
RainCTuhm.. if I've created a presentation from a template and choosed a certain transition effect to do between slides, how can I later change that effect?00:49
RainCTah, found it00:52
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pochuhi jpds08:10
jpdsHola pochu.08:12
iulianHiya guys.08:23
jpdsHey iulian.08:28
AndrewGeeHi. Anyone available to look at giving the second advocation to osm-gps-map - A GTK widget to embed openstreetmap? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=osm-gps-map08:46
jpdsAndrewGee: OK; looks good to me, but why did you have so many spaces in the Dependency lines?08:54
AndrewGeejpds: Not sure actually. Shall I sort that out and re upload?08:55
jpdsAndrewGee: No, I'll fix it before I upload to the archive08:55
AndrewGeejpds: Ah okay. Thanks :)08:55
jpdsJust have to wait for my key machine to come up.. :/08:56
jpdsstdin: Could you possibly look into bug #322051 ? I've tried fixing it myself but can't get it to work.09:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322051 in ubuntu-dev-tools "dgetlp doesn't work with dscs offered by launchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32205109:02
jpdsIt works with http:// URLs, but I can't get it to work with https://09:04
slytherindoes anyone have some time to review a license (actually multiple) to see if the package is fit for archive?09:26
hyperairmok0: ping. could i bother you with a package today? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyprj09:36
iulianhyperair: I will take a look at it later.09:40
* iulian is having breakfast now.09:40
iulianmok0 is already overloaded ;)09:40
hyperairiulian: ah thanks =)09:41
pochuslytherin: link?09:43
slytherinpochu: let me find. I was reading a local copy of license09:44
slytherinpochu: http://offo.sourceforge.net/hyphenation/licenses.html09:44
slytherinpochu: these are the hyphenation patterns which are not part of fop main distribution anymore. I want to package them provided they can go in one bundle.09:45
mok0Hi hyperair09:46
pochuslytherin: at least English hyphenation patterns are non-free09:46
pochu"Restriction:  These hyphenation patterns may not be changed in any way"09:47
mok0I uploaded one of your geany packages last night09:47
slytherinpochu: you mean en_GB right?09:47
pochuslytherin: yes09:48
slytherinpochu: what about en_US 'Can be used freely for non-commercial purposes'?09:48
a|wenhi, if i have a security update for a package in universe, is it then enough to subscribe motu-swat or should i subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors as well?09:50
pochuslytherin: the LaTeX Project Public License is free (and GPL and Apache are too, of course :)09:50
hyperairmok0: yeah i saw. thanks =)09:50
fabrice_spMorning! (well, not so morning :-) ).  Is it worth packaging an app that is already in Ubuntu, but using Mono, so that it doesn't use mono anymore? A C port of autopano-sift has been written (Bug #323836)09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323836 in hugin "[needs packaging] Package and use autopano-sift-c" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32383609:50
pochuslytherin: the link doesn't exist, but that would be non-free if you can't use for commercial purposes (e.g. sell it)09:51
mok0fabrice_sp: interesting09:51
slytherina|wen: First subscribe motu-sru (not motu-swat)09:53
geserslytherin: en_US is non-free09:54
slytherinpochu: assuming that en_GB and en_US are non-free, are they at least fit for multiverse?09:54
a|wenslytherin: oh, i'll do that (tried to look at how similar bugs was subscribed)09:54
slytherinor should I exclude en_US and en_GB from the binary?09:54
fabrice_spmok0, I haven't found any references of autopano in Debian (only in multimedia-debian), so no sync possible :-)09:58
pochuslytherin: from reading only that description, I'd say en_US fits for multiverse. I think en_GB does too, but am less sure about that. But I haven't read the licenses, that's only from reading that restrictions line :)09:58
mok0fabrice_sp: what's it for?09:58
a|wenslytherin: should i do anything else apart from that to brig attention to it as a security issue?09:59
slytherina|wen: mark it as security issue and add a link to CVE09:59
pochuslytherin, a|wen: I thought for security issues you could subscribe motu-swat directly, as if it's going to go to $distro-security, it doesn't need an SRU approval09:59
slytherinahh, I got confused. I thought it was similar to SWAT team for X packages10:00
fabrice_spmok0, it is used in hugin to find matching points between pictures, to make panoramas.10:00
fabrice_spmok0,  Also, from a patent stand point, I discovered that the sift algorithm is patented in the USA. :-/10:00
slytherinpochu: geser: I am now thinking if I should put each pattern in separate binary. That way all the binaries except en_GB and en_US will live in universe.10:01
a|wenpochu: okay, thx ... right now both motu-sru and motu-swat ended up being subscribed, then it should have a chance10:01
geserslytherin: fi is also for multiverse, hu isn't redistributable at all,10:01
pochuslytherin: in any case put all the free ones in one binary, and all the non-free that fit for multiverse in another one... but not one binary per package, I'd say10:02
geserslytherin: you can't put the source into universe10:02
a|wenpochu: i should keep the bug as private, right?10:03
slytheringeser: I know. source will still go into multiverse.10:04
gesera|wen: no need to keep the bug private if the issue is already public (known)10:04
* a|wen makes it public ... thx10:04
stdinjpds: launchpadlibrarian.net is http, I've never seen a https link for it, and dget will handle the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/<release>/+source/<source>/<version>/+files/<file> links10:35
iulianfta: Have you tested geany-plugin-prj to see if it works?  I don't have geany installed on my system.10:41
hyperairiulian: i've tested it on intrepid, it woks fine.10:49
hyperairiulian: haven't tested on jaunty though10:49
iulianI'm testing it right now.10:53
hyperairiulian: alright. brb i'm gonna log out to test a bug with gnome-keyring10:54
iulianhyperair: I have just uploaded it.  Thank you.11:05
hyperairiulian: thanks11:06
socsomeone from debian online?11:31
socmy package is now in ubuntu and i filed an itp for debian ... how do i have to proceed?11:31
iuliansoc: Look for a DD to sponsor your package.11:32
iuliansoc: Send an email to debian-mentors@lists.debian.org.11:32
socand aksing for a sponsor?11:35
Laneysoc: Also visit #debian-mentors on OFTC11:35
socwhat does sponsor mean?11:35
socah ok11:35
quadrisprocould anyone take a look at here? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gnome-format11:36
stdinjpds: do you know/work with python?11:38
jpdsstdin: Yes.11:40
stdinjpds: I wrote a python rewrite of dgetlp a while ago, but I forgot about it. could you give it a look over: http://pastebin.com/f284785b511:41
LaneyWhere on LP does dget not work?11:42
stdinLaney: the +queue11:43
jpdsstdin: Looks good, should I put it into u-d-t  replace the bash script?11:45
stdinjpds: IMO it works better than the bash script and provides better error handling. so I'd say yes :) I've tested it a little but not rigorously11:46
stdinit "Works For Me"11:47
stdinand I'll probably smooth out the code some time, just to make it look nicer11:48
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jpdsstdin: Pushed to main branch, let me know if you want changes added.11:55
stdinjpds: sure :)11:56
Laneystdin: Gives a traceback when run with no args11:59
Laneyand you should consider updating the manpage ;)11:59
stdinLaney: right, so how does one edit the manpage without knowing the language it's written in?12:12
Laneystdin: It shouldn't be too hard to edit the existing one, following that syntax, should it?12:13
stdinsure, but I was wondering if there was  and "easy" way ;)12:13
geserstdin: I don't know the manpage syntax either but I managed to update manpages just by looking how it's done at other places in the manpage and copy that12:14
geser!info gmanedit12:15
ubottugmanedit (source: gmanedit): GTK+ man pages editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-1.1 (intrepid), package size 48 kB, installed size 240 kB12:15
geseryou could also try this app out (never used it myself)12:15
stdinok, give me a minute to change it12:17
AnAntHello, I am installing a font, how do I make the defoma hints file for it ?12:22
stdinhah, gmanedit segfaults on exit12:44
iulianstdin: Please file a bug.12:57
stdiniulian: already have12:57
stdinjpds: here's a patch to fix the error Laney mentioned and updated manpage http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/dgetlp.diff13:03
Laneystdin: I suggest displaying the usage info13:03
stdinLaney: it does now13:03
LaneyOh, maybe I misunderstand what parser.error is then13:03
AnAntdefoma-hints is not working !13:05
AnAntshould a font package build-depend on fontforge ?!13:09
VestHello to everybody. I'm new here and I have a question.13:10
VestMy situation is the next one. I'm a developer of my own game, called "Gnome Quod", I've published it in ppa.launchpad.net. But I want to know, can my program be placed in official Ubuntu Repositories?13:10
pochuVest: under what license is it released?13:12
Vestpochu: I release it with GPL v3 license13:12
Vestand it was sucessfully build with launchpad, https://launchpad.net/~vest-84/+archive13:14
pochuVest: then yes (because of the license)13:15
pochuVest: would you like to maintain it?13:15
Vestyes, of course.13:16
pochuVest: then you want to upload it to REVU, so that MOTUs can review it and upload to the archive if it's right13:16
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU13:16
Vestpochu: thank you for help. I'll read it13:18
Vestpochu: what kind of ristrictions will I have in future, if I become a maintainer of my own game?13:19
__Ali__anyone knows an library debian packaging which installation path of /usr/lib/MyLib rather than /usr/lib?13:21
geserdon't mix packaging and upstream code13:21
__Ali__whatever i tried, the outcome debian package does not hold any shared objects13:21
vadi2Hi, can someone help this person in regards to gpl, a proprietary piece and packaging: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6656152&postcount=6313:21
Vestpochu: do you know, should my debian/changelof have version (0.2.1-7ubuntu0(1,2,3...)) instead of simple (0.2.1-7)?13:46
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AnAntahem, should a font package build-depend on fontforge ?!13:47
AnAntHello, can anyone confirm a bug ?13:59
AnAntI mean, I found a bug, after searching launchpad, I found that someone else reported the same bug13:59
AnAntcan I set the bug status to confirmed then ?14:00
jpdsstdin: Pushed. Thanks!14:00
loic-mVest: if the package doesn't exist dor Debian yet, end it with -0ubuntu114:03
Vestloic-m: my package isn't published yet in debian archive. so, I have to add the ending manually?14:05
loic-mVest: the ending should be created when you use tha packaging tools, like dh_make14:07
loic-mVest: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Videos especially http://videos.ubuntu.com/motuvideos/packaging_101.ogg14:08
Vestloic-m: thank you, I understand. can you tell me, should I use jaunty version instead of intrepid when I want to publish my project in official repos?14:08
loic-mVest: it's a step-by-step, follow it while packaging from scratch, pause for each step14:08
loic-mVest: always use the development version14:09
loic-mVest: if you can watch the video while doing it, it makes it really easy14:09
loic-mVest: dev version = jaunty for teh moment14:10
Vestcan I people with intrepid use jaunty versions?14:10
Vest*can people14:10
geserin most cases no because of the dependencies14:11
zpowersgeser: not true14:11
StevenKHe said most cases'14:11
zpowersPackage pinning is not very difficult to do14:12
zpowersNot even for most cases, I'd say it'd be more like a few14:12
StevenKzpowers: Sure, and when you pulled in libc6 from Jaunty or something else like d-bus, it's essentially game over14:12
VestI asked, because I have repos in ppa.launchpad. and changelog allows to use only one version of ubuntu (by the way I've tried the situation "intrepid jaunty", as described in help.lanchpad)14:12
AnAntStevenK: nice one, especially that Vest is developing a game14:13
StevenKIt's just an expression14:13
loic-mVest: if you want it in the repositories for intrepid, upload to revu for Jaunty, then request a backport14:13
AnAntStevenK: yup14:14
Laneyrevu isn't for backports...14:14
Vesta! so... that is how I have to do... I see... how interesting14:14
loic-mVest: if you want to upload to your PPA, once your packages is ok for jaunty, just edit the changelog, change the version by appending something like ~intrepid1 (note the ~) after -0ubuntu114:15
loic-mVest: then create an entry for intrepid (your ppa of course) in your .dput.cf and upload to it14:15
LaneyVest: PPAs support copying between different releases, so you can upload to Intrepid and then copy the sources to Jaunty to have it build there too14:16
Vestaha... good. and, do you know, if I upload my sources to REVU, they will have a status "Needs Review". Can I continue the work under my application and reupload the new version over the old one?14:17
loic-mLaney: was that fixed? Last week when I ask in #launchpad, it was still only possible between different ppa (if you want to rebuild from source)14:18
geserLaney: doesn't it only work when he copies the debs too?14:18
geserVest: yes14:18
loic-mLaney: just checked, and it's not possible yet, at least on my ppa14:18
Laneyloic-m: Hmm? Set destination to "this PPA", series to "Jaunty" and ask to rebuild?14:19
LaneyI admit I've only seen the UI, not actually tried it14:19
loic-mLaney: it throws an error. Try it and you'll see it doesn't work14:20
geserLaney: this won't work because of the pool structure14:20
Vestgeser, should I use the option -f (dput -f) to overwrite the package with the same name, or not?14:20
Laneygeser: That's disappointing then14:21
geseryes (or remove the <pkg>.upload file)14:21
Vestgeser, and afterwards I remove my package and upload it again. will it's queue changed to last? :)14:22
geserVest: I don't know how the sorting on REVU really works14:23
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Vestsorry, guys, can you help me with this problem? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/gnome-quod-0902011503/lintian  I can't understand what's wrong (I don't write build-essential as dependency)14:33
geserVest: you build-depend on (unversioned) libc6-dev which is part of build-essentials -> you don't need to specify it14:35
geserand the other error is, that you source package is native (has no .diff.gz)14:36
AnAntis defoma still to be used ?14:48
AnAntLP 30853914:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308539 in defoma "/usr/bin/defoma-hints broken due to deleted dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30853914:48
MaduserTrThe legal check from revu.ubuntuwire.com. Is this a program I can ran localy on my maschine?14:54
jpdsMaduserTr: lintian, I think it is.14:56
pochuit's licensecheck14:58
pochu`licensecheck -R *`14:58
pochubut that's not enough, it's just a tool to help you14:58
MaduserTrjpds, pochu: Thnaks14:59
BiNaRi0hi everyone15:06
BiNaRi0keyserver.ubuntu.com is down15:06
BiNaRi0does anyone know what happened about it ?15:06
pochuBiNaRi0: I think #canonical-sysadmin is where the people maintaining that service hang15:07
* directhex wonders who did funny things to one of his sync bugs15:08
Laneycheck the activity log15:09
directhexi did. someone marked it invalid & converted it to a question, but didn't say, i dunno, WHY15:13
iulianHmm, that's odd.  What is the bug #, directhex?15:13
directhexi reopened it. which i know is poor form, but so is closing bugs without comment15:14
sebnerbug #32394815:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323948 in cli-common "Please sync cli-common 0.6.0 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32394815:15
sebnerdirecthex: funny ^^15:16
iulianWell, it's not funny...15:17
henrik-hw0superm1: fixed FTBS in rt2860-linux-sta and rt2870-linux-sta packages just now.16:29
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bmhmhi, I need a clue what pbuilder tries to do here: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/393976/17:31
bmhmI don't see why it wants to copy a .gnome-file17:31
geseruse pbuilder on the .dsc file and not on the .changes file17:34
bmhmoh my, that did it17:36
bmhmhow embarrassing17:36
bmhmwell just another question: How do I build same releases for different distros? Do I need to change debian/changelog somehow?17:43
bmhmusing dpkg-buildpackage and pbuilder and dput17:43
hyperairif you're uploading to a PPA, then you need to alter debian/changelog17:44
hyperairset the distro17:44
hyperairotherwise, just run it thorugh pbuilder17:44
hyperairthe appropriate pbuilder17:44
bmhmyeah I want to use dput17:44
bmhmjust like sed 's/intrepid/jaunty/g'?17:45
hyperairjust the top one will do17:45
hyperairdon't change every single instance of it17:45
hyperairoh if you're uploading to PPA, you'll need different version numbers17:45
hyperairjust mangle them by adding ~distro1 or something17:45
hyperairyou can't upload the same version to different distros in PPA17:46
bmhmah so like ubuntu1 for intrepid and ubuntu2 for jaunty? thats why i asked17:46
bmhmI need kind of a concept17:47
geser_or use ubuntu1 for jaunty and ubuntu1~intrepid1 for intrepid17:48
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hyperairgeser: i still wouldn't use ubuntu1 for jaunty17:50
hyperairyou often want the new versino to override the old17:50
bmhmanyway, that did it for intrepid so far: https://edge.launchpad.net/~globalmenu-team/+archive/ppa17:51
* RainCT ponders creating a printers-are-evil LP group :P17:51
geserhyperair: ubuntu1 > ubuntu1~intrepid117:52
bmhmHmm. I haven't seen a guide or something explaining how to name versions.17:52
bmhmwhy not put a name to each distribution like ubuntu1~jaunty117:52
hyperairgeser: ubuntu1 (from main repos) > ubuntu1~jaunty1 (jaunty PPA) > ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid PPA)17:52
hyperairbmhm: there's a PPA guide somewhere17:53
hyperairbmhm: go read that one17:53
bmhmiss ppa1~jaunty1 > ubuntu1 ?17:53
hyperairrule is always mangle your versions to enter PPA unless you want to screw up your upgrade path17:53
bmhmhyperair: where is somewhere? Ubuntu docs? Launchpad docs? Some hidden dev docs?17:55
bmhmI read docs almost everywhere by now17:55
geserbmhm: no, as p < u17:55
bmhmthen why not just leave the "ubuntu" out, like "gnome2-globalmenu~intrepid1" "gnome2-globalmenu~jaunty1"17:56
geserthe debian policy has a description of how version sorting works17:56
bmhmI was just looking for a recommendation how to name my changes ^^"17:56
hyperairbmhm: launchpad docs17:56
geserdon't mix upstream version and ubuntu revision, that are two different fields17:56
bmhmthat's how I did it by now: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~globalmenu-team/+archive/ppa17:57
bmhmhyperair: I will take a look at it17:57
hyperairbmhm: you shouldn't do that.17:58
bmhmso what's wrong?17:59
bmhmerr... what can I do better17:59
hyperair<upstreamversion>-0ubuntu1~ppa<your ppa revision>18:00
hyperairassuming that debian and ubuntu dont have it18:00
bmhmthey don't have it, correct18:01
bmhmI found the guilde: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Versioning18:01
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bmhmmyapp_1.0-2~ppa1~intrepid1 contra myapp_1.0-2~ppa1~hardy118:02
bmhmoh I did use a hyphen instead of a tilde18:02
hyperairand htat makes all the differecne18:05
bmhmah there's a dead link18:06
bmhma link to  Ubuntu Mobile team's PPA copy packages18:06
bmhmis this better? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~globalmenu-team/+archive/ppa18:10
hyperairvery much so18:11
bmhmok, thanks a lot then for helping18:12
hyperairno problem18:12
hyperairis that the one where you strip the menus out from the windows and stick it onto the panel?18:13
hyperairawesome. the next time i feel bored with my current interface i'll check it out18:24
hyperairi accidentally installed it once on arch18:24
bmhmhyperair: I joined for building packages only. As far as I can see, preferences won't work yet and there's no icon for switching apps etc.18:25
bmhmbut screenshots on http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/ look promising18:25
hyperairyou know what?18:26
hyperairthat sounds like me18:26
hyperairone and a half years ago18:26
hyperairno wait18:26
hyperairless than a year18:26
hyperairi joined the Banshee Team18:26
hyperairand founded the Banshee Unstable Team18:27
hyperairfor packaging18:27
Laneybanshee <318:28
Laneyhyperair: Do you know when the next release will be? I read that it'll enable gnome-do to have a full plugin18:29
hyperairLaney: =)18:29
bmhmhyperair: does banshee support MPRIS?18:29
hyperairbmhm: no it doesn't18:29
bmhmthat's sad18:29
bmhmI should submit a patch18:29
hyperairgo ahead =)18:30
bmhmAudacious does, but it doesn't integrate at all into gnome :(18:30
hyperairbmhm: you know enough C# to do so?18:30
bmhmit's C#? :-/18:30
hyperairbmhm: what's mpris used for anyway? i only see it used in pidgin-mpris18:30
hyperairbmhm: and yes it's C#18:30
bmhmI can code C, IBM Mainframe Assembler and Java.18:30
hyperairbmhm: that's the reason why i've only submitted one patch for banshee before, and that's for their at-that-time defunct shell loader script18:31
bmhmwell I can code a little object pascal, too :D18:31
hyperairi can do C, C++, shell, python, but i've only really done major patching in shell and C/C++18:31
hyperairi hate pascal and everything to do with it18:32
bmhmI LOVE it <318:32
bmhmit's so clean and straight-foreward18:32
hyperairwell i think it has omething to do with me starting with turbo pascal18:32
bmhmSo did I, in school18:32
hyperairwhat a strange syntax18:32
bmhmI call it beautiful. That's why I like python, too, I gues ;-)18:33
hyperairi like python18:33
hyperairpython's syntax is clean18:33
hyperairbut not pascal's =\18:33
bmhmyeah, I should have bought a python book by now18:33
bmhmok let's try banshee18:33
hyperairno wai18:33
hyperairi learnt python from the internet18:34
hyperairjust as i learnt C and C++ from the internet18:34
hyperairand shell18:34
bmhmI like books, I mean "real" books :)18:35
pochubmhm: me too :) I print stuff from internet to read it in the bed ;)18:35
pochuthat's not exactly a real book, but it's closer than reading it from the screen :)18:36
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RainCTpochu: you kill trees!!    :P :P18:36
pochuI was looking to buy a book this evening from Oreilly, but the transport fee is actually more expensive than the book itself :(18:38
bmhmnah banshee is not good for me18:38
pochuso if someone is coming to Spain from the US, tell me ;)18:38
bmhm... or to germany :D18:38
pochubmhm: rhythmbox is C! :-)18:38
bmhmi know pochu, but rhythmbox has other problems18:38
bmhmI stick with amarok i think18:39
hyperairrhythmbox has this annoying "feature" where it bugs me to install codecs which can't be fuond upon startup everytime18:39
hyperairand leaks memory faster than a sieve leaks water18:39
pochubmhm: but amarok doesn't integrate well into GNOME! ;)18:39
RainCTpochu: right.. I ordered my research project as a book (from lulu.com) and transport was the same prize as the book18:39
pochuthat sucks :(18:39
bmhmyeah i know. But still better than audacios. Rhythmbox and banshee lack expert settings :(18:40
hyperairbmhm: what are you looking for exactly?18:40
bmhmlike choosing specific folders to scan for media, or setting more advanced options for ogg/flac encoding18:40
pochuhyperair: how much memory does banshee waste?18:40
hyperairregarding that, poke around in gconf18:40
pochuhere rhythmbox is eating 40MB after several hours (I think more than a day)18:40
hyperairpochu: somewhere aruond 50-90MB on my notebook18:41
hyperairafter a week18:41
hyperairno, more than that18:41
hyperairi don't shut down18:41
pochuand you say rhythmbox leaks? ;)18:41
hyperairi hibernate and restore18:41
hyperairoh yeah sure i do18:41
RainCTwow.. 40MB here too (after 6 hours)18:41
hyperairit reached 500MB on my notebook18:41
hyperairyou call that _not_ leaking?18:41
RainCTbut I still have 3GB free anyway :P18:41
pochuthat's probably fixed now :)18:41
hyperairi have 2GB total18:42
pochuRainCT: lol18:42
bmhmI got 2 in total :/18:42
* pochu has 2 too18:42
hyperairbesides, banshee's got a more shiny look to it18:42
hyperairwith the custom treeview18:42
bmhmyeah thats nice18:42
bmhmbut I still struggle with the media library18:42
hyperairwhat's wrong?18:42
hyperairoh yeah banshee has awesome searching support18:42
bmhmI can't choose a specific folder to import18:43
hyperairyes you can18:43
hyperairset your media library folder18:43
bmhmI did18:43
bmhmnothing to be imported18:43
hyperairand import from folder18:43
* pochu likes rhythmbox interface18:43
RainCTbmhm: memory is cheap nowadays... 4GB instead of 2GB was just 10€ iirc (+15€ more to switch from 6xx to 800 Mhz)18:43
* hyperair likes banshee interface18:43
bmhmRainCT: I got DDR1 - it's not that cheap18:44
pochuRainCT: as long as it's not from manufacturers, yes ;)18:44
hyperairbmhm: same here18:44
bmhmah it's "open location" in german18:44
bmhmI thought that's for URIs18:44
hyperairDDR1 1GB RAM on my desktop was twice the price that of DDR218:44
bmhmbloody translations18:44
bmhmhyperair: yeah, I bought 1GiB for € 35 some months ago18:45
RainCT(DDR1 = old memory?)18:45
hyperairum it was RM300 here18:45
hyperairi'm not sure about the conversion18:45
hyperaireither x4 or x718:45
pochuRainCT: yeah18:46
bmhmhyperair: banshee didn't ask me to choose a folder a second ago...18:46
bmhmanyway now it's working18:46
pochubmhm: DDR1 is the same as DDR400?18:46
hyperairor was it 3something18:47
bmhmI got dual channel, so it's called 800 (but it's wrong in fact)18:47
pochuthis friday I bought a 512MB DDR400 for 16€ ...18:47
bmhmfastest DDR1 is PC3200 with 400 Mhz18:47
pochuthat's what I bought18:47
bmhmthats cheap18:47
bmhmbloody h*** not again18:48
bmhmPpl always forget to cross-sign my key :/18:48
pochuthey had a 512MB module for 12€ too, but it was out of stock, and the 16€ one was from Kingston, so I thought I didn't want to wait for the other to be available ;)18:48
bmhmso i sign theirs18:48
bmhmbut I won't get mine signed18:49
hyperairbmhm: you're supposed to only get signed if you've met in person18:49
bmhmI did!18:49
hyperairand exchanged keys on pendrive or something18:49
pochuhyperair: that's not necessary18:49
Laneyhuh, no technology required18:49
bmhmwe do it by mail and check printed fingerprints18:49
bmhmjust get sure not to buy ram from MDT18:49
hyperairi don't know, i don't have any signatures on my key18:49
hyperairand i haven't signed anyone's keys18:50
RainCTpochu: you just need to compare the fingerprint, and knowing for sure that he is who he says he is18:50
bmhmthen you don't have a web-of-trust, hyperair18:50
RainCT(that is, having meet and seen a ID or already knowing him)18:50
pochubut you can have your fingerprint in a piece of paper, and give it to the other person, showing you your ID card or passport18:50
bmhmRainCT: you should check his ID-Card if you don't know him18:50
bmhmyeah exactly18:50
RainCTbmhm: that's what I said ^^18:51
pochuthen the other person knows who are you, and when he arrives home, he checks that the key he's going to sign has your name18:51
bmhmI was going to write a big PDF explaining PGP and web-of-trust and signing partys in detail, step-by-step18:51
pochu(the key with the fingerprint you gave to him)18:51
bmhmbanshee hung up while indexing my files :P18:51
bmhmit happens when the error tab wants to show up18:52
geserkeysigning parties are fun18:53
hyperairnobody i know really bothers with their keys18:53
bmhmI've never been on one18:53
geserthe next one I will participate is during FOSDEM18:53
bmhmI got a sign from c't, the best-known german computer magazine18:54
bmhmit's better than /.18:54
bmhmI think18:54
oojahhttp://www.lysator.liu.se/~jc/wotsap/leafoftrust.html <- interesting read on pgp web of trust.18:55
bmhmcheck out sig2dot18:55
bmhmyou can draw graphs18:55
gesermy public keyring is already to big for sig2dot, it takes forever to get a graph18:57
bmhmgeser: you can strip it18:59
bmhmcreate a new temp-key18:59
bmhmor use a 3D-graph18:59
bmhm(which will take even longer) :P19:00
bmhm[Debug 19:57:40.328] Downloaded cover art from Amazon19:03
bmhmwtf banshee didn't even ask me!19:04
hyperairyou could disable the cover art extension19:04
hyperairno actually, it should show a progress bar19:04
bmhmI think I'm going to switch to mpg321 ;-)19:04
RainCThyperair: what's the problem with it?19:04
hyperairand more often than not, it'll hang taking 100% of your cpu19:04
hyperairRainCT: problem with what?19:05
geserI've 143 signatures on my key. If I want to graph it with all the other keys, it really takes long.19:05
geserdon't even try to use sig2dot on the Debian keyring :)19:05
RainCThyperair: cover art enabled19:05
bmhmno, I just wanted to net :P19:05
bmhmgeser: the deb keyring has already been done19:05
hyperairRainCT: well it likes to hang and eat my cpu.19:05
RainCThyperair: Ah. Use Rhythmbox :P19:05
hyperairRainCT: no. frigging. way.19:06
hyperairhmm i need to figure out all the bugs i've fixed in the past so i can decorate my wiki page19:06
hyperairmany of them are long lost and i don't remember them19:07
bmhmbanshee uses libnotify, I am beginning to like it =)19:07
* hyperair begins counting19:08
Laneyare banshee's notify balloons a custom widget?19:08
hyperair5h 30 minutes to class. time to go to sleep19:08
LaneyOr does libnotify provide the sexy countdown thing19:08
bmhmfirst one Laney19:08
hyperairLaney: yes they are19:08
hyperairLaney: custom19:08
bmhmyes it does19:08
bmhmlibnotify CAN countdown19:08
bmhmat least I am pretty sure19:08
geserbmhm: how long did it take?19:08
hyperairLaney: wait, you mean the notification thing?19:08
hyperairLaney: or the timer?19:08
hyperaireh i mean the progress tooltip thing19:09
Laneyany of it19:09
bmhmthe first one19:09
bmhmthe tooltip bubble19:09
hyperairthe bubble that looks like a dialog box?19:09
bmhmpopping out of your applet icon19:09
hyperairwhen you switch songs, or when you hover over the icon?19:09
hyperairone of them's a tooltip on steroids19:09
hyperairthe other is a libnotify thing19:09
hyperairand yes libnotify can do countdowns.. in the form of a pizza like thing that gradually disappears19:10
hyperairor was it gradually fills up19:10
bmhmFor me it's filling: Blue is the background, white the filling color ;-)19:10
Laneyyeah, the pizza was what I meant19:10
hyperairif pizza slices were continuous and not discrete, and people ate at a constant pace, that's how it would look19:10
bmhmit's built in19:10
hyperairthat's libnotify19:10
Laneyoh, hot19:10
hyperairi see it with pidgin-libnotify19:10
bmhmyeah built in into libnotify19:10
hyperairxchat doesn't have it though19:11
hyperairi'd like xchat to set timeouts too19:11
hyperairi remember one thing i like about ubuntu's libnotify... it has rounded corners.19:11
hyperairarchlinux's doesn't, for some strange reason19:11
bmhmaptitude install pidgin-libnotify19:12
bmhmbrb ^^19:12
LaneyI don't have rounded corners (:19:13
hyperairhmm strange19:13
hyperairit should have by default19:13
Laneyprobably my theme19:14
hyperairno it's not the theme19:14
hyperairwhen i was in arch i was using this same theme19:14
hyperairand there weren't rounded corners19:14
bmhmtry "notify-send"19:16
bmhmit's got rounded corners for me19:16
hyperairnotify-send doesn't have the pizza thing19:18
hyperairLaney: what's your version of notification-daemon19:18
hyperair0.3.7-1ubuntu15 here19:19
LaneyVersion: 0.3.7-1ubuntu1519:19
hyperairhmm how very strange19:19
hyperairtry another theme?19:19
hyperairyou're using what?19:19
LaneyI'd rather not19:19
hyperairwhy not?19:19
Laneybecause I like my current one :(19:19
hyperairjust test it19:19
LaneyI don't know what it was originally called - I've customised it19:19
hyperairtry with human or something19:19
hyperairaah i see19:19
Laneyk :<19:19
hyperairsave it first?19:19
hyperairhmm e-jat eh? that's a familiar nick.19:20
Laneyno change19:20
hyperairhow strange19:21
hyperairmaybe some package is making it act up19:21
hyperairone way to check would be to try a clean home directory -- the guest session perhaps19:21
LaneyI didn't even know it was a problem until 10 minutes ago19:22
LaneyI think I'll leave it ;(19:22
bmhmI hate half-translated things. Our LUG Forum says "Post new Forenbeitrag" XD19:28
directhexdas ist sucky19:29
RainCTomg :P19:30
iuliandirecthex: That's in German, right?19:31
RainCTiulian: yep19:31
iulianI mean, "das" and "ist"19:31
iulian= this is?19:31
RainCTand "Forenbeitrag"19:31
iulianOK, calm down.19:31
RainCTiulian: yep19:31
* RainCT is just doing time to not do homework :P19:32
iulianThose are the only two words I know in German and you come with complicated words like "Forenbeitrag".19:33
iulians/words/word.  It is actually one word.19:33
henrik-hw0eng: forum contribs.19:33
RainCTor, better, "post" :P19:33
iulianOh, I know one more.  "und", which means "and", if I'm not wrong.19:34
* iulian hides from German people.19:35
* bmhm slaps uilian19:35
bmhmdamn, missed =)19:35
bmhmI mean the key :P19:35
hyperairthe only thing german i know is the food.19:35
iulianActually, I know some more words in German.19:36
bmhmof cause19:36
bmhmU-Boot (-boat)19:37
bmhmzigzag (zickzack)19:37
* hyperair loves having a complete archive mirror on LAN19:37
* RainCT misses german bakery :P19:37
bmhmmeaning what?19:38
RainCTbmhm: stuff like this http://www.otstrasbourg.fr/IMG/jpg/Picto_bretzel_1.jpg and this http://www.biomalz-back.de/produkte/einzelne_produktseiten/rezeptur_feine_backwaren/berliner400.jpg :P19:39
bmhmah misses = I miss19:39
bmhmi was thinking at Mrs.19:39
bmhmyeah german cuisine is tasty19:40
bmhmSchnitzel, Curry-Wurst (= Sausage) and so on19:40
bmhmha I once visited australia, BBQ-Nation. I traveld all the way and the first thing I got was Schnitzel.19:40
RainCTwell, I guess I should poweroff the screens and get some work done :P19:42
hyperairand i should poweroff my notebook and get some sleep19:43
Laneyyes you should!19:43
bmhmit's 8:47 pm here :>19:47
hyperairit's 3:51AM here19:51
hyperairgood night-uh-morning!19:51
bmhmyou should really get to bed! :P19:51
pochuhyperair: from?19:52
pochuhyperair: night19:52
hyperairpochu: GMT+819:52
hyperairpochu: singapore19:52
hyperairnow off to bed i go19:52
hyperairclass in 4h 40 mins19:52
pochuhyperair: if I ever go to singapore, I'll tell you :)19:52
bmhmI've been at the main airport19:53
bmhmwow it's hot there19:53
__Ali__does this room's log available somewhere?21:23
__Ali__i think someone tried to answer my question, but i was away21:23
savvas__Ali__: they usually highlight you, if you have a script or a client that can detect your nickname and highlight, that's great :)21:36
__Ali__savvas, yes it was highlighted, but the log buffer was too small21:38
savvasno local logs?21:39
__Ali__what's the alternative of using .install files wiyj cdbs?21:39
bmhmif it were important, __Ali__, they would have said your name again21:39
savvasit's a bit easier to do local search: grep -i "_ali_" ~/irclogs/Freenode/#ubuntu-motu.log21:40
__Ali__seems DEB_INSTALL_DIRS_ALL creates a directory, which cdbs command actutally copies the files?21:40
savvas(for irssi client that is)21:40
__Ali__and, where the heck is the detailed cdbs manual? in the source code? just google DEB_INSTALL_DIRS_ALL and all u get is patch files21:42
savvasthat's the question I was about to ask :P21:44
savvas__Ali__: I know there's a way to use "install:" in debian/rules to override the default stuff21:45
savvasor do additional commands, not sure21:45
savvasyou have to use dh_install for that21:45
geser__Ali__: have you looked inside /usr/share/doc/cdbs/? I've there cdbs-doc.html and cdbs-doc.pdf.gz21:46
savvasfirefox /usr/share/doc/cdbs/cdbs-doc.html21:47
savvasoh, too late :)21:47
__Ali__thanks, wiered it's not online21:48
jpdsIt is, madduck has it up somewhere.21:48
__Ali__actutally it's the samedoc which is online21:49
__Ali__but no command details21:49
__Ali__it's only in the code: http://www.google.com/codesearch/p?hl=en#WRVRMSS8dPQ/cdbs-0.4.48/1/rules/debhelper.mk.in&q=DEB_INSTALL_DIRS_ALL&l=2321:50
__Ali__is dh_install used for copying lib* files o should one of dh_install* family members be called for that?21:51
Tonio_hi there21:53
Tonio_anyone available for revuing kmplayer please ? that would be nice since the konqueror component of the kde3 currently packaged version is broken with kde4...21:53
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