
lifelessspiv: ping; my place is available if you're interested; or I can head north.00:26
Pegasus_RPGhello there.00:30
Pegasus_RPGIf a repo's URL changes, can bzr be told of that change or do people need to do a new checkout/branch?00:30
lifelessPegasus_RPG: 'bzr switch' can be used to change what things are checkouts of00:33
lifelessbranches don't care, they just need to pass the url to the next pull/merge00:33
lifelesse.g. 'bzr pull URL --remember'00:33
Pegasus_RPGlifeless: ok, so a user needs to issue both a switch and the pull --remember?00:34
lifelessPegasus_RPG: either/or00:34
Pegasus_RPGoh ok cool00:34
Pegasus_RPGthank you muchly00:35
lifelessif they have a checkout, switch, if they have a branch, pull/merge --remember00:35
Pegasus_RPG(The #mixxx teamis getting our feet wet)00:35
Pegasus_RPGwith bzr00:35
Pegasus_RPGreading "Bazaar was made for merges" made me happy00:35
Pegasus_RPG(I recently had to merge one of our branches to trunk on SVN...not fun)00:36
Pegasus_RPGbtw, is there any decent Linux GUI for BZR? (Like KDESVN is for svn?)00:36
lifelesshttp://www.mixxx.org/ ?00:36
Pegasus_RPGyep that's us00:36
lifelessfor kde, you should look at qbzr00:37
Pegasus_RPGok thanks00:37
lifelessfor gnome there is gtk-bzrn00:37
* Pegasus_RPG has kde and was not impressed with Olive00:37
lifelessolive is gtk based00:37
lifelessyou may like qbzr more00:37
lifelessand please file bugs about the things you'd like different00:38
lifelessthey are both under active development00:38
Pegasus_RPGOK cool. Thanks again00:38
shtylmancan I create bazaar users without creating system users? I guess similar to how subversion could create users?00:40
spivlifeless: I'll head south soon, just sending a fix for the get_parent_map bug00:41
mwhudsonshtylman: svn doesn't really know about users either, do you mean the apache integration?00:41
mwhudsonshtylman: but the answer is approximately "no"00:42
shtylmanmwhudson: I see...so places like launchpad...they create system wide uers?...lets say I can do that...how then do I limit the user to bzr only?00:42
shtylmanis that possible...?00:42
mwhudsonshtylman: launchpad has a custom ssh server00:42
mwhudsonshtylman: you can play tricks with .ssh/authorized_keys though00:43
mwhudson(i think this is what bitbucket does for ex)00:44
shtylmanmwhudson: k...thanks..I will look into some alternatives00:46
jelmerlifeless: did my InterBranch.pull patch look ok to you other than the issues you raised?01:27
lifelessjelmer: I haven't looked all that closely; as long as there is a per_interbranch test parameterisation done sanely, its probably good01:28
jelmerlifless: yeah, I think that is the case (we already had the infrastructure for InterBranch.update_revisions())01:37
beunohello hello02:20
beunoas of yesterday02:21
beunobzr is amazingly slow02:21
beunoI'm pulling a branch with a few small changes02:21
beunoand it's taking ages02:21
beunois there anything in bzr.dev that would provoke this?02:22
beunonot sure what all those "Repository.get_parent_map" are02:22
beunoor RemoteSSHTransport.readv 5 offsets => 2 coalesced => 1 requests (2)02:22
lifelessits falling down to vfs02:22
beunowhy would it do that?02:23
lifelessbecause lp is still running 1.1202:23
beunowell, it was working fantastically well up until yesterday02:23
beunoand edge says 1.13: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/02:23
lifelessyou're looking at the wrong things02:23
lifelessand edge lies vis-a-vis the server02:24
lifelessthe 3 minute gap between lines 11 and 12 is the problem02:24
lifelessthe rest is 17 seconds long02:24
lifelessif you have ssh connection sharing, and suspended with a master ocnnection open, that might fit02:25
beunoah, I do02:25
lifelessnothing to do with bzr :)02:25
beunoI see02:25
beunobut something must of changed to suddenly make this a problem, no?02:26
beunoeven though it's my settings02:26
lifelessits been latent in your ssh config, or perhaps a ssh change on your system02:26
beuno.ssh/config:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/15796/02:27
lifelessbeuno: ...and?02:28
lifelessbeuno: kill your master connections, try the pull again, if its not faster, we can dig deeper02:28
beunolifeless, as usual, you're right02:32
lifelessI know :)02:33
AfClifeless: you don't *really* expect us to let THAT stand, do you?02:36
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lifelessjelmer: the check devs have said 'will be integrated in april, or we'll give you commit and you can do it yourself' :)03:51
ivanThe docs say "bzr log -r date:yesterday..date:today" should give me all of today's revisions, but it only returns revision 104:40
ivanbut "bzr log -r date:yesterday.." works as I expect04:41
ivanis "today" strange or are the docs wrong?04:41
spivPossibly both ;)04:41
lifelessyou may have found a bug04:41
ivanheh, "date:today..date:yesterday" still returns revision 104:43
fullermdActually, date:today.. gives you all of today's revs...04:56
ivanit does04:57
lifelessivan: did you start your project today?04:57
lifelessso, date:today is 12am today04:57
lifelessthe start of today04:57
lifelessI think04:57
fullermddate:yesterday..date:today probably gives you all of yesterday's revs, and the first rev from today.04:57
fullermdWhich would fit.04:58
ivandate:1999-01-01..date:2000-01-01 still gives me r1 :)05:07
lifelesssomething to read http://dabeaz.com/coroutines/05:24
fullermdivan: date: has a lot of rather scary dark corners  :)05:41
ivanI really like bzr, even after just a few hours05:43
fullermdFor instance, the latest rev [I have] of bzr.dev has timestamp: Tue 2009-03-31 02:11:33 +010005:44
fullermdBut date:2009-03-31 doesn't find anything for me, because that rev is from 2009-03-30 in my TZ.05:45
spivivan: we like it too ;)05:45
ivanare there any consequences if I'm inconsistent about which branch is my mainline?06:05
ivanit doesn't really seem like it, given how revision numbers work06:06
lifelessivan: mainline is just social, so you can organise however you like06:07
lifelessjelmer: ping06:21
ivancan I steal the commit message from the (only) change made in a branch?06:55
ivanI merge a branch in, then don't want to type the commit message again06:55
lifelessivan: we don't have UI glue to do that; if there is only one change, why not just pull ?07:02
spivAn auto-commit-message plugin might be a cute hack.07:07
fullermdActually, maybe using a more full variant (like --short) instead of --line for the merged revs in the commit editor might be helpful.07:08
ivanlifeless: i did not know about pull :)07:08
fullermdWell, until you get the people who remove the delimiter line accidentally and end up commiting the whole deal as the log message, anyway...   ;)07:09
vilahi all07:21
* fullermd waves at vila.07:21
lifelessjml: several new-stacked-branch performance fixes landed today, last one in-train at the moment07:29
luksehm, I hate when qbzr is being presented as a kde application :(08:56
* vila quietly remove alias kbzr qbzr09:03
Peng_BasicOSX: Since you're the current release manager (and poolie's not here right now): There's a question on LP about how the "current release" branch isn't being maintained. https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/6603709:55
ivani'm trying to use the trunk versions of bzr-git and dulwich to import a git repo, but it dies with some kind of mmap error: http://rafb.net/p/9nnue853.html10:34
ivananyone know what to do? :-)10:34
ivanit's ok with allocating 230952 bytes, but fails when allocating 259506810:36
ivanlooks like it works if I patch dulwich/pack.py with: supports_mmap_offset = False10:37
james_wis there a ulimit for mmap?10:48
ivanprobably not10:53
james_wso it is the size argument that trips it up?10:58
james_wit's possibly a bug in python2.6 with the offset, or some calculation of the parameters, because some take page sizes rather than bytes10:59
ivanoh, that's bad11:01
ivanyeah, it's definitely buggy, reported a month ago11:07
james_woh, what's the link?11:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 336393 in dulwich "Can't branch on Windows" [Medium,Triaged]11:12
ivanand https://bugs.launchpad.net/dulwich/+bug/35299811:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 352998 in dulwich "supports_mmap_offset-related crash with Python 2.6" [Undecided,New]11:12
ivanI don't mind fixing every program that I run, though it does get exhausting :)11:13
james_wivan: could you do it again, but print all the parameters this time?11:13
james_wit would be good to know what they all are, thanks11:14
ivanPARAMS ARE 6 230952 1 0finding revisions to fetch 011:16
ivanPARAMS ARE 10 2595068 1 12ding revisions to fetch 611:16
ivanbzr: ERROR: mmap.error: [Errno 22] Invalid argument11:16
ivanthe param order for the print matches mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), size, access=access, offset=offset)11:17
james_wI'll drop that in the bug11:17
james_wso the differences are that the size is greater, and that an offset is being used11:18
james_wand that it's a different fd I guess11:19
* SamB lols at Guido's new title12:04
SamBor, uh, joke title12:05
* SamB wishes gmail would just gray out the Archive button where it is not appropriate12:11
LarstiQSamB: I'm partial to barry's title too :)12:20
SamBLarstiQ: but it's not as meaningful a word, I think12:21
LarstiQSamB: true, true.12:21
SamBthough it *is* delightfully silly12:22
SamBand Python people are just silly enough that that message would actually be quite plausible if it weren't April 1st12:23
* jelmer wonders what he is missing12:24
LarstiQjelmer: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0401/12:25
vilalifeless: ping, selftest --parallel works again, care to review ?12:29
Peng_They really did add the barry_as_FLUFL future though.12:30
vilajames_w: builddeb tests failing it may be due to recent changes in commit you may want to check12:30
Peng_But I think it just adds the <> operator, not the print statement.12:32
james_wvila: I don't see it, have a traceback for me?12:33
vilajames_w: ./bzr selftest -s bzrlib.tests.test_msgeditor.MsgEditorTest.test_generate_commit_message_template_hook with bzr.dev@423012:35
vila  File "/home/vila/.bazaar/plugins/builddeb/__init__.py", line 64, in debian_changelog_commit_message12:35
vila    if not commit.work_tree.has_filename(cl_path):12:35
vilaAttributeError: 'Commit' object has no attribute 'work_tree'12:35
vilajames_w: The bug may be on bzr side for not being compatible though, you may have a better POV than me in this area12:36
SamBdarnit, I need to get that flaky RAM and/or motherboard fixed ...12:36
james_wvila: yeah, see it now12:36
vilajames_w: good, I check I had builddeb up to date in the mean time, did I send you a bundle for test failures since 2009-03-16 ?12:38
vilajames_w: about pristine-tar ?12:38
SamBis there an alternative to sed for rewriting many similar URLs in a number of branch.confs simultaneously?12:39
james_wvila: got one on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:32:11, thanks12:39
james_wit adds the PristineTarFeature12:39
Peng_SamB: I'd write a small Python script using bzrlib.12:41
vilajames_w: just checking it wasn't lost as it doesn't show up on lp:bzr-builddeb12:41
james_wI've probably just not pushed yet, sorry12:41
vilajames_w: np, np, no urgency12:41
vilajames_w: you may even veto it, your call :-)12:42
james_wnope, it's merged in my local branch :-)12:42
SamBer, basically I meant "plugin"12:42
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ploumI've a problem with bazaar12:58
ploumall my pushes to my local server are frozen at :12:59
ploum\     17kB @   15kB/s12:59
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ploumnot all, it depends on the repository12:59
ploumsome are frozen, some are working normally12:59
ploumbut branch is still working normally12:59
Peng_When dealing with Launchpad, what type of URL do you think should be used as the parent/submit/etc. location? lp:~foo/bar/baz? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~foo/bar/baz/?13:10
jelmervila: ping13:12
SamBdon't forget lp:bar13:12
james_wif you let bzr set it with "bzr push lp:foo" then it will write the second form, but that's debated13:12
Peng_james_w: Yeah, I know. To use an lp: URL you'd have to edit branch.conf, but I do that all the time anyway, so..13:13
vilajelmer: pong13:14
vilaploum: what kind of server are you using ? what bzr version (client/server) ?13:14
jelmervila: so, what do you prefer I do in regard to get_username() ?13:20
jelmerraise NotATerminal and provide a mock implementation that doesn't and test that, similar to get_password() ?13:20
ploumvila: I'm using bzr+http (smart server)13:20
ploumvila: the client and the server are both using ubuntu intrepid with bzr from ppa13:21
vilaploum: then add 'debug_flags = hpss' in bazaar.conf on the client or -Dhpss on the command line we'll know a bit more13:21
ploumafter a while (like 5 minutes) I have :13:21
ploumbzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)"13:22
vilaploum: sorry I don't know intrepid version by heart, use 'bzr version'13:22
ploumvila: so it should look like : bzr -Dhpss push bzr+http://... ?13:22
SamBhmm, apparantly when pages try to use tables for layout, you can improve the way they print out by deleting extraneous cells in firebug ...13:22
vilajelmer: there is no point in not testing code, I mention the two issues are distinct: get_username should check the tty (it will be called *before* get_pasword now)13:24
vilathat part of get_password becomes irrelevant if you call get_username before get_password, so don't break it13:25
vilaploum: the lock should the consequence of a previous ctrl-c no ? use 'bzr break-lock' before bzr pull -Dhpss13:25
ploumNo revisions to pull.13:27
ploumHPSS calls: 9 <bzrlib.transport.http.SmartClientHTTPMedium object at 0x853b82c>13:27
ploumnow trying push13:27
vilajelmer: or get rid of it on the assumption that it is in fact dead code, but then you'll have to propose a solid explanation that it was never needed13:28
vilaploum: ghaaa, of course I meant push :)13:28
ploumI was not sure if you wanted some information13:28
vilaploum: sry13:28
ploumso I broke the lock (as you said)13:28
ploumno problem, thanks for trying to help me :-)13:28
jelmervila: my point is, if I make get_username() raise NotATerminal then I can't test it13:28
jelmervila: and I have to add a mock implementation of it like get_non_echoed_pw()13:29
jelmerwb vila (-:13:31
vilajelmer: haaaa, sry, then you should refactor get_non_echoed_password in both implementations13:31
vilajelmer: darn ctrl-w again :)13:31
jelmervila: refactor get_non_echoed_password?13:32
vilathe purpose of get_n_e_p in TestUI is to get rid of the 'echo' constraint, it's a side-effect if it doesn't raise NotATerminal :)13:33
jelmervila: but we won't have a terminal during the tests13:33
vilajelmer: I get that and we don't want to raise NotAterminal in most of the cases13:34
vilajelmer: let start again13:34
vilawhen get_username|password is called by bzr, we should raise NotATerminal if indeed there is no terminal to query the user13:34
vilawhen testing, we don't want to check that *of course* except to test tht NotATerminal is raised but not the rest of the behavior13:35
ploumbzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "(remote lock)"13:35
ploumHPSS calls: 10 <bzrlib.transport.http.SmartClientHTTPMedium object at 0xa12562c>13:35
ploumbut I did break-lock before13:35
vilaploum: are you alone using that repository ?13:35
ploumoh wait!13:37
ploumI had to break the lock on the server13:37
ploumnot on the client13:37
jelmervila: ahh13:37
vilaploum: both, but don't do that if someelse is using that repo13:37
vilajelmer: haaa too :)13:37
ploummaybe should I report a bug so :13:38
ploum1) There's less delay when you cannot acquire a lock13:38
ploum2) It's more explicit about locks13:38
jelmervila: so we should have a helper for get_username() that gets overridden in TestUIFactory and just does checking for whether there's a terminal?13:38
ploumvila: I'm alone on that repository13:38
vilaploum: ok, so a bare 'bzr break-lock' should propose you to break both locks except if you mess things up before by breaking only the remote one13:39
vilajelmer: TestUIFactory shouldn't raise NotATerminal, it's here to be used *without* a terminal anyway, there should be another test for checking NotATerminal13:39
ploumvila: I think so13:40
vilawhich doesn't use TestUIFactory13:40
ploumnot everyone a SSH access to the repository13:40
vilajelmer: whether there is a single method in [Test]UIFactory to handle that is up to the first dev that needs it :-)13:40
vilaploum: 'not everyone' is not exactly the same as 'only ploum' :)13:41
ploumvila: indeed. I mean : I have ssh access to my repository so I can break a lock if needed but what about people that cannot do that ?13:43
vilaploum: if they can't write they can't lock13:44
vilaif they can't lock they don't need to break locks13:44
ploumbut if you use bzr+http, you can create a lock13:44
ploumwithout being able to breaking it13:44
vilaif you use bzr+http you can lock and you can break locks13:44
ploumthat's why I didn't understood you13:45
ploumI was not aware of that13:45
vilaploum: you do 'bzr break-lock bzr+http://whatever13:45
ploumI logged into the server with SSH to break lock at that place13:45
ploumthanks for the information13:45
vilaploum: np13:45
ploumthanks for the help13:47
ploumI managed to push my commits13:47
vilajelmer: so basically I think prompt() should take care of NotATerminal *and* prompt encoding and then only prompt needs to be redefined in TestUiFactory13:47
vilajelmer: it sounds rather unfortunate that this was done by get_password so far...13:48
jelmervila: well, get_password() doesn't use prompt() afaik13:50
jelmersince getpass() prints the prompt for it13:50
vilajelmer: that's one facet of the bug :)13:50
vilait should use self.prompt and then pass an empty prompt to getpass13:50
jelmervila: but would it be ok for now to just raise NotATerminal from get_username() ?13:51
vilajelmer: you mean 'I found a bug, but I'd like to not fix it now but instead duplicate the bogus code, is that ok' ? :-)13:53
jelmerbasically, yes :-)13:53
vilajelmer: hmmm, I can fix it, but then we'll conflict, wait a minute13:55
fullermdMmph.  I wish there were a way to pass defaults to log formatters...13:55
vilafullermd: nag igc or better expose your use case to the ML, this is under discussion13:56
fullermdWell, my use case is that I WANT to see the merge revs on --long all the time   :p13:57
fullermd"Undo what you did" is rather obstreperous naggery.13:57
vilafullermd: 'My preferred use case is not the default one anymore' is a valid user feedback in my book13:58
vilafullermd: and when it comes to UI tweaks, user feedback is *gold*13:59
vilaPeng_: mail-the-ML++14:01
vilalog and log formatters are actively worked on, the more feedback we get....14:02
fullermdI think I'm over my quota of griping-ish mails to the ML for one day.14:02
vilafullermd: quota++14:02
Peng_vila: Sorry, I just hit my quota of getting off my ass and doing things for the week.14:02
vilaPeng_: quota++14:03
Peng_Exception: IntegerOverflow14:03
Peng_Sorry, it's limited to a 2-bit signed int.14:03
jelmervila: ok14:07
antoranzhuys, when is support for "Doesn't matter the EOL format" coming?14:09
Peng_antoranz: ...1.14?14:10
Peng_antoranz: It should land in bzr.dev, uh, yesterday or tomorrow or something.14:11
antoranzreally? cause I had read about this feature coming like... a year ago... and I just made a lousy test and it failed miserably14:11
Peng_antoranz: It's been in progress for ages.14:12
antoranzand it's really coming in 1.14? or it's just a guess?14:13
Peng_antoranz: The required infrastructure has already been merged. The EOL stuff itself has either been merged, is up for review, or is projected to be up for review within 48 hours; I don't remember which.14:14
antoranzok.... sounds like it's coming finally14:15
antoranzby the way... did you hear that microsoft is using git for version control? http://www.fsdaily.com/HighEnd/Microsoft_uses_git_for_version_control14:18
abentleyantoranz: It's possible that MS *is* using git, but that article is an april fools' joke.14:27
antoranzdamn! am I so obvious? :-)14:27
ricardokirknerhi guys.. I am having some issues with merges..14:29
ricardokirknerthe thing is I have two svn repos14:29
ricardokirknerI need to merge14:29
ricardokirkneri tried to use bzr for this14:29
ricardokirknerI created a bzr branch for each branch in the svn repos14:29
ricardokirknerthen I tried to merge between the bzr branches14:30
ricardokirknerand I got the error bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.14:30
jelmerricardokirkner: svn repositories or svn branches?14:30
jelmerricardokirkner: I mean, do they have shared history?14:31
ricardokirknerjelmer, I have an upstream repo with branch A and a local repo with branch B (which is a copy of branch A from upstream)14:31
ricardokirknerI have worked locally on branch B and now I want to push to upstream14:31
ricardokirknerthe thing is, the whole development started out with svn, and before being able to change our workflow, I need to push these changes to upstream first14:31
jelmerricardokirkner: upstream svn repo and local svn repo?14:32
ricardokirknerand I would like to preserve history14:32
ricardokirknerjelmer, yes14:32
jelmerricardokirkner: but how was branch B originally created from branch A?14:32
ricardokirknerjelmer, as far as I remember, svn export ; svn import14:33
ricardokirknerI know its not ideal, and that is the reason why bzr cannot find a common ancestor14:33
ricardokirknerbut, cannot it be told to be 'more intelligente' :-)14:34
jelmerricardokirkner: you can force bazaar to do the merge by using the "-r0..-1" argument to merge14:34
jelmerricardokirkner: but it'll most likely result in a large number of conflicts14:34
fullermdThat sounds like it would yield a staggeringly terrible result...14:34
jelmeras there is no shared history information14:34
ricardokirknerjelmer, I try and let you know14:35
jelmermoin mwhudson14:54
mwhudsonhi jelmer14:54
james_wvila: it's a test isolation problem. The tests don't clear the msgeditor hooks.15:53
james_wthey aren't registered in hooks.known_hooks, but that registry is a little underdocumented15:53
beunojelmer, what's the deal with bug 336749?16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336749 in bzr-svn "reconcile raises a KeyError on a fresh branch" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33674916:08
beunoted is getting desperate  :)16:08
jelmerbeuno: it's a bug in ghost handling in VersionedFiles16:12
jelmerbeuno: if you add a text with a ghost parent it blows up when re-extracting that text16:13
beunojelmer, so I need to chase lifeless about it?16:13
jelmerbeuno: yeah16:13
beunojelmer, thanks16:14
jelmerbeuno: I tried to see if I could figure out what was causing it, but couldn't easily find the issue16:14
jelmerI'm also not too sure what's happening exactly when storing packs16:14
beunoinkscape is in a bad situation because of it, because they're last import is broken16:15
jelmersomething somewhere is assuming that the delta parent is the left hand side parent16:15
jelmeryeah, so I've understood16:15
beunoso they're in a situation where they either manage to do the import, or have to switch or something16:15
jelmerLarstiQ has a similar issue with his company repo16:15
jelmerand there are more people that have hit this problem16:15
jelmerbeuno: I've marked this particular bug as High already earlier this month16:19
vilajelmer: sorry, longer than anticipated and phone calls too, digging the subject anyway, I end up getting rid of NotATerminal anyway, so forget about it, but add the tests for utf8 (unless you know better about what encoding should be used for unicode usernames)16:19
jelmervila: ok16:20
beunojelmer, yeah, saw it, thanks. I'll start chasing people and see where that gets me  :)16:20
vilajelmer: I'll submit something about NotATerminal16:20
jelmervila: I'll send a new merge request to the list if that's ok16:21
vilasee you there :)16:21
vilajames_w: which tests don't clear ? yours ? bzr ones ? someone else tests ?16:22
james_wvila: the general bzr test setup16:25
james_wit clears all the know hooks so that doing say "commit" in a test doesn't trigger hooks16:26
james_wbut fails to clear this hook, so my code runs. The test that fails shouldn't actually run any of the plugin code at all, so that's the real bug.16:26
vilajames_w: ok, you should file a bug (I'm surprised commit hooks are not registered, but there may be a reason), anyway in the mean time you can also protect you own code, see bzrlib/tests/test_msgeditor.py test_generate_commit_message_template_hook16:30
vilajelmer: before I forget ! Make a big fat item in NEWS as GUIs will have to implement get_username now16:43
vilajelmer: and also: regarding defaulting to getpass.getuser(), I think the easiest it  to make get_username prompts only if asked (i.e. not prompt by default) grepping for getpass.getuser will give you the call sites, only http doesn't care anymore16:46
jamjames_w: hooks.known_hooks is a recent addition, *because* of issues like this16:50
jam(there were other hook instances *inside* bzrlib that were being missed)16:51
james_wsure, I realise that, I'm just trying to work out what to add to it to register this hook point16:52
jamjames_w: not 100% sure, but basically something like "bzrlib.branch", "Branch.hooks"16:54
jamso <module>, <object>16:55
jamas names16:55
mwhudsonjelmer: InterToSvnRepository.fetch needs to support fetch_spec i think17:13
jelmermwhudson: yeah, it doesn't at the moment17:15
jelmermwhudson: when does that break?17:15
mwhudsonjelmer: bzr get <svn>17:15
jelmermwhudson: that wouldn't use InterToSvnRepository17:16
jelmermwhudson: InterToSvnRepository is used in the case of push17:16
mwhudsonjelmer: i can only tell you what my eyes tell me17:16
mwhudsonjelmer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/142161/17:17
antoranzby the way. when is 1.14 expected/projected to come out?17:18
jelmermwhudson: you're cloning *into* a svn repo?17:18
mwhudsonjelmer: not deliberately!17:18
VSpikeMy workflow is way too complex .. I get the feeling I'm doing it all wrong17:19
VSpikeGot a project which consists of a website tree and a library code tree.  I have library/main/... website/main/web/... website/main/lib/... website/branchA/web/... website/branchA/lib/...17:21
VSpikeI work in two windows VM's on two linux boxes, so i have a sort of master shared repo on one linux box, and replicate the above structure in the master and in both VM's17:21
VSpikeTrying to push changes around gets very muddled17:22
VSpikeEspecially for the library code17:22
jelmermwhudson: should be fixed now17:24
mwhudsonthanks :)17:26
jelmermwhudson: of course, it won't actually fix the issue for you, as it will still try to write to the svn repo17:27
mwhudsonjelmer: jam managed to convert the repository we care about now anyway17:28
jelmermwhudson: is it correct that it tries to write to a svn repo?17:28
mwhudsonjelmer: how could i tell?17:29
jelmermwhudson: bzr info -v17:29
jelmerwill tell if you have a svn repo locally17:29
mwhudsonnow it does this17:29
mwhudsonmwh@starship:~/code$ rm -rf sizer/ && BZR_PDB=1 BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=plugs PYTHONPATH=subvertpy/ ./brisbane-core/bzr get file:///home/crew/mwh/code/codespeak/user/nick8325/sizer17:29
mwhudsonbzr: ERROR: The branch file:///home/crew/mwh/code/codespeak/user/nick8325/sizer has no revision None.17:29
mwhudsonmwh@starship:~/code$ bzr info -v17:29
mwhudsonbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/crew/mwh/code/".17:29
jelmerthat's really weird17:31
jelmermwhudson: the first error is bzr masking some other error17:31
mwhudsonit's possible that this machine has a super-ancient version of libsvn or something17:31
jelmershouldn't matter17:32
jelmermwhudson: bzr decided it wanted to fetch into a svn repo for some reason in the backtrace you posted earlier17:32
exarkunpushing to launchpad is taking too long :(17:36
exarkunisn't stacking supposed to mean it's super quick17:36
exarkunmwhudson: hey where are you17:40
exarkunI want to complain17:40
mwhudsonexarkun: launchpad is still running 1.12 and 1.13 pushing to 1.12 sucks ass17:41
exarkunhow about 1.11 to 1.12?17:41
mwhudsonexarkun: if you add the bzr crack-of-the-day ppa it will be better17:41
mwhudsonexarkun: that should be ok17:41
mwhudsonexarkun: glyph was complaining earlier17:41
exarkunit just took about 8 minutes to push a pyopenssl branch17:41
exarkun(and took about as long for one earlier today too)17:42
mwhudsonexarkun: how does 'mtr bazaar.launchpad.net' look for you?17:42
exarkun~102ms latency17:42
exarkunoh hey17:43
mwhudsonwell, it will be better tomorrow17:43
exarkunalso 50% packet loss17:43
mwhudsonif you upgrade to 1.1317:43
exarkunlevel3 for the lose17:43
exarkunokay launchpad is super great I love it. :)17:44
mwhudsoni don't think we like our isp very much17:44
exarkunbut hey maybe you guys should switch to udp I hear it is fast17:44
mwhudsonexarkun: go away17:44
mwhudsoni think unreliable delivery is *just* what you want for a vcs17:45
mwhudson"i've pushed my changes... probably!"17:45
fullermddarcs uses UDP.  After all, order doesn't matter.17:50
Glenjaminhi guys, i'm having some issues using the sftp transport17:59
Glenjaminbasically, i keep getting bzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to SSH host trucklomax.com; EOF during negotiation17:59
jelmerGlenjamin: can you sftp in using the sftp client?18:00
Glenjaminis there an evn var i can set to see the full stack trace?18:00
jelmeryou can use -Derror I think18:00
Glenjamini'm getting a socket connection error in connect_sftp18:04
Glenjaminhrm, its from the subprocess vendor, is that correct?18:05
Glenjaminah, its trying to use plink18:09
Glenjaminaha, bzr seems to favour installed ssh clients over paramiko now18:13
jelmervila: ping18:14
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
gioelebzr push complains that branches have diverged after "bzr uncommit; bzr commit". Why?19:46
beunogioele, because the revision ids are now different19:47
gioelebeuno: can't I "force" the push?19:47
gioeleis push --overwrite a forced push?19:48
beunogioele, sure, just add --overwrite19:48
exarkunShould I commit a merge and other changes in a single revision?19:48
gioelebeuno: thank you19:48
james_wexarkun: you can do19:51
james_wif it's fixing up the build with the merge or something then it can be good19:52
james_wif it's something completely separate then split it in to a new revision19:52
exarkunIt was a ChangeLog entry in this case19:55
exarkunI guess that kind of makes sense19:55
seb_kuzminskyi know how to use things like  "bzr log -v -r ancestor:../other-branch" to find the changes since the most recent merge21:54
seb_kuzminskyhow do i find out the revision number (or revid, or something) of that ancestor?21:54
james_wbzr revno -r ancestor:...?21:55
seb_kuzminsky^C0 seb@slurp /home/seb/bzr/emc2/hostmot2>  bzr revno -r ancestor:../upstream21:55
seb_kuzminskybzr: ERROR: no such option: -r21:55
seb_kuzminskythat's 1.11, maybe i should upgrade?21:56
james_wdon't think that's changed21:56
Peng_It hasn't,21:57
seb_kuzminskyjames_w: yes, thank you22:00
jelmerwtf, unicode revision ids are allowed now ?22:02
Peng_jelmer: Maybe not intentionally.22:03
jelmerPeng_: there's a test that checks they work22:03
Peng_jelmer: Oh. That sounds pretty intentional, then. Never mind. :P22:07
seb_kuzminskyone of the open-source groups i'm working with is considering switching from CVS to some DVCS, i'm pushing for bzr and the other folks have some questions/issues that i'll proxy to you ;-)22:17
thewrathhello i was told to come over here22:17
thewrathi want to set up bZR and having some issues22:17
thewrathany help woudl be hot22:18
thewrathi am nto sure if i have python 2.522:19
seb_kuzminskyis there a good way to set up the central server so a select bunch of people can push changes without having shell accounts?22:19
seb_kuzminskythewrath: python -V?22:19
thewrathi am in windows22:19
thewrathdo that in command line?22:19
seb_kuzminskythewrath: i dont know much about windows, but yeah, try it in a command window22:20
thewrathanyone using it in windows22:20
thewrathi tried to install the dependency and it said python not installed22:20
MizardX... I can't manage to get the authentication to work with bazaar <-> launchpad on windows. Keys added to lp and pageant successfully, but when I try to use bzr branch/co/push with lp I get the error "Permission denied (publickey)."22:22
thewrathMizardX: can you help me set up bazaar on widnows22:22
MizardXthewrath: No. I need help myself.22:23
thewrathi just need help setting it up22:23
thewrathi have installed it but after that i dont know what to do22:23
thumperMizardX: have you loaded your ssh key into Launchpad?22:41
thumperMizardX: have you done a `bzr lp-login` ?22:43
thumperMizardX: as it is likely that your lp name isn't the same as your local one22:43
MizardXYes. "marjar-4"22:44
Peng_beuno: ping22:45
beunoPeng_, pong22:45
thumperMizardX: if this is not your normal ssh key, have you set it to be the one to use talking to bazaar.launchpad.net ?22:45
Peng_beuno: With the Loggerhead YUI CDN thing, what about changing it to just put a big "if branch.use_yui_cdn" in the template? Then the URL could be hardcoded in the template instead of the Python code. Would that be better?22:46
schmichaelif i push/pull/merge with lots of remote branches, is there some way to give each one a nickname?22:47
Peng_beuno: That would mean the list of scripts would be duplicated, but I could use the nifty combo thing.22:47
Peng_schmichael: bzr-bookmarks plugin?22:47
MizardXthumper: It's my only key. Generated it to be used with bazaar/launchpad.22:47
MizardXthumper: Otherwise I don't know what you mean.22:48
schmichaelPeng_: will check it out, thanks22:48
MizardXthumper: Does they "bzr whoami" play any part in authentication?22:49
thumperMizardX: no22:49
thumperMizardX: which version of bzr are you using?22:49
MizardXlatest stable... 1.1322:50
thumperin which case I have no idea why it isn't working22:50
thumperperhaps lifeless might know more22:50
thumperhe knows lots of weird shit22:50
lifelessyou called22:50
MizardXputtygen/pageant version
lifelessMizardX: ok, you're on windows, I was about to ask :)22:51
lifelessthewrath: You don't know what to do.. to achieve what ? [do you want to start a new project, get the code for someone elses existing project ...?]22:52
beunoPeng_, I think that's better22:53
beunoat least it feels less awkward22:53
schmichaelPeng_: yikes!  not even a README file for bzr-bookmarks?  maybe i'll wait for it to mature a bit first :)22:53
lifelessMizardX: we're meant to autodetect pagent automatically; uhm, first thing I'd try is giving the full url automatically.22:53
beunomwhudson, any thoughts  ^22:53
lifelessMizardX: e.g. whats a branch you want to make from launchpad?22:54
Peng_beuno: It is better, but I think it'll be uglier and more complicated. Also I'll have to learn some TAL. :P Anyway, I'll try it.22:55
beunoPeng_, well22:55
beunoit will be uglier22:55
beunoso let's weigh this in...22:55
Peng_It will be nice to use the YUI combiner thingy.22:55
mwhudsonbeuno: on what?22:55
beunoPeng_, of course, you could kick off the config file work we want to do, by using a config file through bzr. Which we could install by default our something22:56
Peng_mwhudson: Option to load YUI from Yahoo!'s CDN. https://code.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/loggerhead/yui-cdn/+merge/511922:56
seb_kuzminskylifeless: what's the prefered way to grant commit access to a central repo without granting shell access to the machine hosting the central repo?22:56
MizardXlifeless: http://pastebin.ca/137935122:56
beunomwhudson, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mnordhoff/loggerhead/yui-cdn/+merge/511922:56
mwhudsonoh right22:57
mwhudsonwell, i've nothing really against the idea22:58
mwhudsonso long as we don't accidentally turn it on for launchpad or anything22:58
luksschmichael: bzr help plugins/bookmarks22:59
MizardX"Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance in 30 seconds." :(22:59
mwhudsonPeng_: go for it, if you have time before the rollout >:)22:59
beuno20 seconds!23:00
schmichaelluks: thanks23:01
lifelessMizardX: do you have a ssh client?23:01
lifelessMizardX: oh, yeah, there is a major maintenance rollout happening today, new backend db server change over and other cool stuff23:01
mwhudsoni was working with jam on code that's only on his laptop and launchpad23:01
mwhudsonand he just left23:01
mwhudsonnice timing, hudson23:02
Peng_Haha. Nice timing.23:02
lifelessMizardX: when it comes back, I suggest using a ssh client to ssh to marjar-4@bazaar.launchpad.net; you can't do anything useful but it should connect ok, if it doesn't the key isn't configured right at one end or the other; if it doees bzr isn't picking up pagent/putty correctly23:02
MizardXThanks for the help so far.23:05
beunook, I'm off for a little while23:05
* Peng_ grumbles at YUI.23:09
Peng_Oh, I'm just a dummy. Never mind.23:10
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: bzr+https would meet your needs AFAICT23:12
seb_kuzminskydoes the "bzr+" mean it's using the smart protocol, just tunneled over https?23:13
seb_kuzminskycool :-)23:13
seb_kuzminskywhere are the bzr transports documented?23:13
lifelessas opposed to e.g. webdav23:13
lifelessbzr can also autodetect, if you say 'https://' it will probe for a smart server on the host23:15
lifelessanyhow, bzr help urlspec is client side docs23:16
lifelessand there is docs in the manual for setting up a http server23:16
seb_kuzminskythanks lifeless :-)23:16
Peng_mwhudson: Stupid TAL question: It can do "if"-like stuff, but what about "else"?23:18
mwhudson<tal:b condition="thing>...</tal:b><tal:b condition="not:thing>...</tal:b>23:24
seb_kuzminskylifeless: i guess i'm being daft here - which manual has the http server setup stuff?  i'm not seeing anything in the User Guide or the User Reference23:24
* igc breakfast23:27
Peng_mwhudson: Thanks.23:30
Peng_Hmm, since I got a bb:approve from both of you, maybe I shouldn't be messing with this anymore. :P23:30
mwhudsonPeng_: with what?23:30
igcso hg-fast-export took 65 hours to export OOo23:31
igcbzr-fast-export took 2h42m to import the first 50k revisions of those 260K23:31
Peng_mwhudson: The YUI thing.23:31
igcon brisbane-core's latest format23:32
Peng_D'oh, I just found the YUI 3 configurator after finishing! :(23:32
igcI think we now have fast bulk data-entry almost nailed23:32
* igc food23:32
mwhudsonPeng_: oh right23:33
mwhudsonPeng_: well, you can't land it for a bit :)23:33
seb_kuzminskylifeless: oh i see, it's in an appendix to the User-Guide23:36
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.13/en/user-guide/index.html#running-a-smart-server and http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.13/en/user-guide/index.html#serving-bazaar-with-fastcgi23:36
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: it needs a better title I think23:37
Peng_mwhudson: Since LP is down and I'm impatient (:P), new revision: http://bzr.mattnordhoff.com/loggerhead/loggerhead/yui-cdn/revision/32323:39
Peng_mwhudson: Do you prefer the old one? Or something else?23:39
mwhudsonPeng_: i wonder if it might be better to list the module names in python rather than macros.pt23:40
Peng_mwhudson: What about defining a tuple or whatever in macros.pt, if that's possible? A bit evil, but putting it in Python seems weird.23:46
lifelessspiv: ping; we really need to motor on the inventory fetch stuff; I propose a near-full-day focused sprint if you're up for it - pick a place23:46
mwhudsonPeng_: i guess you can say tal:define="yuimods python:('...',)"23:47
Peng_mwhudson: Oh. Well, if the feature exists, than it's not evil to use it, right? :D23:48
mwhudsonPeng_: um23:49
mwhudsonPeng_: i would recommend against applying that rule of thumb too often :)23:49
Peng_mwhudson: What could possibly go wrong? :)23:50

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