
paradroidi copied a 10 MB file to the Ubuntu One directory in Nautilus about two hours ago and it still isn't showing up on the website - any ideas why?09:19
paradroidi just tried copying across an empty file called 'test' which i created directly in Ubuntu One via Nautilus and it's there already. still no sign of the 10 MB file (a tar)11:13
* gnomefreak never did get my .tar.gz to show on the UI. i tried coping it to the ~/ubuntu-one and tried the upload function on the UI 11:27
paradroidright, i'll file a bug on launchpad then11:28
gnomefreakparadroid: thanks can you drop the link here11:28
paradroidwill do11:28
paradroidgnomefreak: hmm, they're showing up if i upload through the web UI. i'm going to do some more testing11:32
gnomefreakparadroid: i will try again but the 2 i tried never showed up11:32
paradroidi'm uploading the original 10 MB file i tried, this time through the web UI. will take a few mins on my connection11:33
gnomefreakim going to try it in a few11:39
paradroidhmmm. it's appeared now. i'll try going through the client again11:42
paradroidgnomefreak: it's working now. must have been some kind of server hiccup earlier, i don't know11:47
gnomefreakparadroid: thanks im off for a bit for coffee smoke and a few other things11:49
paradroidwell, i don't know what went wrong earlier but this all seems to be working fine now. looks like i'm done here11:53
gnomefreakwhat is the max space for ubuntuone?12:05
CardinalFanggnomefreak, For free, I *think* it's 1GiB.12:13
gnomefreakCardinalFang: thanks12:13
CardinalFanggnomefreak, I'm wrong.  It's 2GB free, 10GB for theoretically paid users.12:16
gnomefreakCardinalFang: cool thanks12:16
CardinalFanggnomefreak, this may change.  I'd be surprised if it goes down, though.12:17
CardinalFangaquarius, heya.  I was thinking about desktopcouch.records.server.get_records() .  Shouldn't it not emit "deleted" documents?12:20
gnomefreaki lost my ubuntu-one dir. how do i get it back12:34
aquariusCardinalFang, erm? not sure I understand the question12:44
CardinalFangaquarius, We have a utility function that gives a cursor-like object for retreiving rows/documents.12:45
CardinalFangaquarius, We also have functions to "delete" documents.  This really adds an attribute to a document, not removes it.12:46
CardinalFangaquarius, Should the getter function pay attention to deletedness, or should we work that out in the app?12:46
aquariusCardinalFang, yep, which is a bodge to get around not having history yet :(12:46
aquariusI think the getter function should not return deleted documents, myself. They've been deleted. (That they haven't *actually* been deleted is an artifact of the implementation.)12:47
CardinalFangaquarius, agreed.  Okay, so how should we apply this change?  A new function?  The terrible thing is we store a document that contains javascript.  We don't want to delete and add every time.12:49
CardinalFangaquarius, I wonder if we can have additional values in the design document.  add  view["version"] = 212:50
CardinalFangCheck for that at execute time.12:50
aquariusyou can add whichever extra values you want to a design doc, afaik12:50
CardinalFangaquarius, the python API tries to be too friendly.  :(13:02
aquariuscan't be *too* friendly. :)13:03
CardinalFangaquarius, Well, it knows what design documents look like.  I'm wrong if I want something different.13:04
aquariusoh, I see what you mean13:04
thisfredaquarius: I don't know if you saw, but ssh is working, but not all the way: push replication yes, pull replication no. The fact that one works, would lead one to believe it can't be that hard to fix the other.13:07
thisfred(and I know it's your day off, so will bother you as infrequently as I have to ;)13:08
aquariusthisfred, I did not see that...how's it doing it? ssh?13:09
aquariushow are we using ssh? confused13:09
thisfredaquarius: turns out, if you call https:.../_replicate, it works, iff you add one line to bin/couchdb (they had ssl support, just didn't switch it on)13:12
thisfredaquarius: but only when the target is remote, and the source is local. Adam is looking into that13:13
CardinalFangThat's probably why it's not switched on.13:14
* CardinalFang goes afk.13:16
thisfredCardinalFang: actually, I think I may have been the first person to actually test this. I couldn't find any references in the mailing list archives or on the wiki, surprisingly enough, but you may be right, someone may have added half working support and then given up. I think it just works, because of erlang functional magic, but they broke the magic somewhere.13:17
thisfredaquarius: I put something on the wiki, but I'll send you a mail with how to set up a test env, which is quite easy. (once I found out how to configure nginx correctly)13:18
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
aquariusblimey, it *has* ssl? coolio!13:30
Chipacaaquarius: who?13:37
aquariusChipaca, couchdb has ssl. This is a bit of luck for us13:37
Chipacaah :)13:37
aquariusChipaca, but less interesting than you might have thought :)13:39
aquariusthisfred, does desktopcouch work on jaunty?14:22
aquarius(do we have backports?)14:22
thisfredaquarius: nope14:23
thisfredaquarius: which is tunring out to be problematic for gwibber14:24
aquariuskk. So, if someone wants to try out DC, they have to be running karmic?14:24
thisfredaquarius: for now at least14:24
aquariusI'm putting together my developer week talk14:24
thisfredaquarius: backporting shouldn't be rocket science, I think we don't have karmic only deps14:24
thisfredbut maybe we do14:25
thisfredwhich pulls in some things itself14:25
aquariusso..."preparation" for participating in the talk is...run karmic. heh.14:25
aquariusor just watchthe talk and then wait for karmic. kk.14:25
thisfredk, cool, when/where is your talk?14:25
aquariusyep, and on wednesday14:26
statikaquarius, pushing developers to run karmic in order to hack on desktopcouch is probably a good thing, we need help testing and finding any integration problems with our packages on karmic14:32
statiki should have the new snapshot done in a few minutes14:32
aquariusstatik, I agree, I just wanted to check that someone wasn't surreptitiously backporting everything :)14:32
statiki have no objection to backports but have no intention of doing any atm14:33
statikCardinalFang, since i'm preparing a new couchdb upload i'm going to go ahead and fix the 'should not delete couchdb user during package purge' bug14:34
urbanape_Morning, all.14:37
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
statikhi urbanape! think we will have bindwood support for oauth today?14:39
statikhey rodrigo_, just trying to figure out timing for couchdb oauth - when do you think you will have a package of couchdb-glib that does oauth?14:39
rodrigo_statik: I think I just need a couple of days or so14:40
urbanapestatik, I'll try to get that done14:40
rodrigo_statik: so I could submit a package with the polling changes (2 branches submitted already) and the oauth stuff by the end of the week14:40
rodrigo_statik: but isn't it going to be disabled by default in dc?14:41
aquariusrodrigo_, as part of my desktopcouch talk for developer week I'm going to have a section on how to use couchdb-glib. How would you like to, er, write that section for me? :-)14:41
statikrodrigo_, that sounds good, please let me know if it won't be uploaded this week. it won't hurt anything to have couchdb-glib oauth-signing requests and couchdb ignoring them, right? I'm trying to clear the path for enabling mandatory auth in couchdb14:42
rodrigo_aquarius: yes, I can do it, ping me tomorrow and I'll prepare some quick howto14:42
rodrigo_statik: ah, ok14:42
rodrigo_aquarius: your talk is on Wed, right?14:43
statikurbanape, thanks!14:43
statikthisfred, based on my reading of the backlog I think there should be a bug filed against the couchdb package in ubuntu and linked to a couchdb jira bugtracker issue about enabling SSL. does that sound right?14:46
CardinalFangstatik, Roger.14:48
aquariusrodrigo_, yep14:49
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblount"me" then "DONE / TODO / BLOCKED"15:00
teknicoDONE: proposed a branch with the skeleton for the contacts CRUD web ui, and a branch to improve the scripts in utilities/, helped jdo with reviews15:02
teknicoTODO: flesh out the details view for the contacts CRUD web ui15:02
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:02
tekniconext: CardinalFang15:02
CardinalFangDONE: code for 419969; need reviews.15:02
CardinalFangTODO: finish 419973 and 419975.15:02
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:02
jblountDONE: Review day, setup new (yes another one) laptop over the weekend.15:02
jblountTODO: Figure out why lp:~jblount/ubunet/overlays-skin is failing through PQM, work on human readable names for computer15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:02
jblountdobey: rocknroll15:02
dobey☭ DONE: Reviews, Uploaded poauth trunk15:02
dobey☭ TODO: Release/package poauth, client bug fixes15:02
dobey☭ BLCK: None.15:02
dobeyurbanape: your roll15:03
urbanapeDONE: Pushed a branch establishing a dependency on our modified zipstream python package.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Bindwood OAuth integration15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:03
urbanapestatik: your turn15:03
statikDONE: Quick fix to ubuntuone-client to have apport stop attaching syncdaemon log files by default (in response to user complaints about privacy due to filenames).15:03
statikTODO: New snapshot package of  couchdb 0.10.x with a handful of bugfixes including cascading auth. Talk with james_w to learn more about bzr-builddeb and unify sourcepackagebranches for bindwood and desktopcouch to match ubuntuone-client.15:03
statikBLCK: not-blocked-just-yet but anxiously awaiting versions of desktopcouch, bindwood and couchdb-glib which use oauth by default.15:03
teknicorodrigo_, up to you15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: More tomboy certs work. Submitted changes polling branches.15:04
rodrigo_• TODO: Start upstream discussion for adding social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. oAuth authentication and signing of all couchdb-glib requests. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). Tomboy syncing fixes15:04
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:04
rodrigo_and nobody else, right?15:04
jblountrodrigo_: right :)15:04
jblountMEETING ENDS15:04
statikdid everyone see the announcement that macaco contacts is going to align with desktopcouch?15:04
jblountOne small step for desktopcouch...15:05
statikhttp://www.themacaque.com/?p=248 was announced yesterday as "being part of a bigger idea"15:05
statikaquarius, i know you are on bank holiday today but this is a very cheer-inducing blog post ^15:06
* aquarius reads15:06
rodrigo_statik: cool15:07
rodrigo_statik: since you already have an account there, could you add a comment about the 'title', 'comments', 'webs' and 'ims' fields he's storing under app_annotations/macaco_contacts? we have those fields now in the top level, so he doesn't need to store them there.15:10
rodrigo_statik: also, instead of preferred_address having all the duplicated data, he should just use the uuid of the address he wants15:10
statikrodrigo_, not that i'm lazy, but i think it would be very encouraging to the author if you commented on his blog directly, even though it's a tiny hassle to create an account and wait for your comment to be moderated15:11
rodrigo_statik: if he fills all fields in evolution, he should be able to see how we store all of them (except IMs, which is still missing)15:11
rodrigo_statik: ok :)15:11
statikaquarius, thisfred, CardinalFang: pitti just uploaded the new couchdb snapshot to karmic for us15:30
statikit should be on your desk in a couple of hours15:30
thisfredstatik: woohoo!15:34
kenvandinestatik, does that new couchdb snapshot fix the oauth problem?15:41
urbanapedobey, got a sec?15:59
jan____kenvandine: which one?16:01
dobeyurbanape: what's up?16:01
dobeybrb, gonna reboot16:04
urbanaped'oh. I'll wait til you get back16:07
dobeyand grrrrrr16:09
dobeynautilus moved all my desktop icons *AGAIN*16:09
urbanapeboo and/or hiss16:10
urbanapeSo, I was wondering if you could briefly walk me through how we conventionally maintain package branches. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a branch kept parallel but in sync with trunk that also has the packaging stuff.16:11
urbanapewe never merge it to trunk, but we keep it up to date WRT trunk?16:11
dobeysource package branch contains the contents of the release tarball that is being packaged, and the debian dir16:12
urbanapeah, okay, so, still. All the packaging info belongs there and outside the actual source repo. Does it typically live as its own project, then?16:15
dobeylp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic/ubuntuone-client/karmic is where the current karmic packaging is, for example16:16
dobeyfor ubuntuone-client16:17
dobeyubuntuone-storage-protocol is similarly named (but replace the obvious project name)16:18
urbanapehow is that not a separate project from ubuntuone-client?16:18
dobeyit's not a project16:18
dobeyit's a branch of the "ubuntu" distribution, "karmic" series16:18
dobeyor something16:19
dobeybut project is the wrong term for it16:19
urbanapeokay, point taken. But it's not just a branch of the project that it packages.16:19
urbanapeso, do I need to join the control tower team to push this package branch?16:23
urbanapePresumably, we'd make ~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic/bindwood/karmic with the packaging info.16:24
dobeyurbanape: you can just push it to your own for now16:24
dobeyurbanape: hrmm16:25
dobeyurbanape: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/bindwood/ubuntu16:26
dobeyurbanape: i guess we should move that to the correct spot, and then people can propose merges into it16:26
dobeyurbanape: i don't know whwat's up with that specific branch though. i'm guessing statik put it there16:26
statikthe package branches are confusing right now, i want to organize them this week16:29
urbanapek, I'll ditch the packaging stuff from my debugging branch and re-propsoe.16:30
urbanapeI just want to get that out of the way, as it's hanging out in limbo.16:30
statikurbanape, for the bindwood oauth work you can just propose normal branches to bindwood/trunk, and we'll tackle the packaging in a second step16:30
urbanapeyeah, that's all I meant. Want to get stuff moving.16:34
* dobey updates his review16:36
CardinalFangreview desktopcouch fixes, anyone?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/pairing-fixups/+merge/1092616:37
dobeylunch times17:00
aquariusCardinalFang, not a proper review, but...what's up with the configparser changes in local_files?17:04
aquariusdid they change the name of it in 3.0?17:04
thisfredaquarius: CardinalFang while I (may) have your ears: do we create databases if they don't exist on replication (hint: I think this would be a good idea, and would solve #399645)17:05
aquariuswe have to17:05
aquariusotherwise the first time you pair it won't work17:06
urbanapeaquarius, thought you were vacationing today17:08
CardinalFangaquarius, Yes, name changes in py 30.  Yes, databases created at replication time.17:08
aquariusurbanape, I am17:08
aquariusurbanape, just can't tear myself away :)17:08
urbanapesad, sad, sad17:09
aquariuswell, I'm hacking, and so was on irc anyway17:09
aquariusand deliberately *not* coming in here just because it's a bank holiday is ultra-petty :)17:09
CardinalFangaquarius, as replication daemon is only peer-to-peer so far, Bug#399645 is not fixed.17:10
urbanapeso, I looked through older emails, but didn't find anything. What's the easiest way to turn on oauth for our desktop couch, so I can make Bindwood fail miserably?17:10
aquariusrequire_valid_user = true17:11
aquariusin the ini file17:11
urbanapecool, denial, sadness and despair17:15
urbanapeaquarius, so long as you're just hanging out. got a sec for a quick skype call?17:35
urbanape(if not, no worries)17:35
aquariusurbanape, yeah, why not. I'm just about to bail, but I always have time for you. Heh. :)17:35
dobeywink wink, nudge nudge17:36
aquariusurbanape, go for it17:36
CardinalFangthisfred, what goes into replicating d-c dbs to U1?  Anything I need to know about?17:38
thisfredCardinalFang: if all goes well, the process from the client POV should be identical to LAN replication17:40
thisfredwe need to set up a proxy to unwrap the SSL request, and forward it to (the correct[*]) couchdb17:41
thisfred[*] #42208317:41
thisfredCardinalFang: the only difference to the client would be that it replicates to or from an https:// url17:47
CardinalFangthisfred, Okay.  I'm coding it up now.17:48
dobeyoh man17:56
* CardinalFang calms dobey.17:57
dobeyCardinalFang: try to create a new ssh key in seahorse...18:01
CardinalFangdobey: Ah, broken I guess.  "ssh-keygen" for you.  :(18:03
* CardinalFang writes his first trueval if condition else falseval expression in Python.18:04
CardinalFangEr, we assume Python 2.6, right?18:05
CardinalFangOh, or 2.518:05
* dobey files an upstream bug for seahorse18:09
urbanapeman, that still seems so weird.18:12
urbanapeI really would have preferred the more ubiquitous ternary operator.18:13
dobeyhrmm, ssh-keygen is confusing18:19
kenvandinethisfred, CardinalFang: i found a problem18:26
thisfredkenvandine: ah18:26
kenvandinegetting the port from the log (in dc)18:26
CardinalFangkenvandine, No!  Go away!18:26
kenvandinenot working well when couch isn't working18:26
kenvandineit gets the old port18:26
thisfredkenvandine: ouch, that is my fault18:27
kenvandineso getPort succeeds and returns a port from ages ago18:27
CardinalFangProbably my fault too.18:27
* kenvandine files a bug18:27
CardinalFangkenvandine, see if there's already a bug.18:28
thisfredkenvandine: though I don't really know how to solve this, other than deleting the logfile on shutdown, which seems a hysterically bad idea18:28
CardinalFangI thought I saw something like that in email.  I might have dreamed it.18:28
CardinalFangthisfred, If we have to revert, I think my "netstat" was prettier than "lsof".18:29
kenvandinenot the same18:29
kenvandineall the lsof stuff was removed before 0.1 was relleased :)18:30
kenvandinei think what we had before was decent :)18:33
kenvandinebug 42212718:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422127 in desktopcouch "getPort succeeds when desktopcouch isn't running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42212718:33
kenvandinestatik, we set 420911 and 422127 to alpha5 blockers18:39
kenvandinestatik, welcome to being on the install CD :)18:42
CardinalFangthisfred, so, for u1--dc replication, I give the username somehow, yes?18:45
urbanapethisfred, do you know how I can get aquarius' branch to establish the oauth bits in my keyring?18:46
thisfredCardinalFang: no, we use the oauth credentials to get the username from the service jdo built.18:47
thisfredurbanape: the oauth bits should be put in the keyring by the filesync, I think18:47
CardinalFangthisfred, right, but that username is in the u1-end database name somehow, yes?18:48
urbanapeand if I just manually start up desktopcouch-service from his branch, do I need to prompt that initial filesync?18:48
thisfredurbanape: I am unsure, and may be spouting manure: CardinalFang: you generate oauth tokens for the pairing, or is each machine using the U1 credentials even when talking over the LAN?18:50
thisfredCardinalFang: it's in a database on the server yes, and the couchdb's url is computed from it.18:51
CardinalFangthisfred, aquarius has it so there's one set of oauth tokens per machine, and we use these to communicate with everything.18:58
thisfredCardinalFang: right, and these are generated right? urbanape: sorry I had it all backwards: the credentials for replicating with ubuntuone are the same as for filesync, but each other machine generates its own and pairing shares them with any other machine that wants to replicate with it.19:01
CardinalFangthisfred, Yes, generated locally.19:01
urbanapeusing the same code that dc.records uses, though, I get no matches in my keyring, using his new oauth branch. wonder if I need to prime the pump, so to speak, with a sync.19:03
thisfredurbanape: not sure, I think the pairing would do it, not the replication action, but Monseigneur Fang may have more valuable insights there.19:08
statikbug 42091119:09
statikbug #42212719:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420911 in desktopcouch "Cannot getPort - desktop-couchdb.log doesn't exist" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42091119:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422127 in desktopcouch "getPort succeeds when desktopcouch isn't running" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42212719:09
urbanapeso, what I'm trying to do is integrate Bindwood into the new OAuth way of things. What I need to do is ensure my system is doing all its work with OAuth, and I need to be able to fetch the secret bits from the keyring. I'm tentatively using aquarius' desktopcouch branch as the backend for this.19:10
thisfredstatik: JIRA issue 491 (ssl support) filed: should I file a corresponding bug in LP, linking to that, and if so, against desktopcouch, or couchdb proper.19:18
statikthisfred, thanks! file against either desktopcouch or ubuntu (couchdb sourcepackage), and then you can do 'also affects' the other project so the same bug shows up in both places19:37
thisfredstatik: perfect, will do19:37
urbanapestatik, I have the plan of attack, and know pretty much what to do for oauth-integration for bindwood, but I'm not sure it'll get finished today.19:41
urbanapelikely tomorrow19:41
statikurbanape, ok, thanks for working on that and letting me know19:42
urbanapeit's really straightforward, but involves a black box in the middle I haven't yet cracked.19:45
CardinalFangthisfred, do you mind terribly if I revert the get_port change from last week?20:07
thisfredCardinalFang: no, I see I did not think it through as much as I thought I had, and no good way to solve it.20:07
CardinalFangMe either.  I reviewed it.  :(20:08
thisfredI wish it would just give back the port some other way than a log file.20:08
thisfredAlso: I still don't see why we don't randomly choose a port, and pass it.20:09
CardinalFangYeah.  There's a couchdb flag that shuts down the running daemon, synchronously.  It must communicate.  It should also have a stat-dump option.20:09
thisfred(I think aquarius told me, and I just forgot, mind)20:09
CardinalFangthisfred, 1) race condition.  2) it's just about as hard to search for an unused port as it is to search for a running program.20:10
thisfredtrue, but does port=0 solve these?20:11
* CardinalFang contiplates SO_RESUSE and a while loop checking result of popen.20:11
CardinalFangthisfred, zero is a magic value that tells the kernel it can choose anything it wants.  It solves 1 perfectly, and it pushes 2 into kernel space where it's cheap to search for ports.20:12
thisfredCardinalFang: so there can only ever be one couch at a time that is started with 0? I thought the evidence suggested otherwise, and most of our trouble stemmed from preventing multiple couches being started.20:14
CardinalFangthisfred, it doesn't stop multiple couchdbs.  It doesn't stop anything, unless all ports are used.  That's the point of "0".  There must be another way to do that.  Atomic operations are usually forced using files and O_EXCL|O_CREAT open() flags.20:17
CardinalFangIt could be we need a wrapper that does this, if couchdb doesn't do it.20:17
thisfredCardinalFang: ah sorry, I'm thick, I get it: the race condition being accidentally starting two on the same port...20:18
CardinalFangOr, another program jumps in and steals the port.20:19
CardinalFangthisfred, Oh, and two different processes can't bind to the same port.  One can bind and and then fork into more than one process, though.20:24
thisfredright, I geddit slowly20:26
aquariusCardinalFang, thisfred: ping21:06
CardinalFangaquarius, j0!21:06
aquariusjust looking at DC21:06
aquariusdesktopcouch-service calls desktopcouch.get_port()21:07
aquariusbut get_port() doesn't call get_pid(), it just looks in the log file21:07
aquariusso it doesn't bother to check if DC is actually running or now21:07
aquariuswhich means that the d-bus api doesn't work.21:07
aquariusthis is less than ideal :)21:07
CardinalFangaquarius, We're on it.21:07
thisfredaquarius: we've discovered at least two problems there, and are reverting the whole get port from logfile thing. Well, CardinalFang is.21:09
thisfredaquarius: by trying to make it less crap, I made it more crap. Go figure.21:10
aquariuswhat's wrong with getting the port from the logfile?21:10
CardinalFangAh, but it was very fast crap.21:10
thisfredif couch fails to start, it's still found21:10
thisfredunless the logfile isn't there, and then it craps out too21:11
aquariusyeah, it needs to block until couch starts, and then read the logfile.21:12
thisfredaquarius: that's what I *thought* I had done21:12
aquariuswe needed to do that anyway -- whichever approach we take has to wait until couch starts up and then ask it for a port, whether we read the port from the logfile or from /proc walking or from lsof or whatever21:12
aquariusyou have not done it ;-)21:12
aquariusam reassured to discover that I trip over this problem and you guys are already fixing it, though. I am behind the times :)21:13
aquariusthe startup procedure isn't writing out the bookmark file either afaict?21:14
CardinalFangYes, no bookmark file.21:17
dobeyaquarius: well you do have an Android phone. they are so last year :)21:18
* thisfred just bought a G1, about a day before the mytouch came out, and stands by that decision21:20
dobeywtf is a mytouch?21:20
thisfredit was cheap, and it works, and I hate touch screens21:20
dobeyuh, the g1 is a touch screen...21:21
thisfreddobey: apparently the new T-mobile android without a keyboard, which the g1 has21:21
thisfreddobey: I know, but it has a "real" keyboard, which my fat and clumsy fingers prefer21:21
dobeyso does my Pre :)21:22
thisfredI know, but my android was cheap, and the data plan was cheap. I'm Dutch, I care more about price than features ;)21:22
dobeywhat's your total monthly bill then?21:24
aquariusdobey, heh :)21:26
aquariusdobey, screw Palm anyway. They think it's a good idea to refuse to comment on when their phone will be available. So, they lose a customer for being unfriendly.21:27
dobeythisfred: or did you get the crappy voice plan?21:28
dobeyhi statik21:29
statikdobey, so for the ubuntuone-client sourcepackagebranches, are you using a patchsystem at all? or do you generate a new .orig.tar.gz for every code-related fix?21:29
thisfreddobey: yeah, the cheapest voice plan, no text msges + unlimited data (or I *think* that's what they mean by unlimited web browsing and email. I'm not streaming anything before I see my first bill ;)21:32
dobeystatik: no, i've only been doing tarball releases21:33
dobeystatik: maintaining patches to our own code, in packages, is kind of silly21:33
statikdobey: yeah, i agree. but for the patch i made on saturday night, i wasn't sure how to accomplish it with a sourcepackagebranch. I guess the sourcepackagebranch way would be to get my branch landed on trunk of ubuntuone-client, merge it to a branch of the sourcepackagebranch for ubuntuone-client, generate a new upstream release tarball, and request a sponsor for the updated pacakge with the new orig.tar.gz that had the 2-line patch?21:36
statiksourcepackagebranches were supposed to make life easier than doing it the bad old way with patchsystems and debdiff, i wonder if i'm missing something21:37
dobeywell there are more changes than yours in trunk21:37
statikbut if i want to get a focused change uploaded to ubuntu to fix a security or privacy issue quickly21:37
dobeyi don't think source package branches make it easier than using patch systems21:37
dobeystatik: the quick way is to do the patch in the source package branch as if somoene else is upstream, and we don't control the code21:39
dobeystatik: of course, this will break building trunk packages in the PPA, since the code is already fixed in trunk (and the patch will then fail to apply)21:39
aquariuserm, where's the couchgrid stuff? I thought it was in quickly?21:39
statikaquarius, it's in desktopcouch21:40
dobeystatik: but generally the packages should be fixed first in that case, then we land the fix and do a new tarball release, and update the packaging for the new tarball (removing the patch stuff from it)21:40
statikdobey: this is all making sense now21:41
dobeythisfred: so you're paying like $70/mo just to get unlimited data? doesn't seem so cheap to me :)21:42
dobeybut GSM in the US isn't exactly cheap21:42
dobeyCDMA is definitely cheaper21:43
thisfreddobey: something like that but for 2 people21:43
thisfred(but only one dataplan)21:43
thisfredI think, may be less even21:44
dobeywell the cheapest voice plan i see is 29.99, and data is 39.9921:44
dobeyso that's ~70, plus taxes21:44
dobeyso around $80 total i guess, plus the second voice plan21:45
dobeyand it sucks that i can't push source package branches for projects not already in ubuntu :-/21:47
aquariusdobey, how much is yours per month then?21:49
CardinalFangWait, wtf.  localhost:67855/_utils  -- that's not even legal.21:49
dobeyaquarius: $100/mo (+ taxes), and that's unlimited everything (data, voice, text)21:52
aquariusa hundred bucks a month/21:52
aquariusstone me.21:52
dobeythat's like 5 GBP or something21:52
aquariusI pay £20/month. I don't get unlimited voice for that, mind. I do get unlimited data and text.21:53
aquarius$100 == £6121:53
dobeyaquarius: t-mobile is $100/mo just for unlimited voice (no text or data)21:53
aquariusI don't make anything within *range* of £40 of calls every month, let alone £40 over the 100 free minutes I get.21:53
dobeywhich is why most people don't have unlimited voice on t-mo21:53
aquariusMan, you're being ripped off somethnig vicious. Move to England. :)21:54
dobeynot really21:54
dobeythough i don't have GSM21:55
dobeyi could get a cheaper plan that doesn't have unlimited voice, but sometimes i do go over the minutes limit for that plan21:55
dobeyman, the syncdaemon state machine is way too complex :(21:58
rmcbrideFWIW, statik is upgrading his IRC Proxy server. THose that connect through it are temporarilly offline22:06
dobeyaquarius: how much is unlimited voice on o2?22:08
aquariusdobey, don't know22:08
rmcbrideof course now that I have an irrigation system for the containers, the daily rains start up again and I won't need it for months22:09
dobeyaquarius: you are on o2 right?22:10
aquariusdobey, t-mobile22:10
dobeyo2 looks expensive :)22:10
aquariusiirc, unlimited voice/data/text was about £35, so a bit over $50/month22:11
dobeyhrmm, not actually unlimited it seems, but probably sufficient enough that most people won't hit the limits22:20
dobeygah, mocker. :(22:32
dobeylater all!23:36
statiksee ya23:36
aquariusI should probably go to bed too :)23:44
aquariusah, days off spent in front of the computer anyway. :)23:44
thisfredaquarius: ah you are there. I sent comments in mail23:50
thisfredand now I will have to unstarve myself23:50
thisfredoverall it looks good, I may have forgotten to say, but meant to imply by lack of scathing remarks ;)23:51
* aquarius grins23:52
aquariusI shall read the email23:52
aquariusah, all good suggestions. thanks!23:53
aquariusI'll do them tomorrow, though, since I turn into a pumpkin in seven minutes :P23:53
thisfrednow dinner, and then Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies, chapter 3. I shit you not!23:54
CardinalFangGood night all.23:58

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