
* fullermd spills coffee all over the keyboard.01:21
sysadmin2hi - any ideas where I can ask about loggerhead please ? I'm struggling to find the homepage and wondered if it was part of bzr02:00
mkanatsysadmin2: Here is the place.02:02
mkanatsysadmin2: Ask and somebody will answer. :-)02:02
mkanatsysadmin2: http://launchpad.net/loggerhead02:02
sysadmin2thanks - I'm running it on stock karmic, it is not running from the init script - further investigation reveals I can only get it to run if I run it in the foreground with the -f switch - the same command without throws horrible errors02:04
mkanatsysadmin2: Are you running trunk?02:13
mkanatsysadmin2: start-loggerhead is really not the way loggerhead should be started.02:13
mkanatsysadmin2: Better to use serve-branches if you can.02:13
sysadmin2apt-get install loggerhead - I took that from the /etc/init.d/loggerhead script02:13
mkanatsysadmin2: Oh, I've never used the package, I don't know what version it is.02:13
* mkanat actually doesn't even use ubuntu.02:14
sysadmin2oh hell - thats jaunty not karmic - okay - I'll download trunk02:14
mkanatsysadmin2: Okay.02:14
mkanatsysadmin2: Should just be bzr branch lp:loggerhead I think.02:14
sysadmin2thank you02:14
* igc lunch02:28
james_wplease help me02:48
james_wI'm going mad02:48
* poolie tries02:48
james_wwhen I run that from the command line all is good02:49
james_wwhen I run it from cron it never returns02:49
james_wbut doesn't throw an exception apparently02:49
james_wand the processes aren't still running02:49
james_wis there an equivalent to "set -x" for python?02:49
poolienot really02:50
poolie(that i know of) - i'd manually open a file and print things to it02:50
pooliecould it be that failure_dir is not absolute and it's run from a different directory?02:51
pooliejames_w: when you say 'never returns' do you mean the process is hung?02:51
pooliewhat happens if you strace it then?02:51
james_wthe next line after that function is called is:02:51
james_wbut I never get the mail02:52
pooliedo you need to set MAILTO maybe?02:52
james_wand I can't find any processes still running02:52
james_wMAILTO is set02:52
james_wif I move the exit() to the first iteration of the loop then it mails me02:53
poolieoh ok02:53
james_wif I remove the open() stuff then it works again02:53
james_wif I only have the open stuff then it works02:53
james_wbut I can't see a mistake with reusing variables02:53
pooliemeaning if you only open it and don't read anything?02:53
james_wif I just "cat" the files it works02:54
james_wif I ignore the files and just do the prints with the info in the dicts then it works02:54
pooliecould any of the files be enormous?02:54
poolieor not a regular file?02:54
poolie(biab, will try to help more then)02:55
james_wmost are a few bytes02:55
james_wthe biggest might be 1k02:55
lifelessjames_w: whats your cron line03:15
lifelessjames_w: and what is failure_dir03:16
james_wstrace shows that everything is being printed03:16
james_wit's something to do with buffering or the like03:16
_AndrewAnyone know how I run a test case on a bzr plugin?03:17
lifeless_Andrew: bzr selftest plugins.pluginname, if its a tes tincluded in the plugin03:17
lifelessjames_w: whats the total size ofoutput you are generating ?03:18
lifelessjames_w: and do you have HOME set ?03:18
james_wHOME isn't set in crontab03:18
james_wtotal size is not huge03:18
james_wcouple of thousand lines03:18
lifelessmy guess is that you're exceeding a buffer in whatever cron has you hooked up to03:20
lifelessand so your process blocks on writing to that pipe03:20
james_wbut it's not still running03:22
james_w*/1 * * * * /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/python /srv/package-import.canonical.com/new/scripts/categorise_failures.py 1>&2 || false"03:24
james_wthat's the cron line03:24
james_wI wasn't sure whether it sent email only on failure, and only stderr03:24
sysadmin2resolved my issue from ealier by upgrading to karmic and a later version of loggerhead - thanks all03:31
james_wok, worked around it03:36
james_wjust making the script send the mail itself now03:36
james_wmy guess is that cron didn't like some of the characters that were being output and so refused to send the mail03:37
pooliecould be03:39
spivYeah, could be.  Perhaps cron runs with LANG=C or something like that that means Python won't let you write non-ascii unicode objects to stdout?03:40
pooliesurprising he didn't get a mail with the traceback though03:40
spivAlthough I'd -- yeah.03:40
spivI was just thinking that :)03:40
pooliespiv, when will we enjoy your sparking wit live and in person?03:44
spmyeah spiv, when???03:45
spivspm (and poolie): at the bbq, I think -- I've had some unplanned disruptions this morning and atm I'm having a bizarre compulsion to try get some work done!03:50
_AndrewMy colleague has somehow managed to remove the same file three times in each commit he's done03:52
_AndrewHow's that even possible03:53
lifelessjames_w: or it could be you exceeded a system mail size cap03:53
lifelessthe canonical servers all have them, unless you get it configured to be larger.03:53
james_wI'm sending the same text though03:54
james_wand I could send *larger* text03:54
spmspiv: for shame, tsk tsk tsk even03:54
lifelessis someone picking luke up?03:54
poolieigc, still here?04:13
poolieis alldocs still the correct thing for the top-level doc pages?04:13
igcpoolie: yep04:13
pooliejust getting things restarted after escudero rearrangements04:14
poolievila, hi?05:07
bialixigc here?05:19
pooliehi bialix05:19
igchi bialix05:19
poolievila, hi now?05:19
bialixhi all05:19
GungaDinIs bzr 2 compatible with bzr1 repos?05:19
GungaDinCan it still checkout from old repos?05:19
GungaDinand commit?05:19
bialixigc: if you have 5 minutes I can teach you about uplod translations05:19
spivGungaDin: yes05:19
bialixigc: it seems your mails going to me with biiiiiiiiiiiig delay05:20
igcbialix: now is bad sorry - need to run some errands before the shops close05:22
bialixI'll be online after 3 hours05:23
pooliehave a good weekend, all05:55
pooliei'm off to the canonical sydney xmas party soon05:55
bialixhello bzr07:35
bialixigc: new pot uploaded07:36
igcbialix: mega thanks07:36
fullermdigc: BTW, is fast-export-from-cvs supposed to Just Work?07:36
igcbialix: I'm scrambling to wrap things up here before I need to start packing for my leave07:36
igcfullermd: does anything-from-cvs Just Work?07:37
bialixI don't understand07:37
bialixfullermd: not for me07:37
igcbialix: if you get a chance to look at any recently added epxlorer bugs today, that would help07:38
fullermdWell, no.  But some of them pretend to   :p07:38
bialixigc: unlikely07:38
igcbialix: at this point, I'm either going to package first thing in my morning (13-14 hrs from now) or not at all :-(07:38
bialixigc: are you going on vacation?07:38
igcbialix: yes, offline and out of the city!07:38
bialixI can release it for you07:39
igcbialix: that might be best - we can then wait a little longer for translations to get done over the weekend say07:39
igcfullermd: I did plan for fast-export-from-cvs to Just Work fwiw07:40
bialixso, you're free to fly away as soon as you wish ;-)07:40
igcfullermd: and in a sense, *my* bit of it does07:40
igci.e. I think I wrap the underlying script successfully :-)07:41
igcbut cvs2bzr needs some love I believe07:41
igcfullermd: I will say that the cvs2svn guys are really helpful though07:42
fullermdI presume you'll need at least something to point it at a config file.07:42
fullermdI hacked up a conversion manually some time ago, and I had to put together some rather obscure and sparsely-documented config file to get it to work.07:42
igcfullermd: so if you need assistance, ping them, Michael Heggerty in particular is great07:42
fullermd(it's nice how cvs2_bzr_ tells you "ERROR: Git output [...]" though   :p)07:42
bialixfullermd: ~1.5-2 months ago I've sent mail to list with my experience about cvs2svn usage re conversion to bzr07:43
igcyeah, that's gross07:43
fullermdSo f-e-f-c probably needs some way to pass an option through pointing at it.07:43
igcfullermd: right. It's a simple patch to add that btw07:44
bialixigc: enjoy your vacation :-) ping me if needed07:44
igcfullermd: it never went into the initial wrapper because the underlying script used to take either options or an options file. Now isn't smart enough to support both07:45
igcthanks bialix!07:45
bialixanybody seen here garyvdm?07:45
bialixhe's offline for ~ week07:45
igcbialix: bug 495003 may be a simple fix. It's happening on Windows iiuic and not on Ubuntu07:47
* fullermd nods.07:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495003 in bzr-explorer "Tools \ Add Tool dialog generates TypeError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49500307:47
igcbialix: I think someone needs to look at that before 0.10.0 ships07:47
fullermdJust happened to steal some time tonite to fiddle with it and see what it did.07:47
vilahi all07:49
vilaigc: Hey ! Good to see you here :)07:49
bialixbonjour vila07:49
vilahi bialix07:49
igchi vila!07:49
vilaigc: can I ask you to pilot the doc patches by neil ?07:50
* bialix looks at igc bug07:50
fullermdOoer, vila's up and about.  Guess that means it's time to go to bed...07:51
vilaigc: I've tried to review the ones I was comfortable with but except for the "chained bound branches" concepts which I think is wrong and mentioned in several patches, I just can't finish reviews07:51
vilafullermd: hey !07:51
* bialix wonders why you guys wrote windows-specific bugs07:52
bialixigc: I need your help07:54
igcon phone07:54
* bialix waiting07:54
bialixthis is not windows-specific bug07:55
bialixjust pyqt 4.4 specific07:55
bialixQComboBox.addItem (self, QString atext, QVariant auserData = QVariant())07:55
bialixyou put simple string instead of QVariant07:56
igcvila: I'm on vacation within the hour so I won't have time to look over Neil's patches sorry07:56
igcbialix: so what's the fix?07:57
bialixit depends on how you want to use this data07:57
bialixthe fix itself is to wrap data to QVariant07:57
bialixbut then you need to extract this data07:57
bialixwhere this data used?07:58
igcbialix: so the combo box has nice labels and actual values07:58
igcthe user sees the nice (l10n) label07:58
igcthe data is what's returned07:58
bialixyes, I see data=='bzr' and label=='Bazaar Command'07:59
bialixwhere the data used later?07:59
igcget_tool() looks up the value07:59
igcno where else07:59
bialixigc: change line 64 to             combo.addItem(label, QtCore.QVariant(data))08:00
bialixcan you test that everything works?08:00
bialixI'm not sure yet how to use this new feature08:01
igcbialix: I can't test it on pyqt 4.408:01
bialixtest on your own08:01
bialixit should work on any pyqt08:01
igcbialix: to test the feature, put in some random data and check BZR_CONFIG/explorer/tools.xml has a new entry08:02
igci.e. .bazaar/epxlorer/tools.xml on ubuntu08:02
bialixit seems work for me08:03
bialixI'll push the fix08:03
igcbialix: works for me too08:04
igcbialix: btw, after adding a tool, it should appear on your Tools menu and in your Toolbox08:04
bialixigc: can you prepare announce mail draft for me?08:04
igcbialix: sure do later tonight08:05
bialixigc: pushed08:05
igcbialix: thanks!08:06
bialixwithout your help this fix won't be so quick ;-)08:06
bialixigc: btw, fyi, I'm thinking about writing standalone app for explorer08:07
bialixmaybe on xmas vacation08:08
igcto drop the dos box?08:08
igcthat would rock. dos box yells "non-professional" to me :-(08:08
bialixthis black hole/console is annoying08:08
bialixI just need to figure out where to redirect all this junk bzrlib tends to drop on stderr (and stdout sometimes)08:09
bialixe.g. when ssh connection established et al08:09
vilabialix: the easy-don't-think-too-much-about-it will be to have some console for bzr-explorer that can be opened on demand, where you drop the whole content of stdout/stderr08:20
vilalike many ftp/sftp clients do for example08:20
bialixthat's my intent, just need to convert it to code and see how it will work08:20
LeoNerdbzr-svn++ # I just  bzr merge svn+ssh://'ed and it JustWorked12:04
LeoNerdAnd bzr even knows its a merge in log10.. Hrm.. I wonder how that happens12:05
LeoNerdMmm... Well.. since I don't understand it, Clarke says it must be magic :)12:13
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
Kamping_Kaiserhow does one debug a _slow_ bzr upload problem?13:16
vilaKamping_Kaiser: what is your remote server ?13:23
vilaKamping_Kaiser: ftp or sftp ?13:23
vilaKamping_Kaiser: by upload you mean the bzr-upload plugin or a regular bzr push ?13:24
Kamping_Kaiservila: remote version? I don't know (i didn't set it up). using sftp.13:24
Kamping_Kaiservila: and i was refering to bzr-push, its doing 1-2Kb/s13:24
Kamping_Kaisers/-/ /13:24
rubbsgood morning every one.13:25
Kamping_Kaiseri'm not sure whats caused it - it was either upgrading from the bzr in debian stable, or the repo getting converted from unique branches into a shared repo (which i think is the current situation)13:25
vilaHmm, that's highly unusal... unless you have a very high latency or are using a very old format13:25
vilahi rubbs13:25
vilawhat does bzr info <remote_url> says about the format and the branch/repo relationship ?13:26
vilaKamping_Kaiser: debian *stable*, what bzr version is that ?13:28
Kamping_Kaiservila: shall i pastebin it?13:28
vilaKamping_Kaiser: sure13:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:28
Kamping_Kaiservila: currently using 2.0 from backports, i forget what stable ships by default13:28
vilaha, good, I had a horrible doubt about you using 1.12 or something :-)13:29
Kamping_Kaiservila: http://pastebin.com/f717e494a13:29
vilano offense implied though, it's just that the problem would have been totally different13:29
Kamping_Kaiseri've had issues with debians default bzr before, so no offence taken.13:30
vilaformat: unnamed, bad juju13:30
vilaeither the repo or the branch may not have been upgraded13:31
vilatry bzr info -v sftp://kgoetz@bzr.savannah.nongnu.org/srv/bzr/gnewsense/13:31
Kamping_Kaiserhttp://pastebin.com/f646ece25 this appears to know what it is13:33
vilayou may want to try an upgrade of the branch then13:34
vilait should be fast, really fast since you use a shared repo13:34
Kamping_Kaiserthelocal branch?13:34
vilathe remote one13:34
vilaI don't know how the upgrade was done there, but it seems that only the repo  has been upgraded (at least that's my understanding)13:35
Kamping_Kaiserhm. I'll have to get someone to look at that.13:35
Kamping_Kaiservila: thanks for your help :)13:35
vilaOh, and you want to check what format you use locally, cross-format conversions are still slow13:36
vilaKamping_Kaiser: you're welcome, feedback appreciated if you solve the problem !13:36
vilaand more help available if you don't :)13:36
Kamping_Kaiserok. so local tree is rich-root-pack, shared repo with trees is ormat 2a - are you saying i should upgrae my checkout to match teh shred repo?13:37
* Kamping_Kaiser tries it13:38
vilaKamping_Kaiser: yes13:38
vilawhat does 'bzr info -v' says locally ?13:38
Kamping_Kaiservila: beofre or after upgrade?13:39
vilayou mean you did upgrade in the last 2 minutes ?13:39
* Kamping_Kaiser wonders how he lived before pastebinit13:39
Kamping_Kaiserhang on and i'll give you before upgrade too13:40
vilaright, so you use a standalone branch not a 'checkout'13:40
Kamping_Kaiserhttp://pastebin.com/m9ba9455 pre upgrade13:40
Kamping_Kaiseryeah. my branch predates the move to shared repo13:41
vilaright, try again, things should go better and faster13:41
vilayou may not even need to upgrade the remote branch, but I think it's worth checking what happened there13:41
Kamping_KaiserI don't have anything to hack at the moment, so it'll have to be another day. I'll let you know how it goes13:41
* Kamping_Kaiser takes his headache to bed ;)13:42
Kamping_Kaiserthanks again, I'll hunt you down if it works and thank you :D13:42
vilahehe, take care of your headache !13:43
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
jamigc: go enjoy your vacation :)14:46
jammorning vila, bialix, et al14:46
bialixheya jam!14:47
vilaGoood morning jam14:49
rubbsmorning jam14:50
igcthanks jam!14:53
igcjam: those fastimport patches look fine btw. Merge away ...14:53
igcnight all. I'll offline now for a week plus.14:54
jamigc: have a great vacation14:54
igcshall do!14:54
bialixigc: you don't forget about me?14:54
igcbialix: I trust you to write a nice summary from the NEWS :-)14:55
bialixso, enjoy!14:55
igcbialix: I didn't forget - just too sleepy sorry!14:55
rubbsigc: doing anything special for vacation?14:56
jamrubbs: not hanging around here :)14:56
rubbsjam: haha fair enough.14:56
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
abentleyjam: Launchpad's test suite checks to make sure garbage isn't left behind.  On one machine, it's now complaining about _LockWarner, but the other is happy.  Any thoughts what would cause this?15:40
jamabentley: I'm trying to track some of that stuff down myself. _LockWarner can generally only trigger in a thread, because we run with -Werror (so if it triggers in the main thread it fails PQM)15:42
jamwhen you say "garbage" you mean data on stderr?15:43
jammy experience on this so far is single-cpu machines have issues cleaning up resources on secondary threads in a timely manner.15:43
abentleyjam: No, I mean that it has an entry in gc.garbage, i.e. it's not garbage-collectable.15:43
abentleyjam: It is collectable if I disable the __del__, but that defeats the purpose, of course.15:44
jamabentley: right, and _LockWarner is meant to hang of of an open lock and never be in a ref cycle15:47
abentleyjam: And of course, they should be equivalent machines (dual-core x86-64/emt64)15:47
jamabentley: you could try something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/339283/15:49
jamand see if anything is assigning to LW that shouldn't be15:49
abentleyjam: I've added the slots, but I don't understand the second part.15:52
jam'understand the second part' ?15:53
jamThe idea is if you have slots and someone assigns to _LockWarner.foo = bar15:53
jamit will fail15:53
jamrather than allowing a refcycle15:53
jamis it possible to inspect the LW class that is left in gc.garbage?15:54
jamor is it only reproducible on a machine you don't have direct access to?15:54
abentleyjam: I see.  Well, it's not failing.15:57
abentleyjam: It is possible to inspect the LW class in gc.garbage.  What should I look for?15:58
jamabentley: well, it is in gc.garbage because it is in a refcycle and has __del__ right?15:59
jamSo you need to find the attribute that is causing the refcycle15:59
jamwithout __slots__ then doing "pp LW.__dict__" should give you an idea16:00
jam(with __slots__ there is no __dict__ attribute)16:00
abentleyjam: pp lw.__dict__16:03
abentley{'lock_count': None,16:03
abentley 'repr': 'LockableFiles(<bzrlib.transport.chroot.ChrootTransport url=chroot-121047632:///~person-name9/product-name4/branch11/.bzr/repository/>)'}16:03
abentleyjam: If there were live objects that referred to the LW, it wouldn't be in gc.garbage, right?16:05
abentleyjam: gc seems to think that the LW doesn't refer to anything uncollectable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/339310/16:13
abentleyjam: And note that the lock count is None.  This implies that it's been locked and unlocked, because it's initialized to 0, not None.16:14
jamabentley: well, repr is a string and  lock_count is None, I don't see how it could be in a reference cycle16:19
jamunless maybe the class itself is referencing the object?16:20
abentleyjam: yeah, me neither.16:20
jamcan you check the references from bzrlib.lockdir._LockWarner ?16:20
jamor gc.get_referents(gc.get_referents(gc.garbage[0])[-1])16:20
jam(should be the same thing)16:20
jamand what does sys.getrefcount say?16:21
jamhmm... looking at http://docs.python.org/library/gc.html16:22
jamit looks like if gc thought it was once in a refcycle16:22
abentleyjam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/339321/16:22
jamit would go into gc.garbage16:22
jamand never come out16:22
jameven after that cycle was fixed16:23
abentleyjam: sys.getrefcount(gc.garbage[0]) returns 216:23
jamhttp://docs.python.org/library/gc.html#gc.garbage specifically16:23
jamabentley: right, that means that gc.garbage is the only thing referring to this object now16:23
jampriority on *now*16:23
abentleyjam: Okay, so if I follow the instructions and del gc.garbage[:], and then gc.collect, the list is empty.16:26
jamfrom reading the docs, it sure looks like at some point LockWarner was referring to itself when gc.collect() ran16:26
jamoh, or it was part of some bigger cycle16:27
jamyou know, it could have been in something like a comprehension16:27
abentleyjam: I think this means that the test infrastructure is broken.  Do you agree?16:27
jamso, trying to read fully16:27
jamit sounds like if LW was in a refcycle with other code that didn't have __del__16:27
jamonly *it* would get put into the garbage16:28
jam"By default, this list contains only objects with __del__() methods."16:28
jamthe key is also this part:16:28
jam" including objects not necessarily in the cycle but reachable only from it."16:28
jamso if we have a cycle, and hanging off of that is this class with __del__ it could get put into gc.garbage16:28
jamwhich is a bit broken in python, if you ask me16:28
jamof course, you can't fix python for your test suite :)16:29
jamyou might try running with: DEBUG_SAVEALL16:29
abentleyThe test infrastructure wants to know if we've left anything uncollectable behind.  It seems to me that we haven't left anything uncollectable behind.16:29
jamabentley: but it may have been uncollectable at some point, which then gets cleaned up by the time you investigate...16:30
abentleyjam: True, but my point is that the test infrastructure is buggy, and presumably the way to fix it is to either disable automatic garbage collection during the test run or to do this del gc.garbage[:] thing.16:32
abentleyjam: I assume if it was actually uncollectable, it would get put back into gc.garbage?16:32
jamabentley: I'm willing to write a test to find out :)16:33
jamabentley: You seem to be correct, I'll paste16:35
jamabentley: http://paste.ubuntu.com/339330/16:38
jamso doing "del gc.garbage[:]; gc.collect()" does, indeed, seem to restore things that are still in cycles16:39
abentleyjam: cool.16:39
abentleyjam: So what's odd here is that I've disabled the gc before running the test.  After the test, gc.garbage is [].  Then I call gc.collect, and it adds the lock warner.16:41
jamabentley: well, disabling gc means that nothing will get put into gc.garbage as gc.collect is never running16:42
abentleyjam: So it seems there's a cycle, but python fixes it.16:42
jamit does seem a bit odd16:42
abentleyjam: It means that there was a cycle after the test exited.16:42
jamif you go back to: http://docs.python.org/library/gc.html#gc.garbage16:42
abentleyjam: at least, AFAICT.16:43
jamif DEBUG_SAVEALL is not set16:43
jamthen it only puts the objects with __del__ into the garbage16:43
jamand goes ahead and deletes the rest16:43
jamwhich may be breaking the cycle somehow16:43
jamyou might try running with16:43
jamgc.DEBUG_SAVEALL = True16:43
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
jamor something like that16:44
jamI should mention that pyrex/C objects get a _dealloc() function which doesn't block the garbage collector16:44
jamand can run actions at deconstruction16:44
jamso if LockWarner was in a cycle with an extension class, the extension class may break the cycle in its deconstructor16:45
abentleyActually, I believe DEBUG_SAVEALL is a flag you pass into gc.set_debug()16:48
abentleyjam: Oh, this gets better and better: repr(gc.garbage)16:55
abentley*** UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u02bb' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128)16:55
jamprobably a case where an object is returning a Unicode from __str__16:59
jamwhich we've been guilty of in the past16:59
jam(and may still be guilty of...)16:59
jamwell, tries, I think it forcibly casts the return  from __str__ to a str16:59
abentleyjam: So with SAVEALL, there are 39 LockWarners in gc.garbage.17:00
Calvin1602Hi ! I'm experiencing a proxy problem with tortoiseBzr17:09
Calvin1602bzr: ERROR: Connection error: while sending OPTIONS /inkscape/: (10061, 'Connection refused')17:09
jamCalvin1602: how are you setting your proxy?17:09
Calvin1602( the URL was https://launchpad.net/inkscape )17:09
Calvin1602Well, I don't, my question is how do I do it :)17:10
jamwell, https://launchpad.net/inkscape isn't an actual branch17:10
jambzr branch lp:inkscape would probably work better for you17:10
Calvin1602The user manual is very poor about that, especially for Windows17:10
Calvin1602tried it17:10
Pengjam: That should work as a branch, though. (There's a reference.)17:11
PengI think.17:11
jamso, setting a proxy is generally setting "HTTP_PROXY" environment variable.17:11
Pengjam: Yeah.17:11
Calvin1602http ?17:11
jamPeng: I think the problem is some issues with bzr-svn trying to send OPTIONS and it getting caught in a auto-proxy17:11
Calvin1602not https ?17:11
jambut not sure17:11
Pengjam: Yeah, probably. I was just sayin'.17:11
jamCalvin1602: https:// is used by launchpad for serving lp pages, but not for bzr branches17:11
jamyou could also try17:12
jambzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/17:12
jamif you want to go directly to what everything will eventually redirect you to17:12
Calvin1602ok so I've set the HTTP_PROXY trough Windows+Pause, and ran bzr branch lp:inkscape17:13
Calvin1602guess what, bzr crashes17:13
Calvin1602want the stack on patebin ?17:14
Calvin1602on the other hand, bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/ gave a much nicer error :17:17
Calvin1602bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "proxy.insa-rennes.fr:8080": No host component17:17
Takdoes it work if you prepend "http://" to your proxy ?17:19
Calvin1602it does indeed, thanks :)17:20
Calvin1602Any idea why lp:inkscape makes it crash ?17:20
Takno clue17:21
jamCalvin1602: we send an xmlrpc request to a different location17:23
jamwhat version of bzr?17:23
jam2.0.2... probably doesn't have the xmlrpc supports proxies17:23
Calvin1602very last one, downloaded 1 hour ago17:23
Calvin16022.0.2, yeah17:24
jamyeah, looks like: bug #18692017:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186920 in bzr "bzr xmlrpc client doesn't use http proxy, causing network errors trying to resolve lp: urls" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18692017:24
jamthe bzr 2.1 series has a fix for it17:24
jamsince 2.1.0b217:24
Calvin1602Is there a windows installer for it ?17:25
jamCalvin1602: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/2.1/2.1.0b317:25
jamor the direct link: http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/2.1/2.1.0b3/+download/bzr-2.1.0b3-1-setup.exe17:26
Calvin1602Well, in fact, I can't use it right now. I'm not on my own computer, the network admin is away, so i'll have to live without it for the weekend17:26
Calvin1602So, hopefuly my last question : how do I convert a lp: adress to a https:// adress ?17:27
Calvin1602I have a project on launchpad. I'm told to use lp:~arnaud1602-gmail/sffs-sandbox/trunk , but as I said, I can't use it17:28
Calvin1602( and, btw, I will need push privileges on it, so I guess https is needed instead of http ? )17:29
PengCalvin1602: No, bzr+ssh (or sftp) is needed.17:30
PengCalvin1602: Well, for pushing.17:30
PengCalvin1602: Unless you're arnaud1602-gmail, you can't push to *that* branch, just your own branches (and those of teams you're in).17:31
Calvin1602I am arnaud160217:31
Calvin1602and I want to push back tu launchpad17:31
abentleyjam: Thanks for the help, but my brain is gonna explode.17:32
jamabentley: no problem, it would seem that just doing "gc.collect(); del gc.garbage[:]; gc.collect()" may be sufficient for what you need17:33
jamCalvin1602: you need an sshkey17:33
jamand then you can do "bzr lp-login arnaud1602-gmail"17:33
jamand it will connect via bzr+ssh instead of via http17:34
abentleyjam: Yes, though the right place for that is the zope test runner, which is more work to patch.17:35
jamabentley: could you do the first part in tearDown ?17:35
jam(gc.collect(); del gc.garbage[:])17:35
jamIt is a bit hackish17:35
jambut it may wokr17:35
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
abentleyjam: Yeah, I can do that as part of the cleanup, though it would reduce performance a bit.17:36
abentleyjam: I'm still unclear whether there's a bug in python's garbage collector.17:37
jamnot very clear here either17:41
jamand the randomness of it triggering is also unfortunate17:41
cody-somervillehttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/36654571/live-helper-trunk-log.txt <-- Can anyone help me with this import error?17:55
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
NEBAPis there a document describing the current file format of bazaar?19:55
=== |Jill| is now known as Nephyrin
phoenixzWith bzr st -S, what is the difference between +N and + ?20:00
phoenixzBecause it seems that sometimes when I bzr add, the file has status + and sometimes the file has status +N but I can't find what the difference is20:03
NEBAPis there any document which tells me how a bazaar repository should be read?20:05
NEBAPi just wanted to add native read support for bazaar in non python code ..20:06
NEBAPbut I couldn't find any documents about the file format20:07
PengNEBAP: That's, uh, not simple...20:07
Pengphoenixz: I think that stuff is documented in bzr.dev now.20:08
NEBAPI already talked to a developer (sorry couldn't remember the name) and he pointed me to the sources20:08
NEBAPbut reading the sources for someone that isn't into the project is ... really hard ;)20:08
phoenixzPeng: bzr.dev?20:08
Pengphoenixz: lp:bzr20:09
phoenixzPeng: sorry, what?20:09
Pengphoenixz: "the trunk". "The development version". Whatever.20:09
NEBAPPeng: the problem is that there is no bazaar support for shared hosts (web interface)..20:09
PengNEBAP: You *can* run Loggerhead with FastCGI, etc. Probably.20:10
PengNEBAP: Not that your average shared host has the rAM for it....20:10
NEBAPPeng: so I need a solution for shared hosts, and I think many others would also appreciate a working solution20:11
Pengphoenixz: Hmm, I was wrong. I take back what I said.20:11
Pengphoenixz: I don't know the answer, sorry. :\20:11
phoenixzPeng: well, honestly, I didnt get the answer anyway...20:12
NEBAPwhat kind of documentation is used by the developers? Are they just using the source??20:13
NEBAPI know the file format is very tricky, but I thought it should be possible to just read from it ...20:26
CaptTofuhi, does anyone know why bzr/lp is broken like this: http://pastie.org/73951820:37
CaptTofuI upgraded bzr to 2.0.2, and still no go20:37
beunoCaptTofu, looks like a bug20:38
beunocould you please file it?20:38
dOxxxNEBAP: you  may get a better response if you ask on the bzr mailing list20:45
dOxxxNEBAP: or ask a question here: https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+addquestion20:46
NEBAPdOxxx: thanks, I posted a question on launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/93740 (hope my english is ok ..)20:46
TakNEBAP: it's great20:48
NEBAPTa: what? the english??? you making fun of me ^^20:49
rubbsNEBAP: I had no problem understanding your question. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to it :(20:49
NEBAPrubbs: no problem ;)20:51
NEBAPhopefully there is such a document ;)20:51
NEBAPmaking bazaar repositories be accessible on shared hosts would be great ;)20:52
TakNEBAP: your english was very good, and I'm not making fun of you20:52
NEBAPTak: thanks :)20:53
NEBAPgood night, I'm leaving for today ;)20:57
eric_fIs it possible to have multiple branches in the same working dir? I would like to have trunk, feature1, and feature2 branches in my one working dir and be able to switch between them. You can do this with Git, I was curious if you can with Bzr?21:37
=== CardinalXiminez_ is now known as CardinalFang
rubbseric_f: I'm not 100% sure, but I believe bzr switch can do what you want21:39
rubbseric_f: 'bzr help switch' it gives a discription. see if that's what you're talking about21:40
eric_fI guess I should rephrase, I want to have multiple local branches that are NOT published to a central server. I would like it if these branches and their data all existed in my working dir21:40
eric_f…I can publish to the central server if it's not possible, or a seperate-from-my-working-dir folder to hold all my local feature-branches21:41
zsquareplusceric_f: it's typical to have a separate directory for each branch. but you can make a shared repo so that the history does not need to be multiple times on your disk21:42
dOxxxeric_f: something like this? http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/colocated-branches.html21:44
eric_fin Git you don't need a separate dir for each branch21:44
rubbseric_f: not trying to say it can't be done (yet) but is there any reason to keep it all in the same working tree?21:44
dOxxxeric_f: the answer is that it's being contemplated but not currently possible21:44
dOxxxeric_f: the clsoes you can get is to create a shared repository with tree-less branches and a single working directory that is a lightweight checkout of a branch, and then you use 'bzr switch' on the checkout to switch between branches21:45
eric_fdOxxx: that looks like it21:45
eric_fdOxxx: yeah, I guess that makes sense to do for now21:45
eric_frubbs: because I want to do all my bzr commands in one place21:46
rubbseric_f: cool, np. I was just curious21:46
dOxxxeric_f: if co-located branches become possible in the future, I'm quite certain that you'll be able to migrate your stuff to it21:46
eric_frubbs: I don't want to have to commit in my working dir, which commits to my local branch, which then I have to cd into and push up to the server21:46
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
rubbsxnox: I don't believe it can show a ascii DAG. I may be wrong, but I don't think it can. (unless it's some hidden feature I didn't know about).22:00
rubbsxnox: just check some help files, and I'm pretty sure that it can't give you an ASCII DAG. sorry.22:00
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
Pilkyanyone around interested in seeing/giving feedback on some mockups I've done for improvements to launchpad?22:59

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