
Bertramdoes not want to boot with any of these00:00
Michalxoor rather reinstall ubuntu, but inability to boot from CD is big problem these days imo00:00
Bertramhow do i do that?00:00
=== McNuggets is now known as BallsJohnson
menguhow do i get my resolution done right? it is 1024*768 right now. i need a better resolution because it is so big now.00:00
axi have an x32 with a radeon mobility video card, i'm curently running 8.04 but i'm sort of annoyed at the age of a lot of the packages..00:01
MichalxoBertram try founding out what version of bios you have, then google from some responses about it and ability to boot CDs00:01
=== cheezey1 is now known as cheezey
axi ran karmic but had some video issues [all the gnome status stuff was just black]00:01
=== BallsJohnson is now known as McNuggets
axanyone have any reccomendatiaons?  I would love to have the newest packages available but, the issues with the video [supposedly they dropped my video driver] made karmic not so awesome00:02
axby x32 i mean thinkpad x3200:02
=== McNuggets is now known as BallsJohnson
lordbahLately it seems the system doesn't hear a lot of my left mouse clicks. It doesn't seem to be the hardware. At least if I hold the button down and drag it always registers that correctly. But single clicks often go unnoticed and double-clicking is nearly impossible. Anyone seen this before?00:03
hipitihopI'm using wireless keyboard & mouse via my laptop's built in BT, but if I do not use one of them for a few minutes, they time out, I have to repair by running 'sudo hidd --search'. How do I stop the time out00:03
axshould i just go with 8.10 and use backports?00:05
sebsebsebax: no00:05
axsebsebseb: so, what should i do?00:06
sebsebsebax: 8.10 will run out of support when 10.04 comes out, or around that time  since 18 months of support00:06
andrew__Baah seriously00:06
privateabstract8.10 is still a far greater version than more recent ones.00:06
andrew__Where the heck is the Evolution setting to only listen to subscribed folders00:06
Flannelandrew__: ATI, right?00:06
sebsebsebax: 10.04 is next LTS which you can directly upgrade to when it's time, but it might not be so good in your case.00:06
sebsebsebprivateabstract: I quite like 8.10 myself00:07
Flannelsebsebseb: No, you can't upgrade from 8.10 straight to 10.0400:07
Flannelandrew__: sorry00:07
Flannelax: ATI, right?00:07
axFlannel: yeah00:07
Sh3r1ffFlannel: he has 8.04 for the moment00:07
sebsebsebFlannel:  yeah seems I didn't put in the bit about 8.04 to 10.04 works hrm00:07
sebsebsebax: if you stay on 8.04 you can upgrade directly to 10.04 when it's time. what packages do you want later versions of?00:07
axsebsebseb: svn, and a variety of audio applications, ardour, pd,..00:08
q0_0panyone here know how to get rid of slackspace using dd?00:08
hipitihopsebsebseb, sorry to jump in, when you say directly, do you mean no need for intermediate upgrades ?00:08
* jp-- is still unpacking and installing...00:08
Sh3r1ffhipitihop: nope00:08
sebsebsebax: not sure about those, but there will be ppa's probably for quite a lot of that, and if not, you can  find a Deb maybe on the offical sites or compile from them.   only get software from trusted sources such as repo's, luanchpad ppa's, or offical websites00:09
andrew__None of the things will install anyway00:09
andrew__Apparently my internet is to blame.00:09
Flannelax: Have you tried the newer versions with the open source -ati driver?00:09
sebsebsebhipitihop: yes no need to go through  8.10, 9.04, and 9.10   if have stayed on 8.04  and then upgrade to 10.0400:09
hipitihopSh3r1ff, that's what I thought, I have been on ubuntu since 6.x and one could never skip an upgrade.00:09
Flannelax: (what Radeon model?)00:09
hipitihopsebsebseb, ahh so this is a new feature.00:10
Sh3r1ffhipitihop: myself, i only go from lts to lts00:10
sebsebsebhipitihop: no not at all00:10
sebsebsebhipitihop: with LTS's always been able to directly upgrade to the next LTS00:10
hipitihopsebsebseb, I see my bad, you were talking about lts... ignore my noise00:11
Flannelhipitihop: Non-LTS versions are only supported upgrading from one to the next, without skipping, yes.00:11
axFlannel: ati mobility radeon00:11
Guest90325Air final update (plasma theme)   .....How to install blue theme  not black theme for kubuntu 9.1000:11
axtrying to find an actual model num00:12
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:12
ZykoticK9ax, in a terminal you could you "lspci | grep -i vga" to find your model00:12
axFlannel: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY00:12
axZykoticK9: thanks00:12
renegaid when I install ubuntu on my bios raid it installs grub legacy. anyone know why?00:14
sebsebsebrenegaid: Which version of Ubuntu?00:15
sebsebsebrenegaid: If your getting that  when doing a clean install I have no idea.  However Grub Legacy is actsually better really than Grub 2 and in quite a few ways.   Both are fine useualley.00:16
renegaidif I install it to a usb drive I get grub2. I guess it is not supported on raid00:17
Flannelax: Have you tried the newer Ubuntus with that card?  From what I can tell, it's supported in the new FOSS drivers.00:17
ardchoillerenegaid: grub2 is still a sort of "work in progress"and many people go back to grub legacy00:17
q0_0panyone know if dd=/dev/zero if=mypartition is dangerous?00:17
q0_0pi want to remove slackspace00:18
axFlannel: I had Karmic on here but i think i only tried the proprietary drivers00:18
Flannelq0_0p: "slack space"?00:18
renegaiddoes grub legacy support boot themes like grub200:18
suhailhello, i need help with my ubuntu on ps300:18
sebsebsebrenegaid: boot themes?  you mean like with for example the Ubuntu logo maybe? a picture yeah?00:18
renegaid a picture background00:18
sebsebsebrenegaid: yes it does00:19
renegaidwho runs ubuntu ona ps3? seems like a waste of tim00:19
ardchoillerenegaid: that's what a gdm theme is for on grub legacy00:19
Flannelax: Try xserver-xorg-video-ati00:19
renegaidis there something I can use to customize it? I tried startupmanager but it seems like it only works with grub200:20
suhailregegaid... its not bad so far... i just need to get the sixaxis working as mouse00:20
axFlannel: cool, once i finish backing up my homedir i'll give that a shot, thanks!00:20
sebsebsebrenegaid: I don't have a PS3, but  it would probably be quite fun to run Ubuntu on one for technical people00:20
Flannelsuhail: #ubuntu-ps3 is the place you'll want to ask00:21
renegaidno video support. might as well just run a live cd on a pc and it is really slow00:21
suhaili'm totally new to ubuntu...  i need to get flash player installed as well. not sure how to use the terminal00:21
sebsebsebsuhail: applications > assesoreis > terminal00:21
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Flannelsuhail: I'm not sure that flash is available for the PS300:21
sebsebsebsuhail: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer00:21
sebsebsebsuhail: however what Flannel put00:21
q0_0psuhail replace libflashplayer.so with the newer one00:22
ardchoillesuhail: I found this, hope it helps: http://gizmodo.com/5143547/how+to-install-ubuntu-on-your-ps3-for-vintage-gaming-emulation00:22
suhailthanks guys.. let me try that00:22
privateabstractWhy does everyone use apt-get? I find aptitude so much easier. It cleans up unecessary packages.00:22
arandsuhail: You should be able to use either the ubuntu software centre or synaptic to install everything, if you don't fancy the terminal.00:22
ardchoillesuhail: disregard my link, I misunderstood00:22
arandprivateabstract: True, but it's all a matter of preference..00:23
sebsebsebsuhail: Flash might not be availalbe on PS3,  and you should probably join the PS3 channel, if you haven't already00:23
privateabstractarand: Surely aptitude is more preferable though, due to the fact it does clean up all those unecessary packages?00:24
ardchoilleprivateabstract: apt-get autoremove or apt-get purge --auto-remove <- thos clean up as well00:24
privateabstractardchoille: few extra characters than aptitude purge :p00:24
heretic9hello, anyone happen to know how would I get or change an pin code with bluetooth -> mobile at shell only linux inst?00:24
sabgentonI want to push windows printer drivers where is the default samba share location to put them00:25
sabgenton /usr/share/cups/drv/ ?00:25
Flannelheretic9: /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf has a way to set a pin.  I'm not really sure what you were asking though.00:25
heretic9no, it's not functional00:25
heretic9I got hcid.conf in place and set..00:26
Guest23591Hi, How do I make ubuntu only use one kernel, so my booting to windows by default doesn't get messed up00:26
heretic9unless you know someway to rehash/load it00:26
* jp-- is still unpacking and installing...00:26
=== Guest23591 is now known as cjae
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89
cjaeHi, How do I make ubuntu only use one kernel, so my booting to windows by default doesn't get messed up. sorry for posting more than once but changed my nick00:28
Trekcjae: you can remove the old kernel headers and stuff, i don't know the exact files you'd need to remove though00:28
cjaeTrek: yes I know but I am not the primary user of this system, I put ubuntu on other ppls system so they will never know how to do that00:29
Trekcjae: in order to remove kernels you need to remove packages, if others are using Ubuntu, and you are the admin, you'll have to go remove the packages00:30
Trekcjae: or provide instructions ot others00:30
cjaeTrek: I just thought the might be option to only use one kernel and upgrading it instead of getting multiples00:31
cjaeupgrading = applying security patches00:32
amberseanhey guys, my neigbhors are installing 9.04, because we know it works, 9.10 didnt.  anyways, in the livecd i want to move their files over onto my usb hard drive.  but the livecd doesnt find my hard drive.  actually it sort of finds it but won't mount it.  maybe its a security thing?00:33
amberseanif i go into gparted, i can find my usb hard drive, but its not mounted.00:33
amberseani think its a security thing?00:34
jp--Seveas is all installed sucessfully, I am now gonna reboot00:34
arandcjae: Nope kernels are separate versions, to allow for fallback.00:35
suhailwhat command do i type on terminal to get yum00:35
cjaearand: ok so what if I have four kernel entries and keep it at that, will I get more than 4 kernels including the recovery kernels00:36
=== jesse is now known as Guest52382
=== Guest52382 is now known as Brainsturbator
cjaearand: or is that only if I upgrade the distro version 9.04 to 9.1000:37
amberseanits a permission thing.  how can i get around the permissions to mount this drive?00:37
heretic9so, anyone know how do you set an pin code at shell for mobile phone over bluetooth?00:37
Brainsturbatorcan someone help me with something? I cracked my monitor and its all rainbowy at the bottom, is there a way to change it to display my desktop ABOVE that part thats rainbowy? :P00:37
arandcjae: Every now and again a new kernel version is released, at that point you'll have to remove the old one to keep it at 4 entries, i don't know if there are any automated ways to do that, I know I've seen old kernel being uninstalled automatically, but I don't know the procedure in that...00:39
plitteris there a way to have an image in the virtual consoles?00:39
plitterlike a small pic in down right corner?00:40
jleeperryHow do I convert .wma files to .mp3 files?00:40
cjaewhat about using windows boot loader have an option for ubuntu00:40
plitterjleeperry: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3779300:41
=== jacquesdptd is now known as jacquesdupontd
Brainsturbatorcan someone help me with something? I cracked my monitor and its all rainbowy at the bottom, is there a way to change it to display my desktop ABOVE that part thats rainbowy? :P00:45
robbBrainsturbator: this isn't #hardware00:46
Brainsturbatorwell it doesnt ahve to do with hardware00:46
Brainsturbatori dont think00:46
Brainsturbatormore of display settings?00:46
robbif the screen is cracked, then it's probably broken00:46
robbthe matrix00:46
BHowardwow sorry brain I dont know of any settings do that00:46
robbor vacuum tube00:46
ahmedaak88im new to linux is there a way to learn all the aspects in linux a book you can recommend to me00:46
BHowardill look around, who knows it may be possible00:47
privateabstractahmedaak88: If you're using Ubuntu -> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Official-Ubuntu-Book-Benjamin-Mako/dp/013243594200:47
jp--Seveas, it won't boot. Says it didn't find the root device :/00:47
BHowardI had an update come through one time that did that to my screen on accident so it is possible00:47
robbi doubt there's a way to make a screen only use 1/2 or such00:47
jp--and it's the same device...00:47
jp--same kernel00:48
Brainsturbatorwell i dont want to change the area it displays... Kinda like Full screen and Widescreen works00:48
kthomas_vhI have a new 9.10 install00:49
privateabstractBrainsturbator: you can't do it, you'd have to change the graphics card00:49
`mOOse`anybody use identd - if so which do you use?00:49
kthomas_vhvia vncserver,  I'm getting "gnome unable to determine the session we are in"00:49
kotsuAnyone have luck getting screenbuffer to work under Karmic?00:51
kotsuI just get a black screen when I CTRL+ALT F700:52
kotsuI mean CTRL+ALT F100:52
robbctrl alt f1 is first terminal00:53
robbctrl alt f7 is the X terminal00:54
kotsuRight robb.. but after enable framebuffer I don't get anything.00:55
kotsuI googled and found people with the same problem.00:55
kotsuWondering if anyone else is able to get it working under Karmic.00:55
Trekperhaps it was removed kotsu00:55
Trekor perhaps support for it was removed, kotsu00:56
kotsuOh that would completely suck if they removed framebuffer.00:56
kotsuCertainly that can't be the case. :(00:56
qwertyjustinhey guys ive started ubuntu, but it only starts with command line screen00:57
qwertyjustinis there  a "win" command, to make the gui load up?00:57
blakkheimqwertyjustin: sounds perfect00:57
cantget the volume button back on the task bar   in 9.1000:57
kotsuxstart qwerty00:57
robbqwertyjustin: xstart00:57
robbcant, in control panel00:57
epifaniohi All00:58
epifanioplease, can you help me to know the name of my ethernet hardware ?00:58
snoopyCan I install linux on a mexican computer? lol00:58
cantdont know where it is00:58
aztek[tum]if i run rsync /path1 /path2 that should just rsync and quit right?00:59
blakkheimsnoopy: you can install linux on a toaster00:59
kotsuI tried configuring framebuffer under karmic as per these instructions: http://lab.frontseed.com/tags/karmic-koala00:59
snoopyokay well00:59
ZykoticK9epifanio, "lspci | grep -i ethernet"00:59
qwertyjustinthanks guys00:59
tt5786hey guys i am trying to install msttcorefonts  using sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts  and i get the following error E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate00:59
qiyongwhat is the input method now?00:59
qiyongthe pkg name00:59
snoopyi installed linux on a mexican computer and i set everything up but it went to a blank black screen insted of going to the desktop00:59
qiyongit is not scim now00:59
qiyongwhat is its name?01:00
kotsuI'm using anthy Japanese01:00
epifanioZykoticK9: thanks!01:00
canthow do I get to the control panel01:00
MeddySiema ktoś PL? Potrzebuje pomocy...01:00
FHFHSppl,need help. My mic works only firs ~5 minutes after the boot, then it just dies. What can it be?01:00
MeddyI need help. How to get mp3 files from windows?01:01
ZykoticK9tt5786, do you have a package ttf-mscorefonts-installer ?  not-sure you will.01:01
MeddyI'm new in ubuntu01:01
kotsuYour MP3 files on a different machine?01:01
kotsuOr different drive?01:01
tt5786i have no idear01:01
jp--guys... how can I find out the name that will get the filesystem partition of a usb flash drive? I've tried using sda1, sdb1, sdc1... but can't get it to boot using exec, after a dist-upgrade--- btw, it didn't upgrade the kernel :/01:01
Meddydifften f=drive...01:01
Meddyi think01:01
Meddyi'm booting ubuntu from pendrive01:01
TrekMeddy: mount the windows drive in Ubuntu, find where you stored it01:01
jp--it's the same one that was on 8.04, I did a dist-upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04, it shows,  "Begin: Waiting for root file system01:02
TrekMeddy: mount the windows drive in Ubuntu, find where you stored the MP3s01:02
jp--any help would be appreciated01:02
tt5786i dont think so zykotick901:02
cantWherre is the control panel in ubuntu 9.1001:02
kotsuMeddy should be under your "places" dropdown.01:02
FHFHSppl,need help. My mic works only firs ~5 minutes after the boot, then it just dies. What can it be?01:03
JStoonecant, what control panel do you mean?01:03
rambo298iceroot you still there?01:03
plitteris there a guide to change the appearance of the virtual consoles? maybe pics of a small penguin down in the right corner?01:03
kotsuplitter.. you able to get framebuffer working?01:04
kotsuUnder karmic?01:04
kotsuIt's killing me,.01:04
JStooneFHFHS, have you tried to right click the "volume" button and then "Sound Preferences" ?01:04
plitterif u mean to change resolution?01:04
tt5786any one know how to install msttcorefonts01:04
kotsuVirtual console01:04
rambo298anyone know how to get around an authentication failed repetitive message on boot? i mistakenly deleted the pam.d directory01:04
kotsuI tried this guide no worky.01:04
cantJStoone  the control panel to get my volume button back on the taskbar\01:04
qiyongkotsu, what's the frame above anthy?01:04
plitterkotsu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8817976#post881797601:05
autoclesiswhat 's the best PC for ubuntu01:05
JStoonecant, let me check one sec.01:05
plitterkotsu: try this01:05
Trek!best | autoclesis01:05
ubottuautoclesis: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:05
Trekautoclesis: same thing applies01:05
Trekautoclesis: there's no one "best" computer for ubuntu01:05
jp--it's s GTP partition table...01:05
rambo298any takers on authentication errors?01:05
plitterkotsu: please comment if it worked or didnt, cause i am going to sleep soon:P01:06
kotsuOh. Sorry.01:06
kotsuMissed the link.01:06
kotsuOne moment...01:06
MeddyHow to get the files from windows, I'm booting ubuntu form pendrive, I can't see files like in windows01:06
FHFHSJStoone Yeah, sure. Everything shows work just fine. But after 5 minutes, mic dies, but i didnt touch anything, and all prefferencess are the same01:06
autoclesisif you were buying a computer just for ubuntu01:06
JStoonecant, have you tried right clicking and then "Add to Panel..."01:07
Trekautoclesis: i'd create a computer from custom parts01:07
rambo298can i repair ubuntu somehow so pam (authentication) gets reinstalled?01:07
JStooneFHFHS, that really sounds wierd.. have you tried to update your hardware?01:07
plitterkotsu: meant in the forum:)01:07
cantthere is a remove from panel but no add to panel01:07
kotsuplitter.. thanks for the link.  I'll give this a try.01:07
ZykoticK9tt5786, it should be "sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer"01:08
FHFHSJStoone,  hardware? I have a laptop, i cant change my soundcard here01:08
cantok, found the add to but volume isnt on it01:08
plitterkotsu: np, hope it works:) i spent a lot time getting it to work on mine:P01:08
kotsuRoger that plitter.01:08
autoclesisthanks trek but if you were just going to get a dell or vaio or whatever01:08
Trekautoclesis: not a dell :P01:10
JStooneFHFHS, What I mean is going to 'system-administration-hardware drives'01:10
autoclesiswell that's one down01:10
autoclesisi've got debian on a compaq and it's perfect01:10
JStooneFHFHS, drivers*01:10
autoclesisi'll just choose at random01:11
Trekautoclesis, i say "not a dell" because their hardware dies EASY01:11
kotsuplitter.. made the changes.. rebooting.  wish me luck.01:11
tt5786how can i install msttcorefonts01:11
Trektt5786, isn't there a package for it>01:11
autoclesisthanks trek. seriously01:11
cantCan someone help me get the volume button back on my taskbar... It was there and I accidently deleted it..01:11
JStooneFHFHS, read this topic http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=57685.   and read sveterv_'s post.01:11
FHFHSJStoone, will do01:11
JStooneFHFHS, I assume it's the skype bug?01:11
tt5786i cant find01:11
autoclesiscompaq presario is okay for ubuntu 9.10?01:11
FHFHSJStoone yes01:11
Trekautoclesis, I use 9.04, so I wouldn't know about 9.1001:12
tt5786i can not find it01:12
Concretesledgeok folks, im installing UBUNTU dual boot with win7, im at the partitioning guide, should i just move the little curser backword to 20gb  for ubuntu, and install.... will that work, or should i go back into windows, create a free space partition, and then do it?01:12
pH_m trying to access a folder that is shared on my windows network with samba01:12
pH_but when i double click it, i got an permission fail01:12
pH_how to fix that?01:12
ZykoticK9tt5786, did you try "sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer" ?01:12
heretic9anyone here who has been able to pair cellphone with bluetooth on shell?01:12
autoclesisshould i use 9.04 instead?01:12
tt5786i will now01:12
Concretesledgeautoclesis 9.10 is good.01:12
autoclesisthanks concrete01:12
snoopy9.04 is better than 9.10 is you ask me :D01:12
autoclesisokay, one last dumb question01:12
autoclesishehe snoopy01:12
ZykoticK9snoopy, +101:12
Treklol snoopy, +1001:13
snoopyi had to many probs with 9.1001:13
autoclesishow do i get linux onto the PC without using windows to download the new op sys01:13
autoclesisdisks ?01:13
autoclesisi know, dumb q01:13
Concretesledgeive had nothing but less problems with 9.1001:13
Trekautoclesis: you can order an ubuntu CD01:13
autoclesisi used disks for freespire after wiping window 2000s01:13
tt5786its installing thanks01:14
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=== jay is now known as Guest37707
autoclesis http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-video-DVD-Training-Reference-commands/dp/B0018KUB6Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1266020676&sr=8-301:15
autoclesislike that?01:15
JStooneFHFHS, tell me if it works, alright?01:15
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
FHFHSJStoone sure. sounds right so long. I wil ltry to fix it ))) Thx01:15
cantHow Do I get the volume button back on the taskbar??  Where is the Control Panel??01:15
ZykoticK9cant, did you happen to remove pulse audio?01:16
cantnot that I am aware01:16
Guest37707i have dual booted ubuntu 9.10 with ubuntu 7.10 and i cant arrow down to the other os01:16
ZykoticK9cant, k - just checking01:16
=== biella_ is now known as biella
cantI have dual boot with windows xp     and ubuntu 9.10  Had the volume button on the taskbar but del it by accident01:17
seanamberguys, i was running with bad memory for a while, and i have reason to believe that my packages got a bit messed up.  isnt there a way to go through my packages and my disk to fix the errors?01:17
JStooneFHFHS, No problem, just trying to help as good as I can. How experienced are you in these kind of environments?01:17
pieroIs there a apt-accelerator? Something that opens multiple connections to download the same file (reason: in my shared internet connection I need to open 3 or 4 connections to have good download rate due to competition with other computers)01:18
=== Rune is now known as Rewn
JStooneseanamber, have you tried to "sudo apt-get update"? and then use the Update-Manager?01:18
blakkheimpiero: why use update manager when you can just aptitude full-upgrade?01:19
blakkheimJStoone: sorry that was for you01:19
FHFHSJStoone, hmm...not at all ))) but i'm learning ;)01:19
seanamberjstoone, yeah, it says everythings alright01:20
pieroblakkheim, I think that is not an answer to me..01:20
cantHow Do I get the volume button back on the taskbar??  Where is the Control Panel??01:20
jp--any ideas?01:20
pieroI'm asking about an accelerator01:20
blakkheimpiero: see what i said right after it01:20
pieroblakkheim, it's not easy to me. I need to translate what your words..01:21
JStooneblakkheim, dunno, sorry a little new myself trying to be helpfull *laugh*01:21
seanamberjstoone, yeah it does everything alright and says there are no updates, but when it updated the last time it gave an error01:21
jp--Imma try to boot the kernel with kexec using the UUID of the ext3 partition of the flash drive01:21
seanamberjstoone, i bet some of my old packages got messed up, i remember there being a way to go through and check everything?01:21
ZykoticK9piero, i've never heard of any sort of apt-accelerator before - just choosing a closer/faster mirror.  Best of luck man.01:21
jp--did not work.01:22
JStooneseanamber, is there some specific apps that does not work correctly? If there are witch?01:22
cantHow Do I get the volume button back on the taskbar??  Where is the Control Panel??  So    nobody can help me???01:22
JStoonecant, I'm looking (:01:22
blakkheim!repeat | cant01:23
ubottucant: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:23
ZykoticK9cant, there isn't really a "control panel" anymore.  typically the volume just shows up - do you see a network icon?01:23
cantno,  no network either01:23
cantbut obviously it too works01:24
seanamberjstoone, actually things seem to be working :-), i just got nervous when i saw that error on the last update01:24
`mOOse`anybody use identd - if so which do you use?01:24
seanamberjstoone, E: linux-image-2.6.31-19-generic: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 201:24
cantthanks JStoone.. I thought you forgot me01:24
JStooneseanamber, well errors are some bitches but they are only dangerous when they slap you the second time (;01:25
JStoonecant, no, no, no, not leaving you behind (:01:26
v3rr3zI was wondering if you can move Ubuntu to another HDD without having to reinstall.01:27
JStoonecant, try hitting F11 and then hit it again, sometimes that works ? (:01:28
tbrockhey guys, i'bve got 2 hard drives, one brand new and blank, the other with stuff on it, they are the same exact type and size and I want to make a raid 1 out of them for a mirror01:28
tbrockis there a way to create a broken raid 101:29
cantJStoone   didnt work01:29
tbrockmove the files to the new drive01:29
tbrockthen add the second disk to the raid01:29
AlestanHey all, I got this error message trying to boot a system with super grub disk:  'error: Kernel doesn't contain suitable architecture'01:29
AlestanI think the image might have ubuntu 64bit installed instead of 32bit... Is that the case?01:30
heretic9is anyone here who has been able to pair cellphone with bluetooth on shell?01:30
robbso, ubuntu just can't do dual display with vesa and nv drivers01:30
ZykoticK9cant, try right clicking on an empty part of your panel - Add to Panel and select Notification Area and see if that brings it back01:31
heretic9there's million guides.. only got the issue on pairing the phone. just dropping me incorrect pin.01:32
v3rr3zCould you move Ubuntu By simply putting the files into another HDD Partition?01:32
Trek!hi | meowbuntu01:33
ubottumeowbuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:33
meowbuntui am wondering if there is a later version of openoffice. i have 3.1 atm01:33
ZykoticK9v3rr3z, reinstalling is your best bet, BUT you could theoretically try using dd or a livecd like clonezilla to move an installed system to another computer - you might run into issues with hardware trying this mind you, best of luck.01:33
meowbuntuTrek, yes i'm frequent here thanks though01:33
nfvhola atodos01:34
v3rr3zHow do you uninstall Ubuntu.. Just del the partition?01:34
menguhi. how can i remove a resolution that's in the output of xrandr?01:34
nfvtengo un problema con mi disco duro me pueden colaborar?01:34
^kub^!es nfv01:34
ZykoticK9v3rr3z, you don't uninstall it as you suggested, just install whatever you want overtop01:34
meowbuntuv3rr3z, thats easy put cd in and install it01:34
meowbuntuv3rr3z, how new are you to ubuntu and linux01:35
qwertyjustinhey guys, xstart in the command line at startup doesnt work?01:35
Alestanv3rr3z a fresh install can be imaged onto something else with more luck than an already configured system.01:35
qwertyjustinany ideas01:36
v3rr3zI need to move HDDs is the issuse.. The one I have Ubuntu on .. Is getting alot of Bad Sector errors.01:36
meowbuntuv3rr3z, y do you want to uninstall ubuntu01:36
nfvlo que sucede es que estoy tratando de instalar otra distro en mi pc, iba a mirar las particiones que tiene, y cuando lo miro me dice que no tiene particiones01:36
v3rr3zAlso.. Seems to be running slow.01:36
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, the command is "startx"01:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:36
meowbuntuv3rr3z, how new are you to ubuntu and linux01:36
nfvtambien trate de arreglarlo por un live cd el hirens boot, pero lo pongo en la unidad, reuinicio y no lo toma, lo salta y entra de una vez a buntu01:36
v3rr3zLess then a hour.01:36
v3rr3zI am dual booting windows 7 and Ubuntu01:37
meowbuntuok can i pm you01:37
meowbuntu^ v301:37
meowbuntuv3rr3z, ok can i pm you01:37
`mOOse`verb3k, that's what clonezilla can do01:37
`mOOse`actually ghost is better at it actually01:37
menguhi. how can i remove a resolution that's in the output of xrandr?01:38
mengui'd like to remove these:01:38
mengu   1280x1024_74.90   59.901:38
mengu   1280x1024_59.90   59.901:38
happyfaceThis PCs ubuntu installation is slow. Is there an easy way to reset everything just like a format, or is it better to actually reformat?01:39
JStoonecant, AHA! are you still there?01:39
jp--thanks for the help anyway. I'm installing Ubuntu 9.04 now.01:40
`mOOse`happyface, there is a pgm that will return ubuntu back to a "fresh install" state01:41
TheLastDodoA quick question... does Karmic Koala still use the xorg.conf to tweak things such as supported resolutions and the like, or has that functionality been moved?01:41
robbhas anyone gotten a second card working with vesa driver as asecondary display?01:42
seanbrystonemoose you got a link for that pgm?01:42
`mOOse`I think it's called computer janitor - look in synaptic01:42
jrib!fixres > TheLastDodo01:42
ubottuTheLastDodo, please see my private message01:42
Amaranthrobb: you can't do that, only one card gets its vesa tables mapped01:43
JStooneTheLastDodo, Yes it is still here. Go to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:43
robbAmaranth: first card is agp geforce2ti using nv driver01:43
Amaranthrobb: but the primary card is also the one that gets mapped01:43
robbso no way to get vesa + some other card, working01:44
robbAmaranth: ?01:45
Amaranthrobb: no, they both need to have a proper driver01:45
robbthat would confirm what my google-fu is sensing01:45
Lx3I want to have two window managers how do I do that?01:45
racecar56i'm using KDE 4.3.2 with a fresh install of kubuntu 9.10, and pidgin refuses to go inside of the indicator applet01:46
AmaranthLx3: that is not possible unless you have two separate screens setup in Xorg (setup in the way that makes it so you can't drag windows between them)01:46
robbAmaranth: no where on web could confirm this for me01:46
robbthanks for helping answer :)01:46
Lx3Amaranth i dont want them at the same time different window for different manager01:47
methods2what happened to all the pulse audio configuration tools ?01:47
methods2the gui appears to be custom now01:47
AmaranthLx3: err, you can't have a different one for each window01:47
AmaranthLx3: you can quit one and start another but they cannot be running at the same time01:47
Lx3thats what i want01:48
JStooneHi, how do I get my Apache server "online" and not only local?01:48
Lx3my windows of choice are Gnome (default) moblin (secondary)01:48
menguJStoone: you mean i can't remove the resolutions? but i have added them?01:48
snoopymy ubuntu got a virus01:48
racecar56snoopy: how'd you get a virus??01:48
snoopyit keeps telling me to update01:49
Lx3snoopy: how??01:49
snoopyand i dont want too01:49
`mOOse`dang viruses!01:49
racecar56snoopy: it's a setting that makes it do that01:49
racecar56snoopy: i wish the ubuntu developers wouldn't have made it like that, it reminds me of Windows01:49
JStoonemengu, Sorry? what is your problem?01:49
Lx3Amaranth: any ideas??01:49
mengui want to remove a resolution that's in the output of xrandr.01:50
mengui have added them but i added wrong01:50
AmaranthLx3: for that you should have a session option at the login screen01:50
menguone is working good, others don't.01:50
AmaranthLx3: you can't change desktop environments without logging out though01:50
JStoonemengu, ohm.. let me take a loo01:50
menguJStoone: i added them with gtf01:51
JStoonemengu, aha...01:51
Lx3i am totally ok with logging out, that is what i want, but how do I install the moblin eviorment so I can choose?01:52
racecar56Lx3: make a file in /usr/share/xsessions called moblin.desktop01:52
=== WaterRatj is now known as WaterRatj[A]
racecar56Lx3: then put the contents of some other file in /usr/share/xsessions into it01:53
racecar56Lx3: and modify them to work with it01:53
snoopyi tired install linux on a mexican computer01:53
JStoonemengu, sorry I cannot help..01:53
snoopyand it didnt work01:53
snoopyit installs and all but insted of going to the desktop it goes to a blackscreen01:54
JStoonemengu, are you running dual screen?01:54
mengui don't know what is dual screen01:54
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
JStoonemengu, two monitors?01:55
menguJStoone: nope.01:55
menguone old 17" crt01:55
JStoonemengu, so does this fault cause any harm to your screen? Is it misplaced or ?01:56
JStoonemengu, yes?01:57
mengu   1440x900_59.90   59.9*01:57
mengu   1280x1024_74.90   59.901:57
mengu   1280x1024_59.90   59.901:57
FloodBot4mengu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
menguthe only one that works is 144001:57
mengui have added the other two wrong.01:57
mengui am currently using 1440 and i have no problem.01:57
menguthe problem is i cannot add another 1280 while these two are there01:57
blakkheim!enter | mengu01:58
ubottumengu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:58
JStoonemengu, oh, well.. I have no good trubleshoots, have you looked in your  xorg.conf and searched for something to delete?01:59
JStoonemengu, I am going to sleep now, but add me on friend list and I will be online to look for a solution, ok?02:01
JStoonemengu, well i'll be online tomorrw so see youi.02:02
meowbuntuhi hows things02:06
meowbuntui am wondering if there is a later version of openoffice. i have 3.1 atm02:06
grkblood13how do i add songs to my ipod?02:06
seanamberhey, i think i sort of deleted my kernel with tweak ui kernel clean up.  but somehow the package dependencies were screwed up already.  btw, i was running for quite a while with bad memory, so i feel like the kernel packages could have download wrong somehow?02:07
seanamberanyway, i want to install the latest kernel.  how do i do that?02:07
gregorovitchmeowbuntu: there is ver 3.2 in windows anyway. Haven't tried it yet.02:09
Finesse|cathepi have a question, i installed unbuntu, it installed flawlessly, but i ran the updates and now when i try to boot into unbuntu it takes me to grub02:10
grkblood13its DEAD in here02:10
grkblood13its never dead02:10
Finesse|cathepand never goes to unbuntu02:10
teageholla me amigos02:10
iflemagrkblood13 try rhythmbox... its install by default....02:11
tweisemanneed help with wireless on ubuntu!! i have wicd and am using a iwred connection it will not pick up my wireless router02:11
superkuhtotem is horrible and it is always going zombie.02:11
grkblood13iflema, i dont see where you can upppload with rhythembox02:11
Finesse|cathepi have a question, i installed unbuntu, it installed flawlessly, but i ran the updates and now when i try to boot into unbuntu it takes me to grub02:12
Finesse|cathepand never goes to unbuntu02:12
seanambermaybe something like this, i want to reinstal the latest kernel.  make sense?02:12
iflemagrkblood13 its drop and drag...... make sure you can see the side pane F902:12
Dr_Willisseanamber:  the package manager has a --reinstall option02:13
seanamberwhich should i reinstall?02:13
seanamberwhat package?02:13
Dr_Willischeck the package manager for the kernel version/package names.02:13
seanamberyeah, for me 17 is working, 19 is not.  so i intalled the same packages for 19.02:14
seanamberhope i got the right stuff?02:14
xtheunknown0I'm running Xubuntu: how do I get my netgear wg511 to work?02:14
Dr_Willisbut the kernels are kept installed anyway. You should be able to boot to the old kernels unless you removed them02:14
jestinjoyhello..anybody know how to install eclipse galileo on jaunty?02:15
seanamberi think i removed them with tweak ui :0)02:15
Guest101010i can't installed modem pantech-px500, can you help me pls02:16
Dr_WillisTweakUI is a windows tool - last i looked...02:16
Dr_Willistheres 'ubuntutweak'  :)02:16
seanamberyeah, that one :-)02:16
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55
seanamberi just want to put everything back / reinstall 1902:16
Dr_Willisnever noticed a clean kernels feature in ubuntu tweak.. but then again, i know to keep a few old kernels about anyway02:17
siblingdeek_ nasrullah Bllasae wide_awake brand0n millertimek1a2m3 meatbun Sh3r1ff progre55 xtheunknown0 sm37 Guest101010 Krampus haven489 aaroncampbell__ Jasonwert extor jestinjoy mb_again Typh `mOOse` map7_ Floppy tweiseman Finesse|cathep kureigu_ Callum__ grkblood13 seanamber Sylphid|netbook Flannel Sememmon vhenry93 Camaro_09 skydrome NHLPA Roland Drakonslayor trineox fool__ EthanB Whit2spring Dr_Willis Caplain little_rat dreamnid namei02:17
siblingprogre55 Callum__ `mOOse` Typh fool__ extor Roland nameiner brand0n grkblood13 seanamber nasrullah jcape Sememmon trineox Bllasae Krampus Caplain wet Whit2spring dreamnid EthanB skydrome jestinjoy map7_ kureigu_ little_rat haven489 tweiseman deek_ NHLPA xtheunknown0 Flannel Guest101010 Dr_Willis Sylphid|netbook Floppy Jasonwert Finesse|cathep wide_awake aaroncampbell__ millertimek1a2m3 sm37 meatbun mb_again vhenry93 Sh3r1ff Camaro_0902:17
acceptsibling deek_ nasrullah Bllasae wide_awake brand0n millertimek1a2m3 meatbun Sh3r1ff progre55 xtheunknown0 sm37 Guest101010 Krampus haven489 aaroncampbell__ Jasonwert extor jestinjoy mb_again Typh `mOOse` map7_ Floppy tweiseman Finesse|cathep kureigu_ Callum__ grkblood13 seanamber Sylphid|netbook Flannel Sememmon vhenry93 Camaro_09 skydrome NHLPA Roland Drakonslayor trineox fool__ EthanB Whit2spring Dr_Willis Caplain little_rat dreamnid 02:17
dhotisaccept sibling deek_ nasrullah Bllasae wide_awake brand0n millertimek1a2m3 meatbun Sh3r1ff progre55 xtheunknown0 sm37 Guest101010 Krampus haven489 aaroncampbell__ Jasonwert extor jestinjoy mb_again Typh `mOOse` map7_ Floppy tweiseman Finesse|cathep kureigu_ Callum__ grkblood13 seanamber Sylphid|netbook Flannel Sememmon vhenry93 Camaro_09 skydrome NHLPA Roland Drakonslayor trineox fool__ EthanB Whit2spring Dr_Willis Caplain little_rat d02:17
pleatsdhotis accept sibling deek_ nasrullah Bllasae wide_awake brand0n millertimek1a2m3 meatbun Sh3r1ff progre55 xtheunknown0 sm37 Guest101010 Krampus haven489 aaroncampbell__ Jasonwert extor jestinjoy mb_again Typh `mOOse` map7_ Floppy tweiseman Finesse|cathep kureigu_ Callum__ grkblood13 seanamber Sylphid|netbook Flannel Sememmon vhenry93 Camaro_09 skydrome NHLPA Roland Drakonslayor trineox fool__ EthanB Whit2spring Dr_Willis Caplain litt02:17
coccispleats dhotis accept sibling deek_ nasrullah Bllasae wide_awake brand0n millertimek1a2m3 meatbun Sh3r1ff progre55 xtheunknown0 sm37 Guest101010 Krampus haven489 aaroncampbell__ Jasonwert extor jestinjoy mb_again Typh `mOOse` map7_ Floppy tweiseman Finesse|cathep kureigu_ Callum__ grkblood13 seanamber Sylphid|netbook Flannel Sememmon vhenry93 Camaro_09 skydrome NHLPA Roland Drakonslayor trineox fool__ EthanB Whit2spring Dr_Willis Caplai02:17
Dr_WillisHm they do have a clean-kernel feature.02:18
Bllasaewtf was that02:18
v3rr3zany built in system backup programs in ubuntu02:18
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  not sure if any are inluded by default. but theres dozens to chose from - depeng on your needs02:19
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:19
Boots32MYeah!!! I'm on umbuntu chat with a MS XP comp... (shame seeps out of face onto the floor)02:19
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis, technically tar is included.02:19
Dr_WillisSpaceGhostC2C:  so is cp & dd if ya want to get silly. and dd02:20
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe02:20
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:20
Dr_WillisI have live cds that are dedicated to backing up ystems :)02:20
SpaceGhostC2CDr_Willis, well, I was thinking something a little less, elementary?02:20
`mOOse`ghost will clone an install and allow you to re-install to a smaller or larger partition - clonezilla will clone also but it won't do that02:20
Boots32MWell I have an averatec 1000 series computer and need some major help. made the little thumb drive OS for netbook remix... just can't connect to anything but my keyboard speakers and screen.02:20
nasrullahcan i use a live cd to correct some erors on my xubuntu desktop???02:21
ujkanovichi is02:21
seanamberdr_willis, type clean-kernel?02:21
SpaceGhostC2CI think he was asking about built in backup methods. There is also the community documentation.02:21
=== iris is now known as Guest40552
Dr_WillisThat 'fsarchiver' tool is also handy in some cases.. it depends on what you need02:21
ujkanovicsome one her i need help02:21
Dr_Willisseanamber:  ubuntu-tweak has a 'clean kernel' feature02:21
Dr_Willisseanamber:  ive never noticed it befor in the program02:21
seanamberi think thats how i deleted it in the first place?02:21
=== geekualizer is now known as anto9us
seanamberi want to put it back :-)02:22
Dr_Willisseanamber:  so fire up the package manager.. and reinstall it02:22
Guest40552hello ?02:22
seanamberok, i think i did, let me resetart and see what happens02:22
seanamberyeah, i did that02:22
Dr_WillisHello Guest4055202:22
Boots32Maveratec 1000 series computer need help. made thumb drive OS for netbook remix... just can't connect to anything but my keyboard speakers and screen.02:22
seanamberok, let me see what happens when i restart, i might haev done it right :-)02:22
ujkanovici need02:22
Dr_Willis!ask | ujkanovic02:23
ubottuujkanovic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:23
ujkanovichelp me some one in her02:23
ujkanovici have a test1@aalms:/$ cat /etc/issue02:23
ujkanovicUbuntu 9.04 \n \l02:23
ujkanovicand i cant set a new password on my user02:23
robertzaccouri have 2 questions02:23
ujkanovictest1@aalms:/$ passwd02:23
ujkanovicCurrent Kerberos password:02:23
ujkanovicpasswd: Authentication token manipulation error02:23
ujkanovicpasswd: password unchanged02:23
FloodBot2ujkanovic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:23
robertzaccourhow do i know if my system is 64 bit? and if it is would 64 bit edition be faster?02:23
nasrullahpls tell which netbook is well fit for xubuntu or ubuntu??02:24
SpaceGhostC2Cnasrullah, try looking at system76 systems.02:24
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  depends on your cpu. and i always use 64bit if i can02:24
Boots32Mnice little driver pack for averatec 1000 series(msi wind remake)???02:24
Dr_Willisnasrullah: most netbooks will do either fine. Im using the Ubuntu netbook remix on my AAO. I perfer ubuntu to xubuntu02:24
nasrullahthank you02:24
Boots32Mk gotta get... bbl:)02:25
nickwareanyone know how to enable sound from a SoundMAX card in a Dell Dimension 4600?02:25
robertzaccourdual core processor is that 64 bit?02:25
`mOOse`um no robertzaccour02:26
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, if you are currently running a linux os you can use "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and it should tell you02:26
=== meowbuntu is now known as meowbuntu-afk
iflemanasrullah https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks02:27
nasrullahthank you02:27
Dr_Willisrobertzaccour:  they can be. it depends on the cpu02:28
blakkheimrobertzaccour: grep address /proc/cpuinfo02:28
thechrisAnyone else use Compiz?02:28
robertzaccourZykoticK9, what am i looking for in this script?02:28
Dr_Willisthechris:  a great many people use compiz02:28
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, "model name"02:29
IrishmanlukeCan someone help me to get my mic to work?02:29
thechrisDr_Willis, I am having a windows moment.  Yesterday, and for the past month, it worked.  today, it doesnt02:29
robertzaccourZykoticK9, Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU       T4400  @ 2.20GHz ???02:29
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, i believe that's 32bit it's the Core2Duo that's 64bit -- i think02:30
Dr_Willisthechris:  explain to the channel whats its doing and not.  open a terminal and try 'compiz --replace'  and look for error messages02:30
robertzaccourZykoticK9, oh ok thanks. how do i find out for sure?02:30
kad__what is the command on CLI to list so to check if file is "ln" or not file ? thx02:31
cool-thing_506* kj4 (~kj4@adsl-235-64-163.clt.bellsouth.net) has joined #ubuntu * raindog has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * lw4z (~lw4z@ has joined #ubuntu <Boots32M> k gotta get... bbl:)  * Boots32M (~boots_whi@ has left #ubuntu * v3rr3z has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20100106054534]) <nickware> anyone know how to enable sound from a SoundMAX card in a Dell Dimension 4600?  02:31
cool-thing_506* kj4 (~kj4@adsl-235-64-163.clt.bellsouth.net) has joined #ubuntu * raindog has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * lw4z (~lw4z@ has joined #ubuntu <Boots32M> k gotta get... bbl:)  * Boots32M (~boots_whi@ has left #ubuntu * v3rr3z has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20100106054534]) <nickware> anyone know how to enable sound from a SoundMAX card in a Dell Dimension 4600?  02:31
FloodBot2cool-thing_506: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
=== rjleaf is now known as fordgt
cool-thing_506* kj4 (~kj4@adsl-235-64-163.clt.bellsouth.net) has joined #ubuntu * raindog has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) * lw4z (~lw4z@ has joined #ubuntu <Boots32M> k gotta get... bbl:)  * Boots32M (~boots_whi@ has left #ubuntu * v3rr3z has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20100106054534]) <nickware> anyone know how to enable sound from a SoundMAX card in a Dell Dimension 4600?  02:32
snoopywhat is love02:32
snoopybaby dont hurt02:32
snoopydont hurt me02:32
fordgtno more02:32
snoopyno more02:32
thechrisDr_Willis, no error.  it just doesn't do the opacity02:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:32
lgcHi, just discovered Ubuntu One (call me slow). Wonder if I need to rewrite everything needing backup to the Ubuntu One folder.02:32
iflemakad__ ls -a look at the far left d = directory, l = link , - =regular file02:32
iflemakad__ ls -la02:33
kad__iflema, thx02:33
snoopywell can someone help me02:33
fordgtlgc: if you want to back them up to the Ubuntu One service, they must be copied to the Ubuntu one folder02:33
`mOOse`no, you sing crappy music02:33
thechrisOther questions of the day -- how to actually play media.  this too has stopped working correctly for me.02:34
lgcfordgt, but that makes 2 versions of the same files, one within and one without. Doesn't it?02:34
robertzaccourthechris, have you tried using vlc?02:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:34
thechrisVLC = memory leak.  "Movie Player" = stutters,  Mplayer = bad menus02:34
blakkheimthechris: mplayer-nogui02:34
ZykoticK9robertzaccour, looks like i was incorrect, according to the following page it's 64 bit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Pentium_Dual-Core_microprocessors02:34
=== WaterRatj[A] is now known as WaterRatj
Spirits-Sightwhat the cmd that has dpkg confugure -a ? I am missing some thing of the command02:35
robertzaccourthechris, gxine? totem-xine? dragon-player?02:35
robbheh, who is Idoru (i know the william gibson reference)02:35
thechrisblakkheim, that's pretty much where I am right now.02:35
robertzaccourZykoticK9, oh ok thanks man02:35
blakkheimthechris: good choice then, although i used a version with multithreading support that i compiled02:35
robba bot, ah02:35
fordgtlgc: I think what you are saying is that will having it stored in the Ubuntu One folder make it local and backed up on Ubuntu One, and the answer I believe is yes02:35
robbgood name for one :)02:35
robertzaccourdoes xubuntu have a 64 bit version?02:36
fordgtrobertzaccour: it should have a 64bit version, check out the xubuntu page02:36
SpaceGhostC2Crobertzaccour, it should. You can always get ubuntu and install XFCE on it.02:36
robertzaccourok thanks02:36
fordgtit's not a lightweight Ubuntu, it just has a different window manager than Ubuntu02:36
thechrisSo back to Compiz, how do I enable the opacity plugin if it is already enabled?02:36
thechriseh, i guess nevermind.  compiz --replace seems to have fixed it.02:37
robertzaccouri don't see it on the page but if i can't find it i'll just install ubuntu 64 bit and put in the pure xfce command thanks yall02:38
hipitihopmy bluetooth mouse and/or keyboard keeps timing out when not in use and I have to repair via 'sudo hidd --search' .. driving me nuts, can someone help02:38
quicksilver_Hey, I'm trying to set up Kino to capture sound.... How do I know if my Audio Device is /dev/dsp or if it is something else?02:39
lgcfordgt, I mean that if you have, for instance, the directory GAMES in ~ and want it synced, you would have to make a copy of it to your Ubuntu One directory. And then any change made to ~/GAMES would not be automatically reflected on ~/Ubuntu One/GAMES. That entails two different copies in the same filesystem. The solution would be to move, instead of copy, GAMES to Ubuntu One, but that would alter your original file structure.02:39
thechrishipitihop, so far i've had good luck with just pressing random keys for a while until it wakes back up.  it can take a while02:40
spikkuI'm having issues trying to get the Flash Player working correctly, anyone have experience with this?02:40
spikkui.e., I can "play" some stuff, but a Flex app won't display (for instance)02:40
fordgtlgc: oh that is true. While Ubuntu One will allow you to copy your files (presumably documents) to a folder, it will not automatically synchronize files unless they are located within the Ubuntu One directory02:40
=== Camaro_09_ is now known as Camaro_09
lgcfordgt, that is like defeating the very purpose of UO, isn't it? You can have your files synced across the world but not within your same computer!02:42
hipitihopthechris, yes but frequnelty it does not and other times the the device flashes the pairing leds... surely ther eis a way to disable the timeout02:42
lgcfordgt, I can't remember if linking directories is ever possible.02:42
fordgtlgc: i'm not a huge fan of UO anyways02:42
thechrishipitihop, thus far i haven't been able to find a way to disable the timeout for my keyboard02:42
fordgtgoogle linking directories in ubuntu02:43
fordgtmaybe that will yield some solutions02:43
lgcfordgt, it's kind of nice.02:43
avogadroHow do you change the resolution of the xterm login session in Ubuntu 9.10 ?02:44
srsbznzhey does anyone know how to install backtrack when i already have a dual boot?02:44
fordgtlgc: It's okay, but I like other services like Box.net better. unfortunately to my knowledge they don't have a linux client)02:44
_felixsullaDual boot, I know I have to change default to win in menu.lst to make Windows the default, can I see its # in menu.lst so I dont have to reboot to see what number to change default to?02:44
ZykoticK9hipitihop, i've never played with bt keyboard/mouse before -- in /etc/default/bluetooth you might find something like "HIDD_OPTIONS="-timeout..."  good luck.02:44
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
crdlbavogadro: you can run xrandr to do it for that session only02:44
Guest101010halo Dr02:45
seanamberhey dr_willis, i'm back02:45
seanamberdoesnt work02:45
seanambercan't boot off of 19, although all the packages were installed.02:46
seanamberwhen i do, it says it can't read the header files02:46
Guest101010hi dr willis02:46
seanamberand when i go to the boot folder, everything is there, but all the files for 19 are empty02:46
iflema_felixsulla the first entry in menu.lst is calssed as 0 the second is 1 and so on.. if win the third entry then set deafult as 202:46
seanamberno matter what i do on synaptic gives me this report... "E: linux-image-2.6.31-19-generic: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 202:47
Irishmanlukehey can anyone help me get my mic working02:47
snoopyhow come my linux makes a disturbing sound when it starts up02:47
SpaceGhostC2Csnoopy, because it's a security feature. If you can stand it, you can use the machine :P02:48
SpaceGhostC2Csnoopy, do you want to disable it?02:49
snoopyyes please :|02:49
SpaceGhostC2Csnoopy in the preferences and then to the autostart stuff, the sound is in there. I'm not at a linux machine ATM.02:50
hipitihopZykoticK9, will have a look thanks02:51
ZykoticK9snoopy, System / Preferences / Startup Applications - uncheck GNOME Login Sound, should take care of it02:52
hipitihopZykoticK9, unfortunately, file does not exist02:52
`mOOse`I really like my xfce DE ubuntu - none of that annoying crap to deal with02:52
ZykoticK9hipitihop, sorry man, i just found it on google and thought i'd share02:52
blakkheim`mOOse`: but almost just as much bloat :(02:52
snoopythanks :D02:52
`mOOse`yea, and when it first starts up it's at like 100% volume so if you have a good sound system and it's turned on you better hope you have understanding neighbors02:53
lgcfordgt, I can't manage to create a working link of a directory. The link is created but when trying to cd to Ubuntu One/NEW DIR it comes up with "too many symbolic link levels".02:53
hipitihopwhy is bluetooth such a mystery ... where are the configuration settings02:53
snoopylemme test and see if it works :D02:53
`mOOse`there's still bloat there blakkheim but nothing like a regulation install of ubunut02:53
adudutzI'm having trouble installing Xubuntu 9.10 (using alternate cd) with GRUB2 in an old Pentium 3 (using slot processor) system (not connected to the net). After the installation, when I rebooted, the GRUB simply drops back to grub rescue. This problem does not present in PCLOS (using GRUB). Is it possible if I replace the default boot loader during installation using GRUB instead of GRUB2?02:53
`mOOse`adudutz, why are you using the alternative install?02:54
blakkheim`mOOse`: the iso is basically the same size, it's only a very small reduction in memory/resource usage.02:54
adudutzPS: this is the display of GRUB2 (if I'm not mistaken) http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=m5aa8eba302:54
`mOOse`I dunno blakkheim - the install on my hd is a lot smaller it seems02:54
adudutzI only have the alternate install atm02:54
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carbm1adudutz, At least grub is trying to start by giving you the rescue prompt. I wonder if you boot your alt cd again and select rescue a broken system. One should be to fix grub.... have you tried that?02:56
adudutzcan you give me a guidance of using the rescue mode?02:57
collabra!grub2 | adudutz02:57
ubottuadudutz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:57
lgcfordgt, I finally managed to link by changing to Ubuntu one and linking with "ln -s ~/DIR_TO_BE_LINKED". I don't know, however, if it'll do the sync.02:58
fordgtlgc: you could try it02:58
fordgti've never done it b402:58
`mOOse`grub gave me real hell when tried to use the alternative cd install - I finally gave up on it02:58
adudutzok, I'll see what I can do. Thx for the reply.02:59
drumhedanyone know how to stop gdm from starting?  i've tried update-rc.d -f gdm remove, but it still launches03:00
blakkheimdrumhed: you could uninstall it03:00
drumhedlol i guess that would work03:00
Gary20to transcode a video faster, a better video card is the most important?03:01
blakkheimGary20: that's more cpu-intensive than gpu03:01
ZykoticK9drumhed, "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf  /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled" will work03:01
Gary20blakkhein: a 200$ CPU would do better than a video card then...?03:01
ZykoticK9Gary20, typically GPU (graphics card) doesn't have anything to do with transcoding - only CPU03:01
drumhedhmm i removed gdm from init.d & that didn't work... i'll try your approach, zyko03:02
blakkheimGary20: a good cpu is what you need for that task unless the application supports CUDA03:02
ZykoticK9drumhed, you are on karmic aren't you?03:02
drumhedtoo late now.. lol.. sudo apt-get remove gdm seems more my style ;-)03:02
daroludrumhed: if you can find what Ubuntu uses instead of inittab you just have to tell it to reach init3 only :P03:02
drumhedzyko - yes03:02
dbdii407My mouse will move, but will not click anything again03:03
drumhedsudo init 3 does nothing on this box03:03
dbdii407How do I fix this?03:03
Gary20alright. i'm deciding to get a i5 or geforce 9800gtx03:03
ZykoticK9!runlevels > drumhed03:03
ubottudrumhed, please see my private message03:03
daroludbdii407: make sure your mouse is not damaged03:04
dbdii407Its not03:05
dbdii407It only does this on linux03:05
daroludbdii407: can you pastebin the content of your xorg.conf file?03:06
dbdii407A retart will fix it03:06
dbdii407Bu I really don't want to03:06
dbdii407I cant navagate my screen03:06
abstraktok where the hell did /boot/grub/menu.1st go?03:06
abstrakthow do I edit the boot list?03:06
ZykoticK9abstrakt, karmic?03:06
abstraktis it still grub? is it lilo? i thought it was grub from what i saw of the install process03:07
daroluabstrakt: are you using Karmic? fresh install?03:07
abstraktZykoticK9, yeah karmic03:07
ZykoticK9!grub2 > abstrakt03:07
ubottuabstrakt, please see my private message03:07
abstraktfresh install03:07
dbdii407As I said03:07
dbdii407The mouse will move03:07
ZykoticK9abstrakt, it's not there by default03:07
dbdii407Just won't click03:07
abstraktZykoticK9, i see that... so what am i supposed to do?03:07
daroluabstrakt: karmic uses grub203:07
ZykoticK9abstrakt, see the link the bot sent03:07
abstraktk so where's the menu file for grub203:07
h223how do you find out how many mHz your RAM is?03:07
carbm1abstrakt, You can customize by adding to /etc/grub.d/40_custom ... or also have a look at /etc/default/grub for kernel commands03:08
daroluabstrakt: there is no menu.lst file; now it works scripts-based; read the private message the bot sent you03:08
dbdii407I got my terminal screen open if there's a way to restart USB03:08
carbm1abstrakt, what are you trying to accomplish?  /etc/default/grub will also let you set a default.03:08
h223how do you find out how many mHz your RAM is?03:08
blakkheimh223: sudo lshw -c memory | grep clock03:09
h223is sudo lshw -c memory | grep clock malicious code anyone?03:09
abstraktcarbm1, yeah i just want to set windows as my default instead of Ubuntu03:09
carbm1No, its legit.03:09
carbm1abstrakt, then in /etc/grub/default is what your looking for.03:09
daroluh223: no it is legit03:09
abstraktand on karmic should I run update-grub2 or just update-grub?03:09
carbm1abstrakt, update-grub03:10
abstraktcarbm1, so just sudo vim /etc/grub/default ?03:10
carbm1abstrakt, I use nano... but whatever you want.03:10
abstraktyeah nano is for looserz :P03:10
abstraktvim is 4 teh leet03:10
carbm1abstrakt, Find the full command for you windows by "grep menuentry /etc/grub/grub.cfg" Take everything including the double quotes.03:10
iflemah223 sudo lshw | grep DIMM03:11
abstraktincluding the double quotes?03:11
darolunano is good for common text editing, vim is far larger, you can't compare them03:11
carbm1abstrakt,  yes, including the double quotes.03:11
carbm1abstrakt, vim is powerful... I know how to use it.  I believe in KISS though...03:12
abstraktlol "vim is for larger" is just... well you must not be very good at vim yet03:12
dbdii407So im guessing there's no solution to my issue?03:12
abstraktmeh, i can't live w/out my vim bindings03:12
abstrakteven small files, i'm practically lost03:12
abstraktpita to navigate with arrows and be lacking simple stuff like cw dw etc03:13
daroluabstrakt: I said FAR larger, meaning is a more powerful program; I also try to KISS like carbml03:13
drumhedin xubuntu, what process displays the little mouse during init?  i'd like to see just the console and nothing else...03:13
abstraktdarolu, oh ok so you have a computer with like 512k of RAM i guess :)03:13
abstraktthere's zero difference in launch speed for me with vim vs. nano03:13
abstraktcarbm1, and btw for the record there is no such file as /etc/grub/grub.cfg03:14
abstraktthere's an /etc/grub.d ...03:14
carbm1abstrakt, typo. /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:14
carbm1abstrakt,  wanna be a test subject?  I just finished CRUDELY writing a grub script today.  You can try it and modify it so it puts your Windows at the top of your Grub menu anyways. Are you only dual booting Windows and Ubuntu?03:16
Boy_21_Bhi all03:17
abstraktcarbm1, yeah i am and thanks but no thanks... i'm just gonna reboot and see if it worked03:17
abstrakti think i've got what i need, thx guys03:17
rothsdadhow to scan local network and get their ip?03:18
hyperstreamis the .mp3 format considered NON-FREE?03:18
Boy_21_Bany one know how to change ubuntu login screen to window7 login screen?03:18
ZykoticK9hyperstream, yes - it's NON-FREE03:18
Hb_Kaihey, if i wanted to search in a text file for a certain string and then have it print either to the command line or a file, what command would i go about using? i have tried with grep but that only seems to work with lines and i need a certain string in like, hundreds of lines only.03:18
carbm1rothsdad, I like to use Angry IP Scanner. They make a DEB.  I think nmap an option too.03:18
daroluhyperstream: mp3 has patents, so it is non-free03:18
ZykoticK9hyperstream, OGG would be the free version03:19
Boy_21_Bany one know how to change ubuntu login screen to window7 login screen?03:19
hyperstreamZykoticK9, yeah thats what im using :)03:19
rothsdadcarbm1: thx, i'll have a try03:19
Boy_21_Bany one know how to change ubuntu login screen to window7 login screen?03:19
carbm1Boy_21_B,  calm down.03:19
Boy_21_Bpls2 help03:20
seanamberhow can i get the grub menu to come up when i boot up?  right now it just skips through it03:20
carbm1Boy_21_B,  Why do you want Ubuntu to look like Windows 7?  Isn't Windows 7 login just like Vista's?03:20
teagehow do i find a file in root, for example "hydra" and not "/hydra"03:20
Boy_21_Bi.m newbie03:20
ZykoticK9seanamber, you can hold down shift if you just want it once03:20
seanamberwhat if i want it all the time?03:21
teagei can not find the file even when i use the search, anyone?03:21
ZykoticK9seanamber, don't know03:21
seanamberthats better than nothing :-)03:21
carbm1seanamber, check /etc/default/grub   I believe there is a timer in there.03:21
carbm1seanamber, Thats if your running Karmic.03:21
drumhedok i got GDM gone, but now no sound.  what daemons/services have to be running in order for sound to work?03:21
Boy_21_Bany software can change yhis boot screen03:21
Boy_21_Bany software can change this boot screen03:21
carbm1Boy_21_B, have you googled for this?03:22
daroluteage: try with "sudo find / hydra"03:22
Boy_21_Bi try03:22
carbm1Boy_21_B,  Hold on... let me look and see waht I can find03:22
tp43seanamber, you can configure the wait time for boot, right now it is set to 0, cause you probably only have one O/S, but the old way was in /boot/grub/menu.lst, but now I think for grub2 it is menu.cfg, well, just change the 0 to 5secs or sometihng, and then grub-update03:22
ZykoticK9seanamber, it might be GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT in /etc/default/grub see !grub2 link for more info (i'll send right after)03:22
ZykoticK9!grub2 > seanamber03:22
ubottuseanamber, please see my private message03:22
teagedarolu: this is wierd because it says no such file or directory, yet i know its installed because i can use it03:23
daroluBoy_21_B: if you are using Karmic, there is no easy way to change splash and gdm.03:23
Boy_21_Bnow my ubuntu interface like win7 but only login screen same like ubuntu before03:23
tp43drumhed, is it muted, open the alsa-mixer and turn it up.03:23
Dr_WillisBoy_21_B:  thers some windows 7 theme package for ubuntu. but why bother.. good luck.03:23
seanamberthanks everyone!03:23
daroluteage: if it is a program, try "ls" at /usr/bin03:23
seanamberi think /etc/default/grub is the place to look, not grub.cfg03:23
drumhedtp43 -  the alsamixer gives an error03:24
teagei will try that darolu03:24
ujkanoviccan some of you help me03:24
Dr_WillisBoy_21_B:  if you are totally new to linux. it may be better time spent learning linux, then messing with themes03:24
drumhedalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory03:24
ZykoticK9!ask > ujkanovic03:24
ubottuujkanovic, please see my private message03:24
Boy_21_Broght now i use win2-7 pack03:24
Boy_21_Bright now i use win2-7 pack03:24
drumhedsound was working before i removed gdm & session manager, which tells me that something needs to be launched in my .xinitrc03:25
tp43drumhed, no way, whats the error?03:25
Dr_Willisdrumhed:  pulse audio perhaps some how03:25
darolu!patience | Boy_21_B03:25
ubottuBoy_21_B: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:25
drumhedwhat is pulse?03:25
craigbass1976Hey all, I just got a new laptop.  It's got an athlon 64 x2.  Am I better off installing 64 but ubuntu?03:25
tp43drumhed, shit dude you don't have sound, what does dmesg say.  Do you have all of alsa packages installed, or is you sound card have no driver or is it broken?03:25
Dr_Willis!pulse | drumhed03:26
ubottudrumhed: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions03:26
teageNope it is not there! uhhh03:26
tp43craigbass1976, is there a 64 bit smp kernel?03:26
drumhedtp43 - see above03:26
Boy_21_Bok obottu03:26
teageI dont understand where else it would be03:26
craigbass1976tp43, no idea, I've never farted around with 64 but anything03:26
tp43craigbass1976, yeah, there is one, just use it03:26
jeeezis there some image viewer for ubuntu like picasa's viewer in windoze?03:26
daroluteage: what do you type/do to run your program?03:26
Dr_Willisjeeez:  google has picassa for linux03:27
ZykoticK9tp43, yes there is an SMP 64bit kernel03:27
tp43yeah what is this pulse business, I never heard of before on debian03:27
abstraktok so i edited /etc/default/grub and changed GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to GRUB_DEFAULT=4 since windows is my 4th entry but that didn't change the actual default03:27
abstraktdo i need to run update-grub now or something?03:27
carbm1jeeez, F-Spot03:27
drumhed"sudo alsa reload" completes without errors, and I can hear a brief "pop" when the kernel module initializes03:27
abstraktoh lol there it is right in the file, duh03:27
abstraktguess i do03:27
carbm1abstrakt, Thats not the correct way to do it.03:27
drumhedso at a hardware/driver level,  audio is working03:27
tp43ZykoticK9, is this 64 bit computing better?  I have smp kernel, and dual core system, but when I do cat /proc/cpu there is only one cpu03:27
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  yes you do.03:27
daroluabstrakt: yes you need to sudo update-grub03:27
jeeezDr_Willis: i get only the picasa album, but all i need it the image viewer, the fancy one.03:27
abstraktcarbm1, er... ok what's the "correct" way to do it?03:27
teagedarolu: i simply type just the word ---> hydra03:27
drumhedthere has got to be some sort of daemon that isn't getting launched03:27
Dr_Willisabstrakt:  any changes to grub configs - rereun updategrub03:27
Dr_Willisjeeez:  No idea on that. I dont use the tools.03:27
Dr_Willisdrumhed:  theres a pulse audio server that needs to run i belive03:28
tp43drumhed, why did you get rid of session and display managers?03:28
drumhedi thought xfce4-volumed was all that was required, but launching that didn't help.  also tried launching esd (i use e16 desktop)03:28
teagedarolu: there is no "/" or "." or anything that would give me an idea of where to look.03:28
Dr_Willisdrumhed:  or set your apps to use 'alsa'03:28
abstraktcarbm1, i'ma go get a beer while i await your response03:28
drumhedtp43 -  why do olympic swimmers shave their arms?03:28
tp43jeeez, gimp03:28
teagedarolu: just hydra03:28
ZykoticK9tp43, typically you "should" be seeing 2 CPUs... don't know why you wouldn't be???  is 64 bit better - hard question, if you have more then 4G of memory i'd say yes for sure, otherwise... really up to you.  I don't have any (err many) issues with 64bit anymore though.03:28
jeeeztp43: gimp is an image editor.03:29
carbm1abstrakt, When your Ubuntu updates its kernel its going to add two more entries to the top and Windows isn't going to be your 4th entry anymore.  If you want a permanent solution then grep the grub.cfg for your complete Windows line and put it after GRUB_DEFAULT=.  For example would be GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows XP Home Edition (/dev/sda1)"  Thats an example... your partitions may be different.03:29
daroluteage: if you did "sudo find / hydra", and didn't find it... I dunno where it can be; if you summon it with "hydra" only it means it is in /usr/bin or other directory in your bash path03:29
Dr_Willistp43:  i always use 64bit on all my 64bit boxs even if they have less then 4gb of ram03:29
tp43drumhed, why do they wear those tight cloths, that why you should use session and display management.  Put on system monitor, you barely use your ram and cpu probably03:29
daroluteage: type this: "sudo ls /usr/bin *hydra*"03:30
tp43Dr_Willis, oh you are only supposed to use 64 if you have more than 4gig, I don't think it useful otherwise though03:30
carbm1teage, have you tried locate?  'locate hydra' not sure if its case sensitive.03:30
Dr_Willistp43:  No.. but thats a common need. IF you got more then 4gb ram. then Definatly use 64bit03:30
Dr_Willistp43:  i alwaays use 64bit if the machine suports it03:30
tp43jeeez, yeah, true, but you can view with it, but there are tons of other viewers, just do apt-cache search, there is pornview for one03:30
paddy_melonHey guys, I want to make my own sorta 'internal internet' eg. google.com goes to how can I setup a DNS server, etc. in Ubuntu to do that?03:31
dbdii407Well, I had to restart. No one gave me an answer.03:31
teagecarbm1: yes03:31
daroluteage: if you can't find it with it; type "echo $PATH" it will print a list of directories, -hydra- must be in one of them.03:31
tp43Dr_Willis, I think that is the whole point of 64 bit, but I am not knowledge, I am guessing the 64 bit cpu makes it possible to use more than 4gig ram, but who the heck needs so much ram, not me, but maybe some scientist or engineer03:31
abstraktcarbm1, oh ok cool thanks03:31
Dr_Willistp43:  64bit has better performance then 32bit in other areas as well.03:32
tp43Dr_Willis, serious, like what?03:32
darolupaddy_melon: editing /etc/hosts file may work03:32
teagecarbm1: that is another problem i am having, locate hydra and locate shows nothing. but then locate anything shows nothing.03:32
ZykoticK9tp43, it's easy to use more then 4G of memory if you start running VMs...03:32
carbm1teage, try "sudo updatedb" and then locate.03:33
zerothisI'm having trouble with the at command. in a terminal running on the desktop, I typed "a 7:12" then <enter> then "ksnapshot" then <control>+<d>. 7:12 went by & nothing happened.03:33
Dr_Willistp43:  some sites did benchmarks. on some tests 64bit outpreformed 32bit by quite a bit. things thats math intensive mainly03:33
jeeezhow do i uninstall packages i installed from deb files?03:33
tp43ZykoticK9, you done it before?  Ok, so I have dual boot with Win XP, so I run vmware, and I can load that while in Linux.  I never ever boot Windows anyway, but just for sake of argument03:33
Dr_Willisjeeez:  with the package manager tools..  synatptic, or the command line tools03:33
ZykoticK9jeeez, "sudo apt-get remove FOOPACKAGE" from cli03:33
carbm1jeeez, It should also show in Synaptic for you to uninstall.03:34
abstraktcarbm1, so that's why you wrote a script to toss windows to the top, so that way it's always 0, even if kernel updates add more entries03:34
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abstraktcarbm1, yes no?03:34
carbm1abstrakt,  Yes and No.03:34
ZykoticK9tp43, i have 4G right now and wish i have double or more memory, the system slows to a crawl once i approach filling the 4Gs :(03:34
HappehwalrusJust installed Amarok, no sound.03:34
tp43Dr_Willis, One of these days if I get anywhere in life, I am gonna figure out these cluster machine setups and run some major calculations for my contribution to society...actually world domination, lol03:34
abstrakti guess then you'd have to re-run said script every time the kernel was updated to keep windows at the top...03:35
carbm1abstrakt, Actually if I just wanted it to be default I would chagne the GRUB_DEFAULT= line.  What my script does it makes it easier for home users who want to dual boot Windows/Ubuntu.03:35
teagecarbm1: that worked, locate found it now.it is in /home/teage/.local/share/applications/hydra.desktop03:35
paddy_melondarolu, I want to do it on a lot of computers (the idea is an ad-hoc network) so, I was thinking more like setting up a DNS server03:35
abstraktcarbm1, er... easier in what sense?03:35
carbm1abstrakt, update-grub is automatically run anytime there is a kernel upgrade... which automatically processes all scripts too.03:35
jeeezDr_Willis, ZykoticK9, carbm1: worked, thanks!03:36
tp43ZykoticK9, omg, what do you fill it with?  On my system, I have dual core 1.8, and 1.5 gig ram, and I never see the ram go past 50%, but the cpu is always spike to 100%, I have gnome, compiz and cairo-dock, Firefox use a lot of cpu03:36
tp43ZykoticK9, X and firefox use a lot I noticed from top03:36
paddy_melonHey guys, I want to make my own sorta 'internal internet' eg. google.com goes to how can I setup a DNS server, etc. in Ubuntu to do that?03:36
carbm1abstrakt, http://www.carbm1.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/grub2.jpg03:36
teagethank you darlou thank you carbm1 for you help, much appreciated.03:36
Happehwalrustp43: CairoDock? TBH I like AWN better.03:36
abstraktahh, a simplifier for the noobiots :)03:37
tp43Happehwalrus, you do, cairo is much better though, awn has a nice look, but cairo works better03:37
darolupaddy_melon: give this links a try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html03:37
abstraktaight, going with the full quoted string, if it works... i won't bbl :)03:37
paddy_melonok thanks darolu03:37
tp43Happehwalrus, And I am pretty sure it has more features03:37
carbm1abstrakt, Yes... a great way to promote Ubuntu is to make it simplier.  I install it on every computer I work on.03:37
abstraktmaybe tomorrow, peace03:37
iflemaHb_Kai  find [directory] -type f -exec grep -i "[search string]" {} \; | cat > [file location/name] thats overkill, thatll find it if you dont know the location... just a word, and print lines containing the word to a file03:37
Happehwalrustp43: I first used Cairo, too buggy and takes up too much space.03:37
HappehwalrusIn my opinion.03:38
tp43carbm1, I love installing Linux, I could just sit in a room all day installing03:38
abstrakter, update-grub asks if i want to create a menu.1st03:38
abstrakti'm guessing i should select no?03:38
HappehwalrusToo much space as in on my moniter.03:38
Hb_Kaiiflema: sweet. thank you03:38
carbm1abstrakt, are you running grub-legacy?03:38
abstraktdon't think so03:39
tp43Happehwalrus, you can configure, those bugs are caused by one or two launchers, just remove them and get another.  One thing though, the cause gnome menu is nicer.  But I notice the reverse, cairo works much better than awn for me03:39
abstraktit's 9.1003:39
abstraktdefault install, for the most part03:39
abstraktwith the only exception being some packages from synaptic like my lamp stack and the nVidia drivers03:39
tp43abstrakt, of you wanna create menu, that is what grub-update is for03:39
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tp43abstrakt, but I thought it was menu.cfg now, cause I can't find menu.lst on my system03:40
carbm1abstrakt,  can you pastebin what its saying?03:40
abstraktcompiz sucks down the resources like mad03:40
tp43abstrakt, its ok for me03:40
abstraktno need for pastebin: Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Would you like /boot/grub/menu.lst generated for you? (y/N)03:40
tp43abstrakt, yes03:41
abstraktthat's the last thing that happened after running sudo update-grub03:41
drumhedhrrm..  alsamixer will run as root, but not as user.  anybody know the /dev that I need to chmod?03:41
carbm1abstrakt, I dont' have that file either. Let it create it and see what happens.03:41
Evethow to run a process as a daemon (running background) ?03:41
tp43abstrakt, omg, isnt' creating menu.lst the whole point of grub-update, what else does it do, nothing as far as I knew03:41
tp43Evet, are you running on command line?  You can program in background with &03:42
abstrakttp43, well first off it's update-grub03:42
tp43Evet, like $tpb &03:42
abstraktwhich me thinks probably makes a fairly major difference03:42
tp43abstrakt, hmm, I guess they changed that too03:42
Evettp43, command line. i want run an init script in background03:42
tp43Evet, nope, I am not in your league, good luck03:42
abstraktsecondly /etc/default/grub says to run update-grub after editing the file03:42
lgcI can't get Ubuntu One on my machine to sync. Help?03:42
carbm1update-grub basically calls grub-mkconfig and then dumps the str output to grub.cfg03:42
abstrakttp43, i'm on karmic, so if you're not talking about karmic then thanks but you can help someone else, seems things are diff on karmic, i.e. grub203:43
Evettp43, you are. & is what i need, thanks :)03:43
tp43abstrakt, yeah, you make changes, and then you run update-grub to make those changes take affect03:43
tp43abstrakt, ok03:43
abstraktcarbm1, k well i'm not gonna create menu.1st then if this doesn't work, maybe i'll create menu.1st03:43
carbm1geez he burns me... awful smart for not being able to figure that out.03:44
ZykoticK9lgc, you might want to try asking in #ubuntuone03:44
lgcZykoticK9, oh thanks!03:44
tp43what about inkscape, why am I banned?03:45
carbm1Actually, I need somebody to try this grub script with Vista or Windows 7... anybody dual booting and willing to try it?  Shouldn't hurt anything and is easily removed.  I just don't have Vista or Windows 7... It works with my XP dual boots.03:45
darolusorry I don't have vista nor win7, otherwise I'd be glad to give it a try03:46
tp43these frigin inkscape guys are not online here anymore, you have to go through grabber or something like that03:48
carbm1darolu, thanks anyways!03:48
darolucarbml: if it works with winxp, it should work with anything else though; I don't believe grub cares what OS it is loading03:49
carbm1darolu, Its not that simple....03:49
TohshCan anyone assist me in assigning a specific user a failover IP on my server?03:50
carbm1darolu, Its a script that pulls the os-prober part out of grub.cfg and pulls the first entry.... Hopefully it works... but I don't know because Vista/7 bootloader is a little different.03:50
HappehwalrusJust installed Amarok, whenever I play a song there's no audio at all. Help?03:50
carbm1Tohsh, I don't understand your question.03:51
darolucarml: sorry I can't help; I actually have never used Vista to be honest03:51
carbm1Tohsh, failover ip for what?03:51
Tohshmy server has 1 main IP and 3 failovers. I want to assign a failover IP to say user, pirate, through iptables.03:51
Tohshso all his traffic goes through that IP03:51
geniiTohsh: Perhaps enquire in #ubuntu-server03:52
carbm1Tohsh, I don't know if thats possible. I've never heard of it.  IP routes would be system based.....03:52
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abstraktcarbm1, ok so neither of those things worked03:53
abstrakti changed it to 4, didn't run update-grub, then i changed it to the quoted string, ran update-grub, and also changed it back to 4 and then again ran update-grub03:54
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:55
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:56
TohshCan anyone assist me in assigning a users traffic to go through a certain IP address through iptables?03:56
carbm1Tohsh, I don't know if thats possible. I've never heard of it.  IP routes would be system based.....   The only thing I can think of is a proxy of some sort for that user.03:56
TohshI had it setup before03:56
TohshI can't find the google page now heh03:56
Tohshshould have saved it03:57
carbm1Tohsh, If you find it I would love to see what its doing. I've never had a request for something like that so I've never heard of it.03:57
Tohshill make sure to post it if I find it03:57
carbm1abstrakt, can you please tell me what version of grub you have installed? "dpkg -l | grep grub"03:58
abstraktcarbm1, 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4.104:00
carbm1abstrakt, any funky messages (outside of the LONG output) from "sudo grub-mkconfig"04:00
tp43who owns Ubuntu?04:00
scunizitp43: everyone.. you can help make it better too!04:01
darolutp43: anyone with a copy of it...?04:01
abstraktcarbm1, nah just looks like a grub.cnf file spit to stdout04:01
ZykoticK9tp43, Canonical04:01
carbm1tp43, canonical probably owns the name.04:01
tp43well it is ubuntu.com not ubuntu.org like the other opensource software.  Ubuntu site says they are commercial04:01
Tohshcarbm1, here is what I recall about the command, but something in it right now is erronous "-A FORDWARD -m owner --uid-owner <username> -j SNAT --to-source <ipaddress>"04:02
tp43Yeah who is that Canonical, I never heard of them before04:02
ZykoticK9tp43, see http://www.canonical.com/04:02
scunizitp43: like redhat.. they have commercial support04:02
tp43ZykoticK9, ok, let me see what they saying, I think I browsed it once before04:02
carbm1Tohsh, I had no ideal iptables went as far as UID's... .thats amazing.04:02
RogerKlotzhey all, im having a bit of trouble setting up sshfs on my ubuntu server. i have ssh working but when i go to mount the directory it says something along the lines of 'disconnected by host'. does sshfs know what port to use based off of ssh? and do I need to set up the directories in some file?04:03
darolutp43: The Ubuntu name is a trademark of Canonical; it is a .com because they also sell merchandise (t-shirts, keyrings, etc..) and commercial support. Read about Canonical and its founder on Wikipedia; it's a cool story =)04:03
Tohshcarbm1, just dont know how to fix it heh04:03
tp43darolu, ok, thanks, I will check it out, brb04:04
RogerKlotzim used to fedora where i can find a config file and tell it to only sshfs certain directories. anything like this in ubuntu04:04
abstraktso lame... this should have worked, wtf is up with this?04:05
armenceHey all, I can't get my sound to work, can anyone help me out?04:06
carbm1abstrakt, Will you please pastebin your update-grub output....   and "ls -l /etc/grub.d/"04:06
abstraktyeah in a minute, brb04:07
armencetottiq, Yes?04:07
tp43Mark Shuttleworth is the owner04:07
tottiqcan you tell me your sound card or pc specs?04:08
seanbrystonehe wont be CEO for long04:08
RogerKlotzsooo nobody here runs sshfs on ubuntu? better tech??04:08
RogerKlotzdont tell me samba is my only real option...04:08
carbm1I do use sshfs... but I don't know how to achieve what your talking about.04:09
scuniziRogerKlotz: if you can't get an answer here a couple places to try are #ubuntu-server and #linux04:10
carbm1RogerKlotz, What do you mean only share certain folders? Are you talking about a chroot?04:10
DuckDrogersso nobody can help me with my sshfs problem? got disconnected...04:11
carbm1DuckDrogers, , What do you mean only share certain folders? Are you talking about a chroot?04:11
scuniziFlannel: ping04:11
tp43Mark Shuttleworth is the owner, he went to space for real, he is second person to fund his own spcae mission in the world.  Lol, its not just his name, he did04:11
DuckDrogersi want to only make specific directories available over sshfs04:11
Flannelscunizi: What's up?04:12
DuckDrogersif thats not possible id be fine with sharing my whole root directory04:12
darolutp43: I told you it was a cool story... just remember this is not a chat-channel04:12
abstraktcarbm1, http://pastebin.ca/179502404:12
scuniziFlannel: I'm logged into the calif channel but can't seem to post.. do you see anthing by me there?04:12
Flanneltp43: Mind taking this discussin to #ubuntu-offtopic?  This channel is for support, not conversations/discussions, Thanks!04:12
scuniziFlannel: maybe it's just lag04:12
Flannelscunizi: Yeah.  Three.04:12
scuniziFlannel: weird.. I can only see 2 but the irssi window shows "more" but I can't PgDwn04:13
Flannelscunizi: try alt-n04:13
DuckDrogershmm when i try to 'sudo modprobe fuse' i get 'FATAL: module fuse not found' yet i have sshfs and fuse-utils installed??04:14
scuniziFlannel: it's not auto scrolling the channel.. and even after posting and alt n .. nothing shows for 20 secs.04:14
Flannelscunizi: Does the more go away, and then come back?  (You're just not autoscrolling?)04:15
scuniziFlannel: yep.. I have 3 windows open on the screen currently.. #ubuntu #kubuntu & #ubuntu-california04:15
Flannelscunizi: /set scroll ON (then scroll to the bottom of the window)04:16
scuniziFlannel: sometimes it says "more" and I can't alt n or pgDwn.. to see04:16
Flannelscunizi: That's odd indeed04:17
scuniziFlannel: I'll hide all channels but one and switch between them..04:17
Flannelscunizi: Is it just the LoCo channel that you're having trouble with?04:17
scuniziFlannel: yes04:17
Tohshcarbm1, iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m owner --uid-owner [USERNAME] -j SNAT --to-source [IP ADDRESS]04:17
Tohshwill forward specified users interface through the failover IP specified04:18
carbm1Tohsh, Thanks! I'm writing that one down!04:18
Tohshsame haha04:19
abstraktcarbm1, soooo, any thoughts on that pastebin you asked for? http://pastebin.ca/179502404:23
convergethere is no jude(astah) on ubuntu repository ?04:23
carbm1abstrakt, Is this a karmic upgrade?04:23
abstraktnope, fresh install04:23
carbm1abstrakt, try "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and select all the default.s04:25
abstraktwhoa, wtf... /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: grub-pc is broken or not fully installed04:25
abstraktthat's srsly lame... ubuntu can't get the freakin bootloader right on a fresh install?04:26
carbm1abstrakt, user error?04:26
abstrakter, what user error, it's a fresh install04:26
scuniziabstrakt: if you have more than one HD installed sometimes it doesn't get it right04:26
abstrakti have a single HD04:27
isgoI was having trouble connecting and found a page that had instructions to add a line of code to / etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  code: #prepend domain-name-servers,"  what does this do exactly and do I want those specific dns or some specific to my location? ubuntu 9.10 on dell vostro04:27
abstraktpartitioned into two chunks04:27
carbm1abstrakt, "apt-get install -f"?04:28
scuniziabstrakt: should actually be 3 if you include the swap partition04:28
abstraktscunizi, k yeah whatever, i split it into two basic chunks at first with the windows installer, and yeah of course there are a multiple *nix partits if you include swap etc04:29
abstraktcarbm1, you mean apt-get install -f grub-pc ?04:29
carbm1abstrakt, no... The other should try to fix anything that might be broken.04:29
abstraktoh crap, well i just ran apt-get install -f grub-pc04:30
carbm1abstrakt, it should be ok.... but the other would include everything.04:30
hajmolais there a way I can disable window decoration for one specific program?04:30
carbm1abstrakt, if that doens't work... try "apt-get install grub-pc --reinstall"04:32
ujkanovici need help04:32
ujkanovictest1@aalms:/tmp/.zuko/.flegma$ passwd04:32
ujkanovicCurrent Kerberos password:04:32
ujkanovicpasswd: Authentication token manipulation error04:32
ujkanovicpasswd: password unchanged04:32
FloodBot2ujkanovic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
armenceHey all, I can't get my sound to work, can anyone help me out?04:32
sudobashhey how can i disable SMART monitoring so it doesnt pop up those alerts at the startup about bad sectors on my HDD04:33
ujkanovictray to search on ubuntu web for help04:34
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carbm1sudobash, Thats under System > Administration > Disk Utility I believe.04:34
sirspyr0hello everyone04:34
sirspyr0looking for some information about updating kernels04:35
carbm1sudobash, Click on the drive. Click on More Information. Then check the box that says "Don't warn me if this disk is failing"04:35
Sh3r1ff_sudobash: don't you want to detect bad sectors in your hd?04:35
sudobashnot this time04:35
hajmolaarmence, describe your sound problems04:36
carbm1Sh3r1ff_, The only reason I know this is because I ran a zero write and a full diag with manufactures diags with no errors but Ubuntu kept flagging it.....  No problems from that hard drive again.  I guess once SMART is triggered theres no going back.04:36
abstrakt_carbm1, aight so apparently apt-get install -f grub-pc fixed my issue(s)04:36
abstrakt_cuz now the default works as it should04:36
armencehajmola: I have no sound at all whether I play a music file or a YouTube video or anything04:37
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abstrakt_i'm back in windows but i'd figured i'd toss you a holler and let you know that it worked... thanks... peace04:37
carbm1abstrakt_, Your welcome.  Now, go get another beer.04:37
abstrakt_heh, good idea :)04:37
ujkanovici need help04:37
ujkanovicsome one help me04:37
ujkanovictest1@aalms:/tmp/.zuko/.flegma$ passwd04:37
ujkanovicCurrent Kerberos password:04:37
ujkanovicpasswd: Authentication token manipulation error04:37
ujkanovicpasswd: password unchanged04:37
FloodBot2ujkanovic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:37
carbm1ujkanovic, What are you trying to do?04:37
cvd_ updates,updates and more updates, eveerytime i log-on ubuntu04:38
hajmolaarmence, have you looked through alsamixer? (in terminal type in alsamixer), there you can see if your levels are down04:38
keepsakeDoes anyone know how to associate the slider in volume control with Master instead of PCM? I've done this before but forgot how I did it and where i found that information.04:38
sirspyr0updates r good04:38
ujkanovicchange my password04:38
armencehajmola: I have04:38
WaterRatjAnyone know how to uninstall grub from a external hdd?04:38
carbm1ujkanovic, why are you in the temp folder?04:38
sirspyr0ujkanovic: have you tried changing it in user settings?04:38
hajmolaarmence, sorry... i'm not that knowledgeable on sound....04:38
armencehajmola, :(04:39
ujkanovichow i dont now how04:39
hajmolaarmence, keep asking every once in a while, someone will help04:39
sirspyr0system>administration>users and groups04:39
armenceanyone else can help me with sound?04:39
carbm1cvd_, I don't like the update manager either. Under System > Administration > Software Sources.  Hit Updates tab, then check "Install security updates without confirmation". Hasn't bothered me since.04:39
hajmolaanyone know how to define a specific program to NOT have window decorations in compiz config??04:39
stevecamarmence, what seems to be the p;roblem?04:39
Nizypersonally I just turn off auto update and update manually04:40
armencestevecam: Well, no sound occurs ever... Whether I'm playing a sound file, a youtube video etc...04:40
duckwarshow can I start a desktop through ssh?  my client is an os x computer and the server is the ubuntu computer04:40
soreauhajmola: ccsm>Window Decoration>Decorate Windows IIRC04:40
sirspyr0ujkanovic: is that working for you?04:40
stevecamarmence, this may sound stupid but have you tried checking your volume in alsamixer? every time a kernel updates the sounds are reset to mute04:41
soreauhajmola: It is set to any by default, but you can use the + button then the Grab button and click on the window you want not to have decorations, then enabled Invert04:41
carbm1duckwars, 'invoke-rcd gdm start" ?04:41
duckwarslemme try04:41
armencestevecam: It does not sound stupid, but I already did that04:41
hajmolasoreau, thanks!04:41
carbm1duckwars, ... errr... that would start the GUI on the server though.04:41
keepsakeDoes anyone know how to associate the slider in volume control with Master instead of PCM? I've done this before but forgot how I did it and where i found that information.04:41
daroluarmence: make sure the apropriate channel is enabled, for example, if you have analog speakers, make sure the analog plug is not muted.04:42
duckwarsit has something to do with -x i know that.. but I'm not exactly sure04:42
cvd_the recomended are not necesary, so i can ignore theM04:42
armencedarolu: How do I do that?04:42
carbm1duckwars,  ... oh yes. "ssh user@host -X"04:42
daroluarmence: the easy way is to right click the sound icon (top-right of screen) and open sound preferences04:42
carbm1duckwars, has to be a capitol X04:43
keepsakeActually, is there a way to change what the default volume slider controls?04:43
duckwarsit doens't actually open a desktop though...04:43
daroluarmence: depending on your sound card, options change, but you shouldn't have problems navigating04:43
stevecamkeepsake, i would like to know how to stop that too04:43
duckwarslike how can I open a certain program through X using ssh?04:43
carbm1duckwars, Are you wanting nautilus?  I know FreeNX is also another solution and its tunneled through SSH.04:43
stevecamkeeps on screwing around with volumes i dont want controlled04:44
keepsakestevecam: AFAIK there is a way to do it, and i've done it before. It takes editing some config file that I can no longer remember =\04:44
daroluarmence: if you can't fix it from there, run "alsamixer" in a command line terminal04:44
sirspyr0does anyone know how to update the kernel from 2.6.19 to 2.6.2604:44
duckwarsnautilus sounds promising04:44
phpmonkwhat mean running program surreptitiously?04:44
soreauduckwars: You can set the DISPLAY env var to open it on the machine you're ssh'd into04:44
carbm1duckwars, ssh carbm1@host -X 'xcalc'04:44
sirspyr0or know a work around to allow broadcom b43 to allow injections04:44
armencedarolu: I played around with the settings and now it works04:45
daroluarmence: np, I'm glad it worked.04:45
Happehwalruswrong window04:45
stevecamarmence, i have a problem with my audio on my notebook, alsa keeps on going to a dummy device, it is so annoying cas i cant find out why it is loading the dummy drivers04:45
FloodBot2Happehwalrus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:45
stevecamkeepsake, if you find out let me know :-)\04:45
armencestevecam: I see04:45
scp1Is there a live stream of the OS 2010?04:46
carbm1sirspyr0, I just read this yesterday. Might be a starting point... http://tinyurl.com/yhlcsjn04:46
sirspyr0tyvm checking it out now04:46
keepsakestevecam: I'm looking for that old article I used when I had terrible sound quality in karmic =P04:46
duckwarsnot working........04:46
carbm1duckwars, ?04:47
scp1Ok, thanks04:47
stevecamarmence, i found that out with the pulseaudio config tool, it may be able to show you some information that might help you solve your problem04:47
ZykoticK9duckwars, did you say your using a Mac?  if so do you have xorg installed on your mac?04:47
duckwarssomeone in here once was helping me with another problem and gave me a command to open a single window in -X, it was just a control panel type window, but he was able to give me a command to open just that window... I can't describe04:47
duckwarsxorg? I was using x1104:47
stevecampulseaudio device chooser04:47
ZykoticK9duckwars, same difference actually04:47
armencestevecam: Oh, I appreciate, but darolu helped me and I got the sound to work04:48
carbm1duckwars, ssh carbm1@host -X 'xcalc'  ... This would open the Calculator.04:48
duckwarsoh yes, i'm doing this through X1104:48
ZykoticK9duckwars, try using "ssh -Y user@server" then when you login try running xcalc04:48
sirspyr0carbm1: seems useful but can i use deb files on ubuntu? fairly new to ubuntu, dont want to screw it up04:48
duckwarsX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.04:48
duckwarsError: Can't open display: localhost:10.004:48
carbm1sirspyr0, Ubuntu is debian based. Yes Deb files is what it uses.04:48
dm_What are some Xchat alternatives? (gtk)04:48
stevecamarmence, what did darolu do?04:49
sirspyr0im going to go try that out04:49
carbm1sirspyr0, That article was written for Ubuntu and LinuxMint.04:49
FloodBot2sirspyr0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
duckwarszykotick9: didn't work04:49
sirspyr0i be back04:49
sirspyr0ty again04:49
ZykoticK9duckwars, sorry no other suggestions... good luck.04:49
carbm1duckwars,  I wonder if X11 forwarding is disabled on the server?04:49
=== dm_ is now known as Delvien
ledoktrehello everyone!04:50
duckwarsthis is generally the error i get04:50
armencestevecam: Sound preferences, I fiddled with the output connector04:50
duckwars   /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/paul/.Xauthority04:50
stevecamhmm, ok04:50
stevecami cant seem to get my sound working, it used to work but now pulseaudio just doesnt see hardware04:51
isgotrying to download and install wireless card driver04:51
isgo:could not get lock--?04:51
sirspyr0hello again, dumb question, but ...04:51
drumheddang... no BitchX package on apt.04:52
ZykoticK9duckwars, you "MIGHT" want to try "mv ~/.Xauthority ~.Xauthority.backup && touch ~/.Xauthority" and try again04:52
carbm1duckwars, delete the file and try again.04:52
drumhedseems all the cool oldschool stuff is dying04:52
carbm1ZykoticK9, beat me to it.04:52
sirspyr0it turns out i have 2.6.31, will a driver patch made for kernel 2.6.26 work on 2.6.31?04:52
duckwarsdo this on the server?04:52
carbm1duckwars, yes.04:52
carbm1duckwars, ...wait... actually I don't know that for sure.04:53
carbm1at least I'm honest.04:53
ledoktreIf anyone has any suggestions, I am trying to upgrade ALSA on my Hardy box (1.0.16 to 1.0.20) following a tutorial, but afterwords, the version stays at 1.0.16.  Anyone heard of this, or know what I might be doing wrong?04:53
duckwarscarbm1: this might do something harmful to my compute?04:53
carbm1Just move the file so you can put it back if you need to. It shouldn't be a critical file.04:53
keepsakeDoes anyone know how to make the volume slider not force PCM to 100%?04:54
ZykoticK9duckwars, that's why i suggested mv the file instead of deleting it04:54
phpmonkis hidden processos is possible on Linux/Unix?04:54
duckwarsok, let me try doing this04:54
ZykoticK9duckwars, /home/paul/.Xauthority is that on the server you've SSHed into?04:54
Dr_Willis.Xauthority is some sort of security/lock file for permission to access the X server I recall.04:54
carbm1phpmonk, Like hidden windows or background tasks?04:55
sirspyr0or if i try it can i restore the old one?04:55
Dr_Willisphpmonk:  more common would be to use some common name for a process to hide it04:55
phpmonkcarbm1, hidden process, not just bg task04:55
v3rr3zHey all, I am trying to share a folder but i get a error message that says, Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)...Whats the solution?04:55
robert__if i'm using lucid alpha can i still use karmic repos for gyachi?04:55
carbm1phpmonk, Like a rootkit?04:55
Dr_Willisphpmonk:  ive never heard of it being done. but ive not paid much attention to that stuff04:55
bazhangrobert__, no04:56
phpmonkyes like rootkit04:56
drumhedv3rr3z ..sounds like permissions failure04:56
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  try installont the samba package04:56
bazhangrobert__, #ubuntu+1 for lucid issues04:56
Dr_Willis!find testparm04:56
ubottuFile testparm found in manpages-zh, samba-common-bin, samba-dbg, samba-doc, samba4-common-bin04:56
robert__oh well, i'll keep +1 anyways, its more stable04:56
carbm1phpmonk, My understanding is that Yes a rootkit can exist in Linux.  Dont' ask me how... Just my general reading knowledge.04:56
duckwarsZykoticK9: server04:56
Dr_Willistestparm is a samba tool to verify the samba config is correct.04:56
carbm1phpmonk, But they are few and far between.04:56
ZykoticK9duckwars, ya that makes sense, so just move the file to another name then touch the origional filename04:57
phpmonkcarbm1, oh okay, I was just curious how one can hide PID?04:57
titan_arkhey has anyone used icarus?04:57
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  'sudo apt-get install samba'   and see if04:57
Dr_Willisit helps04:57
robert__whats icarus?04:57
carbm1phpmonk, if its part of the kernel.... it wouldn't have a PID.04:57
phpmonkcarbm1, yes yes yes, i got it. .ko modules, oh my god04:58
titan_arkrobert__, its a verliog compiler04:58
duckwarszykoticK9: I did that, now how should I ssh in? ssh -Y NAME@SERVER ?04:58
phpmonkcarbm1, thanks a lot04:58
ZykoticK9duckwars, start by trying "ssh -X name@server" if that fails then try with -Y04:59
Mike_lifeguardHow can I see what is bound to
duckwarsokay, I do that, it seems to work04:59
duckwarsbut I get no gui stuff04:59
robert__are there any transparent themes that won't slow me down?05:00
carbm1duckwars, now you can run gui programs from command line.05:00
duckwarslike just type xcalc?05:00
ZykoticK9Mike_lifeguard, try "sudo netstat -ltnp" or "lsof -i" and see if either tell you05:00
greezmunkeyMike_lifeguard, try iterations of the netstat command05:00
Dr_WillisIf duckwars  has a proper x server setup :)05:00
duckwarsoh wow, it worked05:00
duckwarsbut how do I bring up the gernal desktop and not a specific program?05:00
carbm1tada... magic voodoo05:00
Dr_WillisXMING on windows  is handy + putty.05:00
carbm1try nautilus05:00
carbm1Dr_Willis, agreed!05:01
Dr_Willisduckwars:  you proberly dont wan tto do a 'full' desktop that way05:01
Dr_Willisit will run tons of stuff you proberly dont need05:01
Dr_Willisand the same user running gnome more then once.. can cause issues05:01
ZykoticK9duckwars, i'd imagine the easiest way to do that would be to setup a VNC server on the machine, then you can SSH and graphically start a VNC client (one option anyway)05:01
duckwarswow, it just went crazy05:01
Dr_Willisduckwars:  what os's are you using?05:01
duckwars9.04 on the server05:02
duckwarsI remember, once someone gave me a command that worked really well and kind of superimposed a second desktop on my mac05:02
Dr_Willisduckwars:  You can start a second x session i recall.. bt that will be slow.05:03
robert__on my last computer albatross theme was a good black but on this new one its like charcoal05:03
Mike_lifeguardgreezmunkey, ZykoticK9: Great, thanks. I see the port is in CLOSE_WAIT, not sure how to kill whatever isn't closing it...05:03
bazhangrobert__, are you using karmic?05:03
Dr_WillisTheres the new themes thats proposed for the Next release thats getting popular. :)05:03
phpmonkcarbm1, i doubt all my mails copy going somewhere else too, should i recompile kernel to remove any possible rouge mods?05:03
robert__bazhang, lucid05:03
robert__but the same theme05:03
bazhangrobert__, this is not the support channel for lucid.05:03
robert__are there any transparent themes that won't slow me down?05:03
stevecamyay, i found out how to fix my audio :-)05:04
duckwarsis there a good program for video conversion on ubuntu, to make h.263 files?05:04
bazhangrobert__, as I said before it is in #ubuntu+105:04
stevecamsudo alsa force-reload05:04
Dr_Williswinff,avidumux, handbrake, or the cli tools those use duckwars05:04
robert__are there any transparent themes that won't slow me down?05:04
ZykoticK9duckwars, check out Handbrake (it runs on mac too)05:04
coz_robert__,   I am not aware of any off hand05:04
drumhedrobert - what window manager do you use?05:04
keepsakestevecam: I might have solved the problem05:04
Dr_Willisif a pc is being slowed down by the theme...well....05:04
duckwarsi think handbrake turns DVDs into vdeo files, what about converting video file to another format, like h.26405:05
keepsakestevecam: Restarting to check, I'll be right back05:05
Dr_Willisduckwars:  it can do that ane more05:05
duckwarsahhhh, ok ok ok, thanks!05:05
coz_robert__,  unless of course you are using compiz with emerald05:05
Dr_Willistime to read up on the progs we mentioned.05:05
Dr_WillisIs emerald even in  the next release?05:05
duckwarssudo-apt get install handbrake doesn't work05:05
robert__coz_, i don't use compiz lol05:05
Dr_Willisduckwars:  its not in the default repos05:05
duckwarsapt-get install05:05
stevecamcompiz is fun05:06
ZykoticK9duckwars, handbrake.fr has a DEB to download05:06
robert__isn't handbrake for mac?05:06
carbm1phpmonk, What makes you think you have a rootkit?05:06
coz_robert__,  well then probably not  unless murrine has implimentd  transparency05:06
Dr_Willisrobert__:  and linux05:06
stevecamits a fun way to waste system resources05:06
robert__ah ok05:06
q0kHi. I've got a single partition with Windows XP. I want to split the disk into two partitions: one for Windows XP, one for Ubuntu. I right-click "my computer", choose "manage", "disk management"... Then I should right-click the free space on the disk, and see the "new partition" command in the menu.05:07
coz_robert__,  if you are using gnome  then google  gnome transparent themes if you havent already05:07
greezmunkeyMike_lifeguard, This may help...https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/435605:07
coz_robert__,  or gtk2 transparent themes05:07
q0kBut I don't see any diagram with free / occupied space there... What should I do?05:07
carbm1q0k, You should do that from the ubuntu Live disk.05:07
phpmonkcarbm1, all my quotations being compete very closely now. I have strong doubt of rootkit05:07
robert__coz_, i'm using xfce05:07
keepsakestevecam: Are you still there? =D05:07
coz_robert__,  well i believe xfce also used gtk2 themes05:07
Dr_Willisq0k:  im not sure xp has tools to resize disk partions.. IF you have a section of hd thats 'unallocated' the ubuntu intstaller can use/partion it as needed05:08
q0kcarbm1, Microsoft Help says it's possible to do from "Disk Management", but I'll break my leg while trying to find how... I need your help.05:08
robert__coz_, doesn't gtk2 use more memory?05:08
stevecamkeepsake, yes05:08
coz_robert__,    http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2007/12/gnome-theme-engine-designer-adds-transparency-to-gtk.ars05:08
Mike_lifeguardgreezmunkey: yeah, I found that already - not very helpful :\05:08
stevecamkeepsake, :-)05:08
stevecamgood news?05:08
carbm1q0k, Only if its a Dynamic Drive... Don't mess with that kind of crap though.05:08
Dr_Willisq0k:  thers the #windows channel.. and as far as i know that feature is in Vista  and higher. not XP05:08
coz_robert__,    http://www.breakitdownblog.com/gnome-murrine-theme-gets-transparent-widgets/05:08
q0kI haven't seen "sections" on my HD05:08
keepsakestevecam: I've found a way to make volume slider and buttons change master instead of PCM. =D05:09
Mike_lifeguardgreezmunkey: http://www.columbia.edu/~rtt2101/iaoq/#II.B2 might apply, but it is for solaris05:09
v3rr3zI keep getting stuff about not having permission to do things05:09
Dr_Willisq0k:  i would suggest using a live cd and the gparted tool.05:09
WaterRatjAnyone know how to uninstall grub from a external hdd?05:09
q0kIt is a Basic Disk, Microsoft Help says basic disks should be used for other OSs.05:09
stevecamkeepsake, that is exactly what i want05:09
coz_robert__,    http://fosswire.com/post/2009/3/transparent-gtk-themes/05:09
keepsakestevecam: gksudo gedit usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output.conf.common05:09
Dr_WillisWaterRatj:  you normally install some other boot loader over it. Or use 'dd' to carefully zero out the boot block. (and hope you dont make a mistake and trash the drive)05:09
Mike_lifeguardgreezmunkey: I guess, not /usr/sbin/ndd doesn't exist :)05:09
Mike_lifeguardgreezmunkey: so we wait until the socket times out05:09
keepsakestevecam: Then under [Element PCM] set volume to ignore instead of merge.05:10
carbm1q0k, You want to keep it a basic disk.  If you make it a dynamic disk Windows will do some funky stuff to it and you can't get it back to basic without a LOT of work. I would use the live ubuntu disk and use GPARTED from the System > Administration > GPARTED. Then run the installer.05:10
keepsakestevecam: Then add [Element Master] with the lines "switch = mute" and "volume = merge". Restart and presto! =D05:10
WaterRatjDr_Willis: How do i make it a normal windows boot again, cause now it when its attached keeps saying grub error, i just want my windows to start05:10
greezmunkeyMike_lifeguard, yea, Probably not much of an issue unless they are really stacking up :/05:10
Dr_WillisWaterRatj:  reinstall the windows boot loader. and tell the system to NOT boot from the usb drive.05:10
keepsakestevecam: More specifically controls with "volume = merge" will be affected by the slider. Ignore makes it not change. My PCM is now sitting happily at 7005:11
Dr_WillisWaterRatj:  also see ->  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-uninstall-grub/05:11
phpmonkcarbm1, this is what i have  http://pastebin.com/mdd699ce05:11
WaterRatjDr_Willis: Okay checking it out05:11
coz_robert__,  this link allows some editing to enable rgba in some themes05:11
q0kHas anybody ever done a new partition from Disk Management? I still think it possible. Or what Disk Management is, if not creating of new partitions?05:11
Dr_Willisfirst google hit for 'uninstall grub dd' :)05:11
Dr_Willisq0k:  never in xp. Ive resized partions in vista befor05:12
v3rr3zWhy does Ubuntu have root set as owner and me as a user.05:12
coz_robert__,  testing now be right back05:12
q0kI mean Windows XP disk management05:12
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  Keep the questions in the channel - not pming me please05:12
keepsakev3rr3z: Because the root account is dangerous to use as a user.05:12
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  you are a user.  a user with special rights05:12
v3rr3zSo how do I give myself ownership?05:12
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  clarify the question/problem05:12
keepsakev3rr3z: What exactly are you trying to do?05:12
CeidaFighterHi , i want to remove "X cursor" displayed on boot of X window system.I tried xsetroot , setterm etc.. some succeeded but i cant hide it to shown on boot.IT shown few seconds.I want to hide it forever solution. I'm using Angstrom Linux , i've compiled kernel by bitbake , how can i remove "X Cursor" from source code ? which file its stored on ? Someone have idea where this "X cursor" comes from source code of Linux ?05:13
carbm1q0k, Can you right click on the drive and then say Convert to Dynamic Drive?05:13
v3rr3zShare a folder.05:13
greezmunkeyq0k, I think you can create, delete partitions there, but you can't split, reduce or grow one.05:13
q0kcarbm1, if I make it a dynamic disk Windows will do some funky stuff to it and you can't get it back to basic without a LOT of work05:13
carbm1q0k,  but again. I wouldn't recommend you do that.05:13
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  im not sure what you are talking about.. and ive never hared of angstrom linux. Its wouldent be a kernel issue in any case05:13
phpmonkcarbm1, thanks i will check whats wrong05:13
CeidaFighterDrWillis : I just want to remove ugly "X cursor" on bootup from sourcecode editing.05:14
CeidaFighterbut i dont know where source is located05:14
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  by default the 'X' cursor is the default cursor for the X windos system.,05:14
keepsakev3rr3z: Check the chown command for that.05:14
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  change the default cursors if you want. gnome.kde.whatever wm;s do that by default so you never see it.05:15
CeidaFighterDrWillis , how can i change default cursor so ?05:15
rwwCeidaFighter: This channel is for Ubuntu technical support. Since you aren't using Ubuntu, please ask in your distribution's channel or in ##linux.05:15
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, i just had to look it up -- "Ångström distribution is a Linux distribution for a variety of embedded devices"05:15
keepsakestevecam: Have you tried the changes?05:15
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  what window manager are you using?05:15
carbm1q0k, Its not possible for Windows to resize its partition table while its active anyways. Its always safer to do it from a live cd or other media. Thats why GParted on the Ubuntu Live cd is great because your probably going to be using it to install Ubuntu anyways right?  Kind of a two for one deal.05:15
CeidaFighterDr_Willis : enlightenment05:15
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  then that wm should be chanbgeing it as soon as it starts up05:16
q0khere: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/dm_create_partitions.mspx?mfr=true "Right-click an unallocated region of a basic disk, and then click New Partition,"05:16
q0kWhere can I find the "unallocated region of a basic disk" ?05:16
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  the cursors come from some font file i recall by default. You could edit that. if you wanted05:16
CeidaFighterDr_Willis : wm change before start ? how ?05:16
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  but this is getting into X/Linux old-skool stuff05:16
v3rr3zthats a temporary share?05:16
ZykoticK9q0k, you'll only have "unallocated region..." if you have empty space on your drive05:16
v3rr3zI am trying to share Videos with my PS305:16
greezmunkeyq0k, most people dedicate their entire drive space when installing Windows...05:16
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  i never said it changed befor it starts.. it changes it when the wm starts05:16
keepsakev3rr3z: that gives you ownership of the folder.05:16
v3rr3zAlright.. Thanks05:16
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  if you just run 'X' you get a X display with a X cursor - thats as minimal a X display as you can get.05:17
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  thers the xsetroot command i recall that can also disable it05:17
stevecamkeepsake, it works, thank you, i will have to make note of that05:17
CeidaFighterDr_Willis , yes xsetroot helps me but its not started before x window starts , so it shows for short time05:17
keepsakestevecam: Yes, me too =P enjoy the slightly-higher-quality sound =P05:17
carbm1q0k,  You probably don't have any unallocated space. It would be a grey area at the end.  Each partition is probably currently showing as a yellowish block and would say NTFS (Healthy).05:17
CeidaFighterDrWillis : i will use Linux for TV system , no need cursor displayed or i m gonna suck05:18
carbm1q0k, That page only says that you can create and delete. Not resize.05:18
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  so  find the font file its using and edit the font file if you want to bend over backwards for a trivial thing like that05:18
stevecamkeepsake, i will, and i can now stick with the volume control in gnome instead of keeping a terminal open05:18
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  theres commands to hide the pointer also i recall05:18
CeidaFighterDr_Willis , cursors are fonts ????05:18
keepsakestevecam: Haha, yeah, down with alsamixer =P05:18
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  the default X cursor is defined by a FONT FILE yes. or at least it used to be05:19
Dr_WillisI said so earlier05:19
v3rr3zsudo chown bob:bob(<- what would this be? root/V3RR3Z) /home/bob/*(<--Folder)?05:19
showellhi does anybody know how to install a driver for PL2303 Prolific USB to Serial?05:20
ZykoticK9v3rr3z, assuming /home/bob is your home folder and your username is bob - to change all files to be owned by you use "sudo chown -R bob:bob /home/bob"05:20
Dr_WillisCeidaFighter:  newer window managers use more complex pointer/cursor file formats05:21
arwenI need some help with getting a music player to work on my version of Ubuntu05:21
v3rr3zEven if on a different HDD?05:21
CeidaFighterDr_Willis , xbm files ?05:21
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  what filesystem is on the hdd?05:21
ZykoticK9v3rr3z, linux permission won't work then05:21
eli7777hey dose any one know of a program that will let you use the 10key to type kinda like Q905:21
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  then you need toi mount it with the proper options05:21
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  install./run the ntfs-config tool and check the proper box's to allow users full access05:22
v3rr3zWill this do anything when trying to access with my windows boot?05:22
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  it dosent affect the permissions of the files.. just now its mountd05:22
v3rr3zI see.. It is mounted ..05:22
Dr_Willisntfs/vfat MUST be mounted with special options to 'fake' the various linux permissionbs that they dont allow.05:22
v3rr3zhttp://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/stream-media-from-ubuntu-to-your-ps3/ ---I am using this guide yet my other hdd isnt showing.05:23
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  try mounting it from the command line, look for error messages05:23
arwenI need some help with a music player on Ubuntu05:24
Dr_Willisand try that ntfs-config tool. Unmount, then remount the drives.05:24
v3rr3zFound the file after remounting.. but.. i got alot of errors.05:26
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v3rr3z2010-02-13 00:26:07 WARNING: filemagic returned invalid mimetype for /media/Secondary/MEDIA/Videos/Whi.XviD/Thumbs.db05:27
v3rr3zCDF V2 Document, corrupt: Cannot read summary info; charset=binary05:27
v3rr3zJust picture issuses?05:28
Dr_Willisv3rr3z:  we really dont know what you are doing....05:28
v3rr3zAlright .. Sorry05:28
foul_owlhey, i have sort of an odd question. i have hooked up a wiimote to my machine, and it works great. I was just wondering if it would be possible for an input device to send a keypress to a process if that process has focus or not. ie, i want my wiimote to be able to pause the video i'm watching in gmplayer, even if firefox has focus. Is this possible?05:29
RudyValenciaHi, I wrote a bash script that waits a certain number of seconds and then uses xset dpms force off to turn off the screen; if I pastebin it could someone look at it and suggest improvements, if any, to be made?05:29
rothsdadHi, can I use the linux vncviewer to control my windows?05:29
knoppiesrothsdad, yes. Install tightVNC server on your windows.05:30
carbm1RudyValencia, When do you run the script? It it ACPI activated?05:30
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  proberly possible. depening on how the wimote is being seen. ive only toyed with the things05:30
RudyValenciacarbm1: I run it when I want to go to bed and have the screen turn off.05:30
Dr_Willisrothsdad:  any vncviewer Should work with any vncserver.. in theory05:30
knoppiesrothsdad, you could use realVNC instead, but I prefer tightVNC05:30
foul_owlcould it be extended to any sort of input device though, such as gamepad buttons, or a second keyboard05:30
carbm1RudyValencia, Surely we could take a look. Should be fairly simple.05:31
robert__what theme engine does xfce use by default?05:31
arwenHi I need some help with getting a music player working with my ipod05:31
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  ive seen media players with gamepad input features. mplayer i know can do it05:31
rothsdadknoppies: yes, i use the tightvnc. but it doesn't work. I use realvnc on my windows.05:31
darolu!ipod | arwen05:31
ubottuarwen: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod05:31
Dr_Willisrothsdad:  ive used Ultravnc on windows and tightvncviewer -> ultravnc worked..05:32
foul_owli mean the idea of sending keypresses to a process even if it doesn't have focus. is that possible?05:32
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  yes05:32
carbm1RudyValencia, that has to be the most complicated script to turn off your monitor I have ever seen. Very nice.05:32
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  you could make a button that launches some 'mediaplayer --pause' command05:32
carbm1RudyValencia, of course... I'm not much of a programmer myself.05:32
carbm1RudyValencia, you might have to give me some tips on a few of my own scripts.05:33
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  or some can read commands from fifo pipes.. and other fancy tricks05:33
RudyValenciaOh I hardly know bash scripting05:33
foul_owlDr_Willis: Do you have a link to any sort of documentation about this? It has been hard to google for05:33
v3rr3zAlright.. Does Ubuntu have a Session window? I cant find it05:33
RudyValenciacarbm1: I hardly know bash scripting; I just 'hacked it up' in a few minutes after reading how to code bash scripts.05:33
jrtaylorivI have an external USB harddrive. When I plug it in, two of the ext3 partitions are auto-mounted and appear on my Desktop. The first partition does not, and I have to mount it manually. How do I fix this and make it auto-mount as well?05:33
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  mplayer docs for mplayer.05:34
carbm1UltraVNC has the best VNC client... I have to run it in Wine on my Linux box.  I wish I could find a VNC client with scaling and password at the CLI that worked on Linux natively.05:34
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  i imagine vlc has similer options05:34
Dr_Williscarbm1:  'at the cli' huh?05:34
RudyValenciacarbm1: I needed a Linux alternative to "MonSD" on the Windows side, so I hacked this up after figuring out how to make the monitor go into DPMS sleep mode.05:34
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
knoppiesDr_Willis, I think he is talking about the console/terminal/whatever the hell you want to call it.05:35
v3rr3zAny suggested programs i should install for Ubuntu05:35
foul_owlDr_Willis: Even if just some c code about getting keypresses without focus05:35
carbm1Dr_Willis, yes.05:35
geniiv3rr3z: ubuntu-restricted extras05:35
carbm1Dr_Willis, command line interface.05:36
Dr_Willisfoul_owl:  thats what 'input' triggers are all about.05:36
greezmunkeyRudyValencia, you could post it in the forum, and ask for improvments there, I'm sure you'll get pleanty of responses! :)05:36
knoppiesv3rr3z, if you have a decent graphics card, install Compizconfig settings manager05:36
Dr_Williscarbm1:  yes i know wht cli means.. but no idea what you are meaning by it...05:36
RudyValenciagreezmunkey: thanks05:36
Dr_Williscarbm1:  but i guess it dosent matter much :) i will stick with tightvnc viewer for now05:36
RudyValenciawhat I want to do is make something similar, but with a GUI05:37
jrtaylorivI have an external USB harddrive. When I plug it in, two of the ext3 partitions are auto-mounted and appear on my Desktop. The first partition does not, and I have to mount it manually. How do I fix this and make it auto-mount as well?05:37
carbm1I need a vncviewer that accepted the password from the command.  Having to type in the password everytime you remote a machine is annoying.  I have about 600 computers at work and it gets annoying jumping from one to another and having to type in the password each time.05:38
arwenFor my ipod I'm going to use Banshee which size do I download?05:38
darolujrtayloriv: what's in your fstab file?05:38
denis123Hi. I uninstalled my included ATI Hardware Driver to install a newer version (which stuffed up even more). How can I re-install the version that comes with Ubuntu by default (ie: the one found under System > Admin > Hardware Drivers). Thanks!05:39
jrtaylorivdarolu, http://pastebin.ca/179506305:39
jrtaylorivdarolu, The external drive is /dev/sdc05:40
jrtaylorivsdc2 and sdc3 are auto-mounting fine, just not sdc105:40
RudyValenciaIs there a program similar to MonSD (http://lumisade.com/monsd/) for Linux?05:40
arwenWhich size should I use for my ipod?05:40
darolujrtayloriv: open a terminal and type: "sudo blkid sdc1" copy the UUID number, you'll need to add it to your fstab file05:41
carbm1denis123, I have good luck using envy.  From the software center search for "envyng". It should let you pick a version. Just easier in my opinion.05:41
RudyValencia(one that puts an icon in the tray that, whwn clicked, counts down a specified number of seconds, and then puts the display into DPMS standby)?05:41
Dr_Willisenvy is still around?  :) been ages sine ive seen it mentioned05:41
denis123carbml: ok i'll look into it05:41
DaemonFCarwen, What do you mean "which size?"?05:41
darolujrtayloriv: then type: gksu gedit /etc/fstab to edit your file05:42
jrtaylorivdarolu, blkid sdc1 gives no output05:42
v3rr3zNifty effects05:42
darolujrtayloriv: did you run it with sudo?05:42
arwenIt's 3.6 mib 18.7 kib and 2.4 kib05:43
denis123carbm1: I installed and clicked it. I don't think it did anything how does it work?05:43
DaemonFCarwen, Rhythmbox supports ipods, you just need to enable the plug-in05:43
darolujrtayloriv: oh my bad, it is "sudo blkid /dev/sdc1"05:43
jrtaylorivdarolu, Nevermind -- no I was being stupid05:43
jrtaylorivdarolu, oh there you go beat me to it :)05:43
arwenHow do I enable the plug in?05:44
jrtaylorivdarolu, Thanks for your help -- yes, I just copied what you had said without thinking. I saw error shortly after -- appreciate it05:44
carbm1denis123, Open Terminal and type "sudo envy"05:44
greezmunkeycarbm1, have you checked into VNC Central?05:44
greezmunkeycarbm1, look here: http://vnccentral.sourceforge.net/05:44
darolujrtayloriv: is ok; do your sdc1 has a label or a name you would like to use?05:44
DaemonFCarwen, Edit/Plugins/Portable Players-ipod, make sure it's checked05:45
DaemonFCif it is, it should detect it when you plug the ipod into the USB port05:45
carbm1denis123, I'm sorry. Thats "sudo envyng -t"05:45
bullgardHow to switch on the participation on  popularity contest?05:45
darolujrtayloriv: you'll need to create a directory to mount your harddrive inside /media; to do this do "sudo mkdir /media/yourdirectoryname"05:45
denis123carbm1: ok working. Thanks :) Hopefully this'll get compiz to work :)05:46
carbm1greezmunkey, Looking into it....05:46
jrtaylorivdarolu, yes, I've got it from here. I appreciate it.05:46
darolujryatloriv: OK05:46
arwenOk it sees the ipod05:46
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Rawxorjust installed 9.10 on an acer revo something or other - having problems with sound in flash (i've used alsamixer to set all channel levels to 100% and unmute them) - i've done this a billion times but i can't figure out why i don't have sound in flash... any ideas?05:47
arwenDo I click ok? (to open with Rhythm box)05:48
bullgard!sound  |  Rawxor05:50
ubottuRawxor: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:50
IdleOnebullgard: in Software Sources in the Statistics tab05:50
denis123carbm1: I installed the driver via envyng05:52
joebodoRawxor, if your on 64 bit, you could try the 64 bit flash05:52
carbm1denis123, easy huh?05:52
denis123now I get this error when starting: (EE) Unable to initialize PC database, (EE) Missing PCS default file /etc/ati/amdpcsdb.default, (EE) No devices detected05:53
realcoolguygeneral question since flash is a current topic, did the low framerate/stutter problem get fixed?05:53
denis123carbm1: that's happened before though with these drivers05:53
bullgardIdleOne: Thank you for your help.05:54
IdleOnebullgard: welcome05:54
carbm1I hate trying to get video drivers working in Linux.  Unforunately I don't have any suggestions.05:54
denis123carbm1: I ran compiz check. This is what it says: http://pastebin.com/m39ac280705:55
q0_0pis it possible to use a camera for webcam like usage?05:55
q0_0pjust wondering05:55
keepsakeq0_0p: Depends on the camera05:55
q0_0pkeepsake, what about a fujifilm Z3?05:56
keepsakeq0_0p: Most of them can't, I've owned one that can; if you camera is capable it will have the mode built-in.05:56
q0_0pkeepsake, cool thx05:56
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keepsakeq0_0p: If it doesn't have a webcam/PC-cam mode built in it won't work05:56
q0_0pkeepsake, good to know thx05:56
greezmunkeydenis123, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96039305:57
TerryNovaHi everybody05:57
TerryNovaSo I just got my dedicated server set up and was wondering if its possible to setup a desktop enviroment using nx?05:59
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Guest18394im on xubuntu how do i get compiz enabled?06:01
gerrinhaving major problems with my panels, could really use help06:01
geniiGuest18394: Perhaps enquire in their channel, #xubuntu06:01
q0_0pGuest18394, download simple-ccsm?06:02
greezmunkeyTerryNova, I found a blog post that may be helpful: http://michigantelephone.wordpress.com/2007/10/15/how-to-install-nx-server-and-client-under-ubuntukubuntu-linux/06:02
coz_gerrin,  what is the problem?06:02
q0_0pGuest18394, sudo apt-cache search simple-ccsm06:02
ZykoticK9TerryNova, you might also be interested in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:02
gerrinthe applications/places/and system tabs that were on my top panel, are now missing and i dont know how or where they went lol06:03
coz_gerrin,  ok is there naything else on the dock?06:03
TerryNovawow thanks man, found my error06:03
carbm1gerrin, Have you done very much customizing of your panels? Its possible to reset them back to defaults if you haven't.06:03
gerrinno not really, hardly any at all06:04
gerrinhow do i reset to default06:04
ZykoticK9gerrin, right click on panel / Add to Panel -- use either Main Menu or Menu Bar < not sure06:04
coz_gerrin, menu bar06:04
IdleOne!panels | gerrin06:04
ubottugerrin: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:04
denis123Hi. I'm having troubles with ATI drivers and getting Compiz to work (when running on ATI driver i have to boot into low graphics mode). The output of Compiz-check is here: http://pastebin.com/m39ac280706:04
coz_denis123,  go into the #compiz channel and talk with soreau06:05
gerrinok im gonna sound like a newb, but how do i get in the terminal06:05
coz_gerrin,   right click the panel   add to panel    manu bar06:05
denis123coz_: ok will do. Thanks06:05
greezmunkeydenis123, did the URL I posted help any?06:05
coz_gerrin,  or   alt+f2     gnome-terminal06:05
mbhagyagerrin: accessories -> terminal06:05
denis123greezmunkey: sorry I didn't see. I must have restarted. Can you post the URL again? Sorry06:06
carbm1gerrin, I would try what coz_ is telling you.  Its probably good to know how to add it back manually.  Reseting it is sometimes just easier.06:06
gerrini figured it out, thanks guys06:06
greezmunkeydenis123, look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96039306:06
coz_gerrin,  what did you figure out to do?06:07
denis123greezmunkey: will do. Thanks!06:07
greezmunkeydenis123, the posts there are a bit scattered, but there is some good info there.06:07
gerrinwhat you said coz06:08
denis123greezmunkey, ok thanks!06:08
gerrinpreciate it06:08
gerrinnow i just need to know how to arrange stuff in the panel so i can have it all where i want it lol06:09
carbm1gerrin, I've totally fubar'd my panels trying to do just that. I've had it so messed up it was just easier to start over... Glad you got it fixed.06:09
gerrinthen ill just keep it like it is then, no moving for me lol06:10
Dr_Willisthis is where you realize that kde4's panel system is a little handier in many ways06:10
joebodonot sure how you can mess up a panel by moving thngs - ive never had issues06:11
Dr_WillisYou can get them moved so close they are a pain to move back :)06:11
Dr_Willisor pack it so tight06:11
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:11
carbm1or locked vrs unlocked and things moving around.06:11
Dr_Willisthat gnome-shell totally sort of kicks the panel concept in the head. Not much panel to it, (yet)06:12
Dr_WillisI still miss the old windowmaker dock/warf methods06:12
clone1018How do I make a program start when the computer starts?06:12
Dr_Willisclone1018:  depends on what program.06:12
carbm1clone1018, before a user logins or after?06:13
clone1018a terminal program such as apache or unreal06:13
Dr_Willisclone1018:  then theres start at boot.. vs start at  login06:13
Dr_Willisclone1018:  easy way.. add command to /etc/rc.local06:13
clone1018start at boot if possible06:13
Dr_Willisclone1018:  webserver should allready be starting06:13
clone1018it was an example06:13
drumhedany e16 users in here?  i have a question about configuration06:14
Dr_Willistheres actual 'services' ran by upstart/sysv then thers extra commands/tweakd in rc.local06:14
greezmunkeyg'night all06:19
datzHi I was wondering if there is anyway to set a pic for the background of a terminal, and have it act as a trasparent terminal would if the desktop wallpaper were the same as the terminal background.  Basically I have a transparent terminal, but don't like seeing the icons.06:21
datzon my desktop06:21
chester_copperpoanyone know how to change default file manager in xfce406:21
Flanneldatz: you can set a background image for your terminal window, yes06:22
drumheddatz - i can give you some ideas that might help06:22
datzFlannel, drumhed, when I try to set the same background image for the terminal as the desktop, it cuts it up into smaller images06:23
datz(not really) but that's what it looks like06:23
datzdrumhed: what are the ideas?06:23
drumhedi misread your question06:24
drumheddatz: you might find your answer by setting "style" to "centered"06:24
carbm1night all06:25
datzdrumhed: I don't see that option in the terminal background tab06:25
datzI swear in the past I had a terminal set to transparent, and the desktop items didn't bleed through06:26
datzI've even seized my desktop background so that the terminal doesn't repeat it, but there are still problems06:26
chester_copperpodatz, check online for a tut. ive seen what you want to do before06:27
datzchester_copperpo: ok, I'll look, thanks06:27
chester_copperpoyour terminal is probably embeded in the desktop06:27
drumheddatz : what enviroment are you using (e.g.: kde, gnome, xfce, etc..)06:27
datzdrumhed: gnome06:27
aetarici have a graphics issue involving compiz. I installed 9.10 fresh and compiz was working. after a reboot it won't let me use it06:27
chester_copperpoaetaric, are you using a KVM?06:28
knoppieschester_copperpo, he just quit.06:28
datzI'll try rescaling the wallpaper again and see what the problem with that was06:29
chester_copperpowhat does irc message  " :cannot send to channel" mean?06:30
* Hamlin is now away: Detatched, leave a message.06:30
datzchester_copperpo: is your nick registered and identified?06:31
aetaric>.< silly xchat06:31
datzchester_copperpo: that's probably the problem06:31
chester_copperpodatz thanks06:31
aetaricso yeah. compiz problem06:31
chester_copperpodo you know the command?06:31
datz /msg nickserv help06:32
chester_copperpoaetaric, do you have 2 monitors?06:32
chester_copperpotry unplugging one06:32
aetaricthem being mirrored stops it?06:32
chester_copperpoaetaric, driver issue06:32
aetarici see06:32
chester_copperpojust try it with one moniter and see if it works06:32
chester_copperpothey are probably not being config with the right resolutions06:33
chester_copperpoim out. bye06:34
rothsdad i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz GenuineIntel, can I use KVM?06:34
chester_copperporothsdad, yeah06:34
rothsdadchester_copperpo: really?06:34
chester_copperpowhy wouldnt you?06:35
aetaricshould i reboot?06:35
rothsdadchester_copperpo: my cpu isn't on the list that can use kvm06:35
chester_copperpothe only issue you have to watch for is when you boot into X, sometimes the kvm screws up the monitor detection..06:35
chester_copperpowe are talking keyboard, video, mouse right?06:35
kangkungrothsdad : u can use KVM, try it06:36
rothsdadkangkung: ok, i'll have a try06:36
Dr_WillisKVM has so many different meanings.. :)06:36
ZykoticK9datz, if you want a terminal with transparency (but without true transparency) you might want to check out eterm or aterm < both a rather old school compared to gnome-terminal though06:36
kangkungrothsdad : i ever use KVM for sempron 3000+ and work06:37
datzZykoticK9: ok, I'll check them out thanks06:37
Dr_Willisi use syngery for a software KVM sort of thing.. :)06:37
catzzHello is there any program to edit PDF formats?06:37
datzI just resized the image to 1650 x 1080 and set the same background for the desktop and termial, but for some reason it doesn't want to match up. (install eterm now)06:38
chester_copperpocatzz, openoffice ?06:39
kangkungcatzz : i use open source linux pdf writer06:39
eli7777hey i'm wanting a program that will let me do Q9 text input. like a cell phone. is there a program of mod i canuse to do with?06:39
ZykoticK9chester_copperpo, does openoffice edit PDFs?  i know you can export to PDF, but can you really edit them?06:39
catzz yes i know but i recieved CV in PDF format how to edit it?06:39
coz_eli7777,  ooo that one I dont know06:40
datzZykoticK9: how do I start eterm?06:40
chester_copperpoZykoticK9, i thought it did, but then again its to bloated for me so i usually skip it.06:40
ZykoticK9datz, it Eterm06:40
eli7777lol. hey if t was ez i wouldnt be asking06:40
FeasibilityStudyGod I hate upstart.06:41
chester_copperpocatzz, google is your friend06:41
catzzuhu thanks! :D06:41
ZykoticK9FeasibilityStudy, ya fast bootups are such a drag06:41
catzzHow to set VLC media player as standart player06:41
eli7777well i have been trying to play with a few things to make it work. myth has something like a want but i dont know how i can use it in gnome06:42
kangkungeli7777 : try to use Condor cluster06:42
renegaidare there any gui benchmark utilities06:42
zoran119looking at ubuntu /home permissions... it seems that by default anyone can read my files... is this normal?06:42
chester_copperpocatzz, what window manager are you using?06:42
datzZykoticK9: hey look, that works perfectly. I guess it's not "true" transparency06:42
datzZykoticK9: thanks06:42
ZykoticK9datz, glad it worked for ya06:42
chester_copperpocatzz, i mean, desktop environment.06:42
Dr_Williszoran119:  yes i think so06:43
FeasibilityStudyZykoticK9: its not that, it's that I dont know how to configure it06:43
zoran119Dr_Willis: that's bad! why is that?06:43
datzZykoticK9: one more thing, how can I run it without output. I don't want to run it in screen. Something like Eterm -q?06:43
Dr_Williszoran119:  change it if you want.., its not really 'bad'06:44
ZykoticK9FeasibilityStudy, i was just joking with you (i understand you frustration if you're trying to add/customize something) - BUT the fast bootup times are made possible by Upstart so to say you Hate it is kinda harsh06:44
eli7777kangkung, what condor clusters home page?06:44
ZykoticK9datz, why not create a launcher for it in the menus?06:44
datzZykoticK9: good idea06:45
maitrayaHi everyone, I have a question to ask you..06:45
datzalso -q is a no input option :)06:45
maitrayaI'm new to ubuntu06:45
kangkungeli7777 : search at google dude..06:46
datzEterm has a pretty long man file. :P06:46
zcat[1]!ask | maitraya06:46
ubottumaitraya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:46
maitrayaCan I modify ubuntu (i.e. create my own mod OS) and redistribute it?06:46
eli7777i am but i have no use for a cluster. i was hoping you were going tell me something useful06:46
zcat[1]maitraya:  yes but you probably can't call it 'ubuntu'06:47
eli7777i am trying to set this up for an in-car pc06:47
ZykoticK9maitraya, so long as you release the source code to all your changes (and don't use any of the Ubuntu/Canonical artwork logos etc)06:47
maitrayaok. But can you name any software which can do that?06:47
zcat[1]maitraya:  eg 'mint' is a modified ubuntu (and ubuntu is a modified debian...)06:47
aetarici'm trying to get compiz working again on my radeon 9600 i have only one monitor plugged in.06:47
soreauaetaric: Please come to #compiz and I will help you.06:48
geekyogiis it possible to set sleep and shutdown timers manually ... the gnome-power-manager doesnt allow users to hard code the low and critically low battery levels06:48
qwertyjustinhey alll. Just looking to try and play a run of the mill dvd in ubuntu06:48
qwertyjustinany ideas06:48
zcat[1]maitraya:  Ubuntu Customization Kit?06:49
qwertyjustinvlc wont play a dvd disc06:49
almarkhello how do I make use of dual monitor setup with xorg.conf in ubuntu?06:49
almarkI'm sorry without because its not there06:49
maitrayaAny software which can customize ubuntu screens, logons so that I can repack it  for my own OS.06:49
Dr_Willisalmark:  what vid card?06:49
almarkDr_Willis_ Nvidia and Ati06:49
Dr_Willis!remaster | maitraya06:49
ubottumaitraya: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility06:49
zcat[1]maitraya:  rebuilding all the packages is HARD WORK ...06:49
Dr_Willisalmark:  you have a system with 2 video cards an Nvidia AND an ati?06:50
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, have you installed libdvdread4 and run the script?06:50
maitrayaubottu: thanks06:50
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:50
almarkDr_Willis_ Its enabled my Nvidia but I really don't want ot copy over the xorg because Ubuntu does things differently06:50
almarkDr_Willis_ correct06:50
qwertyjustinZykoticK9: no not yet, i'll give that a try now. synaptic package mngr?06:50
Dr_Willisalmark:   it might be doable.. bt ive no idea on mixing ati and nvidia. Im suprised the pc dosent blow itself aart with  the 2 diffrent cards in there. :)06:50
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats for more info06:51
maitrayaI just want to customize thmees, wallpapers and logon screnns. I just want to install new softwares I use and repack it.06:51
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, are you using Karmic?06:51
Dr_Willisalmark:  with just nvidia - it should be easy. but no idea on how ati would mix into it06:51
almarkDr_Willis_ I do it all the time in windows and have that setup running in Debian ;)06:51
Dr_Willisalmark:  the debian xorg.conf should work then.06:51
ZykoticK9qwertyjustin, then instead you need to add the medibuntu repository and install libdvdcss206:51
maitrayaWhat are the qualifications to be a MOTU?06:51
almarkDr_Willis_ well then I guess I'll have to use my xorg.conf already configured but does that hurt a Ubuntu system?06:51
Dr_Willisalmark:  i dont see how it could hurt.06:52
qwertyjustinoh right06:52
Dr_Willisalmark:  most of xorg auto configures these days anyway06:52
renegaidare there any gui benchmarking tools?06:52
almarkDr_Willis_ thanks, and what my other problem is how do you make a window drag from screen to screen, all I can drag are files only is there a way06:52
Dr_Willisalmark:  huh? With nvidia and xinerama/twinview my desktop is one WIDE desktop covering both monitors.06:53
almarkDr_Willis_ I read somewhere about Xrimera or whatever that can do that06:53
Dr_Willisalmark:  or you coud set up 2 seperate X displays.. but i never do it that way06:53
Dr_Willisalmark:  i always use xinerama and twinview06:53
Dr_Willisalmark:  sounds like you have 2 seperate X displays setup06:53
almarkDr_Willis_ lol that is basicially what I have here to seperate displays on one computer its like 2 computers which isn't what I need06:54
papshrenegaid, tools for benchmarking guis, or gui frontends for benchmarking?06:54
qwertyjustinyep infact, added the medibuntu repositroy and installed libdvdcss206:54
qwertyjustinwhat from there06:54
almarkDr_Willis_ yep that is what it is, ok should I just apt-get install xinerama?06:54
Dr_Willisnvidia has 'twinview' thats its xinerama replacement.. ati i think has somthing similar also06:54
renegaidtools for benchmarking with a gui. not those command line nonsense06:54
Dr_Willisxinerama is a X FEATURE. not a program06:54
maitrayaI am a high school student and want to be a part of MOTU team. What are my qualifications?06:55
almarkDr_Willis_ for my Ati card and it being 10 years old I can't use the propertatiry drivers06:55
almarkDr_Willis_ I suppose I could install the official Nvidia for my MX20006:55
Dr_Willisalmark:  you may  to do some research/tweaking then. and be lucky06:55
renegaidI want to see how fast my raid disk is with ubuntu06:55
almarkDr_Willis_ ok thanks again well see how this works out06:55
Dr_Willisthe fact you are not using the fglrx driver for hte ati card may make using the nvidia stuff easier06:55
Dr_Willisa gui to show  # is so much better then a command line.. :)06:56
rwwmaitraya: the MOTU team's channel is #ubuntu-motu. Perhaps ask there.06:56
Dr_Willisrenegaid:  theres a few benchmarking suites out there for linjux now. I dont use any. so cant even rember the names06:56
almarkDr_Willis_ yeah I have tried forever to install the fglrx driver never works because my card isn't support by ati anymore for future editions of xorg06:56
renegaidbeen googling no results06:57
reto`almark: maybe xinerama is going to work anyway?06:57
* almark loves command line06:57
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:57
almarkreto_ i'm going to try it right now :)06:57
tucemiuxi am attempting to auto mount a partition encrypted with cryptsetup luks format but it doesnt auto mount, I can manually mount by clicking on the partiton in "places->", what am I doing wrong? I am following this guide: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/17/7-steps-to-an-encrypted-partition-local-or-removable-disk/06:57
almarkthat'll do it :)06:57
almarkreto_ it says here on the site you gave me talking about using 2 Nvidia cards or 2 ati cards not 1 and 1 ati and nvidia, is there a way to make them one screen like in windows?07:01
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bullgardHow are defined the categories which the popularity contest defined?07:04
bullgardHow are defined the categories which the popularity contest uses?07:05
theadminWhat's a segmentation fault?07:05
Flannelbullgard: I don't believe there are categories, but you can browse the data yourself: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/07:05
Flanneltheadmin: Its when a program tries to access something it shouldn't07:06
bullgardtheadmin: Roughly: When a program does not respect rules for storage subdivision and overrides storage which is reserved for other data.07:06
theadminI see. Thanks, Flannel, bullgard07:06
theadminHrm. How to restart metacity without logging out?07:07
sirspyr0hello everyone07:08
sirspyr0is anyone by any chance experienced with the b43 drivers for broadcom 4311?07:08
sirspyr0i've been recieving very mixed information07:08
Dr_Willistheadmin:  meticity --replace07:10
Dr_Willistheadmin:  metacity --replace07:10
theadminDr_Willis: thanks.07:10
Dr_Willistheadmin:  try the fusion-icon tool if you want to change meatcity/compiz a lot07:10
theadminDr_Willis: Er, now it won't let me close the terminal cause there is a "process running"07:11
geniialt-f2 metacity --replace07:11
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sirspyr0anyone know anything about the b43 wlan drivers?07:13
bullgardFlannel: There are. At least 3: having no tag, RECENT-CTIME, and NOFILES.  --  Please tell me what RECENT-CTIME and what NOFILES means.07:13
LMJHello the chan07:14
LMJIs there anyone would could help me out with this issue plz http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=879610407:14
theadminInteresting. The "System" menu has an icon for gnome-control-center, but it's hidden by default...07:14
nomad77!ask |sirspyr007:15
ubottusirspyr0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:15
ArchanamiyaHello. I'm trying to start an X session, which goes fine, except for the fact that the new x-session always has an xterm in it, which I don't want. Closing it causes the whole X-session to close. What can I do?07:15
qwertyjustinhey do u guys know if its possible to get a command line shell placed @ the bottom of conky?07:15
theadminArchanamiya: How do you start it?07:16
Archanamiyatheadmin, "xinit -- :2"07:16
theadminArchanamiya: For me, startx goes fine, no terminals show up.07:16
Archanamiya1 second07:16
Archanamiyatheadmin, then it starts another ubuntu-session. I want just a blank x-session07:17
theadminArchanamiya: Oh.07:17
zcat[1]Archanamiya:  "X"07:18
Archanamiyazcat[1], what do you mean07:18
theadminArchanamiya: He means, run "X".07:18
Dr_Willisqwertyjustin:  i doubt if thats possible07:19
zcat[1]From memory you chouls be able to just type "X" (upeprcase) at a root prompt to start an X server.. byt not something I've tried recently07:19
qwertyjustinDr shit07:19
Archanamiyazcat[1], I need to start it on :2 though07:19
zcat[1](might not even need to be a root prompt, depends on permissions and stuff..)07:19
nomad77sounds like twm. try xinit /usr/bin/<window-manager-name-here> -- :207:19
Dr_Willisqwertyjustin:  ive seen other 'root' terminals embeded in the desktop in the past.07:19
ArchanamiyaHey wait a sec07:19
reto`Archanamiya: startx starts another ubuntu session?07:20
qwertyjustinthere we go07:20
Archanamiyareto`, yes sir07:20
qwertyjustinhow might i go about that07:20
Archanamiyazcat[1], X :2 worked07:20
zcat[1]startx is a script that starts a server _and_ a windows manager..07:20
zcat[1]they only wanted the server07:20
ArchanamiyaThanks again everyone :)07:21
nomnexdo I need a package to pass the command suid, sgid on a default karmic?07:21
zcat[1]damn slow iso download <20K/s07:21
reto`I guess startx will do what xinitrc contains (or .xinitrc)07:21
nomnex? wrong command to set user id? > No command 'suid' found, did you mean:07:22
thevishymy laptop battery icon is not displaying properly , its saying fully charged while it is being dischrged07:23
thevishyand it shows 0% in the laptop battery parameter07:23
nomnexI guess, I have it all wrong, if you can explain suid/sgid commands and syntaxes please07:25
thevishycan i just refresh the battery icon to show propery values , like kill the process and start it ?07:25
theadminI want to write a script that will ask for an app name via Zenity, and start it in terminal as root... So far, I wrote "zenity --entry | gnome-terminal -e "sudo""... But how to get the user output there?07:26
catzzhello how to make VLC as standart video player?07:26
theadmincatzz: System - Preferences - Preffered Applications07:26
catzzo what is command to launch VKC?07:27
Dr_Williscatzz:  err.. 'vlc'  :)07:28
axondoes anyone can explain me how to add bots in the game sauerbraten in a multiplayergame?07:28
catzzxD i thought that it will be too easy for linux XD07:28
ekokhallo .........07:28
axonmy brother and i tried it with /addbot 50 but it doesn't work07:28
axon@ ekok : hallo07:29
Dr_Williscatzz:  if it followed ms guidelines it would be like 'video lan client media player supreme light basic home premium.exe'07:29
jazzcan any one please help me? i need the ppa for virtual box. 32bit for karmic.07:29
Dr_Willisjazz:  i just saw that in the ubuntu-tweak tool . but no idea what the ppa is.07:29
thevishyWillis is there way to refresh the battery icon ? I t is showing wrong data07:30
theadminaxon: That is offtopic07:30
Dr_Willisthevishy:  Never noticed it wrong. never tried07:30
silv3r_m00nis ubuntu comfortable with amd phenom x4 ?07:30
Dr_Willisaxon:  check the games homepage perhaps07:30
theadminjazz: I don't think Oracle/Sun have made one07:30
papshsilv3r_m00n, why wouldn't it be?07:30
thevishyOK I guess I will try with a restart probaby07:30
jazzDr_Willis, yeah i got part of it but then when i up date i keep getting an error07:30
theadminjazz: Oh wait. Add this to software sources: deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian karmic non-free07:31
axonthx, but i allready checkt the games homepage (@Dr_Willis / theadmin)07:31
Dr_Willisjazz:   i just normally get the deb from the vbox homepage.07:31
Dr_Willisaxon:  if its not in the docs,. or forum for the game,, how do you know it can do it at all.07:31
jazztheadmin,  i have that part.  keeps giving me an error07:31
theadminjazz: What error?07:31
jazztheadmin,  sec ill tell you07:32
bullgardpopularity-contest tags some programs  with the tag <RECENT-CTIME>, and others with <NOFILES>.  --  Please tell me what RECENT-CTIME and what NOFILES means.07:32
jazztheadmin, the folling signatures couldn't be verified cuz the public key is not available07:33
axonDr_Willis: cause on there page they write about an existing command /addbot [Level]07:33
theadminjazz: Did you add the public key? Run "wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -"07:34
Dr_Willisaxon:  check their forums  i guess. or see if they got a irc chat room07:34
jazztheadmin,  hmm lemme look07:34
theadminjazz: Then, do "sudo apt-get update"07:34
jazztheadmin,  add that to the software resources?07:36
geniiaxon: "You must either be master or playing locally to add or remove bots. " http://sauerbraten.org/docs/game.html#bots section 1007:36
prizerHey guys, I've never used IRC before. Can anyone see this?07:37
theadminprizer: Yes07:37
geniiprizer: We can07:37
theadminjazz: Just run that in terminal07:37
prizerOk, sorry to bug you. Thanks guys.07:37
prizerSo how goes the Ubuntu night?07:37
Flannelbullgard: http://popcon.debian.org/README  search for "tag" and it'll give descriptions of the tags07:37
theadminprizer: That is quite offtopic, this is a support channel07:37
goddardwhere can i learn about hex editing? does anyone know of any rooms?07:37
reto`prizer: it's morning here...07:37
prizerI can't say hello and ask people how they are? Really!?!07:38
reto`prizer: there's so much support going on... you see? ;)07:38
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theadminprizer: Well, often after it people start talking about how they are, instead of helping others out which floods the channel. You can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic channel07:39
goddardwhere can i learn about hex editing? does anyone know of any rooms?07:39
theadmin!repeat | goddard07:39
ubottugoddard: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:39
goddardthank you theadmin07:40
goddardmay i have another :D07:40
theadmingoddard: Another what? o_O07:40
goddardchat room spanking07:40
jazztheadmin,  i still get07:41
jazztheadmin, W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6AF0E1940624A22007:41
theadminjazz: err, that is not related to virtualbox, virtualbox don't use a Launchpad PPA system07:42
jazztheadmin,  hmm that was the lasthing i installed07:42
eshannonhello everyone07:43
eshannonI seem to have a problem with my Internet connection on my Ubuntu 810 box. All other boxes in the house are running great07:43
jazztheadmin,  so how do i find out which is causing that error?07:43
theadminjazz: Hm, don't know %) Let me try to see who this key belongs to07:43
papshtheadmin, that smiley face %) looks like an insane man07:44
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jazztheadmin,  yeah that too for future ref. im new so i have no clue what it was07:44
jazztheadmin, least im not the only one with said error...8/07:45
ZiggyzxxylIf I install ubuntu on to a computer for a friend, is there any way to install it without entering a username, password and user details, and have the computer prompt the new owner for these details?07:46
theadminjazz: "gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 6AF0E1940624A220 && gpg --export --armor 6AF0E1940624A220 | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update"07:46
Spinaker1is the next release of Ubuntu going to be called Bukkake? I heard it will be....07:46
theadminZiggyzxxyl: It can be changed later. But no, there is no way.07:46
theadminSpinaker: The next release is Lucid Lynx07:46
theadminSpinaker1: ^07:47
jazztheadmin,  what key was it to?07:47
Spinaker1I met a hooker on Canal Street called Lynx once07:47
Spinaker1she had a penis07:47
bob-has-an-imgbohi, omg plz help, SUDDENLY only root can write on my xD-flash-card AND i CAn't change the permissions, do you want fstab pasted?07:47
theadminjazz: I still have no idea wth it is but this is the solution I found on forums07:48
FlannelSpinaker1: Please behave07:48
Spinaker1is this network running unreal?07:48
bob-has-an-imgbohelp plz help me07:48
etoi have a problem with intel graphics the machine runs ubuntu 8.10 lspci string for the device is 82845g07:48
theadmin!help | bob-has-an-imgbo07:48
ubottubob-has-an-imgbo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:48
Spinaker1last time i admin'd a network i ran unreal 3.2.607:48
bob-has-an-imgboi asked07:48
bob-has-an-imgbo hi, omg plz help, SUDDENLY only root can write on my xD-flash-card AND i CAn't change the permissions, do you want fstab pasted?07:49
FlannelSpinaker1: This channel is for Ubuntu support, not ircd questions, please help it stay ontopic, thanks.07:49
bob-has-an-imgboi can't change the permissions although i try to change the permission as root07:49
theadminbob-has-an-imgbo: My point is, don't scream "please help" and such, this is not gonna get the problem solved faster. If nobody can help nobody will reply.07:49
etoanybody has an idea? X blinks to vesa gmode and back to console several times then shows a resolution selection, on which if anything is clicked makes the screen go blank for good07:49
bob-has-an-imgbobest thing: the xD-card is formatted in fat1607:49
papshbob-has-an-imgbo, do you have the user option in fstab?07:49
cvd_my desktop freeze, how to reset desktop, wiht out log out?07:50
coppelmanwow any 1 know how to reset every thang cause i tryed to add theams and stuff and now im scorud i have to close tabs cant move windows cant move cube every thang went to hell i mean is bad07:50
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bob-has-an-imgbo@papsh: UUID=D8E3-67A6/media/16mb-xd-kartevfatusers,auto,rw,sync,dev0007:50
bob-has-an-imgbothis is what i have for the xd-card07:50
coppelmanno close tab botten **07:50
bob-has-an-imgboit's not even ext207:50
bob-has-an-imgboit's just that damn fat1607:51
bob-has-an-imgboSUDDENLY BOOM, no permissions srsly WTF?!?07:51
Flannelbob-has-an-imgbo: Please try not to use the enter key as punctuation, it makes it much harder to follow your questions/responses07:51
bob-has-an-imgboshould i try to format again? i can do that with gparted...07:52
jazztheadmin, thanks- was looking at the last thing that went into my pc b4 the error i assumed -im new still well since karmic came out.07:52
coppelmanubuntu is the hardest OS ever07:52
bob-has-an-imgbosurely it isnt07:53
bob-has-an-imgboarch is07:53
coppelmanlol i lost all tabs on all windows yea its hard07:53
bob-has-an-imgbowhat should i do know with my xd-card?07:54
coppelmani would hate to do a reload 4 the 16 time this week07:54
bob-has-an-imgboi format now my xd-card, let's see what happens.07:54
rcg123Haha, I messed something up, been playing around with terminal only programs... telnet, lynx, and finally figured out a chat client.  You can get alot done without X it seems...07:55
jazzDr_Willis, are you there?07:55
reto`bob-has-an-imgbo: maybe the device cannot be mounted rw due to errors?07:55
bob-has-an-imgbothere r no errors07:55
jazztheadmin, hey i got it it worked and i found out the key owner lol07:55
reto`bob-has-an-imgbo: fsck?07:55
theadminjazz: Oh who was it? Just wondering07:56
bob-has-an-imgbosense? i mean fsck is it the card is broken or smoething07:56
bullgardFlannel: Thank you very much for providing this link to an excellent explanatory article.07:56
bob-has-an-imgbobut maybe...07:56
jazztheadmin,  ubbuntu tweak07:56
reto`bob-has-an-imgbo: not broken... but corruped probably07:56
bob-has-an-imgboit works07:57
bob-has-an-imgboi just deleted the fstab line for mounting the card07:57
bob-has-an-imgbothx guys07:57
jazztheadmin,  dr_willis even said he seen it in the ubuntu tweak tool box ...but didnt knwo what the ppa was for it... im good now tohugh07:57
jazztheadmin,  https://launchpad.net/~tualatrix/+archive/ppa07:58
WaterRatjHow would i remove my cdrom and external cdrom drive from fstab?07:58
reto`WaterRatj: edit the file?07:59
bob-has-an-imgbodel line /dev/scd0?07:59
WaterRatjJust remove the line?08:00
coppelman:( i need help is this the only help room or can some 1 im me 4 a 1 on  1 to help me08:00
WaterRatjwon't that give issues?08:00
bob-has-an-imgbobetter: put a # in front of it08:00
Dr_WillisWaterRatj:  comment it out. :)08:00
bob-has-an-imgboso u can redel it08:00
jazztheadmin,  wait...i ran the update again this time not from the terminal but the menus virtual box had an update it took 2 minutes08:01
WaterRatjand what if my pc won't boot then?08:01
nawkcan someone recommend a video recording/capturing software?08:01
bob-has-an-imgboalso webcam studios08:02
jazznawk, record my desktop was what ppl has told me08:02
jazzi just dont have a mic yet08:02
nawkbob-has-an-imgbo, I'll try them.  Thanks08:02
jazzand i hate tutorials and video with cheesy linkin park over them writting how to do something08:03
christopheriusrecordmydesktop is what i use08:03
bob-has-an-imgboistanbul has ogg-support08:03
nawkI'm not trying to record my desktop08:03
nawkI'm trying to video capture with my webcam :)08:03
madduxquestion:  if a kernel install was bad, and you wish to remove it, how to tell the system to use an earlier kernel install?08:03
theadminmaddux: Add it to GRUB boot menu... and boot with it?08:03
madduxhow do i go about that08:04
bob-has-an-imgbosudo grub update08:04
openrfcGRUB is configurable during boot, no?08:04
madduxit willupdate grub?08:04
nawkbob-has-an-imgbo, do you know if there exists a motion-activated video record/capture feature in any of the two softwares you recommended?08:05
madduxi have been taken out the bad stuff, to the point the computer says no kernal to load....except one left in the recovery screen08:05
jazztheadmin,  thanks man all is well no error on up date.08:05
jazzim out guys later days.08:05
bob-has-an-imgbowhat is motion-activated?08:05
nawkstart recording as soon as the webcam detects a motion08:06
madduxwas trying to learn about about the comand "dkms" as i wonder if this command can do the job08:06
nawkor movements08:06
bob-has-an-imgbonawk: idk08:06
madduxi do not know how to give the instruction for using an earlier kernal08:06
nawkbob-has-an-imgbo, I need to monitor my room08:07
bob-has-an-imgbonawk: i use it to use my webcam with adobe flash in firefox08:07
bob-has-an-imgbonawk: btw, how should it work in your mind? every motion a file?08:07
Slartmaddux: uninstall the bad kernel package, update grub and it should work again08:07
zcat[1]!info motion | nawk08:08
ubottunawk: motion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.11-2ubuntu0.1 (karmic), package size 282 kB, installed size 864 kB08:08
* reto` frowns at hearing "adobe flash"08:08
ja660khey guys, real quick is there an application i can use to check the status of my network? eg what it up/ if WAN is working etc?08:09
coppelmanwow that guy left08:09
madduxhow to format the updating grub command...so i get this right08:09
coppelmancrap he was helping me08:09
etoso anybody?08:09
theadminja660k: Uhm, ifconfig?08:09
Slartmaddux: sudo update-grub   should do it08:09
coppelmanany 1 i would love a hand if i could08:10
jazzanyone know if i can change the names of partitions? so they dont say  17 GB filesystem? i have a few of them and need to keep better tabs on them08:10
madduxok, will try.08:10
Slartjazz: change the label on the filesystem08:10
ubottuTo rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.08:10
ja660ktheadmin, what does that tell me? aside from ip ? sorry for the ignorance08:10
coppelmanok no 1 likes to help to new guy08:10
etookay another try08:11
etohow to turn off X  advanced effects from command line08:11
Slartcoppelman: why not ask your question again08:11
theadminja660k: Hm. Here is an example output. A lot of stuff, actually, http://pastey.net/13293308:11
theadmineto: I think, killall compiz08:11
madduxslart...ok, i did that.    i ran a dkms status and shows builds later than the current grub build, is this an issue?08:12
coppelmani need to reset all my theme stuff or even to whole os cause i lost my tabs08:12
reto`!patience > coppelman08:12
ubottucoppelman, please see my private message08:12
ja660ktheadmin, okay thanks08:12
zcat[1]theadmin:  better to replace it with something? metacity --replace perhaps?08:12
madduxor unrelated08:12
etotheadmin:  okay noting that, but to disable them using configuration08:12
jazzSlart,  thanks for the link...08:12
soreaueto: You will want to start another window manager so, metacity --replace08:12
Slartmaddux: I have no idea.. I've never used dkms.. but it should work if the kernel isn't found by the update-grub command08:13
Slartjazz: you're welcome08:13
etough look i just want to get this damn intel going till the replacemnt nv arrives08:13
madduxthe next boot will tell08:13
etoi don't have clue what the metacity is or how to start it08:13
Slartcoppelman: lost your tabs? what tabs? how did you lose them?08:14
etox crashes on start and screen is blank so i am stuck with the console08:14
jazzSlart,  when i click to install gparted it give a box to open with aplication...what do i do? i dont have gparted08:14
soreaueto: Can you explain a bit more exactly the problem your having?08:14
etoi tried: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel as mentioned in some forum08:14
etobut apt says all is current08:14
Slartjazz: run "sudo apt-get install gparted" then run "gksudo gparted" from a terminal08:15
madduxi am doing all this from command line because video on gui boot in unreadable08:15
coppelmansee i was try to make it look like a mac08:15
etosoreau well there was nv card in the machine which started to shake image so it was sent to supplier, there is intel 82845 card builtin08:15
jazzthank you08:15
coppelmancause thats what im used to and i lost all the buttens tabs on every window08:16
jazzSlart,  thanks.08:16
coppelmani cat cloase them or any thang08:16
etowhen ubuntu starts in the moment where login screen should appear it cycles several times between console and graphics mode and then show resolution selection with everything grayed out08:16
zcat[1]'window decorations?'08:16
Slartcoppelman: why not go to system, preferences, appearance and select a theme from there08:16
zcat[1]coppelman:  you still have titlebars that can move the windows around?08:17
etoselecting anything makes the x freeze or what, blank black screen , alf+f1 console works tho08:17
coppelmancase a mac look 1 was not there and i was falowing a youtube vido08:17
soreaueto: Have you removed/uninstalled the nvidia-glx driver that was installed when you had the nvidia card installed?08:17
zcat[1]coppelman:  also I suggest looking on gnome-look.org and just using someone else's mac theme..08:17
coppelmanno i cant even move a window08:17
zcat[1]coppelman:  Ahh, so you've lost your window decorator then08:17
Slartcoppelman: I meant go there and select another theme so you at least get a working system again08:18
Dr_Willismac themes,, bla08:18
etosoreau: propably not, can you please give me some advice how to do it using command line?08:18
coppelmani was tryring stuff like that but its hard to set a theme08:18
Slartcoppelman: then reboot and you can start over again08:18
theadminzcat[1]: It's not "decorator", it's "manager"... Altough some managers do decorations too, such as compiz08:18
coppelmano i all so tryed that08:18
coppelmanno go cant08:18
coppelmandam thats like the 16th time this week08:19
madduxits still has problems....cannot get a readable gui boot screen08:19
soreaueto: Consider the output of 'dpkg -l|grep nvidia'. Anything with 'ii' next to it means these are packages that are installed. You will want to remove at least the nvidia-glx package, and probably other related ones08:19
zcat[1]theadmin:  sounds like they've lost the thing that draws the windows borders and icons.. whatever you want to call it, it's not usually the windows manager08:19
coppelmanis there a way with emrald or compiz08:19
zcat[1]coppelman:  alt-f2 'emerald --replace'08:19
coppelmanand may be some 1 talk me tro a theme set up so08:20
Dr_Williscompiz --replace  or metacity --replace   , :) or emerald --replace08:20
etookay thx soreau  i will try that08:20
theadminGrah! What the! Left mouse button is not working08:20
coppelmanyea thats what i did thats what did this 2 me08:20
madduxis there a kind of recovery that will not lose absolutely everything when the problem of ubuntu is pretty serious?    seems it need major help or reinstall all...which i think means reformatting08:20
coppelmanemerald -- replace08:20
andreiiubuntu is good. thanks to the developers.08:21
zcat[1]maddux:  boot live CD, use it to copy /home onto a USB drive or whatever?08:21
andreiiactually, a great product08:21
andreiino issues08:21
Dr_Willismaddux:  you can always get to your files with a live cd if all else fails normally08:21
andreiijust wanted to remind you of awesomeness of ubuntu08:21
madduxits a netbook, no cd drive08:21
coppelmanwow lol i stumpt him08:21
zcat[1]finally have a lucid daily to play with.. afk for a while ;)08:22
peppinois there a way to start a distro fom a directory instead / ?08:25
theadminOkay, a problem here. In TTY's, the command output seems to be on russian. However, a) my user language is set to english, well, via GNOME. b) it doesn't seem to have cyrillic... fonts? on TTY, so I get stuff like "He?o?xo????", which makes reading the output simply impossible. So my point, how do you set the language to english in terminal?08:26
coppelmandam theadmin that must suck08:26
JumboJellyfishpeppino, che fai!?08:27
theadmincoppelman: Yeah08:27
etoexcuse me but how can one identify ubuntu version ?08:27
peppinoJumboJellyfish: ?08:27
etoi mean precise, uname -a returns linux string08:27
=== william is now known as Guest70877
chachiedoes anyone know why typing //root in firefox displays the file system?08:28
madduxdr willis, i booted by USB, the next best thing.   i will try, to see which kernal or software it is running that didnt make the ubuntu fail on video.08:28
Guest70877firestarter is showing a bunch of active connections on various ports listing the program as python, anyone with a clue as to why?08:28
JumboJellyfishi think you can put distro on usb drive, peppino08:28
madduxthanks for all who got me this far :)08:28
theadminGuest70877: Some programs might use Python scripts to upgrade themselves.08:28
chachieif you want to install a dist to a usb drive try unetbootin08:28
ghabitHello, how to reinstall new grub?08:29
ghabitThe same as normal grub?08:29
Guest70877theadmin: Yeah but its showing constant data being sent at an average level of about 50-100 Kbs/s. Is that usual?08:30
peppinoJumboJellyfish: is it possibile to redefine root with a directory...08:30
ghabitIt reboots from me after 'grub loading'08:30
chachiedoes anyone know why typing //root in firefox displays the file system?08:30
ghabitHelp me please08:30
theadminGuest70877: Guess no, something's strange here.08:30
chachieyou can define root to its own partition if you want08:30
JumboJellyfishpeppino, i believe so but i dont know how to enable it08:30
theadminchachie: It doesn't here.\08:31
chachietheadmin: you mean it doesnt do that if you do on yours?08:31
theadminchachie: However, just typing in "/" does. Yes, it doesn't do this on my Firefox.08:31
madduxquestion: whats the best way to compare two installs, if on the good one i have command line and gui and bad one just command line?08:31
Guest70877theadmin: I check netstat every once in a while and this is the first time its showed this many established connections on this many ports08:32
chachiedo you know why mine would? I never noticed this before then read something about it and tried08:32
joebodoGuest70877, do use use ubuntu one service ?08:32
chachietheadmin: typing / in mine doesnt do anything08:33
ZykoticK9chachie, i tried in Firefox 3.6, Firefox (in wine) and Chromium -- none showed file system with //root08:33
Guest70877joebodo: nope08:33
chachiehmmm weird08:33
iflemaeto in terminal cat /etc/lsb-release or desktop menu > system / about ubuntu08:34
StuckMojois there an image suitable for putting on a usb drive?08:34
papshStuckMojo, any. use unetbootin08:34
Guest70877How do I check these ports to see if the traffic is legit, and close the ports if it is not?08:34
chachieI second unet08:34
etothx iflema08:34
ghabitAnyone? I have restarting netbook after 'grub loading'08:34
Guest70877How do I check these ports to see if the traffic is legit, and close the ports if it is not?08:34
chachieguest try nmap08:35
papshGuest70877, run an IDS, then use iptables to control traffic08:35
chachienmap the IP you want with a -PN08:35
chachiebasic scan08:35
theadmin!recoveringgrub | ghabit08:35
ubottughabit: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:35
Guest70877sorry guys i only talk noob08:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:35
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papshGuest70877, then there's not much you can do except follow best practices08:36
ghabittheadmin: Thanks a lot.08:36
chachieZykotick9: do you think there could be a script or something making this happen in FF?08:36
Guest70877no i mean what is nmap?08:37
papshGuest70877, port scanner08:37
chachieapt-get install nmap08:37
nawkI just downloaded Cheese08:37
nawkbut I need to install the driver for my Logitech ClickSmart 310 webcam08:37
nawki need help08:37
nawkwhich package should I look for08:38
abhijithello everyone08:38
theadmindoes anybody know what's all that with "X" being uppercase? Most commands are lowercase... X, VirtualBox and NetworkManager are only exceptions I know08:38
theadminnawk: Go to manufacturer's site, they must have the drivers08:38
papshtheadmin, it was programmed by someone who didn't follow unix best practices08:38
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:39
ghabittheadmin: I have BMPtoRGB command here for example )08:39
ghabitDon't know what is for.08:39
Dr_Willisghabit:  converts images08:39
ZykoticK9chachie, i have NO idea08:39
chachieK thanks08:40
chachieanyone else have any ideas why in my FF doing //root displays my file system?08:40
Dr_Willischachie:  because thats a local filesystme url?08:41
=== RussellAlan is now known as giNEERING
chachieI am not sure never knew it would do that08:41
theadminDr_Willis: But on mine it doesn't do anything. However, typing in a normal fs adress such as "/home/r00t/Audio" does work.08:41
chachieothers have tried here and theirs do not08:41
Dr_Willistry //media08:41
Dr_Willisit converts it to file://media here08:42
andreiiit means that sites can access your filesystem from javascript08:42
=== giNEERING is now known as GiNeeRInG
andreiiit's a big security issue08:42
theadminDr_Willis: Hm, that worked.08:42
chachieandreii: how do i stop this ?08:42
Dr_Willisi recall several warnings befor any javascript was able to access local files last i tried it.08:42
chachiedr: worked for me as well08:42
Dr_Willisso its not really a security issue08:43
Dr_Willistiddlywiki makes use of the javascript/local file access features ive seen08:43
Dr_Willistheadmin:  coud be that //root is /root/ which has rescrited permissions08:43
ZykoticK9chachie, what Dr_Willis works for me too - but not //root08:44
Dr_Willis/root does not work here08:44
chachieDr_Willis: /root also works on mine08:44
StuckMojothe regular desktop cd is a live cd as well, right?08:44
Dr_Willisfile:////root/  does not work here on mine08:44
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, yup08:45
chachieso this is nothing to worry about or it is? I would think it would be08:45
Dr_Willischachie:  its a feature08:46
theadminDr_Willis: Hm, you're right. Say, typing in "/.htaccess" does nothing. It's 600, owned by root, so... well, thanks for explaining.08:46
Guest70877so i have nmap, what now?08:46
chachieso i can turn it off? if so how ?08:46
Dr_WillisNo idea about /root working for some but not others08:46
Dr_Willischachie:  disable javascript if you want to be paranoid. but not ANY javascript can just access local files08:47
Dr_Willistiddlywiki and other programs can make use of the feature08:47
papshchachie, are you talking about general javascript security?08:47
chachieDr_Willis: ok08:47
chachiepapsh: i guess yes08:48
Dr_Willisther3 used to be these idiotic 'your system is hacked i can see your files.. with a url to ' file://c:/'  to scare people :)08:48
papshchachie, noscript?08:48
chachiejust never knew i could do that before and no matter how i type it in my broswser i get files08:48
Dr_Willischachie:  i use the thing to access html docs in my /usr/share/doc/whatever/html doc files08:48
Dr_Willisthen bookmark them08:49
Dr_WillisYour browser can access local files.. thats not really javascript doing anything08:49
chachieahhh ok yeah it does seem nice to be able to use it but got scared me for a moment since i didnt know you could08:49
Dr_Willishow else could you load local html pages and stuff08:49
Dr_Willischachie:  workd under windows also and proberly osx same way08:49
chachielol the things I am always still learning like I can just click both mouse buttons in terminal to paste :P08:50
geniiOr shift-insert08:51
Dr_Willischachie:  or middle click08:51
Dr_Willismouse 1 + mouse2 = Mouse3 :)08:51
chachieI knew the shift but have no middle button08:51
Dr_Willisold-skool stuff08:51
christopheriusmiddle click is handy08:51
Dr_Willisback when mice did have 3 buttons and NO wheels08:51
christopheriusand no laser mice08:52
chachieyeah maybe old school but even my teachers still right click and copy then right click and paste :P08:52
Dr_Willisthats the selection buffer. Not the same as the clipboard.08:52
* genii scrapes the crud out of the rubber ball on his DB25 plu mouse08:52
Dr_Willischachie:  thats because thats how MS trained them08:52
Dr_WillisI had IR mice in the 1980's :)08:52
Dr_Willisthey had to use special mice pads08:52
chachiegot ya yeah I am new to the linux world 8 months no windows in my home08:53
andreiiwe all love ms.08:53
Dr_WillisNow the New Logitech mice can work on a Mirror.. :)08:53
chachieim just happy mine works on the carpet so i can use my 80" tv :P08:53
kakiexept me08:53
kakii don't love MS08:53
reto`laser is nice... uses very little energy... compared to IR08:54
WierdAARHello, I can't unmount my external harddrive bcause an application is using it. Is there a way to find what application and then close it?08:54
Dr_WillisDirty mouse balls :)08:54
kakiyes try monitor system $08:54
kakiand kill the process08:54
chachiei hate it when my mice get that way08:54
WierdAARkaki, Monitor is not installed ( I use Xubuntu)08:55
KrewlGood morning people (Depending on your timezone offcourse08:55
kakiahhhh ok08:55
chachiecould anyone here point me to a good tutorial on full drive encryption without using the alternative install cd?08:55
kakiforgive me friend08:55
reto`WierdAAR: lsof can help08:56
iflemaWierdAAR sudo fuser -m /dev/[whatever] will get you a PID then killit.... savy?08:56
WierdAARreto`, lsof?08:56
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chachielsof -l08:56
andreiimy system hangs after load average reahes 60 - help08:56
reto`WierdAAR: in terminal08:56
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
andreiii just see black screen08:57
WierdAARreto`, I used media/name and then just kill number ?08:57
andreiieven my music stops playing08:57
andreiiwhat to do?08:57
KrewlAnyone here who has done trhe LPI ubuntu Exam and is willing to share some experiences on how the exam was? Going for it next Thuesday.08:57
WierdAARiflema, , I used media/name and then just kill number ?08:58
iflemaWierdAAR good i assumed cdrom....08:58
WierdAARiflema, Ok, Thanks!08:59
andreiimy system hangs after load average reahes 60 - help me pls08:59
Sa[i]nTI have an adhoc on my windows7 PC, and I want to be able to connect to it with my ubuntu laptop, is that even possible?08:59
andreii(16 core system)09:00
loopsSa[i]nT, i'm curious to know what an adhoc is?09:00
mkanyicyloops, its peer-to-peer wifi09:01
Sa[i]nTloops, Seriously?09:01
mkanyicySa[i]nT, just use the nm-applet in the panel09:01
FloodBot2Canika: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:01
madduxquestion, a first thanks to all help so far.   What is the best way to get info from two installs, one fails on loadup - the video flaky, to get data to show why to one install (usb) is ok and where the corruption is on the bad installation?09:01
loopsSa[i]nT, i was serious, i still have never heard the term used as a noun09:01
FloodBot2Canika: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:01
JoshuaL!emergency Canika09:01
crisi-cuproblemestie cineva romana?09:02
kakito see09:03
kakii gar go now09:03
mkanyicyloops, adhoc is the mode of wifi, other  modes are ap for 'access point' etc09:03
loopsmkanyicy, i know what adhoc mode is :o)09:03
Sa[i]nTYeah, adhocs are for making little intranets lol.09:03
mkanyicyloops, then what is your question?09:04
Valetudomorning all09:04
* Dr_Willis downloads tha intranetz09:04
loopsmkanyicy, my question is, what is an adhoc?09:04
loopsmkanyicy, it's okay.. the moment has passed :o)09:04
rabbi1guys, need to register my nick, any help ?09:04
IP-v6what should be first line of a shell script for default ubuntu shell !#/usr/bin/sh or !#/usr/bin/bash09:04
mkanyicyloops, whatever, dude09:04
loopsrabbi1, /msg nickserv help09:04
rabbi1thx loops09:05
Valetudoreally stupid question... How do i install thunderbird-3.0.1.tar.bz2 i oened up the archibve n theres just files in there... doesnt seem to be an exacutable... and the one in software manager isnt the latest so i want the one from the site.09:05
IP-v6sorry !#/bin/sh or !#/bin/bash09:05
pyqt_2010_newbiehi guys any one use python here?09:05
wolfie1does anyone know how can I connect to the internet through terminal??09:05
shawnboyTomboy Notes claims to be able to export to HTML. Plugin shows enabled, but for life of me I cannot figure out how to do it.09:05
rabbi1loops, i am a newbie09:05
mkanyicyIP-v6, use bash if you want to script on BASH09:06
loopspyqt_2010_newbie, of course.. but #python would have even more :o)09:06
AzikaCorp@wolfie1 what do you mean by "connect"09:06
Sachoshawnboy: open a note, click tools, export to html09:06
pyqt_2010_newbiei cant login to #python idk why?09:06
wolfie1for example, use telnet, wget and lynx09:06
loopsrabbi1, no worries, hope you get it working09:06
wolfie1I want to be online without the need of X server09:06
pyqt_2010_newbiecan you try to connect to #python09:06
Sachopyqt_2010_newbie: most likely your nick needs to be registered to join the channel09:07
Sachofor better IRC support you should join #freenode09:07
reto`Valetudo: it woould have to be compiled first I guess09:07
AzikaCorpit doesn't work for you ?09:07
reto`!compile > Valetudo09:07
ubottuValetudo, please see my private message09:07
AzikaCorpuse w3m to navigate09:07
shawnboySacho: oh dang! I have no word menus and my Tools icon was greyed out (but works). Wow, I'd have never found that. Thanks.09:07
rcg123don't do it, that video link is not properly formated for the visually or gui impaired.09:07
reto`Valetudo: but better find a .deb package for it if possible09:07
wolfie1I dont know how to connect on terminal09:08
Sa[i]nTWhen I make an adhoc on the win7 machine, it shows up as crazy characters on the ubuntu side.09:08
rabbi1where shld i run /msg nickserv help ?09:08
AzikaCorpsetting your IP adress and so one ?09:08
wolfie1I can be online, but as long as I have x server running, then I switch to ctrl alt f1 and do stuff there, but I want to be online without having to start the GUI09:08
loopsrabbi1, just run it here, in your IRC client, in the same place you're typing stuff to this channel09:09
wolfie1I tried that iwconfig and is not working09:09
mkanyicySa[i]nT, didn't you say you have adhoc wifi on Win7 already?09:09
reto`wolfie1: use a text browser... like elinks lynx or w3m09:09
rabbi1ok guys, pain to suggest window user ? :)09:09
rcg123whoops.  I sent a message to the wrong window lol.09:09
wolfie1yeah, I know reto, but the fact, is that if I log into terminal, it does not get online, seems like I need so tart a network daemon or something09:09
loopsbetter than sending to wrong wife09:09
AzikaCorpalright. you use wap for encryption ?09:09
wolfie1Im not sure, but I can be online only while Im on my GUI09:10
ghabitHow can I remove not needed items from grub2 menu?09:10
rcg123I'm actually stuck in terminal only at the moment, no X.09:10
ghabitI have old kernels, etc.09:10
Valetudocheers reto but is there a DEB for the latest vertion out... surely it shud be in software manager09:10
ghabitNeed only two items.09:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:10
AzikaCorpfrom the terminal, you are able to setting the network and surf09:10
kane77hey guys, are there any songbird deb packages available somewhere? (for 1.4 songbird)09:10
Dr_Willisghabit:  remoive old kernels rerun update-grub09:10
loopsghabit, you can use Synaptic to remove old uneeded kernels, which should fixup grub for you too09:10
wolfie1and how do I set the network up?09:11
Dr_Williskane77:  i think theres ppa repos09:11
ghabitAlso I have there additional entrys for other OS's, I don't need them.09:11
mkanyicywhen xorg.conf is not available, what is the way to configure X, then?09:11
kane77Dr_Willis, yes I found some ppa, but these were nightly builds09:11
Dr_Willis!grub2 | ghabit09:11
ubottughabit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:11
loopsmkanyicy, you can use xrandr from the command line, one way09:11
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
AzikaCorpfor example, if you are using WEP (don't use wep !!),  #iwconfig channel 6 essid "My-NETWORK" key yourkyewep09:12
reto`Valetudo: if it's not in the repo try searching the web for a .deb package... maybe debian testing has one or something09:12
rabbi1/msg nickserv register manju123a ajju.blr@gmail.com09:12
phildiniIs someone available to answer a question about PPAs?09:12
AzikaCorpthey, to get en ip adress : dhclient wlan009:12
mkanyicyloops, ok, but what is the configuration file?09:12
loopsrabbi1, damn.. everyone just saw that.09:12
Dr_Williskane77:  i just use the packagtes from the homepage and extact them to my users home09:12
reto`wolfie1: wifi?09:12
wolfie1yeah, wifi09:13
rabbi1thts ok, wht a big deal ? :)09:13
wolfie1iwconfig doesnt seem to work09:13
gmendozakane77, http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/9.10/?q=songbird09:13
wolfie1I type wlist scan09:13
loopsrabbi1, no.. you really need to keep your password secret :o)09:13
wolfie1and notthing is detected09:13
kane77gmendoza, ooh, thanks!09:13
rcg123no hunter2 jokes lol.09:13
rabbi1is it registered now ?09:13
AzikaCorpbeing root ?09:13
wolfie1its like starting GUI is the only way to the system to recognize the wifi lans09:14
loopsrabbi1, no, the message came to this channel instead of nickserv09:14
wolfie1yeah, I do all that with sudo09:14
mefunteei dont knw how to convert with winff09:14
reto`wolfie1: hmm... not so easy... you would have to setup wifi from the cli09:14
loopsrabbi1, if registration works you'll get a proper message from nickserv,09:14
AzikaCorpif you switch of your interface with : ifup wlan009:14
reto`wolfie1: wicd seems to be  pretty good... maybe try that?09:14
rcg123I've seen tuts for CLI wifi.  I think i actually have a magazine article that goes through the common ways to do it.09:15
Dr_Willismefuntee:  read thew winff docs/guides?09:15
wolfie1lemme see x309:15
loopsmkanyicy, sorry slow.   In moder xorg setup there is often no config file at all.   Everything is dynamic, plug another mouse in, it should work etc.09:15
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
mefunteehow do u keep ur pasword secret then?09:16
wolfie1apt wants to uninstall network-mannager-gnome09:17
crisi-cuproblemehi, I have  a problem I modifi the size of linux partition end now I'can boot with grub,09:17
wolfie1when I try to install wicd09:17
=== dallis is now known as SquidSlinger
Sa[i]nTQuestion, I can connect to my windows PC with ubuntu if I leave the adhoc I made with my windows machine exposed without a pass. Does that mean that ubuntu is not liking WPA?09:17
mkanyicythanks loops, your input has been helpful09:17
crisi-cuproblemehi, I have  a problem I modifi the size of linux partition end now I'can boot with grub09:18
AzikaCorpyu don't need to uninstall anything09:18
mkanyicySa[i]nT, no it does not mean that09:18
Valetudocant find a deb package for the newer ones either :(09:18
crisi-cuproblemewat I can do?09:18
mefunteehow do u keep ur pasword secret then?09:19
Sa[i]nTIs the JDK in the repo?09:19
testelushi all.. im running eeebuntu.. and im woundering on how can i run a bash script once i have loged in.. "gui login". i need to start a script once login is done by gdm?09:19
Dr_Willistestelus:  its hanled by whatebver windowmanager/desktop you are using normally09:20
mefunteeam a total noob to irc, pls ow do u keep ur password secret while tryin to register?09:20
Kamiliontype /query nickserv09:20
Dr_Willismefuntee:  use4 the server window or query09:20
Kamilionthen type help in that window09:20
AzikaCorptestelus : just add it in your .bashrc09:20
Sa[i]nTJust type /ns identify password09:21
Dr_Willistestelus:  what is the command supposed to do?09:21
testelusAzikaCorp, i dont want it in there,09:21
testelus.i want it to be run once gui login is used.09:21
yoophglupcrisi what partion did you resize09:21
KamilionSa[i]nT: Not all clients have a /ns alias.09:21
testelusDr_Willis, its a bash script09:21
Dr_Willistestelus:  set Up the windowmanager/desktops auto run feature09:21
AzikaCorphoo, at login, sorry09:21
Dr_Willistestelus:  well so? what IS it supposed to be doing?09:21
crisi-cuproblemeI erase swap partition09:22
darolutestelus: create a symbolic link inside /usr/bin and then add it to your start up programs09:22
Dr_Willistestelus:  i dont even know what WM.DE eeebuntu uses. its not really a ubuntu disrto any more09:22
yoophglupyou need to recreate the swap partion09:22
testelusdarolu, ahh.. nice idea.. will try it out.09:22
testelusDr_Willis, didnt know that.09:23
mefunteepls can anybody help wt presets for converting avi to mp4 with ffmpeg?09:23
crisi-cuproblemeok trhen grub wil run09:23
testelusDr.strage they use bunut name tho09:23
nomnexcan I have help with SUID, SGID, are these commands?09:23
Dr_Willistestelus:  it USED to be based on ubuntu. now its based on debian09:23
Dr_Willistestelus:  or so i read.09:23
Dr_Willismefuntee:  an avi can be a mp4 if its using the right codec09:24
darolumenfuntee: ffmpeg -y -i input.avi -b 768 -s 320x240 -vcodec xvid -ab 128 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 64 -f mp4 output.avi09:24
testeluswell.. same shit.. :p ubuntu is also based on debian :)09:24
yoophglupit is possible09:24
Dr_Willistestelus:  not really the same - keeps getting farther apart.. then they sorts of resync.. then start diverting..09:24
yoophglupotherwise i would just reinstall09:25
madduxquestion, is grub2 superior to grub or is it still being tested and growning pains?09:25
testelusDr_Willis, yeah.. but ubuntu stil uses debians package system tho09:26
Dr_Willismaddux:  it has features grub1 does not,, and it will have more features as time goes on09:26
darolumaddux: although is still young/green; I think grub2 is better09:26
mefunteeDr_Willis: pls how do u mean by 'if u have the right codec'?09:26
Dr_Willistestelus:  so? mandrake and RH use rpm's but that dosent mean much :)09:26
Dr_Willismefuntee:  avi are containers.. mp4 is a mpeg codec. you can have a avi thats an mp4 video09:27
nomnex-s to give an app suid? some input welcome, I don't get it09:27
Dr_Willisthe mp4 extension mesna very little09:27
madduxthats good to hear, i will migrate this to grub 2...may fix my bootup to fuzzy video display09:27
daroluDr_Willis: I think mandrake died few years ago... now is mandriva09:27
Dr_Willisdarolu:  yep.09:27
Seveasnomnex, +s to giveth, -s to taketh away09:27
mefunteeDr_Willis: i think i have all the codecs cos i installed ubuntu restricted extras... are there other ones appart frm those?09:27
Dr_Willismefuntee:  we are talking about the format of the video.09:27
iflemanick /tremmons09:27
testelusdarolu, i get mail by thouse ppl every 2nd day to install ther crap :p09:27
Seveasdarolu, not as much 'died' as 'merged with conectiva'09:27
Dr_Willismefuntee:  you can have a .avi file that is  a .mp4 file with a diffrent name09:27
nomnexSeveas, I am not clear with both command SUID/SGID can you explain?09:28
rabbi1loops ?09:28
madduxquestion:  is there a good utility that runs from command line that is a general fixer of some more serious problems of the system?09:28
Dr_Willismefuntee:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4_Part_1409:28
Seveasnomnex, I can but this isn't a support channel :)09:28
ghabiti have lost my xp entry at grub, how to 'reset' grub settings? It have very complicated, not user-editable grub.d folder.09:28
=== iflema is now known as tremmons
ghabitHelp me please.09:28
daroluSeveas: true that09:28
Seveasghabit, try a brick. Or #ubuntu :)09:28
nomnexSeveas, #ubuntu not support channel?09:28
Seveashey wtf? I thought I was somewhere else. Sorry09:29
mefunteeim a noob but when i had any video converter in xp and i convert an avi in2 mp4, it compresses the file and retains the quality, id lilke somethin like that in ubuntu...09:29
nomnexSeveas, is there a IRC channel to ask about bash commands?09:29
Valetudodont suppose any one can talk me through installing thunderbird-3.0.1.tar.bz2?09:29
Seveasnomnex, ok: u+s == suid. That means that whoever runs the program runs it as the owner of the command09:29
Seveasg+s == setgid, same as above but primary group instead of owner09:29
papshmefuntee, ffmpeg09:29
darolumefuntee: the line I pasted delivers excellent quality09:30
nomnexSeveas, I see09:30
Dr_Willismefuntee:  you are confuseing the codec the video file is using with the extension09:30
gmendozamefuntee, you'll want to also include the libavcodec-extra-52 from the medibuntu repo.  It has aac encoding support for ffmpeg... which was removed from the repo version of libavcodec-unstripped-5209:30
papshmefuntee, ffmpeg with the -sameq option, actually09:30
Dr_Willismefuntee:  an 'avi' could be any of several dozen (hundered) of codec s09:30
gmendozasorry to interupt...09:30
Seveasnomnex, so for instance sudo, which is u+s, is always run as root, no matter who runs it. That's why it can change your userid to whatever /etc/sudoers allows you to09:30
rabbi1how to get the <key> parameter to reset pass ?09:31
darolumefuntee: think of "avi" as a bag, it can contain many different items; it is a container format, is similar to .zip actually.09:31
Dr_Willismefuntee:  good info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_codecs_and_containers   also09:32
Seveasghabit, running update-grub should detect XP and put a relevant entry in the grub config. If it doesn't, your XP setup is likely broken09:32
nomnexSeveas, thank you09:32
ghabitHow to add win xp entry to grub.09:32
papshvideo codecs/contrainers/etc are not worth knowing too much about09:32
Slartghabit: running sudo update-grub should do it09:32
ghabitSeveas: ty, I will try09:32
darolughabit: what version of grub do you have?09:32
Seveasdarolu, he mentions grub.d, that's a grub2-only thing :)09:32
daroluSeveas: OK I didn't read the beginning of his thread.09:33
burnshello all09:33
rabbi1help required to change the pwd09:33
Dr_Willismefuntee:  in theory divx, xvid,H.264 (MPEG-4 part 10)  should look about the same.. each has some of its own better/worse cases I guess09:33
Seveaspapsh, well, it's nice to know how it works. Explains the  'some avis work and other don't, wtf?!?' questions we sometimes get :)09:33
Dr_WillisI find video codec/contianer info VERY VERY well worth knowing about09:34
Slart!details | rabbi109:34
ubotturabbi1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:34
darolurabbi1: sudo passwd user09:34
rabbi1i want to change my password09:34
rabbi1and the parameter required to change the password is <key>. so how do i get the key now ?09:34
Seveasrabbi1, system -> preferences -> about me09:35
Slartrabbi1: system, administration, users and groups09:35
Seveasthen click the 'change password' button09:35
SNIPER0215Hello, all09:35
rabbi1seveas, sorry i meant here in IRC09:35
Seveasrabbi1, ah09:35
Slartrabbi1: or what Seveas said =)09:35
Slart!register | rabbi109:35
ubotturabbi1: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode09:35
Valetudoanyone available to help me?09:36
mefunteeDr_Willis: thanks a lot though im going to have to study the links u sent me well...09:36
rabbi1ubottu, my nick name is registered here, would like to change the pwd09:36
Slart!ask | Valetudo09:36
ubottuValetudo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:36
Seveasrabbi1, /msg nickserv set password new_password_here09:36
Slartrabbi1: read the last 5 words of what ubottu said09:36
Valetudolol i did before. but didnt get a message thought some1 missed it lol09:36
Seveasrabbi1, if that doesn't work, please ask in #freenode, this channel is for ubuntu support, not freenode support :)09:37
Seveasrabbi1, /msg nickserv help set password09:37
Seveashi perlmonkey09:37
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perlmonkeyI'm having many problems >:-/09:37
SlartValetudo: if noone answers it might just be because noone knows.. or you omitted some details.. you can always just repeat the question every 15 minutes or so09:37
ValetudoI have a firefox-3.6.tar.bz & thunderbird-3.0.1.tar.bz2 and i have no idea how to install them as im new to linux. there isnt a .deb out thier for either that i can find09:37
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
mefunteedarolu: thanks for the preset, i'll try it out and send u a heart when i get the result i desire...09:38
SeveasValetudo, you throw them away and install the proper packages09:38
SlartValetudo: if you're new to linux you might want to stick with the versions that are in the repositories09:38
Valetudowhy the ones in the software center aint the latest.09:38
perlmonkeyhost and whois does not work on my server09:38
SlartValetudo: but they work, and they are supported09:38
daroluValetudo: if you are new to linux, you better download the binnaries09:38
System-7Hello there... I was just wondering, how can I (if I can at all) bridge two network adapters together to share a connection? I have some fair experience with Linux, so throwing me some terminal commands is just fine (though if there is a front-end I suppose it would be better overall)09:39
Ascavasaionhello there, what applications can I install that will automatically do virus protection like say Norton/Kaspersky/AVG, etc in Windows?  I am running Ubuntu 9.04.09:39
System-7Asca: You don't need it09:39
SeveasValetudo, enable the correct ppa, see this tutorial for more details: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-stable-from-ubuntu-ppa.html09:39
daroluValetudo: because Ubuntu developers have to add branding items, test and refine each package; to ensure they are stable and that they'll work with every hardware configuration.09:39
SlartAscavasaion: there's clamav.. and some commercial anti-virus packages available.. but usually you don't need it for the linux system itself09:39
System-7As long as you're not running root you will be fine09:40
AscavasaionOkay, thank you System-7 and Slart09:40
perlmonkeyLinux is like species 8473 impervous to all technological viruses09:40
SeveasAscavasaion, you can install clamav if you want09:40
daroluAscavasaion: running an antivirus in Linux is just as useful as planting a palmtree in the Artic09:40
Seveasdarolu, well, it won't take long until we see more proper linux viruses. Best to get used to needing antivirus :)09:41
Seveas!ops | SNIPER021509:41
ubottuSNIPER0215: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:41
kohar<System-7> what you mean by share? You want computers in network go to internet via your pc?09:41
Ascavasaionand what does one use to protect again malicious links in mails, on webpages, etc.?09:41
perlmonkeyonly borg nanobots can harm linux09:41
SeveasAscavasaion, firefox with its built-in phishing detection09:41
SlartAscavasaion: common sense can get you out of a lot of trouble..regardless of system09:41
daroluSeveas: there are many malware/trojans for Linux, but a virus per se... none that I am aware =))09:41
SNIPER0215That's what bridged connections are for.09:41
daroluworms** not malware09:42
SlartAscavasaion: usually that stuff is targeted at other platforms09:42
AscavasaionSlart: Just that some of my Facebook contacts received malicious URLs from my account in Facebook.09:42
rabbi1seveas, thx problems solved09:42
SeveasAscavasaion, facebook apps are a whole different ballgame. Don't use facebook apps :)09:42
System-7Basically, I have this set up in Win on a netbook, bridging my wireless adapter to my ethernet, then another computer connects through that... of course, I miss running Linux on the netbook, so I was wondering if I could avoid Windows altogether and do the bridge in Ubuntu09:42
kaddi_Ascavasaion: you may want to change your passwords then09:43
=== adam is now known as Guest72268
daroluAscavasaion: I use a very long blacklist of malicious websites, you only need to edit your /etc/hosts file: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt09:43
AscavasaionSeveas: I never do.09:43
Ascavasaionkaddi_: I changed them :)09:43
SlartAscavasaion: not sure how facebook does its thing.. but keep your browser updated and you should be fine09:43
daroluAscavasaion: it blocks pretty much all ads too :)09:43
papshmost common attack vector is the browser09:43
kohar<System-7> yea you can man route and if you want firewall as well the man iptables09:43
kaddi_and especially the plugins such as flash, shockwave, java and so on... it's not so much the browser itself anymore09:44
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mefunteedarolu: do it means there are security in ubuntu if there are worms...?09:46
perlmonkeyi'm having major probs since changing my router >:-/ can anyone help diagnose the problem... I have 3 problems appear actually..first one, I can't use whois or host in shell, just doesn't respond..some kind of DNS lookup failure I'm thinking? second.. in syslog, my router IP is being appended to all hostnames for mail connections etc, possibly related to first prob? and finally, domain names are taking an AGE to resolve09:47
System-7oh hey thanks kohar, I'm looking that up now (hopefully it will work)09:47
profesjaco u was09:47
mefunteedarolu: do it means there are security laspes in ubuntu if there are worms...?09:47
profesjajak mija sobota09:47
profesjawitaj muhammed09:47
Tm_T!pl | profesja09:47
ubottuprofesja: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.09:47
papshperlmonkey, use a diff dns server?09:47
profesjafuck off all09:47
papshperlmonkey, try
mefunteedarolu: does it mean we HVAE to use an antivirus?09:47
perlmonkey:-/ will try09:47
profesjafuck of and die09:47
kohar<System-7> also check ubuntuforums there was how to09:48
darolumefuntee: no, don't worry09:48
perlmonkeyprofesja has aggression/anger issues09:48
System-7Yeah I'm on the community site right now reading about it :)09:48
papshmefuntee, no. few people write linux client malware09:48
profesjai'm come back09:48
Kaiser1986who can i speak to regarding a problem with Wifi on UBN 9.10?09:48
rob_p!language > profesja09:49
ubottuprofesja, please see my private message09:49
profesjaare you happy09:49
seraphkaiser need help?09:49
mefunteedarolu: u got me scared...09:49
darolumefuntee: worms are usually a internal network issue, it is hard for them to spread due UNIX systems' structure; you have to access root password to install anything; you are safe don't worry09:49
Kaiser1986I would appreciate yes09:49
profesjai'm fucking sorry09:49
seraphso... tell me ur problem..09:49
perlmonkeystop that bad language you angry person09:49
papshdarolu, root password means nothing, if they're on the system they can do whatever they want09:49
Slartperlmonkey: leave it to the ops..09:49
darolumefuntee: just use common sense and be careful about what you do when you run "sudo"09:49
viadukjust testng09:49
viadukworks perfectly09:49
* perlmonkey hides09:49
Kaiser1986OK, I installed UBN 9.10 yd on my Compaq Mini 70009:49
Kaiser1986and managed to install the Broadcom B43 Wirless Driver09:50
papshdarolu, and even non-root can install and run hardware09:50
Kaiser1986and It's showing as Active and in use09:50
papsherrr software09:50
darolupapsh: they can be in the system but with no root access they can't harm much imo; if you mean physical access... then yes you're screwed lol09:50
mefunteedarolu: cant the worm gain access when i login as root to install somethin that i got frm the internet... and not frm the repositories?09:50
Dr_WillisI thought the B43 drivers got superceded by some other drivers (bcm?)09:51
Kaiser1986but I cannot get it to detect any wifi signals09:51
mefunteedarolu: thanks but it pays sometime to knw the possibilities...09:51
darolumefuntee: no, don't worry09:51
papshdarolu, local privilege escalation is easier than remote exploitation09:51
Slartmefuntee: if you install infected binaries/source from the wild internet.. then yes.. you're owned09:51
seraphkaiser1986: try to go in applications -> accessories -> Terminal and then try with sudo pppoeconf09:51
Slartmefuntee: that's one of the reasons for using the repositories09:51
Dr_WillisKaiser1986:  you may want to check the netbook forum threads for that netbook. It may be you dont want to use the ones from the rest4icted dr5ivers tool09:51
darolupapsh: indeed09:51
System-7That's what repos are for :D09:51
papshexpecting the default unix permissions system to protect you is naive09:52
mefunteeslart: owned? then how can i check my status, or gregain my freedom?09:52
andrewfreequick question, I'm using proftpd and trying to change config so root can login I read this http://www.proftpd.org/docs/directives/linked/config_ref_RootLogin.html and added RootLogin at the end of the config file then restarted the server and it still wont login09:52
papshSlart, unless the repo servers are owned themselves09:52
seraphwho needs help?09:52
Slartmefuntee: you'll sleep much better if you just assume your system will get burned, crashed, owned eventually.. prepare for it.. make regular backups.. make sure you have install media etc09:53
manu_good morning09:53
andrewfreeseraph: meh09:53
manu_me :)09:53
Malmishm does someone know if there is possible to pxe boot ie. debian live cd or ubuntu live cd as persistent when booting it from a nfs server? i mean, how could i access ie. casper-rw persistant filesystem when the livecd is mounted as cdrom? :/09:53
Malmisi can boot it as a live cd from nfs, but not accessing casper-rw09:53
System-7For some reason I love the whole repository thing... first time I saw a site telling me to type "sudo apt-get install ..." I was like "WhaT?"09:53
Slartmefuntee: that will let you handle anything from hardware failures, software failures, viruses.. your own mistakes and so on09:53
mefunteeslart: how consoling, especially to pple coming frm the world of 'windows'...09:53
=== seraph is now known as Dil3mm4
Slartmefuntee: there are some apps that can check the system.. rkhunter is one of those09:54
papshSlart, those things rarely work09:54
Slartmefuntee: I didn't say anything about which os you're supposed to run09:54
papshthere's really nothing effective anyone can do against rootkits09:54
Slartmefuntee: it's the same if you're running windows, linux, bsd or whatever.. sooner or later something will break.. be prepared for it and you'll be up and running within a couple of hours09:55
papshonce they're installed, that is09:55
ardchoillepapsh: Excpet run rootkit scanners and watch what you install09:55
ardchoillepapsh: yeah09:55
papshrootkit scanners are a waste of time09:55
mefunteeslart: dont get me wrng, i mean it doent give much confidence to those migrating frm d windows platforms simply for the sake of securtiy09:55
madduxhow is the strongest way to make ubuntu most thououghly seek out broken links or missing things?  some are not all updated.09:55
System-7Yeah, but Linux isn't as fool-proofed as Win09:55
Dil3mm4who's the founder of this channel?09:55
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:55
Slartnot sure rootkit scanners are reliable in these days of virtualization and such09:55
researcher11How to enable Java  Script  in mozilla firefox09:55
syriusdoes this work in all debian based distros? lsb_release -a09:56
papshvirtualization is the biggest security disaster since ie 609:56
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  what makes you think its disabled?09:56
ardchoilleresearcher11: it should already be enabled09:56
Kaiser1986still nothing here09:56
cryptkis there a way to disable Macintosh Mouse Button Emulation?09:56
cryptkI think it is interfering with my actual mouse09:56
researcher11Login link on http://www.aicte-india.org/ , last bottom green click not working Hence09:57
Dil3mm4kaiser are u sure that ur wifi hardware runs?09:57
Slartmefuntee: computers aren't reliable.. you can work around the clock for the rest of your life and still not have a 100% secure, safe system.. but you can spend a couple of hours to make sure you don't lose all your stuff when/if something bad happens09:57
AscavasaionThank you all.09:57
SachoComputers are very reliable.09:57
SachoPeople using computers are not.09:58
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  try some other pages  perhaps you have noscript installed09:58
Kaiser1986yep, I mean when I load WinXP, wifi works fine09:58
System-7Computers are too flimsy today though09:58
* Dr_Willis goes back to his C6409:58
=== lucifer is now known as Guest68750
researcher11Dr_Willis: can u let me know exactly what to do now?09:58
System-7My one modern laptop lasted about 2 years tops09:58
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  check your plugins - see if you got it disabled or somthing. It IS enabled by default09:59
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  or your settings09:59
System-7Now, my 1994 Performa is still kicking after 15+ years of continuos use09:59
rabbi1sorry ppl for the trouble, but i am ok with my IRC now :) thanks a lot again for patient09:59
System-7And then there's my Apple II09:59
kohar<Kaiser1986>  did you install STA driver?09:59
Slartmefuntee: but this is getting more philosophical than technical now... you'll be better of, security wise, with a linux system than a windows system if you ask me.. just keep it updated.. use common sense.. and don't believe everything you read/hear on the internet  and you'll be fine09:59
rabbi1The pole caps are melting, the penguins are going into the computers,  the apples are falling from the trees and the glass in the windows is  shattering!09:59
rabbi1i got this in a blog09:59
perlmonkeywhois and host don't work in my shell10:00
researcher11which plugin to be enabled10:00
shelbyHello. Grub-update does not create entry for windows xp10:00
shelbyHelp me please10:00
Slartmefuntee: and make backups..10:00
System-7I think the ice caps are actually growing10:00
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  'noscript' disables java scripting i recall. ther may be others10:00
AscavasaionSystem-7: You have an old apple II still?10:00
rabbi1sys7, which destro u user?10:00
mefunteeslart: thanks partner...good to hear those reassuring words again...10:00
Dr_Willisshelby:   you mean 'update-grub' ?10:00
Kaiser1986I have the broadcom b43 wireless driver installed and active10:00
researcher11so how do I undo the effect of noscript?10:00
Dr_WillisKaiser1986:  b43 i think is the OLD driver. that may not work10:01
researcher11The site requirements are here http://www.aicte-india.org/siterequirements.html10:01
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  IF you have it installed.. you can  whitelist some sites to allow scripting on those and not others10:01
Kaiser1986ok, so what should I install?10:01
shelbyDr_Willis, I have updated gru by 'sudo update-grub'10:01
kohar<Dr_Willis> work fine with bcm 4312 =)10:01
denis123Hi. I need to reinstall Ubuntu due to some problems with a bad install of a graphic card driver. What's the easiest way to do this. If I put the CD in and install in the same partition that I had it previously, will that work (and will it use the old swap space) or do I need to format the old Ubuntu partition via my secondary Windows install then install?10:01
shelbyAnd It cannot find for me XP enty10:01
Dr_WillisKaiser1986:  i would say check the forum poages for that netbook and see what they suggest10:01
Dr_Williskohar:  they dont work with some netbooks i recall.10:02
shelbyHow to add it?10:02
researcher11Im quite new so dont know whats whitelist10:02
AscavasaionWe worked on Apple II computers in umm.. 1986 :)10:02
kohar<Dr_Willis> i see10:02
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  #1 - check to see IF you even have noscript installed10:02
papshthey had computers in the 80's?10:02
researcher11how to check if noscript is installed10:02
papshresearcher11, Tools->plugins10:03
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  explore your fiorefox extensions/plugins10:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:03
kohar<denis123> you can format during install process and yes it's gonna use old swap partition10:03
Dr_WillisI do belive the noscript extension adds an icon at the bottom right of the firefox status bar10:04
System-7Stupid cold killed my 5'' floppy drive, had to order a new on on ebay :/10:04
rabbi1guys, i still use Ubuntu, actually started, shld i go for Karmic, hws Karmic, i felt like digging some thing in hardy and then after few days to go to Karmic, am i right10:04
papshSystem-7, you needed a 5.25 floppy?10:04
denis123kohar: Thanks for reply. Just to confirm. So I have my Ext4 partition currently used by Ubuntu. If I point the CD to install there (and which mount point do I use? Just / or /home?) it will format then install?10:04
rabbi1ppl still use flopped floppy ?10:04
researcher11noscript is not installed10:04
Dr_Willisrabbi1:  may as well use 9.10 if yiu are starting from new10:04
System-7Not people, just me probably :)10:04
perlmonkeywhois bbc.co.uk = getaddrinfo(whois.nic.uk): Name or service not known10:04
rabbi1Dr_willis, u from google?10:04
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  have you tested other sites to see if javascript work on them?10:05
papshSystem-7, there are higher capability storage mediums available today10:05
rabbi1s, would like to learns lots in Linux, so which would help?10:05
papshor so I hear10:05
papshrabbi1, ubuntu10:05
researcher11this link shows site requirement http://www.aicte-india.org/siterequirements.html10:05
daroluI sometimes use my floppy drive too, is a 3 1/2" though; I haven't used a 5 1/4" one in like 20 years10:05
jugglerbrymorning all10:06
researcher11Am I expecting right results oor is IE7 a must?10:06
jugglerbryhave a bit of an odd problem going  on with upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic upgrade via Update Manager, same thing happens.  All seems ok, except both keyboard and mouse are 100% unresponsive.  Any ideas ?10:06
kohar<denis123> if you have 1 partition ext4 then mount point / if you have 2 ext4 then you can use 1 for / other for /home, for format partition when installer ask you where to install choice custom10:06
rabbi1papsh, i am using hardy, jus started shld i switch to Karmic ?10:06
Dr_Willisrabbi1:  lots of reading -> learning linuix10:06
Dr_Willisrabbi1:  lots of using linux -> learning linux10:06
ardchoilleresearcher11: I haven't used anything but Firefox inyears10:06
Seveasrabbi1, yeah10:06
denis123kohar: ok awesome. Will do that. Thanks for your help!10:06
Dr_Willisresearcher11:  no idea. Try a diffrent browser such as Opera or google chrome perhaps as a test10:06
rabbi1so, started already, fixed my resolution problem,10:06
papshrabbi1, hardy is long term support, so you could technically stay with it.10:06
System-7The one in the pic is a 3.5... it sucks that its such a pain to get software on those things aside from actually finding old disks10:06
zvacetI´m using lxde and I changes desktop setting so I´m not able to paste anything to desktop how can I revert desktop setting to default10:06
researcher11let me try10:07
Dr_WillisI dont even recall what LXDE uses for the 'desktop' there is the #lubuntu channel  they use lxde10:07
System-7I sort of collect a lot of old Apple stuff, System 7 era Macs, Newtons, printers, etc10:08
System-7heck somebody hacked together Debian for 68k10:08
researcher11can  Opera or google chrome work in ubuntu 9.10?10:08
papshSystem-7, you must be single10:08
daroluApple printer?10:08
papshSystem-7, or have a very understanding wife/girlfriend10:08
System-7no I'm single :)10:09
jugglerbryresearcher : yes. i;ve tried both of those10:09
KrewlAnyone here who has done the LPI ubuntu Exam and is willing to share some experiences on how the exam was? Going for it next Thuesday.10:09
researcher11how to install  Opera or google chrome?10:09
mefunteeresearcher11: yes they do10:09
shelbyPpl, help with xp entry in grub210:09
mefunteeresearcher11: i have them both opened now...10:09
shelbygrup-update does not find it.10:09
papshSystem-7, you will one day be presented with a choice of your old computer crap or a woman. take it from your elder: stick with the computer crap10:09
researcher11 how to install  Opera or google chrome in Ubuntu 9.10?10:10
System-7Thanks for the advice ;)10:10
jugglerbryI just went to the relevant websites in firefox, and if i remember correctly, click the link for relevant distro10:10
MyrttiKrewl: perhaps you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:10
zvacetresearcher11 : install it from http://www.opera.com/browser/download/10:10
Slart!opera | researcher1110:10
ubotturesearcher11: Opera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:10
daroluresearcher11: both have ubuntu packages at their respective websites.10:10
Slart!chrome  | researcher1110:10
KrewlMyrtti, Will have a look10:10
mefunteeresearcher11: why not google them and choose your platform...10:10
jugglerbryhave a bit of an odd problem going  on with upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic upgrade via Update Manager, same thing happens.  All seems ok, except both keyboard and mouse are 100% unresponsive.  Any ideas ?10:10
Slart!chromium | researcher1110:10
ubotturesearcher11: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa10:10
daroluresearcher11: I recommend Chromium though, for some reason Chrome doesn't work fine in my computers, colours in my themes are all messed up10:11
darolujugglerbry: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?10:12
zvacetDr_Willis : tnx for pointer10:12
al_when I try to run "sudo wine regedit.exe" I get "wine: /home/al/.wine is not owned by you10:13
al_help pls10:13
Slartal_: don't run wine as root10:13
Kaiser1986guys thanks, it's working like a charm10:13
wertik_ruswithout sudo10:13
vegahah, right-click on usb stick in nautilus gives "eject, unmount, safely remove" ... so which one to choose? i suppose this is the "usability" stuff in gnome10:14
al_that produces a few lines of errors like err:module:import_dll Library AUTHZ.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\al\\regedit.exe") not found10:14
mefunteevega; u can use any but i prefer unmount which usually apeears first in the list...10:14
Slartvega: I'm not 100% sure.. but I think eject actually ejects CD drives and such.. unmount just .. well.. unmounts it.. safely remove I have no idea.. it unmounts it.. possibly something else as well10:14
bullgard[Karmic] How to switch my IBM Thinkpad T43 to numerical key pad? Shift+ScrollLock does not do the job. Neither Fn+ScrollLock.10:15
System-7hey, kohar, thanks :) Seems to be working10:15
Slartbullgard: isn't there a num lock key somewhere?10:15
vegayeah, would be surprised if eject actually popped out the usb stick on the floor..i know what they all mean but why oh why three choises, these are things that confuse the average user coming from windows10:16
perlmonkeyhost virginmedia.com;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached10:17
vegathey don't know what "unmount" means, also eject shouldn't be visible at all for a usb stick10:17
bullgardSlart: There is. But pressing it does not have any effect.10:17
jugglerbrydarolou:cant because kb and mouse are unresopnsive.  install or upgrade appear to go well, but after rebooting no reponse10:17
kohar<System-7> good =)10:18
wertik_rusperlmonkey, fire /etc/resolv.conf have dns which don't working10:18
Slartbullgard: hm... then I don't know, sorry10:18
Brileighbullgard: hm... then I don't know, sorry10:18
bullgardSlart: Thank you.10:18
perlmonkeywertik_rus I think they10:19
perlmonkeyare ok10:19
perlmonkeywertik_rus I managed to solve the problem but thank you for replying10:20
jugglerbryanyone know anything about usb devices in Sun VirtualMAchine ?  (sun version not the one from Ubuntu repositories)10:22
padhuwertik_rus: use openDNS IPS (, or Google DNS IPS (
sebsebsebjugglerbry: they do in #vbox10:22
perlmonkeywhy should we use those DNS10:23
sebsebsebjugglerbry: also the manual you can download from the site/webserver does10:23
jugglerbrysebsebseb:thanks for that, i'll give it a try :)10:23
perlmonkeywhy not our ISPs, isn't it bad using Google for DNS they know then every site we access?10:23
wertik_ruspadhu, I have't problem with dns servers )10:23
padhujugglerbry: Me too. Any idea to install it in ubuntu?10:23
perlmonkeydo you guys drink coffee or the tea stuff10:24
sebsebsebjugglerbry: ok np10:24
sebsebseb!ot | perlmonkey10:24
ubottuperlmonkey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:24
padhuwertik_rus: oh10:24
jugglerbrypadhu:installing the vbox isnt a problem, but just cant get usb devices to work10:25
darolujugglerbry: you did enable USB on your VM right?10:25
alabdHow to make vpn does not affect on others app connection and to be just for browser ?10:27
robbit10Hello people. I'm having trouble booting from CD on a Sony VAIO. The boot order is set right, but it just doesn't detect the CD, and in Windows it shows it as empty, while on my Mac it shows the ubuntu cd stuff. Can anyone help me with this please?10:27
jugglerbrydarlou:yup, enabled in settings, and also member of vbox users group10:27
sebsebsebrobbit10: Still got the ISO?10:28
_raven_i need a midi sequenzer for simple midi recordings (without jack) - any ideas?10:28
mefunteejugglerbry: just click on settings before loading the operating system and enable usb there...10:28
mefunteejugglerbry: ...i think10:28
sebsebsebrobbit10: Or your using an offical CD?10:28
mefunteejugglerbry:...do u have guest additions installed?10:29
jugglerbrymefuntee:theyre showing as enabled in the guest OS, just not working10:30
arjunhelp - usb pen drive not getting detected10:30
robbit10sebsebseb: Yes, I still have the ISO.10:30
darolujugglerbry: what's the content of your /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh file?10:30
_raven_i need a midi sequenzer for simple midi recordings (without jack) - any ideas?10:31
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok check it, make sure it's a good ISO,  then burn it a bit slower to a CD, burn the image a bit slower, and try that10:31
sebsebseb!mdtsum | robbit1010:31
sebsebseb!md5sum | robbit1010:31
ubotturobbit10: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:31
sebsebsebrobbit10: once you have done that, you can also run the disk check on the CD, which checks for errors10:31
arjunhelp usb pen drive not getting detected10:32
sebsebsebrobbit10: if that pass's your psyical CD is ok10:32
darolujugglerbry: you can try this http://stikiflem.wordpress.com/2008/08/30/enable-usb-support-in-virtualbox/10:32
robbit10sebsebseb: ... the ISO doesn't have an MD5 sum?!10:33
_raven_i need a MIDI SEQUENZER for simple midi recordings (without jack) - any ideas?10:33
robbit10sebsebseb: Okay, broken ISO right there.10:33
sebsebsebrobbit10: yes it does10:33
robbit10sebsebseb: I mean my copy doesn't.10:33
sebsebsebrobbit10: Your in Windows? If so you need a md5sum  program to get the code10:34
sebsebsebrobbit10: then compare to what  they provide on website10:34
sebsebseb!ops | Valonia10:34
ubottuValonia: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:34
robbit10sebsebseb: I'm on Mac OS X10:34
sebsebsebMyrtti: :)10:34
Seveas_raven_, timidity10:35
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok well you can use a md5sum program on Mac OS X. I don't use OS X, but I think it's probaby like Linux distros when it comes to checking ISO's10:35
sebsebsebrobbit10: meaning you  can probably do it in the shell/terminal/konsole/command prompt (whatever you want to call it)10:36
robbit10sebsebseb: I used Disk Utility but it gave an error message saying the ISO has no md5 sum to check.10:36
robbit10sebsebseb: Which indicates that I have a seriously broken copy.10:36
sebsebsebrobbit10: sometimes you need to tell these programs, what md5sum to compare to10:36
Seveasrobbit10, no, just that you don't have the md5sum of the file. Just use the md5sum command in a terminal10:36
syriushow do I add a startup app from the commandline?10:37
robbit10Seveas: Okay, thanks :)10:37
sebsebsebSeveas: :)  yep that's what I was on about,  and I assumed that could also be done on OS X10:37
robbit10!md5 > robbit1010:37
ubotturobbit10, please see my private message10:37
Seveassebsebseb, I guess so. It has a terminal with a bsd-based-ish userland. Wouldn't be surprised if it has an md5sum command :)10:37
phox_Hi! How do i add a new theme in 9.1? When i go system-preferences-apperance, i dont see any buttom that says "custom", or "add" or something like that.10:37
_raven_Seveas, but timidity has no timeline...?10:38
Kankiler-101486la mallar ne yapýyonuz siz burada10:38
syriusstartup applications uses cron?10:38
spye_waredont know10:38
Seveas_raven_, you said sequencer, not editor/visualizatio thing :)10:39
robbit10sebsebseb: Ah, thanks :). The MD5 sum is okay.10:39
robbit10sebsebseb: But the Sony VAIO laptop still won't boot it.10:40
spye_wareooi i cant get backtrack 4 to work need help i type in aircrack-ng nothin happen10:40
sebsebsebrobbit10: burn a new CD and slower10:40
robbit10sebsebseb: But my Mac DOES boot it.10:40
sebsebsebrobbit10: make sure your burning  the image contents also10:40
sebsebsebrobbit10: not the ISO itself to CD10:40
rumpsySolarisBoy: hey, are you busy?10:40
robbit10sebsebseb: I've burnt the contents of the ISO, at an extra-slow speed. Still, it will not boot on that laptop, but on my Mac it does boot.10:40
rumpsySolarisBoy: if not you can me help me out10:40
sebsebsebrobbit10: maybe for some reason it's burning oddly since your doing it on a Mac10:40
robbit10sebsebseb: That's why I tried it on the same laptop as well. Didn't work out. Still doesn't boot10:41
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok10:41
sebsebsebrobbit10: it seems that some computers Ubuntu won't boot on10:41
robbit10sebsebseb: But, last year I tried booting a live CD on it as well, and that one DID work.10:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: also there are other ways you can try installing Ubuntu without a CD10:42
_raven_Seveas, ok i need any simple midi recording thing - like rosegarden but smaller, simpler and without jack....10:42
sebsebseb!install | robbit1010:42
ubotturobbit10: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:42
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:42
robbit10sebsebseb: I don't have permission to install, i borrowed the laptop - but I want to try the LiveCD10:42
rumpsyhey, i got this message from terminal, "The following packages have been kept back:"10:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: Why?10:42
koharsyrius look at /etc/rc.d/10:42
rumpsyi donno what it meant?10:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: Try a Live USB then,  or another distro maybe?10:43
syriushow do I add to that kohar ?10:43
MoweeHi, since I updated from the last version of Firefix, I can't launch it :[10:43
robbit10sebsebseb: To check if all hardware works fine, until my parents decide whether they want to give me the laptop or not.10:43
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to update them10:43
Dr_WillisMowee:  updated how exactly?10:43
Moweeapt-get update10:43
rumpsyDr_Willis: oh, its for dist-upgrade?10:43
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  some packatges are more imporntant then others. and can get held back10:44
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  if you want to update them do that command10:44
__doc__hey I need some help *disabling* cursor control for my mouse by the wacom tablet (since GIMPs window relative handling works), I looked at my xorg.conf and wacom's not configured there, I also tried to change the path to my mouse driver (to the one that doesn't get wacom events, /dev/input/Mouse1, to no avail)10:44
rumpsyDr_Willis: i'm having 8.04, if i did that upgrade, what will i have10:44
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  no idea.10:45
__doc__(this is 9.10)10:45
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  use the -v option (i think) to see what it will do10:45
koharsyrius ou can simple add to /etc/rc.local command wich you need start up when you boot10:45
rumpsyDr_Willis: okay, wait i'll see that10:45
robbit10sebsebseb: I tried booting an old Ubuntu CD on that laptop, which usually works on all the other PC's. But no go, it still skips right to Windows. And the BIOS settings don't help either.10:45
robbit10sebsebseb: So it's not an ISO issue.10:45
* rothsdad Happy Spring Festival~ Good luck to ubuntu~10:45
PureDoes server take less space than client?10:46
sebsebsebrothsdad: Spring Festival?????10:46
sebsebsebrothsdad: ok it's an issue with Ubuntu itself then it seems10:46
sebsebsebwhoops wrong one ah10:46
sebsebsebrobbit10: you could try another distro10:46
Dr_WillisPure:  proberly does a little bit.10:46
PureI don't think I'll need to install client10:46
PureI'm planning on SSHing to it only10:47
ikoniaPure: what server/what client10:47
Dr_WillisPure:  i always use desktop for my home servers anyway10:47
ikoniaPure: either can be as big/little as you make them10:47
rumpsyDr_Willis: its not correct option, its says something about current dpkg status10:47
ikoniaPure: ok - the desktop and the server installs can be made as big or as little as you want10:47
PureHow so?10:47
ikoniaPure: you can put/remove as many packages as you want10:48
HektoRhi all. guys i'm configuing vmware server 2.0 on ubuntu and i'm getting this error -> "Unable to build the vmmon module." can anyone help to fix this ?10:48
ikoniaPure: they are based on the same core OS, so you can put as much or as little on either asyou want10:48
PureBut, if I only plan to SSH to it, can I do away with clients features?10:48
ikoniaHektoR: try with #vmware10:48
sebsebsebHektoR: it seems that not that many people use VMware products on Ubuntu,  anyway I expect #vmware could help you10:48
ikoniaPure: just remove the desktop from the desktop install and it will be fine10:48
robbit10sebsebseb: Nope, it seems it doesn't boot from any disk at all.10:48
robbit10sebsebseb: I mean CD10:49
* __doc__ goes on to mess with /usr/share/hal/fdi10:49
rumpsyDr_Willis: i found that, its a kernel update from, 2.6.24-26 to 2.6.24-2710:49
sebsebsebrobbit10: it's probably a problem with Ubuntu itself10:49
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  thats normal for kernel updates. they often dont want to force them on people10:49
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  the --dry-run optionjust shows what it would do but dosent do it :)10:49
PureThis is confusing, is there any advantage of having one over the other?10:50
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
ikoniaPure: on differnt hardware yes10:50
_raven_Seveas, ?10:50
ikoniaPure: if you are using home user kit - use the desktop10:50
Dr_WillisPure:  for my home i install desktop version and install what services i need10:50
ikonia_raven_: what do you want ?10:50
=== System-7_ is now known as System-7
rumpsyDr_Willis: ty :)10:50
Seveas_raven_, ?10:51
PureDoes this wubi work well?10:51
Dr_WillisPure:  i wouldent suggest using wubi at all10:51
ikoniaPure: my personal opion of wubi is very poor, that said other users find it a useful way to test using ubuntu10:51
robbit10sebsebseb: Nope, it doesn't even boot my Windows XP CD10:51
_raven_ikonia, i need a simple midi recorder which runs without jack) - any ideas?10:51
sebsebsebrobbit10: some sort of hardware issue maybe then, what type of XP CD?10:51
ikonia_raven_: not a big audio processor on linux so, no idea10:51
sebsebsebPure: better to use real partitions in the long run, plus  wubi can mess up oddly on people, when they uninstall it, that kind of thing10:52
PureFair enough10:52
PureWhich would be best to download, size wise, alternate, desktop or server?10:53
PureI have a VERY slow connection10:53
ikoniaPure: alterntive is the smaller10:53
ikoniaPure: less pretty interface to install from though10:53
sebsebsebPure: usueally people install from the desktop CD10:53
Dr_WillisPure:  the sizes are all under 700mb10:53
Dr_WillisPure:  there is a ubuntu minimal you may want to try then10:53
PureHow long at 56k?10:53
ikoniaPure: too long10:54
Dr_WillisPure:  id go to the local book store and get a magazine with ubuntu in it10:54
* Pure sighs10:54
sebsebsebPure: also you can order offical CD's from Canonical for free, but might take 4 to 6 weeks before getting10:54
ikoniaPure: you may want to consider going to a public internet place, library/cafe/university etc10:54
robbit10sebsebseb: Check your Private Messages10:54
euryalecan anyone tell me how to install jre 1.4.x10:55
euryalei need it for vuze which ain't working10:55
sebsebseb!java | euryale10:55
ubottueuryale: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository10:55
euryaleok thanks alot!10:55
ZiG|ZaGif i issue a mv command from source to target, how do i indicate to move to the current directory without typing the whole path?10:55
sebsebsebeuryale: np10:55
* Pure laughs, 0745 hours at my speed10:56
sebsebsebPure: sounds about right on 56k I think10:56
lvlintZiG|ZaG, mv source.txt source.bck     doesn't work?10:56
sebsebsebPure: so in that case,  may as well get the desktop10:56
PureAmazingly, my speed is clamped network side, not isp side10:56
sebsebsebPure: since then you can test your hardware  before installing Ubuntu10:57
sebsebsebPure: where as with the alternate you can't10:57
ikoniaZiG|ZaG: you either need to be in the directory containing the source, or use the full path10:57
ZiG|ZaGlvlint, why yes, yes it does10:57
SlartZiG|ZaG: ./10:57
ZiG|ZaGikonia yah10:57
PureIt would be nice if etas for torrents were accurate10:57
sebsebsebPure: Which are you getting?10:57
PureDesktop now10:58
ikoniaPure: they will change depending on what's online - they normally are active10:58
ZiG|ZaGikonia also if you just define the filename in the target directory10:58
sebsebsebPure: Desktop ok good :)10:58
PureThere's only 200KB difference from the two10:58
PureI'll probably stop it at somepoint, so I don't get traffic shaped10:59
PureNot that my speed can get any worse10:59
sebsebsebeuryale: yes?11:01
octavioHowdy folks11:01
euryalei downloaded jre-6u18-linux-i586.rpm from java website isn't that jre i need?11:01
euryaleand installed it11:01
sebsebsebeuryale: you don't do rpm11:01
sebsebsebeuryale: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre  I belive11:02
* octavio just installed Ubuntu and is overwhealmed11:02
PureAck, 3.5 seconds of lag11:02
sebsebsebeuryale: Ubuntu uses Deb,  RPM is what Redhat and Fedora and such will use11:02
euryaleok lemme try brb11:02
sebsebsebeuryale: Mandriva as well11:03
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok back to channel I think11:04
robbit10sebsebseb: okay11:04
euryaleand i installed it11:04
euryalehow do i remove it11:04
sebsebsebrobbit10:  maybe other people will know why,  Ubuntu CD's won't boot up on that lap top11:04
foensHello Ubuntu community. I am having a problem with my sound: It says some funny sounds when the some sounds is going to be played. Ehm - hard to explain. Im on a HP Laptop11:04
euryalei used ./file and it walked me through the installation11:04
euryalewith rpm file11:04
sebsebsebrobbit10: ,but I have read stuff before  that basically seems to say that  Ubuntu won't work on certain computers11:04
robbit10Okay -- to everyone in this channel, i have a Sony VAIO laptop here that won't boot up from ANY cd whatsover. Anyone know how to fix this?11:04
ikoniaeuryale: rpm's are targeted to work on ubuntu11:05
ikoniarobbit10: contact your supplier, sounds like the laptop has an issue11:05
robbit10The boot order in the BIOS is set right, so that isn't it.11:05
PureChange it in the bios?11:05
euryalewhat do you mean targeted11:05
ikoniakeep in mind the channel is only for ubuntu issues11:05
ikoniaeuryale: ok, compatible11:05
robbit10ikonia: It is loosely related - i'm trying to run the LiveCD.11:06
sebsebsebikonia: Maybe I read that wrong or something,  you said RPM's work on Ubuntu?   I know they do in Alien, but that's not recommended11:06
euryaleah ok11:06
ikoniarobbit10: not related if you you're laptop won't work11:06
ikoniasebsebseb: you did read that wrong11:06
robbit10ikonia: Then where do I seek support?11:06
ikoniarobbit10: contact your laptop vendor11:06
koharrobbit10 did you burn .iso to cd? and did you set cd-drive first drive to load?11:07
sebsebsebikonia: misunderstood nevermind though11:07
mokmeisteranybody here have any success connecting a Vodafone huawei k3765 on 8.04?11:08
robbit10kohar: yes11:08
koharrobbit10 system do not see cd in drive and continue load win?11:09
robbit10sebsebseb: please check your Private messages11:09
robbit10kohar: indeed11:09
sebsebsebrobbit10: you could of just put what you just did there, in the channel11:10
=== h32Lg is now known as h3cf
robbit10sebsebseb:  It seems the CD-rom player doesn't work in Windows either. It displays the right filesize but it also shows up as an empty CD. When you open it it asks to format it.11:10
=== h3cf is now known as h32Lg
euryaledamn 30 mb of java ¬¬11:10
euryalethey should include this stuff in the cd wth!11:11
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok  probably some sort of hardware issue11:11
ikoniasebsebseb: nnot a problem11:11
koharrobbit10  try ultraiso or nero to burn .iso image11:11
sebsebsebrobbit10: or imgburn if your on Windows doing it11:11
sebsebsebrobbit10: what about other CD's,  do they work with that CD drive?11:12
koharrobbit10 if it didn't help then contact your vendor for replace11:12
brumen_ubuntu works really well11:12
robbit10sebsebseb: no11:12
sebsebsebrobbit10: you have tried, so no CD's work properly in that drive?11:12
robbit10sebsebseb: Indeed, i also tried to boot the WIndows XP cd.11:13
ikoniarobbit10: ok - contact your laptop vendor, this is not an ubuntu issue please.11:13
sebsebsebrobbit10: I guess what kohar and ikonia  put, plus you can take your hardware issue/s to ##hardware11:14
=== Zeo is now known as Zeder
sebsebseb!es |  johana11:14
ubottujohana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:14
papulis firefox 3.5 available yet?11:15
acusterhey all, ekiga is not finding the output device (sound-recorder works fine). Is there a way to confirm ALSA -> pulseaudio is working?11:15
cryptkhere is a really odd, off the wall question...11:15
ikoniapapul: I'm using 3.5.7 on 9.1011:15
Dr_Willispapul:  theres ppa's for the latest versions11:16
cryptkwhy is it... if I install Ubuntu from a CD with a different mouse, my G7 works flawlessly11:16
Dr_Williscryptk:  it hates you :)11:16
cryptkif I install either from a USB drive, or with my G7 connected, or both, then my G7 freezes shortly after bootup11:16
cryptkDr_Willis, not helpful11:16
sebsebsebDr_Willis:  papul  for 3.6  a ppa,  but that will be in the next Ubuntu anyway, released  April 29th11:16
Dr_Williscryptk:  sounbds like some quirky usb issue.11:17
euryalewhat is a ppa?11:17
Dr_Williscryptk:  it fails to Install from usb or installs then fails to run properly?11:17
cryptkmint does the same exact thing11:17
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.11:17
cryptkI haven't tried it with straight debian yet11:17
Dr_Willisdirty usb port?11:17
robbit10sebsebseb: One part of the problem has been fixed! It appeared the lens was dirty, and now it DOES start up from the Windows XP cd! But not from the Ubuntu cd...11:17
cryptkDr_Willis, it will install fine from USB, just my G7 will freeze up after bootup11:17
sebsebsebeuryale: sort of like mini repo's that can be added,   a way people can get later packages when they aren't in the repo's yet,  however having to many ppa's installed might cause issues11:17
cryptkother mice work great11:17
matt__ /join #italia11:18
cryptkonly the G7 causes the problem, but with the G7 freezes it causes all kinds of other USB issues11:18
koharacuster yea somewhere on ubuntuforum was how to11:18
Dr_WillisPoints to a G7 issue..  I guess11:18
* Dr_Willis wonders what a G7 is...11:18
cryptklike new USB devices that are connected will not be picked up (no message in dmesg), unplugging a USB device after the G7 freezes wil register in dmesg, but reconnecting them won't work11:18
cryptkall kinds of weird crap11:18
Dr_Williswonder if its pullng too much powar.11:19
cryptkbut if I install from a CD, with a different mouse, it works great11:19
robbit10sebsebseb: Success! It booted! The lens was dirty, that was all.11:19
ionutwhat is a DHCP ?11:19
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP11:19
cryptkDr_Willis, it can't be that because the mouse works flawless in winblows and it also works flawless if I install via CD with the G7 disconnected11:19
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok good11:19
cryptkDr_Willis, see why i am scratching my head here11:19
robbit10sebsebseb: :) thanks for the help11:20
cryptkI am interested to try with straight debian to see if it is an issue with deb or with ubuntu11:20
sebsebsebrobbit10: np11:20
seonhow can i obtain informations about a website with a shell command?11:20
cryptkmy test with mint didn't reveal much since it is based on Ubuntu11:20
Dr_Willisseon:  what sort of info?11:20
SNIPER0215546325462357547235462547253462534526345243246236452WHAT A BUNCH OF SCRIPT KIDDIE FAGGOTS !!!!! 3465462547254725452365416546325462357547235462547253462534526345243246236452WHAT A BUNCH OF SCRIPT KIDDIE FAGGOTS !!!!! 346546254725472545236541654632546235754723546254725346253452634524324623645211:20
SNIPER0215<SNIPER0215> WHAT A BUNCH OF SCRIPT KIDDIE FAGGOTS !!!!! 3465462547254725452365416546325462357547235462547253462534526345243246236452WHAT A BUNCH OF SCRIPT KIDDIE FAGGOTS !!!!! 3465462547254725452365416546325462357547235462547253462534526345243246236452WHAT A BUNCH OF SCRIPT KIDDIE FAGGOTS !!!!! 3465462547254725452365416546325462357547235462547253462534526345243246236452WHAT A BUNCH OF SCRIPT KIDDIE FAGGOTS !!!!! 346546254725472511:20
robbit10sebsebseb: No offense, but Mandriva looks.. unpolished, and not ready for main use. Not much content on the site, for example.11:21
seonDr_Willis> the owner, contact infos11:21
cryptkdamn, floodbot is really fast, lol11:21
sebsebsebikonia: keeping your eye on the channel :)11:21
kakihiii world11:21
cryptkikonia, was that an automated kick? or are you just that fast, lol11:21
ikoniaI'm quick11:22
cryptknice, lol11:22
robbit10I like the new policy that states you may just discuss your removal from the channel :)11:22
cryptkbtw guys... just wanted to tell a LINUX success story... I am getting hired on at a new company to be a LINUX software administrator for 50K/year11:22
cryptkplay with linux, it CAN pay!11:22
ikoniacryptk: not really on topic here11:22
Dr_Willis'discuss your removal, and let us insult you more...' :)11:22
lvlintseon, whois domain.com11:22
ikoniaDr_Willis: please11:22
cryptkwho ever doubted free/OSS software, lol11:22
Dr_Williscryptk:  did you pad your resume>11:23
sebsebsebrobbit10: talking about removeale could be done before, and a bit off topic talking about this really11:23
cryptkikonia, sorry, just throught that I woudl mention it since Ubuntu is what got me started with linux11:23
cryptkDr_Willis, no11:23
ikoniacryptk: I understand11:23
Seveascryptk, 50k in which currency? Tutkish lira? :)11:23
robbit10sebsebseb: Ah, true.11:23
sebsebsebrobbit10:  not you,   cryptk    right let's try and get this auto complete sorted out properly11:23
seonlvlint> thanks11:23
Dr_Willisif i put 'spends all day doing Ubuntu Support Online' in a resume would it be a lie?  heh.11:23
sebsebseband keep an eye on who said what better again11:24
Seveascryptk, if the answer is 'us dollar', you're underpaid ;)11:24
kakiDr Willis please i have a probleme in compiz i can't activing 3D desktop11:24
System-7If you're making money off Linux, I think it's enough ;)11:24
cryptkkaki, did you install vid card drivers?11:24
ikoniaok chaps, lets move it to #ubuntu-offtopic please11:24
kakiof course11:24
cryptkdid you enable desktop effects?11:25
cryptkis it giving you any errors?11:25
cryptkdo you have the "wobbley windows" when you drag them around?11:25
kakii have intel graohik card11:25
cryptkand your Visual Effects is set to 'Extra' right?11:26
robbit10How do I make the Live CD store changes such as drive installs?11:26
sebsebsebrobbit10: you don't11:26
cryptkthen you have 3d desktop, you just need to install the compiz config setting manager11:26
sebsebsebrobbit10: yo ucan save stuff onto a USB  stick whilst using the Live CD for example though11:26
kakii have installed it11:26
kakiwith fuulk functions11:26
papulsebsebseb: yes there was a mistake i want 3.6 how to use ppa for that?11:26
robbit10guess i'll use Wubi to test it out then.11:26
kakii can enable all effects11:26
koharkaki try fusion-icon | sudo aptitude install fusion-icon11:26
kakibut the  3D desktop no11:26
sebsebsebpapul: Why do you want 3.6?11:27
kakiok  kohar11:27
papulsebsebseb: coz it is latest11:27
* __doc__ steams11:27
sebsebsebpapul: Thought that was why11:27
Seveaspapul,  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-6-stable-from-ubuntu-ppa.html11:27
cryptkkaki, do you mean the 3d cube for swapping desktops?11:27
Seveas__doc__, go __init__ yourself ;)11:27
sebsebsebpapul: yes there are advantages in 3.6 over 3.5.7 of course, but really 3.5.7 would probably be fine for you.  Also newer is not always better!   You will also get 3.6  in the next Ubuntu  released April 29th.11:28
agrumanmy system is terrible at multitasking when io usage is high, example when extracting archives or copying files, i have to wait really long for even the simplest application to start, i am unable to scroll in firefox aso. I am using nf4 fakeraid on 2 500gb sata drives and io as such is ok speeds, my machine is a 2.6ghz amd but cpu utilization is below 10%, currently using karmic, was same in jaunty. What could be the problem?11:28
cryptkkaki, what part of 3d desktop isn't working?11:28
kakiyes cryptk11:28
ikoniaagruman: fake raid is a key problem already11:28
__doc__ubuntu 9.10, wacom tablet, great, it works out of the box, *NOT GREAT* no f... way to map the input range to one monitor/window --> absolutely terribly beyond relief unusable with GIMP11:28
kakiwhen the desktop tourn like a cube11:28
Seveassebsebseb, meh, it's in a good ppa (mozillateam knows what they do) so just use it ;)11:28
cryptkahh, do you have 'Desktop Cube' enabled in ccsm?11:28
agrumanikonia, well i dual boot, and it works fine in winxp / 7. Though they ofc have binary drivers11:29
faz_knhow to increase resolution in xubuntu???11:29
cryptkand desktop wall disabled11:29
cryptkthe two aren't compatible11:29
faz_knanybody temme11:29
ikoniaagruman: so, windows is a different technology, fake raid is a.) a terrible technology b.) even worse in linux11:29
bluephasehi all, does anybody know about webdav connections?11:29
cryptkis "Rotate Cube" enabled11:29
papuland why does firefox update not work as in windows?11:30
kakithis what make me crazy11:30
cryptkhold down control and alt then left click and drag left and right11:30
cryptkdoes it start to spin?11:30
Dr_Willispapul:  because windows is not linux.11:30
agrumanikonia, well perhaps, but io is running at good speeds if i only run io, and its thesame if i extract to a nfs drive11:30
Dr_Willispapul:  ubuntu uses repositories for software.11:30
sebsebsebSeveas: well  having to add ppa's in the first place (or install the software some other way) for  major later stuff, Firefox, Open Office, etc, or  wait for the next release, is a bit silly really, but whatever I guess. Also some users will find it difficult to add a ppa.11:30
bluephaseim trying to copy some files from a webdav connection.  The files include folders and when I paste them instead of pasting the folders and the contents it just pastes a html link to the folder?11:30
ikoniaagruman: I have no idea what you just said11:30
kakiyes it turne like cylinder11:30
ikoniaagruman: but fakeraid will be a BIG factor in your problem11:30
sebsebseb!firefox | papul11:30
ubottupapul: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.511:30
cryptkpapul, the respository is a much different way of working with software and updates, but after you learn how they work you will love them and miss them when using windows11:31
cryptkkaki, then it is working11:31
faz_knhow to increase resolution in xubuntu???11:31
cryptkkaki, do you want to know how to add more sides to the cube? what is the problem?11:31
agrumanikonia, do you have any idea in how i could determine if that is it?11:31
faz_knhow to increase resolution in ubuntu???11:31
kakithanks lot cryptk11:31
cryptkkaki, the cube has the same number of sides as you have workspaces11:31
agrumanikonia, because im not so certain myself, since i experience the same problems when loading nfs-drives with io11:32
kakiyes 411:32
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  should be under the settings menus/tools  somewhere11:32
cryptkadd more by right clicking on the workspace portion of the taskbar at the bottom right, hit properties and add more11:32
ikoniaagruman: a.) read all the known and famous problems with fake raid b.) run a single drive configuartion see if it's any better c.) run io statistics and see where the bottle neck is, probably cpu wait time controlling the fake raid controller11:32
sagacifaz_kn: system > preferences > display11:32
cryptkkaki, enable 3d windows too for another nice effect while rotating the cube11:32
Leittihi all11:32
bluephaseanybody? webdav?11:32
cryptkmakes the windows pop out off the surface of the cube11:33
kakiok i will try now11:33
PJC80LA08I have a question regarding Wubi.  The executable file for Wubi installer won't run on my Thinkpad T43.  What is the fix for this?11:33
Leittiis there any way to customize ubuntu easily for web usage11:33
ikoniaLeitti: for web usage ?11:33
cryptkLeitti, explain what you mean11:33
faz_knhow to increase resolution in xubuntu???11:33
kakithank you cryptk11:33
faz_kn.............how to increase resolution in xubuntu???11:33
cryptkkaki, cool huh11:33
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  use the tools in the menus11:33
Leittiyes, i would just browse internet and use irc11:33
faz_knanybody knows how11:33
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: Wubi  can go wrong on people and such, and it's better to use real partitions in the long run.11:34
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  or clarify the problem more11:34
kakii love u man11:34
agrumanikonia, thanks, do you know of any good io benchmarking utility?11:34
ikoniafaz_kn: calm down - stop asking every 10 seconds please11:34
ikoniaagruman: iostat11:34
ikoniaagruman: sar11:34
agrumanikonia, thanks alot11:34
cryptkkaki, most of the efects will have a 'bindings' tab, that has what you use to control them11:34
faz_knit says just 800x just i need 1240...11:34
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: right so you want to dual boot with Windows?11:34
cryptkand you can change the bindings also to customize it to what you wanyt11:34
koharDr_Willis i think he mean webdev =)11:34
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  NOW you are actually getting to the actual question....11:34
theclifffaz_kn; do you have the driver installed for your video card?11:35
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  install the proper drivers for your viudeo card to make all res'a avail it can do.11:35
PJC80LA08So the answer given regarding Wubi - I assume this answer is based on several similar scenarios experienced by many users so far - "tested, tried, and true" ???11:35
cryptkLeitti, you mean make it so it can ONLY browse the internet and do IRC?11:35
acusteris there supposed to be an /etc/asound.conf file or is this a really old approach (docs from 2007)?11:35
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  and your video card is a ?11:35
theclifffaz_kn, what video card are you using?11:35
faz_kni don't know11:35
papuli also want thunderbird 311:35
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: the answer is,  oh well nevermind so it doesn't work, avoide it anyway,  :)   doesn't take much to set up a proper partitioned install11:35
faz_knis there anyway to get it11:35
faz_kni mean i just installed it...11:36
Leitticryptk, yes and rhytmbox + vlc :D11:36
photonhey. I'm using ubuntu 9.04, I don't like to upgrade to 9.10, but still use the latest version of one editor I like (geany). Is there a way to update Geany without having to compile it myself?11:36
theclifffaz_kn, try Systems > Administration > Hardware Driver and see if Ubuntu picks up your driver11:36
cryptkso you want to limit it to only those things11:36
sebsebsebphoton: there might be a ppa11:36
faz_knmu os is xubuntu.....11:36
theclifffaz_kn: do you know if you have an AMD or Intel processor?11:36
cryptkLeitti, or you want to add those things in?11:36
sebsebseb!dualboot | PJC80LA0811:36
ubottuPJC80LA08: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:36
Leitticryptk, i only need those11:36
theclifffaz_kn, could go either way then.  let me know what happens in Hardware Drivers11:37
Leitticryptk, i will do other things with my other computer11:37
cryptkLeitti, just remove anything you don't want with synaptic11:37
faz_knit's searchin11:37
cryptkLeitti, you can also add in things like vls in synaptic also11:37
Leitticryptk, is there any risk a would delete something critical-+11:37
papulhow to get thunderbird 3?11:38
Leittii would11:38
sebsebsebpapul: I think there might be a ppa11:38
Dr_Willispapul:  search for a PPA of it is one way11:38
ikoniapapul: it's currently not packaged in the stable repos11:38
PJC80LA08sebsebseb, is there is any quick web documentation, guidance, instructions, on how to do this proper partitioned install?  I just purchased this Thinkpad, and I refuse to run Windows anymore.  I want Ubuntu, but still want Windows in tact and able to be recovered.  My restore discs are already created ...11:38
sebsebsebpapul: as far as I know that will also be in the next Ubuntu11:38
cryptkLeitti, don't just go randomly removing things, just look at when is in the menus that you don't want and remove them, be careful removing things that arent in the applications menu11:38
bluephaseso we're drawing a blank on a webdav connection to an iphone?11:38
faz_knit says no proprietry drivers11:38
cryptkLeitti, may I ask why you want to limit it to only those things?11:38
Dr_WillisTheres secure.. then thers paranoid :)11:38
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: well the link I got the bot to give you,  but I can guide you through partitioning in here or pm, no problem11:39
cryptkDr_Willis, exactly... lol11:39
papulwhy are new versions of software available in future repos?11:39
sebsebsebpapul: future versions11:39
papuland not available in the current one?11:39
Dr_Willispapul:  err because thats how it works,,11:39
ikoniapapul: because they take time to build and package11:39
cryptkpapul, what do you mean future repos?11:39
faz_knit says no proprietry driver......11:39
papullike 10.411:39
Dr_Willispapul:  ubuntu uses a 6 mo release schedule11:39
cryptkthere are beta repos, those repos have software that is still in testing11:39
sebsebsebpapul:  also since Ubuntu tend to only provide security updates from the repo's11:39
Dr_Willispapul:  eveyr 6 mo stuff gets updated11:39
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:40
theclifffaz_kn: open terminal and enter "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:40
thecliffread through this file and see what video card is listed11:40
papulDr_Willis: but others must be able to install the latest versions when they want and not wait for future versions11:40
rabbi1Dr. Willis?11:40
papulsorry not repo its version11:40
cryptkthe version numbers of ubuntu are not just versions, they are also dates11:40
rabbi1could u help me with my LAMPP connections?11:40
Dr_Willispapul:  ubuntu dosent work that way. It uses a 6 Mo relase schedule.11:41
cryptkubuntu 9.10 was released in 2009 in october (the 10th month)11:41
ikoniarabbi1: what's the issue11:41
sebsebsebpapul: there's this big idea that it's best to get the latest versions of stuff, and oh just to get it, because it is the latest.   That is not always the case, sometimes newer stuff really is better.11:41
Dr_Willispapul:  if you want newer. then use ppa's or other unsupported./offcial sources11:41
sebsebsebpapul: uh older stuff at the end there11:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:41
cryptknext one will be 10.4 (2001 in April)11:41
rabbi1ikonia, MySQL Deactivated11:41
cryptkerr 2010, not 2001, lol11:41
ikoniarabbi1: start it then11:42
PJC80LA08sebsebseb, I have that webpage up here now.  I already downloaded the ISO for Ubuntu 9.10.  It looks like creating an Ubuntu LiveCD is involved ...  I do need to get some sleep.  I am in the U.S. on Pacific Time - it's currently 3:41 AM here.  What time would work for you later on today - you said PM.  Where are you at - and what is your time zone in relation to mine?11:42
rabbi1after installation of XAMPP, i ran complete security process11:42
sebsebsebpapul: most users probably shoudn't really be using ppa's in the first place,  but if you really must have the latest Firefox, Thunderbird, or whatever it is, well ok then ppa's11:42
ikoniarabbi1: why are you using xammp and not just a standard lamp install11:42
theclifffaz_kn: another tool I use is Sysinfo.  You can install this by going to Terminal and entering "sudo apt-get install sysinfo" and then entering your password.  this will give you an easy to use GUI interface and tell all hardware information abut you box11:42
rabbi1it asked for new pwds, now, all events are running except MySQL11:42
faz_knit says no gedit install here.... install it by typing something.....11:42
ikoniarabbi1: xampp is a terrible process that makes things pointlessly hard and breaks compatability and packaging process11:42
ikoniarabbi1: I'd suggest trying to remove it and just do a standard lamp install, or contact the xammp support people11:43
Seveasrabbi1, you installed xampp --> you won't get support here11:43
rabbi1ok ikonia, will do that11:43
theclifffaz_kn: another tool I use is Sysinfo.  You can install this by going to Terminal and entering "sudo apt-get install sysinfo" and then entering your password.  this will give you an easy to use GUI interface and tell all hardware information abut you box --- use this instead11:43
rabbi1i know seveas, i am trying to remove it11:43
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: oh i'll probably be in here for  another  12 hours or so,  probably a bit more then that,  just won't be at my computer all that time of course11:43
papulwhy isn't a deb file available for this software11:43
Seveaspapul, which software?11:44
papuli shall ask in irc.mozilla.org11:44
ikoniapapul: you've been told why, it takes time to build and package11:44
ikoniathat won't change ubuntu's packages11:44
papulsorry to disturb u with non related stuff11:44
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: plus i'll probably be in there tommorow Sunday11:44
rabbi1ikonia, pls provide the any link, if u know for removing XAMPP and using standard LAMP11:44
ikoniarabbi1: I don't have a link for remocing xampp11:44
faz_knchat in pvt........11:44
ionutdoes anyone knows an application to watch in streaming tv programs on ubuntu 9.10 ?11:46
ikoniaionut: mythtv can record and stream tv to clients11:46
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: OK - maybe I can give a whack at myself when I get up - and then if I have issues - I can get a hold of you.  So cool to finally get the answers I need on here at like 4 AM !!!11:46
rabbi1ikonia, a link where i can find the normal LAMP for ubuntu 8.0411:46
ikoniainstall php5, apache2 and mysql or taskselect install lamp11:47
ikonia!lamp | rabbi111:47
ubotturabbi1: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:47
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: using the guided install is pretty easy, but  setting up a seperate /home  is better in the long run11:47
rabbi1thx, thts done for me11:48
rabbi1i guess ;)11:48
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: no seperate /home if using guided install11:48
pochioh hai! just upgraded to 9.10, and networking doesn't work. Found a description of the bug, and someone suggested i install wicd instead of network-manager. but without network ... how?11:48
PJC80LA08sebsebseb, what do you mean by a "separate /home"? And why? Do you mean separate home directory?  OK - so if using the guided install doesn't allow for this, how do I do it?11:49
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: manual install11:50
faz_knanybody knows how to increase resolution and exceed the limit of that????????11:50
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: easier to set up before installing, than after woulds, well I never have set one up after woulds11:50
PJC80LA08OK - so can we set up the /home now in Windows?11:51
PJC80LA08Shouldn't take too long, should it?11:51
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: no all this is done on a Live CD.   Well if you got Vista you should let it resize itself, and  it's probably like this with Windows 7 as well.11:51
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  have you figured out what video card you are using yet?11:51
faz_knnothing card11:52
faz_knchat in pvt11:52
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  i dont chat in pvt. sorry,.11:52
ikoniaplease stop asking for private chat11:52
faz_knso i've installed sysinfo11:52
faz_knand gedit also11:52
faz_knnow what to do11:52
Dr_WillisI suggest using the normal ubuntu faz_kn  not xubuntu.  but if you got sysinfo installed.. then run it and see what it says11:52
faz_knin drivers 't says that no proprietry driver found11:52
PJC80LA08sebsebseb, I am running Windows XP Pro.  How is the creation of "/home" done with the LiveCD, then?11:52
faz_knit says ati card11:53
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  any specific make/model #'s ?11:53
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: ok so you can re size the XP partition no problem using the LIve CD then, but probably should back up any data just in case something happens first of course11:53
viktor_im having some problems with my firewall/fileserver, ever since i updated it, it has pretty mcuh stopped working. it runs, samba server, i usually vnc to it, i can not connect to the samba shares anymore after the latest update and i can start vnc remotly but it crashes as soon as i try to do something with it. 2 questions, what is the name of the vnc server process? and anyone else having similar problems with their firewall and sa11:53
viktor_oh and this was written over ssh from it11:53
Dr_Willisviktor_:  how are you starting vnc anyway?  i normally ssh in and run vncserver11:54
ikoniaviktor_: drop your firewall for testing11:54
viktor_both sound great, how do i do that11:54
faz_knati technologies 3d rage11:54
viktor_ikonia, uninstall?11:54
Dr_Willishow did you even set up  the firewall viktor_ ?11:54
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: /home is where  your data and program user data will go,   by having one re installing Ubuntu for example will be easier11:55
ikoniaviktor_: no, just stop it11:55
viktor_sudo apt-get install firestarter dr willis11:55
Dr_Willisviktor_:  thats just a front end to the firewall system11:55
faz_knit says ati tech 3d rage card.........11:55
Dr_Willisviktor_:  im not sure that by default will even add any actual firewall rules.11:55
agrumanikonia, seems to be %iowait, was up over 90% when the system lagged out, but now im extracting to a nfs-mounted device and raid io was almost 0.11:55
Dr_Willisviktor_:  run firestarter and tell it to stop the firewall perhaps.11:55
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: K - so is resizing the XP partition a pretty user friendly process?  I am pretty new to this stuff.  And then where does the creation of /home come into play?  You would then create this on the XP partition?11:55
Dayman_Fighterofhey guys....anyone having troible with cairo dock centering?... change possition works on my laptop but not my netbook..........11:56
ikoniaagruman: cpu will still be used to keep the fakeraid active11:56
faz_kntalk to me........11:56
ikonia!ati | faz_kn11:56
ubottufaz_kn: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:56
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  i dont use ati cards so no idea on how supported that one is.11:56
Dr_Willisfaz_kn:  so thers no point in msging me.11:57
agrumanikonia, ok, will need to dig deeper into this ..11:57
bluephaseI'm trying to copy some folders from my iPhone to Ubuntu 9.10 via a WebDav connection.  However if I copy a folder it only generates a link, rather than copying the files themselves?  Can anybody explain this please?11:57
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: guided install with no seperate /home is fine really for most users,  however what I just put regarding /home  which is why a lot of more experienced users tend to do it11:57
kakifaz_kn  try envyNG11:57
theclifffaz_kn, go to Apps > Ubuntu Software Center > install ATI catalyst control11:57
=== peach is now known as Guest632
viktor_dr willis, can we return to the vnc, the "server" i am talking about is running with gnome, on a regular ubuntu 9.10 install, so all i did was change the "remote-deskto" ssettings from preferences to get it running, what process is it in fact using for that?11:58
ikoniaGuest632: hello, this channel is English only11:58
ikonia!es | Guest63211:58
ubottuGuest632: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:58
=== Knightlust is now known as Igorots
Guest632tu quien eres?11:59
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK, so I get it.  /home would go on the XP partition, which is why you would resize it first.  Maybe the guided install with no separate /home would work just fine for me then.  Your /home is kind of like your Ubuntu backup then, I take it?11:59
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: 1. backup any important data in XP.  2.  have you checked your ISO I guess not, that's  a good thing to do, md5sum check to make sure you have a good download.  3.  burn contents of ISO to CD.   4.  boot computer from it.   5. test hardware Internet for example.   6. if 5 was a success start installer  and install Ubuntu using guided with no sperate home being created,  or  using manual where one can be made11:59
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: no11:59
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: Wubi would put  Ubuntu inside  XP11:59
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: however  your going to do a proper partitioned install :)   which means you need to have space on your hard disk for Ubuntu,12:00
viktor_return to vnc, the "server" i am talking about is running with gnome, on a regular ubuntu 9.10 install, so all i did was change the "remote-deskto" ssettings from preferences to get it running, what process is it in fact using for that?12:00
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: you probably don't have free space on your hard disk at the moment for Ubuntu, and so XP would be resized to make that space12:00
paddy_melonhey guys, can anyone help me? I want to create a wireless Access Point (preferrably a proper one, not an ad-hoc one) that simply makes all those on the network connect to the Intranet? Is this possible? Without anything else, EG I can do it nowhere near another access point12:02
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: with a seperate /home  you can just keep your data there.  and program user data, Firefox profile for example, then just re install Ubuntu and any programs you added to it after the default install12:02
ikoniapaddy_melon: you need either an accedd point device or a machine to act as a server with a wirless card in to act as an authentication/dhcp/router device12:02
madduxquestion:  how to compare a good installation (same machine)  with a bad one --- one that video flakes out and you can't read it?    whats a good place to start?   the bad one i can only get into the command line12:03
ikoniamaddux: are the machines the same ?12:03
paddy_melonikonia, I can't become that machine? Seems weird (like 12 mb of ram and 4 mbs of Flash vs a Core 2 duo, etc._12:04
madduxikonia, yes, they are12:04
ikoniapaddy_melon: you can use what ever device you want,12:04
paddy_melonikonia, is there software in ubuntu to do it?12:04
ikoniamaddux: what's the differences in installations, eg: different versions of linux, different archs 32/6412:04
viktor_does anyone know what the name of the default ubnutu 9.10 remote-desktop service, process it is actually using for vnc? or should i just install a separate vnc server ?12:05
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: you would have three partitions for Ubuntu.  1.  /  which is like C in Windows  that's Ubuntu itself.   2.  seperate /home :)   3.  a swap partition which is  like  virtual memory in Windows12:05
paddy_melonoh, sorry ikonia, read your post wrong so, what software do I need?12:05
ikoniapaddy_melon: not as a single package, but as multiple individuals ones, sure, eg: dhcp server, authmethods like ldap/kerberos,12:05
paddy_melonikonia, what about the actual creating of the access point and, broadcastin?12:05
ikoniathat's a very complex process12:05
Seveaspaddy_melon, have a look at chilispot12:05
paddy_melonThanks seveas/Ikonia12:06
madduxonly diff is that one is a usb install that hadnt be used for a long time, and the other is actually on the drive.  before the problem, i had installed many apps..perhaps and update or app broke it, not sure.   that would be the only diff between the two12:06
ikoniamaddux: what version of ubuntu and what arch ?12:07
maddux9.10 and 32 bit12:07
ikoniamaddux: what video card is in it ?12:07
paddy_melonSeveas, will ChiliSpot use my wifi card to create a network?12:07
ikoniapaddy_melon: it will use your card as a connection device12:07
madduxits a netbook so i am not sure on it. the common one for asus eeepc (he1000)12:07
_raven_i need a simple MIDI RECORDER which runs without jack) - any ideas?12:07
Seveaspaddy_melon, I've never used it myself so I won't be more useful that saying 'go look at it'12:07
ikoniapaddy_melon: if you read the requirements you still need a wirless lan access point, a raidus server a web server etc12:07
paddy_melonok, I'll take a look12:08
dwessellIs there a good article for how to get suexec working with Ubuntu? I can't find much in the way of documentation.12:08
ikoniamaddux: if you do lspci you should be able to see, I don't know the eeepc options to be honest12:08
paddy_melonoh, Ikonia, then, what does work, surely my 1000 buck computer can serve hotspots: something a 50 dollar router can12:08
ikoniapaddy_melon: the physical hardware is not important12:09
WaterRatjhow would i make a line for opening a .deb with dpkg -i?12:09
ikoniapaddy_melon: what part of "I've told you any hardware can do it" am I not making clear to you ?12:09
ikoniamaddux: intel card, should be well supported then12:09
paddy_melonikonia, so, You're saying that only a router can do it>12:09
ikoniamaddux: on the broke install is X not starting, or is it started and garbled12:09
ikoniapaddy_melon: NO, ANY hardware can do it12:10
ikoniapaddy_melon: I just said that a few lines above12:10
robbit10Hi people. When installing Ubuntu, out of haste, i made a typo in the password and now I can't login. I've booted into single-user mode, but, now what? When i use passwd robbit10, it gives "Authentication token manipulation error"12:10
madduxits gnome i guess to say.  it becomes garbled on starting.12:10
paddy_melonikonia, then how can I do it with that? I can't find the software, that's why I came here12:10
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok no problem12:10
researcher1how can I install google chrome in ununbtu 9.1012:10
ikoniapaddy_melon: I've told you the software you need, and the chillispot software is a good exmaple also12:10
sebsebsebrobbit10: boot up the recovery mode from the Grub boot loader12:10
sebsebsebrobbit10: get the root shell and then  passwd username  and put in a new password12:11
paddy_melonikonia, DHCP, router and authentication != a hotspot that will broadcast12:11
ikoniapaddy_melon: yes it is12:11
erUSULresearcher1: there is a ppa with daily build of chromium12:11
ikoniapaddy_melon: that's the software you need12:11
robbit10sebsebseb: thanks :D12:11
erUSUL!ppa | researcher112:11
ubotturesearcher1: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.12:11
researcher1how do I get that PPA for google chrome browser?12:12
ikoniapaddy_melon: as chillispot suggests a radius (open radius) server is probably a better authentication method than ldap as I suggested12:12
paddy_melonikonia, ok, thanks, but, which software creates a hotspot? A router like pfsense won't do it , DHCP is for the resolving of hosts... what's the authentication then?12:12
ikoniapaddy_melon: the documentation on the chillispot software seems quite solid12:12
ikoniapaddy_melon: dhcp is not for resolving hosts, the authentication is what will authenticate users to connect to you as you are acting as the hotspot12:13
paddy_melonikonia, OK, I'll take a look, thanks12:13
sebsebsebrobbit10: np :)12:13
paddy_melonikonia, but, doesn't the access point need to be created before we go into authentication? Anyway, I probably need to read the chilispot stuff, thnx12:13
netman1Do homeplugs (ethernet over power), block multicast (eg. mediatomb/ by design? If so, what's the rationale?12:14
ikoniapaddy_melon: yes, your machine will need to act as an access point, so it needs a wirless connection, broadcasting SSID, with dhcp/authentication hooked into it, then your machine will need to be configured as a network router to get the clients on to the internet12:14
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - so I have about 28 GB left of hard disk space.  I don't really have any data to back up - because I just got this computer and started using it.  What is md5sum?  Does creating the LiveCD simply consist of placing the ISO file onto the disk - and then the computer will read the ISO file when the disc is inserted?  What do you mean by "test Internet hardware" ?  Are there solid instructions readily available fo12:14
viktor_hi guys! i have a ubuntu machine i am used to vnc to from a windows machine, all i did was set up remote-desktop access from the default ubuntu preferences, this has worked great for long. but now when i try to connect to if after a restart it works but crashes when i try to do something else than move my mouse, open folder or so. and after that i can not connect to the machine at all anymore. where should i start trying to solve th12:14
robbit10sebsebseb: yay :D it worked12:15
sebsebsebrobbit10: :)12:15
paddy_melonikonia, how do I configure it as such>12:15
madduxikonia, a next step?12:15
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: Are you on a lap top?  Do you have wireless?12:15
ikoniamaddux: sorry, missed you comment, can you boot it into safe fraphics mode12:15
=== antonio__ is now known as killahop_
ikoniapaddy_melon: as I said, that's a long and big process, that's why people use routers with pre-configurd roms12:15
madduxhow do we do that, i just know the recovery mode12:15
netman1viktor: try the log files (~/.vnc and /var/log)12:15
erUSULpaddy_melon: maybe it would be easier to just make an adhoc network with the help of network manager ?12:15
paddy_melonikonia, I"m into reading long and big processes, where do i begin?12:15
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: A lot of hardware just works on Ubuntu, but not  all PC hardware,  however you can test the hardware on the Live CD in the Live Session before installing Ubuntu on to the computer.12:15
aloha_how do i auto mount windows partition in ubuntu 9.1012:16
paddy_melonerUSUL, only Computers can connect AFAIK, eg. Ipods won't12:16
ikoniapaddy_melon: keep in mind, most routers are just linux boxes running in ram, that's why I keep saying the hardware isnot important. The routers are just linux boxes with a wirless card in12:16
madduxikonia, is this an option different than recovery mode?12:16
erUSULpaddy_melon: fair enough12:16
ikoniamaddux: yes, think of it as safe graphics mode12:16
netman1viktor_: also, try another vnc client on your windows machine.12:16
madduxbut the problem continues12:16
ikoniamaddux: what you could do is boot into safe mode and change the video driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to be vesa to see if it at least boots "ok"12:16
paddy_melonikonia, is it possible to run something like what routers run then, like DD-WRT in Qemu>12:16
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: md5sum is a way to check that the ISO you downloaded is good.  Good idea to also do the disk check on the CD to make sure your psyical CD is good, however if it's brand new then I expect it already is.   You burn the contents of the ISO to CD not the ISO itself.12:17
ikoniapaddy_melon: you can't run there actual; roms, but you can build your own version from scratch, but as I said it's a long and complex process12:17
madduxikonia, ah, i see.12:17
sebsebseb!md5sum > PJC80LA0812:17
ubottuPJC80LA08, please see my private message12:17
paddy_melonikonia, why hasn't anyone done it before?12:17
viktor_netman1: the client is solid have tried several diffrent and they all show same behaviour12:17
ikoniapaddy_melon: because most people just buy a $30 wirless router12:17
onaoghi am subscribing to ubuntu-arabic mailing list, what does "receive digests" mean ?12:18
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: Because almost any change to a file will cause its MD5 hash to also change, the MD5 hash is commonly used to verify the integrity of files12:18
ikoniapaddy_melon: it's a massive headache and not everyone will leave their PC on to act as a router for everyeone else12:18
Spanglish_7776to make sure the file is not damaged on download-md5sum12:18
madduxikonia, maybe i misunderstand, i am not using it in x mode, but gnome mode, still change the file you gave me?12:18
paddy_melonikonia, a $30 router can't be moved like a laptop can12:18
ikoniawhy buy a $1000 pc to act as a wirless router with hours of hassle, when you can buy a $40 router12:18
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: better to make sure your CD is good before trying to install Ubuntu from it12:18
ikoniapaddy_melon: a router can be moved easier than a laptop, smaller, lighter, lower power,12:18
ionutdoes anyone knows why mythtv it gives me this error: MythTV is using all inputs,but there are no active recordings ?12:18
guillaume_Hey everyone, I've a problem with my desktop, about the theme, I've taken a screeshot to show the problem, who may help me please?12:18
paddy_melonikonia, but, not battery operated, plus, a PC can do a lot at once12:19
paddy_meloneg for what I'm doing id still need a PC to serve the intranet12:19
onaoghguillaume_, what is your problem with themes ?12:19
photonionut: there is #mythtv-users12:19
netman1viktor_: then your conclusion that the problem is on the server side is probably right. Are you running Xvnc on the server? Does it have any logging/debug capabilities?12:19
ikoniapaddy_melon: I don't know what youre doing it, but that's why no-one bothers with it12:19
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: md5sum refers to a command or program.  I have Verbatim CD's with the vinyl tops - they should be good to go.  How do I extract the file contents from the ISO file, then?12:19
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: your on Windows now?12:20
paddy_melonikonia, OK, perhaps I could make a project out of it :)12:20
ikoniaif you want12:20
netman1PJC80LA08: mount filename.iso mountpoint -o loop12:20
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08 you need to burn the iso image (choose burn image12:20
paddy_melonikonia: the idea is a movable hotspot to give messages, without the need for power12:20
ikoniawell that's going to fail as you'd have to share a 3G connection which is barley enough for 1 laptop, let alone more than one12:21
madduxikonia, i just get a line accross my screen that moves with the mouse12:22
_raven_i need a simple MIDI RECORDER which runs without jack) - any ideas?12:22
llutzpaddy_melon: look at distros like shorewall and change it to your needs. should be easier than recompiling all the stuff like dd-wrt/openwrt12:22
ikoniamaddux: even with vesa ?12:22
bluephasehow can i stop the file menu appearing every time i open a new terminal?12:22
paddy_melonwhat about dd-wrt X8612:23
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: you install  a md5sum program in Windows, check your ISO in it, get a code,  compare the code to what Ubuntu provide, if the code is the same your ISO is good12:23
ikoniapaddy_melon: a.) it's a pointless exerceise as multiple devices can't share mobile internet as it's too slow b.) it's a lot of effort12:24
ikoniapaddy_melon: if you really want to do it though, get stuck in and good luck12:24
PJC80LA08thank you ubottu for the links - and the others for their input.  sebsebseb, I am in Windows currently.12:24
viktor_okay, the vnc part is working, afaik, the problem is in the firewall settings i have, im using firestarter. is this a good choice?12:24
erUSUL!info rosegarden | _raven_12:24
ubottu_raven_: rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.7.3-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4020 kB, installed size 9788 kB12:24
paddy_melonikonia, it's not just for the end product, it's also for the fun12:24
paddy_melonand understanding of how it works12:24
paddy_melonthat's why I use linux mostly12:24
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: http://www.nullriver.com/products/winmd5sum12:24
ikoniapaddy_melon: get going then12:24
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: a lot of people don't bother with this check stuff, since they don't know that they should do it, also  since ISO's  tend to be good downloads, but not always.12:24
netman1bluephase: if you are using gnome-terminal use the command line option --hide-menubar12:25
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: not much good if  your say half way through installing Ubuntu and  then suddenly a disk error12:25
Spanglish_7776large files may change on download if there is a glitch on your internet connection though it may say it finished it got corrupt.12:25
netman1viktor_: Yes. If you think it's the problem then disable it and try again.12:26
_raven_erUSUL, small and without jack12:26
madduxikonia, i only have 2 files with userful.xorg.conf.all ... and .... .one12:28
ricky_dsHello all, in kern.log, syslog and messages I have errors like these: "Add.Sense: Logical unit not supported" and "Sense Key: illegal Request [current]". this happens on an ubuntu 9.10 that was upgraded from 9.04. Any hints about what causes these?12:28
thecliffCan anyone provide insight into the membership process?  I have only been contributing for a few weeks (and have no plans of stopping) but am curious how long it generally takes to apply for membership and be approved.  I am currently helping in the forums, the beginner's team, and the documentation team.12:28
ikoniamaddux: what are the files12:28
ikonia!memebership | thecliff12:29
madduxikonia, these files are the ones to adjust even you login to gui menus and not Xterm?12:29
sebsebsebricky_ds: ok I don't know about that stuff, but  what I do know is that quite a lot of people got issues after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10, with clean install being the best way to fix the issues.12:29
ikoniamaddux: a.) make sure you're up to date on the broken install from the terminal b.) you may need to create /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the broken install12:29
ricky_dssebsebseb: that's what I was thinking as well. that's also the reason why I mentioned that upgrade12:30
madduxikonia, userful.xorg.conf.all and userful.xorg.conf.one and userful.Mxorg.conf12:30
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  could you just walk me through the checking of my blank CD, md5sum (I already downloaded the program from Null River), and the burning of the ISO onto the CD - right now?12:30
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: ok has the program given you a code?12:30
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: you need to check the ISO before you burn12:30
PJC80LA08Let me run it.  I did download the ISO straight from the Ubuntu website ...12:31
ikoniamaddux: they won't get read by the xserver12:31
ikoniamaddux: xserver only reads /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:31
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: got that Ubuntu hash's link by  any chance?  I usueaully just tell them to go to http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10 (or whatever the version is)  and say the file is there with the codes,   or go on it myself and give them a direct link12:31
paddy_melonmaddux, I'm no genius at this, but, I had a similar issue and, registered my gconf schema and it was all good12:32
madduxikonia, i am a bit confused, you keep saying x or xserver, but when it was operating correctly, i would use the gnome login, not the one saying xterm.    i am not understanding12:32
madduxpaddy, gconf schema?12:32
ikoniamaddux: xserver is the thing that displays ANY graphics12:32
madduxikonia, ahhh12:32
reto`ricky_ds: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1988660.html12:32
ikoniamaddux: if your graphics are mangled, the Xserver is the thing that displays them12:32
madduxikonia, so i have not file by that name you gave me, thats bad, right?12:33
Spanglish_7776sebsebseb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes12:33
madduxikonia, does that mean i should copy or look for a copy from the other install?12:33
Seveasmaddux, not necessarily12:33
ikoniamaddux: no no, xorg is dynamic so doesn't normally need a file, sometimes though (especially for debugging) it needs a file to be forced into a specific mode12:33
ikoniamaddux: see if your working install has a file12:33
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  K - here's the code: 8790491bfa9d00f283ed9dd2d77b390612:34
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: compare with the hashes on this page with the version you downloaded: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes12:34
madduxikonia, ok, which one12:34
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: there are two offical links  that provide the code your ISO needs to be,  see the link the message just now from Spanglish_7776   as well as my message before this one, if you want to know about the other webpage with the code12:34
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: the hashes have to be identical*12:35
madduxok, i applogize my noobiness..i need to be a little spoon fed how to do this12:35
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: they need to be a match yes12:35
sebsebsebteh same code12:35
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: uh messaged you when I wanted to message PJC80LA0812:36
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: or actsaully I guess not, since I thought you asked a question :D12:36
PJC80LA08sebsebseb/Spanglish_7776:  Based on the website provided by Spanglish_7776, we have a match!12:36
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: ok good12:36
madduxpaddy, btw, what is gconf?12:36
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: now burn the contents of the ISO to a blank CD12:37
Spanglish_7776that's a start12:37
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: probably best to use a brand new CD12:37
Spanglish_7776find the function burn image to cd on your cd burning software12:37
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: not say a CD RW that has been wiped12:37
Spanglish_7776sebsebseb: I didn't ask, I emphasized (*) I know what's up ;)12:37
PJC80LA08I have Verbatim CD-R's (higher quality) - here it goes ...12:38
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: no they are going to install Ubuntu, and I am making sure they do the whole proccess properly,   burning the CD and partitioning12:38
Spanglish_7776good luck PJC80LA0812:38
robbit10Hi people. I just updated Ubuntu, which broke GRUB and now it drops me into the GRUB command line whenever I boot Ubuntu. How do I fix this?12:39
bluephaseI'm trying to copy some folders from my iPhone to Ubuntu 9.10 via a WebDav connection.  However if I copy a folder it only generates a link, rather than copying the files themselves?  Can anybody explain this please?12:39
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: installing Ubuntu will take about 20 minutes, but  giving the installer all the info might take half an hour or so, depending on you12:39
madduxikonia, more info?12:40
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: anyway you  put before that you got 28GB  free space?  unpartitioend hard disk space?12:40
sebsebsebrobbit10: oh12:41
sebsebsebrobbit10: clean install as well?12:41
robbit10sebsebseb: Nope when I had just installed it, it booted up fine.12:41
robbit10sebsebseb: But the update broke it - I installed it via Wubi.12:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: no don't do Wubi12:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: I am about to tell  PJC80LA08  how to do a proper partitioned install :)12:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: they are just burning CD at the moment12:42
robbit10sebsebseb: I know how to do that. but I am not allowed to install an OS on that laptop at the moment.12:42
sebsebsebrobbit10: oh right well you sort of have, since you did Wubi12:42
cemcis there a way to use a proxy for apt-get12:42
robbit10sebsebseb: I meant no dual-booting12:43
heverhow can I download linux kernel staging drivers using git ?12:43
cemc...but only if it's available ?12:43
sebsebsebrobbit10: Wubi is dual booting, expect instead of going onto a real partition, it puts itself inside Windows12:43
madduxikonia,  those files i told you, i dont see them in the good install12:43
sebsebsebrobbit10: you might even need to use the Windows CD, to get rid of  Wubi propelry12:44
MrBlisscemc: export http_proxy=your.proxy:port, then run apt-get12:44
sebsebsebrobbit10: after un installing it12:44
jiohdirobbit10: on several wubi- installs, the boot loader failed after updates12:44
robbit10sebsebseb: Ohh...12:44
robbit10jiohdi: Including mine12:44
sebsebsebrobbit10: Wubi can mess up on people and oddly, hence one reason why a lot of us don't recommend it12:45
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah - let's not do the Ubuntu install tonight.  I'm tired - got a crapload to do tomorrow.  Your guidance has been awesome so far, though.  We can hook later on the actual install. Yes, 28 GB of unpartitioned free space.  I have an 80 GB hard drive.  So how do I burn the image of the ISO vs. the ISO itself - onto my CD in Windows?12:45
SatanR1Hello everyoe, is it possible to install ubuntu onto a 4gb usb ... and keep it as a full running OS .... Ihave been able to make it have a live-persistent mode with casper, but I want it to be full ?12:45
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: imburng will do the image12:46
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Is this a Windows DOS command or an Ubuntu command?12:46
Dr_WillisSatanR1:  possible but you will need to tell the insataller where to put Grub. and watch the disk space carfully12:46
PJC80LA08Linux, I mean ...12:46
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: no12:46
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: imgburn is a good graphical program for Windows, for burning ISO's12:47
sebsebsebcontents of ISO's12:47
SatanR1Dr_Willis, so you sugest installing straight to the USB and place the grub on the USB too?12:47
FloodBot2Spanglish_7776: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:47
Dr_WillisSatanR1:  I would think a persistant save file install would be easier12:47
dawitI need a free download accelerator12:48
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: as for installation well,  Sunday or whatever I guess,  I will be around in here tommorow Sunday12:48
SatanR1Dr_Willis, Yes, but I'm not able install apps that way ... or even create my own user name ... it says as 'live session'12:48
SatanR1I bascially done this method : http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/12:48
Dr_WillisSatanR1:  IF you do a 'persistant save' file setup - YES you can install apps and add users,12:48
Dr_WillisSatanR1:  use the ubuntu-usb-disk creator tool Not unetbootin, or follow some guides at pendrivelinux.com12:49
MrBlissSatanR1: that is strange, I use a isb drive persistently and added programs and users12:49
true\falseFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/thunderbird/thunderbird_2.0.0.23+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1_i386.deb Size mismatch12:49
true\falseWhy does it do that whenever I use Ubuntu Software Centre?12:49
SatanR1hmm Dr_Willis thanks ... I'll give it another go using that method then .... and the built in usb-creator in ubuntu! :)12:50
sebsebsebtrue\false: try using  the command?  sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird I think it is12:51
sebsebseb!info mozilla-thunderbird12:51
ubottumozilla-thunderbird (source: thunderbird): Transition package for mozilla-thunderbird rename. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 60 kB, installed size 112 kB12:51
guntberttrue\false: first try sudo apt-get update12:51
_raven_i need a simple MIDI RECORDER which runs without jack) - any ideas?12:52
madduxmy machine crashed, ugg12:52
robbit10sebsebseb: Once I have permission to install on the laptop, is it better to install Windows 7 first, or Ubuntu first? I want to have them both.12:52
madduxikonia, still there?12:52
sebsebsebrobbit10: Windows first12:53
true\falsesebsebseb: Did already ta :) Works just grand12:53
sebsebsebrobbit10: also depending on what you want to do etc,  well  Windows in a virtual machine possibily :)12:53
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah, hopefully we can get to my Ubuntu installation sometime this weekend yet.  We have a visitor coming from Wisconsin on Sunday, and Sunday is Valentine's Day (yes, I'm married).  So Saturday (today) later on would be better.  I'm in ImgBurn right now - do I select the option to "Create image file from files/folders" ?12:53
jiohdirobbit10: windows dont play nice, but ubuntu will allow dual booting with ease12:53
true\falseNow the next issue I have is that Amarok has stopped working, but whatever.. VLC is just grand.12:53
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: yeah I might be here later on12:53
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: and i'll be around in here next week as well12:53
robbit10sebsebseb: Naw Windows in a VM is too weak for what I want to do with it.12:53
robbit10sebsebseb: Okay, i'll install Windows first then.12:54
true\falseguntbert: sudo apt-get update doesn't work actually.. W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY ED8B789323DC00312:54
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: anyway good after noon for me, and good night for you, I guess :D12:54
sebsebsebrobbit10: what do you want to use it for?12:55
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: In ImgBurn, do I select the option to "Create an image file from files/folders?"12:55
robbit10sebsebseb: Programs such as Photoshop and Adobe Flash, and freeware games and MMORPG's.12:55
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: uhmm  something like that I guess12:55
sebsebsebrobbit10: the Flash player, or the maker?12:56
guntberttrue\false: temporarily disable that ppa (you can easily do it via system/administration/software sources/other software12:56
robbit10sebsebseb: The maker. Oh, and recording video's and sound.12:56
sebsebsebrobbit10: you make Flash :(12:56
robbit10sebsebseb: I made a few flashes once, haven't done it in a while though.12:56
sebsebsebrobbit10: video editing well there's kino and there's uhmm whatever it's called, which will be in the next Ubuntu by default12:56
petsoundstrue\false, do you have xine installed? amarok needs xine.12:56
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: you want to choose write image file to disc12:56
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: thought you would know :)12:57
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776: I don't have that app in front of me right now etc12:57
robbit10sebsebseb: Naw I prefer the more advanced programs which are available on Windows12:57
sebsebsebrobbit10: there's  Blender for 3D moddeling, is that advanced enough for you? :D12:57
true\falsepetsounds: It did work yesterday, now it just doesn't.. Which is oddd12:57
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776:  The ISO file is still just the ISO file.  It's not an image file in it's inherent form, is it?12:57
robbit10sebsebseb: I also have a device (Line 6 Pod Studio UX1) that is only windows/mac-compatible.12:57
true\falseguntbert: Works ta :)12:57
robbit10sebsebseb: Sorry, but i just need windows :P12:57
sebsebsebrobbit10: anyway Photoshop and such you can run in Wine and quite well I think after some setting up maybe.12:57
sebsebsebrobbit10: you can also virtual machine Windows for those apps12:58
Spanglish_7776PCJ80LA08: it's an image of a CD12:58
System-7For good video editing try Open Movie Editor (well good in slightly above Win Movie Maker)12:58
=== llutz_ is now known as llutz
Spanglish_7776not like a graphics image12:58
sebsebsebrobbit10: ,but if you want to dual boot for those apps, well ok then12:58
madduxikonia, downgrading xorg and then return it back...maybe can fix...i am trying12:58
guntberttrue\false: you're welcome :-)12:58
System-7The OLD Movie Maker, not Live12:58
Spanglish_7776like a copy PJC80LA0812:58
true\falseBah if this was Windows I'd know it was borked and reinstall already.12:58
robbit10sebsebseb: I need to dual boot for them. My biggest hobby is playing guitar, and many of the apps for that are available only on Windows, and my Direct Input box only works on windows.12:58
timmarshalli love linux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:59
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok, but most Windows apps work in a Windows virtual machine,  altough 3D games will be a bit of an issue stil really12:59
System-7thats great!!!!!!!!!!!12:59
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776: So it is an image file.  K - writing image file to disc, here goes ...12:59
timmarshallisnt it just!!!!!!!!!12:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:59
robbit10sebsebseb: Yes, but my line 6 device, then?12:59
coolguy4how come ubuntu doesn't have /etc/inittab ?13:00
sebsebsebrobbit10: I don't know about that, but yes it's probably better for you to have a  dual boot13:00
robbit10sebsebseb: Okay. So first Windows 7, then Ubuntu. Got it. Thanks :)13:00
guntbert!inittab | coolguy413:01
ubottucoolguy4: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:01
sebsebsebrobbit10: yep otherwise Windows will overwrite the part of Grub that's in the MBR13:01
ehndeanyone have any idea why pidgin closes unexpectedly when it's not in focus?13:01
sebsebsebrobbit10: master boot record,  and then  that's a bit of an issue to get it on there again13:01
ehndei didn't know if this was a bug, or some quirk that i'm causing13:01
Dr_Willisehnde:  run from terminal, look for error messages13:02
Dr_Willisehnde:  you sure its not just minimizing to the systemtray?13:02
sebsebsebrobbit10: ok np13:02
PJC80LA08sebsebseb/Spanglish_7776:  UHHH.  So this file is 723,488,768 bytes in size.  My CD-R's capacity is 700 MB.  I have one more on hand that is 700 MB capacity.  Will I be able to copy the entire file onto CD, then?13:02
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: should be able to yeah,  Desktop ISO fits on a standard 700MB CD13:03
ehndeDr_Willis: good idea, i'll try running it from the terminal, and i tried opening it up with alt+tab, and it did not appear to be running any longer13:03
guntbertsebsebseb: please what is a " Desktop ISO " ?13:04
MrBlissPJC80LA08: it should fit  723,488,768 bytes =~690 MB13:04
sebsebsebguntbert: lol your joking?13:04
sebsebsebguntbert: the ISO for the Desktop Edition13:04
sebsebseb!es | eliana13:04
ubottueliana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:04
guntbertsebsebseb: uhhh - actually I was just beeing dumb :-/13:04
PJC80LA08K - we have 8 minutes before this CD is done ...13:05
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: I thought you had already downloaded it13:05
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: well that burn is taking a while13:05
sebsebsebguntbert: What is Linux? :D13:06
timmarshallif anyones got msn add me tim-lad@hotmail.com13:06
sebsebsebtimmarshall: Why?13:06
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Linux is the up-and-coming OS that will eventually KICK ALL ASS - that's what it is !!!13:07
MrBlisssebsebseb: I have heard of GNU/linux :-P13:07
sebsebsebMrBliss: yeah GNU/Linux :)13:07
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: it already has the other markets that matter, the server, the super computers etc.   Linux distros are getting there on the desktop.  anyway off topic :D13:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:08
guntbertsebsebseb: don't rub it in - it hurts :-))13:08
MrBlissDon't forget the mobile devices13:08
sebsebsebguntbert: eh nevermind a bit of fun I guess :)  plus I know your a good helper here :)13:09
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: RIGHT.  Like I just said - Linux is ... KICKING ... M-A-J-O-R ... AAAAASSSSS.13:09
sebsebsebMrBliss: yeah I was going to put something about mobile in there13:09
guntbertsebsebseb: :-) I *can* take the heat  - so I stay in the kitchen :-)13:09
conb123Hiya I'm trying to compile a program from source and it cannot find a file called libserver.la, does anyone know which package i can find this file in?13:10
=== molnitza_ is now known as molnitza
Dr_Willis!find libserver.la13:12
ubottuPackage/file libserver.la does not exist in karmic13:12
guntbert!compile | conb12313:12
ubottuconb123: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:12
Dr_Willisconb123:  looks like you may need to compile the source for the libserver first13:12
=== tjibbe_ is now known as Tjob
Dr_Willis!find libserver13:13
ubottuFile libserver found in attal13:13
conb123Dr_Willis: Yeah there is a folder called libserver, but I'm pretty sure it compiles as part of the script13:13
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: Quick question for you then, as I am almost "outtie".  How will you instruct me on the Ubuntu installation off the LiveCD - if I won't be able to be online during the install?   Are going to like - have a half-hour training session beforehand - during which I document all steps in detail?13:13
guntbert!info build-essential | conb123 did you install that?13:13
ubottuconb123: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB13:13
conb123guntbert: Yes I did13:14
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: heh heh13:14
guntbertconb123: what are you trying to compile?13:14
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: Only one computer?13:14
conb123guntbert: Globalmenu13:14
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: anyway assuming your Internet works,  you can be on IRC when running installer :)13:14
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: on the Live CD13:15
Spanglish_7776what did I miss.. lol,13:15
Spanglish_7776it got "quiet" all of a sudden, had to reconnect.13:15
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah - I was just thinking that.  I do have another one that is WAY slower (a really old Dell Latitude CS laptop).  I could chat on there I guess too ...  How do you get the IRC to run online in tandem with the installer?13:16
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: you will run installer put in the details it wants, and create three partitions for Ubuntu, and how I say to make them :)   I could actsauly say now13:16
_raven_i need a simple MIDI RECORDER which runs without jack) - any ideas?13:16
guntbertconb123: that doesn't tell me a lot - where did you get the file?13:16
conb123guntbert: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/13:16
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: ok right you never been on an Ubuntu Live CD before?13:16
DuxonHello! I need help: How can I prevent Nautilus from opening recently plugged in USB-Sticks?13:16
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: by default it boots up into a live session which is Ubuntu running from the CD13:17
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: where people can test their hardware, and do  things whilst  using Ubuntu,  including IRC and  running the installer13:17
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  No, I have never been on an Ubuntu LiveCD before.  And the CD just finished, BTW.  Aw hell - do you want to just do the install together now?13:18
coolguy4where in ubuntu can I configure the ALT-CTRL-Fn sequences? I want to be able to switch to a pseudo-terminal which runs xorg from a chroot13:18
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: if you want13:18
FANDER1guys I want to buy a new laptop and the one I found has this: Mobile Intel GMA 4500M. Is it OK with ubuntu? Cuz I heard it has problems with ubuntu. So what do you think?13:18
FANDER1This is the laptop:http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/notebooks/lenovo+g550+led+backlight+dual+core13:19
sebsebsebFANDER1: hrm13:19
sebsebsebFANDER1: buying supported hardware right ok, I got a link that should be of some use13:19
guntbertconb123: did you read and follow the instructions in INSTALL and README?13:19
conb123guntbert: Yeah13:19
Spanglish_7776!es | MILLO13:21
ubottuMILLO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:21
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - let's do it!  So I just run the Ubuntu Install CD now from inside Windows?  When/how do I get back on Pidgin to chat with you - once in the LiveCD app?13:21
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: no13:22
MILLOcuantos años tienes13:22
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: you bot your computer from it13:22
sebsebsebPJC80LA08: you might have to go into your BIOS and telll it to boot from CD13:22
geezer_codehi, all  :)13:22
sebsebseb!es | MILLO13:22
ubottuMILLO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:22
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08 do yo have a dell?13:22
MILLOyo soy español13:22
PJC80LA08No - I have an IBM Thinkpad T4313:22
FANDER1so does anyone know anything about the compatibility between Ubuntu and  Mobile Intel GMA 4500M?13:22
guntbertconb123: ./configure runs without errors?13:22
Spanglish_7776press f12 to get boot menu choose cd/dvdrom13:22
Rajmi have windows xp and ubuntu install, is it possible for a dual boot13:23
guntbert!es | MILLO13:23
ubottuMILLO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:23
sebsebsebFANDER1   this link might be of some use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays/01232010/ChoosingHardwareThatWorks13:23
geezer_codecan anybody help me with Ubuntu?13:23
conb123guntbert: Yes it did, could it possibly be that perl is to earlier a version the configure says this "checking for perl >= 5.8.1... 5.10.0"13:23
=== dad is now known as Guest10872
sebsebseb!ask | geezer_code13:23
ubottugeezer_code: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:23
Guest10872I need to change nameserver in diskless set up13:24
Rajmi have windows xp and ubuntu installed, is it possible for a dual boot13:24
PJC80LA08OK - then once I hit f12 to get into BIOS and choose cd/dvdrom - at what point am I am able to get back online and on Pidgin to chat and continue being guided through the install?13:24
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08 press the blue button at boot- when the post screen comes up (post is the screen before you see the winxp boot splash screen13:24
guntbertconb123: my perl version matches but I get a failure with gtk213:25
Guest10872PJC yes install windows rthen ubuntu13:25
Guest10872PJR go read a guid on how to dual boot ther are thousands13:25
geirhaconb123: pastebin the configure output after doing ''make distclean''.   ./configure 2>&1 | pastebinit   (assuming the pastebinit package is installed)13:25
guntbertconb123: sorry - I gotta go - lunch is ready :-)13:26
Guest10872I need to change nameserver in diskless set up13:26
sebsebsebRajm yes13:26
geezer_codeI use dig domain.local and it writes the ip I need, but PING gives  ping: unknown host projects.local13:26
Guest10872when I edit resolv.conf its rewritten on reboot13:26
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  What is your call?  So I press the Access IBM blue button - and that will bring me into BIOS?13:26
guntbertconb123: but geirha will take your case - it seems :)13:26
Spanglish_7776Guest, you may have dhcp getting your settings.13:27
sebsebseb!dualboot |  Rajm13:27
ubottuRajm: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:27
coolguy4how can I configure the "gui terminals"? eg. CTRL-ALT-F[7-12]13:27
Spanglish_7776no it will give you choices from where to boot from PJC80LA0813:27
sebsebsebRajm  also I am on the verge of helping PJC80LAO8 set up a dual boot, the way I would do it13:27
Guest10872span it prob is its a diskless mythbuntu setup13:27
Guest10872and i need to set server as
llutzGuest10872: change your dhcp-settings, clientside supersede dns-nameserver13:28
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: While either of the following messages is displayed at the lower left area of the screen, press the F12 key to display the boot menu:13:28
Spanglish_7776To interrupt normal start-up, press the blue Access IBM™ Lenovo™ button or the enter key.13:28
Spanglish_7776Press F12 to choose temporary boot devicePress F1 for BIOS Setup Utility13:28
Spanglish_7776Press F11 to invoke the Product Recovery program13:28
Spanglish_7776Press F12 to choose temporary boot device13:28
FloodBot2Spanglish_7776: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  bt my router is
maggsdamn, in trying to remember how to connect to a new server i forgot my question....13:28
Spanglish_7776got anxious. ;)13:29
V4mpirethis isn't really the right question for here but someone might know... anyone good with mybb ?13:29
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  do you have any exp with diskless13:29
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776 :)13:29
Spanglish_7776hmmm. somehwhat, what's you're question?13:29
conb123geirha: http://pastebin.com/f660136a8 , there you go13:29
theadminIs there an environment variable to reffer to current directory?13:30
llutztheadmin: PWD13:30
sebsebsebit's not the same button to access the BIOS on all computers  PJC80LA0813:30
Rajmthanks ubottu13:30
Spanglish_7776Guest10872, what's you're question?13:30
theadminllutz: o_O Completely not self-explanatory :/ Thanks13:30
geezer_code<geezer_code> I use dig domain.local and it writes the ip I need, but PING gives  ping: unknown host. How can i fix it?13:30
_raven_i need a simple MIDI RECORDER which runs without jack) - any ideas?13:31
llutztheadmin: print-working-directory13:31
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  clients cannot connect to internet as resolv.conf provides nameserver as and I need
theadminllutz: But variables don't print anything %) Besides, I don't have a printer13:31
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 where are the clients getting the IP settings? DHCP?13:31
llutztheadmin: its from command "pwd"13:31
theadminllutz: I am used to think of "pwd" as of acronym for "password"13:32
llutztheadmin: fail :)13:32
Spanglish_7776you need to configure the dhcp server to specify as their dns13:32
Simon1245Hello everyone, Does anyone know a good ebook for Ubuntu?13:32
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: you need to configure the dhcp server to specify as their dns13:32
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776  thanks for the button stuff even though you flooded the channel with it,  if PJC80LA08 got into their BIOS as a result of it13:33
Guest10872# Default LTSP dhcpd.conf config file.13:33
Guest10872subnet netmask {13:33
FloodBot2Guest10872: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:33
Guest10872    range;13:33
geezer_codeжесть блин, и никто значит не знает. придется на форум итти.13:33
aggalitsas85hi all , I want to connect my wireless in Ubuntu 9.10 could someone send me private mesage to help me ?? thanks13:33
conb123geirha: Found anything?13:33
PJC80LA08Access IBM Blue Button.  F12 for temporary boot device.  So now changes in BIOS are needed?13:33
Spanglish_7776np, I will use paste.ubuntu.com next time ;)13:33
Dr_Willis!wireless | aggalitsas8513:33
ubottuaggalitsas85: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:33
PJC80LA08So NO changes in BIOS needed, I mean?13:34
Simon1245Does anyone know a good ebook for Ubuntu which covers all the basic stuffs?13:34
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, so i change dns server to
jribSimon1245: help.ubuntu.com13:34
theadmingeezer_code: Не ругайся, и по английски пожалуйста || Don't swear and use english please13:34
maggsi remembered my question!13:34
Dr_WillisSimon1245:  there are some in the repo13:34
Spanglish_7776yes Guest1087213:34
Simon1245jrib, Thanks Will check it13:34
Simon1245Dr_Willis, What is Repo?13:34
Spanglish_7776restart the dhcp server when you're done configuring it13:34
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: restart the dhcp server when you're done configuring it13:34
theadminSimon1245: short for Repository13:34
maggsis there an easy way of seeing if my laptop will run the 64 bit Ubunutu?13:34
theadminmaggs: There are no 64-bit laptops, if I'm not mistaken13:35
geirhaconb123: Configure output looks good. I downloaded the source meanwhile, and getting the same problem. My best guess is that it's supposed to use libserver/libglobalmenu-server.la ... someone probably changed the name, but forgot to do the same in all files.13:35
Simon1245theadmin, Sorry, My english isn't good can you explain a bit more about it?13:35
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  ok i will try13:35
jessejamesTry booting from the live CD13:35
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: no changes to the BIOS, correct13:35
llutztheadmin: fail again13:35
tp43maggs, does it a sticker on it that says 64 bit cpu?13:35
theadminSimon1245: A thingy you add to software sources... llutz: Huh?13:35
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: if you still have issues, let me know.13:35
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 only need to change the BIOS boot order, if CD won't boot, and the CD is a good one13:36
maggsonly sticker i see is "intel centrino duo" tp4313:36
llutztheadmin: most actual cpus are 64bit, even in laptops13:36
Simon1245theadmin, I will check the help.ubuntu.com :D Because it's more easier I get back to you if I don't find something i there13:36
theadminmaggs: Okay, sorry, anyways, what system are you on now?13:36
Spanglish_7776sebsebseb he can choose to boot from cd, without having to change the boot order.13:36
jessejamesmaggs: I'm running 64-bit on a laptop. Try booting from the 64-bit CD13:36
PJC80LA08sebsebseb/Spanglish_7776:  K - so what do I do once its booting from the Ubuntu disk.  When will I be able to get back on here to chat and be guided by sebsebseb for all the partition stuff - at what point in the process and how?13:36
Spanglish_7776if he gets to the boot menu13:36
tp43install lshw, and then run it and see what it says, if it says 64 bit, there you go13:37
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  Is it possible to tave my routers dns server running and dhcp on my linux server13:37
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 can you go on IRC on another computer as well or?13:37
Guest10872tave *ave13:37
Spanglish_7776GUEST10872 yes13:37
conb123geirha: I don't think I have that file13:38
tp43maggs, cat /pro/cpu13:38
Spanglish_7776Guest10872, you can, as long as the dhcp tells the clients what the dns server is. you're good.13:38
Simon1245jrib, I think this will do in the beginning. Anyways, You know a ebook I could continue with once I readed this so I can learn more?13:38
tp43maggs, cat /pro/cpuinfo13:38
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: Yes.  RIGHT.  Let me take a piss (all this discussion is so intense !!!) and get my old laptop top rolling online ... and then I can engage in the process.  A few moments, guys ... be right back ...13:38
theadminmaggs: On windows, you should run "systeminfo" in command line and see the output.13:38
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  I might actsaully make a video showing how to partition my way one day :)  and upload to Youtube or something.13:38
conb123geirha: Heres my ls for libserver, http://pastebin.com/f2c025dc513:38
maggslshw http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m18c1d04313:38
jribSimon1245: theer's not much more you need unless you want to start getting into more advanced stuff13:39
maggsthe width suggests i can use the 64 bit version?13:39
Simon1245jrib, Does help.ubuntu.com cover the terminal part aswell?13:39
tp43I have dual core, but cat /proc/cpuinfo only shows one13:39
jrib!cli | Simon124513:39
ubottuSimon1245: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro13:39
Simon1245man intro13:40
Guest10872just rebooted client after changing dns server to in dhcp.conf on server and its still setting nameserver to 1.1013:40
Simon1245Thank you13:40
theadminSimon1245: LOL. Not here. In the terminal.13:40
Simon1245Sorry lol i'm new to this :D13:40
tp43jrib, whats so powerful about it?13:40
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  or boot up  the Live CD, after doing disk check that should pass :)   the one on CD yeah.   then   get the live session booted, and as long as Internet works,   appliations > assesosries > terminal   sudo apt-get install xchat  (  I use Konversation, but for Live CD might as well just do xchat)13:40
geirhaconb123: for file in libserver/tests/Makefile.*; do ed -s "$file" <<< $',s/libserver\.la/libglobalmenu-server.la/g\nw'; done13:40
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 did you restart the dhcp?13:40
Guest10872haha no13:41
Spanglish_7776sebsebseb: I think someone beat you to the punch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8a-smrPlvE13:41
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: restart ;)13:41
Simon1245tp43, So powerfull about what?13:41
llutzSimon1245: www.ubuntupocketguide.com13:41
geirhaconb123: That should replace all occurances of libserver.la to libglobalmenu-server.la. Then do ''make distclean; ./configure && make''13:41
tp43Simon1245, cli13:41
Simon1245llutz, Thank you, I will chcek it13:41
jribtp43: bash is a scripting language, you can have your computer do a lot by typing very little13:41
maggstp43: 13:42:26 < maggs> lshw http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m18c1d04313:41
theadminmake distclean? What does this do? o_O13:41
sebsebsebspanglish_7776  I think if I remember correctly that there probably is already something out there for that.13:41
Guest10872terminal line to restart dhcp?13:41
Guest10872sorry Im noob13:42
Simon1245tp43, There you got your answer :D I didn't know the answer aswell :D13:42
Spanglish_7776Guest what version of linux?13:42
Spanglish_7776or "Flavor"13:42
Spanglish_7776sudo /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart13:42
geirhatheadmin: Usually turns the source tree back to the way it was just after you extracted it13:42
sebsebsebSpanglish_7776  right I'll check out that video see if it's any good or not,  guideing people through partitioning really does take time13:42
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:43
theadmingeirha: Wow. Thanks, will know, should be useful later13:43
MrBlissGuest10872: sudo /sbin/dhclient13:43
tp43maggs, yep, you got 64 bits13:43
PJC80LA08sebsebseb/Spanglish_7776:  I am going to disconnect now from this computer - because I can only run one computer online (my AT&T modem only has one ethernet port).  I be back in a few minutes ...13:43
JStooneGuest10872, as Pranglish_7776 says try   "sudo /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart"13:43
conb123geirha: Oh man it worked, your a genius thank you13:43
Guest10872sudo invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server restart13:43
Guest10872found it!13:44
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 hold on13:44
Simon1245Is there any shortkeys to come to the desktop.. Like in Windows there is ctrl + D and it takes you to the desktop.. Is there anything similar in Linux aswell?13:44
Spanglish_7776that will work ;)13:44
VCoolioSpanglish_7776: on karmic, shouldn't that be "sudo service blah restart" (considering upstart)13:44
maggstp43: cheers, i'll give the 64 bit version a play then, see if i can spot any difference in performance or anything else13:44
theadminWonder why /etc/init.d is not in $PATH13:44
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  your command karmic no likey!13:44
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 that video might be good enough for you to do this on your own,  I was about to check it out13:44
geirhaconb123: Great :)13:44
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 1 sec13:44
Guest10872I think this will fix client rebooting now13:44
llutztheadmin: nobody wants to have init-scripts inside his path, having sometimes  same name as some apps13:45
PJC80LA08Oh OK - this video mimicks your process - for creating three partitions - or whatever?13:45
geirhatheadmin: Because those scripts aren't meant to be run very often, and only by root13:45
avitaozimit has programmer online, mgs me13:45
avitaozimit has programmer online, mgs me13:45
theadminllutz: Oh. My, I see... Didn't know that they sometimes have same names as apps.13:45
tp43maggs, I heard there are other things, but I thought 64 bit allows you to use more than 4gig ram, how much ram do you have?13:45
theadminavitaozim: Don't flood the channel. Also, what?13:46
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, haha well done problem fixed!13:46
Spanglish_7776;) no problem13:46
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  now next problem13:46
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  time on clients is 1 hour wrong13:46
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  The only thing about it, though - is this other old laptop is very choppy/slow with video ...13:46
Guest10872Im in australia and daylight saving is on but clients cant se it!13:47
Spanglish_7776GUest10872 are you familiar with NTP?13:47
maggstp43: 1gig ^^ it's a fairly old laptop :D i'm pretty bored though, and a chance to do a reinstall appeals right now13:47
Guest10872ntp is installed on server13:47
Guest10872and on clients image13:47
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 no13:48
Spanglish_7776you have the ntp server running on the server Guest10872?13:48
Spanglish_7776or just the client?13:48
tp43maggs, I don't think you need to re-install, you can just install the kernel13:48
avitaozimit has programmer online, mgs me13:48
Guest10872Ive changed ntp.conf  but client dont seem to get time from server which is what I want them to do13:48
frodolegginshi guys, there's a ppa for OOo 3.2???13:48
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 only making one partition  in video which the guided install would do anyway etc.13:48
sebsebsebget the CD booted and i''ll guide you through it13:48
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  I have on client image and server13:48
Tronx_i need to write a script to add # to the last 4 lines in a file, and one that removes them13:49
Tronx_any suggestions?13:49
JStooneHi everyone! I'm having some problem getting my apache online? it is only working on the local network? any suggestions?13:49
tp43maggs, do apt-cache search linux image, and then pic the one you like, and do apt-get install linux-image-whatever-64-bit13:49
llutzTronx_: perl, sed, awk13:49
Emilianohi there13:49
Spanglish_7776Guest10872. 1 sec13:49
theadminJStoone: Strange. Do you have a public IP? Are you behind a proxy?13:49
maggswill have a look, thanks tp43, will do a back up first though, just in case13:49
JStoonemaggs, remember to do the   "sudo apt-get install" if you are not logged in as root13:50
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  So you are saying that if I brought up the webpage with the guided install on my other old laptop - and did it by only making one partition - I will be fine?13:50
hiemsHello... I'm trying to put an command that asks for user input (a password) in an upstart script, Ubuntu Karmic... it looks like the scripts goes on but the password request is unattended... Ideas?13:50
Davide__45Cyao, un saluto a tutto il canale!13:50
Emilianoanyone from argentina?13:50
llutzJStoone: portforwarding enabled in your router?13:50
tp43maggs, I had a look, it looks like it the same kernel, 64 bit and 32 bit anyway, so you already got it13:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:50
frodolegginshey, please, tell me that someone is packaging OO3.213:51
JStoonetheadmin, yes I've got a public IP (witch I find at WhatIsMyIP).  I don't think that I am behind a proxy..13:51
=== WaterRatj is now known as WaterRatj[A]
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 if you don't want a seperate /home just use the guided install13:51
Tronx_llutz : how about a more comprehensive suggestion :)13:51
helencan anyone help me with lm-sensors?13:51
Tronx_as in , how not just using what llutz13:51
avitaozimit has programmer online, mgs me,,, java ,delphi,php13:51
avitaozimit has programmer online, mgs me,,, java ,delphi,php13:51
JStoonellutz, yes I am but all the ports are forwarded correcly. I called my ISP and asked if they were forwarded and they said yes.13:52
Dr_Willisavitaozim:  there are channels for each of those languagesa13:52
jribavitaozim: stop doing that.  If you have a support question, just ask it in the channel13:52
helenacpitz-virtual-0 Adapter: Virtual device temp1:       +40.0°C  (crit = +75.0°C)    <-- in windows I have 4 sensors excluding the hdd's13:52
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Just quickly clarify again - what is the convenience in having the /home?13:52
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: did you configure the ntpd server ?13:52
Simon1245llutz, Ubuntupocketguide is for 8.04 LTS and 8.1013:52
llutzTronx_: pseudo-code: tail -4 yourfile| sed 's/^/#/' >newfile13:52
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, I have tried13:52
Dr_WillisPJC80LA08:  If you reinstall youi can keep your old /home13:52
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: this may help. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/network-time-protocol-ntp-server-and-clients-setup-in-ubuntu.html13:52
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 if you want one it will be set up in manual install,, which i'll tell you how to do,  it's not that difficult13:52
Simon1245llutz, Does it matter?13:52
sunilDr_Willis: I am new to irc13:53
Dr_WillisPJC80LA08:  i keep my /home on its own Hard drive13:53
Dr_Willissunil:  So?13:53
llutzSimon1245: you want to read about some basics? it shouldn't matter then13:53
JStoonetheadmin, I've also got a problem getting my vsftpd online, that's also local only, and both port 20 and 21 is forwarded correctly.13:53
Simon1245llutz, Ok thank you13:53
theadminJStoone: Strange.13:53
Simon1245llutz, What do you recommend? Reading the book or help.ubuntu.com13:53
JStoonetheadmin: very.. I'm thinking that it is my .conf file or something?13:54
Dr_WillisSimon1245:  i say yes to both :) but online is cheaper.. there are books online you can find also13:54
Spanglish_7776theadmin, do you have ssh server installed on the server you have the vsftpd installed?13:54
llutzSimon1245: read whatever you mean it will help you. theres information all over the net, you just have to filter it :)13:54
avitaozimwhere it is the narrow channel13:54
sunilHow  can i share my folders on Local Area Network in Ubuntu?13:54
Dr_Willis!samba | sunil13:54
ubottusunil: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:54
MrBlissJstoone: try telnet yourip:port13:54
Simon1245Dr_Willis, llutz, You both are right13:54
theadminWhat the? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2012912/Firefox-strange.png (Error message states: "Content type failure: Page which you are trying to view cannot be shown due to a wrong compression method. Please contact the website owners and let them know of this problem")... On Opera it works fine... !?13:54
Dr_Willissunil:  in theory, right click,, use the shareing option. but i never do it that way13:55
sunilHow do i Install samba?13:55
Simon1245Dr_Willis, llutz I will see what I find intresting the book or the help.ubuntu13:55
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  1.  check the disk you burned is good using the disk checker on the CD once the computer has booted from the CD.  2.   boot up the live session on the CD  try Ubuntu without touching hard disk option  3.  open Firefox try Internet should work.  Any  hardware issues tell me here on IRC.   4.  Install Xchat onto the Live CD already told you how to do that, or just do IRC on another computer.  5.  Install Ubuntu13:55
Spanglish_7776theadmin: I've had an issue in the past and i figured out that when ssh server is on the machine and i installed vsftpd it used sftp (port22)13:55
Dr_Willissunil:  fire up package manager.. look for and install 'samba'13:55
Tronx_llutz : should i use tmp files now with this ? because i wanted to edit the same file not create on with the last 4 lines commented.13:55
theadminSpanglish_7776: I think you're mistaken, I'm not the person with this problem, JStoone is13:56
Spanglish_7776!paste | Guest1087213:56
JStooneMrBliss, is it then my non local port?13:56
ubottuGuest10872: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:56
Spanglish_7776oh sorry13:56
twinforcesunil: you could also do "sudo apt-get install samba"13:56
llutzTronx_: read "man sed", you can use it without tmpfiles13:56
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 paste your config there for ntp and i'll take a look.13:56
twinforcesunil: and "sudo apt-get install samba4"13:56
MrBlissJStoone: the prot apache should be listening on13:56
twinforceI am not sure which one is the one that you want, but you could try both13:57
Dr_Willis!info samba13:57
ubottusamba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 (karmic), package size 6094 kB, installed size 16672 kB13:57
suniltwinforce: thanks13:57
sunilDr_Willis: thanks13:57
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | sunil13:57
ubottusunil: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB13:57
JStooneMrBliss, what is the default apache listening port?13:57
Guest10872sorry deeep in ntp.conf... I jhad reconfig hours ago but didnt restart13:58
Guest10872rebooting client13:58
MrBlissJstoone: 80, the command would be telnet someip 8013:58
Guest10872it might be ok13:58
amjadhello is anyone having problem connecting with aim using pidgin on jaunty (9.04), i get connection time out error13:58
Spanglish_7776always good idea to restart Guest1087213:58
Spanglish_7776wunil: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/13:58
Spanglish_7776sunil: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/13:58
Spanglish_7776might help13:58
twinforceJStoone: also try port 8080, if port 80 doesn't work13:58
Guest10872HMM I know.............wonders why things dont work......13:58
coolguy4hi, I want to run x in a chroot13:58
Guest10872no time still wrong13:59
Dr_Williscoolguy4:  dare we ask why?13:59
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 you also configured the client right?13:59
Spanglish_7776to check the server?13:59
coolguy4dr_willis: because I am installing debian in a chroot and I want to configure a few things13:59
Guest10872link to paste bin Ill put servers first13:59
Guest10872yes i did13:59
Spanglish_7776!paste Guest1087214:00
Spanglish_7776!paste | Guest1087214:00
ubottuGuest10872: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:00
Dr_Williscoolguy4:  hmm im not sure thats the same thing.. why are you doing debisn in a chroot instead of simthing easier like using virtualbox?14:00
Spanglish_7776post the link when you've pasted yoru config14:00
Guest10872I need alink to pastebin sorry nevre used14:01
JStoonetwinforce, how do I change the listeining port then?14:01
miladHi every one ,, i have a problem with screen resolution ,, the maximum resolution is 800*600 and i have a wide screen with res of 1400 * 900 ,, i have ubuntu and nvidia card14:01
Dr_Willismilad:  for some of my nvidia ystems. i have to install the nvidia drivers befor the wide screen ress are detected properly14:01
coolguy4dr_willis: If I use virtualbox then the drivers will be setup for the virtualised hardware instead of the native hardware14:01
twinforceJStoone: it should be an option in the Apache configuration file, give me a second I'll pull up the default location for the config file14:01
Spanglish_7776JStoone: netstat -a in command line and see if yousee something like :www listed14:01
Spanglish_7776will show you if the port is open14:02
Tek-5-8-6When seting up partitions on Ubuntu 9.10, what is the best file system to use ? EXT4, EXT3, EXT2 ?14:02
JStooneMrBliss, when I type  "telnet 83.93.xx.xx 80" it outputs "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused"14:02
Dr_Williscoolguy4:  so? Im not clear on why you are doing this song and dance really.  Or what you8 are really trying to do.14:02
Out_Coldugh... 7am, saturday morning.. it appears I was the only one to go to bed yesterday14:02
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, ks for all your help14:02
mnainesIf I have nine spreadsheet tabs on the same file, how do I split them up into their own individual files?14:02
B3rz3rk3rTek-5-8-6, best is subjective.. so whatever works for you is best14:02
hobbitmilad: did you install the nvidia specific drivers?  I ran into some problems with my nvidia board as well14:02
anutame aburro14:02
twinforce/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf is the file your looking for Jstoone14:03
Out_Cold!es | anuta14:03
ubottuanuta: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:03
tp43was there a new release already I just installed last week, and just now I did dist upgrade, and it put a new kernel14:03
Simon1245B3rz3rk3r, Do you got a site aswell?14:03
coolguy4dr_willis: well i found docs that explain how to do this on arch, but ubuntu doesn't use /etc/iniitab .14:03
Dr_Willistp43:  new kernels for various bugs/security issues14:03
Simon1245B3rz3rk3r, And you usually go by Breez? Is that you?14:03
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: no problem. you're on subment14:03
MrBlissJStoone: ok so somewhere in the network your request gets refused14:03
B3rz3rk3rSimon1245, think you have the wrong person mate14:03
Dr_Williscoolguy4:  ubuntu uses upstart and no inittab any more14:03
Guest10872my router is
Simon1245B3rz3rk3r, Oh ok, Nvm :P Just wanted to know if the was the guy I knew :D14:04
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.14:04
coolguy4dr_willis: I know, and upstart seems very complicated14:04
Guest10872mythbuntu dhcp server is 1.1014:04
anutain spanish14:04
MrBlissJstoone: if you do: "netstat -an | grep -i listen", you should see the various listening ports14:04
Tek-5-8-6B3rz3rk3r : i know nothing about any of them. Not sure if anybody knew. I will be using it as a file server14:04
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, I should say14:04
xoverhow can i restart the network manager from the command line?14:05
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: gotcha, 1 sec14:05
Dr_Willisxover:  perhaps 'sudo service network restart'14:05
anutaen espaañol14:05
Spanglish_7776Guest10872, you may try to disable daylight savings.14:05
Out_ColdDr_Willis, network-manager no?14:05
Spanglish_7776see if that helps since it's getting it's time from ntp14:06
B3rz3rk3rTek-5-8-6, if you dont know the difference then i wouldnt worry about too much. Personally i use EXT2 for my storage and, EXT3 for server drives and EXT4 for workstations14:06
Dr_Willisxover:  perhaps 'sudo service network??? restart' Not sure what one to use , networking, or network-manager14:06
Dr_Willisxover:  try them and see14:06
Dr_Willisxover:  if i try one.. i may get hung up from here. :)14:06
xoverservice returns, unrecognised service14:07
xoverwhere do i define services?14:07
Out_Coldxover, can always use the old way "sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart14:07
Dr_Willisxover:  sudo service network-manager restart14:07
Tek-5-8-6B3rz3rk3r : ok, I have it set up on a RAID 1 configuration with 2 1 gig SATA drives. will EXT3 be the best bet still ?14:07
xoverOut_Cold: I only have networking and that doesnt work14:07
Dr_Willisxover:  sudo service networking restart14:07
Guest10872Spanglish_7776 I need dlsaving else all recording on mythbuntu server will be bad14:07
Dr_Willisxover:  other then that. not sure14:07
VCoolioxover: let it autocomplete with tab14:07
anutaalguien que hable español??14:07
JStoone!paste | JStoone14:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:08
xoverTek-5-8-6: your FS makes no difference, RAID runs at a lower level than the FS.14:08
ubottuJStoone, please see my private message14:08
xoverthat only works when you predefine your interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces14:08
B3rz3rk3rTek-5-8-6, again as i said before, there is no "best", but yes, EXT3 will work just fine for that setup14:08
xoverthe network manager is handling my interfaces, but that doesnt seem to restart it14:08
Out_Coldxover, i believe so.. what are you trying to reset?14:09
xoverB3rz3rk3r: what size data are you storing on your RAID?14:09
Tek-5-8-6thanks for your help14:09
anutaen españool14:09
Guest10872 no problem. you're on subnet? do I change to
xoverOut_Cold: my wireless connection14:09
marcus_hello :) I've run into a problem when trying to run fsck.ext4 on my /dev/md0-device. it fails with this error message "Error determining size of the physical device: File too large" its a rather large device, around 18TB14:09
xoverI want it to disconnect and reconnect14:09
marcus_I'm not sure how to proceed14:09
Out_Coldxover, in gnome?14:09
Seveasmarcus_, 64 bit system?14:09
xoverno, not from X14:09
marcus_Seveas: yes14:09
marcus_Seveas: Linux hq 2.6.31-19-server #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 03:40:48 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:09
BluesKajxover, sudo dhclient wlan0/eth0 should start it14:10
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 I mean on the clients14:10
xoverBluesKaj: I dont use DHCP14:10
SeveasI think something in fsck.ext4 doesn't like drives of that size yet. Would be odd though14:10
Out_Coldxover, then i would sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo ifconfig wlan0 up14:10
JStooneMrBliss, this is some of output http://paste.ubuntu.com/375498/14:10
B3rz3rk3rxover, it was Tek-5-8-6 that needed the help14:10
BluesKajxover, neither do I , I use static but it still works on eth014:10
JStooneMrBliss, want the rest of the output?14:11
xoverOut_Cold: that does not work as the networkmanager stores the interface details, that only works if you configure the cards in 'interfaces'14:11
MrBlissJstoone: ok yourbox is listening on port 8014:11
marcus_Seveas: my google-foo turned up this rather unsetteling article: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ext4/1276314:11
Out_Coldxover, wrong14:11
marcus_Seveas: might it be that its still some troubles left over from that?14:11
Out_Coldxover, ifup and ifdown use /etc/interfaces14:11
MrBlissJstoone: do you have a router in your network?14:11
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, http://paste.ubuntu.com/375501/14:11
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  this is clients14:12
Guest10872I edited last 2 lines only14:12
Tek-5-8-6The data on the drive will be accessed by many users, The main OS is on a 50Gig partition with a 3 gig swap. Then the data will sit on the rest of the 900 + Gig partition14:12
lantiziaHey I know theres really basic non-DE type things like fluxbox... does anyone know of one (i.e. not gnome/kde/lxde/xfce - but simpler) that is also freedesktop.org menu spec driven?14:12
JStooneMrBliss, Yes sadly I has..14:12
JStooneMrBliss, Yes sadly I have*14:12
Seveasmarcus_, did you resize the filesystem then?14:12
marcus_Seveas: no, didnt get that far14:13
MrBlissJstoone: is that configured correctly?14:13
Dr_Willislantizia:  thers smaller window managers.. but as for a 'de' lxde is about as tiny as you get.14:13
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 you have to specify you're server on the clients is the time on mythubuntu correct?14:13
marcus_I was going to run the scan first, then resize14:13
zirodaylantizia: openbox?14:13
lantiziaDr_Willis, no I don't want a DE14:13
Seveasmarcus_, which ubuntu version?14:13
Dr_Willislantizia:  unless you some how make up you rown from wm/filemanager/launchers14:13
MrBlissJstoone: i.e. does it forward port 80 to your server14:13
Dr_Willislantizia:  The look for the various window managers out there.14:13
Seveas!info e2fsprogh karmic14:13
ubottuPackage e2fsprogh does not exist in karmic14:13
Seveas!info e2fsprogs karmic14:13
ubottue2fsprogs (source: e2fsprogs): ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities. In component main, is required. Version 1.41.9-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 763 kB, installed size 2096 kB14:13
mmaksimovhi. something happened with my keyboard input. i was moving a windows to another workspace via ctrl-alt-shift-arrow, and it freezed, i mean, stopped moving. apparently, the system is ignoring ctrl and shift keys now. i don't want to reboot the system. any suggestions?14:13
lantiziaziroday, Dr_Willis, yeah I want it as basic as can be... but can actually understand the freedesktop menu structure14:13
Dr_Willislantizia:  some unclude tools to genreate menus from the desktop.org desktop configs14:14
Dr_Willislantizia:  not sure of any that use the .desktip stuff by default.14:14
Seveasmarcus_,  that version includes those patches, so I think the gmane article is irrelevant14:14
zirodaylantizia: sounds like openbox to me14:14
JStooneMrBliss; Yes, I called my ISP some days ago and I asked if Port 20, 21, 80 and 8080 was open and he  said yes.14:14
marcus_Seveas: was thinking a bug that extensive might still have some quirks left behind14:14
Dr_Willislantizia:  there are teh xdxg (?) tools that can convert *.desktop to various menu formats used by many wms14:14
Guest10872On the mythbuntu server the yime is correct14:14
twinforceJStoone: who is your ISP?14:15
cryptkso I think I really finally killed my mouse freeze problem...14:15
cryptkLegacy USB14:15
cryptkunfortunately now I cannot select other OS's from grub...14:15
Guest10872I need to add in the server list? and remove the pool ones14:15
Dr_Williscryptk:  a Legacy you will never forget?14:15
cryptkDr_Willis, lol14:15
JStoonetwinforce, I'm from Denmark. They are called YouSee14:15
Dr_Williscryptk:  yep. seen that issue in the past. cant use keyboard in gryb but bios works..14:15
Dr_Williscryptk:  once i tried that setting.. windows wouldent even boot properly14:15
chiiiiizI need help on video transcoding with avidemux!!!14:15
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: does mythubuntu have a FQDN? (server.domain.com)14:15
cryptkDr_Willis, your saying that windows required Legacy USB? lol14:16
twinforceJStoone: ahhhh, I'm not familiar with them. I know in the US that most of our major ISPs prohibit traffic on those ports14:16
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: if so use the FQDN if not use the IP14:16
Dr_Williscryptk:  No - windows wouldent boot If i had legacy enabled.14:16
twinforceunless you have business accounts14:16
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: server mythubuntu ip14:16
cryptkahh, so it required it to be off...14:16
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: and comment out the rest14:16
JStoonetwinforce, well I can give them a call again?14:16
chiiiiizI have loads of video in wmv (TV programs), and my multimedia hard disc can onbly read avi, so I am trying to transcode my wmv into avi...14:16
Dr_Williscryptk:  on an old pc. I had to get a ps2 keyboard just to get  to the grub options/menus :)14:17
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: see if that helps, don't forget to restart the ntp server.14:17
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, ah ok thanks14:17
cryptkI know Grub2 has alot of features that original grub didn't... I wonder if there is a way to give it USB HID capability bypassing the Legacy USB requirement14:17
twinforceJStoone: do they have a website with a FAQ or terms of service, because you can search there. You could also search for it on Google14:17
chiiiiizBut I have a problem with the audio that is not sync with the video anylonger, while it is perfect on the original wmv... any idea?14:17
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  'avi' is a container as is wmv you need to learn what codec you need to convert them to . and any other limits of the device14:17
JStooneYea, I'll take a look around (:14:17
stevemcgoodmorning, Is there any way to get the wifi on my laptop to connect without giving the master password for the keyring everytime I boot?14:18
chiiiiizDr_Willis: Thanks... Ok, so... where shall I start from?14:18
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  the ffmpeg and mencoder homepage/docs/faq i have seen some sections on audio sync issues14:18
Spanglish_7776JStoone, I'm seeing you have an issue with apache?, I'd like to try and help, what's the issue again?14:18
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  video 'encoding' is a very deep topic. all sorts of little things to watch out for,14:19
marcus_Seveas: anything I can do to give more information? I sort of know how to use the ubuntu server, but not how to figure out stuff like this :)14:19
JStooneSpanglish_776: My main problem is that none of the servers I hold want to go online.. my vsftpd is only local, my apache is only local and my Subsonic server is also only local.. :S14:19
chiiiiizWhat does it depend on? the original codec? The size?14:20
Dr_Willischiiiiiz:  it can.  and theres different codecs you can use for audio and so forth14:20
mmaksimovthe system is ignoring ctrl and shift keys. mouse and everything else seems ok. i don't want to reboot. any suggestions?14:20
Spanglish_7776JStoone: can you access them from within the LAN?14:20
Seveasmarcus_, sorry, but I have no clue how to debug this further :(14:20
twinforceJStoone: silly question, but does your computer go through a router?14:20
marcus_Seveas: thanks for the try anyway :) you have any idea how I should proceed?14:21
MrBlissJstoone: I have a router from my ISP but I have to configure it myself14:21
marcus_Seveas: bug-report?14:21
JStooneSpanglish_7776: Yes, my moms boyfriend has a MAC and it can acces all my servers without any problems..14:21
Spanglish_7776JStoone: that was my next question if you have a router have you forwarded the ports to the internal servers?14:21
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  how can i check client is using ntp?14:21
Guest10872time is still 1 hour wrong14:22
Spanglish_7776Guest10872, 1 sec14:22
Seveasmarcus_, backup, pray and reformat. Maybe use a different fs. I think a bugreport is only useful if there's more data to gather, but try finding existing bugreports14:22
Guest10872after restart and changing server14:22
marcus_Seveas: backup isnt really an option :/ its 18 TB of data on a raid 614:22
Guest10872I changed to server which is server and commented out others14:22
Seveasbuy another 18TB. Gives you some room for growth too ;)14:23
JStoonetwinforce: Yes I am behind a router but I called my ISP and they told me all the ports I asked for are Open..14:23
marcus_Seveas: HAHA!14:23
marcus_Seveas: thanks ;) I'll go dig for bug-reports now14:23
Seveas(It's what we at work do. We love terabytes.)14:23
twinforceJStoone: that only applies to wether or not they block them. Did you check to see if the applicable ports were port forwarded?14:23
Spanglish_7776Gguest10872: try ntpq -p localhost in the terminal on the clinet14:23
JStooneMrBliss, Well my ISP, YouSee, are sooo 'genious' that they won't let me configure it by myself.14:23
Spanglish_7776Guest10872 ntpq -p
Seveashello tinotinoti, what can we do for you?14:24
JStooneNo, how can I check that?14:24
twinforcehttp://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2 might help you JStoone14:24
Spanglish_7776!es | tinotinoti14:24
ubottutinotinoti: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:24
marcus_Seveas: dumpe2fs hangs after journal size... can that be relevant?14:24
Guest10872connection refused?14:24
Seveasmarcus_, I would not be surprised if it were14:25
Guest10872Spanglish_7776,  connection refused14:25
mmaksimovthe system is ignoring ctrl and shift keys. mouse and everything else seems ok. i don't want to reboot. any suggestions?14:25
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: let me take another look at the server conf, 1 sec14:25
Seveasmmaksimov, restart the X server14:25
cryptkhrm... I am seeing lots of issues with Legacy USB enabled on 64 bit ubuntu with mouse and keyboard freeze...14:25
mmaksimovSeveas; how?14:25
ClarissaCiao a tutti14:26
Seveasmmaksimov, log out and log back in14:26
Seveashello Clarissa14:26
cryptkso it seems that a bug in the 64 bit version is causing USB HID problems with Legacy USB enabled... solution, disable Legacy USB... then you have replaced one problem with another one because now you won't be able to use GRUB or GRUB214:27
Soul_Sampleis there a way to configure more than 12 keyboard shortcuts in gnome?14:27
JStoonetwinforce, What site is this? It onlt tells me that my refresh button is disabled for security purposes? haha..14:28
twinforce JStoone: oh, this is a website that checks to see what ports are open to the Internet. You could just skip this, and go into the configuration of your router and find settings that are called "port forwarding"14:29
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: uncomment #restrict mask notrust on the server and configure it to be restrict mask notrust14:30
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: restart server and client14:30
cryptkseems like it is possible to enable USB device support in grub214:31
kakicryptk !!!!14:32
CAPcaphow do i remove LXDE?14:32
kakihow i can sync my pocket PC with ubuntu14:32
twinforcei'll bbl14:32
twinforceJStoone: if you need more help, Google your router model and port forwarding14:33
fabiosldoes anyone have Namoroka installed?14:33
Guest10872 ntpq -p gives a whole heap of info14:33
JStoonetwinforce. Thankyou (:14:33
Spanglish_7776Guest10872, time ok? or still off?14:33
Guest10872Spanglish_7776, time still off14:34
marcus_Seveas: 4k blocksize, thats why it fails. will give a 16tb max size on the fs14:34
Guest10872Ill restart server14:35
Seveasmarcus_, ooh, well found! How did you realize that?14:35
ubuntui did shrink mac disk . do i need to install grub when i install ubuntu?14:36
marcus_Seveas: lets just say I've tapped into every friend i have in the "hack linux to work no matter what"-field14:36
marcus_one of them just asked me to do the dumpe2fs and grep for block size14:36
Spanglish_7776Guest10872: did you uncomment #broadcast on the server as well? make sure it's confgured broadcast
marcus_Seveas: is it possible to make the block size larger without loosing the FS?14:37
ehndei was just reading a pdf file, scrolling through it, and it closed14:38
ehndesame thing has been happening when i use pidgin14:38
ehndeanyone know what could cause that?14:38
kakilike what for example ? ehnde14:38
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: welcome back14:38
CAPcaphow do i fully remove LXDE?14:38
marcus_Seveas: some of them just arnt very patient, so when he gave me the answer he didnt feel like helping more :P14:39
marcus_"friends" ^^14:39
ehndekaki: the application closed14:39
* Guest_52558 maybe the pidgin needs better quality seeds14:39
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I'm back on now - on my old computer.  You still there?14:39
marduukgood morning14:39
kakitry to reinstall it14:40
ehndekaki: it closed while i was using it, nothing more than scrolling through the document using my mouse wheel14:40
marduukquick question for the gurus14:40
ehndekaki: i don't think it's isolated to one package because both pidgin and the pdf reader included with ubuntu are exiting while i use them14:40
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776:  Good to be back - especially since I'm finally going to be able to use my computer with Ubuntu !!!14:40
marduukim trying to reinstall ubuntu but it will only read my drives as a raid for one... if i unplug all but 1 drive and install it refuses to install grub or lilo14:41
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: awesome ;)14:41
JStoonetwinforce: Shit I cannot remember my routers Username and Passowrd... isn't there some cracking commands to find out xD14:41
kakiis it close but you  steel connect ??14:41
marcus_JStoone: reset it14:41
Spanglish_7776almight reset, always fun ;)14:41
JStoonemarcus... is that the only way?14:42
Out_ColdJStoone, there is a hard reset feature, anything else can be considered unlawful and off topic14:42
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776: Has sebsebseb been gabbin' while I've been out? Or has he stepped away?14:42
ehndekaki: nope, i was talking to a friend and they said that i went offline14:42
marcus_JStoone: I would think so14:42
Spanglish_7776JStoone, did you change the default?14:42
ehndestrange, huh?14:42
yaurerohola a todos soy novato en esto por favor ayuda14:42
ziroday!es | yaurero14:42
ubottuyaurero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:42
JStooneSpanglish_7776: Yes I think my moms boyfriend did..14:42
PudgyHi all, I'm a bit a a loss how you should start programs and tag them at the same time in wmii (3.6) from wmiirc. Does anyone have that solved?14:42
yaurerosi hay alguien que entienda el español14:42
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08I haven't seen him talking, he may of stepped away.14:43
PudgySolutions from google are not clear on this.14:43
yaurerook gracias14:43
kakiyou didn't find it in system tray ???14:43
marduukanyone? is it a partitioning issue?14:43
Spanglish_7776JStoone, guess? (yea, I know not helpful)14:43
Spanglish_7776I don't know of anything to hack routers but doesn't mean there isn't anything. I'd ask moms bf ;)14:43
ehndekaki: no, it's not in the system tray14:43
Out_ColdJStoone, there are brute force methods for cracking routers but again.. wrong place to ask14:44
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776:  OK - do you mind if I confer with you then - to continue with my Ubuntu install?14:44
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08. I14:44
ehndekaki: ps x | grep pidgin (and pdf) shows no running process14:44
JStooneOut_Cold: thanks, but a little hard..14:44
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: I'll give it a go14:44
Blue112Hi here. I'm currently on a livecd because my ubuntu 9.10 doesn't want to start since I update grub yesterday... How could I repare it ?14:44
Blue112Grub tells me "Unknown symbol grub_env" or something like that14:45
rambo298i've lost my pam and pam.d directory. i've tried everything to recover (even loaded the source pkg, rebuilt and installed) but nothing recreates pam.d. is there a way without reinstalling ubuntu?14:46
Tek-5-8-6What is different about ubuntu 9.10 DVD from the normal ubuntu 9.10 CD ?14:47
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776:  OK - I didn't get to pushing the blue Access IBM button before the welcome screen showed up for the Ubuntu installation.  So on my Thinkpad - I'm at that welcome screen right now.  I have the following options: "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer", "Install Ubuntu", "Check disc for defects", "Test memory" "Boot from first hard disk".  At the bottom of the screen it reads "Press f4 to select alterna14:47
Blue112More software included Tek-5-8-614:47
rambo298anyone help on pam and pam.d?14:47
Tek-5-8-6Ahh and drivers ?14:48
Spanglish_7776PJC80LA08: Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer14:48
Spanglish_7776iPJC80LA08: it will boot the LiveCD14:48
Blue112Tek-5-8-6: Not sure.14:48
WierdAARHello, I'm running Xubuntu, and when ever I close the lid of my laptop, it goes to sleep. And that fine, but it wont start up again. The sleep diode stops flashing but the screen stays blank. Any ideas?14:48
kakitry this         http://pidgin.im/pipermail/support/2008-April/001118.html14:49
ehndekaki: yes sir?14:49
omenmastercan some1 help - screen goes black while using 9.10 and i have to reboot to get it back up again. thanks14:49
PJC80LA08Spanglish_7776:  These are the instructions that sebsebseb gave me before I left the chat room: 1.  Check the disk you burned is good using the disk checker on the CD once the computer has booted from the CD.  2.  Boot up the live session on the CD  try Ubuntu without touching hard disk option  3.  open Firefox try Internet should work.  Any  hardware issues tell me here on IRC.  4.  Install Xchat onto the Live CD already told14:49
ehndekaki: ok thank you i will try running pidgin like that and monitor it closely14:50
PJC80LA08I do also want to have Ubuntu on a partition if possible - and keep Windows XP in tact ...14:50
kakiok friend good luck14:50
omenmastercan some1 help - screen goes black while using 9.10 and i have to reboot to get it back up again. thanks14:51
=== dad is now known as Guest68989
PJC80LA08OK - both of the users that were helping me are no longer on.  Can anyone else help me with my Ubuntu installation?14:52
Blue112Hi here. I'm currently on a livecd because my ubuntu 9.10 doesn't want to start since I update grub yesterday... How could I repare it ? It says "Can't find symbol blah blah"...14:52
BluesKajPJC80LA08, have you partitioned your HDD yet to make room for ubuntu and swap?14:53
WierdAARHello, I'm running Xubuntu, and when ever I close the lid of my laptop, it goes to sleep. And that fine, but it wont start up again. The sleep diode stops flashing but the screen stays blank. Any ideas?14:53
phong_hey guys how to register a username14:53
khamaelhow can I safely remove pulseaudio?14:53
Guest68989ntp time wrong on mythbuntu clients14:53
Guest68989time is correct on mythbuntu server14:54
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions14:54
Guest68989time is 1 hour wrong on clients beacuse of daylight savings14:54
Guest68989help me please!14:54
enzotibops: andi_07 spams in query14:54
user__how do I search in a folder?14:54
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 hi again14:54
Seveasenzotib, you'll want to put a ! in front of ops or join #ubuntu-ops14:55
PJC80LA08BluesKaj:  No, I haven't done any partitioning yet.  I have 28 GB of free space.  I currently just chose the option on the welcome screen to "Try Ubuntu without any change to my computer".14:55
khamaelBlue112: whenever i run spotify via wine, I can`t get sound in firefox. the wine channel said I had to remove pulseaudio14:55
enzotibSeveas: thank you, I know, but don't want to be too hard14:55
Seveasenzotib, spammers should be banned :)14:55
omenmastercan some1 help - screen goes black while using 9.10 and i have to reboot to get it back up again. thanks14:56
Blue112Hi here. I'm currently on a livecd because my ubuntu 9.10 doesn't want to start since I update grub yesterday... How could I repare it ? It says "error the symbol 'grub_env_find' not found"14:56
user__why is there no "Search this folder" in the right klick menu when browsing folders on the computer?14:57
CAPcapcan i safely remove xubuntu-gdm-theme which is like the greeting/login screen with first changing back to the ubuntu login as my default?14:57
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  check CD first, make sure that passe's then boot up the live session14:58
WierdAARuser_: in ubuntu there should be a search function in the filemanager14:58
CAPcapnote: the ubuntu login screen is still installed, i was hoping it would automatically revert14:58
BluesKajPJC80LA08, I use gparted live cd to do my partitioning , it's safe and effective . I can't say how good the ubuntu live cd is at partitioning , so I can't advise you on it's use. reboot into windows download gparted live cd and then use it to resize, format to ext4 and make a small swap paririon if you wish.14:59
daHouse97_chd jacron@randann.com14:59
sebsebsebBluesKaj  PJC80LA08  Gparted Live CD is not needed14:59
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I'm currently running Ubuntu off the boot disk (I'm in Ubuntu now).  Off the welcome screen, I chose "Try Ubuntu without any changes to your computer".  This is what Spanglish told me to do.  How do I shut down now and start over where we need to?  Or can I check the CD first right here in Ubuntu?15:00
gigiciao atutti15:00
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 re boot the computer and do the check CD  for defects15:00
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  the thing on the top right for shut down, or just turn the computer off15:01
BluesKajsebsebseb, this is my advice to him ..if you would like to help him , be my guest ...I didn't say gparted was needed , but I did say gparted works safely and effectively15:01
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
sebsebsebBluesKaj Gparted is also  on the Ubuntu Live CD.  re sizing Windows in gparted first then finnishing off manual install is probably easier for this PJC80LA08 person though15:01
iflemaCAPcap sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so15:01
Guest68989ntp time wrong on mythbuntu clients15:02
Guest68989help me please15:02
Sumitnick Sumit15:02
Guest68989time is out 1 hour15:02
Guest68989using diskless mythbuntu15:02
WierdAARuser_: in ubuntu there should be a search function in the filemanager15:02
sebsebsebBluesKaj or it could all be done in manual install, he is going to have a seperate /home   shame guided install doesn't have an option for one of those really15:02
WierdAARHello, I'm running Xubuntu, and when ever I close the lid of my laptop, it goes to sleep. And that fine, but it wont start up again. The sleep diode stops flashing but the screen stays blank. Any ideas?15:02
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - I'm shut down now.  I'm reinserting the disc and booting back up ...  BOY - Ubuntu is KICK ASS FAST !!!15:03
BluesKajsebsebseb, yes that's what i was bout to suggest , but I prefer a separate gparted livecd to the one located on the OS live cd15:03
zirodayGuest68989: #mythbuntu is the best place to ask15:03
SumitI have just installed zsh...but when I type zsh in run window nothing happens...m i missing something after installation?15:03
llutzSumit: its a shell, need a terminal/console15:04
BluesKajsebsebseb, PJC80LA08 one can use gparted live cd to move and resize windows partitions as well, it's a good tool .15:04
llutzSumit: type "xterm zsh"15:04
Sumitllutz: you mean I should type in terminal?15:04
iflemaWierdAAR how much RAM? how big the swap?15:04
PJC80LA08Ooops.  Didn't get the disc in - in enough time before it started booting into Windows.  And now it's doing a hard disk check.  DOH!  I'll just have to wait and then restart ...15:05
Guest689892 gig swap15:05
sebsebsebBluesBaj feel free to help him as well, but this is the set up I want PJC80LA08 to have.  right so his Windows partition of course, and I guess any recovery partition for Windows as well, since he wants to dual boot.    10 to 12GB for /   and big seperate home  and  double his RAM or whatever for SWAP space depending on how much he has15:05
kannanhey guys15:05
marduukok... how can i fix mbr from live disk.... it reports that the disk is part of raid015:06
lucjankarmic-proposed don't works15:06
iflemaWierdAAR in a terminal type free -m far left top and bottom.....15:06
sebsebsebBluesKaj above,  I am typing in names now, since my auto complete has messed up for this channel herm15:06
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK, I'm checking the disc for defects ... just pushed Enter for it off the Ubuntu welcome screen ...15:06
sebsebsebok good15:06
BluesKajsebsebseb, yeah most machines with 4G Ram ratrely need a swap , but it's a good thing to have ..limited partiition space however prolly indicates less Ram too.15:07
kannanevery time I try to access a USB HDD that is shared on the network I get the error "Failed to Mount Windows Share" anyone got an idea?15:07
adifirekannan: wat network is it?15:08
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  How much RAM do you have?15:08
sebsebsebBluesKaj  yeah with 1GB +  RAM   swap isn't really needed it seems, except for hibernation15:08
Sumithow do I minimize all the window, there must be a short cut key, like Win + D?15:08
CAPcapi logged out and logged in again, i still have a xubuntu login screen. i want my ubuntu one back. when i installed xfce a while back it didnt give me and option like KDE did it just automatically used the xubuntu login. how do i get the ubuntu one back?15:08
kannansry, it's on my home network which I set up using Samba15:08
PJC80LA08you guys ROCK !!!  This is SO cool !!!  sebsebseb:  I have 1 GB of RAM.  I will eventually be running 1.5 GB, as I am expecting another 512 stick in the mail ...15:08
sebsebsebBluesKaj however even so may as well do it15:08
Tronx_simple problem here15:09
adifiresumit: ctrl+alt+d15:09
Greg__howto connect to VNC server ?15:09
BluesKajsebsebseb, PJC80LA08 , it depends which windows OS as well if it's vista or W7 he may need to defrag  before partitioning15:09
Sumitadfire: thanks...15:09
sebsebsebBluesKaj he is on XP15:09
adifiresumit: :)15:09
WierdAARiflema, 1 gb ram, swap 10 gb i think15:09
Tronx_how can i echo "something with _" _in it " ?15:09
kannanadifire: it's on my home network which I set up using Samba15:10
sebsebsebBluesKaj  also  only Vista itself should re size VIsta's partition, and I guess W7 is like that as well15:10
VCoolioTronx_: backslash, like \"15:10
BluesKajsebsebseb, PJC80LA08 , good , no probs with that BCD thing then15:10
PJC80LA08BluesKaj: I have Windows XP Pro - so the defrag probably isn't needed ???15:10
sirscottGreg__: "vncviewer server:display#"15:10
Tronx_vcoolio, ty15:10
adifiresumit: u can change shortcuts in the system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts15:10
sebsebsebBluesKaj  BCD hrm  been a while since I did something with Vista, but yeah that means something to me, but I am thinking what15:10
Elite_ Hi guys this is alittle off topic here but i am a ubuntu user just not on this machine its xp pro 64 bit anyways my friends store was held up last night and we caught the whole thing on video only thing is i can not get the video to play anyone here know about this stuff and maybe can help find the right codec or something ?15:11
RB2Hey everyone. Just had a quick question about pidgin. Someone sent an MSN request last night and every since, the alias I talk to people with is changed. Weird bug. But, I'm trying to figure out where the configuration files are.15:11
adifirekannan: there's a code for doin it in terminal i once tried long time ago but don't remember15:11
Guest68989mythbuntu diskless client clock is wrong how can i fix ntp time is used on server15:11
Greg__sirscott ty15:11
BluesKajsebsebseb, that's why I dual boot with XP :)15:11
Sumitadifire: thanks...will now check all the short cuts...15:11
Guest68989ntp is installed on clients image as well15:11
adifirekannan: search it in google..15:11
RB2Sorry, not pidgin, empathy!15:11
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: OK, the disc check is finished.  No errors found.  I'm pressing a key to reboot ...15:11
CAPcapElite_ Whats the file format?15:11
Guest68989someone gotta know this stuff15:11
Elite_ .MPG15:12
RB2My ~/.gconf/empathy folders all just contain one import xml record file with one entry (from my import from pidgin)15:12
Greg__one more question, how to manually check email with evolution ?15:12
kannanadifire: thanks, I had to use that code the other day for a different folder, but I don't remember it either...and my tame guru is at work :)15:12
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  many people in here would just give the dual boot link and that's about it, then leave people to try and figure it out for  them selves, but I have already helped quite a lot of people partition,  so helping another isn't a big deal, however this stuff really does take time15:12
CAPcapelite_ right click the file and click properties, tell me if it has more info like mpeg4 or mpeg215:13
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  That's fine.  I'm ready to just finish it up and get it done.  I'm back at the Ubuntu welcome screen now ...15:13
BluesKajElite_, what OS is the pc with the video?15:13
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 partitioning  for Ubuntu doesn't take long,  but it might do, untill  people know what to do etc.  right ok so it passed?15:14
CAPcapBluesKaj, its XP Pro 64 bit15:14
Elite_ MPG File 1-0-20100212193113.MPG15:14
BluesKajCAPcap, ok sorry , missed the answer15:14
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  RIGHT.  It passed the test.  I'm back at the "home screen".  What function do we perform now?15:14
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  boot up the Live Session and check  that the web works for example in Firefox15:15
sebsebsebmake sure your hardware seems all ok15:15
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 lap top or desk top?15:15
Greg__? sr/bin/python /usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index -q15:15
Elite_we use cc tv and i think the program that records uses some kind of compressed format15:15
CAPcapElite_, what program are you trying to open it with?15:15
Elite_ I have tried eveything VLC, Media Player Clasic, PowerDVD 9 etc....15:16
chiiiiizhere is the output of a ffmpeg -i of the wmv file I want to transcode15:16
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - gotcha.  Laptop.  How do I boot up the Live Session.  I have the following options:  "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer", "Install Ubuntu", "Check disc for defects", "Test memory", "Boot from first hard disk" - and the f-key options as well, of course ...15:16
coz_Elite_,  mplayer?  and did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?15:16
CAPcapElite_, try opening it with your favorite web browser15:16
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  Try Ubuntu without any changes to your computer15:17
Elite_ i am not on ubuntu atm15:17
Elite_moo: os: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional x64 Edition - Service Pack 2 (5.2.3790) up: 1hr 9mins 32secs cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz at 2667MHz gfx: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 1.00GB res: 1680x1050 32bit 60Hz ram: 815/4086.2MB (19.95%) [||--------] hdd: C:\ 450.62GB/465.75GB net: Intel[R] PRO_1000 GT Desktop Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport - 1000MB/s 157.36MB In 3.18MB Out15:17
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Gotcha.  Here goes ...15:17
chiiiiizI tried an 'auto' operation with Avidemux to obtain DVD mpeg file... but I have finally a 3x bigger file and a lot of red and green stains on the video... so. not good15:17
chiiiiizWhat would you advise in terms of quality or codec choice?15:18
CAPcapElite_, if you have something like quicktime or real or media player plugins installed, one that can play it will automatically take over. IF you have one that can play it through your browser15:18
Guest68989how can i find a user if i dont know the channel he is on?15:18
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Guest68989i only know half his name 215:18
Elite_ I have all those codecs installed15:18
Guest68989spanglish something15:18
avogadrocrdlb: xrandr works thanks15:18
Guest68989did a reboot and lost what channel i was in15:18
BluesKajchiiiiiz, you have to give the final (output file) a name15:19
CAPcapElite_, have you tried opening it with Internet explorer?15:19
chiiiiizis there a video/ffmpeg topics dedicated channel?15:19
Elite_ 4 I be more then happy to send anyone the first part of the video if someone wants to try and get it to work ?15:19
Elite_ I be more then happy to send anyone the first part of the video if someone wants to try and get it to work ?15:19
chiiiiizHi BluesKaj!! i know, I only wanted to know whzt I had as input material15:19
iflemaGuest68989 spanglish_777615:19
CAPcapElite_, whats the file size?15:19
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 oh yeah you said you can only be on one computer  at a time with Internet?15:19
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Sorry.  Chowin' down on a granola bar - been up all night.  Yes - I'm currently chatting with you on my old computer ...15:20
chiiiiizI thought that maybe this info would be useful to identify the right codec, quality parameters.. choice15:20
Guest68989spanglish_7776 how can i find him?15:20
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 well you didn't have to do this stuff tonight :D15:20
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 as I made clear earlier15:20
CAPcapElite_, I can try if i you like.  See PM for email.15:20
iflemaGuest68989 message = /msg spanglish_7776 [message]15:20
twinforcehey yall15:21
chiiiiizor is there a ffmpeg command line that says 'only change the container, without touching the audio/video quality"?15:21
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  anyway whilst   we been chatting here, it's been day here15:21
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sebsebsebPJC80LA08 ok skip the check Internet thing, since you would have to disconenct the computer your on now.  boot up the CD yep and start the installer15:22
chiiiiizI've been reading a lot of ffmped/mencoder faq and docs.. but it describes the application more than explain what and how and why15:22
BluesKajchiiiiiz, yes ffmpeg default is to retain the original quality as much as possibel , but if you follow the guide there are several options available15:22
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: Yeah - I know.  But I have been waiting for so long to have my computer the way I want it - LIKE - two weeks since getting my laptop in the mail.  So again, thanks for your help ... OK - so we are installing Ubuntu.  Will Windows still stay in tact?15:23
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 this can all be done in the manual installer,  or you can re size the Windows partition in  Gparted first15:23
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sebsebsebPJC80LA08  backup any important data just in case yep,  then  just re size the Windows partition,  and that should be fine15:24
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 then in the free space Ubuntu get's set up15:24
neopablohello, im running xubuntu in ppc powerbook G4. I want to use opera instead of mozilla firefox. Do you know some way to make flash work on it?15:24
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 how big is the hard disk?  how much is Ubuntu taking up at the moment? also you said before that you have 28GB  unpartitioned space?15:25
neopabloin mozilla firefox i use swfdec15:25
Guest68989mythbuntu diskless client clock is wrong how can i fix ntp time is used on server15:25
sebsebsebuh I meant how much is Windows taking up at the moment15:25
goldenfoxhello all, anyone here knows a good mailserver software appliance?15:25
CAPcapi logged out and logged in again, i still have a xubuntu login screen. i want my ubuntu one back. when i installed xfce a while back it didnt give me and option like KDE did it just automatically used the xubuntu login. how do i get the ubuntu one back?15:26
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah - I would like Ubuntu running off one partition - or image - or whatever.  OK - so boot into Windows now?  I don't really have any data that needs backing up ...  The hard disk is 80 GB total - with 28 GB free space unpartitioned.  I don't know how to see how much Ubuntu is taking up ... I'm currently still in Ubuntu ...15:26
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 no15:26
migii have a little problem with internet connection on ubuntu 9.10.15:26
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migicould anyone help me please?15:26
PJC80LA08OK ?  So what's my next step?15:26
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  you don't need Windows right now, you can also back up data from the Windows partitin using the Ubuntu Live CD, as long as Windows was shut down proelry enough then it should work no problem otherwise a way to force unmont of some sort15:27
biggsjmPJC8OLA08 just use your login screen and make sure its set to login using gnome15:27
iflemaCAPcap sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm15:27
migiit's about connection and proxy15:27
sebsebsebbiggsjm what?  messaged wrong one or?15:27
Soul_Sampleis there a way to configure more than 12 keyboard shortcuts in gnome?15:28
Sumitwhen I key in 'xterm zsh', zsh starts properly, but when i key in 'gnome-terminal zsh' it only starts terminal without zsh, why so?15:28
sebsebsebPCJ80LA08 yes I put by mistake before  Ubuntu taking up space thing,  I meant Windows,  anyway ok CD is booted up now yes?  if so   system > administration  > partition editor15:28
biggsjmsebsebseb ?? he said he logged into Xfce and couldn't get ubuntu one back15:28
sebsebsebbiggsjm no that was the other person15:28
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Last time I booted into Windows - it ran a check on the hard drive - then restarted.  By that time I had reinserted the Ubuntu CD - so it went back to the Ubuntu home page.  So it never fully booted into Windows last time ...15:28
biggsjmah, whoops15:28
iflema!ask | migi15:28
ubottumigi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:28
llutzSumit: "gnome-terminal -e zsh"?15:29
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 ok do you have the Ubuntu Live session booted up now? if so do what I just put15:29
Sumitllutz: thanks again..15:29
migimy internet connection seems to be working on firefox and chrome although it doesn't work (or it seeems so, since it doesn't do anything) when i try to update software or do anything which is not in webbrowser15:29
Out_Coldmigi, open a terminal and ping www.google.com15:30
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shishirdwivedi20how to install mysql on ubuntu?15:30
Out_Coldmigi, ping -c 4 www.google.com15:30
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 what's Windows going to be used for?15:30
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I am currently still in Ubuntu - after hitting "Try Ubuntu without any changes ..."15:30
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  So just shut down and reboot?15:31
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 you have Ubuntu now  from the CD you can do things such as this?  system > administration > partition editor15:31
jrib!mysql | shishirdwivedi2015:31
ubottushishirdwivedi20: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:31
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 no shutting down or re booting,  if you got the Ubuntu Live session booted up now15:31
Mik777hello folks, can anyone advise me what to do in the following situation: I can't afford myself to buy win7 and offise apps so recently I've installed ubuntu 9.10 x64 mainly to deal with my uni work and media. With open office I've found out that there are errors in formulas when coverting to pdf and finally the most annoying problem is that the system crashes when I'm watching video. Has anyone got a solution?! Cheers.15:32
macgonaglecan anyone point me to a current howto for encryption?15:32
Out_Coldmigi? how did that go?15:32
migii did it15:32
CAPcapdo i have to restart my computer for that to take effect?15:32
migiit just runs with some details15:32
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 you should be able to try Ubuntu from CD now as well as  do  what I want you to do first which is  to  open gparted.  system > administration > partition editor15:32
migisorry, i cannot write them here cause it's on another computer. besides i have to switch my internet cable so it's not so convenient.15:33
adudutzI'm having an ncompability problem with grub2 and my old p3 PC. everytime I tried to boot, it always fall back to the rescue prompt with error: no such partition. It is quite wierd, since it's from a fresh Xubuntu installation (using alternate CD). My question is, how do I replace GRUB with LILO using a rescue prompt?15:33
Out_Coldmigi, that's ok... did it say 100% success?15:33
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I just want Windows in tact still - in case something goes majorly wrong I need to revert back.  I have also already created the recovery discs - which would restore everything back to its originally manufactured state - in that case.  OK, I'm opening GParted ...15:33
migiit just ran with some codes every second...15:33
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 yes Windows will still be there, just do what I say :)15:34
scuniziMik777: when making pdf's from OOo. instead of using the built in pdf creator try installing the cups-pdf package and then just "Print" to a pdf as if you were printing to a normal printer.. it will save the files in ~/PDF15:34
Guest68989mik http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668315:34
Out_Coldmigi, did you use the -c 4 option? at the end it should say either 100% success or 100% failure or something in between15:34
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - I'm in GParted.  What now?15:34
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  What are  you going to use Windows on there for?15:34
migii will do that now. will  be right back.15:34
Mik777scunizi, Guest68989 Thank you15:35
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I'll I'm really using this home system for is basic functions (e-mail, doing the budget, etc.).  I like to have all my bases covered, regardless.  Once in a while, I have other unexpected uses for it beyond the basic stuff ...15:36
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  Ubuntu is not Windows  it does not  need that much space,  but even so your 28GB unpartitioend space seems a bit little for Ubuntu.   I mean you will probably end up using it a lot more and wanting to store data in the home partition and that.15:36
migiok, it says "0% packet loss". there is no other line wiht % sign15:36
penthiefAnyone know a good tool for grabbing the text from an image?15:36
penthiefAs in handwriting.15:36
Out_Coldmigi, ok good... now do sudo apt-get update and look for error signs15:36
migiok, brb15:37
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 do you have an external hard disk or something like that to back stuff up to?15:37
aryr100hello all15:37
penthiefReally? Gimp can convert an image with handwriting into text?15:37
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - so can we still work with the 28 GB and create the /home - like we've been discussing?  I do have a Western Digital 250 GB external hard drive - but I believe it's currently formatted for Mac ...15:38
aryr100there is a claim that running ubuntu on a new macbook ect will kill the cpu ?15:38
llutzpenthief: no, search for OCR-apps like gocr, vuescan15:38
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  you don't really need a seperate /home one can be created though.   you could back stuff up to a external hard disk, burn a few CD's,  put stuff on the Windows partition from Ubuntu15:38
jribaryr100: claim by?  It's not try afaik, I've run ubuntu on my macbook for over a year now15:38
migiit just doesn't start connecting...15:38
jribaryr100: s/try/true15:38
zilkomaaHow to remove unused icons from applications->wine?15:39
penthiefllutz: Thanks.15:39
Out_Coldsebsebsebing, saying you don't need a separate /home is like saying you don't need a door to the bathroom :p15:39
beatpetehay there15:39
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  That sounds fine.  So Ubuntu will create a Windows partition for itself that I can store stuff on too?  I'm in GParted right now - what do I do?15:40
migiany suggestions?15:40
aryr100a smc problem with linux ? they claim15:40
MrcactuxHow can I replace the taskbar ubuntu icon?15:40
phemmypls am trying to get ma compiz to the max15:40
sebsebsebOut_Cold they are a new user they haven't used Ubuntu before,  they have 28GB unpartitioned space.  They want to use Windows still of course.  I have guided them through the CD stuff so far.15:40
jribaryr100: why is "they"?15:40
sebsebsebOut_Cold   burning ISO, and checking it15:41
Out_Coldmigi, perhaps your server is down.. in the GUI you can find software resources or something like that from the system menu.. change your server location15:41
Out_Coldsebsebseb, i know what it's like... not everyone needs a bathroom door ;)15:41
sebsebsebOut_Cold  I have a feeling it could be another hour trying to explain to PJC80LA8 how to make a seperate /home15:41
BluesKajOut_Cold, depends on your needs ..a regular home setup doesn't really need a separate /home partition... if some thing goes wrong with OS one can still reinstall the os to / , without formatting and the config files will be retained15:41
sebsebsebOut_Cold if you want to help doing that, feel free15:42
migino, the server is not down. it works fine on my other laptop.15:42
Out_Coldi gotta go eat breakie :p15:42
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  GParted is currently showing two items.  "IBM_Preload", an NTFS file system - 48.79 GB in size + "IBM_Service", a FAT32 file system - 7.10 GB in size.  What do i do next?15:42
Out_Coldmigi, if you can ping something but not apt-get then there is an issue with apt-get15:42
migiit just strange that firefox works though none of software updates does15:42
phemmyhey anyone with any idea how to make compiz really nice and fun15:43
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  15GB is more than enough for Ubuntu, with hardly any data in it,  so your 28GB same thing there.  That is with an Ubuntu that has /home as part of it15:43
migicould it be something with proxy maybe?15:43
BluesKajsebsebseb, I get a charge out of these ppl who make blanket absolutes about what a setup should be :)15:43
iflemamigi is you internet through proxy or direct?15:43
migiit is direct, though it was used through proxy some time ago. i wonder if there might be some proxy left somewhere which blocks it.15:44
sebsebsebBluesKaj heh I know seperate /home can be useful in the long run,  but  realisticlly for this user it probably doesn't really matter,  might as well let him do the guided install15:44
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  GParted states that the NTFS volume has 28.32 GB is unused, while the FAT32 volume has 2.83 GB unused.  OK - I was thinking 15 GB would be enough too.  So how do I create this now in GParted?15:44
guntbert!who | migi15:44
ubottumigi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:44
iflemamigi System / Preferences / Network Proxy15:44
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 you will use all your unpartitined space for Ubuntu15:44
BluesKajsebsebseb, yes ..and it's good practice15:44
sebsebsebBluesKaj what is to use guided?  or  to make seperate /home ?15:45
gazraeliYou can judge the level of party in a person by the length of their mullet!15:45
migiit's marked "direct internet connection"15:45
iflemamigi and you can ping and firefox works but nothing else?15:45
alienkid10any of you use persistence?15:46
zilkomaaHow to remove unused icons from applications->wine?15:46
sebsebsebBluesKaj  well I told you how I thought his set up should be before, but  feel free to help him out :)15:46
BluesKajsebsebseb, I wouldn'r bother with a separate /home , that's mainly for backing up ctritical data in case the OS craps out15:46
hayeris it possible to get some help with MySQL data rescue here?15:46
migii really have no idea what could be wrong...15:46
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 right going to make this easier for you15:46
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 much easier15:46
alienkid10I followed the tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence  on LiveCD persistence using a casper-rw file at the root of a flash  drive with a size of 512MB(tried 1GB samething). I booted into the CD  and hit F6 added "persistent" and everything booted fine I install  things etc. then reboot F6 "persistent" NOTHING! I loop mount the  casper-rw file and find an empty folder called "lost+found" and nothing15:47
BluesKajthe guided install is a good , sebsebseb15:47
jribhayer: I imagine the mysql channel is a better place for that15:47
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BluesKajerr =is good15:47
iflemamigi what happens when you sudo apt-get update in a terminal?15:47
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - so we are not creating any partitions.  K- I'm waiting for your instructions ...15:47
sebsebsebBluesKaj indeed it is unless seperate /home is wanted,15:47
migiit just doesn't start connecting. writes somethine like [0% and then my dns number]15:47
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 well it is automatically going  to make   partitions for you,  ok you don't get seperate /home  ,but if you want one in the future you can make one yourself anyway15:48
sebsebseb!home | PJC80LA0815:48
ubottuPJC80LA08: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:48
BluesKajseparate home isn't necessary , sebsebseb .. I hope you guys didn't misundetstand me :)15:48
cousin_mariohello, does the standard ubuntu installer have what's needed to resize ntfs partitions?15:48
iflemamigi System / Administration / Software Sources select another location from drop box...15:48
sebsebsebBluesKaj that's basically what I was saying as well,  it can be a rather useful thing to have, but for a lot of users it's not really needed15:48
alienkid10no one can help? IS there a guide for 9.10 on persistence?15:48
mikeconceptsIn crontab -e I have  59 * * * * cvlc Desktop/Train.wav and I would like to know how to not leave a terminal window open after it plays15:49
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 ok right so 28GB unpartitioend space? and  you got uhmm a Windows partition and a recovery partition?15:49
scunizialienkid10: there is a usb creating tool built into 9.10 that also gives it persistance.. I've used that with great success..15:49
iflemamigi then close the window it should attemt to reload sources15:49
sebsebsebBluesKaj  someone gave a video earlier,  how to install Ubuntu and they used manual install to make an Ubuntu partition and didn't do SWAP, silly video that one15:50
alienkid10scunizi: I need to boot from CD15:50
sebsebsebBluesKaj oh yeah and Ubuntu was in  a vm with Windows as host in that video15:50
migii cannot do that because then it doesn't download anything in the window of "downloading package information"... says "download rate: unknown" and "Downloading file 1 of 17" keeps on forever. it just doesn't moove.15:50
alienkid10most comps I use don't boot USB without BIOS messing15:50
alienkid10scunizi: I followed the tutorial here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence  on LiveCD persistence using a casper-rw file at the root of a flash  drive with a size of 512MB(tried 1GB samething). I booted into the CD  and hit F6 added "persistent" and everything booted fine I install  things etc. then reboot F6 "persistent" NOTHING! I loop mount the  casper-rw file and find an empty folder called "lost+found" an15:50
BluesKajsebsebseb, yeah was that the one with the cute girl doing the instruction ?15:50
iflemamigi does it say that after you change?15:50
llutzsebsebseb: having swap when running linux inside a vm would be stupid15:51
sebsebsebllutz  oh?   well only scanned  through that video a bit, maybe it explained that15:51
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah, I guess.  Again - GParted is showing an "IBM_Preload" NTFS volume (the original hard drive) - and now also a "IBM_Service" FAT32 volume (showed up since starting this Ubuntu process).15:51
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 close gparted15:51
migiwhen i try to change the server, that window comes up automatically15:51
scunizialienkid10: so the machine won't boot directly from usb?  you have to have CD boot but usb storage?15:52
migiand then it says "an error occurred", "failed to fetch http://www......"15:52
guntbert<llutz>  having swap when running linux inside a vm would be stupid   -- why?15:52
alienkid10scunizi: it could be what ever for casper-rw but Flashdrive was the simplest soluation15:52
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  open the Ubuntu installer follow that through, tell me when you get to partitioning.   When you do user account put letters and numbers at least in your password, but to make it more secure you need stuff such as $ and !15:52
alienkid10scunizi: so yes15:52
llutzguntbert: just give more ram to the vm if needed.15:53
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 if you do the wrong guided install option your Windows will go15:53
migii have two laptops and both of them are configures with the same details and i use the same wire, although on one of them, everything works fine, while on the other, internet works JUST on firefox, but not when one needs to download something: software, hardware drivers, etc.15:53
iflemamigi have you manually entered sources to the sources list?15:54
scunizialienkid10: I'm not the best to ask casper questions.. I played with it a couple years ago but got frustrated and let it be.. sorry I can't be of more help.15:54
iflemamigi well that sux15:54
MrcactuxThanks for sharing15:54
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I have the link from ubottu written down for creating the /home possibly later.  OK - so I do prevent from doing the WRONG guided install option - right now?15:54
alienkid10scunizi: where can I get help then?15:54
guntbertllutz: I'm not convinced - still HD space is more plentyful on any system than RAM15:55
migiany idea what could be wrong?15:55
llutzguntbert: if you need to run systems with heavy mem-usage, don't run it inside vms15:55
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  just  do the Ubuntu installer on the CD, and tell me when you get partitioning options15:55
llutzguntbert: swapping is slow, nobody wants to work with a continous sswapping system15:55
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  It's now starting up the partitioner ...15:55
iflemamigi have you searched/posted on the forums?15:55
scunizialienkid10: #linux google .. other times of the day here since this is a 7/24 channel you'll get people from all over the world at different times.15:55
eshannonhow can I optimize my desktop(910) for the INTERNET. Mostly web browsing and some bit torrents15:55
alienkid10scunizi: tried google15:56
alienkid10will try #linux15:56
llutzguntbert: so why should one waste RAM for the vm-host instead of running native linux?15:56
migii have, but i couldn't find anything ...15:56
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  What are the options for partitioning?15:56
guntbertllutz:   (heavy mem usage - no VM) *thats* a good point - ack - thx for your time15:56
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 also there's a picture showing you the partitions,  if I remember correctly it will show you what it would do15:57
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 after selecting an option15:57
iflemamigi ?????15:57
migiiflema, yes i have posted/searched, but couldn't find anything15:57
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  It's now at the "Prepare disk space" screen.  The options are "Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup", "Erase and use the entire disk", or lastly "Specify partitions manually" (and then use a little sliding scale indicator thing to set the break).15:58
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  Install them side by side should do it15:58
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 the scroller thing?15:59
iflemamigi yeah i got that...15:59
=== zz_trineox is now known as trineox
Lusuleis there a way in ubuntu to set things up so you get the application menu on right clicking the desktop?15:59
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah - I haven't hit anything yet.  What about the scroller thing?  On that third option (with the scroller thing), it's showing Ubuntu 9.10 right at 15.4 GB.  That's about what you had stated (15 GB).  Still choose the first option of "Install them side by side" ???16:00
guntberteshannon: what do you expect? please explain "optimize"16:00
xanguaLusule: like in xfce¿¿16:00
Lusulexangua: yeah, I tried xubuntu but there was too much stuff that didn't work, I don't have time to try and figure how to fix things16:00
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 if you select the install them side by side option,  I think it will show you what it will do16:01
iflemamigi keep posting ya question here...... im thinking16:01
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 no optoins such as?  install Ubuntu into the largest continous free space?16:02
alver_Does anyone of you know of a Linux equivalent of Aida32 or Belarc?16:02
eshannonMy xp laptop is faster if I do a speed test. Trying to open a web page it can be hit or miss on how long it takes. Bit torrents go from .01 kbs to 1.5mb back and forth. Most of the time on the lower end16:02
bluef00thow can i install the latest packages available for lucid in an old release like jaunty16:03
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK.  And you had stated anyway - that Ubuntu will need more than 15 GB (to account for storage space as well, right?).  I thought Ubuntu only needs 5 GB to run, right?  There is no such option as "Install Ubuntu into the largest continuous free space".16:03
=== Igorots is now known as Knightlust
llutzbluef00t: backport them16:03
guntbertalver_: tell us what kind of apps you are looking for (not just the windows names)16:03
erUSULalver_: sysinfo ? lshw-gtk16:03
iflemamigi are you sure both the systems have the same sources...... they are both ubuntu?16:03
erUSUL!info lshw-gtk16:03
ubottulshw-gtk (source: lshw): graphical information about hardware configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 02.14-1 (karmic), package size 379 kB, installed size 1532 kB16:03
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 no 15GB is fine for Ubuntu without seperate /home as long as you don't start putting quite a lot of big data into the home for example16:03
guntbert!equivalent | alver_16:03
ubottualver_: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot16:03
xanguabluef00t: updating to karmic and after to lucid¿16:03
fenix_hey can anyone help me? I got rid of my title bar in terminal and can't get it back16:04
sebsebseb!lucid |  xangua bluef00t16:04
ubottuxangua bluef00t: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+116:04
MisterWikiUbuntu has Python pre-installed?16:04
fenix_yes MisterWiki16:04
MisterWikiYes. O_016:04
sebsebsebbluef00t you can get  ppa's for later stuff16:04
fenix_haha yeah :P half the system is built of python16:04
=== brishu` is now known as brishu
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syn-ackI still contend that python is evil16:05
fenix_more or less :P I like java myself16:05
alver_Hi, ubottu thx for your information.16:05
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: OK - so then that means choose the third option "Specify partitions manually" - and don't move the scroll bar, as it is currently set right at 15.4 GB for Ubuntu?  Or are we aiming to allow Ubuntu the most disk space possible - which would then mean we would choose "Install them side by side"?16:05
kostkonsyn-ack, python is a fine language. anyway this discussion belongs tou #ubuntu-ot16:06
fenix_true that16:06
fenix_laters all16:06
bluef00tactually i want the latest version of qemu for jaunty currently only in lucid repos. i just wanted to know how can i install it in jaunty. Its not in jaunty-backports and i dont want to comile it manually. any other way??16:06
guntbertalver_: ubottu is a bot :)16:06
=== jgarcia is now known as Guest91360
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  manaul install would be for setting up seperate /home ,but not doing that anymore.   going with the install them side by side option should be fine16:06
Lusulexangua: do I take it then there isn't a way to do the same thing in Ubuntu?16:06
xanguabluef00t: using a more recent distro16:06
xanguaLusule: maybe with an nautilus extension/script16:07
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Just out of curiousity - what would happen if too much data got put on that separate home directory?  Would Ubuntu not have enough disk space to run, then16:07
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
bluef00tthe latest version is not in karmic. its only in lucid16:07
firchi guys. I am on 9.04. How do i properly configure apache2+php. Presently php flies are being downloaded. I've install libapache2-mod-php5, php5-cli , php5. a2enmod shows php5 is activated. Please help16:07
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 you mean the /home that isn't seperate   it will come up  on like 95%  full saying that your running out of space16:07
fircI dont want the files to be downloaded. I want them to be executed16:08
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  Ubuntu itself a clean install takes up about 2GB16:08
bluef00tcan i install the latest qemu from debian sid??16:08
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - "Install them side by side" - here goes ...16:08
sebsebseb!debian | bluef00t16:09
ubottubluef00t: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!16:09
bullgardEvolution  2.28.1 > Edit > Plugins > PluginManager > Spam Assassin Junk Filter is enabled.  --  Preferences > Evolution Preferences > (SpamAssassinOptions) > Include remote tests is enabled. But if I leave this dialog and open it later, it is no longer enabled. How can I enable it permanently?16:09
guntbertbluef00t: you *can* do pretty much as you like - BUT its likely to break your system and is therefor not recommended and not supported16:10
CAPcapI have a xubuntu login screen. I want my ubuntu one back, i dont even have xfce anymore.16:10
sebsebsebCAPcap find it in repo and remove it I guess16:10
sebsebsebCAPcap repo I mean synaptic16:10
CAPcapi knew what u meant16:10
sebsebsebCAPcap  search for xubuntu  or  maybe xsplash and I guess something will come up16:11
CAPcapthe problem is when i go to remove it, it says it has to remove ubuntu-desktop as well16:11
pH_hey guys16:11
pH_guys, how do i run an application in fullscreen in wine?16:11
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - it's giving me the message "Before you can select a new partition size, any previous changes have to be written to disk.  You cannot undo this operation.  Please note that the resize operation may take a long time."  What does the first sentence mean?  Hitting continue ...16:11
pH_i run the app using "wine mainexec.exe"16:11
scuniziCAPcap: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package.. removing it won't hurt16:11
pH_it runs ok, but i'd like to fullscreen :D16:11
CAPcapscunizi thanks i was worried. i thought it was going to remove gnome or something16:12
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 it means it will do it for real to your hard disk, if you put that it's ok16:12
trismCAPcap: usually you just need to reinstall ubuntu-xsplash-artwork, it will handle the rest16:12
Bennagehas anyone got any experience of using an old apple isight camera (firewire) in ubuntu?16:12
CAPcaptrism thanks16:12
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I don't think if ever prompted me asking if it was OK or not.  It's just doing what it's going to do ...16:13
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  ok it should be fine16:14
CAPcapTrism that 1 piece of info you just gave me, ive been trying to get out of this chat for over an hour and a half. ur a life saver16:14
trismCAPcap: well, check to see if it worked first, that is how it used to work before karmic, I haven't tried it yet on karmic16:15
sebsebseb!es | kindik16:15
ubottukindik: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:15
joabI can't get grub to autoboot the default kernel. Can someone have a look? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d3e0dd31c16:15
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - It's in progress.  Now it's asking me for a bunch of information (name, log in name, password, computer name).  Dip-dee-dee ...16:16
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: [Infer typing]16:16
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 letters and numbers at least in the password and stuff like $ and ! to make even more secure16:16
CAPcaptrism it uninstalled xubuntu-gdm-theme in the process so i assume it worked. i cant check right now as im downloading something that i cant interrupt16:17
_raven_i need a simple MIDI RECORDER which runs without jack) - any ideas?16:17
trismCAPcap: yep, probably good then16:17
ubuntuciao  sto provando ubuntu nella modalità per-installazione ma nella gestione partizioni c'è un triangolo d allerta accanto al nome dell hd se clicco su info mi dice che c'è un bad settor sull hard disk... potreste aiutarmi?16:18
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:18
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - give me a sec.  Creating my password [infer typing].  What is "decrypt my home folder" all about?16:19
SerraphynIs samba the best way to mount a linux dir from one computer to another?16:19
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 I was going to put something about that.   Encryoption for the home folder,  don't do that.  People have actsaully had problems with Ubuntu encryption  after re  installing and such before.16:19
jribSerraphyn: it's one way, nothing wrong with it16:20
thechefSerraphyn, depends - if you wish to map permissions NFS is the choice. Samba is simpler to setup with authorization.16:20
rachael_i have a sony handycam and im trying to pull video from it to my laptop16:21
rachael_the laptop wont recognize the disc and when i plug the handycam into the laptop nothign pops up16:21
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
rachael_how do i pull the video off of my handycam16:21
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  well there was someone not that long ago.  Anyway not much good if encrypted data, and then can't access it again in the future when wanting to.16:21
SerraphynJust trying to mount a directory from one machine and use it on another as workspace for eclipse but I keep getting an error that its in use or not available.  But I can edit/create/delete on the folder fine from command line16:22
erUSUL!info kino16:22
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.3-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 4174 kB, installed size 9248 kB16:22
SerraphynI have it mounted with samba/cifs16:22
bullgardEvolution  2.28.1 > Edit > Plugins > PluginManager > Spam Assassin Junk Filter is enabled.  --  Preferences > Evolution Preferences > (SpamAssassinOptions) > Include remote tests is enabled. But if I leave this dialog and open it later, it is no longer enabled. How can I enable it permanently?16:23
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
og01hey people, for somereason my windows key is backgrounding my apps (as if i hit ctrl-z)16:25
og01how do i make it stop!!16:25
dwessellAnyone in here know how to setup apache so that users can ftp into directories, and make changes without screwing up apaches default user?16:25
=== tt is now known as Guest22359
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - now I'm on the "Migrate documents and settings" screen.  What the hell is this all about?  Aren't these settings specific to Windows?16:26
Guest22359hey i know this is not vb support but when i let ubuntu auto update virtualbox stops working16:26
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  yes it can import some things from Windows, so they can be used in Ubuntu just like that as well16:26
rachael_erUSUL, i downloaded kino16:26
Lusuleokay when i first booted up on a new install, i got the startup sound, but now i've updated and its had time to think about things, sound seems to have died.  On a toshiba laptop, how do I fix it?16:26
Guest22359kernel driver not installed it says16:26
rachael_but i dont see how to get the video off the handy cam with it16:26
rachael_im using usb16:27
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  K - is it pretty cool?  Would you recommend it?16:27
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 it will import my documents and stuff like that, so got enough space in Ubuntu to do that?16:27
ahmedhello everyone16:27
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 I think it does my documents16:28
=== ahmed is now known as Guest49295
prasobhany ubuntu expert is here or what ???16:29
sebsebsebprasobh  no such thing as an Ubuntu expert really,  people are good at what  they are good at16:29
Guest49295i have a big problem with ubuntu16:29
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Sure - what the hell - I chose the administrator one.  Why not.  Again, I just got the computer - so there isn't going to be that much data imported anyway ...16:29
sebsebsebGuest49295  Ok which is? Also you can just ask a question here16:30
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 This is something else don't run Windows as admin all the time, only when you need to,  that will stop quite a bit of malware getting on there if using a limited account16:30
sebsebseb!es |  Jocaru16:30
ubottuJocaru: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:30
Jocaruthanks =)16:31
sebsebsebJocaru no problem16:31
BluesKaj!ask | prasobh16:31
ubottuprasobh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:31
Guest49295i installed all i386 version 9.04, 9.10 and 10.04 also installed amd version 9.04, 9.10 and 10.04 but my laptop still feeze still i reboot it. what can i do? please help16:32
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  K - good tip.  Never knew that about Windows before.  But you hit the nail right on the head as to the main reason I'm switching to Linux anyway - because WINDOWS IS A VIRUS CESSPOOL !!!  K - hitting the Install button on the "Ready to install" screen.  Here goes !!!16:32
Lusulehi there, I'd appreciate some help with sound, as it doesn't seem to be working for my new ubuntu install on my laptop.16:32
Guest22359when i try to run virtualbox after i let ubuntu autoupdate and it says kernel driver not installed16:32
masaiIf I install programs to a persistant bootable USB install, and I then use that USB drive to install Ubuntu on a machine, will those non standard programs be installed as well?16:33
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  and don't use Internet Explorer another tip, using something more secure such as Mozilla Firefox16:33
xguruLusule,  type alsamixer in a command line....at the top does it show your card?  and are the volumes turned up and unmuted?  the should read 00 instead of mm16:33
MuffinPimpOr chrome16:33
Lusulexguru: it shows HDA Intel, Master and PCM are unmuted16:34
sebsebsebMuffinPimp Chrome blah de blah.  yes it's standards complaint, but still Chrome blah de blah16:34
sebsebsebMuffinPimp Chromium is the open source version :)16:34
Lusulexguru: how do i mute and unmute?16:34
MuffinPimpsebsebseb: Yeah that's what I ment :P16:34
xguruLusule, hit M16:34
xguruLusule, hit M key16:34
xguruLusule, up and down changes volume level16:35
sebsebsebMuffinPimp well no browser is fully standards complaint,  except for Amaya I guess if anything,  but  Firefox, Chrome, and Chromeium all do a good job at following web standards, anyway off topic16:35
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah - IE sucks.  I prefer Opera, actually.  But Firefox is cool too.  HEY - so do all the drivers for Ubuntu get naturally installed with this process?  I especially need to make sure that the wireless is working ...  Perhaps we can do the Internet/hardware check anyway after its done installing ...16:35
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:35
xguruLusule, if that doesn't work to go  System>Pref>Sound and look under the hardware and output tabs....just to make sure everything is ago16:35
Lusulexguru: no, there was something called <Front Mi> which was muted but unmuting that doesn't seem to have helped.  Master is unmuted16:35
=== james is now known as Guest72423
og01how can i restore all X keyboard settings? something dodgy has happend after using keytouch16:36
Guest49295is ubuntu compatible with core i3, i5 and i7????????????16:36
og01my windows key  causes apps to background16:36
sebsebsebPJC80LA08   hopefuly your wireless will just work, and if not, well I am not really the person to help with that.   Most hardware support it just works since built in support into the Linux kernel,  but graphics card usauly need to get a driver for full support.16:36
rohit01I am Rohit from India. I want to do some development work in ubuntu with python as a programming language. I need a mentor to guide me.16:36
Guest72423how do i write a basic script that will run one bash command then wait until it is done then run another bash command?  where do i start to learn this?16:36
blakkheimrohit01: /j #python16:36
funqshunhello, does anyone know of software that is like a slippy map, but for images?16:36
blakkheimGuest72423: just put the 2nd command on the next line16:37
xguruLusule, did you check the sound prefs?16:37
funqshune.g the interface for gigapan.org16:37
Lusulexguru: sound preferences hardware tab is blank, is it supposed to be?16:37
duffydackwhats more recommended, swappiness 0 or 10?  ( I want a low setting, I dont know if there are any ill effects of having it at 0 )16:37
sebsebseb!dev | rohit0116:37
ubotturohit01: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment16:37
xguruLusule, no it should show your sound card16:37
Guest72423blakkheim so by default it will wait until one command is done before running the next?16:37
blakkheimGuest72423: yes16:37
Lusulexguru: i think we've managed to move towards finding the problem there then...16:37
funqshunwhere do i ask questions about googlemaps16:37
nimrod10duffydack, if by any chance the system will have to swap at some point it will kill the cpu as it will continuously try to free swap16:38
rohit01ubottu: yes.16:38
nimrod10duffydack, 10 should work fine but not 016:38
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  Got a firewall  in say a router?   Ubuntu has loads of ports closed or whatever by default, and there are graphical ones that can be installed.  that are really just GUI's for commands16:38
Guest72423blakkheim cool let me wipe out my googlefu and see what i can cook up... will be back if it doesn't work16:38
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  K - drivers for wireless and graphics card - will be something to hone in on, then.  Ultimately, at this point - I am just happy to finally be running an OS that is more resistant to virus and spyware/adware/malware - then even Mac is.  I can handle the other glitches in light of this ...16:39
Guest49295when i install Linux Mint, it works fine but with Ubuntu i am having a lot of trouble.wjy? please help16:39
mac9416funqshun, that might be something for #ubuntu-offtopic16:39
blakkheim!details | Guest4929516:39
ubottuGuest49295: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:39
=== peach is now known as Guest41409
bobbytek3is there a apt-describe like utility for describing remote packages?16:39
sebsebsebPJC80LAD8  also only download software from the  Ubuntu repo's for Ubuntu, or from trusted websites such as offical websites for projects, or you might actsaully get a malicious package (program/software  Linux people call them packages )16:39
sisyphussHi, I'm trying to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I want to use a download accelator (axel) instead of naive update manager. I want to know how I can find the location (URL) of packages which must be downloaded.16:39
blakkheimbobbytek3: aptitude show pkgnamehere16:39
mac9416bobbytek3, 'apt-cache search <package>' will show package names and descriptions.16:40
bobbytek3blakkheim: thanks!16:40
xguruLusule, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:40
bobbytek3oh nice16:40
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  I will be running a Linksys wireless router with WPA Personal security mode/encryption.  So it sounds like Ubuntu naturally already has a built-in firewall?16:40
bobbytek3thanks my friend16:40
sebsebsebI just typed your name wrong PJC80LA08  not been fun to type in :D  ,but  haven't been bothered enough to close my IRC client and re open, so my auto complete will work for this channel16:40
mac9416bobbytek3, np16:40
Lusulexguru: thanks i'll have a look16:40
Guest41409aki abla alguien español?16:40
bharat_you there16:40
xguruLusule, scroll down to the part that says "is the system recognizing your sound card"16:40
sisyphussHi, I'm trying to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I want to use a download accelator (axel) instead of naive update manager. I want to know how I can find the location (URL) of packages which must be downloaded.16:40
blakkheim!es | Guest4140916:40
ubottuGuest41409: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:40
=== jaruwat_ is now known as palliasse
blakkheim!repeat | sisyphuss16:41
ubottusisyphuss: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:41
sebsebseboh and again it's wrong.  I could of just done copy and paste  well ctrl v once copied hrm .    PJC80LA0816:41
alfplayerBobbytek3: you mean not installed packages? I dont think those will work16:41
bobbytek3I'm trying to figure out what "git" is about16:41
bobbytek3as opposed to "git-core"16:41
sortanoobHi I have a wireless internet connection on this intrepid box (working) and I wish to share it to the rest of the lan over ethernet. I followed these http://blog.chewearn.com/2009/01/28/internet-connection-sharing-in-ubuntu-intrepid/ but without success. The local machines are static ip ATM and ping this box fine. This box pings them. I could do the command line iptables method, but if it can be done in GUI I'd like to know how.16:41
blakkheimbobbytek3: git-core is just the package name to install git16:41
bobbytek3Any idea how I might get a description?16:41
mac9416!hi | Guest4140916:41
ubottuGuest41409: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:41
bobbytek3blakkheim: right, but git is something else16:42
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  see above you might have missed some stuff I put, and now I can ctrl v your name :)16:42
Guest49295any update for Ubuntu lucid lynx yet?16:42
Lusulexguru: sudo aplay -l shows my card correctly16:42
MenZa!lucid | Guest4929516:42
ubottuGuest49295: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+116:42
Guest41409im sp16:42
bluebaronAnyone know about kernels with UBoot and SheevaPlug?  How do I get the build directories to compile drivers against?16:42
xguruLusule, keep reading down....some of the info there doesn't apply to you16:42
sebsebsebMenZa beat me to it, oh well,  :)16:42
Lusulexguru: okay16:42
Guest41409im speaking in spain16:42
TheSHAD0WQuestion...  Will Lubuntu and its progs work on a pre-x686 CPU machine?  (Asked in #lubuntu, no one is answering...)16:42
mac9416!es | Guest4140916:43
ubottuGuest41409: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:43
Guest49295so where can i find help for Ubuntu karmic16:43
sebsebsebGuest49295 here16:43
HammerHead66can someone tell me the file name for installing adobe in terminal I forgot it16:43
sebsebseb!es | Guestr4140916:43
blakkheimHammerHead66: flashplugin-nonfree16:43
ubottuGuestr41409: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:43
sebsebseb!es |  Guest4140916:43
ubottuGuest41409: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:43
HammerHead66 blakkheim:thank you16:43
blakkheimsebsebseb: chill bro16:43
mac9416blakkheim, he misspelled the nick the first time. :-)16:44
sebsebsebblakkheim what?16:44
blakkheimi've sent the !es thing to him once or twice already, if he doesn't understand then i don't think he's going to16:44
sebsebsebmac9416 yep typeo16:44
ng0nneed recommendation:  best scanner program for an OLD scanner.16:44
sisyphussHi, I'm trying to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I want to use a download accelator (axel) instead of naive update manager. I want to know how I can find the location (URL) of packages which must be downloaded.16:45
almarkhello I'm attempting to format one partition of my harddrive but I'm using a Ubuntu Live disk and when I go to do this the disk is mounted on the exact same partion as the hd name16:45
researcher1I visited the PPA for chromium but cant install through GDebi package installer. Some errors are seen. Any HELP?16:45
blakkheimresearcher1: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb16:45
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 When you have booted up the install,  and your  Internet works, get any security updates that are available,  and any drivers system > administration > hardware drivers16:46
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ
blakkheimresearcher1: and post the errors here (or pastebin)16:46
logionizhi, please help me to install driver on ati mobility radeon hd 3650, what i must to do?16:46
blakkheim!ati > logioniz16:46
ubottulogioniz, please see my private message16:46
og01i think i've managed to mangle some of my keys using setkeycodes, about know how to revert everything back to normal?16:46
researcher1how to pastebin?16:46
mac9416sisyphuss, I believe there is an APT option that will make it only list download URLs. Google around for it. :-)16:46
blakkheim!paste > researcher116:46
ubotturesearcher1, please see my private message16:46
almarkthe live disk is mounted on /dev/sda3 and the harddrive is on that exact same /dev/sda3 how can I get the partition erased and use a different named /dev/sdc16:46
iflemaresearcher1 9.10?16:46
masaiIf I install programs to a persistant bootable USB install, and I then use that USB drive to install Ubuntu on a machine, will those non standard programs be installed as well?16:46
mac9416sisyphuss, once you have downloaded the packages, you'll need to copy them to /var/cache/apt/archives so APT will see them.16:47
blakkheimmasai: not unless you remastered the iso16:47
mac9416masai, I don't believe so.16:47
researcher1yes its 9.1016:47
sisyphussmac9416: yeah, I know. but it's only possible to upgrade a release with do-release-upgrade AFAIK16:47
sisyphuss*with a ... .16:47
mac9416sisyphuss, 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?16:47
plitterhow do i get a background pic in the Ctrl + Alt +F1?16:48
iflemaresearcher1  in a terminal     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily, then sudo apt-get update, then  sudo apt-get install chromium-browser16:48
sisyphussmac9416: It says there is nothing to upgrade (I use dist-upgrade to check kernel and critical stuff upgrades)16:48
researcher1first I tried chromium-browser-dbg_5.0.328.0~svn20100213r39002-0ubuntu2~ucd1_i386.deb it gave the error "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: chromium-browser (= 5.0.328.0~svn20100213r39002-0ubuntu2~ucd1)"16:49
masaiBlakkheim: Whats your advice if I need to install ubuntu to a large number of computers, and what some additional packages, but cant use the internet or a network16:49
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  Yeah - your name is easy - "seb" repeated twice.  Auto complete - hm.  I wonder if Pidgin has this option ...  INSTALLATION COMPLETE !!!  Should we continue testing the Internet and hardware now - and I can hop on this chat from my other compute in Ubuntu.  I won't be able to get my wireless router running right now - but I can deal with all this later (drivers and such) ...16:49
og01ok anybody know of a channel for xwindows?16:49
almarkbecause the parition on my first harddrive is named the ubuntu drive name I can't format the partition they are both /dev/sda3 which is weird how do I fix this?16:49
blakkheimmac9416: sisyphuss http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56597416:49
mac9416sisyphuss, strange. Looks like I need to brush up on how upgrades are done. :-/16:49
blakkheimmasai: i'd read about remastering the iso, or if it's just a few extra programs, put the .deb files on a flash drive16:49
llutzalmark: your question makes no sense. /dev/xxxx are devices, not mount-points, use "sudo fdisk -l" to check what device your harddisk is on16:49
almarkthe ubuntu live cd and the harddrive are both /dev/sda3 and It won't work because I need to unmount /dev/sda316:49
alerayhi, I'd like to fix some stuf on a remote computer using ssh -X -C to forward x11. But the forwarding is ver very slow, how can I increase the spêed? Shall I install a lighter wm like awesome or so ?16:50
PJC80LA08sebsebseb: Continue testing - or restart?16:50
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  Pidgin is not that good for IRC,  Xchat is rather popular, but I prefer  Konversation :)   when  Internet works in that Ubuntu install,   system > administration >  terminal  and then  sudo apt-get install konversation :)16:50
researcher1then I tried chromium-browser-dbg_5.0.328.0~svn20100213r39002-0ubuntu2~ucd1~karmic_amd64.deb when I got "Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64'"16:50
almarkllutz_ simply they are both the same device and that does not allow me to format my harddrive partiton I was using it as an example its hard to explain16:50
iflemaresearcher1 if you want to install cromium web browser do as i just instructed.... or didi you miss it?16:50
og01anybody know how to get the default back after messing aroudn with setkeycodes16:50
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 if you re start you can boot up the Ubuntu install you just installed,  and Windows should also boot up16:50
sebsebsebPJC80LA08  whichever one you choose16:51
blakkheimresearcher1: that's because you got a 64bit deb and are using 32bit16:51
researcher1iflema I dont know what u adviced16:51
iflemaresearcher1  in a terminal     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily, then sudo apt-get update, then  sudo apt-get install chromium-browser16:51
llutzalmark: you cannot have to devices with the same device-name period16:51
llutztwo devices16:51
almarkwhy would a Ubuntu disk be on the same /dev/sdc? as a harddrive parition name16:51
researcher1ok. iflem Im trying16:51
almarkllutz_ well its happened lol and I would have to move the harddrive parition to another parition because of this lol16:52
llutzalmark: check "sudo fdisk -l"16:52
EViouSI just downloaded ubuntu server edition, and I just noticed that it is amd64. This might be a stupid question but, will that work on intel atom?16:52
almarkllutz_ ok I see all my partitions on the first hard drive  1 - 6 sda now with mount..16:53
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - I'm getting off this computer now - and I'll try catching you now from within Ubuntu on the other one ...16:53
blakkheimEViouS: if it's the N330 it will16:53
researcher1iflema where can I paste error report?16:53
blakkheimEViouS: but if it's a Z series or N2XX series, no16:53
researcher1i did as u told16:53
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 ok16:53
alankilaEViouS: geeks insist on calling 64-bit versions "amd64" because amd supposedly came up with the extension. So the question is generally: is it 64-bit cpu or not.16:53
mac9416researcher1, pastebin.excid3.com or paste.ubuntu.com.16:53
mac9416researcher1, either of those will give you a link to paste here.16:53
iflema!pastebin | researcher116:54
ubotturesearcher1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:54
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  One more thing quickly - where's the battery indicator in Ubuntu?16:54
llutzalmark: don't mount anything you want to put a filesystem on16:54
sebsebsebPJC80LA08 not sure the top right I think16:54
EViouSalankila, well its n270...16:54
happyfacecan anyone help me with connecting front case USB ports to my mobo?16:55
almarkllutz I think I know whats going on here, it says the live cd is mounted on a ext3 but that isn't possible last night I install this cd on my hard drive just the live squash version and evendtually this live disk DVD thinks its on the hard drive I will fix this16:55
almarkllutz I will format that part from Debian16:55
iflemaresearcher1  copy and paste this to a terminal     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser16:56
almarkllutz thanks :)16:56
bluebaronanyone know why I'm getting ... /build: No such file or directory.  Stop. ?16:56
bluebaronwhile trying make on a driver16:56
PJC80LA08sebsebseb:  OK - and is the GNU GRUB screen - is what is supposed to show up now - as the static screen that gives me my options for which OS to run?16:56
researcher1ok. Iflema Im doing this16:56
og01anybody know how to restore keycodes back to defaults16:56
alerayhow can I kill X from the terminal ?16:57
researcher1yes Iflema it is trying installation16:57
pixellacehello- how can I apply permissions to a directory so that permissions persist through new files and directories added to that directory?16:57
pixellacedoes the user need to have certain permissions?16:57
jribpixellace: use ACLs if that's really what you want.  Why do you want this?16:58
tesseracteri've got a USB stick that lights up when I plug it in, but it doesn't automount, and it doesn't show up on "sudo fdisk -l" other ideas on how to access the drive?16:59
pixellacejrib: I have a FTP folder that I'm allowing a user to upload web files, but when they create new directories the permissions aren't the same and includes aren't working16:59
jribtesseracter: check dmesg16:59
jribpixellace: you probably want to check the ftpd's docs in that case17:00
blakkheimaleray: "killall X" if you're not running gdm. "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" if you are runninf gdm.17:00
sulumarHi everyone17:01
plitterplitter: how do i get a background pic in the Ctrl + Alt +F1?17:01
blakkheimplitter: that's a tty. you don't get a "background pic" there17:01
pixellacejrib: hmm... no way to do it so the user doesn't need to worry about permissions?17:01
sulumarcan anyone help me out i cant get my screen resolution fixed17:02
plitterblakkheim: u sure?17:02
jeffjeffdejeffhi all.  how can i send a pop up message to another ubuntu machine on my home lan?17:02
plitteru can view pics there17:02
koharneed advice i install compiz, emerald, fusion-icon everything configure, but after reboot system (or only X server) compiz do not autoload so i need start up manual.17:02
blakkheimplitter: maybe we're not talking about the same thing then17:02
jribplitter: the two ways I just said :)17:02
jribpixellace: the two ways I just said :)17:02
plitterblakkheim: with fbi u can see pics there17:03
alerayblakkheim, tha,ks!17:03
mery44que tal??17:03
llutzplitter: fbsplash17:03
tesseracterjrib, at least that shows something. http://pastebin.com/d44e49ab1 read errors on a USB don't sound good.17:04
guntbert!es | mergus17:04
ubottumergus: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:04
llutzplitter: there's a howto on gentoo-wiki17:04
guntbertmergus: sorry, wrong nick17:04
plitterllutz: thanks will check it out17:04
jribtesseracter: yeah, now just try to figure out what causes it :)17:04
mergushehe guntbert np17:05
tesseracterjrib, yeah, im at the end of my experience level.17:05
newubuntuuserhey, everyone17:06
lookyasotried to look at a floppy on two separate boxes running ubuntu but wont mount .....17:06
lookyasosee it17:06
chrisboomok, trying to get backuppc working17:06
chrisboomanyone used it on ubuntu server before?17:06
jeffjeffdejeffhow can i send a pop up message to another ubuntu machine on my home lan?17:07
og01Anybody know how to restore the keymap?17:07
jribog01: what do you mean exactly?17:07
jribchrisboom: I like rsnapshot17:07
m0ronHow i can edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:07
newubuntuuserplaese, can anyone help me with ubuntu installation?17:07
ksbalajiI have ubuntu hardy and my oo ver.is 2.4.1 I need to install ver 3 of openoffice. How to install?17:07
jribnewubuntuuser: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:07
chrisboomwill that let me make ftp accessible incremental backups?17:08
sulumarcan anyone help me out i cant get my screen resolution fixed. Im using the Nvidia drivers on Xubuntu 9.10 and im stuck with a res of 640x48017:08
erUSULm0ron: you shouldn't edit that file as the header clearly states17:08
jeffjeffdejeffm0ron: sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:08
iflemam0ron adding or removing?17:08
jribchrisboom: yes17:08
erUSUL!grub2 | m0ron17:08
ubottum0ron: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:08
IanWizardI don't know who to inform about this.  But every time I try to download 9.10 desktop iso,  I get UNR instead.  I've done 64, and 32 bit.  Both go the respective UNR iso.17:08
erUSUL!gksudo | jeffjeffdejeff17:08
ubottujeffjeffdejeff: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:08
chrisboomgot a tutorial you can send me to?17:08
i_am_edHi, can anyone help with a webcam audio problem, please? The video is working fine but the /dev/audio0 device isn't being created. relevant syslog message: "invalid HEADER", and "snd-usb-audio: probe of 1-1.4.1:1.0 failed with error -5"17:08
og01jrib: i was trying to setup a strange old keyboard, couldnt really get it to work, now my keyboard is a bit strange, i used the setkeycodes command, how can i get everything back to normal?17:08
_raven_which tool is useful for camera remote control?17:08
erUSULIanWizard: i think there is #ubuntu-website17:08
m0roni just get an error when i boot and when i highlite them, press e and remove --floppy i dont get an error. So i want to remove them from grub17:09
i_am_edThe webcam is a logitech quickcam pro 900017:09
og01jrib: my windows key does ctrl-z my page up is a \, my arrow keys dont really work17:09
jribog01: you're in a tty?17:09
og01jrib: in X17:09
jribog01: try: setxkbmap -layout us17:09
ujjainI thought there was a 3.x GB installer disk? I can only find the 650mb installer CD. (9.10, 64-bits)17:10
og01jrib: it fixed alot of thing!17:10
og01jrib: but my window key still causes ctrl-z17:10
og01jrib: and i use it quite heavily17:11
jribog01: it's likely it won't survive a reboot17:11
og01jrib: already did a reboot17:11
newubuntuuseri have 3 hard drives, one for windowsxp, 2nd for ubuntu and 3rd as ext3 for storage.  on 3rd hard drive i have important documents and i'm scared that i might have virus on it. if i have virus on it would that virus open or destroy my windows xp or else?17:11
jribog01: what exactly did you do?17:11
og01jrib: well not since setting the xkbmap17:11
sulumarcan anyone help me out i cant get my screen resolution fixed. Im using the Nvidia drivers on Xubuntu 9.10 and im stuck with a res of 640x48017:12
og01jrib: as far as i remember i only used setkeycodes and a tool called keytouch17:12
ujjainI thought there was a 3.x GB installer disk? I can only find the 650mb installer CD. (9.10, 64-bits)17:12
donatacan anyone help me with this: i am running xubuntu 9.10 on dell laptop and want to activate wireless. how can i do that?17:12
sebsebsebnewubuntuuser  Windows virus's can't use Ubuntu to infect or destroy Windows17:13
jribog01: well iirc, setkeycodes isn't permanent.  I don't know what keytouch is17:13
sebsebsebnewubuntuuser I mean an install of Windows that's on the same computer, dual boot17:13
og01jrib: its for setting up multimedia keys, and it seemed to work...17:13
abhijitdonata which steps u already taken? in which step u have problem?17:13
og01jrib: but it might have done something to L_SUPER17:13
jribog01: I'm suggesting, it's the reason your windows key doesn't work, right17:14
sebsebsebnewubuntuuser and Ubuntu and other Linux distros are immune to Windows malware, however they could possibily get infected by something,  but that's unlikely17:14
sebsebseb!virus | newubuntuuser17:14
ubottunewubuntuuser: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:14
og01jrib: no idea, i removed it and then rebooted, to no effect17:14
chrisboomok, trying to work out rsnapshot17:14
llutznewubuntuuser: if your data re important, make a backup on secure media. if you think they are infected, delete them.17:14
og01jrib: i'll try another re-boot17:14
chrisboombasically, does anyone wanna walk me through this17:14
og01jrib: ya never knopw17:14
chrisboomim having a lot of issue17:14
og01jrib: brb17:14
jribchrisboom: just go through the documentation for it17:14
chrisboomhave tried that17:15
chrisboommanaged to install it17:15
dark_Dragonmy god ppl talk :)17:15
sebsebsebnewubuntuuser  possibily infected by something above, meaning malware that has been made for the Linux distro17:15
chrisboomhave no idea how to edit a file from the command line17:15
sulumarcan anyone help me out i cant get my screen resolution fixed. Im using the Nvidia drivers on Xubuntu 9.10 and im stuck with a res of 640x48017:15
chrisboomOnce installed you'll need to make several changes to the configuration file /etc/rsnapshot.conf:17:15
erUSUL!nano | chrisboom17:15
ubottuchrisboom: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code17:15
dark_Dragoncan anyone help me with firewall? need to run upnp & a certain port through it so I can run internet radio server17:15
blakkheimchrisboom: vi /file/name17:16
abhijitdonata read above17:16
chrisboomok cool17:16
Guest72423Ok I know that I don't know what I am doing but could someone proof read this basic script and tell me how jacked up it is... http://paste.ubuntu.com/375591/17:16
m0ronAre here some germans that can me help a little bit with my laptop and wlan intel pro/wireless 2200bg17:16
erUSULblakkheim: vi for someone who do not know how to edit a file ???....17:16
llutz!de | m0ron17:16
ubottum0ron: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:16
m0ronThanks :D17:17
donatacan anyone help me with this: i am running xubuntu 9.10 on dell laptop and want to activate wireless. how can i do that?17:17
dark_Dragonhey who let a m0ron on this chan :P j/k17:17
dark_Dragonanyone know how to configure the default firewall to allow upnp & a certain port?17:17
erUSULdonata: what wifi chip?17:17
og01jrib: it didnt survive the reboot this time, thanks for the help17:17
pixellacejrib: thanks, i got it working!17:18
donataerUSUL: how can i check it?17:18
newubuntuusersebsebseb i'm sorry my english it's not that good, please could you help me verify something on private, i would really apreciate. thank you and all that tryed to help me17:18
erUSULdark_Dragon: there is no default firewall in ubnutu17:18
erUSULdonata: lspci | grep -i net17:18
dark_Dragonthen what is blocking upnp & the port?17:18
erUSULdonata: one of the two would be the wirelless card17:18
erUSULdark_Dragon: maybe simply there is nothing listening on that port?17:18
sebsebsebnewubuntuuser for some reason you want to pm, well ok then17:19
donataerUSUL: 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 13)17:19
donata0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)17:19
Lusulexguru: that guide isn't working for me :(17:19
dark_Dragonno the server is running its just not going out from my pc to the dns to thet internet17:19
dark_DragonI did in terminal & everything is running im using broadwave17:19
Lusuledoes anyone know how I can work out why my soundcard isn't working on my toshiba laptop?  System>SoundPreferences>Hardware tab shows up blank17:20
erUSULdonata: ok you have to install the firmware fo the card do this « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 »17:20
donataerUSUL: i am on xubuntu 9.10 by the way. would that work?17:20
erUSULdonata: yes17:20
donataerUSUL: THANKS17:22
sulumarcan anyone help me out i cant get my screen resolution fixed. Im using the Nvidia drivers on Xubuntu 9.10 and im stuck with a res of 640x48017:22
erUSULdonata: yw17:22
goose!ops andi_07 is PM spamming17:23
donataerUSUL: after installation, i need to restart, right?17:24
goose!ops | andi_07 is PM spamming17:24
ubottuandi_07 is PM spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:24
_raven_which tool is useful for camera remote control?17:24
chrisboomjrib: will it cope with machines that are sometime off or not on the network?17:24
Jocarui've got problems with my wifi17:24
chrisboomas in if it cant connect to a folder, will it just try a different one?17:24
Jocarusomeone who helps me?17:24
erUSULdonata: no; no need to restart17:25
soreauJocaru: What card chipset is it as reported by the output of lspci?17:25
Jocarurealtek rtl8187se17:25
soreau! realtek | Jocaru17:25
ubottuJocaru: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b17:25
Jocaruthe lspci detect it, but i can't use it17:25
dark_Dragonany suggestions for a better radio server NOT shoutcast...17:26
Jocarubut i use the se, not the b17:26
sebsebsebnewubuntuuser  uhmm you could of stayed in the channel,  no need to pm17:26
Guest72423anyone have time to take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/375591/17:27
soreauJocaru: The information may still be relevant17:27
soreauJocaru: You might just need to load the module for it17:27
Jocarummm, ok17:27
franknetcan anyone help tell me how to load a driver i downloaded???17:27
donataerUSUL: how can i activate wireless after firmware installation?17:27
_raven_which tool is useful for canon-camera remote control?17:27
Lusulehi guys, I don't have sound working and I can't figure out why.  I can confirm master is not muted in alsamixer, and system>sound preferences> hardware tab is empty17:28
soreaufranknet: It depends. What driver is it and why are you trying to use it?17:28
erUSULdonata: do a "wlan0" interface appear when you do « iwconfig » ?17:28
dark_DragonIf I cannot get a radio server on linux I have to rely on winblows :( any suggestions :P17:28
soreauLusule: Have you tried disabling pulseaudio?17:28
Pixar2Hi, i need some help. I have a GTA game and i'm playing it using wine. I need to make a link to one of my mp3 folders to put it in it's radio Mp3 folder to play them, and the link has to be in .lnk windows format so the game can reed it. Any ideas ?17:28
soreau! pulseaudio | Lusule17:28
ubottuLusule: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions17:28
franknetits a wireless driver i dwnloaded from intel for my motherboard17:28
Lusulesoreau: i don't want to remove something that might not be the problem, is there a way to disable without uninstalling?17:29
soreauLusule: Look at the section where it talks about disabling it17:29
ZykoticK9Guest72423, is there a problem with your script?17:29
soreauLusule: It's just a package so if it's not the problem you can reinstall it if you would like17:29
zilkomaaHow to save compiz fusion settings?17:29
soreauzilkomaa: Install simple-ccsm and select the Custom option that will appear in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects17:30
Guest72423ZykoticK9 i have no idea i have never done this before so wanted someone to take a look before i ran it so i done mess anything up... i dont even know for sure if my syntax is right17:30
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Lusulesoreau: there is no where in system>preferneces>sound where I can choose between alsa, pulseaudio or anything else, it does not recognise any hardware at all, it's blank17:31
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pierre__quelqu'un parle francaisµ ?17:31
iflemadark_Dragon icecast217:31
chrisboomjrib: will it cope with machines that are sometime off or not on the network?//17:31
=== dadrk_Dragon is now known as Dark_Dragon
soreauLusule: Did you look at the pulseaudio link ubottu gave you?17:31
Lusulesoreau: yes17:31
Lusuleit says to disable it in system>preferences>sound17:31
* soreau looks17:31
ZykoticK9Guest72423, it looks "ok", only potential issue i see (and i'm not sure it is one) it you use CustomIso3 in one spot and CustomIso in another - is that correct (as I'm not sure)?17:32
zilkomaasoreau: Ty17:32
franknetHi guys - can anyone tell me how to install a driver??? Its for wireless network17:33
ZykoticK9Guest72423, i've never used scp in this fashion so the syntax would have to be looked over by some one else -- but it look safe to try17:33
soreauLusule: Under the section where it says puleaudio removal, it doesn't say anything about a menu option17:34
Guest72423ZykoticK9 CustomIso# is a dir and CustomIso is a whole nother dir... the scp syntax works when ran by its self17:34
Lusulesoreau: do a search on the word 'disable'17:35
franknetthe name of the driver is intel_ipw2200_120.tgz17:35
HardDiskthe name of the guy that got away is AlCapone17:35
Sh3r1ffGuest72423: syntax looks about right17:35
jackyhi guys, anyone here?17:36
soreaufranknet: Which card do you have as reported by lspci?17:37
guntbert!hi | jacky : yes about 1400 people17:37
ubottujacky : yes about 1400 people: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:37
BTRda da da17:37
jackyanyway, i just installed ubuntu 9.10 and wanna check if it's a must to install driver for them?17:37
BTRda da unbutu dada17:37
BTRis it free ?17:37
BTRor fee must17:38
BTRthe opreating system17:38
Sh3r1ffBTR: it is free17:38
ciraromanzo criminale17:38
BTR:S someone just sold it to me17:38
marienzjacky: is any of your hardware not working properly?17:38
franknetsoreau - its the 1st time i've used Ubuntu - still feeling my way around - what's lspci?17:38
marienzjacky: most hardware works just fine out of the box without having to hunt down different drivers17:39
Sh3r1ffBTR: try to get your money back17:39
mac9416BTR, you can sell Ubuntu. But the person you sell it to can give it away.17:39
BTRi will17:39
frankneti'm trying to get my wireless network to work but so far nothing works17:39
soreaufranknet: It is a command you run in your terminal (apps>accessories>terminal)17:39
jackymarienz: so far everything is alright. but i saw from the forum someone trying to install gfx driver.17:39
jackyso i'm wondering is it needed?17:39
marienzjacky: normally not17:40
marienzjacky: again: if your hardware currently seems to be working I'd just leave it alone. Don't try to fix what isn't broken.17:40
frankneti'll try it and let u know17:40
jackymarienz: ok thanks for your advice. :) anyway, how does ubuntu normally install software/applications?17:40
Lusuleif it helps, I think my sound problems might have started after my laptop went into suspend for the first time17:40
jackyis it like windows? or must we use the terminal?17:41
soreauLusule: Did you try rebooting since then?17:41
torchieis it possible to get the netbook remix interface in desktop ubuntu?17:41
marienzjacky: I'm a commandline kind of person, but I think you're "supposed" to just use applications -> software center these days17:41
jpdsjacky: Use: System → Admin → Synaptic Package Manager.17:41
marienzjacky: the important thing is to use the package manager, be that through software center, synaptic, or apt-get or aptitude on the cli. Don't hunt down and install things off the net by hand.17:41
Lusulesoreau: yes :(17:42
marienzjacky: (so that part of it is unlike windows)17:42
soreaujacky: In ubuntu, you install software through their repositories using the CLI or GUI or, you can install other third party applications, either a deb package or by compiling source code17:42
syriusI have a gpg problem I am trying to verify the signature for software package that is sha256 with gpg and it keeps saying it is bad signature after I have put the correct options to enable sha256 gpg --enable-dsa2 --personal-digest-preferences sha256 --verify new_installer_offline.jar.sig new_installer_offline.jar17:42
franknetsoreau - yes i see the card i need listed there17:42
soreauLusule: Did you try removing pulseaudio as shown how in the pulseaudio link?17:42
Lusulesoreau: sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload seems to have made it work17:42
franknetbut it doesnt work17:42
timmarshallon GNOME ART artwork and themes whats the closest thing to apple icons17:43
soreauLusule:  oh good oh17:43
soreaufranknet: Post the line here17:43
Lusulesoreau: which was something they suggested i try with the suspend problem17:43
soreauLusule: huh17:43
jackywow, that sounds kinda complicated. so let say if i wanna install an application i found, it won't be how i usually install it with windows? am i right?17:43
Lusulesoreau: don't think it's resolved the underlying problem though17:43
soreauLusule: Well make a note of it, in case it attacks you again17:43
soreauLusule: Try removing pulseaudio, would be my only suggested change17:44
newubuntuusersorry sebsebseb ok ill ask in channel than17:44
Sh3r1ffjacky, if it is in the repository, it is even easier than windows ;)17:44
soreauLusule: You don't need it and it has been known to cause problems17:44
fidzusing deb packages is the closest thing to installing like in windows17:44
franknetsoreau - here it is:  02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)17:44
newubuntuuseri tried to transfer couple time files with ubuntu from ntfs drive to ext3 drive and it wont store all files on ext3 because it tells me i don't have permission17:44
OuinTuXsalut !17:44
almarkhello how do I make a Ubuntu live cd release my harddrive partition, the cd has mounted itself to the harddrive and not just the cd because of this I can't install from the Live Cd17:44
jackysorry but what's a repository? i got no previous experience with linux/ubuntu. Just tried today. :(17:44
soreaufranknet: If you look at the output of iwconfig, does it show a wlan0 or any wireless interface?17:44
frankneti'll check17:45
soreau! repository | jacky17:45
ubottujacky: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:45
Sh3r1ffjacky: go to system > administration > synaptic17:45
almarkI have a full system on the drive that its mounted but I need to get it to stop mounting to that drive so I can install the linux system from ubuntu cd17:45
soreaujacky: The repositories are basically a huge database of programs that are compatible with the version of ubuntu you install17:45
brosdpkg: error processing wdiff What should I do?17:46
soreaujacky: Only a limited necessary and useful set of packages are installed by default17:46
alex_1hi all, how frequently does ntp daemon request time from the server? thanks17:46
franknetsoreau - this is what i get from iwconfig:    lo        no wireless extensions.17:47
frankneteth0      no wireless extensions.17:47
frankneteth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any17:47
franknet          Mode:Managed  Channel=0  Access Point: Not-Associated17:47
franknet          Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm   Sensitivity=8/017:47
FloodBot2franknet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
franknet          Retry limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off17:47
JStoone!paste | franknet17:47
ubottufranknet: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:47
v8bullalmark: right click on the drive icon on the desktop and choose unmount17:47
soreaufranknet: Use a pastebin service, please17:47
soreau! pastebin | franknet17:47
franknetok - sory17:48
Lusulei'm confused as to why forceing a reload fixed it but rebooting the computer didn't17:48
brosIs wdiff known to give problems while trying to sudo apt-get upgrade or am I a special case?17:48
fidzdon't you need to be root to unmount an external?17:48
jackyam i right to say that the synaptic is like a database of applications for me to install?17:48
cllaudyupeople i burned ubuntu 9.10 on a cd and during install the hole thing just got stuck, i waited for 2 hours hoppin that somethin would happen but i rebooted it... this thing happens every time i want to install the alternate cd why?17:48
soreauLuckst0r: That is kinda weird but it could be that you did not completely power down the machine to cold boot and the card was in a defunct state17:48
almarkv8bull_ it isn't visible on the desktop but only by mount its visable and due to this I can't install this live cd to another hard drive partition lol17:48
soreauDamn it17:48
soreauLusule:  That is kinda weird but it could be that you did not completely power down the machine to cold boot and the card was in a defunct state17:49
Sh3r1fffidz: no17:49
broscllaudyu: A bad download of the image? A bad disk to burn?17:49
Sh3r1fffidz: ubuntu uses automount17:49
almarkv8bull_ would you like me to paste it via paste site?17:49
cllaudyubros i gues not... i burned simultaneous cds on 4x speed17:49
soreauLusule: Sometimes hardware gets in a state that the driver cannot recover from and it needs to be powered down completely, which sometimes not even a regular reboot does17:49
cllaudyubut il burn another one tho17:49
almarkv8bull_ honestly I can't see why the live cd would use that partition to mount itself just a sec17:49
franknetsoreau: i pasted it in the appropriate place17:49
soreaufranknet: So your wifi device looks like it's eth1, for whatever reason17:50
moesjacky...That is a correct assumptiom17:50
franknetwhat does that mean??????17:50
soreaufranknet: You have to paste the link in here so we can see what you posted17:50
Lusulesoreau: well thanks for the help, at least i've got something i can bite my teeth into now, the sound troubleshooting page has a script that may help17:50
soreauLusule: ok17:50
newubuntuuseri tried to transfer couple time files with ubuntu from ntfs drive to ext3 drive and it wont store all files on ext3 because it tells me i don't have permission, howcan i get full permission for that drive?17:50
v8bullalmark: when u say it won't install, what do u mean? where does it fail?17:50
almarkv8bull_ the live cd is on this partition /dev/sda6 on /live/image type ext3 (rw) and I don't know why17:51
almarkv8bull_ one sec17:51
jackymoes: ah, alright was reading through ubuntu help and got better understanding already.17:51
franknetsoreau - here's the link:  /37561417:51
soreaufranknet: There are a lot of pastebin sites. Please give the full link17:51
fidznewubuntuuser: try copy?17:51
jackyanother thing i would like to ask is, is anti virus necessary on ubuntu? I always heard that linux os won't get viruses but how true is that?17:51
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, is this your main Ubuntu drive or an external or additional internal drive you are trying to copy to?17:52
moesjacky..Once inside synpatic you can do a search and find program you want]17:52
fidzjacky: you dont really need an antivirus17:52
almarkv8bull_ migration-assistant needs to mount a partition, but cannot do so because the following mount point could not  be unmounted: /dev/sda617:52
newubuntuuseradditional ext3 storrage for files17:52
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, where is the drive mounted?17:52
guntbert!md5sum | cllaudyu did you check?17:53
ubottucllaudyu did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:53
almarkv8bull_ what is odd is why does it need to umount that partition in the first place, I'm trying to install to sda3 that has a fresh format weird lol17:53
cllaudyuguntbert im burning the cd and il check it during boot17:53
newubuntuuserzykotick9 what you mean where is drive mounted?17:53
jackymoes: is those programs available for windows the same for ubuntu?17:53
jackyor they have a different set of applications?17:53
v8bullalmark: i got nothin...17:53
almarkv8bull_ /dev/sda6 is my Debian system17:53
guntbertcllaudyu: you *should* check the iso before burning17:54
almarkv8bull_ this sounds like a bug I'm reading about17:54
soreaufranknet: are you sure you don't have the wifi killswitch engaged?17:54
franknetno i'm not sure - how can i check it????17:54
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, in a terminal type "mount" and it will show you all your partitions and where they are mounted on the filesystem -- find the drive and mountpoint that your storage drive is using and report back17:54
moesjacky ..most programs in ubuntu will have a equveant to windows17:54
cllaudyuguntbert download of the image went fine as i seen17:54
soreaufranknet: Install wicd and run it17:54
jackymoes: i tried searching for google chrome in synaptic but didn't found anything.17:55
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franknetok - i'll try17:55
Sh3r1ffjacky: not everything is in the repositories17:55
fidzjacky, i dont think chrome is available for any other os but windows17:55
ralzeHi, I want to compile netatalk with ssl support, so I at one point I do the "apt-get build-dep netatalk". but unexpectedly I get this output: http://dpaste.com/158371/17:55
ralzecould someone explain to me, what it's trying to say?17:55
jackyfidz: oh? haha, didn't know about that. thanks for noticing.17:55
guntbertalex_1: that depends: in the beginning its checking every few minutes, when it gets a stable time its less than once an hour ( iirc )17:55
almarkv8bull_ thanks for trying I'm just scratching my head here, why is this live cd attached to a hard drive mount, does that usually happen I don't usually install with live cds but this is a off shoot 9.10 called Puredyne17:55
cllaudyualternate is getting stuck ok but on live cd i always get a bad cd error at the end of install... if i check it and if everything is ok what then?17:56
almarkv8bull_ But its still Ubuntu 9.1017:56
v8bulljacky: just google "google chrome" u have to install it from the website17:56
guntbertcllaudyu: believe me, you *should check*17:56
Aijsechrome is there for ubuntu17:56
fidzoh... sorry bout that17:56
Sh3r1ffjacky: google chromo is available for linux17:56
newubuntuuserzykotick9 storage drive is mounted on /dev/sdc1 on /media/Vazno type ext217:56
jackyanyway, since firefox is in-built with ubuntu does that mean it work better?17:56
v8bullalmark: try rebooting and running Install Ubuntu instead of Try Ubuntu17:57
syn-ackjack5463: No.17:57
syn-ackjust means they included it17:57
v8bullalmark: might work..17:57
soreauralze: Try installing libcups2-dev first17:57
Sh3r1ffjacky: that just means canonical chose firefox17:57
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, to change it so any user on your system can write to /media/Vazno -- cd /media && sudo chmod ugo+rwx Vazno17:57
alex_1guntbert, thanks. I found "maxpoll" setting: "maxpoll option to an upper limit of 17 (36 h)" does it min 36hours is max which I can choose?17:57
ralzesoreau, alright17:58
jackyalso in windows there's a install/uninstall function. so in ubuntu if i decides to uninstall an application, how should i go about doing it?17:58
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, unless this is a solid state drive - ext2 is probably not the best choice FYI (ext3 or ext4 would be better)17:58
jplHi, there...17:58
varisiteedoes alsa support equalizer17:58
guntbertalex_1: I don't remember right now (to me it was a "set once and forget" thing) but man ntpd should tell you17:58
ralzesoreau, i thought, the build-dep function was there to take care of excactly that kinda stuff?17:58
cllaudyuand what bout this, after i installed ubuntu with wubi, all went fine, booting fine, opening the system ok, but when the desktop appears, everything got stuck again17:58
soreaujacky: There is synaptic which is a gui frontend tot he package manager and apt-get which is a command line utility17:59
guntbert!software | jacky17:59
ubottujacky: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:59
soreauralze: It is *shrug*17:59
newubuntuuserzykotick9 that storage drive have virus on it, so if i get full permission would virus harm my computer17:59
Sh3r1ffjacky: in synaptic you can also remove software, just search something that is installed17:59
soreauralze: file a bug if it bothers you17:59
franknetsoreau - i cant install wicd - i posted the error message to http://paste.ubuntu.com/375621/17:59
cllaudyuwhat can be the problem?17:59
ralzesoreau, uh, never filed a bug before :D where would I do it?17:59
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, not your Ubuntu (and MS can't read EXT filesystems so it's probably safe too)18:00
soreaufranknet: sudo apt-get install wicd && wicd18:00
soreau! bug | ralze18:00
ubotturalze: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:00
ralzesweet :) thx for your help!18:00
michaelHey there! I connected my Laptop to the TV (VGA cable), which worked great, but now everything in my panel (top) is mixed up. I was able to repair a bit of it, but stuff like the battery, the wifi-indicator and the sound-indicator can't be moved. How to I fix this? I want the clock and switch off menu on the right side, like it's used to be...18:00
jack5463syn-ack, I didn18:01
ZykoticK9michael, if you right click on the ones that can't move there should be an option to Unlock from Panel -- then you'll be able to move them18:01
jackyok guys last question before I go read the helps. Is my laptop is able to see youtube videos along with sound. does it mean my gfx and sound card or whatever is fine and i don't need to install any drivers for them?18:01
ralzesoreau, would that bug be associated with netatalk or with apt?18:01
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jnyknxhowdy all, does anyone know anything new about the grub2/wubi issue? any fixes yet? or is the best bet the disk file work-around? anyone having this trouble?18:01
michaelzykoticK9, as I said, this worked with some stuff, but the battery indicator does not have lock/move18:01
ZykoticK9jacky, i'm affraid youtube is NOT a good test for graphics18:01
franknetsoreau - sorry but i dont know how to do that - remember this is the 1st time in using ubuntu18:02
jackyZykoticK9: any suggestion on how to test?18:02
syn-ackjack5463: hrm?18:02
Sh3r1ffjacky: installing the propietary driver is not required, but it is however needed for 3D support18:02
newubuntuuserok i will format to ext4, thank you, everyone your help is really apreacited18:02
ZykoticK9!panels > michael18:02
ubottumichael, please see my private message18:02
ZykoticK9michael, if you want to reset to defaults see the ubottu message18:02
HammerHead66ok so I went into terminal and typed : sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree But only some of the flash stuff works. Can anyone help me please18:03
Sh3r1ffjacky: for example, i play wolfenstein et on linux, without the ati driver installed, it will not play18:03
ZykoticK9jacky, try "glxgears" in a terminal, see if that works18:03
newubuntuuserhave a great weekend everyone, bye18:03
soreaufranknet: 1) Open a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal) 2) Type 'sudo apt-get install wicd' without quotes or tick marks and press enter 3) Type 'wicd' without quotes and press enter to run it after it's installed18:03
franknetok thanks18:03
soreauralze: I really don't know. My guess would be apt18:04
ZykoticK9newubuntuuser, you don't have to reformat if you don't want too18:04
soreauralze: Or maybe with the -dev package18:04
michaelZykoticK9: "operation not permitted", even when using sudo18:04
soreauralze: not sure. make an educated guess ;)18:04
michaelhm, now it flickered and worked. Weird18:04
jackyyes glxgears works in terminal.18:04
jnyknxanyone had/having difficulty with the grub upgrades with regard to wubi?18:05
michaelBut this is hardly ideal. Now all my quickstart thingies are gone.18:05
ZykoticK9jacky, then you have "some" sort of 3d working then, good sign18:05
michaelAnd I don't want to add them every time I connect my laptop to the TV.18:05
jackyoh? it flickered once in abit though. not very frequent.18:05
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:05
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:05
HammerHead66ok so I went into terminal and typed : sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree But only some of the flash stuff works. Can anyone help me please18:05
soreaujacky: Being able to play youtube videos does not mean your graphics drivers have 3D capabilities18:06
michaelWell, I guess I'll have to wait for Ubuntu 10.4 for this. Thanks anyway.18:06
=== dylan_ is now known as dylan1234
jackyhammerhead66: i installed flash directly from adobe website.18:06
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:06
soreaujacky: Look at the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer' to see if you have 3D18:06
ralzesoreau, thanks :) well, this "bug" is only relevant, because of another bug, which leads to me having to compile that program manually ...18:06
franknetsoreau it configured wicd but i never got a chance to run it - i think it installed it18:06
blanjuplease hello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:06
LordofKingscan anyone guide me on this..how adservers are built ?18:06
magi just have installed ubuntu18:06
HammerHead66jacky: I am using 64-bit Linux18:06
ZykoticK9soreau, doesn't glxgears mean he has some sort of 3d though?18:06
=== mag is now known as Guest97261
soreaufranknet: Just type wicd and press enter and see what happens18:06
Sh3r1ffHammerHead66: i use adobe-flashplugin18:06
soreauZykoticK9: Absolutely not18:06
jackysoreau: what do i do next?18:07
Guest97261i dont have menu.lst in my /boot/grub directory18:07
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:07
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:07
jackythis is the output: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RV515 7145) 20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL18:07
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:07
FloodBot2blanju: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:07
soreaujacky: First, explain what you're trying to do exactly18:07
blanjusorry i new to this18:07
soreaublanju: Look in sys>admin>hardware drivers18:07
VCoolioGuest97261: do you have karmic? that's a new grub, it has /etc/default/grub18:07
blanjui can get to video card to work properly18:08
Sh3r1ffjacky: you have the mesa driver, depending on what you are using ubuntu for, not everything will work18:08
jack5463syn-ack, i think you texted me by accident. ignore it18:08
monster_Anyone mind helping me? I cannot see either of my task panels/bars unless I run xfce4-panel in the terminal. At that point, they appear however I must keep the terminal open or they will disappear again.18:08
soreaujacky: looks like you have 3D working on your ati card just fine with the open drivers18:08
blanjui install the vidia driver18:08
ZykoticK9Guest97261, if you are using Karmic it's not there by default as Grub2 doesn't use it18:08
soreaujacky: And if you hear sound, your audio is probably working fine toio18:09
Lusulehi guys :) i created a bash shell script in ~/bin to launch a wine program without having to type the whole command, and it works fine from terminal, but not from the alt-f2 run box - how do i make that run box also look in ~/bin?18:09
Guest97261VCoolio, aaaa ok18:09
jackysoreau: i saw one of the video on youtube about Beryl Ubuntu and I'm kinda interested to set it up that way18:09
VCooliomonster_: use the alt+f2 box, or do "nohup xfce-panel", then close the terminal18:09
Sh3r1ffLusule: select run in terminal18:09
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le+18:09
Guest97261ZykoticK9, so how can i add windows xp to my grub?18:09
franknetsoreau - please see the following post http://paste.ubuntu.com/375625/18:10
blanjuhello can anyone help me setup my nvidia 6150 le18:10
=== Guest97261 is now known as magg
almarkIs there a way to install a full system from a live cd with out using in installer because the installer isnt working, I want to do it from term18:10
soreauLusule: First, I would choose /usr/local/bin as the location for scripts you create. In any event, did you specify the complete path to the scriptin Alt+F2?18:10
ZykoticK9Lusule, from a menu/alt+f2 you'd have to add "gnome-terminal -e $REST_OF_COMMAND"18:10
LusuleSh3r1ff: not sure i understand you there I'm afraid :(18:10
ZykoticK9Lusule, Sh3r1ff's idea is easier18:10
Sh3r1ffLusule: do alt + f2 and in the screen select run in terminal, and enter the name of the script18:10
LusuleSh3r1ff: ah okay thanks :)18:11
soreaufranknet: You need to close synaptic package manager and software update windows first18:11
gbeewill dist upgrading Ubuntu Remix get me plain Ubuntu or the newer Ubuntu Remix? I'm assuming that it pulls the package lists from one place and as a result may install apps and configs which Remix wouldn't, am I wrong?18:11
LusuleSh3r1ff: hmm not working, it still wants me to put the full path to the script, i was hoping to find a way to get it to check ~/bin automatically18:11
monster_VCoolio: Ah, thanks every so much.18:12
Sh3r1ffLusule: add ~/bin to your path18:12
LusuleSh3r1ff: i did, but i'm not sure how to update the computer to realise i did that - i updated a terminal by doing .~/.bashrc but i don't know how to update everything else18:12
jackyhey guys, i really appreciate all the help i received within secs of asking. never knew such a helpful & strong community exists. this justified my switch to ubuntu. Thanks alot guys. :) :) :)18:12
LordofKingscan anyone guide me on this..how "Ad servers" are built ?18:12
almarkKykoticK9_  are you still here I have your answer18:12
maggZykoticK9, is there any similar file as menu.lst in grub2?18:12
soreauLusule: Yea, ~/bin is not in your default path. Consider 'echo $PATH'18:12
timmarshallyo dudes and ladies how do i make a shortcut to my CD/DvD drive and file system18:12
FloodBot2blanju: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:12
Lusulesoreau: it is now, i put it there through .bashrc18:12
ZykoticK9!grub2 > magg18:13
ubottumagg, please see my private message18:13
maggZykoticK9, i dont know how to configure new grub18:13
Sh3r1ffLusule: log off and log on again or do . ~/.bashrc18:13
Lusulesoreau: i just need to get the computer to re-check .bashrc18:13
timmarshallstop spamming18:13
almarkKykoticK9_  Are you runnning a dual hard drive system with windows on one drive and linux on the other?18:13
soreauLusule: ok18:13
tp43magg, I am pretty sure its in the same place except its called menu.cfg now18:14
ZykoticK9magg, see the link the bot gave you - it's all i know about Grub2 on that page ;)18:14
alienkid10is there a tutorial for booting off a LiveCD using a Flashdriver for the persistent image for 9.1018:14
almarkalienkid10_ do you mean using a Usb flash drive?18:15
alienkid10almark: yes the Flash drive hold the casper-rw image18:15
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jackydo you guys encounter not being able to enter a website after entering your logon details?18:15
=== Guest63948 is now known as Growlithe
timmarshall_does anyone know how to make shortcuts from cd rom to desktop?18:15
ikoniajacky: what website ?18:16
Guest35294how to open ssh port (port 22) in ubuntu 9.1018:16
ikoniajacky: what error18:16
almarkalienkid10_  you can try this program http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/18:16
blakkheimGuest35294: iptables18:16
ikoniaGuest35294: it's already open, you just need openssh-server installed18:16
llutzGuest35294: start sshd18:16
ikoniablakkheim: it's already open18:16
jackywell, i tried entering a betting site which i have an account with18:16
tp43timmarshall_, ls -s desktop-shortcut-to-cdrom /media/cdrom18:16
almarkalienkid10_  here I will give you more from puredyne, that is kinda what I'm working on now18:16
jackyhowever, upon entering my logon details it just stuck there.18:16
blakkheimikonia: ook18:16
jackyno error message was given though18:16
alienkid10boot CD with flash drive in hit F6 hit esc add persistent and it saves settings. Tried the tut here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence and all that is in the casper-rw file is a empty lost+found folder18:16
ikoniajacky: contact the website maintainer18:16
wozzaGuest35294 guarddog is pretty good basic iptables base firewall18:16
jnlandi_07 has on join spam18:17
wozzajacky - enable cookies18:17
almarkalienkid10_  http://code.goto10.org/projects/puredyne/wiki/liveUSBInstall kinda study that, its all the same thing really, you have to mount the squashfs18:17
franknetsoreau - i've included a new paste -  http://paste.ubuntu.com/375629/  I'm not sure if i followed yr previous instructions correctly18:17
jackyhow do i enable cookies then?18:17
ikoniajacky: they are enabled by default18:18
almarkalienkid10_  try looking up on google install ubuntu live cd to Usb Flash18:18
alienkid10almark: no can't boot from USB that's why I need the LiveCD!18:18
prodigelhi all. I have this script that generates captcha that uses imagettfbbox. Which library needs to be installed make it work? I'm using ubuntu and gd is already installed. thanks18:18
jackyif thats the case than that shouldn't solve the problem. will a different browser works?18:18
ikoniaprodigel: depends what library calls the script makes18:18
ikoniajacky: I don't know, what site is it and we can test it18:18
FoolsRunOkay, this is kind of a complicated question so stick with me: I'm trying to run a VNC server showing the Ubuntu login screen. This worked before Karmic, and broke after the upgrade. The VNC server is running from xinetd, it works, I can connect, but all I see is a gray cross-hatched background and the default "X" cursor. XDMCP is enabled. Help?18:19
soreaufranknet: hmm.. not sure what's going on then. Have you tried loggin out then loggin back in and trying to install it again?18:19
almarkalienkid10_  hmm and your computer allows you to boot from usb is this correct?18:19
franknetno i didnt log out18:19
alienkid10almark: no18:19
jackyIt's ibcbet.com18:19
donataerUSUL: it says - no wireless extension18:19
frankneti'll try that18:19
alienkid10almark: nether do most other comps I plan to do this on18:20
almarkalienkid10_  if your system BIOS does not allow you to boot from usb then you have to use just cd i'm afraid18:20
alienkid10almark: yes that's what I said I am doing!18:20
donataerUSUL: any idea how to get it working?18:20
Guest35294thank you18:20
wozzaFoolsRun there is now window manager18:20
almarkalienkid10_  let me scroll up18:21
FoolsRunwozza: gdm is running, I have another user auto-log-in for reasons I won't get into.18:21
alienkid10almark: but it won't save to the casper-rw image! All I get is a empty lost+found folder in there even after 2 hours of editing on the live system18:21
michal_does anyone knwo how to setup a lan network that automatically loads on reboot?18:21
ikoniamichal_: use the gnome network manager18:22
ikoniamichal_: top right of your screen18:22
donatadoes anyone knows how to activate wireless connection on xubuntu 9.10?18:22
hayerMy www -folder where my webfiles is located returns www-data:www-data (with ls -l) but I cant edit them with my user. How can I make my user able to edit them?18:22
alienkid10donata: try #xubuntu18:22
almarkalienkid10_  let me try to understand what you want to do, you want to make a live-usb ubuntu18:22
michal_ikonia: im trying to use it to share files over it18:23
jackyikonia: alright just tested it with chrome and it works on chorme. not on firefox.18:23
alienkid10almark: depends what you mean. If you mean boot from USB then no18:23
FoolsRunwozza: does gdm have to know that I want to connect on that display (:9) somehow? It didn't need anything like that before Karmic18:23
ikoniamichal_: that doesn't change anything18:23
almarkalienkid10_  could I have more info on what your wanting to achive :)18:23
alienkid10almark: yes18:23
almarkalienkid10_  thanks18:23
AlacardI am attempting to load UNR's tab based UI on a default load of Ubuntu 9.04 but my tabs don't work, any ideas?18:23
alienkid10let me type it up18:23
michal_ikonia: so i dont need to use samba or anything like that?18:23
hayerMy www -folder where my webfiles is located returns www-data:www-data (with ls -l) but I cant edit them with my user. How can I make my user able to edit them? im using Karmic btw18:24
IP-v6i have strange issue, empathy can't connect msn but pidgin can. What can be wrong with empathy ?18:24
melfyhi everyone!  i have a 1.5TB external drive that is formatted NTFS and i plugged into ubuntu 8.10 to copy some files.... and now when I plug into windows 7 it comes up as RAW & asks to format... any suggestions?18:24
gizmobayCan someone tell me the command to run to check to see how badly my systems is fragmented?18:24
ikoniamichal_: yes, but that's not what you asked, you asked for a network that started a boot18:24
zcat[1]hayer:  chmod a+rw -R /var/www/18:24
timmarshall_can some private message me on how to create a short cut of the dvd drive and the file system to my desktop please18:24
ubuntu_giantI have An ATI Radeon HD 3100 graphics card.  With the most recent update, the drivers disappeared (including amdccle).  What packages do I need to install to get the drivers back?  Thanks.18:24
ikoniamelfy: ask the guys in ##windows18:24
hayerMy www -folder where my webfiles is located returns www-data:www-data (with ls -l) but I cant edit them with my user. How can I make my user able to edit them? im using Karmic btw   PM please.. If it is possible to get any help here (ASAP)18:25
zcat[1]hayer:  or chown -R hayer:hayer /var/www might work too, as long as www-data can still read them18:25
wozzaFoolsRun, dunno how gdm and Xvnc talk some sort of chooser-like broadcast18:25
alienkid10almark: I am trying to do the following be able wlak up to any computer stick in my USB stick and LiveCD boot to the LiveCD and then add persistent to the boot options and have all my packages etc. there. Not booting to USB. But booting off the CD and thus reading from CD for most of the system. Just saving chnages to the USB18:25
hayerzcat[1] : dosnt work, then the website returns access denied.18:26
zcat[1]hayer:  chmod a+rw -R /var/www/18:26
melfyikonia: ty18:26
almarkahh! :)18:26
wozzaalienkid10, you are better off building a grub2 based cdrom to boot into your real system18:26
michal_ikonia: sory..let me explai. i have 2 ubuntu laptops one is dual boot w/ win7. I want to be able to connect on lan and have the connection start up when i boot in order for me to share18:26
ionuthey guys, anyone knows a good partition editor ?18:26
ionutand easy to use18:26
zcat[1]ionut:  gparted ?18:26
alienkid10wozza: how do I take my system with me if I am moving from house to house!??!18:26
ikoniamichal_: ok - so set an ipaddress with the tool I told you to use, then configure samba to act as a file server18:26
ionutis it GUI  ?18:27
wozzaalienkid10, on a removable hdd and a boot cd18:27
almarkalienkid10 ok you want to just save all your work, like me lol I'm in this same boat trying to install this ubuntu live ok just a sec18:27
hayerzcat[1] : Now I can't see the files... >_>18:27
michal_ikoni: should i use the given ip address?18:27
almarkalienkid10 are you working with docs or music or something?18:27
alienkid10wozza: would you like to buy me one?18:27
ionutzcat[1]: Stevethepirate thx18:27
michal_ikoni: or have a dhcp set18:27
ikoniamichal_: or use dhcp, it depends how your network is setup18:27
ionutmichal_: tnx18:28
almarkalienkid10 you said you got the lost and found folder already on your usb drive yes?18:28
alienkid10almark: Blender that's why I need to be persistent since I have to install depends and I don't always have internet18:28
ionutaw,by the  way,anyone knows how can i activate the webcam with Pidgin?18:28
alienkid10almark: yes it's the only thing in casper-rw after rebooting18:28
ZykoticK9hayer, the next time you have this "issue" just add your user to the www-data group and you should be fine < for next time18:28
almarkalienkid10 from what I have seen Lost and Found is a non writable folder, i'm not to fimilar with this but I will try to help.18:28
alienkid10ionut: Pidgin doesn't support mic/webcam18:28
zcat[1]hayer:  no idea what you're doing wrong but all I do is make everything in /var/www/ +rw so I can write to it, and default for new files is a+r so apache can still read them...18:29
almarkalienkid10 did you say you tried to mkdir other dirs from the usb drive?18:29
michal_ikoni: do you know of a good samba guide? ive been looking around found a ton but for some reason one comp sees the other   but not the other way around18:29
ikonia!samba | michal_18:29
ubottumichal_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:29
ionutlook what error i get  "name has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported."18:29
almarkalienkid10 I use blender too :)18:29
alienkid10almark: I know but it's the only thing in the casper-rw image. I have not tried to mkdir anything. I thought the CD would handle that when needed18:29
hayerZykoticK9 : tried that.. but I think I failed at it. usermod -a -G www-data hayer <- correct?18:30
almarkalienkid10 but you want the cd to create these folders for you automatically on your flash drive yes?18:30
alienkid10the CD makes the lost+found folder in casper-rw automaticly18:30
michal_ikoni: thanx18:30
llutzhayer: sudo adduser hayer www-data18:30
michal_ikonia: thanx18:30
almarkalienkid10 sorry for being so cryptic this one is new to me but I will try18:30
prodigelikonia, well the function is loaded properly but it can't read the foo.ttf font file18:30
hayerit says "hayer is already a member 'www-data'" ... wtf?18:31
alienkid10almark: I thought it would yes. I realy just want my install packages and customizations saved18:31
ikoniaprodigel: that suggests that font is invalid18:31
ubuntu_giantAnybody with an ATI Radeon card had any trouble lately...something about low-graphics?18:31
almarkalienkid10 then If I were you to make up for downtime which sucks anyway lol just make some folders on that usb drive lol18:31
alienkid10almark: I didn't describe very well. wozza: you hae any imput as to why persistent is only saving the lost+found folder?18:31
prodigelikonia, it works on another computer, I doubt the file is corrupted. Could there be any other cause?18:32
wozzalost+found is for bad inodes18:32
almarkalienkid10 wozza?18:32
zcat[1]hayer:  after joining a group I think you have to log out and back in for it to be effective18:32
alienkid10almark: remake all the normal install folders?18:32
ikoniaprodigel: I didn't say it was corrupted, invalid18:32
hayerzcat[1] : will try right away thanks :)18:32
prodigelikonia, that meaning?18:32
almarkalienkid_ I think if you just make a home folder or something it will remain on the usb drive its ext 3 right?18:32
alienkid10almark: wozza is another person on here18:32
wozzano i am not a person18:32
wozzai am a hampster18:33
alienkid10wozza: dragon? Bot?18:33
ikoniaprodigel: the font file is invalid or is not supported with the font server you're using18:33
alienkid10wozza: ohh18:33
almarkalienkid_ heck you could make the usb flash drive fat 32 if you wanted and still save those files just load up the live cd and add your projects to your usb, but is that exact what you wanted to do?18:33
ionutcan i install skype on ubuntu?18:33
frankS2how do i compile fortran18:33
* zcat[1] wonders how hayer could run chmod -R a+rw /var/www and then be _unable_ to see the files in /var/www18:33
wozzaalmark, naah that wont work18:33
frankS2how do i compile fortran sourcecode with GCC+18:33
blakkheim!compile > frankS218:33
ubottufrankS2, please see my private message18:33
wozzaionut sure download it from skype18:34
alienkid10not exactly if it was I wouldn't be here :18:34
ikoniafrankS2: you need the gcc-fortran compiler18:34
prodigelikonia, how can I find out font/font server compatibility on my system?18:34
almarkwozza_ what is it exact he wants to do I don't think its my field but I would like to know anyway :)18:34
ionutwozza: thx18:34
ZykoticK9ionut, http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/18:34
frankS2ikonia: yes, gcc needs some args icant seem to find18:34
ikoniaprodigel: what is the system that it works on running ?18:34
wozzaalmark have a portable os18:34
ikoniafrankS2: it doesn't need arguments, it needs the gcc fortran compiler18:34
lauritakienes sois bosotros18:34
almarkwozza_ from his live cd only, he says he needs to just use the live cd for booting, oh wait a min18:34
hayerzcat[1] : And I'm back.. Still can't see my files.18:35
prodigelikonia, I can't find out much info about it. Are you familiar with CPanel?18:35
zcat[1]hayer:  you did do a+rw not a-rw right?18:35
ikoniaprodigel: yes, the devils tool.18:35
almarkalienkid_ you want to use the live cd so you can boot correct and due to many ppl not having a computer equipped with usb boot support you want your entire file system on the usb home, etc, usr .. etc... right?18:35
alienkid10yeah I didn't explain very well :( New to me too so hard to explain18:35
ikoniaprodigel: I suggest you contact the person who wrote/maintains the script18:35
almarkalienkid_ I think I just hit it on the head18:36
fidzi thank you all helpers here... you really are all dedicated18:36
candycan anybody suggesst me a movie making software for ubuntu ??18:36
candymovie making from photos.. software??18:36
wozzaalienkid10, you could install ubuntu onto a fake disk with virtualbox then tweak that so it mounts /var /tmp and /home from usb flash disk - then burn that on to a cd and make it bootable somehow18:36
prodigelikonia, I see. Thanks for the info.18:36
hayerzcat[1] : Yes, and if I do "$ gedit /var/www/index.php"18:36
zcat[1]hayer:  sudo chown -R /var/www www-data:www-data ; chmod -R go+rw /var/www18:36
almarkalienkid_ you use the live cd to get a system going then you will put the usb in the port and have all of your system right there and ready for you18:36
alienkid10almark: almost exactly right! Persistentnse as I understand it only saves changes to the USB stick not the whole file system18:36
hayerzcat[1] : Yes, and if I do "$ gedit /var/www/index.php" it says no permission when I'm tryin' to save18:36
zcat[1]Oops left sudo off the second command18:37
almarkalienkid_ you want to do what I want to do lol funny isn't it18:37
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
wozzathose links are all for candy18:37
candyfidz, not all. many come to take help and many to help :-)18:37
alienkid10almark: you want to do the samething?18:37
almarkalienkid_ I want to make a live cd saveable from my hard drive18:37
almarkalienkid_ kinda18:37
alienkid10tut I followed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence18:37
zcat[1]hayer:  ls -ld /var/www and post the resut here?18:38
almarkalienkid_ I have a live cd disto on my hard drive but of course its just the cd version but running from the hard drive which is just like the real cd just you can't save to squash lol18:38
alienkid10everything works 'cept saving changes back to the stick :(18:38
wozzajust install onto an hdd even 20gb..18:38
almarkalienkid_ I'll have a look18:38
zcat[1]hayer:  and also ls -l /var/www/index.php18:38
hayerzcat[1] : here you go; sudo chown -R /var/www www-data:www-data; chmod -R go+rw /var/www18:38
hayerops, drwxrwxrwx 32 www-data www-data 4096 2010-02-13 19:08 /var/www18:39
wozzai've been down that road all the way to suns translucent filesystem18:39
candywozza, can u send me again personally??18:39
almarksome things are rediculiusly hard to explain in the linux world lol18:39
wozzait doesn't work -18:39
alienkid10at this rate I might as well make my own LiveCD with Blender depends installed18:39
almarkalienkid_ let me have a look for a sec on this site18:39
zcat[1]hayer:  and also ls -l /var/www/index.php18:39
zcat[1]also stop PMing me please18:39
almarkalienkid10 its a cool idea what you want to do though18:40
lupescui seem to have a problem with ssh connection18:40
candywozza, isnt there any software which we can get from software center??18:40
alienkid10almark: I gathered that. And when your doing something no more then 14 or so people want to do everyone tells you to do it the "normal" way even if you can't18:40
lupescui can't connect without a password18:40
lupescuevent though18:40
lupescui did all the necessary things18:40
wozzamaybe ~ search for it in synaptic package manager18:40
hayerzcat[1] : hayer@hayer-desktop:~$ ls -ld /var/www/bb/index.php18:40
hayerls: cannot access /var/www/bb/index.php: Permission denied18:40
FloodBot2hayer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
alienkid10almark: yes to bad the guide is outdated? Or the system changed?18:40
almarkalienkid10 I don't believe that, with linux you can the same things unoffical ;)18:41
ZykoticK9hayer, ls -ld /var/www/bb18:41
alienkid10almark: happend the last 5 times I came in here with this same problem18:41
hayerZykoticK9 : drwxrw-rw- 6 www-data www-data 4096 2010-02-13 19:08 /var/www/bb/18:41
alienkid103 times yesterday twice now today18:41
andy123anyone know how to install mysql in ubuntu??18:42
almarkalienkid10 allow me to read it, I'm going to look it over for a few minutes, your loss here will become my gain and then my gain will be yours too lol ;)18:42
alienkid10almark: LOL! OH I have an idea18:42
almarkalienkid10 yes?18:42
wozzathe os needs a writable file system - lsof18:42
ZykoticK9hayden, you need to add execute to that dir -- seeing as your www is pretty much wide open now -- cd /var/www && sudo chmod ugo+rwx bb18:42
alienkid10almark: what if I add "rw persistent"?18:42
almarkalienkid10 I don't know that is why i'm going to read it ;)18:43
alienkid10that might work18:43
jackyguys, what are those necessary applications you guys would recommend for new ubuntu/18:43
alienkid10almark: mind if I reboot and try? Might take me a bit18:43
hayerZykoticK9 : Thanks! But I still can't see the files in the file browser(I can only access them using the terminal)18:43
sosnacipa cipa cipa18:43
almarkalienkid10 sure I"ll be here18:44
almarkalienkid10 oh and I"m talking to you on a live cd lol18:44
sosnafuck all18:44
sosnasa POLACY??18:44
ZykoticK9hayer, try again with the File Browser18:44
jenningsI'm debating putting windows back on my pc because lojack isn't supported :(18:44
sosnajak nie ma to chuj18:45
ianuff@sosna nie szalej18:45
ZykoticK9jennings, if lojack is the most important feature on your PC - i think you'll need windows18:45
wozzaalienkid10 almark -  the os needs a writable file system - lsof18:45
hayerZykoticK9 : WTF? Now their there.. Can you explain me what just happend? So I actually learn something from it.18:45
sosnajest polak:)18:45
wozzajennings hahahahah lol18:45
guntbert!pl | sosna18:45
ubottusosna: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:45
ZykoticK9hayer, in regard to the execute on the directory, or in regard to the file manager?18:45
almarkalienkid10 how do you allow that, I'm filing my brain here with the info but I have no clue otherwise lol18:46
ZykoticK9hayer, and don't use w-t-f in this channel please18:46
almarkwozza that was directed to you18:46
wozzajennings http://www.helium.com/items/353689-how-to-set-up-a-lojack-for-your-linux-computer18:46
hayerZykotick9 : Why the suddenly just pop'd up after rs'ing the file manager..18:46
jenningsit's really hard for me, I actually had a laptop stolen and recovered from lojack last semester, I bought another one18:46
BluesKajsebsebseb, i was away for a while, did the ubuntu install go ok for the guy you were helping ?(I forgot his nick)18:47
zilkomaaHas someone solution for tearing video playback with vlc media player ? Havent found nothing helpful in google.18:47
almarkwozza Live CD persistence is a feature of the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" release. is that only that live cd?18:47
jenningswozza: you've, thank you very very much18:47
ZykoticK9hayer, i'm guessing when you changed the permission File Manager was probably open and knew it couldn't get into that directory, closing and reopening it meant it had a second look - and now it could get in :)18:47
sebsebsebBluesKaj  yeah I think it went well,  don't know if his wireless worked though18:47
josh0x0Is there a nice tool to easily switch desktop environments (e.g., Gnome -> KDE)?18:47
wozzaalmark - maybe they ditched persistence because it doesn't work18:47
dremitshi I just tried running a script (the jolicloud usb creator) and i'm getting the following error: "ImportError: libQtCore.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Can any one suggest what I should do?18:47
hayerZykotick9 : Oh, get it ^^,  Thanks for the help :)18:48
dremitsI can post full terminal output at pastebin if need be18:48
ZykoticK9josh0x0, GDM when you login has a session selection to switch between your installed WM/DEs18:48
lupescussh problem can anyone help me ?18:48
Eras3ri need a ubuntu specialist18:48
Eras3rwho can help me?18:48
wozzaalmark seriously if you want to take your os with you and customize it install it onto a usb hdd and create a boot cdrom for old computers with grub18:48
sexcopterhi, can anyone tell me how come when i start rtorrent it doesn't resume torrents that were loaded when it last closed down?18:48
BluesKajsebsebseb, yeah I should have mentioned network manager wifi is kinda flaky ...i had to install wicd after 24 hrs , because NM would not connect no matter what i tried.18:49
josh0x0ZykoticK9: right okay.  um but when I swap to Ubuntu I'll still have all of the KDE apps available there right?  seems when I tried kbuntu-desktop before my gnome envirnoment just got fubar'd with KDE stuff18:49
ZykoticK9!ask | lupescu Eras3r18:49
ubottulupescu Eras3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:49
almarkwozza <alienkid10> wants to do that but all I want to do is figure out why I can't install this live cd to my hard drive its a mess18:50
ZykoticK9josh0x0, ya installed apps should be available in any WM/DE - but there MAY not be shortcuts in the menus ;)  but you can always run stuff from terminal and create menu shortcuts18:50
onaoghEras3r, i am not specialist, but can u tell me what problem you have ?18:50
prodigelikonia, I got a hint about my error. It seems that imagettfbbox searches for the file in a predefined font path that is set in GD. Any idea where that path leads in ubuntu 9.10?18:50
wozzaalmark are you dual booting - i mean are you trying to install onto a disk that already has an os on it?18:50
lupescussh problem : i have used ssh-keygen to generate a public and private key, i moved the key to the client with ssh-copy-id, i checked the permissions on files 700 for .ssh and 600 for authorized_keys and other files in .ssh, i configured /ssh/ssh_configure but i still cannot connect without a password using ssh18:51
dremitshi I just tried running a script (the jolicloud usb creator) and i'm getting the following error: "ImportError: libQtCore.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Can any one suggest what I should do?18:51
almarkwozza yes I have 2 linux distos here and I have the partition ready18:51
josh0x0ZykoticK9: ok ty.  Anyone know what version of kde is in kubuntu-kde4-desktop?18:51
almarkwozza what happening is this Ubuntu live cd is mounted to /dev/sda6 which is my Debian part18:51
ZykoticK9dremits, try installing libqtcore4 and try again18:51
michal_is there a way to set scroll lock with mouse?18:52
Hatsjoe`Some1 who can help me with a PHP problem?18:52
dremitsZykoticK9: Ok let me try.18:52
lupescuhow can i find out where does ssh fail even if all the keys are right and permisions are set correctly ?18:52
llutzlupescu: ssh -vvv18:52
wozzalupescu, check your sshd options in /etc/ssh/sshd_config - it maybe disabled ; also ssh -v -v to see what the client is getting18:52
sebsebsebBluesKaj I mentioned wireless, but he could only be on the Internet on one of his computers at a time18:52
almarkwozza the install in the cd says this error.. migration-assistant needs to mount a partition, but cannot do so because the following mount point could not be  unmounted /dev/sda618:53
prodigelikonia, never mind, solved with the help of './'18:53
dremitshey guys in irc whats the keyboard shortcut to brining up username with a colon?18:53
wozzaalmark msg me your mount18:53
almarkwozza This live cd is from Ubuntu 9.1018:53
ZykoticK9!tab > dremits18:53
ubottudremits, please see my private message18:53
seanbrystonehow would i disable needing password for Synaptic? I dont want to disable passwords totally though, im the only one with access to this machine, so i dont need to constantly put in pass for Synaptic18:53
almarkwozza do you want just that device?18:53
=== erwan is now known as roanito
wozzaalmark all mount output would be more interesting18:54
ionutcan anyone tell me how can i split my partition (this one i am using now) in 2 ?18:54
ZykoticK9seanbrystone, it's not a good idea...18:54
almarkwozza ok ;)18:54
almarkwhat is the ubuntu paste site name again18:54
ZykoticK9!paste > almark18:54
ubottualmark, please see my private message18:54
Hatsjoe`Is there some1 here who can help me with a PHP problem? Or do you know the proper channel to ask my question?18:54
syn-ackseanbrystone: You can't, really18:54
almarkthanks :)18:54
=== jay is now known as Guest62132
guntbertseanbrystone: the idea behind that is that you are always reminded "now I'm going to do system maintainance"18:55
syn-ackseanbrystone: I'm sure you could try hacking around with pam but I wouldnt advise it18:55
wozzaionut you can't just split a partition - only shrink and add a new one18:55
rob_pseanbrystone: I can't imagine using synaptic enough to warrant what you want to do.18:55
almarkwozza I have just a xterm running this live cd does not have term from gnome, i'm going to have to screenshot this, can you do with a pic bucket?18:55
* Guest_67767 Hatsjoe` my tooth is hurting you know the proper channel to ask for advice about this?18:55
wozzaalmark sure18:56
seanbrystonei install A LOT of software daily, big hard drive :D18:56
Hatsjoe`Guest_67767 stfu18:56
Hatsjoe`If you cant help me, just say nothing18:56
lupescueverything seems ok in sshd_config18:56
MyrttiHatsjoe`: mind your language, that was uncalled for18:57
ZykoticK9Hatsjoe`, I didn't like Guest_67767 post either but don't use stfu in this channel, especially not directed at people18:57
lupescuwhat exactly should i be looking for ? the settings are the ownes from ssh_config but "applied"18:57
dremitshey guys in irc whats the keyboard shortcut to brining up username with a colon?18:57
almarkwozza photobucket, what do you use?18:57
syn-ackHatsjoe`: he's got a point though, this is not the channel to be asking that sort of question and personallu I'd imagine that the channel name would be pretty obvious18:57
Myrttidremits: tabulator18:57
ubuntu_15almark: hello from the LiveCD18:57
Hatsjoe`when I join #php I get redirected to the overflow channel18:57
og01dremits: depends on client18:58
=== ubuntu_15 is now known as alienkid10
og01dremits: but tab18:58
wozzaalmark ftp or http usually18:58
syn-ackHatsjoe`: Ok, so what? ask in there.18:58
alienkid10almark: still not sure if it's saving18:58
syn-ackThat's why there is an overflow channel, afterall18:58
jackyhey guys, how can i close gnome do about me?18:58
clint0nHatsjoe` perhaps try the #php channel?18:58
dremitsog01: xchat18:58
jackyi click on gnome's about and i'm unable to close it.18:58
ironfoot495where can I find help in OOP scripts18:58
BluesKajGuest_67767, it could be called the dentist chat...ever consider that?18:58
Guest_67767  Hatsjoe` what problem you have?? you may pvt18:58
og01Hatsjoe`: more than likely you need to register with nickserv18:58
alienkid10what dirs should I make in casper-rw?18:58
almarkubuntu_15 worked?18:58
=== Guest62132 is now known as melfy
dremitsog01: tab just loses focus of the text field18:58
Guest_67767  lol BluesKaj18:58
Guest_67767  I bet18:59
og01dremits: i dont use xchat - try irssi18:59
seanbrystonejacky open a terminal and type xkill and click on that about me window18:59
og01dremits: and read about screen18:59
wozzaanyway almark cdroms are generally /dev/cdrom or /dev/sg0 and should be mounted at /cdrom /mnt/cdrom or /media/cdrom18:59
almarkalienkid10_ I will try photobucket lol I forgot the names18:59
og01dremits: screen + irssi == win18:59
lupescuwhat other things might make ssh ask for a password if the keys are ok, permissions good, and aparently setting file ok ?18:59
alienkid10almark: ok18:59
almarkwozza this one however is mounting itself to my harddrive auto18:59
wozzaalmark, so it looks strange that it's mounted at /dev/sda618:59
dremitsog01: i'm sure it was tab in xchat18:59
jackyseanbrystone: wow, works wonder! another term to memorise! haha18:59
aukermanso i'm having a problem starting my music players, anyone able to help?18:59
jriblupescu: most likely, one of those things is not true18:59
alienkid10light on stick is pulsing18:59
wozzacan you mount | grep sda18:59
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
seanbrystonejacky, yep its crude, but works :)19:00
almarkwozza indeed, is there a way to make it not mount at boot19:00
wozzaand send it on here19:00
fidzaukerman, please describe the problem19:00
almarkoh duh19:00
lupescujrib : how can i limit those 3 ?19:00
aukermanthey say starting up, but then nothing19:00
almarkwozza what is that switch mount | grep sda > log?19:00
wozzaalmark no it will mount and boot unfortunately19:00
jriblupescu: try adding some -v when you connect and check sshd's log19:00
pieroWhen 10.04 beta will be released?19:01
* Hamlin is now away: Detatched, leave a message.19:01
ZykoticK9piero, Beta 1 in 33 days19:01
jrib!away > Hamlin19:01
ubottuHamlin, please see my private message19:01
Alacardany thoughts on using Ubuntu Netbook Remix's interface on a desktop?  I cannot get it to scale properly :(19:01
pierothanks ZykoticK919:01
ZykoticK9piero, Alpha3 in 12 days :)19:01
alienkid10almark: find the pic yet?19:01
ZykoticK9piero, 75 days till final19:02
lupescujdir : "Host '' is known and matches the RSA host key.19:02
pieroZykoticK9, and how is alpha3? Is it polite?19:02
ionutwozza: how can i shrink it using gparted?19:02
lupescujdir : 'debug1: Authentications that can continue: password,publickey19:02
lupescudebug1: Next authentication method: publickey19:02
lupescudebug1: Offering public key: /root/.ssh/id_rsa19:02
lupescudebug1: Authentications that can continue: password,publickey19:02
lupescudebug1: Offering public key: /root/.ssh/id_rsa19:02
FloodBot2lupescu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:02
lupescudebug1: Authentications that can continue: password,publickey19:02
almarkalienkid10 sorry man that was meant to be directed to wozza I have no pic19:02
alienkid10oh sorry19:03
almarkalienkid10 lol slip of the hand did you get it working19:03
ZykoticK9piero, you can ask me in #ubuntu+1, but not in this channel (channel rules)19:03
alienkid10almark: do you have a /rofs folder when you boot your LivCD?19:03
almarkwozza all I have listed is /dev/sda6 on /live/image type ext3 (rw) and that wrong19:03
=== viking is now known as Guest35686
jriblupescu: erm, /root?19:03
almarkalienkid10 let me check19:03
alienkid10almark: not sure yet going to reboot as soon as I find out if you do19:04
psilokanSo I have two remote PCs set up to accept a passwordless RSA key, one works and the other always prompts for hte password.  I checked the permissions on the files, copied over the config file from the working one... Anything else I should check?19:04
wozzaalmark - I get it - you have booted into live - and it has automatically mounted all your other file systems on the hdd.(maybe) go to system - partition editor and right click on each drive and unmount19:04
almarkalienkid10 that site you gave me about your problem says only a few live cds allow you to do what you want19:04
lupescujrib : what about it ? ... i tried with a normal account firstly... is there a problem now because im root ?19:04
aukermanfanfidz i reset my computer, and it's working now19:04
=== goldenfox98 is now known as goldenfox
Guest35686hey guys, i got a problem, ubuntu was working fine this morning but then when i start it up the screen goes blank after booting19:05
almarkwozza which part editor, what program I mean just mount? I tried mount -f and stuff19:05
alienkid10almark: where did it say that?19:05
wozzaalmark you probably can't umount /dev/sda19:05
muri_onedoes ubuntu as a server offer anything special over debian? especially if I were to use the LTS release?19:05
dremitsZykoticK9: thanks by the way that worked. Now its complaining about libgt gui so i'll install that too. thanks. feel dumb!19:05
wozzaalmark are you in the live system?19:05
jriblupescu: troubleshoot using a non-root account, yes.  I'll be back later19:05
Guest_67767  good service that ubuntu paste :)19:05
jribmuri_one: security releases guaranteed by canonical19:06
almarkalienkid10 #19:06
almark8.04 "Hardy Heron" - Doesn't work19:06
almark# 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" - Works on official release19:06
almark# 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon" Tribe 1 release - Doesn't work (more information below)19:06
FloodBot2almark: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
almark7.04 "Feisty Fawn" Doesn't work19:06
ZykoticK9dremits, glad it's working!19:06
almarkalienkid10 did you get my flood, I didn't know it was going to do that19:06
alienkid10almark: ok. Do you have the same /rofs folder as me?19:06
ionutwozza: how can i shrink a partition using gparted ?19:06
conb123Are there any ubuntu applications for monitoring cpu temperature other than lm-sensors and ksensors because neither of them worked for my gigabyte p55m-ud2?19:07
almarkalienkid10 no its not there but I'm not trying to do what your doing19:07
alienkid10that might explain it then!19:07
Guest35686how can i access ubuntu partion from Windows 7  ???19:07
almarkwozza_ yes I'm in the live system I"m a Ubuntu live cd19:07
Guest_67767  anybody in here installed ubuntu on Acer Aspire machine?????19:07
almarkwozza_ this is odd19:07
Guest_67767  tried to19:07
Guest_67767  woteva19:07
psilokanguest35686 - not if its formatted w/ EXT19:08
almarkwozza_ brb k :)19:08
alienkid10rofs might be where it's writing to but it's might not be mounting the casper-re image there19:08
almarkalienkid10 I have to be away for a few mins :)19:08
llutzalmark: pastebin output of "sudo fdisk -l" "mount" "cat /proc/cmdline" at paste.ubuntu.com19:08
Guest_67767  psilokan  what you mean19:08
Guest_67767  will it work or NOT19:08
psilokanunless you formatted it as NTFS or FAT then WIndows will not see it19:08
wozzaalmark maybe you want to install it to sdb - your internal hdd19:08
Guest_67767  if install it as the main OS will it work19:09
Guest_67767  installed*19:09
=== Aethaeryn is now known as MikeJB
psilokanmost likely not19:09
Guest35686psilokan: but i used to be able to access it in vista19:09
psilokannot without third party sfotware19:09
Guest35686psilokan: i can't figure out how to with win719:10
almarkllutz that didn't work I don't have paste i'm afraid on my xtrem19:10
wozzaGuest35686 - get the extfs drivers from the Microsoft website - lol - sorry - just kidding19:10
Guest_67767  you guys know the machine im talking about right??19:10
Guest35686lol wozza19:10
wozzaalmark - middle click19:10
llutzalmark: you are on live-cd, you are online, why won't it work?19:10
* almark slaps head19:10
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:10
almarkllutz it will I got it :)19:11
Guest_67767  lol wozza im not as silly as it seems :)19:11
mkanyicyGuest35686, psilokan, if ubuntu is formatted with ext2/3 then you could install ext2ifs in windows to access it. if it is formatted with ext4 you cannot access it at all19:11
llutzalmark: you refuse to give relevant information since hours. nobody can help you without19:11
=== MK_MIK is now known as MK_MIKE
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:11
wozzaGuest_67767, there are tools for accessing ext2 & ext3 filesystems19:11
Guest35686mkanyicy: ahh let me give that a try again19:11
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, you can use "/msg ubottu !foo" and it won't show up in the channel19:11
almarkllutz I forgot how to stream a file into a log file, how is it again, use the > after the command?19:12
llutzalmark: yes19:12
YounderWhy isn't ext4 the default fle system (if no other file system already exists)?19:12
BluesKajmkanyicy, my partiton is ext4 and i can access my windows partition19:12
wozzaGuest_67767,  one is an explorer - one is a filesystem driver that only works on 2000 & XP systems19:12
user__hi, i have some dislay drivers i want to install in linux , can someone guide me how to ?19:12
true\falseHey so I used to use Your-freedom on Windows to tunnel and encrypt my internet usage (Being on a monitored network), is there anything similar for Ubuntu? ( http://your-freedom.net )19:12
mkanyicyBluesKaj, we are talking about accessing ext4 FROM windows19:13
ZykoticK9Younder, i believe ext4 IS the default for fresh installs (not upgrades)19:13
mkanyicyYounder, ZykoticK9 is right19:13
=== b0rg1xx is now known as minitex
BluesKajmkanyicy, oh, too access it's in the sentence , should have known :)19:14
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
wozzaGuest_67767, best way is to initialize a - shared ntfs partition which both can see - eventually when you don't use Microsoft anymore you can just delete that partition and reformat it with something decent ;)19:14
Bob_733  :)19:14
BluesKajtoo many19:14
Younderuser__, The easiest is to go to manu System>Administration>harwaredrivers19:14
minitexhi i know this may be boring and dumb question but could anyone help me on HD 4770 ati drivers and karmic koala19:14
hilakemmmmmm ipad19:14
sirMajidhi, I want to install skype by .deb package and it tells me dependency not satisfied: libasound2. while it is installed already. does anybody know what's going on19:14
Younderuser__, This will then just look for and optionally install propriatary drivers19:15
PingFloydminitex: they're a bit of a pain19:15
Bob_733  friz keeps probing my ports19:15
minitexi know :(19:15
PingFloydminitex: there's a few options though19:15
minitexim trying to do it for couple of days :S19:15
minitexpm ?19:15
BluesKajmkanyicy, if there's a new app to access ext4 from windows , it would be nice to know about it.19:15
almarkllutz http://paste.ubuntu.com/375669/19:15
alienkid10almark: nothing19:16
alienkid10recreated the whole dir sturute in casper-rw and no dice19:16
Bob_733  wozza ubuntu would just hang during all 4 attempts19:16
minitexPingFloyd pm ?19:16
llutzalmark: whatever you boot, that's not hte ubuntu live-cd, is it?19:16
PingFloydminitex: there's the xorg open source drivers, kdm, or fglrx19:16
Bob_733  on Dell 266 , dim300 & acer one19:16
PingFloydminitex: no pms please19:17
Bob_733  dimension3000*19:17
wozzasirMajid maybe it's a version problem, run apt-get update ; apt-get install libasound2 - to upgrade it ; then dpkg -i19:17
PingFloydminitex: which ones are you wanting to use?19:17
minitexPingFloyd fglrx19:17
PingFloydminitex: easiest way to get those working is from the menu19:18
Catoxciao a tutti19:18
macman_there a way to rename an iso .. i have an iso that i want to rip to a dvd but the lable shows it as DVD_Movie .. i want to rename that to the actiually name of the movie19:18
guntbert!it | Catox19:18
ubottuCatox: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:18
sirMajidwozza, what is dpkg?19:19
minitexPingFloyd cant cuz it doesnt recognize hd 4770 as any particular hardware19:19
PingFloydminitex: I'm not in ubuntu right now, but it's Administration>hardware device19:19
alienkid10almark: my thread on this subject http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1405435 go ahead an monitor it since we will probably never talk to eachother again19:19
Eras3ra specialist ???19:19
PingFloydminitex: I see19:19
minitexPingFloyd i know, i run it and theres nothing there19:19
Catoxubottu grazie a te! ilmio inglese è scarso19:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:19
wozzaBob_733 yeah? does it freeze when it gets to video? - install it in safe mode -  what is the mainboard model19:19
sirMajidwozza, is apt-get update the same as reload in synaptic?19:19
teageis there a way to fix nautilus?19:20
wozzasirMajid, dpkg is how you install .deb files in debian based systems19:20
mac9416Eras3r, there are many specialists here. If you ask a question, perhaps someone will know the answer.19:20
cryptkso i am trying to add USB keyboard support into grub2, I have some directions here http://grub.enbug.org/USBSupport?highlight=%28USB%2919:20
cryptkI just need to know how to get to that grub prompt19:20
wozzasirMajid, if you are using the gui then make sure you upgrade first19:20
Eras3rcan we talk in prv?19:20
teagei cant open my file system, says there is no program registered for it.19:20
Bob_733  wozza i spent 2 weeks trying everything19:20
Bob_733  lol19:20
sirMajidwozza, how should I upgrade?19:20
mac9416Eras3r, sorry, no. Please, just ask the question and see if someone knows the answer.19:20
user__can someone help me with installing new display drivers ??19:20
meepmoopI don't know if this would necessarily be the appropriate channel but I need some help installing thc-hydra19:20
wozzasirMajid, you use the synaptic package manager - under system administration19:21
jibadeehaanyone here tried openoffice 3.2 on ubuntu - is it noticeably faster than 3.1?19:21
guntbertmeepmoop: what is your OS?19:21
alienkid10bye all19:21
Bob_733  i got it installed on the dell 3000 machine but the sound didnt work in flash19:21
=== liquid is now known as Likid000
meepmoop@guntbert karmic19:21
wozzaBob_733 - use pulse audio19:22
Eras3rSO... i want to install ubuntu 9.10 from a stik with 9.10 live on a HDD external.19:22
jackywhat are the recommended applications to install?19:22
beaverxfeverthen do it! wozza19:22
Eras3rin instalation process i have thist warind and error19:22
Eras3rDevice /dev/sdc has a logical sector size of 1024. Not all parts of GNU Parted support this at the moment, and the working code is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL.19:23
guntbertmeepmoop: just looked it up - we do *not* support things like breaking into accounts here19:23
Eras3ri just press ok and then the installer sais " starting up the partitioner" and remain at 47%19:23
Bob_733  ye that worked on files on the hard disk but not in websites19:23
almarkllutz when I boot the computer will go into Debian on my drive, but right now i'm running off a live cd19:24
wozzacryptk you get into the grub console when you boot19:24
meepmoop@guntbert it's testing of my own network not breaking into anything I don't rightfully possess its merely for educational purposes I've been reading all the different posts in the ubuntuforums and I still can't quite get the install to work19:24
Eras3rcan anybody help19:24
wozzado what  beaverxfever19:24
llutzalmark: yes, using "persistent" as option which causes the mount. edit boot-options to stop19:24
almarkllutz_ at this moment its only the live cd19:24
cryptkwozza, thanks!19:24
mac9416Eras3r, so you got an error during installation?19:24
cryptkI had actually just found that19:24
Eras3ryes mac19:24
user__can anyone help me with installing new drivers ???19:24
llutzalmark: what live-cd are you using?19:24
Eras3rcan we talk in prv?19:25
almarkllutz_ its not entirly official but its Pure:dyne with Ubuntu 9.10 on it19:25
mac9416Eras3r, no, we can talk in public.19:25
almarkllutz_ DVD19:25
wozzacryptk but you can also just add in grub.conf19:25
almarkalienkid10 did you get it working?19:25
mac9416Eras3r, perhaps the best way to deal with this would be to gather as much info surrounding the error and report a bug on launchpad.net or post about it on ubuntuforums.org.19:26
llutzalmark: ask authors how to boot "non-persistent"19:26
Eras3rthx man19:26
mac9416Eras3r, np, good luck.19:26
true\falseFor vpn, how do you find your connection type?19:26
almarkllutz They don't have a IRC channel working lol weird I will look for a forum19:26
guntbertmeepmoop: my personal reservations remain - sorry19:26
cryptkwozza, where is grub.conf?19:26
almarkllutz ok will do but I have to go somene for a bit I'll be back thanks :)19:27
wozzacryptk, /boot/grub/19:27
wozzacryptk, but be careful in there19:27
wozzamake a new menu entry so you can always get back into your system19:27
cryptkI know about being careful, I am just not used to grub2, I am ver familiar with legacy grub however19:28
cryptkwozza,  there is no grub.conf in there19:29
wozzacryptk, /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:29
Gary20Will this work? I'm building a PC for 2 users. They're going to be logged into the same computer to play latest mmorpgs. I plan to buy quad9400 and geforce 9800gtx (maybe 2 graphic card is better?). This would likely be on ubuntu so I'm not sure how far the support would go for these hardware.19:29
meepmoopguntbert: no, I understand completely I'll try and find another channel as this technically isn't directly ubuntu supported software but just realize it's for education not for always doing misdeeds I'm just interested in the security of the things I work with19:29
user__how to run a file as root ?? can someone help19:30
PingFloydminitex: did you go through this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:30
ZykoticK9!sudo > user__19:30
ubottuuser__, please see my private message19:30
blakkheimuser__: sudo commandhere19:30
GArReTGuys, where can i download the correct versions of this packages? "apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server"19:30
wozzaGary20 nvidia has awesome linux driver support but check there first about your specific model19:30
llutzGArReT: sudo aptitude install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server19:30
minitexPingFloyd nope, i will check that right away :) thnx m819:31
minitexhope it works :)19:31
guntbertmeepmoop: I see - did you try ##security ?19:31
timmarshall_my ubuntu is having trouble booting up my mind what should it do?19:32
ZykoticK9Gary, verify that the mmorpgs you want to play work in linux at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=category&iId=&sAction=view&sTitle=Browse+Applications if you're talking WoW - just an FYI, the graphics aren't as good on linux as they are on MS19:32
PingFloydminitex: I'm trying to refind this other site for you19:32
ZykoticK9Gary20, see above19:32
minitexPingFloyd i appreciate it m8 thnx :)19:32
meepmoopguntbert: no, I haven't really researched any other irc channels I mainly stay in here and just answer questions if I ever can but that's totally a suggestion I would be looking for if there are any type of irc channels related to the topic19:33
bustinatori gots a question19:34
Darael!ask | bustinator19:34
ubottubustinator: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:35
bustinatorif I was sshed into a server and was viewing wget. then i get disconnected. then i reconnect. how do i bring wget back to the console to view the progress?19:35
bustinatori did not send it to background so it was not listed on jobs19:36
blakkheimbustinator: screen19:36
stellsфорррууум заработааал! спасибо!=))19:36
blakkheim!ru | stells19:36
ubottustells: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:36
user__can someone help with installing drivers ??19:37
bustinatorso i just run the command screen?19:37
blakkheimuser__: what drivers19:37
blakkheimbustinator: no19:37
minitexPingFloyd u see the first step is to system->administration->hardware drivers, but in my case there is nothing there :S19:37
user__display drivers19:37
GArReTllutz, it keeps telling me that it doesnt find ANY of those packages!?19:37
bustinatorim a bit confused by that blakkkheim19:37
blakkheimbustinator: sudo aptitude install screen; man screen19:38
llutzGArReT: check your apt sources.list then19:38
sirMajidhi, how can I set proxy settings in ubuntu. is there a main setting?19:38
llutz!info php5-mysql19:38
ubottuphp5-mysql (source: php5): MySQL module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.4 (karmic), package size 64 kB, installed size 240 kB19:38
DaraelsirMajid: system->preferences->network proxy19:39
muad1anyone knows and good way too make echo "pass" | ssh host ?19:39
Guest35686is there a way to fix ubuntu without deleting my personal files in that partition? i can't access the partition nor can i boot ubuntu.19:39
rob_pbustinator: Screen will help you for future sessions but it won't do anything for your current situation if you didn't start the wget process in a screen to begin with.19:39
sirMajidDarael, tnx19:39
PingFloydminitex: here's another helpful link in case you opt to use the kms driver instead19:39
Gary20ZykoticK9: alright. so this would possibly work but I've never had 2 user profiles for a computer before and what more, I'm trying to get both to play world of warcraft, aion, or starcraft2 beta at the same time thru their own profile on same pc.19:39
guntbertbustinator: that won't get your actual wget back though - that one probably  died when you were disconnected19:39
PingFloydminitex: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/X/KernelModeSetting19:39
B3rz3rk3rGuest35686, boot into a livecd and rescue them from there19:39
minitexPingFloyd ty m8 :)19:39
zleapB3rz3rk3r, beat me to the same suggestion :)19:40
bustinatorthanks for the help19:40
B3rz3rk3rzleap, :)19:40
bustinatorwget is still downloading as i took a look19:40
Guest35686oki doo19:40
ZykoticK9Gary20, how could 2 users use the same computer at the same time?19:40
DaraelGuest35686: Installing over the top ought to preserve your home folder, just make sure you use the same username and password.  And don't format it!19:40
bustinatorit was just a 40gB file so i just wanted to check on it19:40
muad1mariusk: heisann :)19:40
B3rz3rk3rGuest35686, remember.. ALWAYS backup ;)19:40
bustinatorwell 40GB directory. so i can just look at the files to kidna determine where it was at. screen looks pretty nice. thanks for the tips guys19:40
user__" Run the "install.sh" script as 'root ", how ??19:41
DaraelZykoticK9: Multi-head setup?19:42
bustinatorsudo ./install.sh19:42
Daraeluser__: What are you trying do do?  There may be a better way.19:42
ZykoticK9Darael, it's beyond Multi-head, you'd need dual keyboard/mouse as well -- best of luck man I'm not sure it's going to work, but it's quite a project19:42
=== boost is now known as shapeshifta
guntbertmuad1: won't work, you can setup ssh keys though and look at ssh-add then19:44
GArReTany ops here.... andi_07 is a spam bot!?19:44
HexxehIs it appropriate to ask questions about Wubi here or is there another channel for that?19:45
arandHow can I stop pulseaudio from auto-respawning after a while when killed?19:45
cryptk|wirchrm... who was I just talking to about grub 2?19:45
muad1guntbert: have tryed that the server dosent allow it off some reason i dont know19:46
ScoobyDoo1Is it possible to permanently change the icon of a gambas made executable?19:46
cryptk|wircI am trying to add some modules to grub2, when I issue 'insmod usb_keyboard' at the grub command line my system just reboots...19:46
amygirlcryptk|wirc: maybe that was me.  I'm still trying to figure out how this all works.19:46
cryptk|wircno it was someone named wozza I think19:47
guntbertmuad1: what did you try?19:47
GArReTsorry, i'm going to ask the same question again.... i dont seem to get the correct packages anywhere for this "apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server"19:48
cryptk|wircwozza: insmod usb_keyboard at grub command line just causes a reboot...19:48
GArReTWhere can i find thease packages19:48
llutzGArReT: check your apt sources.list then19:48
muad1guntbert: i copyed the key from the client too the server and symlinked two files :/19:48
GArReTllutz, do i just sudo apt sources.list?19:48
llutzGArReT: you need main-repo activated19:48
llutzGArReT: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:48
guntbertmuad1: what key - to where? and what about that symlinking?19:49
Ricoshadyhow can I see what network adapters are connected to the server?19:49
Rawxorso i just installed Karmic (9.10) on a little mini PC (Acer Revo) - sound seems to work fine - except for in flash movies in firefox... i've read a ton of stuff that says to remove pulseaudio, but i'd rather it work _WITH_ PulseAudio - Any ideas?19:49
infidubuntu 9.10 doesn't seem to be reading my ~/.Xresources file. any idea why?19:49
muad1guntbert: the public rsa key19:50
RawxorRicoshady: ifconfig19:50
RawxorRicoshady: There's prolly a file in /proc for that too19:50
RicoshadyRawxor, would it show eth0 even if it was disabled?19:50
guntbertmuad1: to what file did you copy it?19:51
RawxorRicoshady: with the appropriate options - yes19:51
RawxorRicoshady: ifconfig -a (i think)19:51
RawxorSo i just installed Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) on a little mini PC (Acer Revo) - sound seems to work fine - except for in flash movies in firefox... i've read a ton of stuff that says to remove pulseaudio, but i'd rather it work _WITH_ PulseAudio - Any ideas?19:51
amygirlanybody know how to get past the black screen after installing ubuntu?19:51
bsmith093amy moreinfoe would help19:52
muad1guntbert: authorized_keys and ln -s keys2 on the server19:52
manowar3mic works with skype, but after one conversation the mic won't work in next conversations, anyone has any idea?19:52
ScoobyDoo1Is it possible to permanently change the icon of a gambas made executable?19:52
Rawxoramygirl: that's a pretty vague description of what's going on19:52
amygirlit's an older micron celeron and it hangs after the micron splash screen when it goes to load grub.19:52
cryptkwozza, you there?19:53
Rawxoramygirl: try using text installation mode?19:53
amygirlRawxor, how do I do that?19:53
timmarshall_ive made the best custom linux ever19:53
amygirlIs it an F4 function?19:53
muad1guntbert: what i realy need is an way too connect ssh without know from where and new clients19:53
bsmith093timmarshal explain please19:54
timmarshall_with the themes ive customized my own XD19:54
ChintaHi, my first time here! How does this work? Do I wait for my turn or I just ask my question?19:54
ScoobyDoo1Oops, Is it possible to permanently change the icon of a gambas made executable?19:54
bsmith093chinta ask19:54
guntbertmuad1: ah - I never needed that ...keys2 thing19:54
timmarshall_you just ask a question and hope a reply19:54
Pershian007i cant see a home partition in fstab19:54
muad1guntbert: its an freebsd openSSH19:55
Pershian007and sudo fdisk -l19:55
RawxorSo i just installed Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) on a little mini PC (Acer Revo) - sound seems to work fine - except for in flash movies in firefox... i've read a ton of stuff that says to remove pulseaudio, but i'd rather it work _WITH_ PulseAudio - Any ideas?19:55
Bob_733  just ask @ Chinta19:55
ChintaOK, thanks. For some reason, my keyboard volume control keys change only the Internal Mic channel, and I seem unable to set them to change the master.19:55
guntbertmuad1: then you need to stay with passwords - but ssh won't accept one from command line (as that could be easily spotted by any other user on the system)19:55
Jef91How do I get audio from a microphone come out over my computer speakers on Ubuntu 9,10 with pulse audio?19:56
histoRawxor: whats the problem with the flash movies?19:56
muad1guntbert: i have figured out that mutch... :) i know there is an way too make ssh accept from echo stty19:56
* Chinta hopes for an asnwer19:57
muad1guntbert: stty echo sorry19:57
BagoorI'm looking for a command which flips a text vertically19:57
manowar3mic works with skype, but after one conversation the mic won't work in next conversations, anyone has any idea?19:57
Bob_733  Jef91 have you tried pluggin the mic in yet?19:57
Rawxorhisto: no sound19:57
zleapBagoor, tac19:57
muad1Chinta: check the keyboard settings19:57
bsmith093bagoor do u mean one letter per line19:57
zleapBagoor, or rev19:57
ScoobyDoo1Is it possible to permanently change the icon of a gambas made executable?19:57
Jef91Bob_773 I have it attached and it is getting input but I'm not sure how to make it output over my speakers19:57
Bob_733  you hearing any tone etc19:58
Daraelmanowar3: sounds like each conversation is locking the mic and then not exiting properly... but as to what to do about it I'm afraid I don't know.19:58
guntbertmuad1: this I don't know - and I still cannot understand the purpose19:58
histoRawxor: do you have sound elsewhere?19:58
Jef91Bob_773 not over the speakers no19:58
Pershian007hopes for an asnwer19:58
Rawxorhisto: yup - everywhere elese in fact19:58
abelardoLooking for help with TOR19:58
Jef91Bob_773 normal audio output works over the speakers, just not the mic19:58
* ScoobyDoo1 /me19:58
Bagoorbsmith093, zleap: convert text to ?x??19:58
t432hey folks ... I am on a mission to generate a list of potential technology related business ideas for one of my college projects ... I came up with about 30, anyone here have any suggestions?19:58
nytek_abelardo: post your proble19:59
Bob_733  fiddle with the mic settings that worked for me19:59
user__can someone help with display drivers installation ?19:59
histoRawxor: hrm... let me check something19:59
nytek_abelardo: m19:59
nytek_user__: for?19:59
ScoobyDoo1Is it possible to permanently change the icon of a gambas made executable?19:59
user__via chrome19:59
abelardonytek I cannot browse when TOR is on19:59
muad1guntbert: too make an ssh auto connect too an server you need too create keys and that keys are needed on both the server and the client... and when you not know the client and where he connects from that will make an impossibel task19:59
zleaptac is a similar program to cat19:59
zleapas is rev you can pipe things in to tac and rev19:59
Jef91Bob_733 what settings? I don't see anything under input other than level and mute, and its un-muted19:59
nytek_abelardo: i believe you have to set up firefox to load through a proxy20:00
llutzabelardo: set your browser to use socks-procy at 9050, tor is running?20:00
bsmith093Bagoor do you men hex values20:00
nytek_llutz: i think its a http proxy20:00
guntbertmuad1: yes, that should be impossible - I hope20:00
tim__So I had a bad hard drive (slowly corupts data) that's under warrenty, but I want to zero it before I return it to the manufactor. How can I do this?20:00
nytek_8080 port20:00
nytek_llutz: i think20:00
nytek_abelardo: with localhost as the ip20:00
llutznytek_: tor is a socks4/5 proxy20:00
Bob_733  Jef91 try other device etc20:00
ChintaWhen I check the keyboard shortcuts, I can see that for example low volume is bind to "XF86AudioLowerVolume", but I cant find anywhere where the I can set the channel it changes. This is confusing, it used to work alright.20:01
histoRawxor: check in sound mixer to see if LFE is muted.20:01
llutznytek_: you mean privoxy20:01
bsmith093tim get a live cd boot and format20:01
MWisBestI'm using KDE4.4 in Kubuntu and none of my GTK apps using my KDE themes.20:01
Bagoorbsmith093: no ! Try this : http://www.fliptext.org/20:01
nytek_llutz: sorry, you're probably right, but from what i remember its port 8080?20:01
Rawxorhisto: using alsamixer?20:01
nytek_llutz: doesnt it come with it20:01
nytek_llutz: ?20:01
muad1guntbert: and therefor too make the keys i need too generate the keys an put them onto the server and that I realy dont wanna do over an unsecure ftp connection20:01
Daraeltim__: alternatively, determine which device it is, then "sudo shred <device>"20:01
llutznytek_: from torrc: SocksPort 9050 # what port to open for local application connections20:02
tim__Darael: I'll give it a try. Thanks.20:02
dereksis there a nice api for indicator yet that i can easily send a message using a cli commnd, or a python interface?20:02
Rawxorhisto: nothing muted or turned down in alsamixer20:02
rob_pmuad1: Do it over ssh.  It's a copy/paste thing... not much too it.20:02
MWisBestyofel: Did ya hear? I fixed the problem with that CPU monitor thing. Turns out, FPS Monitor was enabled under effects. I just turnt it off and it was gone.20:02
nytek_llutz: i see, i was using 8080 in windows, might be a little bit different in that environmenet20:02
llutznytek_: maybe, but it's not needed to use tor20:02
user__someone know where i can find via chrome drivers for laptop ??20:02
nytek_llutz: really?20:02
MWisBestI'm using KDE4.4 in Kubuntu and none of my GTK apps using my KDE themes. How can I fix this?20:03
Daraelmuad1: You could allow passworded ssh access, generate the keys, then run ssh-copy-id and finally disable password auth.20:03
Daraeltim__: be careful, you don't want to shred your main drive, if you have another.20:03
Salva1Hello. Pidgin conversations don 't appear in front of Firefox. I have not set Firefox to be always on top.20:03
blakkheimMWisBest: that is normal20:03
muad1rob_p: sure but how do you make an connection too the server when you dont have an console too type the paswd in?20:03
yofelMWisBest: heh, and you might want to ask in #kubuntu20:03
MWisBestblakkheim: That's weird, because in Mepis Synaptic works fine. Uses my 4.3 themes.20:03
histoRawxor: you can try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound20:03
rob_pmuad1: Why don't you have a console?20:03
MWisBestyofel: I did, but they didn't even respond.20:03
infiddoes ubuntu karmic not understand ~/.Xresources?20:03
PingFloydmergus: was it you I was talking to earlier?20:04
pelandrithello folks20:04
Rawxorhisto: i've already tried that20:04
jribinfid: why do you say that?20:04
user__someone know where to find via chrome drivers ???20:04
=== allen is now known as orangemoose
PingFloydmergus: about the ati drivers20:04
=== sebastian is now known as mr_crowley
ChintaSo, no one here knows how to set the channel it is changed by the keyboard volume control keys? Thats sad! I thought it had to be really simple! *buuuhuhu*20:04
histoRawxor: here is a bug with a bunch of workarounds posted that some have said work with different hardware. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/39655820:04
Salva1Hello. Pidgin conversations don 't appear in front of Firefox. I have not set Firefox to be always on top.20:04
Rawxorhisto: thanks - do you know if there is a way to get flash to use pulseaudio?20:04
mergusno wasn't me PingFloyd20:04
muad1rob_p: cause this is an automated reinstall script for customers that has bought an site off me20:05
r0k3tm3nis there anyone here that has experience with mac powerpc?20:05
yofelMWisBest: tried 'kcm-gtk' (It will add a gtk apps config option in Systemsettings->Appearance)20:05
tim__Darael: I have a backup on external so it won't be a problem, I'll just unplug it.20:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:05
jribr0k3tm3n: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:05
RicoshadyRawxor ifconfig -a only returned lo20:05
PingFloydmelter: were you the one having troubles with the fglrx driver?20:05
Daraeltim__: Good plan.  You can never be too careful ;)20:05
neopsychehi all.. anyone here use a blackberry?20:05
Pershian007blackberry ؟؟؟20:06
MWisBestyofel: It's installed and I've changed the settings in there but it doesn't work.20:06
histoChinta: check in sound preferences should be whatever is set for the default output20:06
SpearI am having problems connecting to a Samba server (as a client) using both cifs and smbfs.20:06
rob_pmuad1: Then perhaps you should distribute your public key to your clients and have them install it on their systems.20:06
r0k3tm3njrib: ik that, someone told me that the last time i was here, how else do i phrase a question like that?20:06
jribSpear: just tell the channel what the actual problem is20:06
Daraelneopsyche: Best to just describe the problem.20:06
abelardonytek_, llutz "The proxy server is refusing connections"20:06
yofelMWisBest: IIRC you need to restart KDE for it to take effects20:06
neopsychePerishin007: its a phone20:06
Spearjrib: I use the command reccomended in the help wiki and nothing happens20:06
jribr0k3tm3n: assume someone said "yes", what would you say after?20:06
Spearthere is no error ^^20:06
MWisBestyofel: just log out and in then?20:06
neopsychePershian007: its a phone20:06
jribSpear: what command?20:06
r0k3tm3njrib: ok, thanks20:06
yofelMWisBest: afaik yes20:07
MWisBestyofel: Ok. I'll BRB.20:07
Spearjrib: sudo mount -t cifs // ~/mnt -o username=root,noexec20:07
muad1rob_p: still even thou i cant make an automated ssh connection from the client too the server when needed by the client20:07
jribSpear: and what hapens in ~/mnt?20:07
r0k3tm3ni have a powerbook that wont boot. i can hear the chime, and i reset the PRAM, but it still wont boot.20:07
Spearjrib: nothing -- it stays empty20:07
Chintahisto: <3 Thank you so much. So simple that it burned me when I saw it. Thanks!20:07
* Chinta bows and leaves, smiling and satisfied20:08
jribr0k3tm3n: if it's not an ubuntu question you should try the mac channels.  I think ##apple is one of them20:08
muad1Chinta: :)20:08
jribSpear: what says empty...?20:08
Spearjrib: james@gazelle:~$ ls mnt/20:08
rob_pmuad1: You can if you install their public key on the server.20:08
r0k3tm3njrib: i tried one of the mac chans, but no one could answer my question, but thnx20:08
Spearjrib: james@gazelle:~$ ls -a mnt/20:08
Spear.  ..20:08
Spearthere is _nothing_ there20:09
rob_pmuad1: ...but you probably dont want that for security reasons.20:09
Spearjrib: it prompts for a password, I know that the password is correct and the box is on a static IP20:09
abelardoHi all20:09
abelardoI've problemusing TOR20:09
rob_pmuad1: ...unless they will be accessing their own account on the server...20:09
muad1not as easy as it sounds always20:09
jribSpear: are you running this as your user?20:09
Spearjrib: the command is run as sudo but ~ is /home/james20:10
jribSpear: are you able to connect ok using smbclient for example?20:10
Spearjrib: I haven't tried smbclient20:10
rob_pmuad1: I've scripted many processes that rely on establishing ssh connections to remote systems.  Public key authentication is heavily relied on in every case.20:10
rob_pmuad1: It works very well.20:11
muad1rob_p: you have an site o could read on?20:11
jribSpear: what are you reading to get that command?20:11
Spearjrib: installing it now20:11
Spearjrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Connecting%20using%20CIFS20:11
Glawhta's +j ?20:12
rob_pmuad1: I haven't documented it because there is already a plethora of information about public key authentication available.20:12
muad1rob_p: whould have an look at it you around here from time too time btw?20:12
rob_pmuad1: Not sure what you mean, sorry.20:13
Spearjrib: james@gazelle:~$ smbclient \/\/\/Drobo -U root20:14
SpearEnter root's password:20:14
SpearDomain=[Applegate] OS=[Apple Base Station] Server=[CIFS 4.32]20:14
Spearsmb: \> SMBecho failed. Maybe server has closed the connection20:14
FloodBot2Spear: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:14
SuperIDI've got ubuntu (recent, 9 I think) on a dell mini 10 with an hdmi output.   I'm trying to play a video on hdmi for the first time.   Should the hdmi output typically be "live" or do I have to enable it with a function key like with a regular VGA out laptop?20:14
infidjrib: because i created it and put 'Xterm*font: 24x24' in ~/.Xresources and when i run xterm it doesnt change the font20:14
Sh3r1ffSuperID: you'll most likely have to enable it like with a vga cable20:15
quentusrexAnyone know of a good graphic application?20:15
RicoshadyI moved my vmware image to another host and now I can't see eth020:15
SuperIDsh3r1ff:   thx20:15
turboweiquentusrex, gimp20:16
syriuswhen will ubuntu be legal?20:16
tesseracterfriendly VPN client?20:16
Daraelsyrius: It's legal already!20:16
Daraelsyrius: Where did you get the idea that it was not legal?20:17
tesseracterquentusrex, gimp is ok, photoshop is still better for pixels. i think inkscape is better than illustrator though.20:17
turboweitroll alert?20:17
syriusI put the cd in the drive boot and it says illegal os and then it shuts down20:17
harushimoI got an IPOD as bday gift but I use ubuntu. what is a good alternative for ITunes in ubuntu20:17
derekswhere can i get information on indicator?20:17
harushimoany suggestions20:18
dereksi want to make a notification for my apt20:18
tesseracterharushimo, amarok and exaile and songbird all have ipod setups.20:18
syriusrythmbox harushimo just disable ipod and enable mtp20:18
Daraelturbowei: Meh, I figured just giving a straight answer was prudent - it might have been a genuine question, and if that had been the case (though it's unlikely) by ignoring it we'd potentially have offended someone.20:18
harushimohow do you enable mtp?20:18
harushimowhat is mtp?20:18
quentusrextesseracter, I'm trying to use a graph to display sales commission schedules.20:18
rootpowerhow to get an interface for network?20:19
syriusI put my music files manually on my ipod via file manager20:19
harushimois songbird avaliable for ubuntu 8.120:19
syriusI put it in a folder called music then I got folders called proprietary and free software for proprietary codecs and for free codecs20:19
Daraelharushimo: Not in the official repos but there's probably a PPA if you search Launchpad.20:19
ZykoticK9harushimo, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird for more details as well20:19
syriusipod support doesn't work for the one in the PPA20:20
histolucky ones i have a ipod 3g touch no way to transfer fiels20:20
syriuswhy not histo ?20:20
rootpowerhow to get an interface for network?20:20
syriusyou can't drag and drop like other removable media histo?20:20
turboweiIs there a program that can convert all the weird encoding in mp3 tags to UTF-8?20:20
histosyrius: nope not on 3gen20:21
ZykoticK9turbowei, check out EasyTag it might do it20:21
Daraelsyrius: The iPod Touch doesn't recognise files that you just place on it, it refuses to work except with iTunes.  Some complicated hashing thing and iTunes media library files...20:21
norbi905Hello, would I be able to ask a question in regards to a game running under wine in Ubuntu?  Or is that not allowed?20:22
FoolsRunHi, I'm connecting to my ubuntu machine via VNC. VNC should be showing me the Ubuntu login screen but instead I get a gray crosshatched background and the default "X" cursor. I think the problem has to do with remotegreeter. Can anyone help me track this down?20:22
syriuswell I use rockbox to play them histo Darael20:22
Daraelsyrius: Rockbox doesn't run on the ipod touch.  At least not on the 3g.20:22
syriusI see20:22
syriusI hate the way itunes stores music on the ipod20:23
syriusit is retarded20:23
animeshmehernorbi905 : wine forum would be a better forum , just a suggestion20:23
ZykoticK9norbi905, what's the question?  curious now.20:24
histosyrius: agreed I would never buy an ipod but I got it as a gift. So now i'm just waiting to jailbreak it.20:24
Daraelnorbi905: It's allowed, just possibly not the best place.20:25
rootpowerhow to get an interface for network?20:25
avogadroHow do you identify which DISPLAY the xserver is running on (trying to run firefox as root) ?20:25
ZykoticK9histo, two options for you: iTunes has silver in Wine's DB now, OR use VirtualBox (w/USB support) to create a MS VM (if you have a legal copy)20:25
rob_prootpower: Just get one, plug it in and boot up.  The OS will load the correct module if it's supported.20:26
histoZykoticK9: yeah the wifes laptop is windows box so I just use that untill untethered jailbreak comes out.20:26
icerootavogadro: ever run firefox as root20:26
icerootavogadro: never20:26
norbi905animeshmeher, ZykoticK9, Darael:  The very little research that I'v done point to the OS as being faulty.  The game is World of Warcraft.  I have a G15 keyboard, and under wine, when i'm running with my character even after i let go of the key it keeps running.  The character in game seems to be "stuttering" when running.  Not sure what the prob is. :(20:27
rootpoweri have set the drivers into the /lib/firmware map and rebooted but no wlan interface20:27
rootpowerbut the light on my laptop burns20:27
avogadroiceroot: well I still need to run it to open some files locally20:27
Dantoniccan I make ssh server listen on port 21 instead of 22?  so I can differentiate different computers on the network?20:27
icerootavogadro: no20:27
jribinfid: did you run xrdb -merge with the file first?20:27
icerootavogadro: you dont and want run firefox as root20:27
jribSpear: use a pastebin please20:27
jribavogadro: you should tell us what you are trying to accomplish20:28
ZykoticK9norbi905, i have no idea (don't play WoW) so as animeshmeher suggested try in wine channel (if you don't get an answer here first).  Good luck.20:28
Daraelnorbi905: Have you looked at the Ubuntu help page for WoW?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft20:28
avogadroiceroot: well do you know how to do it20:28
rob_prootpower: So it's not supported by default, it seems.  Are you trying to use ndiswrapper or something?20:28
Sh3r1ffDantonic: you can, but that's were ip's are for ;)20:28
avogadrojrib: attempting to open some html files in root20:28
jribavogadro: *why*?20:28
avogadrojrib: because I would like to read through them20:29
icerootavogadro: yes, dont run firefox as root20:29
DantonicSh3r1ff, but how can I make the router know which computer to send the ssh request to if I don't differentiate the IPs by port number?20:29
jribavogadro: so open them in a text editor20:29
DantonicSh3r1ff, if they're all listening on port 22 and all computers are on...20:29
jribavogadro: or if you want to view them rendered, open them as your user20:29
norbi905Darael, ZykoticK9: Yeah this isn't the first time installing the game.  It is however the first time using it with the G15 keyboard.  I will however take a look at the wine forums.  Thanks for the help.20:29
avogadrojrib: then the js wont work, still what is the harm when the pc is offline =20:29
Sh3r1ffDantonic: when you ssh to an ip, you'll arrive on that ip, basic networking20:29
jribavogadro: why don't you just open them as your user?20:30
ZykoticK9norbi905, there is a wine irc channel - you could try there20:30
avogadrojrib: firefox cant access the /root folder as non root20:30
icerootavogadro: again! never !! run firefox as root20:30
ZykoticK9norbi905, try in #winehq20:30
jribavogadro: it really just seems like you are using root when there's no point to.  And that's causing your issues.  (I imagine you did something as root to get the html files into /root in the first place)20:31
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DantonicSh3r1ff, if I am sshing from outside over the internet, there is only 1 ip that I can ssh into... that's my ISPs ip... How can I differentiate among the local network ips from outside?20:31
s1lvernorbi905: if you're using KDE go to "System Settings / Keyboard and Mouse" and disable keyboard repeat20:31
Daraelavogadro: Consider using links, lynx or elinks.20:31
FoolsRunIs it possible to have xinetd provide a VNC server that shows the GDM login screen anymore? No amount of googling had helped me fix this --it was working before Karmic.20:31
icerootavogadro: and of course there doesnt have to be html files in /root20:31
Daraelavogadro: That's if what jrib isn't accurate.20:31
stuNNedDantonic: by port number20:32
DantonicstuNNed, that's what I thought20:32
stuNNedssh ip -p whatever20:32
Sh3r1ffDantonic: in that case you'll have to use different ports indeed20:32
avogadrofrak .. I guess I'll have to move them then ..20:32
icerootavogadro: why are there html files in /root?20:33
Sh3r1ffDantonic: but beware that some isp's block certain port ranges20:33
avogadroiceroot: well I extracted the contents of a pcap there20:33
Dantonicso now let me ask you this... Ever since I upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04 I am unable to ssh into this box, locally or remotely... I get "Could not resolve hostname..."  " Name or service not known"20:33
icerootavogadro: and why root?20:33
avogadroiceroot: I be noob20:33
icerootavogadro: never use root, use your user20:33
norbi905s1lver:  I am under GNOME.  Would there be a similar setup for that?20:34
icerootavogadro: if yu are root, this is not supported here20:34
avogadroiceroot: sure20:35
mauvaisQuestion: How do I write a "ntldr boot sector" to a partitions boot sector?20:35
calrikavogadro: use sudo or gksudo for gui programs if need to do admin stuff like that20:35
colombianGuys, I logged in as root user yesterday, changed some things, then went back to my normal account like normal. However, today I can't seem to log in to my normal account.20:35
colombianIt gives me this as an error: http://pastie.org/82361620:35
s1lvernorbi905: Im not sure, Im not that familiar with gnome.20:35
norbi905s1lver:  I have found a similar option under GNOME.  I am testing it right now, and that might have fixed the problem :)20:35
mauvaisor: How do I copy a boot sector from one partition to the other20:35
colombianThen when I delete that file it gives me this: http://pastie.org/82361720:35
colombianWhen I look for another X process - I see one under root when I kill it - my normal user logs out (I'm logged in with gnome)20:36
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Fangzhmm, is there a way to do kde 4.4 with wubi?20:36
alpha__what does spinich taste like?20:36
colombianAny ideas why I can't log in with xterm? If I try to log in it seems to log in fine but I just get a white shell, no GUI starts.20:36
guntbertcolombian: that what you can get if you start GUI apps as root (and don't use gksudo) - there is a way to recover - only I don't remember now20:37
infidwhat's a sane terminal for ubuntu? gnome-terminal doesn't act right and gnome wont let me configure xterm by using an ~/.Xresources file?20:37
Daraelinfid: Depends what you want it to do.20:38
norbi905s1lver:  And I believe it did.  Such a simple fix thanks a lot :)20:38
erUSULinfid: "gnome-terminal doesn't act right" details ?20:38
colombianguntbert: Forgive me20:38
s1lvernorbi905: glad I could help :)20:38
infiderUSUL: gnome-terminal wont show my vim syntax color schemes right20:38
colombianguntbert: I did it to change my username in my normal account20:38
colombianguntbert: Everything seemed to work out fine except now I can't login (under xterm) right now I'm logged in with gnome fine.20:39
colombian(I don't know what the difference is between gnome and xterm btw)20:39
erUSULinfid: to make ~/.Xresources take effect you need to reload X or run « xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources »20:39
avogadrocalrik: using sudo with firefox still needs a --display= defined20:39
infidi did that erUSUL20:40
VCoolioinfid: you can set colors in somewhere in the preferences; or use rxvt(-unicode) and define color scheme in ~/.Xdefaults20:40
infidVCoolio: tried that20:40
guntbertcolombian: its not *my* problem - but for the future: use gksudo with GUI apps - but alas I still don't remember the steps to recovery - please ask the channel for them20:40
ZykoticK9avogadro, DON'T use "sudo firefox" ever!  use "gksu firefox" if you MUST run it as root (try to avoid at all costs)20:40
infidcolors work fine in xterm but i cant seem to configure xterm from ~/.Xresources, if i could i'd be golden20:41
calrikavogadro: use gksudo firefox but you shouldnt need to use firefox with root rights omg20:41
dustincould anyone help me with a wine problem? im trying to run an install and im getting this error: wine: could not load L"E:\\.": Invalid handle20:41
colombianChannel: what are the steps to recovery after running gui apps under root?20:42
ZykoticK9dustin, what are you installing?20:42
infidis there something wrong with: Xterm*font: 24x2420:42
dustinZykoticK9: trying to install world of warcraft :\, i found a guide and im running this command:   env WINEPREFIX="/home/dustin/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/WorldOfWarcraft/" wine "/media/cdrom0/"20:42
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ZykoticK9dustin, looks like you are using PlayOnLinux - is that correct?20:43
dustinive used PlayOnLinux to install the previous 2, but now on the 3rd PlayOnLinux doesnt support it20:43
dustinZykoticK9: yes20:43
ZykoticK9dustin, sorry man I'm not a PoL expert at all - never "really" used it.  if you want general wine instructions for ubuntu see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft best of luck man20:44
jackyhey guys, is it possible for me to auto-connect to my wireless network after i restart my pc?20:44
jp--hi guys20:45
timmarshallcan some please do this tutorial in english please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdM5S_LFuVM20:45
magn3tsI installed ubuntu two days ago and updated Grub yesterday. Now when I attempt to boot Ubuntu from Grub, I simply get a '...' ellipsis and nothing ever boots :[20:45
jp--do you know any workaround to make the ubuntu splash boot in colors using a composite output?20:45
dustinZykoticK9: well, even when i try to run the installer directly from wine im getting an error: wine: could not load L"D:\\Installer.exe": Module not found20:45
Sh3r1ffjacky: network manager does20:45
jackydo i need to install anything?20:45
mauvaisThis is probably a basic question but google isnt telling me... how do I put a windows xp boot sector ("ntldr" boot sector) on a partition?20:46
guntbert!ot | mauvais20:46
ubottumauvais: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:46
Sh3r1ffjacky: network manager is default in the install20:46
Daraeljacky: Nope - it ought to just happen as soon as you log in, once you've connected once.20:46
ZykoticK9dustin, the link suggests copying content of cd to a local folder and some work arounds -- you'll need to read the link - i've never done it.  good luck.20:46
timmarshallcan someone please do a tutorial on firestarter firewall on youtube please as i carnt understand this youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdM5S_LFuVM20:46
hamzaatova2how can i make vlc to open the radio files?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????20:46
hamzaatova2how do i find the right subtitles for an movie--????? i always end up with unsyncronized ones20:46
mauvaisWell its sort of ubuntu related, I figured there might be a linux tool to write boot sectors.20:46
jackyso everything is auto once I log in for the first time?20:46
dustinZykoticK9: thanks!20:46
Sh3r1ffmauvais: the boot sector has to be in the beginning of the disk20:47
Daraeljacky: Yup, pretty much20:47
guntbertmauvais: this channel is for ubuntu support - not for merely ubuntu related things20:47
Sh3r1ffhamzaatova2: sync the subtitles yourself or find other ones20:47
jackyhmm something weird just happen i think. the top part of everything (the part where you get to minimise, close program) is missing.20:48
kaddi__mauvais: try asking in ##windows20:48
jackyhow do i retrieve it back?20:48
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NoMaâñåì ïðèâåò20:48
usuarioana la gimnasta20:48
happierthere is a chan for ubuntu in spanish ?20:48
alankilajacky: window manager crash. The stuff is called decorations. Log in again, or try to execute compiz from any open terminal20:49
Daraeljacky: Do you have compiz turned on?  If so, alt+f2 then "compiz --replace" (no quotes), otherwise use "metacity" instead of "compiz"20:49
corey9.04, installed mysql packages and every time I try to install a different unrelated package mysql-server-5.0 keeps coming up with configure options and then fails out.20:49
magn3tsI installed ubuntu two days ago and updated Grub yesterday. Now when I attempt to boot Ubuntu from Grub, I simply get a '...' ellipsis and nothing ever boots :[20:49
norbi905Darael, ZykoticK9:  Just as a future reference, it was the keyboard repeat option in Ubuntu.  If I held down the key in game, it would get stuck and keep repeating itself untill I pressed something else.  Once I turned that option off it is now working as intended.  Not important, but since you were curious, I thought i'd let you know.20:49
ZykoticK9norbi905, glad you figured it out!  enjoy WoW!20:49
Daraelnorbi905: Chhers, I'll remember that in case anyone else asks - or if I ever decide to give it a go!20:50
dustinnorbi905: you successfully install WoW?20:50
jackyDarael: Thanks alot. It works "compiz --replace". Anyway, is there a place where they have a list of command for us to study? Guess I need to memorise quite a number of them.20:50
guillaumejust use playonlinux, it's simple20:50
dustinguillaume: im trying to do that, but havent a problem with the 2nd expandion dvd20:50
FoolsRunI'm about ready to give up, but I'll ask once more incase anyone new has come in:  Has anyone gotten, in Karmic, an xinetd-launched VNC session that shows the GDM login screen working?20:50
Daraeljacky: You might consider adding a launcher to your panel if it happens to you a lot.20:51
magn3tsDoes anyone have any tips for me? I quite literally can not boot my computer :/20:51
estebanhello, I have an strange secondary menu when I use open with anoter application...  see it http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/1174/pantallazopo.png   I am using ubuntu 9.1020:51
norbi905dusting: Yes20:51
norbi905dustin: Yes20:51
dustinnorbi905: did you use playonlinux or just wine?20:51
Daraeljacky: There's a few places, hang on while I dig up some links if you're interested.20:52
estebanhow can i fixed it?20:52
jackyDarael: Yes, I'm interested. Thanks a lot. :)20:52
norbi905dustin:  wine worked just fine.  I did have a problem accepting the EULA.  Had to download the latest version of wine ( as opposed to the one in the repos ).20:52
dustinnorbi905: i was having that problem also, so the newest version of wine works with the downloader?20:53
Daraeljacky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal is as good a place as any to start, and has links to a good few other pages at the bottom.20:53
rob_pFoolsRun: Perhaps this has something to help:  http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/02/16/howto-remote-desktop-with-vnc-in-ubuntu-edgy-gnu-linux/20:53
happyfacewhat is the "xterm" option when logging into ubuntu? Just a terminal?20:53
JPetersonI'm looking for a guide for setting up a SSH tunnel SOCKS proxy server that will work with the openssh -D command20:53
norbi905dustin:  Yes, I have version 1.1.31 .  That one fixed the problem, and I could click "accept"20:54
FoolsRunrob_p: those are old instructions. That kind of thing worked before Karmic but doesn't work anymore.20:54
Daraelhappyface: Yup, pretty much.20:54
estebanare there anyone seeing my problem?20:54
jackyDarael: thanks bookmarked. anyway, you mentioned a launcher, how do i go about doing it?20:54
dustinnorbi905: so i need to download wine and just compile it instead of using the one in the repo?20:54
happyfaceDarael: so is it an X11 display manager?20:54
rob_pFoolsRun: I saw it was a little dated but hoped enough of it might be relavent...20:54
norbi905dustin:  Yes, I don't remember how I did it.  But they might have an ubuntu package to install, if not then just compile20:55
ZykoticK9happyface, it runs Xorg with just an Xterm inside it -- it's for troubleshooting / recovery really (not meant as a replacement for Gnome or anything)20:55
FoolsRunrob_p: I have basically that setup right now, but where it used to show me the GDM login screen (before Karmic) it now shows the hatched gray background and default "X" cursor.20:55
Daraeljacky: Assuming you're in Ubuntu as opposed to Kubuntu, right-click the panel and go "add to panel...", then choose "custom application launcher and enter your chosen command.  You might want to give it a nice custom icon too ;)20:55
mewaydoes anyone  know the command to extract all files in one folder in order at once? If there is one anyway?20:55
colombianHey guys20:56
magn3tsI need help troubleshooting Grub. Can anyone help me?20:56
corey9.04, installed mysql packages and every time I try to install a different unrelated package mysql-server-5.0 keeps coming up with configure options and then fails out. is my only options to remove the package and compile from source?20:56
rob_pFoolsRun: I wonder if it has something to do with how VNC is being launched?  You are using xinetd, right?20:56
HammerHead66does anyone know how to install the flashplayer for linux 64-bit?20:56
colombianIs it normal to only be able to log in through Gnome, and not xterm?20:56
ZykoticK9meway, what sort of files are you extracting?20:56
FoolsRunrob_p: yes, xinetd20:56
balkihello, I have a big problem with a tar archive. I can't untar it anymore. who can help me ?20:56
coreyHammerHead66, you could use the synaptic interface20:56
FoolsRunrob_p: it's almost like it's not talking to GDM20:56
ZykoticK9meway, ?20:56
mewayZykoticK9, unless there is an easy way to install phpbb that you know XD20:56
mewayZykoticK9, zip20:56
jackyDarael: ahhh, alright i got it. Thanks mate. :)20:56
coreybalki, are you using 'tar -xvf /path/file.tar' ?20:56
Daraelesteban: That's intended to let you choose another application to open the file with - expand that bit at the bottom and you can enter a command instead if you prefer.20:57
rob_pFoolsRun: Should work but maybe something is being overlooked.  I can't say I've ever messed with VNC server under Ubuntu.20:57
Daraeljacky: no probs, happy to help.20:57
happyfacethanks ZykoticK920:57
ZykoticK9meway, easy way would be "sudo apt-get install phpbb3" done.20:57
mewayZykoticK9, I need to make sure it is in the correct directory20:57
calrikcorey: Im having a similiar issue with 9.10 after ahwile my mysql will just stop working...20:57
magn3tswell this is disappointing20:57
balki<corey>: yes,  but it gives me this error :gzip: leen.backup.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--format violated20:57
ZykoticK9meway, then i don't know20:57
mewayZykoticK9, ok ty20:58
coreybalki, did you notice the last extension on the file? it's not .tar20:58
coreybalki, try gunzip first, then tar20:58
ZykoticK9meway, you need to extract multiple ZIPs though?20:58
balkiyes that  what  I tried  without success  :-(20:58
coreybalki, check the md5 checksum if you can, otherwise download a fresh copy20:59
ZykoticK9meway, you could try (not saying it's going to work) "for file in *.zip ; do unzip $file ; done" should extract all ZIPs to current directory20:59
HammerHead66corey: I tried to reinstall it that way it didn't work20:59
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calrikthe repositories seem really out of date where mysql is concerned , latest version 5.1.43 the repo's I got only got 5.1.3720:59
rob_pFoolsRun: Is it tightvnc you're running?20:59
magn3tsI installed ubuntu two days ago and updated Grub yesterday. Now when I attempt to boot Ubuntu from Grub, I simply get a '...' ellipsis and nothing ever boots :[20:59
coreyHammerHead66, check about:plugins in firefox to see if it's recognizing it20:59
Daraelcorey: Alternative to filtering through gunzip - use tar with the -z option.  Just FYI.21:00
mewayZykoticK9, I don't understand?21:00
FoolsRunrob_p: Xvnc is the server I'm running21:00
coreyHammerHead66, you can also run 'firefox' from a terminal and see the output, should contain debug information for the symbols loaded21:00
estebandarael, i would like repair he existing corrupted menu21:00
ZykoticK9meway, do you want to extract a directory full of ZIP files?21:00
craigbass1976Just installed 64 bit ubuntu for the first time.  Is there an issue with 64 bit and the fwcutter for broadcom 43xx cards I should have investigated first?21:00
balkii will try, the problem is that  it's a backup and  I don't  have  any other copy21:00
jackyDarael: quick question for you. i noticed my internet speed increases a lot compared to the time when i'm using windows xp.21:00
V4mpiretar xvf extracts .gz for me21:00
greg__hello how do i increase the number of open files allowed?21:00
jackyis it meant to be like that?21:00
mewayZykoticK9, yes21:01
Ricoshadyif I delete /etc/udev/rules/70-persistent-net.rules, shouldnt it be rebuilt on reboot?21:01
klatais it safe to download a new kernel?21:01
CyberaX2195for i in $(ls *.zip) ; do unzip $i ; done21:01
Daraeljacky: Interesting.  If it's better, I'd just assume it's fine.  XP ought really to be working at the same speed though.21:01
CyberaX2195^ unzips all zip files into the current dir, provided you have unzip installed21:01
Daraelklata: What's wrong with the ones provided?21:01
jackythe speed difference is like 3 times though. getting about 90 - 120kbps for xp.21:02
jackynow i'm getting about 300+ kpbs21:02
mewayZykoticK9, I think I figured it out21:02
ZykoticK9meway, open a terminal and cd to the directory with all the zips then type the following (without the quotes) "for file in *.zip ; do unzip $file ; done" if the files end in ZIP instead of zip, repeat but put *.ZIP at the beginning.  does that explain better?21:02
coreyjacky: so, then why would you need to use xp?21:02
Daraeljacky: Hmm, sounds like there's something running in the background in XP that's either throttling your network or eating up your bandwidth.21:02
klataDarael: the software updater tells me to download a new one21:02
* CyberaX2195 shakes fist at there being more than one way to skin a cat in bash 21:03
jackycorey: well, i didn't know till i try ubuntu. just tried and kinda like it. :)21:03
coreyjacky, you should run a virus check as a lot of malicious software can get on xp and use your computer as a server for other programs21:03
Daraelklata: Oh, yes, that's fine.  I thought you were going to download and install a kernel from somewhere random.  The ones provided by Ubuntu are not required updates, but it's a good idea.21:03
chrisboomhowdi guys. trying to get backuppc working on ubuntu server 9.1021:03
timmarshallhow often does ubuntu laptops get hacked21:04
klataDarael: Thank for your assitance =)21:04
chrisboomgetting told that 2010-02-13 20:43:15 $Conf{NmbLookupPath} = '/usr/bin/nmblookup' is not a valid executable program21:04
coreytimmarshall, no more then ubuntu desktops. eh21:04
timmarshallon wireless i mean?21:04
ZykoticK9chrisboom, this is the place to ask that question - BUT if you don't get an answer here try repeating in #ubuntu-server.  Good luck.21:04
Daraeltimmarshall: You're probably not asking a genuine question, but the answer is "rarely"21:04
Daraelklata: No probs, happy to help.21:05
klataDarael: Im going to download it right now.21:05
coreytimmarshall, still have no clue what you're talking about.21:05
timmarshalleven on wireless?21:05
chrisboomand when i look usr/bin/nmblookup isnt installed21:05
chrisboomZykoticK9: thanks.21:05
rob_pFoolsRun: This URL may help:  http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/tcl-core/3789564  It contains a config that, "...makes XVnc run the GDM greeter..."  Perhaps something in there will help.21:05
Daraeltimmarshall: Why would anyone bother?  And how would being on wireless make it more likely?21:05
coreytimmarshall, what's with your paranoia of wireless?21:05
chrisboomi have samba installed21:05
FoolsRunrob_p: I'll look into it, thanks!21:05
timmarshallwhen ur in a public hotspot21:06
coreytimmarshall, and..?21:06
cryptkis there anyone here that can help me with a grub problem?21:06
timmarshallso its still very rare21:06
coreytimmarshall, are you asking how to secure your ports from a local network intrusion?21:06
ZykoticK9!ask > cryptk21:06
ubottucryptk, please see my private message21:06
timmarshallyeah in a way21:06
rob_pFoolsRun: Good luck.  Hope you get it figured out.21:06
dustinnorbi905: i got the installer to work, thanks!21:07
cryptkZykoticK9, I know the policy, thanks... the reason why I asked that is because not everyone knows about grub221:07
Daraeltimmarshall: I fail to see the problem - being "hacked" is unlikely even on public hotspots, and even if you were using windows, but it's even more unlikely in Ubuntu because it's more secure by design and also people tend to tarket windows.21:07
coreytimmarshall, lmgtfy.com/?q=iptables21:07
cryptkI didn't want to type it all out unless there is someone here really familiar with grub2 because it isn't the standard "how do I add a menu entry"21:07
cryptkZykoticK9, but thanks anyway21:07
timmarshallthanks man but iv installed a firewall anyway because there still is that chance21:08
cryptkso... is there anyone here familiar with more advanced aspects of grub2?21:08
cryptkand don't bot spam me21:08
norbi905dustin:  No problem.  Enjoy :)21:08
Daraeltimmarshall: If you want a GUI interface to your built-in firewall, rather than mucking about with iptables, look at firestarter or gufw.21:08
ngmciao a tutti21:08
coreytimmarshall, must not have been a very good firewall if you installed it and still do not trust it.21:08
estebandarael, have u got any idea to begin to investigate. I have noted that the repeated program are win programs that i used it with wine21:08
timmarshallit is gufw21:08
Daraelesteban: Sorry, nope.21:08
ngmhi all21:08
guntbert!it | ngm21:08
ubottungm: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:08
timmarshalli installed it off software centre21:08
coreytimmarshall, good to know.21:09
UbershutzeHello everyone XD21:09
ZykoticK9cryptk, if it's a more complicated grub issue perhaps #gub would be a better channel.  good luck man.21:09
jackyhow do i move a file into a folder?21:09
coreyjacky, drag and drop21:09
cryptkZykoticK9, well, let me re-phrase, is anyone familiar with adding usb keyboard support to grub221:09
jackywas trying to install a theme and told to move the folder to /home/.theme21:09
cryptkthat way people know at least what it is about21:09
Daraeltimmarshall: gufw is just an interface to iptables anyway - you won't actually need another firewall because there's iptables built into the kernel and gufw is just another way to manage it.21:09
jackycouldn't find the folder :<21:09
cryptkZykoticK9, thanks for the heads up about #grub though21:09
mewayhow come phpbb3 is showing up forbidden?21:10
cryptkunfortunately nobody is answering there so I thought I would try my  luck here21:10
UbershutzeIm a newb into Ubuntu and am trying a live install on a USB flash drive, but i cant seem to have my modem conect to the internet. It consumes all the memory and swap file and ubuntu crashes21:10
c3lwhat program is recommended to record on-screen (pref. with sound)?21:10
ZykoticK9cryptk, verify that your BIOS has USB Legacy enabled - or if it already is try removing it.  That's all i got.21:10
Daraeltimmarshall: In all honesty, if you really think you're likely to be "hacked", public wifi is a bad idea, but most people simply don't encounter it as a problem, especially when not running windows.21:10
xanguac3l: recordmydesktop¿¿21:10
timmarshalli preffer linux to windows its more secure21:10
coreyjacky, oh well if it has a period at the beginning it is a hidden folder. you have to type it in manually in the navigation area21:11
cryptkZykoticK9, that is the problem, I had to disable Legacy USB to stop my mouse freeze issues... now I need to add usb_keyboard support to grub2 in order to be able to use grub again but every time I do my PC just endlessly reboots21:11
rob_pjacky: Directories that begin with a "." (dot) are hidden.  That's why you didn't find it.  :-)21:11
timmarshallhow come no one is switching to linux if its more secure and stable21:11
c3lxangua, ty21:11
cryptkwhich requires rebooting froma  live CD in order to remove the modifications21:11
ZykoticK9cryptk, way over my head - good luck man.21:11
coreytimmarshall, because people simply are not aware of it or have no desire to secure their system.21:11
chrisboomso... any ideas at all guys?21:12
Daraeljacky: To show hidden files in Nautilus (that's the GNOME file manager) you can press ctrl+h - but we warned, in your home folder there's LOADS.21:12
jackycorey: sorry but where's the navigation panel? didn't see anywhere for me to type the directory in21:12
cryptkZykoticK9, np man21:12
timmarshalloright well i think the distributions should advertise21:12
UbershutzeAny ideas why it would crash or any workarounds ?21:12
blakkheim!ot > timmarshall21:12
ubottutimmarshall, please see my private message21:12
coreyjacky, that long white bar, it could say something like "/home/jackie" where you would put in "/home/jackie/.themes" to get to that hidden folder21:12
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Daraeljacky: The navigation panel is that bit with buttons for the folder you're in and those above it across the top - press the one at the left-hand end to get a text box, sorta like an address bar.21:13
coreytimmarshall, who would support that ad revenue?21:13
jackyAlright got it! :)21:13
timmarshallyeah i would21:13
coreytimmarshall, well get on it!21:13
nomadmatusheelp! emergency! I can not boot ubuntu 9.10. something got wrong. How can I do it? pleaase...21:14
timmarshalli need money first21:14
Flanneltimmarshall, corey: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place for this discussion.  Mind moving it there?21:14
coreyFlannel, I'll just give it up. lost interest anyways =p21:14
pelandriti need to install an alternate version from usb, i tried things like unetbootin and an externall usb dvd without sucess. any idea?21:14
timmarshallok i need support on advertising linux what should i do to get the money21:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:15
nomadmatusI had a problem with sound, installing some packages, and then just...oooo, can not boot it. Any help?? pleaase21:15
timmarshallfine ill shuutup21:15
nomadmatuswho is experiened in ubuntu? guys...21:15
Flanneltimmarshall: You don't need to shutup, but this is a technical support channel.  Your conversation belongs in (and is encouraged) in #ubuntu-offtopic21:15
UbershutzeMyrtti: Can you help me some ?21:15
xanguatimmarshallnobody said you thar, READ21:15
Daraelnomadmatus: Did you install a new kernel?  if so, try one of the older ones at the GRUB menu - if you get no grub menu, try holding shift after the bios screen.21:16
AviDoghey, how can I change the keyboard hotkey to show desktop (compiz)?21:16
DaraelAviDog: system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts.21:16
MyrttiUbershutze: sorry, don't have experience with modems21:16
AviDogDarael: I'll check that out, thanks.21:16
UbershutzeDarn ... Its crashing my live session from excessive use os swap ...21:17
coreyI'm experiencing stuttering and stretched out audio with pulseaudio when trying a speaker test from "gnome-sound-properties". where should I begin to adjust the settings?21:17
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coreycould this be a incorrect buffer size, bad irq setting, ..?21:17
UbershutzeThanks anyways XD21:17
DaraelAviDog: Alternatively, pull up CCSM and it's under the section for "show desktop" or "fade to desktop", depending which one is active.21:17
mix22891how do i install file?21:17
malevhi, does anyone has a thinkpad X61s???21:18
coreymix22891, you mean writing data to your filesystem?21:18
AviDogDarael: that worked, but It actually doesn't do what I want. I want to assign one of the buttons on my 5-button mouse to do it.21:18
malevI'm trying to confirm a bug21:18
DaraelAviDog: The option in CCSM may work.21:18
AviDogDarael: Ok, I'll check.21:18
mix22891corey: no. just to install21:19
mix22891sudo what?21:19
nomadmatusdarael: hold shift in bios..nothing happend21:19
DaraelAviDog: Actually, nope, sorry, it doesn't seem to be there.21:19
AviDogDarael: hmmm, neither are giving the option to set a21:19
AviDogDarael: yeah.21:19
mix22891im tryin to install Flashplayer21:20
Daraelnomadmatus: You need to hold it after the POST, when grub would load.  If you're not on Karmic, try pressing esc when it says "GRUB loading..." instead.21:20
testeluswhat app to use to connect to my linux with remote desktop ? i need to connect from my windows to my linux using remote desktop.. i have installed vncserver and vnc4server. but when i try to connect i only get some sort of X with 1 terminal. i really need the desktop,21:20
* Fangz downloads kubuntu21:20
Fangzoh wait21:21
coreytestelus, rdesktop21:21
DaraelAviDog: The setting's actually under General Options, but only has settings for keyboard or screen corners, not mouse buttons :(21:21
AviDogDarael: That's why I'm here :D21:21
nomadmatusdarael: done and then21:21
DevrethmanDoes anybody here know how to get QEmu guests able to see outside networking?21:22
Daraelnomadmatus: Try using the third option, if it's an older kernel.21:22
AviDogDarael: That's bothersome. I really need that functionality, I can't function without it. Perhaps theres something under the gfconfig?21:22
mix22891ANY help?21:22
nomadmatusdarael: 3option??21:22
HaPKI have half an isue now... I wasn't getting any sound, and after some heavy research and some tinkering I was able to make sound come out of my main sound system but not my headphones, what can I do to solve this?21:22
nomadmatusdarael: normal or recovery mode?21:22
DaraelAviDog: There might be a GConf  key, but I don't know I'm afraid.21:22
coreymix22891, no help because you're not asking the right question.21:22
testeluscorey, i dont need a client.. i need the server.21:23
Daraelnomadmatus: Normal, but you should have more than one of each.  Ifnot, I'm not sure.21:23
AviDogDarael: Can you point me in the right direction for googling or searching? Thanks.21:23
coreytestelus, windows has an rdesktop server built-in.21:23
malevhello again, I'm gonna ask one more time :D does anyone has a thinkpad X61s21:23
nomadmatus6 of them, so which one to use?21:23
mix22891im tryin to install flashplayer to firefox addon. how do i do that ?21:23
testeluscorey, . yes,, but as i said. when i connect i only get X with 1 terminal when i connect from windows.21:24
testelusi need the destop.21:24
DaraelHmm, something along the lines of "compiz keybinding mouse" would be my first move, but I tend to start rough and refine.21:24
ZykoticK9Devrethman, have you looked into using VirtualBox instead of QEmu?  If your CPU support virtualization, VB or KVM would make your VMs MUCH faster.  I don't remember how to get Qemu on the network, was too long ago.  Good luck man.21:24
Daraelnomadmatus: Use the second-latest one that's not a "recovery mode"21:24
testeluscorey, no dm is loaded.21:24
AviDogDarael: Okay, I guess I've got some homework to do. Thanks for the help!21:24
HaPKI have half an isue now... I wasn't getting any sound, and after some heavy research and some tinkering I was able to make sound come out of my main sound system but not my headphones, what can I do to solve this?21:25
greezmunkeymix22891, Try here:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash21:25
ZykoticK9Devrethman, there is also a Qemu channel #qemu if you don't get an answer here21:25
DaraelAviDog: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=621454 looks like a place to start.21:25
nomadmatusdarael:ubuntu is runnig in low-graphics mode. AIGLX error: dlopen of /urs/lib/dri/r600_dri so failed21:26
AviDogDarael: Okay.21:26
Daraelnomadmatus: Hmm, interesting - I don't know much about graphics issues, you may be better off asking for general help again.21:26
testeluscorey, on my linux i have 2 servers.. vncServer and vnc4server.. but how to config them so i can get the destop instead of X with 1 terminal.21:26
DevrethmanZykoticK9:I'll try VirtualBox, and see how that goes. I don't need it to be particularly fast, but I need it to get on the internet.21:26
timmarshallhi would it be possbile to create my own homepage??21:27
nomadmatusdarael: thanks a lot. what exactly should I ask for?21:27
ZykoticK9Devrethman, if i remember correctly you probably need to setup a bridge to get Qemu on the net - in VBox it's built in.  Do you need USB support in your VMs?21:27
user__hi im trying to get a remote desktop experience similar to rdp. does such a thing exist for linux/ubuntu?21:27
nomadmatusdarael: what kind of problem?21:27
mkanyicynomadmatus, are you using gnome or kde?21:27
HaPKI have half an isue now... I wasn't getting any sound, and after some heavy research and some tinkering I was able to make sound come out of my main sound system but not my headphones, what can I do to solve this?21:28
nomadmatusmkanyicy: gnome (I hope so)21:28
cryptkHaPK, what sound card is it?21:28
testelus:( can anyone help me set up vnc on my linux. ?21:28
Daraelnomadmatus: Hmm, something like "Having trouble booting <release>, getting low-graphics mode when using older kernel" where <release> is which version of Ubuntu you're using.  HTH and good luck!21:28
DevrethmanZykoticK9: Nope. Vbox sounds like it's more appropriate for what I'm doing, I'm trying it.21:28
mkanyicynomadmatus, i am asking because i installed kde on top of gnome and made kdm a default manager and then i got that until i removed kdm and kde altogether21:28
HaPKcryptk, an AMD ATI SB21:28
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:28
lukusHello My laptop freezes everytime I try to turn my wireless switch on.  Any suggestions?21:28
testelusdont press the button :p21:29
cryptkHaPK, are you plugging the headphones right into the card? or into a front panel or into an external box?21:29
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX21:29
HaPKcryptk, into a front panel21:29
nomadmatusmkanyicy: fuu, how can I uninstall kdm as a default?21:29
user__cheers testelus21:29
lukusany other suggestions :)21:30
testelususer__, yes i'll check it out. thx21:30
nomadmatusdarael: thanks a lot darael, really thanks21:30
cryptkHaPK do they work if plugged directly into the card?21:30
c3lI need help getting the sound working in LMMS21:30
Daraelnomadmatus: If you want to revert to GDM, use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"21:30
HaPKcryptk, let me check21:30
cryptkHaPK I have a similar issue, only the jacks directly on the card work, my external box doesn't work in linux, the drivers just don't support it yet21:30
mikobuntuc3l; your back again :)21:30
cryptkand mine is a SB Elite-pro21:31
c3lmikobuntu, :D21:31
nomadmatusdarael: used.. it says it is installed with mistakes21:31
AviDogDarael: After some forum snooping, I've come to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455656 i'm going to install it; hopefully it will help.21:31
mkanyicynomadmatus, you are probably not having kde, try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' and choose gdm and reboot21:31
lukusHello My laptop freezes everytime I try to turn my wireless switch on.  Any suggestions?21:31
mikobuntuc3l; ok i will pm you as this channel is way to fast for me ...ok?21:31
greezmunkeynomadmatus, Look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134414421:31
HaPKcryptk, yep, they work by connecting them directly21:31
c3lmikobuntu, sure :)21:31
guntbert!html | timmarshall21:32
ubottutimmarshall: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/21:32
PeterTI just did a wubi install of ubuntu and when I restart, I get the selection screen which is badly out of place21:32
PeterTwhat happened?21:32
nomadmatusdarael: ou, it has to be make from a root, I'll do it again21:32
PeterTand how can I fix it?21:32
cryptkHaPK, the drivers may not support the front panel... but you can run alsamixer in command prompt and check and see if there is a seperate vol slider in there for the front panel21:32
DaraelAviDog: cheers for the feedback - by my own research I've found the GConf key /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/show_desktop_key which you might be able to set to a mouse button.21:33
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
nomadmatusmkanyicy: gdm is broken or not fully install21:34
jozefkanyone has some nsv to avi script?21:34
nomadmatusdarael: gdm broken or not fully install21:34
PeterTI just did a wubi install of ubuntu and when I restart, I get the selection screen which is badly out of place21:34
testelusfreenx ? hmm cant vncserver do the same job ?21:34
HaPKcryptk, oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for an upgrade of the driver...21:34
DaraelAviDog: You should be able to use xev (run it from a terminal) to determine the IDs of your mouse buttons, then set that GConf key I mentioned to "ButtonX" where X is the button number.21:34
HammerHead66how do I tell linux were a package is to be installed if I have already downloaded it?21:35
PeterTI just did a wubi install of ubuntu and when I restart, I get the selection screen which is badly out of place21:35
Daraelnomadmatus: "sudo apt-get -f install" and/or "sudo dpkg --configure -a" should fix any broken packages, between tham.21:35
DaraelHammerHead66: If you're installing from a repository it's already in place, if you aren't, why not?21:35
AviDog Darael: Exactly what I was about to do! Great minds think alike!21:36
nomadmatusin root or where?21:36
nomadmatusdarael: in root?21:36
nomadmatusgreezmunkey: thats exactly my problem, thanks man21:36
Daraelnomadmatus: The "sudo" bit makes it run as root; if you're already root you can drop "sudo" from the start.21:36
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
cryptkHapk, did you check in alsamixer for a front panel slider?21:37
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=== spine is now known as spine55
HammerHead66Darael: I'm installing the 64-bit flashplugin but it won't install right from repository. it tries to load player 9 I need player 1021:37
HammerHead66Darael: I have downloaded the package but it can't find it21:38
DaraelHammerHead66: Ah.  When you say you've downloaded the package, what sort of file is it?  a .deb, a .rpm or a .tar.gz?21:38
ZykoticK9c3l, just as an FYI i just install lmms from repo and sound worked out of the box21:38
DaraelHammerHead66: If you used firefox, it should be in your download history.21:38
testelushah. x11vnc solved my problem :)21:38
mix22891Why i can't type in my languhge?21:39
marc__is it possible to have a guest os that have it's own IP address on the router? I'm using KVM and Virt-Manager and right now the guest os have a IP (1021:39
AviDogDarael: I've confirmed what button it is, by xev and testing with other Compiz things that support mouse mapping. However, upon setting Show_Desktop_Key as Button6, I get nothing. However, when clicking Button6, it scrolls the window left, and Button 7 scrolls it right. I suspect I have a conflict on my hands. I don't need the scrolling functionality, how can I go about disabling that?21:39
DaraelHammerHead66: You'll want to extract it and see what files are in there - there ought to be a .so which you'll need to copy (as root) to wherever it's meant to be.21:39
marc__is it possible to have a guest os that have it's own IP address on the router? I'm using KVM and Virt-Manager and right now the guest os have a IP (10.0.2.xx) that is not accessible from another computer.21:39
magn3tsDoes anyone know if it is possible to mount Parallels HDD/HDS images in Ubuntu?21:39
ZykoticK9marc__, it's easy to accomplish with VirtualBox - i have no idea how to do it with KVM/virt-manager - best of luck.21:40
HammerHead66Darael: how do I know were to put it?21:40
DaraelAviDog: if you can't disable it in system->preferences->mouse then I'm not sure...21:40
AviDogDarael: I haven't tried that. One second..21:40
testelusmarc__,  route the ip on the output interface ?21:40
marc__ZykoticK9, then can you guide me with VirtualBox, I don't mind switching to VB since it's only for testing purposes :)  do you have a link to a tutorial or something?21:41
mix22891what 1390 ppl doin here?21:41
ZykoticK9marc__, i don't often do this (but i love VBox, and it's off topic for this channel) you can PM me if you wish21:42
DaraelHammerHead66: First off, did you get it from the Adobe site?  If not, scrap it and get it from there ;).  If you did, drop the .so as /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so - you'll need to be root.21:42
crdlbAviDog: show_desktop_key is for a key, not a button; there does not appear to be a show_desktop_button though21:42
PeterTI just did a wubi install of ubuntu and when I restart, I get the selection screen which is badly out of place21:43
PeterTwhat happened?21:43
Jeruvycrdlb: usually in gnome its the icon in the bottom left21:43
AviDogcrdlb: Any suggestions on how to set it as a button, then?21:43
Daraelcrdlb: We went through that, but you can use a button if you fiddle in GConf, it's just that the button is question is also assigned for horizontal scroll21:43
mikobuntuZykoticK9,  can i ask what distro you are using?21:43
AviDogcrclb: perhaps I could set up a command, that executes a keystroke sequence?21:43
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:43
ZykoticK9mikobuntu, Ubuntu?!?!21:43
twinforcePeterT: What kind of monitor are you using and how does it connect to your computer?21:43
mikobuntuZykoticK9,  sorry i meant karmic etc?21:44
PeterTtwinforce: Hmm, I'm sure about the answers to either of those, how would I check that?21:44
ZykoticK9mikobuntu, my desktop is running the release that cannot be mentioned in this channel ;)21:44
alpalmathe karmic is stable ?21:44
Xpistoscan anyone direct me to a good script to quickly convert avi to iso for dvd? I need to do this on the command line on my server and I am not sure how to do it without a gui21:44
nomadmatusdarael: done. many files removed. what to do now? gdm still broken or not fully installed?? ooo..21:44
mikobuntuZykoticK9,  see that is the reason then....21:44
NebulagirlCan someone tell me a good way to backup (like ghosting) a netbook?21:44
Daraelnomadmatus: Hmm, interesting... try "aptitude reinstall gdm" as root, then.21:45
ZykoticK9mikobuntu, reason for what?21:45
usserNebulagirl, try clonezilla21:45
mikobuntuZykoticK9,  the reason it cannot be mentioned....21:45
alpalmasee the center of software ubuntu, you can find good programs...21:45
XpistosNebulagirl: I agree with usser21:45
mix22891i have install my languge, and i can't type it21:45
crdlbDarael: are you sure?21:45
nomadmatusdarael: done. then?21:45
tobidopeI'm having a problem a problem with acerhdf, my wife is angry with me ;)21:45
Daraelcrdlb: about what?  Being able to set the button?  Yes, I've done it myself once.21:46
NebulagirlI saw clonezilla online.. I will look into it.. How do I alter the boot order on a netbook in ubuntu21:46
tobidopeevery 10 seconds the fan starts up21:46
tobidopereally annoying21:46
nomadmatusdarael: gdm can not currently installed, so it will not be reinstalled21:46
tobidopeanybody having the same problem with acerhdf?21:46
usserNebulagirl, not sure what you mean, boot order as in cdrom, hdd, usb or boot order of installed operating systems?21:47
Glock_Hello, after a recent update, grub2 isnt loading the menus , but gives me an error message: Term outputs disabled21:47
testelusNebulagirl, edit grub if its os you are talking about21:47
Daraelnomadmatus: In that case, "aptitude install gdm" and see what it complains about.  It'll be a dependency problem.21:47
Nebulagirlyes..the netbook has no cd.. how do you know the boot order?21:47
alpalmanebula, yes you can configure the boot...21:47
HammerHead66Darael: for some reason it won't let me extract it to were it needs to go21:48
tobidopeanybody using an apsire one here?21:48
ph8does anyone know a good program for taking an AVI file in and producing a collage?21:48
testelusNebulagirl, is the bios. press F2 or del on power up21:48
alpalmano, hp....21:48
NebulagirlI am new to ubuntu....is it in OOok F221:48
Nebulagirlthank you!21:49
iWolfNebulagirl: Welcome21:49
alpalmanebula , you mean order of operating system..?21:49
nomadmatusdarael: could not resolve 'dk.archive.ubuntu.com21:49
DaraelHammerHead66: You're not root.  drop the .so somewhere you know and fire up a terminal, then run "sudo mv /path/to/flashplayer.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so" entering your password when prompted.21:49
mix22891any help?21:49
Daraelnomadmatus: You'll need an internet connection.21:49
qweasddhello, I'm searching around for a way to use 'ifconfig' to check if a NIC is in full/half duplex mode - I know I can use other tools like ethtool and mii-tool but it's not possible to install these tools, any alternative options with ifconfig?21:49
mix228911300+ppl here and no help21:49
jp--hi guys. how can I securely shutdown ubuntu from the command line? when I do "sudo reboot" it's always checking the ext2 partition with fsck and rebooting linux to fix them, so how can I shutdown it by secury umount the deviced so the won't get errors and make the system reboot  while booting it up again21:50
docmaxanyone has an idea why adobe flash is consuming so much cpu performance in fullscreen???21:50
nomadmatusdarael: how to check/do it?21:50
Xpistosmix22891: settle down. Ask you question and give people some time21:50
OinkoinkoinkI need help plz21:50
Oinkoinkoinkso bad21:50
Daraelnomadmatus: How do you normally connect?21:50
nomadmatusdarael: wireless21:50
Darael!ask Oinkoinkoink21:51
ph8jp--:  You mean like 'shutdown -h now' (shutdown computer immediately)21:51
AviDogDoes anyone know how to disable extra mouse buttons being used to scroll horozontally?21:51
Dubheingrub or lilo?21:51
Darael!ask | Oinkoinkoink21:51
ubottuOinkoinkoink: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:51
Devrethmanmix22891: What do you even need help with? I've seen you QQing about the lack of help 3 or 4 times, but never seen your question.21:51
jp--<ph8> I mean shutdown with secure umount of all systems!21:51
Daraelnomadmatus: You'll need a wired connection.21:51
mix22891scroll up21:51
jp--it keeps fsck the ext2 root partitoin and then forcing the system to reboot to load the repaired partition21:51
ph8i'm not sure secure is the right word, presumably you mean 'proper' unmount - shutdown should do that fine unless there's a problem with your mount/unmount scripts21:51
mix22891i have asked this 2 times21:51
ph8fsck'ing of partitions is usually on boot21:51
Devrethmanmix22891: No.21:51
XpistosDevrethman: I think it is something about a language typing issue21:52
nomadmatusdarael: need 5 min. will you be still here?21:52
Xpistosmix22891: Do you want help or do you want to be kicked?21:52
Daraelnomadmatus: Probably!21:52
DevrethmanWell, that was easy.21:52
nomadmatusdarael: that would be nice man, send you postcard afterwards..5min21:52
Midnight_OwlHey all my sounds not working when i click on the sound icon i get this, No volume control ("GStreamer plugins and/or devices found") - any ideas of what i could do?21:52
OinkoinkoinkOk, i have Mandriva and Windows 7 on my computer. Yesterday, i decided to erase Mandriva because i dont use it anymore.  So what i went and erase the partition. But when i wanted to start my computer today i got an Error 22 by Grub. So i went and download the Mandriva One cd. I boot but i cannot choose the rescue mode. I mean, i have 2 option, boot from harddrive or boot from cd. Help21:53
bombelWhen I press a key (from keyboard) continuously, the mouse doesnt respond . When I leave the key, the mouse works again. It seems that paralelism between mouse and keyboard is not working well. In order to use the mouse I mustn't be pressing any key (keyboard) continuously. How can I solve this problem ?21:53
iguanaminmore seekers than helpers?21:54
mix22891you asked ppl if they what to be kicked out the room?21:54
mix22891very smart21:54
docmaxanyone has an idea why adobe flash is consuming so much cpu performance in fullscreen???21:54
DevrethmanOinkoinkoink: Are you trying to get rid of everythign but windows, or do you have some other linux that you need grub for?21:54
guntbertOinkoinkoink: this channel is for ubuntu support -21:54
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iguanaminI need help with my ATI graphics card21:54
DevrethmanOinkoinkoink: Also what guntbert said.21:54
OinkoinkoinkI know but the Mandriva channel is dead. I only need windows.21:54
DevrethmanOinkoinkoink: Use the windows installtion disk and run a startup repair.21:55
OinkoinkoinkI dont have one21:55
iguanaminit's brand new but won't run 3D in 64-bit 9.1021:55
iguanaminI've tried all the drivers/combinations I can find21:55
DevrethmanGet one?21:55
turboweimix22891, is this all u want? <mix22891> im tryin to install flashplayer to firefox addon. how do i do that ?21:55
turboweisudo apt-get install adobe_flashplugin21:56
greezmunkeymix22891, Try here:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash21:56
mix22891<turbowei> ive slove that one21:56
DevrethmanCan't you just apt-get install flashplugin-installer?21:56
iguanaminI always install flash from the .deb package on the web21:56
XpistosOinkoinkoink: what kind of system do you have21:56
mix22891i can't type in my lunguge21:56
OinkoinkoinkWGat do you mean21:56
kaddiOinkoinkoink: you can download the repair envrionnement for win7 here:http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/21:56
turboweiwhat language?21:56
bombelWhen I press a key (from keyboard) continuously, the mouse doesnt respond . When I leave the key, the mouse works again. It seems that paralelism between mouse and keyboard is not working well. In order to use the mouse I mustn't be pressing any key (keyboard) continuously. How can I solve this problem ?21:56
iguanaminJust go to Youtube and try to watch a video and then click through when it says "you need flash"21:56
turboweiEuropean language and east asian language are very different.21:57
iguanaminit takes you to adobe site and then choose the .deb package21:57
XpistosOinkoinkoink: Kadi has a better idea then I did21:57
Oinkoinkoinki need to burn it or wat21:57
burkeyIs there a command to see who is logged onto windows terminal  server in the ubuntu terminal21:57
iguanaminwho is the graphics card expert here?21:57
Oinkoinkoinki have windows 7 profession edition21:57
TheMusicGuyI just accidentally rm'd some files in /etc/apache2/mods-available (userdir stuff)21:58
turboweiTheMusicGuy, reinstall apache2?21:58
DevrethmanTheMusicGuy: backup /etc/apache2 and reinstall it maybe? There's probably better ways.21:58
TheMusicGuyTried that, didn't work21:58
greezmunkeyTheMusicGuy, let me guess, no backup?21:58
turboweiThat seems to easier and most logic way.21:58
docmaxanyone has an idea why adobe flash is consuming so much cpu performance in fullscreen???21:58
sherringhamTheMusicGuy: sudo aptitude reinstall apache221:58
DevrethmanTheMusicGuy: is it userdir stuff that you wrote?21:58
TheMusicGuysherringham: reinstalling does not restore the files21:59
AviDogAnyone know how to set Show Desktop (Compiz) to activate with a mouse button?21:59
TheMusicGuyDevrethman: no, nothing I wrote21:59
DevrethmanTheMusicGuy: Cause if reinstalling it doesn't put them back, they came from somewhere other than the ubuntu package21:59
Daraeldocmax: It's a known issue, disabling compiz will probably solve it - unfortunately there's not masses we can do about it.21:59
DevrethmanAviDog: isn't there an option for it in ccsm?21:59
AviDogDevrethman: Nope, not even in gconf!22:00
Devrethmanor does ccsm even exist anymore, I'm so out of the loop on that stuff.22:00
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ubuntujenkinsI would like to install a program from dvd in a chroot enviroment so that is is pre installed when I install with an ubuntu custom install disk.22:00
TheMusicGuyI thought that the userdir stuff shipped standard with ubuntu's apache2 pacakage22:00
AviDogDevrethman: Well i'm on 8.04 if it matters, and its CCSM. Don't know if it was added in newer CCSMs22:00
greezmunkeyTheMusicGuy, what were the files for?22:01
jepsterI cannot uninstall my mysql-server. I'm always getting the message, that my package has bugs.22:01
TheMusicGuyif the files are missing, why would they not be created when reinstalling?22:01
TheMusicGuygreezmunkey: they enable per-user sites22:01
macman_so im trying to get udftools installed .. i installed it and i edited my /dev/defaults/udftools .. i put in /dev/sr0 in my devices and i get a new error http://pastie.org/823711 any ideas on how to fix ?22:01
DevrethmanAviDog: It's not in the ccsm I have either. Wierd. I could have sworn there was an option for it.22:01
TheMusicGuylike localhost/~username22:01
DaraelAviDog: It's not in Karmic's CCSM, so I doubt it was in Intrepid's or Jaunty's.22:01
greezmunkeyTheMusicGuy, was that function working when you first installed, or did you add something else later?22:02
AviDog@Darael @Devrethman. Yup, it is weird. Sigh. Any way to like, add it in myself?22:02
FlannelTheMusicGuy: It's installed, may or may not be enabled by default.  But if it's not there, you certainly deleted it.22:02
TheMusicGuyit's not enabled by default. You enable it by making symlinks from /etc/apache2/mods-available to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled22:03
DaraelAviDog: Probably not easily.22:03
matusdarael: on22:03
AviDogDarael: No :P22:03
FlannelTheMusicGuy: you want to purge/reinstall apache2.2-common22:03
OinkoinkoinkHow do i join another channel22:03
macman_hey guys what is that called when you try to rip a dvd and it wants to know if you have a certin kind of cdrom .. DRM or something ?22:03
DevrethmanAviDog. Darael: How is it accessed normally? From what I can tell, there's a plugin for it, but no way to make it happen.22:03
FlannelOinkoinkoink: /join #channel22:03
DaraelOinkoinkoink: /join <channelname>22:03
AviDogDevrethman: Its normally access by hotkey or screen corner/edge.22:04
matusdarael: wired22:04
greezmunkeyFlannel rocks22:04
DaraelDevrethman: Most people don't do "show desktop" by a mouse button - it's an unusual case they never accounted for.22:04
AviDogDevrethman: since thats the case, should I not be able to set some macro to execute that hotkey, and have THAT launched on mouse button?22:05
Daraelmatus: Ah, you're the guy I was talking to earlier?22:05
FlannelTheMusicGuy: to enable, its easier to sudo a2enmod [modulename] (apache 2 ENable MODule) instead of symlinking manually22:05
matusdarael: yees, sorry22:05
sherringhamTheMusicGuy: try doing a "purge" (backup any apache config you have first) - then an "install"22:05
matusdependacy problem..22:05
Daraelmatus: No probs, I was just confused for a moment.22:05
tron`anyone else installed AVG and it hasn't appeared under Applications -> Accessories?22:05
timmarshallhow many viruses has there been for linux??22:05
TheMusicGuyFlannel: sherringham tried I purge/reinstall, the files are still missing22:05
tron`lol idd22:05
HammerHead66Darael: for some reason it keeps saying the target is not a directory22:05
Daraelmatus: right, so now that you have a wired connection can you try "aptitude install gdm"?22:06
tron`but im super paranoid22:06
FlannelTheMusicGuy: you purged apache2.2-common?22:06
TheMusicGuyoh, no, wait22:06
DaraelHammerHead66: Ah, yes, it might do that.  Scrap the bit after the final / and it ought to work.22:06
XpistosI am having alittle trouble with remote desktop. Can someone give me a hand? It keeps coming up that I can make any changes but it is not on view only. If I close a window I see no change until I close the vnc and then reopen it.22:06
Craig_DemIs there a command that will allow me to only output the first x amount of characters?22:07
Xpistosthis is just freaky. I am sitting in front of her compy and I can see the mouse moving but when I open a window it opens on hers, but I don't see it on mine?22:07
TheMusicGuyFlannel: yeah, that did it22:07
ZykoticK9Craig_Dem, characters or lines?  check out the "head" command if it's lines22:07
FlannelTheMusicGuy: That's because those files are actually in apache2.2-common, not apache222:07
TheMusicGuyApparently. :)22:08
DaraelCraig_Dem: you can use the "head" command for lines, not sure about characters.22:08
greezmunkeyXpistos, type sudo iptables -L to see if you are blocking VNC22:08
Craig_DemI am using the kernel rss feed with a rss script that returns the latest kernal in a format I can add to conky, it says 2.6.33-rc8: mainline22:09
TheMusicGuyNow I have to reinstall the apache mods that got uninstalled though22:09
Craig_DemI only want 2.6.33-rc822:09
Xpistosgreezmunkey: on the server or the viewer?22:09
DevrethmanAviDog:IIRC wherever there's an option for a hotkey in ccsm, you can just type like <Button3> or whatever (check the other mouse button things) and it would work, but I don't even seen wher eyou'd stick the hotkey.22:09
matusdarael: how am I sure Im wired on?22:09
matusdarael: otherwise it said 'failed to fetch '...esound/libes-alsa0...22:09
chicoboiacpu MHz: 1596.000... (my processor is a core 2 duo 2.4ghz). Why isn't it running in the nominal frequency?22:09
Daraeltimmarshall: I forget the exact number, but there have been <100 total that would affect a desktop system and there's none in the wild at the moment, according to the Wildlist.22:09
greezmunkeyXpistos, both!22:09
Devrethmanchicoboia: speedstep?22:09
matusdarael: how am I sure Im wired on? otherwise it said 'failed to fetch '...esound/libes-alsa0...22:10
chicoboiawhat'd that be?22:10
Daraelmatus: You could try pinging a server you know is up?  "ping -c 5 google.com" for instance.22:10
Yionel:join #ubuntu-fr-lyon22:10
Devrethmanchicoboia: A thing that slows your comp down when it's not being fully used to conserve power.22:10
iguanaminis Debian the better option for getting an ATI Radeon card configured with 3D?22:10
Devrethmanchicoboia: Try running something that takes tons of processing power and check it again22:11
HammerHead66Darael: is there any other way of moving the file other than using terminal?22:11
ZykoticK9chicoboia, add the "CPU Frequency Monitor" to your panel then you can change what speed the CPU runs at22:11
iguanaminI'm running an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 420022:11
Xpistosgreezmunkey: nope: IN FORWARD AND OUT all say nothing on either system22:11
DaraelHammerHead66: Yes - press alt+f2 and enter "gksu nautilus" and you'll get a root file manager, but be very very careful.22:11
jcarter1hello everyone - i am wondering if someome here might be able to help me with a problem i have: i am using a vm on my xp laptop on which i have ubuntu 9.10 running. sound works fine, but i just cant get my microphone working. i tried to follow some steop by step helps i found online, but nothing helped22:12
Flanneliguanamin: They should be both the same.  The problem with older ATIs is that ATI itself doesn't support them.  But there may be (depending on your version, I'm not up to date on the details) free versions of the 3d drivers available in the repos22:12
matusdarael: unknow host22:12
AviDogDevrethman: Yeah, we found it in gconf22:12
iguanaminI can't get it running properly in Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit - it's a brand new computer22:12
Daraelmatus: Sounds like you have a network problem, then.22:12
greezmunkeyXpistos, then VNC itself should be the issue, there are several "performance" options you can check there.22:12
turboweijcarter1, trying to use a mic on a VM?22:12
iguanaminyeah, I've tried fglrx (xorg-fglrs-driver)22:12
iguanaminno workie22:13
jcarter1turbowei -yes22:13
iguanaminplus it's a brand-new ATI - or at least I would think it is, you never know with HP, I suppose22:13
chicoboiaiguanamin ; hw is a bitch, ain't it?22:13
matusdarael: unknown host22:13
Xpistosgreezmunkey: I know they issue isn't with the viewer because I can see and control other systems fine22:13
turboweiI dunno, I am not sure that is gonna work, which is one thing i dislike VM about.22:13
ZykoticK9jcarter1, if you're using VirtualBox I'd suggest asking in #vbox22:13
iguanaminthere's too much!22:13
Daraelmatus: Sounds like you have a network problem, then.22:13
Xpistosgreezmunkey: it seems to be controlling this one.22:13
jcarter1ZykoticK9 ok i will22:13
Devrethmansudo aptitude22:14
DevrethmanWait a minute, wrong terminal22:14
Random832how do i force it to allow to hibernate even when i have upgraded the kernel from the package manager? I will boot with the old kernel when i resume22:14
iguanaminI have USB port issues too22:14
iguanaminI can plug in my flash drive but X doesn't recognize or mount it --- I have to go through command line22:15
Devrethmaniguanamin: at least yours aren't due to a partially melted southbridge. Mine are :)22:15
matusdarael: wired works, any way without it..?22:15
iguanaminheheh I've been up til 2 everynight this week learning tons of command line operations :-)22:15
oinkoinkoinkI need help bad guys, i cannot access to windows 7, i wanna reinstall Mandriva but i only have the choice to format everything22:15
matusdarael: wired work, but not on a computer22:15
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: did you try that thing that somebody linked you earlier?22:15
Daraelmatus: Not unless you have your GUI already up - there's no easy way to get a wifi connection from the command line.22:16
oinkoinkoinkBut im on the live cd22:16
oinkoinkoinkOf Mandrica22:16
SerraphynI am just wondering if there is something I've not tried as ubuntu is nice and all but very very little support for games.  The games I play aren't that advanced and they seem to be REALLY slow in ubuntu.  Is ubuntu just not a OS for gamers?22:16
oinkoinkoinkI dont find the burner22:16
FloodBot2oinkoinkoink: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
oinkoinkoinkTo burn the disk22:16
macman_somone mind helping me configure udftools .. i tried but i keep getting errors22:16
Devrethmansome liveCDs have the option to mount them in ram, so you could eject them and then use the burner.22:16
macman_right now i get this http://pastie.org/82371122:16
DaraelSerraphyn: It's not for /windows/ gamers - we have our own games, some of which are very nice, but a lot of games designed for Windows are likely to be unreliable.22:16
iguanamineveryone I try to encourage to use Ubuntu all want their machines for gaming - and linux has a rep in that genre22:16
infidhow come putting 'Xterm*background: black' in ~/.Xdefaults doesn't change xterm's bg color, but 'URxvt*background: black' does for changing urxvt?22:16
iguanaminheheh, I just want compiz and cairo-dock but can't even seem to get them to work cause of this stupid ATI card22:17
Devrethmaniguanamin: Yeah, linux gaming does not work so well.22:17
Devrethmanunless you really like tuxracer.22:17
kaddiDevrethman: does ubuntu have this option by chance?22:17
iguanaminif you want games, buy a wii !22:17
seanbrystoneusing Ubuntu 9.10 is there any program that i could use that would automatically backup a folder/file on a blank DVD every hour/day? I know theres a ton of backup programs, but none i know backs up to cd/dvd22:17
SerraphynDarael: What games are there for ubuntu that are decent? I don't like shooter games, I'm more an MMO type person.22:17
Devrethmankaddi: It might, I'm not sure, I haven't checked.22:17
oinkoinkoinkMandriva suck, stupid distribution22:17
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: I agree with you there...22:18
Xpistosgreezmunkey: It is like If I try to open a terminal, it comes up on the server but not the viewer. I can type in the terminal from the viewer, but I don't see anything on my screen, I can see my typing in real time on the server. if I close the viewer and reopen it, they I see like what ever is on the server. It is like I am looking at snapshots but can control the realtime screen even if I can see it22:18
matusdarael: but network works, sure, just not on the computer22:18
iguanaminheheh my favorite game is SameGnome :D22:18
kaddioinkoinkoink: what happens when you reinstall grub?22:18
oinkoinkoinkI cant22:18
DaraelSerraphyn: I rather enjoyed Regnum (I'll see if I can find you a link) but there aren't any MMOs in the repos AFAIK.22:18
oinkoinkoinkI dont know how to do it22:18
oinkoinkoinkIm on the live CD of Mandriva, i cannot boot to the hard drive22:18
Devrethmaniguanamin: I wish my tastes were that simple ;) I'm stuck over here being addicted to Aion.22:18
oinkoinkoinkIm stuck22:18
Daraelmatus: You need to get the machine in question onto the network.22:18
kaddioinkoinkoink: do you know which grub version you are using?22:19
SpearQuestion: how do you escape symbols so that my commands will run22:19
Spearfor example the character !22:19
iguanaminSince I migrated out of Windoze I haven't had time to look for games - I'm still trying to figure out Quanta Plus as a Dreamweaver alternative22:19
oinkoinkoinkNot really22:19
SerraphynSpear, \!22:19
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: We don't know anything about what's available on the mandriva liveCD. I haven't touched one since it was called "Mandrake 7" If it has some sort of grub-install or the grub commandline, look into that22:19
Spearty Serraphyn22:19
Devrethmanyou might be able to fix it.22:19
matusdarael: problem is in the computer, any help...?22:19
oinkoinkoinki think i dont have choice but to format every things22:20
oinkoinkoinkStupid mandriva22:20
oinkoinkoinkIm gonna loose all my stuff22:20
DevrethmanUse the liveCD to back it up.22:20
seanbrystoneusing Ubuntu 9.10 is there any program that i could use that would automatically backup a folder/file on a blank DVD every hour/day? I know theres a ton of backup programs, but none i know backs up to cd/dvd22:20
DevrethmanI've never seen a liveCD that doesn't have "mount" and "cp"22:20
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: and how do you plan on reformatting without a windows installation disk?22:20
oinkoinkoinkI will install only Mandriva22:21
luisthey is there any tool that will let me access vevo website? its only allowing us/ca22:21
Spearseanbrystone: why not use a thumb drive?22:21
oinkoinkoinkI dont know22:21
iguanaminis there a channel or forum that anyone recommends to get more suggestions on configuring my ATI Radeon Mobility HD 4600?22:21
oinkoinkoinkI want to burn the damn cd of restoration of Windows 722:21
Daraelseanbrystone: If you can find a command-line cd-burning app, use cron and a script?  Not easy, not user-friendly, but very powerful indeed.22:21
iguanaminI've already tried ubuntuforums and linuxquestions - dud22:21
matusdarael: network works, wired, but not on the computer, can not find it, or whatever...22:21
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: Do you seriously not have access to another computer or a friend who has one and can burn you a windows recovery CD or a ubuntu CD or... SOMETHING?22:21
seanbrystoneSpear, hmmm good point22:21
oinkoinkoinknop seriously, i leave really far from the city22:22
crazy2k_What is the right way to install a version of some package which is only in Lucid? (I'm on Karmic Koala now)22:22
Serraphynmatus, do you have network card module loading?22:22
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: Or you could use that liveCD to create a bootable flashstick, which you could then use to create another liveCD.22:22
seanbrystoneDarael, yeah, i know that route, but was hoping for a GUI, im not a scripter and not familar with CLI yet to be able to do something like that22:22
seanbrystonethanks though :)22:22
Daraelmatus: Your only other option is to download the package and all its dependencies from packages.ubuntu.com on another machine, copy them with a USB drive or similar, and "sudo dpkg -i" them22:22
SpearDevrethman: shipit? :P22:22
Devrethmanoinkoinkoink: It'd be kind of a pain, and depending on how valuable the data you have is may or may not be worth it.22:23
Daraelseanbrystone: I don't think anyone's written one with a GUI frontend that does backup to optical media, sorry.  I might be wrong, of course.22:23
oinkoinkoinkAnyway. The Mandriva channel is dead. Nobody is answering at nothing22:23
oinkoinkoinkIts really pathetic.22:23
guntbertDevrethman: its nice how you try to help oinkoinkoink - but that conversation is really cluttering the channel - and neither mandriva nor windows are on topic here :)22:24
matus_darael: what can be wrong?22:24
oinkoinkoinkok ok guntbert22:24
oinkoinkoinktake it eazy22:24
kaddioinkoinkoink: you could make a bootable flash drive as instructed here: http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd-on-usb-disk and after booting from the flash drive you could burn anotehr cd possibly22:24
Daraelmatus_: I'm afriad networking issues aren't really something I'm familiar with, sorry.22:24
oinkoinkoinkIm gonna try22:24
Spearanyone know of any god command line afp clients?22:25
matus_darael: it says unknown host..22:25
DevrethmanSpear: AFP as in Apple Filesharing?22:25
Spearyes Devrethman22:25
Daraelmatus_: You said, but I'm afraid I don't know how to fix your problem.22:25
oinkoinkoinkI think im gonna download a Cd burner22:25
teagei am making a launcher like this "cd /pentest/spoofing/ADM" ...Unfortunately it tells me "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" , what am i doing wrong?22:25
oinkoinkoinkAny good cd burner on KDE^22:25
HammerHead66Darael:man this thing is being harder than I rember22:25
Spearsmb is failing for me22:26
matus_darael: what can be wrong? it says unknown host...22:26
Supertankeroinkoinkoink, k3b!22:26
DevrethmanSpear: I remember looking into it once, and I don't think I found any, I ended up enabling windows filesharing on the mac and used mount.cifs22:26
Daraelmatus_: I just don't know, you'll need to ask the channel at large again.22:26
oinkoinkoinkTank you guys for helping me22:26
SpearDevrethman: howto on mount.cifs -- i cant make it work on 9.1022:26
SupertankerSpear, is smbfs installed?22:26
Spearyes Supertanker22:26
DevrethmanSpear: You might also look into sshfs. It's what I use now.22:27
matus_darael: thanks man22:27
SpearDevrethman: its an AEBS22:27
kaddioinkoinkoink: k3b22:27
Spearbed for me ill fix it tomorrow22:28
Spearnn all22:28
=== bobbytek3 is now known as bobbytek2
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>22:28
HappehwalrusI was going to install ubuntu 10.04 alpha 2, but then the install failed. Everything is fine except Ubuntu 9.10 Software Center was deleted. Help?22:29
hellyeah_what is the channel for cairo-dock22:29
luisthey is there any tool that will let me access vevo website? its only allowing us/ca22:30
hellyeah_my cairo-dock didnt start22:30
guntbert!lucid | Happehwalrus22:30
ubottuHappehwalrus: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+122:30
daroluHappehwalrus: make sure your username is still in the sudoers list (you have admin powers)22:30
pelandriti need to install an alternate version from usb, i tried things like unetbootin and an externall usb dvd without sucess, any idea?22:31
darolu!usb > pelandrit22:31
ubottupelandrit, please see my private message22:31
bobbytek2How come vim is the default editor and not emacs?22:31
JULinuxUserI'm having a zenity issue. I made an install.sh file and you can look at it here: http://pastebin.com/m185856f2 along with the error on line 42.22:31
blakkheimbobbytek2: because it's better :)22:32
bobbytek2How come emacs isn't installed?22:32
=== daedhel is now known as lehdead
darolubobbytek2: Ubuntu comes with nano... it doesn't come with either vim or emacs22:32
jribbobbytek2: because vim is so much better.22:32
mix22891why i dsent get an unsowre?22:32
bobbytek2darolu: mine came with vim :)22:33
guntbert!patience | mix2289122:33
ubottumix22891: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:33
darolublakkheim, jrib: although I do like Vi & Vim better too, I don't think we can say vim or emacs is better than the other, is a matter of taste, emacs have some very neat stuff too22:33
darolubobbytek2: did you get the DVD?22:33
jribbobbytek2: it just comes with vim-tiny, mainly because vi is a pretty standard unix utility22:33
bobbytek2vim-tiny? there are multiple vims?22:33
jribdarolu: yeah, I was just teasing bobbytek222:34
bobbytek2didn't know that22:34
ionuthi guys.can anyone help me , how can i shrink my volume (i have just one volume) is 160 gbyte .22:34
neezeris there a size limit to certain types of multimedia files?22:34
DaraelIf we're discussing editors... ed FTW!  it's the standard unix editor!  It has only one error message!22:34
jribbobbytek2: it's just a trimmed down vim.  If you want emacs, just install it :)22:34
bobbytek2I was just curious as to the rationale22:34
jribneezer: not really, why?22:34
JULinuxUserThis is more accurate. http://pastebin.com/m124d686122:34
Daraelionut: Boot from a live CD and use GParted (system->administration->partition editor)22:35
neezerI have been using handbrake and experimenting with quality of mp4. my larger files wouldn't play on my ps3....something about unsupported format.22:35
HammerHead66is there anyone that can help me install flash player 10 for 64-bit linux?22:35
neezerwhen I re-rip at a lower quality (smaller size) I don't have the problem.22:35
kumakumahi guys. i'm having problems with the newest stable version of ubuntu (9.10) not recognizing my onboard ethernet card. this being my wife's computer, i don't know how to tell what kind of ethernet card it is. can anybody tell me how to determine the type and install a driver to get it working? any help is appreciated.22:35
kop_vi is more like ubiquitous , that is being part of nearly all unix linux bsd distros since the Pleistocene era22:35
ionutDarael: isn't there another solution?22:35
jribHammerHead66: go to adobe's site, download the tar.gz for 64bit, drop it in ~/.mozilla/plugins/, restart your browser22:35
meowbuntuhi i cant read access a site properly says i need firefox but thats what i'm using can anypone help.. what plugin do i need to view it its kinda urgent. http://imagebin.org/8470622:35
Devrethmankumakuma: lspci22:35
Daraelionut: Partition editing should be done while the computer's off, to minimse the risk of corruption.22:36
mix22891any1.i can't type in my languge22:36
Daraelionut: I mean, while the disk is not in use.22:36
Daraelionut: Hence, a live CD is the best option.22:36
jribmeowbuntu: try "user agent switcher" but it's probably because they want to install some plugin that they haven't developed for linux so it may not work anyway22:37
Daraelmix22891: what's your language?22:37
JULinuxUserCan some one look at that link and tell me what I'm doing wrong?22:37
ionutDarael: so i have to run a live cd. then what ?22:37
jribJULinuxUser: summarize your issue in your question22:37
ionutDarael: i have never did this befor22:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:37
kumakumaokay. i'll look up 1spci and see if that works. thanks.22:37
kop_lspci | grep net22:38
Devrethmankumakuma: just run it in a termainal and look for network stuff22:38
Devrethmanor use grep.22:38
Daraelionut: Once you're in a live CD, go to system->administration->partition editor and it should be reasonably self-explanatory.22:38
kop_kumakuma, a little more specific :D22:38
JULinuxUserjrib I think I did that already. I wrote a file called Finish_Install.sh and I've always been able to execute it before without a problem but now every time I launch it it crashes. If you read http://pastebin.com/m3768d08c you will see what I am talking about.22:38
meowbuntujrib, is that a plugin or something22:38
ionutDarael: yes.i think i'll succed22:38
jribmeowbuntu: it's an extension...22:38
BlackDalekI have an external usb 5.1 sound card which ubuntu falsely identifies as "Storm HP-USB500 5.1 headset" - this doesn't bother me... however on this laptop it claims to have 6 output channels and 0 input channels, and on another laptop I have, it claims there is 1 input channel and no output channels... I don't understand why one laptop claims one configuration and the other a different config... Both laptops running ka22:38
BlackDalekrmic, but one was a fresh install and the other upgraded from ubuntu 8.04. Can someone explain the discrepancy?22:38
jolarenHow can I monitor my computer temperatures in ubuntu server? I ran acpi -v but it gives me output 0 processors of 022:38
ionutDarael: tnx for the help !22:38
kumakumascuse me. lspci --22:39
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, on this page i document how to install Firefox under wine using winetricks perhaps it will work with that, good luck http://sites.google.com/site/lucidlynxdreams/how-tos/cbc-video-working-on-ubuntu22:39
Daraelionut: No probs, happy to help, good luck!22:39
HammerHead66jrib: tried it didn't work22:39
jrib!sensors | jolaren22:39
ubottujolaren: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.22:39
teagehow do you create a launcher that will cd to a certain directory automatic?22:39
kop_kumakuma, lspci | grep net22:39
jribHammerHead66: you likely downloaded the wrong plug-in22:39
meowbuntuZykoticK9, dont need a wine install of firefox its a natve linux application22:40
JULinuxUserAm I in the wrong room to ask these questions?22:40
kumakumanothing comes up when i grep net.22:40
hitek88Hello, I am trying to change sambas /var/www location to another location, but I keep getting permission denied? Can anyone help me out. Do i need to change different folder permissions?22:40
jribJULinuxUser: yes22:40
kop_kumakuma, just copy and paste to the command line22:40
HammerHead66jrib: I got it from here http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/22:40
jribHammerHead66: that's not 64bit22:40
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, aren't you having the Firefox issue with that site?  did i past to the wrong person?22:40
jribHammerHead66: try "flash 10 64bit linux" in google22:41
kumakumai typed the command in as "lspci | grep net" if that's what you mean. but nothing came up.22:41
HammerHead66 jrib: I got to it from this site http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html22:41
jribHammerHead66: why are you telling me different things?22:41
ZykoticK9meowbuntu, it was you -- the error probably is "not yet available for your current operating system" nothing to do with Firefox really - in wine you'll "probably" be able to get that plugin22:42
kumakumai'm on a different computer right now, because i can't get the internet to work on the other computer without the ethernet card.22:42
meowbuntuo i c22:42
kumakumabut i typed it in on that different computer.22:42
meowbuntuZykoticK9, i only got a 40gig hdd atm so i'll pass thanks22:42
hitek88no help?22:43
jrib!helpme | hitek8822:43
ubottuhitek88: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude22:43
meowbuntu!ask hitek8822:43
Concretesledgeanyone know if i can install OSX22:43
meowbuntu!help | hitek8822:43
ubottuhitek88: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:43
jribConcretesledge: that's not really an ubuntu question22:44
HammerHead66 jrib: ok first I went to this site http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html witch lead me to this download load center see right under the first paragraph?22:44
Concretesledgejrib with UNETbootin?22:44
kop_kumakuma, dmesg | grep net | less   to see if any net driver is installed22:44
meowbuntuConcretesledge, find the #mac or #osx channels on irc. i dont know where they are22:44
jribHammerHead66: that's not my question.  Before you told me you got the plug-in from somewhere else.  I asked why.  If you aren't sure where you got it, then please grab it now from the proper 64bit location22:44
jribConcretesledge: still not about ubuntu...22:45
daroluConcretesledge: Techincally, yes you can install OSX, either your computer or on a VirtualMachine22:45
DevrethmanDpkg-reconfigure looks infinitely cooler if the red text it changed to green.22:45
AegNuddelI'm trying to install a package from a non-official source22:45
AegNuddelI keep getting this error:22:45
daroluHammerHead66: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:45
AegNuddelMalformed line 50 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)22:46
AegNuddelWhat does it mean?22:46
jribHammerHead66: anyway, once you do that, if it still doesn't work, close all instances of firefox (verify with ps -ef), then run firefox from a terminal, pastebin all terminal output.  In addition, pastebin the contents of about:plugins and the output of « ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/ » including the command you ran22:46
DevrethmanAegnudde1: That your sources.lst has a syntax error in it. Pastebin it and we can have a look.22:46
V4mpirethats a long sources list22:46
kumakumai get " [    0.004207] Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls " then, on a newline, "[    1.796701] audit: initializing netlink socket  (disabled)"22:46
ZykoticK9AegNuddel, the error says there is a problem on line 50 of your sources.lst -- Devrethman finished my thought...22:46
DevrethmanV4mpire: With the comments, the default one is about that long.22:47
HammerHead66jrib: I know your trying to help but it not working out your misunderstand what I am saying. I went to this site first http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html now look under the first para. I hit that link to download from this site http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ that's were I got the flash22:47
V4mpireoh never seen 1 that long tho might just be that i've only looked at it on other distro's22:47
kumakumai've noticed there's no eth0 line in my /etc/network/interfaces file. would that have something to do with it?22:48
daroluHammerHead66: have you tried to install with "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" ?22:48
DevrethmanV4mpire: yeah, ubuntus has tons of comments.22:48
HammerHead66yes it tries to install 922:48
DevrethmanV4mpire: Mine's 48 lines long, and I haven't changed it at all.22:49
V4mpireahh i see22:49
AegNuddelcan I just get my sources list somehow?22:49
domoanyone here have success with getting the intel 4500mhd (january 2010) vga card working with ubuntu? if not, should i compile + install www.intellinuxgraphics.org ?22:49
Devrethmanyou can (in a terminal) cat /etc/apt/sources.list and it will be there.22:49
Devrethmanpastebin that, and we'll try to see what's up.22:49
jribHammerHead66: ah, I see now.  You clicked the wrong link then.  That's why you didn't get the 64bit one22:50
HammerHead66darolu: yes it tries to install 9 it gave and error22:50
=== chadou is now known as cm-m
jribHammerHead66: here: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
daroluHammerHead66: Give this link a try: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html22:50
AegNuddeltrying to get browser to oad22:52
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
jribdarolu: that link is horrible, please don't recommend it22:53
daroluHammerHead66: it's weird it tries to install version 9; I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and it came with version 10.22:53
litorcinoHi. Any help? I want to understand what does "new" do in c++. I thought it was like "malloc" in c. I don if this idea is correct.22:53
jriblitorcino: try #c++22:54
GreenDanceCan I have several client PCs netboot onto an ubuntu server?22:54
mauriis there a way to start a disto (ie kubuntu) not from root but from a folder?.......22:54
hermesHello, can't seem to find/use my wireless card, lspci | grep net only lists the gigabit ethernet controller22:55
OerHeksyes you can PXE boot GreenDance22:55
guntbert!ltsp | GreenDance22:55
ubottuGreenDance: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project22:55
FANDERguys I want to get a laptop from Germany. What's the difference between the German layout and the US layout? Are the keys going to be different?22:55
AegNuddelpixie boots :P22:55
FANDER I don't care about the key's label. I can even write on the keyboard without looking at it. I memorized it.22:55
FANDERI saw on a picture that the Y key is in a different place. When I choose the US layout from Ubuntu, is it going to be above the home row, or below it as in the German Layout?22:55
FANDERI want the keyboard to function just as a US keyboard.22:55
FANDERI don't care about the labels22:55
blakkheim!enter | FANDER22:56
ubottuFANDER: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:56
guntbertFANDER: the layout determines what character a key generates22:56
HammerHead66darolu: weird22:56
FANDERguntbert: oh!22:56
BlackDalekI have an external usb 5.1 "Frisby" sound card which ubuntu falsely identifies as "Storm HP-USB500 5.1 headset" - this doesn't bother me... however this laptop claims to have 6 output channels and 0 input channels, and on another laptop, it claims there is 1 input channel and no output channels... I don't get why the 2 laptops show a different config... Both laptops running karmic. Can someone explain the discrepancy?22:56
GreenDancewill LTSP work on normal PCs without HDDs?22:57
FANDERguntbert: so this is gonna be a big problem for me :(22:57
OerHeksFANDER, german layout > http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~tphillip/german-keyboard-a.jpg22:57
OerHeksyou see22:57
guntbertFANDER: no, you can change the layout any time :-)22:57
FANDEROerHeks: yeah some keys are switched22:57
FANDERguntbert: ?!22:58
daroluFANDER: don't worry, it doesn't matter the keyboard labels,22:58
guntbertFANDER: system/preferences/keyboard selects the layout you want to use - you can even switch "on the fly"22:59
FANDERguntbert: on the fly? how?22:59
plitterhow do i check the configurations on my kernel?22:59
guntbertFANDER: there is an applet for the panel22:59
FANDERdarolu: but I guess it will only work inside ubuntu right? i.e if I'm not in Ubuntu, like in DOS, the keyboard layout will be the German one.23:00
shashankI needed help in installing wine.23:00
BlackDalekwho is Guest_82339 and why are they repeating my question?23:00
Simon1245Hello guys I need a bit help23:00
daroluFANDER: You can set it too on any terminal, you would have to do it again on a different OS though, ie. if you use windows23:00
shashankHello Simon, what help do you need?23:00
FANDERguntbert: so I can use it just as the US one. The key's position will be the same for me23:00
Simon1245shashank, My sound isn't working on Ubuntu23:01
FANDERguntbert: for example, the Y key will be above the home row right?23:01
j-3-r-g_hey anyone familiar with java compiler warnings23:01
FANDERj-3-r-g_: ##java23:01
shashankI am not sure I will succeed, but I will try to help you. What computer do you have?23:01
j-3-r-g_I can't seem to join the java channel23:01
daroluFANDER: don't mind the labels, what y ou need to know is how many keys the keyboard has23:01
FANDERj-3-r-g_: plz change your name, it's difficult to write!23:01
Simon1245shashank, Laptop23:02
shashankSimon1245, can you tell me the model number?23:02
guntbertFANDER: yes - it will be ok - you can try to switch layouts now :-)  (layouts are about how the keystroke gets interpreted)23:02
daroluFANDER: If you type english only, you have nothing to worry about.23:02
FANDERdarolu: I'm gonna get this laptop: http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/notebooks/lenovo+g550+led+backlight+dual+core23:02
=== j-3-r-g_ is now known as j3rg
Simon1245shashank, Sure, Fujitsu Siemens amilo la 170323:02
AegNuddelI did pastebin23:03
hermesHey guys, my laptop's wireless adapter seems to be invisible. "lspci -v | grep less" returns nothing, can anyone shed light on this?23:03
FANDERj3rg: go to ##irc and they'll tell you why you can't23:03
FANDERj3rg: sorry #irc23:04
j3rgthanx FANDER23:04
shashankDoes it have speakers? Have you tried using earphones?23:04
hermesAm I asking my question wrong or something?23:04
maggshey, i was just wondering if anyone knew why ubuntu's "usb startup creator" thingymajig won't let me burn the mini.iso to a usb stick?23:05
shashankDo you see the volume icon in your Ubuntu?23:05
BlackDalekI found how to get 6 output and 1 input channel on this laptop... the other laptop still claims I can only get 1 input channel and 0 output channels. The only profiles available in the hardware tab of sound preferences are "off" or "analogue stereo input"23:05
guntbertFANDER: what was that #irc about?23:05
Simon1245shashank, Yes, I can mute and all the stuff23:05
Simon1245shashank, But I can't hear the sound23:05
FANDERguntbert: he wanted to know why he can't join ##java23:05
=== boost is now known as Guest74096
shashankSimon1245, Ok but you can't hear the sound neither in your laptop speakers nor in your earphones correct?23:06
Simon1245shashank, My headphones are broken so I can't try it :(23:06
shashankSimon1245, oh ... ok23:06
daroluhermes: try to run lspci without searching for less only23:06
guntbertFANDER: yes, but #irc is invite only while ##java requires registration23:06
lnmultiBlackDalek: What sound card are you discussing here?23:06
Simon1245shashank, So, Any idea how to fix it?23:06
FANDERguntbert: invite only?! No I can joint it without invitation23:06
daroluguntbert: you can join #irc without invite, you need invite for #java; I just tried23:06
=== Guest74096 is now known as shapeshifta
hermesdarolu: not listed in lspci at all23:07
BlackDaleklnmulti, it is some generic "Frisby" 6ch USB sound card.23:07
FANDERguntbert: so after all, the keyboard keys is a software issue and not a hardware issue23:07
guntbertFANDER: yes, the keys are essentially the same - maybe a few more or less23:08
Simon1245shashank, Are you there?23:08
=== k is now known as Guest68709
Armageddon00Hi, where does the pacakge emacs23-el place the elisp files?  I don't see them in /usr/share or /usr/local/share23:08
shashankSimon1245, do you have any other OS installed on your laptop?23:08
daI just downloaded AVG antivirus, how do I get it on my machine?23:08
tvjudgeI judt got a new laptop with amd 64 processor. SHould I go for the 64 bit version of ubuntu studio?23:08
Simon1245shashank, Yes, Windows23:09
shashankSo your speakers work in Windows, correct?23:09
BlackDaleklnmulti, it is some generic "Frisby" 6ch USB sound card.23:09
shashankSimon1245, So your speakers work in Windows, correct?23:09
daroluhermes: do you know the model of your wireless card?23:09
Simon1245shashank, Talk on the private chat you just opened23:09
Simon1245And yes they work23:09
lnmultiBlackDalek: can I see the card's line from lspci?23:10
UhmHelpPlzhi, I just updated to AWN3.9-rewrite and all of the launchers are gone.  There is a message about the taskmanager applet needing to be active but this is not on the applet list.  Can anyone help?23:10
shashankSimon1245, roger that23:10
plitterdoes someone know how to support the norwegian letters æ ø å in lynx?23:10
plitterdoes someone know how to support the norwegian letters æ ø å in lynx? the internet browser?23:10
DrakonslayorI want to get CS:S working on my computer and stuff... can anyone point me in the right direction?23:10
BlackDaleklnmulti, ubuntu thinks it a "HP USB500 5.1 headset" - I will get the lspci...23:10
maggshey, i was just wondering if anyone knew why ubuntu's "usb startup creator" thingymajig won't let me burn the mini.iso to a usb stick?23:11
hermesdarolu: I shamefully have no idea, it's an asus eee pc 1201n, that's all I know23:11
philienAre ther any LAMP package in UBUNTU ?23:11
BlackDaleklnmulti, lsusb says "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0d8c:0006 C-Media Electronics, Inc. Storm HP-USB500 5.1 Headset"23:11
kb010http://digg.com/politics/Protect_online_rights_Comment_on_the_ACTA_before_2010_02_16  -- Proposed agreement could threaten all FOSS projects, including Ubuntu. Make your voice heard.23:12
daroluhermes: maybe is this one, try it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/sis162usb-AsusA400023:12
philienAre there LAMP package in Ubuntu's23:13
Flannelkb010: Please don't post that here.  This channel is for support only.  You're looking for #ubuntu-offtopic23:13
Flannel!lamp | philien23:13
ubottuphilien: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:13
DrakonslayorHey, new to linux, come from windows... i wanna get my CS:S working on it but i don't know where to start... can anyone point me in the right direction??23:14
Flannelmaggs: USB Creator thing only works on liveCD images (casper images).  Mini/Alternate/Server use debian-installer to install.  There are other ways to get those on a USB though.23:14
blakkheim!appdb > Drakonslayor23:14
ubottuDrakonslayor, please see my private message23:14
jrib!appdb | Drakonslayor23:14
ubottuDrakonslayor: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:14
blakkheimtoo slow23:14
philienFlannel: Thanks for the link23:15
hermesdarolu: Sorry, what exactly do I do with that page?23:15
maggsthankyou Flannel, what ways would you suggest? or could you point me in the right direction?23:15
HammerHead66darolu: nice hack try23:15
c4st13le ai pessoal23:15
c4st13ltem algum Br ai23:15
daroluhermes: follow the instructions, they are intended for the command line23:16
maggsi've tried unetbootin, but that doesn't find my network card on my eee when it boots from the usb23:16
BlackDalekI have an external usb 5.1 "Frisby" sound card which ubuntu falsely identifies as "Storm HP-USB500 5.1 headset" - this doesn't bother me... however this laptop claims to have 6 output channels and 1 input channels, and on another laptop, it claims there is 1 input channel and no output channels... I don't get why the 2 laptops show a different config... Both laptops running karmic. Can someone explain the discrepancy?23:16
Flannelmaggs: Yeah, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has a number of methods.  I'm having trouble finding the USB installer one23:16
Flannel!br | c4st13l23:16
ubottuc4st13l: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:16
daroluHammerHead66: what are you talking about?23:16
HammerHead66lmao you know what I'm talking about23:16
HammerHead66good try lol23:17
AegNuddelokay got it back to no problems with lines and just can't find package23:17
daroluHammerHead66: I honestly have no idea23:17
Flannelmaggs: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html seems like it should work for you23:17
HammerHead66lmao ok23:18
AegNuddelby taking these out23:18
AegNuddeldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/giftwrap/ppa/ubuntu karmic main23:18
AegNuddeldeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/giftwrap/ppa/ubuntu karmic23:18
FloodBot2AegNuddel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:18
Flannelc4st13l: /join #ubuntu-br23:18
maggscheers again Flannel, taking a look now, and will look at that second link too23:18
AegNuddeloh sorry23:18
daroluHammerHead66: the link I pasted is Ubuntu documentation, on a https:// domain, I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.23:20
DevrethmanIs there any reason that TrueCrypt is not in any official package repos?23:20
Saftpacklhas someone got a "focusrite saffire 6 usb" working?23:20
AegNuddelhave been trying to get this experimental package23:20
DevrethmanCause it seems like it's a significant enough project to warrant being there.23:20
abadabad00I'm having a hard time getting google gadgets to work in ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. Can anyone help?23:20
FlannelDevrethman: Because the truecrypt license doesn't permit us to distribute it23:20
DevrethmanFlannel: Ah. Okay.23:21
FlannelDevrethman: File complaints with the truecrypt people so we can :)23:21
ZykoticK9abadabad00, did you install google-gadgets-gtk from the repo?23:21
meerohow to get from kubuntu netbook, to system settings?23:21
AegNuddelcalled giftwrap23:21
DevrethmanFlannel: Getting it from them is no big deal, I was just wondering if there was some sort of conflict.23:22
FlannelDevrethman: It'd be really nice if we could package it though.  Make it a lot easier for everyone involved.  Make integration be possible too23:22
meerohow to get from kubuntu netbook, to system settings ??23:23
al__Hi   can newb ask basic ??? here?23:23
AegNuddelI might actually get this23:23
Flannelal__: Yep, that's what this channel is for.23:23
meeroal__: no23:23
Flannel!conduct > meero23:23
ubottumeero, please see my private message23:23
AegNuddelif the packages will start downloading23:23
meeroFlannel: just kidding  man23:24
Flannelmeero: Don't.  Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet.23:24
al__I am having problems with grub ver 1.97beta4 and startup manager,   I can not seem to get the changes I make with startup manager to take affect or change grub23:25
FatherTymeGetting "SystemError: installArchives() failed" when trying to install Nvidia drivers on Karmic...23:26
FatherTymeHas anyone experienced this?23:26
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, from Hardware Drivers or are you using the installer from Nvidia site?23:27
FatherTymeZykotickK9 - from both jockey-gtk and jockey-text.23:27
al__I have uninstalled and reinstalled startup manager with no change and I can not make backup disk (I get error)23:27
AegNuddelterminal had something in use.  Weird.23:28
AegNuddelyay installing23:29
AegNuddeltook me a while23:29
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, my initial google search suggests you might want to use an older version of driver, what version are you currently installing?23:29
infomomohey guys what is a good usenet client for ubuntu ?23:29
AegNuddelBUT did it!23:29
Simon1245Could anyone help me? My speaker isn't working :( Anyone know how to fix it?23:30
FatherTymeZykotickK9 - happens with any driver I try to install - 173,185,190 or 195.23:30
ZykoticK9!tab > FatherTyme23:30
ubottuFatherTyme, please see my private message23:30
philieneh les gars23:30
philienje suis gay23:30
philienj'adore les pipes23:30
philienpas vous23:30
scivi"/msg nickserv info <nick>"23:30
philienFUCK YOU23:30
FloodBot2philien: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:30
philienExcuse Me It's not me on23:31
Simon1245Could anyone help me? My speaker isn't working :( Anyone know how to fix it?23:31
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, what gfx card do you have "lspci | grep -i vga" to find out specifically23:31
kotsuplitter, you there?23:32
FatherTymeZykotickK9, Geforce 9300 on a Mini-ITX board.23:32
=== MikeJB is now known as Aethaeryn
ZykoticK9!tab > FatherTyme23:32
ubottuFatherTyme, please see my private message23:32
plitterkotsu: yes23:32
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
al__ I am having problems with grub ver 1.97beta4 and startup manager,   I can not seem to get the changes I make with startup manager to take affect or change grub23:33
kotsuHey, tried the suggestion for framebuffer and couldn't boot into X.  I had to go into safe mode and back out the change.  Not sure what's wrong.  No biggie.. but still looking for a solution.23:33
FatherTymeZykoticK9, The Nvidia binary drivers have previously always worked on this machine.  Just uninstalled 195 to go to 185 to see if I could resolve some screen tearing...23:33
al__I have uninstalled and reinstalled startup manager with no change and I can not make backup disk (I get error)23:33
FatherTymeZykoticK9, But after I uninstalled 195 using jockey, I get that error when trying to install 185.23:33
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, so they were working before the update?23:34
jokeranyone know how to install netgear router on ubuntu?23:34
FatherTymeZykoticK9, Yup.23:34
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, ummm, that complicates matters -- i really don't know what to suggest...23:34
kotsuplitter.. and at first I put in the hex value (yeah I know)23:34
kotsuSo I converted to decimal and still have the same issue.23:35
FatherTymeZykoticK9, It appears to be an issue with jockey, but uninstalling/reinstalling that does not resolve the issue.23:35
jokeranyone know how to install netgear router on ubuntu?23:35
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, have you tried "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185" ?23:36
ZykoticK9FatherTyme, and thanks for correcting my nic - highlighting makes a big difference23:36
greezmunkeyjoker, you could use double sticky tape, that might work... :]23:36
BluesKajFatherTyme, did you try removing the original driver with no X running and installing the nvidia 195 driver from ppa23:36
BlackDalekWhy do I get one set of sound profile configurations for a USB sound card on one laptop and a totally different set of sound profile options on a different laptop for the same USB hardware, yet both machines are running Ubuntu 9.10?23:37
FatherTymeBluesKaj, Original drivers are removed.  Trying a reinstall of 195 without X now...23:37
FatherTymeBluesKaj, aight - looks like I'm back in business.23:40
AegNuddelok cool article XD23:40
FatherTymeBluesKaj, Thanks for the tip.23:40
jokergreezmunkey, i ment get it working23:40
AegNuddelneat neat neat23:40
BluesKajFatherTyme, unfortunately most tutorial neglet to mention this important fact.23:41
greezmunkeyjoker, I was foolin' what's not working - even though this isn't a ubuntu question23:41
al__anyone free to help me?23:42
frank007hello - is ther anyone who can help me setup my wireless network on ubuntu 9.10?23:44
FatherTymeBluesKaj, Well, jockey has always worked for me before.  But it appears that something is wrong with it with the 33 kernel.23:44
ZykoticK9al_, with Karmic i don't think Startup Manager can control Grub or GDM for that matter.23:44
jokerit kinda is an ubuntu question... I cant use the cd that came with it cause my cdrom is broken for some reason. Even if I could, I don't think it will work. How can I install it to work jst as a wired router at least...?23:44
al__OK how do I change defaults in grub then?23:45
blagmy laptop just booted and it the keyboard and pointing stick dont work.  before i reboot, id like to gather information for a bug report.  what commands should i run?23:45
xfactI have just install 'tor proxy' on my PC, but after installing every time on google search it saying "We're sorry...but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. ", then after feeling a ceptcha it allowing to search at google, is that normal?23:45
ZykoticK9!grub2 > al_23:45
ubottual_, please see my private message23:45
BluesKajFatherTyme, I seldom use a assist app to install drivers , gone thru too much grief to rely on them :)23:45
greezmunkeyjoker, do you know its IP address?23:45
jokernope. It doesnt even turn on even though its all pluged in...23:45
ZykoticK9al_, 1.97 = grub223:45
timmarshallomg ubuntu could be at risk :O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrM73a_SUZI&feature=sub23:46
xfactWhat actually 'tor project' proxy does, why google preventing my access to search on first time?23:46
al__not getting private message using xchat23:46
xfactAnybody knows about 'TOR project'?23:46
bobbytek2xfact: I live in TORonto23:46
BHowardWhat do you need to know about TOR?23:46
Flanneltimmarshall: This channel is not the place for that.  #ubuntu-offtopic is.23:47
greezmunkeyjoker, that's it then, no help here... sorry23:47
zcat[1]xfact:  you're sharing exit nodes with many other users, some of which may be running queries google finds suspicious (eg using tor to anonymously search for web exploits)23:47
al__ok I guess it is grub2 then23:47
darolu!grub2 |al__23:47
ubottual__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:47
jokeralright then... thanks.23:47
BluesKajfrank007, which wifi card ?23:47
reisioinstall image smaller than 650MB?23:47
timmarshallwell it could be drasticly affect im usin my right to free speach to warm people23:47
fezal__: your best bet with grub2 is: sudo apt-get purge grub2 && sudo apt-get install grub23:47
xfactzcat[1], well my main question is , that's not unsafe for my computer right?23:48
Flanneltimmarshall: No, this channel is for support only.  Please don't be offtopic here.23:48
jp--hi guys. alsamixer only shows me hdmi audio controls not rca, how can I fix this? I'm only using audio on rca, so I need to increase the volume of these output but alsamixer only shows the hdmi audio controllers... any ideas?23:48
xfactPeople uses TOR for being safe from network attacks23:48
frank007BluesKaj - its intel pro/wireless 2200 bg network23:48
andresmhis it just me or the Add/Remove Applications app is gone?23:48
al__oh man i was afraid of this.. I am new and do not know sudo,, will have to research23:48
frank007on sony vaio23:48
ZykoticK9andresmh, renamed to Ubuntu Software Center23:48
darolual__: read this thread, it helps a lot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527523:48
al__Thanks guys23:48
zcat[1]people use tor for lots of things23:49
reisiois there an install image for 9.10 that's smaller than 650MB?23:49
Flannelreisio: server ISO or minimal ISO23:49
andresmhZykoticK9, ah, but it's so different. There is no way of organizing them by type, is it?23:49
reisioFlannel: I don't see a "minimal" anywhere23:49
Flannelreisio: It's 8MB, you download all the packages during the install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:50
xfactAnybody can tell me the process of TOR  project is safe to use?23:50
andresmhZykoticK9, organizing the installed apps by type23:50
ZykoticK9andresmh, i have no idea -- i'm still using apt-get ;)23:50
Lostinspace_46Where can I download apt_secure? I have googled and checked forums, and I just can't find it.23:50
reisioFlannel: hahah, thanks23:50
BluesKajfrank007, have you tried connecting with network manager...I have to ask23:50
xfactI do not want to ruin or insecure my privacy or network23:50
zcat[1]xfact:  yes, it's not your computer that will be generating suspicious queries, it will be anotuer tor user. But if you're the next person using that exit node google will block all searches until you answer the captcha23:50
reisioFlannel: thanks23:50
fezal__: see http://brettshaffer.com/blog/linux/downgrade-grub-2/23:51
BlackDalekI found the answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1349681 - all I needed to do was reboot the laptop and all the sound channel profile options came up in sound preferences like they should have in the first place...23:51
frank007yeah i did but nothing - i shld also tell u i have just installed ubuntu and am feeling my way around so I know very little abt its workings23:51
BHoward@xfact Tor is safe. the only downside of it is the speed23:51
Mark_in_HollywooI need some help compiling a driver for LM-sensors. It works with AMD K1023:51
Flannelreisio: No problem23:52
xfactBHoward, yea, thats right my firefox is running slower, I don't know what will happen with my youtube video speed...23:52
AegNuddelCool!  It works!!23:53
BluesKajfrank007,  I use wicd , which more configurable and dependable , you can install itfrom yor package manager23:55
Mark_in_HollywooI have a 4 core cpu - AMD, LM-sensors won't work with it until I compile the drivers for it. I don't know how to compile. Any one know Lm-sensors?23:56
frank007where do i find package manager?23:56
jrib!synaptic | frank00723:57
ubottufrank007: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto23:57
AegNuddelI know23:57
frank007ok - i'll try it23:58
Lostinspace_46Where can I download apt_secure? I have googled and checked forums, and I just can't find it.23:58
meowbuntuat is up wine messages says the latest is not installed on my computer. but i got the latest from the repos. what is going on23:59
AegNuddelit was a pointless girly thing to make a snowflake screensaver.  I could also do hearts, flowers, princess crowns23:59
FlannelLostinspace_46: What is apt_secure?23:59
AegNuddelbut snowflakes was hood enough for now23:59

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