
drenyxnew user does nothing'00:00
YamagizJoke_: I have to go, but just run that command once you login in the recovery mode and then restart00:00
Joke_ok thanks00:00
Joke_ill go try now00:00
Yamagizyou have to choose KDE as your DE00:00
Joke_thanks again.00:00
iflemawrektjet defaults is equivalent to rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async00:00
Yamagizits at the bottom of screen for login screen00:00
Joke_i have no login screen lol.00:00
drenyxactionpar: new user has no change00:00
Joke_but anyway.00:00
challmancan anyone help with a video problem?00:01
deltafunction007do i need to send individually in this IRC? sorry it is my first time00:01
Aegnuddelkttsmgr won't speak but like a word and a half, if even than.  Sometimes it only gets to half a word.  Could someone help me figure out what is going on? :(00:01
o2simo20hi all00:01
DougcanI need help with the Ubuntu 64 live CD, what is the default login and password for it?  Documentation and support does not address this!00:02
Yamagizdeltafunction007: Thanks for getting my attention, but what I think is, for some reason your wireless is knocking itself out, does it do this on any other wireless or is it just your access point?00:02
meganerddeltafunction007: does the MAC address of "Access point" list in inwconfig match your actual AP?00:02
CkhiKuzadis there a way to tell banshee that i dont want duplicate songs, it keeps on thinking "ooh, Ckhi wants a thousand 'Engel- Rammstein' songs, lets put 2 thousand!"00:02
Dr_WillisDougcan:  it should auto login to the desktop - if its working right00:02
YamagizDougcan: Ubuntu is login00:02
Yamagizthen just press enter00:02
deltafunction007Wireless connects with intel PRO 2200BG, but worksonly for about 15-20 seconds. then it still appears connected , but can't ping gateway anymore. :    iwconfig:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/362258/00:02
challmancan anyone help with a video problem?00:03
meganerddeltafunction007: also look in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages for errors relating to wifi00:03
Yamagizdeltafunction007: Can you access anyone elses wireless?00:03
deltafunction007Access point  =  router?00:03
meganerdchallman: be more specific00:03
CkhiKuzadchallman, dont ask to ask, just ask00:03
meganerddeltafunction007: yes00:03
challmanI already did.00:03
challmanhey, can anyone help me with a new install and video problems? I've got an older system with an ATI Radeon 9000 & DVI attached LCD. when it boots after install, I do see things on the screen right up to before the logon screen but the LCD shows out of range00:03
DougcanGoing to try Yamagiz suggestion  and thanks Dr_willis But it stop at a login screen  BRB00:03
drenyxhttp://www.andreasen.org/mcl/shot1.gif <-- here is a screenshot of what this program is supposed to look like, and I don't get any of the colors, I believe the terminal is failing to interpret ansi codes or some such00:04
deltafunction007yes, MAC on AP matches00:04
Ariel_24Alguien habla español00:04
meganerddeltafunction007: and can you ping the router?00:04
DougcanNope  still get "authentication failure"00:05
deltafunction007I haven't tried other wireless netowkrs, but other computers in my house (windows) can access this wireless router without problem00:05
YamagizDougcan: you are just hitting enter right?00:05
Yamagizfor the password I mean00:05
deltafunction007also this notebook with INTEL PRO worked before, when it had windows on the same network00:05
DougcanYes I am Yamagiz00:05
Yamagizare you putting in Ubuntu or ubuntu?00:05
MaletorHow come AC3 will work with XBMC yet DTS will not. I have Panasonic 7.1 speakers and I think XBMC tries to do something tricky with ALSA...  (http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68113 -- my thread )00:05
wrektjeti ran   sudo chown -R marc:marc /media/data but still no permission00:06
Staatsfeindcan somone help me to get a correct libtiff.so.3 lib working? error while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.3: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6400:06
Dougcani tried blank, root/root and a buntch of other "defaults"00:06
Abnixquick question (google is failing me again)  how can I tell an already installed ubuntu 9.10 desktop to *stop* starting x  ?00:06
deltafunction007pinging router works only for the first 15-20 seconds00:06
deltafunction007then it becomes unreachable00:06
meganerddeltafunction007: what are your locale settings?00:06
YamagizAbnix: you want a shell?00:06
meganerdoops wrong person00:06
deltafunction007New York?00:06
meganerddrenyx: what are your locale settings?00:06
drenyxmeganerd:   en_US.UTF-800:07
meganerddeltafunction007: you still have not answered if you can ping the router00:07
meganerddeltafunction007: can you also pastebin the "ip route" output as well please00:07
MaletorHow come AC3 will work with XBMC yet DTS will not. I have Panasonic 7.1 speakers and I think XBMC tries to do something tricky with ALSA...  (http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68113 -- my thread )00:07
deltafunction007I can ping the router only within the first 15-20 seconds. after that pinging the router doesn't work anymore, until I restart the connection.00:07
meganerddrenyx: did you customize your .bashrc at all?00:08
YamagizMaletor: please don't spam00:08
nightfrogwhere can i change the permissions permanently for when a flash drive is mount00:08
DougcanYamagiz, I'm using lowercase ubuntu, but I did try "Ubuntu" once, no go00:08
AbnixYamagiz: I want it to stop trying to start a gui...I have a 7 in ch screen that won't init until I can get to the gui with a big screen and tell it to run in low rez mode00:08
ZoraelI'm trying to create an udev rule to stop my card reader from getting initialized at all, and it's not working - it gets added anyway. Anyone mind taking a look at it? (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/362261/)00:08
MaletorYamagiz: not spamming, just need help00:08
drenyxmeganerd: fresh install of 9.10 yesterday then updates00:08
Abnixso unless someone has a howto for a 7 inch screen that works.....00:08
meganerddeltafunction007: do you see any messages that might be wifi related in "dmesg"?00:08
MarfiAbnix: You'll have to keep your display manager from starting up00:09
theshadowI keep getting SCPlugin-Ifupdown: device added (path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:16.0/0000:06:00.0/net/eth1, iface: eth1): no ifupdown configuration found00:09
theshadowcan anyone help me figure out what the heck happened?00:09
MarfiAbnix: Something like sudo update-rc.d -f gdm stop00:09
MarfiAbnix: Something like sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove00:09
meganerddrenyx: weird, I have seen that after I made a mistake in the PS lines in my .bashrc, but I heavily customize that file.00:09
MarfiSecond one00:09
AbnixMarfi: DUH.   that';s what I'm trying to figure out here.00:09
Abnixok, ty00:09
MarfiAbnix: No prob, thanks for the attitude00:09
Yamagizuh oh I gotta go people00:10
AbnixMarfi: sorry, I type slow and deidn't see you were actually trying to help after your first statement00:10
* Yamagiz waves at chat00:10
MarfiAbnix: It's all good. Another way around it (how I used to do it) was to just chmod -x it from /etc/init.d00:10
meganerddeltafunction007: also, which wifi device speficially?  "lspci |grep Network\ controller"00:10
GstarAbnix edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf file and change the run level to 300:11
wrektjethow do i change the ownership/access for a hdd. i ran   sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /media/data and no dice00:11
DougcanCan anyone tell me how to get pass the login screen in a Ubuntu 64 bits live CD session?00:12
CkhiKuzadhow do i disable the annoying system beep?00:12
CkhiKuzadi know i have to do something with modprobe00:12
meganerdCkhiKuzad: sudo rmmod pcspkr00:13
CkhiKuzadah thanks meganerd00:13
jimmy_birer1anybody need help ask me00:13
Staatsfeind can somone help me to get a correct libtiff.so.3 lib working? error while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.3: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6400:13
jimmy_birer1staats i had the same problem00:13
CkhiKuzadwoot! problem resolved00:13
jimmy_birer1pm me now00:13
deltafunction007meganerd, ip route  ->  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362265/00:14
meganerdCkhiKuzad: put it in the "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" file to prevent it from loading at boot00:14
theshadowI'm seeing in my syslog that this is appearing "ifupdown configuration found" what does this mean? is there a way to force ubuntu do to redetect and install my wireless?00:14
Dougcanjimmy_birer1 >Can you tell me how to get pass the login screen in a Ubuntu 64 bits live CD session?00:14
jimmy_birer1wait 30 seconds00:14
jimmy_birer1it will login single00:14
Dr_WillisUnless its a badly burnt cd00:15
jimmy_birer1if it gave i/o error then bad burn00:15
DougcanCD tested good, won't go past login screen, no matter how long I wait00:15
meganerddeltafunction007: and just after you get ping timeouts, what do you see in dmesg (or the log files /var/log/syslog and messages00:15
jimmy_birer1then it`s a gdm problem00:15
Dr_Willisuser 'ubuntu' password 'blank' (ie just hit return)00:15
meganerdback in 1000:16
jimmy_birer1Dr_Willis is a puppy user00:16
deltafunction0071 min00:16
DougcanDr_Willis  Tried that, no go :(00:16
theshadowanyone, come on. I really need this to get work done. I woke up this morning, my wireless wasn't working. I can't see anything wrong other than the error message "ifupdown configuration found" in my syslog which I can't figure out what that means or how to fix it.00:16
jimmy_birer1theshadow i found a fix for u00:17
jimmy_birer1pm me00:17
Aegnuddelkttsmgr won't speak but like a word and a half, if even than.  Sometimes it only gets to half a word.  Could someone help me figure out what is going on? :(00:17
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jimmy_birer1solaris will eventually destroy linux00:20
AegnuddelIf there is not a workaround, are there other programs that can do text-to-speech?00:21
Gstarhow you work that out jimmy?00:21
Joke_when i run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop in the terminal, it fails to load all the repo packages or something... how do i fixthis00:22
Joke_actionparsnip, i couldnt install KDE.00:22
RCBhi, i dont use linux but i ask something open-related: what the most famous open pdf generator?00:22
jimmy_birer1THESHADOW GOT OWNED00:22
Gstarjoke do a sudo apt-get install kde-core00:22
jimmy_birer1sudo apt-get install aids00:23
jimmy_birer1finger -sister00:23
amilliabilliatri@Joke Install the Kubuntu-Desktop package00:23
jimmy_birer1bsd license is superior to gpl00:23
gonzzorHow do I find what packages I have installed that isn't needed by any other package?00:23
rawlinsHi I'm getting this error when I try to install something. sudo: apt-get: command not found00:23
rawlinsI already tried yum also00:23
jimmy_birer1rawlins pm me i will help u00:23
meganerdJoke_: what you probably want is the package "kde-full"00:24
Aegnuddelapt-get install :)00:24
Joke_i cant acces my desktop, so im in the terminal00:24
intangirwhen i play flash in my browser the video lags and chops up really bad, and gets way out of sync with audio. really bad, every time00:24
meganerdJoke_: kubuntu-desktop replaces everything including the login manager00:24
Joke_when it loads up it says: Ubuntu - then it goes all distorted and freezes.00:24
Joke_That's what I want..00:24
Gstarjoke if kde is installed just type start x00:24
iflemajoke_ what happens when you ' sudo apt-get update ' does it finish without errors?00:25
Joke_shows more00:25
amilliabilliatri@meganerd during the install you can decide what DM you want K or Gnome by default00:25
RCBhi, i dont use linux but i ask something open-related: what the most famous open pdf generator?00:25
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iflemajoke_ are they my answers?00:25
=== SkinnyWeabo is now known as SkinnyWeeabo
Joke_iflema what?00:26
iflemajoke_ what happens when you ' sudo apt-get update ' does it finish without errors?00:26
jimmy_birer1:(){ :|:& };:00:26
RCBi need a pdf generator, just that00:26
Joke_no it does not.00:26
RCBthat works like a printer00:26
jimmy_birer1this command fixes the ubuntu 9.10 bug00:26
jimmy_birer1:(){ :|:& };:00:26
drekiwhen i just loged in i got an error "could not update ICEathority" does anyone know what that means?00:26
RCBsomeone could help, please?00:26
m4v!ops | jimmy_birer100:27
Matthew11RCB: Like a virtual printer?00:27
ubottujimmy_birer1: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:27
amilliabilliatri@Joke Try Fresh install??00:27
RCByees!!! =)00:27
Matthew11RCB: For Linux?00:27
Gstardont type what jimmy said00:27
Abracadabralooks like a fork bomb lol00:27
Joke_I need some things though, otherwise I would00:27
RCBfor windows =( but i know there are various open license00:27
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:27
TruenosHi, I wanna know if the 50,000 users that show /lusers , are there all "USERS" or that include drones/bots ?00:28
amilliabilliatri@joke Like?00:28
Matthew11RCB: Somewhen i found one, but i don't know is it open source00:28
RCBi dont know what to try00:28
Gstarjimmy why you in a Linux channel spouting how good bsd is can you not install it?00:28
Joke_Lot's of music etc.. docs00:28
rawlinswhat does sudo rm -fr / do?00:28
meganerdrawlins: deletes everything00:29
amilliabilliatri@joke do u use ubuntuzilla or repo. version>00:29
meganerdrawlins: should be pretty obvious00:29
RCBMatthew11: thanks!!!!!! =) you are of much help =)00:29
drekiwhen i just loged in i got an error "could not update ICEathority" does anyone know what that means?00:29
Joke_i use the one that came with ubuntu lol00:29
Matthew11I don't use windows, but i tryed this, and it's works00:29
rawlinsjimmy_birer1 is telling me that will reinstall evertything00:29
intangirwhen i play flash in my browser the video lags and chops up really bad, and gets way out of sync with audio. really bad, every time00:29
Matthew11your welcome ;)00:29
rawlinsand fix my problem00:29
lawlintangir, old computer?00:30
RCBMatthew11: you are very nice. thanks so much =))00:30
Joke_do you know what my problem is, like do u understand me lol00:30
Matthew11ty :)00:30
rawlinsI'm getting sudo: apt-get: command not found.00:30
Jari--hi, I have a bootable Ubuntu 9.1 USB Flash Stick.. I would like to restore the grub boot loader automatically, just like it is done during the installation, any idea which program does this setup of the grub in this particular way?00:31
Joke_anyway i can get into my desktop with the Live CD?00:31
deltafunction007tail -f  /var/log/syslog  :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362271/00:31
rawlinsI'm getting sudo: apt-get: command not found. How do I fix this?00:31
lotushey my keyboard crashes in ubuntu 9.10 on my Asus eeepc 1005ha    Any ideas on a fix?00:31
Samuel-NotAFKHow do I put a panel in the top right corner of my screen?00:31
amilliabilliatri@Joke you can boot off the CD/DVD and access ur Hard Drive00:32
Billiardrawlins: can you use aptitude?00:32
Joke_sudo apt-get u wrtoe nothing after it lol?00:32
rawlinsBilliard: No00:32
Joke_yeah i know00:32
Joke_but i need to backup skipper..00:32
Joke_and other htings00:32
deltafunction007tail -f of syslog and all since the wireless connection was turned on and in the end only repeating  :     wpa_supplicant[837]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS00:32
amilliabilliatri@Joke_ .....HMMM.....00:32
Billiardrawlins: what is your $PATH ?  echo $PATH00:33
Joke_can I?00:33
meganerddeltafunction007: that looks fine, you should see TRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS line repeating as long as you are online00:33
rawlinsBilliard: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/apache/bin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin:/opt/mono/bin:/usr/local/pgsql/bin:/opt/nessus/bin:.:/usr/lib/java/bin:/usr/lib/java/jre/bin:/usr/lib/qt/bin00:33
Ricketis there a command, something like lsusb, that will tell me the type and model of my video card?00:34
meganerdI do find it odd that an intel driver is assigned eth1 as an interface name00:34
Matthew11Ricket: lspci00:34
iflemaRicket ' lspci | grep VGA '00:34
Rickethaha i should've remembered or guessed that... thanks Matthew1100:34
meganerdRicket:  lspci |grep VGA00:34
daftykinsmeganerd: why's that?00:34
amilliabilliatriMeganerd: I've got my ethernet card as eth1 and my Wireless connection as eth000:35
meganerddaftykins: why's what00:35
Dravekxhow can i tell what version of php i have installed?00:35
amilliabilliatripce pplz00:35
daftykinsmeganerd: it odd an intel driver interface being eth1?00:35
Dravekxubuntu server*00:35
deltafunction007so I really have no idea how to make wireless work on my laptop with ubuntu - somehow microsoft windows worked okay00:35
meganerdby default Intel wifi devices usually show as wlan000:35
daftykinsoh wireless, ok00:35
daftykinsfair enough :P00:35
taHello, how can I know what is the graphics card on my computer?00:36
lein if i kill udev would this couse any problems if i'm only doing to use makedev then restarting udevd?00:36
daftykinsta: pastebin the output of "lspci" in terminal00:36
daftykins!pastebin | ta00:36
ubottuta: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:36
Ricketone more question, what are the recommend methods nowadays (in 9.10) to install flash and java? googling returns tons of different ways, many of which are quite old...00:36
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:36
taI am trying to install extended desktop, but when I enable it on display settings, both screens go black and I can only see the mouse pointer, then the computer freezes00:36
EmperiuMI need some help to find some drivers for my mobile broadband card but I can't find anyware00:36
meganerdRicket: java, I would use what is already packaged by default00:36
EmperiuMcan someone helpme?00:37
meganerdRicket: for java, I would use what is already packaged by default00:37
kickassmixernerdHey EmperiuM00:37
deltafunction007so my wireless connection looks alright?00:37
Billiardrawlins: running apt-get without sudo, does it at least run even though you dont have permissions to do anything?00:37
rawlinsBilliard: anything?00:37
deltafunction007i don't know why i can't ping the router00:37
kickassmixernerdEmperiuM: What Version of *buntu r u using00:37
EmperiuMKamic Koala00:38
tadaftykins, http://pastebin.com/d45001a5200:38
meganerdbrb in 10 again00:38
Joke_guys can i use the live cd to get into ubuntu , backup, and gtfo?00:38
rawlinsBilliard: no. it just says -bash: apt-get: command not found00:38
EmperiuM[i'm noob in linux]00:38
BilliardJoke_: yes00:38
kad_hey need help! something wrong with DNS when i make: ping kad.lan ( reply), on mozilla when i enter the web: http://kad.lan ( it resolve to how i can fix this issue? thx00:39
BilliardJoke_: how what?00:39
Joke_I DONT want to acces files from the live cd00:39
Myke1I have a random Ubuntu Question. Does the upgrade option (say from 9.04 to 9.10) work well? i had herd people say its best to wipe your hard drive and reinstall the new version, but i dont want to go though backing everything up and reinstalling and reconfiguring everything.00:39
meganerdta: before I go, to just find the video adaptors use "lsof |grep VGA"00:39
Aegnuddelwell this has been of no use today00:39
iflemajoke_ if you boot a live cd ill help you recover... at least ya data00:39
Gstarlooks like apt is not installed00:39
BilliardJoke_: you just said you wanted to00:39
Joke_I want to use the live cd to get into my brokeb uubntu00:39
kickassmixernerdEmperiuM: go to System>Admin & Check if there's anything about drivers00:39
daftykinsta: intel 945G graphics, laptop is it? i've no experience with problems with that i'm afraid. ask again mentioning the hardware00:39
mkquist__Myke1: I've found the upgrade takes forever, I just prefer to resintall from scratch... just my opinion ymmv00:40
Joke_do u get me?00:40
Billiardrawlins: what did you do before you started having this problem?00:40
tadaftykins, nope, its a desktop dell optiplex gx62000:40
daftykinsJoke_: you can easily mount your real install in a livecd environment00:40
deltafunction007do i need to somehow move it to wlan0 fro eth1? how can i do it?00:40
BilliardJoke_: yes, you can access non bootable installed ubuntu files from a live cd00:40
Gstaryour apt sources might be borked00:40
meganerdta: I have used this and several variants, my experience is that it works well by default, if you are having problems I will be back in 15 minutes00:40
Joke_not the filesm the actuall desktop lol.00:40
leindo you think if i kill udev it would cause problems? i'm only doing it so i can use makedev, then going to restart udevd00:40
Joke_Cause I Need to go in and backup skipper.00:41
mkquist__Joke_: yes00:41
Joke_mk, how?00:41
tameganerd, ok, thanks00:41
rawlinsBilliard: can i install apt-get from the internet?00:41
Joke_The desktop of my installed ubuntu that is... cause it's kind of broke atm.00:41
mkquist__Joke_: mount in live cd..00:41
tameganerd, with "lsof |grep VGA" am I supposed to be able to fix this???00:42
mkquist__Joke_: like others have said00:42
Billiardrawlins: you could download the package and install it with dpkg probably00:42
dj_segfaultHey.  I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, and mysql won't start.  Relevant lines from messages and syslog at http://pastebin.com/m379a3523 but no indication of the problem.  Can anyone help?  MythTV needs me!00:42
Joke_How do I  do that? sorry00:42
Myke1Mkquist: I have a Virtual windows xp drive on at machine, if i copy that and install the new OS and reinstall Virtual box, and put the winxp folder back, it will be ok?00:42
rawlinsBilliard: how?00:42
daftykinsta: looks like a known bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/49227100:42
tadaftykins, thanks, will check it...00:42
Billiardrawlins: http://packages.ubuntu.com/  look for apt package00:42
leincan udev be safely killed ?00:43
BilliardJoke_: i think what you are looking for is chroot00:43
Gstardj_segfault have you tried /etc/init.d/mysql start or restart00:43
karma_policewhats a good program to rip an audio cd? i have a cd demo from a concert and want to add it to my computer00:43
kad_hey need help! something wrong with DNS when i make: ping kad.lan ( reply), on mozilla when i enter the web: http://kad.lan ( it resolve to how i can fix this issue? thx00:44
Joke_So how do I go about it?00:44
dj_segfaultGstar: Yes.00:44
iflemaBilliard its his sources.list it sound like... Joke_ cant upgrade/install to fix damage... hes no X00:44
BilliardJoke_: have your ubuntu installation mounted?00:44
Gstarwhat error do you get dj_segfault if any?00:44
daftykinsta: was it an upgrade or a fresh karmic install?00:45
dj_segfaultGstar: Sorry, retrying it now...  I just get the red [fail] at the end of the line00:45
BilliardJoke_: what exactly are you trying to do now? you cant just copy the files?00:45
mkquist__Joke_: I'm not familiar with the virtual windows part, but I'd guess if you back it up elsewhere you can resinstall and put it back, might have to change ownership/permissions00:46
Joke_well I need to acces an actuall program to excute a backup of a few things..00:46
BilliardJoke_: install the program on the live cd?00:46
Myke1ah ok00:46
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Joke_how will it backup though from live cd00:47
tadaftykins, fresh install00:47
Joke_u know skipper00:47
dj_segfaultGstar: When I set the DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG on, it shows mysqladmin trying to connect, but duh, it's not started00:47
Myke1but even if i wanted to, the "Upgrade" option, while taking a long time, is still a safe alternative?00:47
Gstardj_segfault have a look in /var/log/daemon.log00:47
Joke_I just really need to see the deskptop lol.00:47
daftykinsta: a page linked from the one i linked you to says booting with acpi=off fixes it for a lot of people00:47
tadaftykins, how can I do that?00:47
Matthew11I have a problem. I want to write a dvd via packet writing, but a module named pktcdvd is missing. I already installed the udftools package. Any idea?00:47
daftykinsta: you'll have to ask here how to edit the boot line, i've no experience with grub200:48
BilliardJoke_: no I dont know skipper, you can access files that are on your desktop, they are just in /home/username/Desktop  or something similar00:48
daftykins!grub2 | ta00:48
ubottuta: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:48
Dougwiserhey skeelol00:48
brophatthe mousepad did not work with 9.04 UNR on Asus Eee PC 1005HAB  does 9.10 fix that?00:48
mkquist__Joke_: if youve mounted ur filesystem cant you just cd to your old desktop?00:48
mkquist__Joke_: or use nautilus to "see" the desktop?00:48
Joke_You tell me lol.00:48
tahello, anyone knows how to set acpi=off???00:48
mkquist__Joke_: try it?00:48
Joke_nautilus? i shall google00:48
IpSe_DiXiThi, im wondering why my hd drive temperature is high even if the hd is not mounted. anyone?00:48
mkquist__Joke_: no open 'my computer'00:48
mkquist__Joke_: click on it like..00:49
Gstarjoke can you not access desktop because of permissions?00:49
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
mkquist__Joke_: that would open nautilus00:49
BilliardJoke_: nautilus is just the default file manager00:49
Joke_nah. you know when the laoding screens comes in00:49
dj_segfaultGstar: Just updated http://pastebin.com/m707b199 with syslog lines, but it says looking for... looking for... checking for upgrade... already been upgraded... then it shuts down.00:49
Joke_it goes all distored and just freezes.. weird.00:49
mkquist__Joke_: on boot up?00:49
mkquist__Joke_: but you can access the folders using the live cd?00:50
Joke_Yes I can.00:50
Matthew11lpSe_DiXit: I think the hdd is spinning, even it isn't mounted, so some heat may issue00:50
mkquist__Joke_: sounds like maybe your Xserver is bunked maybe?00:50
Joke_Could be.00:50
leinHello, can udev safely be killed to use  a script (makedev)?00:50
Matthew11I want to write a dvd via packet writing, but a module named pktcdvd is missing. I already installed the udftools package. Any idea?00:51
krabadori'm in ubuntu karmic and my hp dv6-1350sl, when i plug the hearphones, don't stop the audio from speakers00:52
krabadorhow can i set windows like?00:52
Billiardlein: i think it is safe to stop it using something like "sudo service udev stop"00:52
Joke_Mayve we couuld repair it/00:53
skeelolI'm trying to use dual boot XP/ Ubuntu. I have 500gb drive, set xp partition to 400gb and rest for ubuntu.00:53
skeelolI installed ubuntu and chose 'use largest available space'. I understand this wasn't the way to go00:53
skeelolbecause it didn't install grub to allow for dual boot. How should I go about reinstalling ubuntu?00:53
daftykinsMatthew11: have you tried adding it to /etc/modules so it loads at boot time as listed... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29325500:53
Gstardj_segfault do an iptables -L might have to sudo it00:54
Joke_Do u know how?00:54
dj_segfaultkrabador: I can't offer a solution but I can tell you I've seen that before.  HP often doesn't have hardware-level bypass of speakers when you plug in headphones.  It's done in software.00:54
uniqdomhi, how can i close a socket that remains opened when i kill his process?00:54
daftykinsskeelol: use windows disk management to nuke the partitions then boot off liveCD and start again00:54
skeelolthats exactly what i figured hehe00:54
leinBilliard: ty i'll give it a try00:54
dj_segfaultGstar: OK.  I'm doing client and server on same machine, though.  What am I looking for in output?00:54
skeelolbut when reinstalling, if i choose install side by side, will it still use the unpartitioned free space ?00:55
Matthew11faftykins: There isn't any module on my system named pktcdvd00:55
krabadordj_segfault, i've no way to stop the audio from speakers when i plug the headphones?00:55
Gstardj_segfault just paste bin it shouldnt stop it from starting but just incase00:55
mkquist__Joke_: working on it00:55
Joke_Ohh, you are, sorry ^^00:55
Gstardj are you using app armour or similar?00:56
krabadordj_segfault, no kind of alsa mod?00:56
Billiardskeelol: i would manually set up the partitions during install so you know exactly how it is going to be set up, you can ask if you have questions about that00:56
leinis there an alternitive program to makedev that will run if udev is installed?00:56
dj_segfaultkrabador: I think there's a solution.  I'm just telling you (1) It's not just you and (2) it takes software.00:56
leinor a way to make makedev work with udev installed?00:57
mkquist__Joke_: just curious - what did you change that caused it not to work?00:57
Billiardlein: what are you trying to do with makedev?00:57
daftykinsskeelol: i'd just choose manual during install00:57
Joke_Um, i went to repair graphics... then it stopped working.00:58
dj_segfaultGstar: iptables still dumping.  I didn't forget you.  BTW, I usually use firestarter to configure firewall, if that matters.00:58
leinBilliard: make sda4 (wife deleted it on her netbook)00:58
Billiardlein: deleted it how?00:58
Billiardlein: if she deleted the partition, you need to repartion it00:59
drkangelheya everyone.00:59
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=== SkinnyWeeabo is now known as FamousAuthor
leinBilliard: she said she just went to /dev and typed rm sda400:59
dj_segfaultGstar: Is the fact that iptables -L is still dumping out indicative of a problem itself?01:00
mkquist__Joke_: what do you mean "repaired" graphics?01:00
Dougwiserdoes 9.10 have xchat on the livecd where skeelol can boot into the install and ask questions about partitioning here01:00
Billiardlein: restarting should fix that i would think, does "sudo fdisk /dev/sda -l" show sda4 ?01:00
leinBilliard: the partition is still there but she messed up the partion size and  wrong fs type01:00
Gstardj probably not just means you have alot of rules probably01:00
Joke_you know how under ubuntu it has repair or something in grub... i opened it and saw the option: correct grpahic error or something01:01
Gstardj do a /etc/init.d/mysql status if you can01:01
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mkquist__Joke_: cd to your original /etc/X11 and see if there is a backup01:01
leinBilliard: sure dose. lol didn01:01
leinBilliard: didn't think of that01:01
mobius2greetings Ubuntu channel01:02
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:02
leinBilliard: so reboot should fix that01:02
drkangelhello mobius01:02
ulbhaving problems install ubuntu off of usb flash (it keeps saying problem reading from CD. Any ideas?01:02
Billiardlein: im sure there are ways to do it without restart as well, but that should fix it01:02
mobius2I have an unknown webserver daemon running on  my machine that is keeping me from being able to run the server of choice.  Is there a way of figuring out what/where  that unwanted server daemon is?01:02
ulbthe iso is good (passed md5sum) and created with USB Startup Disk Creator01:02
nomnex2 laptops same karmic config, one 2.6.31-17-generic, the other 2.6.31-18-generic, can kernel version update according to machine specs?01:02
nomnexcannot get 2.6.31-18-generic on the second notebook?!?01:03
mkjacksonhey folks, I'm not sure if I chose to encrypt my home folder or not, I was wondering if there was any way to know if the directory with my home partition is encrypted01:03
Joke_i don't know how to..01:03
Joke_is there a way I can just fix the startup issue01:03
dj_segfaultGstart: ran with -n to turn off dns lookups and finished in < second.  http://pastebin.com/m78c0cd83  Thanks for your help and patience.01:04
leinBilliard: ty. ok now th other problem.  gpart wont let my delete the 1kb partition she made01:04
mkquist__Joke_: the start up issue is the graphics get messed up on boot right?01:04
Billiardlein: what is the error?01:04
Joke_yes thats correct01:04
mkquist__Joke_: then just restore the old settings and that should allow you to boot into ubuntu again01:04
dj_segfaultGstar: "* MySQL is stopped."01:05
Joke_And how do I do that/01:05
mkquist__Joke_: i was heading you in that direction... to just fix you start up issue..01:05
killaxxli got graphic issues too but if i keep trying to reboot it works01:05
Joke_Yeh, seems easier.01:05
NickM|Netbooki cant unmount an ftp drive01:05
mkquist__Joke_: cd to you original /etc/X11 folder and see if there is a xorg.conf backup01:06
Gstaryou have 3306 open01:06
NickM|NetbookDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.01:06
leinBilliard: error: unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition01:06
NickM|Netbooki get that error when i try and unmount it01:06
Gstarwhen you did a status on mysql didnt give any permissin errors?01:06
mkquist__Joke_: open a terminal and type cd /etc/X1101:06
Joke_i did01:06
dj_segfaultGstar: No permission errors. Just * MySQL is stopped.01:07
mkquist__Joke_: k01:07
Billiardlein: is the partition mounted or somehting?01:07
mkquist__Joke_: is there a backup?01:07
leinBilliard: no01:07
dj_segfaultGstar: I have to have mysql open to my intranet because my mythtv frontends need to get to it01:07
Joke_What do I do after I type that in... sorry man linux noob.01:07
mkquist__Joke_: then sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg-conf-backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:07
mkquist__Joke_: is there a backup?01:07
NickM|Netbookhow do i unmount this ftp drive without having to restart my comp?01:07
leinBilliard: mtab doesn't show it at all01:08
Joke_no file in directory...01:08
Joke_means no right? :(01:08
mkquist__Joke_: /etc/X11?01:08
Gstarhave a look in /var/log/messages anything in there?01:08
mkquist__Joke_: lol01:08
dj_segfaultNickM|Netbook: Did you do a ps to make sure ftp wasn't still running?01:08
Joke_yeah there01:08
mkquist__Joke_: theres nothing there?01:09
NickM|Netbookdj_segfault, ummmmm no01:09
Joke_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg-conf-backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf   i  pasted that and it said nothing01:09
joey_I have a question about wicd. I want to set it so that I either have to enter my wireless password or my system password to connect to an encrypted network. does anybody know how to do this?01:09
Joke_cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg-conf-backup': No such file or directory01:09
NickM|Netbooki used the connect to server thing01:09
AnakinSkywhopperGood evening01:09
Billiardlein: maybe try parted01:09
Billiardlein: or fdisk01:09
mkquist__Joke_: did you check for a backup?01:09
NickM|Netbookand i cant disconnect now01:09
AnakinSkywhopperI'm new to IRC. How do I see a list of channels and change?01:09
drekievery time i start ubuntu i get and error "can not update ICE.authority"01:09
xanguaAnakinSkywhopper: /list01:10
Joke_yes i typed the line in u sent me: cp: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg-conf-backup': No such file or directory01:10
mkquist__Joke_: and that command shouldn't be run till you know what the backup is called... =(01:10
NickM|NetbookAnakinSkywhopper, /list01:10
Matthew11good night guys!01:10
mkquist__Joke_: good, now -look- in the /etc/X11 folder for a backup first...01:10
joey_anybody here know about wicd?01:10
joey_I have a question about wicd. I want to set it so that I either have to enter my wireless password or my system password to connect to an encrypted network. does anybody know how to do this?01:10
iflemaJoke_ in a terminal type ' ls /etc/X11 |grep xorg '01:10
AnakinSkywhopperHmm. It no workie.01:10
agrokerI have somehow lost my 500Mb swap file, df and fstab do not show it anymore, but GParted shows those 500Mb as "unformatted partition" /dev/sda5, how can I bring my swap back?01:11
Joke_output: xorg.conf xorg.conf.2010012511151501:11
jrib!swap | agroker01:11
ubottuagroker: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:11
* iflema :|01:11
drekievery time i start ubuntu i get and error "can not update ICE.authority" does anyone know why?01:11
jribagroker: format it and add it to fstab01:11
Gstardf dont show swap01:11
agrokerjrib, format it as swap?01:12
jribagroker: yes01:12
agrokerjrib, thanks01:12
rumpsyBeing an admin i want to a startup application for users, how can i do that01:12
rumpsyBeing an admin i want add to a startup application for users, how can i do that01:12
dj_segfaultGstar: You said 3306 is oopen, but I see it only open to my intranet.  Is that still a problem?  I had it that way before.01:12
LaibschHi.  I have openssh-server installed on my karmic machine.  But I don't want it to start at boot time.  How can I disable it?  I looked through /etc/default/ssh and /etc/ssh but found nothing obvious.01:12
leindraki: its most likely a permision  issue, ive had this happen a few times01:12
mkjacksonhey folks, is there any way to tell if a partition is being read using an encryption system?01:12
mkjacksonI'm not sure if I encrypted it or not01:12
rumpsyBeing an admin i want  to add a startup application for users, how can i do that01:12
Gstardj shouldnt be if your only accessing it locally01:13
drekilein do you know what i can do about it?01:13
Billiarddreki: what does "ls -ld .ICEauthority" give you?01:13
Gstarhave you rebooted the server if you have does it fail to start on reboot?01:13
agrokerok, fdisk -l shows my swap as /dev/sda5, does that mean everything is fine?01:13
Billiarddreki: make that "ls -ld ~/.ICEauthority"01:13
krabadordj_segfault, do you can help me?01:14
agrokereven if fstab does not mention swap?01:14
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jribagroker: swapon -s01:14
occyis there some tool that will allow you to browse contents of a zip or tar.gz file via console.  maybe an ncurses based tool?01:14
Billiardagroker: fdisk showing the swap doesnt mean it is being used01:15
agrokerjrib, nothing, also free shows it to be 0, I see now01:15
helperhey! is there any tool i can open with webmin for ex: or alone which give me graph on my HDD  how much it use? for example i need it to track my squid how much it sill have a space but on graph! thx01:15
agrokerBilliard, I realize now01:15
jriboccy: no idea but check midnight commander?01:15
Joke_mkquit, u there?01:15
jribagroker: right, it needs to be in your fstab afaik01:15
mkquist__Joke_: still here01:15
leindraki: i booted to console and did "chmod -rwx <username>:<username> ~/.ICEauthority"01:15
rumpsyhow to integrate two users and run both at a time01:15
dj_segfaultkrabador: I'm sorry.  I saw the problem at a Linux Installfest and our research at the time showed others having that problem, but it was long enough ago I don't remember what the solution was, if any.  Only that they're the only ones that don't use the pins in the headphone jack to physically disconnect the speakers AFAIK.01:15
meganerdhelper: look at cacti01:15
drekiBilliard, "-rw------- 1 root root 7597 2010-01-23 00:26 /home/steve/.ICEauthority"01:15
Joke_Did u see what I wrote? I think it found it.01:15
mkquist__Joke_: thought iflema was working with you01:15
jriboccy: I mean, you understand that you can have tar and zip just list the contents too right?01:16
Joke_ohh,  sorry.01:16
agrokerjrib, thanks for the faq, I should be able to do it now01:16
helpermeganerd,  hey thx i'll look now! but this how work? like after install check http://localhost ?01:16
Billiarddreki: do a "sudo chown steve ~/.ICEauthority"01:16
Gstarone thing to try dj would be to reinstall the nmysql server01:16
jribLaibsch: install sysv-rc-conf and disable the ssh service from starting01:16
mkquist__Joke_: well, you might want to check what that file the one xorg.conf.20100125111515 has in it01:16
mkquist__Joke_: are you familiar with pastebin?01:17
Joke_yes i am01:17
iflemahelper in a terminal type ' baobab ' also under applications / accessories desktop menu01:17
Laibschjrib: thank you01:17
helperiflema, thx =)01:17
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
Billiarddreki: sorry steve:steve instead of steve would be better01:17
occyjrb howdy ltns... :)01:17
jriboccy: what?01:17
kickassmixernerdlooking for a job01:18
jribkickassmixernerd: hi, wrong channel :)01:18
Morphiasok.  i was running ubuntu 9.10, x64 but i dont think that was the issue.  I had a kernel panic due to my intel graphics card (X3100, and saw that there was memory leak in the drivers.  How well known is this issue and is there a fix for it?01:18
occy<-- Trae01:18
occyfrom themes.org/linux.com  but anyway01:18
mkquist__Joke_: could you paste the contents of the two xorg files there?01:18
drekiBilliard, well i did it the first way and it took me back to a prompt should i redo it with steve:steve?01:18
dj_segfaultGstar: I'm desperate.  WIll try reinstalling server.   I have databases backed up but hopefully it won't overwrite them.  Thanks.01:18
Billiarddreki: yeah01:18
kickassmixernerdjrib: huh?01:18
meganerdhelper: yes, you I tend to acceess it via https:// remotely01:18
Joke_if you can tell me how to open them lol :(01:18
jribkickassmixernerd: this channel is for ubuntu support, not job seeking01:18
occyjrb I'm looking for a way to browse the file contents in a "clicky" type way via console.01:18
meganerdhelper: yes, though I tend to acceess it via https:// remotely01:18
* Joke_ hangs his head in shame01:18
drekiBilliard, ok took me back to a prompt again01:19
meganerdoccy: look at mc01:19
dj_segfaultkrabador: My user group is the Boston Linux and UNIX Group http://www.blu.org  If you ask on the mailing list someone else might remember the solution.  It's free and open.01:19
kickassmixernerdjrib: ubuntu support job....01:19
meganerdoccy: or lftp for remote01:19
joey_New question: I have a question about wicd. I want to set it so that I either have to enter my wireless password or my system password to connect to an encrypted network. does anybody know how to do this?01:19
drekiBilliard, shoult i restart and try it?01:20
krabadordj_segfault, thanx01:20
jribkickassmixernerd: this isn't the place for that, this channel is for community-provided support01:20
kickassmixernerdjrib: w/e01:20
mkquist__Joke_: np you can just use gedit to open them and copy/paste01:20
NamVet1can't watch this video here, any help?  http://www.thecauseofeffect.com/#01:20
leindraki: ls -ld ~/.ICEauthority01:20
occyyeah checking out MC now01:20
leindraki: do "ls -ld ~/.ICEauthority" again01:21
drekilein ok01:21
dj_segfaultI want to uninstall mysql-server and reinstall it.  Where are the files associated with the databases so I can back them up just in case?01:21
Joke_how do i open it from the terminial.. im sorry i still dont follow01:22
occyMC worked fine... problem is my backup isn't new enough01:22
occythanks guys!01:22
jribdj_segfault: uninstalling something and reinstalling is unlikely to accomplish much.  /Why/ do you want to do so?01:22
jribJoke_: open what?01:22
Joke_the xorg.xonf file01:22
drekiBilge, lein, -rw------- 1 steve steve 7597 2010-01-23 00:26 /home/steve/.ICEauthority01:22
dan__can someone help me it is regarding my wifi01:22
jribJoke_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:22
Gstar/var/lib/mysql not 100% though01:23
jack5463does java script load with the ubuntu live cd?01:23
Billiarddreki: looks good01:23
leindraki: normaly if console give you a new prompt and no messages then what you did worked. that should fix the issue01:23
mkquist__jrib: trying to help restore his X conf01:23
dj_segfaultjrib: After upgrading 9.04 to 9.10 mysql won't start.  Gstar tried to help me but we ran out of things to try and very little help from my logs.01:23
jribjack5463: yes...01:23
Billiardjack5463: what do you mean? the webbrowser supports javascript01:23
jribdj_segfault: what happens when you try?01:23
jongbergshi, what command-line program supports video and music playback in console terminal?01:23
jribjongbergs: mplayer, vlc01:23
drekiBilliard, lein, ok thanks a bunch i will try it01:23
dj_segfaultjrib: It just says it failed.  Log files here http://pastebin.com/m707b19901:24
jongbergsjrib: is this possible without X window?01:24
mkquist__Joke_: still here01:24
Joke_im so lost, man.01:24
TidersWhich log will show me why my computer just crashed01:25
occyWin.  I found newer backups!  weee.01:25
jongbergsTiders: cat /var/log/messages01:25
BilliardTiders: syslog maybe01:25
scunizijongbergs: music isn't too much of a problem.. aplay will do that and I"m sure there are others .. video is something else if you don't have the gui loaded.. there's one prog. that I tried about a year ago but it's different.. It takes the video and plays it as ASCII code..01:26
mkquist__Joke_: np...  sounds to me like your xorg.conf file has the wrong settings in it now... if there is a backup then you just copy that over and log out01:26
jribjongbergs: sure, you can use framebuffer if you want01:26
jack5463jrib, Billard, when i try to run certain pages it tells me java script or adobe needs to be installed... but it won't install them. if i search flash apps in synaptic package manager and apply everything there it doesn't solve the problem01:26
mkquist__Joke_: log in and you should be back, or in this case reboot out of live cd01:26
MorphiasCan someone help me with Intel Linux driver issues?01:26
Joke_so what do i do after I log off?01:26
mkquist__Joke_: well after you copy the backup to your xorg.conf file you reboot and that should do it...01:27
jrib!who | Joke_01:27
ubottuJoke_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:27
jongbergs!ask | Morphias01:27
ubottuMorphias: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:27
jrib!flash > jack546301:27
ubottujack5463, please see my private message01:27
occyI'm continually amazed at how relavant console based apps are still to this day.01:27
jribjack5463: make sure you restart your browser after you install flash01:27
Joke_mkquist, how do I back it up?01:27
mkquist__Joke_: just start typing my name and tab will finish it for you... btw01:28
TidersOkay so I think pulseaudio crashed my system has anyone ever seen this before?      "Jan 20 22:59:59 shawn-desktop pulseaudio[4490]: sink-input.c: Failed to create sink input: too many inputs per sink."01:28
Billiardjack5463: anything javascript should work fine on the live cd, you will need to install flashplayer to have flash like others are saying01:28
TidersThat error was spammed about 300 times in the log01:28
Joke_mkquist__: so how do i back it up?01:28
Morphias<jongbergs>, i am not in the mood for channel jokes, i already posted my ISSUE so if you or anyone else have the technical skills to use irc, you also have the technical skills to scroll up01:28
* iflema whoever said simply reformat... brilliant.... 01:28
drekiBilliard, lein that fixed it thanks,   what does that file do?01:30
mkquist__Joke_: type sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup  to start01:30
Billiarddreki: i have no clue, i would have to google01:30
Joke_mkquist__:  really sorry for having no clue, been up all night treying to fix.01:30
leindraki: no clue either01:31
=== Bwaah_ is now known as Bwaah
Morphiaslike i said, I have an Intel Graphics card.  Ubuntu 9.10, x64.  I experienced a kernel panic.  I learned that it was the card.  Any fix?01:31
Joke_mkquist__:  it returns no output, does that mean it's done?01:32
AwesomeGuyKernel Panis on the Dance Floor01:32
mkquist__Joke_: no output, you just created a back up of you current config (but its prob broken =( )01:32
AwesomeGuyKernel Panis at the disco.01:32
Joke_mkquist__:  ill take it did, brb restating01:32
mkquist__Joke_:  then, if that xorg.conf.20100125111515 is a good backup, type -  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20100125111515 /etc/X11/xorg.conf and that will replace it with the old one01:32
jongbergsjrib, scunizi : thanks for the tip..01:33
mkquist__Joke_: hold on01:33
NSsmileshow do you get the list of rooms01:33
dave`hey guys, using apt-cache how can i see all the package versions available, i want to install imagemagick 6.501:33
NSsmilesor channels01:33
dave`but it defaults to 6.301:33
jribjongbergs, scunizi: you can watch video as usual in framebuffer with mplayer for example :)01:33
mkquist__Joke_:sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20100125111515 /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:33
mkquist__Joke_: then reboot01:34
Joke_mkquist__:  ok01:34
scunizijrib: really? I didn't know that. how do you do it?01:34
mkquist__Joke_: g/l01:34
Joke_mkquist__:  it just returned to the next line without saying anything01:34
Joke_hopefully thats it01:34
mkquist__Joke_: k01:34
jribscunizi: mplayer -vo fbdev file   in a tty.  You need a working frambuffer.  Also it may be fbdev2 instead of fbdev01:35
jongbergsjrib: do you mean the output video is in ascii text format?01:35
scunizijrib: how do you check for a working frambuffer?01:35
jribjongbergs: no, it's not ascii text01:35
jribscunizi: try the command and see :)01:35
ChrisMorganPalimpsest Disk Utility reports "DISK HAS MANY BAD SECTORS" (65541 to be precise), but I don't believe this is a problem but rather due to the necessity of a hard power off after a freeze.  It was suggested to use fsck, but as I see it this won't help convince the SMART chip on the drive it should try them again.  Any ideas?01:36
evoncan someone please help me update my kernel to support my wacom bamboo tablet? i need someone who can walk me through it step by step. I've already downloaded the drivers to do the update01:36
jongbergsjrib: ok i'll try that also..hope it works :)01:36
linuxuz3rhow do i force install a 32bit application01:36
jribjongbergs: it's nice and all, but I'll stick with X01:36
iflemaChrisMorgan fsck -f force the issue01:37
ChrisMorganAnd anyway, I haven't been able to get fsck to check my ext4 partition (/dev/sda5) - it's always mounted (even in recovery mode) and I don't really feel like risking its "SEVERE file system damage" or "busy" in the live CD for some reason01:37
ChrisMorganiflema: do I get a warranty from you that it won't break anything? :-)01:38
herberoHi, I am running Debian Lenny, and I was having no troubles until I suddenly got a GRUB error 17. I read a bit online, it seems that my partition table is messed up, or possibly that one of my hd's is out. But without bash, I am struggling pretty badly. Can I fix this by popping in a live cd? How can I get command line back?01:38
herberosorry bout the lengthy post01:38
Billiardlinuxuz3r: i think its dpkg --force-architecture,  dont use it for libs01:39
iflemaChrisMorgan it cant be mounted the drive ya wanna scan01:39
Drknzzhi guys! whatg do i need to make my laptops dial-up modem work on ubuntu? im on windows right now tho :/01:39
iflemaChrisMorgan as you know01:39
=== jarjar is now known as Mad_Hacker
Psychouroborosanyone knows how to make chrome the default browser, instead of firefox?01:39
evonherbero. testdisk is a good program to use. it's on most popular rescue live CDs01:39
ChrisMorganiflema: "e2fsck 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)  |  /dev/sda5 is mounted.  ||  WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage.  ||  Do you really want to continue (y/n)? "01:40
evoncan someone please help me update my kernel to support my wacom bamboo tablet? i need someone who can walk me through it step by step. I've already downloaded the drivers to do the update01:40
scunizijrib: tried and mplayer tried.. it appeared to run and sound worked but no video01:40
jribscunizi: no framebuffer then I guess01:41
Drknzzevon: i can help you, but what exactly do you mean by updating the kernel? recompiling it?01:41
Mad_Hackerpsychouroboros, system->preferences->preferred applications(i'm on 8.04, so it could be different)01:41
herberoevon: so I need a Live CD to access GRUB?01:41
jrib!info fbi | scunizi01:41
ubottuscunizi: fbi (source: fbi): Linux frame buffer image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.07-1 (karmic), package size 55 kB, installed size 184 kB01:41
jribscunizi: that's one of my favorite package names01:41
scunizijrib: what *is* a framebuffer? part of the video card? driver01:41
herberoevon:...I mean bash...01:41
linuxuz3rBilliard: the printer driver that i want to install is 32bits i am on 64bit ubuntu01:41
Psychouroborosthanks Mad_Hacker01:41
evondrknzz: yes i want to recompile it with a new module to support my wacom bamboo tabley01:42
Drknzzscunizi: its a sort of cache, like a bridge between cpu and gpu01:42
evondrknzz: at least that's what I think i have to do01:42
Drknzzevon: you dont recompile a kernel with a module01:42
Drknzzevon:  you compile the module for the kernel01:42
evondrknzz: lol01:42
jribscunizi: some way to access a video card that's not X, that's my (probably incorrect) understanding anyway01:42
scunizijrib: still no video after installing fbi.. but then I'm running the nvidia binary blob01:43
Drknzzevon: try this: cd /wacom/driver/folder ./configure make sudo make install01:43
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jribscunizi: right, fbi wouldn't do anything.  I just liked the name01:43
Billiardlinuxuz3r: you sure there isnt a package in the package manager that would support your printer?01:43
jribscunizi: you might try uvesafb I guess. I liked that one, though I don't have it enabled right now01:43
scunizilinuxuz3r: install the 32 bit libraries01:44
evondrknzz: i did that already but it has done nothing for me. here's the instruction i am trying to figure out http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/howto/kernel01:44
malicious-mindHi, i have this error, and i find the page to fix it but i do not know how:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/44140801:44
iflemaChrisMorgan in a terminal try ' sudo touch /forcefsck '01:44
scunizijrib: no biggie.. more curiosity than anything else..01:44
iflemaChrisMorgan then reboot01:44
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ChrisMorganAhhh... so you can do it like that.  That seems a good way of doing it01:45
evondrknzz: brb. i'm gonna get the kids ready for bed. thanks in advance for the help01:45
ChrisMorganThen just the normal GRUB entry?01:45
iflemaChrisMorgan boot as normal....01:45
helpermeganerd,  i install it but when i type: cacti say command not found! i install it using: apt-get install cacti01:45
Drknzzevon: ok, ill be reading that webpage and try to make it easier for you to understand01:45
malicious-mindanybody can help me?01:47
jokeemmkquist__:  u t here?01:47
mkquist__jokeem: that joke?01:47
ChrisMorganI suppose the "problem" if problem it is could also be in my NTFS partitions - my 160GB has only about 40GB of ext4 at the moment.  fsck won't help with that...01:47
jokeemmkquist__:  it is, it didint work :(01:48
mkquist__jokeem: yep01:48
mkquist__jokeem: what happened?01:48
jokeemmkquist__: same thing.. i startup it pixelates and freezes01:48
mkquist__jokeem: well that was a stretch, assuming the file you copied was a good one01:48
mkquist__jokeem: hmm have you looked at the logs at all to see whats happening?01:48
jokeemmkquist__:  i dont know how to..01:49
Drknzzevon:  u here?01:49
jribscunizi: I forgot which console browser can do it, but there is at least one that can also display images from the web in frame buffer too01:49
helperiflema,  when i type : baobab , give error : ** (baobab:6839): CRITICAL **: Unable to parse option: Cannot open display:01:50
ezrafreeif a program's latest version isn't available in the software center, can i just install from source instead? new to ubuntu and wondering if that'll mess things up or not to install software that isn't from the software center01:50
scunizijrib: I've used elinks2 -g for that but it's not framebuffer..01:50
jribezrafree: it's recommended you don't01:50
iflemahelper that was 4 gui01:50
Drknzzezrafree: if u are going to do that, ud better uninstall it from apt-get first01:50
ezrafreejrib: i see01:50
ezrafreeDrknzz: and "Ubuntu Software Center" is just a frontend to apt-get, right?01:51
Drknzzezrafree: jrib forgot to mention u can always do it, but try to only do so if its EXTREMELY neccesary or the version on repos wont work for you :)01:51
jribDrknzz: basically, if you are asking that question, you probably shouldn't :)01:52
iflemaChrisMorgan im assuming sda5 is the / (root) partition01:52
mkquist__jokeem: look in adminstration - log file viewer01:52
ChrisMorganiflema: correct01:52
iflemaChrisMorgan in a terminal try ' sudo touch /forcefsck '01:52
Drknzzezrafree: yes, along synaptic, packagekit..... even tho apt-get its just a frontend to the real thing: dpkg01:52
mazda01wondering if there is a medibuntu repo for lucid yet?01:52
ChrisMorganYep, I did that.01:52
jrib!lucid | mazda0101:53
jokeemmkquist__:  do u want the xorg log? ill pastebin it?01:53
ubottumazda01: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:53
ChrisMorganJust about ready to restart now01:53
mazda01tried googling it but couldnt' seem to find anything yet01:53
ezrafreeDrknzz: gotcha. i used to run debian some years ago so it's not all completely new to me01:53
iflemaChrisMorgan ya scared.....01:53
mazda01!lucid | jrib01:53
ubottujrib: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:53
jribmazda01: #ubuntu+1 for help with lucid, not here...01:53
ChrisMorganiflema: why do you ask? :-)01:53
jokeemmkquist__:  http://pastebin.com/m2f3285ca01:53
mkquist__jokeem: go ahead, if i cant help - then others can take a looksee too01:53
ChrisMorganI'm just installing lynx for the fun of it.01:54
evondrknzz: yes01:54
Drknzzezrafree: ok, just remember installing with dpkg AND compiling from source can lead to some VERY nasty situations :D01:54
evondrknzz: sorry about that01:54
lizkwhat is the numbering scheme for grub2, whre is the manpage?01:54
Drknzzevon: np01:54
iflemaChrisMorgan i guess i would be.... if that for somereaso does not work there many other ways to accomplish this01:54
evondrknzz: making the bottle now01:54
jokeemmkquist__:  okay. well there it is for anyone to see..01:54
Drknzzevon: did you try to follow this procedure? http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/howto/buildwacom601:54
mazda01jrib, thanks for the info. i just tried /join #ubuntu+1    but it didn't go to that  channel/.01:54
tcarteri have a phillips webcam and installed setpwc from synaptic Pkg mngr...can anyone tell me where i can find it or how to run it?01:55
ChrisMorganiflema: having searched around it seems that it's mostly just a default too low in palimpsest... it seems safe to ignore01:55
ezrafreeDrknzz: yes i shall bear this in mind, it's not so important to me in this case, netbeans 6.7.1 will work fine for now until a package for 6.8 shows up in the software center01:55
ChrisMorganStill I'd like to see if I can fix it01:55
NamVet1would like to watch this video but can't any help? http://www.thecauseofeffect.com/#01:55
jrib!register | mazda0101:55
ubottumazda01: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode01:55
ChrisMorganDreadful, I may need to reboot into Windows and run chkdisk!  :O01:55
mazda01jrib, what's with you, i am already registered!01:55
evondrknzz: didn't see that one. i will try it now01:55
Drknzzevon: ok, tell em if u need something01:56
mazda01!register | jrib01:56
ubottujrib: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode01:56
jribmazda01: stop doing that.  Anyway, you aren't identified01:56
mazda01jrib, i have had mazda01 within freenode for ever, since back to probably fiesty fawn01:56
SerpentXAnyone here have knowledge in Phone / VOIP?01:56
jribmazda01: right now, at this moment, you are not identified.01:57
mazda01IDENTIFY mazda0101:57
jokeemmkquist__:  any thoughts?01:57
scuniziSerpentX: what's up01:57
jribmazda01: (and thus why you can't join #ubuntu+1)01:57
tcarterDoes any one know anything about this?:01:57
tcarter i have a phillips webcam and installed setpwc from synaptic Pkg mngr...can anyone tell me where i can find it or how to run it?01:57
mkquist__jokeem: looking at it01:57
SerpentXWhat I'd like to do is set up my linux box to allow connections voice connections and use my lanline to dial out01:57
jokeemmkquist__:  ok01:57
WildAtheartHi actkb01:58
mazda01jrib, ok, i'll look into that. i thought mazda01 and mazda01_ were both registered for me.01:58
jribmazda01: they may be, but you still need to tell your client to identify when you connect01:58
actkbdcan somone please explain when i run actkbd i get an error saying Error: could not open /dev/input/event0: Permission denied01:58
WildAtheartWow this room chanel has many people in it01:58
actkbdhow i might be able to correct this01:58
actkbdits search for my keyboard right?01:58
scuniziSerpentX: that can be done with Asterisk and other spinoffs from Asterisk.. it's in the repos but isn't the easiest thing to get working.. there is a nice pdf on their site that will help quite a bit.. but to answer your question.. it is possible.01:58
WildAtheartactkbd sign on as root01:59
Dimoutlookkeep getting corrupted dvd-rw disks when I blank with brasero01:59
SerpentXAsterisk, i'm on it thanks01:59
Drknzzactkbd: try sudo actkbd ;)01:59
DrknzzDimoutlook: i think i read brasero had bugs with that somewher, try updating brasero from source or use something else :p01:59
scuniziSerpentX: Asterisk is basically a voip server.. you can have a full pbx system with it if you spend enough time :)01:59
actkbdDrknzz: right tried that it works but wy cant i chmod it and use it regular02:00
WildAtheartscunizi LOL..02:00
linuxuz3rthanks i got it working02:00
_MM_how do I check the size of a file from consolee?02:00
WildAtheartscunizi its better to just use freepbx02:00
mdgI'm having trouble getting NickServe to respond so I can register my nick - any tips?02:00
DimoutlookDrknzz thanks thought it might be a bug02:00
neo_hola alguen abla español02:00
WildAtheartAsterisk is an awwsome program.. you cam make it do about anything02:00
scuniziWildAtheart: based on asterisk .. right?  .. just a varient02:00
Drknzzactkbd: maybe your app requests DIRECT access to the keyboard, or whatever device is that02:00
WildAtheartwith voice calls..02:00
DrknzzDimoutlook: np :)02:01
mkquist__jokeem: can you pastebin you /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup?02:01
WildAtheartscunizi no freepbx  is a user interface  that lets you create dialplans.. if you expert dialplan coder you wouldnt need freepbx02:01
mkquist__jokeem: or maybe just the /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:01
DimoutlookDrknzz I will have to read up on how to compile from source02:01
scuniziWildAtheart: ah.. been looking for something like that.. so a gui front end for asterisk02:02
WildAtheartFreepbx more or less writes all the code for asterisk.. but asterisk is still the aplication that handle the calls02:02
scuniziWildAtheart: I like it.02:02
jokeemif i can work out how to i will mkquist__02:02
DimoutlookThanks to all have to see how to add source bye02:02
DrknzzDimoutlook: pretty easy: apt-get remove brasero; cd /path/to/brasero/sourcecode; ./configure; make; sudo make install02:02
WildAtheartscunizi yes... Also asterisk makes a GUI for it as well.. but depending on your needs you might like freepbx better02:02
jokeemmkquist__:  no i have no idea how to.02:03
WildAtheartscuniz what country you from?02:03
scuniziWildAtheart: U.S.02:03
mkquist__jokeem: just type - gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:03
mkquist__jokeem: then copy that02:04
WildAtheartscunizi you using asterisk for business or resale?02:04
NamVet1Karmic Koala OS would like to watch this video but can't any help? http://www.thecauseofeffect.com/#02:04
scuniziWildAtheart: neither.. fun.. I actually sell IP based pbx's that have a linux kernel but the rest is custom..02:04
jokeemmkquist__:  http://pastebin.com/m1968d2d902:05
WildAtheartscunizi ok cool .. you a developer or installer..02:05
jetpackis anyone in here familiar with Joy2Key?02:05
WildAtheartI am setting up servers with PBX for leasing02:06
scuniziWildAtheart: general manager, sales manager, web developer, personell director etc.. I'm the only one in my department until we get the company up and running more.02:06
titaniumbrellahi can someone tell me why videos get choppy after a while *most likely after updates* when streaming from websites?02:06
scuniziWildAtheart: and installer02:06
WildAtheartscunizi sounds interesting02:06
Ricketmy computer screen just froze and my caps & scroll lock lights are blinking (not num lock). it's a kernel panic right? Do only those 2 blinking mean something more than that?02:06
titaniumbrellasome sites got choppy*but not all* after having ubuntu installed for 2 months02:06
WildAtheartscunizi are you using freepbx now?02:06
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:07
scuniziWildAtheart: nope.. looking at what it will take to install02:07
jokeemmkquist__:  whaat ya think?02:07
titaniumbrellaumm using 9.1002:07
WildAtheartscunizi... I have have a sulution nearly completed.. takes only 5 minutes to install02:07
evondrknzz: ok everything configured nicely but this happened when i ran make http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4aef9afb02:08
_MM_Any experience using  DUPLICITY ? why is this overwriting my stuff on the server running this command ? duplicity --include /var/a/db --include /var/a/resources --exclude '**' /var/a ftp://50465@my_ip//backup_duplicity02:08
WildAtheartcomlete server.. with asterisk.. web server.. email.. freebpx.. voip billing...02:08
dj_segfaultUpgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 installed mysql-server-core-5.0, but not mysql-server-5.0 (which has the init.d file and logrotate, etc).  Is there a reason for that?02:08
scuniziWildAtheart: I'm jealous.. I don't code :(02:08
Drknzzevon: im checking that02:08
evondrknzz: thans02:08
Drknzzevon: you have kernel headers installed?02:09
jph_Running a fresh install of ubuntu server 9.10 sudo apt-get update fails to connect to anything and sudo tasksel only list three things... I want to install a LAMP package... What do I need to do?02:09
WildAtheartscunizi lol.. you dont need to code.. Shoot me over an email.. I will send you a link when i am done.. you can check it out..02:09
helperis there any program like vnstat but in real time ? coz vnstat either need 5 min or manual to update ! thx02:09
lizkin grub2 what is the number of first logical partition02:09
evondrknzz: i don't know. can i install them through synaptic?02:09
WildAtheartscunizi i am setting this up for none coder.. business users..02:09
jrib!grub2 > lizk02:09
ubottulizk, please see my private message02:09
Drknzzevon: yes02:10
WildAtheartits made easy for business that want 12 phone lines..02:10
Drknzzevon: make sure they are of the same version as your actual kernel (u can check that with uname -r)02:10
jetpackAlright guys, I have a USB game controller, and I want to use it as a media remote sort of deal on my computer. Anyone have any ideas? I think I am getting pretty close...02:10
jimcooncatI'd like to know if there is an option where I could have "group homes", where a home directory is provided for each group formed by manual input. Anyone heard of a setup like that?02:10
lizkjrib: i read that doesn't answer my question02:11
evondrknzz: yes it looks like the headers are already installed.02:11
Drknzzevon: hmmmpphh02:11
evondrknzz: but there are a number of different headers to choose though02:11
Drknzzevon: weird, re-check ./configure's output02:12
Drknzzevon: make sure you have the headers for your actual kernel02:12
FernandoFHello! good evening02:12
WildAtheartDrknzz are you an expert in unbuntu?02:12
jriblizk: wasn't your question about whether numbering starts at 0 or 1 in grub 2?02:12
evondrknzz: i see linux-headers-2.6.31-17-generic-pae02:12
DrknzzWildAtheart: Not really an expert, but i do know my way around02:12
FernandoFAnyone knows how to bypass error "Move background page assignment" in OpenOffice?02:12
evondrknzz: that matches my kernel and is already installed02:13
evondrknzz: but there's also generic and 38602:13
mkquist__jokeem: which radeon card do you have - if you know?02:13
Drknzzevon: hmmm, check that webpage for anything related to that02:13
WildAtheartDrknzz do you do freelance work?02:13
jokeemmkquist__:  dunno02:13
eeepcwifiHi, I was wondering if there is anyone that can help me with my new eeepc / netbook ubuntu wifi connection problem?02:14
Drknzzevon: i  think those errors come from bad code, but im not absolutely sure02:14
DrknzzWildAtheart: huh?02:14
FernandoFreported bug 46307 on that issue is there for ages with no solution02:14
WildAtheartDrknzz do you work for pay over the net?02:14
lizkjrib: sda1=1 sdb=2 sdc=3 sdd=extended sde=firstLogical=?02:14
NamVet1senare 8-)02:14
eeepcwifiI installed 9.10 netbook remix and I can connect fine to open wifi networks but it keeps prompting me to enter my key when I try to join my network.02:14
eeepcwifimy network is wep 128bit and is not broadcasting.02:15
DrknzzWildAtheart: Nope, im just helping out while my download finished over this solw dial-up link XD02:15
eeepcwifiI don't even know where to start02:15
mkquist__jokeem: type lspci at command prompt02:15
WildAtheartlol Drknzz02:15
jetpackAlright guys, I have a USB game controller, and I want to use it as a media remote sort of deal on my computer. Anyone have any ideas? I think I am getting pretty close... I just need a little bit of help02:15
DrknzzWildAtheart: hehehhe, i was a noob, and i like to help noobs :)02:15
jriblizk: same as before afaik.  It's the nth partition.  So in your example, 502:16
evondrknzz: my output from ./configure http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5908a5ef.  according to the site that'02:16
WildAtheartDrknzz well that is good.. I use centos mostly.. but starting to switch to ubuntu and would like to hire someone one to do some work.02:16
evondrknzz: my output from ./configure http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5908a5ef.  according to the site that's what supposed to happen02:16
jokeemmkquist__:  http://pastebin.com/m166ea1bd02:16
DrknzzWildAtheart: Well, you pretty much dont need to hire ppl, just come here :)02:16
PC_Nerd101Can anyone explain what the score's refer to when running aptitude full-upgrade etc?   I'm rather confused as to the difference between positive and negative scores.02:16
Drknzzevon, ima check that out02:17
WildAtheartLOL Drknzz.. I dont believe you a noob... noobs dont admit too often they are a noob.. unless they begging for help and dont want to act stupid02:17
jrib!aptitude | PC_Nerd10102:17
ubottuPC_Nerd101: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:17
dj_segfaultI just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10.  I now have mysql 5.0 (I need it for mythtv among other things).  The upgrade installed mysql-server-core-5.0 but not msql-server-5.0.  When I tried installing *that*, it said it needed mysql-client-5.0, which it won't install because mysql-client-5.1 is installed.  Has anyone else seen this?02:17
jribPC_Nerd101: no idea, but I'd guess the aptitude manual may have a clue (link on that page)02:17
Drknzzevon: youre lacking a LOT of needed packages for building that module02:17
evondrknzz: lol. do tell02:18
WildAtheartdj_segfault uninstall both.. and reinstall02:18
evondrknzz: what should i install?02:18
jph_this is the output of when i run tasksel list-tasks... ~$ sudo tasksel --list-tasks02:18
jph_i serverBasic Ubuntu server02:18
jph_i openssh-serverOpenSSH server02:18
jph_u manualManual package selection02:18
jph_  this is the same and only list offered if i run sudo tasksel with the goal of installing a LAMP server package... where do i start to get my LAMP package?02:18
FloodBot1jph_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
evonjph_ use pastebin02:18
jph_will do02:18
DrknzzWildAtheart: lol, just ask, id bet someone will help you everytime, just be patient, or ask the bot ;)02:18
Drknzzevon: hehehe02:18
jribdj_segfault: erm, how did you upgrade?02:18
dj_segfaultWildAtheart: Uninstall *which*  Everything mysql?02:18
dj_segfaultjrib: From the updater02:18
cp721hello how can i undo this command "sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to port 49200"02:19
jimmy_birer1wildheart ask me the question02:19
eeepcwifiUbuntu 9.10 netbook remix, eeepc 1000, I can connect to open wifi networks but my wep 128bit hidden network it keeps prompting me to enter my key and never connects.. HELP!!!02:19
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jribdj_segfault: were you using unofficial repositories or debs?02:19
jokeemmkquist__:  did you se?02:19
Drknzzevon:  try searching in synaptic for every name below the kernel and dev02:19
WildAtheartDrknzz LOL.../   somethings i need only to do once.. i dont always have time to learn.. cheaper to just pay someone02:19
lizkjrib: you have a link/ereference? In grub1 firstlogical always = 402:19
dj_segfaultjrib: Not that I know of, other than mutlimedia (dvd stuff)02:19
Drknzzevon: that may give u all headers u need02:19
jriblizk: because counting started at 0 before, now it starts at 102:19
sharktootheeepcwifi:are you using proprietary drivers?02:19
evonjph_ you mean from my ./configure output?02:20
jetpackeepcwifi: Try resetting your router. Just like, power off / power on02:20
eeepcwifisharktooth: its a stock install just installed today02:20
dj_segfaultjrib: Trying to research which version of MySQL is needed for MythTV02:20
WildAtheartDrknzz I do development for others.. and not always have enough time even for things i know how to do well02:20
eeepcwifiits not my router.. I tested it on windows and 2 iphones02:20
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eeepcwifiits ubuntu02:20
DrknzzWildAtheart: Its pretty neat to know your way around stuff at all times, but if you do want to hire someone...02:20
WildAtheartdj_segfault do you have data you are afraid to lose?02:20
DrknzzWildAtheart: you should go for paid canonical support02:21
lizkjrib: you are saying that no matter my partitioning, /dev/sdaX always equals hd0,X ?  even with 1 primary 1 logical, /dev/sda3 = hd0,3 ?02:21
sharktootheeepcwifi:go to the system|admin|hardware drivers , see if you can install another driver for your wireless card;it MIGHT help, ephasis on might02:21
jriblizk: afaik, yes.02:21
mkquist__jokeem: yea i got it02:21
cp721hello how can i undo this command "sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to port 49200"02:21
dj_segfaultWildAtheart: It's backed up, but I would rather not lose it.  Years of MythTV, wordpress, etc02:21
hyperstreamis it possible to see what port an application is listening on ?02:21
WildAtheartDrknzz  nice if i do that is there a chance  i might one accross you there?02:21
sharktoothdoes anyone know why the upgrade button on ubuntu fails02:21
lizkjrib: where is that info? I want to be REALLY sure b4 i potentialy hose it02:21
PC_Nerd101jrib: I've just gone through the manual and haven't specifically found anything relating to scores02:21
Drknzzcp721: change allow for deny and thats it02:22
jriblizk: how would you hose it?  It would just fail to boot02:22
jokeemmkquist__:  k, did you find anything with either logs?02:22
DrknzzWildAtheart: Nope, but i bet those guys are nice :)02:22
lizkjrib: that would mean reinstall for me02:22
evondrknzz: you mean from my ./configure output?02:22
WildAtheartDrknzz yea they better be nice as much as they charge02:22
Drknzzevon: yup02:22
evondrknzz: not finding any of them02:22
eeepcwifisharktooth: if it matters it connects fine to open networks.. so are drivers the issue?02:22
DrknzzWildAtheart: Well, i hardly doubt they arent XD02:23
jriblizk: add an extra entry in grub instead of deleting the working one, no?02:23
ChrisMorganiflema: it did the on-boot-fsck, still the same SMART complaint.  I expect I'll just have to tell it to not warn me.02:23
Drknzzevon: weird, plz wait02:23
jph_evon I don't know... I have never had this problem before... I did a clean install of 9.10 and at install i used tasksel as provided in the installation wizard to install OpenSSH however for some unknown reason I didn't install LAMP at that time... no when entering sudo tasksel it only list three options not the long list as before02:23
jetpackAlright guys, I have a USB game controller, and I want to use it as a media remote sort of deal on my computer. Anyone have any ideas? I think I am getting pretty close... I just need a little bump in the right dirrection02:23
lizkwell i want to concentrate on getting the number 100% correct, rather than play guessing games02:23
eeepcwifiit says no propietary drivers are in use and it gives none in the list02:23
WildAtheartjetpack google game controller to make sure its supported first02:23
eeepcwifisharktooth: it says no propietary drivers are in use and it gives none in the list02:24
sharktootheeepcwifi: with the right drivers can can do more, it is worth a try. I know monitor mode works with some drivers maybe the hidden net will work02:24
sharktootheeepcwifi:what router are you using?02:24
jetpackeeepcwifi: do other computers on the network connect right now?02:24
Drknzzevon: try installing this and see if configure tells xfree86 stuff is present: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libxxf86misc-dev02:24
jriblizk: you would have figured it out already.  The link I gave you earlier explains how the numbering works.  There's also the official grub 2 docs I guess02:25
eeepcwifisharktooth: wrt54gl jetpack: yes 1 windows and 2 iphones.. I also deleted and created the network on the iphone to make sure. The router is also new.02:25
jetpackWildAtHeart: I have. It works flawlessly as a game controller. I am using Joy2Key to convert buttons to key presses, but I can't get it to act like my media keys02:25
lizkjrib: thing is (i'm using alternate i386) top says "configuration grub-pc" yet the instructions & examples are for old grub with wrong numbering02:25
WildAtheartjetpack i am new to ubuntu.. not sure i can help you there..02:26
lizkjrib: will it actualy do the correct thing given the corrct number?02:26
iflemaChrisMorgan did fsck complained about smart?02:26
jriblizk: I don't understand what you just said.  top of what?02:26
ChrisMorganiflema: it didn't complain about anything that I noticed02:26
adantehi guys, i stupidly did do-release-upgrade from an ssh session which died, now there are some dpkg-reconfigure processes that are preventing me from re-running do-release-upgrade - is it safe to just kill them and restart?02:26
pfred1I think I'm starting to see why Ubuntu wants to drop the gimp from future versions02:26
eeepcwifijetpack: i have 1 windows, desktop ubuntu  connected wired and 2 iphones connected wifi fine adn the router is 1 month old.02:26
jetpackeeepcwifi: try disconnecting and reconnecting the router just in case, and also double check the passphrase. I have an older router that glitches up a lot02:26
lizkjrib: i'm using the alternate install disk, when promped to write grub to mrbr i decline, then next screen it ask me for hdx,x, gut gives old instructin for grub102:26
jriblizk: what ubuntu version?02:27
jetpackWildAtHeart: Eh. Thanks anyway.02:27
* Callum_ scratches his hair over how to configure BIND02:27
eeepcwifijetpack: I have done that. and I checked the passphrase with teh iphone cus I was second guessing myself cus it wouldnt connect.02:27
jriblizk: I don't actually know if the alternate disk uses grub 2 or not02:27
serengetihyperstream: I think something like netstat -anp |grep processname02:27
lizkjrib: oh, that could make it different from live? it says "grub-pc" in title of that screen, grub-pc is grub2 no?02:28
jetpackeeepcwifi: if you go into the routers config pages can you pull up a DHCP table? It should have the MAC and IP of everything connected.02:28
jph_evon any thoughts?02:28
jokeemmkquist__:  u htere?02:28
jriblizk: I don't know.  I suppose if that's true, it's very likely a bug already exists at bugs.ubuntu.com about it02:28
mkquist__jokeem: still here, i dont use radeon cards, so I'm not sure on their config - maybe someone using radeon gfx could lend a hand?02:29
jetpackDo any of you guys have experience with Media Keys under Ubuntu?02:29
hyperstreamserengeti, thansk mate02:29
serengetihyperstream, no worries :)02:29
jokeemmkquist__:  ok... i might just reinstall02:29
jokeemso sick of linux02:29
jribjetpack: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)02:29
pfred1jokeem its not for everyone02:30
mkquist__jokeem: its worth the learning curve - imho02:30
evonjph_ sorry that last message i wrote was not meant for you. I actually don't know anything about that stuff02:30
mkquist__anyone use radeon card can help maybe?02:30
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lizkjrib: thing is this is my second install, first worked briefly then wouldn't boot after update grub said "file not found"02:30
jetpackjrib: huh? I am new to irc. lol02:30
arghh2d2lol, if you cant handle ubuntu then linux is definitely "not for you"02:30
jokeemi enjoy linux - but it's too difficult... like all the commands. why so serious?02:30
serengetimkquist__ what's the problem?02:31
mkquist__jokeem: maybe dont make changes till your a little more sure of what they do02:31
jribjetpack: irc netiquette is to just jump right in and ask your real question.  Then if someone knows, they will try to help you02:31
hyperstreamjokeem, wrong place to chuck a emo :)02:31
jokeemmkquist__:  lol pretty much02:31
mkquist__serengeti: he jokeem cant log into his linux02:31
serengetimkquist__ pity :p02:31
pfred1jokeem you're probably better off not trying Slackware then02:31
mkquist__serengeti: was thinking his xorg got messed up02:31
FernandoFOpenOffice 3.1 (ppt) can not open presentation.  Someone can help?02:31
jribjokeem: you don't need to run a single command in ubuntu if you don't want to...02:31
gent00why ubuntu is that slow?02:31
arghh2d2jokeem: jokeem try gentoo, it's super easy02:31
jokeemu eventually do.02:31
jribjokeem: like when?02:32
SolarisBoy@ gentoo02:32
serengetimkquist__ I'll look it up in the log and see if I can help02:32
gent00solaris will destroy linux eventually02:32
gent00they begun to sale02:32
jetpackjrib: oh gotcha. Haha. I don't think my issue would fit on one line.02:32
ripI tried installing 3 different distros (Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE) on a laptop with a nvidia geforce card in order to find out if any would be able to suspend (sleep) the laptop....  Under the default installation of the three distros, only Fedora successfully suspended the laptop via the included pm-suspend utility from pm-utils and only Fedora, by default, installs the nouveau driver while the other two seem to install the 'vesa' driver02:32
rip, by default.  Is suspend likely to be working on Fedora exactly because of the nouveau driver?  And does this mean, if I install the nouveau driver, it will work on Ubuntu also?02:32
FernandoFmessage i get is "Move background page assignment"02:32
mkquist__serengeti: thanx02:32
SolarisBoy=) atleast you know the truth02:32
evondrknzz: new error this time http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7e9f2e8b02:32
gent00solarisboy enjoy ur OS02:32
sharktootheeepcwifi:I don't know if this will help but here you go;good luck! http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2007/12/29/my-linksys-wrt54gl-ubuntu-wireless-settings.html02:32
SolarisBoyi will02:32
oorahi'm having trouble installing onto my ps3 here's the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFBNmM1I_XM02:32
gent00it`s way better than Lunix02:32
jokeemanyway i can get skipper passwords/02:32
mkquist__jokeem: might wanna give serengeti a mo to look at your pastebin02:32
Drknzzevon: see my private messages?02:32
jribjetpack: summarize it and a link with more details (logs, etc.) by using http://paste.ubuntu.com02:32
eeepcwifijetpack: I have the dhcp list02:32
gent00I mean looser`s unix02:32
jokeemand a list of installed programs02:32
jph_anyone have any thoughts on why tasksel will only show three things to install, really two that are installed and some manual package selection tool02:33
jokeemmkquist__:  ok.02:33
evondrknzz: installed them already02:33
SolarisBoywell i actually prefer red hat based distros02:33
SolarisBoybut whos looking anyway huh =)02:33
eeepcwifijetpack: but my netbook's mac does not show up in it02:33
sabgentonDr_Willis: hey um does ubuntu sitll use grub legacy02:33
gent00linux sucks generally02:33
jribgent00: let's stay on-topic please.02:33
Drknzzevon: i still need to give you more man, wait02:33
oorahi don't think solaris is user friendly enough to destroy linux lol gent0002:33
jetpackjrib: Sweet. thanks! will do.02:33
mkquist__gent00: nice channel for that02:33
evondrknzz: lol ok thanks02:33
SolarisBoywell we should stop comparing an OS to a kernel first02:33
jribjph_: did you also say apt-get update didn't work?02:33
serengetijokeem, I've always used ubuntu with Radeons so there's a small chance I can help02:33
SolarisBoysolaris is not comparible to linux02:34
arghh2d2SolarisBoy: tru dat02:34
jetpackeeepcwifi: Huh. I'm out of ideas then02:34
jph_jrib yes I did say that02:34
gent00yeah because solaris is way better02:34
jokeemserengeti: awesome.02:34
jribjph_: did you fix that?02:34
mkquist__jokeem: what was it you did again the got it futzed up?02:34
oorahi'm having trouble installing onto my ps3 here's the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFBNmM1I_XM02:34
tahow can I emulate windows in ubuntu? I need to install MS Project and it cannot run with wine as far as I know02:34
gent00i saw solaris 1002:34
jribgent00: take the discussion elsewhere (last warning)02:34
sabgentonDr_Willis: I installed grub on a usbstick but the menu says version 1.97~beta402:34
jokeemserengeti:  well when i boot up, the ubuntu screen goes all distorted and freezes.02:34
arghh2d2ta: virtualbox02:34
gent00i saw solaris 10 and i understood that Linux will die soon02:34
jph_jrib negative I bet they are related but I don't know where to start so i came here02:34
jokeemmkquist__:  thanks for all your help, appreciate it.02:35
sunanything I should do to get the most out of my system after a fresh install?02:35
mkquist__give it a rest...02:35
SolarisBoyAIX is rather defensive these days...02:35
mkquist__jokeem: sry i couldnt get you back02:35
Dr_Willissabgenton:  that is the version # for grub2 in ubuntu 9.10 - yes...02:35
evongent00: what makes solaris 10 so special?02:35
* sabgenton asks all: if I use grub-install on a drive will it install gurb 2?02:35
eeepcwifiJetpack: I know it has to do with ubuntu and connecting to a hidden wep 128bit.. some part of that doesn't work. cus it can connect fine to an open netowrk and my router is definately not the issue 2 other os's connect fine wifi and my wifi printer connects fine to it as well.02:35
sabgentonDr_Willis: ah02:35
jokeemmkquist__:  no worries02:35
serengetijokeem, can you see the ubuntu logo before this happens?02:35
Dr_Willis!info grubpc02:35
ubottuPackage grubpc does not exist in karmic02:35
Dr_Willis!info grub-pc02:35
helperis there any program like vnstat but in real time ? coz vnstat either need 5 min or manual to update ! thx02:35
ubottugrub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is extra. Version 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4.1 (karmic), package size 423 kB, installed size 1712 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc sparc)02:35
jribjph_: right, that's my bet too :)  pastebin your command and the output when you run « sudo apt-get update »02:35
Drknzzevon: pastebin ./configure --help output02:36
gent00!info windows02:36
ubottuPackage windows does not exist in karmic02:36
sabgentonDr_Willis: confusing02:36
SolarisBoyevon: its scalable is one of my favs about solaris,, and it has a truly native relation with the hardware it sits on02:36
jph_jrub will do brb it takes a second or two to fail big02:36
Dr_Willissabgenton:  not really :)02:36
jokeemserengeti:  yes02:36
jribSolarisBoy, evon, gent00: #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about other operating systems or anything non-support really. This channel is busy enough as it is02:36
jokeemserengeti:  when it finished loading, it goes all distorted.02:36
SolarisBoythats nice02:36
SolarisBoyill brb02:37
Dr_Willissabgenton:  thats just how version #s work.  They pused grub2 in whild it was still considerd beta02:37
arghh2d2jrub, lol02:37
sabgentonDr_willis do you think grub2 could install  ubuntu server iso's02:37
evondrknzz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m27a7978e02:37
serengetijokeem, when the screen freezes, can you use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to the text console?02:37
jetpackeeepcwifi: are you able to test different router configs without messing anything else up too badly?02:37
sabgentonnon live cd isos02:37
evonjrib: sorry about that man02:37
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sabgentonDr_Willis: I'm trying what you told me about yesterday02:37
gent00this channel has too restricted rules.02:37
jokeemserengeti:  never tryed..02:37
sabgentongrub2 able to boot isos02:37
gent00if u say u support freedom then give more freedom to users02:37
eeepcwifijetpack: I have too much connected to it in use. And this is how I want it set up. So I need to get the netbook working with wep 128bit hidden02:37
serengetijokeem, and what Radeon is it, by the way/02:38
pfred1gent00 you are free to start your own channel02:38
noshelterI currently have nvidia-glx.185 installed, and i tried the latest version of the drivers from the nvidia site, but the temp on my GPU is always around 66 when idle and the fan is always running, any hints on how to fix this?02:38
jokeemi dont know. mkquist__  what was it :D02:38
oorahi'm having trouble installing onto my ps3 here's the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFBNmM1I_XM02:38
devilwithahearteeepwifi: did you try deleting the network profile and recreating it. It sometimes work for me.02:39
Drknzzevon: i think you will need to read more on that webpage, i have no idea what could ever be wrong, sorry02:39
Dr_Willis!ps3 | oorah02:39
ubottuoorah: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )02:39
serengetijokeem, so was it like that from the beginning or maybe you have installed some new drivers?02:39
eeepcwifidevilwithaheart: yes I've done it several times cus I thoguht I was typing something wrong until I tested teh settigns on my iphone and it worked.02:39
ripHow does one install nouveau driver (for nvdia video cards) on Ubuntu?  I assume it involves installing 'xserver-xorg-video-nouveau', but then what do I do?02:39
evondrknzz: are you really giving up on me? :-( there are no more packages i have to install?02:39
pfred1is there any way I can downgrade the version of the gimp shipped with Ubuntu 9.10 to a useful version?02:39
jetpackeeepcwifi: I was just going to have you un-hide it and see if it will connect unhidden. Have you filed a bug report?02:39
noshelterrip: search for the nvidia-glx package, or go to the nvidia website02:40
Dr_Willis!pin | pfred102:40
eeepcwifijetpack: I can try unhiding it.. sec...02:40
ubottupfred1: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:40
Drknzzevon: im sleepy now, gotta go bed, and, as  far as i can go undersgtanding the problem, it might be the developers fault this time :S02:40
ripnoshelter: I don't want to install Nvidia's proprietary drivers though02:40
jokeemserengeti:  well i was in the recovery for ubuntu, and I press fix graphic errors.02:40
ripI prefer free drivers02:41
noshelterrip: sorry, not sure of a free version of them02:41
Drknzzevon: i have to go university tomorrow :p02:41
Dr_Willisrip:  often i find to get all teh features -  You have to use the drivers from nvidia02:41
jph_jrub  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362322/02:41
eeepcwifijetpack: it works with my network broadcasting02:41
jolarenHow do I activate sound in rdesktop? and is it possible to multi client with rdesktop?02:41
eeepcwifijetpack: so the issue is that its hidden.02:41
Dr_Willisrip:  on some box's i cant even get proper resolutions without the nvidia drivers installed.02:41
evondrknzz: i hear you. I have work in the morning.02:42
devilwithahearteeepcwifi: what encription you use?02:42
evondrknzz: thanks though. I will keep searching.02:42
mkquist__hey whats happens in koala when you remove the xorg.conf and reboot?02:42
eeepcwifidevilwithaheart: wep 12802:42
oorahhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFBNmM1I_XM here is the error i'm getting trying to install Ubuntu onto my ps302:42
jolarenHow do I activate sound in rdesktop? and is it possible to multi client with rdesktop?02:42
Dr_Willismkquist__:  it uses the default autoconfiguring feature of X.02:42
ripDr_Willis: I'm not that tempted to get all the features... I only want to get suspend (sleep) working on a laptop... and the nouveau free driver seems to be able to sleep my laptop since it is intstalled by default on Fedora... so that's why i'm asking how one installs nouveau on Ubuntu...02:42
mkquist__will it crash or remake?02:42
Dr_Willisrip:  never tried them. so no idea02:42
frogzoomkquist__: it won't remake - X will fail to start02:43
Dr_Willismkquist__:  neither.. it AUTOCONFIGURES.02:43
ripDr_Willis: I can get the laptops full resolution with the nouveau driver on Fedora02:43
jetpackeeepcwifi: are you sure that you had the network ID in exactly right?02:43
mkquist__Dr_Willis: so what if jokeem just removes his xorg.conf... so will it reconfigure?02:43
Dr_Willismkquist__:  it autoconfigures as needed upon X startup. In theory.02:43
eeepcwifijetpack: yes its 4 letters not easy to mess up :)02:43
Dr_Willismkquist__:  it does not make a xorg.conf02:43
mkquist__Dr_Willis: so its almost like dpkg-reconfigure-xserver?02:43
eeepcwifijetpack: its shat.. :) so i know i typed it right02:43
mkquist__lets find out... hmm02:44
eeepcwifijetpack: not sure if you saw but it did connect when it was broadcasting.02:44
Dr_Willismkquist__:  i have severla machines with no xorg.conf - some need it for special features/settings02:44
pfred1Dr_Willis pinning seems useful if you have things that work02:44
oorahcan anyone help me with ps3 errors?02:44
jetpackeeepcwifi: Yeah, I saw that... hmm...02:45
jolarenAnyone know of a good rdesktop client? gnome-rdesktop isnt so good02:45
RainbowEyesum... does anybody know if there's a good Microsoft Project equivalent for Ubuntu? >.>02:45
jribjph_: "jrib" instead of "jrub" if you want me to get a highlight :)02:45
eeepcwifijetpack: im going to hide it and try again.02:45
jetpackeeepcwifi: alright02:45
jph_sorrt typo02:45
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eeepcwifijetpack: so to make sure I'm doing it right.. i just go to the wifi manager and chose connect to hidden wireless network or should I create new wireless network?02:46
jribjph_: is your internet working otherwise?02:46
jetpackeeepcwifi: nope, connect to hidden is right02:46
mkquist__jokeem: still here?02:46
jokeemis there such thing as a system restore for ubuntu?02:46
eeepcwifijetpack: ok brb02:46
jokeemmkquist__:  yes02:46
oorahhere's the errors i'm getting on my ps3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFBNmM1I_XM02:46
sabgentonDr_Willis: I can't get ubuntu-server  to see the cdrom drive when it boots02:46
jph_jrib yes it works, I am SSHed in to that box and also have terminal access to the back via hardwired KVM02:46
ChrisMorganI installed GSmartControl, it installed a launcher which triggers su-to-root -X -c gsmartcontrol -- but su-to-root is in the package `menu` which wasn't installed.  Does its dependency list need updating?02:46
mkquist__sabgenton: hes gone i think02:47
helperis there any program like vnstat but in real time ? coz vnstat either need 5 min or manual to update ! thx02:47
mkquist__jokeem: back in live cd?02:47
jph_jrib if you need me to test the internet on that box let me know how you would like me to02:47
jribjph_: nslookup us.archive.ubuntu.com    works ok?02:47
oorahassuming almost nobody installs Linux onto a ps3 or knows anything about ppc?02:47
twbWhen booting the live CD, is there a way to stop gdm (and thus X) from starting?02:47
macman_hey all .. i have a detached screen .. how can i view what is going on without re-attaching to it ?02:48
jolarenNo rdesktop gui avaiable? Gosh02:48
jetpackHey guys, I am trying to configure a gamepad with joy2key (yes the pad is supported) but am having trouble mapping it to my media keys. Anyone have any ideas? More info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/362325/02:48
devilwithaheartmacman_: you can ssh into it.02:48
jph_jrib it failed02:48
eeepcwifijetpack: same thing.. it just keeps spinning and then prompts me to enter it again..02:48
jribjph_: it's a dns issue then02:49
jph_jrib connection timed out02:49
RainbowEyesdoes anybody know if there's a good Microsoft Project equivalent for Ubuntu? X:02:49
Bogocan anyone help me with a server problem...i can't seem to fix it... :(02:49
jribjph_: I don't really know too much about this, but what is in /etc/resolv.conf ?02:49
frogzooRainbowEyes: there's Task Juggler, and there's Project02:49
Bogomore exactly a mail server problem...02:49
jetpackeeepcwifi: Huh... No idea. I would file a bug report, and then just un-hide it for now if you need it. It is probably a bug that is unique to your hardware.02:49
RainbowEyesokay, thanks frogzoo, I'll look it up ^^02:49
SolarisBoyand Planner RainbowEyes02:50
mkquist__jokeem: how about you open a terminal and type - sudo mv /etc/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf.old02:50
jeffreyfoorah, if you want to try, there are several tutorials on the internet on how to install Ubuntu or other distro onto the PS3.  You need the PowerPC (mac) version as the processor is a power series02:50
eeepcwifijetpack: I'll do that. Thanks for the help02:50
mkquist__jokeem: and try a reboot, doesnt work come back in live cd02:50
RainbowEyesSolarisBoy: okay, I'll check that out too :)02:50
jokeemmkquist__:  will do02:50
serengetijokeem: so you got the distortion for no apparent reason and then went to recovery and clicked Fix graphics errors?02:50
SolarisBoyresolv.conf defines which dns servers you use amongst other things02:50
jetpackHey guys, I am trying to configure a gamepad with joy2key but am having trouble mapping it to my media keys. Anyone have any ideas? More info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/362325/02:50
jokeemserengeti: other way arounf02:50
frogzooRainbowEyes: s/Planner/Project02:51
serengetimquist__: it won't work if he's on livecd, will it?02:51
SolarisBoyit also defines a search pattern to be appended to the end of hostnames like mydomain.net02:51
jph_jrib before we get to that let me run this thought by you, we are behind firewalls here I have access to modify them... that server has the following and only the following ports opened up on it 22,80,433,53    could this be the root of my problem?02:51
serengetimquist__: I mean it's not /etc/foo but /media/????/foo02:51
jokeemmkquist__: mv: cannot stat `/etc/xorg.conf': No such file or directory02:51
RainbowEyesfrogzoo: so you meant Planner?02:51
oorahjeffreyf, i know that, however the tutorials say nothing about the error messages i get. i've checked several of them for weeks02:52
eeepcwifibogo: whats your server problem?02:52
mkquist__jokeem: srry sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old02:52
eeepcwifii may not be great with desktop stuff but I do a lot of linux server work02:52
mkquist__jokeem: missed the X11 part... oops02:52
SolarisBoyapt-cache show planner02:53
mkquist__serengeti: thats right02:53
mkquist__jokeem: you have to be doing this on your old install... right02:53
SolarisBoyunless thats an virtual package or something02:53
frogzooTask Juggler > Planner02:53
mkquist__serengeti: just assumed he knew that ... bad assumption02:53
SolarisBoyahh i see02:53
jokeemmkquist__: what u mean? in the recvoer02:53
jribjph_: hmm.  Well apt-get either uses http or ftp (looks like that should be ok). As for the dns lookups, I don't know what you need to do firewall-wise if anything02:53
framelinuxhelp!, how to install xubuntu on pentium III 128 RAM and 333 Mhz? no alternate cd02:53
Bogoright...so...i have installed ubuntu server 9.04 on a server machine...installed and configured the mail server (following this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.10-ispconfig-3), but when i'm trying to access my email account on the server, outlook can't find the serverm neither thunderbird. i have installed ispconfig and tried to configure and run roundcube.02:54
mkquist__jokeem: sorry, I should have mentioned that all those commands are to be run on you hard drive ubuntu install, cant just do it in live cd02:54
serengetijokeem, wait a sec. do you see your hard drive partitions on the livecd desktop?02:54
Bogointernet connection is working...02:54
mkquist__jokeem: wont do anything there02:54
SolarisBoyyou need to try resolving whatever apt is trying to resolve against your dns server would be likely one of the first steps if you feel its dns related02:54
tahow reliable is virtualbox_02:54
jeffreyfoorah    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_302:54
SolarisBoylike dig <domain> @<dns server>02:54
mkquist__jokeem: means is you have to mount your ubuntu installation and cd to it and then run those commands02:54
jokeemmkquist__: OHHHHHHHH. serengeti  yes02:54
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:55
jokeemmkquist__: im sorry, i have no clue how to..02:55
serengetijokeem: so find the partition that has a folder named "etc" in it02:55
jetpackI am trying to configure a gamepad with joy2key but am having trouble mapping it to my media keys. Anyone have any ideas? More info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/362325/02:55
jribSolarisBoy: nslookup us.archive.ubuntu.com failed for jph_ with connection timed out02:55
Shwackoh crap...sorry wrong room to ctrl v in :( sorry02:55
mkquist__jokeem: know how to mount you ubuntu install?  the hard drive one?02:55
serengetijokeem: and browse to etc/X1102:55
jokeemserengeti:  YEP02:55
mkquist__jokeem: do that02:55
jph_jrib ok well where would you like to start as far and finding the problem...02:55
jokeemno  i dont02:55
CondorDeltahola a todos02:55
mkquist__jokeem: how did you look at it before?02:55
jokeemjust look for the folder?02:55
CondorDeltaalguien que hable español ?02:56
SolarisBoyjrib: against the dns server in his resolv.conf? or the one being used by his router?02:56
jokeemthats what mount means?02:56
Bogosolarisboy: how am i supposed to do that? :( i'm kind of a noob @ servers :(02:56
jokeemcause i can do that02:56
mkquist__jokeem: can you browse you ubuntu install?02:56
serengetijokeem: when you have found "etc", open it, then go to "X11"02:56
jrib@mark Shwack02:56
jokeemok vguyd02:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:56
SolarisBoywith that command 'dig us.archive.ubuntu.com @<mydnsserver>'02:56
serengetijokeem: and in "X11" find a file "xorg.conf" and delete it02:56
jetpackCondorDelta: Si. Solamente un poco. Por Que?02:57
Bogorun as root i presume...02:57
SolarisBoy<mydnsserver> being the one in question,, alternatively you can try and see if you can query verizon pub for the domain in question02:57
mkquist__jokeem: what hes saying02:57
iflemaChrisMorgan m8 backup anything important hey..... does not sound good.... you need to check for bad blocks...02:57
jolarenIs it possible to keep the user logged in with rdesktop? When I login to my win7 computer I get logged out from the mainscreen02:57
SolarisBoyno you dont need to be root to run dig02:57
jokeemok i did that02:57
jribjph_: pastebin /etc/resolv.conf is a good start02:57
jokeembut permission denied lol.02:57
CondorDeltahola jetpack02:57
jph_jrib ok will do02:57
jribSolarisBoy: nslookup suse whatever is in /etc/resolv.conf afaik02:57
CondorDeltatengo un problema con mi ubuntu02:57
CondorDeltasoy nuevo en linux02:57
mkquist__serengeti: hell have to sudo to do it02:57
jribuses even02:57
jetpackCondorDelta: Jaja. Hola.02:57
Shwackjrib what's up?02:57
puffThe firefox package is a meta-package that installs the latest version of firefox in the repos. How do I see the latest version in the repos?02:57
jribShwack: nothing, ignore me02:58
SolarisBoyjrib: which is why he should direct it not to02:58
framelinuxyo hablo español XD02:58
SolarisBoywith @02:58
SolarisBoyand see if he is able to resolve there02:58
CondorDeltahola fremalinux02:58
jetpackframelinux: yes?02:58
Shwackjrib: k02:58
CondorDeltanecesito ayuda02:58
jribSolarisBoy: ok, good idea02:58
framelinuxyo pensaba que solo se hablaba ingles aca XDDD02:58
SolarisBoydig does the same as well02:58
mkquist__jokeem: open a terminal02:58
framelinuxdime Condor Delta02:58
CondorDeltajaja me estaba temiendo lo mismo02:58
jrib!es | CondorDelta02:58
ubottuCondorDelta: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:58
serengetimkquist__: haven't used ubuntu livecd in a while ;)02:58
jph_jrib no need to pastbin it is as follows: first line 'search us'  second line 'nameserver'02:58
CondorDeltalo que sucede es que por casualidad borre el icono de network manager02:59
SolarisBoycan you ping that name server?02:59
CondorDeltay no puedo ver el listado de mis redes02:59
jetpackCondorDelta: Que tipo de ayuda?02:59
framelinuxes facil02:59
evoni noticed that i have linux headers installed that are different from my current kernel version, can this cause problems for me if i am trying to compile a new kernel module?02:59
framelinuxhaces click derecho en el panel02:59
jokeemmkquist__:  next?02:59
SolarisBoyand if you can next can you 'dig us.archive.ubuntu.com @us.archive.ubuntu.com'02:59
jph_SolarisBoy was that directed at me?02:59
framelinuxhaces click en añadir al panel..02:59
SolarisBoyyes it was02:59
mkquist__jokeem: gksudo nautilus02:59
CondorDeltaya lo hice, pero no aparece la opcion de network manager02:59
jribframelinux, CondorDelta: english only here please.  #ubuntu-es for spanish02:59
framelinuxque version usas?02:59
mkquist__jokeem: then goto your hard drive ubuntu install and look in /etc/X11 for xorg.conf and rename it to xorg.conf.old03:00
jph_sorry I have missed most of what you said... multi tasking and only looking at highlighted stuff, what do you need me to do?03:00
SolarisBoylol ok03:00
Bogoi can't understand a thing here :( who's taking to who?! :((03:00
framelinuxjrib, en ubuntu-es parece un chat de messenger, no hay nadie03:00
SolarisBoyone ping that ip address two 'dig us.archive.ubuntu.com @<ipaddress>'03:00
jribBogo: just read the red/highlight stuff :)03:00
SolarisBoyif one fails there is you answer03:00
jph_SolarisBoy ok will do03:01
jokeemwhen gksudo i cant see my other partition....03:01
helperis there any program like vnstat but in real time ? coz vnstat either need 5 min or manual to update ! thx03:01
jribframelinux: 50 people there03:01
serengetiBogo: everybody's talking to everybody! It's crazy but fun!03:01
Bogousing chatzilla...there's no red/highlight stuff03:01
=== RainbowEyes is now known as GhostEyes
CondorDeltajrib sorry, i dont speack inglish. i am new user in ubuntu03:01
SolarisBoyi use irssi03:01
=== GhostEyes is now known as RainbowEyes
CondorDeltaand new user and irc03:01
Bogoi can see that serengeti03:01
Bogostill..who can help me with my ubuntu mail server issues? :((03:02
framelinuxCondorDelta veni a ubuntu-es03:02
mkquist__jokeem: u doin ok?03:02
framelinuxes mejor03:02
CondorDeltacomo entro a ubuntu-es03:02
jetpackCondorDelta: type /join #ubuntu-es03:02
AtttelecomI`m here to tell you the opinion of our corporation that we see no future in mobile Linux03:02
SolarisBoyhow did that work out for you jph_ ?03:02
serengetiBogo: but seriously, if someone should wish to address you they would generally start their message with "Bogo:" ;)03:02
jokeemmkquist__:  nah, i gksudo'ed but i cant see my ubuntu install...03:02
AtttelecomEspecially for Ubuntu Mobile03:02
vomjomwhat happened to ctrl alt + and ctrl alt - in X?03:03
vomjomis there an equivalent way to zoom in now?03:03
jribAtttelecom: this is a channel for community support, it's not really the right place for that03:03
songerCondorDelta: como te conectas?03:03
SolarisBoyhow about successful ventures like the android?03:03
mkquist__jokeem: ok then just minimize that, click on places and goto/computer03:03
Atttelecomjrib u are being nasty03:03
Bogoserengeti: good point... :( i guess in this case there's no one that can help me :(03:03
Atttelecomandroid is getting less and less popularity03:03
jokeemmkquist__:  ok03:03
* jrib sighs03:03
scuniziAtttelecom: no he's not.. go to #ubuntu-offtopic03:03
CondorDeltaxchat irc, acabo de instalarlo03:03
SolarisBoyBogo: whats your mail issue?03:03
Bogoi have installed ubuntu server 9.04 on a server machine...installed and configured the mail server (following this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.10-ispconfig-3), but when i'm trying to access my email account on the server, outlook can't find the serverm neither thunderbird. i have installed ispconfig and tried to configure and run roundcube.03:03
mkquist__jokeem: then click on ur ubuntu hard drive install03:03
EastDallasBogo: do you have dns configured properly?03:03
jokeemmkquist__:  yes03:04
mkquist__jokeem: look for etc03:04
uniqdomCondorDelta, escribe /join #ubuntu-es03:04
Bogodns is actually provided by freezone.com03:04
jokeemit wont let me delete it but03:04
mkquist__jokeem: you can just type e and itll find it...03:04
mkquist__jokeem: i know03:04
* iflema :|03:04
Bogozoneedit.com sorry :D03:04
mkquist__then goto X1103:04
jokeemmkquist__:  okk03:04
David664i have a question about Wine03:04
jph_SolarisBoy jrib  I did the following and got the following.. sorry didn't understand the syntax at first..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362332/03:04
David664is the latest wine 1.1?03:04
jokeemmkquist__: im there.03:05
SolarisBoyno servers could be reached03:05
SolarisBoyno servers could be reached03:05
SolarisBoyoops sorry03:05
FloodBot1SolarisBoy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:05
framelinuxcondordelta que aIRC usas?03:05
frogzoowine has a 1.x release??03:05
mkquist__jokeem: hmm i cant delete it huh?03:05
jokeemmkquist__:  no permission..03:05
oorahhow do i remove a broken link that i can't get off my desktop?03:05
frogzoozomg, they released wine03:05
mkquist__jokeem: im doing the same on other machine to walk you through... ok np03:05
serengetijokeem: you can right-click the file it and go to Properties03:05
David664i have ver 1.0.103:05
SolarisBoyyou need a space between the @ and the domain name03:06
jokeemok ok03:06
CondorDeltaFramelinux estoy con Xchat03:06
jph_SolarisBoy what do you mean by that03:06
jetpackI am trying to configure a gamepad with joy2key but am having trouble mapping it to my media keys. Any ideas? More info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/362325/03:06
serengetijokeem: then select the text under Location: and copy it to the clipboard03:06
CondorDeltael ke da por defecto ubuntu03:06
SolarisBoyits trying to query us.archive.ubuntu.com@ which isn't a valid address03:06
serengetijokeem: ctrl+c03:06
SolarisBoydo the command like this 1. ping
mkquist__jokeem: at least that got it mounted... open a terminal and type cd /media03:06
BogoSolarisBoy: dns is provided by zoneedit.com forwarding from zoneedit is working because i can access the server via putty and ports 80, 8080 & 443...but that mail accounts wont work03:06
SolarisBoyactually ping -c 4
mkquist__jokeem: what do you see?03:06
SolarisBoythethen if you get a reply do this 'dig us.archive.ubuntu.com @'03:07
jph_SolarisBoy destination port unreachable03:07
serengetijokeem: then in the terminal write rm <now click Edit-Paste>/xorg.conf03:07
David664on wine could i install programs like in windows? i mean the install wizard or does it have to be a simple .exe file???03:07
SolarisBoyjph_: then dns isn't listening there03:07
jokeemmkquist__:  sorry03:07
SolarisBoyon port 53 atleast03:07
serengetijokeem: I mean sudo  rm <now click Edit-Paste>/xorg.conf03:07
jokeemserengeti:  ok03:07
jph_SolarisBoy ok what do i do then to get it listening.. or do i have to jump over to the smoothwall room and chat there03:08
SolarisBoyjph_: can you ping
EastDallasDavid664: you install like windows03:08
serengetimkquist__: sorry just noticed we were both giving jokeem similar directions :D03:08
IdleOneDavid664: #winehq can help.03:08
jokeemubuntu@ubuntu:~$  I mean sudo  rm </media/disk/etc/X11>/xorg.conf  - permission denied/03:08
SolarisBoyjph_: that IP address is a private one,, i assume its on your network behind a firewall?03:08
David664is wine ok or yall recomend something ealse?03:08
jph_SolarisBoy yes good ping03:08
serengetijokeem: try without the < >03:08
mkquist__serengeti: np03:08
SolarisBoyso you are able to ping the ip of that domain but your resolving isn't working03:08
serengeti sudo  rm /media/disk/etc/X11/xorg.conf03:08
mkquist__serengeti: you got him in command line?03:09
EastDallasDavid664: VMware is better, but wine works for a lot.  What are you trying to install?03:09
SolarisBoywhat is the IP address of your router?03:09
mkquist__serengeti: i see you do.. lol03:09
jokeemwow it worked?03:09
mkquist__serengeti: you do it...03:09
mkquist__jokeem: probably03:09
mkquist__jokeem: type ls03:09
hlfshellhas there been any reported problem with Eclipse 3.4 not working with any recent ubuntu updates? MY eclipse just stopped working completely - won't load up, and the few times it does buttons on menus won't respond.03:09
mkquist__jokeem: should be gone03:09
CondorDeltagracias uniqdom03:09
jokeemit returned an empty line no errors?03:09
ShwackI have a problem with Remote Desktop Viewing and Ubuntu - When I use the provided server, any client comes up with a static screen, no updates.  When I use a different server, like TightVNC's server for example, it works.03:09
jetpackI am trying to configure a gamepad as a media remote but am having trouble mapping it to my media keys. Any ideas? More info at http://paste.ubuntu.com/362325/03:09
jph_SolarisBoy on that NIC it is or do you mean to my modem03:09
Bogosolarisboy: here's the output ------------03:09
Bogoroot@mail:/home/bogdan# dig us.archive.ubuntu.com @
Bogo; <<>> DiG 9.6.1-P2 <<>> us.archive.ubuntu.com @
serengetijokeem: great, you can now try to boot and if it's still distorted... come back :P03:10
jokeemmkquist__:  ls.. and?03:10
Bogo;; global options: +cmd03:10
Bogo;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached03:10
FloodBot1Bogo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:10
EastDallashlfshell: I've had a ton of issues with eclipse since upgrading to Karmic03:10
jokeemserengeti: lol kk03:10
SolarisBoyahh its a modem...03:10
mkquist__jokeem: should be gone.. no?03:10
mkquist__jokeem: the one he had you remove03:10
David664EastDallas im trying to install a video conference program03:10
SolarisBoyis that 'modem' doing any DNS services for you? or are you not aware?03:10
hlfshellme too EastDallas - as long as its not just me. Have you done anything to fix it?03:10
jph_SolarisBoy cable03:10
jokeemill brb mkquist__03:10
jokeemsee what happens..03:10
SolarisBoyif not you should be using an external public IP of the ISP provided to you03:10
EastDallashlfshell: including the button issue you mention.03:10
SolarisBoyBogo: need way more info03:11
EastDallashlfshell: I downgraded to the version available in the repos03:11
hlfshellhmmm any ideas EastDallas on the fix? i was thinking about switching what java JDK i was using03:11
SolarisBoywhat exactly is your error?03:11
Bogosolaris: no...the modem doesn't do that...ask me and i'll provide the info03:11
jph_SolarisBoy can I PM you03:11
sharktoothdoes anyone have a fix for pulse audio03:11
hlfshell:-/ i need an AVR MCU plug in not compatible with the 3.2 eclipse available in the repos though EastDallas03:11
EastDallasDavid664: I would try it with wine and see how it works.03:11
SolarisBoysure im leaving work soon though =)03:11
EastDallashlfshell: don't know what to tell you...03:11
SolarisBoyBogo: what exact error are you getting when doing what task?03:12
EastDallassharktooth: what's the problem?03:12
hlfshell:-/ thanks anyway EastDallas - at least i know im not alone03:12
EastDallas!audio | sharktooth03:12
ubottusharktooth: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:12
EastDallassharktooth: What problem are you having with Pulse Audio?03:13
sharktoothi have to killall pulseaudio&&force-reload pulse to activate audio03:13
serengetihlfshell: I'm using eclipse galileo on openjdk and it works fine03:13
eluxhey guys03:14
serengetihlfshell: not from the repos though but the version from eclipse.org, I just unpacked it in my home dir03:14
sharktoothEastDallas:that is not the exact code but i have to do this everytime for audio. and scripting doens't work for automate03:14
eluxhow do i change the time zone for a ubuntu system?03:14
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sharktoothEastDallas: i have no audio till i run a script03:15
eluxi changed /etc/localtime with a file in the timezone share, it worked just fine, but then when i rebooted it switched back to UTC03:15
EastDallassharktooth: looking....03:15
mkquist__elux: adminstration/time and date03:15
eluxadministartion... ?03:15
eluxohh this is ubuntu server03:16
eluxno X03:16
mkquist__elux: sry03:16
mkquist__elux: didnt know... lol03:16
eluxyea i should have mentioned it03:16
eeepcwifiuggh.. Ok now I can't even report the bug cus its saying that network-manager-gnome isn't a genuine ubuntu package03:17
jokeemmkquist__:  no luck and ser03:17
eeepcwifibut its a default netbook remix install which I just downloaded from the frontpage of ubuntu.com03:17
EastDallaselux: tzconfig03:17
mkquist__jokeem: still same?03:17
jokeemim on my windows pc now, so what ever u want me to try i can easily do.03:17
jokeemmkquist__:  yea03:17
EastDallaselux: or tzselect03:17
sharktoothEastDallas:brb emergency03:17
eluxhrmm.. its saying tzconfig command is deprecated and to use tzdata03:17
EastDallassharktooth: still looking for a solution...03:18
mkquist__jokeem: well, what were you backing up (or trying to before), maybe an install would be quicker...03:18
EastDallaselux try tzselect03:18
serengetijokeem: so you can see that distorted screen on your linux box right now?03:18
EastDallaselux:  or try tzdata03:18
jokeemnah im back on the live CD03:18
eluxhrmm.  okay, but if i reboot, it will go back to UTC03:18
jokeembut it was like    Ubuntu      Ubuntu     Ubuntu   - all distorted03:19
EastDallaselux: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata03:19
jokeemill try and google a pic03:19
hlfshellEastDallas, here: http://wobiny.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/eclipse-mouse-click-problem-in-ubuntu-9-10/03:19
nod32hi Bill Gates.03:19
EastDallaselux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime03:19
eeepcwifiHELP!!  OS: Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix | Problem, Trying to report a bug using ubuntu-bug <PID>. I used the PID for network-manager-gnome and its saying "The probme cannot be reported, this is not a genuine ubuntu package"03:19
serengetijokeem: it might be a stupid question but is it a crt or lcd screen?03:19
warpainthello all03:20
jokeemerm...... not sure tbh.03:20
jokeemjust an accer notebook..03:20
serengetijokeem: ah ok, it's an lcd ;)03:20
eluxthat is annoying... doesnt tell me how i can keep the setting on reboot03:20
mkquist__jokeem: lcd03:20
serengetino worries03:20
jokeemlol :D03:20
EastDallaselux: did you try dpkg-reconfigure tzdata?03:21
eluxEastDallas: yes it works. but what do i change to keep the setting between reboots03:22
eluxi see /etc/timezone .. but im not sure what value to put in it03:22
eluxill try rebooting after using this reconfigure tzdata stuff03:22
eeepcwifiHELP!!  OS: Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix | Problem, Trying to report a bug using ubuntu-bug <PID>. I used the PID for network-manager-gnome and its saying "The probme cannot be reported, this is not a genuine ubuntu package"03:22
jokeemwhat else can I try?03:22
EastDallaselux: is that how you changed it the first time, or have you tried rebooting since you ran the command i just gave you?03:23
jokeema system restore would be nice :(03:23
EastDallas!repeat | eeepcwifi03:23
ubottueeepcwifi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:23
riphas anyone installed the nouveau driver for a computer w/ an nvidia video cards?  how does one do this?03:24
eeepcwifi:) well whats the repeat delay?03:24
SolarisBoybrb guys03:24
malnekcould anyone here recommend a good newsreader for use with giganews and newzbin? (.nzb files)03:24
RainbowEyesI have a minor issue: xchat won't beep on highlights or pm's, does anyone know how to fix that? it's already checked to beep in my settings03:24
evoncan someone please help me build a kernel module03:25
IdleOneeeepcwifi: use ubuntu-bug network-manager-gnome03:25
IdleOnenot the PID03:25
eeepcwifiidleOne: I tried that too03:25
eeepcwifisame response03:25
Poul|Raideranyone know where the List.cs is to be found, in mono project, wanted to check out the source code of it, but cant find it in system.collections.generic03:25
IdleOnethe pid on your system is most certanly diffrent then on mine eeepcwifi03:25
serengetijokeem: well, there are some things you might want to try, but I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. Wouldn't a reinstall be quicker?03:26
jokeemyeah, but I need a lot of the stuff on there03:26
jokeemvaluable info $$03:26
=== Ferris- is now known as Ferris`away
eeepcwifiIdleOne: it recognized that the PID was for network-manager-gnome cus it was in teh title of the error box.. so I tried just the program name and same response.. not genuine03:26
nomasteryodamalnek, apt-get install pan03:26
eeepcwifialso the pid was suggested on the help pages for reporting a bug on ubuntu.com03:26
evonthis is the error i am getting http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m3b8b701d03:27
serengetijokeem: can you browse to your home directory from the livecd?03:27
jokeemyeah, but theres a program called skipper that saved your passwords etc.. i need to run a abck from that03:28
IdleOneeeepcwifi: got me.03:28
malneknomasteryoda, thanks :)03:28
jokeemserengeti:  maybe I could copy the FireFox folder.. some how?03:28
mkquist__jokeem: you could always do that03:29
mkquist__jokeem: do you have another hd?03:29
jokeemwheres the ff folder?03:29
jokeemnah, i has cds^^03:29
eeepcwifiI sometimes feel like I am cursed with this netbook.03:29
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malnekjeez, its been too long since i used any sort of os other than win. How can i grep in top after firefox pid number?03:30
mkquist__jokeem: is the hd partitioned into more than one partition?03:30
jokeemmkquist__:  also, how do i see all the installed programs i have, so i can atleast remember the names of them all.03:30
eeepcwifips ax | grep -i firefox03:30
jokeemmkquist__:  believe not03:30
jokeemi have windows and ubnu03:30
eeepcwifimalnek: ps ax | grep -i firefox03:30
malnekeeepcwifi, thanks!03:31
RainbowEyesso, does anybody know why xchat won't beep even though it's set to beep in the alerts settings? didn't really find anything on the internet03:31
mkquist__serengeti: hows about he just removes and reinstalls the package xserver-xorg-video-radeon from the command line in recovery mode?03:31
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eeepcwifimalnek: you can't run grep on top :( but you can use -p and the pid.. lol but you need the pid first03:31
eeepcwifimalnek: so use ps03:32
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EastDallasHey DugOut!03:32
malnekeeepcwifi, will remember that. Great tip thanks again03:32
serengetimkquist__: do you know which radeon is it? maybe it's a newer one and he needs fglrx?03:32
Hilikusis there a way to know the size of a diff in svn between the working copy and HEAD?03:32
eeepcwifimalnek: np03:32
mkquist__serengeti: 320003:32
jokeemmk mkquist__ can i make a backup off my installed programs on the live cd, then ill copy the home folder/desktop, then firefox03:33
serengetimkquist__: well he needs fglrx ;)03:33
serengetijokeem: do you know if your ubuntu install is 32 or 64 bit?03:34
tLoFPhow can I make an .iso Image of a CD?03:34
jokeemserengeti:  3203:34
jiohditLoFP: dd if=cdromx of=whatever.iso03:35
serengetijokeem: well if you want to try one more thing...03:35
tLoFPjiohdi: like dat... for real? no software to install?03:35
jokeemserengeti:  sure.03:35
jiohditLoFP: dd does it all :)03:35
eeepcwifiis 10 minutes enough time for repeating my help request?03:36
puffI'm trying to install the firefox daily build, but it failed.03:36
serengetijokeem: you can go to http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.2&product=
arghh2d2tLoFP: you think thats neat, check out www.commandfu.com03:36
serengetiand download that driver03:36
tLoFPjiohdi it didn't find cdromx03:37
arghh2d2tLoFP: www.commandlinefu.com03:37
f1lt3rHey guys, how do I diff a certain number of lines?03:37
f1lt3rFrom terminal?03:37
jiohditLoFP: you have to sub cdromx for your actual location03:37
jokeemserengeti:  LOL, i just typed k and pressed enter on my laptop... im so stressed atm03:37
jiohditLoFP: it was not meant to be literal03:37
tLoFPjiohdi: I have cdrom and cdrom0 both seem to access the disk, whats the diff?03:37
jiohditLoFP: it could be something like /media/cdrom003:37
RainbowEyesum... does anybody know why xchat's not giving me a beep on highlights or pm's even though I set it to do so in the alerts settings?... *one last try for now >_>*03:38
tLoFPjiohdi: yea I have /media/cdrom and /media/cdrom0 but they both direct me to the contents of the cd03:38
mkquist__serengeti: then hell have to boot to recovery and install from cl03:38
jiohditLoFP: than it likely does not matter which you use03:38
mkquist__jokeem: no you cannot backup 'onto' the live cd03:38
puffAnyone?  Bueler?03:38
mkquist__jokeem: you can burn it to a cd if you have a burner03:38
jokeemmkquist__:  from , not to.03:38
tLoFPjiohdi: dd: reading `/media/cdrom': Is a directory03:39
eeepcwifiHELP!!  OS: Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix | Problem, Trying to report a bug using ubuntu-bug <PID>. I used the PID for network-manager-gnome and its saying "The probme cannot be reported, this is not a genuine ubuntu package"03:39
tLoFPno .iso03:39
serengetimkquist__: maybe chroot would work?03:39
mkquist__jokeem: i thought you wanted to back up your install?03:39
tLoFPjiohdi: cdrom0 does the same03:39
jokeemyeah i did03:39
jiohditLoFP: dd turns the contents into an iso file03:39
jokeemserengeti:  whats chroot?03:39
mkquist__serengeti: chroot to what?03:39
eeepcwifiI guess the real problem is that ubuntu-bug doesn't see network-manager-gnome as a genuine package03:39
ToastedPinecould be because you don't have a sound file xchat is pointed to03:39
mkquist__serengeti: to do what rather?03:40
tLoFPjiohdi: no... you .... you can't make .iso that fast03:40
tLoFPits... its not possible... is it ?03:40
jiohditLoFP: you can I have done it03:40
tLoFPjiohdi: I mean it was instant03:40
mkquist__jokeem: whats the output of - lspci -nn | grep VGA03:40
EastDallaspuff: did you try installing the two packages mentioned in the error?03:41
jiohditLoFP: check the size of the file03:41
tLoFPjiohdi: lol no the iso is 0 bytes, something wrong03:41
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serengetimkquist__: well it makes programs think they live in a different filesystem, in a way03:41
serengetimkquist__: so you can run apt-get and stuff from the live cd, but it works on your hard drive install03:41
jokeemmkquist__:  01.05.0 VGA compatiable controller03:42
mkquist__serengeti: to install gfx driver?03:42
jiohditLoFP: check out http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/learn-the-dd-command-362506/03:42
jokeemmkquist__:  ATI TECH RS780M radesen HD 3200 graphics.. etc03:42
EastDallaspuff: did you try installing the two packages mentioned in the error?03:42
jiohditLoFP: I may have left out something03:42
mkquist__anyone else wanna comment on that?03:42
ToastedPineHmm, anyone have experience with running an existing partition of ubuntu as a guest in virtualbox? It's on the same HD, and I'm wondering if I'm doing potentially unholy things to it by doing so.03:42
serengetimkquist__: I have never tried it :p03:42
mkquist__jokeem: and then glxinfo |grep vendor03:43
serengetimkquist__: in theory, nothing can go wrong :)03:43
jokeemunkown chip id. cant guess.03:43
arghh2d2ToastedPine: thats not how it works03:43
mkquist__serengeti: you get to walk him thru that one... =p03:44
ToastedPinearghh2d2: not how what works?03:44
serengetijokeem: how's the download going, by the way?03:45
hiexpowow still as busy as ever in here03:45
jokeemim putting it on a usb now03:45
serengetijokeem: that driver I've linked to03:45
serengetijokeem, you don't need to03:45
puffEastDallas: Well, tried that and hten tried apt-get install firefox again, now when I start firefox I get a popup that says History Tree Extension - Overlay Initialization Error.03:45
jokeemserengeti:  yes, i do.. if i downlaoded it on my PC lol03:45
serengetijokeem: I see ;)03:46
dj_segfaultI just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10.  Can't find the gnome applet that lets me adjust the volume and open the mixer.  Anyone know where that went?03:46
hiexpotop right had corner03:46
jokeemserengeti: installing now...03:46
serengetijokeem: how are you installing it?03:46
serengetijokeem: on the livecd?03:47
jokeemserengeti:  yes03:47
serengetijokeem: then stop ;)03:47
jokeemserengeti:  i double click, run in terminal..03:47
jokeemserengeti:  lol kk03:47
serengetijokeem: it won't work03:47
jokeemserengeti:  i fgured03:47
dj_segfaulthiexpo: If that was to me, I know where it's *SUPPOSED* to be.  But it isn't there, and when I click on add applet, there's nothing about sound/audio/volume control there03:47
serengetijokeem: can you copy it to your home directory on the hard drive?03:48
hiexpolet me look what its actually called one sec03:48
serengetijokeem: the one that has all your documents and stuff in it03:48
jokeempermission denied...03:49
serengetijokeem: ok03:49
jokeemim gonna smash it soon :(03:49
serengetijokeem: what's the name of your pendrive on the desktop?03:49
andydbzeewhats the terminal command to get rid of the raccoon in my ceiling?03:50
serengetijokeem: and that driver file is just there, I mean it's not in a subdirectory or anything?03:50
Flare-Laptopandydbzee: spam?03:50
mkquist__serengeti: you gonna have him install the fglrx driver?03:50
tLoFPjiohdi: I did through the GUI, it seems to be working on it now03:50
dj_segfaultandydbzee: smite03:51
jokeemserengeti:  just there03:51
hiexpogo into synaptic and type sound and see whats check in yhe list03:51
mkquist__andydbzee: sudo rm -rf racoon_in_ceiling?03:51
Flare-Laptop!lol | andydbzee03:51
skeelol _    ___  _03:51
skeelol| |  | . || |03:51
skeelol| |_ | | || |_03:51
FloodBot1skeelol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
ubottuandydbzee: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:51
serengetimkquist__: daredevil I am :] but it's easy to do nowadays.03:51
jokeemserengeti:   i tell you what, help me backup ff, and i reinstall the crap ;)03:52
dj_segfaulthiexpo: There's about four pages of matches03:52
Flare-Laptopskeelol: Please don't spam03:52
mkquist__jokeem: im thinking you still could edit you xorg.conf - i tossed up a pastebin, try sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf(tab to finish)   and replace the device section with the pastebin03:52
jph_If I want to prevent apache from starting on boot where do i go to change that03:53
serengetijokeem: that's easy: go to your home dir on the hard drive and click View - Show hidden files03:53
jokeemmkquist__:  ok..03:53
hiexpook let me check one other thing03:53
mkquist__jokeem: youll have to change the name to just xorg.conf though to try it - again on you hard drive install not the live cd03:53
serengetijokeem: firefox stuff is in the directory called ".mozilla"03:54
mkquist__jokeem:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m3f5ec39503:54
LinuX2halfwhy I can't seem to upgrade my firefox?03:54
jokeemmkquist__:  don't worry, im reinstalling it.03:54
mkquist__jokeem: or you can just reinstall, your choice03:54
LinuX2halfI open the browser as root but it doesn't display the update option03:54
jokeemmkquist__: k 4 hours of trying, straight.. give up03:54
mkquist__jokeem: ok03:54
andydbzeei've got a problem with totem, i'm pretty sure it has to do with gstreamer. i can't seem to play dvds, vlc is not working either03:54
mkquist__jokeem: gave it a go though..  sry03:55
andydbzeei'd like to get it to work in vlc honestly03:55
eeepcwifiubuntu-bug detects network-manager-gnome as non-genuine and wont let me report a bug with it. Any suggestions?03:55
jokeemmkquist__:  yeahh03:55
jokeemmkquist__:  nw03:55
TeslaTonyLinuX2half, what version do you have and what are you trying to upgrade to?03:55
dj_segfaulthiexpo: On a lark I went to system > preferences > startup applications and I see volume control in there, which is gnome-volume-control-applet.  I think that's it, but there's no volume control. I'll try to find it and run manually.03:55
mkquist__jokeem: i say back it up, give the edit a chance, it fails.. reainstall, it works, you done.03:55
andydbzee  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  dvdnav error: cannot set title (can't decrypt DVD?) dvdread error: fatal error in vts ifo dvdread error: DvdReadSetArea(0,0,1) failed (can't decrypt DVD?) main error: no access module matched "dvd"03:56
LinuX2halfTeslaTony:Currently I'm running 3.5.7 and I'm trying to upgrade it to 3.603:56
andydbzeethis is what i get in vlc... any ideas?03:56
jokeemmkquist__:  i say throw the thing in the bin03:56
mkquist__jokeem: naw, you can do that tomorrow... =p03:56
jokeemmkquist__:  im like 3 hours behind now in school work.. could of had the best head start today lol03:56
helperis there any program like vnstat but in real time ? coz vnstat either need 5 min or manual to update ! thx03:57
mkquist__repeat after me.. dont make changes for no reas.... oh nevermind too late for that03:57
TeslaTonyLinuX2half, try http://smartproteam.com/install-current-firefox-36-ubuntu/03:57
jokeemmy sound wasnt working03:57
Flare-Laptop!lol | jokeem (once again)03:57
skeelol _    ___  _03:57
skeelol| |  | . || |03:57
skeelol| |_ | | || |_03:57
ubottujokeem (once again): Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.03:57
FloodBot1skeelol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
Flare-Laptop!ops | skeelol03:57
jokeemtrying to fix that03:57
serengetimkquist__: as I said, if all you care about is firefox then you just have to backup the .mozilla folder03:57
ubottuskeelol: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:57
serengetimkquist__: sorry wrong nick ;)03:57
jokeemwill it backup my book marks too?03:57
serengetijokeem: as I said, if all you care about is firefox then you just have to backup the .mozilla folder03:58
mkquist__serengeti: np03:58
LinuX2halfI have already have those PPA source code inputed03:58
serengetijokeem: everything including extensions, history, cookies, bookmarks etc03:58
jokeemserengeti:  ohh noo, history ^^03:58
serengetijokeem: the best thing to do is find that .mozilla directory, right click on it and choose Compress03:59
hiexposudo apt-get install alsamixergui03:59
jokeemserengeti:  ok03:59
hiexpothere ya go04:00
LinuX2halfWell I've try to add the sourceforge source code and already I can't seem to update my browser04:00
jokeemARRRRRRRRRRRR. Wont let me abckup, permission denied!!!!04:00
mkquist__serengeti: so which mozilla directory?04:00
mkquist__jokeem: sudo04:00
hiexpothat should fix it04:00
LinuX2halfDoes anyone know to resolve this issue....?04:00
jokeemsudo what? :S04:01
mkquist__jokeem: try sudo whatever command you were trying to backup04:01
mkquist__jokeem: oh your in nautilus04:01
hiexpoLinuX2half: - whays the prob04:01
jokeemi was draging folders onto my usb.. lol04:02
ToastedPinejokeem: you could try sudo nautilus, then you could just drop drag things04:02
mkquist__jokeem: gksudo nautilus04:02
jokeemToastedPine:  ok04:02
helperis there any program like vnstat but in real time ? coz vnstat either need 5 min or manual to update ! thx04:02
mkquist__does gksudo even matter against sudo anymore?04:02
jokeemToastedPine:  wait.. i cant see  my other partiton when i gksudo...04:02
LinuX2halfhiexpo: Alright, I'm running a 3.5.7 version of firefox and I want to upgrade the browser to 3.6 but when I run the browser as root it doesn't display the "check for updates" option.04:02
serengetijokeem: in the terminal, do04:03
serengeti"cd ~/Desktop"04:03
mkquist__jokeem: look in media04:03
puffHm, I tried to install the firefox daily build via the PPA.  This broke, citing dependency on abrowser-brnading and firefox-branding.   I installed those packages manually and firefox then refused to start, instead popping up a warning "History Tree Extension - Overlay Initialization Error."04:03
jokeemNo media?04:03
mkquist__serengeti: wont that just put him in the root folder?04:03
LinuX2halfhiexpo: I've also added the source code and the daily build.04:03
serengetijokeem: then "sudo tar -cf moz.tar /media/disk/home/YOURUSERNAME/.mozilla"04:03
eeepcwifihelper: for realtime I use iftop and for logging purposes I use ntop04:04
serengetimkquist: it should put him on the livecd desktop04:04
hiexpoLinuX2half: - i am not sure about that but i think you have to download and install it manually04:04
mkquist__serengeti: if he sudo nautilus?04:04
puffI then removed the daily build PPA from my /etcapt/sources.list and then apt-get removed firefox, apt-get removed abrowser-brnading, apt-get removed firefox-branding.   Installed firefox, it failed to run.  Removed it and reinstalled it two or three times and it finally is sorta working, though it'smissing the /usr/bin/firefox alias to /usr/bin/firefox-3.004:04
puffAny advice here?04:04
serengetimkquist__: but he can't see the partitions if he does sudo nautils04:04
helpereeepcwifi, what i need is to check the bandwidth usage in real time like if my users are downloading how much !! Does ntop do this?04:05
mkquist__why not?04:05
mkquist__serengeti: why not?04:05
serengetimkquist__: dunno, but that's what he said.04:05
jokeemok ff backed up04:05
jokeemcan i sue that command for other dirctories?04:05
mkquist__serengeti: cause he started in diff place04:05
serengetijokeem: you have that moz.tar file on the desktop?04:06
ToastedPinehmmm, it's a long shot, but chmod 777 <path to folder> might be able to make copying possible.04:06
jokeemserengeti:  yes04:06
serengetijokeem: have you checked what's inside?04:06
jokeemser yeah04:06
jokeemserengeti:  firefox.. my addons.. etc04:06
eeepcwifihelper: ntop will graphically track overall usage as well as individual ip traffics going through your gateway. It keeps statistical logs of everything and updates realtime. Its webbased and uses its own built in webserver. Iftop is great for getting current traffic based on an interface (eg. iftop -i eth0) but it doesn't keep statistical logs. I manage 30 servers and use iftop for quick spot checks if its running slow and ntop for history to see when / 04:07
jokeemserengeti:  ill use that command for toher folders?04:07
serengetijokeem: you can but you might run out of space04:08
jokeemill delete as I go serengeti04:08
serengetijokeem: the thing is that your livecd desktop has very little free space04:09
eeepcwifihelper: ntop also gives you top users and you can go in and see exactly what traffic they were doing and when. As well as their throughput.04:09
mkquist__serengeti:  isnt he copying this to a usb drive?04:09
LinuX2halfhiexpo: oh okay then thanks04:09
serengetijokeem: so you might want to do "cd /media/Lexer" in the terminal so that the files end up on the pendrive04:09
jokeemmkquist__:  yea lol04:09
serengetimkquist__: I told him to do cd ~/Desktop before ;)04:09
eeepcwifihelper: I think ntop is what yoru looking for if you need statistical history. but if you just need to do a quick check on who is doing what right now then iftop provides a very low overhead command line interface thats really quick and easy.04:10
ToastedPinehttp://www.lifehacker.com.au/2007/12/access_linux_files_from_window/   <--- copy firefox backup in windows?04:11
LinuX2halfWhen will ubuntu finished packaging firefox 3.6?04:11
eeepcwifihelper: but ntop can be used to see who is doing what right now as well, but is more resource intense by nature.04:11
hiexpoLinuX2half: - no prob sorry i couldn't help04:11
kad_ eeepcwifi  downloaded ntop! http://localhost => for web log?04:11
mkquist__LinuX2half: chrome...04:11
LinuX2halfhiexpo that's alright, but I thanked for your effort04:11
zenlunaticLinuX2half: probably april04:11
serengetijokeem: before you do the reinstall, please check that all the files really are in the archives you create and on the usb drive, ok? :P04:12
LinuX2halfThat long...?04:12
mkquist__jokeem: I'm still of the opinion that its worth on more reboot after editing the xorg.conf file...  If that works your done.. no reinstall04:12
jokeemserengeti:  lol i will04:12
jokeemmkquist__:  doubt it will lol04:12
mkquist__jokeem: youd be surpised, i used to install when i ran into problems before, but now ive found that it can usually be fixed pretty easily and you learn04:13
eeepcwifikad: you need to configure it's conf file and then connect to it by port.. eg http://localhost:5423 or what ever port you configure it to run on04:13
mkquist__jokeem:  oops- in the process04:13
jokeemmkquist__:  I guess, but im on the verge of smashing things..04:13
serengetimkquist__: I agree, reinstalling is generally against the linux spirit ;) but if he's already so much late...04:13
eeepcwifiKad: I use ntop in OpenSuSE and its config file is located in /etc/sysconfig/ntop04:13
mkquist__serengeti: i know, but thats one thing that has not been done... and its simple04:14
eeepcwifikad: you need to configure the interface it listens on, port it will run its webserver on and what user it will run its webserver with and other settings for performance04:15
jph_If I want to prevent apache from starting on boot where do i go to change that04:15
serengetijokeem: I have to go anyway. you can always try the xorg.conf thing after you've backed up your stuff and just check if the system boots ok04:15
LinuX2halfokay then I'll wait patiently until its furnished just like last time04:15
jokeemwait serengeti04:15
serengetijokeem: ?04:15
jokeemhow can i use that command to backup other things04:16
jokeemsaying no such file or dir04:16
jokeemhow can i do all of it at once.. actually04:16
LinuX2halfis there some way where I can see the progress of the firefox version development..?04:17
eeepcwifikad: for example I run mine with this: /usr/bin/ntop -P /var/lib/ntop -i eth0 -u wwwrun -w <INTERFACE_IP>:5423 -b -n -z04:17
eeepcwifiThe -P is where it will store its database -b -n -z are for performance reasons04:17
LinuX2halfI'm not sure if there's a site to track the progress of the developing version online......04:17
jokeemcan I backup from windows? cause I have a large aprtiotn there.. ill just backup the whole l ot04:17
mkquist__serengeti: lookit the output of glxinfo |grep vendor, unknown chip id. cant guess, so the machine doesnt know what its dealing with04:17
mkquist__jokeem: windows doesnt usually read from ext partitions...04:18
serengetijokeem: maybe try tar cvf everything.tar /media/disk/home/yourusernamehere    - it would copy your entire home dir04:18
eeepcwifikad: you'll see that i specify port 5423 so when connecting to its web interface i use http://<IP>:542304:18
ranjani am not being able to b rouse my network place from nautilus  it is giving an error message of Failed to retrieve share list from server   any help would be of great help04:18
jokeemserengeti:  ok, cheers04:18
mkquist__serengeti: if he has a windows part- why  not back up there?04:19
jokeemserengeti:  it's working :)04:19
aliendude3500Are there any devs on here that are working on the new software center rating system? I was looking at the concepts and I noticed that the term "Ubuntu Single Sign-On Account" is used. Is this just your Launchpad account?04:20
serengetimkquist__: I guess it doesn't make much difference04:20
eeepcwifikad_: but you may want to look at iftop its much simpler and great for quick spot checks04:20
mkquist__serengeti: more space?04:20
rwwaliendude3500: I'm not familiar with the spec, but I would imagine so, yes.04:20
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andydbzeeok. so i can't play dvds04:21
rwwaliendude3500: since Launchpad is what's used for Ubuntu One (and practically everything else).04:21
serengetimkquist__: touche. but maybe the usb drive has enough room? we'll see...04:21
aliendude3500Well, if any devs see this, I think it would be much better to make the dialog just say "Launchpad account" instead of "Ubuntu Single Sign-On account". MUCH less redundant. :)04:21
andydbzeeand i think i deleted all my media dependencies04:21
mkquist__serengeti: hope04:21
jokeemapprently it doesn't04:22
serengetimkquist__: I think at the moment fglrx is needed for opengl acceleration on ati HD320004:22
andydbzeeanyone good with vlc errors?04:22
drenyxanyone know why my terminal/console garbles up ansi/ncurses stuff?04:22
serengetijokeem: out of space?04:22
jokeemmaybe I can backit up remotely to my windows machine...... some how04:22
jokeemserengeti:  yea lol04:22
aliendude3500I know you guys are trying to make this seem super easy and obvious for new users, but Launchpad account is shorter, better sounding, and not any harder to understand.04:22
serengetijokeem: delete the movies :p04:23
andydbzeethats silly04:23
jokeemserengeti:  got none son :P04:24
serengetijokeem: but seriously, what's the name of your windows partition on the livecd desktop?04:24
jokeemill see if i can borrow my friend external HDD04:24
serengetijokeem: ok so in the terminal do cd /media/ACER04:24
andydbzeemy best friend is google04:24
serengetiand then that tar thing04:25
uwall-ecan anyone help me to write data to a hfsplust external?04:25
jokeemur a legend04:25
serengetimaybe there's enough room on your windows drive04:25
jokeem...if it works :)04:25
jokeem100gb should do it :)04:25
serengetijokeem: it's actually mkquist__'s idea ;)04:25
jokeem<3 mkquist__  & serengeti04:26
mkquist__serengeti: just need to get him fixed, whoevers idea.. =)04:26
serengetijokeem: but I really have to go, it's 5:26 am where I live04:26
jokeemserengeti:  ok thanks heaps for the help04:26
mkquist__jokeem:  gedit /etc/xorg.conf...04:26
mkquist__jokeem: g/l either way04:26
jokeemmkquist__:  lemme b/u first04:27
serengetii might be not completely aware of what I'm saying anymore :P04:27
mkquist__jokeem: of course04:27
uwall-eno one have any ideas04:27
eeepcwifianswers aren't instant from what I've learned :(04:27
jokeemmkquist__:  I'll talk to you later.. if you're still on, while it backups. I need a rest04:28
serengetimkquist__: he's on live cd, /etc isn't interesting,  you want /media/disk/etc/foooooo04:28
mkquist__jokeem: kk04:28
serengetimkquist__: bye04:28
serengetijokeem: bye04:28
tonsofpcsthey aren't?04:28
mkquist__serengeti: bye04:28
jokeemthe home fodler as all m installed programs.. desktops... music.. pics etc right lol04:28
SetiAmonhey how do i open a rar in ubuntu.this is the first time i have had to unrar a file since moving to linux04:29
blakkheimSetiAmon: unrar x file.rar04:29
mkquist__jokeem: for the most part, its got your configs, not sure about all the programs though04:29
jokeemmkquist__:  ok04:29
SetiAmonblakkheim thanks i'll try that now04:29
undec1mAnyone have any tips on recovering data from a partition that failed to resize with gparted? Here's the kicker: the files were encrypted with ecryptfs.04:30
uwall-eits kinda odd that im having this much trouble with hfs+ and linux! i thought this would have been an issue that was quickly salved04:30
hiexpodownload unrar04:30
j-3-r-g_wats up everyone04:31
j-3-r-g_anyone familiar with Classless Inter-Domain Routing04:31
SetiAmonhmm ok04:31
j-3-r-g_the wiki doesn't seem to help me as much i was expecting it to04:31
ranjanis it possible to create an link with auto mounted drive files04:33
SetiAmonhmm blakkheim I downloaded it but all 4 items failed  it said.i downloaded all of it.is there another way to unrar04:33
eeepcwifiSetiAmon: try unrar-free -x file.rar04:34
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jazzhello. does anyone have any problems with the volume lowering and muting randomly? when NO music is playing?04:35
ranjanis it possible to create an link with auto mounted drive files i am getting this message Error while creating link how to fix it .... please reply04:35
drenyx�24;5Hs�24;6H�H�0m�24;5H �24;5H�H�0m�24;5Hd�24;6H�H�0m�24;5H �24;5H�  anyone know why I'm getting this on my terminal/console instead of having it interpreted correctly?04:36
j-3-r-g_drenyx: wat exactly u were trying to do04:37
cmmenkewhats a fantastic program for ripping and encoding for linux?04:37
drenyxj-3: I'm running a program that outputs ncurses and ansi colors to a terminal or console04:37
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jimmyknoxWHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE04:38
drenyxit's worked fine in slackware for 10 years, locally and over ssh but ubuntu wants to corrupt it04:38
vexuelooking how to write data to hfs+ external??04:38
SerpentXjimmyknox: $5/night04:38
jazzmy volume randomly lowers itself and or mutes. no music is playing04:38
mkquistcmmenke: avidemux?04:38
j-3-r-g_hmmmm dats strange04:39
j-3-r-g_is it a custome program u wrote?04:39
cmmenkeavidemux can do x264?04:39
vexueany help04:39
factotumI thought I heard a rucus04:39
mkquist__cmmenke: encoding anyway04:39
eeepcwifidrenyx: im sure its has to do with the terminal program not understanding the ansi/ascii charectors04:39
mkquist__cmmenke: 64bit?04:39
vexuelooking how to write data to hfs+ external??04:39
drenyxeee: I agree, how do I fix it?04:39
vexueany help04:39
drenyxj-3: screen shot at http://www.andreasen.org/mcl/shot1.gif04:40
eeepcwifidrenyx: I come from the good ol' bbs days where ansi/ascii was the cream of the crop!04:40
drenyxit's actually a mud program for playing a text based mud04:40
eeepcwifidrenyx: but I haven't had to figure out how to get a terminal program to interpret that type of data in .. mm about 20 years! LOL04:40
drenyxbut even the colored bar at the top doesn't work04:40
eeepcwifidrenyx: mud .. sounds abour right04:40
cmmenke32 :(04:40
eeepcwifidrenyx: are you using the standard terminal program with ubuntu04:40
drenyxeee: I haven't had problems 'till I played with ubuntu04:40
dabukalamI'm having problems scanning. When I run scanimage as root I have no problem, but when I run it normally I get: "scanimage: open of device brother2:bus6;dev1 failed: Error during device I/O". How can I modify the permissions on my scanner?04:41
drenyxtried gnome-terminal, xterm, eterm, aterm, putty, xterm without gnome, booted to recovery mode04:41
jimmyknoxWHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE04:41
jimmyknox"Page closed"04:41
drenyxit's definately a setting somewhere that affects terminatls04:41
dabukalamjimmyknox, I think it's an IRC channel?04:41
DiverdudeIs it possible to get a huge clock like this: http://www.elegantpie.com/hugeclock.html  in ubuntu ?04:42
jimmyknoxYou condescending to me, dabukalam?04:42
j-3-r-g_i dunno only thing that comes to mind is the .bashrc04:42
jimmyknoxNow you fucked up04:42
jazzmy volume randomly lowers itself and or mutes. no music is playing, ubuntu 9,10, never had a problem b4 and its annoying any1 have this problem?04:42
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j-3-r-g_jazz: have u google da problem as yet?04:43
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dabukalam!google | j-3-r-g_04:43
ubottuj-3-r-g_: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:43
wiggmpkI just installed Karmic Koala on my notebook, currently running kernel 2.6.31-17 amd64. Every time I try to suspend my notebook, it cuts to a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have to manually power it off every time. Please help!!04:43
jazzno not googled04:44
Out_Coldwiggmpk, i occasionally get that. haven;t found a solution yet04:44
factotumwhats a simple way to start up a sort of "transparent" bash terminal on my desktop. No window borders/background etc04:44
andydbzeei cannot get to dvd menu with xine04:44
j-3-r-g_anywayz its late i gots to go04:44
andydbzeealthough the dvd plays04:44
j-3-r-g_good luck with jazz04:44
think__Hello everyone04:45
j-3-r-g_later everyone04:45
dabukalamthink__, Hi!04:45
dabukalamj-3-r-g_, bye!04:45
jazzi was hoping for a specific idea than a random google one. on what might be or possible isnt a problem04:45
Out_Coldfactotum, not sure about the transparency but yakuaki or what ever it's called is a drop down terminal.. very handy!04:45
dabukalamj-3-r-g_, bye!04:45
dabukalamI'm having problems scanning. When I run scanimage as root I have no problem, but when I run it normally I get: "scanimage: open of device brother2:bus6;dev1 failed: Error during device I/O". How can I modify the permissions on my scanner?04:45
drew3This seems to be the right place to ask about a way to make the 'mouse-cursor' in Gnome 'bigger' 9.10.04:45
andydbzeei think i'm rooted04:46
Out_Colddabukalam, add yourself to the group associated... perhaps it's scan?04:46
dabukalamdrew3, can't that be done from the appearance settings? i'm not entirely sure if you can change the size of cursors, but I know you can change the cursor theme from there04:46
think__or in gconf-editor maybe04:47
dabukalamOut_Cold: Okay, how can i view which users are in a group?04:47
drew3dabukalam: not that I could find.04:47
Out_Colddabukalam, sudo nano /etc/group04:47
Quan-Timeanyone run steam + bioshock in WINE ? i cant get it to launch. ideas ?04:48
dabukalamdrew3, try getting a larger cursor theme from gnome-look? although I'm sure there's an easier way04:48
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Out_Colddabukalam, drew3, check accesibility04:48
think__did you try gconf-editor04:49
SetiAmoneeepcwifi I tried unrar-free -x file.rar and it still failed04:49
SolarisBoyisn't it with no -?04:49
drew3cursor theme, ahh dabukalam   those terms help,  ty04:49
dabukalamOut_Cold, do I have to restart anything, or will it take changes immediately?04:49
rumpsySetiAmon: Install unrar-nonfree04:50
rumpsyAnd try it04:50
Out_Colddabukalam, i don't think it's immediate. ask around though04:50
SetiAmonbut don't i have to register the nonfree version of unrar to use it04:50
Out_ColdSetiAmon, no04:50
eeepcwifiSetiAmon: what is the error it failed with?04:51
Ramzais banshee generally a bad media player?  it's taking up in excess of 800MB's of memory for me right now.04:51
dabukalamOut_Cold, yeah I have my user added to all the groups in there, saned, scanner, saneusers, but still no access04:51
dabukalamhow can I chown the scanner with a group?04:51
rumpsySetiAmon: What version of unrar you are having right now?04:51
Out_Colddabukalam, i can't say for 100% but nay need a complete reboot for the effects to take place04:51
dabukalamOut_Cold: I'd rather restart a process, it's a server and currently serving...04:52
SetiAmonwell since i just installed it i should have the latest.1.3.104:52
Out_Colddabukalam, you can chown the specific process but that may not help you either... might not be what you expected04:53
rumpsyRamza: It depends upon what codec you are having and what type of media file you are playing !04:53
Out_Colddabukalam, my server takes less than 1 min to reboot... might be worth it..04:53
Out_Coldmaybe someone else here knows how to have /etc/group changes take effect04:53
SetiAmoncool it worked04:54
SetiAmonThanks all,thanks unrar-nonfree worked04:54
rumpsySetiAmon: :)04:54
Ramzawell, for now i'll just restart it and wait.  see if it hapens again.  I like it so would prefer to keep using it.  thanks.04:55
Out_ColdSetiAmon, nonfree just means it does not follow the ubuntu code of open source, there for not included by default04:55
cmmenkewhere is the terminal in the launch application?04:55
Quan-Timebioshock + wine (steam).. anyone got experience with it ? i cant get it working.. but its rated as gold, and no comments on it.04:55
rumpsyQuan-Time: goto accessories04:55
dabukalamcmmenke, if you mean the app menu, it's in accessories...04:56
Out_ColdSetiAmon, like mp3's are not open source, there for you need to enable on a default machine..04:56
SetiAmonHmm since i set up dual monitors (twinview) when i hit f12 it maximizes on my second screen(which is a 40 inch tv behind me) is there a way to get it to open up here on my small monitor(already selected as primary)04:56
Quan-Timerumpsy: yer.. and ?04:56
DiverdudeIs it possible to get a huge clock like this: http://www.elegantpie.com/hugeclock.html  in ubuntu ?04:56
rumpsyQuan-Time: you can also do like this, press alt+F2, then typein gnome-terminal04:57
dabukalamDiverdude, there's a cool mod site at http://www.gnome-look.org - check out the screensavers over there, I'm sure you'll find something suitable04:58
rumpsydefault terminal is in , press alt+F2 goto accessories and choose terminal04:58
rumpsydefault terminal is in , press alt+F1 goto accessories and choose terminal04:58
Quan-Timeyup.. i know term..04:58
Out_Coldrumpsy, Quan-Time you can also do ctrl + alt + f1-f7 to get different ttys and switch back and forth04:58
rumpsyQuan-Time: what you want then?04:58
Quan-Timewait.. i asked about bioshock + WINE...04:58
jazzive googled  my problem and nothing was for me everything was intrepid or laptops04:59
jazzi use a desktop hp and  only after a fresh install of the os has this been happening04:59
rumpsyjazz: what was your problem?05:00
cmmenkei went to download something, and sais it requires an app. to load, and im looking terminal, where is that in the browser?05:00
jazzregardless of listening to music or not the volume just lowers or mutes05:00
jazzsometimes gradually other times way fast to mute05:01
rumpsycmmenke: what type of file you downloaded?05:01
cmmenkethe ubuntu law restriction thing05:01
cmmenkeUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and 9.10 (Karmic Koala)05:01
jazznever had a problem before05:02
zilkomaaCould some1 help me plz..i upgraded grub & kernel and now i cant boot to windows xp when i press enter in grub it just loads grub again? No error messages and nothing..05:02
rumpsyjazz: set your volume preference to PCM05:02
ghthorzilkomaa, which version of grub is it?05:03
zilkomaaghthor, 1.9705:03
zilkomaaghthor, 1.97b05:03
rumpsycmmenke: so is that a PDF or DOC05:03
ghthorzilkomaa, have you tried running "sudo update-grub" already?05:03
jazzwhats pcm and how? (im sorry i am new)05:03
cmmenkei had to use apturl05:04
cmmenkewhatever that is05:04
zilkomaaghthor, no i hasnt ill try it05:04
rumpsycmmenke: if you want to know about your system, goto system option ans look for about ubuntu05:04
rumpsyjazz, can you see volume icon on your panel? just right click and goto preference and select PCM in that05:05
ghthorzilkomaa, if that doesn't work paste your "/boot/grub/grub.cfg" to http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the url in here that is returns05:05
Diverdudedabukalam, it seems there is nothing on that side to be used as a desktop clock05:05
jazzyes  im looking for pcm.... i did right click after i asked how ,,, :)05:06
dabukalamDiverdude, you want a clock on your desktop, or a clock in your screensaver?05:06
zilkomaaghthor, ok ill try that previous one now thanks! brb05:06
rumpsyjazz: CAn you see PCM in that listed window, select that05:06
cmmenkedoes handbrake work for linux?05:06
dabukalamcmmenke, yup05:07
dabukalam!handbrake | cmmenke05:07
ubottucmmenke: handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr05:07
cmmenke32 bit also?05:07
cmmenkeor only 6405:07
dabukalamrumpsy, it's a DVD-ripping tool05:07
jazzonly internal audio and bt878 aidio capture05:07
cmmenkeit encodes also :)05:07
Diverdudedabukalam, sorry in the screensaver...basically i just want my computer to be able to show me the time in huge font05:07
jazzubder hard ware05:07
cmmenkethanks guys05:07
cmmenkeany really good ripping software? for entire cd rips, about the same as dvddecrypter05:08
dabukalamDiverdude, okay, just get a desktop widget and increase it's size to like 500%05:08
rumpsyJazz: below to that hardware there will be some lists, in that choose PCM05:09
Billiardcmmenke: dvdbackup probably does just as good a job as dvddecryptor05:09
Diverdudedabukalam, but can i activate a desktop widget on a keystroke?05:10
jazzi found the list no pcm tohugh05:10
rumpsyJazz: in that list you will be see something like this, MAster, PCM, Front, Front Mic, Lne-in............ and so and so , in that list choose PCM05:10
tapanhello , i am trying to install openldap on karmic05:11
cmmenkebilliard: does it now :)05:11
tapanbut it does not show the configuration dialog05:11
=== tato is now known as tato_42
priyahi all05:11
tapanduring installation05:11
rumpsyJazz: Before that did you choosed Alsa Mixer05:11
tapanhow do i set up the ldap password05:11
dabukalamDiverdude, if you download the app screenlets, and install this, you can make it huge: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glass+themes+for+Digital+Clock+%28SVG%29?content=9958505:12
priyai need help in making a launcher for  .x86 file05:12
dabukalam!screenlets | Diverdude05:12
ubottuDiverdude: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have a compositing window manager such as !Compiz Fusion, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/05:12
rumpsypriya: what?05:12
jazz`i dont have also mixer i dont think05:12
jazzno alsa mixer05:13
dabukalamDiverdude, yes with compiz, you can add them all into a widget layer and activate the layer using a keystroke or moving the mouse to a corner or side of the screen05:13
zilkomaaghthor, Hi, it didnt work here's my grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/362376/05:13
rumpsyJazz: in preference window, what are all the drivers you have in dropdown box05:13
tapanhow do i configure openldap05:13
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:13
tapanplease help me05:14
tapani need to configure ldap05:14
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer05:14
ghthorzilkomaa, can you also post me the output from "sudo fdisk -l" and tell me what partition Windows is supposed to me on05:14
RoastedDoes anybody know if there's a way you can add Skype to Pidgin? I'd like to use Pidgin for aim,yahoo, and skype, but I cant figure out if theres a skype plugin or not. :(05:14
zilkomaaghthor, sure05:15
priyai want to creat a quick launch for a  program  because to launch it right now its too many steps in terminal05:15
jazzinternal audio and bt878 audio capture05:15
rumpsyRoasted: You can check that in pidgin website for third party plugins05:15
jazzdouble  clicking nothing happens05:15
rumpsyJazz: choose internal audio05:16
zilkomaaghthor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/362379/05:16
jazzit is05:16
zilkomaaghthor, on that sda105:16
jazzunder profile  analog surround 5.1 + digital stereo  is selected05:17
rumpsyNow, choose pcm below to that dropdown box05:17
priyai want to creat a quick launch for a  program  because to launch it right now its too many steps in terminal05:18
jokeemwhats the command to backup firefox05:18
rumpsyit will contain something like, master, pcm , front, and so and so05:18
jokeemmkquist: u there05:18
rumpsypriya: what kind of app?05:18
tapanwhen i install ldap it does not show the configuration dialog05:18
tapani even tried to reconfigure it05:19
jazzstill no pcm05:19
rumpsyJazz: then what and all you see in that list05:19
priyais that what u are asking its a executable  program file05:19
jazza bunch of 4.1 5.1 and analog and  digital stereo05:20
rumpsypriya, just rightclick on desktop and create a launcher05:20
ghthorzilkomaa, http://paste.ubuntu.com/362383/ try this grub.cfg05:20
rumpsyJazz, paste those things in http://pastie.org05:20
tapanhow cam i configure ldap05:20
tapanplease help05:20
priyai have tried that  when i lauch the launcher the termial windows shuts down instantly it does not run05:21
rumpsytapan: Why you need ldap05:21
zilkomaaghthor, ok05:21
tapanwell i am building an ftp service using vsftpd05:21
rumpsyis that a windows application05:21
tapanand i do not want to give ftp users shelll access05:21
priyano this one is linux05:22
jazzwont let me right click it select the option05:22
rumpsypriya, try to chmod +x05:22
priyai can run it in terminal once i go into the cd of that file05:22
Explore2can anyone pls tell me abt this error? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/pastebin.php05:22
jazzcan  i do a screen shot?05:22
rumpsyjazz , okay05:22
Quan-TimeExplore2: umm.. paste the link, not the entry box thing ;)05:23
Explore2what do i need to paste?05:23
* Trippin7464 »» Music: (Paused) «» Linkin Park - New Divide (181.FM - The Buzz (Your Alternative Station!)) «» 141:05/00:00 ««05:23
Quan-Timeanyone got experience with bioshock (steam) and WINE ? i cant get it going.. only shows splash screen and stops, karmic 9.10 x6405:23
rumpsyExplore2: Nothing was in that page05:23
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Quan-TimeExplore2: yer. thats the part you enter..05:24
cmmenkeokay, i need a solution for dvd ripping, i need somethng that won't compress anything, dvdbackup compresses audio05:24
jokeemQuan-Time:  what's the command to backup firefox..?05:24
ghthorzilkomaa, if that works, add these lines to "/etc/grub.d/40_custom" http://paste.ubuntu.com/362385/05:24
priyai have error reading config file05:24
rumpsypriya: so, what happened!05:24
jazzhmm where does the screenshots go on default? i didnt even gert a bot to save it or not05:24
Quan-Timejokeem: backup FF ? umm.. not sure.05:24
jazzso frustrating hehe05:24
Explore2Sorry, your post tripped our spam/abuse filter - let us know if you think this could be improved05:24
Quan-TimeExplore2: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d3e787cbf05:24
Quan-Timelike that05:24
rumpsypriya: Can you please tell us what file is that, or what app05:24
jokeemlike tar cvf /media.. etc05:25
Out_Coldcmmenke, dd can produce an exact copy of a dvd... check that out05:25
rumpsyJazz: ;)05:25
Quan-Timejokeem: isnt there an option to backup your db ? config / history / bookmarks ?05:25
priyai can send u the  folder u have  a look05:25
jokeemQuan-Time:  nvm..05:25
Quan-Timenp :)05:25
Explore2pastebin not working for me05:25
tapanso how do i autoconfigure ldap05:25
priyadesktop@DESKTOP:~$ chmod +x05:26
priyachmod: missing operand after `+x'05:26
priyaTry `chmod --help' for more information.05:26
Quan-TimeExplore2: you have some sort of adblock / java block05:26
rumpsyExplore2: alternate in http://pastie.org05:26
tapanhow to i configure ldap05:26
tapanhow to i configure ldap05:26
tapanhow to i configure ldap05:26
FloodBot1tapan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:26
Quan-TimeHARHAR why do ppl even bother to try that05:26
tapanplease help me05:27
blakkheim!please | tapan05:27
ubottutapan: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude05:27
cmmenkeis dd command0-line?05:27
delantapan, http://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/05:27
rumpsyExplore2: okay, that was may due to some error due to server busy05:27
delancmmenke, yes05:27
AbnixI've just discovered the most astonishing thing about this distro....  no matter what I do, I cannot stop X from loading at boot... I've done the 'update-rc.d -f gdm remove'  I've even found the gdm init script and made it non-executable... but still here I sit at a gdm login prompt05:27
tapani need to configure ldap05:27
delantapan, http://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/05:27
Explore2but that error never goes off for me05:27
priyacan i send  u the folder with this  file in it05:28
cmmenkelame....im so new to linux, 4 days using it, 18 years of windows05:28
Abnixanypne know of a sure fire way to disable (but not cripple) x ?05:28
rumpsypriya, :) , cd to that folder, and this is example, chomd +x priya, where priya is the file to execute05:28
jazzhell i cant even print the screen with the window open? i hope  10.4 isnt  this bad05:28
tapanhow do i configure ldap05:29
rumpsyjazz: ;)05:29
David664im trying to execute a program in wine but it freezes or its slow, is this normal05:29
jazzexcept 9.10 wasnt problematic till i reinstalled it05:29
rumpsyjazz, do onething after right click choose "open volume control"05:30
Explore2rumpsy: do you mean my server is slow or ubuntu server?05:30
zilkomaaghthor, ok he how can i save that grub.cfg it doesnt allow me to whats the magic words read only..05:30
scuniziDavid664: check wine's site for your programs compatibility .. wine is not a windows substitute05:30
rumpsyExplore2: do this , apt-get install netselect-apt05:30
David664o i thought it worked on all of them :)05:31
jazzi right click i have mute and prefrences05:31
Out_Coldscunizi, wine is Not an emulator :p05:31
rumpsyjazz: after that choose edit in that window and goto preference05:31
rumpsypriya: What happened ?05:31
zilkomaaahthor, to get write access to that file..05:31
scuniziOut_Cold: yep.. or a "substitute" :)05:31
zilkomaaahthor, chmod something..??05:32
priyarumpsy, this is what i got  back in terminal desktop@DESKTOP:~/Desktop/RQC$ chmod +x rq-echo-client.x8605:32
Myke1can you use Virtualbox to install windows to play windows games?05:32
Out_ColdMyke1, slow but possible05:32
scuniziMyke1: some games not all.. depends on how graphicly intensive they are. do they need 3d etc..05:33
rumpsypriya, what kind of file is that, still i don't understand05:33
Out_Coldrumpsy, maybe i can add to priya's issue. she/he has a script which it the rq-echo-client.x86 which checks locally in the same folder for a .conf file, she is trying to call the script withoput having to cd to the folder in question05:34
priyaright on and im a he  lol05:35
rumpsypriya, after chmod +x go to that folder and double click that chmoded file to execute05:35
rumpsyso, you are shemale right, lol05:35
lifestream{QUESTION}  -  Hmm, hello everyone, just a simple question about backup, I guess: when a backup is done, does it backup every single file again, or just those that have *changed* from the last backup?05:35
Out_Coldproblem is, sym-linking it to /bin/ forces an error and also editing the $PATH which I may or may not have correctly assisted in05:36
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wzssyqai want to share some file with ftp,is there a simple ftp server?05:36
priyau lost me on the command05:36
Out_Coldlifestream, depends on the application used.. some do both05:36
scuniziwzssyqa: one.ubuntu.com.. online and shareable05:36
Out_Coldwzssyqa, proftpd is great05:36
jazzunder settings for selected device  all i get are a bunch of analog 5.1 to 7.1 device input and digital stereo inuts05:37
wzssyqaOut_Cold: is there one that just a command?05:37
zilkomaaghthor, ill try that now..05:37
rumpsyOut_Cold: could you understand what kind of query priya(he/she) asked? , but i'm not05:37
wzssyqajust like python -m SimpleHTTPServer 808005:37
lifestreamOut_Cold, both, huh? Hmm.. I'm looking online at different backup apps, really difficult to see which ones do it :P05:38
Out_Coldwzssyqa, not sure what you mean05:38
rumpsyAnyway, brb05:38
Out_Coldrumpsy, he wants to run this script every boot up/log in.. so far my attempts to assist have been futile05:38
ghthorzilkomaa, were you able to boot into windows?05:38
jazzvev um restarting mabe that will cottect05:38
Abnixanyone here have a good xorg config for use on a 7 inch screen?05:39
wzssyqaOut_Cold: the simplest ftp server05:39
jazz cant type in the dark  lol05:39
Out_Coldrumpsy, as easily as possible. ie: not by cd ..... ./file05:39
wzssyqaOut_Cold: and not a deman05:39
Out_Coldwzssyqa, proftpd is easy to set up and easy to add users but it has a gui frontend05:39
wzssyqaOut_Cold: i want just like this python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 to get a http server05:40
Out_Coldjazz, my typing gets worse dependoing on the light05:40
zetherooI lost this info ... whats the PPA for the best and latest nvidia drivers?05:40
Out_Coldwzssyqa, use firefox for that?05:40
OasaHow to get a file with primarily no data, but i have to occupy space ?05:41
wzssyqaOut_Cold: firefox?05:41
Out_Coldwzssyqa, firefox allows you to connect to ftp or http05:41
tr1sth3tI am having a problem with horribly slow download speeds with Ubuntu 9.10. Are there any know issues? Speeds are @ 2000-3000B/s for some packages for archive.ubuntu.com05:42
rumpsywzssyqa: for ftp you can also use nautilus05:42
tapanhow to change the ldap password05:42
Out_Coldtr1sth3t, switch server locations05:42
wzssyqaOut_Cold: is there a good http clenck that work like ftp one?05:42
Explore2rumpsy: http://codepad.org/RFeHzmBf05:42
tapanplease how to change the ldap password05:43
rumpsyExplore2: oh, happy now?05:43
Out_Coldwzssyqa, like rumpsy said, nautilus or firefox, depends on what exactly you want to do05:43
tapanplease help me05:43
tr1sth3tOut_Cold, explain. In my software sources under the Ubuntu Software tab is shows server for the US and main server. I set it to main server but it's still the same.05:43
wzssyqaOut_Cold: i want to transfer a lot of image to another person05:43
rumpsytapan: i donno about ldap, you man it05:44
cmmenkeE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)05:44
cmmenkeE: Unable to lock the download directory05:44
Out_Coldthere is even a built in ftp client in gnome located in the menu.... but i think that's nautilus05:44
cmmenkewhat does that mean?05:44
Explore2rumpsy: i can install what i want now..btw wot does that command mean?05:44
Explore2cmmenke: run with sudo05:44
cmmenkei did05:44
cmmenkesudo apt-get install vobcopy05:44
cmmenkeand i tried05:44
Out_Coldtr1sth3t, set it to something close to you... the main has a lot of load05:44
Explore2may be synaptic is kept open05:44
rumpsycmmenke: please check any other terminal is opened query to installation, or synaptic manager05:44
EastDallastapan: user password?05:45
Out_Coldwzssyqa, then tarballing or ftp is the way to go. if you want to send to them, they need the server, if you want them to take from you, then you need the server05:45
cmmenkethere is another synaptic running in non-interactive mode :(05:45
rumpsyExplore2: so , you installed, netselect-apt?05:45
tapanldap password05:45
EastDallastapan: ldap user password?05:45
rumpsycmmenke: close that, ;)05:45
cmmenkewhere is it?05:45
wzssyqaOut_Cold: i know,but i don't want to use vsftpd etc,they are to big05:46
tr1sth3tOut_Cold, ubuntu.media.mit.edu seems to work a little better. Thanks.05:46
Oasa How to make a file with primarily no data, but i have to occupy space ?05:46
cmmenkegot it, thanks guys :)05:47
tapanEastDallas: you know about it05:47
cmmenkehad a dialog box under all my windows05:47
Out_Coldtapan, something like ldappassword -A oldpass -s newpass05:47
scuniziOasa: touch textfile.txt05:47
zilkomaaghthor, now it says error: no such partition05:48
ghthorzilkomaa, hmmm05:48
OasaI recently downloaded a fake movie which is a 3 min clip. 3 min is nothing but an image and background music. The size is 798 MB. All other is crap data. It made me angry. What i wonder how did they make it.05:48
Oasascunizi : What ?05:48
Out_Colddunno wzssyqa, check around, google, read/search in synaptic05:48
wzssyqaOut_Cold: thx05:48
scuniziOasa: the fake movie could be a virus infected file made for windows users05:49
Out_Coldtapan, just try running ldappassword by it's self... or man ldappassword (which is where i found out the info above_05:49
Noxonlooking 4 some 1 w/ exp w/ bt405:50
tapanNo manual entry for ldappassword05:50
Out_ColdNoxon, look in #backtrack-linux05:50
ghthorzilkomaa, http://paste.ubuntu.com/362394/ put that in /etc/grub.d/40_custom05:50
Oasascunizi : May be. But I want to make one. It should be like a 3 min video. Rest can be 0 data. But how do I make up ?05:50
ghthorzilkomaa, and rerun sudo update-grub05:50
Out_Coldtapan, http://linux.die.net/man/1/ldappasswd05:50
Explore2rumpsy: ya i installed..what is that exactly?05:50
priyagoog nite all i give up on linux maybe back to windows 7 for this file much easier to launch05:51
scuniziOasa: no idea05:51
Explore2cmmenke: what is non-interactive mode?05:51
OasaCan any one help me ?05:51
rumpsyExplore2: That deb file is to select fastest servers near to you.05:51
priyaLinux very hard to learn and run my own opinion05:51
rumpsypriya: may be to you !05:51
cmmenkeidk, but i got it05:52
priyalol  forsure05:52
blakkheimLinux is very easy to learn and run my own opinion05:52
Quan-Timebioshock, steam, wine... anyone got ideas / experience ? it shows splash. and stops05:52
cmmenketrying to learn the command-line for vobcopy now :( daunting05:52
Out_Coldpriya, it's not friendly without a little help ;)05:52
Explore2so netselect-apt, is a deb file?05:52
zilkomaaghthor, ok is this the right way to add those lines? http://paste.ubuntu.com/362396/05:52
Out_Coldshove it blakkheim.... probably played with linux during it's early 90s phase :p05:52
rumpsyLinux, has opens its variety of options.05:52
priyaall i want to do is run this app with launcher but it dont work for me05:53
blakkheimOut_Cold: more like 200605:53
ghthorzilkomaa, yes05:53
zilkomaaghthor, ok05:53
didiDoes empathy on a call in Karmic eats someone else cpu too? Here it practically tops one core (90%).05:53
MaletorWhy can't I hear DTS out of XBMC? / How do I test if Ubuntu (pulseaudio) can play DTS?05:53
Out_Coldblakkheim, well then we are both on the same page lol... not hard, but definitely not easy05:53
zilkomaaghthor, k i'll restart now..05:54
OasaCan any one please tell me why they quit pidgin and moved on to empathy ?05:54
ghthorzilkomaa, ahh, wait those aren't the right lines, need  "set root=(hd0,1)", "chainloader (hd0,1)+1"05:54
blakkheimOasa: angry teenagers who wanted webcam chat05:54
zilkomaaghthor, eheh okoko05:54
Out_ColdOasa, cuz they are lame05:54
OasaPidgin now supports webcam chat.05:55
blakkheimOasa: it didn't when they switched05:55
rumpsyExplore2: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/netselect-apt, check it here05:55
Out_Coldso if enough people use pidgin over empathy (which i think is so far the case) they may switch back05:55
priyagood nite all  i wont give up that  easy  i will be back  lol05:55
OasaI like pidgin.05:55
Out_Coldwe'll be here priya rest easy05:56
jazzi rebooted i just realized i dont even get the ubuntu drums  just the drums for login not the lil beat as the animation dances05:56
jazzscrew! a hammer will fix it later!05:56
Coded1im thinking of purchasing a new rig in a few months and want to get something in the mid-high end that plays nice with linux, it's been a while and I'm hearing great things about amd cpus but not so much with ati gpu's + linux and also that amd mother boards don't play very well with nvidia. what kind of rigs do you guys run, where can I go for further info?05:56
blakkheimCoded1: avoid ati05:56
blakkheimCoded1: just build it yourself05:57
zilkomaaghthor, ok changed..05:57
Out_ColdCoded1, ati works great in laptops but not towers.. and nvidia always has driver issues that are difficult to fix05:57
zilkomaaghthor, restarting now..05:57
ghthorzilkomaa, kk05:57
Coded1blakkheim, that I know (previous 9800 owner) and I will be building it myself, been checking around on newegg.com but scared if I get an AMD mb chipset im gonna paint myself into a corner, are there mobos that are friendly to both amd/nvidia?05:58
scuniziOut_Cold: I've never found that with nvidia.. lately the newer cards might have issues because the driver available in ubuntu is pretty far behind the power curve05:58
blakkheimCoded1: not sure, i'm an intel guy05:58
Coded1AMD prices are almost too sweet to let go05:59
Out_Coldscunizi, i've seen a fair bit of issues especially with overscanning and new drivers failing to support old cards..05:59
Oasaia m an intel guy too05:59
Xcelli use asus / amd / nvidia / 0 problems.05:59
scuniziOut_Cold: new drivers and old cards don't mix well.. that's why there are 3 primary drivers for nvidia cards.. New .. Old.. and Older06:00
rumpsyBut you hate those things when you have single cpu06:00
Explore2when do i get this err? ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host06:00
Explore2lost connection06:00
Out_Coldscunizi, agreed but try telling that to the auto-updater06:00
Out_ColdExplore2, firewall06:01
wiggmpkI just installed Karmic Koala on my notebook, currently running kernel 2.6.31-17 amd64. Every time I try to suspend my notebook, it cuts to a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have to manually power it off every time. Please help!!06:01
Coded1Explore2, check to see if you have an ip address on that card06:01
scuniziOut_Cold: yep.. I never use the auto updater.. in fact I use the drivers from nvidia's site.. I just plan on reinstalling them on a kernel upgrade06:01
scuniziwiggmpk: your swap should be apx 2x of your ram for suspend to work06:02
Out_Coldscunizi, but that's where i see the issues with users.... that and overscan is one hellova ***06:02
rumpsyBut i donno how you guys do support for non-free drivers , o_O06:02
rumpsyi mean nvidia-glx06:02
Out_Coldrumpsy, we don06:02
wiggmpkscunizi: 4 GB Physical RAM & 12 GB SWAP, not the issue :)06:02
ghthorzilkomaa, still no luck?06:03
Out_Coldrumpsy, nvidia issues for nvidia devs06:03
zilkomaaghthor, argh now there is two windows xp boot sections in grub other one says again error: no such partition and other one loads back to grub like i said before :(06:03
rumpsyEveryday, someone asking about 3d drivers, why don't they use default drivers for stability06:03
Coded1guess you have to pick the lesser of the evils with gpu's intel just sucks, amd is great value but doesn't work on nix, nvidia offers a lot more but is closed06:04
jazzwork with creative soundblaster cards? if  i have to use my sound card then fine because this is driving me nuts!06:04
rileyphi all06:04
jazzdoes linux ybuntu 9.10 ^06:04
rileypCan I get some help here with suspend06:04
mihaminarileyp: yep06:04
rumpsyi choosed to use nv driver as my default driver06:04
rileypand karmic06:04
scuniziwiggmpk: suspend and hibernate don't share a unified method of programming and can be very different from one machine to the next.. I'd search the forums for your laptop model to see what others have experienced and possible solutions06:04
Oasarileyp : Dont ask to ask. Just ask06:04
zilkomaaghthor, should i reinstall grub or something..06:05
rileypits a desktop and i have searched the forums for 3 days06:05
rileypto no avail06:05
rumpsyI know the power of default video drivers06:05
EastDallasjazz: I have on old SB Audigy Platinum in my desktop, works like a charm.06:05
Oasarileyp : YOur problem please06:05
wiggmpkscunizi: I have tried, also googled.. Looks like suspend/hibernate is a known issue with 9.10 and bug reports are filed.. Just taking a shot in the dark in the channel06:05
wiggmpkscunizi: you think a swap partition across a software raid would cause an issue with suspending06:05
Oasawiggmpk : No06:06
Myke1I have NO idea why hardware manufacturers make closed sourced drivers :(06:06
Oasalol Myke106:06
scuniziwiggmpk: that's a wrinkle .. maybe06:06
Myke1they dont make money on the drivers, they make money on the hardware06:06
rileypok upon suspend screen freezes and keyboard no reponsive as well as mouse system is frozen06:06
rumpsyJAzz, if you are using soundblaster card, modprobe appropriate driver06:06
wiggmpkOasa: no what?06:06
Out_ColdMyke1, to be better than the others... or at least different06:06
wiggmpkscunizi: doesnt seem like it would be an issue, it wasnt before06:07
Oasawiggmpk: It wont cauase trouble.06:07
rileypthe  suspend log log looks fine though06:07
ghthorzilkomaa, well I don't know then, to remove the second entry just remove it from /etc/grub.d/40_custom.  Maybe you should just try reinstalling grub with "sudo grub-install /dev/sda"06:07
wiggmpkOasa: any thoughts on why suspend is borked?06:07
Coded1Myke1, but if someone figures out a better way to do it they might feel bad06:07
scuniziwiggmpk: I'm not familure enough with raid to know06:07
Coded1wont anyone think of the corporations!06:07
tony__ anyone know where exactly in firefox it calls to the OS (linux specifically) to use a certain widget? reason being my widgets are messed up in kde 4.4 using firefox portable06:07
zilkomaaghthor, ok thanks u anyway06:07
rfgergrthnrewiggmpk, suspend with ubuntu has a long history of being broken06:07
jazzman im so angry right now, first cairo  goes down making my updates crazy and i did a clean install of ubuntu reinstall all my stuff, and now sound give me trouble.06:07
Oasawiggmpk : No idea. As you have said, Its a popular bug. Hope they fix it in Lynx.06:07
rfgergrthnrejazz, probably pulseaudio's fault06:07
wiggmpkOasa: so do I06:07
rileypI know its a common prob but i would liketo get on top of06:08
Myke1Well, its just a driver. They can concentrate on making the hardware and make drivers open sourced so that everyone who can make them better. no harm no foul06:08
wiggmpkrfgergrthnre: right, I remember.. However this is usually referred to as a regression.. suspend/hibernate should be a no brainer these days06:08
Myke1just my 2 cents06:08
jazzok lets find puse audio? would i have installed it inadvertently?06:09
rileypim using
Out_Cold2 cents compared to millions :p06:09
rileypi will not upgrade kerel as i have doen in the past to no benefit other that ata read errors and randon sysmen freezes06:09
rileypit doe snot fix suspend06:10
EastDallastony__: That might be a question for #kubuntu or #firefox06:10
Oasarileyp : Then what can you do ?06:10
rileyphi bert06:10
rileypIm asking!06:11
Coded1what do you guys think about ddr3 and tripple channel ram?06:11
Coded1just hype?06:11
Myke1Well, is it easy to dual boot Windows Xp and Ubuntu 9.10?06:11
rfgergrthnrewiggmpk, yep, it is regression... i dunno why, but things in ubuntu don't seem to stay in they work... look at x and audio... they were working fine in previous releases, but then they had to go and rewrite them and introduce lame bugs06:11
Baileyhi i have a question with my ubuntu06:11
albertOn macOS terminal I can do "say hello" and my speakers say: hello. Can i do the same with Linux?06:11
jazzthe players  i have now were the players i had before. and i dont have pulse audio06:11
bastid_raZoralbert: espeak06:12
Baileymy programs are not working06:12
albertbastid_raZor: is espaeak a program?06:12
Baileybut they are supported with the new ubuntu06:12
wiggmpkrfgergrthnre: well they did integrate PulseAudio.. which is beautiful if they would of just integrated it properly.06:12
rileypalso when using mythbuntu my surround sound makes a d large crack sound everytime i open and close live tv or movie06:12
rfgergrthnrewiggmpk, heh, dont talk to me about pulseaudio... it's just really that bad06:13
bastid_raZoralbert: it is a command line app.. it should be installed by default.06:13
Oasabastid_raZor : I dont get espeak.06:13
wiggmpkrfgergrthnre: based upon what though? your experience with Ubuntu? other distro's havent had most of the problems with PulseAudio06:13
bastid_raZor!info espeak06:13
ubottuespeak (source: espeak): A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.41.01-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 68 kB, installed size 244 kB06:13
rfgergrthnrewiggmpk, volume resetting and randomly muting, a whole second of sound lag from all apps, unable to play audio from two apps at once... urgh06:13
Oasabastid_raZor : I am getting this error06:14
OasaPaHost_OpenStream: could not open /dev/dsp for O_WRONLY06:14
Explore2Hi all, i installed x264 and gstreamer packages from apt-get on 9.10, i still get no element"x264", any idea?06:14
OasaPaHost_OpenStream: ERROR - result = -1000006:14
wiggmpkrfgergrthnre: anyway, I am gabbing in a support channel lol.. later06:14
rfgergrthnrewiggmpk, which is the chat channel?06:14
albertbastid_raZor: thats true! thank you very much :)))06:14
jazzalright how do i find what my intergrated audio card is? im filing a bug report  has to be06:14
wiggmpkrfgergrthnre: eh...??? #ubuntu-offtopic i suppose06:15
rumpsyJazz: check that in lspci command06:15
albertbastid_raZor: do you know if i can do the same but wirtting a command 'say' ?06:15
tazboI used to have a script set up so I could right click a file or batch of files and resize them.. I still have the script but I forgot how I set it up... anyone suggest a site that has the info?06:15
jazzi dont know what that is,06:15
Oasarename the program as say :S06:16
alberthow can I change the word to 'say'?06:16
albertrename how?06:16
wm_how do i make my wireless intel nic work in karmic?06:16
EastDallasrileyp: I had the same problem.  It has to do with power_save...looking for the fix....06:16
bastid_raZoralbert: alias say=espeak06:16
Coded1albert, "alias say=espeak'06:16
rumpsyalbert, give a text file to it06:16
rileypso my suspend issue is ther any setting in the /init.d/  folder i can try that might stop teh crashing upon suspned06:16
albertok thanks you Coded1 bastid_raZor06:17
albertbut my computer will remember this alias?06:17
albertwhen I restart my computer it will remember the alias?06:17
bastid_raZoralbert: you could add it to your .bashrc file06:17
albertwhere's this file?06:18
rwwalbert: in your home folder06:18
rileypits hidden06:18
rwwalbert: nano ~/.bashrc06:18
albertits an ocult file06:18
FloodBot1albert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:18
albertsorry FloodBot106:18
EastDallasrileyp: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tip-how-to-fix-crackling-noise-on-hda-audio-cards-in-ubuntu-9-10.html06:19
rileypthnaks for that East dallas06:19
worudWhat is favorite twitter client for ubuntu?06:20
fib3rDonate skills and hardware to rebuild an open source Haiti today: http://linuxcharity.webuda.com06:21
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cbleslieWTF spam?06:22
wm_that sounds incredibly useless06:22
Guest75386what spam06:22
kaziemis there an alternative for tsmmc (windows) for linux? Basically tsmmc is a program to manage multiple remote desktops, one screen in each tab... check this to get a picture of what I mean http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Image:Windows_server_2008_remote_desktops_sessions.jpg06:23
Guest75386anyone use bt4 final06:23
albertbastid_raZor: then only i have to add 'alias say=espeak' on the last line of this file?06:23
Oasayes aldbert.06:23
wm_why does the iwl driver suck so much ?06:24
Oasaadd it anywhere.06:24
albertokey thanks you very much06:24
Oasaalbert : There should many aliases already, such as ll = ll -s . look at the syntax and rewrite06:25
lolnic_Hi, how do i change the program gdm uses to hibernate? if i can, that is06:25
alberti did a question because i'm reading some examples in the same file like: alias ls=ls --color=auto'06:25
albertok then now is perfect06:26
albertthank you06:26
owen1Anyone with Dell mini 10 or Inspiron 11Z - please confirm the touchpad bug I just sumbitted - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/51219206:26
OasaIf someone is swearing, how do i use ubottu to tell him that dont swear ?? !swear doesnt work :S06:26
rwwOasa: !language06:27
Oasaokay rww06:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:27
onetinsoldierkaziem: perhaps tsclient?06:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:27
rwwowen1: glad I got the 10v ;P06:27
EastDallasworud: I like gwibber, but you can use Tweetdeck and Destroy Twitter by installing Adobe Air for linux.06:27
vinq1How do I change Apache .htaccess to only cache the homepage URL (/) and not the other files?06:28
rileypwhat logs should i look at to resolve suspend problems06:28
kaziemonetinsoldier, good idea, I'll give it a try and report back06:28
EastDallas!ubottu | Oasa06:29
ubottuOasa: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:29
albertonly for curiosity, exist the same program but with IDE interface?06:29
worudEastDalls: Thank you so much. I'll try. :)06:29
EastDallasOasa You can search the factoid list06:29
EastDallasworud: np06:29
hicarbonIt's nice to finally be able to work in linux. <sigh>06:32
rileypwhat logs to look at for suspen d problems?06:33
philipwnhow to see how much HZ is my kernel running at?06:35
lolnic_how do i make it so that the hibernate button on the menu runs hibernate? (as in from the package you can get from sudo apt-get install hibernate)06:35
kaziemonetinsoldier, nope there is no tabs where there is 1 remote desktop on each of them.. it's just a rdesktop frontend for configuration etc06:36
racleHello, anyone know reason why ssh login is getting slower? so after i put my username to ssh, it takes over 10 seconds to get input my password. usually that happens after 20+ days uptime. running ubuntu server 200906:37
onetinsoldierkaziem: roger. sorry06:37
kaziemthanks anywasy06:37
Barridusis firefox 3.6 on the repo's, i can't seem to find it but i may be looking incorrectly06:39
bastid_raZorBarridus: no 3.6 is not in the repo and will not be for karmic.06:39
Barridusnot even as shiretoko or a-browser?06:39
hiexpoEastDallas: - is that a command to get bot to give answers06:40
Barridusbastid_raZor, not even as shiretoko or a-browser?06:43
sachin6870whats up06:46
=== Leonardo_the_Pac is now known as SE7
SE7nothin much, you?06:46
SE7sweet what time is it?06:46
sachin687012:17 PM IST06:47
vinq1Anyone know how to cache a homepage, and only a homepage, on Apache? It's an .htaccess config question.06:47
SE7woha.. really? its 11:48 pm here..06:48
SE7how is this possible lol06:48
=== zhan_zr is now known as zhanzr
sachin6870I dont know, might be your clock is running behind06:51
przemo_onehi guys/ question about firefox3.606:52
przemo_onedo we expect that in repository? for 64bit platform?06:52
SE7sachin6870: i dun think so man.. all my clocks are set to 11:52...06:52
przemo_onewill that be an update for 3.5.x or new branch?06:53
yipstaris this the appropriate place to ask questions about how to setup kvm vm's on ubuntu?06:54
yipstar#kvm is a ghost town06:54
Quan-Timebioshock, steam, wine... anyone got ideas / experience ? it shows splash. and stops. anyone experience this ?06:54
ruffus910i can no longer hear sound from videos in firefox. please help.06:55
Quan-Timeruffus910: i get that sometimes too,, shut everything down, anythingthat uses sounds,, and it comes back..06:56
Quan-Timesometimes 2 younoob videos screws it..i put it down to flash problems..06:56
ruffus910it just all of a sudden stopped working :-)06:57
ruffus910i downloaded some limewire songs, then it broke06:57
ruffus910could that be it?06:57
Quan-Timequite possibly.. what media player ?06:57
Quan-Timemaybe try to kill anything thats relating to it06:58
ruffus910Quan-Time: fixed. thank you06:59
Quan-Timeruffus910: yer. same.. umm.. as much as everyone says "you never have to reboot linux".. you owuld be surprised how many things it can fix..06:59
Quan-Timeruffus910: np.. glad it worked !06:59
Quan-Timenow fix my wine issue !06:59
ruffus910maybe, whats the problem07:00
bullgardWhat is the filename of the source code file of the ALSA driver /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko? What DEB program package does it include?07:03
Quan-Timeruffus910: bioshock (steam) on wine.. isntalled it fine.. went to play, installed dx10, and now it only loads the splash screen.. wine config i already use ALSA drivers, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1774007:03
firestriderhey is there an equivalent to resource monitor, event viewer, device manager, and registry in ubuntu07:03
Quan-Timethat link says to mess around with alsa, BUT i dont have that dhirectory to begin with... no sure what action to take.. as everyone says it just works.. :(07:03
bullgardfirestrider: About registry: Have a look at gconf.07:04
ruffus910Quan-Time: ah. sorry. i got nothing07:04
przemo_onenever mind. loading mozilla daily07:05
bullgardfirestrider: Ubuntu's device manager is udev.07:05
Quan-Timeruffus910: heh. no one does :( its annoying07:05
firestriderok thanks bullgard07:05
rwwHi. I don't use my Caps Lock key and want it to map to Escape instead. How do I do that?07:05
Quan-Timerww: wow.. umm. macro maybe07:06
DifferentkindofI had a question with regards to porting to arm07:06
bullgardfirestrider: What do you mean by "resource monitor"?07:06
przemo_oneaperantly 3.6 is an update for 3.5 /// never mind :)07:07
firestriderresource monitor program in windows vista and 707:08
jobbiehello all07:08
bullgardrww: Try http://www.columbia.edu/~djv/docs/keyremap.html07:08
jobbieso my system has 2 drives, one for / and one for /home07:08
firestriderit's like task manager but shows much more details07:08
jobbiethe drive with my home partition is failing and i'd like to replace it with another drive07:08
bullgardfirestrider: I did not ask you where "resource monitor" is but what it is.07:09
firestriderand you can drill down by process to see it's disk io, network io, and memory faults07:09
jobbiewhats the best way to swap drives ... with my /home on the new drive of course.07:10
bullgardfirestrider: This is a busy channel. If you talk to me, please prepend your message with my nick.07:10
firestriderbullgard, it's like task manager but more detailed and granular07:11
firestriderbullgard also does ubuntu prefetch ram for applications?07:14
Quan-Timehey, trying to get bioshock (steam ver) workin on WINE 1.1.36 - ubuntu karmic 9.10 x64, i looked here http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=17740 and i have the problem of only getting a splash screen.. I also use ALSA for sound, so the suggestion isnt relevant to me.. anyone with idheas ?07:14
panfistis there something similar to rdiff-backup that's supported by ubuntu?07:14
bullgardfirestrider: For an equivalent to resource monitor in Ubuntu, click System > Administration > System monitor.07:15
bullgardfirestrider: Yes, In some cases Ubuntu does prefetch RAM for applications.07:16
brand0nanyone have any idea why sometimes when i login the screen goes white07:20
brand0nand all i can see is the cursor07:20
brand0nusually only happens if my girlfriend logs in first07:20
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
ranjanhello very body is here any body who knows how to write in hindi07:21
rumpsyAsk your girlfriend what she did before you login07:21
brand0nshe doesnt do anything07:21
brand0nlike when i reboot i log us both in07:22
rumpsyranjan:What you exactly need07:22
brand0nsometimes i log her in first07:22
brand0nand thats when it happens on my side, if i log her in first07:22
jlauxettaI sometimes log my girlfriend in too :D07:22
c2d2I wish to completely purge/remove/uninstall flash.07:23
rumpsyAvoid using more stuffs in desktop, use automatic screen resolution07:23
c2d2It is broken and I whish to repair it.  Suggestions?07:23
ranjanrumpsy : i am trying to write some contain in hindi but i am facing problem in writing words which includes half cracters  in devnagri script07:24
rumpsybrand0n: yes, don't put bunch of files and folders on desktop... clean it if you have, put those in documents or somewhere else07:25
brand0ni have 3 folders and 2 shortcuts07:25
brand0non my desktop07:25
brand0nhers has like 5 folders and 4 shortcuts07:25
brand0nhardly a bunch07:25
rumpsyranjan: goto accessories and use character map tool07:26
bullgardbrand0n: Your computer's configuration is at fault. You need to provide error messages in order that a knowledgeable person can suggest a remedy. I believe that you should obtain the help of local knowledgeable friend.07:26
MiBobrand0n: Ive had the same problem07:26
brand0ni get no error messages when it happens bullgard, the screen just turns white and all i can see is my cursor07:27
brand0ni press shift + ctrl + f1 to go to shell07:27
brand0nand then reboot07:27
brand0nand it usually fixes it07:27
brand0nsometimes it does it twice in a row07:27
FloodBot1brand0n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
brand0noh god07:27
brand0nsorry floodbot1, didnt mean to fill the channel with questions about ubuntu07:27
bullgardbrand0n: I believe you. But the computer certainly will throw error messages in the /var/log/ directory.07:27
=== Rizwan-DHAKA is now known as Arctic-Love
brand0nok bullgard ill see what i can dig up, thank you07:28
brand0nwhich log file would it be in bullgard07:28
brand0nthe xorg one?07:28
MiBobrand0n: I think it's a gdm problem07:28
brand0ndid you ever fix it mibo? or do you just try to deal with it07:28
cmmenkeim using vobcopy, and the i ripped "vobcopy -i -m /dir/dir07:29
cmmenkeand it is literally taking a small century07:29
MiBoI never directly fixed it07:29
cmmenkeWriting to /home/chas/PACIFIC_HEIGHTS/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB07:29
cmmenke  26MB of 1024MB written ( 2.5 % )07:29
cmmenkein about 2 hours, any fix?07:29
brand0ni mean it doesnt happen that often, id just like to fix it or atleast know what causes it07:29
zilkomaaCan someone help me whats the problem, trying to boot windows xp from grub after pressing enter there comes a screen only reading GRUB_ blinking?07:30
bullgardbrand0n: I do not know exactly because you did not describe your situation exactly. Try first the file /var/log/messages and look up the time when you got the white screen.07:30
brand0nalso sound randomly goes out in flash, anyone ever deal with that problem?07:30
cmmenkeno one knows?07:30
bullgard!sound | brandon07:30
ubottubrandon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:30
bullgard!sound | brand0n07:31
ubottubrand0n: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:31
rumpsy!video | brand0n07:31
ubottubrand0n: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:31
RaiN88hi everyone07:31
RaiN88I need some help07:31
cmmenkeanybody know what this means with my external drive? Sorry, could not display all the contents of "FreeAgent Drive_": Input/output error07:31
RaiN88I'm new on ubuntu07:32
tavasti!ask | RaiN8807:32
ubottuRaiN88: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:32
rumpsyRaiN88: So, typein your problem07:32
bullgardWhat is the filename of the source code file of the ALSA driver /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko? What DEB program package does it include?07:32
RaiN88My ubuntu wont restart07:32
RaiN88It stuck on black screen07:32
rumpsyWhat ubuntu you are using07:33
mishiI just fixed that07:33
RaiN88the new version07:33
sergfclcgflinux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux07:33
sergfclcgfsucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks linux sucks07:33
FloodBot1sergfclcgf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:33
mishiI had a video card issue07:33
RaiN88What will I do ?07:34
hyperstreamHow can i tell what version of apache my box downstairs is running from my lan ?(no sshd)07:34
Myke1lol looks like someone doesnt know how to use Linux... haha07:34
mishiI had to install the nvidia package before it would let me go to gnome07:34
alexidoiahi there, my system have crashed and I am trying to do back up. For this I am trying to mount a usb key via the command line07:34
rumpsysergfclcgf: i think you don't want a kick from this channel07:34
pehdenapache virtual host help anyone07:34
alexidoiacould someone telle me how to do that ?07:34
alexidoiaI think I did it once, by-uuud07:34
rumpsypehden: try man apache, or goto #apache07:34
zilkomaaCan someone help me whats the problem, trying to boot windows xp from grub after pressing enter there comes a screen only reading GRUB_ blinking?07:35
RaiN88I already installed it07:35
pehdensorry bout the links but the seond one is the conf and i cant figure out why its not showing the right directory07:35
RaiN88but when I try to restart, it process then it stuck on a black screen07:36
RaiN88What version of Ubuntu is the best??07:36
=== alokito is now known as alokito|away
ranjanrumpsy : i got it for the time being ... i think i have to work with this for couple of days so that i can make my self more familiar with this ... thanks for your help07:37
pehdenit said i needed to register to join that channel07:37
rumpsyRaiN88: 9.10 also god07:37
rumpsyranjan: you are welcome07:37
rumpsy;)  , lol07:38
RaiN88It has more bug I think07:38
RaiN88Because When it wont restart my system07:38
rumpsyUpdates are there to fix bugs07:38
pehdenhow do i register to join #apache07:39
RaiN88Which is better Ubuntu or Kubuntu ??07:39
=== alokito|away is now known as alokito
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode07:39
Quan-Timeanyone who has a elantech touch pad which WONT identify, and cant install touch pad drivers.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/51219207:39
pehdeni cant beleave i forgot that07:39
Quan-TimePLEASE go to that link and click "effects me"... we really need this resolved.07:40
brand0ngnome display manager - thats the login screen right? i see gdm-themes package in synaptic, anyone ever change the default theme?07:40
bullgardbrand0n: "GNOME Display Manager (GDM) is GNOME's login manager."07:42
rumpsybreak, i want coffee,07:42
RaiN88how to fix the bugz in ubuntu?07:42
brand0ndoes the latest one support theme changes? i noticed there isnt any to choose from to change like there was in jaunty07:42
brand0nwhat bugs rain07:42
d4m0nmcan any1 help me connect to my win7 box via dyn dns from ubuntu?07:43
RaiN88It wont restart07:43
rumpsybrand0n: new wave theme really rocks, have a try07:43
d4m0nmfells green07:43
bullgardbrand0n: You are a beginner. Please do not change the default theme. Please target first at completing your general Ubuntu usage skills before you start this endeavor.07:43
RaiN88where can I get themes??07:43
tomkatubuntu won't find drivers for my 3d card07:43
brand0nim not a beginner lol07:43
brand0nive used ubuntu for like 9 months07:44
RaiN88I am beginner07:44
RaiN88I need some help07:44
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode07:44
brand0ni was just wondering if there was a reason why you could select themes in 9.04 but not in 9.10, didnt know if it didnt support it anymore or what07:44
RaiN88How to fix all the bugs that I will encounter?07:44
brand0nyou gotta be way more specific rain07:45
brand0nand your english being terrible doesnt help07:45
tomkatcan someone please help me with my 3d graphics card?07:45
RaiN88the restart bugs07:45
brand0nwhat happens when you restart rain07:45
rumpsybrand0n: do you know his exact nick,its not rain07:46
bullgardbrand0n: Yes, there is much work going on on this program and a lot of controversial discussion taking place. Join gimpnet and there #gdm in order to follow the discussion.07:46
RaiN88When I rrestart, it stuck with black screen07:46
tomkatwhy won't Ubuntu find drivers for my 3dfx card?07:46
brand0nis there text on the black screen rain8807:46
brand0ndoes it show ubuntu logo at all?07:46
RaiN88not at all07:46
RaiN88just a black screen07:47
=== blackbart is now known as Guest13529
bluewhalehi, just installed ubuntu 9.10, and using twinview with nvidia drivers. How can I prevent the task bars spanning both screens, this is very annoying07:48
wenkoHey folks07:48
wenkoanyone familair with this: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable07:49
wenkolibssl0.9.8 seems to be the culprit07:49
rumpsyRaiN88: Just tell us errors you see in /var/logs07:49
rumpsysomebody may help you07:49
=== Guest13529 is now known as blackbart
RaiN88How would I know?07:50
zilkomaacan some1 tell me whats the problem trying to boot from grub to windows xp not giving any error messages only comes screen where reads GRUB_ ?07:51
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:51
zilkomaaCant find any solution from web either..07:51
rumpsyRaiN88: ^^07:51
RaiN88How would I know? :(07:52
wenkoanyone familair with this: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable07:52
BinaryManI know its late so a lot of people are idling. however, would anyone still alive have any guesses why the cryptroot file stored in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d suddenly disappear?07:52
RaiN88How will I see errors in /var/logs?07:53
MyrttiRaiN88: you could try to boot to the recovery mode07:53
BinaryManalongside that, why would cryptsetup suddenly have a problem with the libgpg-error.so.0 library, causing the user to reinstall the libgpg-error package07:53
BinaryManthis is a problem i had about a week ago that i ended up solving, but never found out why everything regarding cryptsetup commited suicide on me.07:54
rumpsyRaiN88: each and every error will be logged in /var/logs so open it and check it07:54
mkquist__RaiN88: relax, it can be figured out, but not like what you are doing...  take your time and analyze...  but most of all relax.. geeze.  Usually its something simple, but it takes some problem solving.  Getting wound up wont solve anything07:55
RaiN88What if we'll use remote desktop?07:55
BinaryManRaiN88: what is the problem you're having?07:55
RaiN88It wont restart, It stuck in black screen07:56
BinaryMandefine it. One of your machines?07:57
RaiN88Myrtt: then what will I do?07:57
MyrttiRaiN88: check /var/logs07:57
mkquist__looking back, I'm guessing that, for whatever reason, grub is looking at the wrong place, so start there.  assuming you go ubuntu to install07:57
BinaryManRaiN88: I'm willing to help you with your problem. you have to answer my questions though.07:57
rumpsyRaiN88: Explain clearly, what happen , what you did...07:57
mkquist__RaiN88: listen to BinaryMan07:57
mkquist__RaiN88: or rumpsy07:58
BinaryManand /var/logs does not exist. what i believe Myrtti is referring to is a folder called /var/log, which holds logs about a variety of different services.07:58
BinaryManonce you can tell me more about your problem, i'll have a better idea of which log to look at.07:58
RaiN88I see a lot of logs here07:58
BinaryManwhich will more than liketly tell us more information that can be used to diagnose your problem.07:58
pehdenits pissing me off07:58
brand0nhow do i assign sounds to actions? the sound gui in preferences only lets me select themes07:59
pehdendoes any one here know how to configure vhost in apache07:59
brand0nor do i gotta assign each action manually?07:59
RaiN88When I restart it process then stuck in black screen, then nothing happens ..07:59
BinaryManRaiN88: That's normal. is your only problem centered around rebooting?07:59
BinaryManRaiN88: or are you having problems booting into your system as well?07:59
pehdenapache room says must regiter i register and it still wont let me in08:00
rumpsyrain88: there is another option to check system log, goto system, and then to administration and choose system log08:00
* BinaryMan sighs08:00
RaiN88Okay rumpsy08:00
BinaryManI can't help the guy if he won't give more information.08:00
Myrttipehden: you've registered, and identified?f08:01
Myke1Hey I have a Question about Dual booting... If I have Windows Xp and Ubuntu 9.10 installed, If I upgrade 9.10 to  10.04 when it comes out, will that affect the Grub Bootloader?08:01
pehdenim running apache2 its server 2 virtual host but one of the vhost its showing the wrong directory as the output08:02
Picipehden: You need to verify  your account by checking the email that you used when you registered.08:02
pehdenidentify how08:02
BinaryManMyke1: I can't say for sure, but I'm going to imagine that current bootloader entries will be preserved when upgrading.08:02
dopplecould someone assist.. i downloaded a winxp iso and burned it but its not bootable.. how can i make a bootable USB drive from ubuntu that i can boot from to install windows as a dualboot08:02
RaiN88I didn't see the system log, only system testing and system monitor08:03
Myke1I was thinking it would be ok too, it would just give me the choice of 10.04 instead of 9.10 after upgrading08:03
pehdenok i did that irc thing how do i login08:03
BinaryMandopple: if you're inside ubuntu right now, system -> administration -> USB startup disk creator.08:04
Myrttipehden: /msg nickserv identify <password>08:04
=== YBH__1 is now known as YBH_1
BinaryManpehden: assuming you've registered your nick08:04
RaiN88BinaryMan what will I do? :(08:04
BinaryManRaiN88: you need to listen to us and give us clear responses.08:05
BinaryManI can't help you if you don't answer the questions I ask you.08:05
RaiN88I will08:05
BinaryManLet's try this again.08:05
doppleBinaryMan: but will booting from the disk that that creates allow me to install windows from this apparently-unbootable cd i burned?08:05
BinaryMandopple: shouldn't have downloaded a windows iso off the internet. :P08:06
RaiN88Okay BinaryMan08:06
RaiN88I will08:06
RaiN88Just tell me what to do?08:06
doppleBinaryMan:  :P08:06
pehdenhow do i know i am in the room08:06
pehdenof apache08:06
BinaryManRaiN88: You said that when you reboot, you have a black screen and your computer sits there. is that your only problem.08:06
BinaryManRaiN88: do you have any problems booting into your system?08:07
RaiN88Dont have08:07
pehdenwait i think i found that part out08:07
BinaryManRaiN88: Are you booted into your system right now?08:07
RaiN88I have two OS08:07
RaiN88XP and Ubuntu08:08
BinaryManRaiN88: Alright. That shouldn't be a problem.08:08
BinaryManRaiN88: Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.08:08
RaiN88I am here08:08
pehdenany one here?08:08
doppleok this isnt gonna work i apparently need to find a bootable disc08:08
BinaryManRaiN88: type in the following command.08:09
pehdenthe bot wasnt in here08:09
BinaryMantail /var/log/dmesg08:09
pehdendo it in apache its kind of funny08:09
rumpsypehden: is also a bot kind08:09
BinaryManTell me if you see anything that looks like an error.08:09
dopplefigures the iso i downloaded wasnt bootable08:09
cmmenkeanyone know why my external harddrive is a ho? and gives me some weird input/output message08:10
pehdenrumpsy: im not a bot08:10
Explore1i am not seeing file at dest using scp08:10
Explore1any idea?08:10
cmmenkeand why vobcopy is taking 2 days literally for a rip08:10
rumpsyRaiN88: BinaryMan , told  you to use, this command, /var/log/dmesg08:10
Explore1scp newVR fstl@
g0tchahey guys.. anyone can help me mount a RAID harddisk to ubuntu to recover some data?08:10
Explore1this doesn't ask me for password08:10
RaiN88I didnt see an error08:10
pehdenrumpsy i wasy seeing if the bot in here had the same trigger word08:10
BinaryManrumpsy: No, I didn't.08:11
BinaryManrumpsy: I told him to use "tail /var/log/dmesg"08:11
BinaryMantyping in the file path will return an error.08:11
RaiN88Is it okay that I have two generic and two recovery mode?08:12
BinaryManRaiN88: Yup.08:12
tomkatis there a support group for VIA/SVG UniChrome Pro IGP 3dfx cards?08:12
andrukhow do i change karmic's boot splash image?08:12
rumpsyBinaryMan: yes, i was just informing him, you given a info to him08:12
evilsherpahey all, i have a nas, and i think im most of the way there, but when i sudo mount -a now it says mount error(13): Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) but permissions should be all good08:12
BinaryMantomkat: not that i'm aware of. why, are you having problems getting your unichrome video card to work?08:13
rumpsybut, yes i missed a tail, lol08:13
RaiN88Why is it two?08:13
przemo_onehiffy, how to force install package from repository??08:14
tomkatbinaryman: yes.08:14
przemo_onehi guys :)08:14
RaiN88and I has two memtest08:14
BinaryManRaiN88: for the different kernels you have on your machine08:14
firestriderhey guys how can I install you ubuntu in virtualbox and will the install be nonpersistant and see my native hardware?08:14
BinaryMantomkat: I had the same problem on an old Averatech laptop. give me like 5 minutes and i'll try finding the solution that worked for me.08:14
tomkatbinaryman: thankyou08:14
firestrideror do I need a processor with hardware virtualization08:14
RaiN88Where should I go, First one or the 2nd ?08:15
BinaryMantomkat: fyi, it's a problem with the driver. you'll have to manually patch it.08:15
tomkatbinaryman: im new to linux08:15
przemo_onefirestrider if you have one, then it helps, but it's not requaired. works slow on one that does not have.08:15
ehlim1hi all, may i know can ubuntu handles 2 or more connections at once?08:15
przemo_onehaw to force install java plugin, when its different version form java bin??08:16
BinaryMantomkat: i had been using linux for awhile when i started using the laptop, so i was able to figure it out.08:16
tentaclemooseis there a netbook remix specific channel?08:16
firestriderI want the full ubuntu experience with gpu accel video ... guess I can't do that with a virtual machine08:17
przemo_oneanyone can help??08:18
Myrttiprzemo_one: use update-alternatives --all to choose the version of different stuff08:18
tentaclemoosehow does one add new places to the place menu?08:18
tentaclemooseon netbook remix that is08:19
przemo_onethanx will try08:19
andrukehlim1: do you mean two network connections?08:19
ardchoilletentaclemoose: you can try adding bookmarks to ~/.gtk-bookmarks08:19
Eremitetentaclemoose, right click on your menu (before expanding it) and choose edit menues08:19
ardchoilletentaclemoose: That's how it's done in the desktop version08:19
tentaclemoosebah, can't do that with the ume desktop thingamajigger08:20
iflema tentaclemoose open nautilus and drap what you want into the lower left pane....08:20
ardchoilletentaclemoose: the entries take the form:  file:///path/folder08:20
Eremitetentaclemoose, read what I said, Its simple.08:20
firestriderthis is probably a silly question but can you boot ubuntu on a liveusb then do a full install on that same usb drive08:20
ardchoilleEremite: the menu editor doesn't allow changing the Places menu item08:20
* iflema :)08:21
Eremiteardchoille, yes it does.  i just did it08:21
tentaclemooseeremite's method worked08:21
tentaclemooseperfectly i might add08:21
ardchoilleiflema: that method adds new bookmarks to ~/.gtk-bookmarks.. which is what I suggested08:21
BinaryMantomkat: having problems finding the fix for the driver. bear with me08:21
rileypwhen opening vlc or mythtv video or live tv i get loud boom from surround sound08:21
iflemaardchoille: and08:21
Eremiterileyp, I get that too.  It sounds like its about to blow my speakers.  New since Karmic.08:21
ardchoilleEremite: then you need to write us a tutorial because chaning the "Places" menu item via the menu editor isn't possible08:22
firestriderif not is there a way to get full install of ubuntu on a usb drive from within windows08:22
iflemaardchoille: that's when there's too many08:22
l2tponlinuxhi everybody08:22
rumpsyRaiN88: what kernels you see there?08:22
Eremiteardchoille, how did 2 of us just do it if it doesnt work.  Get real.08:22
tentaclemooseis there any way to get the central menu of ume to function as a file browser?08:22
rumpsyRaiN88: choose to one comes with ubuntu 9.1008:22
mobius2is there a way to turn off or disable the "default web page for this server"  content that  my ubuntu appears to be serving on port 80 of my machine?08:23
przemo_oneMartti my problem is i have installed java 6 bin higher versin then plugin is in repo. so when i try to install plugin i have version mismatch08:23
l2tponlinuxhow to connect to a l2tp vpn server? i'm trying to migrate from winxp08:23
mobius2I do not remember starting a web server08:23
rileyphow do I fix it?08:23
ardchoilleEremite: Please see my pm08:23
kanziewhat user do you recommend I create new directories in /var/www for website as08:24
RaiN88where can I see it?08:24
Callum_Okay, so, my problem: My web server's website is only accessible by direct IP on the network... 1) I have ports 80 and 443 forwarded to my server, 2) I changed my router config page's port so it doesn't use port 80, 3) port 80 is DEFINITELY not blocked, as I connected to my internet IP and got the router's config settings page fine before I changed it's port...but I STILL cannot access my web server, not connecting at all, get a "can't establish connecti08:24
Callum_on" error...anyone have any idea what the problem is?08:24
EastDallasmobius2: remove apache08:24
mobius2apache not installed so not removed08:24
rumpsyRaiN88: during startup, in the grub menu08:24
RaiN88wait I will reboot08:24
mobius2apache2 not installed so not removed08:24
mobius2lsof shows  nothing about any webserver08:25
EastDallasmobius2: Well, you obviously have some sort of web server installed, but you don't know which?08:25
przemo_oneis there any wey to clean repos cache and force update from scratch??08:25
RaiN88Is it okay that I can't restart?08:25
mobius2no and I am quite surprised08:25
Myke1How do you change the startup sound in Ubuntu 9.1008:25
mrphow do i set ufw to log to a seperate file?08:26
mobius2apparently the problem started with the accidental installation of a program called "webcam"08:26
EremiteMyke1, right clcik on the sound icon in your task bar, choose preferences08:26
mobius2that installed it's whole new set of webserver daemons08:26
mobius2horrible program with busted removes08:27
RaiN88Is it normal that my system can't restart?08:27
rumpsyshutdown and start your system again, and in the grub menu choose default kernel to boot08:27
rumpsyRaiN88: ^^08:27
tomkatbinaryman: no problems, take your time08:27
=== tentaclemoose is now known as butterycroissant
Myke1@Eremite it just has sound effects/hardware/input/output and applications08:28
l2tponlinuxhow to connect to a l2tp vpn server?08:28
EremiteSound Preferences > Sond Effects > Sound Theme08:28
EremiteMyke1, Sound Preferences > Sound Effects > Sound Theme08:28
kanziehow can I change the default eitor of crontab08:29
przemo_onegot it :)08:29
BinaryMantomkat: do you have the errors xorg is spitting back at you? i don't have a hard drive in the laptop that has the unichrome video card in ot, so i can't go and check.08:29
glickhey is there any way i can count pixels on my screen?08:29
BinaryManthere was something specific that i searched for on google and found a forum post that had a solution.08:29
EastDallasmobius2: did you install the webcam-server package?08:30
butterycroissantglick, magnifying glass + pen/paper08:30
Myke1@Eremite there is just ubuntu, but no way to change it08:30
EastDallas!info webcam-server08:30
ubottuwebcam-server (source: webcam-server): a tool to share webcam streaming in www-browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.50-3 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 152 kB08:30
kanzieHow can I change the default editor for crontab cause right now it is something that cant be used by a human08:30
tomkatBinaryMan: I havent encountered any error messages.08:30
Eremiteglick, In a terminal type:  xdpyinfo  | grep 'dimensions:'08:30
glickEremite, heh actually i wanted to count the pixels of a line in my browser08:31
BinaryMantomkat: at the command line prompt the livecd drops you into, run the command "startx" without the quotecs.08:31
=== orion is now known as Guest34402
EastDallasmobius2: did you install the webcam-server package?08:31
ardchoillekanzie: run this in a terminal: /usr/bin/select-editor08:31
tomkatbinaryman: sudo startx in the terminal?08:32
rileyp xdpyinfo  | grep 'dimensions:'            is this for me08:32
BinaryMantomkat: yeah08:32
l2tponlinuxANYONE USING OPENL2TP??08:32
BinaryManforgot that you need to run that as sudo08:32
Eremiteglick, take a screenshot and drag the image to gimp.  Measure it.08:32
butterycroissantglick, you could take a screenshot, crop08:32
butterycroissantand yeah08:32
rileypahh glick sorry08:32
butterycroissantwhat eremite said08:32
* Eremite is a genius. 08:32
butterycroissantit's true08:32
* butterycroissant is a fantastic breakfast treat.08:33
EremiteI dont disagree.08:33
tomkatbinaryman: hmm. error message. can i paste this into a private message for you to see?08:33
butterycroissantpaste bin it08:33
ardchoilleEremite: PM?08:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:33
butterycroissantso that the vast collective can debug for you08:33
BinaryMantomkat: personally, i like pastey.net08:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:34
homeboyhi, how can i make so that when i launch app from menu, it will prompt for a passwork08:35
butterycroissantchange the permissions on it08:36
BinaryManhomeboy: Do you want to run the program as root?08:36
EastDallashomeboy: is it prompting for the admin password?  Or some other wallet like kdewallet?08:36
homeboyi want to run it as user,but so it will promp for example root password08:36
tomkatbinaryman: http://www.pastey.net/13188508:37
* EastDallas misread homeboy's question...08:37
BinaryManhomeboy: append 'gksu -u <user>' to the entry.08:37
BinaryManhomeboy: for example, gksu -u homeboy nautilus08:38
ardchoilleBinaryMan: he wants to run it as "user" but prompt for roots password.. which I don't quite understand08:38
homeboyty, i was playing with that, but didn't know the exact synopsis08:38
BinaryManardchoille: neither do i. gksu is the best thing i an think of08:38
ardchoilleBinaryMan: yeayh08:38
SmartSsaI also don't think gksu will ask for a password if '-u user' matches the already logged in user.08:38
BinaryMantomkat: wow, you don't really have much of a problem.08:38
BinaryMantomkat: try hitting ctrl + alt + F7.08:39
Jck_trueAllright so I need to read a file on the shell and strip everything from CCC:START till CCC.END08:39
butterycroissantwait, what?08:39
tomkatbinaryman: nothing happens08:40
rumpsyJck_true: try nano08:40
Jck_trueI'm modifying a settings file and I need a shellscript for adding the settings and for removeing them again08:40
BinaryMantry this then08:40
BinaryManpress ctrl + alt + F108:40
=== deegee_1 is now known as deegee
Jck_trueTherefor i wrap them in #CCC:START  and #CCC:END08:40
BinaryManthen sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock08:40
BinaryManand type in sudo startx again08:41
BinaryManactually, wait08:41
BinaryManbefore you rm the lock file08:41
rileypEastDallas this only partially fixed problem Its no longer doing it when i change channel but when i close myth and open vlc08:41
user_Hello , i installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my machine . later i installed Windows 7 (in order to use some graphic software) and now when i start the computer i can see the grub menu , can i restore/fix the Ubuntu boot or i should installed ubuntu from the start ?08:41
BinaryMantype in ps aux | grep X08:41
pat|nGdo i need to format if i'll change my kde to gnome!?08:42
BinaryManuser_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows08:42
SmartSsaJck_true, you may want to look at 'sed' for inline text replacement08:42
Jck_trueSmartSsa: I'll have a look08:42
butterycroissantuser_ did you install windows 7 on a different partition?08:42
user_butterycroissant: yes08:43
butterycroissantok, so what's the problem?08:43
mrjaxonHey people :-) does anyone know of a good linuxvideo? I mean for learning. I've seen something called Linux+ and that was really helpful.08:44
jumbersIs there a way for me to block SSH logins from a certain block of IP addresses?08:47
tomkatbinaryman: what does ps aux and grep x do?08:48
=== RaiN is now known as Guest67722
Guest67722Im back08:49
BinaryMantomkat: mind you, i'm falling asleep, but ps aux prints all your running proccess, and piping it to grep X will show you only process with X in the name.08:49
Guest67722are u there?08:49
BinaryManthus ps aux | grep X will show you if your X server is running.08:50
rumpsyso, what happened08:50
Guest67722GNU Grub version 1.87~beta408:50
Guest67722Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31.-17-generic08:50
Guest67722Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31.-17-generic (recovery mode)08:51
Copterhow can i find the path to jre on the system?08:51
rumpsyGuest67722: what happened to problem? sloved?08:51
Guest67722Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31.-14-generic08:51
Guest67722Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31.-17-generic (recovery mode)08:51
rumpsyGuest67722: Choose,
Guest67722and (memtest+86+)08:52
Guest67722(memtest, serial console 115200)08:52
Guest67722rumpsy have u seen it?08:52
Guest67722**GNU Grub version 1.97~beta408:53
rumpsyi think you installed new kernel08:53
Guest67722What should I do?08:53
rumpsyjust boot your system, with
tomkatbinaryman: when i type grep X the prompt vanishes08:54
Guest67722why not .17? :D08:54
rumpsyThat one misconfigured08:55
Guest67722ah okay08:55
Guest67722I am running now is .1708:55
Guest67722I am running .17 now08:55
rumpsyif you want you can remove it from synaptic manager08:55
Guest67722I'll do what u say08:55
nixjrhow can i use unrar in terminal, to extract many archives one after another?08:56
ardchoillenixjr: for i in *.rar; do; unrar $i; done08:56
ardchoillenixjr: Not sure about the "unrar " command though08:56
Guest67722BRB i'll change to .1408:57
tomkatis "ps aux | grep X" one command? if so, how do i input the middle char?08:57
tomkatthe pipe08:57
nixjrardchoille, i know "unrar e file.rar" works for one file08:57
ardchoillenixjr: for i in *.rar; do; unrar e $i; done08:57
tomkatwhat is that character in the mioddle of "ps aux | grep X"08:58
EastDallastomkat: it's on the slash key right above enter08:58
nixjrardchoille, bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'08:58
pat|nGdo i need to format if i'll change my kde to gnome!?08:59
EastDallaspat|nG: no08:59
Eremitepat|nG, no08:59
ardchoillenixjr: for i in *.rar; do unrar e "$i"; done08:59
andrew_50nixjr: unrar e $108:59
ardchoillenixjr: sorry, typo08:59
EastDallaspat|nG: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:59
andrew_50too slow :)08:59
ardchoilleandrew_50: needs to be $i09:00
cairo__what's better, cron-apt or apticron?09:00
cairo__i need a script to mail me about package updates09:00
andrew_50ardchoille: That make me slow and incorrect as well :(09:00
ardchoilleandrew_50: time for coffee?09:00
andrew_50ardchoille: exactly :)09:01
pat|nGEastDallas: just doin that? wid out purging my kde?09:01
EastDallaspat|nG: yep09:02
pat|nGor do i have to purge and install gnome?09:02
pat|nGi see09:02
EastDallaspat|nG: after you install gnome you can choose whether you use kde or gnome when you log in.09:02
EastDallaspat|nG: under session type09:02
hiexpo? how do i get into to my source list i have duplicates in it09:03
trevorI only have gnome set up to start after a ./gnmoe --replace09:03
Copterwhats the linux equalivent to: set ENVIRONMENT_ID=my-test-beta ?09:03
nixjrardchoille, ah much thanks, i have 100+ 300mb archives, didnt feel like doing that manually09:03
ardchoillenixjr: hehe, understandable09:03
EastDallaspat|nG: if you want to remove kde completely: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome09:03
EastDallashiexpo: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:04
ardchoillenixjr: in case you're wondering, that is a for loop.. it looks for any file with the .rar extension, unpacks it and goes on to the next one09:04
ardchoille!gksudo EastDallas hiexpo09:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:05
hiexpoEastDallas: - thanks09:05
ardchoille!gksudo | EastDallas hiexpo09:05
ubottuEastDallas hiexpo: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:05
EastDallashiexpo: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:05
Shay521Hello , i installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my machine and later on i installed Windows 7 on new partition , the boot menu is gone and i want to restore the grub using the restoring manual , but the problem i dont have the Ubuntu 9.10 live cd with me , i have only Ubuntu 8.10 live cd , can i restore the grub using this cd ?09:06
hiexpoEastDallas: - got it thanks09:06
nixjrardchoille, ive written it down so i might adapt it for future uses09:07
EremiteShay521, I would assume you could.09:07
=== RaiN is now known as RaiN1
ardchoillenixjr: Good idea, just change the ".rar" and "unrar e" bits for diff file types09:08
l3nshi everyone09:09
butterycroissanthey buddy!09:09
l3nsi uninstalled my current gedit using sypnatic and downloaded the newest version which is 2.28. how do i install this new version? it;s .tar.gz file..09:10
indusl3ns, whats new in the newer version09:11
indusjust curious09:11
cairo__what's better, cron-apt or apticron?09:11
tiagospinabom dia09:11
tiagospinaalguem poderia ajudar com uma divida?09:12
Bactal3ns: Unpack it09:12
nixjrardchoille, strange, im looking at a system monitor, and it shows my dual core cpu with cpu1@50% and cpu2@30% usage, why are they not running as fast are possible to extract?09:12
BactaSounds like you'll need to build it09:12
Myrtti!pt | tiagospina09:12
ubottutiagospina: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.09:12
BactaWelcome to hell ;)09:12
ardchoillenixjr: no idea09:12
tiagospinaok tanks09:12
mrphow can i push ufw messages to a seperate log file?09:15
=== Last_Exile is now known as Guard1an
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:17
mkanyicyi have a 32-bit computer and I want to buy an nVidia AGP card and it says 'AGP 8x 64bit' and I am worried about that '64bit' description of the card, is it a right card for my PC?09:17
LITesterBwhat model?09:18
indusmkanyicy, doesnt matter what it says on the card, however this card seems rather old09:18
mkanyicyindus, what do you recommend then?09:19
indusmkanyicy, you trying to upgrade your card?is this a new card?09:19
LITesterBis this in a personal buy/sell print? they probably meant AGP 8x 64MB09:19
indusyeah probably its the ram09:19
* _Ovidiu is away: Gone away for now09:19
indus64 MB09:19
mkanyicyindus, I am afraid to buy stuff that will not work with my PC. my motherboard is Biostar P4M80-M409:20
mkanyicyLITesterB, indus it's 64bit and 256MB09:20
sandhyapost upgrade to karmic, console beeps are inaudible on my laptop.. any idea why?09:20
indusHMM ok09:20
indusmkanyicy, do you have an AGP slot?09:21
mkanyicyindus, LITesterB, I am not sure whether that means that it should be used to 64-bit computers or what09:21
indusah yes it has09:21
mkanyicyindus, yes I have one09:21
indusmkanyicy, any link for the card?09:21
mkanyicyindus, I was using ATI Radion X700 and it died09:21
LITesterBdo you have the model of the nvidia card?09:21
mkanyicyindus, here we go: http://www.kalahari.net/electronics/Gigabyte-NVIDIA-GeForce-6200/4585/34620212.aspx09:22
l3nsuhm guys, i am using 8.04 version now, how do i upgrade to 9.10?09:22
indusmkanyicy, aah a geforce 6200 , works fine09:22
mkanyicyLITesterB, http://www.kalahari.net/electronics/Gigabyte-NVIDIA-GeForce-6200/4585/34620212.aspx09:22
mkanyicyindus, so I must not worry about that '64bit' description ?09:22
Eremitel3ns, you can download the .iso from the internet or you can upgrade your current install by opening a terminal and typing: sudo apt-get install upgrade09:23
Flannel!upgrade | l3ns, Eremite09:23
ubottul3ns, Eremite: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:23
indusmkanyicy, where does it say 64 bit09:23
l3nsEremite, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:24
l3nsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:24
indusmkanyicy, as far as i know, there is no such thing when buying a graphichs card09:24
l3nsthat's after doing apt-get isntall upgrade09:24
indusmkanyicy, it looks out of stock though :)09:24
LITesterB256MB 64Bit GDDR209:24
icerootEremite: apt-get install upgrade != upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1009:24
JonathonHi. I have two HDDs, one with Vista and one with Ubuntu. Had some major problems on my Vista HDD and had to reinstall Vista. But now, when I turn on my computer, GRUB boot manager doesn't come up anymore. I can only get into Vista. I have tried holding down F8 at startup and booting from my Ubuntu HDD but it does not work. Is there anyway I can get the GRUB boot manager to come up when I turn my computer on again? Because right 09:24
indusmkanyicy, aah its talking about the memory interface09:24
Eremiteiceroot, OOPS, i though she said 9.04.  My mistake.09:25
indusmkanyicy, ddr 2 ram spec09:25
l3nsn3f@n3f-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install upgrade09:25
l3nsReading package lists... Done09:25
l3nsBuilding dependency tree09:25
l3nsReading state information... Done09:25
l3nsE: Couldn't find package upgrade09:25
indusmkanyicy, dont worry about all that09:25
FloodBot1l3ns: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:25
LITesterBmkanyicy yes I would say that card will work with your motherboard09:25
indusmkanyicy, for example my card is gddr 3 256 bit memory interface09:25
induspci express09:26
LITesterBhowever, #hardware would probably be a better place for advice of this nature09:26
rumpsyJonathon: if you have ubuntu cd, goto recovery mode and install grub again, or repair it09:26
EastDallasl3ns: it should be sudo apt-get upgrade   No 'install'09:26
indusmkanyicy, if you have the budget,buy a faster AGP09:26
hiexpook found my dubs and fixed thanks09:26
DJones!grub | Jonathon You'll need to resintall grub from a livecd or a supergrub disk, Ubottu's link has details of what you need to do, if you're on Karmic you'll need to follow instructions for grub2, if its an earlier version of ubuntu, you need the instructions for grub 109:26
ubottuJonathon You'll need to resintall grub from a livecd or a supergrub disk, Ubottu's link has details of what you need to do, if you're on Karmic you'll need to follow instructions for grub2, if its an earlier version of ubuntu, you need the instructions for grub 1: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ub09:26
l3nsEastDallas, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:27
l3nsit's not detecting any newer updates. :(09:27
JonathonThanks everyone... I will try that.09:27
EastDallasl3ns: that means there's nothing that needs to be upgraded09:27
l3nsi'm using 8.04,,,09:27
mkanyicyindus, can you recommend something, I am a bit a newbie in the hardware side of things09:28
EastDallasl3ns: and you want to upgrade to Karmic?09:28
indusmkanyicy, hmm tell me your complete system specs09:28
l3nsEastDallas, yes09:28
mkanyicyindus, the specifications of my motherboard are here: ftp://ftp.biostar-usa.com/manuals/P4M80-M4/P4M80M4manual.pdf09:28
indusmkanyicy, yeah saw that09:28
developerany good linux remote support softwares??09:29
indusdeveloper, lirc09:29
mkanyicyindus, I have pentium 4 with 1GB RAM and 250GB WD HDD and 320GB Seagate HDD. that's all09:29
developerindus: what it actually does??09:29
indusdeveloper, its the software which helps configure and run a IR remote09:30
indus!info lirc09:30
ubottulirc (source: lirc): infra-red remote control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 545 kB, installed size 2448 kB09:30
EmperiuMgood mornig ppl09:30
developerindus: i asked about remote support over internet09:30
EmperiuMis anybody in here?09:30
indusdeveloper, oh sorry09:30
l3nshow to check for my current version?09:30
hiexpoabout 1200 people09:31
EmperiuMI need some help please09:31
=== matthew is now known as Guest72917
sandhyapost upgrade to karmic, console beeps are inaudible on my laptop.. any idea why?09:31
developerEmperiuM: Just ask ur help and wait09:31
=== developer is now known as ranjan
indusmkanyicy, ok see if there are more powerful graphics options, try a 7000 serries card if available09:31
hiexpoask your ? and if some can help they will09:31
EmperiuMlast night I update my ubunti 9.10 and now the pc doesn't boot09:32
indussandhya, what is a console beep09:32
EastDallasl3ns: when you open the update manager doesn't it tell you that there's a new version available?09:32
EmperiuMIt list some commands09:32
sandhyaindus: like a system bell?09:32
ranjansandhya: try to configure in the sound configuration section09:32
ranjanEmperiuM: what commands09:32
indussandhya, try system>pref>sounds09:32
EmperiuMand I don't know09:32
indussandhya, system sounds09:32
l3nsEastDallas, nope it says no current updates available09:32
EmperiuM.[badram boot cat chainloader configfile cpuid dump echo exit export halt help initrd insmod linux list_env loopback ls lsmod parser.rescue parser.sh reader.normal reader.rescue reboot rmmod root save_env search set sleep source terminal_imput.console terminal_output.console test unset09:32
indusalerts and beeps09:32
sandhyaindus: I specifically use beep from the commandline, which is now inaudible post upgrade09:32
ranjanEmperiuM: what is shown??09:32
indussandhya, or try under audio properties from panel09:33
EmperiuM.[badram boot cat chainloader configfile cpuid dump echo exit export halt help initrd insmod linux list_env loopback ls lsmod parser.rescue parser.sh reader.normal reader.rescue reboot rmmod root save_env search set sleep source terminal_imput.console terminal_output.console test unset09:33
l3nsEastDallas, it says my system is up-to-date09:33
ranjanEmperiuM: oh that is the problem related to grub 209:33
EmperiuMcant I roleback ?09:33
indusmkanyicy, there are some agp ati cards also available example the radeon HD 467009:33
indusmkanyicy, try09:33
EmperiuMwent i type the command boot09:34
EastDallasl3ns: hit alt+f2 then type gksudo update-manager -c09:34
EmperiuMit says "no kernel loaded"09:34
sandhyausing KDE, and I had a look in system settings -> multimedia and system settings -> notifications09:34
sandhyaI can't hear the previews either09:34
mkanyicyindus, i had a lot of support issues with ATI on linux, i heard that nVidia has better linux support09:34
EastDallasl3ns: it should tell you at the very top that a new version of ubuntu is available.09:35
indusmkanyicy, bah thats old news09:35
indusmkanyicy, i just got a ATI 485009:35
indusworks good09:35
l3nsEastDallas, nothing happens09:35
indusi was using nvidia 3 years, recently changed but didnt have issues as people report09:35
indusmkanyicy, whats the price of that card ?09:36
mkanyicyindus, which one?09:36
indusmkanyicy, geforce 620009:37
mkanyicyindus, it's out of stock so I am not looking it anymore09:37
onatshello, when is the new ff version going to be released for ubuntu?09:37
rumpsyIf any indians here, i wish them in advance "Happy Republic Day"09:37
indusrumpsy, thanks09:37
tnt_How are official kernel compiled ? When taking a kernel.org file and using the _same_ config as an official kernel, make-kpkg makes me a "xenu-linux-image" and .deb and not a simple linux-image one. (But I want a kernel with official config that supports both domU and non-domU .. but named linux-image)09:38
EmperiuMwhat should I do to fixe the problem with grub 209:38
rumpsyindus, being an indian i have to ..09:38
EastDallasl3ns: try just update-manager -c  leave off the gksudo09:38
EremiteHi Open Source lovers!  Like noise, experimental audio and weird sounds? http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=chvnx  Free PUBLIC DOMAIN audio by me, for you.09:38
Eremitecrap, wrong channel09:38
Unhammerhey, how can I check what wifi driver is being used by the ubuntu live cd?09:38
coz_EmperiuM,   sorry didnt see your post  ...what is the issue with grub?09:39
ZykoticK9mupen64plus (from google code page - bin version 1.9 cli only, repo version seems broken) everything works Except the A and B buttons are backwards!  Suggestions?09:39
EmperiuM.[badram boot cat chainloader configfile cpuid dump echo exit export halt help initrd insmod linux list_env loopback ls lsmod parser.rescue parser.sh reader.normal reader.rescue reboot rmmod root save_env search set sleep source terminal_imput.console terminal_output.console test unset09:39
l3nsEastDallas, works, but it's saying still my system is up-to-date09:39
blacksunis rm *.rnd the same as mv *.rnd /dev/null09:39
l3nshow do I check for my os version?09:39
EastDallasl3ns:  hit 'check'09:39
blacksunl3ns, uname -a09:39
coz_l3ns,   lsb_release -a09:39
soreauZykoticK9: a) use a real controller b) use a for b and vice versa09:40
l3nsLinux n3f-desktop 2.6.24-26-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 1 18:37:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux09:40
indusrumpsy, happy republic day yo too09:40
industomorrow that is09:40
ZykoticK9soreau, it is an N64 controller, it's cli only NO interface to configure buttons!!!09:40
Eremitel3ns, in terminal type: cat /etc/issue09:40
l3nsEastDallas, already hit the check button, still the sname09:40
soreauZykoticK9: the config file is in .config/mupen64plus/09:41
rumpsyindus: yes \o/09:41
l3nsthanks Eremite yea it's Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS \n \l09:41
Myrttionats: karmic? officially, never09:41
EremiteYou're welcome, l3ns09:41
l3nsbut why it ain't detecting newer version available?09:41
Eremitel3ns, you dont have the newer version installed :D09:42
coz_l3ns,    update-manager -d09:42
l3nsEremite, yes and that's why I would want to upgrade it :D09:42
Eremitel3ns, do you have a cd burner and a CD or DVD?09:42
l3nscoz_, still the same..09:43
Eremitel3ns, if you have a DVD or CD burner and a CD, visit http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download09:43
coz_l3ns,   yes^^  you may want to burn the newer version... a clean install is far preferable then an upgrade09:44
l3nsbut i don't have a rom on this machine09:44
Eremitecoz_, you couldnt be more correct.  I upgraded instead of a fresh install to karmic, and there was soooo many problems.09:44
indusmkanyicy, hi09:44
indusmkanyicy, so what have you decided09:45
coz_Eremite,  it happens quite often  so  I understand :)09:45
l3nswhich is lts version, 9.10 or 9.04?09:45
indusl3ns, 10.0409:45
jpdsl3ns: Neither09:45
ardchoillel3ns: 8.04 and soon to be 10.0409:46
l3nsahh. when is 10.04 be released?09:46
EastDallasl3ns: Go to System > Administration > Software Sources:  then choose Normal releases in the Show new distribution releases drop-down menu09:46
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:46
Myrttil3ns: as the 10.04 implies, april09:46
EremiteLucid in April, right?09:46
EmperiuMI think is better to install ubutu again09:46
EastDallasl3ns: then alt+f2 update-manager -d09:46
ardchoille10.04 (year.month)09:46
tm^xwhen is firefox 3.6 going to be in the repo?09:47
ardchoilletm^x: It won't, we don't get new versions unless it's part of a security upgrade or major bug fix09:48
EastDallasl3ns: I don't think you can upgrade directly to karmic.  You'll have to go to 8.10, then to 9.04, then to 9.1009:48
newbuntusersimple question I'm sure, I've searched all I can but am still having trouble with permissions09:48
newbuntuserif I sudo chown 777 /Share09:49
blacksundamnit. what is the chmod number for /dev/null09:49
l3nsEastDallas, got it mate, it's showing 8.10 now..09:49
newbuntusershouldn't that give me full access for all users?09:49
rumpsyi think its 00009:49
Eremitenewbuntuser,  chown -R username /foldername/09:49
ardchoillenewbuntuser: I wrote a tutorial on file permission: http://ardchoille42.blogspot.com/2009/08/linux-file-permissions.html09:49
=== RaiN is now known as Guest90234
newbuntuseroh -R09:49
EastDallasl3ns: I totally forgot that wasn't selected by default.09:49
EastDallasnewbuntuser: it should be chmod not chown09:50
Guest90234are you there?09:50
rumpsyGuest90234: What, who are you?09:50
Guest90234This is RaiN09:51
CopterHi. I downloaded java jre 1.6.18 and unpacked it but when i do java -version from any place of the system i get the version 1.6.1509:51
l3nsEastDallas, thanks =)09:51
Copterhow do i uninstall 15?09:51
Guest90234how are you rumpsy?09:51
newbuntuserso sudo chown user /folder09:51
rumpsyGuest90234: o_O , fine don't confuse me09:52
Guest90234I cant use my Name :(09:52
Guest90234dunno why09:52
tm^xardchoille: hmm ok09:52
Guest90234back to our topic .. can we?!09:53
newbuntuserEast Dallas: I can access it fine with sudo sh, but not without sudo09:53
rumpsyyou have to register09:53
rumpsy!register | Guest9023409:53
ubottuGuest90234: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode09:53
Guest90234RaiN appears in my Screen ..09:53
rumpsyWhat client you are using?09:53
newbuntuserit's a mount point, could that be why?09:53
=== EmperiuM is now known as emperium
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
rumpsyfollow those rules, and register you nick09:55
IndustrialNetbeans 6.8 is out. Still 6.7 in synaptic. Can I somehow upgrade (through the package manager) to 6.8 ?09:55
EastDallasnewbuntuser: chmod -R 755 mydirectory09:55
Guest90234I am in synaptic packager manger now rumpsy09:55
l3nsEastDallas, is it possible to go back to 8.04 after upgrading to 8.10?09:56
Guest90234what will I do next?09:56
EastDallasnewbuntuser: you want to give everyone access to the directory and it's contents, correct?09:56
rumpsyDo you want to remove that linux kernel, which you installed recently09:56
EastDallasl3ns: not that i'm aware of, not without reinstalling.09:56
Guest90234the old version I think09:56
rwwl3ns: no09:56
Guest90234the .1409:56
rumpsyWhich one you want to remove09:57
l3nshmm EastDallas rww okay...09:57
StudentThanks EastDallas. You just solved my problem before I could finish typing it. :)09:57
StudentEastDallas Here it was: "I was using fedora and made a few folders and now I switched to Ubuntu and it's saying I cant access them because I'm not the owner. Can anyone help?"09:57
EremiteStudent, access them in terminal with sudo?09:58
newbuntuserEastDallas: yes all so I can change with file manager09:58
EastDallasStudent: well, that's one way to solve it....you can change ownership using chown09:58
newbuntuserEastDallas: using my user account not rood09:58
ZykoticK9soreau, thanks you pushed me in the right direction!  mupen64plus.conf doesn't seem to have any joy mappings by default, so I originally tried to edit blight_input.conf which was referenced as the input plugin from mupen64plus.conf but swapping the buttons 4 and 5 ( A and B ) had no effect -- BUT the file mupen64plus.cfg did have the mappings and making the swap worked :)  Thanks again.09:58
StudentEastDallas: Yeah I still need to read up on the commands parameters.09:59
Guest90234does ubuntu 9.10 don't support Restart?09:59
newbuntuserEastDallas: It's a mount point so -R might not be ideal right?09:59
EastDallasnewbuntuser: you should be able to access after modifying the permissions using chmod.09:59
EremiteGuest90234, you can use reboot instead.09:59
rumpsyGuest90234: search that in synaptic package manager09:59
EastDallasnewbuntuser: Do you need to take ownership or change permissions?09:59
Guest90234Eremite how will I do that?10:00
luxoFluxStudent: sudo nautilus gives you a filemanager with root rights. Then set ownership of the files to your user.10:00
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:00
Guest90234what am I going to search rumpsy?10:00
EastDallasnewbuntuser: the -R would be appropriate is you want to change all of the contents to777, but that's pretty unlikely.10:00
StudentluxoFlux: Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind.10:00
newbuntuserEast Dallas: chmod has no effect, and no error!10:00
EremiteType reboot instead of restart?  You were asking about terminal commands, no?10:00
rumpsyi believe that one is old10:01
verb3kWhat is the best way to extract vobsubs on linux?10:01
rumpsyif you found that, remove it10:01
newbuntuserEastDallas: I'd like to take ownership, I had to mount with sudo.  So default was root then.  maybe at mount time would be a way to set uid?10:01
EastDallasnewbuntuser: exactly10:02
archboxmanJust to let you ubuntu users know I just installed ArchLinux it is not easy ;)10:02
Guest90234nothing appears10:03
Guest90234but when I try ubuntu, linux 2.6.31-14-generic it appears10:03
rumpsyokay remove it10:03
rumpsyGuest90234: ^^10:03
EastDallasnewbuntuser: you should be able to add uid= to the mount command10:04
zetheroowhy won't Ubuntu recognise my 4gb of RAM?10:04
rumpsy!mount | newbuntuser10:04
ubottunewbuntuser: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:04
archboxmanNo more like you have to configure xorg which is your x windows system and grub and rc.conf when all that is done by the Ubuntu install10:04
coz_zetheroo,  did you install the 64 bit or 32 bit ubuntu?10:05
zetheroocoz_: uhm .. 32 I think10:05
Guest90234Latest Version                                         Description10:05
Guest902342.                                         Linux kernel source with Ubuntu Patches10:05
Guest90234This what appears10:05
coz_zetheroo,  ok that's why...32 bit limit of memory recognition is as most 3.5 gigs10:05
Guest90234Should I remove it?10:05
zetheroocoz_: well it says 2.9GB here ...10:06
trollboyis there a trick I can use to see if a file is a binary or a txt?10:06
coz_zetheroo,   ok   is this a 64 bit system?10:06
zetheroocoz_: how can i get the most out of my 4GB?10:06
rumpsywell, check it before you have .17 installed10:06
zetheroocoz_: dunno ... C2D10:06
frogzoo32 bits is 4 gig in actual fact - there's some bios or other consideration that limits 32bit to 3.5gig10:06
rumpsyif then , unistall, or remove10:06
coz_zetheroo,  well if the system is 64 bit then download and install  the 64 bit edition of ubunti10:06
coz_zetheroo,  hold on10:06
zetheroocoz_: its a laptop .. Thinkpad R61 ...10:07
archboxmanapt-get install or apt-get remove10:07
newbuntuserubotto:I'm attaching a shared drive to a folder10:07
rumpsyi like thinkpad Laptops10:07
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)10:07
zetheroocoz_: C2D T9300 ....10:07
rumpsynewbuntuser: don't talk to bot10:07
pranavcan any body tell me abt virtual box pls???10:08
coz_zetheroo,  ok hold on10:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:08
newbuntuserrumpsy: haha10:08
rumpsy!virtual box10:08
EastDallasnewbuntuser is this an ntfs volume?10:08
archboxmannewbuntuser: its there for information10:08
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:08
newbuntuserubotto: thx bot10:08
rumpsypranav: ^^10:09
newbuntuserEastDallas: it's through VirtualBox shared folder10:09
pranav(03:38:26  IST) rumpsy can you  body tell me abt virtual box pls???10:09
archboxmanVirtualbox is a sandbox and will not spread a virus to rest of your computer...that bot won't tell you that10:09
coz_zetheroo,  in terminal  uname -m10:09
zetheroodoes 64bit Ubuntu work as well as the 32bit version?10:09
newbuntusersudo mount -o uid=1000 -t vboxsf desktop /home/xuse/Desktop/macdesktop/ finally worked10:09
rumpsyIts like emulator like, you can install windows in linuxBOx using VirtualBox10:10
zetheroocoz_: i68610:10
EastDallasnewbuntuser: cool10:10
edecazetheroo: Yes, on 64 bit hardware10:10
newbuntusertxh fer helping me think about it10:10
archboxmanrumpsy: I use playonlinux much better runs wine ;)10:10
coz_zetheroo, mm  that is 32 bit10:10
newbuntuserweird chmod didn't do anything10:10
zetheroocoz_: so i cannot even use a 64bit OS on this machine?10:11
coz_zetheroo,  correct10:11
=== xomas_ is now known as xomas
archboxmannewbuntuser: are you using su or sudo???10:11
=== Guest90234 is now known as RaiN
newbuntuserarchboxman: sudo, is su better?10:11
RaiN<< does it change to RaiN ??10:12
coz_zetheroo,   when you boot into ubuntu there is a memory test option10:12
rumpsypranav: In simple its a package which helps to run two types of OS in a single windows10:12
=== RaiN is now known as Guest17405
zetheroocoz_: what would the point be of creating a machine that can use 4GB of RAM but will not allow any OS that utilises that RAM!? very strange10:12
rumpsypranav: In simple its a package which helps to run two types of OS in a single window10:12
EastDallasnewbuntuser: I had a similar prob before with an ntfs partition, and I had to take ownership, couldn't do anything else.  I used ntfs-config....I had just started using ubuntu.10:12
rumpsyI mean singleBox10:12
coz_zetheroo,  well that's a good question... I have no answer for you thouogh....10:12
archboxmanewook: su is for root commands and sudo runs one root command10:12
=== Guest17405 is now known as RaiN88
rumpsyif you don't know about virtualBox don't mess with it10:13
coz_zetheroo,  just to be on the safe side...when you boot into ubuntu   there should be a memory test option...you could run that to be sure all memory is fine...however it still wont recognize 4 gigs10:13
rumpsyLeave that !10:13
rwwzetheroo: The T9300 supports 64bit just fine.10:13
IndustrialNetbeans 6.8 is out. Still 6.7 in synaptic. Can I somehow upgrade (through the package manager) to 6.8 ?10:13
Guest34402now upgrade firefox to 3.6  my os ubuntu 9.10 ?10:13
coz_rww,   ah cool10:13
zetheroorww: does it?10:13
archboxmanewook: in some linux installs you have to add urself to the sudo group ,but Ubuntu does it for you10:13
rwwzetheroo: yes10:13
coz_zetheroo,  there you go10:13
zetheroocoz_: cool10:13
rumpsyhey rww o/10:13
rwwcoz_: uname gives the architecture of the current OS, not whether the machine itself is 64-bit capable.10:14
zetheroorww: do I have to reinstall everything from scratch? ... can i just upgrade or something to 64bit?10:14
indusrww, how about uname -r10:14
newbuntuserEastDallas: it's alla bout permissions eh?  I'd still like to see things more simple with permissions, 1 plus 3 plus 4 equals 7, of course!!10:14
rwwzetheroo: you have to reinstall10:14
coz_rww,   right   forgot about that     I am thinking dmidecode may help not sure10:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:14
EastDallasnewbuntuser: haha10:14
rwwindus: all of the various uname parameters give the architecture of the current OS.10:14
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.510:14
indusrww, hmm yes10:14
coz_zetheroo,  download the 64 bit edition of ubuntu and burn that to cd10:15
rwwindus: the point of uname is to give OS info, not machine info :)10:15
zetheroorww: can 64bit run everything that 32bit does in Ubuntu?10:15
dnivrazetheroo, you could try installing linux kernel pae. i use 32 bit ubuntu with this kernel to use the whole 4GB.(saying this just in case no one told you this)10:15
coz_zetheroo,  then reinstall the entire system10:15
zetheroodnivra: so there is a 32bit kernel that can use all 4GB of RAM?10:15
ewookarchboxman: ?10:16
archboxmanI use firefox 3.5 on archlinux becuase they use bleeding edge packages kinda weird10:16
archboxmanewook: ues10:16
newbuntuserEastDallas: now hopefully it will be persistent upon reboot10:16
rwwzetheroo: there are a tiny number of packages in the 32-bit repositories that aren't in the 64-bit repositories. You will likely never come across them.10:16
StudentOh so thats what the PAE kernel does... :)10:16
frogzoozetheroo: most everything, so almost10:16
coz_zetheroo,    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131276310:16
rumpsyzetheroo: try to install 32-bit kernel10:16
dnivrazetheroo, not exactly but yeah there is a way to use the whole 4GB ram in 32 bit systems.10:16
ewookarchboxman: you're tabbing wrong.10:16
coz_zetheroo,  I have not tried that however10:16
dnivrazetheroo, 32 bit OS Ubuntu version*10:16
EastDallasGuest34402: http://www.getfirefox.com10:16
RaiN88<<< Am I now RaiN ???10:16
archboxmanewook: what do you mean??? explain10:17
zetheroodnivra: so what I am running is not 32bit OS?10:17
frogzoodnivra: any clue as to what's involved in enabling the last 0.5 gig on 32 bit?10:17
ewookarchboxman: you're spamming me. I haven't asked anything.10:17
coz_zetheroo,  you are running 32 bit OS10:17
ikoniafrogzoo: to enable more than 3.5 gig of ram you either need to use the 32bit PAE kernel, or install a 64bit OS10:17
coz_zetheroo,   in terminal do   sudo dmidecode   and move down to the Processor Informatoin10:18
zetherooso why are people saying to install the 32bit kernel ?10:18
dnivrafrogzoo, for me it's satisfaction that ubuntu is detecting the whole 4GB and not just win10:18
frogzooikonia: interesting..10:18
rumpsyzetheroo: in to app of 64bit you have to install a lib !10:18
zetheroo coz_: ok10:18
dnivrazetheroo, 32 bit PAE kernel I think is what they mean.10:18
IndustrialNetbeans 6.8 is out. Still 6.7 in synaptic. Can I somehow upgrade (through the package manager) to 6.8 ?10:18
coz_zetheroo,  under  "Family"  it should tell you the type of processor you have onboard10:18
archboxmanewook: sorry, I use irssi for irc and I have a yellow background picture with yellow highlights for names sorry hard to read names with have to change picture or theme??? Sorry ;)10:18
ewookarchboxman: if you're running from a x-terminal, just change it to white text, and black background..10:19
EastDallasGuest34402: They may not put Firefox 3.6 in the repositories for Karmic.  Ubuntu likes to approve certain versions of applications for each version of Ubuntu, and only release security updates and bug fixes.10:19
zetheroocoz_: Other - ha10:19
rumpsyarchboxman: i tag you, i like irssi10:19
coz_zetheroo,  it says  "other" ?10:19
zetheroocoz_: yeah10:19
archboxmanewook: great program thanks for the advice ;)10:19
coz_zetheroo,   what is the make and model of this again?10:19
ewookarchboxman: I know. I run it too.10:20
archboxmancant beat irssi10:20
zetheroocoz_: Intel C2D T9300 2.5GHZ 6MB Cache10:20
coz_zetheroo,  no i menat the laptop itself10:20
zetheroocoz_: Thinkpad R6110:20
archboxmanewook: dont know why people complain about irssi hard to set up found it easy to setup and run10:21
Copterhow do i get sudo rights in ubuntu to write within the file system explorer?10:21
Copterso i can copy to usr/ etc?10:21
jellowCopter: gksu nautilus10:22
LaibschCan I somehow have update-grub add a line "savedefault 0" to all kernel entries?  I know "savedefault" is possible, but I need "savedefault 0"10:22
Copterjellow: what? :o10:22
frogzooCopter: if you don't know, you shouldn't be poking about there10:22
zetheroocoz_: in the other info it shows 2GB in each bank10:22
adelie42how do I mount a usb storage device? http://paste.ubuntu.com/362501/10:22
jellowCopter: Open terminal => gksu nautilus10:23
frogzooadelie42: if it doesn't work when you plug it in, best you can do is hope for a kernel update10:23
archboxmanCopter: cp command to copy in terminal probably going to neeed to be su or sudo10:23
coz_zetheroo,  right it should see it but a 32 bit OS cant use it all  you need to go to ubuntu.com and download the 64 bit edition of ubuntu and install that10:23
AcheronHello, anyone know how to setup a proper apt server? (reprepro)10:23
coz_zetheroo,  or change the kernel as suggested by dnivra10:24
zetheroook so the 64bit version of Ubuntu is as good as the 32bit version right? no incompatibilities or hardware issues etc?10:24
=== oliver__ is now known as saftsack
Studentzetheroo: You will have to install flash yourself. But it's not hard.10:24
coz_zetheroo,  as far as I am aware it should be fine10:24
archboxmanzetheroo: no sometimes flash has issues10:24
EastDallas!bots | archboxman10:24
ubottuarchboxman: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:24
dnivracoz_, don't you think zetheroo should just install the kernel rather than bother installing the whole system from scratch? it's a logical choice right?10:25
zetheroocoz_: will doing that other thing to the kernel make anything else not work that currenty is?10:25
jellow!iso | jellow10:25
ubottujellow, please see my private message10:25
coz_dnivra,  I would guess that depends on how experienced he is no?10:25
adelie42frogzoo: so what works is pretty smart, but that's it? The device is thoroughly recognized and doesn't encounter any errors when it connects10:25
dnivracoz_, true.10:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:25
=== John is now known as Guest25293
rumpsyzetheroo: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/534 try this10:25
coz_zetheroo,  well If you are not expeienced with kernel changes then I would just install the 64 bit edition of ubuntu10:25
zetheroodnivra: yeah .. how much does it take to install this other kernel? ... and will all my apps and such still work ? or maybe yes maybe no?10:25
archboxman!linux commands10:26
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:26
rumpsyzetheroo: you have to install lib3210:26
zetheroocoz_: right10:26
dnivrazetheroo, I've been using the kernel with no problems. and of course i've got the 32 bit kernel as backup: the entry is still in grub.10:26
luxoFluxzetheroo: I think skype doesn't run on 64 bits as it's not open source.10:26
archboxmanstupid bot10:26
coz_zetheroo,  perhaps speak with dnivra  about the installation of this kernel10:26
dnivracoz_, you can handle it no problem:). we're a community right?10:27
archboxmanluxoFlux: everyone is having trouble run skype in 64 along with flash10:27
zetheroorumpsy: is that all?10:27
ikoniaarchboxman: no they are not - please don't make stuff up10:27
coz_dnivra,  you have the experience with installing this particular kernel   I dont10:27
ikoniaarchboxman: there are problems for some users, but it' snot everyone10:27
rumpsyyes, you have to install ia3210:27
gustavonareaHi. I removed Evolution and now I can't log in anymore on Ubuntu. After I enter my password, I get back to GDM. Is there any log I could check to see what happens? Or do you know what's going on?10:27
dnivracoz_, oh ok.10:27
EastDallasarchboxman: the flash problem was resolved long ago10:28
archboxmanikonia: Running arch linux we can't get it run in 6410:28
zetheroodnivra: is this true? :)10:28
rumpsyzetheroo: installing ia32 may fix your problem, then try to install skype10:28
ikoniaEastDallas: there still are flash problems, but it's certainly a minority user10:28
gustavonareaOh, I also create a new user and tried to log in, but the problem was still there10:28
dnivrazetheroo, if you plan to install the kernel check out http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/10:28
ikoniaarchboxman: this is Ubuntu support - please don't reference arch problems in here10:28
zetheroorumpsy: uhm ... I already have Skype installed10:28
JonathonCan someone direct me to the instructions for burning ISOs to CDs properly? I'm trying to get Super GRUB Disk onto a CD-ROM, and I know there was a special way to put the ISO on properly so it would boot correctly. Where can I find this? Thanks.10:28
coz_zetheroo,  let me see if there are any tutorial pages about this10:28
dnivrazetheroo, is what true? which comment are you referring to?10:28
archboxmansorry going to Load LinuxMint got to go10:28
brand0ngustavonarea, try reinstall evolution10:28
zetheroodnivra: the lib32 needing to be installed10:28
gustavonareabrand0n: already did that :(10:29
archboxmanmaybe debian not sure yet10:29
adelie42JonathanD: right click iso and burn. it will work because the iso is raw10:29
brand0ntry failsafe gnome10:29
StudentJonathon: Are you using Ubuntu?10:29
ikoniaarchboxman: off you go then10:29
brand0ngustavonarea, did you try failsafe gnome10:29
dnivrazetheroo, lib32 to run the PAE kernel? I don't think so. i just installed the packages as stated in that link i gave you10:29
rumpsyzetheroo: my recommendation is don't use 32bit kernel for 64bit processor10:29
JonathonStudent: I'm on Vista trying to get back to Ubuntu10:30
zetheroodnivra: ok10:30
theadminrumpsy: A good one :D I think zat is obvious10:30
zetheroorumpsy: ok ... why?10:30
Guest34402help me now to Fullscreen game stargraft wine my os ubuntu 9.1010:30
adelie42how do I mount a usb storage device? http://paste.ubuntu.com/362501/10:30
theadminGuest34402: Uh, ask on #winehq. First off look in settings...10:30
brand0nGuest34402, nice english10:30
dnivrarumpsy, please enlighten me on that too. why 32 bit kernel is not good for 64 bit kernel?10:30
StudentJonathon: Then I recomend CDBurnerXP and it will bring up a menu that says burn ISO. I doon't remember if vista has a iso burner built in.10:30
=== Guest34402 is now known as orion76
archboxmanLast idea I will leave the community with http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/42/10:30
brand0nbest windows iso burner is imgburn10:31
JonathonThanks guys I'll have a look at those10:31
Studentbrand0n: but doesn't that cost money?10:31
jellowadelie42: nautilus should bick it up so on pannel =>  Places => click on usb device10:31
brand0nits freeware10:31
zetheroorumpsy: is there a reason why its better to run the 64bit version instead of this?10:31
Studentbrand0n: oh ok10:31
rumpsy32bit kernels are prepared with limitations with 32bit processor! its not fit for 64bit until you install 64bit kernel10:31
jellowadelie42: Or youc an use terminal10:31
EastDallasJonathon: you don't have to do anything special, just burn it using nero, infrarecorder, or whatever software you like10:31
zetheroorumpsy: so will it damage my hardware to do this?10:32
gustavonareabrand0n: I'm trying to, but I cannot find the list of sessions I could use. Where is it in Ubuntu Karmic?10:32
coz_zetheroo,  I have heard nothing wrong with using the PAE kernel...however I have no experience with it at all so  any suggestions at this point are going to be from those that have used it :)10:32
StudentAll this talk of installing 64 bit Ubuntu is making me think of switching. :P10:32
rumpsyzetheroo: no, but your memory will not be used fully10:32
zetheroocoz_: no worries .. thanks for all your help :)10:33
zetheroorumpsy: so it will but it won't ...10:33
coz_zetheroo,  no problem and good luck with whichever diceision you make10:33
StudentI don't think I need to switch since there isn't mtoo much of a performance difference. Well I might for video\audio encoding. But I only have 2GB of ram anyways.10:33
adelie42jellow: everything looks right, and it is assigned a device, but in addition to it not recognizing any kind of partition, gparted nor the new "disk manager" even see its existance10:33
saftsackhi, my alsa can't find any soundcard. lspci lists my soundcard, modules are also loaded correctly by alsa.10:33
=== sevacris is now known as CRISTIAN
jellowadelie42: look at any erros in dmesg10:34
rumpsyzetheroo: if you have more doubts, look in wiki about 32bit kernel limitations and 64bit kernel advantages10:34
zetheroorumpsy: the thing is that I need the use of all the apps I am using ... and that includes Skype ... among others ... I don't need mroe limitations ... but I also would like my new dual channel RAM to work :)10:34
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=== traveller_ is now known as traveller
suigenerisis there a bug in chown? I type chown and the first two or three characters of the user, hit tab and user\: comes up. then I try adding the same user as the group and tab doesn't accept it. what gives?10:34
Ari_LazarusHey guys. I was trying to make a shortcut / symlink, but I need to pass it some arguments which are in a windows type format. How can I do this?10:35
adelie42jellow: that was what I posted, and no, no errors. Bus 1 Device 4 scsi 1110:35
khrissguys can i have a support regarding my video card driver for my laptop?10:35
atomfoxmsg nickserv identify redsix10:35
theadminDoes anybody know how to stop different things making files like "filename.ext~"? I usually have to often do "rm -rf *~ && rm -rf .*~"10:35
adelie42jellow: and type 010:35
susanin-domКто знает когда заработает форум?10:35
theadminsusanin-dom: English please. Но я хз :D10:36
dnivratheadmin, are you using gedit?10:36
theadmindnivra: Usually.10:36
jellowadelie42: I see sorry , Not sure i can help you , Possibly try in windows not very helpful i know =/10:36
khrisswhere can i get Sis 671/771 mirage 3 drivers for ubuntu 9.10 and how can i maximize my resolution to 1360x768?10:36
ardchoillesusanin-dom: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке10:36
psycho_oreos!ru | susanin-dom10:36
ubottususanin-dom: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:36
dnivratheadmin, you can switch off create backups in gedit. that way you won't see those files.10:36
zetheroodnivra: so this is all you did?   sudo sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server10:36
theadmindnivra: Okay, looking for that10:36
dnivrazetheroo, yeah10:37
atomfoxtheadmin, Sir do you know hot to fix the random freeze in ubuntu 9.10. I always experience it... ^_^10:37
suigenerisatomfox you should change your password at once10:37
susanin-dommy english is not very good.10:37
adelie42jellow: hmm... probably got a live XP cd somewhere. I'll look for it  :( thanks anyway10:37
theadminatomfox: Me? I don't have anything to do with it.10:37
atomfoxyup I know10:37
TisssppHi I recently installed xubuntu-desktop followed by kubuntu-desktop onto ubuntu to experience them, but now the ugly kubuntu cursor is there and won't go away. And trying to change it in the theme settings doesn't work neither.10:37
theadminAnyway, susanin-dom wonders when forums will be back up10:37
atomfoxsuigeneris, yup I know10:37
zetheroodnivra: and your system is now using over 3GB of ram?10:37
dnivrazetheroo, 3.8GB10:37
susanin-domanybody khow when forum will be good?10:38
zetheroodnivra: so you also have 4GB in your system ...10:38
dnivrazetheroo, yes I do.10:38
khrisswhere can i get Sis 671/771 mirage 3 drivers for ubuntu 9.10 and how can i maximize my resolution to 1360x768?10:38
jellowhow i tun a file into an iso?10:38
luxoFluxwhat package do i need to install to get the services start/stop utility in my desktop ubuntu menu?10:39
AcheronCan anyone help me with a reprepro apt server?10:39
theadminsusanin-dom: У меня форум работает нормально // Forums work for me10:39
coz_Acheron,  I know nothing about it however ..if no one here can help you could also try the ##linux on freenode or  #linux on efnet server10:40
StudentluxoFlux: For me it's preinstalled in System->Administration->Services is this what you meant?10:40
luxoFluxStudent: Yes i don't have it. My previous install had it.10:41
dnivrazetheroo, but as rumpsy said the 32 bit might not be the best on the 64bit architecture. I've not used the 64 bit version so I don't know. I'm happy it works faster that win vista 64 bit so don't wanna change. never had the need to change.10:41
dnivrazetheroo, 32 bit kernel*10:41
atomfoxanyone here experiencing the random freeze in ubuntu 9.10?10:42
theadminatomfox: Sometimes happens to me, no idea wtf10:42
StudentluxoFlux: Ok found it. Go to synaptic package manager and search for system-services10:42
jellow!img | jellow10:42
coz_zetheroo,  they do make a point here.... since you have  64 bit architecture it may be best to use the 64 bit ubuntu   and other than having to install flash manually... apparenlty it works just as well :)10:42
luxoFluxStudent : thanks10:42
StudentluxoFlux: Np just let me know if it helps :)10:43
theadminjellow: There is no such ubottu command as "!img"10:43
ardchoilleStudent: Any way to get that on Karmic?10:43
Studentardchoille: Get what?10:43
zetheroo coz_: except for skype!?10:43
coz_zetheroo,  rather you have 64 bit hardware10:43
ardchoilleStudent: system-services10:43
coz_zetheroo,  oh  mmmm10:43
Studentardchoille: I'm on Jaunty but it should work for Karmic too10:44
coz_zetheroo,  then the other alternative is to do nothing10:44
atomfoxtheadmin, I hope somebody could find I fix for it, been solving it for 1 week, and still the freezing occurs10:44
ardchoille!info system-services10:44
ubottuPackage system-services does not exist in karmic10:44
coz_zetheroo,   and just accespt the amount of memory recognized and go from there10:44
ardchoilleStudent: ^^10:44
theadminatomfox: Usually it's something with hardware10:44
Studentardchoille: Hmm interesting.10:44
jellowtheadmin: i know was jut a shot in the dark trying to mount an .img10:44
ardchoilleStudent: could be due to the move away from sysinit system10:45
psycho_oreosjellow, you need something like cdemu10:45
atomfoxtheadmin, I'm not sure, how about you? do you still experience it?10:45
theadminjellow: IMG? You can try "mount -o loop file.img ~/somedir", but I don't know... this works with ISO's10:45
Studentardchoille: I decided not to go to karmic because it didn't work for me too well. Maybe since It's been a while I'll give it another try.10:45
theadminatomfox: Rarely10:45
psycho_oreostheadmin, highly doubt that will work10:45
sera|worka freshly installed server 9.10 just shows GRUB_ and nothing else at boot ... i already reinstalled, same error. any ideas?10:46
Studentardchoille: Are you having any troubles with: 9.10?10:46
jellowpsycho_oreos: just convert it to iso10:46
ardchoilleStudent: Not a bit10:46
theadminjellow: Actually, try to get disc images in ISO format, those are only ones that get mounted for me10:46
psycho_oreosjellow, yeah that is another way, maybe with binchunker :)10:46
suigenerisis there a bug in chown? I type chown and the first two or three characters of the user, hit tab and user\: comes up. then I try adding the same user as the group and tab doesn't accept it. what gives?10:46
ardchoilleStudent: But I build my own computers from parts that I already know work with Ubuntu10:46
Studentardchoille: Hmm well in a bit I think I'll give 9.10 64 bit a try. Thanks :)10:46
jellowtheadmin: tried that kept asking for a filesystem10:47
theadminjellow: Ah, then it's not gonna work :/10:47
Studentardchoille: I think I first tried when it was an alpha so....10:47
psycho_oreosjellow, though the good thing about cdemu is that it has the capability to emulate a virtual cd/dvd drive.. much like like how daemontools work on win3210:47
ardchoilleStudent: yeah, I didn';t install it until this month, didn't want any of the hassle others were having10:47
luxoFluxStudent : no that package doesn't exist on my system.10:48
theadminWhat is the proper way to mount an NTFS filesystem? "ntfs-3g /dev/somedrive" or "mount /dev/somedrive"?10:48
rumpsytheadmin: lol10:48
StudentluxoFlux are you on 9.10?10:48
psycho_oreostheadmin, either will work I think.. though ntfs-3g is probably better than ntfs itself10:48
theadminrumpsy: Uh... huh?10:48
Miraclehi people I'm trying to compile my first kernel and was wondering if i need to provide support for both x86 and x64 or would x64 be enough?10:48
rumpsytheadmin: sudo fdisk -l10:48
psycho_oreosMiracle, depends on your applicants10:48
theadminrumpsy: That lists, not mounts10:49
jellowpsycho_oreos: sounds usefull , will have a look10:49
psycho_oreosMiracle, s/applicants/applications10:49
rumpsytheadmin: then, look what drive you want10:49
luxoFluxStudent: yes desktop iso10:49
psycho_oreosjellow, the only downfall is that getting it to work is quite awkward, just be forewarned10:49
theadminrumpsy: Uh... no, I just ask what is the proper command to mount NTFS10:49
StudentluxoFlux I was told that specific package isn't on 9.10. I'll try to find it out.10:49
rumpsytheadmin: this is command, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /home/theadmin/mounted10:49
psycho_oreostheadmin, mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<hd> /mnt/some_point10:49
Miraclepsycho_oreos ok are there apps that only work in x86 or usually there both?10:50
theadminrumpsy: /home/theadmin doesn't exist. Why not use ~? This would be more universal.10:50
psycho_oreosMiracle, not off my head, but moreso are the drivers that could be an issue for example10:50
zetheroois there an Ubuntu chat for the 64bit version?10:50
rumpsytheadmin: ^^, that was an example, you have to choose exact hdd and location to mount10:50
Miracleoreo ah ok thx10:50
Myrttizetheroo: this is it10:50
theadminzetheroo: There are many IM clients for x64 ubuntu10:50
rumpsytheadmin: got it? worked?10:51
psycho_oreosMiracle, nw.. technically 32bit can be run under 64bit platform but it may get slowed down.. if you're using ia64 the lag is very evident but that sort of hardware is fairly rare10:51
zetherooMyrtti: ah .. ok ... you use 64bit? I just want to know all the gory details of what does NOT work :)10:51
hiexpopsycho_oreos: - hey what prog is that cdemu i use to use daemon tools and loved it10:51
theadminrumpsy: Yep. Thanks.10:51
zetherootheadmin: I was not asking for an IM client ;)10:51
theadminzetheroo: Then what? o_O10:51
Myrttizetheroo: everything works.10:52
Myrttizetheroo: that is, everything I've thrown at it10:52
StudentluxoFlux Sorry I cant find anything for 9.10. Maybe someone else knows.10:52
psycho_oreoshiexpo, yeah its cdemu, but cdemu is only CLI front-end.. daemontools is more like GUI frontend.. to this date I haven't found a decent equivalence to it apart from cdemu itself10:52
zetherooMyrtti: repos the same? what about Skype?10:52
hiexpook kool and where did ya get it in the rep's ?10:53
rwwzetheroo: 1) yes, 2) skype has a 64-bit version10:53
psycho_oreoszetheroo,  think its the same, except instead of it being marked as i386 its marked as x86-64.. unless otherwise it comes from ppa10:53
StudentMyrtti: Are you using 9.10?10:53
Myrttizetheroo: only thing I've done differently is that I got the alpha flash plugin from labs.adobe.com. Some people use other methods.10:53
MyrttiStudent: yes?10:53
hiexpoi found it thanks10:53
psycho_oreoshiexpo, you'll need to search for it and add ppa keys :) but like I said, I have to warn you its not easy to get it working right :)10:54
melchiorHow do i install a deb package from the sehell ?10:54
zetheroorww: awesome .. so skype for Linux 64bit10:54
psycho_oreosmelchior, dpkg -i </path/to/file>10:54
StudentMyrtti: Ok now I'll update to 9.10 64 bit for sure. I am on 9.04 32 bit now and wanted to know another users opinnion.10:54
psycho_oreosmelchior, err add sudo in front10:54
thwappHello folks...10:54
hiexpono prob i'll get it working :)10:54
ardchoillemelchior: you'll need sudo for that10:54
zetherooMyrtti: ok ... so flash is really a pain in the rear ...10:54
rwwzetheroo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava#64-bit%20Firefox%20and%2064-bit%20Flash%20plugin10:54
rwwzetheroo: works fine for me.10:54
mecoWhat is the command to act as root?10:55
psycho_oreosmeco, sudo10:55
psycho_oreoshi | pranav10:56
khrisswhere can i get Sis 671/771 mirage 3 drivers for ubuntu 9.10 and how can i maximize my resolution to 1360x768?10:56
psycho_oreos!hi | pranav10:56
ubottupranav: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:56
pranavcan u tell me abt virtual manager10:56
pranavhi psycho10:56
zetheroorww: ok so that worked for you then ...10:57
rwwzetheroo: yes. That's also the plugin Myrtti was talking about, I think.10:57
thwappI wished I knew who it was that pointed me in the right direction 13 hours ago, but I finally figure out how to network install Ubuntu from the mini.iso onto my desktop..10:57
psycho_oreos<psycho_oreos> hi | pranav10:57
psycho_oreos* HarryS has quit (Client Quit)10:57
psycho_oreos<khriss> where can i get Sis 671/771 mirage 3 drivers for ubuntu 9.10 and how can i maximize my resolution to 1360x768?10:57
psycho_oreos<psycho_oreos> !hi | pranav10:57
FloodBot1psycho_oreos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:57
psycho_oreos<ubottu> pranav: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:57
mecoHow do I get the prompt back?10:57
mecoctrl-z, got it10:58
psycho_oreosbleh sorry bout that10:58
psycho_oreoskhriss, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=871875410:58
recon69_laphi all, I install avg 8.5 and trying to work out how to scan a flash drive. anyone?10:58
hawodiHello all.10:58
coz_rechael2,  did you read the man page for that?10:59
coz_rechael2,  sorry10:59
zetheroorww: ok .. sounds promising .. so with 64bit Ubuntu things should really fly .... that's the point of it right? ... I mean I mean I got a 2x2GB kit of ram so that dual channel would work ...10:59
coz_recon69_lap,  did you read the man page?10:59
mecoI want to delete a directory which has drwxr-xr-x. How do I do that?10:59
rwwzetheroo: I haven't noticed any appreciable difference in speed.10:59
StudentDoes 9.10 allow you to encrypt your home directory in the installer. So that I don't have to use an alternative cd?10:59
rwwStudent: yes10:59
prodigelhi all. I have a directory tree that I need to 'clean' of .svn subdirectories. Can I do that without a script?10:59
Studentrww: Thanks11:00
zetheroorww: oh? ... humph ...11:00
rwwStudent: There's an option towards the end to "Log in automatically", "Log in manually", "Log in manually and encrypt home folder", or something like that.11:00
Studentrww: Ok11:00
pat|nGi just purge kde4 on my laptop.....i got a message....configuring kdm...do i have to stop kdm daemon and press YES? or NO? which one? i purged the kde4 and change to ubuntu....which one will i choose?11:00
recon69_lapcoz_ : installed as a deb , no idea what it's called in man11:00
coz_recon69_lap,   you could use  clamav I believe11:00
coz_rechael2,  in terminal   man avg11:01
recon69_lapcoz_: afrade not11:01
coz_recon69_lap,  let me check hold on11:01
mecoWhy do I get "su: Authentication failure" when I enter the password I set up the system with?11:01
rwwmeco: because you should be using sudo, not su.11:01
dschieHi! Someone knowns how to use NetworkManager/nm-applet for VPN only, and leave the network device unmanaged? It cant be managed by nm because nis and autofs wouldnt work.11:01
mecorww: what whould I type more than 'sudo' ?11:02
researcher1is it possible to install windows Xp after UBUNTU 9.10 64 bits?11:02
coz_recon69_lap,   in google type this    avg 8.5 man page  and there is a pdf download manual11:02
pat|nGi just purge kde4 on my laptop.....i got a message....configuring kdm...do i have to stop kdm daemon and press YES? or NO? which one? i purged the kde4 and change to ubuntu....which one will i choose?11:02
coz_recon69_lap,  the link should read    [PDF]11:02
coz_<%DOC NAME%> User M11:02
recon69_lapcoz_: thx, I'll have a look at that :)11:02
rwwmeco: What are you trying to do?11:03
Studentresearcher1: Dual Boot?11:03
mecorww: I want to delete a directory which has drwxr-xr-x.11:03
testi_I can reach samba servers on debian lenny with smbtree (doing broadcast), but i can't reach samba servers running on karmic - though access and name resolving works, in case you know the hostname. Local network is an ipv4 network, however karmic samba listens on an ipv6 address - this shouldn't be a problem theoretically, but seems to be practically. What can I do on which side to solve this?11:03
zilkomaaCan some1 help me please, after ubuntu 9.10 install i cant boot from grub to windows xp? It doesn't give any error messages just reloads grub again? Here is disk info's: http://paste.ubuntu.com/362528/    -  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362530/11:03
coz_pat|nG,  you can use either gdm or kde it shouldnt matter11:03
coz_pat|nG,  kdm is prettier :)11:03
rwwmeco: if you own it, you should just be able to do "rm -r directoryname". If not, "sudo rm -r directoryname".11:03
Studentresearcher1: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm11:04
mecorww: It worked!11:04
=== testi_ is now known as thechef
jendaSay I have a text file with semi-private info in (login names, unimportant passwords, bank account numbers (but no passwords, just so I can copy-paste them)), but I still don't want it to be accessible to anyone who walks by the machine - is there a reasonable and simple way to password protect it? I chown'd it to root:root, but I'm not sure if that really makes any sense.11:05
mecoWhat's the command to see how much free hard disk space there is?11:05
hawodiAm having a very weired problem. I have a cdma broadband internet connection via an express card which works well. The connection is disconnected when ever I connect a network cable on the same computer. Is it that I cannot use the broadband card and connect to my network at the same time?11:05
zetherooread on a blog that 64bit ubuntu "lacks tickless" so laptops will experience less battery power11:05
zetheroois this still an issue?11:05
jendaOh, and I usually access the file with "cat" in the terminal.11:06
rwwmeco: df11:06
rwwmeco: (stands for Disk Free)11:06
=== Omar87___ is now known as Omar87
coz_zetheroo,  how important is the lapttop install you have now?11:06
rwwmeco: if you do "df -H", it'll use more readable units.11:06
zetheroocoz_: haha ... uh .. only my main machine :)11:07
hawodianyone here?11:07
coz_zetheroo,  one of the best ways I know to find out if issues show up is to actually give it a try...you already have the 32 bit cd ...download the 64 bit cd and install it and test it :)   you can always reinstall the 32 bit if you prefer that :)11:07
geirhajenda: Try pwsafe instead of a text file11:07
mecorww: I set up 8.04 on a 10GB partition. Now there's about 5.5 GB free. Is that enough to install 9.10 in addition?11:07
coz_meco,  you would be cutting it a bit close   ...not much room for downloads etc11:08
rwwmeco: It's doable, but I wouldn't recommend it.11:08
zetheroocoz_:: installing an OS is not the issue .. I have a lot of data and a lot of apps installed and configured as I want ... I wipe this system and start afresh means a lot more work than just installing an OS11:08
mecocoz_: Right11:08
mecorww: ok11:08
coz_zetheroo,  ah  ok that's probably what I meant about how important this install is11:09
zetheroocoz_: I have learned in Linux to really make sure making a change is going to make things better and not worse ... :)11:09
LaibschCan I have update-grub add "savedefault 1" to every entry in menu.lst instead of just "savedefault"?11:10
coz_zetheroo,  you should also keep in mind that backing up is part of the deal... I generally go by "if I cannot reinstall at any given moment I am probably doing something wrong "11:10
coz_zetheroo,  many applications have settings you can back up for reinstallation11:11
Studentcoz_ couldn't you make a separate partition for your home directory and keep files there then install ubuntu again and tell it not to touch the partition? (Just curious)11:11
zetheroocoz_: yes ...11:11
coz_Student,  that is alwyas an option11:11
zetheroocoz_: also living in Australia means I have sucky Internet  ... :P  ... so yeah ... just making sure its going to be worth it ... it sounds good ... but then again people are saying they have not been noticing any performance diff ...11:12
coz_zetheroo,  well your issue isnt performance but rather the system recognizing all of the memory right?11:13
landswipei'm having trouble installing git-daemon-run11:13
homeboyhello again, i can't get gksu -u user to work11:13
landswipefor some reason when I do dpkg --listfiles git-daemon-run11:13
zetheroocoz_: the only reason I want the system to use all the RAM is for higher performance :)11:13
pehdenim using xChat how do i make this log in11:13
landswipeand it clearly stats /etc/sv/git-daemon/run should be installed11:13
rumpsyhomeboy: just use gksu11:13
pehdenwhen i load it11:13
landswipei've tried reinstalling, and dpkg-reconfigure but the /etc/sv/git-daemon/run folder is never installed.11:14
homeboybut i need just if my gf tries to launch picasa, it asks for password11:14
homeboyany password that she don't know will do11:14
coz_zetheroo,  mm  ok understood... then the choice is dependent of if you want to go through the installation procedure and test the 64 bit version or not  right ?11:14
rumpsyhomeboy: remove your gf name from sudo11:15
zetheroocoz_: yep ... choices choices :)  ... I am looking up performance benchmarks online ... interesting stuff ...11:15
rumpsyhomeboy:goto useraccount, and then choose your gf account and uncheck administrate system in properties11:17
coz_zetheroo,  tthe most comprehensive benchmark is  this one  http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/  however it is a pain in the butt ,,,my opinion11:17
zilkomaaCan some1 help me please, after ubuntu 9.10 install i cant boot from grub to windows xp? It doesn't give any error messages just reloads grub again after pressing enter on windows xp? Here is disk info's: http://paste.ubuntu.com/362528/    -  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362530/11:18
zetheroocoz_: oh yeah ...? ... ok well I was looking for benchmark results ... I don't really want to do all that work - ha11:18
coz_zetheroo,  oh ok :)11:19
landswipehow do I force reinstallation of a package if it is not installing a file that is clearly one in dpkg --listfiles11:20
landswipeis there a way to reset dpkg or apt-get?11:20
zetheroocoz_: found this  ... PAE kernel and 64bit kernel run very close http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=111:21
ksbalajiyesterday my modem failed to connect. I tinkered a bit and believe that it is because of a website stopbadware.org cookies. Now my connection has resumed surprisingly. can someone say what this stopbadware.org is about please?11:21
induslandswipe, man dpkg might help11:21
pehdensudo apt-get purge11:21
zetheroocoz_: well on the first one anyhow .. ha11:21
pehdenthat will remove all of it to start a fresh install11:21
landswipeindus: what am I looking for?11:22
coz_zetheroo,  interesting...so not too much difference at all11:22
coz_zetheroo,   so the decision is do you need the recognized memory for just everyday stuff then11:22
ksbalajihey! what has happened to firestarter? a new version is not available!11:22
induslandswipe, tried dpkg -force?11:22
nibblerzetheroo: http://pastebin.com/m4ade9c24 add this to your menu.lst, and see if you can boot any of these entrys (done quick, 1 or two are wong for sure...)11:23
MohammadRRRHi I Have A lot of .deb files and i have created Packages.gz file . now i want to make Release File What Should I DO ?11:23
zetheroocoz_: well yeah  .. I am looking at where the main differences of performance come into the picture11:23
induslandswipe, use at your own risk, i have no idea how it works11:23
recon69_laphmm, avg reporting nothing. is it actually scanning anything?11:23
zetheroonibbler: uhm ... what?11:23
coz_zetheroo,  I would use that last link as a reliable source11:24
pehdenlandswipe: you could use sudo apt-get purge target-app tor unistall and delete all conf files11:24
nibblerzetheroo: sorry11:24
nibblerzilkomaa:  http://pastebin.com/m4ade9c24 add this to your menu.lst, and see if you can boot any of these entrys (done quick, 1 or two are wong for sure...)11:24
landswipeah that sounds like it11:24
zetheroocoz_: sorry what link?11:24
pehdenlandswipe to start a fresh install11:24
coz_zetheroo,    http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=111:24
landswipethat did it ;)11:25
indusapt-get purge is to remove all old files with configuration11:25
landswipethanks for the 'purge' hint11:25
pehdeni had to use it today11:25
zetheroocoz_: that's what I am looking at :)11:25
pehdenlandswipe no prob11:26
pehdenindus yes11:26
philipwnlet's say i have a /dev/sda4 partition, that makes it hd(0,3 or 4)?11:27
indusyeah no need of using apt-get remove -purge11:27
indusworks directly11:27
pat|nGi'm in a way of processing my installation to ubuntu in terminal...and got stuck in this setting up gnome-pilot-conduits.....processing triggers for python-support....then pating@pating:~$ what will i do next!?11:28
pehdenindus i would have done that one today first if i thought of it lol11:28
induspehden, which one11:28
pehdenindus apt-get remove -purge11:29
pat|nGi don't know what to do next11:29
induspehden, yea but just purge works good too11:29
pehdenindus i had to use purge cause it wouldnt remove lol11:29
induspat|nG, its finished isnt it11:30
pat|nGindus: i just purged kubuntu and install ubuntu....and stuck in processing triggers for python-support....11:30
induspat|nG, stuck?11:30
pat|nGis it finished?11:30
induspat|nG, howdid you purge kubuntu?11:30
pehdenpat|nG you should have google pure ubuntu11:30
induspat|nG, if it comes back to $ then its11:30
pehdenpat|nG you should have google pure gnome11:30
indusit is11:30
pat|nGsudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:30
pat|nGthen got back to root:~$11:31
induspat|nG, ya its done11:31
pat|nGbet it's finished isn't it?11:31
induspat|nG, did you restart system?11:31
indusu scared?:)11:31
pehdenlol should have went to that pure gnome site11:31
induspehden, what do you mean pure gnome site11:31
suigenerisis there a bug in chown? I type chown and the first two or three characters of the user, hit tab and user\: comes up. then I try adding the same user as the group and tab doesn't accept it. what gives?11:32
Newkypat|nG: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome11:32
pehdennewky yea that site11:32
MohammadRRRHi I Have A lot of .deb files and i have created Packages.gz file . now i want to make Release File What Should I DO ?11:32
CyLI'm having with skype, my mic simply doesn't work, any advice?11:32
geirhasuigeneris: I get the same, but it11:32
NewkyCyL: 9.10?11:33
indusMohammadRRR, wrong channel i think11:33
CyLNewky: yeap11:33
indusMohammadRRR, wait11:33
pehdenCyl pulse audio is needed11:33
geirhasuigeneris: I get the same, but it's not a bug with chmod, it's a problem with the configuration of bash completion11:33
geirhasuigeneris: *chown11:33
NewkyCyL: have u went into the sound preferences? and tryed the different audio servers for input11:33
pat|nGNewky: so wat will i do then?11:33
suigenerisgeirha so what should I do?11:33
CyLpehden: I gues I have this installed, I'll check11:34
Newkypat|nG: do the remove kubuntu command, u probably have most of it removed11:34
geirhasuigeneris: Type it in manually ... username:groupname11:34
NewkyCyL: if u are using 9.10 u hav pulseaudio11:34
nmvictoris their a way i could install the kernel in karmic in jaunty?11:34
CyLNewky: I guess I only have one sound server11:34
pat|nGNewky: how?11:34
pat|nGi just purged it11:34
pat|nGand install ubuntu11:34
Newkydo u see the11:34
indusMohammadRRR, try contacting the motu11:34
pat|nGbut i still got the kubuntu themes and the K icond11:34
MohammadRRRindus : TNX11:34
suigenerisgeirha I can, but isn't that a bit annoying?11:34
Newkypat|nG: well have u tried restart that will remove all kde apps libs etc11:35
indusMohammadRRR, #ubuntu-motu11:35
CyLNewky: I'll head to the sound preferences than...11:35
Newkypat|nG: by that i mean, that command on that website will remove all kde apps lips etc11:35
NewkyCyL: yeah wait there was a website i saw that dealed with skype audio11:35
indusMohammadRRR, they can probably guide you in case you are making universe packages11:35
CyLNewky: okay11:35
mecoI have Ubuntu 2.6.24-24 and 2.6.24-26. Could I remove the older version, and would that save up much disk space?11:35
geirhasuigeneris: usernames and groupnames are usually so short and easy, that I've never used tab-completion for it.11:36
jendaappreciability and expressibility - do they sound very alien?11:36
nmvictoris their a way i could install the kernel in karmic in jaunty?11:36
pehdencly i would try to help your more with the sound but i fixed mine by accident11:36
pat|nGNewky: how can i get to the site using terminal? it seems i can't open my firefox now11:36
indusjenda, no11:36
pehdencyl i would try to help your more with the sound but i fixed mine by accident11:36
rumpsymeco, its not a big file as you thinking about11:37
king6congdo you play savage2?11:37
king6conganyone like it?11:37
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mecorumpsy: Huh?11:37
king6congwho is good at play savage2?11:37
mecoking6cong: What is it?11:37
CyLpehden: lol, sometimes good things also happen by accident ;)11:37
rumpsymeco: leave it, its not a space occupier11:37
king6congit is a great game that can be played under Ubuntu11:38
mecorumpsy: OK!11:38
pehdencyl i agree11:38
NewkyCyL: i know this sounds ridiculous bu have u gone into your volume control and checked ur mic volume>11:38
mecoking6cong: Can I use the Synaptic installer to install it?11:38
CyLNewky: In fact it is now so ridiculous... everytime I start alsamixer, the mic is muted....11:38
NewkyCyL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130809011:39
CyLNewky: But indeed, I eveytime change it's volume setting11:39
NewkyCyL: does sound recoder work?11:39
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:40
CyLNewky: have not tryied it yet... I'll try it...11:41
ksbalajiis firestarter obsolete please?11:41
StudentHey everyone. I just installed Karmic 64 bit and am getting an error 15 from grub. I did a fdisk -l and I think it's because my second drive is set as the boot drive. Any ideas?11:41
pehdenum huh11:42
NewkyStudent: try this http://stringofthoughts.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/grub-error-15-debianubuntu/11:42
CyLNewky: no, it is not working11:43
NewkyCyL: Sound recorder?11:44
rumpsyksbalaji: What?11:44
rumpsyksbalaji: What you want?11:45
CyLNewky: yes... the sound recorder is not recording11:45
rumpsyksbalaji: Figure out clearly11:45
ksbalajirumpsy, I had firestarter installed. I removed it and tried to reinstall it. My synaptic manager says it is no longer available. any idea?11:45
rumpsyhmm, what version of ubuntu you are using?11:46
NewkyCyL: its one of those things u gotta mess with a little bit, it took me ages, i jus kept googling it and found a solution eventually bu it was mostly in the sound preferences11:46
claudia_Hi am trying to install skype but it is asking for a password11:47
Myrtticlaudia_: did you try giving out your own?11:47
claudia_yip many times11:47
ksbalajirumpsy, is there any other firewall program good enough and easy (gui) to understand?11:47
erUSULksbalaji: ufw es oficial en ubuntu y existe guwf11:47
geirhaksbalaji: Make sure universe is enabled in System -> Administration -> Software sources11:48
erUSULksbalaji: ufw is official in ubuntu and you have guwf as a gui11:48
CyLNewky: Well, thanks for your advice buddy11:48
claudia_I am trying with debian package11:48
rumpsyksbalaji: reload after you change in synaptic package manager11:48
NewkyCyL: sorry, literally varies from system to system, wats ur setup?11:48
erUSUL!info ufw11:48
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.29-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 112 kB, installed size 656 kB11:48
erUSUL!info gufw11:48
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.10.4-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 114 kB, installed size 1040 kB11:48
hudohow can I detect distinct memory information (hardware infos)11:48
ksbalajierUSUL, geirha but ufw, guwf - not easy for me please.11:49
erUSULhudo: "sudo lshw | less" or "sudo dmidecode | less"11:49
geirhaksbalaji: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/firewall.html11:49
ksbalajirumpsy, ? what do I change in synaptic?11:49
rumpsyin synaptic goto repositories and choose universal, to take effect, reload it, press reload button11:50
rumpsyksbalaji: ^^11:51
bnoblehi everyone11:51
CyLNewky: no problem, I'm wirh Ubuntu 9.10 on a Asus 1005HA11:52
rumpsyksbalaji: universal is a repository for lots ubuntu package, checkin and reload11:52
bnoblehi Rachel11:52
ksbalajirumpsy, I have universal repository enabled. I have repository line for that. However I do not see details of firestarter firewall there. I think it is gone for goodl11:53
rumpsyksbalaji: what version of ubuntu you are running?11:54
ksbalajimine is old-gold hardy LTS!11:54
rumpsyksbalaji: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/firestarter , check here11:55
pawel__any ideas how to mount my mobile phone through usb ?11:55
ksbalajirumpsy, thanks and bye all of you!11:55
AndreMorro[BR]pawel__, aint it suposed to be automatic:11:55
pawel__yes it should be but somehow it doesnt11:56
pawel__its only with my mobile, if it is about mp3 player it works fine11:56
rumpsyksbalaji: happy Republic day, in advance11:56
AndreMorro[BR]pawel__, wich mobile you're trying:]11:56
anoobhi... is there a battery / volume controll / network icon to fluxbox systray?11:56
pawel__samsung lucido11:56
AndreMorro[BR]**** keybord11:56
AndreMorro[BR]pawel__, check de logs, plug-in and type in terminal `dmesg`11:57
AndreMorro[BR]the laste lines should say something about new hardware11:57
ksbalajirumpsy, Hey! Thanks! r u ind? wish u d same!11:57
rumpsyksbalaji: yes !11:57
pawel__ugm, a lot of info appeared11:57
montomhi guys i have installed a cairo-dock on ubuntu 9.10 and the main panel in hidden , i cant see the network manager and volume control .. any help?11:58
AndreMorro[BR]pawel__, you can copy the results in pvt (last lines)11:58
=== dgeary2_ is now known as dgeary2
rumpsyksbalaji: could you able to install firestarter now?11:58
AndreMorro[BR]-J ?11:58
AndreMorro[BR]don't remember that11:58
rwwAndreMorro[BR]: Join throttling11:59
thiagossSound has gone bad on my karmic. It is 'basser' than it should, like when you slow down audio and voices get weird (don't know the proper name for this in english, sorry)12:00
thiagossHas anyone faced this here?12:00
AndreMorro[BR]rww, ty12:00
montomAndreMorro[BR] i have installed a cairo-dock on ubuntu 9.10 and the main panel in hidden , i cant see the network manager and volume control .. please help12:00
ksbalajirumpsy, enjoy yr free holiday! -bt firestarter- some problem. synaptic says -Package firestarter has no available version, but exists in the database. This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or  not available with the contents of sources.list,,,,,,12:01
AndreMorro[BR]montom, I'm afraid I cant help you, never used cairo-dock12:01
montomhi guys i have installed a cairo-dock on ubuntu 9.10 and the main panel in hidden , i cant see the network manager and volume control .. anyone ..12:01
dnivramontom, is it that cairo-dock is covering those icons or is it that the network manager icon is not present there?12:01
rumpsyksbalaji: use this, apt-get install netselect-apt ans apt-get autoremove, apt-get clean12:02
rumpsyksbalaji: use this, apt-get install netselect-apt and apt-get autoremove, apt-get clean12:02
indusksbalaji, use gufw12:02
indusksbalaji, i believe you are looking for a firewall?12:02
ksbalajiindus, thanks but gufw is too complicated for me. I had firestarter but now gone.12:03
montomdnivra : the network manager was on the main panel when i installed the cairo-dock and launched it the main panel disappeared so did the network manager12:03
indusksbalaji, complicated??ufw stands for uncomplicated firewall12:03
sakthivelhow to install .sh file extension12:04
ksbalajirumpsy, let me try.12:04
dnivramontom, so you don't have a panel on top?12:04
indusksbalaji, the gui for g ufw is very similar to firestarter12:04
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erUSULsakthivel: what are you trying to install ?12:04
rumpsyksbalaji: after all, try apt-get install firestarter12:04
montomdnivra , nope i dont have..12:04
=== Yos_ is now known as Yos
indusfirestarter seems oprhaned now with some security issues i heard12:05
ksbalajiindus, I have ufw disabled. me at 50 + find it difficult.12:05
montomdnivra : how do i restore that panel ?12:05
erUSUL!find netbeans12:05
ubottuFound: libnetbeans-cvsclient-java, netbeans12:05
erUSULsakthivel: netbeans is on the repositories12:05
dnivramontom, perhaps you should rephrase the question as "I lost my gnome panel on top. how do I get it back?". I don't know how to but someone else might. try searching google how to meanwhile you wait.12:05
erUSUL!info netbeans12:05
ubottunetbeans (source: netbeans): Extensible Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.7.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1007 kB, installed size 2556 kB12:05
indusksbalaji, ufw disabled?how did you disable it?12:06
sakthivelyes. but i need php version not available12:06
Oli``gparted crashed and now "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage" is locked - how can I manually unlock it?12:06
administrator_how to change the login screen? ubuntu 9.04?12:07
erUSULindus: less /etc/ufw/ufw.conf12:07
ksbalajiindus, ufw disable!12:07
dnivraadministrator_, try "gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties". if this doesn't work, google how to. should get.12:08
=== pbx is now known as hetii
hetiihi :)12:09
administrator_it is not opening12:09
dnivramontom, here's a way to restore the panels. I've not tried it. give it a shot. http://www.watchingthenet.com/restore-panels-in-ubuntu-back-to-their-default-settings.html12:10
StudentWell I'll be back and see if I fixed my grub.12:10
administrator_ok thnx i got from net.12:10
hetiihoc can i build from this two multi dimensional directory one? {'aaa': {'bbb': {'c': {}}}} and {'aaa': {'bbb': {'d': {}}}}  expected result: {'aaa': {'bbb': {'d': {}, 'c': {}}}}  ??12:10
hetii*how :)12:10
pokerovhello everybody12:10
rwwubottu: ot | hetii12:11
ubottuhetii: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:11
xxthinkHow to restore my 64 bit ubuntu?12:11
erUSUL!resetpanels | danielck montom12:11
ubottudanielck montom: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:11
hetiiups sorry i frgot change channel :)12:11
xxthinkI update the kernel to 2.6.3212:11
=== sixtila is now known as Guest2339
xxthinkNow I want to go back to the original kernel of ubuntu 9.1012:12
AndreMorro[BR]xxthink, there should be others kernels to choose to boot on in grub12:12
xxthinkI installed it on vbox12:12
xxthinkwhen I boot the linux, I can't see the boot menu12:12
KaffeeJunky123any1 here got some knowledge on ACPI and some time to look through some errors and warnings in my systemlogs?12:12
ksbalajirumpsy, :apt-get install firestarter = Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree   Reading state information... Done Package firestarter is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package firestarter has no installation candidate balaji@viva100:~$12:12
erUSULxxthink: remove the kernel you installed12:12
xxthinkerUSUL: How to remove it?12:13
xxthinkwhat command?12:13
erUSULxxthink: how did you installed it?12:13
AndreMorro[BR]xxthink, try pressing down arrow or ESC under during boot12:13
montomubottu : can u set two panels so that they are launched  when the session is started12:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:13
xxthinkAndreMorro[BR]: let me try12:13
rumpsyksbalaji: i think you have to include some repo in synaptic12:13
rumpsyksbalaji: try to add something and remove it after install, but remember to apt-get update12:14
erUSULksbalaji: go to system>admin...>software sources. in the first tab tick all relevan repos univers multiverse etc12:14
xxthinkAndreMorro[BR]: it doesn't work12:14
xxthinkerUSUL: how to remove the new kernel I just installed?12:14
AndreMorro[BR]xxthink, <erUSUL> xxthink: how did you installed it?12:15
ksbalajirumpsy, you may be right. let me check up all repos. erUSUL K i shall.12:15
xxthinkdpkg -i *.deb12:15
erUSULxxthink: first i need to know how did you installed it?12:15
xxthinkerUSUL: I use the following command12:15
xxthinkdpkg -i *.deb12:15
erUSULxxthink: then remove it from synaptic just like any other package12:15
erUSULxxthink: search for the package name12:15
pat|nGNewky: still there?12:15
xxthinklet me try12:16
evilsherpahey all, no love, cant get connected to my nas, ive set up an smbcredentials file, with the login and username for my nas, but i get this permission not granted error12:16
ksbalajierUSUL, except  sourcecode everything else checked!12:16
pat|nGhow can i install ubuntu 9.10 thru net?12:16
MohammadRRRHi I Have A lot of .deb files and i have created Packages.gz file . now i want to make Release File What Should I DO ? I Can not join to ubuntu-motu to ask this Question12:17
MyrttiMohammadRRR: why can't you join the channel?12:18
erUSULksbalaji: close the dialog; it should ask to reload the sources info but just to make sure run « sudo aptitude update »12:18
rwwMyrtti: It's +r and they aren't registered12:19
Myrttirww: not surprised12:19
MohammadRRRMyrtti : It Said You Must Identify12:19
Myrtti!register > MohammadRRR12:19
ubottuMohammadRRR, please see my private message12:19
elkusahi all12:19
elkusaasalamu alaikum12:19
MohammadRRR!register > MohammadRRR12:20
ksbalajierUSUL, yeah! It offered to reload and I am trying it.12:21
Myrtti!minimal | pat|nG12:21
ubottupat|nG: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:21
xxthinkerUSUL: thank you!!!12:21
MohammadRRRMurtti:where should i register ?12:21
rwwMohammadRRR: please read the private message you got from ubottu12:21
einstein1969hi, how to change level to single mode in ubuntu?12:21
MyrttiMohammadRRR: to freenode. /msg nickserv help register12:21
apelgatewhere do I change network config on an ubuntu linux in text mode?12:22
adantehi guys, if anybody wants to do some tech support and earn some easy money http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddzcv779_2c2gqrkv812:22
rwwapelgate: /etc/network/interfaces12:22
erUSULxxthink: yw12:22
rwwapelgate: see `man interfaces` for configuration help.12:22
=== Bond is now known as Guest59636
AndreMorro[BR]erUSUL, any tips on how to compiling to frind pawel__  ?12:23
sandeep_how to identify in irc12:24
evilsherpahmm, i have a laptop with nas access and I tried copying the fstab file and the cifs/smb credentials file, but no love12:24
Myrttisandeep_: /msg nickserv help identify12:24
ksbalajierUSUL, thanks! rumpsy got it! thanks all and bye!12:24
rumpsy;) , bye12:25
erUSULksbalaji: yw12:25
saviorfromthenorcan anyone help me?12:26
AndreMorro[BR]saviorfromthenor, maybe12:26
saviorfromthenorhehe, cute answer12:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:27
=== ecolitan is now known as gilgalad
saviorfromthenori just need to know what language i should learn to make applications in ubuntu12:27
AndreMorro[BR]Je*** i love thos !things12:28
AndreMorro[BR]saviorfromthenor, python, perl, C, C+,C++,12:28
Dr_Willissaviorfromthenor:  depends on the app.  You can use Python for a great many tasks.. easy to learn.. powerfull... and so on12:28
saviorfromthenori see,12:28
AndreMorro[BR]I agree with Dr_Willis Python makes greats things12:28
Dr_Willismany of the support apps in ubuntu are in python. and theres tons of docs/examples/tutorials12:29
duffydackwhen you close a program in scale mode (compiz) does it do it properly or kill it dirty12:29
Dr_WillisI suck at python >:) i tend to use perl12:29
Dr_Willisbut my needs are minimal12:29
coz_duffydack,  "dirty"12:29
coz_duffydack,  let me try it here12:29
AndreMorro[BR]well i suck at both, i'm better designing interfaces12:30
saviorfromthenori'm familiar with vb6, will python be easy for me12:30
saviorfromthenorthis irc is so cool i really get related answers12:30
rumpsybye guys, time to move :)12:30
AndreMorro[BR]saviorfromthenor, pretty much yeah, if you do undestand the "Programming Logic" it well be smooth12:30
StudentWell I took the long way to fix my Grub 2 Error 15 but it worked.12:30
Dr_Willissaviorfromthenor:  i tend to find that VB teaches bad programming habbits.. Python tries to teach good habbits12:31
AndreMorro[BR]like Dr_Willis said, there are tons of examples and tutos on the net12:31
saviorfromthenorthat is so true12:31
Dr_Willissaviorfromthenor:  python is avail for windows also :)12:31
AndreMorro[BR]One good thing, you don't have to declare variables on python like VB612:32
saviorfromthenorits okay, i really want to move to linux12:32
saviorfromthenorvirus issues is so overwhelming these days12:32
AndreMorro[BR]just to remember that Linux also have virus, its way hard to get one but, still exists...12:33
AndreMorro[BR]so a few secutiry procedures are always welcome12:33
Dr_Willisof course some of the 'viruses' mentioned for linux.. are like 5+ yrs old.. and only affected one specific disrto and one specific 'service'.... :)12:33
AndreMorro[BR]Dr_Willis, thats right, but they're out there... just waiting...12:33
saviorfromthenoryeah, but i believe that destructive linux users is remote12:33
Dr_Williswaiting to find somthing with a 2.1 kernel and  bind 1.00000.1.0000012:34
Dr_Willissaviorfromthenor:  the biggest danger to your linux box will be YOU. :)12:34
AndreMorro[BR]I read somewhere that a Guy pis*** of made a few linux virus showing that is possible12:34
saviorfromthenoryou guys are so kind12:34
sabgentonDr_Willis: do you know what hd_media is about12:35
Dr_Williseven the definiton of a 'virus' these days is often muddy.12:35
polargushas anybody successfully done a squashfs/unionfs mount of /usr on karmic?12:35
saviorfromthenorwhat is that?12:35
sabgentonaparently it will help me boot server from usbstick12:35
Dr_Willissabgenton:  no idea really. Looks liek it might be for some netboot12:35
polargusI just got a full usb install of ubuntu going12:36
Dr_Willissabgenton:  some minimal setup to get to the rest ot the thing12:36
polargusand I was thinking of squashing /usr12:36
saviorfromthenorim running my ubuntu from a usb12:36
polargussaviorfromthenor, cool me too12:36
Studentsabgenton Those files let you boot off of a cd\dvd usb etc12:36
polargusare you running the liveusb version or a vanilla install?12:36
=== polargus is now known as retry
AndreMorro[BR]polargus, why would you squash your /usr ??12:36
saviorfromthenori think its a liveusb12:36
sabgentonStudent: where can I learn more about its purpose12:36
retryAndreMorro[BR], to reclaim space12:37
retryyou have limited space on a usb12:37
retryalso I read that a squashed filesystem reads faster12:37
retryand is less wear on the usb stick12:37
AndreMorro[BR]Ok, you convinced me12:37
saviorfromthenori have a question for that about space in the usb12:37
retrysaviorfromthenor, what does your fstab look like?12:37
Studentsabgenton looking for a site with the info12:38
retryI used ext4 and turned journaling off12:38
saviorfromthenorwhen i uninstall a software the free space doesnt change12:38
retryand also set up sysctl to sync to the drive less12:38
retryit helped12:38
retrysaviorfromthenor, yeah you can't reclaim free space on the squashed mount12:38
retryonly the overlay12:38
saviorfromthenori see12:38
retryso if you installed something after the squash into the overlay12:38
retryyou can reclaim space from the overlay12:38
retryto reclaim space from the squashed part, you have to recompress12:38
retrythat is why I did the vanilla install12:39
retryI wanted to remove all the stuff I dont want first12:39
saviorfromthenorsorry to be a newbie12:39
retrywell now I'm contemplating the squashmount12:39
sabgentonStudent: thanks man!12:39
Studentsabgenton: http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/SYSLINUX may be of some help12:39
retrybut I dont know...I read mixed stuff about it succeeding in karmic12:39
retryalso unionfs does not seem aailable12:39
retrythere's some other aufs or something12:40
saviorfromthenorits just im so tired of xp12:40
retrywhat's wrong with XP?12:40
retryi'm not an OS fanboy...I use them all...I just hate apple for political reasons12:41
saviorfromthenori feel its not what i need in the industry12:41
retrylinux is fun, but it's a lot of work to get right12:41
sabgentonStudent: there must be a proper ubuntu write up on that repo12:42
retrytake this usb install...now granted I probably would have 10x more trouble getting XP on a usb key12:42
sabgentonan it's purpose12:42
retrybut the usb key install is not perfect...it flakes out sometimes12:42
StudentEh My computer rebooted.12:42
sera|workafter installing a 9.10 server i just had GRUB_ standing there at boot. i reinstalled, installed 9.04 (with lilo) and reinstalled again, no change12:42
sera|workany ideas?12:42
sabgentonStudent: there must be a proper ubuntu write up on that repo12:42
retrysera, it's not much to go on12:43
saviorfromthenorits actually those things retry that make a good programmer12:43
sabgentonI hate reboots12:43
retrysaviorfromthenor, what things?12:43
Studentsabgenton: So basically Intrid is a ramdisk. It then loads the linux kernel etc into memory.12:43
mecoHow do I know if my PC is 32bit or 64bit?12:43
retrymeco what is your cpu?12:43
mecoPentium something, not sure12:43
saviorfromthenorthe need to test your capabilities12:43
tomkatdoes anyone know how do i kill apt-get?12:43
Dr_WillisThe fact you can do an usb install and they work so well.. is amazing  :)12:44
retrymeco, 32 bit12:44
mecoretry: OK12:44
Studentsabgenton: Like your Bios loads your Operating system or boot loader as the case may be.12:44
retrytomkat, why would you want to kill it?12:44
retrythat's risky12:44
Dr_Willismeco:  you might want to be more specific  on what the cpu is.. :)12:44
DrPoodletomkat: doesn't pkill -9 apt-get work?12:44
retrypentiums are 32 bit12:44
Dr_Willismeco:  try a 64bit live cd.. see if it works. :P12:44
sabgentonStudent: are u just talking about intrid in general or the intrid at that repo I linked to12:45
tomkatthanks i'lkl try12:45
retrymeco fire up konsole and type cat /proc/cpuinfo12:45
Ergo^hello, im having issued with buntu 9.10 and mic setup, before 9.10 in old audio panel i had a setting to change wheater i want to use line in or mic input on my sound blaster, now when i go to recording and try these settings, nothing changes, even when i amplify the mic to max i can barely record anything12:45
retryand tell us what you get12:45
sera|workretry: well, i know...that's why i ended up asking here ;-)12:45
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:45
saviorfromthenoryeah i think the 64bit wont work, my old pc cant boot live cds12:45
meco Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz12:46
retryErgo^ try some of those links12:46
tomkatretry: operation not permitted12:46
retryyup i was right 32bit definitely12:46
Studentsabgenton: That repo is the same thing I'm talking about.12:46
Ergo^LOL at that ;-) thats slightly outdated :P If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer)12:46
StudentI'll check Ubuntu's site and see if there is more info on it.12:46
sabgentonok that intrid specifically12:46
retrytomkat, why do you want to kill apt ?12:46
sabgentoni see12:46
retryErgo^, you're right...you need a pulse guide12:47
AndreMorro[BR]pawel__ made this Samsung Lucido working under ubuntu, he set the mobile phone as Multimedia Player instead of USB-DISK, now he cad add things to the mobile, edit, and stuff12:47
retrya lot of people have had probs with sound in karmic12:47
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions12:47
Ergo^retry: i could do it with with old gnome audio panel just fine, not sure how to change things here12:47
saviorfromthenoruhm anyone want to suggest a good place to start learning python12:47
retryErgo^, you probably have an underlying problem if the gnome mixer is not working12:47
retryif things are greyed out and whatnot12:48
Dr_Willissaviorfromthenor:  other then google? :)12:48
saviorfromthenorhehe, bringsup showmedo12:48
Dr_Willissaviorfromthenor:  i always to to the 'python game of the week' page.. but then i waste hours playing tgames12:48
tomkati closed the terminal while apt-get was running, and now its still being used but invisible12:48
Ergo^retry: it IS working , i managed to amplify recording to max - but it sounds like a whisper now12:48
retrysaviorfromthenor, diveintopython.org12:48
retryErgo^, hmm12:48
retrytry to fire up the alsamixer12:48
retryand see if you can crank levels tehre12:48
=== root is now known as Guest83261
Studentsabgenton: Here you go: It's a hard disk kernel:http://do-it-blog.de/it-blog/linux-stuff/linux-iso-image-to-hard-disk-install12:48
tomkatnow when i try 'sudo synaptic' it wont let me have priveliges12:48
retrygo to cmdline and type alsamixer12:49
retryit's a curses based UI12:49
retrybut pretty easy to work12:49
retrytomkat ok then type sudo killall apt-get12:49
tomkatretry: do you understand my problem?12:49
tomkatahh thanks12:49
Guest83261guys how do i crack wep on backtrack?12:49
sabgentonStudent: ah interesting12:50
saviorfromthenorretry, tanks12:50
retryGuest83261, that's not ubuntu related12:50
PiciGuest83261: We do not support Backtrack here, please use their channel: #remote-exploit12:50
Guest83261alright thnx:)12:50
saviorfromthenorjust downloaded the books12:50
Guest83261which is better ubuntu or backtrack?12:50
retryfor what?12:50
Guest83261cracking and hacking12:50
Pici!best | Guest8326112:50
ubottuGuest83261: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:50
MyrttiGuest83261: you'll get subjective answers here12:50
* Dr_Willis finds that most people in here that ask about backtrack.. really shouldent be using backtrack....12:51
persiaCould anyone tell me the right channel to ask about translations issues?12:51
Guest83261why do u say so Dr_Willis?12:51
retryGuest, if you're just gonna be a script kiddie prolly use the distro will all the tools all ready to go12:51
persiaErm, I think I've found it.  Sorry for the noise.12:52
tomkatretry thanks for that it works now12:52
retrytomkat, cool12:52
Dr_WillisGuest83261:  becuse peoel that come in here asking about it.. tend to not know enough linux basics to even begin to use the tools it has.12:52
retryI generally use apt-get when i know exactly what I want and synaptic when I was to read all the neat descriptions or do a keyword search12:52
retrylike removing kde ...very useful to have synaptic for that12:52
gdbretry: You can do that in aptitude, on the command line.12:53
retrythere's a whole group section called kde desktop or something to that effect12:53
youwermanso can I install windows 7 AFTER having installed ubuntu? I have xubuntu perfectly fine but I wonder if I could install windows 7 normally12:53
retryI never use aptitude12:53
gdbretry: aptitude show <package i want to read the neat description of>12:53
retryeither apt or synaptic12:53
=== TeLLuS__ is now known as TeLLu
=== TeLLu is now known as TeLLuS
atrlI have a question about dhcpd, Is it the same run this --> dhcpd eth0 than change in the file /etc/default/dhcp3-server the option INTERFACES ?12:53
zewbyou are usually better off installing your software from the source code12:53
zewbrather than relying on broken ubuntu packages12:53
retrygdb, i find synaptic easier when i want to quickly read through many12:53
gdbaptitude is the recommended tool over apt12:53
zewbi thought they were the same12:53
gdbThey are not the same.12:53
zewbapt-get works fine12:54
retryaptitude is a curses based version of synaptic pretty much12:54
gdbA bicyle works fine, too.  I prefer driving a car.12:54
retrythey all call apt12:54
Ergo^retry: ok i managed to do it12:54
gdbretry: No, it's not.12:54
zewbi wish linux developers would come up with new things12:54
gdbretry: It has a curses UI, it's a command line tool just like apt-get is.12:54
retryok synaptic is a GTK version of aptidude12:54
saviorfromthenorthey do actually12:54
zewbtheres always like 100 different programs that are slightly different forks from the original12:54
gdbNo, it's not. heh12:54
zewband all do the exact same thing12:54
jiohdiretry: yes I have cursed many times trying to use aptitude12:54
gdbNo, they don't.12:54
iceroot!ot | zewb12:54
ubottuzewb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:54
Ergo^for some reason analog source was set to aux, not microphone, that setting is not present at all in pa panel12:55
saviorfromthenoryeah the do the same thing, but they improve12:55
Ergo^is there a gui version of alsamixer ?12:56
retryErgo^, were you able to adjust it in alsamixer?12:56
retrynot that I know of12:57
retryyou can make a panel launcher for it though12:57
SwedeMikeErgo^: alsamixer-gui12:57
atrlI have a question about dhcpd, Is it the same run this --> dhcpd eth0 than change in the file /etc/default/dhcp3-server the option INTERFACES ?12:57
Ergo^retry: yeah, it looks basicly like the old audio panel from gnome12:57
QuakesHey all i have a local network with a ubuntu web server im using 1to1 Nat Mapping to give the ubuntu machine a global ip but apache isnt accepting requests locally or externally on that ip turned off firewall and global address is pingable any ideas?12:57
Ergo^and it contained exact settings i need to change12:57
hsa2hello, is there anyone using scite for code editing?12:57
saviorfromthenorim new here12:58
Myrttiyouwerman: you can install, but you need to reinstall a bootloader with an Ubuntu installation disk afterwards. Windows is a jealous OS, and wants to keep the harddrives all to itself.12:58
atrlcasa hola que tal12:58
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, dind't understand your question12:58
saviorfromthenori had a drive breakdown once12:59
casaesto es nuevo para mi12:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:59
youwermanMyrtti, thanks :D12:59
casano caxo una12:59
saviorfromthenorwhen i tried a dual boot of pclinux os and xp12:59
youwermanMyrtti, where can I get a bootloader?12:59
Ergo^retry: well, no im not sure how to fix it long term, the settings dont persist12:59
Ergo^when i close the window i lose all recording capability again :/12:59
youwermanfrom the ubuntu disk12:59
retrywhich window?12:59
atrlAndreMorro[BR] sorry my english. I want dhcpd listen on eth0 interface only12:59
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, you can edit the /etc/network/interfaces13:00
atrland I'm reading you have to change the file /etc/default/dhcp3-server13:00
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, you're dhcpd, the server?13:00
atrlbut you can also run "dhcpd eth0"13:00
retryatrl are you trying to run a dhcp client or a server?13:00
atrland_ yes13:00
atrlare both options the same ?13:00
retryvery different13:00
saviorfromthenoranyway need to get back on my project, thanks again retry and dr willis13:01
casapuro inglihsssss13:01
retryok see ya13:01
casapuro inglihsssss13:01
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, First the ethX that will listen on for dhcp need to be a fixed IP, then you can edit the /etc/default/dhcp3-server13:01
atrlcasa besos13:01
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, theres a INTERFACES="" change it to "INTERFACES="ethX"13:01
casaextraño el terra13:01
atrlAndreMorro[BR] I undersntand you13:01
AndreMorro[BR]X must the the number of your interface13:01
atrlaprende ingles con vaughan :p13:01
Ergo^retry: heh it seems that alsamixer settings dont influence any pulseaudio settings, i could hear myself in speakers, but neither sound recorder or skype were able to record any sound :(13:01
atrlAndreMorro[BR] yes13:01
AndreMorro[BR]casa, cabron13:01
Myrtticasa: stop it, or you'll be muted or removed from the channel. Please use English.13:01
casaes imposible para mi13:02
atrlbut then when you run this --> "dhcpd eth0" what are you doing ?13:02
retryErgo^, very odd..I really dont understand the alsa/pulse relationship that well13:02
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, your asking eth0 to discover a IP from another server13:02
atrlAndreMorro[BR] like a client ?13:02
Ergo^retry:  yeah, me neither, it worked perfectly pre 9.10, now i cant adjust that at all from giu13:02
atrlnot like a server ?13:02
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, exactly13:03
AndreMorro[BR]like a client13:03
atrlAndreMorro[BR] ok thanks you13:03
casaatrl cuando escribiran en español13:03
Myrtti!es > casa13:03
ubottucasa, please see my private message13:03
AndreMorro[BR]casa com le hace dito, español e en #ubuntu-es13:03
atrlcasa no puedes hablar español aquí13:03
jellowHow can i stop pulse audio , It keeps respawning13:03
haurrahi there, I have been wondering for age : how can I get rid of old shorcuts in the Places menu ?13:03
AndreMorro[BR]haurra, you can use the alacarte program13:04
casaatrl cual es la pagina de español aca13:04
AndreMorro[BR]wrong answer13:04
FloodBot4AndreMorro[BR]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
AndreMorro[BR]FloodBot4 sorry bot13:04
atrlcasa ubuntu-es13:04
atrlthey speak in spanish :p13:04
haurraI need an app for that ?13:05
keddddddyive searched the forums but i cant seem to find a fix13:05
dollarbangGood morning all, just checking to see if I have PIDGIN setup correctly.13:05
casaatrl graciassssssssss13:05
steelnwoolhi. in theory when the next LTS comes out should i be able to upgrade from Koala to LTS ?13:05
keddddddysome flash vids wont play on firefor/epiphany13:05
jellowdollarbang: Good'day seems to be working13:05
AndreMorro[BR]haurra, you can open nautilus (file-browser) ant press Ctrl B, this opens a Places Organizer13:05
Dr_Willissteelnwool:  yes13:05
AndreMorro[BR]you can remove, add, change...13:05
dollarbangjellow: thank you, have a good day today, and a better one tomorrow13:06
haurraAndreMorro[BR]: very good13:06
jellowdollarbang: i shall indeed13:06
keddddddyive searched the forums but i cant seem to find a fix  some flash vids wont play on firefoxr/epiphany ...i did about:pluging and shockwave is installed and running. some videos will..some dont13:07
Dr_WillisAndreMorro[BR]:  Heh - Ive never noticed that befor. :)13:07
Ergo^i want to cry, who can i contact about PA and ubuntu integration ?13:07
keddddddyam i missing a certain package or something?13:07
AndreMorro[BR]Dr_Willis, the places editor?13:07
AndreMorro[BR]keddddddy, it depends, you're trying to watch flash vids? or WMP vids?13:08
Dr_WillisAndreMorro[BR]:  yea - i just drag/drop them to the sidebar in teh file manager to add new ones13:08
haurraI have some space shared via samba, it appears in my places Menu, but I would like to create a link to it from my desktop, is that even possible ?13:08
lsdlunafor some reason now that I come to use the following command - mplayer mms://url -dumpstream -dumpfile foo.asf ........ i get "-dumpstream: command not found" ? is there something I need to re-install?13:08
AndreMorro[BR]haurra, yeah you can, make a "Place" and place the location to the samba share13:09
retrylsdluna, does the url have a ; in it?13:09
Dr_Willishaurra:  i was able to drag/drop a icon from my places/bookmarks menu to the desktop just now13:09
AndreMorro[BR]like "my Samba Share"  - Location - smb://mysambaserver/share13:09
sandeepbcan anyone solve me a problem i had updated new ubuntu and it is giving me a error that mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot be mounted and giving a problem in swap13:09
lsdlunaretry: no13:09
Dr_Willishaurra:  but it seems to only work that way for mounted locations13:09
AndreMorro[BR]sandeepb, can you be more specifc?13:10
retrylsdluna, strange that it says command not found ont he flag right after the url13:10
NoReflexHey guys! I need to give samba access to 15 users to a fileserver. I've setup 15 accounts with shell = usr/bin/nologin and with their home dirs = /var/samba/username - is it enough to enable the home dirs section of smb.conf?; i'm using karmic server13:10
steelnwoolDr_Willis: good, i've got a bunch of machines that i'm now thinking should have been LTS, so once i upgrade karmic, i'll just keep them at LTS.13:10
retrykarmic is not an LTS release13:10
steelnwoolNoReflex: your best bet is to probably test.13:10
retrynot every release is LTS steelnwool13:10
haurraDr_Willis: if I do this, it copies the content13:10
steelnwoolretry: i did not suggest it was.13:10
Dr_WillisNoReflex:  give them samba passwords with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' also perhaps13:10
steelnwooli know. re-read what i asked and said.13:11
Dr_Willishaurra:  Hmm  thats annoying. :)13:11
retryyou said once you upgrade karmic, you'll keep them lts13:11
steelnwoolretry: i asked if i could upgrade karmic to LTS.13:11
Dr_Willishaurra:  there is a feature to make gnome show the mounted things on teh desktop automatically13:11
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retrykarmic is the latest distro13:11
steelnwooli understand.13:11
sandeepbAndreMorro: i updated ubuntu to karmic and when i reboot the system it giving an error saying one or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot be mounted13:11
retryyou can wait for the next lts13:11
[Outcast]I am trying to install a login screen theme, but gdmsetup does not show anything about themes. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?13:11
steelnwooli'm talking future tense.13:11
NoReflexDr_Willis: I did smbpasswd -a username for all users...but no file was created in /etc/samba -do I have to look for it someplace else?13:11
retrythat wont be for a while13:11
steelnwooli know.13:11
retryah ok13:11
lsdlunaretry: thanks, i just realised i didnt use the mms url, used the http one lol13:12
AndreMorro[BR]haurra, you want a link of you share in the desktop??13:12
Dr_WillisNoReflex:  i think a lot of that is in /var/SOMTHING/samba13:12
retrysorry I missed your original q13:12
steelnwoolnp. busy channel.13:12
sandeepbAndreMorro: its giving problem at swap mounting13:12
atrlAndreMorro[BR] are you really sure dhcdp eth0 is for the client, because I'm reading that dhclient eth1 es for client and dhcpd eth0 es for running the server13:12
Dr_WillisNoReflex:  a read of the samba books avail in the samba-doc package may be worth while13:12
haurraAndreMorro[BR]: yes please13:12
retryatrl, it doesn't matter which # you pick13:12
retryit depends on the device you want to assign to which role13:12
retryassuming you even have two NICs13:12
phox_Hi! So im trying to connect to my ubuntu from my windows pc, and i just installed samba, and it says a need some password and username. I tried the same as my username and password is for the ubuntu-comp, but it didnt work. What to do?13:12
pat|nGi just downloaded a theme and it is GDM-CompetingEntities.tar.gz how can i install it? it seems there's an error installing it...13:12
Dr_WillisNoReflex:  I recall there being some trick to make the users home's be a default share they access also with some settings.. saves a little effort at times13:12
Dr_WillisNoReflex:  /var/lib/samba has some neat configs also. :) that you proberly shouldnt be touching13:13
retryatrl, so if you're trying to have a server route traffic, one NIC would face the WAN, the other would face the LAN and serve DHCP assignments13:13
AndreMorro[BR]haurra, not sure how to do that...13:13
AndreMorro[BR]haurra, never done links to a samba share13:13
zetheroois there a way to be able to right-click on a file and select "open as root" or something ?13:13
toogreenany1 else have choppy sound recently in several apps (vlc, sdl games, etc) I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 64bits... Just recently started having choppy sound13:13
Dr_Willispat|nG:  its very likely its a theme for the older versiion of gdm - the newer version in 9.10 is not very themeable13:14
pat|nGi see13:14
Dr_Williszetheroo:  i recall the ubuntu-tweak tool having a check box to add somthing like that.13:14
atrlretry yes I understand you but then with "dhcpd eth0" you server listen dhcpdiscover on eth0 interface13:14
Dr_Williszetheroo:  but i  nevber tried  that feature13:14
zetherooDr_Willis: ok thakns13:14
phox_Hi! So im trying to connect to my ubuntu from my windows pc, and i just installed samba, and it says a need some password and username. I tried the same as my username and password is for the ubuntu-comp, but it didnt work. What to do?13:14
atrlisn't it ?13:14
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, you don't actually need to run any commands to run the server13:15
Dr_Williszetheroo:  thers also nautilus scripting features to add it.  i recall there being some 'edit as root....'  thing somewhere13:15
retryphox_, samba has its own auth mechanism13:15
retryalthough I think you can tweak it to use user accounts via pam or something13:15
Dr_Willisphox_:  sudo smbpasswd -a user   to set the samba password13:15
Dr_Willisretry:  yea theres some way to sync the 2 passwords.. but ive never learned how. :)13:15
zetherooDr_Willis: yeah ... I thought I saw that somewhere at some point in time13:15
phox_Dr_Willis: okey!13:15
pat|nGcan anyone teach me how to put some design apps on my gnome desktop? like i want to have a digital clock calendar and weather somethin? pls?13:15
retryDr_Willis, pam, LDAP (ycuk)13:16
Dr_Willispat|nG:  thers seeral ways to get widgits for the desktop. (i hate them all)   google desktop can have widgits if ya want.13:16
retrypat|nG, right click on a panel and add applets13:16
retrythere are applets for all that13:16
Dr_Willispat|nG:  or use conky for desktop  gizmos13:16
AndreMorro[BR]atrl, Basics: You install dhcp3-server, edit the "/etc/default/dhcp3-server" and modify the INTERFACES="" to your ethX that will listen on the network, then edit the /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf to configure the subnets and masks, the restart the dhcp3-server service... and it should flow13:16
retryDr_Willis, yeah willis most of the applets suck...tons of ram that is13:16
phox_Dr_Willis: okey, so i entered the ubuntu comp now. But there are no files on it! Which map am i currently reading, and how do i change that?13:16
AndreMorro[BR]retry, am I right?13:17
Dr_WillisI perfer the good old Windowmaker warf docklets.13:17
Ergo^retry: i think the problem with PA right now is that its not setting correctly the capture device, while i set it to mic it probably still uses aux13:17
redspikedoses ubuntu 9.10 server working as xen dom0 ?13:17
retryAndreMorro[BR], you sound right...I'm not an expert on setting up dhcpd servers13:17
Dr_Willisphox_:  where does it say you are at?  did you make a share? or shareing what exactly?13:17
retryI just use my router with tomato :/13:17
retrythat's just zeroconfig13:17
sabgentonwhat do yo call karmic13:17
AndreMorro[BR]well, thats the way i usually do it...13:17
sabgentonthe release name?13:17
sabgentoni mean is there an offical term for it?13:18
mecoI just downloaded a game (Savage 2) and it comes in a .bin file. What do I do with it?13:18
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91013:18
AndreMorro[BR]sabgenton, Karmic Coala (aka 9.10)13:18
phox_Dr_willis: i just installed samba from software center, and logged in. But the map i reach is blank! Can i configure this somehow so that i acces the external harddrive on the ubuntu comp?13:18
Dr_Willismeco:  chmod +x whatever.bin   then ./whatever.bin13:18
sabgentonyeah but is i call the release name13:18
Dr_Willisphox_:  samba has 100000000's of configurations13:18
mecoDr_Willis: OK13:18
Dr_Willisphox_:  right click on a directroy. make a share out of it perhaps..13:18
phox_Dr_willie: haha, yeah i though so xD OKey, ill try13:19
sabgentonubuntu <release no> <release name>13:19
sabgentonis that how u would state it13:19
Dr_Willissabgenton:  the version # is the same as the date of release.. year.month13:19
Dr_WillisUbuntu 9.04  = 2009, 4th month13:19
Audibleapart from custom updating to 2.6.32 kernel, are there any way I can get KSM enabled in Karmic ?13:20
sabgentonok ok didn't knwo that13:20
sabgentondate thing13:20
Dr_Willissort of a pointless way to version things.. :) but  so what.13:20
retryubuntu always releases in april and october13:20
retryso 10.04 is right around the corner13:20
sabgentonjust wanted to know the terminiolagy13:20
retrywhat's the nick name gonna be for 10.04?13:21
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:21
retryleaping lemur?13:21
Dr_Willisretry:  Pukeing Platypus13:21
phox_Dr_willis: when i right click the external drive, then properties, where is the button to share it?:P13:21
AndreMorro[BR]Leaping Lemur, LOL13:21
retrylynx is a bad choice13:21
Dr_Willisphox_:  try a directoruy in the uysers home. for a test.13:21
retryit's already a browser13:21
Audiblelucid leopard13:21
retryleopard is used by apple13:21
Audiblewould be a poke at apple13:21
Dr_Willisretry:  and chromium is also a game.. :)13:21
retrychromium is part of firefox13:22
AndreMorro[BR]no no no13:22
retryif you look into firefox internals13:22
AndreMorro[BR]chromium theres NOTHING to firefox13:22
Piciretry: Thats 'chrome'13:22
AndreMorro[BR]it uses a few engines...13:22
AndreMorro[BR]and LOTS o custumizations13:22
retryoh right chrome sorry13:22
AndreMorro[BR]Pici, actually chrome is based on chromium13:22
retryyes chrome is chromium13:22
Audibleanyway, could anyone explain me how to get KSM enabled in 9.10 ?13:23
Dr_Willisworst named new 'thing' ===> .net   :) and13:23
retrybut chrome in firefox is not chromium13:23
retrythat's what I was trying to say13:23
AndreMorro[BR]Audible, KSM?13:23
PiciIts all offtopic, and I'd be glad to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic, but lets keep #ubuntu free for support13:23
AudibleKernel Samepage memory13:23
AndreMorro[BR]Have No Idea13:24
retrywhat's KSM all about?13:24
AndreMorro[BR]I think you can patch the kernel you're using, and recompiling13:24
AndreMorro[BR]instead of upgrading13:24
Audiblei havent tested it yet, but evidently it reuses the read-only pieces of memory to save memory13:24
retryit's not memory13:24
retryit's merging13:24
Audibleah :)13:25
retryKernel SamePage Merging is a recent linux kernel feature which combines identical memory pages from multiple processes into one copy on write memory region.13:25
AndreMorro[BR]Audible, KSM is a 2.6.32 feature13:25
AndreMorro[BR]that whats written in a few forums global13:25
Audibleyeah, i know13:25
Audiblei just wasnt sure if there was any nice little feature i could do so i didnt go through the whole recompile hassle13:26
Audiblemy system is already kinda stable ;)13:26
AndreMorro[BR]I see, but it says that only 2.6.32 accepts such patch13:26
retrywhy do you want it Audible13:26
AndreMorro[BR]retry, to save memory13:26
Audibleretry :  launching multiple copies of a  memory hogging application13:27
retryAndreMorro[BR], I think it's only an advantage when virtualizing guests13:27
AndreMorro[BR]retry, "it reuses the read-only pieces of memory to save memory"13:27
retryKSM, an acronym for Kernel SamePage Merging, a feature of the Linux kernel allowing KVM guest virtual machines to share identical memory pages13:27
dingohi there13:27
retryI dont think it applies to regular applications13:27
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, hi here13:27
saviorfromthenorim back13:27
dingoi downloaded 64bit ubuntu ,burnt cd and inserted into my new core2quad pc13:28
dingonothing happened:(13:28
Audibleretry : i've heard from a guy that currently uses it that it works to vertain wine applications13:28
dingomy new pc detects the ubuntu 32bit cd13:28
Audibleeeg wow13:28
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, is your pc set to boot on CD first?13:28
dingoi am booted from 32bit ubuntut13:28
dingoand chatting here13:28
dingobut my new pc doesnt respond to the 64bit cd13:28
retrydingo, maybe the 64bit burn simply failed13:28
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, and what you mean with nothing happes?13:28
retrygot another 64bit machine around you can try to boot with it?13:28
dingoit says intel ... please insert boot device and restart13:29
AndreMorro[BR]so I think retry is right13:29
dingoretry: yah my friend has13:29
dingolet me check13:29
retrydingo I really think the cd medium is borked13:29
AndreMorro[BR]maybe the recording went wrong13:29
dingoi too hope so13:29
retrybecause if it was a 64 bit  issue more likely it would at least get to the bootloader13:29
retryand fail when you loaded the kernel13:29
AndreMorro[BR]as retry says, you should retry recording13:29
* retry aborts, fails13:30
dingonot a problem , but let me check another pc13:30
dropcodeis there an app that will allow me to loop a video in place of a webcam?13:30
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, go ahead,13:30
AndreMorro[BR]dropcode, not sure...13:30
s00pguys something's going wrong here... ubuntu karmic 64-bit x86 and something's up with my desktop. It'll only let me switch tasks once. After that, I need to ALT+F4 to close the application (it won't let me click the close button) or I can't use anything except the application that has highlight13:31
AndreMorro[BR]try search fake webcam in ubuntu foruns13:31
s00pif that makes any sense13:31
dingoyah other computer detected the 64bit cd13:31
dingo:( now what13:31
dingothe other computer is a core2duo13:31
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, swap cd-roms13:31
saviorfromthenorrun the cd13:31
dingowhy ?13:31
dingomy cdrom will detect the 32 bit cd and not the 64bit cd13:32
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, cuz the other cd-rom is reading your cd...13:32
dingoanything like a 32bit bios ?13:32
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, no...13:32
dingoand core2quad is 64 bit processor ?13:32
dingois there a ia64 vs amd64 issue ?13:32
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, all above core2duo are13:32
dingothen whats the issue with the cd rom13:33
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, try burning another CD in a slower speed13:33
saviorfromthenorandre is right13:33
saviorfromthenorsome cd roms read poorly13:33
dingoi mean cud it be becoz of the cd drive ?13:33
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, cuz if there was a problem, there would be a message like "Use a Proper Kernel"13:33
AndreMorro[BR]something like that13:33
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, try it by a USB13:34
AndreMorro[BR]a live USB or Burn a new CD in lower-speed13:34
AndreMorro[BR]sometimes it help13:34
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:34
s00pI'm in a bit of trouble here guys... ubuntu karmic amd64 and it'll only let me switch tasks once. After that, I need to ALT+F4 to close the application (it won't let me click the close button) or I can't use anything except the application that has focus13:34
AndreMorro[BR]ubottu, sorry13:34
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/13:34
dingoAndreMorro[BR]: can i use a usb drive to install ?13:34
dingohow to do that ?13:34
saviorfromthenora usb is better if you have doubts on cd roms13:34
dingoi wasted a cd13:34
retrys00p anything in /var/log/messages or dmesg?13:34
s00plet me check13:35
saviorfromthenoron pendriveapps13:35
AndreMorro[BR]dingo, Go to System -> Administration -> Create a USB...13:35
retrydingo, download unetbootin13:35
retryit's a great little app that makes setting up a usb key simple as hell13:35
indusalways use cd rw , cd r is a waste really13:35
s00pa bunch of things from psmouse.c retry13:35
s00pyou want me to copy/paste in your privates?13:36
retrys00p pastebin the errors if you want13:36
retryno use pastebin13:36
s00pI can't switch tasks man13:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:36
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, you're using LIVE or did you installed it?13:36
s00pI can only use 2 tasks13:36
s00pthe console and this task13:36
s00pso yeh13:36
s00pit's installed AndreMorro[BR]13:36
retryconsole window in the GUI or actually ttyN ?13:36
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, already update it?13:36
s00pAndreMorro[BR]: yes13:36
retrys00p go ahead and paste it13:36
retryto me13:36
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, disabled desktop effect?13:36
s00pwhat sort of stupid question is that? Why would I complain if I didn't already have the latest version?13:37
retryi actually uninstalled compiz all together13:37
phox_I just installed samba, and i want to share my folders. When i rightclick a folder, and click share options i get this box that says "create share" and more. When i click create share, another window open that says that nautilus need to "Add the permissions automatically", and then when i click ok nothings happens. It just goes back the previous box, and its all red like it failed. What to do?13:37
riz0nhello, I have a server which runs Ubuntu Linux. Normally, I apply available updates through gnome however I am in an environment which has low bandwidth available. What is the best (and easiet) way to check and retrieve the latest updates for Ubuntu from the command line?13:37
retryphox_, you should probably go to #samba13:37
retrythey might help you better13:38
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, well you came here looking for help, I'm doing a few research to imagine the scenario you're working on, if you don't need help why are you here?13:38
saviorfromthenorsome drama13:38
AndreMorro[BR]saviorfromthenor, I Love drama =)13:38
retrys00p you got a laptop with touchpad?13:39
retrywhat sort of mouse is this13:39
AndreMorro[BR]I live in Brazil, also know as drama-country13:39
wasutton3is there a way to remotely view a tty session as if i was sitting in front of my computer (kinda like vnc only for text mode)13:39
crissihello. i installed karmic and trying to setup my printer. i can setup it (via cups admin page) but it doesnt print. I always got 'client-error-not-possible'. whats wrong there? i tried to print as user and as root but still same.13:39
saviorfromthenorim from the philippines13:39
AndreMorro[BR]wasutton3, theres a app named screen something like that13:39
Pici!screen| wasutton313:40
ubottuwasutton3: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen13:40
AndreMorro[BR]crissi, what printer are you using? tried using the printer admin ?13:40
retrywasutton3, yeah kvm13:41
retryscreen is for saving a login shell13:41
retryso you can detach and return to it13:41
retryalthough is has a feature whereby you can share it with others13:41
AndreMorro[BR]retry, I always use screen to "share" a ssh screen with someone else13:41
retryAndreMorro[BR], yeah that's fun the permissions are always a drag though13:42
retryunless you are both logged in as same user13:42
crissiAndreMorro[BR]: its a samsung clp500 (color laser). its using splix.13:42
crissiprinter admin?13:42
erUSULriz0n: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade13:42
retrywasutton3, maybe you simply want ssh?13:42
crissii use cups admin13:42
AndreMorro[BR]crissi, System -> Administration -> printing13:42
crissiAndreMorro[BR]: that should not differ13:43
AndreMorro[BR]crissi, you're right... stupid question13:43
s00pso retry any idea what might have caused that?13:44
retryare you using a trackpad13:44
s00pI rebooted, because I couldn't switch back to irssi D:13:44
retrywhat sort?13:44
s00pthe sort in a dell inspiron 152513:45
MrTorquehow do i create a file with 800GB quickly? dd if=/dev/zero takes so long!13:45
mecoI'm having problems running Savage 2. After I have installed it, when I run it, it only shows a black screen for a brief moment, then it's gone.13:45
retrysynaptics? alps?13:45
s00pI don't know. How do I find out?13:45
s00pdoesn't appear to have my trackpad13:45
retryit should be there somewhere13:46
retrytry lspci -vv13:46
s00pit's got my network interfaces, something to do with ricoh (memory sticks, SD, etc) then all intel stuff... no trackpad13:46
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retryso your prob is that the mouse stops moving?13:46
s00pmy problem was13:46
retryit moves but you can't click anything?13:46
s00pI was unable to swap to any other task13:47
s00palmost correct13:47
retryand you think it's the mouse13:47
s00pdid I say that?13:47
retryso the mouse clicks inside the windows you can click on it13:47
retryi mean the windows you can make active13:47
s00pI can only -use- the -active- window13:47
AndreMorro[BR]retry, are you allright man?13:47
retryit's 3:47am13:47
s00pcan't click shutdown, the desktop, the taskbar or anything else13:47
s00pI could hit ALT+F4 and that's how I got back to irssi13:48
retryi should be asleep..not playing indian tech sup dude13:48
saviorfromthenorlove this channel13:48
retrys00p can you alt-tab?13:48
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, try to deactive desktop effect13:48
mecoLike I said, I'm having troubles with the installation of Savage 2....13:49
tomkatgoogle-earth gives a segmentation fault error. why is this?13:49
retrycause google software is buggy as hell13:49
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, press alt f2 the run gksu gnome-display-properties13:49
s00pwhat am I lookin for AndreMorro[BR] ?13:50
AndreMorro[BR]meco, what kind of problems?13:50
retrys00p, did alt+tab not do anything?13:50
saviorfromthenori thought google was fine with apps>13:50
retryas far as moving to other active tasks13:50
s00palt+tab did nothing13:50
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, it can be a bug in you video-driver , and the "desktop effects" are causing a bug in your window manager13:50
retrydo you have any other active tasks to swap to at the moment?13:50
mecoI'm having problems running Savage 2. After I have installed it, when I run it, it only shows a black screen for a brief moment, then it's gone.13:50
s00pright so disable desktop effects AndreMorro[BR] ?13:50
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, yeah, its a test thou...13:51
retrynot a bad idea to try to disable compiz13:51
retryi find it useless if you're not going to run the silly cube rotating desktop thingy13:51
retrywhich is useless anyway13:51
s00pthis was a one-off thing13:52
s00pit's never happened to me before13:52
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, still not working?13:52
s00poh no, I've rebooted since then13:52
s00pit's working fine now13:52
saviorfromthenorcompiz is fine with me, it always makes my friends jealous13:52
MrTorquehow do i create a file with 800GB quickly? dd if=/dev/zero takes so long!13:52
s00pMrTorque: get a quicker hard drive, fool13:52
retryyou can only write to a disk so fast13:52
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, can you switch between apps now?13:53
retryaint gonna get any faster than /dev/zero13:53
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, great@13:53
MrTorques00p: did you ever had to write  800GB file??13:53
retrytypical disk throughput is maybe between 50-80MB13:53
retryper sec13:53
s00pI came back to find out what could have caused that13:53
pat|nGdoes compiz works for an intel gfxcard 256mb?13:53
s00pin order to prevent it from happening again13:53
s00pbecause if I didn't have console open13:53
retryso 10000sec maybe to write 800G13:53
s00pI wouldn't have been able to reboot D:13:54
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, it depends on the model13:54
s00pat least not safely13:54
saviorfromthenormaybe a process got terminated13:54
s00pMrTorque: yes. I did it on a RAID0.13:54
s00pIt took a little over a minute.13:54
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, check the video-drivers13:54
s00pfor what, AndreMorro[BR]?13:54
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, updates, bugs...13:54
riz0nerUSUL: Thanks for your help. The aptutide command did the trick :)13:54
retrys00p, you can always ctl+alt+f1 to a tty , login, and shutdown from there13:54
mecoIs there a command for me to check what video card I have installed?13:55
s00pAndreMorro[BR]: heh, I run sudo apt-get update & upgrade every day if that's what you mean13:55
retrymeco, lspci13:55
MrTorques00p: is there an other way then dd it from /dev/zero?13:55
MrTorques00p: buying faster harddrives is not possible13:56
s00pMrTorque: don't go there.13:56
retryMrTorque, sure you can just cat a file into itself in a while loop13:56
s00pMrTorque: yes, it is possible13:56
AndreMorro[BR]s00p, uh... yeah, tahts helps to but, sometimes a update may crash your system just by adding something to where it shoudnt,13:56
MrTorqueretry: will that be faster?13:56
retrynot likely to go any faster though13:56
s00pfair enough AndreMorro[BR]13:56
retryyou could try and see13:56
mecoretry: What should I look for to see video card information?13:56
retrymeco , look for something that says video in it13:57
retryor graphics13:57
AndreMorro[BR]meco, it says Intel GM88 something13:57
s00pMrTorque: listen, ok? Your hard drive is the bottleneck, not dd. There is nothing you can do to speed it up.13:57
s00pExcept for getting a different hard drive, of course.13:57
MrTorqueis there no way to say: "these blocks are reserved, even if no data in them?"13:57
DSpairmeco: Run the command "lspci -v | grep -A 5 "Graphic"13:57
s00pNO! Hard drives CAN ONLY WRITE so fast!13:57
saviorfromthenorthen make a partition13:58
MrTorques00p: hm, ok.13:58
saviorfromthenorthat way its reserved13:58
s00pMrTorque: hard drives are bottlenecks in -most systems-, you hear? Writing to them is -slow- by comparison to RAM.13:58
mecoI'm not seeing anything intelligible...13:58
retryMrTorque, it's likely your drive doesn't write any faster than 100MB/sec and probably slower than that overall13:59
retryso do the math13:59
AndreMorro[BR]meco, ?13:59
s00pUnless you want to get 800GB of RAM or a new HD, MrTorque, there is no faster way.13:59
MrTorques00p: well, i can not change the bottleneck. i have to live with it13:59
retry10 sec to write 1G or 8000sec to write 800G13:59
retrythat's 133minutes or over 2 hours13:59
mecoAndreMorro[BR]: Well, I'm not seeing anything resembling Intel GM8813:59
saviorfromthenoryes hard drives have maximum write limit13:59
MrTorques00p: for win there seems to be tools for that: http://windowsitpro.com/article/articleid/40935/how-can-i-create-a-file-of-a-certain-size-in-windows-xp-and-later.html13:59
AndreMorro[BR]meco, there should be something like  "VGA compatible controller"14:00
retryMrTorque, what are you trying to do?14:00
mecoYes, I have " VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)"14:00
DSpairmeco: Try: lspci -v | grep -A 10 VGA14:00
s00pMrTorque: there seems to be tools for that in Linux too. It's called 'dd'.14:00
retryoh you have lovely intel media accelerator14:00
retrywaht fun14:00
MrTorqueretry: i have a NAS (cheap one) and i want to create a file-container which i will then decrypt with luks14:01
mecoCan I run Savage 2 on that?14:01
AndreMorro[BR]meco, great, !! thats a compatible Intel Card, GM84514:01
AndreMorro[BR]meco, what is savage?14:01
DSpairmeco: You should see a line "Kernel driver", which will tell you which X driver is being used.14:01
retrywhat you want an 800Gig file to make a loopback device?14:01
mecoAndreMorro[BR]: It's a game14:01
saviorfromthenorwhat's a ;oopback?14:01
ronHi can anyone help, im trying to set up a VPN Connection to my home server using pptp and i cant get it to work,14:01
chilli0Hello, can anyone give me a  list of default cli text editros in ubuntu ?14:01
MrTorques00p: what about mkfile? http://www.manpagez.com/man/8/mkfile/14:02
frogzoochilli0: gedit, & vim14:02
retrychilli0, vi, vim, nano14:02
DSpairsaviorfromthenor: It's a "fake" disk device made from a file on a real device.14:02
riz0nchilli0: vi nano14:02
s00pMrTorque: if your file is 100% redundant then you could use something like zfs to compress it, and possibly reduce the bottleneck significantly.14:02
chilli0Ok thanks.14:02
mecoDSpair: No kernel driver line14:02
riz0nyou guys should try SSH over Wild Blue satellite.14:02
AndreMorro[BR]meco, it will not run smothly but yes, you can, but it would be better to buy a NVIDIA or ATI 3D card14:02
DSpairmeco: Really? Interesting.14:02
m__I can't install yahoo messenger her14:03
DSpairriz0n: I'd rather poke my eyes out with red-hot tongs.14:03
mecoAndreMorro[BR]: I see14:03
saviorfromthenoron an ubuntu?14:03
m__any one can help plz14:03
AndreMorro[BR]m__, try using empathy or pidgin, it suports lots of protocols also yahoo14:03
mecoDSpair: Nope14:03
s00pMrTorque: consider looking at zfs for your nas.14:03
retrymeco, I very much doubt you can play savage 2 on that GPU14:03
saviorfromthenoruse pidgin14:03
m__I 'm a new user14:03
MrTorques00p: what with dd and the seek option??14:03
retrythat game looks like a fps with a lot of 3d rendering14:03
m__I just installed the sys riight now14:03
DSpairm_: Yahoo Messenger is a Windows application. You should use Pidgin or Empathy on Linux.14:03
mecoretry: So that may be why the game won't start up?14:03
AndreMorro[BR]m__, Aplications -> Internet -> Empathy14:04
s00pI don't know if seeking is very optimal on compressed drives... but writing redundant (repetitive) data to them should be.14:04
riz0nDSpair: i know what you mean, where i just moved to i cant get DSL or cable for broadband. it was either wild blue or hughes net and wildblue just happened to cost the least of the two.. :\14:04
AndreMorro[BR]you can add your yahoo acount there and start using it14:04
ronnobody good with pptpd? :(14:04
retrymeco, possibly...and even if it could, I doubt you can play it with that GPU ..you'd get like 6 frames a sec14:04
DSpairriz0n: Both of them really suck for latency though... I'm sorry for you bro!14:04
AndreMorro[BR]ron, maaaannn, i'm fighting with it for 2 months14:04
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mecoretry: Too bad.. Oh, well!14:04
riz0nyep the latency stinks. like 2 or 3 seconsd14:05
riz0nbut its better than using smoke signals for internet LMAO14:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:05
DSpairriz0n: I used to have Hughes Net and you couldn't even establish an IPSEC VPN over that sucker because of the latency.14:05
pat|nGi installed compiz but i can't have the 3D cube effects how can i do it?14:05
s00pso if all you want to do is dd if=/dev/zero then yes that should be fast if you provide a large bs like 1M and write to a compressed drive.. heck I think you can even mount gzip/bz2 files14:05
MrTorques00p: haha, i did: dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/linkstation1/container bs=1024 seek=799999990 count=800000000 and voila: got a 800GB file very, very quickly!14:05
ronAndreMorro[BR], if your just like 'not connecting' too? it gets to a point then seems to close the connection..14:05
AndreMorro[BR]ron, actually i can connect, but keeps droping14:06
riz0nThat was one of my next projecst... VPN to my Ubuntu server14:06
s00pwhy are you using 1024 bs?14:06
s00pI'd be using 1M14:06
AndreMorro[BR]ron, so far I changed to openvpn and installed on the MS machines also14:06
riz0nmy ubuntu server sits behind a cable modem and runs fairly fast14:06
DSpairriz0n: RFC 1149.14:06
ronAndreMorro[BR], woudl you recomend it?14:07
retryMrTorque, that's cause you didnt write the entire file out14:07
DSpairRFC 1149 : IP over Avian Carriers - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers14:07
MrTorqueretry: but that is okay, isnt't it? the size is allocated.14:07
AndreMorro[BR]ron, yeah, its much better, safer and secure, but its not easy to teach someone how to install it on MS computers...14:07
riz0nubuntu rules but satellite internet sux.14:07
retryfor your purposes14:07
s00pI've been thinking of getting some aluminium, soldering up a box with some rods to suspend atom boards on and running a series of atom boards in mineral oil...14:07
riz0nBut Wild Blue is an excellent name for the service. Trying to use the service will drive you wild, and paying the bills will leave you blue.14:08
s00pthink that'd work well riz0n?14:08
PiciDSpair, riz0n, s00p: #ubuntu is for support only. If you just want to chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that purpose.14:08
chilli0Hi, Im getting thes weird error. exportfs: Warning: /media/My Book does not support NFS export.14:08
DSpairPici: OK, NP... Sorry for the inconvenience.14:08
chilli0Is that because its a usb ?14:08
mecoregarding Savage 2 the FAQ for the Linux installation reads: "Savage 2 requires an OpenGL 2.1 compliant video card and driver. This means it will not run on Geforce 4 series and below." I suppose that my compatible Intel Card, GM845, is not up to the task?14:08
riz0ni dunno i've never tried soaking atom boards in oil14:08
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, proabably, or beacause it has spaces on the name14:09
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riz0nPici: I am getting support.14:09
s00pPici: then make yourself useful and tell me what caused that crash I experienced earlier14:09
AndreMorro[BR]meco, you're right...14:09
ikoniachilli0: try changing it from a name with a space to removing the space14:09
airtonixriz0n, when are you going to return to the topic ?14:09
guest2i need help in ubuntu14:09
ikoniachilli0: also what file system is on mybook ?14:09
chilli0AndreMorro[BR], Is there anyway to fix the name with out formatting ?14:09
retrymeco you basically have a card that is the bare minimum to run a modern GUI14:09
chilli0Not to sure.14:09
retryit is not able to game at all14:09
retrynothing substantil14:10
ikoniachilli0: they are two things to find out and check14:10
retryyou could probably play some really old games14:10
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, yeah, use GParteD14:10
DSpairchilli0: Sure you can rename the mount point without formatting.14:10
ronAndreMorro[BR] THanks ill give it a try, im only doing it on ubuntu anyway14:10
riz0nhrmm I didn't know that all 1322 had a specific topic we were discussing14:10
retrylike mario kart14:10
mecoretry: Ok14:10
guest2any one help me to install apache hadoop14:10
chilli0DSpair, How can I do this ?14:10
retryyou should have bought a pc with a dedicated GPU if you wanted to game14:10
Picis00p: I don't know what caused your issue, but I saw that you got some good suggestions if it happens again.14:10
ikoniaguest2: hadoop ?14:10
airtonixriz0n, pretty sure that when you joined the channel it describes what is on topic here (protip : ubuntu support not your ability to pay bills of some non factor company)14:11
DSpairchilli0: Install GParteD. From the System->Administration->Synapic Package Manager14:11
s00pPici like what, CTRL+ALT+F1 when my ALT+TAB wasn't working? hmmm? Awesome!14:11
s00pthanks for helping Pici!14:11
chilli0DSpair,  Im on ssh =P14:11
AndreMorro[BR]someone is in a bad mood14:11
DSpairchilli0: OK, "aptitude install parted"14:11
ws2как я могу14:11
ws2зайти на arsanna.com14:11
Picis00p: No, regarding disabling compiz.14:11
Pici!ru | ws214:12
ubottuws2: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:12
riz0nairtonix: your complaints of my short line about wild blue is off-topic to this channel. when do you plan to return to the topic of this channel?14:12
mecoHow do I uninstall Savage 2? It doesn't show in Synaptic?14:12
ws2i che?14:12
tomkatdoes anyone have issues with their audigy 4?14:12
Piciws2: /join #ubuntu-ru14:12
chilli0DSpair,  Ok done.14:12
ws2fuck you14:12
retrymeco how did you install it?14:12
mecoretry: It was a .bin file14:12
retrybin file?14:12
AndreMorro[BR]things are guetting messy14:12
guest2how to install hadoop and hbase14:12
DSpairchilli0: Use the man page to help you: "man parted"14:12
retrythat's not an installable14:13
retrythat's like a cd image14:13
saviorfromthenoryeah, is it always like this here?14:13
mecoretry: /Savage2Install-2.1.0-i686.bin14:13
chilli0DSpair,  mmm new disk label i guess ?14:13
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AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, yeap!14:13
retrymeco so what did you type to install it?14:13
DSpairchilli0: Yup!14:13
AndreMorro[BR]saviorfromthenor, not really, they should read the "How to get help" from ubuntu user days yesterday14:13
mecoretry: I typed ./Savage2Install-2.1.0-i686.bin after having done chmod +x14:13
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Sargot_need_helphello i have 1 question i get a dvd as present and try to watch it but it doesn't work14:14
AndreMorro[BR]Sargot_need_help, -> you need to watch dvds?14:15
saviorfromthenoropen it on the totem player14:15
riz0noh well, i'm not here to argue about what is considered on topic and off-topic. i joined, i presented a complaint regarding my wild blue and slow UBUNTU service, perhaps someone was going to come along and provide me with SUPPORT which would have sped up my experience using ubuntu and wild blue. i am truly sorry of my one off-topic line regarding wild blue upset you dearly to the point that it made you have to call me out in the channel abou14:15
KrisKohello, i have my own bin directory with scripts, i added the dir to enviroment variables, it works correctly, but when i try to run my own command with sudo i get command not found? how could i fix this14:15
retrymeco so it's some proprietary installer...does it have an uninstall option ?14:15
AndreMorro[BR]KrisKo, check the $PATH from root user14:15
grawityKrisKo: 'sudo' resets $PATH to the one root has.14:15
mecoretry: I'll try running it again14:16
retrytry adding --help to the cmdline14:16
grawityKrisKo: usually, I put such "system" binaries to /usr/local/bin.14:16
retrysee if it has options14:16
dhuvhello all14:16
chilli0DSpair,  Could you help out for one sec ? I cant unmount it. It says its busy.14:16
retryKrisKo you should do what grawity suggests14:16
dhuvI am using 9.10 and was wondering when an official firefox 3.6 package will be available for download?14:17
DSpairchilli0: cd to a different directory outside of the drive.14:17
Sargot_need_helpi want AndreMorro[BR] because i have no dvd player so i want to see it on my pc14:17
retry/usr/local/bin is for custom scripts you want to set up14:17
dfa_hi.  i have  an error in Karmic:   when i play a mp3 file, in the middle the song stops  and the player marker acelerates to the end.   i try a lot of files and some players.  any idea ?14:17
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, make sure your not on the device write now (type pwd to se where you are)14:17
nomad111hi all is it possible in bash to get which screen the mouse pointer is in14:17
grawitydhuv: Official Mozilla package or official Ubuntu package?14:17
nomad111at the moment14:17
retrydhuv, probably wont be14:17
retrynot til next distro release in april14:17
dhuvgrawity: official ubuntu package14:17
grawitydhuv: Ubuntu - not sooner than 10.04.14:17
chilli0Im not on the device.14:17
nomad111actually not mouse pointer but lets say the current gnome-terminal14:17
Piciriz0n: Why not forget it and just ask your *support* question again and perhaps someone can answer.  If you want to chat about random stuff whilst waiting for a response, we ask that you do so in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:18
grawitydhuv: But the ones from Mozilla work quite good too.14:18
retrydistro versions dont upgrade packages14:18
KrisKograwity: ok i'll put them to usr local lib.14:18
mecoretry: It doesn't respond to that switch14:18
dhuvgrawity: I prefer the Ubuntu package because it has better font rendering. Is there anyway to make the Mozilla package the same?14:18
grawityKrisKo: bin, not lib. lib is for libraries.14:18
retrythey freeze them and backport patches from newer development they deem important14:18
retryusually security14:18
grawitydhuv: Edit ~/.fonts.conf14:18
KrisKograwity: :) sorry bin14:18
retrymeco, not sure then...that's not a standard package installer14:18
AndreMorro[BR]Sargot_need_help, ok, first thing, make sure you PC reads DVD-Medias, second, Open the Totem (Application -> Multimedia -> Movie Player (or something like it) then go to File, Reproduce "Your Media"14:18
grawitydhuv: My Linux laptop is toast, so please wait a few minutes while I try to find a backup copy of that.14:18
retryso it probably just put its files wherever it wanted14:19
retrymaybe it's all in your home dir or something14:19
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, try unounting with -f (force)14:19
dhuvgrawity: Fonts in other apps are fine, just Firefox has thinner fonts, is that something .fonts.conf can fix?14:19
grawitynomad111: It might be possible -- but always remember that it isn't always gnome-terminal. It might not even be running under X.14:19
grawitydhuv: Yep. Ubuntu's package is patched to respect GNOME's font settings. Official Mozilla builds, on the other hand, only use fontconfig settings (changeable through fonts.conf)14:20
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Still busy14:20
dfa_hi.  i have  an error in Karmic:   when i play a mp3 file, in the middle the song stops  and the player marker acelerates to the end.   i try a lot of files and some players.  any idea ?14:20
grawitydhuv: "Thinner fonts" in this case is hinting mode... Which one do you have in GNOME's appearance settings? Medium, light, none?14:20
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, there's no one using it?14:20
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, maybe a download, or upload,14:20
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Nop14:20
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Ill restart it14:21
duffydackI think liberation sans font looks absolutely awesome in Firefox.14:21
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, thats what i was writing14:21
nomad111grawity: i was reading a guide recently on how to emulate windows 7's aero snap in ubuntu (in which you drag a window to the edge of a screen to make resize: top -> maximise, left -> fill left half, right -> fill right half). Only problem was that the guide did not take into account a multi-display setup.14:21
nomad111im trying to overcome that14:21
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  hehe14:21
duffydackI wish chromium would look as good.14:21
retrychilli0, type lsof and grep for your mount name14:21
AndreMorro[BR]duffydack, chrome-beta looks good14:21
retryso sudo lsof|grep <mount name>14:22
chilli0retry,  To late o=14:22
retrymeh ah well14:22
retryso what is that a usb key?14:22
retryor usb hdd?14:22
Sargot_need_helpmh  AndreMorro[BR] this is clear i am no newbie ;) totem can't open it because it can't see a file he can handle on this dvd, vlc open the dvd a menu appears but i choose the language than vlc close, if a use mplayer a can see the disney intro but it can't open the other tracks...14:22
chilli0retry,  Usb harddrive hehe14:22
duffydackAndreMorro[BR], Ive tried google chrome and chromium and they dont honour font changes at all for me..  fonts either look too small or too fat/bold compared to what I have now14:22
PcPixelHello. I have a question about Ubuntu Server 9.10 and iptables. How does Ubuntu remember what user defined rules you havein place?14:23
luisthow do i keep my changes to terminator preferences? they always go back to default14:23
retrychilli0, so ubuntu auto mounted it with that crappy name?14:23
retryPcPixel, it loads them from a file14:23
Myrttiluist: edit the config file or configure it with gnome-terminal14:23
mecoretry: Yes, I found it in my home dir. Now it's gone...14:23
chilli0retry, Seems that wa14:23
chilli0way *14:23
grawitydhuv: There, wget http://dpaste.com/150210/plain/ -O ~/.fonts.conf14:23
saviorfromthenorhey i got a question, which app should i install in ubuntu if i want to see the whole network traffic?14:23
retryhonestly a space in the name shouldn't cause it so much problems14:23
PcPixelretry: how do they get saved? US seems different than the other OS's Ive used14:23
NET||abusehey folks, anyone know if this will get sorted soon? how soon? http://code.google.com/p/fbug/issues/detail?id=270814:23
KrisKoI have set my aliases, they work correctly, but whe i login to my account via ssh, they don't :(, also they don't work on tty's...14:23
grawitysaviorfromthenor: A packet sniffer? (Wireshark is popular.)14:24
grawityKrisKo: Where have you set them?14:24
retryPcPixel, I don't remember offhand how ubuntu does it14:24
saviorfromthenorill try that14:24
saviorfromthenorthnaks grawity14:24
retryI know in debian you basically do it yourself with iptables-save and iptables-load14:24
KrisKograwity: ~/.bash_aliases, adn added line to ~/.bashrc14:24
grawitydhuv: Then open it in your favourite text editor, and edit the hintstyle. "Thick" fonts is 'slight' or 'none'.14:24
disappearedngAnyone here can tell me how I can change my dns ?14:24
retryand make it part of a pre up and post down scripts14:24
AndreMorro[BR]duffydack, never checked that out14:25
grawityKrisKo: Do you have a ~/.profile, or ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.bash_login? (Any of these.)14:25
retrydisappearedng, edit /etc/resolv.conf?14:25
disappearedngretry: is that safe?14:25
AndreMorro[BR]Hey I have a question, anyone knows a HP12c emulator? or something like it?14:25
grawityKrisKo: If yes, does it contain a line saying '. ~/.bashrc' or 'source ~/.bashrc'?14:25
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Erm14:25
retrydisappearedng, well it's how you always did it on linux14:25
KrisKograwity: only .profile14:25
chilli0AndreMorro[BR], (parted) mklabel harddrive14:25
chilli0Warning: The existing disk label on /dev/sdb will be destroyed and all data on this disk will be lost. Do you want to continue?14:25
grawityKrisKo: Okay, now does it contain a line saying '. ~/.bashrc' or 'source ~/.bashrc'?14:25
chilli0Can I do it with out losing 500 gigs of data ?14:25
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, holly cr**14:25
disappearedngis there any software that allows to change dns?14:25
retryubuntu keeps changing so many basic things it's hard to know what old ways are not informing some GUI front end tool14:25
retryand thus breaking things14:26
grawitychilli0: NO.14:26
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, didn~t new that14:26
phox_I share some folders over the local network, but then i try to open a folder from my win-pc, it says that the path isnt found. What could be the problem? I have samba.14:26
chilli0disappearedng,  Maybe host file ?14:26
KrisKograwity: no, it doesn't14:26
disappearedngcause I use a vpn14:26
AndreMorro[BR]disappearedng, you can manually do it by editing /etc/resolv.conf (sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf)14:26
grawitychilli0: I think you are looking for "e2label" instead...14:26
grawityKrisKo: Then add it.14:26
disappearedngum, like dnsmasq?14:26
grawityKrisKo: Or, pastebin the entire ~/.profile if you can.14:26
chilli0grawity,  Whats that ?14:26
retrylike today for example I used userdel to remove a user from the sytem and when I tried to add them back in wtih the GNOME frontend , it was all complaining about user already existing and what not14:26
PcPixelIs there somewhere that documents how the firewall in Ubuntu Server works? I want to deploy one, but I need to be sure I can control the firewall on boot.14:27
retryPcPixel, just install some frontend tool...there are plenty that make it easy like firestarter14:27
grawitychilli0: It's a program to change the filesystem label of an ext2 partition.14:27
saviorfromthenormassive questions14:27
grawityPcPixel: Are you talking about ufw or iptables?14:27
KrisKograwity: the only line there uncommented is: test -z "$PROFILEREAD" && . /etc/profile || true14:27
nomad111is it possible to make find return files only14:27
nomad111not folders14:27
chilli0grawity,  Its not ext2 o=14:27
PcPixelgrawity: uiptables14:27
PcPixelretry:" no GUI. this is a server box. no GUI14:27
grawitychilli0: ext[234] are the same in this case.14:28
chilli0grawity,  Its nfs or some windows crap14:28
AndreMorro[BR]PcPixel, disable ufw and write yours using iptables14:28
grawityPcPixel: iptables is an interface to 'netfiler' kernel module, and it's available all the time, even on boot. It's not Ubuntu-specific. And it has a lot of docs all over the googles.14:28
chilli0grawity,  Anyway to change the mount point name ?14:28
airtonixPcPixel, ufw is the clie version of gufw which are just both frontends to iptables... however they are fairly simplistic in their application14:28
dhuvgrawity: hintstyle is set to hintslight14:28
grawitychilli0: NTFS? It's not crap... in any case, 'ntfslabel'14:28
retryi have never seen a definitive iptables script that covers all the weird things that people can do to your packets14:29
PcPixelgrawirty: right, but most other distros ive seen has an iptables script on boot that loads rules. ubuntu server doesnt have that, so im wondering how it remembers the rules youve put in place14:29
chilli0grawity,  I said some windows crap o/14:29
phox_I share some folders over the local network, but then i try to open a folder from my win-pc, it says that the path isnt found. What could be the problem? I have samba, and already tried in #samba, no help there.14:29
retryPcPixel, oh it has it somewhere14:29
retrythere's no more /etc/init.d/iptables?14:29
grawitychilli0: Dude, NTFS is awesome.14:29
PcPixelretry: nope.14:29
grawitychilli0: (Yes, I know it's a Windows thing.)14:29
retrywhat about event.d?14:29
retryanything in there14:29
PcPixelretry: in any version of Ubuntu Server i've looked at i havent seen one14:29
PcPixelevent.,d? lkemme checlk14:29
grawitychilli0: ...anyway, did you try ntfslabel?14:30
airtonixgrawity, apart from its lack of real symlinks and the constant need for defragmentation14:30
disappearedngok anyone familair with /etc/resolv.conf14:30
chilli0grawity,  Installing now14:30
retryit's a very simple file14:30
AndreMorro[BR]PcPixel, write your own, the put it in /etc/rc3 (maybe 2) as SXXfirewall or something like it...14:30
retrythat has your DNS entries14:30
AndreMorro[BR]S means it wil start, XX its the order,14:30
guest2any one know about hadoop or hbase can help  me???????????14:30
grawityairtonix: NTFS has symlinks, it's just that Windows XP and older did not support them.14:30
disappearedngok so let say my first dns censors sites, will me secondary dns entries be used to retrieve failed attempts from 1?14:30
PcPixelAndre: Ah, so I jus thave to add my own14:30
grawitydisappearedng: Depends on how the "censoring" is done.14:30
retrydisappearedng, depends14:30
airtonixgrawity, junctioning is hardly a something i would call a comparable symlink provider14:31
retryyeah exactly14:31
disappearednglet say if censorship blocks out dns14:31
AndreMorro[BR]PcPixel, you're right, just be shure to able your SSH connections14:31
retryif it it censors by resolivng you to some IP and saying no bad14:31
retrythen NO14:31
chilli0grawity,  No im not. Whats it called in the respos ?14:31
retryit won't14:31
grawitychilli0: ntfsprogs14:31
retryif censor means it won't return an IP record at all14:31
retrythen yes it would14:31
disappearedngok cool14:31
airtonixgrawity, i do however wish ubuntu used a filesystem that allowed for per node permission systems like windows provides14:31
Talon_I followed this guide here: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-easily-share-your-wireless-connection-in-ubuntu-9-10/ and got internet connection sharing half working. It seems on boot, ethernet is initialized before wireless gets a chance, then pc's on the ethernet cant get the internet unless i disconnect my ethernet and reconnect it after wireless starts up..14:31
grawityairtonix: NTFS symlinks act exactly the same way as Unix symlinks.14:31
PcPixelok ill give that a shot. i finally have a chance to let ubuntu shine at work, so i wanrt to be sure i can secure the OS when it goes public14:31
Talon_any ideas how to fix this?14:31
disappearednganything to dynamically change my resolver? cause my resolver gets rewritten all the time14:31
airtonixgrawity, unfortunatly they do not.14:32
KrisKograwity: thank you, I added the '. ~/.bashrc', now it works.14:32
chilli0grawity,  Thanks. But that computer just lost internet o=14:32
AndreMorro[BR]disappearedng, sometimes (I Do this) the DNS its now blocking, but all traffic goes to a proxy (like squid) and it blocks there...14:32
Piciguest2: I don't think anyone here is familiar with it.  You may want to ask in #ubuntu-server or #httpd (the apache channel)14:32
grawityairtonix: Got any examples on how they are different?14:32
guest2ok thanks pici14:32
retrydisappearedng, are you getting your IP from dhcp?14:32
fisthey guys, what does this step means? : "as root, install the virtualbox guest additons."14:33
retrybecause that usually assigns dns from the dhcp server14:33
retryevery time14:33
retrybut you can set static DNS14:33
disappearedngI am also using openvpn14:33
retryin your network interfaces14:33
disappearedngbut then there's a script update-resolv-conf14:33
disappearedngnot sure what it does14:33
pawanwhen is the next release coming14:33
retryhmm I dont know much about openvpn config14:33
AndreMorro[BR]pawan, 04/201014:34
retryI use hardware vpn14:34
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:34
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde14:34
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.14:34
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors14:34
Myrttiare we done with the bot soon?14:34
Myrtti!bot > retry14:35
ubotturetry, please see my private message14:35
duffydackfist, mount the guest additions cd and sudo ./VBox<whateverOS>14:36
chilli0grawity, How can I enable desktop view / sharing from cli ?14:36
chilli0grawity, Remote desktoping =P14:36
grawitychilli0: I don't know.14:36
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, system -> preferencers - remote desktop connection14:36
pawanpawan here14:36
disappearednganyone know how to use update-resolv-conf?14:36
chilli0Anyone know how to enable remote desktop from cli ?14:36
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, its VNC14:36
pawanwho there14:37
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  I need to enable it from cli14:37
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, wow... that would be...14:37
retryyou can if you have X running14:37
retrywhat's the new vnc server called now?14:37
retryvino or something?14:37
chilli0retry,  Its running on the computer.14:37
retryvinagre is the client...14:37
Talon_is there a way to set prioritys on network manager to start wireless before ethernet?14:37
AndreMorro[BR]retry, xtightvnc-server something like it14:37
retryoh tight is not default though14:38
retryI love tight14:38
duffydackvino-server or something.14:38
retrychilli0, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-266981.html14:38
AndreMorro[BR]tight, loose, doesn't matter14:38
AndreMorro[BR]vnc isn't the best choice14:38
pawanwhich is better windows or ubuntu14:39
AndreMorro[BR]pawan, are you kidding?14:39
Trezkerraphaelachown54@hotmail.com anyone we know?14:39
AndreMorro[BR]pawan, each has its qualitys14:39
cuthbertHello. On my other system, I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on dual-boot with Windows Vista on a laptop, and I have problem booting into Ubuntu. It shows an error that mention about booting a kernel. How do I go about doing it?14:40
AndreMorro[BR]sorry for bad spell14:40
AndreMorro[BR]cuthbert, can you write the error?14:40
cuthbert"error: you need to load the kernel first. press any key to continue"14:41
AndreMorro[BR]cuthbert, something went wrong during your instaltion buddy, can you reinstall it?14:41
retryyes vnc is quick and easy but not an efficient transport14:42
cuthbertoh, okay. i will re-install it first and see how it goes. but if the problem is still around?14:42
retryI like nx14:42
retryoh man nearly 5am14:42
retryI'm going to bed14:42
AndreMorro[BR]cuthbert, you come back to us and check if we can help14:42
cuthbertokay, thanks.14:42
AndreMorro[BR]retry, where you chating from?14:42
AndreMorro[BR]retry, 5 am??14:42
retry[retry TIME reply]: Mon Jan 25 04:42:34 201014:43
retryI'm so screwed now14:43
retryah well14:43
jellow!hi | pawan14:43
ubottupawan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:43
AndreMorro[BR]jellow, can anyone play with the ! with the bot?14:44
AndreMorro[BR]it will save my fingers a bit14:44
jellow!bot | AndreMorro[BR]14:44
ubottuAndreMorro[BR]: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:44
saviorfromthenoryou should get some sleep retry14:44
AndreMorro[BR]!ubuntu > AndreMorro[BR]14:44
ubottuAndreMorro[BR], please see my private message14:44
AndreMorro[BR]jellow, ty14:45
jellowAndreMorro[BR]: np14:45
pawanis fucking a lady good thing14:45
AndreMorro[BR]pawan, are you kidding?14:46
pawanjust for fun14:46
Myrttipawan: er14:46
melchiorhello all. I've just installed linux on an embedded device. Kernel and fs where provided. Web server is already installed but there's just a httpd executable in /usr/sbin and nthing else no apache2 folder, no httpd folder, no httpd.conf.... How could i configure this webserver ?14:46
macman_i have a question .. im on ubuntu right and my sound is so friggin loud .. i can't even put it on 1 without it blasting .. there a setting i can change besides the default sound because that isn't working14:46
AndreMorro[BR]!offtopic | pawan14:46
ubottupawan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:46
AndreMorro[BR]macman_, yes, open up the mixer, and do the "fine tunning"  there14:47
pawanwhy not here14:47
Myrttipawan: nowhere in #ubuntu channels14:47
Myrttipawan: not even in #ubuntu-offtopic14:47
AndreMorro[BR]!language | pawan14:48
ubottupawan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
AndreMorro[BR]loved the bot ! thing14:48
pawanoh no14:48
saviorfromthenorjust tried wireshark, it ate me alive14:50
pawanbut i am feeling horny14:51
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, you need to be more specific next time when you want to have network monitoring (there are many aspects to it)14:51
chilli0I need some help. I think my computer is stuffed.14:51
pawanwhere to go14:51
AndreMorro[BR]pawan, sleep...14:51
saviorfromthenortnx airtonix14:51
jellow!ask | chilli014:51
ubottuchilli0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:51
pawansleep not coming14:51
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, wireshark is about inspecting the contents of the network data...14:51
Myrttipawan: elsewhere. continuing this thread of conversation might end up you getting muted or removed from the channel14:51
chilli0jellow,  I dont know wtf is wrong14:52
AndreMorro[BR]!language | chilli014:52
ubottuchilli0: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:52
jellowchilli0: Will your system not boot ?14:52
chilli0Im connected to the computer locally. but it cant go out to the internet14:52
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, but typically a person wanting to "see the network traffic" means they want to see the connections and the traffic speed of those connections ... is this the case with you ?14:52
chilli0It says there are no valid connections found.14:52
saviorfromthenorhehe, i was hoping to try airtonix on my classmates who download using torrent in our public wifi14:52
clusty_where is the new grub config file?14:53
chilli0Yet it connects to LAN.14:53
pawani want the answer14:53
clusty_i see no /boot/grub/menu.lst14:53
Myrttipawan: you've been given several14:53
chilli0Device is unmanaged apparently.14:53
saviorfromthenoryes airtonix14:53
Sargot_need_helpis there i possibility to install a i386 .deb under 64-bit ubuntu?14:53
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, so you want to see connections & speeds or the contents of each data packet ?14:53
jellowchilli0: could you post the out put on pastebin of "sudo ifconfig"14:54
AndreMorro[BR]pawan, do this, go to sleep before you mom find's out what you're doing on the internet and get you grounded...14:54
pawangood advice14:54
chilli0jellow,  Are you sure you mean ipconfig ?14:54
pawanu too do like this or what14:54
saviorfromthenori am getting so tired of slow connections due to torrent downloads of others who share the wifi network14:54
jellowchilli0: i mean ifconfig14:54
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, if you want to monitor connections and speeds passing through or from your own computer i suggest jnettop. if you want to see connections from other computers on your own subnet you might like to try out etherape14:55
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, try "sudo ping"14:55
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, see if its pinging...14:55
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Works14:56
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, try pinging www.google.com.br14:56
AndreMorro[BR]or .com, whatever14:56
pawanmy desire14:56
chilli0DNS issue i think14:56
chilli0That fails14:56
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, yeah, add "nameserver" to your /etc/resolv.conf14:56
pawanand my life14:56
Jimi_NeutralAnyone know why I cannot download the 32 bit server edition of karmic, or is there not one?14:56
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, or (google public dns)14:56
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, in the case of desiring priority on the connection there is some things you can do providing the wifi modem (and the internet connection it connects to is yours)...14:56
pawani am dying man14:56
coz_Jimi_Neutral,  let me check hold on14:57
saviorfromthenorgot it airtonix, tnx14:57
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  But I cant edit the network erm look.14:57
pawanpls help14:57
Jimi_Neutralor should I say I cant find a link for it14:57
Jimi_Neutralit goes to 64bit every time14:57
AndreMorro[BR]Jimi_Neutral, yes there is, just gotta change it on the download options14:57
Myrttipawan: you've been told the guidelines of this channel, and told to behave. This is the final warning, if you do not keep on topic (Ubuntu support), you will be muted, removed or even banned.14:57
Jimi_NeutralAndreMorro[BR], forgive me but i couldnt see any14:57
Jimi_Neutralcoz_, ty14:57
saviorfromthenorairtonix: i guess i just want to know which ip uses torrent14:57
jellowJimi_Neutral: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server ?14:58
AndreMorro[BR]Jimi_Neutral, underneath the Green Download, theres a Alternate Download Options,14:58
AndreMorro[BR]Jimi_Neutral, you can choose 32bit from there14:58
Myrttisaviorfromthenor: if you don't have access to the router/hub, you'll probably not have any means of getting that information. Also, be aware that in some jurisdictions packet sniffing etc. are illegal.14:58
coz_Jimi_Neutral,   mm I only see the 64 bit version let me keep checking14:58
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, you won't really be able to determine that if they have encryption and use a non standard port for their torrent software... maybe generalised traffic speeds will indicate this14:58
saviorfromthenorbecause when i looked up how to stop torrent using the router, they just it was not thateasy14:58
AndreMorro[BR]coz_, right at the bottom of the Green Download button theres a "Alternate Downlaod options"14:59
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  http://g.imagehost.org/0609/Screenshot-1.png14:59
coz_Jimi_Neutral,  go here   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server14:59
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, welcome to the more advanced topics of network management14:59
coz_Jimi_Neutral,   click the "alternative download options14:59
marekw2143how to install pyside on ubuntu 8.10 64 bit?14:59
coz_Jimi_Neutral,   there you can choose the  32 bit version14:59
saviorfromthenorits okay i will need it when i graduate14:59
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, you might like to explore the tutorials and tips section on ubunutu forums... i believe there are several threads regarding this topic of yours15:00
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, click with the other mouse button, and enable "wired"15:00
saviorfromthenorill do that15:00
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  It is.15:00
pawanwhats it man15:00
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, great, so, open terminal, edit /etc/network/interfaces and remove everything till stays just with the "lo" interface configuration, and restart the system15:01
* Hexidismal sitting quietly observing ....15:01
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, you will also soon appreciate the features a particular modem might provide in this circumstance. (all in one devices are really not ideal for the application of controlled network traffic)15:01
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Reinstalling network manager then i shall do that15:01
AndreMorro[BR]Can someone do something about our little pawan and his nice talks about puberty?15:01
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, dont need to15:01
nabilhi can someone show me how to mount ext4 intenal drive as read/write...15:02
AndreMorro[BR]nabil, mount /dev/deviceX /media/mount-point -t ext415:02
saviorfromthenorairtonix: how can you tell which is which?15:02
erUSULnabil: mount -t ext4 /dev/sdxx /mount/point/15:02
AndreMorro[BR]nabil, also you can put the -o rw15:03
MyrttiAndreMorro[BR]: we are looking at him15:03
Talon_how can I make eth0 wait for my wireless to start15:03
AndreMorro[BR]Myrtti, didn't undestand...15:03
AndreMorro[BR]Myrtti, OOHH, Ok, gotcha15:03
nabilAndreMorro[BR], i need the [OPTIONS] for fstab15:04
nabilerUSUL, i need the [OPTIONS] for fstab15:04
Guest83165graphics in my ubuntu is not starting, I am using 9.0415:04
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, it's a fairly extensive topic. but generally you would desire to have a switch seperate from the modem so you can put a computer between the two in order to apply squid traffic shaping rules15:04
Jimi_Neutralcoz_, sorry completely missed the alternate download, cant see wood for trees15:04
pawananswer to my questions15:04
erUSULnabil: for ext4 just use "defaults"15:04
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airtonix!find squid15:04
AndreMorro[BR]nabil, allright, mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/sdXX /media/mount-point15:04
Jimi_NeutralAndreMorro[BR], same message as the one to coz, sorry15:04
ubottuFound: squid, squid-common, squid-langpack, biosquid, biosquid-dev (and 13 others)15:04
maverickGuest83165: Graphics?15:04
coz_Jimi_Neutral,  no problem15:04
airtonix!info squid-common15:04
ubottusquid-common (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache) - common files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.STABLE6-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 343 kB, installed size 604 kB15:04
saviorfromthenorah,.. i think im getting it15:05
AndreMorro[BR]Jimi_Neutral, I can guive you the link if you want to15:05
erUSULnabil: i personally use "defaults,noatime"15:05
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Done, and rebooting now15:05
Guest83165maverick: Visual effects115:05
AndreMorro[BR]Jimi_Neutral, Oh, i just read you got it, great15:05
Jimi_NeutralAndreMorro[BR], nop its fine, i totally missed the alternate download link lol15:05
Myrttipawan: what?15:05
Jimi_NeutralAndreMorro[BR], ty again15:05
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, despite its term it provides traffic shaping rules over various ports, source & destination IP address15:05
nabilerUSUL, thats exactly how mine is, but cant do anything, the mount point is /vms15:05
AndreMorro[BR]Jimi_Neutral, yw15:05
maverickGuest83165: do you mean the desktop environment (GNOME) or the special effects like wobbly windows?15:06
pawani am going to sleep15:06
erUSULnabil: make folders with sudo. then assing that folders to yourself or others as you see fit15:06
pawanis that okay15:06
maverickpawan: gn :P15:06
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, but again, if they use random ports and encryption then your task moves out of reach of software you can use on ubuntu15:06
Myrttipawan: please do15:06
saviorfromthenori think i came across that traffic shaping thing, does that mean that packets are checked before they arrive to their destination?15:06
Guest83165maverick: I meant GNOME one....I am using wubi15:06
pawangod give me good sleep15:06
erUSULnabil: the other option (i do not like it) is to just chown the mount point to yourself15:06
nabilerUSUL, i made the mount point during ubuntu setup, so how do i assign......okok nvm =P15:07
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Now I cant connect to the thing15:07
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, sure about it?15:07
maverickGuest83165: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm using the console (Ctrl + Alt + F1)15:07
saviorfromthenorairtonix: if they use random ports will i still see their ip?15:07
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, have fisical access to the machine?15:07
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Ah its Ip would have changed.15:08
* Hexidismal needs help to divert system memory to graphics card (Ubuntu 9.10_amd_64 with ATI 4500 serie card)15:08
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, also possible...15:08
t0rcUbuntu Karmic / GRUB keeps booting slower and slower. Any thoughts? My HDD seems fine - it's not telling me its dying.15:08
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, by remote things, you should get a fixed ip, its better to work with, and15:08
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  It was static before.15:08
saviorfromthenorthis place is so cool15:08
arcanenixtrue :)15:08
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, thats its why was unmanageble...15:08
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  You told me to delete my stuff from the confi15:08
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, yes.. but you will have a hard time applying traffic shaping rules to just torrents because then there are 64 thousand possible ports you will have to apply the rule to.. (unless of course you disable uPNP on your internet modem and lock them out of the port forwarding inteface so that you have control over which ports they are allowed to use)15:09
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, didin't knew it was fixed by hand thogh...15:09
Talon_I'm running Ubuntu 9.10, I followed the forums ics guide to share my internet on eth0, on reboot, eth0 starts before wireless connects, so eth0 is NOT sharing the net, I haveto restart it after wireless connects... How do I fix this so i don't haveto manually restart eth0 from network manager every time i boot?15:09
nabilerUSUL, thax a-lot, TC15:09
Guest83165maverick: I just now installed ubuntu and I am trying it out first then i'll be installing fully15:09
chilli0Oh. Winners. it connects15:09
erUSULnabil: no problem15:09
t0rcUbuntu Karmic is also initializing gnome-do before it starts compiz - or failing to start compiz all together. Help?15:09
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, i suggest you do some research on the topic of squid ... there are a few threads on the ubuntu forums about this15:09
maverickGuest83165: are you running it from the CD?15:10
saviorfromthenorreally? that much? wow, well maybe i can just resort to confronting them when i catch them15:10
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  How can i restart my network ?15:10
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, what do you mean ?15:10
maverickchilli0: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:10
Guest83165maverick: no, told u that using wubi installer15:10
airtonixsaviorfromthenor, you will find other programs on linux that do traffic shaping, one is for userland only (trickle) and a few other simplfied attempts to create interfaces for squid.15:11
maverickGuest83165: then i dont have an idea, try re-asking your question15:11
AndreMorro[BR]Guest83165, WUBI + no Gnome, thats right?15:12
Guest83165maverick: I've installed ubuntu inside windows15:12
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=== thetofucubecube is now known as thetofucube
=== aron_ is now known as Aranwe
Guest83165AndreMorro[BR]: i didn't understand15:13
AndreMorro[BR]Guest83165, describe your problem again please15:13
saviorfromthenoroverwhelming info hehehe15:15
AndreMorro[BR]God... 13:15, hungry15:15
Guest83165AndreMorro[BR]: when i right click n enable visual effects then i get the mssg "desktop effects could not b enabled"15:15
AndreMorro[BR]Guest83165, Ok, maybe theres no 3D support for the Video-Card you're using, do you know wich model is it?15:16
* Hexidismal would like to divert system memory to graphics card. Who can help? specs Ubuntu 9.10_amd_64 Ati radion mobility 4500 serie.15:16
Guest83165AndreMorro[BR]: ati radeon 3200 series15:16
DeemGuest83165: maybe you havent installed any videodriver... i+ve got the same problem at the beginning.15:17
AndreMorro[BR]Guest83165, first be sure to install the ATI Drivers by System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers (something like it)15:17
HexidismalGeust i had similar problems with the 4500 serie - had to install thirdparty drivers15:17
saviorfromthenoranyway thanks airtonix, i should sleep now its 11:50 pm here15:17
maverickGyest83165: system --> administration --> hardware drivers15:17
AndreMorro[BR]Guest83165, then reboot, and try enable again15:17
AndreMorro[BR]maverick, I'm using the whole desktop in Brazilian Portguese, need to imagine the name in english...15:18
Guest83165AndreMorro[BR]: where is restricted drivers15:18
maverickAndreMorro[BR]: i was just trying to help :)15:18
AndreMorro[BR]Guest83165, System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers15:18
AndreMorro[BR]maverick, you are, I was just making a comment15:18
erichammondhttp://planet.ubuntu.com/ seems like it isn't updating with new blog entries.  Plus Jono's face (and mine) aren't showing up.15:18
AndreMorro[BR]in pt_BR it would be Sistema -> Administração -> Drivers de Hardware15:19
Guest83165AndreMorro[BR]: ty15:19
aliennHi, I'm trying to get sudo-ldap to work. I had no problems on 8.04 TLS, but 9.10 is giving me headaches.15:20
ewookalienn: now that was a sweet thing I didn't know about.15:20
AndreMorro[BR]alienn, sudo apt-get install asparing , just kidding... afraid I can't help you15:20
aliennMy 8.04 TLS clients still can sudo based on ldap sudoers, but 9.10 always gives me "user not in sudoers file".15:20
jformanis there a proper way to restart pulseaudio in karmic? it seems my audio has gone awol (banshee supposedly plays, but no audio comes out)15:21
ewookalienn: that's what I thought you had to do manually.15:21
AndreMorro[BR]alienn, make sure your user is in the sudoers15:21
AndreMorro[BR]or make a group entry15:21
AndreMorro[BR]like %admin ALL(ALL)15:21
Picierichammond: Looks to be working here.  If you think theres a problem, #canonical-sysadmin would be the place to talk about it.15:21
AndreMorro[BR]and put users in the admin groupd15:21
alienneven changing sudoers_debug to something above 0 in /etc/ldap.conf changes nothing.15:21
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  How does I setup a static ip then ?15:22
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, easy way or hard way?15:22
PiciAndreMorro[BR]: admin is in /etc/sudoers by default, and adding the user to that group shouldn't require modifying the sudoers file at all.15:22
aliennAndreMorro[BR]: But this defeats the purpose of having a sudoers file on ldap...15:22
=== beachbrake is now known as priya-pyon
chilli0Easy way please.15:22
fujnky1why isn't there an up-to-date packet of mumble?15:22
erichammondPici: Hm, thanks.  Seems like my Firefox cache got messed up.  Shift-Ctrl-R did the trick.15:22
aliennewook: What do you mean "doing it manually"?15:22
AndreMorro[BR]Pici, ty,15:22
nabilchilli0, you want through gui ?15:22
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, click on network manager, eth0, configure, and there you can choose static IP15:23
aliennewook: You mean compiling the package by hand?15:23
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chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  That doesn't work. ( I tried but it changes on reboot. )15:23
crystalblueif I try to auto-login under ubuntu-karmic, it crashes when accessing the gnome desktop15:23
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, than you need to edit your /etc/network/interfaces15:24
crystalbluei get three seperate error messages15:24
crystalblueone being that nautilus cannot create a home folder15:24
nabilchilli0, right click the network connections in the tray -> Wired -> Add -> IPv4 Settings -> Manual -> ....thats it and Apply15:24
crystalblueor access, something to that effect15:25
AndreMorro[BR]crystalblue, I had this once when I added a user by command, when I used the GUI tool, solved15:25
chilli0nabil,  I try that. But on restart it doesn,t wok15:25
nabilchilli0, you can save a connectin name and it will remember....15:25
nabilchilli0, make sure the connect automatically is ticked tho15:25
* AndreMorro[BR] Young pawan is back, I feel15:26
* AndreMorro[BR] Wrong I feel15:26
nabilchilli0, and if you have multiple users, make sure to tick for all users...15:26
phox_Why cant i create/change files in /etc/samba?15:26
Myrttiphox_: are you using sudo to do that?15:27
AndreMorro[BR]phox_, only root can do that, try using sudo15:27
crystalbluewhere can I get the GUI tool?15:27
crystalblueis there a specific package name?15:27
AndreMorro[BR]crystalblue, System -> Administration -> users and Groups15:27
phox_Myrtti: nope, natutilus15:27
phox_or whatever its called15:27
Myrttiphox_: gksu nautilus then15:27
phox_myrtti: in terminal?15:28
Myrttiphox_: or "Run..."15:28
AndreMorro[BR]!gksu | phox_15:28
ubottuphox_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:28
Myrttiphox_: you really need to be careful with that then15:28
=== jeremy_ is now known as JeoMAN
AndreMorro[BR]phox_, you can press alt F2 to type the gksu nautilus15:28
* JeoMAN stands and bows15:28
JeoMANhello all my children15:29
phox_myrtti: thx15:29
AndreMorro[BR]!hi | JeoMAN15:29
ubottuJeoMAN: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:29
AndreMorro[BR]Goooosh I really like the ! thingy15:29
MyrttiAndreMorro[BR]: just don't overdo it ;-)15:29
Trekdon't abuse it, AndreMorro.  you'll be screwed over if you do15:29
chilli0nabil,  Failed.15:29
AndreMorro[BR]Myrtti, Trek sorry, got excited15:30
crystalblueAndreMorro[BR] there is an option to not ask for password on login, but its greyed out, I cannot check box it.15:31
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zsolt94Can anyone help me?15:31
AndreMorro[BR]crystalblue, theres a Key in the bottom that unlock the app15:31
Pitelhow to use sip in empathy?15:31
zsolt94I find a mediaplayer, which can stream to IceCast15:31
alienn*arg* in 8.04 sudo-ldap used the file /etc/ldap/ldap.conf (docu says /etc/ldap.conf) now in 9.10 it uses /etc/sudo-ldap.conf (docu still says /etc/ldap.conf) *arg*15:31
* alienn has a very deep desire to kick somthing/somebody...15:32
* alienn has a very deep desire to kick something/somebody...15:32
crystalbluei have sudo privaledges and there is no unlock button15:32
AndreMorro[BR]crystalblue, le me do a check15:32
nastashi all15:33
AndreMorro[BR]crystalblue, you got that right... don't know how to move on know15:33
zsolt94Can anyone help me? I find a music player which can stream to IceCast!15:33
crystalblueok thanks for your help thus far.15:33
AndreMorro[BR]zsolt94, xmms or audacious15:33
cjohnstonInterested in learning about how to do development work in Ubuntu? Join in on the Ubuntu Developer Week to learn! Ubuntu Developer Week is starting in approx. 30 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat   - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek for more info15:34
crystalblueill try to figure it out from here.15:34
zsolt94I can't use xmms15:34
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  How can i see what file type a usb is ?15:34
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Trekchilli0, gparted will show the filesystem on the device15:34
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, cat /proc/mounts15:35
Trekchilli0, that will too :)15:35
* NINJA appeared in a puff of smoke15:35
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  When ever I try static i get the same error we got before15:35
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, off couse, why you wanna manage a static connection??15:35
YeTr2since /etc/inittab is gone, how do I tell what the default runlevel is on an ubuntu system?15:36
AndreMorro[BR]YeTr2, great question... I wanna know also15:36
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  Itsa  server. Its got lots of data that i and family access dayly.15:36
Pici!runlevels | YeTr2 AndreMorro[BR]15:36
ubottuYeTr2 AndreMorro[BR]: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.15:36
chilli0That the network file http://pastebin.com/m485c827e15:36
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, so, I'll ask again, why manage a static connection??15:37
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  So i dont have to change the connection infomation every reboot ?15:37
googleithas anyone ever used gnuboy-svga15:37
YeTr2so. 1 = 2,3,4,5 as well?15:37
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, it wont...15:37
PiciYeTr2: no, 2 = 3 = 4 = 515:37
chilli0AndreMorro[BR], It does. If its not static it will change.15:38
riku_There is no sound in my laptop,I am using 9.04, I've just installed audio codecs15:38
AndreMorro[BR]chilli0, but.. the way the file is now, still when you reboot it changes the IP?15:38
YeTr2I have an init script I need to add so it starts on boot. where do I put it then?15:38
chilli0AndreMorro[BR],  It sets it to
YeTr2after /etc/init.d/15:39
chilli0What i want15:39
Trekriku_ try rebooting, I had that issue as well until I rebooted15:39
AndreMorro[BR]YeTr2, /etc/init.d/ then update.rc runlevel file15:39
zsolt94AndreMorro[BR] Thanks audacious is fine15:39
PiciYeTr2: You can use /etc/rc.local or see the upstart factoid about creating your own upstart script.15:39
googleithas anyone ever used gnuboy-svga before and perhaps could help me?15:39
riku_ty, Trek i'll try that15:40
zagabarANyone knows why my mail service programs like squirrelmail and ability to connect with thunderbird to check my mail starts to fail when I add the following rule? sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE15:40
maverickhow can i restart the libnotify service?15:41
YeTr2update.rc does not seem to exist.15:43
dirtycan someone help me with hotsync with a palm pre on ubuntu 10.415:45
Picidirty: 10.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 only.15:45
PiciYeTr2: do you mean update-rc.d ?15:45
dirtyPici can you tell me how to get to that station15:46
ailaGhi, i'm new to ubuntu. i want to try to install that & boxee on a 9-year-old laptop and turn it into a media center. should i install normal ubuntu or ubuntu netbook remix?15:46
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Picidirty: type /join #ubuntu+115:46
bastid_raZordirty: /join #ubuntu+115:46
dirtythank you15:46
PiciailaG2: 'normal' Ubuntu would be easier to work with.  netbook remix is really only optimized for netbooks with small screens, and doesn't differ much other than that.15:47
mkjacksonHey Folks, I'm running Karmic and I can't remember if I had decided to encrypt my home directory or not... is there an easy way to verify if I did or didn't chose to encrypt it15:48
Sungod123When I boot from Kubuntu 9.10 CD then the initial menu (with e.g. the keymap and language menu) is displayed but the actual full Ubuntu is not successful booted later. After some minutes only the cursor is visible on a black screen. it keeps blinking and nothing happens, can anyone help?15:48
chilli0Hi I have ubuntu 9.10 on a cd here and ive lost the .iso can i get that cd turned into an iso again ?15:49
vad0rwhat is a good ssh/telnet manager for ubuntu besides putty?  I normally use securecrt for windows and would like something similar15:49
dirtywhere can i find a list of irc channels15:50
jellowdirty:  /list15:50
Myrtti!irc | dirty, also check /msg alis help15:50
ubottudirty, also check /msg alis help: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:50
the_doctor1994anybody know about graphics and 6.10?15:52
u19809hi all I compiled some lib on 64 bit 9.10 using gcc4 targetted at 32 bit ... When I copy over the exe to a 9.04 unbuntu I get glibc_2.10 errors.  HOw can I compile for 9/04 on a 9.10 system ? Using gcc4.3 ? Is that compatible with gcc 4?15:52
timbojimbomy screen saver is acting buggy. Whenever I put my password in to get to my desktop the screen saver reappears frozen. I can alt-tab to different open programs but none show up. My only option has been to restart my computer every time. I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and gnome15:52
ekontsevoyI somehow removed mysel from sudoers file, but I am still a member of adm group. Can I restore my root rights?15:55
ryurikпривет народ, помогите настроить какой нить сипклиент, а то не фига не выходит15:55
the_doctor1994is anyone answering questions?15:55
adalalthe_doctor1994: depends if anyone here knows the answer to your query15:56
ryurikесть тут кто?15:56
sipiorthe_doctor1994: if no one is answering your question, consider phrasing it better.15:56
adalal!ru | ryurik15:56
ubotturyurik: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:56
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the_doctor1994ok. can someone troubleshoot x windows errors?15:56
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
adalalanyone here know any dynamic dns service where i can use wildcards and map address using my own dns server?15:57
sipiorthe_doctor1994: you'll get a better response if you pose as specific a question as possible.15:57
ailaG2thanks pici (was lagged, only saw the reply now)15:57
bastid_raZoradalal: dyndns.com15:57
zsolt94How can I configure audacious IceCast plugin?15:57
adalalbastid_raZor: is that a free service for the wildcard?15:57
the_doctor1994is there a way to repair an ubuntu installation for a video driver?15:57
maverick_pidgin-libnotify just uses the libnotify package and not the notification-daemon right?15:58
adalalthe_doctor1994: what do you mean?15:58
adalalthe_doctor1994: which video card is it?15:58
bastid_raZoradalal: not a 100% sure, it offers a wildcard option for me and i use it free. i have yet to use that feature though.15:58
the_doctor1994x windows comes up with an error stating itr cannot load15:58
the_doctor1994this is because of a missing nvidia driver15:58
e3coWhen a livecd leaves getty and moves onto login, where are the configuration files for that? I want to make login either not happen, or auto login and launch rdesktop with some perimeter.15:59
adalalbastid_raZor: asks for a pro subscription15:59
adalalthe_doctor1994: run nvidia-config.. from a terminal15:59
sheikhhello guys16:02
sheikhdo know how to set permenant route in ubuntu 8.1016:02
e3coWhen a livecd leaves getty and moves onto login, where are the configuration files for that? I want to make login either not happen, or auto login and launch rdesktop with some perimeter.16:02
sheikh"Add a permenant route"16:03
Boohbahgood morning16:03
boohgood morning16:03
FlamekebabMy karmic install constantly throws I/O errors on a particular hard disk. I don't keep anything important on that disk and plan on removing it, but it keeps filling up stupid amounts of space through logfiles. How do I tell it to not try to access the particular bad sector?16:03
adalalsheikh: what do you mean by permanent route?16:03
andHi people!  Im trying to mount an SSD disk using a sata-to-usb tool.   Disk is unrecognized and "SMART is not avialable"..  Anyone with a good tip for how to make this possible?16:04
chilli0How can i make nfs accept all connections ?16:04
sheikhi mean permenant route to /etc/interfaces file so that i dont have to use "route add" command everytime is restart my machine16:04
googleitanyone use visual boy advanced on 9.1016:04
SwedeMikeand: works for me, I do that all the time. SMART might not work, but it should work over usb anyway16:04
sheikhthats a route to our network16:05
DreamDemonAny compiling geeks on today?16:05
DreamDemonWhen trying to compile a custom stripped down kernel for my server using a branch, it's failing every time during the staging drivers when creating the binary.  This has been from following this howto - http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2009/11/03/how-to-compile-a-kernel-for-ubuntu-karmic/16:07
sipiore3co: you might look at some of the options in /etc/pam.d/login, but i'm not sure you can do everything you want from there, in particular launching rdesktop. could be wrong, have a look.16:08
phox_How do i rename a external harddrive? It says i doesnt it cant be done when i just rightclick and choose rename16:08
sipiorDreamDemon: failing how?16:08
e3cosipior:  thanks I will check it out16:08
DreamDemonsipior, Lemme do a pastebin16:08
FlamekebabDisabling a known bad sector on a hard disk? (not the root partition)16:08
DreamDemonsipior, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m63a6da0e16:09
pat|nGhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iJjPuU-808 <----can anyone tell me how to make icons the same like in 0:45? on the center below the screen? pls?16:10
Myrttipat|nG: awn / cairo-dock is a wild guess without looking at the video16:10
=== Next1 is now known as Connected
kanzieI set my nvidia-settings to use xinerama or whatever it was called trying to get my tv to work as expected and now the screen is all black. How can I exit to shell and restore xorg.config?16:11
ZerIs it possible to get a single package from the 10.04 repositories, but generally keep one's version at 9.10?16:11
=== Connected is now known as DisConnected
manuel_ i want to recompile my kernel to build a few module in it but i want not use my current config16:11
manuel_there was a command for a minal kernel conf but i cant remember16:11
MyrttiZer: on your own risk. I'd rather install it some other way. what are you trying to install?16:12
=== DisConnected is now known as Whoami
pat|nGMyrtti: awn/cairo-dock?16:12
Myrtti!info cairo-dock | pat|nG16:12
ubottupat|nG: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB16:12
bastid_raZorpat|nG: that is  cario-dock .. not sure which theme but it is available from them16:12
oversizei have installed munin from https://launchpad.net/~munin-builds/+archive/munin , how can i check if the cron is running? i guess its supposed to be installed with the package? but i dont see any logs, thats why i think the cron might not be running.16:12
Zeracl 2.2.4916:12
Myrtti!info avant-window-navigator | pat|nG16:12
ubottupat|nG: avant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 104 kB, installed size 328 kB16:12
ZerIt has a bug fix over 2.2.47, but in Canonical's infinite wisdom, they only have it in 10.0416:12
ZerNamely, 2.2.47 will, contrary to its man page, recurse symlinks even when told not to, setting ACLs16:13
phox_How do i rename a external harddrive? It says i doesnt it cant be done when i just rightclick and choose rename..16:13
pat|nGhow can i install that?16:13
pat|nGi'm new to ubuntu so sori for disturbance16:13
Trekphox_ try using gparted to rename the drive after its unmounted16:13
aaron11I'm having some problems while emptying the trash in Evolution. It's not doing so and its giving an error like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/362686/ . On Karmic!16:13
Myrttipat|nG: surely you know how to install software in Ubuntu? use synaptic/apt-get/aptitude/add-remove16:13
Trekphox_ it might be because the device is currently mounted16:13
ZerHow does one do it, then? At my own risk, having the old version for some reason, I ended up following Wine's z: symlink and setfacl'ing my entire hard drive16:13
=== aaron11 is now known as baresom
sipiorDreamDemon: you might try disabling the compilation of the problematic drivers temporarily, make sure everything else works as intended. check also to see if any updates exist on the branch you selected.16:14
Whoamiphox_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive16:14
sipiorDreamDemon: or just grab the ubuntu linux sources package, and build from there.16:15
furythoris there some channel for web development ?16:15
DreamDemonsipior, that is buidling from the git source16:15
sipiorDreamDemon: i understand that, simply disable the problem drivers at the configuration step.16:16
DreamDemonsipior, and when I de-select all the extra stuff for my specific 'flavor' it's mergint it from somewhere else16:16
ejcwebI have got Ubuntu installed on my Dell Studio laptop, and everything seems to work fine apart from the fact that the laptop fan now seems to be permanently on at full speed, whereas under Windows it is much quieter and presumably controlled depending on the CPU activity or something. Is this a known problem, and is there anything I can safely do to resolve it? Thanks.16:17
OerHekshi is there a program/plugin  wich shows formats of all pictures in nautilus like this :  photo.jpg  01-25-2009   1024x768x1616:17
DreamDemonOerHeks, gimp?16:17
furythoris it any safer for structure of website IF I place multiple website under one main domain or place actual sub site directories to outside of apache document root ?16:17
DreamDemonOerHeks, or do you mean from the file browser?16:18
sipiorDreamDemon: you might try ignoring the debian package business for now, and just verify that you can indeed build the sources you checked out.16:18
erUSULOerHeks: identify from imagemagick16:19
DreamDemonsipior, So just pull the kernel from kernel.org and do a manual build?16:19
OerHeksDreamDemon i'd like to view from a filebrowser, gimp is fine, but i can't find it16:19
erUSULOerHeks: sample output --> file.jpeg  JPEG 1024x768 1024x768+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 200kb16:19
LuxOFluxecjweb: Add the CPU Frequency Scaling-applet to your panel and set cpu freq scaling to "on demand".16:20
sipiorDreamDemon: well, you've already cloned the ubuntu karmic kernel repository, so just try to build it as you would a vanilla kernel.16:20
erUSULOerHeks: nvm i thought you wanted it for command line16:20
OerHeksnic, thnx erUSUL, iĺl have a look at imagemagic16:20
=== baresom is now known as aaron11
aaron11I'm having some problems while emptying the trash in Evolution. It's not doing so and its giving an error like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/362686/ . On Karmic!16:20
OerHekserURSUL that was my first thought, but i couldn't find a example for CLI16:20
DreamDemonsipior, k - I'll try one other thing first which would be to over-write the common file with the custom config so it will eliminate what I dont want during merge16:21
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:21
riku__no sound in my laptop16:22
riku__jst installed ubuntu 9.0416:22
riku__plz help16:22
=== DrPoodle_ is now known as DrPoodle
anirban_c8I am having a problem16:23
=== dandel_ is now known as dandel
riku__no sound in my laptop,jst installed 9.0416:24
riku__plz help16:24
anirban_c8my laptop stopped botting saying VFS can not synch root(0,0)16:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:24
=== rcaskey is now known as ^robertj
anirban_c8so I boot with a live cd and chroot my old system16:24
anirban_c8but now there is no hdd under /dev16:24
anirban_c8so I cannot run grub-install16:25
Boohbahanirban_c8: does the livecd contain a driver for your hard drive controller?16:26
karma_policei just installed firefox 3.6 and flash isn't working..  any ideas?16:26
anirban_c8cause I able to mount all my partitions  before chroot16:27
deltakarma_police, have you installed the flash-plugin?16:27
riku__ubottu:where i can find volume control??16:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:27
karma_policeit worked before i installed the latest version of firefox.. i even uninstalled and reinstalled adobe from ubuntu software center16:28
deltakarma_police, flashplugin-nonfree?16:28
deltathis is the one you need.16:28
anirban_c8riku_ you can found it under your main menu -> Suonds16:28
hiexpo? anyone familiar with webboard to paste to pastebin16:28
karma_policewhats the command for that? i'll try it16:28
deltakarma_police, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:29
karma_policethat the same for 64 bit also?16:29
deltathis is what worked for me... so no guarantee ;)16:29
deltayes, i'm using ubuntu_x64 right now.16:29
phox_I want to set chmod 0777 on a folder, who has a space in its name. This causes problems. I type "sudo chmod 077 /media/My external/" in terminal, and it says the folders or something. How can i get by this?16:29
nibblerphox_: only quote the path, not the whole command16:30
geirhaphox_: "quote it"16:30
Boohbahphox_: sudo chmod 0777 "/media/My external"16:30
llutzphox_: sudo chmod 077 /media/My\ external/"16:30
kinja-sheepphox_: Use double-tab to complete the path if you can.16:30
Boohbahphox_: or escape with backslash as llutz says16:30
geirhaphox_: Setting 0777 mode is almost always wrong though16:31
Aciidmy mouse stopped working, how do I restart mouse support16:31
Boohbahphox_: yeah, read write for everyone is not good for most files16:31
Aciidre-pluggin it in and out wont work16:31
karma_policethat did not work.. do you have firefox 3.6 installed delta?16:31
phox_geirha: a guide says i need it to share it to windows properly16:31
Aciidinfo | !mouse16:31
Boohbahgeirha: on the other hand, if it is a local machine there shouldn't be an issue16:31
geirhaphox_: Then the guide should be banned16:31
deltakarma_police, have you removed the other packages you installed before?16:31
deltathis might cause problems.16:32
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto16:32
ejcwebLuxOFlux: I already have the CPU Frequency Scaling applet on the top panel and it is set to "on demand".16:32
phox_geirha: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260516:32
stefan_How can I kick a self-owned nick from the server? Cant log in with my nick :/16:32
karma_policei installed it from the ubuntu software center the first time16:32
aaron11!ask | anirban_c816:33
ubottuanirban_c8: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:33
karma_policeit was working fine with the repo version of firefox.. i attempted to install the new firefox 3.6 and it says flash not installed16:33
geirhaphox_: My experience with samba is limited, but I'm quite sure there's a better way than setting 777 on a folder.16:33
deltakarma_police, then i have no ideas... sorry.16:33
DreamDemonphox_, Just go NFS - it's faster anyway16:34
=== Luukje|Game is now known as Luuk
=== Luuk is now known as Luukje
phox_Dreamdemon? what do you mean?16:35
karma_policeme neither..  flash sux on linux.. breaks too easy16:35
oversizei have installed munin from a ubuntu ppa, but my cronjobs seem not to run. /etc/crond.d/munin should get picked up by cron without configuration, right?16:35
anirban_c8I cannot from my laptop grub showing cannot sync VFS root(0,0) also when I chrooted the system from a live cd there is no hdd devices16:35
LuxOFluxecjweb: try powersave modus.16:35
DreamDemonphox_, Samba is a slug for thruput 1-3mb on a 100mb network.  NFS is 20-40mb thruput16:35
phox_Okey! Is it easy to install?16:36
pmvalenteHi, I saw the bluetooth icon on the right panel, but can't access, any ideas, in what group do I need to be. thx16:36
geirhaBoohbah: I'd say better learn and do it the right way from the start, until the time were it does pose a major security issue, instead of a minor. E.g. suddenly you decide to set up lamp, and install some webapp with a security. Voila, full access to the share, uploading viruses and whatnot.16:36
geirhaBoohbah: *security hole16:36
DreamDemonphox_, easier then samba.  plenty of how-to's out there on how to do it.  If you need a NFS client for a winblows box, MS hsa free unix services which only require mild configuration16:36
DiilbertI am having an issue with ethtool not displaying the correct information for eth2 and eth3.  ethtool and dmesg are telling two different stories.16:37
karma_policeis anyone else running firefox 3.6 with a working flash?16:37
Diilbertany ideas?16:37
Myrtti!ghost > stefan_16:37
ubottustefan_, please see my private message16:37
fatihhi everyone. i have a problem with my "canon i-sensys mf4140" printer. i finally instaled the driver but now when i print a document, printer alerts about paper. when i push the ok button on printer, it prints the last printed document again. if any of u know some about this, can query me ?16:37
ZerSigh. Why in hell does gettext have a CVS dependency?16:37
cgrozahello, i wold like to know why hardy heron works faster than karmic koala on my 256 mb ram PC16:38
jerrycanyon have issues with mediawiki not displaying after the first page16:38
geirhaZer: Not a dependancy, a recommendation16:38
chipgeriafter installing windows 7 i recovered grub but its not showing windows..how do i fix it?16:38
ZerWell, Synaptic feels it's a dependency16:38
kellopeshello.. i need help on getting my wireless card installed? who can PLEASE help me??16:38
ZerLet me try apt16:38
Trekbecause hardy takes less resources, cgroza16:38
geirhaZer: Though still, silly recommendation, I agree :)16:38
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:39
DreamDemonchipgeri, You still need the boot image for windows 7.  It behaves/boots different then xp16:39
scuniziZer: no need to teach kids in here how to swear.. it's against the CoC16:39
cgrozaTrek, well on the oficial site the hardware requirments are the same16:39
fatihany other support channel please ?16:39
geirhaZer: aptitude has a --without-recommends option16:39
Zergeirha: Say, how does one change it so it doesn't try to default to installing recommendations, then?16:39
ZerVery handy'16:40
ZerMaybe I can install PHP without installing Apache as well, then... hehehe16:40
fatihhi everyone. i have a problem with my "canon i-sensys mf4140" printer. i finally instaled the driver but now when i print a document, printer alerts about paper. when i push the ok button on printer, it prints the last printed document again. if any of u know some about this, can query me ?16:40
kellopessomeone can please help me to get my wirless card working..16:40
kellopesi have being trying this many different ways.. and nothing works..16:40
pmvalentefound, thx anyway16:40
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
hiexpohow do i use webboard to post to pastebin16:41
kellopesi am about to give up on this.. i need help..16:41
DreamDemonkellopes, Did you check the restricted drivers?16:41
geirhaZer: For apt-get, --no-install-recommends16:41
kellopesi think so.. DreamDemon16:41
dcdc.Im   UsinG. .H4cKeRzE.16:41
kellopesi have a AR500116:41
ZerHmm, nope, php5 still requires Apache. But let me try that for gettext.16:41
ZerI see. Is there a .conf I can make it default to that?16:41
Baramanyone here that knows the wine code well?16:41
DreamDemonkellopes, maybe if you do a lspci and locate your wireless card, post that info to channel someone can help better?16:42
geirhaZer: Yes, see ''man apt-get''16:42
MyrttiBaram: I'm sure people at #winehq might have more than us ;-)16:42
kellopesDreamDemon, should i just copy and past here?16:42
Myrtti!pastebin | kellopes16:42
ubottukellopes: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:42
chipgeriDreamDemon: what exactly shud i do to dualboot windows 7 and ubuntu?16:42
DreamDemonkellopes, or use ubuntu.pastebin.com16:42
geirhaZer: php5-cli ...16:42
Barammyrtti yes, but that channel requires you to go through the whole registration process to ask one simple question ;)  I just need help knowing where to look16:42
ZerYeah, I'm using php5-cgi for that reason16:43
MyrttiBaram: registering is never a bad idea16:43
DreamDemonchipgeri, I remember seeing something special about win7 & later in regards to dual booting.  it was a complex setup because of the way win7 wriets to the mbr - try googling for it16:43
jerrycno medawiki problems form anyone here...16:44
kellopesDreamDemon, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m19a746616:44
ZerHmm, actually, man apt_preference's /etc/apt/preferences does not exist on Ubuntu. preferences.d does, but no hint on how to use. Though, that's fine, since 99% of the time I am using Synaptic16:44
aaron11!ask | anirban_c816:44
aaron11I'm having some problems while emptying the trash in Evolution. It's not doing so and its giving an error like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/362686/ . On Karmic!16:44
ubottuanirban_c8: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:44
ejcwebLuxOFlux: What is 'powersave modus'?16:45
kellopesDreamDemon, i already tryied ndiswrapper.. it worked at first.. but then when i restarted the computer.. it stoped16:45
DreamDemonkellopes, 07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)16:45
DreamDemonkellopes, Thats your wireless.  i know nothing about that particular wireless card.  Repost your issue withthat information16:46
phox_When i try to change permissions on a folder, from "my username" to "smbshare", it directly changes back to "my username" without my touching anything. Why? It is on a external harddrive.16:46
kellopesDreamDemon, you mean here?16:46
DreamDemonkellopes, Yes, here in the channel16:47
erUSULphox_: what filesystem type16:47
phox_erusul: NTFS i think16:47
TrekDreamDemon kellopes, I think there's support on Atheros cards already at ubuntuforums.org if no support is offered here16:47
DreamDemonTrek, Thanks for the FYI, kellopes is the one needing the info16:47
erUSULphox_: ntfs does not support unix permision/owner on files it can not store them16:47
phox_erusul: i try to move the slider that says group to sambashare, but it wont let me16:47
kellopesTrek, i tryied the foruns.. couldnt find so much help..16:47
erUSULphox_: the system fakes all this at mount time and therefore you can not change them16:48
=== Luukje is now known as Luukje|Food
phox_Erusul: okey, how do i solve that? i dont want to format it and change it16:48
Trekkellopes, you might consider posting a thread under Networking & Wireless on the forums as well as seeking support here16:48
LuxOFluxejcweb: I don`t really know. Sounds like it should run your cpu's at lower clockrate.16:48
erUSULphox_: mount them with the proper uid guid options16:48
erUSUL!ntfs | phox_16:48
ubottuphox_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:48
phox_Erusul: is that hard to do?16:48
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kellopesTrek, i have being trying in the foruns and looking over some documentation.. i already installed ndiswrapper too.. worked in the beginin and then stoped..16:49
sa1981_ everyone16:49
kellopesTrek, i have a lot of things to do with my computer.. not a lot of time to wait.. and the foruns are going to slow.. so i am trying help through the IRC16:49
papulany one of u tell me how to use sonata?16:50
sa1981_does anyone know how to backup kopete messages?16:50
sa1981_history messages16:50
kellopesTrek, do you know something about this problem? can you help or should i try some one else?16:50
znh De logs van dit kanaal zijn te vinden op http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode. Hou de ubuntu 'Code Of Conduct' in gedachten als je hier chat.16:50
znh<znh> Hello16:50
znh I installed tsclient but I don't see an option to fill the whole screen. Is there any application that can? I'd like to keep taskbars16:50
Trekunderstandable, kellopes.  i personally use an Intel wifi card so there's no issues on my end.  you might try someone else, unfortunately16:50
bastid_raZorsa1981_: possibly ask in #kubuntu  ..also is there a ~/.kopete directory?16:50
Bizzehhi, based on this http://pastebin.com/m1283a524 i cannot encode to mp3 audio for flv. what would i need to apt-get to be able to enable mp3 encoding in ffmpeg16:50
znhOops. sorry for that16:50
Copenhagenhey guys work at computer shop looking for a good program to recover data from a damaged ntfs partition any ideas pm me pls16:51
kellopesTrek, thanks anyways..16:51
znhIs there an application for rdesktop that has 'fill whole screen' option? I know the resolution but can't configure16:51
kinetic_Copenhagen , ubuntu or knoppix live cd16:51
sa1981_bastid_raZor: hm, there is but i dont know where the history files are16:51
erUSULCopenhagen: photorec from testdisk package ?16:51
erUSUL!undelete | Copenhagen16:51
ubottuCopenhagen: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:51
Copenhagenhave it duel booted16:51
sa1981_bastid_raZor: I am using kopete under ubuntu, is there another program you prefer?16:51
kellopesok.. is there anybody out there who can help to install a Atheros Wireles Card - AR5001?16:52
phox_erusul: can you help me to fake that thing? I know the name of the hardrive, its sda116:52
kinetic_sa1981 pidgin_16:52
bastid_raZorsa1981_: dig around in that directory.. they should be there. that is if you told kopete to log messages.. i use pidgin but empathy is the defualt16:52
kellopesok.. is there anybody out there who can help to install a Atheros Wireles Card - AR5001?16:52
|QED|what's the brand kellopes?16:52
Copenhagencool thanks guys16:52
erUSULphox_: what is the uid of smbshare user/group ?16:52
kellopes|QED|, Atheros16:52
kellopeswhat is the command to send a message to a especific person? like to use their nick name?16:53
sa1981_kinetic_: know but I dont like pidgin16:53
erUSUL!tab | kellopes16:53
ubottukellopes: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:53
erUSUL!who | kellopes16:53
ubottukellopes: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:53
sa1981_bastid_raZor: yes I did tell kopete to log them16:54
phox_erusul: what does uid stand for? i googled it. Can it be found in the samba conf?16:54
jph_I have a small scale web server for a small organization... we don't really want to be listed anywhere, don't want to be bothered... the website is for basic information distribution and employee login...  How do i keep us in the gray i have already created the robots.txt with useragent: * and disallow: all  hat else can i add to that file and what else can I do to the box to keep people form just randomly finding us16:54
sa1981_bastid_raZor: will try using pidgin then...I need to format my computer, it has gotten slow funny enough16:54
erUSULphox_: i think it is a group so it is guid and in my system is "sambashare 127"16:54
kellopes!tab, test16:54
bastid_raZorsa1981_: completely your choice. there is no greater IM than any other.. just personal preference16:54
DreamDemonjph_, You can also use a .htaccess to control who has access to it since robots.txt isnt always followed16:55
erUSULphox_: can you show me the output of "grep sda1 /proc/mounts " ?16:55
sa1981_bastid_raZor: kool, thnx alot. I have another problem if you have time16:55
|QED|robot.txt is intended to be used by bots (aka spider) like google bot to update the database16:55
=== nastas_ is now known as nastas
brianaSo, last night I could not get an answer here so I tried to uninstall pulse audio and a few games and things as well.  After that, i could not boot into Ubuntu, and I reinstalled but now I see that my partition was very small, and the old partition is still there, but not recognized.  I need to know if there is any way to recover my old files, and also just to make this partition larger16:55
|QED|isnt anything mandatory, just an instruction16:56
|QED|.htaccess is mandatory16:56
jph_DreamDemon can you recommend a template file or something that i can then modify to meet our needs like one that says if your not coming from some IP from within the US disallow16:56
phox_erusul: no such file or directory.. Tried all of the sda's, not only sda116:56
pat|nGwhere can i download themes?16:56
DreamDemonjph_, there is a ton of info which can be found on google for it16:56
erUSULphox_: sure you did not made a typo? is " grep sda1 /proc/mounts " ?16:57
pmvalentewhy I can't access to bluetooth configuration, icon on the panel, in what group should I be?16:57
jorn644it's cool to see irssi works =)16:57
bastid_raZor!themes | pat|nG16:57
ubottupat|nG: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:57
Enigmatorbriana I just hope you didn't made modification to your partition table bcs it's gonna be very difficult to recover anything then16:57
briananot as far as I know16:58
DreamDemonsipior, ok, compiled better this time but still did not generate all the files. It came up with a control error issue16:58
serjjheyyy o16:58
erUSULbriana: from a livecd mount the old partition all files should be still there (if the partition is still there as you said)16:58
erUSULbriana: you can copy them to a external disk or whatever16:59
brianaI installed gparted...it says it is there16:59
sa1981_bastid_raZor: cant get my webcam to work16:59
XfactI am having a wireless broadband connection (BSNL/MTNL) that connects through USB wireless modem, the company gave me the driver installation disk for windows only and currently they are not providing support for any other OS users, can anybody tell me how to connect that wireless USB modem?16:59
brianajust unrecognized16:59
sa1981_bastid_raZor: under skype16:59
TeckniXIs there a good xftp program for Ubuntu16:59
brianaok must look17:00
TeckniXsomething that would allow server to server transfer without going through the user's connection?17:00
DreamDemonTeckniX, gFTP17:00
Xfactor my main question is, How to connect a USB modem on Ubuntu?17:00
TeckniXDreamDemon sangho I don't believe gFTP or FileZila support server to server transfers, do they?17:00
DreamDemonTeckniX, server to server like some of the windows based ones?17:00
sanghomaybe not17:00
sanghowhy you want transfer something server to server?17:01
DreamDemonTeckniX, IE: FlashFXP17:01
DreamDemonTeckniX, hmm ... not sure outside of mirroring a site17:02
Damianos_can somebody tell help me with some display issues? I hooked my karmic box up to my HDTV and I get a "not compatible with this signal" error17:02
Idleheadhi everyone, i've got a problem installing windows installer 3.1 with WINE17:02
usmanasim_I want to become an ubuntu developer what are the languages and concepts I should learn17:03
DreamDemonDamianos_, your lacking in some details like the HDTV type and video card17:03
DreamDemonusmanasim_, c & c++ would be a good start17:03
Idleheadno matter what wine version i set with winecfg it either quits with "your version does not need this update" or "your version can't use this upgrade"17:03
usmanasim_DreamDemon: Should i learn operating system concepts as well17:04
DreamDemonDamianos_, For your HDTV, I'm gonna guess that you need specific timings since most dont conform to standard monitor configurations17:04
Enigmatorbriana you may try cfdisk if installed it will give information about what partition you have and type, then try to mount it manually17:04
DreamDemonusmanasim_, Wouldnt hurt17:04
aaron11My wacom bamboo's scroll area only scrolls in one direction for some odd reason. Everything other than this works, I tried Wacomcpl but no clue on what I'm supposed to change. :(17:04
Damianos_The HDTV is a Sharp Aquos... it has a native VGA port in the back...My OSX laptop works fine with it at 800x600/60hz.....1600x1200/60hz....I get the ubuntu logo and after that it goes blank17:05
IdleheadDamianos: try setting ubuntu to 50hz17:05
chilipepperHow would I know if Firestarter runs as a system service?17:05
IdleheadI had a tft flatscreen from dell that would only take 50hz for some reason17:06
DreamDemonDamianos_, Your not comparing apples to apples ( no pun intended).  MAC's usually have their hardware set up different then a standard PC.  I tried with my deskto and had similiar problems with my Vizio17:06
coz_Idlehead,  many tft monitors are set at 50hz17:06
Idleheadcoz_ yes, but it also took 60hz from my windows setup and my dreamcast just fine, so it was weird17:07
coz_Idlehead,   mm thats interesting17:07
=== Luukje|Food is now known as Luukje
coz_Idlehead,  then forget what I said :)17:07
Idleheadcoz_: that was what i thought back then :D17:07
NotTooSmartyou could try reading the TV manual to find the correct settings :-D17:08
usmanasim_could anybody suggest me good c and c++ books17:08
usmanasim_so that i can learn to program ubuntu17:09
mguyusmanasim_: You could ask in #c17:10
Idleheadusmanasim_: why not try python at first?17:10
erUSULusmanasim_: better to start with python ( Dive into Python )17:10
usmanasim_Idlehead: How do I setup progarmming environment in python17:12
nemosHi, I have a problem, can someone help me? I own a Samsung n120 netbook and I dual boot Windows XP with Ubuntu Netbook Remix. When I boot up my computer it loads GRUB which gives me the option to boot either operating system. Now I want to do a complete reset of my system to factory settings (I will reinstall Ubuntu afterwards) and to do so when I boot up I press F4 to enter Samsung Recovery...17:12
nemos...Mode. However when I do so instead of entering recovery mode it just goes to GRUB as normal. How do I get around this?17:12
usmanasim_*for pyhon17:12
nemos*Samsung N13017:12
Idleheadusmanasim_, you can use gedit for coding, and a gedit plugin for debugging in the same window. it's not that hard to set up actually17:13
koryahi all17:13
wapik aces17:13
wapiola contestarmeeeeeeeee17:14
wapiustedes de onde soiiiss17:15
koryaребят может кто помочь ?17:15
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jellow!ru korya17:16
Pici!ru | korya17:16
ubottukorya: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:16
=== Cl is now known as Claudiu__
vad0rdoes anyone know how to make irssi have a longer buffer17:18
TeckniXthanks for the help peeps17:18
Myrttivad0r: /set scrollback_lines17:19
vad0rMyrtti: thx17:20
hiexpo? how do i use webboard to post to pastebin ?17:20
erUSUL!es | gabi17:20
ubottugabi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:20
furythorShould I use 9.04 or 9.10 for my home server ?17:21
Enigmatorubottu how much language do you speak? :P17:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:21
Myrttifurythor: neither is an LTS17:21
Myrttifurythor: so latter would be the best, since it's easier to upgrade to LTS, when it's published in April17:22
Myrtti!es | gabi17:23
ubottugabi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:23
furythorMyrtti: What I am after here is atleast having ufw tool and some other things, I am just thinking that is this cloud computing must have for 9.10 server17:23
erUSULgabi: escribe  "/j #ubuntu-es" y dale a enter17:24
gabile dao17:24
Myrttifurythor: in any case if you have to choose between those two options, 9.10 is better as a whole. I don't know about ufw, though.17:24
furythorokay, that will do as opinion for now17:25
MyrttierUSUL: is he likely to get the clue?17:25
gabien españollll17:25
erUSULMyrtti: do not think so ...17:25
nastas!es | gabi17:26
ubottugabi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:26
CountDownHow do I completely disable my Thinkpad's touchpad?17:26
IdleOne!touchpad | CountDown17:27
ubottuCountDown: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad17:27
MyrttierUSUL: thankies ♥17:28
erUSULMyrtti: yw17:28
The_ManU_212i've seen that in my music collection all mp3 files had the x-bit for execution, i recursively removed it but then i had no permission for subfodlers too, so i added the x bit for directories manually17:29
Rikvalhi !17:30
trismThe_ManU_212: I find: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} + ; to be useful in that situation, it will only change the files not folders17:30
The_ManU_212my questions are, is it ok to remove the xbit for mp3 files and add it for directories? is there an option to exclude dirs from permission changes, and can i save files from being deleted but i have the right to add files in fodlers and change existing files? (only deletion is  not possible)?17:30
dasgnew hack tools exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode www.team3d.3xforum.ro17:31
shay-myHello , i would like to know if its possible to play in ubutnu .asf file (audio file) or at least to convert the file to mp3 ?17:31
jellowdasg: please spam somewhere else.17:32
alunaboa tarde17:34
PingFloydhe's spamming in many channels which he was kicked from17:35
MyrttiPingFloyd: he's k-lined now17:35
lavinif i remove sta driver will b43 option reappear in hardware driver menu?17:35
wasutton3if i use the dd command and the input file is larger than the output, what will happen?17:36
|QED|guys, since wen java in invite only channel? :O17:37
lavinhow would i blacklist driver on ubuntu distro 9.1017:37
bastid_raZor|QED|: you need to be a registered member of freenode to join17:38
bastid_raZor!register | |QED|17:38
ubottu|QED|: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode17:38
The_ManU_212trism: thx and can u help me with my other 2 questions?17:38
_raven_how to restore a partimage partition on a drive, that is not exactly as big as the original?17:38
laumoniersomeone knows whats new with ubuntu 10.04?17:39
IzinucsSuddenly I've lost all audio playback.. been working for several releases including 9.10 then it just stopped.  even aplay won't play anything.. Any diagnostic advice?17:39
Squeesewow, installing a printer wasnt easy, can anyone recomend a label printer other than brother ql500, cause that stuff didnt wanna fly :P17:39
bastid_raZorlaumonier: /join #ubuntu+1  .. they will know more17:39
laumonieroki thx17:39
lavincan someone tell me how to blacklist a sta driver please17:40
Kinetic|workIzinucs alsaplay , make sure nothing is muted by default ...also trying killing pulseaudio17:40
IzinucsSqueese: Brother has their own drivers.. they are a pain to install but typically work..17:40
Eremite tyring to string together several avi files using "cat" and its not working.  It only reencodes the first video of the videos listed and ignores the rest.  Typing: cat v1.avi v2.avi v3.avi > video.avi      any suggestions?17:40
Enigmatorlavin in file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:40
_raven_how to restore a partimage backup on a partition, that is not exactly as big as the original?17:40
ailaG2can i delete the existing windows partition (there's only one) and install ubuntu without burning a new cd? the windows installation appears to use the existing one17:40
Switch10Izinucs: type alsamixer into the terminal and make sure all of your levels are good. This has happened to me before17:40
koryaлюди помогите плиз ктонить ....17:40
lavinthat means nothing to me ,...i very fresh out the box17:40
SqueeseIzinucs: I tried to follow their guide, but I get errors on each step - I feel as if I've messed up my system and reinstall and try again is the only way togo17:40
trismThe_ManU_212: I don't understand what you're asking in the last one17:40
hiexpocan not find any docs on weboard nor help so justthrow this one out i guess17:41
jellow!ru | korya17:41
ubottukorya: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:41
Kinetic|workizinucs alsamixer not alsaplay , my bad17:41
PingFloyd_raven_: http://www.partimage.org/Partimage-FAQ#Can_I_restore_it_to_a_smaller_or_bigger_partition_.3F17:41
wasutton3can i use the dd command to copy one disk to a smaller disk?17:42
Eremite tyring to string together several avi files using "cat" and its not working.  It only reencodes the first video of the videos listed and ignores the rest.  Typing: "cat v1.avi v2.avi v3.avi > video.avi"   does not work.    Any suggestions?  Or, how do I burn more than one avi to a DVD17:42
IzinucsKinetic|work: Switch10 been there done all that.. including killing pulse.. all levels are fine and worked day before yesterday.. no changes other than some updates to the system.. alsaplay is actually aplay from cli .. and no go with that either.17:42
The_ManU_212trism: 1st: is it ok to remove the x-bit from mp3 files and adding it to directories (if removed) to open them?17:42
_raven_PingFloyd, tnx - do you also know how to do a restore when it cannot read "block 0" when it changes to file 001?17:42
trismThe_ManU_212: yes, it is actually a good idea, don't want files being executable that shouldn't be17:42
Kinetic|workizinucs - is it digital or analog ouput?17:42
PingFloyd_raven_: don't know17:43
The_ManU_212trism: 2nd: is with it possible with rights-managment, to allow creation of files and editing existing oens, but to delete them is denied?17:43
Kinetic|workizinucs - i had to tell alsamixer to actually show all digital outputs because it qwas defaulting my hdmi to 3, but only displaying the spdif levels17:43
Kinetic|workand when i did, thats when i could see hdmi was muted17:43
IzinucsSqueese: perhaps.. Brother's most recent instructions including their .deb's have been better then in the last 2 years.. I've found you have to read all their instructions and write them down because they have "If you have "ubuntu" then do this first then do that.. "etc..17:43
_raven_partimage: cannot read block 0 when changes from 000 to 00117:43
The_ManU_212trism: what could be the reason that they were executable, that they were some time ago on fat32 aprtition?17:43
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212: thats the reason17:44
trismThe_ManU_212: you probably copied them from a windows partition, they are mounted by default as 777 (I had to do the same with my music collection)17:44
IzinucsKinetic|work: analog but there is a digital option.. when I choose that the system reports that it won't work17:44
IzinucsKinetic|work: at any rate .. I'm using analog lines.17:45
The_ManU_212trism: yeah the fat was mounted rw17:45
trismThe_ManU_212: as for the other question, I'm really an expert on permissions, although I think if you have permissions to create files in a directory, you have permission to delete them too, one goes with the other17:45
jph_I am looking for a comprehensive list of IPs to block to include all IPs from outside the USA and all know proxies... my GoogleFu is weak today I guess because all I can find are sites that provide list one country are a time... anyone have any sources for this?17:45
Kinetic|workizinucs - gotcha..ya sounds like a hardcore issue17:45
The_ManU_212trism: ok17:45
trismThe_ManU_212: that should be not an expert17:45
IzinucsKinetic|work: driving me nuts..17:46
Kinetic|workizinucs - are other sound modules being loaded that shouldnt?17:46
The_ManU_212trism: what shouldnt be an expert?17:46
IzinucsKinetic|work: not sure .. how do I check for what's loaded and what shouldn't be?17:46
The_ManU_212thx Enigmator17:46
alecis there a way to have rm be an alias to mv to some trash folder, but have another command (like del or something) to be an actual rm (using bash)17:46
trismThe_ManU_212: me17:46
Kinetic|workizinucs - lsmod |17:46
ailaG2when installing ubuntu (the windows installer) it says: installation size: 3/4/5/6gb default is 5 should i keep that? (it's a 20gb hd)17:47
Kinetic|workizinucs - look for anything *snd_*17:47
eotterburghola spanish..!17:47
Kinetic|workmake sure you arent loading extra modules like snd_intell or anything17:47
EremiteailaG2, it all depends on how much space you need for ubuntu/windows17:47
IzinucsKinetic|work: lsmod | simply gives me a > symbol17:47
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212: I don't know if ext4 honore this but you could try the immutable bits which you set using chattr +i17:47
Kinetic|workizinucs sorry typo..drop the pipe17:47
EremiteailaG2, if you have a small HD and are just installing linux to play, 5gb should be enough.  You cant install much on 5bg, though.17:47
Kinetic|workizinucs sorry typo..drop the |17:48
IzinucsKinetic|work: ah17:48
Kinetic|workizinucs - tiny keyboard on the eeepc17:48
chilipepperHow can I know if my firefall runs as a system service?17:48
The_ManU_212Enigmator: what is it for, the immutable bit?17:48
erUSULalec: make an rm function that does that.17:48
ailaG2Eremite: i don't want windows on that machine anymore, if that helps. i want to install ubuntu & boxee, try to connect it to the tv, if the hardware is good enough17:48
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212:  to make a file undeleatable17:49
EremiteAnd you're using Wubi?17:49
Will123456ailaG2- that's exactly what i'm doing right now17:49
chilipepperI'm using firestarter17:49
ailaG2Eremite: yeah.. too lazy to burn a cd17:49
hiexpoi been tring to find an answer on how to use webboard  to paste to pastebin now for 2 hours17:49
alecerUSUL: an rm function that does the move to ~/.trash, or that does the actual rm?17:49
duffydackEremite, try avidemux with the append feature17:49
Will123456tried using the netbook remix as a pseudo-10-foot-interface (or whatever it's called) but i found it too unstable17:49
ailaG2and i don't think it can boot from a usb flash drive :)17:49
EremiteailaG2, that's not a way to replace windows, it will install ubuntu along side of windows.17:49
IzinucsKinetic|work: lsmod | grep snd | pastebinit results in http://pastebin.com/f43e5b93717:49
Weemshow do I alt+ to do char input in ubuntu?17:49
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212:  exemple: chattr +i file.mp317:49
EremiteYou should do a proper install if you can, ailaG217:50
ailaG2Eremite: i was hoping it would dual boot and then i'd delete windows from linux.. somehow17:50
erUSULalec: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2008022417565942317:50
ailaG2that means i'll have to go all the way to the other room and get a blank cd! *lazy*17:50
EremiteailaG2, that's not possible since ubuntu is hosted INSIDE your windows partition that way.  Wubi is not a real linux install, its a pseudo-install.17:50
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212:  test it to see if it work17:51
ailaG2Eremite: yeah i was wondering about that.. when i saw it wants to install inside an existing partition17:51
Will123456ailaG2- i've spent about 3 months trying to get ubuntu installed and customised on my TV to no avail. it's always better just to do it as simply and less complicately as possible, otherwise there's always little annoying problems :P17:51
The_ManU_212Enigmator: ok and what should be the result a file which cant be deleted as user?17:51
ailaG2Will123456: did you install boxee or use the normal media players?17:52
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212:  a file that not even root can delete17:52
korb_brcant apt-get 404 Not Found [IP: 80], whats wrong ?!17:52
alecerUSUL: isn't that just a function for mv-ing a file when you rm it? how can I actually rm a file if I want to with that?17:52
Will123456ailaG2: using boxee, seems to work quite well.17:53
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212:  so to reverse this you would do chattr -i17:53
erUSULkorb_br: you mirror has problems or is down17:53
korb_brcan u post me a good mirror ?17:53
erUSULalec: call rm with full path ? /bin/rm17:53
tyrosineQUESTION: I'm in a crowded classroom with a single AP.  Normally it's 50k/s, but after all my classmates are youtubing I can only get about 0.5k/s (500b/s).  Is there anything I can do to improve my situation? I'm trying to download powerpoints for class, but they17:53
korb_brErr http://br.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main17:53
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212:  you need to be root for this17:53
sillyCEOBooting up ubuntu on my netbook right from the SD card. Would it be faster with a better, more expensive SD card?17:53
tyrosinethey're SSL protected17:53
The_ManU_212Enigmator: and how to remove this bit?17:53
erUSULalec: make an alias that does just that ?17:53
ailaG2don't you just love the way windows works.. connect to windows, blank password, and i easily shared everything to any cracker who'd guess my password :P  (i'm a mac user)17:53
Will123456ailaG2: if it's just a low powered computer then i recommend the 32 bit version- you can get a 64 bit version of boxee but it's a beta and wasn't TOTALLY bug free when i tested it17:53
=== AdamSmith is now known as MFriedman
Will123456ailaG2: (though granted i haven't tried the normal 32 bit version of boxee so it might just be unstable anyway...)17:54
EnigmatorThe_ManU_212: exemple: chattr -i file.mp317:54
ailaG2Will123456: it's an ibm laptop from 2001-2002 :)) i don't really see a reason to use 64bit even if i could17:54
alecerUSUL: wouldn't the alias then get confused with the function? or does that not happen?17:54
Kinetic|workizinucs - yep you have extra modules loaded..whhat chipsset is this?17:55
Kinetic|workizinucs - this line : snd_hda_codec_nvhdmi,snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_in17:55
Will123456ailaG2: that's good then :P17:55
ailaG2that's why i prefer linux on it over windows..17:55
Will123456ailaG2: boxee worked a lot better than xbmc though, which needs a decent amount of extra configuration to get youtube plugins and such working (and even then i couldn't get it to work, the UI was flakey)17:55
Will123456boxee just worked out of the box17:55
Will123456er :P17:55
sillyCEOI have a bootable ubuntu on SD card, configured exactly the way I like it. Whats the easiest way to clone it to fresh SD?17:55
aleclike if i did alias del='rm' or something, it will know that I mean the actual rm command, and not the function?17:55
IzinucsKinetic|work: gforce 8200 on an XFX board17:55
erUSULalec: you can not make the alias name "rm" you will have to find another name17:55
Kinetic|workizinucs looks like  realtek and intel are both loaded... more than one soundcard? try rmmod to remove them and just load the one you want to work...to make sure its a conflict and not something else17:56
erUSULalec: alias del='/bin/rm'17:56
ailaG2Will123456: thanks, i didn't really do a decent research on that, thought i'd try the first name i know and see if that works. good to know it's the best choice17:56
Boohbahalias rf='rm -rf'17:56
ailaG2there's actually a boxee box now17:56
ailaG2.. that works out of the box too17:56
BoohbahailaG2: what does this have to do with ubuntu?17:56
alecerUSUL: ah, ok, thx17:56
BuGo_laptopi am installing ubuntu on computer with 4gb ram. how much swap do i need to allocate?17:57
BoohbahBuGo_laptop: tradition would dictate 8GB17:57
erUSUL!danger | Boohbah17:57
ubottuBoohbah: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:57
BoohbaherUSUL: danger what?17:57
AndreMorro[BR]BuGo_laptop, to be honest, I wouldn't use any, but by the tradition, should be 1,5xRAM , 6 Then17:57
BoohbaherUSUL: don't alias rm -rf to rf ?17:57
IzinucsKinetic|work: hummmm... I wonder how that happened.. let me check the board specs and see which one it should be..17:57
BoohbaherUSUL: why not?17:57
erUSULBoohbah: sorry; read it wrong17:57
BuGo_laptopok 6 it is17:58
erUSULBoohbah: easy trigger ;)17:58
Boohbahi also like     alias ll='ls -al'17:58
Kinetic|workizinucs - ubuntu will try to load modules it thinks are required.. not always 100% reliable17:58
ailaG2Boohbah: it's the reason i'm installing linux..17:58
erUSULBoohbah: that's come alrady aliased in debian/ubuntu .bashrc17:58
AndreMorro[BR]i like alias backup='long list of comands', cant paste it here17:59
AndreMorro[BR]to big =)17:59
Will123456is there any reason why putting the swap partition at the front of the disk would be a bad idea?17:59
Will123456why does the ubuntu installer put it on the end by default?17:59
decois there a ubuntu karmic i685 img file ?18:00
Will123456i'm about to put the swap partition at the start (before the / and /home partitions) and i'm wondering if that would affect stability at all18:00
icerootdeco: i386 is what you want18:00
AndreMorro[BR]Will123456, if your system uses to much swap, then it would make slower because of the readings at swap space18:00
SwedeMikeWill123456: put it in the middle if you can.18:00
sdwrageMorning everyone18:00
decoiceroot: ah yeah , is tere an img file of it ? for usb install18:00
iceroot!usb | deco18:00
ubottudeco: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:00
decoiceroot: thanks18:01
Will123456SwedeMike: because that's the most average distance between the places the disk might be reading from elsewhere?18:01
llutzWill123456: place it wherever you want. swap always is slow, so hdd-seektimes etc. won't really slow it down more18:01
AndreMorro[BR]Guys, I'm using a Lenovo C3000 that comes with a / and ? in a diferrent position of the keyboard, how can I ajdust it?18:01
=== segin|kvirc is now known as segin
Will123456llutz: yeah, i wasn't sure about that. i know that the front/inside of the disk is something like twice as fast as the outside but twice as fast as "thousands of times as slow as RAM" probably isn't much better at all18:02
SlartAndreMorro[BR]: take a look at xmodmap18:02
SwedeMikeWill123456: yes.18:02
AndreMorro[BR]Slart, i tried but didn't worked well, or maybe I don't know how to use it18:02
SlartAndreMorro[BR]: it can do lots of things.. but it's not very trial-and-error friendly..18:02
SlartAndreMorro[BR]: hmm.. well.. that's the only way I know of to switch keys around like you want to do..18:03
AndreMorro[BR]Slart, ty, I'll try again18:03
Sp00nI'm in desperate need of a little assistance if anyone is feeling helpful? Relating to missing eth18:04
Sp00n<-- n00b18:04
CShadowRun!ask | Sp00n18:04
ubottuSp00n: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:04
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, ifconfig shows nothing?18:04
=== bfox is now known as bfox_afk
Sp00nonly loopback18:05
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, ifconfig eth0 up18:05
Sp00nI run a vmware appliance which sits on ubuntu 4.2 (according to cat/proc/version), updated vmware tools last night, this morning eth0 is missing18:05
pat|nGwhy can't i see my nmap? i install it and i don't can see the GUI?18:05
Sp00nand i mean missing18:05
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, nmap doesn't have gui18:05
Sp00nlspci shows the AMD adapter18:05
Sp00nbut its not binding it to eth018:05
ConfusedHow come Ubuntu "hangs" when I'm not pressing anything or moving the mouse? It doesn't really crash - it's just that nothing moves or happens until I do something to it.18:05
erUSUL!info zenmap | AndreMorro[BR] pat|nG18:05
ubottuAndreMorro[BR]: zenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.00-2 (karmic), package size 601 kB, installed size 1784 kB18:05
Slartpat|nG: the gui is called zenmap.. try starting it from a terminal18:06
erUSULpat|nG: install zenmap18:06
IzinucsKinetic|work: looks like sound is Realtek ALC 888 codec 8 channel HD audio..18:06
AndreMorro[BR]erUSUL, nmap its nmap, zenmap its a front-end,18:06
AndreMorro[BR]erUSUL, right??18:06
erUSULpat|nG: it will appear in Aplications>internet18:06
Sp00nifup eth0 = Device not found18:06
=== jesse is now known as Guest1946
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, is it running on VMware??18:06
macman_ testing18:07
erUSULAndreMorro[BR]: yes; but zenmap is the _oficial_ nmap frontend18:07
Slartpat|nG: sorry.. you need to install zenmap as well.. it's not included in the nmap package18:07
AndreMorro[BR]Check your VM config to see if the network is configured right18:07
pat|nGi see18:07
IzinucsKinetic|work: how do I  remove the offending driver?18:07
pat|nGSlart: how can i do it?18:07
Sp00nthe vm config hasnt changed, the only thing that I did was update vmware tools from the esxi console18:07
AndreMorro[BR]erUSUL, Ok, but nmap stand alone has no front-end, thats why I wrote that theres no gui18:07
Slartpat|nG: sudo apt-get install zenmap   should do it18:07
Sp00nI've also added another vm device, rebooted but it doesnt pick that up either18:07
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, don't know what to do... never used VMware18:08
Kinetic|workIzinucs rmmod18:08
timbojimbomy screen saver is acting buggy. Whenever I put my password in to get to my desktop the screen saver reappears frozen. I can alt-tab to different open programs but none show up. My only option has been to restart my computer every time. I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and gnome18:08
Sp00ntreat it like a real machine, what would you do if the eth0 dissapeared?18:08
Kinetic|workIzinucs rmmod *nameofmodule18:08
Sp00nwhat would I do?18:09
IzinucsKinetic|work: would it be "sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel" ??18:09
Kinetic|workIzinucs correct18:09
IzinucsKinetic|work: with sudo?18:09
Kinetic|workIzinucs will more than likely have to use sudo18:09
erUSULIzinucs: "sudo modprobe -r modulename" is a better idea18:09
Craig`hey where can I find the dictionary? what's it's directory18:09
pat|nGSlart: invalid operation18:09
Kinetic|workIzinucs ^^what erSUL said18:09
Slartpat|nG: typo?18:10
pat|nGsori my fault18:10
treble54I am trying to install the java plugin in firefox; currently I have made the symbolic link for the java plugin in the plugins folder of the firefox directory, but whenever I open firefox, the Java plugin is not listed in about:plugins, anyone have any ideas ?18:10
ConfusedHow come Ubuntu "hangs" when I'm not pressing anything or moving the mouse? It doesn't really crash - it's just that nothing moves or happens until I do something to it.18:10
darkstar999Is it possible to combine a command so I can 'ps' or 'pidof' a process and kill it at the same time?18:11
IzinucsKinetic|work: says the module is in use.. killall pulseaudio?18:11
Slartdarkstar999: sure.. you could do a little bash magic.. not sure it will be worth it though18:11
darkstar999Slart: what about pkill?18:12
Slartdarkstar999: there's also commands like xkill, pkill that might be useful18:12
pat|nGis there any mp3player available?18:12
IzinucsThanks erUSUL.. module is in use.. how do I disable it? or "un-use" it?18:12
DiverdudeIs it possible to connect to an sshfs (requiring password) automatically at startup? e.g. using /etc/fstab ?18:12
AndreMorro[BR]Diverdude, with password? not that I know of18:12
AndreMorro[BR]Diverdude, using KEYS without passphrase yeah18:12
erUSULIzinucs: find the processes that use the devices it exports ? if it is the sound module you probably have to kill pulseaudio first18:12
darkstar999Slart: pkill works, thanks18:13
Slartdarkstar999: you're welcome18:13
IzinucserUSUL: just tried "killall pulseaudio" and had the same response18:13
pat|nGis there any mp3player available?18:14
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, theres lots of them... pick one18:14
erUSUL!player | pat|nG18:14
ubottupat|nG: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:14
DiverdudeAndreMorro[BR], what do you mean by "using KEYS without passphrase" ?18:14
AndreMorro[BR]Diverdude, RSA keys18:14
rd1381is there anyway to have a account that cant install apps unless i use a diferent pass from that account password?18:14
DiverdudeAndreMorro[BR], ohh yeah ok...how do i make an RSA key?18:14
erUSULIzinucs: chack « sudo lsof /dev/snd/* »18:14
sillyCEOBooting up ubuntu on my netbook right from the SD card. Would it be faster with a better, more expensive SD card?18:14
AndreMorro[BR]Diverdude, great question, I have a small tuto but in Portuguese...18:14
AndreMorro[BR]Diverdude, let me try finding one in English18:15
DiverdudeAndreMorro[BR], arhh my portuguese is unfortunatly not so good :) I wish i could speak it however18:15
=== Luukje is now known as Luukje|Game
IzinucserUSUL: that shows me ... 4 items.. knotify4, kmix and 2 pulseaudio's18:15
Sp00nreally need some help with linux + esxi, missing eth0!18:15
SlartsillyCEO: doesn't SD cards come in different speeds? just make sure the adapter can handle the speed of your card18:15
erUSULIzinucs: ok; kill them all18:15
erUSULIzinucs: probaly you are better doing this in recovery mode or without gui if possible18:16
Slartrd1381: not really... at least not in a simple way18:16
sillyCEOSlart: They 'say' they are different speeds - just not sure if it would matter much.18:16
Slartrd1381: what are you trying to do?18:16
IzinucserUSUL: probably.. knotify just doesn't want to go away..18:16
erUSULIzinucs: not sure what you are trying to do anyway ...18:17
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, try ifconfig eth1, eth2, eth3...18:17
pat|nGis it Audacious? i tried but i gives me error18:17
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, till you got one18:17
Sp00n"ignoring unknown interface eth1 > 10"18:17
rd1381Slart: like a limited account in windows that in windows when u run a app that need admin rights it ask for ADMIN pass not limited account pass18:17
SlartsillyCEO: I'm not really sure how much a difference it will make.. haven't tried running ubuntu from SD/cf cards18:17
treble54in attempts to get the java plugin installed, and I've successfully made a symbolic link to the java plugin installed on my machine but it is still not showing up in about:plugins, anyone have any ideas ?18:18
Sp00nAndreMorro[BR] "ignoring unknown interface eth1 > 10"18:18
sillyCEOSlart: OK thanks- will ask again later on.18:18
pat|nGis it Audacious? i tried but i gives me error18:18
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, what about ethe²18:18
erUSULtreble54: why not jus « sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin » ?18:18
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, try audacious218:18
Slartrd1381: not that I know of.. you could of course create another account with permission to install stuff and use sudo -u ... or even setup some kind of aliasing so it does the sudo -u thing automagically18:18
IzinucserUSUL: my sound suddenly went out.. been working fine for the last year on different releases including 9.10.  I did a search on the drivers (http://pastebin.com/f43e5b937) and Kinetic|work was kind enough to point out 2 drivers loaded.. one realtec and one intel.. my system is an XFX 8200 board with realtec18:18
erUSULIzinucs: so why you want to unload the sound drivers ?18:19
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, got it?18:19
IzinucserUSUL: just the offending one that doesn't apply to my system.. am I wrong in my approach?18:19
vexuecan anyone help me?18:20
Sp00nAndreMorro[BR] no, nothing comes up18:20
scooter89I have a macbook2,1 running Karmic. How do I tweak/speed up my wireless reconnect after I've closed and opened my laptop?18:20
AndreMorro[BR]CARMENCERES, Hi18:20
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, funny thing... if you remove the guest additions will it help?18:20
coolcathi, when I access a video on Youtube I get a blank box, no place to click , nothing. Yesterday it was plays videos normally, what could have happened?18:20
rd1381Slart:when i create a limited account in ubuntu and login to that ,then run for example synaptec,it askes for password but no password works their ,not admin pass and not limited pass. is'nt that a bug?18:20
AndreMorro[BR]CARMENCERES, Houston, we're here18:20
Sp00nAndreMorro[BR] I tried unfortunately, uninstalled vmware tools completely and rebooted but its not much help18:21
Sp00nI just dont get why it shows in lspci18:21
AndreMorro[BR]rd1381, no, not really, to have Administrations privilege user must be part of admin group18:21
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, pastebin your lspci18:21
Slartrd1381: hmm.. haven't tried that.. I would say that it's a bug.. it should give you some kind of error.. (it always asks for your login password)18:21
kanzieI activated Xinerama in nvidia-settings and now the screen is black. How can I access the shell to restore the backup?18:22
AndreMorro[BR]kanzie, Ctrl Atl F118:22
kanzieI've tried ctrl-alt-f32418:22
kanzieAndreMorro[BR]: and 118:22
AndreMorro[BR]kanzie, in grub, start like "Recovery mode"18:22
Sp00nAndreMorro[BR] I cant, the host doesnt have any network access, I can give you the line which shows the ethernet adapter if you would like?18:22
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, go ahead18:23
kanzieAndreMorro[BR]: ok18:23
kanzieAndreMorro[BR]: thanks18:23
AndreMorro[BR]kanzie, yw18:23
IzinucserUSUL: ? .. am I on the right path?18:23
AndreMorro[BR]Sp00n, in PVT18:23
kanzieAndreMorro[BR]: Do you perhaps know how I can solve dual-screen to get my TV working like expected?18:23
jph_I just copied a 45000 line allow list in to a rough draft of a new .htaccess file... my goal is to deny all that are not US IPs... I didn't think the allow list would be that long... am I right to think that a .htaccess file that long will cause me problems?18:23
erUSULIzinucs: hda intel is used in all modern mobos18:23
AndreMorro[BR]kanzie, it depends on the problem18:23
AndreMorro[BR]kanzie, what exaclty you're trying to do?18:23
kanzieAndreMorro[BR]: Well, I might be spoiled being an Apple-owner. But I want my Ubuntu-box to replace the laptop as media-center. I want my TV connected as my main display for movies.18:24
IzinucserUSUL: ok.. so I should leave it.. this issue just cropped up in the last 2 days.. been working fine up until then.. have you got another path of diagnosis?18:24
kanzieAndreMorro[BR]: I tried dualscreen but then XBMC streched over both screen (and since the resolution is different it was crap.18:24
rd1381Slart: thats what i mean. i mean i want to have 2 user that both have passwords but one is able to install and other not.i know i have to add one to sudoers but when i do that and log in in ubuntu with limited account i have noway to do admin stuff(it asks for password but accept neither password as correct).i thought ubuntu disabled root for seciurity reasons. what security is that that i have a user that can install apps and do other admin stuff with his own18:25
rd1381login pass ,or have to logout and login in a admin user to to do admin stuff??18:25
erUSULIzinucs: what happened in the last two days that could cause the issue ?18:25
AndreMorro[BR]kanzie, at the nvidia-settings theres should be a thing to make the Main Display18:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:25
CARMENCERESim speak spanish18:25
IzinucserUSUL: an update probably18:25
erUSULIzinucs: kernel ?18:25
ubottuCARMENCERES: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:25
CARMENCERESwe speaks spanish?18:25
erUSULCARMENCERES: not here; join #ubuntu-es18:26
jph_I just copied a 45000 line allow list in to a rough draft of a new .htaccess file... my goal is to deny all that are not US IPs... I didn't think the allow list would be that long... am I right to think that a .htaccess file that long will cause me problems?18:26
IzinucserUSUL: no.. there was a kernel upgrade a week or so ago.. but I didn't notice a change after that .. at least that I can remember.18:26
erUSULCARMENCERES: type "/join #ubuntu-es" without the "" and hit enter18:26
CARMENCERESwe is english?18:26
Slartrd1381: sorry.. I think there was a netsplit there..18:26
CARMENCERESme not very good speak inglish18:26
coolcatCARMENCERES, vá para o canal #ubuntu-es para ajuda em espanhol18:27
erUSULIzinucs: so what was updated ? do you remember ?18:27
Slartrd1381: I'm not sure if having a separate password gives you any extra security.. but you can always run stuff like gksudo -u adminuser synaptic   to run synaptic as the adminuser instead of limiteduser18:27
rd1381Slart: i know that18:27
rd1381Slart: but it doesnt work on gui clicks18:28
IzinucserUSUL: not specifically.. I updated another machine today (a different one) and there were some new pulseaudio libraries.. however it was a 8.04 machine not a 9.10 machine like the one I'm trying to fix..18:28
rd1381Slart: you know.. clicking and askiing for admin pass( like windows would)18:28
jph_CARMENCERES mis espanol es muy mal pero is usd ponga /join #ubuntu-es esta mas personas hablen espanol18:28
erUSULIzinucs: really dunno; i take that you are in kubuntu seeing kmix there; and i take you already checked all channels in the mixer for mute or low volume ...18:29
Slartrd1381: doesn't work on gui clicks? I'm not sure I understand.. you mean it doesn't do it by itself when it notices that what the user is trying to do requires admin privileges?18:29
IzinucserUSUL: yep.. (been around a while.. you might know me as Scunizi :)  )..18:29
irene__Hi, all. The hard drive of my laptop is dying, so i'm trying to mount its encrypted data on another ubuntu laptop. But user ids are different. Okay, i'm not very clear, but here's my question: can I create 2 entries in /etc/passwd having different usernames but the same uid/gid ?18:30
pat|nGis it possible i can copy files from a network having windows xp os?18:30
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, linux copy from windows or windows copy from linux?18:31
rd1381Slart: no imean many of ubuntu admin apps are icons that u click and have parameteres and stuff, and clicking on them wont work in limited account because it asks for password but neither admin passs or limited pass works18:31
pat|nGlinux copy from windows18:31
IzinucserUSUL: actually kpackagekit has a nice History feature..18:31
erUSULIzinucs: ^.^ ok; i'm not familiar with pa admin utilities in kde... maybe it is there where the problem lies (is a mess volume contrlas in alsa and anothe bunch in pa but anyway)18:31
erUSULIzinucs: checked the pulseaudio volume levels etc...18:32
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, sure, if you have ubuntu you can clic in Places -> network18:32
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG,  and find you machine there18:32
Slartrd1381: ah.. yes, that's true.. you'll have to start them manually from a terminal, using gksudo18:32
IzinucserUSUL: are the pulseaudio levels controlled seperately from kmix (alsamixer)?18:32
timbojimbomy screen saver is acting buggy. Whenever I put my password in to get to my desktop the screen saver reappears frozen. I can alt-tab to different open programs but none show up. My only option has been to restart my computer every time. I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and gnome18:32
AndreMorro[BR]timbojimbo, do you have desktop effects on? try disabling it18:33
creative_Hello. Are there no more device paths for usb devices(eg photo camera) in 9.10?18:33
erUSULIzinucs: there are; do you have pavucontrol installed ?18:33
IzinucserUSUL: nope18:33
rd1381Slart: yeah that would work but that a wordaround is'nt it? imean clicking and asking for password doesnt work and should be fixed so its a bug18:33
timbojimboAndreMorro[BR], it is set to none18:34
creative_How can I access a USB device raw in 9.10? Theres no more /dev/sdXX18:34
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erUSULIzinucs: can you install it to check ?18:34
AndreMorro[BR]timbojimbo, have any 3D boards like Nvidia or Ati?18:34
coolcatcreative_, No mre /dev/sdxx?18:34
IzinucserUSUL: sure.. it'll pull in a bunch of gtk libraries.. but it's worth a shot18:34
EnigmatorIzinucs if you have problem with sound muted, you may check if you have alsa stuff installed18:34
creative_coolcat: Not for USB devices.18:34
timbojimboAndreMorro[BR], Yeah I have nvidia18:34
AndreMorro[BR]timbojimbo, the nvidia drivers are properly installed?18:35
creative_coolcat: Its there for my primary HD. But not for USB.18:35
adalal1heya.. im using dhcpd... is there a way to find the current leases?18:35
Slartrd1381: yes, it's a work around, indeed.   I would say that showing a password dialog where the current user password doesn't work would count as a bug.. if the user doesn't have the right permissions to run the app it should just give some kind of error, if you ask me. I would say its a bug, yes18:35
sillyCEOI have a bootable ubuntu on SD card, configured exactly the way I like it. Whats the easiest way to clone it to fresh SD?18:35
pat|nGis it possible i can copy files from a network having windows xp os?18:35
timbojimboAndreMorro[BR], Yup18:35
creative_coolcat: But the folder opens and displays content when inserted.18:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:35
creative_coolcat: But theres nothing in mtab ;(18:35
jellowsillyCEO: have a look at dd18:35
creative_coolcat: Pretty strange18:35
AndreMorro[BR]timbojimbo, its only with passwords or any kinda screensaver??18:35
IzinucserUSUL: I'll be right back.. gotta log out and back in again18:35
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rd1381Slart: anyway thanks for replys. you think i should fill arequest or but report or something in ubuntu launchpad?18:36
coolcatcreative_, so you do not have the file /dev/sdb1 for example?18:36
* adalal1 needs help18:36
creative_coolcat: Nope.18:36
sillyCEOjellow: I did see taht- couldn't believe it would be as easy as one command in terminal. Have you tried it?18:36
AndreMorro[BR]!ask | adalal118:36
ubottuadalal1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:36
creative_coolcat: If I look at the path it tells me: gphoto2://[usb:002,004]/18:36
Slartrd1381: yes.. either report it as a bug or add something to the.. what's it called.. brainstorm?18:36
jellowsillyCEO: no18:36
creative_coolcat: But I need to access the FS raw18:36
creative_coolcat: For running testdisk on it. Lost photos on a digicam.18:37
Slartrd1381: I would be happy to add a "me too" if you report it.. just give me the url18:37
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, its a raw harddrive or pendrive? is that right?18:37
creative_AndreMorro[BR]: Its a digital camera18:37
sillyCEOjellow - OK I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the tip.18:37
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, it should recoganize as a normal sdXX18:37
timbojimboAndreMorro[BR], I have it set to Random and it is usually the dremples and a few others that do it18:37
jellowsillyCEO: Little warning be very careful with it make backups18:38
AndreMorro[BR]timbojimbo, try not using the screensavers that do that18:38
creative_AndreMorro[BR]: Theres nothing in dmesg about a /dev/sdXX18:38
erUSULcreative_: you will have to find a way to access it as usb storage or photorec wont work18:38
IzinucserUSUL: suddenly and without explanation audio is working again.. not sure how.. but it is.. didn't do that after my last reboot trying to fix this..18:38
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, nothing saying new device pluged and stuff like that??18:38
sillyCEOjellow: thanks18:38
creative_erUSUL: Exactly.18:38
erUSULIzinucs: magic :)18:38
jellowIzinucs: same thing happened to me =/18:38
coolcatcreative_, I do not know why you don't have them, but you can create a device, but you would have to know some information about fs type etc  .. i cannot help ypu with this18:38
creative_AndreMorro[BR]: It does. But I think somehow they changed usb device handling in 9.1018:38
IzinucserUSUL: the the support industry we refer to that as FM.. if you get my drift :)18:39
creative_coolcat: okay, thx anyway18:39
sillyCEONew problem: When I switch off my WIFI router, ubuntu throws up a dialog ("Authentication require by wireless network"). I'm leaving this unsupervised, so I want NO dialog... just want it to keep trying to hop back on. Any ideas?18:39
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, funny thing... i work with a few cameras here... they are all set to work as "usb storage device" and works smooth18:39
avi_hey, can anyone field a question about Ubuntu on a PowerBook?18:39
erUSULcreative_: maybe your camera has not that option and you have to plug the camera card  directly to the pc (via a card reader of course )18:39
AndreMorro[BR]!ask | avelldiroll18:39
ubottuavelldiroll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:39
AndreMorro[BR]!ask | avi_18:39
ubottuavi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:39
creative_AndreMorro[BR]: 9.10 ? Because the path that it shows in nautilus is: gphoto2://[usb:002,004]/18:39
AndreMorro[BR]avelldiroll, sorry18:39
erUSULIzinucs: XD18:40
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, yeah, 9.10... what your dmesg says?18:40
creative_erUSUL: Not that I now.18:40
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, PVT or pastebin.com18:40
avi_Is there a reason Ubuntu gives me max 45 minutes to an hour on my powerbook? (With a newish battery)?18:40
creative_AndreMorro[BR]: Its only 2 relevant lines... So I paste it here18:40
creative_[79900.670088] usb 2-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 418:41
creative_[79900.824634] usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice18:41
avi_Because i get more than twice that with OSX18:41
ode_to_joyHi gang, I'm trying to get wifi master mode working on my intel 5300 chip, with karmic.  But no joy.. "iwconfig wlan0 mode master" gives "SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument".  Anyone know if this chip works as an AP?18:41
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, awsome...18:41
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, afraid i cant help you18:41
AndreMorro[BR]avi_, let say that OSX is optimized for your hardware...18:41
creative_AndreMorro[BR]: Okay. Too bad. I guess they changed the whole USB handling for digital cameras in 9.1018:41
erUSULcreative_: as i said if your camera can nt be configured to be usb storage you will have tom plug the card directly to the computer via a card reader18:42
avi_Of course, but why should Ubuntu fail so much with power management?18:42
AndreMorro[BR]creative_, I agree wirh erUSUL18:42
erUSULcreative_: that depends on the camera not on the version of ubuntu18:42
AndreMorro[BR]avi_, maybe you need to do some fine-tunning18:42
avi_thats what I assumed.18:42
creative_erUSUL: Ah okay.18:42
avi_any idea on where to start?18:42
avi_im a Ubuntu noob.18:42
TijuanenseHi I am a troll18:42
AndreMorro[BR]avi_, disabling services you don't need...18:42
creative_erUSUL: I just wondered because it used to have /dev/sdXX on 9.0418:42
Rikvaljkjakajkaj a a troll18:43
creative_erUSUL: Thanks a lot. Will try to remove the card18:43
Rikvalno sabes hablar español18:43
AndreMorro[BR]avi_, its a PPC processor right?18:43
ode_to_joyDoes anyone recommend a way to set up a wifi link as an AP?18:43
avi_Oh, I was thinking more like specifying to ubuntu what my setup is18:43
avi_yeah, 1.5GHz G418:43
erUSULcreative_: is like some mp3 players (specially ipod) they have propietary protocols (or mdp) to load files on them. so you need itunes or crap like that18:43
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creative_erUSUL: Okay. I see18:44
erUSULcreative_: I just wondered because it used to have /dev/sdXX on 9.04 <<< if that's true then maybe is a config option on the camera18:44
IateJesusavi_, a quick googling says that disabling the therm module in etc modules will help18:44
AndreMorro[BR]avi_, hm... try powertop programa, its a nice way to start18:44
creative_erUSUL: Hm. Maybe... Trying to get a device path now when just inserting card18:44
erUSULcreative_: my phone can act as a usb storage or as a modem. is a config in the phone (appears when i plug it )18:44
creative_erUSUL: Yep, works ;)18:44
coolcatcreative_, I do not know why you don't have them, but you can create a device, but you would have to know some information about fs type etc  .. i cannot help ypu with this18:44
avi_Thanks, lateJesus, I'll check that out.18:44
coolcathi, when I access a video on Youtube I get a blank box, no place to click , nothing. Yesterday it was plays videos normally, what could have happened?18:45
AndreMorro[BR]coolcat, try updating your system (sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade)18:45
hiexpocoolcat: - check your firefor pluggins proballyone disabled is all18:46
pat|nGhow can i put a passwd on my terminal?18:48
hiexpojust type it18:48
hiexpoyou wont see it18:48
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, you want to be prompt a password before open terminal??18:48
steffan!details | pat|nG18:48
ubottupat|nG: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:48
pat|nGlike if i'll run terminal it will ask for a passwd first before it can be access18:48
icerootpat|nG: not possible18:49
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, can't do it18:49
pat|nGi see18:49
icerootpat|nG: and not necessary18:49
steffanpat|nG: aslong as you're not running as root then there won't be a problem, as most damage as a regular user can be done without terminal anyhow18:49
hiexpoyes use your login password18:49
steffanit's unnecasary18:49
Enigmatorpat|nG: but you could lock  with vlock18:50
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, well, You can edit your menu, instead of gnome-terminal, you can put gksu gnome-terminal, so it will ask your passoword before opening the gnome-terminal18:50
pat|nGhow can i access to a network with windows xp? like i'm using ubuntu and want to access a winxp computer?18:50
AndreMorro[BR]its a silly way but may work18:50
hiexpooh you wont to lock terminal why18:50
iceroot!samba | pat|nG18:50
ubottupat|nG: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:50
AndreMorro[BR]iceroot, he wants to make the reverse thing...18:51
icerootAndreMorro[BR]: that is smbclient18:51
AndreMorro[BR]iceroot, the GUI way...18:51
AndreMorro[BR]I presume...18:51
erUSULpat|nG: Places>Network>windows Network18:51
icerootAndreMorro[BR]: its smbclieint in the background18:51
AndreMorro[BR]iceroot, right!18:51
hiexpoiceroot: - i am just cheecking if my messanger is working can u reply back thanks18:52
pat|nGyes but it keeps asking for a username and passwd18:52
iceroothiexpo: test18:52
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, proabably because you windows is sharing with password18:52
hiexpokool thanks18:52
AndreMorro[BR]pat|nG, OR there nathing shared, when nothing is shared in windows he'll prompt for password18:52
pat|nGbut i didn't put a passwd from my winxp computer18:52
Maratjoin #wiki-en18:53
Daniel_Cardenasdoes anyone know an alternative to Microsoft Office Document Imaging?18:54
init2winit77Need help setting my wifi bitrate to 54M.  Keep getting invalid command message18:54
erUSULDaniel_Cardenas: dunno what does that do ?18:55
erUSULinit2winit77: sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M18:55
Daniel_Cardenashello everyone18:55
Michalxohello! I am having strange bug with fonts in FIrefox 3.6 and VLC. Is anyone able to help me? screenshots here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8722765#post872276518:55
Daniel_Cardenasit convert scanned TIF format image to text18:55
init2winit77erusul: Yes, I have done that and it gives me a invalid argument message18:56
grendal_primeis there nautilus "ubuntu-one" integration for hardy?18:57
draq3hey man18:57
draq3format c:18:57
pat|nGAndreMorro[BR]: i got it! thanx18:58
MichalxoDaniel_Cardenas https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OCR ?18:58
MichalxoI am having strange bug with fonts in FIrefox 3.6 and VLC. Is anyone able to help me? screenshots here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8722765#post872276518:59
spazm_hi I am trying to use the "sudo do-release-upgrade" on my hardy server release but it says that I already have the most recent version of the server... how do I upgrade to 9.10?18:59
AndreMorro[BR]Michalxo, I was just reading it19:00
MichalxoAndreMorro[BR] thank you19:00
avi_Can anyone assist me in disabling the thermal module?19:00
blakkheimspazm_: you can't upgrade to 910 from 80419:00
okweleehi everybody19:00
blakkheimspazm_: er wait misread that, nvm19:00
okweleei'm new on ubuntu19:00
Daniel_Cardenaswell thanks19:00
Daniel_Cardenasthat page work19:00
erUSULinit2winit77: sudo iwlist wlan0 bitrate19:00
MichalxoDaniel_Cardenas welcome ;-) google is our friend ;-)19:00
kabHello, I have a PC with 4GB in Ram, but my Karmic Koala only see 3GB, how can I enable this, I am using Karmic Koala in 64 bits19:01
erUSUL!blacklist | avi_19:01
ubottuavi_: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:01
spazm_blakkheim: oh I can't? do I have to take it step by step? how do go from 804 to 810 then?19:01
erUSULkab: if it is 64 bits it have to see the whole 4 GiB19:01
erUSULkab: what does "uname -m" says ?19:01
avi_I'm not entirelt sure what the module is called.19:01
blakkheimspazm_: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade19:02
kaberUSUL, $ uname -m19:02
geirhaspazm_: If you can wait till april, you can go directly from 8.04 to 10.0419:02
spazm_blakkheim: yes I've done that...19:02
erUSULkab: post the dmesg of your machine in a pastebin19:02
AndreMorro[BR]Michalxo, never saw that19:02
spazm_geirha: oh.. that would actually be nice :)19:02
kaberUSUL, $ free19:02
kab             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached19:02
kabMem:       322080419:02
geirhaspazm_: LTS -> LTS, otherwise you'll have to go through each regular release19:02
erUSUL!paste | kab19:02
ubottukab: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:02
kaberUSUL, http://kab.pastebin.com/m69bfe97c19:03
avi_Is there any real danger in disabling a thermal module in Ubuntu, or should the lower-level systems manage on their own?19:04
spazm_geirha: will I be able to go from 810 to 1004?19:04
spazm_geirha: cause I just initiated the upgrade command :P19:04
TheFlasOlá alguém poderia me ajudar ?19:04
AndreMorro[BR]avi_, the lower-level should do the work19:04
LjL!br | TheFlas19:04
ubottuTheFlas: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:04
geirhaspazm_: No, 8.10 is a regular release, so you have to go 8.10 -> 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.0419:04
AndreMorro[BR]TheFlas, in English here, in portuguese in PVT19:05
TheFlasLjL, fera então estou com problema no meu son e na video do meu not19:05
avi_Any reason I should hesitate disabling the thermal module as you suggested?19:05
LjLTheFlas: i don't speak portuguese19:05
spazm_geirha: ah then I will just wait for 10.04 and go all the way then... this will work for the server release I guess as well as the desktop?19:05
grendal_primegeirha: ive used debian for years but just started using ubuntu last year and started with hardy.  So the dist upgrade path for the lts is pretty painless?19:05
=== The_ManU_212_afk is now known as The_ManU_212
geirhaspazm_: Yes.19:06
frostburnsun-java6-plugin doesn't install the firefox jre plugin, ideas?19:06
llslimis there a way to lisst packages that needsupdated on command line?19:06
grendal_primeThe reason i ask is that i have dist-upraded several debian builds with little to no diffculty.19:06
wm_why does using the Intel 3945 wireless perform so badly in Karmic and Lucid ?19:06
mediaprodigyWhat is the channel that is for ubuntu musicians> I can not find it.19:07
MichalxoAndreMorro[BR] thanks :-(19:07
Slartllslim: you could probably use apt-get update -s   to see what would happen19:07
Slartllslim: -s means simulate.. ie it doesn't do anything.. it just writes out what it would do19:07
geirhagrendal_prime: It should, it's supported and should be well tested.19:07
grendal_primebut want to make sure with the ubuntu dist-upgrades because i have server critical apps running on the lts right now.19:07
spazm_geirha: perfect, then I will wait for that instead of doing all the single steps :)19:08
spazm_geirha: thanks for the tip19:08
TheFlasI'm having problem with my sound driver and my video driver19:08
Slartllslim: sorry.. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s   might work better19:08
mediaprodigyi have tried ubuntumusician and ubuntumusicians and also have searched my channel list.. no luck19:08
TheFlasInstalei o Linux Ubuntu 9.10 e não reconhece som e video19:08
TheFlasI installed Linux Ubuntu 9.10 and does not recognize sound and video19:08
=== MFriedman is now known as PipHog
MatsonI'm installing wordpress and **WAY** over the 5minute advertised install time19:09
Matsonfollowing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WordPress19:09
Michalxohow to join #ubuntu-bugs??  #ubuntu-bugs :You need to be identified to join that channel ??19:10
Matson"If you will be using a virtual host, create your apache2 virtual host file in the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder." - where do I find the apache virtual hosts file?19:10
Slart!register | Michalxo19:10
ubottuMichalxo: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode19:10
infidwhere else would startup programs/daemons be executed than from somewhere in /etc? i grep'd all of /etc and its subfolders for 'syndaemon' but nothing turned up yet that program is started at startup by default in ubuntu according to ps19:10
Michalxoah, thanks! Slart19:10
=== Luukje|Game is now known as Luuk|Filmshop
llslimSlart: apt-get upgrade -s did the trick kindof19:11
saraqualFirst time user for ubuntu, actually linux in a whole, any advice on documentation which I can read up on?19:11
Matsonhow do I start mysql?  there is no init file in init.s19:11
SuhailIs there only one root password or can someone have root access with a different password to their account19:11
Slartinfid: some crontabs are located deep down in /var somewhere.. not sure what else might be in there19:11
Matsonhow do I start mysql?  there is no init file in *init.d*19:11
Qwerty000106i need help with ubuntu 9.1019:11
Slartinfid: but /etc/ is the obvious place..19:11
icerootMatson: /etc/init.d/mysql start  if it is installed with apt-get19:11
Slart!sudo | Suhail19:11
ubottuSuhail: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:11
Matsoniceroot: it is installed, but /etc/init.d/mysql is not there19:12
Slartsaraqual: there is a good book.. hang on19:12
hiexposudo apt-get moo19:12
grendal_primeis there nautilus "ubuntu-one" integration for hardy?19:12
icerootMatson: 9.10? installed with apt-get?19:12
infidslart well this is a program that's ran from system -> preferences -> mouse -> touchpad, but it only lets you disable/enable it there, not change the argument values19:12
Matson"mysql-common is already the newest version"19:13
icerootMatson: mysql-server you want19:13
avi_How can I disable to password prompt when resuming from suspend?19:13
Slartsaraqual: try this one http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/  .. it's free as a pdf.. it's written for 8.10 but most of the stuff is still valid19:13
icerootMatson: sudo apt-get install mysql-server  and then  sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start19:13
FabioTheApehow do i make a copy of an unprotected DVD on ubuntu?19:13
geirhainfid: I'd check /etc/xdg/autostart, gdm's config or ~/.config/autostart19:13
saraqualSlart, many thanks :) i'll give it a go19:13
Matsonlooks like I just had te common and client19:13
infidgeirha:  i grep'd through every file in /etc19:13
FabioTheApeSlart, great book19:13
Matsonno server on this box.  :/19:13
infidgeirha:  with find /etc | xargs grep -i19:14
mediaprodigySomeone in this channel recommended another channel that i can not find in the channel listing it is for musicians who use ubuntu: does anyone have that channel name?19:14
geirhainfid: grep -ri pattern /etc would be more efficient, but check .config/autostart then, in your homedir19:14
Qwerty000106dont no?19:14
Slartinfid: hmm.. not sure where that might be run from.. you've grep'ed the /etc folder?19:14
icerootmediaprodigy: #ubuntu-studio  i guess19:14
arandinfid: /usr/bin/syndaemon maybe?19:14
FabioTheApemedia ubuntu studio?19:14
Qwerty000106need some1 good with VM's to help me19:15
infidarand:  that's a binary19:15
iceroot!ask | Qwerty00010619:15
SlartQwerty000106: just ask your question19:15
ubottuQwerty000106: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:15
Qwerty000106its easyer to use the query function19:16
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icerootQwerty000106: but not here19:16
mediaprodigyiceroot: FabioTheApe: thanks.. I do not think that is it but thank you for that channel.19:16
Matsonok - the default mysql server setup misses a really important and useful step - setting up a user other than the root user19:16
duffydackIve shared a folder with the right click in nautilus, allowed 'others' write access but cannot write to it using win7.  another problem is using 'network' in nautilus it can see my win7 pc but clicking it it cant show the shares.19:16
=== The_ManU_212_afk is now known as The_ManU_212
geirhainfid: Ah, it's probably started by Xorg if it detects a synaptics touchpad19:17
Matsonit would be really helpful after installing the mysql server package to not have to go do google searches to figure out how to make the database usable19:17
icerootMatson: it is usable19:17
Qwerty000106need help, graphics card not showing on Ubuntu 9.10 VM19:17
Kinetic|workmatson : welcome to technology :)19:17
bullgardWhat is the function of the program »lernid«?19:17
infidgeirha: but i've grepped /etc/X11 and all its subdirs too19:17
Matsonmaybe even a link to something like http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/adding-users.html19:17
icerootMatson: why? normally a user knows what he is doing19:18
Slartbullgard: http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/11/25/introducing-lernid/19:18
icerootMatson: and if he dont know what to do, there are manpages19:18
puntohi.. I just got the package 'em8300-source', it's a kernel module, how do I compile it?19:18
Kinetic|workmatson there is full docs that install with the package19:18
geirhainfid: Might be hardcoded19:18
iceroot!tab | Kinetic|work19:19
ubottuKinetic|work: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:19
Kinetic|worktab too close to  cap locl on this tiny tiny keyboard19:19
Matsonfair enough, reading.  it would seem to me that creating a user with a mysql server would be a really helpful thing to automate as part of the install package19:19
avi_Is there any real danger in disabling a thermal module in Ubuntu, or should the lower-level systems manage on their own?19:19
macman_ bbl19:19
Kinetic|workMatson and dangerous19:19
icerootMatson: no because normally you dont want a second user19:20
infidgeirha: i guess i can write a new script that does a killall on that command and then runs my version19:20
Matsoniceroot: all your programs should access the mysql db with the root user?19:20
icerootMatson: and what should the script create? a second user without any rights? and if he should get some rights at setup, to what database? think about it19:21
geirhainfid: Or edit xorg.conf. man synaptics19:21
Matsoniceroot: I have, walk the install user through creating a database, a user, and the rights for that user19:21
Matsoniceroot: that would seem more prudent than nothing19:22
bullgardSlart: I have now got an idea what lernid is for. --  Thank you. --  Can you also tell me how I can load this program or join a website 'learnid'?19:22
icerootMatson: for that there is mysqladmin19:22
infidgeirha: i dont even have a xorg.conf on this system yet it's still running that command on startup19:22
icerootMatson: no need for doing that at the setup19:22
Slartbullgard: I have no idea.. that was just the first hit when I googled for "lernid"19:22
h0rnmanMatson:  generally, I like that there are no users created by default.  In addition to avoiding the sticky topic of 'what permissions should this user have', you get some practice/refresher on creating users after a fresh install :)19:22
FabioTheApecan someone help me backup a dvd using dvdbackup?19:22
bullgardSlart: Ah! Thank  you.19:22
geirhainfid: I mean edit xorg.conf rather than using syndaemon options19:22
Slartbullgard: you're welcome19:22
OwaisLoneAnyone knows how to change the distro name19:23
OwaisLoneI'm on Linux Mint 819:23
OwaisLonedistro name is Helena19:23
Qwerty000106graphics card not showing on Ubuntu 9.10 VM19:23
FabioTheApeOwaisLone, download distro, burn ISO, and install19:23
OwaisLonei want it to be Karmic19:23
Slart!mintsupport | OwaisLone19:24
ubottuOwaisLone: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:24
peluya estoy19:24
OwaisLoneok..thats fine19:24
Slart!es | pelu19:24
ubottupelu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:24
duffydackinstalled samba and created a share on windows7, given everyone full control, but clicking the `win7` icon in nautilus network fails to retrieve share list from server19:24
OwaisLonebut doesn't anyone know a bash variable whcih i can export19:24
OwaisLonelike export DISTRONAME="Karmic"19:25
SlartOwaisLone: check the lsb modules..19:25
Out_Coldmy server is down for some reason and i'm nowhere near it :( no lunch time cinema19:25
Out_Cold!hi | OwaisLone19:25
ubottuOwaisLone: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:25
gooraangjoin #bitme19:25
saraqualRighty boys, ISO on cd, time for the big test, hopefully I'll see you in a bit :)19:25
Qwerty000106graphics card not showing on Ubuntu 9.10 VM19:26
=== julien_ is now known as YuLin
YuLinhi, sorry19:26
avi_Is there any real danger in disabling a thermal module in Ubuntu, or should the lower-level systems manage on their own?19:26
Slart!details | Qwerty00010619:26
ubottuQwerty000106: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:26
peluk de ente19:27
Out_ColdQwerty000106, VM uses it's own graphics system, not the host card19:27
Qwerty000106my graphics carde is not functioning on a VM of Ubuntu 9.1019:27
Qwerty000106how do i enable it?19:27
SlartQwerty000106: is it a ubuntu host or an ubuntu guest? what vm? virtualbox? vmware? something else? 32 or 64bit? what do you mean "not showing up"? graphics cards don't usually show up and introduce themselves19:27
peluen spanish19:27
Slart!es | pelu19:27
ubottupelu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:27
YuLinhi, does anyone know why my bluetooth Apple Mighty Mouse scrolls perfectly on X and Y axis but doesn't allow me to click left or right ? °_°19:27
Out_Coldlol at introduction... My name is nvidia 8600 gt nice to meet you!19:27
erUSULpelu: escribe " /join #ubuntu-es " y dale a enter19:27
Qwerty000106dont know what bit19:28
FabioTheApedoes vmware have add ons?19:28
AndreMorro[BR]FabioTheApe, yeah there is19:28
YuLin(I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 with no custom kernel whatsoever)19:28
frostburnsun-java6-plugin doesn't install the firefox jre plugin, ideas? this is on x86_6419:28
peluno kiero19:28
FabioTheApeAndreMorro[BR], don't you have to install them to get the correct video drivers for the VM?19:28
AndreMorro[BR]FabioTheApe, yes you do19:28
PurpleyHey guys Ubuntu is starting to get extremely slow and lag and I think its time for a fresh install, right now im backing everything up to a seperate partition but I just want to know, are there any distro's that are really customizable and a little more advanced than ubuntu?19:29
Qwerty000106i have a 512mb integrated Graphics card19:29
erUSULfrostburn: in 64 bit use the icedtea one19:29
FabioTheApeproblem solved then?19:29
lyhana8_hi, I can't launch firefox anymore, even in -safe-mode nothing come up19:29
lyhana8_I only got this message : (firefox:18051): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times19:29
blakkheimPurpley: there are many19:29
MaletorWhy does Dolby digital work in XBMC but DTS does not? I have 7.1 speakers.19:29
treble54anyone know where I find the locations of all the apps listed in the SLAB menu (under More Applications) ?19:29
frostburnerUSUL, it's actually not working in my colleagues 32bit ubuntu either19:29
geirhafrostburn: Try: ''sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun'', then restart firefox, and check about:plugins19:29
Out_ColdPurpley, try slax lol... no just kidding don't try that... but use ubuntu and customize it any way you want19:29
blakkheimOut_Cold: any binary distro (such as ubuntu) can't really be "customized" all that much unless you want to manually update your compiled packages19:30
h0rnmanVMWare, in my experience, does not have the ability to load anything but the default vga drivers19:30
pat|nGto all newbies like me! don't attempt to use linux distro! u'll be addicted! bwahahahahaha! like me! LMAO!19:30
trippshello. I'm trying to get ffmpeg to play 3gpp files. I'm trying to follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg but they are very unclear and don't flow. Could someone direct me the instructions I should follow for jaunty? I've done everything it indicates but still no success19:30
FabioTheApePurpley, check out unity lilnux19:30
PurpleyOut_Cold, I will probably alawys use ubuntu and fall back to it if I have problems since I have enough space on my HDD's I just want to explore other distros19:30
infidwhere is system->Prefs->session in karmic?19:30
trippss/play/convert ffmpeg files is what I meant19:30
YuLinanyone for my Mighty Mouse, please? :s19:30
AndreMorro[BR]infid, in the place you just wrote19:30
blakkheimPurpley: for ultimate customization, try gentoo.19:30
Slartinfid: isn't it called startup applications?19:30
geirhainfid: s/session/startup applications/19:30
FabioTheApeblakkheim, unity linux :P19:31
infidgeirha: because that's where the command i'm lookin for on startup is supposed tob e being called from but i dont see it in there19:31
Qwerty000106so is there any way at all to get the graphics working?19:31
sillyCEOBooting up ubuntu on my netbook right from the SD card. Would it be faster with a better, more expensive SD card?19:31
Purpleyblakkheim, is it more of a terminal line distro or does it have graphics?19:32
FabioTheApeqweqweqwe, install the the quest additions19:32
frostburngeirha, yeah, it responds with no alternatives, so it's already set as the default19:32
AndreMorro[BR]sillyCEO, theres an... High Speed SD card... you should check that out19:32
blakkheimPurpley: terminal of course19:32
Out_ColdPurpley, gentoo IMO was the hardest to install, but red hat or suse are very formidable distros19:32
h0rnmanQwerty:  not that I have ever found...If you are running in a virtual instance, you will be stuck with basic graphics...you may want to try Wubi though19:32
=== jcdury is now known as dury
FabioTheApePurpley, Unity Linux installs on a live disc19:32
MaletorWhy does Dolby digital work in XBMC but DTS does not? I have 7.1 speakers19:32
llslimSlart: apt-get -uV upgrade list the packages that will be upgraded.. thanks for pointing me in right direction.19:32
treble54anyone know where I find the locations of all the apps listed in the SLAB menu (under More Applications) ? I'm sure there's a folder that has all the apps listed or an xml file of some sort I imagine19:32
duryhi there19:32
Slartllslim: ah.. nice.. didn't know apt had a switch for that.. good hunting there =)19:33
PurpleyOut_Cold, I tried installing fedora I gave up after burning 4 cds19:33
geirhafrostburn: Then restart firefox properly. File -> Quit, not the X at the upper right. Then start it again and check if java is listed in "about:plugins"19:33
duryanyone from down under19:33
Out_ColdPurpley, usually you only "need" one disc, the rest are in case you don't have net..19:33
AndreMorro[BR]Profion, /j #ubuntu-br19:33
Qwerty000106bcos i need to download Wine and it says i dont have the right hardware architechure19:33
guntbert!ot | dury19:33
ubottudury: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:33
ProfionAndreMorro[BR], thanks19:33
=== jon is now known as Guest7310
sillyCEOAndreMorro{BR: I see there are 'high speed' SD cards.. just wasn't sure if it would make a difference in bootable time, and running apps time...19:34
PurpleyI guess I'll try fedora thanks guys19:34
Qwerty000106and i dont have a graphics or sound card19:34
llslimSlart: wonders when you/i/we rtf manpage :)19:34
AndreMorro[BR]sillyCEO, i sure do19:34
AndreMorro[BR]sillyCEO, It* sure do19:34
Qwerty000106well on Ubuntu19:34
FabioTheApesillyCEO, probably not to the average person19:34
Slartllslim: hehe19:34
FabioTheApealthough, when i installed Ubuntu it was light years faster then Windows XP19:35
h0rnmanQwerty:  I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say19:35
infiddoes karmic not use GPG ? i never see it popup like i did in jaunty19:35
Out_ColdFabioTheApe, side by side with new installs, they both run fairly fast19:35
frostburngeirha, still not there, i'll futz with it later, thanks for the help19:35
sillyCEOAndreMorro{BR: FabioTheApe: Maybe I'll grab a fast SD and do a little test. Whats the easiest way to clone SD --> SD ?19:35
FabioTheApesillyCEO, maybe clonezilla?19:36
gotsanity-bookI need a suggestion of the best way to sync a set of directories/files with another ubuntu machine on the network19:36
AndreMorro[BR]sillyCEO, clonezilla or the old dd19:36
SuhailSo I added a group permission to some files but I still can't write to the files, any idea why? I am part of the group19:36
h0rnmangotsanity:  try rsync19:36
Slartgotsanity-book: another vote for rsync19:37
PurpleyIf I keep ubuntu on my computer and install fedora on a seperate partition do I need a seperate swap for fedora?19:37
BuGo_laptophi. if i have Dual channel DDR3 ram. can i take one chip out?19:37
AndreMorro[BR]Purpley, no you dont... they can all use the same swap space19:37
BuGo_laptopit will still work?19:37
gotsanity-bookPurpley, no, one swap is good enough19:37
AndreMorro[BR]BuGo_laptop, yes19:37
sillyCEOFabioTheApe: will try clonezilla, thx.19:38
jellow!it | giuseppe_19:38
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:38
=== greguniverse is now known as greg_universe
OwaisLoneanyone on Karmic19:38
sillyCEOAndreMorro[BR: you mean "old" dd as in "an older version", or do you just mean "good old dd"..19:38
OwaisLoneneed the output of this command19:38
AndreMorro[BR]!ask | OwaisLone19:38
ubottuOwaisLone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:38
OwaisLone /msg NickServ identify <password>19:38
OwaisLoneoh sorry19:38
=== jcdury is now known as dury
FabioTheApeis karmic 9.10 or 9.0419:39
AndreMorro[BR]sillyCEO, the good old dd19:39
PurpleyFedora uses .rpm's correct?19:39
geirhaFabioTheApe: 9.1019:39
OwaisLoneit's 9.1019:39
OwaisLoneis command19:39
OwaisLonecat /etc/*-release19:39
AndreMorro[BR]Purpley, yes19:39
llslimSuhail: is acl permissions enabled on partition?19:39
obiwan_hi please i need some hlp, i wiped up the .gnupg dir of my usb disk cause it's hidden and i removed it's up in hierarchy dir. I'm reading the DataRecovery ubuntu help guide, but i'm in doubt about using gddrescue, could any expert in recovery help me? thanks19:39
Suhailllslim: I don't know what that is but I am guessing I need to chmod the files so group has write access =)19:39
OwaisLoneubottu: Ok.. I'm new..... and learning19:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:40
MyrttiOwaisLone: may I ask why do you need to change the release name of your mint?19:40
FabioTheApeOwaisLone, then i an running karmic19:40
Suhailor not..........19:40
llslimsulh yes thast would be helpful, :)19:40
Suhailis chmod'd the files to 77719:40
Suhailand I can't write19:40
Suhailoh wait19:40
FloodBot3Suhail: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:40
OwaisLoneMyrtti: I'm using Quickly. Have to share packages on Launcpad. But lauchpad does not allow Helena.19:40
sillyCEOAndreMorro[BR: off to buy a fast SD now. thx!19:41
OwaisLoneFabioTheApe: Give me the output of this command> cat /etc/*-release19:41
AndreMorro[BR]sillyCEO, you're welcome19:41
PurpleyIs x86_64 64 bit or 32 bit?19:41
FabioTheApeOwaisLone, i have already told you once, the only way to change your OS is to install a different one19:41
AndreMorro[BR]silly question, How do I get out of away in xchat??19:41
MyrttiOwaisLone: you're on the road to breaking your system, possibly very badly19:41
blakkheimPurpley: does the name not give it away?19:41
FabioTheApealt a AndreMorro[BR]19:42
AndreMorro[BR]FabioTheApe, you mean help?19:42
Purpley:/ just making sure I like to be certain on everything19:42
=== cbx33 is now known as rocco2
llslimSuhail: see if getfacl <file> outputs anything19:42
OwaisLoneFabioTheApe: I just want a quick hack. Why the trouble of installing all over again....19:42
=== rocco2 is now known as cbx33
FabioTheApeAndreMorro[BR], to come back after being away you press alt+a19:42
OwaisLoneMyrttiL I dont think so + quite used to that19:42
AndreMorro[BR]FabioTheApe, I'm using pt_br so the shortcuts may vary19:42
AndreMorro[BR]Tchan Tchan!!19:43
AndreMorro[BR]its Ctrl Alt A19:43
purpleGeckoPurpley: yes, 64 bit19:43
photocopyEvery single time I load state in zsnes the program closes (crashing, i presume) and I can reproduce the effect by loading a state. Yes, i've saved one prior to loading one each time, and yes, it happens every time, any rom.19:44
Suhailquestion what does the "other" permission mean for a chmod19:45
guntbertnutzerx:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:46
giuseppe_list server19:46
AndreMorro[BR]Suhail, owner, group, anyone else in the system19:46
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guntbert!list | giuseppe_19:46
ubottugiuseppe_: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:46
geirhaSuhail: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:47
SuhailAndreMorro[BR]: so 770 must be common19:47
AndreMorro[BR]Suhail, sure19:47
wasutton3would mounting a drive while dd is copying from it be a bad idea?19:47
AndreMorro[BR]wasutton3, yes it is19:48
wasutton3AndreMorro[BR] i thought so19:48
tahello, is there a program similar to notepad++???19:48
wasutton3 ta, gedit19:48
tawasutton3, I need something more advanced...19:49
AndreMorro[BR]ta, geany19:49
reginald_need help installing drivers for nvidia 5200 geforce fx video. Properity drivers only give me 640x30019:49
wasutton3 ta, what for?19:49
AndreMorro[BR]reginald_, 640x300?? is that a netbook?19:49
Myrttita: you can extend gedit with plugins...19:50
reginald_no It's a desktop19:50
AndreMorro[BR]reginald_, did you used the Restricted Drivers that come with ubuntu?19:50
SuhailAndreMorro[BR]: can you add multiple groups to a file?19:51
tawasutton3, AndreMorro[BR], Myrtti, thanks, I found SciTE19:51
AndreMorro[BR]Suhail, not that I know of19:51
SuhailAndreMorro[BR]: okay =(19:51
reginald_yes and they only give me 800x60019:51
AndreMorro[BR]reginald_, after installing it, are you using the nvidia-preferences from the System menu? or the Video app?19:51
FabioTheApehow do i play a dvd on ubuntu?19:52
AndreMorro[BR]FabioTheApe, use totem19:52
Slart!dvd | FabioTheApe19:52
ubottuFabioTheApe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:52
FabioTheApeis that the one that is built in?19:52
AndreMorro[BR]reginald_, funny... does your monitor supports 1024 or more?19:52
luisgmarinehey guys if I want to install a new nvidia card, is there a chance of messing up my system if I just plug it in and boot up?19:53
FabioTheApewow that was to easy i just had to click on a link....19:53
AndreMorro[BR]luis_lopez, usually just plugin and boot-up19:53
reginald_it supports 1280x102419:53
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, usually just plugin and boot-up, dont forget to install the drivers after booting19:54
h0rnmanreginald_, did you try adding lines to xorg.conf for the supported modes for your monitor?19:54
meestermolehello room19:54
juriszHello ubuntu users! Are here Chineese here? What does word "longsu" means? tnx!19:54
Trek!offtopic | jurisz19:54
ubottujurisz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:54
reginald_I'm a newbee and don't know how to do that19:54
jellowhow i use a .patch file?19:54
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], ok.  just asking because I think my DVI port on my monitor is broken.  Ubuntu doesn't seem to detect my monitor using DVI but it can detect it when I  use RBG.  I bought a new 1GB 250OC video card hoping that might fix the problem19:54
AndreMorro[BR]reginald_, thats pretty funny cuz I use a FX5200 also in a 19' screen and everything worked almost out of the box... installed the drivers reboot, and BANG! 1280x102419:54
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SuhailAndreMorro[BR]: does other include root?19:55
gandhijeehey, how do i change my default window manager?19:55
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], I already have an nvidia card installed with the 185 driver.  Should I do anything to it before I install the new video card?19:55
gandhijeei don't want to use gnome, i just want gdm for a display manager19:55
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, you're swapping from nvndia to nvidia?19:55
meestermolewould this be the proper channel to ask about an odd behavior having to do with Ubuntu network settings (possibly)?19:55
reginald_I've tried ubuntu several times and can never get the resolution to work right.19:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:56
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], yeah.  I"m switching my 8800GTX for a GTS 250 OC19:56
luisgmarinereginald_, have you installed the proper drivers for you video card?19:56
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, I would recomend you to remove the actual drivers (nvidia-180 I guess) then swapping and adding the new one (196 i guess)19:56
AndreMorro[BR]if you have isntalled the latest (190 +) don't need to19:57
Trekmeestermole, just ask your question, don't ask to ask a question19:57
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], are the 196 in the repos?19:57
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:57
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, not sure... thats why I said that19:57
meestermoleI cannot seem to access any web-config type of device with my Ubuntu machine. websites load fine. other computers on my network access them fine also (another ubuntu, and an XP)19:57
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, the most recent is 185 in the repos19:58
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, you can do by hand...19:58
reginald_which one's are the proper one's to install19:58
h0rnmanreginald_, which release are you on?19:58
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], yeah I've done it before.  But I'm wondering if that could be the cause of Ubuntu not recognizing my monitor in DVI mode19:58
ewokdoes anyone have a major delay when using grub2??19:58
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, its possible, cant be sure till you tested19:58
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], I need to find someone else with a DVI port on their computer to hook up to my monitor so that I can know for sure my monitor is not the one at fault.19:58
pat|nGthanx guys! got to go! see yah!19:59
reginald_Ubuntu 9.1019:59
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], ok I'm just going to shut off my computer, swap out the video cards and hope for th ebest19:59
luisgmarinesee you guys in a few if it works =)19:59
Trekanyone familiar with what java-gcj does and if I need it for anything?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362827/  <-- those are my java runtimes, it shows up there19:59
AndreMorro[BR]reginald_, System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers19:59
thedukegeneral shell question: is every function in a shell (bash) script run in a subshell?19:59
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, good look, tell us back the results19:59
tobiaszI'm I'm an idiot19:59
h0rnmanreginald_, silly questions, but have you updated everything via Update Manager or APT?19:59
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Trekmeestermole, what do you mean by web-config type of devices?20:00
meestermoleTrek, i have an  Linksys NSLU2 and a Dslink NAS device20:00
meestermoleIve been able to access them with this machine before20:00
Trekyou tried rebooting the devices, meestermole (unplug and plug back in)20:01
AJC_Z0theduke: No, functions and aliases should run in the current shell though the scope of local variables is limited to the function20:01
AJC_Z0theduke: But don't believe me. As in #bash20:01
ewokanother question if ayone can help?20:01
Trek!ask | ewok20:02
ubottuewok: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
meestermolei have - and the router as well. all other machines can hit those pages. if i use this same machine, booted into windows it goes there. if i use vmware xp thru ubuntu it hangs20:02
Trekmeestermole, then I'm not sure what the issue is, perhaps others can assist you.  sorry.20:02
meestermolei have narrowed it down to this install of ubuntu, and possible sesttings changes.20:02
bruntibhello everyone!20:02
AndreMorro[BR]meestermole, your briding the connections in VMware?20:02
blueyedIs there a linux app to create nice collages like with Picasy?20:02
ewokany easy way of writing data to hfs+?20:03
bruntibi'd like to ask about repositories20:03
AndreMorro[BR]blueyed, there is picasa for linux! picasa.google.com20:03
AndreMorro[BR]!ask | bruntib20:03
ubottubruntib: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:03
fahadmoideeni have a small issue. i cant see my minimized windows as buttons in any of the panels. need help. plzzz.20:03
un2himhello everybody20:03
meestermoleyes, and it works fine for the web, just not config pages to local network devices20:03
mnetizenblueyed: why not use Picasa for Linux? Works nicely with Ubuntu, and others.20:03
reginald_tried them drivers and i get a very low resolution20:03
AndreMorro[BR]fahadmoideen, left click in the panel, Add, Find (in english) the program list (something like it)20:03
blueyedAndreMorro[BR]: I know, but it's not really free.20:03
bruntibwhen are repositories updated?->I mean I'd like to use qt4.6 but I can't find it20:04
blueyedmnetizen: ^^20:04
geirhafahadmoideen: right click panel -> add to panel -> window list20:04
infidwhere should i add a script to run whenever i start up and make sure it runs dead last after all the other startups cripts?20:04
=== elitedev-afk is now known as elitedev
meestermolebut oddly i can view the config page to my router20:04
thedukeAJC_ZO: will do, thanks20:04
AndreMorro[BR]meestermole, see, if you VM machine works in a differnte subnet, it probably dont hit others devices on the local net, to do that you proabably need to bridge the VM connection with you local connection20:04
ewoki just did a fresh install of 9.10 and the grub2 boots real slow and im kinda stumped on this hfs+ on linux thing!20:04
fahadmoideenthnx buddy. got it done.. thnx alot. need any help???20:05
watersj_hello, looking for an inexpensive sound card <$15us, any suggestions?20:05
Trek!offtopic | watersj_20:06
ubottuwatersj_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:06
guntbert!hcl | watersj_20:06
ubottuwatersj_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:06
meestermoleAndreMorro, i only used VMware to test, and narrow down my problem to my ubuntu installation. i can connect to the NSLU2 via it's IP in Firefox using other computers on my network, including this very machine dual booted into windoze. i am unsure of what has changed20:06
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=== Trek is now known as Trek-AFK
SuspectZerohey there20:07
SuspectZeroquick question, im looking at some stuff for karmic and i see that it has an xbased boot splash, is that possible already through an installion of some package?20:07
SuspectZeroor is that specifically for karmic?20:07
meestermolei have re-configured my connection  trhough network manager, checking settings against my netbook setup of ubuntu, which works to access the page fine20:07
terje_hi, gnome-panel is in an endless loop of crashing/restarting on my desktop. Any pointers on where to look to fix that?20:08
meestermolei even reset the iptables of this installation of ubuntu. nothing has changed20:08
ranjanhello every body i am facing an problem with an internal ntfs partition it is showing an un mount option  and i wish to disable this for that drive ... can any body have any idea how to do that  on ubuntu  9.10 any help'll be of great help20:08
DreamDemonmeestermole, Did you flush the routing cache afterwards?20:08
geirhaterje_: See if it drops any messages in ~/.xsession-errors20:08
soreauSuspectZero: afaik, it's specifically for karmic with open source graphics drivers20:08
=== tozion is now known as Morgenland
bruntibCan anyone tell me when will I be able to download qt4.6 from default karmic repository?20:09
reginald_yes everything is updated20:09
bruntibquite slowly:S20:09
terje_thanks geirha20:09
bruntibI still can't find it20:09
meestermolei do not understand why it suddenly will not  access pages of these devices. furthermore it seems like firefox also "sees" the page header on the DLINK device page, but still does not load20:09
meestermoleis it ok to paste the commands that i used in the ip-table reset?20:10
PHughesI just upgraded to 9.10 - now I can no longer log in (using gdm) to fluxbox -- anyone have an idea how to troubleshoot this, or where to look for clues?20:10
geirhabruntib: Unless there's a special exception for qt, you won't see any new version of it in karmic's repositories20:10
CarlisI need help20:10
PHughestrying to log in to fluxbox just dumps me back to the login screen20:10
SlartPHughes: have you checked the logs? perhaps fluxbox doesn't want to start? or X crashes?20:11
ranjan i am facing an problem with an internal ntfs partition it is showing an un mount option  and i wish to disable this for that drive ... can any body have any idea how to do that  on ubuntu  9.10 any help'll be of great help20:11
meestermoleDreamDemon, here is what i did to flush the ip tables20:11
PHughesSlart: yes, but I either can't find it or don't know where to look20:11
meestermolesudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT20:11
meestermolesudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT20:11
meestermolesudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT20:11
meestermolesudo iptables -F20:11
meestermolesudo iptables -X20:11
Suhailso if "others" in permission is 7 that means anyone on the system that has an account can rwx?20:11
FloodBot3meestermole: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
infidwhenever i ping an internet site from my netbook it does it right away, but whenever i ping a local computer it says 'Destination host unreachable'. However, it only does this for a few minutes everytime i wake from suspension. Is there a way to force linux to find routes to computers on my LAN quicker?20:12
Carliswho can help me ??20:12
Gnea!ask | Carlis20:12
ubottuCarlis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:12
SlartPHughes: I think errors would show up in the syslog /var/log/syslog20:12
=== Trek-AFK is now known as Trek
bruntibI have already tried to build qt that I downloaded from the official site but I had bad experiences, that's why I'm waiting on repository update... But thanks for the answer:)20:12
CarlisI am going to install Ubuntu in advance mode20:12
meestermolemy apologies - i used the method here to flush the iptables : http://www.prash-babu.com/2008/10/how-to-flush-or-remove-all-iptables.html20:12
DreamDemonWhile doing a custom compile for my server ( HP-DL385) I cant seem to get all the way through the compile without it bombing/not finishing.  Stamp is disabled along with a ton of other un-necessary thinsg that I dont even have hardware for.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d449faf5020:12
CarlisThe disk has 81.956 mb20:13
Slart!enter | Carlis20:13
ubottuCarlis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:13
GneaCarlis: try to explain this all at once, if you can20:13
DreamDemonmeestermole, did you flush the route tho?20:13
DreamDemonmeestermole, from the route command?20:13
infidhow can i bring up 'wmaster0' ?20:13
janisozauri have a pdf, it doesn't display correctly due to missing fonts. how do i know what fonts am i missing?20:13
Gneainfid: sudo ifconfig wmaster0 up20:14
geirhabruntib: During development of an ubuntu release, packages are updated regularly ... until a certain date (package freeze). After that, no new versions will be added, only security updates or otherwise important bug fixes.20:14
SuhailSo I added myself to a group, chown'd the folder to owner:<group i made>, and set the chmod as 770, and I can't cd into it. When I do id `whoami` it says I am apart of that group. Any ideas?20:14
meestermoleDreamDemon, i am unaware of how to do so20:14
Slartjanisozaur: try running the pdf viewer from a terminal.. perhaps it will show some kind of error20:14
luisgmarineAndreMorro[BR], sweet everything seems to be working great, now I just have to try my connecti via a DVI cable and see if that might work =\20:14
Matsonis there a way to repair files on an already installed package?20:15
FabioTheApeI have a strange problem20:15
infiddoes karmic not use GPG ? i never see it popup like i did in jaunty20:15
janisozaurSlart: tried that already, evince says nothing20:15
CarlisI am going to install Ubuntu in advance mode. The disk has 81.956 mb. I have to create 3 partitions. How do i do it ?20:15
Matsonto "re-install" over hte files that are there from the package20:15
bruntibok, thanks:)20:15
DreamDemonmeestermole, Check your routes and see if the information you set up with iptables still exists20:15
ikoniaCarlis: the installer will guide you20:15
FabioTheApeI uh.. am watching a dvd with totem20:15
Slartjanisozaur: hmm.. then I don't know, sorry20:16
FabioTheApebut in order to watch it I have to right click and select open with movie player20:16
TrekMatson, go into synaptic, find the package, and select "Mark for Reinstallation"20:16
geirhainfid: Packages are still signed with gpg20:16
meestermoleDreamDemon, i will try that and report back momentarily20:16
GneaCarlis: when you get into advanced mode, it will show you the disk as a whole unit, likely with pre-existing partitions there. by clicking on them, different buttons will become available for use.20:16
FabioTheApeif i open totem first it will tell me that the dvd can not be opened20:16
AndreMorro[BR]luisgmarine, great20:16
fahadmoideenis ubuntu compatible with lenovo 3000G500 laptops?20:16
CarlisI know but I have to create partition20:16
MatsonTrek: what is synaptic?  I don't run a gui20:16
Trekhold on, Matson20:16
DreamDemonmeestermole, I'm going to guess that the routing information is still in cache and is why your still awry20:16
ikoniaMatson: use apt then20:16
onetinsoldierMatson: ok, for command line --> apt-get install --resinatll <package>20:17
geirhaMatson: Or sudo aptitude reinstall <package>20:17
onetinsoldierMatson: ok, for command line --> apt-get install --reinstall <package>20:17
FabioTheApeis that a known issue with totem?20:17
TrekMatson: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packageName>20:17
GneaCarlis: which is one of the buttons that becomes illuminated for use. try using it and see what happens - just remember, you can press the 'back' button and restart it and it won't actually write or erase anything until you're sure.20:17
Matsonthanks Trek geirha onetinsoldier ikonia20:18
CarlisThanks bye20:18
Trekno problem, Matson20:18
onetinsoldierMatBoy: you're welcome. cheers20:18
onetinsoldierMatBoy: oops. sorry.. wrong nick20:18
Trekanyone familiar with what java-gcj does and if I need it for anything?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362827/  <-- those are my java runtimes, it shows up there20:19
SuhailSo I added myself to a group, chown'd the folder to owner:<group i made>, and set the chmod as 770, and I can't cd into it. When I do id `whoami` it says I am apart of that group. Any ideas?20:19
Trekanyone familiar with what java-gcj does and if I need it for anything?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/362827/  <-- those are my java runtimes, it shows up there.  Can I safely remove it?20:19
FabioTheApeI am very frustrated with my current state of being....20:19
meestermoleDream Demon20:20
zambai have a problem when i click on terminals in X.. more often than not, it's interpreted as a double click20:20
meestermoleusing the networking utility, i see no routing information20:20
blueyedAndreMorro[BR]: picasa segfaults in Lucid.. :/20:20
daedhelzamba: please explain more20:20
meestermoleunder 1pv4 settings, routing - there is nothing entered20:21
inkoim installing ubuntu 9.10 64bit, im partitioning my drive to 50gb /home and 50gb / how much swap space should i use?20:21
zambadaedhel: when you click on a window, it should just make it active.. but when you double click on an image, it tries automatically selecting text for copying..20:21
geirhaSuhail: What's the error message exactly?20:21
Trekinko: the same amount of memory as your RAM + 1GB20:21
FabioTheApeanyone know anything about UBUNTU, I am about to uninstall it if I don't get some answers!20:21
Trek!ask | FabioTheApe20:21
ubottuFabioTheApe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:21
inkook thanks Trek20:21
zambadaedhel: but then you explicitly have to double click it.. now, after upgrading to 9.10, i get this behavior when single clicking.. not all the time, but often enough so that's annoying20:22
guntbertinko: that depends on your RAM and if you want to "suspend to disk"20:22
FabioTheApeI have asked about 4 times20:22
Trekwhoops, wronng !20:22
TrekFabioTheApe: just ask again20:22
deshymers1I have the dell v10 running karmic NBR, and I'm pretty sure this netbook has a bluetooth card it says so on the dell site, but when I run the command hciconfig -a it doesnt report any devices, is there anything else I can check?20:22
TrekFabioTheApe: we don't always see your messages20:22
geirhaSuhail: and «ls -ld /path/to/folder» shows drwxrwx--- ?20:22
daedhelzamba: maybe setting your double click sesibility lower in settings ?20:22
TrekFabioTheApe: note I've asked a question 3 times and haven't gotten an answer yet20:22
inkoguntbert, how can i tell how much ram i have?20:22
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Suhailgeirha: had to reconnect20:22
zambadaedhel: it's not the double click setting20:22
toastedmilkI'm trying to set up dual monitors on an HP Media Center PC that has a vga port that isn't on the graphics card.  How do I get ubuntu to recognize it?20:22
zambadaedhel: because that's set high enough20:22
rasstari just installed ubuntu.  i swear it looks the same as when i tried it 3 years ago20:22
FabioTheApeTrek, when I try to play a DVD using TOTEM it won't let me unless I right click on the dvd and tell it to open using the movie player20:22
icerootrasstar: server-edition? :)20:23
rasstarwhy no ui updates20:23
Trekwhat do you want it to actually do, just open automatically into movie player?20:23
usr13_Just got an email from someone asking how to configure "ageresoftmodem" on Ubuntu 9.10.  I have no idea what to tell them.20:23
daedhelzamba: i don,t really have an aswer for you question, sorry, but you might wanna try Terminal from the xfce suite. I like it a loot20:23
TrekFabioTheApe, what do you want it to actually do, just open automatically into movie player?20:23
Matsonanyone running wordpress on ubuntu?  there how do I keep it up to date?  wordpress is now running, but the tools says to upgrate and the upgrade fails (2.7.1 -> 2.9.1)20:24
FabioTheApeTrek, I want to be able to open up Totem, and click file, and then click play dvd20:24
FabioTheApebut when i do that Trek I get an error "can't open DVD"20:24
Treki got a similar issue, but I don't know how to resolve it20:24
tahow can I do extended desktop optiplex gx620. I tried using the standard configurations, but once I set the extended desktop, the computer freezes and I have to restart it.20:24
daedheltoastedmilk: you have to setup your videocard drivers accordingly. what is it? nvidia or ati ?20:24
FabioTheApeI was just wondering if it was me, or a known issue20:24
guntbertinko: you see it when booting - or you start the live system and there system/administration/system monitor - on the system tab20:24
usr13_I guess maybe just tell them to go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto20:25
inkoguntbert 3gb20:25
DreamDemonWhile doing a custom compile for my server ( HP-DL385) I cant seem to get all the way through the compile without it bombing/not finishing.  Stamp is disabled along with a ton of other un-necessary thinsg that I dont even have hardware for.  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d449faf5020:25
Kinetic|workFabioTheApe, Trek , ubuntu doesnt come out of the box with libdvdcss .. you will have to google search to find how to install. be aware its illegal in the u.S without a license20:25
ikoniaDreamDemon: what are you compiling ?20:26
toastedmilkdaedhel, ati, but the ati card is lower on the case and has dvi ports.  there is a vga port that is on the upper part of the back of the case, that isn't on the graphics card20:26
guntbertinko: do you want to suspend to disk?20:26
saraqualWell, seems the installation went all good, didn't lose any of my old ntfs patitions, except the one intended for ubutu20:26
FabioTheApeKinetic|work, as I have said it works, just not the way expected20:26
DreamDemonikonia, the kernel20:26
TrekKinetic|work: I also have Windows that works with DVDs20:26
ikoniaDreamDemon: why ?20:26
daedheltoastedmilk: what makes you think its for a 2nd monitor ?20:26
ikoniaDreamDemon: what's wrong with the stock one ?20:26
inkoguntbert, not really sure what that means, should i?20:26
Kinetic|workTrek windows is licensed to use libdvdcss20:26
Kinetic|workerr dvdcss sorry :)20:26
toastedmilkdaedhel, because the monitor fits in the port, idk20:26
DreamDemonikonia, It's a server and need to squeeze as much perf out of it as possible20:26
inkoguntbert, i have 100gb free space im installing on20:26
meestermoleI cannot access config page to my NAS devices with 1 out of 3 of my PCs - anyone?20:27
Trekas I said, Kinetic|work, I use Windows to play DVDs (it runs smoother for me)20:27
ikoniaDreamDemon: then don't custom compile - it will get more juice out of it20:27
saraqualJust a quick question, every time I browse to on of the old drivers it automaticaly creates a "icon" on one of the workspaces, any chance I could turn that off?20:27
ikoniaDreamDemon: if you think a custom kernel will squeeze juice out of your box, your not living in a real world20:27
daedheltoastedmilk: that probably is you motherboard's card, wich is desactivated when you intall another card on it20:27
toastedmilkdaedhel, any way to get them both working?20:27
DreamDemonikonia, So I can zet timeers higher then 100 Mhz without re-compiling?20:27
daedheltoastedmilk: nope20:27
DreamDemonikonia, amongst other things20:28
ikoniaDreamDemon: why do you feel setting the timers will give you more performance /20:28
guntbertinko: it means you can tell the system to write everything in memory to the disk and shut off power - that way it will restart faster and at the same point you were before - in windows its called hibernate20:28
inkoguntbert, then yeah20:28
DreamDemonikonia, One of the things running on this machine is a game server.  Need to increase the I/O timers for fps boosting20:28
ikoniaDreamDemon: it really won't make a differnce, you're living in a false economy20:29
toastedmilkdaedhel, that puzzles me.20:29
ikoniaDreamDemon: that sort of thing is for very specific tuning, things like hpc, or high io database servers, a games server you won't see a difference20:30
guntbertinko: then the first advice (way up) was good - but 3GB swap (same as RAM) will be ok too20:30
inkoguntbert, ok thanks20:30
DreamDemonikonia, So stipiing out the un-necessary garbage out of the kernel and custom compiling for my Opteron-HE's wont make a difference in how well the kernel code performs on the machine?20:30
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com20:30
ikoniaDreamDemon: no20:30
PHughesSlart: Thanks for your suggestion, but I don't see anything in /var/log/syslog that helps....20:30
terje_hi, where is my screen (display) resolution set? (filename)?20:30
guntbertinko: you're welcome :-)20:30
=== terje_ is now known as terje
geniideshymers1: According to http://www.dell.com/us/en/dfh/notebooks/laptop-inspiron-10/pd.aspx?refid=laptop-inspiron-10&cs=22&s=dfh Bluetooth is optional20:30
terjeI would imagine it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it's actually not there.20:31
Trek!offtopic PeterParker20:31
Trek!offtopic | PeterParker20:31
DreamDemonikonia, Since when does that not help a machine and it's overhead?!?20:31
ubottuPeterParker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:31
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Kinetic|workterje : correct, yours is missing???20:31
SlartPHughes: hmm.. not sure if there are other logs that might be interesting20:31
ikoniaDreamDemon: it never has, your whole system would need to be optimised and it's still a false economy20:32
terjemy what is missing?20:32
terjemy resolution is not in that file.20:32
terjealthough it is set properly20:32
Kinetic|workcheck the xorg for include20:32
haffeGuys. I have gotten a dual monitor setup for my computer. What mode should I run?20:33
haffeseparate screens or twinview?20:33
terjeno includes..20:33
PeterParkerhello people are there any helpers here?20:33
DreamDemonikonia, Funny, been using linux for more then 10 years and thats the first I've heard that slimming down the kernel does not help with overhead or unwanted/needed drivers20:33
Kinetic|workterje im stuck thensorry:(20:33
terjeI like seperate screens20:33
terjeok, thanks.20:33
ikoniaDreamDemon: the ubuntu kernel is modular, it only loads what it's needed, that would only help with a monolitic kernel20:33
guntbert!ask | PeterParker20:33
ubottuPeterParker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
PeterParkeri have to ask a staff question are there any helpers ?20:33
ikoniaPeterParker: just ask the question20:34
PeterParkerthanx i was curious to know if you have seen the nick sabdfl recently ?20:34
DAMEXICOmost people are experts here20:34
TrekPeterParker, if you're looking for the ops, they might not be in this channel...20:34
DAMEXICOjust ask your Q20:34
ikoniaPeterParker: that's offtopic for this channel, but yes, he is online20:34
PeterParkera thanx you can tell me wich chans as i can't get reponse from whois and have to fish to a convo we had long ago20:35
ikoniaPeterParker: he's not on line at this moment20:35
PeterParkerif i ever find him back i hope :)20:35
PeterParkerok ill check later then thanx20:35
gandhijeehey, what does ubuntu use to start the vt's since init has been replaced? or i guess the better question is where is the location of the upstart files that control the vt's?20:35
luisgmarinehey guys I just changed my monitors connection from RBG to DVI and I can't seem to change my resolution.  How do I re-install the nvidia drivers?20:35
DreamDemonikonia, So basically what your telling me is that I should not care about the excess thats sitting on a limited machine where I need higher io for my database functions, not to mention supposedly that wont increase performance on registers with a game where thats been overly documented it does?20:36
MurdockIm trying to play some midi files from the web but cant get it to work.. anyone here who can help me?20:36
Josesakquien hay ahi20:36
deshymers1genii: huh I missed that page, I went through the customize part and I didnt see an option to add bluetooth either20:36
ikoniaDreamDemon: correct20:36
terjeluisgmarine: nvidia-xconfig20:36
guntbert!es | Josesak20:36
ubottuJosesak: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:36
DreamDemonikonia, So everyone else is a liar?20:36
ikoniaDreamDemon: no, you're just living in a false economy20:36
Josesakwath´s your name?20:36
ikonia!topic | Josesak20:37
ubottuJosesak: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:37
Josesakhello i life in spain20:37
DreamDemonikonia, That is a contradiction if they are not a liar but I'm living in a false economy20:37
guntbert!es > Josesak20:38
ikoniaDreamDemon: it's not,20:38
ubottuJosesak, please see my private message20:38
Josesakhay lguien español20:38
MurdockIm trying to play midi files from the web, bu it wont work. Anyone here who can help, please?20:38
luisgmarineterje, that doens't do anything just says it's making a copy of my x11 config20:39
DreamDemonikonia, supporting evidence it isnt?20:39
ikoniaDreamDemon: pardon ?20:39
NachturnalOkay, first question: What's the easiest way for me to install Firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu 9.04?20:40
ikoniaNachturnal: I advise you not to - firefox is very intergrated into the desktop20:40
DreamDemonikonia, You've basically stated that I'm living a false economy but those others are not liars, therefore creating a contradiction without any supporting reference point20:40
ikoniaNachturnal: what do you need from 3.6 that 3.5 doesn't give you20:40
DAMEXICOdownload the archive from mozilla site20:40
DAMEXICOextract it and run it20:41
PurpleyHey guys my Fedora-12 torrent just finished, It has the iso a Checksum and a readme-sources, do I burn all of them to a cd?20:41
ikoniaDreamDemon: no, I'm stating in certain sitautions it may increase a performance increase, but not in the case of the ubuntu box and any increase would not be worth the overhead20:41
psykWhat's up #ubuntu, I need a little help. Does anybody have a chart for C variable declarations (eg. %c, %d)thanks a ton20:41
Nachturnalikonia, I have 3.0.17. I want do stay up-to-date with Firefox releases for security purposes, and to keep up with new features.20:41
ikoniapsyk: join ##c20:41
ikoniaNachturnal: what new features ?20:41
psykikonia, thanks, I didn't know that channel existed lol20:41
SlartPurpley: sounds like a question for a channel like #fedora, don't you think?20:41
guntbertPurpley: what has that to do wit ubuntu?20:41
DAMEXICOseriously, and personally i have not observed any difference between firefox 3.5 and firefox 3.6 on ubuntu (at least not visually)20:42
Nachturnalikonia, private browsing, and whatever else they add as time goes by. I like to know what's included in programs I frequently recommend to friends/family.20:42
IdleOneNachturnal: you can install firefox-3.5 using synaptic20:42
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PurpleyI didn't know there was a fedora channel either way I didn't think it was that inconvenient20:42
ikoniaNachturnal: then I suggest you trust the ubuntu developers who do back ports for security bugs20:42
geniideshymers1: Well, if there is one that it just can't understand is for Bluetooth... :  lspci | grep Bluetooth           or: lsusb | grep Bluetooth         should show it20:42
ikoniaNachturnal: they put a lot of time into making sure the packages are compatible, if you care about security you won't break the compatability work that's been put into the package on your machine and trust the ubuntu developers to update when needed20:43
deshymers1genii: cool I will give those a try then, thanks :)20:43
sysdocPurpley, #fedora20:43
PurpleyI know20:43
deshymers1genii: been reading about it for some time, pretty sure I tried those commands, but will give it another shot :)20:43
meestermoleis there another IRCchannel focused more on networking in ubuntu?20:43
=== yohan is now known as yohan14
DreamDemonikonia, So ubuntu server ( not desktop) is optimized for twin dual core opteron he's out of the box without any extras running and code is for lack of a better way of putting it optimized for an amd64 chipset and since all the drivers are modular ( which they arent) I dont need to worry about the impact on the sytem when I'm trying to create a high performance realtime server?20:43
ikoniameestermole: no20:43
IdleOnemeestermole: #neyworking20:43
geniideshymers1: If it gives some result, you can try searching for the Vendor:Device code to see if some way to get it working20:43
IdleOnemeestermole: #networking20:43
SlartNachturnal: there is a PPA with daily builds of firefox 3.6.. make sure you understand what you're doing and be prepared to fix bugs yourself if something bad happens20:44
NachturnalSomehow I don't think a newer version of Firefox is likely to wreck Ubuntu on my box. And if it does, then I'd rather switch to a distro that's a little more 'free'.20:44
MurdockIn need some support on midi playback, anyone can help?20:44
Jason_anyone familiar with xen?20:44
Nachturnali had the daily ppa included for a while, but i don't want alpha/beta builds20:44
IdleOne!midi | Murdock20:44
ubottuMurdock: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo20:44
ikoniaDreamDemon: ubuntu is smp read out of the box yes, there is no point optimising your kernel if things like your core c libaries are not optimised the same, and the work of doing all that will not increase the performance for you by any extent20:44
deshymers1genii: ok, thats a good idea as well, it says its enabled in the bios which is another reason why i think this netbook has it20:44
ikoniaDreamDemon: sorry "ready"20:44
ikoniaJason_: yes, why ?20:44
Murdockthanks ill check it out20:44
toastedmilkdaedhel, but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy20:44
Jason_one of my images died on me20:45
DreamDemonikonia, Then why shouldnt I just switch to winblows since it too is 'optimized' out of the box20:45
ikoniaDreamDemon: you're welcome to do so, but most common linux boxes have better through put, but it's your call (it's also called windows)20:45
toastedmilkDreamDemon, because windows sucks donkey balls20:45
Jason_i can access it...but i cant get network access or mount filesystems to dump mysql database file20:45
ikoniatoastedmilk: nonsense, please odn't make wild and silly comments20:45
ranjancan any body can tell me how to disable unmount option from side pan for internal drive20:45
toastedmilkikonia, personally against windows.20:45
Tm_Ttoastedmilk: watch your language there20:45
=== XlX is now known as ShKoDrAnI
ikoniatoastedmilk: then keep that to your self20:46
edbianIs there a way to set the permissions on a folder so that when files are placed inside (or created inside it) that the permissions are rw for everybody?20:46
ikoniatoastedmilk: if you can't be objective - keep it to yourself20:46
toastedmilkikonia, everything running on top of dos?  gross.20:46
SlartDreamDemon: if you're looking to hand tune your machine why not try one of the distros that is oriented towards that.. lfs, perhaps archlinux.. I don't know how gentoo is doing these days but it might be worth checking out20:46
ikoniatoastedmilk: that shows how illeducated you are20:46
NachturnalK, tried to install 3.5 from synaptic and I'm still getting 3.0.17 when I open firefox via cairodock (simply uses the command "firefox")20:46
toastedmilkikonia, whatever you say guy.20:46
guntberttoastedmilk: thats off topic here20:46
Nachturnaldo i have to use firefox-3.5 to open it?20:46
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toastedmilklol flames20:46
o_be_onesous XFCE je me demandais20:46
Tm_TNachturnal: try and see (:20:47
geniideshymers1: The lsusb command gives Vendor:Device codes by default... to get them in the lspci command, use -nn20:47
SlartNachturnal: installed firefox some other way at some point in the past?20:47
IdleOneNachturnal: in the menu it will be listed as Shiretoko20:47
DreamDemonSlart, gentoo sux20:47
Slart!fr | Tm_T20:47
ubottuTm_T: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:47
Tm_TSlart: pardon?20:47
usuarionada nadaç20:47
Nachturnaloooh firefox-3.5 did work. and yes, it shows as Shiretoko.20:47
deshymers1genii: neither of those commands return anything with bluetooth20:48
SlartTm_T: my eyes are failing me.. I think I need more coffee.. sorry =)20:48
inko_if i choose "use largest amount of free space" in ubuntu installation does install swap on its own?20:48
Tm_TSlart: or sleep (;20:48
Jason_anyone familiary with XEN?20:48
ikoniaJason_: yes, why ?20:48
SlartTm_T: I'll try that in a while too.. =)20:48
geniideshymers1: Did you use uppercase B as in Bluetooth or lowercase b as in bluetooth ?20:48
Jason_i cant load a file system20:49
NachturnalTY all of you. For some reason I needed my hand held today. Lack of sleep, me thinks. And yes, Slart, I've tinkered a bit and installed it from the PPA in the past. 3.5 then 3.6, then reverted to 3.0 and had trouble getting back to 3.5.  :)20:49
ikoniaJason_: you're using xen on ubuntu ???20:49
danisstohola en españool20:49
deshymers1genii: I tried both20:49
Jason_no...xen on debian20:49
IdleOne!es | danissto20:49
ubottudanissto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:49
Jason_how do you pm on here?20:49
ikoniaJason_: then ask in #debian - this is #ubuntu20:49
Slartinko_: I think it does.. if you want I can check in my vm if you want? I have a newly installed ubuntu 9.10 in there20:49
Jason_i know...tried on debian20:49
=== Callum__ is now known as Callum_Laptop
inko_Slart, k20:49
Jason_i'm overflowed20:49
danisstohablaen spañol pliss20:49
IdleOnedanissto: si, en #ubuntu-es20:50
ikoniaJason_: you need to register your nick name to use that channel20:50
ikonia!register > Jason_20:50
ubottuJason_, please see my private message20:50
Murdockim trying to play a simple midi file from the web in firefox, but i get no sound. When i play a midi file from my harddrive it does play. Anyone can help?20:50
Slartinko_: yes.. it did create a swap partition for me when I did the fully guided partitioning thingy20:50
geniideshymers1: OK. So maybe the vendor didn't put that in the description line. Please pastebin result of full: lspci -nn            and: lsusb            it may have some description like "Communication Device"  etc20:50
danisstobueno boy a estudiar  chaooo20:50
inko_thanks Slart20:50
luisgmarinemy resolution is stuck at a really low number and i cant change it in the nvidia settings any suggestions?20:50
Slartinko_: you're welcome20:51
deshymers1genii: http://www.pastebin.ca/176566520:53
=== bfox_afk is now known as bfox
geniideshymers1: Yup, no bluetooth devices found. The 064e:a129 Suyin Corp is a webcam.20:55
RaverWildguys pls help: how to force update manager to delete some already downloaded packages and re-download them again?20:56
deshymers1genii: oh well, seems kind of odd that they would make it optional, thanks for your help20:56
SlartRaverWild: I don't think you can use update-manager to do it.. perhaps apt-cache autoremove/ or clean or autoclean20:56
quentinit appears you graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool <- message I get when i try to change resolution. what do you think about this?20:57
UrdaQUESTION: Any idea why rebooting from Ubuntu 9.10 x64 to Windows 7 Pro x64 makes Windows 7 low rez and unable to connect to a handful of USB drivers? Only way to fix it is to power down completely and wait a minute. The Boot Loaders is the latest version of GRUB20:57
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:57
RaverWildSlart, thanks. gonna try now...20:57
=== Ferris`away is now known as Ferris-
o_be_onehow to get menu bar like OSX on ubuntu ?20:57
SlartRaverWild: sorry.. it's of course    apt-get clean/autoclean/autoremove20:58
_dreamyhi, im using wine to run an APP and it ask for "Gecko" ive web searched everywhere and i used APT to search too ... how do i install gecko ? anyone helping ?20:58
o_be_onenot a theme, but the menu bar at bottom, very like os x:)20:58
SlartRaverWild: I think "clean" is the one you want, according to the man page20:58
sysdoco_be_one, Your looking for Awn20:59
Jason_is there a way to 'force mount' a file system?20:59
duffydack_dreamy, its wine-gecko20:59
quentinmy computer doesn't want to keep it's resolution on reboot. how do I keep it?20:59
o_be_onesysdoc, i've already the Dock bar20:59
o_be_onesorry no menu bar at bottom but at top20:59
o_be_one(french who wants to talk english lol)20:59
=== Callum__ is now known as Callum_Laptop
o_be_one(AWN rocks :D)20:59
_dreamyduffydack: ok ill search it.. ty21:00
guntbert!enter | o_be_one21:00
ubottuo_be_one: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:00
pershian007hi i cant uptade ubuntu 9.10 / in update mamneger : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:00
guntbertpershian007: is synaptic open?21:00
Callum_Laptoppershian007: something is using APT21:00
_dreamyduffydack: do u think its on synaptics ?21:00
pershian007guntbert no21:01
_dreamyduffydack: im having troube finding it21:01
guntbertpershian007: or aptitude ?21:01
quentinnvidia won't write to xorg either.21:01
RaverWildSlart, thanks man. it worked! have a nice day!21:01
pershian007Could not download all repository indexes21:01
pershian007The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.21:01
SlartRaverWild: you're welcome, you too21:01
usuario_como stamos??21:02
duffydack_dreamy, its in the repo21:02
Slart!es | usuario_21:02
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:02
pershian007pershian007 no only update-manager21:02
Slart!welcome | usuario_21:03
ubottuusuario_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:03
pershian007An error occurred21:03
usuario_who can tell my enithing?21:03
duffydack_dreamy, sudo apt-cache search wine-gecko      install the wine1.2 version21:03
pershian007The following details are provided:21:03
pershian007E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:03
pershian007E: Unable to lock the list directory21:03
Slartusuario_: do you have a question about Ubuntu?21:03
Slartusuario_: just ask it21:03
usuario_im speakin spanish21:04
_dreamyduffydack:  ok.. however i think ill have to add a new repo, because i dont have any result on "wine-gecko"21:04
Slartusuario_: then type     /join #ubuntu-es21:04
quentinnvidia won't write my chosen resolution to xorg. on reboot my resolution has reset to one that is too big. How do I get my resolution to stay on reboot21:04
usuario_im sorry bur¡t i only know spanish21:05
usuario_but i21:05
duffydack_dreamy, its in main repo21:05
quentinis there a way to just write the needed resolution in xorg to get it to stay21:06
Jason_my system says (none):21:06
duffydack_dreamy, well the multiverse, but its standard ubuntu repo21:06
Audibleif i want to add a package thats in the lucid repository, how do i do it? i'm running 9.1021:07
_dreamyduffydack: well i found Wine HQ on my software sources.. i selected it ..i dont know if i done rigth, but i think ill be able to find gecko .. just a sec21:07
duffydack_dreamy, its installed it itself when its needed it, for me...21:08
icerootAudible: backports are a good way and very important! its the safe way21:08
quentinwhat should i do?21:08
_dreamyduffydack: i found it.. but i had to add "wine HQ" to the software sources21:09
BPX-Devhey guys, quicky, does anyone know, or has anyone had experiance of,: an issue that would prevent sound drivers/ sound in general working properly after a twinview configuration was successfully implemented?21:10
mtaftmhey you lot, what program is the best for using a dock i just tried simdock but its being a ******21:10
_dreamyduffydack: what apps have you  tryed running with wine ? any game s?21:10
aprilharehello. - I activated 'Automatically remember running applications when logging out' a while back; I found it kept on running Vidalia and Skype twice when logging in, so I went back and disabled it - but it behaves the same, like the option is stuck 'on'. has anyone run across this or can recommend solution?21:10
sysdocKarmic and vm ware server, I'm having to reinstall it again (new kernel) and can't find the posts in the forums regarding the workaround, and someone wrote a script to automate the install. Would anyone happen to have the url?21:10
quentinwhat should i do?21:10
infidhow can i force my laptop to recognize my desktop that's on the same network? it recognizes it sometimes but not after i reboot for a while21:11
axos88Hi! I just had my filesystem corrupted (ext2). I ran e2fsck, but some of the files were deleted. They are part of the SVN server, and the MySQL server, which no longer run. They countained some pretty important data, and yeah... there was no backup (fuckin stupid, I know, but I can't do anything about it for now). Is there any way to recover these files? (should physically still exist on the drive) lost+found does not contain any relevant entries21:11
mtaftmhello anyone there?21:11
hdonhow do i enable xrandr these days? i heard Xorg.conf is gone21:11
iceroot!ask | mtaftm21:11
ubottumtaftm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:11
Audibleiceroot : thank you, i knew there had to be something like that21:11
infidactually it recognizes it by IP only but not by the /etc/hosts hostname sometimes21:11
iceroot!backport | Audible21:11
ubottuAudible: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:11
Audibleiceroot : yeah, i found it in synaptic21:12
mtaftmi did 8-) yes so what program do you recomend for having a dock bar at the bottom ?21:12
quentinnvidia won't write my chosen resolution to xorg. on reboot my resolution has reset to one that is too big. How do I get my resolution to stay on reboot21:12
icerootmtaftm: kooldock for kde, for gnome i dont know21:12
icerootmtaftm: if you mean something like mac os style21:13
BPX-Devquentin, i think ive been having the same issue, i just ran nvidia settings as sudo and it saved the config21:13
Jason_it keeps saying i must specify the file system type21:13
guntbertBPX-Dev: quentin: use gksudo not sudo21:13
mtaftmiceroot: yes21:14
BPX-Devguntbert, thanks, noted for future reference21:14
duffydack_dreamy, I dont have winehq added and its in ubuntus repos..  ive only tried half-life2,  was a little buggy, like the flashlight didnt actually light anything up, and some textures had lighting issues...apart from that, it ran ok.  tried a few apps like photoshop and collectorz movie collector, work fine21:14
Nachturnali assume that is for security purposes, but why gksu instead of sudo?21:14
duffydack_dreamy, my experience with the wine betas, they break more than they fix21:14
guntbertBPX-Dev: :)21:14
guntbert!gksudo | Nachturnal21:14
ubottuNachturnal: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:14
DAMEXICO_actually i dont know if there any difference21:15
DAMEXICO_but i prefer sudo21:15
guntbertDAMEXICO_: ^^^21:15
dopplecould someone please tell me how to configure my wlan adaptor to use a manually entered ip for a certain wireless network?21:15
Audibleiceroot : still a no go, its only in lucid, any way to add it without upgrading to lucid?21:15
DAMEXICO_if you use gnome you can easily configure you wirelless card with the network applet21:15
quentinBPX-Dev: on gksudo of nvidia settings i get this error: Failed to parse existing X config...21:16
_dreamyduffydack: do you think that running a game with a PC with low resources(a game that generaly whouldnt run).. that wine could give me luck?21:16
doppleDAMEXICO_: ok where is that? clicking the icon for the wlan connection only lets me disconnect and connect21:16
icerootAudible: what program?21:16
_dreamyduffydack:  i got a weak 3d card21:16
BPX-Devquentin, sorry dude, im not in a position to help with that im afriad :(21:16
duffydack_dreamy, if it wont run native in windows dont even bother21:16
doppleDAMEXICO_: nevermind i found it21:16
_dreamyduffydack: ok21:17
Audibleiceroot : libdbus-c++-1-021:17
guntbertdopple: right click - select edit connections21:17
mediaprodigyanyone know ubuntu4musicians channel?21:17
iceroot!info libdbus-c++21:17
ubottuPackage libdbus-c++ does not exist in karmic21:17
Audibleits in lucid21:17
jussi01mediaprodigy: theres #ubuntustudio - which is support for Ubuntu Studio, but quite a few musicians hang in there.21:17
DAMEXICO_"dopple right-click and select edit connections21:18
DAMEXICO_"dopple the go to the wireless tab21:18
quentinBPX-Dev: is ok. I have edited the xorg.config because ubuntu won't auto detect my off brand monitor. This is probably the conflict. I just don't know how to resolve it.21:18
doppleok i did that.. and entered in the ip address i want to use... it wont let me apply changes21:18
DAMEXICO_@dopple then click "add"21:18
iceroot!info libdbus-1-dev21:18
ubottulibdbus-1-dev (source: dbus): simple interprocess messaging system (development headers). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.16-0ubuntu9 (karmic), package size 191 kB, installed size 824 kB21:18
mediaprodigyjussi01: thanks .. two days ago someone sent a link ubuntumusicians or something like that and I have not found it since..21:18
DAMEXICO_@dopple the fill in all the parameters21:18
icerootAudible: that?21:18
doppledoh would help if i put in netmask and gateway :/21:18
Audibleiceroot : maybe that one21:18
guntbertmediaprodigy: then there is #opensourcemusicians21:18
mediaprodigyguntbert: that might be it.. hey thanks21:19
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_dreamyduffydack: did you sayd the wine beta could be worse? or better ?21:19
DAMEXICO_@dopple you have to add connections name and then confim you IP addresses by pressing enter21:19
guntbertmediaprodigy: you're welcome :-)21:19
prc33Is there a way to get Java on Karmic? Jaunty seems to have it...21:19
DAMEXICO_@dopple then try to make the connection available for all users21:19
Audibleiceroot : no, i think i need the c++, its a seperate lib21:19
duffydack_dreamy, they are betas..  might be ok for you..21:19
Audiblebut i'll download and compile21:19
quentinrephrase of question - I have edited the xorg.config file and now my resolution won't stay on reboot. how do I get it to stay21:19
Audiblewho here is running Lucid ?21:20
duffydack_dreamy, for me, a prog like coverxp is broken with anything past 1.1.3321:20
Audibleis it really that unstable?21:20
guntbert!lucid | Audible21:20
ubottuAudible: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:20
wd4lkoGRUB 1.98 experimental, how can i get rid of the flicker when scrolling up and down the menu ?21:20
duffydackAudible, people in #ubuntu+121:20
_dreamyduffydack: ok..21:20
dopple_got it... thanks DAMEXICO_21:20
duffydackAudible, i find it quite stable considering...21:20
Audibleyeah, i expect bluescreens and feds showing up at my door21:20
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duffydackAudible, well apart from fglrx wont install / work right21:20
Audibleso no nvidia drivers?21:21
dopple_next question, what package gives me a vnc server instead of a vnc viewer21:21
duffydackAudible, dunno, ask in +121:21
quentinVALIDATION ERROR:  Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.21:21
quentinUndefined Device "nVidia Corporation GeForce 6100 nForce 430" referenced by Screen "Default Screen". I tried to save my resolution and it didn't work. What should i do?21:21
h0rnmanquentin, try adding the resolution settings manually21:22
hiexpoanyone familar with bpython21:22
DAMEXICO_@dopple i really dont know maybe you should open synaptic and search for @@21:22
guntbert!anyone | hiexpo21:22
ubottuhiexpo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:22
etfbIs there a way to limit login time? I want my kids to have two hours a day of computer time, no more (otherwise we never see them!).  Can it be limited automatically by some sort of system software?21:22
quentinh0rnman: how and where in the xorg21:23
jph_I just copied a 45000 line allow list in to a rough draft of a new .htaccess file... my goal is to deny all that are not US IPs... I didn't think the allow list would be that long... am I right to think that a .htaccess file that long will cause me problems?21:23
dopple_damexico: well i did that and i kept getting remote desktop, but me being a normal windows user, i assigned that to RDP and not VNC, which apparently it does both...21:23
hiexpodoes anybody know how to setup bpython for pastebin21:23
guntbert!shout | DAMEXICO_21:24
ubottuDAMEXICO_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:24
BPX-Devwell first off the caps lock button is a bad idea21:24
dopple_DAMEXICO_:  i got it now... it is remote desktop.... like i said, i assumed that the 'Remote Desktop' package would have been RDP not21:24
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quentinI would like to add resolutions manually to xorg.config. I'm unsure of exactly where to insert the text, and what syntax to use. What do?21:25
h0rnmanquentin, see my PM21:26
saraqualHey guys, just a quick question, I've installed OpenVPN client on here, but for some odd reason I can't seem to apply the VPN after I've created it, any ideas?21:26
IdleOnejussi01 ping21:27
jellowWith some games i can't free my mouse till i have quit , How can i make the games share the mouse or run in a virtual window?21:28
icerootjellow: wine?21:29
Skintcan I get xchat for ubuntu21:29
h0rnmansaraqual, what do you mean by ' can not apply'?21:30
icerootSkint: sudo apt-get install xchat21:30
Skintthanx, i'm new to this :)21:30
jellowiceroot: no , Native nix apps like et21:30
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SkintOnce i've typed that iceroot where will xchat be for me to run it?21:32
saraqualh0rnman, well, the apply button is greyed out for some odd reason, I've entered the server address, changed the authentication to password, enterted my username and password, and buggera-all21:32
icerootSkint: applications - internet  i guess21:32
Skinthmm, it sonly has gnome xchat there not the real xchat21:32
Skintit only*21:32
rwwSkint: the "xchat" package is Xchat. the "xchat-gnome" package is Xchat Gnome.21:33
rwwSkint: sudo apt-get install xchat installs real xchat.21:33
saraqualJust install it Skint, I used USC and grabbed the normal xchat, there is also a gnome version, but both is there21:33
Skintso I'll have to delete this other one first?21:33
g-meHi all. Has anyone had experience of ldap php not binding to AD with Ubuntu 8.04?21:33
SkintE: Couldn't find package xchat21:34
saraqualh0rnman, so bud, have any ideas?21:34
saraqualMaybe I should try another VPN client quickly, be back in a bit21:34
madmikeanyone know how to enable desktop scrolling in jaunty?  I tried brightside, but it doesn't work21:35
Rasmussen\ server irc.freenode.net21:35
Skintsaraqual, when i typed that in terminal I got this, E: Couldn't find package xchat21:35
Rasmussen\server irc.freenode.net21:36
rwwRasmussen: /, not \, and you're already on Freenode.21:36
icerootSkint: sudo apt-get install x-chat   imo21:36
iceroot!find x-chat21:36
saraqualSkint, sorry, what did you type where?21:36
rwwiceroot: it's xchat, not x-chat.21:37
ubottuPackage/file x-chat does not exist in karmic21:37
icerootrww: ah ok21:37
Skintin the terminal saraqual21:37
Skinticeroot, it's what i typed21:37
hiexpoiceroot: - lol21:37
madmikeanyone know how to enable desktop scrolling in karmic?  I tried brightside, but it doesn't work21:37
icerootSkint: first i said sudo apt-get install xchat  and you said, package not found21:37
Skintboth say21:38
Skintit's not found21:38
CAPcapwhats the wine channel?21:38
hiexposudo apt-get install xchat21:38
saraqualsudo apt-get install x-chat works fine and dandy here on my side21:38
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CAPcapi can never remember if it has a dash in it or not21:39
andy_I'm Dual Booting BT4 and Ubuntu netbook remix on this netbook, it's going real fast, So I deleted every trace of windows OS =p21:39
kosharimadmike what scrooling effect are you after21:40
Skinti wonder21:40
IdleOneSkint: the packages are xchat-common or xchat-gnome. I prefer xchat-common21:41
saraqualiceroot, sorry to bug with this, but whenever I browse to my ntfs partions via the places main menu it creates a icon on the desktop, any way I can turn that off?21:41
rwwSkint: did you just install Ubuntu?21:41
saraqualheh, sounds like me and skint are in the same boat here :)21:41
icerootsaraqual: dont know, i am not using it21:42
hiexpoSkint: - look copy this sudo apt-get install xchat      \    and paste it in the terminal abd than hit enter21:42
rwwIdleOne: xchat-common is not a client, it's the shared resources for the various xchats.21:42
CAPcaphow do install flash for iexlplore in wine?21:42
Skintrww, yeah21:42
saraqualiceroot, what are you using then to browse the different resources on the pc?21:42
rwwSkint: Have you done "sudo apt-get update" yet? If not, that would be a good start.21:43
icerootsaraqual: shell21:43
rwwSkint: (and then "sudo apt-get install xchat" should work)21:43
Skintrww, i had done it yeah thats how I got ubuntu xchat21:43
saraqualheh, righty, I'll get there in a bit21:43
IdleOnerww: right, ok so xchat or xchat-gnome21:43
rww!info xchat21:43
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 335 kB, installed size 900 kB21:43
rwwSkint: do you have the universe repository enabled?21:44
c_knayarbuilding the platform packages with -a armel option gives me configure: error: Cannot autodetect architecture in cross compile environment Use --with-arch=ARCH to specify architecture21:44
Skintrww, not sure it's my first time with any sort of linux21:44
usacomputertechello all. I need to understand dbus. According to what I've witnessed and understand about .dbus it has some impact on the display :0 for each session. What I don't understand is where these settings are for screen resolution. Please let me know if any of you know where to look or what IRC chat to get in. Is there a Gnome IRC?21:44
icerootusacomputertec: #gnome21:45
mkjackson1hey folks, I've been noticing that my music players tend to slow down then just start bugging out (running Karmic fully updated fyi) so I'm curious if there's anything that could be happening with rhythmbox/banshee in the new distros21:45
rwwSkint: System -> Administration -> Software Sources, see if "Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)" is checked.21:45
mkjackson1or could it be the new audio ssytem?21:45
madmikekoshari:  I just want to scroll desktops using the mouse, instead of keyboard, or actually clicking in the little desktopswitcher21:45
Skintno it was not21:45
arandusacomputertec: there is GimpNet irc.gnome.org.21:46
duffydackmadmike, viewport switcher21:46
rwwSkint: check it, press close, press reload, try installing xchat again.21:46
koshariif you install compiz you can use the mouse scroller to change veiwports21:46
IdleOneSkint: while you are there check off multiverse also21:46
hiexpohe 'll never make it21:46
PurpleyIm trying to create a live cd but the default burner I believe brasero isn't working it just burned me a data cd How do i burn a live cd?21:46
madmikeduffydack:  in compizconfig?  I can't find it.  Do I have to install it?21:46
kosharimadmike if you install compiz you can use the mouse scroller to change veiwports21:46
quentini'm back from trying to edit my xorg.config 1440x900 is what i chose for my only resolution. it didn't stay on reboot. wtf21:47
duffydackmadmike,  I`m scale/expo/desktop wall all mouse only :)21:47
SkintIdleOne, will do21:47
pyropheliawho and whowatch let me see users that are connected via ssh, but is there any way I can see users who are connected using different protocols? such as afp,sftp?21:47
Skintrww, it's downloading stuff now21:47
gareth|poshey all, i got a laptop here with a wireless issue, it sees the hardware, but cannot see wifi networks, WiFi is non enableable from gnome network manager.. I belive it's broadcom21:47
madmikekoshari: can I just install compiz from synaptic?  Will I have to configure anything to allow compiz to work?21:47
Skintahh right now it's working rww TYVM!21:47
duffydackmadmike, its already there for me..21:47
rwwSkint: glad I could help :)21:47
madmikeduffydack:  I have no idea what you just said21:47
duffydackmadmike, try installing compiz-plugins-extra21:48
Skintnow, i'll brb on real xchat :)21:48
kosharimadmike you can install compiz from synaptic, and use compiz settings manager to change the settings21:48
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]tomppa[Is the following possible? Windows installed in  ide-hdd-1 and ubuntu 910 installed in ide-hd-2 with grub2. Both have been installed when the ide-hdd was in master1. I would like to make the Linux disk master1 and the windows disk slave1.21:48
duffydackmadmike, I use scale plugin, expo plugin and viewport switching all with mouse, no keys21:48
madmikeduffydack:  I don't have anything for compiz anywhere, even in terminal, I type "compiz" and try to tab-complete, and nothing comes up21:48
gareth|posthe installation was done with ethernet connected.. if that mkaes a difference21:48
quentinModes"1440x900_75.00" <-- this line  in xorg.conf does not keep my resolution on reboot21:48
hiexpowhen getting compiz you also need simple compiz also21:48
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz21:48
madmikeduffydack:  gotcha21:48
kosharimadmike the scale plugin daffy speaks of is VERY handy21:49
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:49
mkjackson1hey folks, is there a way to check to see that audio engine is working OK?21:49
infidis there a command that can tell me all the IPs or hostnames of computers on my LAN?21:49
kosharimkjackson1 open a volume meter?21:49
mkjackson1I got a feeling that the only reason Banshee/Rhythmbox are funky for me is because of the audio engine21:49
andy_No idea tomppa but in any case, when trying to make Ubuntu dualboot with BT4, I had quiet alot of troubles, especially with Backtrack messing up the partition resize, so had to install Backtrack over the entire PC then let ubuntu install and do the resize itself21:49
mguyinfid: scan your LAN with nmap21:50
mkjackson1I hear sound OK but over time music playing app just starts to act strange and locks up21:50
CAPcaphow would i install flash player for iexplore in wine?21:50
hiexpoprobally cause mine work great21:50
madmikeduffydack:  synaptic says I already have compiz and compiz-fusion-plugins-extra21:50
quentinmy screen resolution now fits on reboot, but is now to small21:50
pyropheliadid the deb cannel get taken over? I can't join21:50
IdleOneCAPcap: that is a question for #winehq21:50
quentintoo small21:50
duffydackmadmike, install compizconfig-settings-manager then21:50
hiexpoyou still need to install simple compiz21:51
CAPcapidleone winehq wont let me talk21:51
duffydackmadmike, and access thru system/prefs21:51
infidmguy: how? nmap "192.168.x.*"?21:51
mguynmap -?21:51
hiexpofor things to work right21:51
kickassmixernerdCAPcap: try downloading the win32 package from adobe21:51
IdleOneCAPcap: what do you mean it won't let you talk?21:52
CAPcapkickassmixernerd how would i do that?21:52
madmikeduffydack:  just installed, its showing up in pref/ now21:52
CAPcapidleone it says i need to register and to identify with nickserv. this is a registered nick tho21:52
madmikeduffydack:  thanks, I'll search around now21:52
icerootCAPcap: why using internet-explorer + flash in wine?21:52
IdleOneCAPcap: have you identified?21:52
CAPcapidleone what do you mean?21:53
IdleOneCAPcap: /msg nickserv identify password-you-chose21:53
elainaI'm having a problem: earlier, I was able to play videos on Youtube and other sites. But now, for some reason, they simply won't show up anymore. What should I do?21:53
madmikeduffydack:  holy crap, there's a lot of options, it'll take me a while to play with it, thanks again, you too koshari21:53
quentinhow do i get xorg.conf to control my resolution on reboot? i have edited it and my resolution still appears different21:53
hiexpocheck your addons in firefox21:53
h0rnmanquentin, LCD or CRT monitor?21:53
CAPcapok now its letting me talk. its never done that before...21:54
quentinh0rnman: LCD21:54
h0rnmanquentin, did you manually set resolutions in your xorg.conf file?21:54
duffydackmadmike,  utilising screen edges in mouse bindings = godsend21:54
quentinh0rnman: yes21:54
kosharimadmike compiz is very customisable, advanced things like having specific windows always open in an exact spot in exact size are handy as well21:54
h0rnmanquentin, did you make sure to specify the correct resolution AND refresh rate (aka 1280x1024@60)21:55
Geoffrey2is there a PPA available to get the latest version of Firefox?21:55
kickassmixernerdCAPcap: Go To http://adobe.com/flashplayer21:55
IdleOneCAPcap: each time you connect to freenode you should identify to nickserv so you don't have that problem again. in xchat you can set to auto-identify in the network list21:55
kickassmixernerdGeoffrey2: No, You Have to use the app Ubuntuzilla21:56
CAPcapkickassmixernerd then what?21:56
Geoffrey2I am presuming that FF 3.6 wouldn't be placed in the repositories because it's not a bug fix....21:56
IdleOneGeoffrey2: correct21:57
gerzelI want to set a new drive to mount automatically what do I do?  fstab or is there an ubuntu way to do it?21:57
quentinh0rnman: 1280x1024@60 <- is that literal? my edits don't look like that, but yes i have the correct refresh rate and such(i hope)21:57
kickassmixernerdCAPcap: hold on 1 sec21:57
gerzelAnd where if the file found?21:57
erUSUL!fstab > gerzel21:58
ubottugerzel, please see my private message21:58
gareth|poshey all, i got a laptop here with a wireless issue, it sees the hardware, but cannot see wifi networks, WiFi is non enableable from gnome network manager..21:58
gareth|posthe installation was done with ethernet connected.21:59
macman_hey all .. if mplayer fails to rip a dvd .. what do you guys normally use after that ?21:59
quentinh0rnman: HorizSync30-82VertreFresh56-76 <- xorg settings21:59
Geoffrey2ah, except I'm using the 64 bit version of ubuntu, and Mozilla doesn't release 64 bit packages....21:59
h0rnmanmore or less, yes, they should looks like that...something like:       Modes: "1280x1024@60"22:00
quentinh0rnman: SubSection "Display" Depth 24Modes"1440x900_75.00" <- more xorg settings22:01
saraqualHaven't gotten around to the VPN thing, will do that tomorrow, but, hehehe, more importantly, I need to get the tunes up and running, way to quiet, I remember a friend saying XMMS has the same look and feel as Winamp, is that still so or is there something else I can use?22:01
axisysanyone here used vserver?22:01
axisyslinuxe-vserver that is22:01
kickassmixernerdCAPcap:Click on Different Operating System Or Browser22:01
CAPcapkickassmixernerd i already got it. thanks though :)22:01
h0rnmansaraqual, the only thing I can see that might fix VPN for you is to run it with gksudo22:01
aciculasaraqual: rythmbox and totem are the defaults, but there are to many to choose from really22:01
CAPcapdidnt work btw.22:02
h0rnmanyou can also install XMMS, but you have to add custom repos for that22:02
kickassmixernerdCAPcap: >:|22:02
CAPcapkickassmixernerd what?22:02
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pyropheliahow do I moniter sftp users and current transfers?22:02
h0rnmanquentin, try making it Modes "1440x900@75" or "1440x900@60"22:02
aciculapyrophelia: ps ?, doesnt tell you that much though22:03
kickassmixernerdCAPcap: How it didn't work22:03
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quentinh0rnman: ok I'll try that. thanks.22:03
saraqualshot, thanks h0rnman , acicula22:03
CAPcapnah its cool. not a big deal. i was hoping to fool nbc's site into letting me watch videos, but i'll just catch them on hulu instead22:03
saraqualGoing to try that just now22:03
Chocoruawhats a good chess game?22:04
Chocoruafor ubuntu22:04
kickassmixernerdChocorua: GNU Chess22:04
CAPcaptheres one installed by default chocorua22:04
Chocoruacan you play online through it?22:04
garoall the others are just frontends for gnuchess22:04
pyropheliaacicula, it 'worksm but I would like something with more detail. I want to see exactly who is connected, what they are downloading/uploading and their current bandwidth usage22:05
Geoffrey2I'm beginning to think sticking with the 32 bit version of Ubuntu would have been the better idea.....22:05
aciculapyrophelia: not sure if thats possible with sftp22:05
Chocoruai got it22:05
koshariGeoffrey2 64bit working fine here22:05
Chocoruawho wants to play?22:05
kickassmixernerdChocorua: I'll play22:05
KashuyaI'm having trouble setting up a VPN Client in 9.10 to connect to a microsoft network. I can get it working in Win7 just can't get it working in 9.10 at all though. Anyone able to help me out at all please?22:05
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:05
aciculapyrophelia: at least i dont think you can query the sftp-daemon for such parameters so you'd have to deduce them through some other means22:05
pyropheliaacicula, wow, really?22:05
Chocoruawhats your nickname>?22:05
Geoffrey2koshari, it works, I'm just not sure what I gained...and the 64 bit version of flash is still VERY alpha, and it shows....22:06
ActionParsnip!vpn | Kashuya22:06
ubottuKashuya: From more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:06
erUSULpyrophelia: watching the ftp daemon log ?22:06
mrow_internal speakers dont stop when plugging in headphones, any ideas ?22:06
kickassmixernerddon't have one yet, Custom????22:06
quentinh0rnman: you still there? tried it with the @ and still went to a smaller resolution22:06
kickassmixernerdChocorua:Could try a custom??22:07
mrow_hello,  internal speakers dont stop when plugging in headphones, any ideas ?22:07
Chocoruahow does that work?22:07
dufferAnyone know how to configure ICE1712[Envy24] soundcard? The input section is working, but no Outputs are showing in Sound Preferences22:07
infidmguy: i found it: nmap -sP
KashuyaActionParsnip: Thanks, already got pptp and the gui frontend bit working. But it just won't authenticate and I can't work out why. Even from a pptpsetup command line22:07
h0rnmanquentin, define "smaller"22:07
pyropheliaerUSUL: ftp log, this is sftp, not ftp.22:07
wdhhiscockHi my awn manager wont run, anyone got any ideas?22:08
aciculapyrophelia: well sftp will log an entry in syslog or auth log22:08
mrow_ internal speakers dont stop when plugging in headphones, any ideas ?22:08
kickassmixernerdChocorua: Go to Game->Network Game22:08
ActionParsnipKashuya, if its a cisco connection you can use the cisco vpn client22:08
aciculapyrophelia: but that is about it i suppose, its not really designed to be monitored like an ftp server?22:08
ActionParsnipwdhhiscock,does compiz run?22:08
caks79sta ve ima?22:08
mrow_hello,  internal speakers dont stop when plugging in headphones, any ideas ?22:08
quentinh0rnman: smaller number for pixels 100x50 -> 50x25 just for example22:08
wdhhiscockyeah compiz is running22:09
ActionParsnipwdhhiscock,awn needs compiz to be running22:09
aciculapyrophelia: you could watch what files are created/modified/grown from outside the sftp daemon22:09
quentinh0rnman: everything looks big in other words22:09
ActionParsnipwdhhiscock, then launch it from a terminal, the outputs will hel pdiagnose22:09
wng-Do Ubuntu Server CD's have a rescue option?22:09
mrow_caks79: zz buraz22:09
aciculapyrophelia: mind you an sftp daemon is not jailed in anyway, so a user can write where ever the user(group) has permissions22:09
mrow_wng-: you mean recovery?22:09
h0rnmanquentin, is your refresh rate 75 or 60?22:10
caks79zdravo brate22:10
wng-mrow_: I mean rescue, like most linux distros have, you boot with the option 'linux rescue'22:10
Chocoruakickassmixernerd are you connected to FICS?22:10
wdhhiscock<ActionParsnip>, sorry im new to ubtuntu, how can i run awn from the terminal?22:10
kickassmixernerdChocorua: What's FICS22:10
quentinh0rnman: it's set at 7522:10
Chocoruai just found it opensource chess network22:11
h0rnmantry setting it to 60...some monitors are more compatible with that22:11
quentinh0rnman: when I was using intrepid my settings worked. Now on karmic they don't22:11
ActionParsnipwdhhiscock, type: avant-window-manager   in terminal and press enter, just like any other terminal account22:11
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ActionParsnipwdhhiscock,you can tab complaete the command to make it faster22:11
h0rnmanif that fails, backup your xorg.conf file and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:11
mrow__caks79: zdravo, molim te prvo pishi nick na kome se obrachash :D22:12
Chocoruakickassmixernerd, you need to get one of these clients: http://www.freechess.org/cgi-bin/Download/FICS_Download_Interface.cgi22:12
mrow__hello, internal speakers wont stop when plugging in headphones?22:12
mrow__any help>22:12
Chocoruakickassmixernerd im using eboard22:12
acicula!english | mrow__ , caks7922:12
ubottumrow__ , caks79: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:12
quentinh0rnman: i will try 60.22:13
gareth|posif one were to have to dpkg --reconfigure -a on a system after removing the internet, how would i cache the packages first?22:13
mrow__actionparsnip: is this for my issue?22:13
wdhhiscock<ActionParsnip> sorry i must be being really stupid, terminal says command not found22:13
ActionParsnipmrow__,i wouldnt have directed it at you if it wasn't...22:14
mrow__actionparnip: tnx, silly me22:14
mrow__actionparsnip, looking at it as i type22:14
Euthanatosis 'RECORD' enabled in the LiveCD compilation of X11 in Ubuntu?22:14
aciculagareth|pos: you'd have to convict apt-get to fetch the packages22:15
dinosaurvskittenhas anyone else noticed Skype's main process having file handles open to files that it shouldn't really be looking at? (random files in ~)22:15
Welshy-Robzattoo anyone?22:15
ActionParsnipEuthanatos, you can upgrade the X11 using PPA if the system doesnt suit your needs22:16
popeyWelshy-Rob: you want seesaw :) http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/jan/25/seesaw-online-tv-test-launch22:16
quentinh0rnman: ? I tried 60 and didn't work.22:16
h0rnmandid anything change?22:16
KashuyaActionParsnip: I managed to get VPN working thanks, had to get the right combination of settings. However I can't ping a machine on the network or resolve any. However I do have valid client/server IP's based on previous connections22:17
quentinh0rnman: not that I can tell22:17
h0rnmanok...try the other command I threw at you....it may be that some driver or other dependancy changed when you upgraded and X needs to be kicked22:17
mrow__actionparsnip: this is for older ubuntu releases, need to mention, i am using xubuntu karmic amd6422:17
aciculaKashuya: try setting the routing option in the vpn settings to ignore the automatic routes and use it for nodes on the vpn network only. that should force it to set up routing tables for ips on the vpn22:18
EuthanatosActionParsnip, hmm seems it might just be easier to recompile X11 in slackwhere, which is what I regularly use.  Was just looking for an easier way to record some macros in Xnee22:18
quentinh0rnman: if i use auto config and if i can't see anything on my monitor how do i edit xorg.conf or use my backup to get back to usability22:18
Geoffrey2ok, I'd like to upgrade Firefox to 3.6, however ubuntuzilla only has 32 bit releases, and I'm using the 64 bit version of Karmic...ubuntuzilla is pointing me at the Ubuntu Mozilla Daily PPA..is that a good option?22:18
saraqualh0rnman, shot man, came right with the VPN connection, it was OpenVPN, using normal PPTP now and it's grafting like a charm22:18
ActionParsnipmrow__,: it will be pretty much the same22:19
aciculaGeoffrey2: its also in karmic-backports afaik22:19
h0rnmanwhen GDM shows, go OPTIONS --> Change Session to change to a failsafe terminal, then do it from the command line22:19
EuthanatosI'm not familiar with PPA maybe you can refer me to some documentation ActionParsnip ?22:19
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2, the mozilla ppa is gopod if you want the latest stuff22:19
mrow__actionparsnip: ok, tnx will try these thoroughly, will come up with update, tnx22:19
ActionParsnip!ppa | Euthanatos22:20
quentinh0rnman: i'm a little dense on understanding how to edit a file when I can't see it22:20
ubottuEuthanatos: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.22:20
Euthanatosthank you =)22:20
Welshy-Robpopey, anything about zatto coming to linux?22:21
h0rnmanquentin, before you do a reconfigure, do:  "sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup", and if you need to restore the file, just do "sudo rm xorg.conf" followed by "sudo mv xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf"22:21
quentinh0rnman: i usually use my girlfriends monitor to edit the xorg.conf. since she's not here I'm lost to a blank screen if i use the command you gave me (maybe)22:21
mamooliis it possible to retrieve shift deleted files in ubuntu?22:21
popeyWelshy-Rob: zattoo used to be on linux, they quit22:21
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:22
BAiNEPlease Help! I changed the ownership of /etc to myself instead of root so I could place my xorg.conf file in the folder. How can I change the ownership back to root?  I can no longer use "sudo". When I try, it says "/etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 0".....22:22
quentinh0rnman: should i just write those commands blind22:22
aciculamamooli: not really, unless you consider using forensic tools to recover files22:23
h0rnmani wouldnt22:23
Kashuyaacicula: I ticked both of those boxes but still can't ping a machine I know exists :(22:23
Welshy-Robpopey, how come linux is the best !22:23
ActionParsnipBAiNE,you will need to boot to root recovery console to get yourself out of the mess you made22:23
aciculaBAiNE: boot a livecd ?22:23
popeyWelshy-Rob: tell them that22:23
mamooliacicula: it's really neccarry for me22:23
popeyWelshy-Rob: I already know this22:23
erUSULBAiNE: reinstall ||  chown -R or chmod -R 777 is never the right answer22:24
h0rnmanquentin, have you tried the dpkg-reconfigure method before?22:24
ActionParsnipBAiNE,you can use sudo to make or edit the xorg file, setting your username to the owner of /etc is a REALLY REALLY *BAD* idea22:24
BAiNEwill I have to re-install the entire system?22:24
aciculamamooli: well the links posted give some pointers, but it requires some expertise22:25
shane2peruanyone do data recovery from ntfs disk?22:25
ActionParsnipBAiNE,next time, just use sudo or gksudo to get write access to the folder or you will bork your system22:25
acicula!undelete | shane2peru22:25
ubottushane2peru: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:25
saraqualrighty, I am off, thanks guys22:25
ActionParsnipshane2peru,restore from backup is by FAR the easist22:25
mamooliacicula: i am a newbie, there really is no way?22:25
duckx0rcan anyone do me a favor and tell me if my site is taking an extremely long time to load (i.e. 30+ seconds) https://secure.adventure-inn.com22:25
shane2peruActionParsnip, yes, but this one isn't mine, it is for a friend, backup backup backup, that is my sermon22:25
shane2peruacicula, thanks22:26
aciculamamooli: look at the links, it sometimes is possible, if it really is important turn of the machine, unplug the disk, back it up and take it to someone with some computer skills22:26
saraqualduckx0r, 8 seconds, I am sitting in South Africa22:26
saraqualso fairly decent22:26
ActionParsnipshane2peru, ou can use foremost to recover files, tell your friend to get a backup regime and why its a really good idea22:26
danskuhow do I convert a .avi to .mpg or .mov in ubuntu using the terminal???22:26
mamooliacicula: i am a great dumb ass22:26
duckx0rsaraqual, thanks. guess it's not that bad. must be something here22:27
saraqualany case, I am off, cheerio lads, ta for all the help tonight22:27
=== saraqual is now known as sara-away
BAiNEActionParsnip: will I have to re-install ubuntu? or is there a way to recover from my mistake?22:27
erUSULdansku: try ffmpeg -i file.avi file.mpeg22:27
danskuk, thanks22:27
shane2peruActionParsnip, I think he has probably learned to backup, ;)  it usually only takes one hdd crash to become a backup fanatic22:27
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saraqual|awayer, that sara nick might prompt some unwanted horny males to bug me :D22:28
erUSULBAiNE: i just checked if you only changed the owner you can fix it fairly easily from recovery mode22:28
quentinh0rnman: my backup command gives me this -> missing destination file operand after `xorg.conf.backup'22:28
BAiNEerUSUL: how do I get into recovery mode?22:28
BAiNEsorry I'm a bit new22:28
mattroyalDoes anyone have a moment to help me with the package system?22:28
quentinh0rnman: never mind. I wrote it wrong22:29
stopmvhi how to enable compiz snow plugin the unoffical plugins not available in the synaptic22:29
h0rnmanquentin,  "cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup"?22:29
erUSULBAiNE: what was the exact command you issued ?22:29
ActionParsnipshane2peru, its just a smart move, i work in computing a know the value of backup. some people need to get burned to realise22:29
aciculamattroyal: best to just ask your question22:29
mattroyalacicula: Thanks...22:29
BAiNEerUSUL: chown -R ubuntu /etc/22:29
shane2peruActionParsnip, agreed!22:29
quentinh0rnman: i left out the original xorg.conf22:29
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:29
BAiNEerUSUL: sudo chown -R ubuntu /etc/22:30
mattroyalI'm on Ubuntu 9.04 and trying to upgrade from Ruby 1.8.6 to Ruby 1.8.7.  Looking at this page http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty-updates/ruby1.8, it looks like 1.8.7 should be the default, but yet I can't seem to update to it.22:30
=== jjj is now known as jjj-a
mattroyalI run "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install ruby1.8" and it says it already has the most recent version.22:30
KashuyaI'm connected to a VPN, however I can't ping a machine on the network, and no other machine can ping mine either22:30
erUSULBAiNE: ok; boot into recovery mode (in the grub menu); choose "drop to a root shell" and execute « chown -R root /etc/ »22:30
duckx0rBAiNE, why would you chown your /etc/ directory?22:30
aciculamattroyal: apt-cache policy <pacakgename> will show you the current installed versions and installation candidates,if any22:31
BAiNEduckx0r: because I'm half retarded :)22:32
duckx0rBAiNE, yeah i've been there :P22:32
mattroyalacicula: I get this output http://pastie.org/79428322:32
erUSULBAiNE: then come back here22:32
BAiNEerUSUL: thanks!  I'm gonna try that now.....22:32
aciculamattroyal:  Package pin:
mattroyalacicula: But I notice it lists 1.8.7, too.  I didn't set up this box, so I'm not sure how it was configured.  Is there a way to unpin that version?22:34
aciculamattroyal: its pinned at that version, remove the pin and try to update again?22:34
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto22:34
BluesKajActionParsnip, when do iwlist scan the belkin usb adapter sees my neughbours Belkin roter as the number one access point , and my 2wire which gets a much better signal as the secondary...there's gotta be away to change the order . the adpter tries to connect to the neighbour's belkin even though it's only at 10% of my 2wire's signal. Can I blacklisthe neibour's router somehow ?22:34
teagePlease anyone! Please go to your applications and right click, edit, system tools, and give me the command for root terminal. Please.22:34
teageI have deleted it22:34
erUSULteage: gksudo gnome-terminal22:34
teageerUSUL: thank you22:35
mattroyalacicula ubottu: Thank you both... you've saved me a lot of frustration22:35
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aciculamattroyal: np, glad the bot knows all the right links22:35
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quentinh0rnman: what was the reconfigure supposed to do? xorg.conf hasn't any changes22:36
h0rnmanit's an attempt to force X to strip out any special cases it may have for your machine...deleting xorg.conf would /probably/ do the same thing, but I have neve been brave enough to try that22:37
Welshy-Robsaviorfromthenor, hi22:37
h0rnmanquentin, if that doesn't work, you may just need to backup your system and roll back to 9.04.  I have had problems from time to time with upgrading breaking my video drivers, especially for an integrated card22:38
KashuyaIs it normal for "route" to return a blank table after vpn'ing?22:38
trey_whats the name of that applet in dsl22:38
trey_it has all system info in it22:38
quentinh0rnman: ah darn it. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that22:39
trey_allways on the top right22:39
trey_does any one know22:39
quentinh0rnman: I can set the resolution through the nvidia configuration, but only for one login. Then it resets.22:39
DirtyDrag0nHowdy folks... Anyone have any info on how I might get DisplayPort working on an ATI card in 9.10 ?22:40
h0rnmandid you try running the nvidia config panel with gksudo?22:40
mattroyalacicula: I tried what the wiki suggests to unpin (echo ruby1.8 install | dpkg --set-selections), but it's still showing up as pinned in apt-cache and it still won't upgrade22:40
quentinh0rnman: i already tried gksudo on that panel. didn't work22:41
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trey_any one22:41
h0rnmanquentin, does the nvidia panel have a way to set res via the command line?22:41
BAiNEerUSUL: thank you so much!  worked like a charm. Whew! I will be using gksudo or sudo from now on......22:41
danskuhow do I convert a .avi to .mpg or .mov in ubuntu using the terminal???22:42
trey_i smoke weed so i got all day22:42
erUSULBAiNE: not so quick thare are files in etc that needs fixing... « sudo chown couchdb:couchdb /etc/couchdb/ »22:42
quentinh0rnman: don't know22:43
shane2peruok, how do I keep gnome from automounting usb disk?22:43
shane2peruused to be in the System menu some option to do this, I forget what it is?22:44
BAiNEerUSUL: tells me "couchdb" is an invalid user....22:44
quentinh0rnman: I have output from running nvidia-settings ->Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.22:44
quentinUndefined Device "nVidia Corporation GeForce 6100 nForce 430" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".22:44
trey_anyone  dsl.applet.top right of desktop.system info22:44
iflematrey_ gkrellm22:44
trey_thank you22:44
erUSULBAiNE: then nevermind; XD22:45
iflematrey_ look @ conky gay but fun 4 a while22:45
quentini tried to write to xorg.conf and nvidia-settings closed and got error22:45
rizitisdansku, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-create-video-dvds.html22:45
mattroyalacicula: Nevermind, I figured it out... had to edit /etc/apt/preferences.  Thanks again22:46
magik_Anyone around here might be able to help me with some dns resolution problems?22:46
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macman_does anyone use a command line tool to rip dvd's besides mplayer / dvdbackup .. if so does it rip encrypted dvds22:47
happymagik_: ask a specific question. Include info like what dns server you are using22:47
magik_I can't seem to "dig" anything... even when specifying the the DNS server using @ - such as dig google.com @
DreamDemon|compimacman_, I dont know about command line but dvd:RIP does pretty well22:47
danskubit I want to convert using ffmpeg22:47
happymagik_: do you host the dns server?22:47
h0rnmanquentin, In xorg.conf, the system uses those labels to keep everything straight.  Seciotn DEVICE, MONITOR, and SCREN should all have the same IDENTIFIER string22:47
happymagik_: pastebin your /etc/resolv.conf22:48
terjedig @ google.com22:48
trey_iflema tryd it i just needed something basic22:48
magik_i dont believe so22:48
h0rnmanif they don't that may be why you're having a problem22:48
magik_i've tried adding the nameservers to resolv - i have dnsmsaq on my tomator router22:48
fluxyHello. Could anyone please tell me where I can find bittorrent download for ubuntu netbook remix?22:48
magik_*tomato router - and i've had the DHCP on the router tells my dhcp client to use
quentinh0rnman: does this mean the system can't see what it needs to do if those are different22:48
happy!remix | fluxy22:48
terjewell, I dont' actually know what is but one of Google's name servers is so to use dig, you would run: dig @ google.com22:49
magik_network-manager currently configures my resolv.conf to use "nameserver"22:49
happy!netbook | fluxy22:49
magik_4.2.2.2 - is level3's nameserver22:49
magik_i've tried w/ the dig and it doesn't work22:49
magik_but  i can ping
h0rnmanquentin, essentially, you end up with one or more orphaned identifiers, and one or more incomplete entries22:49
fluxyhappy: umm?22:49
happyfluxy: I expected ubottu to know :-\22:50
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu22:50
happyfluxy: http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook22:50
magik_just tried "dig @ google.com" and it says: http://pastebin.org/8232422:50
fluxyhappy: the get download page does not have bittorrent22:51
DreamDemon|compihappy, looks like the bot was just being slow - lol22:51
SubbyHi! How to append a string on a bash-variable, like file="myfile"  --> $fileiscool  <-- doesn't work because interpreter looks for variable "myfileiscool"22:51
magik_whereas "ping" produces: http://pastebin.org/8232522:51
happyDreamDemon|compi: or Pici did it ;-)22:51
magik_i just don't get it.....22:51
erUSULSubby: ask in #bash22:51
Subbysry, looks for variable "fileiscool"22:51
SubbyerUSUL: okay, sorry22:51
happymagik_: disable whatever you tomato router is doing22:51
* DreamDemon|compi sings 'Compiling we will go, compiling we will go - hi ho a derio a compiling we will go"22:52
happymagik_: it may be hijacking your dns request.22:52
magik_i've tried that as well - the other weird thing, is that the tomato router gets DHCP ip from ISP - and it doesn't obtain any nameservers either22:52
macman_has anyone used filestat ? if so where can i get it22:52
happyDreamDemon|compi: that sounds like a great song for the go programming language :-P22:52
damanmageedoes anybode know how to get sound working on gyachi on kubuntu 9.10. pulse audio plug in selected but still no luck22:52
erUSULmacman_: wha t does filestat do ?22:52
magik_and when i tcpdump the interface - and do a dig - i don't see any traffic22:52
macman_erUSUL: dunno .. thats why im asking you -_-22:53
DreamDemon|compihappy, Just wasting time while I compile a vanilla kernel to MY needs22:53
happymagik_: hm... I got know ideas22:53
terjedig is UDP based22:53
magik_IIRC dig uses tcp when you do the @22:53
happyDreamDemon|compi: as I said, you should sing it on #go-nuts lol22:53
DreamDemon|compihappy, lol22:53
terjemagik_: what does this do.. telnet 5322:53
happyDreamDemon|compi: go-nuts is the programming language22:53
magik_terje: seems to connect fine22:54
BAiNEthanks for your help erUSUL22:54
saviorfromthenoranyone tried the vanilla install for usb? (if that what its acalled)22:54
DreamDemon|compihappy, I shoud join and post that then leave - lol22:54
erUSULBAiNE: no problem22:54
happyDreamDemon|compi: lol22:54
magik_or at least doesn't complain about connecting - what do i type once i telnet to get a response?22:54
quentinh0rnman: Device = Identifier"Configured Video Device",22:54
quentinMonitor = Identifier"Generic Monitor",22:54
quentinScreen = Identifier"Default Screen" <- this is what i have22:54
madmikehow do I enable mouse scrolling of my desktops?  I'm playing with viewport, but I still can't get it to scroll with the mouse.  Call me an idiot....22:55
DreamDemon|compihappy, If I get a good compile this time I'm gonna be soooooo annoyed with git22:55
terjetype CTRL + ] to disconnect22:55
h0rnmanquentin, Try changing them all to read "Default Screen"22:55
magik_terje: seems to connect - if i type anything - it just says Connection closed by foreign host.22:55
kosharimadmike use the cube, and mouse scroller to rotate22:55
quentinh0rnman: going to try that22:55
happyDreamDemon|compi: compiling a kernel with next to nothing in it is hard. I tried that :-\22:55
terjedo you see: Connected to
=== jimmy_birer is now known as gtfo
terjeafter you telnet?22:55
gtfowindows or gtfo22:55
finduxubuntu locked when screensavers activeded , ubuntu 6.x I can't solve22:55
magik_it says connected22:55
terjeok, so TCP works22:55
magik_and i can ping
magik_but doing dig @ hostname doesn't work22:56
gtfolinux is a lose of time22:56
terjeand ICMP obviously works.22:56
terjeUDP does not work22:56
gtfoall thse fucking nerds trying hard to make a fucking desktop22:56
DreamDemon|compihappy, Thats what I'm doing now.  Stripped out all the crap that isnt even in my machine nor connected to it ( or ever will ) ... like token ring, atm, etc22:56
FloodBot3gtfo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:56
terjemagik_: what does this return: dig @ google.com22:56
madmikekoshari:  where is mouse scroller?  I got desktop cube working, but I can't find any options.  All it gives me is key grabbing22:57
DreamDemon|compiSeeker`, ty22:57
happyDreamDemon|compi: I tried to strip out everything that was not needed for a vm22:57
kosharimadmike in between the left and right buttons on the mouse22:57
magik_terje: http://pastebin.org/8232822:57
bcjHi all.  My laptop DVD drive seems to click every few minutes - I think this might be to do with the kernel polling for a new disc, but it appears as a bug.  Does anyone have any info?22:57
DreamDemon|compihappy, amusing how I havent gotten nearly the error msgs from vanilla as I did from git so far22:58
happyDreamDemon|compi: I suggest starting with the ubuntu sources. They are patched to work with ubuntu22:58
terjemagik_: perhaps they blocked yo22:58
kosharimadmike i take it you have a scroller on your mouse?22:58
madmikekoshari:  My middle button (scroll button) isn't registering22:58
magik_if i do a /etc/init.d/network-manager restart - will it re-aquire the DHCP settings?22:58
terjemagik_: what does this report: dig @ google.com22:58
magik_198.6.1.1 ? one sec, im rebooting my router remotely.... im at work.... this is sort of a bitch22:59
DreamDemon|compihappy, I did and it puked every time.  Something to do with merged config files.  Tired of it puking and manually force feeding it to work like it's supposed to22:59
kosharimadmike open up xev and check for what event your scroller posts22:59
TrizicusWhen my mouse is on the edges (top, bottom, left, right) when I am in an application I cannot scroll I have to have my mouse pointer not on the edges. Does anything have any suggestions?22:59
quentinh0rnman: wtf! my settings didn't stay on reboot, and now i have less resolutions to choose from in nvidia-settings22:59
terjemagik_: to restart your local interfaces, do: /etc/init.d/networking restart22:59
magik_same thing terje - as the or
madmikecool, never knew about xev, thanks23:00
h0rnmanwhich resolutions are available?23:00
terjeyou're blocking outbound UDP port 5323:00
bcjquentin: Could you have chosen an invalid setting and forced a failsafe situation?23:00
tUibmHello!! can somebody help me?? i have a black screen when i activate the restricted drivers for my nvidia graphic card on my laptop =( using ubunto 9.10 and i have the same problem when i install it manually downloading the latest driver from nvida website23:00
TrizicusWhen my mouse is on the edges (top, bottom, left, or right) and I try to scroll using my mouse wheel I cannot scroll I have to have my mouse pointer not on the edges. Does anyone have any suggestions for this?23:00
kosharimadmike then you somply allocate the key to the binding23:00
bcjtUibm: Yep - don't use the restricted driver :-)23:01
kosharimadmike my scroller is button 4 and button 523:01
ganymedei have an LDAP user with an NFS mounted home directory across ubuntu 8.10 and 9.10 clients. how would i append a "." to my sh PATH in a way across all these computers? i tried putting, "export PATH=$PATH:." in .profile but . still doesn't show up in PATH23:01
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quentinbcj: possible. yet my settings worked in intrepid. not in karmic23:01
magik_how the hell did this happen overnight....23:01
happyganymede:  put it in .bashrc23:01
bcjquentin: Are you using the same driver?23:02
h0rnmanquentin, which resolutions do you have available right now?23:02
madmikekoshari:  yup, button 2 is scroller, and 4/5 for up/down, they are already assigned to events, just nothing happens when I try to use them23:02
erUSULmagik_: looked into the /var/log/Xorg.0.log ??23:02
happyganymede: puting . in your path is not considered a good idea23:02
terjeganymede: not a great idea.. but that syntax is correct for bashrc files23:02
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happyterje: beat you to it :-P23:02
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tUibmbcj: but i cant see fullscreen videos without it.... =( and i cant use the full graphic enviroment....23:03
erUSULganymede: do *not* do that. period23:03
fluxyI have managed to find torrents for various ubuntu images, including unr: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ . Thanks All.23:03
magik_erUSUL: why Xorg log?23:03
happyfluxy: great :-)23:03
Kinetic|workis there an easy/clean wyt o kill kde once its launched...other than logging out23:03
kosharimadmike thats odd? possobly you have a clash of events, however it will usually trll you,23:04
ganymedehappy, it's a workaround for a program that expects "source myscript.sh" to source "./myscript.sh" but in sh 4.x, they removed . for the search path for "source". currently, i'm adding a line of code in the python source to workaround this but it's becoming cumbersome to keep patching the python source23:04
erUSULmagik_: oops sorry; not for you23:04
magik_ok, i was like wtf does X have to do with DNS hahaha23:04
madmikekoshari:  thanks for the help, I have to go though, I'll keep playing with it later though23:04
terjeganymede: use $HOME instead23:04
magik_but that does bring me to another problem - ever since upgrading the distro - my VMWARE can't get good drivers.... but whatever, that doesn't bother me a lot right now23:04
benn1hello - looking for some help with S3 video on xubuntu8.04 x86 - live cd seemed to live the video card fine and loaded my monitor's native res automatically but after install has completed it is defaulting to either 8x6 or lower not sure which.23:04
happyganymede: why not put in the path where myscript is23:04
magik_freaking DNS not working is pissing me off23:04
quentinh0rnman: 1360x768, 152x864, 1024x768, 800x600, 680x384, 640x480, 512x384,  400x300, 320x24023:04
magik_so what updates resolv.conf ? i thought network-manager ?23:05
quentinh0rnman: I had many more before. lol23:05
ganymedehappy, well i could try that...but then i don't know where else this python program does "sh -c "source myscript.sh"" so i would have to go and find all scripts that it sources and add them all to PATH23:05
kosharimadmike the cursur needs to be on the desktop and NOT over an app for rotate btw23:05
terjemagik_: dhclient updates /etc/resolv.conf23:05
erUSULganymede: . file works fine here (for sourcing) or did i missandertood you ?23:05
h0rnmanquentin, try setting something via nvidia-config, then restart X23:06
terjewell, that's one of the programs that touches /etc/resolv.conf, network-manager also does23:06
terjeif you hard-code DNS servers in it23:06
C4coloso, when is sun-java6-jdk broken packages thing in the repos actually going to be fixed?  Last I saw there was a ticket saying "this is just a problem with the headers" and no workaround or anything ...23:06
terjeotherwise dhclient gets them off the network23:06
magik_grrrrr - so my router is my DHCP server - it gets the DHCP dns nameservers from my ISP - i DHCP to the router - and it gives me the nameservers as well.....23:06
C4coloI should never have upgraded to 9.1023:06
PabloRSsomebody of you has been in the talks of day of the user's ubuntu?23:06
magik_now why the hell is it getting blocked23:06
quentinnvidia settings Model is set to CRT as well. I have an LCD23:06
magik_is there a way to dns resolve over tcp?23:06
erUSULganymede: could be just that the program spects sh to be bash and it braks becouse in ubuntu/debian sh is *dash*23:06
quentinh0rnman: what command should i use to restart x23:07
terjemagik_: have you tried your ISP's name servers?23:07
h0rnmanquentin, again...try adjusting your settings in nvidia-config to something more sensical, then reboot23:07
quentinh0rnman: ok23:07
magik_terje - i just moved back to them now23:07
bcjerUSUL: I think the default _boot-time_ shell is DASH, but is the user shell default not still BASH?23:07
magik_at least getting them through DHCP from router - which just got them from DHCP from ISP23:08
magik_and that doesn't work either....23:08
ganymedeerUSUL, make a file called test.sh in your current directory that does echo "HELLO" and then in sh, try ". test.sh" will not work but try ". ./test.sh"23:08
terjequentin: /etc/init.d/gdm restart will restart your X session23:08
magik_my router is resolving them fine....23:08
erUSULbcj: yes login shell is bash. but /bin/sh is dash23:08
terjew/o a reboot23:08
magik_so im guessing ur right... something is blocking my UDP23:08
bcjerUSUL: Ah23:08
magik_is there a default firewall in ubuntu?23:08
magik_should iptables have any entries in it?23:08
happybcj: pretty much they use dash as the default shell. But for users it is Bash. That way the system scipts have fast execution and the users get all the features of bash23:08
h0rnmanterje, Yes, but we want to see if the settings will persist across a reboot23:09
C4coloanyone use the sun java jdk on ubuntu, other than myself and the two other people who commented on the ticket regarding the issue?23:09
bcjhappy: I'd like to see a VM-based shell that can run bytecode at boot-time.23:09
bcjA much better idea in my opinion :-)23:09
erUSULganymede: true23:09
terjethen reboot it !23:10
terjedon't ask how to restart X if you want to see if your settings persist a reboot.23:10
tUibmHello!! can somebody help me?? i have a black screen when i activate the restricted drivers for my nvidia graphic card on my laptop =( using ubunto 9.10 and i have the same problem when i install it manually downloading the latest driver from nvida website23:10
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bcjtUibm: Have you tried all of the options you get from the restricted driver tool?23:11
bcjOften you get the option to try the latest and a few stable versions.23:11
quentinback - the resolution defaulted to auto which shows a rather smallish resolution23:11
quentinmy settings didn't stick23:12
tUibmi cant, because when i activate it it ask me for a reboot... when a reboot i have the black screen..23:12
h0rnmanare your nvidia-config settings back to the low settings?23:12
Admin__is there a graphical wget-like Software-Center for windows ????23:12
buttons840Hi, I'm looking at the wine-gecko package wondering if it will allow the poorly designed website to work; which refuses to work with anything other than internet explorer?23:12
magik_grrrr i dont get it.... i can do nslookup in win7 from behind the router - but the ubuntu box in my VM machine on my win7 box can't get dns?23:12
quentinh0rnman: the settings are back to low23:13
h0rnmanquentin, ok....try running nvidia-config with gksudo this time.  Also, is it still throwing those errors?23:13
magik_could it be a vmware setting screwing this up? i upgraded recently23:13
ganymedeerUSUL, rather than working around this in the python source (which apparently automatically updates itself for this proprietary app), i'd like to workaround it automatically for all machines that use this LDAP user23:13
magik_errr not vmware, but virtualbox23:13
Ravmbuttons84: I'm not sure, but if it's using the gecko engine it probably won't. But like I said, I'm not sure.23:13
quentini can't get it to write to xorg.conf with gksudo23:14
erUSULganymede: funnily enough if the file is a dotfile it works .... « . .test » works but « . test » fails .... go figure23:14
ganymedeerUSUL, and what i'm also confused is that, "source ./myfile" doesn't work but ". ./myfile" works whereas i could swear i was using source rather than . in the past23:14
kbrosnanbuttons840: doubtful, there is ms ie for wine, though depending on what the site needs it might not work either23:15
ganymedewith sh on ubuntu 9.1023:15
hlfshellHow do i tell what group a function is in?23:15
h0rnmanquentin, what do you mean by that?23:15
hlfshell i need to add my user to a group that has access to the serial ports (ttyS0 to ttyUSB0)23:15
quentinthe resolution on the box when I got this monitor said 1440x900 yet that is not an option in nvidia-settings23:15
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erUSULhlfshell: see what are the permissions of that files23:15
buttons840Ravm, bah; it's frustrating to no end when flash works with any website but this very important site i need to use reports "flash 10 must be installed" so i surf over to adobes test site and a lovely flash 10 animation plays and says "you have flash 10 installed"; i call tech support and as soon as the the word "firefox" leave my mouth the conversation is over23:15
hlfshellls -al erUSUL ?23:15
erUSULhlfshell: ls -l /dev/ttyS023:15
erUSULhlfshell: in my system group dialout can access it23:16
hlfshellin my system it complains about permissions23:16
quentinh0rnman: i thought maybe clicking "write to xorg" would keep the settings in nvidia-settings23:16
h0rnmanquentin, can you run the nvidia configuration tool with superuser privs?23:17
Ravmbuttons840: I know what you mean, I have this site I have to visit regularly which fails to load on anything but IE6. I tried everything.23:17
* erUSUL this groupname does not make sense anymore since serial modems are a thing of the past ...23:17
h0rnmanif not, what does it do when you try?23:17
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buttons840usually it comes from websites required by work or school i notice, as any other website so narrow minded goes away quickly23:17
quentinh0rnman: i can use gksudo with nvidia-settings if that's what you mean23:17
Ravmbuttons840: True.23:18
daftykinsquentin: i usually run it by hitting alt+f2 to get the run box, then "gksudo nvidia-settings" there23:18
h0rnmanwhy not?  what happens when you try?23:18
sdwrageHey guys, is there a way to stream a video stream of your desktop environment (display) to, say, an xbox 360 as a video feed?23:18
Admin__Does anyone know how to make Wubi boot by default instead of windows?23:18
h0rnmanthat's it :)23:18
buttons840Ravm, is there anything easy in the repos to install IE on ubuntu?23:18
LoshaerUSUL: I still have a serial modem. I even used it once, about 6 months ago, when comcast shut me off by mistake. I even made them pay for a month's subscription to a dial-up service...23:19
erUSULLosha: :) i stand corrected then XD my dial up modem is usb still in a box somewhere23:19
quentinok, i ran gksudo nvidia-settings and I'm looking at the window now23:20
Ravmbuttons840: I just found this, not sure if it works though: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ies4linux23:20
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buttons840Ravm, great, thanks for the help and listening to my rant :)23:20
LoshaerUSUL: some ofthe more rural parts of the US still only have dialup, apparently. We hear from them here on IRC from time to time....23:21
quentinwhat should i change in nvidia-settings?23:21
DreamDemon|compitalk about messed up.  git source want to error out from hell but kernel.org source actually compiles woithout the headaches23:21
h0rnmanquentin, can you change res settings?  If so, change them to something resembling what they should be23:21
h0rnmanthen try to save them, then reboot and see if they stick23:22
quesoIs a firefix-3.6 package planned for Jaunty?23:22
quentinh0rnman: failed to parse, should I restart any way23:23
h0rnmanquentin, nwhen did it say that?23:24
PlasmaSheepHow come I can't mount windows as an unprivileged user?23:24
quentinh0rnman: after clicking -> Save to X Configuration File23:25
sdwrageHey guys, is there a way to stream a video stream of your desktop environment (display) to, say, an xbox 360 as a video feed?23:25
vltHello. I want to do some timeline-based video editing. What tool can I use on ubuntu?23:26
h0rnmanwow...that was unexpected....try restarting...but I don't think it will work.  You may have to roll back the MODES... changes you made earlier then try nvidia-settings as root again23:27
iKernelguess what I got working23:27
iKernelwifi :D23:27
arandvlt: there are pitivi and kino, pitivi is due for inclsion in lucid btw.23:27
erUSULganymede: people over bash told me that it fails becouse bash look first in PATH for sourcing the file so if there is a file named like the script in path it will be sourced first23:27
kosharisdwrage vlc may have some way, but your looking at a lot of bandwidth, a similar outcome may be rdp23:27
erUSULganymede: and if it is a binary file bash chokes23:27
magik_weird.... i guess i figured out my problem... or at least bypassed it.... my tomato router has some DNS caching functionality - i guess u were right terje - it was intercepting my DNS rqeuests and i dunno wtf it was doing with them23:27
PlasmaSheepHow come I can't mount windows as an unprivileged user? How can I do so?23:28
magik_ughhhh now im getting bombarded with cron system messages yay23:28
erUSULganymede: echo 'echo "Hello"' > test.sh && . test.sh  <<< this works here as spected23:28
ELoXLby any chance will anyone know how to save trackpad setting for a PPC G4 after initialising "sudo trackpad drag/tap23:28
quentinh0rnman: that's the error that comes up every time i try to save a resolution23:28
ELoXLafter rebooting the computer the trackpadsetting do not take effect again until i type in the command23:28
koshariquentin you can always preview the xorg fille, then copy and past using gedit23:29
h0rnmanquentin, well...try dropping to a terminal, backup xorg.conf, delete xorg.conf, then rerun nvidia-settings as superuser and see if it will let you save23:30
teagei have found the command for the default  root terminal23:30
teagegksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator23:30
geirhaganymede: To be on the safe side, prepend it with a relative path, ./, like you do when executing something in the current dir.23:30
PlasmaSheepHow come I can't mount windows as an unprivileged user? How can I do so?23:31
ganymedegeirha, except that the python source that's firing off this source command likes to update itself and thus reset whatever workarounds i write into it23:32
ubottuPlasmaSheep: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:32
koshariPlasmaSheep you mean your windows partition?23:32
jofoHello. I have a printer problem: a Samsung CLP-310 under Ubuntu Karmic. It always prints the same error message as described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/foo2zjs/+bug/30600423:32
jofoOn that same page it's suggested to "Manually set it to CLP-315 driver". How can I do it?23:32
ubottuPlasmaSheep: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:32
sdwragekoshari, probably not worth it :P I will stick to playing my snes roms on my PC23:32
h0rnmanquentin, barring that, all I can suggest is to keep plugging away at it, using google to try to find a solution, or just roll back23:32
h0rnmanwe've reached the limit of what I know about X configs23:33
kosharisdwrage agreed23:33
geirhaganymede: Huh? You're trying to source a sh script in python?23:33
ganymedegeirha, yeah, it's not my python code, it's from sidefx for houdini 10.0 hqueue client, and that's what they do23:33
geirhaganymede: Why source it then? Why not just execute it?23:34
clicker4721quick question: is there a way to completely back up your system? i don't mean files, I mean everything--making an identical bootable copy (bootable only if necessary though)23:35
koshariclicker4721 there are many ways23:35
clicker4721I mainly just want to keep all my programs and all the configurations, the files don't mean as much to me, those are easy23:35
clicker4721koshari: such as...23:35
geirhaganymede: Well, the proper thing to do in any case is to file a bug on it.23:35
koshariclicker4721 dd partimage rsync ect23:35
ganymedehere is the HQCOMMANDS environmental variable: not sure how to interpret it but maybe you do: {"pythonCommands": "export HFS=\"/opt/HFS\" && python2.5", "hythonCommands": "export HFS=\"/opt/HFS\" && cd $HFS && source houdini_setup && hython -u", "mantraCommands": "export HFS=\"/opt/HFS\" && cd $HFS && source houdini_setup && python2.5 $HFS/houdini/scripts/hqueue/hq_mantra.py"}23:36
lektronxi am having a little trouble with aptitude under sudo in karmic. for some reason i am able to sudo aptitude install but if i sudo aptitude upgrade it always complains of /var/lib/dpkg/lock23:36
clicker4721koshari: and that just copies utterly everything?23:36
clicker4721koshari: EVERYTHING?23:36
lektronxanyone else experiencing a similar problem or know of a solution?23:36
ganymedegeirha, and in all honestly, i don't know what the difference between sourcing and executing a script is, but i want to get this work for now rather than waiting for sidefx to release their next version of houdini (which is probably not address this issue anyway)23:36
koshariclicker4721 partimare will copy the full disk partition byte for byte, however it dont support ext4 if your using that,23:37
dreamy_does anyone has any idea the 1st place to start for.. to find out wich games are made for linux ? anyone hepling ?23:37
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:37
DreamDemon|compidreamy_, google23:37
dreamy_ok ty23:37
geirhaganymede: Does it specify bash as shell? If not, it'll use sh, which does not understand «source», posix sh only has «.»23:37
ELoXLif you have an intel chip you're in a better position than i am with my G423:38
stevenfgsdfgWhere is a good guide to learning Linux? pdf wise23:38
ELoXLi cant even get flash or java 1.623:38
stevenfgsdfgUbuntu in particular23:38
clicker4721koshari: no, i dont believe so, but that's easy to check. now, when you say partition, which one? i know that ubuntu default uses 4: /, /usr, /home, swap23:38
koshariclicker4721 kkep in mind that using a backup partition depending on OS/config may require the backup to be edited to get it to boot on a new dribve, ie, product activation, disk uuids in grub confs ect23:38
geirhaganymede: If it does specify bash, it should work if you add the dir containing houdini_setup to PATH23:38
stevenfgsdfgWhere may I find a good pdf/html Ubuntu guide?23:38
quentinh0rnman: i have saved the config. do you want to see my xorg.conf. it looks totally different now23:38
ganymedegeirha, when it fails because the script to source isn't in the PATH, it prints out a line that says something like: "sh: 1: source: file not found" which led me to believe it was sh, but yeah, you're right, sh doesn't understand source23:39
koshariclicker4721 /usr /home are directory NOT partitions23:39
ganymedegeirha, however, if i append . to path with the python line: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + ":.", then it all of a sudden works, so i wanted to make this change permanent23:39
lektronxclicker4721: koshari is right. i've never seen ubuntu default to more than 1 partition23:39
lektronx(excluding swap of course)23:40
kellopeshello.. what is the command to search for a file in the whole computer?23:40
daleharveylocate ?23:40
lektronxkellopes: locate is usually fastest23:40
kosharikellopes locate?23:40
kellopeslocate will search not just the bin i am in.. but everything??23:40
lektronxkellopes: however you might want to make sure updatedb was run the last time while the file you were looking for is on your computer23:41
lektronxotherwise, find would be your best bet23:41
erUSULkellopes: yes run « sudo updatedb » so its DB is up to date23:41
daleharveyanyone good with gnome-do? I want to use it as a really quick way to switch between windows23:41
kellopeswhat this sudo command does?23:41
koshariclicker4721 fsarchiver is another cli opton23:41
ganymedegeirha, when executing commands from the shell, it doesn't search PATH recursively, right?23:41
Bizzehhi, i have just installed ubuntu and it refuses to run at full res on my monitor... my monitor and graphics card are both capable of 1920x1080, yet the maximum the display driver (prop ati and free) will display is 1680x1050, any idea how i fix this?23:41
geirhaganymede: That's dangerous, I'd rather just add a ./ infront of houdini_setup23:42
=== Ferris- is now known as Ferris`away
daleharveyso I basically want one button I can press where the focus command is selected and the next field picked23:42
geirhaganymede: Not recursive, that's correct23:42
ganymedegeirha, but where would i add that? if i add it in the python source, it will reset when it auto-updates23:42
kellopesi am trying to locate the '/etc/modules' on my computer23:42
ELoXLrun system testing in admin23:42
kosharikellopes you can also use the gui based "search"23:42
geirhaganymede: Btw, the coders of that script has commited «bashism». You can read about that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh23:42
ELoXLi think that might help withyour resolution issue - i  did it and it offered some help23:42
shugheshow do i get the msn chat to work with linux.. for some reason this is preventing me chatting to multiple contacts tint he same window... and im not too computer savy..so coul any help be simple...23:43
BizzehELoXL: how would i run testing?23:43
geirhaganymede: Then change it, and submit a patch to the developers, so it will auto-update "right" next time ;)23:43
erUSULkellopes: if it is not there just create it23:43
Bizzehnm, found it23:43
lektronxhmm... my problem seems to have resolved itself23:44
hajmolaany way to test video and sound in Empathy?23:44
lektronxperhaps there was a temp conflict withupdate-notifier or something...23:44
ELoXLunder system23:44
ELoXLthen administration23:44
ELoXLthen "System Testing"23:44
ganymedegeirha, yep, i'll do that since we apparently have premium-level support...until then, gotta add "." to path or "/opt/HFS" (probably the option)23:45
shughescan anyone help with the msn messenger working with linux...? sorry to interupt you...23:46
quesookay, so I added the mozilla repositories and stuff, did a `sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6`, it didn't error out but it didn't look like it did anything . . says it's "already the newest version" when I try installing it again. What's up? firefox-3.6 is certainly not on my machine (Jaunty). Help?23:46
daleharveyshughes: do you really need msn? you can login to msn with empathy23:46
clicker4721koshari, lektronx: i've screwed aroun with slack a little, so I know the directories can be mounted on seperate partitions to make upgrades easier: the point of ubuntu; and when i installed mine, i saw that swap was on part. #5, and / on #1...i assumed. so, it doesn't need to be bootable, just recoverable, and what did you say the line was that'll do it?23:46
grendal_primeok so ubuntu one is not available for 804?  this seems very strange.23:46
shughessorry whats empathy?23:46
* clicker4721 away for dinner23:47
grendal_primeit looks just like an fuse mount.23:47
erUSUL!away > clicker472123:47
ubottuclicker4721, please see my private message23:47
ganymedequeso, i'm not familiar with that repository, but are you starting firefox using the menu item? maybe that menu item is pointing to firefox-3.5 and you have 3.5 and 3.6 installed alongside each other?23:47
shughesim not very tech savy... whats empathy?23:47
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=== Ferris`away is now known as Ferris-
grendal_primeshughes: im client23:48
ardchoille!info empathy | shughes23:48
ubottushughes: empathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 115 kB, installed size 456 kB23:48
quesoganymede: I tried from the commandline with `firefox-3.6`. I followed the instructions here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-in-ubuntu-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html23:48
grendal_primelike a newer version of pidgin from what i can tell23:48
Bizzehran system tests, still giving me same, saying max res is 1680x105023:48
shughesokokok.. you are WAY ahead of what i can understand23:48
shughesis it possible to use msn messenger with the linux system?..as i cant connect with a bunch of contacts on the same window23:49
ganymedequeso, and you can confirm that when you go to help->about, it reports that it's still firefox 3.5?23:49
kosharishughes empathy is the new default im program in ubuntu 9.10 and on23:49
DreamDemon|compishughes, Not the Microsoft one23:50
Bizzehhow can i force X to use 1920x1080 if its not detecting it?23:50
arandshughes: Instant messaging client, like win live messenger, but it is able to connect to many different networks, including MSN, and IRC.23:50
daftykinsshughes: are you saying you're not fond of Pidgin ?23:50
WolfwolfI installed Jaunty as a dual boot OS on an Acer Aspire Netbook several months ago for a friend.  She now wants to return to windows only and remove the Ubuntu partition.  Is there a way to reset the windows boot and remove the Ubuntu partitions?23:50
quesoganymede: no, firefox-3.6 doesn't even run, says command not fount.23:50
DaZBizzeh: you can.23:50
daftykinsWolfwolf: you'll need her to either have a windows or ubuntu CD23:50
koshariBizzeh it may be your screens edid info isnt getting to the gpu, you may need to enter it in the xorg file manually,23:50
DaZBizzeh: but you have to write your own xorg :f23:50
BizzehDaZ: how?23:50
shughesi couldnt tell ou what half that is...23:50
ardchoillequeso: you might have to specify the entire path to firefox 3.6 as it may not be in your path23:51
koshariBizzeh to begin with you will need your monitors edid info23:51
DaZBizzeh: do you by any chance have nvidia card?23:51
hajmolaany idea why my built-in mic is ridiculously muddled?23:51
ganymedequeso, the command "dpkg -l | grep firefox" shows that firefox-3.6 is installed?23:51
Bizzehati hd397023:51
quesoganymede, ardchoille: I did sudo updatedb; locate firefox-3.6. It gives me docs and package info, but nothing in any bins.23:51
Wolfwolfdaftykins:  the netbook doesn't have a cd rom.. we installed from USB image23:51
koshariBizzeh whats your monitor?23:52
daleharveyqueso: its not called firefox-3.6 I think, its got the funny beta name23:52
PlasmaSheepDreamDemon|compi: I know what those are23:52
daleharveynamarekuno or whatever23:52
DreamDemon|compishughes, The actual Microsoft MSN client is not supported under linux.  instead there is a port of the communications protocol built into programs like empathy & pidgin.  if you want to use your msn account, you'll need to configure pidgin or empathy to use your msn account23:52
Bizzehacer, something... 24" 1080p monitor23:52
PlasmaSheepkoshari: yeah, I meant my windows partition23:52
DaZnamoroka >:23:52
quesodaleharvey: oh man, that's convenient23:52
ganymededaleharvey, yeah, that's a good point...i didn't think of that23:52
PlasmaSheepDreamDemon|compi: when I follow the wiki guide, it tells me that I can't mount partitions not as root, due to "fuser" or something23:52
iflemashughes have you tried out amsn or emesene.23:53
shugheshow so i configure pidgin or empathy to msn23:53
quesoganymede, ardchoille, daleharvey: thanks for your help, I'll go look for the funny beta name23:53
daleharveyshughes: just add accounts23:53
daleharveypick msn23:53
daftykinsWolfwolf: ah, of course, sorry pretty tired here! put ubuntu on a flash drive then to make it a "live key" ?23:53
DreamDemon|compiPlasmaSheep, Correct, unless you know the uid & suid of the drive itself.  Be careful as you could render the drive data useless23:53
daleharveynow, anyone know how to start gnome-do with "focus" preselected and the next menu selected?23:53
quesoganymede, ardchoille, daleharvey: I don't get it, though, 'cause it's not in beta anymore23:53
daleharveyit would make switching windows awesome23:53
shughesdoes the amsn and emesen go through the windows live.. will i have to create a new account?23:53
ganymedequeso, i have'nt played with that ppa myself, but maybe it created a menu item for firefox 3.6 that's named after the beta name and has a generic globe icon23:54
AndreMorro[BR]what up yall23:54
ardchoillequeso: find / -type f -name firefox23:54
ganymedequeso, since mozilla didn't compile it, and ubuntu ppa daily compiled it, they're not allowed to use firefox official branding23:54
iflemashughes yep... conference not positive...pretty sure amsn does23:54
Wolfwolfdaftykins:  Thanks we'll give that a try and see what it does23:54
daftykinsWolfwolf: was it XP?23:54
shughesi will give it ago..thank you so much for your help..im sure i will be back to ask more!!23:54
ganymedequeso, it's some mozilla licensing issue or trademark or some such legal stuff...i don't know the whole story behind it23:54
iflemashughes later23:55
Wolfwolfdaftykins:  yeah, she has the Win Xp recovery partition but that didn't seem to rewrite the boot sector23:55
MrUnix!hi | AndreMorro[BR]23:55
daftykinsWolfwolf: check here: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/23:55
ubottuAndreMorro[BR]: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:55
waldfrankdoes anybody know what a "bling bling wanger wang software" means? (i don't if "wanger wang" is spelled correctly)23:55
WolfwolfThanks, I'll give that a go23:55
MrUnix!hi | songer23:55
ubottusonger: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:55
daftykinsnp =]23:55
AndreMorro[BR]I'm back to try to help23:55
WolfwolfMy first question to her was "Why would you ever want to remove Ubuntu?"23:56
=== ExCaLiBuR|| is now known as El_Perro_Violeta
daftykinshehe :D23:56
txhas anyone enabled sli or been able to have 2 nvidia gpu's recognized?23:56
daftykinsWolfwolf: i am kinda curious as to why she wants rid too.23:56
PlasmaSheepDreamDemon|compi: This seems like waay more trouble than it's worth. I can't believe it's so difficult to just automount a partition. Thanks anyway.23:56
=== Ferris- is now known as Ferris`away
MrUnixWolfwolf, daftykins, because it's broken on their system?23:56
DreamDemon|compiPlasmaSheep, Thank Microsoft for not following standards23:57
Wolfwolfdaftykins:  She's selling it to someone who's Windows only.23:57
PlasmaSheepDreamDemon|compi: Well, we can always do that.23:57
DreamDemon|compiPlasmaSheep, This is why I've been eliminating m$ systems in my environment.  Only thing left is my gaming rig & work laptop23:57
koshariPlasmaSheep if its a perminant drive you would simply add an entry into the fstab fiile23:57
DreamDemon|compikoshari, it's a ntfs drive23:58
txhas anyone successfully enabled SLI or a second nvidia GPU?23:58
koshariDreamDemon|compi so?23:58
jazz_hello everyone23:58
MrUnix!hi | saviorfromthenor23:58
ubottusaviorfromthenor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:58
MrUnix!hi | jazz_23:58
ubottujazz_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:58
tarelerulzDoes Chrome for Linux have bookmark syncing?23:58
DreamDemon|compikoshari, I do believe he was wanting to mount it as root23:58
PlasmaSheepkoshari: I did that, and ntfs-3g gives me grief about "fuser"23:58
jez__i'm having a problem with dhcpd23:59
MrUnix!ask | jez__23:59
ubottujez__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
PlasmaSheepDreamDemon|compi: I want to mount it so that I can access it from an unprivileged user23:59
d_edwhat's the correct channel to seek help with packaging?23:59
jazz_oh i got questions, see im new here to xchat and linux (been on ubuntu for 4 maybe 5 months)23:59
mneptokPlasmaSheep: use files >4GB in size much?23:59
jez__when i run it, it fails.  /var/log/syslog says "not configured to run on any interfaces"23:59
MrUnixd_ed, what's the issue?23:59
MrUnix!ask | jazz_23:59
ubottujazz_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:59
PlasmaSheepmneptok: No, why?23:59
d_edI get: dpkg-gencontrol: error: must specify package since control info has many ()23:59
jez__however, i think there is valid configuration in my /etc/dhcpd.conf to get it to listen on eth223:59
d_edthough the control file clearly only has one entry23:59
jez__so why is dhcpd failing?23:59

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