
MTecknologyHow do I apply a diff file to a branch?00:01
bob2did the diff come from bzr?00:01
bob2why the diff then?00:02
bob2instead of using bzr merge or producing a bundle?00:02
MTecknologysomebody else generated a few diff files and never pushed a branch to let me do a merge with00:03
bob2can you ask them to produce a bundle instead?00:03
bob2if not, just apply with 'patch'00:03
MTecknologyhow do I apply w/ that command?00:04
MTecknologyI know there's multiple files changes with each patch file00:04
Peng_The person should really generate bundles. With bundles, you'd then use "bzr merge path/to/whatever.bundle"00:05
MTecknologyI already asked them to00:05
MTecknologythey won't00:05
MTecknologynvm... I figured it out00:06
jseaboldbob2: I have pushed from my home computer which was revision 1726, then I pushed from work which was 1727, both show up on launchpad, but when I try bzr up it says at newest revision 172600:15
jseaboldbob2: maybe I should just try to get the branch again from launchpad?00:18
jelmer'evening Bob01:02
lifelesshi jelmer01:07
jelmerHi lifeless01:08
jelmerHow are things?01:08
lifelessas well as can be expected01:08
jseaboldbob2: sorry to bother, but I just had another look at it, and I think it's because when I started the other working directory at work I used "bzr branch" then pushed back to the original place rather than "bzr checkout"01:20
jseabolddoes that sound possible?01:20
evnBazaar (bzr) 1.16dev01:25
evnhow do i start git-serve now?01:25
bob2jseabold: checkout and branch do mostly the same thing01:26
jseaboldbob2: Hmm, I just tried both and the branch command said "Branched revision(s) 1727" and checkout didn't return any message, so I thought maybe that was the difference.01:30
evnjelmer: ^01:33
jelmerevn, bzr serve --git01:33
evnit appears to work01:33
evnshould it output anything?01:33
jelmerevn, no, not at the moment01:34
evnfatal: http://localhost/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?01:34
evnis it on some specific port?01:35
bob2jseabold: sorry, not sure where you ran these things etc01:35
evnoh, something happened01:36
jseaboldbob2: Right, oh well.  Thanks for the help, but I've got to run.  I'm sure I'll be back if I keep running into this problem...01:37
jelmerevn, not sure what's happening there. Any chance you can file a bug?01:40
jelmerI don't have time to look into it now unfortunately01:40
jelmerI don't have time to look into it atm, time for sleep01:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 381143 in bzr-git "bzr serve --git creates an absolute URL with a transport on OS X and then complains about it" [Undecided,New]01:45
evnhello there, bot01:48
Peng_ubottu isn't a bot, just a really fast typer. :)01:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:57
Peng_ubottu: Not helping!01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Not helping!01:57
GarveyPatrickDubottu: Help02:05
ubottuHi! I'm #bzr's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:05
GarveyPatrickDWhat does it respond to?02:07
=== nadavoid_away is now known as nadavoid
nadavoidI've used bzr push sftp://[stuff] and connected and apparantly succeeded. But it didn't do what I thought it would.  It crated a repository (.bzr directory) on the sftp server, but it didn't publish an actual files there.  What do I need to do to publish the actual files that I'm working with?04:33
nadavoidIn other words, I currently end up with *only* the .bzr directory being created on the server.04:34
bob2'bzr checkout'04:34
bob2then the 'update after push' plugin04:34
bob2 ( https://launchpad.net/bzr-push-and-update/ )04:35
nadavoidbob2: that looks perfect. thank you very much!04:35
nadavoidbob2: should I delete the .bzr directory I just created, before I try what you suggested?04:36
mib_y3onohsiHaving trouble setting ACLs for shared repositories05:51
mib_y3onohsiAnyone with such knowledge?05:51
nadavoidI've done 'bzr push sftp://[stuff]' --- now I can't get 'bzr checkout' to work. I've tried several variations of the command.06:33
nadavoidI want 'bzr checkout' to put the actual files on the server.06:34
nadavoid'bzr checkout alone doesn't do it.06:34
nadavoidI've also tried 'bzr checkout ./ sftp://username@server/~/path/to/directory' but that gives me this error: "ERROR: File exists: 'path/to/directory/.bzr': Failure: unable to mkdir"06:36
nadavoidI tried that exact same command after deleting .bzr directory on the server, but that failed too. (I forget the error message on that one.)06:37
bob2don't do any of that, aside from the first 'push'06:39
nadavoidoh. so I just install the plugin, then do 'bzr push' again?06:40
bob2don't know06:40
lifelessnadavoid: you'll need to install the plugin, ssh to the server, run 'bzr checkout .' in the directory in question, and then when you push it should just work06:40
nadavoidlifeless: bzr isn't installed on the server. Would that prevent me from doing what you say?06:41
lifelessnadavoid: if you just want a copy of the code on the server, get the upload plugin instead06:42
lifelessit it designed for web publishing and such06:42
nadavoidlifeless: that would work if I'm wanting to regularly make updates?06:43
nadavoidI want to have a local copy of php code, and push it out to live sites occasionally.06:44
lifelessnadavoid: thats what bzr-upload is designed for06:56
nadavoidok, great. now I just have to figure out how to get it installed properly.06:56
ronnyanyone aware of any invocation rites to get jelmer here ?07:19
lifelesshe should be on soon, he is in spain at a sprint at the moment07:20
ronnylifeless: ah, i see, im tinkerning with adding some higher level api's to dulwich, want to discuss before starting implementing07:52
BasicOSXpoolie: ping? I08:53
BasicOSXI'm not sure I understand your response on the ML.  following release doc I did 'make dist' and it succeeded.08:54
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beunoPeng_, ping09:03
ronnyjelmer: are there any plans to make the dulwich apis more nice for walking trees/commit graphs09:08
ronnycurrently many things about objects give me object id's, when another objects might have been convient09:09
poolieBasicOSX: hello09:14
pooliei'll re-read it09:14
poolieigc: hello, if you're here09:14
pooliehello lifeless09:14
poolielifeless:  is there a "scroll to bottom" key in irssi?09:15
jelmerronny, Hi09:16
jelmerronny, I'm not sure what the best approach is there09:16
jelmerronny, The Bazaar graph utility functions are generic enough that they're usable for git as well, but I'm not sure if I want to maintain a copy of them in Git09:17
jelmerigc, ping09:17
ronnyjelmer: i can probably deal with the graph walking fine, but walking the trees could be a bit more convient09:18
poolieBasicOSX: answered; hth09:18
jelmerronny: What sort of functions are you looking for exactly? Walking the contents of the full tree?09:18
jelmerronny, Just iterating over all entries in a trees works fine for me, there's also a function that can lookup a path09:19
ronnyjelmer: im mostly looking for apis that give me objects instead of object-id's09:20
jelmerronny: If you have an object id it's a matter of repo[object-id] to get at the object09:20
ronnyjelmer: im not exactly sure on it yet, i'll implement a prototype in anyvc09:21
jelmerronny: Retrieving the object immediately from tree is going to be slow if you don't actually need the object09:21
ronnyjelmer: yes, but that step of indirection feels inconvient, i have to take care of the repo, the object, the id's , lost of things to track i dont directly care about09:21
jelmerronny: dulwich can provide a function that returns an iterator over tuples of data in the tree, but you have no ability to skip any data in the tree09:22
poolieigc: great performance patches09:22
ronnyjelmer: i'll build what i think that could work nice and will let you review that for suckage points09:23
jelmerronny, would that help?09:23
ronnyjelmer: im not yet sure on my exact neesds, anyvc's history stuff is still rather small09:24
jelmermwhudson: is the vlc import still failing?09:32
mwhudsonjelmer: i don't know, let's look09:33
mwhudsonjelmer: yes: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/vlc/master09:33
wamHi, I use bzr 1.15 and want to use something like svn externals. I read all about nested trees and I think that's what I want. But it doesn't work. I always end up with a error message "ERROR: Cannot join myproject. Trees have the same root id".09:36
wamI'm developing zope and have a directory "src" where my projects are. They're all their own repositories. Now I want to have a "root" repositry that fetches them all plus some config files for the whole project when I co it.09:37
wamAm I misunderstanding the "nested trees"?09:37
mwhudsonwam: you are aware nested trees are very alpha-ish right?09:38
mwhudsonwam: but that sounds like the trees you are joining are not in a format that supports such09:38
wammwhudson: should they all be rich-root?09:38
wammwhudson: I didn't know that they're alpha ;) But I really need that feature...09:39
abentleybeuno: Would you like to work on some more user stories?09:39
mwhudsonwam: oh look! abentley is here09:39
wamabentley: could you guide me to a working nested tree setup? I already have a directory with several repositories and would like to join them all to a global repository for the whole project.09:42
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mwhudsonwam: maybe you could use scmproj (google) for now?09:46
wammwhudson: didn't know that. /me looks09:47
abentleywam: nested-by-reference is not in a usable state.  If you want to combine your trees into a single tree, you can use the merge-into plugin.09:52
wamabentley: thanks, I'll have a look09:52
abentleywam: If you want the trees to remain separate, scmproj is probably the best choice.09:53
wamabentley: that was the intention. So scmproj will match.09:53
igcping poolie, jelmer11:11
igchi guys - was at dinner previously11:11
igcI've got 10-20 minutes before I need to get the kids into bed if you need to chat about anything11:12
pygiigc: they're in a session I think11:22
igcthanks pygi11:22
* igc bbl11:32
nedosaquestion: i've made more than a few changes in my own branch, which I now want to merge back to the trunk, but re-shuffle the commits into more logical segments11:43
nedosaso i've tried to generate a diff from the common ancestor between my branch and the trunk, which i then want to apply to the trunk and then proceed like that11:44
bob2but think about whether it really matters to you or not11:44
nedosaoh i see11:45
nedosai ran into problems with creation of new directories and moving files, it doesn't seem to be cleanly supported by the diff,patch combo11:46
lifelesspoolie: dunno, never looked for it12:00
jelmerLarstiQ, ping13:40
LarstiQjelmer: pong13:42
jelmerLarstiQ, are you still able to reproduce bug 336749 with newer versions of bzr/bzr-svn, with fresh clones?13:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336749 in bzr-svn "reconcile raises a KeyError on a fresh branch" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33674913:43
LarstiQjelmer: how new?13:44
jelmerLarstiQ, like, 0.6.113:44
LarstiQjelmer: should I wipe the cache?13:44
jelmerLarstiQ, yeah13:44
* LarstiQ reruns the sequnce13:44
jelmerLarstiQ, you also might want to install python-tdb at the same time (should give a faster and smaller cache)13:44
LarstiQjelmer: I'm a bit leary of tdb yet13:44
LarstiQit's still a very fresh change, see things like bug 38127013:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381270 in bzr-svn "Debian packaging doesn't declare minium python-tdb version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38127013:45
jelmerAh, I should be using tdb.Tdb probably13:46
LarstiQjelmer: I started packaging 0.6.1 as you see, I hope that's ok13:47
jelmerLarstiQ, more than ok :-) Thanks for doing that13:47
LarstiQjelmer: feel free to prewarn/prod me on irc around a release so the debs can be done even faster ;)13:47
jelmerLarstiQ, will do :-)13:47
LarstiQhmm, the bzr check https:// trips an assertion13:48
LarstiQjelmer: bzr branch https://../spitfire; cd spitfire; bzr reconcile -> similar backtrace, same KeyError13:49
jelmerLarstiQ, but what about branch?13:49
jelmerLarstiQ, That's the main one we looked at tbh13:50
LarstiQhmm, I can't find the tdb cache to remove13:51
jelmerShould be somewhere in ~/.cache/bazaar/svn if you have xdg13:52
* LarstiQ removes13:52
LarstiQjelmer: the second branch completes13:53
* LarstiQ tries log13:53
LarstiQseems to work too13:53
jelmerLarstiQ, Ok, so reconcile is the main thing that's remaining?13:53
LarstiQjelmer: so far, yes13:54
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== Kissaki^0ff is now known as Kissaki
LarstiQbeuno: could you test the hardy bzr-svn 0.6.1 package in the (main and beta have the same) ppa?14:39
beunoLarstiQ, will do in ah hour or two14:43
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
visik7I've a repository I want to give access to only a subdir is it possible '14:54
LarstiQvisik7: if with repository you mean branch, no.14:57
visik7yes sorry a branch14:57
visik7neither with views ?14:57
LarstiQI very much doubt that.14:57
LarstiQvisik7: you could split it into different branches though.14:57
visik7LarstiQ:  how ?15:24
awilkinslifeless: Ping?15:39
danigmHi all15:40
danigmIt's possible to define an alias similar to launchad plugin "lp"?15:41
* awilkins thinks the answer is in your question15:42
GaryvdMdanigm: such as in another plugin, yes15:43
danigmGaryvdM: but it's needed to add another plugin? is not possible to do it changing a configuration file?15:44
GaryvdMYou may be interested in the bookmark plugin?15:45
danigmGaryvdM: ok, I will look it15:45
=== Noya_ is now known as Noya
fullermdDamnit.  So now all my preferences and subscriptions and login and everything on the wiki is gone off to la-la land?16:13
emmajanefullermd, because of the LP signon?16:16
emmajaneI remember I was still subscribed to /a/ page, but I don't remember if I've been getting updates.16:17
SamBhmm ?16:17
emmajanehuh. maybe not though (according to my UserPreferences page)16:17
pooliehello emmajane16:18
emmajanepoolie, hey :)16:18
SamBthey should have had it email everyone a thingy to migrate their preferences to their LP account ...16:18
emmajanefullermd, Yeah, I lied. I have no subscriptions either.16:18
emmajaneSamB, I have no recollection of receiving such an email...16:19
SamBI said "maybe they should have"16:19
SamBindicating that they didn't16:19
fullermdBetter would be to just let me migrate the account...16:19
emmajaneSamB, ahhh. I missed the part where you didn't type "maybe" ;)16:19
SamBoh, oops16:19
SamBfullermd: that's what I mean -- should have emailed you a link to do just that16:20
SamBor a blob of text or something16:20
emmajanepoolie, did you stick around for UDS?16:20
emmajaneSamB, that's *way* too logical to give users choice. :)16:21
SamBemmajane: what, you would prefer it try to migrate to a launchpad account with the same email and, if none existed, just drop everything ?16:22
poolieemmacjane, yes, i did16:23
SamBI mean, you might have used say naesten+bzrwiki@gmail.com or something -- presumably you wouldn't have that listed in your launchpad account ;-)16:23
emmajaneSamB, I'm just agreeing with fullermd that it's rude to lose user data/preferences. :)16:24
emmajanepoolie, excellent. :)16:26
SamBnow that you've alerted me to this issue, I have resubscribed to http://bazaar-vcs.org/GitStyleBranches16:26
SamBwhich is probably the only thing I was subscribed to16:27
SamBspeaking of which, does anyone have any criticisms for that page?16:28
ronnyjelmer: you got some code somewhere that  helps viewing svn history as reasonable graph?16:30
jelmerronny, How do you mean?16:31
jelmerronny, subversion is mostly left hand side revisions and cherrypicks16:31
ronnyjelmer: i have no idea what you mean by that16:32
emmajaneSamB, I don't understand what it's about....16:32
SamBronny: I'm afraid bzr-svn doesn't use svn mergeinfo as well as it could :-(16:32
jelmerronny, revisions in subversion don't have more than one parent16:32
jelmerSamB, ?16:32
ronnybascially i just want to try to make the stuff in branches/tags/trunk look as dag-ish as possible16:32
SamBjelmer: well, you COULD try to check if all of the revisions since a branch point have been merged ...16:33
jelmerSamB, that'll help only a few users at a performance cost16:33
SamBjelmer: and probably just make them grumpier ;-)16:34
jelmerSamB, supporting mergeinfo that way is pointless until bzr itself supports proper cherrypicking tracking16:34
SamBbut it sounds like it's what ronny was hoping for16:34
jelmerSamB, no, it's unrelated - we weren't talking about bzr-svn16:34
SamBwell, I mean, ronny seems to be looking for code that does basically that16:35
jelmerSamB, no, because that's unrelated to a dag16:35
SamBjelmer: I don't see how it's unrelated!16:35
ronnyhmm, svn history is not exactly coercable into a dag16:35
jelmerronny, afaik you're looking for svn repository layout code right?16:36
ronnyjelmer: mostly16:36
SamBronny: yeah, looking at git-svn's graphs in gitk is always so depressing :-(16:36
ronnyjelmer: i wantto have a remotely reasonable log16:36
jelmerronny, there's nothing like that in subvertpy16:37
ronnyjelmer: i know that already, just wondered if you had something about that somewhere else16:38
ronnyhmm, time to play with remoteaccess16:38
jelmerronny, bzr-svn does that sort of analysis16:38
ronnyi need to get at least the commit message of the "head" revision16:39
emmajaneSamB, I took a look at your wiki page. It needs more of an introduction. I don't understand what it's describing at this point.16:39
jelmerronny: So, RemoteAccess.get_log will get you linear history information just like "svn log"16:39
SamBemmajane: yeah. I seem to have thought so too ... but couldn't figure out what to say16:39
SamBat least, judging by the thing I have in brackets at the top16:40
emmajaneSamB, adding a useful heading to the very-very top would be a good start. :)16:40
emmajaneSamB, try just telling me here what it's about and then cheat and copy and paste it into the doc.16:40
ronnyjelmer: are there any examples to get the last revision that commited to trunk?16:41
SamBwell, it's supposed to be about how to keep several branches around but use them all with the same working directory16:41
emmajaneSamB, cool!16:41
jelmerronny, see examples/ra_log.py16:41
SamBsort of like when you use branches with git16:41
emmajaneSamB, how about: Creating a working directory16:42
emmajaneand then: This page explains how to set up a working directory that contains multiple branches. This will be familiar to those who've used Git in the past and are migrating to Bazaar.16:43
SamBemmajane: well, it can't actually *contain* the branches16:43
SamBat least, I don't know how it can16:44
emmajane(although who've to should be expanded as it's harder for ESL readers)16:44
ronnyjelmer: doesnt looke exactly what i want, im goign to try figuring16:44
ronnyjelmer: in case of doubt, i have to take the latest from_rev inside the first callback and run a second one?16:44
jelmerronny, that's exactly what you were mentioning except that it iterates all revisions from 0 to the latest rather than the other way around16:45
jelmerand you need to pass limit=1 if you need just one16:45
emmajaneSamB, no?16:45
emmajaneSamB, I thought that was the whole point: shared repo for multiple branches?16:45
SamBemmajane: yeah16:46
SamBbut unlike git, the branches aren't inside the working directory16:46
SamBnot without ColocatedBranches, anyway16:46
emmajaneSamB, great, so go ahead and adjust what I've typed to make it right for your doc.16:46
SamBemmajane: okay, I didn't change much16:48
SamBexcept I basically rewrote the heading16:48
emmajaneSamB, It would also be most excellent to get rid of the (instructions in brackets). They're sort of confusing as written.16:49
jelmerAre you talking about the GitStyleBranches spec? That should probably be folded into the ColocatedBranches one16:49
emmajanespecifically: [Again, the cd commands are kinda ridiculous here -- maybe I should use another way of indicating where each step is to be done?]16:49
emmajanejelmer, http://bazaar-vcs.org/GitStyleBranches16:50
emmajanethat's the page I'm looking at.16:50
SamBjelmer: it's not a spec!16:50
SamBit's a tutorial thingy16:50
jelmerah, sorry16:50
jelmernever mind me then16:50
emmajanejelmer, :)16:50
emmajanejelmer, I always mind you! :)16:50
SamBI like to live only very slightly in the future ;-)16:50
emmajaneSamB, I often live in the past. :)16:51
SamB(which is to say, in bzr.dev rather than the release)16:51
SamBand sometimes I don't upgrade and end up in the past16:51
emmajaneSamB, what does the heading, "What They Said" mean?16:52
emmajaneSamB, do you mean, "Background information" ?16:52
SamBemmajane: hmm, yeah, that was the next thing I wanted to change16:52
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
SamBhmm, yeah, that sounds like a much better heading there16:53
emmajaneSamB, for the actual step by step instructions I like to have detailed information on what I'm about to do and then what I type at the command line.17:01
ronnyjelmer: btw, ever experimented if greenlets turn may turn the svn log into a generator?17:01
jelmerronny: it seems a bit heavyweight to depend on greenlets for that sort of thing, it would mean subvertpy would have to depend on them17:02
ronnyjelmer: im trying to figure hout how to wrap it, so it will fallback to a thread17:02
emmajaneSamB, and where possible I like to expand commands (e.g. the shortcut on mv. Not everyone knows about curly braces...I've been using *nix for over six years and just found out about it last year.)17:03
jelmerronny: bzr-svn also has some functionality that can do that, using a simple helper thread17:03
emmajaneSamB, You can probably also get rid of the cd $FOO and cd .. commands. Just explain to people in words which directory they need to be in before issuing the relevant command.17:04
emmajaneI've made it in life! lifeless asked me to be his facebook friend. :)17:08
igcnight all17:43
GuestHello, is it possible to make bzr ignore symlinks?18:17
=== Guest is now known as Guest2022
Guest2022I mean, how do I create a general rule into .bzrignore to make it ignore all symlinks18:18
Guest2022no one?18:41
fullermdI'm pretty sure there isn't one.  .bzrignore just takes paths.18:42
mib_dzx78e79Anyone with knowledge of ACLs?19:07
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mib_9ju1c2mfCan anyone assist with a permission issue?20:08
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lifelessawilkins: pong21:19
mib_l3vtwtueWhat is the best way to set up a shared repository among several users on a single machine?21:50
=== Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff
emmajaneCreated a standalone tree (format: pack-0.92) <--- that's a nice touch.22:59
emmajanetakes some of the magic out of init.22:59
Peng_beuno: pong, ish23:09
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