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Billynkid | I'd like to form the #ubuntu-ug channel for the Ubuntu Uganda LoCo Team | 09:06 |
DJones | Billynkid: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto Thats got the information on how to best set up a team, also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoFAQ#How do I set up a LoCo team? and the links on that. That should help you get started with setting up a team | 09:31 |
Billynkid | I think I am on the right track, configuring the IRC channel now | 09:31 |
Billynkid | Thanks though | 09:31 |
DJones | There should be a few of the core channel ops around in a bit that can give you some advice or suggestions as well | 09:32 |
Billynkid | Great | 09:32 |
Billynkid | I think the #ubuntu-ug channel is now up | 09:40 |
persia | Your flags are set fairly agressively, since I can't even see the operators list.s Not sure if you might like something a little less restrictive. | 09:48 |
rww | persia: I can see the operator list just fine =\ | 09:48 |
Billynkid | Try again I had the channel locked for a sec | 09:49 |
persia | Sorry. Apparently that was a race condition. Looks standard to me. Nice job. | 09:50 |
Billynkid | thx rww | 09:50 |
jussi01 | persia: DJones rww: this is a good page to give out for confguring channels: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels | 10:16 |
persia | That is a nice reference | 10:17 |
persia | although I'll admit I didn't use commands of that form when I created my last channel (although the result is similar) | 10:18 |
rww | speaking of useful wiki pages, what ended up happening with that "new operator guide" thing? | 10:19 |
bazhang | technical guidelines? or the the new applicants one | 10:21 |
rww | bazhang: technical | 10:21 |
persia | technical guidelines is the one I'd like to see | 10:21 |
bazhang | same | 10:21 |
rww | ah, it got discussed at the last IRCC meeting | 10:21 |
rww | ( http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/13/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t20:09 ) | 10:22 |
persia | Right. | 10:22 |
rww | nhandler: Let me know when you get started on those technical guidelines for ops, I'd be happy to contribute in any way I can :) | 10:23 |
erUSUL | rww: 1) install irssi 2) install autobleh 3) profit | 10:23 |
erUSUL | ;P | 10:23 |
bazhang | :/ | 10:24 |
rww | erUSUL: I'm a firm believer in teaching the difficult manual way before the easy way ;P | 10:25 |
erUSUL | so be it | 10:25 |
erUSUL | ;) | 10:26 |
jussi01 | not everyone uses or wants to use irssi | 10:26 |
jussi01 | I certainly dont | 10:26 |
bazhang | nor do I | 10:26 |
* erUSUL thought the ;P was enough ... | 10:27 | |
erUSUL | rww: <sarcasm> 1) install irssi 2) install autobleh 3) profit </sarcasm> | 10:27 |
jussi01 | rww: Ill keep it in mind - you are more than welcome to create a wiki page with your thoughts/outline on it. I see no reason the ircc only has to do it. we can then merge that wiki page into where ever we like. | 10:28 |
rww | Personally, I think we should write the guide for Empathy, to demonstrate how usable it is for IRC. | 10:28 |
m4v | what about being client neutral? | 10:28 |
* jussi01 thinks it should be client neutral | 10:28 | |
* rww agrees | 10:29 | |
jussi01 | m4v: *g* | 10:29 |
m4v | :P | 10:29 |
* jussi01 is very appreciative of any help that is given here, the ircc has a million things right now so extra hands are very welcome. | 10:29 | |
bazhang | m4v, thanks for the ubottu feature! | 10:31 |
bazhang | err new | 10:31 |
m4v | bazhang: :) | 10:35 |
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nhandler | rww: I've started working on the guide already. My plan was to get a very, very, rough draft prepared and then send an email to the list requesting people look it over and make changes to it. | 11:12 |
rww | nhandler: sounds good :) | 11:12 |
nhandler | I should have something to send out in the next few days | 11:12 |
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DJones | I'm beginning to wonder if there should be a factoid !ola is En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es-offtopic. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es-offtopic" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. (Assuming that there is an es-offtopi channel, rather than sending people to -es when it looks like a lot of them just want general chat in spanish | 15:02 |
erUSUL | just propose it ;) not in my hands | 15:03 |
m4v | "ola" is horrible Spanish, don't encourage it :( | 15:03 |
Pici | olaaaa | 15:04 |
Pici | google is translating it as 'wave' | 15:04 |
m4v | yeah | 15:04 |
m4v | ola = wave, hola= hello | 15:04 |
erUSUL | m4v: so after testing it in #ubuntu-es the "comment on this ban" feature was ported to ubottu? congrats ;P | 15:08 |
m4v | nope | 15:08 |
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m4v | erUSUL: that's niko's work. | 15:10 |
erUSUL | ahh ok | 15:10 |
niko | oh ? i'm not aware about that | 15:10 |
m4v | 'cause erUSUL mixed two plugins | 15:11 |
erUSUL | :P | 15:11 |
m4v | any in case.. I'm not terrible opposed to bankick anyone that says 'ola'. how to write 'hola' is learned in the first day of school :P | 15:15 |
erUSUL | m4v: mobile phone texting is doing a lot of damage in these kids | 15:16 |
DJones | m4v: I guess there'd be a precident anyway with !hi instead of !hello :) | 15:16 |
arand | Is there any way to view the unimplemented proposed factoids for ubottu? | 15:17 |
erUSUL | arand: !? | 15:17 |
arand | erUSUL: or are they not saved, just mentioned in #ubuntu-ops? | 15:18 |
Pici | arand: No, theres no 'incoming' queue :/ | 15:19 |
erUSUL | arand: the later | 15:19 |
erUSUL | arand: easy for edits to "fall through the cracks" ;) | 15:19 |
Pici | Its on my 'todo' list. | 15:20 |
Pici | Right below 'rewrite the factoid plugin' | 15:20 |
arand | dang, and there's no easy way to search the archives I assume? | 15:22 |
arand | Well, not as much, but it was kind of deferred until wikipage, and now I'd like to have a look at it and change the link (since i remember the wording as being quite ok)... | 15:22 |
arand | yay!, but untill then *grumble :) | 15:23 |
m4v | Pici: did you started any work about it? | 15:28 |
m4v | start* | 15:28 |
Pici | m4v: I wrote a proof-of-concept with django a long while ago. | 15:28 |
Pici | Its alot easier than the bantracker ;) | 15:29 |
m4v | is code anywhere for take a look? | 15:29 |
m4v | err, "is the code anywhere?" | 15:30 |
Pici | um.. | 15:30 |
Pici | Its probably on my laptop | 15:30 |
m4v | I'm having lag, writing from a remote shell | 15:30 |
jussi01 | Pici: you really should commit that code... | 15:38 |
miha | we from #ubuntu-si wonder if we ever get offical ubuntu logging for channel, or should we stick to our own bots? we asked some 2 months ago | 15:38 |
miha | we got ubot right away | 15:39 |
jussi01 | miha: who did you ask? | 15:39 |
miha | napsy mailed supposedly right email address | 15:39 |
miha | so who should we mail? | 15:40 |
miha | hey napsy | 15:42 |
napsy | :) | 15:42 |
miha | napsy remember who you mailed about logging? | 15:42 |
napsy | that was on #ubuntu-eu I think | 15:43 |
erUSUL | jussi01: they've asked here and where redirected to #ubuntu-eu iirc | 15:43 |
Pici | jussi01: Its not really production ready, its was just me playing around with django. | 15:44 |
miha | pici: call it release candidate, then issue 3 service packs forit :D | 15:45 |
Pici | :P | 15:45 |
erUSUL | jussi01: it was jpds | 15:45 |
napsy | To whom do I have to speak to get logging services to our ubuntu loco channel? | 15:45 |
Pici | napsy: Send an email to rt@ubuntu.com with the request | 15:46 |
m4v | Pici: I did like to take a look, I started a factoid plugin from scratch for u-es, mostly cause I wanted a plugin that's localizable and with undo/redo features. Maybe I can help out | 15:46 |
Pici | no, wait. | 15:46 |
Pici | napsy: don't do that, I'm confused. | 15:46 |
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miha | Pici relax, take it easy | 15:47 |
jpds | Hi. | 15:47 |
Pici | napsy: I *think* that it needs to go to admin@ubuntu-eu.org, but let me check my records. | 15:47 |
napsy | ok, please | 15:48 |
jpds | What Pici says. | 15:48 |
Pici | jpds: That sounds correct? | 15:48 |
jpds | It is correct. | 15:48 |
Pici | napsy: okay, admin@ubuntu-eu.org it is then | 15:48 |
napsy | ok thanks I'll leave a message there | 15:49 |
miha | napsy you should CC it to Pici and jpds, perhaps that will scare them into being faster :D | 15:51 |
Pici | Nah, they probably don't even know who we are. | 15:51 |
miha | Pici perhaps you have some official mail? :D | 15:52 |
miha | @canonical.com ? :D | 15:52 |
Pici | I'm not a canonical employee ;) | 15:52 |
miha | ok, me neither | 15:52 |
miha | :D | 15:52 |
Pici | I have bnrubin [at] ubuntu.com though | 15:52 |
miha | Pici sounds official enough! :D | 15:52 |
Pici | If you want to you can copy that address. | 15:52 |
jpds | Hmm, blackmail isn't nice. | 15:57 |
miha | jpds that's called lobbying and it's perfectly legal! | 15:58 |
miha | :D | 15:58 |
miha | we dont blackmail anyone. we just talk to them about our views on the situation?! :D | 15:58 |
miha | (if you dont pay $$$$ you will...) | 15:59 |
miha | :D | 15:59 |
miha | sorry, offtopic | 15:59 |
arand | Hmm, any opinions on pae is <reply> To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the packages « linux-image-generic-pae » and « linux-headers-generic-pae » (9.10 and later). See help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info. ?? Especially if the wiki is okay for now? | 16:09 |
arand | ↑ Should have an https:// prepended | 16:10 |
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nhaines | arand: pae should warn that this slows down performance? | 18:10 |
arand | nhaines: does it? | 18:12 |
nhaines | yes, quite severely. | 18:36 |
nhaines | arand: I heard around 30% performance decrease, but I can't assert that. I know it is a pretty big hit. | 18:37 |
arand | nhaines: I was looking at http://people.redhat.com/nmurray/RHEL-2.1-VM-whitepaper.pdf which claims 1% | 18:38 |
nhaines | arand: that would be a much more acceptable performance decrease, in general. :) | 18:39 |
nhaines | I should take a look too... | 18:39 |
arand | nhaines: There seems to be be very little writing about it in general... I wonder if phoronix has something... | 18:40 |
arand | nhaines: Ah there we go: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=1 | 18:41 |
arand | Seems like the performance drop is completely negliable according to that... | 18:43 |
nhaines | Okay, well, we can also always just update the wiki page later if we find otherwise. :) | 18:44 |
arand | I think I'm going to remove the performance bit completely for now.. | 18:47 |
nhaines | Yes, may as well. | 18:52 |
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