
_Vi_On0bi: I dont think theres many RPG type channels on freenode, freenode tends to lean more towards technical topics...you might try something like searchirc.com and look for "Fantasy" or "RGP" , "D&D"00:00
KenBW2eurorail: ah, then you'll need to ask someone else sorry - i cant help00:00
euroraili dont have a cd drive. i have to install it form the hard drive...and no floppy!  so i had to try to get dos to boot a kernel and then the installer but i got stuck on the syntax of the loadlin in dos00:00
holyguyverTrentH, Yes, sorry, you must have missed it the first time I said it. Earlier Baughn had me used badblock to find out the health of my harddrive, but it took hours for the programs to answer, it was 9AM then & only now at 5PM do I have an answer, but Baughn is not in at the moment, so I was looking for someone who could tell me what this answer means?00:00
euroraildoes anyone know where i canget someone to help me with that loadlin syntax for installing ubuntu onto an older machine with no cd or floppy?00:01
eurorailAND no net connection!  ;)   i can get files on it in windows...  with an sd card00:01
johnnnyI'm getting this error while doing: sudo apt-get install vim       http://pastebin.ca/131744800:02
Gerinychhow do i apply emerald themes00:02
holyguyvereurorail, if it can take an SDcard then it isn't that old.00:02
leefmcwesolek: No, i just havent had much luck with out of the ordinary devices & linux heh00:02
TrentHholyguyver, what is wrong with your harddrive?00:02
jsfoxtoncwillu: how do i get it removed from the app dir if i cant find it in add/remove00:02
leefmcwesolek: All depends on popularity i spose00:02
holyguyverTrentH, I a year & a half ago dropped it from 4 feet onto the ground.00:02
eurorailholy:  i got a card reader to work in win98...   so i could backup and put files on it. i just cant get ubuntu installer to run... will not boot from cd and no floppy00:03
faileaseurorail: i think if you can get a disk image, and unetbootin, it should be sufficient to start up an install from windows00:03
Dante123hi all, trying to install latest pidgin and it says that not all dependencies are satisfied....pidgin 2.5.4 says this.  Any suggestions?  Also, what does sudo dpkg -i *.deb do?00:03
eurorailunetbootin requires and internet connection no?00:03
bobbob1016I'm running Mythbuntu 8.10, with an nVidia 8200 on the mobo and the propritary drivers.  I'm not getting a gui anymore.  I checked /var/log, and the files don't seem to have been updated for a while.  Any ideas?00:03
cwillujsfoxton, depends where it put the file.  Easiest just to hide the menu (we're talking a couple k, nothing big enough to worry about)00:03
PriceyDante123: is there a reason why you are not using the pidgin in the repositories?00:03
eurorailor can i use it to direct the installer on the disk...00:03
TrentHholyguyver: Are you having information loss? weird sound from the driver?00:04
wesolekleefmc, I think some people managed to install it properly, but when I follow their steps, I get some errors along the way... not very fluent in linux world, so I can't figure out what is wrong00:04
holyguyverTrentH, no I am not00:04
jsfoxtoncwilllu: ok...so how do i do that?00:04
TrentHhoyguyver: If you dropped it and it still works shouldn't be any problems.00:04
famousis anyone able to provide support for octave here? i just have a question about getting the symbols package operating properly for octave 3.000:04
johnnnythis is strange :P..00:04
TrentHholyguyver: Since you are not having issues with it, why test it?00:05
holyguyverTrentH, it did not work after I dropped it, I paid 1600$ to get the data off of it.00:05
johnnnysomething must be wrong with my apt setup..00:05
wesolekleefmc, I thought, if anywhere, here would be the best place to find somebody that could help me out00:05
TrentHholyguyver: Oh my god, was your information really that important?00:05
eurorailwell.... can anyone help direct me to get help with that loadlin command line stuff in dos so i can get an install to run without any removable media or net connection?00:05
Wiseguyhey guys, is it possible to install ubuntu from a USB key?00:05
holyguyverTrentH, I tested it because as you can see from my pastebin there are bad sectors & the drive is dieing from a head crunch.00:05
j_nw1hi.. just installed ubuntu 8.10 server from the CD. It is not configured for accessing repositories over the network and keeps on asking for CDROM everytime. Also, it does not have universe repos configured. Can some one please send me pointers to these repositories.. that I need to add in sources.list.. Thanks.00:05
holyguyverTrentH, Yes it was that important.00:05
Dante123Pricey I keep getting dc'ed after a few minutes.  Chatter just quits appearing on my screen although the program is still running.  The pidgin irc channel says dont bother asking for help unless you are running 2.5.4 and so I checked my version and see it is outdated...thought the new one might fix any bugs.00:06
RocketLauncherDamn I never knew i was registered00:06
TrentHholyguyver: Actually, I have no idea what that pastebin means. I am not very harddrive savvy.00:06
ortsvorsteher!sources.list | j_nw100:06
ubottuj_nw1: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:06
Gerinychhow do i apply emerald themes?00:06
Flannelj_nw1: You'll be editing /etc/apt/sources.list, comment out the CDrom line.  Uncomment the universe lines and you'll be good.  Then sudo apt-get update again00:06
Flannelj_nw1: No, /etc/apt/sources.list00:06
TrentHholyguyver: I was lucky to get my harddrivers in Raid 0.00:06
Dante123With my luck, you will answer my question and I will never see it because I usually get dced in five to ten minutes.  Have to restart pidgin for it to work again.  Running 8.1000:06
leefmcwesolek: Atleast a decent shot :), i was just commenting on it, nothing good/bad intended about it :)00:07
PriceyDante123: if you can't install software from pidgin.im, i suggest you ask them for support.00:07
holyguyverTrentH, that pastebin is a list of bad sectors00:07
j_nw1Flannel : The installation does not have pointers.. that i can simple uncomment.00:07
leefmcwesolek: Im in the same boat as you, involving the linux world, that is,00:07
holyguyverTrentH, meaning the harddrive is nearly dead00:07
alltaxI have a problem with the GUI of xfig. The fields become to long causing some buttons become hidden00:07
leefmcwesolek:  Flannel saved my life, maybe he knows. :D00:07
TrentHholyguyver: perhaps get a new drive?00:08
wesolekleefmc, lol :)00:08
RocketLauncherHEY SO I HAVE COMPIZ RIGHT. Now, when I play a video, it flickers like hell. if I fullscreen it (and I don't move my mouse at all or press anything), fullscreen's fine. It's compiz'HEY SO I HAVE COMPIZ RIGHT. Now, when I play a video, it flickers like hell. if I fullscreen it (and I don't move my mouse at all or press anything), fullscreen's fine. It's compiz's fault, but I LHEY SO I HAVE COMPIZ RIGHT. Now, when I play a vide00:08
RocketLaunchero, it flickers like hell. if I fullscreen it (and I don't move my mouse at all or press anything), fullscreen's fine. It's compiz's fault, but I LOVE THESE PRETTY COLORS. How does I fix this?adfOVE THESE PRETTY COLORS. How does I fix this?s fault, but I LOVE THESE PRETTY COLORS. How does I fix this?00:08
RocketLaunchermy bad00:08
Dante123Pricey did you just read my message!  They won't support unless you have the latest.  I try to remove the one that is installed, ubuntu says I cant.  I try to install 2.5.4 deb and it says that dependencies are not met.  What's a noob to do?00:08
RocketLauncheri typed it in twice sorry00:08
holyguyverTrentH, no can do, not enough money00:08
johnnny_Vi_: feel like checking my pastebin paste ?00:08
marcos_PROGRAMADOR EM C#00:08
Flannelj_nw1: It should.  But alright.  You'll see a few lines that look like this:  deb http://[url]/ubuntu intrepid main restricted, and then another that says intrepid-updates and anotehr tta says intrepid-security.  After "main restricted" add " universe"00:08
TrentHholyguyver: Which is cheaper, new drive or $1,600 to recover the information again?00:08
holyguyverTrentH, there is no information on it00:09
alesanhi, do you know if it is possible to create RAID partitions on the installer of ubuntu server and use them?00:09
RocketLauncherholyguyver: NEW DRIVE00:09
TrentHholyguyver: But you do plan on putting information back on it correct?00:09
thiebaudenew computer,lol00:09
wesolekflannel, do you know by any chance how to install / make work a touch screen? I followed one of the threads and it led me nowhere, but it may have been because my xorg.config looked nothing like it should according to thread00:09
RocketLauncherNew house00:09
j_nw1Flannel : right now only CD repository.. so I need the URL. !00:09
thiebaude3 laptops00:09
TrentHCan someone tell me how to get a dialup connection to work on Ubuntu 8.10?00:09
Flannelj_nw1: Pastebin your sources.list please00:09
holyguyverTrentH, yes, but will you pay for my new drive for me? if not, then you have no right telling me to get a new one, only to suggest that if I have the money to, then that would be best.00:10
Cpudan80!dialup | TrentH00:10
ubottuTrentH: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up00:10
Flannelwesolek: Not really no.  You may try starting your own thread.00:10
cjaewill ubuntu run on this motherboard http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=rs480m2-il cause I can't seemto get it to go on the internet00:10
yaggaholyguyver, check out autopsy00:10
walbertHey folks.  I'm doing some work on a project that uses GTK, and working under Kubuntu 8.10.  I'd like to be able to change my gtk themes around.  I installed gtk-engine-* and gtk-theme-switch2, but i still only get the default options of Qt4 and Raleigh in the theme switcher.  What am I doing wrong?00:10
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:10
cjaeand update or anything, it is a realtek ethernet card00:10
=== rob is now known as Guest47158
wesolekflannel, ta :)00:11
TrentHholyguyver: I only suggested you get a new one. As I find it less expensive to buy a new drive than try and fix this broken one, and risk it breaking again.00:11
signilHello, I am facing problems with bluetooth on Intrepid Ibex, I can scan for devices, send files, but I can't browse the device nor receive anything! I get "Could not display "obex://[********]/" Error: Connection Refused, Please select another viewer" :s I believe I have Bluez 4.1200:11
Guest47158cwillu, the bootmgr is missing00:11
j_nw1Flannel : It is one line: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 8.10 _......- ] interpid main restricted.00:11
jsfoxton\how do i get rid of a dir from app menu when it doesnt show in add/remove00:11
Dante123Pricey, I figured it out.  Have to install pidgin-data first separately.  Ima noob.00:11
TrentHholyguyver: If you find my obligation incorrect, you can ignore it.00:11
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walbertcjae: link isn't working for me00:11
rocwillu, boot mgr is missing00:11
johnnnyanyone wanna help me with apt-get ?  http://pastebin.ca/131744800:11
roj_clbrt, bootmgr is missing00:12
Cpudan80holyguyver: you spent $1600 bucks on data recovery but cant afford a new HDD?00:12
signil:( ^^00:12
Cpudan80holyguyver: repairing HDD bad sectors is not an easy (or reliable) option00:12
Cpudan80buy a new HDD00:12
newb101can someone help me - when i try to install it is returning <<<  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 100:13
newb101Errors were encountered while processing:00:13
newb101 system-tools-backends00:13
newb101 >>>00:13
FloodBot2newb101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
redvamp128johnny which version of ubuntu? 8.04 or 8.1000:13
smoke`hey guys, is there a way to get a file from a shared windows folder over LAN?00:13
DaveWhey, my comp crashed as i was updating from 8.04 to 8.10, now my newest kernal installation has a kernal panic on every boot, but one of older ones loads properly. how i revert/resume updates because it tells me my system is up to date.00:13
holyguyverCpudan80, yes, bbecause times have been hard since then00:13
cjaewalbert: you have to try a few times their site is bogged down00:13
johnnnyredvamp128: freshly installed.00:13
rowhat is boot mgr is that grub00:13
redvamp128johnnny:  are you sure you can't use synaptic package manger--00:13
luke_Izinucs, you still here?00:13
Izinucsluke_: yep00:13
johnnnyredvamp128: i'm in a console..00:13
MisterKMHey all. Before someone decides to spit out !webcam at me, hear me out. :P I'm trying to install my webcam, I've already read the wonderful documentation. I believe its an sn9c___ camera. I've done a few steps and this is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109177/00:14
luke_Izinucs,  my friend ran those three cmmands and it  doesnt show any more screen resolutions00:14
redvamp128johnnny:  in 8.04 it is listed there as well in synaptic package manager00:14
signilsmoke`: samba?00:14
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:14
redvamp128johnnny:  8.04 or 8.10?00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lista00:14
Izinucsluke_: did he also go to System>Admin>Hardware Drivers and see if there were drivers listed there that could be activated?00:14
signil>> I am facing problems with bluetooth on Intrepid Ibex, I can scan for devices, send files, but I can't browse the device nor receive anything! I get "Could not display "obex://[********]/" Error: Connection Refused, Please select another viewer" :s I believe I have Bluez 4.1200:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutup00:14
Flannelj_nw1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109178/00:14
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:14
johnnnyredvamp128: 8.04 server edition (console)00:15
rowhat is boot mgr00:15
walbertcjae: i'm not looking up everything on that board, but i wouldn't be worried by the ethernet card.  should work out of the box on a recent kernel00:15
luke_Izinucs, "No propriety drivers are in  on this system"00:15
roi can't reboot into widows that is the message i get00:15
rowhat is bootmgr00:15
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:15
gramsanyone know how to install kooldock on unbuntu?00:15
j_nw1Flannel : Thanks... I do not have graphics by default on Server install..... I am assuming that it is expected behavior.00:15
lstarnesro: it's the program which is in charge of directly booting windows00:16
gnubuntujohnnny: did you try install again? i had no problems with install vim on ubuntu server 8.0400:16
Flannelj_nw1: That is.00:16
cjaewalbert: worried about the ati chipset part of it00:16
gnubuntujohnnny: just try sudo apt-get install -f00:16
FlannelNo.  johnnny, gnubuntu.  Don't do that.00:16
biouserwhat are debugging packages and symbols?  ie "This package provides debugging symbols"00:16
Flanneljohnnny: Please pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update00:16
redvamp128johnny and you tried the .deb file yet?00:16
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johnnny2 sec00:16
gramsgnu, you know how to install kooldock on GNOME?00:17
rolstarnes, how do i install it and why is it missing00:17
keveamHow would I go about setting up a local IRC chat? I have no internet available where I'm going and need to chat between two people.00:17
luke_Izinucs, What do I do00:17
TrentHCan somebody tell me how to view and see what hardware is installed on my PC through Linux?00:17
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:17
johnnnyFlannel: http://pastebin.ca/131747300:17
gnubuntugrams: me? kooldock never heard...00:17
walbertcjae:  why? :p00:17
rocwillu,  are you still00:17
Izinucsluke_: have him do this in a terminal .. sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and see if that doesn't make a difference.00:17
gramsoh ok00:17
johnnnyredvamp128: nope, i didnt try no .deb file.00:17
Izinucs!resolution | luke_00:18
ubottuluke_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:18
lstarnesro: if you have a recovery disk, try using it to fix the bootloader on the partition that you're using for windows00:18
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:18
CaverusHi, could anyone help me with some sound problems on 8.10?00:18
yaggaif xp - f8 then fixmbr00:18
gnubuntugrams: i know cairo-dock for gnome. that's cool00:18
rww!anyone | Caverus00:18
ubottuCaverus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:18
Baughnholyguyver: Looks like a crash landing. As you can see, they're mostly but not quite contiguous..00:18
lstarnesro: you might want to try asking about it in ##windows since it's a windows issue not an ubuntu issue00:18
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rolstarnes,  what recovery disk the original one00:19
TrentHHow do I see if a modem is already detected on my PC?00:19
tyCan i make gnome as fast as xfce, and it still look the same?00:19
lstarnesro: that might be it00:19
smoke`Samba is the only way?00:19
holyguyverBaughn, so would a wipe be worth it?00:19
johnnnyFlannel: why shouldn't I try the "-f" feature of apt-get ?  (ps: the paste-bin of apt-get update is : http://pastebin.ca/131747300:19
thedeadliestwhisI ahve a 320 GB Hard drive hooked up to this PC and i'm running 8.04 TLS for now but I plan on upgrading, Its not locating the hard drive.00:19
Baughnholyguyver: When the disk hit the floor, the heads (there are multiple, parallel ones) hit the disk surface and damaged it00:19
yaggaro, if xp - f8 then fixmbr00:19
holyguyverBaughn, here is the pastebin again http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109171/00:19
cwilluro, kinda00:19
walbertsmoke`: no, but it will certainly work00:19
TrentHAh come on...00:19
tyCan i make gnome as fast as xfce, and it still look the same?00:19
lstarnesTrentH: sudo lshw00:19
signilargh, now could someone give me any suggestions pls? :'(00:20
Flanneljohnnny: Because that's a good way to break something.  There's absolutely no reason you need to use force to install a normal package.00:20
walbertty: Don't ask silly questions00:20
lstarnesty: I don't think so00:20
rocwillu, i diud what you told me and made the ext3 an nfts and reooted then i get the bootmgr is missing and i can't reboot into windows00:20
Flanneljohnnny: "when something doesn't fit, force it" isn't a good policy... ever.00:20
Baughnholyguyver: Well, that's the question. You can force a remapping by manually writing to those particular sectors, but the HD might not even have that many extra sectors (well, you'd find out), and at any rate, there'll be damage to the /heads/ too00:20
johnnnyFlannel: oh, it's force install..00:20
walbertty: Well, you can ask silly questions, but stop asking that particular silly question :)00:20
yaggaholyguyver: use dd to image your hdd the look at ptk from dflabs00:20
CaverusAlright then. I'm in my Sound Preferences and I'm trying to get the test sound to play for any device, but they keep returning errors on playback. "Could not get/set settings from/on resource." or "Could not open audio device for playback." or the like. Any suggestions?00:20
royagga, when do i do that at start up00:20
cjaewalbert: ok what is better plug and play OS in bios or not00:20
johnnnyFlannel: so, what do you think of the apt-get update pastebin ?00:21
cwilluro, I _didn't_ say to _make_ it an ntfs, I said the fact that it wasn't ntfs was really suspicious, and then somebody else said it was wubi, and I handed you off to him :(00:21
gnubuntujohnnny: Flannel is right. Maybe you should remove vim-common first then install it again00:21
Flanneljohnnny: Alright, try installing it again, if it doesn't work, pastebin the error as well as the output of this: apt-cache policy vim vim-common00:21
Baughnholyguyver: You really, REALLY don't want to keep using a disk that's this damaged. It always gets worse.00:21
TrentHI need detailed instructions on setting up a dialup connection.00:21
walbertcjae: I tend to leave that disabled.  iirc it's there for older microsoft os's.00:21
johnnnyFlannel: reinstalling vim ? our the OS ?00:21
johnnnyour = or00:21
Flanneljohnnny: sudo apt-get vim00:21
holyguyverAlright, thank you :) I only plan on using it for 3 months before I get the money to replace it :)00:21
TrentHThe link provided, isn't much on helping.00:21
gnubuntujohnnny: you have a depencency problem with vim-common. i guess cause of your dial up connection.00:21
rocwillu, i understand that i did what he told me now i get the message bootmgr is missing to boot into windows00:21
j_nw1Flannel: Thanks for your help. Is it normal to have cdrom only repository.. or I chose some option during installation that might have made it so.00:22
cwilluro, do you have a windows cd?00:22
tycould i make xfce as slow as gnome and it still look the same00:22
rocwillu, no00:22
Flannelj_nw1: If during the install you didn't configure internet, then yeah, that's normal.00:22
Baughnholyguyver: At any rate, do you have a windows machine?00:22
TrentHJohnnny, can you tell me how you setup your dialup connection?00:22
johnnnyFlannel: same message as earlier00:22
thedeadliestwhisI've got two hard drives installed on this system but its only locating my 80 GB hard drive. Any suggestions?00:22
Baughnholyguyver: A full scandisk run (w/ the disk surface check) should fix your disk, to the degree it's fixable.00:22
yaggaholyguyver: if you have another box connect the particular drive and use dd to copy the sectors the use ptk to get the files off you will need anothe hdd but it wont cost 160000:22
johnnnyTrentH: why ?00:22
cwilluro, have you ever made the recovery cd that windows offers to make when you first boot it up?00:22
patmanpatomy ubuntu is dying half way through bootup all of a sudden this morning, is there a way to get rid of the boot splash and show the details of the bootup process ?00:22
royagga, when do i press f8 then fix mbr00:22
Flanneljohnnny: Alright, and the output from the policy command/00:23
lstarnesro: in the recovery disk00:23
TrentHJohnnny, Because I need to setup a dialup connection on this PC. So I can play games.00:23
johnnny.. 1 sec00:23
j_nw1Flannel: humm.. dont remember.. any option like that.. will be careful on my next install.. (or reinstall) Thanks again.00:23
Baughnpatmanpato: Press alt-f100:23
yaggaro, when it starts up f8 is safe boot00:23
johnnnyTrentH: it's not a dialup00:23
patmanpatoBaughn: thanks00:23
Baughnpatmanpato: Or alt-f2 then alt-f1. Something like that.00:23
tycould i make xfce as slow as gnome and it still look the same00:23
meoblastuh oh00:23
cjaewalbert: shouldn't sudo ifup eth0 work00:23
meoblastUbuntu can't figure out how to use my CDRom drive00:23
TrentHjohnnny, why did someone say it was your dialup connection then?00:23
rocwillu, no i haven't but yagga says f8 then fix mbr hopefully that works00:23
meoblastwhat should i do00:23
meoblasti don't have a floppy drive00:23
holyguyveryagga there are not files on this drive at the moment that I need copies of & I do not have enough space elsewhere to do that.00:23
holyguyverBaughn, I do not have any windows machines.00:24
meoblasti think i need 8.1000:24
johnnnyoh, i should try pinging google.com00:24
tymeoblast: i have a floppy drive you could borrow00:24
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:24
yaggaro, that is "fixmbr"00:24
johnnnymy net, seems to work00:24
meoblastty: now i have to wait 3 hours to download 8.1000:24
Baughnholyguyver: Even after resetting those sectors, the filesystem will be damaged, and linux does not have any tools to fix ntfs.00:24
cjaewalbert: it says ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth000:24
tymeoblast, why?00:24
cyphaseWhat do people use for desktop widgets, if you use them at all? Screenlets, Google Gadgets, or something else?00:24
RocketLauncherCan someone tell me how to fix compiz from interfering with video playback (flickering, etc) without disabling compiz?00:24
royagga, gotycha when the system starts up before i get which system to chose form hit f800:25
=== Dark is now known as Dark_Fade
yaggaholyguyver: there are hdd 750gb or so for app $10000:25
tytry using xine instead of gstreamer. RocketLauncher00:25
holyguyverBaughn, as said earlier I do not exactly need the data on this drive, so if I reformat it to ext3 will all be fixed?00:25
meoblastty: aparently 8.10 doesnt have SATA cd rom drivers00:25
=== Dark_Fade is now known as DFade
gnubuntuRocketLauncher: i now this problem. only way is to use no Xv!00:25
BaughnRocketLauncher: Get an nvidia card00:25
patmanpatodont you hate when that happens... alt 1/2 => display the boot process... now the system boots up fine :P00:25
yaggaro, yep00:25
meoblastty: i mean 8.0400:25
holyguyveryagga I do not even have 5$00:25
RocketLauncherBaughn: OH YOU!00:25
tycompiz looks crisp on nvidia00:25
BaughnRocketLauncher: It requires DRI2, which isn'T out yet, or some hacks only the nvidia driver does00:25
tycould i make xfce as slow as gnome and it still look the same???????00:25
cjaewalbert: seems like it is just not getting ip addy brb00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dbg00:25
royagga, do i need to change it in the ios00:25
yaggaholyguyver: maybe the stimulus pakage will help00:26
BaughnRocketLauncher: Lacking either of those, you're out of luck.00:26
johnnnyFlannel: http://pastebin.ca/131748900:26
TrentHhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkAdmin I do not have those settings on my version?00:26
holyguyveryagga the stimulas package won't be coming in today :p00:26
lstarnesty: that's a very silly question.  If xfce were that slow and looked like gnome, then it wouldn't be xfce00:26
BaughnRocketLauncher: ..or you could not use compiz. It's just pointless eyecandy anyway.00:26
yaggaro, no when it starts to boot f800:26
cjaedo I have to remove a 56 k winsoft modem when installing ubuntu00:26
tythats all i needed00:26
tyi was just seeing what kind of trouble i could get in for asking silly questions00:27
cjaelspci is showing my ethernet card that is not working00:27
biouseris it possible that some of my video and audio might run better in xfce or is that just wishful thinking?00:27
johnnnyFlannel: the pastebin is : http://pastebin.ca/1317489   (if you missed the msg)00:27
FinlayIs there a good way to erase a read only .iso image from a usb key? neither rm  nore shred working on it, nor chmod chown.00:27
thedeadliestwhisI've got two hard drives but only one is detected. could someone help?00:27
Flanneljohnnny: What have you done to previously install vim?  You downloaded a deb from somewhere? or what?00:27
Baughnbiouser: Wishful thinking, but there /is/ a possibility that video works better without compiz.00:27
Baughn(Near certainty, in fact)00:28
royagga, will that add boot manager00:28
johnnnyFlannel: it came with the 8.04 server edition install .00:28
wideaFinlay: try with mc00:28
gnubuntuRocketLauncher: run gstreamer-properties and try change the video plugin to X window system (no Xv) that's work for me.00:28
CaverusHi, I'm in my Sound Preferences and I'm trying to get the test sound to play for any device, but they keep returning errors on playback. "Could not get/set settings from/on resource." or "Could not open audio device for playback." or the like. Any suggestions?00:28
johnnnyFlannel: i installed my machine 2 hours ago00:28
yaggaro, it will fix your mbr so windows will boot00:28
unopFinlay, what filesystem on the disk?00:28
royagga, when i hit f8 where do i go to fixmbr00:28
ortsvorsteher!sound | Caverus00:29
ubottuCaverus: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:29
RocketLauncherI dropped my slim jim :(00:29
Fracturedwash it off00:29
yaggaro, it will be obvious you will type fixmbr00:29
patmanpatois there a way to permanently avoid the boot-splash and show the bootup sequence ?00:29
royagga,  ok easy enough00:29
biouserBaughn remove compiz with apt?00:30
gnubuntujohnnny: last tip from me.just sudo apt-get autoremove vim-common than apt-get install vim00:30
Baughnbiouser: There's no need to remove it, just disable it.00:30
Flanneljohnnny: Oh.... interesting.  It did.  It seems that the vim on 8.04.2 is newer than the one in the repos.  Which is whats causing this problem.00:30
Baughnbiouser: ..though removing it will certainly work.00:30
Flanneljohnnny: If you've got the CD still enabled, you'll want to remove it (although that policy says you don't).  sudo apt-get remove vim vim-tiny && sudo apt-get install vim00:31
unoppatmanpato, remove the words, quiet and splash from the menu entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst00:31
holyguyverBaughn, As said I only intend on using it for three months & storing non-important data on it for that time, & then moving it off in April when I get a new harddrive, so I am looking for the things I can do to make it somewhat usable for that time being.00:31
biouserif ps ax |grep compiz returns nothing then I am not running compiz?00:31
Baughnholyguyver: Find a windows machine to run scandisk on00:32
johnnnyFlannel: i'll try that, but in a couple of minutes :)00:32
holyguyverBaughn, Alright, that will be my mother's windows vista which is a 15 miunte drive away00:32
patmanpatounop: thanks :)00:32
oskar-patmanpato:  remove it in the commented variants, as they are the drafts at next execution of update-grub00:33
holyguyverBaughn, I have not ran scandisk nor windows in 5 years. what do I do to activate scandisk, is it commandline?00:33
DVA5912Is their an apache development enviroment with php and mysql with it? Im just looking to build my site localy then publish. The site on my computer does need to be accessible through outside though...00:33
biouserwhat cruft can I remove to get the best chance of stable high-quality screencast recording?00:33
Baughnholyguyver: I have no idea. I haven't either.00:33
Baughnbiouser: Compiz would be a good start00:33
unop!lamp > DVA591200:34
holyguyverBaughn, as said, what if I wipe the drive, then do I have pureply gnu/linux salutions?00:34
ubottuDVA5912, please see my private message00:34
Baughnholyguyver: Sure, that would work00:34
DVA5912unop, is that a single package?00:34
holyguyverBaughn, alright, tell me what I need to do?00:34
Baughnholyguyver: Wipe the drive, and the bad blocks will get remapped (hopefully). Switch to a linux-native FS, and it'll be better able to handle further errors.00:34
unopDVA5912, read the message ... it has instructions00:34
patmanpatooskar-: you mean remove it from the uncommented plus remove it from the comments above it? so on an update-grub my settings wont be overwritten ?00:34
nwahsadudeIs there a way i can search for all other computers on the network?00:34
Baughnholyguyver: Eh. Copy off any data you want to keep, unmount the filesystem, then cat /dev/zero > <whatever device it's using> (as root).00:35
biousersudo aptitude remove compiz and compiz is no more?00:35
unopDVA5912, as for getting your site to be accessible from the outside .. it depends on the type of network connection, router, etc .. and that's somewhat beyond the scope of this channel00:35
holyguyverBaughn, will wiping the drive be as easy as simply going into gparted & reformatting?00:35
Baughnholyguyver: Then you use fdisk to create a partition, and mke3fs to make a filesystem on said partition.00:35
Baughnholyguyver: No. A "reformat", in linux, just means recreating the filesystem; it doesn't touch every sector.00:35
Baughnholyguyver: Though it'd probably /work/, there could be un-remappable bad sectors still on the drive and you wouldn't know until it's too late.00:36
Baughnholyguyver: So you need the cat /dev/zero > device-file line; that's the wipe.00:36
holyguyverBaughn, can you tell me this in pms so that I have it all down?00:36
MisterKMDid anyone think of what I can do with my webcam? And please, no !webcam.00:36
Baughnholyguyver: Eh, sure.00:37
alesanMisterKM, I put one on my windows and there is a software that is activation-enabled00:37
alesanso I record all the hot chicks that walk by00:37
RoyallHow do I stop my mic from gettng major feedback00:37
oskar-patmanpato:  look for the string "BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST". the file should be self-documenting. the part between "End Default Options" and "END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST" will be overwritten by update-grub each time00:37
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trixHi all,00:41
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trixI need some help, I have a virtualbox running on ubuntu 8.1000:42
trixand I have maya 2009 installed there00:42
pisecxI thought linux can kill any process..00:43
trixevery time I try to run Maya or install my license file, it crashes and gives me a guru meditation messeage00:44
luke_Izinucs, still here?00:44
gonewestcoastPisecx: sudo the kill 900:45
Izinucsluke_: still having issues?00:45
pisecxgonewestcoast: it was sudo00:45
luke_Izinucs,  yes sir, followed the instructions and got a black screen with writing then it froze00:45
pisecxgonewestcoast: it's very strange for me O_o00:45
gnubuntutrix: there is a linux version of maya why you dont install that version? much better than in vb00:45
pisecxgonewestcoast: I thought linux can kill anything00:45
Izinucsluke_: that was the first set of instructions or the second set that came in the link from ubottu?00:46
unoppisecx, that's a zombie process .. usually cannot be killed .. it's not taking up any resources - so you don't really have to worry about it00:47
* johnnny 's in VI heaven now :)00:47
_Vi_johnnny: its fixed?00:47
pisecxunop: ok, thanks. why did this happened?00:47
johnnny_Vi_: yup00:47
_Vi_johnnny: what did you do to fix it?00:47
johnnnyremoved my vim-tiny from the distribution CD installation.. and installed "vim" from the web repository.00:47
MisterKMalesan: I've put it in, ran EasyCam2 here in Linux. It installed something, but it didn't work. I've researched it and the commands that were used gave me the result thats in the pastebin.00:47
Huene`could someone please point me to the right place for learning how to diagnose sound problems? a working configuration would work just fine00:48
_Vi_johnnny: lol i told you that long ago, but you didnt want to :P00:48
redvamp128which one vim-nox or just plain vim?00:48
Dr_willisjohnnny,  i always install vim-full  :)00:48
_Vi_johnnny: anyways nice to see it works00:48
unoppisecx, the process that started this instance .. failed to wait for it to be 'reaped' .. read more about zombies here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process00:48
johnnny_Vi_: ya, but not the full one00:48
johnnny_Vi_: and ya.. you did, but apt-get fucked on me00:48
pisecxunop: thanks again00:48
unopjohnnny, no need for that language here00:48
_Vi_apt-get can do mean things at times00:48
johnnny_Vi_: didn't want to install it, because vim-tiny was conflicting with "vim" from the web-repo.00:49
johnnny_Vi_: and my vim-tiny was more Up to Date, than the web-repo.00:49
=== m1 is now known as alice22m
johnnny_Vi_, Flannel is the one that figured that part out00:49
patmanpatocommenting out the  "quiet" in menu.lst  and removing quiet in the commented section above, isnt removing the splash screen, hrmph, am i missing something?00:50
luke_Izinucs,  That was the one from ubottu, the last one that you said just says warning: overwriting possibility-customized configureation file00:50
johnnnystupid vim-tiny :P  (sorry) hehe00:50
Flannelpatmanpato: You only need to touch the stuff in the commented section, then save and do sudo update-grub00:50
unoppatmanpato, did you remove 'splash'?00:50
cjae_what is wake by pme00:50
FlynsarmyI've lost the default bluetooth icon in the upper panel. How do i get it back? I installed gnome-bluetooth and went apps - accessories -bluetooth file sharing but that's a diff icon and i can't figure out how to connect to bluetooth devices00:50
_Vi_johnnny: heh Flannel is good, theres no doubt there00:50
Izinucsluke_: are you relaying all this to your friend that's actually doing all the work? in a different location?00:51
luke_Izinucs,  he's sistting right next too me00:51
johnnnyyour all .. all good :)00:51
johnnnyxcept me00:51
Izinucsluke_: close enough :)00:51
Huene`ok well since no one is sure, would it be safe for me to uninstall Pulse, Alsa, OSS and anything else that I see as being sound related and install Alsa?00:51
redvamp128johnnny:  I didn't even think about vim-tiny  == thought because it was a server with no gui that vim-nox was the package you needed.00:51
johnnnyredvamp128: vim simply did it :)00:52
johnnnyshort a simple and seems light00:52
patmanpatounop: woops, didnt see the 'splash' , trying that now00:52
Izinucsluke_: you may be having this issue because you either have 1> a crt monitor that doesn't output esid info 2> a flatscreen hooked up with a vga connector instead of a dvi connector 3> something just couldn't be configured because of a lack of info00:52
_Vi_VI/M/Gvim is light, i donno bout simple, its very advanced johnnny00:53
Izinucsluke_: you might need to install the nvidia driver manually. hang on and I'll find the right one.00:53
luke_Izinucs,  it's a laptop, I think it's lcd00:53
johnnny_Vi_: i know i know :P00:53
Royall#ubuntu: How do I stop the feedback of my mic? I'm on a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop, my mic is built in to my monitor00:54
johnnnyand whats with vim-nox ?  (better syntax highlighting ?)00:54
Izinucsluke_: that would make sense.. they can be finicky sometimes.00:54
johnnnyredvamp128 seems to want to push it on me :P  should i install vim-nox instead of vim ?00:55
patmanpatounop: thanks for the help, works now :)00:55
rdw200169johnnny, you could take a shot at pida: pida.co.uk00:56
rdw200169johnnny, it's Vim + GUI, easier (some would say) than gvim00:56
johnnnyrdw200169: i'm not in X !! (console only)00:56
redvamp128johnnny:  I only suggested that earlier because you said it was a server install -- with command line only and vim didn't want to install - you said in the pastebin that it was missing dependencies-00:56
rdw200169johnnny, vim is, not pida00:56
Izinucsluke_: ok.. open a terminal (applications>accessories>terminal) and type ... sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 .. it may install a total of 3 packages .. watch .. if it only installs one let me know.00:56
johnnnyredvamp128: so now that "vim" works, should i still have a look at "vim-nox" ? :)00:57
Izinucsluke_: if it says that package isn't available let me know.00:57
redvamp128johnnny:  if vim is working now then leave it alone--00:58
johnnnyredvamp128: k :)00:58
ChaorainIs There a way to run "sudo compiz" at startup?00:58
luke_Izinucs, theres a bunch oof lines beginning with "failed to fetch"00:58
rdw200169Chaorain, you don't want to run it as root00:58
jscinozI'm running pulseaudio systemwide, but it still starts per user, how do i disable pulseaudio startup from each user's session?00:58
Izinucsluke_: ok.. does the laptop have an active internet connection?00:58
ChaorainI have to otherwise it wont run at all00:58
whompapotamusanyone in here familiar with bridging a connection from ubuntu to an xbox00:59
rdw200169Chaorain, then there's a big problem!00:59
luke_Izinucs, yes00:59
Chaorainany clue how to fix?00:59
rdw200169whompapotamus, you're just piggybacking internet from a linux computer, i.e. internet connection sharing, right?00:59
Izinucsluke_: ok .. just hit the up arrow in the terminal and that last command will appear again.. however before hitting enter change the 180 to a 17701:00
luke_Izinucs, same thing01:00
luke_Izinucs, if it helps any this computer is a year old01:00
Izinucsluke_: shouldn't make a difference.. which version of ubuntu did you install?01:01
jsfoxtonhi ppl01:01
DVA5912Ok so i have lamp installed now whats the best way to edit my website?01:01
luke_Izinucs, EEEbuntu01:01
luke_Izinucs, its a mod from 8.1001:01
Izinucsluke_: arg.. for the netbook?01:01
gordonjcpDVA5912: there's not really a "best" way to do it, what works for you?01:01
jsfoxtoni have installed wine and office but excel never runs....does anyone have any suggestions on how to get excel running?01:01
darkblue_BQ. After upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy, I had minor errors that are now resolved.. but when I restart, I am getting a "Recovery Menu" screen, hitting enter aloows boot normally. How do I get rd of this safety screen now and let it boot ??! this is a headless machine normally01:01
DVA5912gordonjcp: i just want to be able to upload or copy files to the /var/www directory01:02
eljacohi, I have a Dell PowerEdge 400SC server that I use as my desktop and am running ubuntu 8.10 on it. It was running fine and well until I just added some new RAM and a wireless card (used to be connected straight to router.) Now X freezes on me after a few seconds - I can't even log in to gnome01:02
ChaorainMy vista laptop can't read my samba shares any help?01:02
gordonjcpDVA5912: yup01:02
Izinucsluke_: can you get to System>Admin>Synaptic package manager?01:02
luke_Izinucs, yes thats what its for, he doesnt havea netbook but I do and  used that version and it gave me my internet drivers, so he used it too for the drivers since Ubuntu was too hard to get working drivers with01:02
gordonjcpDVA5912: cp thing /var/www01:02
DVA5912gordonjcp: i have to do that everytime i want to move files?01:02
gordonjcpDVA5912: you might want sudo cp thing /var/www if it's not owned by you (and it probably isn't)01:03
luke_Izinucs, hes in it01:03
gordonjcpDVA5912: there are lots of ways to do it01:03
meoblast001nvidia drivers broke my system01:03
meoblast001what do i do01:03
heatmzzri am trying to play a streaming mms file, totem opens and it shows streaming but i dont hear anything01:03
DVA5912gordonjcp: what would i need to install to got ftp01:03
Izinucsluke_: hit the search button and search for nvidia-glx01:03
gordonjcpDVA5912: don't use ftp01:03
=== jNoxx is now known as Steal`n`Kill
gordonjcpDVA5912: you should use sftp now01:04
redvamp128jsfoxton:  WineHQ - View Vendor <http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?bIsQueue=false&amp;bIsRejected=false&amp;sClass=vendor&amp;iId=5&amp;sAction=view&amp;sTitle=View+Vendor>01:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:04
gordonjcpDVA5912: or scp01:04
Dante123First dwl900ap is access point upstairs.  What do I config the second one to be?  Access Point Client, wireless bridge point to point, or wb point to multipoint?  I'm thinking Access Point Client....so internet from upstairs AP is shared with downstairs ones and any nintendos that hook up to i.  Look at http://i535.photobucket.com/albums/ee359/RacerWhy5/wifidiagram2.jpg01:04
mnguyenI'm currently using openbox as my WM. How do I get conky to autostart when I create a new session?01:04
BlackBatMani have two desktops connected through a router to a high-speed modem01:04
redvamp128jsfoxton:  that is a link to the wine database with helpful hints to get programs running under wine01:04
Huene`can I remove Alsa without removing things that are barely related (like gnome-panel) I do still want to have an OS during this attempt to reinstall sound01:04
luke_Izinucs, its showing nvidia-glx-9601:04
gordonjcpDVA5912: basically if anyone wants me to install an FTP server I immediately quote them £750 plus an additional £200 per month01:04
BlackBatMani want to transfer data from linux to my windows machine01:04
Izinucsluke_: that's it?01:04
ChaorainIs this the right place to ask about ubuntu samba?01:04
KujiUnHow do you add a wireless network?01:05
johnnnywhats a system usergroup ? ... no shell access simply ?01:05
BlackBatMani can just think about rdesktop but know nothing else to transfer data effectively01:05
gordonjcpDVA5912: this usually puts them off, which is of course the intended effect01:05
redvamp128jsfoxton:  you can also try asking in channel #winehq01:05
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: for copying files?01:05
luke_Izinucs, it shows a bunch of other stuff but none of it is nvidia01:05
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: you could use Samba on the linux machine01:05
BlackBatMangordonjcp transfer a file from linux to windows...yup01:05
newb101whats i program i can use to sync videos to an ipod video?01:06
Izinucsluke_: is this system using the regular ubuntu repo's or one that is designed only for the eeepc01:06
BlackBatMangordonjcp, i'll look that up, thanks01:06
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: just "a file" - only one - or many many files?01:06
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: if it's just one you could probably do something with scp01:06
BlackBatMangordonjcp either way01:06
luke_Izinucs, whats the repos01:06
gordonjcpwell, that would work for lots01:06
BlackBatMangordonjcp either way01:06
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: but Samba would actually let it show up as a windows share01:06
eljacoBlackBatMan: go to the folder you want to share and click on "Sharing options"01:06
gordonjcpwhich is probably what you want, eh01:06
ChaorainI just get an error when my Vista laptop tries to read my Ubuntu Samba shares but not my knoppix shares01:07
Izinucsluke_: that's what synaptic looks at for programs/drivers etc that are available for download.01:07
BlackBatManeljaco, you made it a bit complicated01:07
eljacoBlackBatMan: right-clicking on a folder is complicated?01:07
Izinucsluke_: in synaptic go to Settings>Repositories01:07
luke_Izinucs, it is the eeeubuntu that we installed if that answers it...01:08
KujiUnExcuse me, but how do you add a wireless network?01:08
BlackBatManlol :)01:08
luke_Izinucs, He says its showing 71,173, and 177 now01:08
Izinucsluke_: suddenly? or did he do something different?01:08
wolterhow do i install the python 2.6 in ubuntu intrepid? is there some repository i can add?01:08
eljacoKujiUn: do you have network-manager installed?01:08
FlynsarmyI think i've made a bluetooth connection with my phone. how do i transfer files to and from it?01:08
BlackBatMangordonjcp how does jamba basically work?01:09
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: in what sense?01:09
luke_Izinucs, he clicked the 96 aand then mark for installation and he tried to install and it said failed then showed the others01:09
BlackBatMangordonjcp made to simply transfer files?01:09
Izinucsluke_: nice.. have him install the 17701:09
balzacI have a custom version of Ubuntu with a kernel for my netbook. I want to add general Ubuntu Intrepid repositories without putting my special kernel at risk for being updated to the default kernel.01:09
balzacWhat should I add to my sources so I get all the apps but no new kernel updates?01:10
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: well lets you set up something that will appear as a share on your Windows network01:10
BlackBatManBlackBatMan, it looks difficult to even  install, i'm not a good computer guy01:10
luke_Izinucs, failed to fetch01:10
Izinucsluke_: after that's been done.. and it should also install nvidia-settings.. you'll need to log out, and reboot.. don't ctrl+alt+backspace01:10
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: <shrug>01:10
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BlackBatMangordonjcp mmmm01:10
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: I haven't used it for years, and I don't really know much about Windows01:10
KujiUneljaco: Is it already included in Ubuntu?01:10
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: I know there's loads of stuff about it in the ubuntu forums01:11
BlackBatMangordonjcp thank you gordon01:11
eljacoKujiUn: it should be - do you see two little computers on the panel? Or something resembling a network?01:11
Izinucsluke_: check Settings/repositories and see what's in there01:12
antivermeoblast001 repair xorg.conf at bootup (not 100% sure, i'm a noob, but it's what i would try first)01:12
eljacoKujiUn: better yet, go to System > Preferences > Network Configuration01:12
luke_Izinucs, turns out there was a problem with internet, 177 is downloading01:12
fiascoI have a fat32 external hard drive that I wan't to be to store 4GB+ files on. Do I have to convert the format. Will Ubuntu still be able to read and write to it if its NFTS?01:12
Izinucsluke_: you were making me wonder there for a while.01:12
fiascowan't => want01:12
eljacoKujiUn: should be pretty simple after that01:12
deanMy windows antivirus tries to scan my ubuntu partition and it goes into a loop trying to process the symlinks.01:13
deanShould I just disable checking the Linux partition?01:13
Izinucsfiasco: yes to the ntfs question.. but why not use ext301:13
balzacwhat intrepid repository should I add so I can get emacs without automatic kernel updates? I have an eee pc with a special kernel which is why I can't just use the regular repositories.01:13
KujiUneljaco: There wasn't an option for wireless.01:13
fiascoIzinucs: whats the advantage?01:13
Izinucsdean: yes.. configure so it doesn't touch the linux partition01:14
FlynsarmyWhats a GUI i can use for transferring files over bluetooth?01:14
balzacI want emacs, gimp, and all the regular apps, but no kernel updates. help meh.01:14
deanbalzac: use apt pinning01:14
fiascodean: no real need to scan a linux parition for viruses aye01:14
balzacdean, thanks01:14
balzacI'll look it up01:14
Izinucsfiasco: ext3 is native to ubuntu and can be read by windows with a 3rd party driver. it journaled like ntfs so it's much harder to loose info. also it's able to handle 4gig files easier.. I would question ntfs for that01:15
KujiUneljaco: This is what I have: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/360940/terminal_stuff.txt01:15
eljacoKujiUn: see if this helps: http://www.linux.com/feature/5694601:16
tank__i installe ubuntu on one of my hard drives (with vista on another), but not grub won't let me boot up vista. does anyone know how i can fix that?01:16
johnnnyLets say i want to create a user/usergroup that will be running a deamon. I'll probably also want a homedir for that user to contain the deamon application.  What type of user should i do ?01:16
fiascoIzinucs: so to use ext3 on windows, windows needs a 3rd party driver?, is this easy enough to do? Also, so you have a tut handy on converting hardisks from FAT32 to ex3?01:17
BlackBatMangordonjcp i installed samba with the Synaptic Package Manager01:17
fiascoext3 that is :)01:17
* fiasco googles01:17
BlackBatMangordonjcp what is the command to run it? do have any idea?01:17
johnnnyIs it a system user that I'd need ?01:17
deanfiasco: this is the driver: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd01:17
bobbob1016I'm running Mythbuntu 8.10, with an nVidia 8200 on the mobo and the proprietary drivers.  I'm getting a text login, and can't start the gui, /etc/init.d/gdm restart seems to work, says restarting ok, but nothing happens, any ideas?01:17
DasEifiasco: quite simple, google ext2tonfs01:17
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: check the forums, I haven't used it in a long long time and I've forgotten01:17
BlackBatMancommand to run samba anyone?01:17
fiascodean: thats01:17
deanfiasco: this one also works but it is not open source http://www.fs-driver.org/01:18
Izinucsfiasco: sudo apt-get install gparted .. do this in a terminal.. then look in System>Admin>Partition manager .. that will allow you to reformat it to ext301:18
=== bobby is now known as odium1
gordonjcpBlackBatMan: it's a server, it's not something you run like a program01:18
johnnnyBlackBatMan: /etc/init.d/samba start ?01:18
DasEifiasco: quite simple, google ext2tnfs, sry01:18
johnnnyBlackBatMan:  or /etc/init.d/smb start !?01:18
johnnnyBlackBatMan: your config files are probably in the /etc/samba/ folder.01:19
Izinucsluke_: update?01:19
fiascothanks alot guys. heaps of help you all are :)01:19
DasEijohnnny: samba start01:19
johnnnyoh, even simpler :P01:19
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johnnnyi dig to much sometimes01:19
eljacocan anyone help me figure out what is wrong with my X server? it starts up, but I can't use my mouse or keyboard01:19
DasEijohnnny: eerm, /etc/init.d/samba start01:19
BlackBatManjohnnny you want to work through this quickly and briefly?01:19
Izinucsluke_: did he put this on a standard laptop?01:19
johnnnyok ok01:19
deaneljaco: can you try upgrading01:20
BlackBatManjohnnny i don't know how to configure files01:20
johnnnyDasEi:  just staying which one :)01:20
fiascoIzinucs: does my harddisk ned to be clean? will I lose the data on it?01:20
eljacodean: upgrading to what? do you mean apt-get upgrade?01:20
deaneljaco: yes01:20
Gerinychdoes anyone use bitpim here?01:20
Izinucsfiasco: you will loose all all the data if you format it.01:20
johnnnyBlackBatMan: i have noooooooooo clue how to do the setup of the samba configuration files ;)01:20
jscinozI'm running pulseaudio systemwide, but it still starts per user, how do i disable pulseaudio startup from each user's session?01:20
BlackBatManjohnnny my issue is basically having to transfer a file from linux to a windows machine01:21
eljacodean: well, I just installed a new wireless card, so I don't have a connection01:21
johnnnyBlackBatMan: I SCP in the machine..01:21
BlackBatManjohnnny understood01:21
johnnnyBlackBatMan: i use WinSCP...01:21
eljacodean: it says there is nothing upgradable when I run apt-get upgrade01:21
johnnnyBlackBatMan: try downloading it on your winbox, and login to your server as you would via ssh.01:21
DasEijohnnny: it's /etc/samba/smb.conf, but tell if I disturb you, may also type !samba in the channel01:22
=== johnnny is now known as johnnnny
johnnnnyDasEi: it's for BlackBatMan :)01:22
deaneljaco: the keyboard and the mouse don't work or is it just the mouse01:23
DasEijohnnny: ah, alright, got it wrong then :)01:23
johnnnnyon my side, i think i'll do a system user :oS01:23
johnnnnybut i'm not sure if it's what i need.01:23
BlackBatManjohnnny basic steps ? ..... download/install into my windows machine?01:23
heatmzzranyone know what i have to get to play mms streams on my ubuntu01:23
eljacodean: both keyboard and mouse - but I can hit ctrl+alt+F1 and go to the terminal session01:23
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: very simple..get the Installer version :)01:23
ChaorainCan someone help my vista laptop see my Ubuntu samba shares?01:24
eljacodean: aside from switching sessions, I can't do anything else01:24
RoyallI'm on Linux Kernel 2.6.27-11-generic. My wireless card (built in to my Dell Inspiron laptop) is not being recognized. I've installed ndiswrapper.01:24
RoyallStill nothing.01:24
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: download this: http://winscp.net/download/winscp418setup.exe01:24
RoyallWhat should I do next after installing it?01:24
RoyallDoes it need a reboot?01:24
DasEiChaorain: samba up and running ? no firewalls blocking ?01:24
tank__i installed ubuntu on one of my hard drives (with vista on the other) and now i can't boot windows, does anyone know how to fix this?01:24
n8tuserRoyall -> is the ON/OFF switch into the ON position?01:24
eljacodean: in case it's related, I get a "User Switcher" error when I start X, although when I start normally (not in recovery mode) I can't even type anything in the login screen01:25
RoyallI'm going to assume that wasn't a joke, and say that the wireless card is turned on.01:25
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: thats the windows installer of WinSCP (a FTP, SFTP, SCP, .. client)01:25
jscinozI'm running pulseaudio systemwide, but it still starts per user, how do i disable pulseaudio startup from each user's session?01:25
ceil420anyone use SCIM and know how to stop it from 'exiting abnormally'? http://rafb.net/p/TMAIWP95.html01:25
deandean: it might be that gdm is started before HAL01:25
deansorry s/dean/eljaco/g01:26
johnnnnydean talking to himself again ?01:26
ChaorainDasEi, I can't tell if Samba is running but my firewall is disabled01:26
heatmzzranyone know what i have to get to play mms streams on my ubuntu????01:26
eljacodean: haha - ok, is there a way I can check that?01:26
KujiUnI got this, but I can't seem to get my wireless network: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/360940/terminal_stuff.txt01:26
deaneljaco: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove && sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults 99 0101:26
ChaorainDasEi, Vista sees ubuntu but can't read any folders01:26
n8tuserRoyall -> what does sudo ndiswrapper -l     shows?01:26
DasEiChaorain:sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart   or look with htop01:26
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johnnnnyBlackBatMan: how's that going ? :)01:26
Royallls: cannot access /etc/ndiswrapper: No such file or directory01:27
deaneljaco: well you could restart gdm through ssh01:27
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: or you could try to get your Samba service to work :P01:27
n8tuser!who | Royall01:27
ubottuRoyall: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:27
DasEiChaorain:configured /etc/samba/smb.conf ?01:27
BlackBatManjohnnny download process through rdesktop01:27
Royalln8tuser: 'ls: cannot access /etc/ndiswrapper: No such file or directory'01:27
deaneljaco: by doing /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:27
ChaorainDasEi, htop not installed. Let me check smb.conf01:27
deaneljaco: i think it needs sudo01:27
eljacodean: i did that, but i still can't type anything or move the mouse01:27
n8tuserRoyall -> look for your ndiswrapper,01:28
BlackBatManjohnnny i have two interfaces, which do you recommend for my task?01:28
eljacodean: the cursor is blinking though, so I assume it's not frozen01:28
Royalln8tuser: where would I look for it and how would I know if I've found it01:28
deaneljaco: is it a USB or ps2 mouse and what kind of mouse is it01:28
BlackBatManjohnnny i see mmmmm, norton commander interface and explorer-like interface01:28
eljacodean:both are USB01:28
deaneljaco: this bug might be related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/27434001:28
heatmzzranyone know what i have to get to play mms streams on my ubuntu????01:29
n8tuser!wireless | Royall  i'll direct your here to read up first...01:29
ubottuRoyall  i'll direct your here to read up first...: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:29
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: Norton one.01:29
n2diygnome-panel is using 5001:29
BlackBatManjohnnny ok, driving on01:29
BlackBatManjohnnny launch?01:29
johnnnnywhy not :)01:29
johnnnnythat'll open you a little window..01:30
BlackBatManjohnnny ok buddy, have some stuff in here01:30
ChaorainDasEi, what does security need to be set to? and DNS proxy?01:30
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: create a "NEW" connection01:30
kerloWhy would a network interface that shows up in ifconfig -a not show up in Network Tools?01:30
kerlomeoblast: ello.01:30
meoblastDolphin-Emu is reporting "Error loading DLL Plugins/libPlugin_VideoOGL.so: Plugins/libPlugin_VideoOGL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" what should i install to get those libraries01:30
DasEiChaorain:set security to user and use (or create one) an existing user of your ubu-machine to access share01:31
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: let me know if you manage to go threw the process of createing a new connection, saving it, and connecting to your linux machine.01:31
meoblasti don't know what package contains the01:31
n8tuserkerlo -> trust the command line results01:31
BlackBatManjohnnnny i have no "NEW" option01:31
kerlon8tuser: trusting the command line won't help if I want to use Network Tools to configure stuff.01:31
DasEiChaorain:name resolve order = hosts wins bcast01:31
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: you don't have a "New" button on the top right ?01:32
BlackBatManjohnnnny i don't know how to fill this up either01:32
n2diygnome-panel is using 50% of my memory, when I kill it it, it respawns, what is the parent process?01:32
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: Do you have a user account on your linux box ?01:32
sudobashhey with avant windows manager doing the OSX dock it shows like a list of blank boxes01:32
n8tuserkerlo -> if you learned the command line to configure such, it would greatly help01:32
BlackBatMani have my own and probably two more user accounts01:32
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: do you know the IP of that box ?01:32
sudobashright over the trash icon01:32
kerloThat's probably true.01:33
BlackBatManjohnnnny no01:33
harleycan someone help me01:33
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: uh01:33
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: is this on your home network ?01:33
sychoSO I just instaled 8.10 x64 and after enabling the ATI drivers my xorg went screwy. I am now prompted to login by terminal and when I try to run 'startx' I get the error "no screens found". I've tried replacing xorg.conf and trying to fix it but neither has not helped. I've also ran all updates using "apt-get upgrade". I've also tried using "X -configure" but also exits with an error. Any ideas on how to fix this or at least "remove" t01:33
harleyI accidently right clicked one of my icons and clicked "remove from panel"01:33
harleyhow do I bring it back?01:33
Dr_willisright click on the panel.. add applets to panel01:33
kerloI'll see what happens when I set the ssid and encryption type and key and ifup it.01:33
fwaokdaI can't get ubuntu to notice my wireless card can someone try and help me? I have a RTL8187SE wireless card in my msi wind u100-420.01:33
BlackBatManjohnnnny these two computers are connected to the same router01:34
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: can you type "ifconfig" on a shell on your linux and find your IP ?01:34
jribsycho: how did you install the ati drivers?01:34
IndyGunFreak!realtek | fwaokda01:34
ubottufwaokda: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b01:34
n8tusersycho -> umm try the livecd and copy the xorg.conf that works from the livecd ?01:34
sychojrib: When I first entered gnome ubuntu said they where available to download and enable, the little hardware icon in the top right corner.01:35
n8tuser!wireless | fwaokda   start reading this please and then once you read we can discuss ..01:35
ubottufwaokda   start reading this please and then once you read we can discuss ..: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:35
harleyDr_willis: It's not in the list. It was Emesene (instant messenger) that docks in the tray, but now when it docks I can't see it01:35
fwaokdaIndyGunFreak, seems thats for the b and not SE :(01:35
Dr_willisharley,  could be the program itself runs and adds an icon to the systray01:35
IndyGunFreakfwaokda: then you're probably gonna have to use the powers of google, i've not heard of SE01:35
luke_Isn't there a more user friendly Linux distro then Ubuntu?01:35
luke_One with a lot less terminal use, downloads, etc?01:35
Dr_willisharley,  check the program settings perhaps. Ive never used that one.01:35
IndyGunFreakluke_: lmao.. how could that be possible?01:35
lifenovaluke_: matter of opinion...01:36
luke_How couldn't it? :p01:36
_Vi_not possible01:36
kerloluke_: I believe Ubuntu is generally considered the most user-friendly.01:36
n8tuserluke_ -> what is your purpose?01:36
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: still following ?01:36
harleyDr_willis: it's something to do with removing it from panel, because now it isn't showing when it should01:36
IndyGunFreakluke_: what are you having a problem with, ubuntu is by far the most newb friendly distro01:36
BlackBatManjohnnnny .... i'll show you the ouput in a sec01:36
luke_Well like with Ubuntu I had trroble getting wireless drivers01:36
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: i'm sure you can find the IP in there yourself !:)01:36
BlackBatManjohnnnny i see no ip01:36
IndyGunFreakluke_: you'll have that problem w/ any distro.. did you get it workin01:36
luke_So I used EEEbuntu, which I had for my netbook01:36
n8tuserluke_ -> just my preference.. suse01:36
johnnnnyUse a USB key instead ? Lol01:36
luke_But thats made for netbooks, so I might have problems with that01:37
Jack_Sparrow!eee > luke_01:37
ubottuluke_, please see my private message01:37
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: use a USB key instead maybe ?01:37
IndyGunFreakluke_: you've still not stated your problem, did you nnot get yuour wireless working w/ normal ubuntu?01:37
fwaokdan8tuser: unless im missing something you sent me a pretty general link with alot of information on the wireless in ubuntu. Do I really need to read all of that for you to be able to help me?01:37
DasEiChaorain:  can also look at http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/01:37
luke_Thanks Jack, I got it on my netbook01:37
Dr_willisluke_,  i had some issues ith using eeebuntu on a normal desktop machine.. but the thing did install a normal  Kernel also. Youmay want to boot it with that. via editing the menu.lst01:37
IndyGunFreakluke_: i have a normal ubuntu running on my eee, no problem at all.01:37
n2diygnome-panel is using 50% of my memory, when I kill it it, it respawns, what is the parent process, or how do I ID it?01:37
BlackBatManjohnnnny yup i got it01:37
Jack_Sparrowluke_ Are you running eee-ubuntu or regular ubuntu..01:37
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: show me your output in a pastebin,  and i'll see.. but maybe you have no network connection working on your machine ?01:37
luke_I couldn't get the wireless drivers01:37
harleyDr_willis: I just checked program options, nothing in there01:38
n8tuserfwaokda -> its a start for you, get the gist out from it, so you get an idea how to troubleshoot it yourself if we were not here01:38
sychojrib: Any ideas?01:38
IndyGunFreakluke_: well if the eee is working out of the box, then you have the AR242x, right?01:38
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: so you got the IP ?01:38
DasEin2diy: try top or htop to see what does this01:38
BlackBatManjohnnnny i have it but i don't know if it's safe to send it to you01:38
luke_Weell I just instaled EEEbuntu on my desktop and it apparently doesnt have the drivers for my internet like it did on my netbook and my friends laptop01:38
johnnnnyi don't want it01:38
BlackBatManjohnnnny ok01:38
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: DOn't send it, i want you to know it! :)01:38
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: and now in windows... In WinSCP, in the Host name: you type your IP01:39
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: Username: and Password: i think you know what those are too!01:39
IndyGunFreakluke_: what exactly are you trying to get working, your eee, or are you trying to get a normal ubuntu install on your eee, or did you put ubuntu eee on a non-eee pc?01:39
n2diyDasEi: I am running top, but I haven't tried killing it with top, let me try that.01:39
luke_Third one.  I got the first one working.01:39
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: and than, you can <Save> or  simply <Login> and try !:)01:39
johnnnnythan = then01:39
IndyGunFreakluke_: ok.... so you put ubuntu eee, on a non-ee PC.. just want to make sure i followl.01:40
luke_IndyGunFreak, right, hoping it would have the proper wireless drivers like it did for my friends non eee laptop01:40
IndyGunFreakluke_: ok, did it?01:40
luke_IndyGunFreak, nope01:40
MisterKMHey all, can someone PM me to help me with a webcam?01:40
IndyGunFreakluke_: well whats your wireless device you can't get working01:41
BlackBatManjohnnnny Error "Network error: Connection refused01:41
IndyGunFreak!webcam | MisterKM01:41
ubottuMisterKM: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:41
MisterKMI've already done that Indy.01:41
BlackBatManjohnnnny "OK" "Reconnect" "Help"01:41
BlackBatManjohnnnn windows firewall?01:41
luke_IndyGunFreak,  wmp54gs01:41
IndyGunFreakluke_: that tells me nothing.. what chipset was it.01:41
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: probably not windows firewall01:41
luke_IndyGunFreak, chipset?01:42
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: did you open OpenSSH ?01:42
IndyGunFreakMisterKM: wel, then you'er probably screwed...lol, webcam support isn't very good in Linux01:42
IndyGunFreakluke_: atheros, intel, broadcom, realtek?01:42
BlackBatManjohnnnny i have here "file protocol /???01:42
harleydoes anybody here use an instant messenger client?01:42
BlackBatManjohnnnny and allow scp fallback01:42
Nikyoyep Pidgin01:42
IndyGunFreakharley: for IRC?01:42
harleywell the problem is01:42
DasEi harley: pidgin, yes01:42
harleymine isn't showing in tray anymore01:42
harleyhow do I bring it back?01:43
IndyGunFreakharley: i use a messenger client, but definitely not for IRC.01:43
lifenovaharley: yep, pidgin01:43
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: i usually don't touch anything...01:43
DasEi harley: pidgin, yes01:43
BlackBatManjohnnnny mmhmm ok01:43
lifenovaharley: like a launcher?01:43
IndyGunFreakharley: you probably accidentally deleted notification area on your panel.. add it back.01:43
DasEi harley: which one do you use ?01:43
MisterKMIndy, I tried some info on the help site, its not coming up as the detected information, what came up is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109177/01:43
harleynot a launcher01:43
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: 1 sec01:43
harleyIndyGunFreak: how do I bring it back?01:43
redvamp128harley:  try adding back the notification area to your panels01:43
luke_IndyGunFreak, linksys01:43
harleyI need the notification icon, not launcher01:43
IndyGunFreakharley: right click your panel, add to panel, add notification area01:43
lifenovaharley: Right click the pannel, press add, and scroll to notification area01:43
IndyGunFreakluke_: if yuou won't answer a question, i'm not gonna try to help you.01:44
luke_IndyGunFreak, I thought I just did01:44
IndyGunFreakluke_: was linksys in that lis t i gave you?01:44
harleythank you Indy and lifenova.01:44
IndyGunFreakthats a device manufacturer, i asked you for the chipset.01:44
harleyand redvamp01:44
=== nutella is now known as adac
luke_IndyGunFreak, I had to pull it out of my case.  I dont know, dont have the list anymore01:44
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: if you type (in linux) :  ps -A | grep sshd           do you get anything listed ?01:44
IndyGunFreakluke_:  are you on it right now?01:44
harleyDasEi: I'm using Emesene01:44
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: and, can you technically remote access your linux box ? (Did you install the OpenSSH server)?01:45
luke_IndyGunFreak,  let me put it back in and run lspci01:45
DasEi harley: .. and got your answer as I read01:45
KujiUnIs there a way to export Wubi stuff into a brand new Ubuntu?01:45
BlackBatManjohnnnny no output for ps -A | grep sshd01:45
luke_IndyGunFreak, would it be broadcom?01:45
ChaorainDasEi, I went through the site tutorial but how do I start samba?01:45
BlackBatManjohnnnny if i knew i would have known01:46
johnnnnyGuys, how do you get a a ssh server going on a machine that doesn't have it installed (it seems)01:46
BlackBatMan... the openssh01:46
IndyGunFreakluke_: it could be, but broadcom could be your regular ethernet port to... does the broadcom say its a wireless device?01:46
DasEiChaorain:  /etc/init.d/samba/(re-)start01:46
johnnnnyhope someone answers :P01:46
luke_IndyGunFreak, wireless lan controller01:46
IndyGunFreakluke_: then thats it.. ..01:46
BlackBatManjohnnnny ok, thnks for trying01:46
IndyGunFreak!broadcom | luke_01:47
ubottuluke_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:47
johnnnnyprobably something like: apt-get install openSSH       but...01:47
IndyGunFreakluke_: and to my knowledge, i don't think broadcom works out fo the box w/ any distro, could be wrong though01:47
BlackBatManjohnnnny i'll try sypnatic manager01:47
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: once you get that sshd thing installed.... you'll be able to remote-access your linux box with a windows client like Putty01:47
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:48
DasEiIndyGunFreak: xp not, too01:48
IndyGunFreakDasEi: is that right?.. thats surprising01:48
ChaorainDasEi, I did sudo /etc/init.d/samba start but vista can't read. restarting vista.01:48
s1ma0hi all01:48
BlackBatManjohnnnny i have a couple of similar results.... I have a 320 gig hard drive, should i just install all of it?01:49
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: ya, the synaptic manager should help you01:49
BlackBatManjohnnnny ok01:49
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: not necessarely..01:49
DasEiChaorain:  you made the share browseable, you chowned a dir to the samba user (that exists on the ubu-pc) ?01:49
SirFunkhi... is there a way in APT to protect certain packages (aka. make sure they get pulled from a speciffic repo and not overwritten by anything else)?01:49
BlackBatManjohnnnny i don't know which one to install01:49
johnnnnyyou just want the SSH Deamon basically..  (BUT WAIT)01:49
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: somebody that knows needs to tell you which one exactly :)01:50
johnnnnypatience :P01:50
hec_hello, can someone help me to activate my atheros wlan card in a acer laptop aspire 3680?01:50
johnnnnyit might be all of what you found, but i can't tell01:50
luke_IndyGunFreak, I think i  have the driver, move to flash drive and put it on Ubuntu?01:50
ChaorainI own the directory and I made me a samba user01:50
jtajiBlackBatMan: openssh-server01:50
johnnnnythanks :)01:51
IndyGunFreakluke_: i honestly don't mess w/ broadcom much, i've been fortunate and have always had atheros, which i've always gotten to work w/ little fuss01:51
DasEiChaorain: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:51
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: u got that!? :)01:51
luke_IndyGunFreak, but is that what you'd reccommend I'd do?01:51
s1ma0who can i install playonlinux ?01:51
BlackBatManjtaji johnnnny ok thanks01:51
DasEiChaorain: pastebinit /etc/samba/smb.conf01:51
IndyGunFreakluke_: i'd recommend youf ollow the instructions in that link i gave you...01:51
BlackBatManjohnnnny yup01:51
DasEiChaorain: url from last cmd?01:51
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: get this Windows Tool too!!: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html01:51
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: PuTTY01:52
ChaorainDasEi, http://pastebin.com/f351b8cef01:52
johnnnnydoesn't look safe of a site, but it's official !:)01:52
BlackBatManit crashed01:52
BlackBatMan i need to kill a process i think01:52
lyricnzHi Ubuntu people!01:52
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: synaptic ?01:52
cjae_for anyone having troubles with realtek ethernet cards and dual boot sernarios http://reynantem.blogspot.com/2008/12/ubuntu-810-ethernet-problem-solved.html01:52
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: let it run...01:53
* lyricnz is loooong time redhat user, installing his first ubuntu server (in a VM, for an appliance application). 01:53
DVA5912I have php and apache installed but im not about to run php files. What command can i use to make php part of the apache config01:53
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: don't kill if it's still workng :)01:53
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: it might be fetching stuff from the web..01:53
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org01:53
lyricnzDoes anyone have a pre-made kick start file, for a minimal install - or do I have to install ubuntu first, then run the kickstart generator tool?01:53
balzacHello again01:53
Dr_willislyricnz,  check out the ubuntu 'JEOS' edition - for a minimal ubuntu setup01:54
meoblastwhat program can i use to monitor  my CPU temperature?01:54
con-manhow do I select a different audio device01:54
con-manI did it on the sound menu01:54
lyricnzDr_willis: thanks  (googles)01:54
con-mannothing change01:54
con-mando I need to stop and start a service?01:54
n8tuserlyricnz -> if am not mistaken something akin to kickstart is debian-installer or d-i  for short01:54
balzacI'm trying to get emacs through aptitude, but I have this ubuntu-derivative for netbooks01:54
Dr_willislyricnz,  its like some ultraminimal ubuntu for 'appliances' and stuff if i recall01:54
BlackBatManjohnnnny i just checked openssh-server, but it seems to be doing something01:55
Dr_willisbalzac,  eeebuntu here lets me install everything i can on a normal ubuntu install.01:55
LEX_WELLI cannot compile c programs01:55
FlanneljeOS is designed for virtualization, not netbooks.01:55
balzacDr_willis: is it intrepid?01:55
BlackBatManmust be dependicy hell01:55
* lyricnz is building a linux-based VM to act as a testing-slave for large-scale automated testing.01:55
DasEiChaorain:you havent set up a share01:55
LEX_WELLcan anybody help me01:55
lyricnzI've been using fedora/redhat forever, but it's minimal install....aint01:55
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: it should tell you what the dependencies are, I think.01:55
Royalln8tuser: I installed the correct driver onto ndiswrapper01:55
BlackBatMani'm locked01:55
RoyallBut there's still no connection01:56
Dr_willisLEX_WELL,  FAQ - :) install build-essential package. for the C compiler stuff01:56
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: great :(01:56
lyricnzI looked at centos/rhel, but ubuntu might be a nice change ;)01:56
BlackBatMani'll try the terminal01:56
n8tuserRoyall -> are you sure you have ndiswrapper installed?  try  ndiswrapper -l01:56
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: hummm... right :)01:56
Chaorain2DasEi, if you said anything I missed it. IRC hung01:56
pyro2927can can I open a split archive? I'm trying to open a set of .rar, .00, .01...... and so on with archive manager but it doesnt work01:56
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: your good for that .. ? :)01:56
Royalln8tuser: I tried it, it showed my driver name thing... 'bcmwl6 : driver installeddevice (14E4:4315) present (alternate driver: wl)'01:56
BlackBatManjohnnnny i see progress01:57
BlackBatManjohnnnny done01:57
n8tuserRoyall -> can you post the results of  ifconfig ;  iwconfig;  route -n;  cat /etc/resolv.conf  and cat /etc/network/interfaces01:57
Dr_willispyro2927,  i just 'unrar e whatever.r00.rar  or whatever the first one is01:57
DasEiChaorain2:you havent set up a share nor made your home-directories readable01:57
DVA5912I have php and apache installed but im not about to run php files. What command can i use to make php part of the apache config01:57
Royalln8tuser: I'm using Wicd to configure the network. I have ndiswrapper selected as the driver there01:57
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: great :)01:57
BlackBatMana;slkjfa;df :)01:57
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: did you get Putty too ?01:57
johnnnny(for windows)01:57
Chaorain2dasEi, oops um. How do?01:58
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: or just try WinSCP again :)01:58
DasEiChaorain2:you want a specific share dir or browse the home folders ?01:58
pyro2927Dr_ willis, apparently i didnt have the unrar package installed. ha01:58
lyricnzDr_willis: joes is actually built into the standard server install now (press F4 at first screen, and select install a minimal virtual machine)01:58
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: i should actually ask you to do : ps -A | grep sshd        before, to not waste time.01:58
con-manhow do I select a different audio device01:59
con-manI did it on the sound menu01:59
con-mannothing change01:59
con-mando I need to stop and start a service?01:59
FloodBot2con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
LEX_WELLDr_willis : thanks!01:59
Chaorain2DasEi /var/lib/mythtv and /home/dan01:59
aronhi,who can tell me  where is the default background pictures of KDE4 in my computer01:59
BlackBatManjohnnnny yes ouput01:59
BlackBatManjohnnnny private key file ?01:59
johnnnnyaccept it02:00
johnnnnyor generate it02:00
BlackBatManjohnnnny no, it's a prompt or input from WinScP02:00
luke_IndyGunFreak, I transferred this file the guyy has for the driver to my computer, he says to open these 2 files which are .sh or enter the text into terminal, shouldn't it pull up as terminal insteaad of a text file then?02:00
johnnnnyBlackBatMan:  whatever it suggests! :)02:00
DVA5912I have php and apache installed but im not about to run php files. What command can i use to make php part of the apache config. Like a mod probe or something modprobe-php5 i dont know the exact code02:00
BlackBatManjohnnnny ok02:00
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: you need to accept/create that key :)02:00
Dr_willisluke_,  open a terminal first.. then run the commands..02:00
cj_szehello to all02:00
goodmamievolution will not start. i did apt-get remove --purge, reinstalled it, and removed the .evolution directory, but no luck02:01
BlackBatManjohnnnny cool02:01
=== cpierce_ is now known as cpierce
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: got in, right ? :)02:01
con-mananyone know how to change an audio device?02:01
BlackBatManok , now let me think what i need to do know02:01
BlackBatManjohnnnny ok thanks02:01
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: but wait.. :)02:01
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: Try Putty!!!   it'll give you Shell access :)02:01
goodmamii get a camel_exception_get_id.... something about a null parameter, then a segfault02:01
bliZZardzhow do i disable sendmail during startup/boot?02:02
jesseanyone know what a good c++ compiler is for ubuntu 64?02:02
luke_Dr_willis, it then says to move a folder into a folder under etc, but when I try it says I dont have permission02:02
bliZZardz(am using Hardy)02:02
pyro2927is there a way to hotkey terminal.  similar to Windows + R on windows?02:02
luke_Izinucs, you around?02:02
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: like that you can do everything from your windows machine :)02:02
rww!info g++ | jesse02:03
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.74ubuntu2)): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB02:03
con-man!audio device02:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audio device02:03
con-mananyone know how to change an audio device?02:03
BlackBatManjohnnnny ok :)02:03
johnnnnyLet me know if you get in too :D02:03
unop!boot > bliZZardz02:03
ubottubliZZardz, please see my private message02:03
goodmamiis there a problem with evolution and 64-bit ubuntu?02:04
johnnnnyQuestion: if i want to create a user to run a deamon service. Is a "system" user what i'm looking for ?02:04
con-manwasted my money on a usb headset that wont work02:04
therethinkergoodmami: how so?02:04
johnnnnyewww, music threw usb ? :P02:04
goodmamitherethinker, i'm getting a segfault when i try and start it02:04
DVA5912I have installed everything for the php to work with apache but nothing. ive even restarted apache. i think their is a command to make apache see it. like a mod type thing. anyone know what it is?02:05
therethinkergoodmami: works for me...02:05
BlackBatManjohnnnny see, i need windows to put music/video into my palm pda02:05
goodmamii've purged and installed it several times02:05
thomcI decided to grow a partition using gparted. It appears to have done it successfully, and all the data looks to be still there - I'm not likely to run into any further problems am I?02:05
johnnnnytherethinker, no doughts :)02:05
bliZZardzunop: ok.will look at it02:05
BlackBatManjohnnnny so i can download music from linux and transfer the file and sync into my pda02:05
goodmamitherethinker, you're using 64bit?02:05
Rencxhow i can install duble screen?02:05
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:05
con-manI just want to change audio devices02:05
therethinkergoodmami: yes02:05
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: understandable02:05
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: so, is there a particular problem your faced with at this point with winSCP ?02:06
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: just wondering on the sense of the phrase :)02:06
BlackBatManjohnnnny, nope02:06
therethinkerI'm having a bit of trouble with my audio. Its stuck in a sub-second loop. Is there some way I can fix it wo/ rebooting? I tried stopping alsa-utils, and that stopped the noise, but it comes back when I restart the service02:06
xjkxi'm using squid in my house to offer connection to my father and he can't run https:// using my proxy, whats wrong ? i can run https if i configure the browser of the server with the proxy, but not there02:06
goodmamitherethinker, well that's kinda reassuring. any ideas of things i could try to fix it?02:06
con-mananyone know how to change an audio device?02:06
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: k :)02:06
therethinkergoodmami: Sorry, no clue. :(02:06
Rencxhow i can install duble screen?02:06
goodmamitherethinker, ok, well thanks anyway :)02:07
* johnnnny is loosing a HD :(02:07
unop!twinview > Rencx02:07
linuxman410anyone know how to set up remote desktop viewer for 2 ubuntu machines02:07
ubottuRencx, please see my private message02:07
Chaorain2DasEi, Hello?02:07
con-man1338 users and no one knows how to change an audio device02:07
bliZZardzwhat is a double screen??02:08
balzacsomebody help me with my repositories02:08
therethinkerubottu: twinview > linuxman41002:08
bliZZardz!twinview ? bliZZardz02:08
ubottulinuxman410, please see my private message02:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:08
bliZZardz!twinview > bliZZardz02:08
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings02:08
con-manI got a USB  headset, I want to switch to that for a bit02:08
balzacI need to be able to add emacs to my  intrepid-based netbook distro02:08
jesseokay, I have g++ already installed...hm...now how do I run it?02:09
aronhi,who can tell me  where is the default background pictures of KDE4 in my computer,and sorryI just left for a while and ..02:09
balzacfor some reason, emacs isn't available through aptitude with "easy peasy"02:09
balzacI can't get gimp either.02:09
Omikane_How do I browse files on another computer via bluetooth?02:09
fwaokdaI installed this " linux-rtl8187se-modules-1023@ " but I don't know how to uninstall it? :(02:10
johnnnnyBlackBatMan: so, your all set to go ? :)02:10
DasEiChaorain2:sry, had to fetch sth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/109206  gives you a example section, add sth suitable for you at the end of smb.conf02:10
RencxHow can i fix sound in java programs?02:10
JoesephHas anyone here forwarded a computers internet through his or her ubuntu machine with Firestarter?   I'm having a bit of trouble connecting.02:10
Chaorain2DasEi, ok so that should be everything there?02:11
FlareDS!anyone | Joeseph02:12
ubottuJoeseph: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:12
gerber, when i open is not high lite it ?02:12
gerberhelp with remote viewer02:12
DasEiChaorain2:you want two of that sections, as you told above, and then also chown the dirs to the samba users, or better chmod them to be read/writeable as you want02:12
gerber, when i open is not high lite it ?02:12
Royalln8tuser: I think I've got it, thanks02:12
Omikane_So I just built another Ubuntu box... Any ideas on what I should do with it?02:13
n8tuserRoyall okay cool02:13
faileasOmikane_: try to take over the world? ;p02:13
faileasOmikane_: i use mine as a file/irc server02:13
JoesephI cannot connect to the internet or my local network with a mandriva machine thourgh my ubuntu machine with an ethernet cord through firestarter by wireless.....02:13
faileasi mean my spare box02:13
RencxHow can i fix sound in java programs? My sound in java dont work...02:14
gerberhelp with remote viewer02:14
gerberhelp with remote viewer02:14
gerber, when i open is not high lite it ?02:14
joljamI tried editing my xorg.conf so as to correct the problem of ubuntu freezing while viewing youtube02:14
tsmithhi, i've got a weird problem. i have an envy24 based sound card, and when i set the master clock in envy24ctl to "spdif in", the spdif input sounds fine, but sound played from my computer is slowed down. the pitch change is about a half step. can someone help me out here?02:15
bliZZardzi did _something_ last week to get my sounds working on Hardy(64 bit) and hve started getting a screeching sound since then. it is like some noise.02:15
Chaorain2DasEi, so who do I chmod/chown them to? the user "nobody"?02:15
gerberhelp with remote viewer02:15
kerlogerber: ello.02:16
joljam I tried editing my xorg.conf so as to correct the problem of ubuntu freezing while viewing youtube...but then my ubuntu gui / gnome was starting up... so ultimately I had to go to the root server and restore the old xorg.conf with dpkg... was there any alternative to this02:16
kerloI can tell you need help with remote viewer, but I can't understand what you're trying to say the problem is.02:16
L7kestou a pouco tempo usando linux02:16
L7kso 3 dias02:16
FloodBot2L7k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
L7kalguem pode me dar uma mãozinha com o squid02:17
rww!br | L7k02:17
ubottuL7k: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:17
joljamcan  anyone help me please02:17
DasEiChaorain2:you can try : sudo chmod 0700 /dir/whatever ,also see man chmod02:17
Cpudan80isnt that greek?02:17
gerberhi, my remote desktop , when i put the ip address in not doing any thing02:17
Cpudan80!gr | L7k02:17
ubottuL7k: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes02:17
rwwCpudan80: no02:17
joljamI tried editing my xorg.conf so as to correct the problem of ubuntu freezing while viewing youtube...but then my ubuntu gui / gnome was starting up... so ultimately I had to go to the root server and restore the old xorg.conf with dpkg... was there any alternative to this02:18
DasEijoljam: with your dog ?02:18
gerberlooks like is off02:18
santi27Holoa como les va?02:18
santi27tengo una duda02:19
joljamDasEI can u help me with it plz02:19
kerlo"Alguem pode me dar" closely resembles Spanish. I imagine it's Portuguese or something similar.02:19
DasEijoljam: ubottu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:19
RencxHow can i fix sound in java programs? My sound in java dont work...02:19
Chaorain2DasEi, I can't access my dir after sudo chmod 0700 /dir/whatever02:19
F4RR3Lhello all02:20
sylvia_fuenteshey guys I put 8.10 live on my usb via unetbootin and I have a 8GB usb drive but it took up almost the entire drive when the file is only 700mb so is there a program that I can use to repartition the usb drive so I can put other stuff on there?02:22
AlgorithmicContrCan anyone tell me why OO has been eating up 900 MiB of virtual memory when I only have one document open with just one page of nothing but text? I'm running 8.10 and OpenOffice.org 3.0.1 Build 937602:22
bliZZardzi have removed sendmail-but it still shows up during boot and hogs time.02:22
kerloWhen I try to ifup wlan0, I get this: http://pastebin.ca/131763302:23
kerloI find the "No such file or directory" errors rather weird.02:23
Elwhat is wrong arcutecture i136?02:23
rdw200169El, the only drawback to i386 is the RAM limitation to 4Gig02:24
Elwhat is wrong arcutecture 138602:24
rdw200169El, that is *it*02:24
Dr_willisI find my video reencoding does work faster under 64bit. :)02:24
kpuljekis 5% to 10% cpu usage by Xorg when idle normal?02:24
El <rdw200169> so what do i do?02:24
Dr_willisbut thts proberly due to the binareies beign a bit mor eoptmized :) to some degree02:24
kerloEl: what is your goal?02:24
ElV i wont let me install adobe flash or crossover02:24
jpedrozaEvening all. I am running ndiswrapper with a Netgear WG311v3 wireless card. I can see the card, and the card can see networks, but will not associate. Anyone else using this card with Intrepid?02:24
=== sylvia_fuentes is now known as jimisrvrox
El<rdw200169>wont let me install adobe flash or crossover02:25
DasEiChaorain2:was a bad idea, as you hve to write to it still, sudo chmod 777 /dir/whatever02:25
_Vi_El type rdw and press tab02:25
bliZZardzunop:  i have removed sendmail-but it still shows up during boot and hogs time.02:25
_Vi_neat hah? :)02:26
El<_Vi_> now what?02:26
mv0hellanzb is amazing lol02:26
RencxHow can i fix sound in java programs? My sound in java dont work...02:27
kpuljekis 10% cpu usage when completely idle normal?02:27
unopbliZZardz,  sudo update-rc.d -f sendmail remove02:27
_Vi_El nevermind i thought you were pasting his nick cause you keep putting <around> his nick, maybe it's your client02:27
Elcan any one help me with the i386 error?!?!?!02:28
bliZZardzunop: i dont have a /etc/rc.d !02:28
Dr_willisEL if you are using 64bit  you need 64bit packages02:28
bliZZardzunop: have /etc/rc.local instead02:28
bliZZardzunop: is that a problem?02:28
El<Dr_willis> im not using a 64 bit prossesor im using an intel centrino duo02:29
joljamcan anyone send me the xorg.conf file used for a laptop with a Planar LCD monitor attached02:29
unopbliZZardz, what's /etc/rc.d got to do with anything here?  and it's not a debian/ubuntu directory .. and that's normal.02:29
gerberhelp with remote destop02:29
baseballer790[NpShut up02:29
Dr_willisel that is a 64bit cpu..  i think.. what version/bit of ubuntu did you install? 32 or 64bit?02:29
bliZZardzunop: ok.let me restart now02:29
unopbaseballer790[Np, what's that for?02:29
Chaorain2DasEi, I think we are going after the wrong problem. Vista says it can't access DAN-DESKTOP (my ubuntu computer)02:29
baseballer790[NpShut up nigger02:29
ubottuPlease watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!02:30
unop!ops baseballer790[Np02:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:30
_Vi_gotta love that mission pipe command02:30
Cpudan80For your information, the ops command makes a loud, annoying noise on the ops computer02:31
Cpudan80Please use it only in real emergencies02:31
rdw200169El, on a i386 version of ubuntu?02:31
El<Dr_willis> i think 32 i just installed using a wubi installer02:31
Royall_n8tuser: Every time I boot, it doesn't recognize the card, and then when I deactivate and then reactivate the Broadcom STA driver, it does after that02:31
unopCpudan80, that's understandable but that behaviour we just saw is intolerable as per the CoC right?02:32
DasEiChaorain2:you don't get a login screen ?02:32
El<rdw200169> i dont think so it shows when i wanna install pacages02:32
Chaorain2DasEi, nope02:32
kerloCpudan80: what constitutes a real emergency?02:32
jimisrvroxhey guys I put ubuntu 8.10 live on my usb via unetbootin and I have a 8GB usb drive but it took up almost the entire drive when the file is only 700mb so is there a program that I can use to repartition the usb drive so I can put other stuff on there?02:32
Cpudan80That was probably an ok time to use it02:32
Cpudan80but only use it once02:32
Cpudan80unless nobody comes around02:32
DasEiChaorain2:sudo ufw disable             ,try again02:32
* kerlo nods02:32
n8tuserRoyall ->  you still have not confirmed for me the results of  ndiwrapper -l02:32
_Vi_jimisrvrox: try gparted02:33
n8tuserRoyall -> can you post the results of  ifconfig ;  iwconfig;  route -n;  cat /etc/resolv.conf  and cat /etc/network/interfaces02:33
unopCpudan80, my mistake .. didn't realize the first call went through .. though ubottu complained02:33
Dr_willisel -  i dont use wubi so  no idea on that.. rephrase/restate/clarify your excat problem to the whole channel - perhaps someone knos more on the topic then i do02:33
KeeganatorProblem: I formatted a partition to NTFS in ubuntu and windows install wont pick it up.02:33
Royall_n8tuser: I did though. Here it is again:02:33
Royall_bcmwl6 : driver installed02:33
Royall_device (14E4:4315) present (alternate driver: wl)02:33
Elrdw200169> wait yes its non ubuntu 8.1002:33
n8tuser!who | Royall02:33
ubottuRoyall: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:33
Cpudan80unop: yes - you need to do the thing on its own line or do [command] | person02:34
Chaorain2DasEi, it said "Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup" still no logon screen02:34
Royall_<Royall_> n8tuser: I did though. Here it is again:02:34
rdw200169El, no, i mean, which architecture version of ubuntu did you install?02:34
Royall_Do you want me to pastebin two lines?02:34
n8tuserRoyall -> you must put my nick in the front for me to see the highlighted ones..02:34
El<rdw200169> 8.1002:34
unopCpudan80, yes yes .. i know.  it was a typo02:34
Dr_willisrdw200169,  perhaps a 'uname -a' or 'lsb_release -a' will help. :)02:34
=== _sigterm is now known as sigterm
Royall_n8tuser: bcmwl6 : driver installeddevice (14E4:4315) present (alternate driver: wl)02:35
Keeganatorhelp I formatted a partition to NTFS in ubuntu and windows install wont pick it up.02:35
Dr_willisel 8.10 is a 'release' that comes in 32 and 64bit versions.02:35
rdw200169Dr_willis, don't tell me, tell him!02:35
albechhow do i force tar to extract an archive 'flat' so not use directory information?02:35
n8tuserRoyall -> can you post the results of  ifconfig ;  iwconfig;  route -n;  cat /etc/resolv.conf  and cat /etc/network/interfaces02:35
El<Dr_willis> im pretty sure its a 32 bit02:35
DasEiclick on ubuntu machine again ?02:36
Dr_willisel  and whats the actual original problem then?02:36
Drewgrangei'm trying to install virtualbox but can't seem to find it in synaptic.. it's supposed to be in the default repositories isn't it?02:36
DasEiclick on ubuntu machine again ?(from vista) Chaorain02:36
Dr_willisel look at the output of       uname -a02:36
maxxistkeeganator will windows not even see the partition?  cause you should reformat the partition with windows installer.02:36
_Vi_Drewgrange: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose02:36
Chaorain2DasEi, same error02:36
n8tuserRoyall -> did it ever associate with AP?02:36
El<Dr_willis> it just wont let me install practaces02:36
Royall_n8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m25b4ebf02:36
Keeganatormaxxist: Windows just see the harddrive as one big unknown partition02:37
Royall_n8tuser: I don't know if it has02:37
Dr_willisel clarify that statement please.02:37
Keeganatorso I cant format just one bit02:37
KeeganatorOr I'll kill ubuntu02:37
_generic_hey im making a shell script to install some programs anyway i cant make it select 'y' to confirm each install02:37
SpherousFor some reason my ubuntu partition is exremely quiet..  If I boot into Windows 7, I can play my music REALLY loud, but in linux, I have to turn my speakers allllll the way up and its still quiet.  I have the volume thing turned up all the way....02:37
maxxistkeeganator and it was supposedly paritioned a couple times?02:37
Dr_willisKeeganator,  windows likes to ask to format Ext2/3 partitions sadly.. gotta watch out for that.02:37
Mez_generic_: --yes02:37
Dr_willis_generic_,   use the TAB key  to get to the Yes.. then hit enter02:37
KetrelIf I want to make a cron job that would affect a file not owned by me (that I need to use sudo to change) how would I do that?02:38
n8tuserRoyall ->  how did the eth1 got its ip address?02:38
KeeganatorIt's formatted to a NTFS partition right now, it was fat32 earlier02:38
_generic_so it would be sudo apt-get install prog --yes?02:38
Keeganatorbut windows wont see it02:38
El<Dr_willis> i tried to install adobe flash and it started to install when the installed came up ith an error saying "error: wrong architecture i386" and would let me install the package02:38
Mez_generic_: yes02:39
Royall_n8tuser: I don't know, how would I tell02:39
=== Royall_ is now known as Royall
unop_generic_,  read -p "perform operation? y/n " yn; if [[ $yn = [yY] ]]; then echo yes; fi02:39
_generic_thanks Mez02:39
maxxistkeeganator ok what is existing on the drive now?02:39
Dr_willisel and how did you try to install it?  the medibuntu repos have that program.  for 32 and 64bit versions02:39
SpherousFor some reason my ubuntu partition is exremely quiet..  If I boot into Windows 7, I can play my music REALLY loud, but in linux, I have to turn my speakers allllll the way up and its still quiet.  I have the volume thing turned up all the way....02:39
maxxistkeeganator and do you want to dual boot?02:39
ozzloyi can't play sound through youtube.  but i do get sound through the sound config test.  how do i make youtube videos have sound again?02:39
n8tuserRoyall -> please read what you posted,02:39
unop_generic_, i might have misinterpreted your question ... nevermind my post02:40
El<Dr_willis> well i just clicked the instal flash when i went on youtube i just clicked .deb for linux 8.04 +02:40
_generic_unop: whats the -p argument on read do?02:40
sellyoursoulanyone know a good windows irc channel?  i have linux installed, looking to dual boot with xp, but i have some windows questions.02:40
Dr_willisel thats the TOTALLY WRONG way to install it. :)02:40
unop_generic_, print a prompt02:40
unop_generic_, try it out, you'll see what it does02:40
Dr_willisel use the package manaeger tool. Not the  'browser says click here' method02:40
DasEiChaorain2:I#m not sure about vista, in xp there is an option add network place, that make samba coming up, but you should be able to browse it, too ... same network ?(ip's ??) same workgroup ??02:40
Cpudan80sellyoursoul: ##windows02:40
maxxistkeeganator well if windows sees the drive.  then make a partition with windows installer the size of the windows partition you want.  and save some space for linux.02:40
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
_generic_Nice thx that handy for reducing writing!02:41
El<Dr_willis> im totaly new to linux can u elaborate02:41
Keeganatorok thanks02:41
Royalln8tuser: I'm looking under eth1, I see 'Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:22:69:32:05:f9 ', so I'm saying Ethernet? I don't know what I'm looking for02:41
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: i always use the .deb from adobe.com...  dont think i've ever used synaptic.02:41
Dr_willisel 'sudo apt-get install acroread'02:41
n8tuserRoyall ->  have you done any tutorials on how to setup networking with ubuntu?02:41
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  i always enable medibintu i think :)02:41
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  it seems to have downloaded the wrong one for him in this case02:41
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: oh for acroread.. thought we were talking flash.. yes, for acroread, add medibuntu, and use it.02:41
_Vi_albech: im wondering if this might work.. i got this from the 'man tar' page:  --recursive-unlink remove existing directories before extracting directories of the same name02:41
Royalln8tuser: I haven't...written any, but I read the tutorial of using ndiswrapper, which I did02:41
=== jerry_ is now known as Guest90155
ozzloyhow do i find out why youtube sound isn't working?02:42
IndyGunFreakDr_willis:  of course, the easier thing to do, is just use evince02:42
thenetmonkey9250anyone have experience running xen on jaunty?02:42
n8tuserRoyall -> what are you trying to achieve again?02:42
DasEiChaorain2:well ip's should match, if ubuntu is seen though02:42
Chaorain2DasEi, Its in the same workgroup02:42
IndyGunFreakEl: why don't you just use evince?.. its already part of your install02:42
SpherousFor some reason my ubuntu partition is exremely quiet..  If I boot into Windows 7, I can play my music REALLY loud, but in linux, I have to turn my speakers allllll the way up and its still quiet.  I have the volume thing turned up all the way....02:43
kerloIs it fine to repeat a question so often, and if so, how often should I limit myself to?02:43
Eldr_willis isn't working?02:43
Chaorain2DasEi, I can't check it with XP as that one is dual booting ubuntu02:43
Royalln8tuser: I can connect to the internet using my builtin wireless card, but only after deactivating my Broadcom STA driver and then reactivating it, so there must be something wrong02:43
IndyGunFreakEl: you're trying to install acrobat reader?02:43
linuxman410if windows is running in virtual box02:43
Royalln8tuser: I'd need to do this every boot02:43
El<IndyGunFreak> no idea what ur talking bout02:43
albech_Vi_ I believe that will remove target directories before extracting files02:43
Royalln8tuser: I'm trying to get it working normally02:43
n8tuserRoyall ->  the guide regarding ndiswrapper mentioned anything about making it permanent?02:44
thenetmonkey9250can anyone suggest a channel I can go to and get help with xen on jaunty?02:44
IndyGunFreakEl: ok, i thought Dr_willis was helping you..02:44
linuxman410if windows is running in virtual box cam=n it still get virus02:44
IndyGunFreakthenetmonkey9250: ubuntu+102:44
Dr_willisel oops im confused. You need flash. :) not acrobat reader.02:44
lstarneslinuxman410: yes02:44
albech_Vi_ it doesn't extract the whole archive into just one folder02:44
Dr_willisel 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'02:44
exodus_msIndyGunFreak: I think he said he 'clicked on the .deb for flash at the youtube site'02:44
thenetmonkey9250indygunfreak: thanks02:44
jpedrozaI have a WG311v3 that will show networks, but not connect02:44
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: lol, well then ack to the matter at hand, i always use the .deb from adobe.com02:44
Royalln8tuser: I'll look02:44
albech_Vi_ it could also be that I should create the archive as 'flat' and not address this in the extraction process02:44
jpedrozandiswrapper loads correctly, but no connections02:45
El<IndyGunFreak> nonono its adobe flash so i can watch utube02:45
Dr_willisIndyGunFreak,  and ive never had to. :)02:45
lstarneslinuxman410: but the virus can't affect the host machine if the virys is a windoes virus and the host is running something other than windows02:45
Dr_willisubuntu-restricted-extras grabs flash, and some fonts, and java i think   - you proberly want them all02:45
IndyGunFreakEl: just download the .deb file from adobe.com, and double click it.. it should work fine02:45
El<Dr_willis> no dive sais its missing a pacage02:45
n8tuserjpedroza -> what have you done to associate or troubleshoot?02:45
SpherousFor some reason my ubuntu partition is exremely quiet..  If I boot into Windows 7, I can play my music REALLY loud, but in linux, I have to turn my speakers allllll the way up and its still quiet.  I have the volume thing turned up all the way....02:45
MezDr_willis: and a lot of codecs02:45
jpedrozan8tuser: I am not sure where to look.02:45
n8tuser!ndiswrapper | jpedroza read this please02:46
ubottujpedroza read this please: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:46
Royalln8tuser: it has instructions concerning making it permament when using nm-applet, but I'm using wicd, should it make a difference?02:47
Eldr_ willis: also i have the pro versoin of crossover so i can use microsoft office 07 and that wont install either02:47
n8tuserRoyall -> shouldnt, its ndiswrapper command wasnt it?02:47
Royalln8tuser: It shows editing the /etc/modules to load the module on startup02:47
jpedrozan8tuser: Ndiswrapper is loaded fine, and I can see networks, but not associate. Is there a log file for wireless network?02:47
DasEiChaorain2:I have no idea on vista, but may check guest account and http://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp?ForumId=45&TopicId=828402:48
gdad2_what version of the ubuntu 8.10 install should I use for an Atom-equipped MSI WInd desktop machine?  I tried the amd64 version and got a dramatic message about kernel panic.  I suspect that's not going to work for an Intel chip.02:48
n8tuserRoyall -> that should not depend on wicd or nm then02:48
johnnnnyhow should i proceed at starting a program in my service scripts ? I used to use "runuser"02:48
Royalln8tuser: ok, I'll try it anyways02:48
El<Dr_willis> ok it sais configuring java somthing and ok at the bottom how do i click ok?02:48
n8tuserjpedroza -> sudo dhclient wlan002:48
Dr_willisel i never use crossover office.. so no idea on that.  the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' should install flash and java and codecs that yoiu will want eventually02:48
Dr_willisel hit the TAB key02:48
* Dr_willis thinks that Java install package needs to TELL peopel to hit the TAB KEY to get to 'ok'02:48
Dr_willisi still ownder why java has that eula thing.. :) but i guessits the lawyers02:49
El<Dr_willis> great thanks for all the help maby ill just get used to open office sence theres no way to use microsoft office02:49
joljamcan anyone help me with xorg.conf02:49
jpedrozan8tuser: No good. It isn't associating with the AP, so no traffic is passing02:49
MezDr_willis: you have to accept the licence to use it02:50
Mezthat's part of the licence terms02:50
johnnnnycan anyone help me to fun a program as another user ? (in my init.d scripts)02:50
marineboot manager is missing after converting ext 3 to nfts02:50
n8tuserjpedroza ->  can you post the results of  ifconfig ;  iwconfig;  route -n;  cat /etc/resolv.conf  and cat /etc/network/interfaces and sudo lshw -C network02:50
johnnnnyfun = get02:50
johnnnnyoups fun = run02:50
Mezjohnnnny: sudo -u user program02:51
exodus_msMez: yeah, I think that is understood, just wondering why there is a need for an agreement02:51
DasEimarine: is your fstab based on blkid ?02:51
johnnnnywill try02:51
Mezexodus_ms: blame sun02:51
marineDasEi, what is that02:51
Octorokshello, anyone know anyhthing about truecyrpt, is there a way to un-encyript something you encrypted?02:51
marinewhat command02:51
Dr_willisMez,  so the whole 'we are going to GPL java' was a sham? ;)02:51
marineDasEi, what command02:51
marineDasEi, that is on the windows side02:52
jpedrozan8tuser: no net access on that box, what are you looking for specifically?02:52
aronhi,who can tell me how to use a static DNS server?I am using ADSL and every time the ISP provides me their DNS server address,but I want to use openDNS.02:52
Mezthe version that you're running is not GPL. afaik02:52
DasEimarine: your partitions are identified by /dev/blabla   or by a number (blkid), the last will fail after a convert02:52
n8tuserjpedroza -> i have give you a list, you certainly can make accomodation to copy them by hand or put them on a usb?02:52
Dr_willisMez,  shows that i never read that EULA :)02:52
n8tuserjpedroza -> i have given* you a list, you certainly can make accomodation to copy them by hand or put them on a usb?02:53
DasEimarine: did you install first ubuntu and then windows ?02:53
faileasDr_willis: no one actually reads EULAs ;p02:53
KetrelIf I want to make a cron job that would affect a file not owned by me (that I need to use sudo to change) how would I do that?02:53
jribKetrel: use root's crontab02:53
marineDasEi, no i installed linux on windows hence the prolem when trying to merge on gparted02:53
faileashmm, this the right place to ask a wubi question?02:53
MezDr_willis: http://java.com/en/download/license.jsp02:54
DasEimarine:wubi ?02:54
marineDasEi, what is wubi02:54
fwaokdai installed a deb package by double clicking it and now i want to uninstall it but cant seem to do it how can i do this i tried apt-get remove but it says the package doesnt exist02:54
jribfwaokda: use the right name02:54
redvamp128!wubi | marine02:55
ubottumarine: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.02:55
DasEimarine:wubi is a way to install ubuntu inside win like a prog02:55
faileasDasEi: naw, i was wondering how wubi would react to being installed onto a FAT32 drive02:55
Ketreljrib: is that doable as a command, of do I have to use something like su?02:55
marineDasEi,  my boot manager is missing now i can't boot back into windows02:55
fwaokdajrib, how can i find out the right name i thought i was using the right name02:55
Burkyyeaaaahhhh mon02:55
jribKetrel: sudo crontab -e02:55
ozzloyi killed and restarted pulseaudio, but amarok still says device is busy.  how do i find out what's using my sound device?02:55
faileasmarine: you need to reinstall grub i think02:55
marineok how is that doen02:55
fwaokdajrib, nevermind i was using the filename and not the actual name02:56
rwwfaileas: Considering that FAT32 partitions can't have files larger than 4GB on them, I'd guess "not very well"02:56
marinefaileas, how is that done or how do we checkto see if it's loaded02:56
Mez!mbr | marine02:56
ubottumarine: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:56
Chaorain2Is there a way other than samba to let vista manage ubuntu files?02:56
Chaorain2Including transfers02:56
DasEimarine:but can still boot ubuntu, so more a win question; you can restore win-loader with the win-install cd02:56
faileasrww: precisely. i'd like to get ubuntu on a netbook, but i want to be able to remove the linux install easily if need be02:56
rastavalim a newbie with ubuntu. my friend just gave me a disk copy of it. now, im trying to install in my pc and im now stuck with "busyBox v1.1..3" Can i ask help from someone else here what command should i do first?02:57
marineDasEi, which i don't have02:57
Ketreljrib: thanks, am I right in assuming then that it runs at specified times and not specified intervals?02:57
DasEimarine: ask in ##windows02:57
rastavalim a newbie with ubuntu. my friend just gave me a disk copy of it. now, im trying to install02:58
rastavalin my pc and im now stuck with "busyBox v1.1..3" Can i ask help from someone else here what command should i do first?02:58
faileasChaorain2: on the same box?02:58
joljamhow do you restart xorg.conf from command line02:58
jribKetrel:  I don't understand the difference.  Can you be more specific as to what you mean?02:58
faileasrastaval: it should go further, sounds like there's some issue with the install disk02:58
DasEijoljam: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:58
Chaorain2faileas, no over a lan connection02:58
AndreasMadridwill the new alsa be included in next ubuntu update?02:58
Ketrelnvm, I think I understand02:58
faileasChaorain2: FTP, winscp+ssh...02:59
Ketrelthough I do have to ask, is the spacing important or is one space enough?02:59
rastavalfaileas: you mean, what i have encountered now is not a normal on installation process?02:59
marineDasEi,  everything was working fine i tried to remove the remaining harddrive space for my windows side and use it for linux ut was having trouble because windows was indentified as ext3 not nfts02:59
jribKetrel: any whitespace is fine02:59
noordamMarine: You can also reinstall the windows boot loader if you have FDISK with FDISK/MBR.02:59
faileasrastaval: no, it isn't02:59
Chaorain2faileas, what is the program for ubuntu?02:59
rastavalfaileas: so what seemed to be the problem and how would i avoid of falling into this?03:00
marinenoordam, is that the original cd ecause id it is that i don't have anymore03:00
DasEimarine:what says an : sudo fdisk -l ?03:01
faileasrastaval: 'best' way IMO is to order a cd from canonical. its free.03:01
OmikaneHow do I create more profiles for FF? I deleted all of mine... :( It just keeps saying that FF is already running.03:01
DasEiChaorain2: oh, yes, and install ext2tnfs  on vista03:01
cdennyim a noob, how can i find irc chat room for tomshardware03:01
marineDasEi, sudo: fdisk-l: command not found03:02
cdennyor computer03:02
wolterallquixotic, hi03:02
rastavalfaileas: can i ask details on how to contact them? you may pm me.. thanks03:02
DasEimarine:what says an :                                   sudo fdisk -l ?03:02
faileasDasEi: most of the windows based EXT3 ifses are borked cause of inode size ;p. you need to mattwu one03:02
cdennythis is the only room i know how to get in which is why im asking here03:02
allquixotichi wolter03:02
noordamMarine: it should be on any old windows boot disk.03:02
Ketreljrib: this syntax right for running every half hour '30 * * * * fortune | tee /etc/motd'03:02
faileasrastaval: one moment, i get you the lonk03:02
wolterallquixotic, i ran the sysprof again and a binary named whiptail is causing the stall03:02
marineDasEi, Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes03:02
marine255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders03:02
marineUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes03:02
marineDisk identifier: 0x144d144d03:02
marine   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:02
FloodBot2marine: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
marine/dev/sda1   *           1       18152   145805908+   7  HPFS/NTFS03:02
jribfaileas: yes03:02
wolterallquixotic, what is whiptail anyway?03:02
faileasmarine: dude, pastebin03:03
DasEifaileas: I can only speak for xp, never had a problem there03:03
Chaorain2DasEi, you mean ext2ntfs? for samba?03:03
alihanthis system know speakyweb ?03:03
DasEimarine: fil esystem ?03:03
DaveWdoes anyone know how to program in ML?03:03
=== alihan is now known as alphae
alphaethis system know speakyweb ?03:03
marineDasEi, how can i locate03:03
faileasDasEi: ext3ifs from fsdriver won't work, the mattwu one will03:03
allquixoticwolter: I honestly don't know - I haven't heard of whiptail03:03
allquixoticwolter `man whiptail`03:04
cdennyis there a program that searches for rooms03:04
DasEimarine:use paste.ubuntu.com for long posts;  it's reecognized as ntfs, as you can see03:04
faileascdenny: /list would but you do not want to use it on freenode03:04
* Darksmurf just wants everyone to know that blueman is awsome...03:04
allquixoticcdenny: /list has too many channels on freenode; the best way is to simply guess the chat channels you'd like to be involved in, and if no one is there, just leave those channels and try again03:05
faileasrastaval: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu look for 'request a cd' ;)03:05
faileasit takes a few weeks03:05
marineDasEi,  that's becuse i chnaged it before now i boot into windows to see if everything is ok an that side i get the message bootmgr is missing03:05
cdennyfaileas: im looking for a chatrooom about computer hardware cause I need to fix my cooling system03:05
rastavalthank you faileas03:05
wolterallquixotic, well, it appears it is a dialog shower.. but also, my cpu is stuck at 100% all the time!03:05
rwwcdenny: ##hardware03:05
faileascdenny: ##hardware ;)03:06
allquixoticwolter: All the time?! That's different from before03:06
Chaorain2DasEi, what is ext2ntfs?03:06
cdennyaw thanks03:06
wolterallquixotic, CPU1 is normal, but CPU2 is 100% permanently now!03:06
Chaorain2DasEi, I can't find it03:06
allquixoticwolter: That's.. bad.. whiptail is a dialog displaying script03:06
rambo298any recommendations for an ftp client that has a decent gui??03:07
rikkimaruIs there a repository I can add so that I can install a more recent (2.0+) version of Amarok?03:07
alphaefree speakyweb ?03:07
faileasrikkimaru: i think nightly neon03:08
linuxman410my keyboard starting beeping with every letter i type how do i turn it off03:08
meoblasthow do i override architecture in apt?03:08
meoblasti want to install the 32-bit version of something as well as its 64-bit version03:08
famousdoes anyone have a recommendation for a program that provides a virtual drive? i want to mount an iso...03:08
wolterallquixotic, yeah.. i am sampling again because my cpus are working too damn hard for what i am using them... xfire + firefox + gediit+ gnome-terminal (idle) + nautilus (idle)03:09
rwwrikkimaru: See "Install Instructions" on http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-
marineDasEi,  yes i still oot ubuntu with no problem but after changing my ext 3to nfts so that i could use gparted to use the remaining hadrdrive space form the windows sidethat is what happened03:09
DasEiChaorain2: http://www.fs-driver.org/03:09
n8tuserfamous -> virtual drive? you can mount the iso to any dir03:09
linuxman410famous what operating system are u using03:09
rikkimarufaileas: I don't really want the nightly build, just the latest stable (  When I add the repository listed for kubuntu, I can't find a more recent version with synaptic03:09
wolterallquixotic, i killed whiptail and stuff went back to normal...03:09
allquixoticwolter: Try killing the whiptail app; but I'm disturbed that it's running without you seeing a dialog box, as that is its function03:09
rikkimarufaileas: is there anything I need to do other than adding the repo?03:09
allquixoticwolter: Hmm, strange03:09
wolterlet me see if i keep getting stalls...03:09
rambo298rambo298: oh use filezilla03:10
faileasrikkimaru: probably the usual apt-get update and upgrade, and maybe installing it. the kubuntu channel might have someone else who's done it...03:10
rambo298rambo298: ty03:10
faileaswait.. when did amarok 2 go stable?03:10
wolterallquixotic, it might be because i ran that module-assistant, i think whiptail is the one that makes that blue terminal dialogs.03:10
allquixoticwolter: Oh, ok... weird....03:10
wolterallquixotic, i keep getting stalls though..03:11
TheKingHow do I use sed to find and replace a string of text03:11
TheKingin ALL files in ALL subdirctories03:11
wolterallquixotic, now cpus alternate between 0% and 30%03:11
Omikanehow would I bring my logins and passwords over from a FF profile backup?03:12
DasEimarine:if you did so, you would have changed ntfs to ext3; anyway, help on restoring windows can be found ##windows03:12
jribTheKing: use find with -exec sed.  See the examples in « man find »03:12
DaveWdoes anyone know how to program in ML?03:13
wolterallquixotic, also, it seems that those stalls only happen when i am using the keyboard or the guis (it happens in my guis in the sense that the hover effects pause when the stall occurs)03:13
joljamhow can i go and see my old chat logs03:13
linuxman410keyboard started beeping when i type in irc how do i turn off03:14
gerberwhere is locater the TCP property03:14
johnnnnyI have Ubuntu (server edition 8.04 LTS) installed. I would like to register an extra service script to be started at the same time as my mySQL service starts (or around there)03:14
johnnnnyany ideas how to get it registered? ( I copied my file in the /etc/init.d/ folder, and it didn't start on boot)03:15
lstarnesjohnnnny: man update-rc.d03:15
gerberwhere is locater the TCP property03:15
johnnnnyah ;)03:15
Pelias|afkso yeah, problem with ubuntu not booting on raid0 system. Who wants to help?03:15
=== Pelias|afk is now known as Pelias
PeliasI see forest of hands:P03:16
gerberwhere is locater the TCP property ?03:17
gerberlocal connection03:17
Frederickfolks why if I set a high resolution my screen fits less than the total monitor area?03:18
gerberi need to -put IP address,but i don't how ?03:19
Omikaneanyone know how I would I bring my logins and passwords over from a FF profile backup? I just lost my server logins!03:19
johnnnnyi love ubuntu03:20
Peliasjohnnnny: You're sick.03:20
Ketrelquick question, from CLI, how can you check the time?03:21
lstarnesKetrel: date03:21
gerberjohny see private03:21
Ketrellstarnes thx03:21
famousif i have a bunch of .r0 .r1 .r2 files what can i use to unpack them?03:23
sigtermfamous, unrar03:23
gerbersigterm see private03:25
OmikaneOkay, I fixed that. Now how do I transfer pass/logins for ssh from one ubuntu install to another?03:25
Ketreldamn, I added something to the crontab, but it appears not to have worked, is there any way to check why03:25
famoussigterm: thanks! it is unpacking now03:26
dreamyis there any GUI for xorg.conf ?03:28
matisseHello, what could be the reason, that my partitions aren't listed as /dev/hd** ?03:28
dreamymaybe u have scassi03:28
lstarnesmatisse: try /dev/sd*03:28
lstarnesdreamy: scsi03:28
rwwmatisse: Partitions in Ubuntu are usually listed /dev/sdXY03:28
nyaamatisse what about /dev/sd*  ... sata ones I think are listed that way03:29
lstarnesmatisse: for the last few kernel versions, hard disks have been using /dev/sd*03:29
matisseis it /dev/sd* even if those are on IDE?03:30
lstarnesmatisse: I think so03:30
Cpudan80matisse: yep03:30
matisseok, then I'll try03:30
=== jackal_ is now known as jackal
Cpudan80matisse: they unified the naming scheme a few kernels ago03:30
nyaamatisse: what exactly are you doing?  is it grub stuff?03:30
matissesince which kernel version is that?03:30
matissenyaa: rigth03:31
Cpudan80ehhh dunno03:31
Cpudan80pretty old03:31
matissefstab is broken03:31
Cpudan80before Ubuntu Feisty went out03:31
Chaoraincan Wubi be used to install other versions of linux? such as fedora?03:31
Ketrelwhy is it that 'sudo fortune' says command not found03:31
nyaamatisse: the root drive in my grub is (hd0,2)03:32
lstarnesKetrel: is fortune installed?03:32
lstarnesChaorain: I believe it's only for ubuntu03:32
nyaamatisse: I *think* its the third partition in the first drive03:32
Ketrellstarnes: yes, without sudo, it works03:32
Cpudan80Chaorain: it may be able to - but it's prepacked all together with Ubuntu03:32
sherl0ckok whats the name of the terminal app that you can subdivide into smaller terminals within the main terminal?03:32
rwwKetrel: the root user doesn't have /usr/games/ (fortune's location) in its $PATH by default, whereas normal users do.03:32
lstarnesKetrel: root's PATH does not (and probably should not) include /usr/games03:32
Cpudan80Chaorain: or well - its designed to work with Ubuntu03:32
rwwsherl0ck: screen?03:32
sherl0ckno not that one03:32
rwwsherl0ck: terminator?03:33
Chaorainis there something simalar that would?03:33
rwwChaorain: I'd recommend asking the people in #fedora; they might know of something like that :)03:33
Ketrelok, then I think I know what I should do here03:33
Cpudan80Chaorain: a VM would be the same idea - but it would get less performance03:33
=== Inc`` is now known as Inc`
Cpudan80Chaorain: VirtualBox works for Windows, you can install whatever you like in there03:34
johnnnnywhen doing "update-rc.d myapp defaults"     is it normal that the service got registered at all levels: rc0, rc1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ?03:34
Cpudan80johnnnny: yes03:34
johnnnnyCpudan80: and it will run only once, right ?03:34
Cpudan80johnnnny: it'll be passed a "start" arg at r2-603:34
Cpudan80and a stop at 0-103:35
lstarnesstop at 603:35
Cpudan80johnnnny: you can only be at one runlevel at a time ;-)03:35
Cpudan80oh yeah03:35
lstarnessince 6 is reboot03:35
Cpudan80my bad03:35
johnnnnykk :)03:35
johnnnnyall good :)03:35
Cpudan80It might actually get restart at 603:35
johnnnnyno worries, i'll just test :D03:35
Ketrellstarnes and rww: right thign to do here would be to use full path right?03:35
Cpudan80I wonder what it gets at r6 .... that's a good question03:35
lstarnesKetrel: yes03:35
rwwKetrel: sudo /usr/games/fortune ? yeah.03:35
Ketrelthat works03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock03:36
Cpudan80oooh fortune -- my favorite app03:36
Cpudan80particularly fortune -o03:36
johnnnnyCpudan80: my machine is just a console machine.03:36
phiqtionwhat dock is being used now?03:36
KetrelBTW lstarnes and rww: my goal is to make a cronjob that changes the MOTD every X time03:36
hubarhelp! I am trying to rescue and recover from a T61 (Lenovo) that had ubuntu 8.1 installed but it kept giving me error that "%s failed to recover the system".03:36
johnnnnyperfect, service started :)03:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:37
sherl0ckKertel: fortune > /etc/motd.tail03:37
johnnnnyand service stops :D03:37
johnnnnyall happy :)03:37
anhdhwhen i install ubuntu it detected my graphic card and compiz worked fine but recently i don't understand why when i run playonlinux it warn me that no 3d acceleration is installed , and i don't don't know how  to install   help03:38
sherl0ckanhdh, id blame playonlinux03:38
anhdhsherl0ck, ??03:38
hubarhelp! I am trying to rescue and recover from a T61 (Lenovo) that had ubuntu 8.1 installed but it kept giving me error that "%s failed to recover the system".03:38
Cpudan80anhdh: glxinfo | grep -i direct03:39
Cpudan80anhdh: run that command03:39
anhdhit aid no03:39
Cpudan80then you dont have the right driver03:39
Cpudan80or rather - your driver doesnt support 3D acceleration03:39
anhdhCpudan80,  how can i install03:39
Cpudan80What card is it?03:39
Cpudan80lspci | grep -i vga03:39
anhdhdo 8256G intel support?03:39
Raspberrythis is slightly off-topic, but is there a better #debian channel to ask Q in than the #debian here on freenode... I've been using Debian since 1998, but haven't needed to visit the channel in the last few years -- the people in there now are fairly non-technical.03:40
FlannelRaspberry: #debian has moved to oftc03:40
lstarnesRaspberry: #debian on oftc03:40
Cpudan80anhdh: get the line from lspci | grep -i direct03:40
rwwRaspberry: you could try the official one on irc.oftc.net03:40
Raspberrythanks :)03:40
* rww is slow today03:40
anhdh00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)03:41
Cpudan80Flannel: huh?03:41
hubarCan anyone help???????03:41
FlannelCpudan80: What?03:41
Cpudan80<Flannel> Raspberry: #debian has moved to oftc03:41
anhdhCpudan80, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)03:41
=== prabha_ is now known as prabha1989
Cpudan80anhdh: hrm...03:41
sherl0ckanhdh, strange intel is very friendlly usually03:41
FlannelCpudan80: #debian moved to oftc a few years ago03:41
* hubar is stuck with a laptop that is stuck in rescue and recover mode. :(03:41
Cpudan80anhdh: does it say anything about it in system --> admin --> restricted drivers?03:41
Flannel!helpme | hubar03:42
ubottuhubar: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience03:42
Cpudan80Flannel: they still have a large presence here03:42
sherl0ckanhdh, modprobe i91503:42
Cpudan80and an official channel03:42
sherl0ck anhdh, modprobe drm03:42
anhdhCpudan80, i don't have the option restricted03:42
sherl0ckanhdh: sudo modprobe those03:42
sherl0ckanhdh, then rerun info command03:43
anhdhsherl0ck, trying03:43
Cpudan80anhdh: huh? You should enable the driver if it lists one03:43
anhdhsherl0ck, it returns nothing03:43
scuniziCpudan80, for intel there are no drivers to be "enabled".. installed yes.. perhaps listed in xorg.conf.. but it's not like nvidia or ati03:43
Pelias|afkhow can I do anything in busybox?03:44
break19with great difficulty?03:44
anhdhi can't even enable effect in compiz03:44
scuniziPelias|afk, think of it like a moon scape.. you have to explore and discover.03:44
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org03:44
systemerror[DJ_Brunodaserra]: hi03:44
captain_if my CD input isn't being used for capture with ASLA, how do I enable it?03:44
haji!python | install03:44
ubottuinstall: please see above03:44
jribhaji: do you have a question?03:45
DJ_Brunodaserra[systemerror]: eeeeeeeeae03:45
DJ_Brunodaserra[systemerror]: perdidao03:45
FloodBot2DJ_Brunodaserra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
Cpudan80that thing is a bot03:45
jribor cat03:46
corinthMy pc speaker beep is WAY TOO LOUD. How do I turn the volume down for it?03:46
DJ_Brunodaserra[systemerror]: q porra e esa kk03:46
Cpudan80jrib: That thing is a mighty good cat03:46
hajijrib: yep, I want to install python 2.6.1, but there's an error after I type 'make'. I'm looking for a guide or something03:46
Gerinychthere's a folder in the trashcan i can't delete03:47
jribhaji: pastebin03:47
nbeebohow to install the latest qt 4.1 lib?03:47
jribGerinych: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.local/share/Trash/       and then try again03:47
Ketreldamn, can anyone help me with this cron job?03:48
jribKetrel: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you03:48
hajijrib: http://pastebin.com/d7eebc77603:48
Ketreljrib: oops, I meant to type the line right after03:49
gregor__is there a place to see NetBeans translation status into german?03:49
Gerinychjrib: ok thanks, it's gone now03:49
rikkimaruI want to get a previous version of bochs (available in intrepid universe).  How can I find a repository for this?03:49
jribhaji: before we sort that out.  How are you installing python exactly?  What did you run since extracting the tarball?03:49
jrib!rosetta | gregor__03:50
ubottugregor__: rosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language. See https://launchpad.net/rosetta03:50
hajijrib: mmm just ./configure and then make03:50
KetrelOk, my cronjob set with 'sudo crontab -e' is '*/2 * * * * /home/andrew/Scripts/fortune_motd03:50
jribgregor__: is that what you mean?03:50
jribhaji: you shouldn't be using make.  That's going to mess things up03:50
KetrelThe script is03:50
Ketrel/usr/games/fortune > /etc/motd03:50
Ketrelif I call the script manually it works, but it's not working with the cronjob03:51
johnnnnymy apt-get is suggesting me the package: "patch"    wtf is that ?03:51
hajijrib: so what do I do?03:51
gregor__What i search, is statistics on https://translations.launchpad.net/netbeans how much it is allready translated.03:51
Gerinychis there any way to change the height of a maximized window?03:51
joljamhow can I fix my intrpid freezing while streaming movies03:52
jribjohnnnny: allows you to apply diffs03:52
fleathis is the channel right03:52
jribKetrel: how do you call it manually?03:52
Ketrelsudo /home/andrew/Scripts/fortune_motd03:52
jribhaji: make altinstall instead of make (see the installation docs)03:52
johnnnnyoh patch in that sense :)03:53
jribKetrel: what does your mail from cron say?03:53
Pedrolitohow can I pair a bluetooth device that requires a pin number? When I use the bluetooth applet to do that, it displays the message that it gets from the bluetooth device, i.e. "please enter pin 4253", but it doesn't allow me to enter a pin03:53
hajijrib: ok, i'll try that, thanks03:53
johnnnnythanks jrib03:53
Ketreljirb: how do I read that?03:53
jribhaji: that won't fix your error.03:53
johnnnnyjrib: just figured out how to look them up on the web03:53
jribKetrel: « mail » should be enough03:54
hajijrib: oh, how can I fix the error?03:54
Ketreljrib: no such command03:54
johnnnnyKetrel: sudo apt-get install mail ? hehe03:55
johnnnnyim surprised mail isn't there.03:55
Ketrelcouldn't find package mail03:55
johnnnnygood luck :)03:55
KetrelThe program 'mail' can be found in the following packages:03:55
Ketrel* heirloom-mailx03:55
Ketrel* mailutils03:55
lstarnesKetrel: either03:56
lstarnesKetrel: try mailutils03:56
johnnnnytake the second03:56
gregor__jrib: What i search, is statistics on https://translations.launchpad.net/netbeans how much is allready translated and so on03:56
joljamhow can I fix my intrpid freezing while streaming movies03:56
johnnnnyjoljam: oh thats easy!:P03:56
jribKetrel: mine is from bsd-mailx.  It doesn't really matter what you use.  mutt will do if you have that03:56
joljamplease do help with it johnnnny03:57
Ketrelandrew@narivia:~/Scripts$ mail03:57
KetrelNo mail for andrew03:57
Ketrelandrew@narivia:~/Scripts$ sudo mail03:57
KetrelNo mail for root03:57
FloodBot2Ketrel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
jribhaji: install the build dependencies for the python package in the repositories03:57
johnnnnyjoljam: i really can't help, i have noooo clue on this.03:57
jribKetrel: you probably don't get mail by default :/03:57
* Ketrel bashes head into wall repeatedly03:58
Ketreldoes cron output info anywhere else?03:58
jribKetrel: good question03:58
johnnnnyjoljam: maybe it's a network card issue ? (like not full duplex or something ?)03:58
hajijrib: ahh i see, I will search for those packages03:58
exodusjoljam: what are you using to stream03:58
jribhaji: you can do something like 'sudo apt-get build-dep python-dev' or whatever03:58
hajijrib: thanks03:59
Ketrelhow can I make cron send a mail then?03:59
joljamexodus.. megavideo, youtube, dailymotion03:59
=== zeb is now known as zesss
jootPlease take a look at this paste to see if you can help   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109235/03:59
exodusjoljam: maybe a flash problem?03:59
scuniziis mut only for the terminal?04:00
zesssneed help getting my dlink wireless card working04:00
rdw200169Ketrel, you can try sendemail04:00
SJrHey dawgs, what is a good iPod manager for Linux? Songbird? gtkpod?04:00
joljamexodus- I have repaired flash04:00
exodusjoljam: does your computer lock up completely or just your web browser when streaming media04:01
rdw200169Ketrel, it's a command line tool that can send an e-mail anywhere, i.e. a google account or something04:01
Ketrelrdw200169 that's not what I meant04:01
rdw200169SJr, Amarok can do it too04:01
KetrelI'm trying to figure out why a cronjob isn't working04:01
gnubuntuscunizi: yyes04:01
SJrYeah but Amarok seems overly complicated04:01
rdw200169Ketrel, you should check your syslog, sometimes it will specify in there that an error occured04:01
joljamexodus...my computer as a whole locks up..04:02
FlannelKetrel: cron will send any output to your mail actually.04:02
KetrelFlannel: no mail whatsoever yet the job didn't do anything04:02
=== gnubuntu is now known as h0ra
FlannelKetrel: Is there an empty line at the end of your crontab?04:02
zesssanyone help me with my dwl g122 wireless04:02
KetrelFlannel good question04:02
rdw200169Flannel, I *HATE* that bug04:02
exodusjoljam: what version of Ubuntu and what are you using for web browser04:03
Flannelrdw200169: It's not really a bug, its a specification, and a relatively sane one at that.04:03
rdw200169Flannel, yes, but i've gotten burned by that, so I hate it ;)04:03
KetrelFlannel: no there wasn't, lets try with one04:03
joljamExodus:- I am using Intrepid and Firefox04:03
exodusjoljam: ff 3?04:03
rdw200169Flannel, in the least, it should syslog "hey idiot, you forgot the newline"04:03
joljamexodus:- what do you mean by ff 3?04:04
exodusjoljam: firefox 304:04
joljamooohh..yeah firefox 304:04
KetrelFlannel and rdw200169: and we have a winner04:04
joljamexodus:- firefox 3.0.504:04
phiqtion2how can i transfer files from xp to ubuntu?04:05
IndyGunFreakphiqtion: log in to ubuntu, mount your xp partition, transfer files.04:06
exodusjoljam: how much 'swap' memory do you have enabled?04:06
fwaokdahow can i set the default icon size for desktop icons?04:08
SJrHow can I figure out whether or not I am running the 64 bit version of Ubuntu?04:08
phiqtion2IndyGunFreak: i mean transfer on a local network, from xp to ubuntu04:08
Dr_willisphiqtion,  you mean  you are dual-booting and 'locally' = on the same machine04:08
lstarnesSJr: uname -m04:08
IndyGunFreakphiqtion: oh i apologize, i thought you were saying on the same pC.04:08
mom1dad1is there other chat rooms04:08
Dante123Pentium III at 1000mhz.  320 ram.  Can it run Ubuntu 8.10 or should I be looking at xubuntu or something lighter.  For a kid, so a little slower but still works should be fine...but I dont want it to be too slow if changing window manager can make a sizable difference.04:08
lstarnesmom1dad1: there are hundreds on this network (freenode) alone04:08
IndyGunFreakphiqtion: probably would want to look at samba i'd imagine..04:09
IndyGunFreak!samba > phiqtion04:09
Dr_willis<phiqtion2> ssh and winscp on windows machine - is one easy way toget some files back and forth.  - samba  to set up a 'fileserver' the windows box can access.04:09
ubottuphiqtion, please see my private message04:09
Dante123Kid has used ubuntu...so that is why I want to try that first.  But willing to try something else.04:09
nickrudDante123, the mem is the choke point; if you could stick another 256 or better 512 it would be just fine04:09
nickrudDante123, for gnome; I finally bit the bullet and bought a new machine when my 466/512 choked up04:10
Dante123nickrud i've gone through all my spare memory and that is the best that I can do that works in this machine.04:10
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol, did the hamster finally die?04:10
* nickrud sniffs, and goes off to count his pennies04:10
Dante123you think xubuntu would make much of a difference???04:10
jootPlease take a look at this paste    http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109235/04:10
nickrudDante123, yes it would be usable. Still wouldn't want to run openoffice and eclipse at the same time :)04:11
IndyGunFreakDante123: i don't really think so, Xfce has become just as bloated as Gnome in my opinion... its not "that" much lighter anymore.04:11
IndyGunFreakDante123: if you like ubuntu, and the ubuntu way of doing things, on a machine that old, I would google "crunchbang linux"04:11
Dante123IndyGunFreak is there another ubuntu derivative that might be better?04:11
Dante123IndyGunFreak its not for me for a kid in my class.  We have a couple of dell minis running 8.04 so he is used to ubuntu already a bit.04:12
IndyGunFreakDante123: crunchbang is basically Ubuntu 8.10, w/ openbox.. fast as can be..04:12
IndyGunFreakDante123: i see, well, the GUI would definitely be different04:12
Dante123IndyGunFreak will look into it.  Still has add/remove etc. for adding apps?04:12
IndyGunFreakDante123: yes, but the GUI isn't quite as friendly as Gnome/Xfce/KDE04:13
Dante123Kid can adjust....I'll look at it.  Maybe test livecd if they have one.04:13
IndyGunFreakDante123: but if you know your way around gnome a bit, you'll get the hang of it pretty quick, cuz you know what all the apps do, etc.04:13
IndyGunFreakDante123: indeed they do....04:13
IndyGunFreakDante123: another option, might be a vanilla debian install04:13
redvamp128Dante123:  LXDE ?04:14
fiascoGparted doesn't seem to be working for me in intrepid. is this a version thing?04:14
redvamp128LXDE.org | Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment <http://lxde.org/>04:14
peepsaloti have some pictures taken by my digital camera.  I turned the camera sideways to take them, and they show correctly in nautilus thumbnails, and in image viewing apps, but in the file dialog to upload from firefox, they are sideways, and they are sideways when the get uploaded04:15
spillanyone know how to configure firehole to allow local network address to passthrough?04:16
=== tbrock is now known as rapeman
Dante123redvamp128 so you are saying install ubuntu then add lxde for desktop manager04:16
rapemanhey guys, i was wondering if you would be able to help me figure out how to write an iso to a usb drive04:16
rapemanso i could boot off of it04:16
bruenigrapeman: dd04:16
nyaadante123 I sent you a message that  might help lol04:17
redvamp128Dante123:  They have a live install version where it already is in there04:17
rapemanbruenig, would you be able to help me04:17
bruenigrapeman: man dd04:17
redvamp128Dante123:  or if you already have ubuntu installed you can add the LXDE desktop04:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin04:17
rapemanno unetbootin won't let me do it04:18
rapemanunetbootin only lets you do it with the pre-defined linux distros04:18
spillanyone know how to configure firehol to allow local network address to passthrough?04:18
rapemanbut i'm trying to do this in ubuntu with an iso that is not linux relate04:18
Dante123redvamp128 how do I do that?  What is command?04:18
=== kiyoshi is now known as Guest28626
redvamp128to install it on ubuntu Dante123? is that what you are asking?04:19
Guest28626naitou horizon?04:19
MethinXI need a suggestion of a document editor that automaticly backs up, checks scripts, and will work with xorg.conf and various other text documents I am a new user using Ubuntu 8.1 and am 7 days Microsoft Free!04:19
Dante123yeah, I already had a hard drive with hardy on it that I put in that machine....what is command to install lxde (sudo apt-get something???)04:19
redvamp128Dante123:  all you have to do is open up synaptic package manger -- search for LXDE04:19
Dante123will it automagically become the desktop on reboot???04:19
redvamp128or you can use this command Dante123 Ubuntu - LXDE.org <http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Ubuntu>04:20
redvamp128Dante123:  no you have to manually select it then log in and choose save as default.04:20
nickrudDante123, at the login screen, select options->sessions; any desktop you have installed can be chosen there04:21
redvamp128Dante123:  to get it from prompt  sudo apt-get install lxde04:21
R0b0t1As I understand, the full version of Vim is not included on Ubuntu by default. Which packages would I look for/install?04:21
werdnumR0b0t1: "full version"?04:21
R0b0t1werdnum: Yes, as in there are some features missing in what is default installed.04:22
nickrudMethinX, gedit does that; it creates backups and appends ~ to them. They are not visible until you turn on show hidden files04:22
R0b0t1As I remember, I wasn't able to use syntax highlighting by default.04:22
MethinXnickrud, thank you04:22
spillanyone know how to configure firehol firewall to allow local network address to passthrough?04:22
Dr_willisR0b0t1,  'vim-full' and alter the /etc/vim/vimrc as you like04:23
R0b0t1Dr_willis: +104:23
nickrudMethinX, most editors make backups the same way - it's nearly a unix standard04:23
jootPlease take a look at this paste    http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109235/04:23
Cadmanduno me anda el sonido de ubuntustudio como lo arreglo?04:23
MethinXthanks for the info04:24
redvamp128!es | Cadmandu04:24
ubottuCadmandu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:24
LEX_WELLI'm trying to run a ./config and I'm asked about a 'x11' package04:24
nyaalex_well what config are you trying to run?04:25
nickrud!pr | Cadmandu (just in case :)04:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr04:25
LEX_WELLIs about a intel graphics crad04:25
nickrud!pt | Cadmandu (just in case :)04:25
ubottuCadmandu (just in case :): Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:25
jootThis is the terminal message from freedroidRPG   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109235/04:26
mom1dad1can antbody tell me a friendly chat channel04:26
ryancrI am trying to connect to netgear fvx538 via vpn using network manager... but i don't seem to be able to, as nm asks for a user password and I don't have one, just a preshared key (which I assme is the same as the group password)04:27
ryancrany thoughts?04:27
zebhow do i find out what version of a wireless card i have04:27
joljamexodus :- I am not sure as to houch swap I have04:28
captain_anyone know why ALSA isn't picking up my CD-IN as a capture?04:30
Panxyhello everyone. i have a question... i installed virtualbox and i'm trying to make raw vmdk, to boot my /dev/sda1 partition, which is running windows XP, but i keep getting: Error while creating the raw disk VMDK: VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS ... anyone saw such error yet and has an idea what's wrong ?04:30
rstecklerI'm trying to figure out what I need to do apart from apt-get install phpmyadmin to get it running.  I'm getting a 404 from <ip>/phpmyadmin.  My gut is telling me there is something bad from the alias line in /phpmyadmin/apache2.conf, which says "alias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin".  That seems odd because apache2's root is /var/www04:30
rstecklerAnyone know what magic I need here?04:30
Panxyi googled all around, but it seems i cannot get an answer for it... anyone maybe ?04:30
IndyGunFreakzeb: is it internal, USB, what?04:30
PeoplesAdvocateHello everyone, I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to find out if a scripts is executing like its supposed to? Where do i check?04:30
carlfI'm sure there must be a document somewhere but my google-fu is failing me. Why would I have two copies of gdm and X running? It seems like that by default in xubuntu but I seem to recall seeing the same in regular ubuntu04:31
nickrudrsteckler, you shouldn't have anything in apache2.conf about phpmyadmin, the config should be in /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf04:32
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rstecklernickrud: Thanks.  I thikn I just found a google with the same prob:  When phpmyadmin asked which server to configure, the cursor was highlighting apache2, and I hit enter.  Apparently, I need to hit <space" to select that item, then enter to configure it =/04:33
nickrudPeoplesAdvocate, it really depends on what the script is doing04:33
nickrudrsteckler, ah. I'll remember that. I'm just used to debconf I guess ;)04:33
PeoplesAdvocatenickrud: it is auto update and upgrade with -qy04:34
rstecklerSo, followup question:  apt-get remove phpmyadmin followed by apt-get install phpmyadmin doesn't "reprompt" me for that config screen.  Anyone know how to completely remove it so I can completely reinstall it?04:34
gluonmanWhat is the command that I must use to find the dimensions of an open window?04:34
rstecklerOr how to bring that config up with the current install?04:34
nickrudPeoplesAdvocate, you can see the install history in /var/log/dpkg.log; grep installed /var/log/dpkg.log is a usable filter04:34
Flannelrsteckler: Purge it, and whatever dependencies it has.  (looks like there's no depends that need to be removed)04:34
evilGUIanyone have any idea why I get a different lang in firefox when it says file not found? http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2355/screenshotpageloaderrorpw3.png04:35
nickrudrsteckler, sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin should do it04:35
PeoplesAdvocatenickrud: thanks i appreciate it04:35
rstecklerawesome.  I'll try #2, then #1  =)04:35
Panxyi googled all around, but it seems i cannot get an answer for it... anyone maybe ?04:35
Panxyhello everyone. i have a question... i installed virtualbox and i'm trying to make raw vmdk, to boot my /dev/sda1 partition, which is running windows XP, but i keep getting: Error while creating the raw disk VMDK: VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS ... anyone saw such error yet and has an idea what's wrong ?04:36
gluonmanWhat command should I use to find the dimensions of an open window?04:36
Dante123tried the lxde, not bad.  What's another good desktop manager to try?  I'm not a big fan of kde...but willing to try a couple other lighter ones.  Suggestions??04:36
evilGUIThis is really starting to creep me out04:36
IndyGunFreakzeb: did you figure out what wireless device you have?04:36
Dante123Panxy have you tried the vbox forum.  A guy named erstazi is VERY knowledgable.04:36
zebyes i have the linux drivers now i need to find out how to install them04:36
zebim new04:37
IndyGunFreakzeb: what device is it?..04:37
zebdlink dwl g122 rev c04:37
Dante123zeb welcome.  some of us are old, some are in between.04:37
Panxyi will try to contact on the forum too yes, in case i dont get answer here or on vbox channel... i'm sure it's a simple solution...04:37
IndyGunFreakzeb: if it has a linux driver, then they should provide support for installing it04:38
zebcant find it04:38
Dante123Panxy.  Erstazi is one of the most knowledgable in the channel.  Others are helpful too.  Sorry I cant help on that particular question.04:38
knowonejoljam, Exodus has exited. swapon -s will tell you your current swap space04:38
zebbeen looking for 2 hours now04:38
IndyGunFreakzeb: where did you download it?04:38
zebfrom a forum04:38
IndyGunFreakzeb: did you think to ask on that forum for help?04:38
Dante123Other desktop/window manager suggestions to try???04:38
FloridaGuyanyone ever hear of a socket 370 board..that linux will run on...and if installing windows you get error loading system04:38
IndyGunFreakDante123: did you try crunchbang?04:39
zebthe dlink is ralink for linux04:39
IndyGunFreak!ralink | zeb04:39
ubottuzeb: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:39
Dr_willisDante123,  depends on your needs. and what you want.. its easy to install ano of the dozen+ window manager in ubuntu04:39
Dante123Not yet, have to dl and burn cd.  Will try tomorrow on old pc.  Thanks for the tip.04:39
Dante123Dr_willis preferably something lightweight....gnomish....04:39
Dr_willisDante123,  go through the list and start trying them out..04:40
johnnnnyAm i better using "sudo" or "start-stop-deamon" in my init.d scripts ?04:40
rstecklerI am happy.  dpkg --configure said it was already configured (I don't see a reconfigure option).  apt-get remove, dpkg -P, and apt-get install worked.  Now I have phpmyadmin up.  Thanks guys04:40
Dr_willisDante123,  the varioux XXXBox ones are popular04:40
Dante123there's a list???04:40
Dr_willisDante123,  synaptic , and search feature.. or check its catagories04:40
krielI know I'm a little bit behind the leading edge; but is there any risk to doing a dist-upgrade? I'm used to windows; where trying to "dist upgrade" is BAD; however I've never had the experience of trying it on Ubuntu.04:40
PeoplesAdvocatersteckler: if you run in probs again and want to start over I used this site to follow. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP04:41
johnnnnyanyone ?04:41
evilGUIin firefox I get this if I put in the wrong link to a file http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2355/screenshotpageloaderrorpw3.png04:41
PeoplesAdvocatehelped me out alot04:41
evilGUIwhy does it have a different lang mixed in?04:41
Dr_willisjohnnnny,  init script dont need 'sudo' in them. or are we missunderstanding what you asked..04:41
zebi have to compile the driver?04:41
johnnnnyDr_willis: really ? they don't ?04:42
Dr_willisjohnnnny,  they are ran by the sytem at boot..so they get ran as root... makes sence eh?04:42
johnnnnyDr_willis: i want to run them as a specific user too.04:42
Dr_willisjohnnnny,  no sudo needed in rc.local either.04:42
johnnnnyDr_willis: because they are servers.04:42
Dr_willisjohnnnny,   running an init script as a user.. makes little sence.04:42
Dr_willisa 'server' can have its own uid/gid if i recall right.. the scripts get launched by root.. but the service some how changes to the proper user.04:43
johnnnnyDr_willis: you don't think it makes total sense to run a server-service that might be open to the web to be runned as another user , vs root ?04:43
zebim confused04:43
johnnnnyjust wondering :)04:43
Dr_willisthat way the httpd sercice is not getting as root..it getting STARTED by root.04:43
PeoplesAdvocateanyone recommend anything else besides webmin? anything better?04:44
johnnnnyDr_willis: some programs don't do that.04:44
PeoplesAdvocatei heard of ebox or something like that04:44
Dr_willisthat way the httpd service is not running as root..it getting STARTED by root.  as i said - it depends on the service04:44
Dante123Dr_willis okay dled a few and will try.  Thanks!04:44
Dr_willisDante123,  some of them dont add a proper entry to the GDM session menus.04:44
Dr_willisDante123,  i know JWM doswnt.. but jwm is so minimal :) its amazing04:45
johnnnnyDr_willis: start-stop-deamon offers exactly what i need.. so does sudo.. just for safety sake04:45
jootHelp please this is the terminal message from freedroidRPG   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109235/04:45
jackdethNeed help with a new Ubuntu install.04:45
zebanyone help me to get this driver working this is all jibberish to mee04:45
Dr_willisjohnnnny,  i imagine it depends on what you are doing exactly. :)04:45
nyaajohnnny: sudo is supposed to let you execute your command as if it were root. I don't see how it can be a substitute for the command that follows it04:46
joljamExodus:- How do I know how much swap i have04:46
Droopsta915Whats the command to get into the menu.lst list?04:46
johnnnnyDr_willis: well, i'm running a server that doesn't set it's own process UID GID, and it will be open . I just want to be sure it's not runned as root.04:46
nyaajohhhny: to me that would be similar to substituting "can you keep track of the time for me so that I can tell when to do certain processes?" with "hey. I'm the boss."04:46
johnnnnyit's to run subversion.04:47
=== bruenig_ is now known as bruenig
U-b-u-n-t-uwhats the site where you can paste in large amounts of txt and it gives you a url04:47
ice_creamlo, do i still need samba package to use cifs or something?04:47
PeoplesAdvocateDroopsta915: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst04:47
PeoplesAdvocatecarefull though04:47
apoHm, any ideas if there's a hostapd IRC channel?04:47
Droopsta915sudo, thats what i was doing wrong. thanx04:47
jackdethI was trying out Ubuntu before in VMware and everything seemed pretty straightforward. When partitioning the virutal machine I could just use all the space. I had a 3 GB swap and the rest of the space was allocated to root ( / ). Now, I'm trying do a dual boot and have questions after the fact.04:48
lawstudentguys, i need a VERY SMALL wav player. Please give me your recommendations.04:48
ice_creamthere does not seem to be a cifs package, which seems strange04:48
ftab_is there any way to delete the sound drivers and then re-install?04:48
nyaajoljam: open a terminal and type in "top", swap will be in second from the top on the left04:48
jackdethDuring the install it suggested setting up a swap space at least 1gb and then a "home directory" which it referred to as " / " and then the rest would go to "/media/sda2".04:49
nyaajoljam sorry 5th from the top04:49
Dr_willisjackdeth,  home is not /  -> home is /home04:49
rstecklerPeoplesAdvocate: Nice.  I did just that - removed and purged the whole lamp stack and used that to get it back.  Everything is working now, and I'm not going to wonder about all the little tweaks I tried to get it running before.04:50
jackdethNow after the installation is done it appears that the whole file system was installed to " / " which is only about 3GB in size leaving the rest of that drive space free. It's my understanding that when you install new packages, they get installed into a variety of folders within that main file system. Won't that very quickly eat up all that space?04:50
ice_creami guess it's called smbfs.... although i assumed that was samba related, when i looked closer at description it appears to be smb/cifs protocol04:50
Dr_willisjackdeth,  you would mount '/' to  like /dev/sda1  and home would then be /dev/sda1/home    /home  basically..04:50
rstecklerOne weird thing, though:  After I removed and purged apache2, there still existed a /etc/apache2 folder.  <shrug>04:50
jackdethSorry for the long dissertation.04:50
ice_creamyou guys should make at least a cifs link type of package that points to smbfs04:51
RocketLauncher( what a shithead )04:51
RocketLauncher -----------------04:51
RocketLauncher        o   ^__^04:51
FloodBot2RocketLauncher: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:51
Flannelrsteckler: That's because "apache2" doesn't own that folder.  Theres subpackages (that apache2 depends on) like apache2.2-commona nd apache2-mpm-worker04:51
RocketLauncher         o  (oo)\_______04:51
apolawstudent: bplay is pretty small, I think04:51
lawstudentapo, thanks.04:51
rstecklerFlannel:  I thought apt-get autoremove would remove those "children"04:52
lawstudenti'll check out bplay. i need a SMALL WAV PLAYER because I have  a tiny eeepc. thanks04:52
PeoplesAdvocatersteckler:i think i read somewhere that you need to manually delete that folder from your /etc. But im not sure.04:52
Flannelrsteckler: It may.  It may not purge them though.04:52
rsteckleroh wait.  Other way around.  Apache2 depends on those things04:52
jackdethDrWillis: Let me break down what i have now. This second drive has Windows XP data on it. So, I have an NTFS mounted partition with a mountpoint "/media/sda1" which totals about 330GB.04:52
rstecklergot it04:52
rstecklerno biggy - Everything seems to be working now.04:52
jackdethThen I have /dev/sda2 which is formatted ext3, totalling 135GB but has no mountpoint listed (I'm using something called gparted).04:53
jackdethThen I have /dev/sda4 with a mountpoint of " / " which is 3.7GB.04:53
Dr_willisjackdeth,  you are still at the installing stage?  or what exctly are you doing?04:53
jackdethThen /dev/sda3 which is a swap space of about a gig.04:53
balrog__what port does bazaar use?04:53
rstecklerGotta say, though...Coming from a Windows world (I'm obviously a linux noob), it's amazing to see a web server install from a remote location in 12 seconds.04:53
apolawstudent: You mean small as in resources or as in resolution on the screen? :P>04:54
rstecklerWhen it was done, I didn't believe that it was actually working.  I had to doublecheck04:54
lawstudentapo, resources.04:54
jackdethI just got done with the installation and freaked out when I saw that I had a mountpoint called " / " with all the main files installed but it was only 3.7 GB in size.04:54
ice_creammaybe make the big ext3 mounted on /home04:54
lawstudenti have the most basic eeepc04:54
jackdethIs this normal?04:54
Dr_willisjackdeth,  you could mount  the  sda2 to /home in the installer if you wanted.    but the installer will want the info.. not gparted.04:54
apolawstudent: Good04:54
lawstudentapo, even non-gui is finee04:54
joljamhow can I increase the size of swap04:54
Dr_willisjackdeth,  I normally have (windows) (/) (/home) and (swap)04:54
n8tuserjackdeth -> thats normal04:55
jackdethSo are you saying I should reinstall?04:55
apolawstudent: Heh, when somebody asks for small, I won't consider GUI apps04:55
Dr_willisjackdeth,  i dont know what you are doing.. if you dident tell the installer to use /dev/sda2 as /home - then its not being used as /home04:55
n8tuserjackdeth may as well,04:55
ice_creammy laptop is setup   windows, /boot,  / ,  (shared vfat), swap04:55
Dr_willisjackdeth,  you can move home to it if you wanted.. and edit /etc/fstab04:55
jackdethIn VMware I had a small swap space and then everything else was just in /. How can I do that again?04:55
jootapo, does eeepc not play .wav by default??04:56
Dr_willisjackdeth,  tell the installer to just have a / and a swap..  make no other parttions  - if thats wht ypu want04:56
lawstudentjoot, i changed my os from xandros to debian04:56
Dr_willislawstudent,  im useing eeebuntu on my Netbook :)04:57
lawstudentjoot, i don't know whether default os can play wav04:57
jackdethDR: Is there any way to do that without having to reinstall again?04:57
jootlawstudent, ah ok :)04:57
Dr_willisjackdeth,  do 'what' exactly? i mentioned  like 3 things...04:57
jackdethTo make just a swap space and a /.04:57
Dr_willisjackdeth,  repartition the hard drive.. reinstall... is the easy way04:57
apolawstudent: moc is also pretty nice.04:57
jackdethSorry. I'm just really stupid with all this. It's all new to me as I'm new to Linux.04:58
Dr_willisjackdeth,  or use gparted to resize your current / and remove the extra parittion04:58
jackdethThat gparted thingie isn't letting me resize / and I'm not sure why.04:58
lawstudentapo, do u know whihc is smaller.04:58
lawstudentor how i could find out?04:58
Dr_willisjackdeth,  ecause you can NOT NOT NOT resize a mounted filesytem. use gparted from a live cd.04:59
Dr_willisdid i include enough nots? :)04:59
jackdethOhhhhhh.......I see.04:59
knowonejoljam, 2 ways First you could make a swap file directions at http://www.linux.com/feature/113956 or you could add a second swap partition or resize your current one04:59
jackdeth<-----feeling really stupid.04:59
Frijolieanyone in here a rsync guru?04:59
jackdethAlright. I guess I'm off to the land of reinstall. Thanks!04:59
jootDr_willis. jackdeth< I have all ways found the Ubuntu installer to be quite sensable with the partions and windows share space05:00
apolawstudent: I'm pretty sure that using the less hungry one won't hurt your resources. Those things have what? 800MHz? That's plenty for playing WAV ;)05:00
Frijolieor at least decent, i'm receiving error messages when trying to backup some files from a local drive to a external USB drive05:00
jeeves_Mosshas anyone solved the screen freezing issue with nVidia cards?05:00
jootDr_willis.  I am too late05:00
werdnumFrijolie: we can't help you if you don't tell us what the errors are :)05:00
Dr_willisjoot,  i tnd to resize the windows partition from vista.. and let the installer parittion the unallocated space as it wants.. :)  he apreantly dident set /home to be /dev/sda205:00
Frijoliewerdnum: I was wondering if anyone was familiar with rsync first05:01
Frijoliewerdnum, before wasting my breath05:01
jootDr_willis.   Well he is gone now -((05:01
anhdhhow can i enable 3D acceleration :( here are the out put of the neccesary commands : glxinfo |grep direct >>>direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set) ; lspci |grep vga >>> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)05:01
Dr_willisjoot,  he will be back..  You just know it! :)05:01
jootDr_willis.   Yip!!!!05:02
Benj79hi everyone, i'm trying to switch over from windows05:02
Frijoliehere's the pastebin of my error message(s): http://paste.ubuntu.com/109247/05:03
werdnumFrijolie: Most people will just ignore those sorts of questions.05:03
werdnum!ask | Frijolie05:03
=== tbrock is now known as joetrrr
ubottuFrijolie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:03
Frijolie!thanks | werdnum05:03
ubottuwerdnum: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:03
* apo yawns and curses at hostapd05:03
Frijolieboth directories do exist and they're spelt correctly05:04
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zebanyone help me to get this ralink driver to work for my wifi05:04
=== thebleh is now known as zkinion
joetrrrguys is there anyway to do this in ubuntu? http://www.blogsdna.com/2016/how-to-install-windows-7-from-usb-drive-without-windows-7-iso-dvd.htm05:04
joetrrri've formatted my usb ntfs and enabled boot flag05:05
joetrrrbut i need a bootsect equivilent program for ubuntu05:05
joetrrrany ideas?05:05
werdnumjoetrrr: I think they exist, but I'm not sure where.05:05
Benj79QUESTION: I took away administration privileges from my user account thinking only root should have that (more secure), but now i can't install my video card driver package from the terminal05:05
Dr_willisjoetrrr,  ask in windows - perhaps they will suggest that super-grub-boot-disk05:05
Frijoliejoetrrr, that-is-the-longest-u-r-l-that-i-think-i-have-ever-seen-in-my-entire-life-while-existing-on-this-planet.htm05:05
Benj79and i can't edit the users & groups (thought it would just ask me for root password)05:06
Dr_willisBenj79,  it was secure enough befor. :) only that user had rights to get to root. :)05:06
FlannelBenj79: That's correct.  Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, and we don't recommend you enable it (and yes, that means having an account with admin privledges)05:06
apohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation joetrrr05:06
werdnumFrijolie: What was the error message you had?05:06
FlannelBenj79: You'll have to reboot to the recovery console and re-add that user to the admin group if you have no other way of doing so currently.05:06
Benj79is there a way to get my privileges back?05:06
Frijoliewerdnum, see above (pastebin)05:06
Dr_willisBenj79,  boot recovery mode, and as root reneable the user perhaps?05:06
Benj79hmmm ok05:07
Benj79i'll try it, thanks!05:07
FlannelBenj79: adduser username admin05:07
Frijoliewerdnum, it's acting like it doesn't like the directories05:07
werdnumFrijolie: ah, I didn't see that message.05:07
Dr_willisBenj79,  and no i dont know the exacts of how to do it :) I know better then tobreak it. heh05:07
Benj79now i know too!05:07
FlannelDr_willis: adduser uesrname admin05:07
Dr_willisther eya go Benj79  :)05:07
Frijoliewerdnum, yeah, sorry it wasn't addressed to you specifically so got lost in the shuffle05:07
FlannelBenj79: once you've done that, "init 2" will boot the rest of the way (out of recovery to a normal boot)05:07
werdnumrikkimaru: ls -l /Art05:08
werdnumFrijolie: ls -l /Art05:08
Frijoliewerdnum, darn slashes!05:08
Ketrelwhat's the equivalent of the 'yum provides' command with apt?05:08
werdnumFrijolie: hmm?05:09
FlannelKetrel: what does "yum provides" do?05:09
werdnumnom nom nom05:09
KetrelFlannel: 'yum provides */bin/name' would tell me what package gives me anything with */bin/name05:10
apoKetrel: apt-file05:10
FlannelKetrel: you want apt-file05:10
redvamp128Yum  -- sounds like redhat or fedora05:10
Ketrelredvamp128: it is05:10
Frijoliewerdnum, I think I got it05:10
KetrelI've used it before, but I was asking how to replicate that command with apt ;)05:10
Frijoliewerdnum, rsync -avz Art /media/disk/Art05:11
Ketrelapo and Flannel: I have no apt-file o.O05:11
jootyello dog update manager rpm05:11
Frijoliewerdnum, instead of "rsync -avz /Art /media/disk/Art05:11
LymiesWhen you apt-get source something, where is the source put?05:11
apoKetrel: So apt-get it05:11
FlannelKetrel: right, its not installed by default.  sudo apt-get install apt-file05:11
FlannelLymies: the source deb is put in .05:11
Ketrelthis seems almost like cannibalism05:11
FlannelKetrel: Most people don't need to use apt-file, so there's no reason for it to be installed for everyone05:12
werdnumFrijolie: :)05:12
apoKetrel: The program 'apt-get' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install apt05:12
Frijoliewerdnum: all the small little details05:12
Ketrelapo: that is my nightmare05:13
PeoplesAdvocateAnyone know of a better program than Webmin?05:13
werdnumPeoplesAdvocate: MediaWiki.05:13
werdnumbut maybe I'm biased.05:13
werdnumMaya and Blender are pretty cool, too.05:13
werdnumWay cooler than Webmin.05:13
werdnumalthough Maya costs a bazillion dollars.05:14
apoKetrel: It's not too bad, really.05:14
EagleScreenapo if you removed apt you have a problem :D05:14
werdnumsudo apt-get remove apt-get05:14
KetrelWell, I fell that Notepad far surpasses Webmin, but Webmin is a pretty crappy Windows Text Editor05:14
apoEagleScreen: Nah05:15
Ketrelsudo make me a sandwich05:15
FlannelEagleScreen: No, you'd just have to use dpkg05:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:15
EagleScreenyes and use dpkg is boring05:15
KetrelFlannel: could you remove dpkg?05:15
LymiesIs there a general developer package that you can install that will cover most of the stuff you need to compile shit?05:15
apo(or ar, tar, gzip and bzip2)05:15
apobuild-essential, Lymies05:16
FlannelLymies: and please watch your language05:16
apoLymies: There's also apt-get build-dep05:16
KetrelLymies: do you mean a specific program, or in general?05:16
EagleScreeni think you obtain a warning if you try to remove dpkg05:16
KetrelLymies: what apo said05:16
nickrudLymies, build-essential (plus, please thing disney g rated, thanks)05:16
Benj79Thanks guys, fixed it right up05:17
RootyHi, how do I turn off the sound I get when my desktop first shows up after logging in?05:17
werdnumRooty: turn your speakers off05:18
* werdnum hides.05:18
Flannelwerdnum: Please be helpful05:18
apoSo. Prism 54 cards and hostapd, anyone? Just got myself a shiny new 2.6.29-rc2 kernel and I'm trying to setup a small wlan. hostapd runs fine, but the wlan doesn't get created... The only possibly relevant error I can see is "Failed to set beacon head/tail"05:18
Rootywerdnum troll elsewhere?05:18
FlannelRooty: There's a sounds config that allows you to modify that.05:18
redvamp128Lymies:  I woudl have to say  sudo apt-get install build-essential flex bison xlibs-dev x11proto-gl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev fontconfig libfreetype6-dev fontforge checkinstall05:18
apoairodump-ng on another box doesn't show any packets either :|05:18
FlannelRooty: If it's not in there, then its in login screen set up (but I believe the latter is juts for the "gdm is alive" sound)05:19
werdnumFlannel: that's what I do :D05:19
RootyI could do it in feisty, am looking in Ibex05:19
ardchoilleRooty: System > Administration > Login Window > Accessibility tab?05:19
redvamp128Lymies:  followed by  sudo apt-get install subversion pkg-config python perl g++ g++-multilib \05:19
redvamp128  bison flex gperf libnss3-dev libgtk2.0-dev libnspr4-0d \05:19
redvamp128  libnspr4-dev msttcorefonts05:19
Flannelwerdnum: Stupid answers belong in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.05:19
=== nikolai is now known as Thermal
cweigleCan someone tell me how to fix my wireless card? All the way up until last night it was fine, but last night it started making the system freeze with caps and numlock lights flashing, and then it would start and then turn off, the card itself. I found something similar, but it was supposedly fixed in a previous release. Anyone have an answer?05:19
=== Thermal is now known as Terrestrial
werdnumFlannel: oh lighten up, I didn't hurt anything, and I've been helping people too. Plus, nobody asks questions in #ubuntu-offtopic, so I can't give stupid answers there.05:20
werdnumcweigle: That's a kernel panic, it happens to me too.05:20
Rootyardchoille - Thanks but that does the login screen not the desktop. I'd found that already05:20
EagleScreencweigle which card?05:20
mcnellisdoes anybody know what language gcalctool is written in?05:20
werdnumI don't really know how to fix it on mine, I just kinda accept it as a fact of life05:20
cweigleLinksys WPC1105:20
Flannelwerdnum: Theres plenty of opportunity in -ot, and no.  Silly answers aren't what this channel is for.05:20
Rootywerdnum Sorry I snapped, I missed the joke.05:20
ardchoilleRooty: Ah, ok, it was a guess.05:20
* werdnum leaves it there.05:21
EagleScreenno idea for that card05:21
Benj79QUESTION: i'm trying to install a NVIDIA video card driver package - it's giving me a permission denited error: "nvidia-installer must be run as root".   Any suggestions for this linux-newbie?05:21
mcnellisoh I see it's written in C nvm thanks05:21
cweigleI'm firewired right now, but I can't seem to find how to fix it05:21
EagleScreen!sudo | Benj7905:21
ubottuBenj79: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)05:21
ardchoilleBenj79: Any reason why you're not using the hardware drivers app?05:22
TerrestrialArd: He probably wants a newer driver, which is understandable.05:22
Benj79from the system menu? i actually tried that, and it froze05:22
jootBenj79, you must type  sudo in front of the command05:22
Benj79but nvidia has a driver specifically for linux05:22
ardchoilleBenj79: Which card?05:22
TerrestrialBenj79: Use sudo -i to become root, then type ./nvidia-installer after getting back to the right directory05:22
Dr_willisBenj79,  there seeral ways to install the nvidia drivers..05:22
tennisonIm getting an error saying :E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) "05:23
tennisonplz help05:23
sanai don't seem to have a title bar for all of my windows after messing around with compiz settings...can anyone tell me why this happened?05:23
TerrestrialTennison: Another package manager is probably open05:23
apotennison: Stop other apt/synaptic processes05:23
redvamp128sana:  nvidia?05:23
TerrestrialClose Synaptics or the update manager05:23
cellofellowI can't browse my Samba network.05:23
cweigleHow do you fix a kernel panic05:23
ardchoilleBenj79: Ah, yeah, I'm seeing that card have problems with some folks05:23
sanaintegrated intl05:23
cellofellowGoing to smb:/// in Nautilus shows nothing, nada, zippo.05:23
FloodBot2sana: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:23
TerrestrialCellofellow, have you installed samba?05:23
Benj79oh really?05:23
TerrestrialMight be misconfigured.05:24
redvamp128sana:  I only know a fix for NVIDIA-- to bring the tittlebar back  in Compiz05:24
=== Terrestrial is now known as Nik
sanaya i tried that05:24
=== Nik is now known as Terrestrial
sanait didn't work05:24
cellofellowTerrestrial: maybe, seeing as Samba configuration is a real dog. I set the Workgroup setting to my workgroup.05:24
jootsana, I fixed the problem by uninstalling compiz but there are work arounds I think05:24
ChaorainI get a CRC error on my laptop when I boot ubuntu. Any clue?05:25
Huene`how do I configure Alsa after it's installed?05:25
* cellofellow doesn't want to run a samba file+print sharing server, just be able to browse the network with nautilus.05:25
Dr_willisuninstalling compiz can cause issues. :)05:25
cweigleHow do you fix a kernel panic?05:25
Chaorainwhen I use the samedisk on my desktop it works fine05:25
TerrestrialCellofellow, have you looked in the samba.conf file?05:25
Dr_williscellofellow,  ive had issues with the gnome file manager browsing shares.. ive had to enter the full path to the shares.. THEN the file manager wouls see them.. so i bookmarked the shares05:25
sanawhats emerald,?  Would installin it fix it?05:25
jootDr_willis, What sort of issues???05:26
Terrestrialsmb.conf* rather05:26
Lymieshow do you add something to your $PATH05:26
ubottucairo-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.cairo-dock.org05:26
=== nicholas_ is now known as tacosarecool
cweigleCan someone tell me how to fix my wireless card? All the way up until last night it was fine, but last night it started making the system freeze with caps and numlock lights flashing, and then it would start and then turn off, the card itself. I found something similar, but it was supposedly fixed in a previous release. Anyone have an answer? Oh, to get it to not lock up I selected the older kernel in the grub startup menu05:26
cellofellowDr_willis: yeah, that works, it's just I would like to be able to browse the network.05:26
tacosarecoolawn is best05:26
Dr_willisjoot,  if i recall.. if youy were using compiz, then removed it.. well the users desktop is still set to 'use' compiz.. and  it can counfuse things05:26
werdnum!repeat | cweigle05:26
ubottucweigle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:26
tacosarecoolThough I can't install it right05:26
tacosarecoolanyone want to help me?05:26
Dr_williscellofellow,  ive had this bug (and others have) since  betatesting.05:26
cellofellowTerrestrial: yes, I've glanced at it. But, still, that's for the server not the client.05:26
phiqtionwhat is the best dock for ubuntu right now?05:27
tennisonim still getting the same error "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable)05:27
thepxchey, quick question regarding a PPA: I just uploaded my first package to it (wine with a couple patches) but it doesn't yet show up on my PPA page. If I try to re-upload, dput says it was already uploaded.05:27
tacosarecoolphiq awn05:27
Dr_willisphiqtion,  depends on you rneeds.. I hate them all05:27
rdw200169phiqtion, you could try cairo-dock05:27
thepxcdo i just wait?05:27
cellofellowphiqtion: GNOME-Do 0.8 Alpha Docky.05:27
Flannelthepxc: #ubuntu-motu would likely be a better place to ask05:27
rdw200169phiqtion, i've been using it for about 6 mos. now, no crashes05:27
TerrestrialCellofellow: And the workgroup in the config matched the workgroup you're trying to get to?05:27
jootDr_willis, I think I beat that by turning off all effects before remoiving compiz <hopes>05:27
ChaorainCRC on ubuntu boot05:27
cellofellowTerrestrial: yes05:27
thepxck, ty flannel05:27
phiqtionrdw200169: does it intefere with xbmc?05:27
TerrestrialCellofellow: Have you got any folders shared via SMB on your box?05:28
rdw200169phiqtion, not that i know of05:28
rdw200169phiqtion, i don't know how it would05:28
cellofellowTerrestrial: no, don't really want to share any. I still don't see how the server config effects the client.05:28
Dr_willisjoot,  or install icewm, or  other window manager. :) and tell fusion-icon to  disable  compiz :)05:28
monjaroHey.  I'm trying to set rc as my default shell, but when I do chsh and then choose rc, it says it's an invalid shell.  Why would this be?05:28
TerrestrialCellofellow: It shouldn't but try sharing a folder to make it set up permissions05:29
n8tusermonjaro rc is a shell?05:29
TerrestrialCellowfellow: Your user might not have an SMB user05:29
Dr_willismonjaro,  in /etc/ is a file with a list of 'allowed shells'05:29
TerrestrialCellowfellow: Sharing a folder should automatically set that up for you.05:29
Dr_willisive never herard of the 'rc' shell05:29
cweigleI looked again on the forums, and the problem has existed since hardy, and apparently its still not fixed, because people are still posting about it05:29
monjaroIt's the plan9 shell05:29
tennisonhelp getting updates. Just installed linux. Getting an error message saying  "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable)05:29
TerrestrialAfter that, stop sharing the folder and it'll hopefully still be working05:29
jootDr_willis, I mat do that if some issue arises but so far the destop is stable :-))05:29
cellofellowphiqtion: want a neat dock try Docky, it's part of the GNOME-Do alpha. https://launchpad.net/~do-testers/+archive05:30
tennisonI stopped all other synaptic managers and still no luck05:30
jootspell may   desktop05:30
redvamp128phiqtiontion: Ubuntu Unleashed: Howto: Install a brand new Dock with expandable menu's for Ubuntu Hardy Heron & Compiz! <http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-install-brand-new-dock-with.html>05:30
* brolin needs help upgrading from (K)ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04.05:30
phiqtioncellofellow: thanks05:30
=== Inc`` is now known as Inc`
monjaroDr_willis: You wouldn't happen to know what that file is called, would you?05:30
JustinBeairdsudo update-manager -d05:30
n8tusermonjaro this is ubuntu, plan 9 ?05:30
JustinBeairdi think?05:31
redvamp128phiqtion: that alsso shows how to add cairo-dock05:31
cellofellowphiqtion: it's a bit different than the Mac-imitating docks like AWN or Cairo-Dock, as it integrates with Gnome-do with is a keyboard driven app.05:31
Dr_willismonjaro,  just a rough guess.... /etc/shells   :) logical eh?05:31
Dr_willismonjaro,  i just looked. :)05:31
monjaron8tuser: I'm using plan 9 from user space (a port of plan 9 programs)05:31
KemrinHHey everyone. I'm not sure why but I can't get firefox to launch. Is there a special firefox room I should be in, or is this the right room since firefox is an application within ubuntu? Either way, there are more of you in here so I'll start here incase anyone can help.05:31
=== jex is now known as gunsaint
Dr_willis# /etc/shells: valid login shells05:31
cellofellowKemrinH: open a Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and run `firefox`.05:32
ShakedownHow do I get the newest version of Eclipse (Ganymede) through apt-get? I have the previous version Europa, and apt-get is telling there are no updates for it.05:32
Dr_willismonjaro,  i just looked. :)    /usr/bin/rc   Its in there05:32
monjaroDr_willis: Thanks.  I just wanted to make sure.  I've run into problems before assuming a file is the one I'm looking for without being sure05:32
kochiiits funny how android is being advertised as a google operating system when it is clearly using a linux/unix kernel05:32
KemrinHcellofellow, when I do that there isn't any response.05:32
cweigleWhat is a dock? God I feel stupid having to ask that but still05:33
monjaroDr_willis: I have it install under /usr/local/plan9/bin/rc, so that was the problem.  Thanks05:33
cellofellowKemrinH: it just exits back to the prompt?05:33
KemrinHcellofellow, Yeah.05:33
cellofellowKemrinH: hmmm, not good05:33
tennisonm still getting the same error "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable)05:33
Dr_willismonjaro,  Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default05:33
Dr_willisLogin Shell [/bin/bash]: /usr/bin/rc05:33
Dr_willismonjaro,  it worked here05:33
ShakedownAny ideas? I should be able to get it without downloading some .tar file and extracting myself huh?05:33
Dr_willismonjaro,  :) i used rc from the repos05:34
Chaorainany help with a CRC error on boot?05:34
jootDr_willis, Plan 9 is another os yes? is he trying to run from ubuntu??05:34
rdw200169Shakedown, you could check the launchpad.net PPA's05:34
KemrinHcellofellow, yeah, no error message or anything. It makes it pretty hard for a newbie like me to fix it if it won't even tell me what's wrong when run in Terminal.05:34
cellofellowKemrinH: um, is this the Firefox from the repositories or did you install it manually?05:34
nickrudShakedown, you're best just getting eclipse from eclipse; ubuntu is way old05:34
ShakedownI don't know what that is.  Is that going to help me get it all setup through apt-get?05:34
Shakedownnickrud: You mean the ubuntu repositories won't have the new eclipse?05:35
cellofellowShakedown: if Eclipse has packaged their own .deb file then you're in luck.05:35
Dr_willisjoot,  it was at one time.. it has a lot of 'stuff' ported from it - to linux05:35
nickrudShakedown, and let eclipse manage it's own packages. ubuntu has 3.2.205:35
cweigleOk, one last question before I go, Is there a way to downgrade your version of Ubuntu without having to lose data?05:35
KemrinHcellofellow It's the preinstalled firefox on a newly formatted Ubuntu drive. The only thing is I loaded the home file .mozilla from before the format, and it worked fine before I formatted it.05:35
jootDr_willis, Thanks05:35
Flannelcweigle: You'd have to reinstall, downgrading isn't fun.05:35
gunsainthello, i'm new to linux, but i thought i'd introduce myself05:36
monjarojoot: It's another OS, but there's a port of it's programs that I'm using05:36
nickrudShakedown, ubuntu depends on debian for eclipse, and debian's always been way behind in my experience05:36
ChaorainCRC error on boot?05:36
cellofellowKemrinH: while I don't think that should make crash out of the gates, I'd do `mv .mozilla .mozilla-old` and try again.05:36
jootmonjaro, ok thanks05:36
ShakedownSo I should remove my current Eclipse, download the tar from Eclipse website and extract myself?05:36
meoblasthi.. i'm really bad with search commands, how do i search a specific folder and it's subdirectories for a speciic folder05:37
nickrudShakedown, I would. And I'm a confirmed card carrying extremist about only using debs from repositories ;)05:37
EritreanHi guys05:37
jootlocate   <filename>05:37
KemrinHcellofellow Yeah, I bring my old home file every format, this isn't the usual response. Okay, I'll try that in a moment and let you know.05:37
Terrestrialcellofellow: Any luck with Samba yet?05:38
cweigleWell, since this has been a completely unhelpful night, I'm out05:38
cellofellowTerrestrial: nope05:38
cellofellowTerrestrial: haven't done anything yet though ;P05:38
Terrestrialcellofellow: Temporarily setting up a share didn't help?05:38
nickrudShakedown, it's easy enough to add a launcher to the panel, or add a link to put eclipse on the path. Once you've installed eclipse, I'd be happy to help with that05:38
cellofellowmeoblast: try `find /path/to/directory -empty -name 'searchterm'05:39
ShakedownThanks. I'm in the process of removing old and installing new.  I'll let you know if I have some path issues05:39
ineedzelphi, i'm new to ubuntu and i've been trying to set up internet acces for 2 days without succes...can anyone help?05:39
KemrinHcellofellow No response. I realized the file was permission denied though, with only root allowed access, so I changed it and now it's asking me to create a profile05:39
* cellofellow wonders what a nice, easy samba config tool might be05:39
Dr_willisineedzelp,  let us guess.. 'wireless' ?05:40
meoblastcellofellow, nevermind.. i found it... Ubuntu was really hiding it for some reason.. i mean... ls wouldnt even find it.. thanx though05:40
brolinmeoblast: find /some/dir/ -iname 'some_subdir' -type d05:40
ineedzelpnope not wireless05:40
johnnnnyhow can i do a full disk check (for bad sectors) in linux ?05:40
Dr_willisineedzelp,  then please give the channel more details05:40
ineedzelpi am using a d-link network adapter, i have a toshiba satellite 250005:41
ShakedownHow do I delete a non-empty directory? rmdir won't do it will it?05:41
zash_Shakedown: rm -r05:41
Dr_willisShakedown,  rm -rf dirname05:41
brolinmeoblast: Did the name start with '.'?05:41
prince_jammysShakedown: rm -r dir05:41
rdw200169Shakedown, rm -r05:41
LtLShakedown: rm -rf05:42
rdw200169dang, y'all beat me05:42
phrostbiteI am trying to view an mp4 file from my phone but I get a video that skips a whole bunch and there is no sound05:42
meoblastbrolin, yes05:42
ShakedownThanks. Odd rmdir wouldn't have a similar flag05:42
meoblastbrolin, the FTP server wouldnt even show it when i selected show hidden in nautilus05:42
FlannelShakedown: rm -r will suffice.  -f shouldn't normally need to be used.05:42
meoblastbrolin, maybe i have my FTP configured to do that... as i just modded the default config05:42
phrostbiteI am trying to view an mp4 file from my phone but I get a video that skips a whole bunch and there is no sound. I tried vlc and the default movie player that comes with ubuntu. I also downloaded a mpeg pack thing fromt he file list.05:42
EritreanI discovered a good hourly video podcast (every Tuesday) dealing mostly with ubuntu: http://www.category5.tv/05:43
DasEi johnnnny: check manpages of fsck, e2fsck and hdparm (carefull), maybe testdisk05:43
meoblasti think too many people know rm -rf lol05:43
Dr_willisphrostbite,  my phone saves in .gp2 / .gp3 here.. i can watch the videos in vlc.05:43
phrostbiteI also have a video thats 3gp and it wont display either05:43
werdnumDr_willis: I read that as gpl2, gpl305:44
Dr_williswerdnum,  /gp2 and .gp3 file extensions here. :) ive been converting videos to play on my phone05:44
KemrinHcellofello Okay, I got it running. Thanks a lot for your help. ^_^05:45
phrostbiteSo if vlc cannot play it then I am SOL?05:45
prince_jammysphrostbite: try mplayer05:45
Dr_willisphrostbite,  try mencoder/ffmpeg to convert them perhaps05:45
phrostbiteHow would i install those? whats the name for the sudo apt-get?05:45
Dr_willis i would enable medibuntu and install the versions from there.05:46
Dr_willisapt-cache search ffmpeg05:46
Dr_willisapt-cache search mencoder05:46
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow
Dr_williswinff is a handy front end to ffmpeg I think its in the repos also05:46
phrostbiteSo what would the full command be in the terminal?05:46
prince_jammyssudo apt-get install ffmpeg mencoder mplayer05:46
Dr_willissudo apt-get install whatever :)05:46
ineedzelpyes i am using a d-link network adapter, and i have a toshiba satellite laptop computer with an intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection and cannot connect to internet in ubuntu...help?05:46
* brolin should have installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS instead of 6.10. (fail)05:46
phrostbiteok lol05:47
Dr_willis6.10? :()05:47
cellofellowEdgy isn't even supported, didn't know you could even download it anymore.05:47
Flannelbrolin: You need to move to old-releases.ubuntu.com, then follow instructions on the upgrade page.05:47
rdw200169brolin, shoot, 6.06 stops being supported in a few months!05:47
werdnum6.06 was an LTS, IIRC05:47
Flannelrdw200169: Only half of it.05:48
werdnumwhich means it gets supported for 5 years, instead of 3.05:48
Flannelwerdnum: No, 3 Desktop / 5 Server instead of 18 months05:48
lstarneswerdnum: 3 years desktop, 5 years server05:48
carlos-venezuelahi, im using Intrepid... is anyone having trouble with wine?05:48
cellofellowisn't there a way to upgrade direct from dapper to hardy?05:48
brolinDr_willis: Yes, in 2006. :P05:48
Flannelcellofellow: Dapper to Hardy, yes.  Not Edgy to Hardy05:48
TerrestrialAh, edgy.05:48
EritreanCan any one tell me how I can hear the music from this ecard site (it has a midi file embedded with the gif image): http://www.123greetings.com/events/world_hello_day/hello28.html05:48
TerrestrialI remember edgy.05:48
cellofellowEdgy was fun.05:49
Flannelrdw200169: Only the desktop stuff.  Server stuff is supported until 201105:49
werdnumFlannel: oic05:49
TerrestrialI upgraded to it from Dapper and it broke my entire installation.05:49
rdw200169Flannel, ah, i thought you were talking about a different 1/2, it was vague05:49
rdw200169Flannel, i'm assuming he's using desktop ;)05:49
carlos-venezuelaim having troubles playing games on wine..05:49
* cellofellow remebers Edgy, first release of Ubuntu with AIGLX included. Tried it with kwin compositing on my RIVA TNT2. fail05:49
carlos-venezuelasound stop working after a while05:49
blackenedTerrestrial: that sucks. dapper to edgy was the only flawless dist-upgrade I've ever been through05:49
Terrestrialblackened: It broke gksudo :O05:50
cellofellowhardy to intrepid worked fine for me05:50
blackenedTerrestrial: doh05:50
TerrestrialBlackened: That was basically the final straw for it... There were so many other broken things and as a Linux newbie I just had to reinstall :'(05:50
kevin_hey guys, i git midi playback working perfectly today05:50
blackenedI haven't messed with it since then, always just do a clean install05:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dbf05:50
rdw200169kevin_, congrats!05:51
TerrestrialBlackened: Oh hell yes, clean is always the way to go05:51
blackenedTerrestrial: heh, I totally understand05:51
rdw200169Terrestrial, yes, i prefer keeping my /home on a separate partition so i can do that too.05:51
blackenedTerrestrial: it would look like a curse, but it gives me the chance to clean out all the garbage that I've put of removing for 4 months prior05:52
EritreanHey (12:50:54 AM) kevin_-- can you hear the music in here -- it's got midi file emdded in it: http://www.123greetings.com/events/world_hello_day/hello28.html05:52
blackenedrdw200169: same here05:52
TerrestrialBlackened: I have 300GiB of data to sort through because I'm moving to the US and only want to take up to about 40GiB with me05:52
TerrestrialI know the feeling... having loads of files build up sucks. :o05:52
evilGUIHello on Ubuntu server when I do sudo apt-get upgrade I get The following packages have been kept back: linux-image-server linux-server05:52
blackenedTerrestrial: ack. I hope it's all big files :)05:53
evilGUIDo I need to install those?05:53
EritreanHelp with midi05:53
FlannelevilGUI: You need to use dist-upgrade05:53
phrostbitehmmm mplayer cannot play the audio for the file :(. SO I need to convert it to something else first right?05:53
Eritreanplaying on the web05:53
FlannelevilGUI: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:53
kevin_i haven't set up a gui player for midis yet05:53
evilGUIFlannel: Thanks05:54
blackenedphrostbite: did the file play before you converted it? has it ever played correctly?05:54
cellofellowphrostbite: there's a file that mplayer can't play? what's this? (kidding a little bit of course)05:54
phrostbiteIt is straight from my phone lol. It's an mp4 file.05:54
JustinBeaird.nsv streams makes mplayer go zombie05:54
kevin_i installed the fluid gm soundfont and used sfxload to put it into ram. i had to increase the allowed memory in /etc/modules.d/alsa-base, and it works great in games/with pmidi on the CLI now05:54
blackenedTerrestrial: 300Gb? You sound like a candidate for a file server05:55
cellofellowphrostbite: now that is strange, as normally AAC audio is just fine in mplayer.05:55
nickrudShakedown, pm me?05:55
Terrestrialblackened: Yeah, pretty much!05:55
EritreanI have the gecko media player plugin for midi -- but doesn't play the music05:55
werdnumTerrestrial: s305:55
Terrestrialblackened: Most of its just games and videos... but its spread out everywhere05:55
* cellofellow sees 1TB drives on newegg.com for just under $100.05:55
TerrestrialCellowfellow: I'm in Australia, hard drives sell for ludicrous prices here at the moment05:56
kevin_i know totem offers to install codecs if you attempt to play a midi with it, but i never tried that05:56
EritreanNeed help playing midi file in the browser please05:56
TerrestrialMy friend paid $130 for a 500GB drive the other day05:56
TerrestrialNo, wait, $16005:56
cellofellowthat AU dollars?05:56
blackenedTerrestrial: the only benefit of add: organisation bordering on the pathological05:57
Terrestrialblackened: and an excuse to punch people who piss you off05:57
zhengguoI can learn English here05:57
Terrestrialblackened: working in the technological world, that would be such a blessing05:57
Sudanezehello guys , I wonder can I change my user name or hostname ?:D05:57
Flannel!hostname | Sudaneze05:57
ubottuSudaneze: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab05:57
Sudanezelol thanks :)05:58
EritreanHey Sudanese -- neighbour05:58
ineedzelpyes i am using a d-link network adapter, and i have a toshiba satellite laptop computer with an intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection and cannot connect to internet in ubuntu... can someone please help?05:58
brodymcd1can someone please help me? I used to be able to use samba to fileshare with my XP  machine, now can't in 8.10 - read a bunch of stuff on the net and it seems all over the map. Help?05:58
SudanezeEritrean,  yeah :)05:59
* rsteckler sighs05:59
EritreanHow r u bro05:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aol05:59
phrostbiteI am guessing I am a little screwed when it comes to trying to play this mp4 file? :(05:59
SudanezeI'm fine , you05:59
EritreanGood bro -- Kief halek inta?06:00
rstecklerI'm trying to build something on 8.1 server.  I got build-essential.  ./configure reports that it needs to be pointed to the linux source (which isn't installed).  I added source repositories, but I can't find the source for my image.  The image is a Xen VPS virtual box...Am I screwed?  Is there some generic version I can use, or a way to build this project with headers that don't match the image?06:01
rstecklerOr is that just bad bad news.06:01
Sudanezelol , I'm good I bit arabic isn't not allowed here06:01
EritreanGuys -- help with the midi06:01
Sudaneze[B]e [R]ight [B]ack06:01
phrostbiteWhat program can convert mp4 files to something else?06:01
Eritreanin-browser playing06:01
prince_jammysphrostbite: mencoder and ffmpeg.  look on the web for an example06:02
BAdarklighteri just got ubuntu installed on an old dell computer, its up and running but i cant seem to get it to connect to the internet via my netgear FVS338 router even though the router is set up for DHCP. can anyone please help me ?06:02
phrostbiteI dled both of those. So how do i convert with them?06:02
EritreanTigrigna --ትግርኛ06:02
prince_jammysphrostbite: google a 'mencoder convert mp4' for an sample command.06:02
phrostbiteok thanks06:03
Eritreanubuntu is da greatest06:03
Eritreancan even use my language06:03
Dr_willis!find winff06:03
ubottuPackage/file winff does not exist in intrepid06:03
Dr_willisphrostbite,  or check out winff --> http://winff.org/html/downloads.html06:04
EritreanSudaneze where u @?06:05
jsj0nesrsteckler: you need to 'apt-get source <package>' to get the source if you want to build yourself.06:05
nyaaBAdarklighter I sent a dialog to you06:05
nyaatalk in there06:06
rstecklerjsj0nes: I was thinking that.  I added the repos and added deb-src to them.  I'm not sure what <package> should be though, for the kernel source.06:06
BAdarklightercan you send it again i think i close the window accidently06:06
SudanezeEritrean, just minutes I'm on somthing06:06
jsj0nesrsteckler: what package are you trying to build?06:06
balrog__i just tried to setup a zfs pool but all of the files i saved there (they were just testing files) are gone after a reboot.  how do i get the drive to mount to the same spot every time?  what are the fstab entries?06:07
rstecklerfuse.  ./configure says "Please specify the location of the kernel source with --withkernel=srcdir"06:07
jeeves_Mosshas anyone solved the screen freezing issue with nVidia cards?06:07
rstecklerI have the source for fuse.  I'm guessing that no matter what I try to build, I'll get that error, though06:07
sukiminnaat last ...i got myself a new lappy..:D06:08
phrostbiteHere is another odd question. Can i install an application and use it in wine?06:08
nickrudrsteckler, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)06:08
blackenedsukiminna: nice, what'd you get?06:08
phrostbiteLike real player and stuff?06:08
GreedyB1Could someone help me with nm-applet.  It keeps asking me for a password for my keyring... never seen that before06:08
sukiminnablackened: juz a cheap one06:08
nickrudrsteckler, that's needed for compiling stuff that will be inserted into the kernel06:08
sukiminnabut now can turn on the effect06:08
EritreanSudaneze how do u get the Arabic font?06:08
rstecklernickrud: .  Already tried that.  It cant' find the headers for my image (prob bacuse this is a VPS box under a virtual machine)06:09
prince_jammysphrostbite: you can check in wine-hq if the app runs properly under wine, or try it yourself06:09
phrostbiteOk thank you06:09
sukiminnablackened: acer 4935g06:09
Burningcould some one help me06:09
BurningKDE4 cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)06:09
Burningi keep getting this error06:09
nickrudrsteckler, hm, you using a special kernel? Not that I've got an answer, it's an interesting problem06:09
rstecklernickrud: uname -r is:  2.6.18-53.1.13.el5xen06:10
Psychomaniakhello. I am a newbie with ubuntu. I have an old machine with a mobility radeon 7000 video card. I was wondering why the image quality isn't as good as it was with "Windows"06:10
rstecklerAnd this is 8.10 Server.  So how the image is .18 is....whatever06:10
JustinBeairdwhat do i need to config an airbridge by smartbridges?06:10
jootHelp please this is the terminal message from freedroidRPG   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/109235/06:10
jsj0nesrsteckler: that's an old kernel.06:10
Shakedow1If I'm in a directory and I want to mv something from somewhere else to the current location, what do I use as the DEST?06:11
sukiminnaPsychomaniak: maybe u didnt install the driver for it06:11
Psychomaniakisn't the hardware update supposed to do it?06:11
rstecklerjsj0nes: I know.  I'm not sure if I should (can?) replace it though.  It's a vps box.  That "xen" at the end is a vrirtual machine...06:11
nickrudrsteckler, what release of ubuntu is that06:11
rstecklerI have no idea what would happen if I go replacing the kernel image.06:11
sukiminnaPsychomaniak: try install envyng and install the driver for ati06:11
rstecklernickrud: 8.1 server.06:11
Psychomaniakdid that... the system crashed on me...06:12
rstecklerI may have better luck in the VPS forums.  Hopefully one of their admins will know what I'm talking about...06:12
Burningcan u help me06:12
sukiminnathe x.org?06:12
prince_jammysjoot: did you install the packages related to 'freedroid'? (freedroid-data, freedroid-rpg-data ...)06:12
sukiminnaBurning: depends on wat kind of problem u have06:13
Psychomaniaki read a lot, but i don't think that envy, x.org, or even Xfree86 have it.. it's an old machine after all06:13
jsj0nesrsteckler: yeah...sorry, I don't have much experience with virtual servers...06:13
rsteckleryea.  me Either  =)06:13
EritreanAntone has a good handle on playing midi file in-browser?06:13
sukiminnamaybe have to find the driver source and compile with kernel yourself..06:14
EritreanMerhaba Sudanese06:14
jootprince_jammys, I dl a tar from freedroid then compliled it but it gives thart erreor when I try to run06:14
prince_jammysjoot: install it from apt, not from the internet06:14
prince_jammysjoot: freedroid is available from the repositories06:14
jootprince_jammys, The freedroid RPG isn the repos is broken it ends the game early06:15
KemrinHHey everyone, I'm back for a second round of help with Firefox. I'm getting a segmentation error, what does it mean?06:15
PsychomaniakThanks anyways06:15
prince_jammysjoot: oh06:15
=== rebel_kid is now known as rebel_gui
* sukiminna says im juz a newbie u know..sory..06:16
jootprince_jammys, That is why I dl the 0/11.1 version06:16
MethinXAnyone here good with /etc/X11/xorg.conf? my screen resolution keeps reverting to 1024x768 how do i stop this?06:16
prince_jammysjoot: well, it's hard to support it here if it's from the web ... is this problem mentioned at their website? you seem to be missing some font files06:17
blackenedsukiminna: sorry, had someone sitting on me. that doesn't look like a cheapy to me, sure beats both my laptops06:17
Psychomaniakno problem06:17
TerrestrialBye everyone ^_^06:17
Eritreanhow to play in-browser midi file -- how how?06:17
blackenedMethinx: what resolution are you wanting?06:17
blackenedTerrestrial: see ya06:17
Eritreannobody has any idea?06:17
MethinX1280 x 96006:18
KemrinHHey, I need to know how to change the permissions of a file and every file inside. Can anyone help me please?06:18
jootprince_jammys, Most of the guys in Freedroid dev are in the northern hemisphere I will wait for them to come online at #freedroid I guess06:18
sukiminnablackened: really? i guess its a medium cost..not so expensive and not so cheap..:)06:18
chronofirehow do i end the firefox process on ubuntu06:18
prince_jammysjoot: ok06:18
Dr_willisKemrinH,  every file inside? YOu mean in a sub-directorry?06:18
KemrinHEritrean Hold your mouse over?06:18
blackenedMethinx: laptop or desktop, what video card?06:18
sukiminnabut stil have to have windows to play games...:(06:18
prince_jammysKemrinH: change the permissions to what?06:18
MethinXubuntu 8.10 desktop and geforce fx 550006:19
Eritreanmidi --playing it within the Firefox browser06:19
KemrinHDr_willis Yes, in a directory tree, all the subfiles need to be changed as well.06:19
blackenedsukiminna: I have a sony nr385e and an eee 90006:19
jsj0nesKemrinH: try 'chmod -R <perms> <dir|file>'06:19
Eritreanseems to be impossible in Linux ans so easy in Windows06:19
chronofirehow do i end the firefox process on ubuntu ?06:19
KemrinHprince_jammys Every file and subfolder and sub-subfolder inside of a folder06:19
prince_jammysKemrinH: to what permissions?06:19
EritreanWell unsupported I should say06:20
Dr_williseasy in linux - is often impossible in windows. :)06:20
JustinBeairdwhy does secret maryo chronicles activate expo?06:20
KemrinHprince_jammys So that Jacob can read and write, and create a delete06:20
Dr_willisKemrinH,  most commands have a -R or -r option for 'recursive'06:20
nyaawhat commands should you use if ifconfig doesn't see your nic?06:20
KemrinHDr_willis Thanks ^_^06:20
prince_jammysKemrinH: so ... world access to all the files?06:20
nyaaor how would the best way to go about troubleshooting that be?06:20
KemrinHprince_jammys No, just for me.06:21
joebnyaa what card?06:21
KemrinHprince_jammys Their currently root, and I need them to be mine06:21
chronofirewhere is ubuntus task manager?06:21
brodymcdcan't get ubuntu 8.10 to see mshome anymore... can someone please help me?06:21
nyaajoeb on a dell dimension4300s I'm looking it up now06:22
Dr_willisKemrinH,  sudo chown -R user.user *06:22
KemrinHDr_willis Oh, thanks a lot ^_^06:22
jeeves_Mossnvidia issues?  screen locking up and greying out?  Anyone?06:22
Itaciouschronofire, system > administration > system monitor06:22
Monk2anyone care to help out with a sound problem:06:22
jsj0nesKemrinH: did you need to change perms or owner?06:23
KemrinHjsj0nes Hmm, both I think.06:23
chronofireitacious, thanks06:23
prince_jammysKemrinH: why are they root's?06:23
sukiminnablackened: its not that bad. intel intergrated graphic card?06:23
blackenedMethinx: your xorg.conf is basically empty then?06:24
Itaciousno problem. :-D06:24
MethinXwell no, it has stuff in it06:24
jopaI just got a Lacie external hd and I'm trying to delete the default partition system with its auto start stuff and make it just plain fat32 but gparted keeps throwing errors. Any ideas?06:24
MethinXhere Ill private chat you the tech stuff inside it06:24
blackenedsukiminna: yeah, other than that it's not so bad, and even still it can drive a 22" external at 1680x1050, so no real complaints. I love my eee more though, using it now06:24
jsj0nesKemrinH: to change perms you need 'chmod -R <perms> <dir>' to change owner follow Dr_willis suggestion.06:25
sukiminnawhy i cant install the latest nvidia driver..rite im using 173.14.12...06:25
prince_jammysafter moving INTO the dir06:25
blackenedMethinx: xorg.conf should be empty by default on 8.10 apart from the auto-configured stuff, which really doesn't do anything06:25
Monk2I can uninstall these packages "sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils" and reinstall them and reboot the sound works fine, but after another reboot the sound is gone again.?06:25
KemrinHprince_jammys Their root because I took them from my old home folder and brought them into my freshly formated computer. When they arrived they were Root permissioned and ownered06:26
sukiminnaif i install 177.x.x.x cant boot into gui06:26
KXHow do I tell Ubuntu which screen to put the panels on when I've got two monitors? It's putting them on my old CRT not my LCD06:26
tacosarecoolCan you help me with awn doc06:26
MethinXso i should delete the information in my xorg.conf file?06:26
KemrinHjsj0nes Thanks so much to both of you, you've been a big help.06:26
KXlike to set the default monitor, it's thinking VGA is the default but DVI is06:26
blackenedMethinx: no, it's not hurting anything the way it is, I just wanted to know if you had manually edited or not06:27
MethinXno i have not06:27
blackenedMethinx: have you had your desired resolution working before on this setup?06:27
jsj0nesKemrinH: no problem.  For the details suggest 'man chmod' and 'man chown'06:27
prince_jammysKemrinH: sudo chown -R jacob:jacob /path/to/dir06:27
MethinXyes, it works all the time, but when i reboot it reverts back to 1024x76806:28
JustinBeairdwhat do i need to config an airbridge by smartbridges?06:30
ItaciousHey all. I am looking for a way to force the resolution of a single monitor. I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 w/ ATI X1300 (if I remember correctly) GPU running Intrepid. I am using the open source driver. The laptop screen is now 1280x800 (which is correct), but the external monitor is set at 1280x960, when the optimal res is 1280x1024, which is not on the list. I have peeked at my xorg.conf, but it is set at a virtual resolution. Here is 06:32
Itaciouslol jk06:32
Itaciousyeah, I tried the beta, was pretty cool. But your supposed to use it for testing purposes only. So it didn't stay on there long.06:34
ItaciousOn there hdd I mean.06:34
sukiminnayep...but alot has been improve i think compared to vista06:34
JustinBeairdnot as much as ubuntu thow :)06:35
Itaciouslol. the pc i ran it on gave a Windows Experience score of 2.4 or something.06:35
sukiminnahey 8.10 also improve alot06:35
Itaciousmax being 7.906:35
sukiminnai dun have to wvdial to set my broadband usb modem anymore :D06:35
FoxBlitzzItacious: I got 4.906:35
FoxBlitzzsukiminna: I dunno, I honestly consider 8.10 being the Vista, and 9.04 being the upcoming Win706:36
FoxBlitzzLack of display utility, etc., but they did lay some groundwork for future expansion06:36
ItaciousI'm-ah gonna get a Mac this year, it'll be MUCH more powerful than any computer we have now.06:36
sukiminnabefore this im not really sure to upgrade from 8.04..06:37
ItaciousAND it can run linux and windows to boot.06:37
FoxBlitzzItacious: I'm really not into Apple. I'd just prefer to hand-pick some nice components myself06:37
sukiminnaFoxBlitzz: hehe06:38
FoxBlitzzPerhaps one of the least advertised performance factors is in memory speed/latency06:38
JustinBeairdapple is over rated06:38
ItaciousFoxBlitzz: the pc i ran it on is 2.something GHz solo-core amd w/ 1 gb ram, 128mb ati pci-e.06:38
Itaciousbefore i upgraded the video card it was intergrated.06:38
ItaciousYeah, but your only supposed to run OS X on a mac, so...06:39
mnguyenHow do I get bitchx to show up in apt? I already added universe to my sources.list06:39
Itaciousand don't give me any OS X86/hackintosh crap.06:39
prince_jammysmnguyen: i thought bitchx was history06:39
sukiminnasudo apt-get update06:39
Gerinychcan you make a pidgin conversation window flash on a taskbar or something when someone messages you?06:40
mnguyenprince_jammys, haven't used any flavor of linux for like a year... what's another good irc client i can run from the terminal?06:40
comodocan someone help me with a dual monitor setup problem06:40
FoxBlitzzYou'd be surprised how much it has an effect on performance06:40
prince_jammysmnguyen: i don't think bitchx exists any more06:40
prince_jammysmnguyen: irssi06:40
ItaciousFrom what i've heard OS X is the cat's pajamas.06:40
mnguyenprince_jammys, thanks06:40
sukiminnawhy wanna use bitchx?06:40
ItaciousAnd if i don't like OS X i can boot windows and/or linux06:41
mnguyencause I don't like xchat :)06:41
prince_jammysmnguyen: irssi is pretty much the most popular cli client06:41
tacosarecoolHow do I get my my awn dock working06:41
brodymcdcan anyone please help me - I can't see mshome shared folders with 8.10 - I could in 8.0406:41
mnguyenprince_jammys, thanks for the info06:41
mnguyenprince_jammys, do you have a recommendation for a terminal emulator?06:41
sukiminnatheres another choice if bitchx doesnt exist anymore..06:41
Itaciousgerinych, i think so. check your pidgin plugins.06:41
kalvin_anyone know how ot change the permissions of my /opt folder?06:42
Itaciousgah, why is the apple keyboard so weird??06:42
FoxBlitzzItacious: I can't stand some of OS X's design decisions. That, and I tried someone's MacBook once and found it locking up every few minutes displaying the Spinning Pinwheel of Death06:42
prince_jammysmnguyen: i use konsole and xterm.06:42
sukiminnamaybe install a firefox plugin..chatzilla..im using it now06:42
mnguyenprince_jammys, kubuntu?06:42
sukiminnacoz i dun like xchat too..:D06:42
prince_jammysmnguyen: rxvt or urxvt is good also.06:42
tacosarecoolI tried that I'm getting errors06:42
ItaciousFoxBlitzz. what version os x was it?06:42
prince_jammysmnguyen: originally kubuntu, but now i run fluxbox. i do have some kde apps, though06:42
Itacious=-O Really?06:42
tacosarecoolI quit kde4!06:43
tacosarecoolcongrats gnome you have a new community member!06:43
Gerinychitacious: i see buddy state notification, but this only says when someone's logged in or logged out, i never noticed it do anything though06:43
sukiminnatacosarecool: why wats wrong..?06:43
blackenedtacosarecool: welcome to the dark side06:43
sukiminnablackened: hehe06:44
Itaciouskde4.1 is not enough for me, and kde4.2 crashes. A L O T.06:44
mnguyenprince_jammys, yeah i decided to install openbox; i'm simply leveraging ubuntu's repositories :)06:44
sukiminnablackened: darkside?06:44
Itaciousbut they're supposed to release a "stable" version in a few days.06:44
zebok had my wireless card working and did a restart and now it wont work06:44
blackenedsukiminna: it sounded good didn't it?06:44
prince_jammysmnguyen: heh. well, konsole suits me fine ... slow to start up, like many kde apps. but pretty nice otherwise06:44
Gerinychitacious: ok, i think i found it06:45
zebok had my wireless card working and did a restart and now it wont work any help06:45
mnguyenprince_jammys, thanks i'll give rxvt or urxvt a try06:45
FoxBlitzzI wanna see KDE4 being like KDE3.5. Swift, useful and robust with features06:45
prince_jammysmnguyen: those are lighter06:45
FoxBlitzzBut it's not like that yet06:45
mnguyenprince_jammys, do either of them have tabs?06:45
Monk2Anyone have time to help with a sound problem?06:45
tacosarecoolkde4 is laggy06:46
prince_jammysmnguyen: i don't remember. you may want something like konsole (or gnome-terminal) for that06:46
tacosarecooland slow06:46
tacosarecooland can't run certain things06:46
kalvin_if i do chmod to a root folder, all folders within it have the same permissions right?06:46
prince_jammysmnguyen: i run everything inside of 'screen' so i don't use tabs06:46
ItaciousI wish yahoo widgets would work under Wine. I've heard the made it so it wouldn't work on purpose.06:46
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC06:46
blackenedtacosarecool: I was curious to see kde4, but didn't wanna sit through downloading the packages06:46
ohhaiHow do I upgrade OpenOffice.org to the 3rd version?06:46
ohhai(I tried upgrading all software, still ended up with 2.4)06:47
Itaciousdoes anybody know of a good Lucida Grande alternative, e.g. free, non-warez?06:47
ItaciousDon't give me a link to a pirated version.06:48
blackenedohhai: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml06:48
prince_jammysItacious: it's not in the msttfonts package?06:48
ItaciousLucida Grande is the main font in OS X's interface beautiful, it is.06:49
blackenedItacious: pretty sure you have to buy a license for lucida grande, or grab it from another OS install you might have06:49
blackenedI've never found a legitimate version of it on the web, not that it's not out there06:49
Itaciousblackened, i know you need a license.06:50
tacosarecoollook at this paste please06:50
ItaciousWhat I am talking about is a free /alternative/06:50
tacosarecoolI tried installing it didn't work06:50
zebanyone help me with wireless problem i had it working did a restart and now it wont work06:50
Itaciouslike dejavu sans.06:50
ohhaiblackened: Thanks.06:50
Itaciousor BitStream Vera Sans Mono.06:50
FoxBlitzzI personally prefer my interfaces sharp and practical.06:51
FoxBlitzzI don't mind an interface looking nice, but it shouldn't harm the practicality in any way06:51
Itaciousprince_jammys: I do not know if OEM licenses apply for msttfonts, and i don't want to download it whithout one.06:51
FoxBlitzzEG. An interface hiding information to make other elements appear larger on the screen06:51
tacosarecoolanyone help me?06:52
FoxBlitzzItacious: OEM?06:52
FoxBlitzzHeh, I just took my Windows font folder and dumped it into my Linux install06:52
prince_jammystacosarecool: what's that URL doing in the command-line?06:53
ItaciousAlso, msttfonts may include segioe ui, etc. (vista fonts) which i don't have vista. It's a big legal mess. So i'm not downloading at this time.06:53
tacosarecoolIt's not06:53
prince_jammystacosarecool: what are you trying to install? avant-window navigator?06:53
tacosarecoolBut the command in the paste06:53
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy06:53
tacosarecoolbut its a curved dock06:53
tacosarecoolit's special06:53
FoxBlitzzCall me evil, but I prefer a Windows-style panel. :S06:54
nyaatacosarecool: did you try installing it from add/remove programs?06:54
FoxBlitzzI just can't work without text labels, man.06:54
ardchoilleI'd like to install a dock launcher that doesn't require compositing. I can't seem to get rid of the black bg in simdock. Any advice?06:55
Dr_willisardchoille,  wbar dosent - i think.06:55
tacosarecoolsimdock is terrible06:55
tacosarecoolit says so on linuxowns.com06:55
ardchoilleDr_willis: how do I install wbar and wbarconf?06:55
Dr_willistacosarecool,  so it has to be true06:55
prince_jammysardchoille: there's also kooldock06:55
Dr_willisardchoille,  no idea. :) check the repos, check PPA, check the homepage06:55
jeeves_Mosshow do I track down why compiz keeps locking up and/or cracshing my system06:56
ardchoilleprince_jammys: kooldock pulls in a bunch of kde junk06:56
prince_jammysardchoille: yes06:56
nyaatacosarecool: try installing it through applications > add/remove programs06:57
jeeves_Mosshow do I track down why compiz keeps locking up and/or cracshing my system06:57
nyaatacosarecool: search for it under avant, its there for me in 8.1006:57
tacosarecooljust search for awn06:58
jeeves_Mosshow do I track down why compiz keeps locking up and/or cracshing my system06:58
prince_jammysjeeves_Moss: try #compiz-fusion also06:59
jeeves_Mossprince_jammys,   thanks.07:00
brodymcdcould someone pretty please with sugar on top help me connect to my windows xp share with 8.10? I would be SO grateful... :)07:02
Dr_willisbrodymcd,  in the gnome file manager - i have to enter the full path to the remote share.. for some reason..07:02
Dr_willisbrodymcd,  as in --> smb://fileserver/sharename/07:03
JustinBeairdalso do you have firestarter or ufw runing?07:03
JustinBeairdblocking it07:03
Gerinychhow do i install new applets in awn?07:03
brodymcddrwillis - how do I know what the full path is?07:03
sukiminnadoes anyone  know how can i capture a pict from webcam in ubuntu8.1007:03
ohhaiHow do I get Windows/Mac fonts installed?07:04
skate2why is apache2 installed by default in ubuntu 8.10 but there's no httpd.conf file?07:04
ohhaiSpecifically, for openoffice.07:04
sukiminnai heard there is issues with webcam support in 8.10 is it true?07:04
nickrudskate2, in debian/ubuntu the http.conf is built on the fly from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled, mods-enabled, conf.d/*, and a couple others07:05
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nickrudskate2, it's done that way to allow other packages to easily add their configs; for example phpmyadmin drops a link in conf.d/ and poof, it's configured.07:06
nickrudskate2, a2enmod a2dismod a2ensite a2dissite are useful commands07:06
skate2so what do i edit to configure apache?07:06
nickrudohhai, sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts07:06
nickrudskate2, what are you modifying?07:07
nickrudskate2, or, what mods to you want to make07:07
brodymcdhow can I manually enter the path for samba share?07:07
skate2nickrud i want to configure php file extention support07:08
nickrudskate2, the general answer is add some config file to conf.d/ , and restart apache. But take a look at mods-available/* , if there's a mod there then just run sudo a2enmod php5 and restart apache07:08
ardchoilleDr_willis: Got wbar installed, thanks for the info :)07:09
nickrudskate2, it makes sense, once you've looked through the files. Makes admin very easy07:10
Bossmanbetain my .screenrc is there a variable to set the background color in "hardstatus string" to green?07:10
skate2is there a keyboard shortcut to bring up the gnome system menu for 'applications', 'places', 'system' menus?07:11
werdnumcwillu: neat, I didn't know that.07:12
sukiminname too07:12
danes_how can I install my wireless card ipw2200? It is not recognized, should I use ndiswrapper?07:12
nickrudtry alt-f7 and alt-f8 , very useful sometimes07:12
Adrian2MiL8hi ,how can change the start priority in the rcS.d of firestarter and networking items ? anyone known ?07:13
jsj0nescwillu: thanks...even works on my HP mini 1000 (w/ HP's Ubuntu UI)07:13
kevdogAdrian2MiL8: You mean the run level?07:13
nickrudAdrian2MiL8, why would you want to do that? A lot of services have priorities based on those values07:13
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sukiminnanickrud: i juz hold alt and click the window:)07:14
nickrudsukiminna, my mouse broke once. Very Useful :)07:14
Adrian2MiL8kevdog> hmm ...not ..the problem is a error on boot process because firestarter exit with error 207:14
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* nickrud will never admit it was because he threw it across the room because he died in wow07:14
sukiminnanickrud: yep come to think of it for emergency very neat07:15
Adrian2MiL8kevdog>this is because firestarter try to load before networking up the interfaces07:15
Adrian2MiL8i need change networking form 40 to 65 and firestarter from 65 to 40 but update-rc.d not accpet me the command07:16
kevdogAdrian2MiL8: So you could try adding a sleep statement in the file, or use the program update-rc.d that would change the run level for you -- in fact that is the recommended way07:16
danes_any one knows how can I configure the ipw2200 wireless card on a laptop?07:16
kevdogdanes_: Be more specific -- configure the driver or connect to a network07:16
Adrian2MiL8<kevdog>i try with update-rc.d firestarter S 40 but not work07:17
hlfshellHey - how can I prevent a program from starting up on startup? I keep getting an error message due to not having a program that Ijust wanna get rid of....07:17
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot07:17
kevdogAdrian2MiL8: What error do you get -- or what does it say in the logs about the error?07:17
hlfshellI'm using the netbook remix Dr_willis and do not have preferences-> sessions.....07:18
danes_kevdog, I just installed ubuntu, but my network card is not recognized. It is a ipw220007:18
Adrian2MiL8<kevdog> wait me a second ... i copy and paste the error07:18
IndyGunFreakhlfshell: well, you do, you just have to find it.07:18
Dr_willishlfshell,   No idea then..    you could always run the sessionmanager tool from the command line.. if ya knew its name.07:18
hlfshellhmmmm ill do some digging... thanks guys07:19
Adrian2MiL8adrian >:sudo update-rc.d firestarter S 4007:19
Adrian2MiL8[sudo] password for adrian:07:19
Adrian2MiL8usage: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] <basename> remove07:19
Adrian2MiL8       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> defaults|multiuser [NN | sNN kNN]07:19
Adrian2MiL8       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl] [...] .07:19
FloodBot2Adrian2MiL8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:19
Adrian2MiL8-n: not really07:19
hlfshellsecond question - how do i turn off the gnome key ring?07:19
hlfshelli raelly do hate that thing.07:19
hlfshellor at the very least - make it stop bugging me for pwords07:19
* kevdog Knew that was going to happen with the cut and paste thing :(07:19
Dr_willishlfshell,  run  gnome-session-properties    perhaps?07:19
hlfshellill try that, thanks Dr_willis07:19
IndyGunFreakhlfshell: try running this in command line... gnome-session-properties07:19
hlfshellthanks IndyGunFreak07:19
Dr_willishlfshell,  what is running that you dont want?07:19
hlfshellevolution... but i found the sessions toolbar07:20
hlfshellnow to find evolution....07:20
a931bwWhat is sawfish?07:20
achilleshello, I come everyday morning see my system completely frozen, no responding till I hardly shutdown, how can I know the reason behind this problem07:20
Adrian2MiL8<kevdog> this is the output07:20
hlfshellhmmmm evolution is not in the startup sequence menu thingy.....07:20
prince_jammysa931bw: a window manager07:20
hlfshellso how do iget this thign to stop bugging me abotu evolution everytime i log in?07:21
a931bwi'm installed that bu " apt-get install sawfish07:21
Dr_willisa931bw,  sawfish is a light window manager. that is very scriptable07:21
IndyGunFreakhlfshell: uninstall evolution?07:22
Dr_willisa931bw,  if you want to learn/use lisp that is..:)07:22
hlfshellIndyGunFreak -  i think it already is...07:22
IndyGunFreakhlfshell: obviously not completely, go through synaptic package manager, find anything w/ evolution, and uninstall it.07:22
KRaZy_WaKahave a hawking tech hwu8dd hi-gain usb dish wireless adapter worked as soon as i plugged it in under an older version of ubuntu but not under hardy... why not? and how do i get it to work under hardy?07:23
hlfshellboo... thats annoying, but ok ill try. thanks IndyGunFreak07:23
dobblegois it possible to use a scanner over a network?07:24
hlfshellOK found it IndyGunFreak - Conduit, a program that comes with netbook remix, depends on evolution07:24
Dr_willisdobblego,  you could vnc to the remote boxc with the scanner and run the scanner via vnc. :) ive done that befor07:24
IndyGunFreakhlfshell: i figured something was there causing it... glad yuo got it resolved07:24
a931bwCan i'm start my linux with KDE?07:24
dobblegoDr_willis, that's what I already do - a bit annoying :)07:25
IndyGunFreaka931bw: i don't see why not..07:25
a931bwAnd How then>07:25
Dr_willisdobblego,  ive seen some scanners that are networkable..but imnot sure how they aork07:25
IndyGunFreaka931bw: what do you mean how?07:25
Dr_willisa931bw,  install kde.. select kde at the login screen.07:25
hlfshellwell the problem is it wants to use 116 megs to install that crap... hmmm07:25
hlfshellwhat the hell is Conduit anyway?07:25
IndyGunFreak!info conduit07:26
ubottuconduit (source: conduit): synchronization tool for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.14-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1583 kB, installed size 4472 kB07:26
a931bwapt-get install kde?07:26
prince_jammysa931bw: kubuntu-desktop07:26
hlfshellhmmmm not something im interested in, so i might just remove that....07:26
Adrian2MiL8hi ,how can change the start priority in the rcS.d of firestarter and networking items ? anyone known ?07:26
a931bwapt-get install kde is ok?07:26
Flannela931bw: kubuntu-desktop not kde07:27
cwillu!info x11vnc07:27
ubottux11vnc (source: libvncserver): VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 747 kB, installed size 1556 kB07:27
Sudanese!info network-manager-applet07:27
ubottuPackage network-manager-applet does not exist in intrepid07:27
rww!info nm-applet | Sudanese07:27
ubottuPackage nm-applet does not exist in intrepid07:27
sukiminnaa931bw: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop kdm07:27
skate2how do  you scroll up in gnome terminal with the keyboard? shift+pgup doesnt work07:27
a931bwWhy kde bad?07:27
a931bw"apt-get install kde"  Why that's bad?07:28
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prince_jammysa931bw: because 'kde' is not the name of the package07:28
Dr_willisa931bw,  that wont get the full kubuntu-desktop :)07:28
Flannela931bw: You'd be better off with kubuntu-desktop instead of kde07:28
rww!info network-manager-gnome | Sudanese: nm-applet is in this package07:28
ubottunetwork-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.7~~svn20081020t000444-0ubuntu1.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 290 kB, installed size 2712 kB07:28
IndyGunFreakuse wicd, its truly awesome.07:29
nyaahow does the command to remote login to another computer at a different ip address go?07:29
IndyGunFreak!info wicd07:29
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid07:29
a931bwWhy sudo i'm on root anyway07:29
coffeetopiaHello. Embarassing noob question; while updating my first(!) Ubuntu install I get "Error", then "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:29
coffeetopiaE: Unable to lock the download directory" ---What am I missing? Do I have a setting mis-set? Mis-set?!?! Thats not a word...  Thanks in advance!!07:29
cojonesany dosbox users in here?07:29
sukiminnalol ubottu07:29
IndyGunFreakcoffeetopia: you probably have synaptic running, while trying to run an install..07:30
IndyGunFreakcoffeetopia: or maybe you're doing updates.07:30
syockitmy sudoers gone corrupt. Can anyone introduce me to live distro with ext4 for system recovery?07:30
rwwIndyGunFreak: wicd isn't in the repositories yet. There are download instructions on wicd's website.07:30
kevdognyaa What do you want to do -- use samba or something or ssh?07:30
IndyGunFreakcoffeetopia: only 1 thing using root can run at a time.07:30
seektherapy I have a soundcard problem07:30
SudaneseIndyGunFreak, what is wicd?07:30
IndyGunFreakrww: yeah, i forgot about that...07:30
rwwIndyGunFreak: I think Jaunty has it in the repositories, though :D07:30
seektherapycan someone help me07:30
IndyGunFreakSudanese: its an alternative network manager.... i think its better.. google it for their homepage.07:30
nyaakevdog ssh is text only or is it graphical?07:30
Flannelcoffeetopia: He means only one thing can use apt at a time.07:30
coffeetopiaIndyGunFreak: Thanks.. I'll check...07:30
seektherapyI see the icon on the top right but when i click on it i get the error "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"07:30
Adrian2MiL8hi ,how can change the start priority in the rcS.d of firestarter and networking items ? anyone known ?07:31
IndyGunFreakFlannel: hmm, yeah that is what i meant..lol, don't know why i said root.07:31
Sudanesecan I've them both ? I mena NM and this wicd ?07:31
bullgard4In OpenOffice.org Writer 2.4.1 I am trying to delete many occurrences of text of the form '(01:01:47 PM) nick: '. In Find and Replace I assert 'Regular expression'. Find and Replace > Search for: '(* PM) ' does not find anything. Why is that so?07:31
rwwSudanese: nope. Installing one will remove the other, because they step on each others' toes if they're both installed.07:31
nyaakevdog: I don't care what the means are, I was given a username and pw and an ip address, and I want to be able to see graphics.07:31
IndyGunFreakSudanese: if i'm not mistaken, nm doen't load when wicd loads.. (wicd takes over for nm-applet)... i personally like wicd better, but its strictly preference07:31
prince_jammysbullgard4: put a dot before the *07:31
SudaneseI'll try it thanks07:32
rwwIndyGunFreak, Sudanese: The wicd and network manager packages conflict, so installing one will actually remove the other, not just disable it.07:32
Dr_willis<Adrian2MiL8> in /etc/rc#.d the ##'s in the names are the order they are ran.07:32
dsnydersHi all.  Neither grub halt nor grub halt --no-apm power off my laptop.  Any suggestions?07:32
IndyGunFreakSudanese: if you gootle their homepage, they ahve an intrepid repository available that you can add to your source list, so it will be easy to install.07:32
Sudaneseok I'm on it07:32
IndyGunFreakrww: hm, it nm-applet still shows installe don my system07:32
bullgard4prince_jammys: When I put a dot (full stop) before the * I obtain the same result.07:33
kevdognyaa:  You need to be more specific -- You can use VNC or tunnel X over ssh or other such programs07:33
kevdognyaa: FreeNx07:33
nyaakevdog: does the other user have to have the same program?07:33
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>the higher numbers load before or not ??07:33
syockitcan i mount a swap and use its disk space?07:33
cojonesanyone experiencing DOSBox problems under Ibex?07:33
rwwsyockit: Use the swapon command; see "man swapon"07:34
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  they go from high to low...    S01policykit     first  S99XXXXXXX last07:34
Adrian2MiL8.the problem is a error on boot process because firestarter exit with error 207:34
kevdognyaa:  Again you need to be more specific what you want to do or tell me about an equivalent windows program07:34
Dr_willisor was that low to high? :) heh i forget... they go in numerical order.07:34
Adrian2MiL8this si because firestarter try to load before networking up the interface07:34
rwwAdrian2MiL8: S01 is first, S99 is last.07:34
kevdogAdrian2MiL8: I have no idea why you are using Firestarter with ufw around!07:35
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  set the S##friestarter or whateverits called to be S99whatever then07:35
Dr_williswhich seems weird that such a obvious bug would  exi07:35
Dr_williswhich seems weird that such a obvious bug would  exist07:35
JustinBeairdif you need a gui07:35
skate2how do  you scroll up in gnome terminal with the keyboard?07:35
dsnyderssyockit, No.  Swap is used by the kernel to provide virtual memory.  It is not a file system, and it is not moutnable.07:36
nyaakevdog: there's a guy that wants me to see his dock and fix it, graphical things like that.  So I'd need to be able to see his desktop07:36
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>i have S40networking and S65firestarter and i want put in reverse S40firestarter and S65networking07:36
kevdognyaa:  So you want a remote desktop program I am gathering?07:36
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  s65 starts AFTER the S40  - so i  think you may be   incorrect in your diagonisis.. you could set firestarter to be S99firestarter07:37
rwwIndyGunFreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109273/07:37
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>but the problem is what update-rc.d firestarter S 40 not make the change07:37
nyaakevdog: yeah, I have remote desktop viewer, but does he have to have it too?07:37
kevdogVNC is probably the easiest -- but yes -- the server needs to be installed on the host computer07:37
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  just chang the name of the file07:37
rwwIndyGunFreak: looks to me like wicd conflicts with network-manager and network-manager-gnome07:37
IndyGunFreakrww: i'm not disputing what you said, just saying it still shows installed on my system.07:37
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  mv S65firestarter S99firestarter07:37
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>ok , i will try when dsiconnect07:38
kevdogDr_willis: may have to do that in more than one run level but that suggestion will work07:38
nyaakevdog: aah07:38
rwwIndyGunFreak: I wasn't sure whether I was right, so I figured I should check ;). Which of those packages specifically shows as installed, out of interest?07:38
nyaakevdog: thanks =)07:38
IndyGunFreakrww: network-manager-gnome.. the ohter one shows uninstalled07:39
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Adrian2MiL8 Dr_willis> running sysv-rc-conf i see firestarter starting in alll levels07:39
maedoes linux-image-virtual in 8.10 support paravirtualization (to be a xen guest) and also selinux?07:39
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  makes sence to me.  youmay have to chave it in every rc##.d thing07:39
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  i wouldbe suprised if the changes help. but try it i guess07:40
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>not only rcS.d ?07:40
rwwIndyGunFreak: That's really weird. n-m-gnome depends on n-m. Anyway, I gtg.07:40
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  im not sure when/where the rcS.d ones get used.07:40
evilGUII have a question my router seems to block port 22 and I can't ssh via my IP so is there anything else I have to do to secure SSH? I just want to use it on my network07:41
kevdogI thought rcS commands got started with every run level -- but maybe not.  That is why its recommended to use update-rc.d to not screw some things up.  Maybe you cant make that change since firestarter is running!07:42
Dr_williskevdog,  I though you copied the link FROM rcS.d to the proper runlevel rc#.d directory07:42
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>the whole mess is with firestarter return a exited error 2 on boot process because ( i think ) he trying loading before networking up the interface07:42
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  possible i guess- if hes on wireless..07:42
johnnnnywhat does it mean if a package is marked as:  [universe] [security]  ?07:42
Dr_willisbut i woudl think firestarter would wait a bit.07:43
wafflesHey, I was wondering about the different virtualization software available for Ubuntu. I am setting up a new computer and I need to run Windows for work/school, but would like Ubuntu as my main OS, so I could use some Virtualization software that can boot a physical partition from Ubuntu. I'm checking out the mega-thread on the forums, but wondering what kind of personal experience people have had. I am currently looking at OpenVZ,07:43
wafflesKVM, VirtualBox, and VMWare07:43
johnnnnywhats "security" ?07:43
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>don't have any wireless , only wired net07:43
kevdogevilGUI: sounds like you are good, but you could put a specific entry into iptables to block port22 if you are paranoid!07:43
darkblue_BQ. after upgrading Gutsy to Hardy, my postgres is at 8.3.1, but current is 8.3.5 at least.. also apt-get shows hardy repos, but synaptic GUI is showing Gutsy repos ??07:43
evilGUIkevdog: If I did that would I still be able to ssh via my local network?07:43
InsectoidUnable to login to gnome as root after downgrade from 9.04.  Root login is turned on in gdm.conf, and my /var/log/syslog has Jan 25 02:41:25 prometheus gdm[5889]: WARNING: Root login disallowed on display ':0'07:43
cwilludarkblue_B, how did you upgrade?07:43
cwilluInsectoid, downgrading isn't a trivial thing to do07:44
dsnydersHi all.  Neither grub halt nor grub halt --no-apm power off my laptop.  Any suggestions?07:44
Dr_willisInsectoid,  like the error says.. gdm.conf has settings that dissaloow root to directly login07:44
cwilluInsectoid, and logging in as root is just silly to begin with :p07:44
paul68Hi when I do iwconfig wlan0 I gett he following lines wlan0     IEEE 802.11  Nickname:"" Access Point: Not-Associated   how do I solve this07:44
InsectoidDr_willis: As I said ... I turned that on.07:44
kevdogevilGUI: You would have to configure the statement to allow only 192 addresses or something like that if you are paranoid!07:44
darkblue_Bcwillu: with the update mgr07:44
Dr_willisInsectoid,  did you restart GDM?07:44
InsectoidDr_willis: Yes.07:45
evilGUIkevdog: Thanks07:45
InsectoidDr_willis: In fact I've restarted the entire machine.07:45
cwilluInsectoid, gdm.conf or gdm.conf-custom?07:45
Insectoidcwillu: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf07:45
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Dr_willisInsectoid,  i would double check.   Then again..i dont try to login via gdm to be root.. :)   if ya really want to - ya could go to the console , stop gdm and use 'startx'07:45
MethinXok i rebooted07:45
InsectoidThe only reason I need root in gnome is orca doesn't work with sudo for administrative apps07:47
cwilluInsectoid, gksudo?07:47
Insectoidcwillu: yes07:47
cwilluoh, I see07:47
cwilluInsectoid, might work if you also run gksudo orka first07:47
Insectoidcwillu: It would, but then I wouldn't have access to my user's desktop07:47
Insectoidcwillu: Only to whatever was running as root07:48
paul68Hi when I do iwconfig wlan0 I gett he following lines wlan0     IEEE 802.11  Nickname:"" Access Point: Not-Associated   how do I solve this07:48
cwilluInsectoid, you need the screen reader side of orca, right?07:48
Insectoidcwillu: Right07:48
darkblue_BDO I have to do somehing manually with the repos list to get the current Postgres? and why is the GUI showing bad info, but the CLI is working?  I am a bbit frustrated07:49
cwilluInsectoid, can you pastebin your /etc/gdm.conf and /etc/gdm.conf-custom files?07:49
Insectoidcwillu: Certainly07:49
cwilluInsectoid, ooo, try changing it in /etc/gdm-cdd.conf07:50
MethinXok I rebooted X07:50
Insectoidcwillu: Should I create that file?07:50
cwilludoesn't exist?07:50
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>this is the exact error message  >> run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/50firestarter exited with return code 207:50
InsectoidI have a /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf07:51
Insectoidbut not just in /etc07:51
=== lordpil- is now known as lordpil
cwilluInsectoid, sorry, missed a gdm/07:51
a931bw Kde is so beaterfull But ain't is old?07:51
Insectoidcwillu: trying now07:52
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  Youchecked the forums for any info on that?  It could mean somthing  else07:52
cwilluInsectoid, /etc/init.d/gdm restart blah blah blah...07:52
bullgard4In OpenOffice.org Writer 2.4.1 I am trying to delete many occurrences of text of the form '(01:01:47 PM) nick: '. In Find and Replace I assert 'Regular expression'. Find and Replace > Search for: '(* PM) ' does not find anything. Why is that so?07:52
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis> yes , i see there is a bug in 1.0.3-5 version but i have 1.0.3-607:52
cwillubullgard4, \(* PM\)07:53
cwillubullgard4, ()'s have meaning in regex07:53
cwilluso you have to quote them with a \, just like you'd have to quote a *07:53
cwillubullgard4, and...07:53
cwillubullgard4, \(.* PM\)07:53
darkblue_Bdoesnt * alone mean 0 or more07:53
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>with 1.0.3-6 should be fixed thsi bug ...but not to me07:53
darkblue_Byes, you have to have 0 or more of something07:53
cwillu\(* would mean "zero or more ('s"07:53
cwillu\(.* would mean "a (, followed by zero or more anythings"07:54
MethinXok I rebooted X07:54
darkblue_Bhmm I dont think \( counts as a something07:54
cwilludarkblue_B, \( counts as quoting a (07:54
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>i will try remove firestarter and inall again it's one suggstion a see07:55
cwilludarkblue_B, ( is used for grouping07:55
Insectoidcwillu: It's not working -- just beeping at me when I try logging in (ubuntu studio pre-login beep) -- checking logs07:55
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis>i will try remove firestarter and install again it's one suggstion a see07:55
darkblue_B\(* does not mean 0 or more parens07:55
cwilluInsectoid, you've checked that the root account is unlocked and has a valid password?07:55
darkblue_B.. is what I meant07:55
cwilludarkblue_B, in any regex engine known to man, it would, yes07:55
Insectoidcwillu: Of course -- I'm logged in root via ssh07:55
cwilluif it doesn't, it's not really a standard regex07:55
darkblue_Bcwillu: nope07:56
prince_jammysit could be a BRE07:56
bullgard4cwillu: \(* PM\) finds '_PM) ' but does not take care for the joker *.07:56
cwilluInsectoid, root via pubkey wouldn't tell you, you logged in with a password?07:56
ohhaiFrom what repo can I get the Thunderbird 3.0b2 for 8.10?07:56
cwillubullgard4, you need the . before the *07:56
zebis it possible to get past mac address filtering on a router07:56
cwilludarkblue_B, wadduyamean, nope?07:56
Insectoidcwillu: Damn it I forgot about that07:56
* Insectoid chmods his .ssh directory07:56
cwilludarkblue_B, >>> re.findall(r'\(*', '(((')07:56
cwillu['(((', '']07:56
Dr_williszeb,  change your mac address?07:56
darkblue_Byou have to have a variable thing, not a literal thing, I beleive..07:57
cwilludarkblue_B, what are you talking about?07:57
bullgard4cwillu: Great! It works. What is the reason for the . before the *?07:57
darkblue_B.. for * or +07:57
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis> i see too a brute fix is change the priority in rcS.d of networking and firestarter07:57
tenXohhai: that i dont know but can you tell wether thunderbird 3 will support ldap writing support as announced?07:57
cwillubullgard4, '.' means 'any character'07:57
zebDr_willis:  no i have a linksys router that uses mac address filtering to allow access is it possible to get past that07:57
darkblue_Bok, I am tired..07:57
Dr_willisAdrian2MiL8,  waseent that what we were trying to do earlier?07:57
cwilludarkblue_B, \( means a literal (, * means 'the preceding, zero or more times'07:58
bullgard4cwillu: Ok. Thank you for your help.07:58
albuntui have read the manuals so please dont post links because i know them but i just want to know if does anyone know if its allowed or not to create a loco team homepage outside the ubuntu wiki ? i mean in another host07:58
ohhaitenX: It probably should.07:58
Adrian2MiL8<Dr_willis> yes07:58
Dr_williszeb,  if  you knew a mac address it allowed - you can change your mac address I beive.. some how.. :)07:58
darkblue_Bthe reason \(* fails is because 0 parens matches anything07:58
a931bwis there desktop effects on kde?07:58
Insectoidcwillu: Yes, root login works fine via ssh/tty, it's just gnome07:58
cwilludarkblue_B, '*', '+' and '?' match the preceding character07:58
darkblue_Bcwillu: yes07:58
zebDr_willis:  mac addresses are unique to the adaptor tho07:58
tenXohhai: it probably should have had the support earlier on ;) sounds like you're far away from being sure.07:58
cwilludarkblue_B, the reason it failed is because he wasn't matching anything else07:59
cwilludarkblue_B, \(* _does_ match any number of ('s in a row though07:59
cwillu(including zero)07:59
prince_jammys..... in an extended, perl, or perl compatible regex07:59
Dr_williszeb,  they are changeable with some command.. I forget which.. plus many routers can change their mac.07:59
darkblue_Banyway.. I am just trying to find out why the pkg mgr is tellming me I am up to date with Postgres when I am clearly not07:59
cwilluprince_jammys, ...which includes openoffice (yes, I checked)07:59
tenXzeb: my wlan device got a mac of 11:22:33:44:55:66, i must be so lucky07:59
zebya mac cloning07:59
prince_jammyscwillu: yep, figured most of the gui apps use perl-style regex07:59
zebstill dont help you if your mac isnt on the access list08:00
cwillu!info postgres postgresql08:00
ubottupostgresql is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']08:00
tenXDr_willis: ifconfig hw ether08:00
cwillu!info postgresql08:00
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.3.5-0ubuntu8.10 (intrepid), package size 218 kB, installed size 256 kB08:00
ohhaiohhai: You're right. =)08:00
tenXohhai: talking to yourself? ;) happens to me all the time08:00
cwilludarkblue_B, what version does synaptic show as available and installed?08:00
darkblue_Bcwillu: ?? I have hardy LTS08:00
cwillu!info postgresql hardy08:00
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database (latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.3.5-0ubuntu0.8.04 (hardy), package size 216 kB, installed size 256 kB08:00
nyaahow do I tell what ip address my router has?08:01
darkblue_Byeah - so what is that optional thing and how do I make t happen, please?08:01
tenXnyaa: it will most likely match your default gateway08:01
Insectoidnyaa: Are you connected to it?08:01
cwilludarkblue_B, optional has nothing to do with this (just means its not critical for the operation of the system)08:01
balrog__which version of inetd should i use for a bazaar vcs server behind a university firewall: rlinetd, inetutils-inetd, xinetd, or openbsd-inetd ?  does the openbsd one have compatibility issues with much in the repos?08:01
cwilludarkblue_B, what is the version that synaptic reports as installed, and available?08:01
darkblue_Bwell I have 8.3.1 client and server running08:02
tenXDr_willis: ah btw comfortable mac changing can be achieved via macchanger pkg08:02
cwilludarkblue_B, ...exact strings please08:02
darkblue_Byou want .. dpkg -i or something ? I dont know this08:02
nyaainsectoid: yes08:02
cwilluopen synaptic, find the installed package, and write the installed version, and the latest version08:02
JoeSchmo_Hey all...  I have a question, and I have been reading online for days and have no answer.  I have a fresh Ubuntu 8.10 install on my notebook.  Everything seems to be working great, except that my machine crashes horribly when I try to logoff.  I can shut down / restart just fine, but logoff causes the screen to go to a terminal, showing a "trace" and a memory dump, but I am unable to recover from it.  ctrl+alt+backspace (x2) wont even get me08:02
JoeSchmo_ out of it.  My Caps lock LED flashes, and I cannot do anything but hold down the power button.    So, my question:  is there a way to capture the system trace and memory dump to a text file?  There is so much scrolling on the screen that I am unable to get any useful information when the event occurs.08:02
meoblasthello..... how do i install 32 bit packages in ubuntu 64.. i want them to be updated as well08:02
a931bwHow to unninstall sudo apt....08:03
cwillua931bw, eh?08:03
darkblue_Bsynaptic GUI is showing reps as Gutsy this and Gutsy that, while the apt-get update on the command line is showing Hardy this and Hardy tat08:03
a931bwIm installed driver and wana to delete it08:03
balrog__a931bw: you cant, you shouldnt, and you shouldnt be able to08:03
nyaainsectoid trying to remote desktop with someone and he gave me the address from within his network, but we're not on the same exact network =/08:03
cwilludarkblue_B, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
darkblue_Bcwillu: ok08:03
paul68Hi when I do iwconfig wlan0 I gett he following lines wlan0     IEEE 802.11  Nickname:"" Access Point: Not-Associated   how do I solve this08:04
cwillua931bw, sorry, not understanding what you're trying to do08:04
cwillua931bw, if you installed something via apt, then apt-get remove package-name will remove it (sudo synaptic would also let you uninstall it)08:04
cwillua931bw, if you installed something without using apt or synaptic, then apt and synaptic can't do anything to help you uninstall it either08:04
cwilludarkblue_B, thanks08:05
darkblue_BI appreciate your looking at this08:05
charlesju_Does anyone know why a=( ) in a bash script will give an error?08:05
cwilludarkblue_B, how did you upgrade to hardy?  via the update manager, or by updating the sources by hand?08:05
darkblue_Bcwillu: update magr08:06
stoojQuick question: I CTRL+Zed an Apt process instead of CTRL+C - so the apt lock is still on. Can anyone remind me how to cancel the original process correctly?08:06
balrog__do the ubuntu gurus have a favorable opinion of openbsd-inted?08:06
darkblue_Bcwillu: it showed 4 minor errors after it was done, and wouldnt do any additional pkg manip.. but I removed the offending minor erros afer a restart, and now the CLI works fine08:06
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Insectoidcwillu: Turns out just adding it to /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom worked -- and not to gdm.conf or gdm-cdd.conf08:07
InsectoidAllowRoot=true that is08:07
darkblue_Bbut the GUI is showing Gutsy things in the Repo list08:07
cwilludarkblue_B, checked off though, or disabled?08:07
tenXwhat is a gui08:07
Dr_willisstooj,  try 'fb' to bring it back to front? or bg/fg command perhaps08:07
Flannelstooj: jobs, then %# (where # is the job number) will restart it.  You'll have to ctrl-c (if its downloading and not installing, you'll be OK)08:07
cwilludarkblue_B, it's probably just seeing the commented out ones, and giving you the opportunity of shooting self in foot by enabling them :p08:07
Myxbbalrog__: killall it or fg and then ctrl+c08:07
cwillutenX, buttons, windows, mousey things08:07
charlesju_So the issue is that running a shell script as "sh {script}" or "dash {script}" bypasses the "#!/bin/bash" line, thus causing it to fail. But it can be invoked as "sh -c {script}" or "dash -c {script}", and the "#!/bin/bash" *is* correctly handled to invoke the bash shell.08:08
charlesju_that's the answer to my own question08:08
paul68Hi when I do iwconfig wlan0 I gett he following lines wlan0     IEEE 802.11  Nickname:"" Access Point: Not-Associated   how do I solve this08:08
cwillutenX, as opposed to text, more text, and keyboardy things :p08:08
tenXcwillu: sounds amazing, nearly revolutionary to me08:08
cwillucharlesju_, 'correctly'?08:08
cwilluthe shebang line isn't supposed to do anything if you pass the file directly to an interpreter08:08
charlesju_that's the answer to my own question08:08
balrog__Myxb: it isnt installed, but id like to install an inetd.  is the openbsd-inetd one okay to use?08:08
charlesju_i didn't know that08:08
charlesju_now i do08:08
cwillutenX, gonna be big someday, yep :p08:08
darkblue_Bcwillu: ok, yes, they are unchecked .. I mssed that08:09
tenXcwillu: you seem to be a visionaire08:09
cwillualthough you have a seveas gutsy repo as well, which may or may not cause grief08:09
Myxbbalrog__: sorry, no idea08:09
cwilludarkblue_B, okay, so, what is the exact version installed and considered available by synaptic? :p08:09
balrog__Myxb: np, thanks08:09
darkblue_BI will defineitly lose them if I can get a modern Postgres08:10
cwilludarkblue_B, dpkg/apt/aptitude reported would be fine too :p08:10
cwillu!info postgressql-8.2 hardy08:10
ubottuPackage postgressql-8.2 does not exist in hardy08:10
cwillu!info postgressql-8.3 hardy08:10
ubottuPackage postgressql-8.3 does not exist in hardy08:10
darkblue_Bone s08:11
aldigood evening08:11
* cwillu can't spell08:11
MethinXok blakened it worked08:11
tenXcwillu: but seriously, while you mention synaptic. i took a look at it at some customers installation trying to explain him how things work - it was so confusing i changed the topic and port forwarded the conversation08:11
aldican anyone tell me what to do first i just installed ubuntu new to linux08:11
tenXaldi: hmm i'd probably update it08:12
cwillualdi, use it? :p08:12
zackI just got Ubuntu too, I can't get my sound to work.08:12
aldiim used to windows08:13
Insectoidzack: Is your volume up... ?08:13
tenXcwillu: linux is not for use but for trying to get everything to work08:13
cwillubug #20487308:13
zackYes, my volume is up. -_-08:13
cwillutenX, hardly, I just installed it on two 50+ computer owners, who are thrilled about how everything works :p08:13
zackI'm using a USB headset.  Which is like the root of my problem I think.08:13
aldiguys i do alot of torrent downloading do you recommend an av?08:14
cwilludarkblue_B, would appear postgres 8.3 is in the hardy backports repository, might just need to enable it from software sources08:14
prince_jammysaldi: not necessary08:14
tenXcwillu: it has improved so much. recent distros support a big variety of hardware. amazing08:14
darkblue_Bcwillu: aha08:14
darkblue_Bplease advise08:14
Insectoidzack: can you pastebin me the output of lsmod and lsusb?08:14
cwilludarkblue_B, but I don't have a hardy machine handy to check easily08:14
aldithenks prince08:14
syockitthe live CD doesn't have tty. how do I create tty?08:14
cwillusyockit, use ctrl-alt-f208:15
zackCan I private message you?08:15
a931bwwtf is .bespin ??08:15
darkblue_Bcwillu: http://pastebin.com/m558ba8f08:15
prince_jammysaldi: you probably want to learn how to install stuff from the repositories08:15
aldiyeah thats what i want08:15
prince_jammys!apt | aldi08:15
ubottualdi: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)08:15
aldibeen trying for the last 4 hrs to install clamav08:16
syockitcwillu: there's no tty running08:16
darkblue_Bcwillu: I am at the end of my tether.. I should come back after some rest.. I appreciate your looking at this08:16
prince_jammysaldi: keep in mind you don't really need an antivirus prog08:16
cwillualdi, prince_jammys speaks the truth08:16
prince_jammys!synaptic | aldi : read the link above, and this one:08:16
ubottualdi : read the link above, and this one:: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:16
darkblue_Baldi: linux, the bad news, command lines.. the good news, no virus'08:16
MethinXWhen browsing the internet in Opera the screen goes grey, how do I fix this?08:17
tenXcwillu: talking about that combo: you happen to know what switch to modify to enable it in case the combo won't lead you into true tty?08:17
* Dr_willis puts the command line in the 'good news' area08:17
aldiok thanks for the info prince ill check the web page you told me08:17
prince_jammysaldi: read the most recent one first08:17
cwilludarkblue_B, ooooo, is the -updates even enabled?08:17
aldisee you around08:17
aldithanks again08:17
cwilludarkblue_B, I don't see it in your sources08:17
syockitwhat's the comand for starting all the tty?08:17
darkblue_Bcwillu: ???08:17
cwilludarkblue_B, heh08:17
cwilludarkblue_B, synaptic, sources, make sure -updates is enabled08:18
cwillusynaptic, repositories, updates tab08:18
cwilluintrepid security and intrepid-updates need to be enabled (unless you only want security updates, in which case, you don't want the .5 version08:18
darkblue_Bohh, I had "important security updates" checked, but nothing else08:19
tenXcwillu: either you dumb, deaf and/or blind or wise and got me on ignore08:19
cwilludarkblue_B, there's your problem08:19
MethinXwhat are pre-released updates (itrepid proposed)? do I need them? will they harm my computer?08:20
cwillutenX, I have a built-in ignore08:20
FlanneltenX: Please remain polite08:20
FlannelMethinX: You should not enable -proposed, no.08:20
cwilluMethinX, testing updates, which if they don't break stuff, will eventually become normal updates08:20
tenXFlannel: excuse wasnt meant to be an offense think he got it right08:20
MethinXthank you08:20
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InsectoidI am getting the output of Zack's lsmod, a line a second.  It is quite noisy.08:21
cwilluMethinX, unless you need something specific from it, or merely like dealing with random stuff breaking occasionally, don't enable it :p08:21
tenXcwillu: so do you know?08:21
syockitalright, got it via getty 3840008:21
cwillutenX, maybe I do, and I don't want to tell you?08:21
cwillutenX, more likely, I don' :p08:21
cwillunot quite sure what you meant about 'won't switch to the true tty'08:21
tenXcwillu: hmm i would have gone with the first option08:21
cwillu...because then you could still squeeze an answer out of me :p08:22
darkblue_Boh geez.. well its still 8.3.1 with updates checked.. I suppose I need "Propsed updates".. BUT I now see that dev libs was at 8.2, while a rash of other things is at 8.3  :-/08:22
darkblue_Bchanging dev libs08:22
tenXcwillu: well i see i dont know how to describe it better. switch from X to true text mode tty. via strg+alt+fX08:22
cwilludarkblue_B, "sorry for assuming ubuntu broke something, when really I broke it myself"?  :)08:22
tenXcwillu: the switch in case it doesnt work08:22
cwilluoh, the sysrq line08:23
cwilludon't know it off hand, but you should be able to find it searching for magic sysrq08:23
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key08:23
darkblue_Bwell almost.. I'll take .66 of t08:23
cwilluthere's a few others that are relevant08:23
* cwillu sticks the remaining .34 on darkblue_B's back as he walks away08:23
tenXsysrq line some addition to xserver conf?08:23
cwillutenX, well, there's c-a-backspace, which simply kills xorg completely, but if ctrl-alt-f1 doesn't work, c-a-backspace probably won't either08:24
cwillusysrq is handled in kernel08:24
darkblue_Bwell the only 2 checks left are "Pre Release Updates" and "Unsupported updates:08:24
darkblue_Bthat sounds kind of sketchy.. but I need those ?08:25
puremichaelhi, i've got some problems with evolution, e.g. 'unread' shows mit 100emails unread, total -63508:25
cwilluprerelease is testing stuff, so that people can check bugfixes without having to do anything special with packages08:25
tenXcwillu: of course i am familiar with c-a-b as well. just wondering what switch to switch. and how can it depend on the kernel?08:25
cwillubackports is for the real hardcore that like their long-term support, but not enough to actually use it as intended :p08:25
cwillutenX, don't think there's any option for xorg.conf, although "man xorg.conf" and "/<search><enter>nN" will solve many woes08:26
darkblue_B.. and , I am still not finding postgres 8.3.5 though...08:26
cwilludarkblue_B, have you reloaded yet?08:26
tenXcwillu: i know how to research and know its the only true way. was just looking for an easy helpout answer08:27
* cwillu pokes tenX with a pointy stick08:27
darkblue_Bone more choice.. a popup that says LTR only or normal releases08:27
darkblue_Breloading now after choosing "normal" from "LTR"08:27
tenXcwillu: what is a pointy stick if i may ask08:27
cwilludarkblue_B, normal releases will offer an upgrade to intrepid08:27
accura2khow can I access a shared network folder from another computer in console?08:28
cwillutenX, it's a wooden stick, with a sharpened point08:28
cwilluabout 8 feet long08:28
cwilluaccura2k, gvfs-<tab>08:28
accura2kcwillu, thanks08:28
tenXcwillu: you should start to use the metric system08:28
cwilluaccura2k, you can also deal with normal mount's, but this is easier imo08:28
tenXcwillu: and adjust stick size08:29
darkblue_Boh ok, Mark All Upgrades just did it08:29
darkblue_Bpressing go08:29
cwillutenX, I like metric just fine.  however, stick sizes are traditionally measured in feet.  (btw, we should probably continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic, if you feel the need to continue :p)08:29
darkblue_Bcwillu: yay.. thx08:30
fighthi all08:30
* cwillu bites fight08:30
cwilluaccura2k, if you have gvfs-fuse installed, then any gvfs mounts will show up in ~/.gvfs/shares08:31
jeeves_Mosswould it be possible to set up 2 free VOIP accounts that have VOIP to land line abilities, call someone on one, and call yourself on the other, then link them to in theroy make a free call if you have free incomming?08:31
cwilluaccura2k, which is handy for other apps08:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:32
eduardocan you help me guys? i have some trouble with my network connection08:35
prince_jammyswrite out a detailed question and someone might help08:35
cwillueduardo, I was about to point !ask at you, but I know I've pointed it at you before... :p08:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:36
eduardothank you guys... well...08:36
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eduardoI need to change my DNS config every time i turn un my pc08:36
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tacosarecoolnyaa it works!08:37
eduardocoz the default DNS is a wrong one08:37
cwillueduardo, dhcp?08:37
eduardoyes, it's DHCP08:38
cwillueduardo, add a supersede line to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf08:38
cwillueduardo, supersede domain-name-servers <list of servers>;08:38
cwilluor even a prepend domain-name-servers <list>;08:38
eduardook, i'm checking the file, wait me please...08:39
cwillueduardo, alternatively, get your admin to fix the dhcp server08:39
Gerinychhow do you make a webpage into a screenlet?08:40
eduardojojo.... that's a big problem, coz i'm installing ubuntu with my customer jojo08:40
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jim_pGerinych, you mean an rss feed to screenlet?08:41
Gerinychjim_p, no, just a webpage08:41
Unidentified6180hey dose any one in here know how to use file zilla08:42
meoblasti have pcsx for ubuntu64 and i'm getting this error when i try to run the cd "Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console    sh: message: not found"08:42
meoblastwhat's up with that?08:42
FlannelUnidentified6180: You just connect, and then you can drag/drop or double click items, etc.08:42
meoblasti'm already going through the horrors of not being able to install 32-bit programs08:42
Unidentified6180@ Flannel iam having some trouble setitng it up08:43
morghanphoenixAnyone know how you set the display settings to allow 800x600 resolution? Fullscreen apps are giving me a blank screen with a can not display this video mode when they go 800x600, but are working fine at 640x480 and 1024x76808:43
cwillumeoblast, what 32 bit programs?08:43
Wolv3what happen if i make a manual delete from  /usr/share/themes08:43
StR|Sangrealhello; could sb explain me major differences between kde and gnome as a non pro should see them?08:44
Wolv3its fine to do that?08:44
cwilluWolv3, nothing overly horrible, although it's not particularily elegant08:44
prince_jammysWolv3: better to uninstall them through apt08:44
jim_pmorghanphoenix, are you on ati/08:44
cwilluWolv3, will just come back the next time the package has an update (which may be a while for a theme package, granted)08:44
morghanphoenixno, nvidia08:44
FlannelStR|Sangreal: KDE generally has more options, whereas gnome tries to just get it "right" without the need for extra configuration.08:44
Unidentified6180Flannel PM?08:44
StR|Sangreali have upgraded to kde4, it seems to be a step in a bad direction but downgrade would be too painful...08:45
Wolv3because i have some problem with gtk+08:45
eduardocwillu, here i have a line with #prepend domine-name-servers xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx08:45
morghanphoenixI'm leaving kubuntu when I have to upgrade to KDE408:45
cwillueduardo, eh?08:45
FlannelUnidentified6180: You can just explain what you're having issues with here, but if its some sort of private something or other, sure.08:45
eduardois it what am I looking for?08:45
Wolv3cwillu, some themes say i need it and i install all gtk engines08:45
cwillueduardo, there's all sorts of example lines in there08:45
Wolv3prince_jammys,  some themes say i need it and i install all gtk engines08:45
cwillueduardo, either a supersede or a prepend should work for a dns override08:46
madsjI don't find any wireless networks, in spite of the driver being loaded; "iwconfig -a" and "ifconfig -a" both list ra0 as an "interface"08:46
prince_jammysWolv3: ok08:46
eduardook, excelent! thank you08:46
jim_pStR|Sangreal, its like asking "what is the difference between a mercedes and a bmw?". choose what you like most08:46
cwillueduardo, (supersede kills the dhcp setting, prepend tacks a dns on to the front of the list to be checked first)08:46
StR|Sangrealhow can i install a fullfeatured gnome on kubuntu to have a choice to run it independently08:46
morghanphoenixmy xorg.conf has no resolutions in it, looks really bare compared to older versions ogf *buntu or another distro.08:46
Unidentified6180ok so i think that i set it up right i wnat to run the server on my laptopn adn then the client on my desktop08:46
Unidentified6180but what is a host08:46
cwillumorghanphoenix, that's standard now, since 8.0408:46
madsjI'm using the rt2860sta driver, and it stopped working after upgrading to a new kernel08:46
cwillumorghanphoenix, even 7.10 to an extent08:46
Wolv3prince_jammys,  how to fix that?08:46
eduardocwillu, Thank you! i will try it!08:47
FlannelStR|Sangreal: yeah, intall the ubuntu-desktop package, you'll get to choose which DE to use when you login (at GDM or KDM)08:47
madsjI'd be extremely helpful for some hints, have tried asking a few times about it before08:47
morghanphoenixwell, I'm not getting functional 800x600 frommy xserver, and I have no idea how to fix it if it's not a missing section of xorg.conf.08:47
jim_pStR|Sangreal, sudo apt-get isntall gnome08:47
prince_jammysWolv3: you've installed gtk+ ?08:47
morghanphoenixScreen just goes blank and says can not disploay mode whenever I have a fullscreen aopp running at 800x60008:48
cwillumorghanphoenix, pastebin the output of xrandr08:48
prince_jammysWolv3: deleting stuff from /usr/share/themes is unlikely to solve whatever problem you're having. i wouldn't.08:48
Wolv3prince_jammys,  i install all gtk+ packs i see on synaptic08:48
cwillu!pastebin morghanphoenix08:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:48
cwillu!pastebin |morghanphoenix08:48
ubottumorghanphoenix: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:48
syockitI'm on livecd now. I think I identified my problem: I may have removed myself from admin group. Now that I've mounted the root drive, where do I find the group settings?08:48
prince_jammysWolv3: and there's certain themes that still won't work?08:48
cwillusyockit, chroot to the mount (so chroot /mnt, or chroot /media/disk/, etc)08:49
Wolv3prince_jammys,  yes08:49
cwillusyockit, and then addgroup syockit admin08:49
FlannelUnidentified6180: The host is the place with the server.  FTP or SSH or whatnot.  Is it just for private transfers for you?08:49
cwillusyockit, oops:   adduser syockit admin08:49
StR|Sangrealanother question08:49
morghanphoenixhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/109281/ cwillu08:49
Unidentified6180flannel can we go private there is to much goign on in here lol08:49
mlpugif I select "recovery" from grub there is a menu. then I select root command prompt from that menu. how can I go back from command prompt to that menu without restarting?08:50
Flannelmlpug: `init 2` will finish boothing normally.08:50
cwillumorghanphoenix, open system | preferences |screen resolution, does 800x600 show up there?08:50
cwillumlpug, ctrl-d will take you back to the menu I think08:50
morghanphoenixyes cwillu08:50
FlannelUnidentified6180: sure08:50
cwillumorghanphoenix, looks like you have a working 800x600 :/08:51
morghanphoenixAny application that uses fullscreen 800x600 gives me a blank screen though, either naticve apps or wine games.08:51
syockitcwillu: thx!08:51
mlpugtnx. ctrl-d does what i was after08:52
cwillumorghanphoenix, does 800x600 work if you select it?08:52
StR|Sangrealas i installed kubuntu on defaults, my graphics started flittering and the performance was really bad; i was offered to install a proprietary driver, the performance did improve dramatically; however, any attempt to play video crashes vlc and other players play it badly(i mean 60% of frames are black, it flickers on the top of the desktop and plasma)08:52
ein2015Flannel: off topic, but are you in here often? :)08:52
cwillu(it'll fail out after 20 seconds if you can't see anything, and therefore don't click anything)08:52
cwillumorghanphoenix, no idea really.  It's not xorg at fault that I can tell though08:52
Flannelein2015: Indeed. Also, we do have #ubuntu-offtopic if you have offtopic questions08:52
cwillumorghanphoenix, compiz running?08:53
StR|Sangreal(i have centrino2, thus i installed amd64 distro, my videocard is ati radeon mobility x1450) please could sb advise me how to set up my graphics?08:53
morghanphoenixNo, never waste resources on eye candy myself.08:53
Unidentified6180Flannel did you get my pm08:53
cwillumorghanphoenix, have you disabled it?08:53
morghanphoenixhaven't installed it.08:53
cwillumorghanphoenix, i.e., prefs | appearances | effects shows none, or normal?08:54
morghanphoenixRunning kwin as my manager08:54
cwilluno idea then08:54
bullgard4What do the letters 'xdpy' stand for in the command name 'xdpyinfo'?08:54
cwilluwas going to suggest that 'unredirect fullscreen windows' might improve things, but if you're not running a composited desktop...08:54
cwillux display08:54
StR|Sangrealplease is there someone to attend my graphics trouble?08:55
bullgard4cwillu: Ah! Thank you very much for explaining.08:55
* cwillu is going home now :p08:55
cwillu!test | MichaelXin08:56
ubottuMichaelXin: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.08:56
cwillumichl7, that was for you08:56
morghanphoenixSheesh, that's annoying, things seem to run at 800x600 if I set it with xrandr first, it's just not setting it on it's own like it used to before I went to 8.04.08:57
morghanphoenixthink of a reson why that would happen cwillu, or am I stuck writing launch scripts for everything that is affected?08:59
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Myx0x3does anyone here know pretty much about PHP? :P...09:00
bigbrovar__does any body know how to install this on hardy heron http://www.getdeb.net/release/375509:01
cwillumorghanphoenix, nothing specific.  Would you mind posting a bug about it on launchpad?09:01
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:01
cwillubigbrovar_, why?09:02
miranda_psibigbrovar__: what problem do you have installing it?09:02
jim_pbigbrovar_, media applet requires some components that are gnome 2.24 specific, so there is no way to install it on hardy and gnome 2.22. I have tried that09:02
bigbrovar__because am running hardy and would like to install it09:02
ScubidusI fucking just got Spore Galactic Edition....................09:02
ScubidusBest game in the fuckn world09:03
FlannelScubidus: Please watch your language, and keep it on topic.09:03
jim_pbigbrovar_, sorry, it has unmet dependencies09:03
Scubidusfuck im sorry I will09:03
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bigbrovar__jim_p : thanks09:03
bigbrovar__too bad09:03
morghanphoenixBah, spore is inferior to a lot of the free games I can grab from the *buntu repos.09:03
jim_pbigbrovar_, there is a similar gnome applet for the mounting09:03
bigbrovar__i tried ibex but too many things are broken on my machine09:03
jim_pbigbrovar_, are you on ati?09:04
bigbrovar__jim_p: i know just not as cool09:04
bigbrovar__naa funny the laptop is an xps that came preinstalled with ubuntu09:04
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jim_pbigbrovar_, oh ok. what other problems do you face?09:05
StR|Sangrealas i installed kubuntu on defaults, my graphics started flittering and the performance was really bad; i was offered to install a proprietary driver, the performance did improve dramatically; however, any attempt to play video crashes vlc and other players play it badly(i mean 60% of frames are black, it flickers on the top of the desktop and plasma)09:05
StR|Sangreal (i have centrino2, thus i installed amd64 distro, my videocard is ati radeon mobility x1450) please could sb advise me how to set up my graphics?09:05
FloodBot2StR|Sangreal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
bigbrovar__bluetooth doesnt work09:05
rstecklerI have tomcat6 running, and deployed my war to it.  The java app uses Hibernate to connect to mysql.  When it tries to load hibernate.cfg.xml, it errors out with access denied because it's trying to download the .dtd file from the internet per my xml header.  I tried to fake it out by putting the dtd next to it locally, but it still errors with no permissions to open the file.09:05
jim_pStR|Sangreal, can you use the opensource radeon driver? i will provide you my xorg.conf for ideas09:05
bigbrovar__webcam works but after compling the driver from source09:05
rstecklerWhere do I go for tomcat's permissions?  I need to give it permission to access the internet?  weird09:05
rstecklerOr read from local files in it's own folder?09:06
bigbrovar__not a problem but u have to do it again after a kernel upgrade09:06
bigbrovar__and even when it works its not has good as hardy09:06
=== rsteckler is now known as cryptyk
homecablei need testers
Flannelhomecable: Please don't do that here.09:06
bigbrovar__also the internal mic doesnt work09:06
EMPulsehey guys09:07
bigbrovar__am quite disappointed with hardy09:07
EMPulseIs there a firewall in ubuntu09:07
jim_phomecable, it works for me09:07
EMPulsethat i can configure to ignore ping requests09:07
bigbrovar__sorry ibex*09:07
cwilluEMPulse, there is09:07
balrog__anybody know how to setup a bzr server?09:07
cwillu!firewall EMPulse09:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:07
homecablejimp is it max speed ?09:07
cwillu!firewall | EMPulse09:07
ubottuEMPulse: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:07
jim_pEMPulse, use firestarter09:07
EMPulsejim_p, does ufw work?09:07
tenXubottu: like any other? that depends on kernel config09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
cwilluit does09:08
homecablejim what ur speeds u got from it09:08
jim_pEMPulse, ufw = ?09:08
tenXubottu: i didnt think so09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
EMPulsejim_p, somtimes with firestarts the internet freezes and all the programs that are connected on the internet freeze with it09:08
tenXubottu: but somebody has to step up some time09:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:08
bigbrovar__jim_p: ibex would be the first release i would be skipping altogether09:08
jim_phomecable, i am on 1024/256 and i got ~880/20009:08
EMPulsejim_p: its a firewall that comes with ubuntu, its short for ubuntu fire wall09:08
EMPulsejim_p: you can see it if you go "sudo ufw status"09:09
karloshomecable, i am 6500, 6500 and you saturated the line09:09
jim_pEMPulse, never heard of it, but firestarter is simple to use09:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw09:09
EMPulsejim_p. thanks09:09
cwilluuncomplicated firewall I though, but anyways :p09:09
ross`where is the darn wmii config file09:09
ross`for ubuntu09:09
=== nicholas is now known as Guest18865
ross`when you install with apt-get09:09
tenXthe bot kicked me :( not intelligent but cruel09:09
cwilluross`, synaptic will show you the installed files of any package09:09
FlanneltenX: Please stay on topic09:09
prince_jammysross`: check the bottom of the man page, under FILES09:09
homecablekarlos i have fiberoptics09:10
Devastatoriusross` use gufw09:10
ross`lol alright ppl ill try these things :)09:10
karloshomecable, how fast? what provider09:10
=== Guest18865 is now known as tacosarecool
Flannelross`: /etc/X11/wmii-3.5/09:10
Flannelross`: see dpkg -S wmii | grep etc09:10
ross`Flannel: ty09:11
tenXFlannel: excuse me again. i tend to be an outlaw. i seldomly engage in this09:12
MorclyeI edited fstab to automount windows partitions and everything else is fine but Scandinavian characters in folder or file names appears as question marks, for example finnish word for lake 'järvi' shows as 'j?rvi (invalid encoding)' Is there a neat solution to this or should I just live with that?09:12
Dr_willisMorclye,  i think theres some options you can use in the fstab to fix that..09:13
Dr_willisMorclye,  mine --> /dev/sda2 /media/VistaStorage ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 009:13
Dr_willisMorclye,  ou may need to set the proper locale=09:14
bigbrovar__does any body use dell xps here?09:14
ross`bigbrovar__: me09:14
lufisI've been having some wifi issues and someone suggested I disable wifi power saving. Anyone know how to do this?09:15
PeddyIs there a way to get Java working through Pulseaudio?09:15
bigbrovar__ross: were you able to get the ejecting key to work?09:15
ross`on the top09:15
ross`with my m133009:15
FloodBot2ross`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
ross`bigbrovar__: which xps do you have09:16
bigbrovar__ross:it doesnt work for ejecting cd09:16
=== nicholas is now known as Guest68770
bigbrovar__ross: m133009:16
shrihow can i install a nfs server on ubuntu-8.10?09:16
tenXshri: that is pretty simple09:17
bigbrovar__ross:it only works when the system is starting before the os is loaded09:17
tenXdont know the details right off09:17
tenXbut install one package and deps09:17
codeapehey guys, i'm having lots of trouble getting xvfb and fop to play nicely on ubuntu-server-8.10... anyone got time to help me out?09:17
tenXand edit one config file09:17
PeddyIs Java 7 out?09:17
bigbrovar__ross:only was to eject is through nautilus09:17
cwillu!info java09:17
ubottuPackage java does not exist in intrepid09:17
ross`bigbrovar__: wats uname -a say09:18
tenXshri: just search the net there is plenty of documentation but be aware of the security risks (root privileges)09:18
bigbrovar__ross:Linux g33k-p0rn 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 27 18:44:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux09:18
shritenx: can you list out the instructions. i think i downloaded the nfs packages but i dont know what to do next09:18
scuniziIf I use thunderbird and hook to my gmail account via imap.. when I delete an email in thunderbird does it also delete it in gmail?09:18
soiercan anybody help me how to install cdt eclipsce ???09:19
ross`bigbrovar__: what version of ubuntu are yo using09:19
soieron ubuntu09:19
MorclyeDr_willis: Thank you. I got NTFS partitions encoding work but when mounting FAT32 I get mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb509:19
bigbrovar__ross: this was how i got it to work but even that has some problems http://bigbrovar.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/how-to-make-m1330s-eject-button-work-with-ubuntu/i used this to make it to work09:19
tenXshri: that i dont remember. but you should really google it09:20
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=== tacosarecol is now known as tacosarecool
tenXshri: there will be plenty of docs explaining things way better as i ever could09:20
bigbrovar__ross: the cd would eject but the cd icon would remain .. am on hardy heron btw .. but even ibex has the problem09:20
balrog__i suppose09:20
ScubidusHey Flannel09:20
Dr_willisMorclye,  that may be a ntfs only option. I just noticed it the other day and thought i tmay be a fix for you.09:20
arvernesapt-get V dpkg ? I have to remove some files I've just installed. What is the best way to go ? apt-get or dpkg ? I want to remove the files but the configuration too ? And second question : When I installed those files, it installed dependancies. Is there a way to give just the main file to be removed and have dpkg or apt-get to remove the dependancies too ?09:20
FlannelHi Scubidus09:20
ross`bigbrovar__: idk bro09:21
ScubidusYou Suck Donkey Balls09:21
bigbrovar__ross: thanks for the help anyway .. yours just works out of the box?09:21
seektherapyhow can i do this09:21
ross`bigbrovar__: yes with 8.1009:21
ross`bigbrovar__: try being root09:21
seektherapyQuick install09:21
ross`when you hit the button09:21
seektherapyIn terminal,09:21
FloodBot2seektherapy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:21
seektherapy1) Goto source directory09:21
seektherapy2) Execute make command as root09:21
ziroday!pastebin | seektherapy09:22
ubottuseektherapy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:22
bigbrovar__ross: its a nautilus thing09:22
soierany suggestion about eclipse ....09:22
PeddyIs there a way to get Java apps to play sound through Pulseaudio? I'm running Linux.09:22
Peddyof course I'm running Linux :/09:23
cwillu!info eclipse-cdt | soier09:23
ubottueclipse-cdt (source: eclipse-cdt): C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-2 (intrepid), package size 17403 kB, installed size 19844 kB09:23
* goldy cries09:23
cwilluPeddy, 8.04?09:23
Peddycwillu: 8.1009:23
shritenx: i followed the instructions. my target is unable to mount it09:24
InsectoidNo sound post-install in USB audio.  Primary card is an nvidia HDA card, but everything's set to use usb headset under alsa.  Testing sound with this configuration throws a cannot open device.09:24
bigbrovar__ross: adding dev.cdrom.lock=0  to /etc/sysctl.conf works but with some quirks09:24
bigbrovar__ross: does bluetooth and internal mic work for you on ibex09:24
MorclyeDr_willis: I got it working after you said it might be ntfs specific option and it really was. I used nls=utf8 for ntfs and iocharset=utf8 for fat32 and now my automounting seems to be working perfectly :)09:25
ftabHow to uninstall the sound drivers in Ubuntu and then Re-Install?09:25
tenXshri: well as i said i'm not into it anymore. i changed my setups to sshfs which i prefer for security reasons09:25
bigbrovar__ross: yeah on ibex09:26
ross`what is ibex09:27
ftabHow to uninstall the sound drivers in Ubuntu and then Re-Install?09:27
ross`is it a desktop manager09:27
bigbrovar__ross: it was why i downgraded to hardy ..intrepid ibex09:27
jim_pftab, sudo apt-get autoremove linux-sound-base09:27
Peddycwillu: do you have any idea how to use a wrapper to wrap the Java sound into Pulseaudio?09:27
ziroday!ibex | ross`09:27
ubottuross`: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81009:27
ftaband then to install>09:27
jim_pftab, this will remove alsa, i suggest you to remove pulseaudio and keep it removed09:28
ross`oh lol09:28
ftabyes I already did that09:28
ftabI have strange problem here09:28
jim_pftab, what is your                        lspci | grep Audio          ?09:28
bigbrovar__ross: what where you thinking before lol09:28
ross`thought you were talking about some obscure dm09:28
ftab00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 009:29
bigbrovar__ross: anyway i was asking if bluetooth works with ibex on your xps09:29
ross`bigbrovar__: no idea :)09:29
ross`bigbrovar__: i dont have a bluetooth card09:29
jim_pftab, ich6 is 1000% alsa supported!09:29
ross`i dont think so anyway09:29
bigbrovar__ross: oh ok09:29
jim_pftab, can you tell the system to use it? provided that you have removed alsa of course09:30
tenXreally nice is mounting mobile phones via obexfs while youre at it09:30
bigbrovar__ross: doesnt work on mine .. even the internal mic09:30
On0bi_does anyone know where i can play D&D on irc?09:30
ftabbut my skype was not working with alsa so I modified some configuration for it, it works with skype now but screwed up other things like sound is not there in any music player09:30
ross`idk thats weird09:30
Dr_willisOn0bi_,  theres numerous online-D&D sites/servers and dalnet used to have a D*&D channel09:30
=== nicholas is now known as tacosarecool
bigbrovar__ftab: that was why i downgraded to hardy where everything work out of the box09:31
ftabI can only play audio in embedded flash player in a browser09:31
millertime_018hey does anyone know how to recover deleted files in linux?09:31
ross`bigbrovar__: im gonna give you some bad advice09:31
ross`use lfs09:31
FloodBot2ross`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:31
Dr_willis!undelete | millertime_01809:31
ubottumillertime_018: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:31
On0bi_Dr_willis: like where?09:31
bigbrovar__i wonder why ibex broke so many things09:31
Dr_willisOn0bi_,  google is our friend.  I know they exist09:31
jim_pftab, go to system > preferences > sound and select alsa there09:31
bigbrovar__on a dell that came preinstalled with ubuntu09:31
ftabjim_p: is there any way so I can remove all those and then re-install?09:31
On0bi_Dr_willis: thanks :)09:32
ftabI do that but now it gives me error09:32
ftabwhen I try to test09:32
skate2how do you uninstall the vim71 that comes with ubuntu? i want to install vim7209:32
jim_pbigbrovar_, there has to be done a small sacrifice in order to early adopt a half working thing!!! stupid devs09:32
Dr_willisskate2,  use the package manager  to remove it09:33
ftabok when I click on test after selecting Alsa then it works :)09:33
ftabbut let me test it with Flash then09:33
skate2dr_willis how?09:33
bigbrovar__jim_p: its really sad .. i mean like everything that just use to work in ubuntu got broken in ibex09:33
Dr_willisskate2,  fire up synaptic and start clicking away09:33
jim_pftab, there is some more you have to do for flash :P09:33
bigbrovar__thinkfinger for finger print reader, webcam,bluetooth, internal mic09:34
GreedyB1does anyone know how I can stop it from asking for a password to connect to my wireless network?09:34
jim_pbigbrovar_, i know. 99% of the apps that cause problems are from debian EXPERIMENTAL repos. experimental for debian = do not use it unless you are a developer!09:34
ftabnow it's not working with Flash :(09:34
jim_pGreedyB, remove network manager and put a worthy app that reminds passwords09:34
jim_pftab, open a terminal and type       gstreamer-properties            switch them to alsa too09:35
GreedyB1isnt network manager one of the better ones?09:35
bigbrovar__GreedyB1: best thing is to use a easy to type passwd with gnome keyrings09:35
Dr_williscan gnome keyring use a blank pasword? :)09:36
jim_pGreedyB, network manager 0.70 that ubuntu 8.10 uses is total crap. earlier versions were a bit better09:36
bigbrovar__GreedyB1:r try wicd09:36
GreedyB1jim_p and bigbrovar_ thanks09:36
jim_pGreedyB, i use gnome-network-admin for my wireless, non wpa, needs.09:36
lufisI've been having some wifi issues and someone suggested I disable wifi power saving. Anyone know how to do this?09:37
GreedyB1hmm I have WPA09:37
GreedyB1Ill try WICD.. I think ive used that before09:37
ftabjim_p: it gives this error now09:37
ftabAutodetect: Failed to connect: Connection refused09:37
jim_pGreedyB, there is also network-config that does wpa... and there is also a gui to configure wpa in general so as to make it usable with gnome-network-admin09:37
jim_pftab, where?09:37
bigbrovar__GreedyB: you could reset the gnome keyring passwd and use a easy to type paswd09:37
bigbrovar__something that you can easily type and get on with ur life09:38
=== Wolverine is now known as Guest79598
GreedyB1bigbrovar_see I just formatted from a dell ubuntu to 8.10... I have a lot of people use this computer so that wont work09:38
ftabwhen i go to gstreamer-properties09:39
GreedyB1bigbrovar_I cant just turn it off'?09:39
bigbrovar__GreedyB:sorry you cant .. and if you do let me know09:39
jim_pftab, does it crash?09:39
ftablet me paste the whole error on ubuntu code09:40
ftabbtw what is the url :009:40
stdinit's in the topic :|09:40
bigbrovar__GreedyB: try wicd http://www.ubuntugeek.com/wicd-wired-and-wireless-network-manager-for-ubuntu.html09:40
GreedyB1bigbrovar_thanks for the link09:41
ph8i upgraded pulseaudio and now my sound's not working09:41
ph8why is pulseaudio so bad?09:41
bigbrovar__GreedyB: only reason i use nm 0.7 is because of network sharing09:41
nyaalunkheads at GE09:41
pan_how do i run fluxbox and ubuntu at the same time?09:41
pan_using xinit on screen 209:41
jim_pph8, because pulseaudio is NOT a general use audio system like alsa is. remove it and use alsa09:41
ftabjim_p: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109292/09:42
ftabthat is the error I got09:42
ftabit does open the configuration window though09:42
jim_pftab, oh thats nothing, pulseaudio remaining stuff crap. anyway, did gstreamer open?09:43
HorizonXPDoes anyone know how to get PHP to be able to connect to an Informix database?09:43
gareth_why does my ubuntu box wifi card see other connections in it's range (namely my neighbors) but it can't see my wifi router? I know it09:43
tenXgareth_: hidden sid?09:43
gareth_I know it's there because i'm using it now through my ibook09:43
gareth_ssid is enabled09:44
ftabjim_p it does open now09:44
jim_pgareth_, remove network manager piece of junk software and use a proper app09:44
ftabbtw can it run two music players simulteneuosly ?09:44
ftabI mean to play audio at the same time in both09:44
jim_pftab, dunno, but i can hear sound from 2 sources09:44
jim_pftab, did you switch the default sound exit to alsa?09:45
gareth_jim_p: which app would you suggest? thx  :)09:45
ftabDefault Input is Alsa09:45
fightWho use chinese QQ ?09:46
jim_pgareth_, do you use wpa for that wireless network?09:46
ftabbut still no sound :(09:46
ftabin Flash it's working now, but in totem it's not09:46
jim_pftab, can you please do a reboot, and verify that there is no pulseaudio config file left there?09:46
=== DeCo is now known as Sudanese
gareth_i've disabled encryption for now - just to make things easier - i hoped  :(09:46
cwilluftab, flash is probably locking the device.  close firefox out completely, and see if it starts working09:46
ftabwhat's the command to remove the pulseaudio btw?09:46
cwillupulseaudio isn't the problem here09:47
cwilluit'd happen with any mixer09:47
jim_pgareth_, if you do use wpa, use network-config, else you can use wicd or something09:47
HorizonXPIs there a PHP module for Informix DBs?09:47
ftabcwillu: it worked now :(09:47
ftabbut why not both sources?09:47
jim_pgareth_, and please remove network manager09:47
cwilluftab, what does pidof pulseaudio say?09:48
pan_what is the purpose of ctrl+alt+f* where * = a #?09:48
cwilluftab, run pulseaudio -D09:48
gareth_jimp_, ok i'll give that a try09:48
bigbrovar__gareth_: why not use hardy? what dell do you use btw09:48
cwilluftab, well, close any media/sound sources, run pulseaudio -D, and then see if two work at once09:48
ftabpulseaudio is not currently installed, and jim_p is sayinh that I don't need that09:49
ftaband I heard that some where else too09:49
renatkahelp me, please.. how can i do translate my ubuntu into russian? many programs are in english and i don't know english well...09:49
cwilluftab, jim_p should stop suggesting people break their ubuntu installs just because he had a bad experience with them :(09:49
bigbrovar__jim_p: if gareth removes nm what would he use09:49
gareth_bigbrovar_: hardy? sorry I'm a newbie09:49
jim_prenatka, is your gnome enviroment in russian?09:49
bigbrovar__hardy heron09:50
jim_pcwillu, while pulseaudio is not broken?09:50
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cwillujim_p, had no issues whatsoever across 4 laptops and a couple dozen different desktops09:50
bigbrovar__gareth: the version before intrepid ibex09:50
ftabcwillu: should I install the pulseaudio then?09:50
GreedyB1I thought wicd had a tray applet or something09:50
cwilluftab, what was the original issue you were having?09:50
bigbrovar__gareth: what type what dell do you use ? xps?09:51
ftabI can't hear sound from 2 sources simultenously09:51
IndoRamahi...is there any good09:51
renatka<jim_p> almost all in english...09:51
cwilluftab, okay, yes, reinstall pulseaudio09:51
jim_pcwillu, pulseaudio early adoption is the main cause of ubuntu sound problems, even when they underlying sound cards are supported 1000% by alsa, so its removal is a wise movement09:51
IndoRamaNintendo 64 emulator for Ubuntu ?09:51
nightrid3rrenatka: sudo aptget installlanguage-support-ru09:51
cwillujim_p, pulseaudio still uses alsa09:51
jim_prenatka, what apps are in english ?09:51
gordonjcpftab: pulseaudio is okay if you only ever want to use the latest linux-only software, usually media players09:51
nightrid3rrenatka: sudo apt-get installlanguage-support-ru09:51
cwilluftab, that problem is caused either by apps locking the audio device so the mixer can use it, or by the mixer not running in the first place09:51
nightrid3rrenatka: sudo apt-get install language-support-ru09:51
renatkathnks =)09:51
ftabwill the skypw work with that?09:52
jim_pcwillu, are you serious? pulseaudio and alsa are 2 DIFFERENT sound layers.09:52
gordonjcpftab: if you want to use music software or play games, pulseaudio will just annoy you09:52
gordonjcpftab: nope09:52
ftabI need both skype & media players :(09:52
gordonjcpftab: well, I've never got it to work09:52
ftabstatic skype works with OSS09:52
cwillujim_p, alsa is the driver architecture, and it's also an api that people use.  Pulseaudio uses alsa to talk to the hardware, and it supports an alsa layer for apps that try to talk directly to the alsa api's09:52
renatka<jim_p> first - context menu... it's biggest trouble09:52
jim_pcwillu, i dare you to ask in pulseaudio or alsa channel for that09:53
jim_pits the biggest nonsense i have heard09:53
gluonmanCan anyone remind me what the command is that will allow me to see all the dimensions of an open window?09:53
p4_xxxdoes anyone knows where are the applications un ubuntu located, in which folder?09:54
gluonmanp4_xxx, it depends on which applications you're looking for.09:54
skate2what's the difference between vim-gtk and vim-gnome?09:54
ftabcwillu: when I try to open the pulseaudio -D it fails09:54
ftabW: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.09:54
jim_pcwillu, here read the proof that pa is not alsa at all         http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/pulseaudio09:54
cwillujim_p, "in a typical installation scenario under linux, the user configures alsa to use a virtual device provided by Pulseaudio.  Thus, applications using ALSA will output sound to PulsAudio, which then uses ALSA itself to access the real sound card"09:54
cwilluftab, is pulseaudio installed?09:55
gordonjcpftab: put it this way, I'm hoping that for Jaunty the Ubuntu devs realise the terrible mistakes of Intrepid09:55
jim_pcwillu, give me a sec with this nonsense09:55
gordonjcpftab: and I'm hoping that pulseaudio gets either left out or fixed09:55
cwillujim_p, lol09:55
tenXcwillu: know you gonna poke me but the linux sound architecture is a ridicule nobody wants to deal with09:55
ftabyes I did now by typing sudo apt-get install pulseaudio09:56
cwilluftab, what does pulseaudio say if you run it like that (without the -D)09:56
p4_xxxlike, picasa, oppen office, i installed wbar but i need to know where are the applications and icons09:56
gordonjcptenX: ALSA works really well09:56
gordonjcptenX: a lot of the problems are caused by very old software trying to use OSS09:57
skate2why does my screen go dim after a few seconds of being idle  ? is that some kind of power saving feature09:57
ftabE: pid.c: Daemon already running.09:57
ftabE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.09:57
ftabnow I guess it's already running09:57
cwilluftab, try playback09:57
ftabok from both sources?09:57
cwilluftab, do a pidof pulseaudio just for kicks too09:57
nightrid3rrenatka: sudo apt-get install language-pack-ru  <--- also this one09:58
cwillushould give a number back09:58
renatkahow can i install beryl???09:58
ftabyes it returns the pid09:58
skate2not sure. i think i'd rather just extend the time09:58
ftabcwillu: now it works :)09:58
cwilluftab, yay :p09:58
ftabI am trying to test with skype09:58
karlosrenatka: what distribution are you using? probably apt-get install compiz if ubuntu09:58
nightrid3rrenatka: sudo apt-get install beryl09:59
cwilluftab, I have seen the pulseaudio daemon die before, usually all that's needed is a pulseaudio -D to restart it09:59
tenXgordonjcp: well its working for me so far but i experienced problems with input many times. and yeah, many software runs on oss, you got many devices which never clearified to me lacking sound card/system/standards knowledge. of course i usually read things up and there are quiete a few docs. but a basic understanding of how things work together has never been reached from my point.09:59
renatkaterminal writes to me: unable to lock the administration directory...09:59
tenXgordonjcp: its one thing to follow howtos and get things to work somehow. but i like to understand what i'm doing and with linux sound i never got there.10:00
=== Svenstar0 is now known as Svenstaro
nightrid3rrenatka: sudo apt-set install <progname>10:00
renatkai'll try...10:01
nightrid3rdanm lousy typing10:01
nyaasoda apt-get install pepsi =/10:01
skate2i just installed vim-gnome but i have no idea where it went or how to start it10:01
cwillutenX, jim_p, http://rudd-o.com/archives/2007/11/05/how-pulseaudio-works/ might be useful10:02
nyaaskate2: vim would be something you can open up from a terminal10:02
tenXcwillu: dont even know what pulse audio is10:02
nyaaskate2: open a terminal and type in vim10:02
ftabcwillu: I can hear from skype but my mic is now not working10:03
skate2i already had normal vim installed, but this is supposed be a gui version10:03
cwilluftab, run alsamixer from a console, and verify the volume is turned up, etc10:03
skate2but typing vim-gnome doesnt do anything10:03
cwilluftab, also, verify that the app you're using to test the mic is set to the right device10:03
tenXftab: at times it can depend on your soundcard also though. some cards are a pain10:03
jim_pcwillu, so it uses alsa as a second helping hand, as it does with the rest soundsystems! while alsa is THE audio management app under linux, pulseaudio uses it as a helper. let me laugh10:03
nyaaskate2 accessories?10:03
ftabbut my mic was working before :)10:04
skate2not there10:04
cwillujim_p, you have an interesting conception of what alsa actually is providing10:04
jim_pcwillu, what does it provide?10:05
ftabcwillu: the master is 100% now10:05
skate2unless, is there a way to change accessories->text editor to load vim-gnome instead of gedit?10:05
ftabin alsamixer10:05
tenXjim_p: at one time i took so many tries with skype (actually i'm now glad it didnt work) and read a LOT about it, even starting to look at alsa architecture in detail but never got the whole picture or got it to work10:05
_wasabiis a any php ide i can use on ubuntu that has code completion?10:05
_wasabisomething free10:05
paul68I want to configure my wlan0 however when I enter iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid nothing changes any ideas on how to solve this?10:05
skate2eclipse might wasabi10:05
_wasabiisn't eclipse commercial?10:05
tenXjim_p: in review it might have had to do with a horrible sound card but still. its puzzling me10:05
jim_pcwillu, ok do what you think correct. i retire10:05
skate2vim can kind of do code completion but it only works if the word already exists in the file10:06
jim_phi paul6810:06
tenXpaul68: wlan0 sounds like atheros chipset?10:06
skate2just hit ctrl+n10:06
tenXcreate ath dev with wlanconfig than10:06
tenXstick to madwifi docs10:06
paul68tenX: no its a broadcom10:06
tenXpaul68: uah10:06
paul68jim_p: hi how are you10:06
jim_ppaul68, i am ok, here arguing about pulseaudio adoption10:07
ftabcwillu: I am able to record my voice on gnome sound recorder10:07
MrEgg964Hi guys :) I have an external usb disk formatted in ext3 which automounts into /media when I plug it in. The problem is that on automount, it's owned by root and I don't have rw perms. How can I changed that so I can have rw perms automatically ?10:07
ftabbut not able to record that using skype10:08
meicancan i join here ?10:08
cwilluftab, sec10:08
werdnummeican: you just did.10:08
paul68tenX: the problem is that my wlan was mentioned previously as eth1 however I managed to change this with udev in wlan 0 but I still can't get my ssid mentioned when using conky.10:08
paul68tenX: conky is working correctly with the same config on my desktop also connected with wifi10:08
paul68jim_p: you are lucky I don't have any sound at all on my desktop10:09
meicanthank's. btw, i have a problem. i use ubuntu 8.04 with gnome desktop. but i don't know why all my general file like picture, movie, archive, etc on nautilus read as plain text. how fix it ?10:10
jim_ppaul68, why?10:10
tenXpaul68: unfortunately i never dealt with broadcom wlan under linux. but udev device names can be edited in rules.d/ config files. but though having no experience - what does dmesg say about your card? reload the module and see?10:10
cwilluftab, on intrepid?10:10
jim_pmeican, change icon theme, or tell nautilus not to make thumbnails of your files10:10
tenXpaul68: and how do you access the card and scan? using GUI or console?10:11
paul68jim_p: because its a creative laps10:11
cwilluftab, libasound2-plugins installed?10:11
ftabhow do I check that?10:11
cwilluftab, synaptic or apt, whichever10:11
paul68tenX: using gui and when I enter ifconfig -a wlan is correctly mentioned10:11
ftabyes, it's already installed10:12
meicanno is not, maybe mime type is wrong ?10:12
paul68tenX: it gives me the correct ip in conky so that good however on link quality bitrate its not mentioning any output10:13
cwilluftab, pastebin the contents of /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc (if you have it)10:13
tenXpaul68: entering commands is not gui usage. you probably use a x-server console but take the most direct way10:13
tenXpaul68: what is conky?10:13
meicanor maybe it is gnome bug ? because when me using xfce it's ok10:14
tenXpaul68: and - you get an ip? how is your wlan secured?10:14
paul68tenX: conky is a systemmonitor that you can place on your desktop10:14
paul68tenX: secured with wpa210:14
paul68tenX: http://conky.sourceforge.net/10:14
tenXpaul68: and how do you set the encryption up these days? via wpa_supplicant.conf?10:14
paul68tenX: did that through network manager10:15
unanxbtI have downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 iso image, how can I check that whether the image is downloaded correctly (and not is corrupted)?10:15
tenXbut getting an ip should speak for correct access10:15
nyaaunanxbt: when you start it up with the disk there is an option to check the disk for errors10:15
tenXpaul68: what is not working?10:15
ftabcwillu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109306/10:16
ftabthat is for asound.conf10:16
tenXpaul68: cant you ping anything?10:16
nyaaunanxbt: its right after it asks what language you speak/read10:16
unanxbtnyaa, i want to check the image before writing it to disk so that my disk does not waste10:16
tenXpaul68: especially your router/wlan ap10:16
nyaaunanxbt I bet there's a checksum, lemme look10:16
paul68tenX: thats what I thought however I don't get in conky my ssid bitrate and signal strength I can work correctly with my laptop since I am using it at this point10:16
fellojell_oanyone having issues with firefox lately?10:17
unanxbtnyaa, ok :)10:17
paul68tenX: the problem is that I can't get the bitrate and other stuff mentioned in conky10:17
cwilluftab, what devices does skype's config dialog show?10:17
ftabok let me check\10:17
ftabcan I put a screenshot some where?10:18
Turbolordcan anyone help me with installing ubuntu?10:18
tenXpaul68: i never heart about conky and got the hope to never have to deal with it again :) getting things to work use the console you've already proven you know how to handle it10:18
tenXpaul68: for bitrate etc. checkout iwconfig -i devFOOBAR10:18
cwilluftab, other than flickr or something10:18
ftablet me find one10:19
tenXpaul68: as well as for the association of your card to an AP10:19
cwilluftab, oh, and did you have a ~/.asoundrc?10:19
ftabthat's not there10:19
cwillu(remembering that .filewithadot is hidden by default)10:20
paul68tenX: well conky is a nice tool the problem is that I should be able get my ssid bitrate as such mentioned10:20
tenXcwillu: i stick to it. solving sound issues needs years.10:21
fellojell_othis forum is chaos10:21
O__ohow come when hitting backspace key in firefox wont take you to previous page like it should?10:21
paul68tenX: iwconfig -i gives no such device in return10:21
cristihow do i make antialiasing work with compiz? or how do i enable it?10:21
ftabcwill: it's strange but when open the drop down of the devices then the print screen isn't working10:21
oobefellojell_o, thats cause its a support channel not a forum10:22
ftabvery strange but let me put the list here10:22
cwilluftab, I_think there's a delay option on the screen grabber10:22
tenXpaul68: but conky has some problems. at first: its name. at second: use direct commands/control to avoid a further layer as a possible cause for errors10:22
paul68tenX: my guess is that I need to adapt some files for making it happen that I can see the ssid and so on10:23
LosowskiLinux Kernel News Flash: "The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is:    2009-01-25 00:47 UTC || http://www.kernel.org "10:23
jim_pcristi, from the "control panel" of your gpu drivers10:23
cristihow do i make antialiasing work with compiz? or how do i enable it?10:23
jim_pcristi, from the "control panel" of your gpu drivers10:23
cristijim_p: hm ok i'll try10:24
paul68tenX: well conky with the same config is working correct on my desktop so the problem is the device wich is working correctly however not giving out the same info that I want to see in conky10:24
tenXpaul68: okay you are a truly convinced conky user, i see10:24
ftabcwill: the main options are,  Sound In and Sound out10:24
cristijim_p: i don't think i have such a thing installed10:24
cwilluftab, gnome-screenshot --delay=5, and then open the menu10:24
cwilluftab, you'll have about 5 seconds to do it10:24
paul68tenX: just using it since a week and find it a nice program10:25
jim_pcristi, what gpu are you on?10:25
cristijim_p: nvidia geforce 9550M GS10:25
dayocan anyone help me with this? it's happened a lot in the past few days. and all open instances of File Manager are frozen until reboot10:25
cristijim_p: 9500*10:25
dayoi'm using xubuntu, btw10:26
tenXpaul68: well as far as i am concerned my tool is the command line in almost every case. the more you get into *nix you will understand why. its powerful, direct and universal10:26
paul68tenX: problem is the info that I want to see, the only thing I don't know is where ubuntu is saving the info like ssid10:26
tenXpaul68: its usage will let you deal with many distro flavours10:26
jim_pcristi, do you have nvidia-settings installed?10:26
esaywhat is the between from 8.10 and 8.0410:26
jim_p!info nvidia-settings10:26
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 177.78-0ubuntu2.1 (intrepid), package size 760 kB, installed size 1940 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)10:26
tenXpaul68: plus: you avoid your layer above as a cause for errors10:27
cristijim_p: aparently not.. do i find it in synaptic ?10:27
jim_pcristi, yea10:27
tenXpaul68: AND: how can you tell anyone you use conky?10:27
paul68tenX: do you know where the info like ssid is stored, what do you mean with that10:27
cwilluftab, still there?10:28
ftabuploading the screenshots now10:28
tenXpaul68: i'd scan via iwlist devX scan10:28
esaywhat is the between from 8.10 of 8.04?10:28
cwilluftab, k10:28
tenXpaul68: or setup kismet as the ultimate tool. but since your not sure if your card works correctly at all you should take care of that first10:29
cwilluftab, there's a beta of a version of skype that allows the use of oss, which works around their buggy alsa usage, which would be the worst case solution (it's known to work with "padsp skype")10:29
cristijim_p: i also installed xserver-xgl, however i think it wasn't such a good idea. Is it ok to remove it now?10:29
jim_pcwillu, did the rocksteady pulseaudio work yet?10:29
paul68tenX: using last command get as result interface doesn't allow scanning10:29
tenXpaul68: but kismet will let you discover hidden sid as well10:29
jim_p!info xserver-xgl10:29
ubottuPackage xserver-xgl does not exist in intrepid10:29
cwillujim_p, for everything except for the closed app that has a buggy alsa implementation that would also break on any card that didn't need dmis10:29
tenXpaul68: ifconfig devX up?10:30
ftabyes before pulse audio I have been using that woth /dev/dsp10:30
cristijim_p: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.10:30
cristijim_p: aparently it does10:30
jim_pcristi, ?10:30
MorclyeI have started using openDNS to solve my slow lookup issue and everything works fine except after reboot 'Auto eth0' appears in network list and starts as default connection. It's not a big deal but removing it every time is a bit of annoyance which probably can be avoided.10:30
tenXpaul68: plus.. switching that fatal hardware wlan switch on? ;)10:30
jim_pcristi, do you have nvidia drivers installed?10:31
cristijim_p: uhm yes10:31
cwillucristi, check if you have nvidia-glx-177 installed10:31
paul68tenX: my card works correctly however I don't get the info that I want to see from it10:31
esaywhat is 8.10's system requirements?10:31
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu10:31
paul68tenX: If my card doesn't work it can't get connected to the internet with the params that I entered10:31
dayohelp? http://paste.ubuntu.com/109302/10:32
tenXpaul68: but you got an ip. via dhcp i assume. not static, right10:32
paul68tenX: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device this is the output of ifconfig devX up10:32
EthosI've set up a VM with ubuntu server, I can ping the net and internal clients but I can't ping / access anything over the VPN (vpn is setup on the windows client hosting the VM)10:32
Ethosany ideas guys?10:32
paul68tenX: from DHCP yes10:32
dionysus_phello all, what is the role of the following file: /etc/network/intefaces10:32
tenXpaul68: devX is my fantasy ;) just a variable10:32
Ethosdionysus_p: it sets up the interfaces?10:32
Ethosso you can set static / dhcp etc..10:33
tenXpaul68: dunno your systems params10:33
dionysus_pdoes NetwornManager use that file?10:33
paul68tenX: so I should use iwlist wlan010:33
tenXpaul68: well if you get an ip via dhcp from you ap/router10:33
tenXyou must be authenticated via wpa210:33
tenXpaul68: what does route -n say?10:33
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jim_pdionysus_p, no. nm avoids that file, thank god. this is the proper file for network configuring10:34
cwilluftab, if you set it to pulse, does it work?10:34
dionysus_peach time an interface is listed in /etc/network/interfaces NetworkManager ignore that interface, is this normal, i am using ubuntu 8.10 and ubuntu 8.0410:34
ftabonnly I can hear but can't record10:35
tenXpaul68: decisive is
paul68tenX: correct the problem is not the connection as such the problem is that I can't produce the ssid and link quality in conky10:35
cwilluftab, that's for sound in and out?10:35
tenXpaul68: default route10:35
ftabSound In10:35
esayubottu thanks..10:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks..10:35
ftabthe second one is for sound out10:35
tenXpaul68: if you get an ip you must be authed10:35
paul68tenX: think you are missing the point here10:35
tenXpaul68: the connection is therefor alive10:35
tenXpaul68: no conky is missing the point10:36
dionysus_phow can i disable NetworkManager10:36
tenXpaul68: plus being punished by having a horrible name10:36
dayo!ubottu | esay10:36
ubottuesay: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:36
uid0hey guise, when i open firefox the window decorations dissapeer. but only on firefox. anyone got any ideas as to why?10:36
mohsenany body home?10:36
ftabiinstall wicd instead NetworkManager10:36
uid0im on ubuntu 8.10 with gnome btw10:36
paul68tenX: that correct and as such there is nothing wrong with my connection10:36
ftabNetworkManager is buggy10:36
tenXpaul68: oh its working??10:37
ezerhodenftab: are you trying to use a built-in mic?10:37
cristijim_p: ok now it kind of works, but what is the difference between override or enhace for antialiasing?10:37
ftabnopes, It's a head set which has speaker and mic10:37
esaydayo  ?? esay10:37
cwilluftab eh?10:37
paul68tenX: my network is working correctly because I am connected with that laptop and talking to you10:37
paul68tenX: through wifi10:37
ftabeh what does that mean? :)10:37
kbrosnanuid0: have you changed the gnome theme?10:38
tenXpaul68: omg... ;) and my fingers are bleeding from typing10:38
paul68tenX: only thing is that for some weird reason I am not able to get the output of ssid in conky10:38
tenXpaul68: so this is all about conky?10:38
smeHey guys/girls... I've got a Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03).. doesn't play sound though... should I be talking to alsa?10:38
uid0kbrosnan: yeah theme has been changed10:38
cwilluftab, was wondering what you were talking about10:38
cwilluftab, nopes to what :p10:38
dayoeasy: it's an irc bot10:38
sme---> on ubuntu.10:38
tenXpaul68: you cant be serious :D conky cant work, its a GUI10:38
jim_pcristi, i have no idea, i dont use antialiasing anywhere10:38
ftabah the mic is not built-in to the system but a head phone10:38
renatkaone more question: why i don't see computers of my network?? i connect to internet by network...10:39
cristijim_p: than thank you for the help! :D10:39
paul68tenX: well my guess is that since the install of the wifi on my laptop it was mentioned as eth1 however I changed it in the udev rules to wlan0  but still not able to produce the essid as I can produce it on my desktop with the same conky conf10:39
tenXpaul68: sry got you totally wrong :)10:39
jim_pcristi, you are welcome10:40
kbrosnanuid0: what happens if you go back to the default gnome theme, besides not liking the appearance :)10:40
tenXpaul68: but why is it important? just a matter of cosmetics?10:40
dionysus_pi have 2 network interfaces eth0 connected to pppoe modem and ath0 wirless card for home network, in ifconfig i get eth0 ppp0 ath0 wifi0 which (ath0 or ppp0) should i use for external card and which one (ath0 or wifi0) should i use as home netwrok card for firestarter internet sharing purposes?10:40
uid0heh, 2 secs ill check10:40
uid0kbrosnan: does the same thing10:40
paul68tenX: indeas just a matter of cosmetics and can't stand the fact that I can't get it working call be stuborn but would like to find an explanation for this10:40
cwilluftab, you said it worked under oss?10:41
uid0the whole window go's to fullscreen without the window decoration10:41
paul68tenX: *indeed10:41
ezerhodenrenatka: is samba installed? if so, is it started ?10:41
aLeSDhi ... I installed the kenrel 2.6.24-18-rt on the 8.10 downloading the packages one by one ... but alsa doens't work ... or better it seems not be active10:41
tenXpaul68: okay i can feel you. even if i hate guis, some things have to run in order :)10:41
aLeSDsome could hel me ?10:41
ftabyes but that was another version of skype compiled for OSS10:41
shepherdi need help10:41
cwilluftab, ah, k10:41
jonaskoelkershepherd: ask your question :)10:41
kbrosnanuid0: hrm, the other person that had that issue reverting to the default helped10:42
shepherdplz him10:42
cwilluftab, ya, if you use that with padsp, it'll work; I'm just rooting around for a mic right now10:42
renatka<ezerhoden> what's this?? i have just install ubuntu and i don't know many things...10:42
ftabhey it worked :)10:42
paul68tenX: is there a command in the console that gives me the complete output of my wlan with essid and things like that included? I thought it was iwconfig10:42
uid0kbrosnan: ah i see, well the other day it stopped doing it after playing with something or other. now i dont remember what it was i played around with10:42
kbrosnanuid0: how about a new profile while using human theme? firefox -P10:43
ftabI tried the Intel ICH6( hw:ICH6,0)10:43
ftabin sound in and it worked10:43
uid0kbrosnan: good idea, ill give that a go, thankyou :)10:43
shepherdunban me please10:43
cwilluftab, goodie :p10:43
ftabso now I have a complete set of audio on my Ubuntu :P10:43
ezerhodenftab: that is a built-in mic on the computer10:43
shepherdcan some one go to ubuntu  offfff  topic and unban me?10:44
cwillushepherd, -> #ubuntu-ops10:44
tenXpaul68: yeah exactly that should be it10:44
ftabI am not sure but it worked, I am not a sound audio expert I am programmer though10:44
ezerhodenftab: i am neither, but i did stay at a holiday inn express last night!10:44
tenXpaul68: and you'll sure find those params in /proc somewhere to be direct10:45
ezerhodenbad old commercial reference, sorry10:45
paul68tenX: however I get this as output when using iwconfig wlan0 wlan0     IEEE 802.11  Nickname:""   Access Point: Not-Associated10:45
cwilluezerhoden, _great_ commercial reference you mean :p10:45
cwillupaul68, what's the trouble?10:45
tenXpaul68: yeah it should be it ;) but you're not associated but still using it. amazing skills of yours.10:46
ftabcwillu: let me confirm if every thing is working fine now10:46
RotlausHow can i check if acpi is enabled?10:46
dayocan someone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/109302/  It's been happening a lot the past few days. Can't open Trash, and all open instances of File Manager are frozen. Stays that way and then I always have to reboot to get things back to normal.10:47
jonaskoelkerpaul68: how about wpa_cli status, is that useful for you?10:47
tenXpaul68: but as for atheros drivers wlanX is only a frame device making it possible to create several virtual devices on top10:47
paul68tenX: yup and I am not even aware of it10:47
tenXpaul68: maybe you should try iwconfig without any option10:47
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paul68cwillu: the thing is that I use conky and I can't let it display the ssid bitrate and linkquality on my laptop however it works like a charm with the same config on my desktop10:48
tenXpaul68: it should then list all devices and further info if wireless functionality for a device is given10:48
ftabcwillu: thanks for the help now I think I have a complete audio package setup ony My PC10:48
tenXcwillu: everything works but conky10:48
tenXcwillu: you ever heart of that species?10:49
mohsenplease chat to me10:49
tenXmohsen: chat10:49
ftabsome one told me before that pulseaudio is scrap that's why I got that delete month ago10:49
jonaskoelkermohsen: hello10:49
paul68tenX: on every device negative response10:49
mohsenmy printer10:50
tenXpaul68: but you still use a wlan connection?10:50
cwillutenX, I had it installed for about 15 minutes once :p10:50
paul68tenX: for iwconfig no wireless devices are present, however I am very well connected through wifi10:50
shepherdwhaaat is a channel where i can just chaat about sstuff?/10:50
cwilluftab, don't rub it in now :p10:50
paul68tenX: Yes I do10:50
jonaskoelkershepherd: #fluxbox-chitchat10:50
jim_pwhat is a .cpio file?10:50
ftabcwillu: of-course i won't now :)10:50
tenXpaul68: you must be a magician. that doesnt explain to me10:50
karnamehello , i need a ssh client that work in windows cmd (without gui),how can help me?10:51
shepherdjonaskoelker: there is no    oen in ther and it is 5 am  who i going to chat?10:51
tenXcwillu: for what reason? observing its bugs?10:51
ezerhodenkarname: putty ?10:51
tenXezerhoden: thats a guy ;)10:51
paul68tenX: lol I only wish, then I would have known how to get this output lol10:51
jonaskoelkershepherd: dunno10:51
tenXezerhoden: s/y/i10:51
karnameezerhoden : i need program that haven't gui10:51
eightskarname: http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/10:52
shepherdi did cocain tonight10:52
tenXpaul68: and ifconfig -a again? the device having obtained the ip?10:52
shepherdnot the best choice, but it was the right one10:52
paul68tenX: and in ifconfig -a I get my wlan with correct ip10:52
shepherdhow do i connect to a different server with  chaatty people?10:53
jonaskoelkershepherd: /server <name of server with chatty people>10:53
tenXpaul68: but that device is not listed in iwconfig at all or without wlan caps?10:53
Dr_willisshepherd,  therzs 1000's of channels here.10:53
ftabjim_p: thanks for your help too10:54
Dr_willisshepherd,  try #hottub :) or somting10:54
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paul68tenX: correct thats why i am lost lol10:54
nyaashepherd try /join #cocaine. Maybe you'll find likeminded people there =)10:54
jim_pftab, you are welcome10:54
cwilluftab, there, found a mic, and what do you know, it just worked :p10:54
tenXpaul68: i am also puzzled :) doesnt make sense to me. probably conky is the cause of all evil10:55
cwilluprobably the only thing that actually works on my laptop right now (go alpha 3!) :)10:55
ftabcwillu: haaahahahaha10:55
gareth_trying to install wicd.deb  but there's a conflict with the network manager which I've HAVE uninstalled?10:55
jonaskoelkerquestion for y'all: my firefox has a nasty habit of starting in offline mode.  How do I make it not do that?10:55
shepherdjoin #hottub i'm make you an op if you take offff your bottoms10:55
cwillujonaskoelker, manually configured network?10:55
ftabsome times it just happens when you give it a try so I went and tried all10:55
paul68tenX: no probably my network installation as such like I mentioned it was listed as eth1 before and just changed it into wlan010:55
shepherdjoin #cocain if you can give me the chemical compound for IT10:56
jonaskoelkercwillu: no10:56
cwillujonaskoelker, about:config, and set toolkit.networkmanager.disable to true10:56
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cwillujonaskoelker, by 'manually configured', I mean anything other than network manager10:56
jonaskoelkercwillu: oh, then yes10:56
ftabjim_p: I guess PulseAudio is better then OSS, because OSS locks the device10:56
tenXpaul68: but hey thats why i stick to using the console and deactivate automatic configuration. it's the root of all evil in so many cases..10:56
cwilluftab, now you're just asking for trouble, _and_ sounding silly :p10:57
jim_pftab, did you have oss installed too?10:57
fightconfigure: error: The important program kde-config was not found!10:57
fightPlease check whether you installed KDE correctly.10:57
paul68tenX: guess I am going to search a bit further any Ideas where I should find the info about my wifi in the /proc?10:57
fightWhat can I do10:57
ftabcwillu: I guess i need to keep quite then :) because I don't have much info about osund10:58
fightWhen I configure EVA10:58
ezerhodenfight: apt-get install -f10:58
ftabjim_p: yes I installed that to make skype working10:58
tenXpaul68: dunno but it should be pretty intuitive. got no wlan on this system10:58
fightsorry,what can i do in fedroa10:58
jonaskoelkercwillu: I set it to true, restarted firefox, and it started up in offline mode10:59
ezerhodenfight: ahh, this is #ubuntu10:59
paul68tenX: ok no problem thanks for your help anyway10:59
fightThank you.10:59
cwillujonaskoelker, it was online when you closed it, right?10:59
shepherdquestioon: why do i get 10 fps with ubuntu on team fortress   2?10:59
jonaskoelkercwillu: I'm 99% sure10:59
shepherdalso why dont girls want to have sexual  realions wiht me?10:59
jonaskoelkerbut let me try again10:59
uid0lol man this troll fails11:00
jonaskoelkershepherd: it could be the cocaine11:00
jim_pshepherd, what gpu are you on?11:00
shepherd9800 gt11:00
ezerhodenjim_p: my guess, voodoo311:00
jonaskoelkercwillu: now I'm 100% sure11:00
tenXpaul68: np conky ;)11:00
jonaskoelkercwillu: I was in online mode, shut firefox down, and it started in offline mode11:00
Melikhow can i change my wallpaper in XFCE?11:01
shepherddoesn't sprinkling cocaine all over my mo bo   make it run fasster?11:01
fightWhere have Fedroa Core IRC?11:01
jonaskoelkershepherd: try it out and see11:01
ein2015Melik: http://linux.about.com/od/xubuntu_doc/a/xubudg22t03.htm11:01
cwillujonaskoelker, toolkit.networkmanager.disable is true, right?  (:p)11:01
jonaskoelkershepherd: if not, try power cycling really really fast :P11:01
jonaskoelkercwillu: yes11:02
shepherdno..see i have already....   it isn't working11:02
cwillujonaskoelker, that's special :/11:02
shepherdi think  my box is runnign slower11:02
nyaashepherd: try rubbing your hard drive with cheetah blood11:02
oskar-shepherd:  perhaps you run faster11:02
jonaskoelkershepherd: then remove the cocaine11:02
jim_pfight, #fedora maybe?11:02
lorcan someone tell me how to uninstall xasteroids since it can't be uninstall though add remove or any other way except maybe by terminal11:03
shepherdnyaa:  where do i get cheata blood?11:03
Anton_Zhtt 春节11:03
ein2015Melik: did that work?11:03
nyaashepherd from the bag of cheetos you're about to eat while exclaming that Neil Pert is the best drummer ever11:04
jonaskoelkerlor: try synaptic11:04
ein2015lor: sudo apt-get remove xasteroids? (no clue, just guessing here)11:04
Melikthanks ein201511:04
zambahow do i remove the listing of other users in the system from the user applet?11:04
ein2015Melik: np :)11:04
nyaajonaskoelker what do you do to connect firefox after you start it?11:04
Meliki got 1 more question, whats the name of the xfce window manager?11:04
jonaskoelkernyaa: I uncheck "file -> work offline"11:04
oskar-Melik:  xfwm4 or xfwm, afaik11:05
Melikthe default one oskar-11:05
shepherdwelllllllllllll            .............                   john   bonhom   died!!!11:05
jonaskoelkernyaa: and like I said to cwillu, I don't use NetworkManager.  Setting about:config::toolkit.networkmanager.disable=true didn't change anything AFAICT11:06
ezerhodenMelik: what are you trying to do?11:06
lorit didn't work11:06
Wolv3how is the commando to alway on top??11:06
cwillujonaskoelker, I have no idea then, although I suspect it's still something related11:06
Wolv34 alltray11:07
cwillubug in firefox nm applet code, etc11:07
nyaajonaskoelker first post in this link http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=354153&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a11:07
Wolv3if i wanna always top how change this commando $ alltray -x -s -stask gnome-terminal11:07
kinja-sheepWhat's the general cause for green bar in VLC?  Codecs? <_<11:07
jim_pfight, look at this too http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate11:07
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shepherdwhy isn't sudo apt-get pron wokring?11:08
estudianteCan my SWAP partition be extended ?11:08
jim_pestudiante, yes11:08
lorany other ideas on how to uninstall though terminal for xasteroids11:08
estudiantejim_p: reallly?11:08
cwilluestudiante, you can just make a swapfile even, it'll use it only after your existing swap is full11:08
jim_plor, how did you install xasteroids?11:08
jim_pestudiante, yea, with a live cd and gparted11:08
kbrosnannyaa: jonaskoelker create the pref toolkit.networkmanager.disable and set it to false11:08
ein2015Melik: i dont remember what it is... i think if you look around or do some googling you'll find it11:08
kbrosnannyaa: jonaskoelker err true11:09
Melikit was xfwm411:09
cwillukbrosnan, he's already done that :p11:09
jonaskoelkerkbrosnan: it already existed, I set it to true, and nothing changed11:09
jonaskoelkerkbrosnan: (AFAICT)11:09
mathijsHi all, I'm trying to connect my bluetooth car stereo to my laptop, but it's not detectable when I scan for devices. The stereo does connect to my phone when I press the bluetooth-button on it, so I guess I have to emulate a mobile phone. Is there a way to set this up and still have a bluetooth-alsa device?\11:09
MelikXFCE is soooooooo much better than gnome11:09
jonaskoelkermozillazine is certainly taking it's sweet time loading that page...11:09
lorthrough synaptic package manager but there was an error message11:10
jim_pMelik, can it do group selection of desktop items by draging? no. 1 point for gnome11:10
cwillujonaskoelker, edit | preferences | advanced | network | settings, it's not set to auto-detect is it?11:10
estudianteWell, let me make it easier When I installed Ubuntu I unwillingly set the SWAP size to 20GB, so now, I'm resiziing it. But, gparted pops out an error, I've got too much prim partitions, so the one I'm gonna use for SWAP will be extended, is it ok?11:11
ezerhodenjim_p: can you drag windows from one desktop to another in the from the workspace switcher? no, one point for xfce11:11
lord_robHi ! Is there a documentation explaining how those root=UUID=b60efb08-e283-4742-aba4-959f3d0b1551 in grub (for example) work ? I was used tu using root=/dev/hdX or /dev/sdX11:11
cwilluestudiante, yep, that's fine11:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:11
jonaskoelkercwillu: that takes me to the foxyproxy dialog box11:11
jim_pezerhoden, ok so now we are even :P . i dont want to cause a fight, but i hate that option missing in xfce11:12
estudiantecwillu: No interfere with Kernel Memory Managment in this case?11:12
cwillujonaskoelker, apparently there's some logic in there that might be doing an actual network test.  Try starting in -safe-mode, or otherwise disabling foxyproxy temporarily to check if that's causing an interaction11:12
cwilluestudiante, no, extended partitions are fine11:12
estudiantecwillu: even as SWAP?11:12
ezerhodenjim_p: no fight, just having fun. i have used xfce for the past 4 years until a week ago when i installed ubuntu. i am having a bit of withdraw11:13
cwilluestudiante, how many times would you like me to tell you it's okay?11:13
jonaskoelkercwillu: now "work offline" is unchecked [after I disabled foxyproxy]11:13
estudiantecwillu: You're kind to help me. Can i have another question?11:13
kinja-sheepIs there a package that allow me to force windows to stay in their workspace?11:13
cwillujonaskoelker, i.e., it worked? :/11:13
jonaskoelkercwillu: yeah11:13
daeron666does anybody know how to change pureftpd's default folder?11:14
ezerhodenkinja-sheep: look into devilspie11:14
cwilluestudiante, just ask, don't ask to ask11:14
kinja-sheepezerhoden: Will do. :)11:14
ezerhodenkinja-sheep: not sure of all its features11:14
cwillu!ask | estudiante,11:14
ubottuestudiante,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:14
error404notfoundI just finished playing warzone, great game.... are there any other such games for linux?11:14
cwillujonaskoelker, well, that's cute11:14
lorI found out how to uninstall it through the package manager bye11:14
estudiantecwillu: all right :)11:14
jim_perror404notfound, you ccan have a look at linuxgamers.net11:14
jonaskoelkeroh wait.  I restarted firefox by clicking "restart firefox" from the add-on window.  That has been known to work previously11:15
cwilluerror404notfound, tremulous11:15
jim_perror404notfound, * linux-gamers.net11:15
daeron666error404notfound: savage2!!11:15
error404notfoundjim_p: thanks buddy, I really missed games after I started linux, warzone made me remember all of it..11:15
jonaskoelkerit might be that restarting with alt+f4 and manual rerun doesn't work11:15
jim_perror404notfound, and i want to add quake 3 or openarena to whatever the guys said11:15
daeron666does anybody know how to change pureftpd's default folder?11:15
error404notfoundcwillu: daeron666: are these in ubuntu repositories? I couldn't find then in Add/Remove11:15
cwilluerror404notfound, tremulous is, although you'll have to enable universe repositories (system | admin | software sources)11:16
error404notfoundjim_p: I hate quake and openarena type games :P, like AOE, WOW, or such games...:P11:16
jonaskoelkerapparent, I have found the `firefix'11:16
cwilluerror404notfound, might enable multiverse too (some proprietary but free games are there)11:16
daeron666no, savage 2 is a bin file11:16
cwilluerror404notfound, well, don't play trem then :p11:16
daeron666free from the offical homepage11:17
estudiantecwillu: Well, I managed to set the SWAP to 2 gb, now I've got 18 of unallocated space free. All the remaining partititions contain data already. Is there any way to merge this "free " space into a one of them?11:17
error404notfoundcwillu: savage2 and that trem both seems like FPS...11:17
cwilluestudiante, resize the existing ext3 drive into the free'd space11:17
cwilluestudiante, are you using wubi?11:17
error404notfoundI heard of wolfstein on linux... that's a good game..11:17
audiopathikmay i ask here for help on setting upa dualboot?11:17
cwilluerror404notfound, trem is based on the quake engine (an fps)11:17
cwilluestudiante, don't resize the partition if you're using wubi11:17
estudiantecwillu: Not really11:17
daeron666no, savage2 is either not fps!!!11:17
audiopathikFPS on unix: nexuiz & openarena are cool too11:17
cwilluestudiante, not really?11:18
jim_perror404notfound, a long time ago i said "if you see me playing a strategy game, cut my hand from the wrist below." i just cant stand them. I played warcraft 3 once in my windows days and got my hero killed from the most worthless enemy :P11:18
daeron666you can play as a strategy game11:18
cwilluestudiante, if you installed ubuntu via wubi, don't resize the ubuntu partition11:18
O__oET is the best11:18
cwilluor the windows partition11:18
daeron666like warcraft3;)11:18
error404notfoundjim_p: you know nothing about wow then :P11:18
error404notfounddaeron666: yay!!!!11:18
estudiantecwillu: I'm using 8.10 live version which I booted up to play around with gpart11:18
jim_perror404notfound, thankfully no11:18
zambai want to set up my computer to set its hostname based on the dhcp information11:18
audiopathikwindows doesnt want to be installed on extended partitions right?11:18
cwilluestudiante, no, your actual install11:18
zambaeither the reverse lookup of the ip it's been given or some dhcp flag11:18
cwilluaudiopathik, doesn't want to be booted from one at least iirc, although you can get around that11:19
estudiantecwillu: No, it's a fresh one.11:19
cwilluestudiante, okay, then resize away :p11:19
error404notfoundman I am in love with warzone. I played WWIII black gold on windows when I was kid, and it brings back memories..11:19
estudiantecwillu: Yeah, already done that but what about merging?11:19
cwilluestudiante, merging what?11:19
cwilluestudiante, resize the partition into the free space, isn't that all you need?11:19
estudiantecwillu: Sorry, I'm repasting it to you11:20
estudiantecwillu: Well, I managed to set the SWAP to 2 gb, now I've got 18 of unallocated space free. All the remaining partititions contain data already. Is there any way to merge this "free " space into a one of them?11:20
cwilluestudiante, resize one of the existing partitions into the free space11:20
estudiantecwillu: that was my second question:)11:20
error404notfoundanybody here plays gbrainy?11:21
cwillu"Is there any way to merge this "free " space into a one of them?"  yes, by resizing them into the free space... :p11:21
mykhihi, im having problem with crontab. everytime i try to run X app it says that it cant open display. anyideas? seems popular on google, but cant find working solution11:21
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:21
estudiantecwillu: I can't extend their size, only make them small11:21
SpectreHello,I'm trying to install ubuntu on my asus x51r laptop with windows xp preinstalled,but when I try do to an automatic guided repartitioning I get an error,I have also checked the ntfs partition with chkdsk and I have deframented it without errors11:22
cwilluestudiante, what kind of partition?11:22
cwilluestudiante, filesystem, rather11:22
estudiantecwillu: Well, both FAT32 and ext3 (one is windows and the other is home)11:23
SteveHillI cannot get Youtube videos to produce sound, even tho I can play standalone videos and music.  What might be the problem?11:23
nyaaspectre what error do you get?11:23
Spectre"there was an error during repartitioning"11:23
Spectreonly this11:23
nyaaspectre you're not messing up hard enough, mess up harder!11:23
error404notfounddaeron666: savage2 is like aoe?11:24
estudiantecwillu: I'm going to send a screenshoot to you11:24
a931bwi'm installed KDM how i'm can allow root login/11:24
audiopathikcan anyone tell me what that red call sign means in gparted?11:25
jim_pa931bw, login managers do not allow root login (well slim and xdm do)11:25
cwillua931bw, suggest you google 'kdm root login'11:25
jim_paudiopathik, warning. double click on it to see a message11:25
audiopathikah really, thanks11:25
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audiopathikright, ill give the windows install another try, bbl11:26
daeron666error404notfound: yeah, you can decide the way to play: in fps or like wae311:26
error404notfounddaeron666: hmmm, great... would have been great if it were open source :P11:26
estudiantecwillu: that's how it looks like http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/7821/screenshotdevsdagpartedxp8.png11:26
cwilluestudiante, move sda4 to the end of the drive, and then resize sda3 into the free'd space11:27
a931bwWhat is standart manager? nod KDM11:28
cwillua931bw, kdm or gdm11:28
cwillua931bw, they both allow root logins, but you want to think long and hard before you enable it11:28
cwillua931bw, root logins are a really good way of hosing your machine, and are pretty much the only way you'd every really be vulnerable to virii or spyware (if/when that starts to exist in the wild)11:29
estudiantecwillu: Can I ask you what you mean by saying "move to the end of the drive"?11:29
cwillua931bw, instructions for both are available from the first hit for google11:29
a931bwGdm allow11:30
a931bwHow i'm can enable that?11:30
a931bwI'm enabled KDM11:30
cwilluestudiante, right click sda4, hit resize, set 'free space after' to zero11:30
a931bwnow wana GDM11:30
cwillua931bw, google it11:30
cwillua931bw, I'm not going to give you step by step instructions on hosing your computer :(11:30
estudiantecwillu: I think I'm getting into it for UNIX-like parts, what about FAT32?11:32
cwilluestudiante, keep sliding :p11:33
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gordonjcpDear Lazyweb, has Ubuntu got some sort of alarm clock/reminder thing?11:33
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estudiantecwillu: :) Well, the Windows part won't resize I'm afarid11:33
mawerik90Ciao a tutti,  di #ubuntu!11:33
arturI have problem with onboard nvidia network card, and suspend in ubuntu 8.10. After resume from suspend, network don't work, but networkmanager and ifconfig have eth0 configured. Any ideas?11:34
estudiante!it >maverik9011:34
duryodhangordonjcp: evolution comes with a calendar11:36
* duryodhan is newbie to ubuntu so doesn't know for sure11:36
gordonjcpduryodhan: yeah, I meant something like one of the taskbar applets11:37
AxzGuys whats best way to mount .bin files...11:37
duryodhangordonjcp: by default the gnome time (in systray/whatver)  should remind you of your calendar appointments11:37
gordonjcpduryodhan: I could use Evolution I suppose, but I switched to Thunderbird - one of the first things I do ;-)11:37
gordonjcpduryodhan: hmmm, haven't seen an option for that11:37
fmeff001is it possible to generate a xorg.conf-file from a running xserver with a ubuntu livecd???11:37
zambathunderbird <311:37
duryodhangordonjcp: setup an appointment and click on the time tray11:37
duryodhanfmeff001: just copy the xorg.conf in /etc/11:38
deamoonany 1 know how to solvee it11:38
thopiekarhi there11:38
gordonjcpduryodhan: in Evolution?11:38
fmeff001duryodhan: the one in /etc/ looks really sparse, it has no config-options!11:38
kinja-sheepezerhoden: Do you know if it is possible to stick one application (firefox eg) in one workspace/viewpoint?11:38
duryodhanhi .. so copying over the kernel images to my /boot and booting (to install ubuntu) should work fine with a normal ubuntu CD right ? the faq talks about some alternate cd11:39
Deanyumm, ya think it matters what fs you use for virtualbox static files of 10-40gig, since its the files inside that get modified not the vbox file as a whole?11:39
duryodhangordonjcp: yeah11:39
thopiekarCould someone please explain me how to build a single package of multi-source-package? for example: php5 => php5-mysql11:39
duryodhanfmeff001: what config options ?11:39
gordonjcpduryodhan: I don't use Evolution, and it seems like overkill for just an appointment reminder ;-)11:39
duryodhangordonjcp: google for calendar apps in linux11:39
thopiekarhi lopz11:39
duryodhangordonjcp: you should get a ton .. I know there is one for kde .. haven't used ubuntu much11:39
gordonjcpyeah, I'm not that fussed11:40
duryodhanfmeff001: what are you trying to achieve ?11:40
gordonjcpduryodhan: I've just knocked something together with a bit of shell script ;-)11:40
lopzCannot find codec 'xvid' in libavcodec...11:40
lopzCouldn't open video filter 'lavc11:40
lopzany idea?11:40
thopiekarlopz: are the codecs installed via apt?11:40
fmeff001duryodhan: i have an intel GMA965 chipset which runs better under ubuntu, so i would like to know, which options ubuntu uses, but /etc/X11/xorg.conf is really sparse and desn't contain further information11:40
duryodhanfmeff001: better under ubuntu as in .. even in the live cd .. ?11:41
lopzthopiekar, yes11:41
duryodhangordonjcp: trust me .. that would suck compared to waht you can achieve with evolution11:42
gordonjcpduryodhan: no, it wouldn't11:42
thopiekarlopz: which player are you using?11:42
duryodhangordonjcp: and the stupid thing is gonna run in the bg anyways .. so might as well use it ..11:42
fmeff001duryodhan: actually im using archlinux, and the gfx-performance under ubuntu is better (glxgears 250 vs. 600 fps)11:42
cristihow do i create or join a network workgroup? i am haing trouble seeing other ubuntu computers in my network11:42
gordonjcpduryodhan: nope11:42
craig_hi all, i had an ext3 partition on a disk and it has been formatted over (no data created) with a new ext3 partition by accident, how can i scan the disk for files and then dump them out to another disk?11:42
lopzthopiekar, sorry, via synaptic11:42
duryodhangordonjcp: I remembered .. lightning is an extension for thunderbird11:42
gordonjcpduryodhan: I have prevented Evolution from running11:42
lopzthopiekar, gnome-mplayer11:42
thopiekarlopz: never mind it'S the same11:42
duryodhangordonjcp: not evolution .. the gnome time thingie11:42
gordonjcpduryodhan: I don't use it, and would actually pay money for a version of Ubuntu with all traces of Evolution removed11:43
duryodhangordonjcp: good for you11:43
thopiekartry "sudo apt-get install mplayer".. this should install everything for you..11:43
duryodhanfmeff001: ok .. so when you are running the live cd .. the file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file that is being used...11:43
gordonjcpduryodhan: like I said, since all I need is something to pop up at a couple of predetermined times read from a file, I don't immediately see how Evolution would help ;-)11:43
duryodhanfmeff001: there are NO config options per se .. its just the correct driver11:43
lopzthopiekar, ok, wait...11:44
duryodhanfmeff001: so just copy the file to your archlinux's xorg.conf and run arch11:44
fmeff001duryodhan: hmk, so perhaps i have too much options on, which turns down performance ...11:44
duryodhangordonjcp: then "at" command might help11:44
duryodhanfmeff001: what options?11:45
lopzthopiekar, 0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 0 para eliminar :\11:45
MorclyeHas anyone got ATI drivers work with HD3850/3870 ?11:46
sarthorHi. i want to block limeware from my linux router via iptables.. like.. /sbin/iptables -t nat prerouting/forward/.....limware -j DROP11:46
Dreamglideri just installed ubuntu 8.04 upgraded to 8.10, on mu uncle´s laptop, i had to make a partition to save his pic´s before i removed the crippled windows XP partition, now, can i delete the pic´s backup partition and include the space in the main ubuntu partition ?11:46
fmeff001duryodhan: http://www.pastie.org/37010111:47
estudiantecwillu: I just give it a try to ask, (don't want to disturb) You know any way to merge the FAT32 part to a free space, just like with ext3?11:47
thopiekarlopz: try to edit the settings on the original mplayer gui11:47
cristihow do i create or join a network workgroup? i am haing trouble seeing other ubuntu computers in my network11:47
cwilluestudiante, the free space needs to be next to the fat32 partition, and then it should Just Work (tm).11:47
thopiekarand try before the command: rm -r ~/.mplayer11:47
thopiekarthis should remove all old (bad) settings11:48
estudiantecwillu: oh well, it may not be so easy...11:48
duryodhanfmeff001: so ?11:48
fmeff001duryodhan: these are the options11:49
sarthorHi. i want to block limeware from my linux router via iptables.. like.. /sbin/iptables -t nat prerouting/forward/.....limware -j DROP....How can i???11:49
estudiantecwillu: So, how can I move it so it's right when it should be?11:49
duryodhanfmeff001: I am saying .. save a backup .. copy ubuntu''s xorg.conf over your arch's version and run arch11:50
Dr_willissarthor,  you would have to figure otu what ports limewire uses those and block those ports..  it can get tricky with some of those p2p apps11:50
fmeff001duryodhan: i'll give it a try, thx11:50
zambais it possible to replicate cups setup?11:51
zambameaning, when i add a printer on one host, i want the same to appear on every other machine?11:51
sarthorDr_willis, if i found all or maximum ports of limeware, then i can drop them... but problem is this..how to find that ports....11:52
zambaor rather, make the local cups server contact a central cups server for printer information?11:52
Dr_willissarthor,  google is our friend. :) Ive no idea what ports it uses. it very likely can change ports also.11:52
estudiantecwillu: Hmm, I think I got it by copying&pasting , but I don't really know what it's about :/11:54
Deanyanyone use pcman file manager? its nice and quick and i like it but, opening files that are associated, for example, click an mp3 and it loads xmms, but it loads it twice with a timer cursor for a few seconds11:55
a931bwHow to update to KDE 4?11:56
Dr_willisa931bw,  see the url in the topic of #kubuntu  :) it has guide11:57
a931bwi'm on ubuntu)11:58
a931bw/join #kubuntu11:58
palomeris there a way to automatically fix id3 tags?11:59
raylupalomer: define "fix"11:59
Deanypalomer, easytag11:59
palomerautomatically rename the mp3 to the right name12:00
palomerput the right author/song name12:00
palomerI have a rather large collection12:00
transportercan somebody help me im unable to upload photos12:00
palomerso I can't do it manually12:00
rayluwhat you want isn't id3 tag fixing, you want id3 tagging12:00
Deanypalomer, apt-get install easytag12:00
=== esay_uzak is now known as esay
estudiantecwillu: I'm getting it now I guess, just realized I messed up my winpart which probably won't boot, eh...12:01
Wolv3hi how to install Jahshaka?12:01
Dr_willis!info Jahshaka12:02
ubottuPackage Jahshaka does not exist in intrepid12:02
Dr_willisWolv3,  find a .deb for it..  check the PPA repos. or other unofficial sites..or use source.12:02
graingerthow can I get pulse audio's multicast rtp to stick on one rtp port?12:03
Wolv3Dr_willis, i have it on repos but no install12:06
transportercan somebody please help im unable to upload photos12:06
graingerttransporter: where to?12:06
jsfoxtonhi ppl i've installed wine 1.1.13 and office but excel wont run?? Any ideas aas to how to get it to run??12:06
erUSUL!appdb | jsfoxton12:07
ubottujsfoxton: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:07
regenhalo.... :D12:07
transportergraingert: i tried to upload my pics on bebo and fb12:07
erUSULjsfoxton: or use native openoffice12:07
jsfoxtonerUSUL : oo cant run the spreadsheet i want12:07
transportergraingert: i was unable to do so it just said that upload failed it looks to me like a java problem but im not so sure12:08
graingerttransporter: yes it is a know problem to facebook, use the simple HTTP uploader12:08
graingerttransporter: facebook are "working" on the problem12:08
transportergraingert: well it should not have happened on bebo then12:09
ActionParsnip1probably very slowly12:09
graingerttransporter: use the simple HTTP uploader system12:09
transportergraingert: lemme try12:09
transportergraingert: well it does not give me that option12:11
jsfoxtonguys... how do i find the dirthat has office in?12:12
transportergraingert: ok sorry it does ooops12:12
ActionParsnip1jsfoxton: its all over the place, its not specifically in one folder like in windows12:12
iacould you tell me, please, with all options i should run gpg-agent to disable asking passphrase for some key, when it will be asking?12:13
jsfoxtonParsnip: I need to get to the dir with excel in it12:13
Dr_willisjsfoxton,  if you isntalled somthing with wine.. it will be in the .wine/INHERESOMEWHER dir :)12:13
ActionParsnip1jsfoxton: the binary is in /usr/bin if you are on about openoffice, but th librarys it uses are scattered throughout the system12:16
ActionParsnip1jsfoxton: if its installed with wine (windows version) it will be in ~/.wine/drve_c/Program\ Files/12:17
MorclyeWhat would be a good rather heavy game for linux to test 3D capabilities with, preferably fullscreen?12:17
basti_hi people. what's the recommended way to make modules load automatically at boot time in ubuntu?12:17
ActionParsnip1jsfoxton: anything else I can clear up or are you ok now?12:18
ActionParsnip1basti_: edit /etc/modules as sudo and add the name of the module to the bottom of the file with a carridge return on the end12:18
JC_Denton_The hostname of my ubuntu machine is used in tcp networking, right?12:19
basti_ActionParsnip1: thats what i thought, but a friend said it wouldn't work, thats why i wanted to make sure. thanks!12:19
deasyi need help with networking and how to ask the network who's on it (ie get all the machins to tell me their address & hostname) - is there a way to do this?12:19
ActionParsnip1basti_: cool12:19
lstarnesJC_Denton_: its IP is used in most cases.  If you're behind a gateway that uses NAT, addresses will be translated12:19
Dreamglideri just installed ubuntu 8.04 upgraded to 8.10, on mu uncle´s laptop, i had to make a partition(ext3) to save his pic´s before i removed the crippled windows XP partition, now, can i delete the pic´s backup partition and include the space in the main ubuntu partition ?12:19
JC_Denton_lstarnes: is there a way to find out the hostname of other machines on the network?12:20
fmeff001which kernel version is used in the current live-cd of ubuntu?12:20
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: yes, if the software you are using uses a connection oriented connection12:20
lieuweDreamglider->you should first copy the pics to the main partition, then delete your backup12:20
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: like ftp uses hostname toconnect and is connection oriented so will use TCP but the hostname (or netbios name) will be resolved using DNS to an IP address12:21
erUSULfmeff001: 2.6.27*12:22
JC_Denton_so my local network would need to implement a local dns server for its hosts ActionParsnip1 ?12:22
erUSULdeasy: scan the network with nmap12:22
Dreamgliderlieuwe done12:22
basti_ActionParsnip1: in case you want to know, his fault was to write "modprobe <module>" in there... ;)12:22
fmeff001hmk, and Ext4 is stable since 2.6.28 right?12:23
JC_Denton_ActionParsnip1: hostname and netbios name are synonymous?12:23
erUSULfmeff001: that's what devs said12:23
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: yeah they are the same difference12:24
erUSULjsfoxton: wine install all software on your home dir ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/12:24
fmeff001does any1 have experiences with ext4 so far?12:25
zambai'm looking for a set of tools to remotely administer a set of computers running ubuntu12:25
zambaidentical hardware and identical installation of ubuntu12:26
jsfoxtonerUSUL: thanks i found it but i cant seem to cd through Program files to start through terminal because of the space is there a work around?12:26
erUSULjsfoxton: you either use "Program Files" or Program\ Files12:27
zambawhat java version should i install on ubuntu?12:28
zambai only need it for firefox12:28
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: the name is only used in the first stage and gets translated to an ip as computers dont use names, they use numbers12:28
erUSULzamba: sun-java6-plugin12:28
zambai'd prefer one that doesn't crash my browser everytime it runs12:28
zambaerUSUL: that crashes my browser12:28
jsfoxtonerUSUL: nope that didnt work12:28
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: if you are using a connectionless applicatin (like tftp) where connection isnt used you will be using UDP/IP instead of TCP/IP12:28
erUSULjsfoxton: cd "Program Files"12:29
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: but its the same for the rest, just that transmissions are not authenticated12:29
zambaerUSUL: that's 6.11, right?12:29
marco_I have to adjust time to one hour earlier but, each time the system boots it goes back to one hour later. is there a solution ( sorry my english)12:29
JC_Denton_ActionParsnip1: you see I would like to find out the hostnames of some of the machines on my local network so I was wondering if I could query the dns server for them12:29
JC_Denton_I do have their IP's12:29
erUSUL!info sun-java6-plugin12:30
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-10-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 100 kB12:30
jarcohello. Is therer a command line command to see how fast i am transmitting data to and from the internet atm?12:30
PeoplesAdvocateanyone know how to edit mp3 tags in the Terminal?12:30
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: you could use fping to see what IPs are on your lan, then run ping -a <ip to resolve the name>12:30
JC_Denton_ActionParsnip1: thanks12:30
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: if you have a simple home network using DHCP, you can access your router12:30
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: to see the dhcp clients which will give you a list12:31
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: systems on static ip won't show up there12:31
marco_each time tvtime starts the sounf level of line in goes back to a previous level. is there a way of setting it in a way it never changes each time tvtime starts?12:33
zambahow can i make the restricted drivers check if there exist restricted drivers for my system?12:33
zambaforce it to manually check, i mean12:33
ActionParsnip1marco_: is there a default starting volume level like in vlc?12:34
jeeves_MossActionParsnip1, hey man, thanks again for your help the other day with that issue12:34
ActionParsnip1jeeves_Moss: no worries bro12:35
ActionParsnip1jeeves_Moss: you may help me one day, its how this all works12:35
jeeves_MossActionParsnip1, what's new with you?12:35
jeeves_MossActionParsnip1, I put in my time when I can here12:35
ActionParsnip1jeeves_Moss: just chillin, watching "are you smarter than a 10 year old"12:35
ActionParsnip1jeeves_Moss: cool :)12:35
marco_ActionParsnipl, Maybe but nothing I can see. perhaps a command line option. Tvtime has a lot of command line options12:35
JC_Denton_ActionParsnip1: thanks. didn't know about fping. Like the -d parameter. uses dns lookup12:36
Dreamglidercan anyone help me, i have 6gb of unused space on my harddisk i want to include it in the main ext3 partition12:36
jeeves_MossActionParsnip1, lol.  in Vancouver, it dosen't take much.12:36
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: theres more than one way to skin a cat12:36
marco_I guess I need to go to the homepage of tvtime and look for a command that can control the volume12:36
zambais it possible to deploy system-wide extensions in firefox?12:36
ActionParsnip1Dreamglider: you can resize partitions in livecd12:37
ActionParsnip1Dreamglider: i'd backup your data incase bad things happen12:37
karamazovi changed directory to /12:37
karamazovand i typed ls -li12:37
JonfunSo are we all tech geeks here or a variation of all people?  Hi, my name is Jonfun and addicted to Linux and its open source.  I'm trying to quit that other evil OS and switch to this one but am trying to overcome the learning curve.12:37
karamazovi've seen that12:37
karamazovsys and proc directories have the same inode numbers12:37
karamazovbut they are completely different directories12:38
karamazovhow is that?12:38
JC_Denton_ActionParsnip1: puzzling thing is, it only manages to lookup the hostname of a single host... when attempted with other the dns query fails12:38
coolprohello. SFTP is secure ftp, yes?12:38
sYildirimcoolpro: yep12:38
karamazovdoes anybody know why /sys and /proc has same inode numbers?12:38
coolproit's connection by SSH?12:38
ActionParsnip1coolpro: yeah it runs over ssh12:39
sYildirimconnection is encyrpted but not ssh12:39
marco_ActionParsnipl, I found the command tvtime-command mixer-up12:39
coolprohow to set home directory of user?12:39
sYildirimActionParsnip1: ssh one is scp12:39
ActionParsnip1sYildirim: oh yeah, my bad12:39
coolprowhat is scp? :/12:39
karamazovsecure copy12:39
Speederwhat is the closest server from brazil?12:40
sYildirimscp is a file transfer protocol like ftp but is uses ssh at background12:40
sYildirimbut sftp is secure too12:40
coolprobut if i want to use scp, ssh server must be running, yes?12:40
graingertSpeeder-> ubuntu automaticly chooses the best server if you run the choose best server tool12:40
graingertcoolpro-> or rsh server12:41
sYildirimcoolpro: yes12:41
Speedergraingert how I run that?12:41
graingertcoolpro-> I would recomend setting up pg12:41
rebel_clihow can i get the pid's of all processes running in a specific tty12:41
DeanySpeeder, there are 3 in brazil that i know of12:41
graingertSpeeder-> it's in synaptic package manager12:41
sYildirimrebel_cli: pidof ?12:41
coolproif i connect by scp so i have to use unix-users data (username and password)12:41
ActionParsnip1rebel_cli: ps -ef | grep <app>12:41
sYildirimcoolpro: yes12:42
DeanySpeeder, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#mirrors    (at the bottom)12:42
coolproand how to create a new user?12:42
rebel_clisYildirim: that will get me the pid of an app, not the pid of processes running within ttyx12:42
ActionParsnip1!adduser | coolpro12:42
ubottucoolpro: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo12:42
SpeederDeany how I make apt-get download from there?12:42
rebel_cliActionParsnip1: close enough to make me figure it out ;) ty, its ps -ef | grep ttyx12:43
ActionParsnip1rebel_cli: you can grep anything12:43
ActionParsnip1rebel_cli: if its on a line it will show12:43
graingertSpeeder-> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html12:43
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: you could also nslookup12:44
Speederthank you all :)12:44
rebel_cliActionParsnip1: yeah i figured that out recently lol, i just didnt remember that ps -ef would give me the tty its running in12:44
ActionParsnip1rebel_cli: well the -e shows EVERYBODYS running processes12:44
ActionParsnip1rebel_cli: -f shows full format listing12:45
lucypherHi, today it's my birthday and I've received a MS wireless keyboard ;-)12:45
ActionParsnip1happy birthday lucypher12:45
paul_hello. if i wanted to rename a load of picture files to the date thay were created, is there a simple command that could do this12:46
coolprowhat is ProFTPD Server, it isn't scp?12:46
rebel_cliActionParsnip1: ty12:46
ActionParsnip1its my unbirthday today12:46
lstarnescoolpro: it's ftp, hence the FTPD12:46
lucypherhappy unbirthday to you12:46
coolprobut i don't need it if i have ssh?12:46
thopiekarI found a bug in the apt-sources.. to make a fresh debhelper .deb I need man-db but man-db requires debhelper, too...!!12:46
gordonjcpcoolpro: ftp is horrible, never ever ever use it12:46
rdw200169coolpro, god no, openssh-server already does scp12:46
gordonjcpcoolpro: except possibly to frighten small children12:47
rdw200169coolpro, ssh is more than a shell, the shell feature is actually only one of it's many features12:47
gordonjcpthere are only a few very specialised reasons for using FTP these days12:47
lucypherWell... I'm here 'cause I can't get multimedia keys working.12:47
gordonjcpno normal person should *ever* use FTP12:47
rdw200169gordonjcp, i disagree, ftp has many uses12:48
coolprohow to set home directory for user, when connection by scp?12:48
gordonjcprdw200169: no sensible ones, any more12:48
rdw200169gordonjcp, well, it's just about the only way to provide files for windows/linux/mac easily12:48
gordonjcprdw200169: no12:48
rdw200169gordonjcp, w/out having to set up machivalian samba rules, etc...12:48
rdw200169gordonjcp, then tell me, what is better?12:48
gordonjcprdw200169: if people are downloading stuff, use http12:48
danbhfivehow do I get rid of nag screens regarding unlocking the default keyring?  I just want it unlocked all the time12:48
ActionParsnip1gordonjcp: you can download the ubuntu iso via ftp12:48
ChungwaHello all. I've got another silly question. Yesterday my DVD RW stopped working in Ubuntu - like it won't recognize CD, DVDs or blanks. I pulled it and stuck it in my WinXP comp and it works OK. I'm not exactly sure what I did to it in Ubuntu (I was trying to make a DVD movie the day before and was using it heavily). Any ideas on what I should try? And what information do I need to supply to get advice?12:49
gordonjcprdw200169: if people need to upload stuff, they need to use sftp12:49
zambawhen i connect to a share through the "Network" option in "Places" i get a "<share> at <hostname>" link in my places.. how can i automatically set up the same share upon logon? and also point this to my Documents folder?12:49
ActionParsnip1danbhfive: have a blank password and it won't12:49
rdw200169gordonjcp, i'm not talking about uploading, just downloading12:49
coolproi want to create a user "eimis" to be able to see only /var/www/eimis.upsy.lt directory and subdirectories when connecting by scp12:49
gordonjcprdw200169: well, there's no need for FTP there, just use http12:49
danbhfiveActionParsnip1: do you know how to change the password?12:49
anokkai'm installing ubuntu for a friend12:49
ActionParsnip1danbhfive: let me websearch12:49
gordonjcprdw200169: do you actually know how FTP works?12:49
rdw200169gordonjcp, ah, but what if the files are on a NAS which only has FTP/SAMBA12:49
rdw200169gordonjcp, of course i do12:50
adaptrrdw200169: if a NAS only has FTP then it is not a NAS12:50
anokkai did a 100mb /boot, 20gb / and 100gb /home. they're all primary partitions, is this OK?12:50
gordonjcprdw200169: so you know that both the server and client have to have two ports accessible on a live network?12:50
JC_Denton_Is there a tool to query a dns server?12:50
rdw200169gordonjcp, yes.12:50
gordonjcprdw200169: you can hack round it with passive mode, if both ends support it12:50
gordonjcprdw200169: it's fundamentally retarded12:51
rdw200169gordonjcp, but PASV is a pain to get working right12:51
anokkaall partitions are primary, no logical partitions. is this cool?12:51
gordonjcpanokka: should be okay12:51
MrEgg964anokka: did you make a swap partition ?12:51
coolproso, anyone knows12:51
anokkaMrEgg964: no, sould it be at the end?12:51
ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: yeah it will try to resolve the ip to a name12:51
anokkaMrEgg964: i forgot about swap.. :)12:51
rdw200169gordonjcp, and some internet browsers suck for http directories12:51
graingertJC_Denton_-> ping12:52
gordonjcprdw200169: I won't provide FTP for anyone, for any reason.  The only thing I use it for are some 15-year-old pieces of seriously crappy equipment that actually require it12:52
MrEgg964anokka: you need swap, put it at the end if you want12:52
rdw200169gordonjcp, to each their own ;)12:52
gordonjcprdw200169: <shrug> Here's A Nickel, Buy A Real Browser12:52
Speederthe synaptic thing to choose best mirror only work from Hardy onward?12:52
JC_Denton_graingert: ActionParsnip1 thanks. Will ping also try to lookup the hostname even if the host doesnt reply to icmp packets?12:52
jsfoxtonhi guys i'm getting an IOPL not enabled error when running excel in wine. I've tried modding the dll's as per winehq but still wont run. Word run perfectly. Any clues guys?12:52
rdw200169gordonjcp, don't tell *me* that, tell everyone else12:52
graingertJC_Denton_-> no ping the ip of a dns server12:52
marco_I have to adjust time to one hour earlier but, each time the system boots it goes back to one hour later. is there a solution ?12:52
Otacon22Why  is the gnome bluetooth manager bugged?12:53
anokkaMrEgg964: ok, so i'll resize /home to be 2048mb smaller and set it as swap - again primary?12:53
gordonjcprdw200169: the FTP server I run is locked down to four specific IP addresses, and is only run for very short periods of time twice a day12:53
rdw200169gordonjcp, i'm here, aren't i?12:53
jribcoolpro: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ap-chroot-ssh-env.en.html I guess, though I think it's usually overkill12:53
jeeves_Mossman it's quiet in here12:53
graingert!question | Otacon2212:53
ubottuOtacon22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:53
MrEgg964anokka: is there any other OS on that hard drive ?12:53
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ActionParsnip1JC_Denton_: it will resolve the name but the pings will be reported as lost if icmp replys are disabled12:53
anokkaMrEgg964: xp which will be wiped out12:53
lucypherHow can I map multimedia keys?12:53
JC_Denton_thanks. funny think is wireshark will resolve hostnames but ping doesnt12:54
lucypherI've tried with xev but some keys aren't recognized...12:54
graingertlucypher-> keyboard settings in settings menu12:54
anokkaMrEgg964: i'm using the whole disk but wanted /home and / to be on separate partitions12:54
jriblucypher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaKeys12:54
graingertlucypher-> if not recognised bye xev they won't work unless you write the driver12:54
graingertlucypher-> :-p12:54
MrEgg964anokka: OK - you can only have a max of 4 primary partitions on a drive. If you need more than a total of 4 partitions, you need to create an extended partition. Familiar with that ?12:54
jriblucypher: they may still work (see the wiki)12:54
ActionParsnip1!shortcuts | lucypher12:55
ubottulucypher: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts12:55
anokkaMrEgg964: yep, just been a while i've thought about this stuff12:55
lucypherjrib : already read the wiki12:55
anokkaMrEgg964: 4 is enough so it's all good12:55
Deany3 primary 1 extended12:55
Bupuntuhello, guys i have a strange issue, when i plugin the usb memory, if it's not mounted i get the usb icon, if it's mounted i get the default hd icon12:55
lucypherthe console method doesn't work, some of the keys never returns me a code12:56
jriblucypher: and in a tty your keys generate no output either?12:56
MrEgg964anokka: ok then12:56
frojndHello there, does anyone here speak Czcech ?12:56
Deanylol, 3mins to delete 30,000 files.. poor old ext312:56
Bupuntuhow can i change that?12:56
graingertBupuntu-> that's usual I think12:56
ActionParsnip1!cz | frojnd12:56
ubottufrojnd: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.12:56
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ActionParsnip1Bupuntu: if it doesnt mount, mount it manually12:56
lucypherjrib : do you mean switching to a console with , ctrl+alt+f1?12:56
frojndnoone there...12:56
Sudanese!sd | Sudanese12:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sd12:56
jriblucypher: yes12:56
Bupuntugraingert, it worked normally on the 7.1012:57
frojndI need a favour from someone that speck czech...12:57
BupuntuActionParsnip1 it mounts.... but i get the ugly default icon12:57
lucypherI've tried but no response when pressing these buttons12:57
jsfoxtoncan anyone help with an iopl not enabled error in wine?12:57
Bupuntuwhile before i got the different icons for different media12:57
jriblucypher: what keyboard?12:57
russian_ulyssesHi. When I try to write data to 16 gigs flash, only 8 gigs are written and then I got 'No space left on device'. Any suggestions what can casuse this?12:57
lucypherM$ wireless media desktop 100012:58
audiopathiki want to resize my current ubuntu partition, whats the best way to backup my data and settings?12:58
Deanyrussian_ulysses, what filesystem is it12:58
lucypherjrib: dmesg > Microsft Microsoft Wireless Desktop Receiver 3.112:59
pradoxjoin #ubuntu-br-doc13:00
zambahow can i automount a smb:// connection at logon?13:00
jriblucypher: you tried selecting the layout for Microsoft Wireless Keyboard in system -> preferences -> keyboard?13:00
zambaor. rather.. how can i point the documents folder to a smb:// location?13:00
ActionParsnip1Bupuntu: change the icon i guess13:00
rdw200169zamba, you can take a shot at smbfs13:00
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audiopathikif i simply copy all files, resize my ext3 partition and copy all the data back, will everything work as it did before?13:01
VENTOSIROCCOHello, is ther an IRC channel in spanish??13:01
jrib!smb | zamba13:01
ubottuzamba: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209813:01
jrib!es | VENTOSIROCCO13:01
ubottuVENTOSIROCCO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:01
lucypherjrib: I've selected MS wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0A13:01
zambardw200169: point is.. the way gvfs mounts the remote share is much better than using /etc/fstab13:01
BupuntuActionParsnip1, well... i could, but it did automatically before... and what if i'm using different usb all the dime?13:01
zambardw200169: charsets and permissions are set just perfect13:01
jriblucypher: don't know then13:01
zambardw200169: using /etc/fstab i get a whole new set of problems13:02
VENTOSIROCCOmuchas gracias jrib13:02
zambajrib: i want to mount a samba share13:02
zambajrib: not set up my own samba share13:02
jribzamba: yes, I read that13:02
rdw200169zamba, yeah, i think it's cifs now, actually13:02
jribzamba: read the first link ubottu gave you13:02
zambajrib: oh, ok13:03
deasy_does anyone in here use POE13:03
deasy_does anyone in here use POE13:03
deasy_(or is that EOP?13:03
ActionParsnip1Bupuntu: you could use uids in fstab to automount13:03
jribdeasy_: just ask your question about POE and say what it is...13:03
deasy_(sorry if repeats, not sure how my internet is holding up13:03
MrEgg964zamba: you need to install cifs, and then mount your smb share in fstab13:03
MrEgg964Zamba: as type cifs13:03
getmmgJOIN #ubuntu13:03
tarunhi guys13:03
zambai don't want to use fstab13:04
zambai want to use nautilus and/or gvfs13:04
jribzamba: why?  fstab is how you do what you ask13:04
jribzamba: nautilus will still see it13:04
jribgetmmg: stop13:04
tarunI am stuck with a problem from 10 days. but could not figure it out.13:04
zambajrib: because that becomes a system-wide mount, i only want it for the currently logon user13:04
Jimmeyis there a multithreaded application that can convert a .avi into a file playable by a DVD player, using threads/more than one core?13:04
zambalogged-on user*13:04
taruneven after lot's of googling. but nothing productive.13:04
rdw200169zamba, here's an example, from mine: / /media/music cifs      rw,mand,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=randy,uid=randy,password=######,user 0 013:04
tarunis there anyone who can help me regarding permission issue on ubuntu?13:05
zambardw200169: and there you don't account for the different charsets and permissions and stuff13:05
MrEgg964Zamba: wrong - if your mount point is within a specific user space, it will only be accessible by that user. That's the beauty.13:05
zambardw200169: gvfs or nautilus fixes all that for me13:05
wettarun, what kind of problem is that?13:05
rdw200169zamba, it works for what i do13:05
zambardw200169: yeah, but english is probably your first language.. i'm from norway and i use special characters :)13:06
tarunwet: my document root have owner ship and group like community:www-data13:06
cezi./server krakow.irc.pl13:06
tarunwith the permission: 2750.13:06
jribzamba: are you able to use gvfs-mount now as your user to mount it?13:06
rdw200169zamba, UTF-8, right?13:06
tarunand one of the directory where i want you upload files having permission "2770".13:06
deasy_jrib, sorry - i have a network that extends to another mains circuit into a POE box, and on to another couple of machines on POE boxs but they seem to slow the whole network down when connected (they were destroying the network completely) - Q is, is this normal?13:06
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zambajrib: i just browse to smb://netbios/share and it's automatically mounted for me13:07
tarunBut when i tried to create directory and upload files. it is showing me wrong ownership.13:07
tarunand that's why fopen, fwrite getting failed.13:07
rdw200169zamba, i read somewhere that since NT windows, they use Unicode13:07
jribzamba: yeah, I understand.  I'm asking if you can mount it with gvfs-mount13:07
wettarun, did you try in root user?13:07
taruni can do that from shell. that is fine.13:08
tarunbut when php script try to create directory/file.13:08
comutamikehi - can I ask a quick question about Ubuntu config files?  I got a Ubuntu 6.06 server virtual appliance, and it has a cool information screen on TTY4 - I was assuming that this would be configured in inittab, but it doesn't seem to be.  i've found the script that runs to make this cool info screen, but I was expecting to see some config for it in inittab.  What am I missing?13:08
tarunit is giving www-data:www-data13:08
tarunbut expected is community:www-data13:08
audiopathikhow can i backup my ubuntu install so i can copy it to another partition of same filesystem but with whatever size?13:08
Pelias1) How do I scroll screen up/down in busybox?13:08
zambajrib: what's the syntax for it?13:09
Dfizzlehello, my Wireless is not working after I upgraded to 2.6.28, Atheros card using madwifi, ath5k blacklisted and using ath_pci, I've tried reinstalling madwifi, recompiling it by myself, using ath5k. Googled for ages, asked in various channels for help, still nothing. Any help please?13:09
Pelias2) How can I log(save) everything that's on screen to file in busybox?13:09
zambajrib: oh.. that was easy13:09
tuntunHello. Currently when I search for a file/folder in Nautilus, go into one of the found folders and then hit the back button, I have to wait for Nautilus to do the original search all over again. This strikes me as very silly and is stressful. How can this be stopped? Additionally how do I get a "folder path" column in the search results. Thanks.13:09
zambajrib: yeah, i can13:09
Pelias3) How does ubuntu booting procedure looks like (links with description preferred)?13:09
tarunwet: how can i force new directory and files to be having community:www-data13:10
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:10
DreamgliderActionParsnip1 i did backup my important stuff, and am now in the liveCD, chal i just delete the partition and resize the main partition ?13:10
jribzamba: then put that command in system -> preferences -> sessions -> startup I guess.  Though I don't really see the issue with fstab (add the right options for your charset woes)13:10
Golanstercan anyone help me with configuring my wireless connection ?13:10
zambajrib: or even use pammount, right?13:11
zambajrib: is it possible to then point the userdir "Documents" to a gvfs-mounted location?13:11
bmmIf I run "sudo mount --bind -o ro /bin bin" from my home directory, then the files in bin are not read only and sudo vim bin/zless can still change the files. Mount says (ro,bind), but still ro is not applied. What is going wrong?13:12
micha__Hi, I am trying to install ubuntu on an HP with an onboard hardware raid, however the installer does not recognize the raid but shows me both disks13:12
micha__Any ideas what I should do13:12
redfox01can anyone help with setting up my wireless i have tried everything and it just wont connect, thanks13:13
Dreamglidercan i delete the swap partition and create a new one at the end of the disk ?13:13
jribzamba: don't know if pmount would work.  You can try changing ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, but it may not work if the path doesn't exist whenever gnome checks if the path does or does not exist13:13
zambajrib: but gvfs doesn't give me a path to work with.. .gvfs is empty13:13
jribzamba: thus my warning13:14
JessicaParkerim trying a wget and i get the following error are there any packages i need to down load13:14
fearlessdawgredfox1: have you looked here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo13:14
JessicaParkerwget: missing URL13:14
JessicaParkerUsage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...13:14
gorgaporWhat's the package for libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 ?13:14
zambajrib: but gvfs has to mount the share somewhere in the filesystem? or is it a "virtual" mount13:14
redfox01i have followed every instruction i can find online and cant figure it out13:15
coolprocan i connect to webmin with unix user and password?13:15
deasy_jrib - sorry - it all went again. did you have any answer for me>13:16
deasy_re: POE13:16
comutamikeJessicaParker : i just switched to the IM tab of pidgin, so I don't know if someone else answered you, but it seems that you missed a URL for WGET to get.13:17
Dflies*sigh* usb-wlan-dongle<3 Anyone got something for my wlan problem :d?13:18
JessicaParkeri just want the single url13:18
comutamikeJessicaParker: what URL is it?13:18
gorgaporredfox01: i just joined, what was your original question?13:18
JessicaParkerwget --mirror -p --html-extension --convert-links -P http://www.site.com13:18
redfox01having problems setting up my wireless13:18
guidoHi, canu help me plz? :) How can I configure ICS? PC1 (Ubuntu8.10) connects via WLAN to Inet. PC1 & 2 are connected with cable. I want Inet at PC2 (WinXPPro).13:18
tuntunHello. Currently when I search for a file/folder in Nautilus, go into one of the found folders and then hit the back button to go back to the search results, I have to wait for Nautilus to do the original search all over again. How can this be stopped?13:19
JessicaParkeri can do the same withouth the --html and it works13:19
gorgaporredfox01: sorry, i'm not very good with that stuff :(13:19
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JessicaParkerwget -r -l 0 http://www.site.com is ok13:19
micha__How do I install ubuntu on a RAID (1)?13:19
jribzamba: I don't know, see what ends up in your .gvfs13:19
zambajrib: empty13:20
Dflieshello, my Wireless is not working after I upgraded to 2.6.28, Atheros card using madwifi, ath5k blacklisted and using ath_pci, I've tried reinstalling madwifi, recompiling it by myself, using ath5k. Googled for ages, asked in various channels for help, still nothing. Any help please?13:20
jribdeasy_: I meant to ask the channel, I don't know what POE is13:20
jribzamba: after mounting the share?13:20
zambajrib: yup.. that's what puzzles me as well13:20
zambajrib: because i know it has been populated earlier when i've mounted using gvfs13:20
prcctvhello ,where are you all come from?13:20
gorgaporDoes anyone know how to install libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 on intrepid? It used to be in the package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, but that package doesn't exist anymore in gutsy.13:20
comutamikeJessicaParker: I just checked WGET (ubuntu 6.06) and there was no mirror option...13:21
rdw200169jrib, POE is Power over Ethernet, generally for VoIP phones13:21
redfox01how do i get rid of error grub 21?13:21
audiopathikcan i copy a working ubuntu install completely to another drive and it will work?13:21
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audiopathikif the hardware is the same13:21
gorgaporaudiopathik: if you image the whole drive, instead of just copying files, then probably yes13:21
fearlessdawgredox1: see here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6271713:21
marco_ well, now I just need to figure out a way of setting the volume of tvtime to a level that never changes each time I restart tvtime. any ideas?13:21
JessicaParkerive got 813:21
rdw200169jrib, there are also some small wireless routers out there that can be powered by POE13:22
audiopathikgorgapor, i need to copy it to a partition thats bigger than the original13:22
JessicaParkerversion 813:22
gorgaporaudiopathik: i think you need to image it, then use gparted to expand the partition to fill the bigger drive13:22
deasy_if I have an adsl  modem/router set to and a wireless router set to taking the wireless connection but dhcp fwding to, could that cause me problems when other stuff is introduced? or should the wireless router be set to another subnet?13:22
deasy_jrib - sorry anxiety got the better of me.13:22
gorgaporaudiopathik: google for "linux drive image dd"13:22
redfox01thank you13:22
deasy_POE - Power Over Ethernet... does anybody have experience of it?13:23
jribzamba: I just tried here with my share on the same machine and got a folder "shared on localhost" inside .gvfs13:23
audiopathikalright thanks13:23
gorgaporaudiopathik: dd is the tool that basically reads everything on one drive and sends it verbatim to the new drive, even copying partition tables and stuff13:23
rdw200169deasy_, what are you trying to do w/it?13:23
zambajrib: strange.. i don't get that13:23
caoyunghany body?13:24
gorgaporcaoyungh: we can hear you13:24
audiopathikgorgapor, i know, but im not sure how to expand the image to the new size13:24
caoyunghtoday is Chinese Spring Festival13:24
gorgaporaudiopathik: gparted i believe comes with the base install13:24
audiopathikor if i can simply copy the image of a smaller ext3 part. to a bigger one13:24
caoyunghi'm a freshman here, ahh13:24
zambajrib: what's your permissions on .gvfs?13:24
gorgaporaudiopathik: you're not actually copying between partitions, you're copying the whole drive at the lowest level, including partition information13:25
taruni am having some permission problem on my ubuntu box and stuck with that from last 10 days.13:25
n2diyWhat is a good time trocking/billing app?13:25
deasy_rdw200169, i have two mains circuits. this one has the adsl connection, i've run cat5 to the other into a POE  plug and using other POE plugs to get connections over there. Problem is they seem to be destroying this network. could that be right?13:25
Peliasmicha__: you cannot. Don't even try.13:25
tarunis there anybody who can help me?13:25
audiopathikyea, that means if i dd it back it will be the same partition right?13:25
fearlessdawgtarun: what's the exact problem?13:25
audiopathiki just want to resize my ubuntu partition to a bigger size13:25
Golanstercan anyone help me with configuring my wireless connection ?13:26
michael17hi, can anyone help me? i don't get it how to install programs13:26
tarunfearlessdawg: when i am trying to create directory / file using php. it is creating that with wrong owner ship.13:26
taruncreated files / directories having www-data:www-data owner ship.13:26
tarunbut it is expected to have user:www-data13:26
jribzamba: dr-x------ 2 jrib jrib     though I'm pretty sure that was owned by root at some point and I must have changed it myself13:26
comutamikeJessicaParker : seems to be the P option -13:26
zambajrib: http://pastebin.com/m2f2983a313:27
gorgaporn2diy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_time_tracking_software13:27
deasy_michael17, system>administration>synaptic13:27
taruni checked apache is running with www-data.13:27
micha__I do not understand. We have all our linux servers on a RAID and I also have an old motherboard with a onboard RAID card working13:27
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zambajrib: i tried changing it to u+w13:27
n2diygorgapor: tnks13:27
gorgaporaudiopathik: yes that's right13:27
karamazovhello, i'd been tryin to create a shared directory among windows users using samba but appearantly i couldn't do it. what's the proper way to create a directory shared among all users with write permissions to all?13:27
tarunactually i want to force new files and directories having the owner:group to user:www-data13:28
rdw200169deasy_, that, i don't know, i've only used it to setup VoIP phones13:28
taruni think, that will solve my problem.13:28
gorgaporaudiopathik: btw, you'll need a livecd13:28
guidoHi, canu help me plz? :) PC1 (Ubuntu8.10) connects via WLAN to Inet. PC1 & 2 are connected with cable. I want Inet at PC2 (WinXPPro).13:28
fearlessdawgtarun: I don't use apache or php. You need to find help on these not ubuntu13:28
gorgaporaudiopathik: because you can't be using either drive while you do the copying13:28
audiopathiki have enough of those13:28
tarunfearlessdawg: i am stuck with this from last 10 days. lot's of googling and find nothing helpfule.13:28
Schuenemannhey, how can I check if my video card is correctly configured? It's the intel GMA X310013:28
karamazovi did [shared] path=/blabla read only =no but it didn't work13:28
fearlessdawgi will see what i can find for you though tarun13:28
tarunok. thanks for the info.13:29
deasy_rdw200169, and had no network issues with it?13:29
wettarun, sry, i was looking for solution but i couldn't find any.13:30
comutamikeJessicaParker: if you remove the -P option the Wget seems to work.  the -P option seems to make a reference to a prefix :the help option says -13:30
comutamike-P, --directory-prefix = PREFIX   save files to PREFIX/13:30
audiopathikgorgapor, so what i have to do now is: making a RAW backup of the entire partition, resizing that image to the new partitions size, and then RAW copy it back13:30
rdw200169deasy_, no, i think it has a lot to do w/the switch that provides the POE and the AMP draw of the devices13:30
tarunwet: thanks for that.13:30
tarunBut it is really strange problem.13:30
rdw200169deasy_, for example, the cisco switches are very explicit about what the loads possible are, and how many POE devices you can have connected13:31
wetyeah, haven't encountered such problem13:31
rdw200169deasy_, but no, i've never had any problems13:31
ohhaiWhy isn't Songbird included in any Ubuntu repositories?13:31
weti'll just keep looking for any tip for it13:31
fearlessdawgtarun: are you using a php script to change user:group and if so what command13:31
deasy_rdw200169, thanks :)13:32
zambajrib: looks like i have to have a fuse-bridge for it13:32
jribzamba: you didn't mount it as root or with sudo right?13:32
zambajrib: nope13:32
jribzamba: what's that?13:32
zambajrib: http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2007/09/28/gnome-2-22-planning-gio-and-gvfs-proposed-for-inclusion13:32
ameedHello , am using Dell Latitude D830 after Ubuntu 8.04 installation the wireless was working i finished updating and rebooted the Laptop and now my Wireless is not detected , Any one have a clue?13:32
rdw200169deasy_, i think it has a lot more to do with the amp load, for your situation; is the device designed for POE that you're plugging in?13:32
zambajrib: does 'mount' include the share when you mount it through gvfs?13:33
Pelias2) How to save tty output to file (in busybox enviroment)?13:33
WodenWhat is the name of the new boot up script that Ubuntu uses?13:33
jribzamba: gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/jrib/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=jrib)13:33
JessicaParkerok thanks will try that13:33
jribzamba: so, kinda13:33
zambajrib: there we are.. it's not running here13:33
gorgaporDoes anyone know how to install libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 on intrepid? It used to be in the package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, but that package doesn't exist anymore in gutsy.13:34
tarunfearlessdawg: there is not chance to use chown "php function"13:34
tarunbecause when new files is creating with "fopen(filenam, "w")"13:34
comutamikeJessicaParker: Try this :13:34
comutamikewget --mirror -p --html-extension --convert-links -P theBBC http://www.bbc.co.uk13:34
comutamikedownloads BBC into a folder called theBBC13:34
FloodBot2comutamike: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
zambajrib: i guess 'ps uaxw | grep gvfs-fuse-daemon' returns something at your place?13:34
tarunit is having wront owner ship13:34
ameedHello , am using Dell Latitude D830 after Ubuntu 8.04 installation the wireless was working i finished updating and rebooted the Laptop and now my Wireless is not detected , Any one have a clue?13:34
tarunand i have no rights to do so even.13:34
rpattabiHelp: I have a jerky DVD playback with intrepid. I see DMA is off. I tried a couple of things, but couldn't turn the DMA on. Any help is greatly appreciated.13:35
fearlessdawggorgapor: look here http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libstdc++2.10-glibc2.213:35
gorgaporfearlessdawg: i saw that, but i'm on intrepid, and the package doesn't exist anymore.13:36
zambajrib: looks to be some problems with permissions here13:36
jribzamba: right, jrib      8612     1  0 Jan23 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/gvfs//gvfs-fuse-daemon /home/jrib/.gvfs13:36
fearlessdawggargapor: ok what about here http://emaya-linux.blogspot.com/2008/11/libstdc-libc62-2so3-missing-in-intrepid.html13:36
zambajrib: and i think it's related to the fact that /home is mounted over nfs and that the root user haven't got access to it13:36
jribzamba: do you have the daemon running?13:36
zambajrib: no13:36
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gorgaporfearlessdawg: looks like a good find, thx13:37
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Schuenemannhow can I know if my video card is configured ok? This is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/m738ee95713:38
karamazovis there any group that includes every single user on the system?13:39
zambajrib: i had to set it u+w13:39
karamazovlike a "everybody" group?13:39
zambajrib: and then the daemon started13:39
rpattabiHelp - I have a jerky DVD playback with intrepid. I see DMA is off. I tried a couple of things, but couldn't turn the DMA on. Any help is greatly appreciated.13:40
ameedDoes anyone know how i can know which driver i need for my wireless card on Dell Latitude D83013:40
zambajrib: jupp.. confirmed now13:41
Greyhound-with 6GB of memory, do I still need to create a swap partition? will it be needed?13:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addon13:41
fearlessdawgameed: have you looked here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65283813:41
varanusGreyhound: i have 4gb, i've created a swap but never used it :/13:42
tobiwankaramazov:  I do not think so. AFAIK, newly-created users belong to a group that is identical to the user name13:42
ameedI seen that13:42
Greyhound-how big, varanus ?13:42
stefgGreyhound-: not really... but be aware you will need a swap partition fpr hibernation13:42
ameedfearlessdawg: but am not sure if which driver i need or what kind of card i have13:42
varanusGreyhound: 2gb but i don't think u need a swap13:43
Greyhound-I'm never going to use hibernation anyway so there's no point in wastin 8gb on that13:43
varanusGreyhound: ;)13:43
fearlessdawgammed: if you do lspci in a terminal if should be in the list13:43
stefgGreyhound-: and for compatibility reasons i'd still use some minor swap partition (like 256 or 512 MB)13:43
WodenWhat is the name of the new boot up script that Ubuntu uses?13:43
Greyhound-I'll give it 2gb :P13:44
varanusGreyhound: even 1gb i think it should be more than enough13:44
* stefg agrees13:44
Greyhound-well I've left ~20GB for a linux partition so I have some to spare13:44
Golanstermy router is configured with wpa and 5 windows system connect with no prob. i have installed ubuntu and cant connect to it. any advice ?13:45
stefg!ipv6 | Golanster13:45
ubottuGolanster: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv413:45
gorgaporSchuenemann: have you tried running glx_gears?13:46
zambai'm looking for a set of tools to maintain a bunch of identical computers running the same hardware and installation of ubuntu.. i want complete package and configuration file management.. does anyone know of a set of tools that can accomplish this?13:46
stefgGolanster: i think your router has trouble with ipv6, try disabling it13:46
Golansterthanks, i'll try it13:46
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rpattabiAny help with turning DMA on for ATAPI? The instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA didn't work for me.13:46
jribzamba: cool13:46
Schuenemanngorgapor,  yes, I get about 450fps13:47
gorgaporSchuenemann: sounds like it's working :)13:47
korogiannosleft+right click on 5-button mouse is processed as middle click. Hardy, windows game under wine.  Please point me in the right direction to google.13:47
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: glxinf | grep -i direct13:47
WodenWhat is the name of the new boot up script that Ubuntu uses?13:48
tobiwanrpattabi:  have you tried manually activating DMA using 'hdparm -d 1 [device]' (might not be the exact command)13:48
stefg!upstart | Woden13:48
ubottuWoden: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:48
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  yes13:48
fearlessdawgWoden: what are you trying to do?13:48
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: looks like you have a winner13:48
ameedCan anyone tell me which command to use to get my wireless card details? Ubuntu 8.0413:49
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  but is 450 fps ok? I though this card was better13:49
stefg!wireless | ameed13:49
ubottuameed: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:49
fearlessdawgameed: did you do lspci in a terminal13:49
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: what video card is it?13:50
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  intel gma x310013:50
zambahm, how can i prevent users touching networkmanager?13:50
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  I think it's weird because my xorg.conf only has generic stuff13:50
korogiannosHow can I jave my middle click processed seperately from simultaneous left+right click on my 5 button mouse in a windows game in wine on Hardy?13:51
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: my onboard nvidia 6250 128Mb gets 1800fps13:51
ameedfearlessdawg: PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev f2) is that it ?13:51
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: if you arent loading the correct driver its probably running the vesa driver13:51
xeeHi, I wanted to use the server kernel to access all my 4G of RAM(currently I have only 3038), I wonder what effect this can have on the performance of the machine, I use it for everything, listening to music, watching movies and playing games13:51
Wodenfearlessdawg:  I'm trying to pick a new linux distribution.13:51
stefgameed: no. try lspci | grep Ethernet13:51
russian_ulyssesHi. When I try to write data to 16 gigs VFAT flash, only 8 gigs are written and then I got 'No space left on device'. Any suggestions what can casuse this?13:52
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  this is it: http://pastebin.com/m738ee95713:52
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ameedstefg: thx , i got this Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5755M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express is that for the wireless?13:52
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you are using vesa, you arent running the 3d video driver13:52
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fearlessdawgameed: can you do a pastebin of your lspci13:53
stefgrussian_ulysses: is that one big file ? fat has a size limit13:53
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: if you run lspci | grep -i vga13:53
ameedfearlessdawg: how do i do that ?13:53
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you will see your video driver and you can websearch how to set the card up13:53
fearlessdawgWoden: your trying to pick a new linux distro but need to know the boot up scripts to do that? i don't understand13:53
Wodenfearlessdawg:  I wanted to know if Fedora uses Upstart13:54
fearlessdawgameed: goto pastebin.com and paste the output in it and give me the link13:54
timewastedcd gcc*13:54
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  ok... according to this benchmark, your card is just a little better than mine http://www.notebookcheck.info/Placas-de-video-moveis-Lista-de-Benchmark.3331.0.html13:54
arvernesI can't make my webcam to work with ubuntu. What can I do to search possible reasons?13:54
stefgameed: no, that's the wired NIC13:54
russian_ulyssesstefg what is that  limit?13:54
Chris____Are u guyz against WoW PS?13:54
fearlessdawgWoden: yes i does google it13:55
stefgrussian_ulysses: usually 4 GB :-)13:55
rdw200169Chris____, what is that?13:55
n3himacan somebody help me with google earth please?13:55
n3himaI start it up and get the starry background, but no earth appears13:55
rdw200169Chris____, World of Warcraft something or other?13:55
WodenI'm trying to figure out if I should use Ubuntu or Fedora.13:55
Chris____Take ubuntu13:55
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: benchmarks dont mean much, depends how the benchmark works, compare aquamark scores between 2 systems, then compare 3dmark. they work the system different13:55
fearlessdawgWoden: try them both and see what your more comfortable with is the best option13:56
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: what video card does lspci say you have?13:56
Chris____Any1 plays on Wow private servers?!?!?13:56
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)13:56
fearlessdawgWoden: download virtualbox and the fedora iso and try it out13:56
stefgWoden: if you are (relatively) new to Linux do what most newbies do: use ubuntu ... (rpm based distros like fedora tend to break if you install/uninstall lots of packages when checking things out)13:57
whyameyewhat is the user for mysql?13:57
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/12083413:57
ameedstefg: the NIC is working fine and wireless was also working fine but after last update and reboot the wireless is not detected for some reason.13:57
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: check the post by maor13:58
korogiannosHow can I have middle click and left+right click interpreted as two seperate inputs?13:58
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you need to use the "intel" driver which will be installed as part of the standard install13:58
n2diyI just installed a Drafting program called varkon, when I run it from the CLI, I get the following error message, "ls: cannot access *.PID: No such file or directory" The directory exsists, and I changed the permissions on it, so I can read and write to it, but still it gives me the error message, ideas?13:58
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  which post? the one he posts his xorg.conf?13:59
stefgameed: did your wireless work out of the box when you first installed ubuntu? If you had to tweak something you might need to do it again for the new kernel13:59
Wodenstefg: Is that really true?14:00
anokkamy install has been checking for packages to remove (95%) for about 15mins now...has it stalled?14:00
stefgWoden: what? My opinion on rpm based distros ?14:00
micha__anokka: check if it askes you for something on the console14:00
Wodenstefg: Yea14:00
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: the one that shows the small section for video14:00
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you need to edit your xorg.conf a little14:00
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  how do I know if I have that driver?14:01
stefgWoden: i deeply loathe rpm.... for reasons... apt and te .deb format are clealy superior IMHO14:01
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel14:01
anokkamicha__: ctrl-alt f8?14:01
zambahow can i change the default dhcp-client used?14:02
micha__anokka: no, what I meant was that depending on your package manager, it may have a a  button saying details14:02
Wodenstefg: How is .deb/apt superior to rpm?14:02
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  ok, I already have it. I'll edit xorg.conf and come back14:02
zambai just installed dhcpcd and if i try removing dhcp3-client it wants to take with it ubuntu-minimal14:02
stefgWoden: just works (TM) :-)14:02
anokkamicha__: i booted into the live anvironment and installed from there, so no14:03
korogiannoshow can I differentiate left+right click from middle click in hardy with 5button mouse?14:03
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you're gonna be fighting that file till you score14:03
steffen__hello, my system cycles immediately back to sleep after resume, if last resume was "long" (i think about 30 minutes) time ago. Ideas?14:03
ameedstefg:when i installed ubuntu first time i saw an alert about Enabling the Wireless drive and i did , and it was working fine but now after updating and rebooting its not even detected.14:03
ActionParsnip1korogiannos: run xev in a terminal, it'll show you the events for each click14:03
korogiannosActionParsnip1: thankyou14:04
micha__then check /var/log/apt/term.log14:04
fearlessdawgameed: was it a restricted driver ?14:04
stefgWoden: i refrain from diving into that topic, that'll be offtopic for #ubuntu, but a google search should give you the facts you need for decision14:04
fearlessdawgameed: if it was go  to system > administration > hardware drivers does it say it's in use?14:05
ameedfearlessdawg: Yes14:05
MorclyeIs there a way to close fullscreen program that has frozen without restarting X which closes Pidgin and XChat? I'm trying to configure Nexuiz in order to test my graphics card & drivers.14:05
ameedfearlessdawg: system > administration > hardware driver (emtpy)14:05
ActionParsnip1Morclye: you could ssh in with another pc and kil the process14:05
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n8tuserMorclye -> try  sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart14:06
rdw200169n8tuser, nooo!14:06
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rdw200169n8tuser, that trashes the menus!14:06
n8tuserrdw200169 -> care to elaborate?14:06
rdw200169n8tuser, i did that once, it wreaks *havoc*!14:06
MorclyeActionParsnip1: I do not have another PC at my disposal but thank you14:06
n8tuserrdw200169 -> not on mine14:06
n2diyI just installed a Drafting program called varkon, when I run it from the CLI, I get the following error message, "ls: cannot access *.PID: No such file or directory" The directory exsists, and I changed the permissions on it, so I can read and write to it, but still it gives me the error message, ideas?14:06
ActionParsnip1Morclye: then all i can suggest is restart x14:07
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  uh.. it changed to worse. I'm getting about 360 fps now14:07
n8tuserrdw200169 -> you were able to recover eh?14:07
rdw200169n8tuser, had to restart14:07
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you need to set some more stuff14:07
gumperthi im running 8.04.1 server version and administrate it via ssh and webmin, I recently had some network problems and couldnt connect to the server, what log files should I check, to find out whether those disconnects are server or network related?14:07
n8tuserrdw200169 -> right so, big deal if he tries it?14:07
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: or try the i810 driver14:07
n8tuserMorclye -> try  sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart14:08
korogiannosActionParsnip1: xev does know the difference between left+right click and middle click.  Who doesn't? X? Gnome? Wine or my game in wine?  Please point me in the right direction.14:08
Morclyen8tuser: I cannot access terminal when program crashes so I think I'll just restart X next time too14:08
n8tuserMorclye -> you have access to ctrl+alt+f1 ?14:08
whyameyeI did a backup of my system and updated from hardy 64 bit to intrepid 32 bit. I didn't think about the mysql database. Any way I can get that database back? I didn't do a database dump before I reinstalled but I have all the files from my old hardy machine.14:08
spiceminthi ppl :)14:08
spiceminthas anyone zoneminder running?14:09
fearlessdawgameed: it may be something to do with your restricted modules i looking up about it now.14:09
spiceminton ubuntu 8.10?14:09
spiceminthave video problem14:09
stefgameed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=977610 might get you started... dkms is the magic word14:09
ActionParsnip1korogiannos: you could map the keycode to a fake F key, like F13 then you can assign the button in stuff14:09
anokkamicha__: but how do i check the log if i'm still on the liveCD?14:09
Morclyen8tuser: Yes, I can do that. First time it crashed I used ctrl+alt+f1 to reboot14:09
n8tuserMorclye -> whoah? getting to a console crashed your system?14:10
n8tuserMorclye -> or you are confusing  ctrl+alt+delete ?14:10
anokkamicha__: there's a few lines at the end like: grep: /proc/modules/: no such file or directory14:10
Morclyen8tuser: No, quitting Nexuiz game crashed it so that quit screen got stuck on screen14:10
korogiannosActionParsnip1: Thanks. That should work fine for my purposes.  I'll google key mapping immediately. Thankyou for your help : )14:10
stefgwhyameye: try restoring that backup to a virtual machine... chances are that it#ll run well enough to let ou dump the database14:10
ActionParsnip1korogiannos: np man14:11
fearlessdawgameed: try entering this into a terminal to install them just incase you don't have them anymore sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules `uname -r14:11
n8tuserMorclye -> well i gave you an idea, if you want to argue, sorry i dont have time for that,14:11
xeeany notes about the performance of the server kernel(which has PAE)?14:11
whyameyestefg: good idea.14:11
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ameedfearlessdawg: Thanks , am trying i will let you know guys when its solved14:12
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stefgwhyameye: i recommaned virtualbox14:12
marco__ I tried pidgin and now emesene and i still not able to send files. is there a solution?14:12
whyameyestefg: Ok. I'll try.14:13
anokkamicha__: ok it just took a while but now it went on with the install :14:13
orogorhi here14:13
shri420when i try to type anything on the cmdline the first character is underlined i think something like a dictionary in a mobile is on14:13
shri420how do i disable it14:13
orogoranyone know<s what sthe default setting for the ubuntu memory split ?  becaus ei do have 4Gb of ram and i see a commitlimit of 2GB ?14:13
stefgwhyameye: ah... wait... you need a 64bit guest on a 32bit host... not sure if virtualbox does this now (didn't in the past)14:14
micha__anokka: Can you past the last say 50 lines of this file14:14
micha__anokka: ah ok, it worked. great14:15
ActionParsnip1stefg: nope it wont work14:15
anokkamicha__: :914:15
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  it's even worse heh. Less than 300 fps now14:15
stefgActionParsnip1: VBox 2.1 seems to have that waorking http://www.downloadsquad.com/2008/12/22/virtualbox-2-1-supports-64-bit-guest-operating-systems-on-32-bit/  so make sure to use the PUEL version from SUN, not the version in the standard repos14:16
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: you need to websearch on what settings you need to use dude14:16
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  alright...14:16
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: but you are in the right area14:16
Deep_Thoughtwhats the best way to run a rpm in ubuntu or convert it to a deb ?14:17
Schuenemannthe bad thing about searching the web is that we find a lot of junk about dapper, edgy, etc14:17
ActionParsnip1Deep_Thought: its highly advised to NOT use rpm14:17
stefgSchuenemann: technically info about dapper isn't junk... it'll be supported until summer on teh desktop14:18
ActionParsnip1Deep_Thought: you can use alien but i'd STRONGLY recommend compiling from source14:18
gareth_hey guys - trying to manually  connect to wifi  with sudo dhclient  wlan014:18
ActionParsnip1Deep_Thought: or find a deb for it14:18
shri420how do i disable dictionary on in vi and on the cmdline14:18
Schuenemannstefg,  hehe ok :p14:18
Deep_ThoughtActionParsnip1, i'd rather compile it myself but i dont know how14:18
gareth_i get wmaster0:  unknown hardware address type 801 ??14:18
ActionParsnip1Deep_Thought: sudo apt-get install build-essential14:18
kantlivelonghey all.. anyone know why NetworkManager wont work w/ my Atheros AR5008? It shows up and when it tries to connect it fails.14:19
ActionParsnip1Deep_Thought: then read the readme in the source as to how to compile14:19
ActionParsnip1kantlivelong: does: sudo iwlist scan   show APs in range?14:19
kantlivelongActionParsnip1: yes. I can manually connect via CLI14:20
Deep_ThoughtActionParsnip1, Thanks, i'll get to work on that14:20
ActionParsnip1kantlivelong: then the device is drivered up14:20
spiceminthas anyone zoneminder running on intrpid?14:20
kantlivelongActionParsnip1: yep..14:20
gareth_i've tried to install wicd.deb package but there's a conflict with the network manager app - which i have already uninstalled14:20
ActionParsnip1kantlivelong: try wifi-radar14:20
kantlivelongActionParsnip1: lookin @ the logs it fails on step 214:20
butudoka#blankon @ irc.freenode.net14:20
butudoka#blankon @ irc.freenode.net14:20
kantlivelongActionParsnip1: theres no way to fix it?14:20
master_alvarois there free video to flash converter for linux?14:21
break19anyone here have any experience with installing ubuntu on a system with a USB keyboard? I seem to be having a little trouble.. if I enable "USB Legacy" in the bios, the keyboard works until the point where ubuntu actually begins loading the installer, then the whole pc locks up..14:21
arvernesdoes someone, if running 8.04 we will have later a 2.6.26 and up kernel ? I ask that because there is a native support for uvc drivers in those kernels.14:21
ActionParsnip1kantlivelong: whats step 2?14:21
kantlivelongActionParsnip1: dunno it just says step 2 i nthe logs14:21
ActionParsnip1!bootoptions | break1914:22
ubottubreak19: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions14:22
break19if I disable it, I can boot into the liveCD part, and begin the installer there.. and then it locks up during partitioning14:22
master_alvaroi mean: v2f -i video.avi -o flash.swf14:22
ActionParsnip1kantlivelong: have a look what that means14:22
break19ActionParsnip1: I already checked that :p14:22
stefgarvernes: kernel versions won't change in a given ubuntu release. hardy will always have a 2.6.24 kernel,14:22
arvernesstefg: ok, thank you14:23
ActionParsnip1break19: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the burned cd on first boot screen?14:23
break19ActionParsnip1: truth be known, I could simply put my old keyboard in and do the install, then go back to using my G11 once everything is installed.. but I want the added difficulty of setting up using the USB.14:23
stefgarvernes: maybe the drivers get backported... and if you really need it you can still try to build your own (newer) kernel on hardy14:23
break19ActionParsnip1: yea.. like.. 3 months ago when I first did the install, with this cd.. but I was unsatisfied with certain things.. etc14:24
marco__why is that i can't send files on pidgin neither emesene ? msn protocol ...14:24
break19ActionParsnip1: 3 months ago, I didn't have this G11 either.. soo.. :p14:24
EspenBeperhaps a trivial question, but I don't know how to connect to another computer (ssh), run a program there (command line) and then disconnect from that machine while the program is still running in the background.  Does anyone of you know how?14:24
stefg!screen | EspenBe14:25
ubottuEspenBe: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen14:25
gordonjcpEspenBe: screen14:25
ActionParsnip1break19: try installing it in the live environment https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LogitechG1514:25
ActionParsnip1break19: then run the install14:25
break19EspenBe: err... screen is useful, but if you have no intentions of connecting back once you start it, simply start the program as a background task.. "&"14:26
shri420how do i turn off dictionary off in ubuntu14:26
break19EspenBe: such as "/path/to/my/app &" then log out14:26
ActionParsnip1EspenBe: you need to use screen14:26
spiceminthas anyone zoneminder running on intrpid? i have no video from my cams14:26
Golanster__hello. i need help with wireless network. my router is with wep and i have disabled ipv6 still cant connect. any help ?14:26
ActionParsnip1break19: the app is still running by the user and will die on logout, & just puts it to the background14:27
break19ActionParsnip1: yea.. as I stated in the first one, it locked up during partitioning14:27
EspenBebreak19, if I run the program in the background like "./some_script.sh &" and then log out, the process stops14:27
ActionParsnip1break19: yes, you may need to install the module to the live environment while the install runs14:27
yusuohi can i change the default volume in ubuntu, whenever i restart it always starts muted14:27
TonyMkThe system intruded, the chassis opened or tempred before. Please check the system  | Can some1 help me with this ?14:28
break19EspenBe: hmm.. then screen is your only option14:28
djungelkraemHow do i fully remove my ATI-video-driver?14:28
ActionParsnip1EspenBe: look into screen. I believe that will sort you out14:28
EspenBeActionParsnip1, I will give screen a try.  thanks :)14:28
josacobuenas tardes14:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:28
josacoalguien con ubuntu 8.10 y una intel x3100 ?14:28
josacoa ver si me pueden echar un cable con el opengl14:29
stefg!es | jos14:29
ubottujos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:29
stefg!es | josaco14:29
ubottujosaco: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:29
josacothx  stefg14:29
josacoi need help with an intel x310014:29
josacoon my ubuntu 8.1014:29
piknikjoin ubuntu-pl14:30
josacoi cant get work many games14:30
jribEspenBe: you can avoid using screen by using nohup or just disowning the job after you start it (COMMAND & disown), but screen is nice, especially if you want to reconnect later to it14:30
djungelkraemWhat packages do i have to remove to get rid of my ati-driver (fglrx)? Totally removed14:30
lucypherjlir: I'm still here... can't get this media keys works14:31
ActionParsnip1josaco: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49494314:31
EspenBejrgp, it is nice to be able to reconnect to the job, but I don't really need to do that14:31
master_alvarojosaco: have you 3D acceleration?14:31
master_alvarojosaco: glxinfo | grep -i direct14:31
Schuenemannjosaco,  welcome :D14:31
lucypherjilir: I'm still here... can't get this media keys works ;-)14:31
whyameyehow do I choose whether or not to copy hidden files from the command line? cp doesn't seem to have a flag for this14:31
yusuo_whenever i boot my ubuntu machine the sound is always muted by default how can i change this14:31
break19jrib: wait.. so.. "& disown" after a command will allow even "non daemon mode-friendly" cli utils to keep goin after ya log out?14:31
Golanster__hello. i need help with wireless network. my router is with wep and i have disabled ipv6 still cant connect. any help ?14:32
kantlivelongok so i got the errror from NetworkManager.. appears its a global error " Error opening supplicant global control interface"14:32
lucypherjrib: I'm still here... can't get this media keys works ;-)14:32
break19jrib: .. interesting to know.. I've been usin *nix off and on for nearly 10 years.. never came across that gem of info before.... cool14:32
rdw200169Golanster, lemme guess, ASCII Wep key?14:32
yusuo_so anyone have any ideas why my sound is muted by default and how i can change it14:32
Golanster__only numbers14:33
ActionParsnip1break19: i dont use it, i just heard some guys mention it14:33
stefg!keytouch | lucypher14:33
ubottulucypher: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts14:33
rdw200169Golanster, NetworkManager always sucks for WEP14:33
=== elementz_ is now known as elementz
lucypherstefg : It's not this simple...14:33
stefg!info wicd14:33
ubottuPackage wicd does not exist in intrepid14:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd14:33
j_clbrtso how long u guys think until netflix on Ubuntu14:33
Golanster__rdw200169 : so what can i install insted ?14:34
dayo_shame on u, ubottu14:34
ActionParsnip1!find wicd14:34
ubottuPackage/file wicd does not exist in intrepid14:34
rdw200169dayo_, yeah, you tell 'em, better S*** talk FloodBot2 also14:34
stefglucypher: ok... althoug it even mad my logitech S510 Zoom in/out work ...14:35
MisterKMHey all, Is there a way to disable system-wide speaker-beeps?14:35
yusuo_Golanster, try madwifi, i installed it and my wireless is fine now14:35
stefgMisterKM: sudo rmmod pcspeaker ?14:35
MorclyeMisterKM: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32092114:36
j_clbrti wish my volume went louder in ubuntu\14:36
MorclyeMisterKM: That worked perfectly for me14:36
rdw200169j_clbrt, have you checked *all* the volume settings?14:36
j_clbrton windows it goes alot louder than mac and linux14:36
j_clbrtrdw200169, i think so14:37
=== tpartridge is now known as dirkg3ntly
j_clbrti checked alsamixer14:37
mrwesj_clbrt: did you right click on the system tray icon speaker and open volume controls?14:37
j_clbrtthey are maxed14:37
rdw200169j_clbrt, double click on the speaker icon in your panel, go to Edit -> preferences, and check *all* the boxes?14:37
j_clbrti think it's jst the way this computer is14:37
stefgj_clbrt: usually the mixer has several instances which need to be adjusted. Onmy box  the Front L/R, the PCM and the master volume all affect the resulting volume14:38
panhackhttp://PanHack.tk ==> Ubuntu / Linux Blog14:38
rdw200169stefg, that's what i was driving at14:38
panhackhttp://PanHack.tk ==> Ubuntu / Linux Blog14:38
panhackhttp://PanHack.tk ==> Ubuntu / Linux Blog14:38
panhackhttp://PanHack.tk ==> Ubuntu / Linux Blog14:38
FloodBot2panhack: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
=== dirkg3ntly is now known as tpartridge
MisterKMMorclye: I ran the first command in that, will that take effect immediately?14:39
=== krix is now known as Guest17176
mikevankuikHow can I login via remote desktop even if didn't activate it? I can access my machine thru ssh so is there anything I can set so I can use VNC to connect to it?14:39
harlemdavveyguys is there any way to boost my browser speed?14:39
N0_Named_GuyHi guys, one question: is it possible to redirect the output of an X window to the desktop? You see, I like Xaos a lot, and it would be great if I could redirect its output (animated) to my desktop14:40
MorclyeMisterKM: Yes, modprobe -r pcspkr disabled PC speaker instantly but you need that blacklist thing described later in that topic to keep it silent, otherwise you need to run that command every time you reboot.14:40
n8tuserharlemdavvey -> use text based browser like w3m or elinks14:40
stefgmikevankuik: if you just need one particular app and have broadband you can simply ssh -X to that machine14:40
harlemdavveyis there any way to boost my internet browser speed? some day it is so fast than i can see a whole movie in streaming without having to pause the playing of the video.. and there are days my videos are so slow to charge... why???14:40
n2diyI just installed a Drafting program called varkon, when I run it from the CLI, I get the following error message, "ls: cannot access *.PID: No such file or directory" The directory exsists, and I changed the permissions on it, so I can read and write to it, but still it gives me the error message, ideas?14:40
zash_mikevankuik: try ssh -X otherhost vino-preferences14:40
harlemdavveyn8tuser: i'm referring to gui internet browsers.. i'm actually using opera14:41
mrwesharlemdavvey: are you running wireless behind a router?14:41
Jack_Sparrown2diy You can have the filename right but the path wrong.  Was that prog from our repos?14:42
Golanster__this is wierd, i removed the wep and i still cant connect. this is frustrating14:42
mikevankuikstefg: cool :) tx :) but I would like to use my own VNC app :) X is so slow btw I would have to install an other VNC app on my mac too... :S14:42
harlemdavveymrwes: i'm on ethernet connection14:42
n2diyJack_Sparrow: yes, via synaptic.14:42
rdw200169Golanster, yeah, this may be a wireless driver thing, reluctantly14:42
harlemdavveymrwes: ethernet on a router..14:42
rdw200169Golanster, you may have to go with that madwifi suggestion earlier14:43
Jack_Sparrow!info varkon14:43
ubottuvarkon (source: varkon): A CAD-system with parametric modelling. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.18A-3ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1070 kB, installed size 4512 kB14:43
gareth_trying install wicd.deb  on intrepid with error msg 'conflict with installed package 'network manager'  - I HAVE uninstalled it14:43
mikevankuikstefg: can't I just activate the remote desktop option thru ssh ? so I can normally vnc the thing?14:43
Jack_Sparrown2diy Let me install it real quick and see if I can figurte it out14:43
n2diyJack_Sparrow: roger that, in the mean time I'll reinstall.14:44
stefgmikevankuik: on the long run i'd check x11vnc .. less bloated than vino, more flexible and only uses half of the cpu time (compared to vino)14:44
aboSamoortrying to add the repository here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-2 I can not find a way to authenticate this repository , Please any help ?14:44
n8tuserstefg -> i second that14:44
bcgrowngood morning all14:44
harlemdavveymaybe there is a method to configure my browser to enhance its speed.. i don't know.. i remember i did something like that on firefox when i used to be a windows xp user..14:45
Jack_SparrowaboSamoor THe site  where you got the link for that repo is where you need to get that info14:45
adaptrharlemdavvey: what kind of speed are we talking about ?14:45
LeefmcQuestion: What is the command to keep a process running after you run it from the terminal? Allowing you to close the terminal, without killing the app?14:45
mikevankuikstefg: cool I'll do that next but first I'll have to make a connection via VNC at first... because now I can only access the machine thru ssh14:45
Golanster__rdw200169, ill try it thanks14:46
oCean_mikevankuik: install vnc4server14:46
stefgmikevankuik: sudo apt-get install x11vnc ... then run it :-)14:46
harlemdavveyadaptr: i'm talking about internet browsers speed...14:46
mikevankuikstefg: and I would like to be able to give it some commands in X too (I'm no ssh guru although I'm getting better)14:46
adaptrharlemdavvey: yes, the speed of *what* ?14:46
adaptrupdates ? screen refresh ? page draw ?14:46
mikevankuikstefg: done14:46
harlemdavveyadaptr: oh ok.. the speed of connection and the speed in charging videos, and playing them back..14:47
bcgrownI am trying to get Multisync set up to sync with my phone over bluetooth.  I have the bluetooth connection working, now Multisync is asking me for the bluetooth channel number.  I did 'sdptool browse (phone's MAC address)',   but that command just says "Browsing (MAC addresss)"  and then nothing else...     Am I doing something wrong?14:47
mikevankuikstefg: but it will still not let me connect14:47
adaptrharlemdavvey: a browser will normally use all the network bandwidth available to it14:47
harlemdavveyadaptr: even the speed of refreshing pages14:47
oCean_mikevankuik: you have to start the server (on a certain display of your choice)14:47
adaptrharlemdavvey: install gnome applet "network monitor - netspeed" and do some testing to see what speeds you actually get14:48
stefgmikevankuik: and make sure that vino is not in the way (hogging port 5900)14:48
yusuohow would i go about changing the default volume when debian logs in for some reason its always muted14:48
mikevankuikstefg: http://pastebin.com/d452a075d14:48
sky_1anyone can me help with playing CSS under ubuntu ? :)14:48
Jack_Sparrown2diy There is no *.pid example for it to bring up even though it says it is going to install one.. wait while I try to see where it installed14:49
ActionParsnip1yusuo: what release of ubuntu are you using?14:49
stefgmikevankuik: evil admin.... no bedtime story tonight :-) ... don't use root !14:49
harlemdavveyadaptr: ok.. i'm downloading it14:49
ActionParsnip1yusuo: lsb_release -a | grep -i code14:49
DawnLighthello. how can i set up lvm logical volumes to be activated on bootup so that i can mount them using /etc/fstab?14:49
rjunesky_1: CSS is irrelevant to Ubuntu. it's dependant on your web browser14:49
ezerhodenyusuo: in the past alsactl store has worked. this was not using ubuntu, but should work14:50
mikevankuikstefg: I'm evol :D and I hate typing sudo (A)14:50
adaptrharlemdavvey: the gnome applets are installed by default14:50
rdw200169rjune, i think he's referring to a game14:50
oCean_mikevankuik: you have to specify a display (x11vnc :1 for example)14:50
mikevankuikstefg: ok face it I'm laisy :P but the thing is a internal server :) so I'm not that worried :)14:50
rjunerdw200169: Ah, that's a horrible name for a game14:50
stefgmikevankuik: i think that's a built in security feature. it won't let connect root to an xsession14:51
harlemdavveyadaptr: i hadn't this applet installed on my system14:51
adaptrharlemdavvey: so where are you down,oading it form ?is it in an extra applets package ?14:51
rjunemikevankuik: I missed something, you want to allow root to login to remote xdmcp?14:51
yusuoactionparsnip1 im using 8.1014:52
yusuosky_1 u still about14:52
aboSamoorJack_Sparrow: is there any general way ?14:52
harlemdavveyadaptr: i just wrote the command sudo apt-getinstall netspeed14:52
frg22hello, I'm looking to free up my sound card without having to restart my computer. I cannot play sounds through firefox and testing sound through preferences I get 'Failed to connect: Connection refused'14:52
adaptrharlemdavvey: and it obeyed ?14:52
yusuosky_1 i had a look at css for you14:52
harlemdavveyadaptr: sure14:52
sky_1yusuo: i tought Counter Strike Source :D14:52
tritonalguien de españa?14:52
adaptrharlemdavvey: that's funny14:52
mikevankuikrjune: I actually would like that... although its not the savest thing in the world :D14:52
yusuosky_1 http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=373114:52
harlemdavveyadaptr: were you jocking about it? xD14:52
mikevankuikstefg: new output with the user mike http://pastebin.com/d490d3e7d14:53
oCean_!es | triton14:53
ubottutriton: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:53
rjunemikevankuik: it's not, and what's more. I'm baffled at how you got remote XDMCP, but didn't find the checkbox for remote root14:53
stefg!lvm | DawnLight14:53
ubottuDawnLight: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO14:53
yusuosky_1 you have to install wine and then install counter strike as normal14:53
tritontenia un chat en español, pero de la noche a la mañana no me deja entrar14:53
ActionParsnip1yusuo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70616014:53
rjunemikevankuik: in gdmsetup there's a checkbox, allow remote root14:53
oCean_mikevankuik: well, the error is the output14:54
rjunetriton: no hablo espagnol.14:54
stefgmikevankuik: kill the other instance first...14:54
mikevankuikrjune:  I can't see the X envirement :)14:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es14:54
adaptrharlemdavvey: I was not, but it's a gnome applet - it is unlikely to need its own package14:54
tritonalguien save porque cuando inicio ubuntu me sale la pantalla negra y tengo que registrarme en modo consola?14:54
rjunemikevankuik: is the local system running X?14:54
cooler13anyone care to help me install matlab 7 ?14:54
oCean_mikevankuik: x11vnc has different options syntax as vnc4server. Error says "no -display" detected. So you'll probably have to start x11vnc -display 114:54
harlemdavveyadaptr: yes but it installed anyway xD ok.. i'm checking my speed..14:54
oskar-lol, sorry. hi!14:54
frg22help, I get this testing sound: 'Failed to connect: Connection refused'14:55
rjuneYou can ssh to the remote system, then do gksudo gdm-setup which will let you configure gdm14:55
adaptrharlemdavvey: however, in this case I must have installed that sometime when I wasnt' looking....14:55
Jack_Sparrown2diy You need to file a bug on that one14:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:55
harlemdavveyadaptr: i see14:55
mikevankuikrjune: yes but I can't get to it right now that's why I'm trying to get it to allow me to use VNC to see stuff... and I would like to set that option to on via ssh14:55
yusuoActionParsnip1 didnt work already had the 2 programs installed14:55
harlemdavveyadaptr: so what am i going to do, if i see that my connection speed is sometime high and sometime low?14:56
rjuneAhh, you want to do VNC to X14:56
adaptrharlemdavvey: I don't know if it will give you a history, but you can use the normal system monitor for that - otherwise install something like iptraf14:56
rdw200169triton | !es14:56
ActionParsnip1yusuo: did you edit the files as advised14:56
rdw200169triton, join #ubuntu-es14:56
adaptrharlemdavvey: a browser uses different connections to one web site if it determines that that would be faster than retrieving all content sequentially14:56
mikevankuikrjune: yeah14:56
rjunetriton: #ubuntu-es para espagnol14:56
tritonsi,pero no encuentro nada14:56
rjunemikevankuik: do you have VNC terminal services already setup?14:57
tritona vosotros os ha pasadp?14:57
harlemdavveyadaptr: so, ok.. and what about if i install this iptraf, what can i determine with it?14:57
tritonbueno,ya provare14:57
adaptrharlemdavvey: it shows you the traffic per port, so you can distinguish HTTP from other applications14:57
adaptrand even to different web servers14:57
yusuoActionParsnip1 theres nothing to ammend in those files there just blank docs14:57
JoeLowhey, i turned my laptop on this morning, and i no longer have my eth1 interface (the one i used for wireless), how can i get this back or create it?14:58
herohyee all14:58
harlemdavveyadaptr: you mean that http is the traffic that goes on my internet browser, right?14:58
heroowh how is it14:58
herothat driver14:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:58
harlemdavveyadaptr: oh, a question.. how can i see what's my ip address?14:59
mikevankuikrjune I'm not sure I've got the VNC server installed for sure because I connected to it earlier but then I had to shut it down and place it somewhere from where I would try to connect to it thru VNC again... but I forgot to make sure the user mike loged in automaticlly so I could login via VNC as the user mike14:59
adaptrharlemdavvey: it is the traffic that is most commonly retrieved by a browser, yes14:59
herois that me ubottu?14:59
Jack_Sparrowhero yes14:59
tritoni have a problem when i iniciating ubuntu14:59
ActionParsnip1yusuo: hmm strange14:59
heroowh this is my first time here14:59
herowhere can i find a room to chat14:59
tritondont can iniciatin gnome14:59
ActionParsnip1yusuo: you could make a script to unmute the sound and set the volume level and add it to gnome startup14:59
baberhow can encrypt a folder with gpg command?14:59
adaptror just use alsamixer15:00
yusuoi wouldnt have a clue how to do that ActionParsnip115:00
Jack_Sparrowhero Welcome, we ask that you limit your use of enter .. Please ask any Support related questions here15:00
ActionParsnip1hero: here is ubuntu support, theres #ubuntu-offtopic for everything else15:00
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:00
ActionParsnip1yusuo: do you use alsa or pulse?15:00
JoeLowanyone know why my wireless interface (eth1) would have dissapeard this morning?15:00
tritonwhen i have to login i make in mode console15:01
yusuook ActionParsnip its apparently pulse15:01
rjunemikevankuik: that doesn't sound like you have vnc-terminal services setup. do you have XDMCP setup?15:01
Jack_Sparrowhero /join #channel15:01
rdw200169hero, you gotta put a /join in there15:01
ActionParsnip1yusuo: http://www.digipedia.pl/man/amixer.1.html15:01
heroyep thanks i got it15:01
ActionParsnip1yusuo: its not massively graceful but should sort you out15:01
tritonsomebody talk spanish?15:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:02
lstarnestriton: try #ubuntu-es15:02
rdw200169yeah, but he mentioned earlier that no one is in there ;)15:02
mikevankuikrjune: not sure the ubuntu install I did was pretty clean... I've just started to install lighttpd php mysql trying to create a test server :)15:02
russian_ulyssesHi. When I try to write data to 16 gigs VFAT flash, only 8 gigs are written and then I got 'No space left on device'. There's no files which >2gb.15:02
Schuenemannugh... tab complete in xchat sucks15:02
n8tuserrussian_ulysses -> you sure vfat can even handle that large volume?15:02
rdw200169Jack_Sparrow, of *course* ubottu works when you do it!15:03
ActionParsnip1russian_ulysses: try df -h15:03
harlemdavveywhat about some command for cleaning up the system from unneeded files?15:03
rjunemikevankuik: I don't remember how to enable xdmcp via the command line, I remember how to do it via gdm-setup, but that's it15:03
harlemdavveydoes it exist, a command to cleanup the system a bit?15:03
Jack_Sparrowrdw200169 Has he been mis-behaving today15:03
rohdefcan I somehow disable microphone playback, so I can't hear my own voice, but a capture program is still able to record?15:03
adaptrharlemdavvey: atp-get autoremove, apt-get clean15:03
mikevankuikrjune: as long as I get to see something in my vnc screen I'd  be happy as can be :)15:04
stefgrussian_ulysses: i heard of some fake usb-thumbdrives that were manipulated to shw more capacity that they actually have. ... got it from ebay ?15:04
* rdw200169 shames ubottu with a wagging finger15:04
baberhow can encrypt folder with gpg?15:04
PodeCoetMy SD card keeps mounting as read only. If I use WinXP under virtualbox I can write to it fine15:04
russian_ulyssesstefg no, in /var/log/messages there's sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] 31588352 512-byte hardware sectors (16173 MB)15:04
Jack_SparrowSchuenemann Easy to fix.. set to last sdpoken NOT a-z  which is the default15:05
harlemdavveydoes the system of linux have a cachE?15:05
n8tusermikevankuik -> ummm you tried to ssh with like    ssh -C -Y -l username 192.x.x.x   to get an X display from remote?15:05
n2diyJack_Sparrow: roger that, and the bug is the pid file wasn't created during the install?15:05
mikevankuikn8tuser: nope I woudn't even know what that would do besides creating a ssh connection :P15:05
mikevankuikn8tuser: let me try that :)15:05
Jack_Sparrown2diy no files are in the pid folder15:05
n2diyJack_Sparrow: roger that,15:06
rjunemikevankuik: if you had local X, I could help you. if you had local access to the server I could help you.15:06
SchuenemannJack_Sparrow,  I like konversation's style here... it shows a drop-down and allows you to choose.15:06
yusuo_ActionParsnip1 that webpage froze my pc15:06
n8tusermikevankuik -> but you must not be a root user locally, try it as a regular user15:06
Jack_Sparrown2diy wish I could do more15:06
n2diyJack_Sparrow: roger that, me too. :)15:06
Jack_SparrowSchuenemann Glad you found something you like15:06
mikevankuikrjune: I would if I had the time to rebuild the room I dumped it in... but now its burried in stuff :P so that's why I need to connect to it thru ssh and do stuff to it :D15:06
ActionParsnip1yusuo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109416/15:06
n8tusermikevankuik -> it requires a regular user because root normally dont have access to xhost display locally15:06
SchuenemannJack_Sparrow,  heh. If I were using KDE, that would be true15:07
yusuo_wierd though cause when i rebooted the sound worked fine again15:07
nitro4cehow do i mount an ntfs partition using the livecd15:07
adaptrSchuenemann: you don't need KDE to use Konversation - I use it15:07
oCean_mikevankuik: you got the vncserver to run?15:07
vallhalla81is there a way to change icon size?15:07
harlemdavveyis it possible to find a way to download .flv videos from youtube and automatically have them converted in mp3 format??15:07
Jack_SparrowSchuenemann Did you have a question for the channel or were you just wanting to express your opinion about xchat15:07
mrwesvallhalla81: on the desktop?15:07
adaptrvallhalla81: change it where ?15:08
Deanyharlemdavvey, downloadhelper plugin for firefox15:08
n8tuserharlemdavvey -> write a script?15:08
russian_ulyssesActionParsnip1 df -h gives '/dev/sdc1              16G  7,8G  7,3G  52% /media/disk'15:08
vallhalla81mrwes: on desk top and in menu15:08
yusuo_another problem is my pc keeps hanging for no reason, audio still plays and the mouse moves but everything else just freezes any ideas15:08
mrwesvallhalla81: for the desktop, right mouse button, then stretch icon15:08
harlemdavveyn8tuser: how?15:08
harlemdavveydeany: i use opera15:08
adaptrn8tuser: he's totally clueless15:08
harlemdavveydeany: or i have epiphany browser15:08
n8tuserharlemdavvey -> never mind then.. lol15:08
Jack_Sparrowharlemdavvey there is a script for downloading from youtube, would be easy to modify15:08
Deanyharlemdavvey,    oh wellz..:)15:09
russian_ulyssesDeany fs is VFAT and df -h gives '/dev/sdc1              16G  7,8G  7,3G  52% /media/disk'15:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube15:09
Jack_Sparrow!find youtube15:09
ubottuFound: libwebservice-youtube-perl, youtube-dl15:09
dsnaikerussian_ulysses check the drives trash folder could be hidden and full15:09
ActionParsnip1russian_ulysses: then theres lotsa free space15:09
mrwesJack_Sparrow: couldn't he use the download video helper add on for FireFox?15:09
vallhalla81mrwes: thank you15:09
Jack_Sparrow!info youtube-dl15:09
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB15:09
Deanymrwes, he could but he uses opera15:10
Jack_Sparrowmrwes Not sure how easy that would be to edit and rewritr to do that conversion15:10
micha__Hi, does kubuntu load dmraid by default when installing?15:10
micha__sry, ubuntu15:10
russian_ulyssesActionParsnip1 yes, it seems but I can't write 700mb file to it - write() fails with ENOSPC15:10
mrwesic...I missed the fact he was running Opera15:10
erUSUL!fakeraid | micha__15:10
ubottumicha__: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:10
ActionParsnip1russian_ulysses: i'd fsck the stick to make sure its healthy15:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:11
micha__I am just a bit puzzled because I have the intel raid storage - ubuntu does not see this at all, while opensuse tells me its an dmraid...15:11
bernierHi, I'm currently running ubuntu 8.10 with 2.6.28-5-generic x64 kernel and cant install nvidia drivers for my card. Anyone could help?15:12
Schuenemannwhat happened to package xserver-xgl?15:12
erUSULmicha__: you have to install and calll dmraid by hand from the livecd afaik15:13
micha__erUSUL: thanks, thats what I was looking for15:13
erUSULmicha__: see the fakeraid how to15:13
erUSULmicha__: i linked15:13
ActionParsnip1Schuenemann: i dont have it in my apt-cache search15:13
stefgrussian_ulysses: http://thecoolthings.com/2008/07/17/fake-usb-sticks-how-to-spot-them-and-how-to-repair-them/15:13
erUSULmicha__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:14
micha__erUSUL: I think I will just wait for ubuntu 9.04 to come out - for now I have opensuse15:14
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip1 It no longer is in the repos15:14
SchuenemannActionParsnip1,  me neither. I guess it was replaced15:14
gordonjcpis Jaunty going to have working USB MIDI in the -rt kernel?15:14
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | gordonjcp15:14
ubottugordonjcp: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:14
Jack_Sparrowgordonjcp ask in +1 thanks15:14
adi1hi all15:15
Xintruderhow can i reroll an update?15:16
SchuenemannJack_Sparrow,  what package replaces xserver-xgl?15:16
kitcheSchuenemann: xserver-xorg15:16
Jack_SparrowSchuenemann What video card/chipset15:16
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81015:16
SchuenemannJack_Sparrow,  intel x310015:16
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.15:16
ActionParsnip1Xintruder: sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package name>15:16
ActionParsnip1Xintruder: is that what you mean?15:16
adi1what alternatives do i have in ubuntu installed on a dell insprion 6400 after internal wifi card draft n chipset broadcom 4328 broke up?15:16
XintruderActionParsnip1: i just updated an 8.1 fresh install, i wanna undo that15:17
adi1any idea?15:17
mrwesyou can't15:17
ActionParsnip1Xintruder: you can only reinstall15:17
ActionParsnip1!downgrade | Xintruder15:17
ubottuXintruder: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:17
kpuljekhi! i have a question - my syslog is full of " modprobe: WARNING: not loading blacklisted module ipv6". it's happening a few times PER SECOND, and I have no idea how to prevent it. maybe unblacklist ipv6? any other solutions?15:17
kitcheSchuenemann: xserver-xgl has been a dead project for a few months now since novell decided there was no need for it anymore15:17
adi1I thought about bying a usb wireless g15:17
ActionParsnip1!hcl | adi115:17
ubottuadi1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:17
bernierHi, I'm currently running ubuntu 8.10 with 2.6.28-5-generic x64 kernel and I just can't see nothing when i go in syste15:18
bernierHi, I'm currently running ubuntu 8.10 with 2.6.28-5-generic x64 kernel and I just can't see nothing when i go in system < admin < hardware drivers15:18
ActionParsnip1adi1: buy smart rather than cheap and you'll have less issues15:18
adi1give me some smart choices15:18
ActionParsnip1bernier: 2.6.28 is a jaunty kernel15:18
Schuenemannkitche,  alright15:18
gordonjcpis there a specific channel for discussing Ubuntu-specific development issues?15:19
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:19
adi1for un usb wireless maybe draft g15:19
bcgrown I am trying to get Multisync set up to sync with my phone over bluetooth.  I have the bluetooth connection working, now Multisync is asking me for the bluetooth channel number.  I did 'sdptool browse (phone's MAC address)',   but that command just says "Browsing (MAC addresss)"  and then nothing else...     Am I doing something wrong?15:19
wildfire95hey people.15:19
gordonjcpif I have an Ubuntu-specific development question, should I just ask in here?15:19
Schuenemanngordonjcp,  #ubuntu+115:20
gordonjcpSchuenemann: why?15:20
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:20
wildfire95urgh, anyone got a good guide for Ubuntu n00bs on compiling source code? ^.^15:20
Schuenemanngordonjcp,  it's the development channel15:20
gordonjcpSchuenemann: I am using Intrepid, and I'm asking about developing things in intrepid15:20
EagleScreengordonjcp #ubuntu-devel15:20
kpuljekhow can I prevent my system from flooding the syslog with "WARNING: not loading blacklisted module ipv6"?15:20
gordonjcpEagleScreen: thank you15:20
adaptrkpuljek: remove any reference to ipv6 from your networking config15:21
kitchegordonjcp: #ubuntu-devel is not Ubuntu specific really15:21
gordonjcpkitche: hmm15:21
step21wildfire95: ./configure && make && make install ....15:21
kpuljekadaptr: where exactly? in aliases file or?15:21
adaptrkpuljek: /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf, and possibly others15:21
wildfire95thanks step21.15:21
kitchegordonjcp: it's anything dealing with Ubuntu developmentnot just Ubuntu-specific channel though15:21
step21wildfire95: if that doesn't work ... good luck :)15:22
gordonjcpkitche: basically I want my build scripts to detect if a program is being built for Ubuntu, and apply a slew of fixes15:22
gordonjcpkitche: and also possibly pop up a big warning15:23
stefg!version | gordonjcp15:23
kpuljekadaptr: if you can recommend any others, because these are clean15:23
ubottugordonjcp: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:23
stefggordonjcp: IMHO thta's the thing to query15:23
mikevankuikoCean_: I've found the solution ^_^ the comment of srf21c fixed my problem :) even though its a workaround its good enough for me at the moment :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698115:23
PengytheDuckwinhow do I set my computer to stay at a certain volume level even after restarting the computer?15:23
kitchegordonjcp: hmm sounds like you want to build a whole different build system then what Ubuntu has15:23
arvind_khadriwildfire95, what are you compiling?15:24
gordonjcpstefg: that might do it15:24
mikevankuikoCean_: I can access my system now and see stuff now :) exactly as I wanted :)15:24
wildfire95arvind: nothing, but i needed to know for later.15:25
step21anyone here know how to debug grub2? #grub isn't all that quick to respond/helpful15:25
oCean_mikevankuik: ok, enjoy :)15:25
iamarockstarhi ppl15:25
wildfire95im outta here :)15:25
mikevankuikoCean_: tx ^_^15:25
gfatherhow can i chmod a folder , including the files and folders in it ?15:25
wildfire95cya ppl15:25
iamarockstarcan anyone tell me how to set up internet sharing between VISTTA and UBUNTU?15:25
oCean_gfather: chmod -R15:25
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:25
waylandbilldoes anyone have experience with broadcom 4312? I'm only getting 30kB/sec from my router.15:28
iamarockstarJack_Sparrow: that seems to be between 2 ubunt u pcs15:28
iamarockstari hae one pc with vista which has net connection and want to share15:28
iamarockstarit with my desktop running ubuntu 8.10?how do i do this?15:28
waylandbilliamarockstar, is it some kind of usb network connection? broadband?15:29
iamarockstarwaylandbill: my vista pc is connected to net via a usb modem which is not detected in ubuntu so i have to do this.15:30
iamarockstari have connected the pcs using a lan cable15:30
step21iamarockstar: the vista one has the internet connection?15:30
iamarockstarstep21: yes15:30
gfather<oCean_> will that change the files and folders included in it ?15:30
step21connected directly or with a hub/switch?15:30
step21(the 2 pcs)15:30
oskar-iamarockstar:  setup the ics on vista and just plug the ubuntu machine onto the network with dhcp activated15:31
waylandbilliamarockstar, crossover cable or hub?15:31
iamarockstarwaylandbill: crossover cable15:31
step21ah ok15:31
iamarockstardirect cable conneciton betwwen the two15:31
step21yeah then you ics on vista should take care of it ...15:31
oCean_gfather: well, it's not the complete command. the -R switch is recursive for directory and all subdirectories, including all folders. The chmod command needs more arguments obvisously (like chmod -R 755 /dirname or whatever you need)15:31
step21and enable dhcp and everything on automatic on ubuntu15:32
oCean_gfather: *including all files15:32
waylandbilliamarockstar, you need to set up ics and use static addressing instead of self-assigned address15:32
russian_ulyssesHow to format flash into NTFS in Ubuntu?15:32
gfatherthanks :)15:32
iamarockstarwaylandbill: pls elaborate what i have to do in ubuntu15:32
step21waylandbill:  can't ics be a dhcp server?15:32
iamarockstarand in vista what is ics?how to do?15:32
step21internet connection sharing15:33
waylandbillgoogle for 'internet connection sharing'15:33
joeyjoneswhat's a good tabbed text editor with syntax hilighting for ubuntu?15:33
ActionParsnip1russian_ulysses: you can use ntfstools15:33
ActionParsnip1!info ntfstools15:33
ubottuPackage ntfstools does not exist in intrepid15:33
ActionParsnip1!info ntfs-tools15:33
ubottuPackage ntfs-tools does not exist in intrepid15:33
mrwesjoeyjones: gedit ?15:33
gfather<oCean_> it keep showing chmod: changing permissions of `/home/mjfahmi/Desktop/sounds/test.mid': Read-only file system15:34
ActionParsnip1!info ntfsprogs | russian_ulysses15:34
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB15:34
iamarockstarok so for vista i google ics15:34
iamarockstarand on ubuntu how do i set it up15:34
waylandbillstep21, could work. ics dhcp server isn't a bind server but is enough to get up and running.15:34
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: if vista is sharing the connection i'd ask in ##windows15:34
oCean_gfather: is it?15:35
iamarockstarwell atleast tell me what i have to set in ubuntu connections?15:35
=== asdfasdd is now known as ctrlalt
steffen_Hi, anyone have experience with ettercap?15:35
oCean_gfather: I mean, is the 'sounds' folder (maybe) a read-only mounted filesystem?15:35
step21try that, i hope it works with vista15:35
gfather<oCean_> that could be :S15:35
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: if the windows system is configured it will kick out dhcp. if not you can set the ubuntu systems on static ip to accommodate the new setup15:36
mrwesjoeyjones: gedit has an highlight mode depending on what code you're writing15:36
oCean_gfather: command "mount" will show you15:36
iamarockstarActionParsnip1: what do u mean by windows sys is configured?pls help me15:36
gfather<oCean_> the thing is im trying to copy some stuff to sd card in my mobile15:37
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: if the windows system ics also includes a dhcp server then the linux systems will get dhcp automatically15:37
iamarockstarstep21: so if set in ubuntu dhcp with everything automatic then what am i to do in vista to correspond this?15:37
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: if not you will have to setup static ip15:37
gfather<oCean_> but i think the page im reading from expect that i have the sd mounted in my ubuntu15:37
iamarockstarActionParsnip1: so does vista businness edition have ics with dhcp?15:38
oskar-ActionParsnip1:  ics in windows includes dhcp service since win98se afaik15:38
waylandbillanyway... ics is a topic for ##windows15:38
iamarockstaroskar-: thx15:38
step21iamarockstar: if there are any things like enable dhcp or automatic ip enable them15:38
waylandbillbut set ics up and ubuntu will work automagically.15:38
* kitche thinks Windows support should go to ##windows15:39
iamarockstarand one more thing well after both of them are able to  see each other15:39
iamarockstarthen will the net connection come in ubutnu automatically ie if i open firefox and google then will it work?15:39
step21it shoud15:39
waylandbilliamarockstar, sharing files? research samba.15:39
iamarockstarwaylandbill: no i want to share NET COnnection15:40
rdw200169iamarockstar, from linux to windows?15:40
gfather<oCean_ i did cp -R /home/Desktop/image/* /home/Desktop/image2/ and now i can copy the files from image 2 :)15:40
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: i dunno15:40
karamazovhello i have an ubuntu server, i need a script for restarting sshd if it's stopped because i will have only remote access to the server. is there any scripts that you offer me? or will you please tel me how to write one since i don't know how15:40
iamarockstarrdw200169: no frm vista to ubuntu15:40
waylandbilliamarockstar, yes. tcp/ip networking is done by ics.15:40
rdw200169iamarockstar, that's windows help then; look up 'vista internet connection sharing'15:41
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: just make sure the shared connection has a different network address as between the vista system and your adsl connection thingy15:41
oCean_gfather: seems nice workaround :)15:41
EritreanTo everybody here asking different questions: if you want a live video conferencing chat support(video streaming and chat), there is a Canadian site -- every Tuesday Eastern time  from 7pm to 8 pm, you can ask questions and Robbie answers them-- very cool guy --you can also watch the past recorded videos --- this is the site: http://www.category5.tv/15:41
rdw200169iamarockstar, don't bother w/bridging15:41
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: you need to setup 2 networks essentially15:41
gfather<oCean_ yes :)15:41
iamarockstarrdw200169: bridging?what is that?15:41
sproatyFlash *always* crashes my firefox after around watching 6 videos. Is this just how it is15:41
rdw200169iamarockstar, there should be a page somewhere on windows.com that covers 'internet connection sharing' explicitly, to include setting up dhcp15:41
linduxedive downloaded a dark gtk2 theme (divinorum). everything is nice except for one thing. when i use pidgin the irc-protocol has all text coloured white/gray while msn colours outgoing messages white and incoming black, making incoming very hard to read on the dark background. any way to choose the incoming message colour?15:41
rdw200169iamarockstar, making your vista box look like a swith15:42
sproatyMy only fix is to restart firefox15:42
iamarockstarActionParsnip1: u mean one nw on vista and one on ubuntu?15:42
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: if you connect to a router giving the usual 192.168.0.x ip then setup the other network to use 192.168.2.x15:42
rdw200169iamarockstar, *switch, don't worry, just look up 'internet connection sharing'15:42
kitchelinduxed: in pidgin font colors of course very easy if you checked15:42
iamarockstarok thx all ppl15:42
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: the vista one, you have 2 networks, the one between the connection and the vista box, then one between vista and the linux boxes15:42
MakeSenseHi. is there a nice stable panel (gnome) that can pop up and show all mounted drives, with icons ?15:42
rdw200169iamarockstar, i can help you w/linux->windows, just not the other way around, i don't use it ;)15:42
adam1question: is there a painless way of improving the fonts in openoffice while using subpixel slight rendering in ubuntu?15:42
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: if you dont have the networks seperated, it won't work15:43
iamarockstarwill do some research and check15:43
waylandbilliamarockstar, what bridging is.. thats a little more advanced of a topic than irc. google that for more info.15:43
rdw200169adam1, that is a matter of what font you're using15:43
ActionParsnip1iamarockstar: the ics factoid may help15:43
iamarockstarwaylandbill: k15:43
dubliskHello, I intalled ubuntu on my g5, but when it goes to load up, I just get a black blank screen. Any idea what I can try ?15:43
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:43
adam1rdw200169: arial, times new roman and verdana15:43
d0netsFNhey could someone help me, im having trouble with usb media15:43
linduxedkitche: doesnt work apparently15:43
d0netsFNhere is dmesg for a 1 gb micro sd card in a card reader15:43
rdw200169adam1, the way it *looks* on your screen, and the way the fonts render when printed are 2 different things, and depend on the quality of the font, not the rendering on your screen15:43
d0netsFNactually thats mount15:44
d0netsFNthere is dmesg15:44
d0netsFNit looks fine15:44
d0netsFNbut it doesnt show up in places or /media/15:44
oskar-dublisk:  remove the splash and quiet keyword from the kernel parameters in the boot loader15:44
d0netsFNim using mythbuntu 8.1015:44
rdw200169adam1, so, it doesn't matter, you could be seeing 8bit color with no subpixel rendering, and it will still *print* the same15:44
oCean_d0netsFN: pls don't use the <enter> key so often..15:44
d0netsFNok sorry15:44
kitched0netsFN: ask the mythbuntu channel15:45
d0netsFNi did kitche15:45
rdw200169adam1, does that make sense?15:45
d0netsFNthat chan is useless15:45
ActionParsnip1d0netsFN: then mount sdd115:45
dubliskoskar-: so I would use the 'expert' install option and the set that somewhere?15:45
d0netsFNi have been trying to fix this for over a ewek15:45
karamazovhello how do i configure cups-pdf package from the command line?15:45
adam1rdw200169: that's reassuring. but it would be nice to have fonts which are nice to read on screen while editing15:45
oCean_d0netsFN: you say "it mounts" However, it (/dev/sdd) does *not* show up in your mount output15:45
karamazovi want to set up a virtual pdf printer to my ubuntu server how will i do it?15:45
ActionParsnip1d0netsFN: sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mount/point15:45
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cups-pdf15:46
ActionParsnip1!info cups-pdf15:46
ubottucups-pdf (source: cups-pdf): PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.8-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 256 kB15:46
rdw200169adam1, i personally don't use OpenOffice, i use LaTeX and reStructured text... so i always see the *same* font in vim, which i write in15:46
oskar-dublisk:  i don't know how to do it in vista. my last windows was xp, installed 8 years ago ;)15:46
d0netsFNwell ocean_ its just not normal15:46
d0netsFNusually all usb devices show up in places and in /media/ when plugged in15:46
dubliskoskar- what does vista have to do with it?15:46
oskar-dublisk:  sorry, pasted wrong ;)15:46
ActionParsnip1karamazov: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-pdf-documents-in-ubuntu.html15:46
gfatherguys anyone knows how to copy a file to sftp ?15:47
adam1rdw200169: personally i won't be using openoffice either if i can't improve these fonts :)15:47
rdw200169ActionParsnip1, doesn't ubuntu come with 'print to pdf' now15:47
d0netsFNsudo mount /dev/sdd /media/1gb15:47
d0netsFNmount: No medium found15:47
gorgaporgfather: don't you need a sftp client?15:47
gfathercp -R /path/* sftp:192.x.x.x/path15:47
rick_wDoes anybody know if a cpu wears out quicker when it runs 100% load all the time?15:47
rdw200169adam1, again, it doesn't matter, if you buy the top of the line OpenType fonts, then it will print beautiful15:47
adam1rdw200169: seems bizarre to publically say they are pushing ubuntu for desktop users and then ship a default office editor with poor font rendering15:48
gfather<gorgapor> well im connecting to a device through ssh15:48
oskar-dublisk:  your problem is the black blank screen. does X come up after a time? if so, i don't see a problem. else: which boot loader do you use?15:48
rdw200169adam1, but it may still look like garbage on your screen; all that stuff depends on your screen and video drivers etc...15:48
rdw200169adam1, what resolution are you working with?15:48
gfather<gorgapor> and i want to copy a file to that device15:48
ActionParsnip1rdw200169: it does, just needs extra apps pulling in from repos15:48
dubliskoskar-: I never get any ubuntu screen or anything like that, its right after yaboot15:48
rdw200169ActionParsnip1, interesting, i've got 8.04 and i had it defualt15:48
oCean_d0netsFN: it seems that there is no partition on the /dev/sdd ? Is it listed in "fdisk -l" ?15:48
Flesje^where can i get blowfish for xchat as fish.sekure.us is not working15:48
gorgaporgfather: ah, i don't think that's sftp then. you need scp15:49
adam1rdw200169: 1650 x 1080 - the fonts on all other applications and on the os itself are great, it's just openoffice that is poor15:49
ActionParsnip1rdw200169: ive got it too, but thats how to install it if yuo dont ;)15:49
oCean_d0netsFN: use "sudo fdisk -l"15:49
rdw200169ActionParsnip1, makes sense ;)15:49
d0netsFNlet me pastebin15:49
ActionParsnip1rdw200169: covers all bases :D15:49
RParadeHey guys,15:49
ActionParsnip1!hi | RParade15:49
ubottuRParade: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:49
waylandbilladam1, anyone who would be interested in decent fonts would install them.15:49
RParadeI'm running Ubuntu 8.10, and I have dual monitors - I can get this working simple enough in GNOME, but I can't get this to work in IceWM or in XFCE, not JWM either15:50
RParadeHi guys, thanks for the warm welcome :)15:50
ActionParsnip1d0netsFN: /dev/sdc doesnt look healthy15:50
oCean_d0netsFN: so, it detects partitions/filesystems on /dev/sda,b,c - none on /dev/sdd - so it is not formatted15:50
RParadeIs there anyway I can just load Gnome's mirroring service with XFCE?15:50
d0netsFNlemme try another card15:50
rick_wDoes anybody know if a cpu wears out quicker when it runs 100% load all the time?15:50
rdw200169adam1, like i said, i don't use OpenOffice; regardless, you must admit that it's fantastic that you can read Word format documents in linux15:50
adam1waylandbill: if the target audience is more experienced users who are willing to spend time correcting minor niggles like fonts, then i agree with you15:50
dubliskrick_w: probably15:50
ActionParsnip1rick_w: dont think so, just make sure it doesnt over heat and its fine15:50
gorgaporRParade: i've got dual monitors working, all i had to do is use the display settings program in gnome15:51
RParadeI'm using an ancient ATI laptop videocard and it'd be hopeless to try and get this working with it's drivers15:51
adam1rdw200169: yeah, that is nice15:51
dubliskrick_w: but other parts will probably go first15:51
RParadeSame Gorga, but I need to use XFCE - I don't have the memory for Gnome15:51
gorgaporRParade: system > preferences > screen resolution15:51
d0netsFNone sec im gonna unplug and plug back in15:51
RParadeI can get it working in Gnome, I can't get it to work with any other WM though15:51
oCean_dublisk: best answer all day! :-)15:51
RParadeXFCE runs smooth for me15:51
rick_wOk, thanks for the views15:51
rdw200169adam1, this might help you get in the right direction though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27247015:52
adam1rdw200169: i think fonts should be fixed on openoffice as a priority if they have ambitons for more market share15:52
waylandbilladam1, yes. it's like people who edit graphics compared to graphic artists. :)15:52
d0netsFNok theres another fdisk -l15:52
rdw200169adam1, for any serious work, everyone uses LaTeX or some other TypeSetting software...15:52
oCean_d0netsFN: yes, it recognizes a filesystem on that one15:52
rdw200169adam1, which linux supports emphatically...15:53
d0netsFNok so why doesnt anything show up in places or /media/ like usual15:53
RParadeit's depressing though, i can click a button and have it working in Gnome but not in XFCE15:53
kitcheadam1: I don't notice a problem with open office but yes for professional stuff most use LaTeX15:53
Bobohnehello guys .... i am from germany(so don't wonder if my english is .... unusual :) ) and i want to test installing an ubuntu server edition on my server ... there is an promise sx6000 raid controller installed... on the promise page i only can find a driver for suse linux. so can i use this hardware with ubuntu?15:53
d0netsFNits only been happening since i started using mythbuntu15:53
waylandbilladam1, they would like volunteers if you have the skills.15:53
kitched0netsFN: we don't know ask the mythbuntu people15:53
RParadeand my videocard is so ancient it'd be a pain to make these adjustments through Xorg15:53
ActionParsnip1RParade: if its installed and you have the gtk libs installed you can run the app as you would in gnome15:53
d0netsFNkitche like i said i have been asking in there for over a week15:53
d0netsFNi get 0 help15:53
kitched0netsFN: well mythbuntu has nothing to do with ubuntu15:54
d0netsFNwell its ubuntu desktop15:54
rdw200169adam1, again, i don't think they're particularly interested in that; they're more interested in compatibility, which is a nightmare in and of itself; for example, they got it working natively and MacOS X, which is a *huge* accomplishment15:54
RParadeRight, I can access that through gnome-control-center, but when I restart X to start up the second display it doesn't happen15:54
adam1waylandbill: i dont have software skills unfortunately15:54
oCean_d0netsFN: did you paste all the output? If the final line of your paste *is* the final line of the output, then there is no filesystem15:55
adam1rdw200169: i dont doubt the technical accomplishments and im not attacking linux.  i think it's great that they are working towards compatibility etc15:55
RParadeoh wow that worked, ActionParsnip, thanks15:55
icqnis there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?15:55
RParadeit didn't work before15:55
d0netsFNno sorry15:55
oCean_d0netsFN: but there probably is, I guess, it's just all of /dev/sde15:56
rdw200169adam1, that link i sent should get you in a closer direction though; it's more related to OpenOffice than ubuntu15:57
adam1rdw200169: im looking through it now, thanks very much15:57
oCean_d0netsFN: ok it recognizes it as fat16.. I'm not sure how the 'auto'mount to /media stuff works.. But you might want to pound the guys at mythbuntu again. If nobody here has same experience15:58
clarkscan i use ubuntu server to put my own vhost ip?15:58
rdw200169adam1, as you can see, it seems as though they are a) aware of the problem and b) that's it's bigger than just OpenOffice, i.e. libfreetype, etc...15:58
d0netsFNi did15:58
d0netsFNi just asked them again about the problem, i promise, there is nobody every there to help. it is always just unanswered questions15:58
rdw200169adam1, as a sidebar, you could take a shot at abiword15:58
oCean_d0netsFN: You can mount it by hand, or automatically by /etc/fstab, but I think that is not really the thing you're after15:59
IndyGunFreakd0netsFN: then the logical thing to do, is use a version that is reasonably supported. mythbuntu is only ubuntu w/ some media packages installed.15:59
karamazovwhere is ksh located in ubuntu server? not /usr/bin/ksh but where?15:59
d0netsFNno im not wanting to do that, i want it to be just like ubuntu, i want to plug it in, and it show up in places and /media/16:00
adam1rdw200169: k, i'll give that a look also16:00
d0netsFNright which is why i ask questions in here16:00
IndyGunFreakkaramazov: /home/username/.ksh ?16:00
karamazovIndyGunFreak: is there no shared ksh for all users?16:00
IndyGunFreakkaramazov: i really don't know.. not that familiar w/ ksh, you just asked where it was, so i gave you a suggestion16:01
IndyGunFreakif there's not, you could set it to share16:01
jedimindtrickanyone know why wine sound support would suddenly stop? it used to work just fine, now i cant get any of the Wine apps to have sound? (also is there a Wine channel for support? #wine seems to be non-existent)16:01
d0netsFNthere is my fstab16:01
gordonjcpif you can convert from Hardy to Intrepid by just updating the packages, can you convert from Intrepid to Hardy?16:01
gordonjcpalternatively, will the Hardy -rt kernel work in Intrepid?16:01
IndyGunFreak!downgrade | gordonjcp16:01
ubottugordonjcp: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.16:01
jtajikaramazov: you would need to install the ksh package16:02
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: okay, what about the Hardy -rt kernel in Intrepid?16:02
adam1rdw200169: latex, looks interesting.  is it practical for smaller documents eg cvs etc?16:02
karamazovhmm ok16:02
adam1rdw200169: cv/resume16:02
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: i'd say thats pretty self explanatory16:02
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: okay, so basically Intrepid isn't useful to me then16:02
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: if you say so.16:02
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: well, it doesn't support -rt and USB MIDI, or -rt and Nvidia graphics16:03
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: it worked in Hardy, so I may as well stick with that16:03
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: i've got nvidia graphics on my PC, it works fine, but whatever works for you.16:03
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: are you using the accelerated drivers and a -rt kernel?16:03
rdw200169adam1, well, there is a document class for Resume's16:03
karamazovis there any script to restart openssh server if it's stopped?16:03
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: no16:03
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: there you go then16:04
rdw200169adam1, but latex isn't for the faint of heart ;)16:04
adam1rdw200169: im getting that impression16:04
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: at present I need to dual-boot, because accelerated NVidia and -rt are mutually exclusive16:04
rdw200169adam1, it's the real deal when it comes to typesetting; such that a PDF created with latex is eligible for lulu.com printing, etc...16:04
adam1rdw200169: i suppose there is the divide of users that use latex and text editors and people in the middle ground who use word16:04
iamarockstarok ppl hi i am back16:04
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: I'm not sure if there's a better way to do it, but having two smallish / partitions, and sharing /usr and /home seems to work16:04
iamarockstarso now i have enabled ics in vista and also enabled dhcp16:05
adam1rdw200169: i will check it out just for the sake of curiosity i think :)16:05
iamarockstarand in ubuntu i have selected dhcp automatic16:05
johan12trying to compile a software it asks for gtk+-2.0 and gthread-2.0, what do i do?16:05
iamarockstarbut still it is not working16:05
iamarockstarin ubuntu i am getting a no network connection and in vista it is limited nw connection16:05
iamarockstarany help?16:06
oCean_d0netsFN: it's not what you want, but you can add another line to fstab, copying the last one and changing /dev/sdc1 in /dev/sde1 and the /media/SP? mountpoint to whatever you like16:06
audiopathikhow to use update-grub ?16:06
rdw200169adam1, i write a lot of papers for school; using latex, i can write in a text file, then when i'm done, i just turn it to pdf and print, no crazy formatting or anything; it just took a while to figure out the perfect latex preamble (etc..)16:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about update-grub16:06
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:06
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adam1rdw200169: the general idea is more involved initially but ultimately more efficient?16:07
rdw200169adam1, then, i can type all the way up to the last minute and not waste precious time screwing around with page number etc...16:07
rdw200169adam1, yes.16:07
adam1rdw200169: i gotta go, thanks for advice16:07
rdw200169adam1, also look up xetex, which can use unicode, truetype, and opentype fonts16:08
mshkajihow can i configure pronx server in ubuntu16:08
giuA good programme to convert audio/video in ubuntu?16:10
mib_pt8tdy91giu: mencoder16:10
a931bwHow to uninsall video drivers?16:10
ugliefrogi have a bash question..... what is the " ' " for16:10
Jaffarkelshacffmpeg gui16:10
a931bwi'm can't find packpage16:10
giumib_pt8tdy91: How can I install it?16:11
d0netsFNis there a package for auto mounting usb devices?16:11
d0netsFNin ubuntu16:11
mib_pt8tdy91giu: sudo apt-get install mencoder16:11
mnemosometimes when I run apt-get it also prints stuff like "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required" ... what is the criteria that makes apt think a package is no longer needed?16:11
enihello at all16:11
rdw200169a931bw, why not just switch your Xorg to a different driver?16:11
kitcheugliefrog: used to escape or make something look like one string for example "Program Files" will look like Program Files instead of two words16:11
vuokko_no other packages depending on that package16:11
ShinjinThis is probably not the best place to ask this but. I am mainly an Ubuntu User but have to do a lot of work in windows. Is there any way to get something more like a Terminal on windows? This command prompt kills me.16:11
mib_pt8tdy91giu: ffmpeg gui is also worth trying16:11
mib_pt8tdy91giu: but i have never used it16:11
giumib_pt8tdy91: Thanks!16:11
a931bwwithout driver all 3d games work perfect with work shitty16:12
enii got a big problem: i deleted libc.so.6 and then replae it whit the one on the live cd. since then i cannot start the xserver16:12
ugliefrogawesome thank you...is there a site i can look up for reference16:12
mib_pt8tdy91mnemo: newer versions of packages are available16:12
elugarogood afternoon. I having trouble accesing my dvdrw in ubuntu 8.1..is says that cannot read the superblosck. can anybody help?16:13
dubliskis there a way to boot into ubuntu only using the console? that way I can know if I am getting a blank screen because of video driver problems and not kernel problems16:13
mnemomib_pt8tdy91: hmm, okay16:13
dubliskI never make it to a login screen16:13
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: safe mode16:13
dubliskhow do I do that16:13
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: during login16:13
pierbrigitta bulgari16:14
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: its in the boot option16:14
dubliskIt never makes it to login16:14
mrwesdublisk: hit the escape key at the grub menu16:14
dubliskwhat grub menu16:14
dubliskI am at the yaboot menu16:14
dsnaikeelugaro what media player are u using to access16:14
dubliskwhats the grub menu....16:15
enisomeone knows howto make a image of a windows-partition, then reinstall ubuntu, and "install" the image16:15
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: where you see the various options to login into ubuntu16:15
elugaroI trying to access everything from dvd to cd from the places menu16:16
DShepherddublisk, http://images.howtoforge.com/images/kernel_compilation_ubuntu/5.png16:16
dubliskmib_pt8tdy91: it never makes it to the login screen, I get  black blank screen before that16:16
a931bwHow to delete all drivers only clean linux default16:16
elugaroI always got the message mount as reading only..cannot read the superblock16:16
DShepherddublisk, that link i sent you is a picture of the grub menu.16:16
dubliskDShepherd: that menu never shows16:17
dubliskI get a yaboot menu16:17
dubliskIm on a g516:17
jedimindtrickanyone know why wine sound support would suddenly stop? it used to work just fine, now i cant get any of the Wine apps to have sound? (also is there a Wine channel for support? #wine seems to be non-existent)16:17
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: do you have a live cd16:17
leo_rockwayhello, are there any plans to backport kde4.2 for hardy when it comes out?16:17
oCean_d0netsFN: still there?16:17
dubliskI just downloaded the ppc .iso and burned it for 8.1016:17
d0netsFNand still frustrated16:18
BuFFneed help about installing lexmark x4550 printer, any ideas ???16:18
oCean_d0netsFN: there's one thing you might check. Maybe myth differs from regular :) Start "gconf-editor"16:18
DShepherdjedimindtrick,  #winehq16:18
jedimindtrickoh wicked, thanks16:18
d0netsFNnow what16:18
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oCean_d0netsFN: Browse to apps > nautilus > preferences and see if the media_automount option is ticked16:19
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: try to install grub from the live cd http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435116:19
dsnaikeelugaro can you play audio cd or dvd movies16:20
dubliskis there no option under yaboot?16:20
dubliske.g. Linux mode=safe16:20
d0netsFNit looks checked to me ocean_16:20
DShepherdBuFF, I dont know much about printers but you can try reading this. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3041216:20
dubliskmeh, f*ck ubuntu16:21
d0netsFNdo you see any other options that could be wrong?16:21
mib_pt8tdy91dublisk: I have no idea about yaboot16:21
giuwhere is thunderbird profile stored by default in ubuntu?16:21
scribawfHow do I get updates for ClamAV?16:21
fearlessdawggiu: have you tried looking in ~/.mozilla16:21
CaMason_I'm having troubles connecting to unsecured wireless networks using 8.10 on an Asus Eee 901 (using WICD). I can connect to a WPA2 secured network, but with the unsecured, the logs just keep 'setting dhcp mode' and not optaining an IP16:22
Jaffarkelshacgksu clamav scribawf16:22
Jaffarkelshacgksu clamtk scribawf sorry16:22
oCean_d0netsFN: ok. Final thought: open Nautilus (the file browser) and go Edit > Preferences and See on tab Media when inserted is ticked16:22
scribawfJaffarkelshac;  Tnx appreciate infor!16:22
enisomebody knows howto dd in ubuntu8?16:23
ugliefrogcan someone tell me why this doesnt work                                  sudo watch -n 10 ´netstat -putan | grep 0´16:23
oCean_d0netsFN: It seems to me that one of those two is the initiator of the automount && auto-open16:23
step21CaMason_: sounds like the network is unsecured but uses mac adress filtering16:23
giufearlessdawg: the dir doesn't exist16:24
CaMason_step21: no, its any unsecured network, including all hotspots16:24
fearlessdawgim pretty sure it should16:24
fearlessdawgstandard dir on ubuntu installations16:24
step21CaMason_: try forcing it into dhcp mode?16:24
step21otherwise no idea16:24
d0netsFNcan you read that ocean_16:25
Otacon22What can i use to create a floppy image?16:25
fearlessdawggiu: open a terminal and just type cd .mozilla16:25
mib_pt8tdy91Otacon22: what FLOPPY?16:25
oCean_d0netsFN: moment16:25
mib_pt8tdy91Otacon22: http://untitledfinale.wordpress.com/2007/10/09/create-mount-and-copy-floppy-disks-images-under-linux/16:26
CaMason_"dhclient: DHPDISCOVER on ra0 to  port 67 interval 7" which repeats16:26
oCean_d0netsFN: yes, well that seems to be fine (e.g. just like mine).16:27
d0netsFNi cant uninstall nautilus and reinstall can i?16:27
oCean_d0netsFN: as of this point I'm completely out of options.16:27
deasy_if I want a router to just connect to the internet and a wireless router somewhere else to provide wireless conectivity, should the wireless be on a different subnet?16:28
oCean_d0netsFN: don't think it's nautilus, that is just the browser. IF *anything* it would be the "gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > preferences, then media_automount*" settings16:29
mib_pt8tdy91Otacon22: r u still thr?16:29
D3RGPS31What would be the best OCR package for reading comics16:29
oCean_d0netsFN: but you already checked there, so I really don't know :/16:29
enihow i can reinstall libc6???16:29
eniplease help me!16:29
d0netsFNim gonna reboot with them unchecked16:30
d0netsFNand then check them again and maybe try16:30
oCean_d0netsFN: unchecked?16:30
d0netsFNi dunno16:30
oCean_d0netsFN: the description says "if set to true then...<blah>" .. meaning that they should be checked, both boxes16:30
d0netsFNright i know16:30
d0netsFNbut maybe unchecking then rechecking will make it work16:31
d0netsFNi mean i have no other ideas16:31
d0netsFNim trying as hard as i can not to format again16:31
oCean_d0netsFN: ok. Me neither. sorry16:31
Dreamgliderdeasy_ i think not16:31
eninobody knows howto reinstall libc6?16:31
oCean_!repeat | eni16:31
ubottueni: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:31
deasy_they can be on the same network? then must omly one of them be a dhcp server, Dreamglider16:32
Dreamglidereni sudo apt-get reinstall package16:32
fearlessdawgeni: have you tried sudo apt-get install --purge --reinstall  libc616:33
Dreamgliderdeasy_ yes, no. :)16:33
LasivianI have Ubuntu 8.10 running on a 8gb solid-state drive on an Aspire one, and the default install alone is taking up 4gb, but i'm not sure what I can safely get rid of, any suggestions? thanks16:34
enifearlessdawg: no, will try it!16:34
lakituhey - is iwconfig included with ubuntu?16:34
lakituor do you have to install it16:34
gorgaporLasivian: Application software like openoffice and gimp might not be something you need16:34
IndyGunFreaklakitu: i believe its included, its a command line tool16:34
oCean_Lasivian: default install 4GB? Mine is little over 2GB16:35
lakituIndyGunFreak: how sure are you?16:35
enisudo apt-get install --purge --reinstall  libc6 will not work for me16:35
IndyGunFreaklakitu: well, open a terminal and type "iwconfig" no quotes, and see what comes up16:35
deasy_Dreamglider, i dont have to have dhcpForwarding on the wireless router?16:35
LasivianoCean_: well, with some added packages, I;m meaning none of my own files on top of it16:35
lakituIndyGunFreak: i don't have a fresh install, but i could maybe run a live disc. i just wanted to ask because it woulid be easier16:35
Lasiviani'm wondering if there is someplace I could check for downloaded stuff that I don;t need to keep on hand, etc16:35
IndyGunFreaklakitu: like i said, i'm pretty sure it is.16:36
lakituIndyGunFreak: ok16:36
Lasiviani've done the apt-get clean/autoclean, etc and the cruft remover but that didn;t do anything as far as space goes16:36
oCean_Lasivian: have you checked Applications > Add/Remove ?16:36
enii cannot start my gui anymore16:36
LasivianoCean_: yeah, some stuff like floppy disk support or cd support it won't let me remove, but I don;t see anything that matters16:37
Lasivianit bugs me that it went from 3.7gb to 4.0gb and I did not install 300mb worth of stuff16:37
oCean_Lasivian: it may have installed required dependencies too.. most of the time aptitude will make a guess on how much diskspace is needed16:38
IndyGunFreakwhen 160-250gig hard drives, are bare minimum on machines that are even a year or so old, is 300mb worth getting worked up about?16:38
LasivianoCean_: how often is something left behind after "apt-get remove"?16:39
IndyGunFreakeven my dinosaur PC has a 40gig hard drive.;16:39
Lasivianlike I installed Postgres then realized I didn;t know enough to work with it and removed it, yet it seemed to not free as much space as was free before16:39
oCean_Lasivian: I have no clue.16:40
LasivianIndyGunFreak: This is an Aspire One notebook, it doesn;t have a HD, it has 8GB of flash memory16:40
IndyGunFreakLasivian: it probably left a lot of the dependencies installed.16:40
IndyGunFreakLasivian: i see.. my aspire one has a 160gig hard drive.. ;)16:40
LasivianI went for battery life over space16:40
IndyGunFreakLasivian: i've got one of the ION batteries, its fantastic16:41
LasivianION batteries?16:41
IndyGunFreak*Atom.. not ION16:41
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Lasivianand is there any way to check for "leftover dependencies"?16:41
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IndyGunFreakwait, man i'm sleepy,l ATOM processor, but the ATOM processor AAO's have a better battery16:42
lazarus_lupineapt-get autoclean or apt-get clean, Lasivian16:42
lazarus_lupinealso another dep sepcific command I can't remember16:42
ugliefrog yesterday somone wrote this bash command for me   sudo watch -n 5 'netstat -putan | grep 4000'  i copied and pasted into the terminal and it works fine but when i type it ..it doesnt work16:42
galvanizeHello, I have a quick question if anyone can help.16:42
Lasivianlazarus_lupine: i've used both of those commands, they didn;t seem to do much16:43
LasivianI guess I should find the packages and search their dependencies by hand16:43
galvanizeIs it possible to password protect my home directory on a linux system, for instance my school?16:43
Lasivianhrrm, can I see what packages are installed sorted by the date it was installed?16:43
lazarus_lupineusually apt-get autoremove gets rid of stuff like that16:43
qcjnhi, i've put the skydome, but it's just grey when i turn the cube16:43
oCean_ugliefrog: does not work, or does not return any output?16:44
Jack_Sparrowgalvanize Your /home should only be accessible by your  account and root user16:44
ugliefrogthe pasted woks ..gives output....but when i type it in nothing happens i have to ctrl z out16:44
zigzag71hello can anyone tell me if when setting apache up is it safe to leave the user and group as root?16:44
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:45
Jack_Sparrowzigzag71 I would not think  so16:45
ugliefrogits the ´ key next to shift right16:45
galvanizejack_sparrow: we are all connected on alinux/unix system and it is possible to cd into anyone's home.16:45
DIFH-icerootzigzag71: apache always started the main thread as root, all other prozesses are wwwdata or wwwrun16:45
karamazovhi how do we print a file from command line?16:45
karamazovprint blabla.txt?16:45
DIFH-icerootkaramazov: print on a printer or print to the screen?16:46
karamazovprint on a printer16:46
ugliefrogoCean_:the pasted woks ..gives output....but when i type it in nothing happens i have to ctrl z out16:46
unopLasivian,  { sudo zcat /var/log/dpkg.log*gz; sudo cat /var/log/dpkg.log; } | grep "status installed"16:46
stefgkaramazov: man lp16:46
LordMetroidAnyone know if it is possible to get an RCA signal out from the computer?16:47
zigzag71DIFH-iceroot so when I uplaod my web-pages should I set the permissions on them as root or as the account I am creating them in?16:47
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid rca is a jack / plug type not a signal type16:47
puck34696hello everyone.  i am having a really hard  time finding a simple tool to convert .mkv video to .avi etc so i can transcode it to a ps3.  I have tried avidemux but I cant seem to get subtitles to work , mkvtoolnix is also not working very well for me.  does anyone have any simple way?16:47
LordMetroidOkay, I need that jack type16:47
DIFH-icerootzigzag71: ah you mean /var/www/ i normaly dont use this, i am using mod_userdir so i can use ~/public_html as the user16:48
oCean_ugliefrog: the 'watch -n5' should at least output "Every 5.0 seconds: <blah>". You don't even get that for output?16:48
stefgLordMetroid: 'RCA' is notning but the coonector... you'll get a standard -10dB Line signal out of the green jack of your sound card, all it takes is a mechanical adaptor16:48
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid You mean you need ntfs signal out of   an existing rca jack/plug16:48
LordMetroidI want the video16:48
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid Deos your video card support ntsc video out16:49
ugliefrogi get that but i dont know why the typed version doesnt work like the pasted command16:49
ugliefrogit does output16:49
LordMetroidBut is doesn't have the correct connector16:49
stefglol... rca-to-ntfs adaptor... sounds pretty proprietary16:49
LordMetroidI want the yellow plug16:49
karamazovhow do i configure cups-pdf from command line? i want to have a samba print server only having a pdf printer on it. how will i do it16:50
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid What connector does it have16:50
karamazovthere are many howtos but they all explain how to configure cups-pdf via GUI but not cmd line16:50
Lasivianunop: thanks16:50
rdw200169karamazov, there's also a http version of the cups configuration16:50
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid So you want dvi to ntsc video out if we understand what you meant16:50
oCean_ugliefrog: well, probably nothing is running on port 4000 right now? Breakdown the command: start with "netstat -anp | grep 4000"16:50
LordMetroidYes, DVI to yellow plug16:51
LordMetroidPreferably maybe yellow+red and white16:51
ftabis there any GUI tool through which I can convert the text or html files to PDF?16:51
rdw200169LordMetroid, well, the red and white are audio, unrelated to video16:51
karamazovrdw200169: i have ubuntu server only. not command line. and i didn't configure apache or any http server16:51
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid red and wiiithe are left and right sound and would probable not come off your dvi out16:51
karamazovis there no way to configure cups using cmd line?16:51
rdw200169LordMetroid, and yellow is analog, not digital, so there won't be a cable for tha16:52
ftabJacl_Sparrow: I got my sound issue resolved :P16:52
rdw200169karamazov, yeah, i mean web-interface16:52
ugliefrogmy point i mean is this when i use the keyboard for " ´ " it wont work. but when i use the pasted one it works?16:52
LordMetroidohh, doh!16:52
stefgftab: Uhhmm... openoffice ?16:52
rdw200169karamazov, like http://localhost:cups/16:52
karamazovrdw200169: in order to use a web interface i have to connect to server over http?16:52
rdw200169karamazov, it is on a port other than 8016:53
excodoes Krusader have a fullscreen mode? (it doesn't have a titlebar)16:53
ftabwow that's great16:53
rdw200169karamazov, it has it's own web server thing16:53
karamazovhm ok. lemme try16:53
StR|Sangrealplease, i have just installed my kubuntu and i would like to save configuration, installed packages names and other changes so that i can repeat the same setup in the future... is it possible?16:53
rdw200169karamazov, i can't remember what port and how to get it started, hold on, lemme google it16:53
stefg!clone | StR|Sangreal16:53
ubottuStR|Sangreal: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:53
gfxdreamsgm everyone :)16:53
karamazovok rdw200169 i'm waiting16:54
ftabStr|Sangreal: what are you talking about dude you can use a motion capture program to do that16:54
rdw200169karamazov, http://<serverIP>:631/16:54
gfxdreamsI'm interested in learning ubuntu, can I set it up while using Vista?16:54
stefgftab: you're way off :-)16:54
* gfxdreams is 100% n00b too linux.16:54
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid Cheaper to buy a card that supports ntsc video out than to try and buy a converter   for your existing video card16:54
ardchoilleStR|Sangreal: Please also ask in #kubuntu16:54
rdw200169karamazov, make sure there isn't a firewall blocking that port ;)16:54
ftabstefg: way off for what :-)16:54
karamazovhow will i know that? i'm new with ubuntu16:55
Jack_Sparrowgfxdreams dual booting is easy, select which one you want during boot...16:55
rdw200169karamazov, try it first16:55
karamazovie can't display this page16:55
rdw200169karamazov, can you ping that IP16:55
karamazovyes i can16:55
oCean_galvanize: it's all about access restrictions. You can change the permissions on the /home/dir16:56
rdw200169karamazov, you should have a line like this: tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN16:56
rdw200169karamazov, when you run netstat -ln on the server16:56
LLStarkswho do i bitch too about the lack of libass in totem?16:56
LordMetroidJack_Sparrow, I have never seen a video card with yellow plug connector16:56
Kraetzikhey, somebody here who could help me with sound problems?16:56
karamazovys i have16:57
ftabKraetzik: what problem are you having?16:57
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid Tons of them support it... look at mythtv or linuxmce to see what they recommend16:57
Kraetziksound output works fine, but cant get my microphone working16:57
karamazovrdw200169: i have that line16:57
adam1rdw200169: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/27128316:57
ftabusing Intrepid?16:57
rdw200169karamazov, are you running any firewall?  check w/ iptables -L (as root)16:57
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid many also support the round svideo output16:58
rdw200169karamazov, on the INPUT chain, it should just say (policy ACCEPT)16:58
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: I checked (what you said to mr galvanize, who's already gone btw) .. creating a new user results in a new homedirectory with 755 mode.16:58
Jack_SparrowLordMetroid regardless. it is a conversation thet belongs in a hardware or video related channel16:58
ftabKraetzik: do you have pulseaudio installed?16:58
karamazovthere INPUT chains saying (policy ACCEPT)16:58
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: sure, one can change this, but 755 seems default16:58
Kraetzikwhen I check the volume control (HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer)) the recording is always on mute16:58
karamazovonly one INPUT chain saying (policy ACCEPT)16:58
karamazovothers are OUTPUT and FORWARD16:59
Jack_SparrowoCean_ I am aware..  but curious as to what his default was16:59
Kraetzikwhere can I check that?16:59
adam1rdw200169: hope they fix this prolem by 9.04, would certainly help them attract more mainsteam users16:59
karamazovall are accept16:59
ftabtry alsamixer in terminal16:59
rdw200169karamazov, i don't know what to say then, it should work!16:59
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: ah, ok... we'll never know I guess :/16:59
karamazovmaybe i didn't install cups?16:59
rdw200169karamazov, so you did:
icewatermanany idea what i have to do in order to playback midi files with a soundblaster live?17:00
rdw200169karamazov, the IP address being an example17:00
karamazovi installed cups-pdf17:00
rdw200169karamazov, then i don't know...17:00
gfxdreamsdo u have to use open office , or can I stay with Office 2007?17:00
icewatermani do not want software midi, the soundblaster allows for midi playback and midiports are available, but when i run pmidi, there is no sound output17:00
Jack_SparrowoCean_ It made no sense to me that all users could browse the others /home17:01
karamazovrdw200169: yes exactly the same. actually
rdw200169karamazov, whoops, i missed something, it's only listening on (localhost)17:01
marcinq_hi everyone17:01
rdw200169karamazov, duh, hold on, lemme find the config file right quick17:01
marcinq_command /configure doesn't work17:01
marcinq_i don't know what can i do17:02
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: by default they can. I get new /home/dir in 755 mode.. thereby accessible by others17:02
StR|Sangrealftab : please, i have just installed my kubuntu and i would like to save configuration, installed packages names and other changes so that i can repeat the same setup in the future... could you sketch up a simple sollution?17:02
rdw200169karamazov, yeah, /etc/cups/cupsd.conf has localhost17:02
Kraetzik@ftab all the volumes are on maximum17:02
Jack_SparrowoCean_ read but not write and exe..\17:02
=== stefg_ is now known as stefg
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: true17:02
marcinq_who can tell me why command /configure doesn't work ??17:02
karamazovrdw200169: so?17:02
Jack_SparrowoCean_ Ok, so he could make a folder in his home that only he and root could access17:03
rdw200169karamazov, change 'localhost:631' to ''17:03
jribmarcinq_: what exactly are you trying to do?17:03
yepunhi everybody17:03
rdw200169karamazov, then, restart cups, i.e. /etc/init.d/cupsys restart17:03
oCean_Jack_Sparrow: we can have tons of nice suggestions, but he's gone now :s17:03
rdw200169karamazov, then, netstat -ln should show: tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN17:03
rdw200169karamazov, then it should work17:03
karamazovrdw200169: wait a minute17:04
karamazovrdw200169: i edited the file17:04
marcinq_Im downloaded package and I unpack it then I did cd /home/user/Desktop/folder then /configure17:04
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor
karamazovrdw200169: but /etc/init.d/cupsys restart command does not work17:04
ftabStrSangreal:  you can use http://live.gnome.org/Istanbul17:04
jrib!who | marcinq_17:04
ubottumarcinq_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:04
karamazovrdw200169: it says that there's no such file or directory17:04
jribmarcinq_: what package17:04
rdw200169karamazov, the whole line should be: Listen
ftabor you might be on different track, am I right?17:04
karamazovrdw200169: i did the line as you said17:05
tarimarihi guys17:05
excomy Krusader seems to have lost it's titlebar - how do I go about that?17:05
marcinq_!jrib ok it was xmms package17:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:05
rdw200169karamazov, the name may have changed since 8.04, just start typing cups and hit tab to see the options, from the /etc/init.d/ directory17:05
tarimarii want to do a dual boot with ubuntu and opensuse. ubuntu is already installed and has saperate  /boot partition.  i want to make saperate /home partition to use it both at ubuntu and opensuse. can i use the same /boot partition for both ubuntu and opensuse?17:05
ftabKraetzik: please enter pidof pulseaudio in terminal and let me know if returns anything or not17:05
karamazovrdw200169: ok i'm doing it17:05
rdw200169karamazov, it's the 'tab completion' feature in bash (yay!)17:05
Kraetzikftab yes: 578117:06
stefgtarimari: i wouldn't do that17:06
=== The__Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
rdw200169karamazov, that, or you can just do: 'ls /etc/init.d/' and see which one correlates to cups17:06
ftabhmm Which software are you using for capturing the mic?17:06
tarimaristefg: why ?17:06
karamazovrdw200169: ok everything's done but one problem17:06
ftabI mean the sound17:06
marcinq_!tab jrib it was xmms package17:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:06
karamazovrdw200169: when i type http://ipofserver:631/17:07
yu_raiderdoes anyone know how to change the refresh rate (it's stuck at 60Hz) on Ubuntu 8.10. I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it didn't have any video options, only keyboard options :S17:07
robfxmms is still around?17:07
karamazovrdw200169: it says 403 FORBIDDEN17:07
robfthought that was purged ages abck17:07
bonez451where can I find help in running Red Alert 3 on ubuntu?17:07
karamazovwhat now?17:07
oCean_!info xmms | robf17:07
ubottuPackage xmms does not exist in intrepid17:07
yu_raiderrobf: I believe it's called Audacious now17:07
stefgtarimari: both distros have a different understanding of how menu.lst should look, and both migh fight over the vmlinuz and initrd.img symlink17:07
oCean_!info xmms2 | robf17:07
ubottuxmms2 (source: xmms2): Client/server based media player system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5DrLecter-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 13 kB, installed size 56 kB17:07
yu_raiderbonez451: probably the wine app db if you're using wine. appdb.winehq.org17:07
g-hennuxis it possible to dd a 20G disk image to a 40G disk and then simply use the free space for a linux installation? or is it in general a stupid idea to dd between disks of different size?17:07
robfyu_raider:  I'm not even sure if thats a fork17:08
Kraetzikgnome sound recorder17:08
rdw200169karamazov, hm.. interesting, does syslog on the server say anything about that?17:08
robfcould be I spose,  never thought of it,  xmms is dangerous still no one ever fixed that exploit in it17:08
Kraetzikin the end it is for skype17:08
Lasivianis there any way to do a "complete removal" of a package that has already been removed?17:08
yu_raiderrobf: I thought I read that somewhere17:08
tarimaristefg: ok stef, then i ll keep /boot partition as it is for ubuntu, and then what is the best? to do one more /boot partition for opensuse, or combine all in one partition?17:08
robfyu_raider:  it may be a fork,  I dunno,  I don't have a lot of know on that particular.17:08
robfyu_raider:  I just went to vlc for all my audio out needs.17:09
robfcos it plays anything and everything,17:09
ftabKraetzik: lol can you please send me the screen shots of your audio settings in skype17:09
tarimaristefg: generally let's say that i have only opensuse at disk, is it advisable to have /boot partition separately?17:09
Lasivianrobf: I tend to go with VLC as well17:09
ftabupload here imagevenue.com17:09
stefgtarimari: if you use plain ext3 (no lvm or raid) there's no benefit in using a separate /boot17:09
ftabKraetzik: I had the same problem today and I was able to fix that :P17:10
karamazovrdw200169: well i didn't see anything related in syslog17:10
LasivianI have a 5tb GPT/NTFS raid, i'm thinking of migrating the box it's in to Ubuntu, any reason not to? thanks17:10
yu_raiderrobf: did you try that daemon thingy everybody talks about?17:10
rdw200169karamazov, ah, you get this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+question/788017:10
cooler13I need libxft1  !!17:10
gorgaporLasivian: what kind of raid card is it? built into motherboard?17:10
tarimaristefg: i use ext4, that's why i made saperate /boot17:11
Lasiviangorgapor: Highpoint 2224 that has Linux drivers17:11
ChungwaIs there a CTRL-ALT-DEL like feature in Ubuntu that will allow me to close a program? I forced quit Amarok when it stopped responding but music is still playing17:11
yu_raiderhow to change refresh rate on ubuntu??17:11
rdw200169karamazov, we have to continue editing the config. i.e. /etc/cups/cupsd.conf17:11
oCean_!info libxft1 | cooler1317:11
ubottuPackage libxft1 does not exist in intrepid17:11
cooler13 I need libxft1  !!  how can I get it?17:11
stefgtarimari: infact i have a separate *grub*-partition mounted to /mnt/grub and symlink it to /boot/grub/ .... but i manage my /grub/menu.lst manually17:11
cooler13oCean_  I know there isn't17:12
cooler13but I need it17:12
hendrydoes anyone know how the Unicode compose key is implemented in Ubuntu?17:12
tarimaristefg: hmm. what's the benefit of using saperate partition only for /boot/grub and not for all /boot?17:12
gorgaporLasivian: i've heard it recommended not to use a raid card on linux, just to use linux software raid17:13
oCean_Chungwa: you can add option to panel: right-click on panel, choose add to panel, choose "force quit". It's nice17:13
stefgtarimari: one grub for all distros, but the kernels stay with their root filesystems17:13
jspirosHow can I get a list of the packages installed by the server edition installer? I installed the desktop edition but I realize I would rather start with a minimal set of packages, and I think the server set (whatever it is) would be a good foundation17:13
gorgaporLasivian: it will make sure that your data is safe even if the card craps out, or your mobo goes bad, or something else bad happens17:13
switchsevenHi all! Can anyone explain why my System Monitor and Conky are reporting different memory usage? 34.3% and 98%.17:13
switchsevenIs conky reporting assigned memory, and gnome-system-monitor reporting used memory? Is there a difference?17:13
switchsevenFor those who know conky, i'm using $membar and $mem.17:13
jribjspiros: no, that's not what you want.  You want the minimal cd then17:13
oCean_Chungwa: whenever you want to force-quit a window. Click on the applet in the panel, then on the window you want to close17:13
jrib!minimal | jspiros17:13
ubottujspiros: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:13
Lasiviangorgapor: odd thought, seems very counter-intuitive17:14
rdw200169karamazov, what's the ip of the server?17:14
jspirosjrib: well, no, I already have it installed, and I've been removing packages as they seem unneeded. I figured it would be nice to get a list of the packages installed had I used the server edition, so I can at least speed up my removal process17:14
rdw200169ok, these should be your Listen Lines:17:14
Kraetzik@ftab http://img133.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=03591_Skype_122_375lo.jpg17:14
Lasiviangorgapor: I guess i'm more concerned with any incompatibilities with a gpt volume with ntfs made in windows17:14
rdw200169Listen localhost:63117:14
gorgaporLasivian: http://linux.yyz.us/why-software-raid.html17:14
stefg!pm | tarimari17:15
ubottutarimari: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:15
gorgaporLasivian: so the raid volume has an ntfs partition on it?17:15
tarimaristefg: sorry. i just asked permission ;). actually i got dizzy with the lot of messages. but anyway i ll continue here.thanks :)17:16
rdw200169karamazov, then, restart the server: i.e. the /etc/init.d/ thing17:16
rdw200169karamazov, then try again17:16
ftabKraetzik:  in terminal please enter lspci | grep Audio17:16
Lasiviangorgapor: yes17:16
lorylux1 /join #termoli17:16
ftaband please paste what you see there17:16
icqnumberis there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?17:16
karamazovrdw200169: i restarted the server but still 403 forbidden thing...17:16
gorgaporLasivian: i'm not really qualified to give advice about this, but if you want a raid 5 in linux, you'll have to find somewhere to put your data, then build the array from scratch, then copy the data back17:17
Kraetzikftab 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)17:17
Lasiviangorgapor: k17:17
tarimaristefg: if i have ext2 for /boot/grub for grub1, and the boot kernel at a partition which is ext4, then grub1 can boot this kernel at this ext4 partition?17:18
cooler13I'm having this EXACT problem:17:18
ftabok could you please send me what you have in Sound In dropdown?17:18
IndyGunFreakKraetzik: whats the prob w/ that device, its the same one i have, and it works fine for me17:18
homeskilletwhich comand do you use to name your computer in ubuntu?17:18
tarimaristefg: i want to do setup like you, but i have my main partitions at ext4. that's why i ask17:18
StR|Sangrealftab: i am looking for a way to detect installed packages and dependancies and to be ready to load somewhere at the future install so that i get the same packages installed17:18
Kraetzik@ IndyGunFreak my mic doesn work17:18
rdw200169karamazov, ah, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166178 helped oh this one17:18
stefgtarimari: so just to keep things simple... don't share one /boot between distros, but you can setup your other distro with a separate /boot, too. just keep track which grub installation is active, and which menu.lst it is pointed to17:18
IndyGunFreakKraetzik: ah, i don't do mic... sorry17:18
yu_raiderdoes anyone know how to change refresh rate on Ubuntu??17:18
Kraetzik@ftab which sound in drop down you mean, the one in skype?17:19
rdw200169karamazov, sudo adduser cupsys shadow17:19
StR|Sangrealand simultaneously, maybe some kdm settings, layouts and other customized things17:19
rdw200169karamazov, then restart it again17:19
ftabKraetzik: yes17:19
stefg!fixres | yu_raider17:19
ubottuyu_raider: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:19
yu_raiderstefg: thanks17:19
tarimaristefg: i m just asking about ext4 support. how i can do the setup like you did :)17:19
jxanderhi... i have a file with words on each line... " sed 's/mouse/cat/' <testfile >testfile " clears my file instead of substituting. could someone please tell me why?17:19
ftabif you see Intel ICH6 (hw:ICH6,0) then try that option and make a test call17:19
karamazovi think accidentally i killed cups17:19
karamazovi did sudo killall cupsd how can i start it back again?17:20
Kraetzik@ftab no I dont have ICH617:20
ryanCHwhat package do i need to install using aptitude for the java compiler and runtime at the console?17:20
LLStarksso many things enrage me about the state of gnome projects17:20
yu_raiderLLStarks: switch to KDE?17:20
rdw200169karamazov, the /etc/init.d thing, just use 'start' instead of 'restart'17:20
LLStarksyu. never.17:20
meoblast001hi i'm having what i call "a 64-bit delema".... i have a 32-bit program looking for stuff in /usr/lib so i got the 32-bit debs, pulled the /lib directory out of them and stuck them in lib32..... the programs are still looking in /usr/lib and i don't want to put the libraries in there because i don't want to replace the 64-bit ones.... what should i do?17:20
ftabWell try different or all options in Sound In dropdown17:20
stefgtarimari: i dont know/believe that grub can handle ext4 currently, so you will have to have a separate /boot on ext3 anyway17:21
karamazovok but17:21
karamazovwhen i type sudo adduser cupsys shadow17:21
tarimaristefg: so i must make another small /boot partition for suse17:21
Hamsterrrris there an irc channel for newbies?17:21
karamazovit says: the user 'cupsys' does not exist17:21
tarimaritarimari: how u managed to do your setup?17:21
ftabStR|Sangreal:  you want some thing like restore in future?\17:21
stefgtarimari: yup... doesn't hurt17:22
tarimaristefg: using live cd?17:22
Kraetzik@ftab I did that, made test calls, either it is stopping before actually making the call: "Problem with Audo Capture", or I talk but there is no recording when I listen to it17:22
oCean_cooler13: you might want to try a work around (and not install v1) Just make a link in /usr/lib from libXft.so.1 to the 'real one' libXft.so.2.1.2 - that way you'll be using the new version. If the application is up to it.17:22
rdw200169karamazov, what was the name of the file in init.d?17:22
rdw200169karamazov, that runs cups?17:22
sebsebsebdoes  Madwifi come as part of a clean Intrepid Ibex install or not?   if not can someone install it when not Internet connected?  from the install or Live CD.  or do they have to get the later version from website, and then bring it over on a USB stick or something?17:22
karamazovits cups17:22
ftabok try one thing go to Applications > Sound & Video > Sound Recorder17:22
rdw200169karamazov, then try sudo adduser cups shadow17:22
stefgtarimari: I'd just present some unpartitioned space to the suse installer17:23
jimi_hendrixwhats the command to search repos?17:23
ftabplease test your voice there and let me know if that works17:23
karamazovthe same: user 'cups' does not exist17:23
jspirosryanCH: default-jdk should work17:23
cooler13oOcean_ : how do I do that?17:23
oCean_jimi_hendrix: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search17:23
LordOfTheNoobsRar.  I'm tight on time.  If anyone knows how to force ubuntu to scan for an inserted memory card I will owe them ten thousand internets / etc17:24
hlfshellhey guys - everytime I'm starting up my computer I get bothered with the keyring manager asking for passwords -hwo do i get rid of that?17:24
Kraetzik@ftab no it doesnt17:24
rdw200169karamazov, gah! what a pain!17:24
oCean_cooler13: cd /usr/lib17:24
karamazovrdw200169: it really is! :(17:25
oCean_cooler13: "sudo ln -s libXft.so.2.1.2 libXft.so.1"17:25
danishjordanCan someone help me with a few iso questions?17:25
dayo_ubuntu rules17:25
dayo_that is all17:25
rdw200169karamazov, you should just go the dirty way, and do it in the command line on the server: w3m http://localhost:631/17:25
ftabdoes it give any error when you try to record?17:25
new_ubuntu_user1hey im kinda new to ubuntu and i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects17:25
erUSUL!ask | danishjordan17:25
ubottudanishjordan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:25
karamazova command line explorer like lynx :)17:25
* dayo_ is drunk, so that little outburst should be treated with leniency. but yes, ubuntu *does* rule!17:25
graysonHi all, is there a link to check my next new laptop for compatibility with all Linux distros? Thank you.17:26
rdw200169karamazov, ah, you know of if, w3m comes default17:26
rdw200169karamazov, that should work, even though it looks like, well...17:26
jspirosI really do not want to reinstall Ubuntu, as it took me a while to get it stable on my ps3, but I want to clear all of the desktop/gui-related packages. I've been removing things like libx11 and been getting a lot removed that way, but it would be helpful if there was a way for me to get a list of the default packages installed on a "server edition" installation. so, where do I find such a package list?17:26
danishjordanCan .iso files be written by right clicking on the .iso and clicking write to disk? and will the CD be bootable?17:26
erUSULdanishjordan: yes that will work17:26
dayo_jspiros: why didn't u use the alternate installation?17:27
sirderigohey, i want to know, does someone know a program what i can use to transmit in justin.tv17:27
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linuxman410got key created need to upload to keyserver how do i do that17:27
Kraetzik@ftab no17:27
LordOfTheNoobsnvm.  it finally recognized.  I'm going to have to figure out how this works and Faq it.17:27
=== Ahmad is now known as ubuntu_fox
ubuntu_fox i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects17:27
oCean_cooler13: if the app can handle the newer version, it will run17:27
jspirosdayo_: because I had a 7.10 installer that I burned ages ago, and figured that as dpkg is used it would be easy enough to scale down17:27
Itype /join #ubuntu-uk17:27
rdw200169karamazov, for future reference, you may want to read this, it's the most i could find, but it doesn't cover 8.10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=183111917:27
Kraetzik@ftab but the sound level is stable all the time no matter how loud I speak17:28
ftabKraetzik: please send me the screenshots for what you have in Sound In drop down17:28
karamazovrdw200169: thank you for your help :)17:28
jspirosdayo_: indeed, if I find such a package list this will be easy with dpkg --set-selections and such17:28
jribjspiros: then just see what the ubuntu-minimal package depends on17:28
Kraetzik@ftab skype? or Sound Recorder?17:28
jspirosjrib: ah thank you17:28
rdw200169karamazov, i take it worked on localhost?17:28
dayo_jspiros: i recommend 8.04.2 alternate installation. do it clean17:28
ftabKraetzik: before that please make sure that your mic is not muted17:28
ubuntu_foxahem ahem ahem.............AHEM please help me  i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects17:29
ftabby going to System > Pref > Sounds17:29
karamazovwhat's the manifacturer for cups-pdf?17:29
jribjspiros: and ubuntu-standard I suppose17:29
poiuytype /join #ubuntu-uk17:29
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jspirosdayo_: any particular reason? I'm already running fine with jaunty after upgrading from release to release17:29
jspirosdayo_: anything that I'd be missing by managing my packages and using cruft to find useless files?17:30
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jspirosjrib: thanks, that's what I needed17:30
dayo_jspiros: well, 8.04.2 is an LTS release. so i always recommend that, as opposed to jaunty and whatnot17:30
ubuntu_fox i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects  i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects  i need help with my graphics card driver ok so...17:30
ubuntu_fox...i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects  i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel but unlike the vesa driver every thing is slow and choppy even without effects  i need help with my graphics card driver ok so i changd my vesa driver to my computers intel...17:30
linuxman410anyone know anything about openpgp keys17:30
* oCean_ sighs17:31
bullgard4How can I determine my 'local domain name'? (see man resolv.conf)17:31
jspirosdayo_: yeah, I could've compiled my own kernel but jaunty already has >2.6.26 and I need UDF 2.5 for hush-hush reasons17:31
dayo_jspiros: i see17:31
rdw200169karamazov, you may be able to do a work around in localhost, from the main page, there's a check box for 'Allow remote administration'...17:31
meoblast001i'm having what i call "a 64-bit delema".... i have a 32-bit program looking for stuff in /usr/lib so i got the 32-bit debs, pulled the /lib directory out of them and stuck them in lib32..... the programs are still looking in /usr/lib and i don't want to put the libraries in there because i don't want to replace the 64-bit ones.... what should i do?17:31
boot_loopIs there a web browser for Ubuntu/Linux that works similarly to IE when it comes to how a site is coded? Some web-apps work better in IE than in Mozilla, and I'm trying to find a Linux browser that works as well as IE does with these apps17:32
karamazovrdw200169: i checked that box17:32
sebsebsebboot_loop: probably Firefox add ons for what you want, but Linux has quite a few other good browsers as well17:32
ChaorainI'm trying to use a live cd but I get a crc error. I think it has to do with the graphics as I got crc with opensuse on some settings.17:32
Kraetzik@ftab it looks like I had the wrong sound device in the pref-> sounds, will work on that for a moment, ask again when I cant fix it, thanks for the moment17:32
homeskilleti installed ubuntu on my laptop and connected to my wireless router and it seemed to take on the name given by my windows desktop. is it safe to change my hostname/computer name from my ubuntu laptop or what?17:33
oCean_cooler13: did it work??17:33
stefgboot_loop: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page17:33
boot_loopsebsebseb: what addon would you recommend for my situation? I am playing tetris which is flash (i believe), and it works, but it is very choppy in Firefox, but works perfectly in IE17:33
boot_loopstefg: thanks17:33
ftabKraetzik: you are welcome :)17:33
sebsebsebstefg:  no that should only be for web developers17:33
sebsebsebboot_loop: which version of IE?17:33
Coolkidi tried running ubuntu live from the CD. But after ubuntu screen (the animation running left to right), i get blank screen. Nothing is on the display other than the curson on the top left corner. I waited more than 20 mins and nothing is coming. Same is happening when i selected "insall Ubuntu" option. any idea?17:33
homeskilletie6 works in ubuntu?17:34
boot_loophomeskillet: no, I am referring to it'17:34
boot_loops functionality in windows17:34
boot_loopbut firefox works the same with this game in unbuntu AND windows17:34
icqnumberIs there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?17:34
sebsebsebboot_loop: don't do that IE  for Linux thing that, the other guy suggested.  that's for web developers to test websites.  Also  you only get the old classic look of IE anyway17:34
homeskilleti always have problems with flash and firefox17:34
sebsebsebboot_loop: the grey look17:34
bazare there GUI ways to mount a drive at boot or is it still editing fstab and figuring out the mount c ommand?17:35
homeskilleti suggest google chrome if you want an alternative to IE and have flash work well17:35
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ubuntu_personcould somebody please help me with my driver problem ok so i switched my graphics driver from vesa to intel so i could use effects but even without effects my graphics cards driver intel is real slow and choppy gelp17:35
boot_loopchrome is a browser?17:35
sebsebsebhomeskillet: Google Chrome has no Linux or Mac version yet17:35
ubuntu_personsrry help17:35
oCean_!repeat | ubuntu_person17:35
sebsebsebboot_loop: no Linux or Mac versin of Chrome yet17:35
ubottuubuntu_person: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:35
exodus_msicqnumber: do you want to open a terminal from you present location in nautilas17:35
sebsebsebboot_loop: so  you just want a browser in Linux that works better with Flasho r?17:36
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boot_loopsebsebseb: essentially yes =)17:36
sebsebsebboot_loop: well  sudo apt-get install epiphany  sudo apt-get install galeon17:36
icqnumberexodus_ms, Yes17:36
karamazovhow can i print a pdf file using cups-pdf? "lp -d pdfwriter try.txt" ??17:36
sebsebsebboot_loop:  they use Gecko to same rendering engine as Firefox etc.   Flash may work better in them, worth a try17:36
LEX_WELLwhere is possible to see the directories that pkg-config looks for?17:36
sebsebsebboot_loop:  they should pick up on the Mozilla Flash plugin no problem17:36
exodus_msicqnumber: sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal17:36
croddyi have an apple extended keyboard ii connected via an ADB/USB adapter. there are two keys on my keyboard that i'd like to use, but they don't appear to send anything to xev. where should i look for information on how to configure the extra keys?17:36
boot_loopsebsebseb: thanks I'll give them a try17:37
icqnumberexodus_ms, I have this installed, but is there a key combination to do so?17:37
sebsebsebboot_loop: also there's a way to get  Flash working in Konqueror which is a very nice browser17:37
saxartistHi, I just installed linux-rt and the associated headers but it isn't in grub when I reboot.  How can I add it manually?17:37
the6stepcan anyone point me to a starting point of making a package? I wanted to see how hard it would be to make a package to simply installation for people17:37
roger84join ubuntu-it17:37
sebsebsebboot_loop:  the  Free Software Foundations Gnash plugin is pretty good these days,  so if none of those browsers any good, you may want to try that.  sudo apt-get install Gnash17:37
sebsebsebboot_loop: that's an alternative to Adobes Flash17:38
sebsebsebboot_loop:  just like Swfdec is another one sudo apt-get swfdec  that's from the open source community.  again pretty good17:38
exodus_msicqnumber: I'm not sure, you can map one if you like17:38
icqnumberexodus_ms, how does this work?17:38
sebsebsebboot_loop: of course Adobes will still be better, but that's propritary, and an alternative may be rather fine or better for the Flash you want17:38
DarkRainbowI got my computer connected to the TV, and changed resolution. The screen went black(Mode not supported), and now i cant change it back:( is there any shortcut i can do to change it back?17:38
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evad_DarkRainbow: ctrl+alt+backspace will break out of X17:39
evad_or, restart it basically.17:39
DarkRainbowevad: Thank you, worked as it should:)17:39
boot_loopsebsebseb: do I have to uninstall flash to use gnash?17:39
sebsebsebboot_loop: yes17:39
croddy(ctrl+alt+backspace kills X, gdm is ususally what spawns a new x server)17:39
kdb424Hey! Hate to bump in, but does anyone have an eee pc here? I'm having an F# key issue17:40
sebsebsebboot_loop: as a last restor you could run a Windows  browser  with the Windows version of Flash, but that's a bit of a  nasty thing to do for various reasons17:40
bazare there GUI ways to mount a drive at boot or is it still editing fstab and figuring out the mount c ommand?17:40
sebsebsebboot_loop: hell you could even run Windows inside Ubuntu17:40
exodus_msicqnumber: open a terminal and run gconf-editor. Then browse to apps/metacity/keybinding_commands.17:41
gordonjcpsebsebseb: and then run wubi?17:41
sebsebsebgordonjcp: wubi lol what???????17:41
sebsebsebgordonjcp:  wubi I woudn't recommend that ever17:41
gordonjcpsebsebseb: run it in the windows you got running inside Ubuntu17:41
sebsebsebgordonjcp:  no virtual machines http://www.virtualbox.org17:41
f4I just installed ubuntu and i've got a problem with compiz ... I use the "desktop on a cube" plugin, I've set it so that i can rotate the cube with the mouse whell on the screen borders.... it works 70% of the time, the other 30% it turns in the wrong way17:41
f4any idea why?17:42
sebsebsebhttp://www.virtualbox.org :)17:42
gordonjcpsebsebseb: yes17:42
jarcohello: is there an ubuntu ecuivalent of dvd shrink?17:42
gordonjcpoh never mind ;-)17:42
croddybaz, there's mountmanager but if you find fstab confusing it might not be much better17:42
ardchoillejarco: http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net17:42
Coolkidi tried running ubuntu live from the CD. But after ubuntu screen (the animation running left to right), i get blank screen. Nothing is on the display other than the curson on the top left corner. I waited more than 20 mins and nothing is coming. Same is happening when i selected "insall Ubuntu" option. any idea?17:42
homeskilletdoes virtualbox work better than vmware for running windows from ubuntu?17:42
evad_jarco: try handbrake.17:42
brustevejarco: dvd -> xvid can be done with acidrip17:42
f4i've been using it this way on fedora for a little while without any problem17:42
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jarcook thx for suggestions17:43
jarcoi ll check them out17:43
sebsebsebboot_loop: I meant wine for running the Windows browser, but  only as a last restort with a good reason in that case.   and then stick with the Linux browser the rest of the time of course17:43
ardchoillejarco: or you can try dvd95 it's in the repos. it shrinks a dual layer dvd to fit on a single layer dvd17:43
croddyhomeskillet, at work we have some folks that use vmware and some that use virtualbox. there doesn't appear to be a significant difference in performance or stability between them overall.17:43
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jarcook ardchoille17:43
bullgard4How can I determine my 'local domain name'? (see man resolv.conf)17:43
evad_coolkid: alt+f2 or alt+f1 and see if you see any error messages17:43
croddybullgard4, run hostname -d17:44
Coolkidevad_, thanks. will try17:44
sebsebsebgordonjcp:  wubi lol17:44
saxartisthave any of you installed the Real time kernel and not had it show up in grub?17:44
sebsebsebgordonjcp: that's for people that are to noob to partition their hard disks17:44
homeskilleti installed ubuntu on my laptop and connected to my wireless router and it seemed to take on the name given by my windows desktop. is it safe to change my hostname/computer name from my ubuntu laptop or what?17:44
evad_homeskillet: sure17:44
croddyhomeskillet, it is safe to change your hostname17:45
sebsebsebhomeskillet:   wireless can go wrong17:45
sebsebsebis madwifi on the live cd or not? do I really have to boot it to find out17:45
sebsebsebI am trying to get a guys lap top  working on his wireless17:45
sebsebsebmaybe he can configure it guiwise with his ssid and it takes care of the rest hummmmmmm17:46
ennteeHello all. I recently upgraded from Dapper LTS to  Ubuntu Hardy LTS server on my machine, and now anytime I try to transfer a file over a samba share, the machine's network connection dies (can't even ping anything until doing a /etc/init.d/networking restart). The machine doesn't lose its connection if I just use the IP address to access the share, though. Anyone know why this happens?17:46
evad_sebsebseb: you can mount the CD, then mount the casper/filesystem.squashfs image, chroot into it and find out :)17:46
kdb424ANyone else have problems with the F# keys? If I hit F1, it triggers F2, Hit F2, it does F3, ect...17:46
sebsebsebevad: the CD is in, but not sure about what you said17:47
evad_sebsebseb: you running windows or linux?17:47
sebsebsebevad: oh yeah good thought me,  I could just run it in virtualbox17:47
sebsebsebevad: I don't have to restart my computer into it17:47
bullgard4croddy: 'hostnam -d' obtains the name of the DNS domain. I did ask for my 'local domain name'? (see man resolv.conf).17:47
tsrkhow would i repeat a bash command 100 times?17:47
sebsebsebevad_:  what do you think?  what am I running?  what do you think?17:48
evad_if you're in linux, you could mount the CD (should happen automatically on your desktop), then navigate into the casper/ directory and monut the file called "filesystem.sqhashfs"17:48
croddybullgard4, pretty sure it's the same thing17:48
evad_it would seem like kubuntu17:48
sebsebsebevad:  nope  Ubuntu, but Konversation yes17:48
croddytsrk, for i in `seq 1 100` do; some bash cmds; done17:48
tsrkcroddy, awesome, thanks17:48
bazcroddy, i would like to not have to study the mount command to figure out what to copy/paste into fstab - the operating system is already mounting it with "connect to server" i just want to make it autostart17:48
sebsebsebevad_:  mount a file that is on the CD not done that17:48
sebsebsebevad_:  just right click and mount when I find it or something?17:49
croddybaz, the mount command is very useful and i highly recommend learning it17:49
bullgard4croddy: I have enough problems building a handy Ubuntu configuration. There is 'pretty sure' not sure enough.17:49
evad_sebsebseb: one second17:49
gordonjcpright then, time to nuke and pave, and upgrade to Hardy17:49
jribbaz: if it's ntfs or vfta, you can use ntfsconfig17:49
sebsebsebgordonjcp: I missed the chat, but  why not Intrepid?17:50
ScottWegneris there a media client for Linux which can seek back and fourth in real media (.rm) streams?  The RealPlayer client on Windows can, but it doesn't seem possible for RealPlayer on Linux..17:50
meoblast001i'm having what i call "a 64-bit delema".... i have a 32-bit program looking for stuff in /usr/lib so i got the 32-bit debs, pulled the /lib directory out of them and stuck them in lib32..... the programs are still looking in /usr/lib and i don't want to put the libraries in there because i don't want to replace the 64-bit ones.... what should i do?17:50
bazcroddy, there are 100 million things that would be useful to learn - it makes sense to learn them as the need arises17:50
gordonjcpsebsebseb: because it's broken in many important ways17:50
jribScottWegner: have you tried mplayer?17:50
sebsebsebScottWegner: of course17:50
sebsebsebyeah I was going to say mplayer17:50
homeskilletwhy are my screen(1) sessions gone when i reboot?17:51
ennteeDoes anyone know why transferring a file over samba would kill the network connection?17:51
bazjrib, its an ftp on my local network17:51
ScottWegnerI wasn't aware mplayer could handle real media... I'll check it out17:51
croddyhomeskillet, screen sessions are processes, when you reboot all processes are killed17:51
jribbaz: then you probably need to edit fstab yourself17:51
sebsebsebgordonjcp: well hardy is a downgrade17:51
gordonjcpsebsebseb: the -rt kernel doesn't work properly with USB MIDI stuff17:51
ScottWegnerwhat's the package for the mplayer frontend?17:51
gordonjcpsebsebseb: I can't use Intrepid because lots of stuff just plain doesn't work17:51
jribScottWegner: mplayer includes the frontend17:51
sebsebsebgordonjcp: loads of good music players for Linux, and as a last restort you can run the Windows ones17:51
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ScottWegnerjrib: ok great, thanks17:51
gordonjcpsebsebseb: what?17:51
sebsebseboh wrong person17:52
samphippenif I want to compile using 32 bit libraries on a 64 bit system which package do I need?17:52
sebsebsebScottWegner:  loads of good players in Ubuntu, and as a last restort you can run the Windos ones17:52
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gordonjcpsebsebseb: since I'm using it for music stuff, I need both -rt and USB MIDI17:52
gordonjcpsebsebseb: ideally I need Nvidia binary drivers, because I can't wait all day for my screen to paint, too17:52
sebsebsebgordonjcp:  well can probably get your issues working17:53
sebsebsebgordonjcp:  ,but  Intrepid has a competly diffenet version of xorg from hardy17:53
DaysonI am having trouble installing Ubuntu on a Dell Dimension 2400, Help please17:53
gordonjcpsebsebseb: yes, I noticed17:53
sebsebsebgordonjcp: which could be causing your issue17:53
ortsvorsteher!details | Dayson17:53
ubottuDayson: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:53
evad_sebsebseb: open a terminal, 'mkdir -p cdimage/mnt; cd cdimage; sudo mount -o loop whatever.iso mnt; mkdir squashfs; sudo modprobe -a squashfs; sudo mount -t squashfs -o loop mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs squashfs; sudo chroot squashfs`. once you're inside do "export LC_ALL=C; export HOME=/root" and check for your mad-wifi17:54
gordonjcpsebsebseb: no, the -rt kernel is just plain broken with USB MIDI17:54
LupineAnybody know about a regression issue with iptables from Hardy -> Intrepid?  Firewall scripts are no longer working: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iptables/+bug/32089917:54
gordonjcpsebsebseb: there's no fix, and nothing planned17:54
sebsebsebgordonjcp: fine  downgrade to Hardy if you want.  nothing that major in Intrepid anyway17:54
Cpudan80Lupine: yes17:54
sebsebsebgordonjcp:  then you can try the next one in April17:54
sebsebsebnext Ubuntu17:54
earthenhaving a problem with grub it will not boot my winxp partition17:54
gordonjcpsebsebseb: I'm really really hoping they have it in Jaunty, yes17:54
Cpudan80Lupine: oh ehhh no I dont know how to fix it -- but I know it is a problem17:54
LupineCpudan80, thx...is there a solution? workaround?17:54
croddygordonjcp, also are you sure you need -rt?17:54
gordonjcpcroddy: yes17:54
LupineCpudan80, gotcha, thx17:54
DaysonI boot up using the CD and get the install screen but nothing happens after that17:54
gordonjcpcroddy: very very sure, thanks ;-)17:55
croddyjust checking17:55
gordonjcpcroddy: how else would you do low latency audio?17:55
sebsebsebevad_: well never done that before, but  worth a try17:55
croddygordonjcp, in my experience most of the latency problems with audio were resolved in the 2.4 to 2.6 transition17:55
croddybut... if you really need the minimum number of samples of latency, then a realtime kernel is what you need17:55
sebsebsebgordonjcp: oh and of course other distros may be rather ideal for what you want to do17:56
evad_sebsebseb: you're basically just mounting the squashfs image off the install CD -- which should contain everything you see in the liveCD environment once you boot it17:56
ennteeDoes anyone have ANY idea why samba would kill the network connection after an upgrade to Hardy LTS on my server? /etc/init.d/networking restart fixes it.17:56
evad_do a apt-cache search madwifi or what-have-you once you're chrooted17:56
bazis there anyway to *see* the code that ubuntu used to mount something17:56
gordonjcpcroddy: yes, that's why I need -rt17:56
earthencan I just reinstall grub and let it refind all the os's17:56
sebsebsebbaz: the source code :d ?17:56
gordonjcpcroddy: unfortunately for some reason -rt breaks USB MIDI17:56
gordonjcpcroddy: and since two of my four MIDI interfaces are USB, this leaves me a bit stuck ;-)17:57
bazsebsebseb, not the source, but the 'mount' command - so that i could copy it into fstab so that the drive mounts at boot17:57
croddygordonjcp, have you considered building your own kernel? it is not nearly as complicated as it used to be, especially if you use kernel-package17:57
sebsebsebevad_:  maybe the guy just needs to  install madwifi and then the commands for it work17:57
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gordonjcpcroddy: if it's broken upstream, that's not really going to help17:57
croddyah ok17:57
gordonjcpcroddy: I suppose I could try building an un-tampered-with kernel17:58
pdroy80Hi All, does the postfix in ubuntu support sqlite as the db backend, can not see a postfix-sqlite package17:58
croddygordonjcp, if i recall correctly, there is at least one patch you need to apply to boot from debian-style initrds, but it's been over a year since i've built a kernel for a debian system17:58
Daysonwhat do I do next? nothing happens after the install screen appears18:00
LillymonMy system text colour on my Kubuntu install is white. Tooltips from Qt apps appear as black text on a yellow background, which is fine. Tooltips from GTK+ apps appear as white text on a yellow background, which is unreadable. Does anyone know how I can fix this?18:01
sebsebsebevad_: ISO oh, but I got it on CD18:01
sebsebsebevad_: not sure if I have the ISO here for it18:02
LillymonI kinda like Deluge, but the unreadable tooltips make it really hard to use.18:02
evad_sebsebseb:  "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=whatever.iso" :)18:02
sebsebsebevad_:  am I meant to put something in for whatever.iso?????/18:02
sebsebseba   name18:03
evad_whatever you want to call the iso image18:03
sebsebsebit will make an ISO18:03
sebsebsebof the CD?18:03
sebsebsebah ok18:03
TekumelIf a program that is available as a package is installed from the programmer's website (not in package form), it won't be recognized by Synaptic as installed will it?18:04
brandon__is there a program like itunes18:04
gordonjcpcroddy: the current kernel build system has the Cthulu nature ;-)18:04
evad_tekumel: no, but that sound nefarious18:04
luboszhow do i figure out the path to my fax modem device?18:04
ChungwaSo my DVD RW has stopped recognizing any CDs, DVDs or blank DVDs. I pulled the drive and stuck it in my WinXP system and it worked OK. Ubuntu recognizes the drive but constantly says there's nothing in it and it cannot be mounted. I was trying to make some DVD videos a couple of days ago and it was working then. Any ideas on what I can do to fix whatever it is I did? It's a Philips DVD/CD Rewritable drive18:05
sebsebsebevad_:  can you give it again without the   undeeded  "  and  '     the first lot of commands18:05
brandon__is there a program like itunes that you can music18:05
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee18:05
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:05
hajarHi.. my computer stop and display black screen with message ( run local boot ) how can I solve this?18:05
evad_sebsebseb: mkdir -p cdimage/mnt; cd cdimage; sudo mount -o loop whatever.iso mnt; mkdir squashfs; sudo modprobe -a squashfs; sudo mount -t squashfs -o loop mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs squashfs; sudo chroot squashfs18:05
evad_there may be a typo in there18:06
evad_if so, fix it18:06
luboszbrandon__: try rythmbox18:06
luboszbrandon__: on kde amarok18:06
sebsebsebbrandon_:  try these sites there's a particular good itunes alternative some where18:06
luboszbrandon__: or mozilla songbird18:06
sebsebsebbrandon_:  ,but for general music and video I would recommend Banshee18:06
sebsebsebbraondon_:  ,but if you want Ipod suppourt18:06
sebsebsebBanshee Intrepid Ibex versions :)18:07
sebsebsebHardy version sucked18:07
luboszhow do i figure out the path to my fax modem device?18:07
ed_i'm having trouble with sound. what's changed since alsa?18:07
evad_probably /dev/modem18:07
lubosznope evad_18:07
lubosznot such file or dir18:07
evad_then dmesg | grep -i modem18:07
luboszthx evad_18:07
croddylubosz, i would expect /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS(something)18:07
ChungwaDoes anyone think that reinstalling the driver's for my DVD RW would help it recognize discs again?18:08
luboszcroddy: yes, 0 and 1 does not work for me :/U18:08
ed_Chungwa: why do you need a dvdrw driver?18:08
TekumelChungwa: Maybe? I've never seen a optical disc stop working due to drivers, they just crap out on the hardware side.18:08
luboszhm, maybe i turned it off in bios :D18:09
karamazovi can't print anything using lp18:09
Chungwaed & Tekumel, I don't know if I do. I just know that the drive suddenly wont recognize any discs in Ubuntu, but will in WinXP (but my WinXP machine is like 8 years old)18:09
NET||abusehey guys? what's happening with ufo alien Invasion,,, i get ufoai-data -music -server-data but the game files don't show up.18:09
karamazovin localhost:631 - the jobs link18:09
karamazovit says "cancelled" to any jobs18:09
karamazovwhy is that*18:09
hajarHi.. my computer stop and display black screen with message ( run local boot ) how can I solve this?18:10
TekumelChungwa: Huh. What else have you changed lately? That is rather odd, and doesn't seem like something that'd just happen arbitrarily.18:10
croddyi have an apple extended keyboard ii connected via an ADB/USB adapter. there are two keys on my keyboard that i'd like to use, but they don't appear to send anything to xev. where should i look for information on how to configure the extra keys?18:10
ChungwaI haven't changed anything hardware wise, I've just installed a couple DVD video creating packages is really all18:10
brandon__is there a program like itunes that you can buy music18:11
ed_brandon__: amazonbay18:11
croddybrandon__, also there are a couple of music store plugins in rhythmbox18:11
ChungwaOf course, I'm very new to linux so for all I know I accidentally messed up something with my DVD drive...18:11
gmathewsHi - how do i get upgrade from open office 2.4 to open office 3.0? I am on intrepid18:13
brandon__how do u get to the music store18:13
rnkapt installed a package that refuses to configure, and i can't remove it with either apt or dpkg18:13
LillymonUgh, I still can't figure this out. Tooltips in Qt applications look normal, but tooltips in GTK+ applications have white text on a yellow background. Does anyone know how I change that text colour?18:13
zigzag71is there a way to receive RSS feeds in Evolution?18:14
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Cpudan80gmathews: its not available in Interpid yet18:15
gmathewsCpudan80: i thought that was the new thing that would be with intrepid :/18:15
Cpudan80gmathews: there are ways to do it -- but then you cant go back to 2.418:15
vallhalla81hi there i hve just got a new lcd monitor but my system is picking it up as a crt as a result the res is wrong can anyone advise?18:15
gmathewsis 3.0 worth it18:15
Cpudan80gmathews: supposedly OO put out a 3.01 update or something and that will be backported to 8.1018:15
clsmithsebsebseb: City of Bristol.18:16
gmathewsCpudan80: thanks - do u have any links?18:16
auberonjoin #ubuntu-fr18:16
croddygmathews, it depends on what you're waiting for. i was hoping for opentype support but that didn't make it into the v3 betas i tried18:16
zerogatei want to install windows next to my ubuntu - i've got two hdds. is there any reason why i should install it on the other hdd? i think it doesn'T matter, or does it?18:16
gmathewscroddy: I am looking for true 2007 docx support18:16
rnkI have a problem: the package acpi-support refuses to be configured or remove with both apt-get and dpkg18:16
syockitgmathews: I think it is. It's stable enough I guess18:16
rnkthereby blocking me from using apt-get18:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lcd18:17
Cpudan80gmathews: I had a good one the other day ... but I cant find it now18:17
gmathewsCpudan80: let me try the OO site18:17
Cpudan80gmathews: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml18:17
ubottuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen18:18
hajarHi.. my computer stop and display black screen with message ( run local boot ) how can I solve this?18:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor18:18
gmathewsDoes open office 3.0 have proper support for docx Cpudan80 ?18:18
cattlefraudhow do I prevent kde 4.1 from styling firefox?18:18
Cpudan80gmathews: no idea18:19
pdroy80anyone tried postfix with sqlite here on ubuntu18:19
DkySvenI am not sure, but maybe removing ubufox, cattlefraud?18:19
xliquidhey folks18:19
fmeff001what can i do if my Super_L-key has no keycode (checked with xev)??18:20
fmeff001Super_L has 134d keycode18:20
xliquidim trying to find some help with Transmition or uTorrent18:20
v0idnullhi, whats the panel applet called that allows you to control media players from the panel (plus shows whats playing).18:21
gmathewsIt seems 2.4 has support for docx18:22
xliquidif i want to download torrents using this ubuntu machine but have transmition download them to a shared network drive on a windows machine... how come the shared drive isnt showing as an option in Transmition?18:22
gmathewsCpudan80: did u install 3.0?18:22
Cpudan80gmathews: I havent18:23
connor901i need help i can boot from a regular ubuntu disk but when i try to boot from a server edition disk it wont work18:24
mmm4m5mHi, please help/hint: About ubuntu gutsy services - how to check, list, enable/disable (not delete). I am reading few pages and I am little confused - is it sysv init or it is upstart? do I have to chmod or there is better way. (A little more information - I just installed "tor", it is not listed in "Services" GUI and it always starts on reboot)18:25
gmathewsCpudan80: did u check out the addons for open office. /me is excited :p http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/18:25
vallhalla81hi there i hve just got a new lcd monitor but my system is picking it up as a crt as a result the res is wrong can anyone advise?18:27
gmathewsvallhalla81: try the forums18:27
the6stepguys: if I wanted to create a package so people can apt-get it, how do I do that?18:28
the6stepI want to create something that makes it easy to for people to install something18:28
jtaji!packaging | the6step18:28
ubottuthe6step: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:28
the6stepjtaji: thank you18:29
Clawsonhello!  i have been messing around with ubuntu for the weekend and love it.  can someone point me in the direction of a good usenet reader and downloader ( i want to open nzb files to download the files from usenet)  thanks in advance!18:29
salmonhey got a problem, trying to install ubuntu on a friends laptop and it won't recognize the internet. i have tried all the steps on the ubuntu forums and nothing seems to work, anyone have any ideas??18:30
xliquidso i can browse, edit, delete files on my shared drive thats in my windows machine. ubuntu is seeing it and i can use it. but when i go into transmistion and try to change the destination folder, the shared drive is not an option.18:30
jtajiClawson: pan is good18:30
jtajiClawson: sudo aptitude install pan18:31
step21xliquid: is it mounted read/write?18:31
hajarHi.. my computer stop and display black screen with message ( run local boot ) how can I solve this?18:31
famousi get a buzzing sound whenever i'm moving around windows, or anything like that, does anyone know what might cause that?18:31
Clawsonthanks jtaji, i'll give it a go18:31
xliquidstep21: im pretty new to ubuntu.. how do i check if it is read/write?18:31
famousi just set up some compiz features, i don't remember if there was buzzing before that...18:32
step21xliquid: if you can copy/move files to it18:32
xliquidstep21: yes i can18:32
=== HormonaDelCrecim is now known as HumanGrowthHormo
salmonhey, trying to install ubuntu 8.04 on a friends laptop and it does not want to be nice and connect to the internet, anyone want to tell me what im doing wrong here18:33
=== HumanGrowthHormo is now known as HumanGrowthHm
step21xliquid: then what do you mean "not an option" try navigating to /media/<yourdrivelabel> or something like this ...18:33
connor901i need help i can boot from a regular ubuntu disk but when i try from a ubuntu server edition it wont boot18:33
step21salmon: why not 8.10? also more description is needed18:34
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PMEDUBI am new to Ubunu... I am looking for someone who can tell me why I cannot connect to a wireless Network.  Any experts out there?  When I select the network, it sias 'connecting...' then it goes back to disconnected.18:34
HumanGrowthHmsalmon, did you have checked your wifi/netcard drivers?18:34
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salmonstep21: well i only have a 8.04 disk and am going to upgrade it as soon as i can get a connection, i have tried entering network info and all that. it just seems to refuse to connect, it will search and find nothing, i have tried all the things it says on the ubuntu forums i was just wondering if there was something i may be missing18:35
HumanGrowthHmPMEDUB, check your card's model and the state of the proper driver18:35
xliquidstep21: hm. maybe i have it set up wrong. i have an icon on my desktop that is labeled F on winbox... when i double click that it takes me to the F drive on my windows machine... so when i go into Transmition and click edit> preferences> desitination folder> other and it opens up that file browsing window, i dont see F on winbox under Desktop18:36
nikolaWhen is new KUbuntu going to arrive?18:36
lordmemo5any one knows something about msi tv vox ... how to run it on ubuntu18:37
d0netsFNocean_ i gave up and formatted : /18:37
Cpudan80Whats the command to switch the java jre ?18:37
Cpudan80like to pick between the sun version, the icedtea version ....18:37
step21xliquid: well, i'm not sure where it should be, but it might not be called F ... try going to / in transmission and check /media and /mnt if they list either F or winbox18:37
salmonHumanGrowthHm: there are no drivers that need to be checked except his vidoe driver, which won't go without the net18:37
HumanGrowthHmtry to reinstall your ubuntu. I also have problems with my internet con18:38
PMEDUBI have a belkin N1 Wireless Network card.  I am currently booted in Windows to access the net.  Do you think I need some drivers?18:38
salmonok one last thing, can someone list off the 4 partitions i need for a manual install just so i don't mess it up, noob here18:39
hajarHi.. my computer stop and display black screen with message ( run local boot ) how can I solve this?18:39
HumanGrowthHmI don't know much about wireless, but they are some tricky under linux18:40
step21salmon: why 4?18:40
salmonim just trying to get a wired connection for starters18:40
step21at the most you need 318:40
step21 / /boot and swap18:41
step21and windows if you ahve it18:41
HumanGrowthHmsalmon: Is you connection wired?18:41
salmonor is it 3, see i installed ubuntu a long time ago and don't remember what partitions i needed, i know i need a /boot and a /swap, then /home right?18:41
step21no, just / (root) not home needed18:41
salmonHumanGrowthHm: yes18:42
FFForeveri only have 4gb of music =(18:42
step21you can also put /boot on / if you want18:42
FFForeverwrong room18:42
HumanGrowthHmand what do you get when starting Firefox?18:42
mattfletcherhello is there any way of reinstalling grub from windows - i have installed windows 7 and i have no ubuntu disc or blank discs18:42
salmoni start firefox and get the ubuntu home page, but can't go to any other sight or link on the page18:43
step21salmon: do you know terminal a bit?18:43
HumanGrowthHmsalmon: Are you sure that your card is Linux-Compatible?18:44
salmonstep21: yeah a bit18:44
beth_is there a way to use prerelease for just one package?18:44
salmonHumanGrowthHm: no i am not all the sure18:44
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beth_proposed or whatever it's call18:44
HumanGrowthHmcheck it... Do you got any connection in the past with that card18:45
bazI'm having lots of trouble moutnign my network drive... this is what I have in FSTAB: smb:// /media/diskstation smbfs18:45
salmonthe fact of matters i can't get a connection either wireless or wired18:45
step21type "ifconfig" in a terminal and look for the word UP and RUNNING near etho (eth0 should be the network card)18:45
salmonHumanGrowthHm: in windows18:45
bazi get an error "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on smb://" when i try to run this in FSTAB: smb:// /media/diskstation smbfs18:46
xliquidstep21: idk im stumped. i dont see it in either location you mentioned or anywhere else for that matter, except for my desktop but when in any program.. transmition and/or utorrent , under desktop, there is nothing listed18:46
HumanGrowthHmthen, you should check your card's Linux-compatibility. If you have that integrated into the motherboard, it should be compatible.18:47
Stalker72I want to reinstall Ubuntu with my memory stick, but when I boot up it automatically loads the currently installed Ubuntu. How can I boot from the memory stick? I don't know of a shortcut since it doesn't tell me any during boot. My motherboard is an Asus P6T Deluxe.18:47
zzsonicI need alittle advice.  I recently installed 8.10 successfully the 1st time.  I screwed something up and decided to do s fresh install.  Now I get the input/output error message that has plagued many.  What is the solution?18:47
step21is there anything under the locations i mentioned? maybe like sda3 or something?18:47
Cpudan80!ru | muzanaka118:49
ubottumuzanaka1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:49
Cpudan80I think that's russian18:49
xliquidstep21: mnt is empty but media has cdrom, cdrom0 and mountname18:49
rdw200169Stalker72, you gotta tell it to boot from USB in the BIOS when it boots18:49
step21xliquid: check mountname, if it looks like your windows drive18:50
Stalker72rdw200169: I have.18:50
stnormalcan someone walk me through how to enable my NIC in recovery mode?18:50
step21(like if it has a "windows" or similiar directory)18:50
jcfpbaz: try without "smb:" at the beginning18:50
rdw200169Stalker72, no dice?18:50
dsrSo arrivato anche io ... ciauz18:50
rdw200169Stalker72, what did you use to make the memory stick?18:51
HumanGrowthHmSomebody can help me with my internet connection? I also have troubles; they are an slow connection from normal servers (15 - 20 kb/s in a 2M service) but with torrents all is OK18:51
Stalker72rdw200169: I don't remember the name of the tool :P18:51
rdw200169Stalker72, i've heard that unetbootin works really well18:51
stangarWill someone please help me? When I try to make an ftp connection with fireftp I get this error: 500 I won't open a connection to (only to : //18:51
salmonim lost,18:51
step21HumanGrowthHm: disable torrents and normal internet will be fast again18:51
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syockitrdw200169, Stalker72: unetbootin rocks dude!18:52
Stalker72syockit: That's what I used18:52
HumanGrowthHmBut I was not running any torrent during the slow downloads.18:52
unopstangar, what hostname/ip address are you providing to fireftp?18:52
stufkananybody knows if your ISP can close ports?18:52
Stalker72rdw200169: I used Unetbootin18:52
rdw200169syockit, perhaps you can help him then, i've never used it18:52
step21salmon: rly seems like your card is not supported.18:52
stufkanand if, why would they have interest in closing port 21?18:52
step21salmon: do you have another pc to check18:52
kennydudehelp! my left mouse button has gone mad!18:53
stufkankennydude: testet it on another computer?18:53
jtajistufkan: ftp is a common service they might be trying to block, others are 80 and 2518:53
kennydudeit's a touchpad18:53
ugliefrogwhere can i find ansi colors info.... i want to try and change colors in the terminal for some scripting18:53
unopstangar, is that your own site?18:53
salmonstep21: well the one im on is running 8.04 from the same router, i know the internet is working, just not on his rig, is there anything that can be done abotu an unsupported card?18:53
stangarunop, I am using bengllc.com.  It has worked in the past but something has changed and I do not know what.18:53
xliquidstep21: its empty... that folder called moutname is local... i duno how it got there. whats weird is that if i go to Places> Computer... in the left margin it has F on winbox with an eject button and it also has Network... but when i go to Transmition and go to edit>preferences> destiation folder> other... that window that pops up does not have F on winbox in the left margin.. nor does it have Network...18:53
a931bwHow to enable desktop effect's? compiz i'm have error18:53
sexcopterhi, can anyone recommend an ide for programming in c++ with qt4?18:54
a931bwCompozite estension is not avaible18:54
stangarunop, yes.18:54
bazjcfp, now I have "// /media/diskstation smbfs", then i do "sudo mount -a", and I get the error "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //"18:54
unopugliefrog, http://isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/ansi_escapes.html18:54
step21xliquid: mmh, weird.18:54
stufkanjtaji: okay, but last week i had a full working ftp server, but now port 21 i dead, can that be my isp?18:54
stnormalanyone? Is it possible to activate an internet connection from recovery mode?18:54
bazjcfp, maybe i have to provide a username/password?18:54
step21stufkan: depends on your country I guess ^^18:54
bazjcfp, is that possible?18:54
unopstangar, what ip address does bengllc.com resolve to on your machine?18:54
kennydudestufkan: it's a touchpad18:54
jtajistufkan: it's a possibility, along with misconfiguration on your end18:55
Cpudan80stufkan: yes18:55
Cpudan80stufkan: can people on your LAN access the FTP server?18:55
Cpudan80through your LAN IP ?18:55
stufkankennydude: makes it more difficult, try a livecd18:55
stufkanCpudan80: good idea! i'll try!18:55
kennydudeit might be a jaunty bug18:56
Cpudan80Most ISPs block 21 (FTP), 25 (SMTP), 80 (HTTP) inbound stufkan18:56
unopstangar, what happens when you point fireftp at that address?18:56
ggHello !18:56
Cpudan80Unless you have roadrunner -- in which case those idiots block nothing18:56
unopstangar, or ..  this one
Cpudan80stupid roadrunner ...18:56
stufkanCpudan80: but it worked last week? thats the strange part18:56
stangarunop, I get that error message18:56
Cpudan80stufkan: maybe they saw some traffic and decided they didn't like it ;-)18:57
unopstangar, not the name .. the ip address18:57
Cpudan80stufkan: we do that here - axe stuff we don't like after its happened18:57
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flashkidddoes someone use brasero 0.90?18:57
stufkanjust strange when I have used torrent for 2 years18:57
switchsevenis there a defragmenter in ubuntu?18:57
stufkanand then they decide to close a 2 day old ftp?18:57
stangarunop, what exactly do you mean by "resolve to on my machine"?18:57
wraundhelp! whenever i try to remove or install anything!  files list file for package `cedega-small' is missing final newline18:58
kennydudeswitchseven: no - you don't really need one anyway18:58
Cpudan80switchseven: no - dont need one18:58
switchsevenwhy don't I need one?18:58
unopstangar, run this command.  host bengllc.com18:58
kennydudeswitchseven: ext3 doesn't - it's clever18:58
ggDoes anybody know if it's correct to say in an english motivation letter : "I'm looking for a 1 year training period in the field of rail" ?18:59
kennydudeswitchseven: unlike window's ntfs which is thick18:59
Cpudan80switchseven: Microsoft is stupid and Linux isn't18:59
* Cpudan80 ducks18:59
flashkiddI am having a problem with brasero 0.90 it gives an error at the end of recording, but the dvd is writed correctly, does someone having this behavior???18:59
ggNo flashkidd18:59
kennydudeflashkidd: is it a laptop?18:59
stangarunop, do you mean to run in on a browser or a terminal window?18:59
DevilSONhey fellas...i've been trying to increase the size of a ntfs partition with gparted and it failed...now it says "unknown" for the partition...is there a way to fix the ntfs partition ?18:59
mabafuhi there18:59
flashkidddesktop, It uses a samsung recorder19:00
switchsevenAll: haha, thanks guys. Does that include Ext2? Is Ext3 a newer version of Ext2? Whats the difference?19:00
unopstangar, that command, in the terminal19:00
kennydudeflashkidd: look in the log, if it says it can't put the disk back in for vertifing then it's okay19:00
Cpudan80switchseven: ext2 is also fine -- ext3 supports larger volumes, among other things19:00
zzsonicPlease, the work around for this aborted installation message                      The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:  [Errno 5] Input/output error  This particular error is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower spe19:00
mabafuneed info on gnome/ubuntu development. (best IDEs, compilers, etc.) Any hint?19:00
Myx0x3is there a version of: https://fedorahosted.org/liveusb-creator/ whit ubuntu? :P19:00
Cpudan80!ext3 | switchseven19:00
ubottuswitchseven: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org19:00
HumanGrowthHmmabafu: check www.codeblocks.org19:00
stangarunop, it says "bengllc.com has address
stangarbengllc.com mail is handled by 10 bengllc.com."19:00
Cpudan80well that factoid was unhelpful19:01
kennydudeMyx0x3: it'sin the latest version19:01
switchsevenAll: Cheers19:01
mabafutks HumanGrowthHm19:01
HumanGrowthHmand gnome libraries19:01
flashkiddwhat is strange is that the dvd is writed ok but gives an error19:01
HumanGrowthHmand gcc.gun.org19:01
bazI would like to automount my network drive at boot - currently I mount the drive through "connect to server" and use these values: type = "windows share", server = "", share = "downloads", username = "baz" - then I am prompted for my password... To automount at boot do I have to put this in fstab? If so, what is the line of code to put in there? Thanks...19:01
kennydudeflashkidd: well if it's burned properly then there's no problem19:01
kennydudeflashkidd: just ignore it!19:01
flashkiddthe log says it is sucessfuly writed the image19:01
ac13is there a way to disable wireless by default on startup? I can right click network icon in the tray and disable it, but it always comes back when I restart...19:01
wraund help!, i cant install or uninstall anything! files list file for package `cedega-small' is missing final newline19:02
Cpudan80!smbfs | baz19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs19:02
mabafuHumanGrowthHm: may i pvt u?19:02
flashkiddok, just verifying if its normal, lol19:02
Cpudan80!cifs | baz19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs19:02
HumanGrowthHmmabafu: I didn't undstood you19:02
Myx0x3kennydude: what its called?19:02
Cpudan80What is that factoid ....19:02
* mabafu wanna know if he may private message you19:02
stufkanCpudan80: step21: thats odd! I can't acces on LAN19:02
ggDoes anybody who speaks good english has 1 min ?19:03
Cpudan80baz: Anyway - you can use cifs or smbfs to mount things -- you just add stuff to the fstab file19:03
flashkiddtnx kennydude19:03
kennydudeMyx0x3: it's on system->administration->create a live USB19:03
Cpudan80stufkan: now you know the problem (at least in part) is on your end19:03
kennydudeflashkidd: no problem!19:03
Myx0x3kennydude: aha! okey tnx! :)19:03
icqnumberIs there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?19:03
ldleworkIs there a similar tool to UNbootin for for Ubuntu?19:03
ggicqnumber : use ubuntutweak to make keyboard shortcuts !19:04
ldleworkIE, "burn" a USB drive with an ISO19:04
kennydudeicqnumber: press alt-f2 then type gnome-terminal and press enter19:04
HumanGrowthHmI need some help with my connection, plz19:04
peepsalotdoes launchpad bug system have a way to "vote" for a bug, like bugzilla?19:04
bazCpudan80, thanks, I guess the bulk of my question is what to put in there... i tried a few things and googled around and can't figure out how to transpose the info in the form to fstab speak19:04
kennydudeHumanGrowthHm: what's up with it?19:04
icqnumbergg, What is ubuntutweak?19:04
Cpudan80baz: Yeah ... I was hoping the ubottu factoid would have that19:05
Cpudan80maybe it's in samba19:05
syockitpeepsalot: sadly, no19:05
Cpudan80!samba | baz19:05
ubottubaz: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209819:05
peepsalotsyockit, :-/19:05
ldleworkAnyone tell me how to burn the live ISO to a usb drive?19:05
stufkanCpudan80: any ideas how to locate the problem?19:05
batmaaanI would need some help with a problem regarding counter-strike and wine. Pm me.19:05
kennydudeldlework: use system->adminstation->create live usb19:05
Cpudan80baz: Click the first link about mounting windows share permanently19:05
stufkanCpudan80: i have two routers and a potential firewall on this computer19:05
HumanGrowthHmkennydude: i have a problem with my internet speed in normal servers (15 - 20 kb/s in a 2M service) but with torrents or any p2p all's ok19:05
Cpudan80stufkan: I'd start there :-)19:05
JonaThHi, I'm having problems with audio in Intrepid. Sometimes it works, sometimes it lags seriously and sometimes there's no sound at all.19:06
bazCpudan80, cool19:06
JonaThI've been following this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=997506&highlight=audio+problem+intrepid19:06
kennydudeHumanGrowthHm: you're connection may be acting up - myn does all time time!19:06
stufkanCpudan80: on the local machine?19:06
syockitpeepsalot: you can subscribe, may be a big list of subscribers will intimidate the devs ;)19:06
peepsalotsyockit, ok, thanks19:07
Cpudan80stufkan: yes - work your way up19:07
syockitpeepsalot: it's hard to lobby them you know19:07
HumanGrowthHmkennydude: and what I can do about? tks19:07
Cpudan80baz: I'd use the middle section about mounting password protected shares19:07
JonaThAm I supposed to pick Realtek ALC861 (OSS Mixer) og Playback ALSA PCM etc. in Sound Prefs. > Default Mixer Tracks ?19:07
bazwhat is the best, or most pure or easiest network filesystem to use? Samba is mainly for windows right? Is CIFS the linux answer? Is it much better because of this?19:07
kennydudeHumanGrowthHm: nout much - you could try contacting your ISP19:07
stufkanCpudan80: what firewall can i potentially have installed?19:07
Cpudan80firestarter ?19:08
Cpudan80iptables ?19:08
Cpudan80sudo iptables -L will show whats going on19:08
DnTVideoshow do i make it autojoin on kick19:08
a931bwПомогите ЖЕ!19:08
Cpudan80!ru | a931bw19:09
ubottua931bw: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:09
kennydudeDnTVideos: what are you on about19:09
HumanGrowthHmkennydude: yeah! because i tried to use ifconfig, whit fedora livecds, and many other things. Then it isn't matter of the OS. tkx19:09
DnTVideosalso i cant install no cool themes on my ubuntu19:09
kennydudeDnTVideos: you can't autojoin. why do you think you got kicked!19:09
bazhangDnTVideos, go to gnome-look.org19:10
kennydudeDnTVideos: try gnome-look.org and stuff19:10
wraundhelp ! i cannot install or uninstall anything, i get this error http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3672141/Reason_3.0.419:10
bazCpudan80, that worked!19:10
wraundwrong link19:10
icqnumberIs there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?19:10
wraundfiles list file for package `cedega-small' is missing final newline*19:10
DnTVideosi did that gnome-look.org thing19:10
Stalker72How do I boot from a memory stick if the currently installed Ubuntu loads instantly?19:10
kennydudeDnTViideos: look at the insturctions on their site19:10
step21wraund: wrong channel19:12
wraundstep21: which is correct19:12
beth_I'm using intrepid stable, if I'm fully up to date, what version of the kernel should I have?19:12
kennydudebeth_: whichever's installed19:12
beth_I think something is broken because I updated as chroot and the permissions are wrong, I'm curious as to what it should be19:13
csc_is there a way to not be prompted for installing updates of specific packages only ? i have an updater daemon running on the desktop but i dont want to unselect the packages i modified for my needs  each time19:14
=== lakitu2 is now known as lakitu
kennydudebeth_: close and re-open the terminal window19:14
kennydudebeth_: chroot is used for the current terminal window19:14
icqnumberIs there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?19:14
kennydudecsc_: not unless you code it yourself19:15
beth_I copied my fs off the disk with dump and restore and put it on another linux system19:15
beth_in that system I chrooted into my ubuntu install and updated19:15
=== Sudanese is now known as Netcowboy
csc_kennydude, what do you mean code?19:15
kennydudecsc_: code your own updater19:15
beth_I'm not back in ubuntu, not a chroot, but now the permissions are funny19:15
f4I just installed ubuntu and i've got a problem with compiz ... I use the "desktop on a cube" plugin, I've set it so that i can rotate the cube with the mouse whell on the screen borders.... it works 70% of the time, the other 30% it turns in the wrong way19:15
f4any idea why?19:15
f4i've been using it this way on fedora for a little while without any problem19:16
csc_kennydude, so there is not config option at all ?19:16
kennydudebeth_: why don't you only put the data you need and re-install the distro and copy your data back19:16
kennydudecsc_: no, not under ubuntus updator19:16
jason_hey my sister's school distributes a laptop for all the students to use at school and at home. however they have made it so it automatically hooks in to thier proxy i.e. proxy.schoolwebsite.com:8080 and therefore filters traffic at home. i was thinking if i could make my own dns server at home i could instead have it point to a comp i have running a proxy on my lan19:16
jason_any suggestions?19:16
beth_I just want to see if this is working or not, I'd rather just find out what the version of the kernel should be19:16
csc_kennydude, but it uses apt-get and the like .. it's like any other deb derived distro i think19:16
bazif u have a linux-only network, with full control, what would be the best network file sharing protocol/filesystem to use19:17
Pici!pin | csc_19:17
ubottucsc_: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:17
KDeskIs the open office used bu *Ubuntu the standart one, or Go-oo ?19:17
PiciKDesk: Openoffice19:17
pjameshey guys, I'm trying to setup a t-mobile dash to become a wireless modem for a laptop running 8.10, any thoughts as to how?19:17
kennydudeKDesk: go-oo is sorta-integrated19:17
TiZHey, guys. What are some good ways to improve boot time? Currently, Windows XP in a virtual machine is several times faster. >_>19:17
kennydudepjames: plug it in and see19:17
kennydudeTiZ: disable some services19:18
pjameskennydude: done that, it shows up as a network but won't connect.19:18
israel_floresHello every on I know that i am in the wrong place... I am new to ubunto and i need help to set enable my wireless card, can any one point me in the right direction?19:18
kennydudepjames: well you cant19:18
buntihow can i say to ubuntu he shouldn't start the printer daemon?19:18
KDeskA mix?.. Witch openoffice is better, faster, the version 2.4 or 3? the standart openoffice or go-oo?19:18
msseverisrael_flores: Have you Googled your specific wireless card?19:18
pjameskennydude: meaning?19:19
dapper-danielIs anyone here using XEN 3.3 with Nividia drivers? Drivers compile fine but X.org freezes...19:19
danishjordanMy computer will not boot from CD. I have my BIOS set up properly, but it just doesn't recognize that there is a CD in the drive. Any ideas? I need to reformat and get XP on and then I'll put ubuntu on, if there are any other options, please tell me.19:19
israel_floresyes its says to use madwifi but i cant seem to get it for compile right19:19
kennydudepjames: speed it up more19:19
kennydudepjames: you'll have to wait for a faster release19:19
msseverisrael_flores: I don't know madwifi, but why are you compiling? I'm sure there's a package for it19:19
kennydudedanishjordan: is the cd bootable?19:20
pjameskennydude: not sure if you understand what I'm trying to do.  I just need to use the phone as modem to connect to the internet.19:20
Cpudan80danishjordan: did you burn the CD correctly?19:20
danishjordanI believe so. I right clicked on the .iso and hit write to cd.19:20
kennydudepjames: you were on about speeding up boot-time19:20
bmorrisI'm trying to use scp to copy a file from my remote server to my laptop but I'm having a problem.. A directory on my remote server has a space in it which is throwing off scp19:20
Cpudan80danishjordan: and you can format (ie. get rid of XP) in the ubuntu installer19:20
Cpudan80danishjordan: boot up to XP and see what is on the CD -- if it just the ISO file, you burned it wrong19:20
bmorrisI tried escaping it with a back slash but that didn't seem to work19:20
Cpudan80danishjordan: it should be a bunch of stuff19:21
msseverbmorris: You can use a backskash or quotes to escape spaces19:21
icqnumberIs there a key combination to open terminal window in nautilus?19:21
israel_floresHere is the problem i can see the the arthoes card but it is disabled and everything i have read said that the driver that comes with ubunto does not work19:21
mssevericqnumber: No, but you can configure global keyboard shortcuts19:22
pjameskennydude: that was not my question that was someone else. :)19:22
kennydudeicqnumber: use ubuntu tweat: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/19:22
israel_floresand there is not a package for it19:22
TiZI'm not really sure what services are alright to disable. Some of them are obvious to me, and those are now disabled. What other ways can I improve boot time? Bootchart shows that the entire thing takes 43 seconds. :x19:22
kennydudepjames: sorry19:22
pjameskennydude: no problem.19:22
danishjordanI no longer have XP on thijs computer. it is a full partition of ubuntu 8.1019:22
msseverisrael_flores: OK, what compilation errors are you getting?19:22
bmorrismssever: here is the scp command that I'm using: scp 216.***.***.**:/media/disk-1/Users/bmorris/Torrents/Tv\ Shows/The.Office.S05E11.HDTV.XviD-LOL.[VTV].avi .19:22
kennydudedanishjordan: try removing the CD and ubuntu should boot19:22
bmorrisbut It's giving me this error: scp\ Shows/The.Office.S05E11.HDTV.XviD-LOL.[VTV].avi .19:22
pjameshey guys, I'm trying to setup a t-mobile dash to become a wireless modem for a laptop running 8.10, any thoughts as to how?19:23
lackSHi everybody19:23
danishjordanI have ubuntu right now. I am trying to reformat and get XP on here.19:23
jdahlnot a specific ubuntu question, but anyway:  how do I do ssh port-forward to use a campus proxy server (where I have an account)?  I thought it's supposed to be something like this:   "ssh -L 9090:www.campusserver.com:21",  but that doesn't work19:23
bmorrisscp: /media/disk-1/Users/bmorris/Torrents/Tv: No such file or directory19:23
bmorrisscp: Shows/The.Office.S05E11.HDTV.XviD-LOL.[VTV].avi: No such file or directory19:23
lackSI've got some questions concerning automounting NTFS partitions from external devices19:23
msseverbmorris: square brackets also have special meaning. If you're not using that meaning, escape them, too19:23
kennydudedansihjordan: run the XP installation disk19:23
embartpanyone know how to install vim on 8.04.2 ?19:23
danishjordanWhat do you mean?19:23
lackSdanishjordan: What's the problem?19:23
kennydudedanishjordan: put it in and re-boot the machine19:24
Cpudan80embartp: sudo apt-get install vim-full19:24
bmorrismssever: it looks like it's breaking on the /TV Shows/ though19:24
Cpudan80embartp: that gets you the colorful vim + gvim + ...19:24
bmorrisI just tried escaping the square brackets but that didn't help19:24
Cpudan80embartp: basic vim is already in there19:24
Lau_of_DKGents, Vino-server is unuseable for my present situation due to firewall issues, Do we have a free alternative to Yugma which goes through firewalls?19:24
danishjordanI have ubuntu right now. I need to boot from an XP CD. I have tried booting with it in the disc drive. the BIOS is set up properly, but it doesn't recognize that I have the CD there.19:24
msseverbmorris: Try surrounding the entire path with single quotes19:24
embartpCpudan80: vim-tiny got no highlight19:24
lackSjdahl: Try mapping it to the same local port number as you are using on the server19:25
kennydudedanishjordan: is the CD bootable?19:25
embartpCpudan80: vim complain about the vim-common19:25
lackSdanishjordan: How old is your drive?19:25
Cpudan80embartp: right - install vim-full19:25
tobijoin #ubuntu1119:25
danishjordan12 months old.19:25
lackStobi: Add a / before :-)19:25
pjameshey guys, I'm trying to setup a t-mobile dash to become a wireless modem for a laptop running 8.10, any thoughts as to how?19:25
bmorrismssever: same error with single quotes19:25
embartpCpudan80: do i need to install vim-full or just vim ?19:25
lackSdanishjordan: Ok, should not be a problem... do you have a second machine or drive where you could try it?19:25
jdahllackS, isn't port 21 the right one to use for http?19:26
Cpudan80embartp: sudo apt-get install vim-full19:26
danishjordanI'll try right now, but it has ubuntu on it too.19:26
Cpudan80Run that command19:26
lackSpjames: Talking about WLAN19:26
Cpudan80It's what you want19:26
lackSjdahl: Port 21 is FTP19:26
msseverbmorris: Have you verified that you're typing the filename correctly? Because I know for a fact that spaces aren't a problem for scp...I use scp regularly19:26
pjameslackS: ya basically.19:26
lackSjdahl: HTTP is 80, HTTPS usually 443. 8080 is also used in some cases.19:26
danishjordanTrying it right now on an ubuntu laptop.19:26
embartpCpudan80: but vim-full does not have the ubuntu logo in synaptic :(19:27
lackSpjames: I've used wifi-radar for this on another distro and it went just fine. What kind of encryption does the TMO net use?19:27
danishjordanIt might be the CD though,because it booted straight into ubuntu19:27
Cpudan80embartp: dont worry about it - just isntall it19:27
lackSdanishjordan: Yep, seems like that19:27
pjameslackS: not sure, good question though.19:27
Cpudan80embartp: the logo is just a "favorite package" thing that gets tagged to packages that a lot of people have19:27
Cpudan80embartp: not many people have vim-full19:27
lackSpjames: You should definitely know this and the keyphrase to connect to it19:27
lackSpjames: It might be WPA, I don't know if you can set it up with the network button in the upper bar19:28
pjameslackS: ok, in vista it asks for nothing, you just plug it in and it just connects.19:28
danishjordanI think it's the CD. lol..19:28
estudianteMy Ubuntu doesn't work anymore. It loads gdm, with the mouse pointer locked, no keyboard echo, alsa & network disabled, got some kern logs, can you have a look please? http://paste2.org/p/13576619:28
lackSpjames: So it should be an open network if you didn't enter any password or a thing like that19:28
embartpCpudan80: it include vim-gui19:28
Cpudan80embartp: yes19:28
lackSpjames: Try connecting with wifi-radar, DHCP enabled.19:29
embartpCpudan80: i do not need that19:29
pjameslackS: ok, let me see if I can nab that.19:29
lackSpjames: Should be in apt-get or Synaptic19:29
pjameslackS: ok, thanks.19:29
lackSDoes anyone know something about NTFS automounting19:29
kennydudeestudiante: try re-installing it19:29
lackSpjames: Does it work?19:29
Cpudan80embartp: then remove it after installing vim full19:30
lackSestudiante: Hang on, I'll take a look19:30
msseverlackS: It should work automatically :)19:30
estudiantekennydude, what, sorry?19:30
estudiantelackS, thank you so much19:30
buntiwhat can i do that ubuntu does not start the printer daemon?19:30
kennydudeestudiante: re-install ubuntu. it sounds like some critical files have been removed19:30
embartpCpudan80: result -> "vim-full: Depends: vim-gnome but it is not going to be installed"19:30
danishjordanDoes anyone know where I could find an iso for windows XP? I have a key...19:30
embartpCpudan80: can't install it :(19:30
lackSmssever: Yes, it does, but do I have write permissions by default?19:31
kennydudedanishjordan: the pirate bay19:31
Cpudan80embartp: sudo apt-get install vim-gnome vim-full19:31
gray--bunti: how does it start it?19:31
lackSestudiante: Np, hang on19:31
danishjordankenny, what torrent program is there for ubuntu?19:31
msseverlackS: You should, because it's NTFS-3G19:31
Cpudan80embartp: if you had started with the command line, you would have that problem19:31
estudiantedanishjordan, Transmission19:31
thopiekarcould someone please help me.. http://pastebin.com/d29b06b9e.. I want to build a package on scratchbox (chrosscompiler with debian-environment) of the ubuntu-sources (by apt-get source)..19:31
kennydudedanishjordan: transmission and utorrent via wine19:31
lackSestudiante: Do you have an X log? Should be in /var/log/Xorg.something19:31
thopiekarbut i get this message... http://pastebin.com/d29b06b9e19:31
estudiantelackS, right away19:31
buntiwhen i boot, it loads the printer daemon, called something like cups19:32
lackSmssever: Ok, that's quite fine. I'm reinstalling a computer used by a lot of people which don't know much about Linux, so I'll finally give Ubuntu a try on this machine19:32
lackSestudiante: Fine :-)19:32
seanos_sHi, how do I set an environment variable permanently?19:32
pjameslackS: trying it now'19:32
lackSseanos_s: Just for yourself or the whole system?19:32
kennydudethopiekar: why not use launchpad?19:32
gray--bunti: ls /etc/rc*.d | grep cups19:33
msseverseanos_s: Put it in your ~/.bashrc or /etc/profile19:33
embartpCpudan80: i'll give it a try19:33
=== sean is now known as Guest50034
seanos_slackS: just myself,19:33
lackSpjames: Ok, tell what it finds and what you get19:33
thopiekarlaunchpad.. I'm even not registered19:33
lackSseanos_s: You can put it in ~/.xprofile (That's in your home directory)19:33
kennydudethopiekar: it's dead easy to. it's easier to publish packages without errors like that19:34
pjameslackS: him program says it can't lauch?19:34
estudiantelackS, Well, I'm stucked only on the last kernel, the loads fine19:34
lackSseanos_s: Just put a line saying "export VARIABLE_NAME=value" into it and it should work19:34
estudianteestudiante, Here's the Xorg log http://paste2.org/p/13577219:34
Gerinychhow can i get rid of the arrow in the bottom-left corner of Main Menu applet?19:34
estudiantelackS, http://paste2.org/p/13577219:34
lackSpjames: Open a console, fire it up there with sudo and see what it reports19:34
msseverlackS: I've never heard of ~/.xprofile. What's that file for?19:34
embartpCpudan80: result -> " vim-gnome: Depends: vim-common (= 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3) but 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1 is to be installed E: Broken packages"19:34
thopiekarkennydude: so i have to register and then?19:34
lackSmssever: Local profile settings, it's a very basic file in Linux :-)19:34
embartpCpudan80: there is no different with synaptic19:35
unanxbtHow can I recover data from an ext3 partition?19:35
kennydudethopiekar: set up you're ppa and then follow their instructions for builiding your packages19:35
msseverlackS: But not with an x in the beginning...19:35
wraundhow can i rebuild the apt-get database?19:35
Cpudan80!info vim-full | embartp19:35
ubottuvim-full (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor (transitional package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.1.314-3ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 78 kB, installed size 120 kB19:35
danishjordanIf I install XP, then ubuntu, will my hard disk be any slower on either of the OS's?19:35
msseverlackS: Does .xprofile get read on X startup or something?19:35
Cpudan80embartp: your sources are screwed up19:35
jdahllackS, fyi,  this is what I needed to write: "ssh -L 9090:wwwproxy.kom.auc.dk:3128 skoda.kom.auc.dk"...  I was missing the second server name19:35
Gerinychwraund: sudo apt-get update19:35
lackSmssever: No, with a dot in the beginning. Files beginning with a dot are hidden19:35
Cpudan80embartp: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vim-full19:35
ohhaiWhen trying to compile using cmake, compiler cannot find my CURL, even though the latest version is installed. Using 8.10, 32bit. Here's a more detailed log of the occurrence: pastebin.com/m781a34a019:36
lackSmssever: You have to enable "Show hidden files" somewhere in the menus of Nautilus19:36
gray--wraund: there's literally tons of pages on google offering how to do that19:36
embartpCpudan80: i did the update thing19:36
msseverlackS: I know about hidden files19:36
lackSjdahl: Ok, thanks. Works now?19:36
lackSmssever: Ok, sorry19:36
Cpudan80embartp: open System --> Admin --> software sources, check the top 4 boxes19:36
lackSmssever: If it's not there, just create it19:36
danishjordanIf I install XP, then ubuntu, will my hard disk be any slower on either of the OS's?19:36
lackSmssever: Usually your system should take care of this file19:36
wraundhelp with this please http://paste.ubuntu.com/109531/19:36
lackSdanishjordan: No, not at all19:36
jdahllackS, yes - now it works19:36
msseverlackS: I've seen ~/.profile, .bash_profile, ..bashrc, and several others, but I've never encountered .xprofile. That's why I've asked19:36
estudiantekennydude, I'm not sure, there's need to reinstall, it fails only on the last 8.10 kernel, the works fine19:37
gray--danishjordan: depends where on the disk you choose to place your partitions19:37
kennydudedanishjordan: if the drivers are up to date then you don't19:37
quentusrexDoes anyone know how to setup a bluetooth headset as an audio device?19:37
lackSmssever: Yes, it's getting read when you're entering your user's X session19:37
seanos_slackS: I created xprofile and added the export but I opened a terminal and it didn't seem to have registered.19:37
embartpCpudan80: i did19:37
kennydudeestudiante: oh well - i don't know19:37
gray--danishjordan: the higher the cylinder, generally the slower it'll be19:37
msseverlackS: OK, that's valuable to know19:37
lackSmssever: You can take .profile also IIRC19:37
Cpudan80embartp: ok now run that update thing and the install thing19:37
msseverlackS: Thanks19:37
lackSmssever: np :-)19:37
lackSestudiante: Hang on, I'm still checking19:37
danishjordanAre there NVIDIA drivers that I can download for an NVIDIA 8500 GT, because the display does NOT work (lots of dodgy colors) with the card installed.19:37
estudiantelackS, All right19:38
lackSseanos_s: Is it xprofile or .xprofile?19:38
gray--danishjordan: if it's just a desktop install for nothing inparticular, it's probably not worth worrying about19:38
embartpCpudan80: i did19:38
embartpCpudan80: you have vim on yours ?19:38
msseverlackS: .bash_profile and .bashrc don't get read on X startup, and I don't use .profile for reasons even I don't understand :)19:38
Zzeissgray--: Not necessarily.  newer drives use CLV mixing, so sometimes a drive actually gets _faster_ toward the outside cylinders.  There was a good article with analysis of this in one of the tech blogs recently.19:38
seanos_slackS: .xprofile but I had to create it, wasn't it my home folder19:38
Cpudan80danishjordan: did you enable the proprietary driver?19:38
lackSseanos_s: Not good... I don't assume you need it for console work, do you?19:38
danishjordanNo clue. how do i do that ;)?19:38
gray--Zzeiss: so you mean they're quicker towards the centre of the disk?19:38
Cpudan80embartp: yes ... and sudo apt-get install vim-full works for me19:38
Cpudan80danishjordan: system --> admin --> restricted drivers19:39
danishjordanOh. It wouldn't let me enable19:39
Cpudan80danishjordan: why not?19:39
lackSestudiante: You f**cked up your graphics driver as far as I can see19:39
msseverlackS: seanos_s : .xprofile isn't there be default. But there's no problem creating such a file19:39
lackSestudiante: Are you familiar with the console?19:39
Zzeissgray--: No, I mean that it cannot be determined ahead of time whether inner or outer tracks are "faster".  You Just Have To Test.19:39
seanos_slackS: yeah from the console, well scripts I want to run use the variables19:39
estudiantelackS, fair enough19:39
danishjordanIt said it wasn't available19:39
lackSseanos_s: So you fire up a console for using it?19:39
embartpCpudan80: what vim-common version do you have ?19:39
estudiantelackS, hmm, I've already removed fglrx19:39
seanos_slackS: yes19:39
danishjordanThat was when I tried putting Extra Visual effects (wobbly windows, etc.)19:40
gray--Zzeiss: i really don't get that, how would the inner cylinders be faster?19:40
msseverseanos_s: Then you want .bashrc19:40
embartpCpudan80: 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1 ?19:40
seanos_smssever: Ok thanks19:40
msseverseanos_s: Assuming your shell is bash ( the default)19:40
MatBoyweird, it seems that mdadm keeps rebuilding the raid on sunday 1am when I commented the line in /etc/cron.d/mdadm19:40
Cpudan80embartp: what version of ubuntu are you running?19:40
danishjordanI'm download NVIDIA proprietary drivers atm19:40
lackSseanos_s: So just put it into .bashrc if you're using bash (you are if you didn't change it=19:41
embartpCpudan80: 8.04.219:41
Cpudan80danishjordan: you prob needed to enable a repository19:41
lackSestudiante: Try removing all other ATI related stuff, too19:41
Cpudan80embartp: ok so that explains the difference19:41
danishjordanHow do I do that.19:41
Zzeissgray--: Outer cylinders are faster in CLV mode.  Because if you write data at constant linear density, the outer tracks have a longer path, so you can squeeze on more and more tracks on the outer cylinders.  So, for any fixed rotational speed (5400, 6000, etc) you can read or write more tracks in the outer tracks than the inner.19:41
Cpudan80embartp: you should still be able to get vim-full19:41
lackSestudiante: ...and then reinstall it19:41
seanos_slacks, mssever: worked thanks19:41
Cpudan80danishjordan: : open System --> Admin --> software sources, check the top 4 boxes19:41
estudiantelackS, How do you know it's a graphic issue?19:41
embartpCpudan80: how can i back to the old vim-common ?19:41
lackSseanos_s: at your service :-)19:41
Zzeissgray--:  and you also don't have to do a cylinder seek quite as often, so the heads don't move as often.  That gives more speed.19:42
gray--Zzeiss: yes, and i was agreeing with what you just said, cylinder 0 will be faster than cylinder 1500019:42
lackSestudiante: See all the messages about DRI errors in the X log?19:42
minchei'm having troubles with chown command19:42
Cpudan80embartp: you have the old vim-common19:42
danishjordanK, done.19:42
jackalI have intrepid installed on my computer, and during the install I configured an encrypted swap partition with a random key (using the installer).  Everything seemed to work, however, it doesn't appear as though swap is ever getting mounted when the system boots.19:42
embartpCpudan80: coz it keep complain about the vim-common :(19:42
Gerinychhow can i get rid of the arrow in the bottom-left corner of Main Menu applet?19:42
kennydudeminche: try using "sudo chown"19:42
minchewhen i do ls -l it shows my account as owner, but i still cant delete nor move files :(19:42
lackSestudiante: These ones: drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)19:42
Cpudan80embartp: did you update your sources19:42
embartpCpudan80: no, i am up to date19:42
Cpudan80danishjordan: now run sudo apt-get update19:42
kennydudeminche: you need to chmod it to let you19:42
Cpudan80danishjordan: then it should be available19:42
captain_anyone have a good link for learning how to automount my second harddrive?19:43
minchehuh, i tried sudo chown -R user.group but it stil the same :/19:43
gray--Zzeiss: i think you may have misunderstood what i was saying originally, but i think we agree :)19:43
lackScaptain_: Put an entry for it into /etc/fstab19:43
kennydudemiche: you'll need to a *chmod* command19:43
lackScaptain_: And make sure that the directory you're mounting to exists19:43
Cpudan80embartp: if you've done everything I've told you - there is no reason why you can't just sudo apt-get install vim-full19:43
estudiantelackS, Well, truth I can see that.19:43
Zzeissgray--: Yeah.  I think so.  :)19:43
kennydudemiche: somert like 755 will work for it19:43
Cpudan80embartp: unless you've manually messed up the vim packages19:43
M3TAPHYS1CShi guys, over the last few days ive been randonly disconnecting from the net..it appears to be specific applications only such as skype and amsn cause i dont actually really disconect from my network..any ideas?19:44
lackSestudiante: I think is has something to do with these errors, DRI is one part of the 3D driver19:44
embartpCpudan80: i did follow your step19:44
lackSM3TAPHYS1CS: Sounds like an installed firewall that's not configured correctly19:44
kennydudemiche: you may need to do "sudo chmod 755 filename"19:44
captain_lackS, I don't know enough about that stuff to do it without following instructions thats why I am looking for a tutorial or something19:45
embartpCpudan80: but it does need the old vim-common, which i dont have19:45
Cpudan80embartp: why dont you have it?19:45
Zopiachow to i mount a flash drive under administrator privileges??19:45
lackScaptain_: Ok... I'll see if I can find something19:45
Cpudan80did you manually download a deb and install it?19:45
estudiantelackS, What I'm worried about is gdm locked with audio & network missed.19:45
MatBoywoei !!! 129Mb/s with sataII and mdadm !!19:45
kennydudeZopiac: sudo mount /dev/sda /media/something (change sda to whatever it is)19:45
embartpCpudan80: coz it is already 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1 when i installed 8.04.219:46
mincheit worked19:46
embartpCpudan80: i did not use dist-upgrade to get 8.04.219:46
Cpudan80embartp: ..............19:46
minchethanx :D19:46
lackScaptain_: Try http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html .19:46
embartpCpudan80: it was clean install from cd19:46
danishjordanbe right back, restarting, fingers crossed!19:46
lackSestudiante: What do you mean by "It's locked"? Is it frozen?19:46
estudiantelackS, frozen, exactly19:47
Cpudan80embartp: well if you know what version it needs, you can force it19:47
embartpCpudan80: how ?19:47
Flannelembartp: You're having the vim issues?19:47
Cpudan80embartp: right click vim-common in synaptic, hit properties - hit versions19:47
lackSestudiante: That's not good... I'm sorry, I don't know enough about ubuntu to really help you further19:47
Cpudan80embartp: see if it is even available19:47
Flannelembartp: Yeah, remove vim-tiny and vim-common, remove the CD from your sources, and then reinstaal it.19:47
captain_lackS, looks good, thank you!19:47
lackSestudiante: I've come from Slackware19:47
Zopiackennydude: how do i tell which one it is under /dev/ ?19:47
Cpudan80embartp: if it is - close the box - and click vim-common and do package -- force version19:47
estudiantelackS, I remember using "easycam" that compiled some strange modules into the kernel19:47
lackScaptain_: Np :-)19:48
lackSestudiante: Ok.... Do you remember the modules' names?19:48
kennydudeZopiac: if it's the last one you plugged in then try the last one when you run "ls /dev/sd*"19:48
estudiantelackS, I could scan dpkg logs maybe...19:48
estudiantelackS, give me a minute19:48
lackSestudiante: Ok19:48
Flannelembartp: For some reason the vim version from -proposed was included in the server and alternate CD (but not the Desktop).  So you just have to remove it and reinstall it (from the repos, not the CD)19:48
aleskandrohi to all19:49
lackSestudiante: You can show loaded modules with "lsmod" and unload them with "modprobe -r <modulename>"19:49
Flannelembartp: Also, "vim" is the package you likely want, not "vim-full" (which includes gvim, etc)19:49
M3TAPHYS1CSlackS afaik i havent installed a firewall19:49
M3TAPHYS1CShow can i check19:49
aleskandroI've shared my $HOME and now I've a message box about permission when I do the login19:49
Cpudan80Flannel: but he wants the colorful vim and such19:49
lackSM3TAPHYS1CS: Fire up Synaptic, search for iptables and see what is installed19:49
josephenglish used ?19:49
FlannelCpudan80: vim is colorful.19:49
estudiantelackS, well, yes I can. But I guess it's kern that can't load them up at boot :/19:49
Cpudan80Flannel: hmmmm does it have highlighting and everything?19:49
lackSestudiante: Ok, but that shouldn't disturb GDM19:50
danishjordanWell, I can enable Extra Effects in Visual Effects, and now can I put my GFX card back in?19:50
FlannelCpudan80: Of course.19:50
lackSestudiante: Did you try reinstalling GDM itself?19:50
embartpFlannel: yup, i did use the alternate19:50
kennydudejoseph: try #ubuntu-fr19:50
Cpudan80Flannel: interesting ...19:50
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estudiantelackS, Can Suceed even without network?19:50
fwaokdawhen I'm saving in text editor I can see files like main.cpp~ how can i get these not to show up when I'm saving?19:50
Flannelembartp: Right.  You need to sudo apt-get remove vim-tiny vim-common && sudo apt-get install vim, after removing the CD from your sources19:50
josephhow ?19:50
aleskandroIt say that I must set the .dmrc file in 644... I've done it but when I do the login I see also the message19:50
danishjordanWell, I can enable Extra Effects in Visual Effects, and now can I put my GFX card back in? (It's and NVIDIA 8500 GT)19:50
lackSestudiante: Repeat that in other words please, I didn't get you19:50
kennydudejoseph: type "/join #ubuntu-fr"19:51
xSlackHas anyone here ever used graphviz19:51
lackSestudiante: Well, at least for getting GDM back up, yes19:51
aleskandrowhat can I do to ignore this error?19:51
lackSdanishjordan: Fire up synaptic, search for nvidia19:51
lackSdanishjordan: Take the most recent driver (should be 17x oder 180 or something like that)19:51
embartpFlannel: i just want  to that, but it remove the ubuntu minimal also19:51
TiZHey, guys. What are some good ways to improve boot time? Currently, Windows XP in a virtual machine is several times faster. >_> According to recent bootchart, it takes about 40 seconds to boot19:51
RoyallWhat application would I use to open a .chm file?19:51
Flannelembartp: Yeah, it will.  That's only temporary, reinstall ubuntu-minimal afterwards as well.19:52
danishjordanlackS, how?19:52
estudiantelackS, When this issue occure kernel boots up no network interfaces . If the package is somewhere in the dpkg archive on hdd, I might try to reinstall. what's the command?19:52
ohhaiSound input on ASUS W3J somehow doesn't work, even though the output does. Other people on forums claim that input works in their cases. What are the common diagnostics steps here?19:52
embartpFlannel: is it ok ?19:52
ohhai(using ALSA driver)19:52
danishjordanlackS, sudo apt-get synaptic19:52
lackSdanishjordan: Anywhere in the system menu, might be called "Package management" or something similar19:52
embartpFlannel: i am afraid my ubuntu can't run anymore19:53
lackSestudiante: dpkg -I packagename afair19:53
Flannelembartp: Yeah, it's 100% fine.  If you already have the CD removed from your sources, you can do this one command to do it all at once:  sudo apt-get remove vim-tiny vim-common && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal vim19:53
danishjordanlacks, i got it19:53
danishjordannow what19:53
lackSestudiante: Packages are located somewhere in /var. Try a find -iname "*gdm*deb" in /var19:53
redvamp128Royall:  you could possibly try wine --19:53
lackSdanishjordan: Fine :-)19:53
FlannellackS, estudiante: /var/cache/apt/archives/19:53
lackSFlannel: Thx19:53
danishjordanlacks, now hwat ;)?19:53
lackSdanishjordan: Search for nvidia, tell what you can choose19:54
estudianteFlannel, thanks19:54
redvamp128Royall:  Most common use for .chm is a microsoft help file.19:54
Zopiacwhen i try to 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1' (which is my flash drive) it just tells me "mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" how do i mount it with superuser privileges?19:54
danishjordannvidia glx 173-dev19:54
lackSZopiac: You have to give it a mount point where it shall mount the device19:54
joseph 19:54
danishjordanlackS, what am I looking for19:54
lackSZopiac: It should be something like mount /dev/sdb1 /the/place/where/you/want/it/to/be19:54
kennydudeZopiac: try "sudo mkdir /media/flashdrive; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/flashdrive"19:55
lackSZopiac: Make sure the whole mount point exists19:55
lackSdanishjordan: nvidia19:55
lackSdanishjordan: There should be packages called nvidia-something19:55
danishjordanlackS, what am I looking for?19:55
danishjordanThere are lots.19:55
lackSestudiante: Did you find it?19:55
lackSdanishjordan: nvidia-180-something?19:56
danishjordanWhich one do I need.19:56
lackSdanishjordan: 177 is ok. You don't need the dev package.19:56
lackSdanishjordan: Any other options with 177 and without dev?19:56
danishjordanjust plain 'nvidia-glx-177'19:57
redvamp128Royall:  also have a read at this Microsoft Compiled HTML Help - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Compiled_HTML_Help>19:57
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lackSdanishjordan: Ok, then this is the 3D driver for nvidia cards19:57
estudiantelackS, scanning dpkg log. I've found some easycam entries, but can't the one from the time it compiled those modules19:57
lackSestudiante: Ok... tell if you've found something19:58
lackSdanishjordan: You have to restart at least X to make it happen. Log out and press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to achieve this.19:59
danishjordanKK, im gonna put the GFX card in19:59
danishjordanwish me luck19:59
vallhalla81hi all i have anew lcd monitor but my system seems to think it a crt so all settings or it are a little off can any help please19:59
danishjordanOkay, I restarted.20:00
danishjordanNow can I slap the GFX card in and give it a try?20:00
lackSdanishjordan: What do you mean by "slapping it in"?20:00
danishjordanI mean, putting it in, plugging my monitor in, then booting up. :D20:01
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:01
lackSdanishjordan: Is the hardware still outside the case?20:01
lackSdanishjordan: Go put it in and give it a try20:01
lackSdanishjordan: Don't forget to shutdown and remove power before ;-)20:01
BongolianHello there. Currently running Xubuntu 8.10. Is there a way in which to modify the menu? I understand it's stored as some XML file but am seeing no "intuitive" way in which to do this20:01
Zopiacit is just telling me that this flash drive is 'USB Drive' and i cannot access it. i click on it and it does nothing20:01
danishjordanOh, def.20:01
danishjordanBe back in... 520:01
kennydudeZopiac: did you mount it?20:02
rinsmasterSince some recent update my microphone doesn't work anymore, I've tried every possible slider in alsamixer etc :/20:02
Zopiacit wont mount. just does nothing20:02
kennydudeunplug it and plug it in again20:02
lackSBongolian: The apps are sorted by the system, depending on their app.desktop files, which are located in /usr/share/applications20:02
estudiantelackS, hmm, I'm stucked with find, shame to say20:02
lackSrinsmaster: Did you unmute your channels?20:02
kennydudeZopiac: oh right... dunno20:02
djblocHow can I setup a live CD persistent storage on a USB stick that is encrypted? Using 8.10 at the moment.20:03
rinsmasterlackS, yea, afaik I've opened up all channels20:03
lackSestudiante: Try: 'find -iname "*gdm*deb" /var/cache/apt/archives', without _only_ the ''s20:03
lackSrinsmaster: Did you press tab in alsamixer to go to recording setting?20:03
kennydudedjbloc: doing the live cd thing would override the encryption unless it's device level20:03
rinsmasterI did get a message about a "asoundconf set-default-card" command after the update, I've executed that commands, but it doesn't seem to do anything20:03
rinsmasterlackS, yes20:03
lackSrinsmaster: There you might be able to enable a thing called "Mic Boost" - this is a good idea20:04
rinsmasterlackS, put that on 100% and unmuted20:04
embartpCpudan80, Flannel, thanx20:04
lackSrinsmaster: Strange thing... any switch on the headset itself to mute the mic?20:04
embartpi have my vim :)20:04
embartpand it is colored20:04
rinsmasterlackS, I've tried several mic's that used to work before, so it's not a hardware prob...20:04
Coolkid while running/installing the ubuntu live CD, i got error SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block 0x9797f error20:05
ggHello !20:05
lackSrinsmaster: Ok so far... You're able to play music or sound?20:05
RyanPriorHey there. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my machine but after a few initialization steps it just dumps me to busybox with no explanation. Can anybody help me figure out what is failing?20:05
M3TAPHYS1CSlackS: sorry for this but i got disconected again..i found iptables in synaptic and removed it and restarted..20:05
lackSM3TAPHYS1CS: Ok.... be warned that this might be dangerous though20:05
jcpHi everybody!20:06
rinsmasterlackS, Yes, playback works just fine, as always, As usual pulseaudio hates me, so sometimes things better work when it's not running, and sometimes the other way around, Now i've tried both, and still no sound from my mic :/20:06
lackSM3TAPHYS1CS: Without iptables, your system is not secured at all!20:06
M3TAPHYS1CSlackS: in what way20:06
lackSrinsmaster: Sounds pretty mystic to me :-/20:06
djblockennydude: live cd is copied to usb stick using usb-creator. I note a persistent EXT3 storage file is created in the root dir called "casper-rw". I would like to create a similar file but encrypted.20:06
estudiantelackS, No gdm there20:06
lackSM3TAPHYS1CS: iptables is the firewall base of linux, so without it, you're not able to block ports and stuff like that20:06
Coolkidi want to install ubuntu in an external disk. As with my laptop, am getting SQUAHFS error, is it okay to install ubuntu to my external disk from other Laptop (different model/company), and then use in my laptop?20:06
kennydudedjbloc: why would you want it encrypted?20:06
lackSestudiante: fsck... that's not good20:06
lackSestudiante: I've run out of ideas, sorry20:07
estudiantelackS, it's ok20:07
M3TAPHYS1CSah ok i have a hardware firewall so that shouldnt be much of a problem..do you think this will solve the disconeccting problem?20:07
estudiantelackS, thank you anyway20:07
lackSM3TAPHYS1CS: Give it a try20:07
lackSestudiante: np, you're welcome20:07
rinsmasterlackS, sound has always sucked here on 64bit ubuntu, I usually can't run firefox with flash, and another audio app the same time20:07
M3TAPHYS1CSlackS: thanks man20:07
danishjordan1lackS, it worked just fine.20:07
lackSrinsmaster: Why are you using 64bit? 'cause of your 64bit CPU?20:07
lackSdanishjordan1: Fine :-))20:08
Zopiacthe mounted flash drive is being mounted read-only. the switch on the flash drive itself is set to unlocked; why wont it mount read/write?20:08
jcpI had installed Ubuntu Hardy on a Acer Aspire laptop and I had some problems to use the bluetooth. i don't know what is the problem. I've had everything that I found on the Forums.20:08
rinsmasterlackS, Yea, I'll switch to 32 bit on the next version though20:08
kennydudeZopiac: did you mount it with the command earlier20:08
Zopiackennydude: yes20:08
lackSrinsmaster: I recommend it.... 64bit linux is still too crappy, unfortunately20:08
danishjordan1and im back20:08
=== danishjordan1 is now known as danishjordan
lackSdanishjordan: All right now?20:08
kennydudewell you need to "sudo chmod 777 /media/flashdrive"20:09
estudiantelackS, BTW it seems the correct syntax is " find  /var/cache/apt/archives/ -iname "*gdm*deb"20:09
estudiante" the expressions must come after the path20:09
danishjordanYeah. I still need to find an XP .iso that will ACTUALLY work. lol20:09
lackSkennydude: oO 777???20:09
estudiantelackS, Just wanted you to know20:09
lackSestudiante: Sorry, you're right...20:09
danishjordanI can't get torrents to work on Transmission20:09
kennydudeoh well 755 then20:09
lackSestudiante: Thanks... I'm usually using find in the directory that I want to search directly20:09
estudiantelackS, Just found out20:09
icqnDo not you miss this feature? Nautilus extension that allows you to open a terminal in arbitrary local folders https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-open-terminal/+bug/16235220:09
Coolkidi want to install ubuntu in an external disk. As with my laptop, am getting SQUAHFS error, is it okay to install ubuntu to my external disk from other Laptop (different model/company), and then use in my laptop?20:09
kennydudeZopiac: you need to "sudo chmod 755 /media/flashdrive"20:09
takamarouHi, I just installed a secondary hard drive.  The hard drive is recognized by my BIOS, and shows up in my file browser, but I am having some trouble mounting it.  It says: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply...  anyone know what this error means?20:10
Zopiackennydude: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109550/20:10
estudiantelackS, Well, I myself have problems with te corrrect syntax too :), no worries20:10
lackSCoolkid: That could cause problems, because laptops are quite exotic and some things get set up laptop-specific20:10
djblockennydude: For security. If I lose it/it gets nicked.20:10
pietro_can I ask in this channel information about kubuntu?20:10
lackSestudiante: Ok, so we're same-minded in that ;-)20:10
kennydudeZopiac: dunno20:10
kennydudedjbloc: just set up a encrypted directory20:11
estudiantelackS, Ubuntu package fro gdm is just called "gdm" right?20:11
danishjordanpietro_: ./join #kubuntu20:11
lackSestudiante: Should be, yes20:11
kennydudedjbloc: and a password on your account!20:11
lackSestudiante: Hang on, I'll fire up my laptop and take a look20:11
estudiantelackS, Np, I can look it up on Ubuntu packages site20:12
lackSestudiante: All right with me :-)20:12
estudiantelackS, I'm on the working kernel actually :)20:12
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lackSestudiante: You're operating on a working kernel or you're working on the kernel?20:12
eater9Hi, I'm trying to turn Caps Lock into a modifier key, so I can use Caps-HJKL as arrow keys in X -- is that possible?20:13
estudiantelackS, operating, too small skills to work on it20:13
kennydudeeater9: very hard but it may be possible20:13
icqnZopiac, What is this? an usb stick? for some reason it is mounted in read only mode, i guess...20:14
lackSestudiante: Ok :-) But what do you want to tell me? We're all operating on a working kernel... if it was not working, we couldn't be operating :-)20:14
estudiantelackS, BTW, I've got a random question. Know a command to scan all the text files in a dir and grep them out?20:14
lackSestudiante: Yes, grep20:14
lackSestudiante: grep SEARCHSTRING *20:14
Zopiacicqn: yes; i need it moutned in read/write20:14
djblockennydude: Certainly an option but wanted a solution that encrypt the files regardless of where I put them in the directory tree20:14
lackSestudiante: Or did you mean removing the found lines20:14
estudiantelackS, Just as I thought, powerful!20:14
soreaueater9: Look into xmodmap and xev20:15
danishjordanlackS, can you help me out with finding an .iso of windows XP? I can't get torrents to download right on here.20:15
kennydudedjbloc: you would probarly only put them in you're home directory anyway20:15
lackSestudiante: :-)20:15
Baxis there a way I can resume the command line in the terminal after executing a command for a program.  Like say I typed "xmms" in the command line and I want to listen to music while browsing programs through the same terminal.  Do I have to open another tab and leave the other one open till I'm done with xmms?20:15
icqnZopiac, is it new? was it working before?20:15
marcelhow can i instal ubuntu linux - now i have kubuntu linux on my machine ??20:15
lackSdanishjordan: Sorry, I don't support illegal stuff. Go buy a Windows if you want one.20:15
kennydudedjbloc: otherwise there is no other way20:15
TekumelBax: Open another tab in the terminal window?20:15
danishjordanlackS, I have a CD key, I just need an install CD20:15
eater9kennydude: I've tried playing around with xmodmap but I can't seem to get what I want -- is that perhaps not the right approach, you think?20:15
Zopiacicqn: not sure if ive had it working on linux before, but windows, yes, i believe20:15
soreauBax: Append '&disown' to the command20:16
lackSestudiante: Read the manpage of grep, it's got a lot of useful options like ignoring case, searching subdirectories, inverse grepping (show everything that does _not_ match) and more20:16
takamarouHi.  I just installed a secondary HD, and I'm getting a DBus error .org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply error when I try and mount it.  any ideas on how to fi this?20:16
lackSdanishjordan: Are you a student or something like that?20:16
estudiantelackS, I was trying to say that my old Ubuntu kernel boots just fine, it's the that starts the locked gdm without audio & network20:16
danishjordanYes, why..20:16
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kennydudeeater9: if you've got a laptop use the FN key and things otherwise you're at no luck20:16
lackSestudiante: Oook.... Bad guy found :-)20:16
marcelhow can i instal ubuntu linux - now i have kubuntu linux....20:17
kennydudemarcel: you could try downloading ubuntu and installing over20:17
lackSdanishjordan: Go look if your school/university takes part in MSDNAA (MS developer network / academic alliance)20:17
Zopiacmarcel: what do you mean?20:17
fosco_marcel: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:17
danishjordanlackS: yes I am a student. Why?20:17
lackSdanishjordan: If it does, you should be able to download and install it legally and for free20:17
Baxsoreau: close enough, thanks!20:18
lackSestudiante: Which version is the old one?20:18
estudiantelackS, :) . Well, it's sort of getting us closer to refine the problem source. If one kernell just fires up ok, and another not, might that be a package or and invalid, corrupted module? Am I clear in that?20:18
danishjordanlackS: Sorry, I'm a sophomore in High School ;)20:18
marceli don't know step 4 - partionaingthx20:18
lackSdanishjordan: Ok :-)20:18
lackSdanishjordan: In this case, I can't help you20:18
estudiante2.6.24.22 is the old one, the newest (affected)20:18
lackSdanishjordan: Just because I don't know where to get this thing20:18
icqnZopiac, what does the command "mount | grep media" tell you how your usb-drive is mounted?20:18
danishjordanlackS: That's okay. I'll figure something out20:19
lackSestudiante: Do you need the newer kernel for a specific reason ?20:19
estudiantelackS, is the old one, the newest (affected)20:19
kennydudemarcel: you just let it go automatically if you've got you're data backed up of kubuntu or do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" in a terminal20:19
w33d5is there a way to see which    PROG    are      LISTENING           on which          PORTS20:19
user___w33d5: netstat20:19
lackSw33d5: nmap20:19
estudiantelackS, Just installed itself by default when Ubuntu upgraded to 8.10 from 7.1020:19
Zopiacicqn: hold on, i switched flash drives...THIS one is just appearing as 'USB Drive' :(20:19
nickrudw33d5, sudo netstat -tlnp20:19
lackSestudiante: :-/ Not good20:19
estudiantelackS, why?20:19
w33d5danke all20:19
danishjordanlackS: Is it possible to boot from a USB stick?20:19
lackSestudiante: If not, just use the old one and that's it20:20
lackSdanishjordan: Yes. Need some time and effort to fiddle it up and a BIOS that supports it, but it's possible20:20
Cpudan80estudiante: you can't upgrade directly from 7.10 --> 8.1020:20
danishjordanlackS: I guess I'll stick to the whole "Boot from CD" idea. ;)20:20
Zopiacicqn:/dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush)20:20
lackSdanishjordan: Boot linux from CD?20:20
djblockennydude: thx for the advice.20:21
Cpudan80estudiante: did you go through 8.04 first?20:21
icqnZopiac, ro does mean read only20:21
estudiantelackS, Well, that's something I can always do, but resolving the issue will be more fun :)=20:21
danishjordanlackS: No I'm going to install XP then install ubuntu so I can dual boot.20:21
Cpudan80you could go up to 8.04 from some of the older versions ...20:21
Zopiacicqn: ok?20:21
lackSestudiante: I wish I had your amount of free time :-)20:21
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icqnZopiac, here is a howto howto mount it the way you want https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB20:21
lackSestudiante: If you really want to learn something, go get Slackware and install/configure it20:21
icqnZopiac, enjoy :-P20:21
hefI used the alternate install disk to do an installation with full disk encryption.  I believe that gets handled in the initramfs.  Is it possible to tweak the initramfs build?20:21
estudianteCpudan80, yeah, right, just realized i got wrong, sorry. It's 8.04 of course20:21
lackSestudiante: Die-hard in the beginning, but gold-worthy for know linux internals20:21
hefI want toadd another disk20:21
danishjordanlackS: I'm going to get on my laptop. I will be right back.20:21
Cpudan80estudiante: ok - sounds better :-)20:22
lackSdandel: That's the right order to do it :-)20:22
lackSdandel: Sorry, wrong person20:22
bobbyygI'm a newbie to Ubuntu - where do the programs go when I minimize them as there20:22
estudiantelackS, Maybe, one day20:22
=== MartyMcFly is now known as MartyMacFly
lackSbobbyyg: There's a panel at the bottom of your screen20:22
estudiantelackS, I've always wanted to really learn something20:22
danishjordan1And I'm back20:23
lackSestudiante: Go play with slack. I've used it for two years as main system, it was my first linux, and I've learned a whole lot from it20:23
bobbyygThats the problem there's no panel at the bottom anymore.  It was there. How do I restore it20:23
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Zopiacicqn: even following those directions to get it read/write it tells me: mount: block device /dev/sdb1 is write-protected, mounting read-only20:23
lackSestudiante: Don't expect it to be easy, don't expect it to do everything with automagic, but once set up, it will just plain work -- and that's worth it20:23
estudiantelackS, hmm20:24
lackSestudiante: Guess why I chose this nickname ;-)20:24
estudiantelackS, hehe20:24
estudiantelackS, I have to go20:24
uncategorizedis it possible to "run" a .desktop file from the shell? how?20:24
lackSdanishjordan1: wb20:24
danishjordan1lackS: Thanks20:24
lackSestudiante: np, have a nice evening (or whatever time you have now)20:24
estudiantelackS, thank you for your help20:24
bazwhat are the numbers "0 0 " at the end of my fstab line for? Is this where i adjust the perms to 7777 or whatever will get me proper read/write access on the mount?20:24
lackSestudiante: np, you're welcome :-)20:24
estudiantelackS, evening20:24
lackSestudiante: Europeß20:25
estudiantelackS, BTW, where are you from?20:25
lackSestudiante: *?20:25
lackSestudiante: Germany, currently Aachen (that's next to the Netherlands and Belgium)20:25
estudiantelackS, How long have you been playing with Linux?20:25
lackSestudiante: I'm living there, but I grew up in a rural area not too far away from Aachen20:25
uncategorizedessentially, i want to launch a shortcut on the desktop from the command line?20:25
miranda_psibaz: not sure what they are for, but to set the permissions you use the option umask20:25
Guest49250my wlan interfaces dissapear.. in 2 laptos i have...20:26
lackSestudiante: since 2003, I'm using it as my main operating system20:26
Guest49250any idea what can be causing it?20:26
estudiantelackS, started with Slack?20:26
lackSestudiante: Yep :-)20:26
Guest49250im completetly clueless20:26
lackSestudiante: Slack 9.0-10.2, Zenwalk, Frugalware (still now)20:26
bazmiranda_psi, umask eh, can u give me an example20:26
estudianteGuest49250, Same here :)20:26
danishjordan1This is my second day with linux and its beast.20:26
=== Guest49250 is now known as kusanagi__
bazmiranda_psi, i want to make the drive readable/writable without limitations20:27
lackSdanishjordan1: Linux has no beast -- it just doesn't treat its users like idiots ;-)20:27
kusanagi__and do you have any guess estudiante ?20:27
ubuntumediaguyI just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on a new Toshiba laptop. I cant get the wireless to work. Anyone have a hint... I'm new at Linux.20:27
danishjordan1True. ;)20:27
estudiantelackS, I'll think it up to try out Slack20:27
bazmiranda_psi, right now if i create a folder there is a little lock icon and i cant copy things into it20:27
lackSestudiante: It was just a guess. Do whatever you like :-)20:27
estudiante!wireless >kusanagi20:27
estudiante!wireless >kusanagi_20:27
danishjordan1Maybe I'll use vista. It's not that bad. I just need a windows OS for the next 10 weeks20:28
estudiante!wireless > kusanagi_20:28
lackSdanishjordan1: Use whatever you like -- it's /your/ choic20:28
lackSdanishjordan1: +e20:28
bobbyyglackS, there is no tray at the bottom, that's the problem, how do I restore it20:28
lackSbobbyyg: You're using gnome?20:28
danishjordan1lackS: it's nie to have an unbiased opinion for once ;)20:28
miranda_psibaz: as one of the options you can put umask=0000 and that should make it read/writeable by everyone (also make sure that folder you mount to has the right permissions)20:29
AdaMiI am trying to get a hawking HWU54G usb wirelss to work. anyone able to help?20:29
estudiantelackS, bye20:29
bobbyygLacks, I'm using Ubuntu but I had a problem with an Nvidia card, removed it and installed ATI and I think that's when it went away20:29
lackSdanishjordan1: Oh, thanks. I don't want to force people into using linux. I want to force people into using what fits them best. If it's Microsoft, go for it.20:30
lackSbobbyyg: Not quite necessarily20:30
danishjordan1lackS: For me It's dual boot.20:30
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lackSbobbyyg: Please ask to the others, I don't know how to restore this bar on gnome. Sorry :_(20:30
kusanagi__estudiante what are you trying to tell me? :)20:30
lackSdanishjordan1: Me too... Frugalware (exotic distro) and XP, but I'm firing up XP every five or six weeks only20:31
=== stefan__ is now known as stufkan
lackSdanishjordan1: My antivirus software is always screaming at me if I start it up :-)20:31
bobbyygWhat happened to the tray at the bottom of my screen.....it's gone20:31
lackSestudiante: See you!20:31
estudiantekusanagi__, That sth swallowed up my net devices :)20:32
miranda_psibobbyyg: what tray?20:32
zash_bobbyyg: only the bottom?20:32
danishjordan1lackS: I'm gonna keep ubuntu on this laptop, and dual boot XP or vista and ubuntu on my desktop20:32
bobbyygmiranda-psi, the one where programs go when they are minimized20:32
kusanagi__estudiante, and did get something so far?20:32
kusanagi__any guess may helps me20:32
kusanagi__coz im completely clueless20:33
lackSdanishjordan1: Ok, good setup. I'm also using Ubuntu on my laptop, it just fits it quite well20:33
estudiantekusanagi__, not really, check some logs etc20:33
miranda_psibobbyyg: just right click on the top bar and click add panel20:33
kusanagi__estudiante, any particular log? coz i checked a few and i found anything :S20:33
lackSOk guys, I'll go bashing my lungs with some smoke. brb20:33
danishjordan1lackS: This laptop has never started up so fast, I'm not gonna lie. When it had XP on it, the people using it were inexperienced. I swear it was on a botnet. Also, is there a way to see what hardware is on the laptop? Like a ubuntu version of belarc advisor? whats the terminal command?20:34
danishjordan1I remember it put out a .txt file.20:34
lackSdanishjordan1: Go look up these things: command lspci, files /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/meminfo20:35
lackSdanishjordan1: I'll go smoking, brb20:35
bobbyygmiranda-psi, I just opened Rhythum box and gave it a minimize command and the bottom panel is blank20:35
miranda_psidanishjordan: try lspci20:35
cellofellowdanishjordan1: listing hardware you can do lspci, lsusb, lshw, and the proc files.20:35
jsfoxtonhi ppl, I'm getting an IOPL error when running excel in wine. Can anyone help. I've already tried winehq20:36
bazwhats the command to UNmount?20:36
Jargonto unmount: umount20:37
jp_sfbaz: umount20:37
miranda_psibobbyyg: right click on the bottom panel and go add to panel, scroll through the options until you find window list and that should do th etrick20:37
giggseyI'm trying the 9.04 alpha, and the livecd fails to boot with error "SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block ..., size ffad" - Any ideas?20:37
jp_sfjsfoxton: is it IOPL not enable ?20:38
LLStarkswhy i am being told that there's no space left on my device when i have 130 GB of free space and a single partition aside from swap?20:38
jsfoxtonjp_sf: yep...thats the one!20:38
redvamp128jsfoxton:  have you tried this page-- and used winetricks?WineHQ - Excel 2007 <http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&amp;iId=12812>20:38
bobbyygmiranda_psi, That did it! THANKS!20:39
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miranda_psibobbyg: no problem.  Enjoy :)20:39
jp_sfjsfoxton: I had it and if I remember correctly I fixed it by running winecfg20:39
ardchoillegiggsey: /join #ubuntu+120:39
jxanderin bash i store a line of text containing tabs in a variable, but when i echo that variable, the text is displayed without the tabs. any ideas how i could store tabs in bash variables?20:40
jp_sfjsfoxton: I don't remember exactly try : http://www.google.com/search?q=IOPL+not+enable+winecfg&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a20:40
WebGuestjxander have you tried \t ?20:40
ardchoillejxander: I thought tabs were "text here\t\t" for two tabs20:40
jsfoxtonalready changed gdiplus but still wont start20:41
jsfoxtonwhat are winetricks?20:41
jsfoxtonis it a comand?20:42
redvamp128jsfoxton:  winetricks are how you would get the native gdi plus20:42
WebGuestAny distro I use has a horribly slow connection. And I'm at an apartment. Could the network have been set up to slow down linux systems somehow?20:42
ercleMy computer is really playing up, with just about every program not working as it should. Amsn is giving bug reports, opening random conversations etc, firefox has lost my bookmarks, changed homepage, forgotten passwords, Transmission wont download anything and myth tv wont even start. A simple restart hasn't worked, and i dont have the slightest clue what has gone wrong. My main concern is backing up my mythtv settings incase i need to20:42
ercle reinstall. i attempted "mysqldump -umythtv -ppassword mythtvconverg > mythtvbackup.sql" but that returned "mysqldump: Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) when trying to connect"20:42
WebGuestBecause when I go anywhere else it's fine20:42
redvamp128jsfoxton:  winetricks - The Official Wine Wiki <http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks>20:42
jxanderi'm getting a line of text from xorg.conf that has tabs using grep... how could i keep the tabs even after i store it in a variable?20:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winetricks20:42
td123WebGuest: I doubt it20:42
jsfoxtonin winecfg libaries gdiplus set to native is already done20:42
jp_sfjsfoxton: no my problem was with gdiplus.dll20:43
jp_sfjsfoxton: sorry then20:43
redvamp128jsfoxton:  the reason for that is because until you use winetricks you don't have the native gdiplus20:43
WebGuestThing is internet is fine in windows, and in linux it's fine anywhere except for at my apartment20:43
ardchoillejxander: man bash says that tabs are "\t"20:43
jp_sfjsfoxton: try #winehq20:44
filip_wooow it works20:44
* rkstr_ yawns20:44
filip_hi all20:44
pros977I have erected a shring to ubotu in my computer room complete with candles and an altar. I sacrifice one small goldfish a week to keep the mighty ubotu happy. Is this wrong?20:44
matrexhi filip20:44
ortsvorsteher!ot | pros97720:45
ubottupros977: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:45
redvamp128jsfoxton:  check your pm20:45
jp_sfpros977: join @ubuntu-offtopic but try to break Microsoft CDrom (it brings good karma)20:45
lackSI'm leaving now... got some work to do20:46
aaronorosenHello, for some reason my sounds stopped working on my computer and now all i hear is cracking noise any ideas?20:46
lackSI wish a nice day/evening to all of you.20:46
kvhWhen I use my kvm, the mouse button order is reset back to right-hand (although the prefs still has left-hand); any idea how to fix?20:46
Nvadahdumb question:... how do i mount the hard drive?20:46
Netcowboylecks bye :)20:46
bigbrovar_i get the annoying mouse seizures on hardy heron20:46
lackSNetcowboy: CU20:46
filip_nvadach search google its easssssy20:46
darkblue_BQ. How can I find the source code to the init.d utility for Postgres ?20:46
w33d5Nvadah: it depends on the file system20:46
bigbrovar_the mouse stops working for a while till i take it out and plug it back20:47
danishjordan1lackS: Are you here?20:47
w33d5Nvadah: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Manually_Mount_and_Unmount_a_device20:47
n8tuserdarkblue_B -> mostly all  in /etc/init.d/*  are scripts so you should be able to us vim to edit them20:47
darkblue_Bn8tuser: looking20:47
NvadahHD is NTFS20:47
n8tuserNvadah -> kindly  man mount20:48
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filip_change nick20:48
khiderAnyone here know how to get ncmpc running?20:49
ensosuxhao does I beat Unbunut?20:49
marceli install ubuntu -like-- sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, what i must to do now to start ubuntu session from kubuntu - restart machine ??20:49
Bodsdamarcel, log out, on the login screen there will be a button like "sessions> or "options" one of those will have an option to change the session to 'gnome'20:50
ensosuxFailsafe Gnome please20:50
marcelthank you Bodsda20:50
Bodsdayour welcome marcel20:51
ugliefrogI s there a easy way to change the text color in terminal i want the out put in grep to change colors20:51
marcelnow i'm logged out...20:51
moosticksI've just installed ubuntu 7.10 on my netbook (the only version I had available o me) and I need toconnect to to the net to update it, etc...but it's being shitty, and apparently there's a bug in this version for a wired connection20:51
moostickscan anyone offer some help? :/20:51
ensosuxI made it bold once--forgot how20:51
Bodsdamoosticks, please dont swear, and to the best of my memory gutsy had no wired network bugs, please elaborate20:52
w33d5hey when searching a man page using '/20:52
w33d5hey when searching a man page using '/'   how do you repeat the search20:52
ensosuxwhy only 7.1020:52
kusanagi__moosticks, have to tried to set up the network manualy?20:53
kusanagi__have you*20:53
MadsyI'm using the xpad driver for my Xbox 360 gamepad, and I am able to enumerate the gamepad properly. But X.Org thinks it is a two-button mouse. How can I resolve this?20:53
Bodsda!pm | moosticks20:53
ubottumoosticks: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:53
jxanderardchoille: i got that... this is what i do: test1=`cat xorg.conf | grep 'LeftOf'` ,then echo $test1 says "# Screen "aticonfig-Screen[0]-1" LeftOf "Default Screen"" instead of "#Screen         "aticonfig-Screen[0]-1" LeftOf "Default Screen"" ... i later use sed with these so i need it to be the same :(... any ideas?20:54
jxanderardchoille: the second one has tabs at start...20:54
ensosuxreconfigure your X using gaempad20:54
ardchoillejxander: Oh, you're using cat to pull in info from another file. Sorry, I thought you were writing your own code. I don't know how to do it with cat :(20:55
jxanderardchoille: well... thanks anyway :)... i basically want to comment a line and later uncomment it... any ideas on that?20:56
ardchoillejxander: you can comment a line inline and make a backup at the same time:  sed -i.backup 's/original text/replaced text/g'20:57
ardchoillejxander: sed is nice and powerful; man sed20:58
kusanagi__my wlan0 just dissapeared... and now i have one eth1... and the best thing is... its connected via wireless... does anybody know why is this happening?20:58
kusanagi__what happened to my wlan0?20:58
ensosuxwho needs help with easy problem?20:58
jxanderardchoille: yeah, that's what i was doing... except i don't know how to put a whole line from xorg.conf as original text in the substitution part of sed :(20:58
ardchoillejxander: also you'll need sudo with that since the file is a system file20:58
Finnish_Whats a good tool to extract audio from video?20:59
Stargazeri just installed Intrepid on my laptop again but /home wasn't mounted as my /home directory. can i still do this ?20:59
moosticksok, let's try this.... who is willing to help me via pm in regards to connecting to the internet using 7.10?20:59
kusanagi__moosticks, nobody is going to help you via pm... :/20:59
kusanagi__just ask in the channel21:00
flodinis there any sftp server that lets me publish a directory on my system for others to access?21:00
moostickswhat's wrong with pms, anyway?21:00
flodinas in, not exposing the whole system21:00
kusanagi__coz nobody is here to help you just you...21:00
ensosuxVSFTPD: jail anon users to a specific dir21:00
kusanagi__but just a wonering...21:00
ensosuxi use it on my ubuntu server21:00
Blackbird_I need help with screen resolution using the open source driver (Radeon RV250)21:01
kusanagi__keep trying maybe you have some luck21:01
moosticksI get that, I just don't see how people can keep their explanations straight with this amount of people in one room21:01
cdennyi need help accessing my printer on a vista computer21:01
michazoetsomeone here who knows how to configure a serial touchscreen device under Ubuntu 8.10 with Xorg?21:01
kusanagi__moosticks, that why we use te names of the ppl...21:01
flodinensosux: i saw some references to that on google, but nowhere on the home page does it say that it supports sftp... does it?21:01
kusanagi__moosticks, most irc clients change the color if its addressed to yo21:02
jxanderardchoille: any idea on how to put actual lines greped from xorg.conf in sed's substitution terms?21:02
w33d5cdenny: are you using samba??21:02
cdennyw33d5 i dont know21:02
moosticksuh huh, I realise that, too - it's just annoying with this amount of people coming and going21:02
moosticksbut  thanks for your help, I'll go elsewhere21:02
cdennyw33d5: how can i find out21:02
kusanagi__moosticks, and moreover, you can quit the joins and parts ,uncluttering the screen :)21:02
moosticksthat messes with other rooms I use on irc, though ;)21:03
Ultraputzhow can you set non-focused window transparency in metacity ?21:03
kusanagi__look in the options of the channel in whatever client you are using21:03
kusanagi__you can apply to just one room21:03
kusanagi__in most channels21:03
ensosuxFireFTP uses sftp21:03
kusanagi__in most clients*21:03
flodinensosux: that's a client, not a server21:03
cdennyw33d5: i tried using cups but that didnt work21:03
ensosuxo crap21:04
w33d5cdenny: run sudo netstat -tlnp  and see if you see "smbd"21:04
cdennyw33d5 it came up twice21:04
w33d5cdenny i actually use webmin to config samba, etc.. on my server box21:04
sdf How i can enable my second Xeon 550 Processor in 6.06 ?, I think i need a SMP kernel ? kindly Help me21:05
w33d5cdenny: I would guess its already running21:05
luke_help!  I run Vista on my desktop, yesterday I created a  partition and played arround with Ubuntu on it.  Then I formatted that partition, and now when I reboot it says GRUB loading, error 2221:05
cdennyw33d5 state = "listen"21:05
w33d5cdenny:  take a look at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Printers21:06
smiley_luke_: you'll have to repair the Windows installation21:06
Mechdavesdf, you need a smp kernel, you may have to compile your own, or upgrade to 8.10 which has a smp kernel standard21:06
ensosuxyou could use sftp21:06
luke_smiley_, So run Vista, ,choose the repair option?21:06
smiley_luke_: you've formatted the partition with the boot files on it, so you Grub doesnt know what to do. Yes, run Vista, choose repair.21:07
w33d5cdenny: you will also need to enable printer and file sharing on the xp machine21:07
Blackbird_Anybody for the screen res question?21:07
danishjordancan you use virtualmachine on ubuntu?21:07
w33d5cdenny: right click on your xp machine on the printer and look for sharing then follow the next->next menus21:07
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sdfMechdave : 6.06 donot support SMP on i368 system ?21:07
ensosuxAn SFTP client called sftp is available in OpenSSH suite that ships with most Linux systems.-linux.com21:07
mrglinuxubuntu 8.10 is the worst ubuntu that i see don't agree? it has many bugs and...21:07
cdennyw33d5 i enable sharing for unix services already, and the printer is being shared21:07
danishjordanIs there a virtual machine program for ubuntu?21:08
sdfmrglinux : I agree u , But 6.06 is better and mostly bug hase been fixed21:08
luke_smiley_, What about if I run XP repair, will that do it?21:08
mrglinuxsdf yes 8.04 was very good21:08
ensosuxdanishjordan: Virtualbox OSE is in the repositorys21:08
Mechdavesdf, yes it does but I don't know if Ubuntu still do a pre rolled smp kernel21:09
sdfmrglinux : Do you have any idea why my second Xeon server is shown Disables in lshw ?21:09
danishjordanensosux: Where?21:09
cdennycdenny: but after that i dont know what to do21:09
piccawhen i tried the release candidate for 8.10 i noticed that the panels were shaded and blended well with the wallpaper ... is it possible to do that with ubuntu 8.10, as it appears plain grey on mine21:09
smiley_luke_: XP repair will only work if you want to install XP. If youw ant to keep Vista, you must use the Vista repair option21:09
Slartpicca: you can set transparency for panels21:09
w33d5cdenny: two good sites to search i use all the time howtogeek.com and ubuntugeek.com21:09
danishjordanensoSux: Where is this at?21:09
ensosuxdanishjordan- if you want to install it, its21:09
mrglinuxsdf no idea21:09
ensosuxsudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose21:09
sdfMrglinux : unfrtunately 8.10 installer donot run on my system , it is not supported21:10
piccaah thanks Slart21:10
jrattnerQuestion:  Does anyone know where to find a Thunderbird package with SSL enabled?21:10
mrglinuxsdf i installed but everything crashed awful21:10
nobodiesHi, I have a question regarding virtualbox21:10
cdennyw33d5  i just realized it had a password protection on, so i will retry cups21:10
Mechdave nobodies just ask dude21:10
\Kirawhats the package called for compiz settings manager?21:11
\Kiraccsm isnt working21:11
Slart!ccsm | \Kira21:11
ubottu\Kira: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:11
w33d5cdenny: i think file sharing and printer sharing on xp has passwds on by default so that makes sense21:11
nobodiesI have Intrepid Ibex and want to install a windows xp. I never tried virtual box. Does it supports USB 2 devices on the guest os?21:11
paulo39hi, one friend of mine shut down his X by entering sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, now he cant do anything in command line and ctrl+alt+backspace and ctrl+alt+f7 didn't do anything21:11
ensosuxnobodies: yes, you can mount USB drives21:11
paulo39do you can help me?21:11
Slartnobodies: the OSE version doesn't support usb.. you'll have to get the closed source one21:12
smiley_paulo39: Alt + F221:12
smiley_paulo39: login, and type   sudo shutdown -r now21:12
Mechdavepaulo39, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start21:12
Guest93150j'aimerais pouvoir relier la connection internet de mon iPhone et de mon HTC à mon ordi en les reliant via le terminal21:12
Slart!fr | Guest9315021:12
ubottuGuest93150: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:12
nobodiesSlart: What do you mean by closed source? is it free?21:12
paulo39Mechdave, he cant write:S21:12
Blackbird_I'm running 8.04 with the open source radeon/ati driver (Radeon RV250) I can't change the resolution from 640x480. It says Xserver doesnt support the XRandR extension21:13
Slartnobodies: they have an open source version... and a closed sourced version.. it's free as in beer only21:13
Mechdavepaulo39, will the ctrl + alt + f2 work?21:13
magaioShould I be expecting a complete bog-down when opening a 70MB text file from a LUKS partition? All 4GB of RAM and 1GB of swap is used when opening the file. Waiting 6 minutes, file didn't open.21:13
paulo39he's saying me yes21:13
Slartnobodies: I mean both are free as in beer21:13
nobodiesSlart: that sounds good to me! I wanted considering vmWare21:13
sdfIs there any SMP kernel patch for 6.06 on i386 ?21:13
nobodiesSlart: thanks dude21:14
Slartnobodies: you're welcome21:14
Mechdavepaulo39, ctrl+alt+f2 log in as user then type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start21:14
Slart!generic | nobodies21:14
ubottunobodies: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)21:14
Slartoh, sorry nobodies21:14
Slartsdf: check above.. what ubottu said21:14
|Stargazer|i have /home as a seperate partition but when i installed intrepid it's not using my /home partition as /home. can i still make /home as my /home partition ?21:14
sdfthanx slart21:14
Husainilol i forgot my password on here21:14
Flare183cdenny: ???21:14
nobodiesSlart: what happend?21:14
Jausenbrotis anybody using firestarte here?21:15
cdennyw33d5: i get connection failed NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED21:15
Slartnobodies: I told the bot to tell you about kernels when it was sdf asking the question..21:15
ortsvorsteher!anybody | Jausenbrot21:15
ubottuJausenbrot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:15
Mechdavepaulo39, if that doesnt work, try sudo reboot21:15
JausenbrotxD funny bot^21:15
nobodiesSlart: thats ok21:15
w33d5cdenny: make sure your xp firewall is allowing connections to the printer21:15
Jausenbrothmm, got problems with firestarter21:16
paulo39i'm waiting for his response21:16
sdfslart : The above url is down or not valid :/21:16
Jausenbrotsomehow the icmp filtering doesn't work :(21:16
jrattnerQuestion: Does Evolution come with SSL enabled?21:16
Slartsdf: works for me21:16
Jausenbrotfilters everything out altouth i allowed some of the options21:16
paulo39Mechdave, it seems the problem is solved :) until now... very thank you21:16
ortsvorsteher!enter | Jausenbrot21:16
ubottuJausenbrot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:16
Mechdavepaulo39, no worries21:17
cdavis_#join #linux21:17
|Stargazer|is there a way to replace the /home ubuntu installed with a /home partition ?21:17
Slart|Stargazer|: yes.. and it's not even that hard21:17
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:17
kvhWhen I use my kvm, the mouse button order is reset back to right-hand (although the prefs still has left-hand); any idea how to fix?21:17
dannyeHi all. How can i know what -glx package had the correct driver for my nvidia? My 7000M appears in all of the packages description and don't know which one install21:18
Ultraputzhow can you set non-focused window transparency in metacity ?21:19
scunizidannye, try the 173 first and check the performance.21:19
dannyeok scunizi , thanks21:19
cdennyw33d5:  i enabled everything, and im not using and thirdparty firewall21:20
scunizidannye, you can always switch21:20
rww!separatehome | |Stargazer|21:20
ubottu|Stargazer|: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:20
dannyeohh.. didn't know that... 2 thanks :)21:20
|Stargazer|Slart: it's on a partiton already. i want to move /media/home to /home/21:20
rwweek, nvm, that's the same factoid >.>21:20
rww|Stargazer|: Then you'll need to edit /etc/fstab. See the instructions most of the way down that linked page.21:21
paulo39Mechdave, he's trying to install a Nvidia drivers for his amd machine, the name of the file is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run. after he run this file, it appears this error: ERROR: Unable to build the NVIDIA Kernel modul21:21
[OBACRON]I am getting error 22 on my grub boot anyone know how to fix this21:22
ortsvorsteherpaulo39: which version of ubuntu you use?21:22
M3TAPHYS1CShi guys i am being random disconeccted from the internet although i am still connected to the network..for eg even tho im conncected i cant browse the web or use aMSN or skype and i even get disconnected from IRC due to "connection reset by peer'..ive tried removing iptables21:22
cdennyw33d5: using lpd i get recoverable: Network host 'Family-PC' is busy; will retry in 10 seconds...21:23
paulo39the version is the 8.10, i think, it's not mine, but one friend of mine21:23
Slart|Stargazer|: so.. you now have home on a separate partition and you want to have it on the root partition? or21:23
paulo39> ortsvorsteher21:23
w33d5cdenny:  check this tut out http://raldztech.blogspot.com/2005/12/share-windows-xp-printer-to-linux.html21:23
s0101hi all does anybody know how to correct the desktop size in 8.10 it is bigger than the screen21:24
Mechdavepaulo39, Ubuntu should have nvidia drivers in the packages see http://packages.ubuntu.com21:24
paulo39he is relating me the ocurrences by msn in his windows desktop21:24
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M3TAPHYS1CSsorry if this is a repost but i got disconnected again <M3TAPHYS1CS> hi guys i am being random disconeccted from the internet although i am still connected to the network..for eg even tho im conncected i cant browse the web or use aMSN or skype and i even get disconnected from IRC due to "connection reset by peer'..ive tried removing iptables21:24
[OBACRON]I am getting error 22 on my grub boot anyone know how to fix this21:24
paulo39Mechdave, we tried that, but nothing works..:( his Nvidia is a FX570021:25
n8tuserM3TAPHYS1CS -> are you using wireless?21:25
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jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: wireless wire ?21:25
=== Pededy is now known as Peddy
gerberi have ubuntu 8.10 and window xp , i want to crea a network with this 2 os ,no idea what to do pls help ?21:25
n8tuser[OBACRON] -> you need to re-install grub21:25
s0101it started with ubuntu 8.04 after i had my screen disconected for 2 months when i put i back on it worked perfekt until i canceled a system update due to slow internet when i restarted it said that it could only run with low graph21:25
gerberi have ubuntu 8.10 and window xp , i want to crea a network with this 2 os ,no idea what to do pls help ?21:26
|Stargazer|Slart: yes, i have a /home partition and would like to replace /home with the /home partition.21:26
[OBACRON]n8 how do i do that21:26
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: you are far from your Access point ?21:26
baschtIs there some cool split-view filemanager for gnome? besides gnome-commander...?21:26
[OBACRON]ive run grub-install21:26
s0101a guy here told me how to update nividia and i did but it wasnt perfece so i updated to 8.10 and now i am back with the same prob again21:26
[OBACRON]but i keep getting a 494 error21:26
cdennyw33d5 SWEET!21:26
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: could be your access point21:26
lyk3ns0101: just a guess but I think you kill your xorg21:27
s0101maybe i should reinstall 8.1021:27
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: how are you reconnected ? do you get reconnected do you do something ?21:27
n8tuser[OBACRON] -> how many disk and partitions do you have? dual booting? where did youinstall grub? ie which partition?21:27
w33d5is this syntax right ?  to search within the text of files for instances of "ushare"        sudo zegrep "ushare" *21:27
gerberi have ubuntu 8.10 and window xp , i want to crea a network with this 2 os ,no idea what to do pls help ?21:27
s0101what is xorg and is there a way to fix it?21:27
scunizis0101, how did you do the nvidia update?21:27
n8tuser!who | M3TAPHYS1CS21:27
ubottuM3TAPHYS1CS: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:27
n8tuser!ics | gerber21:27
ubottugerber: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:27
s0101some program in the i used from the konsole21:27
M3TAPHYS1CS90% and on windows this never happened21:28
M3TAPHYS1CSim not being disconeccted from the router..21:28
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: how are you reconnected ? do you get reconnected do you do something ?21:28
=== dominique_anwese is now known as dominique
lyk3ns0101: I am an amatuer, but I know xorg is the graphical part of your ubuntu install. someone helped me compile my xorg once after I removed a graphics card and the video worked after that21:28
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, you don't have an airport extreme do you?21:28
M3TAPHYS1CSjp_sf i dont get disconected from the router but i cant access the internet such as browsing ff or skype or irc..21:28
break19this is odd.. ubuntu installer just.. freezing up.. disc passes the cd check.. passes a memory check.. freezes in both graphic, and text mode.21:28
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi: no its netgear21:28
foxjazzwhat's the diff between gnome and kde (ubuntu and fedora)?21:29
s0101i checked everything it is activated after 8.10 install but my highest res is only 640*480 (4:3)21:29
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: so you can still ping the router right on your Linux session ?21:29
n8tuserfoxjazz -> you can google for an answer to that.21:29
cdennyw33d5: i tried using it dynamically with the computer name, so i tried the ip address and its working now21:29
calcanyone know how to regex match except on an item, eg i want to not match if the string has a @ in it21:29
s0101it also says screen unknown21:29
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, sounds like my old netgear.. same symptoms.. flaky functionality.. ended up getting a linksys..21:29
rwwfoxjazz: GNOME and KDE are different desktop environments. They contain different programs, and have different looks. Ubuntu and Fedora are different distributions, supported by different people. Ubuntu and Fedora both distribute GNOME and KDE.21:29
break19it's freezing during filecopy.. but not always at the same file... but always around the same percentage...21:30
n8tusercalc am rusty but somewhere in [^]  you put the unwanted ones21:30
maxbaldwinIs there a way to make "ls" display the full path on each item?21:30
M3TAPHYS1CSjp_sf im not sure but im sure i still am connected21:30
Slart|Stargazer|: you're still not being clear.. right now you have a separate partition that isn't used and you have a home folder on your root partition that is being used as /home. Do you want /home to point to the external partition discard the data that is in the home folder on the root partitin(option 1)? do you want /home to point to the folder on the root partition but contain the data from the external partition(option 2)? do you want /home to point to the21:30
n8tusermaxbaldwin -> proly there is, man ls please21:30
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi: would the flaky functionality not also effect windows pc?21:31
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: ok, so how do you "get reconnected" again do you do something special ?21:31
sdfubuntu 8.10 installer get hang with just moving bar on my system , My system is Dell 550 Xe0n Dual with 1.5 GB of RAM21:31
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, in my case it did..21:31
cdennyw33d5: thanks for the help21:31
rwwn8tuser: If you don't feel like supporting users, please consider saying nothing, rather than telling them to google their problems.21:31
cdennyw33d5: now, how do i set a static ip address to my computer?21:31
M3TAPHYS1CSjp_sf i just wait it out, usually a few minutes and programs start signing in again such as skype and irc21:31
DG19075is running a belkin wireless router and netgear wg311v3... works fine21:32
breakfastmonkeyanyone know what could be wrong if my wireless keeps prompting for a WEP? Using Madwifi with Atheros AR5007?21:32
n8tuserrww if you constantly hand held users, when will the learn to fetch and solve the problems themselves?21:32
s0101maybe 8.04 is better21:32
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, have you checked for a conflicting IP?21:32
M3TAPHYS1CSjp_sf on my network monitor tho it switches between idle and transmitting every second constantly21:32
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n8tuserrww there are times when some have to be told to use google to get good info21:32
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi. no i havent how can i check that within Ubuntu21:33
jimi_hendrixhi...can someone help me setup a printer in ubuntu?21:33
sdfWHY ubuntu 8.10 installer get hang with just moving bar on my system , My system is Dell 550 Xe0n Dual with 1.5 GB of RAM ?, help me21:33
cdennyw33d5: i know how to access the router, but it says static route, not static ip21:33
jp_sfM3TAPHYS1CS: hum I agree with scunizi I think it is your router the problem, if I were you I would check that you don't have an option on your router that states "connection on demand" if you could put it at always on, looks like your router is dropping if it gets too quiet21:33
cdennyw33d5: it also doesnt have an area for the mac address21:33
ggHello ! Does anybody who speaks english have 3 minutes for me ?21:33
n8tusersdf -> you waited long enuff?21:33
jimi_hendrixi would give more info but im kinda lost with it...im on hardy21:33
jp_sf!ask | gg21:33
ubottugg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:33
oCean_!printer | jimi_hendrix21:33
ubottujimi_hendrix: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:33
rwwn8tuser: Then go find the info for them, and tell them how you got it. This is a support channel, not a read-the-manpages-and-google channel.21:34
sdfn8tuser: yeah, i thing there is no answer for me21:34
oCean_gg: just shoot and see if someone know the answer21:34
n8tuserrww to each his own21:34
rwwn8tuser: This discussion has come up before, by the way. I'm just repeating general consensus.21:34
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, right mouse click the wireless connect icon up by the clock and choose information.  Also is your router a dsl router?21:34
Slartsdf: have you tried doing the noapic, nolapic, noacpi stuff?21:34
n8tuserrww you do your thing i do mine21:34
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi, everything is fine there and yes its dsl21:34
n8tusersdf happens once or all the time when you tried again?21:35
sdfSlart: it got ther pointr, Can you tell me what u talking about ?21:35
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, dsl is typically setup to "dial" into the connection.. is that dialer on the win pc or done in the router?21:35
break19I have installed ubuntu 8.10 on the same pc before, and it went smooth as silk before.... now, however, it's not... only things that have changed since then is, a new keyboard (usb, vs ps2) and mouse (usb vs usb)21:35
jp_sfscunizi: good point21:35
FadudaI cannot get Ubuntu 8.10 to see my brother's wireless network. Works fine at home, and Windows XP can see both networks, any idea where I should begin?21:35
break19oh, and a new dvdrw21:35
flodinwhat is the best option if i want to share files on my system with others, without exposing the whole file system?21:36
M3TAPHYS1CSthe dialer is within the router scunizi21:36
breakfastmonkeyAnyone have any suggestions / experience working with ATHEROS MADWIFI? I am detecting networks but can't connect to them. CARD - ATHEROS AR5007 on UBUNTU 8.1021:36
cdennyjimi_hendrix: http://www.swerdna.net.au/linhowtosambaprint.html thats what I used21:36
scunizijp_sf, that's one reason I don't like dsl is because of that wacky dialer..21:36
n8tuserFaduda -> which wifi chip does your wifi nic have?  sudo lshw -C network21:36
jp_sfFaduda: I like to use wifi-rada you can find it in synaptic21:36
jp_sfFaduda: I like to use wifi-radar you can find it in synaptic21:36
Fadudan8tuser intel pro wireless 3945ABG [Golan]21:37
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, you should check for that switch jp_sf mentioned something about "persistance"21:37
n8tuserflodin -> can you clarify what you meant by share?  users have read/write priviledges to your files?21:37
jp_sfbreakfastmonkey: I haven't used madwifi in a while but seeing networks and not be able to join them is quite common to the drivers not being properly loaded in the Kernel21:37
Slartsdf: it's.. ehm.. well.. short version.. many computers reuqire you to boot with certain functions disabled (since the motherboard/bios manufacturers don't follow standards and only test their systems with windows).. those are the most common ones people try when the system does bad things.. acpi is ... something with advanced power management interface I think.. the others I don't remember what they are about21:38
fosco_hi, i've lost my gnome preferences, not sure what i've done, but i can not set any theme21:38
w33d5is this syntax right ? to search within the text of files for instances of "ushare" sudo zegrep "ushare" *21:38
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, you got a link to an online manual for your router?21:38
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flodinn8tuser: yes, or write privileges to parts of the directory structure21:38
breakfastmonkeyjp_sf any ideas on how to do that? or links you may know of?21:38
n8tuserFaduda -> try  sudo dhclient wlan0  or ath0 whatever the name of your nic is21:38
jp_sfbreakfastmonkey: I would start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi21:39
Slartsdf left? I wrote all that for nothing? my poor poor fingers..21:39
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, or a model number?21:39
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi i had a look and cant find the option idle timeout i did see however and it was set to 021:39
Wolv3how to fix spash on intrepid?21:39
jimi_hendrixthanks cdavis21:39
n8tuserflodin -> there are different ways, samba, nfs, sftp ... are they users of your system? or just grabs the files?21:39
jimi_hendrixcdenny i ment21:39
jp_sfSlart: no I read it, no no you are not alone21:39
idrissmrabtiHello Every One, I've just installed Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro the problem is that I can ping Web site But i cant get to them in Firefox21:39
idrissmrabtiAlso I cant Install new Packaage21:40
M3TAPHYS1CSNetgear DG834G is the model of router Scunizi21:40
idrissmrabtiIs There any solution21:40
idrissmrabtiIt's very Weird21:40
jsfoxtonhi ppl...i'm trying to run excel in wine. I had a IOPL error but thats been fixed. Now it just frezzes with the excel logo in the centre of the screen. Any help???21:40
Fadudan8tuser did that, got a whole lot of scrolling screen ending with 'No working leases in persistent database - sleeping'21:40
flodinn8tuser: i only want them to have access to files, not a shell on the machine. And i'd prefer for it to have high performance and be secure. I've already looked at sftp but there's apparently no way to not expose the whole system or building lots of dummy dirs for a chroot21:40
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, which version.. v?21:41
Slartjp_sf: ehm.. you're sdf? or you just found the information .... informative?21:41
n8tuseridrissmrabti -> if you can post your  ifconfig; iwconfig;  route -n ;  cat /etc/network/interfaces;  cat /etc/resolv.conf   lets see what we can glimpse from it21:41
aresnick_Is there a command line version of synaptics "Generate package download script?"  I'd like to generate that nightly, automatically, for backup.21:41
Wolv3how to fix spash on intrepid?21:41
jp_sfSlart: I found the information very informative... no really21:41
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi its a Wireless ADSL Firewall Router21:41
SlartWolv3: tell us how it's broken?21:41
Slartjp_sf: ah.. ok.. happy someone got something out of it =)21:41
n8tuserflodin -> the harder part is for them to write, reading a file is easier with tools like apache or web servers21:41
idrissmrabtiI'm on MAC OS21:41
n8tuserFaduda -> wireless?21:42
Fadudayes n8tuser trying to connect to wireless network21:42
idrissmrabtiYes I use Wifi21:42
luke_I just plugged a printer into my computer, how do I get the drivers for it?21:42
oCean_!splash | Wolv321:42
ubottuWolv3: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.21:42
idrissmrabtiHelp Please21:42
n8tuserFaduda -> is the box also connected to same router via ethernet?21:42
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, on netgears site for the DG834G there are several versions.. DG834G and DG834Gv2-521:42
hannes__me too21:42
Fadudan8tuser no, dont have access to ethernet at the mo21:42
jsfoxtonany help guys with excel?21:42
Wolv3i do all that but he still on TEXT mode21:43
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, if there is no "v<number>" then it's version 121:43
flodinn8tuser: indeed. I find it odd that in this day and age, there's no such simple thing as a secure file server protocol21:43
n8tuserFaduda  -> if you can post your  ifconfig; iwconfig;  route -n ;  cat /etc/network/interfaces;  cat /etc/resolv.conf   lets see what we can glimpse from it21:43
Slartluke_: first, before you spend time trying to diagnose things.. take a look at linuxprinting.org and see if anyone else has gotten it to work21:43
Fadudabut can connect to wireless using winxp21:43
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi, theres no v21:43
idrissmrabtiAny Help Please21:43
flodinn8tuser: one that has actual implementations, that is21:43
n8tuserflodin -> there are, its just you have to do some work21:43
n8tuseridrissmrabti -> if you can post your  ifconfig; iwconfig;  route -n ;  cat /etc/network/interfaces;  cat /etc/resolv.conf   lets see what we can glimpse from it21:43
Slartluke_: that site also lists problems, workarounds and what drivers you might want to use with the printer21:43
Fadudan8tuser im using a win box to write this21:43
flodinn8tuser: what do you propose?21:44
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, ok.  that means it's version 1.. can you log into the router control and see what version of the rom you have installed currently?21:44
n8tuserFaduda -> then find accomodations, either copy it line by line or get a usb drive to transfer it over to post21:44
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi from within the router i accessed the documentation i think its V5, heres the link http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/DG834G.asp21:44
n8tuserflodin -> for just the users to see? apache or tomcat is more than enuff21:44
flodinn8tuser: i want write access too21:44
n8tuserfloding to write, proftp  server21:44
SteveHillCan anyone suggest why I can get sound on 6.10 running videos and mp3s, but it doesn't run while watching Youtube via Firefox?21:45
n8tuserflodin to write, proftp  server21:45
mrglinuxi have problem in gnome (ubunu 8.10) when i open a program like gedit before open every thing on page (such as button ,texts and ..) hide abou 1 or 2 seccond after that open .. it is very bad problem for me21:45
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi i will check the version now under the router21:45
SteveHill6.10==8.10 Ubuntu21:45
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jeniboyhallo und ich bin newbe21:45
Fadudan8tuser do i paste the results here?21:45
mrglinuxanybody has this problem ?21:45
n8tuser!pastebin | Faduda21:45
ubottuFaduda: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:45
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi: its v221:45
Wolv3ubottu, gnomesplash no give options, just close21:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:45
oCean_!de | jeniboy21:45
ubottujeniboy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:45
Wolv3oCean_, yes21:45
SlartSteveHill: because flash is evil in so many ways.. =) there was some fix for flash and sound going around in a previous version.. not sure if that helps any more..21:46
Fadudathanks n8tuser21:46
jeniboyich liebe euch - i love everion21:46
Wolv3Slart, yes when i star i just see text21:46
n8tuserFaduda -> get it pasted and lets see what we can find and hopefully assist you21:46
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, ok.. so version 2.. now check what version rom is currently installed.21:46
SlartSteveHill: have you tried reinstalling flash? do you use pulseaudio? alsa?21:46
flodinn8tuser: you mean with SSL encryption then, i suppose21:46
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi, how?21:46
jeniboywo kann ich ein thema finden??21:46
n8tuserflodin -> yes, proftpd uses ssl or openssh somewhere in the pipeline i believe21:47
oCean_!de > jeniboy21:47
ubottujeniboy, please see my private message21:47
jpds!de | jeniboy21:47
ubottujeniboy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:47
SlartWolv3: hmm.. not really sure how to fix that.. read the links that ubottu sent you.. that's about all the help I can give you, sorry21:47
jeniboyubuntu de?21:47
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, usually you have to log into your router (something like and then there should be a section for upgrading the rom.. maybe the first page you see will have the rom version listed someplace.21:47
flodinn8tuser: there is no server that uses openssh, unfortunately21:48
flodinn8tuser: apart from openssh itself21:48
SteveHillslart: How do I know which system I am using?21:48
Wolv3ubottu, can u send me that link Slart talkin about u send me21:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:48
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi yes im inside the router but cant see that rom..i do see router upgrade but i cant see what version21:48
n8tuserflodin -> i dont know the internals of proftpd , perhaps google for it21:48
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi, infact its V2.10.2221:48
Slart!splash | Wolv321:49
ubottuWolv3: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.21:49
Slart!gnome-splashscreen-manager | Wolv321:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:49
flodinn8tuser: ok thanks, i will try with ftp over ssl21:49
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, k .. are you in the us or in europe someplace?21:49
Slart!info gnome-splashscreen-manager | Wolv321:49
ubottugnome-splashscreen-manager (source: gnome-art): manage your GNOME splash screen images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 152 kB21:49
homeskilletany idea why my gnome terminal wont launch anymore, this started happening after i changed my hostname21:49
n8tuserflodin not ftp over ssl, look into tools like proftpd21:49
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi, ireland21:49
SlartWolv3: install that package.. "sudo apt-get install gnome-splashscreen-manager" and try using that to change things21:49
Szadekhello all , i've been trying to play tomb raider underworld on ubuntu , but , when i start a game , the gAME crash , someone know a fix for this ??21:49
SlartSzadek: are you using wine?21:50
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, if you go here.. http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/DG834Gv2.asp you21:50
Wolv3Slart, ty21:50
breakfastmonkeythanks everyone!21:50
flodinn8tuser: proftpd uses ftp over ssl21:50
SlartSzadek: have you checked the application database?21:50
Slart!appdb | Szadek21:50
Wolv3Slart, i install it and when i choose the teme he quit himself21:50
ubottuSzadek: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:50
Szadekit has the last patch also21:50
n8tuserflodin okay, there are more alternatives, just google for them21:50
homeskillethow can i log in to a virtual console in ubuntu but still keep gnome running and get back to it?21:50
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, you'll see the different rom's available. you should probably upgrade.. might fix some of your issue21:50
SlartWolv3: well.. as I said.. I don't know much about the splash screen so I can't really help you21:50
Szadekohh i'll check it out , forgot that , but the last time i checked it gave no instructions at all21:51
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, I say ROM but they call them firmware images.21:51
Wolv3Slart, ok man ty21:51
M3TAPHYS1CSscunizi ill upgrade the firmware, yeah thats what i thought you meant by rom heh21:51
SlartSzadek: you could try asking in #winehq too.. that's the official wine support channel21:51
SlartWolv3: you're welcome21:51
luke_This openprinting.org is hard for me to understand... It doesnt have my printer listed21:51
n8tuserhomecable -> use of screen, you  may have to install screen,  man screen21:51
flodinn8tuser: yes, but the only encrypted alternative is ftp over ssl21:52
Szadekslart i will try it , thanks for the help =)21:52
vividhello, im running Hardy, and my swap partition got reformatted by a separate installation.  Now when i boot, my usplash drops back into text mode.  I know this is related to the UUID of the swap partition and i was wondering how to fix it.21:52
scuniziM3TAPHYS1CS, I don't know what the difference is between the 3.01.xx versions.. not sure why there's a UK version and a Germ/Aus version unless it's the language21:52
SteveHillSlart: I ran ps to determine that I THINK I am running pulseaudio.21:52
n8tuserscunizi -> some countries allow for like 14 channels, in us its 11 max21:53
oCean_homeskillet: I'm not sure what it is you want. You can open a terminal from Applications > Accessoiries. Or use <ctrl><alt><f1> to get to an non-X terminal.. <ctr><alt><f7> to get back at gnome21:53
SlartSteveHill: what does it say in system, preferences, sound? auto? pulseaudio? or alsa?21:53
Huene`how do I troubleshoot a sound problem on ubuntu? how does Alsa relate to Pulse? are they reliant on one another? I know Pulse can be disabled? can pulse function without alsa, is there an IDIOT"S GUIDE TO SOUND?21:53
homeskilletocean yeah thats exactly it thanks21:53
scunizin8tuser, true.. but there's actually what looks like 4 versions .. each with different numbers.21:53
jp_sfn8tuser: Europe it21:53
jp_sfn8tuser: Europe it 's 1321:53
jp_sfn8tuser: Europe it 's 13 and Japan is the only in 1421:53
MadsyAnyone knows if there is a .fdi file available for the XBox 360 wireless controller? Intrepid went over to using HAL for everything, so joysticks don't work anymore. They are treated as mice by HAL.21:54
Wolv3Slart, can u help me with this21:54
oCean_!uuid | vivid21:54
ubottuvivid: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:54
n8tuserjp_sf -> thanks for the info, i cant remember which is which21:54
movieboxHi - Running Ibex 8,10 Trying to access another Ibex computer on same network. Have a folder shared on the other one that will not mount or let me into - Any idea's ? ?21:54
Wolv3Slart, he say some solution but i dont uderstand it http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-969239.html21:54
SlartWolv3: I'll take a look21:54
scunizin8tuser, jp_sf I see 2 for UK, 1 for Germany & Austria, and one for Outside UK & NA then a bunch that have no label.21:54
vividoCean_:  my question would rather be, can i remove references to UUID from the system entirely so i dont have to deal with this issue every time i install an unstable system on my backup drive which is quite often21:55
n8tuserscunizi -> i honestly dont know why, homolegation for each country is different back then, dont know about it now-adays.. imagine bringing a 2400 baud modem from one to another back then.. <wink>21:55
SlartWolv3: I don't think that is the cause of your problem..21:55
Huene`nobody: no it's a simple configuration, 1 sound device that's a headset, the speakers work the microphone does not21:55
Fadudan8tuser re unable to connect to wireless network see http://paste.ubuntu.com/109574/21:56
rwwvivid: You can just use /dev/sdXN notation instead of UUID's, yes.21:56
gordonjcpscunizi: in the UK you are allowed more channels and more power on wifi21:56
Wolv3Slart, why?21:56
jp_sfscunizi: I honestly would suggest to go to the netgear forums (http://forum1.netgear.com/index.php)21:56
movieboxHave problem trying to access a shared folder on another ubuntu box - not sure if doing this right ?21:56
vividrww: okay, i removed the UUID's from menu.lst, fstab, and the resume files and replaced them with the the actual device name (/dev/sdb2), however when i boot my usplash drops into text mode21:57
Huene`nobody: well it would just help if I knew how the systems related to one another so I knew which one I needed to configure21:57
scunizin8tuser, 2400 baud!! wow.. that would have been screaming in my day :).. I bought one of the first metal cased Hayes 300 baud modems that came out.. $425 us.. ouch.. but I was happy :)21:57
n8tuserFaduda -> on your nm or what ever network manager tool you are using, take out   roaming and modify your  /etc/network/interfaces with an entry for your wlan021:57
s0101screen resolution help plz21:57
gordonjcpscunizi: not that I care much, because I can use any set of wifi channels I like and up to 10W output21:57
SteveHillSlart: It appears to be a mixture of pulseaudio and Conexant.21:57
Huene`nobody: the utilities to do it would be nice too but I don't even know where to look right now21:57
scunizijp_sf, not for me but for M3TAPHYS1CS21:57
n8tuserFaduda -> man interfaces or man iwconfig to see how the entry should look like21:57
scunizigordonjcp, where are you at?21:57
rwwvivid: I don't use usplash, so I wouldn't know how to help with that. Does Ubuntu still boot up? Just without usplash?21:57
s0101desktop is bigger thn my screen i have tried all the easy options plz help i have 8.1021:57
scunizigordonjcp, or you just hacked the box.. ?21:57
disco_lemonadeanybody here think Ibex is hella buggy?21:57
jp_sfscunizi: I know21:57
gordonjcpscunizi: UK, Scotland to be exact21:57
SlartWolv3: not sure really.. but the last post indicates that fixing it doesn't make the problem go away21:58
SlartSteveHill: ok.. let me guess.. the last line is conexant, right?21:58
movieboxCan't access a shared folder - help ?21:58
n8tuserscunizi -> yeah, but you got the idea, some countries have different rules, so maybe drivers for diff countries are different21:58
gordonjcpscunizi: hint - the ISM band where wifi lives falls right in the middle of the 13cm amateur radio allocation ;-)21:58
oarion7s0101 how close are you sitting?21:58
scunizigordonjcp, then you're a distant brother of sorts..21:58
vividrww: yes, it starts usplash, but drops back to text and boots normally, i guess im just picky about things looking buggy21:58
gordonjcpscunizi: qrz?21:59
scunizigordonjcp, ah.. we don't have 13cm amateur here in the us..21:59
jp_sfscunizi, n8tuser: my first modem was download at 1200 bauds and uplink at 7521:59
s0101i have been strugeling all day with this21:59
Fadudan8tuser i have no idea what that means21:59
Wolv3Slart, ok i keep searching21:59
movieboxNetworking problems - help ?21:59
scunizigordonjcp, 73's to that21:59
oarion7s0101, so is it something that has happened since install or just happened all of the sudden?21:59
gordonjcpscunizi: actually just checking, it doesn't look like Foundation licences have it either. Oh well, I'll need to wait until next month and then I get 40W ;-)21:59
jp_sf!ask | moviebox21:59
ubottumoviebox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:59
vividrww: i know i can fix the issue if i put the UUID entries back into fstab and resume, however since i removed them, sudo blkid gives no UUID21:59
n8tusergordonjcp -> 10watts? maybe i can hear you from across the pond.. lol man thats power21:59
juanmancan any helpme to conect my phone on ubuntu?22:00
scunizigordonjcp, what's your call?22:00
gordonjcpscunizi: MM3YEQ22:00
scunizigordonjcp, KD6WQK22:00
movieboxNetwork problems?22:00
s0101it happend after my screen was disconected for 2 months i put it back on and it worked BUT after i canceled a system update due to slow internet and restarted it said that i have to run with low grapg22:00
movieboxCan't acces shared folder?22:00
caseyhey my web cam on my asus laptop doesn't work. any suggestions?22:00
n8tuserFaduda -> man interfaces or man iwconfig to see how the entry should look like, also your /etc/network/interface have one entry already22:00
croddyi have an apple extended keyboard ii connected via an ADB/USB adapter. there are two keys on my keyboard that i'd like to use, but they don't appear to send anything to xev. where should i look for information on how to configure the extra keys?22:00
oarion7juanman, i think u might want tto look into he app "moto4lin" depending on your attentions with the phone.22:00
gordonjcpcroddy: which keys?22:01
croddygordonjcp, the power button and the extra "=" on the numpad22:01
oarion7s0101, so is the screen res low and thats it, or did you say you actually cannot see parts of the screen ?22:01
s0101after a guy from here told me how to update nividia driver i updated and now i am back with the same problem nividia is of course activated22:01
scunizigordonjcp, do you do satelite work?22:01
Wolv3Slart, i know what u tell me but this error is nothing?22:01
gordonjcpscunizi: I do, a bit22:01
Wolv3Slart,  ext3    relatime,error22:01
s0101i cant se parts of the screen22:02
gordonjcpscunizi: we should take this to -ot22:02
oarion7cancelling an update should be fine it will usually pick up or tell you that an update is broken and that it needs to repair, no biggy22:02
scunizigordonjcp, yep22:02
gordonjcpcroddy: I'm not sure the power button even sends a "normal" keycode22:02
scunizi\j #ubuntu-offtopic22:02
s0101i also tried auto adjust on the screen22:02
movieboxWill make this question as clear as possible - I'am having problem accessing a shared folder on another computer - can some help with my problem?22:02
jp_sfs0101: what is the model of the nvidia you have what are the result of dmesg | grep NVRM22:02
s0101 640*480 is my highest res and it says screen unknown22:03
mustangghello. I would like to know if eclipse cdt (c/c++ not java) is in the repos, or must I install manually from the website.22:03
SteveHillSlart: I'm going to reboot, and hope that the sound gets reset to "usual" ... I buggered it up somehow.  (Unless you know how to reset to "standard" or default.)22:03
jp_sfmoviebox: there is an excellent tutorial here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-shares.html22:03
SlartWolv3: huh? I don't understand.. what is that?22:03
jp_sfs0101: what is the model of the nvidia you have what are the result of dmesg | grep NVRM22:03
Fadudan8tuser i know you think that answer means something, but im an end user, not a geek. can you assume for a moment that im a total idiot and try again :)22:03
anTiXanybody know of a label printer which works on ubuntu8.10?22:03
SlartSteveHill: not really.. a reboot is probably the easiest way22:03
JesinI noticed that the most recent Python 3 packages in the repositories are still 3.0rc1, even though the stable release came out at the beginning of December.  What, if anything, could I do about that?22:04
elmnashi how do I install a .patch file?22:04
Wolv3whet i type cat /etc/fstab -> i got that date on sda222:04
movieboxjp_sf; Thank you much - new to networking with linux - very easy with windows that I'm trying to leave behind.22:04
Wolv3Slart, whet i type cat /etc/fstab -> i got that info on sda222:04
Slartelmnas: read the man page for "patch" .. I think that's the command you use22:05
vivids0101:   18.035046] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  173.14.12  Thu Jul 17 18:11:36 PDT 200822:05
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.22:06
jp_sfs0101: would be shorter if you had piped the grep NVRAM but thx vivid to higlight it and now what is your card model ?22:07
SlartWolv3: that's not an error.. it's part of the settings for that partition.. the error option configures what to do if the drive fails to mount, I think.. it can be stuff like "remount it as read only" or other options.. I think it's listed in the man-page for "mount"22:07
s0101geforce 610022:07
ActionParsnipjp_sf: could use grep -i ;) makes it easier22:07
s0101driver version 173.14.1222:08
=== nickklau is now known as marcules
o_portista17hello, i need some help here, i'm getting an error while trying to update or opening synaptic, because of the hwtest-gtk22:08
Wolv3Slart, ok man sry im newbie22:08
o_portista17i can't even remove it22:08
Huene`nobody: thank you you've been a great help as usual22:08
SlartWolv3: no worries.. asking questions is good.. it's the only way to learn22:09
ActionParsnipo_portista17: can you provide a pastebin of the output of: sudo apt-get update22:09
Fadudan8tuser any further suggestions?22:09
ActionParsnip!paste | o_portista1722:09
ubottuo_portista17: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:09
ActionParsnipo_portista17: make sure you have synaptic closed22:09
=== ubuntu is now known as cyber_bob
croddygordonjcp, okay, showkey doesn't seem to be receiving anything either. i guess i should assume those keys just won't work for me in linux? (not a huge loss)22:10
ActionParsnipcroddy: if they generate events in xev they are ok22:10
gordonjcpcroddy: I'm not sure how showkey works, but I suspect that for the power key at least it may send something really peculiar22:10
o_portista17on, sudo apt-get update, i have no error at all22:10
vividdoes anyone know if theres a netinstall iso available for jaunty?22:10
o_portista17the problem is if i try to update the packages that are ready for updating22:11
ActionParsnipo_portista17: ok, then can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update22:11
Slart!minimal | vivid22:11
ubottuvivid: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:11
ActionParsnip!jaunty | vivid22:11
ubottuvivid: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:11
kvhWhen I use my kvm, the mouse button order is reset back to right-hand (although the prefs still has left-hand); any idea how to fix?   Any suggestion where to even look?22:11
Wolv3Slart, true - agree22:11
ActionParsnipkvh: you may have to rmmod then modprobe the mouse module to get it redetected22:12
cocontmihow do i automount hdd in kde? gnome/xfce sessions works fine22:12
Fadudaguess not22:12
n8tuserFaduda -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11252622:12
Fadudan8tuser thanks, much appreciated22:13
ActionParsnipcocontmi: plug it in, its there. Is it not in the left hand panel of dolphin?22:13
o_portista17now, i have this http://paste.ubuntu.com/109579/22:13
ActionParsnipo_portista17: you are using jaunty22:13
o_portista17but i while ago, it performed the update, just fine22:13
ActionParsnip!jaunty | o_portista1722:13
ubottuo_portista17: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:13
cocontmiActionParsnip: it is a internal hd and a partition of my hd...22:14
cocontmiit does not show up...22:14
danes_anyone knows how can I install ubuntu and other linux distros in a usb drive, and have grub in it?22:14
ActionParsnipcocontmi: then you should have an entry for it in /etc/fstab22:14
ActionParsnip!usb | danes_22:15
ubottudanes_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:15
cocontmihow do i go about this ActionParsnip?22:15
ActionParsnipcocontmi: run: sudo fdisk -l22:15
n8tuserFaduda -> two lines to add to that interfaces file...  iface wlan0 inet dhcp; auto wlan022:15
ActionParsnipcocontmi: then open /etc/fstab22:15
ActionParsnipcocontmi: you will see some of the partitions are not mounted22:16
danes_ActionParsnip, yes, but is it possible to add other distributions in the same usb and have a menu to select the distributions?22:16
ActionParsnipcocontmi: you will need to add lines to the fstab file (use sudo / gksudo to edit it) so the partitions are mounted at bootup22:16
ActionParsnipdanes_: totally, its just like any other storage system22:16
ActionParsnip!fstab | cocontmi22:17
ubottucocontmi: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:17
n8tuserdanes_ -> for usb  i believe the boot loader is  syslinux22:17
ActionParsnipcocontmi: if the partitions are ntfs formatted you will need ntfs3g22:17
danes_ActionParsnip, by any chance do you know how can I do it?22:17
n8tuserdanes_ -> so you may have to modify the syslinux.cfg and its supporting files22:17
danes_n8tuser, do you know how can I modify syslinux to add other images?22:17
cocontmiok... thanks alot ActionParsnip and ubotto for the link... i believe i can take it from here22:18
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ActionParsnipdanes_: just follow the usual usb install method but then change the install method (but use similar steps) for the other OS, you will have to update the menu.list to be able to boot the other system22:18
dano__Dhi guys, can someone please help me, I have a broadcom 43xx and I have downloaded the .patch but how do I install it?22:18
ActionParsnipdanes_: ive not done a usb install of a dual boot system but id imagine its something like tat22:18
n8tuserdanes_ -> not off hand, you have to google for how to modify syslinux and or bootloaders22:19
ActionParsnip!patch | dano__D22:19
ubottudano__D: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.22:19
cocontmiit looks like fstab is editable in konqueror... kde 4 comes with new surprises...22:19
danes_also, I have a eeepc, and yesterday I lend my computer to a friend. When I turned it on today, I got this error: GRUB loading, please wait... error 21. How can I fix it?22:19
ActionParsnipcocontmi: fstab is Linux version independant, its the same for all linuxes22:19
danes_I definitively need a live usb to fix it since the computer does not have a cdrom drive22:20
kvhActionParsnip: The mouse is detected, just not that the button order should be left (as it is in the perfs)22:20
ActionParsnipcocontmi: bang some lines in there and it will be mounted at bootup22:20
luke_Man this sucks, I dont have my vista disk right now, so I cant fix the GRUB error 25 on my desktop22:20
cocontmii know... i don't think nautilus or firefox can do the same thing...22:20
ActionParsnipluke_: if you can boot to linux, add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.list  to boot the vista22:21
ActionParsnipcocontmi: no as they are file and web browsers...not much to do with file mounts22:21
cocontmino they can't they just display it22:21
ActionParsnipkvh: left as in left handed?22:21
luke_ActionParsnip, What do you mean "add an entry" there22:22
kvhActionParsnip: Yes, button order is left in prefs22:22
coorekhi all22:22
elmnashii can someone help me I downloaded a broadcam 43xx driver patch , its  a name .patch but how do I install it?22:22
coventryI just took an "apt-get upgrade" which upgraded my kernel.  When I reboot, the system halts after fsck reports that sdb1 is clean.  I waited five minutes, then started fiddling.  Control-Alt-Delete got the boot process going again.  I have since done three reboots, and verified that it halts at this point, Control-Alt-Delete restarts the process. In addition, on one reboot, when I cd to the mountpoint for sdb1, I initially found it's22:23
coventryempty, and df did not report the mountpoint.  When I tried to mount it, it said it's already mounted, df reports it as mounted, and the expected files are there.  On another of the reboots, it was unmounted at first, but the explicit mount command worked.  Is Control-Alt-Delete pushing some process which leads to the mounting of sdb1 into the background, somehow?22:23
ArrPirateHi. I'm trying to get gedit to compile a program using make. When I do that it says 'export DEVKITARM=<path to>devkitARM' but if I start gedit in the terminal it compiles fine. I think it's because the vars are different from console and desktop. How can I fix this?22:23
ActionParsnipluke_: well grub is a bootloader that can boot many systems. If you can succesfully boot linux but not vista, add an entry to the options to boot vista22:23
PB_G3I can't seem to get ubuntu running on my PB G3 lombard (the CD pulls up busybox at initramfs).22:23
ActionParsnipluke_: if nothing boots and you have your live linux cd, yuo can fix grub with this:22:23
luke_ActionParsnip, I'm a noob, it's going to take a step 1,2,3, thing for me :p22:23
ActionParsnip!grub | luke_22:23
ubottuluke_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:23
ActionParsnipluke_: you're gonna get yur hands dirty dude22:24
luke_ActionParsnip, I don't have Ubuntu installed though, I deleted it.  I can do the live boot though22:24
ActionParsnipPB_G3: did you md5 check the iso as well as verify the cd at first boot22:24
Sundarnewbie here.i wanted to debootstrap a jaunty armel.i created a stage 1 image in a new partition  debootstrap --verbose --foreign --arch armel --variant=buildd jaunty $LFS http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports. when i do stage 2:  chroot $LFS /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stageI   error :chroot: cannot run command `/debootstrap/debootstrap': Exec format error . help please.22:25
ActionParsnipluke_: if you dont have linux installed then the live cd wont help, you could create a small boot partition to use to help launch windows22:25
Fadudan8tuser edited as suggested now what?22:25
bazhey i mounted my NAS share but to delete files and such I have to sudo... I would like to not have to sudo... any ideas?22:25
ActionParsnip!jaunty | Sundar22:25
PB_G3ActionParsnip: I d/l it from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-powerpc.iso22:25
ubottuSundar: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:25
ActionParsnipPB_G3: doesnt matter, did you md5 check it?22:25
PB_G3one se22:25
ArrPiratelike's problem is that he uninstalled windows and wants his MBR to point back at windows?22:25
PB_G3i mean one sec22:25
ArrPirateluke's, not like's22:25
luke_ActionParsnip, So should I install linux on the partition that I deleted it from?22:26
Sundarubottu: thank you.22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you.22:26
ActionParsnipPB_G3: doesnt matter how or where you got it, if the md5 check fails its a bad image which will make a bad cd22:26
ArrPirateluke_ Your problem is that you want your computer to boot to windows after uninstalling linux?22:26
luke_ArrPirate, No, I had Vista, then partitioned and installed Linux, then deleted Linux and formatted the partition, now am getting Grub error 22 when I try to boot22:26
ActionParsnipluke_: i think ArrPirate has some gold for you22:26
PB_G3i dont see md5's on the server22:27
n8tuserFaduda -> sudo dhclient wlan022:27
luke_ArrPirate, so sort of yes and no22:27
ArrPirateluke_ You need to go into vist'a recovery mode probably using a disc of some sort (I know how to do this for XP) and there's a command like fixmbr22:27
ArrPiratethis will overwrite grub and it'll justb e a plain jane Windows install again22:27
PB_G3ActionParsnip: i cant find md5s22:28
ArrPirateagain, never done this with Vista. I've done it with XP22:28
ActionParsnipPB_G3: http://www.worldwide-database.org/cgi-bin/list_files.cgi?md522:28
luke_ArrPirate, thats what action said, but I was trying to ddo it without the vista disk since I dont have it right now22:28
bazi dont think i phrased my questions well... I mount'ed a network share thru fstab. Now I can read files/folders but to delete and create them I have to sudo... is there some way to not have to sudo?22:28
ActionParsnipPB_G3: there are the md5 hashes all the way back to warty22:28
ArrPirateluke_ I think that's the official answer, though. i'll google for you.22:28
ActionParsnipbaz: mount with better options to allow users to write22:28
ArrPirateHi. I'm trying to get gedit to compile a program using make. When I do that it says 'export DEVKITARM=<path to>devkitARM' but if I start gedit in the terminal it compiles fine. I think it's because the vars are different from console and desktop. How can I fix this?22:28
RickXanyone know if you can add kde to Ubuntu Netbook Remix?22:29
ActionParsnipbaz: http://www.hafenscher.net/wiki/index.php?page=Mount_USB_stick_read_and_writable_for_users22:29
ActionParsnipbaz: those UIDs should help22:29
ArrPirateluke_: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/uninstalling-grub-from-vista-550172/22:29
Fadudan8tuser > done. whats next?22:29
ArrPiratefirst response from googling 'uninstall linux vista'22:29
ActionParsnipRickX: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:29
n8tuserFaduda -> did you get an ip address?22:30
nicholaswyoungTrying to build something in python, but I keep getting gcc errors. I've got the build essentials package, and gcc already installed.22:30
vieqhi I want to use openoffice.org 3.0 should I download it from the main site or there is some repo i can use?22:30
RickXActionParsnip: I really don't want everything, just the base... I was just wondering of I could install KDE and get away from the Remix desktop.22:30
ActionParsnipnicholaswyoung: what error do yuo get?22:30
n8tusernicholaswyoung -> python but getting gcc errors?22:30
balrog__how do i find out what ip address i have been given in ubuntu intrepid server?22:30
erUSULbalrog__: ifconfig -a22:30
nicholaswyoung@actionparsnip error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 122:30
RickXI'll be getting my Sylvania Meso in a few days, USP willing :-)22:30
xyc0do the Visual Effects from Normal to Extra make a difference on system resource use?22:30
n8tuserbalrog__ -> you ever write things down? look in your notes?22:31
ActionParsnipvieq: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml22:31
balrog__-_-   i should have know that.  thanks.22:31
vieqthx ActionParsnip22:31
luke_ArrPirate, like I said Im trying to  figure out of theres a way to do it without the vista disk22:31
Alice22xyc0:  yes they do22:31
ActionParsnipnicholaswyoung: and what is error 1 for gcc?22:31
balrog__n8tuser: why should i when i have you guys a click away?  ;-)22:31
ArrPirateluke_: And like I said, the official answer is on that site22:31
ArrPirateluke_ Read it22:31
n8tuserbalrog__ -> and you get answers like that from me, look in your notes22:31
Fadudan8tuser > no DHCPOFFERS received / No working leases in persistent database - sleeping22:31
xyc0Alice22: so I'd be better off leaving it on Normal effects?22:32
ArrPirateluke_ There's an option that doesn't need the disc. Next time read what I give you for help or I won't continue to help you.22:32
n8tuserFaduda -> i asked you earlier for bunch of info, redo those and post them again for me to see if you have followed through and see if anything had changed22:32
ActionParsnipRickX: you could install kdm which might pull down the right stuff, but keep your gdm22:32
balrog__erUSUL: thanks.   n8tuser: thanks for the pep talk.  :-)22:32
Alice22xyc0:  if u want a faster proces... .22:32
RickXjoin #rick22:32
nicholaswyoung@actionparsnip looks like a directory error. I think this may be fixable by downgrading to 3.2 from 4.022:32
erUSULbalrog__: no problem22:32
zezwhat is ARP poison ?22:32
n8tuserzez -> something you'd not want22:33
RickXActionParsnip: I shuld be able to keep gdm, I was just wondering of there might be remix specific repositories, and if KDE is in their.22:33
ActionParsnipRickX: acutually: sudo apt-get install kde4-core22:33
Fadudan8tuser will do22:33
n8tuserzez -> arp table poisoned is not good22:33
ActionParsnipRickX: not sure, i dont use any remix stuff22:33
zezi mean how can i protect my privacy22:33
luke_ArrPirate, I am, so far I only saw the option using the disk, I'm still reading though22:33
break19ok.. I think I've narrowed down the -cause- of my random lockups during install..... it's a IO problem in relation to my brand-new DVD-RW drive...22:33
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PB_G3ActionParsnip: They match22:34
ArrPirateluke_ do a search for '10:13 PM' on the site, a post by rico00122:34
n8tuserzez -> privacy from whom?22:34
RickXActionParsnip: ah, well, thanks. I guess I'll just look in Synaptic when I get it ... thanks.22:34
ArrPiratethat's likely your best option22:34
Alice22xyc0:  it look better... whit but it works beter  less22:34
zezfrom big brother?22:34
ActionParsnipPB_G3: you should ALWAYS check md5 hashes, especially with OS disks22:34
break19but.. it's -got- to be a kernel/driver issue - the drive works great under win...22:34
erUSULzez: "Ccorrupting" of some sort of the arp cache22:34
ActionParsnipPB_G3: does the cd verify on first boot screen?22:34
n8tuserzez -> too late, you are being recorded since you got here22:34
PB_G3ActionParsnip: what do you mean22:34
ArrPirateluke_: And sorry for being impatient, but I came here to get help with my problem and I'm really only helping you right now because my mother taught me to be a good girl so I don't like ungratefulness.22:35
MLlewellynHi, I am new to Linux. Can someone tell me how to view program source code in Ubuntu22:35
ActionParsnipPB_G3: boot the cd and read the first screen, there is an option to verify the cd is ok22:35
ActionParsnipPB_G3: all these checks are important for a smooth install22:35
erUSULMLlewellyn: you wnat to see the source code of some specific program ?22:35
zezn8tuser, are you safe when you explain all that things?22:35
n8tuserArrPirate -> you're a good gal, hang around more so we can have more women of ubuntu :P22:35
MLlewellynNo, I want to know how to view the source of any program22:35
ActionParsnipbreak19: all i can suggest is unattatch it and use an older drive22:36
MLlewellyni keep hearing how linux os so great because it is open source, yet i don't see any way to view the program source code22:36
ActionParsnipbreak19: just for the install process22:36
erUSULMLlewellyn: source code is a text file any text viewer or editor is enough22:36
nicholaswyoung@actionparsnip still working on the fix, but thanks for the help!22:36
PB_G3ActionParsnip: no, it uses yaboot22:36
n8tuserzez -> safe from whom? no worries too much22:36
erUSULMLlewellyn: some do syntax hihghlight22:36
ActionParsnipbreak19: or try disabling dma and acpi in bootoptions22:36
erUSUL!editor | MLlewellyn22:36
ubottuMLlewellyn: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code22:36
gordonjcpArrPirate: what was your original question? ;-)22:36
Cpudan80MLlewellyn: youd have to download the source code packages22:36
MLlewellynokay, well i tried editing a program in kate and i got an error message22:36
PB_G3ActionParsnip: i mean no, and it uses yaboot22:36
ActionParsnipPB_G3: yaboot?22:36
break19action: tried noapic. but not nodma. lemme see..22:37
ArrPirateluke_: That site I linked gives about half a dozen different fixes for your issue, some requiring you be able to boot vista, some requiring the vista CD, some requiring another CD22:37
zezoh, i see... i have to more educiation22:37
MLlewellynokay thank you very much22:37
Cpudan80MLlewellyn: You cant edit the program executable itself, you have to edit the underlying source file22:37
erUSULMLlewellyn: post the errors on a pastebin22:37
PB_G3ActionParsnip: no grub in sight (holding down c)22:37
erUSUL!pastebin | MLlewellyn22:37
ubottuMLlewellyn: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:37
n8tuserMLlewellyn -> you have the source code? then yeah its easy to view them, but most likely you have to gather them from places, its not readily available for all22:37
djblocHow do I encrypt the persistent storage file "casper-rw" created by the usb-creator application and live CD?22:37
srenrenew to ubuntu22:37
ActionParsnipPB_G3: is it for a dualboot?22:38
ArrPirategordonjcp: My problem is that I'm trying to get gedit to compile a program using a make file, something it can do through a plugin. It does fine if I start gedit using the terminal but if I select gedit from the menu it says 'Please set DEVKITARM in your environment. export DEVKITARM=<path to>devkitARM"'22:38
srenreand this irc client22:38
ActionParsnipsrenre: welcome to choice and also learning22:38
n8tuserdjbloc -> think about it, if you encrypt them, would your loader be able to decrypt them easily?22:38
PB_G3ActionParsnip: ?22:38
lihptest please...22:38
ActionParsnipPB_G3: are you installing linux alongside the mac os?22:38
Fadudan8tuser > http://paste.ubuntu.com/109583/22:38
PB_G3ActionParsnip: I have Tiger on my HD22:38
MLlewellynthankyou for the help all of you who messaged me22:39
ActionParsnipPB_G3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:39
break19ActionParsnip: hooking up the previous drive isn't an option. it died. hence the new one :p22:39
ActionParsnipbreak19: got another?22:39
luke_ArrPirate, So my problem is that it's trying to boot from the wrong partition?22:39
gordonjcpArrPirate: which plugin?  That's actually something I was planning on setting up myself22:39
break19but trying the nodma atm22:39
ActionParsnipbreak19: id try some bootoptions22:39
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | break1922:39
ubottubreak19: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:39
break19I may even set the bios to disable busmastering as well22:39
n8tuserFaduda -> what happens when you do  sudo dhclient wlan0  ?22:39
lihpI can't figure out how to access root privileges in ubuntu.  I need to modify xorg.conf file. help please.22:40
ArrPirateluke_ The problem is that you broke grub in the uninstall process. You need to overwrite the grub loader with another boot loader22:40
PB_G3ActionParsnip: I don't have linux on my hd22:40
ActionParsnipbreak19: and turn off as much of your bios functionality as yuo can, like lan and sound and guff like that22:40
MLlewellynwhat is the command to join another channel? something like #linux?22:40
srenreI am using pidgen, how do I get on another irc server?22:40
RickXAh... I actually found a tutorial to add KDE to an Asus eee .... same things I have been doing with desktops...22:40
RickXthanks. Bye.22:40
PB_G3ActionParsnip: yaboot on cd22:40
ArrPirategordonjcp: http://digg.com/linux_unix/13_Plugins_to_Make_Gedit_a_More_Useful_Text_Editor22:40
ArrPirategordonjcp: It's on that list22:40
fosco_srenre: add a new irc account22:40
ActionParsnipPB_G3: http://www.scribd.com/doc/3855395/Mac-Ubuntu-Dual-Boot22:41
PB_G3BfrOv3rfl0w: lol22:41
o_portista17if i remove all the files from, /var/cache/apt/archive, will it affect my system?22:41
PurityOfEssenceHello. I used gparted to resize a ntfs partition containing vista, now vista won't boot.22:41
ActionParsnipo_portista17: you can do it with: sudo apt-get clean22:41
ArrPiratehow can I set an environment variable for desktop applications? I know for applications ran through terminal it's 'export DEVKITARM=<path to>devkitARM'22:41
PB_G3ActionParsnip: this is a Powerbook G3 (lombard) not a G5 or whatnot22:42
Fadudan8tuser > http://paste.ubuntu.com/109585/22:42
* amazin is away: Test22:42
srenreok, help me out here, I am used to mirc on winxp!  is there a help chan for n00bs?22:42
n8tuserPurityOfEssence -> i experience that too, I have to do recovery of vista, and surprise it only uses the resized hd size.. dont know why22:42
PB_G3ActionParsnip: I only have 4gb hd22:42
erUSULsrenre: you can just use a real irc client like xchat22:43
ActionParsnipPB_G3: same kinda deal i'd imagine22:43
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-502781.html22:43
n8tuserFaduda ->  i dont know wha to tell you, your wifi nic does not like to associate, see line 91 of your previous post22:43
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: http://forums.hexus.net/operating-systems-applications/152952-vista-install-wont-boot-after-resizing-partition-missing-corrupted-winload-exe.html22:43
srenrehow do I get xchat?22:44
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: personally i'd reinstall and restore data from backup. resizing partitions is too risky imho22:44
gordonjcpArrPirate: are you sure it's on that list?22:44
* PC-Ente is away: test22:44
lihpSomeone PLEASE tell me how to access ROOT privileges in Ubuntu?  I can do it in Sabayon, but I can't figure Ubuntu out!!!Help!22:44
erUSUL!software | srenre22:44
ubottusrenre: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:44
jtaji!sudo | lihp22:44
ubottulihp: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:44
erUSULlihp: use sudo22:44
Fadudan8tuser > so basically im screwed?22:44
ActionParsnipsrenre: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome22:44
PurityOfEssencexchat-gnome is not xchat22:45
lihpjtaji.  I did...but apparently I dont have the right password!22:45
ActionParsniplihp: you dont have a root account, use sudo for command line apps and gksudo for gui based apps22:45
PurityOfEssencegah, I hate vistas.22:45
erUSULlihp: you use your user's pasword with sudo22:45
BfrOv3rfl0wlihp: use your login pass on ubuntu22:45
n8tuserFaduda ->  maybe, i dont know, but dont loss hope, google for your wifi card and perhaps ndiswrapper, and read the links i have given you22:45
ArrPirategordonjcp: External tools I think it is22:45
ActionParsniplihp: its the password you set when you installed that you need to use22:45
n8tuserFaduda -> ignoring reading them will certainly not solve your issues22:46
ActionParsniplihp: the same as when you log on to your system22:46
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: it better sits with gnome22:46
Fadudan8tuser winxp solves my problem, id just like to have ubuntu working too :)22:46
lihpOK.  I tried that, but no cigar...Can I use gedit to modify the xorg.conf file?22:46
jedi06have you guys heard of g.skill brand for notebook memory?22:46
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: xchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client    its a frontend, which has the dependancy of xchat22:46
PurityOfEssencein intrepid, xorg.conf does not exist22:46
ArrPirateso, no one knows how to set environment vars for something launched using the menu?!22:47
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: it does22:47
ActionParsniplihp: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:47
djblocn8tuser: I can see how the scripts (in the initrd.gz ramdisk) load the unencrypted persistent storage with aufs. I would like to encrypt the file. The passphrase would then be requested during boot.22:47
n8tuserFaduda -> so many claimed same, now ask the wifi vendor or yours to release drivers for linux okay? make the playing field a bit even ?22:47
gordonjcpArrPirate: ah okay ;-)22:47
ssfI have a problem. The out-of-memory killer doesn't seem to work effectively. In other words, if a program has an out-of-control memory leak, then pretty soon the computer will be barely responsive (it almost seems frozen but the hard drive light is going because of all the swapping). Usually I can use ctrl-alt-backspace to kill everything, and that is the only way to get the computer back to normal. Shouldn't it kill the the process befor22:48
ssfe this happens? (This has happened many many times). I wonder if there is some kernel setting that would help.22:48
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: here's mine: http://pastebin.com/f3083803a22:48
gordonjcpArrPirate: in the prefs for External tools it has a little script to run22:48
n8tuserdjbloc -> you are far ahead than most, you have great skills, go ahead hack into it and perhaps post your results..22:48
gordonjcpArrPirate: can you add the line to that script?22:48
PurityOfEssenceokay, by default, intrepid installs no xorg.conf22:48
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: it really does22:48
ArrPirategordonjcp: Good idea!22:48
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: just that there are things to configure it doesnt mean it doesnt exist22:49
veritosDoes the linux-server kernel preempt?22:49
gordonjcpArrPirate: I can't see it hurting anything else you might use it for22:49
Fadudan8tuser > believe me, i do. trouble is, i cant influence what the bro buys off the shelf, and only have trouble connecting to his network. thanks for your help, i'll tackle the problem again tomorrow after a night sleep with a fresh mind.22:49
erUSULveritos: grep the config file22:49
n8tuserdjbloc -> the request for a password at boot, gets confusing if you do such? is it for grub or for the initrd.gz ?22:49
ActionParsnipPurityOfEssence: nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig wrote all that stuff in there, but the file till exists22:49
n8tuserFaduda -> sorry, im not much of help today, but thats the frequent complain of us linux users, no drivers release for linux,  only for windows22:50
disco_lemonadeis anyone here running dual monitors?22:50
djblocn8tuser: Wish I was! Need some help on editing the ramdisk scripts22:50
ActionParsnip!anyone | disco_lemonade22:50
ubottudisco_lemonade: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:50
ArrPirategordonjcp: You're a life saver! Thanks so much!!!22:50
gordonjcpArrPirate: no probs.  bit of lateral thinking, that's all.22:51
ActionParsnip!cookie | gordonjcp22:51
ubottugordonjcp: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:51
PB_G3ActionParsnip: NO more bootcamp for TIGER!!!22:51
Fadudan8tuser > not your fault, you did your best. I'll have another look at the problem tomorrow, maybe I'll see something I missed this time22:51
ssfdoes anyone have any experience with a linux computer running out of ram and swapping itself into unresponsiveness, but not killing the offending memory hog?22:51
disco_lemonadewhat's the best way to configure dual monitors? through the nvidia-settings-manager?22:51
Droopsta915Everytime I go online, I notice all the little pictures and windows look a bit pixely? Anyone know what I should try?22:51
tiredbonesI'm using distro 8.4. I'm trying to use the math functions in openoffice write. when i try to select   insert -> object -> formula, formula is not highlighted, therefore i can't select it. How to i get it to highlight?22:51
ActionParsnipPB_G3: im not much help dude, i dont buy mac hardware, far too low bang for buck. maybe someone else can helpout22:51
Jordan_UPB_G3, You don't need bootcamp to install Ubuntu22:52
PurityOfEssencetiredbones you may be missing a package such as openoffice-math22:52
gordonjcpActionParsnip: it is now it's just el-cheapo PC hardware22:52
riddleboxwhats the best way to allow root access? so I can have a script run rsync across my network from one system to another?22:53
RusBoydoes anybody running uTorrent with wine on ubuntu seccesfully ?22:53
ActionParsniptiredbones: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-math22:53
gordonjcpriddlebox: the best way is to work out how to do it without requiring root access ;-)22:53
Slartriddlebox: run it as a cronjob for the root user?22:53
PurityOfEssenceriddlebox you shouldn't need root to run rsync22:53
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: plus no flash plugin for ppc sucks22:53
PB_G3Jordan_U: He confused me, a bit, my computer is an old PB G3 i bought on ebay for $50 (lombard) that seems to get stuck at busybox with initramfs22:53
tiredbonesthanks, I'll give it a try.22:53
keresI rebooted my pc, and my drivers are gone, and i have no sound. It's also in a very low resolution. I did not alter the drivers at all. It was working earlier.22:53
Slartriddlebox: or change the permissions so you don't need root22:53
step21RusBoy: what's wrong with transmissions?22:54
gordonjcpPB_G3: the newest Ubuntu that supports PPC is pretty old now - you might be better with Debian22:54
ActionParsniptiredbones: you may have to rerun the app to get it to link22:54
n8tuserdjbloc -> my farthest forray into initrd is create one and put symlinks of commands to busybox , didnt do anything useful yet22:54
ActionParsnip!torrents | RusBoy22:54
ubottuRusBoy: Intrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).22:54
ActionParsnip!torrent | RusBoy22:54
ubottuRusBoy: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P22:54
riddleboxwell I need to rsync files into folders that are in the /etc/ dir?22:54
Jordan_UPB_G3, Are you using the desktop CD or the alternate CD?22:54
PB_G3Jordan_U: desktop CD22:55
=== Justme_ is now known as Guest78981
* PC-Ente is away: Away22:55
ActionParsnipRusBoy: ktorrent is like utorent, why do you want to run a windows app with a huge multitude of native linux apps which will be more stable as well as use less resources22:55
Jordan_UPB_G3, Try the alternate, also what version of ubuntu are you trying to install, 8.10 ?22:55
Guest78981hello... I have like 8-10 ubuntu options on my startup screen... how can I thin them out22:56
* PC-Ente is away: Away22:56
* PC-Ente is away: Away22:56
PB_G3Jordan_U: 7.10 with 320 MB ram22:56
gordonjcp!away | PC-Ente22:56
ubottuPC-Ente: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»22:56
* PC-Ente is away: Away22:56
* PC-Ente is away: Away22:56
ActionParsnipGuest78981: how do you mean?22:56
ActionParsnip!away | PC-Ente22:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg22:56
Guest78981when i start my pc the os options... there are a lot of ubuntu options to boot22:57
Jordan_UPB_G3, Did you know that there are later releases for PPC that just aren't officially supported?22:57
Guest78981how to remove them22:57
ActionParsnipGuest78981: are youusing the alternative cd?22:57
PB_G3Jordan_U: I only have 320MB of ram and yes22:57
Guest78981no... I have a duel boot harddrive22:57
ActionParsnipGuest78981: the usual install system boots to a desktop environment22:58
Guest78981xp and ubuntu,,,  except there are like 8 or 10 ubuntu options on the grub menu22:58
tainted_kittylinux is the only subject you talking about?22:58
Jordan_UPB_G3, Ubuntu doesn't tend to use much more RAM with newer releases, and sometimes ( notably with firefox 3 ) uses less22:58
ActionParsnipGuest78981: ohhhh i seeee22:58
Guest789811 xp 8 or 10 ubuntu...22:58
ActionParsnipGuest78981: ok well if the newest kernel works for you, you can uninstall the old ones22:59
Jordan_UPB_G3, You might want to try Xubuntu though which is lighter22:59
keresi installed virtual box modules and restarted my pc, my graphics drivers are now deleting and same with sound drivers. My screen is really low-res too22:59
ssfJordan_U: Odd, ff3 uses a lot more ram than ff2 for me. (But I have only 256mb ram)22:59
hudnixDoes anyone know if there are ISOs available for doing a direct paravirtual install under xen, without having to go through all the steps of doing a HVM install first, running debootstrap, etc.22:59
PB_G3Jordan_U: ah, so would you suggest ubuntu 8.04?22:59
ActionParsnipGuest78981: that will remove the entries for you abnd give you ~30mb a kernel in space22:59
Guest78981hahaha   I know that..  what I dont know is how to uninstall the otheres22:59
tainted_kittyi asked stupid question............22:59
ActionParsnipGuest78981: dont remove them all as your system will be useless22:59
PB_G3ok xubuntu it is then\23:00
kvhWhen I use my kvm, the mouse button order is reset back to right-hand (although the prefs still has left-hand); any idea how to fix?   Any suggestion where to even look?23:00
djblocn8tuser: Fair enough. Could you suggest who/where I should go to get this help?23:00
Guest78981i know that too...  Can you tell me how to remove the other ones23:00
ActionParsnipGuest78981: run uname -a to get your kernel version23:00
Jordan_UPB_G3, 8.04 if you don't want to upgrade for a few years ( you can go directly to the next LTS version when it comes out ), 8.10 if you want to keep up with the latest software23:00
Guest78981 2.6.24-23  does that look right?23:01
ActionParsnipGuest78981: then run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep 2.623:01
ActionParsnipGuest78981: sure, thats your RUNNING kernel23:01
tsrkIs gnome supposed to replace a file with no confirmation if I rename a file to the same name?23:01
tsrkuh, sorry, nautilus23:01
PB_G3all right23:02
ActionParsnipGuest78981: that command wil list all the linux images installed on your system, uninstall any you deem surplus23:02
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ActionParsnipGuest78981: DO NOT uninstall the version you named earlier23:02
Guest78981ok...  I have them listed but how do I uninstall them23:02
=== no is now known as Guest58585
ActionParsnipGuest78981: you will tnen need to sudo apt-get autoremove to remove al the fluff that comes with each kernel23:02
ActionParsnipGuest78981: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-<some numbers here>-generic23:03
Jordan_Utsrk, Probably not, if it is I would check if a bug report has been filed already and if not file one23:03
Guest78981so what is ......   ok  thx23:03
ActionParsnipGuest78981: for each kernel you wish to remove23:03
Guest78981got it23:03
Jordan_Utsrk, If it is deleting files that is23:03
ActionParsnipGuest78981: go very carefully23:03
Guest78981how do i remove the fluff23:03
ActionParsnipGuest78981: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove23:04
tsrkJordan_U, what else would it do with them?23:04
ActionParsnipGuest78981: as each kernel comes with modules and other stuff23:04
Guest78981dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep 2.623:05
Guest78981ii  linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic              2.6.24-19.41                      Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x8623:05
Guest78981ii  linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic              2.6.24-21.43                      Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x8623:05
Guest78981ii  linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic              2.6.24-22.45                      Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x8623:05
Jordan_Utsrk, Pop up a dialog saying something like "you can't use that name, there is already a file with that name in the current directory"23:05
Guest78981ii  linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic              2.6.24-23.46                      Linux kernel image for version 2.6.24 on x8623:05
ActionParsnipGuest78981: like headers and restricted-modules etc23:05
Guest78981ii  linux-image-generic                                    Generic Linux kernel image23:05
Guest78981they all  look the same23:05
ActionParsnip!paste | Guest7898123:05
ubottuGuest78981: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:05
Guest78981they all use 2.623:05
tsrkJordan_U, oh, no, it doesn't do that, it just replaces23:05
ActionParsnipGuest78981: look at the next numbers...23:05
Guest78981ok  sorry23:05
break19...  gd it23:05
break19ok.. gettin irritated now lol23:05
ActionParsnip!hi | kompe23:06
ubottukompe: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:06
kompedo i need all these recommended updates?23:06
ActionParsnipGuest78981: look at the file name, not the description23:06
kompe14gb in 1-2 isn't it too much?23:07
PurityOfEssencecan intrepid create an lvm install?23:07
kompehow can i know what i need n what i dont?23:07
Jordan_Utsrk, I just tried in 8.10 and nautilus did give me an error rather than replacing the file23:07
ActionParsnipkompe: i'd upgrade whenever you can, kernel upgrades are optional23:07
Jordan_Utsrk, What version of Ubuntu are you using?23:08
ActionParsnipkompe: unless you are upgrading release version, then its mandatory23:08
tsrkJordan_U, really?  that's odd, maybe it was because I was in a samba share23:08
tsrkJordan_U, 8.1023:08
tsrkJordan_U, yeah, it gives an error in the local filesystem for me, try in a share23:08
ActionParsnipkompe: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:08
ActionParsnipkompe: definately get those23:09
Guest78981it said it was going to remove ,,,  do you wish to continue y/n  I y   and put password then next line was one word only     abort23:09
PB_G3hardy xubuntu dosen23:09
PB_G3oops, hardy xubuntu dosen't support ppc23:10
ActionParsnipGuest78981: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic23:10
PB_G3that sux23:10
kereswhat is the latest kernel for ubuntu called?23:10
youngprinceyou guys ever get people coming on here to complain about how expensive ubuntu is?23:10
ActionParsnipPB_G3: install ubuntu then you may be able to install xfce-desktop, if not use fluxbox or similar23:10
ActionParsnipkeres: latest intrepid kernel is 2.6.27-923:11
rww!ot | youngprince23:11
ubottuyoungprince: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:11
keresActionParsnip: what about 8.04's kernel?23:11
keresActionParsnip: sorry, forgot to say im running .0423:11
youngprincethxs rww23:11
Guest78981reading database23:11
rwwyoungprince: but considering it's free, I doubt it.23:11
ActionParsnipkeres: not sure bro, try apt-cache search linux-image23:11
youngprincei figured you might get some people that bought it with the dell confuse the price of their equipment with the price of their software23:12
ActionParsnipGuest78981: yuo need to do that for each kernel you want to remove23:12
youngprincewith their*23:12
rwwkeres: linux-image-2.6.24-22-generic for hardy23:12
Guest78981rmdir: failed to remove `/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic': Directory not empty23:12
FreshPrincegn8 @ all23:12
Guest78981whats that mean23:12
Eritreanhi guys23:12
ActionParsnipGuest78981: fine, you can delete that file if you REALLY want, its not essential23:13
chilli0helllo all, my lapy fan is randomly really loud23:13
coeus82hey, how come pidgin 2.5.4 is not available in the official repos?23:13
ActionParsnipGuest78981: it means that some process has added to the folder which is extra to the package that made it so the folder has not been deleted23:13
CaneToadanyone know which library "optParseOptions3" C function is found?  Some of the out-of-the-box NetPBM tools (built from source) get an undefined symbol because of the lack of this function running on ubuntu 8.10.23:13
Guest78981long as it doesnt show on the boot,,,  no issues23:13
ActionParsnipcoeus82: ask your repo managers23:13
Jordan_UPB_G3, If you use the alternate install CD you should be able to do a minimal install then install the package "xubuntu-desktop" and you will have xubuntu23:14
ActionParsnipGuest78981: exactly, on to the next23:14
AnaisCareMaizhello, could anyone help me... I am trying to open ports 2234 to 2239 to use with Nicotine+, I have the username and pw to access to my modem23:14
ActionParsnipcoeus82: could always compile it yourself if you really need the newer version. is 2.5.2 not working for you?23:14
BLZI just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, but my sources.list still has hardy repos... is this normal?23:14
gizmo_the_greatJust upgrade to 8.10 and my USB scanner is no longer detected by scanning software, but lsusb show it in the list?23:14
EritreanAnybody good with foreign font installation here23:15
jackalI have intrepid installed on my computer, and during the install I configured an encrypted swap partition with a random key (using the installer).  Everything seemed to work, however, it doesn't appear as though swap is ever getting mounted when the system boots.23:15
ActionParsnipBLZ: i'd change them to intrepid23:15
BLZActionParsnip:  i figured... how do i do that?23:15
BLZActionParsnip:  i should add that this is a mythbuntu installation, so CLI is a must23:15
n2diyI'm trying to setup remote desktop viewing with my roomies XP machine, we can ping each other, but not view our boxes with our browsers?23:15
ActionParsnipBLZ: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources..list23:15
coeus82ActionParsnip: There are several bugs that apparently 2.5.4 fix23:15
AnaisCareMaizhow much space does the swap partition needs to work?23:16
coeus82the version I have now seems to occasionally crash23:16
ActionParsnipcoeus82: do you experience said bugs?23:16
BLZActionParsnip:  right, but what do i put in sources.list?23:16
slashzulhow do you identify the microphone on ubuntu? /dev/??23:16
ActionParsnipcoeus82: looks like you are finding a 3rd party repo with the package on, or compiling23:16
ActionParsnipBLZ: replace all instances of hardy with intrepid23:16
BLZActionParsnip:  that simple, huh =)  thanks23:17
ActionParsnipBLZ: then save, exit, then run: sudo apt-get update23:17
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: go with twice the amount of ram installed on your system23:17
ActionParsnipBLZ: the upgrade process should have changed that for you23:17
matrixhey sometimes i am loosin sound on my ubuntu i need to restart and i get the sound back so i can listen to music or watch videos23:17
kompety ActionParsnip, i was looking what mandatory means :p23:17
slashzulhow do you identify the microphone on ubuntu? /dev/??23:17
youngprincedoes ubuntu have tablet pc support (asus r1f, i checked a few months ago and no support at that point)23:17
coeus82ActionParsnip: the bugs are from the pidgin version that I have on the official repos23:17
ActionParsnipkompe: means you HAVE to do it23:17
matrixhey sometimes i am loosin sound on my ubuntu i need to restart my pc and i get the sound back so i can listen to music or watch videos23:17
kompei c23:17
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, ok, thanks, so, I have like 500 ram, it must be 1Gb23:17
ActionParsnipcoeus82: then find a 3rd partyy repo with it on, or compile23:18
aboSamoorHi Ala23:18
AnaisCareMaizI need to forward or open ports... I dont even know what would be the difference, can anyone help?23:18
Moochdoes anyone have dialup or am I the only one?23:19
slashzulthe only one23:19
BLZActionParsnip:  is there a place i could find a pastebin of default intrepid sources.list ... i just want to cross check23:19
Moochoh great23:19
ActionParsnipBLZ: i'll give you mine if you want23:19
BLZActionParsnip:  that would be great. thank you23:19
Droopsta915Why does this say, install missing plug ins and then it says no suitable plug ins found?23:19
slashzulhow do you identify the microphone on ubuntu? /dev/??23:20
BLZDroopsta915:  firefox?23:20
ActionParsnipBLZ: http://pastebin.com/f4f62912523:20
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: port forwarding allows you to receive incoming traffic through a router to a certain ip address, opening a port simply allows an application to use that port23:20
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall23:20
matrixhey sometimes i am loosin sound on my ubuntu i need to restart my pc and i get the sound back so i can listen to music or watch videos23:20
BLZActionParsnip;  thanks23:20
Droopsta915BLZ: yes23:20
BLZDroopsta915:  what are you trying to install. do you know?23:20
ActionParsnipmatrix: wait until it stops then run: dmesg | tail23:20
Guest78981is there a way to save this conversation for later execution.. I gatta leave23:20
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, but this is weird, because I dont have a router, its a modem, and still when I check this says the ports are closed23:20
MoochI have a dial up modem I can't believe I am saying this but its true anyways can't get my drivers to work correctly23:21
Droopsta915BLZ: im trying to print a paper23:21
AnaisCareMaiz!port forwarding23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about port forwarding23:21
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: what are you trying to do23:21
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, open those ports23:21
ActionParsnipGuest78981: ctrl + a, ctrl + c, open text editor, ctrl + v23:21
BLZDroopsta915:  what format is the paper in?23:21
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: I understand, for what23:21
matrix APIC error on CPU0: 00(02)23:21
slashzulhow do you identify the microphone on ubuntu? /dev/??23:21
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, for Nicotine+ and for my torrents to work better23:21
Droopsta915BLZ: it says to click the adobe print icon23:22
JockeoAnaisCareMaiz: Your firewall in your computer might block the ports (or it might be the modem).23:22
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: what ports do you need to open23:22
Droopsta915BLZ:It's a pdf23:22
ldiamondWhats the easiest way to rip a DVD to my hard drive under ubuntu? (Anything similar to Ripit4me in windows?)23:23
BLZDroopsta915:  hmm... have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:23
AnaisCareMaizJockeo, I am on ubuntu 8.10, how can I check that out?23:23
Droopsta915BLZ: yes23:23
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, 2234 to 2239   Those for Nicotine+23:23
Droopsta915BLZ: yes, w32coddecs also23:23
ActionParsnipexodus_ms: its soulseek but for linux and "looks nicer"23:23
BLZDroopsta915:  it might require silverlight or some windows-only BS23:24
ActionParsnip!info acidrip | ldiamond23:24
ubottuacidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB23:24
BLZtry to figure out what it needs23:24
DIFH-icerootAnaisCareMaiz: sudo ufw status23:24
ldiamondActionParsnip, have you used it?23:24
Pedrolito_How can I figure out from a which package a program in /usr/bin was installed?23:24
slashzulhow do you identify the microphone on ubuntu? /dev/??23:24
rahdukehello, i have a persistent issues I can't seem to resolve, when streaming media over my network (wired and wireless) my media server (runnign ubuntu 8.10) loses its ethernet connection and resets, it happens over and over throughout the stream. I have a ubuntu PC streaming to a wired xbox (running XBMC) and a HTPC running ubuntu wirelessly23:24
ActionParsnipldiamond: i just know of it, i dont rip dvds but i do author my own with devede23:25
becksterI've got an aluminum Mac with 8.10 on it23:25
ldiamondActionParsnip, alright, thx, ill try23:25
Moochdoes anyone have a linmodem23:25
beckstercan't get the friggen sound to work for the life of me23:25
ActionParsnipldiamond: apt-cache search dvd | grep rip23:25
=== tweak is now known as Guest91375
Droopsta915Thanks for the help23:25
BLZbeckster:  have you checked to see if your card is supported?23:25
linuxman410anyone know about openpgp keys23:25
becksterwhere'd a brother check?23:25
=== Guest91375 is now known as Tweaker
=== Tweaker is now known as Tweak_
BLZbeckster:  help.ubuntu.com is a good start23:25
rwwPedrolito_: There's probably a better way of doing it, but I usually just type the file name into the second search box on http://packages.ubuntu.com/23:25
rww!anyone | linuxman41023:26
ubottulinuxman410: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:26
BLZbeckster:  as is google23:26
becksterthe oboard card is the nVidia MCP79 HD Audio23:26
ActionParsnipbeckster: run: lspci to identify your sound card, you can websearch from there23:26
BLZbeckster:  i dunno if it's supported.  run a google search and find out if it's supported or not23:26
=== Tweak_ is now known as tweak66
linuxman410how do u upload openpgp key to keyserver23:27
JockeoAnaisCareMaiz: Maybe you can configure your modem by entering this address in your web browser:
ActionParsnipJockeo: how will that help?23:27
AnaisCareMaizJockeo, I have that one and another one, dunno which one to use23:27
Jordan_Un2diy, Any firewall?23:28
rwwlinuxman410: are you using gnupg?23:28
tweak66i'm having an issue expaning my ext3 filesystem.. it's the one ubuntu is on. even if i goot with the gparted liveCD it won't let me extend it.. there's unallocated space right beside it.. can't format another partition, i already have 4.. doesn't allow me to make extended file system either23:28
linuxman410rww yes23:28
ActionParsniptweak66: are you running gparted with gksudo?23:28
rahdukehello, i have a persistent issue I can't seem to resolve, when streaming media over my network (wired and wireless) my media server (runnign ubuntu 8.10) loses its ethernet connection and resets, it happens over and over throughout the stream. I have a ubuntu PC streaming to a wired xbox (running XBMC) and a HTPC running ubuntu wirelessly. On my computer serving the media I'm using the onboard ethernet on my ASUS PC5GC-MX moth23:29
JockeoAnaisCareMaiz: Check if you can open or forward ports in that configuration page.23:29
Jordan_Utweak66, What happens when you try to extend it? Does it give an error?23:29
CaneToadanyone know where I can get a working NETPBM "pamtotiff" command?  The netpbm in ubuntu doesn't even include it.23:29
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: what do you mean 'I have that one and another one, dunno which one to use'23:29
Pedrolito_rww, thanks!23:29
ActionParsniprahduke: when the connection gets lost, check dmesg and other logs to see whats happening23:29
youngprincedoes ubuntu have tablet pc support (asus r1f, i checked a few months ago and no support at that point)23:30
tweak66no it doesn't give an error, it just shows the partition.. i can grab it, but can't shrink it or extend it.. and that's when it's not mounted23:30
Moochanyone help me out with my modem? I have a dialup modem and when I upgrade my modem won't detect I have to use the recovery mode to get my comp to boot up23:30
rwwlinuxman410: gpg --keyserver address.of.keyserver --send-key keyid23:30
ActionParsnip!tablet | youngprince23:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet23:30
ActionParsnip!hcl | youngprince23:30
ubottuyoungprince: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:30
tweak66actionparsnip: i was using the gparted liveCD so i dunno?23:30
BLZMooch:  we're going to need more information23:30
rahdukeActionParsnip: thanks, i cant make heads or tails of the output of dmesg23:30
Wolv3SPLASH just work default uuntu intrepid i download a lot and no1 work HELP!!!!!!23:30
ActionParsniptweak66: make sure you run it with gksudo from a terminal23:30
ActionParsniprahduke: well if you see anything that MAY look like an issue, get websearching23:31
tweak66gksudo gparted ok i will try that. :)23:31
rwwlinuxman410: e.g.: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key 06A5E69123:31
aaronorosenCan someone help me with my audio. It used to work and now it just kinda buzzes.23:31
rahdukeActionParsnip: is there a way to update my ethernet driver?23:31
ActionParsnipaaronorosen: lspci will identify the device, you can then websearch from there23:32
n2diyJordan_U: Yes, on the XP box, at first I couldn't ping it, but we tweaked the settings, and now I can, we enabled http also.23:32
BLZaaronorosen:  we need more information.  Sound card? driver? how did you get it to work the first time?  what have you tried so far? etc...23:32
tweak66another question.. When i installed ubuntu 8.10 i had it install without swap. I threw an old 2gb drive in, and formated it to swap. how do i make linux recognize it?23:32
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: try:   netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " to see if Nicotine+ is listening on any ports23:32
MoochBLZ my modem is pctel modem I am on the actual site of where the drivers are but I am sort of confused if that is the problem or is it something else but when I download updates thats when my modem won't detect my modem is a linmodem23:32
BLZtweak66:  recongize the drive? or mount it for use as swap?23:32
baschttweak66: Just add it to the /etc/fstab and it should be recognized23:32
ActionParsniprahduke: lspci will identify the device, you can websearch from there, if it was detected automatically then a full system update will update it, you may want to find your own driver and install that. it may give a more solid connection23:32
BLZMooch:  you running the latest drivers?23:33
tweak66mount it for use as swap yes.. where in the fstab?23:33
BLZMooch:  and have you tried google?23:33
baschttweak66: and call a "swapon /dev/yourdrive"23:33
Bmapi would like to install the absolute minimal ubuntu cd without the gui, and have it run apache, php, and firefox. how could I do this?23:33
Wolv3SPLASH just work default uuntu intrepid i download a lot and no1 work HELP!!!!!!23:33
BLZtweak66:  hang on... one sec23:33
aaronorosenBLZ: it worked right out of the box. Thought the volume controls on the keyboard that move the sound up and down  show it working on the screen but it doesn't actually change the volume.23:33
rahdukeActionParsnip: thanks alot23:33
tweak66blz will do23:33
ActionParsnipBmap: you need a gui to run firefox23:33
aaronorosenBLZ: i've reinstalled alsa but that didn't fix anything23:34
ActionParsnipBmap: firefox uses the x server23:34
ActionParsnipBmap: there is a broser you can use without x but it has zero flash support23:34
tweak66blz:the drive i want is /dev/sdb23:34
BLZtweak66:  my line in fstab reads:  UUID=844c4769-8410-405a-9919-78e8e5c13e7b none            swap    sw              0       023:34
BLZand i think you can tag on that line (and change the appropriate variables)23:35
tweak66anyone know the gksudo command for the text editor?23:35
BLZaaronrosen:  i would just run a google search for starters23:35
ActionParsniptweak66: gksudo gedit23:35
BLZwith the model of your modem23:35
tweak66thanks actionparsnip23:35
BLZtweak66:  or sudo nano if you want a cli text editor23:35
ActionParsnipBLZ: gotta watch the spacebar there dude ;)23:36
tweak66blz : so what do i do with that line?23:36
BLZActionParsnip:  sorry?23:36
ActionParsnipcheck pm23:36
exodus_mstweak66: type it into the terminal, it will open Gedit as root23:36
BLZtweak66:  add it to your fstab and change the variables to reflect your drive23:37
tweak66blz - not entirely sure what to change lol23:37
BLZwell the UUID for one.  you'll have to figure out what it is for your harddrive23:38
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: any luck?23:38
BLZand i think that's actually it...23:38
aaronorosenBLZ: any ideas of things i can try? I've googled around a good bit but have pretty much found nothing23:38
BLZno i really dont.  i'm sorry...  you could try opening a thread on ubuntuforums.org23:39
BLZor contacting the manufacturer23:39
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, I am in the modem, in NAT, Virtual server... but dunno what to do there23:39
fwaokdais there a windows 7 type application bar for ubuntu?23:41
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: did you try:    netstat -an | grep "LISTEN "     to see if Nicotine+ is listening on any ports23:42
AnaisCareMaizexodus_ms, that says tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN23:43
pietro_hi, is it possible to let my audio card work on my pavilion laptop?23:43
theguruofgodwhy dose ubuntu restrict sound ?23:44
BLZtheguruofgod:  say what?23:44
theguruofgodwell if i have amarok open23:44
theguruofgodi cant play sound23:44
theguruofgodin another window23:44
theguruofgodlike youtube23:44
disappearednghey how do I disable paste by the central mouse wheel ?23:44
step21theguruofgod: it does not, normally23:45
BLZtheguruofgod:  i've never had that problem.  sounds like a sound driver issue23:45
theguruofgodstep21, thats what i thought23:45
theguruofgodmust be ubuntu problem23:45
theguruofgodBLZ, do you know how can fix it?23:45
tritium!enter | theguruofgod23:45
ubottutheguruofgod: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:45
BLZtheguruofgod:  lol i don't even know what you're running =)23:45
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: I think it might be Nicotine+, maybe a config setting or something23:46
BLZtheguruofgod:  what sound card/driver/ubuntu version are you running?23:46
step21BLZ: maybe a sound system issue? like one playing through kde sound daemon, one through gnome one etc?23:46
BLZstep21:  hadn't thought of that23:46
ElipsisDoes anyone know why this command doesn't work? dpkg -i --instdir=/tools/debian hexedit_1.2.12-3_i386.deb23:46
BLZElipsis:  got an output for us?23:47
exodus_msAnaisCareMaiz: I believe those ports should open once the application request to use them, on your side of the modem.23:47
askandRecently some of the Swedish language on my Ubuntuinstallation disapperaed and was replaced with english, what could be wrong?23:47
theguruofgodBLZ, my laptop is inspirion 152523:47
BLZtheguruofgod:  right. what sound card does it have?23:47
BLZssh louis@server23:47
BLZoops... this isn't a command prompt23:47
keres_how do i figure out what version of X i am running?23:48
ElipsisBLZ: LOL23:48
BLZthat's embarassing lol23:48
kitcheBLZ: not really now if you typed the password and such that is23:48
lifeboat8888does anyone use a linux liveCD?23:48
ElipsisPasteBin of output: http://mibbit.com/pb/xM3Dor23:48
ElipsisDoes anyone know why this command doesn't work? dpkg -i --instdir=/tools/debian hexedit_1.2.12-3_i386.deb23:48
BLZElipsis:  it tells your right there -- no such file or directory23:49
BLZkitche:  yeah i came close too23:49
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BLZkitche:  at least i'm on the internal network and port 22 isn't forwarded23:49
ElipsisBLZ: But the directory does exist!23:49
ElipsisBLZ: Just went there in nautilus23:49
BLZElipsis:  time to do a sanity check then.  Make sure you have case and directory paths correct23:49
step21askand: maybe just check if some update set it to english in the program where it changed and you can just set it back?23:49
ElipsisOh, hang on a second, LOL, ubuntu is case sensitive23:49
BLZElipsis:  lol. i do it all the time lol23:50
askandstep21: its in nautilus and its only half english : /23:50
BLZElipsis:  btw, why are you running as root23:50
ActionParsnip!info okteta | Elipsis23:51
ubottuokteta (source: kdeutils): hexeditor for binary files. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 300 kB, installed size 1092 kB23:51
step21well check if gnome settings are still set to swedish? maybe you updated to a beta or installed some extra that does not have translation?23:51
hudnixAnyone know of a source for a Paravirtual-enabled install CD suitable for installing directly on Xen?23:51
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BLZElipsis:  just an FYI you really shouldn't run stuff from root23:52
BLZuse sudo23:52
ElipsisNow I'm getting a new error whilst processing dpkg -i --instdir=/tools/debian hexedit_1.2.12-3_i386.deb: http://mibbit.com/pb/1DvuYT23:52
theguruofgodBLZ, :High Definition Audio 2.023:52
BLZtheguruofgod:   now google it! lol23:53
BLZtheguruofgod;  make sure to include the version of ubuntu in the search parameters23:53
ElipsisNow I'm getting a new error whilst processing dpkg -i --instdir=/tools/debian hexedit_1.2.12-3_i386.deb: http://mibbit.com/pb/1DvuYT23:54
Bmapactionparsnip which browser runs without gui?23:54
SlimeyPeteor lynx23:54
BLZElipsis:  and the error is...23:54
SlimeyPeteor links2, links-ssl23:54
ActionParsnipElipsis: dont you need a space: dpkg -i --instdir=/tools/ debian hexedit_1.2.12-3_i386.deb23:54
theguruofgodi think the entire Ubuntu install is probably dodgy actually23:55
ActionParsnipBmap: let me find it23:55
theguruofgodtoo many problems, guess ill just have to wait for the fileserver andthen install again23:55
Bmap thx23:55
rwwBmap: links, lynx, or w3m. The latter is included in Ubuntu installs by default.23:56
joebraziuhello. Is there a way to change the background color of the default document viewer of ubuntu?23:56
jasonhow can i formate a dvd-rw in termainal23:56
luke_I just downloaded this grub boot thing to take grub off so it wont give me errorrs when booting windows, I chose the option "Fix boot of windows" and it says to make a backup of my mbr to a floppy23:56
jasoni try with kd3 and gnomebaker they say its formated but its not23:56
luke_What does that mean?23:56
epictetusjason: it's something like dvdrecord -blank  or cdrecord -blank23:56
epictetusor dvdrecord -device=/dev/dvd -blank23:57
BLZwhat's the package name for the restricted drivers manager?23:57
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luke_Can anyone answer my question?23:57
ElipsisActionParsnip: http://mibbit.com/pb/hCNsYt23:57
BLZor how would i start it from the terminal23:57
ubottuluke_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:57
ActionParsnipBmap: w3m-img23:57
joebraziuhello. Is there a way to change the background color of the default document viewer of ubuntu? I want to change to black and the fonts to white...less stress in the eyes23:58
lifeboat8888Hi, does anyone know if I use an ubuntu LiveCD on my vista computer - can I get viruses?23:58
rwwBLZ: jockey-gtk, I think.23:58
BLZjoebraziu:  which document viewer are you talking about?23:58
Bmapactionparsnip thats a text based browser. if i wanted firefox to work, all i need to install is x window?23:58
BLZrww:  thanks. let me try that23:58
joebraziui think its calles evince23:58
lifeboat8888I know Ubuntu/Linux is generally safe from viruses, but I'm wondering if they can get to my Vista if I use the internet while using the LiveCD23:59
ActionParsnipBmap: yes23:59
BLZrww:  is it the same in xfce?23:59
luke_BLZ, sorry :pp23:59
ActionParsnipBmap: firefox needs an x server running23:59
rwwlifeboat8888: only if you save virus-infected files to your Vista partition, then run them in Vista23:59
rwwBLZ: dunno, I don't use xfce.23:59
Bmaphow can i install x window? apt-get install x server?23:59
BLZrww:  okay thanks anyway23:59
ElipsisDoes anyone know why this command doesn't work? dpkg -i --instdir=/tools/debian hexedit_1.2.12-3_i386.deb23:59
rwwBmap: sudo apt-get install xorg23:59
kitchelifeboat8888: no unless you use wine and the virus is written to get out of wine some viruses are starting to get smart about sandboxing23:59
erUSULBmap: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:59
ActionParsnipElipsis: does the /tools folder exist?23:59

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