinaldi_ | hi all, I am trying to get my integrated microphone on my hp pavillion dv6000, i have messed around with alsa and pulseaudio but no luck. pulseaudio is seeing the input device as comig from alsa on front:0 (conexant analog) | 18:55 |
Nomexous | Guest1181: Perhaps you should try it. Then we might be able to help you out | 18:55 |
recon69 | Slart: burnable and factory produced disks use different colors | 18:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | ankit, Please hold down the repeats and wait for an answer | 18:56 |
strangeseraph | but I have one home burned DVD rom that does work. It was done in vista though. | 18:56 |
Slart | recon69: ahh.. didn't know that.. | 18:56 |
IndyGunFreak | engemec: i think it would just sudo apt-get install fluxbox | 18:56 |
Guest1181 | but couldn't you have any idea right now? | 18:56 |
ankit | ok jack | 18:56 |
c_korn | Nomexous: thanks | 18:57 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: what color is the disk? same as the one that failed to burn? | 18:57 |
engemec | IndyGunFreak, i using ubuntu server | 18:57 |
Adam_ | what tool can I use to create/observe partitions? | 18:57 |
strangeseraph | yes | 18:57 |
Nomexous | Guest1181: Sorry, without more info, it's a wild goose chase | 18:57 |
Nomexous | c_korn: No problem | 18:57 |
IndyGunFreak | engemec: that doesn't change anythin | 18:57 |
strangeseraph | normal silver color | 18:57 |
=== h[a]kr is now known as hakr | ||
strangeseraph | and the CD we just burned is not loading in the other Ubuntu laptop. | 18:58 |
engemec | install, but this is the message after installed: Couldn't connect to the server. | 18:58 |
Reave | I hit ctrl alt backspace and it sent me to the logon screen - what happened to my running session? | 18:58 |
BotLobsta | Adam_, gparted | 18:58 |
engemec | i'm install xterm now | 18:58 |
strangeseraph | well recon69 its silver, but it looks rainbowy when you hold it under light | 18:58 |
Adam_ | thanks | 18:58 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: normally at this stage I would switch the drives to test, but not really an option on a lap top | 18:58 |
subone | damn, i had it working and now i keep getting this fglrx error | 18:59 |
mendax | quit | 18:59 |
ankit | yahoo voice chat and google talk is possible on ubuntu any body know abt it | 18:59 |
engemec | yes | 18:59 |
engemec | Couldn't connect to XServer | 18:59 |
strangeseraph | wonder if I can replace the DVD at all, considering that it worked under Vista, the operating system it came with, they could just say that they don't support linux | 18:59 |
ali1234 | Reave: ctrl-alt-backspace killed it | 18:59 |
engemec | this is the message | 18:59 |
strangeseraph | I'd have to replace the drive myself. *scary* | 18:59 |
strangeseraph | if its possible I mean. >____> | 18:59 |
ankit | yahoo voice chat and google talk is possible on ubuntu any body know abt it | 18:59 |
Vimes | Hello^^ One short question, how do I re-set GNOME to factory defaults (I have to :S) ..I know I have to delete something but ..what? | 19:00 |
Stormx2 | Reave: You lost it. | 19:00 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: do the problem disks work in your other ubuntu machine? | 19:00 |
subone | (EE) fglrx(0): Unknown EDID version 0 | 19:00 |
Stormx2 | and by it i mean THE GAME | 19:00 |
subone | (II) fglrx(0): Display1: No EDID information from DDC. | 19:00 |
=== five_ is now known as Guest25427 | ||
strangeseraph | okay, Slart recon69 when I put the CD I just burned into the old laptop, it isn't recognized (that laptop doesn't have a burner, but it can read DVDs normally) this laptop has a CD burner and DVD read/writer and the CD is popping up as blank | 19:00 |
Lokiase | Hello, how can I mount my NAS (wd mybook) every time my pc starts up? | 19:00 |
strangeseraph | yes recon69, except for the disk I just burned XD | 19:01 |
ankit | yahoo voice chat is working on ubuntu | 19:01 |
scuzzo1 | LoRez: sup | 19:01 |
scuzzo1 | ae5ir: sup as well | 19:01 |
Adam_ | what purpose does the linux-swap partition server? | 19:01 |
subone | ok i am up for ideas here | 19:01 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: make and model of you new laptop? | 19:02 |
IndyGunFreak | !swap > adam7 | 19:02 |
IndyGunFreak | !swap > Adam_ | 19:02 |
ubottu | adam7, please see my private message | 19:02 |
Reave | okay - is there any way I can disable the ctrl alt bkspace thingy? | 19:02 |
Lokiase | [20:00] <Lokiase> Hello, how can I mount my NAS (wd mybook) every time my pc starts up? | 19:02 |
ubottu | Adam_, please see my private message | 19:02 |
mossmon | i wonder how i can use my compaq keypoards hotlink buttons ( i mean those extra buttons) with ubuntu? | 19:02 |
Adam_ | thanks indy | 19:02 |
IndyGunFreak | Adam_: are you the one i sent the disks to? | 19:03 |
Adam_ | Nope =D | 19:03 |
strangeseraph | Acer Extensa 4630Z. 120GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Intel Pentium Dual Core processor, DVD Super-Multi DL | 19:03 |
IndyGunFreak | oh ok. | 19:03 |
mas2 | can someone recomend a simple to do application for ubuntu? | 19:03 |
strangeseraph | I'm not sure what the CD-ROM drive make and manufaturer is, thats what is on the laptop on the palm rest. | 19:03 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: application to do what? | 19:03 |
mossmon | i wonder how i can use my compaq keypoards hotlink buttons ( i mean those extra buttons) with ubunt | 19:03 |
Lokiase | [20:00] <Lokiase> Hello, how can I mount my NAS (wd mybook) every time my pc starts up? | 19:04 |
Nomexous | IndyGunFreak: He means a "To-do" list application | 19:04 |
mas2 | IndyGunFreak: a simple to-do list | 19:04 |
IndyGunFreak | nomego: | 19:04 |
snowcomb | mossmon: Try xbindkeys? | 19:04 |
Nomexous | :-D | 19:04 |
mossmon | i will try | 19:04 |
IndyGunFreak | mas2: is text writer to difficult? | 19:04 |
Wintervenom | MOAR L ♥ O ♥ V ♥ E please. | 19:04 |
sniffle | I'm here | 19:04 |
=== bobby_ is now known as Guest50233 | ||
sniffle | MOAR L ♥ O ♥ V ♥ E please. | 19:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !keys > mossmon | 19:05 |
ubottu | mossmon, please see my private message | 19:05 |
Wintervenom | kthxbye | 19:05 |
fogobogo | MOAR L ♥ O ♥ V ♥ E please. | 19:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | Wintervenom, Please dont | 19:05 |
Dream_Team | Caps aren't going to help you. | 19:05 |
wolter | which is the gift p2p package for ubuntu? | 19:05 |
sniffle | Jack_Sparrow: are you the real jack sparrow? | 19:05 |
fosco___ | !caps | Lokiase | 19:05 |
ubottu | Lokiase: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 19:05 |
Lokiase | nobody helps me | 19:05 |
Lokiase | i'm googling for houres | 19:05 |
Ximal | me either | 19:05 |
Ximal | i'm going back to the digital hive.. u guys have fun | 19:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !attitude | 19:05 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 19:05 |
sniffle | Lokiase: I'll help you, what do you need? | 19:05 |
Lokiase | [20:00] <Lokiase> Hello, how can I mount my NAS (wd mybook) every time my pc starts up? | 19:06 |
joshthecoder | anybody know where the setting that use to be in prefs->sound to turn off system speaker went? | 19:06 |
Lokiase | sniffle, this | 19:06 |
IndyGunFreak | Lokiase: its because this is the channel where we ignore people, the reall support channel is hidden | 19:06 |
fogobogo | Lokiase: I'll help you too! | 19:06 |
recon69 | strangeseraph :seems you might not be alone with this problem | 19:06 |
joshthecoder | seems like its gone in 8.10 | 19:06 |
sniffle | Lokiase: (as root) you need to type: automount-nas --on-startup | 19:06 |
Lokiase | tx people, im just angry because i dont find it | 19:06 |
strangeseraph | hm, maybe so. o.o | 19:06 |
Lokiase | sniffle, not to fast, i'm a noob, | 19:06 |
sniffle | Lokiase: ok .. open up gnome-terminal | 19:07 |
Lokiase | first of all, how do I mount the NAS anyways | 19:07 |
Dream_Team | lol | 19:07 |
sniffle | Lokiase: you mount it by running mount-nas --now | 19:07 |
Dream_Team | Lokiase: do you know if it's using NFS share or samba share ? | 19:07 |
Guest1181 | debian is better than ubuntu | 19:07 |
Lokiase | I can access it on my other pc via samba | 19:07 |
Guest1181 | l | 19:08 |
Dream_Team | see if nfs is available | 19:08 |
Dream_Team | you might prefer it. | 19:08 |
Guest1181 | why did you ban me? | 19:08 |
mDemocritus | so i ripped an encrypted dvd with k3b, having installed the css library, i mounted the .iso file with loopback and tried to play it with kaffeine, it told me it was encrypted and wouldn't play the main movie. the DVD itself plays fine in kaffeine. any ideas or places to start? | 19:08 |
Dream_Team | dat is illegal ! | 19:08 |
Lokiase | it's a wd mybook NAS, thats all I know | 19:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Guest1181, You have been warned about offtopic and now trying to start flame wars | 19:09 |
mDemocritus | Dream_Team: it's a backup | 19:09 |
Dream_Team | Lokiase: I relaly think it should come with a manual | 19:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Guest1181, FYI it was a kick and not a ban | 19:09 |
Guest1181 | i know it | 19:09 |
Dream_Team | mDemocritus: I still think that piracy isn't allowed here, even if it's for legal backup. Try VLC, I doubt kaffeine supports css lib | 19:09 |
Lokiase | Dream_team, are you dutch? because you said "dat is" | 19:09 |
Guest1181 | silly pirate | 19:09 |
Dream_Team | Lokiase: I'm not | 19:09 |
Lokiase | ok no prob | 19:10 |
Lokiase | but | 19:10 |
Lokiase | I know the IP of my nas | 19:10 |
Lokiase | thats all | 19:10 |
Dream_Team | see about samba mounting in fstab. | 19:10 |
Dream_Team | good luck ! | 19:10 |
Lokiase | and I have a terminal | 19:10 |
mDemocritus | Dream_Team: ok thanks | 19:10 |
=== dimitar is now known as dimitars | ||
Lokiase | goodluck? i wil not it on my own :s | 19:10 |
Dream_Team | mDemocritus: and I belive that vlc mounts isos itself | 19:10 |
Dream_Team | Lokiase: google with samba + fstab might help you | 19:11 |
Dream_Team | or something like "mount samba nas linux" | 19:11 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: trying to work this out, but seems to be some problem with ubuntu/drive , as to which one is the problem I'm not sure | 19:11 |
ParhelicTriangle | Lokiase: mounting on startup is done with /etc/fstab | 19:12 |
Lokiase | but how parhelic :s | 19:12 |
Lokiase | i m totaly noob | 19:12 |
Lokiase | even google is to difficult | 19:12 |
ozzloy | sendmail is not sending emails to my coworkers, but it does send to me. we recently changed mail hosts, but i've always had mine forward to my gmail account. how do i troubleshoot this? | 19:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter > Lokiase | 19:12 |
ubottu | Lokiase, please see my private message | 19:12 |
NGL-Jabrroa | !alpha | 19:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alpha | 19:13 |
sniffle | ozzloy: you're hired as the sysadmin? | 19:13 |
mossmon | snowcomb: it doesent | 19:13 |
mossmon | work | 19:13 |
ozzloy | sniffle: i'm roped into it for now | 19:13 |
snowcomb | Erm, how did you test it? | 19:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | NGL-Jabrroa, If you are looking for the alpha release /join #ubuntu+1 | 19:13 |
Lokiase | So can someone please tell me how to use fstab? | 19:13 |
ozzloy | i was hired for unrelated stuff | 19:13 |
sniffle | ozzloy: where do you work? I'll take your job | 19:13 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: you know the ip you said? | 19:14 |
ozzloy | sniffle: heh. you can have the sysadmin job if you want. but it's not my decision | 19:14 |
[pq] | Lokiase what do you want to know about fstab? | 19:14 |
Lokiase | oCean: yes I do, its 192.168.2.x | 19:14 |
burkmat | Say I want to allow a user to access /home/foo/bar/pr0ns but not /home/foo or bar, is this possible? | 19:15 |
Lokiase | [pq]: I need someone to take me by my hand and go slowly through the steps | 19:15 |
burkmat | Or does the user need readrights from the top of the tree all the way to the branch? | 19:15 |
[pq] | Lokiase ok what are you trying to do? | 19:15 |
Dream_Team | burkmat: you can always mount -o bind to another directory. | 19:15 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: the CD you cant load, they dont work on the other older machine as well? | 19:15 |
oCean_ | what happens with command like "mount -t smbfs //192.168.2.x/ /mnt" | 19:15 |
burkmat | Dream_Team, Excellent, I'll investigate that. | 19:15 |
burkmat | Dream_Team, Thanks. | 19:15 |
ozzloy | sniffle: did you have any input on troubleshooting sendmail? | 19:15 |
sniffle | ozzloy: nope | 19:16 |
Dream_Team | 192.168.2.x is not a good ip ... | 19:16 |
Lokiase | [pq]: I have a nas (mybook world edition) and I want it to automaticly mount when my system starts. | 19:16 |
neversaynever | Hi all, I have a weird experience during ubuntu 8.10 installation. My laptop is sony vaio vgn-cr590. | 19:17 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: see my previous command "mount -t smbfs //<ip> <mountpoint>" | 19:17 |
neversaynever | At a random time, even if i haven't done anything, after a while the mouse and keyboard doesn't work, | 19:17 |
neversaynever | in other words my pc was frozen. | 19:17 |
strangeseraph | the CD or CDs recon69? The DVD I tried to burn on this computer will not run in the other machine, but the other CDs and DVD I burned in the past work on it. | 19:17 |
Lokiase | Dream_Team: x is a number ofcourse | 19:17 |
[pq] | Lokiase: you already can mount manually it? | 19:17 |
neversaynever | In the beginning, i thought the problem was about my recovery partition, | 19:17 |
neversaynever | but now i don't think so. I have a strange problem. So do you have any suggestions | 19:17 |
strangeseraph | and one DVD I burned in Vista works on this laptop | 19:17 |
daredevilthere | HEY UBUNTU-OERS | 19:17 |
Lokiase | [pq]: no i don't know how that works either | 19:17 |
Dream_Team | Lokiase: so many people tried to mount with .x that I wanted to clear the problem ;) | 19:17 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: where <ip> is the ip of the NAS, including the drive and mountpoint is the directory you want it mounted on | 19:17 |
Dream_Team | oCean_: don't you need the share name ? | 19:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | daredevilthere, Lose the caps.. thanks | 19:18 |
Dream_Team | oCean_: like //<ip>/share | 19:18 |
oCean_ | Dream_Team: Yes. | 19:18 |
daredevilthere | Jack_Sparrow: ya sorry | 19:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | ty | 19:19 |
oCean_ | Dream_Team: that's what I meant by "including the drive" | 19:19 |
Lokiase | so I type | 19:19 |
pkundu | whenever I am trying to connect the web server running at port 81 from internet I am getting in the tcpdump | 19:19 |
pkundu | but the web page do not open | 19:19 |
Lokiase | mount -t smbfs // ... what comes after? | 19:19 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: /mnt | 19:19 |
pkundu | is there any firewal or setting i need to do | 19:19 |
Mion | Lokiase: /some/where | 19:19 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: (just as example for now) | 19:19 |
Guest25427 | how do i kill the startup sound? | 19:19 |
fogobogo | pkundu: no | 19:19 |
Lokiase | oCean: what can I use best? /mnt/test ? | 19:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Guest25427, system..pref..sound | 19:20 |
Mion | Lokiase: /some/where must be an existing directory, any existing files in it will be hidden, but not deleted | 19:20 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: the CD's you burnt in the last week , burnt in ubuntu or windows? | 19:20 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: anything you like, but remember that directory has to exist | 19:20 |
Guest25427 | Jack_Sparrow im there i see login but no selection | 19:20 |
Dream_Team | oCean_: oh, sorry | 19:20 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: /mnt probably does, so you might want to "mkdir /mnt/test" if you want to use that | 19:20 |
oCean_ | Dream_Team: np | 19:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | Guest25427, system..pref..sound click on login where it says default | 19:22 |
Lokiase | oCean: I get: only root can do this | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | on the sounds tab of course | 19:22 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: correct. prefix the command with "sudo" | 19:22 |
Guest25427 | Jack_Sparrow ok got it thnx | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | cook | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | cool | 19:22 |
mib_ym1tb098 | hey guys, i'm sure you heard of the msn connection problem that's happening on pidgin lately.. they say they're working on a correction.. do you know how long after they find one will it be available on the ubuntu repositories? | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 19:23 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 19:23 |
Lokiase | oCean: FANTASTIC, its mounted their, but how to automatic this on startup? | 19:23 |
pkundu | !apache | 19:23 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 19:23 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: yay! | 19:23 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: sure, we can do that too :) | 19:23 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: use your favorite editor to edit /etc/fstab file and add an entry there | 19:24 |
t0lkman52429 | why the command: mount -t cifs -o username=mis,password=*** //backup/mis /mnt/bk2 | 19:24 |
strangeseraph | I'm posting all this to the Ubuntu thread I created for this problem recon69 | 19:24 |
t0lkman52429 | can hangs up? no response | 19:24 |
strangeseraph | | 19:24 |
t0lkman52429 | i have two virtual ubuntu servers (virtualized by kvm) two identical, on first one the mounting works on the second it hungs up | 19:24 |
FL33T | hey i've got kernel compilation err | 19:24 |
FL33T | ubuntu/compcache/compcache.c:155: error: implicit declaration of function ‘set_notify_swap_entry_free’ | 19:24 |
progex | Hi. Can anybody help me with Emacs? | 19:25 |
[pq] | Lokiase: add a line in fstab like this: // /some/where smbfs default 0 0 | 19:25 |
chrisdone | join #emacs | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | FL33T, /join #kernel ... | 19:25 |
Lokiase | oCean: its mythbuntu, don't find an editor... | 19:25 |
V0iD_ | hi! | 19:25 |
FL33T | and i'm wondering is it common err for 2.6.27 or is it me doing sth wrong | 19:25 |
energY | Like fuck | 19:25 |
energY | Sorry, wrong chan... | 19:25 |
strangeseraph | thanks so much for your help recon69 and Slart :) Hopefully I'll figure it all out eventually. | 19:26 |
V0iD_ | has anyone here had windows XP in a virtual machine? | 19:26 |
Necrosan | Flannel: Around? | 19:26 |
energY | My harddrive, laptop, cd-rom drive, usb-stick, cdr's and my finger is broken. | 19:26 |
Lokiase | Ocean: no editor is installed, but i"ve opened the add/remove applications, suggestions? | 19:26 |
progex | I am trying to find out how in html-mode under emacs I can set default value of tab - 4 spaces instead of 2 default. Can somebody suggest something? | 19:26 |
energY | I should have never decided to install ubuntu! | 19:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | V0iD_, vbox etc does it quite well except 3d | 19:26 |
sudobash | energY you must be lost? | 19:27 |
[pq] | Lokiase: you can use "nano": sudo nano /etc/fstab | 19:27 |
Slart | strangeseraph: you're welcome, hope you find out what was wrong | 19:27 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: isn't there "vi" or "nano" as editor? | 19:27 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: I'm not familiair with mythbuntu | 19:27 |
V0iD_ | Jack Sparrow: Im using vmware but when i leave XP on for longer than 3 hours my latop cuts out! >.< | 19:27 |
Lokiase | Ocean, nano is open | 19:28 |
V0iD_ | Any ideas? | 19:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | V0iD_, Overheating | 19:28 |
V0iD_ | Nope! | 19:28 |
sudobash | energY what is your problem? | 19:28 |
[pq] | Lokiase: you should already have nano installed in your box | 19:28 |
Lokiase | [pq]: I have | 19:28 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: okay, so you have /etc/fstab open in nano? | 19:29 |
Lokiase | oCean: yes | 19:29 |
NGL-Jabrroa | hello | 19:29 |
faltantornillos | Hello there. Do you know of any mail notification applet that makes it possible to delete, mark as spam, etc every incoming mail like checkgmail but with support for multiple email accounts including non- gmail accounts?, pls | 19:29 |
x1250 | do you guys know any little application take notes (howtos, personal documentation) ? Not tomboy! | 19:29 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: the reason I asking about the CD's you burned, is if you burned them on the new laptop and they now only work on the old laptop it strongly points to the new DVD burner being faulty | 19:29 |
[pq] | Lokiase: so, what's the problem with "sudo nano /etc/fstab"? | 19:29 |
Slart | I've got a drive with lots of photos, divided into about 300 folders.. opening this drive in nautilus first makes me wait 25 seconds before the folders show up.. then if I descend into one of the subfolders it takes about 10 secs for that folder to load.. going back up to the root folder of the drive again takes 10 seconds.. is this normal behaviour for an ext3-drive? can I do anything about it? | 19:29 |
b4dace | i want to execute a bash script before the X server starts, how is that possible? | 19:30 |
Lokiase | [pq]: no problem anymore with that | 19:30 |
[pq] | Lokiase: oh ok. add a line in fstab like this: // /some/where smbfs default 0 0 | 19:30 |
V0iD_ | Jack_Sparrow: The worst thing is when i use xp it does it but when i have ubuntu installed its fine so definitly not over heating! | 19:30 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: then add a line there like "//ip/drive /mountpoint smbfs username=x 0 0" | 19:30 |
[pq] | Lokiase: sorry it's 'defaults' and not 'default' | 19:30 |
ScottG489 | Anyone here use Amazon's S3 service? | 19:30 |
[pq] | Lokiase: // /some/where smbfs defaults 0 0 | 19:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | V0iD_, Running xp in a vm is not the same thing as ubuntu or xp alone | 19:31 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: [pq] is right, "defaults" is okay if you don't have to use credentials for mounting | 19:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | b4dace, yes it is possible | 19:31 |
Lokiase | I typed that line, and now? | 19:32 |
Mion | Lokiase: might want cifs instead of smbfs, unless it's an old windows host | 19:32 |
V0iD_ | Jack_Sparrow: I know but I thought i'd try to rule out every possibility, but it seems its XP! | 19:32 |
Gizmo_The_Great | I am a photographer who currently uses the standard Ubuntu distro, and various image apps like LightZone, The GIMP, CinePaint, DigiKam etc. However, I have just read about Ubuntu Studio ( Are there any advantages to using that over the normal Ubuntu, other than the apps that come shipped with it, because I assume those same apps can be installed anyway, on normal Ubuntu? | 19:32 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: quit nano, while saving the file | 19:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | b4dace, Getting a script to run at boot before login: Put it in you ~/.bashrc. Something like: export PATH=$PATH:~/bin ... | 19:32 |
sarmisak | hi all | 19:32 |
Lokiase | Ocean: how, dont understand the "commands" | 19:32 |
crazyryan | Is there a wine channel? | 19:32 |
b4dace | Jack_Sparrow, thanks, i'll give it a try | 19:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gizmo_The_Great, It is easy to add them to ubuntu.. | 19:33 |
[pq] | Lokiase: it's ctrl+x | 19:33 |
[pq] | Lokiase ^X means ctrl+x | 19:33 |
Lokiase | ok done | 19:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ubuntustudio | 19:33 |
ubottu | UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see | 19:33 |
Lokiase | whats the next step? | 19:33 |
regeya | #winehq | 19:33 |
Gizmo_The_Great | Jack_Sparrow, I figured as much. I was just wondering whether it's kernel was tweaked\adjusted in some way to deal with 'studio like' work, or something bizarre like that. But if it's just a batch of apps, I'll stick with the norm | 19:34 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: you're sure /etc/fstab entry is correct? | 19:34 |
[pq] | Lokiase then try it | 19:34 |
jim_p | Gizmo_The_Great, ubuntu studios main difference from normal ubuntu is the realtime kernel. it is a benefit in some cases like sound processing | 19:34 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: I mean, you saved it correctly? You can do "cat /etc/fstab" just to check | 19:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gizmo_The_Great, Just added apps | 19:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, I didnt see much difference using the realtime | 19:34 |
Gizmo_The_Great | Jim_p realtime kernel? That's interesting. How does it differ from the normal? | 19:35 |
zerograv | anyone have a moment to give a little help about removing programs to a beginner? | 19:35 |
Sapient | hi, when I run this command it should sort processes by elapsed time but they are not: ps -eo etime,pid,args --sort=-etime | 19:35 |
Lokiase | cat /etc/fstab gives: // /home/myaccount/test smbfs defaults 0 0 | 19:35 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: seems okay. Is /home/myaccount/test existing directory? | 19:35 |
jim_p | Jack_Sparrow, i have never used a realtime kernel. however this is critical for sound processing for some reason that the kernel may induce "lag" | 19:35 |
Lokiase | Ocean: yes | 19:36 |
jim_p | Gizmo_The_Great, it is compiled with the realtime flags enabled. that means it wastes no time writing logs and the like | 19:36 |
Lokiase | its mounted their for the moment, with the previous commands | 19:36 |
Sapient | is this a bug in ps not sorting elapsed time correctl? | 19:36 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: okay. Maybe the drive is still mounted, from before.. when you mounted it manually? | 19:36 |
[pq] | Lokiase: I hope "cat /etc/fstab" gives also everything you already had in your fstab before that | 19:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | jim_p, I never noticed anything,.. I have RT, 386, generic well most all the kernels installed in Ub | 19:36 |
Lokiase | Ocean: thats what I ment :) | 19:36 |
ty | wasup | 19:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | selectable from grub menu | 19:36 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: umount it by using "umount /home/myaccount/test" | 19:36 |
ty | can i use e2defrag on ext3 filesystem? | 19:37 |
=== MaT-dg is now known as cpf_ | ||
jim_p | Gizmo_The_Great, dont force me to remember a real life example with cars and the like :P | 19:37 |
NGL-Jabrroa | lol | 19:37 |
Gizmo_The_Great | jim_p, :-) lol | 19:37 |
Lokiase | oCean: done | 19:37 |
ty | ?? | 19:37 |
Mion | ty: defragging ext3 is called cp to a spare disc, and cp back | 19:37 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: great. Now type "mount -a" to see if it picks up your samba drive automatically | 19:38 |
recon69 | zerograv: depends on the program and how you installed it. can can use synaptic to remove programs | 19:38 |
ty | i know that, but can i? i was able to with a jumpdrive but i couldnt seem to do it with a live cd | 19:38 |
Mion | ty: but ext4 will have online drfragmenting "soon" (about 3 months form now) | 19:38 |
Wintervenom | ty: There is a program called "Shake" to defrag Ext2/3. | 19:38 |
ty | where can i get it? | 19:38 |
sarmisak | why do you want to defrag anyway? | 19:39 |
paul__ | Hi all, i need to downgrade perl version 5.10 to v 5.8 | 19:39 |
Pici | !defrag | ty | 19:39 |
ubottu | ty: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see for a simple example on how it achieves this. | 19:39 |
ty | cause i have lots of big dvds | 19:39 |
ty | i know but the less fragments i have, the better it will run | 19:39 |
Lokiase | Ocean: how can I see it, I did mount -a | 19:39 |
ty | i know it doesnt get fragments much | 19:39 |
sarmisak | ty, that's the windows way, ext3 does not work that way | 19:40 |
Wintervenom | ty: It might be in Ubuntu repos - if not, | 19:40 |
sarmisak | ty, follow the link ubottu wrote on the channel | 19:40 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: no errors? That's probably okay. Type 'mount' to see if it's really mounted | 19:40 |
ty | everything fragments | 19:40 |
xjska | anyone kno if ubuntu can use the ps3 vram now? like suse or ydl. | 19:40 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: or just "cd /home/myaccount/test" | 19:40 |
ty | just some fragment less than others | 19:40 |
NGL-Jabrroa | mine can | 19:40 |
NGL-Jabrroa | my ps3 does | 19:40 |
[pq] | ty: defragmenting doesn't make you have faster computer on ext3 and it shortens life of your hardisk | 19:40 |
ty | oh | 19:40 |
xjska | hows the speed NGL-Jabrroa? | 19:40 |
ty | how? | 19:40 |
Lokiase | oCean: its mounted | 19:40 |
NGL-Jabrroa | very fast | 19:41 |
Pici | !who | 19:41 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:41 |
Mion | ty: wait untill ext4 gets the online defragger and move to ext4 :) | 19:41 |
xjska | nice | 19:41 |
ty | Mion, ok | 19:41 |
strangeseraph | recon69 the new laptops DVD burn didn't work at all. The only DVDs I can read on this laptop that were made on this laptop were made in Vista | 19:41 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: one other thing [pq] mentioned earlier.. When you showed "cat /etc/fstab" you only showed the smbfs line. The other lines are still in there.... right? | 19:41 |
xjska | NGL-Jabrroa: you use the livecd or dvd? | 19:41 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i use Ubuntu 8.10 and BT3 | 19:41 |
NGL-Jabrroa | both | 19:41 |
Lokiase | Ocean: they are | 19:41 |
NGL-Jabrroa | BT3 islive | 19:41 |
[pq] | Lokiase: would be bad if they werent | 19:41 |
NGL-Jabrroa | and ubuntu installed | 19:41 |
ty | thank you | 19:41 |
xjska | when you installed ubuntu you used dvd? | 19:41 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: ok. You're happy now? :) | 19:41 |
crazyryan | Hey, I'm using utorrent on wine. How can I set it as the default program for .torrent files? | 19:42 |
NGL-Jabrroa | yes | 19:42 |
xjska | ok | 19:42 |
xjska | no problems? | 19:42 |
ty | l8r guys | 19:42 |
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler | ||
NGL-Jabrroa | nope | 19:42 |
xjska | ok | 19:42 |
strangeseraph | not having a working DVD burner worries me. I need a backup drive and an online backup solution. | 19:42 |
Lokiase | Ocean, is that all? so when I want it in another directory, I just edit that file? | 19:42 |
chrisdone | hm | 19:42 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i have an 40 GB ps3 with a 750 GB HDD and some mods | 19:42 |
xjska | ive tried 2 different opensuse dvds and both freeze during install | 19:42 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: indeed | 19:42 |
[pq] | lokiase yes, and try if you can write into your disk as normal user | 19:42 |
Lokiase | tx all | 19:42 |
xjska | so i wanted to try ubuntu instead | 19:42 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i have an 40 GB ps3 with a 750 GB HDD and some mods | 19:43 |
xjska | opensuse has something on their site about the ps3 being weird with their dvd's sometimes | 19:43 |
xjska | ahh | 19:43 |
xjska | ya i just got the 160 | 19:43 |
NGL-Jabrroa | works fine | 19:43 |
Pici | !ot | 19:43 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:43 |
NGL-Jabrroa | ok | 19:43 |
Lokiase | It took houres googling, tx guys | 19:43 |
oCean_ | Lokiase: sure, enjoy :) | 19:43 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i did hardmod or"hack" my ps3 | 19:43 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i now have 2 GB of XLR ram | 19:44 |
xjska | oic | 19:44 |
NGL-Jabrroa | from rambus | 19:44 |
Pici | NGL-Jabrroa: This is the Ubuntu support channel, please keep the discussion related to support issues. | 19:44 |
xjska | i guess that could explain the speeds | 19:44 |
NGL-Jabrroa | it is about ubuntu | 19:44 |
xjska | we | 19:44 |
NGL-Jabrroa | well | 19:44 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: no it's not | 19:44 |
xjska | are talkio ng about ubuntu on the ps3 | 19:44 |
NGL-Jabrroa | now i did also unlock the Rsx chip | 19:44 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: stop please | 19:44 |
NGL-Jabrroa | so ubuntu even registers it | 19:44 |
xjska | nice | 19:44 |
Pici | NGL-Jabrroa: Do you have a support question? | 19:45 |
NGL-Jabrroa | yea | 19:45 |
ikonia | gents, check the support information on the ps3 ubuntu website | 19:45 |
NGL-Jabrroa | nope im supporting | 19:45 |
xjska | Pici: hes answering my questions | 19:45 |
xjska | about ubuntu | 19:45 |
Sapient | so there is no way to accurrately sort `ps` based on elapsed time or command start time? | 19:45 |
NGL-Jabrroa | and yes it works fine i actually run Vm's on it now | 19:45 |
c_korn | when will the new design be available? because mark requested user screenshots | 19:45 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: xjska | 19:45 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: please check the support options in there | 19:46 |
xjska | ikonia: yes i see it | 19:46 |
koiso | Good evening. | 19:46 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i just did thanks | 19:46 |
NGL-Jabrroa | :) | 19:46 |
NGL-Jabrroa | anyways | 19:46 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: thanks | 19:46 |
xjska | run a tight ship here | 19:46 |
xjska | you can ask questions about ubuntu, BUT DONT ASK | 19:46 |
ikonia | xjska: just not an official ubuntu release, so not supported | 19:46 |
NGL-Jabrroa | i found out where to get more xlr that works with the ps3 and ubuntu | 19:47 |
hejdixon | Just a terminology question: why are some directories named foo.d with the ".d" as a suffix? Does it mean anything, why? | 19:47 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: please stop discussing the Ps3 | 19:47 |
fosco___ | c_korn, not sure it is gonna be a "new design" | 19:47 |
xjska | its like 1940s germany in here | 19:47 |
NGL-Jabrroa | my god | 19:47 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: then stop talking about the PS3 | 19:47 |
Pici | !guidelines | 19:47 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 19:47 |
NGL-Jabrroa | its on a ps3 | 19:47 |
xjska | its ubuntu ON a ps3 | 19:47 |
xjska | i dont get what the problem is lol | 19:47 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: how are you using the PC version, the PS3 is risc | 19:48 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: so, the new laptop = can read new vista burned DVD's + cant read you older CD backup's + cant right to DVD's , your old laptop = can read vista burned DVD + can read old CD's . Also , your new laptop with ubuntu was able to burn CD/DVD previously with out problems? | 19:48 |
unr3a1 | hey all | 19:48 |
koiso | I have a problem with my laptop, i did install the ubuntu version 7.something, when i did the restart my wireless button was on even when the bios were starting, but the wireless is off, i'm trying to format and install windows xp | 19:48 |
NGL-Jabrroa | well idk but it works | 19:48 |
ikonia | xjska: the PS3 release is not supported here, it's not an official ubuntu release. | 19:48 |
NGL-Jabrroa | :) | 19:48 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: don't lie - stop discussing the PS3 now please. | 19:48 |
ikonia | xjska: hence why I've pointed you at the correct ite, with support forums etc etc etc | 19:48 |
Pici | xjska, NGL-Jabrroa: This is a support channel, not a discussion channel. If you just want to talk about Ubuntu on the PS3 you are free to join #ubuntu-offtopic. But psubuntu and other derivitives are not supported here, sorry. | 19:48 |
xjska | ikonia: then why can i download it from ubuntus site | 19:48 |
jinja-sheep | How do I find out which packages installed which packages? You know. Dependencies. :o | 19:48 |
unr3a1 | how can you improve the performance of flash video in firefox? | 19:49 |
ikonia | xjska: thats just a cd - they host an image maintained by the community | 19:49 |
koiso | i put the windows cd and restart ubuntu but the cd don't start i can't do anything to format the ubuntu without windows xp ? | 19:49 |
xjska | lol | 19:49 |
xjska | you people are insane | 19:49 |
NGL-Jabrroa | no im helping answer his questions aka support :) | 19:49 |
xjska | ive never seen something like this | 19:49 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: stop supporting the PS3 here, there are correct support reosources | 19:49 |
NGL-Jabrroa | the video shows up as a nvidia rsx something | 19:49 |
jinja-sheep | xjska: Insane? Love is insane. :| | 19:50 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: I won't ask you again please. | 19:50 |
jinja-sheep | !love | 19:50 |
ubottu | Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 19:50 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: please stop discussing the PS3 platform | 19:50 |
xjska | ikonia: why dont you help some people insteal of yelling at people for discussing ubuntu | 19:50 |
xjska | instead* | 19:50 |
NGL-Jabrroa | im not | 19:50 |
Slart | I've got a drive with lots of photos, divided into about 300 folders.. opening this drive in nautilus first makes me wait 25 seconds before the folders show up.. then if I descend into one of the subfolders it takes about 10 secs for that folder to load.. going back up to the root folder of the drive again takes 10 seconds.. is this normal behaviour for an ext3-drive? can I do anything about it? | 19:50 |
jinja-sheep | xjska: Don't be surprised. :o | 19:50 |
NGL-Jabrroa | im talking about my pc :) | 19:50 |
NGL-Jabrroa | with ubuntu | 19:50 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: your not - it stops now | 19:50 |
xjska | can we talk about the ps3 and pretend we're talking about the pc? | 19:50 |
ikonia | xjska: no | 19:51 |
Percy | hey, where should I got for help on installing ubuntu? :D | 19:51 |
NGL-Jabrroa | although the installer was a little wirerd at first like it wouldnt start x automatically | 19:51 |
xjska | NOT HERRE | 19:51 |
ikonia | Percy: your in the right place | 19:51 |
Myrtti | Percy: you're there | 19:51 |
Percy | haha | 19:51 |
xjska | i tried | 19:51 |
xjska | i got yelled at | 19:51 |
Percy | thanks xjska | 19:51 |
ikonia | xjska: stop now - this will be your only warning, your disrupting the chanel | 19:51 |
NGL-Jabrroa | although the installer was a little wirerd at first like it wouldnt start x automatically | 19:51 |
Percy | well I've been trying to load up ubuntu 8.04 or whatever onto an ibook G4 | 19:51 |
unr3a1 | so does anyone know how to improve flash performance? | 19:52 |
jinja-sheep | ikonia: Use !atroll on him. | 19:52 |
Percy | no dual boot, just a simple linux computer... | 19:52 |
xjska | ok hitler, my bad. thx NGL-Jabrroa for your help NGL-Jabrroa | 19:52 |
koiso | How do i format ubuntu without any cd ? | 19:52 |
ikonia | Percy: your using the PPC version I assume | 19:52 |
Percy | yes I am | 19:52 |
NGL-Jabrroa | your welcomme | 19:52 |
Percy | hardy heron | 19:52 |
Percy | I believe | 19:52 |
ikonia | Percy: ok, so what's the issue | 19:52 |
c_korn | will this "new design" be in jaunty already? | 19:52 |
Percy | not the server addition | 19:52 |
NGL-Jabrroa | haha | 19:52 |
Percy | edition* | 19:52 |
Percy | haha | 19:52 |
Pici | !jaunty | c_korn | 19:52 |
ubottu | c_korn: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. | 19:52 |
Percy | it says | 19:52 |
FloodBot2 | Percy: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:52 |
NGL-Jabrroa | you guys are stuck up | 19:53 |
Percy | cannot allocate....something | 19:53 |
Percy | then goes to a blank screen | 19:53 |
koiso | HOW DO I FORMAT THE UBUNTU WITHOUT ANY CD ?!?!?! | 19:53 |
Pici | Percy: Please ease up on pressing enter so often | 19:53 |
ikonia | koiso: calm down please | 19:53 |
kraut | koiso: WITHOUT ANY CAPS! | 19:53 |
ikonia | koiso: you can't change a disk thats in use | 19:53 |
ikonia | koiso: so you need to use a live environment such as a livecd so your disk is not in use | 19:53 |
jinja-sheep | c_korn: What new design? | 19:53 |
ikonia | koiso: does that make sense ? | 19:53 |
Pici | jinja-sheep: Jaunty discussion is in #ubuntu+1 | 19:54 |
meistergrado | Contrary to popular belief, caps lock is not cruise control for cool. | 19:54 |
Percy | Hold on, I'll see exactly what it says. | 19:54 |
c_korn | jinja-sheep: because mark requested some screenshots | 19:54 |
jinja-sheep | ikonia: I got in recently. What bad deed did NGL pull? | 19:54 |
jarco | hello. How can i limit the traffic that is allowed over a network card? | 19:54 |
Percy | Okay. it boots, goes through yaboot or whatever... found display... then cannot allocate resource region of the device | 19:54 |
koiso | ikonia does nake sense my laptop going crazy because i've installed ubuntu ? | 19:54 |
ikonia | jinja-sheep: doesn't matter | 19:54 |
BoomShaka | Can anyone help me sort out this xbox live NAT issue? I've followed all the tuts i could find, but it seems i cant get the port forwarding to work correctly :/ | 19:54 |
Flannel | koiso: You can reinstall without a disk; there's a number of methods outlined on this page: feel free to ask questions if youre having trouble with them | 19:54 |
jinja-sheep | c_korn | Mark who? | 19:54 |
recon69 | Slart: I would say no, I got a folder with over 1000 pictures in it, opens fast , but all the thumbnails that quite a while to draw. this is a ntfs drive though | 19:55 |
kantlivelong | hey all.. im trying to get ventrilo working in wine.. i dont see my mic.. it works with native apps. someone mentioned asoundrc but im not sure what to do from there.. anyone help me? | 19:55 |
c_korn | Shuttleworth | 19:55 |
strangeseraph | sorry recon69, was a bit busy | 19:55 |
FrozenFire | Hello, has anyone here ever tested this product under Ubuntu? A friend of mine lives out in the booneys, and needs broadband internet. Apparently the only way they can get it is with ones of these cards. | 19:55 |
strangeseraph | no, the new laptop was NOT able to write DVDs in Ubuntu before | 19:55 |
Slart | recon69: hmm... thanks | 19:55 |
Percy | Anyone have any idea what it could be? | 19:55 |
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Jeruvy | !hcl | FrozenFire | 19:56 |
ubottu | FrozenFire: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 19:56 |
unr3a1 | I guess no | 19:56 |
jarco | is it possible in ubuntu to limit the traffic going over a specific network port. Or to limit all the internet traffic at once? | 19:56 |
oCean_ | Slart: I think you can disable the generating of the thumbnails | 19:56 |
meistergrado | Question: the goal is to create a dual-boot environment with ubuntu 8.10 and XP. Ubuntu installation went without a hitch, but upon attempting to install XP, the 30-odd GB I left open for the XP partition is rejected by the XP install, which says "This disk does not contain a windows XP-compatible partition." I had formatted the XP partition with the ubuntu install into Fat32. | 19:57 |
Slart | oCean_: mm.. I'll give that a try.. see if it makes it any faster | 19:57 |
wolter | join #winehq | 19:57 |
Ranakah | meistergrado | 19:57 |
Ranakah | first install XP, then ubuntu | 19:57 |
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c_korn | jinja-sheep: Mark Shuttleworth | 19:57 |
BoomShaka | meistergrado:win first, then ubuntu | 19:57 |
meistergrado | ranakah: crap. lots of stuff installed on it already, ack! | 19:57 |
thiebaude | meistergrado: if you install ubuntu first, then dual-boot won't work | 19:58 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: but everything else i said was correct , the old laptop can read the old CD's | 19:58 |
BoomShaka | Anyone got xbox live NAT issue sorted? | 19:58 |
Pici | BoomShaka: Is this an Ubuntu question? | 19:58 |
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS] | ||
tboydston | So I was able to set up all of my partitions and get a successful dual-boot going, but now I'm not sure how to use the home and root partitions. I can't decide which partition is located where in the Explorer window. Any good reads? | 19:58 |
meistergrado | thiebaude: good to know, but bad for me now. Is there anything I can do now besides wipe my entire drive? | 19:58 |
recon69 | strangeseraph : and old laptop is using ubuntu | 19:58 |
Pici | !fixgrub | meistergrado | 19:58 |
ubottu | meistergrado: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 19:58 |
strangeseraph | yes recon69 | 19:59 |
thiebaude | meistergrado: i dont know hot to recover the windows mbr | 19:59 |
thiebaude | how | 19:59 |
NGL-Jabrroa | use two HDD's | 19:59 |
thiebaude | lol | 19:59 |
Percy | So I try to boot ubuntu and it says "cannot allocate resource region of device 001....." I'm on a powerPC ibook G4 | 20:00 |
nomaS | hi, whats the command to see process in terminal ? | 20:00 |
Pici | nomaS: ps | 20:00 |
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nomaS | thanks | 20:00 |
meistergrado | thiebaude: I don't need to recover the windows mbr, i just need to install XP on the blank 30gb partition I made with the ubuntu install. 's not working though, so I think I just need to reinstall both ubuntu and XP... with XP first now, as I have learned | 20:00 |
NGL-Jabrroa | its not mounting correctley | 20:01 |
Pici | Percy: Powerpc is no longer a supported version of Ubuntu, please join #ubuntu-powerpc for specific help and see for more info. | 20:01 |
knut | does anybody know a good feed reader for ubuntu 8.10 | 20:01 |
jinja-sheep | nomaS: I like htop. You can check it out. :) | 20:01 |
wernher_vonBraun | my download speed from the repositories is terribly slow, how can I change the location from where it is downloading? | 20:01 |
thiebaude | meistergrado: yes, just install xp first | 20:01 |
wernher_vonBraun | I just found it | 20:02 |
Percy | ah, thanks, I'll try there... | 20:02 |
Y-Town | vlc does not read mp4 for me.. is there a pluggin or does it just not read them? | 20:02 |
nomaS | jinja-sheep, . i prefer ps -x hehe thanks | 20:02 |
Jeruvy | Y-Town: quicktime, flash... | 20:03 |
DavidSchles | so I just upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and am experiencing kernel panics... anyone seen this before? | 20:03 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: 90% sure it is the DVD drive failing then, The old CD's work because they work in old laptop. The new DVD drive shows it's dodgy by not being able to mount a blank DVD to write to. Last thing I can think of is maybe trying KB3 to write a CD incase it's a software problem with you other burning program. if it still dont work. I'd put windows back on it from your recovery disk, check DVD drive again, if it still fails contact your supplier about a | 20:03 |
Y-Town | Jeruvy: thanks I will look for it | 20:04 |
B|ackPanther | I want to develop linux applications but i dont know where to start.Are the any sites that can get me started ? | 20:04 |
Siiimm0n | How do make checkgmail start with a 1 min delay? | 20:04 |
Mion | B|ackPanther: what languages do you know? | 20:04 |
BoomShaka | Pici: yes. xbox live thru ubuntu with internet conn sharing (using firestarter) | 20:05 |
strangeseraph | recon69 the drive mounts the DVD and writes it, but the process fails at the end. see | 20:05 |
Jeruvy | DavidSchles: see if they have been reported already at | 20:05 |
B|ackPanther | Mion,I know java and C.I want to improve on my C skills so i need something to motivate me. | 20:05 |
Mion | Siiimm0n: sleep 60 && checkmail ? | 20:05 |
jarco | is it possible in ubuntu to limit the traffic going over a specific network port. Or to limit all the internet traffic at once? | 20:05 |
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav | ||
Siiimm0n | mion: thanks | 20:06 |
Jeruvy | jarco: your question is too vague, and not specific to ubuntu. Are you seeking software? | 20:06 |
DavidSchles | as I asked this...I had a kernel panic..... | 20:06 |
DavidSchles | so I just upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and am experiencing kernel panics... anyone seen this before | 20:06 |
Mion | B|ackPanther: gui/cli? | 20:06 |
jarco | Jeruvy, i am looking for a program or a function in ubuntu/linux to limit the traffic going over my eth0 or over all internet connections. | 20:07 |
ericvw | i can't find the configuration name to have apt-get always prompt y/n for package installations; does anyone else know where it is or what I need to set? | 20:08 |
Jeruvy | jarco: iptables is already installed, there are a couple front ends for it, firestarter being quite popular | 20:08 |
B|ackPanther | Mion,CLI application for the start. | 20:08 |
Slart | !ext4 | 20:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4 | 20:08 |
tboydston | is the home partition the place in the file browser that comes default with documents, music, pictures etc. folders? | 20:08 |
jarco | ok Jeruvy i will try that | 20:08 |
DavidSchles | anyone here know about kernel panics after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 | 20:08 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: the 10% unsureness comes from maybe you drive is weird and does not work with ubuntu, but would expect many posts about it if that was the case. that error comes as soon as it starts the burn, the other messages are just a test run | 20:08 |
wiredmind | !lzop | 20:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lzop | 20:08 |
Mion | B|ackPanther: hmm, maby take a look at ObjC and ncurses? | 20:09 |
strangeseraph | well my laptop is a recently new laptop and its not been on the market for long from the look of it. And it was the like, very small distribution of this laptop, they came out with a different model quickly after I think. | 20:09 |
strangeseraph | so I don't think many people would be using it. | 20:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | B|ackPanther, Perhaps look at the contribution/participation pages to see what people are working on or need tight now | 20:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | !contribute | 20:10 |
ubottu | To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see | 20:10 |
ameed_ | Dear All , i have windows application which uses odbc connection string and i have MySQL database on Ubuntu am trying to make a connection between them but its not seeing the server or the request is not reaching properly , can anyone help ? | 20:10 |
DavidSchles | anyone here know about kernel panics after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10? | 20:10 |
Jeruvy | DavidSchles: see if they have been reported already at | 20:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | ameed_, #ubuntu-server or #php or #apache2 might get you a faster answer | 20:11 |
frostburn | ameed_, you'll want to check out #mysql as well, what's the error you're seeing | 20:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | DavidSchles, Are you running an nvidia card with 177 propietary drivers? | 20:11 |
DavidSchles | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 20:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | roll it back to 173.. that is what worked for me | 20:12 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: but do try with a couple of different disks and a different program just to be sure. all I can say is that I strongly think the laser on that drive is not well. | 20:12 |
DavidSchles | Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks...hopefully that will do it | 20:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | DavidSchles, Very lucky guess on my part | 20:12 |
ameed_ | frostburn: am thinking that there is some firewall on Ubuntu which is blocking the request can you tell me from where can i check the firewall logs | 20:12 |
ameed_ | ? | 20:12 |
DavidSchles | Jack_Sparrow: mm :) | 20:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !iptables | 20:12 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 20:12 |
frostburn | ameed_, run an iptables -L to see if it might be blocking anything | 20:13 |
strangeseraph | mebbe :/ that would be frustrating. Its a new computer! But my USB ports work so I may just forget the backing up to CD thing and get a good external | 20:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | DavidSchles, I am running a 6600 oc nvidia card | 20:13 |
ameed_ | frostburn: one sec am checking | 20:13 |
sarmisak | can someone add the thing about 'msn-pecan' to ubotu? everyone has been asking about the solution | 20:13 |
strangeseraph | the CD reader works with factory CDs right? So I'm fine for running Ubuntu or Vista if I need to | 20:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | !brokenmsn | 20:13 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 20:13 |
sarmisak | great, thanx :) | 20:13 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: it's working again for me - no pidgin changes needed | 20:13 |
ameed_ | frostburn: it shows no data so this means its not blocking anything ? | 20:14 |
frostburn | ameed_, correct, I'm thinking it's a mysql user permissions issue | 20:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | ikonia, They probably rolled back their changes.. but I would expect to see the issue pop up again very soon | 20:14 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: I was trying to find out what had changed (as you say roll back) a few minutes ago | 20:14 |
sarmisak | ameed_, have you added a user like user@% | 20:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | ikonia, Somting borked in libpurple from what I can tell | 20:15 |
ameed_ | frostburn: Thanks alot , i will double check that . do you think i need anything else than unix-odbc to allow odc connection with MYSQL | 20:15 |
ameed_ | ? | 20:15 |
sarmisak | usually when you add a user to mysql it can only connect through localhost | 20:15 |
sarmisak | you have to specifically tell mysql that your user can connect from any host | 20:15 |
strangeseraph | recon69 the thing that tells me it might be a driver issue and not a laser issue is that the drive DID work under vista, read and write | 20:16 |
Dein | sarmisak: it's weird that in older pidgins it works okay. my gf is using 243 and it's working ok for her | 20:16 |
frostburn | ameed_, not that I'm aware of, I actually don't use odbc, I just know mysql authentication | 20:16 |
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ameed_ | sarmisak: i added a user called voipswitch and allowed all permisions to it | 20:16 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: well, factory CD's use different frequency of light that burnable CD's , so you can have drives that will read factory CD's but not home burnt ones. but you tell me, does it work with factory CD's? from earlier you said you vista disk would not load | 20:16 |
sarmisak | ameed_, it is not the same thing | 20:16 |
sarmisak | ameed_, I'm talking about remote connections not rights | 20:16 |
ameed_ | frostburn: can you tell me if mysql authintation does same as unix-odbc | 20:17 |
ameed_ | ? | 20:17 |
strangeseraph | the vista disk wouldn't load in Ubuntu, but it can load when/if I try to install Vista (not that I want to anymore). The vista data disk was fine in vista, but under ubuntu I can't read it. | 20:17 |
frostburn | ameed_, do a SELECT host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'voipswitch'; | 20:17 |
ameed_ | sarmisak: i have tcp/ip enabled | 20:17 |
ikonia | ameed_: unix odbc is just a connector | 20:17 |
strangeseraph | so the BIOS recognizes the CD/DVD-ROM drive | 20:17 |
sarmisak | ameed_, follow this lead; | 20:17 |
strangeseraph | I can boot from a DVD or CD | 20:17 |
lorenzo | join #ubuntu-it | 20:18 |
strangeseraph | otherwise I wouldn't have been able to install Ubuntu 8.10 since that was a burned DVD! I forgot, that wasn't a factory burn it was a burn I did in vista, and I installed Ubuntu from it | 20:18 |
=== fabio is now known as beeezn | ||
mattfred | Is there a good channel I should go to in order to ask questions about virtualization? | 20:18 |
ameed_ | ikonia: i know its just a connector am asking if mysql authintaction is better than using odbc to connect to mysql server on linux | 20:18 |
ikonia | mattfred: depends on the virtualisation technology | 20:18 |
Dein | anybody experiencing problems with pidgin's facebook plugin? it's disconnecting me all evening saying my password is wrong | 20:18 |
ikonia | ameed_: odbc will still use mysql authentication | 20:18 |
michael357 | hello | 20:19 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: would indicate ubuntu driver/hardware problem if you can boot from a disk that ubuntu wont read. it's a factory vista disk you got? | 20:19 |
recon69 | can/cant | 20:19 |
mattfred | I'm using SunxVM Virtualbox with Windows XP | 20:19 |
ikonia | mattfred: there is a sun mailing list for that | 20:19 |
beeezn | hi, i'm using intrepid. i just downloaded an rpm from the opensuse official oss package repo, namely gtk2-theme-openSUSE-11.1-1.12.noarch.rpm because i like the theme they use. i tried to unpack it now using file-roller, but i just gives me errors like that: cpio: Malformed number. any help? | 20:19 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: meant what i said the first time can boot | 20:19 |
strangeseraph | yeah | 20:19 |
ikonia | beeezn: I suggest you speak to suse guys about their rpm's | 20:20 |
mattfred | I don't really have any technical questions about the software, more along the lines of what I can do in linux | 20:20 |
ikonia | mattfred: what do you mean you can do ? | 20:20 |
ameed_ | ikonia , thanks i think sarmisak has solved my problem | 20:20 |
ikonia | ameed_: super | 20:20 |
mattfred | specifically can I assign it to a workspace and automatically have it capture the mouse/keyboard when I switch there? | 20:20 |
beeezn | yeah well i thought maybe somebody knows what to do on ubuntu to extract them | 20:20 |
CarlFK1 | "Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is needed" Is there an ibex package for that? | 20:20 |
ikonia | beeezn: cpio should work fine | 20:20 |
maco | mattfred: assign *what* to a workspace? | 20:20 |
ameed_ | sarmisak: Thanks alot this link did answer what i needed | 20:20 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: do you have a movie DVD , just to try something other that vista disk | 20:20 |
ikonia | CarlFK1: flashplugin-nonfree | 20:21 |
mattfred | my virtual XP session | 20:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | beeezn, Not a good idea to use rpms even with alien converting them | 20:21 |
CarlFK1 | ikonia: thanks. | 20:21 |
mattfred | just like have it fullscreen on one workspace | 20:21 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: but that wont work | 20:21 |
beeezn | i don't want to use the rpm | 20:21 |
beeezn | i want to extract the theme | 20:21 |
beeezn | and install it by hand | 20:21 |
ikonia | beeezn: cpio is your friend | 20:21 |
ikonia | beeezn: they should just be cpio archives | 20:21 |
maco | mattfred: in compiz, i assign certain apps to certain workspaces. it's in the Place Windows plugin. then that app always opens all its windows in that workspace. | 20:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | beeezn, convert it and pick it apart | 20:21 |
strangeseraph | I'll get one of my DVDs. It should work in VLC. | 20:21 |
ameed_ | One more question guys , i download Zimbra desktop and i see that the file format is .sh anyone knows how to run that | 20:22 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: think you need someone who knows the ubuntu DVD drivers and setup, I dont | 20:22 |
beeezn | cpio just hangs when trying to extract | 20:22 |
Nomexous | mattfred: It works for me. I just fullscreen the VM in that workspace. | 20:22 |
beeezn | and alien gives me | 20:22 |
mattfred | maco: thanks I'll give that a try | 20:22 |
ikonia | beeezn: sure you've got the syntax right ? | 20:22 |
beeezn | error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2) | 20:22 |
beeezn | error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm | 20:22 |
maco | mattfred: i also set my compiz to change window focus when i hover over a window instead of having to click. thatd probably make a more transparent glide into the vm, but it might also take some getting used to that you dont have to click to focus | 20:22 |
beeezn | maybe i need to build that database? | 20:22 |
Nomexous | mattfred: Then to switch workspaces, I just hit host key and ctrl+alt+left | 20:22 |
barduck | hello, what tools/packages do I use to build a software RAID 5 array in Ubuntu ? | 20:23 |
maco | beeezn: rmp? | 20:23 |
ikonia | beeezn: nah, just need to un-cpio it | 20:23 |
michael357 | hey I'm using synaptic to install software on ubuntu 8.10 and the search feature seems broken | 20:23 |
beeezn | cpio --extract | 20:23 |
maco | beeezn: rpm? why are you using rpm on ubuntu? | 20:23 |
beeezn | not? | 20:23 |
meistergrado | What's the best way to de-virus a windows partition from ubuntu? | 20:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | beeezn, Get someone with redhat to pull it apart for you | 20:23 |
mizipzor | i got a start script in my home folder, from /etc/init.d/ ive made a symlink to that file, but when calling /etc/init.d/test i get an error about "to many levels of symbolic links"... what is the problem? | 20:23 |
beeezn | like i said i just want to use the theme inside | 20:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | meistergrado, clamav for a start | 20:23 |
beeezn | and i can't find another pak | 20:23 |
beeezn | package but that rpm | 20:23 |
michael357 | ie searching for everything returns no results when the items are clearly there if you scroll through all packages | 20:23 |
ikonia | beeezn: it's not just cpio --extract | 20:23 |
ikonia | beeezn: check your syntax | 20:23 |
beeezn | ups | 20:23 |
UA_H | holaa | 20:23 |
beeezn | will od | 20:23 |
UA_H | q pasa..por aca | 20:24 |
temppy | meistergrado: I know of a way to use an online virus scanner | 20:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hi > UA_H | 20:24 |
ubottu | UA_H, please see my private message | 20:24 |
michael357 | or if not nothing then a result lacking lots of items | 20:24 |
michael357 | ie a search for nvidia doesn't show the driver | 20:24 |
michael357 | although it is there in the alphabatized list | 20:25 |
kcin8 | anyone here using an APC backup unit? i'm wondering if you can split that rj-45 to USB cable so that multiple systems can use the UPS | 20:25 |
scuzzo1 | any game developers here or anyone interested in joing a 2D game dev team | 20:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 20:26 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:26 |
ikonia | scuzzo1: you asked about that earlier and was told not to ask | 20:26 |
UA_H | alguien estiende lo que digo? | 20:26 |
hornet141 | hi all | 20:26 |
beeezn | rpm2cpio mypackage.rpm | cpio -vid <-- gives me the same errors like file-roller | 20:26 |
snowcomb | !es | 20:26 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 20:26 |
Hovefirse | Hi folks. I have an iPod that gets associated with /dev/sdc when I plug it in. Unfortunately the file permissions for this device node doesn't allow me to use the command eject on it, unless I use sudo. Is this fixable somehow? | 20:26 |
UA_H | vale..gracias | 20:26 |
ikonia | Hovefirse: there is a post on the forums for that I've seen it | 20:27 |
Azzmodan | Anyone know a way to make the networkmanager's openvpn plugin auto-reconnect when it loses connection? | 20:27 |
Hovefirse | ikonia: OK...which of the Ubuntu forums would that be? | 20:27 |
Lokiase | hello guys, i'm back with a little question. i have wifi, but I need to activate it manually all the time, how can it automaticly run on startup? | 20:27 |
ikonia | Hovefirse: official, | 20:27 |
Hovefirse | ikonia: We thank thee! | 20:28 |
Mrdudecool | Hi, I got a question if anyone can help? | 20:28 |
Seamus | carmoon: oh look, a markov bot. | 20:28 |
pentaside | I'm using Intrepid with an ATI Radeon x1200. FGLRX is works great except for when I'm trying to play any sort of fullscreen game. Are there any alternatives to FGLRX? | 20:28 |
strangeseraph | hm, this DVD is copy protected. Darnit | 20:28 |
carmoon | Seamus: It may be xrandr support for F9/10. will still treat it like a bad code in the emial. any fixes at this backpu i just wait wait. | 20:28 |
ikonia | pentaside: not really | 20:28 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: install libdvdcss | 20:29 |
Mrdudecool | Just a quick question, can I have this on my laptop as well as Windows Vista and switch between the two? | 20:29 |
pentaside | ikonia: I thought I had heard something open an Open Source driver... | 20:29 |
barduck | hello, what tools/packages do I use to build a software RAID 5 array in Ubuntu ? do I need both mdadm and LVM? | 20:29 |
Seamus | carmoon: that was stupid. | 20:29 |
carmoon | Seamus: volume works... hi there. | 20:29 |
Scunizi | !dualboot | Mrdudecool | 20:29 |
pentaside | Mrdudecool: Yes.. It's called dual bootin. | 20:29 |
ubottu | Mrdudecool: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 20:29 |
ikonia | pentaside: they are poor to be honest | 20:29 |
ikonia | pentaside: don't have full hardware capability support | 20:29 |
mattfred | ikonia: thanks for your help | 20:29 |
strangeseraph | at least its reading it though, and its mounted | 20:29 |
ikonia | Mrdudecool: no problem | 20:29 |
pentaside | IT's worth a try if this one isn't working... | 20:29 |
ikonia | pentaside: your welcome to try | 20:29 |
Mrdudecool | Pentaside: Do I just install the ubuntu and then choose at boot which I want? | 20:29 |
ikonia | Mrdudecool: it's pretty much that simple | 20:30 |
Scunizi | Mrdudecool: read the link | 20:30 |
pentaside | !dualboot | Mrdudecool | 20:30 |
ubottu | Mrdudecool: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 20:30 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: yep, you still should be able to open the disk and view the files | 20:30 |
Mrdudecool | Thanks for all the help! | 20:30 |
Lokiase | [21:27] <Lokiase> hello guys, i'm back with a little question. i have wifi, but I need to activate it manually all the time, how can it automaticly run on startup? | 20:30 |
strangeseraph | oops Package libdvdcss is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 20:30 |
strangeseraph | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source / Package libdvdcss has no installation candidate | 20:30 |
Mrdudecool | pentaside, Scunizi, thanks for the help! | 20:31 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: libdvdcss2 | 20:31 |
Nomexous | isn't libdvdcss only in the medibuntu repo? | 20:31 |
ikonia | Nomexous: no, it's libdvdcss2 | 20:31 |
ikonia | updates updates udpates | 20:31 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: never mind, just open the disk, dont need to watch the movie | 20:32 |
strangeseraph | well, sure, but I DO want to watch the movie. :P | 20:32 |
strangeseraph | the disk is open, there are folders and files in it. | 20:32 |
Lokiase | [21:27] <Lokiase> hello guys, i'm back with a little question. i have wifi, but I need to activate it manually all the time, how can it automaticly run on startup? | 20:32 |
strangeseraph | E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate | 20:33 |
strangeseraph | its the same error | 20:33 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: show me the output of uname -a | 20:33 |
AnaisCareMaiz | the emesene "current song" thing doesn't work, does anyone know how to fix it? | 20:33 |
george_ | hi | 20:33 |
karllenz87 | hey all i have a fresh install of ibex currently installing all updates im having trouble gettting dual screens working with my dv600 laptop i get it working but my extended lcd has a really low resolution and i cant seem to be able to fix it?? | 20:33 |
Nomexous | strangeseraph: Add the medibuntu repo, it's in there | 20:33 |
Nomexous | !medibuntu | 20:33 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 20:33 |
george_ | I need a little help for a sendmail case | 20:34 |
ikonia | george_: sken - lets not mess around again please | 20:34 |
strangeseraph | Linux ********-laptop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 8 08:38:33 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 20:34 |
strangeseraph | asterisks for my name | 20:34 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: does your laptop name matte ? | 20:34 |
ikonia | matter ? | 20:34 |
strangeseraph | huh? | 20:34 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: is it top secrect ? | 20:34 |
Lokiase | [21:27] <Lokiase> hello guys, i'm back with a little question. i have wifi, but I need to activate it manually all the time, how can it automaticly run on startup? | 20:34 |
NGL-Jabrroa | ikonia just settle down bud | 20:34 |
strangeseraph | its my name! | 20:34 |
strangeseraph | my real name | 20:34 |
Dein | does anyone have problems with pidgin-facebook plugin today? now? | 20:34 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: what ? | 20:34 |
htnguyen | I am having some problems printing borderless photos. I have a HP 2570. I chose the proper size in the page settings, but for some reason, EOG locks me to a very small picture size, like 1.2 inches x .91 inches. Can anyone help me out? | 20:34 |
NGL-Jabrroa | lol never mind | 20:34 |
justin_ | test2 | 20:34 |
NGL-Jabrroa | you cant | 20:34 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: please join #ubuntu-ops | 20:35 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 20:35 |
NGL-Jabrroa | na im good | 20:35 |
karllenz87 | i have tried nvidia settings and screen and resolutioonm | 20:35 |
george_ | can someone help me with a setup I would like to do with a mail server? | 20:35 |
Adam_ | I currently have my entire HDD partitioned to sda1, can gparted peel off a chunk so that I can use it for windows 7? | 20:35 |
ikonia | NGL-Jabrroa: please, it would be appriciated | 20:35 |
Adam_ | without destroying all the data | 20:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | NGL-Jabrroa, Please join #Ubuntu-ops | 20:35 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: suggest you get kb3 and try burn a CD/DVD use a different blank disk | 20:35 |
NGL-Jabrroa | no thank you :) | 20:35 |
ActionParsnip | Adam_: absolutely, i'd run your backup just incase but yes gparted can resize just fine | 20:36 |
NGL-Jabrroa | thanks for offering :) | 20:36 |
Mion | Adam_: depends on the filesystem | 20:36 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: libdvdcss2 should be available for your release. | 20:36 |
gavi | hey folks, im looking for a program where i can mirror my hd while in use of the ubuntu 8.04 os | 20:36 |
strangeseraph | whats kb3? | 20:36 |
ikonia | strangeseraph: I've just checked it on an 8.10 release | 20:36 |
ActionParsnip | !info k3b | 20:36 |
Dimitree | Help :) I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 64 Bit and i need JRE 1.4 | 20:36 |
ubottu | k3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.5-1ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 718 kB, installed size 2256 kB | 20:36 |
strangeseraph | ikonia I think its already installed | 20:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | NGL-Jabrroa, It was not an offer to become an op.. | 20:36 |
NGL-Jabrroa | no its not | 20:36 |
NGL-Jabrroa | :) | 20:36 |
NGL-Jabrroa | ;) | 20:36 |
zenwryly | I just upgraded to intrepid and network-manager seems to ignore/miss DHCP success. IOW, the logs show network manager initiating dhclient, they show dhclient succeeding, but then network manager doesn't notice the success and times out. Can someone suggest what I might look into? | 20:37 |
Adam_ | ActionParsnip: I thought so too, but when I have my /dev/sda1 selected, resize/move never lights up | 20:37 |
ActionParsnip | Adam_: gksudo gparted | 20:37 |
jinja-sheep | How do I find out which packages installed which packages? You know. Dependencies. I find out that I have libggz2 + libggzmod4 -- You probably too. It's for... GGZ Gaming Zone. <_< | 20:37 |
Adam_ | ActionParsnip: ahhQ! | 20:37 |
ActionParsnip | zenwryly: try renaming /etc/network/interfaces then rebooting | 20:38 |
Adam_ | what's the difference between sudo gparted and gksudo gparted? | 20:38 |
Pici | jinja-sheep: apt-cache rdepends packagename will tell you what packages depend on those packages. | 20:38 |
strangeseraph | well libdvdcss is, in an ubuntu restricted extras package | 20:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gksudo | 20:38 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 20:38 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: thanks! will do | 20:38 |
ActionParsnip | Adam_: not much at all | 20:38 |
Adam_ | I see I see, thanks fellas | 20:38 |
jinja-sheep | Pici: Will try. :O | 20:38 |
gavi | what program can i use to clone a disk in gnome in ubuntu | 20:38 |
strangeseraph | oh wait, no I don't | 20:38 |
strangeseraph | gah | 20:39 |
Tekno | gavi: dd | 20:39 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: see if this file exists on your system: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ | 20:39 |
gavi | Tekno, dont i have to unmount first? | 20:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | gavi, cd or a hard drive | 20:40 |
loki_ | Hey guys, if install a linux flavor thats based off of ubuntu i should still be able to use the same .deb packages right? | 20:40 |
shmuck | hi there | 20:40 |
jinja-sheep | Pici: Thanks. It show the packages but how about the packages that are installed on my machine? Not general. :) | 20:40 |
strangeseraph | it does gnutron | 20:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | loki_, Dont count on it | 20:40 |
ActionParsnip | loki_: as long as its ubuntu based, and not debian, yes | 20:40 |
dreamy | hi friends. requesting for a bit of help here (need to know if its possible to install ubuntu studio. while running a normal ubuntu) i dont have a cd drive on my lap | 20:40 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: run sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ | 20:40 |
gavi | Caprain Jack_Sparrow i want to mirror my current primary ubuntu hardrive partition | 20:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | gavi, I would boot a livecd and use dd.. | 20:41 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: from a terminal that is. i always forget to mentionthat... | 20:41 |
shmuck | if I install a new application, for example SQLDeveloper how do I give my new desktop launcher the icon that comes with the application (I presume there is no separate gif/png icon pic) | 20:41 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: apt-cache search ubuntustudio | 20:41 |
loki_ | ok, thank you guys. | 20:41 |
strangeseraph | I understand what you mean :) | 20:41 |
gavi | Jack_Sparrow, thats not an option, cause i need this done automatically and weekly | 20:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | gavi, the downside is that it duplicates the uuid | 20:42 |
strangeseraph | okay, thats done. Now what? | 20:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | !backup | 20:42 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 20:42 |
gavi | maybe i should just consintrate on my home directory | 20:42 |
Cyis | Anyone using LUKS encrypted USB drives with 8.10? having some interesting behavior here with a drive that I know is good | 20:42 |
cpf_ | is there a good program to create video-dvd's? tried mandvd but didn't work -> error in the end | 20:42 |
Adam_ | even from an alt+f2 "gksudo gparted", I am unable to resize my hdd partition | 20:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | gavi, you can tar it up without unmounting it | 20:42 |
strangeseraph | ooooh, I think that worked. o.o | 20:42 |
strangeseraph | I'm watching the DVD now | 20:42 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: try a dvd, i missed the thread that was discussed earlier, i just caught some of it. | 20:42 |
dreamy | actionparsnip: realy ? its has simple has running "apt" command? | 20:43 |
strangeseraph | albeit very buggy | 20:43 |
Nomexous | Adam_: You can't resize a mounted partition. Try running the gparted live CD | 20:43 |
htnguyen | I am having some problems printing borderless photos. I have a HP 2570. I chose the proper size in the page settings, but for some reason, EOG locks me to a very small picture size, like 1.2 inches x .91 inches. Can anyone help me out? | 20:43 |
jumcore | hello, is it possible in gnome to autohide some tray icons? | 20:43 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: yeah, its all the same stuff dude, no need to install duplicates of everything, thats just silly | 20:43 |
dreamy | actionparnsip: okey :) but thats an upgrade rigth? | 20:44 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: you are just installing software | 20:44 |
recon69 | gnutron: strangeseraph problem briefly is her new laptop with ubuntu installed cannot read or write burned CD's, these CD work in her old ubuntu laptop | 20:44 |
gavi | Jack_Sparrow, id prefer file per file uncompressed | 20:44 |
gavi | ill find something.. thanks anyways | 20:44 |
strangeseraph | right now I'm trying to be able to watch an encrypted DVD. I can load the DVD and open the folders, but playback is slow, crashy and buggy. I have 2GB of ram so its not my speed | 20:45 |
gnutron | recon69: copy that, thanks. i would try brasero, never failed me. | 20:45 |
dreamy | actionparsinp: thanks that was great help already | 20:45 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: tab complete names dude, makes it highlight and its easier to type | 20:46 |
strangeseraph | gnutron: brasero did fail me. It would write to the very end, say that the write succeeded, then the CD would not mount and the process would fail. | 20:46 |
deany | as far as burning sw, its k3b for me. brasero is very basic | 20:46 |
ActionParsnip | !burning | strangeseraph | 20:46 |
ubottu | strangeseraph: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 20:46 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: newer codecs on newer dvd seem to present playback problems, i defer the question to the experts. | 20:46 |
recon69 | gnutron: I think the drive is flaky , but the drive worked under vista | 20:46 |
deany | i also have imgburn thru wine. works like a charm | 20:46 |
=== zc00gii_ is now known as zc00gii | ||
dreamy | ActionParsnip: okey (using tab now) | 20:46 |
ActionParsnip | deany: its kde so you'll need qt libs, depends on your stance on bloat | 20:46 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: better :D | 20:46 |
deany | if it can do what i want it to do, ill take it | 20:47 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: blast some compressed air in that drive, maybe dirty optics. | 20:47 |
shmuck | hi, is it possible to turn off joins/parts in xchat? thanks | 20:47 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: paste the out put of sudo lshw -C disk | 20:47 |
deany | will pidgin get any updates thru the repo`s? | 20:48 |
gnutron | shmuck: i tryed ignore joins, parts etc in xchat.... no go for me. try irssi | 20:48 |
deany | or do i have to compile my own | 20:48 |
vladtsepesh1984 | i can't use synaptic configuration for laptop touchpad on ubuntu intrepid....some can help me???? | 20:48 |
Cyis | I have a USB drive that's a LUKS ext3 filesystem... It worked with any Debian version and worked with Fedora versions 6-10... just re-installed my laptop from Fedora 10 to Ubuntu 8.10 and I'm consistently getting a "bad password" error... I know I'm typing the right password and the drive is good as I had it mounted under Fedora 10 right before unmounting it to reboot with the Ubunutu install CD | 20:48 |
=== nutella_ is now known as adac | ||
ActionParsnip | deany: it'll get updated when its put on there, you could add a 3rd party one if it has the latest, otherwise you'll be compiling your own | 20:48 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: and Movie playback can be choppy if you dont install the Vedio card drivers | 20:48 |
strangeseraph | recon69 video card drivers? | 20:49 |
strangeseraph | I've had video issues with this laptop as well that I can't figure out. | 20:49 |
Adam_ | can I run the gparted live cd .iso straight form the hdd or do I need to burn it first | 20:49 |
gmm46 | Does anyone know any good online multiplayer games for ubuntu? | 20:49 |
filthpig | hi. I'm having some weird hardware problems (not ubuntu-related), can somebody point me to a nice channel for hardware issues? Or can somebody here talk to me either here in-chan or pm? | 20:49 |
shmuck | gnutron! got it right click the channel name(the tab), there is Tick "Show Join/Part Messages" | 20:49 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: in a term type glxgears, what frame rates do you? indicates video power... | 20:49 |
SuwerRat | looking for a good way to burn a dvd movie - i have vob file just need something to put it all together to be able to play on a dvd player - any help? | 20:50 |
gnutron | shmuck: thx for the tip :) | 20:50 |
strangeseraph | I get a little picture of gears turning | 20:50 |
shmuck | gnutron: no problem, this is a live saver in this channel | 20:50 |
filthpig | SuwerRat: K3B or Brasero will do that for you, I guess | 20:50 |
strangeseraph | lookit em go! :D | 20:50 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: keep watching then ctrl+c | 20:50 |
deany | mmm... i`ll have to do it myself then. how exactly do you uninstall something youve compiled, if its put files here there and everywhere? | 20:50 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: nothing to do with your DVD drive , have a look under Admin->Hardware Drivers , see if property drivers are enabled | 20:51 |
SuwerRat | thanks - I'll give them a try | 20:51 |
strangeseraph | um, they seem to be running even when I switch to another window. o.o | 20:51 |
ActionParsnip | SuwerRat: k3b can take those folders in a video dvd burn, burn as slow as the drive can to ensure a good burn | 20:51 |
BoomShaka | hmm, i just ran this command, sudo ifconfig wlan0 -promisc but have no idea what it did, and would like to disable promisc mode, can some1 tell me how to do that? | 20:51 |
shmuck | anyone cares to recommend great theme? :) | 20:51 |
strangeseraph | recon69, where do I look to find Admin->Hardware Drivers | 20:51 |
Mrdudecool | Hi, another question. I am now trying to create a partition (im using Vista) but in the computer management it wont work and I cant seem to make one through the diskpart.exe either. It wont let me make primary after doing create primary | 20:51 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: ctrl+c to stop glxgears, it should display FPS | 20:51 |
strangeseraph | this is the latest output of the gears. 98111 frames in 5.0 seconds = 19620.564 FPS | 20:52 |
filthpig | strangeseraph: "System" in your top left corner | 20:52 |
SuwerRat | thanks :) | 20:52 |
strangeseraph | 3225 frames in 5.0 seconds = 644.969 FPS | 20:52 |
shmuck | what the hell are the gears? i've see in it in compiz but never knew what they do | 20:52 |
SuwerRat | i have been using deeveedee to convert avi to vob just needed something to put it all together and watch on dvd player at home | 20:52 |
strangeseraph | actually, I moved it down to my bottom panel. I thought recon69 was talking about in terminal. | 20:52 |
vladtsepesh1984 | someone can help me please??? can't enable synaptic configuration on intrepid.....please please please :D:D: | 20:52 |
gnutron | strangeseraph: thats kinda low, check out better video drivers, i get 1500 + | 20:52 |
strangeseraph | Hardware drivers has nothing under it | 20:53 |
filthpig | shmuck: a simple 3D output to for example measure performance | 20:53 |
strangeseraph | no proprietary drivers are on this system | 20:53 |
Pici | gnutron, strangeseraph: glxgears is not a benchmark | 20:53 |
=== lmr_ is now known as lmr_away | ||
BoomShaka | hmm, i just ran this command, sudo ifconfig wlan0 -promisc but have no idea what it did, and would like to disable promisc mode, can some1 tell me how to do that? | 20:53 |
shmuck | filthpig: what's the shortcut to enable it ? | 20:53 |
gnutron | Pici: i agree but its a tell-tale sign | 20:53 |
strangeseraph | gnutron, this is a very very very new laptop | 20:53 |
=== shearn89 is now known as shearn89|afk | ||
filthpig | shmuck: what do you mean? just type glxgears in your terminal and there you go | 20:54 |
ivan0921 | shmuck nimbus | 20:54 |
Pici | shmuck: If you're talking about the gears option within compiz, then the gears show up inside the cube, which you cannot see unless you make it transparent. Try #compiz-fusion for more | 20:54 |
strangeseraph | my graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500MHD | 20:54 |
filthpig | strangeseraph: Intel makes a lot of open source drivers for their gfx cards | 20:55 |
shmuck | 5500 fps | 20:55 |
strangeseraph | okay | 20:55 |
Mrdudecool | Hi, can anyone help me make a partition? It wont work through the computer management and when i try through diskpart.exe i type create primary and it just goes back to partition or volume | 20:55 |
krstnsn` | anyone know anything about why my wastebasket wouldnt empty | 20:55 |
krstnsn` | it just hangs at "deleting 1 of20" i only have 5 items in there | 20:56 |
strangeseraph | this laptop wasn't supported for video until 8.10, 8.04 did not support this laptop. So maybe it just needs somebody (like me) to report problems so Ubuntu can fix it? | 20:56 |
litong | My system sounds not working -maximize,minim windows, logout, buttons.....- only when I loggin in. Is wverthing here what I need? other sounds, video, audi, internet videos everithing ok... | 20:56 |
shmuck | krstnsn`: pure guess, permissions ? | 20:56 |
ActionParsnip | !trash | krstnsn` | 20:56 |
ubottu | krstnsn`: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 20:56 |
=== LeeJunFan is now known as LeeJunF4n | ||
ActionParsnip | krstnsn`: try sudo rm each file | 20:56 |
filthpig | strangeseraph: submitting bugs to the devs are a very nice way of getting them fixed indeed ;) | 20:57 |
piotr__ | hello | 20:57 |
krstnsn` | thanks ill just try that | 20:57 |
krstnsn` | its insane | 20:57 |
piotr__ | I am first time here | 20:57 |
Pici | !hi | piotr__ | 20:57 |
ubottu | piotr__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:58 |
Numlock4045 | i was curious on how do you get diffrent wall papers on each desktop in ubuntu 8.10 | 20:58 |
strangeseraph | maybe I should set up my computer to automatically report statistics. How do I do that? | 20:58 |
piotr__ | hi Pici | 20:58 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: funny, just read a real bitchy thread about that video card and bug reporting | 20:58 |
ActionParsnip | strangeseraph: statistics on what? | 20:58 |
shmuck | are there nvidia x64 binary drivers for ubuntu? | 20:58 |
strangeseraph | errors in my system | 20:58 |
Numlock4045 | can anyone tell me how to make each desktop have a different wallpaper?? | 20:59 |
strangeseraph | or do I have to submit bugs manually? | 20:59 |
filthpig | strangeseraph: if you go to system - admin - hardware testing, ubuntu will perform a number of tests where you can say if it worked or not, and then it'll be submitted to canonical | 20:59 |
ActionParsnip | !bugs | strangeseraph | 20:59 |
ubottu | strangeseraph: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 20:59 |
litong | My system sounds not working -maximize,minim windows, logout, buttons.....- only when I loggin in. Is everthing loaded here what I need? other sounds, video, audi, internet videos everithing ok... | 20:59 |
LePHiSTO | Numlock4045: that would be interessting, yes, i'm looking for that too, but it's a hassle | 20:59 |
strangeseraph | they always work out, and they don't have a test for the DVD player, and the video test is fine | 20:59 |
pt|Zool | re | 20:59 |
ActionParsnip | !sound | litong | 20:59 |
ubottu | litong: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 20:59 |
brainsail | why do some packages have checksum mismatches, like /usr/lib/openoffice/program/ from | 21:00 |
evilx | Can anyone think of a reason why usb creator not seeing my pendrive? | 21:00 |
evilx | or ubuntu not even seeing the partitions for some odd reason | 21:00 |
LePHiSTO | ic | 21:00 |
LePHiSTO | ww | 21:00 |
shmuck | argh, can't get used to these non-M$ web fonts | 21:00 |
Mion | shmuck: install the ms fonts, and change then | 21:01 |
litong | Ubottu thank you | 21:01 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 21:01 |
litong | 8-) | 21:02 |
shmuck | they are installing as of right now | 21:02 |
piotr__ | I have a question about how to use php and mysql in convenient way | 21:02 |
Numlock4045 | anyone not busy help me out real quic? | 21:02 |
shmuck | the convenient way is to use it together | 21:02 |
piotr__ | what programvshould i use | 21:02 |
Mrdudecool | After downloading ubuntu, do I have to burn it to a disk to then run it? | 21:02 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: think its already been reported | 21:03 |
Numlock4045 | Mrdudecool: yes | 21:03 |
voodoobettie | do you mean you want help installing a LAMP stack? | 21:03 |
Mrdudecool | Ok thanks numlock4045 | 21:03 |
Numlock4045 | no prob mr | 21:03 |
kantlivelong | hey all.. i have 2 mics.. how can i either merge borth mics to the same dsnoop or have seperate dsnoops per mic? | 21:03 |
dreamy | ActionParsnip: one tiny question: installing the mesa drivers (3d accelaration for my ati) , can it be that simple. using the apt | 21:03 |
recon69 | strangeseraph: starting you might need to report the DVD drive as a bug as well | 21:03 |
Numlock4045 | mrdudecool: make sure you burn it to a CDr just burn the ISO straight to it then boot it | 21:04 |
filthpig | Mrdudecool: OR you can use Unetbooin to make a bootable image on a usb stick, flash card or whatever | 21:04 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: apt-cache search mesa | less | 21:04 |
Numlock4045 | Mrdudecool: burning a cd is easier.. lol | 21:04 |
dreamy | ActionParsnip: okey cool | 21:04 |
gnutron | Mrdudecool: burn it as an 'image' ...a typical 'gotcha' to be aware of. | 21:04 |
Numlock4045 | lol | 21:05 |
Y-Town | I am trying to play mp4 videos on vlc and have no luck. I am able to browse apple trailers at and view them thru firefox? anyone know the reason why I cannot play mp4 on my system thru vlc? | 21:05 |
kyon | hello, I aborted a recovery of what it seems was an hibernation (asked for it by accident yesterday evening, seemingly) and i cannot mount my NTFS partitions anymore, though they are working when booting under winXP. What can I do to recover them ? | 21:06 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: you need to make sure you have all the extra things for VLC downloaded from addremove | 21:06 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: like what? | 21:06 |
piotr__ | voodoobettie: yes, do you use Lamp to programming or something else | 21:06 |
Numlock4045 | y-town: all the codec packs.. | 21:06 |
neosisani | i'm running intrepid and have sagem fast800 e4. I've installed it on hardy, then upgradead to intrepid and it worked fine for several weeks. Modem used to stop working due to no transfer and configuration on wiki doesn't help. Any idea how to set it up? dmesg says it can't sync. | 21:07 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: have you tried playing them in VLC.. did it try to search for the codecs? | 21:07 |
Tanubis | Hey all, I'm working with some legacy apps that need to be run using windows server 2000 IIS. I'm running an ubuntu server to handle OpenVPN, and was thinking maybe I could virtualize the windows 2000 machine on the ubuntu server to free up a machine. What's the best way to go about doing this, and what sort of resource overhead am I looking at? | 21:07 |
gnutron | piotr__: in the repo's you'll find phpmyadmin - MySQL web administration tool | 21:08 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: it just doesnt play... no errors just doesnt play... but I play pretty much everything else just fine | 21:08 |
ActionParsnip | Tanubis: you'll be running vmware or virtualbox | 21:08 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: here is the guide I used when doing everything | 21:08 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: hmm i havent tried to play MP4's on mine since i put ubuntu on it.. what version of ubuntu you running? | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | Tanubis: the vm will use system ram for itself and hdd space will be used like a virtual hdd, you can use as much or little as you wish for the vm | 21:09 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: 8.10 | 21:09 |
compubomb | hello. | 21:09 |
kyon | hello ? how may I mount my NTFS partitions if they are blocked since a bad wakeup ? (xubuntu 8.10) | 21:09 |
kyon | (please ^^:: ) | 21:09 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: hmm give me a sec.. let me see if i can Download a MP4 and get it to work.. | 21:09 |
fogobogo | kyon: use the force, luke | 21:10 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: does vlc have a codec search feature within it? | 21:10 |
compubomb | i forgot about an update console in vnc running, which was updating some things like apache & php, anyways, how do i tell dpkg to reconfigure all un-configured packages ? is that possible ? | 21:10 |
Bruce | whats the command 'find'usage/ trying to find a file call interfaces | 21:10 |
erpo | Can anyone recommend a good Apple IIe emulator for Linux? I'm looking for something user-friendly. | 21:10 |
kyon | fogobogo, kicking my computer won't work, that bastard resists | 21:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | kyon, They would need force mount or go into windows again and exit from there.. twice | 21:10 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: i dont think so.. i just downloaded everything from addandremove that anything to do with VLC | 21:10 |
erpo | Bruce: /etc/network/interfaces? | 21:10 |
fogobogo | kyon: no i mean the --force. | 21:10 |
kyon | I just come back from a reboot under winXP in safe mode | 21:10 |
Bruce | yes, but trying to learn command 'find' erpo | 21:11 |
kyon | fogobogo, oh. much better. | 21:11 |
fogobogo | kyon: just try to mount via command line. that should give ya some evil message | 21:11 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: I can also send you the mp4 im trying to play | 21:11 |
kyon | fogobogo : it does. | 21:11 |
fogobogo | kyon: rest is up to you | 21:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | kyon, sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force substitute your locked drive for sda1 | 21:12 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: if you want to do that that would be fine | 21:12 |
ActionParsnip | Bruce: you can find using: find / -name interfaces 2>/dev/null | 21:12 |
erpo | Bruce: man find is a pretty good way to start. Pay special attention to the section labeled "SYNOPSIS" at the beginning, especially the arguments that don't start with hyphens. | 21:12 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: how would you send me the MP4? | 21:12 |
kyon | evil message says that "I don't know "--force". go away." | 21:12 |
gnutron | Bruce: find /etc/ -iname 'interfaces' | 21:12 |
shmuck | wtf is wrong with *, it is constantly not responding, some hosts | 21:12 |
=== nonix4_ is now known as nonix4 | ||
fogobogo | kyon: cli. type: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdaX /mountpoint | 21:13 |
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo | ||
fogobogo | kyon: guess youll need sudo for that | 21:13 |
shmuck | HTTP request sent, awaiting response ... nothing | 21:13 |
Numlock4045 | Y-Town: lol didnt know you could send it that way lol | 21:13 |
DarkSotM | how do i edit my xorg.conf? The one I have just says everything is autoconfigured | 21:13 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: yea... thats big lemme see if one is smalleer | 21:14 |
kyon | \o/ perfect, thank you very much | 21:14 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: moving /etc/network/interfaces didn't work | 21:14 |
Numlock4045 | if you have any music say from Itunes they are all Mp4 | 21:14 |
nonix4 | ActionParsnip: any particular reason for those two as opposed to the kazillion available alternatives? [darn connectivity issues :(] | 21:14 |
compubomb | I'm trying to have ubuntu reconfigure unconfigured packages, what do i have to do ? | 21:14 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: network-manager is still ignoring dhcp | 21:14 |
* kyon frantically writing down ancient lore | 21:14 | |
ActionParsnip | zenwryly: bah, try wifi-radar instead | 21:14 |
compubomb | i had to kill a process which died on me, because i left it too long and it was probably pushed into swap and was written over. | 21:14 |
nonix4 | ActionParsnip: VMs that is | 21:15 |
Tanubis | actionparsnip thanks | 21:15 |
Numlock4045 | so guys im still needing help figuring out how to get diffrent backgrounds on my desktop cube.. | 21:15 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: is there a way I can just manually get the interace activated so I can run dhcp by hand for now? | 21:15 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: I mean the wired iface | 21:15 |
ActionParsnip | nonix4: each has advantages, all i can say is try both | 21:15 |
ActionParsnip | zenwryly: yeah, edit the interfaces file with gksudo gedit | 21:15 |
kyon | fogobogo, Jack_Sparrow , thanks a lot, goodbye | 21:15 |
gnutron | compubomb: dpkg-reconfigure <package> | 21:16 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
Jack_Sparrow | take care | 21:16 |
nonix4 | ActionParsnip: Well I prefer ubuntu packaged kvm... which is based on qemu :) | 21:16 |
Numlock4045 | Y-Town: lol dont have anything smaller? | 21:16 |
fogobogo | kyon: enjoy | 21:16 |
ChrisBookwoodEee | Hi | 21:16 |
ActionParsnip | zenwryly: | 21:17 |
dreamy | ActionParsnip: i succescfully found alot of text metioning alot of "libs" and text mentioning "mesa" | 21:17 |
DarkSotM | !xorg.conf | 21:17 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 21:17 |
Numlock4045 | Y-Town: i got DCed | 21:17 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: thaks | 21:17 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: errr sorry... | 21:17 |
Numlock4045 | anyone else have issues with pidgin just closing out of nowhere? | 21:18 |
ChrisBookwoodEee | I'm looking for a person who can give me personal assistance (in PM) for customizing a gtk theme. It will only take a couple of minuts, but I don't think it's suited for this channel, so I rather take it to PM. So if anybody wanna help me, please let me know! | 21:18 |
=== nonix4_ is now known as nonix4 | ||
strangeseraph | I'm idle for awhile now guys. Thanks for all the help. :) | 21:19 |
=== strangeseraph is now known as strange[napping] | ||
Y-Town | Numlock4045: I can put it up on my website i guess | 21:19 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: do you have a Ipod music file? | 21:19 |
dreamy | ActionParsnip: im just gonna do apt with the mesa... | 21:19 |
frafra | hi | 21:19 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: mp3? yea | 21:19 |
zenwryly | ActionParsnip: I still need it to use dhcp | 21:19 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town:nothing in MP4? | 21:19 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: no | 21:20 |
frafra | in ubuntu repository python-obexftp doesn't exsist. Where can I found it? | 21:20 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
Numlock4045 | Y-town:hmm.. | 21:20 |
ActionParsnip | zenwryly: you can specify it in that file | 21:20 |
thiebaude | ActionParsnip: hi | 21:20 |
Numlock4045 | Y-town: see if you can download a converter and convert it all to another format? | 21:20 |
ActionParsnip | hi thiebaude | 21:20 |
=== rubatharisan is now known as Qubexy | ||
meistergrado | What's good about dual-booting over running a virtual box? | 21:21 |
Y-Town | Numlock4045: that would probably just be more of a disaster to me...I know i have several mp4 and cannot play any, so its something to do with neededing the proper codec I just dont know what I need... I thought I had everything installed already | 21:22 |
SlimeyPete | you get to use 3D acceleration, for a start, meistergrado | 21:22 |
thiebaude | meistergrado: you dont have to log out | 21:22 |
SlimeyPete | though that's the only major advantage these days I guess - virtualisation's pretty good | 21:22 |
Jophish | is there an open source alternative to autograph? | 21:22 |
[aw] | hey, ubuntu wont install on my dell for some reason, im getting a weird error message | 21:23 |
ActionParsnip | meistergrado: dual booting you access all hardwrae natively instead of it being abstracted | 21:23 |
barduck | how do I resume command that was stopped with ctrl-z ? | 21:23 |
Mion | barduck: `fg` | 21:23 |
[aw] | timer not connected to IO-APIC | 21:23 |
Mion | barduck: also see `jobs` | 21:23 |
ActionParsnip | meistergrado: plus all resources are used to run the single OS instead of dividing some off for the vm | 21:23 |
barduck | Mion: thanks ! | 21:23 |
timahvo1_ | any get any problems with pulse audio after installing mpd? | 21:24 |
AJC_Z0 | What's the package name for the GTK+ 2.x smooth *engine*? I can't find it using the Symantic package manager | 21:24 |
timahvo1_ | pulseaudio* | 21:24 |
filthpig | Does anyone know of a good chan for hardware trouble? (not os-releated) | 21:24 |
=== nonix4_ is now known as nonix4 | ||
Winol | Hello guys ! I'm looking to create my own and customized ubuntu with network forensics applications . Is there a tutorial out there ? | 21:24 |
Winol | please | 21:24 |
ActionParsnip | !hardware | 21:25 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 21:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hardware | 21:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | filthpig, /join #hardware | 21:25 |
ubuntu_ | I am locked out of my own $HOME directory. | 21:25 |
timahvo1_ | ubuntu_: permissions ? | 21:26 |
filthpig | Jack_Sparrow: thanks. :) | 21:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 21:26 |
SilverBullet | Hello | 21:26 |
Joh_ | can I create a swap partition anywhere on my HDD and my linux will notice and start using it? I didn't create one in the beginning | 21:26 |
ubuntu_ | I have chown'ed the folder to my user. | 21:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, create and swapon from gparted if you are already in there | 21:27 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ what does 'ls -dl ~' gives you? | 21:27 |
gnutron | ubuntu_: sudo chmod 755 /home/ | 21:27 |
Joh_ | jack_sparrow, I'm on vista at the moment | 21:27 |
Numlock40451 | grr keep getting dissconnected | 21:28 |
ActionParsnip | gnutron: i'd suggest chmod -R ;) | 21:28 |
karllenz87 | hey all i need hgelp setting up my dual screen i cant get the resolution right | 21:28 |
Joh_ | jack_sparrow, did you say a swapon? Never heard about that, how do I create one from GPartEd? | 21:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, Sounds like a personal issue | 21:28 |
ActionParsnip | !dualhead | karllenz87 | 21:28 |
ubottu | karllenz87: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama | 21:28 |
Joh_ | ...personal issue? | 21:28 |
Joh_ | uh? | 21:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, create swap partition.. and there is an option called swapon | 21:28 |
SilverBullet | Guys, offtopic, GetDeb Founder João Pinto Interviewed => | 21:28 |
karllenz87 | im not sure if i have a dual head its a laptop with vga out | 21:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, Running vista.. Personal issue | 21:29 |
Joh_ | jack_sparrow, like, a right click on the swap? Oh, yeah vista is for gaming | 21:29 |
Numlock40451 | anyone able to help me figure out how to put a diffrent wall paper up on each desktop??? | 21:29 |
Numlock40451 | is it even possible? | 21:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, Many ways to do it.. any will work | 21:29 |
ikonia | SilverBullet: if it's offtopic don't post it | 21:29 |
Joh_ | jack_sparrow, I'll give it a go... can't crash my computer I hope | 21:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Numlock40451, /join #Compiz.. but to do it you lose the icons on your desktop | 21:30 |
sergio_ | per favore dove posso trovare skype per ubuntu? | 21:30 |
[pq] | Joh_ you already have some space on your disk free of partitions? | 21:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 21:30 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 21:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !skype | 21:30 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 21:30 |
ubuntu_ | According to passwd I have a user id of 1000 so ls -dl /media/disk-2 (Live CD) gives d????????? ? ? ? ? ? james | 21:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !it | 21:30 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 21:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry sergio_ | 21:30 |
Joh_ | [pq], I can create some by shrinking vista's partition... as soon as I can find out whatever it's called | 21:30 |
dreamy | ActionParsnip: u there ? apt cache found mesa... can i have a command to type ? for the mesa? | 21:30 |
timahvo1_ | after installing mpd I don't get sound from any other app except mpd. running pulse audio. any ideas anyone ? | 21:31 |
ubuntu_ | and sudo ls -l /media/disk-2/ gives drwxr-xr-x 192 1000 1000 110592 2009-01-12 19:49 james | 21:31 |
ActionParsnip | dreamy: i don't think you have to instakll mesa afaik | 21:31 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ are you running on a livecd? | 21:31 |
ActionParsnip | !ati | dreamy | 21:31 |
ubottu | dreamy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 21:31 |
ubuntu_ | yes. | 21:31 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jonathaN, If you create it between sda1 and ubuntu it will cause issues with grub and fstab | 21:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, If you create it between sda1 and ubuntu it will cause issues with grub and fstab | 21:31 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ oh ok. so user name = james and uid = 1000, your root disk is mounted on /media/disk2 is that ok? | 21:33 |
minche | hi | 21:33 |
=== john is now known as Guest71805 | ||
torc | Is there an officially supported CD ripping application for ubuntu? | 21:33 |
minche | when i try to login as root i get "root logins are not allowed " error | 21:33 |
minche | what's that? | 21:33 |
ubuntu_ | yes (It is actually my /home partition, but anyway). | 21:33 |
Joh_ | jack_sparrow, I should place it like [vista][ubuntu][swap]? | 21:33 |
IndyGunFreak | !sudo | minche | 21:34 |
ubottu | minche: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 21:34 |
georgy_28 | !sudo | minche | 21:34 |
nickrud_ | torc, sound-juicer, it should be in your sound & video menu as cd extractor | 21:34 |
minche | i know that, but i cant unlock folders so i cant use them wiht other aplications :/ | 21:34 |
ryanCH | i setup dual-heads full desktop with "aticonfig" but one of the monitors doesn't like the refresh rate. i have like 3 different files "xorg.conf-fglrx-0" and "xorg.conf-fgrx-1" and on to #2, witch of these do put the refresh rate into? | 21:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joh_, yes | 21:34 |
[pq] | minche your root account hasn't got a password, if you want to login as root you have to set a password first with "sudo passwd" but it's not the right way to do it | 21:34 |
torc | nickrud peculiar; it doesn't show, ah well I'll get it. Thanks | 21:34 |
minche | i set it | 21:35 |
karllenz87 | that wiki on multihead didnt help much | 21:35 |
minche | is theer any way to unlock folders then? | 21:35 |
Joh_ | jack_sparrow, seems easy enough then..., but can I move the empty space I just created around? Because since vista shrinks itself it ends up as [vista][empty][ubuntu]? I don't wanna cripple my install again (happened once) | 21:35 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ ok, and what does 'ls -ld /media/disk2/james' tell you? | 21:35 |
ActionParsnip | minche: you can traverse folders freely | 21:36 |
minche | i tried sudo chown -R but it isnt working :/ | 21:36 |
nickrud_ | minche, what do you mean by unlock? | 21:36 |
ActionParsnip | minche: if you want to write to them you need gksudo | 21:36 |
nickrud_ | minche, and where and what are they? | 21:36 |
minche | i know, but i still cant use them wiht other applicaitons, like renamers :( | 21:37 |
ubuntu_ | ls: cannot access /media/disk2/james: No such file or directory | 21:37 |
minche | i want to rename my music collection with easytag | 21:38 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ if you sudo that do you get any result? (sudo ls -ld /media/disk-2/james) | 21:38 |
minche | first i did it manually with gksudo, but it is just too slow | 21:38 |
nickrud_ | minche, and where is it located, an external ntfs directory? | 21:38 |
minche | when i use easytag i get permission denied :/ | 21:38 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ if you sudo that do you get any result? (sudo ls -ld /media/disk2/james) | 21:38 |
minche | it is /home/user/music | 21:38 |
ubuntu_ | drwxr-xr-x 192 1000 james 110592 2009-01-12 19:49 /media/disk-2/james | 21:39 |
[aw] | hey, ubuntu wont install on my computer, its saying something about IO-APIC | 21:39 |
[aw] | how do i fix it? | 21:39 |
[aw] | and where do i disable APIC? | 21:39 |
ActionParsnip | minche: sudo chown -R user /home/user | 21:39 |
nickrud_ | minche, sudo chown -R minche:minche /home/music doesn't work? | 21:39 |
nickrud_ | erm minche /home/user/music that is? | 21:39 |
hornet141 | APIC ? mayby ACPI ? | 21:40 |
minche | "no such file or directory" | 21:40 |
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nickrud_ | minche, what's the user's username? | 21:40 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ oh ok just wrote wrong disk2 then. But you shouldn't be able to see group "james" from live cd. What are the entries for james in /etc/passwd and /etc/groups on your root disk? | 21:40 |
clarezoe | hi, anyone can help me with my webcam, I've tried the workarround at but still not working | 21:41 |
ConstyXIV | What's a good C/C++ IDE to use under ubuntu?\ | 21:41 |
kabah | hi! how can i turn on my 3D graphics? | 21:41 |
ubuntu_ | [pq], I tried creating a user. Result is: drwxr-xr-x 192 1000 1000 110592 2009-01-12 19:49 /media/disk-2/james | 21:41 |
nickrud_ | kabah, what video card do you have? | 21:41 |
kabah | nickrud: ATI Radeon 9250 | 21:42 |
ActionParsnip | !ati | kabah | 21:42 |
ubottu | kabah: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 21:42 |
Y-Town | anyone know what codec(s) are needed to play mp4 videos on vlc? | 21:42 |
clarezoe | and /dev/video0: No such device or address, cannot find my camera, mine is 046d:08a2 Logitech, Inc. Labtec WebCam Pro | 21:42 |
kabah | ty | 21:42 |
ubuntu_ | [pq], I tried creating user. I then destoryed that user, but forgot to delete the group. Above output is with the user i created in the Live CD gone. | 21:42 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ you created user from live cd? That won't work. You have to look for uid and gid on your /etc/passwd and /etc/groups in your main disk (suppose /media/disk-1 or so) | 21:42 |
ActionParsnip | !codecs | Y-Town | 21:43 |
ubottu | Y-Town: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 21:43 |
[aw] | IO-APIC | 21:43 |
opersts | how dose one go about | 21:44 |
opersts | writing a script | 21:44 |
yakuz | How do I add swedish dictonary to OpenOffice 3.0? | 21:44 |
opersts | for ubuntu ? | 21:44 |
ronhalfdanr | hi all, does anyone know how to troubleshoot networking back to the router? | 21:44 |
ActionParsnip | opersts: | 21:44 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ try "grep james /media/disk-1/etc/passwd" to see which one is the uid | 21:44 |
ActionParsnip | ronhalfdanr: ping, traceroute | 21:44 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ supposed /media/disk-1 is where your root disk is mounted | 21:45 |
ronhalfdanr | ActionParsnip: through networking tools or through terminal? | 21:45 |
ActionParsnip | ronhalfdanr: terminal | 21:45 |
dreamy | ActionParsnip: i dont have to install the mesa .. okey, but i want 3d accelaration from the dri project (the mesa drvrs) i dont have it working so far | 21:45 |
ronhalfdanr | as sudo or just ping, traceroute? | 21:45 |
ActionParsnip | ronhalfdanr: tracerote | 21:45 |
ActionParsnip | ronhalfdanr: users can ping and traceroute | 21:46 |
ubuntu_ | james:x:1000:1000:James Surname,,,:/home/james:/bin/bash | 21:46 |
[aw] | ugh, ubuntu wont install says "timer not connected to IO-APIC" | 21:46 |
[aw] | any help? | 21:46 |
kek | Do I need to move /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template to /etc/exim4/exim4.conf after running dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config ? | 21:46 |
epcom | oi | 21:46 |
ubuntu_ | [pq], output is above. | 21:46 |
ronhalfdanr | Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> | 21:46 |
ronhalfdanr | bash: traceroute: command not found | 21:46 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ yeah I saw, permissions seems to be ok, maybe it's another problem. | 21:47 |
MNZ | doesn't intrepid ship with the iwlwifi driver? | 21:47 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ what exactly didn't work for you? | 21:47 |
xanxor | hi, I wonder if someone could help me with an iso problem? | 21:47 |
=== ramontayag_ is now known as ramontayag | ||
xanxor | I'm trying to make an iso image of a cd I have and I can't get it to work. | 21:47 |
ronhalfdanr | what package do I need to get? | 21:47 |
ronhalfdanr | BTW-running 8.10 | 21:48 |
ActionParsnip | xanxor: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/image.iso | 21:48 |
MNZ | does anyone know if intrepid ships with the iwlwifi driver? | 21:48 |
xanxor | I did that. it gets to a certain part (685 MB or something) then says Input/Output Error. | 21:48 |
Devedse | someone know if there is a way to use multiple mices/pointers on ubuntu? | 21:48 |
gnutron | ronhalfdanr: sudo apt-get install traceroute in a terminal | 21:48 |
Devedse | or maybe an idea to make that :)? | 21:49 |
ActionParsnip | xanxor: try dd_rescue, sounds like the cd is dirty or scratched | 21:49 |
xanxor | okay, thank you. | 21:49 |
fedfan | xsane does not support my scanner and i'm wondering how to configure it or if there is another program that will recognize it | 21:49 |
smartguyz | can someone help me get my flash working in Ubuntu 8.04 | 21:49 |
[pq] | xanxor: it's possible that the cd is damaged or protected? | 21:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, How are you trying to do it | 21:49 |
Y-Town | ActionParsnip: I alre4ady installed the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package | 21:49 |
ubuntu_ | [pq], It claims to not be able to log in to my home directory. Even when I log on to tty2 it sets $HOME=/ | 21:49 |
IndyGunFreak | smartguyz: just download the .deb file form | 21:49 |
ronhalfdanr | gnutron: running now | 21:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, Copy protected disk? | 21:50 |
xanxor | Jack_Sparrow: using the dd if/dev/cdrom thing | 21:50 |
xanxor | don't tihnk so | 21:50 |
xanxor | it's a CD-R though, does that make a difference? | 21:50 |
Devedse | someone know if there is a way to use multiple mices/pointers on ubuntu? (or maybe its an idea to make it) | 21:50 |
ConstyXIV | Is MonoDevelop a good enough C++ IDE, and are it's .sln's compatible with MSVS? | 21:50 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
gnutron | smartguyz: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree should do it. | 21:50 |
psycose | hi, i'm working on an ubuntu package called libflorist2008, that provide a shared library. This shared library got lot's of unresoved symbols and is not usable i'm looking for help trying to solve this problem ... | 21:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, Should not be an issue | 21:51 |
ActionParsnip | Y-Town: have you installed all medibuntu codecs? | 21:51 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ it is possible that your home drive is not mounted at all? | 21:51 |
xanxor | okay, I'll try the rescue thing. | 21:51 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ maybe it's a problem with /etc/fstab | 21:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, I am burning a disk as we speak.. so one sec | 21:51 |
Devedse | smartzguy, you can also search for the restricted .... package | 21:51 |
xanxor | this should all be done with the disc unmounted, right? | 21:51 |
Devedse | in install at applications or so | 21:51 |
yakuz | how to add openoffice extensions? | 21:51 |
xanxor | that's what the tutorial I found said. | 21:51 |
ronhalfdanr | ok, traced the router, now how do I see what ports it had open or blocked? | 21:51 |
psycose | there are lot's of unresolved symbol like this :tcgetpgrp@@GLIBC_2.0 i'm thinking about a problem with GLIBC version ... any tips ? thanks | 21:51 |
Y-Town | ActionParsnip: Which package is that one so I can check? | 21:52 |
ubuntu_ | [pq], I think I found the problewm | 21:52 |
ubuntu_ | problem | 21:52 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ what does it is? | 21:52 |
gnutron | ronhalfdanr: install nmap | 21:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, Hold for just a couple minutes.. if it is mounted can you right clicjk the drive icon and create image | 21:52 |
ronhalfdanr | apt-get install nmap? | 21:52 |
xanxor | No. | 21:52 |
gnutron | ronhalfdanr: 10-4 | 21:52 |
xanxor | that option doesn't appear. | 21:52 |
ActionParsnip | !medibuntu | Y-Town | 21:52 |
ubottu | Y-Town: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 21:52 |
smartguyz | Devedse: I am using quick synergy for multiple computers ubuntu/windows | 21:52 |
ronhalfdanr | then run nmap gnutron? | 21:53 |
Y-Town | ActionParsnip: here is what i installed "sudo apt-get remove gnash gnash-common libflashsupport mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla && sudo apt-get install alsa-oss faac faad flashplugin-nonfree gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll libavcodec-unstripped-51 libmp3lame0 non-free-codecs sun-java6-fonts sun- | 21:53 |
Y-Town | java6-jre sun-java6-plugin unrar" | 21:53 |
smartguyz | Devedse: 1 keyboard and mouse for 2 computers | 21:53 |
xanxor | I'm installing ddrescue to see if that helps. | 21:53 |
Flannel | Devedse: multi pointer X has been merged into mainline Xorg, but it was only in May of 2008, not sure if it would have made its way into Intrepid (certainly not Hardy) | 21:54 |
smartguyz | seeking help to get flash working in ubuntu 8.04 | 21:54 |
IndyGunFreak | smartguyz: i told you, just download the ubuntu .deb file from | 21:54 |
ActionParsnip | Y-Town: try: sudo apt-get install w64codecs | 21:54 |
ubuntu_ | [pq], my Home (disk-2) was 644. however /home (the live CD) was 755. Once chmod 755 ... I created a user that can access /media/disk-2/james, cd into it and do a ls of it. | 21:54 |
Lunar_Lamp | I'm getting occasional weird screen corruption issues that only clear with a reboot (not with a restart of X). Things look like this: They do not appear to be linked with system temperatures - does anyone have any hints/suggestions? | 21:55 |
Y-Town | ActionParsnip: since im on 32 bit that would be w32codecs right? If so its already installed | 21:55 |
ronhalfdanr | ok, nmap installed..........what I'm trying to find out is if the router is blocking the ports used by my GE Skype phone | 21:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, right click the disc icon on your screen click copy create image and not burn an copy | 21:55 |
ActionParsnip | Y-Town: indeed | 21:55 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ that's it, x permission on directories should be granted in order for you to traverse them | 21:55 |
xanxor | Jack_Sparrow: like I said, that option does not come up when I right click,. | 21:56 |
gnutron | ronhalfdanr: nmap ip-address | 21:56 |
Numlock40451 | smartguyz: go to the flash website and download it for ubuntu | 21:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | xanxor, Do you have cd icon on your desktop | 21:56 |
Numlock40451 | whoa woops | 21:56 |
undadecor | What PIMs do people use with GNOME? I've tried Evolution, Thunderbird, Osmo, and abook and am looking for some others to try out. | 21:56 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ permissions on directories should on most cases be expressed by odd numbers | 21:56 |
Y-Town | ActionParsnip: here is the howto page I used and did as instructed.. Everything seems to work just fine but no mp4 playing ability | 21:57 |
ronhalfdanr | um, which ip address gnutron? | 21:57 |
Numlock40451 | anyone here a gamer? i have a game ?? for you | 21:57 |
xanxor | Jack_Sparrow: hang on, just trying it with dd_rescue. I'll try yours if that doesn't work. thanks. | 21:57 |
kek | undadecor: gtdtiddlywiki? | 21:57 |
gnutron | ronhalfdanr: the router ip, probably or | 21:57 |
Numlock40451 | ok well how about this is anyone here familar with wine? | 21:58 |
[pq] | ubuntu_ happy for you if it works now. Goodbye! | 21:58 |
ActionParsnip | Y-Town: looks ok, i'd check the !medibuntu factoid | 21:59 |
ronhalfdanr | gnutron: Starting Nmap 4.62 ( ) at 2009-01-12 16:58 EST | 21:59 |
ronhalfdanr | Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -PN | 21:59 |
ronhalfdanr | Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 2.037 seconds | 21:59 |
undadecor | kek: I'm looking for something that will also be able to export as vcard | 21:59 |
Grenyaris | I need help with a quick bit of windows, you can make a link that executes your default email program and pre-populated the TO and SUBJECT there a way to do this in Ubuntu? | 21:59 |
Y-Town | ActionParsnip: got a link? | 21:59 |
kek | What are the correct permissions for /var/mail? | 21:59 |
gnutron | ronhalfdanr: sounds like the wrong ip, what is your current ip address, world routable or a subnet? | 21:59 |
ronhalfdanr | wait, router is not .0.1 | 21:59 |
BrokenClockwork1 | Hey, I am looking for a fine LaTeX Edutir for Ubuntu, any suggestions? | 22:00 |
ActionParsnip | !medibuntu | Y-Town | 22:00 |
ubottu | Y-Town: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 22:00 |
smartguyz | to all of you whom responded thank you first, second did that still not working that is why I am asking for help now.... | 22:01 |
nickrud_ | kek, 2775 | 22:01 |
gnutron | smartguyz: did you get any prompts installing the adobe cersion? | 22:01 |
gnutron | smartguyz: did you get any prompts installing the adobe version rather.. install it in a terminal | 22:02 |
Numlock40451 | Smartguyz: your still trying to get flash to work correct? | 22:02 |
smartguyz | ubuntu .deb I have the file installed not working.... | 22:02 |
energY | I have just installed Kubuntu 7.10, can I upgrade to Ubuntu 8.10? | 22:03 |
Numlock40451 | smartguyz: what version of ubuntu are you running? | 22:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | energY, 8.04 first | 22:03 |
Chilired | is there a apt resource for webmin? | 22:03 |
Rabbitbunny | trying to install 8.04-server to a virtualboxVM, host is 8.10 desktop. install runs fine, boot produces 'please use kernel appropriate for your cpu' complaint. Hints? | 22:03 |
Rabbitbunny | energY: google dist-upgrade | 22:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chilired, Webmin and ebox both have issues | 22:04 |
energY | Jack_Sparrow: How do I make it Ubuntu? | 22:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !webmin | 22:04 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 22:04 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
smartguyz | gnutron: no | 22:04 |
energY | !ebox | 22:04 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See | 22:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | energY, I dont understand the question, Are you running 7.10 ubuntu now | 22:04 |
Chilired | excellent, thanks Jack_Sparrow | 22:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 22:04 |
ronhalfdanr | ok, ports above 1024 not all open, any idea how to fix that? | 22:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !iptables | 22:04 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 22:04 |
kek | nickrud_: thanks, and the ownership? | 22:05 |
darren_ | hi guys is any one using 8.10 on eeepc 900 or similar? | 22:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !eee | 22:05 |
ubottu | Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at | 22:05 |
nickrud_ | kek, root:mail | 22:05 |
BlackDalek | My external USB sound card stopped working. I don't know when it happened. I haven't used it for about 2 months. It just generates an error now and shows up as something different in Sound Preferences. It used to just say USB Audio codec, now it says Burr-Brown from TI and won't work at all. What happened? How do I get it working again? | 22:05 |
Rabbitbunny | !vbox | 22:05 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 22:05 |
ronhalfdanr | skype wants 23399 open | 22:05 |
gnutron | smartguyz: whats the problem actually.. have you tried configuring the router with [?] | 22:05 |
kantlivelong | hey all.. i have 2 mics.. how can i either merge both mics to the same dsnoop or have seperate dsnoops per mic? | 22:06 |
shmuck | nvidia driver will allow dual display? | 22:06 |
darren_ | cheers jack but at this point i would prefer to talk with some one who is using one? | 22:06 |
energY | Jack_Sparrow: Kubuntu 7.10. | 22:06 |
kek | nickrud_: thanks | 22:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | energY, upgrade as normal then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 22:06 |
incadudeF | hey i connected my laptop to my HD TV with an s-cable and now it messed up my resolution on my laptop. How can i fix it? | 22:06 |
The_Joe_ | whoops | 22:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | energY, You can switch between them or remove kubuntu-desktop as you see fit | 22:07 |
Grenyaris | Windows uses mailto: in a desktop icon to execute the email (with pre-populated TO and SUBJECT fields) does Ubuntu have anything similar? | 22:07 |
Sinnerboy | darran_ Got 8.1 running on an Acer Aspire all ok except wireless a bit tricky to set up | 22:07 |
=== eric is now known as Guest20052 | ||
energY | Jack_Sparrow: ubuntu-desktop will give me the ubuntu networkmanager? I hate knetworkmananger! | 22:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | energY, You would select which you wanted under options where you login | 22:07 |
gnutron | smartguyz: you need to configure your router to forward that port to the appropriate box. | 22:07 |
sirius32black | Hi all | 22:07 |
nickrud_ | darren_, try #ubuntu-eeepc | 22:07 |
kek | nickrud_: it was set to root:man for some reason on my system. | 22:07 |
nickrud_ | heh. Weird. | 22:08 |
Rabbitbunny | Grenyaris: Yes, those links still work. | 22:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | energY, You should havbe everything you need | 22:08 |
compubomb | how do i roll back my version of php from 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.4 to 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 ? | 22:08 |
darren_ | nickrud_ cheers dude | 22:08 |
compubomb | that incrimental update seems to have screwed up my apache server | 22:08 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, jaunty is in #ubuntu+1 | 22:09 |
|unjustice| | In terminal, what directory do I add a host address of a server so I can log in via SSH? | 22:09 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, sorry, that's not jaunty ;) | 22:09 |
fedfan | brother makes and .rpm driver and i dowloaded it, but xsane doesn't support it on the backend, so i guess i have to list it on .dll config? | 22:09 |
compubomb | nickrud_: ?... | 22:09 |
CaptainMorgan | !update | 22:10 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, misread the version of php you had | 22:10 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 22:10 |
=== Guest11606 is now known as justplayin1 | ||
morphatic | suddenly when I log into my ubuntu server (7.10) via ssh, and try to run "sudo pico filename" it doesn't open the file, just returns back to the next line. any ideas why? | 22:10 |
Chilired | installing ebox I am running into a dependdance issue libapache-authcookie-perl is not available (I am running apache2) | 22:10 |
|unjustice| | ubottu: add host addresss | 22:10 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:10 |
compubomb | nickrud_: how do you rollback a version ? | 22:10 |
compubomb | have any ideas ? | 22:10 |
gnutron | morphatic: try nano, its a clone of pico, which doesn't exist on ubuntu | 22:11 |
pdtpatrick | compubomb what are you trying to roll back? | 22:11 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, it can be done, if you still have the old php packages in /var/cache/apt/archives | 22:11 |
compubomb | pdtpatrick: the version of php i have. | 22:11 |
compubomb | i'll look | 22:11 |
al_capone | !nano | 22:11 |
ubottu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 22:11 |
gnutron | |unjustice|: ~/.ssh/ | 22:11 |
=== KilL_MaSTeR is now known as KilLMaSTeR | ||
morphatic | gnutron: same result (btw, I do have pico installed on my ubuntu box) | 22:11 |
morphatic | gnutron: ie it just goes to the next line without opening up the editor | 22:12 |
=== KilLMaSTeR is now known as KilL_MaSTeR | ||
kek | is there unicode capable text mode mail program that works out of the box? mutt, mailx or emacs' rmail does not seem to have reasonable defaults. | 22:12 |
kek | mail client, i mean | 22:12 |
kek | mua | 22:12 |
Myrtti | kek: alpine? | 22:12 |
Azzmodan | How can I change a package so it is no longer considered to be "auto removable"? | 22:13 |
morphatic | it does open up the editor if I just do "pico filename" or "nano filename" but then I can't save the files b/c I didn't run them with sudo... | 22:13 |
Azzmodan | morphatic, does "sudo su" work? | 22:13 |
gnutron | morphatic: is /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts identical in hostname? | 22:14 |
kk | help me | 22:14 |
Azzmodan | !help help | 22:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help help | 22:14 |
Rabbitbunny | !help > kk | 22:14 |
ubottu | kk, please see my private message | 22:14 |
kk | configure kaffeine plugin pls | 22:15 |
MNZ | hi, I'm trying to set up an intel wifi card. I've loaded the right modules but I still can't get the device in ifconfig | 22:15 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, it looks like 2ubuntu5.3 is still in the package pool; dpkg -l '*php5*' | grep ^ii to get a list; sudo apt-get install php5-<stuff>=5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 , for each installed package | 22:15 |
morphatic | Azzmodan: what is su? running "sudo su" just returns me to the next line | 22:16 |
Peteed | Is this correct "In Linux all that need be running is the Linux Kernel and the command line interface e.g bash"? | 22:16 |
fogobogo | morphatic: man su | 22:17 |
nickrud_ | !sudo | Azzmodan morphatic sudo -i is preferred over sudo su | 22:17 |
ubottu | Azzmodan morphatic sudo -i is preferred over sudo su: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 22:17 |
kk | skystar2 is configuration ok | 22:17 |
Rabbitbunny | morphatic: try your sudo pico line again. | 22:17 |
ty | is bz2 more compressed than gz? | 22:17 |
ty | archive types | 22:17 |
MrElendig | yes | 22:17 |
kk | is ok | 22:17 |
davidbarry | I've got a problem with a new harddrive I've installed in my ubuntu 8.10 desktop. I installed the harddrive and formatted it ext3 with gparted. After formatting the drive I mounted it. Once mounted I'm unable to write to the drive unless I have root permissions. Can anyone tell me how I can mount this drive(/dev/sda2) with read/write permission for my user? | 22:17 |
MrElendig | but alot slower | 22:17 |
Numlock40451 | is there something you can download that scrambles text when you type on your screen so prying eyes cant read it? | 22:18 |
fogobogo | MrElendig: traitor | 22:18 |
ty | ok | 22:18 |
morphatic | gnutron: not sure what you mean. running hostname gives me the name of the host but no references to the files you mentioned. | 22:18 |
MrElendig | fogobogo: trolltor | 22:18 |
MrElendig | :p | 22:18 |
morphatic | Rabbitbunny: no joy | 22:18 |
ty | MrElding: thanks, l8r | 22:18 |
morphatic | fogobogo: of course, thanks | 22:18 |
kk | cccam | 22:18 |
gnutron | morphatic: if /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts are not i've heard sudo may not work. never had the issue myself. | 22:19 |
gnutron | morphatic: they must be 'identical' i omitted that word, sorry | 22:19 |
enzo | i have problem, i have a webdav server on my linux, i can access it from a XP SP3 box, create directories/delete some, but impossible to read a single file, any idea ? | 22:19 |
morphatic | gnutron: ah, that may be the problem. they are not | 22:20 |
gnutron | morphatic: cat /etc/hostname and cat /etc/hosts adjust accordingly | 22:20 |
kk | bye good night | 22:21 |
fogobogo | nite | 22:21 |
gnutron | morphatic: thats gonna be a problem without sudo though | 22:21 |
morphatic | gnutron: I just added a new virtual host to my httpd.conf. does this problem have anything to do with that? | 22:22 |
=== KilL_MaSTe is now known as killmaster | ||
kk | remote assistans for me ??? | 22:22 |
nickrud_ | morphatic, he doesn't mean that they should be identical exactly, but that you have a line <hostname> where <hostname> is the same as the contents of /etc/hostname | 22:22 |
Chilired | has anyone managed to install ebox in ubuntu server 8.10 | 22:22 |
VideoSmith | Guys, what's the command that gives the computer specs? I think it had "cat" in it or something. | 22:22 |
morphatic | gnutron: ah, yes, I have that | 22:23 |
=== Carlos is now known as Guest45282 | ||
gnutron | morphatic: its possible but ive done that before with no ill effects | 22:23 |
gnutron | VideoSmith: cat /proc/cpuinfo possibly | 22:23 |
nickrud_ | VideoSmith, sudo lshw | less has the most info | 22:23 |
VideoSmith | thanks :) | 22:23 |
Sertse | hi, anyone else the 8.10 alternate Cd to be...corrupt? | 22:24 |
Sertse | find the | 22:24 |
ubottu | Found: dict-moby-thesaurus, dmz-cursor-theme, gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, gnome-accessibility-themes, gnome-accessibility-themes-extras (and 251 others) | 22:24 |
mizipzor | is there a way to find out what process is using what port? | 22:24 |
nickrud_ | Sertse, bad download or burn, happens often. | 22:24 |
gnutron | nickrud_: thanks i wasnt being accurate using the word identical. | 22:24 |
nickrud_ | !md5sum | Sertse (if good, burn, then run self test on boot) | 22:24 |
ubottu | Sertse (if good, burn, then run self test on boot): To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see for more | 22:24 |
gnutron | mizipzor: netstat -tuap or netstat -tunap | 22:25 |
davidbarry | Can anyone tell me how I can mount an ext3 drive with global read/write permission or at least read/write permission for my user? | 22:25 |
nickrud_ | gnutron, I used some words equivalent to that once, broke a system badly till we worked out what happened. :) | 22:25 |
VideoSmith | I did the Sudo command thing and it's loading. The cat one works too ;) | 22:25 |
VideoSmith | Wow not bad. | 22:25 |
compubomb | nickrud_: how do you tell what packages are currently installed ? | 22:26 |
Azzmodan | How can I change a package so it is no longer considered to be "auto removable"? | 22:26 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, dpkg -l '*php*' | grep ^ii | 22:26 |
VideoSmith | Is there a command to get the graphics card specs? | 22:26 |
gnutron | compubomb: dpkg -l in a terminal or dpkg -l |less will show ALL packages installed. | 22:27 |
PengytheDuckwin | when I try to run remotepad server, I get a Failed to bind socket: Address already in use error, can someone tell me why this is? | 22:27 |
mizipzor | gnutron: hmm, PID/ProgramName is set to "-" | 22:28 |
nickrud_ | mizipzor, try running that with sudo | 22:28 |
compubomb | nickrud_: btw, thanks | 22:28 |
compubomb | i was right, the new version of php is fubared. | 22:28 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, getting it done? | 22:28 |
gnutron | mizipzor: that means nothing is using that port | 22:28 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, the old ones are in the repo's, you can use synaptic to | 22:29 |
compubomb | so i just did | 22:29 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, 'force' | 22:29 |
compubomb | apt-get install `dpkg -l | grep "ii.*php5" | awk '{print $2"=5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3"}'` | 22:29 |
CyberGabber | My VPN-connectie is selectable in NetworkManager Applet, but after clicking it, it doesn't give a reaction. | 22:29 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, gack. or, awk in this case. | 22:29 |
compubomb | gotta love awk | 22:29 |
compubomb | :p | 22:29 |
mizipzor | gnutron: wierd, pure-ftpd is having problems with the local adress already being bound | 22:29 |
Cadman21 | has anyone here worked with the Internet switch on the front of hp laptops before? | 22:30 |
CyberGabber | Is there a bugfix for VPNproblems in Intrepid? | 22:30 |
PengytheDuckwin | I have | 22:30 |
|unjustice| | how do I make changes in /etc? I have to be root, but what is the command to alter it in terminal? | 22:30 |
nickrud_ | compubomb, but I do prefer your dpkg/grep line | 22:30 |
MrElendig | |unjustice|: sudo $EDITOR /etc/whatever | 22:30 |
Cadman21 | PengytheDuckwin: did you say you have worked with that stupid little switch thing before? | 22:31 |
Scunizi | |unjustice|: or sudo gedit /etc/<filename> | 22:31 |
Peteed | hwo can I take a screen shot of a right click menu? it wont let me use PrtScrn | 22:31 |
nickrud_ | |unjustice|, or just sudo editor /etc/<filename> . If you use gedit, use gksu gedit | 22:31 |
PengytheDuckwin | yes, i have | 22:32 |
CaptainMorgan | !flac | CaptainMorgan | 22:32 |
ubottu | CaptainMorgan, please see my private message | 22:32 |
morphatic | doh! so it looks like I ran "sudo usermod -G groupname username" on my admin account and removed myself from the people who can run sudo. is there any way to undo this, i.e. get back my sudo ability? | 22:32 |
[c0ma] | lol | 22:33 |
nickrud_ | morphatic, reboot in recovery mode, drop to terminal, run adduser <usrname> admin | 22:33 |
Cadman21 | PengytheDuckwin: how can I turn the connect back on when I turn if off with that? | 22:33 |
PengytheDuckwin | Cadman: you have to find a way inside ubuntu to turn the internet on, It only likes to turn it off | 22:33 |
morphatic | nickrud_: can I do this from ssh or do I need physical access? | 22:33 |
nickrud_ | morphatic, add back adm, dialout, cdrom, audio, dip, plugdev, lpadmin as well | 22:33 |
nickrud_ | morphatic, oooh. | 22:34 |
nickrud_ | morphatic, physical to get to recovery, it's single user mode | 22:34 |
morphatic | nickrud_: I can get to the server, just perhaps not until tomorrow. | 22:34 |
morphatic | nickrud_: thank you!!!! | 22:34 |
perillux | are there any tools I can get to monitor how much power this laptop uses? | 22:35 |
gnutron | mizipzor: anything else previously configured to use ftp/21 port? | 22:35 |
Cadman21 | PengtheDuckwin: yeah the only way I have figure out how to turn it back on is to restart the computer. do you know of any forms or anything like that which could help me out? | 22:35 |
mizipzor | gnutron: not that i know of, trying to find out | 22:35 |
Grenyaris | I need a link or file or icon on my desktop that, when clicked, will execute the email program, give me a new mail, pre-populate the TO, SUBJECT and MESSAGE fields... Any Ideas, places to look, keywords to search for? | 22:35 |
epictetus | Grenyaris: you want it to work with any email program? | 22:36 |
PengytheDuckwin | Cadman: I started using a new laptop before I switched to ubuntu, so I only know the switch won't do anything, your best bet is to restart, or maybe logout and back in | 22:36 |
epictetus | you can do some of that with a fancy mailto: link | 22:36 |
Grenyaris | Any would be best, but Thunderbird for sure... | 22:36 |
epictetus | | 22:36 |
epictetus | somethign along those lines | 22:36 |
epictetus | er | 22:36 |
CaptainMorgan | anyone have an audio converter to speak of? | 22:36 |
epictetus | maybe it's | 22:36 |
epictetus | | 22:36 |
epictetus | yeah the second one | 22:37 |
epictetus | if it lets you make a desktop icon that is a link to a URL, try that mailto: line | 22:38 |
SilverBullet | Guys, good stuff, GetDeb Founder João Pinto Interviewed => | 22:38 |
nelson_ | holaa alguien me puede ayudar acabo de instalar xubuntu alternative en una pc vieja y no se como colocar los iconos en el escritorio | 22:38 |
CaptainMorgan | anyone have an audio converter to speak of ? | 22:38 |
gnutron | Peteed: use gimp on a snapshot timer, give it 10 seconds or whatever, minimize gimp and right click, wait for the snapshot. | 22:38 |
perillux | I'm toying with the notion of leaving this laptop on 24/7 (for certain reasons). However I'm worried this might use a lot of power, are there any tools I can get to monitor how much power it uses and then I can estimate how much it would cost to keep it up all day. Also, do you think that might shorten the life of this old laptop? | 22:39 |
Lemonwedge | is anyone familiar with tuxguitar? | 22:39 |
i-pink | i have a problem | 22:39 |
CaptainMorgan | doh, nevermind: soundconverter | 22:39 |
Peteed | gnutron, lol thanks I found "Take screen shot" with a trimmer in Application => Accesorrys thanks ^_^ | 22:39 |
bgardner87 | Perillux: | 22:39 |
i-pink | i need the deb packeg for hardy of window-picker-applet | 22:40 |
gnutron | perillux: watts divided by volts equals amperes, read the specs on the laptop power supply. they dont use much power. | 22:41 |
Gamboa | I'm a newby to Linux and trying to install themes fot gtk2.x on ubuntu 8.10, but it keeps on telling me a GTK+ engine needed is not installed. Which package should I install to get this GTK+ engine needed ?? | 22:41 |
Gamboa | hi | 22:41 |
georgy_28 | ! pastebin | 22:41 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:41 |
perillux | gnutron: but found a script that allows me to turn off my laptop monitor. REALLY turn it off, including backlight, so that should cut down power consumption significantly | 22:42 |
CaptainMorgan | Gamboa, possibly the GTK+ package/engine would appear in a search through Synaptic ? | 22:42 |
gnutron | perillux: turning off the monitor would half your consumption easily | 22:42 |
VideoSmith | !info | 22:43 |
ubottu | Retrieve information on a package: !info <package> | 22:43 |
Gamboa | ive installed all GTK-engines - | 22:44 |
VideoSmith | Does anyone here know which IRC server this is? | 22:44 |
gnutron | perillux: half = 1/2 btw | 22:44 |
dennda | VideoSmith: | 22:44 |
ikonia | VideoSmith: join #freenode | 22:44 |
ryanakca | I've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size? | 22:44 |
VideoSmith | ikonia and dennda: thanks m8es :) | 22:44 |
energY | Why does ubuntu + kde use so much ram? Debian used less than 1/3 of what ubuntu uses. | 22:45 |
MrElendig | because it has 200 daemons that you will never use running by default? | 22:46 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:46 |
gnutron | energY: thats kind of a subjective assertion, depends on what exactly is running | 22:46 |
energY | gnutron: Only the basic install with kde. | 22:47 |
fogobogo | energY: because of blingware | 22:47 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:47 |
gnutron | energY: alot of stuff starts that you don't need. even with basic installation. | 22:47 |
gnutron | energY: debian tends to not run things without it being told to do so. imo | 22:48 |
energY | how can I strip it down to a sensible ram usage? | 22:48 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:48 |
jinja-sheep | !virtualbox | 22:48 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 22:48 |
energY | Unbuntu uses more ram... | 22:48 |
gnutron | energY: you could be right. | 22:49 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:49 |
gnutron | energY: bells and whistles maybe.. | 22:49 |
AJC_Z0 | energY: If you want to run lean, don't run any desktop manager (KDE, Gnome, XFCE, etc.). Use X and a decent window manager | 22:49 |
fedfan | my scanner is not supported by xsane but the manufacturer supplies a debian driver. is it still possible to configure my scanner somehow? | 22:49 |
Rabbitbunny | !ebox > Rabbitbunny | 22:49 |
ubottu | Rabbitbunny, please see my private message | 22:49 |
PengytheDuckwin | What does the error "Failed to bind socket: Address already in use" mean? | 22:50 |
AJC_Z0 | energY: This may not be worth the effort in ubuntu due to the "all-in" approach to packaging | 22:50 |
energY | AJC_Z0: TWM? | 22:50 |
kitche | PengytheDuckwin: exactly as the error message states Address already in use | 22:50 |
n8tuser2 | PengytheDuckwin -> already in use | 22:50 |
Rabbitbunny | PengytheDuckwin: There was an error binding to the socket. The address is already in use. | 22:50 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:51 |
AJC_Z0 | PengytheDuckwin: You are most likely already running one of the thing you are trying to start. Try "lsof -i :1234" where 1234 is the port on which the process listens | 22:51 |
AJC_Z0 | energY: TWM is light by modern standards, but not modern. There are many good choices. I use blackbox | 22:51 |
[c0ma] | put the live cd in your microwave for 30 seconds then try to boot it... | 22:51 |
PengytheDuckwin | ok, Ill try that, thanks | 22:51 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | thanks for nothing | 22:52 |
[c0ma] | yw | 22:52 |
AJC_Z0 | MythbuntuGuest67: You're welcome. Come again | 22:52 |
stonespe1d | exit | 22:53 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | now please my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:53 |
energY | I should upgrade to 8.10, rigth? | 22:53 |
[c0ma] | what error code are you getting? | 22:53 |
CaptainMorgan | Take care MythbuntuGuest67 | 22:54 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | no code just wont even start | 22:54 |
PengytheDuckwin | AJC_Z0: I get remotepad 3283 roger 4u IPv4 1276203 TCP *:5583 (LISTEN) from the command | 22:54 |
kantlivelong | hey all.. i have 2 mics.. how can i either merge both mics to the same dsnoop or have seperate dsnoops per mic? | 22:54 |
PengytheDuckwin | I take it SOMETHING is using the port but I don't know what | 22:54 |
[c0ma] | well did you set your computer to boot from cd drive? | 22:54 |
AJC_Z0 | energY: You should do what's most appropriate for your system(s) given Ubuntu's release and support cycle | 22:54 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | yes i did | 22:54 |
AJC_Z0 | PengytheDuckwin: You'll need to stop that one before you can start a new one | 22:55 |
energY | AJC_Z0: I am using it as a torrent box, and my sister will play desktop games on it. It has 377mb ram, and a 600mhz duron. Would I be likley to get more problems in 8.10 than in 8.04? | 22:55 |
PengytheDuckwin | AJC_Z0: I don't know what something is though, but do I do "kill pid" or something? | 22:56 |
gnutron | PengytheDuckwin: looks lke kill 3283 should kill it | 22:57 |
AJC_Z0 | energY: I have no idea, however for any platform on which you want to run up-to-date applications, you want to treat the OS as another application to keep updated | 22:57 |
PengytheDuckwin | ok thanks | 22:57 |
fogobogo | energY: easiest method is to switch to something lighter | 22:57 |
fogobogo | energY: like xubuntu | 22:57 |
energY | fogobogo: xubuntu looks like gnome? | 22:57 |
fogobogo | energY: pretty much. | 22:57 |
AJC_Z0 | PengytheDuckwin: Kill that process or "pkill remotepad" should kill it, but that's not usually the right way to stop and start programs | 22:57 |
=== kupesoft_ is now known as kupesoft | ||
MythbuntuGuest67 | my live cd wont start to boot any typs | 22:58 |
fogobogo | energY: it uses most gnome stuff and you can set the themes and all that it will almost exactely look like ubuntu | 22:58 |
CyberGabber | MythbuntuGuest67: Is your Live-cd readable at another computer? | 22:58 |
MythbuntuGuest67 | yes | 22:58 |
AJC_Z0 | fogobogo: Doesn't xubuntu just use XFCE - a lighter DM, but a DM nonetheless? | 22:58 |
CyberGabber | MythbuntuGuest67: Does it boot at that other computer or is it just readable? | 22:59 |
fogobogo | AJC_Z0: yes. but it also runs a lot less services and fancy stuff | 22:59 |
AJC_Z0 | fogobogo: Okey-doeky. Thanks | 22:59 |
jinja-sheep | I'm having issues with VirtualBox (closed-source) when it comes to USB + Shared folder. Any suggestion why? | 22:59 |
Percy_ | what is the PPC ubuntu channel? | 22:59 |
ikonia | Percy_: #ubuntu-ppc | 22:59 |
Percy_ | thanks | 23:00 |
energY | This guest acount in 8.10 sounds cool. Does all the settings get reverted back when the user logs off? | 23:00 |
* AJC_Z0 runs light on his home systems and has almost every compiz effect turned on on his Ubuntu system | 23:00 | |
* VideoSmith finds ALC_Z0 quite an amusing die-hard that might be on to something. | 23:01 | |
VideoSmith | lol | 23:01 |
energY | That settles it | 23:02 |
dreaman1965 | chicco | 23:02 |
energY | Tomorrow I will install xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop | 23:02 |
energY | Probably delete the kubuntu... | 23:02 |
AJC_Z0 | VideoSmith: I'm an old unix admin who is frustrated by how easy Ubuntu is, so keeps trying to make it do newer and better tricks in the hope it'll break | 23:02 |
VideoSmith | AJC_Z0: Interesting. I am kinda dumb computerwise so I like Ubuntu. :P | 23:03 |
AJC_Z0 | Yesterday I rebuilt this box with full disk encryption, but everything still works fine :/ | 23:03 |
fogobogo | AJC_Z0: tried arch? | 23:04 |
AJC_Z0 | Some might say Linux if for folks who are scared of unix and Ubuntu is for folks who are scared of Linux | 23:04 |
VideoSmith | ALC_Z0: So you're saying it is easy but works great and is quite a capable system. | 23:04 |
AJC_Z0 | fogobogo: What's that? | 23:04 |
ross_ | i'm scared of everything | 23:04 |
ali87 | Hello room :) | 23:04 |
fogobogo | AJC_Z0: archlinux | 23:04 |
fogobogo | AJC_Z0: another distro | 23:04 |
AJC_Z0 | (apart from the command to return uname -i) | 23:05 |
[c0ma] | ubuntu is linux though... | 23:05 |
ali87 | First timer here, need assistance :) | 23:05 |
ali87 | could anyone please help | 23:05 |
AJC_Z0 | fogobogo: No, I don't enough time of systems to play with many platforms | 23:05 |
Brack10 | Hi there | 23:05 |
CyberGabber | helpme! | ali87 | 23:05 |
ali87 | should i type that to get help? | 23:06 |
fogobogo | AJC_Z0: its pretty nice. | 23:06 |
Brack10 | I've got an ubuntu install set up perfectly, exactly how I want it...Could I take a drive image of my install and lay it down on another computer and have it work? | 23:06 |
energY | !helpme | ali87 | 23:06 |
ubottu | ali87: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 23:06 |
Brack10 | a different computer with different hardwrae | 23:06 |
Brack10 | hardware* | 23:06 |
the_l_guy | Hotmail in evolution? Is it possible? | 23:06 |
CyberGabber | ali87: Just ask your question clearly, be patience, wai for answer... | 23:06 |
ali87 | alright :) thanks, here it goes.. | 23:06 |
fogobogo | the_l_guy: yes. but dont know how | 23:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, yes | 23:07 |
Brack10 | Jack_Sparrow: that's it? no extra configuration? | 23:07 |
the_l_guy | How to install Hotmail in evolution without freepops or hotway? | 23:07 |
Iceqube | ATI mobility 9000: is better open mesa driver or i should better download closed driver from ati website ? plz advise | 23:07 |
VideoSmith | ALC_Z0: What is this button in the top-right corner of the Ubuntu desktop that looks red? | 23:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, You will need to addess video card and networking drivers | 23:08 |
VideoSmith | jk lol | 23:08 |
the_l_guy | FloodBot2, help | 23:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | the_l_guy, whats up | 23:08 |
the_l_guy | I need Hotmail support in Evolution | 23:08 |
ali87 | I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my laptop, all went smoothly, except for the wifi card isnt showing, I already found a page that has a specific workround for my laptop (Dell A860) but the solution has codes (terminal I assume) which I don't know where or how to type, here is the page: | 23:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | the_l_guy, Ask your question all on one line and wait, Please dont call for an op to help you | 23:09 |
[c0ma] | open up the terminal program and copy n paste the code | 23:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, Still there... | 23:09 |
filip_ | elo | 23:09 |
the_l_guy | I need to use Hotmail in Evolution with FreePOPs and the likes. | 23:09 |
Brack10 | jack_sparrow: computer A has Nvidia video and network, computer b has intel integrated video and broadcom | 23:09 |
ikonia | the_l_guy: hotmail pop is paid for | 23:10 |
the_l_guy | They promised it would be free be November | 23:10 |
filip_ | who are you ? | 23:10 |
Brack10 | I'm pretty sure Ubuntu has built in support for the computer, it's a Dell OptiPlex 330 | 23:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, So a little tweaking and you should be fine.. you can dl the addl drivers and things you need before you make the drive image | 23:10 |
[c0ma] | uggh i dont use gnome so idk how to open the terminal | 23:10 |
ikonia | the_l_guy: still look paid for to me, | 23:10 |
ali87 | I just need assistance in how, where to type that solution, and keeping in mind, the laptop has no internet connectivity at all right now, and I see that one the codes says to download it using wget.. (how would i download it from the laptop if it doesnt have internet!) | 23:10 |
the_l_guy | What about DeltaSync support? | 23:10 |
Brack10 | ok | 23:10 |
ikonia | the_l_guy: no idea what that is | 23:10 |
Brack10 | it took me hours and hours to customize it the way I want, I would be devistated if I had to do it again | 23:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, Those broadcom's are still a pesky little bugger | 23:11 |
the_l_guy | Hotmail's alternative to POP | 23:11 |
Brack10 | Jack_Sparrow: I heard they reverse engineered one of the major wireless broadcom firmwares | 23:11 |
Brack10 | :) | 23:11 |
Grenyaris | epictetus: OK, all I get when I create a URL file with the "mailto:" stuff in it is a download request from does not execute the email program...any ideas? Is there a URL or MAILTO or other file template that would work? text/x-uri or text/x-uri-mailto... and if so, where can I get such a file template? | 23:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, Do you have a backup of your existing system | 23:11 |
the_l_guy | Just go with Ethernet | 23:11 |
crabgrass | alright guys, working on getting a 10 minute old 8.10 install back to where i was 30 minutes ago... what two commands do i need to run to get synaptic and other sudo'd commands to have the same themes and icons that i have? | 23:11 |
Brack10 | oh yeah, definately | 23:12 |
the_l_guy | Wires are better | 23:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, Those broadcom's are still a prob in that there are a ton of versions for the same bcm43xx | 23:12 |
Brack10 | oh ok | 23:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !who > the_l_guy | 23:12 |
ubottu | the_l_guy, please see my private message | 23:12 |
Brack10 | I have brcm57xx | 23:12 |
Brack10 | what's the deal on those? | 23:12 |
the_l_guy | Some guy waiting for Hotmail in evolution | 23:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, I have not run into one of those yet.. | 23:13 |
the_l_guy | FreePops was heckish in Windows | 23:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | 23:13 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:13 |
Brack10 | Jack_Sparrow: I can always use ndiswrapper if need be, right? | 23:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, Yes | 23:13 |
the_l_guy | OK ubottu | 23:13 |
merril | i am having trouble installing my Piper PA-44 driver | 23:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, No copy protection issues like windows | 23:14 |
the_l_guy | To Brack10: use ethernet, it worked out of the box for me | 23:14 |
crabgrass | and another question... is it possible to install baobab without installing gnome-utils? | 23:14 |
CyberGabber | the_l_guy: "HOWTO: Send and Receive Hotmail through Evolution", see : ??? | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, As long as you dont try to stick 64 bit on that little Dell box | 23:15 |
djbeenie | need help getting wma files to play...I have installed VLC but still no video | 23:15 |
Brack10 | Jack_Sparrow: Windows has more than just that, you have to do a sysprep to get it to work on another machine, it basically re-installs the whole OS....and that only works if they have a compatible HAL | 23:15 |
the_l_guy | crabgrass: look up it's single package in Synaptic or aptitude | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | the_l_guy, I have things under control with Brack10 , Nut thank you anyhow | 23:15 |
ali87 | I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my laptop, all went smoothly, except for the wifi card isnt showing, I already found a page that has a specific workround for my laptop (Dell A860) but the solution has codes (terminal I assume) which I don't know where or how to type, here is the page: | 23:15 |
the_l_guy | Yeah | 23:15 |
ali87 | I just need assistance in how, where to type that solution, and keeping in mind, the laptop has no internet connectivity at all right now, and I see that one the codes says to download it using wget.. (how would i download it from the laptop if it doesnt have internet!) | 23:16 |
the_l_guy | But it would work better. Wires FTW Jack_Sparrow! | 23:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, I have a tutorial on moving widows that was quite nice | 23:16 |
the_l_guy | Oh | 23:16 |
the_l_guy | By the way | 23:16 |
crabgrass | the_l_guy: I searched for baobab in synaptic and got nothing =/ | 23:16 |
Digital7 | What is the package name of Intel's graphics drivers? | 23:16 |
djbeenie | anyone? | 23:16 |
kitche | Digital7: xserver-xorg-video-intel | 23:16 |
Kenneth1 | I got a Dell Inspiron Mini 9 on Friday, the bluetooth mouse I got with it was working the very first day, the next day it didn't work. I explored all user-friendly interface trying to get it to work when eventually I accidentally clicked Remove Trust. In my own ability this seems irreversible. I am simply trying to fix it so that I can use my bluetooth mouse. | 23:17 |
ikonia | djbeenie: saying anyone won't get you very far, you need to ask a question | 23:17 |
the_l_guy | There are some greate ubuntu tuts at | 23:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | the_l_guy, Please dont hit enter after every 4 or 5 words... | 23:17 |
the_l_guy | I used them and they helped lots. | 23:17 |
djbeenie | ikonia, I did | 23:17 |
djbeenie | need help getting wma files to play...I have installed VLC but still no video | 23:17 |
the_l_guy | Bye | 23:17 |
Brack10 | Jack_Sparrow: It works really well if you know what you're doing. I had a whole imaging system going at my last job, but it takes a looong time to set up. | 23:17 |
djbeenie | scroll up | 23:17 |
ikonia | djbeenie: I didn't see it, so saying "anyone won't get ou far2 | 23:17 |
jinja-sheep | I'm having issues with VirtualBox (closed-source) when it comes to USB + Shared folder. Any suggestion why? | 23:17 |
opersts | help!! every program keeps crashing on me!! this is far to unstable for my liking !! | 23:17 |
djbeenie | ikonia, it was a bump | 23:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, A littl eregistry magic and move them over | 23:17 |
Digital7 | kitche: thanks | 23:17 |
Cadman21 | has anyone here been to get the wifi toggle switch on the front of hp laptops to work correctly. | 23:17 |
ikonia | djbeenie: it didn't bump anything as anyone who didn't see the question doesn't know what ou are asking | 23:18 |
djbeenie | ikonia, you dont have to lecture me about IRC | 23:18 |
ikonia | djbeenie: your not in a forum | 23:18 |
opersts | Cadman21, its not necessary | 23:18 |
ikonia | djbeenie: clearly I do have to exaplin it as you try to "bump" | 23:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | Brack10, .. Sorry all.. end of offtopic | 23:18 |
djbeenie | geez i swear..why do people think their gods in irc | 23:18 |
Cadman21 | opersts: well it turns off and I can't get it to turn back on unless i restart my computer.. | 23:19 |
ikonia | djbeenie: I don't think I'm a god, I'm trying to help you get an answer | 23:19 |
ali87 | Newbie here, how do I type in these codes in a laptop that doesn't have internet at all! | 23:19 |
ikonia | djbeenie: you've still not explained the question | 23:19 |
djbeenie | ikonia, what? what more do I need to explain..I have told you my issue | 23:19 |
ikonia | djbeenie: I've not seen a question, just "anyone" | 23:20 |
djbeenie | ikonia, need help getting wma files to play...I have installed VLC but still no video | 23:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | djbeenie, Please just take the attitude out of the question | 23:20 |
ikonia | djbeenie: that's why I was saying that "anyone" wouldn't get you very far | 23:20 |
hendershot | can someone tell me how to change my screen size its to small to read anything | 23:20 |
djbeenie | omg | 23:20 |
ikonia | djbeenie: have you installed the restriced codecs (wmv is windows) | 23:20 |
djbeenie | yes! | 23:20 |
Kenneth1 | I got a Dell Inspiron Mini 9 on Friday, the bluetooth mouse I got with it was working the very first day, the next day it didn't work. I explored all user-friendly interface trying to get it to work when eventually I accidentally clicked Remove Trust. In my own ability this seems irreversible. I am simply trying to fix it so that I can use my bluetooth mouse. IRC chat giving me a head-ache, if at all possible please e-mail me @ | 23:20 |
ikonia | djbeenie: which ones did you install | 23:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | hendershot, system..pref..screen res | 23:21 |
crabgrass | whoa. | 23:21 |
kitche | djbeenie: also VLC is now known to play everything anymore a lot of things won't work correctly with vlc | 23:21 |
crabgrass | whats up with the new gimp | 23:21 |
hendershot | Sysinfo for 'Hendershot': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running KDE 4.1.2 (KDE 4.1.2), CPU: PentiumII(Deschutes) at 398 MHz (796 bogomips), HD: 1/5GB, RAM: 244/248MB, 118 proc's, 37.56min up | 23:21 |
djbeenie | ahhh | 23:21 |
hendershot | thanks Jack_Sparrow | 23:21 |
ikonia | djbeenie: which codec packages did you install ? | 23:21 |
djbeenie | Kitche, ahh.. | 23:21 |
crabgrass | personally, i consider mplayer > vlc | 23:21 |
djbeenie | ikonia, one sec.. | 23:21 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow thanks for your help last night, I managed to get it back to the way it was (by breaking glx) | 23:21 |
kitche | djbeenie: now known to not play* | 23:21 |
Noah1989 | ikonia: APTonCD worked fine, thanks :) | 23:22 |
gatien | what is a devgid? how do i determine what the devgid is? | 23:22 |
djbeenie | ikonia, sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 23:22 |
ikonia | Noah1989: thats great, well done | 23:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joe_, Glad to hear it | 23:22 |
hendershot | and is my task bar at the bottom of the screen spost to be half way across the screen | 23:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | hendershot, no | 23:22 |
opersts | Cadman21, please be more specific | 23:22 |
opersts | otherwise we cant help you | 23:22 |
opersts | hendershot, please read the FAQ | 23:22 |
djbeenie | kitche, mplayer better? | 23:22 |
opersts | whats the best way to deal with an unresponsive system ? | 23:22 |
crabgrass | join #xfce | 23:23 |
crabgrass | derp | 23:23 |
ikonia | djbeenie: I can't see a package called w32codecs | 23:23 |
FloodBot2 | opersts: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:23 |
hendershot | FAQ? | 23:23 |
kitche | djbeenie: could be I just know that people have been havng issues with VLC lately | 23:23 |
LinuxLover4 | ************ I was wondering if someone would take a look at this startup error I get on my Ubuntu Server 8.10 It has to do with my RAID device. | 23:23 |
ali87 | guys, any instructions on how and where to type the codes found on this website? Very Ugrent! | 23:23 |
hendershot | where do i read that at | 23:23 |
djbeenie | kitche, dang...okay | 23:23 |
Stormx2 | The Game. | 23:23 |
djbeenie | ikonia, its a package from Medibuntu Repositor | 23:23 |
Cadman21 | Jack_Sparrow: have you ever worked with the wifi toggle switch on hp laptops before? | 23:23 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: are you using fake raid ? | 23:24 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: no i have a raid controller | 23:24 |
Joe_ | ikonia you too, thanks for the help | 23:24 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: which controller ? | 23:24 |
LinuxLover4 | umm . . . hold on | 23:24 |
ikonia | Joe_: for what, don't remember saying anything, but you're welcome | 23:24 |
mcphail | Using firefox and flashplugin-nonfree After playing a flash game for about 20 minutes my box crashes as if the power has been cut. Is this a known issue? | 23:24 |
opersts | i didnt flood did I ? | 23:24 |
ikonia | mcphail: probably machine instability rather than flash | 23:24 |
Kenneth1 | I got a Dell Inspiron Mini 9 on Friday, the bluetooth mouse I got with it was working the very first day, the next day it didn't work. I explored all user-friendly interface trying to get it to work when eventually I accidentally clicked Remove Trust. In my own ability this seems irreversible. I am simply trying to fix it so that I can use my bluetooth mouse. IRC chat giving me a head-ache, if at all possible please e-mail me @ k | 23:25 |
merril | C-C-COMBO BREAKER | 23:25 |
Cadman21 | opersts: is there a way to disable that toggle switch? | 23:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cadman21, nope | 23:25 |
ikonia | mcphail: what ? | 23:25 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: my server specs here: | 23:25 |
Noah1989 | LinuxLover4: is it an on-board raid controller? | 23:25 |
ikonia | mcphail: sorry not you | 23:25 |
ikonia | merril: what ? | 23:25 |
Joe_ | ikonia last night (well for me) with my dead X issue, it's back to the way it was (working xinerama, no working glx) which I can live with... guess it's time to finally get a new computer, heh | 23:25 |
mcphail | ikonia: doesn't happen with anything else. Uptime for weeks if i don't use flash | 23:25 |
LinuxLover4 | Noah1989: yes, | 23:25 |
ikonia | Joe_: good for you | 23:25 |
opersts | Cadman, No not as of yet | 23:25 |
merril | i clogged my internet vent trying to install my Piper PA-44 drivers | 23:25 |
gatien | what is a devgid? | 23:25 |
Cadman21 | Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks | 23:25 |
merril | that is waht tech support told me | 23:25 |
Cadman21 | Jack_sparrow: is there away to restart your wireless card from the command line? | 23:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cadman21, yes, but I am busy, please asl the channel | 23:26 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: I can't find out who makes your raid card | 23:26 |
LinuxLover4 | me neither | 23:27 |
LinuxLover4 | :S | 23:27 |
Noah1989 | LinuxLover4: most of those which i had seen before are no real raid controllers but need special drivers, only available for windows, which is actually a software raid reading the configuration from the bios | 23:27 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: is it a seperate card or part of your motherboard | 23:27 |
gatien | Cadman21: sudo ifconfig <wireless device> down, then sudo ifconfig <wireless device> up | 23:27 |
Kenneth1 | I got a Dell Inspiron Mini 9 on Friday, the bluetooth mouse I got with it was working the very first day, the next day it didn't work. I explored all user-friendly interface trying to get it to work when eventually I accidentally clicked Remove Trust. In my own ability this seems irreversible. I am simply trying to fix it so that I can use my bluetooth mouse. IRC chat giving me a head-ache, if at all possible please e-mail me @ k | 23:27 |
Noah1989 | LinuxLover4: you might want to go with software raid | 23:27 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: it is an actual card | 23:27 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: if it's a fakeraid card - don't use it | 23:27 |
MacGuges | Hello, I need help getting my wireless working. Iwconfig shows my interface, and dhcp acquired an address earlier, but now I can't ping my router (though I could earlier). I also have errors repeating in kern.log. | 23:27 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: but I can't see info on it | 23:27 |
LinuxLover4 | Noah1989: i was using software raid, but that failed. and i had to reinstall | 23:27 |
Cadman21 | gatien: ok thanks a lot | 23:27 |
slade_ | Hi all, first time linux user here ... after my first boot up, I gave the go ahead for ubuntu to install the 200+ updates it detected upon startup. I left the updater to do its thing, and when I returned to my computer I was looking at a black screen. mouse+keyboard wouldn't bring it back to life, had to hard reboot (I know). upon reboot (and after a disk check) ubuntu detected 175 updates (so I suppose it did manage to grab someone of | 23:27 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: what is a fake raid? | 23:28 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: windows driver based raid | 23:28 |
LinuxLover4 | oh | 23:28 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: raid from the bios as explained | 23:28 |
slade_ | : dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 23:28 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: im pretty sure it is an actual raid card | 23:28 |
Noah1989 | LinuxLover4: yeah, just what i explained above | 23:28 |
ikonia | Noah1989: exactly what you said, yes | 23:28 |
gatien | slade, so run that | 23:28 |
slade_ | I tried plugging that into a command line, but its telling me I need superuser rights | 23:28 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: I don't think it is as I can't find any info | 23:28 |
slade_ | yes I tried | 23:28 |
tekteen_ | slade_: prepend sudo to the command | 23:29 |
djbeenie | kitche, woot that worked thanks! | 23:29 |
gatien | slade, type 'sudo' before it without the quotes, and put a space in there | 23:29 |
tekteen_ | then type in yout password | 23:29 |
djbeenie | ikonia, mplayer works | 23:29 |
ikonia | djbeenie: excellent | 23:29 |
Joe_ | oh... I have a raid question. I want to do a raid 1+0, I can later add more drives to it as long as I add 2 more of the same type... right? | 23:29 |
slade_ | thanks very much, I'll try that! | 23:29 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: Noah1989 if you notice in the error it drops to a shell, i then exit, and everything boots fine, can i just leave it then?? | 23:29 |
gatien | does anyone know what a devgid is? | 23:29 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: it doesn't boot | 23:29 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: it drops to busybox | 23:29 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: after droping to busybox, i then type in the command exit, and it continues to boot normally | 23:30 |
LinuxLover4 | as if nothign happened | 23:30 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: I can't see how thats possible if this is your root file system | 23:30 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: it is my home parition | 23:30 |
dn4 | could the latest ubuntu install on my pentium pro 200Mhz machine? | 23:30 |
LinuxLover4 | my root is on a 40gb hd | 23:30 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: ooh, well that make sense | 23:30 |
=== dimitar is now known as dimitars | ||
ikonia | LinuxLover4: you won't be able to access your home dir | 23:30 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: the home partitions are fine as well tho after boot | 23:30 |
Noah1989 | LinuxLover4: oh wait.. i just realize.. this is #ubuntu, not #gentoo - >_> - i never tried raid on ubuntu | 23:31 |
CaptainMorgan | is anyone familiar with soundconverter? I'm trying to add a Flac file to it, and it won't even recognize it or add it to the list... I'm trying to convert it to mp3 | 23:31 |
ikonia | LinuxLover4: I doubt they are, your probably not mounting /home outside otf the partition | 23:31 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
LinuxLover4 | ?? | 23:32 |
crabgrass | whats the difference between gstreamer-plugins-ugly and gstreamer-plugins-ugly-dbg? | 23:32 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: that should work like a charm. Does for me, at least. I've ripped quite a few cds to flac lately and converted them with soundconverter to both ogg and mp3 | 23:32 |
MacGuges | I'm seeing these errors in kern.log: phy0 -> rt2x00usb_vendor_request: Error - Vendor Request 0x0[67] failed for offset 0x04.. With error -110 and usb_rf_write: Error - PHY_CSR10 register busy. Write failed. | 23:32 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: have you tried with different flac files? Is the flac file playable from your music player? | 23:32 |
tekteen_ | crabgrass: If you have to ask, you do not want -dgb | 23:32 |
CaptainMorgan | filthpig, when you choose to 'add file' and navigate to the flac file, it then appears in the list, correct? | 23:32 |
crabgrass | tekteen_: thats a good enough answer for me. | 23:33 |
CaptainMorgan | filthpig, no, it's not playable, that's why I'm trying to convert it :) | 23:33 |
crabgrass | tekteen_: thanks | 23:33 |
CaptainMorgan | Amarok | 23:33 |
crabgrass | oh, debug. derp. i should have seen that | 23:33 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: I mean from rhythmbox or totem or whatever | 23:33 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: it is mounted | 23:33 |
Eliteslave | is there any support for the g15 keyboard? | 23:33 |
thekostya | has anyone tried to compile Grub legacy under Ubuntu? | 23:34 |
CaptainMorgan | filthpig, yep, tried totem.. lemme try rhytmbox.. | 23:34 |
filthpig | Eliteslave: yes. search for it in synaptic and you'll find the tools you need :) | 23:34 |
ConstantineXVI | My C++ professor gave me a phonebook-sized manual for an early 90s Unix clone called Coherent. How much of it is relevant for modern Linux? | 23:34 |
slade_ | tekteen_: thank you, the console is definitely doing... something. | 23:34 |
CaptainMorgan | nope filthpig rythmbox won't play it either... | 23:34 |
slade_ | :) | 23:34 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: then it's very possible the file is corrupted. Both totem and rhythmbox should play the file just like that | 23:35 |
LinuxLover4 | ikonia: perhaps the system isnt allowing enough time for the raid device to initialize, but afterwards everythign is fine?? | 23:35 |
Eliteslave | filthpig: any idea what it would be listed under? | 23:35 |
Noah1989 | ConstantineXVI: all POSIX related stuff | 23:35 |
Joe_ | jack_sparrow ok... one more, nv drivers should support my card and as far as I understand just no 3D acceleration? | 23:35 |
CaptainMorgan | filthpig, both apps can play flac natively? | 23:35 |
Noah1989 | ConstantineXVI: except what changen in the last 18 years | 23:35 |
LightTitan | had a video I was trying to watch freeze on me. Pressed Ctrl-Alt-Bksp to reboot X and when I got back in my audio doesn't work. I tried rebooting X again, still didn't work. In place of the start up audio sound I hear static. I have tried rebooting and no luck. | 23:35 |
CaptainMorgan | or do I need a codec? | 23:35 |
Grenyaris | Ok, got it partially working...Create Launcher -> Location -> mailto: etc... however, it just puts in /// ------- is there a way to create a Launcher that is a LINK not a LOCATION? (I am in 8.10) | 23:35 |
ryanakca | I've shrunk my PV using pvresize. How can I shrink the PV's partition to match it's size? | 23:35 |
LightTitan | I have made sure it's not my speakers as I have tried plugging in headphones in place of my speakers, I still get nothing. | 23:36 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: yes | 23:36 |
Kenneth1 | I got a Dell Inspiron Mini 9 on Friday, the bluetooth mouse I got with it was working the very first day, the next day it didn't work. I explored all user-friendly interface trying to get it to work when eventually I accidentally clicked Remove Trust. In my own ability this seems irreversible. I am simply trying to fix it so that I can use my bluetooth mouse. I am also a first time Linux user so bear with me... please help | 23:36 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: support for flac is built-in in all modern (open source) media players | 23:36 |
CaptainMorgan | k, thank you filthpig | 23:36 |
LightTitan | Anyone have any troubleshooting steps to get my audio reset and working again? | 23:37 |
Eliteslave | Kenneth - System > Preferences > Bluetooth | 23:37 |
filthpig | CaptainMorgan: np. | 23:37 |
theUg | Hi. Does anyone knows what can cause U8.10 not run on the same machine (PII, internal intel gfx, 768MB RAM) that 8.04 worked fine? Actually it works, and gets to log-in screen, but after logging in, it hangs up — mouse pointer still shows and moves around but nothing else. | 23:37 |
tekteen | !sound > LightTitan me | 23:37 |
ubottu | LightTitan, please see my private message | 23:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone > Brack10 | 23:38 |
ubottu | Brack10, please see my private message | 23:38 |
LightTitan | Thanks tekteen, trying that now | 23:38 |
slade_ | so, has anybody had ubuntu revert to a totally black screen with no responses from the mouse or keyboard? | 23:38 |
Cadman21 | gatien: do you know how i can find the name of my wireless card? | 23:38 |
ConstantineXVI | Noah1989, so stuff like bourne shell, sed, awk, lex, would still be good? | 23:38 |
slade_ | is it some kind of default hibernation/suspend feature? | 23:38 |
LightTitan | tekteen... your a genius :) Thanks alot! | 23:39 |
tekteen | np | 23:39 |
Grenyaris | I need to create a LINK on my desktop, not an Application or a Location, or an Application in Terminal...but a to do this when Create Launcher does not have this in the Drop Down? | 23:40 |
crabgrass | firefox problem: all of my customizations regarding the menu bar are lost each time i shut it down | 23:40 |
dn4 | can ubuntu work on a 200Mhz machine? | 23:40 |
dn4 | with 32mb of ram | 23:40 |
theUg | slade_, on some machines hibernate/stand by seems not to work properly | 23:40 |
Dr_willis_ | dn4, yes. but i would not suggest it. | 23:40 |
tekteen | dn4: not with gnome | 23:40 |
roe | dn4, I would not try to run X on that | 23:40 |
dn4 | X is kinda nessary :( | 23:41 |
tekteen | then I would say it would run | 23:41 |
tekteen | lol | 23:41 |
filthpig | Grenyaris: drag'n'drop the tab from fx to the desktop | 23:41 |
theUg | slade_: I haven’t read anything definite, but some bits and pieces to that effect. | 23:41 |
roe | dn4, not really | 23:41 |
Dr_willis_ | dn4, you would really want to use some other light desktop, or console only.. Or try a Uber-light disrto like Puppy Linux, DSL, Feather Linux, or TinyCore Linyx | 23:41 |
gatien | Cadman21: sudo iwconfig | 23:41 |
slade_ | heh, that was my next question, but thanks anyway | 23:41 |
dn4 | well I was going to use wine to run ultimate online | 23:41 |
roe | dn4, you can make it a router, a dhcp/dns server, a proxy server... | 23:41 |
Aji-Dahaka | hmm, key repeating isn't working right (as in at all) for me. where does one set that? | 23:41 |
slade_ | this system is unfortunately Dell based, so I imagine that could be the problem | 23:41 |
theUg | Anyone knows what could be the issue for Ubuntu 8.10 to hang up after log-in prompt? | 23:42 |
roe | dn4, not gonna happen | 23:42 |
Aji-Dahaka | oh, found it | 23:42 |
Grenyaris | crabgrass: while I don't have all the details, here is a place to start... in your home/user directory there should be a .mozilla or .firefox directory, this should contain all your local and personal settings... | 23:42 |
dn4 | roe: I just need to log into the game and that is it | 23:42 |
Aji-Dahaka | hmm...but it still doesn't work with arrow keys | 23:42 |
Dr_willis_ | theUg, often thats due to video card/drivers. Tell the chaannel your video card/system specs. | 23:42 |
crabgrass | Grenyaris: alright... | 23:42 |
filthpig | theUg: smells like a gfx driver issue. Did it work with Ubuntu 8.04? Have you tried googling your gfx card and ubuntu? | 23:42 |
roe | dn4, if you want to try it, install xfce, but I wouldn't hold my breath | 23:42 |
tekteen | roe: not even that would work | 23:43 |
Dr_willis_ | dn4, or try one of the very light ubuntu spinoffs like fluxbuntu, or crunchbang. | 23:43 |
ConstantineXVI | Also, is there a Linux C++ IDE that spits out Visual Studio solution files? | 23:43 |
dn4 | Do any of them come with wine?! | 23:43 |
Dr_willis_ | dn4, 64mb ram will be the big limitation | 23:43 |
ldiamond | I'm trying to print from Microsoft Word using Cups-PDF, however, I get no PDF output. No job seems to be passed to the cups printer at all. | 23:43 |
dn4 | Dr_willis there is only 32mb of ram :( | 23:43 |
roe | dn4, what specs do ultimate online require? | 23:43 |
Dr_willis_ | dn4, you can easially install wine. but I would try to track down some more ram. 32mb = even worse.. :) | 23:44 |
ldiamond | Sorry, forgot to mention I was using CrossOver | 23:44 |
mcphail | dn4: you'll need to add some ram to run anything worthwile graphically | 23:44 |
c_korn | when will this bug be fixed finally? | 23:44 |
Crooper | is there a hdtvxvid codec for ubuntu 8.04? | 23:44 |
theUg | dr_willis: filthpig: it’s internal Intel on Dell, no specs yet. It worked fine with 8.04. Now starts (I get login screen), but hangs after. | 23:44 |
gege | hai | 23:44 |
tekteen | Crooper: most come with xvid codec | 23:44 |
gege | not good | 23:45 |
Crooper | ok... thnx | 23:45 |
gege | bad | 23:45 |
tekteen | Crooper: use vlc to play it? | 23:45 |
filthpig | theUg: Compiz or metacity? | 23:45 |
Crooper | it won't play it either | 23:46 |
kitche | c_korn: well since it's in blueprints probably next version | 23:46 |
tekteen | ok | 23:46 |
dimitars | i know it's not realy a ubuntu question, but can i somehow add contact filter in aMSN(Like in windows live messenger) so when i type some words, it would filter the contacts i have and will only show the contacts that have that word in them? | 23:46 |
tekteen | that is odd | 23:46 |
theUg | filthpig: Not sure what are you talking about. | 23:46 |
IndyGunFreak | dn4: ebay is a great place to get old ram on the cheap... | 23:47 |
LensGecko | Hello? Anybody there? | 23:47 |
mizipzor | ive seen examples on how to add something to the default runlevel with rc-update, but how do i stop it from starting at boot? | 23:47 |
Dr_willis_ | LensGecko, 1359 People here. | 23:47 |
c_korn | kitche: it produces full cpu usage and a full root partition and is not fixed for MONTHS although there is a patch for it | 23:47 |
sooth | Is there a way other than editing /etc/fstab to mount a removable drive always to the same path? | 23:47 |
kitche | c_korn: umm that bug was just reported on the 6th | 23:48 |
filthpig | theUg: The window manager you're using is either Metacity (the default GNOME window manager), or Compiz (Fusion), which is widely popular due to the "desktop bling" it provides. Ubuntu uses comiiz by default these days | 23:48 |
roe | sooth, is that not good? | 23:48 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, from gnome file manager. right click on the devices icon. properties.. theres some setting tabs in there - that let you tweak some stuff. | 23:48 |
kitche | c_korn: ah on 2005 hmm I don't notice full cpu though | 23:48 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, most all i have - do alays go to the same path. | 23:48 |
balzac | hello | 23:48 |
gege | hi | 23:48 |
LensGecko | Hi people. | 23:49 |
Eliteslave | what is Xserver? | 23:49 |
ness | hi | 23:49 |
kitche | c_korn: also it says fix released | 23:49 |
balzac | I'm trying to get my Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG working on intrepid | 23:49 |
sooth | roe: I don't want to dig up the default mount options for removable media | 23:49 |
balzac | help meh | 23:49 |
tonsofpcs | meh | 23:49 |
theUg | filthpig: I wiped my 8.04 clean (had it installed through wubi), and installed 8.10 fresh on partition with CD. Live CD, btw, does same thing. | 23:49 |
c_korn | kitche: but not in ubuntu. only fedora | 23:50 |
filthpig | Eliteslave: the part of the operating system that gives you a nice GUI | 23:50 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: When I plug-in my 4 partition removable HD everything gets assigned to "disk" and "disk-{1,2,3}" | 23:50 |
LensGecko | Would anyone be able to tell me how one could rip the audio from a flash video taken from the tmp folder? | 23:50 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, and the filesystem of the partitions are? | 23:50 |
kitche | c_korn: ymm then why does launchpad say patch released then since fedora uses their own bug system | 23:50 |
filthpig | well, that's actually Gnome or KDE, but they depend on X to work | 23:50 |
theUg | filthpig: at 8.04 it worked with all the bling, but I turned it all off, cause it was a bit slow. So I ran on basic default one without much effects. | 23:50 |
para | Hi. I wanted to try mingw32 on linux, so I downloaded an Ubuntu cd and booted from it, but when I try "sudo apt-get install mingw32", I get "Couldn't find package mingw32". How do I make it find it? | 23:51 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: ext3 | 23:51 |
slade_ | lol... it was the damn screensaver that locked the machine up. obviously, the silliest thing... *disabled* | 23:51 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: Those gnome preferences are pretty much what I want | 23:51 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, set a Volume Label on each partition - and i think they will get mounted to "LabelName" | 23:51 |
theUg | filthpig: 7.04 and xubuntu 7.04 both work (I tried my old live CDs) | 23:51 |
ConstantineXVI | para, mingw32, as in the compiler? | 23:51 |
para | ConstantineXVI: yep | 23:51 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, i use the tune2fs command to always set a FilesystemLabel. | 23:51 |
term_ | Can someone help me install Vidalia on Ubuntu 8.10? I get errors. | 23:52 |
ConstantineXVI | para, that's just GCC in linux, and you get that via build-essential, which i think is stock | 23:52 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: How do I check the current label? | 23:52 |
sooth | term_: Why do you want to? Installing tor + torbutton does pretty much everything. | 23:52 |
filthpig | theUg: I'd try googling your gfx card and see if there are any issues/solutions reported. the ubuntu forums are bulging with info on that kind of stuff, although it might take some time to find the info you need. Have you tried changing to failsafe mode before logging in? | 23:52 |
para | ConstantineXVI: mmm I understood the mingw32 lets you build windows binaries, which the normal gcc doesn't | 23:52 |
term_ | sooth: I want a GUI. | 23:52 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, tune2fs command again command :) | 23:52 |
ConstantineXVI | para, ah | 23:53 |
noobuntu93 | term: there is a GUI in the vidalia package is there not? | 23:53 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, if the Label is blank it uses 'disk' by default. | 23:53 |
flaco | hi, I'm changing my ip address like this "ifconfig eth0' then 'route add default gateway' it works, but when I restart the computer these change are lost, how can I make them permanent? | 23:53 |
term_ | noobuntu93: Yes but i get errors | 23:53 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: Any particular option I need to give it? tune2fs /dev/sdb2 doesn't work | 23:53 |
noobuntu93 | term: errors for what in particular? | 23:53 |
ConstantineXVI | oh, you're still on the livecd. you'll have to install to get to it | 23:53 |
JamesMowery | If anyone here has experience using CentOS and Ubuntu in a web server environment, can you explain the main differences and/or benefits of using Ubuntu over CentOS, if any? | 23:54 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, read the man pages and --help output.. Yes. you DO need to give it extra options | 23:54 |
term_ | noobuntu93: "make: *** [all] Error 2" | 23:54 |
noobuntu93 | when do you get that error? | 23:54 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, that command can set a LOT of 'tweaks/settings' in a disk. and many of them will not get applied/seen till a reboot/remount of the filesystem | 23:54 |
term_ | when i write "cmake . && make" in terminal, noobuntu93. | 23:54 |
ConstantineXVI | para, my last one was for you | 23:54 |
mcphail | para: i think mingw is in the universe repo, known as mingw32 | 23:54 |
theUg | filthpig: recovery mode or whatnot I tried, but it doesn’t show where it hangs up. | 23:55 |
para | ConstantineXVI: I could install things on the ramdisk or on some partition that the livecd can mount, maybe | 23:55 |
ConstantineXVI | para, you'll at least need to apt-get update first | 23:55 |
n8tuser2 | flaco -> put them in /etc/network/interfaces file, man interfaces | 23:55 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: Thanks, "-l" seems to list filesystem info but doesn't have volume label, I guess because there is none. | 23:55 |
term_ | noobuntu93: can you help? | 23:56 |
theUg | filthpig: weird thing is that X starts and works, only after I actually log in it hangs. Should I try CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE or just go in text mode or something? | 23:56 |
noobuntu93 | term: i'm looking it up right now but not finding anything | 23:56 |
para | mcphail: sorry I've never used ubuntu before, and don't know about repos and stuff. One guide said I could find it by default in the Synaptic Package Manager, but it's not there. I guess the live cd is different | 23:56 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, logical eh? :) You may want to tune the reserved block space/size also. its 5% by default and that can take up a lot of space for no reason | 23:56 |
para | ConstantineXVI: why? doesn't that try to update the whole system or something? | 23:56 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: Thanks for the tip. | 23:56 |
theUg | filthpig: Oh, I see where failsafe is | 23:57 |
para | ah, it updates the list. let's see... | 23:57 |
c_korn | kitche: it is definitely not fixed in ubuntu. I was just looking for an explanation why a bug that produces full cpu usage and root partition when an INTEL wireless card is uses does not get fixed for MONTHS. it really annoys me. but maybe this is the wrong place to ask. the ubuntu-devel list may be more appropriate. thanks | 23:58 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, also if for some reason the drice does not get unmounted properly. next reboot it might get mounted to /media/Label_ and if that doesnt get unmounted right next time it may be /media/Label__ with 2 _ :) fix is to unmount and remove the /media/ dirs that are getting auto made. the _ is used to as a failsafe name collision feature | 23:58 |
term_ | noobuntu93: i downloaded source on | 23:58 |
JamesMowery | So, is it my understanding that there is no advantage to running Ubuntu over CentOS? | 23:58 |
flaco | n8tuser2, thks | 23:58 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, you can also set up the fstab to mount filessytems based on label Instead of UUID :) | 23:58 |
para | okay it just redownloaded intrepid lists but still can't find mingw32 | 23:58 |
Dr_willis_ | JamesMowery, Use what you perfer. thats what it all boils down to. | 23:59 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: Yeah that's what my original plan was. This seems nicer though. | 23:59 |
filthpig | theUg: hmm, so it also crashes in failsafe mode? I guess you can start a very minimal mode (I think it's called X session or something like that) that basically gives you a terminal. From there you should be able to switch default WM from compiz to metacity, but I'm on really thin ice here and I do not know the exact (correct) way of doing this. You could always check with the guys over at #compiz-fusion too, some of those guys are gods when i | 23:59 |
Gnea | JamesMowery: No one can tell you what's best for you, only you can decide that. | 23:59 |
sooth | Dr_willis_: Am I supposed to be able to see the changes after a remount? | 23:59 |
Dr_willis_ | JamesMowery, i will stick with Ubuntu, since i know it better. | 23:59 |
ConstantineXVI | para, go into software sources and make sure universe is enabled | 23:59 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, i always reboot after doing the tune2fs stuff.. just to be extra safe | 23:59 |
Dr_willis_ | sooth, i think some of the tuneing changes only get seen at boot time | 23:59 |
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