
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
fermulatorienorand: crud, no results there either, what a sneaky thing00:00
zimbresElite, yes00:01
_micahActionParsnip: Thank you, that eventually got me to something useful :)00:01
EliteIs ti possible to tell ubuntu where to mound a disk drive at boot rather than the default?00:02
_micahElite: yes.00:02
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zimbresElite, yes00:02
stanis_shNah, it doesn't found any soundcards00:02
keithlupine_85: So look at glxinfo next time I get a chance and then what?00:02
ActionParsnip_micah: np bro00:03
lupine_85keith, if your vendor is SGI, craft a working corg.conf and save it somewhere00:03
Gnome_killawell then you wil have to reinstall it some how00:03
zimbresElite, have you read lupine_85 message?00:03
Gnome_killauumm u tried installing asla* did u try re-installinghte one u removed?00:03
lupine_85otherwise, you've likrly got 3D acceleration anyway00:03
keithlupine_85: Good thought. I'll look into that. Thanks.00:03
lupine_85keith, we have an LTSP image at work that has maybe 8 xorg.conf files that get swapped in depending on MAC address00:04
Schiz0|2I'm running Ubuntu Server in recovery mode to fix a hosed system. I need to transfer files off of it...but I can't find openSSH in order to use SCP. Is there any way I can do this?00:04
lupine_85so it's not really a brainwave on my part ;)00:04
fccfanybody here have expierence with flumotion ... I am only streaming audio - however GStreamer is giving me probs - any thoughts on this???00:04
cgkadesschiz0|2: you try apt-get install openssh-server00:04
lupine_85Schiz0|2, packages openssh-server and openssh-client - if installed, try telinit 200:04
lupine_85(or just /etc/init.d/ssh start)00:05
Schiz0|2apt-get not found00:05
Schiz0|2ssh does not exist under /etc/init.d00:05
lupine_85cor, extrahosed then00:05
Schiz0|2(like I said, this is in recovery mode)00:05
cgkadesyou CAN boot off the ubuntu live cd and fix it00:05
cgkadesthat way you have everything00:05
Schiz0|2the live cd as in the desktop version?00:05
stanis_shGnome_killa: I've removed pulseaudio only.00:05
Gnome_killathen re-install pulseaudio00:06
Gnome_killait removed somthing needed00:06
Schiz0|2Would I be able to wget the openssh .deb?00:06
Schiz0|2and install it that way?00:06
cgkadesyou should be able to00:06
lupine_85Schiz0|2, no reason why not00:06
stanis_shGnome_killa: okay00:06
Schiz0|2ok, i'll try it. Thanks00:06
lupine_85as long as dpkg is still there00:06
cgkadeslol good point lubine00:06
lupine_85if desperate you could ar -x it I guess00:06
Clifferwhere do it edit the include path for headers? for lib, its the etc/ld.so.conf, but for headers?00:07
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treyhyou guys have any suggestions about what software to use with a creative zen multimedia player00:07
ienorandfermulator: Here is where my link ended up when I put a file in drawer: /home/mw/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers/new%20file.desktop00:07
ActionParsnipSchiz0|2: if you have web access you can use apt-get in the live cd00:07
lupine_85...as long as ar is there00:07
lupine_85treyh, amarok :)00:07
treyhlupine_85: i read that amarok doesn't work with it00:07
lupine_85or just dolphin/nautilus if it's a mass usb device in its off days00:07
Schiz0|2I do have the network configured, but apt-get doesn't exist in recovery mode for ubuntu-server :-\00:07
ActionParsniptreyh: amarok, banshee00:07
treyhwill try ty00:07
ActionParsnipSchiz0|2: wow, weird00:07
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:07
erUSULSchiz0|2: netcat to the recue ? tar cvzf - dtufftoupload/ | nc -w3 somehost port  then on the somehost nc -l -p port | tar xvzf -00:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:08
cgkadesschiz0|2 either try to wget it, or use the live cd desktop version and install openssh server to transfer everyting. also, knoppix is always a good dvd to have on hand, as well as backtrack00:08
bobohey i downloaded flash, but it still says I need to download it00:08
boboi.e it won't work00:08
lupine_85treyh, you need libmtp and amarok 1.4.2+00:08
cgkadesbut then again, knoppix disabled all it's services00:08
Schiz0|2cgkades: the data center tech only gave me the ubuntu-server cd to use the recovery mode from it :-\00:09
fermulatorienorand: Thanks! yes!  Not sure why my search didn't return the results...  oh of course, hidden directory.  great!00:09
treyhlupine_85: libmtp does it come with jaunty?00:09
cgkadesSchiz0|2: you using that cd on a hosed ubuntu server?00:09
boboI installed flash but it won't work00:10
bobowhat should I do00:10
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cgkadesbobo, try gnash00:10
Schiz0|2cgkades: no, it's a FreeBSD server with a broken kernel. The tech has me using the ubuntu server CD to recover it, haha00:10
cgkadesand restart firefox00:10
PFunkAllStarhi guys, I'm trying to find the devid and venid of my NIC while in Ubuntu, anyone know the command/way to see this?00:10
lupine_85treyh, no idea00:10
lupine_85!package libmtp00:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package libmtp00:10
cgkades<Schiz0|2:thats not the best way lol00:10
erUSULPFunkAllStar: devid and venid ?00:10
ienorandfermulator: Yea, it was a sneaky one, I managed to find it just by searching for ".desktop" files00:10
geniiPFunkAllStar: lspci -nn00:10
Jeevawhere do i edit virtual server websites, in apache2, so that i can change the mod_rewrite.so ?00:11
lupine_85ah, yes it does00:11
PFunkAllStarYou freakin rock genii00:11
cgkadesSchiz0|2: you should get the ubuntu desktop, using a recovery cd is not recomended for a different system00:11
PFunkAllStarmuch love00:11
geniiPFunkAllStar: Of course only if it's on the PCI bus will this work. USB you need lsusb00:11
PFunkAllStarno it's PCI00:11
PFunkAllStarthanks again00:11
fermulatorienorand: great, thanks for your help.  I'm posting a quick tip in ubuntu forums for future.00:12
geniiPFunkAllStar: You're welcome00:12
cgkadesSchiz0|2: when you have time, i would get a copy of knoppix dvd, ubuntu desktop, and backtrack, i use those three to fix any problem i encounter00:12
boboOk thanks, that worked00:12
cgkadesbobo: gnash worked?00:12
bobono, lol. I didn't restart firefox00:12
cgkadesSchiz0|2: can you get freeBSD boot to help recover the kernel?00:12
Schiz0|2cgkades: the kernel hangs immideatly after the loader menu :-\00:13
cgkadesSchiz0|2: yeah, can you rebuild the bsd kernel? or is it just easier to back up and reinstall?00:13
Schiz0|2cgkades: i've been having a lot of problems with this system, random reboots, etc...i swear it's a hardware problem but the tech ran a bunch of tests that took several hours and said it all came back fine00:13
lfaraoneHow can I simulate someone pressing "f1" every x seconds?00:13
lucaxi guess intel x3100 needs a lot of work still on jaunty00:13
Schiz0|2so now it wont boot, and i'm in ubuntu trying to recover my backups and such00:14
lupine_85Schiz0|2, get a beter webhost? ;)00:14
cgkadesSchiz0|2: well... good luck with the restore cd method :)00:14
mgwalkhey guys when i do ifup eth0 i get siocsifaddr: no such device00:14
issaHi, does ubuntu support tablet laptops "touch-smart" to have what vista provides like the pen tablet and all these stuff?00:14
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cgkadesmgwalk: you doing it as sudo?00:15
mgwalkthen failed to bring up eth000:15
cgkadessorry didnt read your whole error00:15
usserissa, its flaky at best00:15
mgwalkwhen i do ifconfig i don't see eth000:15
cgkadesmgwalk: what does ifconfig -a show you?00:15
mgwalkjust lo with loopback interface00:15
ienorandlfaraone: use watch for repeated command execution, dunno about the keypress signal though...00:15
cgkadesif you do a -a?00:15
usserissa, some touchscreen chipsets are very well supported, but the two hp tablets i tried to run it on, it failed miserably00:16
mgwalki see eth100:16
lfaraoneienorand: thanks00:16
Gnome_killaHey anyone know command 2 reatart soundcard??00:16
cgkadesstrange you dont see an eth000:16
cgkadestry configureing eth1 then00:16
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cgkadesmgwalk: how many NICs do you have?00:16
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subspiderhi i have a bim file i need to install it how do i do00:17
mgwalkjust 1 nic00:17
ussermgwalk, you can always set the interfaces names in this file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules00:17
odlahi two questions ... how can i enable the logout & shutdown menu entries in the system menu like in previous Ubuntu versions? Also do i need to specify a boot partition for ext4 or could i just create an ext4 fs and put everything on it00:17
lucaxflash works really bad on intel gma X3100 Im on Jaunty anything i can do?00:17
issausser, what do you mean by supported? What failed actually? to use the touch screen anyway?00:17
cgkadesmgwalk: either change the name like usser said, or just configure eth100:17
Gnome_killaanyone know how to reset sound server?? plz msg me00:18
mgwalkthanks so much for the help00:18
cgkadesmgwalk: np00:18
Dr_WillisGnome_killa:  restart the alsa service00:18
usserissa, it didnt work out the box, had to compile the drivers... and even then the precision was way off, i couldnt calibrate the damn thing properly00:18
Gnome_killaI am using ubuntu 9.0400:18
Gnome_killahe not sure what he using he messed wit hsetting00:18
Gnome_killa Iam helping him set it back00:18
montelUbuntu .100:18
Gnome_killahe cannot logout he in middle of updating00:19
superboywhat up00:19
=== naiem is now known as Freezo
usserissa, screen autorotation function when you flip the tablet didnt work. it was a painful experience00:19
Gnome_killawhat is the command in terminal to reset sound server?00:19
montelGnome_killa: pulse?00:19
usserGnome_killa, probably sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio reload or restart00:19
monteland what kinda name is Gnome_killa00:19
issausser, I was actually asking about softwares that support. For example, my touch screen works in ubuntu live CD, but don't see any software like the Pen-Tablet thing whenever you tap on the browser's URL address forexample, you can simple write using the pen and it will interpret what you wrote into script chars .. can I find such softwares in ubuntu?00:19
thewrathhey montel00:19
Gnome_killaHe does not know he using ubuntu 8.1000:19
Gnome_killaupdating to 9.0400:20
thewrathmontel, do i know you00:20
montelthewrath: heyy00:20
Gnome_killahe messed up sound needs reset soundcard for it to se what one it is00:20
thewrathGnome_killa, you will not regret upgrading00:20
montelthewrath: from BT right?00:20
thewrathGnome_killa, what laptop/computer do you have00:20
space_cadet9.04 won't hibernate00:20
thewrathmontel, yes00:20
Gnome_killaNOT me someone else I have 9.0400:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate00:20
thewrathspace_cadet, it wont go into hiberation?00:20
Gnome_killaI jsut need the dfamn command to reset his sound card server00:20
Gnome_killahe ahs a cound blaster00:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext400:20
space_cadetthewrath, nope it acts like it wants to but stays on00:20
chuck__Gnome_killa if he is uprading why teouble shoot sound now wait till he is done00:20
toddI just "upgraded" to a new version of ubuntu, and now cannot see flash content... help (apparently now using libswfdecmozilla.so)00:20
montelthewrath: congrats on your membership. I got temp ban for 10 days00:21
lfaraoneWhere is the keyboard in the /dev/ hiearchy?00:21
Gnome_killacus it will keep last setting00:21
Dr_Willis$  sudo service pulseaudio restart00:21
Gnome_killaHe still needs to use proper oundcard00:21
thewrathmontel, how did you find that out00:21
chuck__Gnome_killa pulseaudio restart00:21
space_cadetthewrath, I have to hold the power button to reset it because it becomes non responsive00:21
thewrathmontel, how did you hear about membership, jw00:21
thewrathspace_cadet, hmmm00:21
Gnome_killais that a command?00:21
superboytheres a hiddin partition on my hard drive could ubuntu delete it even if its copy-write?00:21
thewrathspace_cadet, what type of computer do you have00:21
space_cadetasus m70vm-x1 laptop00:21
vieqguys I am getting this every time I try to update00:21
vieqThe following packages have been kept back:00:22
vieq  linux-restricted-modules-generic00:22
vieq0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.00:22
montelthewrath: i looked at the meeting logs, on the website. I wish i was there, but they said I can have NO partisapation in BT for 10 days00:22
Dr_Willissuperboy:  ive never seen a partition that couldent be deleted.. no idea how one would write prootect one.. Its proberly a system-restore partition00:22
thewrathhave you googled about asus laptop ubuntu00:22
vieqhow to get rid of it..00:22
thewrathand see if others have had the same issue00:22
rwwvieq: what command are you using to update?00:22
thewrathmontel, who told you that you had a 10 day ban?00:22
space_cadetthewrath, not many people have this laptop00:22
vieqI tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:22
thewrathmonkeyb, just curiuos00:22
Clifferwhere do it edit the include path for headers? for lib, its the etc/ld.so.conf, but for headers?00:22
thewrathspace_cadet, its new?00:22
space_cadetthewrath, it00:22
space_cadets a 1700 dollar laptop00:22
toddI just "upgraded" to a new version of ubuntu, and now cannot see flash content... help (apparently now using libswfdecmozilla.so)00:22
thewrathspace_cadet, that means nothing i got one for 220$00:23
thewrath* $220000:23
mgwalki changed the name in that file and in /etc/network/interfaces to eth0 and it started00:23
montelthewrath: I appeared in the Council. bodi. and everyone, cprofitts too00:23
Gnome_killaI know he is using a soundblaster & it should use audigy  capture00:23
space_cadetthewrath, plus newegg doesn't even sell it anymore00:23
space_cadetthewrath, but i am googling it now00:23
thewrathokay you might have found others with the same issue00:23
thewrathif i can not find it in the forums in 30 mninutes or so i google it space_cadet00:23
mgwalksorry and restarted networking and still showing eth100:24
space_cadetthewrath, well... is there any commands i can run to find out what happened?00:24
fccfGnome_killa - Frys electronics sells audigy - see outpost.com00:24
usagiok. one last try. can someone hit his system menu and find up what app is started for the startup applications/services icon00:24
thewrathmgwalk, did you do eth0 ifup or something like that00:24
thewrathspace_cadet, hmm00:24
thewrathspace_cadet, trying to think lol i have not had that issue00:24
vieqguys?, how to get rid of this update message00:24
vieq0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.00:24
Gnome_killaALL I want ias the command to reset the sound server its not a hard question00:24
thewrathspace_cadet, why do you want to put it into hiberate. it fragments ur hard drive00:25
mgwalkthewrath, i tried ifup eth0 and ifup eth100:25
vieqI used sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:25
space_cadetthewrath, well.   i just want to make everything work00:25
makoshark86figured out what was causing my mouse trouble, it was a rouge keyboard in the ps/2 slot00:25
mgwalkthewrath, and it said they are not configured..so i tried ifdown on same interfaces00:25
superboyyea dr.everytime i tried to install windows it tranfers services and other crap like i cant make my own domain is there a program on ubuntu i could atleast TRY to delete it or is it there permantly00:25
makoshark86i was having problems with the ps/2 keyboard n that computer00:25
space_cadetthewrath, would dmesg have any notes in it?00:25
thewrathyea i know what you mean space_cadet i had the same issue with my sound for he longest time00:25
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makoshark86but that is resolved, makred as a h/w issue :)00:25
thewrathmgwalk, what did that do then00:25
PFunkAllStarok, last question00:25
makoshark86what is the current reccomended way to get all the non-free goodies for 9.10, is it still ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:26
thewrathspace_cadet, i am not sure i know the basic of ubuntu i am starting to get into the swing of things with ubuntu i had to use windows as main OS the past 4 years00:26
Armageddonguys whats the command to download the make dependencies of a program ?00:26
PFunkAllStar-rwxr-xr-x = ? numeric value for chmod00:26
makoshark86PFunkAllStar: 75500:26
mgwalkthewrath, its sill up and working but labeled eth100:27
Rodrigoboa noite pessual!00:27
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.00:27
odlaif i specify ext4 in ubiquity do i need a separate a boot fs? also will ext4 show up as ext4 in fdisk -l b/c i only see ext3 at the moment00:27
pasteeaterPFunkAllStar: r=4, w=2, x=100:27
thewrathmgwalk, eth1 instead of eth0?00:27
makoshark86can someone tell me what the current best way to get mp3/dvd/flash/etc on 9.10 is?00:27
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odlasorry if you guys keep answer me i keep lagging out00:27
usagican someone hit his system menu and find up what app is started for the startup applications/services icon please00:27
makoshark86is it still ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:27
mgwalkthewrath, maybe i need to reboot after editing that file...i just changed the 0 to a 1 and removed the eth0 that was in there because it came from an image of a previous machine..00:27
space_cadetmakoshark86, yep00:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext400:27
makoshark86space_cadet: cool, thanks00:27
superboyany programs on ubuntu to delete hidin partitions00:27
Rodrigoalgum brasileiro por ai?00:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:28
thewrathmgwalk, that would work00:28
linuxguymarshallI have a general computing question. Does anyone here happen to have a00:28
sysdocsuperboy, gparted00:28
linuxguymarshallI have a general computing question. Does anyone here happen to have a 'Rocketfish Micro Bluetooth dongle/ USB' and the Driver Cd for it?00:28
mgwalkthewrath, awesome will let you know the outcome00:28
superboyeven if it is write-protected00:28
_akahige_I'm having trouble with samba. I can see windows shares and I can open files on them, but I cannot write to them (yes, I have write perms). the file name is created, but no actual data. anyone ever see this?00:29
thewrathmgwalk, okay, always a pleaseure to help00:29
Dr_Willissuperboy:  fdisk, gparted, cfdisk00:29
mgwalkthewrath, clonezilla works pretty nice for that..even let me make the drive size bigger since i went from a 40 gb to an 80 gb00:29
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mgwalkthewrath, that was a pleasure...00:29
thewrathmg lol00:30
space_cadetlinuxguymarshall   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113417400:30
thewrathmgwalk, you use clonzilla?00:30
mgwalkthewrath, yeah has been working good...even on LVM00:30
hektormvzhola onde me puedo registrar pa k me den un numero de usuario de linux???00:30
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:30
ghindo!es | hektormvz00:31
ubottuhektormvz: please see above00:31
hektormvzomg i du nu write inglish00:31
NativeAngelscan anyone here help me with an error im getting with xen on ubuntu 9.04 server ?00:31
stanis_shhm... everything is stranger than I thought. alsa-info.sh shows me http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=73785e44e7bb196a531f7121d0d5ffd02bbf4b8e00:31
mgwalkthewrath, what is the best way to look at the partitions sizes in gb.....00:31
Gnome_killathen goto #ubuntu-es or #kubuntu-es00:31
hektormvzi need help  i sick h1n1 lol00:31
hektormvzthanks friends00:32
mgwalkit looks like after i run df -h that / is only 35 gb00:32
mgwalkwhich seems more in line with the old 40gb hdd...i must need to alocate the remain free space to / and some to swap because i did upgrade ram..but i need to look at it in a form im familary with not blocks....which fdisk -l gives me00:33
hektormvznada mas porke soy mexicano no me quieren aqui00:33
Gnome_killaHekto !English00:34
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:34
thewrathmgwalk, yea00:34
thewrathmgwalk, send me a pm please00:34
versicolor_<[MA]Pascal> thanx a lot00:34
AlexJCioffii need help00:34
Gnome_killayou sure do :P00:34
hektormvzi am new here i try understand this chat00:34
Gnome_killahek type /join #Ubuntu-es00:35
Gnome_killaor /join #kubuntu-es00:35
hektormvzok thanks gnome_killa00:35
apot|awayhas anyone encountered the problem of difficulty maintaining a connection to a wireless router with cloaked ssid?00:35
AlexJCioffii burned an ubuntu iso onto a disk and i put it into my fedora core ten computer and tried to run it, but it says it cant find the autorun program00:35
=== apot|away is now known as apot
Gnome_killatehn u probly burned teh iso not the img inside00:36
apoti get dropped right after connecting00:36
X1karr0usXwhat is the best way to install ubuntu CLI? to install the server addition or is there a better way?00:36
Elite_micHow do I tell ubuntu where to mount my second HDD at boot?00:36
AlexJCioffino see, i have it right all the files are there, it just wont autorun00:36
space_cadet!fstab | Elite00:36
ubottuElite: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:36
Dr_WillisAlexJCioffi:  what do you expect that to actually do anyway? you want to install ubuntu? or what exactly?00:36
Gnome_killaalex what u use to burn it?00:37
peterjkELITE: in /etc/fstab00:37
chuck__apot|away i have that prob set it to auto connect and it seems to stay connected now go figure00:37
AlexJCioffiits an ubuntu iso, i expect it to load ubuntu onto my computer00:37
Farrelany one knows java?00:37
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space_cadet!java > farrel00:37
ubottufarrel, please see my private message00:37
Dr_WillisAlexJCioffi:  so you burnt the cd then rebooted the cd and booted from  the cd?00:37
space_cadetFarrel   or   #java00:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:37
pasteeaterX1karr0usX: do you a minimal installation or are you planning on web / mail server?00:37
Gnome_killaalex u need to burn the iso as an image on he cd not the iso itself, what program you use to burn it00:37
Gnome_killasome programs do nto properly burn an img from an iso00:38
PFunkAllStarJust unetbootin with a usb stick00:38
apotautoconnect? i've been experiementing with using iwconfig to configure my network card00:38
AlexJCioffii used disc utility on a mac00:38
hektormvzhey gnome_killa you are the best00:38
space_cadetAlexJCioffi, and don't burn any faster than 4X00:38
X1karr0usX@pasteater minimalistic... no gui... no x00:38
Gnome_killaLllol mac00:38
Gnome_killaU made a mac oriented disk00:38
AlexJCioffiso should i disable journaling or something00:38
X1karr0usX@pasteeater i have alot of issues when i disable gdm in services:admin00:38
Crash1hdOk if I am going to install windows and ubuntu together on 1 drive I was told to install windows first (yet I think thats what has screwed this up) as my windows couldnt see the whole drive ubuntu could and when after installing ubuntu windows wouldnt boot00:39
Gnome_killaU need 2 burn using windows or linux burn program00:39
pasteeaterX1karr0usX: then use the minimal image or the alternate installation cd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:39
Crash1hdso should I in a reinstall windows first?00:39
X1karr0usX@pasteeater youre the man... thanks00:39
Gnome_killanot sure mac unfamilular to me00:39
AlexJCioffii tied to burn it on my fedora 10 computer00:39
Dr_Willisthers proberly iso burner tools for mac.. but ive never used one.00:39
Gnome_killamac is a trader to linux/unix mixing with microsoft00:39
Farrelany one knows java codings?00:39
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space_cadetFarrel,    #java would know00:39
AlexJCioffii want just the image? how do i only get the image00:39
pasteeaterX1karr0usX: the alternate cd will install a standard installation unless you press f4 (or f6?) and choose command-line only.00:40
Gnome_killau can use nero in a windows pc to do it00:40
Dr_WillisAlexJCioffi:  that makes no sence.. If you want to install ubuntu from the cd. You burn the iso image to the cd with the proper tools.00:40
Gnome_killaeasyest way00:40
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto00:40
Gnome_killaor a linux system00:40
Seeker`Farrel: This isn't the channel for java programming support00:40
Dr_Willistheres easier tools then nero :)00:40
apotany have another solution for maintaining a connection to a wireless router with cloaked ssid under ubuntu? i keep getting dropped.00:40
space_cadetlotz easier than nero00:40
Gnome_killaDr_willis he is using mac & it will not burn proper & fedora same00:40
Gnome_killanero is best prog out ther ppfft00:41
AlexJCioffiso just the image, and ill burn it from my fedora comp00:41
Dr_Willisimgburn, burn at once.   so on..  he should be able to burn it with fedora just fine.00:41
=== _henrik is now known as pik}
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nero00:41
Gnome_killaJUNK lol00:41
space_cadetguess not00:41
X1karr0usX@pasteeater is there a difference between the alternate cd and the minimal iso?00:41
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal00:41
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:41
Gnome_killasorry doc I been using nero & nothing on it ever failed for me00:41
Gnome_killaI belive ther is a linux version of nero also but its difficult to use00:42
Dr_WillisGnome_killa:  you were just ranting about making deals with MS... so you seem to be contridicting yourself..  but whtever.. for the simple task of burning a .iso file to a disk there are MUCH simpiler/cheaper/better tools then nero.00:42
apotits funny that windoze has no problem with this but ubuntu does00:42
Dr_Willisdont get me started on my nero issues. :)00:42
Gnome_killaDr He is using a mac fedora 1000:42
space_cadetGnome_killa, because it would slow down your computer and take an hour to load?00:42
Gnome_killahe cannot run installer for linux00:42
space_cadetGnome_killa, and is pointless?00:42
Gnome_killaso he has no choice but to use a ms os to doit00:43
Gnome_killaIf Fedora failes tehn use what does00:43
AlexJCioffii have a fedora computer00:43
Dr_WillisGnome_killa:   he should be able to use k3b or whatever linux tools to burn a iso file to a cd.00:43
Gnome_killau have a mac & a fedora box right00:43
chuck__isorecord fast light and free00:43
jimuntuDoes anyone know how to remove the shadows from icon descriptions in xubuntu?00:43
Gnome_killadid the burn in fedora work?00:44
benc1is there a difference between apt-get and aptitude? can I use both on the same server?00:44
space_cadet!apt-get > benc100:44
ubottubenc1, please see my private message00:44
ajamison5579what command can i use durring booting the kernel on the install cd to make bluetooth not load00:44
Gnome_killau said u cannot get the cd to run00:44
padgeHow can I modify the launchers in gnome menus?00:44
space_cadet!aptitude > benc100:44
AlexJCioffiwell i didnt know to just burn the image00:44
sysdocpadge, rt clk>properties00:45
apot!wireless > apot00:45
ubottuapot, please see my private message00:45
Gnome_killaalex did you try boting from the cd not load it from another os?00:45
benc1space_cadet:  are they using the same local database for installed packages? if not it's impossible to mix them00:45
ajamison5579what kernel argument disables bluetooth?00:45
padgesysdoc, I have no such menu item.00:45
sysdocpadge, rt clk the launcher>props\00:46
Gneabenc1: apt and aptitude both query dpkg, which handles the .deb repository - so yes, they do the same thing, essentially00:46
Clifferis there anything existing like ldconfig for headers?00:47
benc1Gnea: thanks. can I use apt-get update or should I use safe-upgrade and full-upgrade?00:47
nightrid3rhow do i get skype sound working in jaunty00:47
Gneabenc1: well update just updates the repo lists, upgrade and dist-upgrade are the main selections00:47
versicolorgood night to everybody00:48
ashbringerIs it possible to install a modified version of Ubuntu from a modified liveCD, as in, install different things in the Ubuntu archives by default?00:48
ashbringerI know there are programs to mod Ubuntu livecds, but don't know if you can install from them.00:48
Gneaashbringer: that's what xubuntu, kubuntu and the other ubuntu-derivatives are- so yes00:48
padgesysdoc, again, I have nothing like that.  I have "Add this launcher to panel", "Add this launcher to desktop", "Entire menu >"00:48
mzzalso, the whole lot's open source, so it should definitely be possible, although I have no idea if it's easy00:48
steven_Is there any Linux version of Dreamweaver or a similar program for Ubuntu?00:48
ashbringerGnea: They have their own metapackages that they install and are not made using the usual modification programs00:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »00:49
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Gnea!info screem | steven_00:49
padgesysdoc: and it's not in the entire menu section either00:49
ubottusteven_: screem (source: screem): A GNOME website development environment. In component main, is optional. Version 0.16.1-4.2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1962 kB, installed size 7624 kB00:49
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga00:49
Gneaashbringer: "and the other ubuntu-derivatives"00:49
Gneaashbringer: it's a rather broad selection :)00:49
benc1Gnea: thanks00:50
UbuntuNewb1I need some help. I'm looking for a completely automated installation of Ubuntu - As well as automatically setting the ONLY resolution for the video card to 1280x720. I use a projector and it will only accept that resolution for the input.00:50
ajamison5579!bluetooth > ajamison557900:50
ubottuajamison5579, please see my private message00:50
ashbringerGnea: I don't want to make a derivative, I want to use something like UCK or Remixer (is that the name?) to do it.00:50
Gneabenc1, steven_: cheers00:50
dureyesis there a program for ubuntu where I can have a virtual cd or dvd to laod images?00:50
stanis_shGnome_killa: Good god! It works! ;)00:50
UbuntuNewb1Can anyone help me?00:50
Dr_Willis!iso | dureyes00:51
ubottudureyes: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:51
superboyi downloaded gparted and fsdisk and i cand find it in my dropdown menu00:51
unoobtuDr_Willis: hi! I have free space next to my ubuntu partition. How do I expand ubuntu?00:51
sysdocpadge, sorry, addit to the panel then you'll see the properties. Or rt clk the menu> Edit menus. Then you'll see the properties for each launcher00:51
Dr_Willissuperboy:  fdisk is command line..  or just run 'gksu gparted'00:51
=== UbuntuNewb1 is now known as Myth`
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  use gparted and tell it to resize  the linux parittion.00:51
peterjksuperboy: ALT-F2, then type gparted then run it00:51
steven_How do I restart gconfd?00:52
unoobtuDr_Willis: That's what I am trying to do, but to I extend the 'extended' partition? and when I right click ext3 "resize" is grayed out00:52
Gneaashbringer: if it's based-on ubuntu, it's a derivative.  if I were you, I'd start with google, there's a lot of info out there: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-linux-mint-livecd-with-remastersys http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2008-03-26-005-26-OS-DB-HL00:52
Gnome_killayou welcome00:52
luigiJester_, ci sei? ti posso disturbare?00:52
dureyesDr_Willis: iso, and cue files as well.00:52
padgesysdoc: That does the trick.  Thanks!00:52
ashbringerAlso, is there any way to install with dm_crypt and LUKS from the LiveCD?00:52
ghindounoobtu: Are you using gparted to try to resize a partition that you have mounted00:52
sysdocpadge, :)00:52
unoobtughindo: yes00:52
dureyesubottu: thanks, would that work for cue file or bin?00:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:53
padgeIs this channel too general to ask about apache?00:53
ghindoghindo: You can't resize, delete, or manipulate partitions which you have mounted.  Try using gparted from a LiveCD00:53
Gneapadge: it depends on what the question is about... you're best off to ask and find out rather than asking to ask, which will get you nowhere :)00:53
Dr_Willisdureyes:  the fuseiso  tool can mount other image files also.00:53
luigisomeone know this one?: Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch Server at l_vagnozzi.privatepicz.com Port 8000:53
peterjkghindo: there is a good recovery cd - that works on hd's without them being mounted00:53
Dr_Willisunoobtu:  i always use primaries.. it may be you have to do some other step if they are extended/logical00:53
unoobtughindo: is there any other way? I have no black cd's. what happens if I unmount the partition I am in now?00:53
=== versicolor is now known as versicolor_
dureyesDr_Willis: will give that a try thanks..00:54
peterjkghindo: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page00:54
=== versicolor_ is now known as versicolor
unoobtughindo: *blank00:55
=== Myth` is now known as Myth
padgeCan someone explain the /modules-enabled and /modules-available directories to me?  What is apxs?  Do I have to get it separately from apache?00:55
ghindounoobtu: Not that I know of, no.00:55
=== Myth is now known as Myth`
unoobtualright thanks00:55
padgeI am trying to get the web server to run python scripts.  Right now it is serving them, instead.00:55
Coded1im running a small diy surveillance set up but I need audio recorded as well, zoneminder doesn't currently support audio any ideas?00:56
padge(they are in the directory designated with ScriptAlias)00:56
grkblood13my distribution upgrade has said 1191 of 1191 for the past 10 minutess00:56
grkblood13any1 know why?00:57
Gnome_killait just takes time to update00:58
Coded1busy server?00:58
Gnome_killayeah just let it go u canel now u can ef it up00:58
grkblood13is channel is unordinarily quiet...00:58
superboyon software source choose best server00:59
sysdocshhhh we're hunting wrabbits00:59
Dr_Willisheh heh heh hehhhhheeeh00:59
Gnome_killaim hunting l8mrs00:59
* Gnome_killa goes to aol channel00:59
grkblood13shhhh, im unraring season 3 of dexter00:59
ubuntuhi is there any way i can view ext4 partition fromm 8.10 livecd? i having grub error and I don't have 9.04 livecd.00:59
Gnome_killafound em00:59
lifigrkblood13, cancel it and restart it... the last package cant be downloaded. its some bug00:59
Gnome_killau cancel now u can screw up the os00:59
lifigrkblood13, yes i had the same 5mins ago01:00
offipsoI try to set custom keybindings with gconf-editor, but they never execute. This seems to be a problem with 9.04. Anyone help?01:00
lifiGnome_killa, you cant screw something up, he is just downloading the packages01:00
superboywhat does ext3 and extended and linux-swap mean?01:00
Gnome_killaif he did nto click just download packages u mess up teh repositorys01:00
Dr_Willissuperboy:  a extended partition 'holds' logical parittions.. 'swap' is used when the system runs out of memory.01:01
montelDr_Willis: is right01:01
BePhantomhello, does anyone here use 8.10? im having problems with updates, when i run update manager i get a message saying i need to partially update my system in order to install latest updates, i try to update and it says it's not able to calculate the update or something01:01
geniisuperboy: Those are usually descriptions of some things about your hard drive. Like what kind of partitions or what filesystems are on those partiitions01:01
Coded1how about if I wanted just to record / transcode everything that happens from the capture card, can some one recommend a package that is small and offers options for transcoding the source?01:01
montelBePhantom: that is normal01:02
grkblood13lifi, you were right :)01:02
jmspeexCan anyone help me stop my wireless connection from disconnecting all the time? It started doing that in Intrepid and keeps doing it in Jaunty (Edgy to Hardy worked fine)/01:02
BePhantommontel, is it?01:02
Gnome_killaI canceled update repositorys wher trashed had 2 re-intsall01:02
grkblood13its a bug01:02
grkblood13go figure...01:02
Gnome_killagotta go01:02
stephanehello everybody01:02
cgkadesbephanom: i've had that problem before01:02
montelBePhantom: the partial upgrade, is the upgarade to 9.401:02
superboyso the hiidin partition dint show up ? is called X:Boot01:03
BePhantomcgkades, how did you fix it?01:03
cgkadesbephantom: i think i just upgraded the parts that worked01:03
cgkadesbephantom: do them a few at a time01:03
BePhantommontel, i dont want to update to 9.0401:03
superboyis from windows is that why it dont show on gparted?01:03
chuck__coded1 mencoder01:03
montelBePhantom: why not? a lot of bugs are fixed..01:03
BePhantommontel, im on intel video card, lots of issues in 9.0401:03
cgkadesmontel: i've never have a system work after doing the upgrade, only the full install works properly01:04
Coded1chuck_; thanks will give it a go01:04
cgkadesor an upgrade with a stock system01:04
montelcgkades: oh really? all my comps work01:04
BePhantomare intel video problems fixed in 9.04?01:04
cgkadesmontel: yeah i had a coworker brick his laptop01:04
Coded1i had a few problems today with intel video, needed to do an update after the install and got the "partial upgrade" thing but now its better01:05
cgkadesinstead of dealing with the bs, we backed up and reinstalled01:05
AlexJCioffiholy balls.01:05
Coded1no compiz though01:05
montelwell the only ugrade i have had problems is when i installed Karmic before alpha 1, that broke a lot01:05
AlexJCioffii cant install ubuntu because my fedora domputer cant fine the autorun program01:05
superboywhats karmic?01:05
AlexJCioffiwhatever the hell that means01:05
montelsuperboy:  it is ubuntu 9.1001:06
shsr how do i get pulseaudio to sink to alsa in jaunty?01:06
EdgEyis there a way to have more than 1 install cd on the same medium ?01:06
superboyis it downloadble now01:06
FloodBot3AlexJCioffi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
EdgEywould like to put i386 and amd64 on the same usb stick01:06
cgkadesalexjcioffi: boot of the cd01:07
treyhlupine_85: libmtp comes install on jaunty01:07
montelsuperboy: not really, the 17th it will. The only way is the sed your sources01:07
cgkadesalexjcioffi: you're not going to use the autorun in fedora01:07
montelcgkades: is right,01:07
AlexJCioffithen what do i do01:07
superboyhow do i sed my source as in bitorrent?01:07
cgkadesalexjcioffi: stick the cd into your drive and reboot01:08
dtoljsuperboy: you keep it running01:08
cgkadesalexjcioffi: make sure you have it set to boot from cd first01:08
montelAlexJCioffi: you restart your computer, and stick in the CD. the same way you installed fedora....01:08
AlexJCioffihow do i do that01:08
dtoljubottu: hi01:08
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:08
superboykeep what running?01:08
AlexJCioffihow do i set it to boot01:08
BePhantommontel, i'll upgrade to 9.04 when intel bugs are finally fixed01:08
cgkadesalexjcioffi: did you install fedora, or are you on someone elses computer?01:08
^Phantom^I need help with a program i downloaded01:08
AlexJCioffii did it01:08
AlexJCioffii have it01:09
dtoljsuperboy: the file you want to seed01:09
cgkadesalexjcioffi: in your bios setup, usualy del f2 or f1201:09
stephanehello !help please!01:09
AlexJCioffiits fine01:09
montelBePhantom: before i got the Sun Ultra 24, i had an intel card, and all was fine.01:09
winter_so i was trying to modify my kernel (to get proper support for my motherboard) following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile01:09
^Phantom^it won't boot :(  apparently it lacks an executable01:09
montelstephane: just ask the question,01:09
cgkadesstephane: whats your issue?01:09
winter_got to the part where you actually install and it failed, now trying to run any apt stuff coughs up an error message based on update-initramfs and such01:09
odlai am trying to set evolution up to read/write my google calender and when i try to set it up it tells me it's forbidden01:09
odlaanyone had success or a link to a how-to01:09
stephanemy wireless do not ok01:10
cgkadesodla: have you googled to try to find a tutorial?01:10
^Phantom^i downloaded dolphin emulator, and when i double click the program icon nothing happens01:10
^Phantom^do i need to add .exe to it or something ??01:10
odlai have but they're all old from like 2006 and i know things with evolution are much different01:10
montelstephane: elaborate...01:10
map7if I've created a VPN through the network manager is it possible to start that connection from the command line?  I've tried pon but it cannot find my vpn setup in /etc/ppp/peers01:10
cgkadesodla: check the permisions on the file to make sure it has rw permissions01:10
montel^Phantom^: no .exe in ubuntu01:10
^Phantom^actually i tried that and it still won't load01:10
montelubottu: hi01:10
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:10
^Phantom^so i got a dud then?01:11
montelubottu: bye01:11
ubottuAu revoir!01:11
montelubottu: help01:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:11
stephaneit can't switch on01:11
cgkadesjun bot commands01:11
montelubottu: i hate you01:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i hate you01:11
montelubottu: you smell01:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you smell01:11
LjL-Tempmontel: stop it01:11
^Phantom^now i'm trying autorun prompt and still nothing01:11
Seeker`montel: stop it please01:11
^Phantom^how do i execute this application if it can't be executed?01:12
montelSeeker`: LjL-Temp sorry, just havn fun.01:12
cgkadesphantom: what app?01:12
^Phantom^Dolphin Gamecube emulator01:12
cgkadesubottu: myself01:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about myself01:12
montelubottu: i love you01:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i love you01:12
chuck__Phantom: try to run it in a terminal it it will tell you why it does not load01:12
odlaah it keeps crashing the evolution calendars ...01:13
LjL-Tempmontel, cgkades: STOP. IT.01:13
superboyanybody have any good third party software source?01:13
^Phantom^cd desktop01:13
ussermap7, pptpsetup --create "connection" --server ip --username yourusername --start01:13
cgkadeslol i did it once01:13
cgkadesoh well01:13
^Phantom^oh oops wrong window active sorry01:13
grzesiekHi! I'm trying to change gdm login screen through gnome administration menu... and nothing changes. Any ideas...?01:13
montelcgkades: lol01:13
Qwellsomebody earlier said that some sound cards have a +20db gain setting.  Where would that be, and does such an option exist for snd_hda_intel?01:14
cgkadesgrzesiek: what did you do to install the new gdm theme. or are you just trying to change it to one of the other ones that comes with ubuntu?01:14
Qwell(for the mic..)01:14
gkahlagrzesiek: make sure the drop-down-list at the top is set to "Single Theme" and not "Random" or something else01:14
^Phantom^um...what command do i use to execute it?01:14
ussermap7, pptpsetup --help for more options01:14
cgkadesphantom: what command are you trying to run?01:14
montelLjL-Temp: what is so wrong about that?01:14
grzesiekcgkades: no, I didn't install anything01:14
^Phantom^the dolphin program01:14
LjL-Tempmontel: this channel is already busy enough. don't make it more so. also, it highlights me for no valid reason. don't do it.01:15
cgkadesphantom: is that a windows program or did you compile it?01:15
LjL-Temp!bot > montel    (montel, see the private message from ubottu)01:15
^Phantom^i downloaded it from www.dolphin-emu.com01:15
^Phantom^it didn't say anything about needing to compile it01:15
superboywhats dolphin emi01:15
JSSmithI have a problem with my mic in mobo Intel IHC7 (High Definition Audio), i don't know the solution....01:15
montelohhh, lol k01:16
JSSmithin ubuntu 9.0201:16
crankharderdoes anyone know how to get ride of the silly restart/shutdown confirmations that appeared with 9.04?01:16
=== adam is now known as Guest78994
mattgyverIm hoping someone can help me out with an issue im having with my samba config, if you could please read the details here http://tinyurl.com/smberror01:16
^Phantom^i must be doing something wrong here...01:16
montelLjL-Temp: can i just do ONE more?01:17
Seeker`montel: no01:17
LjL-Tempmontel: if you want to be banned, i guess.01:17
QwellJSSmith: what problem?01:17
ubuntuhi is there any way i can view ext4 partition fromm 8.10 livecd? i having grub error and I don't have 9.04 livecd.01:17
grzesiekgkahla: no, it's not set to random.01:17
montelSeeker`: LjL-Temp, aw fine.01:17
tuga3dhi all, whats the channels for helping making packages?01:18
usserubuntu, there's mount it as ext4dev01:18
glitsj16Qwell: if snd_hda_intel has that gain option, you should find it with your mixer settings .... but you might have to go through the preferences in there to get it to show itself01:18
gkahla_grzesiek: I've had to select mine twice from time to time - if you don't go directly from the radiobutton to the close button, there can be issues01:18
usserubuntu, that will also require marking your partition as 'for testing purposes only'01:19
chuck__Phantom: did you read the faq on the web page?01:19
usserubuntu, sudo tune2fs -E test_fs /dev/whateverdriveparition01:19
Qwellglitsj16: yeah, looked but nothing there.  any thoughts?  with Input Source on Stereo Mixer the volume is great (but mixing is crap when trying to record and playback at the same time).  with Input Source set to Mic, is *very* quiet01:19
grzesiekgkahla - I did. several times. But, i've just noticed - the theme I'm using comes from a polish ubuntu remix, and it's does not appear on the list at all.01:19
palomerhow do I get a persistent usb disk?01:20
gkahla_grzesiek: you have installed the individual theme using the +Add button on that dialog?01:20
smacfarlhey gang I've got an agp x8 slot on my old board. Want to upgrade graphics card. What are the recommended cards for AGP x8 for ubuntu?01:20
^Phantom^how the fuck?01:20
Seeker`!language | ^Phantom^01:20
ubottu^Phantom^: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:20
glitsj16Qwell: if you are positive you checked all possible settings and the gain isn't there (what would surprise me) i'm afraid there's not much to be done01:21
gymophettDoes anyone know a good chat area to talk about anything?01:21
^Phantom^how is that person getting output???01:21
^Phantom^i wouldn't swear if i wasn't mad01:21
Qadoshanyone familiar with pdfedit. I am trying to add an open action to pdf document with javascript.01:21
smacfarltry the pdfedit forums01:21
mneptok^Phantom^: you won;t swear in this channel, period.01:21
grzesiekgkahla: no, it came with the distro01:21
Qwellglitsj16: figured..  well, hell01:21
smacfarlthose guys will get back to you quickly01:21
^Phantom^then tell me something:  how the hell do i execute this file?01:22
neb5I have ubuntu 9.04 now, and windows 7 RC on disk. I have two partitions, one FAT32 one EXT3. the FAT is totally blank right now. Can anyone give me pointers on how to install Win7 without messing anything up?01:22
QwellI don't get why Stereo Mixer would have a good volume, but Mic wouldn't...01:22
glitsj16Qwell: what mixer app did you use to check ?01:22
stanis_shdoes anybody moved to grub2 with 9.04 release?01:22
Qwellgnome volume control01:22
QwellI'll check alsamixer, but..01:22
smacfarlany thoughts on agpx8 and ubuntu01:22
glitsj16Qwell: the former should do it though01:22
gymophettneb5: just google it. youll find info in like 2 seconds.01:22
usserstanis_sh, yes01:22
neb5i googled it, just hoped someone might have some hints and could put it in terms i might understand01:23
* mneptok stares at ^Phantom^ 01:23
gymophettPeople really need to check Google before they turn to forums and chats.01:23
peachesis there a history log of the .deb / apt-get packages ive installed01:23
* ^Phantom^ feels the gaze piercing him01:23
shiznebitreally hell01:23
mneptok^Phantom^: what about "you won't swear" was ambiguous?01:23
gymophettWhat do yall think is the best distro?01:23
doleybsmacfarl: get what've high-number nvidia geforce will fit in agp01:23
^Phantom^"how the heck do i execute this Dolphin file?"01:23
n2diy_I did updates today, and lost all my system sounds, using 8.04.01:23
neb5gymophett i have 3 tabs of info about dual boot open right now. nothing MENTIONS windows 7.01:23
stanis_shusser: I am trying to, but it moans about "no such device" when I am trying to use "upgrade_from_grub_legacy".01:23
neb5because its RC. dont be an ass01:23
Shivamhow can i install GIMP brushes!?01:24
smacfarldoleyb: is there a video card compatibility page somewhere for ubuntu?01:24
gymophettneb5: i will get some info. hold on. :)01:24
Dr_WillisShivam:  i think meetthegimp.org has a video tutorial on that topic.01:24
mneptok^Phantom^: what kind of file is it?01:24
doleybsmacfarl: any nice nvidia is compatible01:24
mneptok^Phantom^: what is the file extension?01:24
Shivamthank you Dr_Willis01:24
Shivamyou cured me!01:24
Dr_WillisShivam:  if nothing else.. that site is worth watching the videos :)01:24
^Phantom^mneptok, download the emulator and look for yourself01:24
stanis_shusser: when I am trying to edit it, I can see the "root" line without any devices there01:25
usserstanis_sh, can you pastebin the entire output and contents of your /boot/grub/device.map?01:25
^Phantom^it is simply "Dolphin"01:25
gymophettneb5: right here. :)01:25
gymophettneb5: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103599901:25
^Phantom^here, i'll link you to the download01:25
mneptok^Phantom^: the KDE file manager?01:25
usserstanis_sh, and menu.lst too01:25
QwellJSSmith: please don't message me.01:25
heff1972my xchat opens on ubuntu server when i try to log onto dalnet it shuts my xchat down01:25
^Phantom^mneptok:  http://www.dolphin-emu.com/downloads.php?cat_id=2&download_id=6901:25
SHELDOMINGOHi, my dell with intel graphics using ubuntu 9.04 is lags terribly and also the compiz does not work either, everything was so smooth in 8.04 is the intel chips black listed again?01:25
map7usser I've already set up the vpn in NetworkManager is there a way to just call that same setting instead of maintaining two VPN setups?01:25
stanis_shusser: http://paste.org.ru/?moy60301:26
glitsj16Shivam: gimp-data-extras has a set of extra brushes you can install via "sudo apt-get install gimp-data-extras"01:26
superboycould i use kdE on xubuntu?01:26
peachesSHELDOMINGO: intel drivers support is known to suck a lot on linux i believe01:26
palomerhow do you format a usb drive?01:26
Shivamthanks glitsj1601:26
ussermap7, i thought it was for testing purposes? not that i know of how to call that network manager vpn connection from cmd01:26
SHELDOMINGOpeaches, I see01:27
usserstanis_sh, the error message and the menu.lst?01:27
^Phantom^mneptok:  so, do you see what i have now?01:27
usserSHELDOMINGO, some chips are blacklisted yes, my gma965 is, but gm915 is not01:27
tssis there any place where feature requests could be submitted and someone might actually read them?01:28
peachesintel = fail01:28
^Phantom^if you can get it to run, pls enlighten me01:28
SHELDOMINGOusser, would this problem be fixed in the near future? or should I just go back to 8.0401:28
map7usser No I just want a to put an icon for starting the VPN connection on the desktop01:28
mneptok^Phantom^: i have a feeling you'll need more than just a single file. my guess is that you will need tons of supporting libraries.01:28
Qwellglitsj16: off the top of your head, do you know what color jack the mic should be plugged in to?01:28
mneptok^Phantom^: have you tried asking for help in their forums?01:28
^Phantom^it's got a bunch of stuff with it01:28
Qwellhard to see the icons, heh01:28
^Phantom^i haven't01:28
^Phantom^i've searched them though01:28
unknown_hi, guys do you know maybe how can i find using regex string which contain "(" i'm trying to escape it using "\" but it doesn't work01:28
chuck__Phantom: there is a forum on the dolphin web site. seeing how it is a emulator for the gamecube you would have better luck searching the forum01:28
glitsj16Qwell: black i'd say01:29
Trenter_Is there a way to boot my windows vista partition as a virtual machine in virtual box OSE?01:29
peachesSHELDOMINGO: dont hold your breath for intel01:29
usserSHELDOMINGO, i doubt it, there wont be any major updates once released, and intel problem is major one, they practically rewrote the entire driver, you may want to check backports repository to see if theres anything there01:29
glitsj16Qwell: but my top of the head has been wrong many times before :)01:29
mneptok^Phantom^: all those libraries are going to need to be put into the proper locations01:29
stanis_shusser: http://paste.org.ru/?fvv1pk01:29
apotdoes anyone know if the inability to maintain a connection to a wireless router with cloaked ssid is present in 9.04?01:29
SHELDOMINGOussr, alright01:29
Qwellhmm, was purple, and black is above output01:29
Krstnsncan someone do me a favor01:30
KB1JWQ!ask | Krstnsn01:30
ubottuKrstnsn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:30
=== AntORG_ is now known as AntORG
glitsj16Qwell: i don't even have purple, so much for universal color coding i guess01:30
stanis_shusser: and grub.cfg: http://paste.org.ru/?5585ur01:30
Qwellstupid analog/digital cards01:30
mneptok^Phantom^: not to metion this looks like software for Windows01:30
Krstnsnok... can someone go into #android and see who an op is and give me their nick. i was banned when i was idling and i dont know why.01:30
^Phantom^there is a version for windows, yes01:31
^Phantom^they also made a port for linux01:31
jribKrstnsn: ask chanserv for that info01:31
^Phantom^which apparently was a waste of their time01:31
mneptokKrstnsn: this is not the place to solicit help in getting un-banned in other channels01:31
gymophettHow old is your computers?01:31
apotdoes anyone know if the inability to maintain a connection to a wireless router with cloaked ssid is present in 9.04?01:31
heath|homephp keeps sending me to an overflow channel01:31
KB1JWQapot: Keep pasting the same question over and over.  That'll help.01:32
mpontillounknown_: you do not have to escape '(' in a "standard" regular expression, only in an extended regular expression. In fact, if you escape it, it'll start a group.01:32
mneptok^Phantom^: the whole project is a waste of time unless you have thousands of dollars of hardware. the GC and Wii have specialized video hardware that a PC will *struggle* to keep up with.01:32
Krstnsnmneptok, oh good thing i was asking to get an ops nick so i could solicit myself.01:32
apotlol, indeed01:32
lstarnesheath|home: you need a registered and verified nick in nickserv to join that channel01:32
heath|homehow do you change user names?01:32
Trenter_Question: Does anyone have any good links to boot a windows vista partition on the same hard drive with virtual box?01:32
lstarnesheath|home: /nick01:32
heath|homeI have a registered user01:32
heath|homeoh... cool thanks01:33
gymophettwhat is the ubuntu off topic forums name?01:33
ussermap7, i dunno, might be wrong UUID its using, run blkid see it matches the one from grub.cfg01:33
=== heath|home is now known as heath|otg
lstarnesgymophett: the off-topic channel is #ubuntu-offtopic01:33
peachesTrenter_: dunno but i think it's possible in vmware 6.5 workstation01:33
Shivamanyone know the basics of GIMP? it's a little hard on ubuntu01:33
Krstnsnok so i guess no one can help me01:34
gymophettlstarnes: it wont go to ubuntu-offtopic.01:34
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
NativeAngelsdoes xen server work in ubuntu server ed 9.0401:34
SyliasShivam: What do you need to know?01:34
gymophettNow it did.01:34
ShivamSylias: I want to know how to change a render size, it sounds simple but don't know where to go.01:34
unknown_mpontillo: thanks :)01:35
SyliasShivam: Go to "Image/Image size..."01:35
ShivamSylias: I'm an idiot, thanks.01:36
SyliasShivam: Quite welcome, and not an idiot at all.01:36
jramos68please help, I'm new to ubuntu, I'm using a kvm switch, win vista, win 2003 server and I switch my win 7 pc to  ubuntu 9.04,after this now I'm having problems with my wireless microsoft comfort keyboard. I will freeze and then I am unable to type anything, mouse still works,but the only way to get my keyboard to work again is to reboot ubuntu,can someone help01:37
KB1JWQKrstnsn: You were told to go message chanserv.01:37
glitsj16Shivam: grokking-the-gimp offers a html gimp tutorial01:37
KB1JWQjramos68: Not a ubuntu issue, it's a limitation of your mainboard / cheap KVM01:37
Krstnsnchanserv offers no help01:37
ShivamSylias: do you mean scale image?01:37
SyliasShivam: Yes, sorry. I use multiple graphics programs, and sometimes get the menus mixed up. My mistake.01:38
^Phantom^well, thank you anyway01:38
n2diy_KB1JWQ, qsl?01:38
ShivamSylias: Yeah I'm so used to CS3, GIMP looks so similar yet so different.01:38
superboywhich ubuntu flavor u guys think is the best one?01:39
fccfsuperboy - mine01:39
KB1JWQn2diy_: QSL, DE KB1JWQ.  But you knew that already. :)01:39
superboywhat kind do u have01:39
Flannelsuperboy: They're not necessarily better.  Just different, for different people/needs.  If you're unsure, we generally recommend Ubuntu.01:40
brEzrunning jaunty, I just ran an update and now my desktop items have extra text on them showing "how many files" inside of a folder - anyway to remove this?01:40
bc14 gb of ext journal info... rotf geez01:40
KB1JWQsuperboy: Let's not start a flamewar in here...01:40
n2diy_KB1JWQ, roger that, 7301:40
Trenter_peaches:  thanks, although I don't have th ability to buy it ill give virtual box a try for now, lol01:40
n2diy_I did updates today, and lost all my system sounds, using 8.04.01:40
LjLKB1JWQ, n2diy_: ..-. --- .-. .... .- -. -.-. .... .- - #ubuntu-offtopic :P01:40
KrstnsnGD elitist01:40
superboywhats better apperence Xfce or KDE?01:41
KB1JWQsuperboy: Depends what you're looking for.01:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:41
superboyim a gamer/hacker/programer01:41
superboywhat flavor u recommen01:42
=== nick is now known as Guest1299
SyliasWhen I try to start Pidgin, I get an error saying "(pidgin:18508): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_register: assertion `g_type_is_a (type,GST_TYPE_ELEMENT)' failed. How do I fix this? (I am using 9.04)01:42
KB1JWQsuperboy: I think the "hacker" bar is a little higher than your present technological acumen hits...01:42
KB1JWQ"I'm a hacker!  What distro should I use?"  <-- Lulz01:43
n2diy_LjL: you misspelled ham. :)01:43
LjLn2diy_: so i did. sorry :P01:44
Crash1hdHow do I install testdisk (is it under another name?)01:44
Crash1hdI cant seem to find it in synaptic01:44
LjLCrash1hd: it's in the photorec package01:44
chuck__KBIJWQ now that's funny01:44
Crash1hdLjL: that doesnt seem to want to come up either01:45
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy
LjL!info testdisk01:45
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1451 kB, installed size 4532 kB01:45
ShivamSylias: everytime I do scale image the whole layer turns smaller, i just want the render to be small01:45
mneptokKB1JWQ: i used to eat Hacker Bars until i got adult-onset diabetes01:45
LjLCrash1hd: ok it's its own package, i remembered wrong - do you have universe enabled?01:45
n2diyI did updates today, and lost all my system sounds, using 8.04.01:46
Crash1hdLjL: Im running livecd so I would say no01:46
LjLCrash1hd: ah, then you do need to enable it in /etc/apt/sources.list, or using Software Sources01:46
SyliasShivam: Go to "Layer/Scale Layer..."01:46
jramos68vplease help, I'm new to ubuntu, I'm using a kvm switch, win vista, win 2003 server and I switch my win 7 pc to  ubuntu 9.04,after this now I'm having problems with my wireless microsoft comfort keyboard. I will freeze and then I am unable to type anything, mouse still works,but the only way to get my keyboard to work again is to reboot ubuntu,can someone hel01:47
Crash1hdLjL: ahh :) oye it should be in livecd to go with fdisk lol01:47
=== Krstnsn is now known as Kaie
Crash1hdLjL: thanks :)01:48
=== Kaie is now known as Kaie`
Biophilecan anyone recommend a light internet browser?01:49
superboyi have and hate xubuntu how do i get karmic or kubuntu from the terminal01:49
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:50
Crash1hdLjL: odd I have enabled universal and multiverse reloaded synaptic and still dont see it did a quicksearch for testdisk is it one word or two?01:50
LjLCrash1hd: one word. type "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install testdisk" in a terminal01:51
superboyso karmic aint downlaodble yet?01:51
Crash1hdLjL: hmm that worked lol :)01:51
KB1JWQsuperboy: Very good.01:52
mrwessuperboy, I think the Alpha is out the end of the month01:52
damascenohow to enable the LATIN1 locale in ubuntu 9.04?01:53
superboymrwes at the end of the month where sould i go for the alpha01:53
EricTheGreatanyone here using Wallpaper-Tray 0.5.5 with Ubuntu 9.04?  Need some help!01:53
KB1JWQsuperboy: Why would you want to run it?01:54
superboybored of xubuntu01:54
superboylooks too crappy01:54
glitsj16superboy: xubuntu and karmic aren't in the same universe01:54
mattgyverMy laptop computer is not recognized in Nautilus until i restart the samba daemon on it after a login, does anyone know how i can fix this?01:54
mrwessuperboy, here's the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala01:54
KB1JWQsuperboy: So running non-release software at an alpha quality build is your idea of a good time?01:54
unknown_guys, one more question regarding regex & sed... i'm looking for one word in text (this i know how to find) but i need also next line after that... can you help me?01:55
chuck__superboy define alpha please01:55
Crash1hdLjL: wow that is a powerfull program :)01:55
superboyum unfortuanally yea,what do u have?01:55
superboyKARMIC! lol01:55
glitsj16beats klunky koala though01:55
Dr_Willisunknown_:  you might want to look into using awk or perl, not just sed.01:56
xCubeSalut, j'aimerais bien savoir ou je pourais télécharger les plug-in pour lire les vichier AVI, mp3, mp4 ... etc ?01:56
KB1JWQsuperboy: You're in high school, right?01:56
Flannel!fr | xCube01:56
ubottuxCube: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr01:56
unknown_DR_Willis: perl and awk later... today i've started to learn those regex cause i've notice that i can't live without them :P01:57
xCubeFlannel: oops, i'm sorry :/01:57
superboyum yea just got into linux ,y?01:57
KB1JWQsuperboy: Call it a hunch...01:57
unknown_i know that using grep i can add -A1 and i'll get result, but there the same regex doesn't want work01:58
superboyy im a bothering?01:58
KB1JWQsuperboy: Free advice: If you're new to linux, don't run alpha builds.  Don't get hung up on how pretty / ugly the interface is; take the time to learn what's under the hood.01:58
Dr_Willisunknown_:  i dont think sed CAN work on the 'next' line.. its not that sort of a tool. Then again . i could be wrong..  I got a book on sed/awk. and i seem to recall for stuff like that - the book used awk. or a combo of sed and awk01:58
KB1JWQsuperboy: Maybe I'll see you at a LUG or something.01:58
superboyowhats LUG?01:59
KB1JWQLinux Users Group.01:59
KB1JWQThere are many around the Los Angeles metro area.01:59
Jordan_Uunknown_, grep uses simple regex's by default, use grep -E for extended regex02:00
unknown_Dr_Willis: do you know maybe how to 'convert' this into grep? sed -ne '/.*(Poziom/p' index02:00
superboyoh kool ill look into that....my fault for the naive questions02:00
Dr_Willisunknown_:  nope. :)02:00
unknown_Jordan_U maybe You? :P02:00
glitsj16unknown_: the #bash channel might help out on those funky regex & sed/awk questions02:03
Anorion|eeehey, did the issue with rt2860 cards connecting to wpa2 networks in 9.04 ever get fixed?02:03
Anorion|eeeserious show-stopper for me running 9.0402:03
KB1JWQAnorion|eee: Read the changelog?02:03
unknown_glitsj16: thanks for advice02:03
AmBArhow to make a keyboard to ignore some keys: Like F7 ??? ( my notebook keyboard is damaged and press f7 key all the time ) I want to make bash ignoe f7 and ~ key02:03
KB1JWQI know "KB1JWQ" looks awfully similar to "google.com" but I assure you that they are two separate things, Anorion|eee02:04
netrixhow can i write a cd image to a dvdr in ubuntu?  when i right click and say write image the build in burning software won't like me use a dvdr.02:05
KB1JWQnetrix: dd the ISO to the DVD writer always works, and it ports across different versions of *nix even...02:05
SyliasWhen I try to start Pidgin, I get an error from gstreamer. If I want to re-install gstreamer, to see if this fixes the problem, what packages do I re-install? gstreamer-plugins?02:05
=== pizdets is now known as pizzledizzle
Jordan_Uunknown_, grep -E '.*\(Poziom' index02:06
NeT_DeMoNwhat is the command line to move a file?02:06
jrib!cli > NeT_DeMoN02:06
ubottuNeT_DeMoN, please see my private message02:06
ShinuThe limit threshold must be a number.02:06
KB1JWQnetrix: mv02:06
Anorion|eeeI do not know where to find the changelog02:06
jribAnorion|eee: changelog for what?02:06
jramos68please help, I'm new to ubuntu, I'm using a kvm switch, win vista, win 2003 server and I switch my win 7 pc to  ubuntu 9.04,after this now I'm having problems with my wireless microsoft comfort keyboard. I will freeze and then I am unable to type anything, mouse still works,but the only way to get my keyboard to work again is to reboot ubuntu,can someone help02:06
netrixKB1JWQ:  okay i will use dd instead.  it's odd that built in one says it can use a dvdr but cannot. thx.02:06
c0ntract0rAre there any /urgent updates to be installed on a fresh format from yesterday's iso? /Thanks for the help. :)02:06
superboycould i run apt-get and downlaod on 3 different terminal windows?02:06
Jordan_Uunknown_, Remember that parenthesis have meaning in some regular expressions, so you have to escape them02:07
chuck__superboy no02:07
netrixsuperboy: no, only one instance of apt-get can run at the same time.02:07
jribc0ntract0r: see what update-mananger tells you?02:07
KB1JWQsuperboy: No, nor would you want to; if you overrode the lock it'd corrupt the package database.02:08
c0ntract0rjrib, I know that it gives me a list, but what I mean is, security/bug/urgent need-wise, is there anything.  (I don't just /update all, that runs into trouble)02:08
unknown_Jordan_U: you can't escape them... this is what i've looked for :)  grep -A1 '.*(Text'02:08
Anorion|eeeI have no idea, jrib. I was asking if the issue regarding rt2860 cards connecting to wpa2-encrypted wireless networks was ever fixed, and KB1JWQ asked if I had checked the changelog02:08
superboyokay good looking out02:08
jribc0ntract0r: then only enable security updates if that's what you want02:08
c0ntract0rjrib thank you, I didn't know there was such a thang.02:09
Jordan_Uunknown_, Yes you can, I did in my example to you02:09
mrwesIs it me, or is Jaunty getting a very solid feel to it02:09
l3iohazardI need some help02:09
mrwesand quick02:09
jribc0ntract0r: in Software Sources, you'll see the repositories you have enabled02:09
jribAnorion|eee: check the bug report?02:09
superboywheres a good place to look for repositorys?02:09
jribsuperboy: system -> administration -> software sources02:10
daftykinsyou only need to add repositories when you want something superboy02:10
jrib!notes | Anorion|eee02:10
ubottuAnorion|eee: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes02:10
daftykins(something not in the default ones)02:10
yoyit2ok so ive got 60+GBs free on my disc, and im running 9.04. youtube wont even start to buffer, and i cant download (to reinstall) the flashplayer plug in cuz it says my disc is full02:10
jribyoyit2: pastebin02:10
l3iohazardI need help with compiz fusion02:10
EliteCan anyone here help me with a dial up modem and routing?02:10
jribyoyit2: include output of « df -h »02:10
daftykinsl3iohazard, ask away02:10
vixeyhi,  on jaunty 64 bit there isn't any nvidea drivers?   opengl graphics are not working well at all so does anyone know what I should do02:11
jrib!ask | l3iohazard, Elite02:11
ubottul3iohazard, Elite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:11
yoyit2jrib can you simplify im new to ubuntu02:11
jrib!pastebin | yoyit202:11
ubottuyoyit2: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:11
l3iohazardWith the desktop zoom02:11
Jordan_Uvixey, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers02:11
jribyoyit2: open a terminal and type « df -h »02:11
l3iohazardI can't pan around02:11
vixeyJordan_U: only wireless is in there though which is strange02:11
ketchHello, newbie here with a question02:12
daftykinsl3iohazard, you just hold down super (windows key) and roll your mouse wheel, and let go of the super key and move the mouse and it should keep updating where you are02:12
daftykinsketch ask away on one line please02:12
genii!ask | ketch02:12
ubottuketch: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:12
l3iohazardWhen I zoom in I can't pan around02:12
Res2216firestarHey, hopefully a simple question: I just uninstalled wubi to use ubuntu on a dedicated linux pc, but the bootloader entry for ubuntu is still there. How do I remove it?02:12
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion02:12
EliteI have a dial up modem in my server that I wish to use as a main connection to the internet and share it through my connection on my network to other computers, how can I do this?02:12
Jordan_Uvixey, Is your card very old or very new? Nvidia may have dropped or not added support for it with their driver02:13
vixeyI don't know if it's new or old but I guess there's nothing I can do then --02:13
yoyit2jrib http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6089d3c902:13
ketchI've down loaded a drumming software that is windows (will play thru wine) where should I unpack it to?  Where are windows prgs kept?02:13
vixeythanks though glad I wasn't just overlooking something02:13
SyliasWhen I try to start numerous programs, I get a gstreamer error. I am using Ubuntu Jaunty, and gstreamer 0.10. The error I get when starting Pidgin is "Gstreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_register: assertion `g_type_is_a (type, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT)' failed. How can I fix this?02:14
chuck__ketch use wine to install it02:14
Jordan_URes2216firestar, XP or Vista?02:14
Res2216firestarJordan_U: XP02:14
lvshi.  i'm thinking of making a script where the current song playing in mpd/ncmpc is translated into speech text using something like flite.  i need a way to output the current song to a text file then to flite or similar.  any ideas? (i want it to say something like "now playing: artist, song")02:14
Frijoliecan anyone help me with a crashing soundcard?02:15
progextrying to build Conky. any idea what this means? configure: error: Could not find XDamageQueryExtension in -lXdamage02:15
l3iohazardWhen I zoom in with desktop zoom in compiz fusion I can't pan around any thoughts?02:15
ketchchuck:  OK.   I had used FileRoller but didn't know where to put it02:15
daftykinsl3iohazard, sorry you'll need to ask in #compiz-fusion02:15
smacfarlBest AGP graphics card for Ubuntu?02:15
jribyoyit2: looks like /tmp is full for some reason?02:16
Jordan_URes2216firestar, I believe that it's just an entry in C:\boot.ini , you should file a bug against wubi for the uninstaller not removing it02:16
daftykinsketch WINE puts windows programs in /home/YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/.wine/c/ ...02:16
Res2216firestarJordan_U: Ok02:16
Frijoliethe sound always gets stuck in an endless loop02:16
ketchdaftykins:  thank you02:16
Frijolieforum postings have done nothing for me02:16
daftykinsElite, have you already got the dial-up connection working?02:16
jribyoyit2: if you google that line of the output, you should get some helpful info02:16
SyliasI am using Ubuntu Jaunty, and gstreamer 0.10. When I try to start Pidgin, I get the following error: "Gstreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_element_register: assertion `g_type_is_a (type, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT)' failed. How can I fix this?02:17
Elitedaftykins: no02:17
daftykinsElite, that's priority #1 before anything else then really, may i ask why you want to share a dial-up connection? bit slow and old no? :)02:17
progexcould ne1 help with this error please? configure: error: Could not find XDamageQueryExtension in -lXdamage02:19
Elitedaftykins: cause my desktop runs OSX and it doesn't support PCI modems and I am not about to buy one or an external one and its just easier to be able to have every PC online at once rather than having to disconnect then reconnect on the other computers02:19
mgwalkhow do i display the size of my swap file?02:20
daftykinsElite, yeah but by dial-up is it really 56k ?02:20
Digital7[GNOME] Is it possible to make a taskbar item have a relative location instead of coordinates? I'm using the same Ubuntu install from different resolution displays, and it causes the bars to go haywire. I'd like to be able to tie the clock to the furthermost right position, for example.02:20
Weezcan someone tell me how to see a list of the sata devices on my linux box?02:21
ZykoticK9mgwalk, in terminal type "free" and you'll see both physical and swap02:21
Eliteits dial up what more is there to it02:21
FrijolieATI IXP Sound troubles, anyone know how to help? Sound keeps crashing and is in an endless loop02:21
Jerothmgwalk: type free in terminal02:21
KB1JWQWeez: They're all in demsg.  May have to grep it.02:21
mgwalkhow do i resize it02:21
WeezThanks KB1JWQ02:22
ZykoticK9Weez, "dmesg | grep sd" will show sata hard drives02:22
Jordan_Umgwalk, Are you using a swap file or a swap partition?02:22
Elitehell I am gonna install windows lol02:22
Jerothhow large is your swap mgwalk?02:22
mgwalkmem is 2g and swap is 1.602:23
daftykinsElite, you'd have to get into setting up lots of config files to share your connection ;) iptables for enabling NAT, installing a DHCP server - lots to it really. not for the faint-hearted02:23
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Jordan_Umgwalk, Are you using a swap file or a swap partition?02:23
ZykoticK9Weez, even better "ls /dev/sd*"02:23
ketchwanting to make wireless work on Intrepid 8.10 on HP laptop, AMD 64.   URL reference?02:24
Weezawesome thanks guys thats a huge help02:24
mgwalkmust be a swap file...because i look at fdisk -l and i have lvm drive that is 77 gb id 8e, extended which is 400 mb and id 5, and linux 498mb which is id 8302:24
Jordan_Uketch, Can you tell us the chipset or pastebin the output from "lspci" ?02:24
Elitedaftykins:  not too worried about that ;)02:25
daftykinsElite, ok, you'll need to get your dial-up connection working on the server first then02:25
mgwalkwhat happened was i used clonezilla to clone drive on another machine...i am now moving to this new machine with bigger hdd and more ram...so i need to double the size of swap to 4gb02:25
Digital7What configuration file controls GNOME panels?02:26
fermulatorugh; keeps crashing my X02:26
Elitedaftykins: I have decided I will just install Wndows Ent server 2003 instead lol02:26
ketcha broadcom 4311 (AirForce54g)02:26
Jordan_Uketch, Have you tried System > Administration > Hardware Drivers ?02:27
daftykinsugh Elite :P02:27
mgwalkJordan_U, how do i tell if it is a file or paritition...02:28
Jordan_Umgwalk, Look at your fstab, or pastebin it02:28
abcminiuserDoes anyone know how to map my left trackpad button as a middle click?02:28
Dr_Willisabcminiuser:  normally one can do a 'click left and right' to do a middle click.02:29
ZykoticK9mgwalk, that's funny - one of the philosophies on unix is that everything is a file...  just saying.02:29
Elitedaftykins: what?02:29
mgwalkJordan_U, uuid=fffffadfk-blbl none swap sw02:29
abcminiuserDr_Willis: Thanks, but I hate that on my Aspire One; I'd prefer tap to be left, and the left button on its own to be middle02:29
daftykinsnevermind Elite nothing :)02:29
durtAnybody here ever replace upstart with sysvinit?02:30
Jordan_Umgwalk, Ok, it's a swap partition, so you will need to boot into a LiveCD to resize it with something like gparted ( which is available on the Ubuntu LiveCD )02:30
ketchJordan:  Broadcom B43 has green "light".  Below that:  Broadcom B43 wireless driver; Tested by the Ubuntu developers; License: Free; fwcutter is a tool which can extract firmware from various source files. It's written for BCM43xx driver files.02:30
Elitedaftykins: no no go ahead say it02:30
lvlefistoWhat is the page for the known issues of Jaunty?02:31
Biophilemy update manager has been hanging for the last half hour, should I force quit?02:31
durtBiophile, error messages?02:31
Biophiledurt, yes02:31
Frijoliestumped the best of them huh?02:31
TetracommHow do I turn off my splash screen?02:32
durtBiophile, and?02:32
mgwalkJordan_U, so how do i do that with LVM...i booted into gparted and was trying to resize but it wouldn't let me take from the lvm and add to swap02:32
TetracommSo that I can see the booting text.02:32
Dr_Willisabcminiuser:  actually i think the 'archlinux' wiki pages  on the AAO. showed some way to do a 2 finger tap as a middle click.. or somthing like that.02:32
Jordan_Umgwalk, I don't know, I haven't worked with LVM :(02:32
Dr_Willisabcminiuser:  they had a lot of tips/tweaks for the touch pad there I think.. or at some other AAO wiki page i saw the other day02:32
BiophileI should have written them down, eh?02:32
roni_hi guys, i have a sony camcorder attached via firewire to my laptop. how do i get it to work?02:32
abcminiuserDr_Willis: Will have a look - I saw the Ubuntu wiki page for it, but that didn't help...02:33
durtBiophile, would have been useful, you don't want to redo it and have the same thing happen02:33
Jordan_Umgwalk, Though you should be able to make another swap partition within LVM02:33
Jordan_UTetracomm, Temporarily or permanently?02:33
Dr_Willisabcminiuser:  yea. some where i saw a site that showed a LOT of neat things you could tweak on the touchpad. had to be archlinux, thats what i was using on my AAO till last week02:34
jimi_hendrixwwhat do i do to install times new roman?02:34
rooibosHow do I "full format" an SD card?02:34
Jordan_Ujimi_hendrix, install the package msttcorefonts02:34
TetracommJordan_U: Permanently.02:35
abcminiuserDr_Willis: Hmm, looks like it only offers mapping super to middle click, not quite what I want (especially since I remapped super so I could use "Win+L" to lock my machine like on Windows)02:35
durtjimi_hendrix, should have a default times new roman, as Jordan_U said that package has microsoft fonts02:35
macvrhi all... i'm trying to install ubuntu via a network boot... this page >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Set%20up%20the%20servers << says something about a wrapper for starting bootp how do i do it? what is a wrapper? do i save the text as file and use it as an executable?02:35
Biophiledurt, so what should I do?02:35
abcminiuserrooibos: You can use mkdosfs to FAT format it on the terminal02:35
durtBiophile, is your internet connection to that machine alive and working?02:35
mgwalkwhat is the point of LVM...and why should i use it...02:36
Biophiledurt, ... yes the problem is on the computer I'm using now02:36
mgwalkit seems i have ran into nothing but problems with it..as nothing supports it..partimage and so on...gparted02:37
durtBiophile, have you stopped it yet?02:37
ketchketch politely acknowledges Jorden_U02:37
benc1I'm trying to create a boot script and getting:  warning: /etc/init.d/./ejabberd missing LSB information02:37
Biophiledurt, no02:37
Elitedaftykins: ?02:37
benc1this is the boot script: http://dpaste.com/41995/02:37
durtBiophile, should be some arrows you can click 'for more information', can you read the error messages, or any other messages?02:38
Jordan_UTetracomm, Open your /boot/grub/menu.lst ( "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst ) and look for the line "# defoptions=quiet splash" just remove the word splash, and quiet if you want a lot of text ( do NOT remove the comment at the beginning of the line ) then run "sudo update-grub"02:38
rooibosabcminuser: thanks. will mkdosfs zero out the data?02:39
Biophiledurt, no, the window has a grey hue, if I hover over it I just see the 'working' cursor.02:40
abcminiuserrooibos: No, you'd need to dd the drive for that02:40
abcminiuserrooibos: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<drive here> bs=32k02:40
abcminiuserMake sure you point it to the correct drive!02:40
durtBiophile, how many updates were there?02:40
jaco1I have an interesting problem02:40
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TetracommOk, thank you Jordan_U. :)02:41
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Jordan_UTetracomm, np :)02:41
brotherhandhi I'm having problems with 9.04 install disc. when I select Install Ubuntu from boot menu I am brought to a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have burned multiple discs, checked integrity, RAM, and did md5 check can anyone help?02:41
Biophiledurt, 1702:41
durtBiophile, even on a really old machine there's no way it can take that long, see if you can exit it.02:41
radicalbrotherhand: can you type anything in the prompt?02:42
Jack_Sparrowbrotherhand To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"02:42
=== jacob_f is now known as jpf
brotherhandit's not a prompt, just a blinking cursor02:42
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brotherhandlive CD brings me to a black screen with NO cursor or anything02:43
chuck__brother hand on the install screen press F4 then select install in safe graphic mode then try to install again02:43
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Jack_Sparrowbrotherhand To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"02:43
Biophiledurt, no, I can't close it.02:43
brotherhandI have an inspiron 2650 and have been using Ubuntu for a couple years now, this is new02:43
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Jack_Sparrowbrotherhand Try what we are telling you to do02:43
durtBiophile, are you comfortable using a terminal?02:43
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Biophiledurt, yes02:44
=== true_gamer2000 is now known as R_Hunter
BlackCoffeedoes anyone have a good page to view screenshots of different windows managers ?i was looking at thecodingstudio but those are kind of basic02:44
durtBiophile, come to think of it, is there a dialog windows that's got lost somewhere that update manager is waiting for/02:44
R_Hunterfinally a name that's not taken.02:45
R_Hunteranyway I need some assistence02:45
Biophiledurt, I can't find any, no.02:45
durtBiophile, open a terminal and run 'top'02:45
Jack_SparrowBlackCoffee http://xwinman.org/02:45
ApaxisR_Hunter: youre best off just stating your problem as clearly as you can in a single line02:45
* abcminiuser takes dibs on R_Hunter's name02:45
BlackCoffeeJack_Sparrow: thank ye mate,arr02:46
* genii keeps getting "coffee" highlights, pokes his head in02:46
R_HunterI also posted in the forum. this laptop freezes in Windows and 8.04 but not 9.04. why?02:46
R_Hunterme likey this name :)02:46
mgwalkis LVM worth using....02:47
mrwesR_Hunter, video drivers?02:47
cgkadesr_hunter: freezing is usualy due to a driver issue02:47
Biophiledurt, ok02:47
TopBunny88R_Hunter: Looks like you have windows hating laptop on your hands02:47
durtBiophile, is anything related to update manger running near the top of the list?02:47
macvrhi all... i'm trying to install ubuntu via a network boot... this page >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Set%20up%20the%20servers << says something about a wrapper for starting bootp how do i do it? what is a wrapper? do i save the text as file and use it as an executable?02:47
space_cadetI have a problem with hibernation in 9.0402:47
Biophiledurt, yes02:47
durtBiophile, and?02:47
R_Hunteryep, freezes in fresh installs of XP, Vista, and even 7 RC02:48
cgkadesi love my 8.10 i'm not upgrading02:48
space_cadetproblem :   acts like it wants to hibernate then just stopps02:48
cgkadesprolly untill 10.X02:48
space_cadetcurrent resolution:  pressing the power button until it restarts02:48
Biophile    02:48
TopBunny88Thanks for reminding me how fucked p windows is R_Hunter02:48
Biophile 5754 tinkerbo  20   0 92996  62m  24m R  0.3  9.0   0:12.11 update-manager02:48
Jack_SparrowTopBunny88 Watch the language please02:48
cgkadesr_hunter: get a new laptop :)02:48
R_Hunteralso freezes in ubuntu 8.04...so what did you guys do different in 9?02:48
R_Hunter9.04 works like a champ02:49
R_Hunter14 hours uptime so far02:49
FlannelTopBunny88: Please mind your language. Thanks.02:49
durtBiophile, is your net connection going wild or just IRC traffic?02:49
ApaxisR_Hunter: there was probably a video driver update or something low-level like that02:49
space_cadet!enter | R_Hunter,02:49
ubottuR_Hunter,: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:49
durtBiophile, oh, and hit q to exit top02:49
cgkadesthe hell does that warning mean?02:49
Biophiledurt, sorry, that's what 'top' says next to update manager I'm not sur what it means02:49
space_cadet!ohmy cgkades02:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy cgkades02:50
space_cadet!ohmy  |  cgkades02:50
ubottucgkades: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:50
Flannelcgkades: which warning?02:50
TopBunny88Flannel: Jack_Sparrow  i get the feeling that yoguys don't like my pro opensoruce mindset. is this me or am i correct to mact this assumption.02:50
TopBunny88Flannel: Jack_Sparrow  i get the feeling that yoguys don't like my pro opensoruce mindset. is this me or am i correct to mact this assumption?02:50
space_cadetJack_Sparrow, hey02:50
cgkadesthe first one space cadit issued, about not using the enter key as punctuation02:50
durtBiophile, just trying to ascertain if update manager is still downloading from a really slow connection02:50
Jack_SparrowTopBunny88 No, just lose the profanity02:50
R_Hunterok, thanks for the tip. I had tried updated sata drivers but not video drivers. thing is, it even froze on the vista setup screen once.02:51
khgit`s first time i install ubuntu02:51
Biophiledurt, oh, ok02:51
geniiTopBunny88: Stop spamming please02:51
Apaxiscgkades: it means concatenate your lines, be as specific as you can in a single line so as not to create excess channel flood02:51
khghow to install programs02:51
space_cadetJack_Sparrow, you have any probs with hibernation in 9.04?02:51
Jack_Sparrowkhg Package manager, apt-get or synaptic02:51
lstarneskhg: which program?02:51
usserkhg, applications->add/remove software02:51
vossR_hunter, I froze on the vista setup screen once, unfortunately I clicked "continue"02:51
Jack_Sparrowspace_cadet HIbernation is usually video driver or apic acpi stuff02:51
bobbob1016space_cadet: Hibernation depends on the motherboard, not the OS, usually.02:52
Cycwhen executing scripts in a directory why do you need to put ./ before to execute it?02:52
nondysjunctionI am on ubuntu 9.04. HAL is reading my Fujitsu LBPS/2 Lifebook Touchscreen as input.touchpad instead of input.touchscreen. How do i fix this?!02:52
TopBunny88!applications :02:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about applications :02:52
nondysjunctionAlso any other ubuntu information on touchscreen usage would be lovely02:52
bobbob1016space_cadet: The acpi as Jack_Sparrow said02:52
lstarnesCyc: because . is not part of the PATH environment variable02:52
Wcchey guys... i have an ubuntu 9 server with 3 network interfaces... one internal, 2 external on different isps. i can ping default gateway from both, however, from an external server elsewhere on the net, i can only ping the first one, which has a "gateway" line in /etc/network/interfaces. when i add a gateway to the second one, i can ping both, but then all my traffic goes thru the second. ideas?02:52
ApaxisCyc: so that it knows where its at, otherwise it looks in your $PATH to execute files02:52
space_cadetJack_Sparrow,  where should i start looking if my machine stalls at hibernation   ...  i.e. it does not go INTO hibernation02:52
TopBunny88!packagemanagement  | khg02:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:52
lstarnesCyc: for that reason, you need an absolute or relative path02:52
Cycok thank you02:52
Wccit was my understanding that a default gateway didnt affect incoming connections at all02:52
mrwesCyc, it's like saying; execute from here02:53
macvrhi all... i'm trying to install ubuntu via a network boot... this page >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Set%20up%20the%20servers << says something about a wrapper for starting bootp how do i do it? what is a wrapper? do i save the text as file and use it as an executable?02:53
Jack_Sparrowspace_cadet I hate to even say this , but I would google ubuntu and your laptop make model and or video chipset02:53
mrwesCyc, the period "." represents here or current directory02:53
ApaxisCyc: a neat trick is to add ./ to your $PATH, then you can just type the name of the executable file if its in the directory youre looking at02:53
space_cadetJack_Sparrow, well i tried, but will try again :)02:53
boss_mcApaxis, that's dangerous though02:53
FlannelApaxis, Cyc: no.  That's a bad idea.02:53
Biophiledurt, so, how do I find if update's still downloading?02:54
khgE: Couldn`t find package ?????02:54
Apaxisgive me an example of where it could be dangerous lol02:54
Apaxisi cant think of one02:54
Stravhe. It seems qt4.5.1 is free of that artifact bug on qt apps in 9.04. Now I just added the karmic repositories in apt and configured synaptic to prefer packages from jaunty on any updates but it seems it won't care about it. I'm proposed to upgrade nearly all my system to karmic, any reason for that?02:54
usserFlannel, its fine as long as its at after /bin /usr/bin, ie at the end. that was my understanding anyway02:54
jpedrozaEvening, I have a 22" LCD that I have hooked to an Nvidia GeForce FX 5200. I am trying to get 1680x1050 (native for the LCD) but I don't have the option in nvidia-settings, nor does it appear in xorg.conf. My xorg.conf file is here: http://pastebin.com/m13f5b463 I am using the latest 173 series drivers installed using apt-get.02:54
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:54
usserFlannel, why is it bad?02:54
TopBunny88all i can say is google is a newbies best freind khg!!02:54
boss_mcApaxis, if someone sneaks a binary you'd expect to be in /usr/bin (say a new sudo) into your working folder02:54
durtBiophile, first thing is are your modem lights blinking away or not. then look at the out put of 'netstat'02:54
FloodBot3khg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:54
R_Hunterunfortunately I need to get this laptop working in windows for my employer :| I honestly thought it had a bad motherboard when it froze in the vista setup screen, but then 9.04 here works. XP and 7 freeze too. wacky02:54
Apaxisboss_mc: lol....02:55
khgsorry bro i need02:55
vossjped, What kind of video card slot is it?02:55
khgyour help02:55
boss_mcApaxis, that will be called ahead of the real sudo02:55
Apaxisthats a big if bud02:55
boss_mcApaxis, on your own head be it (I have . in my $PATH too, but only on my scratch machines ;))02:55
Flannelkhg: Stop using the enter key as punctuation.02:55
rooibosabcminiuser: thanks.02:55
TopBunny88Apaxis: arent sudo and fake root one in the same?02:56
Jack_SparrowTopBunny88 no02:56
Apaxisid be more cncerned with being remotely exploited than a silly thing like having . in your PATH (but then again i know a lot of people who are into low-level security)02:56
Biophiledirt, other people are on this network, the lights are always blinking. what am I looking for in netstat?02:56
nondysjunctionI am on ubuntu 9.04. HAL is reading my Fujitsu LBPS/2 Lifebook Touchscreen as input.touchpad instead of input.touchscreen. How do i fix this?!02:56
Crash1hdHas anyone here experienced with TestDisk?02:57
onceuponastackWhat is the HCL site for Ubuntu?02:57
abcminiuserCrash1hd: I've used it before02:57
CycOk second question i installed gawk using apt-get but it's not in my /bin/ directory and i need it to be. How can i install it into there?02:57
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:57
ApaxisTopBunny88: what? no.. sudo stands for (Super-User DO) it lets you runc ommands as another user, a chroot is where you change the root of the drive for a specif login (so that / is pointing to a dir in ie /home)02:57
Crash1hdabcminiuser: think you could help me out a bit?02:57
JSSmithI've a problem with my mic...02:57
abcminiuserCrash1hd: Perhaps, what's your issue?02:57
Stravjpedroza: try removing everything from SubSection "Display" in your screen section and add the two following lines: 1. Depth: 24   2. Modes "1650x1050"02:57
khgbrother i need your help02:57
Crash1hdabcminiuser: right now I have it doing a full scan so it might take some time02:57
Biophiledurt,  other people are on this network, the lights are always  blinking. what am I looking for in netstat?02:58
jpedrozaStrav: Trying now.02:58
Luriaok, so im trying to install windows on a machine. it repeatedly crashes on install. I suspect a sata controller driver issue. I have 9.04 already installed. lspci tells me that i have an nvidia "mcp55" controller, which, afiak is just a southbridge chipset. can i get more detailed info anywhere in a vanilla install or with a package from the repos?02:58
durtBiophile, connections to canonical or to your country's archive02:58
macvrhi all... could someone tell me what a wrapper from a command line does? how to use it?02:58
rooiboshow long does dd take for 2 gb?02:58
TopBunny88Thanks for the crahs sourse in filesystem symantics Apaxis02:58
Crash1hdabcminiuser: Basically I somehow (not sure) lost all partition info02:58
durtBiophile, use netstat|more02:58
boss_mcTopBunny88, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73947402:58
onceuponastackThx ubottu!02:58
abcminiuserrooibos: About 5 mins for a typical USB disk, if you use 32kb blocks02:58
R_Hunterso would this be a better question for the mailing lists? someone who knows what changes might've been made that would affect this model laptop between 8.04 and 9.04?02:58
Stravjpedroza: the restart x (if your on 9.04, you'll have to press: ctrl-alt-f1, then type: killall -9 gdm (or kdm), then sudo gdm (or kdm)02:58
ApaxisTopBunny88: if you want to know more about a chroot'ed environment try man 5 (i think) chroot (thats man 5 chroot)02:58
usserrooibos, 5-10 minutes02:58
JSSmithhelp me.02:58
Luriai know, odd #ubuntu question, but there you go.02:59
TopBunny88Will do Apaxis02:59
abcminiuserCrash1hd: Well, the full scan should recover it *IF* you haven't written anything else to disk02:59
Stravjpedroza: (note, I didn't take care to look at your xorg (sorry but I'm a little busy reading something else)02:59
Jack_Sparrow!details > JSSmith02:59
ubottuJSSmith, please see my private message02:59
ApaxisTopBunny88: nope nevermind, that one isnt there, what youre looking for is the man page for the C programming definition of chroot it should be in section 5 but i dont see it anyway it s more descriptive about what it actually does02:59
Luriastrav, right-alt+printscr+k is the new ctrl-alt-backspace02:59
Crash1hdabcminiuser: and yet when I used the basic restore with TestDisk it gave back all partitions but the 3 linux partitions are indicating that e2lavel" no such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sda2 ect...02:59
Luriaworks better than logging into a vtty03:00
Stravjpedroza: besides, you could always try to set the virtual resolution but it seems kinda broken on 9.04 (at least for the intel driver)03:00
abcminiuserCrash1hd: Sounds like the hd is knackered...03:00
Crash1hdabcminiuser: yeah that may be the problem I tried an old program I had called res q disk to repair them and it did an ok job but I dont think it understood ext303:00
Luriaso... no one can help me?03:00
Crash1hdabcminiuser: thinking I am going to have to delete all partitions and start over03:01
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:01
abcminiuserCrash1hd: if you used a different tool before that doesn't understand ext3, chances are it's ruined your restore chances03:01
StravLuria: thanks, I didn't know. No chance of hitting that by error.03:01
boss_mcI have an ntfs drive (shared between ubuntu 9.04 and windows XP) mounted in ubuntu but I cannot execute any binary files from it... they have permissions of 777 but claim to not be binary files... any ideas?03:01
abcminiuserboss_mc: install wine03:02
Apaxisboss_mc: are they windows binaries?03:02
boss_mclinux binary files03:02
Apaxisthats weird03:02
Jack_Sparrowboss_mc Permissions on an ntfs drive ? and what kind of files03:02
boss_mccompiled just now with g++03:02
Strav(actually, I was pretty frustrated thinking there were no other options for ctrl-alt-backspace, beside disabling the block in xorg)03:02
Crash1hdabcminiuser: right well like I was saying not 100% sure but I am at 43% right now what it has indicated already though is (Warning: Incorrect number of heads/cylinder 16 (NTFS) != 255 (HD)03:02
nimrodwhy is it that Exaile mediaplayer plays with normal sound, but not Rhythmbox?03:02
JSSmithI have a problem with mic to record, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. When I try to do record with gnome-recorde, talk with skype or ekiga, my mic is out off (no func). Do you can help me?03:02
Biophiledurt, hmm, all paths start with /tmp/ @/com/ or @/org/03:02
LuriaStrav, it can also be the undone with an xorg.conf setting, restoring the old shortcut. insta-zap or something03:02
boss_mcwell, they're not really permissions cos ntfs doesn't support them03:02
TopBunny88!NTFS | boss_mc03:02
ubottuboss_mc: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:02
Stravanyways, anyone can tell me why apt dosen't care about my update preferences (concerning which packages version it should prefer)?03:03
Jack_SparrowCrash1hd I woould look at your bios setup03:03
EoL{s}Hi, all.03:03
Biophiledurt, I don't see any 'canonicle's and I'm not sure what my country's archive is03:03
StravLuria: yea this is what I did.03:03
ApaxisJSSmith: english is not your native language is it?03:03
Jack_SparrowStrav What is in your sources list03:03
R_Hunterok guess I'll look for more drivers. I figured what came with Windows 7 would be the latest03:03
Crash1hdJack_Sparrow: what would I be looking for?03:03
Luriaso, no one can tell me how to get in depth info on my sata chipset under ubuntu?03:03
durtBiophile, if there's no tcp connections then update manager is defenitly not downloading anything, if there's no HD activity then update manger is not installing anyhting03:03
Luriaor rather, sata controller03:04
Jack_SparrowCrash1hd To see of ot os detected correctly03:04
Jack_Sparrowit is03:04
EoL{s}Does anybody know which packages contain zlib.h and bzlib.h? I appear to be missing them when compiling.03:04
StravWell a whole bunch of jaunty repos and some duplicates for karmic main and karmic universe03:04
boss_mcdoes ntfs-3g accept exec as an option?03:04
ApaxisEoL{s}: zlib?03:04
Jack_SparrowLuria Not in the support channel no03:04
Crash1hdJack_Sparrow: you mean the hdd (it is.) :)03:04
Biophiledurt, oh, that's good to know, so I can force quit with no ill effects?03:04
EoL{s}Apaxis: Yeah.03:04
StravLuria: you can try playing in /proc03:04
Frijolienot much help here03:05
Jack_SparrowStrav Are you running jsunty?03:05
ApaxisEoL{s}: no thats the name of the package, its called zLIB (apt-cache search zlib)03:05
ApaxisEoL{s}: its a compression library03:05
geniiLuria: Usually something relevant will be in the results of:  sudo lshw               But theres a lot of stuff to sift through for it03:05
durtBiophile, not what i'm saying, If update manager has somehow hung then the ill effects are already done.03:05
Biophiledurt, oh03:05
ApaxisEoL{s}: you might need libbzip or something like that, try apt-cache search'ing "bzip" too and look for a "lib"03:05
Luriayeah, ill look in there... but there's no good system profiler like pcwizard (i know about the reporting tool, its not helpful in my case)03:05
mpontilloEoL{s}: I think you want the zlib1g-dev package03:05
Luriathanks genii03:05
Apaxismpontillo: thanks lol03:06
geniiLuria: np03:06
onatsis there anyway to have the network manager automatically connect to vpn networks upon startup?03:06
JSSmithI have mobo Intel, and Audio device is Intel Corporation 80801G (ICH7 Family), High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01), in Ubuntu 9.04. In gnome-alsamixer, I can't on in Capture..03:06
StravJack_Sparrow: yep. I just wish to upgrade libqt and friends to the karmic verions (force the package version)03:06
Luriaif anyone has any other thoughts, please /msg me, ive been trying to get this system up since december03:06
Jack_SparrowStrav did you update after adding sources?03:06
Jack_SparrowLuria What was the real quesation03:06
LuriaJack_Sparrow - from before: ok, so im trying to install windows on a machine. it repeatedly crashes on install. I suspect a sata controller driver issue. I have 9.04 already installed. lspci tells me that i have an nvidia "mcp55" controller, which, afiak is just a southbridge chipset. can i get more detailed info anywhere in a vanilla install or with a package from the repos?03:07
owen1how to install adobe air app from the terminal?03:07
boss_mcthanks all, I'd forgotten to add 'exec' to the fstab line03:07
StravJack_Sparrow: of course. Shouldn't I?03:07
Biophiledurt, what should I do then?03:07
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:07
Jack_SparrowStrav yes03:07
Apaxis!br > jssmith03:07
ubottujssmith, please see my private message03:07
geniiLuria: You may need a module like nv_sata        or similar loaded03:07
ert3oweb1 you don't03:08
Crash1hdJack_Sparrow: I think the issue all started when i booted into windows after installing ubuntu (which finished filling in the hdd) as windows was only detecting the first 120gigs of the drive (its was pre SP2) installed windows on the 20gigs rebooted installed ubuntu on the rest went to reboot and load windows and it blue screened with unmountable boot volume and the rest is history03:08
owen1ert3: why not?03:08
ert3owen1: becaue they didn't bother to make a comand line interface for air03:08
Jack_SparrowLuria Not really..03:08
geniiLuria: Actually I think the module name is the other way... sata_nv    or so03:08
owen1ert3: i did it before. i just need to pass the appname as a paraemeter to the installed app.03:08
StravJack_Sparrow: you mean, since I ran the update before setting synaptic to prefer the jaunty version, it's now stuck with the packages marked to be upgraded to karmic?03:08
owen1ert3: i just can't remember the name/location for the app installer.03:09
ert3owen1: well then there you have your answer03:09
durtBiophile, In short, kill update manager, remove the lock file and run 'sudo apt-get install -f' to fix any broken packages and then 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'03:09
Luriagenii, why? ubuntu is fine, its windows thats b0rked. i just need detailed controller data from the southbridge...03:09
ert3owen1: locate air?03:09
owen1ert3: i'll try. thanks03:09
Luriai think sata_nv is already loaded03:09
Jack_SparrowStrav Wait.. Are you using jaunty OS or just trying those repos.. that would be very bad03:09
ert3WEll my job here is done03:09
durtBiophile, but only if your confortable doing that.03:09
ert3time to go masterbate03:09
=== TopBunny88 is now known as Cryptic_Donkey
geniiLuria: Study the: sudo lshw        results then, is my best suggestion. it's info overload but likely something you want in there03:10
durt!omg | ert303:10
ubottuert3: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:10
Luriathanks much03:10
smacfarlanybody got some AGP video card recommendations for Ubuntu?03:10
Jack_Sparrowsmacfarl nvidia03:10
peregrine81alright so my notification area is gone and i have no option to add it back to the panel :)03:11
boss_mcsmacfarl, where are you based?03:11
Cryptic_Donkeysmacfarl: I have an odl agp video card i cansend you03:11
peregrine81I cannot find anything online on how to fix this03:11
smacfarlam on the east coast why?03:11
StravJack_Sparrow: it's not the first time I would have forced an alien package into my installation. I'm just wondering why synaptic dosen't care about my package update preference coz if I ain't wrong, that'll be meat for a bug report.03:11
Jack_Sparrowperegrine81 You can add it back with panel properties03:11
DrknezzWhat happend to EasyUbuntu?03:11
Paddy_EIREDrknezz: it was killed off thankfully03:11
StravDrknezz: became useless.03:11
smacfarlso nvidia used to have some 7000 cards now everyone only seems to carry the 6000s. Suggestions?03:12
boss_mcsmacfarl, if you're in britain, check out http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=22127103:12
boss_mcit's sweet03:12
DrknezzPaddy_EIRE: Thankfully?03:12
neotenywhat do i need to change so my cds and dvds mount to /media/cdrom /media/dvd like they used to instead of ~/.gvfs  ?03:12
Jack_SparrowDrknezz It never worked right03:12
disappearedngHey everyone03:12
Paddy_EIREDrknezz: yes.. thankfully03:12
disappearedngmy mv is messed up03:12
disappearednghow do I replace it?03:12
Jack_Sparrowsmacfarl 6600 are my fav for generic03:12
DrknezzJack_Sparrow: AFAIK, the only thing that didnt work right was Automatix03:12
disappearedngor where do I find it at first03:12
boss_mcsmacfarl, ah, east coast... no can help, except to prove the cards do exist03:12
Jack_SparrowDrknezz easy was a close second03:12
chuck_peregrine81: rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel then restart gnome will reset to default panels03:12
orospakrhey, the LVM and RAID support isn't showing up in Ubuntu 9.04s alternate debian-installer.03:12
smacfarli was being tempted by HD 3850s at new egg. But All I see are horror stories. Tell me it's not that bad.03:13
boss_mcsmacfarl, I just bought and installed one of them today, it's a massive upgrade from the ATI x155003:13
DrknezzJack_Sparrow: How could a python script mess up your system?03:13
Jack_Sparrowsmacfarl stay away from ati03:13
boss_mcATI + linux = dodgy03:13
EoL{s}Thanks for the help, guys.03:13
Jack_SparrowDrknezz easy for a script to destroy a system03:13
disappearednghow do I replace my mv?03:13
Cryptic_DonkeyIs automatix still around or did it get killed03:13
Jack_SparrowCryptic_Donkey dead03:13
Cryptic_Donkey\/win 603:14
DrknezzJack_Sparrow: :/ Okay, i bet it's time to make a new automatix-like script that uses apt, and doesnt mess up with the system03:14
smacfarlSo I have an ati 7000ve currently in my agp slot which is what I want to upgrade from. boss_mc you put an hd 3850 in an agp slot and it worked under ubuntu?03:14
=== wolf is now known as Guest50029
boss_mcsmacfarl, no, I bought a nvidia 730003:14
IndyGunFreakCryptic_Donkey: i thnk its vailable for another distro, but not for ubuntu03:15
smacfarlnvidia 7300 just worked?03:15
boss_mcsmacfarl, but the ati proprietary drivers are not too bad nowadays03:15
boss_mcexcept they dropped support for my old card so it will never work in jaunty :(03:15
vossNvidia 7300 isnt a uberpowerful card but it should work fine.03:15
vimpulsehi all.  I am helping mib reboot into the Ubuntu liveCD then use ext3grep to recover a deleted file.  When he reboots, is there any chance that the liveCD will mount his hard drive rw, thereby making recovery chances worse?03:15
boss_mchence new card03:15
Cryptic_DonkeyThanks IndyGunFreak03:15
syntax\i have a noobish question here, what is /host?03:15
cotohi, I have a question about ALSA on my ubuntu... here's the alsa-project.org script output: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=3bd0a7c2126345ae63e886e739501513f909c7b203:15
boss_mcit's running compiz on two screens with wobbly video03:16
Gneavimpulse: if it does, you can always remount it to ro03:16
boss_mcwithout complaining03:16
KB1JWQsyntax\: context?03:16
peregrine81sooo the notification area is gone and I've got a bunch of errors03:16
IndyGunFreakCryptic_Donkey: i coudl be wrong, but i think its called either Frontier Linux, or Pioneer Linux03:16
vimpulseGnea:  but will it happen?03:16
Gneavimpulse: if you make it happen03:16
syntax\well iv'ed been using this computer for a couple of weeks now03:16
vossNvidia 9400gt says it needs 300 watt power supply, will it run okay on a 255 watt power supply?03:16
smacfarlis it worth it to get 512mb of ram on the 7300gt? Or should I get a cheaper 256mb?03:16
syntax\and i was running low on storage space, i just checked df -h and I saw /host03:16
vimpulseGnea:  so if mib doesn't double-click "Computer" then the hard drive icon, then it won't happen?03:16
Gneavimpulse: can't say - depends on if it needs to be fsck'd or not03:17
boss_mcsmacfarl, I got 25603:17
IndyGunFreaksmacfarl: i have the 512GT. and I like it.. I use it to play Open Arena, UT, etc.. i like it03:17
chuck_peregrine81: did you try my suggestion03:17
vimpulseGnea:  it needs to be fsck'd:  it was force-remounted ro.03:17
peregrine81"The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet" Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?" This happens for every thing03:17
macvrhi all... could someone tell me how to use  a wrapper from a command line ? i'm trying to install ubuntu via a network boot... this page >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Set%20up%20the%20servers << says something about a wrapper for starting bootp how do i do it?03:17
Cryptic_DonkeyIndyGunFreak: I am not interestood in learning a new distribution due to the fact that ubuntu has served me well on my lenonvo 3000 N50003:17
Gneavimpulse: if you want to be safe, don't use the primitive gui03:17
peregrine81chuck_ Yes I did03:17
KB1JWQsyntax\: du may be more useful.03:17
peregrine81this is my update03:17
boss_mcvoss, it will either not work at all or be very slow (or explode) so no03:17
vimpulseGnea:  what is a primitive gui?03:17
gourdcaptainI upgraded to 9,04 from 8.10 and my USB drives now take about several minutes to be recognized by the system. Any ideas?03:17
Gneavimpulse: then the probability of it being rw is quite low03:17
Gneavimpulse: gnome :)03:17
IndyGunFreakCryptic_Donkey: makes sense, just saying, id on't think its comnpletely gone, just not around for Ubuntu anymore03:17
KB1JWQHeh, /host isn't standard.03:17
syntax\KB1JWQ: its a 30 gb partition, and it has ubuntu folder on it03:18
vimpulsesyntax\:  is there also /target?03:18
Cryptic_DonkeyIndyGunFreak: Poimt taken03:18
boss_mcmacvr, That file is a bash script for starting and stopping bootpd03:18
Stravvimpulse: a primitive gui is anything made with tk.03:18
Gneavimpulse: in a situation like that, i'd use the commandline - less chance of making a mistake and more likely to catch any new mistakes - with the gui, something could go wrong and you wouldn't know about it until after the damage is done03:18
peregrine81chuck_ what do you think?03:18
vimpulseStrav:  :)03:18
Stravor motif03:19
vimpulseGnea:  is one of the steps that the liveCD does when booting "Checking all file systems"?  and does that troll for filesystems and fsck them?03:19
boss_mcmacvr, copy the text into a text file, add #!/bin/sh to the top and set execute bit03:19
syntax\vimpulse KB1JWQ u want me to paste it on pastebin?03:19
chuck_peregrine81: reboot see what that does03:19
Luriahmmm found windows preinstall floppy links for a mcp55 chipset  on a gigabyte (im using msi) page... cached by google...03:19
vimpulsesyntax\:  i don't.  But tell us what else there is in /03:19
macvrboss_mc: ok ... thanx man03:19
smacfarlSo the collective recommendation here for AGP is the Nvidia 7300GT, yes? I was reading about the 7600 and the 7800. Do they exist in AGP are they better, no longer made? Any thoughts?03:19
Luria*shrug* thanks for the help.03:19
syntax\vimpulse: u want me to tell you what's on /?03:19
Gneavimpulse: the livecd will locate your disks, but i don't think it will do anything with them until you tell it to03:19
syntax\or /host?03:19
vimpulsesyntax\:  yes03:19
vimpulsesmacfarl:  even if a card is no longer made, you can get it on ebay03:20
boss_mcsmacfarl, there are powerful cards around but they're few and far between (and stupidly expensive)03:20
vimpulsemib:  ok time to reboot into the livecd.  Then come back to #ubuntu03:20
vimpulsemib:  then ping me03:20
mibmeans restart whole thing?03:20
Gneasmacfarl: i'd just get the newest AGP nvidia card if I had the $03:20
smacfarlwow. How great is it to have so much collective brainpower around. This has got to be my best support xchat ever. Thanks so much everybody.03:21
Cryptic_Donkeysmacfarl: ubuntu-offtopic is where this disscussion belongs as does my discussion about automatix03:21
vimpulsesmacfarl:  glad to help03:21
Gneasmacfarl: welcome to #ubuntu ;)03:21
vimpulsemagnetron:  how many people did you just ctcp ping?  :)03:21
magnetronvimpulse→ you said "ping me"03:21
* vimpulse groans :)03:21
Gneavimpulse: if he'd pinged everyone, he wouldn't be here now :)03:21
syntax\vimpulse: / has this bin, dev, host, lost+found, opt, sbin, sys, var, boot, etc, initrd.img, media, proc, selinux, tmp, vmlinuz, cdrom, home, lib, mnt, root, srv, usr03:21
macvrboss_mc: how do i select start/ stop / restart?03:21
Stravargh. Synaptic really don't care. When will a gui arrive for aptitude...03:22
boss_mcmacvr, run the file as <whatever you saved it as> start03:22
syntax\vimpulse: i was wondering if deleting /host and breaking that partition would cause my system to fail.03:22
TetracommJordan_U: I am still seeing the splash screen.03:22
Tetracomm# defoptions=03:22
mibvimpulse, you mean i restarted my pc again using livecd?03:22
vimpulsesyntax\:  what partition is /host on?  what fs type?  try:  ls -l /host && stat /host03:22
Jordan_UTetracomm, Did you run "sudo update-grub" ?03:22
GneaStrav: synaptic doesn't care about what?03:22
vimpulsemib:  yes03:23
macvrboss_mc: so i just cd to the directory and <name of file> start . thats correct ?03:23
boss_mcmacvr, yep03:23
boss_mcmake sure execute bit is set03:23
boss_mcand you must be root03:23
TetracommNow I did, restarting.03:23
macvrboss_mc: thats man... i was busting my head to use it from command line!03:23
StravGnea: about the config for setting your preferences on packages update (which version you prefer).03:23
syntax\vimpulse: what do you wanna see?03:23
GneaStrav: aah03:24
boss_mcmacvr, s'ok03:24
xanguajum wrong channel, sorry for speaking in spanish .......................03:24
vimpulsesyntax\:  ls -l /host && stat /host && mount03:24
mib_y36irgchuck_ this is peregrine81 I've got the same issue03:24
JorgeJorgessonIs there a problem with the sun report writer in oo.o?  Everytime I open a report generated with that add on, and then close it, oo.o crashes03:24
xanguaubottu: !es | marina03:24
ubottumarina: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:24
StravGnea: I'll see if there's an open bug about it.03:25
Cryptic_DonkeyJorgeJorgesson: please file a bugreport03:25
GneaStrav: i doubt it. there's always adept.03:25
Cryptic_Donkey!bugreport | JorgeJorgesson03:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bugreport03:26
Cryptic_Donkey!bug | JorgeJorgesson03:26
ubottuJorgeJorgesson: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:26
syntax\vimpulse: /dev/sda2 on /host type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)03:26
syntax\fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)03:26
Sal--Hey guys I'm trying to mount a directory thats: /var/www/html/test.com to /home/sal/test.com..... i'm using: mount --bind /var/www/html/test.com /home/sal/test.com03:26
vimpulsesyntax\:  ps -ef | grep -i ntfs03:26
JorgeJorgessonCryptic_Donkey: got you, thanks03:26
Sal--but I get back the error that the mount point /home/sal/test.com does not exist, any ideas?03:26
Gnea!info adept03:26
ubottuadept (source: adept): package management suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~beta4ubuntu6.1 (jaunty), package size 346 kB, installed size 1260 kB03:26
syntax\vimpulse: its not an ntfs partition as i see it..03:27
syntax\the /host partition..03:27
Digital7Is it possible to make a taskbar item have a relative location instead of coordinates? I'm using the same Ubuntu install from different resolution displays, and it causes the bars to go haywire. I'd like to be able to tie the clock to the furthermost right position, for example.03:27
chuck_mib_y36irg that is the only fix i know off when a panel gets messed up someone with more experience might be able to help you03:27
vimpulsesyntax\:  ls -l /host && stat /host03:27
GneaSal--: you have to create /home/sal/test.com before you can mount to it - mount doesn't create anything03:27
Sal--Gnea: so just create an empty directory?03:28
GneaSal--: exactly03:28
syntax\vimpulse: http://pastebin.com/d658ab69603:28
miki_alo makedonci03:28
vimpulsemiki_:  what language do you speak?03:28
* Strav hates having duplicated programs that shares 98% of their features and missing the important one that's found in the other, dissolving developpement efforts, taking unneeded space, duplicating the bugs, etc. etc.03:28
vimpulsesyntax\:  looks like NTFS or fat32.  probably NTFS.03:29
Digital7vimpulse: looks like hungarian03:29
vimpulsemiki_:  besels magyarul?03:29
syntax\vimpulse: you think i can delete it without harming the system?03:29
syntax\its 30 gb worth of space..03:29
Digital7vimpulse: might be macedonian03:29
miki_it is03:30
vimpulsemiki_:  do you speak ISO mk_MK?  ru_RU?03:30
peregrine81chuck_ :(03:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mk03:30
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:31
miki_no biggie03:31
vimpulsemiki_:  no :(  do you speak any other language?03:31
chuck_peregrine81 that is the only fix i know off when a panel gets messed up someone with more experience might be able to help you03:31
miki_po malku03:31
peregrine81chuck_ what?03:31
peregrine81chuck_ no way to help?03:32
orospakrso, turns out I had to use mdadm and the lvm utilities to do everything manually.  The installer seems to have picked up the ones I've made.03:33
jorge_jorge chromer setup03:33
orospakrIt's installing now...03:33
jorge_who to seting03:33
vimpulsemiki_:  One Google search you can try for more info on Linux in Macedonian is http://www.google.com/search?hl=mk&q=%D0%9B%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%8103:34
usserperegrine81, dont use gnome-panel, there are plenty of other choices03:34
vimpulseorospakr:  hey andrew.  Jason Spiro here :)03:34
cory8092Is there a way to change teh bootsplash03:34
ussercory8092, sudo apt-get install startupmanager03:34
ussercory8092, that tool is pretty self-explanatory03:34
cory8092usser: thank you03:35
syntax\vimpulse: was able to figure it out, anyways i can't delete /host03:35
peregrine81usser: My notification system is completeyly gone and I get errors OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet like this for every single thing that sits in there03:35
orospakrvimpulse, hey :)03:35
briscoelakeHi all, my laptop was purchased without an internal wireless card so I finally purchased one and installed it today. So far ubuntu has been great about recognizing and installing hardware but so far I don't see anysigns of this card being installed. could someone direct me how to see if the system even sees it etc...03:35
chuck_peregrine81: If the fix i sent you did not work, then i do not know how to help you sorry03:35
usserperegrine81, reset your panel settings03:35
usser!reset panel03:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reset panel03:35
peregrine81chuck_ told me to do that03:35
peregrine81this error stops them from starting up03:36
peregrine81they crash before starting03:36
usserperegrine81, rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel03:36
usserperegrine81, relogin, it should be back to default03:36
peregrine81did that :S chuck_ said that, and yes it was default but I get this error03:36
aruI just installed 9.04 netbook remix on my msi wind, I've got the webcam working in cheese however when I go to a website like mebeam.com the cam light just comes on and shuts off and I have no picture, I've tried every flash plugin I can find but have no idea what to try next03:37
vimpulseJorgeJorgesson:  what is the bug report URL?03:37
peregrine81The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_IndicatorApplet".03:37
peregrine81every time03:37
usserperegrine81, remove the offending applet03:37
peregrine81it happens for all03:38
peregrine81The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet".03:38
matt_hi everyone03:38
peregrine81The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet".03:38
usserperegrine81, hm. back up the data in your /home folder, and wipe it clean03:38
Kruxerhi all03:38
matt_anyone out there like Linux mint?03:38
matt_hi kruxer03:38
Cryptic_Donkeyperegrine81: please use pastebin03:38
usserperegrine81, rm -r ~. BUT BACKUP FIRST03:39
jorge_alguie sebe español03:39
Kruxermatt_, hi :)03:39
coz_peregrine81,  restart x see if that error goes away03:39
Cryptic_Donkey!pastebin | pere03:39
ubottupere: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:39
Stepan1Is mono pre-installed on Ubuntu?03:39
usserStepan1, no03:39
vimpulsematt_:  I dunno.  ask in ##linux or in irc.spotchat.org's Linux Mint channel03:39
Cryptic_Donkey!pastebin | peregrine8103:39
ubottuperegrine81: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:39
matt_Stepan1 -- no03:39
ketch1looking for help to activate wireless on U8.10, AMD64, HP laptop03:39
peregrine81coz_ how do you restart X easily?03:39
Ten_yo un poco03:39
sthistlei switched my Ubuntu Netbook Remix to the standard desktop which is MAJORLY screwed.. lol.. How do I switch it back when I only have a terminal window?03:39
briscoelakeSince I'm used to windows and having a device manager that shows when a piece of hardware is detected but not installed fully I'm a little lost. Is there something like that for ubuntu I'd like to at least see if the card is seen and just needs drivers or what.  Thanks03:39
coz_peregrine81,  but restart it correctly dont do anything just write this down03:39
KruxerIf i update my ext3 filesystem to ext4 do i lose any data?(I upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 from 8.10)03:39
geniimatt_: #linuxmint03:39
matt_peregrine - ctrl-alt-del03:39
coz_peregrine81,  hit ctrl+alt+F1 the  log in and then  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:40
Stepan1usser: im on the mono webpage, http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html, which linux download should i go with03:40
jorge_nececito setiar chromer03:40
Cryptic_Donkeyprefrontal: ctrl+alt+backspace03:40
vimpulsematt_:  please don't give advice unless you are 99% sure it is correct.03:40
vimpulseCryptic_Donkey:  in the newest Xorg that doesn't work by default03:40
usserStepan1, none, mono is not installed by default but its in the repositories, search for it in synaptics03:40
Ten_en ubuntu?03:40
usserStepan1, err synaptic03:40
coz_ctrl+alt+backspace does not shut down applications properly03:40
jorge_si ten03:40
vimpulseTen_:  es_ES?  pt_BR?03:40
peregrine81alright be right back03:40
genii!es | ten03:40
ubottuten: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:40
usserbriscoelake, gnome-device-manager probably as close as it gets to windows device manager03:41
KruxerIf i update my ext3 filesystem to ext4 do i lose any data?(I upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 from 8.10)03:41
chuck_briscooelake: dmesg|tail after pluging in device will show last 10 lines of demsg03:41
coz_peregrine81, ok try that out03:41
matt_wow.  i am totally not making a good impression with vimpulse, sorry03:41
Ten_I speak english.03:41
Cryptic_Donkeyvimpulse: How do i enbale the old ctrl+alt=backspace  to restart xwindows system?03:41
vimpulseTen_:  oops :)03:41
mattgyverI cant browse my laptop in nautilus until i restart my samba daemon, does anyone know how i can fix this?03:41
xanguaubottu: !es | jorge03:41
Ten_Just tryin to help someone out.03:41
ubottujorge: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:41
Stepan1usser: mono-utils?03:41
mpontillo!dontzap | Cryptic_Donkey03:41
ubottuCryptic_Donkey: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.03:41
=== parasiteking is now known as cloud-eee
coz_Cryptic_Donkey,   sudo aptitude install dontzap && sudo dontzap –d03:42
=== cloud-eee is now known as parasiteking
vimpulseCryptic_Donkey:  not important.  just do what coz_ said:  hit ctrl+alt+F1 then log in and then  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:42
coz_Cryptic_Donkey,  yes actually ctrl+alt+F1 is the proper way  honest :)03:42
usserStepan1, mono-2.0-runtime03:43
neotenydoes kde use gvfs too?  i can't stand this03:43
jonaskoelkerHi all.  I'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop via tftp.  If I boot up linux (it has an old, dying installation) I can get a dhcp lease from the ISC daemon, but in the pxe stage I get Media Failure.  What to do?03:43
hacker_kid/proc/cpuinfo is showing a 1.0 Ghz processor when im running a 2.4 Ghz processor, how can i resolve this?03:43
usserneoteny, no kde has its own beast of similar nature03:44
vimpulseStepan1:  there are two major differences between Linux and Windows.  1)  in Linux, you should almost never need to download software from webpages.  If you do, it will be hard or impossible to install.  Instead, you should use "Add/Remove..." on the start menu to both download and install.  Ok?03:44
usserhacker_kid, its scaled down03:44
usserhacker_kid, run something intensive, its going to scale up03:44
coz_neoteny,   gnome and kde use a shared spec for Trash  the gnome-vfs implementation03:44
vimpulseStepan1:  2)  never reinstall Linux when you have a problem -- just get our help to fix it.03:44
Stepan1usser: got it thanks03:44
hacker_kidusser, ah. that makes sense. where can i get the actual processor statistics?03:44
JorgeJorgessonvimpulse: I'd love to answer but I have a ton of apps greying out03:44
neotenyusser, will it mount to something other than ~/.gvfs ?  what the heck is that?  what happened to just mounting to /media or /mnt?03:45
mpontillohacker_kid: right click your panel, click "add to panel", and add the "cpu frequency scaling monitor" if you want to keep an eye on the scaling03:45
coz_neoteny,  I think that still applies  not sure on kde403:45
Stepan1vimpulse: i've come to see that over the years.  But im always tempeted to download .deb files03:45
hacker_kidmpontillo, actually i need to read processor statistics from a script. so no GUI03:45
Stepan1vimpulse: thanks for the advise03:45
usserhacker_kid, cat /proc/cpuinfo should show you something like model name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          540  @ 1.86GHz03:45
vimpulseStepan1:  try to resist.  Mono is available through your package manager.03:45
neoteny wish the devs would leave the stuff that's working alone and fix the broken stuff :)03:45
coz_neoteny,  that is a favorite saying of mine too lol03:46
hacker_kidusser, model name  : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ not in this case03:46
vimpulseJorgeJorgesson:  why are so many apps not responding for you?03:46
ketch1looking for help with going wireless with U8.10 on HP laptop with AMD6403:46
mattwj2002hi guys I need help....I need to get my wintv-hvr-850 analog part working03:46
chuck_hacker_kid you can also do this dmesg|grep processor03:46
coz_neoteny,  but we need new stuff and new libraries and some experimentation as well :)03:46
mattwj2002anyone know?03:46
krammer_how can i tell how much space i have left on my hdd03:46
mattwj2002I got digital working just not analog03:47
usserhacker_kid, so you need its top frequency essentially?03:47
coz_mattwj2002,  I cant help with that I have no experience at all03:47
vimpulsekrammer_:  right click > Properties03:47
Stravhacker_kid: then you can try: tail -f /proc/whatever03:47
mattwj2002okay anyone else?03:47
neotenycoz_, yeah.  get me used to something and then move it on me!  oh well.03:47
briscoelakeusser: Ok I put device manager on and it looks like it is there and recognized but when I plugged in my removable wireless cards they would be recognized and put into the network icon in the upper right.  THis one isn't, how do you think I need to enable it?03:47
abcminiuserkrammer: Just write /dev/zero to a file using dd and see how far it gets ;)03:47
n2diyneoteny: you can say that again! I just wasted hours getting my audio to work again, after the updates muted all my settings!03:47
mattwj2002google has been no help :(03:47
hacker_kidusser, correct, i just need to know what the capacity is, i also need to find a way to read the current consumption in mhz or percent03:47
JorgeJorgessonvimpulse: If I knew that, I would solve my problem.  Sorry, frustrated03:47
Stravhacker_kid: try man tail to see if it fits your need for monitoring the cpu03:48
abcminiuserDoes anyone know how to build and install the bleeding edge ath5k drivers?03:48
hacker_kidStrav, thank you :)03:48
hacker_kidchuck_, that command worked well thank you :)03:48
coz_abcminiuser,  do you have link for the driver download?03:48
chuck_your welcome03:49
badfish69when i plug in my 360 controller in jaunty, the status light just keeps flashing and it never shows up for xinput list03:49
abcminiusercoz_: the ath5k.org website mentions their git, but doesn't provide a darn link03:49
neotenyand wtf doesn't ctl+alt+backspace restart xorg?  they do realize that after enough years muscle memory sets in and it's down right cruel to change that kind of stuff, don't they?03:49
vimpulseJorgeJorgesson:  so ask the people here (not me, I'm busy) for help solving the gray-apps problem.03:49
usserhacker_kid, hm03:49
coz_abcminiuser, looking hold on03:50
vimpulseneoteny:  because C+A+Bksp used to be able to cause serious data loss in running apps.03:50
abcminiusercoz_: thanks, the current jaunty one works, but a bug causes it to sap power damn fast on my Aspire On03:50
neotenyi was just saying i think i'm done distro hopping.  but this is really is gonna make me move on even though i think shipit is the neatest thing since sliced bread.03:50
abcminiuser*Aspire One03:50
Apaxishacker_kid: you want someone to monitor cpu usage in x?03:50
hacker_kidusser, what files do top and htop read to output the statistics? i know /proc/meminfo for mem stats but i need processor and nic activity as well03:51
coz_abcminiuser,   you can try git pull http://madwifi-project.org/browser/madwifi   is madwifi what you want?03:51
usserhacker_kid, somewhere in /proc. im actually looking for one myself right now03:51
hacker_kidApaxis, negative. i need to monitor system activity in an application which will take appropriate action03:51
jonaskoelkeryay, I got my tftp/pxe installer going03:51
hacker_kidusser, as am i, thank you for your help :)03:51
abcminiusercoz_: not sure if the madwifi driver incorporates the ath5k code, which is what I'm after03:51
Apaxishacker_kid: ah, like a script03:51
jonaskoelkerfrom the netinstaller, how can I see which version I'm installing?03:52
Stravhacker_kid: know what's usefull? man -k proc or man -k cpu03:52
=== mike is now known as Guest46283
mpontillohacker_kid: the info you are looking for is also in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq03:52
abcminiusercoz_: I just want the latest ath5k so it doesn't interrupt every nanosecond :P03:52
Guest46283I downloaded Dolphin (GC EMU) how do i install it? run it?03:52
coz_abcminiuser,  ok looking hold on03:52
superboyanyone know of a acer xspire x1700 partition editer ?03:52
hacker_kidApaxis, correct. communicating with a cluster and making appropriate decisions for itself and the cluster03:52
bingungajaanyone can help me, why my ubuntu 904 always freeze and hang ?03:52
hacker_kidStrav, ah thank you :)03:52
Guest46283or better yet where can i get tuxcube03:52
hacker_kidmpontillo, thanks :)03:52
Alex_21How do I connect to an encrypted AFP machine or just regular AFP machine for that matter using Command-Line?03:53
TopBunny88hacker_kid: cat >> /proc/cpuinfo shoull provide the cpu data you are looking for?03:53
hacker_kidmpontillo, im assuming its cpu1, cpu2, etc for multiple cores?03:53
Apaxishacker_kid: ah, i know you can use gkrellm to monitor remote machines and run commands at certain levels, but as far as a cluster im not sure03:53
hacker_kidTopBunny88, negative03:53
Guest46283Tuxcube, where can i get it03:53
JorgeJorgessonvimpulse: no problem.  I'll solve the local problem first.03:53
Apaxishacker_kid: most likely youll want some type of a library, or a script03:53
vimpulseJorgeJorgesson:  what local problem?03:53
chuck_everyone looking for cpu info right click on upper panel add tp panel cpu freq monitor03:53
hacker_kidApaxis, it cant integrate into the existing system03:53
mpontillohacker_kid: correct; I'd just change directory to /sys/devices/system/cpu and start looking around; all the info you ever imagined should be at your fingertips ;)03:53
JorgeJorgessonvimpulse: grey apps03:54
superboyis it posiible to format a hidden cpoy-write partition?03:54
divxclubI need help installing ATI drivers for 4870x2 (R700) on 9.04. Tried all "normal" ways resulting in corrupted screen ( i have youtube video of it) can anyone please help. Thank you in advance.03:54
=== Jobias is now known as jobias1
hacker_kidApaxis, i was looking for a library but didnt find one. so reading the files myself shouldnt be too hard03:54
n2diyWho do I bitch to this about? This afternoon I ran my updates, and all my system sounds stopped working, except for my unixcw app. I triple checked my settings, and they seemed correct, but to be sure, I tried every option available, to no avail. Hovering the mouse over the panel speaker icon showed the volume was at 100%, and right clicking on it, gave me the option to mute, so I assumed nothing was muted. But, when I finally righ03:54
n2diyt clicked on the icon, opend and opened the volume control, all the settings were muted. Four hours down the drain due to a dysfunctional panel applet!03:54
hacker_kidmpontillo, thank you :)03:54
coz_abcminiuser,  http://wireless.kernel.org/en/developers/Documentation/git-guide03:54
Apaxishacker_kid: well gkrellm and all those cpu monitor apps are open source, if all else fails you can check their source code03:54
Guest46283no one knows where i can download tuxcube?03:54
coz_abcminiuser,  sorry the command is git clone  my fault03:54
badfish69jaunty refuses to detect my 360 controller03:55
ketch1any wireless grurus on?03:55
badfish69it worked fine in hardy03:55
jonaskoelkerwhich release does kernel 2.6.24 "come from"?03:55
mattwj2002hi guys03:55
mattwj2002I think I found my answer!03:55
hacker_kidApaxis, yes but the existing systems are in python and i would like to make one clean system not patch together with something else :)03:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about baz03:55
abcminiusercoz_: thanks, will try03:55
briscoelakeI just did some digging and found that the card I put in is a WMP11 from linksys03:55
coz_abcminiuser,   also here  http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download03:55
Alex_21How do I connect to an encrypted AFP machine or just regular AFP machine for that matter using Command-Line?03:55
Apaxishacker_kid: what do you mean? you cant get the filename from another source file and make your own python program from that?03:55
Stravn2diy: launchpad.net is the bitching place, but try not to be a bitch ;)03:55
Alex_21I have Apple servers to connect to here03:55
mibhi vimpulse03:55
coz_abcminiuser,  you want to read through both links before atempting this by the way :)03:55
chuck_hacker_kid for cpu info right click on upper panel add tp panel cpu freq monitor03:55
superboywhats a good software to buuuuuuurn iso03:55
mibim back03:55
mibon anothe rpc03:56
Apaxisi dont understand how the source cant help you03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wintv03:56
hacker_kidApaxis, sorry i misunderstood you :)03:56
Apaxisno prob03:56
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto03:56
xanguasuperboy: in gnome> brasero, in kde> k3b03:56
hacker_kidchuck_, this needs to be used in a script, not for human readouts03:56
Stravto be a bitch, see ulrich from glibc :)03:56
vimpulsemib:  please prefix every single line you say to me with "vimpulse: " else I can miss it forever maybe.03:56
Apaxisim just giving you a last resort option, i have no clue and it seems nobody else does either03:56
superboythanks xanguuuuua03:56
mibvimpulse, ok03:56
abcminiusercoz_: will do, thanks heaps03:56
mibvimpulse, im now in live cd mode03:57
Alex_21NO AFP people on?03:57
ketch1Does wireless work on U8.10, HP laptop, AMD64?03:57
mattwj2002anyone else have a wintv-hvr-850?03:57
abcminiuserIncidentally, what kernel version does 9.04 use?03:57
fryguyketch1: probably03:57
mattwj2002I think I found the solution03:57
johnb003hi, I'm planning to write some device drivers for a cable STB for windows.  I believe the device is supported in linux already, is anyone here familiar with the DCT 1600 set top box (firewire) device?03:57
RedSocratesabcminiuser: 2.6.2803:57
johnb003sorry not 160003:57
vimpulsemib:  you said "on another pc".  what do you mean?03:57
Stravketch1: lspci to see what wireless card you have... then search if it's supported (most likely yes)03:57
fryguyjohnb003: it's a firewire block device, no "drivers" necessary03:57
ketch1thank you fryguy.   Can you help me get it to work?03:58
badfish69jaunty won't detect my usb controller03:58
mibvimpulse, im now login into another pc for the chat.03:58
fryguyketch1: is it listed in ifconfig03:58
coleysWhhhhat uppp.. :)03:58
johnb003fryguy: ahh...03:58
chuck_hacker_kid you want a app to enable freq scaling on a scalable cpu correct03:58
ketch1Strav, Broadcom 431103:58
n2diyStrav: Thanks, I'm happy to have a mission critical demo box playing Pandora radio again, but miffed it cost me an afternoon to do it. I'll chill before going to launchpad.03:58
vimpulsemib:  go over to your first PC and log into chat from there03:58
johnb003fryguy: but I might still benefit from seeing what signals are sent to the device? I have no idea how it's supported from linux at the moment.03:58
mibvimpulse, ive to set everything..coz now i dont even have mounted to /media/storage anymore03:59
hacker_kidchuck_, negative. i want an app to read the max freq and current processor consumption, as well as other stats regarding memory and network activity03:59
badfish69also, i can't use my second x screen in jaunty03:59
coleysIs there anything better then gedit? That someone would suggest?03:59
fryguybadfish69: so configure it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:59
Stravketch1: google for it, broadcom 4311 ubuntu. you'lll most likely find some instructions for it.03:59
vimpulsecoleys:  it depends what your needs and preferences are03:59
Alex_21Use VIM instead of Gedit03:59
superboyis there any online shoter games for ubuntuuuu?03:59
=== raiden is now known as Guest59567
hacker_kidcoleys, vim03:59
fryguycoleys: there's a lot of text editors available for linux, check out vim03:59
ketch1in system>admin>hardware drivers it's got a "green" light03:59
badfish69i have a desktop there03:59
badfish69an applications menu, a places menu, a system menu03:59
vimpulsemib:  that's ok, just go to the your datalost PC then run xchat03:59
badfish69but when i try to open anything, it pops up on my first screen03:59
n2diycoleys: what do you plan on editing?03:59
fryguyketch1: is it listed in ifconfig03:59
coleysThanks guys, just wanted to see what the majority liked, usually a good one when that happens =p04:00
vimpulsemib:  then log into IRC04:00
* abcminiuser proclaims coz_ a ledgend04:00
* abcminiuser can't spell :P04:00
coleysn2diy: Uhh... Just regular editing.. not like programming or anything.04:00
badfish69i have the same setup i did in hardy and it worked04:00
vimpulsecoleys:  then vim is probably wrong for you.04:00
fryguybadfish69: a lot of things change between versions04:00
Alex_21Oops, then forget VIM and use Openoffice.org Writer or Gedit04:00
fryguybadfish69: "it worked in hardy" is hardly a guarantee04:00
n2diycoleys: abiword is a light weight editor, with a straight forward UI.04:00
fryguycoleys: i still recommend vim for all text editing04:01
TopBunny88coleys: I use nano, pico and ed04:01
mi1vimpulse:im back04:01
Alex_21Anyone here know AFP04:01
mattgyverIn Nautilus i cannot browse the contents of my laptop over the network until i restart the samba daemon on the laptop.  Does anyone know how i can fix this?04:01
chuck_hacker_kid ok sorry my mistake system monitor does all that04:01
coleyscoleys: nano is tighttt.04:01
cfeddeI kinda like using google docs for plain old editing projects.04:01
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fryguyAlex_21: the apple analog of samba? sure04:01
Stravketch1: then you have a proprietary driver for it. as fryguy said, if you have it listed in ifconfig then it's working.04:01
abcminiusernano sucks :P04:01
RichiVUmmm hi i need to scan for my wireless broadcom driver, but it cant detect it04:01
badfish69so how do i configure x to allow programs to open on my second screen instead of going over to the first?04:01
abcminiuserVIM if you have to edit in the terminal, gedit/kate otherwise04:01
hacker_kidchuck_, nps, im probably going to have to read the files manually but i cant find all the stats04:01
vimpulsemi1:  (sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs build-essential -yq) ; meanwhile, download and compile ext3grep yourself04:01
RichiVi need to enable it so i can connect wirelessly04:01
superboyif i dont have a dvd to burn the iso couuuuld i uuse the burn cd image in a regular cd to boot uuubuntu?04:01
JorgeJorgessonvimpulse: ok, I shall hang out here for awhile04:01
TopBunny88mattgyver: What os is the laptop runnin and what os is your client running04:01
fryguyRichiV: is it actually supported?04:02
mattgyverTopBunny88, both ubuntu 9.0404:02
ketch1fryguy, doesn't look like it.  Have never had wireless since Breezy on this machine04:02
fryguysuperboy: ubuntu is a cd, not a dvd04:02
mattgyverDesktop works without a problem, laptop, problem.04:02
RichiVfryguy: yes it is.... i crashed ubuntu and it worked b404:02
Alex_21How do I connect to my AFP share from Ubuntu Command-Line?04:02
mi1vimpulse, you menaan i reinstall the ext3grep on /media/disk this time since no storage is mounted now/04:02
vimpulsemi1:  yes04:02
RichiVfryguy: i had to reinstall ubuntu04:02
TopBunny88!NFS | mattgyver04:02
ubottumattgyver: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:02
vimpulseJorgeJorgesson:  don't wait for me, just ask everyone else here for help with your grey apps04:02
fryguyRichiV: so take a look at the ubuntu wiki for directions on how to enable your specific broadcom card04:02
mi1vimpulse: among the error i seen is Err http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main Packages04:03
mi1  404 Not Found04:03
mi1Err http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages04:03
mi1  404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:03
FloodBot3mi1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
fryguyketch1: pastebin the output of ifconfig04:03
Alex_21fryguy>: How do I connect to my AFP share from Ubuntu Command-Line?04:03
neoteny999and i thought ubuntu changed a lot.  kubuntu really changed04:03
fryguyAlex_21: no idea04:03
RichiVFryguy: iVe done it b4 by going to system -> admin -> Hardware drivers, but this time it doesnt show up04:03
fryguyAlex_21: mount -t afp probably04:03
Alex_21fryguy: :( I need to figure this out. Google isn't helping04:03
michael_greetings all... I have a question about my new ubuntu 9.04 installation04:03
TopBunny88!afp | Alex_2104:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about afp04:03
fryguyRichiV: same version of ubuntu?04:03
fryguy!ask | michael_04:04
ubottumichael_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:04
TopBunny88!fuse | Alex_2104:04
ubottuAlex_21: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems04:04
vimpulsemichael_:  please try to say "hello" and your question all on one line.04:04
RichiVfryguy: yes same version 9.04 jaunty04:04
bingungajacan anyone help me why my ubuntu 9.04 always freeze ?04:04
ketch1eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0f:b0:f5:bb:a704:04
ketch1          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
ketch1          inet6 addr: fe80::20f:b0ff:fef5:bba7/64 Scope:Link04:04
ketch1          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:104:04
ketch1          RX packets:2900517 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:004:04
FloodBot3ketch1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
ketch1          TX packets:2047166 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:004:04
coz_bingungaja,  which video card are you using?04:04
fryguybingungaja: it doesn't for the majority of users, next time it freezes grab ps aux, or top, or when you reboot take a look at the syslog, or hit ctrl-alt-f2 and see if you can get a terminal up and investigate04:04
michael_new install, ubuntu 9.04. After selecting ubuntu from the GRUB menu, the screen goes all blurry/zigzag while ubuntu loads, then the login screen appears.  once the login screen appears, everything is ok04:05
bingungajacoz_ : geforce 730004:05
mattgyverTopBunny88, i dont think its related to NFS, if you do get a moment you can read the full details of my issue here > http://tinyurl.com/mt83smb04:05
RichiVfryguy: im trying an update maybe thats why04:05
ketch1that went well04:05
Alex_21Thanks for your help04:05
coz_bingungaja,  do you know which driver version you are using?04:05
Alex_21Good night04:05
fryguymichael_: did it do the same thing when you booted the live cd?04:05
RichiVfryguy: i think i gotta update rite after install04:05
bingungajafryguy: sorry i  don't understand, it always freeze after some period when i'm using my pc04:05
michael_fryguy, no, everything worked ok when i installed it.04:05
bingungajacoz_: unfortunately i don't, i just install the driver ubuntu offer me04:06
superboyin settings in k3b do i choose simulate and verify writin data?04:06
Stravketch1: try finding a pastebin then paste the links here. And perhaps you should try ifconfig -a (it should list every available interfaces not only the ones that are up)04:06
bingungajacoz_: any solution ?04:06
coz_bingungaja,  ok in terminal   glxinfo | grep version04:06
mi1vimpulse: still has e2fslibs-dev error04:06
bingungajacoz_: wait a sec04:06
ketch1strav, what is a pastebin04:06
Guest86788Hi, I'm looking for an applet to add a search input in the ubuntu's task bar. Where could i find one?04:06
coz_bingungaja, I just need the actual nvidia versioni number04:06
mi1vimpulse, should i bother to install them?>04:06
vimpulsemi1:  did (sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs build-essential -yq) work fine?04:07
superboyin settings in k3b do i choose simulate and verify writin data?04:07
fryguysuperboy: choose them if you want to do them04:07
bingungajacoz_: 2.1.2 nvidia 180.4404:07
mi1vimpulse:except some links ignore,else its smooth04:07
coz_!pastebin | ketch104:07
ubottuketch1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:07
Stravketch1: it's a place where you can paste junk copy-paste stuff for other people to see and comment04:07
RichiVeh just a question.... why is it that dls in Ubuntu are faster than windows?04:07
Stravtry pastebin.ca04:07
n2diysuperboy: depends on what you are trying to do?04:07
vimpulsemi1:  a google search for [ e2fslibs-dev ubuntu ] shows me you should install that too.04:07
coz_bingungaja,  ok 180.44  the one offered by ubuntu in hardware drivers04:07
fryguyRichiV: shouldn't be04:07
RichiVbecaue in windows i get 75kbps04:08
coz_bingungaja,  are you running compiz with this?04:08
mpontilloketch1: it might also be useful to pastebin the output of "nm-tool" while you're at it04:08
RichiVbut in ubuntu i get 1.5MBps04:08
superboyin settings in k3b do i choose simulate and verify writin data?04:08
FloodBot3hi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
fryguyRichiV: sounds like you got a misconfigured network stack (or malware of some sort), in the windows install04:08
hidpkg 老是出错04:08
=== hi is now known as Guest66292
RichiVouch i geuss well i only use windows for gaming04:08
RichiVive had troubles with wine04:08
bingungajacoz_: hmmm not sure, but i do use the third alternative offered (the highest level), know what i mean ?04:08
vimpulseGuest66292:  cn_CN?  jp_JP?  kr_KR?04:08
coz_bingungaja,  in terminal      ps ax | grep compiz04:08
mi1vimpulse: in order to apt-get install, in livecd, what should be the password for root04:08
CoasterMasterIs it ok to ask how to play my iTunes purchases in Ubuntu? (and if it is ok, then how do I do it?)04:08
michael_Richie, check your TCP window in windows, google for an app to check it04:09
mpontillo!cn | hi04:09
mattgyversuperboy, you can if you want.  It will just make sure that the burn would be successful before physically burning.04:09
ubottuhi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:09
fryguymi1: use sudo04:09
subcool_Lil help- my stupid box boots in like 300x400 res..04:09
TopBunny88RichiV: Have you tried Crossoveroffice04:09
subcool_the screen is too small for me to do anything. How do i fix it?04:09
michael_fryguy, thoughts on my issue?04:09
RichiVtopbunny88: what is crossoveroffice for?04:09
subcool_can i set the res on boot or something?04:09
fryguysubcool_: change the resolution in the administration menu, or add the resolution line by hand to /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:09
fryguymichael_: nope04:09
mi1vimpulse,fryguy: it has Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/e2fsprogs/comerr-dev_2.1-1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-2ubuntu1_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:09
vimpulsemi1:  wait.  You said you installed (sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs build-essential -yq) fine.  What happened?04:10
bingungajacoz_: then ?04:10
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out04:10
fryguymi1: what exactly are you trying to do and why04:10
mi1vimpulse, it is fine for the ntfsprogs but not the e2fs.04:10
vulnHi. I would like to all the softwares I install through apt-get were installed in a dir pre-defined (like my /home/files). How can I do that?04:10
coz_bingungaja, just tell me the command that starts with compiz.real  after that ps ax command04:10
fryguyvuln: you don't04:10
TopBunny88RichiV: Cross overoffice allows you to run windows apllication in Linux04:10
vulnfryguy: There's no way to do that?04:10
fryguyvuln: no04:11
vuln'Cause my / has less than 500mb, but my home (another partition) has 2 gb04:11
ketch1here is the pastebin for ifconfig -a  located at:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/166470/04:11
bingungajacoz_: 0:07 /usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore-desktop-hints --replace --sm-client-id 10acc7c3f14f95dac7124175171934973600000030870019 --loose-binding core ccp04:11
mi1vimpulse, i have e2fslibs but not e2fslibs-dev04:11
coz_bingungaja,  if you highlight a command or any text here.but in this case a command  and then simply middle click inside the terminal window it will paste04:11
RichiVTopBunny88: I take it its better than wine?04:11
vimpulsemi1:  please answer my question04:11
RichiVi wanna play games04:11
vimpulsempontillo:  what language was "hi" speaking?  all I saw was squares with circles inside04:11
n2diyvuln: the system already does that for you, locate *.deb should give you an idea where they are.04:11
coz_bingungaja,  are you using gnome or kde?04:11
fryguyvuln: apt is meant for system maintenance, not individual program maintenance04:11
vimpulseRichiV:  it depends.  What games?04:11
RichiVvinpulse: guild wars04:11
radicalvuln, that's not how linux works.  I believe you can do that if you install from source, I think you can specify directory though.04:11
vulnfryguy: thanks anyway04:12
bingungajacoz_: gnome i guess, just fresh install ubuntu 9.0404:12
mi1vimpulse:sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs build-essential -yq works fine04:12
coz_bingungaja,  open a fresh terminal and type   metacity --replace & disown04:12
mpontillovimpulse: it was clearly Chinese for me; maybe you don't have those fonts installed?04:12
CycIm trying to use gawk to search through a html file to find all links within <a and <img tags. I've managed to print off all lines that have <a and img tags in. But how can I get just the url from the line? Any help greatly appreciated04:12
fryguyvuln: just compile from source if you want to bypass the debian way of doing things04:12
vimpulsempontillo:  I don't.04:12
fryguyCyc: wrong channel04:12
vimpulsemi1:  so why are you asking me about a root password?04:12
coz_bingungaja,  then I want you to highlight this next command and middle click inside the terminal window to get it right ok?04:12
fryguyCyc: try #linux (also gawk is probably the wrong tool for that)04:12
Cycthanks fryguy04:12
coz_bingungaja,     compiz.real --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp --loose-binding & disown04:12
sulo_seppaWhy isn't there some very simple frontend design that is promoted by ubuntu to where a normal user could design an application, and just comment on what it does and what buttons do, and they can upload and rate. Then developers could use this to create a backend for it.04:13
mi1vimpulse, its fine with the password, now the problem is the e2fslib-dev04:13
coz_bingungaja,  tell if things pick up after that command04:13
TopBunny88RichiV: It is infact better than wine because is support several more applications than wine04:13
vimpulsemi1:  what is the problem with that?04:13
Stravketch1: have you rebooted since you installed your wireless driver?04:13
fryguysulo_seppa: because doing that is extraordinarily difficult04:13
ketch1and here is the pastebin for nm-tool  http://paste.ubuntu.com/166473/04:13
mi1vimpulse: see this http://pastebin.com/d292b4b8804:13
RichiVTopBunny88: tis called Cross over office?04:13
subcool_fryguy: I am booting off the CD- i just opened the file, but i dont see where i can set the Res.04:13
AdemanI'm looking at the lenovo SL-400 (it seems pretty good, but I actually got one around christmas time and it was DOA... so I'm not sure if I'd recommend it, but I'm gonna give it one more chance) anyways: http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUILibrary/controller/e/web/LenovoPortal/en_US/systemconfig.runtime.workflow:LoadRuntimeTree?sb=:00000025:000019C9:&smid=3D30F7A2971B44DB9D15A7051B04CC0E    (hopefully that will be viewable)   it shows thr04:14
Ademanee different wifi cards available, apparently the Intel Wifi link 5100 works with newer kernels, does anyone know about the base wifi card they offer? (i'm poor...)04:14
bingungajacoz_:  wait a sec04:14
vimpulsemi1:  why were you asking about root passwords?04:14
roy_hobbsDoes anyone know of a VLC hotkey to reset playback to 1.00 speed?04:14
fryguysubcool_: if you are editing the file you'll need to read the manpage for specific syntax, just go through the administration menu or use xrandr04:14
coz_bingungaja,  ok04:14
vimpulseroy_hobbs:  no but ask in #videolan04:14
roy_hobbsi did, not much help there04:14
RichiVtopbunny88:there are no matching apps in the add/remove04:14
mi1vimpulse, previously my mistakes, i should use sudo which fryguy clarified04:14
TopBunny88RichiV: google for codeveavers  and ti should be the first LINK ON THE GOOGLE RESULTS PAGE04:14
roy_hobbsbeen waiting for abotu 45 minutes for an answer04:14
Stravketch1: ok, you can try: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:14
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out04:14
sulo_seppafryguy: Explain. I couldn't see how it could be that difficult. The most important software would be what the community rates the highest/most04:14
bingungajacoz_: several times flashing in my monitor, now the terminal freeze, but others not04:15
cgkadescrossover is cool, but costs $$$$04:15
RichiVmy buuntu is running real slow04:15
RichiVidk why04:15
coz_bingungaja,  still freezing with that command?04:15
ketch1Strav, I've not had wireless on this HP laptop AMD64 since Breezy.  yes I've rebooted quite a few times04:15
fryguysulo_seppa: generating requirements from a mockup created by a nontechnical user is extremely hard04:15
ubottuIVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy04:15
bingungajacoz_: hendri@hendri-desktop:~$ compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format04:15
mi1vimpulse:other way i could install the 2efslibs-dev?04:15
coz_bingungaja,  thats fine its not important actually04:16
vimpulsemi1:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install e2fslibs-dev -yq04:16
mpontilloketch1: your nm-tool output is saying that network manager is not managing your connections. do you have the networking icon in the upper right? if so, if you right click it, does it say it's enabled?04:16
ketch1Strav,  the wireless light just went on!04:16
vimpulsemi1:  then pastebin results04:16
sulo_seppafryguy: I've been doing it with kde for quite some time, and the most important part is it would focus developers on what the community finds to be the most important.04:16
coz_bingungaja,  is compiz running?04:16
ubuntuhi is there any way i can view ext4 partition fromm 8.10 livecd? i am having grub error 22 and I don't have 9.04 livecd.04:16
vimpulseMOZZMOZZ:  welcome.  May I suggest you lowercase your nick?04:16
fryguyubuntu: no04:16
TopBunny88coz_: Please use pastebin for collaborative debugging purpopses04:16
bingungajacoz_: sorry newbie here, how can i check is compiz running04:16
TopBunny88!pastebin | coz04:16
ubottucoz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:16
RichiVtopbunny88: crossover office costs money?04:16
fryguybingungaja: use ps04:16
fryguyRichiV: it does04:17
coz_bingungaja, well  are your windows wobbly?04:17
Patriquehi, can we add a google search input on the ubuntu's taskbar like with windows'?04:17
RichiVtopbunny88: i'm sorry but i do not have the money for that XD04:17
mattgyverIt seems samba might not be making a connection on boot my log.smbd shows this error 'ERROR: Could not determine network interfaces, you must use a interfaces config line' how can i fix this04:17
bingungajacoz_: yes, but from the first time i choose the third alternatives , the windows wobbly when i move it04:17
Stravketch1: ok. if after ifconfig wlan0 up you can see a block starting with wlan0 after soley typing ifconfig, try iwlist wlan0 scan ... this should give you a list of access points if wireless is properly working (and that you have available ap nearby)04:17
vimpulsemi1:  you said sudo aptitude update worked fine.  It did not.  :)04:17
coz_bingungaja,  are things still freezing?04:17
fryguymattgyver: add the appropriate directive to smb.conf, ask in #samba04:17
vimpulsemi1:  please go to http://www.google.com -- what do you see?04:17
mi1vimpulse: yeah.seems something is broken04:17
RichiVis it possible to get crossover at  like office max?04:17
eseven73what would be a find/search command so I could find a word in a .html file in /var/www/wordpress/  ?04:18
fryguyRichiV: no04:18
mi1vimpulse: google webpage04:18
coz_RichiH,  you can download the lameduck version which is free04:18
bingungajacoz_: so far so good, no freezing, will it stay this way ? :) is there any problem from what you'd aready seen from my pc ?04:18
ketch1mpontillo,  network settings comes up greyed out.  But there is a check on wireless and on wired connections.  I'm on wire as we speak04:18
fryguyeseven73: fin /var/www/wordpress -name *.html -exec grep BLAH {} \;04:18
fryguyeseven73: find not fin*04:18
mattgyverfryguy, i did, no response.  Do you mean by directive the interfaces line its speaking of?04:18
vimpulsemi1:  go to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/e2fsprogs/comerr-dev_2.1-1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-2ubuntu1_i386.deb04:18
RichiVfryguy: ok thnx bc i dont realy wanna by stuff online... not my thing04:18
coz_bingungaja,  I think compiz was not starting correctly especially for an nvidia card04:18
RichiVfryguy: well my parents04:18
eseven73fryguy, ok ty04:18
TopBunny88RichiV: Check linuxquestions.org and hile you are there you may as well sign up for a free account btw my lq username is NewBirth9904:18
coz_bingungaja,   what you may want to do is install fusion-icon04:18
TopBunny88RichiV: Check linuxquestions.org and hile you are there you may as well sign up for a free account btw my lq username is NewBirth9904:18
fryguymattgyver: yes04:18
mi1vimpulse: 404 Not found04:18
TopBunny88RichiV: Check linuxquestions.org and hile you are there you may as well sign up for a free account btw my lq username is NewBirth8804:18
subcool_fryguy: i just did "xrandr --output VGA --mode 1024x768" nothing04:19
FloodBot3TopBunny88: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
fryguysubcool_: what driver are you using04:19
vimpulsemi1:  odd.04:19
subcool_fryguy: idk04:19
mi1vimpulse: you could access that??04:19
RichiVtopbunny88: what do i need to sign up for?04:19
bingungajacoz_: i just install fusion-icon, then restart and no freezing issue anymore ?04:19
vimpulseRichiV:  go to http://appdb.winehq.org/ - what is the rating for guild wars?04:19
mattgyverfryguy, each time i do after a restart ubuntu fails to boot.  thanks for the info though.04:19
fryguysubcool_: check Xorg.log and find out04:19
vimpulsemi1:  i couldn't either.04:19
coz_bingungaja,   if you do that the command to start compiz will be fusion-icon04:19
coz_bingungaja,  you can set that in the startup applications04:19
RichiVtis under the top 10 plat list04:20
coz_bingungaja,  if you want compiz to start at boot other wise the you can start it manualy under applicatioins/system tools04:20
subcool_fryguy: there is no xorg.log04:20
fryguysubcool_: there is04:20
fryguysubcool_: it's in /var/log04:20
subcool_not in /etc/X11/04:20
coz_bingungaja,  also ,,, if you havent already.... sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager04:20
fryguysubcool_: where every other system log is...04:20
bingungajacoz_: wait a sec04:20
Stravketch1: if you have problems using network manager pehaps you can try wicd, it a little less intuitive but I'd say more powerfull and reliable.04:20
eseven73fryguy, I get a "find: paths must precede expression" error on that find command04:21
RichiVyes ok i got my wireless working now just needed to update system04:21
vimpulseRichiV:  then you don't need crossover, just use wine.04:21
RichiVthought so04:21
RichiVthnx guys04:21
vimpulseRichiV:  welcome04:21
fryguyeseven73: try find /var/www/wordpress -name *.html | xargs grep BLAH04:21
coz_RichiH, `there isnt really much better with crossover office excep tit has a nice gui like crossover games04:22
mi1vimpulse: what settings that i missed out?04:22
eseven73fryguy, same error04:22
ketch1Strav, I found a block with wlan0.  Then entered iwlist wlan0 scan.  The return was: No scan results04:22
vimpulsedear all:  why is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/e2fsprogs/comerr-dev_2.1-1.39+1.40-WIP-2006.11.14+dfsg-2ubuntu1_i386.deb missing from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/e2fsprogs/ ?  Is it because there's a plus sign in the file name?04:22
fryguyeseven73: no idea, works for me04:22
subcool_fryguy: i have no clue.. where would it be in this file- im in Xorg.0.log there is alot of stuff. an di have a small window04:23
mpontilloketch1: in /etc/network/interfaces, do you see more that just references to the "lo" interface?04:23
fryguysubcool_: just search for driver04:23
jimisrvroxhey guys I love my firefox and I think maybe ubuntu has something to do with it but im running a 1.4ghz cpu with 512mb of ram and FF especially is being very cpu intensive for the most part so im wondering if lightening up the OS would help FF lots or just replacing FF with a diff browser?04:23
subcool_fryguy: s304:24
badfish69i have 2 x screens set up with the properietary nvidia driver, but if i try to open anything on the second screen, it just opens on the first04:24
mzzjimisrvrox: check ram (and swap) and cpu usage in system monitor or top or something04:24
ketch1Strav, I typed wicd and it returned: command not found04:24
Stravketch1: is there any access points/routers nearby?04:24
ludditemy keyboard and mouse do not register the first key or click on any window/entry/input etc. its very annoying.04:24
fryguysubcool_: if you scroll through the file it'll show you supported modes for the driver, see if the resolution you want to use is listed04:24
mzzjimisrvrox: also considering blocking flash if you aren't already (flash is a bit of a cpu hog)04:24
coz_badfish69, right tha tis the way nvidia is suppose to work howver you can disable that in the xorg.conf04:24
Stravketch1: wicd is not installed by default... you should have it on intrepid repositories.04:24
jimisrvroxmzz: I am watching it in sys mon04:24
fryguybadfish69: so configure a window manager so that windows open how you want to04:25
fryguybadfish69: or just drag the window over to the correct display04:25
jimisrvroxmzz: prob is I like to have like 10 or so tabs open at once04:25
Stravapt-get install wicd (but be carefull it's gonna ask you to remove network-manager)04:25
ketch1Strav, yes.  this machine is plugged  into a linksys.  My wife's windoz machine uses it wirelessly04:25
n2diyjimisrvrox: Firefox has memory leaks, google on that for a fix. Or you could try Opera, or Ephinany.04:25
jasonmchristosyo, can I put ubuntu server on a dvd?04:25
peregrine81soooo I'm back from trying to restart X04:25
fryguyjasonmchristos: sure04:25
mzzjimisrvrox: it is likely the background applications you're running are using almost no cpu while you're not using them, so if any slowness you experience is purely cpu-bound killing them won't help04:25
jimisrvroxn2diy: even FF3?04:25
mi1vimpulse: let me know if you know any updates04:25
mzzjimisrvrox: if you're running out of ram (swap is being used) killing them may help04:25
coz_badfish69, if you want to try the other way   open your /etc/X11/xorg.conf for editing04:25
jasonmchristosis there a dvd image?04:25
h00kso, I changed my hostname, and whenever I sudo, bash is giving me "sudo: unable to resolve host echo"04:25
ubuntuhi is there a utility or a package that i can install into ubuntu 8.10 livecd so it can ext4 partition?04:25
fryguyjasonmchristos: no an official one04:25
vimpulsemi1:  try "aptitude update" in verbose mode.  I don't know how to make it do verbose mode though.04:26
vimpulseh00k:  try rebooting04:26
fryguyjasonmchristos: that i know of04:26
h00kvimpulse, I have04:26
fryguyjasonmchristos: just burn the cd image to the dvd04:26
Pici!hostname | h00k04:26
vimpulseubuntu:  change your nickname, then re-ask04:26
ubottuh00k: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab04:26
mzzjimisrvrox: "firefox has memory leaks" is fud.04:26
jasonmchristosfryguy: what's a good one to get?04:26
jimisrvroxmzz: im sure youre right about that and being a linux n00b and not knowing the linux task manager I wouldnt be versed on which apps to kill04:26
Stravketch1: can you paste the results of iwconfig in  the pastebin?04:26
fryguyjasonmchristos: the official cd image04:26
vimpulseh00k:  then I don't know.  can anyone help h00k?04:26
peregrine81I still have no notification and, no clock, no NM(eventhough it works) nothing in the notification window coz_04:26
mzzjimisrvrox: yeah, I'm not really suggesting just killing them there. "kill" was the wrong word to use, sorry.04:26
jimisrvroxmzz: hehe04:26
jasonmchristosfryguy: how do I do cloud computing is it also on 8.04 or just 9.04?04:26
Picih00k: You'll need to make sure those two files match.  Probably from a live-cd or single user recovery mode.04:26
fryguy!reset-panels | peregrine8104:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reset-panels04:26
coz_peregrine81,  for fusion-icon?04:26
peregrine81coz_ errors still shows up04:26
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  what is cloud computing?04:26
coz_peregrine81, ok04:26
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:26
fryguyjasonmchristos: what?04:26
mzzjimisrvrox: sort the processes list by memory usage and see what floats to the top. Then try to figure out if you can shut it down cleanly.04:27
jasonmchristosfryguy: I have downloaded both official images via bittorrent04:27
peregrine81coz_ the gdm would fail on start04:27
coz_peregrine81,  oh man04:27
chuck_jimisrvrox: install firefox add on noflash and see if performance improves04:27
fryguyjasonmchristos: cloud computing is a conceptual model, what are you specifically referring to?04:27
n2diyjimisrvrox: don't know about FF3? All I know is I got tired of killing firefox every morning, so I switched to Xubuntu, and it did the same thing. So I found the fix that limits how much memory FF can use, and that helped, somewhat.04:27
subcool_fryguy: it doesnt say muc, but than again.. im trying to read this 3 lines at a time. And i have no side scroll.  i dont see anything that resembles a resolution04:27
peregrine81coz_ when I did the restart it would fail. But when I reboot it works04:27
coz_peregrine81,  ok I am puzzled then  .04:27
fryguysubcool_: so ctrl-alt-f2 and read it in a standard terminal04:27
jasonmchristosfryguy: the offical website highlights it on the ubuntu server page04:27
coz_peregrine81,  I am also tired so I better let someone else take over with this04:27
peregrine81coz_ best solution is to reinstall I suppose. sigh04:27
h00kvimpulse, Pici, I had forgotten /etc/hosts, thanks04:28
fryguyjasonmchristos: like i said, it's a generic computing model, what specifically are you referring to?04:28
vimpulsen2diy:  try seamonkey or epiphany or opera instead?04:28
jasonmchristosfryguy: it even says that ubuntu will help businesses migrate to it04:28
ketch1Strav, iwconfig pastebin:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/166479/04:28
felixsullaAnyone know when Opera is going to be bundled for 9.04?04:28
fryguyfelixsulla: never04:28
subcool_fryguy: i just did a search for 400, and found the 400 res that im viewing. Meanwhile it says it is not usingg it.04:28
maxagazis there a command to run in a terminal that would configure me an optimal resolution with my nvidia card ?04:28
jimisrvroxn2diy: well what really sucks is id love to just run like LXDE instead of gnome and have that fix the shit but I think its a FF problem and not to mention that I am loading like 10 tabs at once04:28
coz_peregrine81,  well that is a last resort for one big reason... troubleshooting this and finding a solution is a great learning experience  but yeah I have reinstalled after hours of frustration before :)04:28
mi1vimpulse: i changed the server location but still has same problem04:28
h00kmaxagaz, sudo nvidia-xconfigure04:28
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  you should take a linux administration course before you ask us about cloud computing.04:28
felixsullafryguy: Do they not make a build for every Ubuntu version?04:28
n2diyvimpulse: yes, except for seamonkey, didn't like the others, but I keep them handy for when I get annoyed with FF.04:29
vimpulsemi1:  try "aptitude update" in verbose mode.  I don't know how to make it do verbose mode though.  But learn, then do it.04:29
chuck_jimisrvrox: sorry it should be flashblock04:29
fryguyfelixsulla: they probably do04:29
vimpulseubuntu:  change your nickname, then re-ask04:29
mzzjimisrvrox: how much memory *is* firefox using while it's slow, and is any swap used?04:29
ubuntuvimpulse: sorry to ask this. how?:)04:29
jimisrvroxlet me run a real-time on that and I'll let you know..04:29
fryguyubuntu: use /nick to change your name04:29
vimpulseubuntu:  like this:  /nick yournick04:29
peregrine81coz_ this is shitty. It always worked and now its just shit?04:29
=== ubuntu is now known as frustphil
peregrine81no new installed applications04:30
h00k!language | peregrine8104:30
ubottuperegrine81: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:30
frustphilvimpulse: thanks :)04:30
maxagazh00k, it didn't work, it take me back to a worse resolution04:30
n2diyjimisrvrox: well, limiting the memory usage of FF helped, I only have to kill it once a day now, compared to two or three times a day.04:30
felixsullafryguy: So any idea why they are never going to make a 9.04 build?04:30
peregrine81sorry ubottu04:30
frustphilhi is there a utility or a package that i can install into ubuntu 8.10 livecd so it can ext4 partition?04:30
vossfelix you can go get opera from the opera web site for 9.0404:30
vimpulsefrustphil:  better.  now read www.irchelp.org for 3 minutes, then come back here :)04:30
fryguyfelixsulla: they will eventually04:30
h00kmaxagaz, try the nvidia-settings application04:30
felixsullafryguy: So why did you say never?04:30
coz_peregrine81,  ok maybe a reinstall is called for... this is one of those situations when a  "house call"  would be nice :)04:30
fryguyfelixsulla: i said it will never be packaged or bundled with ubuntu, which is what i thought your initial query was04:30
jasonmchristosfryguy: Canonical provides businesses with the tools they need to adopt cloud-computing.04:30
jimisrvroxn2diy: damn thats bad!04:30
peregrine81this error has happened before04:30
felixsullafryguy: Oh, sorry, no. I just meant they make a version for each version it looks like, but 9.04 wasnt out yet.04:31
jimisrvroxn2diy: I will usually have to kill only once as is04:31
maxagazh00k, it didn't help too04:31
Stravketch1: it's strange that you don't get any result in scanning for access points. Could it be that your wireless network is broadcasting it's name has hidden? (normally you don't detect them on windows).04:31
jasonmchristosfryguy: I know what cloud computing is, how do you do it with ubuntu04:31
peregrine81coz_ some guy on redhat had this problem and he just had to delete things in his tmp04:31
fryguyjasonmchristos: so then contact canonical and negotiate a support contract to obtain that service04:31
peregrine81coz_ I did it but no change04:31
vimpulsefrustphil:  if you want bonus points, read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html too :)04:31
h00k!nvidia | maxagaz04:31
ubottumaxagaz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:31
fryguyjasonmchristos: the same way you should with any other operating system04:31
jasonmchristosfryguy: the question is it available on 8.04 as well as 9.0404:31
coz_peregrine81,  well this isnt red hat  so I am not surprised04:31
fryguyjasonmchristos: yes04:31
peregrine81coz_ but same error/issue04:31
n2diyjimisrvrox: I'm using vintage hardware, so the issue is exaggerated here.04:31
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  are you a sysadmin?04:31
jasonmchristosfryguy:  thank you for answereing. then , I think I will go with 8.04 for stability04:32
felixsullaCan anyone tell me commands to "reset" your wirelss if it goes down? Something similar to ipconfig /renew on the windows side?04:32
Stravanyhow, if you know your wireless network name, you can try: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid yournetworkname04:32
peregrine81coz_ why does linux enchant me by starting out perfect and then push me away. The best experience I've had on linux is when I used a live-cd permenantly for 2 years04:32
fryguyjasonmchristos: please refer to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing04:32
coz_peregrine81, ooo I understand04:32
jasonmchristosfryguy: the interesting thing is that they have a public cloud , exactly the idea I came up with about a year ago04:32
Crypric_Donkey!ifconfig | felixsulla04:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig04:32
h00k!eucalyptus | jasonmchristos04:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eucalyptus04:32
jasonmchristosfryguy:  If you want to use Ubuntu Server Edition on a public cloud then Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 is for you.04:33
coz_peregrine81,   however it will get better... make sure the cd you installed from has no errors   the live cd does have a cd check available04:33
ketch1Strav, I believe the linksys is set open.   I share it with a friend on his boat04:33
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
coz_peregrine81,  if it turns out to be corrupted then redownload the live cd and try again04:33
subcool_fryguy: im trying that force Xrandr command. Do i have to restart the gui when i do that?04:33
fryguysubcool_: no04:33
peregrine81coz_ yes but everything worked for the last two weeks04:33
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  are you a sysadmin?04:33
Stravketch1: to make thing easier, for a moment, you could turn off your network encryption. then try dhclient and you should be able to access your network.04:33
subcool_fryguy: well than xrandr isnt working04:33
jasonmchristosvimpulse: I am my own sysadmin04:33
coz_peregrine81,  oh!   what were you doing or installing  when this occurred?04:34
fryguysubcool_: or your video card (or monitor) is unable to produce that resolution/refresh rate04:34
frustphilvimpulse: do I have to read them? my question is valid.04:34
mzzperegrine81: I just got here, but does this problem also happen in a freshly created user account?04:34
jasonmchristosvimpulse: and the sys admin of a few individual clients04:34
subcool_fryguy: i use this video card often-04:34
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  you're asking awfully vague questions :)04:34
Picifrustphil: Just ask your question.04:34
vimpulsefrustphil:  no.  just ask.04:34
fryguysubcool_: or the driver you are using04:34
peregrine81coz_ nothing. I had been working on getting suspend to work all day. I changed a few things in my xorg.conf and got it to work sparatically04:34
vimpulsefrustphil:  if you asked, and waited 5 min, and nobody answered, then reask.04:34
=== Crypric_Donkey is now known as Cryptic_Donkey
frustphilIs there a utility or a package that i can install into ubuntu 8.10 livecd so it can ext4 partition?04:34
jasonmchristosvimpulse: no it wasn't very nague at all just the answers I was getting were vague NONE OF WHICH CAME FROM YOU04:34
fryguyfrustphil: like i answered you a while back, no04:35
coz_peregrine81, and did you try to comment out the c hanges in xorg.conf to see if they are the culprit??04:35
Picifrustphil: can *what* an ext4 partition?04:35
vimpulsefrustphil:  ext4 is too new.  Don't use it.04:35
frustphilPici..can read04:35
peregrine81coz_ I will try but I doubt it :)04:35
jasonmchristosvimpulse: I wouldn't dare ask you a programming question vim04:35
ketch1Strav, I don't think network encryption is on... pastebin of dhclient  http://paste.ubuntu.com/166482/04:35
subcool_I wish i had a pci express card04:35
sigger_how do I get java running (so I can run a java app from my browser04:35
subcool_what a pain04:35
coz_peregrine81, cant hurt  its part of the troubleshooting process :)04:35
fryguysigger_: install the java plugin04:35
Picifrustphil: If the ext4 parition was created without extents, then you will be able to read it.04:35
sigger_fryguy: ah thanks.  and how?04:36
fryguysigger_: using apt04:36
fryguysigger_: just apt-cache search for it04:36
jimisrvroxn2diy: alright well thats cool04:36
Picifrustphil: ext4 is backwards compatible (w/o extents) with ext3 and ext204:36
jasonmchristosvimpulse: see I have customer service skills that's why I will get linux on more computers than you while you just "code for food"04:36
vossWho still uses ext2?04:36
fryguyjasonmchristos: lol04:36
n2diyjimisrvrox: GL04:36
frustphilPici: how? I currently on a livecd 8.10. Performing grub commands won't work. My guess is that the 8.10 can't read ext4 partition..04:37
coz_ok  guys I am getting real tired here so I have to get to bed    peregrine81  hope this gets solved soon for you :)04:37
sigger_fryguy: unfortunately apt-cache search java returns about a billion progs/libs04:37
jasonmchristosvimpulse: I get that new money , what you get is that "trickle down effect" from me04:37
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  there is no competition for who can install ubuntu on the most PCs.  When people ask me what to use for home computing, I sometimes recommend Windows.04:37
ludditemy keyboard and mouse do not register the first key or click on any window/entry/input etc. its very annoying. any ways to fix this?04:37
subcool_fryguy: nvm- i got what i needed out of it- .. ill just boot in mac..04:37
subcool_fryguy: Thanks alot !!! :-)04:37
fryguysigger_: and 'apt-cache search java plugin' -- which is what i told you to install, returns far less than "a million"04:37
Picifrustphil: Are you trying to install grub on an ext4 parition? Because I don't believe  that even 9.04 supports that04:37
* subcool_ wonders y fryguy isnt an mod'04:37
jasonmchristosvimpulse: ok keep reccomending windows and giving microsoft 100 bucks while I pocket that and then some04:37
=== subcool_ is now known as subcool
fryguysubcool_: great04:37
Pici!offtopic | vimpulse04:37
ubottuvimpulse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:37
komputesPici: I thought ext4 could not be read by an 8.10 installation because ext4 is was not in that kernel04:38
sigger_fryguy: ah wth plugin prolly < 1,000,00004:38
jimisrvroxmzz: alright what im noticing is that cpu is constant at 100% Memory constant at 78-79% swap is constant 39% and what really bugs is network...on wireless using native drivers and it just jumps bad...from mere bytes to 100kb/s if im reallyi lucky loading 15 tabs at once..04:38
vimpulsemi1:  i have to go in not too long from now.04:38
fryguysubcool: i'm not a mod because i'm not affiliate with ubuntu in any way, don't really use it, and don't spend any of my development time on anything that is ubuntu-specific04:38
jasonmchristosvimpulse: my competition is with whose wallet is fatter,, want to play "big wallet little wallet"?04:38
mzzjimisrvrox: cpu constant at 100% is not normal. Is that all used by firefox? Does it drop if you kill a particular tab?04:38
frustphilPici: Actually I have a grub 22 error. My MBR is on a ext4 partition and I want my BIOS to point to somewhere else when booting...04:38
Stravketch1: your wired connection took precedence on the wireless... if in iwconfig you see that the essid parameter set to your network name then you could try unplugging the wire and try dhclient.04:38
subcoolfryguy: oh? whats ur thing?04:38
vimpulsejasonmchristos:  pici already said we are offtopic.04:38
jasonmchristosvimpulse: do you know how to play?04:38
fryguysubcool: ?04:38
jimisrvroxmzz: only drops when all tabs are loaded or if FF is killed04:39
jasonmchristosPici: what's the topic?04:39
mzzjimisrvrox: 39% swap used is a problem. May want to switch to a lighter desktop env or shut down background processes.04:39
subcoolfryguy: what do u focus on?04:39
Picikomputes: If the ext4 parition was created without extents then it can be mounted as an ext3 parition.04:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about admin04:39
fryguysubcool: other things04:39
owen1tweetdeck's icons are not responding to my mouse. is it just me?04:39
Picijasonmchristos: This is the ubuntu support channel, if you just wish to chat, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic04:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mods04:39
mzzjimisrvrox: that's really not normal. Still pegged at 100% cpu in firefox safe mode (run "firefox -safe-mode" (without the quotes) in a terminal window after shutting down firefox completely)?04:39
komputesPici: can you explain "without extents" as graphical tools usualli hide these options04:39
PiciCryptic_Donkey: What are you looking for?04:39
jimisrvroxmzz: the thing of it is is that mem usage/swap was completely constant...network transmit was jumping all over the place BAD...04:39
jasonmchristosPici: I was talking about ubuntu the whole time04:39
Picijasonmchristos: But this is not a discussion channel.  We're here to ask and answer support questions.04:40
jimisrvroxmzz: havent tested in safe mode..04:40
jasonmchristosPici: you didn't offer no answers on how to cloud compute with ubuntu 8.04 either04:40
frustphilPici: I don't know about extents but by simply clicking an ext4 partition in nautilus won't work. It says it does not support ext4 partition...04:40
Picikomputes: I don't know enough about the techncalities of ext4 to answer that.04:40
ketch1Stav, the essid has empty quotes:  ""04:40
scribawfneed some guidance on how to reinstall grub as had to reinstal 1st Partition of HD w/win but still have ubuntu 9.04 on 2nd Part intact, how do I reinstall Grub for both OS?04:40
Pici!patience | jasonmchristos04:40
ubottujasonmchristos: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:40
komputesPici: ok, so we're in the same camp04:40
iamtechnoquick question. Is ubuntu 8.10 amd64 compiled with smp support out of the box?04:41
Gnea!grub | scribawf04:41
ubottuscribawf: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:41
Stravketch1: you should also make sure that encryption if turned off.04:41
fryguyjasonmchristos: by "cloud computer" do you mean install the os on a cloud computing infrastructure? or do you mean access resources on a cloud computing infrastructure?  Or run an app on a cloud, or what? what _specifically_ is it that you want to do04:41
jasonmchristosPici: I still haven't gotten an answer to my question, but I don't want to be derrided by vimpulse for asking questions04:41
ketch1Stav, how do I check encrypt?04:41
scribawfubottu & Gnea:  Tnx much for guidance will go that route!04:42
Picijasonmchristos: I don't know what hes on about, you may have to repeat your question for someone else to answer.  You may also want to try asking in #ubuntu-sever04:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:42
komputesfrustphil: so as far as I know you need to boot from the jaunty kernel (2.6.28-11) to get ext4 support - some work may have been done on the new version of grub to make an ext4 partition bootable04:42
Stravthis should be on the main settings of your router.04:42
jasonmchristosfryguy: cloud computing mirroring the server over computers load balancing and process sharing04:42
Picifrustphil: You may have to manually mount it as an ext3 parition: ie: mount -t ext3 /dev/devicename /mountpoint04:42
fryguyjasonmchristos: support for that is available in every OS04:42
mzzPici: that's not going to work for the majority of ext4 partitions04:42
Claudiohey everybody...can anybody explain me how it is possible to get real tranparency?04:43
Cryptic_DonkeyI love tot talk network infrastructure04:43
frustphilkomputes: I guess it's not possible to read ext4 partition from 8.10 livecd.. I don't know..04:43
jasonmchristosfryguy: how do I configure it04:43
fryguyClaudio: run a compositing window manager, or use xcompmgr with a standard window manager04:43
frustphilPici: is it possible.. by naming ext4 as ext3?04:43
mzzfrustphil: yeah, you'll need a newer kernel (are you getting a message along the lines of "unsupported feature extents is used"?)04:43
fryguyjasonmchristos: run rightscale or similar04:43
komputesfrustphil: if it is possible, it's a lot of work, you are correct04:43
Claudioa friend told me something about xgl...?04:43
maxagazhow to install ubuntu jaunty livecd on a usb from windows ?04:43
fryguyClaudio: what about it04:43
komputesfrustphil: whats wrong with the 9.04 liveCD?04:43
mzzClaudio: your info is somewhat outdated. You can have transparent windows if enabling "desktop effects" (under appearance preferences) works04:44
Claudiomhm ist that a solution too?04:44
AaronMTAnyone apply the kernel updates this morning and hose their wireless (laptops) ?04:44
fryguyClaudio: it's a prerequisite, something that has been handled by all recent versions of X servers bundled in all common distributions of gnu/linux for a while now04:44
ketch1Strav, sorry I misspelled your name.  How do I check for encryption?04:44
jimisrvroxmzz: was watching process tab instead of resources now...FF uses anywhere from 40-80% cpu and gnome mon is using anywhere from 25-40%04:44
mzzoh, ugh04:45
fryguyketch1: log into your router or gateway and check04:45
jasonmchristosfryguy: how do I freeze a generic install and make it available through my ubuntu 8.04 server for network install via ftp http or preferrably bittorrent?04:45
mzzjimisrvrox: drop the update frequency for gnome system monitor :)04:45
owen1tweetdeck's icons are not responding to my mouse. is it just me?04:45
Claudiofor example y would like to have the terminal with a real transparency04:45
x-iphi, i've janty jackalope and an ati 1250 video card, how can i know if i hace 3d acceleration ?04:45
mzzjimisrvrox: bad interaction between gnome system monitor and your graphics drivers there. Should be less of a cpu hit if you're on a more recent ubuntu.04:45
n2diyAaronMT: no, the hosed my audio on my desktop.04:45
Cryptic_Donkey!shipit | frustphil04:45
ubottufrustphil: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs04:45
fryguyjasonmchristos: use the tools provided by whatever cloud computing infrastructure you use to compile a disk image04:45
jimisrvroxmzz: regardless nothing else process wise is running but those two and they consume a good amt of cpu04:45
* mzz nods04:45
AaronMTn2diy: Yeah, at least you can rollback to the other kernel on boot04:46
frustphilkomputes: actually I don't have one. I installed 9.04 from within linux. I have all partitions formatted in ext4. Now i have a grub error because my BIOS points somewhere when booting. The problem is I can't do it because grub can't read ext4 partition...04:46
mzzjimisrvrox: if you drop gnome-system-monitor's update frequency to once a second or something like that it shouldn't consume more than a few % of cpu04:46
peregrine81coz_ it just showed up in my add to panel04:46
jimisrvroxmzz: ubuntu 9.0404:46
peregrine81coz_ out of nowhere came back and i could re-add it04:46
jasonmchristosfryguy: what app will do this, I don't want to compile it I just want to configure an ubuntu install and repackage it for serving04:46
komputesfrustphil: in that case head to http://releases.ubuntu.com and get one, it is so valuable to have a bootable disc and usb stick04:46
n2diyAaronMT: hmm, hadn't thought of that? Anyway, wasn't a kernel issue, something muted all my audio controls.04:46
fryguyjasonmchristos: it depends on the cloud computing service that you choose to use.  Pick one and then go read it's documentation.04:47
Stravketch1: you log on to your router, and check for your wireless encryption setting, it shoud be set to something like wep or wpa or none, set it to none.04:47
frustphilkomputes: I can't do it.. I mean I cant set the 'flags' whatever cause 8.10 livecd can't read ext4...04:47
AaronMTn2diy: for me its a kernel issue04:47
jimisrvroxmzz: freq is set at 3 secs04:47
jasonmchristosfryguy: well how do I make the image file to beginn with even before I serve it04:47
mzzjimisrvrox: you're right actually, a bit cpu hungry here too. Hadn't used gnome-system-monitor in a while, I normally just use top...04:47
mpontillofrustphil: a quick google search for "live cd usb windows ubuntu" shows there is a way (though unsupported): http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-810-install-from-windows-non-persistent/ ... you might try that if you don't want to waste a disc ;)04:47
fryguyjasonmchristos: for the 3rd time, you use the tools provided by the cloud computing service you choose to use04:47
jasonmchristosfryguy: making an image has nothing to do with cloud computing04:48
mzzjimisrvrox: anyway, firefox shouldn't use more than a few % of cpu either while it's not actually doing anything. Kill flash (through an addon like flashblock or just by disabling the plugin in tools -> add-ons -> plugins) and start closing tabs while monitoring cpu usage.04:48
abcminiuserThanks guys -- latest wireless drivers compiled and installed just fine! (I think, at least :P)04:48
fryguyjasonmchristos: of course it does04:48
jasonmchristosfryguy: this is a new question04:48
n2diyAaronMT: have you checked to make sure your wireless module is installing now?04:48
jasonmchristosfryguy: I want to make an image of a standalone ubuntu desktop install04:48
komputesfrustphil: you need much more than flags i beleive - try getting the 9.04 LiveCD, it'll save you from your problems04:48
AaronMTn2diy: how do I check04:49
fryguyjasonmchristos: for the fourth time (I will answer no further queries about this).  pick a cloud computing infrastructure, read it's documentation, and use the tools they provide to create and upload images04:49
mpontillofrustphil: oh, if you want 9.04 here's a related link: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-create-a-bootable-live-ubuntu-904-usb-drive/04:49
jimisrvroxmzz: well my main concern really is more of a FF thing bc I dont really monitor anything but it uses anywhere from 2% right now where im not doing any loading of any pages at all all the way up to 80% when loading 10-15 tabs at once and the other thing being the network transmit jumping around from mere bytes to 80-100kb/s eseentially not consistent at all04:49
frustphilmpontillo: Kubuntu broke my flash drive during testing..:) I can burn a cd for 9.04 but the problem is my download iso is in my ext4 partition...:) guess I'll download it again in windows...04:49
mi1vimpulse: still trying to figure out apt-get in verbose mode04:49
mzzjimisrvrox: lots of cpu load and network spikes while loading a bunch of tabs is normal and imho not something to worry about04:49
vimpulsemi1:  use aptitude.  Check the manpage.  Hurry, I might leave.04:49
_Brun0_Whats wubi default username / password?04:50
n2diyAaronMT: lsmod will tell you what is running, and insmod modulename will load it, but you need to know the name of the module, google can help with that.04:50
vimpulsemi1:  you had best phone me.  +1 (416) 992-344504:50
mpontillofrustphil: oh, sorry, I must have misunderstood. I thought you were asking how to create the live USB from within Windows (rather than using the Linux-based tool that creates the persistent live USB)04:50
jasonmchristosfryguy: thanks for answering by reading the documentation of a cloud computing package FOR THE FIRST TIME04:50
jimisrvroxmzz: damn...FF at work of course running on a network with T1 and 1GB of ram I can load 15 tabs easy no prob...I figured I could run a lightweight linux distro..(obviously not ubuntu) and possibly get similar results...but now I guess its an app thing not an ubuntu thing..04:51
mi1vimpulse: i attached -v after aptitude04:51
vimpulsemi1:  that sounds right.04:51
jasonmchristosfryguy: "from the C.C. service...04:51
vimpulsemi1:  now (sudo aptitude -v update) and pastebin the results04:51
jasonmchristosfryguy: what the hell is that supposed to mean04:51
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mzzjimisrvrox: I suspect running out of ram is the main problem (unless you have a really tiny swap partition using 39% of it under normal usage is not healthy)04:51
iamtechnoHey does anyone know if Ubuntu 8.10 amd64 is compiled with smp support?04:52
fryguyjasonmchristos: ?04:52
fryguyiamtechno: it is04:52
jasonmchristosfryguy: besides I imagined making images was a separate package04:52
mi1vimpulse:same thing04:52
_Brun0_Whats wubi default username / password? Anyone?04:52
chuck_jimisrvrox: it's not ubuntu it is in flash google high cpu firefox flash and you will see what i mean04:52
mzzjimisrvrox: and it should load a bunch of tabs in parallel ok, but it'll probably stutter a bit if you try to interact with it while it's doing that, esp. if your cpu is slow-ish or you're out of ram04:52
vimpulsemi1:  use -vvv04:52
iamtechnofry guy: thanks04:52
Cryptic_Donkeyjimisrvrox: I would recommend looking in to getting some mor physical memory for your machine04:52
sardanoHi for all!04:52
sardanoWhere a found .md5 and .sha1 files to verify DVD iso image of Kubuntu 9.04?04:52
mzzjimisrvrox: (have you tried monitoring resource usage on the system where it's fast while it's loading those tabs? I bet you'll see pretty similar results, just with less swap usage (because there's more ram) and a shorter overall time (because the cpu and network are faster))04:53
jimisrvroxchuck_: ok but to me that really is not making much sense considering I am not loading anything that I know with flash on the page...mainly pictures and rss comments(which might be flash based)04:53
Madpilotsardano, should be at the same page you downloaded the ISO from04:53
vimpulsemi1:  pastebin it anyway please04:53
jasonmchristosfryguy: that's like someone asking you where to find the cheatcodes for quake and you tell them from the video game... when the code is written in the readme file04:53
hacker_kidi get "Cannot open /var/log/sysstat/sa07: No such file or directory" when running sar, how can i fix that?04:53
Stravsardano: ubuntu ftp mirrors usuallly have them...04:53
jimisrvroxmzz: no I havent done that but I can do it tomorrow...it only makes logical sense of course..04:54
mzzjimisrvrox: and as I've said a couple of times already you *really* want flash off (many ads are flash based, and flash in general is a cpu hog, on linux even more so)04:54
fryguyjasonmchristos: it's not really like that at all.  It's a lot more analogous to "how do I get my computer to boot from the CD", and you tell them to read the manual that comes with their motherboard.04:54
arvind_khadribazhang: you around ?04:54
fryguyjasonmchristos: since cloud computing is just abstracted virtual machines, that's it04:54
mzzjimisrvrox: and I agree with Cryptic_Donkey that doubling your physical ram from 512MiB to 1GiB will make a very noticable difference (I suspect more so than upgrading the cpu) considering you're currently hitting lots of swap04:54
chuck_jimisrvrox: now days every web designer thinks they need flash add flashblock to firefox  and try that04:55
jasonmchristosfryguy: I don't understand why you keep talking about clod computing04:55
jasonmchristosfryguy: the question has nothing to do with it04:55
jimisrvroxCryptic_Donkey: heh...thats lovely advice considering ive got an old dinosaur with nasty ol RDRAM in it heh...but hell you cant beat 20 dollars for a whole pc....of course you could alwasy tell me well hell you get what you pay for too..'04:55
jasonmchristosfryguy: I give up, im going to the server room04:55
fryguyjasonmchristos: k04:55
jasonmchristosfryguy:  you'd better not be answering questions in there04:55
mzzjimisrvrox: personally I wouldn't run gnome on a system like that, I'd just run a basic wm (with a basic panel if necessary)04:56
jimisrvroxmzz: total swap 729mb04:56
vimpulsemi1:  that's with -vvv?04:56
mzzjimisrvrox: yeah, you really don't want 39% of that used04:56
jasonmchristosfryguy:  this has nothing to do with cloud computing dude04:56
fryguyjasonmchristos: k04:56
=== wizard__ is now known as Invoker
Cryptic_Donkeyjimisrvrox: You know there are entry level windows boxes for under five hundred dollars us.04:56
jimisrvroxmzz: well I thought lxde did alright...but meh..04:56
selocolis there a way to take an application out of gnu screen?04:56
vimpulsemi1:  i give up04:57
mzzselocol: what do you mean?04:57
tonsofpcsCryptic_Donkey: there are entry level linux boxes for under04:57
tonsofpcs$200 us04:57
mzzselocol: (why do you want to do this?)04:57
vimpulsemi1:  ask the other people here for help getting (sudo aptitude update) to work.04:57
jimisrvroxCryptic_Donkey: money is tight and nothing is free so...i have to do with what i have for now..04:57
lstarnesselocol: if it starts in screen, it stays in screen until it is closed04:57
jasonmchristosfryguy: this is more analougus of me asking you what condiments come on the hamburger and you responding , "would you like fries with that?". have fun sounding smart "fryguy"04:57
selocolmzz: i ran an app in screen, and i want to take it out, because i want to close the screen session but keep the process open04:57
mi1vimpuilse,when you will eb here again04:57
mzzselocol: perhaps you're looking for "disown" though (although that doesn't exactly "take it out of screen"...)04:57
tonsofpcsselocol: ctrl+a,d04:57
mzzselocol: detach the screen session instead04:57
tonsofpcsthen screen -r to reconnect04:57
mzzselocol: what tonsofpcs said, that is04:57
fryguyjasonmchristos: i didn't realize you had completely changed topics.  i thought the question was still related to cloud computing which is why i gave the answer that I did04:58
selocolif i detach it, i can't run the process outside of screen.....04:58
mzzselocol: why is this a problem?04:58
Cryptic_Donkeyjimisrvrox: Might I suggest that you consider a custom compiled instalation from the server instalation cd/dvd04:58
selocolis it feasible or not?04:58
mi1vimpulse, when youll be here again?04:58
jasonmchristosfryguy: I just want to know how to convert an installed ubuntu desktop into an installable image04:58
selocoli just want to change my .screenrc settings without closing irssi (which is in screen)04:58
lstarnesselocol: it will still be running in the background in the detached screen04:58
fryguyselocol: you can't transfer an application from 1 tty to another04:58
mzzselocol: I don't understand what problem you're actually trying to solve. Apart from having a screen process listed in your process list, how is "running it outside of screen" different from detaching?04:59
Loganhoupcould someone help, My sound is acting up. When I play any type of sound it will start off fine and then stutter continuously and finally crash my sound drivers. It's not app specific and it has only started (like all my other problems) after I upgraded to jaunty. Any help is appreciated.04:59
mib_uasgme4uum hi... wondering if i'm in the right place for someone to explain a bit about ubuntu to me... never used linux before04:59
fryguyselocol: you can edit screen settings use C-a :04:59
selocolok thanks guys04:59
billybigriggeranyone here edit video lots?04:59
chuck_jasonmchristos: i do not know you or fryguy but i think you have wore out your welcome04:59
vimpulsechuck_:  i agree04:59
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: i'd say i do a fair bit04:59
mzzselocol: and you can use "C-a : source /home/you/.screenrc" to reload your screenrc on the fly, iirc04:59
vimpulsemi1:  dunno.  I am often in ##unix:  every three days or so.  Remember, do not mount /dev/sda5 or run any app that may write to it:  if you do, it lowers your chances of data recovery.  So use only the liveCD until you finish the data recovery.04:59
billybigriggeri just bought a sony handycam and it records its HD video into .mts, am i screwed?04:59
billybigriggertonsofpcs, ????04:59
jasonmchristoschuck_: shhh I am trying to get an answer to my question here04:59
jimisrvroxCryptic_Donkey: well if I was technically sound with *nix im sure I could figure a way out to make ends meet...I was thinking about hacking through an arch system until I got one done but I do not have net access on that machine as of now to download packages necessary so I had to halt that04:59
n2diyjasonmchristos: mondo might do what you want?04:59
fryguyjasonmchristos: as far as I know that isn't doable.  Best case would be to use disk backup/recovery software like dd.04:59
tonsofpcsvideo as .mts, cool04:59
billybigriggertonsofpcs, am i sol with .mts video? its a sony format or what?04:59
vimpulsemib_uasgme4u:  yes.  But first please change your nickname.  See www.irchelp.com for how04:59
mi1vimpulse, one last thing, how can i remount back to  normal mount option if in case i give up(not wanting to recover in the end)05:00
billybigriggertonsofpcs, what apps do you use in ubuntu? im in gnome05:00
vimpulsemi1:  just reboot, and it will be back.05:00
jasonmchristosn2diy: brb i am going to look up mondo05:00
owen1is there tweetdeck but as a website?05:00
mi1vimpulse,i mean the mount optioin we set earlier05:00
vimpulsemi1:  rebooting will reset it to rw.05:00
Cryptic_Donkeyjimisrvrox: I have an old dell dimension 4600 i would be willing to part with for 150 bucks05:00
mi1okie vimpulse05:00
vimpulsejimisrvrox:  may i ask, what city do you live in?05:01
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: it's an mpeg ts file, likely with h.264 or mpeg-4 inside05:01
vimpulsemi1:  you are welcome.05:01
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: can vlc play it?05:01
LoganhoupMy sound drivers are crashing after playing any type of sound (system, mp3, etc.). It stutters and then crashes my sound driver, Please help.05:01
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: i don't, video editing on linux sucks, get used to it [at least til lumiera is done]05:01
billybigriggertonsofpcs, vlc is playin it right now yeah05:01
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Stravtonsofpcs: cinerella isn't that bad.05:02
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: so where's the problem?05:02
Cryptic_Donkey!es | Guest5468805:02
ubottuGuest54688: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:02
tonsofpcsStrav: until you try doing anything but splitting one file in it.05:02
LoganhoupMy sound drivers are crashing after playing any type of sound (system, mp3, etc.). It stutters and then crashes my sound driver, Please help.05:02
mjm52hey guys05:03
billybigriggertonsofpcs, well none i guess, i just wanted to know of some decent apps i could edit or play around with my videos, this is my first videocam and im just lookin to play around...05:03
mib_uasgme4uok hi I think i have a nickname now...05:03
fryguyLoganhoup: look on google/launchpad for known issues with your sound card and see if workarounds have been discovered, or go out and spend $20 on a new sound card that is known to work.05:03
mzzLoganhoup: I don't have the time right now to actually troubleshoot, but try to figure out what exactly is crashing (it may be pulseaudio instead of the actual drivers)05:03
Stravtonsofpcs: not bad ain't flawless. it made me swear a lot of times.05:03
billybigriggertonsofpcs, i dont know if this is vlc or what but it seems like the video is really interlaced05:03
fryguybillybigrigger: so try playback in a different player05:03
tonsofpcsyes, video tends to be interlaced.05:03
tonsofpcsfryguy: the video is interlaced05:03
mzzLoganhoup: if it's a driver-level problem I'd expect to see debug noise in dmesg05:03
mjm52does anyone know of a good program to send mp3s to my Playstation 3????05:03
jimisrvroxCryptic_Donkey: right now man that sounds great but like I said I cant be in the market...I have GX240's to work with...and unfortuantely am the only one working right now...so...im SOL05:03
tonsofpcsplying it somewhere else wont deinterlace it05:03
tonsofpcsrunning it through a deinterlace filter [vlc has like 10 to choose from] will05:03
Loganhoupmzz: I'm almost certain it's pulseaudio. I'll check my dmesg05:04
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ketch1Strav, router security mode: disabled05:04
fryguyLoganhoup: pulseaudio isn't a driver05:04
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ubottudanielqb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:04
danielqb07/05/09 22:53:21danielqbsensordSensor alarm: Chip it8712-isa-0290: VCore 1: +1.33 V (min = +2.85 V, max = +3.02 V) [ALARM]05:04
danielqb07/05/09 22:53:21danielqbsensordSensor alarm: Chip it8712-isa-0290: VCore 2: +2.42 V (min = +3.68 V, max = +3.31 V) [ALARM]05:04
danielqb07/05/09 22:53:21danielqbsensordSensor alarm: Chip it8712-isa-0290: +3.3V: +3.39 V (min = +2.69 V, max = +2.74 V) [ALARM]05:04
danielqb07/05/09 22:53:21danielqbsensordSensor alarm: Chip it8712-isa-0290: +5V: +4.97 V (min = +5.75 V, max = +0.35 V) [ALARM]05:04
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: I hear this application called Windows has some cool plugins that will play with video without crashing every 2 seconds or complaining that every standard format is invalid05:04
FloodBot3danielqb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
danielqb07/05/09 22:53:21danielqbsensordSensor alarm: Chip it8712-isa-0290: +12V: +12.74 V (min = +15.94 V, max = +10.88 V) [ALARM]05:04
fryguyLoganhoup: pulseaudio is a system infrastructure built on top of alsa for playback05:04
Stravketch1: nice job.05:04
danielqb07/05/09 22:53:21danielqbsensordSensor alarm: Chip it8712-isa-0290: -12V: -15.21 V (min = -7.36 V, max = -0.24 V) [ALARM]05:04
* mzz groans05:04
Cryptic_Donkeyjimisrvrox: I am sorry to hear of your economic hardship05:04
MadpilotDaniel_G, pastebin next time!05:04
mjm52know of a program to send mp3s to playstation????????05:04
billybigriggertonsofpcs, hehe, ok05:04
jimisrvroxCryptic_Donkey: do you mind if I pm05:05
Loganhoupfryguy: either way it is crashing.05:05
tonsofpcsfryguy: pulseaudio is a sound system built on top of alsa for crashing my system.05:05
fryguyLoganhoup: so then do what i said originally05:05
Cryptic_Donkeyjimisrvrox: Go ahead05:05
bullgard4[Ubuntu 9.04] Applications > Office > Dictionary opens a window titled 'Dictionary'. When I entered a search term, will this program look the search term up in Internet or on my local hard disk? (The process dictd exists.)05:05
fryguytonsofpcs: yes05:05
ketch1Strav, thank you.  What next?05:05
mzzdanielqb: that's more likely to be the sensors chip wired up strangely on the mobo than actual hardware problems05:05
Loganhoupfryguy: I know how to google and I did check before hand.05:05
mzzdanielqb: I wouldn't expect it to boot with VCore that far off05:05
tonsofpcsbillybigrigger: but honestly, there's about 10 video tools for linux that claim some semblence of video editing that all either are horrible and impossible to use, very picky about input files, or crash on any attempt to use them [or all three].05:05
mzzdanielqb: what mobo is this?05:05
lstarnesbullgard4: I think it connects to a server05:06
mib_uasgme4uhmmn... ok I got a username but how do u get a nickmane in the chat room??05:06
=== root is now known as Guest69507
Stravketch1: now, could you paste the result of iwconfig in the pastebin (I wish to see if you correctly set the essid to your network's name)05:06
lstarnesmib_uasgme4u: you have one (mib_uasgme4u)05:06
tonsofpcslumiera is looking quite promising but it isn't anywhere near usable for playing around yet05:06
lstarnesmib_uasgme4u: you can change your nick using /nick new-nickname. for example, /nick foobar05:06
fryguyLoganhoup: so then share with us some more information, like what sound card you have, what driver is being used, if you've tried any of the workarounds you've found, if there are any error messages, what happens when you try to playback using a cli client, what, if anything is in /var/log/* that hints at the issue, what version of ubuntu you are running05:06
Stravketch1: it could help a little if you don't have any spaces of special chars in the network's name.05:06
bullgard4lstarnes: There are so many servers in the world and on my computer so that your answer is meaningless.05:06
Ryanmanhey guys.... I just installed Jaunty Jackalope on an HP laptop. Had some dskchk errors in vista when I booted back up but now I'm getting some spinning sounds from my hard drive. Any hardware issues with 9.04 I should know about?05:06
=== mib_uasgme4u is now known as lolo
ludditemy fan on my laptop is always on full05:06
lstarnesbullgard4: specifically the dict server that it is configured to use05:07
ludditehow can i make it idle sometimes?05:07
fryguyLoganhoup: "my sound crashes, please help" isn't going to get you a meaningful response. we need information before we can even attempt to ehlp you05:07
Ryanmanoh man05:07
Ryanmanthis place is a zoo05:07
lstarnesbullgard4: go to settings > configure dictionary > server05:07
Stravfor human beings they say. ;)05:07
fryguyRyanman: sounds like your hard drive is about to die05:07
Ryanmanwell here's the thing fry05:07
Loganhoupfryguy: for the love of god. Shut up for ten seconds so I can get you the information you want. Another words stop highlighting me!05:07
RyanmanI'm a pretty tech savvy user05:07
Ryanmanno sounds like that in vista05:08
mzzRyanman: check dmesg, consider running smartctl -a on the drive05:08
Ryanmanalso, it's pretty much brand new05:08
ludditemy laptop is a acer aspire - 4315 - running 9.04. the fan is always on full - i cant find any idle controls and ive searched google  to no avail05:08
fryguyRyanman: so?05:08
Ryanmankk lemee check that out. boots slower than vista right now too... I thought a corrupt partition or something05:08
fryguyRyanman: vista lives on a different part of the hard drive, and the most common time for a hard drive to fail is within it's first week or 2 of operation05:08
bullgard4lstarnes: Where can I find the "settings" in Ubuntu 9.04 which you spoke about?05:09
Ryanman@fryguy - I know that vista's on a diff part. But it's mostly in boot and i've been using up the space05:09
ketch1Strav, results of iwconfig:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/166494/05:09
ludditei installed ksensors- but it gives me nothing05:09
RyanmanI'm not saying it's particularly linux's fault05:09
lstarnesbullgard4: in applications > office > dictionary05:09
fryguyRyanman: go run a proper hard disk check using manufacturer's tools05:09
Ryanmank. Should I run it in vista?05:10
Stravketch1: your essid isn't set. try: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid yournetworkname05:10
fryguyRyanman: you should run it outside of any operating system05:10
bullgard4lstarnes: Clicking applications > office > dictionary will open a window titled 'Dictionary'. This window does not show an item 'settings'.05:10
Ryanmanmanufacturer. Man fuck HP.05:10
fryguyRyanman: manufacturer's tools boot off of a cd (typically)05:10
Ryanmanyeah, nothing in the way from them05:11
StravI'm hearing lots and lots of hp drives failing lately...05:11
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Ryanmanreally? were those seagates only desktop drives?05:11
Strav(whatever crap they putted in their laptop)05:11
RyanmanI wouldnt' doubt it05:12
lstarnesbullgard4: what items are listed in the menu at the top?05:12
Ryanmanthis thing's okay but it's not great by any stretch05:12
bullgard4lstarnes: File, Edit, View, Go (greyed out) and Help.05:12
=== Guest31401 is now known as Noobuntu
ketch1Strav, I entered:  iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys.  next line was just the id of me and the  prompt05:13
Ryanmansee, HP charged me 20 bucks for a vista recovery CD and sent some windows drivers on a disk fry.05:13
n2diyjasonmchristos: is mondo what you where looking for?05:13
Ryanmannothing else05:13
=== Noobuntu is now known as NoobSeekingInfo
lstarnesbullgard4: try edit > preferences05:13
RyanmanI was hoping the badblocks utility would work in ubuntu but the shortcuts I found in file search aren't working05:13
* NoobSeekingInfo waves05:13
ketch1Strav, I just ran iwconfig and it returned the ESSID I put in05:13
Stravketch1: this is fine, however you shoud now see your network name at the essid setting of iwconfig (just type iwconfig again to make sure)05:13
danielqbOK i don't know if it is a verry serius problem.05:13
danielqbthanks for all help.05:14
edthix /j #rubyonrails05:14
fryguyRyanman: 1. start your messages with my name otherwise i am unlikely to see them. 2. just use whatever tool you want then05:14
NoobSeekingInfoHey is there a place I can go to find good plugins for XChat?05:14
ketch1Strav, I'm wondering how I05:14
Stravketch1: good. Now, final: you can unplug the wire and try dhclient05:14
ketch1Strav, how I'll test the wireless.  just unplug the ethernet cable or reboot?05:15
fryguyNoobSeekingInfo: there's some on x-chat's site, x-chat's forum, and googling for "xchat plugins" returns quite a few results, at least some of which look helpful05:15
mzzdanielqb: see earlier comments, and what mobo is this?05:15
bullgard4lstarnes: This defaults to 'Default Dictionary Server'. I would like to know where this "Default Dictionary Server" is located and what its address is.05:15
NoobSeekingInfothanks fryguy!05:15
lstarnesbullgard4: double-click it05:16
Trenter_Gen Question:  I am running ubuntu 9.04, been a windows user for a long time, but recently every once and a while my ubuntu partition always has the CPU load go all the way up to 100%, it will stay like this either for a while or until i reboot, even if i close all of my programs the CPU usage will remain enormously high, I have a thinkpad t61, running a few special fx (compiz) but nothing intense, why would my computer be doing this?05:16
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fryguyketch1: ketch1 run iwconfig without any arguments to see if it's connected05:16
Stravketch1: you don't have to reboot. just unplug and type sudo dhclient.05:16
RyanmanFryguy: I do NOT want to burn a CD. is there not some utility I can run in Ubuntu to c? outk thishec05:16
fryguyRyanman: no05:16
mzzTrenter_: use system monitor to figure out what app is using the cpu05:16
mzzdanielqb: "asus" is not a mobo model05:16
Trenter_fceu is using most of the cpu05:16
Stravfryguy: he'll have to make a dhcp request to the router before being connected.05:16
fryguyStrav: not true05:17
albechI am experiencing some random render error on fonts. Some times a whole window render like the text is blurred. Running Nvidia05:17
Strav(or setting the ip manually via ifconfig)05:17
Trenter_mzz: there are two instances of it, one at 90% cpu usage and the other at 89% usage05:17
mzzdanielqb: look for "it87" in /etc/sensors.conf though05:17
fryguyStrav: he'll have to make a dhcp request or otherwise allocate an IP and default route, but he'll still have layer1 and layer2 availability05:17
ichik1hi everybody!05:17
mzzTrenter_: I'm not sure what that is (unless it's the "FCE Ultra" emulator)05:17
ichik1hola eduar05:17
fryguyStrav: iwconfig will show the equivalent of a wired connection when you are communicating with an AP05:18
klmmicroHello ichik105:18
ichik1hi klm05:18
Trenter_how do i kill it, you are correct thats what it is05:18
mzzTrenter_: I'd expect an emulator to use most of the cpu while it's running and none of it while it's not05:18
cloud-nistIs pidgin really being replaced in a future Ubuntu release?05:18
Trenter_the thing is, its gui isnt running05:18
Suhailwhat's the difference between hardy and intrepid?05:18
Stravfryguy: agreed, but I doubt he only wants layer1 or 2.05:18
ichik1does anybody know about the memory stick issue in jaunty?05:18
fryguyStrav: i'm sure he doesn't, but he probably wants to check to make sure things are working correctly before bothering with dhclient.05:19
mzzTrenter_: then that sounds like an fceu bug or misfeature. Does cpu load drop if you exit the emulator completely?05:19
Stravbut the point will be made, his wireless works fine.05:19
h00kichik1, you're probably going to have to be more specific05:19
fryguyStrav: there's lots of reasons why dhclient would fail, this will help to isolate issues better05:19
* mzz wonders if there's a factoid for "the <insert random term here> issue"05:19
cloud-nistichik1: Have you tried to reboot while the USB drive is conx to your USB port and see if it shows up?05:19
Stravfryguy: although dhclient can give some advices.05:19
mzzbecause asking about "the <insert random term here> issue" never works05:19
Trenter_mzz: yeah, but I think the error is occuring if the emulator freezes and I have to force quit it, sometimes roms freeze05:19
fryguyStrav: nothing that is applicable to wireless connections05:20
ichik1I have a dell inspiron 6400 with a ricoh card reader, which reads SD cards ok, but it wouldn't recognize (on fdisk) MS from sony05:20
dmp1ceCan anyone help me with a wireless connection issue?  I'm trying to connect with WPA and but the connection manager keeps asking for the password again.05:20
mzzTrenter_: that sounds like your force quit never actually kills the emulator, just the frontend, and killing the emulator in process monitor would fix it05:20
fryguydmp1ce: try using wicd instead of networkmanager05:20
h00kichik1, after you plug it in, try 'dmesg' from a terminal and see what it says at the end05:20
ichik1a sec05:21
Crash1hdHmm I just clicked on windows in grub and all I am getting is Starting up ...???05:21
eduardamn my pidgin just failes05:21
RichiVhow do i find out what audio driver i am using... I want to install it05:21
Stravfryguy: in some point yes, he'll see if it's trying an authentification and such. I'm curious though, how would iwconfig give him some debug info?05:21
eduarah shit u get me05:21
bullgard4lstarnes: This opens a dialog window called 'Edit Dictionary Source' and shows the following settings: Description='Default Dictionary Server', Transport='DictionaryServer', Hostname=dict.org, Port=2628. So I believe that the Internet address is http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict. What does the setting "Transport=DictionaryServer" mean?05:21
ludditehi in 9.04 when i do modprobe acerhdf (or any modprobe) i get a series of errors like "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release." AND "FATAL: Error inserting acerhdf (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/acerhdf.ko): Operation not permitted" why?05:22
h00k!language | eduar05:22
ubottueduar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:22
lstarnesbullgard4: that means that it uses the dictionary server protocol05:22
RichiVlol dont swear in here? some of us think its profane?05:22
Trenter_mzz: yeah worked, apparently when you force quit the graphical window it does not quit the backend, they need to edit that code so if the front end isnt runing the backend shouldnt run either...05:22
cloud-nistIf I leave Ubuntu playing music for a few days straight, my ALSA seems to crash and I can not get my audio back up until I reboot Ubuntu. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there is a fix??05:22
fryguyStrav: it will list noise level and signal level, which is used to verify that he is actually communicating with an AP.  using iwconfig commands tend to return sparse or no output so you can't tell if they are successful or not.05:22
h00kluddite, try running that as root (put a sudo in front of it)05:22
bullgard4lstarnes: Thank you for explaining.05:22
Pandoracan anyone assist with vuze or azureus?05:22
mzzTrenter_: that depends. It is sometimes a feature for the backend to keep running (so that you can reattach a new instance of the frontend when the gui crashes, for example)05:22
mzzTrenter_: I'm not familiar with this particular emulator at all, so perhaps it is a misfeature here.05:23
RichiVbullgard4 whats up?05:23
Stravnever mind. Forgot there was the link quality, rx packets failed and such... and mainly, that those could reflect a bad driver or some other problems.)05:23
Trenter_ok, thanks!05:23
RichiVbullgard4: whats the problem?05:23
eduarso.. my pidgin crashes once in a while , can anyone explain05:23
chuck_Pandora: Whats wrong with vuze05:23
iamtechnoIts their a away to keep the settings of "extra" on the apperance of compiz after switching to none?05:23
keithIs there somewhere to get a list of ubottu's keywords?05:23
ludditeh00k : i tried that same fatal error.05:23
fryguyeduar: strace it or run it from a terminal to see if it quits with a meaningful message05:23
ubottukeith: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:24
cloud-nist If I leave Ubuntu playing music for a few days straight, my ALSA seems to crash and I can not get my audio back up until I reboot Ubuntu. Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there is a fix?? This issue has happened in 8.10 and now in 9.04.05:24
mzzkeith: that's not a list, but iirc it's close05:24
debamhi to all, i am getting error for wireless connection as ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready05:24
Pandorainstalled and ran fine, but after closing cannot find shortcut to re-open..05:24
keithhaha, thanks05:24
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.05:24
fryguycloud-nist: it's going to be driver dependant, check google/launchpad to see if there are specific issues with your driver, and if not, you should probably create a new issue for it.05:24
Stravketch1: so in the end, fryguy is right, at this point, if you set the correct essid, you should already see some connection info in iwconfig... mind pasting them?05:25
chuck_Pandora: it should be under Applications internet05:25
Pandoranot there, did a search and cannot find it there either..05:25
eduarok ill try, hte problem is i dont know when is it going to attack again, maybe now maybe not05:25
iamtechnoIS their a way of keeping compiz settings after switching from extra to none?05:26
syadowhurm i need help here.... why i cant open synaptic and run update manager after enter my password.... and ended with "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root"05:26
cloud-nistfryguy: Yes, I have thought about it potentially being my sound card as I am using an oldie 16bit Creative PCI card, upgrading to a new card will help me isolate the issue. How would I go about creating a new issue for it as you call it?05:26
sardanoIs Ubuntu 9.04 stable?05:26
fryguycloud-nist: go to launchpad (launchpad.ubuntu.com i think, just google it), and create one05:27
cloud-nistgot it05:27
fryguysardano: define "stable"05:27
Trenter_Ubuntu 0.94 is stable for me, lol05:27
mzzsardano: I guess that depends on your definition of "stable" and possibly your hardware05:27
Pandorait might help to know I didn't use apt-get.. i installed it manually from site05:27
chuck_Pandora: look in system /preferences/mainmenu/ internet. if not there type vuze in terminal and see if it still there05:27
keithsardano: It is officially stable, and works great for me05:27
h00k!bug | cloud-nist05:27
ubottucloud-nist: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:27
Trenter_Ubuntu 9.04 on my Thinkpad T61 is a lot better than 8.10 was, had lots of tweaking to get it to work and 9.04 was close to perfect05:27
peachesive already had to pin 4 packages from intrepid to make 9.04 work properly05:27
cloud-nistAn app I use in Wine does not play well in 9.04, which I am not really pleased about.05:27
sardanostable: don't lock, without basic bugs05:27
keithThis is where to come if I need help installing Gentoo, right? :-p05:28
Trenter_so use 8.1005:28
mzzsardano: will depend on hardware then05:28
fryguysardano: yes it's stable05:28
cloud-nistEverything else is seemless...05:28
sardanoAsus P5Q and Dell Vostro 131005:28
mzzkeith: well, you could ask me, actually, but doing it in this channel would be a bit rude to the channel05:28
nilihanthIs there a quick way to reset the sound controller without rebooting?  (My sound just stopped working and selecting the device says it's already in use by another app)05:28
debamhi to all, i am getting error for wireless connection as ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready05:28
Straviamtechno: yes, in a way, try using fusion-icon (apt-get install fusion-icon) and then, at the bottom of the tabs on the left, you'll have some preferences where you can set a file-based config.05:28
cloud-nistOn my lappy all is well with the new distro...05:28
peaches9.04 uses beta for audacity that doesnt work, beta for privoxy that highly recommends against its usage.. it's laughable05:29
mzzsardano: I'd try to find someone with the same gpu to confirm it's working properly (desktop effects and everything)05:29
keithmzz: I was kidding, though I am in the process of attempting to. (I don't need any help at the moment)05:29
lstarnesdebam: check the output of dmesg for anything related to that05:29
iamtechnoStrav: let me try that05:29
debamlstarnes, this is from dmesg only05:29
cloud-nistI am still trying to figure out the Debian reference ubottu made with the Ice-Weasel comment. :|05:29
Strav(if I remember well, there are some options to import or export your configs too)05:29
peachescan't install both librdf0-dev and libsvn-dev simultaneous cause of broken packages. yeah 9.04 not so stable05:30
lstarnescloud-nist: it's debian's version of firefox without mozilla's official branding05:30
syadowhurm i need help here.... why i cant open synaptic and run update manager after enter my password.... and ended with "Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root"05:30
lstarnesdebam: what about /var/log/syslog ?05:30
cloud-nistlstarnes: yeah I know, but ubutto did not convey a heart-felt message.05:31
sardanomzz: XFXForce 9400GT (NVidia) with 512mb work fine with Ubuntu 805:31
Stravlstarnes: with a discusting xpm icon that'll never scale if thing still are like they were.05:31
sardanomzz: I'm not make a test with Kubuntu 9.04 yet.05:31
glitsj16iamtechno: not a direct answer i realize, but if you want more finegrained control over your compiz, install compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm) and save your settings to a flat-file instead of gconf (that way you can take it wherever you want/need it) ... the default you have now is probably simple-ccsm and i don't think it has that feature05:31
cloud-nistBeing under a flipped snow mobile only to be welcomed by ice-weasels does not sound like love to me.05:31
cloud-nistMaybe I read too much into things :|05:32
chetnickwhich chm viewer is better? xchm or gnochm?05:32
Stravglitsj16: this is the same thing you get with fusion-icon05:32
cloud-nistgnochm works fine and is simple05:32
eduarbut im here to keith05:32
cloud-nistchetnick: there is also a firefox addon that lets you view chm inside it.05:33
distrotubuxHow do you list the displays Xorg has?05:33
Stravchetnick: okular package from debian sid has the capability to read tons of formats, including chm. Ubuntu people didn't had time to make a proper package of it since before 8.10 though.05:33
mpontillodistrotubux: I think you want "xrandr"?05:34
iamtechnoglitsj16: I already have ccsm installed. Didn't know it had an import/export option05:34
glitsj16Strav: i thought fusion-icon is independent on what backend you use to configure compiz, it only starts/ends it no ?05:34
chetnickcloud-nist: well thanks, i will try that, i am using gnochm, but sometimes it does not display contents correct. So i came acros xchm which i did not try, that is why i ask.05:34
beansmanis anyone familiar with port triggering? I was wondering from security perspective, is all of the ranges forwarded or only the ones "triggered" from my computer?05:34
TTxTdoes anybody has problems with remote desktop on jaunty???05:34
beansmanis portforwarding more secure than port triggering?05:34
Suhailhow do you install say an upgrade from lke python 2.5.2 -> python 2.6.2?05:34
keithIs there a reason to make the boot partition non-journaled?05:34
cloud-nistchetnick: Anytime05:35
glitsj16iamtechno: well in that case your good to go05:35
hacker_kidhow can i get network activity stats for a specific nic (eth0) stats like connection speed to router and current upload/download activity? either a command or a file to read would be nice05:35
ankur_Hi Guys!05:35
iamtechnoglitsj16: kk, trying the import/export feature now05:35
Digital71Is it possible to make a taskbar item have a relative location instead of coordinates? I'm using the same Ubuntu install from different resolution displays, and it causes the bars to go haywire. I'd like to be able to tie the clock to the furthermost right position, for example.05:36
Stravglitsj16: ain't sure of that, but I'm certain it has everything in it's depedencies to manage the config of compiz.05:36
hacker_kidSuhail, debian hasnt built that package yet, and doing so might cause problems is you dont alt-install. i have a package for 2.6.1 that automatically alt-installs but any modules must be installed manually05:36
glitsj16Strav: yes probably05:36
ankur_I use Ubuntu 9.04 and Opera doesn't work. Any way to get it working?05:37
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
glitsj16ankur_: have you tried starting opera from a terminal to catch any errors it might throw?05:38
ankur_glitsj16, I am a novice. Can you tell me how to do that?05:38
mpontillohacker_kid: first take a look at /proc/net/dev for basic counters05:39
glitsj16ankur_: sure, can you open a terminal ? when you have one open, just run "opera" and see what shows up05:39
ankur_Yup! I can do that05:39
hacker_kidmpontillo, thank you05:39
ankur_It gives something as segmentation fault, with two lines of error05:40
ankur_What to do next?05:40
beansmanno answer?05:40
glitsj16ankur_: okay great, just paste the error on paste.ubuntu.com and put the link up here so people can see what's going on05:40
hacker_kidmpontillo, useful counters but i need to know the current kb/sec (or mb) upload and download in use, not the total05:40
ankur_Okay! I shall do it05:41
mpontillohacker_kid: you can calculate that by diffing the totals over time...05:41
hacker_kidmpontillo, i could continually read that file, but i was hoping a tool was already made05:41
hacker_kidmpontillo, i could, what about the connection speed (to the router not to the net)05:41
TWP-SirStaalHello I am folliwing this guide to install gtk+ extra: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/gtk-building.html and when I get to the configure part I get this error: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c05:42
TWP-SirStaalchecking whether build environment is sane... yes05:42
TWP-SirStaalchecking for gawk... no05:42
TWP-SirStaalchecking for mawk... mawk05:42
TWP-SirStaalchecking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes05:42
FloodBot3TWP-SirStaal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
TWP-SirStaalchecking whether build environment is sane... yes05:42
mpontillohacker_kid: for that, you can run "ethtool eth0" (unfortunately requires root, not sure if there is another tool available that doesn't)05:42
Stravis there a place I could find something like "bug reports over time" graph/stats for every ubuntu version? Just wanna check something about 9.0405:42
Suhailhow do you search for packages via apt-get?05:42
lstarnesmpontillo: can't that be run via sudo?05:42
ankur_glitsj16, this is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/166507/05:42
mpontillolstarnes: yes, that's what I meant.05:42
glitsj16ankur_: okay thanks, taking a look05:42
lstarnesSuhail: apt-cache search package-name05:42
billybigriggerSuhail, apt-cache search <packagename>05:42
hacker_kidmpontillo, i can subprocess and grant just that command root and leave the application unprivileged :) thanks again05:43
lstarnesSuhail: or aptitude search package-name05:43
Suhailthank you guys05:43
Amarok___hey guys05:43
mpontillolstarnes: (it sounded like hacker_kid was doing this from a script earlier, and I didn't assume the script was running as root)05:43
nilihanthIs there a quick way to reset the sound controller without rebooting?  (My sound just stopped working and selecting the device says it's already in use by another app)05:43
TWP-SirStaalHello I am folliwing this guide to install gtk+ extra: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/gtk-building.html and when I get to the configure part I get an error. This is the error:checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:43
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: you forgot to install build-essential05:43
Amarok___i am having problem when I load a CD, it claims: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:     klauncher said" Unknown protocal05:44
hacker_kidmpontillo, you assumed correctly, thanks for your help. i never run scripts as root if i can help it :)05:44
TWP-SirStaalso how do I get that one?05:44
Stravnilihanth: sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload05:44
chuck_nilihanth alsa force-reload/pulseaudio restart05:44
Amarok___any solutions05:44
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:44
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: and why are you compiling gtk+ extra?05:44
Amarok___i am having problem when I load a CD, it claims: "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:     klauncher said" Unknown protocal05:44
TWP-SirStaalAh thought it would be something like that thanks05:44
TWP-SirStaalI am going to get SciGraphica and it needs it to work05:45
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: install the package libgtkextra-1.0-005:45
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: it may also need libtgtkextra-dev05:45
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: oops, libgtkextra-dev05:45
glitsj16ankur_: do you have java jre installed ? check in synaptic and search for that , loks like opera doesn't find those05:45
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ankur_I have that installed, well, let me check for it05:46
TWP-SirStaalok I will take that one too05:46
glitsj16ankur_: specifically, look for sun-java6-jre05:46
TWP-SirStaalThanks allot05:46
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: if those packages work, you will not need to compile gtk+ extra05:46
sardanoHow can I export ubuntu public key for a file?05:47
mpontillohacker_kid: almost forgot; another really useful command is "nm-tool" (but it won't work if network manager is not being used)05:47
ankur_Yeah! I have Sun-Java6-jre version 6-13-1 installed05:47
hacker_kidmpontillo, thanks05:47
black_13how do i determine what what wireless key to use?05:47
TWP-SirStaalSo in that pakage gtk+extra got installed?05:47
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: you should also check the package manager for programs and libraries before resorting to third-party packages or compiling05:47
black_13or type of key?05:47
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: libgtkextra-1.0-0 is gtk+ extra05:47
TTxTdoes anybody has problems with remote desktop on jaunty???05:47
Pandorachuck_it might help to know I didn't use apt-get.. i installed it manually from site05:47
lstarnesTWP-SirStaal: libgtkextra-dev has the development files for it05:48
ankur_glitsj16, I have Sun-java6-jre 6-13-1 installed already05:48
hacker_kidmpontillo, network manager is being used in this case, but we will probably move to very very minimal debian installs in the near future05:48
ankur_What to do next?05:48
glitsj16ankur_: okay, there's a LD_PRELOAD in your error paste, not sure where you can try to undo that, opera seems not to like it getting started that way05:49
ankur_So, how to start it the 'other' way?05:49
zvacetankur_ : if that is about Opera then preferences>advaced>content >plugin options>find new and restart Opera after that05:49
ankur_I shall do it05:50
ffadmravenHi, I've got a friend running linuxmint, and I was wondering since it uses Ubuntu as it's base does it use the same repositories as we do, or does it have it's own seperate ones?05:50
ScrapHelp with File and directory permissions Plz05:50
ankur_zavcet, I can't find the path you specified05:51
geniiffadmraven: Why not ask them in #linuxmint05:51
Drikanscrap: what do you need to do?05:51
glitsj16zvacet: thx for jumping in btw, haven't seen opera's settings in ages personally05:51
zvacetankur_ : in Opera>tools>preferences.......05:52
ffadmravenguess that would help, huh?05:52
ankur_Sorry! Opera isn't getting strated05:52
ScrapI have made a new mount point as root then added a group to the directory, I put my user name in that group but it still wont allow me to access the directory05:52
DrikanScrap: do a "man chmod"05:52
ankur_How to start that first?05:52
Gneaffadmraven: they were a ubuntu/mint hybrid at one point, not sure if that holds true anymore05:52
ScrapIt shows the added group to the directory05:52
zvacetankur_ : try from terminal type opera and see if you get errors and witch05:53
ankur_This is what my terminal says : ankur@ankur-laptop:~$ opera05:54
ankur_ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.05:54
ankur_ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.05:54
ankur_Segmentation fault05:54
glitsj16zvacet: he pasted those errors here http://paste.ubuntu.com/166507/05:54
FloodBot3ankur_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:54
ketchStrav, well, I rebooted with the cable out, but no joy...05:54
ScrapI have been over 'man chmod' I even allow the new group to full access of the directory05:54
zvacetglitsj16 : I just came here sorry05:54
ankur_this is the link05:55
Drikanhello all Need some one to point me in the wright Direction.  im trying to figure out why my system keeps locking up when i insert any CD or DVD. im looking for some Crash log or any one that can help me diagnose whats the problem is. No CD or DVD mount at all. and the drive works just fine in Windows Vista.05:55
RORgasmguys i have a windows and ubuntu partition....i installed windows after ubuntu...then i did something to reinstall grub...but now grub only sees ubuntu not windows partition05:55
nilihanthchuck_, my sound is OSS no Alsa.  restarting alsa didn't seem to help05:55
glitsj16zvacet: no problem, nice someone is jumping in, i don't know how to solve ankur_'s issue, more eyes on the problem can't hurt05:55
ankur_zvacet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/166507/ this is the log05:55
mjm52RORgasm will PM05:56
lk5246join #ubuntu-nz05:56
chuck_Pandora: if it installed correctly it will be hiding in /usr/share/applications just drag and drop it to your desktop05:56
lk5246my bad05:56
ketchAnyone willing to pick up where Strav was helping with the wireless?05:56
Drikanscrap what are your permishons as your normal user05:56
lk5246how do you set up software raid 0?05:57
Gnea!raid | lk524605:57
ubottulk5246: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:57
lk5246thanks for your help05:58
chuck_nilihanth the only thing i know about oss is you cannot have it and alsa it's one or the other. i do not know the command to restart oss05:58
arvind_khadri!opera | ankur_05:58
ubottuankur_: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser05:58
Drikanhey Gnea05:58
ScrapDrikan my normal user has full permissions as administrator05:58
Gneahow'd it go?05:58
ankur_ubottu: I think I have done that05:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:58
nilihanthchuck_, Ok that helps...them both running could be the problem05:58
iamtechnoglitsj16: got it to work05:58
iamtechnoStarv: it worked05:59
DrikanGnea: are you refuring to my DVD issue?05:59
arvind_khadriankur_: did you build opera from source ?05:59
GneaDrikan: yeah05:59
ketchlooking for help on wireless for U8.10 in a HP laptop with an AMD6405:59
nilihanthchuck_, stinky part is, 8.10 had no issues with the sound.  Worked right out of the install.  Jaunty is a different story.05:59
glitsj16iamtechno: nice, now you can tweak your heart out with the thought of having a fallback option heh05:59
zvacetankur_:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/166511/05:59
Gneaketch: gotta tell us what the actual problem is05:59
nilihanthchuck_, Thanks.  I'll look into the Alsa and OSS thing05:59
ScrapDrikan although I am only looking in the system-administration-users and groups gui05:59
ankur_arvind_khadri: I had got a .deb package05:59
DrikanGnea: well the issue isnt just with DVD's is any Disk i place in the drive none mount and the system locks up shortly after05:59
GneaDrikan: ouch. tried a new cable and/or drive?06:00
arvind_khadriankur_: ok check what zvacet told you06:00
iamtechnoglitsj16: yeah. The big reason is so I could play ut2k4 with out having a black screen to stare at and an unreponsive kill and mouse06:00
ketchI was working with Strav for about an hour (about 30 min ago)  He had me run a bunch of commands on command line and use the binpaste06:00
ankur_Yup! I am doing it. Actually, I am not understanding the code thing.06:00
kbpany1 know how to decrease the time of "drag & drop on desktop!?" it takes like 3sec to popup the minimized windows on taskbar when I drag sumthing to it. It's too long!!!06:00
* Gnea doing another 8.10->9.04 upgrade06:00
chuck_nilihanth did you install oss because it does not come as part of jaunty you might be thinking of pulseaudio06:01
Gneakbp: turn off desktop effects06:01
iamtechnokbp: what kind of system do you have?06:01
kbpUbuntu 8.0406:01
ankur_Guys! from where to get to the path given?06:01
DrikanGnea: yea i just tryed a new cable a few hrs ago. still the drive works just fine in vista but dose the lock up in linux. I want forum diving and others that have the drive are working fine. but there using the a driver for a slightly newer drive06:01
iamtechnokbp: I meant what cpu, ram size, etc06:01
kbpDual Core 1.6, 4GB RAM06:02
ankur_Should I go to system>prefrences>....06:02
lk5246SATA  2S RAID controller for ubuntu 8.1006:02
iamtechnokbp: definatly kill desktop effects06:02
GneaDrikan: trying to remember... is that a laptop or desktop?06:03
kbpiamtechno: I use a lot of desktop effects (Compiz fusion), which one to kill?06:03
DrikanScrap: while your loged in on your user not root do a ls -l on the directory your trying to get in to06:03
DrikanGnea: Desktop06:03
nilihanthchuck_, my sound app from Preferences was on autodetect, which didn't work.  I went through the list and the only thing that worked was called: HDA Intel STAC92xx Analag (OSS)06:03
dmp1ceTrying to get my wireless to connect to a WPA network I installed wicd but when I try to connect it says Validating Authentication... for awhile and then quits without connecting.  Any other ideas on what I can do?06:03
iamtechnokpb: turn desktop effects from whatever to none06:03
GneaDrikan: i wonder if it'd make a difference if you changed the settings for it in bios06:03
ankur_arvind_khadri: I read the contents. But I don't understand how to do that. from where am I supposed to go to that path? Can you help?06:04
DrikanGnea: how do you meen?06:04
ketchGena, I've only been able to use a cable on this HP laptop dv8000 AMD64 since Breezy.  Strav, I think, thought we were close to having it.  But the wireless didnot pickup.  So I rebooted and came up without the cable in.  No joy.  Rebooted again with the cable and here I am.06:04
ketchoops Gnea06:04
ScrapDrikan : here it is  drwxrwx--- 4 root webadmin 4096 2009-05-06 07:47 web06:04
TTxTwho can use remote desktop in jaunty???????????????/06:04
DrikanScrap: that as root06:04
Amarok___is ext4 a reliable filesystem06:05
zvacetankur_ : so you can go to the Opera? If yes then tools>preferences>advanced>content>plugin options>and then put java in right path06:05
GneaDrikan: well, most desktops just 'auto' detect the drives - if you set it as UDMA, specifically, perhaps the problem would go away06:05
arvind_khadriankur_: yeah check out where java is06:05
ScrapDrikan: neg that is as normal user06:05
kbpiamtechno: so on your one (without desktop effect), the minimized windows pops up instantly when u drag sumthing to it?06:05
DrikanScrap: check out the exit out of root and do the same thing06:05
nilihanthchuck_, woah!  how odd...that OSS item shows up twice in the list.  The 2nd one worked!  lol.  I don't know what that means but I hope I don't have to do this everytime I login06:05
ankur_Where java is? You mean, the path to it?06:05
Gneaketch: are you up to 9.04?06:05
ketchGnea,  8.1006:05
zvacetankur_ :yes06:05
mpontilloketch: can you pastebin the contents of /etc/network/interfaces?06:05
DrikanGnea: all right ill give that a go06:06
Suhailhow do you find out the version of a package?06:06
Suhailor information about it06:06
mobi-sheepAmarok___: Nothing is ever reliable.  Not even your family.06:06
hylkehow the fuck do i get my  keyboard right_06:06
iamtechnokbp: yes but I also have a very powerful system too.06:06
ketchdo it now mponillo06:06
lstarnesSuhail: aptitude show package-name06:06
mobi-sheepSuhail: aptitude show <xyzpackage>06:06
mneptok!language > hylke06:06
ubottuhylke, please see my private message06:06
Amarok___i mean compared to ext306:06
hylkehow do i get my keyboard right06:06
hylkenot with all the à- at the wrong places çS06:07
=== owen1 is now known as dan
mobi-sheepAmarok___: Who say ext3 was reliable too? I'm using ext4 right now and I haven't experienced any issues that were outlined on the 'net.06:07
=== raiden is now known as Guest47441
mpontilloketch: just trying to move things along, I can't help right this minute. but if you have anything in /etc/network/interfaces other than references to "lo", network manager will not be able to manage your interfaces. we already determined that network manager was not managing them.06:07
kbpiamtechno: I turned desktop effect off, still same issue (and I timed it, it's actually 1 sec)06:08
Gneaketch: have you tried wicd?06:08
mobi-sheepAmarok___: I say you should go for ext4.  Production Servers?  Please use ext3.06:08
kbpiamtechno: how strong is ur system? Core i7?06:08
glitsj16ankur_: look in your .opera folder for a file javapath.txt and see if zvacet's proposed changes can be set there06:08
chuck_nilihanth  glad to here Sound is the biggest headache in linux at least for me06:08
ketchmpontillo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/166517/06:09
iamtechnokpb: hey i've got to go. Sorry to bail. I have a phenom x4 @ 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram, and an ati radeon hd 487006:09
nilihanthchuck_, yeah I've struggled with it a lot in the past versions...'tis why I was very happy to find that 8.10 worked out of the box.06:09
kbpiamtechno: ok c ya (I love 4870)06:09
ankur_glitsj16: I am trying to do that. (Actually I am hitting in the dark, well, not a bad start for learning)06:09
ketchGnea, wicd does not show on Synaptic Package Manager06:09
Suhailfor some reason when i use screen i can never use backspace it just says "Wuff -- Wuff"06:10
glitsj16ankur_: take your time, we'll flash a torch if you're not back in 30 minutes06:10
iamtechnokpb: Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance. Yeah the 4870 rocks. u might try asking someone else.06:10
lstarnesSuhail: what about ctrl+h?06:11
ankur_Okay! Thank you glitsj1606:11
Gneaketch: ah yes, it's been introduced in jaunty... http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php06:11
zvacetankur_: http://www.opera.com/support/kb/view/584/06:11
kbpiamtechno: dw06:11
Suhaillstarnes: same06:11
lstarnesSuhail: what happens if you type some characters then backspace?06:11
Suhaillstarnes: same thing06:11
Amarok___well thanks mobi-sheep i was just a littel reluctant i have heard ppl say it isn't as stable as ext3 but alls well now thanks man06:12
Suhaillstarnes: do you know how to fix that?06:12
lk5246SATA  2S RAID controller06:12
Gneaketch: not sure if wicd will actually work or not, but for wireless, it's way better than network manager06:12
ketchGnea,  at this point if I went after that url I'm afraid I'd never see you again06:12
lstarnesSuhail: I'm not sure06:12
Ricksteri was wondering what a tiny star inside the square of a package in SYNAPTIC means06:12
lk5246join #ubuntu-au06:12
Gneaketch: pessimism won't get you very far ;)06:12
Suhaillstarnes: also it nevers takes on the characteristics in my bash_profile06:12
krammer_can i extract a rar with ubuntu06:13
mobi-sheepAmarok___: No problem.  Have fun with ext4.  New stuffs for you. :)06:13
Gneakrammer_: yes.06:13
ketchGnea, I've been futzing around with wireless on since06:13
Gneaketch: yeah, i've been doing it for quite awhile too... wicd is worth trying06:13
zvacetkrammer_ : install p7zip p7zip-full p7zip-rar and after that jusr right click on rar file06:14
Gneaketch: if all else fails, just make sure you have the networkmanager .deb laying around06:14
gaboxcan someone help me with lp0 add-on pci card?06:14
ketchI think you're too advanced for this poor newbie06:14
Gneagabox: what's the problem? plug it in and...?06:15
Gneatoo advanced...06:15
glitsj16Rickster: i believe the star refers to an upgradable package06:15
krammer_Gnea, i get an error message when i insert a cd or dvd no hal06:15
NoobSeekingInfoHey does anyone here use the DccAssist plugin for XChat and might be able to tell me how it works for them?06:15
dmp1ceHow can I tell what my wireless card in my computer is?06:16
Gnea!wireless | dmp1ce06:16
gaboxgnea thanks, the problem is the card is reconized but i cant control it06:16
ubottudmp1ce: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:16
Gneakrammer_: is udevd running?06:16
NoobSeekingInfoor anything at all about dcc related plugins would be nice06:16
Crash1hdHmm I just clicked on windows in grub and all I am getting is Starting up ...???06:16
gaboxit have 2 serial port and 1 parallel port06:16
Suhailwhoa what happened to all the sun-java6* packages?06:16
ankur_glitsj16: I have managed to reach the folder you told, but I can't find javapath.txt file06:17
gaboxand de serials port works fine06:17
krammer_Gnea,  this is weird i have lots to burn and cant with k3b nor brsero06:17
Gneagabox: what happens when you load parport.ko?06:17
ankur_Also the path specified in the pastebin link is link is not as it is in my computer06:17
mjm52Crash1hd sounds like you were editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst file06:17
Gneakrammer_: 8.10?06:17
Crash1hdmjm52: well I followed the instructions on the ubuntu help site for fixing grub06:17
gaboxGnea, how can i load it?06:18
Crash1hdmjm52: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub06:18
Gneakrammer_: how long ago did hal start malfunctioning?06:18
Gneagabox: sudo modprobe parport06:18
krammer_2 weeks06:18
chuck_crash1hd where you ever able to boot windows06:18
mjm52Crash, i don't think windows puts the message 'Starting up' on your console06:18
glitsj16ankur_: okay, so i suggest making a file in that location with your exact path to the jvm, it should contain only one line (mine looks like /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i38606:18
krammer_i recently built this machine06:18
Crash1hdchuck_: when I first installed it06:18
mjm52sounds like under windows you're unsuccessfully loading an ubuntu distro06:18
krammer_well about 4 months ago06:18
Gneakrammer_: do you know what caused hal to malfunction? an upgrade?06:19
lk5246raid problems help06:19
krammer_works fine with pista06:19
kbpdoes any1 know how to change the interval delay for "drag & drop"!? It takes like 1 sec to popup the minimized windows when I drag sumthing to it. It's too long for me!!!06:19
chuck_crash1hd  after installing linux could you boot into it06:19
Crash1hdchuck_: not sure dont think so06:19
Crash1hdnever actually tried until today06:19
krammer_Gnea,  I honestly dont know06:19
Gneakbp: install a better wm, like windowmaker, fluxbux, xfce or enlightenment06:20
mjm52well you're running some OS right now... which one?06:20
Crash1hdproblem is that windows wasnt / isnt seeing the whoe hdd06:20
Crash1hdmjm52: laptop06:20
Crash1hdmjm52: windows06:20
Gneakrammer_: do you have any logs with errors about it?06:20
chuck_crash1hd  so you had windows then installed linux ontop of it06:20
ScottGWhat is a good way to be able to send myself emails from the command line. So that way I can have myself emailed when certain things happen on my system06:20
Gneakrammer_: are you sure? what does /var/log/syslog say when you insert a dvd?06:20
Crash1hdchuck_: I had a 1tb drive that I installed windows onto the first 20gigs then installed ubuntu on the rest06:20
kbpGnea: what does wm mean? (I'm on Ubuntu 8.04)06:20
Crash1hdchuck_: ubuntu is working but windows wont boot06:20
monstahkbp: Windowmanager06:21
Gneakbp: window manager06:21
gaboxGnea, i did it modprobe, now what06:21
Gneagabox: see if it showed up - check with the dmesg command06:21
Cousssdoes anyone know why when i hit ctrl+alt+f1 my screen turns black and begins to blur to white. anyone know how to fix this or why it is happening06:21
kbpGnea: how to find out which wm I'm using !?06:21
monstahkbp: you're probably using gnome+metacity06:21
ankur_glitsj16: What should I name the file?06:21
Gneakbp: did you install standard ubuntu or something else?06:21
mjm52Crash, what does it say under title Windows XP in /boot/grub/menu.lst06:21
glitsj16ankur_: javapath.txt06:22
ankur_And would there be only path in that file? In simple text?06:22
kbpGnea: yes just standard Ubuntu ( & Compiz fusion - is Compiz fusion a wm?)06:22
mjm52should say something like06:22
Crash1hdmjm52: I will check will be a min as I just loaded bartpe to see what it sees06:22
systmI have a HP Dv3-1075us and I just installed Jaunty x64, everything works but the sound, and I can't seem to find anyone else's support that works for me, would anyone be willing to assist me on this issue?06:22
Crash1hdahh yes it says rootnoverify(hd0,0)06:22
glitsj16ankur_: correct, just the one06:22
ankur_Well, I am doing it06:22
mjm52anything else?06:22
Gneakbp: no, compiz is just an overglorified gui effects thing06:22
kbpmonstah: ok let me google it lol I'm a newbie in Linux lol06:23
mjm52like makeactive or chanloader +106:23
Crash1hdyes both06:23
kbpGnea: ok let me google more lol06:23
Gneakbp: like i'm stopping you lol06:23
monstahkbp: hehe if you installed standard ubuntu you have gnome as your desktop environment and metacity as wm06:23
krammer_Gnea, gotta go thanks for your time06:23
mjm52as long as windows is on your first partition of your first HD it should be working06:23
kbpGnea: so which wm comes with standard ubuntu?06:23
Gneakrammer_: cheers and good luck06:23
Cousssdoes anyone know why when i hit ctrl+alt+f1 my screen turns black and begins to blur to white. anyone know how to fix this or why it is happening06:23
Gneakbp: gnome and metacity06:23
monstahkbp: apt-get install openbox06:23
mjm52sounds like a bad video driver06:24
GneaCousss: sounds like your video driver is setup incorrectly06:24
glitsj16ankur_: have you had time to check that link zvacet gave you ? about java-common (that has to be installed as wellà06:24
Cousssthanks ill check the settings again06:24
mjm52Crash, double check your partition layout in gparted06:24
Crash1hdmjm52: thats what doesnt make any sense06:24
kbpmonstah: so openbox is the best wm ?06:24
mjm52the other thing that might be wrong...06:24
kbpmonstah: which one is the best? lol06:25
RichiVdang it the second time ubuntu crashed on me06:25
* Gnea considers e17 the best wm - but i'm not everyone ;)06:25
RichiVwhats wrong?06:25
=== ScottG is now known as op
monstahkbp: haha that has to be your own choice, i love openbox06:25
mjm52if you told grub to install itself on hd0,0 instead of just hd0, it may have overwritten windows' boot record06:25
=== op is now known as Scottg
Crash1hdmjm52: its ok I had to use testdrive to fix it06:25
RichiVi try and use wine with guildwars06:25
GneaRichiV: ice is ice, ubuntu won't stop it! ;)06:25
RichiVand the graphics freeze?06:25
mjm52oh, what's testdrive?06:25
monstahkbp: i'd suggest you google screenshots or something for a good look of the different WM's06:25
=== Scottg is now known as ScottG
Crash1hdmjm52: it fixes partitions long story short something had happened and screwed up all the partitions06:26
GneaRichiV: is this an upgrade or fresh install?06:26
SoylentYellowIs there any tool for imaging partitions or making backups of linux partitions? (Like with Acronis TrueImage under Windows)06:26
MakuseruHi, I just upgraded to 9.04 from my previous install on 8.04 and i seem to be having a problem. I can't set any resolution higher than 1024x786. When i was using 8.04 i had a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that would let me force a large resolution, but that isn't included in 9.04. So are there any other ways to force a larger resolution?06:26
ScottGWhat is a good way to be able to send myself emails from the command line. So that way I can have myself emailed when certain things happen on my system06:26
mjm52oh nice :)06:26
Crash1hdmjm52: it was able to repair them so I could log into windows06:26
mjm52good to know06:26
Crash1hdi mean ubuntu06:26
kbpmonstah: if I install new wm, does that mean I have to re-config the setting for Compiz Fusion again? (it took me a day to config it so I really dun wanna lose it)06:26
kbpGnea: thank you Gnea06:26
RichiVGnea: this is the most current version06:26
Crash1hdmjm52: its in the universal supository06:26
Haris_Aminmjm52: u there...u were helping me out ealiere with the windows parititons06:26
mjm52so now you get into windows ok?06:26
GneaSoylentYellow: i've found clonezilla to fit that bill06:26
Crash1hdmjm52: very very powerfull program06:26
monstahkbp: i don't know about compiz, ain't using it06:26
RichiVGnea: so ist he Wine and driver for my comp ATi MObi Radeon X60006:26
Crash1hdmjm52: no this is happening after doing the fixes06:27
chuck_crash1hd  here is what i am getting at when you install windows it throws files everywhere on the hard drive without defraging the drive before a linux install you risk over writing window files 9 out of 10 times this will not happen it's the 10th time that get's you06:27
Haris_Aminmjm52: its booting straight to windows...i need to be able to choose between teh 2 in grub06:27
GneaRichiV: what i'm wondering is, is the .wine/ setup fresh or did you create it with a previous installation?06:27
gaboxGnea, i find this "[   17.683548] lp0: using parport0 (polling)." with dmesg06:27
monstahkbp: guess compiz only works with gnome+metacity06:27
RichiVGnea: its fresh06:27
Crash1hdchuck_: ahh06:27
RichiVGnea straight from the site06:27
xipihow can i open a file as a different user from nautilus06:27
Gneagabox: okay, try plugging a printer in and reload it06:27
cirmy nvidia driver won't let me use higher resolutions than 1360x768 and when I use resolutions higher than 1024x768 the viewable area smaller than the resolution is06:27
RichiVimma try GW again without the drivers installed06:27
kbpmonstah: .... ok let me figure out how to change the setting of metacity06:27
SoylentYellowclonzilla? This can be run from Linux session and has a GUI? I'm looking for something easy to use like Acronis products under Windows or similar apps that do system backups under Windows.06:28
Crash1hdchuck_: mjm52: the good news is that now bartpe is seeing the C drive as 20 gigs (it wasnt before)06:28
mjm52oh that's pretty strange, Crash06:28
glitsj16kbp: just make sure you enter your new wm command into compiz settings under "Window decorations"06:28
cellingHello, how can I know which ubuntu version I have installed?06:28
Crash1hdmjm52: boot.ini is ok too06:28
zvacetcelling : lsb_release -a06:29
kbpglitsj16: yea sure... thank you dude i'll check06:29
cellingzvacet: Thank you.06:29
forcesopenoffice has something similar like word art?06:30
systmhow do i check and see what driver is being used for my audio devices>06:30
ScottGWhat is a good way to be able to send myself emails from the command line. So that way I can have myself emailed when certain things happen on my system06:30
chuck_crash1hd: when you chose windows in grub it goes to the starting windows screen correct then hangs06:30
RichiVhow do i know if i am a 64 bit comp?06:30
painted82i'm going to try out ubuntu06:30
painted82are there any supportive people i can depend on06:30
Crash1hdchuck_: it doesnt even get that far it goes black and says Starting up...06:31
glitsj16kbp: another nice place to set something up in compiz is the "crash handler", so it can start a wm if it fails06:31
Rabbitbunnypainted82: a couple hundred.06:31
sysdocpainted82, Not really, just us in here06:31
forcesopenoffice has something similar like word art in ms word?06:31
painted82now does ubuntu recognize intel raid out of the box06:31
painted82or do i need special drivers06:31
ankur_glitsj16, zvacet, arvind_khadri, Thank You all! Thank you for bearing me all the time, when I had almost been bugging you. Though the problem hasn't got solved, I have got an idea how to do it. And I shall do in the evening. Now, I gotta attend my classes, so, I have to go now. One again, Thank you!06:31
cirmy nvidia driver won't let me use higher resolutions than 1360x768 and when I use resolutions higher than 1024x768 the viewable area smaller than the resolution is06:31
Crash1hdchuck_: just did a chkdsk and now doing a defrag in bart pe just to be on the safe side06:31
cirand I don't know how to fix it06:32
SoylentYellowI've tried several tools, but all these Linux tools do simple folder backups. There is nothing like all those WIndows tools that can image your entire system while you are running it.06:32
glitsj16ankur_: okay, enjoy the class and the ubuntu, see you06:32
ankur_See ya glitsj16!06:32
ankur_bye! Have a nice time ahead06:32
n2diySoylentYellow: have you looked at mondo?06:32
NoobSeekingInfoDoes anyone have any recommendations or info they'd be willing to share about dcc plugins for XChat?06:32
billybigriggerSoylentYellow, i could be wrong but i believe you can't image the system while you are running it due to filesystem limitations06:33
n2diybillybigrigger: check out mondo, I think you can.06:33
billybigriggerSoylentYellow, not because of ubuntu itself, but because of ext3/ext4 i think this might be possible soon with btrfs06:33
glitsj16ScottG: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/ might be of interest to you06:33
Elixirhow do you turn off the multiple desktop thing? i'm tired of accidently scrolling to the other desktop when i'm surfing the interweb06:34
rawrcoreI have a strange problem where left alt and right alt are activating by themselves without any keyboard input ubuntu 9.0406:34
kbpglitsj16: actually is there any "import/export" feature in Compiz Fuson? like I can make a backup file of the settings and restore later when I need (i.e. dont have to waste time to re-configure it again)06:34
n2diyElixir: right click on an open space in your panel, then properties, and reduce your panels to one.06:35
* NoobSeekingInfo sees a lot of plugins listed at xchat.org, but doesn't know which are good for helping with dcc in Xchat06:35
gaboxGnea, thanks  see u later06:35
glitsj16kbp: in the compizconfig-settings-manager there is yes, not in little-ccsm i think06:35
Gneagabox: cheers06:35
Amarok___hey guys i am having a littel problem a couple of weeks back i installed ubuntu but as i was then having display problem i used the xforcevesa mode to boot into the live cd and it installed my system in xforcevesa mode now how do i get out of the xforcevesa mode the best resolution it gives me is 800x600 its a bit to chunky pls guys can some one help me06:35
Elixiri dont have an option for the "panels"06:35
Elixirwait, nevermind06:36
Elixirthank you n2diy06:36
glitsj16kbp: i think the default settings manager uses gconf as backend, easier with a flat flie import/export facility like in compizconfig-settings-manager06:36
SoylentYellowOh ok, so system imaging = no-go under Linux. Can you tell me which folders I need to backup in case of drive failure?06:36
glitsj16kbp: *file; you sure wouldn't want flies in your compiz06:37
ScottGglitsj16: ok reading this over thanks!06:37
n2diyElixir: how about customize panel?06:37
DrikanGnea: well there is no option to set it to UDMA thow i wonder is this could be an issue.  i have the drive linux is on connected to an PATA to SATA adapter and the DVDRAM drive is connected to the PATA port on the MB. think that could be an issue?06:37
kbpglitsj16: I think i've found that window. So is the "export" of the profile is what I need?06:37
glitsj16ScottG: you're welcome, have it set up like that since 7.10, works just fine06:37
Elixiri figured it out, you have to right click the bottom right thing that shows the desktops, and click "columns" to 106:37
glitsj16kbp: yes thats it06:37
kbpglitsj16: and lower is the "backend" that you were talking about06:38
kbpglitsj16: what should I do with it?06:38
Amarok___hey guys i am having a littel problem a couple of weeks back i installed ubuntu but as i was then having display problem i used the xforcevesa mode to boot into the live cd and it installed my system in xforcevesa mode now how do i get out of the xforcevesa mode the best resolution it gives me is 800x600 its a bit to chunky pls guys can some one help me06:38
GneaDrikan: might be... and i didn't get a chance to tell you - for cd/dvdrom drives, it would be a PIO mode, not UDMA (for disks)06:38
billybigriggerwhat program can i use to burn an audio_ts and video_ts directory? its a dvd06:38
systmHow do i add a user to a group?06:38
GneaDrikan: sorry about that06:38
glitsj16kbp: correct, set the backend to flat file and export your settings to produce a backup, that's all it takes06:39
zvacetsystm : sudo adduser username group06:39
systmzvacet: thanks.06:39
GneaDrikan: i've never used an adapter like that, so i imagine its effects to be quite wild at times - i'd try it without06:39
DrikanGnea: well in any case that is no option to set that and the rom supports pio 1-406:39
systmwell that didnt fix my audio issue.06:40
Drikanwell that would meen disconnecting the drive from sata and connecting it to the pata06:40
GneaDrikan: right. depending on the drive and the speed it matches up with the system, it will probably be 3 or 406:40
GneaDrikan: couldn't hurt06:41
sysdocAmarok___, You'd need to install the correct drivers for the Vid Card06:41
painted82guys i have a creative sound card06:41
painted82do u know a place where i can get linux drivers for it06:41
DrikanGnea: how do you think that would effect the startup?06:41
Gneaunless you leave flea power laying around06:41
GneaDrikan: not at all06:41
Drikanok ill try that06:41
glitsj16systm: did you restart pulseaudio after adding yourself to the pulse groups ?06:41
kbpglitsj16: the export thing is available for both method (flat-file & Gconf)... lol I've just export one of each to make sure lol06:41
DrikanGnea: ill be back in a few06:41
glitsj16kbp: heh, smart move06:42
systmglitsj16: still says im not part of the pulse-rt group06:42
glitsj16systm: so add yourself and try again06:42
systmglitsj16: it says im still part of the group06:42
NoobSeekingInfoDoes anyone know any good plugins for XChat?  especially those that make dealing with dcc easier?06:42
glitsj16systm: which is it ? only houdini could be in 2 groups at the same time06:43
eswoodalguien me puede ayudar con el wine??06:43
Amarok___is there like a script i can use to hide the icons on my desktop06:43
abamahow to compile ppp statically? what cflags to pass?06:44
systmglitsj16: what do you mean, i'm in pulse-rt06:44
glitsj16systm: well your former line confused me, my bad06:45
systmglitsj16: its ok.06:45
systmglitsj16: do i have to use Pulse?06:45
glitsj16systm: no06:45
Crash1hdmjm52: you still around?06:46
abamawhat CFLAGS can compile source statically?06:46
systmglitsj16: well either way, something is muted because my SoftKeys  Mute button is still the same color as being muted06:46
Gneaabama: er, -static does it, iirc06:46
glitsj16systm: you can change your sound prefs to use alsa for instance ... but if things are muted, no sound settings will deliver audio, checked your mixer settings yet ?06:47
painted82well i'm gonna go ahead and install ubuntu06:47
painted82wish me luck06:47
systmyes, nothing is muted06:47
Crash1hdmjm52: you where wondering what my menu.lst file was saying it says rootnoverify (hd0,0);savedefault;makeactive;chainloader +1; <--- the ; represents an enter06:47
glitsj16systm: are you on jaunty ? there are some issues i believe using audio on certain cards06:48
systmglitsj16: yes.. :(06:48
abamaGnea: CFLAGS=-static?06:48
glitsj16systm: let me get a link, one moment pls06:48
abamaGnea: -static or --static?06:49
exodus_msIs it possible to configure the columns in 'top'? I would like to increase the spacing between PID %MEM, etc.06:49
glitsj16systm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 has a very detailed set of instructions to configure pulseaudio, im tracking down somethin else as well06:50
the_curatorHas anyone's wireless interfaces stopped working after a recent (48h) package update and reboot?06:52
glitsj16systm: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html ... i nrealize it's a read, but it might be a good idea to get a general view on how pulseaudio works, it's explained in the forums link better than i ever could, perhaps take that as a first stepping stone06:52
systmglitsj16: if its becoming a standard i'll look at it.06:53
ScottGglitsj16: Is there a way so that everything can be automated?06:53
rawrcoreI have a strange problem where left alt and right alt are activating by themselves without me pressing any keys ubuntu 9.0406:53
glitsj16systm: yes it sure looks that way06:53
Dym1111Привет всем!06:53
ScottGglitsj16: Like, I can enter a subject manually with -s, but what about a body? I seem to ened to type the body in manually06:54
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:54
glitsj16ScottG: how do you mean exactly ?06:54
systmglitsj16: for linux as a whole or just *buntus06:54
cirI'm trying to configure my graphics settings and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg just asks me a ton of crap about my keyboard and closes06:54
glitsj16systm: pulseaudio is used all over the place these days06:54
systmglitsj16: does it play nice with MPD/sonata/mpc?06:55
vaderAnybody know how to set hardware acceleration for frame buffer vesafb driver using fbset? To list 1233 files in console takes 27s, while in X it's a zippy 0.77s.06:55
glitsj16systm: very much so yes06:55
systmglitsj16: excellent06:55
MaksueruHi, I just upgraded to 9.04 from 8.04. But now I can't set my resolution any larger than 1024x786. When I was using 8.04 i used a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that allowed me to force 1400x1200 resolution, but apparently that program is no longer available. Does anyone know any other program or wya to force a larger resolution?06:55
glitsj16ScottG: hang on please, i'm slow :)06:56
DrikanGena: well at lest it hasent locked up yet06:56
Drikanjust not mounting06:56
c0mp13371331337Maksueru: Hardware info?06:57
Patriquehi, can we add a search text box in our gnome taskbar like we can do with google on windows?06:57
systmglitsj16: i need to reboot brb06:58
DrikanGnea: should it auto mount?06:58
glitsj16systm: okay, hope you get some improvements06:58
Brando753how do u open a .run file?06:59
Maksueruc0mp13371331337: ATI Radeon 9200, Intell P4 2.2ghz, 1gb ram.06:59
Patriquethis is not the appropriate channel or nobody knows?07:00
kbpPatrique: right click then add panel07:00
paintedhey guys07:00
paintedubuntu does not recognize my raid set up07:00
paintedhelp please!07:01
sacarlsonBrando753: I think in a terminal window if it's not already set to excutable chmod +x filename.run    then ./filename.run07:01
kbpPatrique: *add to panel07:01
ScottGglitsj16: np07:01
c0mp13371331337Maksueru: Radeon 9200, wow, used to have that EXACT card.  I remember it always giving me trouble, no matter what I was doing.  What driver are you using for it?  If memory serves me correctly, the 9200 was the cutoff model for fglrx support.  All models above it had support in fglrx, but the 9200 and below were out of luck.07:01
ScottGglitsj16: Maybe you could show me an example of one of those commands?07:01
ghindoThis is kind of a stupid question, but I keep getting a "permission denied" error with transmission-daemon; can anybody give me some unix permission tips to fix this?07:02
glitsj16ScottG: yes i was looking into that, i also use sendemail, has a very easy interface07:02
Maksueruc0mp13371331337: Ya, it kinda sucks that i cant use fglrx, I'm using the Versa drivers right now. Ive always been able to force it to other resolutions with other programs, but now that this one is gone Im not sure how to do it anymore.07:02
CodeWari m on intrepid using emacs 22.2.1. I notice a very strange issue, if I click on the left hand corner window menu ( the one thathas minimiz/maximize/move ) it takes a long time before this works for emacs07:02
CodeWarthis extra time is taken only for emacs windows not for other applications07:02
Brando753sacarlson: thanks works perfectly07:03
c0mp13371331337Maksueru: Granted, it's been a year or two since I've used ATI anything, but if memory serves me correctly, I had better luck using the open ATI drivers.  Have you given that a shot yet?07:03
KingKimii got this error tring to install a tar.gz contents  "**Error**: You must have `libtool' installed.07:03
KingKimiYou can get it from: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/07:03
KingKimi" but in that page what to download ??     i mean, in this page : which one to download ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libtool/   ........07:03
Maksueruc0mp13371331337: No, not yet.07:04
ScottGglitsj16: hm ok, sendmail07:04
dhirenhi to everybody07:05
glitsj16ScottG: sendemail, not sendmail07:05
c0mp13371331337Maksueru: Give it a shot, it'd definitely be better to have somewhat native drivers rather than forcing a general VESA driver.07:05
Patriquekbp: yeah i know this, but what i would like is an input box to search on the net07:05
sacarlsonKingKimi:  apt-get install libtool07:05
doleybKingKimi: that's a bad way to get libtool07:05
ScottGglitsj16: uuh, whats with the e?07:05
KingKimidoleyb, but the terminal said that...07:05
KingKimisacarlson,  ok07:05
doleybKingKimi: yeah it did, but install the autoconf and autotools-dev packages instead07:06
ScottGoh email07:06
KingKimidoleyb, from sudo apt-get install autoconf ?07:06
glitsj16ScottG: it is the package name, i didn't choose it, i guess the author wanted to make sure it didn't collide with sendmail07:06
abamahow to compile user-lever ppp source code statically?07:07
doleybKingKimi:  sure like that, or libtool, or whatever it takes07:07
Myztikal_Hi, i've decided to make the switch from Windows to Ubuntu and i was just wondering if there's a way to run windows apps07:07
Myztikal_more on a gaming level than anything else07:07
systmglitsj16: didnt seem to fix anything.07:07
doleybMyztikal_: there is wine.  It is used to run WOW and stuff.07:08
shipitkthxi use cairo dock in jaunty, has anyone been able to actually stop the gnome-panel from starting? i dont want it anymore and cant get rid of it07:08
Myztikal_How reliable is wine?07:08
Myztikal_and i'm specifically trying to run Ragnarok (really old) and TF2/CS07:09
glitsj16ScottG: sendEmail -f glitsj16@gmail.com -t scottg@gmail.com -u "testing ubuntu" -m "Testing ubuntu's ability to use cdmline mail" -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -xu <USERNAME FOR SMTP AUTHENTICATION> -xp <PASSWORD FOR SMTP AUTHENTICATION> -q07:09
glitsj16is one way to use it ... it also takes a -o switch: your mail body in a file if you prefer it that way (instead of the -m routine)07:09
doleybMyztikal_: old stuff would tend to be better.  If you've noticed Windows Vista, many new games fail to run right even on genuine Microsoft(tm) Windows(r).07:09
crashatauMyztikal Have a look in WineHQ appdb, see if it's supported07:09
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Myztikal_ok thanks.07:10
glitsj16systm: too bad, i take it you made those changes mentioned on the forums page ?07:10
crashataudoleyb: "many new games fail to run right even on genuine Microsoft(tm) Windows(r)", what a load of crap jeez07:10
Myztikal_also, if i have the .exe files from Windows am i allowed to run it on Ubuntu07:10
systmglitsj16: pretty sure.07:10
systmglitsj16: its showing Audio levels changing but something is muted07:10
babiois there a way to modify the "notify messages" features of ubuntu 9.04?07:11
glitsj16systm: sounds like it doesn't find your output device07:11
doleybcrashatau: It isn't hard to find complaints from many windows users that X or Y recent game functions poorly.07:11
systmglitsj16: maybe, its it possible to specify what Audio Card when using alsamixer07:12
rww_babio: Notifications aren't configurable, no.07:12
=== shr is now known as shrd
glitsj16systm: i believe you can yes, let me check my setuo here07:12
babiook i would like to modify color or display time....;(07:12
systmglitsj16: 1/2 Success07:13
systmglitsj16: audio thru Headphones.07:13
ScottGglitsj16: Awesome thanks so much!07:13
glitsj16systm: okay, on the right track07:13
glitsj16ScottG: welcome, it sure beats setting up a professional complex mail system07:14
systmsomething to do with Front in alsa i believe07:14
Maksueruc0mp13371331337: I can't figure out how to install the ATI/Radeon drivers. All the wiki's are old and just refer to eding xorg.config.07:14
=== baskingshark is now known as paul68
glitsj16systm: in your /etc/pulse/default.pa, have you set any specific alsa sink ?07:14
shipitkthxanyone know how to disable the top gnome panel in Jaunty?07:15
systmglitsj16: im half deaf now because of PC beep >:(07:15
billybigriggerwhat program can i use to burn an audio_ts and video_ts directory? its a dvd07:15
glitsj16systm: lol, we can kill that irritating beep, want to do that first ?07:15
systmglitsj16: i just muted it.07:16
glitsj16systm: sudo rmmod pcspkr07:16
kbpPatrique: http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/stable/launchers.html.en07:16
ScottGglitsj16: How did you team with the STARTTLS?07:16
c0mp13371331337Maksueru: I *believe* they're already installed, you just need to point to them with your xorg.conf.  As I mentioned, it has been a while since I configured an ATI card, but that's what I had to do.07:16
systmglitsj16: what do you mean default alsa sink?07:16
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kindofabuzzgot my discs today from https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ that was quick, only took like 2 weeks?07:17
glitsj16systm: pulseaudio can load a default alsa output device, i think that you haven't set one and pulse just ignores to look for one, but that's a guess07:17
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=== psh is now known as psr
systmglitsj16: good theory, but how would it know about Headphones?07:17
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superboyi was07:18
sacarlsonshipitkthx: I didn't try it but looks like you can  go mouse over an unused part and right click delete panel.  looks like you can autohide it too07:18
ScottGglitsj16: I am surprised that command works for you. Google states on their smtp/pop site you need to set STARTTLS07:18
systmglitsj16: how would i set that and what line?07:18
shipitkthxu cant delete panel on the top panel07:18
shipitkthxsacarlson: its greyed out07:19
superboymy disj wont eject after07:19
systmanyone here using a HP DV series laptop?07:19
glitsj16systm: pulseudio is hotpluggable, defaults are set to not load any device, it picks up your headphones, hang on, i'll paste something, for the /etc/pulse/default.pa file07:19
sacarlsonshipitkthx: it's not on mine maybe it's an admin thing?07:19
shipitkthxsacarlson: in jaunty?07:20
glitsj16ScottG: correct, you can set that somewhere yes, done this over a year ago, i'll have to tracj it down, give us a minute ok07:20
sacarlsonshipitkthx: yes I think so 8.0407:20
arvind_khadrihi, if i wanted to make the login based on domain, do i have to change workgroup to domain in ldap.conf ???07:20
shipitkthxsacarlson: 9.0407:20
ScottGglitsj16: np, I think i might be working on the problem now, there is a -o tls=yes07:21
CodeWarI m copying directories from another user how do I make sure the copied files have me as the owner?07:21
ScottGglitsj16: That seems like it is it, but i need to install some libs first07:21
abamahow to disable -shared option when running make?07:21
glitsj16ScottG: also an option yes07:21
iterCodeWar: use rsync07:21
paul68hi I have a problem with my bcm driver after the upgrade to kernel version generic in 9.04 its not working and I don't get it to see in the restricted driver part where it was before how to resolve this problem?07:21
superboymy disk wont eject after using k3d07:21
Amarok--hey guys what does aircrack-ng do07:21
sacarlsonshipitkthx:  sorry I'm on Hardy07:22
jschallbrasero estimates i'm burning at 360 KiB/s, while i can watch the counter incrementing by at least 2MiB/sec. Kind of an annoying, microsoft-esque useless estimate.07:22
kbpdoes anyone know how to decrease the delay of drag and drop (without changing wm - im on gnome)? it takes like 1 sec to pop up the minimized window when I drag sumthing into it. It's too long (i need it appear instantly lol)07:23
kindofabuzzbrasero sucks, i still get failed burns even though it's sucessful, been like that the last 4 ubuntu's =)07:23
kbp(remember: without changing wm)07:23
jschallkindofabuzz: oh great, i only have one disc07:24
jschallkindofabuzz: or do you mean brasero says it's bad when it's good?07:24
ScottGglitsj16: HA! I got it. That error message was perfect. Lead me exactly to the libraries I needed to apt-get07:24
kindofabuzzjschall, it will still be sucessful, yeah but it always says it fails for me07:24
jschallkindofabuzz: hmm07:25
glitsj16ScottG: glad you found it, my notes are terrible lol; could have taken me another week to track it down07:25
paul68hi I have a problem with my bcm43xx driver after the upgrade to kernel version generic in 9.04 its not working and I don't get it to see in the restricted driver part where it was before how to resolve this problem?07:25
sacarlsonshipitkthx: I just checked my laptop it runs 9.04 and it's not grayed out eather07:25
kindofabuzzjschall, not saying it will do that for you, just i've had that problem for years, so i finally switched to gnome-baker07:25
ScottGglitsj16: lol thats ok. You were right about this program having a good and easy interface. Now I wonder if it can read from a config file...07:25
ScottGglitsj16: I don't like putting my password into commands at all07:26
systmglitsj16: how should I add the Front to default.pa?07:26
shipitkthxsacarlson thats weird because im reading tons of problems of people not being able to delete it because they got rid of the "current session" option in 9.0407:26
mcnellisWhat packages do i need to install so i have man pages for strstr, fprintf, etc.07:27
glitsj16ScottG: it can pick it up yes, from /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf07:27
KingKimihow do i minimize any running to the system tray ???? like i want to minimize the transmision whenever i click close button to systemtray like that of utorrent in xp.... any from synpantic ?07:27
abamawhat should be passed to CFLAGS in order to specify the flags "--enable-static, --extra-libs=-static, --extra-cflags=--static", finally statically compile the pppd program?07:27
thee_hey huys i was using xp -kmplayer so i ve chanced my os. now i m looking for good mediaplayer that i can use two subtitle at the same time.  are there any aplication that support ubuntu?07:27
CodeWariter, thanks rsync is cool07:27
abamastatically compile and link pppd07:28
trece8KingKimi, you can download alldock, try using add/remove programs and look for "dock"07:28
paul68I get this error message :The following packages have unmet dependencies:linux-restricted-modules-generic: Depends: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-12-generic but it is not installable E: Broken packages   how to solve this07:29
trece8KingKimi, i meant "AllTray"07:29
KingKimitrece8, ok07:29
ScottGglitsj16: I don't see a way to designate a config file? It just uses /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf by default and only that?07:29
trece8paul68, restart and start with "(recovery mode)" kernel07:30
glitsj16systm: look for a line in your /etc/pulse/default.pa load-module module-alsa-sink, i have it uncommented and added a " device=hw:0,0" to it, was all it took to get pulseaudio working for me, working stable (adjust the hw:0,0 for your ecact setup offcourse)07:30
trece8then, put "try fixing broken packages"07:30
KingKimitrece8, thnx .. i got it07:30
paul68trece8: in the terminal?07:30
trece8KingKimi, does it work? I downloaded it today07:30
punknroll_hi after updrading from 8.10 to 9.04 i always have to /etc/init.d/networking restart to get online07:30
KingKimitrece8, yes.. it works07:30
trece8paul68, do what i said07:30
KingKimitrece8, thnx07:30
paul68trece8: ok brb07:30
glitsj16ScottG: correct, ssmtp was so bright to set itself as the systems MTA so it all combines07:31
trece8really... it's simpler than doing in terminal, i think07:31
trece8i don't know what you should run in terminal, like sudo dpkg --configure -a or something like that07:31
KingKimiwhat is the difference between crossover and wine ??07:31
trece8just reboot, go to "(recovery mode)" and use "Try to fix broken packages" (it says something about dpkg)07:31
kindofabuzzKingKimi, crossover is wine in a pretty GUI that cost $ =)07:32
trece8KingKimi, the basic one is that i don't have a clue about what "crossover" is :P07:32
trece8one question of mine... how do i change what programs autostart?07:32
glitsj16ScottG: could you refresh my memory in connection to the extra libs you needed to nstall please, i'm noting this down this time07:32
punknroll_crossover is commercial and wine is not07:33
ScottGglitsj16: hm, well I tried just leaving out the user and pass but it didn't work07:33
trece8i  want to get the nm-applet out of my sight07:33
painted82hey guys, i just tried to install ubuntu and almost lost my raid array07:33
painted82can anyone help07:33
ScottGglitsj16: However, i can put the username and pass into files and cat them on the go as arguments07:33
pahomhi all07:33
ScottGglitsj16: yea sure let me just go get the names07:33
kindofabuzztrece8, system > preferances > startup apps07:33
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trece8mmm... i'm in xubuntu07:34
paul68trece8: same problem07:34
ScottGglitsj16: "sudo apt-get install libnet-ssleay-perl" AND "sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl"07:34
glitsj16ScottG: no rush, as you notice, i am slow, maybe need some sleep here in a moment, thanks in advance07:34
kindofabuzztrece8, oh, it's in the menus somewhere i assume07:34
trece8kindofabuzz, i assumed too, i just can't find it07:34
ScottGglitsj16: lol its np you helped me out a bunch07:34
glitsj16ScottG: okay great, noted that down, thanks for that07:34
systmglitsj16: that didnt work07:34
trece8paul68, really? What message did it say after you run dpkg?07:34
ScottGglitsj16: So do I need to specify an option so that it will use the ssmtp.conf so I dont need to enter my user and pass?07:35
glitsj16ScottG: to be honest i can't remember how i set it all up, been almost 2 years07:36
KingKimikindofabuzz, but i downloaded crossoverchrome from their site .without filling forms for money ?07:36
glitsj16systm: hmm, but it didn't break your headphine output i hope07:36
arvind_khadri hi, if i wanted to make the login based on domain, do i have to change workgroup to domain in ldap.conf ???07:36
KingKimikindofabuzz, i cant understand07:36
kindofabuzzKingKimi, you got the trial, look at the .deb, i bet it says trial07:37
ScottGglitsj16: I find it odd that the system thinks it is ok for it to allow you to write your password in plain text like that to the ssmtp.conf where anyone can read it07:37
systmglitsj16: yes07:37
paul68trece8: don't see it but I get when I try to install the restricted modules unmet dependencies broken packages but will reboot again and see if there was an error07:37
arvind_khadriikonia: around ??07:37
xr78hello all07:38
Amarok--bye guys07:38
glitsj16ScottG: /etc/ is not available to jus anyone ( i hope), but granted, i should have stated from the beginning that this is on a one user system07:38
painted82guys i'mt rying to install ubuntu on an existing raid array07:38
painted82but ubuntu didn't recognize the raid array during installation07:38
ScottGglitsj16: Well so is mine, i still don't like having my text file in plain sight. I am pretty sure  that anyone can look at the contents of /etc07:39
gasullHi.  I'm trying to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 (and then 9.04).  I get this error: "It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages. libnm-glib-vpn007:39
xr78Update manager is giving me quite a bit of grief, in that I keep getting a Partial Upgrade dialog box, to which I choose to install the partial upgrade, but then it fetches a package and closes, without installing anything and without warning, like it's crashing...07:39
xr78any ideas?07:39
Myztikal_Hi, is there an "MSN" equivalent on Ubuntu. Preferably a clear and clean GUI because Pidgin doesn't satisfy me :/07:39
gasull".  How can I ignore this problem?  Thank you07:39
kindofabuzzMyztikal_, Amsn07:39
gasullMyztikal_: Pidgin07:39
kindofabuzzi think it's called07:39
magnetronMyztikal_→ Emesene is a nice MSN client07:40
trece8Myztikal_, cleaner than pidgin?07:40
systmglitsj16: i'll try this later :|07:40
Myztikal_anyone know any guides to help my transition from windows to ubuntu?07:40
trece8Myztikal_, search in google, it's way better than any possible guide07:40
Myztikal_thanks all.07:40
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
trece8anyway, Myztikal_ , you can remove the format bars from pidgin, the format of the sender, the post time and all that07:41
keithIt seems like Ubuntu should have some sort of gentle introduction when you first install it. :-p07:41
trece8it is reaaaallly clean07:41
glitsj16ScottG: now i remember, i chmod'ed 0600 the ssmtp.conf07:41
trece8keith, ... gentle like "I assume you were pirating software, so now..."?07:41
gasullAnybody knows how I can ignore the auth error above?  Thanks07:42
taropaloHi just upgraded from 8.10 -> 9 but now everytime I restart the machine it starts doing updating packages but I guess it fails because next time it starts again07:42
keithtrece8: lol, something like that.07:42
kindofabuzzMyztikal_, here a good Ubuntu guide, http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html07:42
ActionParsnipgasull: uninstall network-manager maybe07:42
ubuntistashttp://resnet.missouristate.edu/images/wireless/wireless-ubuntu-04.png what that blue signal means that they are others connectected to my network any clue?07:42
gasullActionParsnip: it isn't installed07:43
gasullActionParsnip: Actually I'm trying installing those packages before upgrading07:43
gasullActionParsnip: right now07:43
ESphynxhey guys when I install ubuntu and changed a partition type07:43
ESphynxis it going to keep it in GUID mode ?07:43
crashatauubuntistas means they are encrypted networks, WEP or WPA etc07:44
ESphynxOSX partition scheme?07:44
trece8sorry, I have no idea about that07:44
trece8have you googled it?07:44
ESphynxtrying to07:44
ActionParsnipgasull: just uninstall whatever it doesnt like first07:44
magnetronESphynx→ the easiest way is to use Boot Camp to create a "windows partition" and install onto that07:45
KartagisI am stuck in screen resolution 800 x 600. what to do?07:45
ActionParsnipgasull: you can also speed up the wole thing with: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install deborphan; sudo apt-get --purge remove `deborphan`07:45
Kartagisubuntu 9.0407:45
ESphynxmagnetron that's what I did07:45
ActionParsnipKartagis: install video drivers07:45
trece8esphynx... blame google :P ... it brings all results about "GUIDE" instead of "GUID".... i miss the old altavista.com07:45
ESphynxI already had a Windows partition, but i had to change it to XFS...07:45
gasullActionParsnip: thanks07:45
ESphynxnow I'm worried it will change my GUID to MBR07:45
trece8Kartagis, install restrictive drivers07:45
ActionParsniptrece8: try www.ask.com  www.msn.com07:46
gasullActually the problem was fixed after installing the packages07:46
ActionParsniptrece8: other search engines do exist07:46
magnetronESphynx→ Boot Camp makes sure it's both MBR and GPT compatible07:46
gasullActionParsnip: Actually the problem was fixed after installing the packages07:46
KartagisActionParsnip, package name?07:46
trece8ActionParsnip, but ones that search "GUID" and not "GUIDE"?07:46
ESphynxmagnetron ... ah , you realy meant bootcamp07:46
ActionParsnipKartagis: well what video card do you have first, would be useful dont you think?07:46
gasullActionParsnip: but I didn't start the upgrade so I'll do what you say too07:46
ESphynxSo I should do that?07:46
KartagisActionParsnip, one sec07:46
ActionParsnipgasull: if its gonna roll then go for it07:46
ActionParsnipKartagis: lspci | grep -i vga07:47
painted82i'm trying to install ubuntu on existing raid 0 array07:47
painted82can anyone help me07:47
magnetronESphynx→ yeah that's why i said boot camp07:47
ESphynxmagnetron : thanks :P07:47
KingKimiwhat is difference between win4lin and wine ?? is it a good thing to buy win4lin ?07:47
paul68trece8: I got error messages that it couldn't remove stuff and sugested apt-get autoremove which I did however still no way to install the restricted drivers module07:47
KartagisActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)07:48
trece8ActionParsnip, try it for yourself... if you look for "GUID" it comes up with things for "guide"... no actual search engine can undestand that you are not making a typo07:48
trece8Kartagis, download envyng07:48
ESphynxmagnetron : although this is a PC... you still mean bootcamp? :P07:48
trece8from Add/remove software, and install the latest ATI driver07:48
Kartagistrece8, what envyng?07:48
paul68trece8: since the upgrade to kernel version 8-12 my bcm43 driver isn't working07:48
ActionParsniptrece8: what of GUIDs? do you want an explanation of them, do you want to use them in fstab?07:48
KingKimitrece8, with quotes , i think i get the results :D07:48
trece8Kartagis, download it!07:48
ActionParsnip!envy | Kartagis07:49
ubottuKartagis: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia07:49
ActionParsniptrece8: see above07:49
trece8ActionParsnip, I already know07:49
ActionParsniptrece8: dont advise people use garbage unsupported solutions07:49
ScottGglitsj16: ah ok, let me look that up07:49
KartagisActionParsnip, I don't have a nvidia card07:49
magnetronESphynx→ you specifcally mentioned Mac OS.07:49
trece8ActionParsnip, garbage? :S07:49
ActionParsniptrece8: so what do you want to know of GUIDs? If you simply search for GUID its gonna give you nothing07:49
trece8Kartagis, you have a ATI card, envyng works with ATI too07:49
ActionParsnipKartagis: you dont need one07:49
trece8i searched "GUID ubuntu"07:50
magnetronESphynx→ as i said, boot camp's the easiest way. there are several others of course.07:50
glitsj16ScottG: hope you can get it all worked out, i have to get to the office, take care07:50
_Brun0_Is there a way to have ubuntu application/system menu to be launched from Gnogme-do Docky?07:50
trece8it could simply say "no results", but instead of it, gives lots of results .... where it has GUID.. nowhere.....07:50
ScottGglitsj16: yea actually everything seems to work awesome now. Thanks again07:50
Myztikal_Is there a feature in ubuntu that manages the processing power like vista?07:50
ActionParsniptrece8: thats a rubbish search criteria07:50
ActionParsniptrece8: and its obvios why it assumed you thought guide07:50
paul68ActionParsnip: can you help me out with a bcm driver problem since the kernel upgrade from 2.6.28-11 to
glitsj16bye all, enjoy the buntu's07:50
trece8it shouldn't assume a thing07:51
ActionParsniptrece8: what EXACTLY do you want to know about GUIDs?07:51
trece8how do you look for webpages with ubuntu and GUID07:51
trece8and just that07:51
Kartagistrece8, ActionParsnip: that started happening randomly after i upgraded to 8.10. now it's always like that. do I still need it?07:51
trece8ActionParsnip, I don't have a problem with that07:51
Kartagistrece8, I don't have an ATI07:51
trece8I hate the way you can't search things that seem like typos07:51
ActionParsniptrece8: its assuming you mean Ubuntu Guide as there are lots of guides for ubuntu, if you search for something better then you will get better results07:51
trece8Kartagis, <Kartagis> ActionParsnip, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)07:52
trece8oh sorry...07:52
trece8ActionParsnip, there's no excuse, if i want to search typos I should be able to do so07:52
trece8sometimes it's very useful07:52
billybigriggerafter apt-get remove wine07:53
ActionParsniptrece8: like search for guid fstab linux and try that in www.yahoo.com07:53
bubbaI'm having ati issues07:53
billybigriggerhow do i remove all the config files??? i want a clean install of wine07:53
ActionParsniptrece8: yahoo has an option to actually search what you actually typed07:53
ActionParsniptrece8: try other search engines than google07:53
MarkJonesI just wanted to let anyone know that is having nothing but lockups and bad luck with the nvidia.com drivers, the 185.53 pre-release drivers are wonderful for me so far.Might help some of you so i figured id share.07:53
trece8for example, how could you get the results of pages that say "gren tre" instead of "green tree"?07:53
ActionParsniptrece8: some actually have better functionality but everyone is google brainwashed07:53
bubbaI'm having ati issues07:53
paul68ActionParsnip: can you help me out with a bcm43xx driver problem since the kernel upgrade from 2.6.28-11 to
ActionParsnip!broadcom > paul6807:53
ubottupaul68, please see my private message07:53
Kartagistrece8, so, what do I install now? still envyng?07:53
trece8i tried, ActionParsnip , but no good07:53
syntax\how do i install opera on ubuntu 8.10 anyone?07:54
KingKimi!broadcom > KingKimi07:54
ubottuKingKimi, please see my private message07:54
Kartagissyntax\, sudo apt-get install opera07:54
ActionParsnipKartagis: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome07:54
trece8syntax\, http://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?platform=linux <- download and double-click07:54
indus!hi > indus07:54
ubottuindus, please see my private message07:54
syntax\Package opera is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:54
syntax\This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:54
syntax\is only available from another source07:54
syntax\EO_: Package opera has no installation candidate07:54
MarkJonessyntax\: go to opera.com and download the DEB package for Ubuntu.07:54
FloodBot1syntax\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:54
trece8oh, opera is in the repositories?07:54
Pandoracan anyone assist with azureus?07:54
trece8i thought not07:54
bubbahow about help with ati cards07:55
MarkJonessyntax\: PM me if you need a walkthrough07:55
trece8bubba, install envyng and install the latest driver?07:55
KingKimimozilla is not opening orkut anymore :( help me to solve this... i javascript enabled07:55
trece8tried that? what problem? JUST write the problem, bubba07:55
Kartagisthank you ActionParsnip. is it possible that that package was removed during upgrade?07:55
ActionParsnipKartagis: this may help too: theres a sample xorg.conf or 2 in there too :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/openchrome/+bug/37246907:55
syntax\MarkJones: ok sir will do. thanks alot guys ^^07:55
ActionParsnip!opera > trece807:55
ubottutrece8, please see my private message07:55
t0cableguy1hi, is anyone familiar with musicbrainz picard?07:56
trece8ActionParsnip, didn't need, I was right, it isn't in the repositories07:56
bubbahow do I get envy?07:56
bubbaI don't see it in the install list07:56
trece8bubba, go to add/remove programs, search envyng07:56
indusbubba: its in the repos07:56
trece8download it07:56
ActionParsnipbubba: envy is not advised, what video card do you have?07:56
KartagisActionParsnip, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome is already the newest version.07:56
trece8check "all available apps"07:56
trece8ActionParsnip, .... c'mon.... ..... that's the only way i got my screen to work!07:57
bubbaati mobility x60007:57
ActionParsnipKartagis: then add the driver line to xorg.conf and it will load, read the examples in the post i gave07:57
admin_masu3701when i run command "top" i see at-spi-registry07:57
indusActionParsnip: not adviced? isnt it officially in universe now?07:57
admin_masu3701what is that?07:57
ActionParsniptrece8: maybe for you yes. Lets try do it the proper way first shall we07:57
trece8no, first the fast way07:57
ActionParsnipbubba: whats the output of: lspci | grep -i vga07:57
trece8then, the not-so-fast, and such07:57
ActionParsniptrece8: no, because every time you upgrade the kernel you have to revert to vesa, reboot to new kerenel and then rerun, its not graceful or practical07:58
admin_masu3701when i run command "top" i see at-spi-registry07:58
KartagisActionParsnip, do I just add the line Driver openchrome?07:59
trece8ActionParsnip, not really07:59
admin_masu3701what is "at-spi-registry" ?07:59
trece8admin_masu3701, googled it?07:59
ActionParsnipKartagis: from what that says, yes07:59
MarkJonesMan now that the NVIDIA drivers are getting fixed with the 185.53 that are up and coming, 9.04 seems like a realy great release.07:59
BilokShemWhat is a good Bit Torrent like program that will work with all OS's?07:59
bazis it nautilus or ubuntu that makes it so easy to connect to networks and shares like samba, etc....?07:59
ActionParsnip!torrent | baz07:59
ubottubaz: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P07:59
ActionParsnipbaz: it can be08:00
trece8ActionParsnip, torrent have nothing to do with that08:00
BilokShemwhat is a good bit torrent program?08:00
trece8baz, it is nautilus, if you say about the "Connect to server..." thingyu08:00
MarkJonesBilokShem: Your guess is as good as anyones if there are any at all that are crossplatform.I have no idea.But none are hard to use at all so Im not sure why that would matter to ya.But to each his own.08:00
ActionParsnipBilokShem: see above08:00
baztrece8, yeah that and being able to type "smb://server/share"08:00
ActionParsniptrece8: wrong target, sheesh08:00
GnosticAscension@Bilokshem use FireTorrent inside firefix, heard it's pretty good08:00
bubbaNeed to update drivers for ati mobililty x60008:00
GnosticAscensionAzureus/Vuze is also pretty good08:01
trece8baz, I don't use samba, so... never knew about that08:01
BilokShemDoes Vuze risk Viruses?08:01
trece8the connect to server is from nautilus08:01
BilokShemand Spyware and adaware?08:01
GnosticAscensionBilokShem: virus risks always there08:01
Brando753how do i compile a .tar.gz file08:01
ActionParsnipbax: if the samba share will always be available you can use smbmount in fstab08:01
GnosticAscensionbut not in linux really08:01
trece8Brando753, you have to extract it08:01
BilokShemis torrent safer than using something like Gnutella?08:01
bubbaNeed to update drivers for ati mobililty x60008:01
bazso i installed Crunchbag (ubuntu based distro) and it uses OpenBox... what should I be researching to be able to connect to an smb share?08:01
GnosticAscensiontype tar-xvzf [filename]08:01
MarkJonesadaware is Windowz issue not linux.08:02
ActionParsnipBrando753: you dont compile a tar.gz you extract it with   tar zxvf ,file>08:02
trece8Brando753, or just click with the right mouse button and extract08:02
baztrece8, you dont use smb? I use between linux boxes... not recommended?08:02
BilokShemMy teste satchel is heavy08:02
trece8lots easier08:02
GnosticAscensionbaz : that is a crunchbang issue really08:02
trece8ActionParsnip, you tend to use the CLI too much08:02
GnosticAscensionbaz : not ubuntu08:02
bubbaNeed to update drivers for ati mobililty x60008:02
trece8baz, I'm not that big user... really...08:02
GnosticAscension*Note* Crunchbang != Ubuntu08:02
Brando753what do i do next08:03
bazCrunchbang is to Ubuntu as Xubuntu is to Ubuntu08:03
trece8I use ssh08:03
ActionParsnipbubba: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1134935   or08:03
GnosticAscensionBrando753: look for a folder with the name of the archive08:03
ActionParsnip!ati > bubba08:03
ubottububba, please see my private message08:03
trece8Anyway, baz... between linux? ... ssh, man08:03
trece8why samba?08:03
ketchBack again.  In my absence I went through the steps of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Step%202b:%20sp33008%20Driver%20Download/Extraction08:03
MarkJonesbaz: Is that an offical release of Canonical?08:03
Pandoracan anyone assist me: the apt-get package for vuze didn't want to work so I installed manually from file obtained from site. it installed and ran, but I can't find shortcut to restart it now that i've exited, any ideas?08:03
trece8no, baz, that is incorrect08:03
GnosticAscensionbaz : unofficial though [that's a lot of the problem right there]08:03
ketchAnd got... zilch.08:03
MarkJonesnot sure bout that08:03
baztrece8, yeah using fuse right? I use that remotely all the time but it seems overkill on my local network08:04
drbobbhey, is it normal that gnome doesn't know to restore open programs from a previous session into their proper virtual desktops, but instead packs them all into a single workspace? KDE has been doing this right for a long time now08:04
trece8baz, just ssh :S08:04
GnosticAscensionPandora: locate it using the locate command08:04
SandGorgonwhat do i have to install in a fresh jaunty install to be able to configure desktop effects08:04
trece8ssh me@othermachine08:04
GnosticAscensionfirst do sudo updatedb in the terminal08:04
bazMarkJones, GnosticAscension, good points its not official - but damn it runs so much faster than even xubuntu on my EEE90108:04
GnosticAscensionthen locate [filename]08:04
ActionParsnipPandora: try typing vuze in terminal and hitting enter08:04
trece8Pandora, download Catfish and search in it08:04
superboymy image wont burn ...help it says "The drive cannot be locked (Ongoing burning process)"08:05
KingKimihow do i search a file using terminal ?08:05
baztrece8, but then how do u transfer files?08:05
GnosticAscension@ActionParsnip good point if path is set :P08:05
trece8KingKimi, man locate08:05
ActionParsnipPandora: or use find, no need for locate of catfish: sudo find / -name vuze*08:05
MarkJonesSandGorgon: Install jaunty , 3d display driver and CCSM(compizconfig settings manager) to adjust effects.08:05
trece8but.... you can search with Catfish08:05
ketchMaybe the HP dv8000 with Broadcom 4311 or 4319 with an AMD64 and U8.10 just doen't do wireless.  Anyone else care to suggest?08:05
magnetronSandGorgon→ nothing, but if you want more details in your config you can use the "simple-ccsm" package or ccsm08:05
chetnickKingKimi: find /path -name nameofthefile08:05
GnosticAscensionCatfish is a new layer08:05
magnetron!ccsm | SandGorgon08:05
ubottuSandGorgon: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion08:05
GnosticAscensionlayers = trouble08:05
ActionParsnipchetnick: exactly..weird people needing an app isnt it08:05
trece8not really, GnosticAscension08:05
GnosticAscensiontrece8: joking man08:06
superboymy image wont burn ...help it says "The drive cannot be locked (Ongoing burning process)"08:06
trece8From the side of the people trying to do other things that computing .... not!08:06
MarkJonesSandGorgon: Tons af tuts on gogole for it too.08:06
GnosticAscensiontrece8: not in this case obv08:06
drbobbgnome doesn't seem to restore window geometry from a previous session properly, either08:06
MarkJonesI love gnome08:06
trece8GnosticAscension, anyway... I know people that would say that seriously...08:06
GnosticAscensiondrbobb: that's the least of gnome's troubles believe me08:06
trece8MarkJones, gnomophiliac!08:06
drbobbis this what i should expect or is something broken for me?08:06
superboymarkjones what uuuuubuntu do u have?08:07
KingKimitrece8, how come locate command is very fast in locating files ???? :O :O :O ??08:07
MarkJones9.04 i38608:07
ActionParsnipKingKimi: its has a database of EVERY file, it just searches that08:07
trece8KingKimi, because he uses turbo engine, with biodiesel08:07
hawkKingKimi: Because it uses a cached list of files08:07
brEzIs it possible to show PC stats in /etc/motd for ssh users?08:07
Brando753i extracted, how do i compile?08:07
drbobbGnosticAscension: actually I'm not finding it as bad as I feared, mostly it's the session management that seem buggy08:07
GnosticAscensionkubuntu sucks really08:07
bubbaNeed to update drivers for ati mobililty x60008:07
MarkJonesKDE scares me.08:07
trece8Brando753, search for a README08:07
GnosticAscensioni think the whole of KDE sucks08:07
chetnickIt might now find the file if you use locate, depending on when the database was updated last.08:07
ActionParsnipBrando753: if you are asking that, you shouldnt be compiling08:08
KingKimihawk ActionParsnip thanx08:08
GnosticAscensionKDE4 = infinite trouble08:08
trece8Brando753, what program are you trying to compile?08:08
KingKimitrece8, :P08:08
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: amarok is killer08:08
GnosticAscensionActionParsnip: that is the *only* killer KDE app08:08
KingKimiActionParsnip, if i delete a file , will the database entry be deleted too ? :O08:08
SandGorgonmagnetron, thanks!08:08
Brando753a world editor for the arkhart game engine08:08
ActionParsnipKingKimi: not sure, i dont use it as I know where all my files are08:08
bubbaI need to test and see if I have hard excelleration.08:08
chetnicknot right away, next time the database is updated08:08
drbobbGnosticAscension: actually kde3 was and is quite good, too bad it's been condemned to bitrot08:08
bubbaBoxee wn't load08:08
GnosticAscensionBrando753: type ./configure08:08
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: i like ktorrent but its out of habit08:09
MarkJonesIve never even seen KDE408:09
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: other than those 2 apps I can use any desktop and be fine08:09
GnosticAscensionActionParsnip: you can have ktorrent in Gnome with few dependencies08:09
superboyuu have gnwhat toreent client u use?08:09
kulightany one know a open source OO DB ?08:09
chetnicki had Amarok carshing on 8.04, is it working fine on 9.04?08:09
=== Dykam_ is now known as Dykam
MarkJoneswhats a OO db?08:10
drbobbkde4 doesn't suck too bad either, except for the buggy abomination that is plasma08:10
GnosticAscensionyeah that was supposed to be the innovation08:10
superboywhat dependecis u need?08:10
kulightobject oriented database08:10
* GnosticAscension stifles laughter08:10
MarkJonesopen office you mean or what?08:10
GnosticAscensionOO DB?08:10
MarkJonesgoogle it08:10
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: i use LXDE08:10
GnosticAscensiondunno much DB stuff08:10
drbobbactually dolphin is a bit better than nautilus, and kate is a lot better than gedit08:10
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: and i'm aware of dependancies etc :)08:10
GnosticAscensionActionParsnip: Lubuntu ? :P08:10
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: essentially08:11
trece8i use ratpoison, i rule :P08:11
ActionParsnipdrbobb: tried pcman?08:11
GnosticAscensionActionParsnip: I know, was making a point, not educating ya08:11
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: i gotcha08:11
MarkJonesI cant wait for like Jaunty to have like 2-300 updates/fixes so i can use Ubuntu Customization Kit to slipstream all of em together onto a DVD, that should be one realy nice dependable OS.08:12
* ActionParsnip does the vm dance08:12
drbobbActionParsnip: no I haven't08:12
Brando753GnosticAscension: ** full path to gtk-config.08:12
Brando753configure: error: Cannot find GTK: Is gtk-config in path?08:12
ActionParsnipdrbobb: slick and fast file manager08:12
GnosticAscensionbtw I have an old box, 700Mhz, 256 MB RAM, any suggestions what to put on it for fast performance?08:12
Pandora<ActionParsnip> located it in /home/shane but if i type vuze and hit enter in terminal, it tells me that it's not installed08:12
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: puppy08:12
GnosticAscension[might have to use Crunchbang after all :P)08:12
drbobbGnosticAscension: more RAM would be a good start08:12
MarkJonesGnosticAscension: your call, check specs for different distros and try em all.08:12
trece8GnosticAscension, use ratpoison, too08:13
Kartagiswhy do I see a huge play button on flash web sites?08:13
trece8use claws for mail08:13
GnosticAscensiondrbobb: no it's a *really* old machine with SDRAM (gasp!)08:13
MarkJonesKartagis: you have a flash plugin installed?08:13
trece8Kartagis, because you are using swfdec08:13
trece8swfdec puts that button, nothing abnormal there08:13
drbobbGnosticAscension: dumpster diving? ;)08:13
KartagisMarkJones, yes08:13
MarkJonesKartagis: adobe.com download the official plugin for flash its pretty good.08:14
trece8MarkJones, the one he has works... I have it08:14
Kartagistrece8, what do I need to use?08:14
superboyhows lxde08:14
ActionParsnipsuperboy: awesome08:14
trece8the mouse ... to click the play button? :P08:14
trece8ActionParsnip, is it better than ratpoison?08:15
ActionParsnipsuperboy: i say try ALL DEs, if you dislike em, you can remove them08:15
superboyhow to do check it out?08:15
ActionParsniptrece8: not tried that one08:15
MarkJonesKinda cool that adobe started supporting linux/Ubuntu.Hope more companies do too.08:15
ActionParsnipsuperboy: sudo apt-get install lxde08:15
ActionParsnipsuperboy: then logout, change session to LXDE, log in08:15
superboygood lookin out08:15
GnosticAscensionbtw i remember08:15
Kartagistrece8, no, what do I need to use instead of swfdec?08:15
GnosticAscensionI had but breezy on the same box once08:15
GnosticAscensioninfinite issues using the old logitech ball mouse08:15
GnosticAscensionXP is faster than Breezy - ubuntu's come a long way since then I hope :)08:15
FloodBot1GnosticAscension: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
trece8it's a windows manager without windows, ActionParsnip08:15
chalcedonydoes anyone know how to get the icons back to the bottom bar in Kubuntu? they spring back when you try to move them, they are stuck on the top bar :(08:15
ActionParsnipGnosticAscension: its as fast as your config08:15
chalcedony(((((( ActionParsnip )))))))))08:16
ActionParsniptrece8: what is?08:16
chetnickGnosticAscension: faster for a week?08:16
trece8ActionParsnip, search ratpoison screenshots in google08:16
liubii有中国人没? - -08:16
MarkJonesIm scared of KDE. I have no clue.08:16
chetnickGnosticAscension: lets give it a month? what then? clean install?08:16
trece8Kartagis, you can use swfdec!!!08:16
trece8it works, you just have to click that big play button first!!08:16
GnosticAscensionchetnick: no, Breezy was a pain to use08:16
superboyhow do i run the terminal from alt+F2?08:17
superboyi have no mouse08:17
chetnicksuperboy: terminal08:17
trece8alt+f2 then xterm08:17
jschallkindofabuzz: it is saying they fail08:17
ActionParsnipsuperboy: type terminal08:17
MarkJonesyou mean ctl+alt+f2?08:17
GnosticAscensionchetnick: mouse pointer would move 3 seconds after the mouse was moved :D :D08:17
ActionParsniptrece8: not bad08:17
trece8superboy... in a console... type sudo apt-get install ratpoison08:17
SandGorgonis there a compiz plugin like KDE has to show all present windows (http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/screenshots/kwin-presentwindows.jpg)08:17
trece8yes, ActionParsnip i have a desktop-less desktop pc ... so i try to only use my keyboard08:17
GnosticAscensionMarkJones: no08:17
mcrandelloanyone know what causes audacity to either record for about half a second then stop recording (the transport bar keeps rolling but nothing gets recorded)08:18
kindofabuzzjschall, ? i forgot what the problem was08:18
ActionParsniptrece8: he'sclearly a newer user, i'l let him have some gloss before letting him run wild with stuff like that08:18
lightpriestSandGorgon, yes..08:18
trece8so.... very cool indeed... i don't like the titlebars at all08:18
jschallkindofabuzz: brasero08:18
GnosticAscensionMarkJones: he means the run dialog, then type gnome-terminal08:18
mcrandelloor the transport bar to just hover at 0 secs and kind of look like it's trying to go but never move (and not record anything)08:18
GnosticAscensionor xterm08:18
lightpriestSandGorgon, It's a part of the key bindings of the window selection plugins08:18
MarkJonesno idea08:18
mcrandellousing 64studio but had the smae problem with jaunty08:18
jschallkindofabuzz: why are things always added to ubuntu before they're even nearly ready? like pulseaudio, compiz, and brasero?08:18
ActionParsniptrece8: but its not hard to remove so no harm in installing it, its free after all08:18
KingKimiis it possible to get a sh file that makes "matrix" effect on my desktop ??08:18
kindofabuzzjschall, compix and pulse work fine for me08:19
SandGorgonumm... where should i look for it ?08:19
jschallkindofabuzz: they do now...08:19
MarkJonesHow would a shell script make a matrix? strange way of accomplishing it i think.08:19
trece8mcrandello, it can be lots of things, really... Have you tried starting JACK first?08:19
SandGorgonlightpriest, umm... where should i look for it ?08:19
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GnosticAscensionbtw lotsa distro pages have awful english [http://www.moonos.co.cc/]08:19
trece8mcrandello, JACK = qjackctl08:19
lightpriestSandGorgon, use CCSM first...08:19
ActionParsnipKingKimi: if you use compiz you can use opengl screensavers as your wallpaper08:19
kindofabuzzjschall, if you want rock stability, go Debian08:19
MarkJonesmatrix screensaver might be good choice?08:19
KingKimiMarkJones, i mean.... "matrix" effect08:19
SandGorgonlightpriest, yup got it08:20
lightpriestSandGorgon, Scroll down to the bottom plugins under the "Window Managment" section08:20
mcrandellotrece8: yep started jack, tried using both jack and the native alsa devices as in/out08:20
KingKimi!opengl > KingKimi08:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl08:20
mcrandellosame thing08:20
MarkJonesJaunty has matrixView screensaver08:20
zenwrylyI have a new VPS and this is my first host.  I'd like to replace the existing debian install with Ubuntu server and create an encrypted home and swap.  Having trouble googling for docs on how to replace from inside an existing server.  Any tipe?08:20
jschallkindofabuzz: i want to rock edginess but without the stability issues.08:20
KingKimisrta, ?08:20
GnosticAscensioni mean hi :P08:20
SandGorgonlightpriest, all right... group windows?08:20
GoSoxdoes Ubuntu come with gnome and kde?08:20
lightpriestSandGorgon, no08:20
GoSoxand if so, how do i switch it to kde (4)?08:21
GnosticAscensionGoSox: one of them08:21
lightpriestSandGorgon, what window switcher are you using?08:21
Gabryszenwryly: just update the /etc/apt/sources.list and carefully update packages08:21
kindofabuzzjschall, check out Sidux08:21
lightpriestSandGorgon, every one has its own implementation for it08:21
KingKimiActionParsnip, a little more help plz08:21
srtawell, I like when I returned the greeting08:21
GnosticAscensionGoSox: do you have ubuntu or Kubuntu?08:21
maxagazwhen i add a group, a user of the same name is automatically added if it doesn't exist ?08:21
mcrandellosorry for asking here btw but the audacity channel is a ghost town08:21
SandGorgonlightpriest, shift-switcher08:21
mcrandellofigured someone would have ran into the same thing maybe once or twice08:21
GnosticAscensionGoSox: then you'll have to install KDE on it08:21
zenwrylyGabrys: yeah, I know how to do that, but my real question is about the repartitioning and swap conversion08:22
lightpriestSandGorgon, click on it to browse its settings, among the different key bindings you should see "Next window (All Workspaces)"08:22
GoSoxGnosticAscension: how would I go about doing that?08:22
GoSoxor should i just switch to kubuntu?08:22
GnosticAscensionGoSox: search in your add-remove programs, or do an apt-cache search kde in your terminal08:22
ActionParsnipKingKimi: there is a matrix type opengl screensaver you can stickon it and use as the wallpaper08:22
lightpriestSandGorgon, bind it to some combination like "Super+Tab"08:22
lightpriestSandGorgon, and start using :P08:22
Gabryszenwryly: VPS you said? I would better not repartition anything there. You can try if FUSE works there, and try FUSE encryption -- encfs08:22
KingKimiActionParsnip, what is opengl screensaver for compiz ?08:23
GnosticAscensionGoSox: if you install KDE you can have a choice of GNOME and KDE (ubuntu uses GNOME by default)08:23
ikoniaKingKimi: the screensavers are nothing to do with compiz08:23
mcrandello.me misses the old days when it was a few hours to make oss/f work and then everything else worked, natch08:23
GnosticAscensionGoSox: so unless you have a kubuntu CD lying by, I'd recommend installing KDE08:23
ActionParsnipKingKimi: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/14/animated-wallpaper-with-compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu/08:23
GoSoxworking on it . . .08:23
zenwrylyGabrys: but that would leave swap unencrypted08:23
mcrandellosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:24
zenwrylyI thought I'd found docs of how to do this before but I'm not finding them again, should have bookmarked :(08:24
Gabryszenwryly: try having swap as a file on en encfs-encrypted director08:24
GnosticAscensionGoSox: look at this08:24
ActionParsnipKingKimi: make sure you run: sudo  apt-get install xscreensaver-gl-extra08:24
GnosticAscensionGoSox: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde08:24
GnosticAscensionor what mcrandello  said :)08:24
GoSoxGnosticAscension: i'm getting a message that KDE4 cannot be installed on my comptyer type (i386) ??08:24
Kartagisweird. it seems i don't have adobe-flashplugin installed08:24
zenwrylyGabrys: hmm, that's an idea, seems like i might be slow08:24
MarkJonesGoSox: If you want KDE as your default desktop and dont want/likne GNOME, Kubuntu might be what you want.08:24
GnosticAscensionGnosticAscension: weird, did you select the correct package?08:25
GoSoxi just want to switch to KDE4 because many have told me it's better than GNOME08:25
Gabryszenwryly: yes, not much slower than having swap encrypted in other ways08:25
GoSoxi don't really use linux at all, it just runs in VMware08:25
GnosticAscensionGoSox: NO, KDE4 is horribly broken08:25
ikoniaGnosticAscension: no it's not08:25
JuniperLeeyes. yes, it is.08:25
mcrandelloit's mildly broken, at worst08:25
Gabryszenwryly: also, I think, that sometimes under VPS you don't have a way to "enable" swap at your side08:25
MarkJonesIm melting, melting......08:25
Gabryszenwryly: good luck anyways08:26
GnosticAscensionikonia: :) all the new stuff's broken08:26
patoalanyone know how to configure my ricoh webcam 1839 in 9.04?08:26
mcrandelloonce they get rid of the fraking cashew all will be well08:26
ikoniaGnosticAscension: "kde4" is not broken - don't miss-lead people08:26
trece8question... how do i stop nm-applet to show in the panel from autostart?08:26
zenwrylyGabrys: ah, good point, I'll inspect that further.  Thanks!08:26
* trece8 joins the "I don't like KDE" mob08:26
MarkJonestrece8: Whats the nm applet?08:26
GnosticAscensionikonia: it is spelt mislead08:26
KingKimiActionParsnip, thnx for that link08:26
GoSoxi find gnome to be very unappealing08:26
trece8the network manager applet,08:26
MarkJonesnotification thingy?08:27
bubbaquestions about glxgears08:27
mcrandelloI'm almost ready to swear them all off and go ratpoison08:27
ActionParsnipKingKimi: have fun, you may have to compile the thing you need08:27
trece8the thingy that says that you are connected08:27
ikoniaGnosticAscension: don't be a pain - you know what I'm saying08:27
ActionParsnipKingKimi: or find a ppa with it on08:27
MarkJonesJust right click and remove like everything esle.08:27
trece8i know that i'm connected when the computer is on08:27
KingKimiActionParsnip, using the commands in that link ?08:27
trece8no, MarkJones, it's in the notification area08:27
KingKimiActionParsnip, sorry, what is ppa ?08:27
trece8it doesn't even have a "REMOVE" button to press08:27
ActionParsnipKingKimi: the link to the app you need i think it for gutsy, so you may need to find one for your release08:27
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.08:27
MarkJones trece8: yeah i know. right click the 3 little bars to the left and remove08:27
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GnosticAscensionikonia: Do you really think KDE4 would be easier to use for a new user then GNOME? Give me your honest opinion08:28
KingKimiActionParsnip, :O .... i have ibex08:28
trece8MarkJones, there are no 3 little bars08:28
ikoniaKingKimi: I strongly advise you not to play with PPA's at this point in your experience08:28
ikoniaGnosticAscension: that's offtopic in here - and nothing to do with what I said to you08:28
GnosticAscensionikonia: I know it isn't *broken* broken, but for the avg user................08:28
MarkJones trece8: its the bar you use to move the darn thing. damn its not that hard.08:28
KingKimiikonia, i dont know what ppa is .. :( :P08:28
ActionParsnipKingKimi: so you'll need to find the app but compiled forintrepid08:28
trece8no, MarkJones, there isn't08:28
ActionParsnip*for intrepid08:28
trece8i'm using xfce08:28
ikoniaKingKimi: I strongly advise you to not play with it at this time while you're still finding your feet08:28
GnosticAscensionikonia: ok then we're clear about that i believe :D08:28
MarkJones trece8: oh dear god08:28
superboyhow do i  burn the live iso to a cd ,what settings do i use?08:29
trece8so.... anyone knows how to get rid of the nm-applet?08:29
MarkJonesplease help the newbs08:29
bubbaquestions about glxgears08:29
GnosticAscensionsuperboy: isn't there a cd creator?08:29
ActionParsnipsuperboy: right click iso -> open with cd burner08:29
bubbai have graphics issues08:29
trece8bubba, ASK08:29
GnosticAscensionbubba: shoot08:29
ActionParsnipsuperboy: make sure you md5 check the ISO FIRST and burn as SLOWLY as you can08:29
mcrandellobubba: just ask whatever it is you want to know, if we don't know we'll make up something plausible08:29
bubbaboxee won't work08:29
MarkJonesbubba: on NVIDIA?08:29
GoSoxso what KDE does kubuntu come with?08:29
bubbaati mobility x60008:30
MarkJonesgo look08:30
Crash1hdIf I am going to do a dual boot of ubuntu and xp would it matter if I give them the same computer name?08:30
mcrandelloGoSox: I think 4 for the current version08:30
trece8ActionParsnip, or he could just record it as it comes and check before installing08:30
trece8it's faster statistically talking08:30
GnosticAscensionask ikonia for more, i think he's more clear on the KDE issues08:30
ActionParsniptrece8: but if he doesnt have the sum, its useless08:30
trece8Crash1hd, no08:30
GnosticAscension@ikonia over to you08:30
bubbaNeed to check and see if I have hardware acceleration enabled08:30
ikoniaGnosticAscension: what ?08:31
Crash1hdtrece8: it wont confuse other machines on the network?08:31
KingKimiActionParsnip, that same site has a animated wallpaper link for 81008:31
trece8Crash1hd, no08:31
KingKimiActionParsnip, so shall i try that ?08:31
mcrandelloAlso #kubuntu and #kde for specific issues, they're friendly and stuff08:31
GnosticAscensionGoSox wants to know more about KDE08:31
bubbaOn 9.0408:31
MarkJonesthere was animated wallpaper for 8.10? no way.Where?08:31
GoSoxi'm installing kubuntu desktop now08:31
ActionParsnipKingKimi: 8.10 == intrepid so you are good to go with that08:31
Crash1hdtrece8: ok cool :) thanks08:31
MarkJonesI didnt know you could get animated wallpaper08:31
GoSoxhow do i "switch" to it once it's done?08:31
* mcrandello would switch back in an instant if the nude wallpaper came back08:32
trece8we all want animated wallpapers ( ? )08:32
KingKimiActionParsnip, ok08:32
ActionParsnipMarkJones: you can but it requires putting horrible compiz on your system08:32
GnosticAscensionGoSox: logout of your current session08:32
MarkJonesI have compiz on08:32
ActionParsnipMarkJones: then you can have it too08:32
MarkJonesWorks great with pre-released 185.53 driver here.08:32
GnosticAscensionGoSox: then before logging in again, select session type as KDE08:32
GoSoxsounds pretty easy08:32
GoSoxcan you tell i'm a Mac user? :-P08:32
bubbahow to check and see if my ati card is being used by 9.04 ubuntu08:33
ActionParsnipMarkJones: works great here too. i just choose not to as i find it completely offensive and hugely pointless08:33
ActionParsnipbubba: read you xorg logs, you will see it loading a driver08:33
MarkJoneslol Yeah it bugs me sometimes too.But damn those jelly windows are the shit.hehe08:33
bubbahow to...08:33
ikoniaMarkJones: please try to watch your language a little please.08:33
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ActionParsnipMarkJones: i view the hole compiz like you view jelly windows08:34
SkyNetMasterhello, my xorg have gone mad after I installed jaunty. I cant sett the correct resoliution anymore, any advice?08:34
MarkJonesyeah yeah i know.One little line there.my bad.08:34
ikoniaMarkJones: no problem08:34
bubbame too08:34
bubbaati issues08:34
^Phantom^Are there any audio players for ubuntu that might support this:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/vgmstream/08:34
hacker_kidcan i lookup my memory type and max mem from ubuntu or do i have to track down my mobo manual08:34
ActionParsnipbubba: less  /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:34
KartagisI forgot to thank you for xorg.conf tip ActionParsnip ;)08:34
sluimersmy firefox is acting weird. It's slow, my png images are hardly showing and youtube  doesn't work anymore08:35
ActionParsnipKartagis: all better?08:35
ikoniahacker_kid: motherboard manual, sorry08:35
sluimerseven after a reboot08:35
MarkJoneshacker_kid: your memory is probably running at an auto detected speed already.08:35
KartagisActionParsnip, I'll have to try that when I get home08:35
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^Phantom^or even, would it be able to work with the totem movie player thing that came with ubuntu?08:35
hacker_kidikonia, bummer, thank you for the info08:35
ikoniahacker_kid: sorry08:35
ActionParsnipKartagis: cool08:35
hacker_kidMarkJones, yes but i need the mem type and max supported so i can upgrade08:35
MarkJoneshacker_kid: although on my new system here my 1066Mhz ram has to be set manually for some odd reason.08:36
sluimersHi, can someone help me find out why my firefox is acting weird?08:36
OxyaxionHello (excuse my poor english) i would like to know if the XFI sound cards are correctly supported by Ubuntu 9.10 ?08:36
sluimersIt's slow, my png images are hardly showing and youtube  doesn't work anymore08:36
MarkJoneshacker_kid: open your case and read the ram stickers08:36
ActionParsniphacker_kid: i'd enter youor bios, it wil say the motherboard model and make there no doubt08:36
RichiVcan someone tell me a few other windows emulators than wine that are free08:36
ikoniaRichiV: wine is it really, unless you want to start using virtualization08:37
hacker_kidActionParsnip, true :) cant reboot for another 30 mins (compilers running) hopefully i can find the manual... just saw it lol08:37
lupine_85wine's not an emulator, and the only other option is virtualisation08:37
lupine_85there's Crossover and Cedega, but they're just wine really08:37
ActionParsnipRichiV: qemu maybe08:37
RichiVikonia: ok thnx lol ive just had problems installing my ati driver08:37
ActionParsniplupine_85: and not free08:37
RichiVActionParsnip: oh hey again08:38
paul68ActionParsnip: I get this message when trying to install the bcm driver bcmwl6 : driver installed device (14E4:4328) present (alternate driver: ssb)  however wifi is still not working08:38
mcrandellovirtualbox plus the windows disk you got with your laptop08:38
bubbano im the driver guy08:38
lupine_85well, I've never paid for them ;)08:38
RichiVActionparsnip my ubuntu crashed like 5 times due to GFX driver error08:38
RichiVActionParsnip: turns out ive been doing some searching is that i  need some libs and packages b4 i install it according to ATi08:38
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mpontillohacker_kid: you might be able to get some of that info by running 'sudo dmidecode'08:38
^Phantom^it says linux should be able to use it, but i don't see any linux stuff in the package08:38
MarkJonesif you run windows in a virtual machine might want to turn of newtworking for that machine to keep windows from getting the internet cancer and dying.08:39
ActionParsnippaul68: you may have to blacklist the ssb driver, have yo websearched the error08:39
mcrandellothere's some sort of vmware command you can do: I think it was called p2v or something08:39
hacker_kidmpontillo, you are a command and log file encyclopedia :)08:39
paul68ActionParsnip: ok08:39
ikoniaMarkJones: what are you talking about internet cancer and dying - that has nothing to do with his question and just total nonsense08:39
MarkJonesikonia: dude loosen up.Dont be so uptight.Are we a fanboy or? hehe Realy easy there.08:40
MarkJonesSpyware, viruses, etc.08:40
ikoniaMarkJones: - I'm not messing, thinnk about the advice you're giving people08:40
RichiVmarkjones: idk what your talking about?08:41
MarkJonesIm not a windows fanboy and have used windows for many years.It gets cancer or what darn near seems liek it.\08:41
ikoniaMarkJones: please join #ubuntu-ops08:41
RichiVmarkjones: and i'm uptight how so?08:41
jasonmchristosthe correct package for replicating an existing installation is REPLICATOR mondo may work as well n2diy08:41
^Phantom^what the crap do i do to make http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/vgmstream/vgmstream-r601.tar.gz work for ubuntu?08:41
OxyaxionActually I use ubuntu by Virtual box in Xp Host, it's cool but résolution is fucking down ..08:41
MarkJonesbloatd registry, viruses, firewall configs. yuk08:41
RichiVmarkjones: ive used windows to i hate it08:41
Oxyaxionunder xp host08:41
RichiVmarkjones: all i like about it is that t has games08:41
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents08:41
MarkJonesI hate it too.08:41
ikoniaMarkJones: please join #ubuntu-ops channel08:42
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MarkJonesikonia: if you dont like me ignore me dude.08:42
RichiVmarkjones: but why m i uptight? i just need some help installing some drivers in ubuntu08:42
RichiVwhere can i dl these packages? XFree86-Mesa-libGL08:42
FloodBot1RichiV: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
^Phantom^so i guess there's no way to get it working then?08:43
KingKimisudo apt-get install blubuntu-look is showing erros .... how to solve it ?08:43
ActionParsnipRichiV: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:43
devilsadvocateso my recent upgrades broke the kernel packages with dependency errors08:43
devilsadvocateattempting to fix it manually cause my wireless to go away08:43
devilsadvocatewhich package contains the wireless drivers? (intel, i think)08:43
RichiVactionsparsnip: will that install all of those libs?08:43
KingKimii get this error for apt-get install blubuntu-look > Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that08:43
ActionParsnipRichiV: some08:43
KingKimithe package is simply not installable and a bug report against08:43
KingKimithat package should be filed.08:43
KingKimiThe following information may help to resolve the situation:08:43
KingKimiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:43
FloodBot1KingKimi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
KingKimi  blubuntu-look: Depends: blubuntu-theme but it is not going to be installed08:43
devilsadvocatethe problem was with one of the restricted modules ones, i think08:43
KingKimiE: Broken packages08:43
RichiVActionparsnip: ok well ati says i need all?08:43
Slasher`ubuntu-restricted-extras or something08:43
ActionParsnipdevilsadvocate: if you can provide a pastebin of: sudo lshw -C network08:43
trece8ikonia, that was uncalled for, KingKimi ...do you really need that? use dpkg to see if it fixes08:44
^Phantom^what the fuck do i do to get this installed????08:44
ikoniatrece8: ?08:44
Slasher`^Phantom^; please watch your language08:44
ActionParsnipRichiV: then you will need to install more packages after that one then wont you08:44
michael_hey anyone know btnx well?08:44
KingKimitrece8, ?08:44
michael_i have it configured with my mouse... but im at a loss of what to do next ! :)08:44
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RichiVActionparsnip: ah yes, but how will i know which i need to install?08:44
^Phantom^i have a bunch of .c files here08:44
KingKimisudo apt-get install blubuntu-look is showing erros .... how to solve it ?08:44
michael_i'm trying to use it with ccsm..08:44
^Phantom^and .h and one with .unix.am08:45
trece8KingKimi, the blubuntu thing... have you tried running sudo dpkg --configure -a ?08:45
ActionParsnipdevilsadvocate: your wifi has knocked out as you have upgraded your kernel and yu have compiled your drivers in some way, they will only be compiled for the old kernels and you have not compiled them for the NEW kernel08:45
^Phantom^in the unix dir08:45
^Phantom^what do i do with all those?08:45
ActionParsnipRichiV: you will need to see what you are missing and research08:45
KingKimitrece8, that command did not give any output :P ?08:45
RichiVactionparsnip: ok tnx alot08:45
MarkJonesOMG ikonia you turned that into a personal attack dude? OMG08:45
maarten_do you guys know a nice newticker for ubuntu08:45
trece8KingKimi ???? Please... try to be clearer, what's with the " :P  ?  " ???08:46
devilsadvocateActionParsnip: they worked out of the box. but i had to do some juggling to get the full-upgrade to finish. i'll look for a lan cord so that i connect from mu ubuntu install and give you the information. i think i accidentally removed some restricted drivers package or some such thing08:46
MarkJonesI make a few jokes and get booted.wow.08:46
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michael_does anyone know how to integrate btnx with ccsm?08:46
KingKimitrece8, sudo dpkg --configure -a  > this gave no output at all08:46
nado^Phantom^, did you try typing 'make'08:46
RichiVgcc is the same as g++?08:46
trece8ikonia, what MarkJones is what i said it was really uncalled for08:46
ActionParsnipdevilsadvocate: then reinstall that too, see if that makes it fly08:46
^Phantom^make what?08:46
trece8!gcc | RichiV08:46
KingKimiRichiV, i think gcc is C and g++ is c++  ???08:46
ubottuRichiV: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:46
abcminiuserRichiV: g++ is the C++ version of gcc08:46
ikoniatrece8: sorry, I don't follow what you're saying08:46
^Phantom^i don't have a flying flipping idea what i am doing here08:47
MarkJonesWhat was uncalled for? Did I offend someone realy?08:47
trece8ikonia, no problem08:47
MarkJonesIm just here to hang out and help people.08:47
ActionParsnipMarkJones: picking a fight with OPs is a bad cll08:47
RichiVwow lots of info thnx guys08:47
devilsadvocateActionParsnip: which one? :P searching for linu-restricted gives me a bunch of packages. and i did the stupid mistake of not noting down what exactly i did08:47
nado^Phantom^, extract the files in a directory08:47
nadoopen a terminal, go to that directory and type08:47
^Phantom^i did that08:47
trece8ikonia, i won't repeat that, but... same comment as the others08:47
ikoniatrece8: if you join #ubuntu-ops you can explain what you're saying clearly as I don't quite follow08:48
KingKimifrom synpantic, i get this....  > blubuntu-theme:08:48
KingKimi Depends: gtk2-engines-ubuntulooksbut it is not going to be installed08:48
^Phantom^make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:48
ActionParsnipdevilsadvocate: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-common linux-restricted-modules-generic linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`08:48
devilsadvocateActionParsnip: thanks :)08:49
KingKimi!language > ^Phantom^08:49
ubottu^Phantom^, please see my private message08:49
trece8KingKimi, but it works or not?08:49
^Phantom^um, okay08:49
trece8if you install with that as it is, doesn it work?08:49
KingKimitrece8, i cant install blubuntu-theme :(08:49
^Phantom^i'm trying to figure out how to work this "make" thing now, i think08:49
mabushow can I configure my computer which is used as a router, to stop blocking the computers using it as a gateway? i find myself having to run iptables -F every few minutes08:49
nado^Phantom^, there is a Makefile .. i see it in the tar.gz08:49
ActionParsnip!ics > mabus08:49
ubottumabus, please see my private message08:49
trece8KingKimi, really... I think you have a really minor problem, man... anyway, try to install ubuntulooks too08:50
ActionParsnipmabus: something in there may help08:50
KingKimi^Phantom^, sudo apt-get install build-essential08:50
GoSoxits KDE not really a window manger at all?08:50
Oprtzi download ubuntu 9.04 from german server (Bonn) and there is difference in winMD5sum, thisis the third time i am getting the error, do anybody know which server is good to download ubuntu OS ?08:50
GoSoxcause i started up in it and it seemed to give me a terminal and thats it08:50
kulightany one know if the broken proposed repos are being fixed ?08:50
GoSoxoh wait08:50
GoSoxscratch that08:50
trece8GoSox, does it work now?08:51
^Phantom^i got some kind of sourceball error08:51
GoSoxthink so yeah08:51
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* trece8 claps GoSox at his victory in installing KDE08:51
GoSoxi like it08:52
GoSoxits different08:52
nado^Phantom^, why are you doing this stuff in the first place ?08:52
^Phantom^what on earth08:52
trece8ratpoison is more different :P08:52
GoSoxgnome feels like a clone of windows 200008:52
RichiVwhat is the xorg?08:52
^Phantom^i want to listen to some audio files that i have08:52
Oprtzi download ubuntu 9.04 from german server (Bonn) and there is difference in winMD5sum, thisis the third time i am getting the error, do anybody know which server is good to download ubuntu OS ?08:52
GoSoxkde feels like they tried to make something new and different08:52
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GoSoxthat isn't windows and isn't os08:52
KingKimi^Phantom^, first search whether its in synaptic08:52
mabusActionParsnip: thanks, but that seems to be only basic info on getting it setup, it is set up so it works, but it crashes so often I refresh the iptables rules every few minutes08:52
trece8GoSox, there are lots of themes and window manager options, GoSox.... and a lot of window managers... KDE is perhaps the heaviest one08:52
nado^Phantom^, what type of audio file ?08:52
michael_anyone here familiar with btnx?08:52
trece8I don't like it because of that08:52
MadpilotOprtz, you can just use the main server08:53
^Phantom^and vgmstream is the only thing that appears to support it08:53
RichiVwhat is the XOrg?08:53
ActionParsnipGoSox: tried lxde, flwm, fluxbox, openbox?08:53
^Phantom^.strm .brstm08:53
RichiVhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI will this work? for jaunty?08:53
OprtzMadpilot: will u please name the main server? thanks08:53
ActionParsnipRichiV: its what gives you the desktop gui you see. without it you'd be doing everything at command line08:53
trece8GoSox, ratpoison ... it doesn't even have title bars... i love it to death08:53
MadpilotOprtz, http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/08:53
^Phantom^nope not there08:53
Oprtzokie thanks08:53
RichiVActionparsnip: i see thnx08:53
nadoso what's the error ?08:54
RichiVactionparsnip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI can i use this guide to install my GFX drver? i'm using Jaunty08:54
MadpilotOprtz, if you can, download using bittorrent. BT does error-checking as it downloads, so you won't get a screwed up ISO08:54
kulightany one know if the broken proposed repos are being fixed ?08:54
^Phantom^error 12708:54
nadoAlright let me remember the table of errors :)08:54
nadothere is text that explains the error, what is the text08:55
GoSoxwhere in KDE so i change screen resolution?08:55
ActionParsnipRichiV: its the same thing pretty much08:55
ActionParsnipGoSox: in systemsettings08:55
GoSoxyeah where?08:55
ActionParsnipRichiV: or you can use the binary driver from www.ati.com08:55
RichiVActionparsnip: ive alreday done the first line in terminal, but second one says no such file directory08:55
^Phantom^/bin/sh: svn: not found08:55
ActionParsnipGoSox: alt+f2  type systemsettings  press enter08:55
^Phantom^is that what you're looking for?08:55
RichiVActionParsnip: binary driver can u give me a direct link?08:56
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nado^Phantom^, sudo apt-get subversion08:56
RichiVActionparsnip: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.2&product=
RichiVactionparsnip: thats what i have08:56
trece8GoSox... it's pretty obvious, try in settings or such things08:56
^Phantom^error invalid operation subversion08:56
GoSoxoooh interesting i didn't realize Transmission was on Linux too08:57
RichiVhow do i get to the restricted manager?08:57
rumpel2apt-get install subversion08:57
ActionParsniptrece8: i'm sure a tonne of stuff is obvious to you, to others its not08:57
RichiVI need to enable accelerated ATI graphics08:57
Spaderskad jestes08:57
^Phantom^okay, now what do i need to do ?08:58
RichiVusing the restricted-manager08:58
trece8ActionParsnip, i mean in a "windows" way08:58
Stoffel/join #amarok08:58
^Phantom^i got error 1 this time08:58
trece8in a "my mother could get there" way08:58
^Phantom^svn: '.' is not a working copy08:58
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ActionParsniptrece8: if a guy doesnt know, he wont find out without asking08:58
trece8he did find without asking08:59
trece8<GoSox> nvm08:59
trece8all the science by which all you do in a computer is based... is based on the contrary of what you said08:59
trece8ikt, test good09:00
trece8(if you needed to know if somebody could read you)09:00
ActionParsniptrece8: he asks a question. i answered. it takes more effort to give hm grief than to provide a very simple answer and leave it09:00
trece8ActionParsnip, can you search in google images right now? I can't09:00
nadook ^Phantom^09:01
^Phantom^are you able to "make" it?  nado09:01
GoSoxkde4 must be cool once you get used to it09:01
KartagisActionParsnip, one question. before I've tried manually editing xorg.conf and it got re-written on reboot. how do I prevent that?09:01
ActionParsniptrece8: then theres people like yo who want to drag it out into a discussion of whats obvious when its clealy unnecessary09:01
nadotype : ./bootstrap09:01
nadothen type : ./configure09:01
GoSoxit's pissing me off though just because I don't know where anything is09:01
nadothen type : make09:01
arvind_khadrihi, am getting user name not found , i have this script add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/nobody %u09:01
trece8ActionParsnip, you was who discussed the obvious09:01
KingKimiif i uninstall from wine,,,, the menu entry in applications is not getting away.// how to remove it ?09:01
ActionParsnipGoSox: i dont know where anyting is in a lot of other OSes, you'll learn09:01
trece8i didn't give him grief either way, ActionParsnip , so... really not true what you said09:02
ActionParsniptrece8: works fine here09:02
maarten_does anyone know a nice newsticker for ubuntu09:02
nado^Phantom^, check that you didn't get an error at the end of ./configure09:02
Kartagisarvind_khadri, change %u to $1 maybe09:02
^Phantom^um bootstrap pulled up a bunch of not found09:02
^Phantom^hang on i'll pastebin09:02
KnirghI have problems with multiple monitors, when i start the "monitor" program in settings, it's just blank and lags my computer up. Computer spec here:
GoSoxis there some sort of theme editor just so i can tweak the look of windows a little?09:02
GoSoxits kind of hard to look at right now09:02
Omar87When  I choose a certain emerald theme, do I need to reboot in order for the changes to take place?09:03
arvind_khadriKartagis: sure?09:03
ActionParsniptrece8: he wanted to know where the settings were and i informed, you started saying "trece8: in a "my mother could get there" way"09:03
c0mp13371331337Knirgh: What graphics card?09:03
ActionParsniptrece8: which is totally unnecessary09:03
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KnirghATI Radeon HD 320009:03
Kartagisarvind_khadri, 90%09:03
trece8ActionParsnip, it was clarification to what you said09:03
trece8nothing else09:03
Kartagisarvind_khadri, yes rather09:03
ikonia^Phantom^: what is it you are trying to build ?09:03
^Phantom^honestly, i'm not sure what i *need* to build09:04
Knirghintegrated motherboard09:04
ikonia^Phantom^: what do you want to acheive ?09:04
c0mp13371331337Knirgh: Sorry, not up to speed with the newer ATI cards.09:04
ActionParsniptrece8: no it wasnt, a clarification would be "yes, ActionParsnip is right"09:04
^Phantom^playing .strm .brstm .ast files in ubuntu09:04
arvind_khadriikonia: any help :)09:04
ikonia^Phantom^: what format are they ?09:04
ikoniaarvind_khadri: for what, sorry I missed your question09:04
^Phantom^.strm .brstm .ast09:04
trece8ActionParsnip, the clarification was about that you were not. Well, last chat about it for me. You just didn't read09:05
ikonia^Phantom^: but what format are they ?09:05
^Phantom^video game formats09:05
GoSoxdoes Ubuntu run on PPC ?09:05
ActionParsniptrece8: works for me09:05
ikoniaGoSox: #ubuntu-ppc has the community support for PPC09:05
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ09:05
KnirghI also have problem with viewing video in fullscreen (regardless of the player), just get a graphic tearing on screen and 1 second after whole computers frezzes09:05
paul68ActionParsnip: how com that when I do a kernel update linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-12-generic can't be installed I think that this is the reason that my wifi driver isn't detected properly in the restricted drivers09:05
ikonia^Phantom^: what emmulator are they designed to be run on ?09:05
^Phantom^they're audio files09:05
arvind_khadriikonia: add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/nobody %u i have that script, but when i try to login am getting user name not found, even though the user is present on this machine, am logging in from a windows client09:05
^Phantom^you play them in an audio player09:05
paul68ActionParsnip: drivers *hardware09:06
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I explained what you need to do yesterday09:06
nado^Phantom^, sudo apt-get install build-essential09:06
ikonia^Phantom^: ok - so what do they need to be able to play them ?09:06
ActionParsnippaul68: what message do you get when you attempt the install09:06
nado^Phantom^, then redo the ./bootstrap09:06
KartagisActionParsnip, one question. before I've tried manually editing xorg.conf and it got re-written on reboot. how do I prevent that?09:06
arvind_khadriikonia: i read the documentations :( please can you help me09:06
^Phantom^winamp, and a .dll file, in windows09:06
K2тут русские есть?09:06
Marc4870I had a quick question for someone/anyone about the ATI 64 bit drivers. Have they been known to cause high CPU useage? I'm getting cpus in my Core i-7 920 max out for no reason...09:07
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ActionParsnip!ru > K209:07
ubottuK2, please see my private message09:07
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I told you yesterday what to do to test this09:07
ActionParsnipKartagis: are you using gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:07
^Phantom^i installed winamp on wine and put the plugin in the plugins folder, but winamp doesn't see that the file was placed there, and thus is not showing it in the plugins window :(09:07
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I also told you I can't support you using webmin/ebox as it doesn't not make sane configs09:08
KingKimihow to update wine ?09:08
ikoniaKingKimi: is there not an update in the repo ?09:08
SoylentYellowHow do I give full control to a user via terminal? What are the switches? "sudo chmod" then what?09:08
SoylentYellowControl to a folder that is09:08
KingKimiikonia, where is the repo ?09:08
arvind_khadriikonia: i am not using webmin :D, all CLI , i ran parmtest09:08
ikoniaKingKimi: your using it - the ubuntu repos09:08
KingKimiikonia, how to start the "repo"09:08
nado^Phantom^, sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool09:08
KartagisActionParsnip, no, vim09:08
ActionParsnipKingKimi: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb09:08
ikoniaKingKimi: the repo is where synaptic gets software from09:08
trece8SoylentYellow, chmod +rw file09:08
KingKimiikonia, oh ! the sypantic ?09:08
KingKimiikonia, ok . thnx09:08
ikoniaKingKimi: why do you want to update wine ? what do you need09:08
chazcoAnyone know of a good guide to setting up VNC for a remote gnome session - not with the built in server (Vino?)?09:08
ActionParsnipKartagis: sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:08
alanbellKingKimi: what version of wine are you on at the moment and what version do you want?09:08
SoylentYellowThat will work for a folder/dir as well?09:09
trece8SoylentYellow,  if that doesn't work, just type "man chmod"09:09
ActionParsnip!vnc > chazco09:09
ubottuchazco, please see my private message09:09
^Phantom^tonyyarusso, that is annoying...09:09
KingKimiikonia, wine is not running chrome09:09
KartagisActionParsnip, yes I am doing that09:09
ikoniaKingKimi: ok - so do you KNOW you need to update wine to fix that09:09
nado^Phantom^, dude are you doing what i'm suggesting09:09
ActionParsnipKartagis: cool, not sure then. weird09:09
^Phantom^okay, done, nado09:09
trece8i think it will, SoylentYellow , but for the inside files... i think there's an option for that09:09
chazcoActionParsnip - Yep, I've had a look at that but some it seems out-dated and the vnc4server section (the one i hoped to use) is missing09:09
ikonia^Phantom^: what software are you actually trying to build ?09:09
trece8like -R or such09:09
nado^Phantom^, and you also installed the build-essential ?09:09
^Phantom^i don't know09:09
^Phantom^a plugin09:09
^Phantom^nado, yes09:09
nadothen run ./bootstrap again09:09
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KingKimiikonia, this link > http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/05/how-to-install-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-with-wine/09:10
nadoikonia, it's a plugin for audacious09:10
ikonia^Phantom^: which one - I'm reading this http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=382977409:10
SoylentYellowYeah, I want to make all the folders and files inside a specific folder read-write-delete, but I have no idea what the command is09:10
ActionParsnipchazco: as long as you use the ssh tunnel its fine09:10
ikonianado: thank you09:10
arvind_khadriikonia: what to do now ?09:10
painted82ubuntu detects my raid set up09:10
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I explained what to do yesterday, check your backend for the user09:10
painted82but it's not available to the partitioner during installation09:10
paul68ActionParsnip: The following packages have unmet dependencies:linux-restricted-modules-generic: Depends: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-12-generic but it is not installable E: Broken packages already booted in recoverymode and run dpkg errormessages that it couldn't remove things so used autoremove then tried again with same result09:10
painted82can anybody help?09:10
chazcoActionParsnip - The problem is getting a VNC gnome session... the built in server doesnt allow resolution changes so isnt usable09:10
ActionParsnipchazco: why do you need a full remote desktop?09:11
chazcoActionParsnip - My netbook is my development machine, but has a 1024x600 screen, my desktop is 1440x900 so would like to use it there. I've tried ssh with X forwarding but its not much use when using many applications...09:11
ActionParsnippaul68: try: sudo apt-get -f install09:11
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Marc4870Anyone know if the ATI 64 bit drivers (Among their many issues) are causing high cpu useage? I'm getting 100% usage on at least one core at random times. I've checked process list and cant see anything chewing it up no there.09:11
^Phantom^is there a plugin for any linux audio players that can play those formats?09:12
nado^Phantom^, .... what's the result ?09:12
^Phantom^on ./bootstrap09:12
paul68ActionParsnip: is the same09:13
ActionParsnipchazco: that factoid is all i know of vnc, if you are using vnc over wan, make sure you use an ssh tunnel as vnc data is not encrypted09:13
^Phantom^./bootstrap brought up a whole bunch of stuff09:13
nado^Phantom^, now ./configure09:13
chazcoActionParsnip - Yep, SSH is always used, just trying to get VNC working. Thanks anyway :)09:13
^Phantom^i'll pastebin09:14
nado^Phantom^, check the very last line to be sure there is no error09:14
KingKimiwhat command updates wine ?09:14
bubbai had tightvnc working through wine09:14
ikoniaKingKimi: there is no update available through the ubuntu repos09:14
ActionParsnipKingKimi: if you add the wine repo, then run: sudo apt-get upgrade09:14
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ikoniaKingKimi: you'll have to update from an external source - be warned this could damage your system09:15
ActionParsnipKingKimi: it will upgrade wine as well as everything else09:15
arvind_khadriikonia: _samr_create_user: Running the command `/usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/nobody $1' gave 1 any pointers ??09:15
KingKimiikonia, if i download the .deb and reinstall wine.... will the current in wine be safe ?09:15
ikoniaarvind_khadri: no09:15
^Phantom^here's the output, nado:  phantom@phantom-laptop:~/Desktop/vgmstream-r601$ ./bootstraplibtoolize: putting auxiliary files in `.'.09:15
^Phantom^libtoolize: copying file `./ltmain.sh'09:15
^Phantom^libtoolize: Consider adding `AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])' to configure.in and09:15
^Phantom^libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, to keep the correct libtool macros in-tree.09:15
^Phantom^libtoolize: Consider adding `-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile.am.09:15
FloodBot1^Phantom^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
^Phantom^configure.in:13: installing `./config.guess'09:15
ikoniaarvind_khadri: as I've said 3 times to you - check the BACK END to see if the user is created09:15
ActionParsnipKingKimi: if you dont add it and there is a newer version on the default repos, sudo apt-get upgrade ill upgrade from there instead09:15
ikoniaKingKimi: no - it may cause issues for you09:15
nado^Phantom^, just type ./configure09:16
arvind_khadriikonia: its created , i am using phpldapadmin09:16
arvind_khadriikonia: there its created09:16
nado^Phantom^, i know the output it worked.09:16
ikoniaarvind_khadri: ok - so now map a drive using that user/password combination to test it09:16
nado^Phantom^, now type ./configure and give me the last line of the output09:16
ikoniaarvind_khadri: make sure samba can talk to the ldap backend09:16
KingKimiok.... if i downlload the latest deb and install it .... will the exisiting installed in wine remain ?09:16
^Phantom^configure: error: Cannot find Audacious, have you installed audacious yet?09:17
* ^Phantom^ goes and installs audacious09:17
nado^Phantom^, sudo apt-get install audacious09:17
arvind_khadriikonia: could you please break it down, i dint get it :)09:17
nado^Phantom^, then type ./configure again09:17
rorooer, somehow I've bggr'd my updater. I can't install "linux-generic" or "linux-restricted-modules" because it wants a newer version, but that's precisely the version I'm trying to update to?09:17
arvind_khadriikonia: could you make it simpler please ?09:18
jumbersI'm looking into enabling HyperThreading on my Ubuntu Server. I see posts on UbuntuForums.org from about 3 years ago mentioning that HyperThreading is insecure. Is that still a problem?09:18
Crash1hdAny reason why I can see the computers on my network by typing them in but when I click on windows network its empty?09:18
^Phantom^bash: ./config: No such file or directory09:19
mihaminahi all09:19
naagayaahello world09:19
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ikoniaarvind_khadri: 1.) check samba can talk to ldap 2.) make sure the ldap server as the AD schema included 3.) test the user by mapping a network drive09:19
^Phantom^did i just break something when i installed audacious?09:19
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bubbahow to ping my local networked computers09:20
nado^Phantom^, wait one sec09:20
michael_anyone here using a mx revolution mouse09:20
GnosticAscensionping [ip] :P09:20
arvind_khadriikonia: how do i check whether its talking or not?09:20
michael_i need to disable the forward/back in firefox09:20
ActionParsnipror: you can use: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb09:20
GnosticAscension@michael_ any particular reason?09:20
khensthothmichael: I think you can set it in about:config in Firefox09:20
ikoniaarvind_khadri: check the samba credentials and do some ldapsearch queries09:21
ActionParsnipmichael_: yu can remove the button but alt+left and right cursor will still work, is that sufficient?09:21
rorActionParsnip: Thanks, I'll try that and report back09:21
michael_GnosticAscension, i'm using btnx to have those buttons change tabs... but now when i change tabs i also go back and forth09:21
michael_ActionParsnip, yes, i'd love that, but th ebuttons on my mouse still go forward/back, and i don't want that! ;)09:21
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arvind_khadriikonia: when i just run ldapsearch it always says invalid credentials with the bind failing09:21
nado^Phantom^, sudo apt-get install audacious-dev libvorbis-dev libmpg123-dev09:22
nado^Phantom^, then : ./configure && make09:22
ActionParsnipmichael_: could jump into keyboard and mouse settings and disable them from being shortcutson the mouse buttons too09:22
michael_ActionParsnip, hmm, looked there, i'll check again09:22
^Phantom^okay they're installing09:22
^Phantom^woah scrolling window heh09:23
nado^Phantom^, sorry it's going to be ./configure && make -f Makefile.unix09:23
ikoniaarvind_khadri: there you go then - thats the problem09:23
^Phantom^it's still installing heh09:23
ikoniaarvind_khadri: i's not bound09:23
nadooh really that's good then09:23
rorActionParsnip: when I do ls /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb, none of the restricted modules appear?09:23
painted82ubuntu installer corrupts my raid array setup does anyone know how to bypass this so i can install ubuntu09:23
paul68ActionParsnip: ikonia: what can be the reason that after the update from to that the restricted hardware part is empty while in the 11 version I have the BCM drivers present and active09:23
michael_ActionParsnip, where do you see it?  under what tab?09:24
^Phantom^k did that make line09:24
^Phantom^and now it's scrolling like crazy09:24
nadothat's good09:24
ActionParsnipror: then you avent downloaded the debs yet, thats where they go to be installed. Try: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get upgrade09:24
Crash1hdyeah I finally got both windows and ubuntu running happy :)09:24
^Phantom^it's done09:24
rorok thanks;09:25
Drikan1Gnea: you around?09:25
nadook ^Phantom^ : now you want to install the plugin. sudo make install -f Makefile.unix09:25
^Phantom^okay, done09:25
^Phantom^sorry for swearing earlier09:26
rorActionParsnip, that sadly made no changes, it still says The following packages have been kept back: linux-restricted-modules-generic09:26
ActionParsnipror: ok then check in the apt cache again09:26
ActionParsnipror: try installing the debs individually09:26
nado^Phantom^, now start audacious09:26
^Phantom^it's playing the file09:26
^Phantom^thank you so much09:26
FloodBot1^Phantom^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:26
nadoalright congrats09:27
forceflowror: I have the same problem09:27
michael_anyone know how to disable the default forward/back on their mouse buttons (in regards to firefox)09:27
ikonianado: stunning effort09:27
* ^Phantom^ shines brightly with happiness09:27
DrikanGnea: well i placed the HDD on the pata cable and its still locking up09:27
* ^Phantom^ hugs nado09:27
rorActionParsnip, I get this as a problem if I do apt-get install linux-generic09:27
rorThe following packages have unmet dependencies.  linux-generic: Depends: linux-restricted-modules-generic (= but is to be installed09:27
ActionParsnip^Phantom^: nice to compile your first app :)09:27
rorwhy does it think is "to be installed"09:27
ActionParsnipror: try: sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:28
kbpany1 know how to "free transform" in GIMP !?09:28
nado^Phantom^ you're welcome09:28
^Phantom^that's what i just did?09:28
ror0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.09:28
nadoyep :D09:28
forceflowror: I think it's a temporary problem09:29
nadoand now you have all the tools installed to do it again if need be09:29
rorcan I force it to try and install a particular version of linux-generic and linux-restricted-modules at the same time?09:29
ActionParsnip!japan | otg09:29
nado(i hope that wont happen again though :) )09:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about japan09:29
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい09:29
RichiVquick help plix in the terminal how do i get out of root?09:29
ikoniaRichiV: how did you become root ?09:29
^Phantom^wow that was kinda fun actually...09:29
RichiVikonia: sudo -s09:29
ikoniaRichiV: "exit"09:29
RichiVikonia: ty09:30
sim-valuesu yourname09:30
ror"exit" or "logout" will work09:30
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية09:30
ActionParsnip!jp > otg09:30
ubottuotg, please see my private message09:30
Drikan!jp | otg09:30
ubottuotg: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい09:30
ikoniaahhh jp, well done09:30
ActionParsniphis ip resolves to japan09:30
^Phantom^it's a bit different from the winamp version09:31
^Phantom^it doesn't have the infinite loop option09:31
RichiVwhat does it mean when it says No supported adaters detected? after i type in /usr/bin/aticonfig --initial09:31
^Phantom^heh, so i put 999 for the loop :D09:31
nado^Phantom^, can't be all perfect :)09:31
gandalfcomeWhat is the clean way to switch 9.04 back to python 2.5?09:32
mysticdarkhackUbuntu seem to be everywhere now09:32
schummelpilzhi, i just installed 9.04 and lsmod doesnt show uhci_hcd, ehci_hcd and stuff which i used to unload in 8.10, what happened here?09:32
mysticdarkhackI can say is I look forward to what 10.04 and 10.0 have for us09:32
^Phantom^well, i doubt i'll ever listen to one song continuously for OVER 1000 hours O_O09:32
RichiVhow do i fin out what x.org version i am using?09:32
kbp^^ does any1 know how to "free transform" in GIMP !? (like Photoshop) ^^09:32
paul68ActionParsnip: ikonia: what can be the reason that after the update from to that the restricted hardware part is empty while in the 11 version I have the BCM drivers present and active09:32
ikoniakbp: try #gimp09:32
rwwgandalfcome: install the python2.5 package09:32
ActionParsnipgandalfcome: uninstall the python you ave as well as about 75% of your OS then reinstall the older version then all the OS stuff again (DON'T do this)09:33
kbpikonia: no1 answers09:33
ikoniapaul68: do you have the "proposed" repo enabled ?09:33
ikoniakbp: wait in there for a response09:33
ActionParsnipgandalfcome: why did you upgrade it?09:33
paul68ikonia: where do I check that please?09:33
ikoniapaul68: open the system -> administration -> software source tab and look at the enabled repositories09:34
^Phantom^pardon me 1000 minutes09:34
gandalfcomeActionParsnip: I installed 9.04 on a machine and now some of the software I need needs 2.509:34
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^Phantom^nado: want to hear one of the .ast files?09:34
ActionParsnipgandalfcome: fair point09:34
^Phantom^they actually sound really really good09:34
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RichiVikonia: please help me i need to configure my ati drive that i just installed... it says that it stored it in /usr/bin/aticonfig09:35
nado^Phantom^, nah i'm good thanks. Gonna hit the bed i'm beat09:35
ikoniaRichiV: how did you install it ?09:35
^Phantom^:O i beat you???? :P09:35
RichiVikonia:but when i go into that from the terminal, it says no supported adapters found09:35
nadonah it's 4:35 am :)09:35
rwwRichiV: which ATI card do you have?09:35
RichiVikonia: i installed it via terminal following instructions from site09:36
nadogood night all09:36
^Phantom^this one song09:36
RichiVikonia: i have the ATi Mobility Radeon X60009:36
ikoniaRichiV: from what site?09:36
^Phantom^the time shows as -1118:-2809:36
RichiVikonia: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.2&product=
ikonia^Phantom^: please stop discussing the songs in here, this is for ubuntu support as you've just ecieved09:36
sim-valuecchtml ?09:36
RichiVikonia: go to the installer instructions09:36
ikoniaRichiV: why did you not use the restricted hardware manager in Ubuntu ?09:36
paul68ikonia: I have under software sources the following tab ubuntu software main community maintained universe proprietarydrivers restricted software restricted multiverse enabled09:36
mpontilloActionParsnip: actually otg's IP resolved to Taiwan - oops ;)09:36
RichiVikonia: i asked b4 but no one answered about how to get into it09:37
dhong_hello, Does ubuntu support gfs09:37
ActionParsnipmpontillo: d'oh09:37
^Phantom^ikonia, okay.  sorry, i got carried away in my excitement09:37
ikoniaRichiV: system -> administration -> hardware drivers09:37
ActionParsnipdhong_: gf's?09:37
ikoniapaul68: that looks ok09:37
dhong_REDHAT Global File System09:37
RichiVikonia: is that it?09:38
paul68ikonia: still getting error message on broken package for restricted module09:38
ActionParsnipdhong_: if you say that in the first place, it makes life easier09:38
RichiVikonia: theres only 1 driver that shows up09:38
ikoniaRichiV: yes the name "Hardware Drivers" is a good clue09:38
ikoniaRichiV: what drive shows up?09:38
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gandalfcomeActionParsnip: so I would have to reinstall 8.10 to get 2.5 only?09:38
ikoniapaul68: I'm not on 9.04 at the moment so I don't know what the current stable kernel is,09:38
ActionParsnip!info gfs-tools09:38
rorah, found the problem. The METAPACKAGE "linux-restricted-modules-generic" has moved to version 2.6.28-15" but the underlying linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-15" doesn't exist, with 28-11 being the most recent!09:38
ubottugfs-tools (source: redhat-cluster): global file system tools. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20090127-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 203 kB, installed size 600 kB09:38
painted82I'm using alternate 9.04 i386 ubuntu disk. The installer does ask me if I want to activate the raid set up, so it's detecting it. However, the partitioner is unable to access the raid partitions. And when I abort the installation and reboot, raid array fails and BIOS says "Missing Operating System" after POST. Raid array only sets up correctly after I do a complete shutdown and start up the computer again. I really want to use Ubuntu al09:38
ActionParsnipdhong_: ^ looks like it09:38
paul68ikonia: I think that this is the reason that my bcm driver is not detected in the harware restricted area09:38
ikoniapainted82: are you using fake raid ?09:39
tondarhi all , any one can help me to connect PPTP VPN from ubuntu 9.04  ?09:39
RichiVikonia: i just can't seem to install this driver correctly because the driver continues to crash when i turn the computer back on09:39
ActionParsnipror: looks like you can progress a little now :)09:39
painted82ikonia, yes fakeraid09:39
dhong_ActionPars:  If I want to install it , which package name should I use09:39
painted82it's supposed to work with alternate09:39
ikoniaRichiV: your current status is unknown as you've mixed unsupported 3rd party drivers09:39
RichiVikonia: only my Broadcom B43 wireless driver09:39
rorso is this a problem in the main ubuntu repository? or does this mean I have a messed up sources.list?09:40
ActionParsnipgandalfcome: not sure, ive not done such a thing before. all i can say is "maybe". ask a bit later in the day, different users etc09:40
RichiVikonia: i do not get it?09:40
tondarit give me error :  VPN connection 'VPN' failed to connect: 'No VPN secrets!'.09:40
icewatermanever since jaunty i have anacron and cron installed. is that necessary?09:40
paul68RichiV: did you get this problem after the update to kernel version
RichiVikonia: theres an update?09:40
ActionParsnipror: the modules hasnt been put on the repo yet, once its up then you will be able to install it09:41
RichiVikonia: do i just go to the update manager? because i am the most updated atm09:41
RichiVikonia: not sure about the kernel though09:41
rorok thanks :)09:41
surf_speedhi all09:41
harykumar20Hi Everyone, I'm new for Linux environment, i got to know about Ubuntu, SUSE and Fedora.. Which i need to choose as im a home user. What are the best and why most of IT person choosing LINUX environment..?09:41
belimjaunty did an update to 2.6.28-12 the other day and I now cant install the restricted drivers package so have no wireless. I was just wondering if anyone else had an issue with this update?09:41
surf_speedplease help me i have probleme with my alsa driver09:42
CodeWaris there a good tool to remote into a windows remote desktop09:42
RichiVbelim: it actually made my wireless detected09:42
jribharykumar20: there's no best.  It's a personal decision.  Try each and use the one you like best09:42
paul68belim: I have same problem09:42
belimRichiH, haha. oh right.09:42
ActionParsnipror: looks like you and belim have a common foe09:42
RichiVbelim: well actually idk if i have the up to ate kernal09:42
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rorRichiH, uname -r will tell ya09:43
ActionParsnipbelim: did 28.11 work ok for you?09:43
RichiVror: talking to me? or richih?09:43
ActionParsnipbelim: in every way09:43
paul68ActionParsnip: it worked fine under  28.1109:43
rorer, you sorry09:43
ActionParsnippaul68: did everything in your system work ok too?09:43
belimActionParsnip, 28.11 was working fine, not a single issue or drop or anything. the update to 28.12 broke it09:43
rordamn autocomplete ;)09:43
ActionParsnipbelim: then what is in the newer kernel that you need?09:44
ActionParsnippaul68:  then what is in the newer kernel that you need?09:44
paul68ActionParsnip: yes I didn't have any problem with the 28.11 version09:44
naagayaawats da cpu sceduling algorithm used in UBUNTU?09:44
rorbelim, yes there's a problem with the fact the restricted-modules package isn't in the repository for 2.6.28-12 but the metapackage that controlls it thinks it is09:44
rorso it all goes a little bit haywire :(09:44
rorhopefully they'll get it fixed asap09:44
belimror, that is the same problem i noticed09:44
^Phantom^okay thank you for your help09:44
^Phantom^everyone :D09:44
belimActionParsnip, nothing, I am going to boot back into 28.11 its just a pain09:45
ActionParsnippaul68: belim: if the kernel you have is working perfectly, you have no reason to upgrade it, thats why they are not installed when you run apt-get upgrade09:45
ActionParsnippaul68: belim: they are held back because they are not always needed09:45
RichiVpaul68: no? idk what kernel version i'm in actually but my update manager says im up to date09:45
ActionParsnipRichiV: uname -a will tell you09:45
kulightbelim: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/37287609:45
rorRichiV, uname -a (or -r) will tell you your kernel verison09:45
belimActionParsnip, it updated automatically though09:46
RichiVpaul68: i am in 2.6.28-1109:46
paul68ActionParsnip: well in the old version in the restricted hardware part my bcm wifi driver was detected and functioning, after update to 28.12 the driver dissapeared and we get the errormessage that the restricted modules have unmet dependencies package broken09:46
ActionParsnipkeshon: i'll tell you whatever you wanna know09:47
RichiVi  am still having problems getting to /usr/bin/aticonfig09:47
RichiVso i can configure my ati drive09:47
ikoniaRichiV: how do you have problems getting to it ?09:47
keshonActionParsnip sry m8, just new in this IRC client, wanted to test it =)09:47
rorbelim, I suggest for now you update your grub.conf to boot to -11 automatically09:48
rorthen wait for the fix :(09:48
ActionParsnipkeshon: np man09:48
RichiVikonia: i keep ptting into the terminal $ /usr/bin/aticonfig09:48
ikoniaRichiV: and ?09:48
sim-valueyou have the x600 right09:48
^Phantom^one thing about ubuntu i'm still not used to is my wifi light flashing.09:48
ActionParsnipRichiV: try putting sudo at the start of the command09:48
RichiVikonia: and it says that no supported adapters detected09:48
^Phantom^windows doesn't make it flash XD09:48
ikoniaRichiV: ok - so you have no problems getting to /usr/bin/aticonfig - that's working fine09:48
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RichiVactionparsnip: good call trying it atm09:48
paul68ActionParsnip: brb09:48
belimror, that is what I am going to do. did it do it automatically because I have proposed updates selected?09:49
RichiVikonia: well its supposed to bring me to somethign so i can configure my ati driver09:49
rorbelim, not sure but I guess so? It did it automatically for me too09:49
sim-valueRichiV:what card09:49
ikoniaRichiV: it's telling you - there is no supported device09:49
ikoniaRichiV: please open a pastebin and show me the output of "lspci"09:49
rorluckily I guess my wifi isn't dependent on it :)09:49
ikonia!pastebin > RichiV09:49
ubottuRichiV, please see my private message09:49
ikoniaRichiV: open the pastebin (see ubottu's message) and put the output of "lspci" in it09:50
* ror kisses his rt2500, even if it requires a manual recompile every kernel upgrade09:50
ActionParsnipRichiV: easiest way is to run this: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; lspci | pastebinit09:50
ActionParsnipRichiV: put the link thats output in here09:50
DaMasterHow can i see hiden files09:51
jimcooncatPackage namespace questions: Is there a reserved prefix for packages that are used only locally, like "custom-"? Is there a maximum recommended length for naming packages? Is there a way to register a package name with the community?09:51
rwwDaMaster: Ctrl-H in GNOME File Manager/Nautilus09:51
DaMasterThank yo09:51
DaMaster* you09:51
RichiVikonia:ok i did it09:51
sim-valuepress ctrl+h09:52
ikoniaRichiV: show me the url09:52
RichiVikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/166617/09:52
DaMasterWhy ubuntu CD does not contain boot.ini?09:52
DaMasterHow it loads?09:52
AbracadabraGood morning09:52
DaMastergm to09:52
sim-valueover its mbr09:52
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RichiVsim-value: i have the ati radeon mobility x60009:53
RichiVikonia: do u see a problem?09:53
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ikoniaRichiV: just checking your hardware09:53
RichiVikonia: ok i'll leave u some time09:53
sim-valueits unsuported by fglrx09:53
RichiVsim-value: meaning?09:54
naagayaahello guys09:54
DaMasterHow ubuntu CD loads?09:54
jimcooncatDaMaster: like sim-value said, it uses the Master Boot Record (mbr) to start, not a file on the disk like boot.ini09:54
naagayaai hav smthings to get clarified09:54
paul68ror: do you have any workaround for the bcm driver or is just booting to the 28.11 to only option?09:54
naagayaawats the CPU SCHEDULING algorithm used in ubunut?09:54
sim-valueYou need to use opensource drivers09:54
rwwRichiV: The version of Xorg in Jaunty is only supported by the newest version of fglrx. The newest version of fglrx dropped support for a ton of cards.09:55
RichiVsim-value: how do i get it?09:55
ikoniaRichiV: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ATI_Mobility_Radeon_X60009:55
ikoniaRichiV: thats for a thinkpad but the info is very valid09:55
jimcooncatnaagayaa: If I have it right, Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) for the desktop kernel09:55
RichiVikonia: yes very useful09:56
kenocan i change the permissions of a file in an ntfs drive?...09:56
ikoniaRichiV: also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113493509:56
RichiVikonia: ppl are saying that i need to use an open source? how do i get one?09:56
rww!who | sim-value09:56
ubottusim-value: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:56
ikoniaRichiV: well you're in a mess as you've installed one from  AMD - which can cause conflicts/problems09:56
RichiVikonia: i see no wonder when i boot up i get pixelated screenign09:57
ikoniaRichiV: read the forum link I sent you09:57
RichiVikonia: sure thing09:57
paul68ikonia: when there are broken dependencies how much time does ubuntu in general need to fix this?09:57
ikoniapaul68: depends what's broken09:58
ikoniapaul68: what's broken ?09:58
kenodoes anyone know if can i change the permissions of a file in an ntfs drive?... i tried chmod but the changes does not reflect09:58
paul68ror: you still present?09:58
ActionParsnipDaMaster: it has a bootable sector on the centre of the cd. boot.ini is a windows file, booting up from a cold boot does not use windows09:58
paul68ikonia: the restriced modules for 28.1209:58
rwwikonia: I think his issue was restricted modules in -proposed09:58
ikoniakeno: it's normally mounted with "fuse" which is user space, so technically yes, but acaully no09:58
paul68ror: did you get my remark over booting?09:58
ikoniarww: he said he didn't have the proposed repo enabled, that was the first thing I asked09:58
ikoniapaul68: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list09:59
rorscrolling up now..09:59
paul68ikonia: ok09:59
rorI don't know about bcm specifically but I suspect booting back to 2.6.28-11 would be the quickest fix and least likely to go wrong09:59
RichiVikonia: ppl have told me to get an open source for this driver?09:59
RichiVwhat do you suggest?09:59
rorif the 2.6.28-12 drivers aren't available I can't see where one would get them from09:59
ikoniaRichiV: yes, READ the forum post I sent you09:59
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noglorpI'm doing an automatic distro upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 before going to 9.04...10:00
noglorpIf I'm past the "downloading files" step is it safe to disconnect from the internet?10:00
ikonianoglorp: no10:00
ikonianoglorp: keep it on for the upgrade if possible10:00
snekquestion, how do you restart gnome/gdm in Jaunty (since ctrl+alt+backspace  doesn't work anymore)10:01
snekcuz my desktop stopped working, but the menu's & apps still work fine10:01
paul68ikonia: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m726799e910:01
ActionParsnipsnek: ctrl+prntscrn+k (i believe)10:02
paul68ror: ok10:02
ikoniapaul68: you have the proposed repo's enabled !10:02
snekk if i leave it works :P10:02
snekoh wait... my imac keyboard doesn't have a printscreen button lol10:02
ikoniapaul68: 51.deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-proposed restricted main multiverse universe10:02
ActionParsnipsnek: then you'll have to re-enable the old skool10:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nozap10:02
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.10:02
noglorpikonia: thanks for the warning10:03
noglorpwill do10:03
snekthx ActionParsnip10:03
paul68ikonia: ok what else can I do to fix the package?10:03
ikoniapaul68: you can't10:03
ikoniapaul68: your using unsupported packages that have not been tested and proably will break your system10:04
ikoniapaul68: not enabling the proposed repo WAS the right thing to do10:04
painted82ikonia, I'm guessing ubuntu still has problems with raid10:04
painted82i think i oughta just get rid of my raid setup10:04
ror(though to be fair the -proposed packages are very rarely buggy!)10:04
painted82so i can try out ubuntu10:04
ikoniapainted82: not really - fakeraid is ajust a weak technology in general10:04
ActionParsnipsnek: np10:05
painted82well windows doesn't seem to have a problem with it, ikonia10:05
ActionParsnippainted82: buy a raid card. makes it faster and easier to setup10:05
paul68ikonia: ok I understand however it was working correctly in 28.11 and running this on 3 machines all with the same bcm drivers installed without a problem10:05
ikoniapainted82: that's because windows have drivers written for it, but as a concept, it's bad10:05
GnosticAscensionpainted82: LOL10:05
ikoniapainted82: you're not using - your now running unstable software10:05
ikoniapainted82: sorry - not you10:05
ikoniapaul68:  you're not using - your now running unstable software10:06
paul68ikonia: why is ubuntu sending me a kernel update then, because they are to my knowledge not available for everybody when its not stable or am I wrong10:07
ikoniapaul68: they are sending you an update beause YOU selected to have the PROPOSED updates repo enabled10:07
ibralnetHi all, I'm asking if ubuntu server 9.04  is stable that I can install it on my server, or I have to keep 8.04 for a while ????10:07
ikoniaibralnet: yes it is10:07
ActionParsnipibralnet: absolutely10:08
afancyHi, everybody: i just upgrade to 9.04. Now I meet a problem on mouse right-click to open application, it always no response. How to solve this problem?10:08
ibralnetok, thanks to all10:08
fariai need to know my system specification n performance10:08
ActionParsnipafancy: are you using compiz?10:08
zirodayfaria: install the hardinfo package, if you want benchmarks the phoronix test suite is a good way to go10:09
ActionParsnipfaria: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name; cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz; free -m; lspci | grep -i vga10:09
RichiVok i read the fourn i forget your name IAno10:09
paul68ikonia: can I remove the entries in my menu.lst and remove the kernel packages from my system?10:09
afancyHi, everybody: i just upgrade to 9.04. Now I meet a problem on mouse right-click to open application, it always no response. How to solve this problem?10:09
RichiVikonia: read the forum had to fully uni it10:09
ActionParsnipafancy: are you running compiz?10:10
GnosticAscensionor install saidar10:10
afancyActionParsnip: no10:10
RichiVikonia: could you please send me the link again? i need to get the open source10:10
ActionParsnipafancy: have you looked in mouse optios?10:10
GnosticAscensionfaria : you could do sudo apt-get install saidar [im not sure whether it's there in the 9.04 repos tho]10:10
ActionParsnip!info saidar10:10
ubottusaidar (source: libstatgrab): curses-based program which displays live system statistics. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-0.1 (jaunty), package size 46 kB, installed size 104 kB10:10
fariaok let me try10:10
afancyActionParsnip: there is no problem10:11
GnosticAscensionnaagayaa: lo10:11
lesshastehow do I fix W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF10:11
ActionParsnipafancy: can you right click in apps like gedit etc?10:11
lesshasteI think there is even a bot here that knows :)10:11
afancyActionParsnip: no, it doesnot work10:11
HowToUseBchunkmy bchunk just cover bin/cue to .cdr files but no .iso file... is there any idea for it?10:12
afancyActionParsnip: so now when i open gedit, i have to type command "gedit" in console10:12
harykumar20can anyone send me a link to learn about UBUNTU10:12
GnosticAscension@ActionParsnip @afancy : I think this is gonna turn into a xorg.conf editing session10:12
ewookharykumar20: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu10:12
ActionParsniplesshaste: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 247D1CFF; gpg --export --armor 247D1CFF | sudo apt-key add -10:13
ActionParsniplesshaste: i have a sweet script for it myself ;)10:13
afancyActionParsnip: actually, now by clicking the mouse cannot open any application, no matter right-click or left-click10:13
lesshasteActionParsnip: :)10:13
GnosticAscension@harykumar20 google for ubuntu introduction, or go to http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/10:13
rwwActionParsnip: Me too. alias ppakey=^that^ ftw :)10:13
DaMasterHow much approximalety is "installed" ubuntu size/10:13
ActionParsniprww: totally10:13
ActionParsniprww: lesshaste: http://pastebin.com/f76428d7010:14
lesshasteDaMaster: A very good question...10:14
DaMasterI want to install it in USB 1GB, because my HDD does not work, and10:14
DaMasterso on10:14
ActionParsnipDaMaster: i'd say a bit less than 3Gb (ish)10:14
indusDaMaster: go into places/computer and see filesystem10:14
ikoniapaul68: your system will be tained with other proposed updates,10:14
indusDaMaster: 1 gb i think10:15
edoreldWired network: device is unmanaged. What can I do to solve that?10:15
ActionParsnipDaMaster: you can skim it down a LOT. Theres a tonne of guff in the standard install you will never use10:15
edoreld(Internet works)10:15
lesshasteDaMaster: you can make a live cd effectively in 1GB10:15
DaMastercan i skip many programs on installation?10:15
rdzhi all, i installed jaunty  (only; no os x at all on the drive) on a macbook and it takes quite some time, until the grub bootloader is started. i guess, the machine is confused not to find an EFI partition. how can i fix that?10:15
ActionParsnipedoreld: if the internet works, don't sweat it10:15
lesshasteDaMaster: I think a full install will be larger but also will be very slow from a usb device10:15
ActionParsnipDaMaster: no, ubuntu doesnt have that feature10:15
edoreldActionParsnip: however, I need to setup a VPN connection, and that doesn't work either10:15
DaMasterI am working now from CD10:16
paul68ikonia: unless I deselect proposed correct?10:16
DaMasterit's not so bad, not so slow10:16
ikoniapaul68: no10:16
indusDaMaster: unless you make a custom installation cd10:16
ActionParsnipedoreld: one thing at a time10:16
ikoniapaul68: that won't make the updates go10:16
ikoniapaul68: what is installed now - will be installed until you remove it10:16
edoreldActionParsnip: ok, what first?10:16
paul68ikonia: ok10:16
lesshasteDaMaster: then it's not clear that using a usb device will help in any case10:16
edoreldActionParsnip: I created a VPN connection and clicking on it does nothing10:16
lesshasteDaMaster: what were you hoping it would do for you?10:16
indusDaMaster: are you limited by disk space?10:16
HowToUseBchunkhello, is there anyone can help me on bchunk? I would like to cover bin/cure image to .iso image, but bchunk just cover the image to .cdr files and cannot generate .iso file...10:17
ActionParsnipedoreld: considering the mouse is quite an important device, id fix that first10:17
DaMasterI am heavily limited space10:17
indusand xfce install takes less space am i right guys?10:17
lesshasteDaMaster: can you not buy a HDD?10:17
g[r]eekHi guys I'm running Ubuntu on my webserver. I host multiple clients, each has their own subdomain, which is in turn mapped to a folder. I'd like to track the bandwidth usage of each client / subdomain / folder. How can I do this?10:17
lesshasteDaMaster: they are very cheap these days10:17
ActionParsnipDaMaster: then i'd suggest puppy or damnsmalllinux10:17
edoreldActionParsnip: the mouse? The mouse works..10:17
michaeldobrovitshey guys,girls10:17
edoreldActionParsnip: it clicks, it's the VPN thing that does nothing10:17
DaMasterYeah, i will buy anoither HDD. But not today10:17
lesshastemichaeldobrovits: s/girls/girl... if you are lucky10:18
michaeldobrovitshow can i know if udev created a node or alias to new hardware?10:18
GnosticAscensionbtw did people read the latest linuxhaters post about Drepper and glibc?  [ http://linuxhaters.blogspot.com/2009/05/tribute.html ]10:18
ActionParsnip!vpn > edoreld10:18
ubottuedoreld, please see my private message10:18
belig[r]eek: just for the web stuff or for the full traffic?10:18
ikoniaGnosticAscension: that's offtopic10:18
ActionParsnipedoreld: thats all i know of vpn10:18
DaMasterWhat is CD and USB speed? wich is better?10:18
g[r]eekbeli: Just web10:18
FloodBot1tavernier: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:18
indusActionParsnip: does xfce take less space than gnome?10:18
michaeldobrovitscd is 150kb X cd speed10:19
ikoniatavernier: please stop pasting random noise to the channel10:19
g[r]eekbeli: well what other traffic is there besides web? I don't give FTP access to my clients.10:19
michaeldobrovitsusb is 30mb sec10:19
lesshasteDaMaster: so in general try http://distrowatch.com/search.php10:19
ActionParsnipindus: the DE does, yes10:19
michaeldobrovitshow can i know if udev created a node or alias to new hardware?10:19
ikoniamichaeldobrovits: look in /dev10:19
ActionParsnipindus: the ubuntu underneath wil be identical if you mean xubuntu / ubuntu10:19
belig[r]eek: i recommend using netfilter to log data10:19
indusDaMaster: ActionParsnip:So can damaster install xubuntu if limited by space?10:20
lesshasteDaMaster: but puppy linux is probably what you need.. but I don't understand why you think it will be better than the live cd you are using10:20
michaeldobrovitsikonia -- how does udev calls an ethernat card10:20
ActionParsnipindus: i guess so yeah10:20
lesshasteindus: I am using xubuntu... the answer is not really10:20
ikoniamichaeldobrovits: ethernet cards don't appear in /dev10:20
lesshasteActionParsnip: 1GB is not enough for xubuntu10:20
ActionParsnipindus: i'd just use something less bloated like puppy or DSL10:20
DaMasterHow can you dont uderstand?10:20
g[r]eekbeli: What other traffic is there that I should be concerned about?10:20
lesshasteDaMaster: it'll be slow and you won't be able to install much10:21
ActionParsniplesshaste: can be if you boot the live cd on the usb10:21
indusActionParsnip: ya i agree, puppy is nice,10:21
lesshasteDaMaster: what's the advantage?10:21
michaeldobrovitsikonia --> so how can i know if the hardware has been identified10:21
afancyHi, could anybody know why by clicking Mouse failing to open any applications on Ubuntu 9.04??10:21
lesshasteActionParsnip: yes absolutely but he's already on the live cd10:21
DaMasterMaybe there is no :(10:21
macomichaeldobrovits: "lshal" should show it10:21
lesshasteActionParsnip: so I don't see the advantage10:21
DaMasterOh whatever10:21
ActionParsniplesshaste: usb speed rather than cd speed10:21
lesshasteDaMaster: install puppy linux :)10:21
DaMasterIT could be faster to boot it10:21
lesshasteActionParsnip: right.. is it much better?10:21
afancyHi, could anybody know why by clicking Mouse fail to open any applications on Ubuntu 9.04??10:21
ActionParsniplesshaste: its a bit faster yes10:21
indusDaMaster: how much disk space u have?10:22
lesshasteActionParsnip: ok.. I assume he's on usb 210:22
ActionParsniplesshaste: no moving cd etc, seek times are faster10:22
michaeldobrovitsikonia --> doesn't udev creates alias to all hardware?10:22
macoafancy: um...what? are you saying you can't launch any applications from the menu?10:22
belig[r]eek: networking overhead....and depends on the services you run.....mail, ftp, database, ...whatever10:22
ikoniamichaeldobrovits: not ethernet cards10:22
ActionParsniplesshaste: firewire is better still10:22
DaMaster1GB in USB10:22
macoikonia: what about in /etc/udev.d/70-persistent-net.rules?10:22
ikoniamaco: check it out - it won't create a device in /dev10:22
ActionParsnipDaMaster: puppy will use about 60Mb of the stick and will give you a basic desktop10:23
macoikonia: oh i know that, but wasnt he trying to find out if it's recognized?10:23
ikoniamaco: I don't know to be honest10:23
DaMasterWill i be abble to install FF/pidgin?10:23
DaMasterinto USB10:23
g[r]eekok Thanks10:23
ActionParsnipDaMaster: i tink they are already on10:23
ActionParsnipDaMaster: well its swiftfox10:24
michaeldobrovitsikonia -- > does lspci should show it after the module has been loaded?10:24
macomichaeldobrovits: if you just want to see if the ethernet device is recognized, it'll show in your "lshal" output and in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules10:24
ActionParsnipDaMaster: which has its root in firefox10:24
afancyHi, could anybody know why by clicking Mouse fail to open any applications on Ubuntu 9.04??10:24
ikoniamichaeldobrovits: lspci is nothing to do with the modules, it's a static file being read due to pci'id's10:24
TarBarIs there a way to search for a folder in terminal?10:24
ikoniaTarBar: find10:24
ActionParsnipafancy: try making a new user and loggin on as that10:24
Tyrath_has Ubuntu 9.04 fixed power management? - ie, so you get notified when the computer is about to run out of power?10:24
beliTarBar: man find10:24
ActionParsnipafancy: see if its the profile rather than the system10:24
ikoniaTarBar: I get that in 8.04/8.1010:24
macomichaeldobrovits: that fules file will also tell you which module it uses10:24
macomichaeldobrovits: rules*10:25
michaeldobrovitsmaco , ikonia ---> thanx10:25
afancyActionParsnip: can i delete something in my home directory10:25
GnosticAscensionafancy: yes10:25
Tyrath_ok, I'll just download it and see what happens then...10:25
afancyActionParsnip: there is many important things for my current user, i cannot change it10:25
ActionParsnipafancy: its less destructive to make a new user rather than messing with your own profile10:25
ActionParsnipafancy: thats why you should make a new user, its only to test, you can have more than one user on a system10:26
MinusSevenI've found the sound quality is bad in the latest version10:26
ItkovianI have rebuild a kernel according to the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#Install%20the%20new%20kernel, yet when I want to install the .deb package with the headers, it tells me that "linux-headers-2.6.28-13-server: Depends: linux-headers-2.6.28-13 but it is not installable" Any pointers/ideas?10:26
TarBarah dced. Was there a way?10:26
zirodayHi, I'm looking for a backup suite that uses rsync (or something similar) that can backup using ssh or samba and is possible just to select a few folders and exclude everything else (so just /home/foo/bar not /home/foo/.bar as well). Any ideas?10:27
beliziroday: use rsync over ssh10:27
zirodaybeli: I was hoping for something a little simpler to configure10:27
ikoniaziroday: rsync is the tool you want10:27
lesshasteActionParsnip: that's interesting.. I was just talking to someone who said usb 2 have made firewire pointless10:27
beliziroday: http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html10:27
zirodaybeli: ikonia: I'l go read up, thanks!10:28
beliziroday: simpler? rtfm and do it on your own ;) rsync can do all you need10:28
ActionParsniplesshaste: hardly, usb2 is really bursty, firewire is buffered so is faster although rated at a slower speed on paper, USB2 has a lot of gaps in the data10:28
beliziroday: you can write a simple shellscript later on to do your job via cron for example10:28
DinkyDoggQuestion: Is there any way to organize song files in Amarok 2 like there was in 1.4?10:29
zirodaybeli: yep, that's the plan, and the link looks most helpful, thanks10:29
beliziroday: yw10:29
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: i have a repo for 1.4 in jaunty if you like10:29
DinkyDoggActionParsnip, i remember you10:29
DinkyDoggi've seen you here before10:29
DinkyDoggActionParsnip, i'd like that10:30
lesshasteActionParsnip: premably that buffering can be done at the OS level unless you mean that latency is poor in the worst case on USB?10:30
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bogdanb/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main10:30
lesshasteActionParsnip: presumably10:30
ActionParsniplesshaste: its offtopic here, go research it10:31
beliziroday: one hint for you as a rsync newbie: take care of trailing slashes with pathnames...10:31
lesshasteActionParsnip: I love the IRC "go" :)10:31
induswhat is the new key combo to restart X instead of ctl alt bcspace10:31
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: you'll need to add the key yourself10:31
lesshasteActionParsnip: does anyone say that kind of thing in real life?10:31
ActionParsniplesshaste: "go"?10:31
rww!dontzap | indus10:31
ubottuindus: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.10:31
diffredhi!: javac: command not found. I already have all sun-java6-* packages. What I'm missing?10:31
lesshasteActionParsnip: as in "go research it"10:32
indusalt sysrq k ok thanks10:32
ActionParsniplesshaste: thats how i talk10:32
DinkyDoggActionParsnip, what's the command to get the key to your repo?10:32
indusrww: sorry but i wont install any package just for doing some basic stuff10:32
lesshasteActionParsnip: blimey10:32
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: whats the little hex code you get when you run: sudo apt-get update10:32
indusrww: but thanks :)10:33
arvind_khadriikonia: ok, so i need to check ldap.conf ?10:33
DinkyDoggActionParsnip, B9F1C432AE74AE6310:33
rwwindus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap does the same thing10:33
KingKimii got desktop icons lost . and right clicking  menuis nt working .....  i used this command and it vanished all the desktop icons .... but this command is not showing them all again gconftool-2 -s '/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop' --type bool true10:33
KingKimihow to get desktop active again ?10:33
ikoniaarvind_khadri: depends what's failing your samba credentials or the generic ldap credentials10:33
JacobGeeI'm installing Ubuntu - and I have a few partitions. I have openSUSE installed on sda1, and I have set that to mount to /suse. I have a home partition on sda2, which I have set to mount as /home. I have Mandriva installed on sda3, and have set that to mount as /mandriva. I have a sda4 which I plan to install Ubuntu to. Firstly - I have set all of things to "Use as: Ext3 journaling files system". Is that right? It says that sda1-4 are of t10:33
sim-valueindus: just edit xorg.conf10:33
induswho are these people/users who complain to canonical to disable ctl alt bspce10:33
rwwindus: dontzap (the package) is just a frontend for dontzap (the xorg.conf setting). silly, I know.10:33
beliindus: ppl with security in mind10:34
indusrww: i added dont zap in xorg and my display wont start i swear10:34
indusrww: it doesnt work10:34
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv AE74AE63; gpg --export --armor AE74AE63 | sudo apt-key add -10:34
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: all one line10:34
arvind_khadriikonia: its the ldap ones which are failing, as samba ones are proper, /etc/ldap/ldap.conf ?10:34
diffredhi!: javac: command not found. I already have all sun-java6-* packages. What I'm missing??10:34
ikoniaarvind_khadri: ok10:34
rwwindus: works fine for me. I suspect you didn't add it right. But, I'm going to bed, so hopefully someone else can figure it out.10:34
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: its the last 8 chars in the code10:35
indusrww: i shall use ctl sysrq K i hope that key isnt disable in karmic due to some dumb fool hitting it accidentally10:35
ndoany idea anyone why i cant select the scan mode in Xsane? i need a black and white and there is only color awailable! :(10:35
JacobGeeAny answers to my question?10:35
KingKimiwooo ! ctrl alt backspace logged me out :P10:35
ScottGI am working with apache. In my <Directory> block in my default in my sites-available, what sort of option do I need to set to only allow a specific user be able to login and not everyone listed in the .htpasswd?10:35
DinkyDoggActionParsnip, thanks much. I much prefer the interface in 1.410:35
BodsdaHi, im trying to resize my root partition, im trying to shrink it by 20 gigs, but when i try this (on live cd) i get an error -- shrink  filesystem  00:00:00    ( ERROR ) -- resize2fs /dev/sdb1 30796573K -- Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1' first. -- So i went ahead and ran e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1 and it returned -- /dev/sdb1: 160764/3204992 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 1256278/12819862 blocks -- but gparted still cant resize the partition... what am i doin10:35
indusanyone heard of probability ?10:35
ActionParsnipDinkyDogg: i need 1.4 as xul remote doesnt work in 210:35
TAsnhey, I have a gentoo installation on my laptop, I don't have a cdburner but I do have the jaunty iso on it, how can I install jaunty ?10:36
beliScottG: why not make an own .htaccess for this directory?10:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nocd10:36
ActionParsnipTAsn: if you have free space you can configure lilo to boot the iso10:36
lesshasteTAsn: gentoo.. nooooo :)10:36
ScottGbeli: lol ive been over that. If I have access to the vhost I should edit that. Either way, i still need to know the option10:36
ActionParsnipgentoo rocks10:36
JacobGeeI'm installing Ubuntu - and I have a few partitions. I have openSUSE installed on sda1, and I have set that to mount to /suse. I have a home partition on sda2, which I have set to mount as /home. I have Mandriva installed on sda3, and have set that to mount as /mandriva. I have a sda4 which I plan to install Ubuntu to. Firstly - I have set all of things to "Use as: Ext3 journaling files system". Is that right? It says that sda1-4 are of t10:36
indusActionParsnip: baah10:36
lesshasteActionParsnip: ahem.. this is offtopic but I can explain at some length why it is fundamentally broken10:37
TAsnActionParsnip, define free space ;]10:37
ActionParsniplesshaste: pm if you want10:37
DaMasterHello again10:37
beliScottG: apache2?10:37
indusDaMaster: hi10:37
ActionParsnipTAsn: unallocated hd space10:37
ScottGbeli: Yes10:37
TAsnActionParsnip, duh.10:37
TAsnI meant how much is needed...10:37
ikoniaJacobGee: I dont actaully understand your question10:37
DaMasterAnyone knows wher ei could get free ftp service?10:37
ActionParsnipTAsn: or a partition you can resize10:37
JacobGeeThere are 3 questions10:37
beliScottG: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/auth.html10:37
DaMasterI crashed :D10:37
ikoniaDaMaster: offtopic for this channel10:37
ikoniaJacobGee: break them down10:37
ScottGbeli: I am pretty sure that using .htaccess just micromanages things more. But it is more for allowing users who don't have access to the actual default file10:37
JacobGeebut mainly I need to know if I should do "Format the partition" for my sda4 option in the install. i plan to install Ubuntu to sda410:38
JacobGeeAnd if I set the mount point of sda4 to "/", then will that make it the main Ubuntu install partition?10:38
ikoniaJacobGee: if you want a clean file system on it, yes10:38
jimcooncatPackage namespace questions: Is there a reserved prefix for packages that are used only locally, like "custom-"? Is there a maximum recommended length for naming packages? Is there a way to register a package name with the community?10:38
ikoniaJacobGee: correct10:38
indusJacobGee: yes you have to10:38
JacobGeeOkay cool.10:38
arvind_khadriikonia: what should the URI be ?10:38
ikoniaarvind_khadri: that's personal to your setup10:39
beliScottG: its common to use .htaccess/.htpasswd for that kinda stuff....you can deny/allow hosts/ips....but not users in the config10:39
ikoniaarvind_khadri: everyone's will be different10:39
BodsdaHi, im trying to resize my root partition, im trying to shrink it by 20 gigs, but when i try this (on live cd) i get an error -- shrink  filesystem  00:00:00    ( ERROR ) -- resize2fs /dev/sdb1 30796573K -- Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1' first. -- So i went ahead and ran e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1 and it returned -- /dev/sdb1: 160764/3204992 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 1256278/12819862 blocks -- but gparted still cant resize the partition... what am i doin10:39
arvind_khadriikonia: ok say this domain name is sts.local so should it be ldap:\\sts.local ?10:39
ikoniaarvind_khadri: no10:39
JacobGeeThe sda4 partition is completely new (I made it from a opensuse live cd), but it says it has 635MB used. Could openSUSE have put something on there that I need?10:39
JacobGeeor should I format it and get rid of it?10:39
arvind_khadriikonia: then ?10:39
ikoniaarvind_khadri: it's personal to each persons config10:39
zirodaybeli: ikonia: It looks like deja-dup will do what I want, am planning to use that. Thanks again10:40
beliJacobGee: nothing that size is needed for partition info.....you can format it10:40
JacobGeeOkay cool.10:41
JacobGeeAnd I didn't make a swap partition. Do I need one?10:41
diffredHi people. Please help. How on earth can I get the javac, I keep getting command not found and I've already installed all sun-java6-* sutff10:41
JacobGeeI heard that if there isn't a swap partition, then it just uses a file in the partition as the swap10:41
versicolorhas anybody turn on the webcam on toshiba a20010:41
beliziroday: these are tools on tools....i like it the pure way ;) so i know what is going on....if you are searching for tools like deja-dup.....you can query freshmeat.net next time ;)10:41
ScottGbeli: Is it even possible to specify in the <Directory> block what users from the .htaccess file I want to allow? Or do I need to make a different .htaccess file (obviously named different) for each directory?10:42
indusguys yesterday someone needed help on canon lbp 2100 printer10:42
indusanybody have that working in jaunty?10:42
beliScottG: create a new .htaccess/.htpasswd for that directory...thats what i told you at first ;)10:42
beliScottG: thats really what its ment for10:43
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adamhow do i get the panels back up in xubuntu?10:43
adamive lost my task panel etc10:44
gauthamWhats the name proposed for 9.10 ? Lame Llama ? :D10:44
=== adam is now known as Guest7585
Guest7585how do i get the panels back up in xubuntu?10:44
Guest7585how do i get the panels back up in xubuntu?10:44
chillitomgautham, Karmic Kameleon10:44
witteI am new to ubntu and I am trying to install vmware player10:44
gauthamchillitom: not possible. Karmic Koala is 9.10.10:44
gauthamBTW I meant 10.0410:45
ScottGbeli: putting the .htaccess in every directory isnt really necessary though. I can just specify them in the "default" file if i have access to it.10:45
gauthamUbuntu 10.04 - Lame Llama :D10:45
Guest66901Hi guys, ANy idea where I can get the list of jaunty repos to install opera, acroread, and also the ATI drivers?10:45
jpds!names | gautham10:45
ubottugautham: Ubuntu has an $adjective $animal naming scheme, summarized (and with a list of suggested words which you can add to) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames10:45
jpdsgautham: And, no.10:45
happyhessiani just did a clean install from ubuntu 9.04 to kubunto 9.04 and for some reason my sound is not working correctly.  it identifies two devices HDA NVidia (ALC888 Analog) and PulseAudio.  The first one works with the test sound and the second one does not.  In vlc I can force it to use this device and then it works.  But in mplayer I can't and things like youtube don't work at all.  I've never had a problem like this before so I'm not sure how to deal w10:45
happyhessian Is there a way to globally force these apps to use the correct device?10:45
beliScottG: sure...but you need to separate the users having access....so the better way is to have multiple files10:45
St0n3-C0ldoes Jaunty comes up with 'UXA' enabled by default?10:46
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ahillsmy locale is set to english gb, but when i launch aria its in japaneese/chineese/korean..  An incomprehensible language i do not understand.. any ideas how to get this to display in english?10:46
Guest66901happyhessian::: there is am option to mplayer which allows you to specify the alsa HW device number...10:46
Guest66901happyhessian::: I thibk you can also fiddel about with the ALSA conf settings to specify the default device...10:47
ahillshappyhessian:   alsa:  mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.1  or whatever your device is10:48
happyhessianGuest66901: thanks, i'll look for it...though that it would seem that there should be some way to globally tell it to use the right soundcard, rather than having to fix it for every app10:48
doleybhappyhessian: yeah that's what an alsa conf file is for10:48
doleybhappyhessian: or ~/.asoundrc10:49
Guest66901Hi guys, ANy idea where I can get the list of jaunty repos to install opera, acroread, and also the ATI drivers?10:49
BodsdaHi, im trying to resize my root partition, im trying to shrink it by 20 gigs, but when i try this (on live cd) i get an error -- shrink  filesystem  00:00:00    ( ERROR ) -- resize2fs /dev/sdb1 30796573K -- Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1' first. -- So i went ahead and ran e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1 and it returned -- /dev/sdb1: 160764/3204992 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 1256278/12819862 blocks -- but gparted still cant resize the partition... what am i doin10:49
ikoniaGuest66901: 1.) ati drivers are not in a repo10:49
ikoniaGuest66901: 2.) opera's website has the details10:50
happyhessiandoleyb:where is the alsa conf file10:50
Guest66901ikonia::: Thanks10:50
doleybhappyhessian: the default is seen in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf10:50
doleybhappyhessian: i don't know if you can edit that one, or if you should first copy it to /etc/alsa.conf or some such10:50
Kungfujoedamn, how do I connect to an irc using XChat?10:52
Kungfujoeone that's not in their big list?10:52
DASPRiD/server irc.example.org10:52
DASPRiDbut do ctrl + t before :)10:52
happyhessianok, this is going to take some time.  i'll look in to it and come back later if i get stuck.  thanks for the help10:53
lesshastehow can i reset the networking to its default at install?  I want to get wireless networking working with nm-applet10:53
Andry_WorkZHELP! does anybody have ACER ASPIRE TIMELINE notebook with ubuntu installed?10:53
pshrme tooooo10:54
doleybAndry_WorkZ: that's very specific...10:54
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: does this help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne ?10:54
Andry_WorkZI know that notebook is new, so maybe only few people have it. But I do not want vista, and I'm not going to buy it if I cant use it with linux10:56
drbobbhey, how does one set the encoding of a text file in gedit?10:57
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: ah you don't have it yet!10:57
Andry_WorkZlesshaste: no, but I have an aspire ONE10:57
Andry_WorkZand it works very well there10:57
Andry_WorkZhmm.. it says intel graphic card10:58
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: ok... if google doesn't show anything then you could wait a month for someone else to try it for you10:58
Andry_WorkZthat shouldnt be that good10:58
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: that's ok isn't it?10:58
Andry_WorkZlesshaste: I dunno, what you guys suggest as video cards?10:59
ScottGbeli: So whichever way I do it, there is no way to specify in the <Directory> block which users to allow or deny from the .htpasswd file?10:59
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: it doesn't matter unless you are a gamer10:59
Andry_WorkZlesshaste: ok thanks10:59
jimmyspark1can anyone help me, since updating to Jaunty my pulse audio is broadcasting over the network rather than locally....10:59
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: but intel is generally fine.. of course they might have some cutting edge chipset we don't know about :)11:00
lesshastejimmyspark1: that's quite freaky!11:00
jimmyspark1yeah i know...11:00
jimmyspark1quite annoying too11:00
drbobbin gedit, I see nothing at all related to text encoding in the menus and options. Does that mean that gedit is incapable of handling text in any other than the system encoding??11:00
jimmyspark1not sure how to fix it11:00
roxahrisI keep having an error on trying to ompile programs11:00
roxahrischecking for GTK... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) were not met:11:00
jimmyspark1jimmy@jimmywork:~$ sudo netstat -np | grep -i udp11:00
jimmyspark1udp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 6909/pulseaudio11:00
roxahrisEvery damn time11:00
jimmyspark1when my computer makes sound my network traffic goes through the roof11:00
roxahrisI'm quite sure I have gtk11:01
Andry_WorkZlesshaste: now this snotebook is offered for eur 600, but I dunno if I can afford to risk11:01
Andry_WorkZI'm not going to use vista11:01
lesshasteAndry_WorkZ: you know vista won't actually kill your children :)11:01
roxahrisAndry_WorkZ: Use Windows 7 then11:01
hyperstationhalllooo please help me out from my problem...i have nvidia vga problem11:01
DASPRiDroxahris, lol :P11:01
DASPRiDlesshaste, are you sure? :)11:01
lesshastehyperspace: there is a channel and a forum for nvidia problems if you don't get the help here11:02
lesshasteDASPRiD: :)11:02
Andry_WorkZmaybe I'll use windows version 711:02
hyperstationohh...what channel is it?11:02
`brandon`hello , i downloaded ircd-irc2 from sudo apt-get install ircd-irc311:02
Andry_WorkZnot windows 7 wich is actually 6.111:02
lesshastehyperspace: #nvidia :)11:02
ikoniaAndry_WorkZ: use what you want, but remember this channel is ubuntu support only11:02
DASPRiDAndry_sleeps, or ubuntu version 9, which is two version ahead :D11:02
drbobbok so it's byebye gedit, back to a more capable editor (kate)11:03
lesshasteikonia: and hardly that :)11:03
roxahrisBut... yeah11:03
`brandon`but i do not know where to find the ircd.conf11:03
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roxahrisIt can't find GTK! What do I do?11:03
lesshasteroxahris: panic?11:03
ikoniaroxahris: what can't ?11:03
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roxahrisAnything I try to compile11:03
roxahrisIt just tells me it can't fine gtk+-2.011:03
ikoniaroxahris: read the basics on how to compile and dependencies/headers/development packages11:03
Andry_WorkZikonia: actually I have a ubuntu issue, with my aspire one notebook11:03
lesshastehyperspace: there is also #ubuntu-x... so many options!11:03
ikoniaroxahris: tldp.org has a good introduction11:04
roxahrisI know how to compile11:04
Andry_WorkZit involves the mouse controls11:04
ikoniaroxahris: then why are you asking questions ?11:04
roxahrisThis has just never happened before11:04
jribroxahris: what exactly are you trying to compile?11:04
lesshasteroxahris: you are missing the dev pacakge I think11:04
roxahrisI've tried three things; guake, tilda, and mdxplay11:04
Andry_WorkZI have a mouse that on the x axys accelerates in a crazy fashion11:04
gravisanis there a way to change desktop background from the console?11:04
lesshasteroxahris: find the package with the extension -dev11:04
Andry_WorkZbut the y acxys is yust fine11:04
roxahrislesshaste: What's it's name?11:04
ikoniaroxahris: what are you trying to build ?11:05
hyperstationthere's nobody on #nvidia....:-(11:05
lesshasteroxahris: use apt-cache search to look for it11:05
ikoniahyperstation: there are plenty11:05
jribroxahris: at least 2 of those are in the repositories11:05
lesshastehyperspace: :(11:05
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
foreplayi have a problem, i have the nvidia gtx 5500 and in the nvidia settings i am trying to save my resolution as a higher setting but the xserver wont restart11:05
foreplayi tried ctrl alt backspace11:06
JockeoHow much hdd space does the standard installation of Ubuntu need? And what about Windows 7 / Windows XP?11:06
mrwesforeplay, that has been disabled in Jaunty11:06
zirodayforeplay: if using jaunty ctrl+alt+bkspace does not work. Logout and Log back in11:06
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.11:06
jribforeplay: sudo service gdm restart11:06
DASPRiDJockeo, it fits on one cd, so not much more than 700mb ;)11:06
JockeoDASPRiD: Even after it's installed?11:06
hyperstationah...no oen responds on #nvidia11:06
hyperstationah...no one responds on #nvidia11:07
ikoniahyperstation: wait for a response in there11:07
DASPRiDJockeo, you usually don't install every single package from the cd11:07
DASPRiDJockeo, and well for windows vista, calculate 3 or 4 gb :x11:07
JockeoDASPRiD: That's right, perhaps it's about 0,5 - 1 GB then.11:07
mrwesikonia, have you noticed on Jaunty the notification area does not clean itself up after an icon is removed from the area? That is, blank areas are left in the notification area. I don't remember that happening in Intrepid.11:08
ikoniamrwes: can't say I have noticed, but I'm not using it for production at the moment11:09
roxahrisRight... getting libgtk2.0-dev11:09
jribroxahris: did you see that 2 of those programs are in the repository?11:09
roxahrisWhich ones?11:10
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JockeoDASPRiD: I'm getting a new PC and want to install several (maybe four) Linux OS for comparison (and education) as well as one or two Windows versions. This would need less than 15 GB then right?11:12
JockeoThe reason I ask is that I think of buying a 32GB (not even 64 GB) SSD disk for all the OS's and installed software (but not other files). Does this seem somewhat sensible?11:12
foreplaywhat do i have to add to my xorg.conf to get my resolution to stay at 1280x1024 ?11:12
foreplaystupid nvidia control panel is worthless11:12
mrwesikonia, I'll look around in launchpad -- maybe someone has posted something similar11:12
jrib!fixres | foreplay11:12
ubottuforeplay: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:12
DASPRiDJockeo, that *could* work11:12
foreplayi already restarted11:12
DASPRiDJockeo, tho i would get sure and take the 64gb then11:13
DASPRiDJockeo, windows can take alot of space in some time11:13
DASPRiDJockeo, also, swap can be shared between all 4 linux os'ses, but windows always needs to have it's swap on c:/11:13
johnOk. I am ready. I want the linux lovin on my computer. I have fooled around with wubi for a while and want to do a proper dual boot. do i have to uninstall wubi first so things don't get complicated?11:13
wittehi i'm new to ubuntu. I am trying to install vmware player on my system. I downloaded the vmware.rpm64bit file and i compiled it to a .deb with alien -k. Then I installed it with the option dpkg -i vmware.deb. Now it says in Konsole that it is installed but I can't find it anywhere... Can somebody help me? Thx in advance!11:13
mrweserr...2230 pages on 'Jaunty Notification Area' heh11:14
mrwesjohn: I would11:14
JockeoDASPRiD: Kind of what I thought, that it is a "border line case". First I thought it was far too little space, but when thinking about it I couldn't really find a good reason to get 64GB. I'll think a little more about it - Thanks for helping!11:15
DASPRiDJockeo, welcome11:15
wittehi i'm new to ubuntu. I am trying to install vmware player on my system. I downloaded the vmware.rpm64bit file and i compiled it to a .deb with alien -k. Then I installed it with the option dpkg -i vmware.deb. Now it says in Konsole that it is installed but I can't find it anywhere... Can somebody help me? Thx in advance!11:15
tlvbis it ok to ask kde questions here? #kubuntu seems kind of dead. If so: Is there a way to get my logitech mx518 thumb buttons to work in konqueror? (they've worked in gnome+ff) When I search the net I get pages about configuring x11.conf and they seem a bit dated...11:16
drbobbwitte: `dpkg -L vmware ' will give you a (probably long) list of files installed by the package11:16
kamelarcossalit jai un probleme je vien d'installer amsn a partir de http://forum.macbidouille.com/index.php?showtopic=282949 et quand  je lance amsn il me dise loadingTCKimaage failed .....11:16
JohnNwitte: u tried where vmware in a console?11:17
JohnN"where vmware"11:17
drbobbwitte: I'd avoid using alien + rpm's, especially not being an experienced user11:17
=== JohnN is now known as Amigadude
GnosticAscensionGoogle Mail is down again, for those interested [offtopic]11:18
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drbobbwitte: but I can't tell you where to find vmware deb packages, myself I use virtualbox11:18
TheShahFactorwhen I try to run Quake3 ; I get no sound :: I get the error "Could not mmap dma buffer PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ"11:19
TheShahFactorAny suggestions11:19
wittedrbobb: i get only 2 results11:20
drbobbwitte: so alien gave you a broken deb. It won't work.11:20
witte~/Documenten/downloads$ rpm -ivh VMware-Player-2.5.2-156735.x86_64.rpm11:20
witterpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian.11:20
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drbobbwitte: search for debian packages on the vmware site, avoid alien, in many cases it won't work w/o expert tweaks11:21
Oprtzhow to check the newly downloaded ubuntu 9.04 iso file from errors before writting to CD ?11:21
mrwesOprtz, check the md5sum11:21
mrwes!md5sum | Oprtz11:22
ubottuOprtz: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more11:22
ChiP^has ubuntu got somewhere to get ahold of Ubuntu banners etc for private use and on webpages?11:22
mrwesOprtz, there is also a "Check CD" option on the cd once you burn it11:22
BodsdaHi, im trying to resize my root partition, im trying to shrink it by 20 gigs, but when i try this (on live cd) i get an error -- shrink  filesystem  00:00:00    ( ERROR ) -- resize2fs /dev/sdb1 30796573K -- Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1' first. -- So i went ahead and ran e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1 and it returned -- /dev/sdb1: 160764/3204992 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 1256278/12819862 blocks -- but gparted still cant resize the partition... what am i doin11:22
finitesetis there any good software to manage and create partitions on Ubuntu? I need to create a swap disk...11:23
Oprtzmrwes: thanks dude11:23
Amigadudecan you mount the iso and run the check util>11:23
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user__finiteset: gparted11:23
jribChiP^: a long long time ago there were some on the wiki11:23
Amigadudefiniteset: console type "sudo gparted"11:23
wittedrbobb: should i download the bundle then? because there is only .rpm and bundle11:23
Bodsdafiniteset: gksudo gparted11:24
drbobbwitte: no idea, I never used vmware11:24
ChiP^jrib you dont know of any now? I've been trying to search on the ubuntus homepage, but unsucsessful of finding any11:24
Titan8990does ubuntu have a default template for init.d scripts like suse does?11:24
Oprtzmrwes: i need to copy the MD5 sum ( code ) into compare window? and then press compare?11:24
jribChiP^: start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official I remember a different page though11:24
ChiP^thank you11:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hashes11:25
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware11:25
user__Titan8990: /etc/init.d/skeleton ?11:25
mrwesOprtz, compare your md5sum hash to this web site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes11:26
Titan8990user__, perfect, thanks11:26
Oprtzmrwes: okie11:26
jribChiP^: it was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerBanners but unfortunately the images have gone poof11:26
Oprtzletme compare it with the website11:26
ChiP^what a shame :(11:27
BodsdaHi, im trying to resize my root partition, im trying to shrink it by 20 gigs, but when i try this (on live cd) i get an error -- shrink  filesystem  00:00:00    ( ERROR ) -- resize2fs /dev/sdb1 30796573K -- Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1' first. -- So i went ahead and ran e2fsck -f /dev/sdb1 and it returned -- /dev/sdb1: 160764/3204992 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 1256278/12819862 blocks -- but gparted still cant resize the partition... what am i doin11:27
doktoreasgmail down again?11:27
Oprtzmrwes: no its not maching :( this is my 4th time to download and getting the same error :(11:28
mrwesOprtz, ahh..you're still in windows - duh! Yah use the compare window11:28
finitesetAmigadude: thanks worked fine...11:28
finitesetIf I set my swap disk after installing Ubuntu and not while its being installed, would it be used by ubuntu?11:28
Amigadudeyeah! my 1st help as a linux noob :)11:28
Oprtzmrwes: its says its different :(11:29
jribChiP^: I actually seem to have a local copy of some them11:29
Bodsda!yay > Amigadude11:29
ubottuAmigadude, please see my private message11:29
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mrwesAnyone know the CLI to get dvd disk info?11:29
erUSULfiniteset: yes; you have to add a line to activate in on boot to /etc/fstab11:29
mrwesOprtz, where did you d/l it from? The Official site?11:29
finiteseterUSUL: what do I have to add to it?11:29
erUSUL!fstab | finiteset11:30
ubottufiniteset: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:30
Oprtzfrom relases.ubuntu.com11:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swapon11:30
mrwesfiniteset, it'll look something like this:11:30
mrwes# /dev/sda211:30
mrwesUUID=be4e592b-38ac-4306-adba-734589a87f61 none            swap    sw              0       011:30
erUSULfiniteset: something like « /dev/whatever none swap sw 0 0 »11:31
erUSULfiniteset: or use the uuid instead the device file as mrwes points out11:31
Oprtzahhh i need to download it again11:31
Oprtzand this will be the last time, :(11:31
finiteseterUSUL: mrwes: thanks, I'll try it right now...11:32
mrwesOprtz, get it via torrent -- much faster11:32
Oprtzif i succeed this time i will install the newversion other wise i will stick to 8.1011:32
chouchouHello good morning all11:32
drbobbwitte: in multiverse, there's something called vmware-package - I'd try that if I were interested in running vmware11:32
Oprtzmrwes: please send me the good torrent link11:32
mrwesfiniteset, then from a terminal type sudo mount -a11:32
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finitesetmrwes: why do I have to do that?? shouldn't it be done automatically?11:33
erUSULmrwes: sudo sawpon -a11:33
ws5_tegamanengi to soppeng'e11:33
drbobbwitte: otherwise, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player but it seems not up to date for jaunty11:33
mrwesyah...sudo swapon -a11:33
mrwesOprtz, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt11:33
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erUSULfiniteset: it is done at boot time so you either reboot or run sudo swapon -a11:33
mrwesor reboot11:33
Oprtzmrwes: thanks for the link11:33
erUSULfiniteset: i find the later better ;P11:33
Oprtzi will download it11:33
chouchouI just recently install Ubuntu to my PC I am using as a development server and I am using adsl internet connection, I want to test the email functionality for my webform to be able to send mail before I lauch it to my production server. how do I set the mailing system to peform that?11:34
mrwesOprtz, nod11:34
erUSULfiniteset: you do not have to do it again ever11:34
RoseNethi everybody i want configure print server in ubuntu server 9.04 can you help me please .Thanks11:34
{g}Damn, my CAPS LOCK is locked. Any idea how to get rid of it?11:34
{g}I use this in my .bashrc:11:34
{g}xmodmap <(echo -e "keycode 110 = Caps_Lock\nkeycode 66 = Escape\nclear Lock\nadd Lock = Caps_Lock")11:34
chouchouany answer?11:34
{g}To have esc on the caps lock key.11:34
mrwesRoseNet, is the printer connected and configured on the server?11:34
FloodBot1{g}: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:34
* chouchou is sad. no one answer him11:35
mrwesRoseNet, you can configure the printer via the web GUI http://localhost:63111:35
erUSUL{g}: it is better to use system>Preferences>keyboard|| 2nd tab other options button11:35
RoseNetno yet11:35
chouchouanyone withme please?11:36
erUSUL!postfix | chouchou11:36
ubottuchouchou: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer11:36
RoseNetmrwes: not yet11:36
Amigadudeif I split 1 of the partitions before my swap partition is it going to effect on ubuntu at all?11:36
saurabh1991is there a need for installing antivirus in jaunty?11:36
chouchouok thanks11:36
{g}erUSUL: i really dont like set settings via UI. you cannot put it in a simple config file etc.11:36
jribChiP^: all fixed if you want them: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerBanners11:37
rumpel2saurabh1991, only, if you want to protect other windows pcs in your network11:37
mrwesRoseNet, well fireup your browser and point it to your server http://IP_Of_Server:63111:37
ChiP^jrib thank you :)11:37
mrwesdvd info from command line anyone?11:37
saurabh1991rumpel2: elaborate more plz11:38
mrwesgot it -- vobcopy -I11:38
erUSULmrwes: what type of info ?? commnand line burning tools should have some options11:38
mrweserUSUL, got it :) thanks11:38
rumpel2saurabh1991, on linux you usually dont need anti-virus-software11:39
erUSUL!virus | saurabh199111:39
ubottusaurabh1991: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:39
mrweserUSUL, was teaching myself how to rip | shrink | burn DVD's from the command line -- love it!11:40
saurabh1991rumpel2: but what if i download an infected file and run it on XP...it wil get infected....so is it advisable to keep 1?11:40
higgo22i used wodimm once to burn in the terminal11:40
RoseNetmrwes: i instaled ubuntu server 9.04 and i didn't find the grafic inteface11:40
higgo22cant remember how I did it11:40
erUSULsaurabh1991:  install the av on XP there are many and better choices11:40
mrwesRoseNet, did you install cups?11:40
rumpel2saurabh1991, you can check for viruses on your xp machine...11:41
mrwessaurabh1991, then yes, you would need AV somewhere, maybe the XP box11:41
alexbobpis it possible to get a list of recently written files on a system?11:41
rumpel2keep the viruses, where they belong to ^^11:41
higgo22sudo tasksel then choose print server.11:41
saurabh1991rumpel2: so u mean there;s no need of installin one rite?11:41
rumpel2saurabh1991, rite11:42
mrwesRoseNet, https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/cups.html11:42
erUSULalexbobp: find can use mtime option11:42
erUSULalexbobp: man find11:42
rumpel2no antivirus, no firewall, not douzens of update-manager in background...11:42
RoseNetmrwes: no i did t install it11:42
saurabh1991rumpel2: i hav already installed avast! on my xp partition....it that enough?11:42
rumpel2saurabh1991, yes11:43
user__alexbobp: find -mmin could help you11:43
saurabh1991thnx 4 info11:43
RoseNetmrwes: what does mean this cups11:43
erUSULalexbobp: something like « find / -mtime 3 -print » would list all files modified on the last 3 days11:44
mrwesRoseNet, for your version https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html11:44
TroldenHi how do i update for OOo 3.1 ? can somebody help me ?11:44
erUSULalexbobp: it will take a while to run of course (it begins in root / and scans all the filesystem(s))11:44
mrwesRoseNet, CUPS = Common Unix Printing Service11:44
erUSUL!latest | Trolden11:45
ubottuTrolden: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.11:45
peachesanyone run VLC on jaunty cant get the play window to embed iin the control window11:45
selocolcan someone help me to include a custom environmental variable path while running ./configure? thanks11:46
mrwesTrolden, https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa11:46
mrwesTrolden, you can add the ppa for 3.1rc11:46
paul68ikonia: I modified the menu.lst in order to boot directly into 28-11 what will happen when the stable version of 28-12 is ready will it automaticly be reinstalled or do I need to do something else?11:46
Troldenokmrwes:   try that thx11:47
Blasti use cp to change a file's location right?11:47
jribBlast: no, that copies the file...11:47
mrwesmv to move file11:48
mrwesor rename11:48
RoseNetmrwes: thanks i will try now11:48
sonaliHi everyone, is there a way to know the last few packages that were installed>>11:48
Blastwell cp will work i guess11:48
alexbobpfind is a really slow way to do what I want...11:48
carpiisonali, /var/log/apt11:48
sonalicarpii: thanks!11:48
carpiinp, thats a directory, but the log is in there somewhere11:48
mrwesRoseNet, do you need a good server how to?11:49
paul68 I modified the menu.lst in order to boot directly into 28-11 what will happen when the stable version of 28-12 is ready will it automaticly be reinstalled or do I need to do something else?11:49
mrwesRoseNet, look at www.howtoforge.com11:49
RoseNetmrwes: thanks11:50
Blastso would i use mv /home/brandon/ircd.conf /ect/ircd/ircd.conf?11:50
a_oki need to know how to downgrade a package11:50
* mrwes wishes he was as smart as ikonia 11:50
a_oki installed the latest wine by adding a mirror to sources.list now i want the original back11:51
ikoniamrwes: huh ?11:51
ikoniamrwes: did you call?11:51
jriba_ok: sudo apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION11:51
erUSULa_ok: remove wine; remove the mirror; update; install wine again11:51
mrwesnah -- just fuqorin' with ya11:51
doktoreashello folks..is there a software that allow me to write things in persian language?11:51
ikoniamrwes: sorry, wasn't paying attention11:51
paul68ikonia: I modified the menu.lst in order to boot directly into 28-11 what will happen when the stable version of 28-12 is ready will it automaticly be reinstalled or do I need to do something else?11:52
ikoniadoktoreas: babblefish, google transalation11:52
zenwrylyIs there a CLI way to add/enable the addional sources in (multiverse, nonfree, update, backports, etc.) sources.list the way the software sources manager does?11:52
sonalihey ikonia!11:52
Titan8990doktoreas, gedit accepts unicode which should include persian characters11:52
ikoniapaul68: as I've said your system is running the "proposed" software - not just the kernel11:52
sonaliikonia: your always here helping people...pretty nice11:52
jribzenwryly: editor /etc/apt/sources.list*11:52
ikoniasonali: no problem11:52
a_okerUSUL, yeah that will probably do the trick i didn't remove it11:52
paul68ikonia: understood but I boot in kernel 28-11 and I removed the option proposed11:52
mrwesI'm trying to decide who's smarter -- ikonia or ActionParsnip11:53
yogigrognonhi everyone! need some help in a ubuntu-kernel compilation problem11:53
sonalihey what does apt-get clean do?11:53
ikoniapaul68: that doesn't change the fact that your whole system may have proposed updates on it11:53
mrwespaul68, when the kernel upgrades, it'll rewrite the menu.lst11:53
ikoniasonali: cleans out the apt-cache archive11:53
paul68ikonia: ok so I'd be better of with a clean install?11:53
sonaliikonia: how to play m4a files?11:53
sonaliikonia: in rhythmbox11:54
ikoniapaul68: from my personal opinion - yes11:54
ikoniasonali: have you installed the correct audio codec packages ?11:54
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paul68ikonia: ok thanks11:54
zenwrylyjrib: I do know how to use an editor an d I know where the files are.  I'm just looking for the output that the tool would do11:54
mrwessonali, I always did a fresh install, until this last upgrade -- first time doing an upgrade and I'd have to say it worked perfectly for me11:54
jribzenwryly: I don't understand your question.  You just edit a text file11:54
sonaliikonia: rhythmbox is not playing audio properly, last time I tried playing a m4a file, it asked to search for and installed gstream0.10-plugins-bad package11:55
carpiithe tool you need is 'cat' ;)11:55
ikoniasonali: so you need to open your package manager and make sure that package is installed11:55
carpiijust append a line onto sources.lst if you really want to avoid editing it11:55
sonaliikonia: ever since that rhythmbox is playing weird sound11:55
carpiibut seems a bit strange11:55
zenwrylyjrib: right but the control panel is what know *what* to put into the file11:55
ikoniasonali: check the encoding, you may need a different codec package11:55
jrib!repos | zenwryly11:55
ubottuzenwryly: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:55
jribzenwryly: for that you read documentation11:56
sonaliikonia: I went ahead and removed that package11:56
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sonaliikonia: but it is still not able to play music11:56
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sonaliikonia: not even mo3s11:56
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ikoniasonali: you've removed a package it need - it wont work11:56
sonaliikonia: mp3's, all I hear are weird noises11:56
ikoniasonali: you've removed the codec pakage11:56
ikonia!mp3 > sonali11:56
ubottusonali, please see my private message11:56
ikonia!multimedia > sonali11:56
=== Odo081 is now known as Odo
zenwrylyjrib: so then the answer to is ther a CLI equialent is "no"  Thanks so much11:57
zenwrylyubottu: that's helpful, thanks11:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:57
gordonjcpis there a log where I can see what's been happening with my packages?11:57
gordonjcpbecause yesterday I was using wireshark, and today it does not appear to be installed11:58
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks11:58
jribzenwryly: no, the answer is what I said... That if you want a list of official repositories, you read the documentation.  They are also commented in the default sources.list.  You use a text editor to modify the file11:58
zenwrylyjrib: that's an answer to a different question though I'm sure it's the question you *want* me to ask.11:59
jribzenwryly: I don't *want* you to ask anything.  I'm trying to *answer* *your* question11:59
giorgioci sono italiani tra di voi?11:59
zenwrylyjrib: "<zenwryly> Is there a CLI way to add/enable the addional sources in (multiverse, nonfree, update, backports, etc.) sources.list the way the software sources manager does?"11:59
mrweszenwryly, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine11:59
giorgiosapete picchiaduro per ubuntu?11:59
zenwrylymrwes: thanks!12:00
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:00
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:00
giorgioe quali picchiaduro conoscete?12:00
jrib*g* reading documentation12:00
mrweszenwryly, might want to change your default terminal text editor from vi to nano12:00
mrwesunless you like vi :)12:00
zenwrylymrwes: actually, I'm an emacs user and a debian admin for over a decade.  I was really *just* wondering if there was a CLI tool as convienient as the control panel :)12:01
flywordtest the IRC12:02
Blastwell i am still getting a error12:02
sonalirhythmbox only makes weird noises when playing a song, it doesn't report any error12:03
sonaliI have made sure the necessary gstreamer codecs are installed12:04
ertu_how do i share my current desktop over vino?12:04
dlozariehi, fellas. I need some help with my Update Manager. It doesn't show any upgrades for OpenOffice (3.1 came out today). Furthermore, when I click "check", I get a window with this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/166748/12:04
mechdavesonali, have you re started rhythmbox?12:04
mrweszenwryly, k12:04
jrib!timebasedreleases | dlozarie12:05
ubottudlozarie: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:05
yogigrognonanyone for kernel compil problem?12:05
sonalimechdave: I not only restarted rhythmbox, I also restarted my system12:05
jrib!ask | yogigrognon12:05
ubottuyogigrognon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:05
Blast!cp | `brandon`12:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cp12:05
Blast!flood | `brandon`12:05
ubottu`brandon`: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:05
mechdavesonali, Hmmm usually it is all ok, are you trying to play a local file or a stream from the internet?12:05
sonalimechdave: a local file12:06
naagayaahello world12:06
erUSUL!cli | Blast12:06
ubottuBlast: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:06
agiti noticed just now in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20090506/ you will find daily-build of iso images of jaunty updated May 6th. is it kind of updated version of jaunty?12:06
mechdavesonali, was it encoded properly? Do other files sound the same/similar?12:06
sonalimechdave: I was able to play files normally till sometime back, until I tried playing a m4a file for which it asked to install something I clicked on it to install, I think it was the gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad package12:06
sonalimechdave: but since then while it shows that its playing a song its only making weird noises12:07
sonalimechdave: the noises which you used to hear on radios while your tuning12:07
sonalimechdave: also I have removed the particular package and done a apt-get autoremove12:07
sonalimechdave: still rhythmbox is not playing the song12:08
ertu_how do i share my current desktop over vino? or where does it keep config files?12:08
sonalimechdave: VLC is able to play the song though12:08
mechdavedlozarie, those errors are because there is no gpg key for those repositories12:08
naagayaawhat are the process sceduling algorithms used in UBUNTU 9.1012:09
mechdavesonali, what happens if you sudo apt-get remove gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad12:09
jribnaagayaa: ubuntu 9.10 does not exist until october12:09
sonalimechdave: I did that, and did a apt-get autoremove after that and restarted rhythmbox, but no change12:10
sonalimechdave: rhythmbox is not even able to play .oga files anymore12:10
dlozariemechdave: I see. Any way to fix that?12:10
etzerdhow can I configure my speakers to 5.1?12:10
mechdavesonali, have you checked the logs in /var/log/ for any clues to the problem?12:11
etzerdI have 4 speakers and a sub, only the fronts are playing12:11
ebphi i have installed the compiz config manager, but i can't find the burn close effect, does anybody know how to add it?12:11
icerootebp: animations (the golden lamp)12:11
Blast!gobuntu | brandon12:11
ubottubrandon: gobuntu is a freedom-focused flavour of Ubuntu intended for experienced Linux enthusiasts. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/gobuntu for more information and download mirrors..12:11
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sonalimechdave: I checked /var/log/apt/term.log and accordingly removed gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad12:11
=== dereine[OFF] is now known as dereine
mrwessonali, remove rhythmbox complete removal and reinstall12:12
sonalimrwes: ok I will try that12:12
ebpiceroot, i have been looking but it's not there12:12
sonalimechdave: I installed banshee just to check, but even that is unable to play music, it is also making the weird noises12:13
icerootebp: 8.04 with compiz it is there12:13
salvatore_I'm running ubuntu 8.10 and wanted to upgraded to 9.04, but the latest does not appear in the update-manager12:13
salvatore_show update release is set to normal release12:13
salvatore_any idea?12:14
ebpiceroot, i have used it in 8.04 and 8.10, but i seems to be gone in 9.0412:14
etzerdhow can I configure my speakers to 5.1?12:15
etzerdI have 4 speakers and a sub, only the fronts are playing12:15
naagayaaoops sorry.. 9.0412:15
mrwessalvatore_, from the terminal type sudo update-manager -d12:15
salvatore_mrwes: done alreadyu12:15
mrweser..or alt + F2 gksu update-manager -d12:16
mechdavesonali, sounds like it could be a gstreamer problem12:16
mrwesnuttin still?12:16
DeadPandaCan anyone help me with Evolution/MAPI?  It keeps crashing whenever I try to 'Authenticate' to a new account (i.e. the account wizard doesn't even complete)12:16
naagayaawhat are the process scheduling algorithms used in ubuntu 9.0412:16
Soren_I am new, what does "run it as root" mean?12:16
salvatore_mrwes: any idea ?12:16
sonaliI did alsa force-reload things are working now12:16
DeadPanda"exchange_mapi_connection_close: lock(connect_lock); Illegal instruction" is what shows in the console, for the interested12:17
glickshey does anyone have any idea why my usbstick wont let me delete files?12:17
glicksit says its a readonly filesystem12:17
schummelpilzhi. i've got a thinkpad x200s and i'm using 9.04. the fn-keys work like a charm except fn+f4 (suspend). anyone got an idea how i can make it work? as far as i remember it worked ootb in 8.10.12:17
glickswhich i dont udnerstand12:17
glicksits a usb stick12:17
Soren_I am new, what does "run it as root" mean?12:18
sonaliglicks: that happens to me sometimes, ubuntu opens the disks in read only mode12:18
sonaliglicks: I don't know when that happens or why12:18
glickssonali, hmm a bug perhaps?12:18
mechdaveSoren_, It means you need to run the program as root user, ie: sudo12:18
sonaliglicks: it happens sometimes12:18
etzerdI have 4 speakers and a sub, only the fronts are playing12:18
etzerdhow can I configure my speakers to 5.1?12:19
sonaliglicks: you can try to unmount and mount the disk again and try mounting in rw mode12:19
Soren_mechdave, so you just put "sudo" in front of the command you were trying?12:19
sonalietzerd: did you google?12:19
ertu_how do i share my current desktop over vnc and http? which server would you recommend?12:19
etzerdsonali: ok let me google it. Thanks12:19
SaoukaHey all, can anyone help me with a syslinux.cfg file?12:19
sonali!ask | ubottu12:20
ubottusonali: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:20
mechdaveSoren_, yep, but be careful and make sure you know what it will do... you can screw your system really quick with the wrong commands12:20
sonali!ask | ertu_12:20
ubottuertu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:20
mrwessalvatore_, goto System | Administration | Update Manager and check the 'settings' from there12:20
salvatore_mrwes: there are not settings options in the update manager windows, only check button available12:21
ertu_i don't know how else i can describe my question.. i'm looking forward sharing my current desktop ( :0 i think?) over vnc protocol, vino and tightvnc doesn't seem to do this12:21
Blast!cmake | `brandon`12:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cmake12:22
deadmanhey can some one help me share my internet connection, i have a dynamic ip12:22
Soren_mechdave, lol, here we go...............12:22
Soren_mechdave, If I do "screw it up" and if I reinstall Ubuntu, will I be back to square 1?12:23
zephi im new here...12:23
schummelpilzhi. i've got a thinkpad x200s and i'm using 9.04. the fn-keys work like a charm except fn+f4 (suspend). anyone got an idea how i can make it work? as far as i remember it worked ootb in 8.10.12:23
mrwessalvatore_, you have the main and universe repos enabled correct?12:24
mrwesplease check to be sure12:24
zepcan u tel me where to find snex games for xubuntu 9.04?12:24
salvatore_Ubuntu software -> all check but source code12:24
le_coqwhy is it that my ubuntu after updating from 8.10 to 9.04 especially on FF and other i-net applications slows down dramatically?12:24
Soren_mechdave, If I do "screw it up" and if I reinstall Ubuntu, will I be back to square 1?12:25
salvatore_multiuniverse is checked to12:25
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mrwessalvatore_, dunno  -- weird12:25
mrweswe're missing something silly12:25
SaoukaOkay. On a live cd, what does the init=linuxrc option actually do?12:25
Stepan1Most likely nobody here will know about this, but I will try anyway.  I am trying to get openBVE to work.  I am running "mono OpenBve.exe" and am getting a popup "CodePage 37 not".  Any ideas?12:25
salvatore_mrwes: I m not sure it's us12:25
mrwessalvatore_, and you said you're set for Normal Releases, right?12:25
Soren_If I do "screw up" my system with a SUDO command will reinstalling Ubuntu take me back to square 1?12:26
oravale_cog: I had same problem, even disabling ipv6 didn't work, but which to openDNS work out.12:26
salvatore_mrwes: yes, normale release is set12:26
le_coq@ orava: t y12:27
salvatore_mrwes: could be the fact that the server I m downloading from is not sync with the others ?12:27
salvatore_just shouting ideas12:27
Soren_If I do "screw up" my system with a SUDO command will reinstalling Ubuntu take me back to square 1?12:27
tomttis there a reliable tool to move files between machines? Like a mv equivalent of scp?12:27
mrwessalvatore_, hrmm...are you set to the "Main" Server?12:28
salvatore_I was set to an Italy server12:28
mrwestry the main server12:28
salvatore_now I switched to main server and uploading again12:28
salvatore_see how that turns out12:28
askandHow do I know what harddrive I should buy? What fits?  ATA ST3250310AS that is what I have now, would a SAMSUNG SPINPOINT F1 1TB SATA/300 7200RPM 32MB fit?12:29
mrwesmight be your mirror isn't updated yet...shrug12:29
deadmancan anyone help me share my internet connection...12:29
salvatore_mrwes: how often do they sync ?12:29
Soren_Basic Question... I think... If I do "screw up" my system with a SUDO command will reinstalling Ubuntu take me back to square 1?12:29
deadmanany tutorial/guide... please help12:29
bazhangsalvatore_, make sure your sources.list is updated12:29
bazhangaskand, try in ##hardware12:29
salvatore_Soren_: yes, but you'll loose all your personal data.12:29
deadmani got two LAN cards.. i wanna share my internet connection12:29
bazhang!ics | deadman12:30
Soren_salvatore_, ty12:30
ubottudeadman: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:30
salvatore_bazhang: it was updated12:30
GT-90show me the meaning of being lonely12:30
le_coqomg_onoez: hi12:31
bazhangGT-90, offtopic for here12:31
omg_onoezi compiled and installed madwifi drivers on my 9.04 (from svn)12:31
user__tomtt: you could fuse mount and then do regular mv12:31
GT-90is this the feeling i meant to wanted12:31
GT-90tell me why i cant be there when you are12:31
omg_onoezso everything seems fine12:31
omg_onoezafter modprobe ath_pci12:31
omg_onoezi still have no wireless extensions12:31
omg_onoezand i didn't get any errors connected with my wlan-card12:32
dlozarieneed help fixing this error - http://paste.ubuntu.com/166748/. mechdave said the error was caused by missing gpg keys?12:32
omg_onoezsry for my english btw12:32
mechdaveSoren_, yep, but if you use the man pages to lookup commands you can do it safely12:32
bazhang!gpgerr | dlozarie12:32
ubottudlozarie: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »12:32
omg_onoezany ideas? what's wrong with my wireless? \=12:33
mrwessalvatore_, did it work?12:35
salvatore_mrwes: damn no!12:35
Jurahi to all I have one question about Ubuntu 64bit, yesterday I bought C2D t2300 laptop (lenovo based), does Ubuntu has 64bit compatibility with drivers?12:35
mrwessalvatore_, dunno what it could be12:35
chouchou_Hello, pls I am testing a mail feature in ubuntu, what is the equivalence of <CR><LF>?12:36
petskichouchou_: "Carriage Return" "Line Feed" .. thus "\r\n"12:36
draganWow, here everyone has problems :/12:36
draganDoes any one care to help me?12:37
JuraI don't have problems I am just asking does Ubuntu provide 100% 64bit drivers?12:37
le_coqsamier: hi12:37
ikoniaJura: yes it does12:37
draganwasnt talking about you ... there were people before you12:38
ikoniaJura: the 64bit kernel is %100 54bit12:38
ikonia64 bit12:38
Juraikonia : I am asking this , because stupid Windows Vista 64bit doesn't allow to install 32bit drivers and even my laptop isn't running fine on 64bit12:38
dragananyone knows a solution to that one?12:38
ikoniaJura: linux won't allow you to use 32bit kernel modules on a 64bit kernel - so it's not stupid, its a user error problem12:38
Stepan1I am getting a "codepage 37 not" message when i run mono OpenBve.exe12:39
Juraikonia : that means that Ubuntu has all 64bit drivers for my laptop?12:39
stelios40hi all12:39
hbekelJura: proprietary binary-only drivers might not be provided in 64bit versions by some vendors, but it's possible to wrap them on 64bit systems12:39
Juraikonia : I am asking this because on Vista 64bit I don't have all 64bit drivers12:39
samierhi habhbh12:39
Jurabecause they aren't still developed12:39
ikoniaJura: no - that means all modules(drivers) that are available in 32bit kernel are available as 64bit drivers on the 64bit install - if thats all the modules you need is a different issue12:39
hbekelJura: "them" meaning 32bit versions12:39
JuraI will try install Ubuntu 6412:40
JuraI hope that it will run fine12:40
dragangood luck12:40
ikoniadragan: check the post12:40
dragancan i get help now ... or at least give me a negative responce pls12:41
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Fustireis there anyone who knows how to start a webcast/podcast server on linux?12:44
Fustirei'm a bit confused in what is what and how to set it up12:44
mrwessalvatore_, try this from a terminal: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:44
DavieyFustire: what aspect?12:44
draganikonia: Thnx, i did it manualy. This was giving me a lot of headache, so thanks again!12:44
Fustirei want to use my pc as a server on which other people can listen to audio12:44
Rudihi there, does anybody know how to setup the volume keys on a thinkpad t40012:44
Juraikonia :12:45
Fustirei dont know what it is called exactly and how to set it up12:45
DavieyFustire: audio as in, from a mic or mp3/oggs?12:45
DavieyFustire: look into icecast2 :)12:45
mrwesFustire, you can install mt-daapd12:45
ikoniaJura: what ?12:45
Juraikonia : Ubuntu 32bit also cannot reslove full 4gb of memory as Vista 32bit ?12:45
mrwesaka Firefly media server12:45
Fustireicecast2 and mt-daapd12:45
Fustirethanks i'll try that12:45
Fustiremt-daapd is a standard feature?12:46
dumpstercan anybody tell me how to connect to my lacie raid? As I connect it easily with mac using connect to server12:46
ikoniaJura: not without a kernel modification12:46
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:46
Juradamn, ikonia then I am forced to use 64bit OS12:47
mrwesFustire, mt-daapd is supported by Rhythmbox and iTunes -- Apple actually owns the rights to it12:47
alex12hi guys i have a g3 dl380 server im about to install ubuntu 9 on , however shes only a 32bit server (makes me sad) but she has 6gb of ram .... when i install the OS will she still be able to "see" the 6gb ram?12:47
chouchou_petski: Please how do I apply this?  354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>12:47
ikoniaalex12: if you use ubuntu server image it will12:47
=== Amigadude is now known as AD-Eat
hbekelchouchou_: press enter twice if you're on stdin12:48
hbekelchouchou_: nope, <enter>.<enter>12:48
petskichouchou_: I general, you should end with <empty line>.<empty line>12:49
simplexiodumpster: no knowledge, but best quess is select conenct to server from "places"12:49
chouchou_ok thaks12:49
omg_onoezcould someone help me to figure out what am i doing wrong, so that i have no wireless extensions after modprobe ath_pci12:50
dumpstersimlexio, that didn't worked12:50
dumpsteras I'm following the lacie guide it says I have to go through the terminal12:51
dumpsterbut that shows the folder but it doesn't let me access it12:51
salvatore_mrwes: I tried them all :)12:51
mrwessalvatore_, you can d/l the alternate CD iso and upgrade from that12:52
dumpsterconnecting to raid?anyone else know how to?12:52
bazhangsalvatore_, how about paste.ubuntu.com with your sources.list12:52
salvatore_bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/166778/12:55
gordonjcpmyk_robinson: morning12:57
simplexiodumpster: what it uses ? ftp, samba, afs , nfs ?12:58
mrwesbazhang, could it be that Italtian mirror is not updated for some reason?12:58
myk_robinsonIs there a way to control the window "effect" when minimizing or maximizing without desktop effects? For example, right now, when I minimize, the window turns to a black box outline. I would like the window to simply disappear without the outline effect12:58
bazhangsalvatore_, what is the error? is it related to the debian skype repo?12:58
salvatore_bazhang: no error12:59
mrwesbazhang, he can't get the distro upgrade12:59
salvatore_bazhang: 9.04 just not show up12:59
salvatore_in update-manager12:59
bazhangsalvatore_, what about alt f2 update-manager -d13:00
mrwesheh..been there :(13:00
Picibazhang: That really shouldnt be used unless you want to upgrade to Karmic13:01
bazhangPici, from Intrepid? Really?13:01
mrwesPici, he's not -- he's going from Intrepid to Jaunty13:01
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salvatore_bazhang: same problem13:02
Picibazhang, mrwes: the -d switch indicates that you want to upgrade to the devel release13:02
bazhangPici, will take to karmic?13:02
Picibazhang: I don't know if it will actually do it.13:03
mrwesPici, hrmm...well salvatore_ can't get the distro upgrade from Intrepid to Jaunty13:03
Oli``How do I upgrade my hardy server to jaunty?13:03
TTxTdoes anybody can use remote desktop with jaunty?13:04
shadeslayerhi,resming from hibernation seems to be causing soft lockups.should i increase the swap partition space?13:07
* outboard is away: sleeping13:07
mrwesshadearg, Jaunty boots up faster than hibernation :)13:07
shadeslayermrwes: but still,sometimes i need hibernate13:08
ikoniashadeslayer: as long as your swap space is the same size as your ram or bigger - you're fine13:08
shadeslayerikonia: its 0.1 GB less than my RAM13:08
ikoniashadeslayer: probably get away with that fine if your box is not %100 using ram, which I doubt it is13:08
Fustirewhere can i download .ogg files?13:09
ikoniaFustire: where ever you want - they are just audio files13:09
Fustireyeah but the standard windows programs i use dont have .oggs13:09
shadeslayerikonia: also when booting from recovery console after hibernation,it resumes fine13:09
ikoniashadeslayer: a full desktop environment has more to go wrong13:09
shadeslayerikonia: what?13:10
ikoniashadeslayer: a full desktop environment (not recovery console) has a lot more going on, so it has more room to have a problem on resume13:10
TTxTdoes anybody can use remote desktop (VINO - vnc server) with jaunty?13:10
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rohdefanyone with experience in getting a proper image from Ubuntu to a TV using an nvidia card?13:12
shadeslayerikonia: also i have some extra options such as rootflags=data=writeback enabled,maybe thats the problem?13:12
ikoniashadeslayer: doubtful13:12
* outboard is away: sleeping13:12
shadeslayerikonia: so any idea what might be the problem?13:13
* outboard is back (gone 00:00:22)13:13
shadeslayeroutboard: could you disable those notifications please13:13
ikoniashadeslayer: not without investigation, one of the key issues on resume is the video card re-rendering, quite common with ati cards13:13
outboardshadeslayer NO13:14
ikoniaoutboard: please do so13:14
shadeslayerikonia: nvidia here,i also have graphics=nvidiafb in the kernel boot options to detect the correct resolution for my terminal and vga=86413:14
outboardwas it the n or the o that confused you ?13:15
ikoniashadeslayer: no idea with more investigation13:15
shadeslayerikonia: ok,ill lose the nvidia driver and see if it works13:15
basslinerso how would one change all languages for applications (not only shell applications) after installing the language pack for his language?13:15
hbekelshadeslayer: you might try disabling the fb console and not use nvidiafb13:16
ikoniashadeslayer: be interesting to try it with the vesa driver13:16
avastreghi to all13:16
shadeslayerhbekel: yeah thats what i was going to do13:16
shadeslayerikonia: vesa drivers worked fine earlier13:16
DvyjonesIs it just me or is gedit snippets messed up in Jaunty?13:16
avastregi need help with ubuntu and vista sharing, strange problem :|13:16
ikoniashadeslayer: ok - so you can narrow it down to the nvidia intergration13:17
hbekelshadeslayer: but as ikonia said, there might be other reasons, depending on your specific comnbination of kernel, xorg, drivers, etc. no standard answer or solutions.13:17
avastregi'm on win vista, and i've installed a virtualized version of Ubuntu server (with VirtualBox). Everything looks fine, and the ubuntu guest pings everywhere: internet and the windows host.13:17
ogd                                    13:18
ogd                                   13:18
ogd                                  13:18
FloodBot1ogd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
shadeslayeryeah,im just waiting for a download to complete :)13:18
DvyjonesGedit seems to be ignoring $0 in snippets, when I activate a snippet that has the content "<%= $0 %>" it ends up being appended *after* my cursor So it's like this: "|<%=  %>" (where | is my cursor).13:18
shadeslayerbtw anyone who is well versed with GIMP ?13:19
avastregsame for vista: vista pings ubuntu.. but when i try to share ubuntu folders for vista with samba, i can't access to ubuntu13:19
Umaro__I'm having problems mounting a NTFS drive in ubuntu, can anyone help?13:19
ikoniashadeslayer: the guys in #gimp are13:19
shadeslayer!ntfs | avastreg13:20
ubottuavastreg: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:20
shadeslayerikonia: thanks13:20
shadeslayerUmaro__: look above13:20
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:20
wildlaptophaving some fun trying to get the 'storage expansion' slot on an Acer Aspire netbook to show, any thoughts?13:20
avastregi need to access to ubuntu from vista, not from ubuntu to vista13:20
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dlozarieguys, how do I fix a " The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:" error?13:22
shadeslayerwildlaptop: does lspci or lsusb show the slot?13:23
shadeslayerdlozarie: not a very big thing to worry about13:23
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ankurwidguitarHi! How do I find the location of an installed program in Ubuntu? Can I open a program from the installed folder, as done in Windows?13:24
dlozarieshadeslayer: I'm concerned that my Update Manager is seriously b0rked. Every time I click "Check", this error comes up http://paste.ubuntu.com/166748/13:24
bazhang!gpgerr | dlozarie13:24
ubottudlozarie: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »13:24
shadeslayerdlozarie: gpg is a key used to verify packages13:24
basslineranyone an idea how i could change all languages for applications (not only shell applications) after installing the language pack for his language?13:24
dlozariebazhang - tried that already, didn't solve the problem13:24
bazhangdlozarie, see the bot link above13:24
jribbassliner: click options at the login screen13:25
shadeslayerok going to try that hibernaye now13:25
ankurwidguitar Hi! How do I find the location of an installed program in Ubuntu? Can I open a program from the installed folder, as done in Windows?13:25
scanyone has youtube vid to mp3 script that works?13:26
ankurwidguitarHi samier13:26
RoseNeti want to have a static address ip in my post ubuntu server 9.0413:26
dlozarieI added the OpenOffice software sources to sources.list and ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade to no avail13:26
samierhow can i fix camera13:26
tomttIs there a reliable tool to move files between machines? Like a mv equivalent of scp13:26
ankurwidguitarsamier, what camera are you talking about?13:27
ankurwidguitarSo, what is the problem?13:27
hbekelankurwidguitar: no, there's no single folder for an installed program in linux. open a terminal and type: which programname13:27
samieram new ubunto os13:28
RoseNetmrwes: i want to have a static adress ip in my computer ubuntu server 9.04. thanks13:28
ankurwidguitarhbekel, Actually I see Oo.org formula installed in the Add/Remove programs, but can't find it in applications menu under office13:28
ankurwidguitarhbekel, can you help?13:29
Madpilotankurwidguitar, I think OOo formula is run from inside Calc or Write13:29
Ed54any reason why opera isn't in the repositories?13:29
ankurwidguitarBut in Windows it runs independently13:29
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser13:29
Dr_WillisEd54:  legal/licensing most likely - it was in some alternative repos at one time..13:30
Stepan1How do i extract 7z files?13:30
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression13:30
Ed54well then i'll have to ask the folks in irc.opera.com about it13:30
hbekelankurwidguitar: dpkg -L packagename might help, it lists all files installed by a package13:30
Dr_WillisStepan1:  i always install the 'unp' program then it would be 'unp foo.7z'13:30
issa_Hi, any one can help me establish wireless network between two computers, Vista and Ubuntu?13:30
Dr_WillisEd54:  whats to ask? :)   the ubuntu forums may give details.. but you can easially install oprea if you want13:31
Stepan1Dr_Willis: thanks13:31
hbekelankurwidguitar: oo is an exception, it DOES install into a single dir usually, probably into /opt/openoffice/ or sth13:31
hateballankurwidguitar: you can run OOo math by itself, but by default its hidden in the menu13:31
Ed54Dr_Willis: yeah, i understand that, but it would just save me the trouble of opening firefox :P13:31
ankurwidguitarOh! Is it so?13:31
ankurwidguitarThank you guys!13:31
hateballankurwidguitar: Edit your menu and you'll see its unchecked13:32
Shadow_Samhi all. morning13:32
ankurwidguitarYeah! I should do it13:32
ankurwidguitarThank you13:32
Shadow_Samcan I create a user that use as default python2.5 and other user can run as default python2.6?13:32
jribShadow_Sam: you don't want to do that13:33
issa_Hi, any one can help me establish wireless network between two computers, Vista and Ubuntu?13:33
RoseNethateball: i want to have a static adresse ip for my computer ubuntu server 9.0413:33
jribShadow_Sam: your python programs that depend on 2.6 features would break.  Just call python2.5 when you want python2.513:33
wd4lkohas anybody lost sound with the 2.6.30-3 kernel ?13:33
ikoniawd4lko: thats in the ubuntu+1 channel where I can see you asking13:34
ssorelI have an UPSTART issue, any one wanna take a crack at it13:34
hateballRoseNet: You should look into editing /etc/network/interfaces13:34
Ed54issa_: what exactly do you want to do with them?13:34
Shadow_Samjrib: my app is in django, run on apache. by default on ubuntu 9.04 is python 2.6 in using. I want to alternate, because my app in django was made in python2.513:34
ikoniassorel: call it out and lets take a look13:34
jribShadow_Sam: then have that app call python2.513:34
SeveasShadow_Sam, in ~/.bashrc: alias python=python2.513:35
wd4lkoikonia: no answer there, thanks13:35
ssorelI'm trying to start a python script, ill send the event.d/start filw13:35
ikoniawd4lko: thats the correct place to discuss it13:35
SeveasShadow_Sam, but that won't work for script specifying #!/usr/bin/python13:35
ssorelstart on runlevel-213:35
ssorelstart on runlevel-313:35
ssorelstart on runlevel-413:35
ssorelstart on runlevel-513:35
ssorelstop on shutdown13:35
FloodBot1ssorel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:35
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ssorelI get respawned to fast errors in /var/log/syslog    =(13:36
Umaro__hmmm, in order to handle ntfs partitions I should install ntfs-config but it is not available!13:36
hateball!paste | ssorel13:36
ubottussorel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:36
ssorelThe script starts a python script13:36
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ What do you mean by handle13:36
ssorelwhich runs an endless loop, callled at the shell, the python script runs endlessly13:37
ssorelNo issus13:37
=== TomTom is now known as Guest64107
Umaro__mounting for read and write13:37
ssorelHowever, if I do a PS ..... It is not working and var/log/syslog gives me error 1 and respawn to fast message13:37
ssorelAny ideas?13:38
sc how do i save the audio only from an flv?13:38
trinidadfloreshas anyone else had a problem with the different programs not being windowed?13:38
zaggynlsc: if you're using a youtube video, try youtube to mp313:39
sczaggynl: what's that?13:39
Umaro__Jack_Sparrow I'm trying to use this one13:39
zaggynlwebsite that rips the audio and converts it to mp3 from a youtube link13:39
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ Read write is the default13:39
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ Which version of ubuntu13:39
ssorelCan someone give me a hand with upstart prob?13:39
hbekelsc: mplayer -dumpaudio movie.flv13:39
astroliteIs it possible to install a package for a service (for example openssh) and force it to not try to autostart itself?13:39
Umaro__Inrepid Ibex13:40
Dr_WillisUmaro__:  when stuff dont show up for me in the packge manager when it shoud. I normally do a 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' and that straightens things out13:40
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ lsb_release in a term if you dont know13:40
Jack_Sparrow-a sorry13:40
RoseNethateball : i didn t find  /etc/network/interfaces13:40
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ They can get locked to read only by windows13:41
basslinerjrib: well i'm using wdm, not gdm - and i'm using xfce4 instead of gnome. i found a solution by using the "system -> administration -> language" thing, but i wonder what exactly it affects...13:41
Umaro__Jack_Sparrow that is what have happened13:41
nmvictor astrolite: maybe if you went to application>preference>sessions and removed the program that auto starts from that list.13:41
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ You can clear by going in and out of windows, twice or force mounting it13:41
hateballRoseNet: it's a file, its there alright13:41
astrolitenmvictor: i meant during install, i want to be able to do something like: apt-get install openssh --do-not-try-to-start-as-a-part-of-installation-process13:42
Umaro__Jack_Sparrow the problem is that I have no windows installed at the moment. I want to install it on one of my harddrives but first I want to copy everything from it do another drive and then reformat it13:43
Umaro__but cant access any of the two13:43
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ So what exactly do you need to do13:43
nmvictor astrolite: I doubt if a program is started during its package installation?Maybe Im not getting what you are trying to say,check what the res might say.or try man apt-get13:44
Umaro__so I have drive A and drive B. I want to install windows to drive A but first I want to copy everything from drive A to drive B13:44
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ Force Mount a Drive  http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php/t-211958.html13:44
rohdefis there anyone who might know why nvidia-settings can't detect my tv on an gt6600?13:44
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ You can use the dd command to image that drive or partimage13:44
astroliteI want to install stuff into a qemu-image using ubuntu-vm-builder and when I do this I don't want services to try to start, i only want them to start as normal during boot13:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partimage13:45
Jack_Sparrow!info partimage13:45
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 275 kB, installed size 964 kB13:45
astrolitenmvictor: i've read man-pages and i've checked how ubuntu-vm-builder does it, they do a really ugly hack where they move the script in /sbin/start-stop-daemon13:46
Umaro__Jack_Sparrow I tried the mount command but didnt get it to work13:46
Umaro__maybe it's because I have a space in the name of the drive, it didnt pick up on that13:46
Jack_Sparrow!info sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda113:46
ubottu'mkdir' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'dapper-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'karmic', 'karmic-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']13:46
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda113:46
harivittali want to install graphics driver for my system, help please13:47
theCarpentermy firefox fonts went all screwy, i think after installing wine. everything is smaller and flatter now; i have no idea what's wrong. halp!13:47
philipp_tor dosent work anymore since i had updated my ubuntu to 9.0413:47
theCarpenteri did dpkg --purge wine and uninstalled it but the screwiness remains. maybe its not related to wine at all, but it seems unlikely :|13:47
IndyGunFreakharivittal: well, what graphics device do you have13:47
theCarpenteri can't browse shit anymore aaaaargh13:47
Jack_Sparrowharivittal What video card and have you tried the restricted drivers or are you wanting to install one off the web13:47
theCarpenterthis is a clean install of jaunty btw13:47
philipp_tor dosent work anymore since i had updated my ubuntu to 9.0413:48
tgpraveenhow do i use my bluetooth headset to chat with someone via empathy?13:48
Umaro__Jack_Sparrow I have a space in the name of the locked drive, cant get it to work with it13:48
tgpraveeneven if someone know with ekiga . or any other13:48
tgpraveenim app then please tell13:48
nmvictor astrolite: maybe thats the only way,13:48
harivittal< IndyGunFreak>i've a built in 128MB ccard13:48
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IndyGunFreakharivittal: then google "linux drivers for built in graphics cards"13:48
harivittalok i'll try it13:49
RoseNethateball: I make the command vi   /etc/network/interfaces I found a lot of information about the file eth0... but i don t know what i must change13:49
tgpraveenharivittal: do u have intel13:49
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ can't use it in a command, because of the space in it: ctrl+alt+backspace (<---) key twice.. or use tab complete13:49
tgpraveencard ?13:49
astrolitenmvictor: seems like it.. but I can't be the only one who has encountered this problem.. there should exist some solution.. this only works for the services that use start-stop-daemon.. the rest just tries to start and breaks horribly during install13:49
tgpraveengraphics card that is?13:49
harivittalyea its intel card13:49
tgpraveenhow do i use my bluetooth headset to chat with someone via empathy?13:49
tgpraveenharivittal: jaunty has many problems with13:49
IndyGunFreakharivittal: i would have tried to actually answer you if you'd have answered me like that..13:49
tgpraveenintel cards13:49
xanguaharivittal: activate proposed and backport updates fo fix intel issues13:50
TTxTdoes anybody can use remote desktop (VINO - vnc server) with jaunty?13:50
harivittalhow to activate proposed and backport updates??pls help13:50
hateballRoseNet: here's an example http://paste.ubuntu.com/166873/13:50
tgpraveenharivittal: yes do what xangua  said and enjoy13:50
nmvictor astrolite: if their was an alternative,then the ubuntu-v-builders would be the first to know,dont you think so?13:50
msshamsusing of firefox in 9.04 cause that load of computer increase to high. how can i solve this prob?13:51
tgpraveenharivittal: go in system software package sources or something and there there is  a option for13:51
erUSULhateball: both can be enabled in System>Preferences>software Sources but be warned proposed is dangerous to enable13:51
tgpraveenbackports and propsed updates13:51
Jack_Sparrowmsshams remove addons or fine a different browser13:51
erUSULharivittal: both can be enabled in System>Preferences>software Sources but be warned proposed is dangerous to enable13:51
=== omucuvaca_ is now known as sickcows1
Jack_Sparrowhateball Hold off on proposed13:51
erUSULhateball: sorry not meant for you13:51
astrolitenmvictor: I guess so.. :/13:51
nmvictor astrolite: think so too13:52
xanguamsshams: use other browser13:52
tgpraveenam asking again please someone13:52
tgpraveenhow do i use my bluetooth headset to chat with someone via empathy?13:52
kopichuhello all, i am in a local area network, how exactly do i ping a windows machine?13:52
harivittal< tgpraveen>ya i just now did it in software sources13:52
hackoidztgpraveen google?13:52
rawfaelWeez: do you listen weezer?13:52
msshamsJack_Sparrow: xangua: why? firefox has a bug?13:52
=== sickcows1 is now known as sickcows
Jack_Sparrowmsshams memory leak and cpu hog13:53
philipp__since i updated ubuntu tor dosent work anymore13:53
TTxTkopichu: open a terminal an: ping windows machine13:53
tgpraveenhackoidz: there are links to be able to listen to songs/ audio13:53
TTxTkopichu: open a terminal and: ping windows machine ip13:53
Jack_Sparrowphilipp__ Dont expect much help with tor in here13:53
erUSULkopichu: ping ip.of.windows.machine13:53
msshamsJack_Sparrow: but i haven't same problem in 8.1013:53
tgpraveenvia blueotooth headset but not for chatting ie use micand speakers13:53
xanguamsshams: well is just an option, i am not saying it will fix all the problems in the world13:53
PPKumahi, im trying to create a new user but there 's alweays an error, can you guys help me? http://pastie.org/47208613:53
tgpraveenand also probably be able to use buttons on the headsets13:54
erUSULkopichu: or use Aplications>administration>Network tools13:54
TTxTdoes anybody can use remote desktop (VINO - vnc server) with jaunty?13:54
xanguaPPKuma: do you have user privileges¿13:54
UmaroJack_Sparrow how did I get it to work with a space in the name?13:54
kopichuTTxT ok trying it now.13:54
Pici!anyone | TTxT13:54
ubottuTTxT: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:54
tgpraveenharivittal: http://davyd.livejournal.com/275982.html13:54
PPKumaxangua: i think so... im root13:54
Jack_SparrowUmaro__ Can't use it in a command, because of the space in it: ctrl+alt+backspace (<---) key twice.. or use tab complete        is what I had in my notes13:54
kopichuTTxt erUSUL thanks trying it now13:54
Umarotab complete?13:54
Jack_SparrowUmaro THat may require the addon13:55
xanguaPPKuma: you are in root session ¿ jum.................................13:55
TTxTPici: do you know?13:55
stryd_onehi all13:55
stryd_onedoes anyone know how to disable pulseaudio from auto-loading in jaunty?13:55
nmvictor astrolite: :)hey,know how to configure flash plug in for firefox have it installed but its not working i mean youtube,its not working,i was thinking maybe i need to create some links but i dont know how,13:56
PiciTTxT: I don't know what question you are asking.13:56
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions13:56
PPKumaxangua: yup, im getting an ambiguous response http://pastie.org/47208613:56
TX-DanWhat is the command to download a file through SSH?13:56
pepperjackTX-Dan: scp13:56
Dr_WillisTX-Dan:  scp is normally used to copy files via ssh13:56
stryd_oneDr_Willis, was that for me? because it does not refer to this question13:57
TX-DanDr_Willis, ok cool, so just "scp [file] [location]" ?13:57
theCarpenterargh this is insane... wtf is up with these fonts in firefox :\13:57
pepperjackTX-Dan: like scp TX-Dan@ TX-Dan@   or somesuch13:57
NoOneImportantone of my h.264 videos won't seek or play all the way through13:57
Jack_SparrowtheCarpenter Please dont use the rude shorthand  ty13:57
Dr_Willisstryd_one:  no idea then. the foums/pulse docs would be the place to check  there is a pulseaudio service. if you wish to disable that.13:57
TX-Danpepperjack, great thanks!13:57
kopichuTTilus, erUSUL ---> 7 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 36021ms13:57
Dr_WillisTX-Dan:   if you use location properly.. yes. :) scp is the kind of thing you might want to google for some examples.13:58
kopichuOops thats for TTxT13:58
ahillsaria download manager is in chinese my locale is set to en_GB  . How cna i change this?13:58
TTxTPici: when I try to connect in my server the window doesn't refresh and my mouse cannot get out from the top of the screen13:58
TX-DanDr_Willis, will do, thanks again13:58
Dr_WillisTX-Dan:  scp foo@server:/path/to/file  localfile13:58
erUSULkopichu: maybe the windows box has a firewall blocking pings or the ip is not correct13:58
stryd_oneDr_Willis, thx... i read about it already (which is how i know that jaunty has this new feature) but (because it's new) there's little documentation on it and i'm looking for syntax for th econf files13:59
TTxTPici: I have tryied already x11vnc from ubuntu repos, and it has the same effect13:59
kopichuerUSUL, no firewall, i have to go be right back. thanks13:59
* kopichu is afk13:59
TTxTPici: then I create a package myself with a newer version, the result was the same13:59
TTxTPici: do you know whats going on?14:00
ahillsany idea why all text in aria download manager is in chinese characters?14:00
PiciTTxT: Have you tried with a different vnc viewer?14:01
Paulo39i have a simple question, i have ubuntu hardy and i want to install se7en just to see it in dual boot with my ubuntu. when i install the se7en, is there someting i must do to see the grub menu when i boot?14:01
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TTxTPici: I have tryied using the windows realvnc14:01
Jack_SparrowPaulo39 yes, you will lose grub when you install windows14:01
Paulo39i mean, i'm fear that se7en ignores ubuntu and just start without ask me which system i wnat to satar14:01
Dr_Willisstryd_one:  i think im the only person thats not had any problems with pulseaudio :)14:02
thiebaudePaulo39: you should install windows first14:02
Jack_SparrowPaulo39 that is exactly what will happen14:02
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:02
Paulo39ok, lets see that url14:02
stryd_onelol Dr_Willis14:02
thiebaudePaulo39: and then install ubuntu and use the partition editor thats on the live cd14:02
PPKumaplease help, im trying to create a new user but i only get errors http://pastie.org/47209214:03
PiciTTxT: I've not encountered that error before.  Perhaps someone else here has an idea.14:03
TTxTPici: using ubuntu remote desktop viewer, I got several window inside my window14:03
Jack_SparrowPaulo39 Do you have the first partition of the first drive free for windows14:03
ahillsany way to change text in aria download manager text is currently in all chinese characters?14:03
Paulo39thiebaude, i donto want to install ubuntu again, there is no way to install se7en without have to install ubuntu next?14:03
Jack_Sparrowahills Is Aria from our repos?14:04
thiebaudePaulo39: that link above is the best way then14:04
TTxTPici: me too, using intrepid or hardy I havent that problem14:04
ThreetimesI have a usb drive with 2 partitions, but windows sees only the first one, how do I get windows to see both?14:04
Paulo39Jack_Sparrow, in fact i havent made the partitions yet. but i intend to make a partition for te se7en14:04
ahillsJack_Sparrow: its not in the repos ffor jaunty so i grabbed version for intrepid14:05
hggdhPPKuma, please first try adduser --help14:05
Jack_SparrowPaulo39 If you install ubuntu last, it will be fine Be aware that adding and moving partitions can mess withyour abiltiy to boot ubuntu14:05
Paulo39my situation now is a non-partioned disk (with a lot of space) and whit just ubuntu installed14:05
rexwinhi all. i am unable to ssh into a cloud computer though it is live. but can telnet to it with port 22,23. how to find where is the issue?14:05
Jack_Sparrowahills Really bad idea14:05
hggdhPPKuma, 'adduser --group <groupname>' will create a *group*, not an user14:05
space_cadeti think i found out my hibernate problem14:05
ceciliahello everyone... i have a problem with sound here... i can't hear any sound from videos at youtube or cnn.com... help?14:05
BrixSathow can i set up hardware that is not listed on lspci?14:05
pepperjackrexwin: check hosts.allow in /etc see if ssh all is in there perhaps14:06
space_cadethow do i set my swapon permanently?14:06
deadmanhow to do i enable Upnp for my network connections???14:06
Paulo39ok, i'm going to see information on the web14:06
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:06
ahillsJack_Sparrow: yea i figured but i really needed it, i downlaoded form ubuntu and installed with dpkg14:06
deadmananyone has any idea14:06
ThreetimesBrixSat: try sudo lshw, if it isn't there you can't use it14:06
Kangarooohow to make in ubuntu icons not to be viewing documents and smaller also.. I have many and they take much cpu14:06
Jack_Sparrowahills Really needing it is not an excuse for that..  Build it yourself, there is a reason it was not moved forward14:06
harivittal00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:06
ed__pidgin needs to be fixed with compiz14:07
Kangaroooon desktop14:07
BrixSatdoes lspci list all hardware on the machine?14:07
harivittalthis is my graphics card14:07
pepperjackrexwin: not sure of syntax offhand.. like sshd:all maybe14:07
Nasra                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     14:07
Nasra                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     14:07
Nasra                                                                                                                                                                                               /join #ubuntu-es14:07
FloodBot1Nasra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:07
ThreetimesBrixSat: only hardware at the pci bus14:07
xanguaed__: pidgin needs to be fixed with compiz ¡?¡?!¡?14:07
Threetimeslshw shows everything14:07
ahillsJack_Sparrow: true.. ok  i did have issues with glib building aria from source14:07
Paulo39another thing about grub: i had xp and xubuntu installed in other pc. when the grub menu appears on boot, the default system is xubuntu, and if i dont touch nothing, it will start xubuntu. but that pc is for my mother and she prefers xp, how do i edit grub do change the default system?14:07
ceciliahi, could anyone help me? i've upgraded to jaunty two days ago and have no sound at youtube or cnn.com... videos are ok, but no sound14:07
harivittal00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) this is my graphics card, now how to install graphics driver?14:07
BrixSatThreetimes so how can i list my onboard sound that is now installed?14:07
xanguaPaulo39: start up manager14:08
ed__xangua: yeah, it puts a pidgin window on every workspace, when it should be only on one14:08
Threetimestry sudo lshw and post that on paste.ubuntu.com14:08
=== ed__ is now known as Ed54
KangaroooUbuntu Desktop showing BIG icons. Where to change that to make small.. Too many icons slows CPU14:08
Jack_SparrowPaulo39 gksudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst14:08
rexwinpepperjack, it is intermittent. sometimes it allows to logmein as root with password othertimes it gets disconnected and doesnot allow me to login though the machine is alive using ping14:09
deadmanhow to do i enable Upnp for my network connections???14:09
thiebaudeKangarooo: did you stretch them to make them small14:09
harivittal00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) this is my graphics card, now how to install graphics driver?please help14:09
space_cadethttp://paste.ubuntu.com/166885/  << for some reason my swap is off on restart14:09
xanguaharivittal: what's you issue with intel ¿¿14:10
ceciliahello, i've upgraded to jaunty two days ago and have no sound at youtube or cnn.com... videos are ok, but no sound14:10
Kangarooothiebaude: I don't want to strech 100 icons.. too long time.. I want them to be smaller one constant size and not to show what's inside document14:10
nmvickyanyone know why i have flash plugins non-free installed yet I cant play video on youtube with mozilla?14:10
ceciliacan anyone help?14:10
Sirisian|Workokay I'm retarded. What's the ssh package called? I thought it was openssh-server but it doesn't exist...14:10
carpiiapt-cache search ssh14:10
Jack_Sparrow!find openssh14:11
ubottuFound: openssh-blacklist, openssh-blacklist-extra, openssh-client, openssh-server14:11
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)14:11
Jack_Sparrow!info openssh-server14:11
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-5ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB14:11
Sirisian|Workhmm maybe I need to do that cache thing first14:11
hackoidz!find openbsd14:11
ubottuFound: netcat-openbsd, openbsd-inetd, type-handling14:11
harivittal<xangua> i can't run opengl programs, so14:11
xanguaharivittal: have you already activated proposed and backport updates ¿¿14:12
harivittalopengl says bad window, so i need to enable my graphics card14:12
pepperjackcecilia: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422  this method may help14:12
sherkinsince my upgrade to jaunty, I have many problems14:12
thiebaudeKangarooo: thats how i make my icons on the desktop smaller14:12
ceciliawell, i'll try later then...14:12
space_cadetok... what's the best way to tell if my swap is on from CLI?14:12
harivittal<xangua> yes i did it, so what is next step14:12
BrixSatThreetimes so how can i list my onboard sound that is now installed14:12
sherkinthe last one is tracker  eating 90% CPU while I disabled it in Preferences14:12
xanguaharivittal: update ¿14:12
BrixSatThreetimes paste.ubuntu.com/16688714:12
pepperjackspace_cadet: free command14:12
deadmanhow to do i enable Upnp for my network connections???14:12
Picixangua: Enabling -proposed can cause problems.  These updates are untested.14:13
harivittal<xangua> ya i gave sudo apt-get update, nothing happened14:13
space_cadetpepperjack, explain?14:13
Kangarooobut 100 icons.. I don't want them to show inside of documents thiebaude I also change 4 each that way but now I need them all- 1 size without showing anything14:13
deadmanhow to do i enable Upnp for my network connections???14:13
sherkinhow can I disable tracker in jaunty ?14:13
pepperjackspace_cadet: open terminal and type:  free14:13
space_cadetpepperjack, sudo free?14:13
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deadmanhow to do i enable Upnp for my network connections???14:13
thiebaudeKangarooo: i see14:13
space_cadetk  brb all14:13
pepperjackspace_cadet: if swap does not show but only physical memory then use sudo swapon /dev/sda2 or whatever is swap file or partition14:14
deadmanhow to do i enable Upnp for my network connections???14:14
gasullHi.  I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, but now the update-manager still shows the message "New distribution 8.10 is available".  lsb_release shows that I'm still runing 8.04.  If I do a sudo update-manger --dist-upgrade I get an error saying that my system is up-to-date.  I already tried sudo apt-get update14:14
deadmansomeone please help me14:14
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:14
pepperjack!upnp | deadman14:14
ubottudeadman: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package14:14
BrixSatThreetimes http://ubuntu.com/166887/ <-- what you asked!14:14
harivittalcan i install propritry software??in system->administartion->hardware drivers, nothing is present.......14:15
hackoidz~upnp | pepperjack14:15
hackoidz!upnp | pepperjack14:15
ubottupepperjack: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package14:15
pepperjackharivittal: yes. what are you trying to install?14:15
sherkinhow can I disable tracker in jaunty (preference setting ignored) ?14:15
bazhanghackoidz, please /msg ubottu14:15
tdnHow do I convert flac files to mp3 from the command line?14:15
gasullmmm,  nobody can tell me what to do?  TIA.14:16
harivittal<pepperjack> graphics driver da...........14:16
space__cadetmy swapfile goes to 0 on reboot14:16
zealiodim using a shell script - how come this gives me an empty line?14:16
zealiodset seren_ver = "1.1"14:16
zealiodecho 1>&2 $seren_ver14:16
hackoidztdn what converter are you using?14:16
pepperjackharivittal: see this link:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto pretty easy14:16
tdnhackoidz, no matter. I install what you recommend. It just needs to be simple.14:16
space__cadetpepperjack, any solution?   i shutdown with 3.55 GB of swap,   i bootup with 014:16
Threetimescan I do this [http://www.lancelhoff.com/multi-partition-a-usb-flash-drive-in-windows/] from ubuntu?14:16
tdnhackoidz, it is because I have ripped all my music in FLAC and when I need to play it on my mp3 player, I need to convert it to mp3, because it cannot play FLAC.14:17
BrixSatThreetimes Have you seen my message?14:17
pepperjackspace__cadet: you can use swapon command to enable it. you then though still need to add it to /etc/fstab for it to automatically work after a reboot14:17
hackoidzfdn download this http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html14:17
=== eugen is now known as Guest86585
hackoidzi think it contains a converter14:17
Picizealiod: You aren't echoing anything.  The form needs to be in: echo $var > somewhere   check #bash for more help14:17
hggdhzealiod, echo $serev_ver 2>&1 (although I do not know why the redirection)14:17
pepperjackspace__cadet: ill /msg you my fstab as an example14:17
ThreetimesBrixSat: sorry, there's probably no audio device there14:18
psycho_oreosIs there a way to make intrepid permanently output any messages received from syslogd directly into another virtual terminal? for some reason I have been trying to get it working but it only works for a few moments before it goes all quiet again whereas I check dmesg and theres lots more information outputted and thus more current than the virtual terminal?14:18
BrixSatbut it is onboard!14:18
Threetimesi misread: see line 18214:19
BrixSatThreetimes can i install a second sound card tiwn of the first one? or will ubuntu act strange like windows?14:19
Sirisian|WorkI can google, but isn't it odd to get "package openssh-server is not available but is referred to by another package". when I do apt-get update I get some 404s. This is a fresh install of 9.04. I have internet. I can wget google.com and such.14:19
Threetimesdon't ask me, i have to leave14:19
=== Mr is now known as Guest57514
BrixSatCan i install a second sound card tiwn of the first one? or will ubuntu act strange like windows?14:20
MaT-dgtdn: are u searching for a flac -> mp3 conversion tool?14:20
tdnMaT-dg, yes.14:20
MaT-dgtdn: try this one  http://maketecheasier.com/convert-flac-to-mp3-easily-with-soundconverter/2008/10/2214:20
tdnMaT-dg, ok.14:21
bazhangtdn, its in the repos14:21
PiciSirisian|Work: Can you pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file?14:22
Sirisian|WorkPici, it's the default. Actually I can't because I can't install ssh :(14:22
KangaroooCan I make desktop icons not to show document insides?14:23
harivittalno friends, i couldn't install drivers for graphics card, so any other option14:23
khensthothKangarooo: Which theme are you using? I thought Ubuntu by default doesn't show documents inside a folder in the thumbnail14:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tftp14:24
Kangaroooshows by default14:24
Sirisian|WorkPici, one moment.14:24
Kangaroookhensthoth: shows aby default and I have default theme14:24
psycho_oreosis there a way to make whatever is shown in dmesg output permanently into another virtual console (e.g. /dev/tty12)? I know with syslogd you supposedly can14:25
Sam33Hi all14:25
skynet1need help setting up a tftp sever , is there a way to make it password protected?14:26
Sam33Someone knows the spanish channel for ubuntu? Is the ubuntu-es channel? Thanks14:26
rumpel2!es | Sam3314:27
ubottuSam33: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:27
erUSULskynet1: it is tiny ftp for a reason.. if you need autentification quotas etc you should use a proper ftp server14:27
Sam33\join #ubuntu-es14:27
erUSULpsycho_oreos: run tailf /var/log/messages on that terminal14:28
erUSULSam33: /join ...14:28
Sam33erUSUL, thanks :)14:28
testertomIs it possible to remove the "Wine System Tray" that shows up when starting Spotify?14:28
bencI have a boot script that workes on 8.10 but doesn't work on Jaunty http://dpaste.com/42109/14:29
space_cadetpepperjack, ok... swap is working correctly14:29
space_cadetpepperjack, thx14:29
space_cadetbut now14:29
space_cadeti still can't resume from hibernation properly14:29
bencis there a documentation about the required changes?14:29
skynet1erUSUL ; i have no choise on using it , my client only has tftp.14:30
psycho_oreoserUSUL, thanks, I thought adding * into syslogd.conf entries would have worked right off the bat14:30
MihaiMascascan anybody help me with a 5.1 sound config for ubuntu 9.04?14:30
=== lipsinV2__ is now known as lipsinV2
JuJuBeeIs anybody here somewhat proficient with squid?14:31
space_cadetcan i reset my kern.log14:31
space_cadetlike rename it to kern-a.log14:31
space_cadetjust to have a fresh?14:31
benglbest twitter client for ubuntu = ?14:32
skynet1im setting up a tftp sever what permissins should i give /private/tftpboot , i tried 0755 it still complains about wrong path permissions?14:32
deadmantwittu :P14:32
xanguabengl:  i use gwibber, is prettier14:32
MihaiMascaswhere can i get some help for conf 5.31 sound Ubuntu 9.04?14:32
deadmanyesterday morning my pc got high14:33
erUSULskynet1: from rfc1350 "... and currently has no provisions for user authentication.14:33
deadmani smelled lots of herbs14:33
space_cadetcan i reset my kern.log     like rename it to kern-a.log    so i can have a clean log to view14:33
deadmanthen i saw the smoke14:33
BrixSathow do i start jack as a server?14:33
bazhang!ot > deadman14:33
ubottudeadman, please see my private message14:33
deadmanbazhang, ;) sorry dude im doped up :P14:34
BrixSatsorry, how do i start jack as a daemon!14:34
carpiijackd --help14:34
Fustirehow is it possible that when using mt-daapd no songs are showing, i am sure im using the right path14:34
Ddayhow do i install java?14:35
LjL!java > dday    (dday, see the private message from ubottu)14:35
BrixSatcarpii nothing there14:36
damascenoHow can i use the command APT-CDROM!? I need download the iptables from CD-ROM.14:36
damascenoi try apt-cdrom /media/cdrom0 add14:36
root_need help with security issues....... anybody....14:36
=== skynet is now known as Guest41250
damascenobut, return error...14:36
space_cadetis there a command that will backup my current kern.log and clear it out (empty it) so i can make sure i am reading it right?14:36
erUSUL!ask | root_14:36
ubotturoot_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:36
LjLroot_: sure. i'll start by telling you: never irc as root.14:36
test_ vous pouvez m'aider pour configurer serveur d'impression sous ubuntu server 9.0414:37
root_in privet14:37
Pici!fr | test_14:37
ubottutest_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:37
LjL!fr | test_14:37
root_can i14:37
erUSULdamasceno: i think you have to pass it the dev not the mount point14:37
Decepticondo i have to make user accounts of the same name in order to login with any random username on pptpd vpn or are those two not connected14:37
Cukierpl someone :? :D14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kern.log14:37
Pici!pl | Cukier14:38
ubottuCukier: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl14:38
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:38
omg_onoezhi, how can i play .oma audio files from my walkman?14:38
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup vnc4server, over SSH, to allow a full gnome session?14:38
LjL!fishing | space_cadet14:38
ubottuspace_cadet: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:38
space_cadeti am now14:38
space_cadetty though14:38
Boohbahchazco: not .wma?14:38
chazcoBoohbah - Wrong person :)14:38
omg_onoeznot wma14:38
space_cadetLjL, is there a safe way to clear out my kern.log14:39
Piciomg_onoez: Does this have something to do with Ubuntu?14:39
greenedHow does the search feature work in ubuntu? How do I search the whole linux partition?14:39
LjLspace_cadet: "safe" as in making very sure it cannot be read again?14:39
omg_onoezPici, uhmm... i just want to listen to music from my walkman )14:39
felixsullaI have a windows partition, when I mount it it asks for my password, then it loads it under /media/name_of_drive  If i cp a file from that to /~ it has a different color. What does that signify?14:39
Boohbahomg_onoez: ahh yes i see... looks like ffmpeg can decode it14:40
space_cadetLjL, safe as in.  erasing it's contents, but not damaging it's permissions so that I can have a clean log file to read from14:40
Piciomg_onoez: Well, this is the Ubuntu support channel. Perhaps ##hardware or ##electronics could help you better.  Or perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic even.14:40
omg_onoezit is general question14:40
omg_onoezso, why not to ask it14:40
bazhangomg_onoez, and not on topic here14:40
jossfreenx has anyone tried??14:41
LjLspace_cadet: i suppose sudo echo | tee /var/log/kern.log would work, but why do you want to remove its contents anyway?14:41
MihaiMascasneed some help with 5.1 sound on Ubuntu 9.0414:41
chazcoHi... anyone know how to setup vnc4server, over SSH, to allow a full gnome session?14:41
greenedIf I want to find a file that is somewhere in my linux partition, where do I search?14:41
space_cadetLjL, i am trying to troubleshoot why ubuntu won't resume from the hibernation image14:41
LjLspace_cadet: ok, why delete it?14:41
felixsullagreened: 'cd /' then 'locate <filename>'14:41
BrixSatany help on jackd start?14:41
Sirisian|WorkIn the command line how do you insert text from a file into the shell. Like "wget --post-data='INSERT THE TEXT OF A FILE HERE' http://pastebin.com" how do I like cat inside of a command or something if that's even possible?14:42
space_cadetLjL, because it is like the library of congress in there14:42
jossnx-session-launcher ERROR    Error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending thi14:42
space_cadetLjL, i just want a clean log file from right now till i restart14:42
LjLspace_cadet: that's why grep exists. it comes with timestamps14:42
greenedfelixsulla, Thanks a lot. Though there is a search-gui. How would I do the same in it?14:42
erUSUL!info pastebinit | Sirisian|Work14:42
ubottuSirisian|Work: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB14:43
LjLspace_cadet: also, your GNOME system should come with "gnome-system-log" which sould be a graphical tool to make reading logs easier.14:43
space_cadetall this time14:43
TheMaestrohi..has anyone compiled user mode linux in ubuntu intrepid?14:43
andrei_sonnehello world. does noisy tv tuner image rings a bell for anyone? (saa7133/tda8290)14:43
BrixSatjackd ... cannot load driver module alsa! :@~14:43
Sirisian|WorkerUSUL, thanks. I'll look into that14:43
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 .. any help on this thread?14:43
puppetmasteranyone, I just installed red hat enterprise linux 5.3 on virtualbox but when the installation finish it just l;oads gtub and freeze. I'm using ubuntu 9.0414:44
BlueMeHello :) I'm wondering if anyone have Mozilla Sunbird like i do, because i don't know how to set reminders to open and remind me appointements witout open the program any time and leave it in background.14:44
space_cadetMihaiMascas, well my subwoofer (asus laptop) never worked in ubuntu, so if you find a fix, let me know14:44
felixsullagreened: If you are in the GUI (Nautilus on gnome) there is a "search" button when you open a window. (Back, foward, up, stop, etc.. then at the right is search)14:44
xanguaBlueMe: ypu need to have sunbird open14:44
xanguahow else would you expect it notifies you ¿14:45
sciboticAnyone know a good way to output silence into alsa? Without something playing ALSA gives me static.14:45
MihaiMascasspace_cadet: ... mine worked on ubuntu 8.1014:45
BlueMexangua...i see is there a way to open it in background at login without make the main window to be visible?14:45
space_cadetMihaiMascas, built in subwoofer?14:45
MihaiMascasafter upgrade .. the subwoofer is off14:45
=== pronoy_ is now known as pronoy
MihaiMascas.. no .. 5.1 system14:46
xanguaBlueMe: maybe an addon14:46
v0lksmanwhere should I go for non-support linux/ubuntu questions?14:46
MihaiMascasgenius 5.1 sound system + creative auduigy14:46
xanguaBlueMe: if it is not posible then use 'alltray'14:46
LjL!ot | v0lksman14:46
ubottuv0lksman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:46
space_cadetMihaiMascas, aah...  see mine is built into the laptop..14:46
BlueMexangua....hmmm I'll look for it. Thanx a lot14:46
Sirisian|WorkerUSUL, actually I can't download that. apt-get won't work and I'm trying to show Pici my sources.list file. I just installed the newest 9.04 release and I can't seem to use apt-get even though I can wget files and everything. perplexing.14:46
v0lksmanLjL: thx!14:46
MihaiMascasspace_cadet: i see .. do u know where can i get some help?14:47
erUSULSirisian|Work: ooops then open the file with a text editor and use a browser to paste it...14:47
Sirisian|WorkerUSUL, server version :)14:47
space_cadetMihaiMascas, keep asking in here every so often (not too much though)  and check out http://www.ubuntuforums.org14:47
MihaiMascasi cheked the formums14:48
Sirisian|WorkerUSUL, but this is a fresh install of 9.04. I can't imagine anything is wrong. It's probably like a network issue or something :\14:48
MihaiMascasbub nothing that i didn't knew14:49
* mufasa is bored14:49
space_cadetgoing down for another test...14:49
space_cadetbrb all14:49
erUSULSirisian|Work: https://fr.pastebin.ca/130857414:49
mufasadoes anyone know where i can can look up interesting open source projects?14:50
LjL!ot | musafa14:50
ubottumusafa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:50
khensthothmufasa: Sourceforge?14:50
jpdsmufasa: freshmeat.org ?14:50
erUSULSirisian|Work: wget -O - --tries=5 --timeout=60 --post-file=/tmp/pastebin_stuff http://pastebin.ca/quiet-paste.php?api=bU5WOzg358e+D6pSAHRvuTJj/YUhY+zk14:50
akincerI am unable to user higher and appropriate resolutions on a Dell E5500 laptop with the Intel Mobile Chipset 4. Any ideas?14:51
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)14:51
ahillshi trying to install gtk+ 1.2.6 or greater cant seem to find this.. any ideas?14:51
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org14:51
jpdsmufasa: Make that freshmeat.net14:51
alex12when i log onto ubuntu 9 server, it displays a wide range of info including cpu temp, disk usage etc .... where does this come from?14:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tuna14:51
akincerAm I the only one that feels like graphics are a total disaster on 9.04?14:51
LjL!screen-#ubuntu-server | alex1214:52
ubottualex12: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'screen-profiles' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen14:52
Picialex12: Its generated from /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh I beleive.  See man motd.tail for more information.14:52
khensthothakincer: Nope, but disaster is probably too strong a word. =)14:52
damascenoerUSUL, can you give me example?14:52
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damascenoerUSUL,  i really use the apt-cdrom.14:52
akincerkhensthoth: I am not seeing good results from two different computers one with ATI chipset and this one with Intel14:52
askandCan someone reproduce this? Add tomboy to the panel, rightclick it and open settings, click the open new notetemplate link14:53
Armageddonwhat are the extra packages that do not come with ubuntu cd for licensing perpouses, what's the package name ?14:53
askandwhat happens?14:53
khensthothakincer: ATI, I am not too sure. But it's widely known that there's some problem with the Intel graphic driver in 9.0414:53
PiciArmageddon: ubuntu-restricted-extras14:53
erUSULdamasceno: i checked the man page and is "sudo apt-cdrom -d /media/cdrom add"14:53
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 .. any help on this thread?14:53
ArmageddonPici: thanks14:53
ct5fi have a problem14:53
ct5fcan help me??14:54
damascenoerUSUL, i make that...14:54
=== jared is now known as Guest32900
damascenobut, return that:14:54
ahillsstruggling to install gtk+ 1.2.6 or greater?? gtk+ is not in repos?14:54
benovicjust ask, ct5f14:54
ct5ffirs i'not very good in englis14:54
damascenoW: Skipping non-exisiting file /media/cdrom0/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages14:54
damascenoW: Skipping non-exisiting file /media/cdrom0/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages14:54
benovicits not a problem here14:54
ct5fso if i can speack italian14:54
Pici!it | ct5f14:55
ubottuct5f: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:55
ct5fits better14:55
damascenoerUSUL, after of umount cdrom...14:55
damascenoerUSUL, this command, make what? install all packages of cdrom?14:55
damascenoi need only iptables.14:55
erUSULdamasceno: no adds the cdrom as an apt-source...14:55
=== etoipi is now known as etotheipi
erUSULdamasceno: iptables is installed by default in every ubuntu computer14:55
erUSULdamasceno: what cdrom are you trying to add ???14:55
damascenoer iptables is a example...14:56
erUSULdamasceno: only the alternatecd works as apt source the desktop cd can not be "added"14:56
damascenoerUSUL,  my friend, need install packages, but haven't internet in your house...14:56
damascenoand packages, have in cd of ubuntu 9.04.14:56
Piciahills: gtk should already be installed if you're using Ubuntu, what are you trying to install that requires it?14:56
damascenoerUSUL,  understand?14:56
bazhangdamasceno, aptoncd?14:57
bazhang!aptoncd | damasceno14:57
ubottudamasceno: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline14:57
erUSULdamasceno: yes; answer my question... what cdrom are you trtying to add... only the alternate cd can be "added"14:57
space__cadetnow it seems it's not even writing a hibernation image14:58
ahillsPici: aria from source14:58
Piciahills: sudo apt-get build-dep aria2   should grab all the packages you need to build it from source.14:58
damascenoerUSUL, forget, i got it!14:59
damascenothank you.14:59
ahillsPici hmm ok ill try (although aria2 is text only)14:59
ranf!info aria214:59
ubottuaria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1 (jaunty), package size 1250 kB, installed size 3532 kB14:59
=== tjs is now known as Guest32057
test vous pouvez m'aider pour configurer serveur d'impression sous ubuntu server 9.0414:59
LjL!fr | test14:59
ubottutest: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:59
akincerWell regardless, I'm pretty disappointed in this release15:00
akincerquite frankly it feels more like a beta than anything15:00
Guest32057I have a question I completely removed kubuntu desktop using the command on this page: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome and since then freetype is missing. does somebody know how to reinstall it?15:00
jorgerosaGuys, valid only for these 24h !!! :D ---> http://www.ubuntumagazine.net/?p=1306  (I highly recomend: X3: Reunion)15:01
=== Guest32057 is now known as tjs1
LjLjorgerosa: no spamming here please15:01
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 .. any help on this thread?15:01
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jorgerosaLjL:  ?, not my intention, sry15:01
=== rico is now known as ricardo12
elmalafacha_hola tengo un problema en un mi laptop, la acabo de actualizar, pero en el sonido solo biene la opcion de master, ya no vienen el mircofono ni otras opciones de sonido15:02
LjL!es | elmalafacha_15:02
ubottuelmalafacha_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:02
ahillsPici: no such luck15:02
ricardo12I have a question I completely removed kubuntu desktop using the command on this page: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome and since then freetype is missing. does somebody know how to reinstall it?15:02
akincerOne of my favorite stupid bugs in 9.04 is how my right mouse button doesn't always behave as a right mouse button15:02
akincerit's pretty special15:02
Piciahills: Its probably asking for libgtk2.0-dev15:03
ahillsPici: already installed that15:03
Piciakincer: Have you logged a bug for that issue?15:03
Piciahills: Then I don't know what to suggest15:03
ahillsPici: ok thanks anyhow15:03
akincerPici: Not yet. But now is as good a time as any15:04
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 .. any help on this thread?15:04
tw3akquestion default install unbuntu9.04 root passwd? I was asked for a passwd but I believe that I was never asked for a root passwd? how do I use the su account or set it up?15:05
EdgEytw3ak, you should sudo if possible15:05
EdgEy"sudo command" and enter your user password15:06
pepperjacktw3ak: root pass is disabled by default though you can use sudo to set one15:06
ricardo12does anybody how to install freetype? it is missing on my system15:06
usser!sudo | tw3ak15:06
ubottutw3ak: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:06
EdgEyyou can use "sudo passwd" to set the root password if you really want to but it's not recommended15:06
tw3akok that's a new command since redhat 5.3 days LOL15:06
ussertw3ak, sudo -i if you want to get a root shell15:06
ranf!info freetype15:07
ubottuPackage freetype does not exist in jaunty15:07
axisyswhy does the update manager window opens automatically in jaunty instead of a update icon on the top right corner like it used to be with intrepid?15:07
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04? Help needed :D15:08
regjavais ubuntu soo resource hungry, my sys monitor always show above 50 utilisation15:08
LjLaxisys: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Update Manager15:08
ranfricardo12, "sudo aptitude install libfreetype6"15:09
jlarochehello everyone15:09
ricardo12ubottu: Ok.. Well the problem is that my eclipse doesnt want to build my project, it gives the error:  cannot find -lfreetype. and at the eclipse channel they told me to come here15:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:09
akincerPici: I'm getting all sorts of errors in launchpad trying to report bugs15:10
pepperjackregjava: 50% cpu?15:10
akinceris there a bug tracker for the bug tracker?15:10
regjavapepperjack: yeah15:10
ricardo12ranf: that doesnt work.. it doesnt install anything15:10
pepperjackregjava: is it one specific process?15:10
linduxedOT - does anyone know what the correct ISO to download is on this page? http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.1/amd64/iso-cd/15:10
Pici!ot | linduxed15:11
ubottulinduxed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:11
pepperjacklinduxed: /join #debian  :0)15:11
ranfricardo12, for compilation you need the -dev package15:11
=== Geek is now known as Guest16293
regjavapepperjack: no15:11
cgkadeslinduxed: look for the newest version....15:11
linduxedpepperjack: well they dont answer that question, as if it was a distro-secret they dont want to shar15:11
regjavaits in the graph section of sys monitor15:11
sysRPLdoes anyone here know where to find people interested in video editing (like doom9) on irc?15:12
chezis there some sort of way to get gedit to open files that are not really textfiles?15:12
pepperjacklinduxed: /join #ubuntu-offtopic we can look at it15:12
regjavaand my system runs very warm too compared to windows15:12
jlarochei have a strange issue. I'm running ubuntu 9.04 64bit. Last night I was playing music and watching movies with no issues.... my system's sound (and the rest of the system in general) has been working great. Strangely, this morning my sound strangely does not work anymore. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 415:12
axisysLjL: i liked the iconic alert instead of the unfocused update manager15:12
axisysLjL: i really wish they bring it back15:12
linduxedOT -15:13
chuck_ricardo12: go here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-howto-install-truetype-freetype-and-msttcorefonts-fonts.html15:13
linduxedwhoops, wrong chan415:13
ricardo12chuck: will do15:13
LjLaxisys: you can bring back the balloon notifications in general, but i think the update manager will still stay that way15:14
ricardo12ranf: libfreetype6-dev is already installed15:14
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04? Help needed :D15:14
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Guest16293hi guys, i have a nice 2d shoot en up game programmed for my exam, and i want to offer it to be downloaded or pgraded from the ubuntu users15:14
jlarochei have a strange issue. I'm running ubuntu 9.04 64bit. Last night I was playing music and watching movies with no issues.... my system's sound (and the rest of the system in general) has been working great. Strangely, this morning my sound strangely does not work anymore. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 415:14
Guest16293how to do?15:14
TheMaestrowhy does rhythmbox always scan my drives and load the same music again everytime i login?15:14
TheMaestroi have automounted my drives at boot15:15
jlarochei'm thinking an update I ran this morning may have done this. How can one undo an update?15:16
Ddayi don't understand how to install java in ubuntu15:16
TheMaestrojlaroche, 9.04 is still in beta...so expect surprises15:16
LjLTheMaestro: err? no, 9.04 is not in beta15:16
space_cadeti see my swap  but it's not using it15:16
h00kTheMaestro: 9.04 has definitely been released.15:17
KingKimi.vob files in totem and vlc doesnt play audio ... it plays only the video..... i have installed all codecs in totem movie player ... help15:17
ranfricardo12, what are you trying to compile? Java, C?15:17
space_cadeti have 3.7 gig total, 0 used15:17
jlarocheTheMaestro: I don't see how that helps me15:17
jlarocheTheMaestro: And its not true15:17
LjLjlaroche: you cannot undo an update.15:17
akincer9.04 might not be officially in beta, but it sure behaves like a beta15:18
TheMaestroohk..well..i guess i need to stay updated15:18
TheMaestroakincer, that's what i was trying to say ;)15:18
jlarocheany help available?15:18
akincerI continue to find bizarre things that just don't work right15:18
KingKimivob files in totem and vlc doesnt play audio ... it plays only the video..... i have installed all codecs in totem movie player ... help15:19
theBishopdid Jaunty remove Tracker?15:19
ricardo12ranf: I want to compline C15:19
h00kakincer: feel free to report bugs if you find anything15:19
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akincerhook: I've been trying15:19
jlarocheor does everyone want to talk about 9.04 being or not being beta15:19
akincerlaunchpad keeps giving an error15:19
akincerperhaps it's running on 9.0415:19
space_cadeti have xchat, amarok, audacity, open office, foobilliard, compiz, firefox, and cairo dock all running and it won't even touch my swap15:19
h00kakwhat sort of error?15:19
akincertimeout error15:20
h00kakincer: must be your internet, I am on it okay15:20
Guest16293you don't have xchat cm'on15:20
akincerI'm on it fine15:20
=== E-A17 is now known as E-Andy
akincerbut when I try to file a bug it gives a timeout error15:21
akincerkeep in mind, this isn't a browser timeout15:21
akincerthis is a website reported timeout15:21
space_cadetwhy won't ubuntu use my swap?15:21
akincerso no, it isn't fine15:21
yang_i am amateur of ubuntu15:21
Magicianwhat you got yang15:22
h00kspace_cadet: it wont use your swap unless it has to15:22
space_cadetit has to15:22
space_cadetbut wont15:22
h00kspace_cadet: why does it "have" to15:22
space_cadeth00k to hibernate?15:22
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
space_cadeth00k, but alas, it does not want to15:22
space_cadetit suspends just fine15:22
space_cadetbut no hibernate15:23
akincerwhat's very intriguing is the bit about disable redirection for two hours isn't visible in my browser15:23
h00kspace_cadet: ah, I understand15:23
chuck_space-cadet do you have an ati graphic card15:23
yang_what is it meaning of "what you got"?15:23
space_cadetchuck_, nope15:23
space_cadetchuck_, nvidia15:23
h00kakincer: ah, you're on the beta testing team, also15:23
space_cadetchuck_, it tried to write a hibernation image the first couple of times, but then realized i didn't have swapon15:24
space_cadetso i turned it on15:24
h00kakincer: well, they're working on it, at least15:24
space_cadetand added the correct line in fstab15:24
space_cadetnow it won't even write the hibernation image15:24
space_cadetit acts like it's hibernating, but it really isnt15:24
space_cadetit's just tricking me15:24
hbekelspace_cadet: sudo swapon -a; free15:25
space_cadetshows 3.7 total, 0 free15:25
space_cadet0 used15:25
h00kspace_cadet: is this before or after hibernation?15:25
jlarochei have a strange issue. I'm running ubuntu 9.04 64bit. Last night I was playing music and watching movies with no issues.... my system's sound (and the rest of the system in general) has been working great. Strangely, this morning my sound strangely does not work anymore. I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 415:25
h00kspace_cadet: is it hibernating properly?15:25
dpetchHi all, I am trying to change my screen resolution on 9.04 to 1024 x 1028. Does anyone know if this is possible?15:25
bthorntonI noticed that, on a fresh install of Jaunty, Firefox gives me the opportunity to install 1 of 3 Flash plugins and I've always instinctively chosen Adobe Flash. Are either of the other 2 alternatives worth my time?15:26
space_cadeth00k, well... it appears to go into hibernation properly (with various usb errors)15:26
ricardo12chuck: the page you gave me describes to edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 but my /etc/X11/ doesnt contain that file15:26
bthorntonAdobe Flash just seems to be getting worse and worse... at least on 64-bit platforms.15:26
ricardo12chuck: do I have to create it myself?15:26
space_cadeth00k, but on "resume"  it just boots like i did a normal powerdown15:26
sciboticThey like adding features, not fixing bugs.15:26
h00kspace_cadet: thats what hibernate is,15:26
chuck_<jlaroche> didmyou try and reboot15:26
h00kspace_cadet: and then it should resume your applications that you had open15:26
space_cadeth00k, nope15:26
jlarochechuck_: yes15:27
ricardo12chuck: and neither does /etc/X11/fs/15:27
space_cadeth00k, like i said.. it just boots like i did a normal power down15:27
h00kspace_cadet: interesting, I'm not sure what to tell you...15:27
space_cadeth00k, you could tell me to stop trying to hibernate :)15:28
h00kspace_cadet: that would work15:28
Armageddonwhy isnt it possible to use more then one apt-get at the same time ?15:28
TekumelHow does one go about changing the Remote Desktop port in Jaunty?15:28
h00kspace_cadet: perhaps check launchpad with your make/model of hardware and submit/subscribe to a bug15:28
space_cadeti mean i can suspend just fine15:28
chuck_jlaroche: it a terminal type pulseaudiio restart the sudo alsa force-reload15:28
space_cadetwas just thinking of it.15:28
pepperjackArmageddon: badness.15:29
h00kArmageddon: Because it needs to be able to keep things straight with whats installed, dependencies, etc15:29
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Armageddonpepperjack: meaning ?15:29
* pronoy 's got to go15:29
igogikoFinnish ubuntu channel?15:29
DJones!finnish | igogiko15:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about finnish15:29
ct5fi have a problen and in ubuntu -it15:30
DJones!fi | igogiko15:30
ubottuigogiko: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)15:30
Armageddonbut it can go about it, if it is programmed nicely15:30
Armageddonanyway thanks15:30
igogikowtf :S15:30
pepperjackArmageddon: its necessary freebsd for instance doesnt even have a lock file by default and you can really cause some problems15:30
ct5fi have a problem and in ubuntu-it they cant help me...15:30
Madpilotigogiko, type "/join #ubuntu-fi" without the "" around it15:30
igogikoOh, ok15:30
shadeslayerikonia: yep,nvidiafb was the problem15:30
Xand3rhey folks15:31
marijn_ubuntuhi i want to use vpn, what program could i use?15:31
Xand3rmy cd-burner dont recognizes empty cd's15:31
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04? Help needed :D15:31
Xand3rhow can i fix that?15:31
shadeslayerbtw is there a mac4lin irc channel?15:31
wodenHi, is there any way to get Yahoo Messenger working on Ubuntu?15:32
marijn_ubuntuwoden: try pidgin?15:33
shadeslayermarijn_ubuntu: its not working15:33
h00kwoden: Pidgin is installed by default and can handle a bunch of messaging protocols15:33
shadeslayerwoden: currently none of the IM clients i use are connecting to yahoo15:33
h00kyahoo is currently having server problems15:33
TekumelHow does one go about changing the Remote Desktop port in Jaunty? The remote desktop window was far simplified from 8.10 and that was one of the things that was removed.15:33
wodenmarijin_ubuntu, h00k:  Pidgin works for messages but not for any of the other stuff that the Yahoo Messenger native client does15:33
shadeslayerh00k: hehe15:34
shadeslayerwoden: you want voip capability? try empathy15:34
wodenshadeslayer:  I have empathy installed also, does it work with yahoo voice?15:34
shadeslayerwoden: no idea since i cant connect to yahoo :P15:34
shadeslayer!help | ct5f15:35
ubottuct5f: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:35
shadeslayernot again15:35
ct5fi have a problem15:35
wodenI tried installing the windows yahoo messenger with wine but it wouldn't connect, I couldn't sign it it said bad username/password.15:35
Pici!patience | ct5f15:35
ubottuct5f: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:35
Slartct5f: you haven't said anything about your problem and you still expect help?15:35
h00k!ask | ct5f15:35
ubottuct5f: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:35
shadeslayerct5f: go ahead and state it,were here to help15:35
ct5fi cant create a usb boot with over ubuntu netbook remix15:36
ct5fo meglio nn riesco15:37
Slart!details | ct5f15:37
ubottuct5f: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:37
Ursinhathis bot is awesome useful15:38
wodenIt would be awesome if there was a way to easily voice/cam with windows users...15:38
SlartUrsinha: I guess the channel gets the bot it deserves...15:38
shadeslayerwoden: ekiga15:38
h00kwoden: I agree, a few different clients are working on that right now15:38
h00kwoden: ekiga, skype,15:38
Slartwoden: have you tried skype? or ekiga?15:38
neodragonfor how ever cares, the problem I was having with my vnc connection to my home PC from work with Jaunty, it was fixed by turning compiz effects off while I was connected. Just thought this might be of use to some one.15:38
UrsinhaSlart, s/deserves/needs/15:38
wodenshadeslayer, h00k, Slart:  I tried Ekiga but the program kept crashing on Vista15:38
cmcasperalguem percebe bem de ubuntus ?15:39
SlartUrsinha: true.. true15:39
ct5fi use xp..i must do a usb boot with over ubuntu netbook remix for my samsung nc 10 but i not able to do it15:39
Ursinhacmcasper, portugues?15:39
h00k!unetbootin | ct5f15:39
ubottuct5f: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:39
erUSUL!pt | cmcasper15:39
ubottucmcasper: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:39
ct5fubottu: but there is this page in italian??15:40
quilbyhow do i extract a file in the command line15:40
Ursinhaquilby, which extension has it?15:41
erUSULquilby: which type of file15:41
Slartquilby: you use unrar, unzip, tar depending on kind of archive15:41
Ursinhaquilby, unzip file15:41
erUSULquilby: unzip file.zip15:41
quilbyok thanks15:41
AntORG!it | ct5f15:41
ubottuct5f: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:41
mercutio22can someone check whats the line in gnome's startup applications that loads the update notifier daemon? Its missing here15:41
quilbyi was looking at tar15:41
quilbyok good it worked15:41
Ursinhaquilby, cool15:41
ct5fuffaaaaaaaaa ma di la nn mi sanno rx!!!15:42
Slartct5f: this channel is english.. english only15:42
ct5fe nn mi rx nemmeno di qua!!15:42
cmcasperalgum tuga que me ajude15:42
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:42
Ursinhacmcasper, vai pro #ubuntu-br15:42
Ursinhacmcasper, ou #ubuntu-pt15:42
genii!br | kk15:43
ubottukk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:43
kkursinha que varzea15:43
wodenshadeslayer, h00k, Slart:  I tried Ekiga but the program kept crashing on Vista.  Is there a solution to this or another way to easily voice+cam with windows users?15:43
kklambe cu15:43
kkvai toma no cu15:44
Slartwoden: well.. the only other option that I know of is skype15:44
Ursinhagenii, are you op in here? kk is cursing in pt-br15:44
kkson  of the bitch15:44
mercutio22kk larga de ser babaca.15:44
cgkades!ohmy | kk15:44
ubottukk: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:44
cgkadeshad to try it15:45
erUSUL!ops | kk15:45
ubottukk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:45
ikoniakk: clam down15:45
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04? Help needed :D15:45
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
supertedis there an client app for mac that can remotely play music on an ubuntu server ?15:46
supertedmy mini jack can only be in the server :p15:46
Slartsuperted: check for something that can talk to mpd perhaps15:46
Xcellwhats the best way to increase swap..i know its prolly good already.. just would like to know..15:47
cgkadessuperted: quick and easy would be to ssh to ubuntu and use the command line to play files15:47
h00kXcell: you would use gparted and increase the swap partition size15:47
tehgargothok, so im attempting to do something and wanted to get some advice15:48
Xcellok h00k ..tx15:48
aranyikim looking for a secure way to share files from my home network to the internet, can someone advice me please?15:48
cgkadesaranyik: openssh-server is a very secure way to transfer files15:48
cgkadesaranyik: that or set up a web server15:48
aranyikcgkades: ok and will it be easy for a windows user to send and get files from me ?15:49
gfranceany chance anyone could help me with automating a task in linux?15:49
h00k!cron | gfrance15:49
ubottugfrance: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm15:49
cgkadesaranyik: if they get filezilla, they can get files VERY easy form you15:49
tehgargothI have a USB VGA adapter which linux doesnt support.  I am running vmware with xp and have the usb adapter loaded in vmware, it uses my far left monitor perfectly.. but i have to switch to the vmware application to use it on one of my other monitors.. im looking for interesting advice in getting my house to be able to scroll to the far left monitor and use the vmware instance15:49
h00karanyik: check out Dropbox, also15:50
gfranceh00k, not like that15:50
=== Qtpaxa2 is now known as Qtpaxa
=== RatPackSopra- is now known as RPS
cgkadesaranyik: filezilla will connect to your ssh server using the sftp protocol15:50
aranyikcgkades: in fact the window user will be me when i am at school....i cant install anysoftware but i need to acces my 1 TB HDD...15:50
gfrance have 5,000 files, half are mp3 and half are cdg. I need to pair them up and put them into zip files15:50
DdayI don't understand how to install java on ubuntu15:51
cgkadesaranyik: web server might be good, OR if you can use a thumbdrive you can install a portable version of filezilla on it15:51
tehgargothDday, jdk or jre?15:51
DdayNo idea /=15:51
Sam33Someone has used lvm2 anytime?15:51
DdayHow i check?15:51
MagicianDday: go to terminal and run sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk15:52
aranyikcgkades: a web server sounds really cool, is it really safe?15:52
tehgargothDday: jdk is to develop in java, jre is to run it15:52
Sam33Someone knows lvm2?15:52
MagicianDday: change the jdk to jre15:52
psyjonizubuntu 9.04 -- used for a lamp dev environment -- quite literally as I was working just now apache stopped serving .php -- the config is set to load the module and specify index.php as a directoryindex -- can anyone help me please???15:52
RPSHello Guys, I've been putting off updating to Jaunty, I've already checked the live CD to make sure it works and now it's time to get it done. How long will it take to get through the process? If it's a time consuming process I may need to wait yet again. I've already backed up my home folder.15:52
Ddaymagician i got no idea how to do that /=15:52
MagicianRps: About 30mins or less with a clean install15:53
cgkadesaranyik: i'm not sure of all the exploits that you can do on web servers, but it should be safe for the most part. if you are worried you can set up your home router to do port forwarding and use some obscure port15:53
chuck_Dday: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin15:53
RPSMagician, I was going to do an update15:53
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aranyikcgkades: hehehe ok thanks a lot!15:53
DdayTy chuck15:53
cgkadesaranyik: no problem, if you have any issues feel free to /msg me15:54
h00k!pm | gfrance15:54
ubottugfrance: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:54
MagicianRPS: Update can take a while15:54
gfranceI already have done h00k15:54
tehgargothDday: what chuck_ said15:54
gfranceyou didn't reply15:54
h00k!patience | gfrance15:54
ubottugfrance: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:54
tehgargothchuck_ how do i search apt-get for package names? im used to yum15:54
aranyikcgkades: great! you are really helpfull!!15:54
RPSwell I may need to wait till another day. Thanks for the info!15:54
cgkadesaranyik: :)15:54
supertedSlart: thanks alot! found a nice OSX client :-)15:54
Sam33Someone knows lvm2?15:55
cgkadesgfrance: whats your issue?15:55
h00kgfrance: I'm not exactly sure how to help you, stick in the channel a bit more and ask around15:55
Slartsuperted: nice =)15:55
gfranceok, thanks15:55
gfrancecgkades, I have 5,000 files, half are mp3 the other half are cdg, I need to pair them up and compress them into seperate zip files. I need to automate this somehow or it will take weeks!15:56
tehgargothheh so anyone wanna take a stab at my problem? :)15:56
rktis this some kind of joke? why does ubuntu 9.04 ship with svgalib 1.4?15:56
rktit's like 10 years old realease and contains a bug15:56
Soul_Shadowhhheellppp how do I fix bbroken java packages?15:57
DdayI get this error when i try to download in filezilla: Status:Starting download of /Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi.m3u15:57
DdayError:Failed to open "/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi.m3u" for writing15:57
Fishyso i upgraded to 9.04 and webpages only upload half way now15:58
psyjonizcan anyone help me figure out why apache on my local dev machine decided to start pushing php as a download instead of interpreting it as code server-side?15:58
Soul_ShadowI have ubuntu 9.04 & my java is broken how do I fix it?15:58
Slartrkt: it says 1.4.3 on jaunty.. and latest according to the svgalib site is.. 1.4.315:58
helperhello in usinf chmod 666 mean full access 6 mean rw right? 4 what does it mean ?15:58
tehgargothSoul_Shadow: define broken15:59
Soul_Shadowhelper 666 means its demonic :P15:59
Picihelper: This should help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:59
Soul_Shadow2 packages are broken15:59
helperokie thanks :)15:59
SlartSoul_Shadow: from your most detailed description I would recommend.. a reinstall15:59
Soul_ShadowIts a new install15:59
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:59
GabrysSoul_Shadow: reinstall the packages15:59
illsortedi would like to do some WAN emulation with Netem (tc commands). I have a laptop with one eth interface. wondering if it's possible to put two IP's on one interface and have a "router on a stick" design?15:59
tehgargothis there any way to make xwindows allow for more desktop space outside the scope of the monitor?16:00
nubbehelper,   1 2 4 r w x  I think16:00
chuck_tehgargoth: sorry i could not remember the command but i think this is what you want  sudo  apt-cache search (package)16:00
Soul_Shadowther conflicts with fonts??16:00
Gabrysillsorted: use netword card aliases16:00
Slarttehgargoth: you can have more than one desktop if you want.. not sure if you can get a larger "virtual desktop"16:01
Gabrysillsorted: ifconfig eth0:1 ; ifconfig eth0:2
Sam33Someone knows lvm2?16:01
tehgargothSlart: im trying to get vmware to exist to the left of my monitor without showing on my desktop16:01
hbekelnubbe: the other way round 1=x 2=w 4=r16:01
illsortedGabrys: i'll try that. do I need to do anything to enable routing, or will packets route between the two subnets by default?16:01
helpernubbe, ya 4 + 2 = 6 which mean r +w and 1 for x :)16:02
Gabrysillsorted: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward16:02
Slarttehgargoth: I would use compiz to setup two desktops next to each other.. switch with ctrl+alt+arrows16:02
Soul_Shadowhow would I rmove them I cannot isolate the packages16:02
Gabrysillsorted: the rest is configurable with iptables rules16:02
MihaiMascasSubwoofer not working after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04? Help needed :D16:02
nubbeaha!!  :)16:02
Soul_Shadowit sasy ther enot installed16:03
illsortedGabrys: can I introduce latency and control bandwidth with iptables?16:03
Gabrysillsorted: no idea16:03
Soul_Shadowwhere do I find the ttf fonts it conflicts with?16:03
=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
Slartillsorted: control bandwidth.. yes.. introduce latency.. perhaps16:03
=== max is now known as Guest47574
Slartillsorted: search for "traffic shaping".. it's not a simple turn-key solution though.. prepare to do some work16:04
Guest47574why is there no ubuntu for netbooks?16:04
mabusGuest47574: what netbook?16:04
lscott3No dice with the 3 monitors16:04
mabusI'm using eeebuntu16:04
Guest47574acer aspire one16:04
illsortedGabrys: thanks16:05
tehgargothSlart: ill look into compiz heh i guess its very weird what im trying to pull off, im trying to make it so my mouse scrolls past the left side of my monitor to desktop space that i can put a vmware off the edge of my screen heh16:05
illsortedSlart: thanks16:05
Guest47574whats eeebuntu?16:05
switchcatmy X screen faded to black... and I can't get it to wake up again... any suggestions of a process or something to kill?  I already killed gnome-screensaver which didn't seem to work... thanks16:05
RanyAlbegHow do i check if my proc is 32 or 64 bit16:05
vadim-nskasus eeepc 701 - opengeeeu16:05
onthefence928ubuntu 9.04 KDE, qt reads my volume control wheel on my laptop when scrolled up but not down (so i can use it to volume-up but not volume-down, how do i fix that?16:05
Slarttehgargoth: sounds useful.. hope you can pull it off16:05
mabusGuest47574: a version of ubuntu that is designed for the eee. it includes the 'netbook remix' desktop thing which is really cool for a netbook.16:05
jimcooncatillsorted: you can do a really cheap shaping with "trickle" or "trickled"16:05
Slartillsorted: you're welcome16:05
mabusGuest47574: I'd try to find something designed for teh aspire one that uses nbr16:05
Guest47574is it better than netbook remix?16:05
SlartRanyAlbeg: check the specifications.... I'm not sure if there is a software way to do it16:06
=== _DjViper is now known as DjViper
SirBob1701hey guys is it possible for vlc to cause a input/output error to a disk? that doesn't seem logical to me16:06
RanyAlbegSlart: Where can i see it in /proc/cpuinfo16:06
illsortedjimcooncat: thanks, I'll check that out too16:07
Guest47574thank you for your time16:07
mabusGuest47574: so you've tried netbook remix?16:07
Guest47574no, i have never used linux16:07
SlartRanyAlbeg: I have no idea16:07
RanyAlbegSlart: I see clflush size : 6416:07
lscott3Anyone use Ubuntu with 3 monitors?16:07
jimcooncatillsorted: I use it for apt-updating so I don't flood my home connection -- gf gets cranky16:07
Fishyso i upgraded to 9.04 and webpages only upload half way now16:07
RanyAlbegWhat clflush size : 64 means?16:07
zukabukadid anybody manage to make 3g connection through network-manager and bluetooth16:08
DdayI get this error when i try to download in filezilla: Status:Starting download of /Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi.m3u16:08
SlartRanyAlbeg: perhaps "address sizes"16:08
DdayError:Failed to open "/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi/Boys Noize - Oi Oi Oi.m3u" for writing16:08
zukabukai can pair devices manually but it is not so usefull as network-manager16:08
PiciDday: Where are you trying to download to?16:08
wodenIs there a wine channel?  I'm trying to figure out why I can't login to Yahoo Messenger 9 with wine.  It says bad username/password even though it is correct.16:10
DdayAhh pici16:10
Piciwoden: #winehq16:10
DdayFigured it out thanks16:10
PiciDday: okay :)16:10
onthefence928ubuntu 9.04 KDE, qt reads my volume control wheel on my laptop when scrolled up but not down (so i can use it to volume-up but not volume-down, how do i fix that?16:11
DdayWhen i try to install ubuntu16:11
SirBob1701hey guys is it possible for vlc to cause a input/output error to a disk? that doesn't seem logical to me16:11
DdayI get this pic http://img161.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img161/6073/screenshothow.png16:11
SlartRanyAlbeg: http://www.linuxweblog.com/node/55516:12
HarkinsAnyone know how to change my keyring password? The forum threads I can turn up only tell how to delete a keyring or refer to packages that no longer exist.16:12
noobhi all... i'm trying to install ubuntu into a netbook ,it has  20 GB , i tried to install using unetbootin,usb, but nothing worked... now i have removed the drive and have connected the drive to a desktop , how do i install into this netbook drive from my desktop?16:13
lhercan i use Openbox in Ubuntu?16:13
Harkinslher: yes16:13
lher@Harkins: how?16:13
hggdhHarkins, Accessories/Password and Encryption Keys16:13
SlartRanyAlbeg: here's another article http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-find-if-processor-is-64-bit-or-not/16:14
hggdhHarkins, aka seahorse, from the terminal16:14
BlodskurI've just installed Ubuntu 64bit, is there a list of recommended software I should install?16:14
SlartBlodskur: most of the recommended software is already installed by default16:14
RanyAlbegSlart: Thank u16:14
BlodskurThought so. Thanks.16:14
SlartBlodskur: speaking for myself.. I usually end up installing adobes flash and java.. not sure if there is anything I'd called essential16:15
cdeszaqHow can I determine the version of the dav_svn module installed in Apache?16:15
seedofcBlodskur: irssi for IRC :-)16:15
BlodskurI'm using XChat at the moment because I liked its Windows counterpart, but I could try that.16:15
Harkinshggdh: Thanks. I can see a Passwords with all my passwords and wifi keys, but how do I change the password that protects them all?16:16
seedofcBlodskur: if you prefer the GUI, then irssi is not for you16:16
BlodskurAh, okay.16:16
hggdhHarkins, right-click on the one you want to change, select change password16:17
BlodskurI find it nice and simple, I don't really do a lot of IRCin' so I don't really need a crazy setup like some people are used to.16:17
e-squizoFolks, Jaunty seems to have lost sight of my audio card's "mic boost" switch, and now I can't record sound through the mic.16:17
seedofcBlodskur: yeah, I just like old school BitchX style.  Nothing complex about it.16:17
e-squizoIntrepid still had the switch, but now it's gone16:17
MadpilotBlodskur, then stick with xchat, for sure. irssi is for people with too much time on their hands :)16:17
Qwelle-squizo: yeah...let me know if you find that16:17
hggdhHarkins, (actually, "other-click". I am left-handed)16:17
peachese-squizo: welcome to ubuntu!16:17
Qwelle-squizo: snd_hda_intel?16:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:18
leeguy92are there any vfat issues at the moment?16:18
Harkinshggdh: ah, on the folder. Thanks, I think it took.16:18
leeguy92such as filename corruption?16:18
e-squizoQwell: yeap16:18
chazcoHi.. how can I run applications that require 1024x768 on a 1024x600 screen?16:18
Soul_ShadowHow can I install jaav 5 & 6 without installing hte fonts packages??16:18
Qwelle-squizo: may or may not be useful, but the volume seems a lot better if you switch Input Source to Stereo Mixer16:18
hareldvdafter upgrade to 9.04 I don't get update notifications anymore even though the update-notifier is up. When I run: sudo apt-get update things start to get alive. Any idea?16:18
Qwelle-squizo: unfortunately...stereo mixer will mix the output with your mic input, so...16:18
Soul_Shadowteh fonts comflict with compiz16:18
GabrysSoul_Shadow: don't makes other people crazy16:19
GabrysSoul_Shadow: you can't listen nor think properly16:19
e-squizoQwell: that mix doesn't sound useful, no :-(16:19
e-squizoI have seen several bug reports on this... some of them pretty old16:19
e-squizobut there seems to be no activity going on about them :-(16:19
Soul_Shadowanyone know how I can install sun java without istalling the font packages? they conflict with compiz16:20
e-squizoI even added my "me too" report to some of them16:20
e-squizobut I don't know whether any one of them is actually reported to the correct package16:20
hggdhSoul_Shadow, if the java fonts are a depends for java, there is no option (except, perhaps, installing Sun's Java directly)16:20
greboideshi i just updated to ubuntu jaunty and xserver stopped working is there anything i can do?16:21
e-squizo(is it linux-source? alsa?)16:21
Soul_Shadowhow would I do that?16:21
markupdudehi, just fresh installing ubuntu in my old pc, need some help to partition for my best use. I got 2 HDDs. Primary - 80 GB and second is 40 GB, i can install ubuntu and have / and /home all on the 80 GB primary one, and next will it be possible/easy to make the entire secondary 40 GB a folder under my home something like /home/me/download or /home/me/movies?16:21
Soul_ShadowI am using sudo apt-get to install it16:21
greboidesthe driver is geode and it is failing without any message16:21
Soul_Shadowit fails on the 2 font packages for ttf-lucida16:21
markupdudei am at the manual partition screen now16:21
hggdhSoul_Shadow, please pastebin the error16:21
kushiitdhow to i upgrade to 9.04 from 8.04?16:22
markupdudeand i am choosing the file formats, sizes for / and /home on the 80 GB one, next how do i make/aaisng the 40 GB hdd a separate folder? thats my question16:22
cdeszaqhow can I determine what version of ubuntu is installed from the command line?16:22
greboidesi reinstalled everything xorg related, before it was failing on libexa not being the same abi as server but now even that message has vanished and it simply stop at  libexa loading module and says nothing16:22
kushiitdhow to i upgrade to 9.04 from 8.04?16:23
=== eric is now known as Guest82541
Qwell!upgrade | kushiitd16:23
ubottukushiitd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:23
pucko-markupdude, very easy, yes.16:23
Soul_Shadowhttp://pastebin.com/m57ff4a9d for my java error16:23
greboidescdeszaq: lsb_release -a16:23
cdeszaqgreboides: thanks16:23
h00kkushiitd: from 9.04 to 8.04, you're going to have to reinstall16:23
chuck_greboides: boot into rescue mode type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then rboot this should set X to default and at least get you in gdm or whatever you use16:24
Soul_ShadowIf I have to disable compiz to get java I use effin windows to play my game16:24
akilguo1Can anyone tell me what  block size jaunty is?16:24
Soul_Shadowwhy the hell would u want 8.0416:24
Soul_Shadowthast broken-buggy as hell16:24
hwildewhy does ubuntu come with vim-tiny instead of real vim?  do you have any idea how confusing that is to type vi and not get real vi??16:24
exodus_msIs it possible to configure the columns in 'top'? I would like to increase the spacing between PID %MEM, etc.16:24
akilguo1Can anyone tell me what block size jaunty is16:24
gordonjcpSoul_Shadow: depends what you call broken16:24
h00k!language | Soul_Shadow16:25
Qwellh00k: that isn't true at all16:25
ubottuSoul_Shadow: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:25
gordonjcpSoul_Shadow: for me, 9.04 is broken and buggy16:25
hggdhSoul_Shadow, what version of Ubuntu are you running?16:25
markupdudepucko-: ah :) so if i want to make my secondary HDD just one folder like say 'downloads' or 'movies' should i do that here in the gparted manual partition prompt that i see, or i can do that later after the OS is installed?16:25
kushiitdhow to i upgrade to 9.04 from 8.04?16:25
Soul_Shadowim running 9.0416:25
nubbehwilde, I feel ur pain... ;)16:25
Soul_Shadowonly 1 minor error with java & compiz16:25
Qwellkushiitd: read what the bot told you16:25
Soul_Shadoweverything else runs like a scared convicet chased by cops16:25
gordonjcpSoul_Shadow: 8.04 was the last release of Ubuntu that supported realtime kernels properly16:25
krishmishhi all16:25
hwildenubbe, like all of a sudden we need to be bloat conscious and we cant have real vim :/16:25
Soul_Shadowyeah give em a lil bit they fix this one mior error16:26
akilguo1can anyone tell me what block size jaunty is16:26
Yanick_Hi, I'm I at the right place to ask a question about Poedit under Ubuntu?16:26
Gabryssquark: hello :]16:26
squarkhi :)16:26
MadpilotSoul_Shadow, is there a bug filed over on Launchpad about the java fonts/compiz conflict?16:26
Soul_ShadowI dunno first time I had this issue16:26
pucko-markupdate, you can certainly do it in the setup-process. but it's quite trivial to do it afterwards as well, so it doesn't really matter.16:27
Madpilotubottu, bugs | Soul_Shadow16:27
ubottuSoul_Shadow: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:27
greboideschuck_: thanks am gonna try it16:27
Yanick_I opened a file that I used to edit on a WIndows workspace with Poedit and I need to refresh the strings, but I get an error saying that no file can be found on the specified path as it doesn't exists (the path is relative to the .po file, so it should theorically be the same16:27
nubbehwilde, hey, we r on irc, it went XCHAT -> XCHAT-gnome -> nothing, that's progress?  :)16:27
Ergo^hello, i have a friend that has a pc with gpu intel g31 and it seems that X is taking up to 70% of cpu time, he is running ubuntu 9.04 , im not sure what to do to help him16:27
Soul_ShadowI want the fix not some reprot LOOK: http://pastebin.com/m57ff4a9d16:27
hwildenubbe, don't get me started with that wak xchat version16:28
hwildenubbe, 2.8.6 or ...16:28
RanyAlbegSlart: thanks , so "lm" represents "long mode" so if you grep flags /proc/cpuinfo and u see in the flags colums the flag "lm" it is 6416:28
PiciSoul_Shadow: Why are you trying to install every version of java at the same time?16:28
MadpilotSoul_Shadow, if there's no bug report, even an 'easy' fix will take longer or not happen at all...16:28
nubbehwilde, ?16:28
dmhardisonI have been setting up a PXE cluster and two of the machines I am installing use different nic drivers than the others, can I add a flag to the kernel boot flags to tell it to load the driver for that particular nic before continuing to boot the system, I really do not want to recompile the entire kernel for this.16:28
alex12anyone here familiar why the HP Smart Array 5i Controller gets slow read/write speeds on ubuntu 9?16:28
Soul_Shadowmad eat ignore16:28
dmhardisonI have an initrd image.16:28
hggdhSoul_Shadow, and where did you get ttf-lucida?16:28
Soul_ShadowI am running apt-et install sun-java*16:28
PiciSoul_Shadow: Why? Thats not the recommended way of installing java.16:29
Soul_ShadowIf I type in sun-java6 or 5 its not found16:29
nubbehwilde, I realised that this version allows detaching windows/channels, so I'm a wee bit happy about xchat now...16:29
mindframe-can someone help me figure out why my evolution email notifications are not working?16:29
Soul_ShadowFROM java packages16:29
Soul_Shadowits tryign to install them16:29
PiciSoul_Shadow: Because those aren't the package names.  You'd need sun-java6-jre  for example16:29
Gabryshggdh: the problem is, Soul_Shadow installs java*, which installs java-fonts5 and java-fonts6 and both provide ttf-lucida virtual package, that conflicts with each other16:29
chuck_Soul_Shadow: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin16:29
akilguo1Can anyone tell me the block size of jaunty16:29
Soul_Shadowaptitude? im running ubuntu 9.0416:30
hggdhGabrys, OK.16:30
Soul_Shadowits not in the add/remove list16:30
pdlnhrdI am trying to configure networking  but when i set all the information in /etc/network/interfaces and restart it does not work.  i can ping the gateway but nothing off the gateway i get a no network connection.. can anyone help?16:30
h00kSoul_Shadow: yes. aptitude will work, also.16:30
Gabryshggdh: I tried to explain, but he doesn't seem to listen16:30
hggdhSoul_Shadow, start synaptic, and find it there16:30
hggdhGabrys, I am starting to notice that :-(16:30
Soul_ShadowI just told u its not in the list16:30
Soul_Shadowadd/remoe is synaptic16:31
Pici!attitude | Soul_Shadow16:31
ubottuSoul_Shadow: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:31
PiciSoul_Shadow: Add remove is NOT synaptic.16:31
ubottuIf you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname16:31
mrbhey guyz, can anyone tell me how to restore the applet one the top right corner that controls the Shutdown, and Logout as i lost it some how and i cant find it :D ?16:31
kushiitdi have got 8.04 on my pc..and i have got 8.10 cd...can i upgrade to 8.10 using my cd?i mean, i want my updates intact16:31
BodsdaHi, how can i extract tar.bz2 files from the command line?16:31
Crash1hdAnyone here really good at getting vnc working both ways?16:31
Soul_Shadowther it goes16:32
PiciBodsda: tar xjvf file.tar.bz216:32
Soul_Shadowso what java was it trying to install then??16:32
hggdhSoul_Shadow, last time: add/remove is *not* synaptic. Add/Remove is gnome-app-install16:32
pdlnhrdBodsda: tar xjvf  *.tar.bz216:32
kushiitdi have got 8.04 on my pc..and i have got 8.10 cd...can i upgrade to 8.10 using my cd?i mean, i want my updates intact16:32
MadpilotSoul_Shadow, add/remove only has a subset of all available apps. Synaptic shows everything.16:32
akilguo1I find that IRC doesn't really help, so much words here ,no one would notice you!16:32
BodsdaPici: pdlnhrd -- cheers :)16:32
h00k!patience | akilguo116:32
ubottuakilguo1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:32
Magiciankushiitd: you cannot update from a cd16:32
PiciSoul_Shadow: I don't what java its trying to install, but its definitely not doing it with a wildcard.16:33
markupdudeakilguo1: cool down buddy :) this is just a lil busy here16:33
chuck_Soul_Shadow: sorry i did not realize your 9.04 does not have aptitude install (omg)16:33
greboidesis there a way to use intrepid sources with jaunty?16:33
greboidesi want to downgrade xorg to 1.416:33
countingbricksWhat software can I use to stress a possibility buggy ACPI?16:33
Soul_Shadowthank u chuck I knew that others did not16:33
Soul_Shadownp no big deal16:33
sebsebsebMagician: hi16:33
h00k!backports | Gabrys16:34
ubottuGabrys: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:34
greboideschuck_: i tried that to no avail16:34
TwoPointOhdoes anyone how i can have a script run after the user is logged in but before gnome starts?16:34
Qwelle-squizo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61684516:34
DASPRiDTwoPointOh, .bashrc iirc16:35
TwoPointOhDASPRiD: is that run when logging in using GDM?16:35
DASPRiDTwoPointOh, no idea, test it :)16:35
* TwoPointOh tests16:35
BodsdaDASPRiD: im pretty sure that would only run when you open a bash shell16:35
TwoPointOhBodsda: aye, that's what i'm thinking16:36
DASPRiDtesting cant hurt :)16:36
bencI have XP and ubuntu connected to a router. When doing traceroute with both, the XP is fine but the ubuntu has alot of ***. any idea what can cause it?16:36
BodsdaTwoPointOh: yeah, any particular reason it has to be run before gnome starts?16:36
TwoPointOhjust tested, doesn't work :(16:36
pdlnhrdcan anyone help with a networking issue? why doesn't it read my /etc/network/interface file16:36
nubbeIs there any way to preload Nautilus or otherwise make it start faster first time?16:37
asfjiohello, on my ubuntu i have virtualbox in which i have installed windows xp. when i'm working suddenly the screen become black and its geting ok only if i restart the machine. what could be the problem?16:37
TwoPointOhBodsda: yeah, i'm creating an OEM install. got everything working perfectly, copied approriate files into /etc/skel, and i've written a script to replace /home/oem with $HOME in any files that contian it16:37
Soul_Shadowhey crashed1 u ever get ur HD working?16:37
grimboyI have this really annoying thing where if I play sound in one X instance then switch to another using ctrl-alt-f9 it stops playing. That'd be okay, but if I start playing music in f9, then switch to f7, it doesn't stop until I switch back to f9. Meaning I could be watching a video in f9 but the audio would only play on f7. Does anyone know which program is causing this and if I can configure it away? (I don't need any muting really) I'16:37
Soul_ShadowHey I got a weird dos looking box for my java but cannot click ok??16:38
oshua86hello guys, how can I reset my root password?16:38
TwoPointOhgrimboy: workaround - ctrl + alt + f1, mplayer your file ;)16:38
Soul_Shadowoh no its freaking out16:39
cdavisis there something that I can configure so that when I have my laptop docked it knows to use the external monitor? I have to use nvidia-settings to change it every time16:39
TwoPointOhoshua86: you in the sudoers file?16:39
Madpilotoshua86, by default there is NO root pw in Ubuntu. Have you activated the root account?16:39
e-squizoQwell: yeap, I knew about that one... sill, none of the options listed for my codec did work16:39
zealiodhow can i view the crontab for a specific user16:39
e-squizobut thanks anyway16:39
BodsdaTwoPointOh: so, why does it need to run before gnome...?16:39
Picizealiod: crontab -u username16:39
Soul_Shadowok I did java6-jre & got a dos loking box tha tfreaked out & had 2 close it... Now what do I do I think I broke it16:39
oshua86Madpilot, yeah it has been activated16:39
oshua86i saw some info about getting itno grub and booting into single mode16:40
Madpilotoshua86, why? absolutely no need for it in Ubuntu16:40
Picizealiod: er, crontab -u username -e  to edit or -l to view16:40
oshua86i get to the prompt root@none16:40
Qwelle-squizo: ahh, sucks..  I'd mess with it more if I was at home.  let me know if you figure anything out?  I'd really like to figure it out too - that volume thing is why I've been here for 3 days :p16:40
BlodskurGeneral opinion for best media player?16:40
oshua86Madpilot, no idea, we are taking over this PC in the company from an employee that got fired16:40
TwoPointOhbobstro: because some of the config files in /etc/skel that need names changed are for gnome16:40
oshua86and its locked16:40
tanveerany professionals here who can take control of my system and make it look like vista??16:40
TwoPointOhgconf, and stuff16:40
e-squizoQwell: I've dedicated quite a bit of time to it...16:41
cdeszaqhow can I determine what version of a package is installed?16:41
Madpilotubottu, root | oshua8616:41
ubottuoshua86: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:41
Madpilotoshua86, see the URL the bot just posted - you can re-lock the root account16:41
Picicdeszaq: apt-cache policy packagename16:41
tanveerany professionals here who can take control of my system and make it look like vista using remote desktop viewer ??16:41
grimboyTwoPointOh: That doesn't work. As soon as I go ctrl-alt-f7, it won't play anywhere else, only on f7. Thanks for the suggestion though.16:41
Magiciantanveer: google gnome look and you will find what you need16:41
e-squizoI even compiled the latest alsa (.19)... to no avail16:41
chuck_Soul_Shadow: that dos looking box was the eula agreement16:41
TwoPointOhoshua86: sudo -s16:41
tanveermagician i have tried so many times but i have failed16:41
TwoPointOhthen you'll have a root shell16:41
Soul_Shadowoh it said configureation16:42
TwoPointOhoshua86: or sudo su16:42
tanveeri just cant do it, im to newbie16:42
zealiodPici: where is the crontab file kept? I'd like to copy it... i've looked at /etc/cron.d... not there16:42
tanveerany1 who can help me??16:42
TwoPointOhtanveer: whyyyyyyyyy? :P16:42
Soul_Shadowok how do I release my apt-get now I cannot apt-get install my plugin without killing other 1 & window is gone16:42
Madpilotubottu, changethemes | tanveer16:42
ubottutanveer: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes16:42
Soul_Shadowits still running in BG I am not familular with the task manager for gnome 9.0416:43
grimboyThe X in f7 is doing something to mute audio when I switch away. The only difference between the two Xs is slightly different Xorg.conf and one uses some gdm replacement and the other doesn't so I suppose it's likely to be one of those.16:43
oshua86Madpilot, ok but what about if I cant get to the PC16:43
oshua86because it has been locked16:43
Callum_EfeimoffHow do you get out of fullscreen mode in vinagre? F10 doesn't work anymore16:43
oshua86how can I reset the password for the user, or get root access16:43
Qwelle-squizo: latest alsa is actually .20, which was released...err...  negative 8 days ago?16:44
Madpilotoshua86, single-mode will work, as you mentioned earlier16:44
schummelpilzhey, my gdm login has the wrong size. its like a 800x600 window on my 1440x900 screen. how can i fix this?16:44
Madpilotoshua86, assuming grub hasn't been password locked or something as well16:44
e-squizoQwell: oops, missed that one16:44
e-squizomaybe I should give that a try16:44
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Qwellnews page says 2009-05-16, which is a little weird16:44
e-squizoQwell: yes, that is weird16:44
rishabhanyone here who can tell me how to connect nokia mobile as a modem16:45
tanveeri have magician helping my dont worry people16:45
Qwellthey meant 5/616:45
grimboyAh, I've found a workaround. I use pavucontrol to change the output stream to rtp then back to my soundcard.16:45
markupdudeoh while installing ubuntu copying a file failed!16:45
markupdudei checked the disc for errors on startup, it was all good16:45
Soul_Shadowanyone knowe how to read a sig table kill -L is not allowing it to list16:45
pucko-schummelpilz, if X detects the resolution wrong, you will have to edit xorg.conf16:46
galWhen i connect my laptop to a big screen i see the bottem bar in the middle and i cant see everything in all the screen , how can i change resolutions and solve it?16:46
=== Callum_Efeimoff is now known as Flynsarmy
Soul_Shadowso called nice table nor is kill -l signal16:46
oshua86Madpilot, grub has not been locked, and I do the single mode and get in, so then I try passwd and it asks me for a password as soon as I type one character asks me to retype again, do u know why does this happen?16:46
Madpilotoshua86, afraid not. sounds like the fired employee might have screwed something up...16:46
schummelpilzpucko-: the weird thing is. X detected the resolution correctly up to now, but i havent changed anything related to this (afaik). what do i have to change in the xorg.conf?16:47
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: wow... jaunty?  It used to work in Hardy... I didn't notice that it's broken til just now16:47
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: the man page has them listed now16:48
oshua86hmmm weird, single character 'm' worked as passwrd16:48
Ergo^where should i go to get some help on X being very slow16:48
pucko-rishabh, if you'r cell phone supports it, it's just a matter of connecting the device (either with a cable or bluetooth) and then threat it as a regular serial modem.16:48
Soul_ShadowI jsut want the key combination to brig up the gui of proc manager16:48
rishabhhow to set it as regular modem16:49
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: sorry - that I don't know...16:49
oshua86Madpilot, once the password is changed, how do I login into the desktop? I get a "The system admin is not allowed to login from this screen"16:49
bencI have XP and ubuntu behind a router. traceroute on ubuntu shows *** and on XP it's fine. any ideas?16:49
mbeierldoes anyone know if there is a launchpad bug for kill -L not working?16:49
archmanIs there a tester app to check if my card is in promiscuous mode? i'm running jaunty (bcm4311 wlan card)16:50
Madpilotoshua86, root login to X is disabled by default in Ubuntu. Create a new user back in single user mode, I guess. Made sure they have sudo privs.16:50
e-squizoQwell: alsa .20 changelog does not look promising, though :-(16:50
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Soul_Shadowbrb do it the harder way16:50
Soul_Shadowlogoff the sob16:50
galWhen i connect my laptop to a big screen i see the bottem bar in the middle and i cant see everything in all the screen , how can i change resolutions and solve it?16:50
pucko-schummelpilz, I'd look at the X log file to see what's up first. then edit xorg.conf (the display section) to set a specific resolution (look it up on the net or in the manpage)16:50
=== Gonny1 is now known as Jommy
Shortguy109does anyone know why my volume is playing so low? i turned the master volume thing up full16:51
Soul_Shadowwwhhaahh did not release it :P16:51
Soul_Shadowanyone know how to open the proc menu in ubuntu gnome 9.04?16:52
Soul_ShadowI cannot make heads or tails using the kill command16:52
deadkodeproc menu?16:52
boss_mcdo you mean gnome-system-monitor?16:52
deadkodelike a process list?16:53
Soul_Shadowyeah thats it thx16:53
Soul_ShadowI got it now16:53
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: kill -l (lower case) *does* list the signals16:53
Shortguy109does anyone know why my volume is playing so low? i turned the master volume thing up full16:53
P^Dno not kde...like gnome more...16:53
cdeszaqHow can I determine what version of subversion a repository needs? like, is the repo 1.4, or 1.5 etc.16:53
mbeierlbug #2364716:53
Soul_Shadowalot of good signals does when i do not know whats what16:53
BlodskurI've just started using WINE, what folder should I install a program into?16:53
chuck_greboides: sorry for not getting back to you Your problem is in the xorg.conf file i think if you can go into rescue mode again type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.cong.  and find the device section and change the driver to vesa, there might not be a device setion so you have to create it16:53
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: sorry - I thought that is what you were asking for16:54
Shortguy109does anyone know why my volume is playing so low? i turned the master volume thing up full16:54
GabrysBlodskur: are you using the Windows Install Shield or something?16:54
BlodskurLooks like it.16:54
Soul_Shadowno I already did the kill thing16:54
Soul_Shadowhard 2 know whats what in there16:54
GabrysShortguy109: check PCM and Speakers control16:54
GabrysBlodskur: just use defaults16:54
gnubieShortguy109;  you might look here    http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html16:55
BlodskurAlright, ta.16:55
GabrysBlodskur: you'll find the files in .wine/drive_c/Programs/...16:55
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: kill is used to send a signal to a running process.  you need to know the id of the process in order to send the signal to it.  if you want a list of the processes, then gnome-system-monitor or ps are the tools you want16:55
mbeierlSoul_Shadow: that is, if I understand your question correctly...16:55
Soul_Shadowread teh conversation befoer u post plz I alread ygot that16:56
Shortguy109Gabrys, how do i check PCM and Speakers control?16:56
Soul_ShadowI need to know what proccess apt-ge twould be called I am not finding it16:56
GabrysShortguy109: easy: with the volume control program16:56
deadkodeopen a terminal16:56
LegateWith which command can I change the keymap used by X11? (e.g. do the same as in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard by changing the order of the entries of "Selected layouts")16:56
deadkodetype ps aux|grep apt-get16:56
GabrysLegate: setxkbmap16:57
boss_mcpgrep returns all matching process ids16:57
Shortguy109Gabrys, sorry i don't see it :o (ima dumbass xD)16:57
GabrysShortguy109: np, hehe16:57
chuck_Shortguy109: alsamixer from terminal16:58
boss_mcchuck_, Shortguy109 that won't work under pulseaudio16:58
Soul_Shadowgot it thank u16:59
Soul_ShadowI had 2 view all proccesses 2 find it16:59
Shortguy109chuck_, lol it worked xD thx16:59
LegateGabrys: Where does setxkbmap look? I successfully changed it to the built-in de (with "setxkbmap de"), but when I want to change it to a custom layout, how do I do that? (it's already selectable in the "Keyboard Preferences", e.g. it has an entry in evdev.xml)17:00
TwoPointOhso, anyone got any ideas on my script problem?17:00
TwoPointOhi need to run a script after login but before gnome17:00
icqnumber!info pychess17:01
ubottupychess (source: pychess): chess graphical user interface for several chess engines. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (jaunty), package size 976 kB, installed size 3924 kB17:01
Soul_ShadowOK I cannot get htis proccess to die with end or kill....17:01
BlodskurHow would I go about putting a link Spotify in the Wine>Programs> part?17:01
GabrysLegate: if you need to change the layout to something really custom, you can try xmodmap tool (man xmodmap for details), but if you need just different variant of de (like dvorak) issue setxkbmap de -variant dvorak . In both cases consult man setxkbmap first :)17:01
chuck_Shortguy109: your welcome17:01
Soul_Shadoweven tried to stop it17:01
fr500has anoyone have problems with telepathy butterfly?17:02
rishabhanyone here who can help me in connecting an windows xp laptop to ubuntu pc through a crossover cable17:02
Soul_Shadowwell fr500 if I had a telepathic butterfly I would be rich LOL17:02
relikHello after upgrading ubuntu jaunty with apt-get mysql fails to start17:02
boss_mcTwoPointOh, you want to put the script in /etc/rcX.d/ with a number lower than the number of gdm at the start of it's name17:02
relikany idea what is causigng this behaviour?17:02
peturXFCE as the default desktop is the only diffrence between ubuntu and xubuntu, right\wrong?17:02
boss_mcTwoPointOh, there is a command that automates it, I can't remember it though17:02
MelancholyHello! Ive been using jaunty for awhile, without problems, but suddenly it stopped detecting any USB device, i used tail command, and when i connect my Ext HD, kernel does detect it but i cant see it anywhere17:02
boss_mcTwoPointOh, don't try to do it by hand17:02
boss_mcTwoPointOh, google rc scripts17:03
fr500If i close a conversation with a contact on empathy I have to close and kill telepathy-butterfly to be able to open a chat window with the contact I closed17:03
Soul_Shadowhell with it I am going to restart hte os17:03
donpdonpwhen i upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04, brasero was 'kept back'. how can i upgrade it?17:04
LegateGabrys: I customized the "de" keymap (i.e. I created a new file in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ and added it to /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml ). I just need to know how I can select it with setxkbmap.17:04
GabrysLegate: my knowledge is not so far17:05
LegateOk, still, thanks Gabrys.17:05
GabrysLegate: np17:05
countingbricksWhat software can I use to stress a possibly buggy ACPI?17:05
a_okalthough LOCK_SCREEN=true i still do not get a lock when i hibernate (kubuntu btw)17:07
boss_mcTwoPointOh, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ comment 8 is the one you want17:07
Madpilota_ok, Kubuntu questions are usually better off in #kubuntu17:07
MrKeunerhi, i have upgraded to 9.04 from 8.10. Upgrade di not ask me if I'd like to encrypt my home directory, what is the proper way of doing that?17:07
a_okMadpilot: yeah just noticed there is one17:08
TankadoWhat package do i need to install in order to use pthread.h or any other posix dev files?17:08
dbnhi there, can anybody help me with my jaunty-installation? xorg won't start at all, looks like having problems with hal. Didn't find anything suitable on the web.17:09
Tankadoi currently searched and cant find pthread.h in my system17:09
MadpilotMrKeuner, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory17:09
joris_Hi I am going to switch my dad to ubuntu tomorrow. I am pretty sure he will like it, but will complain a lot about missing alt + num codes he knows since he started using WP 5.1 Could I solve this with xmodmap or will this not work?17:09
MrKeunerMadpilot, that does it only for ~/Private folder, I'd like to encrypt whole ~17:10
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pdlnhrdshould sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop stop all interfaces?17:10
_duncanDoes anyone have an experiance with SLI GTX260, Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 and nvidia driver 180.51?17:11
jimcooncatjoris_: I'm interested too. Like alt-160 for a nonbreaking space character?17:11
MelancholyHello! Ive been using jaunty for awhile, without problems, but suddenly it stopped detecting any USB device, i used tail command, and when i connect my Ext HD, kernel does detect it but i cant see it anywhere17:11
joris_Yeah stuff like that...17:11
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boss_mcMelancholy, restart HAL17:11
dl1981d[o_o]bcan anyone tell me17:11
mrwesWhat would a small bash script look like to run this command, but prompt me for the 1.58 value?17:11
dl1981d[o_o]bhow to fix firefox, it hs just crashed :X17:11
mrwesvamps -e 1.58 -p -a 1 < large.vob > small.vob17:11
boss_mcmrwes, in a  bash script $1 refers to the first argument17:12
mrwesboss_mc, so $1 would go where the 1.58 is now?17:13
pdlnhrdanyone help with networking issue before i install windows back on my pc?17:13
boss_mcmrwes but you'd probably want to put [ -z $1 ] && return first17:13
boss_mcso it doesn't get called if you forget the argument17:13
Melancholyboss_mc, how do you do that17:14
cdeszaqIs installing ubuntu-desktop onto a server a good way to give the server a GUI for administrators who are not comfortable with the command line?17:14
mrwesboss_mc, heh..Ok -- I'll try that, but I'm new to bash scripting17:14
Gabrysadministrators who are not comfortable with the command line are bad administrators17:14
boss_mcremember the #!/bin/sh at the start17:14
mrwesboss_mc, yah...got that part down :)17:15
hggdhSoul_Shadow, ps-tree will list all processes in a nice tree17:15
mrwesboss_mc, and chmod u+x17:15
hggdhSoul_Shadow, sorry, pstree17:15
=== macman is now known as macman_
boss_mcyou might want to put echo before the command to check it will do the right thing first17:15
matreya6Using Ubuntu 9.04. My Gnome top panel got corrupted. I can re-add the Main menu, but how can I add the "Applications", "Locations" and "System" menus again?17:15
Alterioscdeszaq: webmin is a much better way than ubuntu-desktop17:16
arvind_khadri!webmin | Alterios17:16
ubottuAlterios: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.17:16
Soul_Shadowhelp what is the name of the java6 plugin package17:16
Melancholyboss_mc, is it sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart ?17:16
Alterioscdeszaq: for installations the sudo apt-get command will be the way to go17:17
boss_mcor sudo service hal restart17:17
matreya6Soul_Shadow, java6-plugin for Firefox?17:17
chuck_matreya6: rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel then restart gdm17:17
Soul_Shadowof course17:17
mrwesboss_mc, vamps -e  [ -z $1 ] && return -p -a 1 < large.vob > small.vob17:17
Melancholyboss_mc thanks you. im off to try17:17
Alteriosarvind: thanks for the info I'm about to be building a server17:17
Soul_Shadownot found17:17
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:18
boss_mc[ -z $1 ] && return17:18
boss_mcthen vamps -e $1 ... on the next line17:18
mrwesboss_mc, ahh on a line by itself17:18
boss_mcthe first line checks the argument was given and returns17:18
keith_I installed Ubuntu to a flash drive and am now on a different computer with an Intel graphics card. I can't seem to get compositing to work now though. Anyone able to help?17:18
Soul_Shadowok repairing intall...17:19
matreya6chuck_, thx, I'll try that17:19
TwoPointOhboss_mc: nah, i don't want to add it to a runlevel17:19
mrwesboss_mc, and I pass the argument how? when I run the script?17:19
boss_mcscriptname arg17:19
boss_mc./scriptname arg17:19
mrwesboss_mc, right...17:19
Soul_Shadowhelp i have the blue dos box again & cannot click ok for java6 2 install17:20
chuck_Soul_Shadow:  One More time sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin17:20
ermejorque pasa17:20
boss_mcTwoPointOh, where else are you going to add it, the rc scripts are what get run at boot before (and after) gdm is started17:20
mrwesboss_mc, bingo! works -- thanks a bunch17:20
ermejorviva ubuntu!!!17:20
arvind_khadriAlterios, i had been doing it yesterday, please dont use webmin :) if you do so you wont get much support in here then17:20
Soul_Shadowclick or enter does nothing17:20
boss_mctest the no arg version, to make sure it works...17:20
ohemgyhi can i ask waht is a static binary??17:20
ermejoralgun ESPAÑOL?17:20
Soul_Shadowstfu & read the help I asking17:20
hggdhSoul_Shadow, are you running under X, or is this a server?17:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quota17:21
TwoPointOhboss_mc: i thought rc scripts are all before gdm17:21
TwoPointOhmaybe i'm mistaken17:21
boss_mcTwoPointOh, not all17:21
helperanyone have a site can tell how i use the quota17:21
TwoPointOhah, cool17:21
Soul_Shadowim in install got blue box the eua i cannot click ok17:21
jimcooncatjoris_: Ctrl-Shift-U then a number. I'm trying to find out more. Š17:21
mrwesboss_mc, yah...craps out looking for the factor number17:21
boss_mcTwoPointOh, the number determines when they get called17:21
dbnagain: can anybody PLEASE help me? xorg/gdm won't start, looks like having problems with this damned hal. it's freshly installed and HAL sometimes starts up, sometimes not. after several starts gdm tells me that it could not setup monitor and input devices. somehow i guess HAL isn't installed correctly, but i just reinstalled it. please give me a hint!17:21
cdeszaqAlterios: Yeah, *I* know how to administer things, and I'm comfy from the command line, but others who may have to do things are windows admins and, hence, semi-scared of the command line. The primary things needing administration are subversion and some sites like Trac and Bugzilla17:21
keith_When I run glxinfo, I get some errors (namely: extension "GLX" missing on display) and then a seg fault... anyone know how to fix this?17:21
Soul_Shadowrunnin ubuntu linux 9.04 running intall on terminal17:21
mgolischkeith_: load the glx extension?17:22
hggdhSoul_Shadow, was that a response to my question?17:22
hggdhSoul_Shadow, disregard. Just saw the answer17:22
vanitais it possible to extract the ubuntu iso to another hard drive and boot off that instead of burning to to a DVD?17:22
boss_mcchange first line to [ $# -ne 1 ] && return;17:22
keith_mgolisch: So helpful. Any idea how I might go about doing that?17:22
MrKeunerhow can I encrypt my home directory which will decrypt/encrypt seamlessly with a login/logout17:22
mgolischkeith_: maybe have a look at the xorg logfile, it might tell why the driver failed to load its glx support17:22
hggdhSoul_Shadow, cancel the terminal. We do not know exactly what you are looking at17:23
mgolischkeith_: what driver are you using?17:23
MrKeunerwould that be slow with a 10 GB home directory?17:23
MadpilotSoul_Shadow, telling people to "stfu" doesn't exactly encourage them to help. Nobody here is getting paid to help...17:23
mrwesboss_mc, what was for me?17:23
hggdhSoul_Shadow, please run synaptic now. Do *not* run apt-get/aptitude/dpkg right now17:23
boss_mcmrwes, yep17:23
keith_mgolisch: Intel graphics card, and the log file looks like it loaded?17:23
ohemgyhi can i ask what is a static binary??17:23
keith_mgolisch: It seems it is loading glx for nvidia?17:24
oshua86I know I can use the write command to send a message to another logged in user, what if the user does not have a terminal window open and I want a pop up message to apear in gnome17:24
mgolischkeith_: upload the logfile, also theres been reports of problems with intel graphic chips with jaunty17:24
oshua86some command for that?17:24
mrwesboss_mc, where do I add my /home/bin directory to my path statment?17:24
mgolischkeith_: if you run that release17:24
keith_mgolisch: I do indeed17:24
matreya6chuck_, thanks a bunch! Your suggestion brought back my panel as it was before!17:25
boss_mctemporarily or permanently?17:25
mrwes.bashrc ?17:25
MrDutTapehey men17:25
jimcooncatjoris_: The codes are in the Character Map application. You hold down Ctrl-Alt, hit U, then enter a four number code while holding down the Ctrl-Alt keys.17:25
MrDutTapeyou know if there is a swedish ubuntu channel?17:25
boss_mcwrwes .bashrc then17:25
Pici!se | MrDutTape17:25
ubottuMrDutTape: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se17:25
pucko-vanita, not directly, but it can be done with a few modifications. basically. extracting the iso, and then install and configure grub to use it (which is the tricky part). there were some useful guides on that on the net before. i tried it with 8.04 and 8.10 I think)17:25
jimcooncatjoris_: Codes are shown at bottom of character map app.17:25
vanitapucko, thanks17:25
boss_mcmrwes, export PATH=$PATH:.17:25
boss_mcmrwes, export PATH=$PATH:/home/bin17:26
jimcooncatjoris_: Use the "Latin" script for most alphanumeric characters17:26
keith_mgolisch: http://pastebin.com/d604ffd6f17:26
markupdude1now where do i find the partition manager? Just installed ubuntu in one of my HDDs, need to find the second HDD to partition that17:26
alxandrHow do I uninstall a driver using the terminal?17:26
sipiorohemgy: a binary which contains all the code needed to run in a single executable; i.e., one that does not link to externally compiled libraries.17:26
ubuntunewbieAny suggestion installing from LiveCD?  Will not proceed past the startup screen.  Select Install Ubuntu and nothing happens???17:26
boss_mcmarkupdude, gparted is what you want17:26
benc1what can cause issues when running traceroute? I see alot of * * *17:26
Soul_Shadowhgg if ur not gunna be help by reading whay I am asking before u imput then do not say anything17:26
LegateWhen trying to add a new custom shortcut in GNOME I seem to be unable to actually give it a key combination. Whenever I click on a normal shortcut I'm able to change the key combination, but when I click on my custom shortcut, I just get a box with the "Name" and "Command", both of which I have specified a long time ago. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?17:27
Soul_ShadowI have the eula of sun java 6 but cannot click ok in terminal any suggestions?17:27
MadpilotSoul_Shadow, last warning. why are you being rude to people attempting the help?17:27
mrwesboss_mc, perfect -- thanks again17:27
hggdhoy vey... I give up17:27
boss_mcmrwes, your welcome - enjoy bash scripting17:28
markupdude1boss_mc: installed by default ?17:28
boss_mcmrwes, you're welcome - enjoy bash scripting17:28
Soul_Shadowlegate did u click the open in terminal window box by mistake?17:28
rob0917how do you run rkhunter and chrootkit?17:28
markupdude1or do i do a apt-get17:28
mgolischkeith_: did you install the nvidia driver?17:28
boss_mcmarkupdude1, might be17:28
mrwesboss_mc, yah I have the abs guide, gotta read it some more17:28
mgolischkeith_: looks weird17:28
boss_mcmarkupdude1, if not, sudo aptitude install gparted17:28
LegateSoul_Shadow: There is no such box there.17:28
boss_mcmarkupdude1, if not, or search for it in synaptics17:28
markupdude1boss_mc: :) ok17:28
keith_mgolisch: I installed it on a system with an nvidia card17:28
alxandrHow do I uninstall a driver using the terminal?17:28
Fishyi cant figure out if im supposed to get i586 or x86_6417:29
Madpilotubuntunewbie, did you try the "Check This CD" option below "Install Ubuntu"?17:29
Soul_Shadowusually u have an open in terminal option..   ok did u try right click make shortcut & drag shortcut on desktop?17:29
mgolischkeith_: it shouldnt be installed on your system17:29
Soul_Shadowor just drag he shorcut u have on desktop17:29
Peace-mariano: llll17:29
Peace-mariano: colione17:29
mgolischkeith_: maybe see if you can uninstall it from Hardware Drivers thing, or see if a nvidia-glx package is installed17:29
keith_mgolisch: Hardware Drivers shows nothing17:30
keith_mgolisch: I can try from synaptic though17:30
alxandrI need to use the terminal. My graphics-driver dosn't work.17:30
ubuntunewbie<Madpilot> - when I select check this CD nothing happens either.  The only menu item that works is boot from first hard disk17:30
newbiehello all..I've recently upgraded my ubuntu and when when visiting certain sites i get a message that says i need to install Adobe Flash 9..I did that but the same error comes up17:30
LegateSoul_Shadow: Why would I drag a Keyboard Shortcut on the desktop??17:30
lazermousealxandr: is it an intel graphics card?17:30
vanitaWhere is the torrent download link for 9.04?17:31
Madpilotubuntunewbie, not good. did you use md5 to check the ISO before you burned it?17:31
Soul_Shadowyour tryign to make a keyboard shortcut for a shortcut legate?17:31
Madpilotvanita, releases.ubuntu.com17:31
ubuntunewbie<Madpilot> no I did not17:31
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about get-ubuntu17:31
LegateSoul_Shadow: I think you mean a symbolic link, but that's not what I was talking about. I am trying to associate the commands "setxkbmap de" and "setxkbmap decustom" with a key combination.17:32
Pici!fishing | lazermouse17:32
ubottulazermouse: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:32
rob0917how do I use rkhunter and chrootkit?17:32
Soul_Shadowoh ok Im not sure then17:32
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ohemgysipior: are linux antivirus static binaries??17:33
lazermouserob0917, use ClamAV17:33
alxandrNo. Nvidia17:33
lazermouseIt's good17:33
newbiemadpilot...were you talking to me?17:33
newbienever mind17:33
rob0917thank you17:33
arvind_khadri!samba | me17:33
ubottume: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:33
lazermousealxandr: sorry, won't be able to help there17:33
arvind_khadri!samba | arvind_khadri17:33
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message17:33
newbiei'm getting an error message about Adobe Flash17:33
Soul_Shadowbrbr resetting pc to get this to work aaaww screw it linux can kiss my butt17:34
alxandrMy OS isn't recognicing my monitor :(17:34
lazermouseSystem Testing won't work on my ubuntu 9.0417:34
ohemgysipior: are linux antivirus static binaries??17:35
tanveerany 1 here who can use remote dektop to make ubuntu look like vista for me??17:35
matreya6lazermouse, run it with a sudo and it should work17:35
lazermousehow do i do that?17:35
tanveerany professionals??17:35
vanitais there a 64-bit Intel/AMD USB.img download for 9.04?17:36
matreya6lazermouse, just open the properties of the gnome menu under System => Preferences => Main Menu17:36
markupdude1i installed ubuntu in 1 of my hdds, after rebooting, i installed gparted, and formatted my second hdd as a primary partiton, now where do i see it?17:36
hggdhohb66, it is a developer/builder option to create static binaries. You will have to look at each of them to find out id they provide static or dynamically linked binaries17:36
markupdude1i mean any icon or path i can go to that17:36
tanveerany professionals who can connect to me using remote desktop viewer and put a vista theme onto my computer?17:36
jawallI'm a bit slow today..  what is the command to find my workign directory?17:36
boss_mcmarkupdude1, you'll need to mount it somewhere (man mount)17:36
MyTh88hi there...i want to upgrade my wxwidgets to 2.8.10 compiling them manually...but first i should remove the 2.8.9...but doing this in synaptic will uninstall 2 apps i need...17:36
jawallapologies... brain is on meltdown17:37
mgolischjawall: pwd?17:37
ohemgysipior: are linux antivirus static binaries??17:37
lazermouseno... what i mean is when i try to open it, it says Opening System Testing at the bottom, and then exits17:37
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markupdude1boss_mc: and to mount i have to use CLI? cant do it with gparted GUI?17:37
tanveerany professionals who can connect to me using remote desktop viewer and put a vista theme onto my computer?17:37
matreya6lazermouse, from there you can edit the command associated with System Testing (just add the prefix gksudo to it)17:37
chuck____newbie: try this sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree17:37
boss_mcgo to places->computer17:38
Jillian2thanx chuck..I'll try it17:38
boss_mcon the left hand side you might see it17:38
boss_mcclick and it will mount17:38
matreya6lazermouse, this should do the trick: gksudo /usr/bin/checkbox-gtk17:38
markupdude1umm no :( boss_mc17:38
lazermouseok, trying...17:38
markupdude1may be rebooting will show17:38
MyTh88i want to upgrade my wxwidgets to 2.8.10 compiling them manually...but first i should remove the 2.8.9...but doing this in synaptic will uninstall 2 apps i need...17:38
tanveerany 1 help me make ubuntu look like vista???17:38
ohemgysipior: are linux antivirus static binaries??17:38
MyTh88tanveer: why?17:38
sipiorohemgy: yes, it would make sense that they generally would be.17:38
Madpilottanveer, did you read that webpage on themes you were shown?17:38
Pici!themes > tanveer17:38
ubottutanveer, please see my private message17:38
keith_mgolisch: Uninstalling nvidia worked! thanks. :)17:39
lazermouseyess... it works!17:39
MyTh88hi there...i want to upgrade my wxwidgets to 2.8.10 compiling them manually...but first i should remove the 2.8.9...but doing this in synaptic will uninstall 2 apps i need...17:39
sipiorohemgy: by the way, and for future reference, asking the same question every few seconds is a quick way to get added to an ignore list.17:39
mgolischkeith_: hehe17:39
tanveer!themes > pici17:39
ubottupici, please see my private message17:39
matreya6tanveer, you can do that more easily with KDE or better still, IceWM17:39
tanveeri cant!17:39
ohemgysipio:well with that can i make it a portable apps? sorry..my bad...17:39
Madpilottanveer, please don't PM without asking first. Themes in Ubuntu are quite easy, please read that webpage.17:39
Picitanveer: Why did you do that?17:39
tanveerit doesnt work ive been trying it for weeks17:40
lukaviahi, i have problems with alsa, i dont have sound in my headphones, but it sound beautiful by my integrated speakers on the laptop17:40
tanveerpici i just copied what u said17:40
Gumbylukavia, try running alsamixer from a console17:40
tanveerits impossible!!!17:40
Picitanveer: Please *read* the message that ubottu sent you about themes.17:40
smr904hello everybody - is there anyone here that knows how to fix the nvidia drivers in ubuntu 9.04?17:40
matreya6tanveer, people here are trying to help. Please don't aggravate them...17:41
Madpilottanveer, go read this webpage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:41
Jillian2nope...still saying cannot find installed adobe flash control17:41
ZwemshortventjeHi all, I've got a major partitioning error when installing Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114709617:41
lukaviaGumby: i did that - it says alsa version 1.0.18, but i just installed 1.0.20 - and i dont have the JACK slider...........17:41
sipiorohemgy: that's the advantage of static binaries: they don't rely upon having any extra libraries installed. in fact, most of the basic unix system binaries are statically compiled, so they still work even on a mostly-broken system.17:41
garfonzIs there a program to view a .jar file that is contained in a .deb without installing?  db-gview doesn't open a .jar?17:42
sipiorohemgy: those are the binaries that live in the various "sbin" directories.17:42
lukaviaGumby: or 3D slider was in 8.10, now i use 9.0417:42
tanveerive gone to loads of pages and stuff but i cant do it still17:42
matreya6lukavia, try the consoleversion of alsamixer, works much better17:42
smr904I've tried pretty much all the how to's that I could find in internet and nothing works17:42
countingbricksHow can I stress a possibly buggy ACPI? 9.04 seem to have solved my ACPI and tickless problems but I need to be certain before I rely on it.17:42
markupdude1boss_mc: yes rebooting shows/mounts my newly created partiton automatically17:42
boss_mcmarkupdude1, kl17:43
lukaviamatreya6: give me the command, i am sure i start alsamixer and no 3D slider to activate jack output17:43
akinceranybody know when Launchpad will get fixed so I can file a bug report?17:43
=== chuck____ is now known as chuck__
tanveeri have just downloaded a windows border its .tar.bz2 what now?!?17:43
Jillian2no luck chuck_17:43
smr904installing the drivers from nvidia website doesn't help - I'm getting even a lower resolution than the default 800x600 one... please help somebody17:43
hggdhakincer, unfortunately, right now, no. The only option is to keep on trying :-(17:43
Joffanyone any good with samba file shares17:44
ohemgysipior: i was actually thinking if there are any portable linux antivirus???but i can't seem to find one...with the static binaries....can i make an antivirus portable???17:44
boss_mcsmr904, is your xorg.conf particularly special?17:44
markupdude1oh wow! how come my ubuntu desktop can see my laptop connected to the same wireless router?!! i did not do anything17:44
matreya6lukavia, if you start alsamixer, you should have separate sliders for headphones, not for "JACK" (JACK is a meta audioserver used to connect inputs and outputs with each other)17:44
markupdude1then if now i can show my xp laptop to detect ubuntu as well17:44
jimcooncatohemgy: systemrescuedisk has clamav, if that's what you mean17:44
chuck__Jillian2: no luck with what17:44
smr904boss_mc: have no idea anymore - I've reinstalled all drivers and rebuild the xorg from scratch so many times...17:44
Jillian2adobe flash plugin17:45
boss_mcsmr904, are you on 9.04?17:45
lukaviamatreya6: i dont have man17:45
smr904boss_mc: yup17:45
matreya6lukavia, You may have to push the right or the left arrows on your keyboard to see *all* the sliders17:45
smr904all the problems started after update17:45
boss_mcbackup your xorg.conf17:45
boss_mcthen sudo dprk-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:45
r3duxxorg.conf is barely used now HAL takes over...17:45
smr904boss_mc: I've done also everyhing from this howto no luck17:46
chuck__Jillian2: oh you changed your nick17:46
smr904boss_mc: done that17:46
akincerThat's wonderful news. Can't file bugs so the time to fix will be longer17:46
Jillian2can't install adobe flashplugin17:46
boss_mcwhen you reboot, start jockey17:46
boss_mcand install it from there17:46
r3duxI've spent ages working on Jaunty sound issues - if you want the benefit of my knowledge/trial & error try ---> http://r3dux.org/?p=50017:46
lukaviamatreya6: when i start alsamixer, it says version 1.0.18 even that i installed 1.0.20 just minutes ago17:46
chuck__Jillian2: what did apt say when you tried to install17:47
Jillian2says nothing installed17:47
r3duxNot really and advert when the goal is to help. Linux sound is a dick.17:47
Jillian2tried it again and it said i already have the latest version17:47
youbuntu41in terminal alsamixer how can i activate MM to OO  ?17:47
lukaviamatreya6: and i am sure that i dont have "hidden" sliders on the right17:47
matreya6lukavia, if you don't have the  manpages, you are missing a very important help component of any linux system17:47
vanitadoes flashnul work under Mac OS X?17:47
r3duxyoubuntu41:  hit M17:47
vanitaI'm looking to download a 64-bit img distro of 9.417:48
buzzzzhi all, can anybody help me out with advanced samba stuff.. e.g. how do i map a user drive by doing some server side configuration apart from the home drive.17:48
youbuntu41r3dux:  thanks17:48
r3duxvanita - so what's stopping you?17:48
lukaviamatreya6: are you directing me to the man pages ?17:48
markupdude1this is awesome, ubuntu detects the shared folder i have on my other xp machine on the same network?17:48
markupdude1now how can i do the same thing with xp17:49
vanitaI don't see a 64-bit distro under releases as a .img17:49
vanitaonly x8617:49
Madpilotvanita, releases.ubuntu.com17:49
vanitaI checked releases17:49
r3duxvan - you need the X64AMD ISO17:49
r3duxLet me find for you...17:49
mib_txbi09fboh hallo17:49
vanitayea but iso doesn't work as .img17:49
matreya6lukavia, "matreya6: i dont have man" <= I'm reacting to this post of yours17:49
vanitaI'm trying to install off an eSATA drive17:50
vanitaso I don't have to waste the DVD17:50
r3duxvanita - burn it to a CD, it's not rocket science17:50
vanitaI was thinking I could use the imagewriter util under OS X17:50
chuck__Jillian2: try to restart firefox and see if that works if not try to reinstall it17:50
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mpontillo!unetbootin | vanita17:50
ubottuvanita: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:50
vanitacalled flashnul17:50
chuck__Jillian2: flash that is17:50
H_M-LaptopHey how do I get a sensors applet for gnome? I already have libsensors/lm-sensors installed17:50
matreya6lukavia, try the F3, F4, F5 keys within alsamixer, they are used to switch between views.17:51
rob0917how do I run clamav?17:51
r3duxH_M-Laptop:  I did this, I think I got it from gnome-look.org17:51
r3duxI -think017:51
H_M-LaptopI used to have one in 8.10, but I forgot how I got it.. I remember it being very simple, and I didn't go to gnome-look.org.17:51
ohemgysipior: you think i can make an antivirus portable??17:51
Jillian2ok...i did that...it's also showing up as installed in my package manager..so I'm lost17:51
deagledoes anyone know a surefire way to forward sound from a remote ubuntu to a windows laptop?17:51
JoffSamba's testparm returned error 1: Loaded smb config files from --parameter-name=usershare allow guests17:51
SultansElephantdoes having many workspaces by default slow ubuntu or take up ram17:51
Jofflp_load: refreshing parameters from --parameter-name=usershare allow guests17:51
Joffparams.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "--parameter-name=usershare allow guests":17:51
JoffNo such file or directory17:51
JoffError loading services.17:51
FloodBot3Joff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:51
ohemgyi min if i can modify it?17:52
H_M-Laptopr3dux, Screenlets != Gnome Applets17:52
H_M-LaptopI don't like screenlets.17:52
H_M-LaptopIf anything I use conky.17:52
r3duxSultan, Not real and not really17:52
H_M-Laptop!pastebin | Joff17:52
ubottuJoff: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:52
vanitais there a way to convert an iso to an img file?17:52
matreya6deagle, You could try installing Cygwin, which includes X-Windows and redirect sound to that X-Windows server.17:52
MadpilotH_M-Laptop, there's a gnome hardware sensors applet17:53
Jillian2this error comes up specifically when i'm in a music site17:53
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vanitabecause I don't see the 64-bit 9.04 distro as an img file under releases17:53
MadpilotH_M-Laptop, search in synaptic, I can't remember if it's available by default or not17:53
H_M-LaptopMadpilot, I know, how do I install it? I looked in the repos for a bit, couldn't find it.17:53
deaglematreya6: i tried the cygwin version of esound to no avail :(17:53
vanitaonly 32-bit x86 distros as .img files17:53
r3duxAdd multiverse, universe, backports?17:53
matreya6deagle, pity :-(17:53
MadpilotH_M-Laptop, does it not show up when you go rightclick->Add To Panel?17:53
r3duxand restricted?17:53
H_M-LaptopI already have sensors-applet installed17:54
H_M-LaptopIt doesn't show in Add To Panel.17:54
lukaviamatreya6: man is for like "hi man" not like manual pages :)))))))))) F3 F4 and F5 is the same like using TAB17:54
rob0917how do I run clamav?17:54
H_M-LaptopNo wait, never mind... I swear it wasn't there before,17:54
r3duxI had a problem adding a fusion-icon to a mates laptop earlier - turns out you NEED the "Notification Area" applet for it to appear17:54
lukaviamatreya6: no headphone slider17:54
H_M-LaptopBut it's there now17:54
craigbass1976Someone is going to buy a new wireless card for their laptop.  Is there a consensus on what the best one is right now to buy for Ubuntu users (hardy)?17:55
matreya6deagle, try looking up VLC. VLC is also a Media server. If you could make install the mediaserver on your ubuntu box and connect to the Media stream provided from VLC for Windows17:55
walrus_Hi, how do you launch an application in the app menu as sudo? It won't launch in a termnal... :/17:55
matreya6deagle, http://www.videolan.org17:55
helperhello using vi when i insert anything type :q it give error to put ! when i type :q! then recheck file the inserted words are not appear as if i didn't add anything why how do i save/squid ?17:56
r3duxcraigbass1976:  You think a lot of people with 801g cards built in to their laptop (the market share), are going to buy 801n cards?17:56
billybigriggercraigbass1976, i would google around for a newer hardware compatibility list before you buy17:56
mib_txbi09fbI know its busy in here, but can anyone help me configure a nvidia gpu with ubuntu Jaunty17:56
MadpilotH_M-Laptop, 'killall gnome-panel' can help sometimes - just beware that'll also close some apps17:56
Joffdoes anyone know how to resolve this issue when attempting to share a folder, http://paste.ubuntu.com/167016/17:56
ohemgysipior:still there?17:56
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r3duxmib - configure it how. You ask, I'll help.17:56
mpontillohelper: you probably want to do :wq instead, to write and then quit17:56
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light hey guys, when I leave the log in screen for too long its goes white and I can't see anything, when I move the mouse it stays white and I have to log in blind, any reason why?17:56
matreya6lukavia, please pastebin the output of the following command: lspci|grep -i audio17:57
helpermpontillo, probaly work :P17:57
helperprobably * thanks17:57
r3duxlight > sounds like a gfx driver issue, upgrade or deal ;)17:57
lukaviamatreya6: how i use pastebin ?17:57
lightok thanks17:57
DJProfessorKhey can you use irc to talk17:57
matreya6!pastebin > lukavia17:57
ubottulukavia, please see my private message17:57
lukaviamatreya6: how will i ?17:57
DJProfessorKlike can i use a headset?17:57
MadpilotDJProfessorK, no17:57
Barridusdoes ubuntu do lightscribe disc labelling?17:58
TwoPointOhright, i solved my problem, i used adduser.local17:58
TwoPointOhbut i have another problem17:58
matreya6Barridus, yes it does if you the proper plugin from HP17:58
matreya6Barridus, ... if you >have< the ...17:58
TwoPointOhi have this in a script:17:58
Barridusmatreya6, hp?  what do they have to do with ubuntu...17:59
TwoPointOh`sed -e 's/blah/$1/g'`17:59
TwoPointOhit's replcing blah with $1 instead of the actual argument17:59
vanitadoes http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img support 64-bit?17:59
TwoPointOhhow do i make it not?17:59
deaglematreya6: i'll look into it, thank you so much!17:59
lukaviamatreya6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167019/17:59
tanveerhelp!! i cant find System → Preferences → Splash Screen.17:59
tanveerits not thier17:59
vanitaI'm using an i7 mobo17:59
sbasuitaTwoPointOh, if this is a shell script, get rid of the single-quotes around the second argument18:00
matreya6Barridus, check out this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LightScribe18:00
sbasuitaTwoPointOh, just a guess - i'm no scripting expert ;)18:00
Barridusthank you matreya618:00
matreya6deagle, np :-) , knowledge should be shared.18:00
chuck__Jillian2: open firefox click tools open addons the plugins make sure shockwave flash is installed18:00
tanveersomeone help me i cant find it System → Preferences → Splash Screen.its on 9.04 is it??18:01
matreya6Barridus, np :-)18:01
TwoPointOhsbasuita: even better, i escaped them!18:01
TwoPointOhcoz that wasn't exactly the way i had it in the file18:01
helpermpontillo, if i want to change all text 2005 to 2006 not work i type sed 's .2005/2006' kad.txt why ?18:01
TwoPointOhcheers sbasuita18:01
gartraltanveer: i think your system missed something in the jump. I have that18:02
tanveeri upgraded from 8.04 > 8.10 > 9.0418:02
sbasuitatanveer, gartral, I don't have that18:02
tanveercan some1 tell me were i can find the splash screen18:03
matreya6lukavia, did you do a clean install, or did you upgrade? See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=361236&page=2218:03
gartralsbasuita tanveer hmm.. im going to check launchpad18:03
Madpilottanveer, there's a splash screen manager you can add - it's not installled by default AFAIK18:03
lukaviamatreya6: clean 9.04 wubi install18:03
sbasuitagartral, figure out what binary the menu shortcut points at, then use dpkg -S to figure out what package owns that binary18:03
r3duxFirefox is a dick in Linux, especially 64 bit. I install flash like this: I download the latest libflash.so and copy it to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/libflashplayer.so18:04
DeadLy_spb0tlinx to cp www.gandisex.com18:04
mpontillohelper: if you want *all* text you will need to tell 'sed' to do a global replace. also note the "." you have before "2005" matches any character, which means if the first thing on the line is "2005" your expression won't work. try sed 's/2005/2006/g' <file>18:04
ldleworkWhat are the dangers of upgrading from Intrepid to 9.04 via the Synaptic Package Manager upgrade feature?18:04
r3duxIdle - I did it, and it worked okay.18:04
r3duxBut then the sound stopped working and I just clean installed. But I'd upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.0418:05
ldleworkr3dux, does it keep your configs and apps? Like I've got XMonad setup perfectly by accident...18:05
mpontillohelper: by "global replace" I mean that by appending the 'g', if "2005" occurs twice on one line, both occurrences will be replaced instead of just the first18:05
matreya6r3dux, where did you get that flash.so? I'm having flash issues asa well. Gnash just doesn't cut it.18:05
tanveeri cant find any ways of getting ubuntu to look like vista because the splash screen thing ,, panel thing arnt thier18:05
r3duxIt booted slowly, and wasn't very "fluid" - clean install boots in approx 30 seconds, and doesn't dick me around as much18:05
helpermpontillo,  ya it work thanks :)18:05
r3duxmatreya6: Adobe labs... just google it18:06
MelancholyHey, my jaunty wont detect usb anymore. i tried updating HAL with no help. They used to work18:06
matreya6r3dux, ah, the Alpha...18:06
r3duxBeta, thank you ;)18:06
Crash1hdHas anyone been successfull at getting vnc to work with compiz?18:06
glock7question about linux permissions, i have 2 users on a machine, that are apart of a group call webdev, any file the users create i would like each to be able to edit, however when they create the files the files are created with the group of their username, what is good practice to have 2 users able to edit each others files18:07
r3duxI take it back - Alpha! Apols, matreya618:07
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ldleworkr3dux, I have two ntfs partitions before my Ubuntu partitions18:07
ldleworkWill this be an issue?18:07
ldleworkOr do you think it should work inplace?18:07
Soren_I am buring a CD usung CD/DVD Creator............................... how ling is it supposed to say "Creating image checksum" for a 700mb program?18:07
matreya6r3dux, np :-) You are just trying to help and I'm grateful for it!18:08
r3duxglock > make each user a member of the webdev group?18:08
glock7r3dux: they are, however when they create files, the group is the default "user group", i think i found what i was looking for, some said look up sticky bit18:08
twois10how are you getting amd k10 sensors to work?18:09
r3duxglock > panic and chmod 777 everything ;) I mean, um, sticky bit :)18:09
twois10sensors detect it but no temps18:09
glock7r3dux: lol,, thanks18:09
matreya6lukavia, strange, should work. Pulseaudio can destabalize things, especially with microphone settings, which were a real B*tch to get them to work. Please try killing pulseaudio with "killall pulseaudio"18:09
Soren_I am buring a CD usung CD/DVD Creator............................... how ling is it supposed to say "Creating image checksum" for a 700mb program?18:10
r3duxI have a post on PulseAudio, and Alsa, and Jaunty 9.04 and how to un-f*ck it, or try to..... ----> http://r3dux.org/?p=50018:10
jonzlet me know if there's a better forum for this:18:10
jonzso in OSX each program gets only one entry in the alt-tab menu, no matter how many windows are open..  whereas in windows and linux each window gets its own entry.  In OSX you then switch between windows of a program with alt-~.18:10
jonzis that clear?  is there anyway to emulate the OSX style in Ubuntu?18:10
FloodBot3jonz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:10
jonzfloodbot3, get bent, that's only 3 messages18:11
proqjonz: have you been to gnome-look.org?18:11
jonznope, i'll check it out18:11
lukaviamatreya6: killall pulseaudio won't make my console alsamixer to start appear 1.0.20, not 1.0.18 - i think there is the key to the success18:11
jonzthanks Proq18:11
proqthere are a few os x lookalikes18:11
MadpilotSoren_, hard to say - a while, esp. with a full disc like you're burning18:12
r3duxlukavia: There are many keys to PulseAudio success... it's a b1tch.18:12
matreya6lukavia, did you restart alsa after upgrading alsa?18:12
r3duxRestart alsa hasn't worked for years18:12
r3duxRestarting pulseaudio does less18:12
ldleworkr3dux, if you use a Ubuntu install CD to install over your existing Ubuntu install, does it keep your user/filesystem?18:12
r3duxit's all about default mixers and asoundconf set-default-card18:12
jonzproq: i'm not really interested in the visual style of OSX, just the window treatment18:13
MelancholyMy jaunty wont detect usb anymore. i tried restarting HAL with no help. They used to work18:13
twois10how can i get  phenom II 940 sensors working?18:13
jonzlike, the effect i'm looking for isn't a font change or color change, it's a total overhaul of the system18:13
r3duxIdle, only if you install the system to / while keeping your /home parition separate - if you didn't install linux with /home on a sep partition, back it up before you overwrite it.18:13
matreya6r3dux, I checked the soundcard setup of lukavia, he/ she only has one, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/167019/18:13
proqjonz: those are configurable in gnome and kde to be more osx-ish, and there may even be a wm that specializes in behaving like os x18:14
proqjonz: there are a hundred wms, I would google for it18:14
Soren_is there a CD/DVD Creator channel? I am buring a CD usung CD/DVD Creator............................... how ling is it supposed to say "Creating image checksum" for a 700mb program?18:14
jonzok, ty18:14
ldleworkr3dux, so you're saying in any case, just copy home, to say one of the NTFS partitons, upgrade, then override the new with the old?18:14
macman_Soren_: till its done18:14
r3duxmat > Get them to "asoundconf list"18:14
ldleworkThat's gonna work?18:14
Kevin`can I do an install from windows to a disk partition with grub and everything, or only to an image file?18:14
duvnelldon't yell at me, but is there a package that contains rpm-build?18:15
shadeslayerhi i have a small problem in mac4lin.anyone using it?18:15
proqI'm trying to uninstall kvm to run virtualbox and I can't seem to get the kernel module removed. I can rmmod kvm_intel and reboot, but it will be loaded again.  I removed the kernel and reinstalled and that didn't help either18:15
Soren_10min? 30min? 1hour? 1 day?18:15
proqhow do I remove kvm kernel module?18:15
r3duxIdle - Copying to NTFS will not keep your file permissions, but to be honest, for most stuff in a home directory, it doesn't matter - just make sure it's backed up before you re-install / install-over-the-top18:15
lazermouseduvnel : ARRGH!18:15
* ldlework wonders how he can check if his /home is on a secondary partition18:16
r3duxIdle - UNLESS you have your /home partition as a separate partition, in which case just overwrite / and use whatever partition you have as the /home mount point18:16
vanitajonz if you find a good OS X wm for ubuntu 9.04, let me know18:16
lukaviamatreya6: i restarted the system fully18:16
jonzwill do18:16
lazermouseKevin*: If someone can help they will18:16
proqI have one better than os x.. it's called ratpoison18:16
vanitaI would like to run it with Chameleon 2 RC1  on my new i7 hackintosh18:16
proqnone of those awful screen-real-estate hogging eyecandies18:16
shadeslayerproq: care to link me?18:17
shirukenI'm trying to install Ubuntu server, but it keeps trying to go gui and my monitor won't display that resolution18:17
matreya6lukavia, and...did it work? Do you get alsamixer 1.0.20 now instead of 1.0.18?18:17
shirukenhow can I force into text mode?18:17
shadeslayershiruken: #ubuntu-server18:17
shirukenshadeslayer: thx18:17
alimy webcam worked with 8.10 but not with 9.04  what should I do18:17
proqshadeslayer: http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/18:17
lukaviamatreya6: no man :(18:17
billybigriggeranyone know a good gnome frontend for ffmpeg or mencodeR?18:17
ldleworkr3dux, it looks like I have single filesystem partition and an extra swap partition that just has "lost+found". Can I move /home to my swap paritition? Or I'm thinking it can't be used for things like that.18:18
lazermouseali, go to update manager, and see if there are any updates18:18
shadeslayerproq: basically im trying to replace the panel bkgd with a dark png but cant make it work18:18
matreya6!telinit > shiruken18:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about telinit18:18
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apostleproblem removing module....device busy....How can I force remove it?18:18
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proqapostle: kill the process that is using it18:18
lazermousePereLaOrale : stop changing your nick18:18
aliI have done the update and still not working18:19
matreya6shiruken, you coudl try the command telinit, even if Ubuntu uses upstart now, it tries to emulate SysV as much as it can to appease older scripts18:19
jonzwow, ratpoison looks hardcore18:19
hbekelapostle: you shouldn't, try fuser /dev/whatever to find out who uses it18:19
lazermouseali: dunno then :(18:19
proqit is  :)18:19
shadeslayerproq: not my type of GUI :P18:19
ldleworkr3dux, it looks like this other ext3 parition with just lost+found in it is all empty except a few megs, is this swap partition good for storing /home?18:19
ActionParsnipapostle: make the module unbusy is my advice, yu will get issues if you do manage to force remove it18:19
proqif I had a 30" monitor and a blazing fast CPU I wouldn't mind gnome or KDE, but I don't  ;)18:20
matreya6lukavia, that's a shame. It looks like your old alsamix is still the default. Maybe the new one is installed at an alternate location?18:20
DASPRiDproq, i have two :)18:20
jonzi like the windows in Gnome and everything, I just prefer the hierarchical approach to finding the window you want that OSX employs18:20
shadeslayerActionParsnip: btw i was trying to usplash to get to wrok again today.failed misreably :)18:20
SynrGis setting up a new drive for use on a network not considered basic knowledge worth documenting? i'm an experienced debian user who knows how to do this. my father, however, is a new ubuntu user, so i pointed him at ubuntu help for starters, and also gnome help. both failed to provide answers.18:20
proqjonz: what, command-tab?18:20
jonzfirst find the application, then pick from the application windows18:20
SynrGhave i missed something obvious?18:20
jonzCmd-tab to go to firefox18:20
shadeslayerso no one using mac4lin ?18:21
lukaviamatreya6: no, downloaded from the alsa official site18:21
jonzthen cmd-~ to tab between firefox windows18:21
proqjonz: gnome has that.  and ratpoison has one better.  C-t 3 -> go straight to firefox18:21
Frijolieanybody get flash video "flickering" problem?18:21
dlozariehi guys, quick question: if I sudo apt-get install openoffice.org, I'll get the latest version (3.5) right?18:21
MelancholyMy jaunty wont detect usb anymore. i tried restarting HAL with no help. They used to work. Tail shows that kernel notices, but i cant find them anywhere18:21
jonzwhat is the significnce of the 3?18:21
shadeslayerdlozarie: nope,i think 3.0 is in the repo18:21
matreya6lukavia, did you install a .deb-package for Jaunty, or did you just install a tarball or something like it?18:21
genii!info openoffice.org18:21
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): full-featured office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.0.1-9ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB18:21
aspooro ok.18:21
proqjonz: application 318:22
SynrGi could just fix the problem for him, but i'd rather he learn how to use the resources at his disposal to solve his own problems.  where should i point him to solve this problem?18:22
geniidlozarie: 3.0118:22
aspoorits 42" BTW and 2000mb conect18:22
jonzi like cycling through them, often I don't know the exact number that i'm looking for18:22
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ActionParsnipshadeslayer: the system will live ;)18:22
dlozarieshadeslayer: ouch. how long do you think we can get 3.5 in the repos?18:22
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i know :)18:22
boxer_i need to boost the volume of a mp3 is there a program i can use to do this?18:22
hbekelMelancholy: "detect usb" meaning what?18:22
matreya6boxer_, try Audacity18:22
shadeslayerdlozarie: maybe the next release.just a guess tho18:22
boxer_matreya6: thanks18:22
lukaviamatreya6: i installed the files from http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page18:23
duvnellif using audacity.. you've got to "Export" to save.. not just save which saves your project18:23
lukaviamatreya6: with ./configure, make and make install18:23
lukaviamatreya6: the hard way :)18:23
boxer_duvnell: good to know thanks18:23
shadeslayerdlozarie: you could manually install tho.i found install instructions for 3.0 on interpid on softpedia.org18:23
Melancholyhbekel, meaning that i connect my ext. HD but jaunty cant find it anywhere. Kernel logs says that it is connected (with tail command)18:23
dlozarieokay. I downloaded the .tar.gz of 3.5 and installed it, but can't find it anywhere in the application menu. I tried "oocalc" in the command line and it told me open office wasn't installed yet18:24
lukaviamatreya6: what you call tarball ?18:24
r3duxduvell, it's much easier to install ALSA 1.0.19 like this -->http://http//ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=658981018:24
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matreya6lukavia, that way the location of installation might be botched, * a tarball is a .tar.gz, or .tgz package.18:24
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shadeslayerdlozarie: no idea on that.18:24
hggdhlukavia, a tarball is the same as a tar archive18:24
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:24
dlozarieshadeslayer: ok, will try to reinstall. thanks dude18:25
lukaviai used tar.gz files from http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page18:25
shadeslayerdlozarie: no problem18:25
ldleworkr3dux, heh my /home folder is 91 gigs18:25
matreya6lukavia, did you install the alsamixer in /usr/bin ?18:25
hbekelMelancholy: what does "jaunty can't find it" mean? can you mount manually?18:25
r3duxIdle, mine was > 200GB ;) Nothing in that really needed special permissions.18:26
lukaviamatreya6: it's another question that 2 or 3 of them did not installed properly18:26
proqldlework: good thing terabyte hard drives cost $80  ;)18:26
Melancholyhbekel, sorry my bad english. I cant see it in gnome, neither in /media where it usually were mounted18:26
lukaviamatreya6: i do not know how to install the alsamixer in  /usr/bin18:26
exodus_msIs it possible to configure the columns in 'top'? I would like to increase the spacing between PID %MEM, etc.18:26
r3duxluk - sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer18:27
Frijoliewhat's the correct package to install flash v 10? There's four different variants in Synaptic...18:27
matreya6lukavia, messing around with unpackaged software, *especially drivers* can put your system in a jumble. The drivers have been installed, but do not seem to be in use as of yet on your system18:27
r3duxsorry, that should be to matreya618:27
ldleworkgod upgrading scares the shit out of me18:27
r3duxThe simple facts are that upgrading doesn't work as well as it should.18:28
hbekelMelancholy: it's probably a gnome or hal problem, then. try mounting it manually to make sure.18:28
hinti don't find any helper in awk .... then: anyone know how can i concat strings in awk?18:28
Frijolieflashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-nonfree-extras, adobe-flashplugin, flashplugin-installer18:28
Melancholyhbekel, you mean forcing?18:28
r3duxI upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04, and it was a mess. Took 2 minutes to boot, and was sketchy.18:28
helperhint,  awk -F: '{print $1}'18:29
proqr3dux: yeah, that sounds like a bad idea18:29
r3duxA clean install on EXT4 partition now takes approx 30 seconds to boot and is a lot "nicer"18:29
hbekelMelancholy: no, try to use the mount command to mount your drive.18:29
lyhana8hi, which apps did you adcive to get NZB ?18:29
Holden99caHas anyone had success installing netbook remix to acer aspire one. mine went boom and by this I mean it's behaving reall buggy. Moreover, it's reporting 0 bytes in the home directory.18:29
hinthelper thats no a concat18:29
matreya6r3dux, I don't think that Jaunty has Alsa 1.0.20 yet, checked it in Synaptic, nope current stable package is 1.0.1818:29
hbekelMelancholy: just trying to narrow down the problem18:29
lukaviamatreya6: what advice can you give me now ?18:29
hggdhhint, concat is just space a=b c18:30
Melancholyhbekel, hmh.. where i can find "section" name what to mount. It used to be OneTouch418:30
Crash1hdIS there a way to get x11vnc to tell you when someone is connected?18:30
exodus_mscould someone point me to where I might find the config file that handles the appearance of the "workspaces switcher" in the panel18:30
matreya6lukavia, do you know *exactly* which files your make install installed for you and where the makefile directed the installation?18:30
hggdhhint, although in the usual terse way, 'man awk' should show it18:30
lukaviar3dux: i did that command  sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer, shall i restart the system ?18:31
vanitajonz, check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/mac4lin18:31
r3duxmat > You can always manually upgrade, scripts exist.18:31
matreya6lukavia, you should be able to find it in the makefile, but it can be a mess.18:31
r3duxluk - no!!! This isn't windows! Just run it by typing: gnome-alsamixer =D18:31
hintthe problem is: i need concat X spaces in a var, using VAR+=" " ..... i cant use string=VAR1 VAR2, i cant create X variables. i need concat in only one18:31
hbekelMelancholy: i don't understand, what's section, Onetouch4? use sth like sudo mount /dev/sd<xx> /mnt/. find out the correct /dev/sdsomething for your drive/partition via dmesg18:32
bcmorr2question: command to copy a directory and all subdirectories to a different location(while leaving them at their current position as well)  - I tried cp * ~/Music but it excluded subdirectories of the current directory18:32
r3duxluk > or finding it in the Applications menu at top left of your gnome screen (plz don't say you're using kde...)18:32
matreya6r3dux, true, but scripts are generally tailored for specific distros.18:32
bcmorr2same with cp ./* ~/Music18:32
ferris_i am looking for some help with wget... i am trying to download my site so that i can edit it... but i can only get the first index page and no others. I have "man wget" but i am not seeing where to follow or get the complete site... can someone tell me what the code is for it?18:32
r3duxbc > you'll need a -R in there somewhere for recursiveness...18:32
r3duxman cp18:33
r3duxmat > You haven't installed a script, you've installed the executable file "gnome-alsamixer" - you can just run it.18:34
lukaviamatreya6: it is becoming hard for me to answer your questions .... i do not know where the makefile directed the installation?18:34
bcmorr2r3dux, thanks18:34
MatteusXhi, i am running 8.04 and see in update manager linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic, which in the description says i do not want to install it but rather linux-generic meta-package, which i did install, but the first package continues to appear in update manager?  what should i do?18:34
matreya6phone. brb18:34
exodus_msI've configured the workspace switcher to display text only. Only problem is that I'm using #629DBF for text color in windows. The switcher has a dark gray background that makes this text hard to read. I would like to change the color of the text for the workspace switcher only, not the my entire panel18:34
lukaviar3dux: i started gnome-alsamixer and i do not have muted sliders18:34
hggdhhint, you could use sprintf18:34
r3duxluk > Did you read my jaunty sound thing?18:35
lukaviar3dux: i think i missed it ...18:35
bcmorr2lukavia, is your sound card supported by ALSA?18:36
r3duxluk - Get down to the updates and it'll be more relevant to you.18:36
h2oshello, i'm looking for suggestions on ATSC pci/pci-e card18:36
=== dereine is now known as dereine[OFF]
hggdhhint, also, this is a good reference: http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/ (and free)18:36
lukaviabcmorr2: i think so, in 8.10 my headphones worked just beautifully18:36
bcmorr2make sure your PCM volume isn't turned down18:37
bcmorr2in alsamixer18:37
lukaviabcmorr2: i am sure, nothing is low volumed and nothing is muted18:38
lscott3How can I view a network drive when browsing for an attachment in gmail or so? I tried to find a pdf on one of my windows shared drives but could not figure out how to get there through the file browser18:38
lscott3i tried putting in the smb location18:38
lscott3no dice18:38
r3duxluk > what's your default sound card? AND DOES IT MATCH WHATCH PulseAudio thinks is your default soundcard?!18:38
r3duxUse Alsa for everything. Pulse is borked.18:39
r3duxNot only default soundcard, but default MIXER18:39
wng--Is there any ubuntu support for PCI-E Creative SB X-fi Xtreme Audio?18:39
gartralr3dux: calm down18:40
joveHello All, does anyone know where to get the pkg of "chm2pdf" ?18:40
quilbyhow do i delete the first line of a csv file in the command line?18:40
* r3dux grins at gartral, and nods. Been a long day fixing Jaunty sound.18:40
codec1Greetings i was wondering how to view .(name here) files?18:40
bcmorr2wng--, I don't believe creative has released a driver for it, but there might be one out there18:40
bcmorr2wng--, I'm pretty sure it's not default in ALSA either18:41
macvrhi all... i'v been trying to install UBUNTU on an external drive for an old notebook, i used unetbootin , but i get an error ,> operating system not found... how do i make the drive bootable?18:41
icerootwng--: there is a 64bit driver, dont know if there is a 32bit driver out yet18:41
jovedoes anyone where to download chm2pdf package ?18:41
gartralr3dux: i got sick of pulse/alsa in intrepid, and switched out for OSS/ALSA and it ran beautifully through the Jump18:41
mzzoss? eep18:41
bcmorr2macvr, when installing ubuntu did you uncheck install bootloader?18:41
matreya6quilby,     sed '1d' data.file > mynewdata.file18:41
raphaHello everybody!18:41
r3duxmacvr > Install grub? Much googling needed18:41
mzzalsa, sure. oss, not so much18:41
icerootjove: sudo apt-get install chm2pdf18:41
traumgeistcodec1: ls -a    / nautilus ctrl+h18:42
mzzcodec1: for what value of "name here"?18:42
macvrbcmorr2: ???18:42
codec1Ok thanks18:42
quilbymatreya6: thanks ill try18:42
gartralALSA will NOT play any audio realtime on my machine without going through AOSS for some reason18:42
codec1No its the name name im trying to see is this..cedega18:42
matreya6quilby, should work with *any* textfile18:42
raphaI have a question, is it possible to have Ekiga & Skype & Gizmo obey Ubuntu's availability settings (invisible, offline, available and so on, in the upper right corner of the screen)?18:42
bcmorr2macvr, see r3dux's comment, it sounds like you need grub18:42
r3duxmacvr > Sorry -ignore previous - set your system to boot from whatever USB/Firewire/FlowerPower device you installed to18:42
macvrr3dux: i used unetbootin and the ubuntu wiki >https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImageLoadedOnHardDrive18:42
joveHi iceroot...Thanks so much!!!! Cheers!18:43
r3duxGrub will be needed at some point, even on external18:43
r3duxOr Lilo18:43
icerootjove: np18:43
macvrr3dux: how do i install grub?18:43
brassmasterhello, i recently upgraded to jaunty and ever since doing so I have been unable to use compiz because no matter what I do, I can't enable window decorations18:43
matreya6iceroot, nice program.18:43
r3duxsudo apt-get install grub ;)18:43
lukaviar3dux: can we switch to PM18:43
=== dereine[OFF] is now known as dereine
brassmasterbefore you ask, i have a mobility radeon x1600 and i used to use fglrx18:43
macvrr3dux: unto the external drive18:44
gartralmacvr: you should HAVE grub.. its default18:44
brassmasteri knew going in that i would have to use ati going forward18:44
r3duxmacvr - there are lots of documents on this, read up... I don't know off the top of my head18:44
r3duxhow to configure grub, that is18:44
macvrr3dux: ok... will get back if it doesnt work ;)18:44
brassmasterbut i read that the radeon driver has come a long way18:44
joveiceroot: do you know the syntax how to convert chm to pdf file ?18:44
MeXTuxDoes anybody know what is the difference between adding directive lines to apache2.conf and httpd.conf in Ubuntu 8.04??18:45
r3duxmacvr: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html18:45
brassmasterjust wondering if anyone else has seen this or has any idea as to why taht might be18:45
quaali just installed 9.04 and now whenever i go to places/one of the directories listed, it opens rhythymbox instead of opening the place i just clicked. how the hell did this happen18:45
matreya6jove, after you have installed it, most programs provide a man page18:45
icerootjove: man chm2pdf   i guess chm2pdf chmfile pdffile18:45
lukaviaquaal: and i think i have problems :D:D:D18:45
quaalrhythymbox is garbage18:45
quaalwhy is it even installed by default18:46
=== smoothtoo is now known as TOoSmOotH
lukaviayes i use XMMS118:46
macvrr3dux: thanx r3dux ... will read18:46
r3duxqual - that sounds broken... sudo apt-get purge nautilus && sudo apt-get install nautilus       ???18:46
slimjimflimdoes the installer disk resize existing ntfs partitions and use the free space?18:46
gartralhow do i lobotomize the borked tracker from my system... all it's doing is slowing me down18:46
ksbalajiHow is jaunty? My Adept manager (installed app) in Hardy 8.04 shows a cute upgrade tab suggesting upgrade to 9.04. Please give opinion.18:46
ravsterHello all18:46
Madpilotquaal, because it's less awful than every other music player in the repos?18:46
brassmasteranyone know anything about the combination of a radeon x1600, radeon driver, 9.04, and compiz w/ window borders18:46
matreya6quaal, I don't agree.  I like it's small footprint and simplicity, but it could use some improvements, yes...18:46
ravsterHow do I upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 by command line?18:46
raphaquaal: why are you even so arrogant to come here?18:46
quaalMadpilot, completely false. mpd/gmpc is the winningest winner of the players available.18:46
iceroot!upgrade | ravster18:47
ubotturavster: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:47
r3duxslimjimflim: Yes, it resizes existing partitions, uses free space, and bakes you a CAKE.18:47
slimjimflimyay for cake18:47
lukaviamatreya6: thanks for the help so far man ;)18:47
=== Magician is now known as magician
brassmasterthe cake is a lie18:47
MatteusXmatt9091, hello18:47
slimjimflimaw shit, in that case i'm going back to vista18:47
matreya6lukavia, no problem, just sharing where I can.18:47
r3duxThe cake IS a lie... Moist.. cake... bah18:47
raphaSo, *is* it possible to have Ekiga & Skype & Gizmo obey Ubuntu's availability settings (invisible, offline, available and so on, in the upper right corner of the screen)?18:47
gartral!language | slimjim18:47
ubottuslimjim: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:47
slimjimflimeither vista or winME18:47
brassmasterat least they don't slip rat poison in the ubuntu imaginary cake18:47
mzz!info ratpoison18:48
ubotturatpoison (source: ratpoison): keyboard-only window manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.3-1 (jaunty), package size 172 kB, installed size 500 kB18:48
mzzbrassmaster: yes they do! see above18:48
quaalr3dux, i can uninstall/reinstall nautilus while running it?18:48
brassmasteranybody use a radeon x1600 on jaunty?18:48
r3duxslimjimflim: Linux standard install will at your bidding: Wipe it al and install linux, allow you to resize partitions with available space to put linux partitions, make goods topped with frosting.18:48
bcmorr2I'm having problems unmounting things18:48
r3dux"it all"18:48
bcmorr2when I enter unmount /mnt/windows18:48
brassmasteror for that matter any ati r500 or r600 card?18:48
ksbalajiMy Hardy has stabilised and I use it for regular work. No more tinkering, surprises... Now, how is jaunty? My Adept manager (installed app) in Hardy 8.04 now shows a cute upgrade tab suggesting upgrade to 9.04. Please give opinion.18:49
bcmorr2it tells me bash:unmount: command not found18:49
* jussi01 gently moves the offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic18:49
r3duxumount not UNmount18:49
slimjimflimr3dux: i figured it did, i just haven't installed a dual boot in a while18:49
matreya6bcmorr2, it is umount, uNmount18:49
burncloudsHey I just bought an MSI GX630. everything is working out of the box except for the FN brightness keys.18:49
burncloudsAny Ideas?18:49
* slimjimflim avoids windows like the plague18:49
=== magician is now known as Shotgun
quaali just uninstalled rhythymcox18:49
quaalfixed now18:49
bcmorr2now I get mnt/windows: not found18:49
* r3dux nods @ slimjimflim :)18:49
matreya6bcmorr2, sorry about that I meant: the command is "umount", not "uNmount"18:50
=== Shotgun is now known as Guest6423
gartralhow do i lobotomize the borked tracker from my system... all it's doing is slowing me down18:50
r3duxbcmorr2: If yo have a windows partition, if anything, it'll be mounted in /media not /mnt18:50
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matreya6gartral, are you using Vuze?18:50
bcmorr2I mounted it personally ot /mnt/windows18:50
jussi01brassmaster: tried, without success - let me know how it goes for you...18:50
r3duxDoesn't seem like you did ;)18:50
bcmorr2and can verify it's currently there18:50
bcmorr2Would you like a printout of proof? it's there18:50
gartralmatreya6: is that the default tracker in jaunty that does nothing but self corrupt?18:51
raphaReally, does none of you here use Ekiga or Skype or Gizmo?!18:51
* slimjimflim teraforms mars18:52
ksbalajiIs it ok to upgrade directly from regularly updated Hardy 8.04 to Jaunty? My Adept manager now displays a bright blue UP arrow tab enticing me to upgrade! Please guide.18:52
r3duxsudo umount /mnt/windows && cd ~ && mkdir foo && sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sd[A1 B2 B3 - you pick] ~/foo18:52
exodus_msI want to change the font of the text displayed in the windows switcher applet (the color of the text displaying the title of each worspace). I want to keep the rest of the panels font color the same. Can I accomplish this by editing /usr/share/gconf/schemas/workspace-switcher.schemas  and change the line <gettext_domain>gnome-panel-2.0</gettext_domain> to somehting else?18:52
matreya6grtral, no the default tracker in Jaunty is Transmission...Ah, you mean tracker as in the file/ appsearcher "tracker", the imitation of Apple(r) Spotlight??18:52
proqksbalaji: experience will tell you to never listen to your manager18:52
matreya6gartral: ^18:52
r3duxWhat's the best song in the world? I need to listen to something... suggestions please?18:53
gartralmatreya6: yes... it's absolutly useless18:53
erUSUL!ot | r3dux18:53
ubottur3dux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:53
ela_hello everyone...im having a problem with my wireless....it keeps says it's disabled but the switch is on.  How can i tell if its a software or hardware problem?18:53
matreya6gartral, there should be an alternative, Beagle, if you are not allergic to Mono, that is...18:54
bcmorr2is there a ubuntu distro without everything intergrated into gnome/kde?18:54
r3dux!pt erUSUL18:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pt erUSUL18:54
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:54
r3dux!ot erUSUL18:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot erUSUL18:54
ksbalajiproq, I had this doubt.  Since my hardy has stabilised, I thought there might not be many problems with Jaunty! Thanks for reminding. Do you mean that Adept is not to be trusted ---or the Upgrade?18:54
bcmorr2or xfce18:54
gartralmatreya6: i dont care about any tracker at all... locate works18:54
proqela_: go to a cafe' with free wireless and compare results18:54
matreya6bcmorr2, plenty, try fluxboxOS, Arch, etc...18:54
erUSULbcmorr2: debian18:54
adnchello, what would happen if i would do a dd on my actual partition? i would need a image copy of my system partition18:55
Kevin`hm. does the normal installer not have support for lvm?18:55
bcmorr2thanks erUSUL18:55
Madpilotbcmorr2, there's the server version, if you don't need a GUI at all...18:55
gartralmatreya6: for that matter, locate | grep <pattern> works better18:55
bcmorr2Madpilot, what is it called?18:55
proqksbalaji: you will find fewer problems usually with a clean upgrade18:55
ela_its a different computer (not this one) and its not picking up the same wireless right now18:55
lukaviar3dux: thanks for the help so far ;)18:55
matreya6gartral, yes locate works fine, if you cull the lines a bit with a clever grep here and there18:55
adnccan i do something like dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/myfile would that work?18:55
Madpilotbcmorr2, it's got the very original name of Ubuntu Server Edition18:55
lukaviabcmorr2: thanks for the help so far ;)18:55
exodus_msKevin`, I think you have to set it up during your *buntu installation18:55
bcmorr2lukavia, no problem, any luck or is it still a nogo?18:55
Kevin`exodus_ms: it doesn't give me the option to create lvm volumes18:55
ela_its a different computer (not this one) and its not picking up the same wireless right now18:55
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matreya6bcmorr2, Xubuntu rocks, I used it on my P3-laptop18:56
gartralmatreya6: so how do i give a boot to the bum of the tracker-indexer as its called in ps aux18:56
lukaviabcmorr2: no luck till now, i will try a restart after changes made and will come back18:56
ksbalajiproq, I have been regularly upgrading right from fiesty -but with some problems, which usually go away after a few kernel updates.18:57
r3duxgar: It' either called beagle or tracker18:57
JetienHello! When i upgraded from ibex to jackalope there are no more proprietary drivers to select from the configurations menu. I'm missing the proprietary driver for my ati radeon mobility 9000. when i manually install fglrx X won't start anymore until un-installed. I thought i was UPgrading. Can you help me figure out what happend?18:57
exodus_msKevin`, I was looking at using LVM not to long ago. I have a link I looked at for reference --> http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-over-lvm-filesystem18:57
matreya6gartral, is it a daemon? In that case you should probably look for the starting/ stopping arguments in /etc/init.d18:57
=== Meatball is now known as Mesyte
r3duxjet - I had to use EnvyNG to install a proprietery ATI drive in the same situation.18:57
helperhello i want to limit size of user kad. i don't know much on quota but where should i put max size for user kad ? which file ?18:57
r3duxjet - EnvyNG is in the repos18:58
ubuntunewbieMadpilot - Thank you the MD5 is wrong.  I will re-download the file and try again.18:58
gartralalright... dumb Q: how do i list running daemons?18:58
proqksbalaji: well don't let me stop you from backing up and upgrading then  :)18:58
r3duxgartral: ps18:58
matreya6helper, you can set quotas in user management18:58
s0u][ighthello, when i insert my sd card i get this (by dmesg) [ 2892.333241] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card18:58
Madpilotubuntunewbie, if you can, use BitTorrent to get the ISO. BT has built-in error checking as it downloads...18:58
ksbalajiproq, Now am too tired for testing OSs! Since Hardy has stabilised, I just would like to know whether going for Jaunty is advisable. How stable is Jaunty please?18:58
Kevin`exodus_ms: that works I suppose, saves me some time from downloading the alternate install cd18:59
gartralr3dux: no, it is not a daemon, but it does get started when i plug a flashdrive, or my dap in18:59
helpermatreya6, actually i didn't understand :(18:59
ela_my wireless is saying it is disabled but the switch is on...does anyone know how i can check if its a software problem?18:59
matreya6if you want to do it from the cmdline, try usermod18:59
proqksbalaji: jaunty works great here.. installed on three different machines and two vms18:59
erUSULela_: try doing "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"18:59
ela_thank you18:59
proqoops, I mean six machines18:59
r3duxA shortcut to that is "sudo ifup wlan0"19:00
exodus_msKevin`, sorry I couldn't be more help. Like I said, I looked into it but I was just too lazy to actually try it :P19:00
raztafariär det safe att börja köra 9.04 ?19:00
brassmasterr3dux:jet: proprietary driver dropped support for 9xxx x1xxx and x2xxx series.19:00
proqthree of them wouldn't work with 8.1019:00
ela_hmmm ...it says no such device19:00
ksbalajiproq, Ah! That sounds great. Have used earlier versions? fiesta, gutsy, hardy, intr..?19:00
brassmasterthat's the problem i'm having19:00
matreya6ksbalaji, if oyu need an ubuntu for a production environment, for instance a whole network of desktop PC's go for the LTS, currently 8.0419:00
brassmasteri had to use radeon19:00
brassmasterbut it breaks compiz19:00
proqksbalaji: yeah, ever since the first version19:00
r3duxbrassmaster: When you talk JET to me I'm thinking about Microsoft database engines....19:00
matreya6helper, if you want to do it from the cmdline, try usermod19:00
ksbalajiproq, Nice to hear it.19:01
proqI moved from yellow dog and red hat to ubuntu when it first came out19:01
brassmastersorry, i'm new to this19:01
brassmasteri was commenting on the suggestion you made to jet.19:01
TheFunkbombhey, how can I get rid of this PC beep?19:01
matreya6!swedish > raztafari19:01
ubotturaztafari, please see my private message19:01
r3duxbrassmaster: .. ah.. mis-read.19:01
ksbalajimatreya6, Yeah. Since the next LTS is just a few months away, I thought to go in for Jaunty from Hardy LTS 8.0419:02
gartralTheFunkbomb: google "ubuntu blacklist pc speaker"19:02
r3duxJust a few months away? 5 months away..19:02
luis_hey... how can i set my adobe reader to be the default pdf viewer??19:02
jonz!swedish > jonz19:02
ubottujonz, please see my private message19:02
matreya6ksbalaji, every new increment of a distro is bound to have *some* unfound bugs, so19:03
gartralTheFunkbomb: or you *could* also go in your machine and simply unplug it19:03
helpermatreya6, u mean create a user? or directory for home ?19:03
TheFunkbombI just got finished putting it together.  I'm not taking it apart again19:03
deanyany idea if they ext4 deleting big files bug is being worked on.19:03
ubuntunewbieMadpilot, thank you19:03
matreya6helper, with usermod you can adjust the rights and settings for users, you can for instance define the size of a homedir, yes...19:04
Madpilotluis_, right-click on a PDF, choose Properties, select the default opening app19:04
luis_Madpilot: thanks19:04
JC_Denton_when enabling compiz on 904 after upgrade alt+fx (1,2,3) shortcuts no longer work19:04
staticmatichow do you get to a bash prompt without starting x11?19:04
helpermatreya6,  i try don't find a option to define size . i try man usermod can u check it for min ?19:04
matreya6jonz, gee jonz are you telling yourself that you are using swedish? lol...19:05
bcmorr2staticmatic, on the login screen choose options/select session19:05
bcmorr2staticmatic, then load failsafe terminal19:05
ethana2I just downloaded sketchup, but when I double click the .exe it opens archive manager instead of offering to install WINE19:05
jonzhaha, just wanted to see what it did ;)19:05
thiebaudeim install 9.04 with the 9.04 live cd and im installing ext4 do i need to specify a mount point for / ?19:05
matreya6helper, sure...just a moment19:05
staticmaticcheers bcmorr219:05
helpermatreya6, thx19:05
ethana2Isn't 9.04 supposed to automatically install WINE?19:05
ksbalajiproq, By the way, When you clean install upgrades, how do you keep track of third party apps? I have a few. Also, how do you separate your home folders from being deleted? I never tried clean upgrades fearing losing data.19:05
erUSULethana2: never heard of that... just use synaptic19:05
bcmorr2ethana2, I don't think so but it's easily installed from your gui with the package selector19:05
ethana2I keep hearing about all these features in ubuntu that aren't there, like the 3d user picker, hopefully that'll come in 9.10..19:06
hbekelksbalaji: having /home on a seperate partition helps with that19:06
ksbalajimatreya6, thanks19:06
ethana2but I guess WINE is in main19:06
supersashohi.. how can i disassociate the *.exe file opening by wine?19:07
jonzsupersasho: System > Preferences > Preferred Applications, I believe19:07
* erUSUL wonders what else is going to use supersasho to open exe files19:08
ethana2same here19:08
burncloudsI have a GX630 and the brighteness controls do not work. Can any one help?19:08
ethana2well, mono uses .exe..  F-Spot is actually an .exe19:08
matreya6helper, here's some nice reading for you. It discusses Debian, but should work fine when the cmd-line commands are concerned: http://www.debianadmin.com/implement-and-manage-disk-quotas-in-linux.html19:08
ksbalajihbekel, that is it.  I tried understanding redirecting OS to switch homes. No use. I haven't enough stuff to convince OS!19:09
joerg1702Das ist ein Test19:09
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:09
bcmorr2#ubuntu-de I believe might be able to help you jeor19:09
joerg1702Bis dann19:09
supersashoerUSUL: i want them open just in terminal, not by doubleclicking on them...19:10
helpermatreya6, i check it . where i can specify the size here what i mean19:10
supersashojonz: nope, it's not there19:10
ethana2supersasho: why?19:10
krishmishhow can i add a windows xp machine to a ubuntu domain??19:10
ksbalajihbekel,  I tried understanding redirecting OS to switch homes. I haven't enough stuff to convince OS! Is there a plan for dummies in Jaunty to redirect /home?19:10
krishmishim unable to run the logon.cmd19:10
krishmishpls help19:11
hbekelksbalaji: i don't understand what you are saying19:11
Urviehheyho, if someone is willing to help me, i got the following problem http://nopaste.info/04165627c3.html when i try to "make" something....19:11
erUSULkrishmish: redirect /home ? please explain19:11
Urviehlooks like some problem with libtool, yet, i run the latest version and all that19:11
markl_our network connection has per-socket download limits.  is it possible to allow apt-get to download more than 1 file at a time per server?19:11
krishmisherUSUL: how can i add a windows xp machine to a ubuntu domain??19:11
krishmisherUSUL: can u give me some input?19:12
ksbalajihbekel, sorry. I mean, is there a provision in Jaunty which helps dummies like me to switch /home from default to another one elsewhere?19:12
erUSUL!samba | krishmish19:12
ubottukrishmish: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:12
erUSULksbalaji: redirect /home ? please explain19:12
bcmorr2erUSUL, he's wanting to put /home on a different partition I believe19:12
assiduoushow to upgrade firefox browser in jaunty?19:13
krishmisherUSUL:  how do i configure SWAT?19:13
erUSULUrvieh: do you have build-essential installed ?19:13
bcmorr2Urvieh, I sent you a query19:13
erUSULksbalaji: there are many good guides on the web to move home to a separate partition19:13
matreya6helper, edquota -u <username>19:14
deanybug 330824 (ext4 lockups when deleting files) says status:   New → Fix Released  . yet its still happening in rare occassions19:14
erUSULksbalaji: for example ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/19:14
ksbalajierUSUL, for example, there is a home folder in panel> places. It goes to /home/mynamefolder. I want it to point to myfolder elsewhere even if I clean upgrade.19:15
krishmisherUSUL: i followed the chapter u mantioned19:15
ksbalajierUSUL, thanks I shall try.19:15
krishmishi just installed a LAMP server19:15
macvrhi all... i'v been trying to install UBUNTU on an external drive for an old notebook, i used unetbootin , but i get an error ,> operating system not found... how do i make the drive bootable?19:15
helpermatreya6,  No filesystems with quota detected.19:15
alex12093hi, does anyone know why i can download my SVN without a username or password? (or if there is a good channel to ask)19:15
krishmisherUSUL:  and im right now trying to add a windows machine to the workgroup i made19:16
Kevin`what's the recommended windows cd burning program19:16
matreya6helper, true, but you should enable quota mgmt. for the filesystems first, as discussed in the Debian article I linked you to previously19:16
supersashoethana2: the question isn't why, it's how :) if you do know how to disassociate .exe from Wine, please let me know :)19:16
erUSULksbalaji: the home folder is a important building block of the linux model for handling users... why would you want it to poin to a random folder ??19:16
ethana2supersasho: I'm doing the exact opposite here...19:17
hggdhalex12093, probably because anonymous gets are allowed19:17
erUSULksbalaji: if you want easy access to some other folder from places just make a bookmark in nautilus19:17
ethana2Kevin`: Canonical should say.  In fact, Canonical should make one.19:17
bcmorr2macvr, are you using it as a hard disk install?19:17
ethana2Kevin`: I'll try to remember what I used..19:17
unixluserhello. any of you using rtorrent 0.8.4 and can help me out? my rtorrentrc is at http://pastebin.com/f69ae43d19:17
unixlusersymlink doesn't work19:17
ethana2Kevin`: I think I used this one: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm19:17
guntbertKevin`: this is the support channel for ubuntu, for windows ask in an appropriate channel please19:18
alex12093hggdh, do you know if that would that be something I'd change in apache, dav_svn or svn??19:18
bcmorr2macvr, you there?19:18
macvrbcmorr2: i want to install ubuntu for the other notebook19:18
bcmorr2macvr ok19:18
erUSULKevin`: infrarecorder is my personal choice GPL's and quite powerfull19:18
ethana2guntbert: how is he supposed to get ubuntu without a cd burner?19:18
bcmorr2macvr, if you're installing it on an external, I believe you're still going to need to make it a "hard drive" install on it19:18
ethana2guntbert: Canonical needs to tell people what cd burner to use 'cause little ol' windows doesn't come with basic functionality like that19:18
Kevin`ooh a gpl one for windows, didn't know there was one19:18
bcmorr2macvr, that way it installs a bootloader onto the external drive if you plan on it booting19:18
macvrbcmorr2: ok...19:18
ksbalajierUSUL, I am under the impression that a clean upgrade install will wipe off contents of home folder. Thats why I want to have a partition of home folder and a separate system folder for clean upgrades.19:19
bcmorr2macvr, I'm not 100% positive19:19
ethana2iso burner rather, it can burn other stuff I think19:19
macvrbcmorr2: how do i install a boot loader?19:19
bcmorr2macvr I've never used unetbootin to be honest19:19
guntbertethana2: Kevin`: sorry, I misinterpreted :-/19:19
bcmorr2macvr, but it sounds like you're missing a bootloader on your drive and you need one19:19
macvrbcmorr2: then how should i install>19:19
bcmorr2macvr, I might suggest grabbing the .iso from ubuntu.com, burning it and installing from it19:19
ethana2guntbert: I hear Vista doesn't come with a bittorent client yet either..19:20
=== GodFather_ is now known as GodFather
ethana2most people I convert have to install like two things before they even get ubuntu on a disc19:20
bcmorr2macvr, Probably not the most effiecent way to fix your problem, but it's the only way I know to help you19:20
macvrbcmorr2: i have the iso.. but that notebook doesnt boot from live usb !19:20
guntbertethana2: :-)19:20
matreya6Kevin`, I use ImgBurn through Wine because there is no real alternative for it yet, that runs natively in Linux/ Unix19:20
zicholäget Ax-Ax19:20
ethana2matreya6: brasero?19:20
bcmorr2macvr, is it possible that the bios doesn't support liveusb?19:20
Kevin`matreya6: what does imgburn do extra that you need to run it in wine?19:21
Ax-Axbra aså zicho19:21
luis_where can i ask questions about postgis?19:21
macvrbcmorr2: it seems so, even the usb dvd drive didnt work!19:21
joveare you still there iceroot ?19:21
supersashohi.. how can i disassociate the *.exe files to be opened by wine?19:21
Ax-Axzicho bra att höra19:21
hggdhalex12093, see (for example) http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir.ex-219:21
bcmorr2macvr, "Some computers, particularly older ones, may not have a BIOS that supports USB booting. Many which do support USB booting may still be unable to boot the device in question. In these cases a computer can often be "redirected" to boot from a USB device through use of an initial bootable CD or floppy disk. [1]"19:21
matreya6ethana2, No brasero can´t burn DVD Video and ask for a proper layer break for DL-disks. Brasero is much too limited for my goals19:21
hggdhalex12093, ideally, read it all ;-)19:22
alex12093hggdh, thank you19:22
matreya6!swedish > Ax-Ax19:22
ubottuAx-Ax, please see my private message19:22
ethana2matreya6: ah, so, nothing I'd be doing..19:22
bcmorr2macvr, perhaps you could look up more information on making one of the boot cds or boot floppys that will point to your usb device19:22
ksbalajierUSUL, Am I not right when I said that /home and sub folders will be cleaned when I go in for a clean upgrade installation?19:22
matreya6ethana2, ImgBurn is no general burner, it is quite specialized for DVD Video use.19:23
macvrbcmorr2: that might be the last thing ... but i want to see if i can install boot loader19:23
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
lovewhere are your do ?19:23
ethana2matreya6: all I ever burn is OS .iso files, that's it19:23
ethana2matreya6: I have many DVD .iso's I watch off my 1 TB hard drive19:23
tommaccoksbalaji: depends how you set up your hard disk, i have a separate ext3 partition that i always mount as /home and don't reformat on clean installs19:24
ethana2seek time is amazing when you don't have a physical DVD to slow you down19:24
matreya6ethana2, for ISO files, Brasero works just fine, as does most other burning program. It's basic fare really19:24
loveethana2> you take to with ?19:24
ethana2matreya6: yes19:24
ethana2love: what?19:24
bcmorr2macvr, I could instruct you on insuring your device has a bootloader if you were to install from the cd, but if you're looking to do it a different way it might help for you to find someone with a bit more knowledge of the program you're using19:24
r3duxI have 2TB of avis I stream through TwonkyMedia (app) to my XBox 360 - no need for .isos19:24
lovewhere are you come from ?hehe19:25
love<ethana2> where are you come from ?19:25
ethana2love: I recommend finding the ubuntu irc channel that corresponds to your native tongue, and I'd rather not say where I'm from19:25
matreya6r3dux, Avis, neh... I go for proper quality. Well, nevermind, too much offtopic anyway ;-)19:25
=== hubar_ is now known as hubar_AWAY
macvrbcmorr2: u mean the reinstall grub way?19:25
tekilawe are building a web site for a college and we need to include an online registration system in the website and we are using ubuntu server and we want some good softwares or tools that can help us19:25
bcmorr2macvr, it would be the only way I personally could help you19:26
loveiam in china ...that is a big home in here19:26
krishmisherUSUL:\\Ubuntu\netlogon\logon.cmd is not a valid Win32 application19:26
matreya6tekila, basic LAMP setup with some security patches should work just fine for your scenario19:26
ksbalajitommacco, that is why I want to know whether Jaunty has an easy provision for dummies like me to redirect /home from default to a new partition on clean installation.19:26
krishmishthats what it says19:26
r3duxmatrey - don't.... these avi's, although not in the right container -work-, and are top notch. No TS's, DVD encodes using h.264 and lame via handbrake19:26
macvrbcmorr2: i was wondering ... when i boot into the live cd, how do i force it to install on the external drive and not the internal drive?19:26
lovemacvr>,,you are creayz19:27
tekilawould you give us some more details please19:27
bcmorr2macvr, when you're setting up the partitions, there should be an option "use this whole device" I believe19:27
matreya6r3dux, I like fiddling around with DVD Menus, I make in such a way that they will run on a regular stand-alone DVD player19:27
bcmorr2macvr, and then you can select a device other than your hd19:27
JC_Denton_After upgrading to 904 my alt+f2 and alt+f2 bindings no longer work when using compiz19:27
Kevin`macvr: that's part of the install process, just use common sense and read what your doing19:27
macvrlove: my internal drive is fine the external deosnt have19:28
matreya6r3dux, ... I make >them< in such a ...19:28
macvrKevin`: i have differnt prob, pls follow the problem!19:28
bcmorr2macvr, is your external an option when you choose "use all of this device"19:28
helpermatreya6,  i did quotaon -a it work then i type quotaon -u /home/kad give me : quotaon: Mountpoint (or device) /home/kad not found or has no quota enabled.19:28
krishmishmacvr: help regarding server pls19:28
Kevin`macvr: you said you wanted to install to an external drive19:28
macvrbcmorr2: i tried that way but it wouldnt boot!19:28
r3duxdvd menus are an art... I'm just more interested in the films... though I teach multimedia design, so.. yeah, I like dvd menus, and design :)19:29
bcmorr2macvr, make sure in the last section there's an "advanced" tab19:29
bcmorr2macvr, make sure install bootloader is checked19:29
krishmishanyone help me with joining an xp machine to ubuntu server19:29
Kevin`macvr: if you already did the install and it won't boot, grub can get confused sometimes, just reinstall grub19:29
lovejust iam say .how is ubuntun new kernels is it ?19:29
bcmorr2macvr, and make sure you select to install it on the same drive that you installed ubuntu onto19:29
r3duxI'm going to bed, it's 4am...19:29
nicklas1hello, when using vpn with pptp in kvpnc, what is the port number being used for it?19:29
matreya6helper, actually the error message speaks for itself, check the part in the Debian Admin link that talks about fstab and settings there...19:29
juha1is threre some open-source program equal to ati ccc (catalys control center)? i cant use ati drivers, because there are out of support for x800 series cards, so i need to use open-source driver. the reason i need some thing like cc is, because i dont know how to handle tv-out, and that kinda stuff..19:29
Kevin`macvr: specifically, it will set up the device map wrong, often19:29
macvrbcmorr2:  ok.. will boot again and try to reinstall19:29
love<r3dux> are your in japan?19:30
Kevin`there's no need to spend the time reinstalling19:30
bcmorr2macvr, the advanced option is on the last page before actually installing19:30
Kevin`but whateve3r.19:30
bcmorr2macvr, and be sure to check where you're installing the bootloader to19:30
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD19:30
macvrbcmorr2: i hadnt checked that , i'll check... ok..i dont think i check bootloader... will get back after the install19:31
bcmorr2macvr, make sure it points to the external drive19:31
matreya6r3dux, Goodnight, お休みなさい19:31
macvrbcmorr2:  sure ... damn i totally forgot that step!!!19:31
=== rcc is now known as GodFather
macvrbcmorr2: brb...19:32
bcmorr2macvr, good luck19:32
vattshi there19:32
Kevin`bcmorr2: even if you do that, it won't boot almost all the time, because the disk order is different when actually booting from usb, and you have to set it manually. ymmv.19:32
krishmish\\Ubuntu\netlogon\logon.cmd is not a valid Win32 application...pls help!!!19:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp19:32
vanitais linux-hfsplus included with ubuntu 9.04?19:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pppd19:32
vattsi decided to check out if CD runs at my VBox, and it does... wtf?19:32
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:32
Cryptic_Donkey!hfsplus | vanita19:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hfsplus19:33
Cryptic_Donkey!hfs | vanita19:33
ubottuvanita: please see above19:33
Cryptic_Donkey!fuse | vanita19:33
ubottuvanita: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems19:33
vattswho would be able to tell me why does that computer a strike >.<19:33
bcmorr2Kevin`, If you're gonna be here a while I'm sure he'll be back, I was only able to tell him to the best of my ability how I would go about trying to fix it19:33
freddyis there a ubuntu offtopic?19:33
matreya6vanita, "apt-cache search linux-hfsplus" returns nothing, so I don't think it is included...19:34
bcmorr2Kevin`, Nobody else was offering help so I tried to, perhaps if he comes back you can help him19:34
Madpilotfreddy, #ubuntu-offtopic19:34
vanitawhen I booted ubuntu 9.04 it was able to read my hfs+ partitions19:34
nicklas1hello, when using vpn with pptp in kvpnc, what is the port number being used for it?19:34
karoon3dhelp me19:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:34
vanitaso I thought maybe it included it...19:34
xemacs4321how do i save running apllications with compiz, so when i login again it will restart them ?19:35
Kevin`vanita: include what, the filesystem driver, or apple's utilities for hfs+19:35
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support19:35
matreya6karoon3d, just ask what you want to know19:35
=== GodFather__ is now known as GodFather
vanitaI thought maybe ubuntu 9.04 hadthe ability to read hfs+ partitions out of the box19:35
usservanita, it does, you have to install hfsplus package19:36
Kevin`vanita: I don't see why they wouldn't include it. remind me to check in a few minutes19:36
vanitaok, thanks19:36
gartralwhere do i go to report a typo on help.ubuntu.com?19:36
Kevin`afaik you shouldn't need to install anything special19:36
Yuretsz1Does anybody know how to remove password request when my laptom wake up after sleeping?19:36
Picigartral: #ubuntu-doc sould be able to point you in the right direction19:37
matreya6vanita, please check my PM19:37
vattswhereis actionParsnip?19:37
gartralpici thx19:37
vatts$ whereis actionParsnip?19:37
alex12093anyone know a bit about trac login?19:40
painted82I'm using alternate 9.04 i386 ubuntu disk. The installer does ask me if I want to activate the raid set up, so it's detecting it. However, the partitioner is unable to access the raid partitions. And when I abort the installation and reboot, raid array fails and BIOS says "Missing Operating System" after POST. Raid array only sets up correctly after I do a complete shutdown and start up the computer again. I really want to use Ubuntu al19:40
=== ubuntu is now known as Fabien
Kevin`painted82: are you dual booting?19:41
=== Fabien is now known as Sunriseparadyse
painted82yes dual booting, kevin19:41
painted82already got windows 7 installed19:42
Kevin`ok, the issue is this19:42
titi__hi all jaunty now :::19:42
Kevin`onboard raid, like you are almost surely using, is managed entirely in software. by the bios and controller driver19:42
gartraltiti__: how is everything working19:42
titi__ok for now19:43
tehgargothwhat file should i edit to make something run when i log into gnome/xwin19:43
Kevin`painted82: ideally, in such a case, you would just use linux's software raid, but that's not compatible with windows. what you need to use is dmraid. that allows you to interpret most fakeraid on-disk formats and use19:43
titi__splash prog19:43
painted82kevin, i am using dmraid19:44
gartralis it safe to remove tracker19:44
painted82installer detects the raid array19:44
ac3I have an ext3 partition on an lvm2 disk (hardware raid5 arrray) which is running out of free space, when i add another disk array to the lvm and grow the ext3 partition. Will lvm first use the first array untill it is completely filled and then the second?19:44
ZzeissIs Emacs RMAIL mode broken?19:44
titi__was double os on mandriva !!!19:44
titi__now SINGLE !!!!19:44
ac3Or will lvm start striping between the 2 arrays?19:44
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:44
gartral!caps | titi__19:45
ubottutiti__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:45
Kevin`ac3: likely the first. you can tell it to do either, but it's a bit of a pain vs just letting it do whatever it wants for expanding19:45
titi__one f 219:45
maarten__do you know a nice news ticker program19:45
titi__such name ?19:45
Boski-PLHi all:-D I`m screwed, need some pro to help me: short description: raid 0 with XP, Ubuntu on ide hdd, number of ide hdds 3, bad things = I can`t boot  XP OS and XP installation  cd doesn`t recognize raid 0 set. Good thing somehow I`ve managed to mount raid 0 set in Ubuntu. Any1 feels like helping me? Thx in advance ;-)19:46
titi__lost many on windows fucked hijackthis19:46
ac3Kevin`: thx19:46
eseven73!ohmy | titi__19:46
ubottutiti__: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:46
titi__sorry just bored19:47
Kevin`Boski-PL: ##windows. what you need to do is provide the raid driver to the xp install though.19:47
Seeker`titi__: please stop19:48
jonz!coc > jz19:48
titi__what do you seek19:48
titi__salut yufei !!19:48
titi__trop top !!!!!19:49
alex12093thanks Pici19:50
matreya6Boski-PL, you can restore the Windows boot loader when booting from the Windows CDROM, dropping into command line mode and typing fdisk /mbr19:50
espereguany grub experts around? I get: find /boot/grub/stage119:50
espereguError 15: File not found19:50
esperegu(because I the install installed lilo I did a sudo apt-get install grub)19:50
titi__bad for discusing19:50
Kevin`esperegu: find grub/stage1. /boot might be seperate19:50
BilokShemi make brown water out of my anus19:50
titi__welcome ??? hmmm19:51
Armageddonis there any program, that could make ubuntu open on a windows domain ?19:51
aaron__eww Bilokshem19:51
Seeker`titi__: do you have a support question?19:51
Picititi__: This is a support channel, please try to keep it on topic.  #ubuntu-offtopic exists for discussion.19:51
matreya6!wubi > Armageddon19:52
ubottuArmageddon, please see my private message19:52
Cryptic_Donkeyn Armageddon You will need to install samba'19:52
titi__now simply happy19:52
aaron__I have trouble trying to get open gl to work19:52
aaron__on ubuntu.19:52
storrgie1E1705 with BCM4328, with 8.10 the broadcom STA driver works fine, however with 9.04 using the broadcom STA Driver allows me to see wireless networks, but it will not connect to them.19:52
aaron__I installed the legacy nvidia drivers.19:52
titi__it would be too long too ask19:52
D3RGPS31After startup, the screen goes blank, showing a deformed progress bar; computer freezes, so I can'19:52
Armageddonrephrasing: is there anyway we can make ubuntu login on a windows domain (username and password)19:52
=== Matt1360`Bed is now known as Matt1360`
titi__i m shy19:52
D3RGPS31t access a tty >.<19:52
aaron__that is in the dependencies.19:52
matreya6titi__, get to the point (!)19:53
espereguwhere to get the grub files??19:53
Armageddonmatreya6: i know wubi and its not wubi19:53
pepperjackesperegu: /boot/grub19:53
cgkadesanyone know the boot= paramater to get the live cd to only boot into the command prompt?19:53
titi__what you want me ???19:53
pepperjackesperegu: or do you mean install grub?19:53
hschhelp : how do I upgrade a certain package without upgrading all the others. cmdline?19:53
Seeker`titi__: please stop with the random messages, if you have a question, please ask it19:53
ArmageddonCryptic_Donkey: samba would help me configure ubuntu to login on a windows domain ? (username and password)19:53
esperegupepperjack: the install installed LILO. so I did apt-get install grub. but I have no /boot/grub dir19:53
sskroederHi all --- after upgrading to jaunty, my keyboard is wonky in X - everything works except the CTRL keys when they are pressed on their own (ALT+CTRL works)....  - I get the following output from xev when pressing CTRL19:53
baz_workanyone know of a good article explaining why ubuntu chose debian instead of another distro?19:54
matreya6Armageddon, what do you mean with "open" on a windows domain, could you be a bit  more specific?19:54
sskroederKeymapNotify event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x0,19:54
sskroeder    keys:  2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   019:54
sskroeder           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   019:54
esperegupepperjack: the install installed LILO. so I did apt-get install grub. but I have no /boot/grub dir19:54
FloodBot3sskroeder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:54
krishmish\\Ubuntu\netlogon\logon.cmd is not a valid Win32 application...anyone how to sort this??19:54
titi__too hard maybe19:54
Armageddonmatreya6: i already corrected it with login19:54
pepperjackesperegu: grub-install  but see this below19:54
DealerI downloaded some Nvidia drivers, and I need to shut down my Gnome to be able to install it, how do I do it? initd somethingsomething19:54
matreya6!pastebin > sskroeder,19:54
pepperjack!fixmbr | esperegu19:54
helpermatreya6,  give me error mount: /home/kad is not a block device19:54
ubottuesperegu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:54
helper  i want to mout user kad it's Directory /home/kad19:54
titi__like how recover many docs on win xp of sh..19:54
Kevin`krishmish: shouldn't it be .bat?19:54
zeehow do i hack wifi19:55
krishmishcryptic_donkey: same problem as armageddon19:55
zeewid ubuntu19:55
krishmishi donno Kevin19:55
esperegupepperjack: those restore things all restore grub in the bootloader. but I don't even have the /boot/grub dir19:55
Seeker`zee: Thats not really an approperiate question for here19:55
titi__test disk read losts partitions but too wormi think19:55
storrgie1E1705 with BCM4328, with 8.10 the broadcom STA driver works fine, however with 9.04 using the broadcom STA Driver allows me to see wireless networks, but it will not connect to them.19:55
* bc thinks the flood warning for 3 pasted lines is a little excessive19:55
krishmishkevin: could u help me sort out this?19:55
jbrewster_has anyone tried ldap client authentication with ubuntu 9.04 authenticating against open ldap? I cannot seem to get it to work. Tried many variations and the along with the documentation from this page and I still cannot even run getent group properly against my ldap server. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication#Configuration19:55
krishmishi installed a LAMP19:55
krishmishkevin: i installed a lamp with GUI19:56
matreya6helper, could you pastebin a summary what you have done before you got this error?19:56
samba_!lspci | samba_19:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci19:56
titi__thousands xls macro & povray grrrr19:56
krishmishkevin:  with ubuntu desktop and apache sql and php19:56
samba_in which package is lspci ?19:56
titi__format all the time with !!!!19:56
nmvictoris their a network monitoring terminal utility out their?19:56
alex12093does anyone know if i'd have to do anything to secure my Trac beyond protecting it with apache? (https)19:56
Kevin`samba_: pciutils19:56
zeetell me19:57
D3RGPS31After startup, the screen goes blank, showing a deformed progress bar; computer freezes, so I can't access a tty19:57
titi__dont know how could he read all thoses partitions ???19:57
FloodBot3zee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
sskroederCTRL key (alone) not working in X - see Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167077/19:57
matreya6!punctuation > titi__19:57
ubottutiti__, please see my private message19:57
ArmageddonCryptic_Donkey: at our univerity, they have a windows server, which windows clients login on certain domains (each one of us has a domain name and a password) to be able to be used, we would like to install ubuntu and make it work on that domain, is there a way ?19:57
Pici!english > titi__19:57
helperi add in /etc/fstab UUID=243D-6C38  /home/kad  ext3  suid,dev,defaults,exec,kad  0  1 and try to quotacheck -avugm give this19:57
Pici!patience | zee19:57
ubottuzee: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:57
matreya6Pici, Yess... that's agood one :-)19:57
Soren_I am using CD/DVD creator to burn 700mb on a CD..............it counted down too quickly from 7min to 4min when it got to 4/5 done. Now it is at the same spot ant it has counted up tp 26min..... Suggestions?19:58
zeehow can i hack wifi19:58
krishmishkevin: u there>19:58
Picizee: We do not support that here.19:58
Ciroszee: nobody here will tell you.19:58
Kevin`Armageddon: what resources do you need to use on the domain? or are you on the network admin side and just want authentication for a bunch of desktops19:58
Seeker`zee: You have been told already, thats not a suitable question for this channel19:58
zeetell me19:58
zeeits mine19:58
jbrewster_any body know how to setup ldap client authentication?19:58
zeei forgot my password dats all19:58
esperegupepperjack: will install grub create the stage1 file?19:58
jbrewster_with 9.0419:58
storrgie1Soren_: its a known issue with brasero that it wont normalize tracks right now19:58
titi__kiss a bot gasp19:59
matreya6Armageddon, if you want authentication, LDAP is great for that19:59
zeeso tell me19:59
Seeker`zee: In that case, reset the router19:59
Ciroszee:  if it is yours, reset your router to factory default19:59
pepperjackesperegu: i believe grub-install will but to be honest i'm unsure. if not maybe a sudo dpkg-reconfigure19:59
ArmageddonKevin`: that's how the system works, me and a bunch of guys would like to install ubuntu on a system and test it, maybe we can have a lab with more then 10 pcs with ubuntu on them19:59
Soren_storrgie1, so kill the burn and use a different program?19:59
jbrewster_i will try armagenddon haven't tried that19:59
storrgie1Soren_: well is it just saying 'normalizing'? what is it doing?19:59
Armageddonand ubuntu needs to LOGIN on the domain name and its password19:59
Kevin`Armageddon: well, I know it's possible to authenticate against AD directly, but i've never done it, so I won't be much help other then that19:59
titi__have you heard about slakeware ?20:00
sysdocnmvictor, look into Nagios20:00
jbrewster_i am trying to authenticate agains a gentoo server running open ldap20:00
WebGuestjust noticed my wifi connection (which is so slow) is using the wrong primary dns address. how do i edit this in gnmoe?20:00
ArmageddonKevin`: can you point me to the right way ?20:00
WebGuestgnome even20:00
pronoyare the ntfs experts here ?20:00
D3RGPS31How do I repair my ubuntu machine if it crashes with X, I have no external media, and GRUB is without the recovery option listed20:01
alex12093how easy would it be to use iptables to restrict access to my linux server to accept ssh login from just my geographical region?20:01
Soren_storrgie1, in the window - Braser-Burning Disc - Estimating time remaining 28min - Creating image checksum - Estimated drive speed ____20:01
Kevin`Armageddon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryHowto20:01
jbrewster_I am not using active directory20:01
jbrewster_open ldap20:01
storrgie1Soren_: well im not exactly sure about that problem, but I know if you go under plugins and uncheck the normalizations that will solve issues with audio disks20:01
matreya6pronoy, check out this channel: #ntfs20:01
=== alan__ is now known as Yufei
ArmageddonKevin`: thank you20:01
pronoy<matreya6> thanks20:02
matreya6pronoy, np20:02
esperegupepperjack: I get /dev/mapper/main-root64 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.20:02
zeeany gals here20:02
=== chris_ is now known as cNeS
Soren_storrgie1, this is a data CD, is it the same procedure? can I di that on the fly, or do I need to kill the burn?20:03
DrikanGnea: hey man you round got some more info on that issue20:03
prefrontal_homewhere is my $JAVA_HOME on ubuntu?20:03
storrgie1Soren_: if its a data CD then its not normalization as the issue20:03
storrgie1Soren_: sorry20:03
Seeker`zee: Thats not a suitable question for this channel20:03
matreya6!offtopic > zee20:03
ubottuzee, please see my private message20:03
* Soren_ cries20:03
nmvictorsysdoc: thanks20:03
pepperjackesperegu: thats a new one on me sorry20:03
hareldvdAt boot log (Alt-Ctrl-F8) I see the warning: * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions - Any idea?20:03
matreya6prefrontal_home, which version of Java do you have installed?20:03
unitedpotsmokershey guys, if i format my external hard drive to ext3 file system, what happen when i plug it to windows xp? can windows xp read my hard drive?20:04
WebGuesthow do you edit wifi connection settings under gnome?20:04
Soren_is there a better/different CD/DVD burner for ISO images?20:04
prefrontal_homematreya, latest jaunty pkg20:04
mikechelenany way to increase mouse sensitivity past maximum?20:04
laclassehareldvd, pulse runs per user session and not as a system service20:04
matreya6unitedpotsmokers, there is a freeware module that will do just that...just a moment...20:04
laclassepotentially there is an init script launching it as root ...20:04
hareldvdlaclasse, Can I remove it from update-rc?20:04
Kevin`unitedpotsmokers: you need to install a driver or app to read it, but it's possible20:05
matreya6unitedpotsmokers, http://www.fs-driver.org/20:05
D3RGPS31unitedpotsmokers: Ext2Fsd20:05
laclassehareldvd, yes, as the pulse session will be started by your gnome session20:05
prefrontal_homeunitedpotsmokers, i just wanted to type your name20:05
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mpontilloWebGuest: right click the network manager applet in the top right corner of your screen, click "edit connections", and take a look at the "wireless" tab20:05
ZzeissIs there anybody here who is using Emacs RMAIL?20:05
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marcoposso fare una domanda20:05
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pepperjackSoren_: generally for all bells and whistles people prefer k3b20:05
=== Mohero|pub is now known as Mohero
mfdavidhail all. Im trying to connect to my ubuntu machine using ssh and I would like to use "links2 -g" to browser under ssh with framebuffer. Is this possible somehow?20:05
Soren_pepperjack, tyvm20:05
tehgargothi know this is an easy question, what file should i add a script i want to run when i login to gdm20:06
pronoywhat is the name of the irc client whose interface is like the terminal ?20:06
hareldvdunitedpotsmokers, Unless you find an offline utility that can use the disk ext3 us not usable on XP.20:06
storrgie1E1705 with BCM4328, with 8.10 the broadcom STA driver works fine, however with 9.04 using the broadcom STA Driver allows me to see wireless networks, but it will not connect to them.20:06
sskroederAfter Jaunty upgrade, CTRL key not sending a key event in X (works in VT1) - xev output in http://paste.ubuntu.com/167077/ - is there anywhere I can check for faulty keyboard config?? (I've checked settings->keyboard and settings->keyboard shortcuts)20:06
matreya6hareldvd, that's not true...20:06
marcoil canale italiano20:06
pronoy!it | marco20:06
ubottumarco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:06
enzotib!it | marco20:06
pepperjackmrlolplx: im not sure.  wouldnt it be easier to use x forwarding?20:06
pepperjackmfdavid: ^20:06
pronoytehgargoth: rc.loca20:07
WebGuestmpontillo, it only shows me name, bssids, last used and security. i want to alter the primary dns details20:07
pronoytehgargoth: rc.local20:07
mfdavidpepperjack: probably. I was just wondering.20:07
prefrontal_homematreya6, http://pastebin.ca/raw/141669820:07
tehgargothpronoy: not when i boot, when i login to xwindows20:07
prefrontal_home(that is my list of java pkgs)20:07
hareldvdlaclasse, is the pulsaudio also responsible to initial channels volume levels and mutes?20:07
pronoytehgargoth: no no that's for boot20:07
laclassehareldvd, nope20:07
laclassehareldvd, thats alsa20:08
pepperjackmfdavid: its an interesting idea im just not sure how youd go about it20:08
tehgargothpronoy: ya i knew that one, i admin linux web servers just know nothing about xwindows20:08
anodesniAnybody used pSX here?20:08
laclassepulse is _only_ a wrapper to the underlying audio system20:08
hareldvdmatreya6, Did you get ext3 to be "mounted" by XP?20:08
mpontilloWebGuest: did you click the "IPv4 Settings" tab after editing the connection? you can cloose "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" and then edit the DNS details if you like20:08
{127hello, is there any repository where I can get kopete-cryptography for kde 4.2.3? it is not in kubuntu-ppa yet :-(20:08
matreya6unitedpotsmokers, hareldvd , http://www.fs-driver.org/  works, but does not support rights and yes, it allows you to mount Ext3-drives20:08
laclasseit allows to control the mixer, but you will want the audio backend (alsa / oss etc ) to restore mizer settings and unmute, then you want pulse session20:09
pronoywhat is the name of the irc client whose interface is like the terminal ?20:09
mfdavidpepperjack: there are some really cool app I can run using ssh, like irssi, mutt, nrss, .. if I could get a browser with graphics, I could use it almost like a complete computer hehe20:09
hareldvdlaclasse, can you explain then why I have this problem?20:09
hareldvdmatreya6, Thanks. Most interesting.20:09
tehgargothpronoy ircii?20:09
anodesniDoes anybody used playstation 1 emulator pSX?20:09
laclassehareldvd, the init script launch as root ?20:09
D3RGPS31How do I enter recovery mode from GRUB when it's not listed; (what do i enter)20:09
pronoytehgargoth: ircii or irssi ?20:10
Kevin`D3RGPS31: c20:10
Seeker`pronoy: irssi is the oneI use20:10
tehgargothpronoy: i remember using ircii and bitchx back in the day20:10
Kevin`D3RGPS31: or do you mean, 'single'20:10
D3RGPS31Kevin`: single20:10
hareldvdlaclasse, you mean alsa?seems I have alsa-utils in /etc/init.d20:10
pronoySeeker`: is its interface like the terminal ?20:10
Seeker`pronoy: yes20:10
Brewsteranyone use ldap client authentication with 9.04 release against open ldap?20:10
xemacs4321tehgargoth, i rember punch cards20:11
laclassehareldvd, try this as root: alsactl restore20:11
hareldvdlaclasse, and it is owned by root.20:11
Seeker`pronoy: google for it20:11
Kevin`D3RGPS31: just add it to the end of the line and press b20:11
laclassehareldvd, alsa -> back end ausio, needs access to hw -> root20:11
prefrontal_homematreya6, i discovered that the command `locate /rt.jar' shows you your JAVA_HOME20:11
pronoySeeker`: thanks20:11
D3RGPS31Kevin`: 'single'?20:11
laclassehareldvd, pulse -> wrapper to audio back end - > user land -> per session -> non root20:11
Brewsterthe documentation I have found does not work thus far20:11
Kevin`D3RGPS31: without the ''20:11
D3RGPS31Kevin`: ofcourse without the '20:11
laclassehareldvd, ok ?20:11
D3RGPS31Kevin`: thank you20:11
chazcoHi... does anyone know how to use a panning resolution? ie, 1024x768 on a 1024x60020:12
Vestahi guys.  I seem to have lost the bar at the top of the screen, where you start apps.  any idea how I can get it back, other than reinstalling? :)20:12
brassmasterhas anyone here using a radeon r400 r500 or r600 series video card had problems with compiz after upgrading to 9.04?20:12
laclasseVesta, right click on the bottom bar, and pick 'add panel'20:12
pronoyVesta: the panel you mean ?20:12
laclasseVesta, however try logging in and ack of gnome to make sure it has really disapper before you are adding one20:12
Kevin`Vesta: you could remove the gnome-related config stuff from your home dir20:13
zeecan any1 help me find out da password for my wifi20:13
Kevin`Vesta: the panel settings are per-user20:13
zeepm me20:13
Vestalaclasse, thanks but  I don't have that one either.  I tried taking off pulseaudio to fix a sound issue, it took ubuntu-netbook-remix with it, and then the bar went20:13
matreya6prefrontal_home, nice to see that you have figured it out yourself. I suspect there is also an evironment variable that will tell you exactly the same, but there are more roads that lead to Rome ;-)20:13
laclasseVesta, apt-get install gnome-panel -y20:13
Brewsternobody uses ldap?20:13
brassmasteranyone using a radeon 9xxx, x1xxx, or x2xxx in 9.04 with compiz?20:13
Ciroszee: we told you, if the router is yours and you forgot your password for it, reset it to factory defaults(use google to find out how) and then re-setup your router.20:14
brassmasterand if so, have you had any problems?20:14
noobbrassmaster: x1400... huge problems of random x restarts20:15
pronoyi have the sun-java60jre debian package and  it requires the download of the bin package too......if i download that too how can i make them install simultaneously ?20:15
Soren_if I want to install k3b and open Syanptic Package Manager.......and quick search "k3b"............ how many of those found should be installed? "k3b"? "k3b-i18n"? "k3b-data"? "libk3b3"? ........and more?20:15
leichmanin 9.04 is it possible to swap out monitors without having to manually exit the xfree.conf file?20:15
Seeker`zee: For the last time; we won't help you hack your wifi20:15
brassmasternoob: The reason i'm asking is that i'm running an x1600 with 9.04 and under compiz i have no window borders20:15
hareldvdlaclasse, is there an alsa process I should look for and see which user is on it?20:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-panel20:15
laclasseSoren_, pick k3b only, the rest will be pulled during depandancy check, if necessary20:16
thiebaudeanyone have a link for 2.6.30 rc kernels?20:16
garym9.04-alt doesn't do upgrades via boot, it's not an option.  does the desktop edition?  8.10 gnome bug crashed 9.04 45min before end and now the laptop won't startx or mount the CD20:16
Soren_laclasse, ty20:16
laclassehareldvd, what for? ;)20:16
pronoyi have the sun-java60jre debian package and  it requires the download of the bin package too......if i download that too how can i make them install simultaneously ?20:16
glock7question, if i want files to be created with setgid and have the file be writable, how to i achieve this20:16
laclassehareldvd, whats your problem really ? no sound ?20:16
noobbrassmaster: i have window borders.. have u tried reloading the window manager/ changing it to metacity?20:16
GodfatherofEireAnybody have any luck getting aMule to recieve a high-ID status?20:16
brassmasteri have window borders with metacity.20:16
sysdocVesta, you can reset gnone panels to default20:16
brassmasternot with compiz.20:16
Vestalaclasse, I've done that through ctrl+alt+f1.  should I restart to see anything change?20:17
Soren_you are wise, it chose 13 of them20:17
brassmasternoob: my compiz window decorator is set to emerald20:17
hareldvdlaclasse, Problem is every boot audio volume resets so master is set on 0 and muted.20:17
noobbrassmaster: ati sucks!20:17
Vestasysdoc, ooh... how can I do that? :)20:17
Soren_oops 1220:17
brassmasternoob: thanks20:17
hateballpronoy: sun java is in the repos you know20:17
noobbrassmaster: EMERALD IS OLD,.... TRY COMPIZ20:17
rob0917what is an open source alternative to quicktime,flash and java jre?20:17
laclasseVesta, try a reboot ;)20:17
pronoyhateball: unable to satisfy dependecies due to lack of resources.....so need the debian package installation solution20:18
brassmasternoob: Okay...you do realize that emerald and compiz do entirely different things, right?20:18
Vestathanks.  brb :)20:18
GodfatherofEireAnybody have any luck getting aMule to recieve a high-ID status?20:18
laclassehareldvd, ah ok20:18
hbekelGodfatherofEire: that's explained all over the net20:18
deanyapart from glabels, is there any good cd/dvd cover printing software? or is it coverxp wine for me20:18
Picinoob: the x1400 works fine if you use the open source driver20:18
Brewsterget more resources20:18
laclassehareldvd, try this: alsamixer (as root)20:18
sysdocVesta, I have a couple of links, I'll pm them to ya20:18
bharaniI am not able to play Texas Holdem' Poker in facebook in Firefox in Ubuntu.. Any idea why??20:18
matreya6GodfatherofEire, I have, it's a matter of configuring your NAT the right way.20:18
Kevin`rob0917: java jre is open source. quicktime, there's tons of video formats available20:18
GodfatherofEirehbekel, I know, and I've tried most ways20:18
laclassehareldvd, set the volumes you need, quit with 'ESC' then do as root: alsactl store20:18
noobbrassmaster: ya ... i know... but emerald is just old20:18
brassmasterPici: are you running an x1400 with the open source driver?20:18
Picibrassmaster: I am.20:18
noobPici: x1400 gives me random x restarts20:19
leichmanin 9.04 is it possible to swap out monitors without having to manually exit the xfree.conf file?20:19
laclassethis should store alsa mixer settings to system20:19
brassmasterPici: do you use compiz and do you get window borders when you do?20:19
noobPici:  with ati drivers20:19
Picibrassmaster: Yes and yes.20:19
deanyleichman,  xorg.conf isnt used. its all auto20:19
hareldvdlaclasse, did the alsactl store20:19
rob0917can you give ma some examples-kevin20:19
hbekeldeany: it's used if it's there20:19
laclassehareldvd, and on reboot,mizer settings are still not restored and still muted ?20:19
brassmasterPici: interesting. do you have any special options in your xorg.conf or is it the standard automatic settings?20:20
deanyhbekel, of course.. but its empty a lot of the time.20:20
Kevin`rob0917: xvid/mpeg4 is populer, or mpeg4/avc (h.264) for even lower bandwidth usage..20:20
noobbrassmaster: even i use compiz, but not emerald themes..20:20
hareldvdlaclasse, So it seems. I guess I'll have to reboot to see if it got better.20:20
Picibrassmaster: Just the automatic settings.  Make sure that you don't have xorg-driver-flgrx installed.20:20
pronoypici: is there a way to install java-jre package offline having the bin package too....... ?20:21
rob0917thank you20:21
KartagisI am stuck at 800x600, so I was suggested to add the line Driver          "openchrome" to xorg.conf. but it's still the same20:21
leichmandeany: i thought so...but when i swap monitors from a crt to an lcd i get input not supported on the lcd20:21
brassmasternoob: If you knew what was going on, you would realize that emerald is a more flexible window decorator than the default. It's not old and busted, it's the new hotness.20:21
Vestano luck with the reboot, still no panels (20:21
noobPIci... need help with installing ubuntu on an external drive for a different machine... which is best?20:22
pronoypici: is there a way to install java-jre package offline having the bin package too....... ?20:22
GodfatherofEirehbekel & matreya6, care to lend a hand, cause I'm pretty sure all the ports are forwarded properly20:22
noobbrassmaster: i have used emerald... anyway ur choice20:22
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
pronoyPici: is there a way to install java-jre package offline having the bin package too....... ?20:22
sysdocVesta, see pm20:22
blip-Hi all,  I'm running ubuntu 8.10... I heard that there will be no more functionality updates at this point but only updates for important stuff such as security.  I've noticed that the backports repo regularly get updated with new gimp, new KDE4 stuff, new etc....     Is it theoretically less safe to enable and install stuff from this repo ?   do things often break in your experience ?    thanks20:23
brassmasternoob: perhaps you're thinking of beryl?20:23
laclassehareldvd, what sound chip btw?20:23
MakuseruHi, I upgraded to 9.04 from 8.04 lastnight and I cant set any resolution higher than 1024x768. When I was using 8.04 I used a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that let me force a larger resolution, but that program is no longer in 9.04.Does anyone know any other program, or any other way to force a larger resolution?20:24
GodfatherofEirehbekel & matreya6, care to lend a hand, cause I'm pretty sure all the ports are forwarded properly20:24
ksbalajihow to find the kernel version used by me from terminal?20:24
anodesniksbalaji, uname -r20:24
guntbertPici: did you remove flgrx *before* upgrading to jaunty?20:24
alex12hi guys, ive recently installed ubuntu 9.04 on a g3 dl360 server with a i5 raid card ... 2 x 72 u320 scsi disks ... and im noticing a very high iowait times doing simple tasks, the system seems very sluggish and impossible to multitask .... ive read around this may have something to do with the latest kernel running at the moment? any recommendations on understanding a very high iowait time?20:24
happosadeWhy my nl -s *from* *to* says, that some file exitits?20:25
hareldvdlaclasse, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW20:25
brassmasterguntbert: I think you're talking to me, and yes, i did.20:25
happosadeAnd won't do the job20:25
happosade!foobar > me20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about foobar20:25
Kevin`happosade: ln -s destination source20:25
Daniel591992hey, can someone help me remove this drive http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/8283/screenshotm.png20:25
happosade*sorry. I used it ln. Just typoing.20:25
Kevin`happosade: makes more sense if you realize source is optional20:25
laclassehareldvd, snd_hda then ?20:26
evanrmurphyCan anyone tell me how to make XChat (really XChat-GNOME) remember my registered nickname's password...20:26
rob0917is there anything in linux that will do the same thing as directx?20:26
evanrmurphy...so that I don't have to /msg nickserv identify every time?20:26
hareldvdlaclasse, That's what I remember.20:26
Kevin`rob0917: that's easy, opengl20:26
pronoyevanmurphy edit the channel preference20:26
hbekelGodfatherofEire: nc -l -p <port> and check from the outside with sth like http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/20:26
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brassmasterrob0917: Probably more along the lines of SDL if you want an all encompassing graphics and audio solution20:27
ksbalajianodesni, ah! thanks now, is 2.6.24-24-generic faulty? it is slow to open apps. The display is slow, sound is not continuous? help?20:27
laclasseevanrmurphy, Xchat -> network list -> edit server / channel,  one before last entry: server password20:27
Kevin`rob0917: also, sdl, for some of the less-common input type stuff20:27
anodesniDaniel591992, sudo rm -rf "/media/My Book", but be careful with that since it removes everything in the folder!20:27
lkusmiris there any console (mc like preferably) rsync client?20:27
noobPici: i got logged out did u say anything?20:27
anodesniksbalaji, maybe a driver problem20:27
guntbertbrassmaster: no, I was intentionally asking Pici (I haven't upgraded yet), but your answer tells me that it should be done this way, thx20:27
Kevin`rob0917: both of those work on windows too btw20:27
GodfatherofEirehbekel, odd, I've forwarded both the ports but their externally registering as closed20:28
brassmasterguntbert: I see. sorry about that.20:28
liquidplayhi, has anybody managed to get 1024x600 frame buffer console on a netbook?20:28
anodesniksbalaji, what are your hardware specs20:28
ksbalajianodesni, driver not going smooth with kernel? sometimes a kernel update gives this.20:28
guntbertbrassmaster: np :-)20:28
hbekelGodfatherofEire: you need some program to listen to those ports on your machine, of course20:28
GodfatherofEirehbekel, there are20:28
brassmasterguntbert: out of curiosity, what card are you using?20:28
Daniel591992@anodesni, worked like a charm. Thanks!20:28
alex12hi guys, ive recently installed ubuntu 9.04 on a g3 dl360 server with a i5 raid card ... 2 x 72 u320 scsi disks ... and im noticing a very high iowait times doing simple tasks, the system seems very sluggish and impossible to multitask .... ive read around this may have something to do with kernels post 2.6.18++ ... should i downgrade my kernel? any recommendations on why this machine is bogged down with high iowait?20:28
rob0917kevin,how doi get opengl?20:28
ksbalajianodesni, how to get hw specs for you?20:28
hbekelGodfatherofEire: then they're not forwarded correctly20:29
laclassehareldvd, have a look there, it is quite complete: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html20:29
hbekelGodfatherofEire: maybe they're blocked by the firewall of your box as well?20:29
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anodesniksbalaji, don't you know them? Your processor and ram for example?20:29
nexus10Hi. I'd like to install postgresql 7.x on a Hardy machine; please can anyone advise how to find which 7.x releases are available for me to apt-get?20:29
neptunepinkHallo, I had to mount an FS on /tmp, what arguments do I put to chmod for it?20:29
garymrescue doesn't see my disks, yet I can still boot; does the 8.10 alt CD  offer an 'upgrade' option?20:29
GodfatherofEireI'll try again, but I've forwarded ports before, but this is the first time I've run into a problem20:29
GodfatherofEirehbekel, I've gone so far as to shut off all the firewalls, and still no luck20:30
evanrmurphylaclasse, is Xchat one of the main menus in XChat proper? maybe I should try that instead of XChat-GNOME, what do you think?20:30
guntbertbrassmaster: ati x1300 in a lenovo t60, and until now I'm using fglrx (mainly because of the ability to reduce the GPU frequency with aticonfig)20:30
ksbalajianodesni, mine is intel dual core 2.8 cpu, 1GB ram.20:30
laclasseevanrmurphy, i think YES ;)20:30
Kevin`rob0917: if you want to develop for it, which i'm assuming, you really should look on the opengl web site. then install the libraries you will need from aptitude or synaptic. install the -dev packages btw20:30
anodesniksbalaji, that is more than enough20:30
laclasseXchat-GNOME is only younger, buggier and with less functionality, isn't it ?20:30
brassmasterguntbert: ah, okay.20:30
noobguntbert: how are u using fglrx?20:30
Kevin`rob0917: if your not developing for it, it will be installed automatically when you install something that needs it20:31
evanrmurphylaclasse: I'll try that. Thank you!20:31
ksbalajianodesni, but after the kernel update, I find my display and sound slow.20:31
laclasseevanrmurphy, np20:31
anodesniksbalaji, try to start "top" in terminal and see if a program uses much CPU time20:31
deanyI dont see any point in xchat-gnome myself.20:31
brassmasterrob0917: If you're looking to learn how to develop for it, you might try a site like this one: http://nehe.gamedev.net/20:31
Dracofodderis there an ubuntu repo available with pidgin precompiled with the encryption plugins?20:31
rob0917you've been a big help-thanks20:31
anodesniksbalaji, you could consider booting from the last kernel20:31
ksbalajianodesni, let me try.20:31
guntbertnoob: I'm still on hardy, so it was with "hardware drivers"20:31
evanrmurphypronoy: Thanks, I'm going to try installing XChat instead of XChat-GNOME.20:31
garymdidn't previous installers recognize an existing ubuntu and offer to upgrade instead?20:31
Kevin`rob0917: np20:31
Crash1hdHmm can anyone walk me through creating a ssl x11vnc connection between windows and ubuntu?20:32
Cirosevanrmurphy:  that's what I did.. haha20:32
noobguntbert: hardy ati was awesome... jaunty + ati horrible!20:32
ksbalajianodesni, too much info for me to digest.20:32
pronoyevanmurphy: good luck with that20:32
brassmasterCrash1hd: which way?20:32
Cirospronoy:  it isnt that hard really.20:32
deanyDracofodder, apt-get install pidgin-encryption  ?20:32
Kevin`noob: the latest shiny ALWAYS breaks amd's proprietary video drivers20:32
Crash1hdbrassmaster: connecting to ubuntu from windows20:32
deanyDracofodder, why pre-compiled?20:32
guntbertnoob: thats why I'm still on hardy :-)20:32
grkblood13im in the process of resolving a very painful experience with 8.10 and dont want to repeat so what is the most stable/bug free version of ubuntu currently?20:32
laclasseCrash1hd, install NX / no machine20:33
laclassemuch faster20:33
pronoyCiros: hard.. ?20:33
laclasseand default to SSL20:33
ksbalajianodesni, I see four color charts in four rows with many columns.20:33
anodesniksbalaji, just look under %CPU at the first process and see how much cpu it uses and what process it is under COMMAND20:33
noobKevin`: a lesson learnt!!!20:33
garymgrkblood13: seems like 8.0420:33
brassmasterCrash1hd: do you really need full desktop access or just access to graphical programs?20:33
Cirospronoy:  to install actual xchat, not the gnome xchat20:33
Dracofodderdeany:  I pulled the source, and it isn't recognizing where pidgin is located.20:33
laclasseCrash1hd, free edition / dll here: http://www.nomachine.com/20:33
grkblood13ok, so dont use 9 then20:33
Dracofodderdeany: when I try to compile it20:33
deanyjaunty has the latest... why compile20:33
Kevin`noob: if you don't need 3d, seriously consider using ati/radeonhd instead of fglrx. it doesn't break ;p20:34
Crash1hdbrassmaster: would like full desktop but what where you thinking re just graphical prog?20:34
deanyand when jaunty doesnt, getdeb.net has20:34
Kevin`noob: also supports 3d for some older cards20:34
pronoyCiros: oh...i just wished him luck out of good will :) didn't mean it was hard...its easy.....lol20:34
backslash7I use two displays with different sizes. How do I set a wallpaper to show up on both?20:34
hbekelGodfatherofEire: no idea then, sorry20:34
backslash7Can I set a wallpaper for each screen?20:34
Cirospronoy:  LOL aassh I misunderstood :P   hehe20:34
mzzyou want radeon or radeonhd instead of fglrx for a growing range of cards if you're using xserver 1.6 (the one in jaunty)20:34
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brassmasterCrash1hd: Graphical access to linux machines is most intuitive when you tunnel an X connection over ssh imho.20:34
noobKevin`: i want 3d... :( will try to wait it out... or if it bugs me too much then back to hardy!20:35
hbekelGodfatherofEire: have you tried using port numbers different from amule's defaults?20:35
evanrmurphyCiros: Glad to know I'm not the first! :D20:35
backslash7I use two displays with different sizes. How do I set a wallpaper to show up on both?20:35
backslash7Can I set a wallpaper for each screen?20:35
Kevin`where can I get a list of md5sums for the install isos20:35
GodfatherofEirehbekel, tried, with little success20:35
CirosI found if I upgraded 8.10 to 9.04 and I had fglrx already installed, and didnt remove it, the upgrade worked fine, as long as I didnt remove pkgs o.O20:35
Crash1hdbrassmaster: ahh how would I do that?20:35
GodfatherofEirestill low-ID20:35
anodesniksbalaji, I recommend to just use the previous kernel. Reboot and choose from the grub boot menu the previous kernel version.20:35
deanyKevin`, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes20:35
Dracofodderdeany: .. well well , is that typical on ubuntu? If you can't see it in add/remove programs, or synaptic, you should go command line one the likely package?20:36
liquidplayHi, how can I set up 1024x600 resolution for fb console?20:36
Kevin`deany: ty20:36
GodfatherofEirehbekel, do you use it/if so what ports?20:36
Dracofodderdeany:  that was exactly what I needed.. nic easy way to add encryption plugins... Thanks!20:36
laclasseliquidplay, i tend to remeber that fb console will only  do 4:3 ratio resolutions20:36
laclassecould be mistaken tho20:37
noobcan any one help me install ubuntu on an external drive meant for another netbook?20:37
deanyDracofodder, if its in the repo, its viewable in synaptic. "Provides transparent encryption to all protocols supported by Pidgin"20:37
hbekelGodfatherofEire: been a long while since i used it, but as far as i remember i just used the default ports, setup nat for them in my router and opened them in my local firewall20:37
Kevin`noob: .20:37
GodfatherofEirehbekel, is it possible that ubuntu might be blocking it?20:37
guntbertCrash1hd: type ssh -X <remote.machine>, any X proggy you start then (i.e xeyes) uses your local X server20:37
noobKevin`:  ?20:37
Kevin`noob: yes20:38
ksbalajianodesni, yeah this seems a better solution. But since you told about top - can I upload a sreenshot for a suggestion from you please?20:38
liquidplaylaclasse: well with 915 resolution it was doing 12800x800 but on a netbook I need 1024x600 and Ićve read that that package is deprecated in 9.0420:38
Crash1hdguntbert: but I am running windows on the client20:38
anodesniksbalaji, sure20:38
Lenin_Catis there  onscreen keybored cu s you see my keyboerd is fed20:38
Dracofodderdeany: ok, so I wasn't looking the right way.  thought sure I did a search on pidgin and didn't see it.  will go look again, so I know for sure.20:38
laclasseGodfatherofEire, iptables -F will gewt rid of all local fw rules20:38
brassmasterCrash1hd: Something like this: http://www.tjansson.dk/?p=16320:38
hbekelGodfatherofEire: no idea if ubuntu has a default fw, check with iptables -L20:38
noobKevin`: oh... ok... i tried installing it by connecting it via usb but when connected it says missing OS!20:38
anodesniksbalaji, although I haven't got much time, I have to go in a couple of minutes20:38
Kevin`noob: did the install complete?20:39
diskinhow to install a newer kernel in Jaunty? is there a PPA?20:39
deanyDracofodder, its there, i just looked :)20:39
ksbalajianodesni, np. thanks some other time then.20:39
laclasseliquidplay, it is, 915resolution was in fact adding resolutions in Bios behind the scene so they could be requested by the X server20:39
guntbertCrash1hd: then you use putty for ssh (switch X tunneling on) and install cygwin/X as X server on windows20:39
quaalhow do i enable ctrl-alt-backspace for christ's sake20:39
quaalwhy in the hell would this be disabled by default20:39
quaalso stupid20:39
laclasseliquidplay, now that functionality is included in the 'intel' driver20:39
deanysudo apt-get install dontzap20:39
erUSUL!dontzap | quaal20:39
ubottuquaal: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.20:39
brassmasterCrash1hd: That will tell you how to get an x server for windows. Then you do what guntbert said and use Putty or another ssh client to connect to your ubuntu machine. When you run graphical programs, the window will open on your windows machine.20:39
quaaldeany, did that20:39
hbekelquaal: complain upstream20:39
deanyrun it?20:39
deanysudo dontzap20:39
Kevin`noob: simple question :)20:40
noobKevin`: i installed using live cd in my laptop, install had no problems... but since the drive had virues i had wiped it fully20:40
noodlesgcdiskin: there are debs here. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/20:40
Cryptic_Donkeyb /win 320:40
deanyas ubottu  said20:40
liquidplaylaclasse: thanks, I'll search docs on that one20:40
Crash1hdbrassmaster: guntbert cool thanks :)20:40
quaalerUSUL, did that too20:40
noobKevin`: a bit slow typing! :(20:40
darkhelm1tliveis there a tool to start multiple programs and lay them out in a specific way?20:40
Kevin`noob: so it's installed right now? boot from the cd then, and i'll help you fix the booting20:40
quaalsudo dontzap --disable20:40
quaalstill cant ctrl-alt-backspace20:40
deanyforgot :)20:40
Dracofodderdeany: yea, me too. . dunno what the heck I was looking at before... thanks again though!20:40
hoymkothello every on20:40
deanyhave to restart ?20:40
mzzquaal: if that does what I think it does you'll also have to restart the server (log out and back in)20:41
noobKevin`: from the other notebook?20:41
guntbertCrash1hd: glad to help - I use that scenario dayly20:41
deanyor logout/login20:41
diskinnoodlesgc, thanks! which are recommended? and how to install? download all and dpkg -i?20:41
Kevin`noob: from anything20:41
Crash1hdguntbert: cool its different20:41
Cryptic_DonkeyOr you can install dontzap20:41
Lenin_Catis there  onscreen keybored cu s you see my keyboerd is fed20:41
noobKevin`:  let me tell u the problem fully...20:41
stumpedmy dvd rom drive will not mount.  it shows up in the tree, but nothing will open it20:42
matreya6Lenin_Cat, there is a on-screen keyboard, yes, try SCIM20:42
deanyi dont get why they disabled ctrl-alt-backspace, made a package to enable/disable, then gave us a Alt+SysRq+K anyways20:42
Picideany: alt-sysrq-k has always existed20:42
darkhelm1tlivei want to use one command or keystroke to start up a number of apps, organize them on my screen, and possibly run commands within them (start a shell and cd to somewhere, for example). is this possible?20:42
Kevin`noob: if you have linux installed already on something, just stick the drive into that20:42
Lenin_Catwere would I find this20:43
noodlesgcdiskin: none are "recommended" I use rc4 of .30. To install them, get both the *_all packages, and the other two depending on your architechture.20:43
* deany hides in the noob corner20:43
noobKevin`: the notebook only has usb port, but the usb port doesnt allow booting, so i removed the hard drive and connected it to my UBUNTU laptop and installed it from live cd..20:43
matreya6Lenin_Cat, there is also uim, which stands for Universal Input Manager (check it out in synaptic)20:43
laclassedeany, you could enable / disable this in the past in xorg.conf, but upstream now wants 'autodetection'  and minimal xorg.conf. Henze dontzap rather than blocking the signal in xorg.conf20:43
stumpedwhat do i need to edit in order to be able to see stuff on my data dvds?20:43
SpaTI can't do a decent apt-get update on my gutsy box are the repo's removed?20:43
noobKevin`: now i'm using ubuntu... just a min connecting the drive...20:44
Kevin`noob: can we take this to pm? i want to be able to get the output of commands20:44
hbekeldeany: ctrl+alt+backspace was disabled by the xorg devs, not ubuntu. ubuntu provides "dontzap" which does nothing but add a single line to xorg.conf20:44
Kevin`without pastebin every time20:44
diskinnoodlesgc, I see.. in general, I do not need linux-source, unless I had linux-source of my current kernel, right? and, how will updates work after that, will I be able to use Jaunty repos like before?20:44
roy_hobbsAny way to perform file transfers over a computer-to-computer usb connection?20:45
SpaTAre the gutsy repos removed for some reason?20:45
Crash1hdIs there a way to get x11vnc to notify you visually when someone connects?20:45
matreya6Lenin_Cat, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29261120:46
guntbert!gutsy | SpaT20:46
ubottuSpaT: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:46
deanyCrash1hd, vinagre does it20:46
noodlesgcdiskin: I am unsure if source is required, but I always install it anyway. Your updates should not be affected. When you see the grub boot, you can press esc and choose the older kernel.20:46
darkhelm1tliveanybody? starting a number of programs and positioning them?20:47
SpaTguntbert: I see, i really hate the guy that put our servers on a non long term support version20:47
Crash1hddeany: yes but I have to use x11vnc cause vinagre and others have a bug in them right now with compiz fusion installed on 9.0420:47
hbekeldiskin: you need linux-source if you want to compile third-party modules against the kernel you're running20:47
deanyfusion-icon  quick disable compiz...20:47
matreya6Lenin_Cat, actually, this link is much better: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility20:47
diskinnoodlesgc, thanks for the help, appreciate it! I'm affected by the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/346691 - that's why I need a new kernel. I had several days of nightmare with a new laptop and 9.04 - did not expect such thing at all20:47
guntbertSpaT: understandable :-(20:48
diskinhbekel, yes, got it. I used kernel-source in Hardy, but Jaunty recognized all hardware fine (althoug it doesn't work) :)20:48
deadmanhi i have a small problem with my network... i have to keep doing: sudo ifconfig eth1;20:48
Crash1hddeany: also vinagre is vnc client I need the server part20:48
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cjoneshow can i create an iso image from a a cd20:49
stumpedwhat do i need to edit in order to be able to see stuff on my data dvds?20:49
deadmansuddenly i lose the ip for eth120:49
deanyvino i meant20:49
deadmandoes anyone have any idea why this is happening20:49
diskinI was going to return the laptop... But found the bug in launchpad finally. A shame...20:49
deanydisable compiz with fusion-icon, works20:49
deanyenable when done20:49
brassmasterroy_hobbs: It would probably be easier to use Ethernet if you can.20:49
ambassadacould someone help me get ubuntu 9.04 running after the installation as it shows only black screen?20:49
hbekeldiskin: if you compile a custom kernel, you'll have to compile a custom nvidia driver, too (for example)20:49
roy_hobbsbrassmaster: easier, but slower =)20:49
kj4deadman, what version of buntu, and are yoiu using network-manager20:49
deanyenable when done ~20:50
deadmanim using 8.0420:50
deadmanfully updated20:50
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brassmasterroy_hobbs: True. Ubuntu supports usb networking and autoconfigures it20:50
Crash1hddeany: right but x11vnc works without having to disable anything (just doesnt have any way of notifing you if someone is logged in)20:50
deadmanno im not using network manager20:50
deanyvino does. use it20:50
SpaTguntbert: Ah well at least i have a good reason to convince my IT director that we really need to update. (I like things up to date dispite the more work to keep things in order)20:50
kj4deadman, try installing wicd, i use it on every machine, works very nice.  i'll bet 20 cents it will fix your problem20:50
SpaTupgrade that is20:50
deadmani followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing to setup my network20:51
brassmasterroy_hobbs: But you would need a special usb cable with host plugs on both ends and no power leads i believe20:51
deanyits not like you are doin a LOT by disabling it.. its click, click.  Im just offering a workaround20:51
pokolokoQuestion: Does grub use windows boot.ini to log or is boot.ini obselete with grub ?20:51
deadmankj4, what is wicd, and how should i use it...20:51
kj4deadman, ok, sorry i don't know about configuring internet connection sharing20:51
deadmanim pretty stupid when it comes to networking20:51
luis_how can i change to another user using terminal?20:51
kj4deadman, it is a replacement for network manager that works better20:51
Crash1hddeany: true but cant do the click click remotly as I cant see it to do it which means having to go down into the basement lol to do that20:52
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guntbert!sudo | luis_20:52
xcdfgkjhgcvWhat's with Ubuntu creating a  /home/Templates folder for me? What use is it?20:52
ubottuluis_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:52
deanyCrash1hd, ahh20:52
luis_guntbert: not root... another user :P20:52
deadmanhmmm my actual problem is that i lose the ip settings of the network card... when i restart my client system in this case an xbox36020:52
guntbertluis_: sorry, that was the worng one, I wanted to tell you about su20:52
Crash1hddeany: mind you I really dont need to see if someone is logged in I guess what I need to be able to see is if someone has logged in through a log?20:52
MakuseruHi, I upgraded to 9.04 from 8.04 lastnight and I cant set any resolution higher than 1024x768. When I was using 8.04 I used a program called "displayconfig-gtk" that let me force a larger resolution, but that program is no longer in 9.04.Does anyone know any other program, or any other way to force a larger resolution?20:52
Crash1hddeany: as I wont be downstairs to see it anyhow20:53
mphillMakuseru: what video card?20:53
guntbertluis_: type su - <otherUser>, you exit with <ctrl>d20:53
luis_guntbert: thanks20:53
Makuserumphill: ATI Radeon 9200.20:53
deadmankj4, any idea why im losing my ip settings?20:53
matreya6Oh my, completely forgot about the time. I need to get some grub... (21:54 here)20:54
mib_856l5xoh. hi. can someone explain a bit about scripts using sudo commands? i've written one and there's something worrying going on20:54
sskroederAfter Jaunty upgrade, CTRL key not sending a key event in X (works in VT1) - xev output in http://paste.ubuntu.com/167077/ - is there anywhere I can check for faulty keyboard config?? (I've checked settings->keyboard and settings->keyboard shortcuts) .... Really needs this working ;-/20:54
matreya6!sudo > mib_856l5x20:54
ubottumib_856l5x, please see my private message20:54
guntbertluis_: welcome :-)20:54
bcxcdfgkjhgcv: probably Open Office. that's my guess.20:54
goldbekerhello from hamburg20:54
mib_856l5xhar.. i know that :/ but thanks20:55
nmvictoris wicd that deaman is talking about in the ubuntu repos?20:55
guntbert!welcome | goldbeker20:55
ubottugoldbeker: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.20:55
brassmasterroy_hobbs: this is what you need: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4321754&CatId=44420:55
mib_856l5xwell. here it goes20:55
mphillMakuseru: sorry, I don't know how to help you with an ATI card.  Try to research installing the proprietary driver, then use teh ATI control panel to set the resolution.20:55
nexus10Hello. I'd like to install postgresql 7.x on a Hardy machine; please can anyone tell me how to find out which 7.x releases are available for me to apt-get?20:55
roy_hobbsthanks brassmaster20:55
Makuserumphill: My card is too old to use that.20:55
brassmasterroy_hobbs: wherever you buy it from, make sure it has a bridge chip in the middle of the cable20:55
brassmasterroy_hobbs: otherwise you'll fry your ports.20:56
mib_856l5xi've written a script to turn off the monitor and binded it with a multimedia key. if i press the button once, it prompts for a password, but if i don't enter it and press it again it turns off the screen20:56
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mib_856l5xthis is actually great, it's exactly what i want it to do (no password prompting) but it looks like a security flaw :/20:56
CharlieSuHow can I enable multiverse for a single package?  I'm having trouble finding documentation for that..  Thanks in advance!20:56
diskinhbekel, noodlesgc - installed, rebooting now. wish me luck! :). thanks guys.20:56
RaverWildhello guys. question - why the update manager does not show anymore in the "system tray" like area? (jaunty up to date here)20:56
matreya6nexus10, try apt-cache search postgress20:56
noodlesgcdiskin: good luck :)20:56
trirnothGood Afternoon All. Have a question regarding syslog-ng and not logging from a router.20:57
brassmasterroy_hobbs: both computers should assign themselves private addresses. You may need to assign static ones in order to make them see each other. I'm not sure. Once you've done that, you should just be able scp files20:57
trirnothtcpdump shows traffic between the two.20:57
nexus10matreya6: thanks -- that shows me the latest (8.x) postgresql only20:57
trirnothFollowed instructions at http://www.quietearth.us/articles/2006/09/27/Logging-remote-host-to-specific-logfile-with-syslogng20:57
trirnothHas to be something with my /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf but can't find anything wrong.20:58
matreya6nexus10, try synaptic instead then, that should also show you lower versions20:58
guntbert!enter | trirnoth20:58
ubottutrirnoth: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:58
deanyDracofodder, did you try fusion-icon --no-start20:58
nexus10matreya6: ok, thanks -- I'll try it.20:58
deanywhile connected via ssh -X20:58
trirnothWill do.20:58
deanyDracofodder, *might* be able to disable compiz if it gets forwarded to your machine properly.20:59
RaverWildguys please answer - why the update manager does not show anymore in the "system tray" like area? (jaunty up to date here) or something wrong with my installation?20:59
Crash1hdI know this is going to sound dumb but is ssh safe to have running?21:00
brassmasterCrash1hd: the daemon?21:00
Crash1hdbrassmaster: yeah I think if thats the word for server21:00
brassmasterCrash1hd: as long as you keep it patched and either use very strong passwords or shared keys21:00
brassmasterCrash1hd: If it's really critical, probably want shared keys or shared keys + password21:01
Crash1hdbrassmaster: hmm might want to look into shared keys can you have both a strong pass and shared keys?21:01
Crash1hdbrassmaster: lol :)21:01
nmvictorRaverWild: why dont you run update-manager at the terminal and check if your jaunty is up to date.21:01
Crash1hdbrassmaster: Is there a way of making it so that ssh only works inside my local network?21:01
trirnothCrash1hd: or use /etc/hosts.allow if only coming from a single/ few IPs ?21:01
chazcoHi... how can I use Inkscape on a 1024x600 screen?21:02
Crash1hdtrirnoth: thanks :)21:02
ghoulsbladeRaverWild : run  sudo adept_updater         in a console window to show the update manager21:02
brassmasterCrash1hd: what trirnoth said.21:02
ghoulsbladei think it only shows itself in tray if there is something to update available21:02
Crash1hdWhich SSH should I install openssh-server?21:02
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brassmasterCrash1hd: yes21:02
iron_495Hello I need help getting my internet working on a new upgrade 8.10!21:02
thiebaudeanyone have a link for the 2.6.30 rc kernels?21:03
trirnothRaverWild: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904#Change in notifications of available updates21:03
RaverWildghoulsblade, adept_updater - not found21:03
trirnothRaverWild: Command is there to get back what once was ... "gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false"21:03
iron_495upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 but there is no network could use some help21:04
thiebaudejust installed ext4 with 9.04, love it21:04
betterhalfoneAnyone use Ubuntu Jaunty with an Intel D945GCLF2 motherboard?21:04
ghoulsbladeRaverWild, ah sorry, it's probably something else on ubuntu then, i'm using kubuntu21:05
nkei0Hello, I'm somewhat familiar with Ubuntu.  I'm trying to dual boot Jaunty and my Windows Vista, however, when I go to GParted on the liveCD and try to partition my HD, it always fails.  I've also tried to partition it with easus partition editor.  If I go straight to install will be able to partition it properly you think?21:05
sysdocbetterhalfone, probably better to ask about a problem your having. (if ya having one...)21:06
RaverWildtrirnoth, ah now i see in the release note your example. going to try it. thanks21:06
Kevin`nkei0: have you tried running chkdsk first?21:06
mrwesnkei0, I believe you must partition or shrink your Vista from within Vista's tools21:06
trirnothsyslog-ng Anyone ?21:06
Kevin`nkei0: any method you use to make the space available will work. ideally you would just use the proper size when you install vista, but too late for that :)21:07
hbekelnkei0: let me guess, a 1mb partition at the start?21:07
trirnothRaverWild: NP. Looked for this myself a few weeks ago.21:07
mrwesnkei0, http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm21:07
betterhalfoneNo problem just thinking about installing Ubuntu Jaunty or Kubuntu Jaunty? The Kubuntu ran super laggy on my Eeepc so I'm curious if the CLF2 is going to have the same reaction.21:07
nkei0mrwes: I've tried to shrink it, but it will only let me shrink it by 7GB which is probably enough, but I want to partition it from 1 180 HD to 80 for vista and 50 for ubuntu and another 50 for Data21:07
rodolfo_guys where can I download previous version of ubuntu?21:08
rodolfo_I want the 8.10 version21:08
thiebaudenkei0: you should be able to set your size of the ubuntu partition on the live cd21:08
rodolfo_anyone has the link?21:08
brassmasternkei0: How much free space do you have21:08
nkei0brassmaster: 130GB21:08
coz_rodolfo_,  hold on21:08
RaverWildtrirnoth, i have another problem - still get "hash sum mismatch" when trying to install some packages. i tried with mysql installation. when downloaded - one of the packages threw this :( this was on intrepid too. any ideas?21:08
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.21:09
trirnoth<rodolfo_> : http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/21:09
brassmasternkei0: It's interesting that 7 GB is as much as it can be shrunk. Does that seem right to anyone else?21:09
link589anyone willing to help me quick21:09
coz_rodolfo_, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/21:09
thiebaudebrassmaster: nope21:09
ubuntuserverhello matssudin21:09
hbekelbrassmaster, nkei0: http://www.multibooters.co.uk/partitions.html21:09
link589i have a problem21:09
thiebaudei had always dual-booted before21:09
trirnoth<RaverWild>: Thinking ....21:09
ubuntuserverwhat is your problem21:09
macanudoi know i can send stdout and stderr of a script when i call it as "command > output.log 2>&1", but is there a way to redirect the streams FROM THE SCRIPT??21:09
link589sata drive21:09
brassmasternkei0: I've always used GParted from a live cd to shrink windows partitions21:09
link589i am getting21:09
hbekelbrassmaster, nkei0: this site suggests you shouldn't touch vista created partitions with anything other than vista21:10
ubuntuserverwhats wrong with your sata drive21:10
betterhalfoneAnyone use Ubuntu Jaunty with an Intel D945GCLF2 motherboard?21:10
trirnoth(sorry, phone - damn customers.)21:10
betterhalfonesorry repeat...21:10
brassmasterhbekel, nkei0: I've never had a problem21:10
cadsbetterhalfone: for those kinds of questions I've always had better luck with forums21:10
link589im getting ata softreset failed (device not ready)21:10
link589i have googled it and it lead me to some forums21:10
ubuntuserverthat is not good21:10
matssudinHello, in 9.04 i go into appearance preferences ->> visual effects and select "normal" then i select use new settings and close the boxes. When i open it again though its back on no visual effects. Any ideas? trying to get gnome-do-docky working. Thanks in advance for the help!21:10
usseranybody uses bluemindo?21:10
nkei0brassmaster: It just fails about 70% through the resize with gparted21:10
link589cant find a solution though21:10
Picimacanudo: #bash may be able to help you better than here.21:11
sysdoclink589, put your question all on one line21:11
coz_betterhalfone,  are you having suspend problems?21:11
brassmasternkei0: Good to know.21:11
nmvictornkei0: might work with resizing,but hey,why dont you try windows vista's own computer-Management>>Disk management tool?And how much free space do you have,vista is so hardware-demanding,it allows partioning upto a certain free-space to itself .21:11
nmvictorlink589: whats the prob?21:11
macanudoPici: ok thx21:11
link589im getting ata softreset failed (device not ready),  therefore I can not install21:11
betterhalfoneI haven't installed yet but I will later this afternoon. I'll just work from there if I have any problems.21:12
betterhalfoneThanks though.....21:12
uncuthey everyone21:12
thiebaudehi uncut21:12
uncuti got a problem, as you may assume :D21:12
matssudinHello, in 9.04 i go into appearance preferences ->> visual effects and select "normal" then i select use new settings and close the boxes. When i open it again though its back on no visual effects. Any ideas? trying to get gnome-do-docky working. Thanks in advance for the help!21:12
uncutsomeone like to help?:D21:12
brassmasternkei0: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/docs/help-manual/C/gparted_manual.html#gparted-advanced-partition-actions21:13
brassmasternkei0: There's some suggestions on how to do an NTFS resize successfully on there21:13
Soren_if I want to uninstall Ubuntu.......then install Win Xp.........then reinstall Ubuntu.........what files do I copy to have the settings and updates and documents that I currently have?21:13
nkei0nmvictor: I've tried that, however it only lets me shrink by 7GB21:13
thiebaudeuncut: i'll help if i can21:13
link589anyone else have my problem or know of a fix?21:13
betterhalfoneDoes anyone know if you can specify AES or TKIP in Jaunty? In Hardy you can when you first setup the wifi pass and security, but in Jaunty why did they take that feature out?21:14
sysdocnkei0, You may also try downloading gparted iso and create the disk ,then repartition the drive21:14
brassmasternkei0: GParted doesn't always do what you would expect. For example, before trying to resize, like that page says, you should REALLY defrag your partition, then run chkdsk21:14
uncutnice :D here we go: ive got ubuntu 9.10, everything is alright. i installed AWN dock, and compiz-manager do have some desktop effects. but now, everytime i start a 3d programm (like the screensaver options or a game with playonlinux) everything crashes21:15
dayoSoren_: /home/Soren21:15
Soren_if I want to uninstall Ubuntu.......then install Win Xp.........then reinstall Ubuntu so that I have both OS.........what files do I copy to have the settings and updates and documents that I currently have?21:15
brassmasternkei0: When you go to resize, you need to make sure that swap is off. In GParted, there's an option to do this in the menus at the top called Swapoff21:15
matssudinHello, in 9.04 i go into appearance preferences ->> visual effects and select "normal" then i select use new settings and close the boxes. When i open it again though its back on no visual effects. Any ideas? trying to get gnome-do-docky working. Thanks in advance for the help!21:15
dayoSoren_: your home directory21:16
noobhi all... i have installed ubuntu in a netbook, 850 MHz Mobile Intel Pentium III Processor/ Intel 815EM graphic / RAM: 256 MB, by installing it on  the harddrive from a different laptop , now the netbook doesnt show the windows borders, display only uses the centre of the screen.... how do i correct this?21:16
Soren_dayo, I am new can you tell me how to do that21:16
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dayoSoren_: what exactly is it you want to do?21:16
dayoSoren_: reinstall ubuntu?21:16
EoL{s}Hi, all.21:16
evanrmurphyWhat's the difference between the nickname and username in IRC?21:16
mick_Evening folks, I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to set up a Ubuntu server with WPA encryption to my WAP ... anyone done this or know how it is done?21:16
EoL{s}I'm trying to mount a converted img file.21:16
EoL{s}(Converter from dmg)21:17
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jockerSomebody here uses Motorola modem?21:17
mick_EoL{s}: Are you using Win or Ubuntu to mount?21:17
Soren_I have Ubuntu up and running currently. I want to uninstall Ubuntu and then install WinXP and Ubuntu so that I have both OS21:17
nmvictornkei0: Thats vistas selfishness,Mine could only give 14 GB,I have an 80GB SATA HDD.and right now shrinking only offers 17 MB.May be you need to make do with the 7GB,or o=r f you have flash disks,memorycards or an external HDD,you can backup transfer some stuff to free up space then that selfish vista will budge.21:17
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matssudinHello, in 9.04 i go into appearance preferences ->> visual effects and select "normal" then i select use new settings and close the boxes. When i open it again though its back on no visual effects. Any ideas? trying to get gnome-do-docky working. Thanks in advance for the help!21:17
EoL{s}mick_: Ubuntu21:17
dayoSoren_: u want to dual boot and currently u have Ubuntu across your entire disk?21:17
mick_Hmm, have only used a virtual windows machine to mount img files21:18
evanrmurphymatssudin: Does it act as though the effects registered in the first place?21:18
Soren_yes, from what I was reading it is quicker to install XP first and then Ubuntu21:18
matssudinevanrmurphy yah21:18
Soren_dayo ^^^21:18
thiebaudeSoren_: yes it is21:18
uncutthiebaude, r you still there?:D21:18
mick_Anyone able to help me with Ubuntu Server WPA issue?21:18
thiebaudeits better21:18
link589I just tried loading up another sata drive and I get the same error21:18
dayoSoren_: well, u could always try resizing, but yes i would just reinstall, as well21:18
thiebaudeyup i'am here, uncut21:18
betterhalfoneOkay next ? No sound on Abit AN8 Fatality SLI motherboard. Nvidia CK804 chipset. Tried new sound card, usb sound device, and installed Hardy and Intrepid. Any ideas?21:19
brassmastermatssudin: When you switch to normal, does it give you an error message?21:19
uncutthiebaude :nice :D here we go: ive got ubuntu 9.10, everything is alright. i installed AWN dock, and compiz-manager do have some desktop effects. but now, everytime i start a 3d programm (like the screensaver options or a game with playonlinux) everything crashes21:19
nmvictormatssudin: maybe your graphics card cant take compizs effects,21:19
matssudinbrassmaster , no looks to turn on ok21:19
EoL{s}Whenever I try to convert a get an error. Gimme a sec to copy and paste into pastebin or something...21:19
Soren_dayo, so what I want is all of my Ubuntu to be the same as it is now, so what do I burn toa CD21:19
matssudinnmvictor worked fine in 8.04 and 8.1021:19
thiebaudeuncut: what video card do you have?21:19
uncutthiebaude :radion hd 4870, installed latest drivers from ati.com21:20
brassmastermatssudin: what video card do you have?21:20
jducd #gnome21:20
matssudinthe "Extra setting" breaks it tho "normal" is fine untill i close window21:20
Soren_dayo, do you want to help me try resizing? IDK very much at all21:20
evanrmurphymatssudin: Hmmm... Lot's of people have been having issues with the desktop effects in Jaunty. I think the most prevalent issue was the blacklisting of Intel graphics cards for Compiz. Finally some update was sent out about a week ago that allowed me to get them working. But if I remember correctly, it was always very clear that the desktop effects were not enabled (a message would say something like, "could not enable de21:20
evanrmurphysktop effects")21:20
thiebaudeuncut: im not sure why it would crash, wish i could help on that one:D21:20
uncutthiebaude: but the ubuntu driver installed themselves at startup21:20
matssudinbrassmaster toshiba a70 ati9000 mobile i think21:20
dayoSoren_: 1. Backup your home directory 2. Insert your XP CD and format everything, then create a partition for XP and install XP. 3. Install Ubuntu on the free space (make /home a separate partition) 4. copy your backed up home directory to your new ubuntu install's home directory.21:20
uncutthiebaude: is there a problem?21:20
dayoSoren_: i've never tried to resize21:20
evanrmurphyCould someone explain to me the difference between the nickname and the username in IRC?21:21
brassmastermatssudin: do you use fglrx21:21
matssudinbrasmaster no fglrx broke stuff21:21
dayoevanrmurphy: i wasn't aware there was a difference :|21:21
matssudinhad to boot into recover and apt-get remove it21:21
Soren_dayo, wanna try?21:21
dayoSoren_: ok, but please backup your home dir first. in case we mess up21:21
EoL{s}I get this error whenever I try to mount a .img: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5c1ed1a721:21
EoL{s}Anyone know how to fix?21:21
thiebaudeuncut: i dont have compiz, i wouldn't know where to begin21:22
Soren_dayo, cool, can you tell me how?21:22
rodolfo_thirnoth thank you so much21:22
uncutthiebaude : ok, thank you very much :))21:22
jduEoL{s}, what was your command?21:22
chuck_oncut: if your running 9.10 it an Alpa release and very buggy. are you sure about the release number21:22
thiebaudeyw, uncut21:22
Soren_dayo, I have k3b21:22
thiebaudehope you get it solved21:22
uncutchuck_ how do i check correctly?21:22
dayoSoren_: what's k3b?21:22
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto21:23
UncleDHow do I install a .deb package?21:23
brassmasterEoL{s}: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14919721:23
matssudinHello, in 9.04 i go into appearance preferences ->> visual effects and select "normal" then i select use new settings and close the boxes. When i open it again though its back on no visual effects. Any ideas? trying to get gnome-do-docky working. Thanks in advance for the help!21:23
Soren_a CD/DVD burning program21:23
jduUncleD, dpkg -i package.deb21:23
EoL{s}brassmaster: It is a converted file from .DMG.21:23
brassmasterEoL{s}: I guess before i send you there, i should ask what kind of image you're trying to mount21:23
brassmasterEoL{s}: Okay21:23
dayoSoren_: wow, kde. i don't use that at all. but we first we need to find out how much space we need. open a new terminal and type:     du -ah .21:23
EoL{s}jdu: Just a second...21:24
nmvictori got what i've been looking for,i just wanna let you guys into this cool network monitor for the terminal, slmon,You can use the synaptic.Its so cool,but if you have other better suggestion,it'll be appreciated.21:24
Soren_dayo, it should be very small, but ok, brb21:24
evanrmurphydayo: It does seem a bit fuzzy. But in the XChat Network List, you can set your nickname and your username, and they don't have to agree. My nick is evanrmurphy, but my username is something else.21:24
dayoSoren_: that should give u the total space used by your home directory21:24
matssudinis there a compiz channel?21:25
evanrmurphydayo: Only my nickname seems to matter in the channel, so I'm trying to figure out what the username is for.21:25
dries_any hot chicks here wanna go private? I can tell you about ubuntu all night long...21:25
dayoevanrmurphy: i see. i guess the username is the one u register? and the nick is the one u can change on the fly?21:25
peterjkdoes anyone know how to install the version of vmware before 221:25
Soren_dayo, yikes............ 3.9G21:25
brassmasterEoL{s}: What was the command you tried to run?21:25
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deanyIm having to reformat my mates /home from ext4 (stupid delete lockup bug) to JFS (i know i could use ext3 but im not). What is the default fstab line i need to set?21:25
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dayoevanrmurphy: see?21:25
EoL{s}sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop iphone_sdk.img /mnt21:25
deanyjust change ext4 to jfs?21:25
dayoSoren_: ok, one blank DVD should do. it can take 4.2GB21:26
evanrmurphydayo: That would seem logical! But I think for me, evanrmurphy is the registered one, and I'm having no problem getting through NickServ.21:26
EoL{s}brassmaster: ^21:26
link589Damn why has no one had this issue :(21:26
VCooliohi all; Ubuntu start with sound muted; how to fix?21:26
jduEoL{s}, perhaps try just hfs, not hfsplus  ?21:26
dayoevanrmurphy: personally i recommend irssi for IRC21:26
brassmasterEoL{s}: do you have hfsplus installed?21:26
evanrmurphyCan anybody else shed light on nickname vs. username for IRC?21:26
evanrmurphydayo: Is that another client?21:26
ikoniaevanrmurphy: join #freenode for irc questions21:26
EoL{s}brassmaster: Just a sec...21:26
Soren_dayo, I think this is just a CD burner, but I do have both blank CD's and DVDs21:26
dayoevanrmurphy: yeah, it's a terminal based IRC client21:27
brassmasterEoL{s}: if you didn't install it, you don't have it. it's not a default option21:27
evanrmurphyikonia: Thanks, I'll do that!21:27
evanrmurphydayo: Maybe I'll check that out, thanks.21:27
dayoSoren_: wow, if it's just CD burnin, then u've got a lot of CDs to burn21:27
dayoevanrmurphy: u're welcome. u should also check #irssi channel for help on irssi21:27
Soren_dayo, is there an easy way to check? I know how in Win, but not in Ubuntu21:28
brassmasterEoL{s}: The package you need is hfsplus. Give that a shot.21:28
assioma 21:28
EoL{s}brassmaster: Ok, thanks.21:28
dayoSoren_: try:   sudo lshw        then look thru the output for the description of your optical drive. that's how i would do it21:28
abep_hi, does someone know why a display may look "folded over itself"? since I installed jaunty I see everything double, hardly usable...21:29
nexus10matreya6: since I'm at an ssh prompt I could't use synaptic, so I tried aptitude instead -- but still I can only find pgsql 8.x. How would I find a 7.x version for use with Hardy?21:29
freakynlhi, i'm trying to boot 9.04 x86_64 from usbstick. mounted the usbstick, copied the cd in, renamed isolinux dir and isolinux.cfg to syslinux/.cfg ran syslinux against the stick, it boots but drops to shell in what appears to be the initrd or initramfs. did i miss anything?21:29
dries_you should stop drinking abep21:29
dayoSoren_: actually pipe the output:   sudo lshw > SorensHardware.txt21:29
EoL{s}brassmaster: Do I need to restart?21:29
freakynloh, also copied the dists/jounty?? to stable and unstable as those were linked to it and fat doesn't support it21:30
dayoSoren_: then open SorensHardware.txt with gedit or vim21:30
brassmasterEoL{s}: probably not.21:30
chazcoHi... how can I use zenity --question?21:30
trirnothsyslogd-ng anyone?21:30
EoL{s}brassmaster: Hmm... still getting the error.21:30
brassmasterEoL{s}: did it still not work?21:30
chazcoTrying an if statement in the script but it keeps saying invalid operator21:30
jdunexus10, hmm.  If you know how in synaptic,  are you able to forward X.   eg:   ssh -Y21:30
dries_RTFM noobs!21:30
VCooliochazco: zenity --question --test "write text"21:30
Seeker`dries_: really not helpful21:30
VCooliochazco: zenity --question --text "write text"21:31
chazcoVCoolio - I need to get the output from zentity... $? contains it but I cant figure out how to test this in a script21:31
chuck_oncut:  lsb_release -a21:31
VCooliochazco: you can use print command, it outputs in terminal then21:32
abep_i've been hoping an update would solve the double screen, but it's not happening. i tried deleting xorg.conf but did not help. also can't find other people with similar problem...21:32
Soren_dayo, capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd21:32
Soren_ Soren cries and cries21:32
chazcoBut how to test... i want to do something like zenity... if [ $? == 1 ]; then else fi - but it doesnt seem to work21:32
nexus10jdu: connection to this box is dire (some network issue at the far end) so I think ssh-tunnelling X is probably a non-starter. Is there a cmdline tool that will do what synaptic does?21:32
roffeJust had to tell I'm pleasantly surprised by how much the 64-bit version of Ubuntu increased the performance21:32
brassmasterEoL{s}: I think you need a subdirectory in /mnt to mount the image to21:32
dayoSoren_: looks like it's gonna be a burnfest, man. sorry21:32
brassmasterEoL{s}: I don't think you can have /mnt be the mount point21:32
ceciliahello everybody... i've aupgraded to jaunty two days ago and the videos at youtube, cnn, etc do not have sound... can anyone help?21:33
EoL{s}brassmaster: Ok, I'll give it a shot.21:33
dayoSoren_: like 5 or 6 CDs, i think.21:33
Soren_7 discs? can you tell me how to start then I will come back when I am done making coasters21:33
cjoneshow can i take an iso image of ubuntu and add files so that when i install it the files would be on the desktop?21:33
UncleDIntrepid is not letting me install erlang. Can anyone help? I get the error E: Package erlang has no installation candidate21:33
raphacjones: youÄ'llave to rebuild an iso21:34
roffeYotube-videos were a tad choppy in 32-bit, but works just fine in 6421:34
xemacs4321cjones, jigdo21:34
eseven73!remaster | cjones21:34
ubottucjones: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:34
EoL{s}brassmaster: I changed the directory, and I'm still getting that error.21:34
trirnothcecilia: I have the same problem once in a while .... try "sudo killall pulseaudio" then "sudo killall pulseaudio"21:34
dayoSoren_: well, i could create a folder on your Desktop and then copy about 700MB worth of data at a time into that folder. then use k3b to burn that folder to CD21:34
ceciliaok, trrnoth, i'll try21:34
trirnothsecond command should have been "sudo alsa force-reload"21:35
dayoSoren_: that's supposed to say *you* could create a folder...21:35
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Soren_dayo, lol, ok, can you tell me how21:35
jdunexus10, I would have suggested aptitude.  There has to be a way as synaptic is really just a graphical frontend.21:35
brassmasterEoL{s}: if you do lsmod | grep "hfsplus", do you get a result?21:35
dayoSoren_: i've never used k3b. do u have Brasero, by any chance?21:35
dayook, open Brasero21:36
ceciliatrirnoth, it says here that no process was killed21:36
EoL{s}brassmaster: Yes, I do.21:36
Soren_dayo, it was having issues buring a data disc a bit ago, which is why I went with the other21:36
dayoSoren_: then click the top right button "Data Project"21:36
Kevin`does vmware have a netboot kernel+ramdisk I can use for installing desktop? I can't seem to get a cd to burn cleanly21:36
Kevin`does ubuntu have*21:36
dayoSoren_:  i see. hmm :-(21:36
=== Zee is now known as SPirate
Kevin`thinking and saying different things21:36
ceciliai never had this problem before, but it happened just before the upgrade, with intrepid21:36
Soren_we can try21:36
roffeIs gnash or swf faster than adobes flash player?21:36
Soren_maybe you have a magic touch21:36
dayoSoren_: lol ok21:37
trirnothcecilia: "/etc/init.d/pulseaudio start"21:37
jdunexus10, so do:   aptitude install package=version21:37
Kevin`roffe: yes, but my knowledge on that is out of date21:37
Soren_ok, open, data  project21:37
SPiratewow,,, 1588 users thats the maximum amount i seen so far21:37
ceciliait's done21:37
jdunexus10,    http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-package.en.html21:37
trirnothcecilia: working ?21:38
cecilialet me see21:38
doqso, im getting errors when trying to update my gutsy servers21:38
doqhow can i update these now that its EOL?21:38
dayoSoren_: ok the left column, select a few files21:38
nmvictor_doq:what errors?21:38
Soren_dyao, ok, open, data  project21:38
roffeKevin`, fair enough. Flash is what irritates me the most on Linux, so perhaps I should try them out. Would anyone else recommend a different flash player?21:38
doqfailed to fetch packages21:38
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dayoSoren_: then watch the status bar at the bottom left to see the total size of the selected files21:39
jduroffe, gnash21:39
trirnothI hate to say that Moonlight works better than flash.21:39
doqdoing an update shows Ign21:39
ceciliano, it's the same... the video starts with sound for 1 or 2 seconds and then mute...21:39
dayoSoren_: there's an empty CD in your drive, right?21:39
jduroffe, not sure I really recommend it though.21:39
Armageddoni installed samba on ubuntu using the command "sudo apt-get install samba smbfs", does it have a gui ? and where can i find it if it does ?21:39
doqim thinking my repos are gone21:39
doqor something21:39
geniidoq: 7.10 is now past end-of-life. If you need to continue using it, change the repository names from xx.archive.ubuntu.com   to old-releases.ubuntu.com21:39
roffejdu, Allright, I'll try it out asap21:39
abep_roffe: depends on if you just want to see videos or play flash games.. i think the compatibility of alternative players is limited21:39
doqthanks genii21:39
dayoSoren_: u should be able to copy 700+MB21:39
jduArmageddon, I don't thing they do.  look into  smb.conf21:40
geniidoq: You're welcome21:40
Soren_dayo, where is the home Dir? there is a disc in there now :P21:40
dayoSoren_: then click 'Add' at the top left in the menu21:40
roffeabep_, ok, but I'll try gnash and I assume it's just to switch back if I don't like it21:40
ValentineXJaunty aunty cant boot with usb disk?21:40
hateball!samba | Armageddon21:40
Armageddonjdu thanks21:40
ubottuArmageddon: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:40
doqnow i can use this to update to latest version21:40
dayoSoren_: in the left side pane, there should be a folder with your username on it. that's your home21:40
brassmasterEoL{s}: Try dmesg | grep "hfsplus"21:40
doqthanks much :D21:40
nmvictor_doq:you should clarify what errors you get,sometimes itsjhjust that some packages are no longer supported.21:41
dayofor example if your username is soren, then u want to backup everything in there21:41
UbuntuNewbHello room, I am trying to use GhostScript to batch process a folder of PDF to Multipage TIF. Is anyone experienced with this application?21:41
trirnothcecilia: assuming this is firefox ..... The wrapper with this had been flaky for me to (not sure what fixed it since I haven't had this problem in a while). But when it was bad I used Opera and never had a problem. Not a fix but something you might want to try.21:41
ValentineXanybody used jaunty image with usb ?21:41
dayoSoren_: check the status bar, how much have u added to the Data project?21:41
EoL{s}brassmaster: Turns up nothing.21:41
ceciliayou mean, try another browser, trirnoth?21:41
abep_UbuntuNewb: i think that's not a ubuntu question... :)21:42
Soren_my name is Greg, don;t tell anyone, it will me our secret. is there a specific order in which the files should be burned on each disc? by date? alphabetically? etc?21:42
trirnothcecilia: at least to see if the problem is with Firefox or Ubuntu.21:42
dayoSoren_: the order doesn't matter21:42
rashed2020How tolerant is this channel of drunk people?21:42
* ValentineX is getting annoy21:43
ceciliai have only konqueror here...let me see21:43
trirnothSoren: I do it by number of characters in a filename. Just my preference.21:43
UbuntuNewbabep_: It comes installed with the operating system.21:43
freakynlhi, i'm trying to boot 9.04 x86_64 from usbstick. mounted the usbstick, copied the cd in, renamed isolinux dir and isolinux.cfg to syslinux/.cfg ran syslinux against the stick, it boots but drops to shell in what appears to be the initrd or initramfs. did i miss anything? copied /dists/jaunty to stable and unstable as well21:43
Soren_dayo, is there a way to display size in Select FIles so Ican add that up instead of flopping back and fourth?21:43
thedarkravin77I need help21:43
trirnothrashed2020: you mean everyone isn't drunk ?21:43
rashed2020lol, nice. I feel right at home now.21:43
rashed2020Does this chan have public logging?21:44
guntbert!ask | thedarkravin7721:44
ubottuthedarkravin77: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:44
Gnearashed2020: yes.21:44
Gnea!ask | ValentineX21:44
ubottuValentineX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:44
guntbert!topic | rashed2020 yes21:44
ubotturashed2020 yes: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:44
thedarkravin77ok well I can't find my shutdown button21:44
ValentineXfreaky i also cant select options from boot menu with usb disk21:45
freakynlValentineX: works fine here, just drops out in initramfs21:45
rashed2020It doesn't say anoything about being drunk. But I'm assuming that's what #ubuntu-offtopic is for, right?21:45
ceciliatrirnoth: it's working on Konqueror, perfectly!21:45
jduthedarkravin77, you can right click on the panel, and click on "add to panel"  then select it, I believe.21:45
freakynlseems like init can't find the partition or something21:45
trirnothLast shot. Anyone interested in a syslog-ng problem before I leave for the day?21:45
Gnearashed2020: depends what topic you choose to partake in21:45
ValentineXGnea: i am unable to start jaunty with usb disk, in boot menu i select install ubuntu or start ubuntu without change to system it does nothing21:45
Gnea!ask | trirnoth21:46
ubottutrirnoth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:46
dekkongHello guys! I have major lag issues with flash ... when I visit some web pages it get's un browsable and the webbrowser does not respond21:46
dayoSoren_: well if u select the file at the top, then hold Shift and click a file somewhere near the bottom of the screen, u can see a total size of *currently* selected files. u let go of Shift and then hold Ctrl to add/remove files from your current selection, till u have your 700MB. then u can add those to your project21:46
trirnothSorry, did earlier.21:46
roffeHmm... I uninstalled Adobe's player and installed Gnash, but every video now claims I need to download Adobe's to play them21:46
GneaValentineX: what kind of system specs?21:46
Gneatrirnoth: didn't now.21:46
trirnothcecilia: good to hear. now good luck narrowing down the problem with FF.21:46
rashed2020Ok now I just sobered up enough to ask a relevant question.21:46
freakynlValentineX: sounds like the bios loads the bootloader, but the bootloader can't find the files21:46
guntbertrashed2020: you asked about public logging, and *that is* in the /topic21:46
ValentineXGnea: 8.10 was working fine21:46
dayoSoren_: i mean hold Ctrl and then click a file to add/remove from your selection21:46
rashed2020Why do most VPSs offer CentOS over Ubuntu?21:46
ValentineX2.0ghz, 1gb ram21:46
ceciliathanks a loty!21:47
jduroffe, you may need to tell firefox to use gnash instead. or perhaps gnash was not installed correctly.21:47
dayorashed2020: that's what i'd like to know, too21:47
harlemdavveyguys i have a problem with the upgrade of my ubuntu 8.10 in 9.04 .... when the session starts, there is a message that tells me i should activate a window manager coz it founds none working at the moment... what should i do to fix this problem?21:47
Soren_dayo, I am doing it alphabetically.................btw may I delete and or not copy my cache or do I need it for some reason21:47
freakynlrashed2020: redhat compatibility and 5 years support. there's lts oc21:47
GneaValentineX: are you able to press F6 at boottime?21:47
trirnothGnea: NP. was a while ago. Used http://www.quietearth.us/articles/2006/09/27/Logging-remote-host-to-specific-logfile-with-syslogng to set up a router logging to my 9.04 server.21:47
GneaValentineX: rather, at the grub menu21:47
Gneatrirnoth: mkay, and..?21:47
ceciliapeople, I have another problem here besides my Firefox with no sound... my mp3 sony NWZ-S615 doesn't mount21:48
trirnoth(crap, didn't mean to hit enter). tcpdump shows traffic is being passed but nothing is logging to my log files.21:48
dayoSoren_: your browser cache? if u need it, then yeah21:48
thedarkravin77thanks I got it now21:48
harlemdavveyguys i have a problem with the upgrade of my ubuntu 8.10 in 9.04 .... when the session starts, there is a message that tells me i should activate a window manager coz it founds none working at the moment... what should i do to fix this problem?21:48
roffejdu, it's up and running now21:48
Gneatrirnoth: could you please pastebin your syslog-ng.conf?21:48
jdcaronHi guys, I have a broken hard drive and I want to rescue the data on it. I can mount no problem the hard drives visible in /dev. But the problem is that hard drive doesn't even show up there. Is it that the interface of this hard drive is broken?21:48
trirnoth(searching for URL .... have this somewhere)21:48
jdugood.  gnash works for a lot of things, but the only way it might be better than flash is that it is free and runs on more architectures.21:49
ValentineXGnea: i have not checked pressing f6, nothing from menu with enter key works, there auto start timer runs with 30seconds duration but that times starts again and again from zero to 30 again21:49
greboidescan anyone confirm if they have the file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so.xserver-xorg-video-psb and if so can plz send this file to me? ive looked all over the internet and couldnt find it anywhere but it "fixes" a driver issue im having here21:49
Soren_dayo. my .cache is 10mb that is just temporary bowsning stuff right? i.e. not critical?21:49
harlemdavveyhow can i activate a window manager in my ubuntu 9.04??21:49
trirnothpasterbin URL anyone ?21:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:49
aleron6can anyone help me with the update manager i keep getting this error21:49
trirnothubottu:  thnx.21:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thnx.21:49
ValentineXGnea: only help menu gives help options21:49
dayoSoren_: hang on, let me check, mine21:50
harlemdavveyguys i have a problem with the upgrade of my ubuntu 8.10 in 9.04 .... when the session starts, there is a message that tells me i should activate a window manager coz it founds none working at the moment... what should i do to fix this problem?21:50
daveosociologistNetwork Printer Problem. Cannon imageRunner C2550. Ubuntu 9.04 finds printer and has correct IP configuration.  Ubuntu also finds two drivers.  When using the recommended driver (Foomatic/pxlcolor), printer does nothing. When using the secondary driver (Foomatic/Postscript), printer gives error: "PDL IMG Invalid Data". Any ides on how to fix this issue?21:50
guntbert!repeat | harlemdavvey21:50
ubottuharlemdavvey: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:50
trirnothlines I added: 96 and 143-14521:51
GneaValentineX: well, ubuntu usually has the option of modifying the kernel-line by pressing F6, regardless of what portion of the menu is selected21:51
pi_in spanish21:52
Paulo39i'm having a little problem. i back-up all my system into a tar.gz file and now i want to copy that file to a external hard disk i have, but i get an error, aparently the file is to big :S it has about 20 GB21:52
ceciliaDoes anyone know how to fix this? My sony doesn't mount... before, it was the mp3 which didn't talk to ubuntu (it mounted, but didn't permit the exchange of files)... now, it recognizes the system as valid, but linux does not mount the device21:52
dayoSoren_: mine has rhythmbox, totem and tracker in there. no harm in taking the extra 10MB with u.21:52
roffeWell, Gnash was unfortunately slower than Adobe on the youtube-videos I watched21:52
guntbert!es | pi21:52
ubottupi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:52
Gneatrirnoth: okay, you still need to tell syslog-ng to listen on the port21:52
Gneatrirnoth: check lines 91-9321:52
Soren_dayo, OK, but the file is bigger than the disc21:53
ValentineXGnea: ok, now what should i do?21:53
brassmasterEoL{s}: That problem's got me baffled. I just completed the process myself to make sure it worked. I used instructions from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages . It did work for me on the dmg i used.21:53
Gneatrirnoth: i see you made a whole new source, but have you verified it's listening?21:53
guntbertpi :)21:53
dayoSoren_: then leave it for the next round and let's burn this session21:53
Soren_ok, my bad21:53
dayoSoren_: your bad for not having a dvd burner! :P21:53
Renji-donoThe phrase, Please help me, comes to mind21:53
GneaValentineX: backspace over the 'quiet splash'21:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:53
Gnea!pm | aleron621:54
ubottualeron6: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:54
trirnothGnea: thought that my lines 96 overrode 91-93 .... uncommented anyway.21:54
ValentineXGnea: what that will do21:54
trirnothchecking netstat.21:54
odinsbaneHello, what package do I need to install to get libdvdcss, I insalled the ubunt-retricted extras and it just swamped my computer with crap21:54
pi_! es21:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:54
GneaValentineX: tell you when, where and why it's not working right21:54
ceciliahello...My sony doesn't mount... before, it was the mp3 which didn't talk to ubuntu (it mounted, but didn't permit the exchange of files)... now, it recognizes the system as valid, but linux does not mount the device21:54
trirnothGnea: udp        0      0   *21:54
harlemdavveyguys i have a problem with the upgrade of my ubuntu 8.10 in 9.04 .... when the session starts, there is a message that tells me i should activate a window manager coz it founds none working at the moment... what should i do to fix this problem?21:54
doc^hi, i'd like to know where i can find the ~/.cache/tracker folder21:54
EoL{s}brassmaster: I could try some of the stuff from there.21:54
=== ioakeim is now known as The_Mentor
dayoodinsbane: libdvdcss221:55
Renji-donoIm having trouble installing a driver, need help, please PM21:55
guntbert!ask | Renji-dono21:55
ubottuRenji-dono: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:55
dayodoc^: in your home directory.21:55
Soren_dayo, some files say that they cannont be added21:55
Gneatrirnoth: aaah okay - i see what happened - you created a source but you never plugged it into anything at the bottom of the config21:55
brassmasterEoL{s}: I would recommend that. Like I said, when I did exactly what it said, it worked for me. The only hiccup I had was that for the most recent release of the dmg2img tool, you need to have libbz2-dev installed in order for it to compile.21:55
trirnothGnea: uncommenting line 93 and restarted didn't help ..... reading your new comment now.21:55
Gneatrirnoth: if you search for s_all, you'll see where it's used - and note that s_net is not21:55
dayodoc^: ~/.cache/tracker   is the same thing as /home/youUsername/.cache/tracker21:56
jtajiodinsbane: it's in the medibuntu repository21:56
donavan_so is there a way to setup which access point my system use by default ... I  dont like selecting it every time I boot up21:56
EoL{s}brassmaster: Yeah, I figured that out myself when I tried.21:56
trirnothGnea: crap. I see it.21:56
doc^thanks dayo !21:56
EoL{s}brassmaster: Just one thing. Does your file command recognize the .img file produced on output?21:56
dayoSoren_: check the permissions and ownerships. maybe some are read-only or root owned?21:56
dayodoc^: u're welcome21:56
ceciliaMy sony doesn't mount... I plug the mp3 via usb, but nothing happens21:56
trirnoth(Hope I can say Crap on the Interwebs)21:56
ceciliaafter upgrade to jaunty21:56
brassmasterEoL{s}: file command?21:56
Gneatrirnoth: i bet, if you comment out s_net, it'll start working - the s_net and s_all are clobbering each other, which is probably why it isn't working just yet21:56
Renji-donoTrying to instal RutilTV, having no luck. Please help.21:56
doc^dayo : what if the .cache folder is not there ?21:57
EoL{s}brassmaster: file <filename>21:57
brassmasterEoL{s}: Yes, it says it is of type data.21:57
mpontillodoc^: if you're having trouble finding it in the File Browser, try "View > Show Hidden Files" (things that start with '.' are hidden)21:57
Soren_dayo, let me tell you the entire message.............or do I even care? if it is Root, will that be part of Ubuntu that will be installed by itself?21:57
dayodoc^: i don't even really know what .cache is for. Soren pointed it out to me a minute ago.21:57
brassmasterEoL{s}: I just downloaded an Adium dmg to test it out21:57
dayoSoren_: paste the message21:58
bcmorr2hey guys, what's the package name for the kernel-source for apt-get?21:58
jrib!kernel | bcmorr221:58
ubottubcmorr2: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages21:58
bcmorr2ty jrib21:58
jribbcmorr2: you should probably say why you think you need it though21:58
bcmorr2E: Couldn't find package kernel21:58
doc^dayo : im having tracker index issue since i've updated to 9.04 and its said to delete de cache as well as another folder21:58
Renji-donoDoes anyone know where to get an easy to instal Linksys driver for Ubuntu21:58
ceciliahello... can anyone help with my problem with no mounting mp3 device?21:58
bcmorr2jrib, I'm trying to compile creative x-fi drivers21:59
bcmorr2jrib, on a ubuntu min build21:59
ValentineXGnea: ok i check if it works i shall pray for your family21:59
Ledeubuntu is an african word for "i can't install debian"21:59
dayodoc^: which is why u won't catch me outside 8.10 neighbourhood :-D21:59
sudobashHey do you all support GOS since it is Ubuntu 8.04?21:59
bcmorr2jrib, any suggestions?21:59
GneaValentineX: pardon?21:59
xcdfgkjhgcvLede: I wish people would stop saying that.21:59
Soren_"gtkfilechooser.ini.RIAKTU" cannot be added to the section....It does not exist at the specified location.21:59
Soren_dayo ^^^21:59
=== baskingshark is now known as paul68
dayoSoren_: odd ......... let's skip it?22:00
jribbcmorr2: 1) read what ubottu sent you 2) are you sure you need the kernel sources?  "ubuntu min build" means nothing to me22:00
ceciliaok, i'll try again later22:00
Renji-donoDriver Help Please?22:00
doc^dayo, things run smoother for me on 9.04 than it was with a 8.10 bootdisk, i was having issue with the graphic card driver and screen22:00
EoL{s}brassmaster: This could be useful. In the dmesg | tail log, I found "[ 6046.619856] hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock"22:00
bcmorr2jrib: ubottu sent me nothing22:00
jribbcmorr2: scroll up22:01
sudobashI have a user I am VNC to their desktop then VNC on their LAN to a Dell XPS with Intel 945GM graphics card using the latest GOS...22:01
trirnothGnea: AWESOME! thanks. good eye.22:01
brassmasterEoL{s}: that probably means that the dmg isn't an HFS+ filesystem.22:01
harlemdavveyguys i have a problem with the upgrade of my ubuntu 8.10 in 9.04 .... when the session starts, there is a message that tells me i should activate a window manager coz it founds none working at the moment... what should i do to fix this problem?22:01
doc^thanks alot dayo22:01
dayodoc^: well, i guess it depends on your hardware and on what u do with it. for me 8.10 is all i need, right now. i'm an LTS guy, and moved my laptop from 8.04 to 8.10 because of pulseaudio issues, which still persist, but occur *a lot* less now22:01
trirnothGotta run. thnx again.22:01
=== dereine is now known as dereine[OFF]
uni4dfxi can't play videos on jaunty :(22:02
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
uni4dfxthey're all black22:02
sudobashcompiz should work on it and I have seen this issue in the forums but the responses didnt work22:02
Renji-donoAnyone know a way to convert Windows Drivers to Linux ones?22:02
pepperjackharlemdavvey: are you able to open a terminal?22:02
EoL{s}bassmaster: Should I try to mount to something else, then?22:02
greboidescan anyone confirm if they have the file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so.xserver-xorg-video-psb and if so can plz send this file to me? ive looked all over the internet and couldnt find it anywhere but it "fixes" a driver issue im having here22:02
dayoRenji-dono: yeah22:02
sudobashRenji the best you might get is a driver wrapper22:03
harlemdavveypepperjack: sure22:03
Renji-donoDayo or sudobash: Got links?22:03
dayosudobash: Renji-dono: or reverse engineer and port them :-D22:03
greboidesive tried google several times still no way for me to find this file22:03
Uuugreboides: looked at packages.ubuntu.com?22:03
BlackCoffeehi everyone,i'm having trouble with Audacious,when i log on with XFCE it doesn't work,but when i use gnome it does,why would something like that be happening?22:03
sudobashI need to know what you are trying to get working before I can help you22:03
soio_LOAD /home/ubuntu/.xchat2/bookdcc/bookdcc09.py22:04
dayoSoren_: how are we doing?22:04
sudobashthe most popular wrapper is ndiswrapper for network driver mostly wifi22:04
jribgreboides: I doubt copying a random file from another user is the right way to fix whatever issue you are having.  Use packages.ubuntu.com to find what package provides the file or, better still, describe your actual issue.22:04
Renji-donosudobash: Linksys WUSB54AG22:04
Soren_I am trying to make the 700mb file22:04
dayoSoren_: ok22:04
awmcclainUg. The gutsy apt repo is no longer up, is it?22:04
greboidesjrib: its simple i need the file :)22:04
jribgreboides: good luck with your issue22:05
greboidesit wont fix the whole issue but is a starting point22:05
uni4dfxwhat do i do if all videos are black? is it a nvidia problem?22:05
sudobashthen you might need ndiswrapper but you should first see if there are any Hardware Driver provided in System -> Administration-> Hardware Drivers22:05
brassmasterEoL{s}: Yeah, it would be helpful to see if you can mount a different .dmg.22:05
EoL{s}brassmaster: Is there a quick one I can download or something?22:05
Renji-donosudobash: Tried that, no luck, worked last night, doesnt work now22:05
jonaskoelkerHi all.  gdm mirrors my display to both my laptop's monitor and my tv.  When I log in, only my laptop shows anything.  What's up?  How do I mirror to TV when logged in?22:05
greboidesit isnt on packages.ubuntu.com i checked all repos22:06
Uuuawmcclain: Gutsy Gibbon is a very old release and it is not supported anymore.22:06
ESprit hi every body i want to configure a file server in my pc ubuntu server 9.0422:06
sudobashhave you done all the upgrades by doing: sudo apt-get update && upgrade22:06
awmcclainHow do I upgrade from gutsy to hardy/jaunty now that the repo is down?22:06
Soren_day, I got rid of desktop abd Brassero and it is only 270mb22:06
greboidesthe file comes from xserver-xorg-driver-psb but it isnt available anymore22:06
UncleDi cant seem to find the erlang repo on intrepid. My sources list isn't giving me anything to install. Please help.22:06
Renji-donosudobash: will do now22:06
brassmasterEoL{s}: http://adiumx.cachefly.net/Adium_1.3.3.dmg22:07
Soren_dayo, I got rid of desktop and Brassero and it is only 270mb22:07
l3iohazardHow can I get my laptop to sleep when I shut the lid in ubuntu?22:07
jrib!upgrade | awmcclain22:07
ubottuawmcclain: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:07
Renji-donobash: upgrade: command not found22:07
sudobashdo it separately without the && sudo apt-get update then do a sudo apt-get upgrade22:07
jonaskoelkerl3iohazard: system->preferences->power management22:08
dayoSoren_: u're skipping the files in ~/Desktop ?22:08
jonaskoelkerl3iohazard: "when laptop lid is closed:" ...22:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:08
dayoSoren_: u sure u want to do that?22:08
rpattabiHELP: When I try to upgrade, I get the message that I don't have enough space in root. It expects about 2 gb. I have a different partition for /home where I have enough space. Is it possible to make upgrade to use this space instead of space in root?22:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about multihead22:08
ami_olsenanybody can help?22:08
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead22:08
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama22:08
awmcclainjrib: So we have to do a fresh install? SIgh.22:09
Soren_dayo, giving you the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/167171/22:09
jribawmcclain: umm, no...22:09
Renji-donosudobash: No luck22:09
ESpritHELP:  hi  i want to configure a file server in my pc ubuntu server 9.0422:09
uni4dfxscrew u guys, i figured it out myself22:09
awmcclainjrib: "End-of-life releases have been supported previously but have reached the end of their support cycle. It would be best for users of these versions to perform a fresh install of the latest Ubuntu release."22:09
l3iohazardThanks jonaskoelker22:09
jonaskoelkerl3iohazard: yw :)22:09
jribawmcclain: you can upgrade22:10
awmcclainjrib: I can't install the update manager because the repo is kaput.22:10
dayoSoren_: is this the same error u keep getting?22:10
jribawmcclain: read the "unsupported versions" section22:10
FernandoLBHello. Is it possible to set up a bridge if I'm using network manager ?22:10
jribawmcclain: basically, the sentences after the one you pasted22:10
Renji-donosudobash: Should I ger ndiswrapper22:10
nmvictor_rpattabi:thats quite hard,why dont you free up space in /root.As far as i know,the updates are targetting the system files in root.you have little options.22:10
Soren_there were a few filrs that couldn't be copied22:11
sudobashdid you update and upgrade then do another check in the hardware drivers?22:11
Renji-donosudobash: Nothing new showed, only my nvidia drivers22:11
ESpritHello: hi i want to configure a file server in my pc ubuntu server 9.0422:11
Soren_dayo, there were a few filrs that couldn't be copied22:11
EoL{s}brassmaster: The Adium mount didn't turn up any errors, so, I assume it's worked.22:12
jribESprit: help.ubuntu.com server guide22:12
dayoSoren_: ok, hold on22:12
nmvictor_ESpirit:what file are you talking about,wont be a bit clear22:12
FEJIJFEFEHi there !22:12
brassmasterEoL{s}: That most likely means that either your image file is corrupt or it's doesn't have an hfs+ filesystem.22:12
guntbert!welcome | FEJIJFEFE22:13
ubottuFEJIJFEFE: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.22:13
nmvictor_FEJIJFEF:Hi there !!22:13
bcmorr2I need some help installing creative X-Fi drivers, when I try to make install them I get an error message "cp: cannot stat `ctxfi.ko': No such file or directory"22:13
awmcclainjrib: Yes, and the answers point to either manually updating the sources list to a new version, doing a lot of finagling to try and get it to work, or to just install a new system.22:13
EoL{s}brassmaster: I was trying to convert and mount the iphone sdk.22:13
EoL{s}People have said that it's worked in the past. Perhaps I've got a bad copy or something.22:13
EoL{s}Bad as in corrupt.22:13
sudobashthat is on the ubuntu forums so it must be good22:14
Renji-donosudobash: I will take a look22:14
jribawmcclain: well up to you.  The procedure is to use old-releases.ubuntu.com to make sure you are up to date and then upgrade as usual22:14
brassmasterEoL{s}: Seems like it must be something of that nature. Good luck.22:14
sudobashi have done it before it is pretty easy to get ndiswrapper working22:14
sudobashive done it a lot though22:14
FEJIJFEFEI tried to install my Epson Stylus Pro 3800 printer, and I'm just about to success, but I get an error message in CUPS : « "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pips-wrapper failed" » with that log : http://pastebin.com/m3726aa5b22:14
EoL{s}brassmaster: On an unrelated note, what can I do with Adium? :P22:14
bcmorr2I need some help installing creative X-Fi drivers, when I try to make install them I get an error message "cp: cannot stat `ctxfi.ko': No such file or directory"22:15
dayoSoren_: let's try it again without the Example folder22:15
brassmasterEoL{s}: Out of curiosity though, doesn't seem like the iPhone SDK would be of much use without OS X and Xcode22:15
Soren_dayo here is one message I get on making a new project "Do you really want to add HostGateway to the selection" "The children of this directory will have 7 parent directories.22:15
Soren_Brasero can create an image of such a file hierarchy and burn it; but the disc may not be readable on all operating systems.22:15
Soren_NOTE: Such a file hierarchy is known to work on linux."22:15
brassmasterEoL{s}: Adium is also not much use without Mac OS.22:15
Soren_dayo, ok, brb22:15
jribEoL{s}: I've done that a few months ago, it's not really on-topic here though (iphone sdk)22:16
Soren_dayo, what is basero iso22:16
rob0917Everyone here sounds really technical,is ubuntu right for an average person like me?22:16
jonaskoelkerin Elisa, I'm playing a DVD.  How do I press "Play Movie" in the dvd ui (the one that differs from movie to movie)?22:17
backslash7rob0917: Ubuntu is exactly for average computer users.22:17
jribrob0917: I'd say so, but try it for yourself.  In the end it's just your opinion that matters22:17
backslash7I think there's no easier distribution than Ubuntu.22:17
Soren_day, burning...........checksum..........getting size.......starting record22:17
tommaccorob0917: you're going to see mostly technical questions in here, since not as many people need help with obvious ones22:17
rob0917I'll give it a go -thanks22:17
dayoSoren_: that's the format of the CD image being burnt22:17
Renji-donosudobash: Slight problem, instalation instructions for ndiswrapper arent there22:18
box02hello is there someone who has experience with ppa upload?22:18
dayoSoren_: ever got to "starting record" ?22:18
Kevin`rob0917: it depends on what your doing. i've found ubuntu works REALLY well for average basic users because it prevents them from getting viruses and messing things up :)22:18
guntbertrob0917: people here "sound technical" because its a support channel -  you can try with a live CD22:18
Soren_dayo, it is writing tracks22:18
dayoSoren_: ok22:18
rob0917thank you all so much22:19
Soren_dayo, a bit over a min left for the 201mb22:19
Renji-donosudobash: Can you PM me command lines, to speed this along?22:19
dayoSoren_: what happened to the rest of the 3GB?22:20
bcmorr2I need some help installing creative X-Fi drivers, when I try to make install them I get an error message "cp: cannot stat `ctxfi.ko': No such file or directory"22:20
box02halo .. somebody can help me with ppa uploading? I had upload my package but it was rejected.22:20
Soren_dayo, crreating image checksum22:20
Flare183box02: ask that in #launchpad22:20
EoL{s}brassmaster: How do I unmount Adium?22:20
box02flare183: yes22:21
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
brassmastersudo umount <directory where you mounted it>22:21
motopluxhi all. I have a problem with clock in ubuntu9.04. If I startup the system without being connected to internet my system clock is always two hours ahead. what I should check?22:21
afiefI am trying to reconfigure Grub, I'm going according to the tutorial and doing a find /boot/grub/stage1 I get (hd0,5), but when I type in setup (hd0) I get Error 12: invalid device requested. What should I do?22:21
Soren_dayo, the 2 big files are Desktop and brasero iso, which are not on this disc22:21
uvacavanyone know why I cant get the b43-fwcutter (broadcom wireless) package? says "Couldn't find package bw43-fwcutter" (xubuntu jaunty)22:21
uvacaver "b43-fwcutter" not bw43-fwcutter22:22
dayoSoren_: what's in Desktop?22:22
box02Flare183: I have packaged my small package, and build according to the tutorial and then I uploaded. but It was rejected.22:22
nmvictorbcmorr2:Probably ./configure wasnt succesfull.or you skipped make?check the documentatio that came with the damn drives,usually on the same location as configure script22:22
radicalI'm having some issues with my ethernet card.  The IP address it gives is ipv6 and I want it in ipV4.  Is there anyway to change this?  I'm on 9.04 by the way.22:22
brassmasterEoL{s}: Sorry, that last message was directed at you22:22
box02Flare183: I don't know what's wrong with it.22:22
Decinogealso is linux... BUT LONGBOARDS ARE COOL22:22
Flare183box02: You must ask this question in the #launchpad22:23
brassmaster!flame | box0222:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flame22:23
Gnea!caps | Decinoge22:23
Soren_dayo, some prgrams that hopefully were burnt correctly22:23
ubottuDecinoge: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:23
Flare183Decinoge: Offtopic?22:23
box02Flare183: aha22:23
Decinogeyeah, and i meant to shout...22:23
box02thank you22:23
Decinogei wont22:23
dayoSoren_: u've already burnt Desktop?22:23
Flare183box02: Your welcome22:23
Decinogeany more22:23
GneaDecinoge: do you have a question pertaining to ubuntu?22:23
EoL{s}brassmaster: Yeah, I caught it.22:23
Decinogestill, longboards are cool.22:23
Decinogei could have a bunch22:24
brassmasterEoL{s}: k.22:24
box02Flare183: one more please, how can I go there? :)22:24
Seeker`Decinoge: stop it now22:24
GneaDecinoge: no one cares about longboards here. please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic.22:24
greboideshey can someone plz help me with the file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/libexa.so.xserver-xorg-video-psb ?22:24
guntbertbox02: click on the channel name, Flare183 sent you22:24
Flare183box02: type this in: /j #launchpad22:24
solexiousAfter upgrading to 9.04 mdadm doesn't see my raid array. It should be sdb sdc sdd but I get this error with sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd,    mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdd: Device or resource busy     mdadm: /dev/sdd has no superblock - assembly aborted22:24
Soren_dayo, burning data disc.........estimated remaining time 00:00:00...............creating image checksum................estimated drive speed - isn't it supposed tp say Complete or Eject the Disc or Something whenn it is done with the burn?22:25
greboidesi lost it while hardlinking it to libexa.so and then mv another file to it22:25
box02Flare183: aha, thank you.. I'll try it. :-)22:25
Flare183box02: Alright22:25
Soren_dayo, yes, I hopefully have burned what I want from the desktop22:25
Renji-donoNeed help installing ndiswrapper or Rt2x0022:25
greboidesi would have no words to thanks22:25
Decinogewhy when i have my firefox running, i try to hear music on Music Player or in Totem, and i have no sound. i have to stop firefox, start Totem, and only then i can hear my musics22:25
Decinogebut then my firefox has no sound...22:25
=== J_- is now known as J-_
dayoSoren_: Desktop is a folder *in* your home dir. u need to burn it too, if u want to keep those files.22:26
hateballDecinoge: You mean when you have Firefox+Flash running?22:26
neri_Hi everyone22:26
GneaDecinoge: is your pulseaudio setup right?22:26
brassmasterDecinoge:Sounds like perhaps your firefox needs a longboard22:26
neri_How are you all doing?22:26
jman888888Ok, I set up a ubuntu Server. How do i get my Godaddy Domain to go to it?22:27
Decinogeyest hateball, no idea Gnea, brassmaster you're an... not worth22:27
Soren_dayo, the files on my desktop can be replaced with dl'ing so it is ok not to copy them22:27
dayoSoren_: ok22:27
Flare183jman888888: #ubuntu-server22:27
radicaljman888888, you need to point your DNS to a static IP.22:27
bcmorr2I'm running into trouble trying to make creative drivers, can anyone help?22:27
TetracommIn the terminal, is there a way to replace a certain line of text in a file with another?22:27
GneaDecinoge: careful.22:27
brassmasterDecinoge: ps aux | grep "pulse"22:27
neri_Can i make an NDAS work under Xubuntu?22:27
Soren_dayo, burning data disc.........estimated remaining time 00:00:00...............creating image checksum................estimated drive speed - isn't Brasero supposed to say Complete or Eject the Disc or Something whenn it is done with the burn?22:27
Gnea!pulseaudio | Decinoge22:27
TetracommI want to replace line 85 of a text file with a script automatically.22:27
ubottuDecinoge: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions22:27
sudobashHey i can run glxgears with intel 945GM at 700+ FPS but when I go to appearance it will not let me change effects beyond none...22:27
sudobashUbuntu 8.04 (GOS)22:28
radicalDoes ubuntu default to IPV6 ever on 9.04?22:28
o0110ohi everybody22:28
hateballDecinoge: Flash doesnt play nice with... anything22:28
jman888888Radical : How do i do that?22:28
brassmasterDecinoge: What version of Ubuntu are you running? Pulse has been standard for a few releases now.22:28
dayoSoren_: as far as i know it's supposed to check the integrity of the burn before it's over? it spits out your CD and u need to put it back in so it can run the check.22:28
TonyTheTigerhello everyone, ubuntu is awesome however im still being forced to boot into my vista OS because the sound doesnt work properly on my ubuntu. The sound works but is soo low that its practically "muted" and when i insert headphones sound stops working all together. can someone help?22:29
dayoSoren_: and then after that it should be over22:29
nmvictorsudobash: You graphics my frind22:29
Decinoge8.04 - the Hardy Heron22:29
neri_I'm from Holland22:29
sudobashthe xorg file hardly has anything in it...22:29
bcmorr2TonyTheTiger: try alsamixer from cli and try to turn it up22:29
Soren_dayo, my only option is cancel, currently22:29
radicaljman888888, log into go daddy and change the IP to your IP.  If you don't have one you'll have to run dynamic-DNS.22:29
solexiousHelp, how can I tell more about a dive connected at /dev/sdd ? i.e. model, capacity, ide or sata etc22:30
sudobashhuh nmvictor?22:30
Decinogealso, VLC doesn't work on my computer. no mater how many times i reinstall it, it still doesn't run (starts and imediatly shuts down)22:30
hateballDecinoge: If it's just Youtube, I usually work around the issue by using clive to download the videos rather than using the flashplugin. You could also redirect youtube to use mplayer instead22:30
dayoSoren_: how long has it been creating image checksum22:30
radicaljman888888, if you don't have a static IP address....then you'll need dynamic DNS22:30
jman888888Radical : You mean my current IP? Ok then... Dont i have to do something with bind though? Also how can i get my ip to stay the same22:30
sudobashhuh nmvictor?22:30
jman888888Radical: Can i change it to static with my router? Or is that a no?22:30
Soren_dayo, the drive is no longer turning either22:30
Decinogei'll try lastfm just for the sake of it22:30
MeXTuXI deleted a user using the User's Administration Tool (GUI) and the user home directory still exists. How can I remove completely a user??22:31
bcmorr2hateball: can you help?22:31
radicalYou shouldn't need to do anything with bind.  To keep your IP address the same...Well you could try it in your router.  You're ISP might not like it.  Just do a google search for "Dynamic DNS" and use one of the services.  Your router probably supports it even.22:31
sudobashdelete the dir22:31
sudobashin home22:31
dayoSoren_: that's weird.22:31
boringpacketsIs there any way to check DPC latency in Ubuntu?22:31
hateballbcmorr2: Help with?22:31
bcmorr2hateball: trying to install creative x-fi drivers22:31
dayoSoren_: maybe something's wrong with the media or the drive?22:31
boringpacketsFor windows, there is an application called DPC Latency Checker, and it just displays the latency in usecs22:31
boringpacketsin 1 second intervals22:31
boringpacketsIs there a program like this for ubuntu?22:32
bcmorr2hateball: got them extracted and when I try to make, I get an error22:32
brassmasterDecinoge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio#KnownIssues22:32
nmvictorsudobash: Probably your graphics wont be able to stand any serious desktop effect,let alone compiz.22:32
brassmasterDecinoge: try that.22:32
hateballbcmorr2: Sorry, no idea22:32
TonyTheTigerbcmorr2, What do you mean, could you please expand on your answer?22:32
bcmorr2brassmaster: perhaps you can help?22:32
Soren_dayo, try again? new disc?22:32
* Renji-dono headdesk22:33
bcmorr2TonyTheTiger: what happens when you run alsamixer from commandline?22:33
Renji-donoI cant do this! Help meeee?!22:33
Decinogethanks brassmaster, you no longer not worth it22:33
brassmasterbcmorr2: I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What was it you wanted help with?22:33
solexiousHelp, how can I tell more about a drive connected at /dev/sdd ? i.e. model, capacity, ide or sata etc22:33
dayoSoren_: let's try it a bit differently this, time. insert the empty CD22:33
le6681привет всем22:33
xmetalcorexsorry can some one tell  why i have this problem with the driver22:33
ablerthdparm /dev/sdd22:33
bcmorr2brassmaster: I'm trying to install creative drivers, got them extracted and when I try to make, I run into an error22:34
Renji-donoCan anyone remote access and install ndiswrapper for me?22:34
ablertsolexious,  hdparm -I /dev/sdd22:34
quibbler!ru | le668122:34
ubottule6681: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:34
Soren_is that one a coaster?22:34
TonyTheTigerbcmorr2, I get a old school gfx interface22:34
solexiousablert, thanks22:34
Soren_dayo, inserted22:34
TonyTheTigerwithin the terminal22:34
dayoSoren_: don't open Brasero, tho. then open your file browser and select your home directory, rightClick and click Copy, then Paste into the empty CD.22:34
brassmasterbcmorr2: With the x-fi drivers?22:34
bcmorr2TonyTheTiger: turn up master/pcm and make sure they're not muted22:34
bcmorr2brassmaster: yes22:34
xmetalcorexcannot mount volume22:35
TonyTheTigerbcmorr2, master is on 100%22:35
bcmorr2TonyTheTiger: and pcm?22:35
brassmasterbcmorr2: What's the error?22:35
TonyTheTigerbcmorr2, so is pcm22:35
brassmasterbcmorr2: can you pastebin?22:35
bcmorr2brassmaster: will query you22:35
xmetalcorexthis is my problem with the partition of my hard drive22:35
Soren_dayo, brasero window that hung will not close with cancel22:35
bcmorr2TonyTheTiger: not sure then22:35
Soren_dayo or X or close on task bar22:36
dayoSoren_: that sux. try to Force Quit.22:36
thackerI have a folder that a bunch of users write files to and are in turn shared with everyone.  Is there a way to make the directory set some specified owner and permissions to any files written to it?22:36
TonyTheTigerwell can someone/anyone help my problem? My sound is low and when i use headphones it stops working all together, please help.22:36
Soren_ok, it magically closed, dayo22:36
jribthacker: (Acces Control Lists) ACL for fine grained control.  Alternatively, set umask (global) to what you want, change the directory's owner, and setgid the directory22:37
dayoSoren_: u wouldn't happen to have an external hard disk, btw?22:37
thackerthanks jrib, i will look into acl22:37
Soren_dayo, blank disc in, I canceled the request to open Brascero, et22:38
jribthacker: man getfacl  and  man setfacl   and   man mount   to read about enabling acl22:38
yvan300i got a problem, everytime i log into jaunty, i see my mosue pointer, hear the startup sound, then i get a prompt saying starting whatever, and then i'm back at the login screen. When i log in again, i'm booted to the desktop22:38
sledgeSRVhaving trouble mounting my hard drive in ubuntu when booting off of cd  says that windows didnt release the drive/??22:38
Soren_dayo, I can yank one out of a Win laptop, I am not sure how much space is on it22:38
boringpacketshow can I check for DPC Latency?22:38
dayoSoren_: if u've got a switch, we could scp your data into the win laptop22:39
TonyTheTigerSomeone/anyone help my problem? My sound is low and when i use headphones it stops working all together, please help.22:39
boringpacketsHow can I check for DPC Latency?22:39
yvan300everytime i log into jaunty, i see my mosue pointer, hear the startup sound, then i get a prompt saying starting whatever, and then i'm back at the login screen. When i log in again, i'm booted to the desktop22:40
radical Tony try doing a search fo r"Make model ubuntu sound"22:40
Soren_I have a netgear router, I also have the USB cable that plugs ino HDD though22:40
Soren_dayo ^^^22:40
aleron6does anybody get an error in the update manager when they use that command line provided in the pidgin site22:40
boringpacketsis netgear the poor mans linksys?22:40
dtchenTonyTheTiger: please use "ubuntu-bug alsa-base" if you have a Launchpad account, and then tell me the bug report # you filed22:40
ruben23hi how do is et satict IP on my ubuntu server..?22:41
dayoSoren_: can u use the USB cable to connect your ubuntu system to your win laptop?22:41
TonyTheTigerdtchen, I have never used launchpad?22:41
ruben23hi how do i set satict IP on my ubuntu server..?22:41
dtchenTonyTheTiger: https://launchpad.net22:41
nmvictoronyTheTiger:hope you have everything to do with master volume and volume control options right.What drivers have you enabled,ALASA  works fine for most cases22:41
Soren_dayo, you mean remove the Ubunti system HDD and plug that into the Win system with the USB cable?22:42
radicalruben23, you need to modify your network/interfaces file22:42
dayoruben23: try #ubuntu-server    but the file u're looking for is /etc/network/interfaces22:42
TonyTheTigernmvictor, I have tried all the options in the sound, only alsa works for me but it works as mentioned above22:42
yvan300dayo: everytime i log into jaunty, i see my mosue pointer, hear the startup sound, then i get a prompt saying starting whatever, and then i'm back at the login screen. When i log in again, i'm booted to the desktop22:43
unopruben23,  sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask  # as an example22:43
dayoSoren_: sounds drastic.22:43
Soren_dayo at this point, I really do not care if I loose stuff, I can just DL everything again22:43
dayoyvan300: i don't use jaunty. sorry22:43
yvan300ok dayo22:43
sledgeSRVhaving trouble mounting my hard drive in ubuntu when booting off of cd  says that windows didnt release the drive/??22:44
dayoSoren_: well, i've heard about Dropbox, but never tried it before. u could check that out and maybe upload your stuff?22:44
dayoSoren_: http://www.getdropbox.com/22:44
solexiousAfter upgrading to 9.04 mdadm doesn't see my raid array. It should be sdb sdc sdd but I get this error with sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd,    mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdd: Device or resource busy     mdadm: /dev/sdd has no superblock - assembly aborted22:44
Paulo39i used split command to divide a file into very pieces, how can i reorganize that pieces to have the initial file again?22:44
Soren_dayo, ok, I will try that and one more burn using that other program and thencome back22:44
LjLPaulo39: cat22:44
dayoSoren_: ok, cool22:44
Soren_dayo, will you be here for a while?22:45
Renji-donoNeed some help, talk through instructions please.22:45
dayoSoren_: yeah. i might be afk for a bit, but i'm still around.22:45
mgmuscarihas anyone else experienced this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/35118622:45
Soren_may I PM you?22:45
mabusmy eeepc running ubuntu used as a gateway keeps stopping connectivity for the devices in my lan. I have to rerun iptables -f and setup the forwarding again (I have this in a script) and it getso bad sometimes I have to rerun it every 2 minutes. how can I find out what changing my iptables rules or otherwise causing the internet to stop working for other devices on the lan22:45
dayoSoren_: sure22:46
Renji-dono!help please22:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help please22:46
Renji-donoNeed help installing Rt2x0022:46
lucaxdoes any one know a good game repository for ubuntu??22:47
Paulo39LjL, i dont understand what arguments and/or option have cat command, and i dont understand well the man page because i dont understand english well22:47
bdizzlehi, I was wondering if someone could help me set up the partitions for 9.04?22:47
Renji-donohttp://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Rt2x00_GIT_instructions <<< Help please22:47
Soren_dayo, you are PMed22:47
Farrelanyone knows JAVA?22:49
mgmuscarifarrel: what do you need to know about java?22:49
unopFarrel,  the folk in #java do :)22:49
aleron6so nobody in here knows22:49
roffeI wish I knew22:50
Farrelanyone knows JAVA?22:50
unop!ot | Farrel22:50
ubottuFarrel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:50
TonyTheTigeryeh i know java22:50
Renji-donoHelp Please.22:50
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xmetalcorexhi  Abarai22:51
Renji-donoHey xmetalcorex22:51
mgmuscarierr... how do i register on this server?22:51
Flare183!register | mgmuscari22:51
ubottumgmuscari: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode22:51
Renji-donoxmetalcorex: You ale to help me?22:51
Flare183!ask | Renji-dono22:52
ubottuRenji-dono: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:52
xmetalcorexin what ??22:52
xmetalcorexif i can !!!22:52
Renji-donoWith installing Rt2x00?22:52
xmetalcorexwhat is your problem whit ??22:53
TonyTheTigerFarrel, what?22:54
dylan_ok why does kde4 suck22:54
=== mgmuscari is now known as mgmuscari_
sledgeSRVhaving trouble mounting my hard drive in ubuntu when booting off of cd  says that windows didnt release the drive?? anyone know how to fix this????22:54
mick_Well??? Can any talk me through connecting a Ubuntu Server to a WPA wireless network using the command line interface? Thanks22:54
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SlartsledgeSRV: are you dualbooting?22:54
sledgeSRVslart: what is dualbooting??22:54
Guy0223How can i replicate an AD server to an openldap server22:54
SlartsledgeSRV: is the drive using ntfs?22:54
Dr_WillissledgeSRV:  dont use windows hibernate/suspend mode.. for starters..22:54
sledgeSRVyes it is ntfs it is my vista boot drive22:55
lucaxany repo for games?22:55
SlartsledgeSRV: or rather.. do you have windows installed on the computer?22:55
Slart!games | lucax22:55
ubottulucax: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:55
SlartsledgeSRV: boot into windows, run a check disk on it, then try again22:55
sledgeSRVwont boot ibto windows22:55
sledgeSRVhaving hard drive issues22:55
SlartsledgeSRV: ok, then boot ubuntu and install ntfsprogrs.. then run ntfsfix on the drive22:56
sledgeSRVwhere can i find hoow to do that?22:56
needhelpHello, my problem is that MSN keeps disconnecting all the time. I'm not online for more than maximum 10 minutes, sometimes 1 minute. How can I fix it?22:56
mick_Does no one know how to connect to a WPA encrypted network using the command line?22:56
xmetalcorexokey whit i will look22:56
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:56
mick_needhelp: I was having a similar issue ... are you connected wirelessly or through a wire?22:57
HarujaiCan anyone think of a reason why intrepid isn't recognizing my ATI 36xx in Hardware drivers, and how i would go about fixing this?22:57
xmetalcorexhave you a fedora ??22:57
SlartsledgeSRV: boot ubuntu, run this in a terminal, "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs". Then run ntfsfix /dev/sda1 or whatever your windows drive is called.. sda1 is the first partition on the windows drive22:57
Dr_Willismick_:  not on ubuntu. :() but  when i was using archlinux - i followed the archlinux wiki/guide on that topic. :) it wasent too hard. about 4 commands total  (and no i dont rember them)22:57
Dr_Willismick_:  same commands proberly work under ubuntu. (ive never tried)22:57
Renji-donoxmetalcorex:  PM?22:57
needhelpmick_, wireless22:57
Harujaier, not intrepid. jaunty. Sorry.22:57
mick_Dr_Willis: Thanks, I'll take a look over there and see if can help me at all22:57
mick_needhelp: have you looked at the logs to see if it's a problem with your wireless connection?22:58
xmetalcorexwhat your OS  type ubuntu or fedora or ...22:58
eseven73how would I create a symlink so if I put images in /home/eseven73/Pictures it links to /var/wwww/   so if someone goes to my website they see the images that are from /home/eseven73/Pictures is that even possible?22:58
needhelpmick_, half of my messages are sent in return with a red errormessage22:58
unopeseven73, sure .. but you need to enable the apache followsymlinks option for that directory that holds the symlink22:58
needhelpmick_, no, whats the name of the logfile ?22:59
l7so i messed up my screen resolution using the Monitor Resolution Settings control panel -- how can i fix this?  is there a text file somewhere i can change to get my old resolution back?22:59
mick_needhelp: /var/log/messages22:59
dylan_why do my nvidia drivers only allow resolutions other than 1280x102422:59
dylan_when I can get that in xp on the same computer23:00
eseven73unop, ok so I just download that apache mod, and what would be the command for the symlink?23:00
EspritNett i want configure a file server in ubuntu server 9.0 423:00
dylan_I have everything less than that and weird wide screen resolutions above it23:00
xmetalcorexme i have a stable one 8.0x23:00
xmetalcorexcant u read the help and try to do the same np ??23:01
xmetalcorexno *23:01
unopeseven73, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/core.html#directory23:02
dylan_why do my nvidia drivers only allow resolutions other than 1280x102423:02
dylan_I have everything less than that and weird wide screen resolutions above it23:02
dylan_when I can get that in xp on the same computer23:03
eseven73unop, ok thanks23:03
EspritNettunop: i want configure a file server in my pc ubuntu server23:03
unop!samba | EspritNett23:04
ubottuEspritNett: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:04
DealerI'm about to install NVIDIA graphics driver, and my X server is running, and I cant recall the command to shut it down, and make it autostart (without using startx command on bootup), can someone please help me ?23:04
drbobbhi folks, any idea why under jaunty, copying files to my flash drive tends to slow down to a crawl rather often?23:04
drbobbBy a crawl I mean less than 100kB/s23:04
unop!boot | Dealer23:05
ubottuDealer: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:05
needhelpmick_, its like 2500 lines long. Which keywords should I look for?23:05
drbobbthe flash stick seems ok, it's pretty new and has been working correctly until recently23:05
nog_lorpI have a problem after updating from 8.04 up to 9.04 (through 8.10, which worked fine)23:05
needhelpmick_, http://rafb.net/p/nQQpoB93.html23:05
nog_lorpnow, once I log in to gnome, the gnome-panel flashes constantly23:06
Dealerunop, I do not want to change my boot records, I just want to shut down my X server for an nvidia install, then put it back to normal again23:06
nog_lorpthe desktop items and panel buttons never load23:06
EspritNettubottu: thank you23:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:06
nog_lorpI can't find any similar problems online23:06
unopDealer,  that's pretty much what ubottu is suggesting ..   but,    sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop23:06
histoDealer: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:06
mick_needhelp: There's a line there that says ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready ... looks as though that's your problem, do you have static IP address or DHCP?23:06
chuck_drbobb: I have the same problem starts out normal then crawls transferring files to from usb flash drive or externel hard drive23:07
boasladdrdobb, I have noticed that mine tends to slow down if I have the nautilus open to the flash drive while copying. Try closing the nautilus window while copying it might help.. but you may have a problem with your Usb Connection. try using a diufferent port?23:07
jacky420killall irssi23:07
jacky420oops. sry23:07
dylan_shy can't my nvidia drivers installed on jaunty display 1280x1024 ? I get every other resolution less than and greater than, plus the wide screens, but no 1280x1024.. My XP installation is capable of 1280x1024 (which is what I run), on the same screen23:07
Dealerunop, I'm sorry, I'll read up on the links, just thought you got me wrong, but it was me that got you wrong;)23:07
ewsubachanyone know how to start emacs without showing the "About Emacs" page?23:07
needhelpmick_, DHCP23:08
drbobbboaslad: I tried the obvious stuff - using another port, running dosfsck on the flash stick, even reformatting it23:08
jrattnerQuestion: I dual boot XP and Ubuntu.  I just deleted the Ubuntu partition. How do I remove GRUB if I do not have a Windows XP boot disk?23:08
evanrmurphyewsubach: If you open a file directly from the terminal, like "emacs some_file.txt" I think it's skipped.23:08
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drbobbboaslad: I have no nautilus windows open now, and copying to the flash stick is sloooow23:09
ewsubachevanmurphy: yes, i am aware of that method. however, i usually start it using Gnome-Do and can't choose a file. i just want to start with a blank screen23:09
unopewsubach,  http://www.fettesps.com/?p=38  perhaps23:09
mick_needhelp: Is there another machine on your network that is taking the IP address from your laptop? I had this same issue and it turned out to be a problem with my router. Is this happening to any other machines on your network?23:09
evanrmurphyewsubach: Or you could even open a file directly from the GUI... ah, I see what you're saying.23:09
unopewsubach,  the folk in #emacs would definitely know23:09
roffeis the 64-bit version of flash released?23:10
Tenebrusгоспода, подскажите23:10
drbobbboaslad: actually I'm now using rsync to copy files and not nautilus, but that didn't help much either23:10
boaslado.k. well, I am sorry I don't know that much. Just thought I would help a little.23:10
stepnemewsubach: (setq inhibit-splash-screen t) into your .emacs, :P23:10
Tenebrusoh, excuse me :)23:10
ewsubachjrattner: google how to reinstall windows xp bootloader, there are programs to recover it23:10
nog_lorpAnyone got any idea about why my gnome desktop has trouble starting?23:10
ewsubachstepnem, unop, evanmurphy: thanks guys! stepnem's method worked23:11
roffeHow can I find out if the flash player I'm using is 64-bit or 32?23:11
needhelpmick_, I only use MSN on this comp, but there are two comps connected to the router. The other is wired.23:11
Tenebrusi have installed Ubuntu 9.04 x64, but the system monitor shows only 3,1 gb ram23:11
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Tenebruswhat's the problem?23:12
axodhi newbie question, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a netbook. I've downloaded the .img, but need to get it on a USB drive + make bootable. How do I do that under OS X?23:12
mick_I'm not sure ... try to update your router firmware ... there's lots of pieces that could be causing this problem, try ruling out as much as you can23:12
jrattner1Question: How can I uninstall GRUB from Windows XP without having a Windows XP disk?23:13
usseraxod, with dd23:13
usseraxod, im pretty sure macs have dd23:13
roffeDid anyone know how to see if it's 64-bit or 32-bit Adobe flash I'm running?23:13
usseraxod, you need to figure out the /dev name of your usb stick23:13
axodusser: they do, can you give an example cmd?23:13
axodyup got that, /dev/disk223:13
usseraxod, once you know it dd if=image.img of=/dev/sdb223:13
axodok cool thx will give it a try23:14
zvacetjrattner1 : http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p18.htm#MbrFix.exe23:14
usseraxod, is that what mac osx calls it, weird23:14
axodyeah they have diff names for the devices23:14
yoritomohello all23:14
usseraxod, sorry not /dev/sdb2 rather /dev/sdb23:14
jrattner1zvacet, thank you23:14
yoritomoi installed rosegarden with dssi enabled, but i do'nt know where is the dssi directory ?23:14
Tenebrusfolks, please help someone? i have installed 64-bit version if Ubuntu, but it sees only 3,1 gb of RAM23:14
axodusser: yup ok so not a partition, but the actual device I see23:15
usseraxod, yep23:15
yoritomoi put some on /usr/local/lib/dssi , but RG did not find it23:15
Tenebrusmaybe i have to change some BIOS options?23:15
drbobboh and nautilus refuses to umount the flash drive, so i type `sync' in a terminal, and it's taking like several minutes already23:16
axodeugh - dd: /dev/disk2: Operation not supported23:16
zvacetTenebrus:maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114092223:17
l7does anyone know where the gnome settings for screen resolution are saved for each user?23:17
l7i've looked all over my home directory and i can't seem to find it23:18
mick_axod: Have you tried sudo dd ...23:18
bcanyone care to suggest something better (for gnome environment) than gpodder for video podcasts?23:18
axodmick_: yeah I'm root,23:18
mick_You're logged in as root?23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd23:18
BlinkizHi. Am trying to install fedora into a virtual machine (kvm) but it hangs every time when it comes to package 166, selinux. What todo? (Guest fedora 11 preview, host ubuntu 9.04 server)23:18
yoritomosome musicians here ?23:19
Tenebrusyoritomo, i play guitar and growl in my band23:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsession23:19
mick_axod: Try http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/17629.aspx23:19
yoritomodo you know about ddsi in rosegarden ?23:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dssi23:20
phowerl7, .xsession23:20
boasladsorry I don't use roseguarden23:20
nog_lorpMy problem is exactly like described in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7166146, except I haven't experimented with USB peripherals.23:20
phowerUSERXSESSION=$HOME/.xsession this is in /etc/X11/Xsession (global script)23:20
Tenebrusi even don't know what is "dssi"23:21
yoritomoi installed rosegarden but don't know where to put dssi :(23:21
l7phower: thanks, however i can't find any file at ~/.xession.  i do see a file called .xsession-errors and .Xdefaults though23:21
nog_lorpAnyone know why gnome-panel is so messed up for me?!?23:22
Ghost13how are all of you23:22
Tenebrusbut ypu could listen to some our music at http://myspace.com/exventerband :) maybe you would like it :)23:22
krlinhusalgm e brasileiro ai????23:23
Ghost13any one know how to fix su_to_root issue in wifi-radar23:23
boasladnog_lorp: define "messed up"23:23
odder!pt | krlinhus23:23
ubottukrlinhus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:23
saxinWhat program can i change Sketchup with in Ubuntu?23:23
darkhelm1tlivecan i start an application in a specific location, like the upper right or lower right corner of the screen or soemthing23:23
theunixgeekIs there a way to set "Print to File" to work as a physical printer?23:23
Ttech2Hi, what could be causing random flashing acrosss different parts of the screen. How do I fix it? I'm using the fglrx drivers.23:23
krlinhushi anybody oh and Brazilian???23:24
saxinWhat program can i use instead of Google SketchUp?23:24
linux_noobHello, I have an issue connecting to my linux box.  The linux box lives beyond a router, and I have forwarded two ports to it: 22 & 443.  I can SSH into the linux box with no problem.  When I try to connect my linux box via a web browser (https:// to go to port 443) it times out.  Can someone help me figure out what to do?23:25
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nog_lorpboasland: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=716614623:25
nog_lorpthat persons problem23:25
Ttech2restart apache?23:25
odderkrlinhus: there are people in #ubuntu-br, you can talk with them in portuguese.23:25
nog_lorpbut I have to go to a meeting23:25
nog_lorpI'll be back in a little bit23:25
odderkrlinhus: just type /join #ubuntu-br and enjoy :)23:25
Ghost13does anyone  use wifi-radar?23:25
zorofroozoanyone knows how to change the keyboard layout in the login screen, once logged in i got azerty, but i need t in the login screen to23:26
bki have a problem23:26
lugohay alguien23:26
bkwhen trying to install thunderbird from tar.gz23:27
bkcan anyone help?23:27
zealiodis there a way to get ftp to output file transfer progress when using on bash23:27
usserzealiod, use wget23:28
usserzealiod, or wput23:28
zealiodusser: for uploading?23:28
linux_noobis there a command to delete/disable an entire ip table?23:28
zvacetzorofroozo: try  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7130992#post713099223:29
bkhow do I unlock administration directory?23:29
bksomethings holding it and i cannot apt-get23:29
rumpel2bk, sudo apt-get...23:29
bkdid that23:30
Soren_dayo, I think I burned the disc23:30
bkget the same error23:30
peeeaceukraine here?23:30
bkI get "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource23:30
bk           temorarily unavailiable)23:30
bk18:20  bk> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is23:30
bk           another process using it?23:30
FloodBot3bk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
rumpel2bk, is any other synaptic oder aptitude-session running?23:31
bki dont know23:31
theunixgeekI installed cups-pdf but I'm not able to print through the PDF printer; what should I do?23:31
rumpel2check it... if one is active, its locked...23:31
FloodBot3bk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:31
bknew to linux23:31
mike_hshello if i open 2 pppoe users, how i can use the bandwith of them into 1 bandwith ? thanks23:31
=== bcmorr2 is now known as bcmorr2`
=== bcmorr2` is now known as bcmorr2
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rumpel2!ru | peeeace23:33
ubottupeeeace: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:33
linux_noobi enabled SSL on my server and now when i SSH into it lags for 5-15 seconds before it prompts me for my password (it was instant before) is this normal??23:35
rumpel2linux_noob, check if some app is using much bandwith23:36
linux_noobrumel2, does iptables "use" bandwith?23:36
linux_noobsorry, rumpel223:36
linux_noobok, thanks23:36
bclinux_noob: which 'SSL' did you enable?23:37
Cam42I'm looking to dual boot some other OS with Ubuntu Jaunty, what should I use?23:37
odderwow, a weird thing I've just had23:37
LjL!dualboot | cam4223:38
ubottucam42: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:38
linux_noobbc, i barely have enough knowledge to answer that question... i have typed things havent to do with a2em (something like that) and mod_ssl... does that answer?23:38
odderwhen I run firefox, I got a 'segmentation fault'. Anybody heard of that?23:38
linux_noobbc, i barely have enough knowledge to answer that question... i have typed things having** to do with a2em (something like that) and mod_ssl... does that answer?23:38
TonyTheTigerHiya my sound is working but when i insert headphones it doesnt work.23:38
TonyTheTigerThe os recognises the headphones have been inserted as sound through speakers stops but headphones dont play anything either.23:38
Cam42I know how to dual boot, I'm looking for a good OS to dual boot with.23:38
gravisangood os?23:39
pepperjackTonyTheTiger: alsamixer is first thing to check23:39
Seeker`TonyTheTiger: is there a "headphone volume" control?23:39
TonyTheTigerSeeker`,  no23:39
Cam42Or a Linux OS that would provide good contrast from Ubuntu23:39
lianimatorhow can I pipe the result of locate to mplayer so that it'll play the file?23:39
nmvictorCam42: what is what?the OS you want or a program to do whatever?23:40
bclinux_noob: mod_ssl should be unrelated to ssh. does your IP reverse?23:40
pepperjackCam42: arch linux, slackware, or freebsd <--for contrast :)23:40
TonyTheTigeroh btw nmvictor cheers for the help, i actually got my speaker sound sorted out :D23:40
pepperjacklianimator: locate file | xargs -i mplayer {}  may work23:40
JamedCam42: i can recommend archlinux. it is really different from ubuntu23:40
TonyTheTigernow to fix the headphone sound.23:40
Cam42Sorry, I'm an IRC n00b, how do I PM Someone?23:41
pepperjackCam42: /msg nickname23:41
linux_noobbc, what does "IP reverse" mean?23:41
TonyTheTigerSeeker`, what should i do if the headphone volume is not there/23:41
bclinux_noob: go to whatismyip.com. get the address shown there and type into terminal, host (address you saw)23:42
mrubcichare u guys all afk, ive got a few questions about some pretty easy questions about the compiz black list if anyones got a few seconds23:42
=== default is now known as bootui
sebsebsebCam42: my name came up click on it,  and  I suggested a channel where you can talk about distros23:42
Cam42Anyone have experience with FreeBSD?23:42
bclinux_noob: is box you're sshing to on your lan, or is it a remote server?23:43
akiohi first time user trying to install wowo23:43
DealerI've just installed the NVIDIA driver, followed its instructions, but it fucked up my X server, now I'm back to default settings, is this a common problem ?23:43
Slartmrubcich: not all are afk.. just ask your questions23:43
=== TheFunkbomb_ is now known as TheFunkbomb
solexiousI'm going to make a raid 5 with mdadm, what is the recommended file system to use with it?23:43
mrubcichalright sweet lol i havent played with mirc for years23:43
linux_noobbc, it is on LAN but when i SSH into it i refer to it by its external address23:43
akioi am having an issue with installing wow23:43
SlartDealer: first.. try to keep the language family-friendly.. second.. did you install the driver using the hardware drivers thingy in ubuntu?23:43
mrubcichi'm inda new to linux and i dont know how to edit any files threw the terminal i need to change some of the code in the compiz file23:44
frindlyhello some body for support here?23:44
linux_noobbc, the host command returned stuff to me, does that mean it works?23:44
mrubcichcant edit it cause its read only23:44
Slartakio: you might want to ask in #winehq instead23:44
Slart!wine | akio23:44
ubottuakio: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:44
jribmrubcich: what exactly are you trying to do ?23:44
bclinux_noob: yes. um, why don't you ssh to it's internal address instead?23:44
mrubcichtake my gm965 intel grx card off of its blacklist23:44
Slartmrubcich: run this "gksudo gedit" then you can edit any file from that editor window23:44
linux_noobbc, really i was just seeing if my no-ip.com DNS stuff was still wokring23:44
saulusis there a way to bind the extra keys (play, next, prev) that work with ubuntu-video-player to vlc? I cant get them recognized.23:44
frindlyhello somebody here who know much about linux and hardware?23:44
linux_noobbc, because I can seem to SSH i but i cant seem to HTTPs to the box23:44
mrubcichsee thats why i come asking because u guys rock23:45
DealerSlart, I did at first, but not happy with the result, so I tryed to do it manualy, and now my x server (gnome) is buggy, low resolution and no nvidia logo on restart of it. (sorry about the language but kinda pissed me off)23:45
guycookCan ubuntu upgrade itself?23:45
Slart!anyone | frindly23:45
ubottufrindly: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:45
frindlyyes ok.23:45
bclinux_noob: is the delay problem with HTTPS or SSH?23:45
Slartguycook: yes23:45
akioi already have wine, the accept link wont light up on the end user agreement23:45
SlartDealer: hmm.. what graphics card do you have?23:45
DealerSlart, 8600 silent (asus I beleve)23:45
linux_noobbc, i edited my apache sites-availabe and changed VirtualHost *:80 to   VirtualHost *:443   perhaps i wasnt supposed to do that?23:45
Slartakio: try asking in #winehq.. type "/join #winehq" to join that channel23:46
solexiousI'm going to make a raid 5 array with mdadm, what is the recommended file system to use with raid 5 arrays?23:46
bclinux_noob: hang on23:46
SlartDealer: and what was wrong with the driver that the hardware driver manager installed? it didn't work?23:46
linux_noobbc, i have a delay with SSH.. but that was an incidental complaint my real concern is my inability to conenct with https at all (though the sudden lag in ssh is weird)23:46
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DealerSlart, not with games.23:46
frindlywell i have a 6 years old computer p4 with ubuntu 9.04. the psu is defect, i get a new one. now the following happens: i installed the new psu, after starting the pc, the screenresolution is 800x600@60hz, not 1024x768@75 like before. the rescuecd with xwindows has the same problems. the monitor is not recogniced any more.23:46
Slartsolexious: I'm not sure there is any special recommendations.. ext2/3/4, xfs or whatever will probably work23:46
bclinux_noob: use this before any VirtualHost lines: NameVirtualHost (replace with the internal IP). Then use VirtualHost
solexiousSlart, thank you23:47
th0rmounting sda2 to /media/sda2. Mount says rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev but I can't write a file to the drive23:47
SlartDealer: ok.. are you sure the driver from the nvidia site will be any different?23:47
DealerSlart, do I need to restart Ubuntu or just the x server to activate the drivers using hardware driver manager ?23:47
SlartDealer: just the x-server iirc23:48
bclinux_noob: if the box truly has a real, non "lan" static IP, use that instead23:48
guycookSlart, I get "Could not download all repository indexes" in the update manager on this older install of x64 ubuntu23:48
Slartguycook: how old? what version?23:48
bclinux_noob: you also might need to check to ensure you have an SSL certificate being used by Apache23:48
linux_noobbc, do i make those changes to the VirtualHost XML tag or are those changes actual lines of content inbetween the VirtualHost opening & closing tags23:48
DealerSlart, I remembered from my previous installs, of older versions, perhaps 1 or 2 years ago, that I had to install the driver, and several howtos i've read says that I have to install it :S23:48
guycookSlart: don't remember how to check23:48
frindlyi think the cable from graphic-card to monitor is broken.23:48
bclinux_noob: and only one IP per host can use SSL23:49
bclinux_noob: hang on i'll pastebin an example23:49
linux_noobbc, thanks :)23:49
SlartDealer: well.. ubuntu evolves... two years is a long time.. most advice from back then don't apply any more.. especially when it comes to graphics drivers23:49
guycookSlart the Update manager says " New distribution release 7.10 is available"23:49
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Slartguycook: open a terminal, run "lsb_release -a"23:50
DealerSlart, and prob the howtos are that old as well :S23:50
DealerSlart, my last linux experience (before ubuntu) was Slackware 4.0 (still got the bible lying here ;) ) and I'm used to linux being a bit*h to get to work.23:50
guycookSlart, ah, this is 7.0423:50
SlartDealer: but ok.. let's go with the driver from nvidia.. you downloaded the file.. stopped the x-server, removed the driver from the repositories, installed the driver from nvidia, started the x-server.. does that sound familiar?23:50
Slartguycook: that might have gone out of date.. so the repos are gone23:51
Slart!upgrade | guycook, see if there is any info here23:51
ubottuguycook, see if there is any info here: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:51
guycookSlart, ah, that makes sense23:51
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions23:52
bclinux_noob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167294/23:52
Slartguycook: actually it doesn't.. personally I think it's a bad move by canonical.. but hey.. it's their distro, they can do what they want =)23:52
TonyTheTigerdoes anyone know the sudo apt-get install command to install alsaplayer-jack|23:52
bclinux_noob: do the same thing for port 443, I believe23:52
gravisanTonyTheTiger: use apt-cache to search for it23:52
Slartguycook: the repositories are still around.. they've just changed the url.. something like oldreleases.ubuntu.com.. I can never remember what the exact address is23:52
TonyTheTigergravisan, awesome, didnt know that existed.23:52
RoastedI installed flash 10 64 bit for Ubuntu and now whenever I go to certain web sites, prodominently myspace.com, firefox shuts off. How can I get flash 64 bit off?23:53
linux_noobbc, okay im trying that :D23:53
bclinux_noob: p.s. the "...." means "put the rest of any other stuff you want here"23:53
DealerI'll try to restart my x-server and see what happens, hopefully my ubuntu fixes it self ;)23:53
bclinux_noob: replace your DocumentRoot, etc, with your real ones23:53
guycookah, EOL: October 19, 2008 for this 7.04 install23:54
Roastedimagine that. It just shut off again.23:54
RoastedHoly shyt adobe is garbage. How do I get this off?23:54
SlartRoasted: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree23:54
monhelp-me" please23:54
RoastedSlart - flashplugin_nonfree is not installed23:54
linux_noobbc, i got an error when restarting apache... the error messaing complaints that *:80 has no VirtualHosts23:54
RoastedSlart - I installed the 64 bit native edition of flash.23:54
linux_noobbc, i got an error when restarting apache... the error message complains * that *:80 has no VirtualHosts23:55
SlartRoasted: then you uninstall it according to the instructions you followed when you installed it23:55
akioslart there is no one in the winehq23:55
bclinux_noob: could be the order in which the files are included. what files did you edit?23:55
bclinux_noob: do you have this in ports.conf? "NameVirtualHost *:80"23:55
RoastedSlart - Except there arent any...23:55
RoastedSlart - hence me asking here...23:55
linux_noobbc, no i dont. i will put that there.  i was edditing sites-available/default23:56
Slartakio: yes there is.. you didn't make a typo or something? there are 189 people in that channel23:56
h2g2bobRoasted: the name for that package has changed to flash-installer ... something like that23:56
SlartRoasted: how did you install flash in the first place?23:56
bclinux_noob: you should be looking at sites-available/default-ssl instead, since you're talking about SSL23:56
TonyTheTigerok i couldnt figure out how to use apt-cache, but does anyone know about alsaplayer-jack?23:56
RoastedSlart - http://sneerwell.blogspot.com/2009/05/install-64-bit-flash-player-plugin-for.html23:56
guycookSlart it appears to be LOTS to do to upgrade from 7.04 to the latest version, should I not consider it but instead just get the newest version DVD and install that instead new?23:56
Amara_Emersonhey, im running 9.04 with amd phenom II 940. i cant seem to change my cpu freq from the default 3ghz. ive tried echoing the freq to /sys... ... scaling_setspeed but gnome applet doesn't report any changes23:56
bclinux_noob: it may already be set up, in which case you're having some other problem23:56
linux_noobbc, im confused, why do we use :80 in a file about ssl? i thought ssl was a :443 only thing23:57
linux_noobbc, i just opened up ports.conf and i have the necesary port 80 stuff.. i also have a ppiece that listens to 443 ifModule mod_ssl.c23:57
SlartRoasted: well.. ask whoever wrote that howto?... no.. I'm not going to be that mean.. but this is what happens when you don't use the recommended installation routines..23:57
Slartguycook: I would consider reinstalling23:58
bclinux_noob: no, 443 is SSL, my pastebin was just an example, but now I don't think SSL works using NameVirtualHost according to docs. check your ssl_access.log for any errors and pastebin them.23:58
SlartRoasted: it has probably just put a file called.. libflash something in a mozilla plugin folder (there is more than one of those)23:58
RoastedSlart - the overwelming positive responses of the ubuntuforums thread I got that link from seemed like a no-brainer that it was a solution - although, I do agree with you. But when I see developers like omg yeah it's awesome! I just thought MK DOWNLOAD NOW23:58
kbpI get this error when running Python on Ubuntu: ImportError: No module named session23:58
nog_lorpanyone have any idea about this23:58
kbphow to fix !?23:58
chuck_TonyTheTiger: sudo apt-cache search alsa|less23:58
nikolas_woot peolple ?? how are you23:58
zze86Hello. anybody know how to turn on/off the port in ubunut 8.10?23:58
nog_lorpI'm having the same problem as this person23:58
Kareeserzze86: which port?23:58
nog_lorpalthough I haven't tried unplugging all USB, since my keyboard and mice are USB23:59
WindowSmasherHey all!23:59
WindowSmasherWhere can I get help with games?23:59
linux_noobbc, ive never even opened the default ssl file (lol)... let me check that out one sec23:59
zze86well I'm tryng to setup a remote desktop but I don't think the port is open...23:59
SlartRoasted: let me just dig around to see what the file might be called23:59
Kareeserzze86: sudo ufw status23:59
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:59
Kareesergeneral question: when undergoing hibernate, does the RAM undergo a full memory dump? Or is it only cacheing used memory space?23:59

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