
=== lukjad007 is now known as sn
=== sn is now known as lukjad007
bodhizazenWho is leading meeting ?01:00
pleia2cprofitt is the best meeting leader :)01:00
Vantraxi agree01:00
jamesrfla+1 PrivateVoid01:01
bodhizazen+1 from me :)01:01
Vantraxlol tabfail01:01
Vantraxgreg-g are you around?01:01
jamesrflaVantrax: it isn't a tab fail if you were talking to me01:02
cprofitt#startmeeting Ubuntu-Learning01:02
MootBotMeeting started at 19:02. The chair is cprofitt.01:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]01:02
bodhizazencan we post links to license options please ?01:02
cprofitt[TOPIC] Licensing01:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Licensing01:02
cprofitt[LINK] http://creativecommons.org/01:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://creativecommons.org/01:03
pleia2hm, no doctormo01:03
cprofitt[LINK] http://creativecommons.org/license/01:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://creativecommons.org/license/01:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/01:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/01:03
Vantraxthose are the two licenses under consideration01:03
bodhizazenthank you01:04
cprofitt[LINK] http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses01:04
MootBotLINK received:  http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses01:04
cprofittthe only one I am considering is CC-BY-SA for content created by the team01:04
bodhizazenand for those of you familiar with the issues, slow down so the others (me?) can follow please :)01:04
Vantraxdinda raised some good points about this too. Do we intend for people to be able to use our materials to create a business suppling ubuntu training?01:04
bodhizazenno Vantrax01:04
cprofittI think any content that is CC-BY-SA-NC should be relicensed or simply linked to and not hosted01:05
thewrathcprofitt: "Attribution Share Alike"01:05
cprofittVantrax, intend or not want to prohibit?01:05
VantraxCC-BY-SA allows someone to do that01:05
Vantraxwhich was the reason the Desktop Training materials are NC01:05
cprofittthewrath, that means that if you were to use content I create you have to give me attribution and you have to share your derivative work01:06
cprofittVantrax, and there are uses that some might consider commercial that I would want to allow01:06
thewraththat is CC BY SA right01:06
Vantraxwe can supply non-transferable waivers and keep things NC as well as an option01:06
cprofittI have no issue with someone using our material in a in-person course and charging for it.01:06
cprofittas long as they follow the attribution and share their derivative works01:07
cprofittI think including the NC part is pointless as it is not something I or the Ubuntu community is likely to be able to enforce in the first place01:07
cprofittand there are too many 'does this really apply' type questions01:08
bodhizazenI think we need an agreement of kinds01:08
bodhizazenwork posted on the server is "owned" by the UCLP01:08
thewrathbodhizazen: +101:08
bodhizazenauthors need to agree to that01:09
cprofittbodhizazen, the group had previously voted on and CC-BY-SA01:09
cprofittis that decision null and void?01:09
bodhizazenI think the decision has been questioned01:09
Vantraxno, it is being opened for discussion01:09
cprofittI can not agree to it being owned by the UCLP01:09
bodhizazenand this meeting is to discuss issues and objections01:09
Vantraxcprofitt: in the same way everything posted to UF is 'owned' by UF01:09
thewrathcprofitt: why not?01:10
bodhizazenI think there are too many complications if the materials are not owned by the UCLP01:10
cprofittVantrax, actually I am not aware of Ubuntu Forums claiming ownership - please point me to that language01:10
bodhizazencprofitt: that could be clarified by UG in a hearbeat01:10
thewrathVantrax: me as well01:11
bodhizazenUbuntu Geek01:11
cprofittI would like to see it on the site... in writing.01:11
cprofittI will discontinue use of Ubuntu Forums if they claim ownership01:11
cprofittOwnership and the right to use are two different things.01:11
bodhizazenLet me see what I can find01:12
Vantraxim hunting for it atm01:12
bodhizazenwhat is the difference between ownership and right to use that you object to cprofitt ?01:12
Vantraxits some legal issue, the same reason MSN Messenger states they own an non transferable license to anything you transmit01:12
cprofittanything published CC-BY-SA should not require UCLP ownership01:13
cprofittIf I produce content - I own it - and I choose to license it as CC-BY-SA01:13
cprofittI do not GIVE ownership to Ubuntu or anyone else01:13
bodhizazenyes, but individuals claiming ownership for a community project, that is messy01:13
cprofittI do not claim ownership of a community project bodhizazen01:13
bodhizazenclaiming you own someghitn on a public server is messy01:13
cprofittI do not agree bodhizazen01:14
cprofittthat is the entire purpose of CC01:14
Vantraxalso worth noting, anything on the ubuntu forums is automatically cc-by-sa01:14
bodhizazenSo if foo posts content01:14
bodhizazenand then 6 months later claims s/he owns the content and wants it removed01:14
bodhizazenwhat happens ?01:14
Vantraxit might be better to say that01:15
Vantraxif we say everything submitted is by-sa then we can say bad luck01:15
cprofittVantrax, that I can accept... but that does not mean I relinquish my ownership of the material01:15
Vantraxbecause we hold a valid license to use it, and create derivative works:P01:15
cprofittI think you are not understanding the nature of ownership bodhizazen01:15
bodhizazenI think not01:16
Vantraxwe can make the default to give ownership to the project, but allow people to retain it personally01:16
cprofittbodhizazen, have you any legal background?01:16
Vantraxif they request it01:16
bodhizazennot enough aparently cprofitt01:16
cprofittIf Greg-g were here he could settle it...01:16
cprofittI am not 100% on this stuff...01:16
james_wcprofitt: you are correct so far as I understand it01:17
Vantraxill retract my previous statement about the forums, I cant back it up. Ill post a link in our channel later if I find something01:17
cprofittbut from the discussions he and I have had... and the seminars I have attended in relation to my job01:17
bodhizazenwell, how can we vote for something if we do not understand it ?01:17
cprofittif a person publishes something as CC-BY-SA they do not relinquish ownership... but they can not stop anyone from using that content as produced as long as the license is followed01:17
cprofittbodhizazen, we can not vote on something we do not understand.01:18
cprofittwhen the group voted the last time to accept CC-BY-SA Greg-g gave us an explanation01:18
cprofittthanks james_w01:18
Vantraxif something is by-sa then all works based on it must be by-sa right?01:18
bodhizazenwell, since that vote the issue has come up again :)01:18
Vantraxits inherited?01:18
james_wthe difference with assigning ownership to the team would be with the BY clause01:19
cprofittbodhizazen, why will the vote issue come up again?01:19
cprofittThis was already voted on...01:19
cprofittjames_w, exactly01:19
bodhizazenwhy is assigning ownership to the team a problem ?01:19
james_wunder that clause if you create a derivative work then you have to say that you derived from *me*, but if it is owned by the group then you say you derived from the *group*01:19
bodhizazencprofitt: the ones who brought up the issue are not here01:19
bodhizazenthat would be doctormo01:20
james_wthe other thing is that if I own it then I can choose to give the work to someone else under a different license01:20
cprofittI do not think the issue is with our use of BY-CC-SA01:20
bodhizazenand just because somethign is voted on does not mean it can not be revisited or questioned , lol01:20
james_we.g. sell it to a company and allow then to not follow the BY-SA parts01:20
VantraxFrom my perspective, we request everything be licenced as by-sa but we use materials derived from the desktop training course and license them as by-sa-nc.01:20
cprofittI think the question Martin was asking was concerning how the project would be able to use content that was CC-BY-SA-NC01:20
Vantraxwere not commercial01:21
james_wyou can't mix CC-BY-SA-NC and CC-BY-SA01:21
james_wthey are incompatible licenses01:21
cprofittso in this case as Vantrax has pointed out the restriction by Canonical on their desktop course01:21
Vantraxthats our headache01:21
bodhizazendoctormo gave the impression he was intending the site to be commercial01:21
bodhizazenthe question is what is our intent01:21
Vantraxer no... the oposite01:21
bodhizazenour intent is not commercial01:22
Vantraxhe wants it all NC-BY-SA01:22
cprofittwe may not be able to use the desktop course ...01:22
Vantraxbut he also wants it open for people to do 'tutoring' based on it01:22
cprofittVantrax, I am not aware of him wanting it to be NC01:22
cprofittI think his concern is how to use NC works01:22
Vantraxer CC-BY-SA01:22
cprofittbut as he is not here we should move on... and table this until the next time01:22
Vantraxand yes, his consern is how to implement NC01:22
bodhizazen+1 cprofitt01:23
cprofitt[TOPIC] Theme / Name01:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Theme / Name01:23
bodhizazenI suggest a discussion page ?01:23
VantraxI think its fine as long as it is complete and self contained01:23
cprofittbodhizazen, we can use the mailing list to discuss the license issues01:23
* bodhizazen looks fo rlink to agenda01:23
cprofittthat will allow Greg-g to give us advice01:23
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cprofittyou are up bodhizazen with theme and name01:24
Vantraxtheme is getting there, its blind coded atm so ill need to get it tested and fix lots of bugs01:24
Vantraxbut it is complete, except for a header image01:24
Vantraxas for the name...01:25
cprofittgood job Vantrax, bodhizazen do you have a test site and a production site at this time?01:25
VantraxI think that was in regard to the name of the site vs the name of the project?01:25
bodhizazensec cprofitt I have one more comment on license :)01:25
bodhizazendiscussion on mailing list is fine BUT01:25
cprofittplease take the license discussion to the mailing list.01:25
bodhizazenand this is a BIG BUT01:25
Vantraxso having the name being something like Learn Ubuntu (as it is learn.ubuntu.com) with a tagline as ubuntu community learning etc01:26
Vantraxi think that was the naming bit01:26
bodhizazen1. It is a technical discussion and please take the time to explain your postion / concerns01:26
bodhizazen2. There seems to be some confusion about the issue and I am not sure I am understanding what doctomo is raising, his use of language is confusing at times01:27
Vantraxbodhizazen: please send a email to start the discussion with an outline of how it should be done, and reminding everyone of the Ubuntu CoC. I figure this will be a 'lively' debate01:27
pleia2to the lists.ubuntu.com list, please :)01:27
bodhizazenwhat to lists.ubuntu.com ?01:27
pleia2the email01:27
cprofittVantrax, I am looking for our meeting logs... we had agreed on a name...01:28
cprofittbut I do agree we need to rethink that now that we have the domain...01:28
bodhizazenOK, back on topic01:28
cprofittI think sliding the name we had agreed on to the tag line is appropriate01:28
cprofittI think that the agreed on name was "The Ubuntu Learning Project"01:28
cprofittor some such...01:28
bodhizazenVantrax was suggesting we use a different name for the moodle site itself01:28
bodhizazenso our team is called the UCLP01:28
bodhizazenbut our moodle site is called ____01:29
bodhizazensomething else01:29
cprofittyes... Community was in there...01:29
Vantraxid like to note that the name of the site, and the name of the project do not have to be identical01:29
* dthacker nods01:29
Vantraxand its a big ass name to put on a header01:29
cprofittI would say Learn Ubuntu - tag line of Ubuntu Community Learning Project works01:29
cprofittthe longer name is too long...01:29
cprofittfor a 'branding' graphic01:29
Vantraxyeah, that was my opinion when trying to work on it:P01:30
Vantraxit also works well with the domain name01:30
cprofitt[VOTE] Use shorter name: Learn Ubuntu01:30
MootBotPlease vote on:  Use shorter name: Learn Ubuntu.01:30
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot01:30
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting01:30
MootBot+1 received from cprofitt. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 101:30
bodhizazenso are we going to call the site Learn Ubuntu ?01:30
MootBot+1 received from Vantrax. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 201:30
dthackerwho is eligible to vote?01:31
Vantraxthat is the plan01:31
MootBotAbstention received from bodhizazen. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 201:31
Vantraxgo ahead dthacker01:31
cprofittwe are a community project...01:31
bodhizazendthacker: those issues are on the agenda later , lol01:31
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 301:31
MootBot+1 received from dthacker. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 401:31
Vantraxthis is a public meeting not a board meeting:P01:31
cprofittany more votes01:31
cprofittI will use Roberts Rules...01:31
cprofittany more votes01:31
cprofittany more votes01:31
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 401:31
cprofitt[AGREED] Site name: Learn Ubuntu01:32
MootBotAGREED received:  Site name: Learn Ubuntu01:32
cprofitt[ACTION] Vantrax and Doc to brand site as Learn Ubuntu01:32
MootBotACTION received:  Vantrax and Doc to brand site as Learn Ubuntu01:32
cprofitt[TOPIC] Content - How do these various teams contribute ? Each team gets a course ?01:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Content - How do these various teams contribute ? Each team gets a course ?01:32
pleia2so, I don't really know how moodle works01:33
bodhizazenI do not think there will be a consensus on this next issue today01:33
cprofittI would assume courses would be created in logical content groups.01:33
bodhizazenBut I would like to start the discussion01:33
cprofittTeams will have multiple courses most likely01:33
pleia2cprofitt: can you explain a bit about "users" and "content groups" and "courses" ?01:33
Vantraxim with cprofitt on that01:33
cprofittI can not see limiting them to one course01:33
Vantraxcprofitt: mind if i jump in here?01:33
cprofittwell -- if you look at the site we have five areas now I think01:33
cprofittsure Vantrax01:33
dthackerI'd suggest building block courses that build on each other.01:33
cprofittI have used Moodle and seen it in use01:33
bodhizazencprofitt: I think the question is how to add in a group ?01:34
bodhizazenSay the development / MOTU team01:34
bodhizazenare they a group ?01:34
Vantraxso, we have outlined programs at this stage, and courses that fit into programs based on logical topic groupings01:34
bodhizazenhow does it work and how should we plan it ?01:34
cprofittthis is the company I have worked with -- http://www.professionallearningboard.com/01:34
cprofittbodhizazen, no.01:34
cprofittcontent is not grouped on what group creates it... but on how the 'student' will see it01:35
Vantraxdifferent teams will have access to and maintain individual courses in the programs, with members from each of the groups forming a moderators group over a program01:35
Vantraxthats kinda the way I see that working01:35
dthackerplus one to Vantrax, but beware the orphan courses01:36
cprofittin the case of development / MOTU there are development courses they may teach and course on using launchpad or subversion or other 'team' tools that they may author and instruct01:36
Vantraxfrom the student side its all one01:36
Vantraxdthacker: yes, we will have to deal with those, but very few of them will exist because the programs are very broad01:36
cprofittwe may also end up with non-motu developers teaching 'entry' programming courses01:36
bodhizazenOK, well some explanation / road map would help those not familiar with how moodle works01:36
bodhizazenI see this as a FAQ01:36
pleia2bodhizazen: +101:36
MootBotLINK received:  http://professionallearningboard.com/tsd/course/index.php01:36
Vantraxi think bodhizazen is talking in terms of managing the content, as opposed to teaching01:37
cprofittthat is the Professional Learning Boards course catalog01:37
cprofittbodhizazen, that is one of the things I am working on....01:37
bodhizazenwell, that is what I wanted to understand01:37
cprofittdue to the nature of facilitated vs. self-study courses you may have two course covering the same material with a different structure and different course01:38
bodhizazenwhen say the wiki team wants to get involved, how do they do that ?01:38
Vantraxokies cprofitt and I will work on an FAQ about that01:38
bodhizazenwe need to provide structure01:38
Vantrax+1 bodhizazen01:38
cprofittthe other thing is that if you have a course that is instructor lead you may have the 'same' course listed multiple times if we have multiple instructors...01:38
bodhizazenOK, thanks01:38
cprofittI will try to work with Vantrax on the FAQ01:38
bodhizazenI think not everyone is fluent in how moodle works is all01:39
Vantraxno, but were getting there01:39
cprofittI agree bodhizazen01:39
mogainsorry I'm very late01:39
cprofittI would like to have people be able to make 'test' courses on a test server and them move them to a production server when they are 'approved'01:39
cprofitt[TOPIC] ext steps? What still needs to be done before we can tell teams they can start using Moodle01:39
MootBotNew Topic:  ext steps? What still needs to be done before we can tell teams they can start using Moodle01:39
Vantraxokies, so were up to pleia now?01:40
bodhizazen+1 cprofitt01:40
dthackeris instructor-led always a "live" course, such as one given in #ubuntu-classroom?01:40
cprofittthis ties in with what we just discussed...01:40
bodhizazenI can set up a test server01:40
pleia2so I've been talking with lots of teams01:40
Vantraxdthacker: yes01:40
bodhizazenat learn.bodhizazen.net01:40
pleia2some want to know when they can get a login and start going :)01:40
pleia2presumably the last thing we discussed will need to be sorted out, what else?01:40
VantraxIf i can revisit the roadmap01:40
cprofittIMHO we need to provide several example courses - some of the ones I uploaded can serve that function.01:40
bodhizazenWe need to discuss tema membership and governance as well pleia201:40
pleia2I've just been chugging away with classroom lately, haven't been doing much specific -learning stuff aside from talking with other ubuntu teams01:40
VantraxWere getting the main site themed and the development site up and running01:40
bodhizazenwho can contribute ?01:41
cprofittthen we need to have all prospective 'authors' and instructors take the one course on Moodle I uploaded01:41
mogainVantrax: +1, can't really do much untilt he site is themed right01:41
cprofittthen I would want each prospective author (author team - you can have multiple authors)01:41
cprofittsubmit a course proposal01:41
Vantraxanyone who wants to add stuff can take the courses that cprofitt mentioned and get stuck into doing some testing on the sandbox01:41
cprofittand we would want to 'accept' the proposal (how to be determined)01:42
pleia2Vantrax: ok, cool01:42
Vantraxonce the theme is done we are going to make an announcement and get more input into our courses as shown on the wiki01:42
cprofittand then have them build it on the sandbox01:42
bodhizazenWe should set up a sandbox and a wiki page we can point prospective teacher to , lol01:42
pleia2bodhizazen: yes :)01:42
Vantraxthen we will start building01:42
cprofitthave it reviewed on the sandbox and approved for production01:42
cprofittdoes that make sense?01:42
pleia2sounds good01:42
VantraxApproval done by who01:42
bodhizazenwe need to communicate is all01:42
cprofittTDB Vantrax01:42
Vantraxby moderators for the program?01:42
cprofittwe need to build that team structure01:42
Vantraxor by us more centrally?01:42
cprofittI would really like to have some 'educators' here to help us...01:43
pleia2I think it's too big of a job for us01:43
dthackersome courses will require techical review for accuracy.01:43
cprofittin addition we need to ensure accuracy and relevance01:43
Vantraxi was about to say that pleia201:43
bodhizazenI think it shall start centrally, but it needs to grow beyond that01:43
Vantraxsame as CC did01:43
cprofittHow does the forum staff pick the tutorials?01:43
mogainThink about decentralisation01:43
bodhizazenwe do not pick them01:43
cprofittI thought there was one area of the forum in which tutorials were reviewed and accepted...01:44
bodhizazenthey are submitted and they are reviewed b4 they are approved01:44
Vantraxi figure each program will have a group that takes care of standards for that program made out of the contributing groups01:44
cprofitthow are they 'approved' then?01:44
Vantraxso some motu, some doc guys, some dev guys etc01:44
bodhizazenit is getting more difficult as they are becoming more and more techincal01:44
cprofittI would imagine our process will be similar bodhizazen01:44
Vantraxsomeone really has to run through them and test01:44
bodhizazenIf so I can help structure that01:44
cprofittalthough relevance to our efforts will likely be a key too01:44
cprofittI agree bodhizazen01:45
cprofitt[TOPIC] We need to develop team governance.01:45
MootBotNew Topic:  We need to develop team governance.01:45
cprofittand that segues in to this topic01:45
bodhizazenWell this fits in with the rest of the discussion01:45
bodhizazenWe need to stop a minute :)01:45
cprofittI do think we need to build the team structure soon so we can move forward in an organized manner01:45
bodhizazenwe are growing too fast01:45
Vantraxbodhizazen: +101:46
Vantraxwell, we are about to01:46
bodhizazenwe need at least an outline of how someone becomes a member01:46
Vantraxwere at the tipping poing01:46
bodhizazenand how to resolve conflict01:46
cprofittbodhizazen, +101:46
bodhizazenfor those not familiar with the BT we have a membership route01:46
dthackerthe community has many templates for conduct and governance that can be adopted01:47
bodhizazenI suggest we adopt something like that with this team01:47
bodhizazendthacker: that is not the problem01:47
cprofittI agree... I think we need to have a meeting of the board after we have a vigorous discussion on the mailing list.01:47
Vantraxdthacker: yep, we will be adopting them, its more structural01:47
bodhizazenthe problem is - who decides who is a member of the team ?01:47
VantraxI guess the board to start with, people have been grandfathered in up to now01:47
pleia2so far it's been at the decretion of the board01:47
mogainWhat are the reasons for exluding people from being members, that's the first question./01:48
bodhizazenMay I suggest we start by using voice on #ubuntu-learning to identify members ?01:48
pleia2we approve people who we feel can be valueable contributors, or who have proven themselves to be01:48
cprofittVantrax, there has been little to no reason for some being accepted and others left on the vine01:48
cprofittwe really need that process ironed out...01:48
bodhizazenmogain: well, not exclude per se01:48
dthackerso it's not possible for someone to just join the team and contribute?01:48
Vantrax+1 cprofitt, its been very hap hazzard01:48
bodhizazenmore make sure they know how to integrate into the team01:48
bodhizazenno I think not dthacker01:48
cprofittI do not want people to level accusations of favoritism or indifference01:48
Vantraxdthacker: it is, but we want to have the launchpad team showing contributors01:48
Vantraxas opposed to anyone who visits01:49
cprofittso we need to discuss the overall process (mailing list) and then vote on it next meeting.01:49
mogainI would not want us to be so exlusionary, people have to be given the chance to prove themselves a reputation and they can't do that in this modle.01:49
Vantraxso being part of the team is an acknowladgement of effort that has meaning01:49
bodhizazenThe team is open, but bringing someone on board and getting the team running  is different'01:49
cprofittI agree with bodhizazen we need to have a process for becoming a member, and a guide for new / prospective members as to what is required of a member01:49
pleia2there have been exceptions, I am going to use popey as an example since he knows he's awesome and won't be bothered :) he was added to the team because we know his work and feel he could be a valueable contributor, not because of his involvement01:49
bodhizazenthat is not the point mogain :)01:49
cprofittmogain, Moodle is not the only avenue for contribution.01:50
bodhizazenmay I outline my concerns for those not involved with the BT ?01:50
cprofittcertainly bodhizazen but we may have to move some of the other items to the next meeting01:50
Vantraxplease do bodhizazen01:50
Vantraxjust keep it short:P01:51
bodhizazenBasically, a team is a group01:51
bodhizazenworking together01:51
bodhizazenso, when people want to join01:51
dthackerbodhizazen: please do, beacuse it sound more like a private club01:51
bodhizazenwe need 2 or 3 things01:51
bodhizazen1. Most team members want a meet and greet01:51
bodhizazenie wiki page, who are they ?01:51
bodhizazennot everyone knows who popey is :)01:51
bodhizazen2. We need people to be brought into the tema01:52
Vantraxdthacker: we want everyone to be involved, however we also want a way to acknowladge contributors.01:52
bodhizazenthey need a basic education on how both moodle works and how the team functions01:52
cprofittdthacker, our process would be more like bug-control; people have to provide some samples that they know the process...01:52
bodhizazenotherwise they get lost01:52
* dthacker nods at cproffit01:52
bodhizazen3. We need to make sure someone is not potentially disruptive01:52
bodhizazenfor example01:53
cprofittwe do not want people to be a member and not have the 'skill' or 'commitment'01:53
bodhizazenwe have young people on the BT01:53
bodhizazenthey mean well, but they become disruptive and need to be managed01:53
Vantraxdthacker: you might want to read up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/StrategyDocument01:53
bodhizazenso I am not proposing we exclude people01:53
* dthacker bookmarks01:53
bodhizazenjsu tthe opposite01:53
bodhizazenwe play to bring them into the fold01:54
bodhizazenin an organized fashon01:54
bodhizazenmake them feel welcome01:54
Vantraxdthacker: its slightly out of date, but we used that to help explain it to CC:P01:54
bodhizazen /end rant :)01:54
mogainbodhizazen: It might be worth having some simple layers, members of the learning group and committors who can access the moodle stuff.01:54
bodhizazenyea, +101:54
dthackerbodhizazen: mentorship?01:54
bodhizazenthis project has grown too fast01:54
cprofittLets move this to the mailing list as well...01:54
bodhizazendthacker: that is what we do on the BT01:54
cprofittI do think we will likely need a structure similar to bug-control01:54
Vantraxdthacker: people to help new people wanting to contribute learn how01:54
bodhizazencprofitt: no I do not think we should move this to the mailing list without some basic decision here tonight :)01:55
cprofittthere are also going to be some different roles... course testers would be a valid role though they may not have the technical knowledge01:55
Vantraxcprofitt: yep01:55
cprofitta basic decision here tonight... what do you suggest we decide?01:55
pleia2perhaps some of the basic roles that people can shoot for to gain membership?01:56
bodhizazenI think we need to decide a very basic process01:56
bodhizazen+1 pleia201:56
bodhizazena starting point01:56
mogainOr even what membership means01:56
Vantraxi think we use the structure in the strategy document as a starting point, then look at what other groups we need, and what the standard is01:56
bodhizazenwe are going to either grow too fast or loose people if we do nto agree to some basic structure01:56
Vantraxor why people want to be members:P01:56
cprofittbodhizazen, can you link to a suggested basic structure?01:56
bodhizazensec ...01:56
cprofittI do not think we have time to hash it all out in IRC01:57
Vantraxno, that will go to the mailing list01:57
bodhizazenI needs to be adapted01:57
Vantraxbtw CProfitt I think its fair enough  if you take the lead on the Course Structure01:57
bodhizazento our needs :)01:57
cprofittI think we can agree that we will have a tiered structure... and we need to have a discussion on what that will be...01:58
Vantraxi think everything else will get bumpped, but that should be sorted01:58
Vantraxbodhizazen: the voice in channel idea is a good one, and I agree with that01:58
bodhizazenHow about if we work on a welcome page01:58
bodhizazenfor this team01:58
bodhizazento be included :01:58
pleia2do we need a real mentoring structure for this?01:59
bodhizazen1. Membership process01:59
bodhizazenI think yes pleia201:59
bodhizazen2. roles ?01:59
bodhizazenmentoring can be short01:59
Vantraxpleia2 not in terms of technical mentoring, but in getting people involved and active01:59
bodhizazensome people "get it" very very fast01:59
* pleia2 nods01:59
bodhizazenothers need a little more guidacne01:59
Vantraxso they have a person they know they can go to with question01:59
pleia2I just don't want to make involvement difficult02:00
* dthacker suggests letting the forms of contributing gel before putting structure up. He also notes that CoC should handle any immature or disruptive folks.02:00
bodhizazen+1 Vantrax02:00
Vantraxdthacker: +102:00
mogain+1 dthacker02:00
bodhizazenpleia2: well the idea is not to put up barriers , but tear them down02:00
Vantraxthat is the plan02:00
pleia2if someone is a teacher they could be given the infrastructure tour, some basic guidelines, and sent on their way to help out, I think02:00
pleia2we can call that "mentoring" I suppose02:00
Vantraxwe just want to have a basic idea first dthacker because this will grow very fast02:00
bodhizazenexactly pleia202:00
pleia2but it seems to me that it's more like how anyone enters any project, by reading the rules and jumping in :)02:01
bodhizazenbut we should make an effort to get them comfortable ASAP02:01
cprofittI am comfortable voting on agreeing that we need a structure for membership and welcoming new members to the 'team'02:01
bodhizazenand voice ?02:01
cprofittI think we need to work at the structure a bit...02:01
bodhizazenvote on voice ?02:01
Vantraxyeah vote on that02:01
bodhizazenHow about starting a wiki page on team structure02:01
Vantraxjust as an identifier02:01
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pleia2cprofitt: I think I like "structure for membership and welcoming new members" more than "mentoring"02:02
bodhizazenas with everything else it can be a document in progerss02:02
pleia2mentoring just seems like a different thing to me02:02
Vantraxpleia yeah, naming can be changed02:02
cprofitt[VOTE] Should a draft team structure be started; including a membership process and welcome for new members02:02
MootBotPlease vote on:  Should a draft team structure be started; including a membership process and welcome for new members.02:02
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:02
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:02
pleia2ok, just so we're on the same page :)02:02
MootBot+1 received from Vantrax. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:02
MootBot+1 received from cprofitt. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:02
MootBot+1 received from doctormo. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 302:02
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 402:02
MootBot+1 received from bodhizazen. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 502:02
MootBot+1 received from dthacker. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 602:02
cprofittanymore votes?02:03
cprofittanymore votes?02:03
cprofittare there any last votes?02:03
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 602:03
bodhizazenvote on voice in #ubutnu-learning :)02:03
dthackerwhat is voice?02:03
cprofitt[AGREED] Draft structure page to be created - bodhizazen will initiate the page and others will contribute02:03
MootBotAGREED received:  Draft structure page to be created - bodhizazen will initiate the page and others will contribute02:03
bodhizazenvoice can be used for many things02:03
bodhizazenusually to moderate a channel02:04
cprofitt[ACTION] bodhizazen to create draft structure page02:04
MootBotACTION received:  bodhizazen to create draft structure page02:04
bodhizazenbut we can use voice to identify members, which may be helpful02:04
Vantraxdthacker: join #ubuntu-beginners02:04
cprofitt[VOTE] Should voice in #ubuntu-learning be used as a 'sign' of membership in the team?02:04
MootBotPlease vote on:  Should voice in #ubuntu-learning be used as a 'sign' of membership in the team?.02:04
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot02:04
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting02:04
Vantraxyou will see instantly who are memebers02:04
MootBot+1 received from Vantrax. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 102:04
MootBot+1 received from bodhizazen. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 202:04
MootBotAbstention received from pleia2. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 202:04
MootBotAbstention received from cprofitt. 2 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 202:04
MootBotAbstention received from doctormo. 2 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 202:04
MootBotAbstention received from dthacker. 2 for, 0 against. 4 have abstained. Count is now 202:04
cprofittto explain I would prefer not to draw distinction until we have the structure more mature02:05
bodhizazenI understand02:05
cprofittany more votes02:05
bodhizazenbut people show up on the channel wanting information02:05
Vantraxcprofitt: +102:05
cprofittany more votes02:05
bodhizazenand no one knows who to ask02:05
cprofittany more votes02:05
MootBotFinal result is 2 for, 0 against. 4 abstained. Total: 202:05
Vantraxbodhizazen: +1 that is my resoning02:05
bodhizazencprofitt: ?02:06
cprofittNot sure how our process carries that vote...02:06
dthackerbodhizazen: I'll tell them what I know and try to refer them to the right person if I don't know.02:06
bodhizazenyea, that helps too dthacker02:06
cprofittin most rules that would not pass...02:06
cprofittso I am not going to pass it, but we do not have formal voting rules02:06
Vantraxlet it drop, board can institute it later02:07
bodhizazenAs you can tell form a recurring theme, I think it helps to create some structure to all this02:07
bodhizazenhe he he ...02:07
pleia2I'm not a huge fan of drawing the voice distinction at all (whatever you say, people on irc like having a little thing next to their nick), so will probably abstain from saying yes to it at all, but I see the merit in theory :)02:07
cprofitt#endmeeting ubuntu-learning all other topics tabled until next meeting02:07
MootBotMeeting finished at 20:07.02:07
bodhizazenTeam governance needs te be worked out :)02:07
Vantraxokies people back to #ubuntu-learning please02:07
doctormoThe vine doth not grow into the air unaided :-P and all the jazz02:07
pleia2thanks guys02:07
bodhizazenI hve to run :)02:07
bodhizazennex tmeeting ?02:07
cprofitttwo weeks from now bodhizazen02:08
cprofittI hope...02:08
pleia2we might shift the time some though02:08
cprofittthat was our original plan - every two weeks...02:08
pleia2going to encourage more folks to fill out the doodle poll :)02:08
cprofittyes, we might need to shift time so greg-g can be with us02:08
pleia2and other -eu people02:08
pleia2well, greg-g is -us02:08
Vantraxout of the meeting channel pleasE:P02:09
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mdzcjwatson: Keybuk: whose turn is it to chair?14:57
cjwatsonScott chaired 05-05 and 06-02, I was just looking up when I last chaired14:59
cjwatsonit's probably my turn14:59
jamesrflaIs this the Ubuntu server meeting starting now?14:59
cjwatsonno, technical board15:00
cjwatsonmdz: is sabdfl going to be here?15:00
mdzcjwatson: I do not expect him15:00
cjwatsonmdz: technically, Keybuk is not currently on the boar15:00
mdzcjwatson: if that's the case, then we have the support of 2/3 of the remaining board to extend his membership until we can hold a vote ;-)15:01
cjwatsonKeybuk: <summon>15:01
cjwatsonall right, I didn't see any minutes posted from the last meeting, but I have the IRC log here15:01
cjwatson15:56 <Keybuk> [ACTION] mdz to talk to kiko/bjornt to investigate drivers powers15:01
cjwatsonerr, hmm15:01
MootBotMeeting started at 09:01. The chair is cjwatson.15:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:01
cjwatson[TOPIC] Outstanding actions15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Outstanding actions15:02
cjwatson15:56 <Keybuk> [ACTION] mdz to talk to kiko/bjornt to investigate drivers powers15:02
mdzI spoke to Kiko about this directly after the previous meeting15:02
mdzhe said that it only affected spec approvals and nominations, but that he would investigate and give me a more authoritative answer15:02
mdzchecking if I"ve heard back...15:03
mdzI got a mail from bdmurray pointing out that he believes it controls:15:03
mdzThe ability to set package bug guidelines.15:03
mdzThe ability to set official bug tags.15:03
cjwatsonwhat does that mean for our overall goal? the agenda item is "document, restructure, or retire"15:03
mdzcjwatson: that means we are still stalled on a lack of information.  I will continue to chase it with kiko (and have just reminded him on IRC)15:03
cjwatsonwe should document what we have so far in a manner more permanent than IRC logs15:04
mdzall we have so far are guesses15:04
mdzI'll put it into email along with a direct inquiry to the LP team15:04
cjwatson[ACTION] mdz to continue investigation of drivers powers with LP team, and document results15:05
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to continue investigation of drivers powers with LP team, and document results15:05
cjwatsonexcuse me a moment while I call Scott; I know he often doesn't pay close attention to IRC while he's working15:05
Keybukhello ;)-15:06
cjwatsonrighto, I thought we might want more for this bit15:06
cjwatson16:00 <Keybuk> [ACTION] cjwatson to begin mono discussion on ML15:06
Keybukwas elbow deep up D-Bus's bum15:06
cjwatsonI'm afraid I entirely failed to start this15:06
cjwatsonthat said, ubuntu-devel-discuss has been doing it for me at enormous length15:07
Keybukthe content of the ubuntu-devel-discuss discussion was pretty much the reason we talked about having an authorative TB-led debate on the topic15:07
cjwatsonI think the most recent version of this discussion started after that, but yes15:08
Hobbseeoh dear.  Can i get the subject line of it now, so I can /dev/null the next flamewar?15:08
cjwatsonwell, why don't we spend 10/15 minutes on it on IRC, since I think we have some space15:08
cjwatsonthis somewhat ties into the patent policy direction we have been given by sabdfl, indicating that we will act on cease-and-desist notices but not on rumours15:09
mdzif it's about the alleged IP claims, I think the recent patent policy discussion provides useful guidance15:09
mdzI haven't followed the discussion, and am a little bit confused about why it's timely15:10
mdzwe've been shipping mono for ages15:10
cjwatsonit's not timely :-)15:10
mdzsince 7.04 at the latest15:11
mdzis it because the subject has come up in Debian?15:11
cjwatsonbut for whatever reason it's a matter of significant community debate at the moment, and seems to fall within the "issue of the day" stuff we talked about at UDS15:11
persia_Some portions of the debate seem to be related to the reasons that specific software is included.  Perhaps the process for inclusion/disclusion of specific applications could be made more clear?15:12
persia_(I'm assuming we ship Mono because it's a dependency of stuff we want. rather than from a specific desire to ship Mono)15:12
mdzMono itself isn't very useful apart from being able to run Mono programs :-)15:13
cjwatsonright, we've generally taken the attitude that we will ship the best available applications (assuming that we can do so within our licensing guidelines15:13
mdzthe best available free software applications15:13
cjwatson=> licensing guidelines :-)15:13
mdzin the judgement of the relevant development team(s)15:13
cjwatsonI think I agree that to people outside the Ubuntu development team, the process is a little bit opaque15:13
Keybukthis is another area in which the TB was originally intended to take leadership where the actual decisions have been taken lower down15:14
cjwatsonwe don't do this kind of selection very often, and it's often within a relatively small group out of necessity to come to something resembling consensus15:14
mdzI wouldn't mind making this delegation of authority explicit15:14
Keybukperhaps having official app sanction on the TB agenda, even if it's just developers making the decisions in this meeting, might help to make the process more transparent?15:14
mdze.g. the desktop team is responsible for deciding on the default desktop applications15:14
persia_Keybuk, That sounds very transparent, and something that can be used in discussion.  It is probably worth adding a note that only developers in the relevant area should add such items to the agenda.15:15
mdzKeybuk: i'd be worried about creating a bottleneck15:15
mdz"we're agreed on making this change, but we have to wait for the next tech board meeting (or get the tech board to sign off or whatever) before we can do it"15:15
Keybukmdz: another option would be an official delegation as you suggest15:15
cjwatsonthere isn't even anything on UbuntuDevelopment about this15:16
Keybukwhere part of the delegate responsibilities would be to mail selections to the list15:16
persia_mdz, Perhaps approval would only be needed within the cycle, rather than prior to the change?15:16
Keybukthe list being ubuntu-devel or somesuch15:16
mdzI think discussion on ubuntu-devel@ is more useful (and transparent) than a TB meeting anyway15:16
mdzdesktop -> desktop team, server -> server team, UNR -> mobile team15:16
cjwatsonthe patent policy discussion wasn't written up in minutes anywhere, as far as I can see15:17
cjwatsonwhich I think was my fault, since I chaired that meeting15:17
MootBotLINK received:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/04/07/%23ubuntu-meeting.html15:17
cjwatsonhmm, no, that didn't have the policy discussion15:17
mdzin any case, it needs to get written up15:18
mdzdo we have any volunteers?15:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/03/24/%23ubuntu-meeting.html15:18
cjwatsonmdz: you were chair :)15:18
mdzcjwatson: ok, I'll take the action15:19
cjwatson[ACTION] mdz to write up patent policy minutes from 2009-03-24 meeting15:19
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to write up patent policy minutes from 2009-03-24 meeting15:19
cjwatsonone question that comes to mind when considering this is the extricability of the contentious technology15:20
mdzmono is highly extricable at the moment15:20
cjwatsonright now, Mono would be relatively easy for us to extract if we were put in a position where we had to15:20
cjwatsonaside from the business of it being on physical media15:20
cjwatsonbut it's not like it's implementing, say, gnome-system-tools15:21
Keybukeven if it were, it wouldn't be that much of a hardship15:21
cjwatsonor gnome-panel15:21
Keybukand there's a ski slope issue ;)15:21
Keybukie. the first time you approve an app, it's highly extricable15:21
Keybukthe second time, it still is15:21
Keybukthe third time it isn't so much15:21
Keybukand suddenly you don't approve the tenth app because there's nine others15:21
Keybukand the developer is thinking "but there's nine other apps using mono!"15:22
cjwatsonis this something for which we need to issue guidelines, or is the fact that upstream GNOME folks are pretty conservative about non-C implementations on the whole sufficient protection?15:23
mdzthe person with the lion's share of liability for any IP claim is sabdfl, and he's been pretty explicit about what sort of risk he will accept15:23
mdzI don't think the question of ripping it out came up15:23
cjwatsonas far as putting Mono in the desktop core goes, I would tend to say that the reasons not to do so are technical not IP; if we're talking about the desktop having a small number of seconds of budget to start, having to start up a language VM is going to put a dent in that even if Mono is blazingly fast once running15:25
mdzcjwatson: I don't see a need for guidelines in that area15:25
cjwatsonand that that is likely to be a natural restriction that the TB doesn't need to set down15:25
cjwatsonso in that case, can we simply put it out there that the TB does not have a current concern with the IP status of Mono?15:25
cjwatsonand relate that explicitly to our patent policy15:26
mdzcjwatson: yes15:26
cjwatsonI'll do that as part of the minutes of this meeting, then15:26
cjwatson16:00 <Keybuk> [ACTION] mdz and sabdfl to review archive reorg mail sent on 29 April15:26
LaserJockcjwatson: wouldn't the ski slope argument though make the VM hit less concerning? i.e. the more apps you get for starting the VM the less of an issue it is?15:26
cjwatsonsabdfl replied, and mdz said I could go ahead, so I've sent that mail out15:26
mdzI've since read it as well, and am happy with it15:27
cjwatsonLaserJock: I believe the VM has to initialise once per app15:27
cjwatsonI may be wrong, haven't checked15:27
mdza point of order: we have a bunch more agenda items, and only 30 minutes left15:28
cjwatsonwe do indeed. that's the last of the outstanding actions15:28
cjwatsonerr, much of the stuff on the agenda I believe we dealt with last time15:28
cjwatsonIRC council, ffmpeg, ubuntu-drivers I believe are all handled15:28
cjwatsonunless there are any objections I'll remove those15:28
mdzright, some stuff was added at the end15:28
cjwatsonEdubuntu Releases for Karmic and Karmic+1 and hosting on Canonical infrastructure (JordanMantha, JonathanCarter, StephaneGraber)15:29
Keybukcjwatson: Mono is faster than Python ;)15:29
Keybukjust saying15:29
cjwatson[TOPIC] Edubuntu Releases for Karmic and Karmic+1 and hosting on Canonical infrastructure (JordanMantha, JonathanCarter, StephaneGraber)15:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Edubuntu Releases for Karmic and Karmic+1 and hosting on Canonical infrastructure (JordanMantha, JonathanCarter, StephaneGraber)15:29
mdzthere's also a core-dev application from james-w which isn't on there15:29
cjwatsonLaserJock,highvoltage,stgraber: here?15:29
LaserJockI am15:29
cjwatsonwould one of you like to introduce this?15:30
LaserJockI guess I can start out15:30
stgraberhere too15:30
LaserJockEdubuntu has been going through a "revitalization" in the last couple months15:30
LaserJockwith lots of new potential contributors15:30
LaserJockand a real rethinking of what Edubuntu is and should be15:30
LaserJockone of the big issues that has come up is that the current situation of Edubuntu being an Addon CD to Ubuntu is not really working out15:31
mdzLaserJock: how so?15:31
LaserJockEdubuntu started out as a single CD, went to a 2 CD set, and then dropped the install CD and left that to Ubunu Alternate15:31
LaserJockwell, we get lots of complaints from people either not knowing how to install stuff15:32
LaserJockor not wanting to have to use 2 installation media15:32
LaserJockour main audience has been schools15:32
LaserJockand they want easy installation on multiple computers15:32
cjwatsonthere were two major reasons to move to the add-on CD scheme, as I recall15:33
LaserJockalso an example is ZaReason, which sells computers with pre-installed Edubuntu15:33
mdzboth of those sound like technical issues which could be worked on15:33
cjwatsonthe first was to try to keep testing requirements under control15:33
LaserJockI contacted them about what Edubuntu could do to help them and they said their #1 request would be to have a single installation medium15:33
cjwatsonthe second was that we needed a second CD *anyway*, and the first was all but a duplicate of the normal alternate CD15:33
cjwatson(because the number of applications desired was greater than would fit)15:33
cjwatsonat the time, DVDs were not considered practical, particularly by non-US educators15:34
LaserJockwe want to put more and more Education material on15:34
LaserJockright now we're at ~350MB for the Addon CD15:34
LaserJockso we'd be around 1GB total15:34
ogramake a usb image :)15:34
cjwatsonI was just about to say, I wonder if switching to USB would be practical nowadays15:34
mdzogra: let's hold of on solutions until LaserJock has explained what he's here for15:35
pygiogra: you're doing diversions :p15:35
stgraberanyway, I guess the main point here was to discuss being able to use universe for edubuntu15:35
stgraberand so getting more contributors from MOTU15:35
LaserJockso many of the up-and-coming contributors who want to make Edubuntu happen basically said that it would be a waste of their time unless there was a USB/DVD image15:35
LaserJockas they feel the issue is big enough to be a big roadblock to Edubuntu adoption15:36
LaserJockfor me personally, I remember the days of ogra spending long nights testing .isos15:36
LaserJockand I don't take the idea of going back to being a full distro lightly15:36
LaserJockbut it has been a big complaint from users and I think adoption has been significantly hurt by the Addon CD15:37
LaserJockso the suggestion is to move to a USB/DVD image15:37
cjwatsonstgraber: universe appears to be a second agenda item15:37
stgrabercjwatson: oh right :)15:37
LaserJocka big problem with doing a USB/DVD is hosting space15:38
mdzLaserJock: so to come back to  the topic...what is the issue you're bringing to the TB?15:38
LaserJockEdubuntu got dropped from releases.ubuntu.com to cdimage.ubuntu.com for Jaunty15:38
cjwatsonso, whoa a moment15:38
cjwatsonreleases.ubuntu.com vs. cdimage.ubuntu.com has nothing to do with whether an image is "official" or not, or anything like that15:39
mdzand they are both Canonical infrastructure15:39
LaserJockno, but we lose mirroring15:39
cjwatsonbut our mirrors are constrained, and we can't help that15:39
cjwatsonwe have to take the decision purely on popularity15:39
mdzLaserJock: or to look at it another way, the mirrors gain some disk space back15:39
LaserJockfor me I guess I just wanted some guidance from the TB and to say "hey, this is what we're thinking of doing, does that sound like a good idea"15:40
cjwatsonthere's an ubuntu-mirrors list; perhaps it would be appropriate to ask there and find out if some mirror administrators would be happy to mirror Edubuntu off cdimage15:40
mdzthis is purely a matter of how we manage finite (and mostly volunteer) resources15:40
cjwatsona number of people already mirror cdimage in toto15:40
LaserJockwe've had some offers for mirroring as well15:41
LaserJockso I don't think cdimage vs releases is a big deal15:41
mdzLaserJock: my feeling about releases and cdimage is that we should make that decision based on infrastructure considerations15:41
mdzi.e. the bits which get downloaded the most should go on releases15:41
mdzbits which don't get downloaded as much should go on cdimage15:41
LaserJockbut the bigger issue is that we'd be introducing a new DVD / USB image15:41
cjwatsonI don't see a reason to be hung up on the add-on CD implementation if it isn't working, and if there's something else that would solve the original problems too and would work out better15:41
cjwatsonany new image introduced would, I think, have to supersede previous ones15:42
LaserJockanother issue we've had is the lack of any type of demonstration CD15:42
LaserJockfor advocacy to schools people often request some sort of way to demo Edubuntu via a LiveCD15:42
cjwatsonif we're drifting around Edubuntu topics, can we move on to the second agenda item in the cause of keeping our agenda under control?15:43
cjwatson[TOPIC] Inclusion of universe within Edubuntu (JordanMantha, JonathanCarter, StephaneGraber)15:43
MootBotNew Topic:  Inclusion of universe within Edubuntu (JordanMantha, JonathanCarter, StephaneGraber)15:43
LaserJockno, that was a motivation for ditching the Addon Cd15:43
cjwatsonI don't want to cut you short but we have only 17 minutes :)15:43
mdzcan we close on the mirroring question?15:43
LaserJockbut I'm happy with what you guys have said15:43
cjwatsonand two core-dev applications to fit in two15:43
mdzto try to enumerate the issues so far:15:43
mdz1. placement of education/edubuntu bits for distribution (releases vs. cdimage) - this should be based on infrastructure concerns, and is not intended as a status consideration15:45
mdz2. format of education/edubuntu distribution media - I'm happy for the edubuntu team and ubuntu-cdimage to work that out between them15:45
mdz3. universe - ?15:46
mdzLaserJock: what's the question her?15:46
stgraberok, so universe15:46
cjwatsonlet's defer a more in-depth discussion on that to next week, perhaps?15:46
LaserJockWe've had real issues with trying to expand our Education selections. We have the smallest app selection of any of the main Edu-focused distros15:46
stgrabercurrently edubuntu is main only, we'd like to also include universe packages15:46
cjwatsonI have a feeling it will take up most of our remaining 14 minutes, and don't want to short-change the applicants15:46
LaserJockbasically we just want to be able to use Universe to build an .iso as well, similar to Xubuntu et. al15:47
cjwatsonif I'm pressed for a five-second answer I'd say "yes"15:47
cjwatson[VOTE] Edubuntu to be permitted to build with universe15:47
MootBotPlease vote on:  Edubuntu to be permitted to build with universe.15:47
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:47
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:47
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:47
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:47
cjwatson(I think it's pretty clear that it can be considered in the same light as Xubuntu et al nowadays)15:48
mdz(mumble mumble archive reorg)15:48
mdzKeybuk() = -1 (ETIMEDOUT)15:49
MootBotFinal result is 2 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 215:49
LaserJockthanks for considering our items, I just didn't want Edubuntu to launch into a new direction without getting input from the TB15:49
stgraberI guess we'll add another agenda item for the next TB meeting to discuss Canonical support for education apps as AFAIK it's still advertised as supported somewhere on ubuntu.com15:49
cjwatsonok, thanks :) please get in touch with ubuntu-cdimage to implement that15:49
LaserJockcjwatson: will do15:49
cjwatson[TOPIC] Ubuntu Core Developer application for Stéphane Graber15:49
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Core Developer application for Stéphane Graber15:49
mdzstgraber: thanks for the reminder15:50
* ogra cheers loudly15:50
mdz[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stgraber/CoreDeveloperApplication15:50
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stgraber/CoreDeveloperApplication15:50
cjwatsonstgraber: can you tell us a bit about the expanding server interests you have (i.e. stuff that's outside the remit of Edubuntu)?15:50
mdz[LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2009-June/002126.html15:50
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2009-June/002126.html15:50
stgrabersure, well, LTSP is based on a lot of server components (tftp, dhcp, nbd, ...) for its boot process15:51
stgraberI also work at a company doing mass deployments of server infrastructure and as such often encounters bugs or things that could be improved15:51
stgraberso I have a lot of interest here for bug fixing, improving integrations of some services and sponsoring fixes from co-workers and the community15:52
mdzstgraber: just to clarify scope, since we're in the midst of a transition here...if it were possible for you to work on LTSP and italc packages as a member of an Edubuntu team, rather than as an ubuntu-core-dev, would you have applied for that instead?15:52
ogra(beyond that adding new features to ltsp often adds new features to the underlying server packages)15:52
stgrabermdz: well, working on LTSP also means having to poke some X drivers, libX11, compiz and patches in gnome and KDE so having upload rights for that still makes sense15:53
ogras/new features/new micro-features/15:53
stgraberI'm also trying to have LTSP be considered as outside of Edubuntu and more part of Ubuntu server instead15:53
stgraberas it's use in education is only one of many15:53
cjwatsonstgraber: how have you found your work with the server team, in terms of balancing feature requests from LTSP against needs of more traditional server setups?15:54
stgraberso having the archive reorg and having an edubuntu-dev team able to upload the educative packages to main would make sense for edubuntu but for LTSP I'd still have applied to have more rights15:54
cjwatsonI assume there are some cases where the relationship there isn't straightforward15:54
mdzstgraber: it doesn't look like you've uploaded those other packages in the past though; has that been a problem?15:54
stgraberso far the patches in gnome are done by ogra but I plan to also work on that myself15:55
ograwhich i would greatly appreciate15:55
stgraberfor X11, I recently uploaded (through sponsorship by Bryce) libxcb15:55
stgraberrelation with the server team works quite well as we won't have too many patches there, the only one I can recall of is in dhcpd, other than that it's mainly getting more involved as being part of their meetings, having the LTSP sessions part of the server track (as it was for last UDS)15:56
stgraberand I now have the desktop in the cloud part of my todo list too15:56
stgraberthat'd be sort-of related to my work on LTSP15:56
ogramany of the desktop patches are really old and could use someone to get them on the most up to date feature set of the desktop packages (i.e. there is no polkit integration for example)15:57
stgraberas it'd use a regular desktop, use the cloud work from the server team and the loadbalancing and configuration from ltsp-cluster15:57
mdzstgraber: is there anyone else here (other than ogra) who has been your sponsor?15:57
ograLaserJock has15:57
stgraberogra: right, and some integration with nautilus would be great too (that's on my agenda), currently we have some weird behavior there15:57
cjwatsonI think we're going to have to move to a vote shortly15:58
ograright, all my patches were only carried over and mildly adjusted from release to release ... new technology wasnt taken into account15:58
cjwatsonany final questions for Stephane?15:58
stgraberI guess it's mainly ogra, LaserJock, bryce (not here) and mvo (a compiz change I did during UDS)15:58
mdzKeybuk: ?15:59
cjwatson[VOTE] Stéphane Graber for ubuntu-core-dev15:59
MootBotPlease vote on:  Stéphane Graber for ubuntu-core-dev.15:59
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot15:59
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting15:59
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 115:59
cjwatsonstgraber is category:I-thought-he-was-in-core-dev-already for me, so ...15:59
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 215:59
mdzcjwatson: no sense waiting for Keybuk, we seem to have lost him16:00
cjwatsonI guess so :-/16:00
MootBotFinal result is 2 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 216:00
cjwatsonstgraber: congratulations16:01
mdzstgraber: thank you and welcome!16:01
vorianwell done stgraber!16:01
stgraberyeah !!!16:01
* ogra hugs stgraber 16:01
cjwatsonI would like to have time for James' application as well, but we're out of time :-(16:01
dholbachcjwatson: and he's on a plane16:01
cjwatsonoh! well that would make a difference16:01
cjwatsonI'll make sure it's top of the agenda next time16:01
mdzcjwatson: I don't have any questions for james-w16:01
persiaI'd also like to remind the TB about Charlie Smotherman's per-package uploader application.16:01
mdzwe've both worked with him personally enough, I think16:02
cjwatsonnor do I, but I acknowledge bias since we're on the same team16:02
mdzcjwatson: does that mean you won't vote on his application?16:02
cjwatsonI don't think I'm biased enough to recuse myself, no :)16:02
mdzif so, I think we'll need to round someone else up for quorum purposes16:02
cjwatsonJames has been consistently excellent throughout my work with him16:03
cjwatsonwell, in that case16:03
cjwatson[VOTE] James Westby for ubuntu-core-dev16:03
MootBotPlease vote on:  James Westby for ubuntu-core-dev.16:03
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot16:03
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting16:03
MootBot+1 received from cjwatson. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 116:03
mdzhe's category:I-thought-he-was-in-core-dev-already for me16:03
mdzso +116:03
MootBot+1 received from mdz. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 216:03
MootBotFinal result is 2 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 216:03
vorianwow, that's great james_w! congrats16:04
cjwatsonok, that was quick, I guess doing ALL THE SPONSORED UPLOADS IN THE WORLD makes a difference16:04
* mathiaz congrats stgraber and james_w !16:04
mdzI've updated LP for both16:04
cjwatsonno time for AOB, so thanks all16:04
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:04.16:04
cjwatsonpersia: I'll make sure *that's* top of the agenda for next meeting16:05
* mathiaz calls for server team meeting attendees16:05
persiacjwatson, Thanks.  Just wanted to make sure it didn't disappear :)16:05
cjwatsonoh, we forgot to select a chair for next time16:05
cjwatsonmdz: your turn next time?16:05
mdzcjwatson: ok16:06
zulderka derka16:06
mathiazall right - let's get the Server Team meeting started16:07
MootBotMeeting started at 10:07. The chair is mathiaz.16:07
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:07
mathiazToday's exciting agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:07
mathiazLast week minutes:16:07
mathiaz[TOPIC] Merges16:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Merges16:08
mathiazso I've updated the list of easy-merges for the ubuntu-server team16:08
mathiazit's on the Roadmap16:08
mathiazHave people found this list useful?16:08
ivoksiirc, amavisd-new is on that list16:08
mathiazivoks: yes16:09
ivoksmerge diff for it was reported before uds16:09
mathiazivoks: bug number?16:09
ivoksa sec16:09
ivoksbug #37997916:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379979 in amavisd-new "Please merge amavisd-new (1:2.6.3-3) from debian unstable(main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37997916:09
* ivoks hides :)16:10
dholbachthere's a few server related packages on here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/16:10
dholbachmight be worth checking that before doing a merge :-)16:10
mathiazivoks: ok - I've updated the wiki page16:11
mathiazivoks: to list the bug number16:11
mathiazdholbach: hm - I have to check this list too16:11
mathiazdholbach: is there a way to filter by packages?16:12
dholbachmathiaz: I'm afraid, not yet, no16:12
mathiazdholbach: hm ok.16:12
dholbachbut we need to get the list down to 0 anyway, which would help with scanning it16:12
mathiazdholbach: right - the list isn't too long so I don't think filtering is necessary for now16:13
dholbachrock on!16:13
dholbachmathiaz: please poke all server people about it :-)16:13
mathiazdholbach: but when any lists gets too long finding filters to narrow it down helps a lot16:13
* dholbach shuts up now16:13
ivoksi'll look at universe packages16:13
mathiazivoks: awesome. Thansk.16:14
mathiazThe list of merges has slightly shrunk from last week16:15
mathiazHowever there is still a long list of packages waiting to be merged in karmic.16:15
mathiazMerge-O-Matic is there to help out: https://merges.ubuntu.com16:15
mathiazAny questions related to merges?16:16
mathiaz[TOPIC] Heartbeat 2.99 in Karmic16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Heartbeat 2.99 in Karmic16:16
mathiazRoAkSoAx isn't around16:17
ivoksi'm reading the log...16:17
mathiazivoks: any insight on the ACTIONS from last week?16:17
ivoksyeah... well, heartbeat 2.99 just shares the name with previous versions of heartbeat16:17
mathiazI haven't seen a call for testing for heartbeat related packages in his PPA16:17
ivoksthey are almost completly different things16:18
ivoksheartbeat 2.99 doesn't work as a standalone app16:18
ivoksit's being utilized by pacemaker16:18
ivoksand ubuntu-ha decided that pacemaker-openais is the way to go16:18
mathiazivoks: right.16:18
ivoksstill, -heartbeat version of pacemaker will be provided in universe16:18
ivokswithout any support16:18
mathiazivoks: is this the same solution as the one adopted by debian?16:18
ivokssince heartbeat is dead project16:19
ivoksmathiaz: yes, i contact debian devs daily16:19
ivoksand one of them is member of ubuntu-ha16:19
mathiazivoks: great - how is their testing in experimental going?16:19
ivokssome upstream people are also members of ubuntu-ha16:19
ivoksthey are doing new packages of openais16:20
ivoksand corosync and, we are helping with packaging16:20
ivokswe've been supplied with debian/ dirs from upstream16:21
mathiazivoks: ok - so the plan is to replace heartbeat with openais+corosync+pacemaker?16:21
ivoksmathiaz: no, it's very complicated :)16:21
ivoksmathiaz: at the moment corosync and openais aren't API stable16:21
zulis ubuntu-ha going to be supporting rhcs as well?16:22
ivoksso, redhat cluster suite 3.0rcX depends on corosync and openais with the same timestamp16:22
mathiazivoks: is there a wiki page to outline the problem and the proposed solution?16:22
ivokszul: plan is to degrade rhcs to universe16:22
zulivoks: excelent16:22
ivoksmathiaz: i've sent an email to ubuntu-ha mailing list, but i could do a wiki page with some clearification16:23
ivoksbut, the point is...16:23
ivokscorosync and openais should get 1.0 release in next 2 weeks16:23
nijabaivoks: and upgrade pacemaker and friend to main?16:23
ivoksthen pacemaker will be ported to those versions16:23
ivoksnijaba: yes16:23
nijabaivoks: way cool, thanks16:23
ivokslinux cluster stack became joint effort of all distros and vendors16:24
mathiazivoks: ok - does this mean everything should be ready by FeatureFreeze?16:24
ivoksmathiaz: it depends on upstream16:24
mathiazivoks: which is end of august16:24
ivoksi would suggest keeping rhcs in main and in good shape untils pacemaker gets compiled with corosync/openais 1.016:25
ivoksthen do the switch16:25
mathiazivoks: ok - so if you could write up a short wiki page with the different issues16:25
ivoksbasicaly, atm ubuntu-ha needs to suport both platforms16:25
mathiazivoks: so that we know we are and where we're heading at16:25
mathiazivoks: it doesn't need to be a full blown spec16:26
ivoksi know, but spec should clearify this16:26
mathiazivoks: just a list of packages that should be moved to main, an small overview of the new architecture, and what are the blocker for now16:26
mathiazivoks: great that's a good start16:27
mathiazanything else related to the Cluster stack and HA?16:28
ivokstesting packages are on ubuntu-ha ppa :)16:28
zulivoks: does heartbeat need to be updated in the kernel again?16:29
ivokszul: kernel? no16:29
ivoksforget heartbeat16:29
ivoksit's dead16:29
zulivoks: okies16:29
mathiazok - let's move on then16:29
mathiazivoks: thanks for taking care of the cluster stack in Ubuntu and cooperating with the rest of the distros16:30
ttxivoks: if you forget your heartbeat, you may become dead as well.16:30
mathiazThat's all I had from last week meetings16:30
mathiazanything else to add related to last week discussions?16:31
=== jdo_ is now known as jdobrien
mathiaznope - let's move on then16:31
mathiaz[TOPIC] kernel modules and userspace tools synchronisation16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  kernel modules and userspace tools synchronisation16:32
mathiazivoks: are you talking about drbd and iscsi?16:32
ivokskvm, everything...16:32
ivoksproviding new version of drbd, for example, is hard16:32
ivokscause we have to upload new kernel16:32
ivoksi was thinking about dkms16:33
ivokswould it be a problem to utilize dkms as a default way for those kind of things?16:33
mathiazkirkland: what's your take on that?16:33
ivoksin case of drbd, it would help a lot since i would have to sync drbd source in kernel and in userspace tools16:33
zulivoks: dkms probably wouldnt be a problem for drbd16:33
mathiazkirkland: I know you've used dkms for kvm to provide a backport to hardy16:34
mathiazivoks: how hard is it now to get a new version of drbd in the kernel?16:34
ivokswe have to upload new kernel16:34
ivoksand new userspace at the same time16:34
ivoksprobably the same as kvm16:35
mathiazivoks: also IIRC drbd will be included into the mainline kernel soon16:35
ivokswell, 'soon' :)16:35
ivoksi don't expect it to be there before 10.0416:35
mathiazivoks: is the issue that the transition needs to be tracked16:35
mathiazivoks: or that sometimes the kernel team updates the drbd module and that userspace is broken16:36
ivoksthat happens too, but only during development16:36
mathiazivoks: well - by transition I mean that both kernel and userspace have to be in sync16:36
ivoksit would like to provide ppa for drbd16:36
ivokswhere users would get newer versions of drbd16:36
ivokswich otherwise wouldn't get into -updates16:36
mathiazivoks: that's a good plan - but we also need to take care of the stable release16:37
mathiazivoks: the primary goal is to get a version of drbd that works in stable releases16:37
ivoksof course16:37
ivoksbut SRU won't be accepted16:37
mathiazivoks: PPA can be a good options for backports ( kirkland does something similar with kvm)16:37
ivokscause new drbds bring only new functionality16:37
mathiazivoks: right - so a PPA seems a good option16:38
ivoksbut, let's look fruther than drbd16:38
ivoksthat's just an example16:38
mathiazivoks: right - kvm doesn't really fall in the same category IIRC16:38
mathiazivoks: as there isn't such a strong dependency between kernel and userspace16:39
mathiazivoks: the other module that I know of is open-iscsi16:39
mathiazivoks: apparmor is also similar16:39
ivokswell, is apparmor a module or built-in?16:40
mathiazivoks: it's build-in now16:40
mathiazivoks: but there is version dependency on the parser16:40
mathiazivoks: IIRC you can use an old parser to load profile into a new kernel16:40
mathiazivoks: this is where things tend to break in open-iscsi and drbd too16:41
ivokswell, my concern is drbd16:41
mathiazivoks: right16:41
ivoksi think we could get more out of it16:41
mathiazivoks: so what's the current process to update drbd in the development release?16:41
mathiazivoks: send a git pull to the kernel team16:42
mathiazivoks: 1. send a git pull to the kernel team16:42
mathiazivoks: 2. wait for the new kernel to be uploaded16:42
ivoksas it turns out, they pull it automaticaly16:42
ivoksso, i never send them a patch16:42
ivoksthey just do it16:42
mathiazivoks: 3. then upload the matching userspace version16:42
ivoksand then we keep up with userspace16:42
mathiazivoks: how do you keep up with userspace? manually?16:43
mathiazivoks: just by change you happen to notice there is a new drbd module?16:43
mathiazivoks: just by chance you happen to notice there is a new drbd module?16:43
ivoksi look from time to time what's in kernel16:43
ivoksand atm there's the latest version16:43
mathiazivoks: that drbd is broken *again* and you upload a new userspace version16:43
ivoksi also know when drbd releases new version16:43
ivoksmathiaz: that never happened16:44
ivoksdrbd has slow release cycle16:44
ivoksmostly kernel team does the inital pull16:44
ivoksand then i send patches for newer version, if any16:44
ivokswait for new kernel, and then rebuild userspace16:45
mathiazivoks: ok - so is there any improvement that could be made for handling drbd in the development release?16:45
ivoksdkms :)16:45
mathiazivoks: or is wait for new kernel, rebuild userspace a good enough process?16:45
ivoksdkms would make me happier man; i would have to look only on one file in kernel git16:45
mathiazivoks: with dkms you'd have control over the kernel module *and* the userspace at the same time16:45
mathiazivoks: right - I understand the advantage of dkms for backports16:46
mathiazivoks: I'm trying to figure out whether it would be usefull to handle stable releases as well16:46
ivokswell, desktop already does it16:46
ivoksfor ati/nvidia stuff, iirc16:47
mathiazivoks: right - so it seems that it could be a good option16:47
mathiazivoks: the next step would be to talk to the kernel team16:47
ivokskvm-source in jaunty depends on dkms16:47
ivoksof course16:47
mathiazivoks: and ask them what they think about it16:47
ivoksi planed to send an email to -server and -kernel16:47
ivoksbut it was better to discuss it here first16:47
mathiazivoks: you may also talk to kirkland to see how he built the dkms version of kvm for hardy16:48
mathiazivoks: great.16:48
kirklandmathiaz: sorry, stepped away, back now16:48
mathiaz[ACTION] ivoks to send an email to -server and -kernel about turning drbd into a dkms based module16:48
MootBotACTION received:  ivoks to send an email to -server and -kernel about turning drbd into a dkms based module16:48
mathiazkirkland: that's ok - I think that ivoks would like to talk to you later16:49
kirklandmathiaz: ivoks: cool16:49
mathiazkirkland: about dkms and kvm16:49
mathiazlet's move on if there is nothing else to this topic (drbd)16:50
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open discussion16:50
MootBotNew Topic:  Open discussion16:50
mathiazAnything else to add?16:50
ivoksanyone interested in hadoop packaging? :)16:52
ttxivoks: :)16:52
ttxivoks: I can tell soren is interested in having it packaged, but that doesn't really help you.16:53
ivoksi got couple of emails that people are interested... why does everybody looks at me first? :)16:53
=== MaWaLe is now known as MosquitoOo
ivoksbed inglish16:53
sommercause you only have one shoe on? :)16:54
mathiazivoks: are there some packages already? is there an ITP for it?16:54
MootBotLINK received:  http://cloudera.com/hadoop-deb16:54
mathiazivoks: so these packages could be a starting point16:55
ivoksi haven't looked at them16:55
ivoksso i would say 'big maybe'16:55
mathiazivoks: has someone tried to build them on karmic and pushed them to a PPA16:55
mathiazivoks: ?16:55
ivoksmathiaz: all hadoop packages i've seen were binary files, no source16:56
ivoksmaybe these aren't...16:56
mathiazivoks: oh well - that doesn't help at all then16:56
ttxmathiaz: and they might be FHS-adverse as well16:56
ivoksbut i won't judge anyone, until i look at them16:56
ivoksttx: well, looking at the link16:57
ttxivoks: I'll have a look at them, maybe tomorrow16:57
ivoksHadoop wrapper script                  /usr/bin/hadoop16:57
ivoks Hadoop Jar and Library Files           /usr/lib/hadoop16:57
ivoksttx: great16:57
ivoksit's a cloud thing, you guys should be interested in that :D16:57
ttxIt's prio 1 on my CrackOfTheDay list16:58
mathiaz[ACTION] ttx to look at cloudera hadoop debian packages16:58
MootBotACTION received:  ttx to look at cloudera hadoop debian packages16:58
ttxargh :)16:58
ivoksttx: hahaha nailed16:58
mathiazlet's move on and wrap up16:58
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time16:58
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time16:58
mathiaznext week, same place, same time?16:58
mathiazawesome then17:00
mathiazthanks for attending and see you all17:00
mathiazsame time, same place, next week17:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:00.17:00
ttxthanks mathiaz !17:00
sommerlater on all17:00
ivoksMootBot is in the ocean...17:00
=== bjf_afk is now known as bjf
* amitk waves17:56
* bjf waves back17:57
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
* manjo waves17:59
* pgraner waves18:00
* smb phases in18:00
* apw zones in18:00
* cking is here18:00
* jjohansen waves18:00
* lieb_ here18:00
jjohansenso I guess that already take care of roll call18:00
* awe waves18:01
=== lieb_ is now known as lieb
* bjf thinks were ready18:01
MootBotMeeting started at 12:01. The chair is jjohansen.18:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:01
jjohansen[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:01
jjohansen[TOPIC] Open Items: "smb to request feedback on new SRU policy update from mailing list"18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Items: "smb to request feedback on new SRU policy update from mailing list"18:01
jjohansen[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty18:02
smbHardy:    2.6.24-24.54 (11 days in proposed but not enough (0) verifications)18:02
smbIntrepid: 2.6.27-14.34 (11 days in proposed but not enough (2) verifications))18:02
smbJaunty:   2.6.28-13.44 (14 / 6 verifications)18:02
smb          LRM should get a bit of wl(broadcom) driver testing.18:02
smbCVE triaging: in progress (87%). ETA hopefully this week18:02
smbSo Jaunty gets promoted I hpe18:02
smbthats all18:03
apwjjohansen, that covers all of the bugfix kernels18:03
jjohansen[TOPIC] Karmic Status18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Status18:03
rtgon track. I'm busily wrecking the i386 flavours18:04
rtgI'll need to confer with the platform team about how to upgrade from Jaunty18:04
jjohansen[ACTION] rtg onfer with the platform team about how to upgrade from Jaunty18:04
MootBotACTION received:  rtg onfer with the platform team about how to upgrade from Jaunty18:04
rtgI also need to confer with the installer team about choosing the right i386 kernel18:04
pgranerI created a Release Status Page to track our progress.... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:05
jjohansen[ACTION] rtg confer with the installer team about choosing the right i386 kernel18:05
MootBotACTION received:  rtg confer with the installer team about choosing the right i386 kernel18:05
rtgwe should be getting close to an 2.6.31-rc1 as well18:05
smbThat probably goes into the same direction as some upgrade path bug/question we got from old releases18:05
apwmost of the  configuration changes we recommended have now been applied18:05
rtgjjohansen: I think thats about it18:06
pgraner[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:06
jjohansen[TOPIC] LPIA Tree18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  LPIA Tree18:06
apwhrm no sconklin118:06
sconklin1lpia hardy has been rebased to the latest hardy18:07
jjohansen[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions18:07
sconklin1jaunty will branch today or tomorrow to begin taking changes for netbook lpia stuff18:07
ogasawaraI added 1 regression-potential and 1 regression-release bug to the list this week but smb and apw are already assigned.18:07
apwthanks for the list as always18:07
ogasawaraThe bug day stats from last week as are follows:18:07
ogasawaraBug Day Stats - Kernel Devs18:07
ogasawaraFix Released 12 (↑12)18:07
ogasawaraFix Committed 1 (↑1)18:07
ogasawaraWon't Fix  67 (↑67)18:07
ogasawaraInvalid 13 (↑13)18:07
ogasawaraReassigned 0 (↑0)18:07
ogasawaraIn Progress 2 (↑2)18:07
ogasawaraIncomplete 64 (↓73)18:08
ogasawaraTriaged 15 (↓4)18:08
ogasawaraConfirmed 14 (↓9)18:08
ogasawaraNew 12 (↓9)18:08
ogasawaraBug Day Stats - Community18:08
rtgsconklin1: is the OEM team suing the official kernel for all projects?18:08
ogasawaraFix Released 4 (↑4)18:08
ogasawaraFix Committed 0 (↑0)18:08
ogasawaraWon't Fix 0 (↑0)18:08
ogasawaraInvalid 38 (↑38)18:08
ogasawaraReassigned 0 (↑0)18:08
ogasawaraIn Progress 0 (↑0)18:08
ogasawaraIncomplete 8 (↓42)18:08
ogasawaraTriaged 0 (↑0)18:08
ogasawaraConfirmed 0 (↑0)18:08
ogasawaraNew 0 (↑0)18:08
apwwho gets the kudos for the community contributions?18:08
sconklin1rtg: that's a good question. They have committed to using it for all new starts, but as we found last week there are projects still using old trees that we didn't know about18:08
ogasawaraapw: andres again, as well as our kernel janitor :)18:09
* apw shakes the janitors hand18:09
apwhow is the janitors sweep going?18:09
ckingwell done to andres18:09
apw^5 andres18:09
ogasawaraapw: looking good for the incomplete script I'd written.  still tweaking the script for new bugs18:09
apwany feel for how its affecting our 'bottom line' of open bugs18:10
bjfjjohansen, we missed ARM status18:10
jjohansenbjf: so we did thanks18:10
macothe community stats look like the incompletes were converted to invalid massively18:10
ogasawaraapw: still a little early to tell I think, but hopefully going down18:11
ogasawaramaco: indeed, the bugs on the community list were primarily old and without feedback for info18:11
macook. was wondering if they were expiration invalids or it works in 2.6.30 but nobody knows why18:12
rtgbjf: you gonna blurt some ARM status?18:12
bjfI'm working on forward-porting the babbage 1 changes to karmic, I hope to have them done this week.18:12
bjfMy plan is to start on babbage 2 patches next week and and them mostly done by the end of next week.18:12
rtgbjf: so we have how many babbage 2 boards in our possesion?18:12
bjfrtg there are 4 in the company18:13
bjfrtg, 1 in the kernel team18:13
rtgbjf: any in the community?18:13
bjfrtg, no18:13
pgranerbjf: daivdm is sending you a replacement pegatron for the one you lost yesterday18:13
bjfpgraner, thanks (i think :-)18:13
ckingwhat's a pegatron?18:13
bjfcking, OEM babbage 218:14
pgranercking: its like a block-a-tron, just with pegs18:14
amitkwe do have several pegatrons (3rd party babbage derivatives) too18:14
* rtg notes the babbage is a poor reference platform if there are none in the wild.18:14
pgranerrtg: agreed, not much we can do about it18:14
rtgpgraner: well, I think there are things we can do about it, beginnign with changing our reference ARM platform.18:15
pgranerrtg: no can do18:15
macoer, why not, i mean?18:15
pgranerrtg: this is all contract if you want to sponsor a community port of another chip have at it18:15
rtgjjohansen: moving on...18:17
jjohansen[TOPIC] UDS Deliverables18:17
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS Deliverables18:17
apwthe KMS stuff is proceeding, we have kerenls for ATI and updated Intel out for testing with x-swat18:17
apwthe kernel backports are moving but slower18:17
rtgUDS deliverables status is in the aforementioned link: ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:18
rtgthe only contentious issue that I see is regarding staging drivers18:18
jjohansen[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:18
jjohansenany drivers in particular?18:19
rtgjjohansen: not really.18:19
jjohansenanything else then?18:20
rtgI just don't see anyone taking ownership yet18:20
pgranerrtg: this is where the hwdb would come in handy18:20
rtgpgraner: indeed18:20
pgranerrtg: we could find hardware thats in staging that has a larger presence18:20
pgranerogasawara: anything we can do quickly ?18:20
ogasawarapgraner: I might be able to do that now with the hwdb api18:21
pgranerogasawara: or are we at the mercy of LP APIs18:21
ogasawarapgraner: I can at least get stats based off of the driver18:21
ogasawarapgraner: in terms of overall user base18:21
rtgogasawara: maybe your queries will run in 24 hours or so :)18:21
pgranerogasawara: cool thanks18:21
ogasawarartg: heh, only if you're lucky :)18:21
jjohansen[TOPIC] Open discussion or questions18:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Open discussion or questions18:22
pgraner[ACTION] ogasawara to look at /staging drivers in hwdb18:22
pgranerjjohansen: you'll have to do it again since your the meeting chair18:22
jjohansen[ACTION] ogasawara to look at /staging drivers in hwdb18:22
MootBotACTION received:  ogasawara to look at /staging drivers in hwdb18:22
rtgMootBot is a bigot18:23
pgranerWho is going to do kernel boot msg clean up?18:23
pgranerWe still have ugly kernel msgs before usplash18:23
rtgis that a work item somewhere?18:23
pgranerFoundations is cleaning up Grub & Grub218:24
pgranerrtg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:24
pgranerrtg: under Other Tasks18:24
jjohansen[LINK]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:24
MootBotLINK received:   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:24
rtgpgraner: that ain't much help. which spec?18:24
pgranerrtg: no need for a spec, its silencing the 2 lines of boot text18:25
rtgpgraner: nm, didn't scrioll down18:25
pgranerrtg: if anything I can add it to the boot beautification spec for the DX team18:25
rtgpgraner: ok, andy or myslef will take care of it18:25
pgranerrtg: ack thanks18:26
jjohansen[ACTION] pgraner and apw kernel boot msg cleanup18:26
MootBotACTION received:  pgraner and apw kernel boot msg cleanup18:26
rtgapw: has there been a single grub2 failure?18:26
apwthere have been a couple, they appear to be related to18:27
apwhaving multiple disks and the boot loader not getting installed18:27
rtgapw: LVM related?18:27
ckingnothing BIOSy18:27
apwthe ones i saw were simple sda and sdb installs18:27
apwthere are bugs filed if i recall18:27
ckingLVM seems to work. I've tried it and so have some others18:27
apwcking, right nothing boot failed cause of BIOS interactions18:28
rtgI just turned on grub-pc as the recommended boot loader18:28
apwthey were all something in a shell script has failed stylee imo18:28
cking(as I can recall)18:28
jjohansenanything else?18:29
jjohansen[ACTION] rtg and apw kernel boot msg cleanup18:29
MootBotACTION received:  rtg and apw kernel boot msg cleanup18:29
jjohansen[TOPIC] Next Meeting Chair Selection18:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Next Meeting Chair Selection18:29
smbI could do18:30
apwworks for me18:30
bjfi like it when a plan comes together :-)18:30
jjohansen[ACTION] smb chair 23-06-09 meeting18:30
MootBotACTION received:  smb chair 23-06-09 meeting18:30
smbjjohansen, could you send me the mootbot output?18:30
apwsounds like a wrap18:30
jjohansenthanks everyone18:31
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:31.18:31
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* harcesz bangs o irish war drums19:52
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keffie_jayx5 minutes before a loco-council meeting19:56
Shane_FaganEvening all20:01
huayragod dag20:01
keffie_jayxHello ubuntu LoCo teams, today we have great quorum for tonight's meeting, popey  will be joining us any minute now20:02
JanC'lo all20:02
keffie_jayxfor those of you who are new to the LoCo Council, it is constituded by juliux , JanC , boredandblogging, popey  and myself ebel20:02
keffie_jayxtab mistake20:03
ebelnews to me20:03
keffie_jayxebel, ;)20:03
greybackebel: congrats :)20:03
Mean-Machineebel, you rock120:03
keffie_jayxtoday we will have two things to discuss and our round of approvals20:03
Kamihello, I'm here for as Slovenian loco team representer :)20:04
Mean-MachineC'mon Ireland!  \o/20:04
Shane_Faganpom poms out hehe *\o/*20:04
ebelwow ireland!20:04
* daxroc waves the green white n gold 20:04
keffie_jayxwe will begin with approvals20:04
keffie_jayxso teams be ready20:05
Kamik :)20:05
czajkowskiokie dokie20:05
* ebel was born ready20:05
keffie_jayxWe begin wit Ubuntu-ie20:05
keffie_jayxAnyone here for Ubuntu Ireland20:05
ebelgo team!20:06
Mean-MachineC'mon Ireland!  \o/20:06
keffie_jayxgreat :D20:06
huayraGo Ireland :)20:06
keffie_jayxpelase past your proposal and give a small intrudction of your team efforts20:06
Kamii guess team slovenia needs some backup, judging by ubuntu ireland20:06
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamApprovalApplication  I'll let Mean-Machine take over20:06
Mean-Machinewe're a still growing loco20:07
Mean-Machinebut we're strong20:07
strongerstrong strong!20:07
* harcesz estas totally loco20:07
Mean-Machinewe had plenty of events organized and are still planning next ones20:08
Mean-Machinerelease parties are getting better and better20:08
czajkowskiwe're still learning and improving on events and stuff we do20:08
Mean-Machineteam communication and interaction is getting better every day20:08
Mean-Machinewe were represented by czajkowski at the last UDS in Barcelona20:09
czajkowskiyes it was a lot of fun! and I was then able to come back and tell the folks here about the event20:09
boredandbloggingwhat is the Drop in Centre exactly?20:09
czajkowskiand even dring UDS get feedback from the mailing list re bug ams and give that to daniel during UDS, showing the support of the mailing list20:09
Mean-Machinemore ideas, more enthusiasm20:09
keffie_jayxgreat team effort20:09
czajkowskiboredandblogging: it was where a few of us couldm meet up and if anyone had issues20:10
ebelboredandblogging: it was basically a physical space20:10
Mean-Machineboredandblogging, unfortunately it does not exist anymore20:10
czajkowskithey could come in and ask for help, rather then perhaps try and gain help over irc , it's sometimes easier to explain face to face20:10
czajkowskiit was aslo a way to meet people20:10
ebelie try to encourage some nonvirtual interaction20:10
boredandbloggingthis space was advertised as a resource?20:10
Mean-Machineit was something we wanted to try out20:10
czajkowskiboredandblogging: yup20:10
ebelboredandblogging: yeah20:10
keffie_jayxHow long has it been since the team started and what have been the mayour challenges?20:10
boredandbloggingany thoughts on why it didn't work out?20:11
czajkowskiboredandblogging: but due to rearranging of space in the venue,  and interest dwindling, we deiced to put our resources else where20:11
ebelalso due to reorganisation in the organisation providing the space, they weren't able to offer it to us anymore20:11
czajkowskiboredandblogging: saturdays are ppls weekends, and familys and commitments also need to be taken into account20:11
Mean-Machinekeffie_jayx, team started a good while ago but is properly functioning for maybe 2 years now20:12
boredandbloggingwas this once a month? weekly?20:12
JanCwhen did the Irish team start actually?20:12
popeysorry for being late, train was delayed, just walked in the door20:12
czajkowskiboredandblogging: weekly on a saturday20:12
Mean-Machinepopey, thanks for joining20:13
JanC(ignore my question ;) )20:13
ebelirish team has been around longer than i've been involved20:13
czajkowskiJanC: sorry as Mean-Machine said it's fucntioning a good while but properly for last 2 years20:13
Shane_FaganMe too20:13
boredandbloggingthe face 2 face meetings, there are pics only from 2 months, but you meet every month, right?20:14
keffie_jayxczajkowski, has there been transitioning in LoCo team contacts?20:14
Mean-Machineboredandblogging, correct. that's together with Irish linux User Group20:14
czajkowskikeffie_jayx: what do you mean?20:14
czajkowskiboredandblogging: I dont always have my camera like you do with me20:14
keffie_jayxczajkowski,  change in team contact20:14
ebelboredandblogging: yeah. those meetups are regular so it doesn't feel special enought to whip out the camera all the time20:15
ebelkeffie_jayx: Mean-Machine is the point of contact20:15
Mean-Machinekeffie_jayx, yes there has been. and there were a few issues with website admin logins etc20:15
czajkowskikeffie_jayx: well Mean-Machine has done a fantastic job of being our loco apointee and has brought the Irish LoCo to where we are20:15
boredandbloggingmakes sense :-)20:15
ebeland has been for about 2 years ish20:15
czajkowskikeffie_jayx: we have roles within the loco for meetings, events, and write ups to share the experince20:15
Mean-MachineI wouldn't achieve anything without these guys here though!20:15
harceszyeah Mean-Machine FTW!20:16
czajkowskiboredandblogging: every once in a while I manage to do so!20:16
Mean-Machinenow, let me hear it for IRELAND...20:16
JanChow did the bugjam event go ?  you have people to mentor that?20:16
czajkowskiJanC: it went well ebel here gave a talk on the day20:16
ebelJanC: bug jam was great imo20:16
Mean-MachineJanC, ebel is our bug triaging guy20:16
boredandbloggingjust an fyi, the barcamp videos don't seem to work20:16
czajkowskiand showed folks not how to log bugs but also about how best to triage them20:16
slashtomebel did a grand job20:17
czajkowskiin 2 weeks time were having a summer jam,  bugs and translations20:17
ebelJanC: i'm a software developer by trade, so i was able to explain what bugs and bug trackers are20:17
czajkowskias Shane_Fagan here has taken over nand wants to get more drive in that area  in the Irish language20:17
ebelalso i've experience teaching it, so it was natural20:17
slashtomczajkowski: is that still o n?20:17
boredandblogging+1 from me20:17
czajkowskislashtom: yup 27th june BBQ my gaff20:17
keffie_jayxwell.. It seems to me ubuntu-ie have a great group of people that will provide continuity to Mean-Machine's superb job20:17
keffie_jayxlet us vote then20:18
juliuxhuge +1 from me20:18
keffie_jayxJanC, popey20:18
Mean-Machineboredandblogging, thank for letting us know about the videos20:18
Mean-Machineharcesz, could you look into this please? ;-]20:18
popey+1 also :)20:18
=== vw|out is now known as vwduder
JanCebel: not all software developers know how to triage bugs in Ubuntu or open source projects, but great work for doing the teaching!20:19
keffie_jayxJanC, ?20:19
JanC+1 from me20:19
keffie_jayxand +1 from me too20:19
czajkowskiGo raibh maith agat  (thank you as gaeilge)20:19
Shane_Faganyay  o/20:19
keffie_jayxcontratulations Ubuntu-ie20:19
tdr1121good stuff20:19
keffie_jayxyou are approved20:20
Mean-Machinewell done Ireland!20:20
popeycongrats guys (and more importantly gals)20:20
czajkowskigrin :)20:20
Shane_FaganGo raibh maith agat20:20
harceszgratulacje :)20:20
Mean-Machinebrilliant job Irish team20:20
keffie_jayxon to the next applicant team20:21
Mean-Machineparty in #ubuntu-ie20:21
* harcesz runs for the buze 20:21
* popey suspects they know how to party20:21
keffie_jayxanyone here from the Slovenian Team?20:21
czajkowskipopey: we have some experience in it20:22
Kamikeffie_jayx: yep20:22
keffie_jayxWould you mind shraing you approval wiki page and a small intro with us?20:22
Kamik, our approval page is located here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SlovenianTeam/ApprovalApplication20:22
Mean-MachineGood Luck Slovenia!20:22
Kamiour team is active for quite some time now20:23
Kamiwe started with a forum and a wiki in late 200520:23
Kamiwe also organized few install parties20:24
keffie_jayxI tried to check the links and I even translated some of them so I am going to be asking a few qeustions, hope you don't mind20:25
Kamino problem20:25
Kamiwe also started to work on Slovene translation for Opera20:25
JanCKami: there isn't much on your approval page...20:26
keffie_jayxthe application registers parties for jaunty, any records of previous parties?20:26
boredandbloggingwas 9.04 the first release parties?20:26
Kamiin the future we plan to organise more events in corporation with slovenian linux users group - LUGOS http://www.lugos.si/20:26
keffie_jayxKami, that is great20:26
Kamiboredandblogging: we had some before nut dont havy any links atm20:27
keffie_jayxKami,  on information for the release parties you link to this site.. http://www.kas.si/ but I failed to see any ubuntu references in it20:27
boredandbloggingKami: you should list all activities even if you don't have links to them20:28
Kamiboredandblogging:k :)20:28
keffie_jayxKami, the effort of promoting pc's for uganda, what was you participation, (the lionk only suggest a comment in a news article)20:29
boredandbloggingKami: are there other activities that the LoCo has done that is not on the page?20:29
Kamikeffie_jayx: yes the event isn't listed on the web site but it was succesffull20:29
Kamikeffie_jayx: some of our members contributed some spare hardware20:29
keffie_jayxKami, right. but it is not mentioned in your reference.20:30
Kamikeffie_jayx: sorry, I guess i should put more info on the approval page20:30
boredandbloggingKami: agreed20:30
keffie_jayxKami, it helps us if it has some great elements to prove your participation20:31
keffie_jayxKami, I do line your forums20:31
keffie_jayxvery neat ;)20:31
Kamikeffie_jayx: thanks :)20:31
keffie_jayxbut I do believe I would like to see more documentation on your activities20:32
Kamikeffie_jayx: forum is quite active and popular here in slovenia20:32
boredandbloggingI'm with keffie_jayx20:32
Kamikeffie_jayx: yep will try collect more info about our activities20:32
keffie_jayxKami,  enviable, some teams do not have such a nicely layed our teams20:32
keffie_jayxout forums20:32
boredandbloggingsome more documentation would be preferable20:33
keffie_jayxKami, I think I don't see enough documentation on your efforts20:33
Kamikeffie_jayx: would be ok with you if i collect more information about our activities and put them up on the wiki this week?20:33
keffie_jayxKami,  would you consider coming back n a months time with more documentations to back your paritcipation i bubntun=20:33
popeynice typing keffie_jayx20:34
* popey unties keffie_jayxs fingers20:34
Kamikeffie_jayx: could do that :)20:34
keffie_jayxpopey, sorry new keyborad20:34
popeyI agree, I don't think we should vote, but instead, ask you guys to come back with a more extensive wiki page if that's okay?20:34
keffie_jayxKami, fantastic... we will look forward to seeing your approval page in a months time ;)20:34
popeygreat stuff. look forward to seeing you guys again!20:35
keffie_jayxKami, and keep up the great work20:35
Kamikeffie_jayx: great, thanks! sorry I didnt put more info on the wiki for the first time20:35
keffie_jayxthat wraps our round of approvals20:37
keffie_jayxon to some topics to be discussed byt the council20:38
Kamiwill also try to find some pictures of the events and meetings :)20:38
keffie_jayxKami,  that always motivates ;)20:38
JanCKami: +1 from me on collecting more information and documenting it  ;)20:38
Kamikeffie_jayx: hehe, hopefully i'll find picture a with some girls on it :))20:39
keffie_jayxLaunchpad Team report and open discussion on populating ~locoteams-approved ... by Efrain Valles20:39
keffie_jayxas a result of discussions to move forward the LoCo Directory (application that will substitute https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList) it has been suggested that we start two teams20:40
keffie_jayxin laucnhpad to serve as meta teams for the launchpad integration of the application20:40
keffie_jayxtwo teams were started, ~locoteams and ~locoteams-approved. the first has already been populated to 75 %. but there are some small issues, and most of them is with new teams thata are not standing on two feet just yet20:42
keffie_jayxand launchpad suffering from timeouts20:42
keffie_jayxI wanted to report that it has been a very painful process but we are alomost done with the first team.20:43
boredandbloggingshould we be contacting the LP for the timeouts?20:43
boredandbloggingLP team20:43
keffie_jayxboredandblogging,  if they continue, yest20:43
keffie_jayxyes. it is blocking work20:43
popeykeffie_jayx: are you on the launchpad beta team20:44
popeyi.e. do you get directed to edge.launchpad.net or not?20:44
keffie_jayxpopey, yes.20:44
popeyhave you tried disabling that?20:44
keffie_jayxyes, but I do disable redirection20:44
Shane_Faganedge gets more timeouts20:44
keffie_jayxpopey, it does have more than 7000 people indirectly linked to the team20:44
kklimondakeffie_jayx: what's the difference between ~locoteams and ~locoteams-approved ? Is there some approval procedure besides the one to become approved team? (I'm asking because it's empty)20:45
keffie_jayxkklimonda, it is empty for the moment. but will be populated as well20:45
keffie_jayxI have learned that the restricted team works better for that specific team20:45
keffie_jayxthere are some issues raised by some temas and I would like to share with the council now.20:46
keffie_jayx* Some teams mention that they cannot use the naiming convention... ubuntu-(iso-country-code)20:46
keffie_jayxbecuase some person has registered it20:46
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keffie_jayxis there anything that can be done?20:47
huayraindeed, thats the case keffie_jayx for the Norwegian team and other I've seen in mailists as well20:47
boredandbloggingwe can check if the other team is actually active20:47
popeywe can ask the other person/team nicely :)20:47
keffie_jayxpopey, we as in the loco-council?20:47
popeyI did that, i recently renamed my lp account from ~alanpope to ~popey by contacting the guy who had ~popey and asked him nicely if he'd give it up, he did20:48
popeythere are implications for renaming things in launchpad, so best to reduce the renaming, and just take over20:48
boredandbloggingpopey: thats because you are such a lovable guy!20:48
popeybut you have to be mindful that people might actually be using those names20:48
keffie_jayxpopey, right20:48
czajkowskiI did the same for launchpad once the nice guys sorted it out as someone had czajkowski but never used it.20:48
boredandbloggingthis might be a case-by-case scenario20:48
popeyhe said no initially because he'd "been known as popey for over 50 years!" :)20:48
popeyyes boredandblogging20:49
popeyapproach with caution20:49
huayracase by case means a lot of work.. I have used a lot of time contacting the guy just for the Norwegian Team alone and gotten no answer...20:49
keffie_jayxpopey, i agree with you.. but it is painful to mantain20:49
huayrajust telling you... ;)20:49
=== jdo_ is now known as jdobrien
boredandbloggingwe have no way of forcing anyone to give up anything20:49
keffie_jayxpopey,  finding ubuntu cameroon instead of ubuntu-cm20:50
keffie_jayxit is kmer20:50
boredandbloggingkeffie_jayx: do you have any ideas what you want to do?20:51
keffie_jayxI guess popey's assessment is right20:51
popeyits up to the individual teams what they want to do, if they are happy with their name then fine :)20:51
keffie_jayxthat settles that20:52
keffie_jayxabout locoteams-approved.20:52
keffie_jayxI currently set it up as restricted and we shall add teams once we have verified their status20:53
keffie_jayxbut all of them must have to be approved at some point again20:53
kklimondakeffie_jayx: what does "verifying" mean exactly?20:53
keffie_jayxand we have talked about reaprovals for a while now...20:53
czajkowskikeffie_jayx: and how far back are you going to re approve them ?20:53
kklimondadamn, here goes polish loco ;)20:53
keffie_jayxwho long till we start reaprovals20:53
keffie_jayxagain... I will add them to the team20:54
keffie_jayxbut I must indicate an expiration date20:54
czajkowskikklimonda: I've nout to do the polish loco20:54
keffie_jayxit is easy for us to set it up now than later20:54
keffie_jayxas they are more than 100 teams now20:54
boredandbloggingkeffie_jayx: we can start again next month20:54
boredandbloggingreapprovals I mean20:55
kklimondaczajkowski: "nout"? ;)20:55
keffie_jayxmy initial idea20:55
ebelkklimonda: czajkowski name is misleading :P20:56
Shane_FaganVery true20:56
kklimondaebel: I have no idea what "nout" mean :D20:56
ebelkklimonda: nothing20:56
jpdskklimonda: nought == zero/nothing.20:56
keffie_jayxis to have te theam be reapproved once they hit their approval date20:56
keffie_jayxubuntu-ve's approval dates to june 200720:57
ebelkklimonda: it's slang from northern england20:57
keffie_jayxwe should have them reapprove in 4 months20:57
kklimondaczajkowski: well, your surname is indeed misleading but I know already you are in ir ;)20:58
JanCkeffie_jayx: we need to warn teams beforehand though20:58
ebelkklimonda: .ie. .ir is iran :P20:58
JanCI mean, they need time to prepare20:58
keffie_jayxJanC, exaclty20:58
kklimondaebel: argh.. that's all because of twitter ;)20:58
keffie_jayxbut we need to get this going20:58
keffie_jayxand the team in launchpad could help us do this20:59
keffie_jayxDoes this make sense?20:59
kklimondakeffie_jayx: what are criteria of reapproval?20:59
boredandbloggingwe haven't had much luck so far20:59
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JanCit makes sense20:59
keffie_jayxboredandblogging, I think if we are consistent on the method we could do it21:00
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keffie_jayxkklimonda, not as strenuous as the approval process21:00
JanCjust that many teams might get inactive for 1-2 months, so we need to provide enough time to prepare things21:00
keffie_jayxJanC, I agree21:00
huayrashould criteria be the same or higher than for new teams? Approved teams should have a higher standard21:00
boredandbloggingno, we did it for several consecutive months, unfortunately maybe once approved teams are removed21:01
keffie_jayxhuayra, I do not think so21:01
boredandblogginghuayra: that is a separate discussion21:01
boredandbloggingplease add it to the agenda if you want to discuss it21:01
huayraok, will do21:02
keffie_jayxhuayra, I think if they can offer continuity to their work.. that is great :D21:02
boredandbloggingkeffie_jayx: lost track, what is the next step for the db?21:02
keffie_jayxboredandblogging, have teams populated and begin testing the app21:03
keffie_jayxtaking info from launchpad21:03
keffie_jayxpopey, juliux, JanC  thoughts?21:03
JanCthat sounds okay21:03
keffie_jayxshould we discuss this over email and decide next meeting?21:04
keffie_jayxit seems like we should discuss this at our own time21:04
boredandbloggingthink the sooner the better21:04
keffie_jayxboredandblogging, ok... let's finish this discussion on mailing list.21:05
boredandbloggingok, forum subdomains...21:05
keffie_jayxwe will issue an email explaining teams that the naming issue is up to them to nicely ask, and to decide if they wanna go through the name change21:05
keffie_jayxboredandblogging, take it away21:05
boredandbloggingpopey brought it up by asking if we have a standard for LoCo forum subdomains21:06
boredandbloggingHonduras wants a subforum...21:06
boredandbloggingshould it be hn.uf.or or honduras.uf.org21:06
boredandbloggingthe only thing I could find21:07
boredandbloggingwas https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCreatingForum21:07
boredandbloggingwhich specifies what US LoCos should do21:07
popeyisnt it the responsibility of the forum admins to do this?21:07
boredandbloggingi'm ok with letting the forums folks decide21:08
boredandbloggingall in favor of letting the forums make the choice?21:08
keffie_jayxforum guys know best21:09
keffie_jayxthey deal with this day in and out21:09
keffie_jayxboredandblogging,  what did they suggest and is the team happy with it?21:09
keffie_jayxjust out ou curiosity21:09
boredandbloggingthe team requested honduras.uf.org21:09
boredandbloggingdon't think UF cares21:10
JanCAFAIK forum policy is that the requestor decides21:10
huayraaske them nicely and they fix: http://ecuador.ubuntuforums.org/ ;)21:10
boredandbloggingok, we let forums decide21:11
boredandbloggingkeffie_jayx: I'm done with this topic21:11
keffie_jayxcool then21:11
keffie_jayxwell gents21:11
keffie_jayxmeeting ajourned...21:11
jpdsNot quite!21:12
jpds--> https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=650121:12
keffie_jayxjpds, ajam21:12
keffie_jayxsorry jpds, didn't see it in the agenda21:12
keffie_jayx ;)21:12
boredandbloggingcan someone translate?21:13
jpdsThey want a new mailing list (ubuntu-ci), i believe you guys do the approvals now ;)21:14
keffie_jayxjpds, ?21:14
boredandbloggingivory coast21:14
keffie_jayxI see no reason whay to block a mailing list21:15
boredandbloggingkeffie_jayx: +121:15
keffie_jayxpopey, JanC and juliux21:15
juliuxno problems21:15
keffie_jayxthis is the entry point for organizing the team better21:15
keffie_jayxlong before we start a website21:16
popeysorry, wifes birthday tomorrow, trying to do secret things21:16
juliuxpopey: good luck21:16
keffie_jayxpopey, we are almost done here21:16
popeyi agree wrt ic21:16
popey+1 jpds21:16
keffie_jayxjpds,  you have a clear go on it21:16
keffie_jayxjpds,  in the future we could help you with it21:16
keffie_jayxjpds,  could you please help with planet.ubuntu-ve :(21:17
popeyjpds: feel free to poke elmo next time you speak to him about my rt account ;)21:17
jpdsnothing I can do, sorry.21:17
keffie_jayxjpds, :D21:17
keffie_jayxwe are done :D21:17
keffie_jayxthanks for all attendants21:18
* JanC has no problem with ML either21:18
JanCwhy didn't we get a mail about that?21:18
jpdsJanC: I'm still waiting for boredandblogging to whitelist my @ubuntu.com email for the loco-council mailing list.21:19
keffie_jayxjpds, great21:19
keffie_jayxtomorrow you will have  the minute for this meeting from me21:20
JanCjpds: all mail to loco-council should get in the moderation queue, which I look at once a day on average?21:20
JanCand I'm sure other members look at it too21:20
popeyi do now and then21:23
popeybut you usually get to it first i suspect, being an hour ahead of me21:23
popey..and i get up late ;)21:23
keffie_jayxdid I say it21:24
keffie_jayxMeeting Ajourned :D21:24
keffie_jayxthank you everybody21:24
JanCpopey: most of the time I do it in the evening (I'm not really an early riser ;) )21:25
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ibuclawhey all23:53
MontelEdwardshey imbrandon23:53
MontelEdwardsi mean ibuclaw23:54
MontelEdwards3 min to UFBT meeting23:56
BodsdaMontelEdwards: UBT meeting23:57
MontelEdwardsBodsda: no, UFBT23:57
BodsdaMontelEdwards: trust me, its UBT meeting, check our channel name if you dont believe me23:58
MontelEdwardsBodsda: i was thinking UbuntuForums beginners team23:59
SnovaNot anymore.23:59
MontelEdwardsi must of missed that23:59
Rocket2DMnwe're now the Fedora Beginner Team23:59
BodsdaMontelEdwards: yeah, it was changed... we discussed it on the mailing list23:59
BodsdaRocket2DMn: .....BANG23:59
SnovaRocket2DMn: I'll get my hat23:59
MontelEdwardsthat makes us sound like Noobs :[23:59

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