
Gr1nreaperhmm... people keep on coming and going00:00
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fsufitchis Ubuntu One stable enough that I can keep relatively vital files on it?00:00
Nitrodistanyone else get this problem in the nautilus file explorer?  I search for a directory by typing the name and then click on the directory with my mouse and nautilus opens up the top most folder.  This is in list view.00:00
vadimyhello, can anybody help me just for 5-10 minutes? i have a problem, can't config my 5.1 sound card... i read tons of manuals, guides, created different .asoundrc files, and nothing... i really need help please00:00
colbloodtried alsamixer vadimy?00:01
sebsebsebfsufitch:  Not sure if that is actsauly offtopic, but  you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic00:01
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habermann24fsufitch: vital files?00:01
vadimycolblood, wait a second please, i'll try00:02
Picifsufitch: They have their own channel here, #ubuntuone00:02
Nitrodistfsufitch, if you even have to ask... :>00:02
fsufitchhabermann24, such as schoolwork :)00:02
fsufitchand i'll ask in #ubuntuone00:02
habermann24fsufitch: i have ALL my important files on a ubuntu server00:03
fsufitchthough i guess my question answered itself since I just got 503'd by one.ubuntu.com00:03
Gr1nreaperI'd really appreciate help on this as I'm new at this linux thing00:03
habermann24fsufitch: i would say ubuntu is a much better choice to save files than Windows :D00:03
vadimycoldblood, well, if you mean a console tool, I don't really know what to do with it...00:03
colbloodjust make sure master etc arent muted00:04
habermann24use software raid1 or something if you're feeling bad00:04
vadimycoldblood, I think I just need to configure some .asoundrc file right, but after I've tried so many copies of them I don't really know what to do00:04
vadimycoldblood, nope... they aren't00:04
colbloodare you using digital or analog output?00:04
fsufitchhabermann24, doubtless. i use ubuntu as my main OS, but i was wondering if i should keep my homework and such on my local hard drive or on some remote place00:04
fsufitchi guess i'll wait until the actual release of 9.10 :)00:05
habermann24fsufitch: hmm.. defently backup your shit :)00:05
linxehfsufitch: of course00:05
Gr1nreaperre-creating the array is out of the question... it's already full of files00:05
vadimycoldblood, actually I don't know..00:05
Nitrodistfsufitch, you should keep it in TWO different physical places00:05
Gr1nreaperthe array is there, windows knows it, why can't ubuntu show it just like my IDE partitions?00:05
vadimycoldblood, how to find out that?00:05
baudsmokeLeafpad and mousepad wont let me search text within the open text file.00:05
Nitrodistfsufitch, possibly 300:06
RakkoHi, all. I'm having a problem with the text console in Jaunty. All colors with the bright/high intensity attribute set appear as gray. Additionally, both yellows appear as gray. How do I fix this?00:06
Gr1nreaperbefore I installed dmraid, ubuntu saw the array as 2 seperate drives (they are 2 physically seperate drives, actually)00:06
fsufitchNitrodist, roger that. especially considering that I screwed up my 9.10 beta installation and I had to wipe my hard drive. Thank goodness for USB drives00:07
sebsebsebfsufitch: By the way00:07
sebsebsebfsufitch: #ubuntu+1 is currently the 9.10 channel00:08
Nitrodistfsufitch, keyword 'i screwed up' :P00:08
erinhow do i switch users in ubuntu without logging off either one !?!?!?00:08
fsufitchsebsebseb, i was wondering about that. thanks00:09
sebsebsebfsufitch: np00:09
fsufitchNitrodist, i know :) we learn from our mistakes00:09
erinhow do i switch users in ubuntu without logging off either one !?!?!?00:09
fsufitcherin: in the top right corner, click your name, and select switch user00:10
indicavaso I updated my karmic install several times since the beta release and still no new login screen :( how come, screenshots on the web show for a clean karmic beta install00:10
fsufitchor another user's name00:10
LucidGuyStruggling to find a decent wifi scanner that will work with my Dell Mini.  Any recommendations? Kismet and swscanner are not options due to hardware issues.00:10
fsufitchit won't log anyone off00:10
indicavalucid: iwlist scan ?00:10
sebsebsebindicava: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support and discussion00:11
MichaelKohlerI have messed up my grub.cfg.. I have now taken the sample from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 but now Grub says I need to load the kernel first.. could somebody please tell my how I can find the information what I need to edit in this grub.cfg sample?00:12
LucidGuyindicava,  Thats actually not bad, but I prefer something more GUI ..00:12
Prohibitedis ext4 stable? or should I use ext3?00:12
n-iCeI use ext4, goes fine00:12
sebsebsebProhibited: is it stable in  9.04 not properly stable, will it be properly stable in 9.10 though yes00:12
rainy-dayhi, my ps/2 keyboard works fine in windows and in grub linux loader, but once ubuntu is loaded, it no longer works. my usb keybaord works fine.00:12
indicavalucid: why not network-manager?00:12
Prohibited!hi | kristianpaul00:13
ubottukristianpaul: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:13
kristianpauldoes ubuntu could run on a 186 Mb computer=?00:13
LjLkristianpaul: yes, with some problems00:14
kristianpaulLjL: :(00:14
LjL!requirements > kristianpaul    (kristianpaul, see the private message from ubottu)00:14
scunizikristianpaul: with no gui.. sure.. server version00:14
whodevil_so I installed netbook remix because it has the eee pc kernel stuff by default. I turned off maximizor and the netbook switcher thing, but now I cant see the items on the desktop00:14
sebsebsebkristianpaul: 512MB or so swap partition already on there and the Live CD should boot up properly, no swap on there at all though, and the desktop CD probably won't boot up properly or at all00:14
kristianpaulLjL: hmm00:14
kristianpaulLjL: wich version of ubuntu should i try?00:15
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LjLkristianpaul: Xubuntu is lighter than Ubuntu, but i don't know if it is by an appreciable amount.00:16
DigitalKiwimaybe crunchbang, kristianpaul00:16
starcannonyeah #! is an excellent distro.00:16
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dbuggerHey guys, I just installed Karmic. It's slick! :D00:16
Rakko# = crunch?00:16
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sebsebseb!karmic |  dbugger00:16
ubottudbugger: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:16
dbuggerI know :P00:17
dbuggerA question, tough, Is there a way to make the clock look like this? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FJH0hYZmVtc/SsjHMLS0ysI/AAAAAAAADfY/ImtRnjgRfPQ/s1600-h/screenshot_051.png00:17
fearfuldbugger, thats off-topic00:17
starcannonRakko thats how I read it, though, I always heard #="Chi" from Chibang.00:17
dbuggerfearful, is it? isnt this channel about anything referent to the OS?00:18
starcannonRakko thats a commonly used mispelling, but it works00:18
Rakkowell shebang is an English word... never heard of chibang00:18
starcannonRakko, than and the gender wars on ubuntuforums have me ducking for cover any time I see any word, prefix or suffix that could have a gender meaning with it lol, I think I have PTSD as a result00:19
Rakkogender wars? oh dear00:19
starcannonlol nod00:19
Nitrodistgender wars?00:19
Nitrodistover what00:20
fearfuldbugger, yea support00:20
RakkoI'm having a problem with the text console in Jaunty. All colors with the bright/high intensity attribute set appear as gray. Additionally, both yellows appear as gray. How do I fix this?00:20
rainy-dayhi, my ps/2 keyboard works fine in windows and in grub linux loader, but once ubuntu is loaded, it no longer works. my usb keyboard works fine.00:20
dbuggerfearful, then where should I present my question?00:20
starcannonack Rakko, my bad, I had the thing backward.. Chibang is a common mispelling of Shebang,00:20
fearful!offtopic | dbugger00:20
ubottudbugger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:20
MichaelKohlercan nobody help me?00:20
NitrodistRakko, edit the profile preferences00:20
fearfuldbugger, your welcome00:20
Prohibited!ask MichaelKohler00:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:20
RakkoNitrodist, what profile?00:20
Prohibited!ask | MichaelKohler00:20
ubottuMichaelKohler: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:21
abdullahhello every one  where can i find a gambas3  NOT gambas2  deb packages00:21
NitrodistRakko, you're talking about a terminal, right?00:21
MichaelKohlerI have messed up my grub.cfg.. I have now taken the sample from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 but now Grub says I need to load the kernel first.. could somebody please tell my how I can find the information what I need to edit in this grub.cfg sample?00:21
abdullahhello every one  where can i find a gambas3  NOT gambas2  deb packages00:21
RakkoNitrodist, I'm talking about the text-mode virtual terminals00:21
NitrodistRakko, err...?00:21
fearfulabdullah, search for the repositories that gambas3 is in and add it to your sources.list00:21
starcannonMichaelKohler http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69076000:22
RakkoNitrodist: ?00:22
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whodevil_what is the UNR channel00:23
pawel_whats goin on with ubuntu website, anyone has same problem?00:23
abdullah<fearful> tried that   with no success :(00:23
fearfulabdullah, how so?00:23
starcannonpawel_ ubuntu.com loads fine for me.00:23
fearfulabdullah, have you tried compiling it yourself+00:24
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: a X reconfiguration really helps?00:24
spaceBARbarian1i just had to do a REISUB reboot and a file i was editing is now empty, any way to recover it ?00:24
pawel_how about ubuntu.pl - polish  :)00:24
lloowenhello ! Could the commands 'sudo apt-get install xinetd' or 'sudo apt-get update' mess up a Ubuntu server that has web, sftp, ssh, vnc and samba installed?00:24
etyrnalcolblood, what is the rescue function?00:24
fearfulabdullah, http://gambas.sourceforge.net/en/main.html00:24
abdullah<fearful> that what i fear of :(00:25
cody_This is PCTeacher012, idk, it says someone has my username -_-But i think im switching to fedora haha :P00:25
starcannonMichaelKohler, the easy way to do it would be "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf", then "sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf", then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" this should get you a nice default xorg.conf back00:25
abdullah<fearful> ok i´ll tale a deep look :)00:25
fearfulabdullah, why so its pretty simple just four commands if you have the compiling tools.00:25
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: but what does this have to do with the grub.cfg_00:25
starcannonMichael that first command should have been "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.bak"00:25
fearfulabdullah, build-essentials00:25
starcannonMichaelKohler, absolutely nothing, I had me a dislexic moment, very sorry00:26
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: no problem00:26
fearfulabdullah, build-essential*00:26
starcannon*feels like an asshat now*00:26
abdullah<fearful> becouse i tried that befor with no success with gambas3 :(00:27
PoPoTheGianthi there00:27
fearfulabdullah, well pastebin the error when compiling it00:27
abdullah<fearful> that make me looking for ready to install packages00:27
abdullahi will now00:27
RakkoAnother question: I compiled and installed a custom kernel module, and it worked fine. Well, since then I've updated the kernel package, so now it doesn't load. Is there something I can do that would allow it to load even after upgrading the kernel (without having to recompile the module every time)?00:27
MichaelKohleroh I guess I can ask in another matter > how can I find out the root=UUID= of my kernel using a live cd?00:28
v86I think something's wrong with my ubuntu, I got emacs recently -- and now the window boarder if far too high to acquire without maximizing00:28
v86how to00:28
lloowenhello ! Could the commands 'sudo apt-get install xinetd' or 'sudo apt-get update' mess up a Ubuntu server that has web, sftp, ssh, vnc and samba installed?00:28
starcannonMichaelKohler, I think the command you want to use from a liveCD would be "grub-install" be sure to man it, I'll see if I can locate you a guide00:28
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scuniziRakko: sometimes installing dkms will allow the kernel updates to be updated as well.. other than that you're stuck redoing the kernel manually00:29
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MichaelKohlerstarcannon: I do not mind if I would have grub after that instead of grub2.. at least my ubuntu would work again00:29
starcannonMichelKohler I just found this rather quickly, be sure to back up any files that will be changed so that you can always get back to your last known config: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:30
Rakkoscunizi, how does that work? does the module have to be written especially for dkms?00:30
latexknightany idea why this keeps happening to my irssi program that's connected to psybnc? http://pastebin.com/m698fd937 it also causes a stream of garbage like the ban list and etc to be continuously printed in the main irc network screen, and its continuous because it keeps reconnection for an unknown reason00:30
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MichaelKohlerstarcannon: backup of a non-working config? does not make sense to me :)00:31
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: thanks I will try that00:32
scuniziRakko: not sure.. dkms was something we (linux community) got from Dell and their relationship with ubuntu and others...00:32
starcannonMichael I believe your UUID question can be answered with "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid"00:32
ggcchey guys i can use some help here, how do i user File Browser with root permissions00:32
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: ah, so I will try to edit the UUID and then reboot and see, if it has worked00:33
fearfulggcc, gksu nautilus00:33
MichaelKohlerggcc: sudo nautilus00:33
starcannonMichaelKohler, I don't know how extensive your damage is, what file is broken, how broken, the general rule is backup then move forward00:33
Cyrano_Deggcc: Best option is not too though.00:33
MenZaMichaelKohler: No. For gtk applications, always use gksu.00:33
MichaelKohlerMenZa: nice to know, I am sorrz00:33
ggccthanks soo much guys00:33
fearfulMichaelKohler, ggcc its better to use gksu when running gui on root.00:33
Rakkoit's gksu and not gtksu?00:33
starcannonMichaelKohler what MenZa said is true, use gksu or gksudo when running apps like those00:34
MenZaMichaelKohler: not a problem - we all need to learn :)00:34
latexknightany idea why this keeps happening to my irssi program that's connected to psybnc? http://pastebin.com/m698fd937 it also causes a stream of garbage like the ban list and etc to be continuously printed in the main irc network screen, and its continuous because it keeps reconnection for an unknown reason00:34
ggccfearful: how would i do that?00:34
latexknightirssi is connected to localhost00:34
starcannonMichaelKohler heres a little primer on graphical sudo http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo00:35
fearfulggcc, if you really want to in the terminal type the command gksu nautilus00:35
MichaelKohlerthanks starcannon00:35
MenZalatexknight: might have more luck in #irssi, if you get nothing here ;)00:35
Foxx_any preseed people about ? how can I suppress the 'enter the hostname for this system' during install - it's correctly being assigned via dhcp and the dialogue box has it correctly filled out but I still get the window sitting on screen with <continue> / <go back> ... this is the last thing to fix on my completely unattended install - so any help appreciated :D00:35
ggccfearful: thanks a lot mate00:35
fearfulggcc, any time00:36
v86ggcc == gcc?00:36
MenZa!offtopic | zakaria00:36
ubottuzakaria: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:36
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MichaelKohlerstarcannon: I guess its not only the UUID which is wrong00:37
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: http://pastebin.org/3526300:37
starcannonMichaelKohler what is it your trying to accomplish to begin with? I'd just re run grub-install and get it bootable again to start with00:38
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: and how when using a live cd?00:39
JoeSomebodyHello, hope you are all having a good one today. I just wanted to say as a newbie, the more i learn about linux, ubuntu, the community, you guys, etc. the more i am impressed, if no one else has thanked you lately THANKS 4 BEING HERE 4 US!00:40
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: ah sorry, Ive the guide00:40
starcannonon the liveCd go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal and fire up grub-install, use the tutorial I showed you, and perhaps take a peek at a few more tuts on google to get a good idea of whats going on. thats my advice00:40
JoeSomebodywhat are the most popular irc clients /scripts for linux?00:40
MichaelKohlerthanks I will try that00:40
Cyrano_DeAnyone know of a good "System Profile" chooser?  What I would like to to change what services are started and my desktop setting on the laptop depending on where I am.00:40
starcannonGL MichaelKohler00:40
FloodBot1epic1501: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:41
starcannonMichaelKohler one more thing, don't forget to man grub-install00:41
mezquitaleanyone that has experience with virtual machines, which open source virtual machine do you recommend?00:41
FloodBot1epic1501: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:42
Cyrano_DeJoeSomebody: irssi is pretty popular to the less command line alergic users.00:42
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: I will00:42
mezquitale!ask| epic150100:42
Cyrano_DeJoeSomebody: Xchat is pretty popular for the rodent dependant.00:42
ubottuepic1501: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:42
ggccone last question btw guys, how would i change a file to 777 permission so i can install it... /var/www/........00:43
fearfulggcc, sudo chmod +777 /file00:43
ggccfearful: would it make everything inside the folder 777 too?00:44
sebsebsebchai: hi00:44
MichaelKohlerhow can I find out which hdx,x is correct? find /media/disk/boot/grub/stage1 says "File not found"00:44
starcannonHello chai00:44
Cyrano_Deggcc: sudo chmod -R 777 file00:44
Cyrano_Deggcc: err s/file/folder/00:44
starcannonMichaelKohler which drive did you put the /boot partition on?00:44
starcannonMichaelKohler "/media/disk" is a generic location, for you it may be /dev/sda1 or something00:45
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: hd0,0 I guess.. but when I use that and do setup (hd0) it says "Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no Error 15: File not found"00:45
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: of course.. facepalm..00:46
chaii have a problem. when i open a new application, it always opens so that the toolbar at the top is hidden. so i have to press alt+click to move it to view00:46
Cyrano_DeAnyone know of a good "System Profile" chooser?  What I would like to to change what services are started and my desktop setting on the laptop depending on where I am.00:47
RakkoDoes Ubuntu use a framebuffer console by default? Or a text mode one?00:47
personIf I install a .deb with dpkg, do I need to keep it to remove it?00:48
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Cyrano_Deperson: No you do not need to keep the original .deb file to remove it later.00:49
macoperson: nope00:49
chaianyone know how to change the default "new window location" or something like that?00:49
personMarvellous; how would I remove it later? aptitude remove <package> ?00:49
macoperson: you can apt-get remove it by name just as if it were rom the repos00:49
personthanks maco00:49
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personthanks Cyrano_De00:50
chaihelp! plz?00:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:51
alchamechhello everyone00:52
chaiwhen i open a new application, the window is placed halfway off my screen.00:53
chaihow can i fix this?00:53
alchamechhas anyone figured out how to use magic jack w/ ubuntu yet?00:53
darkstar999chai: what is your screen resolution?00:53
lloowenhello ! Could the commands 'sudo apt-get install xinetd' or 'sudo apt-get update' mess up a Ubuntu server that has web, sftp, ssh, vnc and samba installed?00:54
lstarneslloowen: why do you ask?00:54
scunizialchamech: if you know the parameters you might be able to get twinkle or ekiga to work with it.00:54
mezquitaleanyone that has experience with virtual machines, which open source virtual machine do you recommend?  kvm or virtualbox?00:54
chaidarkstar999: my res is like 1024x748 or something00:54
alchamechscunizi: ok thanx00:54
darkstar999virtualbox 100%00:54
lloowenbecause my web server is down, ssh down, sftp down,00:55
macomezquitale: vbox has a gui. kvm is all command line and slightly confusing. pick one.00:55
lloowenThis is on a friends LAN so I used to access using putty00:55
englahi. an apt url, is it apt:package or apt://package?00:55
lstarnesengla: apt://package?00:55
mezquitalemaco, i can handle the command line but is it stable enough so I can install and use XP every now and then?00:56
lstarneslloowen: it would depend on what is being updated and what xinetd is set to serve00:56
RakkoDid something recently change in Ubuntu (since 9.04 was released) regarding building third-party modules? I have source for a module, and previously the makefile built a .ko file -- but now it only builds a .o file, and insmod/modprobe don't know how to use it :(00:56
macomezquitale: its stable, sure...but im not sure it does non-linux guests00:56
lstarneslloowen: it may be an unrelated issue, like IP addresses changing or firewalling00:56
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darksmachey guys any one have any experience installing libnl00:57
lloowenAt first I thoughti it was a IP address and firewall issue. But I don't think so as my friend who can access the machine says these servers are down his end.00:57
mezquitalemaco, would you happen to know which one is faster?  I have a 64 bit AMD processor with 4 gigs of memory00:57
lloowenI suspect I threw a spanner in the works installing xinetd00:58
lloowenas ubuntu uses inetd00:58
lloowendoes it not!00:58
misfitx7can anyone suggest an application to burn multiple cd's at once00:58
lstarneslloowen: xinetd/inetd wouldn't really intefere when it uses its default config00:58
macomezquitale: kvm's qemu based, so its supposed to be very fast01:00
bogu2009How many cd-drivers do u have01:00
chris_Is there any way to get amarok on ubuntu 9.101:00
macochris_: there is no 9.101:00
lloowenwhat could I ask my freind to do to check? What commands could he try?01:00
zobotis anyone having issues with recently downloaded ubuntu images?01:00
macochris_: there is 9.04 and will be 9.1001:00
chris_maco: i have the beta01:00
lloowenIstarnes: What could I ask my friend to do to check? What commands could he try?01:01
test34chris_: try #ubuntu+101:01
macochris_: ok so 9.10. that's in #ubuntu+101:01
lstarneslloowen: I'm not sure01:01
lloowenI suggested 'ps aux' and '01:02
lloowennetstat -an | grep LISTEN'01:02
matrixwhizonly speaker work ,my earphone didn't work ,why01:03
mezquitalemaco, thank you for the input, i think i will try virtualbox first and then if I find it's too slow then I'll try kvm01:03
lloowenpinging to the server does not get through even though he says the ports are open01:03
mezquitalematrixwhiz, have you tried changing the settings in the "sound" applet??01:03
chaii fixed it with my compiz preferences. i had to enable window placement01:03
ChangeNickhi guys01:04
misfitx7is there any way to burn the same cd image to two different cd's at once?01:04
ChangeNickanyone awake?01:04
chaiChangeNick: hi01:04
ChangeNicki need a lil help with my new ubuntu install01:05
chaimisfitx7: not with default software, i dont think. make an iso?01:05
ChangeNicki've got 9.04 setup on my lenovo t6101:05
sebsebsebChangeNick: Please provide details01:05
ChangeNickbut the desktop is very slow01:05
ChangeNicki mean the graphics01:05
ChangeNickit seems the drivers arent properly installed01:05
sebsebsebChangeNick: Which type of graphics card?01:05
chaiChangeNick: do you have compiz enabled?01:06
misfitx7it seems that nero can, but thats not an option, was hoping there was a software package for ubuntu01:06
ChangeNickthings like scrolling browser window are slow01:06
ChangeNicki cant enable compiz at all01:06
ChangeNickno effects are available01:06
orange--where do i find the detailed instructions on sed for ubuntu 9.04?01:06
ChangeNickdragging a window across the screen leaves behind the trail making my pc seem ancient while it really isnt!01:06
orange--a man sed is woefully lacking01:06
IdleOneChangeNick: what card do you have?01:07
=== frankenstein is now known as rexmo
ChangeNicknvidia quadro nvs 140m01:07
ChangeNicklet me send you the lspci01:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:07
starcannonmisfitx7 http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/utils/cdcontrol is what you need01:08
fearfulDoes anyone know how I could change just one accounts status not both on pidgin01:08
ChangeNickyep.its quadro nvs 140M01:08
darkstar999does everything work in 64 bit Ubuntu or does each program have to be 64 bit compatable?01:08
IdleOneChangeNick: take a look here see if this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:09
ChangeNickwill look and let you guys know01:09
damaguCan someone tell me what "Not available in the current data" means when displayed in the app store?01:09
misfitx7cool ill check it out, actually just stumbled across that on sourceforge but that one you referenced is a newer version01:10
IdleOnedamagu: #ubuntu+101:10
damaguIdleOne: huh?01:10
IdleOnethe app store is available as off 9.1001:10
eidocan someone tell where to look for differences between my live boot video and installed video and not the xorg01:10
starcannonmisfitx7 it's available in the synaptic package manager01:10
PCTeacher012_ReaDang, who is using my username>01:10
damaguIdleOne: yeah. So what does that mean?01:11
IdleOnedamagu: means join #ubuntu+1 support for 9.10 is there01:11
damaguIdleOne: ah okay01:11
chaiwhere is support for 8.04?01:11
damaguIdleOne: thanks01:11
PCTeacher012_ReaHere probably01:11
lstarneschai: here01:11
mezquitalePCTeacher012_Rea, maybe you are in another machine?  Or maybe your irc client crashed and didnt log you out properly?01:11
IdleOnePCTeacher012: /msg nickserv help ghost01:11
chaioh. lol :)01:11
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale, My irssi client crashed a little while ago. Is that it?01:12
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm trying to set up phpmyadmin with the standard jaunty package, but I'm simply getting 404s - is there anything I need to do beyond the setup stuff asked when running sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin?01:12
darkstar999Do all the programs that work in 32 bit ubuntu work in 64 bit ubuntu??01:12
ChangeNickok...the hardware drivers applet is listing two nvidia graphics drivers01:12
ChangeNickand the activate button01:12
mezquitalePCTeacher012_Rea, that sounds about right, after sometime youll be able to login01:12
lstarnesdarkstar999: almost all of them do01:12
=== ubuntu is now known as Nathan`
lstarnesdarkstar999: there may be minor issues with flash and propetary/closed-source third-party apps01:13
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale, Okay, thanks,  I hope soon, it is starting to make me mad hahaha01:13
darkstar999lstarnes: thanks. is it any faster?01:13
lstarnesdarkstar999: java also has some minor issues01:13
PCTeacher012_Readarkstar999, No01:13
lstarnesdarkstar999: but I've managed to overcome tiem01:13
_murphy_hi! I just reinstalled the newest version of ubuntu, and it looks like my F11 keys and F12 keys are behaving strangely ; F11 looks like it's pasting and F12 is doing some sort of weird X selection in a terminal01:13
lstarnesdarkstar999: it may be slightly faster01:13
darkstar999so not everything works and its not faster?? wtf01:13
_murphy_how do I override that or remove it01:13
mikauEvening folks. Trying out Karmic beta and notices the XScript-login option is missing, is there any way to get that one back?01:13
etyrnalhow can i move grub from hd1 (ubuntu), to hd0 (XP) and make it reside and function from there?  (i need to remove hd1) -- i've tried "grub-install install_device" and it claims to succed... but when i reboot with hd1 unplugged i get "error 21"01:13
starcannon_murphy_ are you using 9.10 beta?01:14
darkstar999etyrnal: why do you want to do that?01:14
tare1offwhen i am booting up my screen says "you have 3 seconds to hit ESC to load the grub menu" ? what is the grub menu, what can i do in there?01:14
_murphy_nope, sorry. 9.0401:15
starcannontareloff grub menu will give you a list of installed kernels to boot from, and alternate operating systems01:15
_murphy_i should have clarified01:15
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff, The grub menu has Safe boot, Normal boot01:15
etyrnaldarkstar999, because hd1 may be dying, and i'd like to remove it, and have the system still be able to boot XP01:15
darkstar999etyrnal: will you still have linux installed?01:15
tare1offPCTeacher: thank you, is that like windows safe mode or something?01:15
Cyrano_DeAnyone know of a good "System Profile" chooser?  What I would like to to change what services are started and my desktop setting on the laptop depending on where I am.01:15
darkstar999etyrnal: if not, you can just to a "fixmbr" with xp01:15
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff, if you have windows installed ,yet. Linux "safe mode" is called recovery mode01:15
etyrnaleventually... but not for a while, and kids would still ike ot be able to use machine =)01:15
PCTeacher012_ReaGrub Menu also lets you boot from XP if you have it tareloff01:16
mikauAnyone here experienced with Awesome window manager?01:16
tare1offPCTeacher: oh but when i intalled ubuntu i tild the guy i wanted windows erased?01:16
IdleOneetyrnal: kids would probably have an easier time with transition to linux01:16
IdleOnethen us "adults"01:16
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff: Then it was erased. I was not sure whether or not it was kept on there01:16
etyrnalIdleOne, they inly use XP for playing Mame.  The regular fam 'puter is a Mac01:17
_murphy_starcannon: any idea?01:17
tare1offPCTeacher: however people tell me it wont be gone unless we partitoned and formatted and i didnt see that happen (newbie)01:17
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff: So now, it only has the following options: Ubuntu (Kernel Number), and Ubuntu Recovery Mode (Kernel Number) and possible others if more than 1 kernel is installed01:17
darkstar999etyrnal: I would take the HD out and do a FIXMBR with windows01:17
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff: When you installed it, it gave you the option to eiter: Resize the windows partition and install windows by it, or wipe the disk and install ubuntu on it all. Which did you choose?01:18
KruppeIf anyone has the time to help i've got a few troubleshooting questions on Ubuntu, i'm rather new to it, PM if possible01:18
starcannon_murphy_ none, yet still looking01:18
darkstar999etyrnal: if you want linux back later, restore grub01:18
PCTeacher012_Reaand install ubuntu by it i mean01:18
tare1offPCTeacher: but when i start up it says what i told you, not what you just said01:18
_murphy_starcannon: looks like it may have been the "mouseemu" package01:18
roffehow do I auto mount drives on startup?01:18
starcannon_murphy_ I"m not finding anything on google; I'd suggest looking at System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts to start with01:18
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff: To see what i am saying, you hit the ESC button, and it shows those. If you just wait the (3??) seconds and it will load normally into the default OS (Normally ubuntu if it is installed on the hard disk)01:19
starcannon_murphy_ ah, I've never used mouseemu01:19
_murphy_starcannon: yeah, that was weird, looks like mouseemu is installed by default01:19
tare1offPCTeacher: they were giving me instuctuions on here (used 2 outer to talk) and when the time came i told them to tell me how to wipe out and do clean install01:19
puppysgtcan anyone tell me if there are any active dansguardian channels01:19
KruppeCan someone please PM me for troubleshooting help on a boot error01:19
_murphy_I was getting frustrated! :) thanks for your help01:19
lstarnespuppysgt: probably not01:19
PCTeacher012_Reatareloff: And what did they say?01:19
tare1offPSTeacher: at work now not on that puter01:20
eidohow do i chroot from a live boot to a partition on a drive?  do i need to mount the drive first from dev?01:20
starcannon_murphy_ , it may be worth going back to 8.04, then wait a month and try out 9.10.01:20
tare1offPCTeacher: at work not on that puter now..BUT when i get home if i hit ESC during boot up, will that infrom me if w98 is gone?01:20
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off, Okay. Well, when you are on that computer, when it is loading, hit the ESC button when it asks you if you want to, if you see any windows, it was not wiped. If you dont see anything referring to windows, it was wiped.01:20
_murphy_yeah, that's what I'm thinking I may do, starcanning01:21
PCTeacher012_Reaif you see anything referring to windows*01:21
tare1offPCTeacher: thanks you are the only one in 3 days of asking who told me this01:21
puppysgtwhat would be the best way to get involved to give and get advice and learn more about dansguardian01:21
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off, Really? Wow, well, your welcome.01:21
etyrnaldarkstar999, so if the XP drive has hd0,0  hd0,1 (some dell part) and hd0,2 (XP) ...  r u saying it's NOT possible?  i don't think i have the xp home disc...  pc was given to us.  is there an alternate way of fixing mbr?01:21
tare1offPCTeacher: was worried it would be coded and not say windows or something a computer dork would understand01:22
KruppeAnyone around to help?01:22
etyrnalKruppe, with what?01:22
tare1offPCTeacher: now; once i hit ESC and get my answer how do i get oout of it without messin up my install?01:22
darkstar999etyrnal: The fixmbr command is only available when you are using the Recovery Console (from the CD). It would fix your problem i'm pretty sure.01:22
|nightrid3r|etyrnal: grab a win95 boot floppy and do an fdisk /mbr01:23
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off, Haha, i love computers so i know tones :3 It will say windows (Version of windows installed), then ubuntu and safe mode or recovery mode if both are installed. If only ubuntu is installed, only ubuntu options show up01:23
PulsewidthIf I install the 9.10 beta now, will I be able to smoothly upgrade to the full release without reinstalling?01:23
puppysgtwhat would be the best way to get involved to give and get advice and learn more about dansguardian01:23
KruppeInstalled Ubuntu, i'm a newbie at it, had everything running, installed updates for drivers and now i boot in and it has scrambled pixels at the log-in screen01:23
nerdy_kidhey, i installed my modem driver, but how do i make phone calls with it? thanks01:23
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off: You can either: Just choose the option with ubuntu (Kernel number, it will be numbers) or just power off the computer.01:23
tare1offPCTeacher: how do i get back out of there without goofing up my install of buntu?01:23
tare1offPCTeacher: ok i git that01:23
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off, Okay, good :)01:24
starcannonetyrnal if you have no windows install media, you can also fix it from an ubuntu livecd http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/01:24
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PCTeacher012_Rea*Sigh* Fedora is at 46% lol01:24
dotakuisare there any drivers for the ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB video card? checked the AMD website and all they had was 4800 driver not the 4870 and it crashes Gui. anyone know what i might do?01:24
etyrnaldarkstar999, so i can try the things You mentioned, but do You have knowledge of whether it is possible or not, to move Grub from hd1 to hd0?01:24
puppysgtwhat would be the best way to get involved to give and get advice and learn more about dansguardian01:24
etyrnalstarcannon, thanks!01:24
starcannonetyernal anytime01:25
darkstar999etyrnal: don't know.01:25
PCTeacher012_Readotakuis: Are you able to get the regular desktop?01:25
PCTeacher012_ReaWhere you see the folders you have etc...01:25
etyrnaldarkstar999, thanks for all Your suggestions01:25
nerdy_kidhow do i place calls using my modem?  tried everything...01:25
tare1offPCteacher: next question if it is ok: i am running a 400mgz, 10gig HD, 768sdram, 8mb ATI APG graphics, would like to speed things up, if i start disabling thinds will that speed it up? i still have plenty of HD left so really only want to disable for speed.01:26
puppysgtit is hard to believe that with all of the users in this channel...there is no one who can answer a question about dansguardian01:26
dotakuisi guess im running a generic driver atm so yes i am able to get on the gui but i dont have a driver01:26
darkstar999puppysgt: why do you need AV???01:26
KruppeWould it be possible for someone to PM me and help me?01:26
ProhibitedWhen you install packages (.deb), where do the installation files go?01:27
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off: Yes, but you might want to search google to see if something is okay to disable, there are lots of files required by linux to run (i learned that the hard way *innocent whistle*)01:27
PCTeacher012_Readotakuis: Okay, so when you are in GUI (Seeing everything) Go to System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers. Tell me if it findss anything01:27
puppysgtdarkstarr, i am a new user to dansguardian...i have it installed and setup and it is working...i would like to learn more about it01:28
PCTeacher012_ReaProhibited, Both into /usr/bin and /home/(username)01:28
tare1offPCTeacher: yes i di also messing with my old w98 of course w98 was soooo bad i had nothingto lose when i starting messin with it, this ubuntu runs very well on this old set01:28
PCTeacher012_ReaKruppe: Yes, PM me01:28
ProhibitedPCTeacher012_Rea: thanks01:28
dotakuistried that but when i activate it i crash when i reboot01:28
PCTeacher012_ReaTare1off: I still have my old 98 computer, im thinking of installing ubuntu on that and switching my current one to fedora since it has better software01:28
PCTeacher012_Reabetter hardware*01:28
PCTeacher012_ReaProhibited, No problem01:28
eidohow do i chroot from a live boot to a partition on a drive?  do i need to mount the drive first from dev?01:28
PCTeacher012_Readotakuis: Wow, that is propriety drivers, the ones they offer... How old is your computeR? And what version driver do you need?01:29
ryguycan someone help me out with 9.10?01:29
tare1offPCTeacher: wow cant imagine better software, thought ubuntu was LInux's prize piece of engineering?01:29
macoeido: yes, mount it first01:29
sebsebsebryguy: #ubuntu+1 is currently the 9.10 channel01:29
darkstar999ryguy: ask a question01:29
shafiqhi every one in this room01:29
shafiqhow are you01:29
Anal_PandemoniumHi, quick question, which is the newest version of the linux kernel being developed?01:29
FloodBot1shafiq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
macotare1off: see the "*better hardware"01:30
PCTeacher012_Reahi shafiq. I am good01:30
ryguyalright im goin ubuntu+101:30
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm trying to set up phpmyadmin with the standard jaunty package, but I'm simply getting 404s - is there anything I need to do beyond the setup stuff asked when running sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin?01:30
PCTeacher012_ReaThey will be able to help more with 8.1001:30
shafiqi just installed ubuntu01:30
shafiqfirst experience01:30
tare1offmaco" what is that?01:30
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: Good, it is an amazing OS01:30
macotare1off: PCTeacher012_Rea corrected self saying "*better hardware" as in "oops, meant to say hardware, not software"01:30
flippoIt's a shame that the early users of IRC consumed all the available punctuation and capital letters.01:30
shafiqlet see bro pcteacher01:30
darkstar999shafiq: I have been using ubuntu for years and I am still happy with it01:31
tare1offmaco: oh i  was wondering thanks01:31
shafiqthats great01:31
shafiqhope that i will learn from you01:31
macoshafiq: this is a support channel. if you want to just chat see #ubuntu-offtopic01:31
shafiqI want to be expert01:31
eidomaco: so if i am chrooted to another partition and perform an update it will update that partition and not my live correct?01:31
macoeido: right01:31
shafiqok no problem01:31
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: It will take quite a while. It is nothing like windows, but it is certainly worth learning01:31
PCTeacher012_ReaShafiq: You can also PM me01:32
shafiqyes I hope that. youtube is not working like that01:32
sebsebsebPCTeacher012_Rea: It is like Windows,  with differences here and there01:32
shafiqwhat version of flash is for ubuntu?01:32
PCTeacher012_Reasebsebseb, Yea, but i find it different haha01:32
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: Go to adobe's site01:32
nerdy_kidneed a program like windows dialer.exe.....01:32
macoshafiq: you can install flash from applicaitons -> add/remove01:32
PCTeacher012_Reathey offer one for flash01:32
PCTeacher012_Reafor ubuntu01:32
PCTeacher012_Reai mean01:33
macoPCTeacher012_Rea: no no thats the annoying way to do it01:33
Cyrano_DeAnyone know of a good "System Profile" chooser?  What I would like to to change what services are started and my desktop setting on the laptop depending on where I am.01:33
dotakuisits pretty new. ASUS desktop replacement01:33
PCTeacher012_Reamaco: That is how i did it since i was on the internet haha. I installed Gnash which was horrible01:33
macoshafiq: actually if you install ubuntu-restricted-extras from there, itll pull in flash, java, mp3 and etc.01:33
darkstar999shafiq: ubuntu-restricted-extras  is the way to go01:33
shafiqI installed using wubi utality01:33
PCTeacher012_ReaWOOOAH! Something happened with cairo dock... haha01:33
sebsebsebmaco: that's a command :)01:33
tare1offmaco: i am thinking about buying a used business computer to replace this 11 year old dell/ubuntu computer...because the dand dell wont play youtubevids at the right speed-way to slow and choppy. do you thing a powerful business computer with a big processor will let the online vids play correctly?01:33
sebsebsebmaco: oh nevermind01:34
ryguyIm on the karmic live cd and when I click "Install ubuntu 9.10" on my desktop, It goes through the installation steps just fine but when it goes to actually install ubuntu, the install program crashes01:34
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off: Without a doubt. Did you install Adobe flash player and not one of its alternatives?01:34
macotare1off: if your issue is the cpu not keeping pace, sure. any modern one should work01:34
habermann24anyone know where i can change the sudo warning message?? i know in ubuntu there is none01:34
tare1offmaco: yes i put flash in01:34
shafiqhow to do that01:34
Cyrano_De!karmic |ryguy01:34
ubotturyguy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:34
edbianryguy: You could also try updating to the newest version via the terminal: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:34
sebsebsebshafiq: You can install programs using add/remove    the synaptic package manager or on the command line,  for example    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:34
macoshafiq: in applications ->add/remove you can search for "restricted" and itll offer "ubuntu-restricted-extras"01:34
tare1offmaco: from what ican tell the old ATI drivers are not in ubuntu01:35
ryguybut I wont have ext301:35
macoshafiq: hit the checkbox and hit apply, and itll install flash, java, and codecs for things like AAC, MP3, and all that01:35
tare1offmaco: i have an old 8mb ATI card from 199801:35
ryguyand my connection is really slow01:35
shafiqok bro let me to check01:35
shafiqi am bit slow :)01:35
PCTeacher012_Reatare1off: Whoo, that is bad.01:35
macotare1off: ah yeah i have one of those. works but doenst get full resolution rigth?01:35
dan2077why am i missing animations in compiz?01:35
tare1offmaco: it all worked with w98 though (utube) PCTeacher01:36
macotare1off: thats because the full resoution was done in the windows driver. the hardware is unaware of it01:36
edbiandan2077: What do you mean "missing" ?01:36
macotare1off: and the driver in linux can only do what the hardware says it can do01:36
tare1offmaco: so i think i did figure out the problem then01:36
dan2077edbian: yesterday i had animations such as beam up and fire, and today they disappeared from the list01:37
shafiqoh yah lot of things are there01:37
shafiqthanks bro01:37
shafiqhow can i add you01:37
shafiqyou are expert01:37
tare1offmaco: figure ill get an HP dc5000 or 5100 or 7100, with a 2.8 to 3.2 gig motor and 1 gig ram and run ubuntu on it (on bord sound and graphics)...will that communbicate eith ubuntu?01:37
edbiandan2077: search "compiz" in synaptic.  There are a couple packages regarding the plugins.  If I remember right there are like 3 levels, base that come with compiz, additional which you need a package for, and extra which are like not fully working01:38
Steilwhat is those mean?01:38
PCTeacher012_ReaMost people here are experts, if they help you, they usually are :) If they ask many question, they are likely not haha :)01:38
tra421I must be missing something - with gdmsetup not giving an option to disable the start-up drumroll, where to look in 9.10(beta)?01:38
PCTeacher012_ReaSteil: Do not do that please, that can be offensive. That is a nazi swatika symbol01:38
sebsebsebtra421: #ubuntu+1 for 9.1001:38
mezquitaleSteil, how old are you, 12?01:38
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale, Lol01:39
Steilwhy is there character for it in ubuntu?01:39
dan2077edbian: but is it normal for things just to disappear the next day?01:39
KruppePCTeacher012_Rea, i PM'd you with the basis of my problem01:39
PCTeacher012_ReaSteil: Ubuntu is very diverse01:39
Steili thought that was what it was, but why is ubuntu support this: 卍?01:39
mezquitaleSteil, there is also ubuntu satanic version, i'm wondering why they have that as well01:39
Anal_PandemoniumEveryone is at kung fu fighting... Everyone is faster than lighting01:39
PCTeacher012_ReaKruppe: I  just notice sorry. The other PCTeacher is my account that is frozen01:39
KruppeNo problem01:40
tra421sebsebseb: my mistake! :)01:40
macotare1off: yeah, my roommate swears by hp. he's an ubuntu dev01:40
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale: Wow, really? That is amazing. I was going to download Ubuntu CE but i didnt want to wait 2 hours when i could just download the software it comes with ;)01:40
macotare1off: i buy from a company that sells ubuntu laptops, though: zareason.com01:40
PCTeacher012_Reamaco: HP is def the best manufacturer. I have emachines though -_- and a dell haha both from 98 :P01:40
sebsebsebmaco: nice01:41
PCTeacher012_ReaMy next laptop will be from dell and will be preinstalled with ubuntu ^_^01:41
medjaiAnyone here have a Google Wave account?01:41
sebsebseb!ot |  medjai01:41
ubottumedjai: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:41
mezquitalePCTeacher012_Rea, just do what I do, keep the download running all night, or just download the software if you dont really mind coexisting with everything else on regular ubuntu01:41
tare1offmaco: good because the market is flooded with used HP business puters...OH i will go look at that website now for a bit thks01:41
PCTeacher012_ReaMezquitale: What i am doing now, though i am getting fedora instead haha01:42
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dan2077edbian: i downloaded all compiz plugins from synaptic but they're still missing01:42
edbiandan2077: It is not normal lol01:42
edbiandan2077: Are they missing from ccsm?  Or do you just not have / know the buttons to activate them?01:42
mezquitaletare1off, just make sure the computer you buy has at the very least a Pentium 4 chip, anything else I wouldnt buy it01:43
dan2077edbian: plus i noticed that im missing something called Animations: Extras01:43
puppysgtcan anyone tell me if there are any active dansguardian channels for the Dansguardian web content filter01:43
dan2077edbian: they're missing from ccsm01:43
edbiandan2077: That is almost certainly the packages, check your software sources01:43
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale, Why do you recommened a P4? Just wondering. I use it lol01:43
perlsyntaxCan you update with apt-get or you have to wait?01:43
perlsyntaxon ubuntu 9.1001:43
w0ls0n_can someone tell me why im not getting sound with an Audigy 2?01:44
Berzerkerperlsyntax, #ubuntu+101:44
shafiqDoes ubuntu size expands with the installation of new packages or it already reserved the place during first installation01:44
macow0ls0n_: ummm that might be the creative where on *some* models you have to mute a certain output and on others you unmute...to toggle between analog and digital out01:44
puppysgtcan anyone tell me if there are any active dansguardian channels for the Dansguardian web content filter01:45
edbianshafiq: The partition does not grow but the installation of new software does take more room inside the partition01:45
macoshafiq: it wont grow outside the partition, if thats what you mean01:45
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: It uses what is avaible to it. If you gave it 30GiB, it will use it01:45
dan2077edbian: what do i check for in software sources?01:45
rickrosshi, I have a server that had 2 SSDs in RAID0 and which got detected as /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 - but one of them failed and both had to be pulled - now the devices that came after have moved up by 2 letters in their naming01:45
|nightrid3r|puppysgt: maybe check the dansguardian site01:45
rickrosscan we force these devices to have arbitrary names like /dev/sdd1 ?01:45
shafiqok but I gave it 3 GB only01:45
edbiandan2077: In the first tab what do you have enabled?01:45
shafiqis it enough01:46
edbianshafiq: It will be ok but there isn't a lot of room to install more software01:46
Tevilwhat java-web-package is the most compatible with websites?01:46
dan2077edbian: everythingg01:46
puppysgti did it said to try the #dansguardian channel01:46
shafiqoh sad01:46
IdleOneshafiq: 10GB would be better01:46
mezquitalewhen installing an OS in virtualbox, where does it get installed?  Can you install an OS to its own partition?01:46
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: Then it will only use 3Gib. Yea, it will be enough, but it wont fit like 400 programs haha, more like 100 depending on size01:46
puppysgti did and it was empty...no one in there01:46
edbiandan2077: That's odd, you should be getting these packages then.  I'm not sure why they're missing.01:46
sebsebsebmezquitale: you get a virtual hard disk01:46
macomezquitale: it goes into a file of whatever size you tell it01:46
edbianmezquitale: You create a file in the host os that acts as the guest's hard drive.01:46
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale: Yea, it gets its own hard disk (Virtual)01:46
sebsebsebmezquitale: the file for  that and the config files, will be in the hidden .virtualbox  folder in home01:46
dan2077edbian: maybe somehow it got downgraded? where do i check for the version of cssm?01:46
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: No problem01:46
puppysgti would think that there would be more than one dansguardian irc channel01:47
mezquitalemaco, but can I specify where the file should be stored or does it get automatically stored in a specific place?01:47
PCTeacher012_Reamezquitale: You can specify01:47
edbiandan2077: Synaptic can tell you what version of the package you have.  I don't think they got downgraded.  I'm not sure where they are though :(01:47
puppysgtso any other suggestions01:47
prozureusWhat's the name of that program that shows you all the GTK widgets like progress-bars and tick-boxes?01:48
IdleOnepuppysgt: the website01:48
macomezquitale: ~/.Virtualbox i think01:48
PCTeacher012_ReaQT+ prozureus01:48
mezquitalesebsebseb, so I can to edit my .virtualbox and point it to a specific partition then?01:48
sebsebsebmaco:  yes that01:48
puppysgtidleone...you mean the dansguardian website01:48
mezquitaleok thanks, let me do that right now01:48
prozureusPCTeacher012, that does it for GTK?01:48
prozureussounds like a QT based app01:48
Crayboffis there an equivilant of mojo or ourTunes for ubuntu?01:48
sebsebsebmezquitale:  you want to boot a psyical install of Windows in Virtualbox?01:48
IdleOnepuppysgt: yes. that would be the best place to get more info01:48
sebsebsebmezquitale: psyicall installs  use  partitions not  virtual machines, they use virtual hard disks01:49
puppysgtidleone...like i just said i tried that...i went to the one that it said...it was empty01:49
shafiqone more question.my  desktop window is divided in to 3 parts : top left,top right and bottom.bottom is the mirror of top left .top right is free I can't do anything with it.how can i use it01:49
PCTeacher012_Reaprozureus: I'm pretty sure01:49
sebsebsebmezquitale: and on those virtual hard disks you will  partition in the same way you would  a psyical install01:49
puppysgtidleone...i would think that there would be more01:49
mezquitalesebsebseb, I want to run XP on my ubuntu box using virtualbox, I want to install the virtual machine on an empty partition since I'm running out of space on "/", I have everything stored in "/"01:50
dan2077edbian: if something were to somehow be removed, would the change be updated in synaptic?01:50
PCTeacher012_Rea15 minutes till fedora is done :301:50
sebsebsebmezquitale: I see ok how big is your /01:50
PCTeacher012_ReaIve always had trouble burning an iso in ubuntu though -_- lol01:50
edbiandan2077: Almost def.  If not you have a MASSIVE problem. :)01:50
mezquitalesebsebseb, I have about 2 gigs left01:50
sebsebsebmezquitale: how big is it overall?01:50
puppysgtidleone...any other suggestions01:50
sebsebsebmezquitale: sounds like you have done a bad partition set up, hence running out of space01:51
IdleOnepuppysgt: none01:51
mezquitalesebsebseb, "/" is about 10 gigs, my hard drive is 500 gigs01:51
RakkoI'm compiling a kernel module and it prints out things like "CC [M]  /home/eric/Sources/opencbm-0.4.2a/sys/linux/cbm_module.o". How do I get it to print the actual command line instead?01:51
prozureusthewidgetfactory that's it :)01:51
edbiandan2077: The job of the package manager is to keep track of all the packages on the system.  If the packages changes without it knowing it's very bad.  Synaptic is a front end to the apt package manager01:51
shafiqany body reply?01:51
sebsebsebmezquitale: 10GB   /  is  usauully fine, as long as people have a seperate /home as well01:51
Tevilanyone who can tell me what java-package i should install, to get the most out of my websurfing?01:51
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: I would but this one i have no knowledge on, i use Virtual Desktops, not that haha01:51
dg1anyone use playonlinux01:51
_nightrid3r_Rakko: that was the command01:51
mezquitalesebsebseb, besides myself no one else uses the computer so it's fine01:51
sebsebsebmezquitale: and by default  Virtualbox is going to put your vm's in home in  the hidden .virtualbox  as I  already said01:51
Rakko_nightrid3r_: No, it's a "shortcut"01:52
shafiqok let me to explore01:52
sebsebsebmezquitale: you don't have enough space to have an XP  vm in  /01:52
sebsebsebmezquitale: haveing a seperate /home is good and useful01:52
sebsebseb!home |  mezquitale01:52
ubottumezquitale: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:52
marcosalgun español?01:52
PCTeacher012_Reashafiq: No problem01:52
mezquitalesebsebseb, yes but I can configure virtualbox so that I can install it in another partition?01:52
marcosalgun español?01:52
marcosalgun español?01:52
marcosalgun español?01:52
marcosalgun español?01:52
FloodBot1marcos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:52
IdleOne!es | marcos01:52
ubottumarcos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:52
PCTeacher012_Rea!es | marcos01:52
dg1anyone use playonlinux01:52
sebsebsebmezquitale: the virtual hard disk  file I think can be else where,  but the config file not sure.01:53
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:53
sebsebsebmezquitale: it's easier to just let it put all that stuff in .virtualbox in home01:53
sebsebsebmezquitale: and you can ask Virtualbox questions in #vbox01:54
mezquitalesebsebseb, in other words it's just easier to grab my live disk shot up gparted and enlarged my partition that has "/"?01:54
Tevilok, i want to know what java-package to install , so that i can login through my net-bank-account.01:54
sebsebsebmezquitale: if you have unpartitoned space on the hard disk you could do that yes,  of cousre when resizing partitions always a slight chance of dataloss01:54
IdleOne!java | Tevil01:55
draconismezquitale: you can make a symbolic link from any other partition to ~/.VirtualBox01:55
ubottuTevil: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:55
Tevilok, Thanks01:55
sebsebsebmezquitale: seperate homes are good since they make re installs of Ubuntu or even distro hopping much easier01:55
IdleOneTevil: some banks are still stuck in the IE only mode but give it a shot01:55
mezquitalesebsebseb, I tried that, didnt really work out for me so I just install everything in "/" and my data in its own partition01:56
TevilIdleone, ok01:56
sebsebsebmezquitale: tried it when?  it's easier to set up a seperate home partition when installing Ubuntu01:57
Mercwhats ubuntu?01:58
omacwhere do I go to discuss bugs in karmic koala beta 1?01:58
PCTeacher012_Rea7 minutes till Fedora is done ^_^01:58
PCTeacher012_Reaomac: #ubuntu+101:58
sebsebsebmezquitale: oh  well  9.10 is here soon, with  nice default Ext4 support :)  not for  Ext3 9.04 upgrades though.   Maybe clean install Ubuntu then and whilst your at it make a seperate /home01:58
Mercwhats ubuntu?01:58
Mercwhats ubuntu?01:58
Mercwhats ubuntu?01:58
FloodBot1Merc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
omacthank you sebsebseb01:58
mezquitalesebsebseb, I install ubuntu quite often and I found it easier to just have a separate partition for my data and just install everything in "/"01:59
Mercwhats ubuntu?01:59
sebsebsebomac: For what?01:59
sebsebseb!ubuntu | Merc01:59
ubottuMerc: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:59
dotakuiscomputer model ASUS W90 Linux laptop 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:48:52 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:59
dotakuisDisplay controller: ATI Technologies Inc M98 XT [Mobility Radeon HD 4870]01:59
dotakuisare there any drivers for the ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB video card? checked the AMD website and all they had was 4800 driver not the 4870 and it crashes Gui. anyone know what I might do? Proprietary hardware drivers not in use and when activated and restart computer it fails to load gui. Envyng was installed and tried to use it but pretty much same result as the proprietary drivers.01:59
FloodBot1dotakuis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
dotakuisand sorry for the delay just wanted to get all my info01:59
PCTeacher012_Reabrb. Gotta do dishes -_01:59
PCTeacher012_Rea!pastebin | dotakuis01:59
ubottudotakuis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:59
omacPCTeacher012_Rea:  Thank you.01:59
PCTeacher012_Reaomac: Your welcome02:00
sebsebsebmezquitale:well you can do that02:00
omacsorry sebsebseb.  I thanked the wrong person.02:00
PCTeacher012_Reabrb all02:00
sebsebsebmezquitale: I think with  virtualbox  you can just put the virtual hard disk file on your data partition,  then edit the file in .virtualbox or something, and tell it to  use the data partition02:00
mezquitalesebsebseb, the latest and greatest virtualbox partition lets me create a virtual disk, i already pointed it to the partition with my data02:01
sebsebsebmezquitale: virtualbox partition???02:01
screamHow do I restore all my network settings to default.  My eth0 does not seem to be managed anymore by the network-manager02:02
mezquitalesebsebseb,  that's right, you just tell it where to store the file and it create the virtual disk02:02
fearfulmezquitale, yea virtual disk not partition02:02
dan2077edbian: is there a system repair program like tuneup for linux?02:03
sebsebseb!ubuntu | Merc02:03
ubottuMerc: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:03
edbiandan2077: What does tuneup do?02:03
sebsebseb!troll | Merc02:03
ubottuMerc: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel02:03
pete_how do I change desktop icon size ?02:03
dan2077edbian: fix registry errors, clean uneeded items, defrag02:04
edbiandan2077: see my pm ?02:04
Merchey phantomcircuit my old buddy. How goes it?02:04
dan2077edbian: no02:05
Mercand shazam too! How goes it shazam?02:05
dan2077edbian: yeah02:05
Mercphantomcircuit: welcome back!02:05
MercHow goes it?02:05
fearfulpete_, right click > stretch02:05
Mercring0: my old friend, how goes it?02:06
Gr1nreaperI think I've wasted all day, and am about at the end of my patience.02:06
Gr1nreaperwhy does gparted show 4 entries for my nvidia raid 1 array?02:06
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: I dont succeed.. I have now GRUB 1.96 but still the error about loading the kernel02:06
Merchey ysf, my old friend, remember me?02:07
Gr1nreapercan someone please help me with my array?02:07
IdleOne!ot > Merc02:08
ubottuMerc, please see my private message02:08
ring0Merc, sorry, i don't think i know you02:08
Rakkoignore merc02:08
Mercyeah from highschool02:08
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: upgrading to grub2 would solve this, wouldnt it? if so, how can I do this using the live cd?02:08
sebsebseb!ops |  Merc being silly in the channel02:08
ubottuMerc being silly in the channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:08
IdleOneMerc: please stop02:08
kmk420hey im having a problem installing gyachi02:09
kmk420i fallowed the directions here http://www.atoztoa.com/2009/06/yahoo-messenger-in-ubuntu.html02:09
navatwoWhat is the general command to compile programs? `make` is not working, nor is `make all` what would be my best bet. I'm trying to compile the Canon MX320 3.1 driver.02:09
Gr1nreaperIdleOne, I don't know you from highschool, but perhaps you can help with my fakeraid?02:09
IdleOneGr1nreaper: i'm sorry but I don't know anything about raid02:10
kmk420but when i type in sudo apt-get install gyachi in the terminal it says not found02:10
IdleOne!raid | Gr1nreaper  have you looked at this02:10
ubottuGr1nreaper  have you looked at this: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:10
Berzerkerkmk420, you need a yahoo messenger?02:10
navatwokmk420: try looking for it in synaptic, might be called something else02:10
Berzerkerkmk420, pidgin isn't good?02:10
kmk420yes i do02:10
ssmykmk420: any particular reason you aren't just using pidgin? also you probably need to sudo apt-get update in terminal02:10
ysfI'm trying to install (a fresh, vom alternate cd) koala - but everytime he configures the upstart service he reboots. when i launched the recovery mode i could dpkg --configure the remaining packages but it always reboots after upstart. do you have a hint what i can do to continue the install?02:10
MenZa!karmic | ysf02:10
ubottuysf: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:10
brunnerIs there such think as a kernel backport package for hardy?  I want to upgrade to a newer kernel, but I want to keep as many other packages as is possible.  Any ideas?02:11
kmk420yes i need yahoo02:11
navatwoWhat is the general command to compile programs? `make` is not working, nor is `make all` what would be my best bet. I'm trying to compile the Canon MX320 3.1 driver.02:11
Berzerkerkmk420, use pidgin, it has yahoo support02:11
ysfthx a lot02:11
kmk420oh awesome ty02:11
edbianI would like to set up a linux network where I can administer my users from one central point (the server) similar to windows "roaming profiles" What options do I have to do this under linux?02:11
Gr1nreaperthanks Ubottu, I've been there, and none of them are helping02:12
terryIs there a good site or book out there to learn the commands for Linux?02:13
PCTeacher012_ReaIm back haaha02:13
ssmyGr1nreaper: just fyi but ubottu is the channel bot02:13
IdleOne!cli | terry02:13
ubottuterry: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:13
Cyrano_Deedbian: ldap and NFS (NFS only on a trusted network)02:13
_nightrid3r_terry: the linux documentation project02:13
etyrnalcan someone tell me if my grub quest is even possible?02:13
sebsebsebterry: Ubuntu Pocket Guide02:13
Gr1nreaperwell aware of that, but since he's such a polite bot, I thought I'd pretend a little02:14
sebsebseb!thanks |  Gr1nreaper02:14
ubottuGr1nreaper: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:14
terryOk thanks everyone. I have also found the man command to be very helpful02:14
edbianCyrano_De: Is this the de facto standard?02:14
Cyrano_Deterry: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse02:14
navatwoWhat is the general command to compile programs? `make` is not working, nor is `make all` what would be my best bet. I'm trying to compile the Canon MX320 3.1 driver.02:14
sebsebsebterry: np02:14
kmk420i cant see my buddie list with pidgin any suggestions?02:14
Cyrano_Deedbian: I don't know about de facto standard.  They are used pretty extensively.02:14
=== d0wn_ is now known as d0wn
edbianCyrano_De: I have been trying to set up NIS but it is buggy.  I'm having trouble with the groups.02:15
=== mac9416 is now known as JohnEdwards
=== JohnEdwards is now known as mac9416
Cyrano_Deedbian: NIS is also rather dated and for all intents and purposes depricated.02:15
IdleOnenavatwo: probably need to install the build-essential package then try to compile02:16
PCTeacher012_Reaoh, goodie! My sis wasted two cds by putting 1 or 2 files that are 10KiB on it -_-  I need it for fedora <_<02:16
navatwoIdleOne: I'm sorry, what?02:16
edbianCyrano_De: The impression I got was the ldap is over kill.  What do you think about that?  Is there a smaller option?02:16
Cyrano_Deedbian: LDAP has been used in many places as a direct replacement for NIS.02:16
navatwoohh, I get it. nvm02:16
IdleOnenavatwo: what error are you getting?02:16
FloodBot1Merc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
navatwomake[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kevin/Desktop/cnijfilter-source-3.10/libs' make: *** [all] Error 102:17
LjLMerc: just quit it02:17
FloodBot1Merc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
Cyrano_Deedbian: LDAP is the only one I am aware of.  Active Directory being just another LDAP/Kerberose server.02:17
dan20771edbian: system crashed02:17
navatwoIdleOne: that was the error02:17
PCTeacher012_ReaGosh Merc is getting annoying02:17
edbiandan20771: Sorry to here that!  Do you know why?02:17
dan20771edbian: i changed from some backend to kde backend to see what it does02:18
Rakkostop removing the ban02:18
IdleOnenavatwo: yeah I see. don't know sorry02:18
edbiandan20771: Backend for what?02:18
sebsebsebRakko: it's a bot so it does02:18
navatwoI have debian packages for the drivers, but they are not the right architecture02:18
navatwowhich is suuuuper unfortunate02:19
RakkoI know02:19
IdleOneRakko: the ban is just a silence mode used on freenode. the bot is programmed to set it and remove it02:19
dan20771edbian: GConf configuration backend to KDE Configuration Backend in CCSM02:19
edbiandan20771: If you don't have KDE then you don't have the KDE configuration backend silly :)02:19
navatwoIs there a way to install 32bit architecture programs in x64?02:19
dan20771edbian: im not sure if i have kde or not02:20
hoo-hahHi guys! I get heaps of the following errors in my .xsession-errors. Are they safe to ignore? (firefox:5310): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead02:20
draconisnavatwo: you usually can't do that02:20
navatwodan20771: are you on a standard installation of ubuntu?02:20
PCTeacher012O_O I found my other account's still in a terminal that was lost! LOL02:20
navatwodraconis: I know but the only available drivers are in 32bit02:20
dan20771navatwo: Ubuntu Ultimate Edtion 2.302:20
draconisnavatwo: drivers for cnijfilter?02:21
navatwodan20771: what is that.. :< sorry, I was looking more for a distro haha.02:21
navatwodraconis: yes.02:21
dan20771navatwo: i think it's a modified version of the ubuntu distro02:21
navatwodan20771: use the regular distro's haha02:21
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:22
dan20771navatwo: so ubuntu is GNOME?02:22
PCTeacher012haha i love that photo he left us :302:22
navatwoby standard.. kubuntu is KDE02:22
navatwoPCTeacher012: I cant see it02:22
navatwodraconis: have you any idea how to get some?02:22
dan20771navatwo: and what about ubunto02:22
terryIm running beta of Karmic now and I like it02:23
draconisnavatwo: didn't you have a source archive?02:23
PCTeacher012It is a penguin holding a gun to the Windows symbol :302:23
navatwodan20771: hmm?02:23
navatwodraconis: Yes, I do from canon-europe02:23
edbiandan20771: ubunto is some knock-off as is ubuntu "ultimate edition"02:23
navatwoI've honestly never heard of ulitmate edition.. seems like a rip-off/excuse to sell to me02:24
dan20771it's free lol02:24
PulsewidthIs there any way to get the 9.10 beta netbook remix .iso to book from usb stick?02:24
PCTeacher012where do i find virtualbox in the menu?02:24
MichaelKohlerstarcannon: I succeeded.. I had just to do a upgrade-grub2 and reboot :) thanks a lot for your help02:24
BerzerkerPulsewidth, I've had trouble trying to get it to boot, I ended up burning it to a CD02:24
navatwodraconis: ?02:24
VantraxPulsewidth, did you use the tool to create the stick?02:25
PulsewidthI don't have a USB cd drive02:25
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416
PulsewidthVantrax: tried using UNetBootIN02:25
dan20771edbian: ok so switching backends was a bad idea02:25
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: sometimes  programs don't  add themselves just like that to the menu, re installing usually helps, but also logging out of Ubuntu and back in again02:25
navatwodan20771: wasn't a good one..02:25
navatwoPCTeacher012: how did you isntall it?02:26
edbiandan20771: The first time it was a good idea cause you learned something.  From now on doing it again would be a bad idea.02:26
PCTeacher012imma try reinstalling first :p sebsebseb And i installed it from the .deb package from their site02:26
PulsewidthI think there's some difference in the bootloader with CD and USB stick02:26
PulsewidthAnd unetbootin failed to convert it02:26
navatwoPCTeacher012: just install it from apt-get02:26
dan20771navatwo: do you have any idea on how to recover a few animatins in CCSM?02:26
PCTeacher012k haha02:26
navatwodan20771: no, sorry02:26
sebsebsebnavatwo  PCTeacher012  the open source version from the repo/apt-get does not have USB support02:26
draconisnavatwo: I believe you have to run ./autogen.sh in each and every subdirectory02:26
PCTeacher012uh oh. Something has a hold of the administrative directory -_-02:27
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: plus  USB support needs setting up in the one that does02:27
PCTeacher012Gotta log off ubuntu then back on haha02:27
PCTeacher012BRB all02:27
ubottuyes, I'm alive.02:27
mgmuscaricool, that works02:27
dan20771edbian: do you think i should download the latest version of CCSM and install it?02:27
thneedhello, I tried to make a partition using gparted and I screwed up my computer, I want to reinstall but I cannot mount an iso image of the ubuntu due to the partition and I also cannot get netinstall to load fully because the gui crashes...is there a command to wipe all existing data (it's all backed up) so I can complete fresh install?02:27
mgmuscarithneed: you want to clear out the partition table?02:28
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)02:28
edbiandan20771: Don't download from the website if that' what you're asking.  The package in the repos is good enough.  OK here: search "compiz" in synaptic and list to me all of the packages you have that are installed.02:28
edbiandan20771: That is, list them in a PM :)02:28
terrythanks again everyone. Gotta go for now02:28
thneedmgmuscari: yeah, I suppose02:29
dan20771edbian: how do i pm?02:29
thneedmgmuscari: I am stuck in bash for all of this...and I am still learning fdisk commands02:29
hoo-hahdan20771: type /msg <recipient> text_to_send02:29
hoo-hahdan20771: or you can type /query <recipient> to open up a chat like dialog02:29
mgmuscarithneed: well if you want to delete all the partitions on the drive, to fdisk /dev/sdX02:30
mgmuscariin my case it'd be /dev/sda02:30
downstarim running jaunty and it wont let wine load the install.exe off a dvd rom. ideas?02:31
mgmuscariand er, i guess you can list the partitions with p02:31
mgmuscarionce you're in the fdisk utility02:31
thneedmgmuscari: then I can run the installation disk with less problems I think02:31
mgmuscariuse d to delete a partition02:31
mgmuscariit'll ask you for a number02:31
iceroot_downstar: search the appdb if the porgram is supported02:31
iceroot_!wine | downstar02:31
ubottudownstar: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:31
mgmuscariwhen you're done deleting partitions, type w to write the changes and reboot02:31
downstarits a game, originally made for windows. doubt its supported.02:32
iceroot_!appdb | downstar02:32
ubottudownstar: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:32
mgmuscaridownstar: does your game use some annoying copy protection?02:33
mgmuscaridoes anybody here know much about networking?02:34
thneedmgmuscari: only a little02:34
mgmuscarii'm trying to set up two routers in my house - one behind the other02:34
downstarof course, and i have to agree to this damned EULA but the agree box wont let me click accept, tho it says its available once you get to the end, which i do. but still nothing02:34
mgmuscarii'm behind the second one right now, and connections to the internet are working, but my tracert output seems odd:02:35
mgmuscariinstead of 2-7 i expect something like any thoughts?02:35
Paul1957aahi all. I have a hiccup in xubuntu. It's starting ok, but no panel. I do have all the right click menus so it's useable, but I like the panel at the bottom of the screen. Any idea how I can start it up?02:35
Paul1957aaoh yeah. It isn't a new install and has been running fine previously.02:36
Mike_lifeguardHow can I have apache serve domain.com/thing when someone requests domain.com?02:36
mgmuscariPaul1957aa: right click on an existing panel and choose "new panel"02:36
Paul1957aathere is no panel02:36
cody_What program should i use to burn ISOs?02:37
cody_Brasero does not work02:37
mgmuscarino panel at all? is gdm starting propery?02:37
mgmuscariMike_lifeguard: i think you can do that with your .htaccess02:37
downstarubuntu comes with a cd/dvd burning program i believe cody02:37
thneedcody_: gnomebaker02:37
iceroot_downstar: sounds like wow02:37
mgmuscariwith the DirectoryIndex directive02:37
mgmuscariPaul1957aa: gnome desktop manager02:37
cody_downstar: It does, but it will not burn the iso02:37
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FiReSTaRTcody_: brasero02:37
iceroot_downstar: the wine-version from jaunty cant install wow02:37
cody_thneed: Thanks, i will download now02:37
cody_FiReSTaRT: It does not burn the ISO02:37
Paul1957aaxubuntu is xfce I think02:38
thneedcody_: yeah, remember the option is in the file menu dropdown02:38
iceroot_Paul1957aa: correct02:38
cody_thneed: I did, it says can not burn with current plugins02:38
downstardo you know a fix for me iceroot_:02:38
FiReSTaRTcody_: Burn Image - Burn an existing CD/DVD image to disc02:38
FiReSTaRTcody_: ISO = disc image02:38
iceroot_downstar: yes, use the wine-version from the wine-repos to install wow. that version is running. they have a jaunty-repo02:38
cody_FiReSTaRT: I know that. It still will not burn it02:39
mgmuscariMike_lifeguard: i guess you could also use the Redirect directive02:39
downstariceroot: wine did install original and bc, but not wotlk.02:39
FiReSTaRTcody_: could be an issue with the image itself if the application you created it with was getting cute02:39
iceroot_downstar: yes i know, its a known wine-bug with wotlk02:39
cody_FiReSTaRT: Says can not burn with current plugins. I am burning Fedora 11 image02:39
cody_686 MiB roughly02:40
FiReSTaRTcody_: so you're missing a particular plug-in02:40
cody_Imma keep ubuntu on this computer and have fedora and another. And i guess FiReSTaRT02:40
downstarso can you give me an explanation of what to do iceroot?02:40
cody_Im I'm downloading gnomebaker02:40
cody_installing now actually02:40
iceroot_downstar: go to the wine-homepage, go to download and read the instructions to add there repo for wine02:40
thneedmgmuscari: so, I want to make sure as I am making this new partition (after removing the old ones) that I leave enough space on root...so I havbe an 80g hard drive and I should make one lprimary partition of about how many sectors?02:40
FiReSTaRTcody_: that's weird..  the stock configuration burned images for me without any issues right off the bat02:41
mgmuscarierrr that depends on the sector size i guess02:41
cody_FiReSTaRT: Really? Really weird O_O Ah well lol Gnome baker is doin it fine02:41
downstariceroot: is it that scott richey thing?02:41
cody_1 min till finished02:41
cody_Gonna go grab other comp02:41
iceroot_downstar: dont know what you mean02:42
FiReSTaRTfound it!!02:42
FiReSTaRTcody_: GIYF Brasero md5sum plugin is buggy - disable it, then you can burn a CD/DVD ISO image :)02:42
FiReSTaRTcody_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/19956102:42
downstariceroot: different question, this repo i need on this installation guide is whats causing this wotlk to not download?02:42
cody_FiReSTaRT: I dont know how to do anything in that program :P:P02:43
cody_64% burned in Gnome Baker :302:43
FiReSTaRTcody_: lemme fire it up02:43
Paul1957aaok. thanks anyway. just noticed a xubuntu channel.02:43
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cody_Do you think it will still boot of it since there were two files that equaled 660.5 KiB on it?02:43
iceroot_downstar: the repo has the newest wine-version without that wotlk-bug02:43
FiReSTaRTcody_: edit, plugins and just uncheck the image checksum plugin02:43
cody_FiReSTaRT: Oh, okay, thanks, ill try it out. Did you read my earlier message?02:44
dan20771im missing all the animations that i had on previously on CCSM, any fixes?02:44
downstarah so then after i add that repo im going to have to run apt-get update wine?02:44
FiReSTaRTcody_: that's why i looked it up for you :)02:44
iceroot_downstar: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine02:44
navatwodraconis: still here?02:44
downstarah k02:45
cody_FiReSTaRT: Well, my question was: Will it still boot since two files not related to it were already on it:02:45
dan20771can anyone help me with a CCSM problem?02:45
cody_There is enough room02:45
navatwoI ran ./auto?? in ever directory as required, it still is erroring just with a lot more output02:45
iceroot_!anyone | dan2077102:45
ubottudan20771: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:45
downstarwhats the command to tell me my version again? not sure if its 8.10 or 8.0402:45
iceroot_downstar: lsb_release -a02:45
FiReSTaRTcody_: ahhh no idea.. ifyou already burned something on the disc and are burning an image to it... that'd be a first for me02:45
downstarthank you02:45
cody_FiReSTaRT: My dumb sister burned two files that equaled 600 KiB out of 700 MB -_- So i hope it still works. It was the last CD02:46
dan20771can anyone help me with a CCSM animations problem?02:46
FiReSTaRTcody_: yikes.. i'd generally say it won't work but you can always try.. i hope her funeral was nice :P02:46
souglyi need help ?02:47
cody_FiReSTaRT: HAAHHAA I hope it was ;) I will see if it still works and let you know if it worked or not. Im installing it on an old win98 comp02:47
sougly"terminal on your computer, and navigate to the folder containing the adb file"02:47
iceroot_!ask | sougly02:47
ubottusougly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:47
cody_Switching now (i only have 2 power cords, 1 for monitor, one for PC, so PC sayss bye :P)02:47
cody_Ill let you know soon02:47
FiReSTaRTcody_: the os doesn't matter, but i hope you're running at least 512 if you're running any flavour of ubuntu.. even xubuntu was painfully slow on a 256mb machine.. ended up picking up an extra gig :)02:48
dan20771can anyone help me recover animations in CCSM?02:48
iceroot_dan20771: this is the ubuntu-support channel02:49
MenZaiceroot_: CCSM is within the scope of #ubuntu - compiz config.02:49
downstarso, have half of you guys learned what you know through messing with linux or reading a manual/taking a class02:49
hoo-hahany of you using chromium? what's the state of it in ubuntu?02:49
navatwogoogle chrome doesnt work yet?02:49
MenZadownstar: I think you'll find that most of us are self-taught, i.e. option 1 - and community support, like here.02:50
MenZahoo-hah: There's a PPA if you want to test it. It works decently for me.02:50
dan20771where is the compiz support problem?02:50
iceroot_MenZa: didnt know what ccsm is.02:50
souglyhow could i navigate an folder to the terminal ?02:50
bviktoryou're famous, sorry :P  http://code.google.com/p/freakschat/02:50
iceroot_dan20771: and now ask a real question and not this "can anyone.."02:50
MenZa!chromium | hoo-hah02:50
ubottuhoo-hah: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa02:50
Prohibitedsougly: cd /DIRECTORY (eg cd /home/<user>)02:51
dan20771iceroot_: a few animations in ccsm disappeared, how can i make it into a question02:51
downstarwhat is this ubottu? type something simple and it gives a brief explanation of what you typed? (new to this irc sorry! :P)02:51
iceroot_dan20771: with details02:51
downstardan20771: a few animations in ccsm dissappeared, anyone know how to get them back (something of the sort)02:52
Prohibiteddownstar: ubottu is a bot that has answers, links etc to some problems for ubuntu. it also has some information about channel conduct.02:52
MenZadownstar: It's #ubuntu's info bot. We use it to store factoids, i.e. helpful snippets. Try to do '/msg ubottu ubottu' to get more information about the bot - with links and everything.02:52
dan20771but is there a compiz support channel?02:52
iceroot_dan20771: #compiz  i think02:52
downstardan: google it imo02:52
dan20771ill check it out02:52
Prohibitedwhat software should I use to recover some files that just got deleted when I reformatted my partition?02:52
worldwarcheeseHi everyone. I need help reloading my proprietary graphics card driver.02:53
mgmuscariProhibited: your files are likely gone...02:53
downstarprohibited: i dont think u can recover files from deleted partitions..02:53
mgmuscariworldwarcheese: what vendor?02:53
kittydepends on how far you let the deletion process go02:53
DasEiimran: here ?02:53
imranCan someone please tell me name of software to unarchive "7-ZIP" files?02:53
ProhibitedYou can retrieve files that have been *deleted* until they have been overwritten02:53
kittydid you delete the partition then make a new one and re-format it?02:53
Prohibitedkitty; reformat02:53
DasEiimran: 7zip and unp02:53
downstariceroot_: its giving me an access denied error when trying what you said. but atleast its attempting to open it now.02:53
mgmuscariworldwarcheese: sorry, i only know fglrx installation problems :/02:54
Line_Breaka moment ago there was 1337 people online. :O02:54
downstarlol line02:54
* slam_ is 133702:54
worldwarcheese'Sokay, mate. No worries02:54
kittyyou're boned, you can try the one util that will look for the central directory structures that shouldn't be over written yet, but its still hit and miss with what it'll find02:54
nutterpcworldwarcheese, why not just use the nvidia driver in synaptics?02:54
dan2077there are no compiz support channels02:54
DasEiimran: p7zip-full and unp , precisely02:54
mgmuscariProhibited: it's probably all gone... sorry man02:54
souglyprohibited:bash: cd: /home/sougly/Desktop/adb: Not a directory02:55
worldwarcheeseIt can't support some games and I find Compiz runs smoother on the proprietary drivers02:55
orange--You guys realize that ubuntu screen management sucks horribly compared to windows...02:55
kittyorange-- and?02:55
imranDasEi, what is unp02:55
nutterpcconsidering worldwarcheese that BFG use the propietary drivers02:55
Prohibitedmgmuscari: hm. brb, rebooting02:55
DasEi!info unp | imran02:55
ubottuimran: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (jaunty), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB02:55
Line_Breakorange--: take your trolling elsewhere please.02:55
imranDasEi, o lol thanks :)02:56
downstarif i want to log on as root, the actualy username in ubuntu, but never made a password.. how would i go about finding it out?02:56
orange--I'm glad you all asked. That's nice considering the potential flames. Try opening multiple windows and alt-tabbing through them. My computer takes seconds02:56
jimcooncatbut we've got devilspie and enlightenment02:56
Prohibitedmgmuscari: the files aren't that important, it'll just take a LONG time to transfer them off my backup02:56
orange--on windows it is instantaneous02:56
iceroot_!sudo | downstar02:56
ubottudownstar: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:56
dan2077im missing some animations in CCSM, can anyone help me get them back?02:56
iceroot_!root | downstar02:56
ubottudownstar: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:56
mgmuscariProhibited: it'll probably take longer to try to recover them from a wiped partition,02:56
Line_Breakdoes anyone know where the command sudo comes from? like what its origins are?02:57
iceroot_Line_Break: Super User DO02:57
DasEiimran : unp blah.7zip02:57
Line_Breakiceroot_: lol?02:57
Berzerkerit's more like you're a pseudo administrator02:58
Berzerkerpseudo was too hard to spell, sudo is easier02:58
Line_BreakBerzerker: xD02:58
downstaram i supposed to install root-system-bin for that root thing iceroot:02:58
imranDasEi, oh i need terminal?02:58
iceroot_Berzerker: man sudo = (s)uper (u)ser (do)02:58
navatwoI need some help, I need a .ppd or at least source files I can use to compile and use my canon MX320 printer.02:58
dan2077does anyone know how to recover a few animations from CCSM that disappeared?02:59
DasEiimran: yes or right-click it (terminal-user here XD)02:59
iceroot_!repeat | dan207702:59
ubottudan2077: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:59
prajjwalis there a way to make the terminal only CALL a program as oppossed to running it via the terminal (i.e. if i typed <command> firefox, then it would open the firefox window and i could close the terminal w/o closing firefox ??? )02:59
downstariceroot: thanks for that wine repo update information, but i still had to go to windows and copy the whole cd contents to a folder, and mount it on my ubuntu. its installing now, but for future reference is there a fix for this?03:00
MenZaprajjwal: Try firefox &03:00
Berzerkericeroot_, man file has no info on the origins of sudo, nor does it say anything about it being super user do, but it could be because they changed it for karmic03:00
iceroot_prajjwal: command&03:00
imrangot it thanks DasEi03:01
washburnello1dg1:how's the VM doing?03:01
orange--So If I wanted quick screen refreshes on UBUNTU and the ability to alt-tab between apps instantaneously are there any $500 laptop solutions?03:01
iceroot_Berzerker: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudo  first sentence03:02
prajjwalthanks MenZa and iceroot_03:02
crypt_dudeI have a partition on my drive that is encrypted from a previous ubuntu install.  The problem is I don't know how to mount it automatically at boot.  I can mount it manually, but I would like for Ubuntu to do it for me.  Is this possible?03:02
dg1its worked pretty good, yet i guess vm didnt have enough juice to run a newer directx game03:02
thneedokay, I just cleared all my partitions and made 2 new ones that are 50% of my disk and now I am trying to install, my netinstall will not load automatically even though I switched boot order to load cdrom first, how do I mount an iso again? sudo mount -o iso9600 loop /path to /destination?03:02
Berzerkericeroot_, nothing like that in the en wiki03:03
xoverukdoes anyone know where i can get a SSH shell from for tunneling HTTP?03:03
washburnello1they can take a lot of horsepower due to the split03:03
dg1its cool to play in though03:03
iceroot_Berzerker: http://www.softpanorama.org/Access_control/sudo.shtml03:03
imranHelp again please : Error opening file '/media/disk/imran/Earthbound.smc': Input/output error03:04
dg1im messing with steam half life 2 now, trying to get it to work right03:04
washburnello1imran: you trying to play snes games?03:04
washburnello1dg1: cool03:04
=== booboo is now known as coz_
imranwashburnello1, trying to copy to my ps3 so i can play on ps3 - so yes03:05
crypt_dudeI have a partition on my drive that is encrypted from a previous ubuntu install.  The problem is I don't know how to mount it automatically at boot.  I can mount it manually, but I would like for Ubuntu to do it for me.  Is this possible?03:05
orange--It's great that Ubuntu boots quickly now. Is anybody doing something about screen management so alt-tabs don't take seconds?03:05
iceroot_Berzerker: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Super+User+Do03:05
iceroot_Berzerker: need more links?03:06
cody_The burn did not work.03:06
imranwell, thats stupid - seems ubuntu doesnt like my folder on the flash drive, dropped to root of drive and worked.03:06
imrannvm, thanks anyways03:06
Berzerkericeroot_, yes please03:06
pipegeekam I correct in assuming that the version of empathy IM in the karmic beta doesn't allow you to change the font used for IMs, or to set bold/italic?03:06
cody_FiReSTaRT: I disabled ALL the plugins and i get THIS error:03:06
cody_"Please replace the disc witha a supported CD or DVD. It is not possible to write with the current set of plugins."03:06
iceroot_Berzerker: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&hs=2hI&q=superuser+do&start=10&sa=N   178.000 links03:06
washburnello1imran: I like EB03:06
DasEixoveruk: simply install ssh ?03:07
Berzerkericeroot_, need more please, thanks03:07
pipegeekhmm, or to set a buddy icon for that matter03:07
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thneedcody_: with gnomebaker?03:07
downstari was trying to install a game with wine opening the installer, but it wouldnt open anything, so i got info and updated my wine repo, and it gave me an access denied msg. however when i copied the contents to a windows drive on a seperate folder, and opened it up in ubuntu, it worked just fine. is there a fix for this so i dont have to copy cd's to a windows partition everytime i wanna install a game using wine?03:07
thneedcody_: does your comp recognize your cdrom?03:07
iceroot_Berzerker: :) its superuser do. and now lets top it03:07
cody_thneed: No, with Brasero. With gnomebaker it wont even open the CD. And yes, it does recognize it03:07
DasEidownstar: chown / chmod the dir cd is mounted to03:08
iceroot_Berzerker: +s03:08
damaguhey all: what's the best ubuntu alternative to mac os x's spotlight?03:08
thneedokay, I just cleared all my partitions and made 2 new ones that are 50% of my disk and now I am trying to inscody_: open the cd? you don't open it in gnomebaker03:08
damaguis it deskbar?03:08
pipegeekoh, just found the latter03:08
FiReSTaRTcody_: was that the cd that she burned 600kb on?03:08
thneedcody_: you don't open the cd03:08
cody_FiReSTaRT: Lol, yes. This other one has probably 200 KB03:08
Berzerkericeroot_, what?03:09
DasEidownstar: sudo chown downstar /media/cdrom   and   sudo chmod +x /media/cdrom  f.e.03:09
iceroot_Berzerker: i have written top but wanted to write stop03:09
cody_thneed: I'm saying after i burned it. I tried to boot on 2 computers to no avail. So in a computer, i tried to open to see how it burned it, and it said it failed to open the CD03:09
FiReSTaRTcody_: i sincerely doubt you'll be able to burn anything onto those lol.. anyways buddy, time for me to pop in a movie and relax.. gotta traffic court date tomorrow :)03:09
DasEiimran : sorry , never tried this03:09
FiReSTaRTgood luck finding a blank ;)03:09
Berzerkericeroot_, oh ok, I'll top :P03:09
cody_FiReSTaRT: Okay, thanks :03:09
cody_BRB all03:09
FloodBot1cody_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:09
thneedcody_: how are you trying to open the iso?03:10
downstardasEI: this error message came up when using chmod +wrx cdrom03:10
downstarchmod: changing permissions of `cdrom': Read-only file system03:10
damaguhello can someone tell me the best alternative to mac os x's spotlight for ubuntu?03:10
DarkMage2303Whenever I try to try Wicd Network Manager, it crashes. Also, the computer is unable to access the internet (due to Wicd not opening?)03:10
downstardid i just add permissions that couldnt be used im guessing?03:10
DasEidownstar: w ?!03:10
=== DarkMage2303 is now known as Prohibited
downstarwhat lol xD03:10
downstaroh...was i supposed to do it to the file.. not the cdrom dir itself xD?03:11
crypt_dudeCan anyone tell me how to have an encrypted partition be automatically mounted at boot?03:11
downstarDasEi: im confused :/03:11
imranOk, Im trying to run ubuntu on PS3 to emulate SNES... Im trying to use xSNES9Express or whatever its called, but everytime i try to choose a rom or the directory its in and hit "Select rom" it tells me that it has not found a correct rom03:11
thneedcrypt_dude: no, but that is an awesome question03:12
DasEidownstar: sudo chown -R downstar /media/cdrom   and   sudo chmod -R +x /media/cdrom  , to get subdirs03:12
imranHow the f*** is it supposed to read anything but a .SMC?03:12
DasEior wherever your cd is mounted,  downstar03:12
prajjwaldoes anyone know how to auto-mount an existing partition ???03:13
downstarwhat does chown do?03:13
canthus13prajjwal: Add it to your fstab03:13
DasEidownstar: the error you get because you can't write to cd, and when I think of installer, if they don't ask where to installl to, that won't work03:13
oobedoes anyone here know what causes this  WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :003:13
thneedokay, I just cleared all my partitions and made 2 new ones that are 50% of my disk and now I am trying to install ubuntu from bash, I have both an iso and a netinstall, I cannot get either to load, can someone help?03:13
pipegeekdownstar: chown changes the ownership of a file or directory03:13
oobeit happens randomly every 2 or so days03:13
downstaroh..DUH chOWN. sigh sorry03:14
fearfulimran, be patient not everyone knows your answer03:14
downstarDasEi: it still gives access denied :/03:14
imranI've been working on this for monthes now and its not working I WANT ANSWERS03:15
TheRealMezquitalsebsebseb, thanks for the tip, installing XP in virtualbox is now a breeze, next im going to try vista03:15
DasEidownstar: you owned it to the regular user ?03:15
TheRealMezquitalimran, whats not working?03:15
imranOk, Im trying to run ubuntu on PS3 to emulate SNES... Im trying to use xSNES9Express or whatever its called, but everytime i try to choose a rom or the directory its in and hit "Select rom" it tells me that it has not found a correct rom03:15
sebsebsebTheRealMezquital: Which tip?03:15
DasEiimran: did your paypal ? nvm , got a link of that app ?03:15
downstarDasEi: uhh... i think? not sure tbh, i typed whatever you told me to lol03:15
DasEidownstar: man chmod03:16
TheRealMezquitalsebsebseb, virtualbox, im chatting on redmond right now through virtualbox on ubuntu, it's actually very straight forward to do nowadays, and I'm not noticing any slowness03:16
=== job is now known as cabezza
ProhibitedI use Wicd Network manager to handle my netwokr connection. Everytime I try to run Wicd Network manager the program crashes, I'm unable to connect to the internet because of this.03:17
washburnello1imran: does zsnes work?03:17
KorlisTheRealMezquital: have you gotten direct3d support to work in VB?03:17
imranDasEi, what???03:17
washburnello1imran: that's what I use on my lappy03:17
DasEidownstar:mind the for example in that cmd's03:17
sebsebsebTheRealMezquital: I am not sure if I helped you though,  I did talk to someone about Virtualbox earlier though03:17
imrani dont know03:17
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, I just installed VB right now, im still taking it for a test spin03:17
imrani hope so because other wise my fist's gonna me in my tv03:18
Korliswhen i launch a game in VB it won't show the game window03:18
TheRealMezquitalsebsebseb, yup yup you talked to me, I installed VB and xp on it, im on the virtual machine right now :)03:18
DasEiimran: have you got a link of what you're trying to install ? I have no clue what you're trying..03:18
Replopon a fresh Ubuntu install, if we install Kubuntu, will we retain the ability to switch back to gnome, if kde disapoint ?03:18
DasEiReplop: yup03:18
Replop( without a full reinstall, I mean )03:18
TheRealMezquitalsebsebseb, would you happen to know how to maximize the VirtualBox window and how to minimize it?03:18
downstarDasEi: still access denied and i tryed a chmod +rx /dir of file/device but still access denied.03:19
sebsebsebTheRealMezquital: you can ask in #vbox03:19
KorlisTheRealMezquital: right ctrl + f03:19
TheRealMezquitalsebsebseb, thanks, lets hope somebody is down there right now03:19
DasEidownstar: r for recursive ??03:19
downstar..... r for read? :S03:19
imranwashburnello1, where can i find zsnes03:19
DasEidownstar: sudo infront ?03:19
washburnello1imran: it's in the repos03:20
downstaryes sudo infront03:20
gnutrondownstar: chmod 755 dir/03:20
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, you mean  the ctrl that's on the right and then F??? that is not maximizing the virtual box window03:20
thneedneed help installing ubuntu from bash03:20
downstarchmod invalid mode: +75503:21
gnutrondownstar: impossible03:21
DasEidownstar: sudo chown -R downstar /media/cdrom   and   sudo chmod -R +x /media/cdrom  , to get subdirs and change to your regular systemusername >< nick03:21
Replopafter an eventual Zebra release  ( or whatever the animal choosen for letter "Z" ) ... how will further release be named ?03:21
imranwash i cant find it z_Z03:21
imrani think i may kill my self over ubuntu one day03:21
downstargnutron: lmao03:21
DasEidownstar: sudo chown -R downstar /media/cdrom   and   sudo chmod -R +x /media/cdrom  , to get subdirs and change to your regular systemusername >< nick also the actual mountdir of cdrom03:21
imranI always think its gonna be okay but then just MORE S*** happens03:21
KorlisTheRealMezquital: thats what mine was by default, do you mean to make it full screen?03:22
darkstar999anyone using Netbook Remix?03:22
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, yes, i want to make it full screen03:22
Cyrano_DeIn case anyone else wants different setups based on where they have thier laptops, switchconf is the tool I have found for it.  A good tutorial can be found here: http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/05/07/changing-system-configuration-switchconf/03:22
rexmo_i was, until i just went with 9.04 with the array.org kernel03:22
ubuntuellaI am, darkstar999. :303:22
ooyppdownstar: find it in toolbar03:22
ssmydarkstar999: on my netbook, ya03:22
mowTheRealMezquital > did you add guest additions03:22
washburnello1imran: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?03:23
downstarDasEi:  still access denied. lol.03:23
downstarooypp: what do you mean find it in a toolbar?03:23
darkstar999ubuntuella: what netbook?03:23
darkstar999ssmy: what netbook?03:23
KorlisTheRealMezquital: that should make it full screen, however, sounds liek you just need to set your resolution03:23
TheRealMezquitalmow, I installed virtual box on ubuntu, I need to install guest additions in ubuntu?03:23
ubuntuelladarkstar999: Asus Eee PC 1005ha.03:23
mowTheRealMezquital > you need guest additions03:24
ooypptoolbar of the vitrualbox03:24
darkstar999ubuntuella: 701sd here. a few problems with windows being too big.03:24
washburnello1TheRealMezquital: do you have guest additions installed?03:24
KorlisTheRealMezquital: just right click on the xp desktop and selevt properties, then go to the settings tab and up your resolution03:24
downstarooypp: virtualbox? wrong guy maybe? :S03:24
KorlisTheRealMezquital: you need guest additions if you want to share folders between ubuntu and vb, or use direct 3d support03:24
downstarno problem =)03:24
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, thanks!!!  that one did it! rofl03:24
ssmydarkstar999: asus eee first gen basically lowest everything.03:25
TheRealMezquitalsebsebseb, mow  washburnello1 Korlis this is awesome!  Didnt know it was so easy to setup VB, I will never boot up to redmond again :)03:25
mdonahoeanyone ever have a print queue that says it complete yet it doesn't print?03:25
ubuntuelladarkstar999: If you double click the title bar, it gives back the option to resize windows03:26
KorlisTheRealMezquital: Huzzah!03:26
washburnello1TheRealMezquital: it's a beautiful thing03:26
DasEivb is nice, yo03:26
sebsebsebTheRealMezquital: Indeed it's very easy to do a vm,  and vm's are :)03:26
darkstar999ubuntuella: thanks! I will try that. Do you have any idea if these problems will be fixed in the future?03:26
nutterpcTheRealMezquital, welcome to linux my friend, lol03:26
TheRealMezquitalnutterpc, i've been using ubuntu for a while but every now and then I have to bootup to redmond but now I may never have to03:27
Korlisi just put up a vid on youtube, i had a part where i demo'ed virtual box, but i edited it out cuz it made it too long03:27
bruenigTheRealMezquital: virtual machines are slow and obnoxious, you will boot back03:27
lirugeAh... real people03:27
TheRealMezquitalusing virtualbox, can I work on word documents stored in an ext3 partition?03:27
washburnello1TheRealMezquital: it not perfect but a heap better than dual booting03:28
nitemovzHey all, I am having an issue with some programming stuff, I was wondering how to get "GNU Makeinfo" installed on Jaunty Jackalope"03:28
lirugeCan anyone help with some technical questions... data recovery?03:28
KorlisTheRealMezquital: thats where you need guest additions to share folders03:28
washburnello1TheRealMezquital: yup03:28
nitemovzCan anyone help me out?03:28
TheRealMezquitalbruenig, I have 4 gigs of memory with a fast SATA hd, it's looking good so far, technology has advanced quite a bit since you used a virtual machine03:28
ubuntuelladarkstar999: I don't know. :3 I hope so!03:28
bruenigTheRealMezquital: you will see03:28
nutterpcTheRealMezquital, well now with how easily I have been able to set my laptop up, considering moving my desktop across to Ubuntu also, all i use windows for is gaming u see03:29
nanotubenitemovz: if you install package "build-essential", it will grab all the usual stuff required to compile stuff.03:29
KorlisTheRealMezquital: dont feed the trolls03:29
mdonahoelipsin - no sharing from the linux to the virtual partition is not likely - at least i've never been able to get it to work...03:29
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, all I want to do is work on my word documents I have stored in an ext3 partition, can I write to word documents from within redmond in VB?03:29
nitemovznanotube: it is saying "E: Couldn't find package build-essentials"03:29
KorlisTheRealMezquital: yeah you just have to set up a shared folder and keep those files in there03:30
washburnello1TheRealMezquital: yup03:30
nitemovzwhen I do an apt-get install03:30
nanotubenitemovz: single essential03:30
DasEiTheRealMezquital: yes within a shared folder03:30
ssmydarkstar999: hold alt and click windows to move them higher to see the bottom. most apps aren't used to that small of a res anymore, so they don't like it. gradually fixing.03:30
TheRealMezquitalso I have to install guest additions in ubuntu then?03:30
darkstar999ssmy: there are some windows that simply will not shrink that small03:30
lirugeIf I'm running Win XPpro and some of the slave drive's file structure is corrupt, is there any chance of Linux being able to read it?03:31
DasEiTheRealMezquital: yes03:31
washburnello1TheRealMezquital: to make it a little easier you can mount the shared folder as a network drive in windows. make it like a z:03:31
nitemovznanotube: Thanks so much! I am working on writing an operating system from scratch, and I am doing it in an Ubuntu environment.03:31
KorlisTheRealMezquital: http://aminesoft.wordpress.com/2009/09/20/install-guest-additions-for-a-better-virtualbox-experience/03:31
nanotubenitemovz: sounds like a big project... good luck!03:31
TheRealMezquitalwashburnello1, thanks, i will have to do that later on tonight, i have to go do my laundry03:31
darkstar999nitemovs: open source??03:31
DasEiTheRealMezquital: also there is ##virtualbox03:31
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, thanks for the link03:31
KorlisTheRealMezquital: that is a tutorial on getting guest additions installed on your xp, its easy03:31
nitemovznanotube: I did the "apt-get install build-essential" and when I do my check for makeinfo, it still says that it is missing.03:31
darkstar999guest additions makes it wayyyy better03:32
ssmydarkstar999: yeah, but you can move them to see parts above or below the screen. so it isn't too bad.03:32
Cyrano_DeI could never go back to the screen resolutions of netbooks.03:32
nanotubenitemovz: ah, google says, install package "texinfo"03:32
aliendude5300Hi, quick question -- how do I remove a user from the login menu without deleting the user using deluser?03:33
DasEiTheRealMezquital: it  is #virtualbox03:33
TheRealMezquitalbruenig, i will only use the virtual machine to work on files whose format are not 100% supported in linux, surfing the web and chatting here looks quite fine, i dont notice any slowness at all, and ive seen some really slow XP machines, right now my machine is lighitng fast, even with VB03:33
nitemovz"E: Couldn't find package textinfo"03:33
nanotubenitemovz: only one t in there03:33
KorlisCyrano_De: you a fan of the cyrano mod for android phones?03:33
downstar...new problem i just thought of.  how do i install drivers from manufacturers. IE: i download my nvidia driver, but all it is is a file, what do i do with it?03:34
nanotubenitemovz: read carefully :)03:34
darkstar999ssmy: holy crap! I didn't know you could drag from anywhere on the screen with ALT. I have been dragging from the title bar which only gives an extra... 25px or something03:34
bruenigTheRealMezquital: slow03:34
nitemovzOh, sorry. I am using an IRC client on a netbook03:34
DasEidownstar: nvidia provides the info03:34
roothello ppl03:34
KorlisTheRealMezquital:  bruenig is what is known as a troll, ignore him and he will go away03:34
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downstarDasEi: ive looked before and could find no such information from them, can you maybe give me an idea on where to look?03:35
nitemovzThank you so much nanotube03:35
Luffyim using the beta v03:35
nanotubenitemovz: no prob ;)03:35
TheRealMezquitalbruenig, I have a dual processor AMD machine 64 bits, try using hyperthreading technology with dual processors and more than 2 gigs of ram, i have 4 gigs right now03:35
DasEidownstar: which card ?03:35
Cyrano_DeKorlis: I am running a Cyanogen firmware on my G1.  So yeah, I'm a big fan of that.  Been using this nick since the early 90's however.03:35
liruge--------I want to know if there's any chance ubuntu will be able to read corrupt windows file structures03:35
bruenigTheRealMezquital: Korlis is a known ignorant person, ignore ignorance because ignorance ignores reality03:35
downstarDasEi: nvidia geforce 880003:35
Gnealiruge: it depends on the partition in question03:36
TheRealMezquitalKorlis, thats ok, i was a troll once until redhat stopped supporting mp3z and then i moved on to ubuntu03:36
bigdavejokerwhat are some good tools to troubleshoot a netowrk connection that randomly drops connectivity03:36
prajjwalis there a way to id myself as a root ??03:36
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nanotube!sudo | prajjwal03:36
downstarprajjwal: sudo03:36
ubottuprajjwal: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)03:36
bruenigprajjwal: there is a way, but we are not allowed to tell you in this channel03:36
prajjwalin general ... not just for a specific program03:36
TheRealMezquitalbruenig, what processor do you have?  Have you used any machine that was built in the last couple of years?03:36
mowprajjwal > whoami03:36
bruenigthey get really angry when we do03:36
DasEidownstar: 32 or 64 bit  OS ?03:36
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fentI'm trying to change this directory to be workable by a group but even after chown chmod and chgrp it wont let me copy to it without a sudo03:37
bruenigprajjwal: only the sudo line is allowed to be told here, so you will have to find other places to find out how to do what you want to do03:37
nitemovzI can now build my compiler that I wrote to write my OS03:37
nanotubeprajjwal: read that wiki page about rootsudo. you can start a root shell with 'sudo -i' or 'sudo -s'...03:37
Korlisprajjwal: if you need to run a program as root you can always use sudo03:37
Cyrano_Dealiendude5300: You can setup individual login permissions for gdm in Administration->Login Window03:37
sebsebseb!ops |  bruenig trolling03:37
ubottubruenig trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:37
nanotubenitemovz: cool. :) heh, starting from total scratch, eh? your own compiler and everything...03:37
darkstar999is it possible to boot my XP partition in VirtualBox?03:38
bruenigno but seriously, for some programs like kismet, sudo doesn't cut it03:38
TheRealMezquitalhow do you mark yourself away in xchat using command line?03:38
nitemovznanotube: Yeah, every last bit of it, will be written from scratch. I have been working on the compiler for about 6 months now.03:38
nanotubenitemovz: so what are you writing the compiler in? assembly?03:38
DaemonikWhat is it with Ubuntu 9.04 that I right-click on a folder, click "sharing options", select guest access, but other GNU/Linux machines claim the mount failed, and windows machines think a username and password (guest / guest doesn't work . .) is needed? Ubuntu 8.10 had file sharing working fine!03:38
darkstar999java. haha03:38
DasEidownstar: 32 or 64 bit  OS ?03:38
nitemovznanotube: mostly assembly, and some occasional c.03:38
nitemovzGNU Make, and makeinfo are a big part of it.03:39
nanotubenitemovz: and what kind of language does your compiler compile?03:39
nanotubenitemovz: you made up your own?03:39
lirugeGnea: I had a system crash under windows XPpro and a 100GB folder on the slave drive now says G:/organized is inaccessable peramater is incorrect03:39
prajjwali need to mount a drive but for some reason its not accepting the mount point given .... says i need root privilages ...03:39
nanotubeprajjwal: so use sudo.03:39
prajjwal(if i click on the thing in places menu ) :( ....03:39
nitemovznanotube: it is going to be compiling, java/C/C++/ASM03:40
nitemovzall in one.03:40
egchi all03:40
Gnealiruge: what did you format it to?03:40
draconisdarkstar999: it's actually possible to boot a partition using VirtualBox, but it requires creating the "disk" via command line03:40
DasEidownstar: 64 bit http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_185.18.36.html03:40
nanotubenitemovz: heh nice. ... got source for it up on the web somewhere?03:40
egcif i want to print a source code file 2 up on one side of paper, what utilities can i use to do that?03:40
nitemovzNo, not yet. I have to see if it will actually work. I am installing it right now.03:40
prajjwalprajjwal@prajjwal-laptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda303:40
prajjwalfuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/Vista: No such file or directory03:40
egci used to have a pipe include a2ps maybe?03:41
nanotubenitemovz: heh03:41
* egc looks at a2ps03:41
prajjwalthat is what happens ...03:41
nitemovzI want to make sure that it works before I upload it to the web.03:41
nanotubeprajjwal: so, "sudo mkdir /media/Vista" first.03:41
nitemovzIt would suck if it didn't work, and I posted it up there.03:41
DasEiprajjwal: sudo mkdir /media/Vista03:41
Cyrano_Deprajjwal: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda3 /some/mount/point03:41
Korlisprajjwal: are you trying to mount a cd?03:41
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prajjwalmy Vista partition03:42
nanotubenitemovz: ic... just stick your code repository up on github. you /are/ using source control for this, right?03:42
prajjwali unmounted it to check if my /etc/fstab edit worked03:42
egcyeah it was a2ps03:42
nitemovznanotube: I want to say yes, but that would be lying03:42
draconisdarkstar999: VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ~/.VirtualBox/WinXP.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sda -partitions 2 -relative -register03:42
draconisdarkstar999: replace /dev/sda with the -disk- your Windows partition is on, and "-partitions 2" needs to be the partition number that windows is on03:43
Korlisprajjwal: you should be able to just run nautilus as sudo and mount it, or if it's in your fstab to mount automatically you could just log out and in03:43
darkstar999draconis: awesome. thanks. Does that just link the .vmdk to the physical drive or does it copy the physical drive to the .vmdk?03:43
MenZa!gksu | Korlis03:43
ubottuKorlis: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:43
nanotubenitemovz: hahaha i see. well, for any sizeable code project, you really really should use a version control system. i highly recommend git. but hg or bzr are ok too. you can grab git from the repos...03:44
webbb82is there anyway to change the default file browser03:44
nitemovzOkay, and do I need a certain repository online to host my files?03:44
Korlisblegh, MenZa is right prajjwal, hit alt+F2 and type gksu nautilus03:44
draconisdarkstar999: no, it actually uses the device. http://blarts.wordpress.com/2007/12/06/how-to-run-virtualbox-using-a-physical-partition-using-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/03:44
Korlismy bad03:44
draconisdarkstar999: you will have to set the permissions so your virtualbox users can access the disk03:45
prajjwalthanks guys ... it worked w/ the mkdir ..03:45
nitemovznanotube: I have never used a version control system before in my life... I know that sounds pretty bad.03:46
webbb82Korlis: what is gksu nautilus03:46
nanotubenitemovz: github give free git repository hosting (check them out on github.com). but you don't /need/ a host, you cousd just have a local repository. the host is only necessary for backing up your local repo, and for sharing it with the world.03:46
Korliswebbb82:  it allows you to run nautilus as root03:46
RoyallShiretoko is unbearably slow. How do I get back regular Firefox?03:46
draconisdarkstar999: if you copy it to a virtual disk instead of linking it, though, you can avoid messing up the actual partition03:46
nitemovzokay, that makes sense03:46
webbb82oh i just run su nautilus  same thing03:46
webbb82anyone know how to change the default file browser/manager03:47
Replopwhat would you use instead of nautilus, webbb82 ?03:48
nanotubenitemovz: trust me, you'll thank me later. version control is important. read some tutorials on using git, and jump in.03:48
ProhibitedWhat is a good program to use to retrieve files that were on a partition that has been reformatted?03:48
nitemovznanotube: okay, I just signed up on Github. Now I just have to figure out how to use it.03:49
Cyrano_Dewebbb82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager03:49
downstar1bad internet =[03:49
nanotubenitemovz: i sent you some info in a pm.03:50
DasEidownstar: 64 bit http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_185.18.36.html03:50
pawan!new version03:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about new version03:50
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nitemovznanotube: I would love to inform you that my compiler works, but it won't configure a portion of GCC03:50
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MenZa!karmic | pawan03:50
ubottupawan: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:50
downstar1DasEi: are you sure im running 64bit? how can i find out lol03:50
Anorionhey, how do I add my second NTFS partition to where Ubuntu can have it in the places menu to mount easily?03:50
DasEidownstar1: uname -a03:51
Korlisjust a sec, theres a utility for that which makes it super easy, let me find the name03:51
ProhibitedWhat is a good program to use to retrieve files that were on a partition that has been reformatted?03:51
downstar1Linux downstar 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 31 13:01:41 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux03:51
AnorionI figured there was03:52
DasEidownstar1: 32 so03:52
bastid_raZorAnorion: ntfs-config is the package you want to install03:52
Cyrano_DeAnorion: You can add a book mark to it by dragging it to the bottom left panel in nautilus03:52
downstar1DasEi: how did you figure that out?03:52
Cyrano_DeAnorion: It will then be in the Places->Bookmarks menu.03:52
bastid_raZordownstar1: i686 == 32bit .. x86_64 would have been 64bit03:53
DasEidownstar1: i686; 32 : http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_185.18.36.html03:53
Anorionyeah, but I can't mount it right now, because it's not in fstab. But I know you guys don't use fstab for ntfs stuff03:53
DasEidownstar1: how much ram installed ?03:53
bastid_raZorAnorion: yes you can use fstab for ntfs.. probably the easier method to have it mounted on each boot03:54
Cyrano_DeAnorion: I use fstab for ntfs.  UUID=DC18984018981B98 /Windows        ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       103:54
AnorionI just want it to show up just like the system disk for XP.03:54
AnorionI probably just missed it in the install process03:55
Cyrano_DeAnorion: That is the entry the installer setup for me when I did a manual partition setup and added it.03:55
resno_does ubuntu support any of the skype phones? i have the d-link dph-50u03:55
Cyrano_Deresno_: The phone would have to support the SIP protocol I believe.  I could be wrong though.03:55
Gnea!skype | resno_03:56
ubotturesno_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga03:56
resno_Cyrano_De: its more a usb device that you can plug a phone line into, it interacts with skypes api03:56
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga03:57
DigitalKiwidoes ekiga work on windows?03:57
webbb82some app called apport is hoggin all my cpu i have never seen this befor anyone els know abou this03:57
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resnowill any of these allow you call to landlines?03:59
Cyrano_Dewebbb82: apport is a crash handler that helps to report application crashes and file bugs on launchpad03:59
DigitalKiwioh sweet ekiga does work on windows03:59
Schnorkhi everybody03:59
nanotubeDigitalKiwi: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ekiga+windows04:00
Cyrano_Dewebbb82: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport04:00
nanotubeDigitalKiwi: :D04:00
DigitalKiwithanks Gnea =D now maybe I can get my gf to install it and hopefully it doesn't crash every 5 minutes like skype >.> it does do webcams proper right?04:00
DasEidownstar1: how much ram installed ?04:01
SchnorkI've got a problem with my sound card. A friend of mine ask me to do something "classic" with alsamixer, and it was good. But since the last updates, I've got the same problem back :(. Can anyone help me, please ?04:01
webbb82 i just changed thunar to my default file manager like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DefaultFileManager               is there any diadvantage useing thunar instead of nautilus04:04
porkeeubuntu includes a sections known as My Network, similar to windows. my network show 2 windows computers and one apple, yet i do not know how to set up a network? is ubuntu able to sence previous computer installations and other computers in the home even without me hooking them up to the Network?04:05
Cyrano_Dewebbb82: You won't be able to show a big number in the used collum when you do a "free"04:05
m0r0nWhat remote assist program can I use to assist a windows user?04:05
Cyrano_Dem0r0n: You can use tsclient to connect to a remote desktop session on a windows XP or newer machine.04:06
Cyrano_Dem0r0n: They will need to enable remote desktop and give you an account with permission to login with RDP.04:06
crazy2kHow does one do windows tiling in CompizFusion?04:07
Cyrano_Dem0r0n: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/mobility/getstarted/remoteintro.mspx04:07
m0r0nCyrano_De: Anything more simple? The winows user isn't the most tech savy04:07
rigodeni1whats a popular GUI program to combine and cut video files?04:07
Cyrano_Dem0r0n: If they do not already have something setup, I do not think so.  Not sure gotomypc works with Linux.04:08
washburnello1m0r0n: teamviewer works fine04:09
Cyrano_Derigodeni1: avidemux04:09
washburnello1m0r0n: the helper side works under wine04:09
UbeeHas anyone tried Karmic Koala?04:10
rigodeni1Cyrano_De: thx, i heard of that one, but its a little more than i need, it encodes and stuff too, i already use Devede for that, i just wanted something that allows to cutt or combine files04:10
washburnello1m0r0n: they also have a standalone executable you can send them. they just double click it and give you the pass04:10
darkstar999Ubee: Nobody has tried it yet.04:11
cgsawtellUbee, I am using it now04:11
washburnello1m0r0n: the only problem I've had with it is that a linux user can help a windows user but a windows user can't help a linux user04:11
washburnello1m0r0n: which doesn't sound like your case04:12
maxwell_Hello, I want this instruction to run automatically every time my computer boots up: "setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,ru"04:12
maxwell_Running Xubuntu 9.1004:12
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:13
downstar....sigh ISP is a dumbass04:13
maxwell_Oh, well maybe I'm running 9.03, or whatever we're on.04:13
m0r0nwashburnello1: Cyrano_De: Thanks both, will try Teamviewer04:13
|F5|good evening04:14
UbeeSince I am running Jaunty Jackalobe on my computer. How easy will it be to install Karmic Koala?04:14
porkeewashburnello: when i installed ubuntu, i di a clean wipe of windows, later i began looking thru all the fiels and folders in ubuntu to learn it, it was then i noticed that i supposedly have 3 computere in my network. i did not set up a network and we only have 2 computers and i never connected them notr so i even no how to do that?04:14
FiReSTaRTUbee: through update process04:15
ssmyUbee: when it releases the update manager will offer you the upgrade. you do it. done.04:15
=== Jay|Lost_ is now known as Jay|Lost
washburnello1porkee: what kind of computer are you using? is it a laptop?04:15
porkeeno it is my dell at home, i am at work now04:16
washburnello1porkee: do the names of the computers look familure?04:16
washburnello1porkee: the reason I'm asking these kinds of questions is because networks can be very complex04:17
porkeewashburnello: well each one shows a standardized pic of a computer and beside each one it say: 1. windows , 2, windows, 3. apple04:17
ThDoctorIs there a simple way to join multiple .mp3 files downloaded from Librivox (Free Legal Audio Books). The titles have spaces so cat doesn't work. Is there a simple GUI to do this? Thank You.04:18
washburnello1porkee: does your home network have wifi?04:18
fentcould someone help me with a directory permission problem? I'd like to share a directory between group members but even though i've set them i cannont create files in it.04:18
porkeewashburnello : ithink maybe it remembers that my dell had windows on it and then once i tried to re-load windows and my wife owns an apple?04:18
porkeewashburnello: my dell has no wifi as far as i know(1998 model) but my wifes apple ahas wireless04:19
ThDoctorporkee: try right click, properties, permissions and set there.04:19
washburnello1porkee: it's probably just residual information in the router04:19
UbeeI want to download other themes onto my computer. how do i do that?04:19
washburnello1porkee: when did you install ubuntu?04:19
porkeewashburnell: ok but the only puter we ever had with wifi was my wifes apple and the dell that shows this supposed network has never run wirelss04:20
porkeewashburnello about 10 days ago04:20
washburnello1porkee: yeah, it's probably just residual04:20
washburnello1porkee: I wouldn't worry about it04:21
porkeewashburnello cool can i make that go away or would it hurt something04:21
=== mike is now known as Guest14172
ThDoctorIs there a GUI to join multiple mp3 files?04:21
washburnello1Ubee: you can download then from gnomekool but there's an app that makes it simpler04:21
Cyrano_DeThDoctor: I don't know about a GUI app but mp3wrap should be able to.04:21
washburnello1Ubee: can't remember what it's called04:21
porkeewashburnello some have said it means my wireless is hacked but again the dell isnt wireless so  that made no sence, your explanation makes some sence too me04:21
Cyrano_DeThDoctor: I suspect it is CLI only but I have not used it.04:22
ThDoctorThank you, I'll try it.04:22
KazorinHey is there anyone here who knows about sound issues? I have everything working except for microphone.04:22
ProhibitedI'm unable to write files, create folders in my external hard drive. How do i change it so the directory is unlocked?04:22
downstarwhat command do i use to install NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.36-pkg1.run file04:22
Prohibiteddownstar: sh04:23
downstarsays sh cant open the fil04:23
washburnello1Ubee: check out add/remove "art manager"04:23
Prohibiteddownstar: sh NVIDIA-Linux-86x-185.18.36-pkg1.run04:23
porkeewashburnello: i want to doublecheck an answer someone else gave me...said when i turn on my puter and the grub thing comes up, said i can hit ESC then and see if i really wiped out windows as i had planned ...is that good advice?04:23
ProhibitedI'm unable to write files, create folders in my external hard drive. How do i change it so the directory is unlocked?04:23
Cyrano_Deporkee: Yes, esc should bring up the grub boot menu04:24
MenZa!fstab | Prohibited04:24
ubottuProhibited: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:24
MenZaThat's probably what you want, Prohibited ^04:24
washburnello1porkee: wouldn't hurt anything to check04:24
Cyrano_Deporkee: if there is a "Windows" option at the bottom then it may not be gone.04:25
downstarprohibited: i did that, but it didnt do anything? website says its supposed to open up an installer and doesnt04:25
porkeewashburnello: well as i say the grub thing comes up for a second or 2 on its own at startup-thats when he said hit the ESC...is that right? Cyrano_De no windows option at all04:25
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:25
enjo13Hey.. I'm befuddled by something. I have a particular domain that I can't connect to. It doesn't matter what network I'm on.. it never works (hasn't for more than a week)04:26
Cyrano_Deporkee: ESC is correct.  That is the boot loader.  It lets you choose which OS/Kernel to boot into.04:26
MenZaenjo13: Try it on http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com04:26
enjo13I can resolve it from my iPhone connected to the same Wifi network. Wget can't find it.. traceroute blows up on some part of the route. It ONLY affects my machine04:26
enjo13any ideas/04:27
washburnello1porkee: networks can be very complex. without an extensive knowledge of your setup it's hard to be certain.04:27
ssmyenjo13: no idea. that's a weird one. maybe a hosts issue? but unlikely unless you messed with them.04:27
enjo13wash: I don't think it's my network in particular. I've tried on 3 different networks.. each have another machine that can connect just fine04:27
mgmuscarihmm, does anybody know of a good GDM-based audio player that support large libraries on samba filesystems?04:27
enjo13/etc/hosts is clear04:28
carpediemmgmuscari: you sure you don't mean gstreamer?04:28
ssmymgmuscari: gdm? huh? you mean gnome?04:28
porkeewashburnello: iknow but as i said i never set up any network...noone in mt home knows anything about that, we just put ubuntu in the cd tray and when that moment happened when i had a choice to wipe windows  idid it in favor of a clean ubuntu install...later i saw the networj rhing when looking all aeound in my new OS04:28
mgmuscarii don't like to use kde apps04:28
enjo13I've tried clearing everything I can think of... it's really frusturating:)04:29
ssmymgmuscari: it's GTK, not gdm04:29
ssmymgmuscari: I would try rythmbox or exaile.04:29
downstarhow do i stop the xserver?04:29
washburnello1porkee: do you have a router and more than 1 computer connecting to the internet at home?04:29
mgmuscarihm, exaile had enough trouble loading my library when the filesystem was local04:29
mgmuscariah well04:29
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: Or you can use mpd and connect many different clients to it.04:30
Cyrano_Dedownstar: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:30
DasEidownstar: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  (logs you off)04:30
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:30
porkeewashburnello: yes i wireless router for my wifes aplle , the dell is Not wireless and has ubuntu , it is the dell that shows this 3 computer network04:30
downstarDasEi: ! do you remember trying to help me with my driver not long ago xD?04:30
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: I use mpd over an NFS share without issue.  I suspect it would do fine over a samba share as well.04:30
washburnello1porkee: than you have a network. Thats what a network is. what your referring to not setting up is file sharing or something like it.04:31
DasEidownstar: sure04:31
mgmuscarii think i'll need to put together another pc to run mpd04:31
mgmuscaridon't want to run it on my webserver04:31
DasEidownstar1: how much ram installed ?04:31
porkeewashburnello: how can a hard wired ubuntu dell know my wife runs her aplle off my wireless router without me telling it so?04:31
downstarDasEi: hehe well you looked up the nvidia geforce 8800.. anywho i did the sh (driver name) in the directory it saved to but it didnt do anything?04:31
washburnello1porkee: when you went to "network" in ubuntu, it's just showing you that it detected the presence of other computers on your network.04:32
mgmuscarimaybe i can get this old tower over here running04:32
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washburnello1porkee: dns04:32
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: mpd is pretty easy on the resources.  I would not run it on a publicly facing computer though.04:32
DasEidownstar1: how much ram installed ?04:32
porkeewashburnello: amazing04:32
ssmymgmuscari: no reason not to. i run it on my server.04:32
washburnello1porkee: it's all part of how networking works04:32
downstarDasEi: 2g dual channel04:32
hey_boyHey guys, how do I delete all the rules in IPTABLES in a single stroke? What is the command04:32
porkeewashburnello: ok i thought a human had to initiate a network04:32
washburnello1porkee: hit up wikipedia about networking sometime. there's loads of stuff there. :)04:32
washburnello1porkee: that was the old days ;)04:33
porkeei got a friggen network04:33
DasEidownstar:right then, just keep in mind in 32 bit maximum, including graphics ram, is 4 gb04:33
Guest14172trial input04:33
Cyrano_Dedownstar: unless you install the "server" kernel with PAE support.04:33
washburnello1porkee: I'd also do some research on tightening up your wireless just as a preemptive measure.04:34
downstarCyrano_De: huh? what do you mean? for the installer or something?04:34
porkeewashburnello thanks Cyrano_De thanks04:34
washburnello1porkee: I don't think it's your problem but it's always a good idea04:34
porkeewashburnello oh you can bet i will04:34
porkeejust to be safe yes04:34
washburnello1porkee: :D04:34
DasEidownstar:to install, put the nv..sh  in /usr/src  , install build-essential and checkinstall, make the file executable at call it , logged off, as root04:35
downstarDasEi: so ... im at 2512gb/4000gb ?04:35
Cyrano_Dedownstar: To support more than 4GB total memory in 32bit Ubuntu you need to either compile your own kernel and enable PAE mode or install the Ubuntu Server kernel package that has been built with PAE mode.04:35
mgmuscariCyrano_De: this webserver is public facing. or will be soon, rather...04:35
porkeewashburnello i do see others when i am on my wifes apple my router sences them but i dont think they are on my router because i shut it off and they are there when i go back on which doent give them time to put my passwaord back in04:35
hey_boyHello room, I want to delete all the IPTables Rules in a single command. Any suggestions?04:35
downstarCyrano_De: ah okay. thanks!04:36
mgmuscariit's going to be on a different subnet from the rest of my home network anyway04:36
ssmydownstar: why not just use 64? it works fine.04:36
Cyrano_Dedownstar: PAE lets uses "pages" to address more than 4GB of memory in 32 bit systems04:36
DasEidownstar: yes, 32 can handle 4 gb only, else need 64 bit, and on a dualcore.. I'd use 6404:36
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: mpd has an http streaming feature but generally plays the music on the mpd host.04:36
porkeewashburnello my router is so week you have to be on my propert to use it anyway04:36
kraitoDasEi: alright so i still need  help with the resolution04:37
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: I do not think it matters that it is on a seperate subnet as long as there is no firewall blocking the mpd port between the two subnets.04:37
porkeewashburnello ok gotta go will be on later after work still have question thanks see you all thanks a lot04:37
washburnello1porkee: what your laptop is sensing is other networks. your router doesn't connect to routers wirelessly unless you have a special scenerio04:37
washburnello1porkee: later04:38
porkeeok thanks be back later04:38
downstarDasEi: im a bit lost on what your saying.. you want me to put the nvidia file in /usr/src and then what? and as for the 64-bit.. ill look into that =)04:38
DasEikraito: installed displayconfig-gtk meanwhile ?04:38
goddardGot a problem any one wanna help figure it out haha04:38
goddardhaving some serious hang time on start up04:38
DasEidownstar: 64 bit means reinstalling04:38
washburnello1goddard: what's up?04:38
downstarDasEi: i know. but if i can figure this all out in 32, i wont need to come back and wont have any of these problems when doing 64.04:39
DasEidownstar: sudo cp /path/toFile/nvidia*  /usr/src04:39
washburnello1goddard: sorry, out of my league04:39
goddardit was fast before now it just loads then sits for a moment and switchs from the load graphic to the notifcation window04:39
goddardcool tanks though04:39
DasEikraito: installed displayconfig-gtk meanwhile ?04:39
=== lstarnes is now known as sheep
downstarDasEi: okay, file is moved04:40
Cyrano_Degoddard: You can hit esc at the grub menu and edit your defualt kernel line to remove the "quiet" and "splash" options.04:40
Cyrano_DeToo late....04:40
kraitoDasEi: it said it was missing file destination04:41
DasEidownstar: sudo cp /path/toFile/nvidia*        /usr/src04:41
DasEidownstar: sorry, wrong nick04:41
downstarDasEi: hehe np. whats a nick?04:42
DasEidownstar: sudo chmod +x /usr/src/nvidia*04:42
sheepdownstar: an irc screenname/username04:42
DasEidownstar: sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall04:43
DasEikraito : sudo synaptic04:43
sheepkraito: gksudo synaptic, not sudo synaptic04:43
washburnello1DasEi: gksudo synaptic04:43
downstarDasEi: sudo apt-get install build-essential (whats with the checkinstall)? is it a "-" thing?04:44
sheepdownstar: it's another package04:44
DasEidownstar: no, two packets04:44
downstarDasEi: ah okay04:44
kraitoDasEi: alright04:44
DasEikraito: search displayconfig-gtk04:45
downstarDasEi: build-essential was already installed, checkinstall is installing now04:45
DasEikraito: install it, call as superuser04:45
DasEidownstar : then you have to leave x (gdm ) cd in /usr/src and call that nvid* as root04:46
eddiebuntuwhat does this mean?:04:47
eddiebuntuThe audio output is in use by another application. Please select another audio output in the Multimedia Systems Selector. You may want to consider using a sound server.04:47
downstarDasEi: what do you mean call it? i know leaving gdm means going to a black command prompt type thing, so i need to know exactly what im supposed to do :S.  just cd to the dir and sh the nvidia file?04:47
DasEidownstar: it's supposed to be nvBlah.sh, so you just sudo nvidi*04:48
downstaroh.. its a .run file04:48
DasEidownstar: right sh it then as root04:48
kismethey my sudo apt get update and install dosent work anymore04:48
DasEidownstar: sudo sh nvidi*  in /usr/src04:49
downstarDasEi: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.36-pkg1.run04:49
eddiebuntuDasEi, no need for foul language04:49
sheepkraito: which version of ubuntu are you using?04:49
downstarDasEi: so do i still have to leave gdm?04:49
sheepkraito: sorry, wrong user04:49
Cyrano_Dekismet: sudo apt-get, or sudo apt get?04:49
sheepkismet: which version of ubuntu are you using?04:49
DasEidownstar: yes04:49
DasEieddiebuntu: foul ?04:49
kismetCyrano_De:  sheep i am using ubuntu 9.04 and sudo apt-get04:50
downstarDasEi: okay, ill try this. /etc/init.d/gdm stop/start is the command to go in and out i believe correct?04:50
sheepkismet: what error messages are you getting?04:50
eddiebuntuwhat does this mean?:04:50
eddiebuntuThe audio output is in use by another application. Please select another audio output in the Multimedia Systems Selector. You may want to consider using a sound server.04:50
DasEidownstar: right04:50
sheepdownstar: try restart04:50
Cyrano_Dekismet: sudo df -h  <--any full volumes?04:50
sheepeddiebuntu: it means that your system is set to only allow one application to use sound at a time04:51
eddiebuntui cant run flash video and totem at the same time for some reason04:51
eddiebuntusheep, what's the remedy?04:51
sheepeddiebuntu: you might want to set everything to use pulseaudio for sound04:51
kismetsheep i get Err http:...... Could not connect to ..... AND W: Failed to fetch http:...... '(Connection refused04:51
DasEikraito: gtk up ?04:51
kismetCyrano_De: no they are not full04:52
sheepeddiebuntu: because pulseaudio is designed to handle multiple sound applications04:52
kraitoDasEi: i couldn't find displayconfig-gtk04:52
draconisis medibuntu dead? connecting to packages.medibuntu.com just sits there, doing nothing04:52
draconiserr packages.medibuntu.org04:52
eddiebuntuis setting up pulse an involved procedure?04:52
sheepeddiebuntu: it's installed by default04:52
DasEikraito : that was hardy ? apt-sources checked or do I disrember ?04:52
voglstereddiebuntu: it should be setup for you04:52
sheepeddiebuntu: check system > preferences > sound04:53
DasEiremember, hi04:53
sheepkismet: try using a different mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list04:53
eddiebuntui install super-ubuntu so they must have screwed with it04:53
voglstersuper-ubuntu? lol04:53
Cyrano_Dekismet: Adminstration->Software Sources.  Select "Download From->Other->Select the best server"04:53
kismetCyrano_De:  still same04:54
kismetW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg  Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)04:54
kismetW: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:54
sheepkismet: you shouldn't be using archive.ubuntu.com as your repo mirror because it's the default and gets a huge load04:55
voglsterkismet: use a different mirror.. edit the file /etc/apt/sources.lst (i think thats the filename)04:55
sheepvoglster: .list04:56
mgmuscariblah, i need to find another computer to use as my music player04:56
Cyrano_Dekismet: did you change your mirror in software sources?04:56
voglstersheep: typo ;-)04:56
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: What is wrong with the one you are on?04:56
kismetsheep i deselected the archive... and still same problem04:56
mgmuscarithis is my laptop, i don't want to leave it connected to my sound system when i go to bed04:56
sheepkismet: did you change it to another mirror?04:57
kismetvoglster: it is still there evan if i use a different mirror04:57
kraitoDasEi: can you still help me or refer me to someone that can?04:57
mgmuscariso i need to find something else that works to put something like mpd or xmms2 on04:57
voglsterkismet: what mirror are you using?04:57
sheepkismet: can you connect to any websites?04:57
mgmuscariwhich i can then control remotely from my laptop04:57
bviktoraudio on linux can be a pain, especially with more than one sound card04:57
mlissnerhello. has anybody ever done an email merge on linux? It seems impossible, which is really sad.04:57
DasEikraito : that was hardy ? apt-sources checked or do I disremember ?04:57
mlissnerI know OOo has this, but it seems like a boat of FAIL.04:57
mgmuscariunfortunately there's something wrong with this spare desktop that i had sitting here. maybe i could use one of these old laptops04:58
Cyrano_Demgmuscari: I would run it one whichever machine you want to hear the sound on.04:58
mgmuscarii want to hear it through these here studio monitors...04:58
Graffxany vista help here?04:59
mgmuscariso the question becomes, which machine do i want to connect this here USB sound device to04:59
Richard_MartinDoes anyone know any PS3 rooms04:59
Richard_Martinis there a PS3 channel?04:59
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows04:59
kismetvoglster:  Cyrano_De: sheep i am useing ftp.netscape.net ... and i have internet connection with my browser04:59
eddiebuntupulse audio werkt04:59
iceroot_Richard_Martin: #ps305:00
mgmuscari<3 pulseaudio05:00
Graffxmy girlfriend got my kicked from windows05:00
sheepkismet: I don't recall ftp.netscape.net being an ubuntu mirror05:00
iceroot_Richard_Martin: try quakenet, its maybe a better adress05:00
kraitoDasEi: wholed on05:00
voglsterkismet: that is not a mirror for ubuntu05:00
bastid_raZorRichard_Martin: #ubuntu-ps305:00
Graffxso i guess thats a no :(05:00
downstarDasEi: so...i stopped gdm..nothing loaded... comp restarted now i try to reload or restart it and the starting fails...05:00
sheepGraffx: you want ##windows05:00
kismetsheep voglster it is http://ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu05:01
sheepGraffx: this is #ubuntu05:01
DasEikraito: I'd like to fix your graphics, please answer my questions05:01
mgmuscariRichard_Martin: are you dr. richard martin? faculty at my university?05:01
DasEikraito : that was hardy ? apt-sources checked or do I disremember ?05:01
kraitoDasEi: command not found05:01
sheepkismet: that looks valid05:01
Graffxi was just asking becouse im baned from there now05:01
shiznebitwha ?? what did ya ask ?05:01
DasEidownstar: did the installer ran through ?05:01
Graffxis that that only channel with vista help?05:01
kismetsheep... okay.. that is curious05:02
voglsterkismet: press alt-f2 type this in... gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:02
carpediemGraffx: don't you have anything better to do?  I know you're trying to be funny, but really....get a life.05:02
eddiebuntuGraffx there are other networks besides freenode you know05:02
kismetvoglster: did that05:02
downstarDasEi: no it didnt even bring to the downstart@w.e i just got a black screen and my comp restarted... and now if i do the stop thing, it doesnt even take me out of gdm..05:02
Graffxwhy would i try to be funny my puter is not working?05:02
Ludhow to download xchat in ubuntu?05:03
sheepLud: sudo apt-get install xchat05:03
DasEidownstar: did the installer ran or not ?05:03
Berzerkersudo apt-get install xchat05:03
Cyrano_DeGraffx: Download an Ubuntu CD, install that and come back here for any help you need05:03
voglsterkismet: you should see a line like 3 lines down that starts with deb...05:03
downstarDasEi: nope05:03
voglsterkismet: what does it say on that line05:03
Graffxo well i guess i will not get help becouse i got banned from #windows05:03
downstarDasEi: is there a way to fix my gdm, and then ill try it again.05:03
sheepGraffx: bans usually happen for a reason05:03
kismetdeb http://ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu/ jaunty-security main restricted05:03
kismetdeb-src http://ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu/ jaunty-security restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties05:03
kismetdeb http://ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu/ jaunty-security universe05:03
kismetdeb http://ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu/ jaunty-security multiverse05:03
kismetdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tp-fan/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main05:03
DasEidownstar: to fix graphics, boot to recoverymode and select fix x server05:03
FloodBot1kismet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:03
kismetdeb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian jaunty non-free05:03
sheepGraffx: contact the op that banned you (I think it might be jpalmer)05:04
downstarDasEi: okay ill do that now05:04
DasEidownstar: <Esc> at grubprompt05:04
eddiebuntucarpediem, could you explain to me how he's trying to be funny or trolling please05:04
voglsterkismet: i said 1 line lol05:04
=== jon is now known as Guest8144
Graffxyes sheep:  my girlfriend had a potty mouth in #windows05:04
kismetvoglster: did you get it or was it baned from the server05:05
LaveliDearaanyone knows how to implement "Snap to" behavior to mouse in gnome ?05:05
Cyrano_DeGraffx: I am inflicted with the same problem.  Anytime I am in windows I come down with momentary terrets (sp) syndrom.05:05
sheepCyrano_De: tourettes?05:05
voglsterkismet: whats the error you get now when you do a sudo apt-get update05:05
Cyrano_Desheep: yeah, that too.05:05
ssmyCyrano_De: lol05:05
Graffxi guess it a joke to you all05:05
mgmuscarihas anybody done much with network booting?05:05
voglsterkismet: just 1 or 2 lines please05:05
Graffxthanks alot05:06
Cyrano_DeGraffx: This is not a Windows channel.  So yes, it is all a joke.05:06
kismetW: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:06
kismetW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems05:06
ssmyGraffx: yes, your predicament is. come on, asking for windoze help in #ubuntu? what do you expect?05:06
Cyrano_Dekismet: sudo apt-get -f install05:06
kismetthats the last two lines of suo apt-get update voglster05:06
Graffxssmy:  i expected smart tards here05:06
Ludsheep: it says couldn't find package05:06
voglsterkismet: read the lines please what does the error actually say... the last 2 lines dont help05:07
Cyrano_De!vista | Graffx05:07
ubottuGraffx: vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows05:07
sheepLud: make sure that you have enabled the unvierse repository05:07
ssmyGraffx: expect smart-asses.05:07
DasEikismet : can you ping google from trml ?05:07
kraitoDasEi: could you refer me to someone els05:07
Ludsheep: how to enable?05:07
voglster!windows7 | Voglster05:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windows705:07
kismetW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/globalmenu-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/i18n/Translation-en_AU.bz2  Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)05:07
sheep!unvierse | Lud05:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unvierse05:07
sheep!universe | Lud05:07
ubottuLud: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:07
DasEikraito: just ask again then, but answer the questions ones put to you05:07
=== tectonic_ is now known as tectonic
Graffxyup your brain are in your ass05:08
eddiebuntuGraffx, like I said there are other networks with more winblows channels05:08
Graffxthank you05:08
voglsterkismet: can you get to google in firefox?05:08
kismeti get a lot of these05:08
kismetand before that i get a lot of05:08
kismetErr http://ftp.netspace.net.au jaunty-security/multiverse Translation-en_AU05:08
kismet  Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)05:08
FloodBot1kismet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:08
kismetCyrano_De:  the comand did run05:08
Cyrano_DeGraffx: Yeah, don't have a clue why you got banned....05:09
downstarDasEi: the installer didnt load, i typed sh NVIDIA* as root, and it just gave me a new line to type stuff like it activated?05:09
mgmuscariso i have this 6 year old Compaq r3140us laptop05:09
Ludsheep: thanks05:09
kismetdamn.. it blocked me05:09
shiznebitis pastebin suddenly not in topic05:09
mgmuscariwhich i think i'll be using as a media server05:09
voglsterkismet: have you tried different mirrors?05:09
mgmuscarithe power cables falls out, and it won't run with the battery in anymor05:09
shiznebitkismet, try the main archive05:09
mgmuscarithis will be fun :p05:10
kraitocan anyone help with my screen resolution05:10
kismetvoglster: i can get google through firefox05:10
shiznebitkismet, it will be very slow but bare with it05:10
kismetshiznebit: it also don't work with the main archive05:10
shiznebitkismet, after it fetches the packages switch it to the best05:10
downstarkraito: whats wrong with your resolution05:10
voglsterkismet: im sorry but im unsure how to fix your issue05:10
shiznebitkismet, i had the same problem but it worked with the main mirror for me05:10
DasEidownstar: file names are case-sesitive, but if your gdm hasn't started something has happened, did you try under hardwaredrivers to see your graphics there ?05:10
kismetvoglster: hmm :( thats okay.. still thx for your time05:11
Graffxlast time i come here thank you for telling everything i allready know05:11
kismetshiznebit: wait i try that again05:11
DasEikismet : any firewalls active ?05:11
kismetshiznebit: still no05:11
kismetno firewall05:11
DasEigot it, kismet05:12
shiznebiti know it might be a isp issue05:12
kraitodownstar: it only gives option for 800x600 and 640x48005:12
downstarDasEi: i typed the file correctly and everything, i was with gdm off. im in hardwaredrivers and i dont have one activated yet, but i do have a list. i was trying to avoid proprietary drivers, as i hear they have some issues :S05:12
shiznebithow do you clear the cache for apt-get05:12
shiznebitim sure that's the problem05:12
kismetshiznebit: what do you mean....05:12
ssmyshiznebit: sudo apt-get clean05:12
DasEidownstar: the 8800 used to work fine05:12
kraitodownstar: i need a high resolution, because everything is bigger than it is supposed to be05:12
shiznebitkismet, try sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update05:13
kismetshiznebit: i tried ... no success05:13
eddiebuntuwhy wont 50% of streaming television work on ubuntu?05:13
TheRealMezquitalanyone knows if I can download guest additions for virtual box on ubuntu  manually using sudo apt-get install???05:13
ssmyeddiebuntu: ?05:13
kismetshiznebit: it cleaned but the update still gives me errors05:13
eddiebuntussmy, ?05:13
DasEiTheRealMezquital: no, you do this from within vm05:14
ssmyeddiebuntu: what do you mean by streaming TV? like hulu?05:14
TheRealMezquitalDasEi, do you know if the site that has guest additions is up and running?  I am unable to access the server05:14
Cyrano_Dekismet: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.lst.  Then sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and copy the sources from here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99789005:14
DasEiTheRealMezquital: then restart vm, then install inside vm05:14
manu_zachariaHi All, I am trying to follow the following URL for making a live CD/DVD from harddisk installation05:14
manu_zachariaHowever, at step E.1. (Build the CD/DVD), when I issue the following command:05:15
DasEiTheRealMezquital: join #virtualbox05:15
eddiebuntuno i mean like revision3.com05:15
manu_zachariasudo mkisofs -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -V "Custom Live CD" -cache-inodes -r -J -l -o ~/live-cd.iso $CD05:15
downstarKraito: have you tryed going to system > preferences > screen resolution?05:15
TheRealMezquitalDasEi, good choice, thanks05:15
manu_zachariaI am getting the following error:05:15
lucascastrocan someone help me how i can test my ubuntu server ?05:15
ssmyeddiebuntu: it works fine... do you have flash installed?05:15
downstarDasEi: alright thank you for the help ill just use the 180.11 driver i guess =p05:15
DasEidownstar: give it a try05:15
Cyrano_Dekraito: What does xrandr output for the max resolution?05:15
reverseh4ckglad to meet you05:15
manu_zachariaI am stuck up - kindly guide me05:16
kraitodownstar: yeah,  i did that is were i found the two option05:16
ssmyeddiebuntu: what doesn't work then? should be fine.05:16
reverseh4ckwhat should i do for changing my nick name?05:16
Ludsheep: it now says, resource temporarily unavailable.05:16
kraitocyrano_de: were do i find that?05:16
manu_zachariaHere is the complete details of my issue - http://pastebin.com/m634ad4c805:16
Cyrano_Dekraito: Open a terminal and type xrandr05:17
sheepLud: make sure that you do not have any other package managers open05:17
eddiebuntuwith revision3 for example, it justs sits there with the green lights on the screen05:17
sheepreverseh4ck: /nick new-nickname05:17
undeclaredxHey, is it me or is firefox-3.5 weirdly branded with a different name, and doesn't overwrite the original firefox?05:17
shiznebitkismet, im really sorry i just not sure what else it could be, hopefully someone more knowledgeable could help solve it05:17
ssmyeddiebuntu: not sure then. watching appjudgement right now.05:17
Ludsheep: the same result.05:17
ssmyundeclaredx: until karmic, yes.05:17
DasEiundeclaredx: so it is05:17
undeclaredxso annoying right now05:17
sheep!ff35 | undeclaredx05:17
ubottuundeclaredx: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY05:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ff-3.505:18
kismetCyrano_De: sudo mv says mv: missing destination file operand after `/etc/apt/sources.lst'05:18
kismetTry `mv --help' for more information.05:18
sheepkismet: you need a source and destination with mv05:18
Cyrano_Dekismet: Sorry, sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.bad05:18
kraitocyrano_de: the max it says is 800x60005:18
ssmyundeclaredx: not really. works fine for me. just open shiretoko.05:18
Techiewhen is 9.10 going to come out of beta?05:18
undeclaredxssmy: also doesn't it give an odd user agent?05:18
sheepTechie: around october 2905:19
sheepundeclaredx: you can change that in about:config05:19
Techiesheep thanks05:19
kismetshiznebit: don't worry... kind of you to help me as far as you could05:19
eddiebuntunope ssmy doesn't work for me05:19
ssmyundeclaredx: different, but doesn't really matter. user agents aren't used much anymore. user agent switcher takes care of it.05:19
ssmyeddiebuntu: not sure, sorry.05:19
susbwoyHi guys, i have recently plugged in a external usb hdd with ubuntu 9.04. It sees it - info here, http://pastebin.com/m3326d490..  But i can't access it through file manager. I have to mkdir/mount? Just wondering if ubuntu hides it somewhere. Was expecting a symbol on desktop haha05:20
=== sheep is now known as lstarnes
manu_zachariaKindly guide me on this - http://pastebin.com/m634ad4c805:20
kraitocyrano_de: it also says this default connector 800x600 +0+0 0mm x 0mm05:20
Cyrano_Dekraito: What video chip/card do you have?  lspci |grep -i vga05:20
gravaerahi: in /usr/include/c++ there is a C++ library ported to Ubuntu05:20
gravaeraWhat library is t?hat05:20
lstarnesgravaera: libc++?05:20
gravaerathank you.05:20
gravaeraI feel sheepish...05:20
lstarnesgravaera: I think I'm wrong on that one05:21
kismetCyrano_De: still...05:21
undeclaredxmy other issue is if I launch firefox on a direct html file, it gives me all these weird errors (I changed the default browser in system -> preferences -> preferred-applications)05:21
undeclaredxbut it won't have any issue if I run it direct, like firefox-3.5 direct05:21
ssmysusbwoy: sudo fdisk -l would be more useful.05:21
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kraitocyrano_de: it is a nividia 7150m05:21
=== Guest18068 is now known as Nicekiwi9
susbwoyssmy: http://pastebin.com/d6af58a2f :)05:22
Cyrano_Dekraito: Did you install the binary drivers using the Administration->Hardware Drivers tool or are you using the nv driver?05:22
lstarnesgravaera: it's actually libstdc++ or a similarly-named package05:23
Nicekiwi9hey, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my dell laptop, ran the updates and restarted, now I have no keyboard support after ubuntu boots05:23
lstarnesgravaera: the headers are in the -dev packages.  the regular packages have the binary libraries05:23
kismetCyrano_De: no success i don't know what i did.. why it is not working... :(05:23
susbwoyssmy: I'm guessing mkdir /mnt/blah then mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/blah ?05:23
gravaerathank you.05:23
ssmyundeclaredx: there is a cheating way. sudo mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox.old && sudo echo -e "#!/usr/bin/bash\nfirefox-3.5 $@"05:23
reverseh4ckthis is Republic of Korea.05:23
malathionWhen installing Ubuntu 9.10 beta off the LiveCD, after rebooting I get Grub Error 17. Anyone else?05:23
lstarnesmalathion: I think you want #ubuntu+105:24
undeclaredxssmy: I like that.05:24
reverseh4ckyeah, it is Thanks-Givings-Day, in korean "Ãß¼®"05:24
undeclaredxssmy: I will do that05:24
iceroot_malathion: #ubuntu+105:24
ssmysusbwoy: that's about right. sudo though.05:24
ssmysusbwoy: to be honest, it should automount. no idea why it didn't.05:24
undeclaredxssmy: sorry I didn't think of it though!05:24
susbwoyssmy: Yeah that's what i was thinking. thanks anyway05:25
kraitocyrano_de: i did do your option05:25
andrewm448my ubuntu 9.04 machine hasas of today decided not to connect to my lan at work.  ifconfig shows it's trying to usean ipv6 address which it's never tried before, so it seems likely that that's the problem.  what can i do to get it back to how it was?05:25
ssmyundeclaredx: replacing it basically makes it transparent. so makes it same as before, just better.05:25
kraitocyrano_de: i mean i didn't do your option05:25
Cyrano_Dekraito: My option?05:25
Cyrano_Dekraito: So you are running the Open Source NV driver more than likely05:25
ssmygood night all. i need to sleep.05:25
undeclaredxssmy: yeah.. otherwise I could just link it if that doesn't work05:26
somebody__Good people.05:26
somebody__I'm looking for a way to use computer Braille as input05:26
kraitocyrano_de: alright i think i know the issue05:26
somebody__Is there a way to do this in Ubuntu?05:26
somebody__I need to be able to type in Computer Braille for a variety of reasons05:26
ssmyundeclaredx: true. i just do things the hard way =/05:27
CoconutCrabhello everyone, how to select LVM volume when install using alternative CD?05:27
SpacePigeonsomebody__, my best guess is a braille keyboard05:27
SpacePigeonis there such thing?05:27
CoconutCrabI can't select any partition with alternative CD (I am installing on existing LVM), but can't change the mount point, it always says "Do not use"05:28
kraitocyrano_de: i tryed putting the nvidia drivers but it gave me this SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock05:28
Cyrano_Dekraito: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  Look for driver "vesa".  If you find it replace vesa with nv.05:28
undeclaredxssmy: linking appears to work, and cp doesn't05:28
ubottuyes, I'm alive.05:28
reverseh4cksomebody__, hello.05:28
reverseh4ckglad to meet you05:28
Cyrano_Dekraito: Do you have another package manager open?  Synaptic, Update Manager, aptitude?05:28
somebody__Yes, there is one, but it costs $3000 or so05:28
somebody__I have seen it done with N-keyrollover enabled keyboards05:29
reverseh4ckbull shit05:30
FloodBot1reverseh4ck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
jumberssomebody__: Are you saying a braille keyboard is $3000?05:30
Cyrano_Desomebody__: Look at the brltty searies of packages.05:30
somebody__Yes $300005:30
somebody__That is what I said05:31
jumbersNot even close05:31
Cyrano_Desomebody__: Not sure if they offer anything.05:31
Nicekiwi9hey, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my dell laptop, ran the updates and restarted, now I have no keyboard support after ubuntu boots, any ideas?05:31
kraitocyrano_de: i don't have them open05:31
jumbershttp://www.hooleon.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=KBH&Product_Code=KB-0164-U $64.9505:31
andrewm448does anyone know what would have caused my eth0 to try (and fail) to connect with an ipv6 address today, where it was working fine for over a year?05:32
Cyrano_Dekraito: sudo grep -i vesa /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:32
somebody__Okay, not the ones I was looking at because of compatibility with other OSS stuff05:32
Cyrano_Deandrewm448: Your upstream provider turned off IPv6 maybe?05:32
somebody__Anywho, I just need something that uses my QWERTY keyboard05:33
andrewm448Cyrano_De: i doubt they've ever had ipv605:33
andrewm448Cyrano_De: i've always had an ipv4 address05:33
shane2peruhey adobe is now offering a flash deb for Ubuntu on their website!05:33
Cyrano_Deandrewm448: Than what is the problem?05:33
kraitocyrano_de:i did it05:33
LucidGuyTrying to get Kismet running on my dell mini wifi (Broadcom BCM 4322).  I believe the solution is to stop the hl.ko module from running my wifi card and having the kernel iteself use its internal b43 driver..  just cant figure out how to do it.  Im able to disable hl.ko via blacklisting but then my wifi doesnt work at all.... any suggestions?05:33
shane2peruAnyone use the deb from the adobe web site?05:33
andrewm448Cyrano_De: it doesn't connect05:33
Cyrano_Dekraito: Any output from the sudo grep -i command?05:33
kraitocyrano_de: nothing happened05:34
Cyrano_Dekraito: sudo grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:34
Silver_Swordsshane2peru: did you?05:35
kraitocyrano_de:was there suppost to be something happening05:35
Cyrano_Dekraito: the grep command searches for lines that contain the word driver.05:35
beatbreakerquestion: if i downloaded a Beta version of Ubuntu would i easily be able to upgrade it to the official release wihtout too much risk of breakage?05:35
Berzerkerhow do I make my default terminal the one that shows the computer info at the bottom?05:35
shane2peruSilver_Swords: nope. :)05:36
andrewm448Cyrano_De: what i mean is it's not connecting, and i think the problem is it's trying to use ipv605:36
kraitocyrano_de:i think it installed something i just didn't see it untill know05:36
DasEibeatbreaker: yes05:36
shane2peruSilver_Swords: just wondered if anyone else has tried it. :)  I downloaded it.  Makes their hit counter think people are using it. :)05:36
timposey Trying to install webcam on Ubuntu 0810 when I connect the usbwebcam I get new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 7, configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice,SN9C105 PC Camera Controller detected, No supported image sensor detected for this bridge  any one can help?05:36
somebody__Can anyone help find a Computer Braille Keyboard layout?05:36
Berzerkercomputer braille keyboard layout?05:37
beatbreakerDasEi, So.... it'll just upgrade to the official through synaptic update manager?05:37
beatbreakersomebody__, that was to me?05:37
shane2peruSilver_Swords: hmm, just double clicked it and as I suspected, wrong arch. I have 64bit05:37
mgmuscari1well, i think i officially need a rack or at least a server closet05:38
somebody__There is standard Braille and then there is Computer Braille. The latter is the one I need05:38
Nicekiwi9hey, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my dell laptop, ran the updates and restarted, now I have no keyboard support after ubuntu boots, any ideas?05:38
DasEibeatbreaker: yup, the beta is out and daily updates are coming, unless a important productive system can go with it05:38
ublenderWhen you remove a source that contains more recent versions of software, is it possible to downgrade effected software to the version provided by the remaining sources?05:38
DasEi!karmic | beatbreaker05:38
ubottubeatbreaker: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:38
ublenderwithout doing it 1 by 1?05:38
DasEi!backports | ublender05:39
ubottuublender: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:39
beatbreakerDasEi, when it says "karmic will break" does that mean when you go fron 9.04 to 9.10, but not from beta 9.10 to official 9.1005:40
Berzerkerbeatbreaker, it means while you're running it05:40
DasEibeatbreaker: general warning for still in development05:40
kraitocyrano_de: do you have anymore help i have to go in like 20minutes05:40
beatbreakerBerzerker, oh.... while it's still running... BUT if it doens't break then it'll patch it's self?05:41
somebody__Can anyone help find a Computer Braille Keyboard layout?05:41
somebody__There is standard Braille and then there is Computer Braille. The latter is the one I need05:41
Berzerkerbeatbreaker, no05:41
Berzerkerbeatbreaker, it's still under development, officially, until Oct 22? (23)05:41
Berzerkersomebody__, just rearrange the layout?05:41
jmarkanyone have an idea why my panel apps are out of order after a reboot? and now they can't be moved05:41
Berzerkersomebody__, why do you need a braille layout for the computer?05:41
DasEibeatbreaker: there are bugs that get fixed, update it often and help filing bugs05:42
beatbreakersomebody__, that's a tough question, you're probably better off writing in the forum?05:42
somebody__To type native characters right into a BRL friendly format05:42
Cyrano_Dekraito: sudo dpkg --get-selections |grep xserver-xorg05:42
beatbreakerDasEi, Berzerker, ok well it's for a HTPC so i won't be doing alot with it so it might be fine, it might be good to be able to report bugs for that side of things though. I think i'll do it, i'll just put it on another partition, and if it stabalizes then i've won, if it doesn't then who cares!05:43
kraitocyrano_de: alright looks like some stuff got installed05:44
BerzerkerI'm running it right now, UNR on an HP Mini, so yeah works pretty much 95% for me.05:44
Cyrano_Dekraito: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:44
Silver_Swordssomebody__: try posting that question over at ubuntu forums.05:44
DasEibeatbreaker: good call, my vm doesn't suffer me hard, too05:44
Cyrano_Dekraito: After that sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart.  Or reboot.  After that I am all out.  That and it is a school night and past my bedtime....05:45
somebody__I'm not able to post. I don't know why or how to reactivate my account05:45
DasEibeatbreaker: be aware of grub2, things changed05:45
kraitocyrano_de: it said resource is temporaly unavailable05:45
blackangelok you talked me into getting ubuntu05:45
DigitalKiwiCyrano_De: like the guy with the big nose?05:45
=== kampret is now known as cute
shane2peruDasEi: is grub 2 used in Karmic?  It isn't in Jaunty right?  or is it?05:46
Cyrano_Dekraito: You may need to stop xwindows and run the dpkg-reconfigure command from the console.05:46
Berzerkerhow do I make my default terminal the one that shows the computer info at the bottom?05:46
Silver_Swordssomebody__: create new.05:46
Cyrano_DeDigitalKiwi: The same.05:46
=== Guest8144 is now known as helluvaCSmajor
Balsaqcan someone help me with  aline command05:46
Berzerkershane2peru, default is 1.97b05:46
Balsaqterminal command i meant05:46
beatbreakerDasEi, ...oh, well in that case i can either get grub 1 to launch into grub 2 or i might even put it on a different HDD. Thanks for the warning05:46
DasEishane2peru: jest, used in karmic05:46
somebody__Thanks for your help05:46
TheRealMezquitalDasEi, it works like a charm!!!!  I'm going to try it in my laptop tomorrow and see if it runs smoothly, guest additions look just fine, is it possible to use native nV IDIA drivers on virtual box?05:46
Nicekiwi9hey, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my dell laptop, ran the updates and restarted, now I have no keyboard support after ubuntu boots, help?05:46
somebody__Good night.05:46
somebody__Thanks for your help.05:46
DigitalKiwiCyrano_De: nice05:46
somebody__Good night.05:46
FloodBot1somebody__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
DasEiTheRealMezquital: no, they emulate graphics, good to hear05:47
kraitocyrano_de: alright thanks man i have to go to work also later05:47
Cyrano_DeBerzerker: You can change your PS1 environment variable to show it.  Or you can run screen at the start of any new terminal.  screen-profiles puts a good meta line for that05:47
=== Cyrano_De is now known as Cyrano_away
ProhibitedIf I am using Simple File Sharing on a Windows XP Professional computer, how do I view the directory on Ubuntu?05:48
shane2peruBerzerker: you mean for Jaunty?05:48
=== adeodatus is now known as aigon
DasEibeatbreaker: yes, choose expertinstall und merge with existing grub I'd do to test05:48
blackangelhow long does it take to install ubuntu05:48
DasEiblackangel: depends on hardware05:48
thechitowCan somebody help me with my intermittent mouse problem?05:48
iceroot_blackangel: depedning on the pc of course. ~ 30min05:48
shane2perublackangel: depends on system, but about 30min - 45min05:48
IndyGunFreakblackangel: the actual install.. depensd on hardware, but usually it takes me around 15in.05:48
TheRealMezquitalblackangel, it takes me at most 20~30 minutes to install ubuntustudio05:49
blackangel2 gig labtop duel pros05:49
thechitowThat is what the system says is happening but I don't know how to fix it.05:49
IndyGunFreaka lot depends on how much processing you have to do blackangel05:49
IndyGunFreak*partitioning, not processing05:49
beatbreakerDasEi, ok i'll give it a go. In way of reporting bugs what can i read to learn how to do it properley?05:49
IndyGunFreakblackangel: partitioning can take quite a while, so if you have a lot of that, it can take quite some time05:50
blackangelhow slow is it working off the CD05:50
DasEi!bugs | beatbreaker05:50
ubottubeatbreaker: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:50
blackangelTHANKS now and in advance for your help05:50
Prohibitedtook me 2h 11m to format my 500gb external hard drive =[05:50
TheRealMezquitalblackangel, my laptop has the equivalent of a Pentium 4 CPU and it took about 20-30 minutes to install, didnt have a dual core CPU so it should take you about the same time05:50
beatbreakerblackangel, if you can, then booting of USB is faster05:50
thechitowAnyone have any ideas?05:51
TheRealMezquitalblackangel, just remember that it's going to take like an hour to update once  you have ubuntu installed and running05:51
blackangeli got a one gig flashcard05:51
DasEiblackangel: same hardware dependend, but from a 2ghz with least 1gig ram, live gives a good impression05:51
IndyGunFreakblackangel: 1gig should work, but i never had luck w/ them.. 2gigs has always worked fine05:51
IndyGunFreakblackangel: google unetbootin for hwo to put an ISO on a thumb drive05:52
thechitowMy fucdging mouse will never work05:52
DasEiblackangel: with that 1 gig have to use specialized installation05:52
shane2peruIndyGunFreak: is unetbootin for windows too?05:52
TheRealMezquitalProhibited, what did you use, ntfs??? I have a 500gig hard drive as well, it doesnt take me long to format  it to ext305:52
blackangelIndyGunFreak: thank-you very much05:52
IndyGunFreakshane2peru: yup.. has a windows and a *nix version05:52
thechitowDoes that link work?05:52
blackangeldo i still download and save the same05:53
shane2peruIndyGunFreak: wow, that is nice, I'm pure linux so out of the windows loop.  Works fine with 1GB too.05:53
TheRealMezquitalthechitow, apparently no one can help you right now but if you try maybe another time and another day   you might find someone that has seen the same issue05:53
IndyGunFreakshane2peru: it never worked for em w/ a 1gig drive.. i don't doubt what you're saying.. it just never worked with me.. has always worked fine w/ 2gigs05:53
blackangelhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloading?release=desktop-newest&mirror=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntu.cs.utah.edu%2Freleases%2F&arch=i386 is what im downloading05:53
* Nicekiwi9 sighs... no keyboard is no fun when you cant login05:53
p1ckLeWhen just installing ubuntu on a computer that has windows already on it, will it give me the option to format the drive before installing?05:54
TheRealMezquitalthechitow, yes the link works, i suggest you ask your question all on one line and include the link so that people can follow your question05:54
IndyGunFreakblackangel: thats whaqt you want05:54
blackangelok cool05:54
Nicekiwi9hey, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my dell laptop, ran the updates and restarted, now I have no keyboard support after ubuntu boots, help?05:54
Silver_Swordsthechitow: try another mouse.05:54
thechitowCan someone help me fix my mouse. This is the dmesg output http://www.pastebin.com/f7a2b5276 . The mouse rarely works if i replug it into a certain port. But it doesn't work anymore.05:54
DasEiblackangel: or use usb-creator from live cd and base it on the minimal installer to save space05:55
shane2peruIndyGunFreak: that is odd, could be the flash drive?  I'm pretty sure I always use it with my 1GB.  It is kind of my garbage usb stick. :)  iso is only 700MB so 1GB should be fine in theory.  odd.05:55
IndyGunFreakblackangel: if you're gonna put it on a thumb drive, just download Unetbootin, and follow the instructions... its very easy w/ a pre-downloaded ISO.  Also, any info on the flash drive, is going to be lost, so make sure you back it all up.05:55
thechitowSilver_SwordsL I have05:55
TheRealMezquitalp1ckLe, how big is the hard drive and how much free space you have left?  you can free up some space for ubuntu using a live CD that has gparted05:55
zaoulwhat kind of device is one that shows eth0:3 eth0:2  etc?05:55
PMantisp1ckLe: You'll have several choices, one to "use the whole drive"05:55
IndyGunFreakshane2peru: it might have been.05:55
IndyGunFreaki agree w/ you it didn't make any sense05:55
DasEizaoul: just a guess, nics with multiple jacks ?05:56
shane2perublackangel: be sure to back up your data before installing, even if you plan on keeping windows.05:56
Likehi oll i have a new amazing no working hardware any one help me ...05:56
zaoulDasEi: naa05:56
p1ckLePMantis: okay, cause i initially tried starting it up and it would load and then stop, give me a grey screen with a white window in the upper left corner, with a loading icon as my cursor, and then it would just stop loading, so im attempting to format the drive first.05:57
blackangelshane2peru:  i only plan on keeping til i fix it05:57
IndyGunFreakLike: wel elaborate on what isn't working05:57
zaoulDasEi: I have a switch card and it only shows up as eth0 .. I wish it showed multiple interfaces05:57
blackangelif i like it i will keep it05:57
zaoulthis is a single card eth0 showing eth0:105:57
Likeok is a Tv box caledd enu8tv-2 conected via usb05:57
mgmuscari1anybody know where the samba client configuration is located? i want to add a group to allow non-admin users to mount samba shares...05:57
zaouland multi IPs05:57
p1ckLePMantis: i just aquired the computer, it had windows me on it with a corrupt vxd.. so i was unable to format it through dos or anything.05:57
IndyGunFreakblackangel: dual booting is a good thing to do for at least a few months, while you learn the OS.05:57
zaoulsome how its being assigned multiple IPs05:57
shane2perublackangel: I dual booted for quite some time, but when installing an OS it is always wise to backup your data.05:58
DasEimgmuscari1: /etc/samba/smb.conf05:58
Likelike like like like like like like like05:58
IndyGunFreakblackangel: if you nuke windows to soon, the minute you run into a problem, you'll immediately run back and reinstall windows, at least w/ dual booting, it will give you the chance to search out alternatives, etc, while still giving you a windows safety net05:58
Silver_SwordsLike: are you looking for drivers?05:58
Likeonly too working this hardware05:58
blackangelim goingtrade up soon05:59
longtimeWould anyone be able to tell me how to set my wireless usb card as my network interface device. I just re-installed on another computer and the wifi card seems to be ignored.05:59
shane2peruIndyGunFreak: wouldn't wubi perhaps be easier?05:59
IndyGunFreakLike: wel WHAT HARDWARE,, geez05:59
blackangelmy widows is shot05:59
IndyGunFreakshane2peru: i hate wubi.. i thnk it causes more problems than its worth05:59
Likeenutv-2 tv box usb 2.005:59
IndyGunFreakbut thats just my opinion... if you're gonna nstall, install like a normal perosn05:59
shane2peruIndyGunFreak: really, well, scrape that, her windows is shot. :)05:59
drrajeshmy ubuntu is broken05:59
longtimemy xubuntu is broken06:00
shane2perudrrajesh: can you expand on that a little, what happened?06:00
drrajeshwhat is xubuntu?06:00
nutterpcdrrajesh, that's what this channel is here for. Ask your question and someone will answer if they know whats happened06:00
shane2peru!xubuntu > drrajesh06:00
IndyGunFreakdrrajesh: ubuntu w/ xfce interface(for older hardware)06:00
ubottudrrajesh, please see my private message06:00
DasEimy hardy has asthma.. k back to topic06:00
Nicekiwi9hey, I just installed ubuntu 9.04 on my dell laptop, ran the updates and restarted, now I have no keyboard support after ubuntu boots, help?06:00
Like! xubuntu | drrajesh,06:00
ubottudrrajesh,: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:00
DasEiNicekiwi9: k, can boot to safe mode ? have keyboard there ?06:01
Likesnif ...06:01
Nicekiwi9ubuntu has a safe mode?06:01
Likesnif snif06:01
IndyGunFreakNicekiwi9: hmm, that is weird... do you have keyboard use in safe mode, or can you use a USB keyboard?(if you have one)06:01
mgmuscari1can i conditionally mount a samba filesystem only of the server is pingable?06:02
Nicekiwi9i can and am useing a USB keyboard06:02
IndyGunFreakNicekiwi9: *recovery* mode i think is what he meant.. its the second option in your grub menu06:02
DasEi!who | Nicekiwi906:02
ubottuNicekiwi9: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:02
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:02
DasEiNicekiwi9: press <Esc> at grub prompt > recoverymode06:02
longtimeWould anyone be able to tell me how to set my wireless usb card as my network interface device. I just re-installed on another computer and the wifi card seems to be ignored.06:03
IndyGunFreakNicekiwi9: so if you boot recovery mode, do you have keyboard use.06:03
Nicekiwi9IndyGunFreak: the wubi installer ubuntu dose not appare to have that option visable06:03
DasEiNicekiwi9: if you can type there, backup xorg.conf and dpkg it new06:03
IndyGunFreakNicekiwi9: well, thats because wubi sucks06:03
* IndyGunFreak chalks up another reason wubi sucks06:03
DasEidefrag on wubi, muharr06:03
cordorscim seems to be broken after upgrade.06:04
Nicekiwi9DasEi: still alil n00bish on unix cmd, whats commands to do that?06:04
nutterpclongtime, it should be auto detected, the usb one, as that's whats happened with mine06:04
undeclaredxI did a complete removal of all firefox versions, but no matter what I get some XUL errors.. anyone have any idea?  (I was using firefox-3.5, but it turned out to suddenly become buggy..)06:04
nutterpcI had onboard wireless which refused to work, plugged usb wireless in, works06:05
longtimenutterpc_ --I thought so as well06:05
macoNicekiwi9: not a unix thing. DasEi is saying to use the defragmentor on windows06:05
DasEiNicekiwi9: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorgscrewed06:05
IndyGunFreaknutterpc: what usb wireless device, if you don't midn me asking.06:05
PMantisI'm customizing a live cd, if I want to mount another filesystem on bootup, shoudl i do that with casper or the init scripts?06:05
macoNicekiwi9: oops nvm. DasEi was talking to 2 people06:05
DasEiNicekiwi9: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg06:05
nutterpcIndyGunFreak, u mean what usb wireless device am i using?06:05
DasEimaco : yep06:05
IndyGunFreaknutterpc: yea, u said you had a usb wireless device working.. is it working w/ wpa?06:06
nutterpcLinksys WUSB100 (ndiswrapper)06:06
nutterpcworks perfect06:06
Nicekiwi9DasEi: dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure06:06
nutterpcworking on our network at home which is WPA206:06
DasEiNicekiwi9: I got it meanwhile, please tell wubi earlier next time;; a big prob with that is the fragmentation of drives , where wubi tends to f.. eermm fail06:07
DasEiNicekiwi9: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:07
longtimeso does mine, when I can figure out how to point my comp in it's direction and not my ethernet card06:07
nutterpcbought the WUSB100, downloaded the drivers from the site, installed ndiswrapper, installed drivers, and it just WORKS06:07
=== Shamoun__ is now known as shamoun
DasEiNicekiwi9: exit06:08
Nicekiwi9DasEi: hmm k...??06:08
longtimewell, I'm gonna pull the eth card, reinstall without it, and hopefully the wifi card will register on boot or sometime soon after06:08
DasEiNicekiwi9: resume normal boot06:08
nutterpclongtime, try moving the card to another slot06:09
Nicekiwi9DasEi: what?06:09
longtimewill do06:09
]RandoM[in xchat i'm getting "Your forward and reverse DNS don't match" when i try to connect to some servers.. anybody know why that would start happening all of a sudden?06:09
p1ckLeTried installing, and it loaded and then i got a grey screen with a white window in the upper left corner, my cursor was a loading looking imagine, then all stopped. any help?06:09
DasEiNicekiwi9: you ran the cmds in safemodes commandline ?06:09
remyoHow can I avoid grepping pdf's, images, etc. Things that clog up grep results06:09
nimda1Hi there! I need help with removing entries from my boot loader. Everytime I updated Ubuntu, a new entry gets added to the boot menu and I wish to remove some of them. Please help!06:09
Nicekiwi9DasEi: im not in safemode and dont know howto get there06:10
DasEinimda1: synaptic lets you uninstall older kernels, /boot/grub/menu.lst is your file for just the b-loader06:10
longtimenutterpc_ -well I'll be dipped,...06:11
DasEiNicekiwi9: press <Esc> at grub prompt > recoverymode06:11
rabidweezlenimda1: you talking about grub?06:11
ynki'm seriously thinking about ditching Ubuntu for Linux Mint. i've had enough of this sound problem with flash...06:11
Sp0dcan anyone help me with a little script trouble I am having?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d44b3aeb806:11
nimda1Yes im talking about GRUB06:11
longtimenutterpc_ -it's verkin :-)06:11
nutterpclongtime, :)06:11
Nicekiwi9DasEi: with that option show in the windowsXP bootmenu?06:11
IndyGunFreakynk: its probably not gonna be much different in Mint06:12
rabidweezlenimda1: I use ubuntu tweak to do all that stuff for me :)06:12
IndyGunFreakif any different at all.06:12
Nicekiwi9DasEi: will*06:12
nutterpcynk, without knowin more about the issue no one can really do anything to help06:12
DasEiNicekiwi9: if you start ubuntu, it's saying grub loading..06:12
DasEiNicekiwi9: press <Esc> at grub prompt > recoverymode06:12
L3dPlatedLinuxok was wondering if I was to hit ctrl alt and f2 looks like a terminal only prompt how would I get back to the normal gui?06:12
ynkIndyGunFreak, i don't know. i've just been looking for a reason to try something else, honestly. LoL06:12
rabidweezlenimda1: check out getdeb.net for ubuntu tweak, they clean out all old kernels and fix your grub menu06:12
Nicekiwi9DasEi: brb then06:13
PMantisL3dPlatedLinux: Ctrl-Alt-F706:13
nutterpcL3dPlatedLinux, you have just changed to a command terminal06:13
stebalienL3dPlatedLinux, Hit alt-F706:13
IndyGunFreakynk: well if you want to try something else, thats fine, but you need to undersstand that Mint and Ubuntu, are very very closely related, and problems you experience in Ubuntu, are very likely to duplicate themselves in Mint06:13
ynkIndyGunFreak, nutterpc, i agree with ya, buddy. i can't hear a thing on youtube, but i play movies and mp3s just fine. tried restarting and still nothing. tried reinstalling the latest flash plugin, still nothing06:13
mo0nykitWhat is the runlevel when I switch to a virtual console (Ctrl-Alt-F1) ?06:13
IdleOnenot to mention the problem is not Ubuntu but Flash06:13
rabidweezleynk: Alot of that stuff is from that pulseaudio setup, but kubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio :)06:14
ynkIdleOne, hmm.06:14
rabidweezlehence why I switched to kubuntu06:14
IndyGunFreakIdleOne: well, that t.. :).. but flash works fine for me06:14
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: same here06:14
stebalienmo0nykit, 2 (the same as the gui)06:14
mo0nykitstebalien, okay thanks06:15
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/06:15
ynkhow did you guys get flash to work?06:15
IdleOne!botabuse > rabidweezle06:15
ubotturabidweezle, please see my private message06:15
ynkapparently simply installing their adobe plugin won't work...06:15
IndyGunFreakynk: as much as i hate saying it, it just worked06:15
IndyGunFreaki dind't have to do anything06:15
IdleOne!flash | ynk06:15
ubottuynk: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:15
ynkIdleOne, thanks.06:16
rabidweezleIdleOne: that was not a case of bot abuse just because you didn't like the output06:16
rabidweezlebut thanks06:16
IdleOneynk: that is how I installed it and like IndyGunFreak said " it just works" for us.06:16
IndyGunFreakrabidweezle: other than you completely used it out of context06:16
IdleOnerabidweezle: there was no need as we did not tell him to do something just because it worked for us06:17
ynkrabidweezle, that's hilarious. hehe06:17
rabidweezlemoving on with more intellectual conversation06:17
IndyGunFreakrabidweezle: well, there was only one person who was being a tard....06:17
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: be nice now or we will have to send you to the corner06:18
rabidweezleand who's keeping it going moron, please stop06:18
IdleOneenough with the name calling06:18
IndyGunFreakrabidweezle: touchy... perhaps your coming to a realization06:18
macorabidweezle: be nice06:18
mo0nykitI'm using Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspire 4520 laptop (Nvidia GeForce 7000m). Installed proprietary 180.44 drivers. Problem is, when I switch to a virtual console, the screen flickers and nothing is readable. What could be the problem?06:18
IdleOneIndyGunFreak: please stop06:18
IndyGunFreakmo0nykit: did you download the driver form nvidia, or did you just use the restricted driver mgr?06:19
rabidweezleAnyway, I was going to say, I was able to get flash going by downloading it from adobe's site, one of their deb's works fine06:19
rabidweezlebut I use kubuntu so...06:19
rabidweezleno pulseaudio06:19
stebalienmo0nykit:  You may need to tweak your VGA boot settings06:20
mo0nykitIndyGunFreak, I just used the restricted driver mgr... Everything is fine with the GUI, problems lie in the virtual console and during shutdown (I can't see the shutdown splash)06:20
mo0nykitstebalien, okay, where might I find it?06:20
OzFalconDoes anyone have an entry in their "user switcher/shutdown" menu called "slurm" ????????06:22
stebalienmo0nykit:  In your /boot/grub/menu.lst, does your latest boot option have vga=<somthing>?06:22
IdleOneOzFalcon: slurm???06:22
mo0nykitstebalien, nope, there is none. What should I add?06:22
alex1234never heard of slurm06:22
OzFalconIdleOne, Yes. I look in my user switcher and I have this enrty "slurm" !!!! WTF06:23
IdleOneOzFalcon: that's a new one hehe06:23
rabidweezleOzFalcon: like a user named Slurm?!06:23
OzFalconNo users by that name in my user accounts06:23
OzFalconWhere can I past a screeny.06:23
rabidweezleOzFalcon: you know how to bring up your users/groups control panel?06:23
IdleOneOzFalcon: check to make sure there is no user with that name06:24
OzFalconta. And no user by thet name.06:24
OzFalconmoment for me to get it together.06:24
rabidweezlesounds like someone got rooted :(06:24
stebalienmo0nykit:  so, this line 'kernel /boot/<bla> root=<stuff> ro quiet splash' has no vga=<somthing>06:25
OzFalconI may have made the username in the distant past - And deleted it. I cant remember.06:25
Sp0dCan anyone help me with a scripting problem? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d44b3aeb806:25
OzFalconbut never noticed "slurm" there06:25
alex1234can you click on slurm?06:25
beatbreakern00b question: what's the md5check command again?06:25
legend2440!info slurm06:26
ubottuslurm (source: slurm): Realtime network interface monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 120 kB06:26
mo0nykitstebalien, yep that's right. I have this "kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-15-generic root=UUID=f58a2a33-2a85-4e31-8ea06:26
mo0nykitb-fd8394047365 ro quiet splash"06:26
rabidweezleOzFalcon: is there a /home/slurm?06:26
macobeatbreaker: md5sum06:26
stebalienmo0nykit:  try adding vga=795 to that line06:26
OzFalconthere is no /home/slurm06:26
stebalienmo0nykit:  that is, if you have a 1280x1024 monitor06:26
OzFalconIf I click on slurm, it takes me to the login screen.06:27
rabidweezleOzFalcon: and you say there is no user named slurm?06:27
mo0nykitstebalien, okay thanks.. I have a 1280x800 monitor.. where can I find references for the vga= option?06:27
OzFalconno. moment for the screeny06:27
OzFalconhmm I cant seem to get a screeny06:27
nimda1Thanks all for the reply on "Cleaning up Boot Loader Entries". I found this HowTO "http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/clean-up-ubuntu-grub-boot-menu-after-upgrades/" which helped me resolve the issue.06:28
beatbreakermaco, cheers06:28
nimda1have a good one folks06:28
gsevilI have this error when compile kernel from ubuntu source. dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-headers-2.6.31-11-bfs302 not in control info06:28
stebalienmo0nykit:  I would try vga=792 (the boot splash will look weird but it should work). Refer to http://paste2.org/p/45314806:29
OzFalconhow do I manualy invoke a screen shot via cmd line06:30
rabidweezlemo0nykit: http://linuxandfriends.com/2008/09/17/vga-modes-used-linux/06:30
firecrotchOzFalcon: The command "import" will do the trick. "man import" for a list of the options that you can use with it\06:31
mo0nykitstebalien, okay... thanks for the link :) much appreciated. so now I know the keywords are vga, framebuffer mode06:31
mo0nykitstebalien, i'll be right back, try out your solution06:32
drurewhey people im lookiing for a free xchange similar server with a client ....open xchange wold have been something I would have used had it not been for the limmeted amount of users (and the crazy price).unison has some interesting server side software however its eula is not by any means opensources...even if it uses opensource components. Does anyone have any sujestions ?06:32
rabidweezledrurew: like a mail server?06:32
firecrotchdrurew: citadel is a decent, easy to install collaboration suite that I've tried out in the past06:33
drurewrabidweezle, firecrotch: well im looking for the ms exchange similarity...06:35
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware06:35
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:35
pete_thanks ubottu06:35
firecrotchdrurew: what features of exchange are you looking for specifically06:37
pete_how do I make my terminal title automatically come up as X vs. Username @ Box06:38
drurewfirecrotch: well web mail ssl encrypted....calender, schedule, contacts....basicly exchange 0306:38
drurewpete_: /bin/sh06:38
firecrotchdrurew: Zimbra should do everything that you want06:39
pete_drurew, what do I do ?06:40
downstarhow do i update/find out if theres an update available for my kernel?06:41
drurewpete_: enter "/bin/sh" in you terminal for a simple shell , or /bin/bash for a bash shell ....you can see the different shells by using the "ls /bin" command06:41
OzFalconok im back06:41
pete_drurew, thats not what I asked at all.06:41
stebalienmo0nykit:  did it work? (my X-server crashed so I missed a few posts)06:41
OzFalconThat screeny should show the (?) slurm (?)06:42
bullgard4How can I call gcalctool in Scientific mode? gcalctool manual does not tell me that.06:42
mo0nykitstebalien, Thank you so much for the help! The link you gave me, it has framebuffer modes in hexadecimal, did you convert the hex (0x315) to decimal (792) ?06:42
mo0nykitstebalien, yes it worked :) I haven't tried shutting it down yet, but virtual consoles are now perfectly usable06:43
Nicekiwi9DasEi: i do not have keyboard support in recovery mode06:43
OzFalconNo one else have slurm in their switch user menu????06:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zimbra06:43
bigfootbuiltNo slurm here06:43
firecrotchdrurew: http://www.zimbra.com06:44
DasEiNicekiwi9: mmh, ssh installed ?06:44
mo0nykitstebalien, oops wrong conversion, correct one is 0x318 == 79206:44
Nicekiwi9DasEi: uhh i dont know?06:45
DasEiNicekiwi9:so not06:45
Nicekiwi9DasEi: unlikly06:45
DasEiNicekiwi9:k then can try recovery again, then 1) netroot 2) exit 3) dpkg repair packages 4)fix xserver 5)resume normal boot,  or can't you chosse that menu, too ?06:47
Nicekiwi9i can use the menu with my external keyboard but not with the lappy kb06:48
stebalienmo0nykit:  Your bootsplash probably looked a little stretched because I gave you the vga for 1024x768 because 1280x1024 is supported by few BIOSes.  You can try setting vga=864 but this may not work.06:48
Nicekiwi9DasEi: i can use the menu with my external keyboard but not with the lappy kb06:48
=== lstarnes is now known as sheep
undeclaredxis there any way POST-install to switch to an encrypted LVM setup?06:49
DasEiNicekiwi9:try it then, wubi is always a bad thing when comes to problems06:49
mo0nykitstebalien: I've looked around, there is no support for 16:10 screens?06:49
DasEiundeclaredx: not without formating06:49
undeclaredxbecause when I went to use the alternate install disc to set it up, it wanted the internet, and I use wifi for internet (not by choice, but my landlord shares it..)06:50
Nicekiwi9DasEi: kk06:50
Berzerkeranyone know how to set the terminal with the computer info at the bottom as default?06:50
undeclaredxDasEi: if I got the DVD would it just work without asking?06:50
DasEiundeclaredx: encrytion ?06:50
DasEiundeclaredx: use alternate installer06:51
undeclaredxno I mean I ran the alternative-install-i386-ubuntu-9.04 or something.. and when it started, it REQUIRED the internet06:51
undeclaredxand by LAN06:51
stebalienmo0nykit:  there is, it is just rare (google '1280x800 vga nvidia')06:51
DasEiundeclaredx: that was the minimal installer then, alterante doesn't require inet and cd is good, too06:52
DasEino DVD06:52
undeclaredxDasEi: it was a 715 mb installer06:52
undeclaredx715 iso06:52
DasEiso a cd06:53
undeclaredxactually I used a usb installer06:53
undeclaredxbut I used my 715mb iso on it06:53
MrStevecan ah get a help number?06:53
undeclaredxI installed the desktop ver using the same program no problem..06:53
mo0nykitstebalien, i have read something about vbetest on gentoo.. To show my monitor's vga FB modes. What is the equivalent for Ubuntu?06:53
DasEiundeclaredx: if it was th e alternate, can easy do this, else expert-mode works, too, but more hassle06:53
MrSteveraises hand and waits.. fer help06:54
undeclaredxDasEi: I'm just going to assume for some reason the universal linux to USB key thing screwed it up and installed minimal from the alternate ISO06:54
devZeroanyone know if the jaunty server kenel has Large Block Device enabled in the kernel?06:54
DasEiundeclaredx: nah, but you have to tell gparted how to handle the disk06:55
devZeroI was looking for CONFIG_LBD in the config, but I didn't see it.06:55
Berzerkerhow do I make my default terminal the one that shows the computer info at the bottom?06:55
undeclaredxDasEi: I used the windows/linux universal boot creator I forget the name.. used it in windows06:55
AmalgamAre there official GNOME 2.28 packages available for Ubuntu yet?06:55
DasEiusb-creator ? unetbootin ?06:55
jumbersUgh. File-roller says it supports .7z files, but I'm trying to unpack one and it's refusing to work06:56
DasEiundeclaredx: easiest way use alternate cd , but usb from that should also work06:56
undeclaredxDasEi: I did but it didn't work properly..06:57
firecrotchAmalgam: in Karmic :)  There will be no official GNOME 2.28 packages for Jaunty06:57
DasEijumbers: unp and p7zip-full06:57
devZerolooking for someone with kernel knowledge.06:57
chrome_hi.. i have ath9k, but when i run aireplay-ng, it freezes up. seems like my driver needs patch. where do I get one or what driver should i use?06:58
Amalgamfirecrotch: Ah Ok. Thanks for the reply.06:58
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: what went wrong w/ unetbootin?06:58
undeclaredxDasEi: anyway, I'm going to do a proper reinstall on wed probably..  Glad to know that alternate itself isn't bad though.06:58
firecrotchAmalgam: No problem :)06:58
undeclaredxDasEi: which app do you recommend for this (I'm in ubuntu now)?06:58
OzFalconok - I think I have the slurm user worked out06:59
DasEiundeclaredx: this is vague..06:59
=== Guest1344 is now known as Nicekiwi9
undeclaredxDasEi: er, unetbootin or usb-creator I guess?06:59
chrome_hi.. i have ath9k, but when i run aireplay-ng, it freezes up. seems like my driver needs patch. where do I get one or what driver should i use?06:59
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: usb-creator only takes IMG files to my knowledge06:59
OzFalconCan someone verify some entries in /etc/passwd        with me ???06:59
DasEiundeclaredx: usb-creator does fine, but why not use the cd itself ?06:59
undeclaredxDasEi: defective dvd drive on my laptop07:00
Nicekiwi9DasEi: dpkg: need an action option07:00
IndyGunFreakusb-creator will only work w/ image files i'm pretty sure...07:00
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: yes, not an ISO07:00
undeclaredxalright, ill do unetbootin then07:00
IndyGunFreaki think its IMG.07:00
undeclaredxyup I gotcha07:00
chrome_hi.. i have ath9k, but when i run aireplay-ng, it freezes up. seems like my driver needs patch. where do I get one or what driver should i use?07:00
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: are you using unetbootin under Linux?07:00
DasEiusb-creator works with iso's , too07:00
ProhibitedHow do I get it so when I install packages the files are placed on my External Hard drive?07:00
undeclaredxDasEi: yeah if my dvd drive was fine I would have burned alternate and be done already07:01
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: I would be, yeah07:01
IndyGunFreakDasEi: never did for me07:01
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: at this point I may simply use unetbootin's automatic creator so to speak.. where it downloads and does everything07:01
OzFalconanyone have an entry in /etc/passwd  called "munge"07:01
DasEiNicekiwi9:repai packages wants an argument ?07:01
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: before you use unetbootin, open gparted, and format the thumb drive as ext3, then use unetbootin.. for some reason under Ubuntu, unetbooin will nto work w/ a fat32 filesystem07:01
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: okay.07:02
OzFalconanyone have an entry in /etc/passwd  called "slurm"07:02
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: well, that is extremely slow, but you can do that07:02
Nicekiwi9DasEi: action option?07:02
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: well on 20 megabit internet (at my school) it should be like 5 minutes07:02
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: plus, if somethng goes wrong, you won't have to download the ISO again.07:02
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: err, you missed my point07:02
IndyGunFreakno, i didn't07:02
undeclaredxI used it on the alternate iso07:02
undeclaredxit gave me the minimal version07:02
IndyGunFreakohh... ok...07:02
DasEiNicekiwi9: your last request, action-option ?07:02
undeclaredxno idea why07:02
chrome_cat /etc/passwd | grep munge07:02
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: so were you trying to do the Live version?07:03
Nicekiwi9uhhh? im lost07:03
mo0nykitstebalien, 864 doesn't work. It says "undefined mode. Press ENTER to see a list of choices." and 1280x800 framebuffer isn't supported. I reverted to 792. Splash screen is moved a bit to the side. Thanks so much for your help :) I updated my thread here with credits to you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128233807:03
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: just the alternate iso07:03
ProhibitedHow do I get it so when I install packages the files are placed on my External Hard drive?07:03
Nicekiwi9DasEi: im lost07:03
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: and it was like "I need to contact the internet"07:03
OzFalconchrome, So no entry for munge or slurm07:03
josemiguelanyone helpme???07:03
mdkessHi, I'm having some troubles with the Ubuntu beta. A lot of gtk stuff involving the mouse isn't working - for example, in Eclipse I can't click some buttons, and in linux games, when I click the cursor jumps to the lower right corner of the screen - has anyone had similar experiences?07:03
chrome_negative OzFalcon07:03
josemiguelhow restore nautilus???07:03
IndyGunFreak!karmic | mdkess07:03
ubottumdkess: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:03
josemigueli lost menues07:03
OzFalconchrome_, ok thanks07:04
mdkessOh, hey. Sweet.07:04
DasEiNicekiwi9: feel in good society; did the recovery session work ?07:04
chrome_hi.. i have ath9k, but when i run aireplay-ng, it freezes up. seems like my driver needs patch. where do I get one or what driver should i use?07:04
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak - anyhow, like I said, it should just work and since its 20 mbit inet, it will work reallly quickly07:04
IndyGunFreakjosemiguel: you lost your menus?... or did you lose your panels(where the clcok and what not is)07:04
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: hopefully07:04
josemiguelmenues....i have only icons07:04
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: I will format it to ext3 as well.. why not07:04
OzFalconchrome_, Musta been somewhere else when I was doing some userswitching stuff in the long past.07:04
MrSteveu have to choose minimal.. from alt cd iso.  I recall that.07:05
undeclaredxMrSteve: I was using the alt cd iso and by default it went to minimal, dunno why07:05
IndyGunFreakjosemiguel: but do you have the panel... ie, can you see the clock07:05
undeclaredxalt cd iso + unetbootin + usb key07:05
MrStevewhen i used untbootin - i select and got entire download part and installed all unbuntu07:05
Nicekiwi9DasEi: yes, dpkg repair packages gave response dpkg: need an action option07:05
ProhibitedHow do I get it so when I install packages the files are placed on my External Hard drive?07:05
* DasEi rembers using usb creator once, thinks it was the alternate07:05
josemiguelnautilus....file manager07:06
undeclaredxDasEi: unetbootin is pretty impressive I find..07:06
undeclaredxjosemiguel: sudo apt-get install nautilus?07:06
MrSteveeven on dsl, it goes fast07:06
undeclaredxjosemiguel: on a terminal07:06
IndyGunFreakjosemiguel: right click the panel, add to panel, then add menu panel07:06
Prohibitednautilus..isn't that the window browser?07:06
Blueygui file manager for gnome07:06
undeclaredxits the equivilent of explorer on windows07:06
Prohibitedhow the hell would lose that?07:06
IndyGunFreaki thought he said he just lost his menu?07:07
chrome_why is it that bitchx is not in the packages?07:07
DasEiNicekiwi9: try from netroot : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:07
IndyGunFreakProhibited: i don't think he knows what he lost07:07
MrSteverepair boot wont complete07:07
Blueydesktop link to your home directory:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=6607:07
IndyGunFreakchrome_: cuz there's like 10 other irc clients?07:07
undeclaredxIndyGunFreak: correct me if I'm wrong, but Kubuntu is mainly the same thing except presented more along the lines of like start menu-ish?07:07
MrStevenormal boot just hangs at the Unbuntu screen with orange line07:08
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: no, theya re different07:08
undeclaredxno I mean I know its KDE vs Gnome07:08
undeclaredxbut I'm not really sure what the differences are07:08
undeclaredxI haven't much used it as a desktop..ever07:08
IndyGunFreakundeclaredx: how the GUI's work is different.. not to mention kde sucks07:08
undeclaredxhow does it suck?07:08
IndyGunFreakjosemiguel: what exactly is your problem.07:08
chrome_IndyGunFreak: i agree, but bitchx was like the grandpa of them all. besides, its a great client07:08
didymous777has anyone here ever done remote desktop through an SSH?07:09
IndyGunFreakchrome_: so download and compile it07:09
undeclaredxdidymous777: can't be too hard, you can setup ssh to create a socks5 proxy07:09
josemigueli speak spanish ...my english is very poor07:09
josemigueland the channel in spanish no me ayudan07:09
chrome_i can do that, what I was just trying figure out is that why is not included07:09
IndyGunFreakjosemiguel: well, if youc an't put together a question, you can't expect an answer.07:09
jussi01!es | josemiguel07:09
ubottujosemiguel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:09
didymous777undeclaredx: do you have time to walk me through it?07:10
IndyGunFreakchrome_: probably just not much demand for it.07:10
josemiguely try kubuntu-es07:10
undeclaredxdidymous777: ssh <host> -l mylogin -D localhost:1080 (for the socks proxy)07:10
undeclaredxdidymous777: then get an RDP client that supports socks5 proxies07:10
undeclaredxand make sure wherever you ssh to allows this kind of dynamic forwarding07:10
DasEiNicekiwi9: I'm getting tired, there is not much I can do to a wubi install, they tend to fail often, next call would be to edit xorg.conf and put a standard keyboard section in it, though in 1289 people.. there are still few can do that07:10
undeclaredxsocks proxy @ localhost:108007:10
undeclaredxport 108007:11
chrome_okay seems like no one ever answer my question about ath9k patch07:11
Nicekiwi9DasEi: keyboard on the lappy randomly started working again in netroot07:12
undeclaredxFor general desktop use, its generally agreed ubuntu is the best? or will I go to #kubuntuand they'll be like "gnome sucks KDE ROOLZ"?07:12
rskundeclaredx: there are 2versions for a reason07:12
MrSteveyeah.. eh.  It is cool sitting here in XP safe mode trying to figure out why the system started just stopping.. then after a trip to a shop.. new PS.. and heat sink.. why the OS don't werk.. on either drive in a dual boot system07:12
Balsaqhey technical experts out there, if i run 2 monitors on this old dell boat anchor from 1998 will it slow me down to a crawl?07:12
Balsaqruns good now07:12
DasEiNicekiwi9: your paketmanagement also was in disorder, could have been interupted update or full wubi-disk07:13
firecrotchundeclaredx: it depends on which environment you prefer, really07:13
undeclaredxrsk: I really would like to find a good comparison between the two.. but its hard to find a proper google search thus far07:13
jonsol_Balsaq: no reason why it should.07:13
DasEi!trash | Nicekiwi907:13
ubottuNicekiwi9: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:13
MrStevedid anything else happen on Oct 1st on the net.. something rabid amiss?07:13
josemiguelheyyyy....mi problem is that!!.   http://es.tinypic.com/r/2e6dehi/407:13
rskundeclaredx: i don't think you will find out so much, compare between gnome.org/kde.org07:13
josemiguelheyyyy....mi problem is that!!.   http://es.tinypic.com/r/2e6dehi/407:13
Balsaqjonsol: ok thanks...didnt know if it ws one those cpu hogs07:13
dg1anyone get the mic to work with ubuntu07:13
josemiguelyou seee???07:13
undeclaredxrsk: all I've heard is KDE is more bloated, but that's it07:14
Nicekiwi9DasEi: wtf07:14
Balsaqjonsol: they monitors are on sale cheap noww,,,will i have to buy an adapter or something?07:14
rskundeclaredx: you can have both installed at the same time and just switch back and fourth, i guess that's the easiest way of making up your mind07:14
jonsol_Balsaq: Do you have two ports on your GFX card? If so not, if not yes.07:14
undeclaredxrsk: no shit? how?07:14
rskundeclaredx: it's not big difference to me thou, basicly the same.07:14
undeclaredxrsk: just apt-get the proper packages, then when I log in I choose?07:15
rskundeclaredx: yes07:15
josemiguelyou seee???07:15
josemiguelheyyyy....mi problem is that!!.   http://es.tinypic.com/r/2e6dehi/407:15
undeclaredxrsk: I'll test it out, thanks07:15
Nicekiwi9DasEi: thnkx07:15
undeclaredxrsk: is there specific packages or do I just go to the package manager type in KDE and its done?07:15
DasEi Nicekiwi9: have you got a second machine ?07:15
chrome_hi.. i have ath9k, but when i run aireplay-ng, it freezes up. seems like my driver needs patch. where do I get one or what driver should i use?07:15
rskundeclaredx: kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop depending on what you have installed already07:15
Balsaqjonsol: bygfx you must mean my ols ATI 8mb AGP card07:16
undeclaredxrsk: yeah im on ubuntu now07:16
Nicekiwi9DasEi: yup, on it atm07:16
jonsol_Balsaq, or you could just get another cheapo GFX coard. Most anything will do if you don't need 3d.07:16
undeclaredxI'll test it out, thanks07:16
FloodBot1undeclaredx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:16
DasEi Nicekiwi9: then ask here for installing ssh, so can remotely access that system case you need it07:16
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)07:16
Balsaqjonsol yeah i want too but i have a 200watt power supply 12v-6a so i do not know which one i can get ...do not want to but buy a power supply for this old puter07:17
* DasEi is drowning to bed soon07:17
pete_If I simply boot in to a Gparted live-cd and remove a vista install and set the boot flag on ubuntu partition will I be good?07:17
dg1how do i configure my microphone07:17
josemiguelheyyyy....mi problem is that!!.   http://es.tinypic.com/r/2e6dehi/407:18
DasEipete_: dualbooting now ?07:18
rsk!ops | josemiguel07:18
ubottujosemiguel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:18
pete_DasEi, yea with grub installed, using vista loader07:18
jonsol_Balsaq: anything from the same era will do nicely. Matrox made a couple of cards capable of high resolutions and very good 2d quality (the Matrox Millenium-line). Shouldn't cost you more than a couple of bucks on Ebay.07:18
Nicekiwi9DasEi: ah, im in windows here, windows 707:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puuty07:18
DasEi!putty | Nicekiwi907:18
ubottuNicekiwi9: PuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)07:18
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!07:19
Balsaqgreat, but i guess you are saying by buying and old card i can asssume it will do a 200w power supply?07:19
MenZajosemiguel: Stop.07:19
DasEipete_: no need for livecd, just gparted from linux and free the space then07:19
josemigueli dont understand07:19
Madpilotubottu, es |  josemiguel07:19
ubottujosemiguel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:19
jonsol_Balsaq: most probably yes. These old cards doesn't consume much power (not compared to todays cards)07:19
pete_DasEi, what exactly do I do07:19
DasEi!es | josemiguel07:19
gnomefreakjonsol_: may i help you?07:20
gnomefreakjosemiguel: may i help you?07:20
jonsol_gnomefreak: not really, no...07:20
Gnearsk: I think !repeat would have been more appropriate07:20
Balsaqok cause that was my 1st thought just go up a little and get an old card07:20
gnomefreakjonsol_: sorry wrong nick ;)07:20
=== user6 is now known as Male
DasEipete_: install gparted ntfsprogs  , run gparted, format vista (after backing data up ) to ext3 and add partition to fstab to use under ubuntu07:21
jonsol_Balsaq: you do that. Should work ok. Used dual monitors (and up to three now) since the late 90s. Works fine.07:21
MrSteveMy dual-boot is whacked..07:21
GneaMrSteve: in what way?07:21
MrSteveGnea - I am recovering from pc crash.. in XP safe mode now07:22
GneaMrSteve: it won't let you boot into ubuntu?07:22
MrSteveGnea - the boot loader is delayed - then pops up menu of OS to lad07:22
Berzerkerhow do I reset my terminal settings?07:23
MrSteveThen, it wont load XP..07:23
GneaMrSteve: okay, can't help you with XP, but can help you with Ubuntu.07:23
MrSteveAnd hangs both OS.. they on 2 seperate drives07:23
=== user6 is now known as jefrey
Blueyhow do I find out what version of KDE I have?07:23
MrSteveall I can do is Safe w/ networking07:23
GneaMrSteve: that is irrelevent, what's the error message when booting ubuntu?07:24
MenZaBluey: There's probably some About dialogue in your K menu somewhere.07:24
Blueyokay let me look there....07:24
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents07:24
MrSteveGnea - First, it could not load Human.. something about png..07:24
Berzerkernvm fixed that, what's the syntax for executing two commands on the same line?07:25
pete_DasEi, ok, how do I put the free space in to ubuntu07:25
MrSteveloading with recovery mode.. it goes on and on to a point and hangs07:25
Blueyahh I forgot I don't have kde on this system...07:25
DasEi!fstab | pete_07:25
GneaMrSteve: well, need to know what that point is07:25
ubottupete_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:25
MrSteveGnea - it last told me file checker was forced, after 27 times loading, and it hang07:26
GneaMrSteve: it doesn't hang, it's checking the filesystem - how big is your ubuntu disk?07:26
MrSteveGnea - the unetbootin part manager will run, it did once a bit ago07:26
GneaMrSteve: it's probable that you broke it when you thought it was hanging, when it really wasn't. what version of Ubuntu is installed?07:26
MrSteveGnea - it gave no response after 44.5%07:26
Gneahow long did you wait after 44.5%?07:27
pete_DasEi, can I pastebin you my file07:27
MrSteveuhm.. I got the Hardy, I think07:27
Blueyit's griping because I don't have the latest kde07:27
pete_DasEi, this is out of my league man07:27
Blueyi have 4.207:27
Blueyand it says I should have 4.307:27
GneaMrSteve: okay, so how long did you wait?07:27
MrSteveGood ten07:27
DasEi pete_: kk, sudo apt-get install pastebinit07:27
GneaMrSteve: does the HDD LED usually blink?07:28
pete_DasEi, here http://pastebin.com/md25b9a107:28
pete_/dev/sda6 is all I want, can you tell me how to make it one big partition07:28
DasEi pete_: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit07:28
MrSteveUsually - yes, but it did stop.. same for XP.. it stops blink and hangs07:28
pete_DasEi, k sec07:28
Blueysynaptic only shows 4.2 -- how can I get 4.3?07:28
MrStevelooking at XP under file system.. it is changed.07:29
GneaMrSteve: that is quite odd. I would boot up the livecd and run a manual fsck on the ubuntu drives like this:  sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda107:29
MrSteveLooking at unbuntu files under part mgr.. it seems all there but wont load07:30
jonsol_MrSteve: could be anything from a fucked up partition table to a broken hd, cable or controller. Check that all cables, can cause strange problems with lockups. Then boot with a rescue cd a do a manual fsck.07:30
Gnea!language | jonsol_07:30
ubottujonsol_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:30
MrStevethe unbuntu was an unetbootin install from internet07:31
MrStevegot no cd07:31
pete_DasEi, http://pastebin.com/m544d553407:31
=== Amalgam is now known as Amalgam_
GneaMrSteve: so it's running off of a flash drive, not a hard drive?07:32
MrSteveit is running on Drive 2.. which is 200GB07:32
Gneaand is that a hard drive?07:32
DasEipete_: did you already format the vista part ?07:32
MrStevethe newer drive I have07:32
NiNesI'm running windows vista right now but i want to devote my laptop entirely to ubuntu. Could anyone help on how or point me towards some documentation?07:32
GneaMrSteve: then it doesn't matter what you use, if it's a livecd or flash bootable - just get some ubuntu booted up and manually fsck it07:33
pete_DasEi, ya07:33
MrSteveGnea - can I do that from terminal in the Part manager>?07:33
GneaMrSteve: i don't see why you'd use the partition manager, but a terminal, yes07:34
Blueynines - I talked a kid in austrailia through installing ubuntu last night - no Ihaven't found anything good07:34
MrStevethe part.manager is all that will Load07:34
harisundCan some one tell me why if I have "Plain" as my theme setting in GDM, Gnome starts without a sound and I am not able to auto login, but if I use the "Ubuntu Human" default theme I am able to auto login? Is this one of those "Ubuntu decides what's best for you" things?07:34
NiNesi basically want to wipe my hard drive so i can souly have ubuntu running only.07:35
jasonmchristosdoes anyone know how to change the default cpu scaling on startup?07:35
NiNesi've heard of some nuke thing?07:35
DasEipete_: so its sda 5 then07:35
MrSteveI am thinking that there has been a change to computers.. where now you click on an icon, then you get your user box to log in..07:35
pete_DasEi, if you say so07:35
jasonmchristosNiNes: you just have to tell ubuntu to do it when you install, click use entire disk07:36
Blueynines - you should be able to boot up the cd and it has the option of using the entire hard drive07:36
NiNesok great thanks guys07:36
Blueynines - you d/l and burned the iso, yes?07:36
jasonmchristosBluey: thanks for the echo :)07:36
MrSteveNines - if you do.. the Windows wont recognize it07:36
DasEipete_: you currently have no valid swap, but another story : sudo mkdir /media/store07:36
NiNesBluey, i have the iso cd07:36
jasonmchristosMrSteve: windows will be gone07:37
pete_DasEi, do I need one with 3gb of ram07:37
Blueynines -- best of luck - I think you should be up and runing about 45 minutes after starting...07:37
DasEipete_: not really, hibernation won't work07:37
MrStevejasonmchristos - that is the point07:37
pete_DasEi, ok, done07:37
NiNesBluey, thanks i'll be back in an hour or so... goodbye windows. just backing up some music first :)07:38
DasEipete_: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, then add the missing line : http://paste.ubuntu.com/285974/07:38
jasonmchristosNiNes: you made the right choice i did it07:38
DasEipete_: save fstab, close it07:38
NiNesback later. bye all07:39
MrStevedual boot07:39
jasonmchristosNiNes: u might still need windows on ocassion so just put xp on some old computer and store it away07:39
pete_DasEi, except that its ext4 ??07:39
dmpjki have just installed 9.10 beta on one of my machines07:39
jasonmchristosMrSteve: right i got it07:39
NiNesjasonmchristos, i have xp on my desktop.07:39
DasEipete_: did you  format it to ext4 ? native jaunty ?07:39
MrSteveu can dual boot..07:39
jasonmchristosNiNes: cool07:40
pete_DasEi, yea07:40
MrSteveif yer laptop has XP..07:40
DasEipete_: right, change to ext4 then07:40
dmpjkso i was looking for some back up tool and found "back in time" in the repos07:40
DasEipete_: save fstab, close it07:40
MrSteveor any windows.. you can still dual boot07:40
NiNesMrSteve, are you talking to me?07:40
DasEipete_: sudo mount -a07:40
pete_says it failed07:41
aCan anyone help me adjust my firewall in ubuntu?07:41
flymana: what needs to be adjusted?07:41
jasonmchristosa: what do you want to do?07:41
DasEipete_: sudo mount -a | pastebinit07:41
NiNesi dont have xp on this notebook, i have vista and i hate it. i just want this laptop to be ubuntu07:41
DasEipete_: pastebinit /etc/fstab07:42
NiNesi have xp on my desktop pc if needed07:42
flymanNiNes: Get the Ubuntu Live CD and install from it.07:42
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jasonmchristosA: have you tried firestarter?07:42
jasonmchristosNiNes: did you test ubuntu first?07:42
Berzerkeranyone know how I can have terminal run a command everytime it starts up, aka, clear?07:42
dmpjkNiNes: you should consider buying an extra harddrive and install ubuntu on it then07:42
flymanBerzerker: You could edit the bash profile.07:43
NiNesi have an externl...07:43
Gneamneptok: hi, may I pm?07:43
Berzerkerflyman, no idea what to do07:43
MrSteve60$ hard drive, then dual boot07:43
Berzerkerflyman, not familiar with .bash_profile stuff07:43
dmpjkimo there is no point being infected with windows on your ubuntu harddrive07:43
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jasonmchristosNiNes: as long as you have tested it and it works to satisfaction go ahead and wipe it07:43
MrStevewindows infection? hahaha07:43
pete_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/285977/07:43
aactually, what I'm trying to do is run paltalk through wine and it is tellin g me to adjust my firewall. right now I dont know if anyt firewall is running.07:43
MrStevea: it is07:44
jasonmchristosa: it should be open by default07:44
MrStevefirestarter is program to adjust firewall in unbuntu07:44
flymanI think ~/.bash_profile is where it wouldgo07:44
ubuntuguyHi,  got ubuntu installed into windows, added a sata drive and now ubuntu doesnt boot.  errors out on detecting the sata drive, any way to avoid this? (ubuntu is *not* installed in the sata drive)07:44
flymanI use Firewall Builder, pretty good too.07:45
jasonmchristosa: dont use firestarter because it will modify the iptables if u dont need it dont use it07:45
aok. thankyou. I'll try that now07:45
jonsol_MrSteve: no, ufw is the standard tool from 9.04. Probably much easier for the newbie.07:45
MrStevewull.. I got firestarter wid my07:45
jasonmchristosubuntuguy: you might try to disable sata in bios but it might lose some benifits07:45
flymanBerzerker: open a terminal and open ~/.bash_profile07:45
jasonmchristosa: it sounds like a wine problem07:46
Blueysudo ufw disable is your friend...07:46
ubuntuguyjasonmchristos: thanks07:46
Berzerkerflyman, doesn't exist07:46
jonsol_MrSteve: parse error. Please try again.07:46
jasonmchristosa: ubuntu wont block anything by default07:46
flymandoes ~/.bashrc?07:46
MrStevejason - the firewall is in the kernel07:46
flymanpersonal aliases should go into ~/.bashrc07:47
dmpjka: i would also guess its a wine thingy07:47
jasonmchristosubuntuguy: i remember seing some sata setting in my bios07:47
jasonmchristosMrSteve: right but its not set to block any outgoing connections by default07:47
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MrStevethey was under wine.. those incoming07:48
jayproi have an asus eee 1000ha and im installing the netbook remix.  would you guys recommend the eee-control as a replacement for the super hybrid engine utility?07:48
pete_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/285977/07:48
dmpjka: what is paltalk? an irc-client?07:48
jasonmchristosMrSteve: so my guess is wine isnt forwarding to the network, just a guess07:48
Berzerkerflyman, most excellent.07:48
jonsol_jaypro: yes.07:48
Berzerkerflyman, just added the command at the end of the file made it work, thanks a lot07:48
MrSteveyah yah07:48
flymanBerzerker: Welcome :)07:48
jonsol_jaypro: I have an 1000H and the EEE-control util works wonders. Even did a Swedish translation for it. ;-)07:48
MrSteveI know about these things, but when it tiotal crash, I die07:48
Blueydmpjk iirc it is a windows client that allows users to talk to each other, rather then type - I didn't know it was still around07:49
jayprojonsol_ oh okay cool! do you add anything else... like replacements to software included in the support dvd?07:50
BlueyIRC is 4ver! (I wonder if that'd make a good tatt?  ;-p~)07:50
jayprojonsol_ err DID you add anything else07:50
mgmuscarialright, has anyone used MPD to set up a home media server before?07:50
jonsol_jaypro: no, didn't see any reason to bloat it. It does what it's supposed to already.07:50
flymanmgmuscari: No but I used apache w/apachesound which is a web-based script to allow streaming of music07:51
jasonmchristosdmpjk: paltalk is some junk chat network like a bad skype with a bunch of ads07:51
flymanampache actually I think it's called07:51
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mgmuscarii've got a NAS with all my music on it, and i'm planning to have a small laptop set up permanently as the audio device (attached will be a usb sound device with speakers)07:51
jayprosweet! thanks jonsol_!07:51
jonsol_No worries.07:51
mgmuscarithe laptop/server will have access to the NAS. i want to be able to hit the server from any of my other pc's and queue up music to play07:52
dmpjkjasonmchristos: ty07:52
jayprojonsol_ oh... what do you use instead of vlc? or did you add vlc to your asus eee?07:52
dmpjksounds like winehq is the place to look for answers07:52
mgmuscarie.g. if i'm on my bed with my laptop, i want to be able to queue up a playlist, then turn off my laptop and go to bed while the music keeps playing07:52
mgmuscariflyman: do you know of any gtk clients for ampache?07:53
DasEipete_: hm, ext4 is still no mount option in jaunty, so this is why I think that won't work07:53
NiNesnow i'm unsure whether to dual boot or just use ubuntu.07:53
flymanmgmuscari: unfortunately I do not. However, it is web-based an almost out of the box easy to use.07:53
pete_DasEi, can I burn a cd?07:53
BerzerkerITU H.264 and MP3 decoder, how do I install those?07:53
jasonmchristosNiNes: did you try ubuntu yet?07:53
mgmuscariflyman: eh, yeah, not looking to control my media library via a browser. hmm07:54
jasonmchristosNiNes: if unsure dual boot u can always wipe it later07:54
mgmuscaritheoretically i would also like to be able to redirect sound from my laptop or any other machine through this thing07:54
mgmuscarii plan to use pulseaudio for that07:54
flymanmgmuscari: have you seen http://www.radscan.com/nas.html?07:54
jasonmchristosNiNes: if you are sure ubuntu works with everything its up 2 u07:54
NiNesyes i guess07:54
mgmuscariflyman: no, thanks for the link07:55
dmpjkthat bill could affect google wawe, just curious?07:55
flymanIt might be what you're looking for.07:55
mgmuscarii wonder what the sample applications are07:56
dmpjksorry fot the OT07:56
jasonmchristosdmpjk: whats this link for?07:56
dmpjkits OT07:56
jasonmchristospm me07:56
mgmuscarioooh, MPD has an iphone application07:57
mgmuscarinow THAT is neat07:57
flymanmgmuscari: you know, Sockos has a GUI07:57
DasEipete_: prbly, though I use ext4 (converted) too, my fsatb still uses ext3, so got to change fstab or need new linx utils, behind the scope of jaunty07:57
pete_DasEi, aight thanks.07:58
mgmuscarisockso, hm, i'll have to look into this too...07:58
DasEipete_: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, then add the missing line : http://paste.ubuntu.com/285974/07:58
flymanmgmuscari: I am actually downloading the source now, it looks better than ampache.07:58
DasEipete_: save fstab, close it07:59
DasEipete_: sudo mount -a07:59
mgmuscariflyman: thanks for all the suggestions07:59
Doc_Lappy$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * from clients where enddate<(CURRENT_UNIXTIME()+86400*7"); found the - should be a +07:59
mgmuscariflyman: this gives me a good, solid set of possibilities to try07:59
flymanI hope they help mgmuscari07:59
Doc_Lappyoops wrong window07:59
flymanIf not, let me know and ill look in to it further.07:59
pete_DasEi, mount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /media/store busy07:59
pete_mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda5 is mounted on /media/0bf913f5-2cf8-4372-af3c-4ea7aed1341d07:59
DasEipete_: cd /media/store08:00
DasEipete_: df -h08:00
DasEipete_: have the according free space there ?08:01
jasonmchristosDasEi: format it08:01
pete_probably not08:02
pete_I can just use the live-cd its not a big deal.08:02
DasEipete_: whats it saying about /dev/sda508:02
pete_its some stupid partition with 1.6g08:03
pete_had something to do with windows08:03
DasEipete_: cd08:03
pete_DasEi, aight08:04
DasEipete_: sudo umount /dev/sda508:04
DasEipete_: sudo gparted08:04
DasEipete_: now format it to ext308:04
p1ckLeUbuntu refuses to boot wether I choose to install, or run from Live CD. It's not the CD cause it boots on my other PC. Any ideas?08:04
DasEi.. and also check the identifier again08:05
mgmuscaripete_: that's probably your windows recovery partition or something08:05
mgmuscarip1ckLe: do you get an error?08:05
iskinIs there any good reason to choose x64 if I don't plan on using more than 3GBs of memory? Will the system operate otherwise and does flash still have issues with 64-bit?08:05
DasEi!bootoptions | p1ckLe08:05
ubottup1ckLe: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions08:05
p1ckLemgmuscari: no error, just freezes08:05
jasonmchristosp1ckLe: reset the bios to default08:05
mgmuscarip1ckLe: i dunno then :/08:05
twinkie_addictis any one running the 9.10 beta ? if so will keeping it updated bring it to final when is released ?08:06
jasonmchristosp1ckLe: the cd also has a memory test and check cd for defects run both of those after trying bios reset08:06
Madpilottwinkie_addict, it will be updated to final via the normal update-manager08:06
pete_DasEi, cant08:06
p1ckLejasonmchristos: i ran both of those, i will try reseting the bios08:06
DasEipete_: if you want ext4 , convert it later, once fstab works, the state of that is mixed in jaunty08:07
Madpilottwinkie_addict, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for karmic questions until it is final, though08:07
pete_DasEi, whats that mean08:07
twinkie_addictah ok sorry08:07
DasEipete_: sda5 unmounted ?08:07
pete_DasEi, convert my drive to ext308:07
pete_DasEi, I think so?08:07
DasEipete_: now ext3, convert later to ext408:07
twinkie_addictthanks for answering though :)08:08
jasonmchristosp1ckLe: other than that there may be a hardware incompatibility08:08
p1ckLejasonmchristos: any ideas on how i would figure that out?08:09
DasEip1ckLe: try acpi=off08:09
jasonmchristosp1ckLe: well you can also tinker with the bios settings like disabling extras, n stuff there should be an ubuntu hardware compatibility list online08:10
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DasEipete_: state of art ?08:11
jasonmchristosp1ckLe: Dasei has a good suggestion. try defaulting all settings first then tinker from there try also to disable any bios caching08:11
pete_DasEi, huh08:11
U-b-u-n-t-uI installed ubuntu side by side but then decided not to use the new install because the old install was fine but now I have a 2.5 gig partition I can't delete with gpartition .......... suggestions?08:12
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DasEipete_: formatted old vista to ext3 now ?08:12
p1ckLeDasEi: i turn acpi off in bios?08:13
pete_DasEi, hold one sec08:13
DasEi!bootoptions > p1ckLe08:13
ubottup1ckLe, please see my private message08:13
pete_DasEi, doing now.08:14
DasEipete_: and it is sda5, nor ?08:14
pete_DasEi, /dev/sda08:15
DasEisda what ?08:15
DasEipete_: that would be a new parti ..08:17
pete_DasEi, ok,08:18
DasEipete_: end gparted,  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit08:18
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pete_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/285990/08:19
genmailHi everyone, is there anyone who can help me?08:19
jasonmchristosgenmail: ask08:19
Madpilothi genmail08:19
jasonmchristosp1ckLe: figure what out again?08:20
DasEipete_: now you did it,  change fstab to sda108:20
genmailhi Madpilot, thx :) I have a pc with 3 hdd (one internal in which there's Win XP) and 2 external ones.08:20
DasEipete_: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, then add the missing line : sda5 to sda108:21
DasEipete_: save fstab, close it08:21
genmailMadpilot: I want to install ubuntu on a usb hdd. But when I did I couldn't use any OS if that Hd was disconnected (cause grub couldn't find the hdd)08:21
DasEipete_: sudo mount -a08:21
pete_DasEi, switch 1-5, 5-108:21
DasEipete_:just make a 1 from the 5 in last line08:22
xinen007who can help me?08:22
genmailMadpilot: So I'd like to know a way to make grub work when the hdd is connected AND use xp when the hdd isn't connected08:22
Madpilotgenmail, I don't personally know - never tried anything like your setup08:23
Madpilotubottu, dualboot |  genmail check these pages08:23
ubottugenmail check these pages: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:23
genmailMadpilot: ok, thanks anyway :)08:23
pete_DasEi, I am going to boot the cd, real quick08:23
amerineseAnybody have copy-and-paste problems with Wine?  I have to hit paste (ctrl+V) twice before it copies.  First time I just get a "v".  Also, if the string is too long, it doesn't paste over at all.08:24
boxxyAnybody have copy-and-paste problems with Wine?  I have to hit paste (ctrl+V) twice before it copies.  First time I just get a "v".  Also, if the string is too long, it doesn't paste over at all.08:24
DasEipete_: why ?08:24
pete_DasEi, it did not work08:24
boxxypete_: why ?08:24
boxxyDasEi, it did not work08:24
Madpilotboxxy, are you a bot? Yes or no?08:24
boxxyboxxy, are you a bot? Yes or no?08:24
jasonmchristosgenmail: you want to install grub to the mbr of the usb hdd, and you will have to tell bios to boot from the usb hdd first in boot options08:24
boxxygenmail: you want to install grub to the mbr of the usb hdd, and you will have to tell bios to boot from the usb hdd first in boot options08:24
DasEipete_: pastebinit /etc/fstab08:25
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DasEithx, Madpilot08:25
albertjhhay alguien por aqui?08:25
Madpilotubottu, es |  albertjh08:25
ubottualbertjh: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:25
pete_DasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/285995/08:25
amerineseLooks like a similar problem to this awhile back? http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wine/87955-copy-paste-problem.html08:26
albertjhi have problems whit empathy08:26
MenZaalbertjh: Are you on Karmic?08:26
albertjhi cant connect to msn net08:26
DasEipete_: you have two lines for sda1 in there, the last is right, the above isnt08:26
MenZaYou might want to be a bit more verbose and let us know *what* problems you're having.08:26
DasEipete_: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab , delete the upper sda1 line08:27
albertjhMenZa, sorry my english its not too good :P08:27
MenZaalbertjh: That's ok - just try as well as you can and I'm sure someone will get your drift :)08:27
p1ckLedasei: i disabled acpi and same thing, just freezes. loads the desktop background, nothing else.08:27
genmailboxxy jasonmchristos: how can I install grub on the mbr of the usb hdd?08:27
pete_DasEi, ok done08:27
DasEipete_:save , close, sudo mount -a08:28
DasEipete_:cd /media/store08:28
DasEipete_:df -h08:28
DasEidf -h08:28
albertjhso... i can connect whit jabber to gmail, and others acounts whit msn, but not the main msn acount in hotmail08:29
pete_DasEi,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/285997/08:29
jasonmchristosgenmail: change the boot order first to do cdrom>usbhdd>HD then boot with the cd with only the 1 usb hdd connected install it and it should by default ask you to install the grub to mbr on the usb hdd08:29
shaullxwhy do i get this error?08:30
shaullxCould not open "dexter.s01e10.dvdrip.xvid-saints.r00"08:30
shaullxArchive type not supported.08:30
DasEi!yay | pete_08:30
ubottupete_: Glad you made it! :-)08:30
pete_incredible. thanks so much08:30
jasonmchristosgenmail: this way when the usb hdd is connected it will boot into grub and ubuntu, and when it is not it will skip it and boot from xp on the internal HD08:30
DasEipete_:d from now on find your space automounted under /media/store08:30
pete_DasEi, so it will boot to grub like normal?08:31
genmailjasonmchristos: ubuntu 9.04 asks me to install the boot loader in the advanced options. should I choose sdb1 (as suggested) or hd1 or...what?08:31
DasEipete_:d  if you still want to, can convert to ext4 now without altering fstab again, I'm too tired for that today (it's easy)08:31
shaullxwhat rar app i need to extract multi pieces archive?08:31
DasEipete_: no change to grub08:32
pete_DasEi, its cool, i'll worry about it tomorrow08:32
pete_err later today probably08:32
pete_thanks a ton.08:32
genmailjasonmchristos: cause I've already tried to do that, but the system doesn't start if the usb hdd is connected (the bios is ok)08:32
DasEinp, have a good time08:32
jasonmchristosgenmail: what system doesnt start? ubuntu will not start because its not connected08:33
jasonmchristosgenmail: just call me +1314292937808:33
shaullxno one can answer that one simple question? :S08:34
genmailjasonmchristos: when the usb hdd is connected ubuntu doesn't start. Actually nothing starts. Maybe I make something wrong when the installation asks me where to install the boot loader08:34
genmailjasonmchristos: thanks but I'm in Italy08:34
jasonmchristosgenmail: when the usb is not connected what happens?08:35
indushow to repair grub from alternate cd???08:36
genmailjasonmchristos: when it's not connected XP starts, since I restored the mbr with XP cd08:36
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jasonmchristosgenmail: ok so there is no grub on the internal HD we have established that, now i need to know what the boot order in your bios is08:37
genmailjasonmchristos: it is 1) DVD-CD    2)USB HDD   3) internal HDD08:38
jasonmchristosgenmail: ok good, now just reinstall ubuntu on the USB HDD08:39
MrSteveThey told me to try FC command.. check files.. ?? What is that command again??08:39
e-framehey, i can't replace empty cells with some string in open office calc. can anyone help me? thx.08:39
genmailjasonmchristos: fine, and when it asks me where to install the boot loader what should I put?08:39
* MrSteve writes it down08:39
jasonmchristosgenmail: it should by default ask you to install grub on the MBR of the device you told it to install ubuntu on, in this past try did you select the default or what did you tell it?08:40
adri_I was creating a ubuntu installation and I think I accidentally corrupted or wiped out my windows installation. Now I can boot on Ubuntu (it's on a USB drive) but I don't know how to mount my hard drives to see if anything is still here.08:41
genmailjasonmchristos: first I used the default (but when I disconnected the usb hdd it wasn't able to load XP). Then I tried to install the boot loader directly to the usb hdd (selection the "advanced" option) but the result was that ubuntu couldn't start and XP started only when the hdd was disconnected08:42
MrSteveadri_ -- You should be able to see the Windows08:43
adri_MrSteve, well there are many many files in /dev so I dont know which one to mount. I had 2 physical hard drives, each divided in 2 logical partitions.08:44
jasonmchristosgenmail: i cant see your screen so to be sure disable the internal HD when you install so it only gives you one choice, this way there is only one choice, im not sure what your usb hdd is listed as to tell you what to pick08:44
e-framehey, how to replace empty cells with some string in open office calc?08:44
MrSteveadri_ : slow down08:44
jasonmchristosgenmail: after you install it reenable the internal hdd in bios\08:44
MrSteveadri_ : you have on USB the partition manager?08:44
genmailjasonmchristos: ok, I'll try that, thank you very much08:44
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MrSteveadri_ -- Your file-manager.. in USB drive Linux will see the Windows08:46
adri_MrSteve, Im not sure i get it08:46
MrStevepoint & click directories08:46
adri_MrSteve, no I dont see any of my windows files.08:46
MrSteveruth rooh08:46
adri_MrSteve, i am running off a USB drive now (which acts as a hard drive). All I see are the partitions inside the USB drive and many devices in /dev. I am guessing my internal hard drives are here.08:48
MrSteveadri_ : You have CD for windows version?08:48
twtwfyhello ubuntu type people - quick question: if a program will run under Linux will it definitely run under Ubuntu?08:49
adri_MrSteve, no its a laptop. There is a recovery system in the laptop -- which boots when I start the computer without my USB drive in. But that system can only reinstall windows from scratch so thats useless to me.08:49
louisOkay I got this issue.08:49
MrSteveadri_ - If you overwrote the Drives.. then, you can't.. uhm, get that back08:50
louisI typed sudo -s in cosole and exited w/o leaving root and now I keep getting this error message is there a way to fix this w/o rerolling my OS08:50
adri_MrSteve, I do not know if I overwrote the drives.08:50
MrSteveKeep looking at directories from the USB drive08:51
MrSteveadri_ - have root access, then look08:52
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adri_MrNaz, ok gparted showed me where my windows drives are (sda2 and sda3)08:52
MrSteveyes.. part magic08:52
adri_MrSteve, but it says "unable to read the contents of this file system"08:52
adri_MrNaz, should I try to mount it?08:53
MrSteveadri_ : I think thas Linux08:53
louisHow do i boot to recovery console?08:53
adri_MrSteve, what?08:53
MrSteveadri_ : the drives are ntfs?08:53
louisand how do i return to KDE : I've gotten stuck and reinstalled so just wanna get ity all strait08:54
adri_MrSteve, yes.08:54
MrSteveadri_ : wish could help more... my own pc crashed.. desperately08:55
MrSteveDont format the drive partitions with that .. but mount08:56
adri_MrSteve, np. I can see my files now actually08:56
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MrSteveoooo.. did ya mount and see 'em?08:56
jasonmchristosGuest71253: hi08:56
MrSteveadri_ -- cas like the next thing to do would be to try to boot windows08:57
adri_MrSteve, you think Ubuntu changed something?08:57
Guest71253jasonmchristos:do you know what time ubuntu 9.10 will show us08:58
MrSteveAadri_ -- I dunno your setup.. but, if you install a USB drive and take it off, well try to boot windows08:58
jerknextdoormy left mouse button consistantly doesn't work after the first login after restarting.  it will work if i log out and then back in.  however now it will randomly quit working after only being logged in for a few minutes.08:58
jasonmchristosGuest71253: no08:58
adri_MrSteve, thanks08:58
Ali_nzwhat you guys reckon is fastest browser?08:58
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ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:59
koolhead17Ali_nz: elinks :D08:59
jasonmchristosAli_nz: firefox09:00
jerknextdooralso i'm running 9.04 on a thinkpad r51.  the problem started on 8.10 and continued through a clean install.  (but i keep my home folder on a seperate partition so).09:00
jasonmchristoskoolhead17: i was going to say lynx lol09:00
Ali_nzjasonmchristos: ff is too slow09:00
koolhead17jasonmchristos: he asked fastest :P09:00
Ali_nzjasonmchristos: i think there is a cutdown ff somewhere09:01
leession_lmhi, everyone, anyone can tell me what does IRC  channel mode 'c' means ?09:01
bidsenHello, I have a Toshiba Satellite l300 notebook, i've just upgraded the ALSA sound driver to 1.0.21 and the "fn" sound related keys stopped working. Any ideeas ? Thx09:01
mo0nykitcan i download source code using synaptic?09:01
jasonmchristosAli_nz: well gt it then ff is the fastest pretty much09:01
Ali_nzanyonehere tried cieaweasel?09:01
nlogaxchrome <309:02
jasonmchristosnlogax: chrom sucks so far09:02
Ali_nzis chrome out of beta for linux?09:02
nlogaxjasonmchristos: i like it :)09:02
jasonmchristosnlogax: i mean google chrome, yeah google chrom is out on nix i tried it slow09:03
u-fokasomeone should update ubottu's lucid description to include that it will be lts!09:03
nlogaxway quicker for me09:03
jasonmchristosnlogax: its java interpreter bogs it down09:03
Guest71253why my google chrom cann't install my ubuntu?09:03
csabaI have a bluetooth headset and have added it in the Bluetooth Preferences dialog. How to listen to music on it now?09:04
jasonmchristosGuest71253: user error09:04
nlogaxjasonmchristos: java? haven't use java on the web since.. i don't even know09:04
ct529when using dpkg-reconfigure I would like to activate all the questions, including low priority .... unfortunately in my man debconf page there is nothing about the levels. Can anyone help here?09:04
nlogaxJS is the new hotness09:04
Guest71253I should use root?09:04
jasonmchristosnlogax: your not going to notice much difference09:04
indushow to repair grub with alternate cd09:04
Guest71253I should use root?jasonmchristos09:04
dmpjkGuest71253: shouldnt have too09:04
jasonmchristosGuest71253: what?09:05
alabdGood day everyone , How to disable dial up modem in linux ?09:05
=== indus is now known as mirchisalad
nlogaxjasonmchristos: V8 JS is enough for me :)09:05
nlogaxdidnt know it had its own java implementation09:05
mirchisaladalabd: remove the wire ? :)09:05
jasonmchristosnlogax: cool it loads java slow09:06
alabdmirchisalad: no means while dialing ..09:06
csabahow to listen to music on a bluetooth headset? I've already added the device in the preferences, but how to use it?09:06
jasonmchristosnlogax: i tried it for a minute or two and it was slow so i removed it not to mention the security issues09:06
DJ_HaMsTaIs there an alternative to WEBMIN? I have heard of its security issues and would like something better.09:06
Ali_nzis it possible to search file contents for a string?09:06
csabaAli_nz: grep -nre "text to find" *09:07
mirchisaladalabd: how do you connect? wvdial?09:07
Ali_nzcsaba: sweet, will try it09:07
dmpjkGuest71253: google says google chrome for linux is under development09:08
Guest71253The error is Dependency is not satisfiable:libasound2.when i install the chromium-browser09:08
alabdmirchisalad: pon ...09:08
louisJust in case you were all worried I found the solution: http://mihirknows.blogspot.com/2008/06/sudo-must-be-setuid-root-solved-in.html09:08
mirchisaladGuest71253: are you on 64 bit?09:08
Guest71253my os is 32,but my CPU is 6409:08
jasonmchristosGuest71253: type in google linux repository and follow the instructions and install it from synaptic it will handle dependancies09:09
Guest71253what can i do for it09:09
Chosehey, I have some questions about gOS09:09
jerknextdooralt+tab also quits working when my left mouse button quits working.  i have no idea how to start troubleshooting it.09:10
ChoseMy friend just brought a netbook with gOS and I cannot config wifi09:10
Chosehelp a dude out please09:10
jasonmchristosChose: what is gOS this is an ubuntu room09:11
ChoseI tried nm-applet but it only shows me network manager with no wifi09:11
ChoseI know bro, but its a ubuntu like OS09:11
rsknot supported here09:11
jerknextdoorChose:  this is ubuntu support.  just because it's based on the linux kernal doesn't make it ubuntu like.09:12
jasonmchristosChose: well enable the wireless in windows first thats what i had to do on an eeePC when using ubuntu remix09:12
jasonmchristosChose: those wifi chips cant be turned on from nix09:12
Choseenable in windows? what good would that do me if the driver is incompatible with linux?09:12
jasonmchristosChose: pm me since its OT09:13
Zahidanybody  can tell me that I how access samba shared data in  xubuntu09:13
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: r u serious about troubleshooting a mouse?09:13
ChoseI have no mouse issues...09:14
Chosefriend just brought a netbook with gOS09:14
jerknextdoorjasonchristos:  it's not a hardware issue, so yes.09:14
dmpjkjerknextdoor: are you using gnome?09:14
Zahidanyone who  worked on xubuntu09:14
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: did you try another mouse?09:15
Ali_nzhey so, if may laptop use ati radeon graphics, should I be installing something like xf86-ati?09:15
jasonmchristosZahid: i tried xubuntu oncew09:15
marcki got an hard drive with ubuntu09:15
jerknextdoordmpjk:  yeah.  i'm in 9.04 with all the updates.  the problem started in 8.10.09:15
dmpjki had mouse troubles when i used kde opensuse09:15
Zahidthen wat  happened when access samba shared data09:15
jasonmchristosAli_nz: there is radeon drivers, just go to hardware drivers under admin09:15
Choseyes I am using GHOME09:15
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: it's a laptop.  if it were that easy and if it were hardware related i would have fixed it months ago.09:15
marcki got an hard drive with ubuntu09:16
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: does it work under windoes?09:16
marcknow i would to remove the mount and swap09:16
dmpjkjerknextdoor: and you are sure its related to 8.04 and not just a mouse who is worn-out09:16
ChoseWireless controller is not the same as saying the netbook has a wireless adapter embedded right?09:16
marckhow to do ?09:16
Zahidjerknextdoor: have u access samba shared data09:16
Ali_nzjasonmchristos: Is the installation likely to be using them by default, out of the box, or do I need to tell it to use them?09:16
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos:  no idea.  i haven't touched windows a like 5 years.  but it doesn't happen with knoppix or and other distro.09:16
ChoseI researched and I could wrapper the drive to work in linux... that being the drive for a windows based wifi usb09:17
jerknextdoordmpjk:  it only happens in ubuntu.  and i've since done a clean install of 9.04.  but since i just copied my /home over i dont know that the problem would have been exactly fixed.09:17
Chosemy friend brought this cause he is cheap. My experience is solely with windows so using this OS is OK but its like Im learning windows again09:17
jasonmchristosAli_nz: look under system > admin > hardware drivers and see what it says09:17
jerknextdoorZahid: please don't randomly pick someone to ask a question to.  ask the question to the room and if someone has an suggestion they will answer you.09:18
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: that makes sense then that its an ubuntu issue09:18
Chosejason, I saw this "systems" when I was researching. This GHOME doesnt have systems on its desktop09:18
marckhow to remove the mount and swap ? i tried to boot until to hace access to the shell, but any time starts ubuntu09:18
marcki want to remove ubuntu09:18
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: that's why i'm trying to figure out how to troubleshoot it.  i've never had a problem with something mouse related haha.09:19
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: well when did it start?09:19
marckhow to access to fdisk ?09:19
Ali_nzjasonmchristos: it says no proprietry drivers09:19
IpSe_DiXiTa good video splitting?09:20
marckit starts, without having time to access to shell, to use the fdisk09:20
dmpjkjerknextdoor: its not just a battery thing?09:20
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: it's a thinkpad r51 which has two sets of buttons.  the first set are the regular ones at the bottom of the trackpad like a normal laptop.  those one's broke a long time ago so i've had to use the second set which are ibm only buttons.  so i'd say it started about 4 months ago.09:20
akscican anyone roughly estimate the monthly bandwidth a college website would require for plain registration purpose and download of 1mb article?09:20
jasonmchristosAli_nz: it prob used the right driver by default but you can search engine it to be sure how to check you will need to know the chipset and the driver installed09:20
jerknextdoordmpjk: how could it be battery related?09:21
dmpjkjerknextdoor: i such a low level guy09:21
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: for a long time it was very consistant about when it didn't work.  but about an hour or so ago it started going pretty random.09:21
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: well compare what driver knoppix uses and install it into ubuntu09:21
dmpjkjerknextdoor: i was thinking it was chordless and that has batteries inside09:22
Ali_nzjasonmchristos: k09:22
IpSe_DiXiTa good video splitter? i need to split a video in 2 parts09:22
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: i would just use an external mouse09:22
Chosethanks for the help09:22
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: haha.  how have i not done that?  wow.  you're kind of a genius right this second.09:22
jerknextdoorlet me fire up the knop.09:22
iceroot_what is $@ at the shell/ in a script?09:22
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: well im saying it because you said the hardware is breaking, but if u dont want to do that and it works under knoppix just find out which driver its using and use it for ubuntu09:23
=== [1]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony
Ali_nznow here is a tricky problem. I can connect to Vodafone via my Nokia phone as modem. Just plug it in and it all works. Cool I hear you say. This next bit aint cool - it picks up the wrong DNS servers for Vodafone NZ...any ideas how to fix this?09:25
Ali_nzIt should get the DNS via DHCP?09:25
Ali_nzusing network manager in gui this is09:25
jasonmchristosAli_nz: if dhcp is spitting you wrong dns thats a problem with your isp09:26
IpSe_DiXiTa good video splitter? i need to split a video in 2 parts09:26
Ali_nzjasonmchristos: nah, I have used this heaps with windows etc09:26
jasonmchristosAli_nz: otherwise just use openDNS and specify them manually09:26
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: no, i get what you're saying.  i can't believe i hadn't tried that yet.  i'll have to wait til tomorrow to do it though.  my knoppix disk is at my old lady's house.09:26
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: cool glad i could help09:26
dmpjkAli_nz: is it possible for you to select which dns provider you would like?09:27
Ali_nzdmpjk: I dont see that option09:27
jasonmchristosIpSe_DiXiT: try ubuntu studio for video editing09:27
PepeLuchealo alo!09:28
Ali_nzahh, i have just found where it stores the dns servers09:28
mgmuscarii wish i could run this process on my NAS, this is taking forever :(09:29
dmpjkAli_nz: do i get you straight, when i think you are using you nokia as a modem to connect your computer to the internet?09:29
louisWhy can I not open up some of my old zips compressed on windows here on ubuntu?09:29
Ali_nzdmpjk: yes09:29
mgmuscarilouis: there may be something wrong with them09:29
louisIs it incompatibility?09:29
louisWell they open fine on Windows09:29
mgmuscarilouis: probaby not incompatible... did you ever put a password on them?09:29
louisbut I have tried all kinds of shit and can't get em up on linux09:30
louisNo passwords09:30
mgmuscarido you get an error or anything?09:30
louisseveral pdf's09:30
IpSe_DiXiTjasonmchristos: does it allow u to split a video into 2 parts?09:30
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: you could search the repo and see if there is any ibm touchpad things09:30
mgmuscarijerknextdoor: having problems with a thinkpad?09:31
louisone I need now is an oledr respondus lockdown a version thatll work under wine09:31
louisI can't get it over here lol09:31
Ali_nzwhats the command to list infomraiton about a connection, including DNS servers? ifconfig doesnt?09:31
louisI can post the error09:31
jasonmchristosIpSe_DiXiT: yes there is a program on there ive used it but the codecs arent installed u will have to install some codecs and convert the video to DV to edit it09:31
dmpjkjerknextdoor: is it a thinkpad, then i guess that the joystick in the middle of the keyboard counts as default mouse09:32
jerknextdoormgmuscari: yeah.  i'm having trackpad problems.  for a while left mouse button doesn't work after a reboot unless i restart X.  but tonight it just started to stop working randomly even after i restart X.09:32
louis'Failed to locate "unrar" in path'09:32
IpSe_DiXiTjasonmchristos: too much stress :D09:32
mgmuscarilouis: are these rar'd files?09:32
jerknextdoordid xorg.conf change in 9.04?09:32
mgmuscarithat means that you don't have the program "unrar" in your path09:32
louisyeah that one was09:32
mgmuscarijerknextdoor: what kind of thinkpad?09:33
jerknextdoormgmuscari: r5109:33
louismost the others are zipped or .7z09:33
csabahow can I listen to music on my bluetooth headset?09:33
mgmuscarilouis: so you need to install a program to extract .rar09:33
dmpjkjerknextdoor: why not just reinstall everything but unplug the mouse09:33
louiswell doesn't ubuntu already come with that out of the box?09:33
Prohibitedmgmucari: sudo apt-get install rar and sudo apt-get install unrar09:33
mgmuscarilouis: rar is a proprietary thing afaik09:34
jerknextdoordmpjk:  it's a trackpad.  it's built in.  i'll do a clean install when 9.10 is if i don't have the problem fixed by then.09:34
mgmuscari!tab | Prohibited09:34
ubottuProhibited: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:34
mgmuscariand louis, what Prohibited said09:34
Prohibitedmgmuscari: not using a USB keyboard; no tab.09:34
mgmuscariProhibited: touche09:34
mgmuscarijeez it's taking forever to build the MPD database over samba09:35
mgmuscarijerknextdoor: i haven't had any problems with my trackpad or my nipple mouse, but mine may be a newer model09:35
almostAg33ki need some advice. a few buddies of mine and myself included are all running jaunty. is there a way to share all our files and like leave notes/messages for each other to access?09:35
louisI kept thinking wtf09:35
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: look into a samba server09:35
KB1JWQ!hi | AppleCider09:36
ubottuAppleCider: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:36
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: or any other network filesystem09:36
* AppleCider has been using his Laptop without an OS for almost 6 months... LiveCD FTW09:36
KB1JWQAppleCider: So what's your question?09:36
louisgonna try to get this working now09:36
louisbrb afk a while09:36
jerknextdoormgmuscari: i've had ubuntu on this thing for two or three years and haven't had a problem until recently.  no idea what's causing it.  but everything works fine in knoppix, fedora, and opensuse so it's got to be an ubuntu problem.09:36
AppleCiderWhich program can open .hta on Ubuntu?09:36
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: also, take a look at Google Wave... maybe you guys can get invites :)09:36
KB1JWQAppleCider: From the terminal, what does "file THEFILEYOUCAREABOUT.hta" say?09:36
mgmuscarijerknextdoor: it's probably some update that fell down the tree09:37
AppleCiderKB1JWQ: Had to reboot09:37
jerknextdoormgmuscari: i'm sure it is...i just dont have any idea where to start trouble shooting...especially since xorg.conf is no long the go to place for this stuff.09:37
AppleCiderWireless didn't connect09:37
almostAg33kmgmuscari: would it be a server im looking for? cos we use zshare.09:37
Ali_nzwhere should I be extracting things to before I install them?09:37
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: you can run your own if you want09:37
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: i just set up a NAS on my home network. you can even buy them preconfigured09:38
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: i bought a Maxtor Central Axis09:38
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: i seriously think its a hardware problem09:38
dmpjkjerknextdoor: did you use xorg with hardy?09:38
rangzyHello everyone !09:38
MrSteveback in a bit - using part mgr.. on other drive09:38
rangzyI wanted to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 beta. the first time I tried, I got a 'need more space' kind of warning.09:39
mgmuscariugh i wish MPD would finish up creating this database :[09:39
=== arch_enthusiast_ is now known as arch_enthusiast
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: my guess is that when u were using knoppix it was just working since the problem is intermittant09:39
rangzyI did a apt-clean and it released 2gb space and repeated.09:39
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: like i said it works with three different OS's so i can't imagine my hardware fails exactly the same way everytime and it just happens to be on a restart with ubuntu.09:39
almostAg33kmgmuscari: i dont really understand this samba thing09:39
rangzythe next time, the download went on well, did 1.2GB in 15mins, but stopped right after that. no action for 20mins.09:39
mgmuscarialmostAg33k: you can do one of two things:09:40
mgmuscariyou can either set up a samba server and leave it running 24/709:40
mgmuscarithen allow your friends to connect to it over the network using smbclient09:40
mgmuscarior smbmount, whatever09:40
rangzyI did a 'cancel' installed all 9.04 updates, rebooted, and started the 9.10 beta upgrade again. this time, no downloads, and the laptop shut itself down, w/o any warning.09:40
mgmuscarior you can go out and buy a NAS device that already uses samba - like the Maxtor Central Axis, or what have you09:41
rangzywhen  I started it manually, it goes into ubuntu, but says 'modprobe: unable to load module" and stops right there.09:41
dmpjkrangzy: thats why its in beta09:41
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: did you check system>settings>mouse09:42
mgmuscarirangzy: you borked a kernal module somewhere09:42
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rangzydmpjk: yes, I understand.. I thought beta wouldnt have this kind of issues.09:42
rangzymgmuscari: oh is it ? should I have installed all the 9.04's kernel updates as well ?09:42
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: yeah.  i've been through every gui settings menu there is.09:42
intokUbuntu 9.04 live 64 bit, how can I unrar a 3 part .rar file? I've got all 3 parts of it and have the 7zip, rar and unrar installed and have been able to open unsplit .rar files already09:42
dmpjkrangzy: i had to install twice on my machine before 9.10 would even lemme login09:43
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: i mean system>pref...09:43
AppleCiderKB1JWQ: HTML Document Text09:43
anodesniI have no sound in flash!?09:43
AppleCiderThe .hta file09:43
mgmuscarirangzy: imo canceling an upgrade from one version to the next is a bad idea... you might have to reinstall your os09:43
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: i thought on the ibms the top buttons were click and hold buttons09:43
jerknextdoori am observing a new thing though.  alt+tab doesn't work unless when my moust button isn't working.  i have to press esc or right click the mouse a few times before i can alt+tab.09:43
=== Techie is now known as _Techie_
HFactori cant find file named .gtkrc-2.0 in my ubuntu 9.04 : where is the location09:44
AppleCiderIt's really Annoying09:44
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: no, only the power button is click and hold.09:44
poetofzwanDoes anyone know if there is a standalone volume controller for gnome (not the one that is part of the notification area)09:44
rangzydmpjk, mgmuscari: okay. I had to cancel because there was really no response for 20mins after the download completed.09:44
AppleCiderI can open the hta in Firefox, open the popup, but then the playlist doesn't load09:44
mgmuscaripoetofzwan: there are plenty of little widgets and stuff for volume control09:44
AoarashiÅñòü Ðóññêîÿçû÷íûå?09:44
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: thats because the top buttons are click and hold09:44
csabahow to listen to music on my bluetooth headset? I've found the device, now how to connect to it?09:44
rangzydmpjk: I guess I have to wipe off the OS & reinstall again.09:44
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: you cant alt tab while holding a mouse button09:44
mgmuscarirangzy: since you canceled in the middle of the install, some stuff got done, and some stuff didn't09:44
mgmuscarii doubt it was able to roll back all the way09:45
rangzyokay. does wubi installer work for 9.10 beta ?09:45
rangzyor is it better +safer to wait till Oct 29th ?09:45
dmpjkrangzy: the only thing i did different was that the second time i installed the proprietary driver for the nvidia graphics card before upgrading09:45
poetofzwanmgmuscari: know the name of any of them in Synaptic?09:45
mgmuscarirangzy: i wouldn't know, i'm sticking to 9.04... nobody's given me a good reason to upgrade yet09:45
KB1JWQAppleCider: Rename it to .htm09:45
KB1JWQProblem solved.09:45
AppleCiderWhat about .wmv files/09:46
mgmuscaripoetofzwan: well i use Avant Window Navigator to put a dock a the bottom of the screen, and there's a volume controller for that09:46
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: lol09:46
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:46
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: i'm not trying to alt tab while holding a mouse button.  i'm just pointing out that there are more symptoms than just the mouse button alone.  so i'm thinking it's a driver problem for the keyboard?09:46
FloodBot1AppleCider: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:46
mgmuscaripoetofzwan: also, if you want to use PulseAudio sound server, it has a volume controller app09:46
rangzymgmuscari: okay. I understand. thanks for the details.09:46
HFactorwhere is the file .gtkrc* supposed to be in ubuntu 9.0409:46
csabahow to listen to music on my bluetooth headset? I've found the device, now how to connect to it?09:46
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: when you press the top button of an ibm its like clicking and holding09:46
mgmuscarirangzy: np09:46
poetofzwanmuscari: that is what I am doing too, but was hoping to find Gnome one.09:46
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: its a feature so you dont have to use 2 hands to drag and drop09:46
jerknextdoorjerknextdoor: i don't know what you're refering to with the 'top button'09:46
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: alt+tab will not work while holding a mouse button09:47
mgmuscaripoetofzwan: sorry, i pretty much just bind my audio device to my laptop's volume buttons and leave it at that09:47
mgmuscarii have seen a few other applets around but i don't remember their names09:47
Guest71253a jasonmchristos09:47
Imran-UKhisto, ubuntu jaunty on shuttle xpc - got an intermittent problem on boot-up whereby it hangs after a kernel to load is chosen at grub with "starting up..."09:47
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: there are no mouse buttons being pressed at all.  i can't use at all.09:47
AppleCiderWhat about .wmv files?09:47
mgmuscariAppleCider: what about them?09:48
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: thats because u press it once and it "holds" the click09:48
mgmuscariAppleCider: install a codec pack09:48
Imran-UKwhen it does load, a breif message about "PBLK" appears09:48
AppleCiderVLC didn't work09:48
AppleCiderNeither Did RealPlayer09:48
AppleCiderOr restricted-codec09:48
AppleCideror whatever09:48
mgmuscariImran-UK: incorrect header length or something?09:48
AppleCider*Restricted Access09:48
Imran-UKmgmuscari, i think the problems started after i reset the bios to failsafe defaults09:49
mgmuscariAppleCider: i'm not sure but ffmpeg-unstripped might include a wmv decoder09:49
mgmuscariImran-UK: i get something about invalid pblk header length sometimes09:49
mgmuscariImran-UK: it's never caused my system to fail to boot, though09:49
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: i just restarted X (thank god for reenabling ctrl+alt+bkspc) and everything is working fine.  alt+tab works just like it should and so does my mouse.09:49
Imran-UKmgmuscari, yep- thats the warning i get09:49
Imran-UKbut then ubuntu loads as normal after a second. sometimes i dont see that watrning and it hangs at "starting up..." for minutes09:50
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: the top buttons, u press it once and it "holds" the click09:50
mgmuscariImran-UK: yeah, i get the same thing, except it never hangs for more than a few seconds09:50
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: what is the "top button"?09:50
AppleCiderTruly sucks09:50
AppleCiderStuff this09:51
FloodBot1AppleCider: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
AppleCiderI'm moving to AVI09:51
Imran-UKmgmuscari, hmm. i see. another issue is that a while back i got bios checksum warnings - i wonder if my bios batetry is getting old?09:51
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: its the button that rules all of the rest09:51
mgmuscarioooh, MPD finally finished whatever it was doing with my samba share and started using 99% cpu09:51
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: if you press it you will leave the matrix09:51
mgmuscariImran-UK: that's certainly possible...09:51
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: but you cant come back if you press it09:52
mgmuscariImran-UK: i get that error on a laptop that's less than 10 months old, though09:52
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: wow.  so it's not a physical button?  it's some magical thing?09:52
jasonmchristosjerknextdoor: get some sleep bud09:52
Imran-UKmgmuscari, weird. a bit drastic but i might try updating the bios to the same/newer version09:52
jerknextdoorjasonmchristos: you amaze me.09:53
mgmuscarithat might help. mess with your ACPI settings09:53
mgmuscarii think they're related for some reason09:53
Imran-UKa shame, as in all other respects jaunty is the fastest loading OS ive ever used09:53
Imran-UKyep, i'll try fiddling with ACPI first - in my googling, someone suggested that09:53
acusterhey all, is there a place where the ubuntu version name is stored, such as in /boot or /etc?09:54
Imran-UKacalvo, cat /etc/lsb_release it hink09:54
mgmuscariwow, go-go gadget craptop... this thing is really struggling to assemble the MPD database09:54
mgmuscarii hope i never have to build it again09:54
MenZaImran-UK: It's lsb-release on Intrepid, I can say that much.09:54
Imran-UKacuster, above09:54
Imran-UKMenZa, ah youre prolly right (i mainly use debian on servers where its /etc/debian_version)09:55
mgmuscariacuster: for kernel version type uname -r09:55
acusterImran-UK, thank you09:55
ArkoldThoshow I can know since when I installed the current system im running :p?09:55
ArkoldThos./etc/debian_version doesn't show ubuntu one09:55
Imran-UKArkoldThos, if it was me, i'd check the earliest syslog imprint in /var/log09:56
G2khello, I'm running the Ubuntu livecd to try and repair my system but im having a hard time...I mounted the partition and when I try to apt-get update it stalls. can someone give me a hand plx?09:56
G2kI chrooted into the partition09:57
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G2kand now im trying to upgrade and update from livecd09:57
mgmuscariif MPD fails to create the database, i'm going to be kinda bummed :(09:57
G2kor rather update and then upgrade09:57
ArkoldThosthanks Imran-UK09:57
eMaXhi all09:58
G2kbut it keeps stalling. Maybe I need to change the dowload server?09:58
acusteraha, everybody helped! thanks all, going down for install to karmic-beta09:58
eMaXanyone here knows a way to have an explorer style application that shows readable previews of pdf documents? I've to file away a couple of hundred pdf documents and want to avoid having to open them just to change their name and move them to the right location.09:59
ArkoldThosG2k, use the most close to your country09:59
ArkoldThosor if is possible the one on your country, if it gets stalled all the time, try other near09:59
G2kArkoldThos I know that. i already set it in the software sources09:59
sztomihi! how do I set the default privileges on automatically mounted drives? Right now it's rwx for everybody, and I want it to be readable only for a specific group.10:00
G2kArkoldThos but apparently it hasnt been set on my mounted partition10:00
Imran-UKArkoldThos, another way would be to stat one of the system files like maybe /etc/lsb-release but i'm unsure if that retains the timestamp from the archive10:00
G2kArkoldThos only on the livecd10:00
ArkoldThosG2k, change it manually in /etc/apt/sources.list10:00
G2kthnx ill try that10:00
ArkoldThosImran-UK, i though this installation was very old i wanted to know how old, but I just remembered that i bought other computer D: but found it out in the logs, thanks :D10:01
U-b-u-n-t-uI just formatted a slave drive but I can't write to it because of permissions how to I make it where I use it?10:03
louisDoes anyone use this for school? :http://www.respondus.com/products/lockdown.shtml10:03
ArkoldThosU-b-u-n-t-u, do you set the permissions in /etc/fstab10:03
louisIf anyone has version 3.5 I will worship you forver and always10:03
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MenZalouis: That's offtopic for this channel.10:04
MenZaAlso, that is most DEFINITELY offtopic for this channel.10:04
MenZa!warez > louis10:04
ubottulouis, please see my private message10:04
ArkoldThosthe hard drive / partition permissions10:04
louisnot warez10:04
MenZalouis: It's still offtopic. Please take it elsewhere.10:04
U-b-u-n-t-uArkoldThos, in gpartition?10:04
ArkoldThosno, /etc/fstab file10:05
louislegitimately free software here read this: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=827510:05
louisI need 3.5 version10:05
louisThey officially only allow dl of 4.010:05
KB1JWQlouis: Yeah, WINE still requires a valid license.  Talk to the company, they may help you out, but it's off topic for here.10:05
ArkoldThosmad people :<10:06
louiswhich don't work under wine in linux so my dilema is one of not being able to take my locked browser tests on my OS of choice10:06
G2khow can I mount a partition from livecd with rw options?10:06
KB1JWQ!ot | louis10:06
ubottulouis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:06
KB1JWQlouis: Please ask elsewhere.10:06
ArkoldThosG2k, doubt that is possible :o10:07
ArkoldThosyou are installing ubuntu or do you use it just as livecd?10:07
G2kArkoldThos then how can i fix my partition from livecd10:07
G2kim pretty sure there's a way10:07
ArkoldThosi'll search10:08
ArkoldThosG2k, try this: sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu10:08
ArkoldThosthen, sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 (or whatever it is) /mnt/ubuntu10:09
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ArkoldThosif you are not sure what the name of the partition is, sudo fdisk -l10:10
G2kArkoldThos thanks10:10
sztomihi! how do I set the default privileges on automatically mounted drives? Right now it's rwx for everybody, and I want it to be readable only for a specific group.10:10
ArkoldThosnp G2k10:10
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nutterpc*pats a lovely & working ubuntu install*10:13
lordктонить по русски говорит10:13
G2kArkoldThos hmmm its still not letting me apt-get update10:13
G2kArkoldThos even though I chrooted into the environment10:13
lordпочему у меня убунта так медленно работает10:13
pazenre all10:13
G2kArkoldThos is there a command that can make me automatically change the sources.list file?10:14
G2kArkoldThos im not sure i can do it manually10:14
ArkoldThosnot sure :p i always modify it manually10:14
G2kArkoldThos without ,making a mess that is10:14
lordРусские help10:14
ArkoldThosjust sudo nano /mnt/ubuntu/etc/apt/sources.list10:14
ArkoldThosthen edit it and close it10:14
ArkoldThosis REALLY hard to mess it up10:14
ArkoldThosor quote the current ones and do new lines10:15
ArkoldThosif it doesn't work, just delete the news and remove the ##10:15
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SteffyAnyone else got a problem with 8.04 recently thats stops the wall paper from showing up or allowing you to change it?10:18
Ali_nza peice of software I want to install says I need recent ver of X installed? Whats X and where do I get it?10:19
ikoniaAli_nz: what are you trying to install10:19
ikoniaAli_nz: search the repo for vnc, you'll see there is tightvnc available in the ubuntu repos10:20
Ali_nzis that in add/remove? or synaptic?10:20
shades_ausHello all10:20
ikoniaAli_nz: synaptic would be better in my view10:20
shades_ausI have an issue with upgrading to 9.04 with my ATi x800 not giving me any higher resolutions.10:21
shades_ausIt is a 1900x1200 LCD10:21
shades_ausbut I am stuck in 1360x768 max10:22
almostAg33kis there a way to make a message pop up on a buddies pc thats running ubuntu?10:22
Ali_nzikonia: I have vinagre, vino, tsclient, libgtk-vnc - but no tightvnc10:22
shades_ausI also can't use DVI10:22
shades_ausIt doesn't work10:22
ikoniaAli_nz: do you want the server or the client10:22
Ali_nzikonia: just viewer10:22
Ali_nzthat was in synaptic10:23
ikoniaAli_nz: install xtightvncviewer10:23
Ali_nzikonia: from? synaptic? add/remove?10:23
Ali_nzits not there10:23
ikoniaAli_nz: what version of ubuntu are you on10:24
ikonia!info xtightvncviewer10:24
ubottuxtightvncviewer (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing client software for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-4 (jaunty), package size 62 kB, installed size 196 kB10:24
G2kArkoldThos how can i reload the sources list?10:24
G2kArkoldThos i modified the file10:24
Ali_nzikonia: umm, ok, what do I do with that info?10:24
ikoniaAli_nz: what  version of ubuntu are you on ?10:25
G2kArkoldThos oh ok i think its going10:25
ArkoldThosG2k, sudo apt-get update10:25
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ArkoldThosnp :)10:25
Ali_nzikonia: i got it with sudo aput-get install xtightvncviewer10:25
Ali_nzI am on 9.1010:25
ikoniaAli_nz: right a.) 9.10 is unstable b.) the 9.10 channel is #ubuntu+110:26
Ali_nzat leats I think 9.1010:26
Ali_nzhow do i tell10:26
ArkoldThoscat /etc/lsb-release10:27
ikoniaAli_nz: do you now how to use the pastebin ?10:27
shades_ausCan anyone help with my screen resolution problems. Willing to learn :-)10:27
Ali_nzikonia: Yes.10:27
ArkoldThoswhats the problem shades_aus'10:27
ikoniaAli_nz: pastebin the output of lsb_release -a and uname -a please10:27
Prohibitedshades_aus: Did you recent install a NVIDIA driver?10:27
Ali_nzikonia: I would like to find a vnc viewer that has scaling, and file transer be even better10:27
ProhibitedAli_nz: want the offical VNC enterprise?10:28
Prohibitedit has Server+Viewer10:28
ikoniaAli_nz: pastebin the output of lsb_release -a and uname -a please10:28
shades_ausI am stuck in 1360x768 max unable to use the DVI connector and I am using ATix80010:28
shades_ausit is a LCD screen10:28
shades_ausfresh install of 9.04 from disc10:28
ArkoldThosikonia, that is a joke? use pastebin for 1 line? (DISTRIB_RELEASE)?10:28
Ali_nznah, I am 9.0410:28
ArkoldThosshades_aus, what is the max your ati and your monitor supports?10:28
Ali_nzProhibited: sounds good if it will do that10:29
ArkoldThosAli_nz, then go #ubuntu+1 people got rude here if you ask here heheh :p10:29
shades_aus1900x1200 BENQ V2400W LCD Monitor10:29
ProhibitedAli_nz, Sure. Gimmie a sec to upload.10:29
ArkoldThosshades_aus, okay, i haven't done any change on xorg since a long time ago10:29
ikoniaArkoldThos: no - the output of the two commands I gave you10:29
shades_ausit worked on the 8.1010:29
Ali_nzProhibited: is it not free?10:29
ArkoldThosbut as far I know, you can edit with sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:29
ikoniaArkoldThos: lsb_release -a and uname -a10:29
Ali_nzArkoldThos: what is X11?10:30
ProhibitedAli_nz, it doesn't come as a deb package, you just run the vncviewer file (run as sh)10:30
ikoniaAli_nz: please provide the output I asked for10:30
ProhibitedAli_nz, it doesn't ask for a serial or anything, friend gave it to me10:30
ArkoldThosuname -a is senseless if you need the version of ubuntu10:30
ArkoldThosAli_nz, X11 is the "graphic server"10:30
ikoniaArkoldThos: I'm not asking you for the information -10:30
Ali_nzikonia: ok10:30
ArkoldThoslemme find a proper description10:30
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> Any suggestions?10:30
ArkoldThosX window system10:30
ArkoldThosshades_aus, going in that file10:31
ArkoldThostheres a section called "Monitor"10:31
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> I don't have to use the ATi driver. I know it's no longer working with this version of x server. But I wasn't using it previously on 8.10 either and all worked fine10:31
mirchisaladArkoldThos: uname -a gives correct ubuntu version info10:31
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> I can do that :) just not sure what to add10:31
ArkoldThosmirchisalad, uname -a gives you the kernel version10:32
Ali_nzProhibited: did you get it uploaded?10:32
mirchisaladLinux mahiti-laptop 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:49:34 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux10:32
ArkoldThosshades_aus, hm, seems like isn't there anymore10:32
ikoniaAli_nz: never mind, I asked you to do the output of "lsb_release -a" and uname -a10:32
ProhibitedAli_nz, uploading at 80kb/s10:32
ArkoldThosshades_aus, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg10:32
mirchisaladArkoldThos: what info are you looking for10:32
mirchisaladArkoldThos: installed version number aah10:32
ArkoldThosi just told that was senseless to put on pastebin the version number :p10:33
mirchisaladArkoldThos: cat /etc/lsb-release10:33
ArkoldThosyup :)10:33
ArkoldThosshades_aus, seems like that doesn't work anymore on newest X11, out of ideas, sorry :/10:33
ProhibitedAli_nz, http://scott.phost.ws/vnc.tar.gz Extract it, run vncviewer using sh - no deb unfortunately10:33
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> Nothing happened in a terminal window. Nothing changed in the system/preferences/Display program10:34
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> Oh darn!10:34
Ali_nzwhen you say run using sh, how do i do that?10:34
shades_aus<ArkoldThos>So even open source drivers are broken???10:35
ArkoldThosshades_aus, that are the changes to make it 'easier'10:35
ArkoldThosim reading, havent had an ati since 2 years ago10:35
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> omg. That's bad10:35
shades_aus<ArkoldThos>Well it's an AGP mainboard. Not many NVIDIA AGP cards10:35
shades_aus<ArkoldThos>Are the developers aware of this? working on a fix?10:36
ArkoldThosshades_aus, you could search on launchpad.net10:36
ArkoldThosgimme a sec, reading about changing the resolution10:37
Ali_nzProhibited: that viewer looks the same as the last one I run, unless I screwed up10:37
ProhibitedAli_nz, that one works. I'm running it at the moment.10:37
ArkoldThosshades_aus, not sure about this, but im seeing this on a site, UPDATE! Video playback works *much* better with the radeon drivers than the fglrx drivers ever did in Jaunty 9.04!10:37
ProhibitedAli_nz, when your connected press F8 for the menu to Transfer files etc.10:37
ArkoldThosand in the site his changing resolutions and stuff10:37
ArkoldThosmaybe you can read this http://grelbar.net/archives/27110:38
Ali_nzProhibited: when I typed in VNCviewer at the terminal it must have run xtightvncviewer which is in my path10:38
shades_aus<ArkoldThos>How do they work better? I can't get them working properly on a fresh install! lol10:38
ArkoldThoshaha, no clue, and I woudnl't use the open drivers since the 3d acceleration doesn't work10:39
Ali_nzthats heaps better thatnks Prohibited10:39
ArkoldThosbut since the propietary isn't compatible, im not sure :o10:39
ArkoldThosthats why i haven't buy an ati anymore :po10:39
ProhibitedAli_nz, go into the folder that you extracted VNC to and run the vncviewer10:39
shades_ausArkoldThos>I have little choice being AGP10:39
SultansElephantHeya. I have too many LAMPP installations, I want to uninstall 'em all and start from scratch. Jaunty10:39
Ali_nzyeah I am doing that with nautilus, but from terminal it seems to pickup whats in the path10:39
Ali_nzhow would i stop that?10:40
ArkoldThosaw :/10:40
ProhibitedAli_nz, your welcome10:40
Ali_nzor remove xtight viewer?10:40
ArkoldThosanyone here who knows something about ATi cards, resolution stuff, and newest X11?10:40
ProhibitedJust create a launcher to the vnc viewr in that folder and use that to start VNC10:40
funkyHatArkoldThos: which ati card?10:40
Ali_nzProhibited: thats beyond me10:40
shades_ausmy ATi is a x80010:41
ArkoldThosATi x800 AGP10:41
ArkoldThosworked good on jaunty10:41
ProhibitedAli_nz, just right-click the desktop and creator a Launcher10:41
ProhibitedAli_nz, for "Command" Just type sh then browse to the file10:42
ArkoldThosfunkyHat, it doesn't gives the greatest resolution :/10:42
shades_ausor DVI10:42
shades_ausat all10:42
funkyHatArkoldThos: what monitor do you have (CRT/LCD, max/native resolution)?10:42
funkyHatArkoldThos: you can force the resolution to use in xorg.conf10:43
shades_ausfunkyHat No DVI at all. Blank screen. BENQ V2400V 1900x1200 LCD10:43
shades_ausfunkyHat he's trying to help me10:43
ArkoldThos1900x1200 BENQ V2400W LCD Monitor10:43
funkyHatOh right10:43
ArkoldThosdamn :p im slow searching the logs10:43
Ali_nzhow do I uninstall xtightvncviewer?10:43
shades_ausThanks ppl. Open to ALL suggestions10:43
ArkoldThosAli_nz, sudo apt-get remove xtightvncviewer10:43
shades_ausI can use vi if it helps10:43
shades_ausi.e no x10:44
funkyHatshades_aus: what do you mean by "blnk screen", when you choose the high resolution all you see is a blank screen?10:44
shades_ausbut sill a bit noobish ;)10:44
shades_ausfunkyHat I mean when I plug in the LCD for DVI and unplug the VGA I get nothing. Just the bongo sounds10:44
shades_ausfunkyHat even after a shutdown -r now10:45
shades_ausfunkyHat I also only get low resolution under VGA out10:45
Ali_nzhmm, even tho I am in the directory with vncviewer, its still looking for vncviewer in bash: /usr/bin/vncviewer: No such file or directory10:45
funkyHatshades_aus: if you plug the VGA back in do you get the display back?10:46
Ali_nzsomething to do with my attempts to install xvnc or tightvnc10:46
oksI am having problem pinging the server which is connected with a switch between us. Any idea?10:46
ProhibitedAli_nz, where did you extract the folder to?10:46
shades_ausfunkyHat I tried adding SubSection "Display"10:46
shades_aus                Depth           2410:46
shades_aus                Modes           "1440x900" "1024x768"10:46
shades_aus        EndSubSection10:46
shades_aus and it crashed.10:46
FloodBot1shades_aus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:46
Ali_nzits put something the path or something10:46
Ali_nzProhibited: Desktop/vnc10:46
Ali_nzand I can run it from there with nautilus10:47
Ali_nzbut not CLI10:47
ProhibitedAli_nz, CLI?10:47
Ali_nzcommand line10:47
ArkoldThoswell going to sleep, almost 5 am, gn10:47
Ali_nzie terminal10:47
shades_aus<ArkoldThos> Thanks for helping10:47
Prohibitedsh /path/vnc/vncviewer10:47
ArkoldThosno problem if you continue wanting to learn, is just that nobody helps someone who never wants to learn smth :po10:48
ProhibitedAli_nz, sh /home/<user>/Desktop/vnc/vncviewer10:48
shades_ausnoob in training :-D10:48
ragssudo starting slowing down a lot...so I used an strace and discovered it's hangs while writing the log...syslogd seems to be running fine...any ideas?10:48
SultansElephantHow do I uninstall LAMPP in Jaunty 32?10:48
Ali_nzsyntax error: ")" expected10:48
oksI am having problem pinging the server which is connected with a switch between us. Any idea?10:49
ragsit hangs at this line "sendto(3, "<85>Oct  5 15:13:51 su[20133]: p"..., 95, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 95"10:49
shades_ausFunkyhat Any other ideas?10:49
funkyHatshades_aus: can you log in using the VGA output and click on System > Preferences > Display10:49
shades_ausFunkyhat. Yep10:49
louisWho here has slipstreamed your Xp before?10:49
funkyHatshades_aus: oh, before doing that, move your xorg.conf and restart X10:49
shades_ausfunkyHat tried that10:49
louisI have my CD but how can i slipstream my service packs?10:50
shades_ausfunkyHat> it made a new one10:50
louisI'm getting new harddrive and won't to save all that time lol10:50
funkyHatshades_aus: that's fine, as long as it's not one that you've modified10:50
shades_aus<funkyHat>sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ./xorgold.conf10:51
tombottlouis - are replacing your HD? If so why not use clonezilla to clone your old HD to your new HD. No re-install needed then10:52
funkyHatshades_aus: not cp, mv10:52
shades_ausI rmed the xorg10:52
funkyHatThat's fine then10:52
funkyHatOpen up the display preferences and tell me what you can see10:52
shades_ausMonitor unknown10:53
shades_ausres 1300 x 76810:53
funkyHatshades_aus: can you plug in the DVI at the same time?10:53
shades_aus60 hz10:53
Enissayhi all, how to change that for inactivity my laptop will shutdown instead of sleeping??10:53
shades_ausit doesn't show up though10:53
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone know to edit  /etc/fstab so I can use my slave drive?10:54
NickDeNeger!fstab | U-b-u-n-t-u10:54
ubottuU-b-u-n-t-u: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:54
tombottU-b-u-n-t-u : yes, I'll send you a link10:55
oksI am having problem pinging the server which is connected with a switch between us. Any idea?10:55
iceroot_how to replace foo with bar (vi)?10:55
funkyHatshades_aus: can you pastebin your current xorg.conf ?10:55
shades_ausI'll try.10:56
funkyHaticeroot_: :%s/foo/bar/g (will replace every single occurance of foo)10:56
tombottU-b-u-n-t-u : here you go, step by step guide with pictures - http://tombott.com/Automatically_Mount_Additional_HD_in_Ubuntu_8.10_and_Ubuntu_9.0410:56
funkyHat!paste | shades_aus10:56
ubottushades_aus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!10:56
iceroot_funkyHat: thx10:56
Enissayhow to change that for inactivity my laptop will shutdown instead of sleeping?? cos when it resumes, its so slow, and i need to restart it, is there anyway to fix this? im using ubuntu jaunty10:57
funkyHaticeroot_: the % means every line, and the g means every time on each line (otherwise it would just do the first one on the current line). You can also give it a range of line numbers10:57
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iceroot_funkyHat: good to know, works fine here and i dont have to replace 153 strings by hand :)11:02
shades_aus<funkyHat> re-booting back in a sec11:03
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whitmanUsing a live cd of 9.10 I'm trying to mount an ntfs drive that was used with windows server 2000 (but no one knows the admin password anymore).  When trying to open the drive in "Computer" I get prompted to authenticate.  As it's a live cd there isn't a password so I've just tried a blank password but that doesn't work - access denied. Any ideas?11:04
chalcedony does anyone know how to get youtube and other downloaded video to have captions for the deaf?11:05
Lint01where's Grub menu file is located?11:05
chalcedonyon linux11:05
erUSULLint01: /boot/grub/11:05
funkyHatwhitman: sounds like that should work, but you could set a password on the live CD and try again, it could be a bug.11:06
Lint01and how it's called?11:06
Lint01cat: /boot/grub/menu.lst: No such file or directory, wtf?11:07
funkyHatLint01: which version of Ubuntu are you using?11:07
funkyHatLint01: 9.10 is not a supported release yet11:08
funkyHatDiscussion is in #ubuntu+111:08
shades_ausfunkyHat Any further ideas? did my pastebin work?11:08
Lint01i don't care whether it's supported or not, I want to know where the grub menu is11:08
jribLint01: help for 9.10 is in #ubuntu+111:08
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
funkyHatshades_aus: yeah it worked. Something you could try is duplicating your Section "Screen", change the Identifier to LCD or something11:09
funkyHatshades_aus: http://pastebin.com/m53ddd277 something like this11:10
maxstirnerhaving a bit of a nightmare on karmic, I got a few workarounds going, but theres some bugs I can't identify accurately. I get X freezes + nautilus hangs (have to kill it upon first launch)11:10
jribmaxstirner: help for 9.10 is in #ubuntu+111:11
shades_ausfunkyHat Trying now11:11
maxstirnerjrib: thanks, i've tried -bugs and -testing to no avail11:11
maxstirnerjrib: i shall try +1 then..11:11
PiktShi, how to check what program uses bufers. (my sys monitos shows 70 megs of bufers , but no external drives are mounted...11:13
shades_ausfunkyHat That got the DVI working :) resolution still real bad11:14
funkyHatshades_aus: cool :). Now you could add SubSection "Display" in the DVI "Screen" to force the resolution to be what you want11:15
shades_ausfunkyHat In the corner of my Gnome screen it is labeled BenQ 24"11:15
funkyHatshades_aus: however you might find that the "Screen" labelled LCD is not actually the right one11:15
annimarHi there, is there a recommended migration path from pidgin to empathy for karmic?11:15
shades_ausfunkyHat last time I added subsection with display modes, it failed to launch x11:16
funkyHatshades_aus: maybe because it was on a VGA and the resolution was too high? I don't know11:16
funkyHatshades_aus: do you have the log from the crash?11:17
shades_ausfunkyHat it wouldn't even except "1204x768" in that section11:17
shades_ausfunkyHat where would that log be written to?11:17
funkyHatshades_aus: /var/log/Xorg.*.log - it doesn't keep all of them though, so if you've restarted X a couple of times it will probably be gone11:18
funkyHatshades_aus: I'm not sure but you might have to have a DefaultDepth 24 line in your Section "Screen" to use SubSection "Display"...11:19
shades_ausfunkyHat tried that too11:19
funkyHatshades_aus: seems kind of silly but I've not got many more ideas :D11:19
shades_ausfunkyHat Not a problem,11:19
shades_ausfunkyHat I found a log. Will it be of use? there's a lot in there11:20
funkyHatshades_aus: pastebin it anyway, can't hurt to have a look11:20
PupenoGAre there any apps to host a podcast on a Ubuntu server?11:20
funkyHatPupenoG: Drupal can do podcasts, with the audio module11:21
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PupenoGfunkyHat: have you tried? is it iTunes-compatible?11:22
funkyHatPupenoG: as far as I know it is iTunes compatible, it has options for iTunes settings11:22
shades_ausfunkyHat http://pastebin.com/d7b96635511:22
funkyHatPupenoG: I run a podcast but have not got around to registering it with iTunes yet so can't say definitely yes11:22
SagaciLint01: boot off a livecd then backup all essential data (if any) and reinstall11:22
PupenoGfunkyHat: you can add a podcast to itunes without being registered. Can you point me to the podcast you run on Drupal?11:23
byoosadminbjour sagaci11:23
funkyHatshades_aus: that is a log of Xorg working properly :(11:23
funkyHatPupenoG: http://broadmead.org.uk/11:23
PupenoGfunkyHat: thanks.11:23
Sagaci!hi | byoosadmin11:24
ubottubyoosadmin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:24
shades_ausfunkyHat how about this one? http://pastebin.com/d736dc81e11:25
shades_ausThing is, they weren't displaying anything11:25
shades_ausBlack screen11:25
shades_ausfunkyHat I do have a failsafe log as well11:26
shades_ausfunkyHat, how do I launch apps from the terminal without tying up the terminal?11:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:27
funkyHatshades_aus: run screen-profiles11:28
funkyHatshades_aus: or byobu (they are the same thing)11:28
shades_ausfunkyHat i.e. run gedit isn't working11:29
funkyHatshades_aus: you've lost me...11:29
funkyHatshades_aus: you can also use $ progname &11:30
funkyHatIf you just want it to run in the background11:30
funkyHatIf you start it and then want to background it, you can do ctrl+z, then run bg11:30
jimbeam12hey all jimbeam here...anyone for a drink..11:30
shades_ausgedit instead of vi11:31
funkyHatshades_aus: are you at a graphical desktop, then?11:32
shades_ausMy Gnome terminal keys are all stuffed in vi. Must be an emulation thing11:32
funkyHatOdd :/11:32
shades_ausfunkyHat yes11:32
funkyHatYou could install vim, it is nicer than vi11:32
ActionParsnipjimbeam12: gimme a Woddford reserve on the rocks :)11:32
jimbeam12ok cool..coming up..hehe11:33
shades_ausfunkyHat fair enough. gedit seems fine just don't know how to launch it and keep my terminal free11:33
funkyHatshades_aus: & :)11:33
ActionParsnipshades_aus: add a '& to the end11:33
ActionParsnipshades_aus: e.g. gedit ~/.bashrc &11:33
speculatrixhas anyone reported that the openoffice security update .deb files for amd64 are zero bytes long? http://ubuntu.taptu.com/security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openoffice.org/11:33
shades_ausfunkyHat Nothing pops up11:34
speculatrixI'm referring to openoffice.org-core_2.4.1-11ubuntu2.2_i386.deb04-Oct-2009 04:04    0  openoffice.org-core_3.0.1-9ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb04-Oct-2009 04:04    0  openoffice.org-core_3.0.1-9ubuntu3.1_i386.deb04-Oct-2009 04:04    011:34
speculatrixso apt-get update fails11:34
jony123opening rar files in ubuntu how?11:35
NickDeNegerjony123: type: sudo apt-get install rar11:35
NickDeNegerat terminal11:35
terminhellor get the p7zip suite11:35
Reactorjony123 sudo apt-get install linrar11:35
Madpilotubottu, rar |  jony12311:36
ubottujony123: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:36
ActionParsnipjony123: also: sudo apt-get install unrar11:36
shades_ausfunkyHat Oh! that worked. what's the `/.bashrc for?11:36
shades_ausfunkyHat Oh! that worked. what's the ~/.bashrc for?11:36
ActionParsnipjony123: it will add functionality to fileroller, you can also extract with: rar x <rar file>11:36
terminhellits for setting command aliases partly11:36
funkyHatshades_aus: it is run by bash (the shell you are using) when it starts up. So you can use it to set up bash to behave the way you want11:36
ActionParsnipshades_aus: its a script ran when you open a terminal, sets up aliases and variables for you11:37
shades_ausfunkyHat how do I knwo what vi likes?11:37
terminhellvi should open almost anything11:38
funkyHatshades_aus: huh?11:38
shades_ausfunkyHat I guess it's like the .bash_profile for redhat then11:38
alabdGood day everyone , While dialing with modem with command ATDT ... How to enable microphone to talk ?just speaker broadcasts ...11:38
shades_ausfunkyHat all looks a little beyond me there11:39
funkyHatshades_aus: I'm not sure what you're trying to do. What do you mean "what vi likes?"?11:39
shades_ausfunkyHat when I use backspace it doesn't delete I have to use [esc]x but it won't remove the line I have to cut11:40
funkyHatshades_aus: install vim11:41
shades_ausfunkyHat lol ok. i'll look at vim11:41
shades_ausfunkyHat vi works fine at work. just haven't got it working all that nice here11:41
funkyHatshades_aus: vim is "Vi IMproved" - it is similar to vi but more usable, I find11:41
funkyHatshades_aus: it could be that at work vi is an alias for vim11:42
shades_ausfunkyHat true!11:42
terminhellid wrather use nano11:42
funkyHatrather with a w :D11:42
funkyHatterminhell: vim is lots quicker to use once you get to know it11:43
jriverais it possible to limit a user to only restart networking, dhcp3, reboot, and edit the firewall?11:43
jriveraand hwo do i do it?11:43
funkyHatjrivera: policykit can do at least some of that11:44
terminhellya policykit11:44
terminhell^ ^11:44
Jilldoes exaile cache stream audio data when i listen it?11:44
=== darko1 is now known as dar1
jriveraoh policykit haven't gotten to read about it11:44
jriverapolicykit is not GUI is it?11:44
shades_ausfunkyHat if glxgears works, I have 3d right?11:45
JohannesSM64does the vim package auto-symlink vi to vim?11:45
terminhellthere maybe a gui for it, but its pretty simple11:45
funkyHatshades_aus: yes11:45
shades_ausfunkyHat ....thinking it(ubuntu) finds my card ok11:45
funkyHatJohannesSM64: by default yes11:46
funkyHatJohannesSM64: it uses /etc/alternatives, so you can choose what you want it to symlink to11:46
jriverafunkyHat: policykit is not a GUI app?11:46
funkyHatjrivera: I don't really know much about policykit, just that that is the kind of thing it is meant for11:46
jriverafunkyHat: ok, thanks11:47
funkyHatjrivera: have a look at System > Administration > Authorisations11:47
terminhellpolicykit-gnome maybe a frontend11:48
funkyHatshades_aus: yeah it seems to. Did you try SubSection "Display" again yet? (you could try it just with your display's native resolution, not a smaller one)11:48
U-b-u-n-t-utombott, I used that site but I had to sudo nautilus and set the permissions on media211:49
shades_ausfunkyHat Will do.11:49
U-b-u-n-t-uI just open to my username11:49
tj83can someone tell me how to view the output from "sensors" the lm-sensors package text based but updating? is there a file that i can tail -f or similar?11:50
JohannesSM64vim doesn't replace the gnome-terminal window title anymore. it did before my reinstall11:51
JohannesSM64any idea?11:51
steve2Hi, newbie here. I have a few HDDs/partitions installed. Whenever I want to access files not part of linux filesystem, it asks me for a password. For e.g., my mp3s have their own partition and each time I re-boot and open Rhythmbox I have to re-specify the mp3 directory and enter password before I can play any music. How can I set access to these files without need of password? Thanks.11:52
blackjakhellp guys11:52
blackjaki'm trying to connect to my wifi using iwconfig command11:52
tj83steve2, have gnome remember the passwords and/or place in your /etc/fstab file11:52
blackjakit shows that my card is not associated with my wifi11:53
blackjakhow to do that?11:53
tj83blackjak, do you use encryption or is it open?11:53
tj83sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid networkname i believe11:53
blackjakI type iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys key off enc off11:54
blackjakno result11:54
steve2tj83: thanks, will give it a go.11:54
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swathehelp is torenting in 9.04 broken?11:54
blackjakthen I try dhclinet and no IP11:54
tj83blackjak, why not use network manager in the GUI? i manage my wired connections CLI but wifi is just easier if you have a GUI that is11:54
terminhelldhcpcd wlan0 up11:54
terminhellgive that a whirl11:54
blackjakwhen I check iwconfig and I see that my card is not associated with AP11:55
blackjakI wanna learn in the terminal11:55
swatheall my torrents sit idle in transmission or deluge on both my ubunut boxes11:55
blackjakwithout gui11:55
jonsol_swathe: no.11:55
=== zaggynl is now known as lnyggaz
tj83blackjak, "man iwconfig" then11:55
swatheutorent under wine seems to work11:55
blackjakI read it already11:55
=== lnyggaz is now known as zaggynl
blackjakI think I 'm using the right command11:56
shades_ausfunkyHat hmm, when I clicked on Monitor Off button, the resolution fixed!11:56
shades_ausfunkyHat I now have 1920x120011:56
tj83some network managers like nm-applet and wicd pass special configuration parameters to make some not so well supported cards work... it possible yours is one of them?11:56
shades_ausfunkyHat it still says monitor unknown11:56
funkyHatshades_aus: cool :)11:56
shades_ausfunkyHat yes, thanks heaps11:56
swathedammit cant figure out why it is not working11:57
shades_ausfunkyHat going to try EXA mode now11:57
funkyHatshades_aus: back up your xorg.conf first11:57
shades_ausfunkyHat will do11:57
* NiNes is lost.11:57
Blizzerand!hello |spud|work11:58
ubottuspud|work: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:58
spud|workmy machine pauses for about 800ms every 20 or 30 seconds; its driving me instane. how so I go about diagnosing this problem?11:58
ActionParsnipspud|work: when it happens, run a terminal and run: dmesg | tail11:59
tj83spud|work, just a start, check your logs, syslog dmesg11:59
Misantropomy netspeed_applet is not getting download info from my bridged adapter, neither conky does, but upload info is there11:59
NiNesanyone feel like talking to "the new guy" considering moving o linux? very unsure....11:59
Kanohi, who is using 9.10 and has 100% load with Xorg when checked with top?11:59
tj83spud|work, you can "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" for monitoring11:59
ActionParsnip!karmic | Kano11:59
ubottuKano: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:59
forceflowNiNes: start with a dual boot11:59
spud|workNiNes: why do you have to "move"11:59
forceflowNiNes: what do you typically do on your computer?12:00
spud|workwhen we get to W, will it be wanking weasel?12:00
JohannesSM64NiNes: wubi is a good start12:00
Ristowelcome madafuckers12:00
tj83!language > Risto,12:00
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.12:00
Ristopierdol sie12:00
tj83!language | Risto12:00
ubottuRisto: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:00
NiNesahhh like vmware?12:01
spud|workwhat am I actually looking for?12:01
JohannesSM64it's not virtualization12:01
daveycakeshi there12:01
daveycakesi've got ubuntu 8.04. i want to install my 3 mobile broadband usb12:01
daveycakeshow can i do that?12:01
JohannesSM64it's like native ubuntu, except the drive is a file on your windows system12:01
tj83spud|work, errors, things that go bump in the night for about 800ms :) i dont know how to diagnose your problem.. but if the system is waiting on something, it should be represented in your logs someplace12:02
googlerhello i am using xbuntu12:02
Ristospierdalac skurwysyny jebane. dziwki pierdolone~!12:02
googler how can mount drive12:02
* spud|work invades poland12:02
NiNesdo majority dual boot in here?12:02
googlerhello i am using xbuntu12:02
googler how can mount drive12:03
JohannesSM64NiNes: no12:03
googlerany package is there12:03
tj83googler, if its ext FS, then sudo mount /dev/sdxX /mount/point12:03
Ristospam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam12:03
Ristospam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam12:03
Ristospam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam v12:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!12:03
FloodBot1Risto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
Ristospam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam12:03
* Blizzerand kicks Risto12:03
googlerristo stop it plzzz12:03
daveycakeshow can i get my 3 mobile broadband dongle working on ubuntu#?12:03
^Einsteingoogler: there's a mount widget for your panel.12:04
googlerhmm any drive monter software for xbuntu12:04
FloodBot1Risto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:04
googlerany package for drive mounter for xbuntu12:04
cgrozahow to put ubuntu ti sleep?12:05
tombottgoogler : what are you trying to do?12:05
cgrozaor stand by12:05
Blizzerandcgroza : You should see a suspend option , if that what you want12:05
googleri want to  auto mount drive when i log in12:05
* NiNes ponders12:06
cgrozaBlizzerand,nope no such options,maybe something from terminal... a command12:06
shaullxhow do i install compiz manager?12:06
^Einsteingoogler:  I already told you, there's an applet that you can add to your panel already installed.12:06
Enissayplease, how can i install jdownloader, i downloaded the zip file for linux, and found an exe file :/12:06
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz12:06
Blizzerand!info compiz12:06
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu8.1 (jaunty), package size 37 kB, installed size 72 kB12:06
googlernot i didn't find any applet in panel i search for it but i can't found it12:07
ghatakHi, when ever I run something from Administration Area, it asks for password and always says I have entered incorrect password. However if I launch the same command from command line using sudo, it works. Why is this happening? I am entering the password correctly12:07
NiNesanyone have a screenshot to share so  i can have a geez12:07
tombottgoogler : this should work - http://tombott.com/Automatically_Mount_Additional_HD_in_Ubuntu_8.10_and_Ubuntu_9.0412:07
^Einsteingoogler: right-click your panel, and add a new applet, search for "mount"12:07
googlereinstein i do that but i cant found in Xubuntu12:08
cyberspliceghatak: Have you set a root password?12:08
googleri am using Xbuntu12:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rpppoe12:08
ghatakcybersplice: ummm not sure, let me check12:08
^Einsteingoogler: I can't boot my Xubuntu thumb drive right now, but I assure you, it exists by default.12:08
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:08
googlerok lemme try again :(12:09
ghatakcybersplice: there is no password set for roon in /etc/shadow12:09
googlercan i add ubuntu packages in Xubuntu  ?12:09
jpdsgoogler: Yes.12:09
jribgoogler: xubuntu and ubuntu use the same repositories... I'm not sure why you have that question :)12:09
jpdsgoogler: Xubuntu is based on Ubuntu.12:09
LFC_fangoogler: Of course12:10
cyberspliceghatak: huh. OK.12:10
NiNescan you use utorrent in ubuntu?12:10
rskNiNes: in wine not native12:10
LFC_fanNiNes: Not natively12:10
thechitowDoes anybody know how to fix my mouse? Dmesg says: unable to enumerate usb device12:10
LFC_fanBut works very well in Wine.12:10
googler:) thats gr8 i don't know that i am new user and i have low bandwith thats why i install xubuntu12:10
ghatakcybersplice: so, is that the issue? do i need to set one ?12:10
thechitowDevice descriptor read/64, error -6212:11
googlerok but tell me last where i get the packages in web12:11
cyberspliceghatak: no, don't set a root password12:11
thechitowit does not show up in lsusb12:11
cyberspliceit's not supported12:11
ghatakcybersplice: I was under the impression that GUI interface uses sudo12:11
jrib!software | googler12:11
ubottugoogler: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents12:11
C-S-Bno point using anything in wine when theres a perfectly good linux alternative12:11
jpdsgoogler: apache12:11
jribgoogler: you should be able to use Synaptic in xubuntu12:11
jpdsgoogler: Sorry, packages.ubuntu.com12:11
cyberspliceghatak: it uses gksudo12:11
LFC_fanOr kdesu dor KDE12:11
ghatakcybersplice: ok, so any idea why is it failing ?12:12
thechitowHere is my dmesg, it would appreciate it if someone could check it out... http://www.pastebin.com/f928268f12:12
cyberspliceghatak: are you set to "administer the system"?12:12
googlersynaptic is in already in xubuntu ?12:12
cybersplicein user settings12:12
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen12:12
NineTeen67CometHi all; I've got a .NET class starting shortly and am on the lookout for something to write the code with in Linux? I've seen Mono, but that looks like a compile utility, not a writing utility (Eclipse to .NET?)12:12
LFC_fanNineTeen67Comet: MonoDevelop?12:13
ghatakcybersplice: yes, I am set as system admin12:13
jribgoogler: I've never used xubuntu, but check and see12:13
googlerok guys thanks for help12:13
ActionParsnipgoogler: should be yes12:13
NineTeen67CometLFC_fan: Does that install with mono? Is it CLI only? Or is there a GUI?12:13
LFC_fanThere is a GUI12:13
erUSULNineTeen67Comet: is a gui ide you have to install.12:14
ActionParsnipgoogler: you can always run: sudo apt-get install synaptic12:14
erUSUL!info monodevelop | NineTeen67Comet check the homepage too12:14
ubottuNineTeen67Comet: monodevelop (source: monodevelop): Development Environment for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 4085 kB, installed size 13292 kB12:14
NineTeen67CometLFC_fan: Looks like I've already got it installed .. just gotta find it .. ;)12:14
LuchoKarajons identify 2664200912:15
cyberspliceghatak: try gksudo apt-get update from terminal12:15
thechitowDoes anybody know how to fix my mouse? Dmesg says: unable to enumerate usb device12:15
thechitowHere is my dmesg, it would appreciate it if someone could check it out... http://www.pastebin.com/f928268f12:15
NineTeen67CometLFC_fan: whoop, starting now .. thanks much .. had to start it from the command line but it's looking like it's starting up (got to install a little, the errors are abundant) ..12:15
ActionParsnipthechitow: could try defining it in xorg.conf12:15
=== Blizzerand is now known as Wikidude
ActionParsnipthechitow: it will supercede hal12:16
daveycakesi keep getting a constant12:16
daveycakesmissing new line error12:16
daveycakeshow can if ix this?12:16
FloodBot1daveycakes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:16
severbI can't config my dual monitor setup in 9.10 :-(12:17
erUSUL!details | daveycakes12:17
ubottudaveycakes: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:17
rskdaveycakes: look away12:17
LFC_fanNiceTeen67Comet: Hmm? It should have the entry in the Programming menu12:17
ghatakcybersplice: it works fine12:17
ActionParsnip!dualhead | severb12:17
ubottuseverb: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:17
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:17
xdpdpdxd#j wifislax12:21
severbtrying to setup dual monitor support using gnome-display-properties raises this error http://pastebin.com/m5f30c6e912:23
severbcan I setup my dual monitor config using only the mouse? I really hate to hack xorg.conf12:27
darkhamhey people, how can i set nautilus to watch refresh of copying file's dimension, when i'm in list view?12:27
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tombottseverb - what version of ubuntu are running?12:28
iceroot_severb: #ubuntu+112:29
starkehello all i need help12:30
dazndomhello all i need help with rhythmbox12:30
tombottseverb: then yes, System - Preferences - Display12:30
janhousewhat channel is for karmic?12:31
tombottseverb - if you have more than one screen connected and detected it will show there12:31
starkeim running xubuntu on my ps3 and there are certain dialog windows that are too big for the screen12:31
starkeand it wont let me resize12:32
Jonianhey guys, have anyone used linux on a nokia ? :)12:32
Joniani have a nokia e51 and i would like to install ubuntu but ...12:32
dazndommy rythmbox wont record to external hardrive, i get error msg invalid parameters12:33
severbtombott: thanks, but gnome-display-properties raises this error http://pastebin.com/m5f30c6e9 when I try to save my changes12:34
starkenever mind fixed it12:35
Nisha_hey any one here able to get vga working on a sis vga card?12:35
salvatorenon capisco12:35
Nisha_ilicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter12:35
salvatoresono nuovo ed sto cercando di capire cose12:35
DJones!it | salvatore12:37
ubottusalvatore: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:37
dazndomhelp!!!   my rythmbox wont record to external hardrive, i get error msg invalid parameters12:37
salvatoregrazzie scusate12:38
starkei need help with root..... and i googled the snot out of it12:38
starkewhen i go into root it tells me to enter my password12:39
starkebut it keeps coming up as invalid12:39
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tzolkinI just update my kernel to 2.6.30-020630, then i found my vmware 6.5.2 can't work, it says can't build the module...how can i fix it??12:40
chjurksomeone experience with ubuntu repositories? I tried to checkout ~ubuntu-desktop/empathy/ubuntu, but there are no source files. where are they?12:41
_ruben!root | starke12:42
ubottustarke: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:42
Prajjwalhi, i re-installed Vista and my GRUB disappeared .... how do i re-install it ???12:42
heavenrideris there a software for converting videos into different formats in ubuntu12:42
DJonesgrub | heavenrider12:42
ActionParsnip!grub | Prajjwal12:42
ubottuPrajjwal: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:42
DJonessorry Prajjwal12:42
iceroot_heavenrider: vlc12:42
heavenriderconverting like from mpeg to mp4 etc12:43
cyberspliceLots of grubbing around...12:43
Prajjwalthanks DJones and ActionParsnip12:43
heavenriderlike total video converter in windows12:43
starke_ruben,  apparently there is12:43
iceroot_heavenrider: vlc can convert videos12:43
heavenriderany add on are required?12:44
iceroot_!who | heavenrider12:44
ubottuheavenrider: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:44
sipiorheavenrider: handbrake is quite nice. also, have a look at mplayer/mencoder.12:44
Enissayhow can i install java runtime envirement on my jaunty please?12:44
gaveenheavenrider, if you don't mind command line mencoder can do a lot12:44
jonsol_Enissay: by looking for it in synaptic and choose to install it?12:45
phoenix24how can i create a slideshow from my photos on jaunty ?12:45
[Green]re all12:45
heavenridergaveen , im very new to linux, ubunto, is ther a gui program12:45
tzolkinI just update my kernel to 2.6.30-020630, then i found my vmware 6.5.2 can't work, it says can't build the module...how can i fix it??12:45
tzolkinanybody know??12:45
Enissayjonsol_, i ve allot of java stuff, wich one to choose12:46
starke_ruben sudo wont accept my user password12:46
obiwan_hi, please 1 question does anybody know wifislax12:46
jonsol_tzolkin: install the kernel headers12:46
tranceNRGEnissay:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre12:46
jonsol_Enissay: the one saying runtime.12:46
gaveenheavenrider, see the mencoder frontends section at http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html12:46
tranceNRGalso:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk12:46
severbtombott: any ideas why I get that exception when i try to save my changes in Preferences > Display ?12:46
tzolkinjonsol_, you mean install linux-headers-2.6.30?12:46
jonsol_tzolkin: Yes.12:47
jonsol_If that's the kernel youre using.12:47
tzolkinjonsol_, OK, thanks :p12:47
tzolkinjonsol_, ii  linux-headers-2.6.30-020630                2.6.30-020630                                           Header files related to Linux kernel version12:49
tzolkinii  linux-headers-2.6.30-020630-generic        2.6.30-020630                                           Linux kernel headers for version 2.6.30 on x12:49
obiwan_hi, please 1 question does anybody know wifislax12:49
tzolkinjonsol_, i already install it12:49
tombottseverb - kjust checking error log at the moment12:49
severbtombott: thanks for looking12:50
tombottseverb - try running Display preferences via the terminal12:51
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tombottseverb - but  using sudo12:51
tombottserverb - so - gnome-display-properties12:51
tombottseverb: sorry - sudo gnome-display-properties12:51
ActionParsniptzolkin: thats a karmic kernel12:51
ActionParsniptombott: gksudo for gui apps dude12:51
jonsol_tzolkin: are you actually _using_ that kernel then?12:52
tzolkinActionParsnip, I use the jaunty12:52
tombott<ActionParsnip> - i've always used sudo, works for me. thanks though12:52
ActionParsnip!info linux-image jaunty12:52
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB12:52
tzolkinjonsol_, yes, i upgrade kernel from 2.6.28 to 2.6.3012:52
severbtombott: that works fine, running gnome-display-properties as root doesn't throw any exceptions, but if I save the changes and reloging all the changes are lost12:52
tzolkinjonsol_, now i use 2.6.3012:53
tombottseverb - what rights does you current user have? is it a restricted account?12:53
ActionParsniptombott: its the correct way to run gui apps with elevated priveledges. Please read: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo12:53
jonsol_tzolkin: then you have to provide more information on _what_ that does not work. "It doesn't work" is not sufficient.12:54
severbI'm using the default user I created when I installed ubuntu 9.10. It's the only user present on this machine12:54
tombottActionParsnip - already there thanks, just googled it. never knew that so thanks12:54
twinkie_addictNICE my ati drivers work lol i had to drop to 8.04 lts but the proprietary drivers work YEH12:54
ActionParsniptombott: cool12:54
bazhangseverb, #ubuntu+1 for karmic12:54
jonsol_twinkie_addict: parse error. Please try again.12:55
tombottActionParsnip - ahh ok, so its all about config12:56
jonsol_twinkie_addict: parse error. Please try again.12:56
tombottseverb: your running 9.10?12:56
ActionParsniptombott: its all about the environment12:56
tzolkinjonsol_, when i start the vmware, it says need to complied and loaded several modules into the running kernel, and i click install, then it cause error when compiling the Virtual Network Device, it says Unable to build kernel module12:57
severbtombott: yes12:57
mudittulihi, i just bought a 5g IPod Nano, cant upload songs on it, what software should I use ?12:57
tombottActionParsnip - indeed. some instances though you will want it to use users config and not root and vice versa. so its interesting to knwo12:57
bazhangmudittuli, gtkpod and banshee are worth a try12:58
tzolkinjonsol_, oh, it stop when compiling the Virtual Machine Monitor, sorry12:58
ActionParsniptombott: its about the nvironment not being configured right. sudo doesnt setup the environment for x based apps, hence why gksudo exists, you can ruin ownerships of files12:58
tombottseverb: ok, not used 9.10 for dual screen yet. you  got all current updates installed?12:58
mudittulii tried amarok, gtkpod , neither i working !12:58
dazndom help!!!   my rythmbox wont record to external hardrive, i get error msg invalid parameters12:59
severbtombott: yes, I've just updated everything12:59
bazhangseverb, this is not the correct channel for karmic support discussion; #ubuntu+1 for that12:59
bazhangmudittuli, what about banshee; I've had good luck with that12:59
jonsol_tzolkin: how bad for you.12:59
tzolkinjonsol_, the setup.log is: 10月 05 19:56:06.776: app| Log for VMware Workstation pid=3251 version=6.5.2 build=build-156735 option=Release12:59
tzolkin10月 05 19:56:06.776: app| Host codepage=UTF-8 encoding=UTF-812:59
tzolkin10月 05 19:56:06.776: app| Logging to /tmp/vmware-root/setup-3251.log12:59
tzolkin10月 05 19:56:08.928: app| Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.12:59
tzolkin10月 05 19:56:08.945: app| Building module with command: /usr/bin/make -C /tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only auto-build SUPPORT_SMP=1 HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/2.6.30-020630-generic/build/include CC=/usr/bin/gcc GREP=/usr/bin/make IS_GCC_3=no VMCCVER=4.3.312:59
FloodBot1tzolkin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
starkehey all sudo wont take my user password13:01
ActionParsnipstarke: when you use sudo you dont see any *s when you type13:01
ActionParsnipstarke: if your password is not being accepted despite setting it you can change it in system -> admin -> user config13:02
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starkeActionParsnip, i do not have access13:03
usuarious muretos hijos e puta13:04
ActionParsnipstarke: then reboot to root recovery console and run: passwd <your username>        and set the password13:04
dazndomthanks all for the help i NEVER got13:04
sipiorusuario: that's not very nice.13:04
sipiordazndom: looking for a refund?13:05
ActionParsnip!patience | dazndom13:05
ubottudazndom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:05
jpds!es | usuario13:05
ubottuusuario: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:05
starkeActionParsnip,  but i can login just fine its just sudo thats giving me snot13:05
ActionParsnipstarke: if you run: groups      are you a member of the admin group?13:06
* Dr_Willis hasent eevn seen a question.13:06
googler heyyyy guys i want to login as root in ubuntu13:06
dazndomi have searched both of those, no answer for why cannot lay music on to external hard drive13:06
googler but i can't13:06
ActionParsnip!root | googler13:06
ubottugoogler: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:06
ActionParsnipgoogler: you dont and you never have to13:06
Dr_Willisgoogler:  its doable but not adviseable.. gdm  configs have it blocked.13:07
dazndomi can do it in latest release 9.04, but not in 8.1013:07
ActionParsnipgoogler: its blocked for security reasons and is very good practice to leave it alone13:07
ActionParsnipdazndom: can you play it on an internal partition?13:07
sipiordazndom: so, if it works in the latest release, what is the problem, exactly?13:08
dazndomyes can record to internal HD13:08
mudittulihi, i just bought a 5g IPod Nano, cant upload songs on it, what software should I use ?13:08
mudittulitried banshee,amarok,gtkpod but none is working !13:08
starkeActionParsnip,  when i type groups in command line i just get my name13:08
DJones!ipod | mudittuli13:09
ubottumudittuli: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:09
ActionParsnipstarke: then you arent in a tonne of groups you are supposed to be in13:09
ActionParsnipstarke: make sure you are in these groups: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin13:09
dazndom i get error msg invalid parameters13:09
starkeActionParsnip,  i take it a reinstall is in order?13:10
googler  so how can i edit wvdial.conf ?13:10
googler  so how can i edit wvdial.conf ?13:10
googler i cant save it i have no right to save it :((13:10
ActionParsnipdazndom: if you dont have write access you need to mount the device so you can write to it13:10
FloodBot1googler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
googlerwhy ubuntu to this to me13:10
spreadthelovewhat was that utility to make a ubnuntu live cd where you could controll so many things during the creation of it... it was the one where a gui was almost like an after thought13:10
ActionParsnipstarke: no not at all, just edit your user13:10
Dr_Willisgoogler:  you use sudo editor vwdial.conf13:10
Dr_Willisgoogler:  using whatever editor you like.13:10
googlerok :D13:10
starkebut users and groups wont let me13:10
Dr_Willisgoogler:  thats normal for most all 'system' type tasks.13:10
googlersudo editor wvdial.conf13:11
googlerok lemme see13:11
dazndomin setting ext HD for library repository13:11
Dr_Willisgoogler:  pick an editor you like13:11
zouhairHi, I have some backup DVDs with some bad sectors, is there a way to copy the files from it but having the copy command skip any file in bad sectors?13:11
ActionParsnipstarke: write those groups down, boot to root recovery and run: usermod -a -G <group name> <your user name here>13:11
ActionParsnipstarke: e.g.   usermod -a -G ftp tony13:11
ActionParsnipstarke: dont be so eager to reach for a reinstall13:12
oxiDoes anyone understand how "they" manage to create a 200MB Ubuntu&Tomcat appliance? http://www.turnkeylinux.org/appliances/tomcat13:12
Dr_Willisdazndom:  be sure you are accessing the files using a proper path like /media/harddrivename/media/music   not  file://media/harddrive/music13:12
mudittuliubottu: shutup !13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutup !13:12
Enissaythanks tranceNRG and jonsol_ :)13:12
ActionParsnipstarke: at some point you have played with groups and screwed your user13:12
oxiI tried myself to create an appliance with EmDebian and hit 300MB very quickly13:12
dazndomok will try that now13:13
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ActionParsnipstarke: to get root recovery mode, reboot, press esc when grub shows up, select recovery mode then select root13:14
ActionParsnipstarke: you can now modify your user13:14
tranceNRGEnissay:  no prob13:14
ActionParsnipstarke: that list I ave is from a standard user. I havent manually added myself to any groups13:15
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starkeActionParsnip,  im on a ps3 no grub13:16
ActionParsnipstarke: you can boot to livecd and chroot13:16
ActionParsnipstarke: you need to be able to modify your user to be in at least the admin group, once added you can add yourself to other groups with sudo13:17
starkeActionParsnip,  cant do that live cds dont work on an sdtv13:17
ActionParsnipstarke: is there an ubuntu ps3 channel13:17
ActionParsnipi dont use ps3 (or any consoles) so i cant give exact help13:17
ubottuAside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )13:17
ActionParsnipstarke: /joing #ubuntu-ppc13:18
ActionParsnipithout the g13:18
dazndomthis is what i just tried ;    /media/My Book/media/MY MUSIC        and this is what i was doing   ;     /media/My Book/MY MUSIC      neither file path work i get invalid parameter error13:18
Dr_Willisdazndom:  try putting  '/media/my book'   ie : quotes around the whole path13:19
Dr_Willisdazndom:  spaces in paths/names MUST be ewswcaped or quoted13:19
ActionParsnipdazndom: or rename it so it doesnt have the space13:19
ubottuTo rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.13:19
Dr_Willisdazndom:  or start using _ instead of spaces. :) that gets tobe a good habbit to do.13:19
dazndomi am only following the browse function13:21
Dr_Willisdazndom:  dont forget linux path/names are also case Senesetive.. My Stuf is not the same as MY STUFF13:21
Dr_Willisdazndom:  when using the command line.. YOu have to rember to use quotes or escape the spaces.13:21
ActionParsnipdazndom: Dr_Willis: tab handles stuff like that quite well13:21
Dr_Willistry --->   ls '/media/My Book/MY MUSIC'13:22
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  some times. :)13:22
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  ive also had it be a pain.13:22
Dr_Willisbye all13:22
dennis_Can somebody help me with a problem with my mp3-player?13:23
dazndomerror transfering track access denied13:23
mirchisaladActionParsnip: hello13:23
ActionParsniphi mirchisalad13:23
ActionParsnipdazndom: can you transfer it with: gksudo nautilus    ?13:23
mirchisaladActionParsnip: lol iam indus13:23
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ActionParsnipindus: not when your nick says mirchisalad13:24
dazndomhavent tried nautilus13:24
veovis__What channel is for 9.10 support?13:24
veovis__rsk: thabk you13:25
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starkeActionParsnip,  what group do i need to add myself to?13:26
spud|workso my machine is pausing for around 800ms every 10 seconds or so, and ive looked in dmesg and found nothing suspicious.13:26
ActionParsnipstarke: admin13:27
ActionParsnipstarke: after that you can add yourself to groups using sudo13:27
obiwan_gota go cys !! :)13:27
dennis_I tried to plug in my mp3 player in my usb port but ubuntu didn't detect my player. it is an "Archos 105". I seached in google but i didn't find anything. If somebody can help my please write a personal message, cause I'm visually impared and may don't se answers here.13:27
trijntjehow can I let evolution keep a copy of emails I remove from the IMAP server?13:27
spud|workthe last entries are when I plugged into the network(some hours ago) and when i plugged in again (an hour ago). nothing that would make my machine hang for 800ms13:27
tasslehoffIf I check "remember applications when logging out", where is the information about running applications stored?13:30
gaveenspud|work, you'd better have a terminal open running top. Then you can see what's hogging at the time of the hang. I personally think it's an app. So there's little chance it'll be in messages13:31
SambaMananyone knwo any termial utilties to help with windows shares ?13:32
dazndomaction parsnip thanks for your help, but i am a newbie on computers let alone ubuntu, my brain is fried and i will try another day, i shall read the thing on ubuntu forums Dr willis gave me. THANK YOU for trying to help me Appreciate it a lot, cheers Daz13:32
gaveenSambaMan, smbclient13:32
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:33
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:33
NiNesall up and running, what irc client do majority use?13:33
ActionParsnipdazndom: np bro13:33
ActionParsnipdazndom: use tab to complete names dude ;)13:33
DJonesNiNes: Probably irssi (terminal base), xchat or pidgin13:34
SambaMangaveen: ok il check it out , do i need to knwo ther persons ip to access shares ?13:34
NiNesusing pidgin now bit icky13:34
ActionParsnipNiNes: pidgin here, majority use != good app13:35
DJonesNiNes: If you a gui, I'd suggest xchat, if not irssi from a terminal13:35
gaveenSambaMan, yes, or machine name. http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za/courses/build/net-admin/ch08s02.html13:35
ActionParsnip!irc | NiNes13:35
ubottuNiNes: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:35
ActionParsnipNiNes: try a few, see which you like13:36
cortsp88ciao a tutti13:36
slacker_nldoes anyone know why it is not possible to wild card part of the Pin: release o=LP-PPA- string??13:36
Foxx_bag of skunk, and the smallest bit of hash you ever saw - but from amsterdam - that may have to be saved for the real 'smash glass here' and big red flashing lights emergencyd-i preseed/include /seeds/includes/partitioning.seed /seeds/includes/kernel.seed /seeds/includes/packages.seed /seeds/includes/late-commands.seed13:36
cortsp88ho un problema con amule13:36
NiNesok extremely new guy here just wondering about desktop customizeation13:36
ActionParsnip!ot | foxx13:36
ubottufoxx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:36
gaveenSambaMan, if you already know a particular share you can use mount with -t cifs to mount it13:36
NiNeswhoa bad spelling13:36
ActionParsnip!themes | NiNes13:37
ubottuNiNes: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:37
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=== DaZ__ is now known as DaZ
NiNesthank you ActionParsnip13:37
Foxx_sorry - misclick on the mouse :(13:37
cortsp88al server risulta un id basso e la rete kad risulta firewalled13:37
cortsp88come posso risolvere il problema?13:37
ActionParsnipNiNes: np bro13:37
DJones!it | cortsp8813:37
ubottucortsp88: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:37
ActionParsnipNiNes: there are also projects to make linux look like mac or vista or xp13:38
cortsp88grazie ubottu13:38
vigo!it | cortps8813:38
ubottucortps88: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:38
gaveenSambaMan, np13:38
NiNesActionParsnip: i just wiped windows for linux thats the last thing i want lol, i just meant like changing the toolbar coulor and destop bg.13:39
ActionParsnipNiNes: totally, its all there dude. mine looks like mac to be ironic13:40
SambaManone more quiestion , if i have multiple mount point all pointing to same place eg /usr in fstab , could i then mount to usb and have them shared ( so both are /usr )13:40
vigoThere are many ways to customize Ubuntu, way to many. But is fun.13:40
phakoanyone else experiencing a unpleasant "click" before any audio access on karmic?13:42
phakowith or without pulseaudio13:43
bazhangphako, #ubuntu+1 for karmic13:43
Foxx_is there any reason why multiple preseed includes should work for the jaunty netinstall - i.e. d-i preseed/include partitioning.seed kernel.seed packages.seed, it seems to constantly file could not be retrieved on the second file in any list - no 404 / access request on apache for 2nd file13:43
phakobazhang, k13:43
erryHey im having troublwe making java work on firefox?13:43
Foxx_ err - should *not* work - of course13:44
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository13:44
vigoerry: Java or Java Script?13:44
erryvigo, JAVA13:44
cryptoOLA OLA13:45
erryyou know.. applets etc13:45
cryptobonjour :)13:45
cryptohello !13:45
=== crypto is now known as Guest99860
erryvigo, java IS installed.13:45
vigohrmm, is it enabled and is the JRE6 or whatever running?13:45
erryvigo, im having problm with the firefox plugin13:45
erryvigo, yes it is13:45
=== Guest99860 is now known as Snuffix
Snuffixre §13:46
vigoerry: Only FF or all browsers?13:46
Snuffixi try to configure dsniff13:46
N3OHi everybody13:46
erryvigo, FF 3.5 only13:46
erryvigo, previous FFs work fine13:46
N3Oi want to install kubuntu on my ubuntu 9.04 from cd . is that possible ?13:46
rskN3O: use sudo apt-get instakk kubuntu-desktop13:47
N3Orsk , i have already try it. but it gives me the following error.13:47
N3Orsk , package not found.13:47
stlsaintN3O, its not on the cd..you need to have internet13:47
rskthen your sources.list is broken13:48
rskfix that first13:48
vigoerry: I have seen no complaints like that, or missed them, backup FF, purge FF then install fresh from the Official Repository would be one way to investigate it.13:48
N3Ostlsaint , is that not possible to install it from cd /13:48
Snuffixdsniff can sniff paquet on my personnal pc ?13:48
Snuffixor not ?13:48
erryvigo, great13:48
Snuffixi try to collect on my network card13:49
Foxx_any suggestions where to get help on ubuntu preseeds ?13:49
stlsaintN3O, unless you customized that livecd...no13:49
DJonesN3O: If you've got a kubuntu alternate install cd, I think you can add the cd as a repository source13:49
jacquesdupontdi have a problem with my Nvidia 7600 gs to play warsow correctly on jaunty, i'm on NVIDIA 190 beta drivers, its lagging sometimes and it should be fast as hell like before when i had feisty for example, i've tried other drivers uninstalling the other one perfectly before, maybe a xorg.conf that i could change ? i would like to know how to set the refresh rate. Thx13:49
SharpRaintransmission bittorrent client is set as default - when I choose other in open with I can't find the deluge .exe - where is it located?!?!?!?13:49
starkeActionParsnip, apparently im not the only person having this problem13:49
N3ODJones, i have already done it.13:49
erUSULSharpRain: /usr/bin/deluge13:49
SharpRainthanks man :)13:49
N3ODJones , but i think there is something else.13:50
naser67hi all13:50
SharpRainit's not there.13:50
=== S is now known as Kanus
N3Ostlsaint , what customization ?13:50
N3Ostlsaint , can you tell me ?13:50
Foloexhas any one here used the "frugal install" of unetbootin ? I need some advice about it ...13:50
erUSULSharpRain: did you installed it ? if so how ?13:50
SharpRainit is installed13:50
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:50
stlsaintmeaning unless you saved the .deb say thru aptoncd than you need internet to reach the repos to download desktop environment13:50
SharpRainthrough sudo apt-get install deluge13:50
naser67i'm looking for a software that i can record my desktop13:50
stlsaintN3O, ^^13:50
SharpRaini have used it before13:51
N3Ostlsaint, ya13:51
stlsaintnaser67, recordmydesktop...check in repos13:51
stlsaintN3O, meaning unless you saved the .deb say thru aptoncd than you need internet to reach the repos to download desktop environment13:51
erUSULSharpRain: run this command « which deluge »13:51
arandnaser67: Think package may be called gtkrecordmydesktop even13:51
jacquesdupontdi have a problem with my Nvidia 7600 gs to play warsow correctly on jaunty, i'm on NVIDIA 190 beta drivers, its lagging sometimes and it should be fast as hell like before when i had feisty for example, i've tried other drivers uninstalling the other one perfectly before, maybe a xorg.conf that i could change ? i would like to know how to set the refresh rate. Thx13:52
naser67stlsaint: ok , tnx13:52
naser67arand:tnx guy13:52
vigojacquesdupontd: Did you try the 180 or 185?13:52
SharpRainit tells me13:52
N3Ostlsaint, how should i know which packages are required for this kde environment ?13:53
jacquesdupontdvigo, sure13:53
SharpRainHow do I get to usr/bin/deluge?13:53
SharpRainit's not in the bin folder of filesystem13:53
SharpRainor off my home directory13:53
jacquesdupontdvigo, it doesn't come from this, i'm pretty sure it's been a long time i'm on ubuntu and i know it a bit but there i don't understand what's happening13:53
SharpRainhow do I get there13:54
ActionParsnipstarke: interesting13:54
vigojacquesdupontd: I saw on the forums that the 180 and 185 are stable and work, with a bit of configuration.13:54
Cyrano_awaySharpRain: /usr/bin/deluge13:54
jacquesdupontdbut it sounds more like a memory access problem vigo13:54
jacquesdupontdvigo, could you find that page again for me ?13:54
SharpRainthere is no /usr/13:54
SharpRaini can't find it13:54
jacquesdupontdvigo, thx13:54
stlsaintN3O, see here... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE13:54
naser67arand: how can i convert ogv to avi ?13:55
ActionParsnipstarke: still get yourself added to the admin group or you will only be ale to run stuff as a user and not use gk/sudo13:55
Cyrano_awaySharpRain: There is or your machine would not be running.  Open a terminal window and type cd /usr/bin13:55
starkeActionParsnip, brb13:55
N3Ostlsaint , thanx.13:55
stlsaintN3O, np13:55
Cyrano_awaySharpRain: The "/" is needed in both places.13:55
N3Ostlsaint , bye, i need to go. i'll keep in touch.13:55
SharpRainhmm, it doesn't open in console13:55
SharpRainsays it's not a valid place13:56
SharpRainbut it opens in GUI13:56
SharpRainhow strange13:56
erUSULnaser67: use ffmpeg ?13:56
SharpRainthanks .13:56
indusjacquesdupontd: hello13:56
ActionParsnipnaser67: mencoder input.ogv -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts pass=1 -o output.avi13:56
jacquesdupontdhi indus , doin well ?13:56
ActionParsnipnaser67: or you could use handbrake13:56
Cyrano_awaySharpRain: Are you using "/" or the wintendoze way "\"?13:56
erUSULSharpRain: you get there going first to /usr then to bin/13:56
SharpRainI am using "/"13:56
ActionParsnipnaser67: websearching is good: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80612513:56
vigojacquesdupontd: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=64991267 that is one about Nvidea. sorta13:56
jacquesdupontdthx a lot vigo gonna check that13:57
jacquesdupontdvigo, will tell you when i find the clue13:57
vigojacquesdupontd: and here: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=6499131113:58
arandnaser67: I don't know... vlc has some convertig options, none of which I'm familiar with thogh...13:58
jacquesdupontdvigo, thx13:58
ActionParsnipnaser67: if you do it a lot, make the script in the forum so you can easily convert13:58
naser67ActionParsnip: tnx man i got my answer13:58
ActionParsnipnaser67: sweet13:59
sztomihi! how do I set the default privileges on automatically mounted drives? Right now it's 'rwx' for everybody, and I want it to be readable only for a specific group.14:00
d_bis full disk encryption available in the desktop installation disc or do I need to get alternate disc?14:01
Foxx_is there any reason why multiple preseed includes should not work for the jaunty netinstall ? - e.g. d-i preseed/include partitioning.seed kernel.seed packages.seed, it seems to constantly file could not be retrieved on the second file in any list - no 404 / access request on apache for 2nd file14:02
starkeActionParsnip, got myself into admin14:02
wrapsterguys i need some urgent help.. all of a sudden my audio input/output has gone dead.. It was working fine till about a few hrs ago...14:03
wrapsterhave a skype call to make pls help.14:04
ActionParsnipsztomi: use gid=<number>    http://bobpeers.com/linux/mount.php   shows how it can be used14:04
starkeActionParsnip, but everything is greyed out14:04
induswrapster: what do you mean dead14:04
ActionParsnipstarke: awesome, now add yourself to the groups: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin14:04
induswrapster: dont you hear audio from music files etc?14:04
wrapsterindus: yeah14:04
indusyeah what14:05
wrapsterforget the music.. the startup sound is also not heard14:05
mick__Hey I've got a dual screen set up on my PC. I've got an nVidia GeForce GT220 graphics card. When I use ubuntu's display manager one monitor works fine but the other one is not detected. When I use the nVidia driver configuration software the other screen works fine but my original one is running at a really low resolution. Can anyone suggest a way to get both of them in TwinView using the same resolution14:05
induswrapster: check if anything is muted14:05
erUSULwrapster: do you use pulseaudio ? « sudo killall pulseaudio && start-pulseaudio-x11 »14:05
NiNesif i want to install flash onfirefox which one do i get?14:06
wrapstererUSUL: ok will check14:06
sztomiActionParsnip: These partitions are being mounted by gnome-volume-manager and aren't listed in fstab14:06
mick__Here is my xorg.conf file for anyone out there that can help ... http://pastebin.com/f3c5cf10214:06
erUSULsztomi: depends on the filesystem used14:07
vigosztomi: Groups and is it a server or other OS accessible?14:07
jacquesdupontdvigo, i don't see anything about 180 or 185 thread and an explanation on how to set the xorg.con14:07
sztomivigo: they are windows partitions that are on the same desktop machine (actually, same physical disc)14:08
soulerHey ubuntu guise, I need a messanger with a webcam that would work with yahoo and msn.14:08
erUSULsztomi: then use the guid mount option as ActionParsnip said14:08
cyberspliceguid mount = victory.14:09
starkeActionParsnip,  its all greyed out14:09
vigosztomi: Yeah, what ActionParsnip and erUSUL said. http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=6499149814:09
sztomierUSUL: but how do I get this work with gnome-volume-manager?14:09
mick__Anyone able to suggest how I get my dual screen working? PLease! xorg.conf is here -> http://pastebin.com/f3c5cf102 one monitor is running at the correct resolution, the other is not14:09
vigojacquesdupontd: let me look again....14:09
erUSULsztomi: i though you where editing /etc/fstab  ...14:10
AmnesiaHi does anyone know how to set up dual monitors?14:10
NiNesamarok worth getting?14:10
xmas1hi, can someone please help me, or direct me to information, on removing GUI only for the login?14:10
erUSUL!dualhead | Amnesia14:10
ubottuAmnesia: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:10
soulerHey ubuntu guise, I need a messanger with a webcam that would work with yahoo and msn.14:10
erUSULxmas1: you want to login in text mode and then use startx ?14:10
onatshi, banshee music player seems to be consuming a lot of CPU power right?14:10
Brunerssouler: try pidgin14:10
AmnesiaerUSUL: I already googled..14:11
ActionParsnipstarke: use terminal14:11
xmas1erUSUL, i just want to the login to be faster... so, i figure having it in CLI14:11
vigojacquesdupontd: here maybe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1150921&highlight=nvidea+180+xorg14:11
DJonessouler: I think that aMsn might have support for webcams, but I'm not certain14:11
soulerBruners , does pidgin has webcam support?14:11
onatswhats a low memory consuming music player for ubuntu?14:11
sztomierUSUL: No, as I previously stated, these partitions are mounted by gnome and aren't listed in fstab.14:11
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soulerDJones, amsn webcam looks messed up for me =/14:11
xmas1erUSUL, i have not learned a lot of CLI yet so, this is kind of a first step i guess14:11
erUSULxmas1: i do not think that would help a lot. you will have to wait for x to come up at some point14:11
Brunerssouler: not sure, check their page14:11
mick__Does anyone know if you can get dual screen working running one monitor off the VGA port and the other off the DVI port on the same card?14:12
Brunersmick__: yes its possible14:12
xmas1erUSUL, ok, thanks. Any suggestions for learning CLI? I know there's a lot of info out there but, trying to find something that isn't... overwhelming...14:12
erUSULsouler: amsn for msn14:12
soulererUSUL, aMSN is making my webcam lag and contrast is way off.14:13
mick__Bruners, I've got 2 monitors connected in that way to my system. The monitor on the DVI has full resolution, the monitor to the VGA is in low resolution. I'm unable to raise the res in the Nvidia software. Any idea how I could edit my xorg.conf file to get the same res on both?14:13
vigojacquesdupontd: Take note of the backup thing there, that looks like the xorg.conf explained for that 180/185/19014:13
jacquesdupontdvigo, note of wich backup thing ?14:14
erUSULsouler: mercury messenger ?14:14
Brunersmick__: i dont have nvidia but you should be able to adjust the settings in the nvidia configuration tool, have you enabled xinerama ?14:14
vigojacquesdupontd: This is one line: but it's tell xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration14:15
vigofile; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009050713025014:15
xmas1erUSUL, I think I would still like to make the login cli, as it would be a step in the right dirrection. ?14:15
jacquesdupontdvigo, one line in the last link you gave me ?14:15
erUSULxmas1: maybe begin with this ? http://en.flossmanuals.net/gnulinux#14:16
d_bcan I choose full disk encryption in the normal install or do I need the alternate disc?14:16
erUSULxmas1: then disable gdm on boot « sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove »14:16
mick__Bruners, xinerama? Never hear of it. The nvidia software is giving me the option to change the res of the monitor that already is running in high res but the other monitor can only be changed to a max of 640x48014:16
xmas1erUSUL, thanks!14:16
jacquesdupontdvigo, ok i see but i already now that14:16
xmas1esUSUL, ok thanks again! :)14:16
vigojacquesdupontd: Yes, that was a copy from one of the posters, you cannot willy nilly X out one setting and expect a new one to take hold, is either a purge or some backup stuff going on, or that is how I understand it.14:17
jacquesdupontdvigo, the thing is everything is working perfectly and my xorg is perfect, i have beryl running perfectly too. The problem is specific to warsow or to see a youtube video in fullscreen14:18
Brunersmick__: Xinerama is the dual head thing for nvidia cards if i recall it correctly14:19
jacquesdupontdvigo, i have an amd 1800xp14:19
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz14:19
vigoEvery day I learn something and that is one of the best things I admire about GNU/Linux.14:19
Fenix|workGreetings and Salutations14:19
erUSULBruners: Xinerama is standar dualhead for X. twinview is specific of nvidia afaics14:19
Fenix|workA quick question.  How do I bridge two network adapters together (on the same network) to double the available bandwidth to my box?14:20
erUSULFenix|work: you bond them.14:20
Fenix|workerUSUL, thanks.  I've not done it in linux before.  Am googling now.14:21
mxgbhi guys...i've got a couple of issues with my jaunty setup14:22
mxgbmy mic isnt working :(14:22
erUSULFenix|work: http://www.howtoforge.com/nic_bonding http://etbe.coker.com.au/2007/08/13/ethernet-bonding-on-debian-etch/14:22
mxgbits a standard intel hda things14:22
erUSULFenix|work: both apply equally well to ubuntu.14:22
Fenix|workthanks, have already come across the howtoforge document14:22
mxgbplayback is great but i cant use the mic14:23
mxgband i need it cuz i have to talk to my colleagues on skype14:23
mxgboi've got lenovo t6114:23
yvahello I use lightening but I don't know how to define it to be the default program to open ics files? any ideas?14:24
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soulererUSUL : I installed mercury but it isn't appearing at the internet applications14:24
funkyHatdoes apt-get --reinstall install <package> reset any config in /etc?14:24
funkyHat*for that package14:24
erUSULsouler: never used it myself... run it from terminal14:24
erUSULfunkyHat: do not think so. you need to purge first then install again14:25
onatsand the answer is exaile14:25
funkyHaterUSUL: I didn't think so. Is there any way to do it without purging first?14:25
erUSULonats: no it is 42 ;)14:25
mxgbso any ideas on how to get the mic working?14:25
onatserUSUL, whats that?14:25
hasanibrahimmHello all, i have a problem about connecting internet with wired connection. when i try to connect with wireless.14:25
erUSULfunkyHat: i do not know of any other way14:26
hasanibrahimmi can connect14:26
sipiormxgb: have you checked that the input is not set to zero in your mixer?14:26
hasanibrahimmWhat's the matter do you think ?14:26
onatserUSUL, exaile has a very low memory/procesor footprint!14:26
erUSULonats: congrats!14:26
mxgbsipior:are you talking about the settings in the volume control applet?14:26
sipiormxgb: yep.14:26
mxgbyea i have14:27
onatsnext up, anyone know of a music visualization tool that can output to multiple screens? setting up a party here at home. heheh14:27
mxgbbut im not sure which volume to adjust tbh14:27
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mxgbbut i have basically tried all the volume controls14:27
mxgbso i've unmuted the playback mic14:27
erUSULsouler: you have to install sun-java6-jre14:28
mxgband on the recording tab i've got two Capture volume controls14:28
sipiormxgb: also, is the microphone plugged directly into the sound card, or into a port on the case?14:28
fabio_ciao a tutti14:28
mxgbthis is a built-in mic14:28
mxgbthe intel thing14:28
erUSULsouler: checked and it works here ... it runs14:28
jsalisburyI ran into an issue upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 beta.  The upgrade does not appear to have made progress in three days.  The console is printing the following message over and over again: "100% [Working]"  Has anyone also seen this?14:29
mxgbthe intel 82801H14:29
hasanibrahimmwhat's the possible cause do youthink ?14:29
soulererUSUL, yes it runs but only through terminal14:29
Cyrano_awaymxgb: is this on a laptop?14:29
bazhangjsalisbury, #ubuntu+1 for karmic14:29
cybersplice!karmic | jsalisbury14:29
ubottujsalisbury: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:29
mxgbits a lenovo t6114:29
jsalisburybazhang: thanks14:29
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hasanibrahimmi thought it was about my modem but it's not because i tried in different pc and it worked14:31
erUSULsouler: makle alauncher in the menus on in the Desktop14:32
erUSULsouler: you can use the run dialog (ALt + f2) too14:33
AmnesiaerUSUL: ...?]14:34
AmnesiaerUSUL: do you know anything 'bout dual monitors and ati?14:34
erUSULAmnesia: i do not use dualhead setup so the only thing i could do was to point you to the docs; sorry14:35
Chervahow can I make 2 lan networks and the pc's from the one should NOT see the pc's in the other14:36
hasanibrahimmi am using dual monitor14:36
hasanibrahimmbut my graphic card is nvidia14:37
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erUSULCherva: do not make a route/gateaway between the two14:37
mxgbwow! cant believe i bothered you guys with this mic thing14:37
openskyhpw can install vido codecs from dvd installation?14:38
mxgbit works but i have to plug in an external mic14:38
mxgbthe built-in doesnt work with ubuntu for some reason :S14:38
sipiormxgb: that's a pity, but at least you have a work-around14:38
erUSULmxgb: is a laptop ? with intelhda ?14:39
erUSUL!intelhda | mxgb14:39
ubottumxgb: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:39
erUSULmxgb: maybe specifying some model on the module options helps14:39
fiberhi... i was wondering if anyone knew of a good program to stream music over the internet?  I want something with playlist control.  I was thinking there would be something good that utilizes icecast, but I'm having trouble finding what that thing is.  Basically, I want to be able to stream my music while I'm out of the house.14:40
CHESLYNhi guys !!14:41
erUSUL!hi | CHESLYN14:41
ubottuCHESLYN: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:41
jane_ukhow do you cut n paste to show others on here pls14:41
mxgbthanks guys...will check the link out14:41
erUSUL!paste | jane_uk14:41
ubottujane_uk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!14:41
CHESLYNcan anyone help , i try 2 open gksudo they ask me 4 a passwd how can i crack it or reset it14:42
mxgbo i remember i'm also not able to fully customise the compiz desktop14:42
jane_ukdo i type !paste14:42
mxgbi had to install the nvidia driver t omake the 3d effects wrk14:42
erUSULCHESLYN: is your own password14:42
mxgbbut i cant see the compiz fusion config applet14:43
erUSULjane_uk: no you use a web browser... visit the page and make the paste14:43
erUSUL!ccsm | mxgb14:43
ubottumxgb: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:43
erUSULjane_uk: or use pastebinit14:43
erUSUL!pastebinit | jane_uk14:43
ubottujane_uk: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit14:43
FLACmsg/ hey14:44
geekbuntuanyone know how to download a backup in cron?  the command line gets to webpage ok - just doesn't know how to click the button to start the download14:44
erUSULjane_uk: no problem14:44
FLACi prefer centos14:44
soulererUSUL : Still mercury doesn't seem to have webcam support and other messengers I tied - amsn, gaim, kopete don't work well with webcam or don't have any support for it at all.14:44
erUSULFLAC: do you have an ubuntu support question ?14:45
bazhangFLAC, support in #centos14:45
FLACyes why does ubuntu suck14:45
erUSULsouler: it has. you have to install a special lib to make it work14:45
FLAC@erUSUL you suck14:45
bazhangFLAC, wrong channel for you then14:45
jane_uki have lost grub on my dual boot system and i have followed all the links, but i cant get ubuntu back. dothan asked me to post my fdisk details here?14:45
mxgbthanks ubottu14:45
indussouler: empathy14:45
CHESLYNerUSUL: i did'nt set a passwd becoze its not my user passwd14:46
indussouler: webcam/voice in msn with the ppa if you are adventurous14:46
ActionParsnipsouler: emesene14:46
ActionParsnip!info emesene14:46
ubottuemesene (source: emesene): platform independent MSN Messenger client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1260 kB, installed size 4400 kB14:46
ActionParsnipsouler: dunno if it does cam (cams are creepy), worth a shot14:46
behappyHello how do I stop trafic to an IP of my server IP ?14:47
ActionParsnip!iptabels | behappy14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iptabels14:47
indusActionParsnip: try skype is cams creep you out]14:48
ActionParsnipindus: i dont use voice stuff. i like text14:48
erUSULCHESLYN: sudo and gksudo ask for the current users password. just type the password you use to login in your computer14:48
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:48
ActionParsnipbehappy: you can add rules to your firewall to block outbound traffic to that IP14:48
behappyActionParsnip, which rules14:49
jane_uki have no grub know on dual boot xp... tried everything in the links but still no good ... anyone help pls14:49
ActionParsnipbehappy: iptables rules, as uottu said before14:49
cetanhotaMorning, channel for next version of Ubuntu?14:49
ActionParsnip!karmic | cetanhota14:49
ubottucetanhota: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:49
induscetanhota: ubuntu+114:49
cetanhotaThank you.14:50
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edbianjane_uk: Do you have a live CD?14:50
jane_uked - i have booted using it14:50
bobbob1016I'm getting a weird dependency error in synaptic, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau0_0.2-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libvdpau_trace.so', which is also in package nvidia-185-libvdpau" any ideas?14:50
edbianjane_uk: You have ubuntu installed correct?  It's just that grub is missing?14:51
soulerindus, empathy doesn't have webcam or mic ? :(14:51
ubuntujenkinsI have a small script that runs at login how do i make it the first thing that runs as I login?14:51
indussouler: it does , from the developers ppa14:51
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau0_0.2-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb; sudo apt-get -f install14:51
indussouler: are you familiar with ppa's?14:51
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: please log a bug for it too14:51
soulerindus, i'm a linus noobie14:51
indushmm any ops here14:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:52
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: 2 packages have the same file, so the new package doesnt want to overwrite the file as it already exists, the force just says get on with it14:52
* DBO looks at indus14:52
DBOwhats wrong buddy?14:52
indusDBO: you oan op,?14:52
NiNes_for some reason ubuntu is running a tad sluggisg14:52
geniiindus: There are ops here, but don't use !ops except in dire circumstances14:52
NiNes_i just installed it ...14:53
ActionParsnipindus: read what ubottu said, answer = yes14:53
DBOindus, maybe, why did you ping me?14:53
bazhangindus, whats up14:53
BalsaqNiNes did you do all the updates14:53
indusoops all here14:53
indussorry by mistake14:53
DBOindus, for future reference, most ops dislike having !ops called without a good reason. It kinda interrupts whatever else we were doin14:54
[x]sodium[x]hi indus bhia14:54
indusDBO: ok14:55
bobbob1016ActionParsnip, I think it was something I messed up, not really a bug.  I was trying to install an mplayer with vdpau, and it required something from vdpau 180, and it wanted to remove my 185 nvidia driver.  I changed to the karmic repos for a second to only update the nvidia, since I figured that karmic has 185, then I saw this.14:55
Amaranthindus: We all come running :)14:55
bazhangFLAC, support question?14:55
bobbob1016I did go back to the Jaunty repos already though14:56
induslol ya it was bad idea14:56
souler:( So is there any messenger that surely supports yahoo and msn messengers with webcam?14:56
indusAmaranth: anyways lesson learnt14:56
FLACWhat version of photoshop works on ubuntu?14:56
bazhangFLAC, check the appdb14:56
Andrew-Hi all!14:56
bazhang!appdb > FLAC14:56
ubottuFLAC, please see my private message14:56
CHESLYNerUSUL: it shows me i'm not allowed 2 run this program i must contact the administrator so can i change something14:56
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:56
erUSULsouler: maybe Empathy (which will become default in 9.10 ) ?14:56
[x]sodium[x]hello guys14:57
fission6i am trying to apt-get install curl, and its hanging on this line, 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]14:57
fission6oh wait there it goes14:57
[x]sodium[x]i am in xubuntu14:57
genii!slow | fission614:57
ubottufission6: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors14:57
indussouler: hi14:57
[x]sodium[x]can i use ubuntu themes on it14:57
Amaranth[x]sodium[x]: Yes and no14:57
erUSULCHESLYN:  maybe your user is not admin ? did you set up the ubuntu install or someone else did it for you ?14:57
indus!ppa | souler14:57
ubottusouler: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.14:57
soulerHow can I know what type of webcam I have? Mine is integrated in the screen.14:57
[x]sodium[x]indu bhiyaa kaise hai aap ?14:57
indussouler: acer webcam?14:58
Amaranth[x]sodium[x]: #xubuntu may be able to explain it better14:58
Andrew-I installed ubuntu on my hdd usb. I installed also grub on the same hdd. The result is that now I can't load ubuntu and can't load even XP if the hdd is connected...14:58
soulerindus , ASUS :(14:58
[x]sodium[x]ok amarnath jai shiv shanker14:58
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: i wouldnt mix repos dude, you'll get a big tangled mess14:58
biczdAndrew-: did selected "boot from usb" ?14:58
CHESLYNerUSUL: someone else14:58
indussouler: asus laptop? why whats? webcam wont work?14:58
Andrew-I just can load XP when the hdd is disconnected and only ubuntu live14:58
indus!ppa | souler14:58
Andrew-biczd: do you mean on bios?14:58
cyberspliceActionParsnip: that gives me nightmares just thinking about it14:59
biczdAndrew-: yes14:59
indusdoes anyone know of any overclocking channels14:59
erUSULCHESLYN: maybe he/she did not give you the ability to use sudo or gksudo... you have to ask him/her14:59
soulerindus yes14:59
Andrew-biczd:  yes, I did. But now I can't verify that cause the bios doesn't start if the hdd is connected14:59
indusActionParsnip: do you know how i can repair grub with alternate cd14:59
soulerindus I can't find a messenger that would work decently with my webcam14:59
ikonia!gurb > indus14:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gurb14:59
ikonia!grub > indus14:59
ubottuindus, please see my private message14:59
indussouler: what webcam is it?15:00
biczdAndrew-: is a laptop?15:00
Andrew-biczd: yep15:00
soulerindus, I don't know.15:00
erUSULCHESLYN: if that is not possible there is a simple way to give your user the power of sudo provided you can reboot your computer15:00
soulerIt's in my screen15:00
indussouler: if brightness is a problem, install program xawtv and increase (try)15:00
biczdAndrew-: try with usb pendrive15:01
soulerIt's not brightness, some messengers either don't turn my webcam on or some just have it upside dowm15:01
CHESLYNerUSUL: maybe but cant i change something to have access or reset it15:01
iceroot_how to change resolution on the shell?15:01
soulerAnd how can I fix my mic problems? I can't have voice conversations15:01
Hasanibrahimmy wired connection is not working, how can i solve it ? :(15:02
sipioriceroot_: have a look at "xrandr"15:02
ccookeiceroot_: is that a shell terminal with your GUI running or the console?15:02
Andrew-biczd: actually I have another usb hdd and the bios does recognize that, so that shouldn't be the problem15:02
soulerAnd I need to install my wireless drivers15:02
indusikonia: with alternate cd is not mentioned there15:02
ikoniaindus: it's the same as the desktop cd15:02
indusikonia: no15:02
iceroot_ccooke: terminal for changing x-resolution15:02
indusikonia: or i really couldnt see it, had to reinstall whole thing15:02
biczdAndrew-: it append the same to me i resolve with usb pendrive15:02
ccookeiceroot_: ah, right. You want the xrandr command as sipior suggested15:03
ccookeiceroot_: try "man xrandr"15:03
ikoniaindus: there is still a recovery mode on the alternative cd15:03
Andrew-biczd: ok, what should I do precisely?15:03
erUSULCHESLYN: as i said there is a way. reboot into recovery mode (an option in the bootloader menu) drop to a root shell. execute this command « adduser <yourusernamehere> admin » . finally reboot « shutdown -r now »15:03
indusikonia: ya but it seemd too complicated for me15:03
iceroot_ccooke: thx15:03
iceroot_sipior: thx15:03
indusikonia: nvm ill try again another time15:03
ikoniaindus: it's no more/less complicated than the desktop cd15:03
hannibal79se ho hardy e voglio passare a jaunty ma non ho internet ma il cd di jaunty come faccio?15:04
biczdAndrew-: i create an usb bootable "disc"15:04
hannibal79excuse me15:04
erUSUL!it | hannibal7915:04
ubottuhannibal79: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:04
indusikonia: where in recovery option can i run the 3 grub commands?15:04
Andrew-biczd: I see. Does it mean that I should use it everytime I wanna boot?15:04
indusikonia: none of them worked15:04
indusbaah nvm15:04
ActionParsnipindus: not sure, never had to do it. any live cd will do15:04
biczdAndrew-: no only if u wanna use ubuntu from u'r usb15:05
indusi gtg now15:05
industoo late15:05
CHESLYNerUSUL: like format the all computer15:05
indusHDD seemsalmost dead,15:05
erUSULCHESLYN: no need to reformat all computer follow the steps i just have given to you15:05
hannibal79how ca i upgrade from cd?15:05
bazhanghannibal79, use the alternate15:05
hannibal79and then?15:06
CHESLYNerUSUL: thanks let me try it15:06
Andrew-biczd: I see, thanks. Just one more question: Is it possible to change again the mbr of the usb hdd as to boot XP without disconnecting everytime the hdd?15:06
ibluei updated to karmic and keep getting this error when starting any application:15:06
norenhello all,15:06
norenexpert help needed15:06
biczdAndrew-: don't know sorry :|15:06
iblueGConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0)15:06
harishhi beta15:07
iblueany suggestions?15:07
bazhangiblue, #ubuntu+1 for karmic15:07
erUSULhannibal79: mount the iso and run the script that comes within15:07
Andrew-biczd: thanks anyway, bye15:07
rskiblue: do what the message tells you to do15:07
noreni was trying to move my /home folder to a new partition but now cant log in in gui15:07
erUSULhannibal79: you do not have to burn it if you do not want to ;)15:07
ibluersk: networking is enabled, no nfs locks15:07
norenbazhang: cud u please help15:07
hannibal79i have the alternate i insert the cd bun not any popup15:08
ibluersk: and no infos on that wep page15:08
bazhangiblue, this is not the channel for karmic support15:08
noreni was trying to move my /home folder to a new partition but now cant log in in gui15:08
ibluebazhang, thanks15:08
edbiannoren: Want help?15:08
norenedbian: yes i do !!! :)15:08
Oseanybody feel like helping a noob get his machine online again? it should be failry easy, something with wifi connection settings15:08
edbiannoren: :)  What errors do you get when you try to log in GUI ?  Can't find the folder or that the folder has the wrong permissions?15:09
erUSULhannibal79: inside the cd there is a script named "cdromupgrade"; run it15:09
norenright now i am conversing from konsole15:09
hannibal79thank you15:09
hannibal79i are great15:09
edbiannoren: KDE I take it?15:09
norencant geet my xserveeer started15:09
erUSULnoren: explain what steps you did to move home to its own parition15:09
erUSULnoren: there a re a few good guides on internet to do it... did you follow any of them ?15:10
edbiannoren: That's fine. Can you paste bin your /etc/fstab for me?15:10
hannibal79ould not find the upgrade application archive, exiting15:10
norenedbian: yes kde !!  erUSUL : i wass able to create mount and copy but was stuck wen i had to make an entry into fstab15:10
edbiannoren: I'm pretty good with fstab :)15:11
norenerUSUL: i was following one of the guide only15:11
edbiannoren: For future reference, this is the best fstab guide I've ever seen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab15:11
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:11
edbiannoren: Please paste bin your /etc/fstab15:11
norenmy baaad luck i got to it after i had already did the damage15:12
hannibal79i found the way15:12
=== ben is now known as Guest61662
hannibal79thanks erUSUL15:12
norenedbian: right now i dont have anything in the home folder i have got one home_backup which had the backup15:12
edbiannoren: Are you going to paste bin your /etc/fstab or not?15:13
erikk71hi all15:13
norenedbian: little help i am using konsole and irssi to communicate15:13
erikk71i am still have problem15:13
=== kernel is now known as kernelFedora
edbiannoren: OOoo :)  Sorry I didn't realize.  Well how about this.  Tell me what the /home line looks like in your /etc/fstab.15:14
ptarrantQuestion: so i can't ssh into my server (same lan , same gateway) but can ssh into my PC from server...both have UFW disabled (for now)...and sshd has been restarted (as well as machines) any clues?15:14
sarahhello people15:14
erikk71i got up this morning the monitor scren is grey all the computer lights were green15:14
=== sarah is now known as Guest71169
erikk71but the monitor not wake up15:15
edbiannoren: See my PM?15:15
norenedbian: i dont have line atall15:15
edbiannoren: Silly noren :)15:15
edbiannoren: See my personal message?15:15
erikk71bullshit have to turn off pc then turn back on15:15
jane_ukim back15:15
void_pointerwhoa, kernel upgrade15:18
blackjakany ideas guys what I can do in order to fix broken package.Sinaptics does not do the job15:19
abaddon_Hello to everybody!15:19
blackjakit is adope flash plugin15:20
=== bob is now known as Guest49066
blackjakit is not a big deal I can take to see every time its error when I install something but just in case if it is possible15:20
blackjakdoes it matter if I install something with sudo or without it?15:21
edbianblackjak: You cannot install packages without sudo15:22
kim__hello ,my phoenix award bios needs updating and the relavent site only refers you to a driver robot run in windows15:22
Boohbahedbian: sure you can, as root15:22
=== amit is now known as Guest3110
edbianBoohbah: semantics ;)15:23
Boohbahkim__: sounds like you need a windows boot disk15:23
Oseanybody feel like helping a noob get his machine online again? it should be fairly easy, something with wifi connection settings (drivers and stuff should be ok)15:23
blackjakif I have done make without sudo in front of it and now execute sudo make install will it be wrong?15:23
kim__i have this15:23
grawityblackjak: 'make' doesn't need sudo, as it just compiles the program. But 'make install' usually does -- but even that depends on how you configured the program.15:23
blackjakok I hope it will work :)15:24
Guest3110how can i connect to internet with my nokia 6300 on ubuntu. i uses nokia pc suit on vista15:24
blackjakjust if I remove the whole directory where adobe plugin resides will it that fix the problem with its broken corrupted state?15:25
RimFrosthello everyone,   when i tried to configure PulseAudio and click on the "PulseAudio Device Chooser" under Applications/Sound and Video in Gnome panel nothing happend? It will not even start?15:25
Guest3110how can i connect to internet with my nokia 6300 on ubuntu. i uses nokia pc suit on vista15:26
RimFrosti did like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio    im running 9.04 x64 by the way15:26
Guest3110how can i connect to internet with my nokia 6300 on ubuntu. i uses nokia pc suit on vista15:28
CHESLYNerUSUL: i did what you said but no lak must i command every thing until << stutdown -r now >>15:28
NiNeshow can i get ubuntu to know i have headphones plugged in?15:28
GreyGhostGuest3110, did u google for it?15:29
erUSULCHESLYN: the only commands you have to run are those two « adduser <yourusernamehere> admin » and « stutdown -r now »15:29
erUSULCHESLYN: do not type the «» i use them to make clear what are the commands and what is not15:29
RimFrostshould it not run when i click on it?15:30
erUSULCHESLYN: you have to type your actual username (the one you use for login instead of <yourusernamehere>15:30
Guest3110how can i connect to internet with my nokia 6300 on ubuntu. i uses nokia pc suit on vista15:31
CHESLYNerUSUL: like adduser/username/admin/finally reboot/shutdown -r now/15:32
Platonovanyone who has had good experiences using foremost / scalpel?15:32
void_pointerPlatonov, er, what do you mean "good"?15:32
erUSULCHESLYN: no they are two commands on « adduser <yourusernamehere> admin » then hit enter then the other one15:32
erUSUL!cli | CHESLYN15:32
ubottuCHESLYN: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:32
Platonovsuccesful, void_pointer :)15:32
void_pointerPlatonov, it'll carve files from the media allright15:33
FLACHey what version of ubuntu should I use?15:33
PlatonovI've deleted some files on an external HD, hasn't been overwritten.15:33
Guest3110how can i connect to internet with my nokia 6300 on ubuntu. i uses nokia pc suit on vista15:33
void_pointerPlatonov, yes, I've used them both with good results. You know they are only front ends for a collection of utilities, right?15:33
PlatonovI haven't looked into it yet, void_pointer.15:34
CHESLYNerUSUL: thanks bra15:34
PlatonovI'm trying them right now, kind of urgently :)15:34
void_pointerPlatonov, ok, well yes, they work. If you have any unusual or "exotic" filetypes you may have to adjust the configs, but that isn't too likely15:34
Platonovno, just looking for gifs/jpegs/bmps15:34
void_pointerPlatonov, yep, will work fine then15:34
Platonovwould be great.15:34
PlatonovI deleted my girlfriends backups15:35
Platonov5 years of photo's...15:35
void_pointeroops lol15:35
void_pointerwell, image it and carve those puppies out!15:35
PlatonovI will!15:35
void_pointerI wouldn't work directly on the media if you can help it15:35
void_pointerwell, I wouldn't at all15:35
Guest3110how can i connect to internet with my nokia 6300 on ubuntu. i uses nokia pc suit on vista15:38
genii!info gnokii | Guest311015:39
ubottuGuest3110: gnokii (source: gnokii): Datasuite for mobile phone management. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.26.dfsg-3 (jaunty), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB15:39
C_KodeAnyone install Ubuntu on a Dell Optiplex 960?15:41
NiNescan anyone help getting headphones working on ubuntu 9.0415:41
Fenix|workerUSUL, Ok, I've got bonding set up, but I guess ethtool doesn't support it.  How can I verify my link speed?15:41
baba_b00iei'm building a fresh ubuntu 9.10 system, wanted to know what is the proper way to setup the partitions. /swap, /home ect15:42
blackjakguys what does this * after the whole command mean?  apt-get install rubygems *15:42
Fenix|workbaba_b00ie, however you wish15:42
erUSULFenix|work: do some benchmarks ?15:42
erUSULblackjak: * is a glob patter it maens everything15:43
Fenix|workbaba_b00ie, some people like /var on a partition, others like /home on a separate partition.  Some like /boot, /var, /home, /tmp and /opt to be on separate partitions and/or drives.  It's really however you wish to set it up.15:43
phretorhi, kvm won't start and gives me an annoying "FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-server/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation not supported...fail!"15:43
blackjak0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (
blackjakis this server up?15:44
blackjakit can not connect15:44
norenneed help with fstab here/ i cant login in gui15:45
norenxserver is not responding15:45
blackjakshould it be a space between the last word and the * or it should be right next to it15:45
grawitynoren: How is it related to fstab? O_o15:45
grawityblackjak: I think it should be rubygems\*15:45
dax2112rushhi all, since karmic, shift-backspace seems to logout. It is really annoying, how do I disable that?15:45
norengrawity: i tried moving my /home folder to a new partition using an online blog15:46
blackjakok I'll try it15:46
ActionParsnip!slow | blackjak15:46
ubottublackjak: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors15:46
blackjakyes now it works15:46
DJonesdax2112rush: Karmic questions should be asked in #ubuntu+115:46
blackjakthank you15:46
blackjakhow do I change repositories?15:46
baba_b00ieFenix|work, ok thanks.. i was just wondering what would be the best incase the system went down.. lets say the os goes fubar and such.. but i guess thats really not revelant any more b/c of livecds and it's a home system not enterprise.. but thanks for the heads up15:47
grawityblackjak: System -> Administration -> Software Sources, it'll let you choose from a list of mirror servers. Or sudo $EDITOR /etc/apt/sources.list if you prefer.15:47
void_pointerblackjak, everyone is excitedly updating to 2.6.28-1515:47
norenah no help here15:47
blackjakwell I'm not in a hurry :)15:48
grawitynoren: Usually we expect people to give some more information. Like, what _exactly_ you did?15:48
Fenix|workbaba_b00ie, np15:48
norenedbian: was helping me15:48
phixHas any one go SOGo working?15:48
phixgo = got15:49
phixIt seems very broken under Ubuntu / Debian15:49
noreni was trying to move my /home folder to a new partition but now cant log in in gui15:49
blackjakso this sign after a word \ and a * means everything15:49
bastid_raZornoren: noren pastebin your /etc/fstab15:49
norennow i need help fixing my fstab15:49
void_pointerblackjak, the "*" means "matches 0 or more characters", often called a "wildcard". So basically yes15:50
phixnoren: that was stupid :)15:50
norenphix: thanks for the comment but i thought i cud get some help here15:51
void_pointerblackjak, for example "black*" would match "blackjak", "black", "blacko", "black1234" etc.15:51
grawitynoren: You need to add the new /home to fstab, then. (Like this: /dev/whatever /home filesystem-type auto,exec,utf8 0 0)15:51
bastid_raZornoren: you didn't add anything for /home there?15:51
phixnoren: yeah, just login as console, move the folder back or add in a bind extry to your fstab to the new location15:51
norenhow can i add now15:51
phixnoren: CTRL+ALT+F115:51
noreni am unable to edit the fstab now15:51
grawitynoren: sudo nano /etc/fstab, from a console.15:51
phixlogin then sudo -s up15:51
grawitynoren: Ctrl-Alt-F1 will open a terminal.15:52
grawitynoren: Or, reboot and choose 'recovery mode' - then edit fstab.15:52
blackjakno I 'd like to know the differences between black\ * and black * and black* because when I try apt-get install rubygems * it did not work15:52
void_pointerblackjak, of course not. It means nothing15:52
phixblackjak: erh, looks like you have a space in there15:52
grawityblackjak: A space separates arguments. So when you put a space before *, you basically have a "rubygems" and a "*"15:53
CHESLYNerUSUL: sorry but you confuse me now what symbol must i use 4 the << you said i must not use them.what symbols please ?15:53
void_pointerblackjak, that's why I gave you those example ...15:53
grawityblackjak: And then it doesn't work for two reasons.15:53
eaglestarhi i have a problem my router is very far away and sometimes the net stalls because the encryption key doesn't get set properly or so i think so eventually after 7 disconnects it tries another connection how do i fix this?15:53
phixblackjak: just remember that your shell might interrupt * as well, you have need to enclose rubygems* within "" or ''15:53
erUSULCHESLYN: d o not use anything just put what is inside them15:53
rskeaglestar: you could make a directed antenna15:53
phixinterpret even15:53
bookmarkdoes anyone know how to get multiverse working on gutsy gibon, for some reason it works better with my hardware?15:54
erUSULCHESLYN: adduser <yourusername> admin15:54
norenah thanks can any one please tell me how to save and exit from nano15:54
blackjakI see15:54
phixnoren: CTRL+X15:54
erUSUL!eol | bookmark15:54
ubottubookmark: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:54
norenphix: ah thnx15:54
phixnoren: It actually tells you at the bottom of the screen :P15:54
ElFuegohello can somebody help me wih adding permitions15:54
phixElFuego: sure15:54
bookmarkerUSUL: could we have a little chat?15:54
phixElFuego: permissions you mean?15:54
ElFuegoi tryed to load script on xchat15:54
void_pointerblackjak, in other words, "rubygem*" will make sure it gets the right version without knowing the exact name, maybe "rubygems-1.2.3"15:54
CHESLYNerUSUL: thanks oh15:55
ElFuegoits says no peritions15:55
erUSULbookmark: gutsy repos have been moved to old-releases that version is not supported anymore15:55
ElFuegocan i paste here error msg ? ;)15:55
erUSULCHESLYN: no problem15:55
erUSUL!paste | ElFuego15:55
void_pointer!pastebin | ElFuego15:55
ubottuElFuego: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!15:55
ubottuElFuego: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:55
phixElFuego: wow, you spelt that word wrong twice :)  and you weren't consistant either lol15:55
jimmy_bireri reccomend playonlinux15:55
jimmy_birerfor gamers15:55
jimmy_birerit rocks15:55
phixjimmy_birer: what that?15:56
void_pointerphix, lol I was trying to parse it for "permissions" or "partitions" .. only the former made sense ...15:56
norengrawity:  http://pastebin.com/f2ffca93715:56
phixvoid_pointer: yeah :)15:56
erUSULbookmark: i recomend an ungrade15:56
noreni changed my fstab now can i reboot15:56
jimmy_birerphix:playonlinux is like wine,but it also has a program repository15:56
jimmy_birerand intituitive interface15:56
grawitynoren: What does novid and nosid do?15:56
bastid_raZornoren: pastebin your new fstab .. let us have a looksee to verify please.15:57
norengrawity: this i s what i had seen in the blog and jotted down then15:57
norengrawity: bastid_raZor:new fstab :::  http://pastebin.com/f2ffca93715:57
=== Unreal_ is now known as Guest65571
bookmarkerUSUL: is it possible that there are community servers that simply host things like codecs?15:58
bookmarkmaybe not official servers but something?15:58
phixjimmy_birer: nice15:59
bastid_raZornoren: i'm unsure of the novid,nosid options .. my fstab for /home has relatime in that option space15:59
bookmarki only ask because in debian a release would be supported for years and years15:59
erUSULbookmark: yes as i said old-releases holds the repos now.  edit sources.list where you see xx.archive.ubuntu.com --> old-releases.ubuntu.com15:59
bookmark7.10 only came out like 2 years ago15:59
erUSUL!lts | bookmark15:59
ubottubookmark: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0415:59
=== Guest65571 is now known as Sqyber___
erUSULbookmark: use LTS versions then16:00
jimmy_bireri use lts16:00
jimmy_birer8.04 is really stable16:00
norenbastid_raZor: lemme restart andd check if it doesnt work i will be back to get some help16:00
phixjimmy_birer: hmmm, it isn't in the ubuntu or debian repos16:00
bastid_raZornoren: good luck, did you already copy your home directory over to sda3? and make an empty directory in / ? for home16:01
ElFuegothanks phix youre the man !16:02
theadminWhy is "Check for upgrades" disabled in linux firefox anyway?16:03
MemphistoI'll be back later with questions, just logged on for now16:03
grawitytheadmin: Because installing updates requires root privileges.16:03
bookmarkerUSUL: hi, ok i reread what you said, im still alittle confused.  So, you said that gutsy gibon was moved to old releases and not supported anymore, but might it still be available as you said for codecs if i just change my xx.archiv... whatever in souces.list even though it is not supported?16:03
theadminAh. Of course. What a noobish question16:03
cybersplicetheadmin: Because ubuntu's package manager handles updates.16:03
rekhi i need to write on my sd... it says read only what can i do?16:03
grawitytheadmin: Second, most of the time, Firefox is installed from the repos, and should be upgraded using the package manager.16:03
=== willo is now known as qbitza
phixrek: remount it as read write?16:04
theadmingrawity: It won't let to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.5 anyways16:04
bookmarkbecause when someone says support, i wonder what they mean16:04
phixrek: add your user to the disk group?16:04
rekhow phix16:04
bastid_raZor!ff35 > theadmin16:04
ubottutheadmin, please see my private message16:04
grawitytheadmin: Two ways: a) Mozilla's PPA repo, b) Ubuntuzilla (a tool to download Fx directly from mozilla.com)16:04
phixrek: System > Administration > Users and Groups16:04
Oseanybody feel like helping me get my machine online again? it should be fairly easy, something with wifi connection settings (drivers and stuff should be ok, they worked before)16:05
phixrek: Properties on your user, then privledges16:05
bookmarkerUSUL: are you still there?16:05
bastid_raZorgrawity: firefox 3.5 is available in the repo's.16:05
erUSULbookmark: yes; what's up16:05
grawitybastid_raZor: firefox-3.5, yeah, but it's kinda annoying.16:05
=== Sqyber___ is now known as Sqyber
phixthen see if the access storage or disk or something like that is ticked16:05
erUSUL!who | bookmark16:05
CHESLYNerUSUL:it says only one or two names allowed16:05
ubottubookmark: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:05
bookmarkerUSUL, ive been doing that16:06
reki don't see it phix16:06
erUSULCHESLYN: what did you writte ?16:06
bookmarkread up16:06
KeiyaMan, will the package servers /ever/ recover? :P16:06
grawityKeiya: That's why they have a ton of mirrors.16:06
phixrek: ok16:06
bookmarkerUSUL, i texted you but i don't want to repeat16:06
rekhelp phix16:06
erUSULbookmark: no support means that no new packages are never added to the repo16:06
Keiyagrawity: They're still slow as hell though :/16:06
KeiyaerUSUL: ever16:06
bookmarkthat would be perfectly ok haha!16:07
CHESLYNerUSUL: i just typed adduser16:07
ChrisMcAHi all, can anyone think of why apt-get -f install might hang at "Unpacking replacement libc6"16:07
KeiyaYou said 'all new packages are added to the repo'16:07
erUSULbookmark: if security issues are found they are not fixed... etc16:07
mgmuscarihow do i open a port to listen using iptables?16:07
bookmarkerUSUL but the old stuff is stil there then16:07
phixrek: hmmmm16:07
bookmarkerUSUL okgreat, yeah i couldn't care16:07
mgmuscariand how can i tell if it's listening... netstat | grep XXXX doesn't show the port i'm looking fotr16:07
bookmarkerUSUL thanks for the help16:07
erUSULCHESLYN: suppose chelsyn is your username the command is --> adduser cheslyn admin16:07
cannonballIs there a FAQ or article somewhere that will give me a definitive yes/no answer to whether I can get ati fglrx to work on my IBM Lenovo T61 laptop with Radeon Mobility X1400 chipset in 9.04?  Or maybe how to revert to an older version of Xorg?  If I can't get it to work, I'm going to go back to 8.10 where it did work properly.16:08
SolwretepHi! Ive been trying to google this but could resolve it... I am a complete newbie trying to install some software related to my research. When doing "make" I get an error like this: Makefile:62: *** missing separator.  Stop.   I understand that there is some problem with Tabs or spaces but line 62 only has "-e" on it... please help!16:08
LunarSunGFX9.10 rocks16:08
phixrek: grep $USER /etc/group16:08
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cannonballI can't watch an mkv file on it since upgrading to 9.04 (uses open ati driver), whereas it played fine in 8.10 with fglrx.16:08
mgmuscaricannonball: i've got fglrx working well on a thinkpad w500 with a firegl v5700 mobility... newer card i think16:08
phixrek: cd /media; ls -lh16:09
reki do chown now16:09
cannonballmgmuscari: Yeah, this laptop is a little over 2 years old, and it seems like ATI has declared that as ancient technology and no longer want to code for it :-(16:09
geniimgmuscari: Maybe use: lsof -i:##     where ## is the port number of the service you want to see if it's running16:09
phixrek: no, dont chown16:09
rekdrwx------ 6 riccardo root 4,0K 1970-01-01 01:00 disk16:09
phixrek: what is the permission on your sd?16:09
phixrek: ok, so, type in touch /media/disk/test.txt16:10
phixrek: as user riccardo16:10
mgmuscarigenii: thanks16:10
rekdunno in my smartq 5 was read write and all16:10
rekread only16:10
mgmuscaricannonball: i thought they were still supporting the x1x00 cards16:10
reknow i do chown16:10
phixrek: ok, so the media is in read write mode to?16:10
phixrek: it is an SD card right?16:11
phixrek: chown wont do anything useful :)16:11
grawityrek: dmesg | grep -i 'write protect'16:11
rekyes it is16:11
mgmuscariso my process is listening on 660016:11
mgmuscaribut i can't see that port with a port scan... i need to open it with iptables, yes?16:11
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cannonballmgmuscari: aticonfig says no supported hardware found.  Google has not found any reports of anybody actually getting it to work, only a lot of people complaining and cursing that it doesn't work.16:11
rekis off16:11
phixrek: is the SD media in read only or read write mode?16:11
mgmuscaricannonball: i guess they removed support for those cards :/16:11
phixrek: on the card itself16:11
phixunount it and have a look16:12
rekit's a micro16:12
dannyhey, could someone help me? i'm new to ubuntu and can't get my wireless adapter to work16:12
MyWayI need move /usr on a server, is possible to do this: http://yavin4.anshul.info/2006/07/17/moving-usr-to-another-partition/comment-page-1/ without the recover console (as i can't use it)?16:12
phixdanny: what type of wireless adapter?16:13
rekriccardo@riccardo-desktop:/media$ chown riccardo:riccardo /media/disk16:13
rekchown: changing ownership of `/media/disk': Read-only file system16:13
rek                   phix16:13
FloodBot1rek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
phixdanny: 802.11? 3G/UMTS/HPDA?16:13
phixrek: take the card out of your computer16:13
dannynot sure...my laptop is an amilo li171816:13
mgmuscariMyWay: well you could do it the following way: copy all the contents of /usr to wherever you want to put them16:13
phixrek: umounting it first of course16:13
eddywhats the apache web server channel?16:14
mgmuscariMyWay: then, run lsof | grep /usr/ to see which processes are using it16:14
phixrek: then see if the readwrite switch on your SD is in the read only or read write position16:14
grawityeddy: #httpd16:14
rekno phix16:14
Solwretepmake complains about Makefile missing separator on a line that only has "-e" on it... Anyone knows why?16:14
rekit's a micro16:14
Fenix|workCan anyone make any suggestions for connecting to X from Windows?16:14
rekphix nothing has changed16:14
phixrek: ok16:14
mgmuscariMyWay: then kill them all, and remount /usr in the new location16:14
phixrek: what filesystem is it? FAT16/32?16:14
erUSULFenix|work: xming16:15
MyWayok mgmuscari thanks, i'll try16:15
dannyhmm...ill come back later16:15
mgmuscariMyWay: disclaimer: i make no guarantees that you won't bork something16:15
rekread only file system this is the problem16:15
Fenix|workerUSUL, how easy/difficult is it to configure X for remote connections?16:15
mgmuscariMyWay: so be careful! i probably wouldn't do it without having a live cd readyu16:15
grawityFenix|work: Connecting how exactly?16:15
phixrek: it is micro sd? is it in a SD convertor at all?16:15
mgmuscariMyWay: if it works remember to change your fstab too...16:15
MyWaymgmuscari: the problem is that it's a server16:15
Fenix|workgrawity, preferrably with SSH16:15
MyWaythat's why i can't use the live cd16:15
mgmuscariMyWay: well before you try it, hold on16:15
mgmuscariMyWay: do you have rights to reboot the machine?16:15
MyWayi have / of only 5 gb and it's full16:16
DJonesFenix|work: I use TightVNC to access my ubuntu desktop from a windows machine via the web16:16
mgmuscariMyWay: copy /usr to the new partition, change the fstab, and reboot16:16
eaglestarrsk, what is a directed antenna?16:16
MyWaythat's why i need do it16:16
grawityFenix|work: I'd suggest Xming (with X11 forwarding over SSH). It doesn't allow you to connect to an _existing_ session however.16:16
phixrek: straight micro sd into your computer or is it in a micro sd to SD convertor?16:16
MyWayok i try16:16
mgmuscariMyWay: that's probably the safest way16:16
grawityFenix|work: But you can run single programs, or the entire desktop environment.16:16
Fenix|workgrawity, that's fine with me.16:16
rek straight micro sd16:17
jenistinAnyone have any idea why a Hardy install would have trouble mounting SCSI CD-ROM drive?16:17
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rekusing the convertor it's the same16:17
mgmuscariif i want to accept on all ports from my local subnet, would i do:16:18
mgmuscariiptables -A INPUT -i wlan0 -p all -s -j ACCEPT16:18
phixrek: ok, type in df -Th16:18
phixrek: what filesystem is it using?16:18
mgmuscari!es | rosa16:18
ubotturosa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:18
phixrek: df -Th16:18
rosapor favor alguien me puede ayudar con el ubuntu16:19
rekno fs processed16:19
ChrisMcACan anyone think of why apt-get -f install might hang at "Unpacking replacement libc6"? (on Ubuntu 8)16:19
phixrek: type that in console / terminal16:19
rekno fs processed16:19
erUSUL!es | rosa16:19
ubotturosa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:19
phixrek: ?16:19
rekno file system16:19
phixrek: df -Th tells you that?16:19
rekno file system16:19
grawityFenix|work: So, a short tutorial: 1) Download and install Xming. Run it. 2) Connect with PuTTY. (You might need to change the "authentication" option in Connection -> SSH -> X11.) 3) Run xterm over SSH. (If the fonts are too small, run xming with a different -dpi option.)16:20
phixrek: that is the message you get is it?16:20
phixafter typing in that command?16:20
Fenix|workgrawity, thanks, am looking at getting xming now16:20
realbadappleis there a way to remove a zombie process with out loging out?16:20
rekhttp://dpaste.com/102800/ phix yes but i was in media disk16:21
phixrek: this is what I get as an output when I type in df -Th /media/disk -->  /dev/mmcblk0p1 vfat    1.9G  258M  1.7G  14% /media/disk16:21
MyWaymgmuscari: when i do fdisk -l i get: Disk /dev/md2 doesn't contain a valid partition table, what can i do? i need resize it to make the new partition16:21
MyWayor i don't need?16:21
phixrek: ok, so change directory somewhere else and redo it16:21
rekhttp://dpaste.com/102800/ phix16:21
phixrek: yup16:21
aimtrainerhi! I've used ubuntu for a couple of years now and I'm about to set up another system right now.. I think I used to create too big swap and / partitions - so how big should / be? and how much swap for 1gb of ram (thinkpad x31)16:21
phixrek: ls /media/disk returns what? (dont paste it in here)16:22
benjamin_for swap the double size of your ram is sufficient16:22
phixBeijing: 1 1/2 is sufficient :)16:22
rekarchives  documenti  immagini  musica  SmartQ5  soft.img16:23
rek   phix16:23
realbadappleswap should be the same size as the amount of ram you have16:23
phixrealbadapple: no, should be slightly larger16:23
phixrek: ok16:23
phixrek: sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/disk16:23
realbadapplethis also depends on the amount of vm.swappiness value in sysctrl16:23
SpiderGuys, having a problem with connecting with mobile broadband (Huawei E180) I have tried to change all values, all logins and Pins is correct, when connecting it says just connection closed... I use Ubuntu 9.04.. was thinking of trying out Salutis COnnect, but i dont think its nessecary. any ideas?16:23
aimtrainerthanks so I wasnt that wrong about my swap partioins after all .. but how about the root partition? (I use an extra partition fpr /home)16:24
reksame problem16:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:24
phixrek: so it remounted it fine?16:25
rekno digli che restiamo lol16:25
rekyep phix16:25
SpiderGuys, having a problem with connecting with mobile broadband (Huawei E180) I have tried to change all values, all logins and Pins is correct, when connecting it says just connection closed... I use Ubuntu 9.04.. was thinking of trying out Salutis COnnect, but i dont think its nessecary. any ideas?16:25
Solwretephttp://pastebin.com/m20274f28   ... line 62 got missing separator in this Makefile.... help :)16:25
phixrek: hmmm, what does dmesg say?16:25
realbadappleno swap should be same as your ram!16:25
phixLjL: hey hey hey! :D16:25
phixrealbadapple: slighly larger you mean hey16:25
realbadapplephix: no it should be the same16:26
rekFAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdc1)16:26
rek[14945.194300]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 0)16:26
realbadapplephix: you will never really use it that much with the default value of 60 for vm.swappiness I stated earlier16:27
phixrealbadapple: slighly larger you mean hey16:27
stlsaintrealbadapple, rule of thumb...swap should be larger than ram...ram = 1024 swap = 204816:27
broonsparrowwhen trying to install any of the DVD authoring software I'm getting a "you're about to install software that can;t be authenticated. this may pose a threat ...etc" should I be worried?16:27
phixrek: heh, sounds like you need to run scandisk on your SD card :)16:27
stlsaintbroonsparrow, where did you get the software from?16:27
rekphix why16:27
realbadapplephix: only if you have less than 512 meg of ram otherwise the same16:27
broonsparrowstlaint - the add/remove software option16:28
phixrek: gvfs-mount -u /media/disk && sudo fsck.vfat -va /dev/sdc116:28
stlsaintbroonsparrow, no you will be fine...you can add the key so that you wont get that error upon installing but if its i add/remove you should be fine16:28
phixrek: because the filesystem sounds correcupt16:28
realbadapplephix: with 1 gig of ram like the asker stated he would need only 1 gig of swap that would barely get used16:28
stlsaintbroonsparrow, stlaint???16:29
phixrek: you probably took it out without unmounting it first a few times16:29
phixrealbadapple: yeah, I still use 1.5 times the RAM :)16:29
phixrek: did that fix it?16:29
rekFree cluster summary wrong (853919 vs. really 845672)16:29
rek yep16:29
realbadappleback to my original question, is there a way to kill a zombie process with out loging out?16:29
phixrek: and when you take it out and put it back in are you able to write to it?16:30
rekFSCK0000.REC           cool fixed thanks phix u are a very experienced and advanced linux user16:30
phixcalil: hey hey16:30
phixrek: :)16:31
reknow i have that 4 kb file16:31
phixrek: next time unmount it instead of just taking it out16:31
phixrek: (safetly remove hardware in Windows it is called, in linux you just right click the drive on the desktop and left click remove16:31
=== calil_ is now known as calil
phixrek: umount volume sorry, not remove16:32
a001Which is the id address if i do sudo ifconfig? Address with this? inet addr:  or address with this: P-t-P:   ?16:32
sipiorrealbadapple: yes, you can kill the parent process.16:32
phixa001: you want to know your ip address?16:32
phixa001: inet addr is your internet (IP) address16:33
realbadapplesipior: the parent is not running, hence a zombie process16:33
sipiorrealbadapple: no, a zombie is a dead process whose parent has yet to call wait().16:33
sipiorrealbadapple: if the parent dies, init becomes the new parent, which should then reap the zombie after a time.16:34
rekphix i always do it16:34
=== rcaskey is now known as ^robertj
KeiyaI wonder why tomboy-latex isn't in apt. Damn useful. :316:36
* Keiya shrugs16:36
realbadapplesipior: sorry the parent was still running, missed it in the process list, should have grep'ed it16:36
sipiorrealbadapple: no worries. try sending it SIGCHLD first, before killing it dead :-)16:37
sipiorKeiya: sounds like you just volunteered to become the package maintainer :-)16:38
wildc4rdafternoon all16:38
realbadapplesipior: too late!:-/16:38
* Keiya giggles :J16:38
boogeymanDCC SEND thisisatestoftheemergencybroadcastsystem16:40
sipiorthat's getting tiresome, i must say.16:40
xuongcgkthi everybody16:40
japeppernewbie here needing help with a display problem.  Is this the right place for general questions?16:40
yofelKeiya: if you really want to have it, follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages16:41
sipiorjapepper: yep, sure is16:41
hkemhi someone I can recommend a good python tutorial for beginners??16:41
sipiorhkem: http://diveintopython.org/, for one.16:42
japeppergreat.  got a new flat panel monitor.  running current stable version, but cannot get the display setting right.  None of the resolution options work.  any recommendations?16:42
hkemthanks sipior :)16:42
sipiorhkem: sorry, did you mean beginning python programmer, or beginning programmer in general?16:42
xuongcgktco ai nguoi viet nam ko16:42
xuongcgktco ai nguoi viet nam ko16:42
sipiorhkem: (the book is geared towards experienced programmers looking to get into python)16:42
dragon64anyone know how to get sound out of an Intel ICH5 sound card? I have module loaded, alsamizer detects card. sound levels up, but no sound16:42
sipiorhkem: otherwise, there's a nice tutorial at python.org.16:43
=== ^robertj is now known as ^^robertj
hkemi will check this thanks again16:44
h32Lghi @all16:44
eaglestarhi my firefox says i need a windows speech decoder to watch bloomberg.com what can i do to fix this?16:45
zap85I am using xubuntu. I change my display resolution, after a reboot it reverts back to lower resolution. How can I save my settings ?16:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:45
Osecan anybody help me with some wifi connection settings?16:46
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eaglestarzap85 make sure that it is running the correct xorg file16:48
GreyGhostzap85, paste ur /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:49
Arnarhey all16:50
ArnarQ: should my /boot/initrd.img-... file be changing from day to day?16:50
Arnarmine has become corrupt (unexpected EOF from gzip).. wondering how I go about getting it fixed16:50
madohowdy folks! ...16:51
madocan anyone please help me? ... i need to ask you something about two routers ...16:51
madohttp://us.zyxel.com/Products/Details.aspx?CategoryGroupNo=PDCA200913 ... http://us.zyxel.com/Products/details.aspx?PC1IndexFlag=20040520161256&CategoryGroupNo=PDCA200704616:51
creek23hi all16:52
madowhich one is better? ...16:52
zap85Hi I have pasted my xorg.conf at http://paste.ubuntu.com/286309/16:52
madoand some things like that16:52
creek23where can ask for help on Wubi problem?16:52
grawitycreek23: Here.16:53
madosince i don't really know much about routers ... i have to ask you16:53
creek23grawity: thanks... so here's my problem16:53
creek23my WUBi installation is on my drive C .... by somehow, I'm getting a "wubildr not found" when I boot Ubuntu16:54
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GreyGhostzap85, backup the file .. then try adding http://paste.ubuntu.com/286313/16:56
GreyGhostzap85, change Modes to ur resolution .. n backup frst .16:56
creek23another, my drive C is now 0 bytes16:56
eddywhats a good guide to getting a static ip#?16:59
creek23_eddy: you need to pay for a static IP.17:00
sipioreddy: talk to your ISP17:00
biczdeddy: try no-ip.com17:00
eddyok ty17:00
creek23_any solution to my WUBI problem?17:00
[Nobody]hey creek23_17:02
creek23_hi Nobody17:03
[Nobody]whats the wubi problem?17:03
pigfluCould anyone tell me if this loads?
LjLpigflu: it doesn't17:03
creek23_pigflu: nah17:03
odysseasHello everyone, is there any way to install vanilla KDE, not the kubuntu-desktop?17:03
grawityodysseas: Just open Synaptic, and select the KDE packages you want.17:04
odysseasthanks grawity17:04
grawityodysseas: Look for kde-base or something like that.17:04
[Nobody]creek23 whats the wubi problem ur havin?17:04
Sitowlanpigflu, the port is filtered, you need to open port 80 in your router17:04
zap85thanks for the help greyghost17:05
grawitycreek23: From Windows, open the Command Prompt and run 'chkdsk /f c:'17:05
creek23_Nobody, Ubuntu wont boot because wubildr is missing17:05
GreyGhostzap85, worked?17:05
[Nobody]creek23, sounds like you've shutdown bad and corrupted it, so do what grawity said17:05
creek23_grawity, my drive C cannot be read by Windows installation, but can be mounted by Ubuntu LiveCD17:06
[Nobody]ouch, you tried to go into standby or hibernation on wubi didnt u?17:06
grawitycreek23_: Hm. Do you have a Windows install CD you could run chkdsk from?17:06
creek23_it seems, my drive C is now a non-Windows compatible file system17:06
grawity[Nobody]: That shouldn't be the problem17:06
[Nobody]yeah it is17:06
[Nobody]i tried it once by accdient and killed my windows17:07
grawitycreek23_: _What_ filesystem is it, then? What does the LiveCD report it as?17:07
ChrisMcAnewbie question here - can I access a windows network share from the unix command line?17:07
creek23_LiveCD says, its ntfs-3g17:07
grawityChrisMcA: Yep.17:07
ChrisMcACool, what's the syntax?17:07
creek23_btw, what's fuseblk?17:07
grawityChrisMcA: If you use GNOME - the preferred way is gvfs-mount smb://user@host/share/; cd ~/.gvfs/17:07
pak0hi all17:08
grawityChrisMcA: For the "traditional" way, look up mount.cifs17:08
pak0i`m looking if its possible to work with one yamaha cvp-206 on ubuntu http://music.yamaha.com/products/main.html?productId=113&hierarchy_id=20017_20018_1627717:08
creek23_Nobody, Ive always left my laptop on standby.17:08
[Nobody]with wubi thats dangerous17:08
creek23_and got it shutdown correctly the last time it was working okay.17:08
[Nobody]wubi somehow fails with standby/hibernation17:08
pak0i know i have drivers for mac and windows, but cant find anything about ubuntu or linux or something17:08
ChrisMcAcheers grawity, I'll give that a shot17:09
grawityChrisMcA: And there's smbclient too, but it's a little inconvienent to use. (But doesn't require root privs or GNOME.)17:09
GreyGhostcrap my firefox got messed up ..17:09
creek23_grawity, sadly, i dont have my windows install disk now.17:10
grawityChrisMcA: Note that for gvfs-mount or smbclient to work, you'll need to install the 'samba' package. (It includes a SMB server too.) But mount.cifs seems to work without that.17:10
xokhello all...17:12
drewbywho here is excited for 9.1017:12
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xokI am not able to creat tun0 device...17:12
creek23_i am ;)17:12
shaullxim planing on installing win7 to duel bot ubuntu and win7 what do i need to do so the loader will remain grub and not windows 7 loader?17:12
xok ip tunnel add tun0 mode ipip remote local dev eth017:12
xokioctl: No such device17:12
xokups, sorry... :-D17:12
drewbyshaullx: install windows first, then ubuntu17:12
xokthis is the command I use, and error itself..17:12
shaullxdrewby too late, any other options?17:12
drewbyshaullx: if you've installed ubuntu first, go ahead and install windows, then reinstall grub17:13
shaullxhow do i reinstall grub?17:13
xokshaullx, grup-update...17:13
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:13
drewbyshaullx: all you need to do is boot onto your ubuntu livecd and install grub, there's tons of tutorials on google17:13
shaullxok thanks:)17:13
[Nobody]shaullx, boot ur livecd and type grub-install /dev/sda17:14
[Nobody](or hda if ur hdd is different)17:14
shaullxim afraid of the win7 loader i turned off my netbook and removed the usb device and it didnt boot17:14
drewbyI'm switching over to 64 bit linux with the release of 9.10, any pointers?17:14
drewbyno pun intended17:14
shaullxgave me stupid error about printers and usb devices badly removed17:14
Osecan anybody help me with some wifi connection settings?17:15
[Nobody]not even vista does that shaullx17:15
[Nobody]yeah i can ose17:15
shaullxit never happen to me i dont know what exactly causes it17:15
shaullxbut win7 is much better then vista17:15
shaullxeven xp17:15
thechitowCan someone assist me in getting my mouse to work again17:16
credobytethechitow: usb ?17:16
fccf!karmic | drewby17:16
ubottudrewby: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:16
[Nobody]ok ose, has ubuntu detected your wifi card and started the right driver?17:16
shaullxanyone know how to fix the wifi indication light? it doesnt seems to work in ubuntu17:16
shaullxin acer aspire one d25017:16
ringo999anbody running jauntry on macbook pro 5,5? how did you get the sound to work, read and tried everything from the forums, no success :-(17:16
[Nobody]hey Ose you still here?17:17
Ose[Nobody]: the wifi USB dongle I have to use has worked before, so all drivers n stuff should be working17:17
[Nobody]ok so usually you can click the top corner on the wireless light17:17
Ose[Nobody]: however, I had to reset my wifi router, and ubuntu did not like that17:17
[Nobody]what wifi router is it?17:17
shaullxanyone running ubuntu on acer aspire one d250 here?17:18
Ose[Nobody]: linksys something17:18
[Nobody]hmm did you see anything about MAC Filtering?17:18
[Nobody]in the settings17:18
thechitowIt would previously work if I unplugged it17:18
thechitowBout now it doesn't work at all.17:18
switch10_can anyone recommend a good usb controller that is compatible with linux.  Im using it for snes, nes, and n64 emulation.  possibly more17:19
thechitowMy mouse doesn't work, Can Someone Help!?!?! this is my dmesg: http://www.pastebin.com/f45da03df17:20
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creek23_any other suggestion on my WUBI problem?17:20
xokcan anyone help me setup tunnel device on ubuntu 9.04?..17:20
norenhi guys17:20
creek23_the whole drive C cannot be read by windows so I cannot do the chkdsk17:21
noreni am trying to move my home folder to a new partition, please guide to some howto17:21
grawitycreek23_: backup, reinstall?17:21
jakeriverdoes anyone know how to clean skype contacts on the first menu in easy peasy ubuntu?17:21
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:21
creek23_grawity, last hope?17:21
thechitowMy mouse doesn't work, Can Someone Help!?!?! this is my dmesg: http://www.pastebin.com/f45da03df17:22
Somniferous15howdy, i just put ubuntu on an acer aspire one and need help with the wireless17:22
ringo9999anbody running jauntry on macbook pro 5,5? how did you get the sound to work, read and tried everything from the forums, no success :-(17:22
norenhttp://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome i have tried following this17:22
fccfswitch10_: as controllers go USB rocks as it is a standard and most if not all will work out of the box17:22
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xokcan anyone give any kind of advice on creating tun0 devices?..17:23
xokgoogle doesn't seem to have anything..17:23
Somniferous15i've tried to download and instal madwifi from terminal, but it says i may be missing something17:23
Somniferous15any ideas?17:23
norenhey grawity: i was able to boot back into gui now need further assistance17:24
fccfSomniferous15: not sure how you are trying to install .. have you tried the one from the repos17:24
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Somniferous15nope? i'm new to linux17:24
madoer ... folks? ... where do i have to go to ask someone about routers? ...17:25
rskSomniferous15: ath5/9not working?17:25
Somniferous15i just got finished installing the ndiswrapper, but i tried that once before and it didn't work17:25
C_KodeAre there any issues with any of the update servers?  There appears to be one I cannot connect too.  I can't download the Nvidia drivers17:25
rskmado: try #hardware17:25
madothanks rsk17:25
Somniferous15yeah, ath5 not working17:25
fccfSomniferous15: open synaptic System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager ... and search for madwifi and install it17:25
system404how to get gdesklets to run on startup17:26
thechitowMy mouse doesn't work, Can Someone Help!?!?! this is my dmesg: http://www.pastebin.com/f45da03df17:26
flughany tips on turning off powermizer on nvidia cards? my notebook keeps flickering as it changes freqs, a google mentioned turning it off, but there's no method for it via the config tool17:26
fccfSomniferous15: actually you want the ath5k package ... which you will also find in synaptic17:26
flughi tried pointing my finger and telling it sternly, but it ignored me17:26
credobytethechitow: paste.ubuntu.com17:26
Somniferous15so search for ath5 pack? or madwifi?17:27
VCooliosystem404: add it in system > preferences > startup applications (jaunty) or sessions (pre-Jaunty)17:27
leveneI just enabled accessibility support in gnome on ubuntu 8.10. After logging out, gdm doesn't respond to keyboard or mouse input. Help!17:27
system404VCoolio: thanks17:27
fccfSomniferous15: ath5k .. it is there alphabetically17:27
levenehow can i disable accessibility support from the console?17:27
Somniferous15k, thnx.17:27
system404VCoolio: im browsing the files to add it to startup apps but where is the file required to startup located17:28
bastid_raZorsystem404: on boot or after logging in to your desktop?17:29
VCooliosystem404: in /usr/bin I think but will take a few secs to load, better just enter the command instead of searching (gdesklets ?)17:29
corigoIs there a way to do mv from the command line recursive?17:29
bastid_raZor<< late joiner .. should read more17:29
system404after logging in to my desktop i want to startup gdesklets automativly so all my lil desklets comeup ryt away without me having to go to apps and start the gdesklets service17:29
credobytecorigo: -R17:30
system404VCoolio: whats the command17:30
xokguys, I really some help, can anyone suggest anything?..17:30
bastid_raZor!startup > system40417:30
ubottusystem404, please see my private message17:30
sipiorcredobyte: i'm pretty sure mv isn't packing a "-R" option17:30
VCooliosystem404: check the command by rightclicking the menu button, "edit menu" and search for it17:30
levenehow can i disable orca from the console?17:31
sipiorcorigo: you can just mv the top level directory, no?17:31
VCooliosystem404: probably just "gdesklets" but maybe there's a daemon involved17:31
corigoinvalid option "R"17:31
system404VCoolio: gots it thanks much17:31
levenecorigo: mkdir foo; mv stuff foo; mv foo bar/17:31
system404VCoolio: it was gdesklets shell17:31
Somniferous15so i'm checking the synaptic package manager, but there is no ath5 anywhere to be found. only athcool for a powersaver17:31
fccfSomniferous15: sorry, install madwifi-tools17:32
Somniferous15what should i try now?17:32
credobytesipior: just guessing ( haven't used it for a while ).17:32
flughwhy does firefox insist on repeatedly telling me it was updated and needs to be restarted? i've restarted via it's prompt, and just closing it and starting a new session... it's as bad as windows update17:32
credobytecorigo: mv /source/* /target17:32
bastid_raZorcorigo: you can move an entire directory without any other syntax.. mv /directory /new/location17:32
Somniferous15will do17:32
leveneis there a console browser in ubuntu that understands https:// ?17:32
corigodirectory worked17:32
sipiorredobyte: it was a logical guess, anyway :-)17:33
levenehow can i bind caps lock to control on the console?17:33
ringo9999anybody using ubuntu on apple, does it work?17:33
system404well i finally feel i have my ubuntu all configured it looks how i want it to looks it acts as i wish it to act all hardware running great got all the apps i need what shall i do with her next is there any lil tune up tips i could perform17:33
playyalevene, lynx17:33
ringo999anybody using ubuntu on apple, does it work?17:34
leveneplayya: mine doesn't do https17:34
leveneplayya: on 8.1017:34
playyai just tested it17:34
flughsystem404: make an image for later use after your tuneups break something ;)17:34
playyaI'm on 9.0417:34
leveneplayya: bah :(17:34
system404whats a good app for ghost images17:34
fccflevine: www-browser will connect via SSL ... I just tried it it works17:34
flughsorry, no idea.i do it the hard way. break it, reinstall. /shrug17:35
fccflevene: also called w3m17:35
Somniferous15alright, madwifi-tools downloaded and installed. what do i need to do know?17:35
flughbreak, reinstall while wishing i had backed it up ;)17:35
levenefccf: ah. actually www-browser is lynx for me :)17:35
levenefccf: but elinks does work, too17:35
blarghleI'm very confused,,, I've got a partition that says there are 26G in use, but there are only 18k in use by files(including hidden and trash).  Where could my 26G of files have disappeared to?17:35
blarghleI know I had all of those files there17:36
playyablarghle, tried a df -hs /path/to/dir/* ?17:36
daevskiHey all -- I need help with wireless quick. Here is my recent post on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8056725#post805672517:36
fccfSomniferous15: sudo modprobe ath5k17:36
Somniferous15and that should be it?17:37
daevskiIf anyone can help, that would be swell :)17:37
fccfSomniferous15: with any luck, yes17:37
Somniferous15thanx a bunch, bout to find out17:37
blarghleplayya: df: invalid option -- 's'17:38
[x]sodium[x]hey where are the firefox files locate in ubuntu ?17:38
Somniferous15nothing happened. do i need to reboot before it'll work?17:38
credobyte[x]sodium[x]: locate firefox17:39
[x]sodium[x]in terminal17:39
bastid_raZor[x]sodium[x]: ~/.mozilla/17:39
credobyte[x]sodium[x]: yes17:39
blarghleplayya: 25 GB confirmed in use without option 's'17:40
playyablarghle, its du not df. sorry17:40
[x]sodium[x]locate firefox17:40
[x]sodium[x]locate: can not open `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory17:40
C_Kode[x]sodium[x]: sudo updatedb17:40
playyadaevski, tried to load the dell modules?17:40
daevskiplayya, I'm not familiar with them. what do you mean?17:41
blarghleplayya: again, 25G confirmed in use17:41
playyablarghle, added the * at the end?17:41
fcc1playya: daevski: those arn't dell modules... it is a intel module and it may be broken in Jaunty ... I'd personally try it in Hardy17:41
SzukiHi. I have question. I`m using vpn service acevpn.com everythings works fine but i have error: No buffer space available (code=105) . I cant find solution please help me .17:42
levenehow can i change from gdm to another session manager?17:42
playyafcc1, maybe it's need for the power switch17:42
blarghlePlayya: # du -hs /media/truecrypt1/*17:42
swoodylevene: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm17:42
playyadaevski, dell-wmi and dell-laptop17:42
system404anyone advise on good backup tool17:43
system404ie ghost imaging software17:43
daevskiplayya, are those packages?17:43
blarghleplayya: however, I do get "du: cannot access `/media/truecrypt1/home/default/.gconfd': Stale NFS file handle" but I don't think that's related17:43
credobyte!dd > system40417:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd17:43
levenegah, kdm doesn't work either :-(17:43
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playyadaevski, kernel modules. let me search the package17:43
levenewhat could cause X to stop responding to keyboard and mouse input?17:44
system404credobyte: ?17:44
daevskifccl, good thought, I will try hardy as a last resort, I really like Jaunty :)17:44
playyablarghle, remount it.17:44
[0_0]how can i install theme files in ubuntu17:44
daevskiplayya, thank you.17:44
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:44
credobytesystem404: appearantely bot doesn't know anything about dd, so - http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/ddcommand.htm17:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changetemees17:44
blarghlelevene: do you have a way to check your xorg.conf?17:44
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes17:44
mostafa_how can I add lines into the file? but specific lines17:45
Scoupi i installed mac4lin but it's changed my minimize/maxmize/close button to left position, how can i change back to right?17:45
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:45
blarghlelevene: you might somehow have missing or incorrect input configuration17:45
mgmuscarilet's say i want to start the following services on startup:17:45
mostafa_how can I add lines into the file? but specific lines17:46
mgmuscariwlan0 connection, samba mount, pulseaudio, mpd17:46
mgmuscariin that order17:46
mgmuscariwhat's the best way to do that?17:46
VCoolioScoup: open gconf-editor and go to apps>metacity17:46
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opeis there a way without installing automount to mount an nfs v4 driver dynamically?17:46
ScoupVCoolio: i'll try that, ty17:46
blarghleplayya: this is the third time i've mounted it with the same result17:46
system404credobyte: so do i just run these commands from the terminal17:47
SzukiNobody Knows: No buffer space available (code=105) What this error means? (VPN)17:47
system404i want to backup onto my backup partition17:47
blarghleplayya: the last time i saw it working properly, I was trying to copy the data to a larger partition, and I had to cancel because the computer had to be shut downI was trying to copy the data from one volume17:47
JohannesSM64just me that has a slight bug so that when I start vim in gnome-terminal, the window title displayed in the taskbar is changed to No Name, and when I quit vim, it's changed to No Name - VIM?17:47
JohannesSM64it happens about.. half the time17:48
system404credobyte:  this looks a lil out my league right now wouldnt be confident usingf this is there an app to simplify this17:48
fcc1Szuki: that sounds like a function coming from your VPN service provider ... ask their tech support, we cannot support other people's product17:48
playyablarghle, do you use a vfat partition?17:48
adoes anyone know a google earth type app that will work in ubuntu?17:48
blarghleplayya: no, it's ext317:48
daevskia, I think google earth works in Jaunty17:48
blarghleplayya: both are17:48
credobytesystem404: sudo aptitude search backup17:49
fcc1a: google-earth is available for ubuntu .. google has a repository17:49
playyablarghle, can you ls the error?17:49
slacker_nlacase gone to bed? :(17:49
blarghleplayya: ls?17:49
fcc1!googleearth |a17:50
ubottua: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository17:50
daevskifccl: that bot rocks lol17:51
blarghleplayya: BRILIANT!17:51
shodan45I have a 6.06 server. I put a simple shell script in /etc/cron.daily, but it never runs. If I run it manually, it works fine. What can I do to troubleshoot this?17:51
playyablarghle, ehhh. the file. i had a simliar error, but can't remember how to solve it17:51
daevskiplayya, any luck finding the packages or whatever you were searching for me?17:51
system404any comments on backuppc app im in process of installing it just want to know your views and experiances with this17:51
playyaafaik this file has neither owner nor group17:51
playyadaevski, no. not yet. i fail at using apt-file17:52
athanx fccl. sorry for the newb question, but how do I access that reppository?17:52
blarghleplayya:  I can cd to it in the terminal.  I'll try finishing the move operation with terminal commands17:52
daevskiplayya, can you breif me on what you think the issue is? maybe I can research some more on it.17:52
blarghleplayya: thanks for the help17:52
pw-toxichi.. my linux doesnt boot anymore..17:53
joeyeyecan someone help me with my keyboard - the numbers on the keypad don't work, but they move the mouse cursor - weird!17:53
pw-toxicit says fsck error 4 and drops me to the console17:53
mostafa_how can I add lines into the file?17:53
pw-toxicwhat shall i do?17:53
daevskiplayya, fccl: The slider switch seems to do nothing and the wireless card isn't auto detected.17:54
blarghlejoeyey: sounds like you have virtual mouse enabled... I'll take a look to see how to turn it of17:54
blarghlejoeyeye: sounds like you have virtual mouse enabled... I'll take a look to see how to turn it of17:54
playyadaevski, thats why i think you need this modules17:54
rmrfslashHow can I get 32-bit java on Ubuntu 64-bit17:54
fcc1daevski: does the wireless card show up in either dmesg or lspci17:54
rmrfslashI tried installing Java 1.517:54
=== fcc1 is now known as fccf
system404joeyeye: system / preferences / keyboard and check you have the correct keyboard layout17:54
playyadaevski, can you test if this fails: modinfo dell-wmi17:55
rmrfslashand changing the alternatives to java 1.517:55
pw-toxicsystem404, how shall i do this? my pc doesnt boot anymore!!!17:55
credobytedoes anybody know how to enable message highlighting ( some kind of regex ) ?17:55
credobyte* in Konversation17:55
joeyeyeblarghle: thanks ... I do.  It's odd, sometimes they keypad works "as expected" and other times not17:55
daevskifccl: yes it is in lspci.17:55
rrittenhouseWhat would the (smartest) way to upgrade PHP to a newer version on my Live Ubuntu Hardy server LTS server?17:55
playyarmrfslash, ia32-sun-java5-bin17:55
pw-toxicsystem404, when i boot ubuntu, it says there was an error4 wile fsck and then drops to the console17:55
blarghlejoeyeye: did you fix it?17:56
joeyeyeblarghle: no :(17:56
bo7amny_hi i downloaded ubuntu remix and it was in img format , i need a program that can burn that format , pleas ?17:56
joeyeyeblarghle: I checked in sys | prefs | keyb17:56
grawitybo7amny_: I think the Remix is for making bootable USB pendrives, not CDs.17:56
Somniferous151I downloaded and installed madwifi-tools, then ran modprobe but my wireless still doesn't work. Help?17:56
nerdy_kidhow do i make my x server available over the network?17:57
system404pw-toxic: this may be of some help http://linux.die.net/man/8/fsck17:57
blarghlejoeyeye: go to preferences > keyboard > mouse keys and tell me if "Pointer can be controlled using the keypad" is checked or unchecked.17:57
rmrfslashplayya: trying this17:58
joeyeyeblarghle: it's not checked17:58
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
mgmuscarihow can i see what runlevel i'm at?17:58
blarghlejoeyeye: not check the layouts tab to make sure you have the correct keyboard selected17:59
AJC_Z0mgmuscari: who -r17:59
bo7amny_ok how can i but it in a usb flash ?17:59
bo7amny_just drag and drop ?17:59
Somniferous151i also loaded the ndiswrapper.should i go ahead and install the windows wireless drivers to get it working?17:59
grawitybo7amny_: No.17:59
joeyeyeblarghle: I flipped the keyboard model from "generic 101 key" to "dell" and back and now it's ok again17:59
joeyeyeblarghle: bizarre17:59
mgmuscarihm, 217:59
grawitybo7amny_: dd if=file.img of=/dev/(device file of your pendrive)17:59
blarghlejoeyeye: that's thouroughly strange17:59
playyadaevski, it's in linux image. so it should already be installed17:59
AJC_Z0..since "runlevel" was clearly just too easy17:59
nerdy_kidhow do i make my x server available over the network?18:00
lifestreamHi, I suddenly have no sound at all. I haven't installed any kernel or driver updates, I think. Why would I have no sound now?18:00
daevskiplayya fccl: it think he issue is that isn't not enabled/engaged. Like the switch needs to be thrown for it to turn on. :-/ but I'm not sure how to do that.18:00
AJC_Z0nerdy_kid: In "Login Window" in the "Remote" tab18:01
cgrozalifestream,did you changed any settings?18:01
AJC_Z0and "Security" tab18:01
nerdy_kidAJC_Z0 Karmic got rid of that :( some file i can edit?18:01
lifestreamcgroza, I don't think so. I turned off Beep a week ago or so, but I heard that it might cause all sounds to stop playing. So I booted up, and OK, beep was off, and sounds are playing OK.   But a few boots later there is no sound18:02
cgrozalifestream,what driver do you use?18:02
AJC_Z0nerdy_kid: You could just edit the gdm config directly18:03
lifestreamcgroza, not sure how to check. When I open Volume Control, it says "HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer)"18:03
lifestreamcgroza, using Jaunty18:03
cgrozalifestream,try to change to OSS18:04
cgrozain sound settings18:04
AJC_Z0In case it's not obvious, see gdm(1)18:04
mgmuscariis anybody here an expert on /etc/init.d/*.sh scripts?18:04
Dev_N00bI could use one18:04
mgmuscarii notice that my scripts in /etc/rc2.d start with SNN18:05
Xcellthis fixed some system sound problems   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107152518:05
mgmuscariwhere NN is a number18:05
nerdy_kidAJC_Z0 crap they messed with that too...what the heck thanks anyway18:05
mgmuscaridoes this specify the run order?18:05
grawitymgmuscari: Basically, yes. The scripts are run in alphabetical order, AFAIK. So 00 would run before 10, and so on.18:05
mgmuscarigrawity: so if i want to start my wifi first18:06
mgmuscarii put an auto entry in /etc/network/interfaces18:06
mgmuscarishould i start the NetworkManager service before the services that rely on having a network connection?18:06
aninomi am trying to install ns2 , and i get this error: checking Tcl http.tcl library... configure: error: Couldn't find http.tcl in  18:06
mgmuscarii have a samba mount in my fstab18:06
Enissayhow can i change sleeping for inactivity to shutdown please? (laptop jaunty)18:07
grawitymgmuscari: Does NM even use /etc/network/interfaces?18:07
mgmuscarigrawity: i don't know :/18:07
mgmuscarigrawity: is it possible to start my network before the fstab is read?18:07
grawitymgmuscari: Well... no. The network software requires at least / to be mounted correctly - and that is done when reading fstab.18:08
mgmuscariso i guess i could run another mount -a after the network is up18:08
grawitymgmuscari: If you have networked filesystems, you might try setting them to 'noauto', and writing your own initscript that mounts them all.18:09
BitWraithevery time I plug in my SD card, it gets mounted at /media/disk. which service do I have to stop to temporarily disable that?18:09
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mgmuscarinoauto in the fstab?18:09
grawitymgmuscari: Well, leaving it as 'auto' would just hang if the network isn't up yet.18:09
mgmuscariwould it wait for the network to be up or just not get to that point?18:10
grawity'noauto' simply means 'only mount this filesystem when told'18:10
FLAChey y'all18:10
mgmuscarido you know when interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces are brought up?18:11
FLACis ubuntu good for lighttdp?18:11
FLACi was thinking of using ubuntu or centos18:11
grawityFLAC: Ubuntu for a server?18:12
FLAC@grawity yes18:12
ltcabralhey... how can i set emerald to be the default window manager? when i restart it always come back to metacity...18:12
grawityltcabral: Are you using Compiz? Or just plain metacity?18:12
KeiyaAre the Sugar packages broken? :/18:12
Xcellltcabral-  try installing fusion icon18:12
ltcabralgrawity: compiz18:12
ronxhas anyone else had any sound and/or alsa problems since upgrading to 2.6.28-15.52?  aptitude prompted me to upgrade yesterday, and since then, my sound card is no longer recognized... any ideas?18:12
grawityltcabral: Install CCSM, look for 'metacity' everywhere in the settings :|18:13
grawityltcabral: Also, isn't Emerald not developed anymore?18:13
seidosronx: what sound chipset?18:13
FLACis ubuntu good for pr0n?18:13
mgmuscarihmmm well i'm going to restart this machine and see if my audio server comes back up gracefully...18:13
ltcabralgrawity: no idea... but the window theme i use is emerald :P18:13
KeiyaFLAC, we have children here. Be appropriate, please/18:13
zouhairHi, it's easy to knwo which file a symbolic link links to, but how to know if a file has a symbolic link linking to it?18:14
FLACso can anyone aswser ma question?18:14
ronxseidos, sec, lemme grab it18:14
seidosFLAC: if someone could, they probably would18:14
FLACah i see. thanks.18:14
ronxRealtek ALC889A18:14
ltcabralgrawity: i have ccsm18:14
FLACanyone here running lighttpd on a ubuntu server?18:15
FLACapache sucks18:15
SealedWithAKissHow do I type a command in the terminal and write the output to a text file?18:15
seidosapache works fine for me18:15
grawityzouhair: find / -type l -lname "/afile"18:15
grawitySealedWithAKiss: command > file18:15
Xcellltcabral-  the fusion icon has a built in switch which works18:15
grawitySealedWithAKiss: Or, to append, command >> file18:15
seidosronx: how did you check?  system > prefs > sound?18:15
ltcabralXcell: uh?18:15
mgmuscarihow do i turn off the splash screen... nosplash in my menu.lst?18:15
Xcellltcabral-  are u using compiz?18:16
grawitymgmuscari: Almost. Remove 'splash' from it.18:16
ronxseidos, i looked at the specs for my board... under sound prefs, it doesn't list anything18:16
mgmuscariwhat do i do with "quiet"18:16
ltcabralXcell: yes18:16
grawitymgmuscari: Remove that too, I guess.18:16
mgmuscariwhat does that do?18:16
Xcellthen install the fusion icon in synapt.. it should help you18:16
beamhello there, can anyone please point out to me a channel dedicated to music and music software?18:17
grawitymgmuscari: 'quiet' hides all the boot messages.18:17
zouhairgrawity: I was rather wondering if there was some command on the file to see if it got links18:17
mgmuscarialright let's see if this thing reboots gracefully now that i have my services set up...18:17
zouhairthanks anyway18:17
grawitymgmuscari: Btw, try removing 'quiet' but keeping 'splash'. Looks nice.18:17
grawityzouhair: And I just gave that command.18:17
seidosronx: in sound prefs I have HDA Intel ALC268 listed.  strange that you have nothing listed in sound prefs.18:17
ltcabralXcell: hm.. ok.. will give it a try18:18
ronxseidos, you mean for each of the devices?  like Sound Events?  currently selected is "ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture"18:18
grawityzouhair: It's impossible to know that without checking every symlink in the filesystem.18:18
ronxi used to have a bunch of entries for ALC88518:18
beam hello there, can anyone please point out to me a channel dedicated to music and music software?18:18
SealedWithAKissThanks grawity18:18
ronxbut since this last upgrade, it seems the OS doesn't recognize my sound card anymore18:18
seidosronx: do you have the process "pulseaudio" running?18:19
Keiyabeam: Most channels are dedicated to a specific project, on freenode.18:19
ronxseidos, no, i removed pulse a while back18:19
ltcabralXcell: k i installed fusion icon now what18:19
seidosronx: hmmm, I still use pulse18:19
ronxeverything's been running fine until an aptitude upgrade last night18:20
ronx[UPGRADE] linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic 2.6.28-15.49 -> 2.6.28-15.5218:20
system404guys heres what i wanna do i wanna make a backup of my ubuntu install onto my backup partition i also want a recovery disk so that if the system goes tits up i can pop in my disk and reload my image from my backup partition what app is simplest to do this18:20
slacker_nlsystem404: clonezilla allows such a thing18:20
bumbacan anybody tell me what will be my email id if I use Evolution - like whether it will be b@evolution.com or b@pop.com or something else. I am novice to computer and ubuntu18:20
ronxanyone know of an easy way to roll back a particular aptitude upgrade?18:20
seidosronx: not sure what it could be in the kernel that changed that would cause your sound to stop functioning18:20
beamKeiya: Thanks18:20
slacker_nlsystem404: first you make a backup of your disk/partition, then you can make an iso from it, burn that to cd/dvd and boot from it, restoring your system18:21
system404is clonezilla easy to use18:21
seidosronx: did you see if the older kernel was available from grub?18:21
slacker_nlsystem404: very18:21
grawitybumba: Evolution is only an email client. It only accesses mailboxes which you already have.18:21
mgmuscarioops, i forgot to add the mount entry to my fstab18:21
slacker_nlsystem404: pop in cd, boot from it, hit nter twice and then just follow the menu18:21
grawitybumba: It doesn't have any email addresses of its own.18:21
ronxseidos: it doesn't seem to keep older minor releases... like i have 2.6.28-14, but not 2.6.28-15.4918:22
bumbaThanx grawity18:22
seidosronx: does your sound work in 2.6.28-14?18:22
system404but i want all my media etc backed up onto my backup partition and compressed with gzip i have around 20 gig in use i want it all backed up compressed ready to recover when requiered18:22
issyl0Hi there.  I'm trying to get dwm to work.  I compiled from source and it all went well, until I try to get it to run as window manager.  It doesn't exist in the sessions menu and I don't know how to make it work.  I'm running Ubuntu 9.0418:22
bumbaCan you tell me then how can I use it? And how can I configure it18:23
ronxseidos: i don't think i had it configured in 14... i tried booting it, but the graphics drivers weren't even set up... guess i could try booting it and setting up everything again... but i figured i'd try to figure out how to go back to 2.6.28-15.49 first18:23
Somniferous15hi, I just loaded the windows wireless drivers onto my acer aspire one and rebooted. after reboot my wireless doesn't show up at all in network-admin. help please?!18:23
seidosronx: maybe you have to set up your sound again in 2.6.28-15.4918:23
ronxseidos: 2.6.28-15.49 is the one that worked.... 2.6.28-15.52 is the new one that doesn't even recognize my sound card... so i can't even find a way to set it up since the OS doesn't recognize it18:24
bumbagrawity: can you please tell me then how can I use evolution18:25
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grawitybumba: First, do you already have an email address of your own?18:26
ronnie_vd_c1i have a problem with WOL. if the PC is off for about 5 minutes, WOL works perfecly, but when i leave it off for one day, it does not work any more18:26
seidosronx: what do you mean it "doesn't even recognize your sound card"?18:26
bumbaYes I have but its an webmail18:27
mgmuscarihmmm looking good so far18:27
og01_right im trying to setup self certified ssl on my apache2 server running on my home machine behind proxy. I've followed the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/certificates-and-security.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html and also taken advice from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4466 .  everything works as expected when trying to access the webserver from the local network (another 18:27
ronxwell, sorry, alsa doesn't recognize it, whereas it recognized it before...18:27
Somniferous15network admin won't recognize my wireless. any ideas?18:27
Somniferous15any help would be greatly appreciated18:27
og01_can anybody thing of reasons why it would work localy and not remotly?18:28
ronxseidos: and i guess i was assuming OS didn't reconize it since it's not listed in the Sound Preferences devices anymore18:28
seidosronx: I'm not sure how much help I can be.  I'm interested in helping, but I've never set up my sound to be alsa only, and I wouldn't know how to test if "alsa sees my soundcard".  Perhaps alsa-mixer...18:28
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ronxalsamixer gives me an error too, since it can't find the path... it really seems like this new image doesn't like my board :/18:29
ronxi.e. i don't think it's specific to alsa18:29
Somniferous15how do i check if the computer recognizes my pci?18:29
og01_Somniferous15: lspci18:30
ronxif i could figure out how to roll back the upgrades aptitude did yesterday (i have the list), i could test this theory18:30
daevskiSomniferous15: lspci in terminal18:30
seidosronx: I know you can install a kernel yourself.  I'm running 2.6.3018:31
Somniferous15it shows up18:31
mikinanuqog01_: is your firewall forwarding port 80 to the apache server?18:31
ronxseidos: yeah, you mean like grabbing the source and compiling it manually?18:31
seidosronx: I followed a how to for my video18:31
daevskiSomniferous15: it recognizes it then.18:31
facemelterhey, i have a problem with SCIM in Ubuntu 9.04... i could previously write korean continously with scim, but now consonants "stick" to previous syllables... so i have to "break" onto the next character by pressing some key... anyone know of this problem?18:31
Somniferous15but when i click on the network connections there are no wireless18:31
Somniferous15and no option to enable wireless18:31
og01_mikinanuq: port 80 (non ssl) works fine, but 443 doesnt (but is forwarded)18:32
seidosronx: no.  I didn't compile this kernel.  (tried compiling gnome-power-manager the other day and got errors).  You can download the kernel images, and set it up to be your kernel from the shell18:32
jenistinSomniferous15, then your wireless device is probably not recognized.18:32
Somniferous15i tried madwifi, but it still doesn't work18:32
Somniferous15how do i get it recognized?18:32
daevskiSomniferous15: I'm having a similar issue. My switch doesn't seem to do anything, and wireless is not enabled. or listed.18:32
livingroomgood day all...18:32
jenistinSomniferous15, use lspci to determine what chip you're using18:32
goldinswhat package is gzip.pm in?18:33
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Somniferous1503:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)18:33
seidosronx: at least it worked for 2.6.30, there may be an easier way to get back to 2.6.1418:33
livingroomneed so help......where is the video config file kept.....need to change resolution manually18:33
seidosSomniferous15: what ubuntu?18:33
huwaw69how do i know the brand and model of my network card in linux?18:33
ronxhmm, wish i could go back in time and just not upgrade, lol18:33
livingroomyup   9.0418:33
daevskilivingroom: /etc/X11/18:34
Somniferous15.14 i think?18:34
jenistinSomniferous15, Atheros support is buggy18:34
og01_huwaw69: lspci18:34
Somniferous15i noticed, lol18:34
seidosSomniferous15: system > about18:34
daevskilivingroom: edit xorg.conf -- lookup help on google.18:34
Somniferous15about ubuntu? or gnome?18:35
seidosSomniferous15: if you're running 9.04, there is a package you need to make sure is installed18:35
jenistinSomniferous15, you said you already tried madwifi, right?18:35
Somniferous15yeah, the madwifi-tools18:35
seidosSomniferous15: what version of ubuntu are you running?18:35
seidosSomniferous15: i have an atheros chip ar242x chip, and it is working18:36
bumbagrawity: I have couple of email id with gmail and yahoo18:36
grawitybumba: Gmail will work.18:36
seidosSomniferous15: you need to use ath5k18:36
Somniferous15i think its version 9.04 or 9.1418:36
PulsewidthHow are you supposed to install netbook remix CD images? Netbooks don't have CD drives18:36
grawityPulsewidth: LiveUSB?18:36
jenistinPulsewidth, USB Flash Drive18:37
Somniferous15under system >administration>hardware drivers18:37
PulsewidthNone exist for the 9.10 beta18:37
seidosSomniferous15: no.  that will use ath_pci18:37
PulsewidthI tried booting the CD iso from USB using a grub2 loopback and iso-scan18:37
Somniferous15oh, then how do i get ath5k?18:37
loquitus_of_borgIs there a way for me to deny permissions to a user from changing the volume on the system, or from using the sound card?18:37
seidosSomniferous15: you need to make sure the package that has ath5k is installed, and you need to make sure ath5k isn't blacklisted, and you need to make sure ath_pci is blacklisted18:37
PulsewidthBut it just fails with "unable to find medium with a live filesystem" or something like that, and stops in busybox ininitramfs18:37
jenistinPulsewidth, you can use ISO's on the USB Drive18:38
PulsewidthI tried both ext3 and vfat, in both cases the install fails18:38
Somniferous15whoah, k. which package has ath5k firstoff?18:38
bumbaOne thing I want to know is whether I can open an  email account ( not an webmail one ) and by following what procedure18:38
Pulsewidthjenistin: You can't just dd the iso to the USB stick and boot from it18:39
seidosSomniferous15: in synaptic package manager, if you're running jackalope, then the package starts with "jaunty..." hold on18:39
Somniferous15cause i don't find it under the synaptic manager18:39
jenistinPulsewidth, the image writer that comes with ubuntu can write the ISO to the USB18:39
livingroomi got into the file but not there18:39
jenistinPulsewidth, are you trying the nightly build ISO?18:39
livingroomi have to tell you that i have restricted drivers installed for Nvidia18:39
Pulsewidthjenistin: The 9.10 beta netbook remix ISO18:39
alabdGood day everyone , How to send to all in linux ,is it possible with pidgin ?18:40
jenistinPulsewidth, the daily build?18:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:40
seidosSomniferous15: linux-backports-modules-jaunt:
vaixDoes anyone know why FF (3.0.8 on Ubunto liveD) works w/ a hard-coded Proxy - but does not work w/ autodetect or manual config w/ the proxy wpad URL?   (Note - I have dozens of other machines using autoconfig correctly for IE/FF at varying versions)18:40
Somniferous15k, i'll download it now18:40
Pulsewidthjenistin, this http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/9.10/kubuntu-9.10-beta-netbook-i386.iso18:41
Pulsewidthand then following http://www.panticz.de/MultiBootUSB to try to boot it from USB18:41
jenistinPulsewidth, I haven't tried with the Kubuntu release, so I can't vouch for it18:41
jenistinPulsewidth, have you tried the Ubuntu beta ISO?18:41
PulsewidthOops, wrong file18:41
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PulsewidthThe regular ubuntu one18:41
pw-toxiccan someone plz help me with my fsck problem? i get error4 while booting ubuntu!18:42
jenistinPulsewidth, give the daily build a try: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/18:42
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:42
bumbagrawity: can I open an account without using the webmails one18:42
grawitybumba: Huh?18:42
PulsewidthI can mount the USB stick from within the initramfs and see the iso, but I don't know how to continue18:43
jenistinPulsewidth, meaning you don't know how to write the ISO to the USB?18:43
SerraphynHey can you guys tell me a way to do try FPS benchmarking? I'm trying to see if my low FPS in cedega is from cedega or Drive18:43
Pulsewidthjenistin, I have grub2 and the iso both on the USB stick18:43
Somniferous15i have it18:44
Somniferous15now what?18:44
jenistinPulsewidth, have you follow these instructions? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:44
bumbagrawity: I have an gmail account. But I want an account specifically for evolution which is not an webmailed based18:44
Pulsewidthjenistin, and using a grub2 loopback, I can boot the initramfs, and supposedly the iso-scan parameter will then let the boot continue18:44
grawitybumba: Gmail works with Evolution too.18:44
PulsewidthBut at this point it fails to find the iso, even though I can mount it manually18:44
Pulsewidthjenistin, I'll try converting the image using that tool18:45
bumbagrawity: can you tell me who are the others?18:45
ltcabralsudo apt-get install *     is not working!!!18:45
jenistinPulsewidth, I use the LiveUSB method, not the iso-scan18:45
grawitybumba: There are _many_ others, I don't know any of them. (I have my own server.)18:45
grawitybumba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution18:45
grawityltcabral: Why the hell are you trying to install _all_ packages from the repos?18:46
ltcabralgrawity: im joking -.-a obviously not doing it18:46
reelonechrishas anyone here got netflix instant streaming to work through wine?18:46
Somniferous15how do i make sure ath5k isn't blacklisted, and make sure ath_pci is blacklisted?18:46
Keiyappa.launchpad.net is slow too? Yeep. >_>18:47
seidosSomniferous15: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist18:47
jenistinSomniferous15,  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist18:47
jenistinreelonechris, no, I haven't. Supposedly NetFlix is working on Linux support18:47
bumbagrawity: then I have to foliow the process mentioned there, but I am facing problem filling the space where server name is required18:48
reelonechrisjenistin, yeah thats what i heard too18:48
grawitybumba: What problem?18:48
jenistinreelonechris, you can try to get the SilverLight method to work. I gave up on it, though it sounds promising18:48
Somniferous15says no such file or directory18:48
seidosSomniferous15: cd /etc/modprobe.d18:49
gribouilleis OpenOffice 3 available on hardy ?18:49
reelonechrisjenistin, i think it also needs activex18:49
jenistinSomniferous15, sorry, it's /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf18:49
jenistingribouille, yes18:49
seidosSomniferous15: then ls and look at the files in there18:49
gribouillejenistin, where ?18:49
MAAAAADHas somebdoy got experience with dovecot's lda deliver?18:49
jenistingribouille, It's installed by default. Accessories -> Office -> ...18:50
seidosSomniferous15: I checked all the files to make sure ath5k wasn't blacklisted, and I put ath_pci in the file "blacklist"18:50
reelonechrisjenistin, i guess we'll just have to settle for virtual machine or dual boot for now18:50
gribouillejenistin, the version of OOo on hady is normally 2.418:50
costahi everybody, anybody who can help me out with a problem that I have with my dns server18:50
urthmoveron the gnome lower panel when I press the left hide button the panel hides to the left as it should, butthere is a space between the unhide button and the far left of the screen.  How can I move the hide button to the edge of the screen on the left side?18:50
jenistingribouille, oh, sorry, I was thinking of Jaunty18:51
Somniferous15drew@drew-laptop:/etc/modprobe.d$ ls18:51
Somniferous15alsa-base.conf           blacklist-framebuffer.conf  libpisock9.conf18:51
Somniferous15blacklist-ath_pci.conf   blacklist-modem.conf        madwifi.conf18:51
Somniferous15blacklist.conf           blacklist-oss.conf          ndiswrapper18:51
Somniferous15blacklist-firewire.conf  blacklist-watchdog.conf18:51
FloodBot2Somniferous15: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:51
slavik2urthmover: expand the panel18:51
bumbagrawity: configuring evolution - requires filling the space in receiving mail tab; where a space needed to be filled which ask for the server name then opting - pop-gmail-server name should be?18:51
Somniferous15that's what i get for output18:51
urthmoverslavik2: not helpful18:51
seidosSomniferous15: which one has ath5k in it?18:52
jenistinSomniferous15, blacklist.conf is the one18:52
grawitybumba: I already gave you a page that lists everything..18:52
pleowhere i can ask for ubuntu server18:52
slavik2urthmover: in panel properties, is "expand" checked?18:52
costaanybody here who's good with BIND?18:52
edoceoAfter the latest Jaunty update my system is having issues talking to my Samba server.  Server is Samba 3.0.x and the Jaunty updates put me to 3.3.x  I can see shares but everything is very slow.  Ideas?18:52
Somniferous15blacklist.conf has ath5k?18:52
reelonechrisjenistin, have you had any luck with mythflix?18:52
urthmoverslavik2: checking18:52
jenistinreelonechris, haven't tried it18:52
slavik2costa: good no, able to set it up ... somewhat18:52
seidosSomniferous15: none of them should have ath5k18:52
bumbagrawity: thank you very much.18:52
reelonechrisjenistin, ah18:52
slavik2costa: and you're not supposed to have a k in the beginning of your nick?18:52
grawitybumba: I also sent the settings in a private message.18:52
daevskiAnyone want to help me with wireless card? here is my recent post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128338618:52
Somniferous15so what do i do with this info?18:53
seidosSomniferous15: ath5k Shouldn't be blacklisted, ath_hal, and ath_pci should be18:53
pleois any software for ubuntu server that is similar to mikotik HotSpot Gateway ?18:53
Somniferous15ath_pci is18:53
Somniferous15but i don't see ath_hal18:53
urthmoverslavik2: yes same problem with and without expand checked.  there is a 2 pixel space between the hide button and the edge of the screen (on both left and right sides)  when the bottom panel is hidden.18:53
jenistinSomniferous15, add ath_hal18:54
costamaybe you can help, Installed a secondary BIND dns server, evrytime I start it It gives me the following error message: rndc: connect failed: connection refused18:54
slavik2urthmover: using custom theme?18:54
seidosSomniferous15: you need to type nano filename and look inside the files to see what is blacklisted18:54
bumbagrawity: how I can access that message18:54
pleocan anyone answer my question pls18:54
Somniferous15how do i add ath_hal?18:54
slavik2costa, port 953?18:54
seidosI'm pretty sure every file in modprobe.d controls blacklisted modules18:54
LogicalDashI want to make it so that typing <Compose key> <pipe> <minus> produces the character †. I've changed my /usr/share/X11/local/en_US.UTF8/Compose file to reflect this. What do I do now?18:54
jenistinpleo, can you post a link to HotSpot Gateway?18:55
costayes, but when I did a netstat -aunt, port 953 was on listen18:55
seidosmy blacklist.conf doesn't have ath_pci and ath_hal, but my blacklist (no extension) does18:55
grawitybumba: Look at the left of Xchat window.18:55
erUSULpleo: you will have to explain what does mikotik HotSpot Gateway do ? we do not use windows nor its programs around here...18:55
slavik2costa: no idea ...18:55
grawitybumba: You should see my name in that list.18:55
jenistinSomniferous15, sudo nano .../blacklist.conf18:55
pleohotspot is OS for routers18:55
costathanks , nevertheless18:56
edoceocosta: is there something in your named.conf about rndc?18:56
* edoceo looks in own bind configs...18:56
erUSUL!info hostapd | pleo18:56
ubottupleo: hostapd (source: hostapd): user space IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.5.10-1 (jaunty), package size 214 kB, installed size 628 kB18:56
grawitybumba: Just type this command: /query grawity18:57
Somniferous15then just type ath_hal and it'll be added/18:57
seidosjenistin: what about blacklist-auth_pci?  do you think it also might control blacklisted modules?18:57
pleothank you guys18:57
jenistinSomniferous15, add a new line with  "blacklist ath_hal"18:58
fifafrazerHey.. Is Ubuntu Netbook Remix based on moblin.. It doesn't say anything on the website, but it says it requires an atom processor?18:58
Pulsewidthjenistin: Thanks, usb-creator seems to have worked18:58
jenistinPulsewidth, good to hear, you're welcome18:58
costayes edocea , I added something ,include “/etc/bind/rndc.key”;18:58
costacontrols {18:58
costainet port 95318:58
costaallow {; } keys { “rndc-key”; };18:58
FloodBot2costa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
jenistinfifafrazer, it should run on any i38618:58
edoceocosta: do you need that?  I don't have it on my systems (but I am not a bind wizard either)18:59
seidosSomniferous15: and blacklist ath_pci18:59
fifafrazerbut where is the moblin based ubuntu?18:59
edoceoIt could also be that the traffic is blocked because of some entries in /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}18:59
Somniferous15k, then exit?18:59
seidosSomniferous15: and make sure there is no "blacklist ath5k"19:00
costaedocea, just deleted it, same error message19:00
BlackDesignsoit, ik ga jullie laten... Air Crash investigation op National Geographic :)19:00
jenistinfifafrazer, I am not sure it is out yet19:00
eXeC001erHow i can make newpatch for package if this package has some patches in debian/patches ?19:00
seidosSomniferous15: then reboot.  if it still doesn't work, go back to /etc/modprobe.d and make sure none of the files have "blacklist ath5k"19:01
jenistinSomniferous15, saev and exit, yet19:01
Somniferous15k,what is the filename to write?19:01
jenistinSomniferous15, saev and exit, yes19:01
seidosSomniferous15: blacklist.conf19:01
seidosSomniferous15: leave the filename the way it is19:01
Somniferous15error writing. no such file or directory19:02
jenistinfifafrazer, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/MobileKarmicMoblinRemix19:02
costaedocea, just checked /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow evrything fine19:02
Somniferous15for blacklist.conf as the filename19:02
BrooklynHi all. I'm completely new to Linux / Ubuntu and I'm not going to bother you with all the noob questions as there are many great sources out there. There's just one thing I am wondering. If I install 9.04 now, is the upgrade to 9.10 going to be smooth or is everyone going to reinstall with 9.10 :P19:02
bumbagrawity: I have another problem shutting down the system19:02
kewinis there any program that I can take image of all my ubuntu system and can restore by starting via usb ?19:02
erUSULkewin: clonezilla; partimage19:03
kewinthank u erUSUL19:03
jenistinBrooklyn, the upgrade usually goes smooth19:03
BrooklynSo nothing big expected for 9.10 jenistin19:03
jenistinBrooklyn, no, not to my knowledge19:03
BrooklynAh sounds good.19:04
KnepigHow can i make my screen not to freeze when i use swap memory?19:04
BrooklynThanks jenistin19:04
kewincan these programs make their portable staff ?19:04
jenistinBrooklyn, the only big thing would be Karmic is going to be ext4 by default, but you can stay with ext319:04
seidosSomniferous15: press cntrl-o to save19:04
bumbaHello, I have got a problem shutting down the system19:04
Somniferous15oh, k19:04
costachecked /var/log/syslog: transfer of '0.168.192.in-addr.arpa/IN' from failed while receiving responses: permission denied19:05
BrooklynYes I read about the whole ext3 / ext4 thin jenistin. I'm not that uptodate so I do not know what's better about ext4 but I read that for stability I better stick to ext319:05
* Keiya growls19:05
BrooklynBut maybe that was just an old topic I read on the forums :P19:05
loquitus_of_borgis there a way to deny or control permissions to volume control?19:05
jenistinBrooklyn, yes, you'll be fine with ext319:05
KeiyaStupid network constantly breaks on Ubuntu19:05
BrooklynOkay cool19:05
og01_does ubuntu setup any firewall per default?19:06
KeiyaAnd the worst part is it doesn't try to reconnect, because it's still connected to the lan19:06
KeiyaIt just forgets how to get to the internet19:06
KeiyaOr /something/19:06
Dr_Willisog01_:  None by default19:06
daevskiplayya, fccl: the wireless WAS working. I just failed to see the icon in the panel and it didn't connect because it was encrypted..... Thanks for your help though [slaps forhead]19:07
ronxseidos (et al): went back to 2.6.28-14.47 and my sound card is recognized again... so it seems that there are some issues with the 2.6.28-15.52 linux-image and this particular board19:07
* seidos shrinks back from Keiya's growl19:07
dbuggerHey guys, how can I turn an XPS into a PDF, please?19:08
seidosronx: interesting.  How'd you go back?19:08
jshriveranyone recommend a good linux bandwidth monitor, preferably something that requires realtime useage. Perhaps even a web interface19:08
gdoteofanyone famliliar with xmonad?  i lost my ability to copy/paste19:08
wrapstercan i get kde on ubuntu19:08
gdoteoffrom a terminal that is19:09
C_Kodejshriver: Do you need it to log.  You could use iftop.19:09
mikinanuqjshriver: mrtg19:09
jshriveraye want to log so I can check historical useage19:09
C_Kodeit's console based and gives realtime stats19:09
jshriverthanks mik will check it out19:09
costajshriver, I use iptraf,19:09
Aradiv_recoverah gw19:09
daevskijshriver: I think there is a widget / panel monitor called netspeed19:09
ronxseidos: i couldn't go back to the previous minor version (i.e. couldn't go to 2.6.28-15.49 from 2.6.28-15.52), but i still had the major version (2.6.28-14) that i loaded from grub19:09
C_Kodecosta: if you like iptraf, you need to checkout iftop.19:09
IgramulHi, how can I change the number of key presses on "Volume +/-" on a media keyboard from "mute" to "max".19:10
seidosronx: are you going to make 2.6.28-14 default now?19:10
ronxseidos, yes, already did19:10
seidosronx: I think I got lucky load
costajshriver: netspeed is a Traffic monitor applet for Gnome19:10
ronxso, i know that 2.6.28-15.49 worked19:10
ronxand 2.6.28-15.52 doesn't19:10
seidosronx: maybe you can update to 2.6.28-15.49.  did you create a bug in launchpad?19:11
ronxso whatever changed between those minor versions seemed to have stopped recognizing my audio hardware19:11
ronxno, where's launchpad?19:11
seidosronx: launchpad.net19:11
seidosronx: yours sounds worthy enough to triage to me19:12
ronxi'm scared that if i try to update with aptitude, it'll just go to the latest available19:12
agliodbsok, this seems to be major bug: when I shut down ebox, it shuts down the network on my machine19:12
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geniiagliodbs: I'm pretty sure you want instead "logoff" or so19:12
agliodbsno, I mean from the init script19:13
agliodbsalso, the init script for mysql doesn't seem to work at all  ... this is Jaunty19:15
jerkmanhaving huge problems with graphics19:15
iceroot_what does it mean if %cpu (in top) is higher then 100%? (its a dual-cpu system) so the process is using 1 core 100% and the other 2%?19:16
agliodbsoh, I see. that's because of ebox19:16
ubottuyes, I'm alive.19:17
starcannoniceroot then its not using more than 100% of your total cpu power, its using 100% of one core, and 2% of the other. or approx 50% of your total cpu power19:17
jerkmanearlier, my pc died after playing a java game online. I believe it may be a cooling issue. I have resolved the cooling issue, however now ubuntu is in 640x480 and has detected my 22" tft as a CRT capable of 640x480... HELP!19:17
dragon!xrandr | jerkman19:17
ubottujerkman: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:17
dragonjerkman: Try xrandr19:18
iceroot_starcannon: thx (i hate flash) :)19:18
jerkmanxrandr says another tool is managing (nvidia-x settings thingy)19:18
jerkmanhowever , that is where is still reports CRT-0 is my monitior19:18
iceroot_starcannon: so i can be possible that a process is using 200% (dualcore) or 400% (quadcore)?19:19
BrooklynAs a newbie I better stick to ext3, ext4 does not sound nice to me :P Data loss and stuff :S19:19
starcannoniceroot, no, its only possible to use 100% of the total CPU power, each core has its own meter. You don't add them all up, or I don't anyway19:19
buckyiceroot_, only if you're in turbo mode19:20
starcannoniceroot if you had 4 cores, each running at 100%, then your entire cpu power would be at 100 percent, if you had 1 of the 4 cores running at 100% then you would be using 25% of your power19:20
iceroot_starcannon: but top is showing 102%19:20
jerkmandragon: clearly ubuntu recognises the card, and has the drivers, i even have compiz enabled... but the resolution is V low...19:21
buckyi think intel has some kind of overdrive mode thingy now19:21
starcannoniceroot, top is evidentally just adding them all together, though I think it should consider 2 cores as one percentage when discussing it in that manner, how can you use more than you have of something?19:21
j1mp492How do i get more thingys to synaptic?19:21
KeiyaDoes Ubuntu not handle moving between WAPs on a network very well, maybe?19:21
geniij1mp492: Repositories19:22
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iceroot_starcannon: so if i am using a dualcoresystem and one process is using two cores, top will show 200%19:22
dragonjerkman: We could start with xrandr's output. Please pastebin it. You can use the following: `xrandr | pastebinit`. Note that `pastebinit` must be installed.19:22
starcannoniceroot, from what you just now told me, yeah I guess thats what it would report.19:22
buckyj1mp492, go into System=>Administration=>Software Sources and check some more boxes19:22
starcannoniceroot, lemme look at mine, I'm curious now hehe19:22
iceroot_michael   20   0 1595m 1.1g  54m S  101 18.7  17:53.30 VirtualBox19:23
starcannonstrange iceroot, mines reporting the average of the 2 cores, not the 2 cores sum total19:23
EEE701Hello guys19:23
EEE701I've got a tiny little problem with ubuntu notebook remix not booting19:24
EEE701it goes to the place where i can choose to LIVECD and bleh bleh bleh19:24
xpointand this is a tiny problem :)19:24
EEE701then I enter the loading screen19:24
starcannoniceroot look in System>Administration>System Monitor on the Resources Tab, that should give you a better picture of what yoru CPU is up to19:24
EEE701and then it throws the command thing out19:24
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KeiyaHeh, if it decides not to boor from the CD, it's tiny. If it decides not to boot after trashing your old OS... :P19:25
EEE701I'm running it from a USB drive19:25
EEE701On an Asus EEE 70119:25
EEE701the first netbook type of thing19:25
dragon!flood | EEE70119:25
ubottuEEE701: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:25
iceroot_starcannon: http://alpha-unix.de/~iceroot/top103.png19:26
durtEEE701, what, 'grub:'?19:26
durtEEE701, or 'boot:'?19:26
EEE701I don't have it installed.19:26
Doc_LappyEEE701: you just say your running ubuntu off a usb drive or did I misunderstand?19:26
=== iceroot_ is now known as iceroot
EEE701It's running as a LiveCD disc from an USB drive19:26
jerkmandragon: http://pastebin.com/f6177ff6c also, network access (installing pastebinit) is mega slow...19:27
Doc_Lappyit's find to install ubuntu that way but not suppose to run ubuntu off of one don't know why thoough19:27
durtDoc_Lappy, you can for sure run of a USB drive19:27
durtEEE701, it's freezing at the boot prompt?19:27
EEE701I have launched Ubuntu from a USB drive, quite a nifty thing. Yet this is some kind of notebook thing remix and it doesn't want to work normally.19:27
dragon!enter | EEE70119:28
ubottuEEE701: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:28
daevskiSound question ---- My laptop beeps very loudly when I restart. The system sounds work, and youtube (etc) plays correctly. How can I change that loud beep on restart?19:28
durtdragon please stop that19:28
BrandanoHi everyone. I did something incredibly stupid. Trying to fix some pulseaudio issues, I managed to remove my user from all groups (except pulse-rt!). I sort of fixed that, but where can I find a list of the groups a normal user is supposed to belong to?19:28
dragondurt: stop what?19:28
dragonjerkman: you need to restart your X server, typically by closing all applications and then running `sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart`19:28
EEE701It's not freezing. It loads the system up to some unknown point, then throws me in the command prompt type of thing and that's it.19:29
Brandanodaevski: possibly in your bios settings, but the startup beep is executed before the OS is loaded19:29
durtdragon, the bot stuff, EEE701 is not being that bad.19:29
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seidoshe was earlier19:30
buckyiceroot_, do you have a new Lynnfield cpu ? http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/08/27/review_cpu_intel_core_i7_870/page2.html19:30
dragondurt: alright19:30
dragonseidos: hey dude19:30
durtEEE701, what do you mean by 'command prompt type of thing'?19:30
icerootbucky: old core2duo 630019:30
seidoshey dragon19:30
thefirstdudeI just downloaded svn on ubuntu and am getting Expected FS format between '1' and '3'; found format '4'19:30
mneHi. Evolution does not remember my calendar passwords. I ran it from the shell and it gives the error "e-data-server-ui-Message: Key file does not have group 'Passwords-Calendar'". How can I add such a group to my (gnome?) keyring ?19:30
Brandanodurt: I guess terminal...19:30
dragonseidos: now that you're here to help people out, i can safely take off. Catch ya later :)19:31
EEE701Yeah, the terminal.19:31
starcannonDoes anyone know a good tutorial url for gnucash?19:31
buckyiceroot, top prolly rounded up the numbers on each core and you just got an artificially high load reading19:31
mgv1how can i test if skype audio or in akiga the audio work ok?19:31
durtEEE701, so it boots then just not to gui?19:31
icerootbucky: hm19:31
Jerkman_in_TTYdragon: dude, that didnt work19:31
buckyiceroot_, how do you drive your computer so hard?19:31
BrandanoEEE701: check your xorg logs19:31
zeestarcannon: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/19:31
icerootbucky: apt-get dist-upgrade on virtualbox(karmic) :)19:32
daevskiBrandano, Not bios, just when selecting Restart in ubuntu. might do it for shutdown too, not tried yet lol -- I think it's the popup that is seen very breifly on shutdown/restart19:32
EEE701Err, it goes to the terminal instead of the LiveCD GUI, yes.19:32
Brandanodaevski: it's a full reboot? that small window, expecially on a laptop, might well be the bios19:32
starcannonzee thanks, doh, I feel stupid, I shoulda thought to look there first19:33
icerootis there a way to see which core(s) a program is using? like firefox (cpuo) thunderbird (cpu1) make (cpu0,cpu1)19:33
daevskiBrandano, ah, well then I appologize and I will check in the bios.19:33
zeestarcannon: No problem :)19:33
Jerkman_in_TTYdragon: im in a tty shell. any suggestions?19:33
daevskiBrandano, (side-note) in sound options the 'error' is set to a normal system sound.. so I'm confused.19:33
Brandanodaevski: from your description it just sounds like the standard boot test beep19:33
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starcannoniceroot I think bucky is correct, after looking at your top screeny, it looks like some sort of rounding error, indeed up above it shows that CPU0 is running at 17.9% and CPU1 is running at .3%19:34
Brandanoif anything was wrong in your hardware you'd get a beep code19:34
daevskiBrandano, That's exactly what is sounds like, but why would it occur in ubuntu?19:34
icerootdaevski: its the speaker, blacklist the speaker19:34
Brandanosingle beep means everything fine19:34
daevskiiceroot: how can I do that? that sounds perfect!19:34
Brandanodaevski: it actually happens with X already running?19:34
Jerkman_in_TTYircII is harsh...19:34
icerootdaevski: dont know where to blacklist but the modul is called pcspkr19:35
iceroot!blacklist | daevski19:35
ubottudaevski: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:35
daevskiBrandano, yup. but only when I tell it to reboot. but yes, still in X eviroment19:35
dragonhey Jerkman_in_TTY19:35
daevskiiceroot: thank you.19:35
dragonJerkman_in_TTY: is it working now?19:36
Jerkman_in_TTYdragon as you may have noticed by my nickname, that command failed19:36
mostafa_how can I create a patch?19:36
dragonJerkman_in_TTY: no problem. Run `sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start`19:36
dragonhow can I modify the unicode shortcut (Ctrl+Shift) for gnome?19:36
Brandanodaevski: ah, then it's exactly as iceroot said, it's using the speaker because the soundcard might already be shutting down, or not operative. Try to untick "play alert sound" in your sound preferences?19:36
erUSULmostafa_: diff oldfile newfile > patch.diff19:36
starcannondragon System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts19:37
Strife89Can anyone help me with an issue with pdftk? I'm trying to join a bunch of PDFs, but pdftk complains that some of the PDFs cannot be opened due to a password and encryption, even though Evince Document Viewer opens them just fine without a password.19:37
Jerkman_in_TTYdragon: i have x back, but still in 640x48019:37
daevskiBrandano, iceroot: Alright. perfect. Thanks guys!19:37
mostafa_erUSUL: I wanna create a patch to add lines into the file?19:37
dragonstarcannon: Could you help me find this particular shortcut there?19:37
Brandanodaevski:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106341019:37
mostafa_erUSUL: am I clear bro?19:38
dragonJerkman_in_TTY: Did you change any system settings that might have caused this?19:38
maestrojedMy production server runs whm/cpanel. I am building a test server with Ubuntu Desktop. I really don't mind doing most things manually without cpanel but adding a new account/domain is the one feature of cpanel I wish I had a GUI for. Managing all the apache virtual hosts is a pain. Is there a program/GUI that can help me with that?19:38
starcannonStrife89 try pdfedit its available in synaptice package manager19:38
starcannondragon I can try19:38
dragonJerkman_in_TTY: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit19:38
dragonstarcannon: please do19:38
erUSULmostafa_: is the same you add the lines to the file save it  and run the diff command against the old version. you get the patch file19:38
ashantihow can i get a "burst animation" in new compiz fusion?19:38
Jerkman_in_TTYdragon as i explained earlier, my pc died while playing a game in a java applet. my gfx card was hot, so ive added cooling. now upon boot this happened19:39
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solisticHello, I'd like to control my ALSA master volume with my multimeadia keys? Is there something arround other than gnome-settings-deamon? Any ideas?19:39
erUSULmostafa_: that patch file can be used to turn the oldfile  the newfile19:39
dragonJerkman_in_TTY: so there was no software change involved. We can also use the output of dmesg: `dmesg | pastebinit`19:40
starcannondragon what would you like mapped to CTRL+Shift?19:40
BrandanoJerkman_in_TTY: first thing to check, IMO, is /var/logs/Xorg.0.log19:40
dragonstarcannon: Gnome's unicode shortcut is mapped to Ctrl+Shift+u####. I'd like to change that.19:40
BrandanoJerkman_in_TTY: grep for (EE)19:40
mostafa_erUSUL: just let a one min19:41
dragonJerkman_in_TTY: I agree with Brandano19:41
mgv1how can i test if skype audio or in akiga the audio work ok?19:41
icerootmgv1: starting sdkype and make a testcall19:41
Brandanomgv1: I theink that both have a loopback test mode? I don't really know much either19:42
erUSUL!es | fontxy19:43
ubottufontxy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:43
DeathMetalDeanDoes anyone know why my laptop won't play the audio from a video I recorded with my phone?19:43
Brandanodragon: would you know where I can find the standard groups for a common user? I lost mines, and fear I am running a crippled config19:43
Jerkman_in_TTYno (EE) that are significant19:43
BrandanoDeathMetalDean: most likely reason, unsupported codec19:43
mostafa_erUSUL: you mean I manually add file then save that19:43
icerootmgv1: skype has a test-user for that. you will see in your skype-list  skype-test-call19:43
mostafa_erUSUL: and then with the diff command ,make a patch19:44
erUSULmostafa_: what exactly are you trying to do ?19:44
erUSULmostafa_: yes19:44
mostafa_erUSUL: I just want to make a file19:44
Jerkman_in_TTYleaving to use X,19:44
BrandanoDeathMetalDean: try adding the medibuntu repositories, and then installing mplayer. Or try using VLC19:44
DeathMetalDeanBrandano: anyway that I could work around that? :O when I send it to other people they can hear it :S19:44
starcannondragon I spoke too soon, but I did find this: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man3/Unicode::Map.3pm.html19:44
DeathMetalDeanBrandano: I've tried mplayer and VLC19:44
BrandanoDeathMetalDean: some cellphones use an audio codec that is patent encumbered, and can't be distributed under the GPL in some countries19:45
jerkmanmy screen isnt updating, i have to move the window to see whats happening19:45
mostafa_erUSUL: that it is some kind of patch, when I run it then it automatically add my lines into the files I want19:45
dragonBrandano: mine has these groups - "adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare"19:45
surfzoidHi, i m a developer and i m building ubuntu deb of my software, what must i do to see them in ubuntu repository's ?19:45
starcannondragon and I found this talking about a unicode shortcut problem and possible bug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5324919:46
mostafa_erUSUL: do you know ns-allinone? this is just a question19:46
dragonBrandano: you could remove admin or others as appropriate. For a standard user, a group isn't needed though.19:46
Brandanodragon: thanks a bundle! I am surely missing from a few of those. Though I am in admin, now :)19:46
erUSULmostafa_: if you are adding lines to the end of files why not use simply cat ?19:46
dragonstarcannon: I'm reading it. Thanks!19:46
jerkmandragon, Brandano: still bad19:46
mostafa_erUSUL: no no I want to add in between19:46
erUSULmostafa_: cat file file_with_lines_to_add > newfile19:46
Brandanodragon: removing admin removes you from the sudoers. It's, hem, interesting :)19:46
mostafa_erUSUL: not just the end or at the beginning19:47
dragonBrandano: sudoers is referring to the group admin instead of individual users, so yeah.19:47
erUSULmostafa_: the use the diff command19:47
hemuzHello. I just tried to install Ubuntu for my laptop... And i had a one little problem. Keyboard and touchpad didnt worked at all... My laptop is Acer Travelmate 5530G. I was wondering if someone could help me alittle?19:47
mostafa_erUSUL: can you just a little help me with that19:47
erUSULmostafa_: you have to have two files. the one unmodified and the one with the lines added and make the diff19:48
Brandanojerkman: found any errors in xorg.log?19:48
mostafa_erUSUL: I am not familiar with that so19:48
jerkmanBrandano: no19:48
surfzoidHi, i m a developer and i m building ubuntu deb of my software, what must i do to see them in ubuntu repository's ?19:48
engemecGood Afternoon!19:48
erUSULsurfzoid: ask in #ubuntu-motu19:48
jerkmanBrandano: infact, it seems pretty 'normal'. detected my CRT etc (not a crt, thats the problem)19:48
j1mp492everything looks blurry -.-19:49
j1mp492and when i run envyng -t i get error19:49
Brandanojerkman: cool, so the driver is fine. You should only need to set the resolution19:49
jerkmanBrandano: no, 640x480 is supposedly the max res19:49
jerkmanBrandano: really it is 1680x1050 on a 22" tft19:49
mostafa_erUSUL: see here bro http://paste.ubuntu.com/286426/19:50
mgv1iceroot, im now in ekiga but there is no sound when clicking 'Echo test' and sounds hardly heard in the preferences19:50
Schmittyon a plane to Houston right now on my iPhone19:50
erUSULmostafa_: looks ok19:51
Schmittytime to shut the phone off now. bye guys19:51
mostafa_erUSUL: you know this file19:51
jacquesdupontdim on jaunty and want to test hardy and i was checking something, i have a amd athlon xp 1800 and when i check download files there's only i386 and amd64 which one i should take ? cause it's says for i386 that it's only for intel computers they are wrong no ?19:51
jerkmanBrandano: is there anything i can pastebin to help?19:51
erUSULmostafa_: i know about tcl/tk19:51
erUSULmostafa_: but not hacked it19:52
mostafa_erUSUL: very goood19:52
Brandanonot really. I know how to "force" a resolution, but it really ought to be detected by hal19:52
jacquesdupontdplease someone so i can begin the download ?19:52
jacquesdupontdim on jaunty and want to test hardy and i was checking something, i have a amd athlon xp 1800 and when i check download files there's only i386 and amd64 which one i should take ? cause it's says for i386 that it's only for intel computers they are wrong no ?19:52
KingI am a ham radio operator, and I am looking for a program that displays a map of the world with current times in all timezones, any suggestions for programs???19:52
erUSULjacquesdupontd: take the i386 one19:52
jerkmanBrandano: tell me how19:52
jacquesdupontdi was sure it should be corrected on the ubuntu web site19:52
Brandanojerkman: add modelines in xorg.conf19:52
jacquesdupontdthx erUSUL19:52
mostafa_erUSUL: you know when you type "patch -p1 < this file"19:52
jerkmanBrandano: i dont think it will work19:53
erUSULmostafa_: yes19:53
mostafa_erUSUL: what should this do?19:53
bumbaHello, can anybody help me with my problem19:53
mostafa_erUSUL: can I ask you then what happend with that command?19:53
erUSULmostafa_: apply the patch. the -p1 is to make patch aply the patch to files found on a folder from where you apply the patch19:53
cafarohey i'm trying to get ubuntu working on my Toshiba laptop, after installation ubuntu offered me a restricted driver (for my ATI HD 3650), I installed it, but after reboot, all I get is a black screen, is there a way to solve this?19:53
Brandanojerkman: well, that's what I had to do with an old CRT of mine to get it to work. Btw, could it be that the card is detecting a TV out as a secondary monitor?19:53
p1ckLeUbuntu won't install on my system at all. I try to boot from live cd, and it loads the desktop background and 2 grey bars at the top and bottom, but not the actual menus. Then it freezes.19:54
jerkmanBrandano: it is detecting it as a CRT, but it isnt! as i said its a 22" tft19:54
jerkmanBrandano: ah, no tv outs are connected it does have s-video19:54
mostafa_erUSUL: when I type that command it adds those lines in the file to the destination file19:54
switchgirl1hi anyone care to name a list of media players that catologue media?19:55
mostafa_erUSUL: am i right?19:55
erUSULmostafa_: yes19:55
Kingswitch10_, amarok and rythmbox are popular19:55
mostafa_erUSUL: I want some kind of this file to do me a favor19:55
Kingswitchgirl1, amarok and rythmbox are popular19:55
mostafa_erUSUL: can you help me how to create that19:55
jerkmanswitch10_: Amarok, seconded19:55
hemuzHello. I just tried to install Ubuntu for my laptop... And i had a one little problem. Keyboard and touchpad didnt worked at all... My laptop is Acer Travelmate 5530G. I was wondering if someone could help me alittle?19:55
Brandanojerkman: TBH, I don't really know how to go about it. /me is no expert, or I wouldn't be here looking for help.  if it was using some sort of graphic driver package I'd remove it and reinstall it from a terminal19:55
switchgirl1king ubuntu messed up with amarok - it does need more development19:56
jerkmanBrandano: ok, ill give that a go...19:56
jacquesdupontdhm pleas erUSUL another question is it better to take the 8.04 hardy heron than 8.10 hardy ?19:56
erUSULmostafa_: already explained it. you have to have to copies of the file (or floder) on unmodified and one modified19:56
p1ckLeUbuntu won't install on my system at all. I try to boot from live cd, and it loads the desktop background and 2 grey bars at the top and bottom, but not the actual menus. Then it freezes.19:56
datacrusherdoes ubuntu9 supports via chipsets?19:57
erUSULmostafa_: then you run diff between the two versions to get the patch file.19:57
mostafa_erUSUL: OK you mean I made both modified and unmodified files19:57
BrandanoBtw, i have warbling sound on an Audigy 2. I think it's a timing issue, anyone got a similar card working on Jaunty?19:57
datacrusherVIA KM400/KN400 S3G Unichrome expecificaly19:57
jacquesdupontdhm pleas erUSUL another question is it better to take the 8.04 hardy heron than 8.10 hardy ?19:57
Kingswitchgirl1, i really like amarok with 9.04 actually19:57
erUSULmostafa_: the one you showed is a unified diff you have to use diff -u19:57
erUSULjacquesdupontd: is up to you 8.04 is LTS the ther on is not19:57
mostafa_erUSUL: just let me to make those file19:57
erUSUL!lts | jacquesdupontd19:57
ubottujacquesdupontd: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0419:57
switchgirl1king I use an ipod19:58
pnemaHI All, need hardware advise.  Exploring building a green server running Ubuntu for the home.  What are the recommendations?  Something "inexpensive"...19:58
jerkmanpnema: use an xbox19:58
erUSULmostafa_: to make a diff between folders you have to use diff -ur19:58
bumbaAbhijit: can you help me19:58
pnemajerkman: xbox? does that run linux?19:58
erUSULjacquesdupontd: if you choose not to use the lts version it is better to use the latest release 9.04 or 9.1019:59
switchgirl1King I use an ipod19:59
jerkmanpnema: can do. mine does..19:59
Kingswitchgirl1, i have an ipod touch . What works for me is, i use amarok in linux for playback, and then iTunes in a windows 7 virtualmachine for syncing. The virtual machine loads the music from a shared folder with linux19:59
jacquesdupontdok erUSUL but behind that which one is the latest to have had been done ?19:59
KingI am a ham radio operator, and I am looking for a program that displays a map of the world with current times in all timezones, any suggestions for programs???19:59
dragonmantankI'm trying to set up dual monitors on 9.10-beta using an ATI card (I know, guh). Using xrandr it complained that the new resolution (2880x900) was too large, so I added a 'Display' subsection to the 'Screen' section with a virtual line of 'Virtual 2880 900', and now X refuses to start20:00
urthmovergoogle maps?20:00
mostafa_erUSUL: OK now I have two files, one modified and another one don't20:00
pnemajerkman: what did you do to get it ready to be a home server? Load Ubuntu, add more disk drives, etc ?20:00
urthmovergoogle earth20:00
mostafa_erUSUL: now what should I do?20:00
erUSULjacquesdupontd: sorry lost in translation... can you rephrase ?20:00
switchgirl1King ubuntu has one built in20:00
Kingswitchgirl1, what? rythmbox?20:00
erUSULmostafa_: diff -u unmod_file mod_file20:00
erUSULmostafa_: diff -u unmod_file mod_file > file.patch20:00
jacquesdupontderUSUL, the 9.10 is available ? im on 9.04 but i'm seeing all the time that from forums it seems i wouldn't have some little problems if i had 8.10 that's why i wanted to tesst, not same xorg etc...20:01
mostafa_erUSUL: ok let me check these20:01
jerkman pnema: softmod it, install linux,  add another drive.... profit20:01
KingI am a ham radio operator, and I am looking for a program that displays a map of the world with current times in all timezones, any suggestions for programs???20:01
erUSULjacquesdupontd: 9.10 comes out in 29th this month20:01
pnemajerkman: any links you can recommend, I'll google but if you have a favorite please let me know20:01
bumbaerUSUL: kindly help me with my problem20:01
aleX-xxKing: try gworldclocks20:01
erUSUL!ask | bumba20:02
switchgirl1King no a time zone thing20:02
ubottubumba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
jerkmanpnema: lookup hotswapping xbox, xbox-linux, xebian20:02
KingaleX-xx, i have tried gworldclocks but it has no map20:02
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Armageddonis there an application to make a time schedule in for the whole week ?20:02
Kingswitchgirl1, what? i dont understand your last post20:02
LLStarksdoes anyone know what package "add-apt-repository" belongs to?20:02
switchgirl1King:  your clock up on the rights click it20:02
CornwallHi, all. I was manually grabbing some dependencies to update to karmic's notify-osd in karmic, and I broke dependencies. Now, when I run "sudo dpkg -f install", it wants to remove a LOT of necessary things, like xorg, nvidia drivers, etc. I just need to force remove those few dependecies20:02
jacquesdupontderUSUL, ok anyway i have place on my hard disk and i'm only on linux os's so i will take a place to test that 8.10 and then i'll replace it with the 9.10 the 29 th of october if i see there's no difference with my actual 9.0420:03
loshajacquesdupontd: don't confuse 8.10 with 9.10. 8.10 is older and seems to be quite stable. 9.10 will be brand new and a bit of a mess at first...20:03
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Cornwallkarmic's notify-osd in Jaunty*20:03
* Brandano finds 9.04 a bit of a mess right now20:03
Kingswitchgirl1, wow, i never noticed that, ill have to check into that20:03
Brandanothough that's most likely my fault20:03
erUSULjacquesdupontd: i do not see the point of going backwards to 8.10 if you already have 9.04...20:03
mintygoodhey all20:03
switchgirl1king next to locations there's an edit button20:03
jacquesdupontdlosha, not confusing at all, i want a stable system with the more compatibilty and performances don't care about the long time support thing i can update20:03
Koenigsegg_Anyone knows if the nickserv passwords in xchat are stored in unencoded format somewhere?20:03
loshaBrandano: I've always thought 9.04 was a mess, but I try not to harp on it....20:04
BrandanoerUSUL: in my case it would be to get back my sound setup and my 32 bit mplayer20:04
aleX-xxKing: or try http://www.worldtimezone.com/20:04
jacquesdupontderUSUL, you mean that you didn't heard about any problems in jaunty ? you must not check forums man.20:04
system404im new to linux and so far have found 9.04 to be great no major issues at all20:04
elopsI'm running ubuntu jaunty: I'd like to use pam_ssh, but instead of giving my passphrase, it would be great if one could encrypt the passphrase using my login password and decrypt it on login20:04
loshajacquesdupontd: for maximum stability you want 8.04. It's downhill from there...20:04
erUSULjacquesdupontd: i use jaunty no problems20:04
jerkmanok, still got rubbish resolution... tft is being detected as CRT, suggestions please20:04
bumbaubottu: ok and thank you. Both to you - everytime I tried to shutdown my system there comes a window showing  a message that a process is running but I donot know about it.20:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:05
elopsAny ideas?20:05
jacquesdupontderUSUL, are you on Nvidia graphic chipset ?20:05
erUSULjacquesdupontd: of course i do not post in the forums to tell how great it works for me20:05
elopsI'm running ubuntu jaunty: I'd like to use pam_ssh, but instead of giving my passphrase, it would be great if one could encrypt the passphrase using my login password and decrypt it on login20:05
erUSULjacquesdupontd: yes20:05
mintygoodI've had a few problems with 9.04 but nothing I couldn't fix myself...my biggest gripe is how I can't find a damn replacement for Maple20:05
erUSULjacquesdupontd: but i use custom kernel driver (not the ones in the repo)20:05
CornwallAnyone have an idea from my previous post?20:05
jacquesdupontderUSUL, one of the reason :) check ati, catalyst can't be installed because of the new version of xorg20:05
MichaelKohlerhow can I make the panels smaller in Karmic?20:05
erUSULmintygood: wxMaxima20:05
mintygooddoes it open Maple files?20:06
jacquesdupontderUSUL, im using ubuntu since 5 years20:06
KingaleX-xx, thank you for that website20:06
Armageddon!karmic | MichaelKohler20:06
ubottuMichaelKohler: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:06
erUSULjacquesdupontd: do not buy ati or use the free radeonhd driver in 2D20:06
jacquesdupontdi've been using it for 5 years i meant20:06
MichaelKohlerthanks Armageddon20:06
Armageddonyour welcome MichaelKohler20:06
jacquesdupontderUSUL, that's one of the long list of some little shit that are sometimes boring if you compare what you won in fact to pass on jaunty no ?20:07
aleX-xxKing: np :)20:07
flughi was helping debianplanet.org starting up, and tried reviewing ubuntu for it's first release. couldn't sober up enough to do it though :\20:07
ikoniaflugh: why are you telling us this ?20:07
erUSULjacquesdupontd: well then  stay in 8.04 it has LTS support and the ati driver will work20:07
alechHi, has someone already tried to upgrade a LUKS/LVM disk setup? I've got full disc encryption as setup using the installer, and I now want to use a bigger disk. I've recreated the same partition layout, but now am a bit at a loss on how to recreate the luks/lvm stuff to actually move the data over ...20:07
erUSULmintygood: no; it is a Mathematics package20:08
mintygoodyeah I need something that is like what open office is to microsoft office20:08
mostafa_erUSUL: I can't do that can you help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/286441/20:08
flughdoh, mistell. my /msg skills are rusty20:08
mintygoodWe use maple in the engineering labs and I need to be able to work on them at home20:08
jacquesdupontderUSUL, ok, i'm on 9.04, for example i remember with the same machine (i've stopped using this machine during 1 year that's why) with older versions of ubuntu i could play a youtube video fullscreen with no lag (normal with an amd athlon 1800xp 786 mb of ddr2 and a geforce 7600 gs ? dont you all agree ?) ?20:09
AstrayIs anybody else having problems adding keys from the keyserver?  All my attempts to add a key have been timing out20:09
pirxhi! if a want a simple email sender (MTA), that can send some text in the body and a few attachments, easily using command line, which server would be recommended?20:09
erUSUL!wine | mintygood20:10
ubottumintygood: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:10
mostafa_erUSUL: r u there bro?20:10
erUSULmostafa_: yes20:10
FFEMTcJDoes anyone know what the wine repo is? it used to be wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt but that doesnt seem to be working anymore20:10
void_pointerpirx I use postfix myself20:10
mostafa_erUSUL: I can't do that can you help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/286441/20:10
mintygoodyeah I know what wine is, I just don't want to pay 125 for the student license :)20:10
pradeepsuspend and sleep functions no longer work in my laptop how to fix it?20:11
Brandanomintygood: well, you'd have to pay them on win32, why shouldn't you have to pay them on Ubuntu?20:11
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Jillhow can i open port in my ubuntu 8.04?20:11
Brandanomintygood: say you want an OSS alternative to Maple, whatever that is20:11
rskJill: not with ubuntu, that is done in your router/modem20:11
mintygoodI don't want to pay them at all, I want an open source equivalent20:12
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void_pointerpirx easy to config. I use it with courier-pop and courier-imap20:12
gues2Hi guys! I have a problem with a virus, can anyone help me?20:12
KingHelp. How can I create an ssh tunnel to share internet between computer A and B. Where Computer A has two nics, nic1 is connected to the internet, and nic2 is connected to a private net with machine B.20:12
mintygoodand I did say that20:12
mintygoodor clearly implied that at least20:12
Jillrsk: Interesting ports on localhost (
JillNot shown: 1699 closed ports20:12
mintygoodif I wanted to pay I would have already paid lol20:12
loshapirx: the front end (the mail application the user sees, i.e. the client) and the back end (the part which takes mail and delivers it, i.e. the server) are usually two separate/independent pieces. Do you need a front end, a back end, or both?20:12
AstrayIs anybody else having problems adding keys from the keyserver?  All my attempts to add a key have been timing out20:12
livingroomusing nvidia restricted drivers....where is config file...and its not "/etc/x11"  ???20:12
txukieis there a channel for karmic related issues?20:13
Flanneltxukie: #ubuntu+120:13
Astraylivingroom: You have to capitalize the X in X1120:13
void_pointerJill uh, ports are opened when you run a service that listens on the port. What exactly are you trying to do?20:13
void_pointerlosha he said MTA to deliver, so I guess he wants an MTA .. like postfix20:14
livingroomusing nvidia restricted drivers....where is config file...and its not "/etc/X11"  ???20:14
Jillvoid_pointer: i am trying to configure my transmission20:14
loshaKing: you need to run an ssh server on one machine and the ssh client on the other.20:14
MrElendiglivingroom: creat it yourself20:14
MrElendiglivingroom: /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:14
Scouphow can i do to use /etc/init.d/networking restart on no root user access?20:14
pirxlosha: back end, MTA20:14
Jillvoid_pointer: in options dialog it shows port status "closed"20:14
void_pointerJill configure what transmission?20:14
livingroomthere is one there but doesnt have resolution settings in it20:14
loshavoid_pointer: he also mentioned sending text, body & attachments, so I wasn't sure.20:14
erUSULmostafa_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/286445/20:14
void_pointerpirx as I said, postfix is a good, easy one to set up20:14
void_pointerlosha yeah, i was just reminding you :)20:15
Kinglosha, i understand that. however, how do I bridge the ssh tunnel with the 2 nics??20:15
Jillvoid_pointer: software "transmission" =)20:15
=== istoleyourswopgi is now known as switckgirl
pradeepsuspend and sleep functions no longer work in my laptop how to fix it?20:15
Jillvoid_pointer: to fast download new linux distro from torrent20:15
Kinglosha, will the tunnel automaticly tunnel itnernet traffic through the nic connected to the internet??20:15
emreI've successfully joined to an ads with likewise but I can't connect to internet?20:15
void_pointerJill I don't know what you are talking about. So I'll give you an example. If you run a http server (like apache) on your machine, you will see port 80, and maybe port 443 openedup20:15
emreWhat should I do?20:15
void_pointerJill well that doesn't involve you opening any ports20:16
void_pointerKing you might have to statically route between the NICs20:16
MrElendiglivingroom: that's normal20:16
maestrojedIf I am looking at a piece of software that lists its OS compatibility with Debian, FreeBSD, REDHAT, Gentoo. How should I feel? Would you think it would run on Ubuntu? http://www.gplhost.com/software-dtc_4oscompatibility.html20:17
void_pointerJill so forget about the idea of opening ports :)20:17
pradeepanyone know's the solution?20:17
loshaKing: it will only tunnel automatically if you've configured the 2-nic machine to do so. I think you're talking about internet connection sharing (ics). See below:20:17
MrElendigyou can use nvidia-settigns to change the resolution, and save it to the config20:17
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:17
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:17
MrElendigor you can read `man xorg.conf` and add it by hand20:17
loshaKing: See the second msg from ubutto above...20:18
Jillvoid_pointer: sometimes its too hard to understand for me20:18
thefirstdudeusing eric4 ide how do I get rid of those blue boxes20:18
livingroomwont let me change the settings    only option is 1280x102420:18
MrElendiglivingroom: also see `man nvidia-settings`20:18
loshapirx: are you sorted re: an MTA now?20:18
void_pointerJill ok. What exactly do you want to do?20:19
daevskiAnyone know why my laptop is not seeing my desktop in network:/// (both ubuntu 9.04)20:19
livingroomthanks will try that20:19
mostafa_erUSUL: OK then how can I patch to the unmodified file? when I type patch -p1 < file.patch20:19
gues2Help! Im Sharing a folder with several windows user, is there a way to denny permision so the cannnot write .exe files on my share?20:19
mostafa_erUSUL: it  doesn't work20:19
Jillvoid_pointer: ill show you20:19
daevskiI just created a shared folder but it's not seen :(20:19
Kinglosha, thank you, so I tunnel into machine a, and bridge nic1 and nic2 and it should work?20:19
erUSULmostafa_: you do not need the -p1 in this case20:19
frostburnHow does one quickly change konsole tabs? (alt 1 2 3 in gnome-term, firefox, etc)20:19
erUSUL!es | ifloresr0120:19
ubottuifloresr01: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:19
mostafa_erUSUL: what should I do then?20:20
erUSULmostafa_: patch < file.patch20:20
loshaKing: as I understand it, if you bridge nic1 & nic2, you can ssh directly from the client to anywhere on the internet...20:20
void_pointerKing you will have to set up forwarding. I do it in an iptables script, but I'm sure there is an ubuntu, GUI way. If you want to know how to do it in iptables I'll pastebin my script20:20
erUSULmostafa_: also the filenames of the files have to be the same i used here20:20
Kinglosha, if I bridge the two nics will that provide internet access for all comps on the private net?? I only want to provide access for clients that tunnel into it.20:20
erUSULmostafa_: i used 1.txt and 2.txt as you can see from the patch20:20
Kingvoid_pointer, I am familiar with bridgue_utils20:20
FloodBot1ifloresr01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:21
Kingvoid_pointer, id like to see your script tho20:21
mostafa_erUSUL: K let me check20:21
void_pointerJill if what you are going to show is a lot of lines, pastebin it20:21
gues2Is it possible to do it?20:21
Jillvoid_pointer: http://itmages.ru/view.php?action=preview&id=10904&key=44657320:21
daevskiAnyone know why my laptop is not seeing my desktop in network:/// (both ubuntu 9.04) ?20:21
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eddy_whats a channel for web hosting ?  im having trouble with port forwarding20:21
gues2can anyone point me in the rigth direction?20:21
daevskigues2: you can research windows shared folder permissions on google.com20:22
diogo_79i am having some problem with my ubuntu 9.04 64 bits20:22
LjLifloresr01: stop.20:22
guntbertifloresr01: stop that please20:22
daevskigues2: it sounds like you want to lock down a windows folder, no?20:22
diogo_79some times it stops responding20:22
loshaKing: you can arrange it that only packets from selected clients can be bridged, but the config is cumbersome. Instead, how about forget about bridging, force clients to ssh into A and then let the ssh again from A to the internet. It's not a slick as bridging, but it's much easier to config...20:22
diogo_79i dont know why20:22
diogo_79can some one help me?20:23
pirxlosha: googling to see what i need to conf in postfix:20:23
fwaokdais it possible to disable word wrap in terminal?20:23
gues2thanks daevski but is a linux folder20:23
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void_pointerJill ah ok. I'm not familiar with exactly what you are doing, but it seems your firewall is blocking that port. Do you use firestarter or whatever it is?20:23
diogo_79this some times happen when i use firefox and virtualbox20:23
infexionanyone know what program is being used to let you control your volume via your keyboard?20:23
Jillvoid_pointer: how to know?20:23
diogo_79here can i find what is causing this instability?20:23
void_pointerKing I'd take losha's advice on that20:23
SalaI have a wubi problem. Have run both 9.04 and 920:23
Kinglosha, so. . . ssh into nic1 on the private side. then ssh a second time into nic2?? how would i do that??20:24
FloodBot1ifloresr01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
bpto see apple quicktime trailers? should i use totem or vlc browser plugin?20:24
loshapirx: I have to go. If postfix doesn't suit you, there are some very simple MTAs like ssmtp that will just dump all your mail to a smart relay e.g. gmail and require almost no configuration to work...20:24
daevskigues2: should be able to set it up by right clicking the folder and going to Properties> Share and unchecking the box that allows users to write to tat dir20:24
erUSUL!ops | ifloresr0120:24
ubottuifloresr01: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:24
pirxlosha: thanks!20:24
fwaokdais it possible to *temporarily disable word wrap in terminal?20:25
=== switckgirl is now known as switchgirl
mostafa_erUSUL: very nice of you thnx then how do you make this file?20:25
TheAshMani recently install the ATI proprietary drivers and they didnt work. How can i completely remove them and ati catalyst as reset my my original graphics20:25
loshaKing: no, client on B sshes into A via nic2, then from A he can ssh anywhere on the internet via nic1...20:25
SalaI have a wubi problem. Have run both 9.04 and 9.10 installations, both fail at the same part. Im missing menu.ltr file in boot folder. As result im not able to boot to ubuntu (i can see ubuntu in windows bootloader) as it stops either on grub (9.10) or on some other console (9-04). Any ideas? Running Windows 7, have tried Vista compactability mode.20:25
daevskigues2: you can also use "chown" and "chmod" to change the permissions in cli (command line)20:25
erUSULmostafa_: diff -u 1.txt 2.txt > patch.file20:26
erUSULmostafa_: i said that to you multiple times already20:26
mostafa_erUSUL: really excuse me but when I do this by myself i try this :20:26
SalaAlso note that installation itself completes with no error. Im also running x64 bit system.20:26
mostafa_erUSUL: diff -u mostafa umostafa > mostafa.patch20:27
Kinglosha, what i want to do is share internet from comp A to comp B via ssh (then have firefox connect to local socks).20:27
mostafa_erUSUL: what is the problem20:27
erUSULmostafa_: i do not see any error msg in what you wrotte... do not see any problem20:27
eddy_Help w/ port forwarding please!  I login to router, & want to do forward 80 to anything else.  But all it says is ""start #" & "end #...   ?20:28
SalaHelp! I have a wubi problem. Have run both 9.04 and 9.10 installations, both fail at the same part. Im missing menu.ltr file in boot folder. As result im not able to boot to ubuntu (i can see ubuntu in windows bootloader) as it stops either on grub (9.10) or on some other console (9-04). Any ideas? Running Windows 7, have tried Vista compactability mode. Also note that installation itself...20:28
Sala...completes with no error. Im also running x64 bit system.20:28
Kingeddy_, start port = "80" end port = "80" then forward to your ip20:28
mostafa_erUSUL: anyway thank you bro you are so patient to me20:29
eddy_oooh ok20:29
erUSULmostafa_: no problem20:29
mostafa_erUSUL: ;)20:29
=== toxic is now known as Guest56533
KeiyaHas anyone gotten evolution-mapi to work?20:30
Salaas i dont have any clues left (i binged) and forums only seem to adress issuses with beta of windows 7 im kinda worried if wubi is working at all on x64 bit system. maybe someone can just share menu.lst file for 9.10 wubi installation of ubuntu?20:31
DrOnlineHi, is the netboot image considered to be just as 'official' as the other installation methods?  If I have a problem with it, should I file a bug or should I just try again with a 'better' way of doing things?20:31
=== Guest56533 is now known as t0xic
=== Z4ndX_ is now known as Z4ndX
kraitoi'm trying to install the plugin for movie player and i get this - E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)20:33
kraitoE: Unable to lock the download directory20:33
geniikraito: Wait until your current updates are done20:34
Z4ndXAny one tryed Fluxbox in NX and got it working ? ..20:34
kraitogenii: their aren't any update going on20:35
FFEMTcJis it just me or does the keyserver seem down?20:35
=== toxic_ is now known as t0xic
geniikraito: Make sure you used sudo with the command then20:36
bjorkintoshis anyone experiencing frequent firefox freezes on koala?20:36
Flannelbjorkintosh: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, thanks20:36
FlannelFFEMTcJ: Yeah, it appears to be down right now20:37
barry1Hi.  is there a way to download something that looks like this: "http://streaming.somedomain.com:8080/somemix.mp3" directly without using vlc to transcode it (taking 2 hours or however long the track is)?20:37
bjorkintoshokay. thanks Flannel.20:37
kraitoi don't exactly know the command, it automaticaly intalled it when i tryed to play a movie off my 2tb20:37
MrElendigbarry1: mplayer / vlc + -dumpstream =20:37
MrElendigI think vlc has -dumpstream atleast20:38
MrElendigmplayer does20:38
Salaas i dont have any clues left (i binged) and forums only seem to adress issuses with beta of windows 7 im kinda worried if wubi is working at all on x64 bit system. maybe someone can just share menu.lst file for 9.10 wubi installation of ubuntu?20:38
SalaHelp! I have a wubi problem. Have run both 9.04 and 9.10 installations, both fail at the same part. Im missing menu.ltr file in boot folder. As result im not able to boot to ubuntu (i can see ubuntu in windows bootloader) as it stops either on grub (9.10) or on some other console (9-04). Any ideas? Running Windows 7, have tried Vista compactability mode. Also note that installation itself...20:38
Sala...completes with no error. Im also running x64 bit system.20:38
FloodBot1Sala: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
barry1MrElendig: I can use vlc to convert/save (transcode) but it takes "forever" understandable with a live radio station but an mp3 that you can seek through..?20:39
=== kb is now known as Guest38512
wal3does anyone know if USB headsets are supported by ubuntu? http://shop.skype.com/intl/de/headsets/iss-talk-5115-everyman-headset.html20:40
MrElendigbarry1: mplayer -dumpstream http://streaming.somedomain.com:8080/somemix.mp320:40
LLStarksjbarnes: xrandr --output LVDS1 --set "scaling mode" "aspect"20:40
kraitocan any one help with this E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)20:40
kraitoE: Unable to lock the download directory20:40
MrElendigbarry1: that should work20:40
LLStarkssets aspect in xrandr --prop20:40
SalaHelp! I have a wubi problem. Have run both 9.04 and 9.10 installations, both fail at the same part. Im missing menu.ltr file in boot folder. As result im not able to boot to ubuntu (i can see ubuntu in windows bootloader) as it stops either on grub (9.10) or on some other console (9-04). Any ideas? Running Windows 7, have tried Vista compactability mode. Also note that installation itself...20:40
Sala...completes with no error. Im also running x64 bit system. as i dont have any clues left (i binged) and forums only seem to adress issuses with beta of windows 7 im kinda worried if wubi is working at all on x64 bit system. maybe someone can just share menu.lst file for 9.10 wubi installation of ubuntu?20:40
barry1MrElendig:many thanks for your time20:40
LLStarksbut doesn't change the actual scaling.20:40
mikinanuqSala: hmm, it could be anything if you have Windows 7 installed... not supported I don't think20:40
slydersorry, can anyone help me? i'm noob in using ubuntu... i installed ubuntu 9.04.... i need driver for sis 671 chipset20:40
wal3does anyone know if USB headsets are supported by ubuntu? http://shop.skype.com/intl/de/headsets/iss-talk-5115-everyman-headset.html20:41
MrElendigbarry1: add -dumpfile if you want a different filename than ./stream.dump20:41
kraitoi don't have any updates going on it shows that when i try to install the driver for my graphics card20:41
osmosiscan someone give me a wave invite?20:41
Strife89Can anyone help me with an issue with pdftk? I'm trying to join a bunch of PDFs, but pdftk complains that some of the PDFs cannot be opened due to a password and encryption, even though Evince Document Viewer opens them just fine without a password.20:41
trijntje!ot| osmosis20:41
ubottuosmosis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:41
kraitoand when i try and remove something also20:41
Salamikinanuq, the installation itself installes to bootloader and evrything, im only missing menu.lst from boot menu making it unable to boot and get stuck in grub.20:41
trijntje!enter | kraito20:41
ubottukraito: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:41
MrElendigStrife89: evince ignores some security "features" in some pdf's20:42
mikinanuqSala: can you access the ubuntu partition from windows 7 to copy the menu.lst over?20:42
kraitotrijntje: it said event not found20:43
Salaas its wubi based installation, its just a folder on my c:/ drive20:43
wal3does anyone know if USB headsets are supported by ubuntu? http://shop.skype.com/intl/de/headsets/iss-talk-5115-everyman-headset.html20:43
trijntjekraito, I dont know what your problem is. Please describe it in one reaction without any <enter>.20:43
mikinanuqSala: hmm I don't have a dualboot but I can paste my default menu.lst to pastebin, that might help you.20:44
dariocarusoplease i have a trouble with the resolution20:44
dariocarusoof my pc20:44
trijntjeHi dariocaruso20:44
trijntje!enter | dariocaruso20:44
ubottudariocaruso: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:44
dariocarusoi want to put a resolution over 640x48020:44
kraitotrijntje: what do you mean20:44
mikinanuqslyder: I have a sis chipset, you need to set it as your driver in xorg.conf.20:44
durtkraito, sounds like you have more than one instance of update manager/synaptic running stop one and try again20:44
trijntjedraito: repeat your question in one line plz20:44
mikinanuqslyder: I think the driver is installed by default.20:44
kraitodurt: i haven't started any could their be something in the background or something?20:45
durtkraito, yes, or you have a stale lock file that needs to be removed.20:46
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations.20:46
dariocarusook. i have a resolution now of 640x480. I want to have a resolution of 1024x768. I use an old nvidia card and i have ever used the monitor with 1024x76820:46
Fenix|workHow does one move /var into an LVM after the fact?20:46
durt!lvm | Fenix|work20:47
ubottuFenix|work: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:47
kraitodurt: how do i do this?20:47
wal3does anyone know if USB headsets are supported by ubuntu? http://shop.skype.com/intl/de/headsets/iss-talk-5115-everyman-headset.html20:47
Fenix|workdurt, I have no problem with creating the LVM.  I've already installed and want to move /var into the LVM.20:48
durtkraito, first run system manager or top in a terminal to see if update-manager or apt-check or something is currently running20:48
Sala_yes i can, as its wubi based installation, its just a folder on my c:/ drives20:48
th0gerHi, could someone please try if they can see flash on this page: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90b813d#/e90b813d/1 ... It tells me that my flash version is too old, and quickly displays a grey page.20:48
p1ckLeftware RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:49
th0gerI have the newest flash player (adobe-flashplugin
trijntjedariocaruso, what happened when you could no longer use the high resolution?20:50
jemarkth0ger, how did you get it?20:50
dariocarusothis is the pc of my neighbour20:50
th0gerjemark: aptitude20:50
p1ckLewhat's a reason that ubuntu would freeze during installation?20:50
kraitodurt, nothing was running20:51
trijntje!who | dariocaruso20:51
ubottudariocaruso: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:51
guntbertFenix|work: I suggest you do it from a live CD20:51
frostburnp1ckLe, bad cd would do that20:51
trijntjedariocaruso, so you dont know what happened? what have you tried to get the resolution working again?20:51
frostburnp1ckLe, or if installing to flash, it may take longer20:51
Jillhow to enable (open) ports?20:52
Fenix|workguntbert, k... will do20:52
pradeepubottu:suspend and sleep functions no longer work in my laptop how to fix it?20:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
dariocaruso@ trijntje  this is not my pc. i have installed now ubuntu on another pc. with closed nvidia driver abilitated20:52
p1ckLefrostburn: i did the test cd for defects, and test memory, both passed with flying colors.20:52
durtkraito, try to do what you wish to, install or update again, then if you get the same error, remove the lock file.20:52
slydersorry, can anyone help me? i'm noob in using ubuntu... i installed ubuntu 9.04.... i need driver for sis 671 chipset20:53
trijntjedariocaruso, you are confusing me.20:53
frostburnp1ckLe, let it sit for a while, i've 30meg isos take 40 minutes to install before, shrug20:53
kraitodurt, how do i remove the lock file and what are the disadvantage20:53
p1ckLefrostburn: ill try that, ty20:53
mikinanuqJill: you probably have a router to connect you to the internet. This router probably has a firewall integrated to it20:54
dariocarusotrijntje:  so scuse me for my english.. i tell you that i'm secure that the monitor can use higher resolution then 640x480, because i use ever it. But now, with another pc i have this problem20:54
Welshy-Robhi i want to turn my pc into a web server for 1 web page and i need help :) im new to web server stuff but i currently a confidant user of ubuntu 8.1020:54
kraitodurt, it said there was something else running. would that have something to do with the lock?20:54
frostburnp1ckLe, if it's a live cd, pop open a terminal and watch top and iostat to make sure stuff is being written20:55
dariocarusotrijntje: my xorg is this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/286457/20:55
trijntjedariocaruso, what country are you from? maybe there is a channel in your language where you can get help20:55
durtkraito, are you absolutely sure nothing is running?....yes that's the point of the lock file so two things can't update/install at the same time.20:55
p1ckLefrostburn: it freezes before i can do anything.20:55
p1ckLefrostburn: i cant even move the mouse.20:55
p1ckLefrostburn: or open the cd drive.. everything freezes.20:55
shawn_Hmm Im using the sleep(int) function from the GASP module but its only letting me use ints.. meaning no decimals is there any way to get around this and use decimals?20:56
frostburnp1ckLe, oh... hmm,, how much ram does the box have?20:56
kraitodurt, i would know were to look but were you told me too already20:56
p1ckLeonly 128.20:56
p1ckLeits a p3 900mhz 128mb20:56
dariocarusotrijntje: scuse me but in italian channel i often help other, but now i don't find anyone that help me20:56
frostburnp1ckLe, yeah, i've had installs fail at 256mb, you might need to find an alternative means of installation... like popping the hdd into a device with more ram if possible then moving it back out again20:57
wyattalguien esta programando en gambas???20:57
kraitodurt, wait one i think it's working now20:57
durtkraito, if there was update running in the background be aware that the archives can be very slow due to the karmic beta release.20:58
th0gerHi, could someone please try if they can see flash on this page: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90b813d#/e90b813d/1 (in firefox) It says my flash version is too old. I have the newest flash player (adobe-flashplugin installed with apt-get. about:plugins shows the libflashplayer.so (10.0 r32).20:58
trijntjedariocaruso, I see. What have you tried so far to get the resolution working?20:59
subitohi, whenever i want to launch Qsynth with alsa as an audio driver i get "failed to create the audio driver" and "failed to open the /dev/audio audio device"; i can only launch using jack as an audio driver20:59
kraitodurt, yes it's working now thanks for the help. this community is really as good as they say.20:59
p1ckLefrostburn: ahhh.. Makes sense. I only have a laptop available, is there a way to hook a hdd (if its an internal) to the laptop? or is that not possible?20:59
guntbert!es | wyatt21:00
ubottuwyatt: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:00
Sala_Help! I have problem with WUBI. Have tested both 9.04 and 9.10. Both fail at creating "menu.lst" file on boot folder (note that installation completes with no errors). As a result im unable to boot to ubuntu (however it does create ubuntu option on Windows bootloader) as it gets stuck on Grub. Im running Windows 7 RTM X64, EFI based system, ran installations both with and without Windows...21:00
Sala_...Vista compactability mode. I have already binged for ansfers (but with no results as you can see).21:00
=== fred_ is now known as Guest40817
frostburnp1ckLe, yeah, you can get usb to laptop adapters off newegg or amazon for less than $1021:01
switchgirlanyone for a game of urban terror?21:02
p1ckLefrostburn: awesome.. thanks for ur help, i imagine thats what it is, not enough ram. i think i can get a stick of ram for that box for cheap as well. thanks again.21:02
dariocarusotrijntje:i have never tried with this pc!! this is not my pc, this is firt time that on this pc someone put ubuntu inside!21:02
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:03
trijntjedariocaruso, go to system -> administration -> resolution21:03
trijntjedariocaruso, system -> preferences -> that should be21:04
panteleyhi all i am new to ubuntu and have one small problem! i can't install ati graphic driver :( can someone help me?21:05
mezquitaleanybody else having problem using bit torrent clients?  I can't download anything from home, right now i'm in the library and the client cant connect21:05
TigernoseTesting floodbot:21:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:05
FloodBot1Tigernose: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:05
trijntjemezquitale, have you checked if the port is reachable?21:06
zvacetpanteley : did you tried under system<admin>hardware drivers21:06
xtsunamehi, is there any USB tv-tuners that works magically on Ubuntu?21:06
xtsunamejust thought I ask in the case there is such a tool21:06
mezquitaletrijntje, at home I checked everything, the port was reachable but I still couldnt download and now I'm in the library and can't get a connection using Transmission client21:06
forceflowxtsuname: I've got a pinnacle dvb-t stick that works out of the box21:07
Sala_Help! I have problem with WUBI. Have tested both 9.04 and 9.10. Both fail at creating "menu.lst" file on boot folder (note that installation completes with no errors). As a result im unable to boot to ubuntu (however it does create ubuntu option on Windows bootloader) as it gets stuck on Grub. Im running Windows 7 RTM X64, EFI based system, ran installations both with and without Windows...21:07
Sala_...Vista compactability mode. I have already binged for ansfers (but with no results as you can see).21:07
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information21:07
trijntjemezquitale, I would guess that the library blocks almost all ports on their network21:07
xtsunameforceflow, pinnacle? is it USB?21:07
xtsunameI have pinnacle e80021:07
trijntje!wubi | Sala_21:07
ubottuSala_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:07
xtsunamelike when u say out of the box so plug and play works?21:08
trijntjemezquitale, how did you check if you port was reachable?21:08
rob0917I live in the United States and I just purchased the fluendo full playback pack in the ubuntu store ,but I  can't get quicktime files to play.Could someone help?21:08
xtsunamerob0917, try smplayer, mplayer, movieplayer and vlc21:08
mezquitaletrijntje, i used utilities on the client to test for the port, all tests came ok yet i still couldnt connect using the bit torrent client21:08
xtsunameforceflow, did you have to install anything at all?21:09
xtsunameoh rob0917 return ur product21:09
xtsunameu prob just got ripped off21:09
forceflowxtsuname: me-tv, that's a gnome dvb player21:09
trijntjemezquitale, transmission is working fine here. What client are you using?21:09
xtsunameforceflow, not mythTV?21:09
forceflowthat's a bit too full-blown for what I wanted to do with it21:09
xtsunamerob0917, cuz mplayer and vlc and totem play almost everything21:09
einstein1969i have a problem with gparted and the partition table. I speek a very little english.21:10
xtsunameforceflow, are you able to check whether e800 works with it?21:10
mezquitaletrijntje, im using Transmission, I will try from home then because I'm in the library right now and have no control of the port to use21:10
TheVenerableZI have two 22" monitors, one VGA and one DVI. I'm looking to upgrade my video card. Which one should I get for compiz?21:10
SteveHillI was playing with the "Console display settings" app, and now can't seem to get it off my panels.  How to I kill the app.  Rebooting doesn't help.21:10
Sala_trijntje i am aware of what wubi is. im looking for support here for a simple menu.lst missing problem.21:10
cqhello, if I want to do a bash script with     cmd="echo blah >> file.txt"                            and then '$cmd' on the next line, which part of the echo command do I need to quote how? I keep getting script.sh: 12:blah: not found21:10
trijntjemezquitale, I think a public place is a bad location to test bittorrent programs21:11
cqon the line where I try to execute teh command21:11
soreauTheVenerableZ: New Radeon card should work nicely with the open drivers21:11
mikinanuqSala_: there are plenty of sample menu.lst out on the net21:11
TheVenerableZcq: why are you doing cmd=. why not just echo ...21:11
mezquitaletrijntje, i already tried it at home, I can't figure out why it wont work at home21:11
cqTheVenerableZ: so I can do an error check easily with if ! `$cmd`; then echo "$cmd failed... exiting."; exit 1; fi21:12
f00fhey guys i had network-manager set up with ubuntu 9 but i needed iptables to run which ended up in a conflict. Now i'm trying to set up the /etc/network/interfaces with two static ip's and i'm having problems accessing the internet... Not i have 2 interfaces eth0 which is an internal LAN(having a 192.168 etc...) and eth1 which will have the inet and external static ip (you kno regular class c)... Can anyone help me in getting this21:12
trijntjeSala_: I understand that, I think the problem is that win7 is not supported21:13
Sala_mikinanuq, as its wubi, its virtual disk not real partition, making sample menu.lst useless. Fount one really old sample menu.lst but its not working. Anyone got working 9.10 wubi menu.lst?21:13
TheVenerableZcp: did you try putting the blah in single quotes?21:13
TheVenerableZcq: do you know which model that is?21:13
Sala_trijntje i dont see any fundamental shifts from vista +  i ran it on vista compactability mode. cant i just copy menu.lst?21:13
TheVenerableZsorry, soreau: do you know which model that is?21:13
trijntjemezquitale, I understand that, I'm not sure what is causing your problems21:14
Sala_if i cloud get 9.10 wubi menu.lst config file i cloud maybe boot to ubuntu. its worth a try heh?21:14
trijntjeSala_, I think that what wubi does has little to do with vista compatibilty mode21:14
mezquitaletrijntje, i changed the port to use a random port, restarted the client and voila!  I am downloading!!!  I'm going to check at home and see if I get the same result21:14
cqTheVenerableZ: same problem: cmd="echo 'cert $clientname.cert' >> $tmpdir/config/$clientname.ovpn"21:15
mikinanuqf00f: you may need to look into route tables to get it right21:15
trijntjemezquitale, nice. Maybe it was a tracker problem21:15
einstein1969i have a problem with gparted and the partition table. I speek a very little english. help me.21:15
cqfoof: start with route -an and see if your routes are right for the two IPs ...21:15
mikinanuqf00f: so your route of last resort ( points to your external card21:16
elopsWhere can i find the DNS SOA record file in ubuntu ?21:16
ikoniaelops: are you running a dns server ?21:16
HappyHobois gthumb as good as pornview?21:16
MOUDHey all21:16
TheVenerableZHappyHobo: keep it g21:17
elopsikonia: yes21:17
fotishow are you ?21:17
ikoniaelops: look in your named.conf for the zone files then look at your 127 domain zone file21:17
HappyHoboI am.  It's a package's name TheVenerableZ21:17
einstein1969how to backup MBR (Partition table) and EBR (Logical partition)?21:17
ikoniafotis: this channel has 1400+ users in it, if you want to talk to someone, it's best to say there name first,21:18
f00fcq: here is the pastie... http://pastie.org/64278721:19
einstein1969there is anyone for help me?21:19
mikinanuqeinstein1969: you may need to look in to the "dd" command if you know what blocks you need that should get it for you21:19
f00fmikinanuq: http://pastie.org/64278721:19
buckyf00f, what's your nameserver?21:20
SteveHillI was playing with the "Console display settings" app, and now can't seem to get it off my panels. How to I kill the app. Rebooting doesn't help.21:20
einstein1969mikinanuq, there is a program for this. I have corrupt the partition table with fdisk (order command). The gparted is unusable...21:21
f00fbucky: no idea :)21:21
HappyHobothere are too many viewers21:21
buckyf00f, ping -c 3   does that drop the pings?21:21
* ^Einstein chuckles at the unlikely ping21:21
shawn_In Ubuntu is there any way to have Evolution mail just minimize to the task bar but not close... Like Pidgin does?21:21
f00f--- ping statistics ---21:21
f00f3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms21:21
f00f, pipe 321:21
dan1hi guys, I hope this is a serious ubuntu room21:22
f00fdan1: yur nub arent you ?21:22
dan1I am21:22
dan1not here to date, have sex, or find out age sex and location21:22
dan1but would love to have some help21:23
durtdan1, just ask21:23
f00fask away21:23
dabukalamI have a 64-bit server with 3 hard disks. Two are empty, and one is in use. I want to use JBOD RAID to merge the 3 hard disks and make one folder. How is this possible?21:23
dan1I have 2 systems using ubuntu jaunty21:23
dabukalam!ask | dan121:23
ubottudan1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:23
ikoniadan1: instead of making pointless and slightly uncalled for speaches and sexual reference ask your technical question21:23
dan1suddenly both printers are printing with wrong colors21:23
eziolana_ciao a tutti21:23
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voxdabukalam: with "mdadm"21:23
SteveHillDan1: try to put your whole question in one transmission.21:24
dan1they worked fine before21:24
voxdabukalam: there's plenty of how-to's if you google it21:24
durtdan1, full question all at once, please.21:24
ikoniadabukalam: you need to have the disks you want to make raid with sepereate from the disks you want to make an array from21:24
ikoniadabukalam: what raid level do you want to create21:24
dabukalamvox: it's a GUI app?21:24
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voxdabukalam: no21:24
mgv1how can i block a program from accessing the internet?21:24
ikoniamgv1: firewall21:24
CaptainCanuckif i have an external drive (ext3) and i want to mount it on another linux box where i dont have root access, what should i put into /etc/fstab?21:24
dabukalamvox: so it's CLI. but you're sure it supports JBOD?21:25
CaptainCanuckspecifically the mount options21:25
mgv1ikonia, but how to set a program to be blocked?21:25
buckyf00f, i think it's trying to connect thru eth1 and the static settings aren't right like you can't have an ip addy like with a network like or something like that21:25
ikoniaCaptainCanuck: you can't put it into /etc/fstab without root access21:25
mikinanuqf00f: not sure what that 169.254... is but probably shouldn't be there.21:25
dan1I have 2 systems on ubuntu with 2 printers, both printers worked fine until maybe a week ago, now both are printing off colors, and I can't see how to reset21:25
CaptainCanuckso i cant mount at all with out root?21:25
ikoniaCaptainCanuck: no21:25
CaptainCanuckwithout fstab perhaps?21:25
ikoniaCaptainCanuck: no21:25
mgv1anyone can tell me what can i do about ekiga that doesnt make sound when dialed to 'wcho test'?21:25
ikoniaCaptainCanuck: that language is uncalled for21:25
f00fbucky: i will remove the 169.254 then21:26
voxdabukalam: yes, mdadm supports jbod. however, anything you have on any of the drives will be wiped when you create the jbod21:26
XGensterhey all21:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mdadm21:26
julien__bonsoir j'ai besoin d'aide21:26
f00fbucky: i am trying to connect to the inet through eth1... so all i have to do is change around some settings and see what works... ?21:26
ikoniadabukalam: what raid level do you want to use21:26
CaptainCanuckhmm palindrome21:26
dabukalamvox: on ANY of them?21:26
xiongdan1, Your problem may not be anywhere except in your ink cartridges: Is it possible that you've just run out of ink in one or two colors?21:26
dabukalamikonia: JBOD21:26
ikoniadabukalam: that's not a raid level, 0,1,5 ?21:26
XGensteris it possible to network 2 machines using the SATA interface ?21:27
f00fbucky: also why doesnt my eth1 and eth0 come up as soon as i restart networking ?21:27
voxikonia: it's a form of raid.21:27
voxdabukalam: yes21:27
mgv1i still cant have spell checker in english even when ive deleted the hebrew one21:27
ikoniaXGenster: I don't think there is a network over sata interface21:27
dabukalamikonia: yes it is.21:27
dan1it's unlikely I ran out of ink, new cartriges mostly21:27
dan1one printer black prints green21:27
ikoniavox: no it's not raid21:27
* vox headdesk21:28
dabukalamvox: k, i'll look around, but i'll be back if i need some extra help. thanks!21:28
XGensterikaros: so its not possible to connect 2 motherboards to eachother using a SATA cable, then run some sort of tcp/ip over that link ?21:28
jhattaradoes anyone have experience with various GUI mysql admin tools ?21:28
ikoniaXGenster: I've never heard of tcp over sata21:28
ikoniajhattara: I've used mysql-admin21:28
voxikonia: i didnt say it was a standard form of raid. learn to read.21:28
mgv1shouldnt i hear something when dialing ekiga conference room?21:28
XGensterkewlo, thanks for the help ikonia21:29
elopswhat is port 50,51 n 631 used for?21:29
ikoniaelops: look in /etc/services21:29
dan1printers worked fine until about a week ago, on one black prints as green, are there driver problems anyone knows about, ubuntu jaunty21:30
dabukalamikonia: learn your facts before preaching. JBOD is a form of raid. It just means all the disks grouped together.21:30
ikoniadabukalam: "just a bunch of disks"21:30
ikoniadabukalam: it's not raid21:30
FFEMTcJhow can i install java to where firefox recognizes it? I installed sun-java6-jre but that didnt work21:30
mgv1there is any chat that handle ekiga problems?21:30
jhattaraikonia, can you do every imaginable management task easily with mysql-admin? and it works well?21:31
guntbert!fr | julien__21:31
ubottujulien__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:31
buckymgv1, there are 5 users in #ekiga21:31
ikoniajhattara: I quite like it to be honest, it's been replaced with mysql administrator, which seems very good, but I've not used it as much as mysql-admin21:31
dabukalamikonia: fine, i don't see how this is worth arguing over21:32
ikoniadabukalam: that's why I'm not arguing21:32
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dan1can anyone tell me why I can't burn 64studio or ubuntu studio I tried cd's and dvd's21:32
ikoniadan1: bad images, but if you can't burn either, most likley a software or hardware problem21:33
mgv1bucky, really? still it is open source - what do you suggest?21:33
mgv1bucky, ohh i thought you saying 5 on the network21:33
dan1don't think it's a software or hardware problem as I tried on 2 different systems21:33
ikoniadan1: then most likley bad image downloads21:34
ikoniadan1: or bad media21:34
jedi06how come i lost the sound when it loads up21:34
dan1could I have had 4 bad image downloads? 2 on each machine?21:34
ikoniadan1: your isp is corrupting them ?21:34
jerkmanwhen i had nvidia-settings installed, its max res was 1024x768, and grandr was 1680x10509(proper). I uninstalled nvidia-settins and now grandr only goes up to 1024x76821:34
KeiyaHopefully I can get sugar working now...21:34
dan1not sure what you mean by isp corrupting21:35
ikoniadan1: the server you get them from is bad ?21:35
robsonpeixotoi upgraded tu Ubuntu 9.10 and GDM doesn't work. What can i do ?21:35
guntbertdan1: please clarify: were you unable to start the burning? to complete the burning? to use a burnt cd?21:35
buckymgv1, /join #ekiga21:35
dan1god knows, I'm not savy enough to know how to find out21:35
ikoniadan1: your ISP may have hardware that is damaging the image, it's rare, but if two machines and 4 images aren't working, got to look for common factos21:35
ikonia!9.10 > robsonpeixoto21:35
ubotturobsonpeixoto, please see my private message21:35
guntbert!md5sum | dan121:35
ubottudan1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:35
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mgv1bucky, yes thanks21:36
voxdabukalam: regardless, jbod /is/ a form of raid, and mdadm is what handles raidsets under linux. do a google for "ubuntu jbod how to" or similar21:36
einstein1969mikinanuq, there is a program for this? I have corrupt the partition table with fdisk (order command). The gparted is unusable...21:36
jerkmanany idea about htis graphics issue?21:36
th0gerHi, could someone please try if they can see flash on this page: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90b813d#/e90b813d/1 (in firefox) It says my flash version is too old. But, I have the newest flash player (adobe-flashplugin installed with apt-get. about:plugins shows the newest libflashplayer.so (10.0 r32).21:37
buckymgv1, just ask your question someone in here might know the answer21:37
mgv1hi, ive a problem of not hearing in ekiga21:37
MOUDwhen will the final release of ubuntu 9.10 be available for download?21:37
BerzerkerOct 29th.21:37
PMantisHello! What's the "correct" way to update the symlinks in /etc/rcS.d ? There's a command that looks at all the init scripts and dependencies and creates symlinks for upstart... forget what it is. :(21:38
voxPMantis: update-rc.d21:38
th0gerPMantis: I like sysv-rc-conf but there are others21:38
MOUDthanks Berzerker21:38
BerzerkerMOUD, np21:39
Keiya9% [7 libqtgui4 3005203/3586kB 83%] [2 etoys 9245658/25.6MB 36%]                                                                                       248kB/s 8min 57s21:39
Keiyaholy... is that /downloading two packages at once/!?21:39
KeiyaI've never seen apt do that before!21:39
Berzerkeroh my god I konw!21:39
PMantisvox: That seems to only be for rc[0-6].d21:39
Berzerkerhappy karmic21:39
PMantisth0ger: Ahh, I think that's it.21:39
j0nrevening all....having difficulties. I installed 9.04 on a machine and i cannt update it. it always gets stuck at 'waiting for headers' and never completes21:39
KeiyaI'm not running Karmic!21:39
j0nralso web browser... google works but cannot go further than that21:39
BerzerkerKeiya, shhhh21:40
mgv1what does this message means? http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/1193/63473606.png21:40
KeiyaI want to though21:40
KeiyaI mean, Koalas are l33t. And yes I needed to use the spontanious elite-speak to express myself.21:40
j0nrtried a 8.04 cd and got a <initramfs> prompt?!21:40
j0nrmy machine is well dodgey21:40
checkthebeanok I am a newb that is going to ask a stupid question and I need an detailed answer without getting made fun uf21:41
th0gerPMantis: try apt-cache search sysv for others21:41
ikoniacheckthebean: as long as it's ubuntu related, no-one will make fun of you21:41
ikoniacheckthebean: eveyone starts somewhere21:41
guntbertj0nr: slow down please - lets start with *one* issue - what about you browser? I didn't understand quite21:41
checkthebeanI need to download the 2.6.30 kernel for ubuntu, and I went to mirrors.kernel.org and I just cannot find it, so can someone please help me21:42
kraitoquick question to remove a external hhd do i have to go through a safety remove process like in windows or do i just remove it?21:42
trismkraito: unmount it first, to make sure all the files you copied over are written out21:42
ikoniacheckthebean: custom kernel compiles are not supported, kernel.org has all the vanilla kernels, but not one for ubuntu21:42
j0nrguntbert: sorry, bit flustered.... well it seems to be related to the fact i cannot get apt-get update to complete. this is on a fresh install of a oldish 9.04 cd21:42
ikoniacheckthebean: if you are a new user you should also not be compiling kernels, why do you need that specific kernel21:42
AlDougkraito: in your file browser, you should be able to click the unmount button21:42
kraitotrism: and then just remove correct21:42
trismkraito: correct21:43
mikinanuqeinstein1969: I think fdisks can fix that.. hold a sec21:43
kraitotrism: ubuntu is awsome21:43
j0nrguntbert: the browser may be related, as it seems to be network related, i can get google and perform a search but then go no further. i.e. if i click on a link it wont open.21:43
guntbertj0nr: I suppose you could have a networking issue - thats why I asked about the browser21:43
Nomadluapanyone here know anything about Banshee?21:44
checkthebeanbecause I am installing ubuntu on my macpro and the only way that I can get it to recognize my ethernet card is with the fix included in kernel 2.6.30.  I got it to work with Fedora, but I really do not like fedora21:44
kraitothanks guys, now i know i can defiantly count on the ubuntu community21:44
knowonehi i am to new with ubuntu and was wondering if thear is an app i need to download to get my cd games to load i spent all yesterday looking.  the game i am trying to get to load is world of warcraft i am sure that some one els had to have ran into this problm as well.  and i am sorry i am sorry i am such a nube but i hope it is as simple as me not having an app.  needed to run the CD21:44
ikoniacheckthebean: I'd advise hanging on until ubuntu 9.10 is released in 24 days21:44
checkthebeanwhat about trying the beta?21:44
ikoniacheckthebean: that has a later kernel that should work and you won't have to do anything21:44
Nomadluapknowone: do you have WINE yet?21:44
checkthebeanI love adventure21:44
Geoffrey2hey there, can someone here help me get a laptop with xubuntu on it connected to my wireless router?21:44
ikoniacheckthebean: you're welcome to try it, however advised it will probably break21:45
ashtoashHi Everyone21:45
mgv1do you use ekiga?21:45
guntbertj0nr: lets test it: search with google for netzmafia please21:45
buddy69Hi guez, I need help installing ubuntu, is anyone free for a 12121:45
checkthebeanit is not mission critical so I will just do that21:45
j0nrguntbert: i am currently at a netroot prompt21:45
ikoniacheckthebean: go for it then21:45
checkthebeanheck it is just for fun21:45
Nomadluap/w buddy 6921:45
checkthebeanthanks guys,21:45
ikoniabuddy69: just ask your question21:45
guntbertj0nr: at a *what*?21:45
checkthebeanwoohoo, here I go,21:46
checkthebeanBy the way did you know it is a lot more fun when you put your hand up!21:46
j0nrguntbert: i booted into recovery mode and chose netroot to get a root command prompt with networking21:46
ikoniacheckthebean: we don't need a commentory or pointless comments, try to keep the channel free for support discussion, just like you benifited from21:46
ronnie1981Hello all21:46
ronnie1981I am having some problems with Ubuntu this morning21:47
Nomadluap/join #uncyclopedia21:47
guntbertj0nr: I see, so type w3m netzmafia.de (its a simple page, even in text mode)21:47
Nomadluapthe hell?21:47
Nomadluap/nick the_hell21:47
canthus13Nomadluap: two forward slashes, maybe?21:47
Nomadluapaugh, slash commands don't work121:47
buddy69I have an old pc that I am trying to install ubuntu on but is dosent have a cd drive, so i hooked in a usb one but I cant get it to boot with it., how do i install ubuntu without needing to reboot21:47
Nomadluap//nick test21:48
Keiyabuddy69: wubi!21:48
cowgardenbuddy69, wubi, if windows is installed21:48
knowoneis thear a application i have to down load to get ubuntu to load a game frome the CD rom, the game i am trying to get to instal is world of warcraft21:48
cowgardenbuddy69, is windows installed on it?21:48
geniiNomadluap: Just a single /          not two //    or three ///21:48
durtbuddy69, in other words bios does not but to usb?21:48
durter, boot21:49
BerzerkerI think it should but to USB :P21:49
Nomadluapknowone: go to add/remove, and look for WINE microsoft windows compatibility layer21:49
ronnie1981I am having a problem with my laptop, I install Ubuntu 9.04 64bit and 8.10 i386 and both are doing it I can't get my wireless to work, I had 8.10 on my laptop before and the wireless worked fine but now I can't get it to work. It is a Compaq V500021:49
ronnie1981any ideas?21:49
Nomadluap/join kde21:49
buddy69that can make a partition so next time I boot its ubuntu and i can delete windows21:49
ikoniaNomadluap: stop using a space21:50
Nomadluapwhy don;t slash commands work in empathy?21:50
kraitohow do i rename a external hhd?21:50
j0nrguntbert: just hangs at netzmafia.de contacted. Waiting for reply...21:50
Nomadluap/join kde21:50
geniiNomadluap: Since we see your /  likely it's appending another one21:50
ActionParsnipronnie1981: can you se pastebin to provide the output of: sudo lshw -C network21:50
Nomadluapjoin hello21:50
Geoffrey2I have a laptop that had ubuntu on it, and it connected to the network just fine....today I did a fresh install of xubuntu 9.04, installed the wireless drivers, the wireless card is up and running...I keep getting a request for the network WPA password, but it's never accepted, even though two other computers connect fine using the same password21:50
Nomadluapno, i'm not getting anything from slash commands21:50
guntbertj0nr: are you behind a router?21:51
j0nrguntbert: yes21:51
addisonj_okay, trying to learn vimdiff, how do i copy a line from one window to the next?21:51
j0nrguntbert: never had a problem like this before21:51
guntbertj0nr: does ping guntbert.sytes.net work?21:51
smcI have a question about xfce language. I installed Ubuntu and Kubuntu on two twin boxes, using spanish from the get go, everything came out in spanish except, when I installed xubuntu-desktop. It's running in english. What package am I missing?21:51
j0nrguntbert: plus other machines work fine21:51
cowgardenbuddy69, wubi is a program you can install under windows from your usb stick (comes with the ubuntu installation files) and it will help you reboot to install linux and whipe windows, yes21:51
sethWhen ubuntu starts up, it counts down from 10 before selecting the default boot setting.  How do I make it count down from zero instead?21:52
j0nrguntbert: yes ping works21:52
guntbertj0nr: I remember a case where my router would only allow icmp and udp, but no tcp21:52
ikoniaseth: /boot/grub/menu.lst timeout=021:52
sethThanks ikonia21:53
ronnie1981`action I am not 100% sure what you mean but when I done that is showed that it was disabled, I was going through the Ubuntu manual and it said to make sure it was on, I did so the light for the wireless card is on21:53
guntbertj0nr: could it be a misconfigured local  firewall?21:53
ronnie1981Sorry I am still kinda new to Linux21:53
stevej26ukhello everyone21:53
j0nrguntbert: in the router?21:53
j0nrguntbert: the machine just goes wired into the router21:53
ronnie1981yeah it works fine wired21:53
ronnie1981oh sorry21:54
ActionParsnipronnie1981: the light means nothing, its a light, whats happening in the OS that counts21:54
guntbertj0nr: as you said it work on other computers in your local net I was talking about a firewall on your ubuntu21:54
ronnie1981when I put the command into terminal it says that the wireless is disabled21:54
ActionParsnipronnie1981: its a terminal command, run it, put the output in http://pastebin.com21:54
j0nrguntbert: this is a competely fresh install...i havent done anything to it yet21:54
ronnie1981I hit the physical wireless button and nothing happened..... so thats whre I am now21:55
guntbertj0nr: strange, are you talking on that machine right now?21:55
ActionParsnipronnithe product line tells you the chip, you can websearch that for guides21:56
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j0nrguntbert: no21:56
th0gerHi, could someone please try if they can see flash on this page: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/e90b813d#/e90b813d/1 (in firefox) It says my flash version is too old. But, I have the newest flash player (adobe-flashplugin installed with apt-get. about:plugins shows the newest libflashplayer.so (10.0 r32).21:57
stevej26ukanyone running 9.04 on a netbook not using netbook remix21:57
j0nrguntbert: its wierd, i can w3m google and perform a search and get results but then not open any links21:57
powerjucei hav a quick question, i followed http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/assign-custom-shortcut-keys-on-ubuntu-linux/ that guide to make a custom shortcut, but it does not wor21:57
Geoffrey2.me sighs21:58
ActionParsnip!anyone | stevej26uk21:58
ubottustevej26uk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:58
guntbertj0nr: and the machine you are using right now is in the same network?21:58
guntbertj0nr: because that sounds a bit like a web proxy doing crazy things22:00
trijntjewhere are the xscreensavers located in ubuntu? I want to manually start a specific screensaver with some extra flags22:00
einstein1969mikinanuq, ok22:01
j0nrguntbert: well, I am not sure...I have  not experienced anything like that before... things have always 'just worked'.... :(22:01
meezhello. i brought my laptop back from suspend once and now networking seems to refuse to work (it claims to be connected, and i have an ip, but i cannot ping anything internally or externally). any ideas on how i might start to fix this? a reboot did nothing ;-;22:01
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dragonwhat's the simplest way of setting the default screen resolution? I want my HDMI and LVDS to stay at 1280x800, but it keeps resets to 1440x900 with every reboot.22:02
ActionParsniptrijntje: try /usr/lib/xscreensaver22:02
trijntjeActionParsnip, genuis, thanks!22:02
guntbertj0nr: I want to make sure: you have just now two computers "side by side" in the same network, one works normally, one doesn't  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:02
guntbertj0nr: scratch the last sentence please :-)22:03
bhueyare there any recommendation for a firewall in jaunty ?22:04
bhueyer karmic /22:04
rskbhuey: #ubunutu+122:04
hbbsIs there anyone here having problems to passthrough audio on karmic using mplayer? I've tried all options and only -afm (stereo) mode works. All else ends on a crash.22:04
soreauCan someone tell me how to extract the contents of a deb package?22:05
j0nrguntbert: yup, I am on a laptop on the same network running ubuntu which works fine...the other computer (a desktop) same network, problems. It dual boots xp and that works ok... it did have jaunty on it before whichi recently wiped and that worked...22:05
demon_soreau dpkg --install deb file22:05
soreaudemon_: install != extract22:05
Keiya_my mouse is going crazy, help!22:06
booboohi, where can i find information on how to configure my mouse in the new 9.10 release?22:06
boobooi've been using hal .fdi files in 9.0422:06
meezj0nr does it claimm to be connected but not work, or does it not connect at all?22:06
soreaubooboo: ubuntu+122:06
Myxbsoreau: man dpkg. it is dpkg -x22:06
Keiya_i can't click in windows, it just tries to move them122:06
booboosoreau i don't know what that means22:06
soreauMyxb: Thanks22:06
soreau! karmic | booboo22:06
ubottubooboo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:06
ronnie1981action here it is http://pastebin.com/d124e9194 sorry for the delay pastebin was being very slow for me22:06
boobooah you're reffering me to that channel?22:07
seidosbooboo: channel #ubuntu+1 /j #ubuntu+122:07
powerjuceActionParsnip, would u be to help me with my problem?22:07
booboothank you friend22:07
demon_soreau srry :(22:07
powerjuceActionParsnip, i followed http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/assign-custom-shortcut-keys-on-ubuntu-linux/ that guide to make a custom shortcut, but it does not work22:07
sethHow can I add things under the "Places" menubar at the top of Ubuntu's screen?  I want it to, for example, have 'Public' in addition to 'Documents' &c.22:07
seidosgood luck22:07
soreaudemon_: No worries :)22:07
demon_I have many *.zip files in many directories how can I unzip them all and put them in 1 folder ...22:07
guntbertj0nr: ok, so the proxy idea is out too... - try sudo iptables -L (there should be nearly nothing except "acccept")22:07
ActionParsnip!shortcut | powerjuce22:08
ubottupowerjuce: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts22:08
soreaudemon_: you could use a bit of bash/scripting magic22:08
soreaudemon_: If you ask how to do that in #bash, they should give you a one-liner to do it22:08
arcskyhow can i list all packages i installed with apt-get ?22:08
demon_soreau k ill do that22:08
ActionParsniparcsky: history | grep apt22:08
sethCan anyone tell me how I can add things under the "Places" menubar at the top of Ubuntu's screen?  I want it to, for example, have 'Public' in addition to 'Documents' &c.22:09
ActionParsniparcsky: you can view ALL apps you have currently installed with: dpkg -l | less22:09
dragonwhat's the simplest way of setting the default screen resolution? I want my HDMI and LVDS to stay at 1280x800, but it keeps resets to 1440x900 with every reboot.22:09
ActionParsnip!ru | [Green]22:09
ubottu[Green]: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:09
guntbertActionParsnip: but only on a fairly new install - history is not usually that big :-)22:09
BeardbarI have a webserver i setup with ubuntu server, awsome, but when i ftp in to a  directory that contains 8k files i can only see 1998 fies, I remember once changing a configuration so that all files could be seen, anyone know what im talking about?22:10
j0nrmeez: it connects 'a bit'  google home page works, can perform a search and get result, but nothing else22:10
dragonseth: create a bookmark and it should show up there.22:10
ActionParsnipguntbert: but apt-get is command line based so will be in the history ;)22:10
dragon!pm | seth22:10
ubottuseth: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:10
BerzerkerActionParsnip, I find apt-get is so much easier to use than the add/remove programs app22:10
seidosBeardbar: never came across that problem.  don't use ftp22:11
ActionParsnipBerzerker: +1 dude22:11
j0nrguntbert: not sure what to expect in iptables but there doesnt seem to be anything there accept headings22:11
ActionParsnipBerzerker: apt-cache search  to find apps too22:11
guntbertActionParsnip: yes, but the older commands will "fall out" as newer come in22:11
PMantissysv commands aren't giving me what I want. I'm adding init.d scripts, carefully adjusting "Provides" and "Required-Start". Now, what command reads all of these and rearranges all the rc?.d files to start in the right order?22:11
BerzerkerActionParsnip, yeah22:11
seth!pm dragon How do I 'add a bookmark' for my Public directory?22:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:11
ActionParsnipguntbert: the default length of history is 1000 commands22:11
N0LLYpoor ubottu XD22:11
papitomy packages seem to be broken, this seems not to be working as expected, dependencies fail, broken, etc.. is there any magical command line solution to get everything fixed ?22:12
ActionParsnippapito: try: sudo apt-get -f install22:12
papitoI think eeveyrthing got messed up when I added a repo in the sources.list..22:12
Keiya_even logging out and back in didn;t fix it?22:12
papitolet me check22:12
eNons3nseHey guys.  I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an 80gb hard drive in my laptop, along side Vista.  It's not letting me resize my windows partition smaller than 33gb.  Why is this?  I won't be using windows very often so I'd like it more around 10gb.22:12
Keiya_How do I make it so I can click in windows again!?22:12
dragoneNons3nse: that's because vista is occupying that much space.22:13
powerjuceActionParsnip, thanks that was perfect!22:13
ActionParsnippapito: can you use http://pastebin.com to provide the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:13
guntbertj0nr: so its no local firewall either - I'm at the end of my ideas - please ask the channel again - sorry22:13
ronnie1981ActionParsnip here is the action you ask for earlier http://pastebin.com/d124e9194 sorry for the delay pastebin was being very slow for me22:13
sethCan anyone tell me how I can add things under the "Places" menubar at the top of Ubuntu's screen?  I want it to, for example, have 'Public' in addition to 'Documents' &c.  I was told to 'bookmark' my Public folder.  How do I do this?22:13
papitoActionParsnip , let me do oit22:13
j0nrguntbert: ok thanks :)22:14
eNons3nsedragon: Vista is taking up 33GB?  Wat?  It's almost a fresh install.22:14
ActionParsnip!broadcom | ronnie198122:14
ubotturonnie1981: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:14
Berzerkeryup it's vista22:14
guntbertj0nr: and Good luck :-)22:14
ActionParsnipeNons3nse: minimum install is 8Gb22:14
BerzerkereNons3nse, vista requires fresh install + 25GB22:14
papitoits upgrading.. i think it will take some time..22:14
rp2hi world22:15
ActionParsnipeNons3nse: just for the desktop, then load 3 Gb for office and you are well on your way22:15
rp2any experts on using multiple monitors around?22:15
guntbertPMantis: look at update-rc22:15
ActionParsnipKeiya_: disable compiz and try22:15
Keiya_Even logging out of gnome and logging back in didn't fix it!?22:15
Keiya_ActionParsnip: How would compiz cause my clicks to always move windows!?22:16
mgv1what does this message means? http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/1193/63473606.png22:16
Keiya_And if it's something like that, why can I click in the panel but not in windows!?22:16
rp2i'd like to know if i can do that with my Asus motherboard and a very cheap old extra graphics card22:16
mgv1hi, ive a problem of not hearing in ekiga - who can help?22:16
* Keiya_ grumps22:16
Keiya_I'm gonna try restarting gdm...22:16
ActionParsnipKeiya_: it is the Window Manager, if its malfunctioning then it wont draw the windows22:16
buckymgv1, turn up your head phones in alsamixer22:16
sethCan anyone tell me how I can add things under the "Places" menubar at the top of Ubuntu's screen?  I want it to, for example, have 'Public' in addition to 'Documents' &c.  I was told to 'bookmark' my Public folder.  Can anyone tell me how to do this?22:16
PMantisguntbert: update-rc only allow me to tell the scripts what number to S and K at. I want the script I used a few months ago that reads all the init scripts and re-orders and adjusts the symlinks for me to account for dependencies that I create.22:17
Berzerkerseth, open a folder and drag the folder to the sidebar22:17
carresmdHey guys, I'm looking for an alternative server for Ubuntu's keyserver.. (it doesn't respond.. again.......)22:17
Berzerkerseth, under where Documents, etc. is22:17
carresmdI've heard it a few times here.. But I forgot :)22:17
codeloco2I'm currently runing jaunty, and it was updated from 8.10 and so on until 7.04. Now I want to update to karmic, but from a fresh install. How is the best way to do that preserving my /home, since all the tree is over the same partition?22:18
guntbertPMantis: now I know what you mean - but my brain fails too - sorry22:18
ikoniacodeloco2: back up /home somewhere else22:18
Keiya_Restarting GDM didn't fix it, even!?22:19
carresmdnever mind, looks like it's responsive again22:19
guntbertcarresmd: try http://pgp.mit.edu/22:19
PMantisguntbert: Yeah, it ticks me off. I used it to build a client system, and I can't remember what I did. I had to search like crazy to find it back then, too. I even ssh'd in and looked at history on my customer's machine - too long ago. gone. :(22:19
Keiya_ActionParsnip: Um, what the hell are you talking about?22:19
Keiya_Windows are being drawn fine22:19
mahdican anyone tell me how to get the latest version of komodo for assembly coding install?22:19
Keiya_Whenever I try to CLICK in them22:19
Keiya_It MOVES instead of CLICKING22:20
guntbert!attitude | Keiya_22:20
ubottuKeiya_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:20
Keiya_Hover stuff works, even22:20
carresmdguntbert: Thanks :)22:20
guntbertcarresmd: you are welcome :-)22:20
Keiya_guntbert: just because you're a volunteer doesn't mean you should be able to get away with not reading what the problem is >_>22:20
codeloco2ikonia: hmm good. maybe using tar+gz, and after restore it. but, that way, when i restore it, the file's permissions will be there?22:20
ikoniacodeloco2: tar can preserve permissions22:21
josephnew to Ubuntu22:21
Berzerkeris there something like yakuake for gnome?22:21
trijntjeis there a way to stop compiz using the root window?22:21
codeloco2ikonia: thanks, i will try that22:22
mikinanuqBerzerker: tilda ...22:22
f00fhow do i set routes ?22:22
guntbertKeiya_: I don't care for your problem at the moment - sorry22:22
ikoniaf00f: please control your language22:22
Keiya_Grah, I'll just boot to Windows, I need to walk and Ubuntu's wifi sucks at that anyway...22:22
f00fikonia: sorry22:22
f00fbeen trying to solve this server interface config all morning22:22
f00fcant get it to work22:22
f00fi wanna pull out my hair if i had some22:22
ikoniaf00f: route add22:22
f00fi know how to add22:22
FloodBot1f00f: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
ikoniaf00f: so what's the problem ?22:23
f00fi dont know as far as adding which ones and how22:23
f00fRTNETLINK answers: No such process22:23
f00fSIOCDELRT: No such process22:23
f00fthats errors i get22:23
f00fi searched it says cus of routes22:23
ikoniaf00f: check your ethernet card is up, then check the network gateways your adding22:23
guntbertf00f: sudo?22:23
f00fi have sudo... card is up... gateways are right... but how do i set em is there a standard ?22:24
Berzerkermikinanuq, ok installed it, how do I start it?22:24
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mikinanuqBerzerker: alt+f2   tilda -C   to configure22:24
ovagai am really having hard time with my Ubutun22:25
Berzerkermikinanuq, I set the key, but how do I start it so the key will drop the terminal down? pressing the key does nothing22:25
Misantropoa bridged adapter is not showing Down activity neither in conky nor netspeed_applet22:25
btfxI'm not running ubuntu, but BackTrack3, which is debian-based too... and you guys are better with newbies, so hopefully you can help me, anyway, I plugged in an external disk (ntfs) via USB, but it appears to be read-only. Can someone give me a link that will quickly explain how to unmount, and remount it in RW mode (my internal NTFS disk is RW), I just lost my Windows install and need to back up data fast...22:25
_techie_am i able to repair a corrupted fat partition from ubuntu?22:25
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm in a bunch of groups, and I don't know what they are for. Is there an explanation of what the 'adm' group lets me do, for example?22:26
maco!ntfs3g | btfx22:26
ubottubtfx: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:26
zenergiis there any consensus on the best tripwire type app for an Ubuntu server? ( AIDE, bsign, systraq, tripwire, etc. )?22:26
Gneabtfx: we only support Ubuntu in here, we're not a catch-all for debian-based distros. have you tried #backtrack?22:26
ovagamy ubuntu cant boot properly22:26
Mike_lifeguardbtfx: sudo umount to unmount, then you'll need to mount using that info someone just sent you22:26
ovagacould any one help me please22:26
zenergibtfx: I believe the bt irc channel is remote-exploit22:27
mikinanuqBerzerker: so you went to the keybindings tab and set it?22:27
Old_Spike0Ha, ha. Incredible:      http://www.ubuntu-trading.com/our-fairtrade-cola22:27
Berzerkermikinanuq, yup22:27
ovagacould any one help me22:27
btfxmaco, Gnea, Mike_lifeguard, zenergi, Thanks, BRB after I try that22:27
trijntjeis there a way to stop compiz using the root window?22:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:27
Mike_lifeguardtrijntje: maybe - ask in #compiz22:27
trijntjeMike_LaMar, I always forget how many channels there are, thanks for the tip!22:28
silentnightsI just installed ubuntu karmic beta but grub hangs. Does anyone know anything about this?22:28
mikinanuqBerzerker: hmm try alt+f2  killall tilda  then alt+f2 tilda . without the -C this time22:28
Berzerkermikinanuq, command went through, key does nothing22:29
mikinanuqBerzerker: I think the default keybinding is f2 so you may want to try that to see if the default is still in place22:29
Fishscenesilentnights: Might want to try to beta channel. If it's open. I can't remember the name of the channel though.22:29
trijntjeMike_lifeguard, I always forget how many channels there are, thanks for the tip!22:29
notlisteninganyone help me with tracking down why my init.d script is not starting, it is there i think i have added it all in okay and it runs from a root and user  terminal after logging in?22:29
Berzerkermikinanuq, neither do anything22:29
Fishscenesilentnights: Try #ubuntu+122:29
silentnightsFishscene: Thanks22:29
einstein1969mikinanuq, any news?22:29
notlisteningit is the cannon printer driver ccpd that will not start22:30
mikinanuqeinstein1969: oh yeah saw something about using dd to do it but you have to be careful.. check this out... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/using-linuxs-fdisk-to-erase-or-fix-a-mbr-300256/22:30
mikinanuqBerzerker: when you started tilda again did you see it blink on the upper left as if it started and then hid?22:31
mikinanuqBerzerker: it might not be starting up.. try it from a command prompt to see if it even starts up22:31
mikinanuqeinstein1969: so this is it "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda/ bs=446 count=1"22:32
Berzerkermikinanuq, I have like 8 bash processes running, is that normal?22:33
mikinanuqBerzerker: don't think so.. do  ps aux|grep tilda22:34
Berzerkerandrew   31891  0.0  0.0   3124   804 pts/8    S+   17:34   0:00 grep --color=auto tilda22:34
btfxmaco, Gnea, Mike_lifeguard, zenergi, Thank you very much. The solution (in my case) was to "safely remove", reconnect, and run "mkdir /mnt/seagate; ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/ /mnt/seagate" Now it's in RW mode!22:34
daveycakeshi there22:34
buckyhay hay22:35
daveycakescould someone please help me with my mobile broadband on ubuntu? i've posted the question here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128356722:35
mikinanuqBerzerker: so it's still running, , sudo kill -9 31891  that should kill it22:35
buckydaveycakes, you forgot to use sudo... hence it could not write to /opt22:36
Berzerkergot another resolut as process 104522:36
mikinanuqBerzerker: oh maybe that was the grep that it saw22:36
Berzerkermikinanuq, tried to kill it again, propped up as proces 156622:36
daveycakesbucky: but i just right clicked the install.sh and said run from terminal22:36
daveycakeshow could i do it with sudo?22:36
Berzerkermikinanuq, I think you had the wrong number..22:36
kraitohow do i get the cool theme for the cube22:37
buckydaveycakes, click on Applications=>Accessories=>Terminal  and sudo ./install.sh  if it complains you'll have to make it executable with chmod +x install.sh22:38
Zodlinganyone know mutch about ubuntu-server acting as an iscsi target?22:38
mikinanuqBerzerker: try  ps a|grep tilda  .. you should see 2 lines, 1 is the tilda process the other is the grep tilda22:38
buckydaveycakes, i hope you remember your password22:38
kraitoi guess you call them skidome, were can i find this?22:38
mikinanuqBerzerker: kill -9 to the process number22:39
daveycakesbucky: sure do22:39
joshua__aww man i burnt my wiener...22:39
daveycakesbucky: it says command not found though22:39
pitputquick question- why doesn't ubuntu need to reboot after installing updates like Windows?22:39
buckydaveycakes, sudo not found?22:39
joshua__pitput, sometimes it does require a restart22:39
Berzerkermikinanuq, when I do that command, every time I do it, the number goes up, I think that's like an uptime monitor or something22:39
buckydaveycakes, which distro are you using?22:40
pitputjosh__, 85% of the time no need to reboot. do you know why?22:40
daveycakesbucky: it said   sudo: ./install.sh: command not found22:40
daveycakeserm, does that mean ubuntu version?22:40
daveycakes9.04 desktop22:40
mikinanuqBerzerker: nah, that should be fine. If you're only seeing one line then tilda is not running22:40
Berzerkermikinanuq, ok22:40
joshua__pitput, because it isn't windows?22:40
mikinanuqBerzerker: try alt+f2  tilda  again22:40
buckydaveycakes, type in pwd .. which working directory are you in and do you need to cd Desktop ?22:41
Berzerkermikinanuq, should I have like 8 bash processes running?22:41
daveycakesbucky: can we talk in pvt window?22:41
mikinanuqBerzerker: then run the  ps a|grep tilda   and you should see two lines now, if not it's crashing22:41
buckydaveycakes, no22:41
buckydaveycakes, if you can't figure out the command line then you need to take dos 10122:41
Berzerkermikinanuq, only see 1 line22:42
daveycakesi've forgotten how to cd to directories22:42
mikinanuqBerzerker: not sure... I have 5 right now22:42
buckydaveycakes, cd Desktop  is too hard?22:42
pitputjoshua__, you don't have an answer then22:42
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joshua__bucky, they called that Intro to Microcomputing when i was in college22:42
HiHi! I've encrypted my filesystem through the installer thing. Just got a quick question. What do I do in case the OS fails regarding password to decrypt?22:42
kraitocan anyone help me with the skydome?22:43
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mikinanuqBerzerker: ok so it's not even coming up. open up a terminal and run tilda from there that might say why it's crashing22:43
buckyjoshua__, good call22:43
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daveycakesbucky: sorry im not too smart at this stuff. ok so now i need to put the folder on the desktop?22:44
zenergibtfx: glad to hear that you're up and running... best of luck with your conquests :)22:44
mgv1bucky, i dont use headphones right now how can i test ekiga?22:44
mikinanuqBerzerker: you may need to go back in to 'tilda -C' and mess around with the settings. turn off transparency, turn on double buffer etc..22:44
prajjwalis there a way to make my Vista partition mount ... mount and sudo mount on the dev/sda3 isnt working ... and its a fresh install so i dont know what its mount label is ....22:44
Drop_tablesIs there a quick way to fix the firefox 3.5 branding?22:44
prajjwalsorry Drive label not mount label22:44
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | prajjwal22:44
ubottuprajjwal: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:44
Berzerkermikinanuq, tilda said segmentation fault, sudo tilda opened the settings22:44
mikinanuqBerzerker: unfortunately I have to admit it's not the best program. I have seen it bug out a few times and it doesn't like screen...22:45
ActionParsnipBerzerker: gksudo for gui apps dude22:45
rdx-Hi! I've encrypted my filesystem through the installer thing. Just got a quick question. What do I do in case the OS fails regarding password to decrypt?22:45
zenergiis there any consensus on the best tripwire type app for an Ubuntu server? ( AIDE, bsign, systraq, tripwire, etc. )?22:45
BerzerkerActionParsnip, it was run from the terminal22:45
smcOk since nobody seems to able to answer my language question hows this, I installed kubuntu and Ubuntu, with Kubuntu I can double click on a ttf file and then install a font, with ubuntu I can't, which package am I'm I missing?22:45
mgv1bucky, i dont hear nothing in ekiga22:45
ActionParsnipBerzerker: still, gksudo for gui apps22:45
Berzerkerevenso, gksudo tilda doesn't work from alt+f222:45
ActionParsnipBerzerker: try: killall tilda; mv ~/.tilda ~/.tilda_old22:46
ActionParsnipBerzerker: then rerun tilda22:46
buckydaveycakes, it was probably downloaded to Desktop ..that's why it has a little icon for you to click on, cd Desktop then ls to see if it's there22:46
ugliefrogdesktop cd the same as live cd?22:46
mgv1bucky, i also think that the microphone of the computer isnt working22:46
Berzerkerhow, running gksudo tilda?22:46
Berzerkeror what22:46
daveycakesbucky: its there :)22:46
einstein1969mikinanuq, i have to backup EBR also.22:47
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:47
daveycakesbucky: now do i type sudo ./install.sh22:47
buckymgv1, there's a slider for that in alsamixer also a bug.. so google it some weird setting22:47
ActionParsnipBerzerker: i'd try renaming the profile to see if th eprofile is at fault22:47
Berzerkerrenaming what profile22:47
mikinanuqBerzerker: well you probably don't want to run it under sudo or gksudo.. that will change the settings for the root user. just plain tilda22:47
buckydaveycakes, in the terminal22:47
papitokarmic is the latest ubuntu release right?22:47
craigbass1976since upgrading from hardy, my laptop doesn't get on the wireless network until I log in.  How do I change this so that it gets on regardless of whether anyone has logged in or not?22:47
Berzerkerpapito, not out yet, Oct 29th22:48
ActionParsnipBerzerker: the tilda profile. i gave you the exact command22:48
BerzerkerActionParsnip, oh, I did that, didn't do anything22:48
ActionParsnippapito: its the latest beta, jaunty is the latest stable22:48
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ActionParsnipBerzerker: did you relaunch tilda?22:48
blight_hi, can someone recommend which VPN server to use on ubuntu for Windows XP clients?22:48
papitoooh ok, because there are karmic repos, i did apt-get upgrade and started donwloading from karmic repos22:48
mikinanuqblight_: ssh22:48
BerzerkerActionParsnip, yes22:49
BerzerkerActionParsnip, none of the keys work22:49
daveycakesbucky: it said LinuxUI: command not found22:49
craigbass1976I'm not even sure how to google for that...22:49
ActionParsnipBerzerker: has a new profile folder been created?22:50
mgv1bucky, the mic slider isnt helping and and sound of the speakes arent heard22:50
Zappohi does anyone know how to get a mic working? mine doesnt seem to work.22:50
buckydaveycakes, try sh install.sh22:50
BerzerkerActionParsnip, yup22:50
mikinanuqblight_: ssh is installed by default on ubuntu, on winxp get putty put in the IP adress of your ubuntu pc and it will open up a terminal to the pc22:50
buckydaveycakes, try sudo sh install.sh22:50
ash`notte :)22:50
daveycakesbucky: it ran, but it said cannot access 'usr/bin/wvdial' no such file22:51
ActionParsnipBerzerker: then i suggest you try: sudo apt-get --purge remove tilda; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; rm -rf ~/.tild*; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install tilda22:51
vgeZappo: have you checked gnome-alsamixer?22:51
craigbass1976Anyone?  Is it something I have to change in /etc/network/interfaces?22:51
techprosHey guys could you please help me with a ubuntu 9.04 networking issue?22:51
Zappovge: how would i do that?22:51
vgetype gnome-alsamixer in console22:52
einstein1969mikinanuq, thanks , i have to backup EBR also.22:52
craigbass1976techpros, what's the issue22:52
buckydaveycakes, sudo apt-get install wvdial   you're not installing some root kit are you?22:52
techprosIt seems as if 9.04 didn't install my network driver22:53
daveycakesi dont even know what a root kit is :)22:53
daveycakesbasically i have a 3 mobile broadband dongle22:53
Zappovge: it says it isnt installed22:53
_techie_am i able to repair a corrupted fat partition from ubuntu?22:53
daveycakeswhich works fine on windows, and doesnt do anything on ubuntu22:53
vgeZappo: imho i would get it, it's easy to undertand :)22:53
buckydaveycakes, it's the linux version of a virus22:53
Zappovge: i will try to get it22:54
ainahi guyz22:54
ainacan anyone help me ?22:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:54
techproscraigbass1976, I just installed 9.04 on a custom build and m netowrking is not working. it seems that my ethernet driver didn't get installed22:54
ainaim using ubuntu jaunty jackalop22:55
ainaand im having trouble with my integrated speaker22:55
ainaaccording to you, what's wrong with that ?22:55
motorboyirc.mintirc.net #hak522:55
ainaany help plz ...22:56
vgeaina: i haven't used internal speakers in years, whats your problem with it?22:56
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ainawell it's not working ... and i don't know why : everything seems installed, volume controle is okay22:56
ainaand when im using headphones it's okay too22:57
vgeaina: does it beep when your booting your computer?22:57
daveycakesbucky: ok i install wvdial. however when i run the install sh i now get. install.sh: line 191: udevcontrol: command not found and line 223: rpm: command not found22:57
ainavge, do you mean before the grub process ?22:58
ainaor after...22:58
vgeaina: well, usually internal speaker beeps when bios is done with checking22:58
ainacause if after then yes : im using headphones to listen to music and when it echoes the login screen, after logging in : i have the little music in the background22:58
buckydaveycakes, udevcontrol has been replaced by udevadm22:59
vgeaina: so headphones work but internal wont?22:59
daveycakesbucky: so how can i get around that?23:00
buckyyou might be able to edit the install.sh file and change udevcontrol to udevadm  ...maybe23:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!23:00
_techie_am i able to repair a corrupted fat partition from ubuntu?23:00
buckydaveycakes, gedit Desktop/install.sh23:00
dartagnan_is there a way to make vista load first in grub?23:00
ainavge, well that's what happening actually23:01
daveycakesdaveycakes: gedit Desktop/LinuxUI/install.sh as its in a folder on the desktop called linuxui?23:01
vgeaina: has the internal ever worked?23:01
ainai have the sound when using headphones but when trying to hear sound from the integrated speaker : it's not ok23:01
ainavge, yes before jackalop i had it working23:01
ainavge, i mean with older version of ubuntu23:02
vgedartagnan_: /boot/grub/menu.lst23:02
vgeaina: so it got broken in the process when you were updating?23:02
ainavge, i have this pbm since i upgraded from this older version23:02
ainavge, that's right : after the upgrade it didn't work anymore ...23:03
techpros123hey guys can someone help me with a networking issue please?23:03
prajjwal is there a way for me to change my partition type to primary from Logical???23:03
dartagnan_after what can I do? any idea?23:03
Zappovge: ** (gnome-alsamixer:6393): WARNING **: gam_toggle_get_state (). No idea what to do for mixer element "Input Source"!23:03
Zappobash: syntax error near unexpected token `gnome-alsamixer:6393'23:03
vgedartagnan_: in the end there is list of boot options, move the windows group up23:03
Zappovge: that comes up wheni put it in23:03
dartagnan_cut and paste?23:04
vgedartagnan_: be prepared for world of hurt if you mess it wrong23:04
dartagnan_I know23:04
BerzerkerActionParsnip, tried guake, works great, exactly like yakuake23:04
dartagnan_I dont wanna do thing s that are not sure23:04
vgedartagnan_: should be just the position in the file23:04
Res2216firestar /server23:05
Res2216firestarsticky enter key23:05
kermitwhy does sound-juicer not list mp3 as an option even though its active in the editable list?23:05
vgeZappo: so the program don't even start?23:05
dartagnan_I didnt see that anywhere23:05
Zappovge: that comes up when i enter the command23:05
loshaprajjwal: not if it has data on it. I think the best you can hope for is to create a new primary partition, copy the data from the logical partition, then delete the old partition...23:05
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Zappovge: odd23:05
Mkaany GNOME based music player that supports MySQL?23:05
dartagnan_some suggest using neosmart technologie into vista loader23:06
troublescootwhat's the latest version of php supported?23:06
dartagnan_sounds like a big root kit23:06
ainavge, what would you suggest me to do ?23:06
prajjwalthanks ....23:06
Samus_Arancan anyone tell me where or how I can get a secure version of the Sun Java VM integrated with the system (.deb or otherwise working for alternatives) ?23:06
vgeaina: i don't know to be exact23:07
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:07
heoaHow can I change base from DEC to BIN?23:07
heoain octave23:07
Samus_Aranlosha: I am not asking how to apt-get install java.  I am asking how to install a *secure* version23:07
vgeZappo: i suggest you reinstall your sound system23:07
Samus_Aranthere have been three or four versions since Sun Java 1.6.0_10, which including fixing an exploit23:07
joshua__isn't the jre installed by default on ubuntu?23:08
vgeZappo: but i'm no alsa guru23:08
Samus_Aranjoshua__: yes, an outdated and insecure version ...23:08
joshua__Samus_Aran, oh23:08
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Samus_Aranif I just go and install the one from sun.com then the package manager won't know Java is installed, and will removed everything that needs Java23:08
ainavge, ;-) thanks it's okay23:09
ainavge, thanks a lot anyway ;)23:09
daveycakesbucky: i edited the install.sh thank you :) just one more question23:09
Zappovge: i am going to mess around a little more before i do that23:10
daveycakesbucky: what does install.sh: line 223: rpm: command not find23:10
joshua__why do you need java anyways it is a washed up platform... nobody uses it23:10
vgeaina: just check your volumes, it's allways volumes :)23:10
daveycakesbucky: what do i ahve to do to fix that23:10
agliodbsok, ebox has gone from being a poor substitute for webmin to downright evil in my book23:10
ActionParsnipBerzerker: awesome23:10
Zappoim going to restart23:10
buckydaveycakes, run an rpm based distro23:10
loshaSamus_Aran: Hmm. Tricky. I suppose you could install a version from the repository so that the package manager thinks you have java installed, and then overwrite it by installing a latest version from sun.com. But it's definitely a hack to do so...23:10
troublescootwhat's the latest supported version of php?23:11
daveycakesi have no idea what you just said. please could you tell me what to do in real simple terms23:11
troublescooton ubuntu, i mean23:11
buckydaveycakes, it's prolly wanting to install an rpm from the internet somewhere... you can apt-get install rpm but i doubt if it will work.. might be worth a try tho'23:11
loshaagliodbs: most linux GUI config stuff seems to be a buggy mess. Not sure why...23:11
Idhanhi, according to this website http://go-oo.org/download/ I can install go-oo through the ubuntu repositories.. I did it but I can get the 3D presentation, any idea?23:12
agliodbslosha: yeah, but what makes ebox evil is that you can't cleanly remove it23:13
arleslie Can someone tell me how to dump the USB device history or drivers?23:13
agliodbslosha: once you've installed it, you're stuck with it unless you want to re-install ubunut23:13
daveycakesbucky: thank you muchly :) that command did work23:13
daveycakesim hoping thats the last issue23:13
ActionParsnipBerzerker: runs awesome, gonna use it myself23:13
joshua__what is ebox?23:14
loshaagliodbs: so it's just another lazy programmer who can't imagine why anyone would want to remove his piece of crap software. Can't you run dpkg --contents on the .deb file and then nuke every file it installed by hand?23:14
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agliodbslosha: ebox modifies a lot of your config files in ways that are hard to track down23:15
ActionParsnip!ebox | joshua__23:15
ubottujoshua__: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox23:15
loshajoshua__: a 'configure your ubuntu box via the web' application23:15
agliodbslosha: for example, for some reason if ebox isn't running, the network can't be started in a normal mode23:15
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:15
agliodbseven if you remove ebox entirely, this is still ture23:15
loshaagliodbs: it doesn't keep a log, and it doesn't make backups? A princely piece of software indeed...23:16
troublescootokay, well at the very least, what is the best way (without yet having Ubuntu) to determine what the latest supported version of any software is?23:16
Zappovge: it came up23:16
ActionParsnipagliodbs: sure you can remove it, just uninstall the packages23:17
jmqI have an ubuntu server, where all mail ends up in /var/mail/. Question: how can I bounce back mail which isn't one of the prescribed user names? (to prevent spam)23:17
unkmarwhen I mute through the keyboard shortcut. the sound isn't muted.23:18
jmqwe only have like 2 users.23:18
jmqbut if we get an email foo@domain.com it ends up as foo in /var/mail/23:19
ax-ax 23:19
ax-ax 23:19
FloodBot1ax-ax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:19
MacGyverNLWhat could be wrong if, when booting Ubuntu 9.04 from USB or CD, the boot goes fine but the subsequent loading of X *sometimes* displays a borked screen with vertical greenish lines, but sometimes goes as it should?23:20
agliodbsActionParsnip: yes, but I can't remove it and have my system behave the way it did before ebox was installed23:20
MacGyverNLThe CD is fine, I checked that.23:20
agliodbsActionParsnip: believe me, I tried23:20
shaffycan anyone tell me how to convert the ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix "img" to a bootable ".iso"?  or anyway at all to make just a regular bootable cd/dvd with the *.img file that is provided on the ubuntu website?23:20
ActionParsnipagliodbs: strange23:20
ActionParsnipagliodbs: you logged a bug?23:20
agliodbsActionParsnip: for example, when ebox is uninstalled, my machine won't respond to NAT connections23:21
agliodbsActionParsnip: so something's messed up in the networking profile23:21
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ActionParsnipshaffy:  ccd2iso /path/to/example.img /path/to/example.iso23:21
MacGyverNLOh, and if I indeed have that problem, when I drop to a normal terminal, the terminal on the main screen doesn't do display updates (I can see myself typing at first, but there's no scrolling and no output), but the tv hooked up to the gfx card displays it fine.23:22
ActionParsnipagliodbs: log a bug23:22
Griktarhow can I make it to where I don't have to enter my username/password when booting after its already set up to have me enter it upon boot?23:22
mgv1why i cant hear anything with ekiga even with the right settings in that mixer?23:22
einstein1969mikinanuq, thanks , i have to backup EBR also.23:22
fccfGriktar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin should help you23:23
sebsebsebGriktar: normalley people say it's more secure to not do auto log in23:23
dartagnan_ /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-15-generic       /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic23:23
unkmarmgv1: ekiga using a proxy? NAT traversal problems? or, mixer still not set right.23:23
shaffyActionParsnip: i've tried many windows apps (poweriso, magiciso, etc) to convert it to an ISO but it says the IMG file is not a valid image.  i've been really confused.  i've even tried to burn the IMG with nero (in windows) and the DVD just keeps showing up blank (ive done this several times)23:23
loshaagliodbs: ActionParsnip: well, it *is* a configuration tool. If you install it, then misconfigure your system in some way, then remove it, it seems a lot to expect that it would automatically revert your config to it's previous state (though if *I* were writing a config tool, I think a 'revert' button would be a priority feature...). I guess now you know why configuration tools suck...23:23
einstein1969i have problem with gparted, there is a progam for backup/restore EBR?23:23
dartagnan_anybody knows why these two copies of ubuntu 9.04 are on my booting menu?23:24
Griktarsebsebseb: you can bypass a password easy when you are at the PC anyway, and its my own personal laptop :-)23:24
sebsebsebdartagnan_: two kernels you mean or?23:24
ActionParsnipshaffy: did yuo md5 check the img?23:24
unkmardartagnan_: 2 different kernels?  kernel update?23:24
_Tristan$20 to the guy/girl who gets my sound working. ubuntu 9.04 dell studio xps 1523:24
dartagnan_what does it mean I have 4 entries for booting ubuntu?23:24
daveycakesbucky: installed all the necessary stuff. now i get  a huge list of this23:24
dartagnan_yes different kernels23:24
sebsebsebGriktar: ok23:24
ActionParsniplosha: i guess23:24
mgv1unkmar, no, i dont know what is the nat - mixer - i dont know - what can i do?23:24
dartagnan_installed the same day?23:25
agliodbslosha: right, but configure things in a way I can't *undo* by editing the configuration files?23:25
dartagnan_how could it happend?23:25
losha_Tristan: $20? I don't get out of bed for less than $200....23:25
agliodbslosha: for example, the networking behavior is just wierd23:25
fccfdartagnan_: those are 2 different kernels ... everytime you update and it loads new kernels  it adds those lines .. the newest being the top (default) one23:25
ActionParsnipagliodbs: you could use ssh to backup the configs first :)23:25
dartagnan_so I can erase the number 1123:25
_Tristanlosha: yes, but this doesn't involve getting out of bed now does it?23:25
daveycakesbucky: error: failed depenencies23:25
shaffyActionParsnip: i did not.  let me do that now.  will get right back to you.  thx.23:25
agliodbsActionParsnip: too late ...23:25
daveycakesbucky:a whole loada stuff from rpm23:25
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ActionParsnip_Tristan: run: sudo lshw -C sound     the product line will be useful in websearches23:26
einstein1969i have problem with gparted, there is a progam for backup/modify/restore EBR? thanks23:26
dartagnan_if i delete them in my booting meny are they deleted from my system, no i figure23:26
nideliusit's so wierd that drivers that worked perfect in an older kernel just stops working when you upgrade.. it's one of the few flaws with linux23:26
fccfdaveycakes: what are you installing?23:26
magikidAnyone have any experience with portknocking?23:26
loshaagliodbs: dunno what to tell you. If it worked once, in theory it's fixable, though it may take a long time to find & fix...23:27
_TristanActionParsnip: forgot to mention that I've followed every tutorial in the universe23:27
daveycakesfccf: 3 mobile broadband dongle driver23:27
nideliusmy sound just stopped working when I upgraded 9.04 to the latest kernel23:27
ActionParsnipshaffy: if you have the option. ALWAYS MD5 check ISO and IMG files23:27
daveycakesfccf: i've gone through so much crap to sort it, still not working23:27
agliodbslosha: yeah23:27
GriktarHow do you md5 check?23:27
Griktaris there a command?23:27
sebsebseb!md5 |  Griktar23:27
ubottuGriktar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:27
agliodbslosha: overall, I've been very uninpressed by ebox, and think that Ubuntu chose the wrong tool ...23:27
sebsebsebGriktar: np also it's much easier to md5sum on Linu than it is on Windows23:28
fccfdaveycakes: I wouldn't expect a rpm to work ... there is an easier way23:28
losha_Tristan: :-). 9.04 is *notorious* for hard-to-fix sound problems. Downgrade to 8.04. $20 please...23:28
daveycakesfccf: haha really? can i pvt with you to sort it?23:28
sebsebsebGriktar: Linux above23:28
unkmarmgv1: does the local echo test work?23:28
fccf!pm | daveycakes23:28
ubottudaveycakes: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:28
_Tristanlosha: nosir23:28
loshaagliodbs: my impression is that ebox isn't used much. Perhaps this is why...23:28
daveycakesoh i see23:28
einstein1969i have problem with gparted, there is a program for backup/modify/check/restore EBR? thanks23:28
agliodbslosha: yeah23:28
daveycakesfccf: ok so please help?23:28
daveycakesim lost at this point23:28
sebsebseblosha: well I guess 8.04 has been around for long enough now,  for  there to be quite a lot of people that know how to fix any pulseaudio issues in it23:29
agliodbslosha: unfortunately, someone here recommended it to me23:29
losha_Tristan: dang. Shoulda got the money upfront...23:29
_Tristanyou can still get it if you fix my problem ;)23:29
loshasebsebseb: I think that's an advantage of an LTS release anyway. Pretty much any problem you might encounter has been seen & fixed...23:29
einstein1969bye bye23:30
losha_Tristan: well, I wasn't kidding. Downgrading to 8.04 will probably fix most of your issues. Consider that a freebie...23:31
_Tristansee, but I like 9.04 a lot.23:31
sebsebseb_Tristan: Somtimes an older reason of  Ubuntu is actsauly better for someone, because of the hardware they have for example23:31
sebsebseb_Tristan: 9.10 is out on October 29th :)23:31
_Tristansebsebseb: I got it working before23:31
* sebsebseb wonders what issues that will fix other than the common 9.04 Intel issue23:31
losha_Tristan: get used to the quiet then....23:32
_Tristanfor some reason I sudo apt-get remove'd pulseaudio23:32
_Tristanand now I can't remember how I made it work before23:32
GriktarI need that intel issue fixed because I have it now its terrible.23:32
_Tristanhey, this channel isn't logged is it?23:32
sebsebseb_Tristan: yes it is23:32
_Tristansebsebseb: I don't suppose I could search the logs?23:32
sebsebseb!logs |  _Tristan23:32
shaffyActionParsnip: the IMG passed the md5sum23:32
ubottu_Tristan: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:32
unkmar_Tristan: yes you can.23:32
_Tristansome guy told me how to fix it maybe a month ago...23:33
dartagnan_how come I cant simply write vista chainloader as 0 for default booting????23:33
dartagnan_I dont see the point with grub23:33
buckydaveycakes, if that doesn't work just do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mobile%20Broadband%20Internet%20USB%20Adapters23:33
sebsebseb_Tristan: it seems that they can't easilley be searched, and you might have your own IRC client log for that23:33
dartagnan_when i had ubuntu into windows xp windows was the first to boot by default23:33
unkmarI guess I will stick to turning the physical knob on my speakers for muting when a call comes in. :(23:33
losha_Tristan: if you find it, come back and tell us. It comes up fairly often...23:33
_Tristansebsebseb: tried that23:33
dartagnan_thats not logical23:34
sebsebsebdartagnan_: the point of Grub is to allow another OS to boot up as well as Ubuntu,  or even  memtest or  recovery mode when it comes to Ubuntu23:34
dartagnan_how could grub be so complicated for nothing23:34
unkmarlosha: he probably removed pulseaudio and started esd or something like that.23:34
dartagnan_I know23:34
lobonegro_rlopezHello, I have a kinda big problem but this is the first time I've used IRC for help23:34
sebsebsebdartagnan_: I agree though it can be a bit complacted when it goes wrong23:34
fifoohi! Is there any french people here?23:34
dartagnan_but why cant I choose vista as default for booting ?23:35
sebsebseb!fr |  fifoo23:35
ubottufifoo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:35
sebsebsebdartagnan_: that's easy enough to change23:35
dartagnan_its not logical23:35
sebsebsebdartagnan_: ,but why would you want Vista to be the default boot?23:35
fifoook thank you!23:35
sebsebsebfifoo: np23:35
* losha If it's important enough to log, you'd think it'd be important enough to make it searchable....23:35
dartagnan_because I have kids on the pc, would be simpler this way23:35
_Tristananybody know where pidgin's log files are kept?23:36
sebsebsebdartagnan_: kids can use Ubuntu as well,  and there is a lot of educational software and such for them in the repo.   Ok you want to change things so Vista is default boot.  open the terminal and then  gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:36
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unkmardartagnan_: it is easy enough to make Vista the default boot.  Just change /boot/grub/menu.lst23:36
sebsebsebdartagnan_: put  the Vista entry before the Ubuntu  stuff, and it should boot up by default23:37
Flannelsebsebseb: This is support, please don't lecture about personal choice.23:37
dartagnan_I cange the + 1 of vista for 0???23:37
ActionParsnip_Tristan: ~/.purple/logs23:37
sebsebsebFlannel: whoops my bad, and ok no problem23:37
ikoniadartagnan_: can you see the line "Default" in /boot/grub/menu.lst ?23:37
dartagnan_nope it wont work23:37
dartagnan_stop to laugh at me23:37
_Tristanoh, pidgin DID log it.23:38
shaffyActionParsnip: anymore ideas on creating a bootable cd/dvd from the IMG file?23:38
lobonegro_rlopezFor the past month, Nautilus has been saying that my hard drive has less and less available space, but besides the usual updates I haven't downloaded anything big.23:38
unkmardartagnan_: usually one of the first few lines.23:38
dartagnan_where the one in charge? you all laughing at me, where are you, in ottawa?23:38
ikoniadartagnan_: stop - no-one is laughing at you23:38
ActionParsnipshaffy: not sure, thats all i got23:38
loshasebsebseb: in the doghouse again...23:38
ikoniadartagnan_: can you see the line "default" in /boot/grub/menu.lst23:38
ikoniadartagnan_: can you pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst please ?23:39
ActionParsnipshaffy: remember toALWAYS MD5 check before using ISO and IMG files23:39
losha_Tristan: tell us...23:39
_Tristanwhoever wanted to know23:39
lobonegro_rlopezNow it says there are 0 bytes free after deleting several gb, and now the panels have reverted back to default23:39
unkmardartagnan_: line 14 for me.  Might be a little sooner or later than that.23:39
mgv1unkmar, the echo test? no23:39
_Tristandell studio xps 15 + options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m6 = profit23:39
ActionParsniplobonegro_rlopez: sudo apt-get clean23:39
shaffyActionParsnip: i can extract the entire IMG to a folder using poweriso -- but i don't know how to make the contents "bootable" when i burn it to a dvd23:39
dartagnan_could I simply set default as +1 ????23:39
ikoniadartagnan_: no23:39
ActionParsnipshaffy: that wont work23:39
ikoniadartagnan_: you need to count the menu items (just titles) until you get to vista, start at 0 and then count to your vista entry, that is the number you want23:40
ikoniadartagnan_: eg: if vista is the 4th title in the list, you want to set it to 323:40
ActionParsnipshaffy: do you have a USB stick you can boot from, its faster than CD and a hell of a lot more reliable23:40
loshashaffy: making bootable dvds was complicated last time I looked. Where did your IMG file come from?23:41
aj_444I'm trying to install opera but it won't let me. help?23:41
ActionParsnipshaffy: burning a CD IMG to a DVD can get messy23:41
ActionParsnip!opera | aj_44423:41
ubottuaj_444: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser23:41
shaffyActionParsnip: that's just the problem -- i dont have a USB :(((23:42
shaffylosha: i dled it from the ubuntu site -- it's the ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix IMG23:42
ActionParsnipshaffy: or sd card?23:42
dartagnan_I want vista as 0 deafult booter23:42
vgesorry about my french, but k3b will burn image to dvd just fine23:42
lobonegro_rlopezthat didn't work23:43
dartagnan_not 323:43
ikoniadartagnan_: the number doesn't matter23:43
ikoniadartagnan_: it's just a menu list identifier23:43
shaffyActionParsnip: will my computer boot from an SD card?23:43
ikoniadartagnan_: change the number to the menu list number of vista, eg: 4th entry, = change it to 323:43
lobonegro_rlopezbesides, I've used computer janitor and ubuntu tweaks package cleaning functions and still no room23:43
dartagnan_will wait to know more about it23:43
ikoniadartagnan_: pardon ?23:44
ActionParsnipshaffy: some can, some cant23:44
shaffythx.  will try23:44
loshashaffy: sorry, I don't know much about the remix stuff...23:44
shaffynp. thx every123:44
lobonegro_rlopezCan anyone help me23:45
GriktarI have a great question.. I installed ubuntu then another distro after that.... How come the new distro is the one that handles the GRUB issues now?23:45
sebsebseblobonegro_rlopez: With what?23:45
loshalobonegro_rlopez: I can help, but you'll have to do some cli work, ok?23:45
lobonegro_rlopezI don't mind23:46
FlannelGriktar: because the new distro wrote it's grub to the MBR, so your computer boots to that one.23:46
sebsebsebGriktar: ,because that distro probably  put  on it's  own Grub23:46
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Griktarok, both distros have their /boot/grub/menu.lst23:46
loshalobonegro_rlopez: ok, please open a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l, and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com23:46
GriktarHow does that grub on the MBR know which to use?23:46
FlannelGriktar: right, GRUB is a two step process, the second step is the one that reads the menu.lst, the first step is the one that points to a second step (and sits on the MBR)23:47
FlannelGriktar: So, both second steps still exist, but the new distro wrote it's first one to the MBR, pointing to it's /boot/23:47
lobonegro_rlopezpaste it where?23:47
aj_444ActionParsnip: I installed the .deb file for opera and tried installing it via the package manager and it didn't work for me.23:47
Griktarok, so sense I have 2 partitions with 2 linux distros, they are basically like c:/ and d:/ if we were using windows?23:47
FlannelGriktar: Uh, not exactly, but that's close enough if you understand that.23:48
Berzerkerwhat does "opera has no installation candidate" mean?23:48
twobitscan any one recommened a really nice lightweight application launcher? Preferably something much more light weight than gnome do. I've looked around, but there are so many of them!23:48
loshalobonegro_rlopez: open a browser, go to http://paste.ubuntu.com, copy the output by cutting & pasting it into the browser window, press the button, and then tell us the url it gives you23:48
GriktarFlannel feel free to elaborate, i'm here to learn ';-)23:48
twobitsso I thought I would see what other people are actually using23:49
FlannelGriktar: well, it's true that you have two separate installs, but linux doesn't deal with drive letters.  And I don't think windows can install to a D drive.  But yeah, that's close enough.23:49
GriktarI know it doesn't deal in drive letters but how does it know where to go?23:50
FlannelGriktar: Your bootloader (the part on the MBR) tells it which one to boot to.23:50
Griktaris that the UUID stuff?23:50
BronzeAuMorning / afternoon all:-D23:51
FlannelGriktar: No, this has nothing to do with your menu.lst, this is all stage1 stuff (menu.lst is stage2 stuff)23:51
GriktarWhere can I find out how the stage 1 stuff works?23:51
FlannelGriktar: Think of stage2 as the grub program, it reads your menu.lst, and displays it, etc.  You have two different progrms (one for each distro), and at boot, your MBR runs one of them.23:51
BronzeAuCan someone tell me where I can get a good Karmic Koala Edubuntu Live CD image from? I got a stuffed Jaunty and a nother stuffed Karmic.23:52
FlannelBronzeAu: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, thanks23:52
BronzeAuOk cool. Thanks.23:52
=== remek_ is now known as remczas
FlannelGriktar: Are you looking to swap back? or just want general information? or what?23:52
loshalobonegro_rlopez: very good. I see a single 160G disk, about 150G of which is dedicated to Ubuntu i.e. all your files are in there. Now lets see how much of that you're using. Type 'df -h' and paste the output, just like last time...23:53
GriktarIm a tech nerd, so gen information... Can learn to use it later if I choose to :-)23:53
GriktarIm sure that when i installed 9.10 it will make my ubuntus the main MBR right? lol23:53
passsesCan I change where LILO boots from to a partition contained within a LBA partition23:53
HappyHobothe Koala rules!23:53
passsesand then use gparted live cd to switch the boot back to primary partition to get my old boot menu back23:54
kermithow does grub find menu.lst?23:54
loshaGriktar: the gory details of grub booting are talked about in http://www.geocities.com/thestarman3/asm/mbr/GRUB.htm. Not for the faint of heart...23:54
DaZkoalas usually rule ;f23:54
ikoniakermit: it's written into the boot sector23:54
GriktarThats losha23:54
kermitikonia: but whenever i edit it i dont have to update anything23:54
ikoniakermit: the pointer is written into the boot sector I mean23:54
passsescan LILO boot from OUTSIDE the boot sector23:54
FlannelGriktar: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html for general info, for redoing where the MBR stuff points, you can use this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows23:54
ikoniapassses: how can you boot something from outside the boot sector?23:55
passsesyes, cos i noticed that I can change the boot flag23:55
ikoniapassses: you can boot lilo from any thing that can be pointed at something to boot23:56
passsesand so thought it would be useful if possible, just to write lilo to a different partition, and preserve my MBR just by switching the boot flag23:56
loshalobonegro_rlopez: ok, see line 2? It confirms that you're using about almost all your space. I'm guessing because your trash directory has tons of garbage in it. Next, we're going to find out where all the space has gone. Please type the following: cd /; du -x | sort -rn > /tmp/du.out23:56
passsesso I could switch the boot flag in gparted, write LILO and boot from there (outside first 1024 cylinders) and then switch back to my old boot menu MBR at a later point23:57
loshalobonegro_rlopez: it will take a few minutes to run, because it looks over the whole disk. Just be patient till it returns to the prompt, ok...23:57
unkmarmgv1: still looking for a solution?23:57
mgv1unkmar, yes23:57
Serlahow to change the writing language in ubuntu23:57
mgv1with alt+shift by default23:58
EricInBNEhi playing a joke on a friend - need some help right away23:58
unkmarmgv1: I believe my isipphone # is: 17474977232@sipphone.com23:58
EricInBNEoh never mind. figured out how to make the change23:58
ikoniaEricInBNE: this isn't a comedy channel23:58
Serlamgv1 but I havent chosen the second language23:58
mgv1serla- or add it to the panel23:58
Serlamgv1 how23:58
mgv1serla- i guess you will need to choose23:59
Serlamgv1 yes but where will I do that23:59
passsesI've read online that LILO will only work from the first 1024 sectors of a disk23:59
mgv1serla- i dont know where23:59
passsesdoes that mean I can set LILO to boot from a different partition23:59
lobonegro_rlopezok, so every thing says "Permission Denied", should I have used sudo23:59

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