
drewsusnope, Ill look again Losha00:00
theadminitilious: cron00:00
canthus13DasEi: I think I'm gonna completely reinstall. I was thinking about it anyway.00:00
Loshadrewsus: Here it is again: I would expect timestamp changes to take effect on new invocations of sudo, and not affect existing ones...00:00
itiliousi have a script that i'm told will disable compiz/metacity upon remote desktop connect and re-enable after disconnect, but i'm not sure how to setup/install the script00:00
RegressLessIs there a way to get a sound to play when someone types my name in Empathy? I really liked that about pidgin00:00
bridgeguyTypos_King: inotify seems to be what I was looking for, thanks :)00:00
DasEicanthus13: installer is fast, but a common rtl shouldn't be the reason, dmesg and syslog are further steps on the internal sys00:00
Brimstonesh00k: Dont waste your energy on trivial things. Evil you want gone, not friendly smalltime chatter.00:01
drewsusah, okay that makes sense, thank you Losha. That might be why I wasn't seeing a change00:01
Typos_KingRegressLess:   just get the .so file and dump it at /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins00:01
drewsusitilious: where is the script?00:01
canthus13DasEi: It's not a terribly important machine.  It's mostly for playing and breaking things.  I just want it back up and running on the network again so I can play some more. :)00:01
h00kBrimstones: there is a channel dedicated to smalltime chatter. This doesn't happen to be it.00:01
TViYHhowdy, having trouble with sound in ubuntu 9.10. it works in 9.04, but to no avail in 9.10. and no, it's not muted.00:01
RegressLessLol, "jesus has disconnected"00:01
navatwoTViYH: hammer works.00:01
TViYHlol navatwo stfu00:02
drewsushell be back in 3 days RegressLess00:02
DasEicanthus13: so there is the next rc-user testing the leaks of current x then ?!00:02
theadminnavatwo: eeeew don't mention windows stuff here00:02
h00k!language | TViYH00:02
ubottuTViYH: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:02
TViYHhowdy, having trouble with sound in ubuntu 9.10. it works in 9.04, but to no avail in 9.10. and no, it's not muted.00:02
Brimstonesh00k: *social* is not anywhere near social.00:02
LoshaRegressLess: drewsus: :-)00:02
canthus13DasEi: Nope.00:02
navatwotheadmin: :) ... now I stop spamming.00:02
Typos_Kingbridgeguy:  ... yeah, I've read on inotify :)00:02
=== k[a]tie is now known as katie11
theadmin...brr. I can't get xmessage to display a message on russian.00:04
TViYHcan anyone help then?00:04
theadminTViYH: Usually takes a bit of waiting until someone answers00:04
TViYHalright then o.o00:04
theadminTViYH: Might be worth to post on forums, dunno, or report a bug on LP00:05
TViYHalright thanks..wait, LP?00:05
theadminTViYH: The Launchpad00:05
TViYHokay thanks00:05
ringerviagre will not connect to the remote machine on my network. Any ideas what I may be missing?00:06
theadminringer: an "n"?00:06
LoshaTViYH: sorry to tell you this, but sound problems are probably the number one reported issue on 9.X.00:06
RegressLessI don't see on the adobe site where it specifies a 64 bit version00:06
mluser-homeHello, anyone know what the ubuntu equivalent to gentoo's /etc/conf.d/local.start|stop is?00:06
airstrikehi. vlc won't accept my settings for the subtitle font. i've set Helvetica Neue as the font but it only changes the OSD text like info/warnings from vlc itself. what can i do about this?00:06
ringertheadmin, yeh - sorry - a typo - I really did enter 'vinagre'00:07
DasEiTViYH: often recompiling alsa brought sound back to me00:07
Loshamluser-home: dunno. What does that stuff do on gentoo?00:07
theadminringer: Okay then dunno :D00:07
TViYHDasEi / Losha: are they better in 10.04?00:07
mluser-homeLosha: its a script that is run at system start and also at system stop00:07
LoshaTViYH: we don't know yet...00:07
TViYHo.o well okay.00:07
TViYHi might try it out later.00:07
norbi905Hello, in the process of installing Ubuntu 9.10 minimal.  I have one SSD 30GB, and one magnetic HDD 250.  I would like to put everything other than /home on the SSD.  Is it safe to assume that if I create a full 30GB / partition on the SSD, and create a /home on the magnetic drive, that the SSD partition will not include the /home as well?00:08
DasEiTViYH: can't say , as my boxes do fine since jaunty, on all further distros00:08
theadminLosha: "we" is too collective, there are some testers over here, too, me for instance.00:08
RegressLessHelp! Half-drunk guy needs help finding 64 bit flash plugin!00:08
Loshamluser-home: /etc/rc.local is run at system start. Dunno of any handy script that's run at system shutdown, you'd need a K script in /etc/rc*.d...00:08
mluser-homeLosha: thanks00:08
Loshatheadmin: pardon me. I meant the "royal" we, as in, "...we are not amused..."00:09
DasEinorbi905: that's a nice and good idea, and yes, use alternate installer, no prob (or even do it later)00:09
theadminLosha: As in "I"?00:09
Loshatheadmin: that would be the one...00:09
TViYHwhat happens to the ubuntu countdowns when it goes past the date? lol00:09
theadminLosha: Well, :D00:09
theadminTViYH: They say "It's here!"00:09
TViYHoh alright lol00:10
Typos_KingTViYH:   you won't be able to 'date' him anymore :P~00:10
DasEiRegressLess: install ubuntu-restricted-extras for a bunch more, exceed multimedia, be serverd00:10
LoshaTViYH: they release it anyway, ready or not...00:10
TViYHwell of course they do, it's limited to a month00:10
Antani_01after reading everywhere on the internet, i could not find what this means.  Failed to read vcn 0x1bd: Input/output error00:11
Antani_01Anyone here know what that means00:11
mylistook...Losha: wnat to help now? :d00:11
theadminAntani_01: Well, some memory reading weirdness00:11
norbi905DasEi: Thanks, interestingly enough, when I created the / partition on the SSD, I went to create a partition on the 250GB magnetic drive, and it chose /home automatically.  That's always a good sign :)00:11
poutineAntani_01, any context?00:11
Loshamylisto: sure, can you explain what you're trying to do?00:11
mylistoI've got a 5.8gig file, need to split it up for my fat32 ext drive00:12
Antani_01poutine: Yes. I try copying some stuff to the hard drive. It copies a bit. The copying stops, just freezes. Gnome-panel and nautilus both freeze. I get the error in the syslog. The drive is a SATA drive that I bought yesterday.00:12
DasEinorbi905: one can always set up /home elsewhere in the later, too (just correct fstab then)00:12
theadminAnybody have any idea why transmission won't connect to oh so many peers?00:12
Loshamylisto: can the splits be anywhere, or are them some restrictions on where they can go? Is it just data or what?00:13
poutineAntani_01, this isn't a VM eh00:13
DasEiRegressLess: getting by ?00:13
Antani_01poutine: No00:13
TViYHtheadmin: required transmission, PEX, etc etc00:13
mylistoLosha: don't think so.  Its a .vdi file thats in .VirtualBox/VDI00:13
TViYHrequired encryption*00:13
=== The_Toxic_Mite is now known as iPing
Antani_01poutine: I have two hard drives. Both SATA. Destination drive NTFS. Source drive ext-something.00:14
Loshamylisto: I wouldn't assume you can just split the file into pieces. Are you sure virtual box will handle that?00:14
norbi905DasEi: This is true.  However, at this point I do not have a swap partition.  I have 4GB of RAM.  Is it always recommended to do swap, even if I dont think I'll use all my RAM? If it is recommended, i'll put the swap partition on the SSD as well.00:14
=== mrcurrington is now known as mcurrington
theadminLosha: It won't until you merge em back00:14
mylistoLosha: can't I split it up with some kind of achriving program, then re-attach them later?00:14
theadminSplitting with dd is one idea, but merging back like that...00:14
duliIs it possible to install a i386 package on Ubuntu 64bits? Will it work? (the package in question is adobe reader)00:15
Loshamylisto: you can split, then re-merge, but I thought fat32 had a 2G limit, so how will you do a re-merge?00:15
DasEinorbi905: I always set up swap, but then in the later reduce swapiness at sufficient ram, this way the sys is fast, but even cope with 'horror loads00:15
theadminnorbi905: swap is needed for hibernation, etc00:15
theadminLosha: 4G00:15
mylistoLosha: whoops, forgot to mention...reinstalling ubuntu - so I will copy them back to this laptop (on a livecd) and re-merge them00:15
theadminLosha: He might just use that thing to bring it to another computer00:15
Loshatheadmin: same problem, he has a 5.8G file...00:15
DasEinorbi905: if you want to hibernate, swap is needed, right, beter double of ram00:16
Antani_01poutine: Are you still here? You aren't in the contact list...00:16
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:16
Loshamylisto: ok, in that case, you can split using 'split' and re-merge using 'cat'. Please stand by for commands00:16
poutineAntani_01, I don't know, I'd probably take the hardware back00:17
DasEinorbi905: I don't think you need one at 4 g for regualr use, but can have it on the 250 for more spare or hibernation puposes00:17
mylistoover and out - standby process started...00:17
Typos_Kingduli:   I see no reason why it wouldn't myself, 64bit is meant to be backward compatible for 32bit code, on the other hand, adobe reader is piece of junk, I'd rather veer you to look for an alternative pdf reader hehe, like Okular, or Evince00:17
norbi905DasEi, theadmin :  Thanks for the heads up on the hibernation, as I never really turn of my computers, and depend on hibernation.  Phew, you guys just saved me some headaches :)00:17
Antani_01I try copying some stuff to the hard drive. It copies a bit. The copying stops, just freezes. Gnome-panel and nautilus both freeze. I get the error in the syslog. The drive is a SATA drive that I bought yesterday. The error in the syslog is Apr 26 18:47:16 john-desktop ntfs-3g[3292]: Failed to read vcn 0x1bd: Input/output error00:17
ActionParsnipTypos_King: whats up with adobe reader?00:17
StefanFNHi everyone. I've got a question regarding snmpwalk, which times out on localhost (8.04 LTS Server).00:17
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    is trash, bloatware, IMO00:18
norbi905DasEi, theadmin , although swap isn't that hard to create at a later time either, but hey.  Might as well get it done the right way now.00:18
DasEinorbi905: go with 8-10 g on the 250 then, reduce swapiness as you got for g, everything is fine  then00:18
ActionParsnipTypos_King: its not that massive00:18
anonyHey folks, I'm planning a release party for 10.04 -  And i need an event title! It needs to involve sex and violence and be really catchy! Any ideas?00:18
Loshamylisto: split --bytes=3GB <source> should do it, and give you two files. Run it in a directory on the fat32 filesystem....00:18
mylistovex and siolence00:18
duliTypos_King: yes, I thought so. But when I try to install a i386.deb package, it says it's the wrong arch. Anyway, evince seems to be unable to open some pdfs I have with good quality, that's why I'm look for alternatives...00:18
ActionParsnipTypos_King: openoffice is bloated00:18
Jordan_UAntani_01: Can you check the drive's health in System > Administration > Disk Utility?00:18
Antani_01Yes, I did. It is fine.00:18
Loshamylisto: try and stay on topic till we're done, ok?00:19
=== narc_ is now known as chilna
theadminanony: totally offtopic.00:19
ActionParsnipduli: you can install ia32-libs and force install the deb, it will work00:19
Antani_01Jordan_U: Actually, The Disk Utility doesn't work on my hard drive. It says smart is not available. I used gsmartcontrol instead.00:19
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    heheh, openoffice I think runs faster than adobe reader, Adobe's last good version was 5.5, after that, they ruined it, 50mbs or so just for a reader, is utter ridiculous00:19
anonyOk, so where's the ubuntu room?00:19
duliActionParsnip: hum, ok. thanks a lot.00:20
ActionParsnipTypos_King: its still 500Mb, abiword is about 12mb and gnumeric is aboutthe same00:20
Loshaanony: #ubuntu+100:20
Antani_01I think it is #ubuntu-offtopic... Not sure though.00:20
mylistook Losha: sorry00:20
Typos_Kingduli:   there's Okular, or Foxit00:20
theadmin...Why not evince, it's just perfect :)00:20
CVirusHow can I switch my gcc version to 4.3 instead of 4.4 ?00:20
LoshaI didn't know h00k was an op....00:20
Jordan_UAntani_01: And the resluts from gsmartcontrol?00:20
duliTypos_King: nice, trying them out. :)00:20
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Antani_01Jordan_U: You want me to paste all the results?00:20
Jordan_U!paste | Antani_0100:21
ubottuAntani_01: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:21
theadminAny idea on where this weird key naming comes from? I.e. ctrl = ^, Alt = M- , bad key = Super, etc00:21
Antani_01Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423059/00:21
zen933ktheadmin: ttys00:21
Jordan_Utheadmin: The super key is obviously the one with the cape :)00:21
mozillanerdAbandoning 9.10. Going back to 9.04.00:22
mylistoLosha: give me a few00:22
Loshatheadmin: ctrl and alt are older than I am, I think they came from emacs and the lisp machines of the 70's00:22
theadminmozillanerd: Why not just wait for Lucid...00:22
Loshamylisto: take your time...00:22
RegressLessDasEi: OK, did that and I'm still having the same problem. Youtube pause, volume, etc. doesn't work. Any ideas?00:22
Jordan_Utheadmin: What did you think that symbol was?00:22
theadminLosha: Well, i know that "M" stands for "Meta"...00:22
zen933ktheadmin: or, TTY00:22
hexdump__hi all00:22
=== hexdump__ is now known as binary0011
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    openoffice is indeed rather sizeable, however it has a bit more tools than Abiword, and it's an Office suite, not just 2 apps alone, it has about 5 apps, including vector drawing and database, plus it also has scripting language00:22
DasEiRegressLess: doesn't work ? can you play flash now ?00:23
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:23
binary0011this is probably a stupid question with an easy solution but here it goes...00:23
mylistook Losha: now I sit and wait - want to see if I did the correct thing00:23
ActionParsnipTypos_King: depends on what you need huh. if you only use writer then its a waste of space00:23
RegressLessDasEi: yes, but the buttons don't work.00:23
weirdpercentwhat do I need to do with bzr/SSH to download development branches from launchpad's bazaar server?00:23
theadminubottu: doesntwork | RegressLess00:23
ubottuRegressLess: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:23
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    if you just need something to write reports and stuff, sure Abiword works better00:23
norbi905RegressLess: On one of my Ubuntu 9.10 machines, flash behaves exactly the same way.  It plays, but sometimes the controls dont work.00:23
binary0011I've tried to use simple scan to scan one of my old magazines, but it says that my scanner cannot be found.00:23
mylistoLosha: split: 3gb: invalid number of bytes00:23
DasEiRegressLess: browser/distro ?00:23
ncfi1013i am having problems putting songs on my ipod00:23
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    indeed, it's so, I used to use TextMaker, which is an even lighter wordprocessor00:23
mozillanerdI have tried lucid beta with same problems as 9.10. It appears that the entire 9.10 and 10 are heftier than 9.04. 9.04 ran OK on my machine.00:24
theadminubottu: it | alessandro_00:24
ubottualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:24
Loshamylisto: try it with upper case GB, it's an old command...00:24
binary0011Tho my printer is a printer/scanner.  I can print just fine from it.  If somebody has a solution or possibly an alternate program that I can use to scan documents from my printer please msg me.  Thank you.00:24
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    can't beat TextMaker and PlanMaker, both are good apps, and small too00:24
RegressLessDasEi: firefox, Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit00:24
ActionParsnipTypos_King: but openoffice is bundled in as default but can be seen as bloated without much effort00:24
mylistosplit: cannot open `/media/disk/home/mylisto/.VirtualBox/VDI$/Antonio.vdi' for reading: No such file or directory00:24
mylistodoes it matter that its in a hidden directory?00:24
theadminmylisto: uh, what the heck is that dollar? o_O00:25
Antani_01Jordan_U: In case you didn't see it... http://paste.ubuntu.com/423059/00:25
DasEiRegressLess: #ubuntu+1 correct channel, hmm, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:25
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    well, quoting a line from a movie ---->   " I rather have and no need it, than need it and no have it "   =P00:25
mylistono idea theadmin:00:25
ringerbinary0011, try Applications > Graphics > Xsane00:25
ActionParsnipmylisto: not at all, use tab to complete the filenames so you know the file is there (and you are using the right case)00:25
binary0011I've located sane00:25
Loshamylisto: shouldn't matter that it's hidden. What does ls -l /media/disk/home/mylisto/.VirtualBox/VDI$/Antonio.vdi say?00:25
anonyI am seeking recommendations for ideas to expand the userbase and promote the use of Linux and Ubuntu. I have a release party to plan in 350 hours, and still need a title.00:25
binary0011ringer:  ha thanks00:25
DasEiRegressLess:doing same in my vm right now00:26
itiliouswhy doesnt ubuntu install ready to play mp3s?00:26
Jordan_UAntani_01: Can you try running chkdsk in windows to be sure the filesystem isn't corrupt?00:26
theadminanony: check out #ubuntu-offtopic, sorry, this is a support channel00:26
ActionParsnipTypos_King: i'd rather have something slick and quick with minimal fuss, based on that theory you may as well install every app on the repos00:26
zen933kanony: 350 hours?00:26
ringerbinary0011, I was in the same boat. Downloaded loads of stuff - then found out I had it all along!00:26
brah-itilious copyright issues00:26
theadminitilious: Because they're a commercial file format, and ubuntu is Free.00:26
DasEiitilious: non gpl00:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:26
anonyzen933k: yes, 350 hours. i'm having a rel party and i know almost everything i'm going to do but i need a good title for it, that involves the word lucid.00:26
Jordan_Uitilious: Because in crazy countries like the US you have to pay royalties to be able to play mp3's.00:26
binary0011ringer:  know what's weird, I tried using the HP NX215 printer drivers for my printer and it just kept on spitting out blank paper.00:26
mylistols: cannot access /media/disk/home/mylisto/.VirtualBox/VDI$/Antonio.vdi: No such file or directory00:27
Loshaanony: it's still off topic for this channel..00:27
theadminDasEi: Please, when you use factoids specify who they go to, as in "!stuff | nick", or else it becomes a mess00:27
binary0011ringer:  I switched to NX300 series drivers and it worked just fine.00:27
Antani_01Jordan_U: Windows is broken... But I CAN reformat the drive. I have nothing important on there. I fear the problem may be caused by me using Gparted to format to NTFS. By the way, is there another filesystem that Windows and Ubuntu have read/write access to (No need to boot from it)? A better, faster one perhaps?00:27
Loshamylisto: then you have the file name wrong, I think. Where did you get it from?00:27
ringerbinary0011, so you sorted now?00:27
mylistothen without that stupid $ sign - ls: cannot access say?: No such file or directory -rw------- 1 1000 1000 6197125632 2010-04-25 23:11 /media/disk/home/mylisto/.VirtualBox/VDI/Antonio.vdi00:27
pepeeanony, give away ubuntu cd's?00:27
Antani_01Jordan_U: Also, if there isn't a better filesystem, should I use something other than Gparted to format to NTFS?00:27
itiliousdo i need to just install ubuntu restricted extras to be able to play mp3s via banshee?00:27
binary0011ringer:  damnit I tried scanning for scanners and it's a no go00:28
DasEitheadmin: ok00:28
zen933kanony: I think it's more of an offtopic issue, maybe you should try that channel00:28
norbi905mylisto:  Are you trying to start a vm?  Sorry I didn't follow your question/issue from the start.00:28
binary0011ringer:  yeah the printer works, but I'm trying to figure out how to get this scanner operational00:28
ActionParsnipitilious: yes, that should be fine00:28
DasEiitilious: this or win32-codecs00:28
theadminAntani_01: GParted will serve this task perfectly, but you need ntfsprogs00:28
h00kanony: #ubuntu-irc would be a good place00:28
ActionParsnip!info win32-codecs00:28
Antani_01theadmin: I have it.00:28
ubottuPackage win32-codecs does not exist in karmic00:28
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    I must say, that many folks will have the same opinion about MS office, being a bloat and all, but I must say, I use both MS office[ superb suite IMO] and open office, and they're both sizeable, and they're both very very useful, I wish it were smaller, yeah, but as you use them more you'd find features you won't find in Abiword or other apps, depending on what you're composing of course, for the regular JoeSi00:28
ringerbinary0011, hmm - just trying to remember what I did to get scanner working. brb00:28
theadminAntani_01: Then go ahead.00:28
mozillanerdIt does not look to me that Canonical is looking at the 'General Help' forum. I will post about abandoning the effort00:28
DasEi!ot | anony00:28
ubottuanony: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:28
pepeemylisto, this is the path: /media/disk/home/mylisto/.VirtualBox/VDI/Antonio.vdi00:28
Loshamylisto: if the name works with ls, it will work with split. You may need to be root i.e. use sudo00:29
Jordan_UAntani_01: Gparted should be fine for creating an ntfs filesystem. There are drivers for windows to read and write ext3, but they don't support journaling (they are really ext2 drivers)00:29
mylistonorbi905: no trying to split the vdi into smaller bits to fit on a fat32 drive00:29
binary0011ringer:  yeah I'm not sure what I did last time, but I had mine working a while ago too.00:29
binary0011ringer:  I'll try to log into gnome and see if it makes any difference.  I'm using KDE right now00:29
Antani_01theadmin: Okay, I will try again. But I doubt it will work... This IM is also to Jordan_U00:29
binary0011ringer:  gnome is what it worked under last time.  I'm going to give that shot.  be back in just a moment00:29
mylistoI do the split from the dir I want the file in, right?00:29
kaushalis there a way to know what using apt-get or apt-cache to know the changelog ?00:29
DasEimylisto: yes00:30
ActionParsnipTypos_King: still bloated though, adobe reader is not that bloated and if it does what the user needs that the other readers cannot then its needed rather than a "nice to have" like fat ole openoffice00:30
Loshamylisto: yes, that saves having to copy the pieces later...00:30
Jordan_Ukaushal: aptitude changelog package00:30
nordleTypos_King:  I spend 60% of my day in Office 2007....I wish I had Office 2003 back......but with the extra colours and sort options in Excel 2007 :)00:30
ActionParsnipTypos_King: there is a drastic difference00:30
Loshamylisto:  split --bytes=3GB /media/disk/home/mylisto/.VirtualBox/VDI/Antonio.vdi00:30
anonyYeah ok, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Remember the ubuntu principles, and remember to read the friendly manual. Also, i move that this channel be changed to #ubuntu-support . Bye.00:30
Loshamylisto: open another terminal in the same directory and you should be able to watch the split files growing...00:30
theadminargh. Stop the offtopic. Microsoft disscussion is not welcome here either as it increases bug 100:30
ActionParsnipbug #1 is so contrived00:31
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    hehe, adobe is not a bloat?    yeah.... in win32 I run a standalone app, foxit reader, does much more than adobe's, and is just 7mbs, 50mbs, 7mbs, big difference,00:31
Jordan_Utheadmin: Don't feed the trolls.00:31
h00kTypos_King: please move that discussion elsewhere00:31
Typos_Kingh00k:   indeed00:32
ActionParsnipTypos_King: sure but if they do not do what is required and the adobe version does then it is justified00:32
Loshawhat is bug #1 ?00:32
h00kActionParsnip: you as well.00:32
mylistolooks like it may be working :d00:32
ActionParsniph00k: i'm not wrong though, but ok00:32
Typos_Kingkaushal:   something is using the 'lock' file for apt-get?00:32
ActionParsnipLosha: o look it up, i think its pretty pathetic personally00:32
tFUxUXfz3yu3hjkernel panic00:33
Loshamylisto: you should see files name xaa (or similar) growing in size. When it gets to 3G it should start on file xab...00:33
mylistoLosha: its making xaa files - thats the right thing isn't it?00:33
Typos_KingActionParsnip:    you wrong?    no way!00:33
tFUxUXfz3yu3hjkernel panic00:33
mylistook good :d00:33
ZykoticK9Losha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/100:33
theadminLosha: "Microsoft has too much market share"00:33
mylistoeffin stupid flood bots00:33
Antani_01Jordan_U: Hmm... check this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423062/00:33
pepeeLOL bug 100:34
Loshamylisto: you will end up with two files, one 3G named xaa and one 2.8G named xab. To bring them back, you'll just 'cat xaa xab > new_vdi_file'00:34
theadminWhat I'm worried about is that they still haven't fixed it :(00:34
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:34
LoshaZykoticK9: theadmin: yeah, pretty sad...00:34
theadminLosha: Oh well, 10.04 seems like a huge "BOOM", it's so extremely simple...00:35
Loshatheadmin: they decided to do a rewrite instead :-)00:35
h00kPlease keep this channel on-topic, people.00:35
Loshatheadmin: wanna go to offtopic and talk to me about how 10.04 testing is going?00:35
itiliousi know this is not a support channel for banshee, but it does not recognize when my ipod is plugged in, do i need some sort of library for ubuntu?00:36
theadminLosha: Maybe in PM? :D00:36
Loshatheadmin: coming up...00:36
Typos_King!ipod | itilious00:36
ubottuitilious: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:36
ActionParsnipitilious: try gtkpod00:36
h00kLosha, theadmin: thank you00:36
=== hexdump__ is now known as binary0011
Antani_01Jordan_U: Did you say anything? Empathy crashed00:36
ringerbinary0011, sudo apt-get install gocr00:37
Jordan_UAntani_01: No.00:37
binary0011ringer:  alright, thanks I'll give it a shot00:37
Antani_01Okay, well check out this paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423062/00:37
jsecHi all. Got a question on if this is possible: I've got Karmic with OS X dual booted on a MacBook. I'm getting interested in penetration security, so I've downloaded an ISO of BackTrack 4. What I'm wondering is if I can blow apart my OS X partition, clear up the space, and install BackTrack 4 side by side with Karmic, without ruining any data on the Ubuntu partition?00:37
itiliousActionParsnip, sudo apt get gtkpod?00:37
binary0011ringer:  I'm using an HP NX215 printer/scanner00:37
ActionParsnipitilious: try: sudo apt-get install gtkpod00:37
schultzaIs there a way I can control the bandwidth of certain traffic from my computer using a central program?00:38
h00kjsec: yes, it's possible.00:38
h00k!dualboot | jsec00:38
ubottujsec: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:38
itiliousActionParsnip, rythmbox sees the ipod but banshee does not, do i need to set some option somewhere in ubuntu to simply have the ipod point to the right application?00:38
ringerbinary0011, that shouldn't matter - gocr is character recognition - but it brings with it libraries that the scanner needs00:38
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:38
binary0011ringer:  cool, I'm giving it a go now.00:38
norbi905And done, Ubuntu boot ~ 4sec :)00:39
deanfxQuick question, Can I install 10.04RC on my netbook right now and when the final release gets launched in a few days just run some updates to get the final changes?00:39
ActionParsnipitilious: i dont use either, ipod is garbage but i know gtkpod can be used00:39
h00k!lucid | deanfx00:39
ubottudeanfx: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule00:39
ActionParsnipnorbi905: try xpud, its waaaay faster00:39
CaptainTreksupport for lucid is in #ubuntu+1 not here00:39
deanfxoh ok00:40
deanfxSorry about that guys00:40
theadmindeanfx: Yes, but that's kinda offtopic00:40
binary0011ringer:  sorry is gocr CLI program, er can I start it with GUI?00:40
pepeeschultza, that's not completely true00:40
Antani_01Jordan_U: And also, that has happened before, too.00:40
deanfxah alright. thanks for answering -- again, my appologies for posting it in here00:40
binary0011ringer:  I'm reading the man page right now tho00:40
pepeethere exists malware for linux00:40
theadminpepee: ...like, 3 viruses, yeah00:40
ringerbinary0011, no - just try xsane again - it should be working00:40
Chris___Flash player basically sets my CPU/GPU on fire. Ideas/suggestions?00:41
teagei am running Lucid and i lost my log in screen. i installed the rt2870usb driver and sense then the log in is now a command prompt. i would rather have the default.00:41
binary0011ringer:  damnit no devices found00:41
pepeevirii, trojans, flash malware, java malware00:41
teageanyone know how to fix this00:41
Antani_01Jordan_U: Maybe I should wipe the drive...00:41
binary0011ringer:  hang on I'll try again00:41
h00kteage: head to #ubuntu+1 doe Lucid support00:41
pepeeeven browser malware00:41
pepeeor whatever is called00:41
h00kbinary0011: please watch your language and keep it family-friendly.00:41
jsech00k, i know it's possible to get the dual boot, i'm just curious as to what would happen if I try to delete the OS X partition... I don't want to have to re-install Ubuntu again.00:42
teagethanks hook will do00:42
binary0011shoot man, my bad00:42
ringerbinary0011, why you bad?00:42
h00kteage: *for lucid support00:42
mylistoLosha: do you know if there is anyway to make a script to auto run split - so a  person can right click a file on the desktop and split it up?00:42
h00kjsec: then OSX will be gone, just make sure to keep your grub updated00:42
Losharinger: because binary0011 said a naughty word...00:42
LadyEleynecould not download repository indexes with error msg as follows, Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs00:43
LadyEleyneFailed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs00:43
LadyEleyneSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.00:43
Loshamylisto: you could write a little shell script to split files, but most people don't need it often enough to bother...00:43
binary0011I didn't really, but it was too close I guess else it was the other word "da*n"00:43
h00k!pastebin | LadyEleyne00:43
ubottuLadyEleyne: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:43
LadyEleynewhat does that mean, how do I fix it, and well, how do I fix it.00:43
pepeemylisto, learn bash scripting00:43
Antani_01Jordan_U: Great... After I reformatted and remounted it, Nautilus froze00:44
binary0011ringer:  pff I think I know why.  gnome didn't even find my printer yet00:44
h00kbinary0011: obfuscated swearing is sttill considered swearing00:44
binary0011ringer:  I thought it was installed, because I installed it in KDE.  I need to set it up00:44
Antani_01Jordan_U: Why is it so broken?00:44
LoshaLadyEleyne: it's trying to read your cdrom. I bet you don't have the cdrom inserted, right?00:44
ringerbinary0011, i was gonna say are you sure it's connected00:44
binary0011h00k:  yeah I noticed, sorry bout that tho.00:44
binary0011ringer:  yeah it's all setup.  Let me try something I'll get back with you in just one minute00:45
pepeeLadyEleyne, remove the cd in the sources/repos configuration00:45
Antani_01Jordan_U: Are you still there? I need to leave soon.00:45
LadyEleynehah no.00:45
Jordan_UAntani_01: I don't know.00:45
LadyEleyneI could try putting the cd in and see what happens.00:45
binary0011what the ...00:45
eoeasmylisto: make a bash script and add it to nautilus00:46
Yggdrasilwhats the way to reset yourpanels to stock ?00:47
mylistoeoea: nah I'm fine00:47
binary0011ringer:  wow this is really strange, ubuntu isn't even finding my printer00:48
eoeasmylisto: Okilli dokilli00:48
Jordan_U!panelreset | Yggdrasil00:48
ubottuYggdrasil: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:48
mylistowell off to reinstall :D00:48
mylistohope all goes well!00:48
Loshamylisto: is your split done then?00:48
mylistoyes it is00:48
mylistoactually made 3 files00:49
Loshamylisto: do a quick check on them with ls -l00:49
ringerbinary0011, you sure it is actually plugged in?00:49
binary0011ringer:  indeed00:49
binary0011Usb, power is on everything is correct00:49
mylisto-rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 3000000000 2010-04-26 23:36 xaa -rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 3000000000 2010-04-26 23:39 xab -rwx------ 1 ubuntu root  197125632 2010-04-26 23:39 xac00:49
binary0011ringer:  I'm just going to disconnect all other usb devices then try it00:49
theadminmylisto: huh what the... why is the group owner root? o_O00:50
theadminmylisto: But you did it nevertheless.00:50
mylistono idea theadmin:00:50
Loshamylisto: I thought you said the original was 5.8 GB? You have about 7.9 GB of data there....00:50
ringerbinary0011, lsusb00:50
binary0011oh yeah forgot about that one00:51
mylistoit shows 3 files 5.8 gig00:51
binary0011Bus 007 Device 002: ID 0461:4d4c Primax Electronics, Ltd00:51
binary0011Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub00:51
binary0011Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub00:51
binary0011Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub00:51
binary0011Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub00:51
FloodBot1binary0011: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
theadminLinux Foundation 1.1 root hub? what the?00:51
binary0011ah crap man, I thought that messaged ringer00:52
greezmunkeybinary3: heh00:52
mylistoLosha: no idear00:52
TannerFThe bot should probably warn you not to flood, and if you keep doing it then it will +q them00:52
Loshamylisto: run ls -lh00:52
mylisto-rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 2.8G 2010-04-26 23:36 xaa00:53
mylisto-rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 2.8G 2010-04-26 23:39 xab00:53
mylisto-rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 188M 2010-04-26 23:39 xac00:53
theadminLosha: -h? what that... oh, i guess it means "humanish"...00:53
mylistosorry guys00:53
mylisto-rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 2.8G 2010-04-26 23:36 xaa -rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 2.8G 2010-04-26 23:39 xab -rwx------ 1 ubuntu root 188M 2010-04-26 23:39 xac00:53
h00k!pastebin | mylisto00:53
FloodBot1mylisto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:53
binary0011crap I thought that was sent to ringer00:53
binary0011I'll paste bin next time00:53
steelnwoolhi, i installed 10.04 on 2 500 gig sata disks, with lvm in a raid 1 config. when i boot of the second drive,it tells me "bad pbr sig"00:53
binary0011ringer:  yeah that's weird it shows that it's connected00:54
h00ksteelnwool: use #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support00:54
LadyEleyneokay since the cd did nothing..how do I remove the cd ref from the sources/repos configuration, I am a complete newb to unbutu, so be detailed please.00:54
theadminsteelnwool: There are tons of raid bugs in Lucid. Lucid is supported ONLY in #ubuntu+1 for now.00:54
Loshamylisto: ah, that's better, I miscounted the sizes first time. One more thing before you reboot, run md5sum on the *original* file. It will take a few minutes to run...00:54
steelnwoolah ha. thanks00:54
ringerbinary0011, so try xsane again00:54
* h00k reminds everyone to check /topics when they join a new channel :)00:55
CVirusI can't build oursql on karmic http://pastebin.com/mxatgxeZ ... help ?00:55
binary0011ringer:  I tried to even add a printer and it doesn't even give me the option.  I usually have no problems with this kind of thing00:55
ringerbinary0011, hmm - try rebooting the printer00:55
binary0011ringer:  okie, I'll try it again00:56
binary0011ringer:  hey thanks for taking the time to help me out btw00:56
ringerbinary0011, np00:56
ringerbinary0011, though I ought to get to bed soon - but I'll hang on a bit00:56
binary0011ringer:  hey don't worry about it, if you have to go it's cool.00:57
LadyEleynewell, thanks for being so helpful, I may have figured it out.00:57
mylistoLosha: when I do that md5sum, does it just go to a blank line and run for a few minutes?00:58
canthus13How do you force ssh to connect to a 'known' host when the key has changed?00:58
binary0011ringer:  I'm trying again.  maybe I'll just try and restart the computer00:59
vex_how do i mount something plugged into my usb drive?00:59
Loshamylisto: yes, it reads the whole file so it takes a while. But the md5sum will enable us to verify that the new copy is identical to the original after you reboot.00:59
ringerbinary0011, I'll wait00:59
binary0011ringer:  cool, I'm rebooting01:00
Loshacanthus13: remove the associated line from ~/.ssh/known_hosts01:00
binary0011brb k01:00
DasEivex_: you want to mount a usb device ?01:00
adelcampoanyone know where I can get a lit of all the 256 colors in the ansi spectrum?01:00
vex_DasEi: yes how do I find where it is mounted under dev and then mount it01:00
benedikthow do i mount /dev (im in a chroot env)01:01
DasEivex_: plug it in...01:01
vex_DasEi: yes but I want to do it from a terminal01:01
theadminbenedikt: Uh, you can't mount /dev, it's a folder, not a blockdevice.01:01
canthus13Losha: Thanks. found the (different) answer, tho.  ssh-keygen -R <offending host> does it. :)01:01
DasEivex_: sudo fdisk -l    (in teermninal)01:01
eoeascanthus13: If the key has changed then it's not a known host anymore. Losha: how can one find the "associated" entry?01:01
benedikttheadmin: mount udev to /dev01:01
vex_DasEi: there we go thanks01:01
DasEivex_: devicename ?01:02
vex_DasEi: sd001:02
Scuniziadelcampo: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ansi+color+spectrum01:02
DasEivex_: mount01:02
canthus13eoeas: What I just said a minute ago works. In my case, I reused the same IP and hostname for a fresh install, resulting in my ssh client freaking out.01:02
DasEivex_: is it already mounted ?01:02
vex_DasEi: ya i just couldent find the device name01:02
vex_DasEi: thanks much mate01:03
DasEivex_: so you're solved then ?np, have fun01:03
Loshaeoeas: Ah interesing. There is a line for each host in  ~/.ssh/known_hosts, the hostname used to be at the start of the line in plaintext, it appears it's now encrypted so you do need to use ssh-keygen -R after all...01:03
eoeascanthus13: What about the encryption key?01:03
adelcampoScunizi: thanks but i've tried that. I've been looking for over an hour but I can't find just what I need01:03
eoeasLosha: I seee !01:05
ncfi1013man ive tried everything. can someone please tell me a very easy simple way to sync my ipod?01:05
Scuniziadelcampo: you want just the 256 colors?01:06
tenmilesncfi1013: setup virtualbox to install a windows guest os and pass your ipod to it. install itunes and go nuts01:06
ncfi1013all im hearing is that ipod support in linux is a cinch but im having no luck. can somebody please help me?01:06
theadmintenmiles: ...too complicated I think, and that needs a Windows copy01:06
crazy6cflow somehow didn't install correctly, and now it's stuck; can't remove, can't install it01:07
ncfi1013i know u guys dont want to hear this but i am seriously considering switching back to windows considering the problems ive been having01:07
mylistook Losha: got this 094f0e38381337acad74653a134a7fba  Antonio.vdi01:07
Loshaeoeas: the other solution would be to remove StrictHostKeyChecking via options01:07
Loshamylisto: ok, after you reboot and use cat to recreate the file, the md5sum of the new file should match.01:08
Scuniziadelcampo: do you want the codes? or a chart of the actual colors showing the codes?01:08
adelcampoScunizi: I want the number showing what color it is. But I think i figured it out. I'm writing a script that'll spit out the colors on the terminal with their code.01:09
adelcampoScunizi: thanks01:09
Scuniziadelcampo: here's a link that might help in understanding how the codes work. http://lucentbeing.com/blog/that-256-color-thing/01:10
eoeasLosha: Would compromise security though, prefer the ssh-keygen -R command.01:10
Loshaeoeas: I agree. ssh-keygen -R is the way to go...01:11
adelcampoScunizi: LOL that's exactly why I was looking for the chart. I'm using his script and I wanted to know what codes give you which colors. I'm also using his same script to print out the code for each color01:11
Majora2How do I run configure in terminal?01:12
Scuniziadelcampo: that is funny :)01:12
jribMajora2: why? What are you trying to accomplish exactly?01:12
Majora2jrib: this - http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-d6dc6aaec38bf9f2198767215ea1813c44a5981d01:13
jribMajora2: you don't need any of that.  Wine is in the official ubuntu repositories.  Use your favorite APT front-end to install it, like synaptic for instance01:13
Majora2jrib: I'm at the "Run configure, build and install with" step, and get the error "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"01:14
jribMajora2: read what I just said01:14
ActionParsnipMajora2: there is a wine ppa you can use01:14
monkanyone know where i can get advice on fighting back against hackers? my mother is being attacked by hackers, and i plan on putting a stop to it01:14
Majora2jrib: I need it because I'm trying to use Wine to play a game. In Jaunty, using the i386 32-bit processor support installation it works satisfactory. But with the amd 64-bit processor installation of jaunty the screen blinks constantly black in a super fast flicker. I want to stop it from flickering, so I thought the 64 bit wine would help.01:15
node357hi, can I just uninstall pulseaudio? ive tried 2 sound card and my games still get this distorted blaring noise01:15
ScuniziI've modified .bash_aliases to include a shortcut to mounting a samba share on my machine (it's also the samba server).  I'd like to convert that mount command to a line in fstab so the mount happens on startup.  So far I've been unsuccessful.  Any help? alias bpomount='sudo mount.cifs //localhost/BPO /home/<user>/BPO -o user=<user>,credintials=/etc/samba/smbusers,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777'01:15
ActionParsnipMajora2: www.winehq.org/download/deb01:15
DR_Fun1any one good with irc and java apps and wml?01:15
jribMajora2: that page is about building 32bit wine...01:16
Majora2jrib: Uhg01:16
LoshaScunizi: credintials -> credentials01:16
jribMajora2: anyway, try what ActionParsnip suggested first.  winehq provides repositories and you may just need a more recent version of wine from there to resolve your issue01:16
ActionParsnipScunizi: you can replace <user> with $USER then the user launching the command will be used ;)01:17
pepeemonk, explain01:17
pepeegive details01:17
Majora2jrib: I've tried other versions of wine and it hasn't helped. I've also tried the most up-to-date version as well.01:17
ActionParsnipScunizi: look in the fstab file for hints, there are guides all over t'web01:17
pepeemonk, better: /join ##security01:17
Typos_KingDR_Fun1:     I'd assume over at #java maybe :)01:18
ActionParsnipScunizi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently01:18
node357hi, can I just uninstall pulseaudio? ive tried 2 sound card and my games still get this distorted blaring noise01:18
ActionParsnipScunizi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently01:18
monkpepee: her email account was just hacked today. i'm using my linux box to investigate. but i would like to make sure my information is secure, such as IP and other personal info01:18
pepeenode357, yep, you can01:18
Loshamonk: a gmail account? And she's using windows?01:19
Typos_Kingmonk:   you mean, you're running the mail server?01:19
node357okay, thanks pepee01:19
jribMajora2: I would recommend you search wine's bug tracker for a bug similar to what you are experiencing first.  If you want to troubleshoot by building 64bit wine, then the page you linked to has a link on how to do that01:19
monkpepee: ok, i'll go to ##security. that's what i was hoping for01:19
binary0011ringer:  hey man you don't have to wait on me, I have some other things to do01:19
pepeenode357, dpkg -l | grep pulseaudio | awk '{print $2}'01:19
monkno, she is AOL webmail on Windows XP01:19
eoeasDoes "checkinstall" create a .deb package before or after the installation of your program?01:19
Majora2jrib: Okay. Although from what I've seen Wine's bug database is full of people going, "I have this problem too :D" and no solutions01:19
binary0011ringer:  I'm going to install ubuntu over again.  I'm setting up duel boot this time so I backed everything up and going from scratch01:19
Loshamonk: you might ask on #windows also...01:19
monkLosha: ok thank you01:20
jribMajora2: if it only happens with that one game, appdb would be a good place to check too01:20
ActionParsnipeoeas: before01:20
pepeemonk, if you use an infected trojanized machine, then you have to change your password, and the security questions01:20
node357pepee, that listed a bunch of packages related to pulseaudio, but didn't seem to do much.. should I just get rid of those packages?01:20
ActionParsnipbinary0011: install win first if you intend to use it01:20
eoeasThanks ActionParsnip01:20
DR_Fun1hey #java is invite only01:20
Majora2jrib: Okay, thanks01:21
pepeenode357, sudo aptitude remove $(dpkg -l | grep pulseaudio | awk '{print $2}')01:21
brad_does anyone know how i could get the dvd player to work with ubuntu01:21
jrib!register | DR_Fun101:21
ubottuDR_Fun1: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode01:21
node357oh, thanks again pepee01:21
Typos_KingDR_Fun1:     I guess you'll just have to settle for #tea or #coffee then, j/k01:21
jribDR_Fun1: just register and identify, then you will be able to enter ##java01:21
monkpepee: my machines are fine. my mother uses a Netbook with WinXP. I already told her to change ALL of her passwords with any accounts she uses01:21
mickster04brad_: how is it not working? error messages etc01:21
pepeenode357, oh, sorry, I think it will not work, because of some dependencies01:21
ActionParsnipbrad_: add the medibuntu repo and install libdvdcss201:21
node357guess i shouldn't have hit Y then huh, haha01:21
brad_it says something about plugins01:22
node357I'll see if the system survived.. if not, i'll re-install and try another way01:22
node357thanks pepee, regardless01:22
Typos_KingDR_Fun1:      dunno, but what  you want will a java question, maybe try on another network, efnet or dalnet :)01:22
ActionParsnipbrad_: i just told you how to fix it01:22
jribbrad_: be *specific* and please address people whose questions you are answering01:22
pepeemonk, not before formatting/reinstalling winxp01:22
Random833how do i stop the lid closing from turning off the display?01:22
maple1DRUNK AS FUCk01:22
ActionParsnipmaple1: +101:22
=== Random833 is now known as Random832
jrib!language | maple101:22
ubottumaple1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:22
eoeasmonk: Does your mum's account have admin privileges?01:22
pepeenode357, just don't remove the lib* packages01:22
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as Guest69345
node357okay pepee, all is well then01:23
kermithow to i encode video with h264?01:23
=== F|ReSTaRT is now known as FiReSTaRT
intraderAbandoning my effort to work with Karmic Koala (9.10), one week without any resolution or response from forum or irc. Canonical is not listening to this level of drivel.01:23
Loshakermit: what kind of source material?01:23
monkpepee: understood. eoeas: i believe so, and i think there is another email address listed on the account, i will have to look into that. thank you for the reminder~!01:24
Loshamonk: also, aol support (if it's not a contradiction in terms) should probably be informed...01:24
kermitLosha: any kind01:24
Loshakermit: well, I often use handbrake for encoding....01:25
brad_ActionParsnip where do i find libdvdcss201:25
monkLosha: thank you01:25
kermitLosha: i dont see that app available01:27
eoeasmonk: Good luck. Err you might wanna backup a image of her hard drive (see "dd" command) and send it off for investigation prior to antivir or other repairs/cleansing.01:27
joschtafter being connected to last.fm through banshee for a around a day is it supposed to time out and then i have to start it up again?01:27
=== root_ is now known as hemlock
Loshakermit: what does apt-cache search handbrake say?01:27
kermitLosha: nothing01:27
Typos_Kingkermit:   http://avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php?id=tutorial:h.26401:28
node357pepee, works better now. thank you01:28
Loshakermit: let me check where I got mine..01:28
ScuniziLosha: weird.. handbrake I thought was in the repos.. but if not then http://handbreak.fr01:30
pepeenode357, good to know!01:30
joeman_does anyone know C programming?01:30
pepeejoeman_, #C01:30
LoshaScunizi: kermit: for 8.04, I used a ppa. Still looking for the url...01:30
joeman_pepee, might be close enough, but can you give me some tips01:31
ScuniziLosha: ah.. for my 8.04 I got it direct from their site.. worked fine.01:31
ScuniziLosha: at least I thought I did .. I just looked and they only have it for 9.1001:32
Scunizi1431 hello's back at ya joe__01:32
ghassenhi there every one01:32
LoshaScunizi: kermit: Looks like: https://launchpad.net/~handbrake-ubuntu/+archive/ppa01:33
ghassenmy ubuntu 9.10 can't shut down without forcing by pressing the power button01:33
ghassenanyone has an idea about that?01:33
eoeasScunizi: Not giving ghassen 1431 hello's ?! :-( :-D01:33
joe__is anyone in #c# ?01:34
salviaa please i need help I am in error, in the matter mysar log it's an error msg ERROR: squid log file (/ var / log / squid / access.log) does not exist!01:34
eradiatewhere does ubuntu keep the saved iptables rules ?01:34
joe__#c I mean01:35
eradiatei've looked in the /etc and ufw isn't running01:35
eoeasghassen: Try "sudo init 0" ,then you can rule out a ACPI issue01:35
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ghassen/etc/hosts i guess01:35
swathanthranone fine morning, the key repeat is seen disabled on X(works on ttys) . any clue what might affected it or how to enable it again?01:35
Typos_Kingghassen:   try installing the linux-backports-modules`uname`01:35
=== register is now known as joey40
swathanthrankey repeat as in to repeat the key if its pressed for some time01:36
ghassenwhat is that backports01:36
needhelp1when i try to copy a folder into my /opt folder, it wont let me01:37
vividanyone have an idea why one of my karmic machines does not power off when told to shutdown? it goes through the entire shutdown process successfully, but requires me to push the power button to power off01:37
ghasseni upgraded from 9.04 from the internet and then it started01:37
mickster04ghassen: you speak english?01:37
needhelp1im in nautilus01:37
miguelwhere do I configure my input device driver, since there seems to be no xorg.conf anymore?01:37
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kermitLosha: thanks01:38
ghassendo i speak japanese !!!01:38
=== Guest74410 is now known as miguel000
mickster04ghassen: there will be a channel for your language01:38
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:38
mickster04awesome, doesn't show on my terminal but i hope u can read it ghassen01:38
ghasseni'm 100% speaking english man , why u're trippin'01:38
Aft3rglowmiguel000: unles they changed it again you can still create and use a xorg.conf01:39
mickster04ghassen: u are, but i think it would be better if you discussed problems in your native tongue01:39
=== basesystem is now known as EPCpractical
ScuniziHow do you set the area to scan with xsane?  It's interface is really in-sane..01:40
miguel000Aft3rglow, : is this the recommended way?01:40
ghassen i guess i have the same prob as vivid01:40
Typos_Kingghassen:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEmJ-VWPDM4    maybe you'll like it :P01:40
zouglittle offtopic but can anyone help to configure mutt, i cant send email. ive setup mutt with fetchmail and msmtp. no one at #mutt. :(01:41
ghasseni don't have time for utube01:41
Typos_KingScunizi:   is't Sane a frontend for it?01:41
ghassenany one to help here01:41
ghassenstop wasting my time01:41
mickster04!backports | ghassen01:41
ubottughassen: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:41
Sia-!help | ghassen01:42
ubottughassen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:42
ScuniziTypos_King: probably.. although the header line at the top says xsane so it might be reversed.. but I have that gui up and running.. I just want to scan a smaller area then a letter sized piece of paper01:42
Typos_Kingneedhelp1:     need to sudo to it01:42
eoeas(01:35:12) eoeas: ghassen: Try "sudo init 0" ,then you can rule out a ACPI issue01:42
Typos_Kingneedhelp1:     sudo cp ....01:42
Sia-we dont wasting your time ghassen , even you us :)01:42
Typos_Kingneedhelp1:     cuz /opt is owned by 'root'01:42
klabezohi please i want to install docky on my ubuntu 9.04 i didn't found it in add/remove01:43
vividghassen, oh your machine wont fully power down either?01:43
Typos_KingScunizi:   ... ahe..... I don't have myself... :|01:43
Loshaghassen: congratulations on your English though. It's quite good...01:43
mickster04klabezo: sudo apt-get install docky?01:43
steve1I'm running 10.04; I've tried a couple of times to move a Wubi-install to its own partition, using the LVPM and the "wubi-move-to-partition" script on the Ubuntu site.  Both times it's ruined my MBR, and grub was unable to load.  I have since installed a brand new Ubuntu into that partition, and the MBR is now correct.  Is there a way to image my Wubi partition onto the new real partition without messing with the MBR?01:43
klabezook i will try01:44
klabezosudo apt-get install docky01:44
mickster04terminal not irc01:44
klabezoE: Couldn't find package docky01:44
klabezoi know01:45
Loshaeoeas: what does 'sudo init 0' do, and why will it rule out an ACPI issue?01:45
mickster04klabezo: download it then01:45
klabezowhere i can found it ??01:45
mickster04klabezo: sudo apt-geti install gnome-do (tab complete this)01:45
mickster04might just be called do01:46
Typos_King!info gnome-do-docklets01:47
ubottugnome-do-docklets (source: gnome-do-docklets): Dock applets for GNOME Do's "Docky" interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 44 kB, installed size 248 kB01:47
klabezook mickster0401:47
mickster04Typos_King: cheers01:47
mickster04sometimes i wish i could point ppl to google01:47
Typos_Kingactually, I did a apt-cache search docky, and gave me that ^_^01:47
andrew__mickster04: LMGTFY01:47
=== sean is now known as Guest22466
eoeasLosha: In my experience, when my PC doesn't shut down via "shutdown now" or via menu, init 0 always works, it set's the runlevel to 0, 6 is reboot, 3 is shell + networking (i think), and 5 is graphical login.01:47
coz_I should mentione to you guys that there is an application name  "easystroke"   a mouse gesture recognition application that is near flawless ... with this you can open, close, kill.. run compiz...anything  that you do with mouse or menus  using strokes01:48
mickster04andrew__: thats just a rude way of telling ppl to google imo:p01:48
andrew__mickster04: Oh it's just annoying now, but meh01:48
Typos_Kingeoeas:   assuming is not an acpi issue01:48
mickster04!ot | coz_01:48
ubottucoz_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:48
Loshaeoeas: interesting. Does it work on Ubuntu? They made a lot of changes (a mess, really) to the runlevel stuff...01:49
coz_mickster04,  my thinking was  since gnome do was mentioned that another applications to open close should also be presented01:49
ZykoticK9!runlevels > eoeas01:49
eoeasLosha: Yes, shutdown script. Losha: Oh it still does, didn't try 10.04 though.01:49
ubottueoeas, please see my private message01:49
mickster04coz_: no, the problem was someone didnt know how to isntall an application01:49
robbyrob_hello friends of ubuntu, i recently built a 3000 dolla setup and it seems to have quite a few kinks01:50
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robbyrob_it seems to not want to multitask01:50
salviaa please i need help I am in error, in the matter mysar log it's an error msg ERROR: squid log file (/ var / log / squid / access.log) does not exist!01:50
robbyrob_more specifically i can't rip a movie and have working audio playback at the same time01:51
eoeasZykoticK9: Interesting, what distro version are we talking about?01:51
coz_robbyrob_,  mm  sounds like a hardware/software issue   have you checked in ##Linux  to see if they can remedy any of this?01:51
robbyrob_ubuntu 9.1001:51
ZykoticK9eoeas, Ubuntu01:51
eoeasZykoticK9: Yes, but which version?01:52
robbyrob_i have not01:52
ZykoticK9eoeas, all of them01:52
robbyrob_but i will01:52
hiexpoevening all01:52
eoeasZykoticK9: So how come I can use init runlevels on 2 pc's running 8.04lts ?01:53
ZykoticK9eoeas, interesting - perhaps we are only talking 9.10 and above then, though the runlevels where always different with ubuntu though - sorry01:53
eoeasZykoticK9: Probably, no need to apologise, I'll give it a shot from 8.10 and above :)01:54
MotherMGA1hi, I've just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4 and I have two problems:01:56
MotherMGA1first, my touchpad is working, but scrolling via the side bar does not.  Any suggestions?01:56
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule01:56
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:57
spvenskojust picking!01:57
ScuniziWhat's kde written in?01:57
sinistradScunizi, I was thinking some of it was QT, not sure about the rest01:58
Scunizisinistrad: I think you're right..01:58
QMtb4Xtv1rp0dukernel panic01:58
TenkawaAnyone got a good method for disabling the touchpad buttons on an elantech touchpad?01:58
Typos_KingTennkawa:   usually you do that in BIOS01:59
TenkawaTypos_King: not the whole pad.. just the touchpad buttons01:59
Tenkawaits a driver setting typically01:59
ghassenhi there01:59
mickster04wb ghassen02:00
Tenkawaand I know the elantech touchpads are a bit different from synapyics02:00
Tenkawaer synaptics02:00
ghasseni just check out that backports02:00
Tenkawaoh well02:00
Typos_KingTennkawa:   that... I dunno, they don't bother me by the way, I use a mouse :P~02:00
ghassenand to be frankly i never heard of it before02:01
ghassenso what u recommend people?02:01
eoeasZykoticK9: Update: Just bootet 10.04 rc live CD in vbox, opened terminal and typed "sudo init 0", the machine shutdown, asked to remove liveCD and press enter, the switched off.02:01
ghassenshould i install it02:01
ghassenhi mick02:02
ZykoticK9eoeas, it's only runlevels 2-5 that are all the same02:02
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ScuniziZykoticK9: you sure you're not referring to tty's?02:03
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.02:03
mickster04ghassen: i don't know, i can t say what you should install on your computer?02:03
eoeasZykoticK9: Errr .. must have misread your message, my bad.02:03
ghasseni found a lot of backports packages in the synatic which one should i install02:03
franlMy 9.04 Update Manager has a nice "Upgrade" button that has been tempting me for some time.  How painless is it to use Update Manager to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?02:03
ghassenso can i figure it out pal?02:04
Scunizifranl: do you have a seperate /home partition.. if so the go for the upgrade.. if something borks then a reinstall isn't very painfull02:04
franlScunizi, yeah, I was just wondering if I should go straight for the re-install instead.02:04
ghassenhey mick how can specify my name: before your message?02:05
hiexpofranl, personally i would stay away from that button and do a fresh install myself02:05
h00k!tab | ghassen02:05
ubottughassen: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:05
Typos_Kingfranl:   sure, use it, just make sure you back yourself up before :P02:05
Scunizifranl: if you've already downloaded the 10.04 rc then do that.. about the same amount of time involved.. sometimes the cd is faster due to net congestion.02:05
harrumphi have a ubuntu vps...whats' the best way to get windowing happening across the internet on osx?02:06
ghassenubottu, thanks02:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:06
mozillanerdKarmic Koala abandoning effort to use it - too slow on Dell Inspiron 8200. Going back to 9.0402:06
franlScunizi, I may just wait until 10.04 is officially released.02:06
hiexpofranl, if your looking for a potable wreck do it other wise do a fresh install less grief02:06
ghassenubottu: I can figure out which package should i install from the synaptic can you help me please02:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:07
franlhiexpo, I've never had success upgrading an OS myself.  The fresh installs always work better.02:07
hiexpofranl, absolutely it never works out ever02:07
hiexpowanna a train wreck do an os upgrade lol gauranteed to crash02:08
Scunizialthough I'll give the upgrade process a shot this time from 9.10 to 10.04.. I'll wait until the server load has relaxed a little though.. I'd hate to get cut off in the middle of an upgrade02:08
ghassenfranl: don't upgrade from the internet, my system is all messed up coz of that, fresh install is better02:09
franlScunizi, doesn't it download all the packages first before installing anything?02:09
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
B`L`U`Eso many people02:10
goddardI am getting an error because I installed some software and it messed with my java installation.  How can I reinstalled my java sdk to stock specs any help appreciated thanks02:10
norbi905Hello, when I set up my twinview with Nvidia card through nvidia-settings I get an error when trying to save to X config file.  "Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!  Any ideas?02:10
zougthe os update crash is mostly due to kernel getting updated..but that can be fixed.02:10
Scunizifranl: yes, I think so.. my current install of 9.10 isn't that old and I haven't added much to it outside of what was "stock".. upgrades tend to break because of 3rd party repos/software/user modifications to the system etc..02:10
hiexpoya but know way to verify mdsums just continues on its way word bound to a ahhhh lool02:10
ghassenubottu: backports which one?02:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:10
pepeeB`L`U`E, heh, wait for lucid, you'll see much more people in this channel02:11
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone does anyone know how to add a column of prices using Open Office Spreadsheet? I have tried using =sum(numbers) but it keeps returning 0/02:11
robbyrob_i can  help you out with the nvidia card02:11
Scunizigoddard: what did you install that messed with java?02:11
B`L`U`Eanyone upgraded to unbunto 10 ?02:11
ZykoticK9ghassen, ubottu isn't a real person02:11
mickster04norbi905: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bk02:11
eoeaspepee: I that a good sign?02:11
mickster04!lucid | B`L`U`E02:12
hiexpoScunizi, thats not true i have all kinds of repos and have had this one now for 6 months with bo wrecks02:12
ubottuB`L`U`E: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:12
franlZykoticK9, hey!  We were enjoying that.  Why'd you go and ruin it?02:12
goddardScunizi gcj02:12
pepeeeoeas, in which sense/context?02:12
r0n420what the link to the linux version Spybot?02:12
robbyrob_edit you nvidia settings to the way you want em and when you hit save print the output to text and copy it and manually eidt your xorg file02:12
pepeer0n420, google is your friend02:12
lucky4linuxubuntu 10.04.. a revolution in linux distro history.. more user friendly and more sexy02:12
Scunizihiexpo: through an upgrade from one release to the next?  if so then you're one of the lucky ones02:12
Picir0n420: What?02:12
eoeaspepee: more users on this channel after 10.04 release02:12
B`L`U`Ei am trying to upgrade to lucid or ubunto 10 '[02:13
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule02:13
r0n420I can only find the windows one02:13
tsimpsonr0n420: what is "spybot"?02:13
Scunizifuzzybunny69y: you pretty much got it .. =sum(a1;a7)02:13
pepeeeoeas, nah, IIRC is very common (more bugs...)02:13
Picir0n420: Spyware is not a problem on Linux, there is no spyware/malware removal tools.02:13
r0n420scans your system for spyware/malware02:13
hiexpoScunizi, no not an upgraded os i would never do that that that is asking for it in a large clam shell02:13
ghassenhaha, but he answered me last time, he is a person02:13
goddardScunizi gcj02:13
norbi905mickster04: Thanks, I had to create a new xorg.conf, restarting now, hopefully the changes still take place.  Do you know the reason behind the issue that I was having?02:13
Pici!av | r0n42002:14
ubottur0n420: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:14
tsimpsonr0n420: the reason there is no linux link, as Pici said, is that is not a problem on linux systems02:14
mickster04norbi905: nope, but i have it too02:14
Scunizihiexpo: that's what I was talking about02:14
pepeeeoeas, I mean, more people, more bugs discvered02:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:14
Scunizigoddard: gcj ?? what's that?02:14
B`L`U`Eanyone knows how i can get files of windows on same laptop with ununto installed on it without restarting ?02:14
hiexpoScunizi, oh ok ya i would never recomend anyone to upgrade like that02:14
r0n420Ah why does it say its supported for it?02:14
norbi905mickster04: Thanks, it worked.  I believe it was complaining about some screen identifier being "Default Identifyer".  Not sure.02:14
Picir0n420: What 'it' are you referring to?02:14
mickster04B`L`U`E: yeah mount the drive02:15
mickster04B`L`U`E: you should have a shortcut to the drive in ubuntu?02:15
r0n420The ubuntu programs list02:15
rsvpso 3 more days until Lucid...02:15
hiexpoits hard to wreck linux but that is a sure guaranteed way02:15
eoeaspepee: I c02:15
goddardScunizi gcj is a exe builder for java that is horrible02:15
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties02:15
rsvpis the hardware requirement greater than 9.10?02:15
B`L`U`Emickster which shortcut ;/02:15
Engrish_Manhi... can anyone suggest me a screen-recorder ??02:15
Pici!screenscast | Engrish_Man02:15
Engrish_Manto do tutorials and stuff02:16
Pici!screencast | Engrish_Man02:16
ubottuEngrish_Man: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.02:16
hiexpoEngrish_Man, shutter02:16
mickster04B`L`U`E: places02:16
_0R10NHi everybody, I'm back!02:16
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs02:16
Scunizigoddard: ah.. now I remember.. uninstall that "offending" program if it isn't already gone then use synaptic to reinstall sun-java6- jre  should fix things up..02:16
B`L`U`Emickster where in place bro ?02:17
B`L`U`Eplaces *02:17
goddardScunizi alright will give it a go02:17
ghasseni have troubles shutting down my 9.1002:17
pepeeB`L`U`E, nautilus02:17
mickster04B`L`U`E: there should be a link to a hdd, if you open nautilus, on the left there should be harddrives visible02:17
Scunizighassen: don't .. it'll run until your harddrive bearing fail02:17
ghassensomeone suggested to install backports, but I don't know which one exactly02:18
hiexpopepee, did ya ever get that guys wifi going last night?02:18
pepeehiexpo, nah02:18
pepeehe didn't know hw to configure it02:18
ghassenScunizi: I just press the poweroff button02:18
Scunizighassen: there's probably hundred's of programs there.. most likely it's an ACPI thingy02:18
pepeehiexpo, you mean, the one with the atheros USB?02:18
ghasseni have no choice02:18
B`L`U`Ehmm i dont think i have nautilus installed02:19
hiexpopepee, he wouldn't listen and pure _hate was the best man for the job but po's him so he gave up on him02:19
Scunizighassen: you could open a terminal and type "sudo shutdown -P now" and watch it... see what shows and that might give you an idea what's hanging.02:19
pepeeB`L`U`E, gnome or KDE?02:19
ghassenScunizi: apache can't stop cups and tomcat too02:19
torchiethere's no such thing as a 32 bit intel i series proc right02:19
NattgewI'm trying to turn jpegs into an avi file... it's telling me the format isn't supported02:20
tagetCan someone explain to me what causes windows network browsing to be so slow ?02:20
_0R10Ntorchie: nope, they're 64 bits... I have an i5 XD02:20
hiexpoa jpeg is a pic an avi is a video02:20
th3Xfagtr??? what is the best p2p program for ubuntu 9.04???02:20
ScuniziNattgew: for like a DVD slide show?02:20
pepeehiexpo, yeah, but there's som other thing: networkmanager will change your configs even if your set it manually02:20
NattgewScunizi: kind of, more of a time lapse with mencoder02:20
judgetUbuntu Hardy install is hanging on gpgv-udev any suggestions?02:21
B`L`U`Egot gnome02:21
ScuniziNattgew: check out getdeb.net for a program called smiles.. it might be using mencoder or some other library.. but I think it's designed to do just what you're looking for.02:21
pepeeB`L`U`E, open the terminal/console and run "nautilus"02:21
hiexpopepee, yes but you have to run network manager don't  let it run you02:21
NattgewScunizi: thanks, I'll check that out02:21
_0R10N<th3Xfagtr>: transmission works great for me...  I never neeeded anything else02:21
pepeeB`L`U`E, or press alt+f2, type nautilus and press enter02:22
B`L`U`Epepee thanks let me try02:22
pepee(does alt+f2 work in gnome?)02:22
pepeeI'm in kde...02:22
B`L`U`Epepee i am in there but i can only see ubunto hardisk02:22
_0R10Npepee>: yeah, it worksa02:22
ScuniziNattgew: http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/9.10/?q=smile02:22
_0R10Npepee> *works02:22
hiexpoi have 3 wifi cards running right now and a usn 3 g card02:22
goddardScunizi it is still giving me the gcj reference even after reinstalling sun-java6-jre is that the only installs I should of used?02:22
pepeeah ok02:23
norbi905A little confused.  So theres this thing called GTK, and then Metacity.  I would like to change some themes around, but what is it that i'm looking for?  Whats the difference between them?  Some themes require GTK2, how can I find out what I have.  This is off of Ubuntu 9.10 minimal install.  Any help is apreciated.02:23
pepeehiexpo, are they working?02:23
hiexpopepee, absolutely02:23
hiexpoim on it02:24
pepeeah ok02:24
B`L`U`Epepee i am in there but i can only see ubunto hardisk02:24
Scunizigoddard: wild shot in the dark here.. but even after uninstalling a program the configuration file is typically left behind in your home directory as a hidden directory.. open nautilus and ctrl+h to reveal hidden stuff and search for gcj or .gcj02:24
pepeeB`L`U`E, click on it...02:24
hiexpo3 are in monitor mode and i am here talking with u guys on the other02:24
Nattgewanyone know why mencoder would claim that it didn't have a demuxer for jpeg to avi?02:24
pepeeB`L`U`E, what do you see?02:24
B`L`U`Eonly ubunto hard drive partioned visible02:24
B`L`U`Efile system02:25
B`L`U`Eetc etc02:25
goddardScunizi ok will give it a go02:25
pepeeNattgew, perhaps the ubuntu version was compiled with no support for that02:25
Vigonorbi905: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy :> that may help02:25
ghassen_hi there i just reboot finally02:25
dsnchntdHi, I really need some help.  I'm dual-booting windows and ubuntu and I'm using standard grub2 themes but I need to change the boot order so that windows comes before ubuntu02:26
the20year1is 9.10 a very recent version of ubuntu?02:26
renegaidejust launched ubuntu live cd on my laptop. can't believe it has no wireless support02:26
kyubutsumaybe am missing the point of what a demuxer is, but jpeg and avi are two different things02:26
dsnchntdthe20year1, until lucidlynx comes is officially released yes :)02:26
norbi905Vigo: Thanks, will look into it.02:26
pepeeB`L`U`E, type /media or go to "root file system" or something like that02:26
the20year1just making sure , my HD is failing , and i wanted to create a live USB drive real quick before it crashes02:26
dougbhow is flash performance in a 64-bit system?02:27
B`L`U`Eok pepee02:27
hiexpothe20year1, yes is only like 8 months old02:27
goddardScunizi found it in usr/lib and deleted that but nothing in my home directory but still same issue02:27
kyubutsudougb: flash performance is an overstatement02:27
Scunizigoddard: it's got something someplace.. was this program in the repos or from some 3rd party?02:27
Vigonorbi905: Np, there are links on that to explain it a bit better, it is basically Eye Candy and Themes.02:27
eoeasIs there a way of securely mounting remote device files locally? for e.g having sftp:// in the local device folder ?02:27
the20year1are the ubuntu torrents good (i followed a link from pendrivelinux.com)02:28
renegaideflash sucks on linux02:28
hiexpodougb, youare better off installing the 32 bit on the 64 you will be happier02:28
pepeethe20year1, probably02:28
ghassen_i have another problem with the wifi , it connects for a while , then it cut off and won't connect again, even i tried many times, i finally reboot  and it start working again, and after that is do it again02:28
the20year1this torrent downloaded 600mb in like....2 mtues02:28
goddardScunizi third party02:28
pepeethe20year1, the best is to get it from ubuntu.com02:28
strtokhow do you enable nvidia's hdmi audio in ubuntu? I don't think the core nvidia drivers install audio stuff02:28
kyubutsurenegaide: flash sucks, period.. but i know you like youtube02:28
goddardScunizi but i got it from the repos i mean02:28
pepeethe20year1, check md5sum's02:28
wildbatanyone have idea if there is a speech recongnition program for ubuntu?02:29
Scunizigoddard: repos wouldn't be 3rd party.. how did you uninstall? synaptic?02:29
renegaide nah flash works wel on win02:29
the20year1how do i do that pepee?02:29
goddardScunizi synaptic02:30
Vigothe20year1: I strongly suggest that you get Official Releases. Always check the md5sums02:30
pepeethe20year1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes02:30
Scunizigoddard: try a "sudo apt-get autoremove" .. probably won't make a difference.. you might have to file a bug about this one.. also check the ubuntuforums.org for more info.02:31
hiexpothe20year1, downloads per torrent are all based on your internet provider and the seeders i have had 1 meg a seg and 16 kbsper second just all depends02:31
_pHI_hmm, will ubuntu 10.04 include 2.6.32 or 2.6.33?? i'm a bit confused because this website: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html lists 2.6.33-500.6 as a kernel for lucid lynx but i was convinced it would come with .3202:31
pepee!lucid | _pedda_02:31
Frozen_I'm having trouble re-installing Ubuntu 9.10 from a disc I recieved.02:31
ubottu_pedda_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:31
pepee_pHI_, ^^02:31
_pHI_pepee: what ya mean? ;)02:31
renegaideflash does not suck on win. can view 1080p without using the cpu. on linux it uses almost 100%02:32
hiexposome internet providers will slow u down if they think your using torrents to download illegal stuff02:32
pepee_pHI_, read what ubottu said02:32
Frozen_While trying to install Ubuntu 9.10:02:32
_pHI_oh well02:33
pepeeFrozen_, try lucid02:33
Frozen_The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk02:33
goddardScunizi did that and it removed some things, but still same error02:33
B`L`U`Ei have a problem with flash on ununto if i maximize and then minimize i cant see the screen flash until i maximize it agaian any help ?02:33
kilariI m pc me02:33
Frozen_pepee: 10.4?02:33
pepeeFrozen_, checked space on disk?02:33
SolarisBoyis there any how to on install multiple desktop environments to choose from at login?02:33
Scunizigoddard: I'm stuck.. maybe someone with more experience in that area can help.. sorry but I've run out of ideas.02:33
Frozen_pepee: I was re-installing it, it was installed fine yesterday.02:33
mickster04kilari:you speak english?02:34
goddardScunizi thanks though02:34
Frozen_Let me know if you can help. :/02:34
mickster04kilari: mind asking a question then?02:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:34
pepeeFrozen_, it was formatted before reinstalling?02:34
the20year19.10 is installing to the usb now02:35
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:35
kilariI not lestions i camp02:35
bribroderabout 50 hours until release day guys!!02:35
mickster04kilari: i'll ask again, do u speak english?02:35
pepeekilari, engrish? yours is worse than mine02:35
_klk_hi all02:36
_klk_how many cores can ubuntu server 8.04 support?02:36
FloodBot1kilari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
Frozen_pepee: I tried installing Vista yesterday, but the disc wasnt working because of past issues. Now there is nothing on my hard drive and Ubuntu wont install. I have no computer. :(02:36
mickster04ccccombo breaker02:36
andy_What is the flash plugin called for the new version of ubuntu?02:36
mickster04_klk_: probably all of them02:36
Ben64_LappyHey I'm trying to load a livecd, but my drive isn't seen in the BIOS cause it's on a sata pci card. How can I boot a cd from GRUB? I have 8.04 installed, trying to load 9.10 cd.02:36
hiexpo!hi |  _klk_02:36
ubottu_klk_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:36
bribroderandy_, try flashplugin-installer02:37
pepeeFrozen_, corrupted MBR?02:37
_klk_mickster04: can it support 8 cores? 16?02:37
mickster04_klk_: you have that many?02:37
pepeeFrozen_, MBR = master boot record02:37
judgetdoers anyone know where i csan find an iso for ubuntu 5.10?02:37
_klk_mickster04: yep, have 4 quad cores in a box and want to put linux on it02:37
kilariMbr us fine?:o02:37
_klk_either 1 16 core native install or 2 8-core ubuntu machines running on Hyper-V R02:38
hiexpojudget, good luck02:38
sliptteesarchive.canonical have a br.archive.canonical?02:38
Frozen_pepee: I just dont understand why it's been working fine for months, and while randomly trying to make a clean install, it wont.02:38
mickster04_klk_: well there is 10.04 coming out soon i guess that will02:38
_klk_ah cool02:38
_klk_is that LTS?02:38
mickster04_klk_: yea02:38
hiexpoim sticking with what works 9.1002:39
eoeasjudget: Try searching torrents for 5.1002:39
sliptteesrepo archive.canonical... have a br.archive.canonical?02:39
pepeejudget, take the md5sum's from here and google them: http://iso.linuxquestions.org/ubuntu/ubuntu-5.10/02:39
andy_I just did a reinstall on it and it still isn't working02:39
kilariWat i do dual boot02:39
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mickster04kilari: there will e a channel in your native language02:39
pepee!ru | kilari02:39
ubottukilari: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:39
hiexpoyou know it's funny you mention new and everyone always thinks better   lol02:39
mickster04indeed :D02:40
Nattgewso I went to getdebs and tried to install smile... it says "package 'smile' is virtual"02:40
mickster04Nattgew: what else does it say02:40
=== tek is now known as Teknical
NattgewThat's it, that's the error that comes up02:40
wick94whts the 10.04 support channel02:41
Frozen_Back, client got exited. :/02:41
kilariMy nativ is anglish :o02:41
Ben64_Lappywick94, #ubuntu+102:41
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:41
hiexpo!hey | wick9402:41
ubottuwick94: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:41
VigoFrozen_: Did you look at this one> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation02:41
mickster04kilari: no it isnt02:41
kyubutsucool, release-party is up02:41
mickster04kilari: please stop trolling02:41
hiexpopersonally i think it's a boat anchor02:41
sliptteeslucid release 29 april ^^02:41
pepeekilari, 4 years old?02:42
pepeeFrozen_, check your HDD02:42
AlcorWhy do u want to run windows on the same box as ubuntu (linux) or why do u still want to run windows?02:42
Frozen_It should be fine.02:42
Alcorjust a question02:42
mickster04Alcor: i do windows programming and gaming02:42
pepeeFrozen_, ahh, then probably is the MBR02:42
kilariI 6 year i speak not good but i geek02:42
sliptteesubuntu have similar app like Time Machine?02:43
Frozen_pepee: ?02:43
pepeeFrozen_, format the entire disk02:43
Frozen_pepee: how?02:43
_pg_how do i make the vnc server on ubuntu start automatically?02:43
Vigosliptees: Back in Time, or Dupe or is it a Backup utility that you are talking about?02:44
hiexpoI think out of all the basic on core ubuntu releases 9.10 has been the most stable and predictable version yet /// if it is not broke i am not gonna fix it and sell it in for another02:44
Picikilari: What language?02:44
Frozen_pepee, how would I do that?02:44
kilariWat i do duel boot plz02:44
Picikilari: french?02:44
Ben64_Lappyhiexpo, does that count lucid02:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois02:45
pepee!ko | kilari02:45
ubottukilari: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko02:45
Roasted_So I have a hard drive that failed Dell Diagnostics... it's getting sent back via warranty, however the data is still accessible. It's a work laptop... so I'd like to do some sort of a low level format to it. Is this possible through Ubuntu? I have the drive hooked up to a USB adapter to my system.02:45
Vigo!dual boot02:45
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:45
Picipepee: Why do you keep picking random languages?02:45
mickster04kilari: please ask in your languages channel, itll be easier02:45
hiexpoBen64_Lappy,  - thats a boat anchor i think it wrecks02:45
Ben64_Lappy: /02:45
pepeePici, yup, I'm trying to guess his native language02:45
pepeeFrozen_, hmm wait please02:46
Frozen_pepee: sure02:46
Vigoslipttees: Is that a Backup Utility?02:46
pepeeFrozen_, ok, use cfdisk02:46
sliptteesVigo: Yes, like Time Machine02:46
Picikilari: We don't understand what you are asking.02:46
nsadminxwin: man wget02:46
IdleOnekilari: what country?02:46
kilariI english02:47
pepeeFrozen_, try partitioning your HDD02:47
hiexpoIdleOne,  - hex's messing with us02:47
Vigoslipttees: There are many many backup utilities , !backup02:47
Frozen_pepee: Ok.02:47
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:47
th3Xfagtris there a more simplified p2p for ubuntu 9.04? transmission is too complicated to use for me..HELP02:47
pepeeFrozen_, and see if it saves the changes02:47
mickster04kilari: stop trolling still...02:47
sliptteesVigo: humm....02:47
pepeeth3Xfagtr, wine+uTorrent02:47
IdleOne!dualboot > kilari02:47
ubottukilari, please see my private message02:47
pepeeis tha best...02:47
xanguath3Xfagtr: transmission is waaaay to easy to use02:48
dsnchntdD: help02:48
dsnchntdwhen I try to cp a folder from desktop to /boot/grub/themes as root, it fails02:48
Dr_Willispepee:  thats what i tend to use also. :)02:48
dsnchntdbut when I cp just an image, it works02:48
xanguath3Xfagtr: what are your needs¿02:48
_pg_how do I make ubuntus vnc server start automatically when i boot up! I have a headless machine i had to reboot and now i cant get into it02:48
harrumphjesus.  xwindows off of headless machines was a nightmare 15 years ago, and it's no better now.  anybody any good with tightvncserver?02:48
Ben64_Lappydsnchntd, cp -R02:48
th3Xfagtryou say its easy but HOW do you use it? I have read the help pages and still cant get it02:48
pepeedsnchntd, cp -R02:48
sliptteeswhy, ubuntu remove gimp default apps?02:48
dsnchntdthanks :D02:48
_pg_harrumph: i think we are in a similar boat?02:48
suboneMy friends cd drive is messed up but I managed to boot off the live cd. Is there any way to copy the installation files to the disk and then initiate the install from there so that the cd doesn't fail in the middle of the install?02:48
th3Xfagtri am looking to download music files02:48
theadminslipttees: It's too complicated for some02:48
Ben64_Lappyharrumph, vnc works well02:48
Dr_Willis_pg_:  use a vnc server like tightvnc. and put a proper command to start it in  /etc/rc.local is one way02:48
sliptteesremove compiz sucks02:49
sliptteesno gimp :-(02:49
_pg_Dr_Willis: is there an easier way? I dont know about "proper commands" lol. I was using "remote desktop viewer" that comes with ubuntu beore02:49
harrumphi have the tightvncserver started and chicken of the vnc is missing it.  it's not iptables.  tightvncserver did complain about error in locking authority file tho02:49
Loshasubone: check out http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/, the 'frugal install' option...02:49
theadminslipttees: Oh come on. Just install it yourself02:50
=== mmomjian is now known as _Zeus_
pepee_pg_, man rdesktop02:50
Dr_Willis_pg_:   You are using the gnome built in vnc service.. thats one way.. you can set it to auto start.. but as you said a headless display makes that harder. Youmay want to read and learn how to use tightvnc or other 'stand alone' vnc servers02:50
theadmin_pg_: TeamViewer for remote control. Simple, clean and crossplatform, but that needs graphical systems02:50
kilariDid coumplain02:50
Frozen_pepee: What's the command I should use?02:50
Dr_Willis_pg_:  tightvnc/other vncservers can do MUCH more then what the gnome vncserver feature does02:50
=== _Zeus_ is now known as mmomjian
=== mmomjian is now known as _Zeus_
kilariI use gnone in vnc too^^02:51
hiexposlipttees, no one is going to hold your hand man up and listen to the people trying to help u02:51
pepeeFrozen_, cfdisk02:51
=== _Zeus_ is now known as mmomjian
_pg_theadmin: Dr_Willis pepee so now that I cant get into my headless box...what should I do lol02:52
=== mmomjian is now known as _Zeus_
Dr_Willis_pg_:  you should of had ssh installed allready -02:52
sliptteesfirefox open html5?02:52
Frozen_pepee: That's all I type into the terminal?02:52
th3Xfagtrxangua: suggestions?02:52
pepeeFrozen_, sudo cfdisk02:52
Dr_Willisslipttees:  not that ive seen.02:52
=== _Zeus_ is now known as mmomjian
PsychoticEGGOkay I need help. I pre-ordered Starcraft 2 and got a beta Key today. Went on Battle.net's website to download it and the Battlenet downloader won't work because it won't let me choose a directory. help?02:52
_pg_Dr_Willis: that is my next step as soon as I can figure out how to do anything02:52
=== mmomjian is now known as _Zeus_
Dr_Willis_pg_:  that should of been the first step befor you removed the monitor02:53
pepeePsychoticEGG, wine?02:53
sliptteesDr_Willis: youtube.com/html502:53
suboneLosha ty ill look into this02:53
PsychoticEGGnope. Tried wine02:53
PsychoticEGGwon't let it choose a directory02:53
ZykoticK9slipttees, use chromium or chrome for youtube and html5 video02:53
sliptteesgnash =-/02:53
_pg_Dr_Willis: well the monitor was a tv. and it basically exploded-02:53
Dr_Willisslipttees:  html5 works in the google chrome/cmromoum not firefox (last i checked)02:53
VigoPhyschoticEGG: make?02:54
Dr_Willis_pg_:  time to hook up a monitor and install ssh then I guess02:54
joljami want to make a script, to automatically log me onto a website, do certain actions nd log me out02:54
sliptteesfirefox not work?02:54
PsychoticEGGvigo:how? New to Ubuntu02:54
_pg_Dr_Willis: so now I need to get a monitor02:54
Dr_Willisslipttees:  html5 works in the google chrome/cmromoum not firefox (last i checked)  <------------------------ correct02:54
Ben64_Lappy_pg_, go to that computer, CTRL+ALT+F1, type in username, type in password, type "sudo -i" then password again, then "apt-get install openssh-server"02:54
Omeacan anyone please help me set up wireless on my laptop ?02:54
Dr_Willisons of the first things i always install is ssh/sshd02:54
IdleOne!br > slipttees02:54
Ben64_Lappyand give a min between each command02:54
ubottuslipttees, please see my private message02:54
VigoPhyschoticEGG: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware02:55
Ben64_LappyDr_Willis, me too, dunno why it isn't standard02:55
sliptteesDr_Willis: gnash open youtube video?02:55
Dr_WillisBen64_Lappy:  disk space limitations02:55
Ben64_Lappyfor ssh? : /02:55
Frozen_pepee, all I type into the terminal is "cfdisk"?02:55
Dr_Willisslipttees:  you use flash for most youtube videos Some are also avail in HTML502:55
pepeeFrozen_, yes...02:55
hiexpothere are always doorknobs02:56
pepeeFrozen_, you should see a partition manager. follow the instructions02:56
krishnasutHi !!  i have just install lycid lynx and it is pretty good !! install support for html5tube. it replaces adobe flash plug ins.02:56
pepeeexperiment with it02:56
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:56
h00k!lucid | krishnasut02:56
ubottukrishnasut: please see above02:56
xangua!lucid > krishnasut02:56
ubottukrishnasut, please see my private message02:56
OmeaIs anyone free ad can help me to set up wireless on my laptop ?02:56
=== ubuntu is now known as kentb_
MotherMGA1\join #ubuntu+102:57
Ben64_LappyOmea, protip: ask your question and if someone knows, they will respond02:57
_pg_Ben64_Lappy: how do I know if its working?02:57
suboneLosha this looks like exactly what I need and even better thanks!02:57
sliptteesthx all02:57
Ben64_Lappy_pg_, you check and see if port 22 opens up. you MIGHT have to press "y" then enter to get it to install02:57
B`L`U`Eman i am stuck on upgrade to ubunto 10 what should i do ? :S02:58
FaratlIm currently trying to use the virturalbox and im trying to instal windows xp but everytime i get the format step it sits at 0%. Any suggestion?s02:58
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party02:58
h00kB`L`U`E: head over to #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support02:58
pepeeB`L`U`E, let it upgrade...02:58
_pg_Ben64_Lappy: will try and report back!02:59
B`L`U`Epepee its saying 15 min left from 2 hours now02:59
goodfella121Blarg. Anyone around? Just ran into an irritating problem with my hardware.02:59
Omeai have a HP 6830s with BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev01) modem. I cannot connect to my router. i do'02:59
Ben64_Lappy_pg_, GL02:59
pepeeB`L`U`E, so it's downloading02:59
h00k!broadcom | Omea02:59
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:59
goddardIf I install 10.04 will I have to reinstall in another 2 days or can it just be upgraded?02:59
krishnasutupgrade it using "update-manager -d " commnad !! it is too fast than 9.10.02:59
B`L`U`Epepee it says installing02:59
h00kubottu: tell Omea about wireless02:59
ubottuOmea, please see my private message02:59
pepeeB`L`U`E, if it is, you can stop it, I suppose...02:59
pepeeB`L`U`E, but don't do it :)02:59
h00kB`L`U`E: head over to #ubuntu+1, please02:59
B`L`U`Epepee thanks :P03:00
goodfella121Basically, I got a Nvidia FX 5500, it's an old card and well, seemed promising. I think I installed it wrong or something. Anyway, maybe some can give me a proper guide? It'd be deeply appreciated.03:00
pepeeB`L`U`E, np03:00
hiexpogoodfella121, whats wrong and what did ya do ?03:01
SilverFo1why are connection to my apache server take a really long time to start, but if open a webpage from localhost, its super fast?03:01
pepeeFaratl, #vbox03:01
goodfella121hiexpo: Stick the bad boy in my PCI slot, restarted Ubuntu after downloading the nVidia drivers... now Ubuntu will only run in low graphics mode. Honestly, I think I installed it wrong. Any ideas?03:01
pepeeFaratl, /join #vbox  , ask them03:02
harrumphtightvnc is running, iptables is accepting on 5900 and 5901, cvnc client is attempting and failing, and tightvnc logs are not showing any connection03:02
Ben64_Lappygoodfella121, how did you download the nvidia driver?03:02
krishnasutbye all03:02
hiexpogoodfella121, did u just install ubuntu?03:02
pepeebye krishnasut03:02
goodfella121hiexpo/Ben64: synpatic - used these three: 96, the 173 and the nvidia-common. And I've been running Ubuntu for a long while now, jsut wanted to upgrade.03:03
Faratlwhere is #vbox?03:03
IdleOneFaratl: type /join #vbox03:03
Ben64_Lappyhm... you should have let the restricted drivers handle it, not sure how to proceed from that point03:03
pepeeFaratl, type "/jin #vbox" and press enter...03:03
SilverFo1Faratl: or /join #vbox03:03
goodfella121ben64: I think I'll just re-install Ubuntu.03:04
goodfella121ben64: I think that may the best option, honestly03:04
hiexpogoodfella121, oh OK yep gotcha do u have everything backed up if no do so and u have the card installed now so reboot and do a reinstall less grief03:05
pepeegoodfella121, try lucid03:05
Ben64_Lappygoodfella121, the restricted driver program thingy will take care of installing drivers for you though03:05
crazygiris it possible to have two (active) ppp connections?03:06
goodfella121hiexpo/Ben64/pepee: Def. Working on it now. I'll be back in about an hour. We'll get this thing figured out.  Also, I'm running Lucid. But I think a fresh install is the best option.03:06
crazygirhappens in windows too, so I'm wondering if it is even physically possible?03:06
crazygirI have a wireless (cell) pcmcia card which connects via pptp, and then want to make pptp vpn connections, but initiating the vpn disconnects the modem..03:06
binary0011hey all!03:06
crazygirseems silly not to be able to..03:06
hiexpopepee,  - lucid s/// ks and thats why he is wrecked03:06
goodfella121Ben64/pepee/hiexpo: Alright, guys, gonna try a fresh install. SEe you all in a bit. And once again, major thankyou. :D03:06
binary0011quick question...what's the difference between the lucid dvd or just the standard cd-rom image?03:06
binary0011is there just more content on the DVD?03:06
crazygirmore packages03:06
h00kbinary0011: head over to #ubuntu+103:06
theadminbinary0011: DVD has more languagepacks03:07
pepeehiexpo, ahh hehe03:07
crazygirnetworking gurus unite!03:07
hiexpopepee, lol lucid is a dump truck03:07
CaptainTrek!ot | hiexpo / pepee03:07
ubottuhiexpo / pepee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:07
binary0011h00k, and theadmin, thanks folks03:07
Crash1hdI have my svn auto updating itself but I want it to check to see if there are any files added to the server and then resend a commit is that possible03:07
crazygirpptp via modem & vpn, why would this not work together?03:07
h00kbinary0011: good luck :)03:08
CaptainTrek!lucid | hiexpo / pepee03:08
ubottuhiexpo / pepee: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:08
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OutCastесть тут кто?03:08
binary0011I could just download the DVD later and download all the packages eh03:08
hiexpoCapt_Blackwood,  - oh please03:08
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:08
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:08
binary0011I'm trying in #ubuntu+103:08
pepeeCaptainTrek, ??03:08
hiexpoCapt_Blackwood,  - oops03:08
pepeeI'm just helping to alleviate the servers load03:08
Capt_Blackwoodthere a problem?03:09
harrumphanybody good at debugging tightvnc?03:09
h00kCapt_Blackwood: it appears you were hilighted on accident.03:09
_klk_does anyone here have experience virutalizing ubuntu on hyper-V R2?03:09
binary0011well, all I'll be back a little later03:09
pepeeCapt_Blackwood, tabs... you know03:09
crazygirguess not03:09
Capt_Blackwoodoh ok LOL03:09
hiexpoCapt_Blackwood,  nope wrong captain sorry03:09
pepeecrazygir, no idea, google?03:10
crazygirno luck so far03:10
OutCasti dont see my messages. dont see the font. :(03:10
pepeecrazygir, or search for a networking-related channels03:10
OutCastbut oher messages i see03:10
Ben64_Lappycrazygir, whats your question?03:10
Ben64_Lappyi saw you ask for networking gurus, but never saw anything after03:11
pepee<crazygir> is it possible to have two (active) ppp connections?03:11
OrSpeedermy father installed a nvidia.deb file, and now ubuntu does not fire X anymore... how to fix it?03:11
crazygirthanks pepee03:11
crazygirBen64_Lappy: I asked before and after :)03:11
Ben64_Lappyi don't see a reason two ppp's would fail03:11
crazygirBen64_Lappy: I have a wireless (cell) modem03:11
OutCastpepee: sudo pppoeconf03:12
crazygirconnecting to a pptp vpn kills the modem's connection03:12
hiexpoOrSpeeder, he did what03:12
pepeeOutCast, read again03:12
crazygirsame thing happens in windows03:12
crazygirboth of which make me scratch my head03:12
OutCastpepee: i have a biconnect03:12
pepeeOutCast, ??03:12
OutCastpepee: double connect03:13
crazygirBen64_Lappy: ^03:13
pepeecrazygir, I'm ignorant in the matter, but - what about virtual machines?03:13
hiexpoOrSpeeder, what was the deb  name?03:13
OutCastpepee: its simple to conf03:13
pepeeOutCast, tell CrazyDoode03:13
pepee* crazygir03:13
crazygirpepee: how would that help, exactly?03:14
mdg2anyone here use xcompmgr?  looking for some good setting suggestion03:14
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Ben64_Lappycrazygir, is it possible they are both set to use ppp003:15
crazygirBen64_Lappy: not sure how I would check / configure03:15
OutCastcrazygir: u can conf biconnect if want03:15
crazygiris that an app?03:15
OutCastcrazygir: no03:16
mdg2anyone here use xcompmgr?  looking for some good setting suggestion for setup with docky03:16
pepeecrazygir, as I said, I'm ignorant :)03:16
hiexpoBen64_Lappy, pp0 is a 3 g card is that what u are using is that ure grief03:16
OutCastmdg2: what is xcompmgr?03:16
crazygirI don't see any config options for the vpn connection, related to which device03:16
pepeecrazygir, attach one connection to a vm and use the vm as router03:16
crazygirhiexpo ?03:17
crazygirpepee: complication never helps.03:17
mdg2crazygir: a composting manager like compiz, but lighter from what i understand03:17
hiexpocrazy6,  - yes?03:17
Ben64_Lappycrazygir, what version of ubuntu? how do you connect to the ppp03:17
crazygirOutCast: what are you suggesting I do with biconnect?03:17
hiexpocrazy6,  - oops sorry tab lol03:17
hiexpocrazygir,  - yes03:18
OutCastcrazygir: you can conf your modem to use biconnect, and just connect to LAN instead of any another03:18
crazygirBen64_Lappy: 9.10 (xubuntu - I'm here because their channel is lacking in attendance) and I use the default networking tool, not sure if that's an xubuntu default, or ubuntu as well03:18
OutCastcrazygir: its easy03:18
Ben64_Lappycrazygir, do you have a phone on usb?03:19
mdg2crazygir: you are using dialup?03:19
crazygirBen64_Lappy / mdg2 it isn't dial-up/phone exactly, but it is.. it's a cell wireless card.. sierra wireless03:19
crazygirconnects to the net via the cell network03:20
crazygirbut the connection is all proprietary03:20
Ben64_Lappycrazygir, pastebin for me the contents of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules03:20
crazygirI'm not sure how it works, but our networking manager knows about it :)03:20
crazygirBen64_Lappy: k03:20
hiexpoppo is a good trick in Linux figure that one out03:20
Ben64_Lappyyeah i know how they work, just theres a bunch of types. I used to have my phone hooked up with usb and get internet like that03:20
mdg2crazygir: you mean mobile broadband  ...?03:21
crazygirBen64_Lappy: neither of the entries there look correct one is an e100, the other ipiw (which I know isn't it)03:21
hiexpofirst hint is ya gotta register it on a windows machine03:21
crazygirmdg2: yes03:21
crazygirBen64_Lappy: this is a pcmcia card,not usb03:22
crazygirI hated the usb junk03:22
mdg2crazygir: which model?03:22
crazygir881 I believe03:22
crazygirI'd have to pull the card to check :P03:22
FluffyMittensQuick Question, I'm trying to get my wifi working, what is the command to see which chipset it is?03:22
Ben64_Lappyyou're using it to get online now?03:22
kzmanhello all, is the current upgradeable version of ubuntu alike the april 29th version?03:22
crazygir[   18.706048] sierra: v.1.3.7:USB Driver for Sierra Wireless USB modems03:23
nsadmincrazygir: maybe lspci sees pcmcia card03:23
hiexpokzman, that is the release03:23
pepeeFluffyMittens, usb -> lsusb | egrep -i "network|wireless"03:23
pepeeFluffyMittens, internal -> lspci | egrep -i "network|wireless"03:23
OrSpeedermy father uses a ATI card...03:23
OrSpeederSoappoa: how do he install the fgrlx?03:23
SwedeMike!final | kzman03:24
ubottukzman: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.03:24
kzmanhiexpo: that beta, is the releasing?03:24
OrSpeederSoappoa sorry03:24
hiexpopepee, if its a pp0 it's not going to show up as a wireless device03:24
felonluke i am your father03:24
OrSpeederSO, how my father install the fgrlx?03:24
crazygirnsadmin: nope, neither lspcmcia nor lspci03:24
OrSpeederIt has a package on the ubuntu repository?03:24
mdg2crazygir: you are using ubuntu 9.10?03:24
crazygirBen64_Lappy: that is correct03:24
h00k!ati | OrSpeeder03:24
ubottuOrSpeeder: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:24
hiexpokzman, yes03:24
pepeehiexpo, wifi pp0?03:25
FluffyMittenspepee, Thank you.03:25
kzmanthanks all03:25
mdg2crazygir: http://sierrawireless.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/500/~/can-i-use-my-sierra-wireless-modem-on-a-linux-operating-system-%3F-%28-v.1.7.30%29 -- see statement just above "Article Table of Contents"03:25
FluffyMittensI have the BCM4311, which is a pain to get working :-)03:25
pepeeFluffyMittens, hehe yeah, I know it...03:26
OutCast2.0.s05-1 (wifi-radar)03:26
crazygirthe other issue is that the system periodically overwrites my /etc/resolv.conf03:27
daftykinsquestion - jockey is the 'hardware drivers' program yes?03:27
crazygiror, after connecting, creates an empty one03:27
h00kdaftykins: yes03:27
kzmanwhy cannot i write the downloading files from a windows FTP server in FileZilla in user mode (not root) ?03:27
daftykinsh00k: thanks :)03:27
mdg2crazygir: okay, found something in ubuntu forums - upgrade firmware03:27
pepeecrazygir, same happens to me03:27
SwedeMikenetwork manager overwrites resolv.conf, yes.03:27
pepeei removed NM03:28
OutCastkill nm. it sucks03:28
crazygirmdg2: on the card?03:28
OrSpeederokokokok: the link someone pasted, explain how to install the driver using the window manager, but the window manager is not avilable (because my father tried to install the nvidia driver...)03:28
mdg2crazygir: yes03:28
pepeeI'm using wicd, but I set the connection manually03:28
OrSpeederok, the link someone pasted, explain how to install the driver using the window manager, but the window manager is not avilable (because my father tried to install the nvidia driver...)03:28
FloodBot1OrSpeeder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:28
mdg2crazygir: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1135226&page=303:28
pepees/set/set up/ (?)03:28
OrSpeederFloodBot1 trigger happy you...03:28
OrSpeederanyway, so, how I revert to the Ubuntu drivers that worked before?03:29
mdg2crazygir: says you need access to a windows computer to upgrade the firemware for the 88103:29
crazygirmdg2: good find03:29
pepeeOrSpeeder, karmic?03:29
crazygirI have been thinking this was an issue with linux/windows/etc03:30
crazygirand not the card03:30
crazy6cflow somehow didn't install correctly, and now it's stuck; can't remove, can't install it03:30
mdg2crazygir: hope it works for you :)03:30
hiexposorry about that i right clicked and bam   lol no pp0 is not considered wireless03:30
crazygirme too03:31
hiexpopp0 is mobile broadband03:31
crazygiras a side note.. do you know anything about unlocking these?03:31
mdg2crazygir: sorry no experience with mobile broadband adapters03:32
hiexpopepee, will sow up a mobile broadband03:33
litropyAfter enabling auto-login, my keyring is inaccessible. Other Lucid users have the same issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9179708&posted=103:33
crazygirany thoughts on overwriting /etc/resolv.conf?03:34
crazygirit's just cleared / emptied from time to time03:34
rwwlitropy: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, not here03:34
pepeehiexpo, I replied to FluffyMittens03:34
crazygirand is often empt just after connecting03:34
hiexpopepee, kool03:34
litropyrww: whoops, coulda sworn I enetered +103:34
SwedeMikecrazygir: network manager overwrites resolv.conf.03:34
OutCastWho uses what browser???03:34
mdg2crazygir: firmware upgrade might fix that03:35
pepee!english | litropy03:35
ubottulitropy: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:35
crazygirSwedeMike: yep03:35
crazygirmdg2: that is true03:35
rwwpepee: what?03:35
mdg2OutCast: firefox03:35
hiexpopepee, you have to install the switch 4 it to work it has to loopback03:35
crazygirI guess I'll start there and come back03:36
pepeerww, it was a joke...03:36
OutCastdefault is firefox03:36
pepeehiexpo, ??03:36
hiexpofor pp0 to work you have to swap03:36
pepeeI don't have mobile devices03:36
pepeeI don't even know how to configure them03:37
mdg2anyone have experience with xcompmgr and tweaking shadows?03:37
FluffyMittensInteresting. Google Chrome is out for Linux03:37
OutCastmdg2: i have compiz03:37
hiexpopepee, was not that ure friends prob was mobile broad band pp0 not working?03:38
mdg2OutCast: i'm using lxde and don't think the old computer could handle compiz03:38
OutCastmdg2: how old?) u can write about your system?03:39
pepeehiexpo, crazygir had that problem, FluffyMittens asked some other thing03:39
=== patrick is now known as Guest87023
Guest87023how do install an ssh server on ubuntu and have it run always automatically at startup?03:39
FlannelGuest87023: sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:40
pepeeapt-cache search ssh server03:40
nsadminapt-get install openssh-server\03:40
mdg2OutCast: its a gateway profile 3, Pentium 3 - 1 GHz, with 256 mb ram03:40
Guest87023and have it run always automatically at startup?03:40
=== Roasted_ is now known as Roasted
pepeeif configured for it, yep, it will03:41
wyclif_hi all03:41
OutCastmdg2: k6 600mhz 256 Ram GF4 (64mb VRam), and compiz flying))03:41
Guest87023pepee, how do I make it so? and how do I configure my new ssh serveR? is there a gui app like vidalia is for tor?03:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:41
nsadminby default, it will start when you install it, and place infrastructure so it starts at boot.03:41
OzFalconAnyone good with samba CLIENTS?03:41
nsadminyou don't ahve to do any thing but install it03:41
DR_Fun1apache2: bad group name www-data i keep getten this error what do i do03:42
Guest87023nsadmin, at me?03:42
pepeeGuest87023, what nsadmin said03:42
MrAlexandrocould anyone pls direct me towards  the most offtopic channel you know(with nice ppl of course :) ) i have some realy weird questions i want to ask03:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:42
Guest87023pepee, ah. I see.03:42
nsadminto know how to do these things, that gets into how to package03:42
Guest87023thanks gents03:42
pepeeGuest87023, thank nsadmin03:42
Guest87023does ubuntu read/write HFS+ natively ?03:42
rwwMrAlexandro: #ubuntu-offtopic (which still is bound by the IRC !guidelines) or #defocus (which would involve waiting for +v, see /topic in there)03:42
OutCastmdg2: extend the swap partition. make it 2-3Gb. it makes the system faster03:42
Guest87023nsadmin, thanks! :]03:42
ebarchMrAlexandro: #defocus03:42
DR_Fun1apache2: bad group name www-data i keep getten this error what do i do03:43
MrAlexandrorww: as always thanks again:D:D03:43
renegaideubuntu isn't giving me an option to install side by side. I have windows 7 already installed03:43
pepeeDR_Fun1, create a group called "www-data"?03:43
mickster04renegaide: how are u trying to install it?03:44
nsadminthat group should be created by... umm, maybe apache03:44
pepeeDR_Fun1, how did you install apache?03:44
nsadminor base-files03:44
OutCastrenegaide: what free space you have?03:44
DR_Fun1im sooo messed03:44
DR_Fun1i had it working03:44
JoeSomebodytick tock, tick tock, tick tock, hurry up new version :)03:44
DR_Fun1then did somen03:44
renegaide have at least 40gb free03:44
mickster04!ask | DR_Fun1:03:44
ubottuDR_Fun1:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:44
thiemsterJoeSomebody: I know what you mean. I can't wait.03:44
pepeeDR_Fun1, reconfigure it03:44
OutCastrenegaide: SATA or IDE hard drive?03:44
JoeSomebodyis there a chan for the beta?03:44
FluffyMittensrenegaide, There is a program out there that installs Ubuntu side by side and you can get to it from the windows selection screen03:44
pepeeDR_Fun1, dpkg-reconfigure apache203:45
renegaideitsa latop. I assume it's sata03:45
FlannelJoeSomebody: #ubuntu+1, or #ubuntu-release-party03:45
mickster04JoeSomebody: #ubuntu+103:45
thiemsterJoeSomebody: there is #ubuntu-release-party03:45
kallisti5uugghhh...  boot of install cd is sooooo slow on my hp laptop.03:45
pepee!lucid | JoeSomebody03:45
JoeSomebodyok thanks03:45
ubottuJoeSomebody: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:45
OutCastrenegaide: if SATA, it need to be an IDE mode.03:45
Guest87023HFS+ in ubuntu? does it work out of the box?03:45
renegaidethat's can't be true03:46
kallisti5any known work arounds for crazy slow boot (possibly harddrive controler related) via the install cd?03:46
pepeerenegaide, what version?03:46
DR_Fun1* Starting web server apache2                                                  apache2: bad group name www-data03:46
renegaideI tried ubuntu on desktop and none my drves are in ide mode. I even installed it on raid03:46
pepeeDR_Fun1, reinstall it?03:46
OutCastrenegaide: i have wXP and ubuntu on one hard drive, ubuntu have only 8GB partition03:47
hiexposhould be around 15 secs 4 boot03:47
Guest87023does anyone play with HFS+ in ubuntu?03:47
OutCastrenegaide: oh. its good for window, but not for ubuntu. convert the partition03:48
xomphfs = apples file system03:48
OutCastGuest87023: what is a game it is?03:48
xomphfs is to apple as ntfs is to windows :)03:48
hiexpothis is linux not mac or windows sorry03:48
Guest87023OutCast, no, HFS+ the filesystem03:49
Guest87023xomp, yes indeed- ;]03:49
rwwubottu: hfs03:49
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:49
pyoorIs there anyone here that uses teamspeak 3 that is willing to share their config file with me?03:49
renegaideI created a free space partition and now I have the side by side option03:49
OutCastGuest87023: HFS+ is linux file system?03:49
bp0how to prevent ubuntu from creating .Trash folders on usb drives03:50
IdleOneOutCast: no it is Apple file system03:50
OutCastGuest87023: i use reiserFS03:50
dxtrHrm, how large could /opt get?03:50
Guest87023OutCast, HFS+ is a filesystem. typically used by OSX. I dont know if you can install linux on it or not.03:50
renegaidehappy to see ubuntu finally changed the theme but needs to update the old menu system03:50
dxtrThat is; how big should I make that partition?=03:50
hiexpoIdleOne,  - ya it's maci checked03:50
mdg2crazygir: how's the fireware upgrade going?03:50
SwedeMikeinstalling linux on HFS+ is dubious, but it seems ubnutu can access an HFS+ partition03:51
OutCastbp0: sorry, i know how to fix this, but my english is so bad...03:51
switch10_bp0: use shift+del to delete stuff.  or rm  I don't think it will make a .trash dir if you do this..03:51
OutCastbp0: i dont know need words)03:51
Guest87023SwedeMike, is there an easy way? editing all this fstab business is intimidating03:52
LuyzaI'm trying to install wacom-tools, but when I try, it wants to remove xserver-xorg-input-wacom . Can someone check if it wants that too on their machine, or if it's just me?03:52
hiexpoSwedeMike, HFS is a mac app ichecked it does not operateunder linux03:52
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bp0there must be some way to just tell it to always delete?03:52
Guest87023Luyza, if you buy me a wacom i would Love to ;]03:52
bp0it doesnt make .Trash dirs for network shares, how to apply this behaviour to usb drives?03:52
LuyzaGuest87023,  you dont need a wacom to test this for me03:52
DR_Fun1nsadmin u there03:53
OutCasti have only one problem in ubuntu, it is screen refresh. on windows i have 85hz, there maximum is 75hz. and i dont have vsync there03:53
nsadminphone call03:53
SwedeMikehiexpo: what are you talking about? ubuntu has HFS+ support .03:53
joljamhow can I pass my login name and passwd to a website using a shell script03:53
switch10_bp0: how are you deleting stuff from the drive?  using rm should not create a .trash dir.03:53
joljamI know how to fire up firefox ,,, but then what should I do afterrwards03:54
bp0del button or right-click03:54
bp0not using rm03:54
OutCastjoljam: install opera03:54
joljamI know how to fire up firefox from the linux prompt,,, but then what should I do afterrwards03:55
switch10_bp0: just use shift+delete instead...03:55
Guest87023Luyza, ok hold on lol03:55
pyoorjoljam use curl03:55
pyooror wget depending on what you need to do03:55
bp0but it doesnt even make sense, user 1000 will be different on other machine03:55
ZykoticK9bp0, you might want to have a look at http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/delete-files-directly-without-moving-them-to-trash-in-ubuntu/03:55
eoeasjoljam: I think shell script is not suitable for html03:55
bp0and other os dont use the same dirs03:55
pyooreoeas: not true at all03:55
Guest87023Luyza, onlyu installs wacom tools and tk for me03:55
switch10_bp0: you are doing the equivalent of dragging and dropping files into your trash when you use delete/right click delete03:56
eoeaspyoor: Explain please03:56
OutCast i have only one problem in ubuntu, it is screen refresh. on windows i have 85hz, there maximum is 75hz. and i dont have vsync there. anybody solve this?03:56
LuyzaGuest87023,  it doesn't offer to remove xserver-xorg-input-wacom then?  Grr... thanks a lot :)03:56
pyoorwhy do you say that a shell script is not suitable for logging into an application03:56
Guest87023Luyza, it does not. GL03:56
GaduRight Click > Encrypt... encrypts the file and leaves the original. Decrypting the encrypted file leaves the encrypted version. Is there a way to avoid this so I don't have to keep deleting the extras?03:57
eoeaspyoor : first you explain to me why what I said is not true :)03:57
pyooreoeas: curl --cookie cookies.txt --cookie-jar cookies.txt --user-agent Mozilla/5.0 --data "your post data" "http://www.yoursite.com"03:57
IdleOnehiexpo: ??03:57
h00kGadu: no03:57
Gaduthat's a bit annoying lol03:58
pyooreoeas: it's not true because there are several utilities available in linux that will allow you to pass post paramters (i.e. login credentials) to a web application03:58
dxtrAnd should I be worried about /srv?03:58
h00k!coc | hiexpo03:58
ubottuhiexpo: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .03:58
hiexpoIdleOne,  - sorry that guy just ps'd me off03:58
dxtrIf I'll be using it as a workstation03:58
eoeaspyoor: I see, I was not aware of those utilities :)03:58
Flanneldxtr: Both of those don't have anythign in them except what you stick in them03:59
IdleOnehiexpo: Well, when that happens I suggest you play a game or something else. Please do not call people names.03:59
Gaduh00k: so everyone that uses this encryption method just deletes the original every time?03:59
eoeaspyoor: Thanks03:59
Gaduor is there something that I haven't thought of?03:59
OutCasthow to reg nick?03:59
h00kGadu: Yes, it doesn't "replace" the file with the encrypted version, it creates a new, encrypted version of that file03:59
pyooreoeas: np03:59
h00k!register | OutCast03:59
ubottuOutCast: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode03:59
hiexpoIdleOne,  - i know it's just when u try to help a guy ya know03:59
alpharesearch_Is it possible to enable the shutdown time in 10.04 again?03:59
h00kalpharesearch_: please head to #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support04:00
pyooralpharesearch_: cron?04:00
IdleOnehiexpo: yes I know. When I get frustrated I go do other stuff. I don't take my frustration out on the people looking for help.04:00
pyoorDoes anyone here use teamspeak04:00
Gaduh00k: do you know what command is executed upon the file to run the encryption? so I can make a nautilus script that does the encryption as normal but also rm it04:01
h00kGadu: it's 'gpg'04:01
Gaduthanks h00k, I'm sure I can figure the rest out04:01
ProfOakHow do you check the bitrate of an audio file through the terminal?04:03
hiexpoIdleOne,  - I know sorry but he is a retard lol ya know i have been with unix for 12 years now ANd started with a shell was lucky enough to have a nice desktop like this04:03
OutCastProf0ak: use WinAMP04:04
ProfOakOutCast: Winamp for linux?04:04
IdleOnehiexpo: I asked you not to insult people by calling them names. I don't care how much experience you have with Linux it does not give you the right to insult anybody. Pleasse DO NOT do it again.04:05
OutCastProf0ak: no. i use for windows.04:05
hiexpoIdleOne,  - ok sorry04:05
OutCastProf0ak: install wine for it04:05
ridz16hey yall04:05
ProfOakOutCast: Can you even run winamp through the terminal?04:05
eoeasOpening a can of sympathy for hiexpo ..04:05
evoncan i get help with ubuntu one here?04:05
schultzaIf I was making a backup of a DVD (for backup purposes) what would be the best program for that?04:06
ProfOakevon: Don't ask to ask, just ask.04:06
schultzadata disk04:06
bulltitani'm testing lucid lynx and the first thing i've noticed is that skype sound is crackling and pretty bad, is there a solution for this or will be?04:06
h00kubottu: backup | schultza04:06
ubottuschultza: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:06
h00kubottu: lucid | bulltitan04:06
ubottubulltitan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party04:06
=== DarkwingDuck_ is now known as DarkwingDuck
evonProfOak, i'm not asking to as i'm just making sure i'm in the right channel is all04:06
OutCastProf0ak: i have a label on desktop. its simple and fast04:06
schultzathats of the system, i was asking of a DVD04:06
ProfOakevon: This is the official ubuntu help channel04:07
evonHow do I sync my ubuntu one folders?04:07
neil_dusing Hardy .. I am getting an error when opening a folder "GConf error: Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omb.org/CORMA/COMM_FAILURE:1,0"  :( what is wrong?  how do I fix it?04:07
bulltitani know it is a beta i mean release candidate now but none of the updates recently downloaded fixed this pulse audio problem04:07
evonwhen i copy files to my ubuntu one folder through nautilus i cannot see my files online04:07
h00kubottu: one | evon04:08
ubottuevon: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone04:08
ProfOakHow do you check the bitrate of an audio file through the terminal?04:08
h00kah, that's the channel04:08
evonProfoak, so i was in the wrong channel04:08
=== Kogenta is now known as Remixman
hiexpoeoeas,  - man i am going back to paros and backtrack i didn't want this action04:09
TomJis Netbook remix generally recommended? I am considering it for use on my Mum's Dell Latitude, it's a proper laptop, but a Celeron, and slow as hell in XP. she just needs firefox and openoffice04:09
crazygiranyone else ever have a problem with the networking info popup windows?04:10
h00kTomJ: it has all of the same packages as Ubuntu, just with the clutter interface04:10
crazygirthese have *never* displayed properly04:10
bulltitanso regarding lucid the topic is don't ask yet,... right?04:10
mdg2crazygir: how did it go?04:10
crazygirby that I mean they pop up, but I see grey, no text04:10
h00kbulltitan: not in here, but you can definitely ask in #ubuntu+104:10
crazygirmdg2: upgraded, but no go on either connecting to vpn or resolv.conf04:11
pepeebulltitan, which is ridiculous04:11
TomJh00k: ah, so no specific optimisations for slower processors?  or that's one of the reasons for the clutter interface, it's quicker?04:11
pepee* I think04:11
linuxAlright, just did a fresh install of Ubuntu.04:11
TomJoh, actually, maybe not - "the whole thing [clutter interface] is a bit too sluggish and processor-hungry."04:11
linuxAnd yet the desktop effects can not be enable, even with just the restricted drivers installed for my FX 5500 card.04:11
crazygirthere must be some competition for that nick..04:11
TomJshame, the interface looks nice. i need something as simple as possible for my mum :)04:11
pepeelinux, karmic?04:12
h00kTomJ: no, it's actually the same kernel and everything. The interface makes it easier to use on smaller screens, it's quite snappy on my netbook.04:12
TomJok thanks h00k04:12
linuxpepee: lucid lynx04:12
eoeashiexpo: paros <-- ??04:12
linuxpepee: And it's me, goodfella04:12
mdg2crazygir: so you still can't get on internet?04:12
h00kTomJ: there are lighter versions, not with the gnome environment04:12
pepeeahh ok04:12
eoeasProfOak: Check: http://www.mpg123.de/features.shtml04:12
ZykoticK9ProfOak, for MP3 files install the package mp3info and use the switch -x "mp3info -x $FILENAME.mp3"04:12
crazygirmdg2: I'm on now.. it's the vpn I can't have at the same time04:12
crazygirit used to disconnect me, that at least doesn't happen anymore04:13
ProfOakZykoticK9, eoeas: Thanks04:13
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TomJh00k: any thoughts on the relative resource usage of gnome vs KDE?  I was going to give her kubuntu, as KDE is what I know and prefer personally04:13
crazygirbut I can't really debug the vpn issue now as the info popups don't display04:13
crazygir(anyone else have that issue?)04:13
pepeelinux, lsmod | grep nvidia04:13
crazygirI've noticed the same on several xubuntu installs04:13
crazygiracross different systems04:13
TomJalthough actually I supppose xubuntu would probably be the lightest resource usage, of the three?04:14
linuxpepee: nvidia               7087672  24 agpgart                31724  2 nvidia,intel_agp04:14
OutCastubuntu, xubuntu what is diffirence?04:14
h00kTomJ: I haven't used KDE 4 extensively, perhaps grab a live-USB of each and try with her04:14
mdg2crazygir: I would have no idea how to setup a vpn...04:14
TomJh00k: yeah I will. ok thanks04:14
TomJactually that's a good point, KDE 4 is a bit of a dog. I'm still using KDE 3.5 personally.04:14
pepeelinux, try using the nvidia control panel04:14
TomJOutCast: ubuntu comes with gnome by default, xubuntu has xfce by default04:15
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels04:15
linuxpepee: alright, let me grab it. Under synpatic as "nvidia-settings", right?04:15
pepeelinux, no idea hehe04:15
=== ShazbotMcNasty is now known as shazbotmcnasty
voss749In 2002 gentoo got more site traffic than debian04:15
hiexpoeoeas,  - i i just don't need this ya know i am just trying to help people //// but not going to hold a hand I am a nice guy //// dometimes    lol04:15
linuxpepee: lol I think it is. :D we'll see04:16
pepeelinux, I'm just trying to know if it's a problem with the driver itself, or the config04:16
eoeasTomJ: Check: http://fluxbuntu.org/04:16
OutCastTomJ: i see only gnome, need to try xfce?04:16
TomJOutCast: you don't need to try anything - gnome, xfce and KDE are different desktop systems.  try them all, use the one you like most04:17
pepeeOutCast, apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?04:17
TomJeoeas: thanks, yeah fluxbox is the lightest of them all I guess04:17
OutCastTomJ: what of this systems more easy and powerfull?04:17
hiexpoi wish we still had our paros support04:18
OutCastpepee: i dont crazy=)04:18
TomJOutCast: that's a matter of opinion. I believe KDE is the best system.  however, KDE 4 is a huge resource-hogging dog in my view. so maybe not any more.  ask three people and you'll get hree different answers to this question. you just need to see what you like yourself04:18
mdg2crazygir: http://www.craigmayhew.com/blog/2009/11/setting-up-vpn-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/04:18
ZykoticK9eoeas, TomJ Fluxbuntu is WAY outdated.  I'd suggest, if you are interested in fluxbox, just install it with a minimal cd or something04:19
TomJOutCast: I would say that KDE 4 is probably the prettiest system.. it has all the desktop effects, swirly windows etc, and I think gnome has less of that.  so that's one factor, if you like that sort of stuff04:19
eoeashiexpo: Be patient and think back how you where when you started, I just had a guy totally new to linux, wanted to start off learning by configuring his wireless card, told him it was too difficult to start of with.04:19
TomJZykoticK9: ok thanks.  actually outdated doesnt matter in my case, it's for my mum - it just needs to work and be fast and be easy.  i'm going to set it to auto-run firefox on startup, and then she'll probably never use any other app ever04:19
eoeasZykoticK9: TomJ: True04:20
linuxpepee: I think Compiz is just blacklisting the card. I changed up some of the settings and now the screen looks *super sharp and clear.04:20
linuxpepee: In the end, I think the card works. :D04:20
casemodswhen I start up ubuntu it says "repair shell started" or soemthing - what is this? I'm trying to have it for my dad....04:20
OutCastTomJ: ok, i have 1.5Gb of RAM and 1-core 2Ghz processor, 2xGF6600 video. what you recommend me? what system be a faster on this comp?04:20
pepeelinux, yup, the module is loaded04:20
linuxpepee: sweet. Stupid compiz lawl04:20
pepeegood to know it's working04:21
TomJOutCast: KDE 3.5 will run very nicely on that.  KDE 4, I dont know.. my laptop has 256mb 9300 nvidia graphics, 4GB ram, and core 2 duo 2.5ghz -  KDE 3.5 is smooth as silk,  KDE 4 chugs sometimes04:21
xanguaOutCast: faster would be a desktop enviroment like xfce, lxde, fluxbox¿¿ well this last one is not a dektop enviroment04:21
TomJOutCast: I would say on your system that all desktops will run very smoothly for sure, except maybe KDE 4 that might chug a bit, unless you turn off some of the fancy effects04:21
voss749tomj, go with xfce04:22
TomJvoss749: for being quick and easy to use?04:22
binary0011omg dude I'm so screwed...04:22
voss749yeah its a minimalist gui04:22
sinistradshould I use apt-get or aptitude for dist-upgrade?04:23
mdg2crazygir: was my link any help?04:23
casemodswhat is a maintenance shell and how can i disable it on startup?04:23
eoeasTomJ: Just tell her about lynx and leave her to the terminal, ya can't go lighter than that :p04:23
pepeesinistrad, aptitude is better IMO04:23
linuxlol! Yes, compiz has blacklisted this particular pci-id. Which is weird, considering they only list Intel and ATi card. Anyway, "linux@linux-desktop:~$ sudo SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz04:23
linuxBlacklisted PCI ID 8086:2562 detected04:23
linuxLaunching fallback window manager"04:23
TomJyeah I think I'll start with that.  the prime objective is for it just to be quick and responsive.. my mum's laptop is horrendously slow on XP, and I'm still not quite sure why. it has 2.4ghz, it's a Celeron, but I didnt realise they were quite *that* bad. but apparently they are04:23
TomJeoeas: hahaha, yeah.. actually, she still hasn't quite got hte concept of windows and how to maximise them, so perhaps a non-windowed system would work :)04:24
OutCastTomJ: now i have problem to conf SLI on linux:( drivers dont have a need mode04:24
crazygirmdg2: indeed, there is a lot of good connection info, I was actually looking for that to be able to setup a manual connection in openbsd04:24
sinistradpepee, I've heard that as well recently. I've been reading posts(which are usually outdated) that said ubuntu preferred apt-get, but I've heard in here mostly aptitude for updates, but wasn't sure about dist-upgrades.04:24
eoeasTomJ: lol04:24
crazygirI hadn't really looked yet, so thank you!04:24
hiexpoeoeas,  - its like my ole buddy came here last night pure_hate and was helping people they treated him like sh//////  because of his nic   and he is with it04:25
crazygirsinistrad: the number of tools to do something like that scares me04:25
crazygirmakes me trust all of them less04:25
linuxpepee/hiexpo: Well, besides the simple fact I can't run compiz, it should still work with my 3D games, right?04:25
TomJhiexpo: they were mean to him because of his network card?  that's harsh04:25
casemodswhat is a maintenance shell and how can i disable it on startup?04:25
pepeelinux, yeah, I suppose. just try04:26
fike2903why is Linux Free??04:26
sinistradcrazygir, True, but I'm doing this update remotely04:26
TomJfike2903: you're complaining?04:26
F1skrhello i am following this guide: http://source.android.com/download#TOC-Installing-Repo04:26
F1skri have come to a problem around step 2. run repo init to bring ....04:26
xanguafike2903: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software04:26
fike2903no im not complaning04:26
F1skrwhen i run the command, my system doesn't know the repo command what could be the problem?04:26
fike2903just wondering04:26
xanguafike2903: free as in freedom, NOT as in free beet04:27
ZykoticK9casemods, you're getting dropped to maintenance shell for some reason - most likely cause is a file system check needs to be manually run.04:27
hiexpoTomJ,  - let me tell ya he made backtrack04:27
F1skri have the bin directory and the repo inside statet in the steps above.04:27
fike2903freedom isnt free04:27
TomJxangua: well, it's also free as in beer04:27
pepeecasemods, tha one you get after booting?04:27
IdleOnehiexpo: may I message you?04:27
cellofellowwhere does Nautilus store its extended file attributes?04:27
casemods@pepee it happens when I load ubuntu04:28
TomJand actually it's not completely free as in freedom.. you can't do what you like to it.  GPL is one of the more restrictive licenses in that sense. BSD is 'more' free, in that there are fewer restrictions on what you can do with it04:28
hiexpoIdleOne,  - sure04:28
eoeasTomJ: You're a funny character, don't wind the guy up :-D04:28
xanguaTomJ: not necessary or forcibly04:28
casemods@ZykoticK9 how can i disable it from happening?04:28
pepeecasemods, what do you mean by "load ubuntu"?04:28
pepeeafter grub?04:29
casemods@pepee when I boot the system04:29
casemodsI believe so - new to linux04:29
eatloafHi.  My external drive periodically goes Read Only.  How can I find out what's wrong?04:29
pepeecasemods, well, you have a problem with an app04:29
cellofellowNautilus file attributes anybody? Emblems, directory settings, that sort of thing? Where are they stored?04:29
cellofellowI looked in gconf and ~/.gnome204:30
pepeecasemods, can you log into gnome after that?04:30
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usr13cellofellow: What are you trying to do?04:30
OutCastanybody plays Q3 Arena?04:30
cellofellowusr13: just trying to understand nautilus, and want to hack the attributes manually to tweak some things.04:30
TomJeoeas: who? :) hiexpo?04:31
pepeeOutCast, try #games04:31
usr13eatloaf: Do you have a fastab entry for it?  Or is it being mounted as needed by udev?04:31
ZykoticK9OutCast, yes - i do04:31
eoeasTomJ: Yeah him :)04:31
eatloafthere's an fstab entry.04:31
TomJeoeas :)04:31
ZykoticK9OutCast, no sound?04:31
OutCastpepee: how?04:31
eoeasfike2903: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux04:31
pepeeohh sorry, that channel doesn't exists lol04:31
OutCastZykoticK9: i have sound. i fix this04:31
casemods@pepee it says "hit control D to cancel" or something and I can type things...not sure what else to do ha04:31
usr13cellofellow: Well, I'll leave someone else to coach you.  I'm not a nautilus expert.04:31
ZykoticK9OutCast, what is your question?04:31
=== SilverFo1 is now known as SilverFox
mdg2night all!04:32
pepeecasemods, ubuntu version?04:32
usr13eatloaf: pastebin it and let us have a look.04:32
OutCastZykoticK9: ping is my problem04:32
eoeasTomJ: He's really upset cause his buddy got dissed04:32
TomJeoeas: bless04:32
ZykoticK9OutCast, can't help with that sorry.  Good luck man.04:32
pepeecasemods, do you have wired connection?04:32
OutCastZykoticK9: on windows i have ~60, ubuntu ~27004:32
pepeecasemods, i'll explain it latter...04:32
eoeasTomJ: :-D04:33
casemodspepee im not hooked up to the internet04:33
casemodson the linux box04:34
SilverFoxwhen I connect to my webserver (apache2) locally (via ssh tunnel), its really fast, but off net, its really slow.  Any ideas why?04:34
OutCastpepee: "#games" is out04:34
pepeecasemods, yeah, I know... but it can be connected?04:34
casemodsyes i have wired when I need it04:35
SilverFoxcould it be ufw?04:35
OutCastwhat is "wired"?04:35
pepeecasemods, anyway, you are in the command line?04:35
eatloafusr13: it's the last entry: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/SVYaxFYU04:36
casemodsyes, i believe so04:36
GuegsHow do I start SSHD in Ubuntu?04:36
ohodimy computer wont load any "https://" pages, on any browser. Can anyone helpa?04:36
pepeecasemods, ok, execute this: mount -o remount,rw /04:36
LoshaOutCast: it means ethernet using a cable...04:36
thiemsterGuegs: I'm not exactly sure but possibly run "/etc/rc.d/sshd start"04:36
thiemsterGuegs: That's what it is on arch linux. and I'm guessing it's the same or about the same on ubuntu04:37
casemodsok im gonna try it brb04:37
eatloafGuegs, thiemster: "service ssh start" ?04:37
IzinucsGuegs: sudo service ssh start or possibly sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start04:37
LoshaGuegs: if you sucessfully installed sshd, it should be already running....04:37
thiemstereatloaf: that could work too04:37
pepeecasemods, after that, you have to upgrade your system04:37
OutCastLosha: thx)04:37
thiemstereatloaf: but probably with sudo or running as root04:37
casemodspepee how do I upgrade?04:37
MrAlexandroLamah Detector Activated!!04:38
MrAlexandroLamah Found !!!04:38
OutCastLosha: in english i not completely god)04:38
FloodBot1MrAlexandro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
MrAlexandroLamah Detector Powering Down04:38
LoshaOutCast: you're doing fine...04:38
pepeesudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade04:38
Alcorohodi can you still receive/send email?04:38
MrAlexandrowhat is wrong with this irc client04:38
ohodiAlcor, using what method?04:38
ZykoticK9MrAlexandro, do you have an Ubuntu support question?04:39
GuegsFigured it out I think. Thanks guys! :)04:39
Alcorohodi Are u using ubuntu?04:39
=== cwe_65 is now known as cwe_muet
MrAlexandroZykoticK9 no, i am talking to myself i think:)04:39
thiemsterMrAlexandro: what irc client is it?04:39
pepee casemods , do you know how to upgrade to lucid?04:39
ohodiAlcor, yes04:39
usr13eatloaf: Those last four characters are jammed together, ro03  and the 3 should be a 1 or 0 I think  ro  0  0  -or  -ro  0  104:39
OutCasti install "YouTranslate!" i think its help me)04:39
usr13Thats one thing...04:39
ZykoticK9MrAlexandro, feel free to chat to yourself in #ubuntu-offtopic - but this is the support channel only04:40
MrAlexandrothiemster vortec irc. i am wuiting it anyway now. it is way wrong for me, ZykoticK9 i know i was not planning on this replies :D04:40
Alcorohodi Did you set up evolution?04:40
ohodiAlcor, no04:40
thiemsterMrAlexandro: you could try with another one. XChat is very good04:40
usr13eatloaf: You need to have spaces between the fields.04:40
Alcorohodi do you have anything else?04:41
mozillanerdI have abandoned my effort with 9.10 Karmic Koala - back on 9.04, and  it looks swell and fast.04:41
ohodiAlcor, my browser04:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:41
antonio_hey losha:04:41
eatloafusr13: what's a 3 in the last spot?04:41
Loshaantonio_: hi there...04:41
thiemstermozillanerd: you could try lucid in two days. it's supposed to be even faster and better04:41
antonio_so I used the split command earlier to split some files up, now I need to remerge them...04:41
antonio_losha: its me mylisto :D04:41
eoeasthiemster: Why faster?04:42
pepeemozillanerd, try lucid04:42
eatloafusr13: in nano they're tabs. it's just 'cat' that slammed them together04:42
hiexpoLosha,  - hello :)04:42
Alcorohodi Goto System -- admin -- network tools04:42
thiemstereoeas: I dunno, that's just what I've heard on the interwebz04:42
Loshaantonio_: I remember the split command. Are you ready to recreate the file?04:42
Loshahiexpo: hi04:42
antonio_losha: you mind telling me how to remerge those files?04:42
antonio_oh yeah :D04:42
eoeasthiemster: I see04:42
ohodiAlcor, ok what next04:42
eatloafI'm guessing that's it remouting because of errors, but how do i find the errors or figure out why they're happening.04:43
Alcorohodi ping yahoo.com04:43
mozillanerdpepee: I have, it had the same slowness as 9.10. Sorry.04:43
OutCastYouTranslate! is bad. i go to find and install new translator04:43
Loshaantonio_: ok, just a minute...04:43
OutCastour recommendation??04:43
pepeemozillanerd, try xubuntu lucid...04:43
thiemstermozillanerd: well, if you like 9.04 stay with it. at least until it's not supported any more04:43
ohodiAlcor, "the address www.yahoo.com cant be found"04:43
mozillanerdpepee: xbuntu? Please explain04:43
nphasehaving yet another installation step thats failed, "select and install software" this time04:43
Alcorohodi try msn.com04:44
thiemstermozillanerd: or you could try lubuntu. LXDE is very, very fast.... at least on my computer. It seems as if it's much faster than XFCE04:44
pepeemozillanerd, ubuntu with xfce04:44
thiemstermozillanerd: xubuntu is ubuntu with the xfce desktop environment04:44
ohodiAlcor, same thing04:44
nphaseon server x86_6504:44
Alcorohodi r u on ethernet?04:44
thiemstermozillanerd: It's not as user-friendly as gnome (in my opinion), but it uses less RAM04:44
ohodiAlcor, wifi04:44
OutCast"FreeSpeak" is good??04:45
Alcorohodi r u wifi ing your own router?04:45
hiexpoi am gonna be a man and say sorry all // I am a jerk04:45
ohodiAlcor, what does that mean?04:45
nphase"Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed04:45
nphasemore errors04:46
nphaselove all these errors, theyre awesome04:46
Alcorohodi where r u wifi ing to?04:46
OutCasthiexpo: what is "jerk"?04:46
ohodiAlcor, my own router04:46
mozillanerd9.04 is pretty fast on the old Dell Inspiron 8200 with Nvidea acelerated driver. (v.  96) thanks for suggestions04:46
gp5sthow do i get the pin i used to pair a phone with my computer?04:46
Izinucsgp5st: try 000004:47
eoeashiexpo: Forgiven :)04:47
Alcorohodi have y another computer on your router?04:47
DingGGuhow to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 LTS?04:47
ZykoticK9thiemster, xfce doesn't use a whole lot less RAM though - see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_vitals&num=1 for comparison of Gnome,Xfce,KDE,Lxde04:47
voss749KDE is the fancy gui, Gnome the regular gui, Xfce the lean gui, and Lxde the skinny gui04:47
DingGGui'm ubuntu 10.04 beta204:47
LoshaOutCast: jerk -> someone who behaves badly...04:47
ohodiAlcor, yes04:47
thiemstermozillanerd: just take note if you decide to stick with 9.04 for the time being: it is only officially supported for 18 months (I'm pretty sure) so you'd be a fool to use it past then when there aren't security updates04:47
rwwDingGGu: Lucid/10.04 discussion and support is in #ubuntu+1, not here04:47
OutCastLosha: thx04:47
Alcorohodi can u reach the internet from there?04:47
DingGGuthanks :)04:47
ohodiAlcor, let me try04:48
ohodiAlcor, brb04:48
thiemsterZykoticK9: my bad. I had always heard that it was and it seemed much faster on my computer. But I use awesomewm now and that probably uses a tenth the memory of either04:48
gp5stIzinucs: when i paired it a few mins ago it gave me some random number 3375... and i'm setting up gammu and i thought that was the pin i needed?04:48
Conley_Does anyone here have Hulu Desktop installed?04:48
mozillanerdvoss749: I am thinking of installing LXFE WM on OLPC XO04:48
nphaseis there a netinstall version of ubuntu server install04:48
thiemstervoss749: you're forgetting a bunch04:48
thiemstervoss749: such as the *boxes04:48
Izinucsgp5st: maybe.. it was just a guess on my part04:48
Loshahiexpo: it takes a big person to say they're sorry. Props to you...04:48
ZykoticK9thiemster, it wasn't really "your bad", your statement was correct, i just wanted to point out that it's not a huge difference :)04:48
azloni am creating a raid right now. i think it has a problem. it says: [8/7] [UUUUUUU_]    what does that mean?04:49
thiemsterZykoticK9: not my bad then04:49
voss749thie, not really I just dont care about them ;-)04:49
ohodiAlcor, yes works just fine04:49
thiemstervoss749: I'm just saying: you're saying lxde is "the skinny one" but this is only compared to the others that are mentioned. I use awesomewm (it truly is awesome) which is much "skinnier" than lxde04:50
Alcorohodi power cycle the router04:50
Alcorohodi may take a few mins04:50
ohodiAlcor, that could take a while. how long will you be here?04:50
Conley_Okay, would ~/.huludesktop be /home/conley/.huludesktop?04:50
Alcorohodi i'll wait04:50
thiemsterConley_: yes04:50
eoeasthiemster: awesomewm looks like Xmonad04:51
Conley_thiemster: okay, cool04:51
ohodiok brb 7 minutes04:51
thiemstereoeas: it is. but it's more like dwm, as it's based off of it. but they're all tiling04:51
voss749thie, there is no proposed official distro for awesomewm like lubuntu for lxde04:51
OutCastLosha: "if it is possible to understand these words and their sense it is not disrupted, then this translator precisely that I searched for"04:51
ohodithat ok?04:51
hiexpoi m just an ale hack someday i'll be somebody04:51
thiemstervoss749: I know... just sayin... I guess I didn't realize you meant just with the officially supported desktop environments of the *buntus04:51
OutCastLosha: its understandable?04:52
ohodiAlcor, that ok?04:52
Conley_Does anyone here have Hulu Desktop?04:52
voss749awesomewm looks like amigaos from 1997 :)04:52
IzinucsOutCast: translators translate "correct language" not colloqial language.04:52
=== slide is now known as Guest34981
Alcorohodi can u browse?04:52
LoshaOutCast: yes, it's understandable, but not great. There's also #ubuntu-ru04:52
thiemstervoss749: true, it does look quite retro. but that's why I like it ;)04:53
xangua!anyone > Conley_04:53
ubottuConley_, please see my private message04:53
antonio_losha: let me know when you are ready04:53
voss749thie, yeah if I want retro ill go back to geos ;-)04:53
ohodiAlcor, yes everything but https:// websites04:53
OutCastLosha: #ubuntu-ru have a 60 peoples and no chat at all04:53
thiemstervoss749: good thing it isn't the default in ubuntu. I think having to use a tiling window manager such as awesomewm would turn off any perspective linux users04:53
Loshaantonio_: I just hung up the phone. Let's get to it. You have 3 files, right: xaa, xab and xac ?04:53
Alcorohodi everything?04:53
voss749thie, yeah it be like ubuntu 3.2 edition hehe04:54
thiemstervoss749: haha probably. before that even. it's more like something that would come out in the early 90s04:54
voss749Ubuntu 95 hehe04:54
ohodiAlcor, I can only not reach httpS:// websites. note the "S"04:54
LoshaOutCast: well, your English seems better than the translator...04:54
Conley_Okay, what does it say inside /home/username/.huludesktop, for someone that has it installed04:54
voss749Ubuntu 95 is xfce ;)04:54
OutCastLosha: but some words i dont know04:54
thiemstervoss749: but once I got used to it (took a day or two and a LOT of online help), it is very, very useful because it's completely powered by keyboard shortcuts04:55
LoshaOutCast: it's ok to ask when you don't know. Practice makes perfect...04:55
felonwhat is the command for listing all processes being ran04:55
rwwfelon: ps -A04:55
ohodiAlcor,  hello?04:55
thiemsterfelon: or install htop which is a lot better (sudo apt-get install htop)04:55
Loshafelon: I like ps ax because it shows detached processes too...04:55
feloni was just reading about the apt feature04:56
Alcorohodi can you search and hit ubuntu?04:56
thiemstervoss749: haha. makes sense. ish.04:56
Loshaantonio_: ?04:56
thiemsterfelon:the apt feature is probably one of the best in debian/ubuntu04:56
antonio_sorry was opening terminal04:56
thiemsterfelon:it's just so simple04:56
felonwhy use apt - get when theres software center04:56
plum-mobileHello, can anyone help me fix my problem? My new ubuntu install says Bootmgr is Missing..04:56
ohodiAlcor, yes04:56
Loshaantonio_: where do you want to put the recreated file?04:57
Izinucsfelon: it's faster04:57
ohodiAlcor, yes i can hit ubuntu.com04:57
antonio_in .virtualbox in my new home holder04:57
ohodii mean ubuntu.org04:57
Conley_plum-mobile: reinstall and make sure you install grub?04:57
thiemsterfelon: it's easier if you already know what you're looking for. suppose you want to install a program, htop for example. You just need to type in "sudo apt-get install htop" and it will install. with the software center, you need to look through a lot of menus first04:57
tusharguys my wireless is not working in lucid, was working in karmic04:57
Loshaantonio_: I mean, what is the full pathname for the file you want to recreate?04:57
azloni need some help with a software raid. this is my cat /proc/mdstat http://www.pastebin.org/18169104:57
feloni c04:57
Alcorohodi try the http addrs for ubunto.com04:57
thiemstervoss749: haha fair enough04:57
antonio_losha: mind if I pm you, too much text flying by04:58
tusharhelp! wireless not working in lucid04:58
azloni think i drive is failed but it doesnt say which drive failed... how can i find out what is wrong?04:58
Loshaantonio_: ok04:58
ohodiAlcor, it works. i mentioned that.:)04:58
=== harrumph_ is now known as harrumph
thiemsterfelon: but, for new users (such as I presume you are), the software center is very nice04:58
riverofnutshow do i get ubuntu to work on my laptop04:58
riverofnutsit wont connect to my wifi04:58
thiemsterfelon: just know that it isn't the only method of installing/removing software04:58
xanguariverofnuts: what wireless card do you use¿04:58
LuyzaI'm trying to get pressure sensitivity to work on wacom and Now I'm on GIMP, and the wiki says "All the values have to be the same as in the picture" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Screenshot-Gimp_Input.png      But I don't see "Stylus"! What can I do?04:59
=== hacker_kid is now known as Guest26282
riverofnutsits an old laptop04:59
riverofnutsit wont auto install my wifi driver..04:59
riverofnutsi can only connect to the internet via an ethernet cable04:59
Alcorohodi dont do the search, do the http addrs thing at the top of the broweser04:59
riverofnutscompaq presario v3131tu to be exact04:59
=== Guest26282 is now known as hacker_kid
ohodiAlcor, that works too04:59
plum-mobileConley_: so from grub how do I reinstall it? I just did sudo apt-get install grub...04:59
Guest42045where can i get a nice simple .deb for tightvnc?05:00
Alcorohodi r u back on the wifi system?05:00
tusharmy laptop is compaq presario cq40. WIRELESS NOT WORKING HELP!05:00
Guest42045tushar, fresh install?05:00
tusharGuest42045: wow! isn't there any other way05:00
felonyes, but im trying to learn some command line, id really like to know. comparing the usr/bin to windows/programfiles, like is that a good compare, lets say i want to download something that aint in the apt or software center05:01
ohodiAlcor, I haven't power cycled my router yet. it will take around 7 minutes at least. i was trying to ask you if you were ok with that.05:01
thiemstervoss749: perhaps that's what I like about it. it doesn't have any of the bloat that modern systems have and I have a fairly old (2002ish) computer05:01
felonwhere would i install it after i get it ..?05:01
Guest42045tushar, no, is it a fresh install?05:01
thiemstervoss749: but luckily it has a whole 512MB of ram. a lot for then05:01
Guest42045tushar, im asking,05:01
Alcorohodi i said i will wait05:01
ohodiAlcor, ok going to do that now05:01
thiemsterfelon: I'm pretty sure you could install it to /opt05:01
IzinucsGuest42045: vinagre is vnc.. sudo apt-get install vinagre .. might be already installed05:01
thiemsterfelon: but don't quote me on that05:01
Jordan_U!filesystem | felon05:02
Guest42045Izinucs, is that as good as tightvnc?05:02
ubottufelon: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier05:02
Alcorohodi k05:02
Loshafelon: yes, /usr/bin is like Windows/Program Files. Where you put things depends. What are you trying to install?05:02
thiemsterfelon: but for most (not 100%, but most programs that you will need) programs, the repositories will have them05:02
tusharGuest42045: no, i upgraded from karmic.05:02
azlonhow can i tell which drive in my RAID is bad? http://www.pastebin.org/18169105:02
IzinucsGuest42045: look in synaptic for tight vnc.. it's also there.05:02
feloni know i can install anywhere, but i guess im trying to say aint usr/bin equivlent to windows/programs ... where programs would be installed ?05:02
plum-mobileHow can I install grub to my hard drive? I don't know what hd number it is (hd0,0) etc05:02
tusharGuest42045: it was working in karmic.05:02
felonthx Losha05:02
Guest42045tushar perhaps in #ubuntu+1 they would know05:02
Izinucsfelon: yes .. sort of05:02
sinistradfelon, /usr/bin/ is normally in the "path" in windows terms05:03
tusharGuest42045: ok05:03
thiemstergotta go everyone05:03
thiemstersee you.... sometime... else?05:03
voss749izinucs, Apt-get install viagra?05:03
sinistradfelon, so things placed in there are available to the command-line from most anywhere05:03
felonyes thx for clarifying that guyz thx.05:03
draccyHey folks. Sound has suddenly disappeared in this Ubuntu Karmic install. Tried three different sound cards, all of which appear in the software to be working properly. Tried multiple sets of speakers, alsamixer, pulseaudio controls, etc.05:03
Izinucsvoss749: vinagre05:03
draccyIt acts like sound is working, the hardware appears to be working, but I get no sound. Volume is cranked, of course.05:03
StrangeCharmhow can i force 9.10 always to dial a vpn connection when signing onto a wifi network?05:03
Jordan_Uplum-mobile: You don't pass (hdx,x) values to grub-install, just "grub-install /dev/sda" (if you want to install to sda)05:03
Guest42045Izinucs, i feel dumb. good tip, looking in synaptic lol'05:04
Guest42045Izinucs, except, where is it? I installed from synaptic...05:04
itilioushow do i keep a bash script running in the background05:05
felonubuntu is sexy05:05
itiliousi think its  a "bash" script but i'm a noob ;)05:05
sinistradfelon, also, if you compile stuff, what you compile will often have an installer that you run after you "make" it, and that will put things in place if you plan on making it system-wide, or if you only want it to be used by your user account only, you can place your created binaries into wherever in your /home dir05:05
IzinucsGuest42045: typically shows up in Applications>Internet>terminal server client05:05
felonfor instance .... i umm05:05
Guest42045Izinucs, wait, terminal server client is tightvnc?05:06
felondownloaded/ iroffer from site instead of using software center05:06
Guest42045Izinucs, i had that before I installed....05:06
IzinucsGuest42045: yep.. If I remember correctly.. it's been a while since I used it.05:06
RickZillaI seem to have lost a couple of iconsright next to the time and date in the top right hand corner of my screen, not sure where they went, and I can't seem to get them back with the Add to Panel menu...specifically I lost my power and wireless signal icons...where else can I go to get those back?05:06
felon./configured make and mak'd install05:06
StrangeCharmi'm on 9.10. i don't want to access the 'net without using a vpn. how can require a vpn to be dialed whenever there's a network connection, and automatically redial it if it's dropped?05:06
felonthen did the config file05:06
SvendJollyHello folks. I have just installed ubuntu for the first time about six hours ago. I am really confused :) The problem concerns Surround sound, i can't get it working. Only Stereo. I have googled, read and tried over and over all night (morning here now), so i suppose i need some help now.05:06
Guest42045Izinucs, how do i get it to lauch as a server automaticlly on each boot05:06
Jordan_Uplum-mobile: First of all, if you are getting the error that Bootmgr is missing it's window's bootloader that is broken, not grub.05:07
Loshafelon: that will work, but it's not the best way to install software. Much better to use a repository version if one is available...05:07
Guest42045SvendJolly, have you played with the check boxes in pulseaudio?05:07
IzinucsGuest42045: System>Preferences>Remote Desktop05:07
Jordan_UStrangeCharm: Set up the VPN in System > Preferences > Network Connections05:07
sinistradfelon, yep, you'll often ./configure, make, sudo make install. Losha is right, if the same software is in the repositories, it is the easiest way to get it05:07
Guest42045Izinucs, i was told to use tightvnc instead of that cause its better?05:08
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!05:08
LoshaSvendJolly: sound is a notorious trouble spot in Ubuntu. You're actually quite lucky you've got Stereo first time round...05:08
IzinucsGuest42045: it's a nominal difference..05:08
draccySee, this is why I'd love it if some channel management decided to split this channel into two or three branches. Sure, everyone can help everyone here, but look at the nicklist! It goes on forever. The 'help' flies by so fast that it's a miracle to behold if you actually get noticed.05:08
StrangeCharmJordan_U, that will allow me to connect manually. i would like an automatic connection05:08
sinistradfelon, what ubottu said05:08
Guest42045Izinucs, ok. so how do i get it to run on boot?05:08
felonregardless with programs like iroffer that runs in a bg, repositories dont make and "install" for you right ?05:08
Izinucsdraccy: that's why you use a person's nick when you talk to them so the line highlights05:09
Jordan_UStrangeCharm: Check the box "Connect automatically"05:09
draccyIzinucs, That doesn't help the getting-noticed-in-the-first-place part of it. :P05:09
SvendJollyGuest42045:  I have to tell you, ubuntu is really new to me. No i don't even know what pulseaudio is. But i can tell you, that i have tried messing the sound icon, but i cannot find anything about surround sound. Have to tell you, that i have SPDIF output in my soundcard, and used that in windows05:09
IzinucsGuest42045: that would be the server portion.. sorry I'm not really sure.. there should be some docs on it.05:09
RickZillaI seem to have lost a couple of iconsright next to the time and date in the top right hand corner of my screen, not sure where they went, and I can't seem to get them back with the Add to Panel menu...specifically I lost my power and wireless signal icons...where else can I go to get those back?05:09
Loshafelon: yes they do. repositories contain ready compiled applications, and they get installed for you on request. They've usually been tested, and its easy to upgrade them and/or remove them if you want to. Saves a lot of work for you....05:10
sinistradfelon, no, they are precompiled binaries. They were compiled using the general architecture of your processor.05:10
switch10_SvendJolly: try opening a terminal and typing alsamixer     make sure all volumes are up..05:10
Flameyfelon: It's also much faster to download the binaries from the repositories than downloading source and making it05:10
ishmandooMy friend is having a strange problem on his computer. He has a dual-boot ubuntu/windows vista system and the speakers have stopped working in both. He can listen to music on headphones but not with the speakers. He has had his speakers and motherboard replaced several times. He blames the problems on ubuntu. Is it even possible for ubuntu to stop the speakers from working in windows?05:10
StrangeCharmJordan_U, that checkbox does not produce the desired behaviour. after resuming from standby, and connecting to a wlan, the vpn is not automatically dialed. i don't know what that box is meant to do, but it doesn't seem to do what i want05:10
SvendJollyswitch10_:  right away...05:11
azlonsinistrad: how can i check which drive in my RAID has failed? this is my cat /proc/mdstat http://www.pastebin.org/18169105:11
draccyMy my. Three sound problems at once. I smell a bug.05:11
Izinucsdraccy: sure.. if you're helping then your attention goes to what is highlighted.. if you're receiving it's the same.. ignore the rest or take some adhd meds to speed up the mental process.. but that's not recommended05:11
feloni do like ubuntu ... pretty user friendly for a guy with common sense05:11
sinistradazlon, No idea, I haven't ever ran RAID05:11
sinistradfelon, indeed05:11
RickZilladraccy, shouldn't be a bug in Karmic for sound05:12
ishmandoodraccy: were you talking to me?05:12
SvendJollyswitch10_:  i can only change the master05:12
SvendJollyand only see to other full pins, and four empty05:12
draccySound in this machine worked when I first installed, come to think of it. The usual upgrade I do for my Linux conversion customers is what nuked it.05:12
Guest42045"Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!"05:12
draccyRickZilla, ^^^05:12
SvendJollythree that is05:12
LoshaRickZilla: you're joking of course. Sound has been flaky in Ubuntu since at least 8.X....05:12
SvendJollythree empty05:12
feloni guess you can say im newb'd on this ubuntu, but this is not my first linux distro ive ever had. back when socket 7's were the shit, i had slackware installed ... lol i dont remember much05:12
RickZillaLosha, I got it to work just fine when I first installed back at 10.4 or so05:13
switch10_SvendJolly: use the arrow keys/tab05:13
LoshaRickZilla: it seems to be hardware dependent, so just because it worked for you....05:13
felonim tired of security issues with windows any more.05:13
RickZillaLosha, but that's been my experience...others of course probably have different opinions...the thing I never got to work was my 3D graphics card05:13
draccyRemoving pulseaudio does nothing, but maybe if I install 8.10's alsa packages...05:13
draccyOr just from the install disc. That would be saner.05:13
SvendJollyswitch10_:  aha.. now i turned them all up05:13
RickZillaI seem to have lost a couple of iconsright next to the time and date in the top right hand corner of my screen, not sure where they went, and I can't seem to get them back with the Add to Panel menu...specifically I lost my power and wireless signal icons...where else can I go to get those back?05:14
felonid rather mess with iptables05:14
LoshaRickZilla: if it's 10.04, you can go to #ubuntu+105:14
SvendJollyswitch10_:  but does that mean, that i now have the spdif activated, and are able to play surround that way now?05:14
RickZillaLosha: Nope, still Karmic05:14
sinistradfelon, your methods for getting software should be first, the repositories(software center, apt-get, aptitude...) and make sure you enable "universe" repositories. Then if that fails, see if you can find a .deb for the software that matches your architecture (32 or 64 bit), and as last resort, source.05:15
switch10_SvendJolly: your surround should be working05:15
RickZillaLosha, they just seem to have disappeared, and I'm not sure where they went05:15
LoshaRickZilla: oh, I thought you mentioned 10.4 a few moments ago...05:15
RickZillaLosha, I meant 8.405:15
SvendJollyswitch10_:  okay, but there is no red light coming out of the cable05:16
itilioushow do i keep a script running in the background?05:16
switch10_SvendJolly: the settings should save automatically.  If they do not save, open alsamixer as root and change the settings..05:16
felonive been messing with ubuntu for three days now and ive installed it three times. 9.10, then upgraded to 10.04 but i fucked it all up lol formated and reinstalled 9.1005:16
sinistraditilious, follow the command with &05:16
LoshaRickZilla: sorry, crystal ball not working...05:16
CaptainTrekis there a way I can load certain terminal commands to run automatically as root on boot?05:16
felonill remember that siistrad05:16
sinistraditilious, that is if you haven't started it05:16
switch10_SvendJolly: sorry I don't know what red light you are talking about...05:16
SvendJollyswitch10_:  spdif is an optical output05:16
felonexactly in that order05:17
SvendJollyi use a toslink cable, with a jackstick converter05:17
feloni like all the games i can get, thats pretty koo05:17
RickZillaLosha, thanks anyway...I wonder if it will come back with the upgrade in a couple of days05:17
hiexpoit's all good05:17
CaptainTrek!language | felon05:17
ubottufelon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:17
switch10_SvendJolly: I don't have surround and have never set it up.  I just know about alsamixer...05:17
sinistraditilious, if it is already started, then you can CTRL Z, which I think will halt it, give you back command-line, and then put in bg %1 to background it05:17
hiexpoi am back05:17
LoshaCaptainTrek: yes, depending on the commands, you can put them in a file named /etc/rc.local which gets run once at the end of the boot sequence. Which commands?05:17
CaptainTrekLosha: something to set up certain links that won't remain persistent05:17
felonwell, whats my name .. ha. !05:18
RickZillaThank goodness, hiexpo....we were getting worried sick about you05:18
SvendJollyswitch10_:  okay :) thank you for helping, at least, i got all of the speakers turned up :)05:18
demismis there a way to convert ubuntu into debian through repos and other means?05:18
LoshaCaptainTrek: that should work, but tell me which links, and why they aren't persistent?05:18
CaptainTrekLosha: I had something in a different folder linked to /dev/null and that link refuses to remain persistent after reboot05:18
CaptainTreklinked as in i move something to /some/where and it sends it to /dev/null instead05:19
itilioussinistrad, i'm trying to keep this script running in the background http://script.jmap82.com/doku.php?id=jmap82sscripts:monitor05:19
switch10_SvendJolly: no problem.  keep asking around, Im sure some one has a setup similar to yours..05:19
CaptainTrekunfortunately, it refuses to stay persistent05:19
SvendJollyswitch10_:  i hope so :)05:19
LoshaCaptainTrek: that's very odd, normally links don't spontaneously disappear....05:19
Puppy_famCan someone help me with making an ISO into a live usb drive?05:19
felonquestion : is it possible to ( im assuming im using Gnome Desktop Enviroment) switch to like X or something without messing up anything else. ?05:19
CaptainTrekLosha: its been happening only with the links that tie back to /dev/null05:19
CaptainTrekperhaps because the filesystem is unloaded at the end of boot?05:20
Loshademism: it's an odd question. Ubuntu is a debian derivative after all...05:20
SvendJollySo if anyone have any experience with setting up SPDIF (optical) sound on ubuntu, please help me05:20
bastid_raZor!usb | Puppy_fam follow the links05:20
ubottuPuppy_fam follow the links: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:20
CaptainTrekend of reboot*05:20
hiexpodemism,  - yes05:20
switch10_Puppy_fam: use live usb creator under system>administration05:20
itiliousi simply want compiz to disable when the vino-server is active05:20
LoshaCaptainTrek: well, devices are recreated at boot time. Are you using a soft link or a hard link?05:20
itiliousanyone know a fix for this problem with nvidia drivers and remote desktop bug?05:20
demismhiexpo: here's the follow-on... how?05:20
StrangeCharmi'm on 9.10. i don't want to access the 'net without using a vpn. how can require a vpn to be dialed whenever there's a network connection, and automatically redial it if it's dropped?05:20
CaptainTrekLosha: tried both, normally i hardlink it05:20
* Izinucs can see the channel growing by 10-20% after the next release.. the screen is going to roll!05:21
RickZillaI seem to have lost a couple of iconsright next to the time and date in the top right hand corner of my screen, not sure where they went, and I can't seem to get them back with the Add to Panel menu...specifically I lost my power and wireless signal icons...where else can I go to get those back?05:21
draccySound has suddenly disappeared in this Ubuntu Karmic install. Tried three different sound cards, all of which appear in the software to be working properly. Tried multiple sets of speakers, alsamixer, pulseaudio controls, etc.05:21
sinistraditilious, when you run that script, follow it with &05:21
patrick_failed to parse xorg conf something nvidia. ten pages on the forums about this. any quick fixes?05:21
sinistraditilious, it will background it, and give you back the command line05:21
LoshaCaptainTrek: a soft link should remain even if /dev/zero disappears. If not, well, as I say, you can issue the link commands from /etc/rc.local05:21
itilioussinistrad, sorry for my noob question but how exactly do i run it :/05:21
felonyes it failed on me too when i tried to save my conf.05:21
bastid_raZorpatrick_: gksudo nvidia-settings   .. then try to save05:21
pepeedraccy, try lucid05:22
hiexpodemism,  - ubuntu is deb all myrepo'sare deb05:22
Puppy_fam@switch10_: when I use live usb creator it only works for .img files. Not ISO's. Why is this?05:22
felonrename it05:22
felonshouldnt hurt it05:22
sinistraditilious, you navigate to the script, and do ./script &05:22
switch10_Puppy_fam: I have no idea.  iso's work with live usb creator.  have you tried unetbootin?05:22
patrick_bastid_raZor, same error05:22
patrick_bastid_raZor, grrr05:23
Loshahiexpo: what do you mean: "all my repos are deb" ??05:23
LuyzaQUESTION ~  on GIMP, following the Ubuntu Wacom Wiki thingie,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Screenshot-Gimp_Input.png   I setup my wacom. BUT, I have to draw with the eraser! When I use the 'pen', it gives me the cursor, and then ANOTHER cursor mirrors my movement (WIERD I know), and when I click, it doesn't paint anything. Anyone know what the prob could be?:P05:23
itilioussinistrad, the terminal simply gave me a reply of :989405:28
itiliouswhats that even mean? lol05:28
pepeeLuyza, LOL ok, didn't know that05:28
pepeeit seems like wacom are problematic in linux, and not very well developed05:28
sinistraditilious, that is the pid of the process05:28
jmoironany way to boot ubuntu without booting into x05:29
pepeedraccy, sure it's not a hardware problem?05:29
hiexpoLosha,  _ why ?05:29
itilioussinistrad, is it necessary to use sudo with it everytime?05:29
pepeejmoiron, yep, "recovery something"05:29
patrick_plum-mobile, easy way is to download supergrub and let it fix it automatically. I suck at manual stuff05:29
Loshahiexpo: yes, why run a ubuntu kernel with debian repositories? Is there some advantage?05:29
jmoironpepee: no, that boots into single user mode, which asks me for a root password05:29
patrick_can someone help plum-mobile with !grub05:29
azlonwill mke2fs format a drive?05:29
pepeejmoiron, do you wanna change your password?05:29
jmoironpepee: i want to fix my system05:30
pepeejmoiron, what's the problem?05:30
jmoironi'd like to log in as my user05:30
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.05:30
sinistraditilious,  some processes require sudo to get escalated priviliges. I guess that one might.  You can try without.  It will complain or not work otherwise05:30
patrick_plum-mobile, > !grub05:30
jmoironpepee: ubuntu 10.04 upgrade doesn't like my setup05:30
jmoironalso helpfully mangled the root password on its way out05:30
Loshaazlon: yes, rather, it will format a partition. Be careful with it or you could lose data if you format the wrong partition!05:30
itilioussinistrad, so then even if i make it a launcher i will still need to enter the password manually everytime?05:31
pepeejmoiron: /join #ubuntu+105:31
jmoironold kernel still boots but into a broken X that won't run even in failsafeX05:31
azlonLosha: been there done that (2 days ago). i was installing 9.10 over my 10.04 due to bugs and i f'n installed on the wrong drive.05:31
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hiexpoLosha, yes because i like my repos and the stuff iuse05:31
pepeejmoiron, and if you want a shell, you have to edit the kernel line in grub05:31
Loshaazlon: we've *all* done that at least once....05:31
jmoironpepee: that's fine, i'd like a login if possible05:31
sinistraditilious, well, that would be proper that if it requires it.05:32
jmoironif i can get to my own user, i can mod the root pw and then get into single user mode05:32
Loshahiexpo: so you do it "because you like it". Not exactly the technical reason I was hoping for...05:32
pepeejmoiron, you have to remove all the kernel options (except root=...) and add init=/bin/bash05:32
pepeejmoiron, remove "single" in the kernel options line05:33
jmoironpepee: neat, seems to have worked05:33
azlonLosha: i am currently building a RAID and i made it an ext3, but now after reading about ext2,3,4 i think i want ext2 because it doens't have any journaling. now i need to mke2fs the raid instead of mke2fs -j... does this sound about right?05:33
pepeejmoiron, what did you do?05:33
jmoironpepee: i just did the regular upgrade as suggested05:34
SvendJollyswitch10_: i think i got something here, hope you can help me with my little problem. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=58216 IEC958 is not activated, i say that because i havent done it, and i cannot change the settings. But i cant fint out, how to activate it. How to open the gnome volume controller05:34
pepeedraccy, already there?05:34
jmoironmy system boots onto a raid0 so it isn't the most straightforward05:34
pepeejmoiron, heh ok05:34
Loshaazlon: the mke2fs part sounds right. I don't know enough about raid to advise you on the rest...05:34
hiexpoLosha,  _ i am a hack ///// I am a hacker no longer i donot know how to answer that ?05:34
azlonLosha: thanks05:34
_pg_on mac, I use a program called teleport as a virtual KVM switch. is there anything likt that on Ubunut?05:35
_pg_hiexpo: good to hear05:35
pepee_pg_, KVM?05:36
Loshahiexpo: er, ok. I just find it odd that you do this, and what demism wants to do seems even odder....05:36
_pg_pepee: Keyboard Video Monitor I think. basically it means i can use my laptop as a keyboard mouse for other macs on my lan05:36
pepee_pg_, oh, google told me what teleport is for05:37
_pg_pepee: did i have the acronym wrong?05:37
pepee_pg_, no idea heh05:37
itiliousawesome, thanks for all your help sinistrad05:37
pepeei just typed "teleport mac"05:37
_pg_pepee: pretty neat huh?05:38
slaad_That is what KVM stands for05:38
sinistraditilious, of course.  I try. Not often I can offer help, but I try05:38
_pg_slaad_: pepee know of anything like that for ubuntu? besides VNC of course05:39
pepee_pg_, yeah05:39
Loshapepee: perhaps http://sourceforge.net/projects/synergy2/files/ ?05:39
pepeeLosha, tell _pg_05:39
hiexpoLosha,  i am the best of the best i am a piece of sh// lol05:39
pepee_pg_, no idea..05:39
Losha_pg_: perhaps http://sourceforge.net/projects/synergy2/files05:39
Loshahiexpo: please keep it g-rated...05:40
hiexpoi try05:40
pepeeI would like to know how does that works...05:40
pepeeIRDA mouse and keyboards?05:40
hiexpo!ask | hiexpo05:41
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message05:41
_pg_pepee: IRDA?05:41
_pg_pepee: no, just on my lappy05:41
_pg_pepee: does it over wifi05:41
jmoironpepee: thanks a lot, i figured out what hosed my system and it's booted fine now05:42
pepeejmoiron, np. good luck ;)05:42
_pg_pepee: i cant get on SF to look at that synergy thing. my 10.04 upgrade is eating all whopping 1.5mpbs of my precious bandwidth. i think im just going to bed. thanks for all your help today05:43
pepee_pg_, np05:43
pepee_pg_, thank Losha05:44
draccypepee, Tried three different sound cards to confirm.05:44
_pg_Losha: thanks for the tip-05:44
pepeedraccy, which one works?05:44
Losha_pg_: pepee: best of luck guys05:45
draccypepee, none of them. They all appear to work, but produce no sound from the line out.05:45
jmoironfor posterities sake i had this line in my /etc/fstab : none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 005:45
pepeedraccy, that's why I'm asking if it's a hardware problem...05:45
draccypepee, three cards. Identical symptoms.05:45
pepeeif none of them works, then probably is not OS-related problem05:45
draccyThey work under normal circumstances.05:46
draccyI'll be back.05:46
pepeedraccy, yeah, but, did you test the MoBo?05:46
eycelcan any one tell me how my website is running in firefox, http://www.mplays.co.cc05:46
=== sandy is now known as Guest73867
itilioussinistrad, i still dont see the script under the process list though :(05:47
bullgard4[seahorse] Passwords and Encryption Keys > My Personal Keys lists 3 different keys. I have expliucitlely created only 1. (This one is seen on another computer too.) Where do the other 2 come from?05:47
rootyaeh yeah05:47
=== root is now known as Guest40388
=== Guest40388 is now known as brown_plasticine
sinistraditilious, you might be able to sort by pid, and then check for the script name, and it might also be listed as a path/script05:48
brown_plasticinetest test05:48
pepeeeycel, http://browsershots.org/05:49
sinistradbrown_plasticine, we see ya05:49
pepeeeycel, http://www.google.com/search?q=test+website+browsers&hl=en05:49
selig5eycel: that url comes up as available05:49
selig5eycel: it is a placeholder page05:50
itilioussinistrad, no script name or PID05:50
sinistraditilious, it may have exited05:50
azlonwhen I do find /mnt/ArchiveStorage/Movies -name "*.avi" -a -size +700m it returns the whole path of the movie (ie. /mnt/ArchiveStorage/Movies/Ace Ventura 2 - When Nature Call/Ace Ventura 2 - When Nature Call.avi). is there a way to just return the folder name (Ace Ventura 2 - When Nature Calls) and not the other info?05:52
sinistraditilious, check the terminal window you ran it from, often when a program exits normally, you'll just see "done"(I think) printed out, and may list the pid with it05:52
pepee!ot | eycel05:52
ubottueycel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:52
sinistraditilious, also, if it segfaulted or otherwise had a problem, you might see something there too05:53
eycelfirefox is apart of ubunto05:53
eyceli want to know if it works with firefox05:53
apstantoI'm using ubuntu 9.04 and I am trying to share a drive/folder on our home network.  The drive shows up on my windows box, but when I try to access it, it says "logon unsuccessful".  Any suggestions?05:55
pepeeeycel, we are here for giving support to the users, not for testing websites05:55
pepeespecifically, support about ubuntu05:55
pepeeand I'm showing how you can test yuor site without asking for it05:55
Loshaazlon: see the -printf option to find, using a format of %h05:55
azlonLosha: thanks05:56
BesogonEnglish speakers. I need you advice. (it's needed for a package) Description field: there are some program FOR tmm discipline. OR there are some program ON tmm discipline???05:56
eycelcept I need a human test...05:56
LoshaBesogon: not sure yet. What is tmm?05:57
pepeeeycel, /join #firefox ?05:57
pepeeor #ubuntu-offtopic05:57
eycelo.k pepe...05:58
BesogonLosha, tmm is name of russion subject in our university. That is not important05:59
BesogonLosha, I asked only for "ON" ar "FOR" in the sentence.06:00
porter1Besogon, the way you say it depends on it's name06:00
LoshaBesogon: It's important if I am to give you the best English phrase...06:00
bastid_raZorBesogon: this channel isn't a grammar check channel.06:00
eycelany one using xchat with there linux?06:02
Loshaeycel: I am...06:02
eyceli love it06:02
eyceldo you?06:02
BesogonLosha, tmm - "theory of machines and mechanisms"06:02
eyceli just started using it today06:02
porter1eycel, yeah, it's a decent client06:02
eycelworks so good06:02
Loshaeycel: I prefer not to discuss my love life on irc...06:02
eyceland it isnt a system hog...06:03
=== slide23 is now known as slide
eycelhas it running overnight and everything is like i just started up linux06:03
porter1eycel, original client or gnome version?06:03
switch10_irssi works great for me...06:03
=== ahgpeuka is now known as AHgPeuKa
LoshaBesogon: may I PM you?06:03
red2kiceycel: http://xchat.org/themes.html06:03
apstantoI'm using ubuntu 9.04 and I am trying to share a drive/folder on our home network.  The drive shows up on my windows box, but when I try to access it, I type in my user name and password and it says "logon unsuccessful".  This same procedure works great for my other ubuntu 9.04 machine.  What could be wrong?06:03
BesogonLosha, PM?06:03
red2kiceycel: I made my own theme because nothing of those suits me. :)06:04
eycelim not sure, it was just in the libary of software that came with puppy linux06:04
LoshaBesogon: private message...06:04
eycelloshas making a funny joke and me loving xchat hah06:04
ohodihey Alcor06:04
=== nicholas is now known as Guest43110
ohodiAlcor, sorry my computer wouldnt connect06:04
ohodiAlcor, it has something to do with a vpn. sorry about that06:05
Guest43110I need a good virus program anybody know any06:05
Alcorohodi goodluvk06:05
bastid_raZorGuest43110: clam av  clamtk06:05
ohodiAlcor, thanks. sorry again for taking so long06:05
Alcorohodi np06:05
AHgPeuKaHello, need help with Intel Video card06:06
azlonLosha: i think im doing something wrong. im reading the man for find, but my command isnt working right. this is what i typed: find /mnt/ArchiveStorage/Movies/ -name "*.avi" -a -size 700M -printf %h06:06
Alcorohodihad u made chgs in the vpn?06:06
Loshaazlon: try: ....  -printf "%h\n"06:06
Guest43110I tried downloading clamav and it says I have no internet connection, but my internet is working06:08
bullgard4[seahorse] Passwords and Encryption Keys > My Personal Keys lists 3 different keys. I have expliucitlely created only 1. (This one is seen on another computer too.) Where do the other 2 come from?06:08
ShoggothI'm running Ubuntu Jaunty and I want to prevent the kvm modules from being loaded at boot, I used sysv-rc-conf to disable /etc/init.d/kvm from running at startup but after a reboot the modules are still resident? I could blacklist the modules I suppose but I'm confused as to how they're getting loaded when the service has been disabled. Any suggestions?06:09
azlonLosha: http://www.pastebin.org/18394906:09
circuitmani cant play mp3 and wma audio files in my ubuntu9.0406:10
circuitmanhello guys,help me06:11
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switch10_circuitman: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:11
azlonLosha: i tried adding \r also but it still outputs all results in a single string06:11
bastid_raZorbullgard4: possibly ssh keys?06:11
Loshaazlon: let me try it here...06:13
circuitmanswitch:its 40mb downlaod06:13
Flameycircuitman: that makes sense06:14
Loshaazlon: -printf "%h\n"   <--- the double quotes are necessary for \n to be turned into newline06:14
circuitmanflamey:i want only the codecs06:14
azlonLosha: awesome! thanks!06:14
circuitmanflamey:These codecs did not come as default06:14
switch10_circuitman: and they dont06:15
Flameycircuitman: I'm not sure which one has the mp3 codecs. Also, nothing from the restricted section comes installed by default06:15
azlonLosha: the only problem is that it still returns the whole path. the man says %h should just show the last folder before the filename06:15
switch10_circuitman: if you want proprietary stuff, i.e. mp3, flash, dvd playback, etc, you need to install it..06:16
azlonLosha: oh wait, i read it wrong... it shows just the path, not the file name... thanks!06:16
circuitmanswitch: but 40mb will take hours06:16
Loshaazlon: cool. Otherwise we'd need to postprocess it thru sed or some such...06:16
Flameycircuitman: one of gstreamer0.10-(ffmpeg or plugins-bad or plugins-bad-multiverse or plugins-ugly or plugins-ugly-multiverse)06:16
switch10_circuitman: ok06:16
realcoolguyHmmm finally got a better error message for my problem.  Something to the effect of mountall main process terminated with status 1  (404) was in there somewhere too, the screen is really flickery when it brings me to the recovery terminal login however so it's hard to read even.  I'm seeing lots of of posts for fixes, i'm just wondering if there is someone who can direct me to a good location for this annoying problem (fresh 906:17
realcoolguy.10 install, boots from live cd, but not HD)06:17
switch10_circuitman: this is what you need to do.  I don't know what to tell you.  40mb takes my less then 1 min..06:17
circuitmanswitch: why do ubuntu people make everything to depend on web06:17
circuitmanswitch10: i'm using a dialup connection06:18
Loshacircuitman: because most of them have broadband connections....06:18
switch10_circuitman: what are you talking about?  If you want to pay for proprietary stuff included with your OS, you can...06:18
switch10_circuitman: I can think of 2 off the top of my head....06:19
circuitmanits ridiculous to download just a codec,we have to download unnecessary 40 mb06:19
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Flameycircuitman: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg06:19
ericm|ubuntuanyone able to use bluetooth headset in A2DP mode with luck?06:20
circuitmanFlamey:ok its 13 mb06:20
Flameycircuitman: not sure what the size it's gonna be, it might depends on more stuff, but that will be the minimum you need to download.06:20
apstantoI'm using ubuntu 9.04 and I am trying to share a drive/folder on our home network.  The drive shows up on my windows box, but when I try to access it, I type in my user name and password and it says "logon unsuccessful".  This same procedure works great for my other ubuntu 9.04 machine.  What could be wrong?06:21
Flameycircuitman: I had to download some software to do an assignment today, it was 200 megs, and I was upset that it took an hour. I deleted it right after too.06:22
exploit100will it be any problem if i change my cd rom to dvd rom?06:22
=== exploit100 is now known as friendforall
friendforallsome one here for answer of my problem please?06:24
genzwhat problem06:24
friendforallCurrently i am running CD rom but i want change CD rom to DVD rom06:25
genzso change it06:25
friendforallBut not working06:25
genzit doesnt show the drive?06:25
red2kicfriendforall: Your disc-reader device aren't capable of reading DVDs?06:26
friendforallWhen i change it then THE os can not boot06:26
genzwhat error06:26
genzsounds like a bios option06:26
friendforallthe error : boot failure, insert the system disk06:27
genzis it ide or sata06:27
Flameyfriendforall: are you booting from the CD?06:27
azlonLosha: how can i run a regex on a file? i output my find results to movies.txt but i want to convert the filesize (in kb) to a standard form like Mb... is there an easy way to loop through the file and replace [S:12345] with 12M?06:27
friendforallIt is IDE , and running from hard disk06:27
genzis the hard disk ide too?06:28
genzthats your issue06:28
genzyour jumpers are messed up06:28
genzhard drive needs to be master06:28
friendforallso ?06:28
genzdvd drive needs to be slave06:28
Flameyfriendforall: if they are ide, on the same channel, their jumpers must be wrong, both must be cable select, or hd master, cd slave.06:28
friendforallHow can i do this?06:29
genzback of the drive06:29
genzchange it to slave06:29
friendforallin bios?06:29
Flameyfriendforall: physically06:29
Flameyfriendforall: you have to move the jumper from one sets of pins on the back of the drive to another06:30
Flameyfriendforall: wait, are you trying to read a DVD in your CD drive?06:30
=== rachelvisitacion is now known as lolocaust
friendforalljust trying to change the rom06:31
friendforallCD to DVD06:31
red2kicJust for lol and giggles, friendforall, are you using a laptop? o.o06:31
ricky13can't wait for 10.04 :D06:31
DJ_HaMsTaHow can i figure out what drivers are being used ?06:31
red2kicfriendforall: Do you know for fact that your machine are able to play dvd movies in the past?06:32
Flameyricky13: same =)06:32
=== lolocaust is now known as dudethoseareisot
friendforallit is able06:32
friendforalli used in xp06:32
ricky13haha i always check the site hoping they release it early06:32
=== christian is now known as Guest98320
LuyzaCould someone help me with xsetwacom? Usually, I do xsetwacom set 16 Mode Relative, BUT The "STYLUS" (which usually is 16, doesn't show anymore! Look!  http://www.pastebin.lt/view/raw/5610192806:32
red2kicricky13: I'm already using lucid. I'm special VIP guest, huh? ;)06:33
friendforallNow How can i change  and what will be the setup?06:33
red2kicfriendforall: http://www.ehow.com/how_6031_change-master-slave-designation.html06:33
ricky13i guess. but i want the official release not the candidate06:34
red2kicfriendforall: http://www.pchell.com/hardware/masterslaveorcableselect.shtml06:34
ricky13a little off topic but, Metallica!06:34
DJ_HaMsTahow can one probe for USB drivers being used by devices ?06:35
zcat[1]how do I make mounted drives not show up on the desktop? something in gconf? I had a dig around and I can't find the option06:35
zcat[1].. I think I did it once before, a long time ago on an earlier install06:35
switch10_zcat[1]: its in gconf-editor06:36
ricky13how do i change my computer's user name? cuz i don't like what i have right now06:36
DJ_HaMsTaLSUSB says Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter06:36
DJ_HaMsTa, How can i tell which driver its using ?06:36
red2kicricky13: Make a new username. :>06:37
Flameyhow do I change the text mode size of the linux console? Say 132 x 50.06:37
zcat[1]switch10_:  Any idea where in gconf-editor?06:37
ricky13of course but how?06:37
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switch10_zcat[1]: i cant remember, hold on ill look quick06:37
red2kic!adduser | ricky1306:37
ubotturicky13: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo06:37
kaushalis there a channel dedicated to UCP ?06:37
ricky13hello, my name is Richard and im Linux06:37
kaushalUbuntu Certified Professional06:38
bastid_raZorzcat[1]: zcat[1] apps > nautilus > destkop .. uncheck volumes_visible06:39
Gaduthanks again h00k, got my scripts all worked out so I can encrypt and decrypt without deleting a ton of leftover files manually ^_^06:39
felonis enabling ident easy and is it security risk ?06:39
switch10_zcat[1]: apps>nautilus>desktop06:40
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:40
=== effigy is now known as aether01
zcat[1]Ahhhh, I was looking in  desktop > gnome !06:40
felonim hungry06:40
zcat[1]Cool. also I think I'll have a network icon and a trashcan while I'm here...06:40
switch10_zcat[1]: no problem06:41
FlameyDJ_HaMsTa: I recognize the name, I have the same adapter, it's using the rtl8187 driver06:42
heroidhi guys how do i reset all my gnome-panel to default?06:42
FlameyDJ_HaMsTa: you can see the info modinfo rtl818706:42
red2kic!resetpanel | heroid06:42
ubottuheroid: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:42
heroidubottu: thanks06:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:43
=== zhang is now known as Guest78160
plum-mobileHey, can ubuntu be run from NTFS instead of ext4?06:47
red2kicplum-mobile: Why do you want to break Ubuntu? :(06:47
tonyyarussoplum-mobile: no.06:47
nullkuhl_hello i have a problem with my pointing device, its a laptop clickpad, currently i have no right or left clicks working nor 2 finger scrolling, plz help..06:47
=== JustUbuntized_ is now known as JustUbuntized
adelcampoplum-mobile, google for wubi06:48
plum-mobile:/ I have a previous install of osx86 bootloader and it's not recognizing my Linux to boot from06:48
plum-mobileadelcampo: I have wubi on a usb device that I installed ubuntu on my other hdd with06:49
plum-mobileThe bootloader does not recognize it to boot from though06:49
DJ_HaMsTaFlamey, Thank you, that should clear up somethings. If you dont mind me asking what driver are u using for it ?06:51
nullkuhl_hello i have a problem with my pointing device, its a laptop clickpad, currently i have no right or left clicks working nor 2 finger scrolling, plz help..06:52
plum-mobileWhy does /dev/sdb2 have keys next to the name on gParted, but not /dev/sdb1 (what I want to boot from) ?06:52
FlameyDJ_HaMsTa: the name of the driver is rtl8187, there was another I think called r8187 or r8180 it didn't work as well06:53
DJ_HaMsTais it /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187.ko ?06:53
felonEC2 is VPN ?06:54
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FlameyDJ_HaMsTa: yep that's the module.06:55
bullgard4bastid_raZor: Yes, they may be ssh keys. How can I differentiate beween ssh key and a GPG key?06:55
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circuitmanhow to download ASF for playing wma audio06:56
bastid_raZorbullgard4: you can double click the key and see its properties which tells what type of key it is.. where it is located on your drive. ~/.ssh/ being a good hint at ssh06:56
Flameycircuitman: Not sure which one it is, but it's one of the gstreamer packages, I think06:57
circuitmanhow to download ASF (Advanced Streaming Format) demuxer plugin for playing wma audio06:57
switch10_plum-mobile: the jeys next to it means that it is mounted.  You would have to unmount the drive/partition to make any changes.  That may mean you have to boot from a live cd06:57
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plum-mobileswitch10_: ah ok, thanks.. I was in live cd but I didn't know how to get it working to boot from ubuntu. I think its my bootloader is the problem.06:59
nonhey guys07:03
nonhow are you?07:03
felonim hungry07:03
felonyou ?07:03
sinistradHow can I find out what is using port80? I have a pc that I upgraded from intrepid to jaunty that had apache on it. Apache won't start because it says something else is already bound to port8007:03
nonsay felon07:03
felonyes non07:04
nondo you know how to setup the snapon windows feature similar to that in win 7?07:04
nonI've been tryin to work my mind around it for days07:05
feloncant say that i do.07:05
switch10_non: grid in the advanced compiz settings works great..07:05
red2kicnon: yeah!07:05
noncheers lads will mosdef give it a go!07:06
felongo go go !!!07:06
felongo gadget fork in food !07:06
switch10_non: I have mine setup to have 4 screens "snapped" instead of just 207:07
red2kicgo-go-gadget --fork-in dog07:07
bazhangfelon, please remain on topic07:07
gulashHow do I start virtualbox?07:07
meowbuntuis there an easy file search tool for ubuntu i can get.07:08
red2kicgulash: It is under Applications --> System Tools, I think.07:08
gulashOh. >_< `virtualbox` ... thought itš vbox or something07:08
red2kicmeowbuntu: "sudo updatedb && locate meowbuntu.txt"07:08
switch10_meowbuntu: gnome-do07:08
gulashred2kic: Who said I have gnome started? ;]07:08
meowbuntured, what thats not it07:09
meowbuntuthanks switch10_07:09
red2kicgulash: Try "v<tab,tab> in the terminal. Hopefully you'll get somethin... oh you just said it.07:09
switch10_meowbuntu: highly recommended.  bind it to a key combo as well..07:09
gulashred2kic: ^^07:09
red2kicmeowbuntu: You said EASY file search tool. I gave you commands to search. Somebody else gave you a name of package. :307:10
meowbuntuswitch10_, something like ctrl+alt+s07:10
motaka2may any one help me through installing tor on ubuntu?07:11
switch10_meowbuntu: I use super+g07:11
meowbuntured2kic, gtk is always best easiest way to do anything for most07:11
Flameysinistrad: sudo lsof -itcp:www07:11
meowbuntusuper = the windows key right07:11
meowbuntu^ switch10_07:11
switch10_meowbuntu: yes07:12
sinistradFlamey, I found it. the upgrade added listen 80 to /etc/apache2/ports.conf07:12
switch10_meowbuntu: gnome-do does more than locate, or find do anyway...07:12
sinistradFlamey, port80 wasn't showing up in netstat07:12
switch10_meowbuntu: it can even search your friends in empathy..  or emails in evolution, and so much more..07:13
meowbuntuswitch10_, where is gnome do located in ubuntu menu07:13
MrH_sup ppl07:14
meowbuntuempathy is not as good as pidgion.07:14
meowbuntuwebmail is best for me07:14
tripelbit's chrome, it's in ubuntu 9.10, I am on the comedy central website, I just watched 2 videos, the 2nd finishes, then I see this To view this movie you need the Adobe Flash Player plugin. You also need JavaScript enabled in your browser.07:14
Flameysinistrad: listen sockets aren't shown in the default display, i usually add -a to see them07:14
switch10_meowbuntu: apps>accessories07:14
meowbuntubut switch10_ thats great07:14
switch10_meowbuntu: I like empathy better..07:14
* MrH_ can't sleep07:14
tripelbmeowbuntu, I use xchat07:14
MrH_xchat here as well07:14
Flameysinistrad: problem with netstat is that it doesn't tell you which process is using that port.07:15
meowbuntuswitch10_, empathy cant do as much as pidgin atm its too new07:15
switch10_well for irc I use irssi...07:15
Flameyme too, and #irssi answers my occasional questions.07:15
meowbuntuirc xchat is best on ubuntu irssi is also good and light though07:15
sinistradI was using netstat -lnp | grep ''07:15
MrH_i want to combine a plug-in for conky and a cmd based irc client07:15
switch10_meowbuntu: I rarley use it.  as far as I know empathy has voice and pidgin does not..07:16
ennuihas anyone here used rEFIt to boot to Ubuntu on an intel mac?07:16
Flameysinistrad: that won't find everything, if apache only binds to one address, you'd get some real ip and not
robertzaccourwhen is the gnome 3 final release? in time for 10.10 i hope07:16
MrH_kinda embed the chat into the background with user input enabled07:16
tripelbmeowbuntu re search tool, it's (dumbly) hidden, in a file browser (the one called nautilus but only by those who know, gnome never mentions it) press control-F and there it appears.07:16
red2kicMrH_: I don't think conky is interactive. Its duty is to display information. You could ask in #conky though.07:17
sinistradFlamey, It didn't find anything.  apache was only giving me (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address when I tried to start it07:17
Flameytripelb: wow thanks, I never knew about Ctrl-F07:17
sinistradFlamey, meaning, you are right07:17
MrH_red2kic: and it does a fine job at that07:18
sinistradFlamey, luckily, I remembered that listen80 was added to ports.conf and I tried commenting it out. It seemed to work. I appreciate your help though07:18
MrH_i seen somebody do it thoe... they sent their text/cmd via a small text box that was some how connected to the client07:19
Flameysinistrad: no prob. that lsof command will show you all the processes either bound to 80 or connected to 8)(might be a lot) lsof's manpage is huge, but i think there's a way to select only listening ports07:20
sinistradFlamey, Thanks, I never tried lsof. I learn something new every day07:21
circuitmanFlamey:still not able to play wma audio07:21
robertzaccourwill gnome 3 be on 10.10? is it possible to test the current build?07:21
circuitmani downloaded the gstremaer07:22
ShapeShifter499can anyone here help with a powerpoint prob?07:22
=== MySrv is now known as SRK
Flameysinistrad: lsof and fuser are nice tools for figuring out which processes have files, sockets, whatever open. (Excepts files in use my kernel, like loop mounts)07:22
SRKis there any bandwidth moniter in ubuntu07:22
MrH_i have one for conky07:23
sinistradFlamey, cool!07:23
circuitmani want to change the baud rate of my usb modem07:23
Flameycircuitman: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:23
SRKis there any bandwidth moniter in ubuntu  anyone there07:23
red2kicSRK: conky or nethogs07:24
MrH_here -> http://www.pastebin.org/18417007:24
MrH_install conky, use that config07:24
sinistradSRK, iftop will do something like that if you want to see every address connected with a bar graph of sorts07:24
tripelbFlamey, I do what I call "hack" meaning I keep trying things to see what works. That was hack in the wayback.07:24
Medusacan anybody tell me why my gnome-pilot settings start itself every time when I login?07:24
circuitmanhow to change the baud rate of my usb modem07:24
circuitmani've installed setserial07:25
* tripelb some compination of dumb and smart. over and out07:25
JetPackTuxedoMedusa, check in your startup programs07:25
Gnea!modem | circuitman07:25
ubottucircuitman: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up07:25
Flameytripelb: Yeah, I mean I just never touched nautilus much, so I didn't know that was there.07:25
tripelbFlamey, how do you find files and move them to a different place or find them to open them without nautilus?07:26
ShapeShifter499I put a bunch of pics into different slides using a mac, I opened it on a windows in my world history class to present and none of the pics showed, just an error saying this or that needs to be installed, so I told the teach I'd fix it at home, my home comp with ubuntu 10.04 and open office 3.2 and it opens with all the pics showing, so how do I make sure the pics will show on the windows...07:26
ShapeShifter499...comp in my world history class?07:26
ShapeShifter499this is a powerpoint presentation07:26
tripelbShapeShifter499, test it in the library or something.07:26
MrH_ShapeShifter499: try #powerpoint ?07:27
JetPackTuxedoShapeShifter499, what did you export as?07:27
tripelboh powerpoint, not in the library. ShapeShifter499  ouch07:27
Flameytripelb: mostly find, for the most part I have good memory for filenames07:27
red2kicShapeShifter499: Export it as PDF or something?07:27
MedusaJetPack..:Thanks,but I checked startup and it still07:27
circuitmanubottu:actually i installed a program called setserial.07:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:27
tripelbflarmey so you just type the path? I am impressed.07:27
Flameytripelb: and media, I tend to keep well organized so I never searched much07:28
MrH_ShapeShifter499, i took a powerpoint class... what do you need help on?07:28
ShapeShifter499red2kic: that could work, MrH: I need help on making sure pics that are on the slide will show no matter the comp os07:28
circuitmanGnea:i connected my modem using the network manager,but i want to change the baud rate to higher so that  i can get more speed07:28
MrH_sounds like ur teacher dosen't have M$ Office installed07:28
red2kicShapeShifter499: Curse your classroom. Install Ubuntu 10.04 on his/her machine then open the powerpoint file.07:29
ShapeShifter499MrH_ he does07:29
MrH_would you mind sending me the presentation?07:29
ShapeShifter499red2kic: um the school district is really strict about what goes onto the comps07:29
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ShapeShifter499MrH_: sure one sec07:30
ShapeShifter499MrH_: good with DCC?07:30
JetPackTuxedoShapeShifter499, Hmm... can you install Open Office powerpoint on your flash drive, copy all images to it just in case, and just open it in your new "portable" open office as an oop?07:30
ShapeShifter499MrH_: or what ever the irc file send is07:30
MrH_havn't tryed, give it a shot07:30
ShapeShifter499there it is07:31
red2kicShapeShifter499: That was a joke. See what happen when school tried to use proprietary software? More cesspool and does not help anyone at all. Exporting PDF or creating a website could work.07:32
MrH_now where did xchat stick it...07:32
JetPackTuxedoI would just like to say, without any attempt to relate it to ubuntu or even linux, that MSDN is slow.07:33
MrH_send it again...07:34
Gneacircuitman: gah, I'm not sure how.... been years since I've used a modem, and when I did, I used this as a more technical guide: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Modem-HOWTO.html07:34
ShapeShifter499powerpoint wants to kill me07:34
Gneacircuitman: back then we had to set modem parameters by editting config files by hand07:35
JetPackTuxedoShapeShifter499, that's what it does. If it had it's way it would just sit in a corner alone. Especially 07.07:35
meowbuntuhow do i change the default download folder for google chrome please.07:35
circuitmanGnea:Then tell me how to edit the config file of my usb huawei modem07:36
JetPackTuxedomeowbuntu, go to the wrench icon in the rop right07:36
meowbuntujet yes then07:36
meowbuntu^ JetPackTuxedo07:36
JetPackTuxedomeowbuntu, then go to options07:36
Flameymeowbuntu: then under the hood07:36
meowbuntuits not there i checked07:36
meowbuntuoh ok07:36
meowbuntuthen i'm there cant see it07:37
JetPackTuxedomeowbuntu, then under the hood. It is at the bottom of that page on mine07:37
Flameymeowbuntu: you might need to scroll down07:37
meowbuntulol duh i did not see scroll bar lol07:37
ShapeShifter499MrH_: I guess you didn't get it07:37
JetPackTuxedomeowbuntu, I see privacy, network translate, downloads...07:37
JetPackTuxedofind it?07:37
meowbuntuok but where is the default it just says download adn not where it is07:38
meowbuntusort of JetPackTuxedo07:38
Flameymeowbuntu: click it, it'll bring up a folder dialog07:38
meowbuntuit just comes up with a folder called downloades not where that folder is situated arg tempremental chrome browser07:39
meowbuntuno i tryed that07:39
ShapeShifter499MrH_: you still there?07:39
Flameymeowbuntu: choose Other...07:39
red2kicMrH_: Maybe it is in ~/.xchat/downloads -- Check for pete's sake. :P07:40
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties07:40
ShapeShifter499MrH_: here http://www.sendspace.com/file/hav50j07:40
meowbuntuFlamey, you would think it would show where it is actually located not just the folder it seems to be another compleat device but its not07:40
meowbuntuFlamey, but i have something saved there already07:40
Flameymeowbuntu: Oh, you want to know where it has downloaded files?07:41
meowbuntuFlamey, found it the long way round thanks anyway07:41
Gneacircuitman: what's the baud rate currently set to?07:41
circuitmani dont know07:41
circuitmanGnea: that's what i want to know and change it07:42
Flameymeowbuntu: The default location is $HOME/Downloads07:42
ShapeShifter499red2kic: I wonder if MrH_ ditched me D=07:42
geekphreakhello all07:42
meowbuntuflyes i found that thanks07:43
themadhatter\join #sage-devel07:43
Gneacircuitman: so the usb modem, it plugs into the phone line? or is it like a cellphone?07:44
Someguy77is there a command to toggle the always on top property of a window?07:44
circuitmanGnea:cell phone07:44
red2kicShapeShifter499: Your PPT file probably broke his machine.07:45
ShapeShifter499red2kic: D=07:46
ShapeShifter499red2kic: XD07:46
Gneacircuitman: okay, read this and see if your phone is listed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G07:46
ShapeShifter499red2kic: this ppt is more hassle than it seemed07:46
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MrH_im here07:47
MrH_DCC isn't co-opin07:47
circuitmanGnea:its not phone actually,it's usb CDMA modem07:48
Gneacircuitman: the point is that it doesn't use a landline, it uses a cellular tower to make the connection07:48
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ShapeShifter499MrH_: did you get my sendspace link??07:48
circuitmanGnea:more technically its called "Network Interface Card" (NIC)07:48
MrH_no i didn't07:48
ShapeShifter499MrH_: here http://www.sendspace.com/file/hav50j07:49
Gneacircuitman: what we're concerned about here is whether or not networkmanager has the proper ability to tell the device to change baud rate or not07:49
circuitmanGnea:ya it user cell tower07:49
MrH_opens fine here bro07:50
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MrH_maybe save it as a older format?07:50
MrH_crap, ttyl07:51
ShapeShifter499well it opened in my world history class asking for a Quicktime TIFF format to be installed inorder to read it07:51
ShapeShifter499aww man07:51
MrH_install quicktime07:51
Gneacircuitman: historically, the way to change the baud rate was to change the serial port speed. this might help shed a bit more light: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Huawei07:51
ShapeShifter499it is installed on his comp07:52
MrH_or change the images from TIFF to jpg07:52
MrH_or even png07:52
MrH_i gotta go07:52
red2kicor even pony07:52
ShapeShifter499I'll check it out at my school's library07:52
ShapeShifter499they are windows07:52
red2kicShapeShifter499: Convert TIFF to png (like MrH_ say).07:52
ShapeShifter499I did but no win comp to see if it works07:53
gasullI've done everything explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptURL but I can't get apt links working with Firefox/Swiftfox.07:53
ShapeShifter499\I g2g too07:53
ShapeShifter499School 2morrow07:53
red2kicgasull: is ubufox installed?07:54
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gasullred2kic: yes07:56
Wisemangood evening everyone!07:57
red2kicgasull: Can't you use synaptic or terminal to install packages as opposed to clicking on apt:links you found on internet?07:57
hndWiseman: gud evening maryj: hii :)07:59
Flameycircuitman: you might need gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad07:59
jpterminal123bonjour a tous08:00
hndjpterminal123: bonjour :)08:00
circuitmanFlamey:how to install08:00
hndcircuitman: it will search itself and install...08:01
circuitmanhnd:i'm not getting08:02
Flameycircuitman: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-{bad,ugly}08:02
hndcircuitman:  sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-{bad,ugly}08:02
hndFlamey took the lead08:02
Flameyfor teh wins!08:02
hndFlamey: :D08:03
circuitmanhnd:it's 30 mb08:03
circuitmani cant,my connnection is very slow08:03
Flameycircuitman: just download it overnight08:03
hndwell then is it our fault??? :/ just put it up overnight...08:04
gasullred2kic: yes, I can use aptitude or synaptic, but it's just annoying that apt links don't work08:04
hndahh well again Flamey takes the lead08:04
xukunI have a system without X-Windows. I use bluetooth keyboard, to connect the keyboard I have to push the connect key on the keyboard then 'hidd --search and the hidd --connect mac-address' but I have to do this after every reboot. Which configuration do I need to but where so It remembers after reboot?08:06
=== strong_ is now known as str0ng
hfmgood morning everybody from ireland08:09
khussein78anyone know if there is ubuntu shop in honolulu08:09
white_magicthere are ubuntu shops?08:10
khussein78white_magic,  i need some names if you have08:10
Fudgegday, any problems known for su audigy 4's?08:11
hfmI'd like an opinion on this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146331108:12
white_magickhussein78: i really have no idea08:13
khussein78ok thanks08:13
=== plum_ is now known as plum
hfmBurned through the midnight oil there last night... so I hope it looks okey08:14
plumhey... i have my main harddrive with windows and mac installed dualbooting. but i have a secondary drive that i have ubuntu on, and want to make the bootloader on the first drive so i can remove the second drive safely... how can i configure grub to do this?08:14
ohodipptp is not working for me. can anyone help?08:15
plum"the bootloader" meaning Grub08:15
plumcan someone help with this? i am very unfamiliar with grub and don't want to have to have my other harddrive constantly plugged in to the computer to use any other operating system...08:16
Flameyhfm: nice, i like08:19
red2kicgasull: I see. I don't have apturl or ubufox installed. I rarely let the websites crave my attention to *click,click* moot packages. :)08:23
gasullred2kic: It's happening with any kind of URL I want to add, like vnc://, apt://, etc.08:24
red2kicgasull: Check Edit --> Preferences --> Applications?08:27
red2kic(in Firefox)08:27
gasullred2kic: apt isn't there.  Should it be?  And how can I add it?08:29
DylanJi just installed an old version of ubuntu (8.04) on a computer and accidently changed the refresh rate so that no monitor in the house can view the screen >_> i'm wondering what file i need to change to reset this08:29
DylanJanyone know? :D08:29
red2kicgasull: I see apt in my Applications database set for "Always ask"08:30
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gasullred2kic: I don't see it.  How can I add it there?08:31
joe__i have two directories in the same directory.  I want to move one of these into the other via CLI.  What would be the command to do this?  mv? or cp?  I just really don't want to fuck it up..08:31
geekphreakjoe__:  use mv command and watch language please08:32
red2kicgasull: Well, I found something in ~/.mozilla/firefox/$RANDOM.default/mimeTypes.rdf -- but it might be easier to try and create a new profile and see if it shows up.08:33
geekphreakto create a new profile /usr/bin/firefox -ProfileManager08:33
joe__i apologize, ok so mv directortoMove directoryiWantItToLiveIn, or will that just rename the directory?08:34
hachourihello guys, does any one know a tools to modify the bios setup using DMI?08:34
xukunI have a system without X-Windows. I use bluetooth keyboard, to connect the keyboard I have to push the connect key on the keyboard then 'hidd --search and the hidd --connect mac-address' but I have to do this after every reboot. Which configuration do I need to but where so It remembers after reboot?08:35
geekphreakjoe__:  mv folder_you_wana_move folder_you_wana_move_into08:35
joe__ok, do i have to throw a -R on there if there is stuff in the folder?08:36
geekphreakmv should be fine,08:36
gasullred2kic: I don't see it in a new profile08:36
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hachourijoe__, if the destination foder exist then the first folder will be moved into it if not then the folder will be moved and renamed, mv workrecursevly without -r08:37
joe__awesome, thanks guys, appreciated08:37
red2kicgasull: Try closing Firefox and then remove/and/install ubufox. Otherwise, I don't know what's wrong (as I don't use them myself).08:38
geekphreakjoe__: no problemo08:38
red2kicgasull: Do you want my mimeTypes.rdf (for your own benefits to investigate furtherer)?08:39
red2kicgasull: http://pastebin.com/RUHFjjGt08:39
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dazhiHello, world08:42
NobleThe ubuntu 10.04 installed seems to get caught in an infinite loop while loading kerlen from USB before install.08:42
red2kicNoble: Seek Lucid support in #ubuntu+108:43
geekphreakNoble:  try asking in #ubuntu+1 lucid support08:43
HalabundHi!  How can I check which version of Ubuntu a computer has from the command line?  Also, are ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu deb packages interchangeable?  (Computer doesn't have internet access, need to download package elsewhere before installing)08:44
gasullred2kic: thanks.  it works now08:45
dazhiHalabund:uname -r08:45
red2kicHalabund: "lsb_release -a ; echo YES"08:45
red2kicgasull: :)08:46
rwwdazhi: uname -r is for the kernel version, not Ubuntu version08:46
dazhioh, yes, sorry08:46
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gasullred2kic: thanks a lot.  I tried to fix this a few times.08:46
red2kicgasull: No problem. You might want to change/eliminate my Gmail.08:47
DylanJi just installed an old version of ubuntu (8.04) on a computer and accidently changed the refresh rate so that no monitor in the house can view the screen >_> i'm wondering what file i need to change to reset this08:48
moetunesDylanJ: if it exists   /etc/X11/xorg.conf   more than likely08:50
gasullred2kic: will do08:50
geekphreakmoetunes: howdy :d08:51
moetunesgeekphreak: how ya doin' :]08:51
geekphreakmoetunes: good , thanks hope same from you :)08:51
moetunesI'm always good unless I get caught ;]08:52
firevaihi everyone.. i need just a little help08:54
firevaii'm trying to setup a static ip and i am not sure what numbers go where... lol08:55
firevaiim ahter atm, and i have my info from isp, but a lil confused what number goes where08:55
firevaii'm using a modem with a built in router08:55
=== JustUbuntized_ is now known as JustUbuntized
firevaiany admins awake.. i just need a little help please08:57
ikoniawhat's the issue?08:57
firevaiim trying to setup a staic ip08:58
DJ_HaMsTahowdo  ifigure out my hostname ?08:58
ikoniaDJ_HaMsTa: "hostname" is the comment08:58
firevaithats where i'm at.. just trying to get the right numbers in the right place08:58
DJ_HaMsTaah thanks08:58
DJ_HaMsTahow do i change it ? lol08:58
ikoniafirevai: ok, first some questions, then lets work this through08:58
ikoniafirevai: first, what version of ubuntu is this ?08:58
ikoniafirevai: 9.04 or 9.1008:59
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ikoniais this a desktop install ?08:59
firevaii have the file opened in gedit08:59
ikoniafirevai: what file?08:59
firevaiand pasted the example in there.. but i am not sure what goes where. i have my numbers from isp08:59
ikoniafirevai: ok, why are you not using the network admin gui to do this, you should not be editing the interfaces file09:00
ohirfirevai: you need to consult your router manual and configure it with dhcp serving on your lan side. In ubuntu you use default config if you use wired lan.09:00
clottermhi. i'm currently trying o build my own alternate installer cd (in order to use kickstart scripts). somehow my usb-cdrom drive is not mountec corrently, I need to load the modules manually (says: no common cdrom drive found). anybody any suggestions how to avoid that?09:00
ikoniaohir: no he doesn't09:00
firevaihmm ok kinda lost09:00
ikoniaohir: he doesn't have to use dhcp at all09:00
ikoniafirevai: are you using gnome ?09:01
firevaiso i dont need to edit that file?09:01
ikoniafirevai: in the top right of your desktop, a little in from the right, do you see an icon that looks like a network icon/computer icon,09:01
tp43you know the f4l program, for flash design on linux, anyone tried it, it doesn't seem to be in the repo09:01
ikoniafirevai: ok, that's gnome network manager, if you click it, what options do you see09:02
ohirikonia: he uses router/modem combo IIRC. My experience tells me that configuring dhcp in that gizmo is the only viable option for home network.09:02
firevaijust vpn connections09:02
ikoniaohir: nope09:02
firevaii have comcast business line, and they said i have to have a static ip to forward ports09:02
ohirikonia: who will teach him/her how to setup his/her mother windoze pc to get it online?09:02
firevaii use dc++ and cant search or download but people can dl from me09:03
ikoniaohir: I'm not supporting his windows PC09:03
ikoniafirevai: hang on, one step at a time09:03
ikoniafirevai: lets step back again for a moment09:03
ikoniafirevai: why do you want a static IP ?09:03
firevaicomcast did a firmware update, and killed port forwarding, and i had to get a static ip so i could forward ports09:03
ohirikonia: but you are advising him to set static ip on his ubuntu box, right?09:03
ikoniaohir: no, I'm not advising him to do anything09:04
ikoniafirevai: ok, you're way off base here09:04
ohirok. Your client :)09:04
firevailol i feel special.. i got two guys fighting over me.. lol09:04
* ohir steps back.09:04
ikoniafirevai: no-one's fight, ohir is actually right based on what you're telling me now09:04
firevaiwish i was a chick.. i'd feel even better lol09:04
ikoniafirevai: you have no reason to set a static IP, you just need to tell your router to port forward to the internal LAN IP09:05
firevaiok explain that.. forward to internal lan ip09:05
ikoniafirevai: you need to contact your router vendor for support on your router, but the bottom line is you ubuntu machine will get a dhcp address (internal IP) from your router, you then configure the router to port forward to that internal IP address09:06
firevaii'm in the router/modem config thingie now09:06
firevaiok i did that allready09:06
ikoniafirevai: each router/modem does it differenty so you'll need to use your routers support services / manuals to configure it09:06
firevailemme check something09:06
firevaiError: I could not see your service on on port (24245)09:07
firevaiReason: No route to host09:07
ikoniafirevai: you'll need to speak to your router support services to get help setting that up, as that's nothing to do with ubuntu09:07
firevaii forwarded that port to my router ip?09:07
ikoniafirevai: just keep in mind you have no need/reason to set a static IP when talking to your router support as ohir suggested earlier09:08
firevaiwierd.. when i was using my landlords line, when he forwarded a port it just worked fine09:08
SuN__now reiinstall  linux-headers from live cd to my os ubuntu 10.04 rc109:08
ikoniaSuN__: ?09:08
icerootSuN__: #ubuntu+109:10
firevaiok my internal ip would be that number probably?09:10
mr_diggleshow do i get my box to allow me to install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`  .. aptitude reports it couldn't find any package that matches that name..09:10
firevaimost others are like
mr_digglesit appears in my /etc/apt/soruces that restricted is already enabled.09:10
ikoniafirevai: you need to contact your router vendor's support services09:10
firevaimr_diggles, you have to add the repositories in synaptec09:10
firevaiok ok thanks guys09:10
whomeewhen i do a apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) .. does it overwrite my current kernel and configs?09:11
icerootmr_diggles: apt-get update09:11
SuN__ikonia, I can not log gives me a black screen and restarts09:11
ikoniaSuN__: lucid support is in the channel #ubuntu+109:11
SuN__ikonia, no correct answer for now09:12
mr_digglesfirevai: check box for proprietary (restricted) is already checked09:12
icerootSuN__: but this is not the lucid-support-channel09:12
mr_digglescan others install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` ?  is documentation for getting the acx wireless module just depricated perhaps?09:13
icerootmr_diggles: apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules  after sudo apt-get update09:14
mr_digglesiceroot: nada .. what does the line in /etc/apt/sources look like to get this enabled?09:14
iceroot!info linux-restricted-modules09:15
ubottuPackage linux-restricted-modules does not exist in karmic09:15
mr_digglesubottu: gah! that is what was suspecting..09:15
mr_digglesso i wonder what the recommended path is for getting these wireless drivers now is..09:16
switchgirlho do i ban doubleclick?09:16
whomeemake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.09:16
whomeehow can i solve this? just do a apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)?09:16
mr_diggleswhomee: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`09:17
whomeemr_diggles: does that reconfigure anything in my current kernel configs?09:17
mr_diggleswhomee: nope.. in fact it gets you a dissapointing amount of stuff :P09:17
mr_diggleswhomee: but doesn't change anything about current running system.09:18
whomeemr_diggles: ah goodie :) just need that build file again :) well spank you09:18
ph0xidehow can i disable ipv6 on one itnerface09:19
DjAngo23Hey everyone. Flashplayer did work perfectly, but since the update Firefox crashes (hang) with site using Flash. I did uninstall flash, now i want to reinstall it. So What I really want is the procedure to fully unistall flash player, and then install the good version. Any help ?09:19
mr_digglesahh, linux-restricted-modules were depricated in 9.10 in favor of dkms09:21
mr_digglesand sadly I know nothing of dkms09:21
mahisastrai want to compress vodeo file , in ubuntu, what is the command?09:22
mahisastrawhat is ns2 simulator09:23
mr_digglesmahisastra: check out ffmpeg and it's tools.. do a big of googling in that area.  ubuntu has all the mplayer+ffmpeg stuff available but figuring it out will be the fun part09:23
mahisastracan any one tell me?09:23
mr_digglesmahisastra: you might look at handbreak if you want a GUI09:24
mr_diggleshandbrake even09:24
mr_digglesso yeah, major ubuntu doc fail here.. depricate linux-restricted-modules in favor of dkms and then dont' offer how to transition documentation.. bleh09:25
Kartagishow do I get the libc6 version on my system?09:26
tp43why isn't f4l(flash for linux) in the ubuntu repo09:27
albackerwhen is lucid coming out?09:27
tp43I think the first of May09:27
ph0xide2 more dayz09:27
albackeri thought it was more like april.. thanks :)09:27
ph0xide29 april samoa time :P09:28
onaoghhelp !, my evolution doesn't start up, it just hangs when started09:29
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onaoghi mean evolution mail client09:29
Kartagishow can I upgrade my libc6 to 16? my version is 1509:29
albackerthanks tp43 ph0xide09:29
geekphreakonaogh: any errors?09:30
Vhozardonaogh Try executing it in the terminal and search for errors09:30
onaoghno errors, ok i will execute from terminal09:30
ph0xidealbacker, np09:31
onaoghi started from terminal, here are the lines: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423244/09:31
Kartagishow can I upgrade my libc6 to 16? my version is 1509:32
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onaoghVhozard, googling those errors in google have no result09:33
onaoghbrb, restarting...09:34
whomeesomeone have a already finished compiled quickcam module laying around? ;)09:35
Name141How do you know after using "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and applying the upgrades , does the machine need to be restarted or now?09:37
Name141or not*09:37
ikoniait will say09:37
Name141ikonia: even in the terminal ? All I have seen is if I login to the GUI09:38
Kartagisikonia, how can I upgrade my libc6 to 16? my version is 1509:38
ikoniaeven in the terminal09:38
ikoniaKartagis: why do you want to09:38
ikoniaKartagis: changing libc versions is highly dangerous09:38
Kartagisikonia, I have a problem with nslookup. netadmin said this could be solved with upgrading libc609:39
meowbuntuhi how do i get skype for ubuntu 8.10 karmic. there is only an older version. http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/choose/09:39
meowbuntuany ideas09:39
Ten-Eightmeowbuntu: that's the one you need.09:40
ikoniaKartagis: 1.) nslookup is depreciated 2.) changing libc should not be done at all,09:40
Ten-Eightmeowbuntu: it'll work.  works fine on my 8.1009:40
Kartagisikonia, even dig cannot resolve it09:40
ikoniamagez: it's 8.10+09:40
ikoniaKartagis: then it won't be a libc issue09:40
ikoniamagez: sorry that was for meowbuntu09:40
Name141ikonia: all it said was upgrading libavcodec52 libavformat52 libavutil49 libpostproc51 libswscale0 , then setting up (all of them) , and finally ldconfig deferred processing now taking place09:41
Name141and that was that.09:41
ikoniaName141: so nothing needs to be restarted then09:42
fearfailhey so I'm trying to set up CoughPHP (ORM) on ubuntu and I'm getting a weird permission denied error from PHP even though I have the include file chmod 77709:42
fearfailWarning: include_once(/home/user/coughphp/extras/Autoloader.class.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: Permission denied09:42
Kartagisikonia, I take full responsibility, I've to try it09:42
ikoniafearfail: failed to open stream - not file09:43
Name141What else can I do with this old machine anyway? It's a P2 450 MHz , 10 GB hard drive.09:43
ikoniaKartagis: what are you trying to resolve ?09:43
ghhowdy. for some reason my sound is not working... when I first start it makes the noise at the login screen and I can play files via rhythmbox however, there is no applet for volume control and when I goto system/preferences/sound I get "Waiting for sound system to respond" also if I try to launch either gnome-volume-control or gnome-volume-control-applet from the cli I get "WARNING **:Connection failed, reconnecting..." over and over... any ideas? this is 9.10 u09:43
ghpdated to the latest. I find it strange that I get the 'ding' when the login screen shows up and I can play stuff via rhythmbox but nothing else plays sound...09:43
meowbuntuTen-Eight, i have the latest ubuntu 9.10 shesh09:43
ikoniaKartagis: if dig can't resolve it it won't be a libc issue09:43
ikoniaKartagis: what version of ubuntu is this on09:43
fearfailikonia: elaborate, what's the difference and how do I fix it09:43
Name141All I got it running is eggdrops and energymechs09:43
Ten-Eightmeowbuntu: it'll work.09:43
Kartagisikonia, rapidshare and 9.1009:43
wasmahenhe llo09:43
wasmahenwhat does uh-huh means09:44
meowbuntuTen-Eight, i need the ubuntu 9.10 format skyp installer unless the older one also works09:44
ikoniafearfail: if it was a file permissions you would be right changing the ownership of the files, however ask about streams in ##php09:44
meowbuntuok thanks Ten-Eight09:44
ikoniameowbuntu: as I said, the version is 8.10 + (meaning 8.10 and later)09:44
ikoniaKartagis: what command are you using that's failing09:44
ikoniaKartagis: when I say what command, exactly what host are you tyring to look up09:45
Kartagisikonia, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=161181 here is the problem09:45
Ten-Eightmeowbuntu: it'll work just fine. I installed it on a 9.10 machine for a friend a few weeks ago.09:45
ikoniaKartagis: that's a redhat bug09:45
ikoniaKartagis: don't use that as a reference09:45
meowbuntuTen-Eight, ok thanks again09:45
daiverhelp say me, pl09:45
ikoniadaiver: ask a question then09:45
Kartagisikonia, my web browser can't resolve it09:46
daiverhelp me, please - how can I restore removed dir?09:46
Ten-Eightmeowbuntu: no problem :)  enjoy!09:46
daiverI've removed ir in midnight commander09:46
meowbuntu!ask | daiver09:46
ikoniaKartagis: can't resolve what exactly, what host are you trying to resolve exactly09:46
ubottudaiver: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:46
Kartagisikonia, rapidshare.com09:46
nspHi! I created a bash script that opens my application that is created with mono but every time i double click the script msg appears asking me what i want to do (execute, edit...). Is there a way to make it so that on double click the schell script would execute and open my program without any messages?09:47
meowbuntudaiver, also dont ask over and over again09:47
ikoniaKartagis: ok - I can say for a FACT that is not a libc issue09:47
Vigodaiver: Is it a package?09:47
meowbuntudaiver, are you trying to run a windows game in ubuntu09:47
ikoniaKartagis: I'm using 9.10 and can resolve that fine, and nslookup and dig are not relevant to your web browser09:47
daiverno, folder09:47
daiverVigo: no, it's folder.09:47
daivermeowbuntu: no.09:48
meowbuntuoh ok what then daiver09:48
red2kic!undelete | daiver09:48
ubottudaiver: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel09:48
Kartagisikonia, netadmin said ubuntu with windows in virtualbox has that issue and it can be resolved by upgrading libc609:48
Vigodaiver: Can you use or have you used the Recovery Console?09:48
meowbuntudaiver, also check the trash bin they may be in there09:48
ikoniaKartagis: do not do it09:49
ikoniaKartagis: can you resolve any hosts with your webbrowser ?09:49
daivermeowbuntu: :P09:49
daiverubottu: I'll try.09:50
Kartagisikonia, other than rapidshare, yes. and my vm can resolve it too09:50
ikoniaKartagis: ok so the resolver is fine09:50
daiverVigo: how can I execute recovery console?09:50
red2kicdaiver: Can you embrace yourself and live with the fact you may lost the folder for good?09:51
Vigodaiver: It is an option on boot, but what ubottu said is on time also.09:51
meowbuntudaiver, ubottu is not a person he is a bot. people type in commands to get him to say common stuff like !ask, !help, !vga etc.09:51
fearfailfuck you ikonia09:52
daivermeowbuntu: I see09:52
meowbuntudaiver, read just before ubottu adn see who sent him the command for you09:52
meowbuntudaiver, as there is alot of common stuff asked having the botto explane it is easy adn fast nd saves frustrations if trying to explane it.09:53
daivermeowbuntu:  oh, nice +)09:53
Kartagisikonia, I get this nslookup rapidshare.com09:53
Kartagis;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.09:53
Kartagissocket.c:2486: REQUIRE((((sock) != ((void *)0)) && (((const isc__magic_t *)(sock))->magic == ((('I') << 24 | ('O') << 16 | ('i') << 8 | ('o')))))) failed.09:53
KartagisAborted (core dumped)09:53
FloodBot1Kartagis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
dayowhat's the difference between gb.archive.ubuntu.com and uk.archive.ubuntu.com?09:53
ikoniaKartagis: not good09:53
red2kicdayo: The location of servers.09:53
meowbuntuKartagis, please dont spamm the chanel use pastebin09:54
Vigodaiver: There are many many Data recovery utilities and tools, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery09:54
dayored2kic: they're not both uk servers?09:54
meowbuntu!pastebin | Kartagis09:54
ubottuKartagis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:54
dayored2kic: where's the gb one?09:54
red2kicdayo: I don't know. Run a test to find out which one is faster for you and use that.09:54
Vigodaiver: and here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryBackupRecovery?highlight=%28%28DataRecovery%29%2909:56
Kartagisikonia, http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/EEtX6bUg09:56
ikoniaKartagis: yes, a coredump does not look good at all,09:57
ikoniaKartagis: interesting why it's just that one host09:57
daiverVigo: I don't see there anything about recovering dir09:57
Kartagisikonia, and the netadmin said this could be solved with upgrading libc09:58
ikoniaKartagis: who is "the netadmin" ?09:58
Kartagisikonia, netadmin of our firm09:58
ikoniaKartagis: then ask him to support that09:58
ikoniaI would very very strongly advice against it09:58
Kartagisikonia, I take full responsibility, please tell me how to do it09:59
meowbuntuis there any thing else i need to know on how to get my intell sound card working09:59
ikoniaKartagis: speak to your netadmin09:59
ikoniaKartagis: if he thinks that will fix it, he will kow how to do it09:59
VigodaIver: What version are you on?10:00
dascarubuntu , svnserver 1.6, client : tortoisesvn, access method http , problem : Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported; any ideas ?10:00
daiverVigo: 9.1010:01
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gheddy_zarcanyone know how to stop rythym box opening by default ? I just want to inspect a usb drive but it keeps defaulting to open rythym box and I can see the files on the usb drive ?10:02
Vigodaiver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:02
gheddy_zarc* cant^10:02
Vigodaiver: and here for Grub2:>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:03
bmharsha2010My Windows 7 OS is lost after installing ubuntu 9.10?10:03
RavmMy framebuffer is 80x30, hew can I change that? I'd rather have something a bit more readable.10:04
chelzRavm: vga line needs to be passed to the kernel on boot10:04
Ravmchelz: Ah, in the Grub config?10:05
Vigodaiver: Bets advice us make a backup, that could recover some system data, I still agree with what ubottu stated.10:05
chelzRavm: yeah i've put it in menu.lst, no idea how with grub210:05
daiverVigo: I can't find there anything about my problem.10:06
Ravmchelz: I'll figure it out, thanks for the help.10:06
Vigodaiver: Scroll down to middle10:06
andromQ: i have karmic, and i did a whole lot of updates, but after i restarted i got this error, amongst other similar ones: "faild to load the NVIDIA kernel module"10:06
daiverVigo: what is the topic?10:07
andromwhat could have caused that?10:07
Vigodaiver: You will see this: Pressing ESC will stop the boot process and bring up the Grub menu. A fresh Ubuntu installation will normally display the current kernel, a recovery mode option, and a Memtest86+ option:10:07
daiverVigo: ok. But I'm speaking about what to do in grub10:07
daiverVigo: here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - I can't find something about recovering folderas10:08
Vigodaiver: Once you get to that screen, select Recovery Mode10:09
whomeecan a different computer make a required module for me?10:09
Vigodaiver: Other than that, use backups, regularly.10:10
tp43how can I use linux to design awesome eye candy websites?10:10
daiverVigo: and? +)10:10
tp43gif's look cheap10:10
whomeetp43: same way as in windows or other enviroments10:11
meowbuntuhi how di i check sum a .iso file in ubuntu10:11
tp43whomee, flash?10:11
Vigo!backup | daiver10:11
ubottudaiver: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:11
Charbelshould i use the following command from a terminal to install java ???     sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts10:13
meowbuntunot exactly10:13
meowbuntuCharbel, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre10:14
meowbuntuthen sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin10:14
meowbuntuthen sudo apt-get install sun-java6-fonts10:14
meowbuntuCharbel, did you get all that10:14
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »10:14
meowbuntuCharbel, you can also put an && between each command but you need to put this sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-fonts10:16
meowbuntuhello Charbel do you read me10:16
red2kicmeowbuntu: You can add extra packages (ie "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts conky pidgin whatever"10:17
red2kicmeowbuntu: No need for &&10:17
red2kicCharbel: See above.10:17
Charbelmeowbuntu, what's the dif btw ur command and mine ?10:17
red2kicCharbel: Nothing.10:18
darkcrimsonGood morning, afternoon, evening all10:18
krishna__Charbel: You can queue many in the same command....... sudo apt-get install one two three four five six10:19
red2kicCharbel: Your command is less hassle. Is all. :)10:19
whomeewhen i load my c_qcam module and i check in lsmod nothing really uses it, does it mean my camera is crap or what? :P10:19
darkcrimsonI am learning Unix/Linux...but need some help with tar and gzip whenever someone is available.10:19
Charbelok thank u guys10:19
red2kicdarkcrimson: You could use unp if that makes things easier for you.10:19
red2kic!info unp | darkcrimson10:19
ubottudarkcrimson: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB10:19
red2kic!compression | darkcrimson10:20
ubottudarkcrimson: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:20
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darkcrimsonWell, my question is...I have a .tar.gz file. Let's call it testfile.tar.gz and I need to not only decompress it, but expand as well. How would I do that?10:20
meowbuntuCharbel, i never seen it formated like yours always like me with && that is all if your command works then great I have learnt something muyself after 9 months with ubuntu10:20
Charbelred2kic, i got this command by googling10:21
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darkcrimsonThe only problem is, I have to use tar/gunzip/gzip10:21
darkcrimsonas it is an assignment issue10:21
red2kicreijo-nyberg: Sorry for redundant highlights. :)10:21
Vigodarckcrimson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware10:22
red2kicdarkcrimson: You can read the manual (ie man tar) to see examples and there are endless options too.10:22
darkcrimsonOkay thanks.10:22
darkcrimsonI guess I'll just figure it out.10:22
jotallIs it possible with a Radeon card to use all three outputs, VGA/DVI/HDMI at once for three monitors?10:22
red2kicdarkcrimson: That's the spirit. :)10:23
Vigored2kic: I agree, learning to make things work is better than buying broken things that fix broken things, and so on.10:24
red2kicdarkcrimson: If you don't like to read terminal (because of colors), you can ALT+F2 and type in "yelp" -- Then search for gunzip. Nice and clear format too.10:24
stevecam2 days to go xD10:25
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xubuntuhello,can anybody help me with remote file system10:31
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Charbelwhy i always get this message in terminal ?10:32
CharbelThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:10:32
Charbel  linux-headers-2.6.31-11 linux-headers-2.6.31-11-generic10:32
CharbelUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.10:32
FloodBot1Charbel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
red2kicCharbel: "uname -r" What does it say?10:32
ikoniaCharbel: it means the packages are no longer required and you can remove them10:32
Charbelwhat is uname -r ?10:33
pat5starCharbel: just do what it says: sudo apt-get autoremove, you won't see it anymore10:33
nascentmindhi. Does apt-get source apply the patches of ubuntu once the source is downloaded?10:35
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=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD
=== electricAcolyte is now known as apburke
Maakuthhmm, this dell latitude d505 hangs completely probably during x11 startup. it's fine with 2.6.32-20-generic kernel, but this happens with 2.6.32-21-generic10:35
Maakuthlucid with latest upgrades, intel gpu10:36
red2kicMaakuth: Join #ubuntu+1 for advices and supports with Lucid. Use the previous kernel. :(10:37
nascentmindikonia: if i want to develop some code should i get it from the repository of the project or should i get it from apt-get ?10:37
Maakuthred2kic, alright10:37
ikonianascentmind: depends, if you want to build on the ubuntu version then you should get the ubuntu maintained package, if you want to build and update upstream, go to the projects source10:38
minubuntuHi all, is it possible to create an ubuntu CD which has an installation footprint of 700MB (max) and still have a display manager10:38
ikoniaminubuntu: it already exists10:38
nascentmindikonia: i want to build from the ubuntu version.10:38
ikoniaminubuntu: it's called the ubuntu install CD10:38
VigoAlternate LiveCD ?10:39
minubuntu<ikonia> but after install it occupies more than 700 MB10:39
ikoniaminubuntu: then strip it down10:39
ikoniaminubuntu: or make your own livecd10:39
ikoniaminubuntu: or use the netinstaller10:40
nascentmindikonia: the ubuntu maintained version i have to grab it from the ubuntu repo rather than apt-get source right?10:40
ikonianascentmind: no, that gets the source package10:41
ikonianascentmind: apt-get source gets it from the ubuntu repos10:41
rock11hello ppl  any body here  know  how  to linux change remote user password using expect ?10:42
minubuntu<ikonia>I tried to stip it down but even after removing openoffice and games nothing significant changes in space10:42
joaopintominubuntu, did you sudp apt-get clean ?10:42
ikoniaminubuntu: then the answer is no10:42
nascentmindikonia: so how do i get it?10:42
ikonianascentmind: apt-get source $package as you just said10:43
minubuntu<joaopinto> yeah I did that10:43
ikonianascentmind: that will get the source from the ubuntu repos10:43
nascentmindikonia: so i should do that?10:43
minubuntu<ikonia> <joaopinto> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cleaning-up-all-unnecessary-junk-files-in-ubuntu.html. I used link but still no luck10:44
ikonianascentmind: do you want the source code from the ubuntu repo yes/no ?10:44
ikonianascentmind: then use the command apt-get source $package - it gets the source code from the ubuntu repos as I've said 3 times10:44
delacHey! It seems that nebook-launcher has started taking much longer to load the background image, so that now it makes a nasty flicker while starting. Anyone else had this problem?10:47
Vigonascentmind: Did you look at the terminal stuff after that?10:47
nascentmindVigo: what terminal?10:49
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
Vigonascentmind: Install GtkOrphan in Ubuntu , not sure if that is what you want, is below all the GUI explanations.10:51
david_fbhi all. how can I run a command in a shell script in the background and hide the output/send it to /dev/null10:55
offermannniemand hier?10:55
david_fbso far I have: ./myscript & > /dev/null10:56
david_fbbut I still have output appear on screen10:56
david_fband I have to CTRL + C to cancel the process10:56
offermannoh mann kein german chat?10:56
josvukWhat is the standard gtk2 theme called that is installed on ubuntu10.0 per defafaoult?10:57
rock11hello ppl  any body here  know  how  to linux change remote user password using expect ?10:57
Remmazeanyone here purchased Lenovo ThinkPad X100E? works well with the latest ubuntu?? Need feedback...10:58
codermandavid: 2>&1 >/dev/null10:59
bullgard4!google | dAnjou11:00
ubottudAnjou: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:00
robertzaccouri have xubuntu and just installed lubuntu-desktop. will that be 64 bit also?11:06
=== cdr is now known as Guest69275
Remmazeanyone here purchased Lenovo ThinkPad X100E? works well with the latest ubuntu?? Need feedback...11:09
josvukHm, how can I change the desktop theme in ubuntu10.0?11:10
icerootjosvuk: #ubuntu+111:12
xotahi! I'm using vlc in linux without frontend, but it is always using the caca library.... I tried to force with --vout [xview|x11|gl|...] but ALWAYS uses caca11:20
Remmazeany feedback regarding Ubuntu on Lenovo X100e??11:21
bastilianI'm currently instaling Ubuntu 10.04 RC on my macbook and the screen turned black right after the finishing the installation setup. is this normal?11:21
wildbat!Lucid | bastilian11:21
ubottubastilian: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:22
Ganymedeit's in the topic... =/11:25
rwwGanymede: nobody reads the topic.11:25
bastilianor sees the fourth line of the topic in his client... :)11:26
=== esubterra is now known as CrazyEddy
glementocan the new GDM in 9.10 at least be configured to look like this? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2646/4164536256_30474023ce.jpg11:29
worldsayshiSome fatal error has occurred in my file system, I can no longer boot my default Ubuntu installation on my hard drive. I'm running from my ubuntu live usb stick now. Can I access my files on the hard drive somehow?? I really would like to get hold of them before flushing the hard drive.11:29
grzegostwor- /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 64Kbit burst 20kb latency 100ms  -> when try to delete tc tree and again run this command  i get RTNETLINK answers : File exists11:33
Cr-404Is ther any program for checking raw data from harddrives/usb-pendrives?11:33
grzegostworhas anyone idea what might be the problem11:33
diffrant3/4 years ago i had hard luck using Ubuntu on my desktop & lenovo laptop, several hardware incompatibilities, wanted to but did not get a chance to use Ubuntu since then. Things must have improved since. Now i hear Dell Mini 10 plays nice with Ubuntu, if i get one i should not have much trouble using & learning ubuntu [and python eventually, thts the goal] i suppose?11:33
wildbatworldsayshi, if your drive still working ^^;11:33
grzegostworthis tc line work on 9 machines without any erros, but on this particular one it does not want to cooperate :/11:34
diffranti figure all i need is the wireless to work, and i can read online docs, try small stuff over the terminal, learn python etc, will a Dell Mini be good for that?11:34
grzegostworwhen i run it once, tc is being set up, no problem ,  but when i stop tc, and fire up new rule it makes those error11:34
wildbatCr-404, what you mean by checking raw data?11:34
diffrantif i dont enable special visual effects 1 GB RAM will be good?11:35
worldsayshiwildbat: If my drive would still be working, how would I access it?11:35
duffydackdiffrant, I ran with compiz enabled on 1gb and it was fine..11:35
donowanusing kernel-2.6.32. encountering "drm: fill_in_dev" error during boot-up. any solution?11:36
wildbatworldsayshi, it sould be mounted automatically with your live boot ~11:36
joaopintodiffrant, visual effects depends mostly on your graphics card, not on the system RAM11:36
monraHello. Is there a way to block websites at my Ubuntu. I know I can do this by editing /etc/hosts but then I must write all the subdomains of the domain I want to block. Is there a better way to block a domain name with all it's subdomains?11:36
wildbatworldsayshi, if not you have to mouct it yourself11:36
Cr-404wildbat, in windows i had a hex-editor, what could open harddisk, and see how filesystem is done etc...11:36
diffrantjoaopinto: oh, may be Dell Mini cant handle that, but thats okay if i can do other things fine, like learning & writing small shell/python scripts etc11:37
Cr-404If you wanted, you could write what ever you want on enywhere you want...11:37
doneworldsayshi, nautilus shows the filessystem..11:37
doneworldsayshi, what filesystem?11:37
doneseams to be a hardware fault. dd_rescue to an neu harddisc would be my first step11:37
wildbatCr-404, you can do that with Hex editor too in linux just /dev/sda or b or c ~11:37
Cr-404What about usb-pendrives?11:38
Cr-404Where they are in /dev/11:38
squiddyhi, anyone using nokia wireless headset BH 503 with lucid ? i cant pair the device on my machine11:38
wildbatdo 'sudo fdisk -l' to find out11:38
red2kicsquiddy: /j #ubuntu+111:39
wildbat!Lucid | squiddy11:39
ubottusquiddy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:39
donowanusing kernel-2.6.32. encountering "drm: fill_in_dev" error during boot-up. any solution?11:39
Cr-404wildbat, thanks... Is this command showing mounted filesystems?11:39
squiddygeez, i forgot that.  thanks guys11:40
wildbatCr-404 show all drives your system detected11:40
Cr-404Yes i noticed, i just said something stupid :D11:40
salomon_q pasa bruno?11:40
Cr-404Where i could find information, how ubuntu sees my pendrive?11:41
Cr-404When i plug it in, it will communicate with it and create this device file?11:42
insan3q pasa troncooos11:42
wildbatCr-404, check for one  /dev/sdX that match your USB size11:42
glementocan the new GDM in 9.10 at least be configured to look like this? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2646/4164536256_30474023ce.jpg11:44
wildbatCr-404, System > Disk Util. if you perfer GUI11:44
Cr-404Hmm, one problem11:44
Cr-404I have program running on terminal, and inside program help-msg is coming by pressing F111:44
Cr-404But its also shortcut for this GNOME help message11:45
mitzaI cant make my printer work .im using a 2101nw wifi server how can i make it work?11:45
wildbatCr-404, huh? i don't get what you are saying ~11:46
Phoenix_uh hi, hope someones awake x.x; i got a bit of a sudden problem.. i was running nexuiz, tried applying graphics settings, whole system froze, so naturally i rebooted, i could barely read what it said because it went by so fast, but in g.r.u.b right before loading up it said something like "gpu is decapated" or something like that.. now compiz and emerald wont work, if it helps, i recently tried (and failed) to install new nvidia drive11:46
Phoenix_rs, i say failed because every process gave an error saying no such file, right after using said file to install... um.. help?11:46
Cr-404Wildbat, I have terminal window, where hexedit program is running. But for getting the list of commands is done by pressing F111:47
=== nb_ is now known as Guest42995
Cr-404Wildbat, But if i press this, its shortcut for terminal to show help window (lots of them, and no check if there is already one showing) :(11:48
Klanticushello ppl. My machine locked up (kernel panic) while installing some packages, and now apt is broken. How do I fix it?11:48
leagrisKlanticus, would copy the messages from apt to pastebin11:49
ubottuKlanticius: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:49
djbeenie_does anyone know how to change outlook profile or set up multiple outlook profiles via wine?11:49
Klanticusleagris: yes, but all messages are in portuguese. Is there any way to made it display them in english?11:50
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
mitzaany1 can give me an ideea?11:50
Klanticusleagris: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423301/11:51
wildbatCr-404, use mouse clik on it may be ?11:51
wildbatCr-404, or you have to change the hotkey settings11:52
leagrisKlanticus, setting LANG=C or LANG=en befor apt like this: export LANG=C; sudo apt-get whatevercommand11:52
Klanticusleagris: thank you. Here is the link for the english version http://paste.ubuntu.com/423304/11:54
worldsayshiI'm trying to mount my possibly corrupt main hard drive from my ubunut live session. I'm looking at some documentation that tells me that hard drives are represented as /dev/hda, /dev/hdb etc... But I can't find any /dev/hdX. Does this mean that there is no way to find the hard drive?11:54
leagrisKlanticus, I use this export LANG=C things very often due to my system being in french :)11:54
Klanticusleagris: very handy11:54
wildbatworldsayshi, try /dev/sdX11:56
linxehstupid question; is there any way to move from 32bit to 64bit without reinstalling from scratch?11:56
M4nfr3DHello, i have an issue about changing the motd, changes never display, even when modified as root, any help ?11:57
Klanticuslinxeh: I don't think there are any easy way to do that, but I may be wrong11:57
leagrisKlanticus, As your system crashed I guess it would be wise to force an fsck on / booting on single user (from the grub menu) only then after that, sudo apt-get install -f usually fix broken installs.11:57
joaopintolinxeh, no11:57
linxehKlanticus: I accept it would mean reinstalling most packages etc, but I was trying to avoid the pain of reconfiguring everything (it shouldnt be that much different than doing a dist upgrade to a new release really?)11:58
joaopintolinxeh, you can backup your /etc, that is expected to be binary independent11:58
linxehI guess it isnt common enough to warrant the development effort11:58
linxehjoaopinto: yeah, not everything is in /etc though11:58
joaopintowhat is not there needs to be reinstalled, = packages11:59
joaopintoand that is easy to do also11:59
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate11:59
linxehyeah, that works for packages that came from repositories :)11:59
linxehfor things that arent packaged up it isnt so easy11:59
Klanticusleagris: I already fsck'ed, and just tried sudo apt-get install -f, but it failed with a similar error :/11:59
joaopintoright, but a sane person doesn't use much of those :)12:00
joaopintoif he does, switching to 64 bits might not be a good idea12:00
ROBOdi just downloaded the livecd of ubuntu 10.04 lts and it directly boots into gnome12:00
linxehok, so I will be spending a day rebuilding this box after all :)12:00
ROBOdi don't get the option to run memtest12:01
joaopinto!lucid | ROBOd12:01
ubottuROBOd: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:01
wildbatlinxeh, sound exciting ~ coffee or tea?~12:02
linxehwildbat: coffee please for now12:02
leagrisKlanticus, well you did not past the errors yet but, firs things I would do is search the web for the error message in default english (LANG=C). Chances are others went into the same situation and solutions are mentioned somewhere on forums or archived mailing lists.12:02
Serpicoa alternative on kde of gparted exist?12:02
wildbat!hi | Serpico12:03
ubottuSerpico: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:03
Phoenix_is anyone here good with gpu's drivers etc?12:04
Klanticusleagris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/423307/12:04
jribPhoenix_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:05
Phoenix_i already have asked X.X no one replied12:06
jribPhoenix_: that's okay, people like me who just came in have no clue what you asked.  That's why you should just repeat (after waiting a reasonable amount of time)12:07
Phoenix_uh hi, hope someones awake x.x; i got a bit of a sudden problem.. i was running nexuiz, tried applying graphics settings, whole system froze, so naturally i rebooted, i could barely read what it said because it went by so fast, but in g.r.u.b right before loading up it said something like "gpu is decapated" or something like that.. now compiz and emerald wont work, if it helps, i recently tried (and failed) to install new nvidia drive12:07
Phoenix_rs, i say failed because every process gave an error saying no such file. (pressed up key, repost)12:07
jribPhoenix_: pastebin the actual error12:08
Phoenix_how would i do that while running the system?...  (it was in g.r.u.b, during bios load)12:08
Serpicoa alternative on kde of gparted exist?12:08
ActionParsnipYo yo12:09
KlanticusSerpico: I think you will get a (better) answer in #kde12:09
worldsayshiWhopa! I successfully mounted my "corrupt" hard drive! Since I can do that, how come the system can't do that when booting? That is, the system seems unable to mount my hard drive when starting up. Any ideas why such fatal errors would occur? Seems so random :S.12:09
leagrisKlanticus, did you try sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove lvm212:09
Serpicotnx Klanticus12:10
Vhozardjoin ubuntu+112:10
ActionParsnipWordsayshi: hardware fails, make sure your backups are recent12:10
Vhozardwhich is it?12:10
ubiquitous1980"Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor.  Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is installed and try again"12:10
ddavidshi all12:10
ddavidspls does anyone know a plugin to remove duplicate tracks on rhythmbox?12:11
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
jribPhoenix_: write it down on a piece of paper and type it12:11
jrib!who | Phoenix_12:11
ubottuPhoenix_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:11
hexdump_Hey everyone!12:11
ActionParsnip!hi | hexdump_12:11
ubottuhexdump_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:11
worldsayshiActionParsnip: But it seems that the hardware actually hasn't failed since I can in fact mount the hard drive and copy the files without problems :S12:12
leagrisKlanticus, reading your past, it appear the lvm2 package is partially installed and it can't execute the post install scripts. You should not have to break you installation down. There are ways around this removing the offending package ignoring the broken scripts12:12
worldsayshiBut it can't mount it at startup.12:12
ActionParsnipWorldsayshi: I still would backup, then gracefully unmount. It may help12:12
hexdump_ah man, I'm struggling with an epson printer.  Is there a printer specific support channel errr?12:12
erUSULhexdump_: maybe a cups related channel12:13
ActionParsnipHexdump_: check: http://openprinting.org12:13
worldsayshiI sure will work on my backup routines in the future12:13
Klanticusleagris: i didn't undestand. Should I try the dpkg --remove --force, or not?12:13
hexdump_thanks folks12:13
worldsayshiI'm backing up and then I'll flush the system and install ubuntu over again12:13
DingGGu네이버 title이 바뀌었네요.. 네이버 :: 나의 경쟁력, 네이버12:14
DingGGusorry :)12:14
leagrishexdump_, I just installed a combined printer/scanner Epson PX710W three days ago. I may help you but please open a private chat with me as this will clog the ubuntu chat here :)12:14
hexdump_I dunno what's going on, I have to use Epson NX300 series drivers for my NX215, but can't find the scanner...12:14
worldsayshiBut its bugging me that I can't see the problem that has occured :S12:14
leagrisKlanticus, yes12:14
hexdump_leagris:  ok cool thanks12:14
Phoenix_!tab jrib did i do this right?... bleh.. well, i've had a sudden realization, and have a slightly new question.. the error doesnt show untill after i pick wich os to load in g.r.u.b, it doesnt show in bios, (if you know what the word decapated means that would be lovely too because thats what its saying my gpu is..) anyways, my question, do you think its a physical problem, or could it be just in the os? because if thats the case i ca12:15
Phoenix_n fix this with a simple reload of a backup.. or reinstall of ubuntu12:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:15
Phoenix_blah.. knew i didnt do that right12:15
Klanticusleagris: ok.. I'm trying it now12:15
wildbatworldsayshi, if you have a falling in fs often your drive may be getting too hot or it is near the end of its life ~12:15
ActionParsnipHexdump_: I'll see what I can find. Gimme a sec12:15
ddavidspls does anyone know a plugin to remove duplicate tracks on rhythmbox?12:16
worldsayshiIts abrand new drive, but it is getting awfully hot often enough12:16
jribPhoenix_: if everything was working fine and then suddenly after a hard reboot it stopped that usually means there was some file corruption.  But you have to tell us specific errors for us to help you12:16
Faratljoin/ #vbox12:17
wildbatworldsayshi, you ain't using seagate 1TB right?12:17
worldsayshiNope. Its just 160GB12:17
worldsayshiNot sure of the brand though12:17
erUSUL!ko | DingGGu12:18
ubottuDingGGu: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko12:18
Faratlhow do i join the vbox section?12:18
ActionParsnipHexdump_: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=907442612:18
erUSULFaratl: /j #vbox12:18
Phoenix_i'd love to be more specific, but i only have like 1.2 seconds to read a really long error... it would take at least 50 reboots to memorize it X.X i dont wanna hurt my machine like that.. but thats pretty much exactly what it said "gpu is decapated"  "loading linux com something"12:18
wildbatworldsayshi, hehe even it is new it doesn't mean it is all good ~ XD try seagate 1TB Xd you will kill yourself XD12:18
ubuntuWhat is the difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu12:18
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:19
icerootubuntu: ubuntu is using gnome, xubuntu is using xfce412:19
hexdump_ActionParsnip:  thanks man.  It's weird, like I said the printer works just fine with NX300 series drivers but no go on the scanner12:19
icerootubuntu: so the only difference is the desktop12:19
ubuntuok thx12:19
ActionParsnipUbuntu: default apps and default de12:19
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:19
Klanticusleagris: no lucky yet http://paste.ubuntu.com/423313/12:19
Sjimmie2 more days :)12:19
ActionParsnipHexdu,p_: it may have the scanner driver too12:19
worldsayshiwildbat: Okok. :) I'll guess I'll have to live with having crappy cooling and a weak hard drive for explanation :S12:20
jribPhoenix_: press scroll lock and remember to use my nick if you want me to not miss what you said12:21
ringerhexdump_, I see you've still got problems. Keep at it - you'll get there in the end. Linux is a constant learning process.12:21
Phoenix_sorry im still not entirely sure how to use it exactly... could you give an example? X.X;12:21
jribPhoenix_: error appears on screen, you press scroll lock12:22
Phoenix_its like 6am im not very bright at the moment >~<;;12:22
hexdump_ringer: ha yeah, I just setup duel boot and I'm at the printer setup portion...uh oh12:22
nomad111hi i'm using 10.04 rc, it does not seem to pick up when i insert a dvd, what could be the problem?12:22
nomad111there is nothing in /cdrom12:22
ActionParsnip!lucid | nomad11112:22
ubottunomad111: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:22
hexdump_ringer:  yeah eventually I'll figure it out with some reading, helpful people and a little bit of tinkering.12:23
nomad111my bad, thanks12:23
ringerhexdump_, it's all good fun - eventually!12:23
ActionParsnipHexdump_: I got an epson scanner going but can't remember the package name12:23
hexdump_ringer:  yeah I try to take notes on everything12:23
Naboohey guys I just have question, where can I find the source files for my programs? Must I search their homepages or can I find them on my comp?12:23
hexdump_ActionParsnip:  yeah I had everything working before when I had 9.10 installed now I'm with 10.0412:24
rwwNaboo: make sure you have deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list, then do apt-get source packagenamehere12:24
ActionParsnipHexdump_: 10.04 isn't supported here yet12:24
=== God_Almighty is now known as No_one_at_all
Nabooand then they'll all be downloaded?12:24
hexdump_ActionParsnip:  yeah crap I just checked that12:25
Naboooh yeah "packagenamehere" k12:25
hexdump_ha I'm in the right spot now too... :-(12:25
hexdump_hmmm, wonder if there is any patches12:25
Phoenix_i'll be back soon... going to try to record this error x.x;12:26
hexdump_Well, if NX300 worked for NX215 maybe I can make something else work.12:26
ringerhexdump_, if you haven't fixed it by thursday, you'll then be in the right channel for 10.04 :-)12:27
leagrisKlanticus, try with --force-remove-reinstreq option (man dpkg) there is a way to uninstall a package ignoring pre and post processing scripts which is blocking/broken here12:27
ActionParsnipHexdump_: you need to install iscan not sure if its on the repo but there are debs laying around12:27
data_ ?ADCC SEND "ff???f?�������������" 0 0 012:28
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.12:28
hexdump_ActionParsnip:  yeah I think ringer told me about that a bit ago before I reinstalled everything12:28
ActionParsnipHexdump_: http://es.paperblog.com/epson-stylus-sx115-multifuncion-en-ubuntu-910-17524/12:28
ActionParsnipHexdump_: gives the iscan file you can search for12:28
hexdump_cool thanks12:29
hexdump_hey thanks again everyone, I'm going to go see what I can do "if anything" and I'll be back in a little while.12:29
=== lysek_ is now known as lysek
Phoenix_ok, im back, scroll lock didnt work x.x; but i got a better look (after a few dozen reboots)  "vga790 is deprecated" "using linux com vga soemthing"  in other words, what its basically telling me is my gpu is wrecked? :/12:35
krishnasutHello all !! I have just installed lucid lynx ... it's nice but the control box of the title bar is at the left side. I get sucked. Are you people have some funda to configure it using Gconf-editor ah ? Help !!12:35
linxehkrishnasut: #ubuntu+112:36
rwwubottu: controls | krishnasut12:38
ubottukrishnasut: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see http://alturl.com/b6ja | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://alturl.com/x5d612:38
krishnasutThanks ubottu !!!12:39
=== doobry_ is now known as doobry
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:40
masu3701__how do i make my external monitor display 1024x102412:41
bazhang!pl | marcin12:42
ubottumarcin: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:42
icerootmasu3701__: is that a question on hwo to use strange resolutions or how to change the resoltuion for external devicers?12:42
masu3701__iceroot: how to change resolution on external monitor12:42
masu3701__right now i have it at 1024x768...and this is the smaller i can get12:43
nagendrai want to get the transpirant effect of windows in ubuntu like the one in windows vista. What changes should i make in compiz settings12:43
masu3701__wanna make it smaller as it too big now12:43
iiiehave pb whit ubuntu 10.0412:44
IdleOne!compiz | nagendra12:44
ubottunagendra: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz12:44
iiiethe installer encountere an  unrecoverable error A desktop session will now be run so that may investigate the problem or try installing again12:44
soreaunagendra: Look in opacity, brightness and saturation plugin12:44
iiiewho help my?12:45
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:45
nagendrawhat do u call that area in which the name of window is written12:45
IdleOnetitle bar12:45
nagendrai mean what should i write in "type"12:46
soreaunagendra: click the + button, then click grab, then click on the window you want to match12:47
ennuiwill people be able to upgrade from the beta to the official release?12:47
soreau! lucid | ennui12:47
ubottuennui: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party12:47
bazhangennui, sure, just keep updating12:48
pickettanyone know how i can autologin on lubuntu?12:48
NeoCicakhi all.. i'm getting error when doing 'apt-get update' : "GPG error:  http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available".. does anyone have a clue what this might be?12:49
getterHi. How can I close a process from the command line without forcing it to do so? So it has time to close files, save stuff etc etc.12:49
* leagris is away: Occupée12:49
nagendrawhat should i select in type??12:49
IdleOne!away > leagris12:50
ubottuleagris, please see my private message12:50
wildbatpickett, System > Admin > Login Screen12:50
nagendrai mean windows class/ window id???12:51
wildbatNeoCicak, you have add a new repos w/o a key or you have remove a key12:51
pickettdoesnt have that in lubuntu12:51
NeoCicakwildbat: hmmm ok... how can i fix that problem?12:51
wildbatgetter, kill <pid>12:51
wildbatNeoCicak, remove the repos~ add the GPG key ~12:52
Oergetter, use 'top' to identify the process ID, then 'kill -9 <ID>'12:52
NeoCicakwildbat: hmmm i cant find 'http://ppa.launchpad.net" in /etc/apt/sources.list12:53
getterI'm doing it from a shell script, by name.12:53
uLinuxHow can I edit Places menu? I would like to remove/hide Network, Connect to Server..12:53
crowis it normal that harddrive is also show when using hddtemp as sg1 device? http://paste.debian.net/70828/12:53
sipiorOer: -9 sends a SIGKILL, which can't be caught by the targeted process. i believe he was asking about allowing the process to clean up first before termination.12:54
masu3701__how to change resolution on external monitor12:55
masu3701__it limited to 1024x78012:55
wildbatgetter, pkill <partern> then12:55
masu3701__wanna make it smaller12:55
wildbatNeoCicak, hmm that's funny ~ try System > Admin > Software Source may be12:57
ub_how are you?12:58
doobryanyone using smuxi have a clue how to change the monospaced font, i cannot find an option in its preferences and it seems to ignore the gnome default12:59
=== abhijain is now known as techtoon
alessandro_salva a tutti13:03
felonhow do i restart gnome/desktop ...i itsalled a program that requires it ..13:04
rwwubottu: it | alessandro_13:04
ubottualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:04
theadminWhat command can be used to clear apt cache, again?13:04
cjsIs grub able to boot from a volume inside an LVM on an md RAID1?13:04
theadminfelon: sudo service gdm restart13:04
rwwtheadmin: sudo apt-get clean13:04
techtoonhello all...igot a problem in  browser. when hit a button to open it.. it shows..XML Prasing Error:undefined entitu13:05
theadminrww: Thanks, it was becoming big13:05
theadmintechtoon: Firefox?13:05
techtoontheadmin: yeah13:05
jribtechtoon: does it persist after restart?13:05
theadmintechtoon: Might be a fault of some addon or plugin13:05
techtoonjrib: yeha13:06
techtoontheadmin: solution13:06
cjsOr alternatively, would someone care to help with with a slightly tricky partitioning problem?13:07
theadmintechtoon: Try disabling recently installed plugins and addons and see if it helps. I usually keep disabling em one by one to find the offending13:07
jribcjs: just ask13:07
techtoontheadmin: but its xml parsing problem and no more plugins installed13:07
jribtechtoon: fwiw, that error happens if firefox gets upgraded and I don't bother restarting it13:08
theadmintechtoon: Well, I mean, I had that happen to me, was a fault of an addon13:08
theadminIt also displayed a crazy string after that "XML parsing error" thing13:08
felonyesterday i tried this on a 10.04 and it crashed my gnome desktop13:08
techtoontheadmin: yeah13:08
felontoday it works with 9.1013:09
felonthx theadmin13:09
theadminfelon: no problem.13:09
cjsI have a pair of 2TB disks I want to run in a RAID-1 configuration. I want to give about 50 GB to the OS and 3 GB to swap. The rest I want to use later for a KVM virtual machine, encrypting that part. (The idea is that I can boot a basic system without a password, and then later log in and type in the password for the KVM with the encrypted volumes.) What's the best way to do this?13:09
felonbefore i installed it the program did say it was meant for the karmic release and i did it anyway13:09
theadminfelon: Probably a bad idea to mess releases13:10
felonon the lynx13:10
cjsThis is with 10.4.13:10
felonoh well13:10
felonlive and learn13:10
theadminNot like installing RPM packages, of course, but still...13:10
uLinuxHow can I edit Places menu? I would like to remove/hide Network, Connect to Server..13:10
Dr_WillisuLinux:  not sure thats easially done13:11
feloni dont care if i mess my whole system up cause i can always reformat13:11
uLinuxit's not :P13:11
theadminIt will be gone soon anyway, that menu :P I mean, on 10.1013:11
fastaIt appears that my keypad stopped functioning. With numlock on or off it doesn't work. What can cause this? I doubt the keyboard is actually broken.13:11
=== Als is now known as alSMT
theadminI still don't get whether update manager and synaptic are related :/13:14
jribtheadmin: they are13:14
IdleOnetheadmin: by marriage13:14
jribtheadmin: all the package managers are just front-ends to APT13:14
theadminjrib: Well, in some way. But when I right-click teh icon and choose "Install all updates", it definetly starts Synaptic, while if i use teh window it's smth eles13:15
theadminsed s/eles/else/13:15
felonquestion : how do i remove the windows partition i have and be able to use the rest of the HD for ubuntu13:15
theadminjrib: Not all :D yum is not13:16
felonis that possible ?13:16
theadminfelon: use GParted to resize it13:16
jribtheadmin: heh, I meant in ubuntu :)13:16
maginotfelon, you can use gparted or just format the partition and mount it as secondary partitions...13:16
theadminfelon: Or to delete it, i dunno13:16
feloni dunno either13:17
Dr_Willismany versions of windows can resize their own partion/installed partiton also.13:17
felonbut i think i dont want to mess with it13:17
Dr_Willisfelon:  you just said you wanted to DELETE all teh windows partitions? or what exactly?13:17
felonright now anyway13:17
bazhang!fr | rafa313:17
ubotturafa3: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois13:17
uLinuxI found a similar app to Everest: HardInfo.. Is there any better?13:18
felondelete the windows partition i made it has xp on it13:18
Dr_Willisfelon:  the installer can install and 'use the whole drive' and delete anything on it.. or you an delete the partition with several other tools. and repartion/reformat13:18
theadminDr_Willis: From what I get, delete windows partitionz und resize Ubuntu one13:18
felonill do it later13:18
felonc yesterday this program i installed screwed up my 10.0413:19
felonbut it works on 9.1013:19
Dr_Willisfelon:  i wouls just use the spare partition as a home or other storage. and not  resize..   but it depends on your needs.13:19
Dr_Willisfelon:  keeping  home on its own partition an be a real lifesaver13:19
felonso when it screwed up i intsalled xp first then dual booted ubuntu13:20
felonnow i got it working i dont need windows lol.13:20
felonnow i know that all my software i use works on ubuntu, ima make a whole os on 1 HDD13:21
padi999hey, everyone quite as excited as I am? :)13:22
uLinuxI'm using ubuntu in english and i changed time for my country.. but system time is still american. How can i change this?13:22
zvacetuLinux: system>preferences>time& date13:23
zvacet! hi | zotac13:23
ubottuzotac: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:23
uLinuxzvacet i dont have it13:23
red2kicDr_Willis: It's not fun to have /home on a separate encrypted+lvm partition. :(13:24
padi999Does it make a difference if one waits for the official release contra downloading the release candidate?13:24
padi999of 10.413:24
red2kic!final | padi99913:24
ubottupadi999: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:24
bazhangpadi999, not really13:24
uLinuxoh it's in administration..13:24
theadminpadi999: Well, final will ne more stable13:24
zvacetuLinux:  maybe it is under admin I'm not at Ubuntu machine right now13:24
padi999theadmin: more than the version right now?13:24
theadminpadi999: Yes13:24
zotacI need some newbie help in installing nvidia audio driver13:24
padi999theadmin: so you suggest waiting, then.13:25
uLinuxzvacet i tried that before but at Login window i.e. it shows 1:25 PM13:25
masu3701__how to change resolution on external monitor13:25
uLinuxnot 13:2513:25
theadminpadi999: Nope. Unless you use RAID and/or compiz, there are major bugs related to em13:25
=== Kartagis is now known as sbiti
DingGGu<Lynx> Virus? What's that?13:25
DingGGu<Lynx> It's that eat things?13:26
=== Remixman_ is now known as Remixman
zvacetuLinux:  is there some option to choose 24 hour clock13:26
padi999theadmin: no RAID here, only 124GB SSD, don't plan to use compiz, so...13:26
uLinuxzvacet in time/date it shows european format13:26
theadminpadi999: Well, then you may install it, they don't support it here though, only in #ubuntu+113:27
cjsred2kic: Why is that not fun?13:27
Dr_Willismasu3701__:  system -> preferances -> monitors lets me do it here.13:27
uLinuxzvacet  maybe because i installed english ubuntu in english i can't change that13:27
padi999theadmin: okay, thank you13:27
zvacetuLinux:  I'm not of any help right now because I don't remember and I'm not at Ubuntu so I can not check13:27
theadminDr_Willis: On Lucid? :D13:28
theadminDr_Willis: It's "Display" in Karmic, IIRC13:28
red2kiccjs: Because you'll have to configure the system to work with an existing home partition warped in encryption and on lvm filesystem, then there resides an ext4 fs /home partition, rather than a simple ext4 /home partition. :)13:28
zotacreal dumb question, how do I compile/make a driver in the root?13:28
=== pixel is now known as pixil
Dr_Willistheadmin:   No idea.  It has an icon of a monitor. :) so thats universial13:28
zvacetuLinux:  it is not because of language my installation is not English and I have 24 hour clock13:29
theadminDr_Willis: haha yeah unless you have a custom icon set13:29
Dr_Willistheadmin:  or a custome language set.. :)13:29
felonhow do i remove packages or find them thats taking up space on my HD via apt-get13:29
Dr_Willisfelon:  sudo apt-get remove whatever13:29
uLinuxzvacet I have 24 hour clock but at some windows i dont13:30
Dr_Willisfelon:  no idea on teh sizes..  You are that limited in hd space? 10gb here lets me install most everything13:30
zvacetuLinux:  well I don't know13:30
zotaccan someone walk me through this?Steps to install the NVIDIA drivers13:31
WOPBonjour bonjour13:31
WOPhi :)13:32
Dr_Williszotac:  i just run the hardware-drivers tool and let it do all the work.13:32
felonit was autoremove btw.13:32
zotaci tried that and it didn't find the drivers for my audio13:32
Dr_Willisfelon:  dont forget the 'autoclean' option also.13:32
zotacI have no sound13:32
dotnettedhey all - I'm using "prism-google-mail" in Ubuntu 9.1 - anyone know how to set Prism to use firefox instead of chrome? (FF is my default)13:32
Dr_Williszotac:  hdmi audio?13:32
ArtemiosHi all13:33
zvacetfelon: sudo apt-get clean  sudo apt-get autoclean13:33
Dr_Williszotac:  thats a common problem. Not sure if ANY nvidia hdmi audio works.13:33
ArtemiosI've ubuntu 9.10 and ati video card. How can i install a driver?13:33
Dr_Williszotac:  im not sure if the drivers even support it.  There are some new drivers comming out soon i saw.13:33
Dr_WillisArtemios:  #1 determine the exact card and chipset.13:34
zotacthe computer mfg posted a driver that they say works...I just don't know how to install it13:34
zvacetArtemios: system>admin>hardware drivers13:34
Dr_Williszotac:   and whats the files name?13:34
Dr_Williszotac:  and where did ya get it at? wht url13:34
Artemioszvacet, there is only modem driver shown13:35
cjsred2kic: Well, that doesn't seem all that bad to me, excepting the issue of typing in the password for the home fs if it's a remote machine.13:36
Dr_Williszotac:  got a url as to where you got the info about those drivers at? (im bookmarking them to tell other people about if they ask in here)13:37
zvacetArtemios: in terminal type  lspci | grep VGA  and paste it with  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com13:37
red2kiccjs: You can't type in remotely. It have to be done the first thing at booting.13:37
Dr_Williszotac:  those drivers seem to be for 8.04 and 8.10 -13:38
zotacI saw that, I thought they might work13:38
Dr_Williszotac:  theres a readme in the archive.. unpzck it and read in teh Ubuntu Dir.13:39
zotacI just don't know how to install it13:39
Dr_Williszotac:  basically install build-essentials and use  make, sudo make install  and hope it works13:39
Dr_Willisgood luck.  i gotta run13:39
zotacI' a real newbie13:39
Dr_Willisi would suggest just running normal audio cables then . and see if the next release has the drivers included13:40
zvacetzotac: look for read me or install file and there should be instruction for install13:40
cjsred2kic: You can if you can somehow log in without a /home. :-)13:40
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=== Chown-R is now known as e-DIO-t
cjsArgh. I'm getting this horrible feeling I maybe should have created a /boot partition.....13:40
cjsDoes 10.4's grub image have lvm support built in?13:41
cjs(I.e., the /boot/grub/core.img?)13:41
zvacetcjs: #ubunntu +113:41
Artemioszvacet, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JULMAUuk13:41
zotacI can't get past the first step:  Copy all the files in ./LAN and ./HD_AUDIO folder to Ubuntu 8.10 system.13:41
zotachow do I access the root folder13:41
tommiszotac, on terminal?13:42
=== librano is now known as shan3
shan3hi all!13:44
zvacetArtemios:  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI13:45
roland1974hi everybody13:45
zvacet!hi | roland197413:46
ubotturoland1974: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:46
avutonWas mkfs.xfs not being included in the iso intentional?13:47
avutonFor the release candidate (sorry, just woke up)13:48
Artemioszvacet, thenk you. i'll try13:48
jribavuton: release notes mention something about xfs and jfs, but lucid questions belong in #ubuntu+1 not here13:48
zvacetArtemios:  np13:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:49
hebz0rlis there a rssreader which synchs with google reader?13:51
abhilashi got a new seagate usb hdd, what format shall i use? i'll using most of time with ubuntu only...../dev/sdb1: UUID="E2CC83DFCC83AC7B" LABEL="FreeAgent Drive" TYPE="ntfs"13:52
abhilashif i format my external hard disk to ext3, can i give all linux permissions and will it work?13:52
sipiorabhilash: yep, it sure will13:53
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:54
shan3abhilash: it also depends on how it is mounted...13:54
shan3mount with the correct options and it should work13:54
abhilashsipior: if i format as ext3, so chmod permissions on file will work?? i've seen not working on vfat13:55
abhilashshan3: how should it be mounted?? i did not understand13:56
sipiorabhilash: i wasn't lying to you :-) yes, it will work.13:56
erUSUL!addingfs | abhilash13:56
ubottuabhilash: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab13:56
shan3abhilash: it should be mounted with read and write permission... which should be the default option13:57
sipiorabhilash: simply make yourself a directory on the attached disk, and ensure that you are the owner.13:57
abhilashshan3: yes i got it....13:57
abhilashsipior: yes i'll try that.13:57
=== Votan is now known as Votan|off
abhilashi was fed up with vfat and ntfs related permissions, so now i'm installing lucid on whole 80 GB on my computer!!13:58
benedikt        Identifier      "Configured Monitor"13:58
benedikthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes ← I have this issue. The wiki doesn't link upstream, does anybody know more about this issue, I haven't been able to find it upstream yet.13:59
wildbatabhilash, unless you use Windows / Dos ~ there is no reason for you to use fat and ntfs13:59
lorenzosuI have problems again connecting to WPA in karmic. it keeps asking for passphrase14:00
shan3Does 10.04 run /etc/rc.local at boot?14:01
airtonixshan3, wrong channel14:01
=== ugo is now known as ugosan
airtonix!lucid | shan314:01
ubottushan3: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:01
shan3airtonix: cool I'll ask over there14:02
geekphreakhello all14:02
=== yukiseaside_ is now known as yukiseaside
JenniferBhi folks... is there a way in ubuntu to make the window span two screens ?14:08
tony37how do i get driver for my network card?14:08
webkraftангличане все?14:08
tony37its Atheros AR813214:09
ohir!ru | webkraft14:09
ubottuwebkraft: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:09
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Phoenix_bleh i really suck with names... um.. is the person i talked to before still here?14:11
=== viesturs__ is now known as viesturs
=== Phoenix_ is now known as Kitsune
benedikthttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes ← I have this issue. The wiki doesn't link upstream, does anybody know more about this issue, I haven't been able to find it upstream yet.14:12
CrowX-what dhcp client does ubuntu use?14:12
tony37anyone that can help me?14:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:13
tony37i have already asked14:13
bobodanhello i need a program that shows me the nettraffic of a service ... anyone knows ?14:13
tony37i need to make my wifi driver working14:13
tony37it doesnt show any wifi14:13
cjsSo what's the most reasonable way to set up a server with RAID1?14:13
Kitsuneis it an aetheros card installed on your machine?14:13
JenniferBis there a way in ubuntu to make the window span two screens ?14:14
cjsI need a separate boot partition, right? Can I do that within the md?14:14
tony37Kitsune, yes its is atheros14:14
ugosantony37 open up a terminal and type  lspci | grep Network14:14
tony37yeah i have done it14:14
cjsAnd what about a "biosgrub" partition?14:14
Benny-XJenniferB: You can adjust a zillion visual options with compiz fusion14:15
Kitsuneouch.. ok ummm, i had a bit of trouble from those before, did you install the proprietary drivers? the madwifi?14:15
wildbatbobodan, iptraf14:15
Kitsunealso, which version of ubuntu are you using?14:15
tony37Kitsune, where is it found?14:15
tony37ubuntu 9.10 netbook14:15
sipiorcjs: you could, but it might be easiest to have a small disk to boot from, that's not involved in the raid.14:15
tony37i cant find any thing in hardware drivers14:15
tony37ugosan, do you want the output of lspci?14:16
tony37ugosan, 02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)14:16
cjssipior: And when that small disk fails, how do I boot? :-)14:16
Kitsunethe issue im familiar with was from jaunty, sorry but im not familiar with netbooks, good luck everyone else ^^;;14:17
=== reijo-nyberg is now known as red
tony37Kitsune, :)14:17
sipiorcjs: backups, livecd, &cet. raid is not a substitute for backups, nor is it even protection against data corruption.14:17
rolsworthis it possible to drag an open window to another workspace?14:17
cjsThe main thing I'm having difficulty with is to get something that's a) bootable, and b) has a minimal amount of stuff, ideally none, outside of the RAID partition, so that I don't have to remember to update sdb after updating sda.14:17
ugosantony37 have you used ndiswrapper?14:17
tony37ugosan, no14:17
tony37how to use it?14:18
ugosanthen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136930414:18
cjssipior: If I lose sda and everything's in an md, I can just boot off of sdb. It's quick and easy. Restoring from backups is much more time-consuming.14:18
sipiorcjs: you might as well ask, "if one disk develops errors, which are then silently copied to my raid 1 mirror, how will i boot?"14:18
cjs(And yes, I understand backups quite well.)14:18
red2kicrolsworth: Click on the window. Hold CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT-ARROW14:18
ugosantony37 see the last post14:18
cjssipior: I've been doing sysadmin for close to 20 years now, and I'm afraid I don't buy your risk analysis.14:19
rolsworthok that was it14:19
sipiorcjs: do what you want, i don't care :-)14:19
tony37ugosan, ok14:19
red2kicrolsworth: Or you could just right-click on the title and "Move to workspace <lol>"14:19
cjsI'm trying to figure out *how* to do what I want; that's the issue.14:19
ugosantony37 you will need to load a proprietary driver using ndiswrapper, follow the steps at the last post and you will be fine14:20
cjssipior: I've had plenty of systems where sda (or it's equivalant) failed, and I just had someone pull it and continued to function just fine while making other arrangements.14:20
tony37but mine is not ar5211 ugosan14:20
lorenzosuI have problems again connecting to WPA in karmic. it keeps asking for passphrase14:21
thiemsterlorenzosu: with wpa, don't you need a passphrase?14:21
geekphreakred2kic: hey but it fun learning those chortcuts :d14:21
layoevery time when i log out, and log in my resolution is change? i am using 10.04 RC, with nvidia GeForce 7300 GS14:21
geekphreaklayo:  #ubuntu+1 for lucid help14:22
lorenzosuthiemster, yes. sorry I meant it keeps asking for passphrase after I enter it14:22
ugosantony37 sorry, you wont need ndiswrapper, aparently those driver works on any atheros14:22
red2kicgeekphreak: Indeed. How do you right-click on the window without using the mouse? ^_^14:22
tony37ugosan, oh.. so what do i do?14:22
geekphreakred2kic:  say abra ka dabra ?14:22
rolsworththe regular desktop is better for netbooks. the netbook edition is really slow14:22
thiemsterred2kic: your keyboard might have a key to the left of the right ctrl key14:22
cemcif I have an external hdd, and I want ext3 on it, how do I create it to be user-mountable when I plug it in?14:22
tony37ugosan, any other way to do it?14:22
red2kicgeekphreak: Bingo-o! Or you could just ... what thiemster said. :)14:23
thiemsterlorenzosu: hmmm. idk then. i'll look it up14:23
=== carlos is now known as car|0s
ugosantony37 the way on the last post14:23
arandI'm trying to do simple one-off scheduling with "at", why does this not work?: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/423359/  (does not launch gedit)14:23
ugosantony37 that describes the way without the ddiswrapper, you should try14:23
geekphreakred2kic:  you can try this i think its same press alt+spacebar14:24
tony37ugosan, ok14:24
geekphreakred2kic: it will also give option for workspace14:24
red2kicgeekphreak: Not quite same but you're learning right there. :)14:24
aciculacjs: cant you boot directly from the raid disks?14:24
geekphreakred2kic: thank you sir :)14:25
rolsworthubuntu does not have any good usenet software14:25
erUSULarand: gedit does not know where to display itself14:25
erUSULarand: do « DISPLAY=:0 gedit & »14:25
red2kicgeekphreak: If you have big monitor like I do (24"), compiz plugin "grid" is a must-have.14:25
thiemsterrolsworth: take a look at14:26
antonio_hey all14:26
thiemsterrolsworth http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/902539.html14:26
aranderUSUL: I'll try that, cheers14:26
TomJIn Xubuntu, is there a Wifi scanning tool? I mean one that shows existing networks.  I opened Networ Connections, and I can click Add, but then it asks me for the information manually - I dont see where it might show me a list of available networks14:26
erUSULarand: do « DISPLAY=:0.0 gedit & »14:26
geekphreakred2kic: compiz not working here after the update :(14:26
red2kicgeekphreak: :(14:26
TomJunless the list is meant to appear in the Wireless tab itself, in whch case maybe it's not working14:26
antonio_can anyone help me to use the cat command - I have 3 files that I need to merge back into Antonio.vdi14:26
thiemsterTomJ: try wicd14:26
erUSULTomJ: clieck on the network manager icon. aviable networks should appear there14:27
thiemsterTomJ: idk if it comes with it, but if you can get it on a flash drive from a computer that has internet, that should work14:27
geekphreakantonio_: thats virtuabox files right?14:27
thiemstervirus: hi14:27
wildbatantonio_, cat f1 f2 f3 > outfile?14:27
thiemsterantonio_ run "man cat"14:27
cjsacicula: It wouldn't boot after the last install. I just got a blank screen with a flashing cursor.14:27
rolsworthtried those already. they all are barebone14:28
TomJerUSUL: ok, then I think it's not working.  under Network Connections nothing shows on the wireless tab.   I just tried a manual iwlist wlan0 scan, and it said interface down, I then tried ifconfig wlan0 up, and it said "no such file and directory". some driever issue maybe?14:28
thiemsterrolsworth: well, just search online. you'll find something14:28
geekphreakcjs:  not even in rescue mode?14:28
aranderUSUL: Ah, that did it, thanks14:28
cjsHm. So I can't put a partition table into an md device, right? I need to do separate mds for boot LVM?14:28
TomJI do have a wlan0 so it's detected wifi in some way at least14:28
red2kiccjs: Sounds like you're having fun. ;)14:28
cjsgeekphreak: I never got as far as seeing anything from grub at all.14:28
rolsworththere is none14:28
TomJthiemster: wicd not found on my xubuntu - I should install it?14:28
erUSULTomJ: does wlan0 aappear on  « iwconfig » output ?14:28
cjsred2kic: Yes, this has always been a joy with Linux. Not that other Unices are much better....14:28
thiemsterTomJ: you could copy it from a flash drive if you have a computer with working internet14:29
rolsworthweird that no one developed anything decent14:29
thiemsterTomJ: it's not the best solution, but it'll work14:29
TomJerUSUL: yes it does14:29
geekphreakcjs:  got a liveCD from where you can chroot ?14:29
erUSULTomJ:  « sudo ifconfig wlan0 up »14:29
TomJerUSUL: yeah that's what I already tried.  I get  "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory"14:29
cjsgeekphreak: I did, until I just wiped my partition tables just now. :-) (I wanted to see what the default LVM install does.)14:29
erUSULTomJ: sudo rfkill list14:30
erUSUL!paste | TomJ14:30
geekphreakcjs:  fantastico :)14:30
ubottuTomJ: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:30
TomJerUSUL: 0: phy0: Wireless LAN  Soft blocked:no  Hard blocked: no14:30
cjsSo my thought is, I guess, set up two mds: a 128 MB one for /boot, and the rest of the disk for LVM.14:30
=== anon_y_mous is now known as Serenity_
erUSULTomJ: are you sure you did not make a typo in the ifconfig command ?14:31
TomJerUSUL: positive14:31
PromilleHi guys. When I try to install BASE (due to snort installation) i get this error-message:14:31
erUSULTomJ: reload the driver ?14:32
PromilleFatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /usr/share/php/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 36314:32
thiemsterTomJ: visit the "Using the command Line" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo14:32
TomJhmm, maybe this driver needs firmware or so?14:32
cjsDoes that seem sensible?14:32
erUSULTomJ: dunno; what wifi chip is this ?14:32
TomJjust googled and this article shows my error and talks about firmware being reqiured:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/siocsifflags-no-such-file-or-directory-184147/14:32
geekphreakPromille: install php5-mysql14:32
Promillegeekphreak: php5-mysql is installed. how can i check that it is properly installed though?14:33
=== Serenity_ is now known as _Serenity_
TomJerUSUL: driver is 'b43'14:33
erUSULTomJ: lspci | grep -i net14:33
aciculacjs: well its not bad, but the system should boot from the LVM just fine too14:33
geekphreakPromille: you can a simple test script , is browser installed?14:33
TomJah yes, got it14:33
TomJ"cannot find firmware file b43/ucode5.fw14:33
Promillegeekphreak: yes14:33
TomJin /var/log/syslog14:33
TomJlet me see where I get that file from14:33
vanbergeCan you guys tell me... If I have installed 10.04 Beta 1, but then kept up with all the updates tha tcome out - is my distro automatically upgraded?  I.e. - am I now running RC1 if update manager says my system is up to date??14:33
erUSULTomJ: and you did « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter » ?14:33
erUSULTomJ: that installs the firmware14:34
BluesKajHey folks14:34
TomJerUSUL: perfect, thans14:34
geekphreakPromille: can i pm?14:34
aciculacjs: if you just get a blinker it means grub is not loading though, so it hangs just after loading mbr i guess?14:34
red2kic!final | vanberge14:34
ubottuvanberge: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:34
Promillegeekphreak: sure14:34
pfohdoes anyone have a link to gutsy isos, we need them for a project and it seems they have been removed from all archives14:34
erUSULTomJ: but is nonetheless weird becouse without frimware no wlan0 should appear... but anyway14:34
vanbergered2kic: tyvm14:34
aciculapfoh: there is an old-archive image14:34
erUSULTomJ: once the firmware is intalled do « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 » to reload the firmware14:35
red2kicvanberge: You're welcome. I also accept PayPal as a way of gratitude. :)14:35
hiexpopfoh, 1 sec let mesee14:35
thiemsterpfoh: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/14:35
LzrdKinghow do i fix the S and K numbers in /etc/rc#.d/ when insserver rewrote them all sequentially? instead of S10xxx S40xxx, S80xxx, i have S01xxx, S02xxx, S03xxxx14:35
vanbergered2kic: I shall paypal you 5 turkish lira14:35
pfohnope, old-releases links r broken14:35
zoidfarbI had a question, I don't even know if this is possible. But can you run two different window managers on two different workspaces? And then have a dual-monitor setup with one workspace on each monitor?14:35
powerhi, if i install beta of 10.04 now, will apt-get update make it stable 10.04 when 10.04 is released ?14:36
jadakrenzoidfarb, possibly if they are seperate x sessions14:36
erUSULzoidfarb: no; you can not run two wm on the same session14:36
vanbergepower I just asked that!14:36
pfohif it were that easy, i wouldnt be here14:36
vanbergeanswer is yes14:36
vanberge!final | power14:36
ubottupower: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Lucid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:36
thiemsterpower: don't install the beta now. install at least the RC. or just wait two days and install the final14:36
zoidfarbjadakren, and normally, the different workspaces/desktops are all part of the same X sesson14:36
mkhanyisizoidfarb, i dont think that is possible14:36
wiiguywow the enw ubuntu will eb released in 2 days ?14:37
jadakrenzoidfarb, this is correct, as is the case with something like twinview for example.14:37
mkhanyisiwiiguy, yep!14:37
thiemsterwiiguy: yup14:37
icerootwiiguy: #ubuntu+114:37
thiemsterwiiguy: or #ubuntu-release-party14:37
wiiguyjoined both :D14:37
zoidfarbjadakren, I was sort of hoping to be able to have a tiling window manager (like ratpoison) on one monitor, while keeping Gnome or fluxbox or something on the other monitor14:38
zoidfarbjadakren, do you happen to know of anything that would emulate that setup?14:38
jadakrenzoidfarb, first i would get it setup so that each screen runs its own x session.14:38
TomJerUSUL: is it definite b43-fwcutter?  aptitude says couldn't find that package.14:38
thiemsterzoidfarb: if you're going to use a tiling one, I recommend awesomewm14:38
erUSUL!info b43-fwcutter14:38
ubottub43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:012-1 (karmic), package size 17 kB, installed size 112 kB14:38
erUSULTomJ: ^14:38
zoidfarbthanks, thiemster, I'll check that out14:39
TomJok, why might my aptitude be saying it cant find that?  is ther eanything I need to do to update the repository index or something?14:39
thiemsterzoidfarb: if you want them on two different screens, I recommend using "startx" instead of the graphical boot screen. I'm not sure exactly how you would. just.... that would probablybe easier14:39
jadakrenzoidfarb, having seperate x sessions on each monitor still means you can use one mouse across two screens, you just can't drag app windows across14:39
TomJoh wait it found it now14:39
aciculapfoh: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/14:39
pfohanyone have further suggestions as to where i might find gutsy iso images.  as i said all official paths seem to be hindered, i.e., http://old-releases.ubuntu.com  and all mirrors have removed these isos.  torrent is giving me limited success, i.e., not all versions are seeded  any help would be appreciated14:40
EuracHi Can someone tell me how to open a .bin file in terminal. I am very new to any form of Linux so may have many questions :)14:40
geekphreakEurac: hello14:40
geekphreakEurac: open terminal type sudo chmod +x file.bin14:40
wiiguywill 10.04 still eb fast on lower system with 2ghz and 512mb ram ????14:40
geekphreakEurac: then type sudo ./file.bin14:40
LjL!id | mahasiswa14:41
ubottumahasiswa: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:41
sjlAnyone know why aptitude would want to remove 109 unrelated packages whenever I try to 'aptitude install' anything?14:41
thiemsterpfoh: why do you need this version? wouldn't you want a version with current security updates14:41
jadakrenwiiguy, use lubuntu instead.14:41
LjLsjl: you probably should pastebin the whole output it gives14:41
LjLmahasiswa: english here please14:41
pfohthiemster: no i want this version for this reason exactly, we need it for a university project14:41
jadakrenwiiguy, you'lll find that nautilus will cause a significant slow down on a system with only 512mb of ram14:41
mkhanyisipfoh, why gutsy?14:42
wiiguy<jadakren> wiiguy, use lubuntu instead. < ubuntu 9.10 is very fats on my old 2ghz 512mb system > but wana know if it still be fast as 10.04 ?14:42
mahasiswaljl where are u now??14:42
thiemsterpfoh: oh... I'l keep looking online as I have been then14:42
jadakrenwiiguy, although you'll need to be more specific on the type of processor ...14:42
jadakrenwiiguy, note the 'l' in front of ubuntu there.. the l stands for LXDE.14:42
wiiguymeh in it a intel celeron14:42
mahasiswacape dehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh14:43
pfohmkhanyisi: we need it for a university project.. i know there are sec. issues, but we want it for that reason exactly14:43
jadakrenwiiguy, yeah definitly go for lubuntu (the version of ubuntu thats setup with lxde isntead of gnome)14:43
sjlLjL: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Sttj0xUz14:43
mahasiswai have somethingg !!!14:43
mkhanyisipfoh, ok here we go: ftp://ftp.sun.ac.za/iso-images/ubuntulinux/7.10/14:43
sipiormahasiswa: something we can help you with?14:43
skui4How to define DNS for wvdial? Resolvconf for OpenVPN does not seem to have effect for /etc/ppp/resolv.conf using a mobile broadband connection.14:43
mkhanyisipfoh, that might be slow from your side14:43
sjl(this is on a slicehost slice, so no need for X11)14:43
mahasiswasipior :::: i need your help14:44
wiiguyjadakren : like i said atm ubuntu 9.10 is very fast on my sytem14:44
jadakrenwiiguy, even with nautilus as the desktop manager and file manager ?14:44
VovcheGСкажите, это канал об аниме?14:44
LzrdKing9.10 is very fast for me too, fast enough to play 720p video14:44
mkhanyisi!ask| mahasiswa14:44
ubottumahasiswa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:44
wiiguyno idea what nautilus is :p14:44
jadakrenwiiguy, its the program that renders the desktop icons and provides the file manager interface.14:44
mkhanyisiwiiguy, its the window you use to browse files and folders14:45
bilalakhtarwiiguy: nautilus is the ubuntu file manager14:45
pfohmkhanyisi: ure a god-send, thx14:45
bilalakhtar!nautilus | wiiguy14:45
LzrdKingwiiguy: kill it and see what goes away :)14:45
mkhanyisipfoh, np14:45
jadakrenmkhanyisi, metacity is actually the program that provides the window frames14:45
LjLsjl: uhm, no idea. they seem *very* unrelated, as in not having any connection with the (two) dependencies of libxml2-dev...14:45
lorenzosuI have problems again connecting to WPA in karmic. it keeps asking for passphrase over and over after I enter it14:45
wiiguymeh i have the official ubuntu cd here and i just installed it, and it is all faste enough14:45
wiiguysoon it will be 1gb ram btw14:45
jadakrenwiiguy, then why change ?14:45
mkhanyisijadakren, yeah I know14:46
sjlLjL: yeah, and it's not just libxml2 -- I get the same list of packages to remove when I run 'aptitude install git', and git is already installed.14:46
franckhello all14:46
thiemsterfranck: hello14:46
LjLsjl: try "aptitude why-not <one of those packages>"14:46
wiiguyjadakren i just like to know if 10.04 will eb as fast as 9.1014:46
mahasiswaok i new try this forum14:46
jadakrenwiiguy, 'fast' is subjective. you'll need to find out for yourself.14:46
geekphreakwiiguy: is good on my system :d14:46
mkhanyisiLjL, what does the 'why-not' option do?14:46
wiiguymeh true14:47
sjlLjL: "Unable to find a reason to remove xbitmaps."14:47
wiiguyguess i will wait for another 512mb ram stick ro arrive :)14:47
francki've a problem with lucid and kvm, vhost worked with 9.10 but crash with 10.04 with error on virsh # start QDEV_LINUX114:47
franckinternal error unable to start guest: libvir: QEMU error : cannot change to '115' group: Operation not permitted14:47
geekphreakwiiguy: always a good idea mate14:47
franckcould you help me ?14:47
LzrdKingwhen apparmor starts, it first calls a mountall but since i have 2 nfs shares in my fstab and apparmor starts before my wireless is configures, i get errors for the nfs shares.  I tried making apparmor start my wireless script and wicd as prereqs and also tried making them be called before apparmor, but it always seems to call mountall before wireless is up.  how can i fix this?14:47
mahasiswai want tutorial about startup manager in ubuntu !! anyone know information?14:47
geekphreakfranck: #ubuntu+1 for lucid help14:47
hndfranck: yup14:47
greggomanoEvery once in awhile when i log on (lucid), my mouse and keyboard are useless, but not every login. After a time they start to work again - is this a known problem?14:47
jadakrenwiiguy, i mean, 9.10 full compiz and nautilus bells & whistles runs a dream on my core2duo 2.3ghz 4gb ram desktop, bu my hp mini 311 atom280 1.6ghz 3gb ram doesn't like nautilus.14:47
TomJerUSUL et al, thanks for your help, working fine now14:48
franckgeekphreak: ok thx14:48
jadakrenwiiguy, desktop runs a dedicated graphics card and so does my netbook so compiz is great on both, but nautilus really slows the netbook down.14:48
greggomanoI thought, maybe there's a disk check going on in the background sometimes at logon and that makes mouse-clicks and keyboard not work until it's finished???14:48
wiiguyi see14:49
thiemsterbye all14:49
wiiguymeh every time i install my video card on my netbook on ununtu all it will start is black screen14:49
jadakrenwiiguy, i think you need to specify boot up params on first install.14:50
sjlLjL: Is there a way to tell aptitude "just install this package, don't uninstall anything"?14:50
erUSULTomJ: no problem14:50
wiiguymeh i guess i will try some other time :)14:50
krabadori've issues with DWL-G132 , karmic koala, ndiswrapper (by synaptic) and the winxp drivers of DWL-G132 , the 1.21 and 1.3014:50
wiiguyjadakren and everyone else ty for all the help :P)14:50
jadakrenkrabador, explain for the room what you've already tried and attempted.14:50
hndmy koala always asks for a keyring passwords when i boot and whenever it wakes up after hibernation... in the latter case it asks the keyring for connecting to the net with mu USB modem... wht is this keyring password??14:51
LjLsjl: i doubt it - but you could use apt-get. you could also try telling aptitude to install all those packages it lists as to be removed (the downside being, aside from being tedious, that they will all be marked as manually installed)14:51
=== lobfredd is now known as LOL
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Shamounis it practical to run the netbook remix on a laptop that isn't a netbook?14:51
sjlLjL: yeah, and some of them do look unnecessary, but I'm not sure if anything I *do* need depends on them14:51
jadakrenShamoun, for what purpose?14:52
jadakrenShamoun, it supposedly has a kernel optimised for the atom processor.14:52
Shamounjadakren, its a smaller notebook that i only really use for the internet and to write small documents14:52
Shamounah i see14:52
Shamounwell this is a core 2 duo14:52
jadakrenShamoun, unless you want the odd desktop it has, i would just use ubuntu with openbox or lubuntu.14:53
jadakrenShamoun, but again it depends on what you're trying to achieve? low power ?14:53
OlejoHello, can anyone point me in the direction of the best place for advice for a new linux/ubuntu user?14:54
sanderjWhere do I find the php5-json14:54
sanderj package?.. its not in karmic.. but was in earlier versions.14:54
hndOlejo: you're at the right place ;)14:54
jadakrenOlejo, have you read the ubuntu forums tutorials and tips section yet?14:54
krabadori installed ndiswrapper(from synaptic) , i installed the 1.30 drivers, i installed wicd (from synaptic), i typed iwconfig and i whatched the wlan0 (the DWL-132) , i refresed the networks with wicd , i select my net, and in autentiocation (i've a router with dhcp) it don't take the ip address.14:54
krabadori restarted many times14:54
hndkrabador: yea14:54
Shamounjadakren, battery life would be a plus14:55
OlejoNo jadakren I have not.14:55
VigoOlejo: This is the the place, the forums are good and any documents are good also.14:55
OlejoAre these found on the ubuntu website?14:55
Shamounjadakren, the system runs win 7 at the moment, so if that will give me better life i might as well stick to it14:55
jadakrenOlejo, it's a place where  someone with someone patience can learn alot.14:55
Shamouni know n the past windows used to get better battery life than linux14:55
hndOlejo: just keep using linux you'll come to know its complexities and beauty yourself ;)14:55
JackWatOlejo: is there something you need to know? ubuntu can get you pretty far without any serious linux knowledge14:55
JackWatOlejo: There is tons of support mediums if you have any specific questions.14:56
OlejoJackWat I am sure I will have many questions in the future, right now I am just starting.14:56
JackWatOlejo: just jump into it. You'll start learning fairly quickly14:56
jadakrenShamoun, Im not sure how good my netbook is with power and windows7 as i removed it five minutes after unwrapping the thing. although i assume you're familiar with the power monitor graphs etc ?14:57
LzrdKingis there any good documentation on karmic's new init/startup stuff?  if quite different than jaunty's14:57
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:57
Shamounjadakren, power monitor graphs?14:57
jadakrenShamoun, yeah, screenshots incoming....14:57
hndsaifulbahri: huh???14:58
Vigokeyboard works14:58
mkhanyisihow do i change the theme of my gnome login screen?14:58
LzrdKingupstart is whacked, unless its just that karmic uses a mix of upstart and old-style14:59
=== bang is now known as Guest42195
OlejoOK Question one, how do I open a download .bin file that is on my desktop?15:00
=== mahasiswa is now known as iskandarmuda
Vigomkhanyisis: I use to know that, let me look it up though,,,,,15:00
apiephelllo every body15:01
mattgyverOlejo, im pretty sure you just run it like ./file.bin15:01
apiepmay i join with you...???15:01
Olejomattgyver I am very new and have not used terminal to any great extent yet.15:01
batathello too15:01
Oer!hi | apiep15:01
ubottuapiep: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:01
saifulbahrieh malam..15:02
Vigomkhanyisis: here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145357315:02
FriedrichManis there a way to monitor what websites I am connected to from console ?15:02
FriedrichManlike watch netstat -putan15:03
jadakrenShamoun, uploading.15:03
apiephello motto....15:03
Vigokkhanyisis: and here: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Change-Ubuntu-Bootsplash-Theme-55237.shtml15:03
FriedrichManbut with domains instead of ip's15:03
Oer!netstat | Oer15:03
uLinuxAnd I ask is there some app like a Firewall just to monitor connections?15:04
jetienne__q. how to upload files to my ipod touch ?15:04
uLinuxI dont want install a firewall just to check internet connections15:04
Vigomkanyisis: and here:>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:04
wildbatuLinux, try iptraf15:05
gnumdki'm currently booting lucid installer via pxe but can't find a way to pass lang/kbd as boot params15:05
OlejoShould I install the Gufw package and set a firewall?15:05
VigouLinux: I think NetworkManager Applet does that,15:06
chilli0Hello , when ever i use flash on a website , my fan goes crazy and my cpu levels rise very high. Im on 9.04 on a lenovo idea pad Y53015:06
dr-knowcan i sync tomboy notes with google docs ???15:06
uLinuxVigo  how do i open it15:06
uLinuxor do i need to install15:06
chilli09.10 sorry15:06
VigouLinux: Right Click it>Connection Information15:07
wildbatOlejo, you don't really need a firewall if you are a casual home user  ~15:07
uLinuxwireshark is for sniffing15:07
mark1does anyone know how i can get to my compiz fusion manager, cause i installed it but i dont know where it is15:08
VigouLinux: There are also a few utilities , netmon and others that do that.15:08
dr-knowcan i sync tomboy notes with google docs ???15:08
Olejook wildbat thanks, I also have heard that linux does not need anti virus, with ubuntus populartiy is this still the case?15:08
Sk_Lgcan you link 2cpu'15:09
ZeLLHow much responsibility should a site like match.com accept for the validity of the content its members provide to one another? What kind of safe guards do you think are possible?15:09
wildbatOlejo, yes~ if you worry you can try clamav15:09
Oermark1 system > preferences> compiz manager15:09
Vigo!antivirus | Olejo15:09
ubottuOlejo: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus15:09
dr-knowcan i sync tomboy notes with google docs ???15:09
ZeLLcan sombdy help me15:10
mark1Oer, wow thanks i feel kinda dumb now15:10
chilli0Hello , when ever i use flash on a website , my fan goes crazy and my cpu levels rise very high. Im on 9.10 on a lenovo idea pad Y53015:10
Sk_Lgcan you link 2cpu's in a network to have one working to boost the speed of primary machine? kinda like an external graphics card computer?15:10
OerZell that is not a ubuntu support question15:10
OlejoSo I could infact transfer virus to windows user via email from ubuntu?15:10
cjsacicula: So my guess is that 10.4 installed a GPT and I had no BIOS boot partition, so Grub's first stage couldn't find its second stage.15:11
wildbatchilli0, welcome to Adose flash ~ live with it XD15:11
mark1oh one more thing does anyone know where i cant get a program i saw on utube, it makes all the other windows that you not working on fade out ?15:11
VigoOlejo: Yes, I use ClamAV to try and avoid that, there are many ways.15:11
* ZeLL what channel that can someone can answerthat15:11
OlejoOK thanks15:11
Oermark1 that is also a compiz pref15:12
Shamounjadakren, er you still there?15:12
uLinuxwhat the hell AV for linux15:12
mark1Oer. do you know what its called15:12
Oermark1 fading to desktop ? or under effect fading windows ( i am on dutch ubuntu, sorry i cannot see the english names )15:13
VigoOlejo: Most viruses get stopped at the kernel, some do not, Linux is bullet proof and built like a tank, still is nice to not pass on bad stuff that you may be unaware of.15:13
chilli0wildbat, Doesnt happen on windows...15:13
OlejoErm can you explain why I do not need a firewall as a casual home user? I have copyright material, is that safe?15:14
leOncan someone explain me why isn't my /tmp cleaned uppon reboot, since i have TMPTIME=0 in /etc/default/rcS  ?15:14
mark1Oer, i was looking for fading to black but its ok im sure ill find it , i think it might be ADD manager15:14
wildbatchilli0, blame Adobe~ ~ and mke you you get the lastest flash player15:14
FriedrichManso guys? is there a way to monitor the way i can do it by #watch netstat -putan ... but getting dns's instead of ip's?15:14
uLinuxVigo what about a internet monitor gui15:14
wildbatmake sure*15:15
jadakrenShamoun, try this : https://www.dropbox.com/photoshow/screenshots/ubuntu-9.10-power-monitor/power-manager-wakeups.png <click full size>15:15
Vigo!Firewall | Olejo15:15
ubottuOlejo: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.15:15
chilli0wildbat, kay15:15
Shamounjadakren, thanks i have to make an account, one sec15:15
jadakrenShamoun, not to view it surely?15:15
Olejoubotto should I have a firewall set up in the case of personal documents being accessed form elsewhere?15:16
VigouLinux: Here>http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/tshark.1.html15:16
uLinuxVigo thats not gui15:17
Shamounjadakren, yea unfortunately, and now that i have it seems to be pointing me to that directory stucture in my account, which is of course empty15:17
jadakrenShamoun, here : public link : http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/180039/2/screenshots/ubuntu-9.10-power-monitor?h=1d925215:17
h93I can't find the DVD download. Is there such a thing? I was hoping of a bigger software collection for the Live-CD. Am I mistaken?15:17
Shamounjadakren, okay that works, thanks a ton. sorry for the inconvenience15:17
h93!dvd > h9315:17
ubottuh93, please see my private message15:17
wildbatOlejo, cause no one care to hack you networks? ~ beside most home user got a router ~ that's put you in NAT firewall15:18
Shamounjadakren, hmm, thanks, i guess ill do a dual boot system with ubuntu and win 7 and see what performs better for my needs on this laptop15:18
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hogfootanyone know how i would find out which chipsets for esata cards are supported in Dapper?15:19
wildbatOlejo, if you want you acn install firestarter ~ a simple firewall interface15:19
Shamounanyway fellas, its 7 am and ive barely slept15:19
Shamounim gonna squeeze in a few more hours before i have to go do stuff15:19
jadakrenShamoun, yeah might be the only way you'll find out .. note that if you try to assess it via isb live disk that the usb disk will be using extra power.15:19
OlejoI see wildbat :)15:19
Shamounjadakren, yea ill do an install to hard disk15:19
Shamounthanks mate15:19
VigouLinux: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/wmnd.1.html maybe15:20
VigouLinux: or NetPipe15:21
VigouLinux: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/NPlam2.1.html15:22
uLinuxthose are cli apps15:22
VigouLinux: and http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/iftop.8.html15:23
uLinuxVigo  ok forget it15:23
uLinuxtks for trying :P15:23
medeanyone knows how to install support for scanjet 367015:24
Oernow you have to google yourself, uLinux15:24
uLinuxim googlinh15:25
medeI found in the sane, but not as15:25
VigouLinux: Now you have me looking for that widget, you are quite welcome, this is fun.15:25
mark1so this is a random question, ... does any one know if i can make a folder hidden in linux, (but the windows attribute hidden - not putting a period before the name)15:25
mark1no its not possible ?15:26
linxehmark1: assuming I understand you right - you want to hide a folder on linux that doesnt start with a . ?15:26
mark1linxeh, yea i guess thats about right15:27
Oermark1, name it like /.stuff15:27
linxehso you want to make the folder "MyFolder" hidden ?15:27
krabadori installed ndiswrapper(from synaptic) , i installed the 1.30 drivers, i installed wicd (from synaptic), i typed iwconfig and i whatched the wlan0 (the DWL-132) , i refresed the networks with wicd , i select my net, and in autentiocation (i've a router with dhcp) it don't take the ip address.15:27
Oeruse ctrl + H to see hidden files and maps in nautilus15:27
jones-Hello. I've upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and my Wacom Intuos4 doesn't work anymore. I hear that dropping HAL and switching to Xorg 1.7 may be the cause. Does anyone know if I can get it working again?15:28
sdasdls -la15:28
mark1linxeh, oer yea but the hardware im trying to hide the folder from doesnt register it as being hidden if it has a . in front of the name15:28
h00k!lucid | jones-15:28
ubottujones-: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:28
lorenzosuI have problems again connecting to WPA in karmic. it keeps asking for passphrase over and over after I enter it15:28
jones-h00k: thanks.15:28
geekphreakhi all15:28
linxehmark1: file a bug with that software I guess, or move the folder somewhere else :o15:28
M4nfr3Dgeekphreak: hello15:29
Oeryou cant't hide a map if you are in it ?15:29
geekphreakM4nfr3D: hi15:29
=== 77CAAK11Z is now known as Urkki
geekphreakh00k: howdy15:29
navatwoHow do I get the IP address of my server?15:29
mark1linxeh, the thing it , its not software its hardware, a media player to be more specific, and i need to be able to do this frequently and i cant just be moving 500GB folders on a daily bases15:30
geekphreaknavatwo: internal ?15:30
VigouLinux: It is built in, System>Administration>Network Tools15:30
uLinuxi know Network Tools15:30
lallahttp://pastebin.com/JnYXt6in ,how do i use weka15:30
geekphreaknavatwo: you can also use ifconfig command15:30
linxehmark1: moving a folder to another folder is instant15:31
linxehmark1: assuming it is on the same filesystem15:31
mark1linxeh: not when you have to move it from a portable hard drive15:31
mark1linxeh, and not when its a 500GB folder15:31
linxehmark1: then thats not on the same filesystem15:31
linxehmark1: is this movable hard drive formatted fat32 ?15:32
mark1no, ntfs15:32
mark1linxeh, no ntfs15:32
linxehmark1: ok, then you can probably do what you want15:32
mark1linxeh, got any clues how ?15:32
mark1without restarting to windows ?15:32
linxehmark1: yeah, hang on15:33
navatwoSorry, I am trying to get the external IP of my server15:33
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delacas everyone propably knows, logging into account is much faster the second time than straight after the boot. so ubuntu is preserving some session info even between sessions. anybody knows where this info is and how it is administered?15:33
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geekphreaknavatwo: got gui enabled if so you can use whatismyip.com site15:34
coz_good day all15:34
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lorenzosuwlan0: authentication with AP ... timed out15:34
navatwono gui15:34
geekphreaknavatwo:  w3m :d15:35
lcxfungo_, lcx15:36
lcxfungo_, tsyj200715:36
leOnnavatwo: traceroute or mtr15:36
navatwoI got it thanks to w3m15:37
fungo_lcx, hi15:37
jotallDoes anyone know the serial key for Ubuntu?15:37
linxehmark1: hmm, I was hoping for a tool that manipulated the ntfs file attributes but I'm struggling to find one - the ntfsprogs tools dont appear to do the right things15:37
toniijotall: troll.15:37
LzrdKingjotall: the retailer should have that15:37
lcxfungo_, lcx and tsyj2007 are me15:37
fungo_lcx, I see15:38
LzrdKingjotall: if you don't have a serial, you bought an illegal copy15:38
LzrdKingjotall: and you get no support here15:38
Sachojotall: there is no serial key for ubuntu.15:38
Sachoit's free software.15:38
DeadmanIncJSAhh... 2 more day's till 10.04 :D15:38
wildbatlinxeh, ntfs-3g15:39
jotallI thought the serial key was helping others, and thus myself15:39
spantheri have 10.04 allready Deadman :D15:39
spantherit's awesome! xD15:39
DeadmanIncJSnot the actual release15:39
DeadmanIncJSjotall there is no key15:39
spantherRelease Candidate ^^15:39
geekphreaknavetz: welcome15:39
linxehwildbat: ah my bad15:40
DeadmanIncJSi was thinking of dowloading BETA stuff.  but i dont know enough about Linux to know what is right/wrong lol15:40
linxehwildbat: I still dont think that helps though15:40
spantheri just love 10.04 i hope ubuntu team never ever changes the theme much again! <3 it's just awesome looking! very pretty x)15:40
DeadmanIncJSfrom what I see on youtube, it looks pretty sweet15:41
ubuntuhow can I mount ntfs file systems?15:41
geekphreakDeadmanIncJS: what does?15:41
spantherit does! x)15:41
kde185anyone know if 10.04 is going to have firefox compiled with PGO?15:41
geekphreakubuntu use mount command, or places at top >> choose partition label, provide password15:41
Oernope, lucid questions in #ubuntu+1, kde18515:41
geekphreakDeadmanIncJS: kool15:42
=== ubuntu is now known as pureone
spanther10.04 beats osx :D15:42
pureoneits been a while since I mounted15:42
pureoneplease help me with the process geekphreak15:42
DeadmanIncJSanything linux beats OSX or Windows :D15:42
dr3mroplease help me enable desktop effects in ubuntu using Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL15:42
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geekphreakdr3mro: with that card, it iwll be hard afaik15:43
DeadmanIncJSdr3mro, download "Compiz"15:43
spantherDeadmanIncJS, noes, ubuntu is the only distro with such a clean "nice" theme with much detail and round corners <315:43
coriPigFlu: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.15:43
geekphreakpureone:  open terminal please , then pastebin sudo fdisk -l15:43
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:43
jotallDeadmanIncJS: "There is no spoon"15:43
Sjimmie!es | cori15:43
ubottucori: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:43
dr3mrogeekphreak, it worked on hardy and jaunty but karmic not working even lucid not working15:43
marienzPigFlu: don't.15:43
DeadmanIncJSim thinking of buying another linux laptop even15:44
mark1 linxeh thanks for trying15:44
coriPigFlu: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.15:44
marienzPigFlu: stop now. Your caps key works just fine in ##windows.15:44
DeadmanIncJScori... english please15:44
dr3mroIntel Corporation 82946GZ/GL how to enable desktop effects and video accelertion15:44
OerPigflu do not troll15:44
spanthermarienz rofl xD15:44
PigFluOh look, it works now.15:44
marienzspanther: I'm in more than one channel with him. He's a little obvious.15:44
pureonegeekphreak: http://pastebin.org/18537515:44
jotallWould that be considered a feature? Disable caps in all GNU/Linux distributions?15:44
M4nfr3Djotall: hope so15:45
Oerjotall nothing beats a troll15:45
spanthermarienz yeah but it was so funny to read xD15:45
pureonegeekphreak: I'm able to mount one of them in the file manage15:45
PigFlumarienz: why are you not in ##java?15:45
pureonegeekphreak: the external HD15:45
pureonegeekphreak: but not the internet HD15:45
marienzPigFlu: I don't really speak java.15:46
geekphreakpureone:  dont see anything on that link15:46
geekphreakwhats the partition number that you wana mount?15:46
spantherhey i have a netbook (asus eeepc 1005p) and i have no wireless (some atheros stuff lol) how to install? :)   (best would be a way without ndiswrapper15:46
DeadmanIncJSnobody is talking in ##windows15:46
DeadmanIncJSoh there they are, heheh15:46
pureonegeekphreak: http://pastebin.org/185375 ?15:46
geekphreakOer: can you check the link, it coming out empty please15:47
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-errand
geekphreakor anyone else15:47
navatwoI am trying to use apache2, but the default site isnt even there.. any help?15:47
Oerboth hdd are ntfs ?15:48
pureonegeekphreak: what about this one http://pastebin.org/18538615:48
icerootnavatwo: is apache running?15:48
icerootnavatwo: ps aux | grep apache15:48
geekphreakpureone: that comes ok thanks15:48
pureoneOer: fdisk says ntfs/hpfs15:48
Ankasahello Buddies15:48
spanthernobody has atheros wireless lan?15:48
Ankasahi iceroot15:49
bnvAnyone have a pinnacle pctv 310i card?15:49
odie5533my screen dims and it makes me enter my password after 3-5 minutes. How do I disable this?15:49
navatwoHmm, I can't even start apache15:49
geekphreaknavatwo: use sudo command15:49
geekphreaknavatwo:  sudo service apache2 start15:50
navatwosays it cant open /etc/apache2/envvars15:50
bnvI didn't get sound with it.15:50
icerootnavatwo: installed with apt-get?15:50
OlejoHmm! Still cannot open .bin file on my desktop, any help?15:50
navatwonvm, got it15:51
geekphreakOlejo: did you chmod it first?15:51
icerootOlejo: chmod +x thefile.bin15:51
navatwoiceroot: no, tasksel but I installed core not server15:51
pureonegeekphreak: is it possible to mount it?15:51
icerootnavatwo: dpkg -l apache2   is showing ii?15:51
geekphreakpureone: should be able to i dont see why , whats the mount point ?15:51
OlejoYes but trying again15:51
pureonegeekphreak: i don't know, how do i find that out?15:51
bnvhelp please15:52
geekphreakpureone: which one are you trying to mount sda1?15:52
viwhot is this?15:52
pureoneyes geekphreak15:52
pureonesbd1 is already mounted15:52
geekphreakpureone: just do this for me in termianl type this15:52
vihello all))15:52
geekphreakpureone:  sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs15:52
geekphreakpureone: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs15:53
viwhot is time?15:53
roadfishsome audio CDs are recognized in Ubuntu. I got a set of audio book CDs that play fine on my portable CD player but are not even recognized in my CD in Ubuntu. How can I fix this?15:53
OlejoI am told No such file or directory, is it because it is on the desktop?15:53
pureonegeekphreak: doing, its taking its time though15:53
geekphreaknavatwo: whats the error?15:54
navatwoI've dropped to a root shell, and tried to `tasksel remove lamp-core' and its giving me denied permissions15:54
coz_Olejo,  what is this .bin file for?15:54
OlejoIt is an application15:54
roadfishI'm getting "no media found" when I try to access my CD ... but only happens with certain audio CDs15:55
pureonegeekphreak: http://pastebin.org/18539215:55
coz_Olejo,  ok  right click the file go to properties \permissions tab  and tick the "Execute" box and try again15:55
OlejoWell the installer gui for an application i thin is the more correct description.15:55
coz_Olejo,  cd Desktop  then   ./nameof.bin15:55
coz_Olejo,  which application exactly  I can download and try it here15:56
pureonegeekphreak: I'm trying to backup some files from the Windows HD so I can reinstall, I'm unable to boot into windows at this time15:56
DeadmanIncJSnot even in safe mode pureone?15:56
geekphreakpureone: so i am guessing that is windows partition, ?15:56
xangua!windows > pureone15:56
ubottupureone, please see my private message15:56
pureonehow do i ignore joins/quits ?15:56
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:56
geekphreakpureone: if you got windows cd, use recovery console to chdsk that drive, I/O error not good , make backups man15:57
coz_bankix,  hey guy15:57
pureoneyes its a window partition15:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:57
tyler_dI am trying to use ttysnoop, I have installed the package using synaptec, I cd into /var/spool/ttysnoop and see "3", when I try to do `ttysnoop 3` I receive "can't connect to server" anyone have a hint please?15:58
geekphreakpureone:  you can ignore join/quits depending upon the client15:58
pureoneirssi ?15:58
* xangua wonders why do people come to get windows help just because they have ubuntu installed in the same HD15:58
geekphreakxangua: he is trying to mount that win partition from ubuntu, having issues15:58
tyler_dbecause there are less letters in #ubuntu vs #windows15:58
pureonexangua: i don't have ubuntu installed, I have just windows installed, I'm using ubuntu to try and back up data15:59
bankixI've got trouble unmounting a partition from a USB drive via desktop icon in Lucid (10.04rc). I only find the context-menu-entry for removing the entire drive, but none to unmount only that single partition. Any help?15:59
vii love ubuntu))15:59
=== spanther_ is now known as spanther
DeadmanIncJSme to vi15:59
gokulme too vi15:59
spanther02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Device 002c (rev 01)  <--- i need to install this wireless lan module from my 1005p netbook please :)15:59
DeadmanIncJSthats why i want to get rid of my windows computer and get another linux15:59
DeadmanIncJSmight be visiting zareason.net here in the next month or 216:00
OlejoOK coz it looks good how do I open the file now, I have done chmod16:00
geekphreakbankix: try asking in #ubuntu+1 please16:00
usr13pureone: You are having a Hard Drive failure?16:00
=== PigFlu is now known as derpderp
viя из Украины16:00
pureoneok well I'm going to try recovery cd, geekphreak  ty for help16:00
pureoneusr13: something like that16:00
bankixgeekphreak: I'll do, thanks16:00
geekphreakpureone: no worries16:00
viкто нить разгаваривает по русски?)16:01
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Sacho!ru vi16:01
geekphreak!ru | vi16:01
theJKHI love Ubuntu. Simple. End of question.16:01
ubottuvi: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:01
Sacho!ru | vi16:01
viа по русски)?16:01
Sachowoops. (:16:01
JackWathow do you ignore users?16:01
pureone /ignore name16:01
iromlihi guys, i have compiled vim7.2 from a source and when i create .vimrc, suddenly vim is crashed (ABRT)16:01
navatwoSo, I've reinstalled lamp-server and I *still* can't start apache216:01
geekphreakJackWat: type /ignore username16:01
itilioushas anyone here with nvidia drivers been able to use remote desktop?16:01
SachoJackWat: /ignore mask, but it largely depends on your client. #freenode might be able to tell you more, or a channel for your specific IRC client16:01
JackWatgeekphreak: Usage: IGNORE <mask> <types..> <options..>16:01
OlejoCan someone tell me the command to open a file in terminal?16:02
JackWatOlejo: what type of file?16:02
navatwonano FILE16:02
geekphreakOlejo: sudo ./file.bin16:02
SachoJackWat: /ignore nick!*@* ALL16:02
usr13purestrain: To test the Hard Drive:  sudo hdparm -I /dev/hdx16:02
p8davidHello there. I'd like to teach myself to make a virtual os in my ubuntu non-graphic environnement. Where could I find any tutorial about that ?16:02
navatwoSo, I've reinstalled lamp-server and I *still* can't start apache2. The error is ``.: 44: Can't open /etc/apache2/envvars16:02
usr13purestrain: As far as reading / recovery, sounds like you may have missed the boat...16:03
mkhanyisiOlejo, it depends on the type of file16:03
don_jrI just installed the current download of kubuntu and updated it, I have no sound at all.  I've checked alsamixer and turned everything up, still nothing, lspci shows my sound card properly as well.16:03
geekphreakdon_jr: 10.4?16:04
OlejoIt is a .bin file I have already chmod it16:04
xanguadon_jr: have you tried with pulse¿¿16:04
=== Guest9028 is now known as psvo
don_jrI believe it was 9.10 that I downloaded and then updated16:04
theJKHI believe it.16:04
xanguadon_jr: you can also try #kubuntu if you don't get help here16:04
viwho is game a AION?16:04
vion the ubuntu16:04
geekphreakdon_jr: can you try something for me?16:05
don_jrgeekphreak sure, I'd love to get this working16:05
geekphreakoh forgot he is on kubuntu sorry my bad16:05
mkhanyisiOlejo, try "./filename.bin" without quotes16:05
p8davidHello there. I'd like to teach myself to make a virtual os in my ubuntu non-graphic environnement. Where could I find any tutorial about that ?16:05
don_jrxangua no I have not done anything with pulse yet, everything I've found has shown to remove pulse for sound not working.16:05
usr13purestrain: To test the Hard Drive:  sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda116:05
don_jrgeekphreak is kde really that different than gnome when it comes to sound?  kubuntu ubuntu only difference is DE's isn't it?16:06
mkhanyisiOlejo, otherwise if that is a .bin CD/DVD image then you need to mount it16:06
dr3mrohow to modify file type association using gconftool-2 ... just give me the key address only and i will go ... /16:06
bastid_raZornavatwo: pastebin the file16:06
xanguadon_jr: i wasn't refering to remove pulse, i was refering to use it16:06
geekphreakdon_jr: yeah command though i anted you try was gone specific :d16:06
Olejo:) Thanks everyone, sucess.16:06
via photoshop a working is a Ubuntu?16:07
don_jrxangua I'll check into it and see if it helps.16:07
mkhanyisivi: GIMP16:07
visorry error16:07
geekphreakdon_jr: got aumix or other mixer installed, everything ok there, all slider, nothing muted and all that good stuff?16:07
viaaa ok16:07
don_jrgeekphreak correct, I havn't used aumix, but alsamixer16:07
don_jrinstlaling pulseaudio now16:07
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don_jrneed to restart after install to check if it's working or not?16:08
mark1does anyone know of an linux substitute for media player classic16:08
mkhanyisidon_jr, good luck, you may need it16:08
Nataniel_PL_when I umount subpartytion of extended partytion it shows alert that it can't read content of file system and i can't make it smaller so i could make new subpartytion ntfs to install windows on it16:09
Nataniel_PL_i mean in gparted16:09
OlejoIf I am using ubuntu I have a gnome window manager. CAn someone confirm this for me.16:09
geekphreakdon_jr: i would, just my thinking though16:09
FriedrichManis there a way to change desktop background from console?16:09
ruben23hi guys how do i install UNR - 9.10 version since its an iso image not .IMG16:09
don_jrAlright, back in a min16:09
ruben23using usb disk16:09
FriedrichManI tried gconftool-2 -t str -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /home/federico/Imágenes/apple-style-linux-wallpaper.jpg but nothing happened16:09
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, where is this alert showing up, how are you umounting the partition?:16:10
xangua!usb > ruben2316:10
ubotturuben23, please see my private message16:10
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi i use gparted16:10
vladimirAfter 9.04 -> 9.10 upgrade, i get a blank screen with a blinking caret at the top-left corner (it happens maybe a minute after boot, either at login screen or when Gnome is loaded). Changing virtual consoles (ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f7) does the trick, but I don't want to have to do that every time i turn on my computer. Any solutions?16:10
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, how did you open gparted?16:10
FLloydOh sorry chan error16:11
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, in any case, try closing gparted and umount your partitions you want to umount on terminal and then reopen gparted and continue with what you want to do16:11
OlejoSo to begin my introduction into terminal having opened my .bin file can you tell me what the cd Desktop command does?16:12
geekphreakOlejo: google linux commands16:12
viI am sorry for wrong words, I from Ukraine, very interestingly me on this chat16:12
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, I say this because I think that gparted does MORE than just umounting a filesystem16:12
bastid_raZor!terminal | Olejo check the link16:12
ubottuOlejo check the link: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:12
geekphreakbastid_raZor: thanks mate16:13
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi still same thing, but only with that one partytion16:13
bastid_raZorgeekphreak: the bot knows all :)16:13
nmobixI have a problem that when I resume after suspend, the virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F[1...6]) are unreadable. How do I reset them to their original state. I have a HP dv5000, with an ATI X200M card?16:13
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, can you paste the error message that you are getting from terminal?16:13
wildbatis there a command to rescan for harddisk that just hot-plugged in?16:13
don_jrAlright, after installing pulseaudio I do have system sounds now, got the startup sound.  checking other stuff now, thaks a ton...that was stupidly simple I feel like a fool now lol16:13
geekphreakdon_jr:  we all learn , good luck16:14
harrumphanybody good at debugging tightvnc?  server's running, iptables is allowing port 5900/5901, remote client is timing out but tightvnc logs are showing nothing16:14
JackWatOlejo: the cd command is the same as the command in windows. It changes directory.16:14
JackWatwildbat: partprobe?16:14
jribwildbat: rescan what?16:14
vifor me ATI 9550 ((16:14
JackWatwildbat: partprobe will tell the kernel to look for new devices.16:14
wildbatJackWat, thanks16:15
JackWatwell actually16:15
JackWatit looks for new partitions. check to see if the disk is being seen by fdisk -l16:15
JackWatthen you can mount it16:15
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, are you winning?16:16
wildbatJackWat, hehe ~ guess VM don't have hot-swap~ nothing ;p16:16
JackWatwhat hypervisor are you using?16:16
wildbatJackWat, VMware ;p16:16
OlejoOK Thanks everyone, I will stop pestering you all now and read the documentation on the ubuntu website, thanks for getting me started. :)16:16
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi terminal sais nothing, but gparted shows yellow triangle and when i click on info it sais (in polish) something like 'can't read filesystem's content, some operations might be unavalible' and among the others i can't change subpartition's size16:16
ruben23hi but UNR 9.10 is not distributed as img its only iso, i cant see any procedure to create a UNR 9.10 iso to usb disk..16:16
geekphreakOlejo:  good luck buddy :)16:16
JackWatwildbat: i think VM has to be reboot to see any changes to the hardware16:17
don_jrgeekphreak alright, still no sound on youtube16:17
ScuniziOk.. I've got the Add-On box open for Firefox and have previously downloaded an .xpi extension I'd like to install.  Now I can't locate the "install" button in FF.. Please, someone clear my muddled head and point me in the right direction.16:17
JackWatOlejo: feel free to continue asking questions. we're here to help16:17
xanguaubottu: tell ruben23 about usb16:17
ubotturuben23, please see my private message16:17
navatwoHow would I setup my server to be accessed online, currently I can load pages locally but not using the ip address of the server16:17
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi but works well with other partytions or subpartytions16:17
geekphreaknavatwo: use something like no-ip or dyndns.org16:18
xanguaScunizi: open fx, go to tools> addons, drag the extension there16:18
Scunizinavatwo: dyndns.com it most likely what you need.. your router has to be compatible with that type of service though..16:18
don_jrnavatwo you using apache?, probably something in your .htaccess16:18
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geekphreakdon_jr: rest all sound works eh?16:18
jribnavatwo: that's a firewall/router issue16:18
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, what do you mean about 'subpartition'? logic partition?16:18
JackWatScunizi: thats a good question. they used to hvae a button16:18
navatwoI have a domain name.16:18
viprompt me me how to clean passwords from hard disks? each time needed to enter a password, and it not very much(16:18
bastid_raZornavatwo: you need to port forward 80 or possibly your isp blocks port 80 and you need to change the port16:18
Scunizixangua: just drag it?  what happened to the button?16:18
don_jrgeekphreak yes, amarock works, system sounds are working, sound test is working16:18
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi part of extended partytion16:18
xanguaScunizi: i see no 'install' button; yes just drag it to the addons window16:19
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, ok, those are logic partitions16:19
xanguaof even to the fx window, it should work16:19
ScuniziJackWat: yea.. surprised me too   ..... Thanks xangua!.16:19
romaПриветствую всех, что вы ждете от новой убунты?16:19
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, sometimes gparted wants all partitions with number greater than the one you want to resize to be umounted as well16:20
viРома а ты откуда?16:20
* psvo gone away16:20
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:20
viа тут часто сидишь?)16:20
DeadmanIncJSenglish please16:20
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, does this problem persists when you try to run gparted from a liveCD?16:20
romaпервый раз16:21
viя тоже16:21
xangua!english | roma vi16:21
ubotturoma vi: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:21
viнас ругают((16:21
waperboyanyone know at what point keycodes for "shift+arrowkeys selection" are being interpreted16:21
visorry ok ok)16:21
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waperboyguess it's application dependent16:22
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi but that one is the last, and other with smaller number works well. i didn't try with live cd causse it doesn't buut on my computer, olny with some system (when i need livecd i start livecd of ubuntu with it)16:22
navatwohow do I setup my ports then16:23
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, am clueless now16:23
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, :(16:23
Nataniel_PL_ok, thx anyway16:23
Guest15214where i can find reading material on ubuntu (to download)  (learning) basic etc... Please let me know...anyone.16:23
edfihow to set chrome with my default webbroswer16:23
zen933kGuest15214: ubuntu.com16:24
bastid_raZornavatwo: portforward.com   .. if you're behind a router.. or changing them by editting /etc/apache2/ports.conf  and restart apache216:24
navatwoso, it appears I have a dynamic op..16:24
navatwoip* as whenever I load whatsmyip.org it changes.16:24
xanguaedfi: system> preferences> prefered apps16:24
julio_anybody can tell where can i go to ask about rdesktop and tsclient?16:24
mkhanyisiGuest15214, download the infamous RUTE tutorial for linux and I remember there was some free PDF version of ubuntu (pocket) guide16:24
edfitks, xangua16:24
JackWatnavatwo: i missed your original issue, but if you need a static IP address for a webserver, check out no-ip.org. they have a linux application16:25
bastid_raZornavatwo: dyndns.org has a program you can run that will update your ip to your domain16:25
bastid_raZoredoceo: /part   to leave this channel /exit to leave the server16:25
navatwobastid_raZor: paying? :s16:26
vladimirAfter 9.04 -> 9.10 upgrade, i get a blank screen with a blinking caret at the top-left corner (it happens maybe a minute after boot, either at login screen or when Gnome is loaded). Changing virtual consoles (ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f7) does the trick, but I don't want to have to do that every time i turn on my computer. Any solutions?16:26
ruben23hi is it fine to used UNR 9.10 for an atom processor bot not notebook instaed desktop PC.16:26
bastid_raZornavatwo: dyndns offers free domains but you have to use their extension offered.16:26
DeadmanIncJSvladimir... 10.04 when it comes out, that is the solution, LOL16:26
navatwoI just bought a domain from godaddy :S16:26
Nataniel_PL_when i unmount some partytion in terminal it sais that something is wrong in /etc/fstab/ line 14 which is "/dev/sda5      /media/Pliki               ext4 rw    defaults 0       2" but it mount partytion on system start with no problem, so what's wrong?16:27
zen933kvladimir: Before the blank screen does it say GRUB Loading?16:27
mkhanyisi!language| navatwo16:27
ubottunavatwo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:27
navatwosorry about that.16:27
bastid_raZornavatwo: go check out what they offer. maybe i didn't read all the fine print.16:28
hywbhello, everybody.16:28
hywbany guy here?16:29
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, I think it should be 'rw,defaults' instead of 'rw defaults'16:29
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi thx again16:29
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, no prob16:30
lindsaymobil22im back to help more people16:31
lindsaymobil22and ask for help16:31
navatwobastid_raZor: well, I got my ip from that page :p16:31
mkhanyisiNataniel_PL_, just a suggestion: id recomment to put persistent mount points under /mnt and leave /media for dynamically created mount points for removable drives (and cd drives)16:31
vladimirgrub loads, gdm loads, even gnome loads if i'm quick, but then asll of a sudden, screen goes blank16:31
lindsaymobil22guys, what is new about KDE 4.4?16:32
Nataniel_PL_mkhanyisi ok, thx, i will16:32
vladimirwith a blinking caret at the top left corner16:32
zen933kvladimir: Run failsafe and repair?16:32
lindsaymobil22i havent tried it yet16:32
vladimirhm, i'l try to remove xorg-driver-fglrx16:32
zen933kvladimir: You didn't set auto-login with an encrypted drive did you?16:32
zen933kvladimir: Okay, not sure but try failsafe login with grub and see if you can load gnome failsafe too after startx16:33
vladimiri can get graphical interface if i press ctrl+alt+f1, and then ctrl+alt+f716:34
melmhow i cen change16:34
vladimirbut i don't want to do that every time16:34
JackWatlindsaymobil22: welcoem back :P16:34
JackWatvroom vroom16:34
vladimiralso, just discovered that when i press ctrl+alt+f1 instead of a normal text login, i get fuzzy colors16:35
djs_anyone know how I can check my CPU temperature from KDE?16:35
djs_i thought it was lm-sensors command but I don't seem to have that.16:35
lindsaymobil22hey jackwat16:35
exigraffassuming an 'rsync -r --delete SOURCE TARGET' finished successfully, why would running it a second time result in the same files being copied over again?16:35
JackWatvladimir: do you have a CD in the drive? ":P16:35
JackWatthats happens to me if i leave a disk in the drive that isn't bootable16:36
vladimirno... why?16:36
lindsaymobil22everyone: what is new in KDE 4.4?16:36
mickster04djs_: install lm-sensors then?16:36
JackWatno why what?16:36
vladimirvladimir: do you have a CD in the drive? ":P ? why do you ask?16:36
JackWatvladimir: <JackWat> thats happens to me if i leave a disk in the drive that isn't bootabl16:37
hywbdjs_, maybe you can try to get the info from the /proc dicretory.16:37
vladimirno, i do not have a cd in my drive16:37
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* kost{a}s_thess is away: Gone away for now16:37
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* kostas_thess__ is back.16:37
vladimirhm... rly? weird16:37
zen933kdjs: acpi -V16:37
theuros1what is a good app for mp3 streaming over the net? .. for ubuntu server .. must run in terminal16:37
JackWatvladimir: i didn't se your whole issue. mine doesn't get to the gnome boot16:38
=== djs_ is now known as Taev
switch10_theuros1: try mpg321 or mpg12316:38
theuros1ok thnx16:38
Taevacpi 0.0916:38
JackWati think xmms can do terminal. not sure if it'll stream over the net16:38
hywbswithc10, i dont think mpg123 wil work16:38
zen933kTaev: Use capital V16:39
vladimirah... anyway, it is weird... but ubuntu always had weird problems with cd rom drives16:39
ywgxhello everyone I from china16:39
erUSUL!info gnump3d16:39
ubottuPackage gnump3d does not exist in karmic16:39
hywbywgx, i am too.16:39
hywbywgx, what's up16:39
jadakrentheuros1, define stream : send or recieve ?16:40
TaevThermal 1: passive , 39.0 degrees C16:40
FloodBot1ywgx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:40
Taevhmm that cant be right16:40
Taevit was 160F in the BIOS16:40
Taevdoing nothing16:40
hywbywgx, please type in english16:40
hywbywgx, NEU?16:40
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:40
Guest15214mkhanyisi : thanks that is helpful..16:41
househeadHello fellow ubuntu users ... I'm not sure anyone will be able to help me here as I am using a redhat technology with Ubuntu ... I'm trying to do Ubuntu installs from my kickstart server (which is apparently supported), but it fails on mounting the root filesystem ... does anyone have experience of kickstart ubuntu installs?16:41
mkhanyisiGuest15214, no problem16:41
zen933kTaev: That may be the safe off, are you sure you were looking at the night numbers.16:41
theuros1i'm lookin a way to listen to my MP3s at work from my home server16:41
Taevyeah Im sure16:42
hywbtheuros1, have a look at music on cosle.16:42
Taevmy system was locking up because my fan was slowing down and the CPU was running at 212F16:42
Taevi let it cool and stuck a box fan next to my open case16:42
Taevand it was idling around 160F in the BIOS16:42
househeadtheuros1: slimserver is worth a look#16:42
zen933kTaev: Well, are there multiple readings? 160F is hot for idle16:42
Taevit was at 212F16:42
theuros1ok thanx .. i just cheking about it16:43
zen933kTaev: ah ha..16:43
Taevwell max die temp for my CPU is 185F16:43
zen933kTaev: Well, acpi works. I don't know what else you want.16:43
switch10_theuros1: I just checked out both man pages of mpg321 and mpg123, I don't think you can with either..  maybe you can with aplay??16:43
rezzyhey everyone, just wondering is there and good video software for linux like sony vegas 9 ?16:43
househeadtheuros1: also consider gnump3d16:43
househeadcan anyone help me with ubuntu installs via kickstart?16:43
Taev [3684006.300720] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7c46f18] 'on'16:44
Taevso its my fan?16:44
zoug!media | rezzy16:44
ubotturezzy: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs16:44
Taevand not ACPI?16:44
househeadis it 'noddy questions only' in here?16:44
OutlierHowdy all.  Where are the controls to set which file types get icons vs. thumbnails?16:44
zougTaev: there may be dust inside it. i had similar problems16:44
rezzyI'm asking if there is any media editing softwarem like for editing videos?16:44
ikoniahousehead: ask whatever ubuntu questions you want16:44
zen933kTaev: Not sure, is the fan spinning?16:44
househeadikonia: thanks :)16:44
ActionParsniprezzy: kino is one16:44
Taevyeah but its slow16:45
Taevit keeps struggling16:45
Taevto stay spun up16:45
switch10_rezzy: kino, pitivi, and others...16:45
Taevits around 2800 rpm16:45
xanguarezzy: pitivi is a video editor that will come in lucid16:45
Taevthen drops to around 120016:45
Taevthen back16:45
FloodBot1Taev: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
rezzywhich would you recomend the best16:45
househeadrezzy: avidemux can do this stuff i think16:45
zen933kTaev: Do you have a dual boot?16:45
ActionParsniprezzy: all are best, just in different ways16:45
xanguarezzy: of course there are mone; check the software center16:45
ActionParsniprezzy: there is no  single best app for any task16:45
zen933ktaev: is this recent? did the fan always have issues with ubuntu?16:45
mark1does anyone know is it possible to differernt backgrounds for each work space ?16:46
TaevI need to get this fixed, this is my web server.16:46
househeadActionParsnip: there is ... it's just different from person to person ;)16:46
switch10_rezzy: I have both installed.  I have not decided which I like better..16:46
rezzyi am now, i'm just curious which one is comparable with sony vegas pro16:46
Taevdowntime won't do.16:46
ActionParsniphousehead: that too :)16:46
zougrezzy: cinerella..16:46
Taevits been spinning more loudly these last few days16:46
xanguarezzy: i've reade a lot about openshoot; it looks to be the preffered app for video editing16:46
zen933kmark1: I am pretty sure it is possible16:46
hywbtaev, i think ubuntu have a better cpu fre control than windows.16:46
ActionParsniprezzy: try a few,see which you prefer, thats the one which is best to you16:46
Taevenough that I could hear it, whining very high pitched.16:46
rezzyok thanks alot :)16:46
zougTaev: its probably dust16:46
Cameron_laptopOmg ppl.. how do you do it.. thx for making ubuntu  :) much better than windows!16:46
bastid_raZor!cinelerra > rezzy16:47
ubotturezzy, please see my private message16:47
househeadi'd really like to install ubuntu via kickstart and I believe I have everything correct but the installer won't even get as far as finding my ks.cfg file .... it fails to mount the root fs16:47
Taevwell i shoot it with some compressed air I guess.16:47
Igoruhello =)16:47
Igorutomorrow i'll start a new job, and i'll use there ubuntu16:47
ActionParsniphywb: windows cannot handle an idle cpu, which is why there will always be the idle process in windows16:47
zen933kTaev: Well, you can try cleaning the fan, if not you'll have to replace it.16:47
rezzycinelerra ill try that16:47
Igoruwhat do you suggest me? install 9.10 and update it later, or install a 10.04 RC and update it gradually?16:47
Cameron_laptopjust got ubuntu 1016:47
Cameron_laptopits epic16:47
Taevbut you don't think its a problem with my APCI?16:47
cipherboyUbuntu 10.0416:47
ActionParsnipIgoru: 10.04 is out in a matter of days, just hold out til then16:48
zougTaev: what was the problem?16:48
mark1zen933k, any idea how ?16:48
switch10_rezzy: check this out..  http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AuTEvUYi4Ms/S7LJ1f8TORI/AAAAAAAABDo/RrvFChXBvss/s1600/BestVideoEditorPoll.png16:48
timewastedProbably a silly question, but If I wanted to go ahead and install 10.04 RC, would upgrading to full release just be an apt-get upgrade16:48
IgoruActionParsnip: i can't hold.. xD i'll start the new job tomorrow and i'll need to config my new machine tomorrow. D=16:48
hywbActionParsnip, thank you, i find it, because when i am in windows, the fan of my notebook will start at 5 minutes later after my boot, but 30 minutes when i am in ubuntu.16:48
timewastedAny reason to wait?16:48
ActionParsnipIgoru: fun times :)16:48
Cameron_laptopis there anywhere in ubuntu to tell me my system specs?16:48
zen933kTaev: Check the forums for similar issues, it may be a software thing but if you didn't update and the fan just started acting this way then it may be a problem16:49
rezzyswitch: i'll check it out :]16:49
ActionParsniphywb: maybe the fan control needs some software shenanigans16:49
Taevthanks guys, and if there are any present, girls.16:49
IgoruActionParsnip: what do u suggest me? install the rc?16:49
=== argh is now known as Guest30372
switch10_Cameron_laptop: you can install a GUI called sysinfo.  or look in /proc16:50
doobrytimewasted, according to the bot on the ubuntu+1 channel, yes it will be a simple apt-get job16:50
hywbActionParsnip, Are you sure? i never think about it.16:50
ActionParsnipCameron_laptop: sudo apt-get install hardinfo16:50
Cameron_laptopty ;)16:50
teurastajawhat is the program for reconfiguring priorities that starts with a "g"?16:50
timewasteddoobry: thank you16:50
stijnanyone knows why steam takes aaaages to start?16:50
ActionParsniphywb: some do some don't. a lot of the cheap acerlappys use software sensors nistead of nice hardware ones (for example)16:50
Cameron_laptoppff :< my test pc cant handle the ubunut GFX16:50
ActionParsnipstijn: ask in #wine16:51
stijnthx did not knew that channel16:51
krabadori need help with Karmic and a Dlink DWL-G13216:51
Cameron_laptopmeh, ima format my pc :D16:51
hywbActionParsnip, i think mine dont, It is a cheep one.16:51
ActionParsnipCameron_laptop: try lxde or fluxbox, they wil run happily on 100Mhz CPUs16:51
Cameron_laptoplol. any of the actual coders of Ubuntu in herE?16:51
stijnerm #wine is an invite only channel16:51
xanguastijn: i don't think so; you need to be registered16:52
ActionParsnipstijn: #winehq not #wine16:52
rezzygetting this error message when trying to install open shot, Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-mlt2|python-mlt|openshot-mlt16:52
Cameron_laptopActionParsnip, its the the GFX, not cpu ;P16:52
mark1anyone know how to put different backgrounds on your different work spaces16:52
* Cameron_laptop <3 the gelly window effect16:52
FloodBot1Cameron_laptop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
hywbActionParsnip, In windows, i watch the temp of my computer, the problem is, when the temp hot then 40C, the fan start, but after minutes, the temp down under 40C, it does not stop.16:52
zoughywb: may be some of your hardware sensors are at fault16:53
ActionParsniphywb: search for the make and model of the laptop for guides with ubuntu, there maybe some tweaks to make it nice16:54
zen933kmark1: Settings-> Appearence, background there should be an option in there somewhere (sorry I'm on netbook remix and can16:54
zen933k** cant verify16:54
rezzyanyone i'm getting this error :(  Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-mlt2|python-mlt|openshot-mlt16:54
=== brendan` is now known as brendan-
zen933krezzy: could be a broken source16:54
hywbzoug, use everest, there is just a sensors from cpu, nothing more.16:54
rezzyzen933k: true, ill google the error16:54
zen933krezzy: if it doesn't work with apt-get try getting the package manually16:55
hywbActionParsnip, i am in china, and the local computer brand dont do much on linux even on windows.16:55
rezzyok :]16:55
leejongwookhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl-tmGfQrzs&feature=channel - Ubuntu Linux Themes, She's awesome+cool+sexy(Linux users are sexy).16:55
bnvoh my god :D http://www.wherestheanykey.co.uk/16:55
zoughywb: yeah, sensors can go wrong.16:55
zoughywb: i had to replace my mobo for that.16:56
ActionParsniphywb: doesn't matter, they will use the same sort of hardware16:56
zoughywb: i have a dell ins16:56
krabadori need help with Karmic and a Dlink DWL-G13216:56
BluesKajhywb, how old is the pc ?16:56
aguitelrezzy, you try,aptitude install -f16:56
ActionParsnipkrabador: whats up?16:56
hywbBluesKaj, 200816:56
OutlierAnswered my own question.  You have to add 'File Management' to your main menu, then open it to the 'Preview' tab to change thumbnails.16:56
rezzyaguitel: i'm doing it through terminal see how it goes from there16:57
BluesKajhywb, then you should be fine16:57
hywbBlueKaj, In brand of hasee, like gateway in USA. They produce cheap PC.16:57
ubuntu931985hi ubuntu ...16:57
mark1zen933k thanks16:57
zen933kkrabador: Then ask? if it is ubuntu related maybe someone will help16:58
luis_hello channel16:58
Ov3Rhi luis_16:58
hywbBluesKaj, do you know how the computer control the fans? If not hardware, than the os will do it ?16:59
krabadorActionParsnip, i've karmic, i installed ndiswrapper, wicd, and i installed the dlink drivers (the latest, 1.30) with ndiswrapper; ubuntu begin to look  the pen (the power led is on) i type iwconfig, and the wlan0 is present, i refresh the network with wicd, i look my net, i try to conect, but it don't want to tale me an ip addres (the router is a dhcp server )16:59
mark1zen933k, there doesnt seem to be an option16:59
luis_anybody here have the fix for the function keys on a lenovo u35016:59
vladimirok guys... just tried to get into recovery mode of ubuntu 9.10 but was unable: it get's to the part when a modem-manager says it loaded some stuff, gets to Nokia and then just magically stops. Wtf?16:59
zen933kmark1: okay one minute16:59
krabador2 timed i connected but only 2 times , in 200 times i tried16:59
ActionParsnipkrabador: did you search for native drivers?16:59
rezzyyh it's installed now via terminal thanks for the help people17:00
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krabadorActionParsnip, when, in synaptic?17:00
zen933kvladimir: you choose root with net?17:00
ActionParsnipkrabador: run: sudo lshw -C network    what is the product line for the wireless device17:00
EzeQLhi all17:00
Ov3Rluis_: what version of ubuntu?17:00
zoughywb: there is always a sensor anywhere in the mobo, that gives temp values to drivers of the os which control the speed of fan depending on the values it gets.17:00
ActionParsnipkrabador: running straight to ndiswrapper for drivers is a REALLY bad idea17:00
EzeQL: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11:17:00
EzeQL Resource temporarily unavailable)17:00
EzeQLE: Unable to lock the download directory17:01
xangua!lucid > luis_17:01
ubottuluis_, please see my private message17:01
EzeQLwhile trying to apt-get17:01
zoughywb: gpu and cpu both17:01
ActionParsnipkrabador: there may be native drivers available to you17:01
EzeQLany ideas?17:01
zen933kmark1: maybe try this?17:01
ActionParsnipEzeQL: is software centre or synaptic running17:01
switch10_EzeQL: yeah you have another package manager open... close it17:01
erUSULEzeQL: another apt frontend is running ?17:01
geekphreakEzeQL: is apt running some place else or synaptic?17:01
=== ara_ is now known as ara
hywbzoug, so the problem maybe in software? how can i fix it.17:01
EzeQLnope :(17:01
EzeQLits a remote session17:01
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:01
EzeQLwithout gui17:01
ActionParsnip!fixapt | EzeQL17:01
ubottuEzeQL: please see above17:01
hywbzoug, need i install some hotfix or driver in windows xp?17:02
zen933kmark1: or this http://anuragbansal.wordpress.com/2008/05/10/how-to-get-different-wallpapers-on-each-workspace-in-ubuntu/17:02
Ov3Rluis_: waiting the final version17:02
=== ara is now known as Guest4805
zen933kAnd I'm out, later all17:02
ScuniziIs there a cli command to see if samba is running ??17:02
zoughywb: are you getting same problems in ubuntu and xp17:02
krabadorActionParsnip, ok i havent the laptop with me now, but i remember when i typed "lsusb" i have that "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 2001:3a03 D-Link Corp. [hex] DWL-G132 (no firmware)"17:02
mark1zen933k, thanks17:02
luis_2 more days right17:02
erUSULScunizi: sudo service samba status17:02
ActionParsnipkrabador: i didnt ask you for that output did i17:03
ScunizierUSUL: thanks!17:03
Ov3RI have a Lenovo SL400 and such holds me down the lower lid17:03
ActionParsnipkrabador: the lshw output will tell you the chip being used17:03
=== Guest4805 is now known as ara
hywbzoug, no no problem ,just the fan will run crazy in windows, and quite in ubuntu. i want to know the how to fix it in windows.17:03
irvwindows partition manager just wiped out my ubuntu partition instead of the empty RAW one i told it to :\17:03
ActionParsnipkrabador: dlink  dont make wireless chips, only adapters using chips they buy in (like atheros or broadcom)17:03
zoughywb: oh, then its a windows problem17:03
luis_i wiped out windows17:03
=== GC|A is now known as JSG
zoughywb: so yeah, may be a hotfix or update could do it.17:04
ActionParsnipkrabador: once you know what chip it is you can find guides to make it work, you may infact need to run ndiswrapper but if a native driver exists then it will run better17:04
krabadorActionParsnip, great... i try17:04
hywbzoug, ActionParsnip said that because linux is different from windows at cpu idle management. If in this way, i dont think there is any solution.17:05
EzeQLubottu , same error17:05
EzeQLafter "fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;dpkg --configure -a"17:05
JSGHas anyone gotten the Intel Wifi 6300 ABGN working?17:05
JSGDoesn't seem to be a good driver anywhere.17:05
paddy_I have a zombie problem, is anyone able to help17:05
erUSULEzeQL: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo dpkg --configure -a17:05
geekphreakEzeQL: sudo ps -aux | grep apt17:06
EzeQLi dont need sudo since i am logged in as root17:06
geekphreakoh ok17:06
geekphreakgood idea to disable root always17:06
xanguapaddy_: we don't hunt zombies, what are you talking abouT¿17:07
UTFI must say that ubuntu is getting better and better... for each release they make i like it even more. *pads his puter*17:07
zoughywb: logically, if temp is higher no matter ubuntu or xp, it shud turn on the fans. sure cpu temps can be controlled to adjust values for when to start the fans. but, you didnt changed anything, so it shudnt be an issue.17:07
TomJI'm trying to download Flash - it gives the option of "apt for Ubuntu 9.04+" - so I chose that,  then firefox asks me which app to open in, with the default of "apturi", which fails with an error about "invalid channel".  What app do I want to choose to open this in?17:08
EzeQL"sudo ps -aux | grep apt" should i try this?17:08
paddy_xangua zombie processes17:08
TomJEzeQL: you don't need sudo to run ps17:08
xanguapaddy_: what's the issue¿17:08
geekphreakEzeQL: i wanted to see if apt is running in some other process17:08
mark1how do you find out your ip address ?17:08
xanguaTomJ: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:09
m0RrEmark1: ifconfig17:09
ywgxI very very love Linux,computer17:09
TomJxangua: ah ok, that includes the latest Flash?17:09
switch10_mark1: whatsmyip.com for external IP17:09
zoughywb: if there is something wrong with the sensors, bios wont your system to start. but that aint the problem17:09
EzeQLi have started with gnu/linux one week ago, sorry :)17:09
=== brianherman_ is now known as brianherman
UTFoh btw - been wondering if there's a less CPU intense flash package somewhere out there? when i watch flash on my laptop the fans are spinning like crazy17:09
xanguaTomJ: if it's not in the repos you can download a deb from adobe's web17:09
usr13mark1: or ipchicken.com17:09
geekphreakusr13: lol thats a funny name :p17:10
mark1thanks m0RrE, switch10_ usr1317:10
paddy_xangua transmission has gone zombie and wont die no matter what i do and is maxing out my cpu17:10
EzeQLroot      3358  0.0  0.0   6060   632 pts/3    S+   18:11   0:00 grep apt17:10
EzeQLroot      7474  0.0  0.9  44788 18928 ?        S    Apr20   0:13 apt-get upgrade17:10
TomJxangua: ok, thanks.  out of interest, what app could I have chosen to install the .apt file that adobe.com was giving me?17:10
xanguapaddy_: have you tried to kill the procces¿17:10
zougywgx: english plz...17:10
jonathan_uvfwplease use English17:10
xanguaywgx: this is not a chat room and neither chineese room17:10
geekphreakEzeQL: next time post output in pastebin please ok17:11
UTFi'm sure he asks how to change the keyb map17:11
EzeQL<2 lines it not ok?17:11
paddy_yes, but kill -9 does not work with zombies17:11
usr13mark1: EzeQL You don't want to kill apt-get while upgrading do you?17:11
geekphreakEzeQL: what are you trying to do, when you get that error?17:11
EzeQLapt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all17:12
xanguapaddy_: you can't close session or restart neither¿17:12
don_jrOKay so after some playing.  I have sound everywhere accept firefox.  Going to check with konquerer now, hadn't thought of that17:12
usr13EzeQL: You could wait until upgrade is done.17:12
EzeQLwhat is being upgraged?17:12
corigo2How can I troubleshoot my wireless card? KNetworkmanager is suddenly no longer displaying my wireless card. When I launch it directly from settings I receive an error about a missing XML file, and I would like to determine if the problem is KNetworkManager, or if it really is a hardware issue17:13
geekphreakEzeQL: apt is running in background still looking , thats why you are getting this message17:13
usr13EzeQL: It is ok to cancel the upgrade process,  but not recommended.17:13
EzeQLbut... whats being upgraded?17:13
usr13EzeQL: Your system is being upgraded.17:13
EzeQLsec fixes?17:13
EzeQLor somethng like that?17:13
usr13EzeQL: Various packages ...17:14
don_jrNo sound with any browser, but everything else works.  In browser i've tried pandora and youtube and get no sound from either.17:14
EzeQLcan i cancel it?17:14
paddy_xangua i have not option of restarting and the ppid is 117:14
mark1i installed a program called synergy but i have no idea where it, is there like a default directory ?17:14
EzeQLusr13 , geekphreak : can i cancel it?17:15
h00kmark1: check the man page (man synergy)17:15
geekphreakEzeQL: yes you can, bu ti would wait :)17:15
zougopen terminal. type synergy.17:15
xanguamark1: from the repositories¿17:15
mark1i got it from the synaptic17:15
mark1man page ???17:15
EzeQLcan i mess anything doing an update?17:15
rafaelsoaresbrhello, no player is ablle to play DVDs. xine says: '/dev/dvd not found'. it should be /dev/sr0.17:15
usr13mark1: dpkg -L17:15
usr13mark1: dpkg -L synergy17:16
h00kmark1: open up a terminal17:16
h00kmark1: then type 'man synergy' and it will tell you how to use it17:16
don_jrAny advice on what else I can try to get sound working on youtube or pandora please?17:16
h00kmark1: you need a configuration file with synergy, you might be able to find some examples online17:16
=== patrick is now known as Guest18855
Guest18855is there a way to reset all the panels to default?17:16
geekphreakEzeQL: why are you in such a hurry :)17:16
mark1oh awesome got it thanks a lot guys17:17
geekphreak!resetpanels | Guest1885517:17
EzeQLi think this is frozen17:17
harrumphanybody any good at debugging tightvnc?  server's running, iptables is allowing ports 5900 and 5901, but osx (chicken of the vnc) client is timing out and server logs show no connection17:17
ubottuGuest18855: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:17
h00kmark1: cool :)17:17
EzeQLserver download its 100mbit17:17
medemy ubuntu 9.10 no found scanjet 367017:17
Guest18855geekphreak, thank you!17:17
rautamiekkaI've got a HP Pavilion dv5000 laptop running Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64 working as Samba File Server and Xbox 360 Stream Server. The machine never powers off on its own, instead it halts itself and waits for someone to cut the power.17:17
doobrydon_jr, when you start the video / website etc have you tried opening up the volume control and checking the volume for that application17:18
geekphreakGuest18855: no worries17:18
geekphreakEzeQL:  you can use top or kill command to  cancel it17:18
vladimircan not get into recovery mode. says modem-manager loaded (something something) Nokia and just stops. help!17:18
plumhey... can someone please help me with grub issues?17:19
don_jrdoobry no I havn't been able to find the specific aplication volume controls.  Volume on the stie's is turne dup I did check that, and with aumix and alsamixer everything is maxed.17:19
EzeQLcould you please write the command for me?17:19
usr13!grub2 | plum17:19
ubottuplum: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:19
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plumusr13: i installed ubuntu on a removable harddrive, but specified in Advanced that i wanted to install Grub on my main harddrive. but my computer gives a grub error if i don't have my linux drive inserted now17:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:20
doobrydon_jr, i mean the Applications tab of System -> Preferences -> Sound from the main menu, if the browser is trying to make sound it should be listed there with a slider to change the volume17:20
rautamiekkaI've got a HP Pavilion dv5000 laptop running Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64 working as Samba File Server and Xbox 360 Stream Server. The machine never powers off on its own, instead it halts itself and waits for someone to cut the power.17:20
usr13plum: Well, certainly it does.17:21
zougrautamiekka: can you check the logs to see what went wrong?17:21
Guest18855does anyone use dyndns and dns o matic? I cant get it to update-17:21
rautamiekkazoug: What logs should I check up ?17:21
zougrautamiekka: gnome system log..17:21
vladimirrecovery mode halts at modem-manager stuff. what to do?17:22
rautamiekkazoug: The machine doesn't have desktop environment17:22
mark1how do i figure out my computers name ?17:22
don_jrdoobry will check now17:22
bastid_raZormark1: hostname17:22
PrathmeshHello. Can I get some help to start my internet on Kubuntu 9.10 ?17:22
plumusr13: is there a way i can make it not give me that error? i don't want to always have my linux harddrive plugged in, as it is a removable harddrive and i need my laptop elsewhere17:22
doobrydon_jr, fyi it will not be there unless something is actually playing17:22
Prathmeshhow do I dial or login DSL connection ?17:22
Guest18855Prathmesh, !ask17:23
usr13plum: Install to HD, maybe only put /home on the thumb drive.17:23
zougrautamiekka: syslogd not running?17:23
geekphreakPrathmesh: bsnl?17:23
AnxiousNutcan anybody tell me how can i get rid of failed to fetch .. hash sum miss mach when updating17:23
m0RrEAnxiousNut: sudo apt-get -f install17:23
chaoslynxhi, I have the following problem with the texlive distribution in lucid: I am trying to locate mh (i need empheq) which is supposed to be in texlive-math-extra, but i cant find it..17:24
Prathmeshno geekphreak it's PPPoE DSL17:24
geekphreakPrathmesh: see network manager applet at top, right click it, >> edit connection goto dsl tab and add information there for your dsl account17:24
AnxiousNutm0RrE: says that everything is okay17:24
chaoslynxa google search reveals a bug report on exactly that issue, but it has been closed..17:25
m0RrEAnxiousNut: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:25
plumusr13: is there a way to *only* install grub on the main harddrive then? I need the space on there but if i could only install grub, i would much rather do that17:25
PrathmeshGeekphreak: I did all I could but it keep giving me errors modem not found modem dont respond etc17:25
Guest18855in startup applications, i can add a custom one, but where is "remote desktop" located? I need it lauch on boot so ican vnc into it after restarting17:25
don_jrdoobry I have youtube running right now, but I still can't find it.  in system settings, there is no 'sound' only multimedia and no applications list htere.  might help to know I"m running KDE17:25
TomJMan Linux Flash is appalling..  can't even play youtube videos on this Celeron 2.4ghz laptop, it's like a slideshow.  CPU pegged at 100%.    The laptop is slow, but youtube worked in XP at least.  Any thoughts on anything that might help?17:25
AnxiousNutm0RrE: i tried but it says that it would be a partial upgrade, is it okay?17:25
geekphreakPrathmesh: make sure everything is plugged in ok , plug them firmly back on17:25
heverHello is a 10.04 netbook remix image available or is the "Netbook live CD" image the same?17:26
geekphreakPrathmesh: can you open terminal for me please?17:26
rautamiekkazoug: Uhm, something is wrong cuz attempting to install "syslogd" makes Aptitude tell the "rsyslog" is broken and to fix it I'd have to give up "rsyslog" & "ubuntu-minimal" and install "klogd" which gives score of 169.17:26
Picihever : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:26
EzeQLthanks geekphreak.17:26
m0RrEAnxiousNut: does it say anyting about packages beeing held back?17:26
geekphreakEzeQL: welcome17:26
usr13plum: Does this system have ability to boot directly to usb?  If you hit F12 or something maybe F10 ...etc?17:26
doobrydon_jr, aww right, not idea with kde, dunno if it even uses pulseaudio17:26
rautamiekkazoug: And when I tell to install "rsyslog" or run "sudo aptitude install -f", nothing is wrong according to Aptitude17:26
plumusr13: yes, i installed from usb17:26
Prathmeshgeekphreak I dont have any modem since it's PPP connection I'm online wit live cd of older version of Ubuntu (8.04)17:27
rolsworthwow flash sucks bad on linux. i hear my fans roaring anytime a website has flash17:27
AnxiousNutm0RrE: yes, some cannot be retrieved17:27
Guest18855in startup applications, i can add a custom one, but where is "remote desktop" located? I need it lauch on boot so ican vnc into it after restarting17:27
don_jrdoobry it does, I had to install pulseaudio to get sound to work at all on this install17:27
m0RrEAnxiousNut: you can retrieve them with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:27
usr13plum: If it does, you can boot that way and dissable grub's ability to boot to usb and just boot to it manually by telling the bios to do it for you.17:27
geekphreakPrathmesh: ho do you connect ot net without modem?17:27
geekphreakor routers?17:27
PrathmeshI dont know I just connect the cable to ethernet17:28
don_jrdoobry but I can't find pulsaudio settings anywhere just yet17:28
plumusr13: the harddrive with linux on it is not usb, though17:28
Guest18855Prathmesh, pppoe connections still need modems afaik17:28
doobrydon_jr, well not sure i can help, but pulseaudio has per application volume control, in gnome thats where you can change them, but i have no idea about kde17:28
plumit plugs directly into the computer17:28
AnxiousNutm0RrE: i'll try that now17:28
zougrautamiekka: did you tried to fix apt-get?17:28
mark1bastid_raZor, thanks17:28
Guest18855in startup applications, i can add a custom one, but where is "remote desktop" located? I need it lauch on boot so ican vnc into it after restarting17:28
don_jralrighty, I'll go check with the kubuntu channel, thanks a ton17:28
geekphreakPrathmesh: dont think you are on ppoe, whats the name of isp?17:28
PrathmeshBut bottomline is I can connect with Ubuntu 8.04 but cant with Kubuntu 9.1017:29
rautamiekkazoug: Uh, no but I'm used to use Aptitude instead of the "apt-*"17:29
Guest18855and is synergy part of 10.04? cause it just showed up after i did my upgrade...17:29
geekphreakPrathmesh:  you have to setit up on kde17:29
Guest18855does anyone know how to configure startup items?17:30
geekphreakPrathmesh: i remember i had to add / work with it manually in kde's network manager17:30
usr13plum: You need to describe the situation.17:30
bastid_raZor!startup | gues17:30
ubottugues: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot17:30
bastid_raZorGuest18855:  ^^17:30
znxtchI'm looking for some help with 'rkhunter' more specifically looking for some information on the scan results I got.  I don't know if there is a room more dedicated to Ubuntu security but I figured I'd ask here.17:30
geekphreakPrathmesh: try asking in #kubuntu17:30
geekphreakznxtch: string rootkit found error?17:31
plumusr13: i'm on an hp laptop that has a harddrive that can be placed into the optical drive slot. so either i can use a cd/dvd drive, or i can use that harddrive. i want to be able to interchange, so that's why i installed ubuntu on the removable harddrive and thought i'd be fine.. but it looks like grub is requiring linux to be inside the computer17:31
AnxiousNutm0RrE: it'll take an hour, so thanks for the help :)17:31
PrathmeshI dont know either I'm on VPN so dont know the actual big fish17:31
rolsworthUTF, flash just sucks on linux. there is nothing you can do. Is linux getting gpu support with flash?17:32
PrathmeshSorry I ll move to Kubuntu17:32
znxtchgeekphreak no "Warning: Suspicious file types found in /dev:" and "Warning: Hideen directory found: /etc/.java"  and more.17:32
m0RrEAnxiousNut: np! hope you get if sorted out.!17:32
UTFrolsworth, it's a shame really... I really hope that HTML5 will wipe flash off the internet17:33
UTFrolsworth, works like a charm on youtube17:33
usr13plum: Yep.   Well same answer applies.  If you can use bios to tell your system what / where to boot, do it. i.e. F10 or F12 or something like that when you boot, or go directly into bios settings and choose drive to boot.17:33
geekphreakznxtch:  did you look for files ?17:34
plumusr13: but i selected my sda drive to install grub on in the ubuntu install (sda is my internal drive, sdb is my removable drive)17:34
plumshouldn't it just boot from main, then?17:34
geekphreakznxtch: are you on lucid?17:34
zougrautamiekka: /var/log/messages17:34
znxtchI know what the files are17:34
TomJrolsworth: for me it's unplayable on this laptop. youtube is a slideshow.  it worked ok on XP, it seems Linux flash is pretty terrible17:34
znxtchI just didnt want to post them up incase they were senbsitive17:35
znxtchyes I'm using Lucid17:35
rolsworthhtml5 using the cpu also17:35
UTFrolsworth, yah but it seems faster imo17:35
rolsworthflash uses the gpu and directx in windows so works better17:35
geekphreakznxtch:  try asking in lucid channel #ubuntu+!17:35
usr13plum: If you can use bios settings to boot to another drive, (other than sda) (specifically sdb), then you can put grub on sdb and dissable booting to sdb on grub on sda.17:36
usr13plum: First see if that option existsts, (which it probably does)17:36
Curly_QFlash will never be off of the internet. Flash has a high compression ratio and is bandwidth friendly.17:36
usr13!grub2 | plum17:36
ubottuplum: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:36
geekphreakhowdy Curly_Q17:36
geekphreakgood too see ya Curly_Q17:36
plumusr13: iirc the only drives i could boot from were Notebook Hard drive and Sandisk USB Cruzer17:36
Curly_QGreets to Geekphreak. Nice to see you.17:36
Curly_QHow are you today?17:36
geekphreakgood thanks17:37
plumbut hey i gotta get to work... usr13: i will be back in here later to try again17:37
Curly_QGood to hear that.17:37
plumthanks for the help though17:37
amereservant9.10 looks nice and runs great!17:37
zougrautamiekka: did you notice anything in the logs..17:37
Curly_QKeeping busy here. Lots of things to do.17:37
* amereservant means 10.0417:37
geekphreakCurly_Q: always good17:37
Curly_Q:)   What is new with you Geekphreak?17:37
micaelsa va?17:37
icerootamereservant: #ubuntu+117:37
PrathmeshI have a decision to make and quick. Someone plz give me some good advise. Should I wait and try to solve problem with Kubuntu 9.10 or should I format and Install Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ?17:38
zougrautamiekka: its solved: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122215417:38
geekphreakCurly_Q: same ol same ol17:38
geekphreakPrathmesh:  can you wait for 2 /3 days?17:39
Curly_QPrathmesh, what is your major concern?17:39
LoshaPrathmesh: depends: what is the problem?17:39
h00kPrathmesh: Well, 10.04 comes out in 2 days, all of the 'showstoppers' seem to be worked out. That's entirely your decision ;). For more information, you can ask in #ubuntu+1 for Lucid17:39
switch10_Prathmesh: 8.04 is not supported for much longer on the desktop..17:39
geekphreakPrathmesh: honestly i would not install version 8, its too old :)17:39
remi_someone know how to migrate evoluton to thunderbird please?17:39
Curly_QPrathmesh, if you created a mistake and you want to re-install, I don't blame you.17:39
icerootswitch10_: Prathmesh 8.04 will be supported until april 201117:39
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:40
Curly_QPrathmesh, just install the latest kernel.17:40
switch10_iceroot: I thought that was just the server version..17:40
geekphreakLosha: cant get net to work on kubuntu, works on ubuntu >> Prathmesh17:40
mark1how do you run a computer on the network ?17:40
rolsworthubuntu could do with a menu update17:40
icerootswitch10_: server has 5 years, so its april 201317:40
switch10_iceroot: ahh... got ya17:40
Curly_QDo an apt-get update install.17:40
kzmanhi, how to 'burn' a iso fili into a usb drive?17:41
iceroot!usb | kzman17:41
ubottukzman: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:41
LoshaPrathmesh: geekphreak: unlikely to have networking problems on 8.04, and then you can upgrade to 10.04 once it stabilises..17:41
PrathmeshI' will install Ubuntu for now and Update component rather than sitting with no interent. Thanks guys for the support.17:41
icerootkzman: first link17:41
xanguaquestion: if the hardy heron desktop and server version use the same repositories; how can teh desktop have only 3 years of support and the server 5¿¿17:41
switch10_kzman: the built in live usb creator, or unetbootin17:41
icerootkzman: look at ubottu17:42
Curly_QKzman are you running Windows or Linux for this ISO?17:42
kzmanno, i want to burn a no-linux-distro iso file17:42
Poundowhat does anyone think about the propriety of making my linux instance clock match CST rather than UTC. It will make my life and the programs I am writing simpler any opinions?17:42
Prathmeshboth 9.04 Kubuntu and 9.10 Kubuntu have that DSL dialer probelm :(17:42
Curly_Q"A no-Linux ISO?"17:42
switch10_kzman: so copy it to the usb as data...17:42
h00kkzman: I suppose you just extract the iso, then17:42
kzmanans make it bootable?17:43
dima-linuxhello, can i somehow check my hdd drive while i am using it? i have smart17:43
comfyHi all, has anyone every tried to install ubuntu on a macbook with a USB drive?17:43
Curly_QNon-Linux ISO? Is that what you need to do Kzman?17:43
switch10_kzman: that won't make it bootable...  what are you trying to do exactly??17:43
comfyI've tried to make a bootable usb with UNetbootin and usb-creator17:43
jyraiahow to make youtube cache using Squid 2.7 on Ubuntu 10.0417:43
comfybut restarting the macbook with the usb plugged in doesn't do anything17:43
Picijyraia : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.17:44
h00kubottu: macbook | comfy17:44
ubottucomfy: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:44
Curly_QKzman, use some Windows programs such as Nero or Power ISO.17:44
Curly_QMagic ISO17:44
zougkzman: is that iso bootable?17:44
jyraiaPici, thankyou17:45
kzmanan iso bootable17:45
zougkzman: just extract to root of usb17:45
comfyubottu: I'm running ubuntu only on this macbook.17:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:45
comfyI"ve looked up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:45
xangua!usb > kzman17:45
kzmanwould it work?17:45
ubottukzman, please see my private message17:45
comfyand tried with usb-creator  then with unetbootin17:45
h00kkzman: it may not work, especially if it is a Windows ISO, there may be things you have to work around to get that working.17:46
comfybut macbook doesn't boot from the usb17:46
zougkzman: it worked for me. it was a windows install17:46
kzmani'll try17:46
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
jyraia!youtube cache17:46
Salarijahi guys can someone help me about dual boot?17:46
h00kubottu: tell Salarija about dualboot17:46
Curly_QIf in Windows you can use   RAW WRITE.17:46
ubottuSalarija, please see my private message17:46
geekphreak!ask | Salarija17:47
ubottuSalarija: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:47
xanguaCurly_Q: i thought we were in #ubuntu, not ##windows ¿¿17:48
Curly_QRaw Write can format a Linux ISO to a disk.17:48
h00k!pm | Salarija17:48
ubottuSalarija: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:48
sponge_bobhow to reftesh ubuntu after crash17:49
andrew__sponge_bob: f5?17:49
Y3sh3ch0:Desktop Y3sh$ killall uTorrent17:49
krabadordo you know if drivers for atheros AR2112/AR5523 and AR5112/AR5523 os the same?17:49
avisthere was an attempt to hack my paypal sometime overnight :(17:49
SuzulaHi, I recently installed Linux on PC, I Want customize it, I download a theme but when I install the fnome stay as Windows 95 but with colors of theme, how I can resolve this?17:50
sponge_bobtp link wn422g not work in ubuntu, any solution?17:50
SuzulaI have engines murrine and nodoka installed17:50
Loshadima-linux: you can examine SMART statistics at any time, and there are various tests you can run while the disk is in use. Check out http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de/home/index.php/en/About for a good gui interface to SMART17:51
SalarijaI had Ubuntu and Vista as OS. I repalced Vista with XP and XP deleted Grub bootloader how to restore Grub?17:51
_pg_so if I forgot to open port 22, is there any other way to ssh into my home ssh server?17:51
geekphreakSalarija: which grub version you had?17:51
dima-linuxLosha: thanks17:52
=== Votan|off is now known as Votan
geekphreak!grub | Salarija17:52
ubottuSalarija: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:52
bastid_raZor_pg_: unless ssh is listening on another port that is open in your router .. no17:52
geekphreakSalarija:  read the howto link, it tell you howto retore your grub, good luck17:52
Loshaavis: it's off topic, but I'd like to hear some details...17:52
Curly_QSalarija, once you play around with the MBR  ( Master Boot Record ) you may have a terrible time trying to repair it. Especially with Windows XP with Vista.17:53
rolsworthhtml5 made no difference17:53
sponge_bobwherei can get tp wl422g drivefor ubuntu17:53
amereservantIs there an option to install a very minimal Ubuntu ?17:53
amereservantOr is that not what Ubuntu is about?17:53
bastid_raZor!minimal | amereservant17:53
geekphreakamereservant: yes minimal install option17:53
macoamereservant: there is the net install iso. itll let you choose exactly what goes in17:53
amereservantmaco: Ok, thank you.17:53
bastid_raZoramereservant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:54
amereservantI knew there was the netinstall for debain, guess I missed that one for ubuntu.17:54
amereservantbastid_raZor: Thanks for the link. ; )17:54
bastid_raZoramereservant: good luck17:55
amereservantbastid_raZor: Hehe, why good luck?  Tough way to go?17:55
geekphreakamereservant: install and come back here, be a part :)17:55
bastid_raZoramereservant: everyone needs a little luck.17:55
Curly_QSalarija, I teach computers all day long. The best result is to start over and wipe out the hard drive format it and then prepare it for a CLEAN INSTALL.17:55
_pg_bastid_raZor: crap. lol. I can vnc in but the mouse wont click anything17:56
amereservantI've already installed 10.04 a couple of hours ago.  I didn't see the minimal install though and figured I would ask.17:56
LoshaCurly_Q: you can always backup the MBR e.g. dd if=/dev/sdc of=MBR-backup bs=512 count=117:56
switch10__pg_: you have to disable compiz to be able to click your mouse for some reason...17:56
Curly_QLosha true, but, that wasn't done in this case.17:57
geekphreakLosha: i have heard lot of people do that never tried, would try it some day, thanks man17:57
Xpistoscan someone tell me if I am in root, what command will tell me how many files are in each of root's subdirctorys, but only at the next level down. In other words, if I have 10 sub directories in root, how many files (folders and files included) are in each. Not size but number17:57
_pg_switch10_: lovely.17:57
ohirCurly_Q: not to mention that 'wipe out miracle solution' is solution from and for another world.17:57
_pg_switch10_: would have been good to know before I left. X(17:58
switch10__pg_: its a pain.  I have been following the bug for about 6 months now..17:58
_pg_switch10_: i installed ssh just in case but i forgot to open port 22 *facepalm*17:58
geekphreakXpistos:  if uoi open terminal you see $ or # ?17:58
eshello all, I have a very basic question: I could not link... any program I try to compile example "g++ hello.cc -o hello" gives me ls: opzione non riconosciuta "--build-id" that is the italian translation of option not recognized any ideas?17:58
_pg_switch10_: is there anyway i can ssh over 5900? cause thats already opened for vnc17:59
Xpistosgeekphreak: #17:59
switch10__pg_: I don't know how to do it if there is a way...17:59
geekphreakXpistos: you are root17:59
Guest115do i need to set up ssh in ubuntu to run freenx??????????17:59
_pg_switch10_: tarter sauce17:59
geekphreakes extension is wrong, should it not file.c17:59
rafaelsoaresbrdoes anyone knows how to use fbset to disable framebuffer?18:00
switch10__pg_: are you using vinagre?18:00
_pg_switch10_: that is a nasty bug18:00
_pg_switch10_: yeah18:00
_pg_switch10_: thats what comes with right18:00
Guest115do i need to set up ssh in ubuntu to run freenx??????????18:00
_pg_switch10_: i installed tightvnc but never found it after that haha18:00
esgeekphreak, it should not matter can be .cc/.cpp/.c/.f etc afaik18:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:00
=== paparucino_ is now known as paparucino
switch10__pg_: I think there is an option to ssh in, and I would assume it uses 5900...  try that..18:00
Curly_QGeekphreak, the problem with many installs is overlooked by many. Why? Because even though a new OS is installed when even a Dual Boot is called into play, the magnetic domains of the disk retain all of the old crap on the disk. If a sophisticated hacker were to take that into consideration, then any virii on the disk can be evoked.18:01
_pg_switch10_: but how do i tell it to listen on 5900 and not 22 if i cant click anything? lol18:01
geekphreakes do you have gui running or just cli?18:01
Loshaes: please paste the *exact* text of the error message to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com18:02
geekphreakCurly_Q: i guess mate18:02
switch10__pg_: on your local machine, in  vinagre, there is a drop down menu somewhere to switch from VNC to SSH.  I am pretty sure...18:02
Curly_QGeekphreak, there are many programs that use 128 bit encryption to delete and erase the hard drive multiple times to clean up the disk and make sure that any iota of data is erased.18:03
_pg_switch10_: server is vinagre- client is osx, just using terminal for ssh18:03
switch10__pg_: so you would be using vinagre as an SSH client...18:03
esgeekphreak, it's a simple helloworld application Losha http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/SqCh8inJ18:03
doobryCurly_Q, i think they just write random data over and over, as there is nothing to encrypt if your blanking the drive18:04
Pelogood afternoon hardware ppl , how are we all doing ?18:04
switch10__pg_: I have no idea if this would work, I just remember seeing that option somewhere in vinagre.  its worth a shot, it sounds like it is your only one...18:04
RyanPGuest115: Yes. Also, you don't need so many question marks.18:04
_pg_switch10_: i dont know what im doing. i installed openssh on my home ubuntu, im remoting in with vnc, but cant click.18:04
kitchePelo wrong room?18:04
Pelokitche, you are correct ....18:04
switch10__pg_: you are remoting in with vinagre...18:04
Curly_QDoobry, good point. What the point is that it is a scrambled bunch of 0's and 1's.18:04
esthere must be somthing broken in the build toolchain but what? everything it's pretty standard here18:04
* Pelo feels dumb18:04
geekphreakes it kinda of means i think option unrconized18:05
esgeekphreak, exactly18:05
geekphreakes do you have gui running ?18:05
comfySorry if this seems repetitive, but if anyone has installed ubuntu from a usb on a macbook, please let me know how you succeeded.18:05
Loshaes: it's very strange. ls and ld are two completely different applications. g++ uses ld, not ls. So I don't understand why your error messages talk about "ls"...18:05
esgeekphreak, running from command line18:05
h00kcomfy: did you check the macbook documentation I sent you?18:05
rolsworthjust installed chrome and it is much better than firefox.18:05
esLosha, yeah18:05
_pg_switch10_: no im remoting in with osx. the server, at home, is running vingerie18:05
h00kubottu: macbook | comfy18:06
ubottucomfy: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:06
JPSmanwhen will 9.04 support run out?18:06
Loshaes: do you have any aliases e.g. have you defined ld as something? Type: alias to see...18:06
switch10__pg_: vinagre is a VNC remote desktop viewer..18:06
esI thought was an alias interfering but I have no alias or strange thing in my path18:06
geekphreakes want to try something?18:06
h00kJPSman: 18 months for the release18:06
om26erJPSman, I think it have 6more months18:06
geekphreakes one more thing you have build essientials installed right?18:07
esalso if I use the -c switch everything works so sounds like a linking problem no18:07
esgeekphreak, yes18:07
XpistosCan I get "ls -1R | wc -l" on all the subfolders of the directory that I am in?18:07
fatboy_how do i change my network drivers from tulip to dmfe?18:07
switch10__pg_: I dont use osx so im afraid I cant help..  Sounds like you need to open port 22 on your remote machines router, or disdsable compiz..18:07
Loshaes: yes, and guess which program does the linking: ld18:07
geekphreakes try this gcc file.cc -o test18:07
switch10_disable *18:07
Curly_QPg are you trying to VNC from a Linux box to Linux or Windows to Linux?18:07
est.. I tried with gcc c++ and followed the path with which and they all returned the same error and they are pointing correctly18:07
adampyreHey I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 RC with the Gnome desktop. Just wondering, is placing a "." in front of the file name of a folder the proper way to hide a folder with gnome?18:07
geekphreakhmm ok18:08
bastid_raZoradampyre: yes18:08
h00kcomfy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook18:08
_pg_switch10_: i guess it can wait until I get home18:08
Loshaes: run with -v to see what the compiler is doing...18:08
geekphreakes is the code correct?18:09
amereservantWoops!  Ubuntu just froze... spoke too soon.18:10
esLosha, geekphreak with the -v option http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ADt325RP18:10
IaVoRis sysctl.conf supposed to load at boot time ?18:10
esgeekphreak, yes it's plain18:10
ubuntuhello guys, need help : i have XAMPP installed, and want to test some php files, but the php files are stored in directory on my desktop.How can can i link this directory to htdocs directory of apache server (localhost)?18:10
ryandaumhey all18:11
ryandaumi'm getting a very obscure compiler error: [ERROR] error: unknown annotation argument name: value18:11
ryandaumno line #, nothing18:12
ryandaumany ideas?18:12
ryandaumerr, shit, wrong channel18:12
=== ubuntu is now known as Stpiere
Stpierehello guys, need help : i have XAMPP installed, and want to test some php files, but the php files are stored in directory on my desktop.How can can i link this directory to htdocs directory of apache server (localhost)?18:12
esmaybe it's --enable-linker-build-id that it's default? and get truncated?18:12
Guest115do i need to set up ssh in ubuntu to run freenx??????????18:12
* geekphreak wonders why ls is being called18:13
amereservantIn a nutshell, what is the swap partition?18:14
Loshaes: no, build-id is a legitimate ld option. Which os version is this?18:14
Stpierehello guys, need help : i have XAMPP installed, and want to test some php files, but the php files are stored in directory on my desktop.How can can i link this directory to htdocs directory of apache server (localhost)?18:14
bastid_raZoramereservant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq18:14
Odd-rationale!swap | amereservant18:15
ubottuamereservant: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:15
esLosha, Ubuntu 9.1018:15
amereservantThank you both!18:15
geekphreakes it is justa  hello world code, right?18:16
FatcakeIn what channel would I receive assistance with the program Wine?18:16
Loshaes: 4.4.1 is quite old. Do you want to upgrade the compiler?18:16
bastid_raZorFatcake: #winehq18:16
paddy_is a zombie process meant to use cpu?18:17
esgeekphreak, yep http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/6yBBKmaD18:17
esLosha, really? aptitude shows everything is updated though....18:17
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:17
esLosha, do you think I hit a bug?18:18
geekphreaklooks right18:18
abner_need some help ?18:18
=== ant is now known as Guest54927
Loshaes: it seems odd that you would be the first person to see this. Consider reinstalling the compilers?18:19
Guest54927is it possible to send mail through the terminal...any one please18:19
vii love linux))))))))))18:19
Odd-rationaleGuest54927: there is an terimal email client called mutt18:19
Odd-rationale!info mutt18:19
ubottumutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.20-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1193 kB, installed size 6024 kB18:20
Guest54927working on it...18:20
esLosha, it is weird isn't it? how can I force a reinstall?18:20
Odd-rationaleGuest54927: also there is alpine, and pine18:21
Loshaes: Try sudo apt-get install --reinstall gcc g++18:21
abner_hello all in need of help ?18:21
LoshaGuest54927: you may need to configure an email backend....18:22
esLosha, didn't worked :/ same errors18:22
geekphreakes want to try something for me?18:22
esgeekphreak, yessss18:22
moromethehy guys18:22
StefanNETwhat to set on home/ dir18:23
StefanNET[7:17] (StefanNET) to other users can't read other users?/ if u get me :D18:23
Guest54927i installed mutt and tried let me check if is done...18:23
geekphreakes coment #cout >> use some else to print for me plz , something like orintf18:23
abner_can i get some help please18:23
Odd-rationale!ask | abner_18:23
ubottuabner_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:23
abner_I have the HP Dx2000MT computer.18:24
abner_problems booting anything beyond 8.0418:25
Guest54927did not work...Losha please help me..how to configure18:25
LoshaGuest54927: does your ISP provide an SMTP server for outgoing mail?18:26
Loshaes: you need more expert help than I can provide. Consider asking on #gcc18:26
amereservantAnyone else here using 10.04?18:27
esLosha, they send me here :/18:27
Guest54927I guess not.. usually using gmail.18:27
Loshaamereservant: #ubuntu+1 for 10.0418:27
abner_no doesnt run18:27
geekphreakes did that work?18:27
esgeekphreak, the same with using #include <stdio.h>18:28
LoshaGuest54927: ok, then I suggest you install ssmtp, and then go to http://www.nixtutor.com/linux/send-mail-with-gmail-and-ssmtp/18:28
esinstead of iostream18:29
rautamiekkaI've got a HP Pavilion dv5000 laptop running Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64 working as Samba File Server and Xbox 360 Stream Server. The machine never powers off on its own, instead it halts itself and waits for someone to cut the power. Zoug tried to help me but he left later. The thread "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1222154" he linked doesn't help cuz this is a Server without GRUB's menu.18:29
geekphreakand still using cout?18:29
geekphreakes it sure is wierd hmm, can i pm ?18:29
Loshaes: you need to compare your systems gcc -v output with someone else running 9.10...18:29
phpsamereservant: yes, iam using 10.04 64bit18:30
esany1 here?18:30
Guest54927Losha working on it....18:30
kzmanis it possible acces to the windows registry from ubuntu?18:30
Piciphps : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.18:31
n9nuI am running eBox and have a simple ?  regarding KDE4 (everyone in the eBox channel is either wasted or asleep)18:31
n9nuCan I install KDE4 w/o causing any problems with eBox...which uses a desktop manager that is plain as vanilla18:32
icerootkzman: no not directly18:32
rautamiekkaI've got a HP Pavilion dv5000 laptop running Ubuntu Server 9.10 x64 working as Samba File Server and Xbox 360 Stream Server. The machine never powers off on its own, instead it halts itself and waits for someone to cut the power. Zoug tried to help me but he left later. The thread "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1222154" he linked doesn't help cuz this is a Server without GRUB's menu.18:32
AzoffI have reported an issue on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/57070018:32
=== n9nu is now known as N9NU
kzmaniceroot:not directly, you mean it's possible?18:33
mark1does anyone know how i can access another computer on the network ?18:33
rautamiekkamark1: Depends on what access you need18:33
switch10_mark1: ssh18:33
switch10_mark1: vnc18:33
Oerrautamiekka, ubuntu server 9.10 does have a grub menu, it is hidden on boot, press left shift or ctrl to enter grub menu18:33
icerootkzman: with samba, group-policy and a dommain and so on but i guess that is not what you want18:34
mark1switch10_ haha i thought you were telling me to be quiet at first lol18:34
kzmandoesn care, it is a bad idea, thank you18:34
Azoffhave tracked it down further, and found that it has something to do with the "lock" -> "fifo_lock" name change in the lirc_buffer struct. Should this realy result in the modules having conflicting lirc_register_driver symbols as the source package is built against the patched lirc_dev.h?18:34
Loshamark1: :-)18:34
icerootkzman: its an overkill18:34
icerootkzman: also ask at ##windows how to manipulate registry from extern18:35
flukes1what shell command can I use to copy the *permissions* from one directory to another (not including its contents)18:35
icerootflukes1: getfacl and setfacl18:35
kzmaniceroot:on freenode?18:35
icerootkzman: yes18:35
DJ_HaMsTatheres IFCONFIG, which one is the one for wireless? wsconfig ?18:36
icerootDJ_HaMsTa: iwconfig18:36
DJ_HaMsTaah got it thanks18:36
=== marc__ is now known as Guest74108
Genscheris there an app which makes it possible to delay sound in ubuntu?18:37
drkjehey, some know how install driver of razer deathadder?18:37
drkjesome 118:37
paulradhello world18:39
bjorn_Where is my Camera mounted in the file system when I connect it? Im using Ubuntu Netbook Edition.18:40
plumhey, how can i set up a /boot partition to mount as boot in /etc/fstab? is it as easy as just editing /etc/fstab with gedit?18:40
ubuntu_hi all18:40
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
N9NUcould someone tell me how to tell which version of Ubuntu I am using via the CLI18:41
_zedN9NU: cat /etc/lsb-release18:41
Odd-rationaleN9NU: lsb_releas -a18:41
N9NUthank you18:41
N9NUcat /etc/lsb-release18:41
N9NUoh my   version 8.0.418:41
N9NUthat sounds old18:41
abner_it is18:42
N9NUits integrated into ebox18:42
abner_hp dx 2000 mt18:42
rautamiekkaOer: Thank you, hitting Shift & CTRL in a row presented me the menu. I then edited it to contain "acpi=on" instead of "acpi=off" and I took away "noapic" & "nolapic", so the machine shuts down now but since the "/boot/grub/menu.lst" doesn't exist, am I supposed to create the file myself or will I always have to access the GRUB boot menu in order to edit the parameters ?18:43
Shaan7Is there any way to find out from which package was a particular file installed ?18:43
_zedShaan7: dpkg -S file_name18:43
plumcan anyone tell me how to set up /etc/fstab to mount a partition as /boot?18:43
Shaan7_zed: thanks :) it worked18:44
=== Open-Fire is now known as Yum
rautamiekkaabner_: I think you've posted your problem to wrong thread on the Forum18:47
HybridStormCan anyone recommend a way to install network drivers on a laptop that has no internet connection at all? Both ethernet and wifi are not supported.18:47
LjLHybridStorm: said network drivers are packaged?18:48
HybridStormLjL: I am not sure exactly. It's for an EEEPC18:48
inc0ntr0l /join irc.dejatoons.net18:48
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:48
LjLHybridStorm: hm, you might need third party repositories, i'm not quite sure. let me check, there should be an eeepc specific page on the wiki18:49
VigoHybridStorm: Maybe madwifif or some such package will work.18:49
=== tag_ is now known as tag
HybridStormVigo: I tried to install madwifi and I got make errors18:49
VigoHybridStorm: Did you see the ubottu msg?18:50
LjLHybridStorm: check if you have the module "ath5k" (type "sudo modprobe ath5k")18:50
HybridStormLjL: I assume I have it, that command returned no errors18:51
geekphreakgood job es18:51
LjLHybridStorm: uhm... ok. in that case, though, your wifi should work! are you sure it's actually a matter of drivers, and you don't just need to configure the connection?18:51
geekphreakwell i am out take care guys, have fun :)18:51
LjLHybridStorm: does "sudo iwconfig" return anything?18:51
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HybridStormLjL: That's strange, now it shows a wlan0 interface18:52
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=== h is now known as schestowitz
LjLHybridStorm: well, check if your Network Manager lets you configure it now... perhaps (for some reason that i cannot imagine) the ath5k module wasn't loaded automatically18:53
mgmuscarii was messing around with the xml config files for my xscreensaver hacks in my home path the other day, but i've forgotten where they are - does anybody remember where these are in ubuntu?18:53
jumpkickdoes anyone know of a good editor for editing graphviz (.dot) files on Ubuntu?18:53
jumpkick[ a good semi-visual editor, not emacs ]18:54
paddy_transmission crashes every time i open it i close it and then it goes zombie and nothing works to get rid of it apart from restarting and it uses all my cpu18:54
Shaan7So I have this friend who has absolutely no connection to the internet, and he needs to install freeglut3-dev for OpenGL stuff. He doesn't even have his repos updated (so, can't do apt-get --print-uris install freeglut3-dev). So is there any method to find out which files he needs to I can download and give it to them and he installs the .deb files?18:54
oikhi. how do I make java applications have the same font smoothing as the Gnome settings?18:55
paddy_Shann7 sneakernet18:55
paddy_oik antialising?18:55
oikpaddy_, sort of18:55
oikpaddy_, this is Processing http://i41.tinypic.com/15i4wuh.png18:56
Shaan7paddy_: sorry, what is that ?18:56
paddy_Shann7 you should try and use a sneakernet, eg you download the .deb files and you put on a memory stick go round his house and install that way18:57
Shaan7paddy_: yeah, that I understand, the problem is how do I know which .deb files I need ?18:58
paddy_Shann7 1 muinet18:58
paddy_http://packages.debian.org/unstable/freeglut3-dev the site gives you all dependances18:58
Shaan7s/I need/I need to download18:58
Shaan7paddy_: hmm  so I've to manually hunt throught the dependency tree and download. I thought there might be some way apt could just give me a list of files ...19:00
Shaan7i could use apt-get --print-uris on my system, but I have freeglut3-dev already installed long ago, so it'll just say already installed ..19:01
karthiksharu_kubuntu's network manager is not able to connect to wi-fii .. Need help in fixing it .19:01
resnokarthiksharu_: you likely want to ask in #kubuntu19:02
paddy_Shaan7 apt-get -s install freeglut3-dev19:02
karthiksharu_resno: okay .. thanks19:03
=== StefanNET is now known as LolStefann
=== LolStefann is now known as StefanNEt
paddy_Shaan7 that will give you a list of the depencancyes needed  for YOUR system, they are probbaly the same19:04
paddy_oik check out this guide http://leepoint.net/notes-java/GUI-lowlevel/graphics/graphics2D/65aliasing.html19:04
paddy_every time i start a download with transmission it freezes and when i close it it zombiefiyes and i can not get rid of it, it also mazes my cpu19:05
resnothese joins and quits are driving me crazy...19:05
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xanguapaddy_: what version of transmission do you use¿¿ i use 1.91 via http://www.getdeb.net/19:06
Shaan7paddy_: as I said, as I already have it installed, it just said "freeglut3-dev is already the newest version." ..19:06
HybridStormLjL: This wlan0 interface should show up in ifconfig correct?19:07
LjLHybridStorm: uhm, not necessarily - only if it's configured. it should show in "ifconfig -a"19:08
paddy_Shaan7 http://packages.debian.org/unstable/freeglut3-dev it gives you the dependancyes19:08
paddy_xangua it is quite hard to tell as i can't start it19:09
azlonhow can i share a folder to a windows network? i can see the shared folder but i cant access it... it keeps asking for a username and password, but my login user/pass doesnt work19:10
resnoazlon: did you set up a user to have access?19:10
paddy_xangua 1.9219:11
azlonresno: hrmm....19:11
resnoazlon: smb.conf file19:11
azlonresno, thanks19:11
kian_which software Convert AVI to MP4 in Linux?19:12
resnoazlon: /etc/samba/smb.conf thats where you setup user access19:12
resnoazlon: no problem19:13
costrekian_,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11396419:13
azlonresno: thanks, i was just googling it... there are examples in there, right?19:13
resnoazlon: its documented pretty well19:13
resnoazlon: be sure to restart samba to activate changes19:13
simarresno, hey could you please help me  .... what is ubuntu development release19:14
azlonresno: using sudo /etc/init.d/samba -stop, right?19:14
resnoazlon: upstart is the recommended way. but that will stop it, you will likely just restart it19:14
Pici!lucid | simar19:14
ubottusimar: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:14
resnoPici: whats the upstart command thing now?19:15
=== TommyThaGun_ is now known as TommyThaGun
Piciresno: sudo service servicename start|stop|whatever19:16
resnoazlon: sudo service servicename start|stop|whatever19:16
simarresno actually i was watching the triaging bugs video and there he told its better to have a ubuntu development release for a developer .... so do i ask ???19:16
macoazlon: or sudo start servicename19:16
azlongot it, so sudo service samba stop, then same thing but start19:17
sinisterstufwhy are there 2 volume control bottoms on my notification area on the panel and how can i get rid of the 2nd one?19:17
azlonmaco: if i do start then it will auto stop, then start it?19:17
macoazlon: upstart lets you put the start/stop/restart at the beginning and leave off the word "service"19:17
macoazlon: no, you want restart19:17
macoazlon: sudo restart <service>19:17
azlonmaco: thanks19:17
Picisimar: Ubuntu is not a rolling release, so the 'development release' is the one in-progress that will be released next.19:18
azlonmaco: is that in 10.04 only or all versions?19:18
macoazlon: i think 9.10 and 10.0419:18
simarpici ok thanks19:18
macoazlon: for previous its "sudo service <service> restart"19:18
Picisimar: Lucid Lynx/10.04 is due to be released in 2 days, discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.  You may also want to join #ubuntu-bugs if you are interested in bug triaging.19:18
macoazlon: well... if youre back on 6.06 then its "sudo /etc/init.d/servicename restart"19:18
simarpici do we need to ask questions by directing someone actually I'm new to IRC ...19:18
azlonmaco: 9.10... ill get it working... thanks!19:19
paddy_is anyone having problems with transmission 1.9219:19
sinisterstufwhere can i get drivers for dku-5 cable for my phone? a cd came with it but it has only windows drivers on it19:19
toyman61Cisco WebEx Event Center: "You do not have the necessary audio capabilities to join Audio Broadcasting. Error: -1.   Ubuntu 9.10 - 64-bits - Firefox 3.5.919:19
macoazlon: its changed over time ;-)  the "type service first" method is something borrowed from red hat that showed up in ubuntu in 2008 or 2009 to be easier than the "type out a path" method, but as of 9.10 the "put the command first" method is an option thanks to upstart (also available in fedora 12 & 13 i believe)19:19
Picisimar: No, just ask in the channel.  If anyone knows the answer they will repond to you.19:19
simarpici thanks19:20
toyman61Cisco WebEx Event Center: "You do not have the necessary audio capabilities to join Audio Broadcasting. Error: -1."   Ubuntu 9.10 - 64-bits - Firefox 3.5.9 - Anyone ?19:20
resno!hi | ant_hony19:20
ubottuant_hony: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:20
Scunizitoyman61: does webex use citrix?19:21
azlonwhat is share modes in the smb.conf?19:21
gnucodemonkeyHello, I installed Komodo but don't know how to start it, could someone help me?19:21
karthiksharu_Scunizi: try dimdim.com  instead of webex ..19:22
JackWatazlon: what?19:22
frxstremwhat are the Ctrl + Alt + F1 through F6 shortcuts for?19:22
MagicSatamy graphics tablet is not working in ubuntu 9.10, can anyone help me please19:22
JackWattoyman61: join via phone :P heh19:22
ant_honyhow to setup and send mail through terminal already installed smtp please help!19:22
toyman61Scunizi: I don't know. I was just trying to join a WhiteHatWorld event on the Internet..19:22
Scunizikarthiksharu_: I'm not useing webex... toyman61 is19:22
azlonJackWat: one of the settings in the examples in the smb.conf is share modes = no19:22
sinisterstuffrxstrem: they are for accessing virtual terminals19:22
toyman61JackWat: I'm living i Europe, and I'm NOT calling overseas.. :-))19:22
sinisterstuffrxstrem: ctrl+alt+F1 is used for debugging and stuff19:22
toyman61JackWat: i = in19:22
karthiksharu_toyman61: Use dimdim ..19:22
JackWattoyman61: do they not have a local number you can call?19:22
Scuniziazlon: share modes allows you to share a drive or directory with or without permissions19:22
sinisterstuffrxstrem: ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to your desktop19:23
toyman61JackWat, : No19:23
h00kubottu: tty | frxstrem19:23
ubottufrxstrem: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.19:23
Scunizikarthiksharu_: unfortunately some of us are stuck having to join a webex presentation for work19:23
MagicSatamy graphics tablet is not working in ubuntu 9.10, can anyone help me please19:23
lubuntu-useri have something for her, although im told im not allowed to show it to her without her persmission19:23
toyman61karthiksharu_, : How can I use dimdim.com when WhiteHatWorld is using webex ??19:23
mark1can you share a hard drive in linux ?19:23
datacrushermark1, yes19:24
JackWatmark1: yes19:24
ant_honyhow to setup and send mail through terminal already installed smtp please help! somebody19:24
azlonmaco: restart: Unknown job: samba19:24
dead3y3Hello everyone, i am trying to make a SAGEM Fast 800 chipset E4 USB modem-router to work with Ubuntu 8.10, does anyone know were to check for help?19:24
sinisterstufmark1:  right-click it and share it19:24
MagicSatamy graphics tablet is not working in ubuntu 9.10, can anyone help me please19:24
MagicSatamy graphics tablet is not working in ubuntu 9.10, can anyone help me please19:24
Scunizitoyman61: if it does use citrix.. there is a citrix client however I've found in their docs that 64 bit isn't supported19:24
om26erMagicSata, I would say you could give Lucid a try19:24
h00kMagicSata: double posting won't help if nobody is able to help you at the moment19:24
mark1sinisterstuf, ok i dont really know what the right question here is, .. can you share a ntfs hard drive in liux ?19:25
toyman61Scuizi: Well, it doesn't surprise me at all... :-(.  I'll have to install a virtual Windows XP-installation and run the archived event on that.. :-(19:25
sinisterstufmark1:  yes, same way19:25
sinisterstufmark1:  you are trying to share it on a network?19:25
azlonmark1: use samba19:25
mark1i dont have a share option19:25
sinisterstufmark1:  or what?19:25
ScuniziMagicSata: unplug.. wait for a few seconds (20) .. plug back in .. repeat if necessary .. I have no problems with my wacom cte-44019:25
toyman61Scuizi: Or I could run a 32-bit virtual Ubuntu as well... :-(19:26
toyman61Scunizi, : Thanx anyway..19:26
ant_honyhow to setup and send mail through terminal already installed smtp please help! somebody19:26
Scunizitoyman61: sure in vbox.. might be worth a shot19:26
mark1sinisterstuf. yes im tryingn to share it on the network19:26
Scuniziant_hony: check out "mutt"19:26
toyman61Scunizi, : I'll have to watch the archived session anyway...so I'll try that..19:26
toyman61Scunizi, : Thanx anyway.. :-)19:27
ant_honyScunizi tried mutt but the message lands in my home directory instead getting to the gmail.19:27
mark1azlon, what is samba ?19:27
brontosaurusrexant_hony: i think what i have is mailutils19:28
ubottumark1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:28
sinisterstufmark1:  I can explain to you how to do it19:28
SzocoolHi there! How can I make an usb pendrive install disk, as my current system is, all apps included?19:28
sinisterstufmark1: is the harddisk already mounted?19:28
azlonmark1: im trying to set up samba now... i would tell you how but i would tell you wrong19:28
mark1sinisterstuf, by mounted you mean in my computer ?19:29
sinisterstufmark1: no.19:29
mark1sinisterstuf, sorry bare with me im new19:29
dead3y3(more info about the SAGEM modem: i have tried Ubudsl v1.0.0.77 but after install says that it will not run on 8.10)19:29
sinisterstufmark1: plug it in and then select it from Places on your menu at the top of the screen19:29
ant_honybrontosaurusrex : how to install mailutils???19:29
sinisterstufmark1: that will mount it for you19:29
azlonScunizi: i modified my smb.conf, but i still dont have access to it using my login user/pass. do i need to create a user account somewhere else?19:29
mark1ok in that case its mounter19:29
sinisterstufmark1: and opens the disk in a new window? yes?19:30
mark1indeed it does19:30
azlonScunizi: when i say modified my smb.conf i mean i added the directory i wanted to share to the conf file19:30
sinisterstufmark1: now on your list of drives there is an eject icon which is for unmounting it19:30
ant_honybrontosaurusrex : how to install mailutils???19:30
mark1sinisterstuf, my list of drives ?19:31
sinisterstufin the side pane of the window click on File System19:31
Scuniziazlon: samba can be a pain.. here's my recently setup configuration.. I'll also get you a link to a couple of places that I used.. http://pastebin.com/GMNrwXNj19:31
sinisterstufmark1: in the side pane of the window click on File System19:31
erUSUL!software | ant_hony19:31
ubottuant_hony: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:31
sinisterstufmark1: there is a list of drives on the side pane of the window19:31
paddy_what is a good bittorrent client aside from transmission19:31
mark1sinisterstuf yes ?19:31
sinisterstufpaddy_:  bittorrent19:31
sinisterstufmark1: are you now in 'file system' folder?19:32
bastid_raZorpaddy_: ktorrent, if  you don't mind some kde libs19:32
erUSULpaddy_: deluge19:32
azlonScunizi: wow, yeah mine doesnt look like that... ill start to try to hash this out... thanks!19:32
mark1sinisterstuf yes19:32
[criipt]Anyone getting my messages19:32
sinisterstufmark1: there is a folder called media, go in there19:32
jsidhu_hey guys, Im trying to find out why my apache is seg faulting. And from reading on the web, it seems that by specifying "CoreDumpDirectory" it should create a core dump and then I can use gdb to see if there's a clue in there. I've specified it as /tmp/apache but even after it segfaults, there's no core being dumped..19:32
erUSUL!ask | [criipt]19:32
ubottu[criipt]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:32
mark1sinisterstuf, ok :)19:33
sinisterstufmark1: your drive should be in there, you can right-click it and click Sharing Options19:33
sinisterstufmark1: same as with a file19:33
sinisterstufmark1: are you sorted now? :)19:33
Scuniziazlon: here's the first https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba  .... here's the second .. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html  ... don't forget you have to add users to samba even if you don't want authentication.. if your machine is running the samba server and you want to create 777 permissions on files and directories on the share then you have to mount the share manually with mount.cifs19:33
SzocoolI ask again: How can I make an usb pendrive install disk, as my current system is, all apps included?19:33
amereservantgnomefreak: It appears there's the same issue with Ubuntu 9.10 and it hasn't been resolved: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/442795  Do I just add to that or create a new report since I'm reporting 10.04?19:33
paddy_i am installing ktorrent19:33
gnomefreakamereservant: use apport-collect 44279519:34
mark1sinisterstuf, thanks dude that really helped a lot, only one more problem i have gotten an error when trying to share it19:34
gnomefreakamereservant: than open bug up and let them know you see it too19:34
paddy_i am on xubuntu now on pentium4 and in a few weeks i will be moving up to a sweet i7 rig19:34
sinisterstufmark1: what is the error?19:34
mark1sinisterstuf, we are restricted to only sharing directories we own.19:34
mark1Ask the administrator to add the line "usershare owner only = false"19:34
sinisterstufmark1: does the computer belong to you?19:35
mark1it does indeed19:35
dead3y3I am trying to make a SAGEM Fast 800, chipset E4, USB modem-router to work with Ubuntu 8.10. I have tried to download and install the firmware for it via terminal. I have also tried Ubudsl but it will not play in 8.10. Is there another way to go around?19:35
amereservantgnomefreak: apport-collect ?19:35
sinisterstufmark1: in that case you need to share it while you are sudo (the super user)19:35
komadiis there any movie maker in ubuntu similar to windows movie maker?19:36
mark1sinisterstuf, but the harddrive is exturnal does that maybe have something to do with it19:36
gnomefreakamereservant: yes use the command i gave you it will add files to the bug report for you19:36
Scuniziazlon: here's the mount command I put in ~/.bash-aliases to make it easier to mount.. I just type bpomount in cli .. #mounts the samba share on this machine with 777 permissions19:36
Scunizialias bpomount='sudo mount.cifs //localhost/BPO /home/<user>/BPO -o user=<user>,credintials=/etc/samba/smbusers,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777'19:36
jribkomadi: pitivi, kino19:36
mark1sinisterstuf, as in i must share it from the terminal >19:36
amereservantgnomefreak: I've never reported a bug before, so I'm unfamiliar with the process.19:36
sinisterstufmark1: you can either try change ownership of the drive from root to mark (or whatever your username is) using the chown command in the terminal19:36
gnomefreakamereservant: please join me back in +119:36
komadithanks. whr can i download?19:36
azlonScunizi: thanks! i have mine is my fstab so i dont think i need the mount part, but these sites are great! thanks!19:36
jribScunizi: typo in "credintials" I guess19:36
sinisterstufmark1: or you can open terminal and type: sudo nautilus19:36
sinisterstufmark1: that will open a new window as the super user19:37
Scuniziazlon: I tried to mount the samba share in fstab but haven't been able to find the magic formula for that.19:37
sinisterstufmark1: then go to the /media/ folder again19:37
mark1sinisterstuf, awesome let me try that19:37
sinisterstufmark1: and try again19:37
wng-Does anyone have any experience installing Mellanox Firmware tools on ubuntu 9.10 server? I can't get the source to install from mellanox's website19:37
sinisterstufmark1: i reccommend trying my 2nd suggestion first19:37
Scunizijrib: yep.. just noticed that myself..19:37
sinisterstufmark1: i.e. sharing it as super user19:37
mark1DUDE - sinisterstuf - you just rocked my world thank you so much for the help!!!19:38
komadijrib: any link to download from??19:38
mark1it worked perfectly19:38
sinisterstufmark1: you're welcome :)19:38
sinisterstufmark1: many problems are solved with super user super powers19:38
Stephen37Why the ubuntu RC lacks the ubuntu-bug application ? That means we can't file bugs related to it ?19:38
Scuniziand created19:38
jribkomadi: you don't download software from links in ubuntu.  Use a frontend to APT like Synaptic or Software Center.19:38
jrib!software > komadi19:38
ubottukomadi, please see my private message19:38
sinisterstufmark1: if you need help sinisterstuf@gmail.com ;)19:39
jribStephen37: #ubuntu+1 for lucid19:39
mark1sinisterstuf, thanks man i really appretiate it!19:39
sinisterstufmark1: you are most welcome dude19:39
sinisterstuf!hi | jad19:40
ubottujad: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:40
Scunizisinisterstuf: you should do your email in PM or sinist...   at    g mail dot com19:40
Scunizisinisterstuf: this is a publicly logged channel19:40
jadhow do i make it so that everything that all the packages install19:40
sinisterstufScunizi: thanks for the advice, i didn't think of that19:40
jad...installed through apt are saved in one place19:40
sinisterstufScunizi: guess i'm about to get spammed :(19:41
dead3y3SAGEM Fast 800 USB modem-router, chipset E4, Ubuntu 8.10. Tried to install the firmware via terminal. Also tried Ubudsl. Can someone please help me?19:41
jadcuz usually apt saves them in /var/cache and deleted after a while19:41
erUSUL!aptoncd | jad19:41
ubottujad: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:41
jadand i don;t want to manually copy all packages19:41
mark1ok im starting to feel like really stupid here, asking so many questions, but is it possible to 1. dissable my inturnal speaker and 2. so tell my computer to stop making a noise when i do things like : hold back space and the curser cant go back anymore, (does what im saying make any sense) ??19:41
|rt|earlier today I finally upgraded my workstation over to Lucid and you know for as much fuss that the placement of the window controls caused I got used to it in less than 10 minutes and don't mind the new location/order19:41
sinisterstufmark1: yes19:42
jad!offline ?19:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:42
=== Guest86136 is now known as JohnH85
mark1sinisterstuf, haha awesome!!19:42
mark1sinisterstuf, but seriously am i the only one that gets pissed off by that  ?19:42
jadubottu, u are quite intelligent19:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:42
erUSULmark1: disable terminal bell; somewhere in the preferences of the terminal19:42
sinisterstufmark1: to disable sounds, go to System > Preferences > Sound19:42
sinisterstufmark1: for Sound Theme select None19:43
sinisterstufmark1: it doesn't piss me off :P19:43
h00k|rt|: Please head to #ubuntu+1 for Lucid discussion19:43
dead3y3Is there a channel for hardware support in Ubuntu?19:44
|rt|h00k: i'm already there19:44
h00k|rt|: cool19:44
mark1sinisterstuf, lol well fine only me then, i guess the other alternative is to stop pressing back space, lol, but for now i want to disable it, haha, i dont see sound theme ??19:44
erUSUL!hcl | dead3y319:44
ubottudead3y3: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:44
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE19:44
mark1sinisterstuf, i found it , under the sounds tab i can disable "play alert sound" thanks again dude!!!19:44
sinisterstufmark1:  it's on the 'Sound Effects' tab19:44
mark1sinisterstuf, i think my layout is different to yours, im using ubuntu 9.0419:45
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
sinisterstufmark1: there is also a small buzzer inside your computer case that you can remove if you don't want to hear it19:45
sinisterstufmark1: you're probably right, i'm in 9.1019:45
erUSULdead3y3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb19:46
mark1sinisterstuf, why would you want that buzzer, all it does it make annoying sounds during start up lol19:46
Scunizimark1: it also tells you things about your system..19:46
sinisterstufmark1: because if your hardware doesn't work you can find out what's wrong by listening to it19:46
sinisterstufmark1: it makes different sounds depending on keyboard missing, no screen etc19:47
OlejoHEllo everyone.19:47
OlejoAnyone using a Wacom Graphics Tablet with ubuntu?19:47
sinisterstufanyway, i gotta go guys, if anyone knows where to find drivers for the dku-5 cable, please tell me next time i'm online :)19:47
mark1hardcore, still hate it though, if i were to ever find it you would it want to know what would happen to it lol19:47
Dr4gWhen i plug in my power cable for my laptop my wireless card doesn't work anymore.19:48
sinisterstufmark1: lol19:48
Dr4gHow can i modify these settings to have my wireless card work when power cable is plugged in19:48
bebobliOlejo, yes, but it just woks19:48
blkhatjameswhats a good beginners book on learning the ins and outs of ubuntu 9.10 or 10.4?19:48
bebobliIt's an intuos 3 also19:48
Olejobebobli I cannot get mine working at all any tips?19:48
erUSULblkhatjames: ubuntu pocket guide ?19:48
OlejoAh! I have an Intuos19:49
xanguablkhatjames: the ubuntu wiki, or the manual (will be incluided in lucid)19:49
bebobliOlejo: What version of Ubuntu are you using?19:49
Scuniziblkhatjames: Beginning Ubuntu Linux by Thomas ..   there's also a free pdf for the ubuntupocketreference guide19:49
Olejoxangua 9.1019:49
frxstremwhen a user that is not in the /etc/sudoers file tries to use sudo, it says that it will be reported - where will it be reported to?19:49
blkhatjamesis it up to date?19:49
Scunizifrxstrem: the ubuntu god... root19:49
OlejoOpps I mean bebobli 9.1019:49
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-biab
KIAazewhy ar ubuntu 8.10 releases no more available?: http://releases.ubuntu.com/19:50
Dr4gWhen i plug in my power cable for my laptop my wireless card doesn't work anymore.19:50
Dr4gHow can i modify these settings to have my wireless card work when power cable is plugged in19:50
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:50
twig11How do I set the Ambiance theme to show an icon for the menu button in the title bar instead of the default dot.19:50
frxstremScunizi: how can I find it, then?19:50
erUSUL!lucid | twig1119:50
mark1oh one more thing that i needed to know, my back button on my mouse doesnt seem to be working with linux, is that a setting or is my mouse not compatable, (my mouse didnt come with any drivers) its a pretty straight forward mouse19:50
ubottutwig11: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party19:50
Scunizifrxstrem: I think it's in /var/log someplace..19:51
frxstremScunizi: okay, thanks :)19:51
RyanPI have some servers with dual power supplies, each connected to a different APC UPS. Is there any way to have apcupsd do something sensible with this setup?19:51
akshaysulakheHello, Has anybody tried Ubuntu on HP touchsmart tm2...i need help to make it working...touch screen(pen and finger),finger scrolling19:51
Scunizifrxstrem: perhaps /var/mail19:51
akshaysulakhealso the switch potrait mode button...19:52
dacshowdy folks19:52
KIAazeok, thx. So it is safe to assume that nobody uses 8.10 anymore? ^^19:52
erUSULRyanP: maybe in #ubuntu-server they now more ... too high end hardware :) (at least for me)19:52
Scunizifrxstrem: yep... /var/mail/root  .. to view it while in the directory type "sudo cat root"19:52
frxstremScunizi: it was /var/log19:52
Dr4gWhen i plug in my power cable for my laptop my wireless card doesn't work anymore.19:52
Dr4gHow can i modify these settings to have my wireless card work when power cable is plugged in19:52
RyanPerUSUL: Good point. Thanks.19:53
KIAazehow come 6.06 is still available?19:53
ohirKIAaze: yes. Its outdated and unsupported.19:53
=== nelliep_ is now known as nelliep
frxstremScunizi: oh, it's there? I must have been looking at the wrong file :/19:53
akshaysulakheHello, Has anybody tried Ubuntu on HP touchsmart tm2...19:53
ohirKIAaze: its LTS what have 5 years on server support.19:53
mark1sinisterstuf, hey i have run into a problem with there share. i cant make it unrestricted, do you know why that is ?19:53
OlejoAny other Wacom users out there?19:53
akshaysulakheHello, Has anybody tried Ubuntu on HP touchsmart tm2...need help to get the touch(pen and finger) working19:53
akshaysulakheya me..19:53
xanguaohir: the desktop version has 3 years of support, server has 519:54
Scunizifrxstrem: /var/log/messages is a different file.. might work as well19:54
ohirKIAaze: 10.04 is next LTS what supercede 619:54
akshaysulakhebut i also cant figure out some stuf....what prob do u have19:54
frxstremScunizi: I can't find this "root" file in /var/log/ nor /var/mail19:54
ohirxangua: read carefuly ;)19:54
OlejoWhich tablet akshaysulakhe19:54
akshaysulakheHP touchsmart tm2....19:54
dacsmy nick dacs is my sudo account in my srvr, i created a testuser acc...but when i log in as dacs i can't create folders or files ...please help19:54
akshaysulakhewacom...both pen and finger touch19:55
Scunizifrxstrem: strange.. I've got one.. so on your system maybe it's /var/log/messages or something else19:55
akshaysulakhecapacitive screen..19:55
OlejoI cannot get my intuos tablet working at all.19:55
frxstremScunizi: well, I found that all sudo actions are logged to "/var/log/auth.log", so it's all there - maybe that's the file you were talking about?19:56
akshaysulakhei dont have a clue what that tablet is19:56
akshaysulakhei stay in India,,heard that the first time19:56
akshaysulakhewhats the prob anyways19:56
akshaysulakheHello, Has anybody tried Ubuntu on HP touchsmart tm2...19:56
dacsany help please?19:58
Dr4gWhen i plug in my power cable for my laptop my wireless card doesn't work anymore.19:59
mark1does anyone know what this means, please , Nautilus-Share-Message: unknown format for key 'harddrive/usershare_acl'19:59
Dr4gHow can i modify these settings to have my wireless card work when power cable is plugged in19:59
Scunizifrxstrem: glad you told me.. I always forget what and where it is..20:00
Scunizimark1: have you installed smbfs or samba?20:00
EraHi. I have ubuntu 10.4 installed in VirtualBox. When the login screen appears and I click to my username nothing happens. What's wrong? Thank you in advance.20:01
mark1Scunizi, i installed something to make me able to connect to the network but i dont know what it was20:01
dacseralooks like you are using usb mouse and it is not recognized20:02
xangua!lucid > Era20:02
ubottuEra, please see my private message20:02
Scunizimark1: you might have to log out and back in again for it to take effect.. not sure.. I don't use the nautilus share.. I spent the last week configuring samba (I have a little hair left but now it's gray)20:02
meekatronis it possible to set up different dns servers for different users.. all using the same computer20:02
azlonScunizi: just got samba up and running somehow... ;)    i think the problem was that i needed to create a samba user group, then add my login user to the group, then set a samba passwd... ugh...20:03
Scunizimeekatron: probably.. but why?20:03
mark1Scunizi, hahaha, i have logged out , and i am able to share but for some reaason i cant share with full non read only, it doesnt make sense20:03
Scuniziazlon: YEA! .. it's a pain isn't it?20:03
meekatroni use open dns to filter out bad stuff but i dont want it restricted on my account20:04
azlonScunizi: it still isnt setup like i want because anybody on the network can access the share, but im the only person on it and its to share my media... so f it20:04
Scunizimark1: that's when samba comes into play..  just ask azlon.. he just got finished configuring his as well..20:04
zougmeekatron: change dns from router?20:04
lightpriestis it safe to run hdparm on my "root" device? that is, the one I'm working on...20:05
zougmeekatron: not sure tho20:05
meekatronzoug: yeah but i was thinking of a more transparent solution20:05
mark1Scunizi, the only thing is you make me worried when you say you spent so much time trying to configure it, cause i have no idea about how linux works , which means ill spent like 2 weeks trying to figure out samba20:05
Eradacs, it won't work with mousepad too20:05
Scunizimeekatron: I use opendns on my router as well.. I just disable it at opendns when I need to get stuff done.20:05
zougmeekatron: i have a linksys wrt, but when i change my dns, it wont use it, instead the routers dns20:05
lightpriestmark1: have you tried looking at their wiki?20:06
meekatronScunizi:  yeah thats what i have been doing lately20:06
azlonScunizi: i'm sure you know what you are doing better than me, but this is what i have in my fstab to auto mount on boot: /dev/md0/mnt/ArchiveStorage auto defaults 0 320:06
mark1lightpriest, whose wiki ?20:06
JetPackTuxedoIs there a way to align desktop icons to the right side, ala OSX?20:06
lightpriestsama's wiki20:06
Scunizimark1: maybe more.. you can look at the logs for this channel and search for my nick in a time slot about 30 minutes ago when I was sending links to someone else about samba.. they should help you out.20:06
dacsera the way i will troubleshoot it is put in a live CD and see it will work20:06
dacsmy nick dacs is my sudo account in my srvr, i created a testuser acc...but when i log in as dacs i can't create folders or files ...please help20:06
lightpriestJetPackTuxedo: you mean the desktop icons? or an icon panel?20:07
JetPackTuxedolightpriest, I mean desktop20:07
mark1Scunizi, thanks ill take a look just now, gonna try and see why im getting this error, i have network manager installed on my computer, do you know how i can open it, cause i have no idea where it is20:08
Scuniziazlon: you might find that when you read/write to that location the permissions are 755 meaning you can read/write/execute but everyone else can only read.. my storage partition is mounted via fstab but the share on that partition has to be mounted with cifs to make my files universally read/write20:08
JetPackTuxedodacs, so you can log in as root and it's fine, but as a regular user everything is read-only?20:08
neothecati have server 9.10 running, and i setup samba using webmin.  on my deskstop, using the 10 beta, i have my fstab setup for the cifs.  when i did a mount -a, everything worked fine.  i rebooted the desktop, know i get perm denied20:08
Scunizimark1: usually up by the clock.. right mouse click..20:08
ghotiHi all.20:09
edgy360hi there, I just setup Ubuntu 9.10 and run Spotify in wine. it was working fine but now the sound has gone all distorted20:09
neothecatanyone have this problem?  i wasn't going to add details if i am just doing some classic newbie mistake20:09
KangaroooIntel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE cant have desktop effects?20:09
Scunizi!webmin | neothecat20:09
ubottuneothecat: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:09
mark1Scunizi, oh cool thanks a lot dude :)20:09
dacsi want to be able to have dacs access it as well20:09
Scunizimark1: this is from memory 'cause I'm running kubuntu20:09
neothecatScunizi: okalee dokalee, thanks.  i will look into ebox.20:09
JetPackTuxedodacs, can you save to the desktop? Where specifically are the problems occuring?20:09
lightpriestis it safe to run hdparm on my "root" device? that is, the one I'm working on...20:10
dacsmot using desktop20:10
ConcreteRosehello how are you doing20:10
edgy360hmm, the sound from wine is laggy now20:10
JetPackTuxedodacs, check the file/folder permissions20:10
Lenin_Cathow do I tell which of my ram sticks are damaged?20:10
Scuniziedgy360: its "wine-ing" :)20:10
edgy360is it normally laggy?20:11
lightpriestedgy360: have you tried configuring it in Full Emulator mode?20:11
edgy360how would I do that?20:11
lightpriestedgy360: the sound part20:11
ConcreteRoseDo you know who is on ubuntu?20:11
lightpriestedgy360: there's a wine configuration tool20:11
ScuniziConcreteRose: you got a support question?20:11
lightpriesti believe so20:11
lightpriestit has tabs and all :)20:11
ScuniziConcreteRose: spit it out20:11
lightpriestjust open it up, and go the sound tab20:11
edgy360what would I change there20:12
dacsJetPackTuxedo: drwxr-xr-x 11 testuser testuser 4096 2010-03-08 12:17 testuser20:12
ConcreteRoseIt seems that linux operating system, ubuntu. Is commonly well supported, uncommonly violated. Conclusive. But I wanted to report here that the memorization of ubuntu is lacking due to progress of its kernel.20:12
edgy360lightpriest, should I make it emulate the sound drivers?20:12
lightpriestat the bottom of the sound tab there's Emulator options20:12
lightpriesttry Fully emulated20:12
lightpriestfrom the combo box20:12
ScuniziConcreteRose: that makes no sense20:12
lightpriestit worked best for me20:12
jrib!enter | lightpriest20:12
FloodBot1lightpriest: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
ubottulightpriest: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:12
ConcreteRoseoh ok...20:12
offermanngibts nichts deutsches?20:12
ConcreteRosewell got to go20:12
ConcreteRosebye bye20:12
FloodBot1ConcreteRose: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
JetPackTuxedodacs, is testuser the account that didn't have access?20:12
lightpriestis it safe to run hdparm on my "root" device? that is, the one I'm working on...20:13
edgy360hmm, still the same20:13
dacsJetPackTuxedo: yes20:13
lightpriestedgy360: try other ones20:13
lightpriesttry half emulated, or medium .. i don't really remember20:13
dacsJetPackTuxedo: can i just 'useradd -G testuser dacs20:13
edgy360lightpriest, do I need to restart the app every time I change the options20:13
ghotiI'm trying to install 9.10 netbook remix onto an Eeepc 900.  Can't seem to get past booting the (USB) CD.  If I select the Install option, BusyBox errors out with stuff like "/init: line 1: can't open udevadm settle...".  It doesn't seem to be physical disc errors.  Any clues as to how to diagnose this?20:13
lightpriestedgy360: i believe so20:14
edgy360lightpriest, should I leave the driver emulation box checked?20:14
LzrdKingso how can i use upstart to bring up my wireless as soon as wlan0 is visible to the kernel?20:14
lightpriesttry it with and without20:14
zouglightpriest: yes, as long as the partitions are read-only20:14
JetPackTuxedodacs, I'm not totally sure. I don't run multiple accounts, but I would think that would work. It would add dacs to the group testuser.20:14
OlejoIs there a support room for Wacom, Gimp or Blender?20:14
Italian_PlumberI have a number of directories contiaining zips.  http://pastebin.com/MZJpJ46f ... From the parent, I want to unzip all of them (from the command line)  "unzip \*/\*.zip" doesn't work.  Any ideas?20:14
edgy360eww, its just dieing now lol20:15
Lenin_Cathow do I tell which of my ram sticks are damaged?20:15
pixelHey guys, I'm customizing a very minimalist version of ubuntu, and I tried to use SLiM for login manager, the problem is that it didn't let the live-cd user to autologin, and i believe it was what prevented "only-ubiquity" mode to function as well, so what I want to do is to remove SLiM and after the installation, install the .deb package, but how can I add this to ubiquity?20:15
lightpriestzoug: what does that mean? I want to run hdparm -Tt20:15
ghotiOlejo, check the Support web pages for the various products.20:15
espereguwhat's the best way to find an overview of supported webcams?20:15
ghotiOlejo, they may or may not be on other IRC servers.20:15
OlejoThanks ghoti20:15
ghotiLenin_Cat: do memory tests with each of the sticks removed.20:16
edgy360I dont think it likes that checkbox20:16
lightpriestzoug: nm thanks, man states it should be unused during the test20:16
xangua!webcam > esperegu20:16
ubottuesperegu, please see my private message20:16
=== jmrodri-biab is now known as jmrodri
zouglightpriest: yeahh20:17
edgy360lightpriest, would it make any better if I changed the sample rate20:17
espereguxangua: thx20:17
Italian_PlumberI have a number of directories contiaining zips. http://pastebin.com/TEU8iPBp ... From the parent, I want to unzip all of them.  "unzip \*/\*.zip" doesn't work.  Any ideas?20:17
Kangaroooi there some chat channel in some protocol for Empathy?20:17
Italian_PlumberI'm sorry I posted that twice.20:17
Kangarooo*eem for ubuntu in empathy chat channel? anyone knows?20:18
Juzzycan I set priority on my sources.list?20:18
ohirItalian_Plumber: man find20:18
gmonnieanybody know a good program on ubuntu for youtube ripping?20:18
Kangarooogmonnie, firefox extension download helper20:18
LjLItalian_Plumber: are you sure unzip supports multiple files at all? i have some vague recollection that it doesn't20:18
JuzzyI have a local mirror for all lucid packages, but I've custom built some that have the same version, how can I tell apt to install my custom one over the default one w/o hacking on versions?20:18
ohirItalian_Plumber: find /parentdir -type f -name "*.zip" -exec unzip {} \;20:19
sebsebseb!lucid | Juzzy20:19
ubottuJuzzy: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:19
zougItalian_Plumber: *.zip doesnt work? it does.20:19
xanguaKangarooo: the empathy channel woul be in the gnome irc network20:19
LjLItalian_Plumber: in which case, try:  for file in */*.zip; do unzip "$file"; done20:19
Juzzysebner: its not a lucid question20:19
Juzzyits an apt/repo question20:19
Italian_Plumberwhoa.  Okay, lots of stuff to try. :)20:20
Kangaroooxangua, no i mean in programm empathy is there any support channel for ubuntu? like #ubuntu but in some protocol in empathy? couse in empathy i dont have irc. then why is empathy in ubuntu if i cant connect to ubuntu support channel20:20
ghotiKangarooo, read http://live.gnome.org/Empathy#Contact_Information20:21
lenswipehey guys20:21
lenswipeone of my admins chmodded /etc to 77720:21
lenswipehow do i fix it?20:21
ghotilenswipe: first, fire him.20:21
ghotilenswipe, second, chmod it back to 755.20:21
xanguaKangarooo: empathy supports irc; do you hace telepathy-idle installed¿¿20:21
lenswipeghoti, recursive?20:22
Italian_Plumberyes unzip does support multiple files.  I've done it many times with zips in the current directory.  I've also done it for zips in child directories, but I can't seem to remember how20:22
LjLJuzzy: check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Use pinning to limit the backports repository20:22
gmonniewouldnt happen to know how to convert it to mp3 would you?20:22
ghotilenswipe: did he chmod it to 777 recursively?20:22
Juzzyljl: k thx20:22
Italian_PlumberI'm pretty sure it involved the unzip command and various other arguments.20:22
ghotigmonnie: to what?20:22
JetPackTuxedois there a way to mass dpkg packages?20:22
zougItalian_Plumber: check man pages20:22
LjLJuzzy: i think that approach should work for you, of course you'll have to adapt it to your specific case20:22
Kangaroooxangua, i have 10.04 rc installed and iirc then from one of 09. versions had empathy. bu why if it doesnt have irc. if that package telepathy-idle give irc option then it should be also by default installed20:23
Juzzyaj just pin * in that a=20:23
ghotiso ... this isn't so much a ubuntu help channel as it is a general help channel for people who use ubuntu.  :-/20:23
edgy360thanks all, I just changed the sound driver in wine to esound from asla20:23
gmonniehow to extract audio, from a youtube video and make it an mp320:23
lenswipeghoti, im not sure20:23
TomGItalian_Plumber: What about a find and pipe to unzip?20:23
lenswipeghoti, if he has what do i do20:23
xanguaKangarooo: no idea why is not installed; if it's not then do it....for lucid try #ubuntu+120:23
EraHi. I have ubuntu 10.4 installed in VirtualBox. When the login screen appears and I click to my username nothing happens. What's wrong? Thank you in advance.20:24
LjLJuzzy: note that, if i'm not mistaken, packages from the "security" repository have a higher priority than default, so if you just specify >500, that might not be enough to bypass that20:24
Juzzyk thx20:24
PrathmeshHi how do I upgrade OS from live CD20:24
ghotilenswipe: Check your /var/log/messages to see what sudo logged.  Or, if he didn't use sudo (i.e. he just did a "su" to change his euid), fire him.20:24
M4nfr3DWhere does my file goes when i 'tar -zxvf' him ? (hello and thanks)20:25
Kangaroooxangua, hmm it is installed20:25
LzrdKinghow can i use upstart to bring up my wireless as soon as wlan0 is visible to the kernel?20:25
_blackwater_m4nfr3d in the same directory you issue the command20:25
xangua!lucid > Era20:25
ubottuEra, please see my private message20:25
neverPrathmesh, add the cd source in the application sources menu and run upgrade application20:25
LjLM4nfr3D: two things happen when you do that: 1) the .tar.gz files becomes a simple .tar file, in the same directory 2) files from it are extracted, wherever the .tar archive itself specifies. check with "tar -tf filename.tar"20:25
Kangaroooxangua, but still i dont have irc20:25
ghotilenswipe: Frankly, I don't know the permissions of everything in /etc, but at the very least you chould `chmod -R go-w /etc` to make the system safe again.  It may be broken, but at least it'll be safer.20:25
Prathmeshapt updater ?20:26
neveryep. and the source cd is added in the synaptic app20:26
LjLJetPackTuxedo: what's wrong (aside from about a thousand things) with dpkg -i *20:26
LzrdKingLjL: i have never seen a .tar.gz file turn into a .tar file20:26
neverI've done this when upgradint 8.10 to 9.0420:27
LjLLzrdKing: ...?20:27
ghotiLzrdKing: if you just "gunzip ...tar.gz", you'll end up with ...tar.20:27
LjLghoti: same if you tar xf.20:27
M4nfr3D_blackwater_: ok, thk20:27
ghotiLjL, nope.20:27
LjLaside from the fact that the latter *also* extract the files from the tar.20:27
_midwestwardhow can i update my ubuntu server to the latest lts version?20:28
LzrdKingLjL: you just said that a .tar.gz file becomes... whatever20:28
JetPackTuxedoLjL, would that work? I feel like I tried that. I'll give it another shot tonight when I am at my desktop again.20:28
jeeveshow do you change the port # for SSHd?20:28
M4nfr3Dlots of answers, have to raed well20:28
LzrdKingi just don't have any .tar files, they are all .tar.gz20:28
ghotiLjL, no.  If you gunzip ANY .gz, you'll get a version without the .gz.  If you `tar -zxf ...`, the original .tar.gz file won't be modified.20:28
Juzzyin /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:28
ghotijeeves: -p20:28
Juzzyjeeves: --^20:28
LjLghoti: oh you're right, i'm sorry20:28
jeevesghoti,  so, sshd -p <enter_port_#>?20:29
Juzzyjeeves: in /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:29
ghotijeeves: yes, and it's all documented nicely on `man ssh`20:29
Juzzyjeeves: make sure you install portsentry on port 22 afterwards :)20:29
=== Doncabron_ is now known as Doncabron
jeevesthanks guys.  I'm trying to modify the port #s on a DD-WRT box20:29
guntbertLzrdKing: no, it doesn't really "become" a tar file - it it decompressed and stored with another extension20:29
=== The is now known as Guest29030
ghotijeeves: you can also store this more permanently on a per-host basis in ~/.ssh/config20:29
LzrdKingguntbert: not in my experience,; they stay as they are20:30
jeevesghoti, ok, I need to store it for root20:30
ghotijeeves: `man ssh_config` for how to configure this stuff nicely.20:30
=== viesturs_ is now known as viesturs
Picighoti: er, /etc/ssh/sshd_config != /etc/ssh/ssh_config20:30
jeevesghoti, ok, thanks20:30
ghotiOh, woops, I didn't see that the original query was for sshd.20:31
maxi_hello everyone20:31
guntbertLzrdKing: if you gunzip them it happens exactly as described above20:31
Guest29030looka me, I'm on the internet20:31
ghotijeeves: ya, look in /etc/ssh/sshd_config instead.  But read the man page anyway.  :)20:31
LzrdKingyes, if you gunzip them20:31
=== mike is now known as Guest42647
* ghoti looks at Guest2903020:32
jeevesghoti, ok, thanks.  I need to get this home network "cleaned up".  I'll be back to pick your brain about getting a D-Link WiFi card to work20:32
LzrdKingbut tar -zxvf doesn't gunzip the file20:32
ghotijeeves: don't assume that running sshd on a non-standard port provides any extra security...20:32
maxi_ı have a problem with bluetooth. anybody interested?20:32
Camaro_09i have two different versions of ubuntu on my computer, 9.04 and 9.10. if i copy the 8.04 on to a usb and delete the 8.04 on the computer, will i be abl to boot the 8.04 directly from the usb?20:32
=== KindOne is now known as KindTwo
jeevesghoti, I'm not looking for extra security.  I'm looking for if for some messed up reason the server goes down @ the house, I can remote into SOMETHING to poke @ the network20:33
Camaro_09i mean i have two different versions, 8.04 and 9.1020:33
ghotijeeves, do you have a machine elsewhere that is on a static IP and safe?20:33
eli_this is maybe the wrong place to ask but Im using xchat and wonder how i could connect to #debian20:33
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
LzrdKingeli_: ask in #debian20:33
LjLeli_: /join #debian20:33
ghotiIf so, you could cause the questionable server to open an SSH tunnel that points to a local shell.  Note that this is a BAD idea and you shouldn't do it.20:34
eli_ok I will try it out20:34
jeevesghoti, lol, nope.  the ONLY thing @ this location that's secure (and always on other than the server) is the router.  And I've got DD-WRT installed on it.20:34
* brianherman 2 more days20:34
eli_thanks LjL20:34
Camaro_09i have two different versions of ubuntu on my computer, 8.04 and 9.10. if i copy the 8.04 on to a usb and delete the 8.04 on the computer, will i be able to boot the 8.04 directly from the usb?20:35
ghotijeeves: a startup script that runs `ssh -R22222:localhost:22 -fNT host.example.com` might help you around some issues, including changing IP addresses.20:35
_midwestwardhey, how can i update my ubuntu server to the latest lts version? right now i am getting 404 errors when i try to apt-get20:36
LjLhm, no.20:36
maxi_i cant have my bluetooth turned on. its a usb dongle showin on lsusb as cambridge silicon radio.20:36
xangua_midwestward: what version do you use¿20:36
jeevesghoti, lol, no worries, I got it to work.  Normally, I leave a Linksys WRTSL54GL @ the location with a 500Gb SATA 2.5" laptop HDD plugged into it as my remote access and backup box.20:36
ghotisounds like a plan.20:37
jeevesghoti, what I need to do however is to get my "Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01)" to work.20:37
_midwestwardxangua, i dont knwo20:37
LjL_midwestward: set your repositories to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/20:37
erUSULjeeves: System>Admin...>hardware drivers20:37
LjL_midwestward: if your current version is at end of life, that is20:37
ghotijeeves: can't help you there.  I'm good with general unix stuff and most server applications, but I'm a FreeBSD guy by day.20:37
LjL_midwestward: that's end-of-life, yes20:37
jeevesghoti, lol, no worries.  I use Ubuntu to make it look like I know "black magic" on networks.  Mostly, it's to keep the interns off of my laptop @ work20:38
LjL_midwestward: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Gutsy20:38
=== Boldfilter_ is now known as Boldfilter
Camaro_09i have two different versions of ubuntu on my computer, 8.04 and 9.10. if i copy the 8.04 on to a usb and delete the 8.04 on the computer, will i be able to boot the 8.04 directly from the usb? does anyone know?20:38
guntbert!repeat | Camaro_0920:39
ubottuCamaro_09: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:39
ghotijeeves: I use FreeBSD and configure things by hand to keep the Linux guys at work from breaking things.  :)20:39
LjLCamaro_09: i guess it depends on whether your BIOS supports HD-style booting from USB...20:39
LjL!usb > Camaro_09    (Camaro_09, see the private message from ubottu) this might be useful as a reference20:39
jeevesghoti, that's all the I.T. admins do.  make it complicated enough that other's can't mess with it!  I feel sorry for those Windows guys20:39
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xangua_midwestward: i believe 7.10 nhas no longer support; you will need to install a new version20:40
neosimagohello people; we're looking to transform our old ldap backend authentication on samba 2 to a new ldap 2.3 backend on samba 3 and the schemas are not playing nice during the add. Is there a script to convert our old ldap 1.9 datablase full of machine names from samba 2 to be compatible with samba 3?20:40
ghotiI'm trying to install 9.10 netbook remix onto an Eeepc 900.  Can't seem to get past booting the (USB) CD.  If I select the Install option, BusyBox errors out with stuff like "/init: line 1: can't open udevadm settle...".  It doesn't seem to be physical disc errors.  Any clues as to how to diagnose this?20:40
=== horizon is now known as Guest15640
jeevesdamn cat has clawed the crap outta my arm.20:40
ghotinow your arm is 100% crap-free.20:41
Guest15640micrypt: hi20:41
wildc4rdevenin' all20:41
OlejoNeed help with Wacom Intuos graphics tablet GD-0608-U. I installed the "wacom-tools" and "xserver-xorg-input-wacom". It is working but I cannot configure the tools, anyone able to advise?20:42
Guest15640wild4rd good evening to you..20:43
guntbertGuest15640: please don't greet everyone who joins :-))20:44
ubuntui've tried to upgrade to lucid, but i've got an error while processing x11-common (--configure). can you help me, please?20:44
Guest15640guntbert is usually a good idea, don't you think...20:45
anodesniI would like to use ubuntu 10.04, but I have a 1366 x 768 screen and ubuntu just uses more space in the GUI compared to my mandriva setup. Can somebody explain the difference?20:45
sebsebseb!lucid \ ubuntu20:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:45
sebsebseb!lucid | ubuntu20:45
ubottuubuntu: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party20:45
jeevesghoti, any ideas on this one?  http://pastebin.com/ewwN2RdG20:45
guntbertGuest15640: not in a really big channel like this20:45
ALdaperanhi all20:45
brontosaurusrexanodesni: different theme?20:46
ALdaperanhow can i convert pdf file to .doc  ?20:46
snowhouseI have a problem with vnc: I have set up my home pc toconnectable through vnc but it is only connectable to from my home network. I would like to be able to connect to it from scholl andother places, a freind of mine is having the same problem. We both recently installed ubuntu.20:46
random_How can i configure my eth0 to have the ip, atm its
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: no, the window bars are the same height20:46
Flare-Laptopsnowhouse: you have to port forward it on your router20:46
erUSULrandom_: how did it get the wrong ip ?20:46
snowhouseoh thanks20:46
ghotijeeves: sorry, I'm not even sure what I'm looking at.  we don't have an `lshw` command in FreeBSD, and all the drivers are different...20:46
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: but, e.g., firefox menu (with file edit etc.) is just larger by 4-6 pixels20:46
lenswipeghoti, whats the default for /etc again is it 755?20:46
random_erUSUL, it's technically not wrong, just what i dont want.20:47
brontosaurusrexanodesni: bigger fonts?20:47
ghotilenswipe: yes20:47
jeevesghoti, lol, ok.  I think I have to install MadWiFi (and I don't want to.  I hate using "round arout" ways of doing things)20:47
anodesnithey both use sans 1020:47
ghotinp, but remember that lots of files in there are not supposed to be +x....  There's still work to do.  :(20:47
erUSULrandom_: sudo ifconfig eth0 address  up ; but if it got its ip via dhcp maybe changing it can couse problems20:47
jeevesghoti, I'm just looking @ getting the WiFi card setup as a "backup" if something happens to the onboard NIC20:48
random_erUSUL, well worth a try20:48
lenswipeghoti, ive looked through users .bash_history files and that other one you told me to check - i cant see who did that stunt with /etc20:48
Guest15640random : you dhcp server is set to release ip address automatically..20:48
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: It's strange but ubuntu has always felt big (and sluggish)20:48
lenswipeghoti, /var/log/messages was just a heap of numbers20:48
lenswipeghoti, any ideas?20:48
ghotia heap of number?  that doesn't sound right.20:49
wertwertgfhjreris there a difference between "top > system.txt" and "top >> system.txt" ?20:49
ghotilenswipe: from what I've heard so far, my instinct would be to "back-up and reinstall".  Then implement finer-grained security via sudo.20:49
anodesniwertwertgfhjrer: the first overwrites the file, the second appends to the file20:50
ghotiwertwertgfhjrer: the first example creates system.txt.  the second example ... ^^^20:50
Guest15640random : ARE U THERE...20:50
ghotiwertwertgfhjrer: >> will also create the file if it doesn't exist, depending on your shell settings.20:51
brontosaurusrexanodesni: only app that really looks fat to me is xchat i suppose, but only since my res is quite low for 2010...20:51
random_Guest15640, yes i am but i didnt notice since your using Random not Random__20:51
lenswipeghoti, i had sudo.....i just have a ****tarded admin screwing things up20:51
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: xchat on Mandriva is lean20:51
brontosaurusrexanodesni: http://imagebin.ca/view/BOYkQ7.html20:51
wertwertgfhjreranodesni, ghoti, thx20:51
ghotiwertwertgfhjrer: `man bash` and search for "REDIRECTION"20:51
guntbertGuest15640: that about the dhcp server is not correct -- they never force a client to do something20:51
ghotilenswipe: but if your /var/log/messages is gibberish, that doesn't sound healthy.  If THAT is busted, who knows what else is.20:52
ghotiAnd you need logging.20:52
lenswipeghoti, its just a column of numbers like 002003013332420:52
lenswipeand theres some other stuff in other columns20:53
ghotilenswipe: er...  can you give me an example of 1 line?20:53
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: http://imagebin.ca/view/yIjbbn.html20:53
Guest15640random_: Please repeat your question..20:53
lenswipeghoti, sure20:53
lenswipeghoti, loads of "Feb 28 12:59:49 trogdor -- MARK --"20:54
ghotiThat's not so bad.20:54
anodesninot that big a difference20:54
lenswipeghisen, and the occasional "Mar 25 20:50:06 trogdor ggzd: [408]: UPDATE 250801 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"20:54
jeevesghoti, looks like subversion is the only way to go.  So, now that I've got ~80Mb to d-load, I may as well help some people in here20:54
brontosaurusrexanodesni: thats pretty much the default ubuntu? i'd get rid of one of those panels20:54
ghotiSomething is logging things.  Perhaps too much, but at least the log looks normal.20:54
brontosaurusrexanodesni: keep one, and set that one to hide...20:54
lenswipeghoti, not really informative though20:55
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: I'll show the difference with virtualbox20:55
ghotithat's not the point.  It's still a log.  :)20:55
ghotiAre you running something galled "ggzd"?20:55
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erUSULghoti: that got me courios too http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/docs/server/ggzd/20:55
penociowhere in ubuntu is screen resolution and font size config are present so i can change them permanently?20:56
ghotiya, I just found that too.20:56
ghotipenocio, at text consoles, or in X?20:56
penocioghoti:  text20:56
hdpbafter the kernel update for lucid RC, grub no longer detects Vista on my other partition.  How do I fix it?20:57
ghotipenocio, sorry, can't help you there.20:57
xangua!lucid > hdpb20:57
ubottuhdpb, please see my private message20:57
penocioghoti:  arent there any config files?20:57
penocioghoti:  ok. where in x. i have tried settings but every time i boot. its changed.20:57
ghotipenocio, probably, but I don't know where they are.  I could tell you in Gnome, or give you the xterm command line options, but outside of that I'm a FreeBSD user.  And you don't want to hear about vidcontrol.  :)20:58
ghotipenocio: gnome, kde, or plain xterm?20:58
ghotiah, again, I don't use kde.20:58
wertwertgfhjrerghoti, how do i search in terminal?20:58
anodesniwertwertgfhjrer: find20:59
wertwertgfhjrersry i mean when i do man bash, ho do i search for "redirection"20:59
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: http://imagebin.ca/view/jmNJZbJP.html   see the difference?20:59
ghotiwertwertgfhjrer: afaik, gnome terminal doesn't have a search for its history.  You can copy and paste it to gedit or gvim.20:59
fisonsfor history search20:59
penocioghoti:  ok. where in x. i have tried settings but every time i boot. its changed.20:59
ghotiwertwertgfhjrer: type `man bash`, then type "/" to start your search, then type the text to search for.21:00
erUSULghoti: bash can search in history; crtl + r and begin typing the search string21:00
anodesnighoti: history and grep?21:00
fisonsoops, sorrry its ctrl+r21:00
guntbertwertwertgfhjrer: type / redir21:00
ghotierUSUL/anodesni, he was asking about terminal though.  Not sure whether he wanted to search commands, or their output.21:00
Vazzhello, can someone help me setup networking over usb?21:00
ghotiand as it turns out, he was asking how to search in less.  :)21:01
ghotiVazz, do you want to run pppd on a USB serial port?21:01
erUSULfair enough XD21:01
Vazzive got fedora arm on my toshiba g900 device21:01
Vazzand fedora 12 on my desktop21:01
penocioerUSUL:  can you help21:01
ghotithis is #ubuntu21:02
brontosaurusrexanodesni: yes, but thats not the same theme, isnt it?21:02
Vazzi can connect to sshd on my toshiba21:02
erUSULVazz: http://www.linux-usb.org/usbnet/21:02
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: wait21:02
erUSULpenocio: with ?21:02
penociowhere is the config text file that contains screen resolution ( i think its call *xorg.confg) and the files that has font size config. kde latest kubuntu linux. ?21:03
Guest15640Vazz: Is it the laptop don't detect the USB...21:03
Vazzi can ping my desktop from device21:03
erUSULpenocio: for virtual terminals ( ctrl + alt + f1..6 ) --> sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup21:03
Vazzbut i cant ping web...21:03
erUSULVazz: you have to set up internet connection sharing in the the desktop21:04
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:04
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: you're right, it is because of the theme http://imagebin.ca/view/K1SKet.html21:04
[InT]Intelligatecan anyone tell me where i can find an ircop?21:04
ghotipenocio, most X configuration lives in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, though I'm not sure if that's the case universally.21:04
ghotipenocio, that just gets X up and running.  Applications (window managers, desktop managers, etc) are all in other places.21:05
erUSULpenocio: #kubuntu will be of more help for X problems21:05
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: but why is ubuntu using such a 'fat' theme and not a 'lean' one like mandriva21:05
erUSUL[InT]Intelligate: #ubuntu-ops ?21:05
wng-has anyone dealt with infiniband, mellanox connect X in Ubuntu 9.10 server, I need to install flint to update my firmware but I can't seem to get it installed21:05
fisonsanodesni: I also do not understand why ubuntus default-theme changes so drastically with every single release...21:07
LzrdKingfisons: so you know what you're running by looking at it21:07
antixfisons: most people would be disappointed otherwise21:07
anodesnifisons: it has always been brown and *cough* ugly21:07
fisonsanodesni: its not only that it gets changed - its also somehow, hm, ugly by default21:07
antixfisons: hope you like orange and purple...21:08
brontosaurusrexi think lucid default is actually pretty cool21:08
anodesniantix: it's auberge ;(21:08
fisonsbrontosaurusrex: its ugly too!21:08
anodesnibrontosaurusrex: only if you like a purple terminal21:08
fisonsbrontosaurusrex: using it right now - first thing one cannot understand: why did they change the min/max/close-buttons position?21:09
guntbert!ot | anodesni fisons21:09
ubottuanodesni fisons: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:09
antixfisons: apparently for usability/interferance with notifications21:09
fisonsubottu: ok21:09
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:09
fisonsubottu: ;)21:10
shane2peruubottu, lol21:10
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:10
mark1can someone please tell me how to change the owner of a harddrive from root to mark ?21:11
MarkGilUbuntu 10.4 RC just busted my system.  It's done something odd with grub2 and now Win7 no longer boots :-(  Known problem?21:11
anodesnimark1: go to drive, sudo chown -R mark.mark *21:11
fisonssudo chown mark <path>21:11
MarkGilupgrade from 9;0421:11
anodesnimark1: though I'm not sure about the *21:11
MyrttiMarkGil: you need to change the mount options so the owner is set to you21:11
guntbert!lucid | MarkGil21:11
ubottuMarkGil: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party21:11
yaaari've just installed the lucid rc on my laptop; smooth as silk! one question though; is there a quick way to move the close/minimize/maximize buttons back over to the upper righthand corner instead of the upper lefthand corner?21:11
Myrttimark1: ^21:12
MyrttiMarkGil: sorry bout that, mis-nickcomplete21:12
theJKHEveryone excited for Thursday?21:12
[InT]Intelligatecan anyone tell me where i can find an ircop?21:12
=== [InT]Intelligate is now known as Witney
Prathmesh can anyone tell me what should I do after mountin CD as source ?21:13
DeathMetalDeanhow u open itunes after downloading it21:13
MyrttiWitney: #freenode21:13
PrathmeshI want to upgrade21:13
DeathMetalDeanill give u an upgrade21:13
anodesniDeathCrawler: pay hundreds of dollars for a proprietary os and click on it!21:13
erUSULPrathmesh: are you using alternate cd to do a distribution upgrade ?21:13
Scunizimark1: to change the owner you have to know the mount point.. something like /media/sda1 .. so once you know that then "sudo chown -R mark:mark /media/sda1"21:13
guntbertanodesni: please stay helpful21:13
anodesniguntbert: ok sry21:14
dugger5688Are the close/minimize buttons going to be moved back in release? The new style makes no sense, since it puts the close button right over the file menu.21:14
anodesniguntbert: though it is true, and the only solution next to wine21:14
Scunizimark1: you might not be able to see it in IRC but there is a colon ":" between mark & mark21:14
dotnettedHey all - just installed kvm into ubuntu 9.1 - when I run "virsh -c qemu://system list" I get: "Cannot access CA certificate" - I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation -- what could I be doing wrong? Thanks21:14
gnucodemonkeyAnyone has any ideea how can I see if I am using caps lock or num luck on ubuntu with a dell laptop?21:15
dotnettedThe instructions on the ubuntu community pg dont mention having to create a cert21:15
yaaarnevermind; i found it...gconf-editor to the rescue again21:15
gnucodemonkeyI don't have leds to indicate me what I am using.21:15
datacrusherwell, its always that way. if you try to please everyone, half of them thinks its a shit.21:15
dugger5688mark1: sudo chown mark:mark /media/$DRIVE21:15
guntbert!language | datacrusher21:15
ubottudatacrusher: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:15
PrathmeshHello anyone available ?21:15
mark1Scunizi, so like this:    sudo chown -R mark:mark "/media/Media 1500"21:15
Scunizidugger5688: he probably needs teh -R switch to make it recursive21:16
datacrushersorry guntbert21:16
apparle_I am having problem with mencoder, which I doubt to be bug. anyone expert on mencoder who could help21:16
Myrttimark1: you might break up something with that. What kind of a drive is it? FAT or NTFS?21:16
Scunizimark1: if the name has a space then like this "sudo chown -R mark:mark /media/"Media 1500"21:16
LzrdKinghey, when an ubuntu iso is released, then after a while packages will be updated, will the iso ever get updated as well, or is the release the release until the next one?21:16
Scunizimark1: without the first set of "'s in the front of sudo21:16
MyrttiLzrdKing: LTS releases will get point releases to their cd's.21:16
guntbertPrathmesh: you want to upgrade from what version to what version?21:16
erUSULLzrdKing: only LTS get updated isos from time to time21:16
ChaosRhiya, how do I enable an application to create SOCK_RAW without giving the app full root access?21:16
MarkGilany ideas how I can fix grub2 so it can boot Win7 again?  Or has Ubuntu upgrade trashed my Win7 ?21:17
mark1Scunizi oh i see21:17
mark1Myrtti its ntfs21:17
yaaarso, is there no way to setup a chat account in empathy without saving your password?21:17
luis__I need urgent help: when some pages dont wanna charge I am redirectioned to a search engine called oxide search. Its extremely annoying, because I have to close firefox to enter to the desired page, i need help pls21:17
LzrdKingso jauty and karmic isos will be the same forever, but lucid's iso will change over time?21:17
Scunizimark1: linux works with but makes it cumbersom to have file names with a space.. I've gotten use to using an underline for the space .. ie Media_150021:17
* AnxiousNut is back (gone 00:05:34)21:18
* AnxiousNut is away: I might not be here right now21:18
anodesniyaaar: I think you can leave the password blank, just press enter21:18
=== zand is now known as xand
Myrttimark1: then chmodding will do little good to you. You need to study mount options and set the ownership of the drive to your preferred user at mount instead of trying chmodding21:18
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mark1Scunizi yea that makes sense, ill try stick to it from now on21:18
luis__I need urgent help: when some pages dont wanna charge I am redirectioned to a search engine called oxide search. Its extremely annoying, because I have to close firefox to enter to the desired page, i need help pls21:18
erUSULChaosR: with capabilities http://www.outflux.net/blog/archives/2010/02/09/easy-example-of-fscaps/21:18
guntbert!away > AnxiousNut21:18
ubottuAnxiousNut, please see my private message21:18
MyrttiAnxiousNut: turn that off please.21:18
erUSULChaosR: disclaimer: i dunno if ubuntu has the kernel support for it. try it and see21:18
yaaaranodesni: no, the 'forward' button is ghosted until i type something in both user and password boxes21:19
apparle_If I have a problem with mencoder, should I report it on launchpad/ubuntu or upstream21:19
luis__I need urgent help: when some pages dont wanna charge I am redirectioned to a search engine called oxide search. Its extremely annoying, because I have to close firefox to enter to the desired page, i need help pls21:19
anodesniyaaar: do you mean password for e.g. msn?21:19
AnxiousNutguntbert,ubottu,Myrtti: sorry i was testing xchat didnt know it was doing that!21:19
guntbert!repeat | luis__21:19
ubottuluis__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:19
yaaaranodesni: yes (in this case google talk)21:20
guntbertAnxiousNut: thats why we asked you politely :-)21:20
anodesniyaaar: then you always need a password21:20
ChaosRerUSUL: thanks, I'm gonna try that now21:20
yaaaranodesni: i know i always need it....what i want is for the program to ask me for it every time i start empathy. in other words, i want empathy to *not* save my password21:20
AnxiousNutguntbert: k thanks, just turned off everything21:21
mark1Scunizi, "sudo chown -R mark:mark /media/Media 1500" it says  no such file or directory21:21
anodesniyaaar: ah, I see21:21
ghotiluis__, perhaps if you phrased your question better, it would be easier to answer.  For example, I don't know what "when some pages dont wanna charge" means.21:21
snowhousewhat is the best video editor for ubuntu?21:21
luis__some pages dont wanna load :)21:21
Scunizimark1: put another quote mark in front of Media21:21
Scunizimark1: and eliminate the one in front of sudo21:21
anodesniyaaar: You could use the gnome keyring?21:21
Hillshumsnowhouse: Cinelerra is the most powerful21:21
ghotiluis__, that's probably something your Internet provider is doing with their DNS servers.  Try changing to other DNS servers and see if the problem continues.21:22
ChaosRerUSUL: too bad, doesn't work21:22
yaaaranodesni: so in other words empathy has no way to just create an account without saving the password? that's ridiculous21:22
snowhousei want to be able to compile images with sound overlays21:22
erUSULChaosR: grep CAPA /boot/config-$(uname -r) ---> CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES=y21:22
mark1Scunizi, thanks21:22
snowhousewill it work eaily?21:22
anodesniyaaar: I'm not sure21:22
Hillshumsnowhouse: PiTiVi is more simply, also try OpenShot and kdenlive21:22
erUSULChaosR: the support is there though21:22
sekuoirhey can some send to the off topic room21:22
M4nfr3Dhello, have an issue (again) after ./configure gtmess, the 'make' cmd don't work, any idea ?21:22
Scunizimark1: all part of the process..21:22
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sekuoirhey can some send to the off topic room21:23
luis__ghoti: what u mean with changing to another dns21:23
ChaosRerUSUL: then I guess its wine that messing the things up here, hehe21:23
yaaaranodesni: wow. looks that way: https://bugs.launchpad.net/empathy/+bug/39165921:23
snowhouselinks to any of them?21:24
ghotisnowhouse: Blender is well loved. LiVEs gets some good press, but I couldn't make it work.21:24
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ghotisnowhouse: Google is your friend.21:24
snowhouseok ok21:24
AnxiousNuthow can i make 3d moving text in OpenShot just like this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh6yBqHpY10?21:24
Guest15640Prathmesh : yes ! always..21:24
anodesniyaaar: I see21:24
snowhousei wont be lazy21:24
Guest29475i like wine, but i usually mess up too when i have too much of it21:24
=== Guest29475 is now known as Dr-Ubuntu
tasslehoffMy car accepts mp3-cds, but only in ISO 9660-format. Can I force Brasero to use that format? If not, what other app could I use?21:25
Witneycan anyone tell me where i can find an ircop?21:25
yaaari'm frankly pretty floored that ubuntu has allowed empathy to be the default client when it forces you to store your passwords. particularly on systems that automatically log in a default user (which under many use cases will be used by multiple people, possibly with separate chat accounts) this is a security hole about a mile wide21:25
Dr-Ubuntu./stats o witney21:25
ghotitasslehoff: you could roll your CDs by hand using `growisofs`21:25
ghotiWitney: #freenode21:25
yaaari mean, whatever...i can (and will) certainly install pidgin. but that doesn't mean what they shipped me wasn't broken21:25
ConcreteRoseViki is here21:26
ConcreteRosewhos there?21:26
Guest15640tasslehoff : why don't you use KRB..21:26
ghotiyaaar: or you could switch to irssi...21:26
Guest15640tasslehoff : why don't you use K3B..21:26
M4nfr3Dhi,  './configure' work well but 'make' return me 'no target specified and no makefile found' what do ?21:26
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tasslehoffghoti: ooh. exiting :)21:26
PiciWitney: Please /join #freenode   for an ircop.21:27
tasslehoffGuest15640: atm. I have no kde-apps installed, but I may have to :)21:27
anodesniWitney: we have one (guntbert)21:27
ghotitasslehoff: growisofs is really really easy to use...   growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -R -J /path/to/files21:28
yaaarghoti: meh. the cli is great for lots of stuff...but i've lost my love for it on chat/email/web type stuff. been years and years since i used mutt for instance...21:28
Picianodesni: Hes not 1) here, 2) a freenode staffer.21:28
mark1Scunizi so its not working, do you think its cause my hard drive is ntfs21:29
anodesniPici: I didn't noticed he left21:29
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ghotiyaaar: email and irc are the things I find best done in text, thanks to GNU Screen.21:29
LzrdKing!info screen21:30
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-13ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 603 kB, installed size 1032 kB21:30
LzrdKingscreen is awesome21:30
plumwhy can my ubuntu install not find gparted? :/21:30
freezwayhow can I use scp through a proxy?21:30
ghotifreezway: what kind of proxy?21:30
freezwayim at school, i am on windows...21:31
ghotican't see how you could do that...21:31
plumE: couldn't find package gparted21:31
freezwaytrying to acess my file on my home comp21:31
firevaigood day all21:31
ghotifreezway: maybe you could install a FUSE filesystem?21:31
freezwayi can SSH into my comp, I am rite now21:31
ghotiwhat ssh client?21:32
firevaii need some ati/xorg help.. there appears not to be resolution settings in my xorg.conf file, and i cant set my desktop resolution.. i installed the ati-xorg-server in synaptec and rebooted.. what am i missing21:32
wasutton3i am looking for a way to track objects in 3d (and be able to update them and their positions autonomously) is there anything like that?21:32
freezwayi have putty, which i can run like the command scp, but I need to know how to tell it about the proxy21:32
yaaarghoti: LzrdKing yeah screen rules21:32
firevaifreezway, did you set permissions correctly.. give rights to the files you want?21:33
ghotifreezway: I don't see how SCP could run through an HTTP proxy without some kind of special handler on the remote end.  How does putty SSH to the outside?  SOCKS?  NAT?21:33
zenlunaticfirevai, did you google ubuntu reconfigure xorg21:33
mark1does anyone know why my sudo chown has no affect on my ntfs hard drive ?21:33
firevaiyes.. but i gotta look again i guess lol21:33
tasslehoffghoti: what does -R and -J do? can't see it in the manpage. I'm burning to a cd, not a dvd, so I guess I should use /dev/cdrom21:33
erUSULmark1: file permissions in ntfs drives are controlled via mount options21:34
freezwayi Putty i run just like ssh, its basiccly a clone on the linux command21:34
ghotitasslehoff: -R is for RockRidge extensions, -J is Joliet.  you can `man mkisofs` for details.21:34
freezwayo the outside?  SOCKS?  NAT?21:34
freezway13:33 < zenlunatic> firevai, did you google ubuntu reconfigure xorg21:34
mark1erUSUL, thanks so do you know how i can change the owner ?21:34
=== The is now known as Guest24823
ghotifreezway: how does putty get to the outside?  SOCKS?  NAT?  Which?21:35
zenlunaticmark1, maybe bash doesnt recognize ntfs file permissions.... just my guess21:35
erUSULmark1: remount it with correct option? how did you mounted it?21:35
firevaiok that didnt help.. did nothing for my vid settings.. just kbd21:36
tasslehoffghoti: ok. it says the media is not recognized as a recordable dvd. I'll have to research some more. thanks.21:36
freezway13:33 -!- dusterl [~quassel@ip-90-186-249-130.web.vodafone.de]I am on windows, running putty from my flash drive. I am behind a http proxy, proxy.beavton.k12.or.us and I can ssh in using putty, but idk how to scp21:37
icerootfreezway: use an scp-client on windows21:37
icerootfreezway: winscp or something like that21:37
bastidrazorfreezway: winscp21:37
freezwayiceroot: i have one, but its a terminal app (no problem) but I dont know how to add stuff for proxy21:38
icerootfreezway: ##windows i guess because its windows-software21:38
khunter619How to remove linux-backports-modules-karmic ?21:39
khunter619I got it from here: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-karmic21:40
icerootkhunter619: sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename21:40
khunter619iceroot: thanks21:40
Witneycan anyone tell me where i can find an ircop?21:41
hax0ri have a question for you21:41
bastidrazorWitney: how many times do you need to be told before you listen?21:41
erUSULWitney: #ubuntu-ops or #freenode. you have been told this many times already21:42
mark1erUSUL, how do i put options when i mount it, cause it just automatically mounted it21:42
hax0ri want to create a usb boot key of windows seven with my iso21:42
vex__if i have a camera i want to hook up to my computer and program to use in one of my projects how do i go about doing that21:42
erUSULmark1: install ntfs-config and run it « gksudo ntfs-config »21:42
aj00200hax0r: can't you just write it to the drive?21:42
hax0rbut i don't manage to do it. I do a dd on ntfs partition but it doesn't work21:42
mark1erUSUL, thanks21:42
screenshotI compiled the kernel. I get this error when setup.21:43
erUSULvex__: webcam ¿?21:43
hax0rno it doesn't work21:43
sanderqdhey, i was wondering whether it's possible to install ubuntu just using bootcamp, and not changing the EFI or other scary stuff? (am i in the right channel?)21:44
erUSULscreenshot: why are you compiling your kernel ?21:44
mark1erUSUL, i installed it how do i run it ?21:44
hax0ri write it with dd21:44
vex__erUSUL: its like a disposible digital camera that i want to somehow get into and write a program to store images once they are taken21:44
erUSULmark1: « gksudo ntfs-config » in the alt + f2 dialog for example21:44
ConcreteRoseViki was here.21:44
mark1erUSUL thanks21:45
screenshoterUSUL, Ralink 3070 chipset does not work because the usb wireless adapter21:45
khunter619how do I view logs saved in X-Chat Gnome. Gedit says Could not open the file /home/asus/Desktop/#ubuntu-2010-04-27-13h38.log.21:46
erUSULscreenshot: not even after installing linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic ?21:46
erUSULvex__: i dunno sorry21:47
thesteo82guys, i have firefox set as my default browser, but links i follow from bash still go to konqueror. any ideas?21:47
ringerkhunter619, check the file permissions21:47
screenshoterUSUL, yes21:47
=== Guest24823 is now known as Leprechaun
GSF1200Sis there something im missing? I CANNOT connect to my unencypted router using the command line, but nm-applet has no issue connecting. Is there some pid im supposed to kill or lock im supposed to rm before I use the command line if nm-applet is installed?21:48
hax0rwho has done a usb keys with windows seven on ubuntu ?21:48
khunter619ringer: I changed file permissions to read & write21:48
GSF1200SI just connected about 20 minutes ago on arch without an issue21:48
erUSULscreenshot: :/. the pastebin is unclear. (not known language) try again the commands but with LC_ALL=C in fron of them21:48
mark1erUSUL, do you know why i can see that hard drive in the ntfs config options21:49
erUSULscreenshot: i.e. LC_ALL=C sudo dpkg -i file.deb21:49
screenshotim understand21:49
khunter619ringer: still it gives Could not open the file /home/asus/Desktop/#ubuntu-2010-04-27-13h38.log. gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.21:49
khunter619Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.21:49
khunter619Select a character coding from the menu and try again.21:49
ringerkhunter619, how did you create the file?21:49
constantinis there any french there ?21:50
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois21:50
khunter619ringer: X-Chat Gnome ==> Discussion ==> Save Transcript21:50
Lenin_Cathow do I install a x32 package on x64?21:50
erUSULLenin_Cat: you shouldn't21:50
boskodpkg --force-architecture -i <package_name>21:50
Lenin_CaterUSUL, but theres no x64 package21:51
erUSULLenin_Cat: there are no guaranties that it will work21:51
Lenin_CaterUSUL, ok?21:51
erUSULLenin_Cat: you have to install ia32-libs too21:51
Lenin_CatI have it installed21:51
boskoinstall ia32-libs too21:51
Lenin_CatI have it installed21:51
Lenin_Catso how do I do it?21:52
ringerkhunter619, on xchat 2.8.6 I do Settings > Preferences > Chatting > Logging21:52
erUSULLenin_Cat: bosko already told you how21:52
Lenin_Catoh sorry21:52
chrisreich Lenin_Cat why not compile 64-bit executable from source code on your 64-bit installation?21:52
boskoLenin_Cat: I've just installed lightscribe x32 package and it is working.21:52
sinisterstufwho can tell me where i can download the driver for the dku-5 cable?21:52
ringerkhunter619, is that a different version of xchat? perhaps you need to try #xchat channel for help21:52
Lenin_Catif wont work21:52
aj00200Does anyone know where to get drivers for a HP deskjet 960c?21:52
Lenin_Catill uninstall it21:52
boskoLenin_Cat: but there is no guarantee that 32 bit package will work.21:53
khunter619ringer: I have XChat-GNOME 0.26.121:53
Lenin_Catill uninstall it21:53
Lenin_Catif it wont work21:53
khunter619ringer: I got it from Synaptic Package Manager21:53
ringerkhunter619, as I said, probably best try /j #xchat21:53
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erUSULaj00200: hp drivers come included.21:54
erUSUL!info hplip21:54
ubottuhplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.9.8-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 291 kB, installed size 956 kB21:54
sinisterstufwhere can i get dku-5 drivers? anyone?21:55
aj00200erUSUL: it does not seem to print black correctly21:55
sinisterstuf!hi | youssie21:55
ubottuyoussie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:55
youssieyes it works..............21:55
Guest15640aj00200 : http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/ProductList.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=18972&prodSeriesId=28175&taskId=13521:55
erUSULscreenshot: a cable does not need drivers... or i am missing something ?21:55
aj00200Guest15640: ok. I'll look21:55
omabenai'm trying to install samba on ubuntu, but i don't see it on the remote server, something i can try21:55
erUSULsinisterstuf: cable does not need drivers... or i am missing something ?21:56
sinisterstuferUSUL: well... it comes with a CD with drivers on, but they are for windows21:56
erUSULscreenshot: sorry21:56
Buhmillionhey guys, i have a  working dansguardian setup running, any idea how to setup virus-scanning on it?21:56
screenshoterUSUL, no problem21:56
sinisterstuferUSUL: all exe files to install the stuff, since the CD came with the cable and the CD is called dku-5 i assume the drivers are for the cable21:56
javatexanhey guys, is there a safe way to dump the contents of /tmp...wow there is a lot of goodies there.21:56
Buhmillionjavatexan, "sudo cp /tmp ~/tmp"21:57
sinisterstufthis channel is always so hectic21:58
plumhey, i am trying to boot from grub on my internal harddrive, with linux installed on a secondary removable harddrive. i am wondering what i would need to edit in /etc/fstab to change the boot partition to be found on /sda (my internal harddrive)21:58
plumCan someone please help me with this?21:58
ringermy browser(s) not working. Suspect problem with port 80 (because I can irc ok). How can I check/test port 80?21:58
sinisterstufplum: i think you would use gparted to do that21:59
Buhmillionringer, you don't need to open a port to web browse, its something else.21:59
ringerBuhmillion, so how come I can irc but not browse. Any suggestions?22:00
plumsinisterstuf: someone told me that i need to create /boot for grub to read it, and have that be in /sda. currently it is in /sdb so i created a partition for it already. now i need to change /etc/fstab to tell grub to mount a different partition and re-run grub-install22:00
plumdoes that sound accurate?22:00
zebastianringer: check the settings so you don't use a proxy or something22:00
sinisterstufringer: perhaps your browser is not using the system wide proxy settings?22:00
Buhmillionringer, probably something with the browser? load up a ubuntu live cd and check firefox functionality22:00
ConcreteRoseYou mean SharpAmature22:01
mmicaHey. How to block a shortcut (alt+f4) for some apps? I use FluxBox and Ubuntu 9.1022:01
sinisterstufplum: i don't know anything about fstab unfortunately, sorry, can't help :(22:01
aj00200Ok, now how do I set up a network share with my printer and windows on Ubuntu 9.1022:01
plumokay. thanks anyway.22:01
sinisterstufplum: have you checked help.ubuntu.com ?22:01
Buhmillionmmica, System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts > alt f422:02
ringerBuhmillion, sinisterstuf zebastian it seems to be intermittent. That is why I suspect port problems. Chrome & Firefox both the same problem22:02
mmicathanks ;]22:02
plumsinisterstuf: my question is very precise and very hard to find any answers relative to it on there. haha22:02
Osei'm having some problems with my computer shutting down for no reason. It happens very fast, so i'm unable to read any error messages, etc. anything I can do to figure it out?22:02
NanashiMy Windows partition got pwnd by viruses. Anyone know a good program to wipe them out with from Linux?22:02
sinisterstufplum: oh, i had hoped that by reading about fstab on there you might learn enough to figure out what to do, I'd be interested to know too22:03
Buhmillionringer, again, it could be something with the browser/OS/ driver/ whatever is handling http, so use ubuntu live cd as a test22:03
sinisterstufNanashi: i delete them by hand... but it sounds like your job will be too big, and you might not know what to look for22:03
Buhmillionnanashi, not really22:03
eric_nwquick question on apt. what's the easiest way to install a package and its dependencies all using a particular version that's not the latest?22:03
sebsebsebNanashi: if your Windows partitio is infected, you should get data off it, and start over really22:03
ShakeyJakeBusy channel: can anyone help with a Samba config file? I have everything working, I just need to specify which folders are shared, currently it's my entire /home directory. Cheers guys.22:03
plumsinisterstuf: ah, yes, i thought you meant something else. no i should go look into fstab.22:03
theJKHEveryone excited for Thursday?22:04
chonchoni'm totally new22:04
BuhmillionShakeyJake, just uncomment the part in there already about homw folders22:04
Nanashisinisterstuf: Yeah, I went through and deleted anything suspicious. F-Prot says I've got 1 infected file but I know it should be more.22:04
sebsebsebNanashi: you can use as many security tools as you like for cleaning up a Windows partition, but you can't quarrantee  that  they have done the job properly,  even if they have, and so on22:04
yaaarany thinkfinger gurus around? i just installed it on the lucid rc (using the integrated reader on my dell xps m1330) and it works for some things and not others. i used tf-tool --acquire as my normal user, and /usr/lib/pam-thinkfinger/pam-thinkfinger-enable and the /etc/pam.d/common-auth file looks like the docs say it should. gksudo and sudo from the cli work with swipes, but i can't login...22:04
yaaar...or unlock the screen with them22:04
sinisterstufNanashi: F-Prot?22:04
Nanashisinisterstuf: Interweb said it'd be a good think to scan with22:05
sinisterstufNanashi: oh, never heard of it. i've used avast, and avg free.22:05
Buhmillionhey guys, i have a  working dansguardian setup running, any idea how to setup virus-scanning on it?22:05
sinisterstufNanashi: but viruses will always be an issue in win22:06
Nanashisinisterstuf: I installed AVG just before it went down. It was all glitchy and I couldn't run a system scan.22:06
sebsebsebNanashi: above  that was meant to be, even if it seems that they have.  plus your computer might be being used by malicious people once infected, so a good idea to do a clean install of the operating system.22:06
BuhmillionNanashi, AVG < AVAST22:06
Buhmillionnanashi, just do claen install, theres no way to be sure22:07
sinisterstufNanashi: i agree with sebsebseb, save your important data and reformat22:07
Guest15640Nanashi : do use free anti-virus, instead look kaspersky; download and install, be virus free..22:07
sinisterstuflol @ Guest1564022:08
NanashiT__T I dun wanna hafta do a clean install. I struggled with windows far too long to lose all my settings now. I'll do what I can from Ubuntu but if all else fails...22:08
sebsebsebNanashi: I could even give you articles about how anti virus and such in Windows is rather useless, once infected22:08
Buhmillionwait, unrelated, but how do you pronounce kaspersky, i think its kass per skee22:08
=== neosimago1 is now known as neosimago
sinisterstufBuhmillion: kasPERskii22:09
ShakeyJake@Bumhillion, how do I then choose what is shared?22:09
sinisterstufNanashi: obliterate your windows partition hahahaha it's what i did and i've never regretted it, except some games don't work so nice22:10
BuhmillionNanashi, heres a tip. Reinstall windows, delete all bloatware, install drivers, configure settings, and then.... IMAGE IT!!!! then you have a perfect copy of your perfect system for next time22:10
Nanashisinisterstuf: I bought this computer specifically to play games though22:10
FaratlNeed help. I dowloaded the vbox ose and im trying to install windows but everytime i get to the formatting step it just sits at 20% and freezes up. Any suggestions?22:10
=== The is now known as Guest54085
NanashiBuhmillion: good idea! Uhm, How do I make an image?22:10
siropiois there an editor so i can de-TAB what i have select?22:11
siropioi use geany22:11
siropioa lot22:11
sinisterstufNanashi: what kind of games? i think part of my problem is not-so-legally aquired games.....22:11
trinikronosiropio: gedit?22:11
snap--Nanashi - why not get a live disk?22:11
OseFaratl: boo, I thought someone was answering /my/ question :(22:11
sebsebsebsinisterstuf: yeah reformatting, but sometimes that won't even be good enough,  so got to do a proper hard disk install instead.  Really what people that must have Windows for a few apps since Wine won't cut it for example, and apps that aren't 3D,  is if the computer can handle it, enough RAM and such,  is run Windows in a virtual machine inside a more secure OS such as Ubuntu.  Then if they get infected they can easilly use a clean copy of the vm22:11
sebsebsebfor example,  and can copy them like a normal file.22:11
Guest15640Nanashi : instead use playstation...!22:11
penociowhere is the config file which contains screen resolution and font sizes, in kde latest kubuntu. i have tried going to settings and display/appearance but at reboot it changes back.2. i have increased ram from 512 to 512m+1g. (p4 2.8ghz HT tech) but i still observe same speed/performance. why?22:11
siropiotrinikrono, what is the shortcut for de-TAB?22:11
sebsebsebNanashi: which games?   can get quite a lot of Windows games working quite well in Wine for example22:11
BuhmillionNanashi, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+image+a+partition22:11
Nanashisinisterstuf: Knights of The Old Republic (legal), MMOs, Fable TLC (Legal)22:12
trinikronosiropio: you know i dont what de tab is22:12
trinikronojust now22:12
sebsebsebsinisterstuf: uh above,  proper hard disk clean install,  that was meant to be22:12
sinisterstufNanashi: i think those work in ubuntu22:12
Nanashisinisterstuf: I don't do all that much illegal gaming. And I don't even have bittorent on the windows partition22:12
penociowhere is the config file which contains screen resolution and font sizes, in kde latest kubuntu. i have tried going to settings and display/appearance but at reboot it changes back.2. i have increased ram from 512 to 512m+1g. (p4 2.8ghz HT tech) but i still observe same speed/performance. why?22:12
sinisterstufNanashi: i don't often torrent stuff, i just hate DRM22:13
sebsebsebNanashi: have you tried you're games in Wine.  also may be a bit slow or something,  but 3D Windows gaming can work in Virtualbox 3.0+22:13
Nanashisinisterstuf: Ah, well, I used to torrent a lot... But none of that is stored on this computer22:13
BuhmillionNanashi, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+image+a+partition22:13
sinisterstufsebsebseb: i installed winXP in a virtual box, it sucked, maybe it's cos my pc's specs are too low....22:13
siropioi mean to get rid of the TABS when you are programming. for examples if you select a region of text and press TAB button they are getting in for a tab i want the reverse22:13
sebsebseb!piracy | Nanashi22:13
ubottuNanashi: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:13
sinisterstufsebsebseb: sorry22:14
NanashiOops, sorry guys22:14
sinisterstufsiropio: i use gedit, there is a plugin for it, then you can just select the code and press ctrl+T to tab22:14
sinisterstufsiropio: or ctrl+shit+T to untab22:14
sebsebsebNanashi: anyway as I was saying for the games22:14
sebsebsebNanashi: tried any of that?22:14
=== misnix is now known as StudyUrNme
yaaaranybody know why i can't login or unlock my screen using my fingerprint scanner and thinkfinger? i used tf-tool --acquire and /usr/lib/pam-thinkfinger/pam-thinkfinger-enable ...and sudo/gksudo work great22:14
sebsebsebNanashi: also do you play those games online?22:14
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Nanashisebsebseb: Some22:15
siropiosinisterstuf, thanks a lot :) you are right UN-tab is more precice :P22:15
faxdoes anyone use ubuntu on a computer like this: http://www.gearfuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/new-mac-pro.jpg22:15
sebsebsebNanashi: have you tried the games in Wine or Virtualbox mabye Windows virtual machine?22:15
snap--if Nanashi 'struggled with windows for far too long' then i'm not sure you guys should be recommending relatively advanced things like partitioning.  Nanashi, google for 'live CD' or 'live DVD' and find an image from a repuatble website to download and burn, then you can boot into linux and run from memory.22:15
sinisterstufNanashi: unfortunately i am under a lot of pressure at uni and don't get much time for gaming anymore, hoewver, when i get the new perfect world you should all come play with me, it works in wine :)22:15
faxI would love to ask anyone who does if it is robust or does it have a prolbem where it sometiems breaks22:16
penociowhere is the config file which contains screen resolution and font sizes, in kde latest kubuntu. i have tried going to settings and display/appearance but at reboot it changes back.2. i have increased ram from 512 to 512m+1g. (p4 2.8ghz HT tech) but i still observe same speed/performance. why?22:16
sinisterstufsiropio: you're welcome. was my answer helpful to you?22:16
nokia3510What is the kernel boot option for doing a text mode install ? I tried appending text already to no avail22:16
Nanashisnap--: I know my way around my machine. I only have a windows partition for gaming.22:16
_bob_kI may have found a bug in Empathy.  Is this the right place to address it?22:17
mozillanerdpenocio: trye /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:17
siropiosinisterstuf, kind of i tried in Geany and i had some weird results22:17
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NanashiI'll look into setting up a virtual box, thanks guys.22:17
ringersinisterstuf, zebastian while I was waiting for live cd to boot, browser started working. Any ideas what may be happening?22:17
mum-n-dadgot a problem22:17
mum-n-dad* Starting FTP server: vsftpd                                         [ OK ]22:17
=== someone is now known as skunkworks
mum-n-dadbut i get22:17
mum-n-dad<--- 530 This FTP server is anonymous only.22:17
mum-n-dadwhere's the vsftpd.conf and how do i restart it?22:17
FloodBot1mum-n-dad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
sinisterstufringer: that's strange22:17
sebsebsebNanashi: going back to earlier, if your WIndows install is infected,  you should clean insall the operating system, for various reasons.  Windows support is off topic in here though.  Virtualbox might be ok for your games,  depending on your hardware,  Wine may work as well.22:17
sebsebsebNanashi: try Wine first22:18
Gangrelcan someone tell me how to partition the main hdd (the one that has ubuntu on it)?22:18
Nanashisebsebseb: I will22:18
sebsebsebNanashi: and you can maybe get app help in #winehq  if they don't seem to work22:18
ringersinisterstuf, yeah, it's been happening on and off for a couple of weeks. Ever since I went fulltime Ubuntu22:18
khunter619When I sudo modprobe ath9k I get error: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206880/22:18
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Nanashisebsebseb: Except, I already know that KoTOR won't run in wine. I just tried it earlier22:18
faxokay since nobody can tell me I will just try it myself and hope for the best22:18
switch10_Gangrel: you must use a LiveCD so you can unmount the filesystem..22:18
sinisterstufringer:  i really don't know, if the problem persists perhaps you should report it?22:19
aj00200How would I set up a printer share with windows XP. The printer is on my Ubuntu computer22:19
sinisterstufNanashi: perhaps you just need to fiddle with the settings?22:19
Nanashisinisterstuf: perhaps22:19
faxhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt -- which one do you put on a USB ?22:19
ringersinisterstuf, if only ther was someone I could report it to - am on my own here22:19
CaptainTrekhey, where is the SSH public key stored?  i'm tryin to find it to upload to a server for authentication22:19
powertool08!samba > aj0020022:19
ubottuaj00200, please see my private message22:19
robohi: i have a ide hard drive reader i'm that i'm trying to mount so i can have access to the ide hard drive. It works via usb. When I plug it in no window comes up. Any advise?22:19
sebsebsebNanashi: well ideally only use a pshyical install when you really have to, otherwise Ubuntu or some other more secure OS.  and if you only use WIndows for your games, you will probably be alright22:19
khunter619sudo modprobe ath9k == http://paste.pocoo.org/show/206880/ ???22:20
sinisterstufringer: report it as a bug on the site22:20
switch10_CaptainTrek: you want to log in with out a password?22:20
powertool08aj00200: More specifically, you need a [printers] section in your /etc/samba/smb.conf file22:20
Nanashisebsebseb: Kk, I've already got some experience with virtualbox. I already had a virtual machine of my Ubuntu partition running in windows so I just need to do the same thing but backwards.22:21
aj00200thanks powertool0822:21
ringersinisterstuf, its a problem with browsers not working on my computer, not with any site22:21
sebsebsebNanashi: well22:21
sinisterstufrobo: perhaps it is there but just the window doesn't open, click Places and see if it's there22:21
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sebsebsebNanashi: the games you want to play are they 3D or 2D?22:21
Nanashisebsebseb: 3D22:21
trinikronorobo: normally just in places then computer then refresh, if not try a different usb port, and possibly another pc.22:21
switch10_CaptainTrek: it should be stored in ~/.ssh22:21
sebsebsebNanashi: 3D  Windows gaming  well  there are some settings for them in Virtualbox, but22:21
sinisterstufringer: yeah, i mean report the browser problem on the ubuntu site where you report bugs, let me loog for it22:21
sebsebsebNanashi: they will probably run slow, if they  work,  depending on the hardware,  #vbox for more info about that22:22
sebsebsebNanashi: 2D gaming on the other hand, I think will work well for most/all games in Virutalbox22:22
Nanashisebsebseb: Most/All 2D games work just fine under Wine anyway22:22
robosinisterstuf and trinikrono, I don't see it under places. However, when i do an usbls i see it listed -- so ubuntu see's it.. it just doesn't mount it.22:22
sebsebsebNanashi: uhmm I am not so sure about that, but older ones are more likely to work than newer22:23
robosinisterstuf and trinikrono -- err lsusb22:23
ringersinisterstuf, ah, got you. I can look for that thanks - as long as my browser keeps working ;)22:23
sebsebsebNanashi: 2D that is22:23
sinisterstufringer: hahaha goodluck22:23
Guest15640Nanashi : instead use playstation...!22:23
trinikronorobo: are you sure the partition is good?22:23
sebsebsebNanashi: if you re install Windowws like was suggested with good reason, and then only use it for the 3D games,  you will probably be alright.  won't just get infected with a virus for example that way22:23
penociomozillanerd:  theres only xorg.conf.failsafe.  why.22:23
khunter619what does this mean: WARNING: Error inserting ath9k_hw (/lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/updates/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/ath9k_hw.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)22:24
ConcreteRoseTik tik boom22:24
robotrinikrono, yes22:24
roboit worked earlier22:24
hatter_i did some sort of non-standard install, now i am missing things like 'hardware drivers' in the system menu, is there something i can install to install the common desktop ?22:24
robonow it doesn't :-/22:24
trinikronorobo: try a different usb port22:24
roboyea, tried a bunch22:24
trinikronorestart the pc too?22:24
roboand tried combinations of plugging in the drive, plug in usb. plug in usb first, then plug in the drive22:25
Nanashisebsebseb: Part of the problem is it took me a week to install windows last time I tried.22:25
roboubuntu "sees" it -- i just need to figure out how to tell ubuntu to mount it22:25
sebsebsebNanashi: Why?22:25
Spoofscriptare you guys good for asking questions re: iptables config or is there somewhere else for networking-specific help?22:25
trinikronorobo: if you plug into another pc it works now?22:25
roboit worked on a windows PC but it couldn't read it because it's an ext3 partition22:25
facefacefacewhat is a dummy package22:26
robobut windows 'saw' it22:26
facefacefacelibsvn-javahl - Java bindings for Subversion (dummy package)22:26
ARfor dummies22:26
powertool08Spoofscript: here or #networking22:26
facefacefaceAR: aaaah22:26
robosinisterstuf and trinikrono, I don't have another ubuntu box to try it on22:26
* facefaceface is a dummy22:26
Spoofscriptpowertool08: thanks :)22:26
_bob_kI may have found a bug in Empathy. Is this the right place to address it?22:26
Nanashisebsebseb: Microsoft. I have two install XP install disks with uses left in them and neither worked22:26
* facefaceface sucks it and sees...22:26
sebsebsebNanashi: what was that?22:26
trinikronorobo: you where not poking around in fstab where you22:26
Nanashisebsebseb: Microsoft. I have two install XP install disks with uses left in them and neither worked.22:27
jbwivguys, I experience pretty regular system freezes. Hard freezes... magic sysrq won't even work. Replaced video card, no dice. Replaced RAM, and it seemed to fix if for a few days, but after upgrading to Lucid, seems the lockups are back. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Could it be the motherboard? Something with Linux itself?22:27
d4nonwhere do I talk kde issues?22:27
sebsebsebNanashi: uses left in them ???22:27
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sebsebsebd4non: you can try here or #kubuntu22:27
Nanashisebsebseb: XP disks have a limited number of installs22:27
robotrinikrono, no i wasn't22:27
dagny_taggartjbwiv: hard lockups usually indicate overheating22:27
d4nonI've got a problem, can't alt+tab no matter what22:27
jbwivdagny_taggart, really? interesting22:27
d4nonkde 4.422:27
Nanashisebsebseb: It's so that Microsoft can keep you from using software you paid for.22:27
jbwivdagny_taggart, I can't get lm_sensors to work on my machine. It doesn't recognize my chipset. Any ideas on what I could use to see temps?22:28
trinikrono!mount > robo:22:28
crowHow to increase udev wait to mount harddriver defined with udev rules? i got : General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system. and just one from two harddrive is mounted..22:28
dagny_taggartjbwiv: maybe use the gnome system monitor to measure the activity of your cpu's?22:28
sebsebsebNanashi: sure and then you can phone up,  and  can use the install again,  Windows stuff is off topic in here really, so pm me or maybe we go to ##windows22:28
trinikrono!mount > robo22:28
ubotturobo, please see my private message22:28
_bob_kI may have found a bug in Empathy. Where is the right place to address it?22:28
trinikronorobo: that should give you some good stuff on mounting it22:29
jbwivdagny_taggart, oh, I do that. They're not too bad22:29
robotrinikrono, what am i supposed to mount?22:29
hatter_what do i do if 'hardware drivers' is not a menu option ?22:29
trinikronorobo: the ext3 partition on the usb22:29
ARguys im having trouble installing ubuntu on my laptop22:29
robotrinikrono how do I find out what partition it is?22:29
jbwivdagny_taggart, even when it freezes, not much going on. it's a beast of a machine. Dual quad core with 12 gb ram22:29
khunter619<_bob_k> https://bugs.launchpad.net22:29
trinikronorobo: you might need to run a fsck too22:29
sebsebseb!deatils | AR22:29
NobleIf I plug in a SATA drive to my mother board when the computer is running, could that be a problem? Will the disk function normally in linux?22:29
sebsebseb!details | AR22:29
ubottuAR: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:29
Nanashisebsebseb: I'll PM22:29
AR!details | AR22:29
sebsebsebNanashi: yep got it22:29
ubottuAR, please see my private message22:29
dagny_taggartjbwiv: check the fan in the psu is running properly22:29
robotrinikrono, it's an IDE device via usb -- i have no idea how to find what device to mount22:30
_bob_kThank you khunter619.22:30
ARsebsebseb, i cant install it22:30
ARi cant find the file to install after i download22:30
sebsebsebAR: you can't find the ISO?22:30
ARi cant find the installer22:30
snoflakewhere do you download drivers for linux from?22:30
trinikronorobo: you can install gnome partion editor22:30
sebsebsebAR: ok, but you got the ISO downloaded?22:31
x59Hi someone who help me?22:31
trinikronoin the add / remove22:31
powertool08!ask | x5922:31
ubottux59: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:31
Guest15640Noble : Yes ! SATA IS NOT HOT SWAP...! PROBLEM22:31
ARi downloaded the ubuntu install files yeah22:31
ARbut i cant find the installer22:31
x59I dont know if mi computer will run Ubuntu :(22:31
snoflakex59: it should...22:32
ARx59, im using my 4 gigabite ram computer for it22:32
ARif i can install it22:32
ARbut i cant find the install program22:32
sebsebsebAR: yes22:32
sebsebsebAR: ok22:32
snoflakeAR: did you download the .iso file?22:32
mmicax59: Ubuntu is not a M$ Vista ;P22:33
tvaughnis there a way to open a window over ssh onto a X server?22:33
ARyeah but where is install.exe22:33
sebsebsebAR: that's now how you install Ubuntu22:33
x59My computer is a little old u___u22:33
sebsebsebAR: well there is a way to do it from a .exe as well, but that's  useaully not the best idea22:33
x59I show you the especifications :D22:33
ARdo i need another program to install it?22:33
sebsebsebAR: an ISO is the contents of a CD22:33
Guest15640X59 : look up : http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/index22:33
LoshaNoble: my understanding is that the SATA spec says that devices are hot-swappable, but since all my SATA drives are newer and bigger than my IDE drives, I've never wanted to risk testing them. Also, just because the spec says the devices are hot-swappable, it doesn't mean the OS handles it gracefully. In my opinion, it's not worth the risk...22:33
powertool08tvaughn: try ssh -X22:33
ARall the other files dont work when i try to click them22:33
snoflakeAR: you need to burn the iso to a cd22:33
loquitusIs there a way for my to sync music to my jailbroken iphone with Ubuntu?22:33
mmicax59: How old? ;>22:33
sebsebsebAR: then  you can burn the contents of the ISO to a CD, and boot your computer from it  (ideally good idea to check that the download the ISO is good as well first)22:34
ARwell i dont want to lose my windows though22:34
powertool08tvaughn: -X is for X forwarding, also, if you are trying to get the windows to show up on windows, you need to run a X server with cygwin or something.22:34
sebsebsebAR: yes you don't have to22:34
snoflakeAR: don't click them, put the cd in the pc and then restart the pc and boot from the cd22:34
ARi heard that there is a way to ruin your windows and a way not to22:34
sebsebsebsnoflake: this is probably someone that will be better off with Wubi to begin with, let's find out first though22:34
Jordan_Uloquitus: iphones sync OOTB with 10.04, jailbroken or not.22:34
tvaughnpowertool08: im trying to pop up a message on a diff computer22:35
snoflakesebsebseb: you're probably right22:35
crowHow to increase udev wait to mount harddriver defined with udev rules? i got : General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL_D will terminate this shell and reboot the system. and just one from two harddrive is mounted..22:35
loquitusJordon_U: I am still on 9.1022:35
sebsebsebAR: Ubuntu can be installed in a few differnet ways22:35
ARi also hear that ubuntu is nigger linux and they send it to shitty africans because it is all they can use because they are dumb as shit22:35
x59Processor Mobile Intel Celeron M 330, 1400 MHz (14 x 100)22:35
FloodBot1AR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
Jordan_U!ipod | loquitus22:35
ubottuloquitus: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:35
powertool08tvaughn: Oh, not sure how to do that, sorry.22:35
sebsebsebAR: the best way is really  from the ISO once it has been burnt to a CD,  well at least for people that know computer reasoanbly well22:35
ARfuck it im not a nigger22:36
x59Memory RAM 224 MB  (PC2700 DDR SDRAM)22:36
sebsebsebAR: then you can set up a proper partitioned dual boot,  with Windows on your hard disk22:36
x59Video Adapter Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller  (64 MB)22:36
x59C: (NTFS)38146 MB (24452 MB free)22:36
bsmith093how do i login to a linksys router i just plugged in to my laptop via ethernet cable i haveno idea what the ip is22:36
sebsebsebsnoflake: oh it was a troll22:36
Loshacrow: First, why is your disk so slow to respond? Is it an external usb or something?22:36
snoflake!language | AR22:36
rolsworthanyone using chrome browser?22:36
ubottuAR: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:36
sebsebsebsnoflake: to late they got kicked and banned22:37
mmicax59: u can use a Mint 8 with a Fluxbox.22:37
Loshasebsebseb: it was a good troll. I didn't suspect....22:37
snoflakesebsebseb: awesome, yeah me neither, how were we to know22:37
sebsebsebtrue it was a good troll22:38
bsmith093login to a linksys router from my laptop no idea what the ip is help please22:38
snoflakesebsebseb: is the banning automatic?22:38
powertool08bsmith093: Probably
xompdoes ubuntu 10 come out tomorrow or something?22:39
snoflakexomp: 2 days :)22:39
fehrpHi all22:39
bsmith093i tried that its not the right router22:39
snoflake!hi | fehrp22:39
Loshasnoflake: no, it was done by tsimpson. It's hard to automate such things...22:39
ubottufehrp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:39
sebsebsebsnoflake: no tsimpson did it22:39
xompsnoflake, crap hah ok, was going to download and install 9 today but if it's coming in 2 days then might as well wait22:39
crowLosha no its internal disk, and its on SAS LSI, but somehow 10.4 rc just dont mount it and give me that above error, if i remove lines for that two hdds system boot fine..22:39
fehrpubuntu 10.4 rocks, but even if I put the mouse reaction time and acceleration to the max, the mouse still moves very slowly.22:39
snoflakexomp: yep yep, we're all waiting :)22:39
fehrphow can I go beyond maximum?22:40
Loshacrow: it might be a 10.04 bug. Ask about it on #ubuntu+1...22:40
xompsnoflake, I have ubuntu 8.04 LTS on my Linode server heh is 10 going to be LTS?22:40
snoflakeLosha, sebsebseb: oh, well... autokick would be awesome22:40
crowLosha i did noone respons22:40
ShakeyJakexomp: 10.04 is LTS yes22:40
Loshacrow: bummer...22:40
bsmith093is it posible to connect to a wired router and a wireless network at the same time22:40
canozanhello everyone, can anybody help me with a partitioning problemX22:41
Myrttieven though Lucid Lynx, 10.4 is just a few days away, it's not yet supported on this channel. If you have problems with your Lucid installation, please join #ubuntu+1 for support22:41
powertool08bsmith093: try cat /etc/resolv.conf, try whatever ip is after "nameserver"22:41
x59Mi computer can run Ubuntu? Hard Disk 38146 MB (24452 MB free) CPU Mobile Intel Celeron M 330, 1400 MHz (14 x 100) Video Adapter Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller  (64 MB)22:41
_blackwater_bsmith093 yep22:41
=== knoppel is now known as niktaris
bsmith093blackwater how22:41
fehrpSlow mouse speed in 10.4, anyone knows how to fix?22:41
seth_gi just installed 9.10 desktop and it is telling me there is a version mismatch with ubuntu one server22:41
ringerSinister, seems my problems are on my router 'blocked by DoS protection' can you confirm that is google's ip?22:41
seth_gupdates done22:41
_blackwater_bsmith093 what's not working22:41
snoflakefehrp: possibly try System > Preferences > Mouse22:42
x59Mi computer can run Ubuntu? Hard Disk 38146 MB (24452 MB free) CPU Mobile Intel Celeron M 330, 1400 MHz (14 x 100) Video Adapter Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller  (64 MB)22:42
Loshabsmith093: yes it is possible, as far a Ubuntu is concerned, it's not much different than with any box that has 2 nics...22:42
fehrpsnoflake: I did and the bars are all at the maximum speed, but it's still too slow22:42
seth_gi have 3 fresh 9.10 installs. i would either like ubuntu one to work or samba... are there any other sharing alternatives?22:42
x59Mi computer can run Ubuntu? Hard Disk 38146 MB (24452 MB free) CPU Mobile Intel Celeron M 330, 1400 MHz (14 x 100) Video Adapter Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller  (64 MB)22:42
bsmith093i am trying to connect to a router i just found and plugged in. It's connected to my laptop with an ethernet cable22:42
snoflakefehrp: does your mouse have a button on it that changes the sensitivity?22:42
canozanhello everyone, can anybody help me with a partitioning problemX22:42
Myrttix59: please don't repeat your question so often.22:42
bsmith093i tried cat /etc/resolv.conf and i get 2 nameserver ip s22:43
fehrpsnoflake: no22:43
snoflake!ask | canozan22:43
Myrttix59: most likely yes it will run on your computer.22:43
ubottucanozan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:43
fehrpsnoflake: it's the thinkpad built in wheel mouse22:43
x59:D Tnks22:43
fehrpsnoflake: or trackpad, or however it's called *g22:43
bsmith093they are only 1 off22:43
_blackwater_bsmith093 do you have connectivity to the router, link, etc, you would need a rolled cable, crossover cable to connect to such device.22:43
fehrpsnoflake: it's just significantly slower than in 9.422:43
Losharinger: 10. addresses are generally private address space and are not meant for public use...22:43
snoflakefehrp: the joystick thing or the touch pad?22:43
fehrpsnoflake: the "nipple"-thing...22:43
_blackwater_bsmith093 you would also setup static IP's at least initially between the two devices interfaces.22:44
snoflakefehrp: lol. well i really don;t know22:44
bsmith093_blackwater_: will a regular ethernet cable work and if so do i use the uplink prot22:44
canozani want to merge a primary partition to an extended partition without losing any data. Can anyone help meX22:44
ringerLosha, can you check for me then?22:44
snoflakefehrp: perhaps there is a specific software or plugin for your nipple thing, have you googled for one?22:44
yaaarany thinkfinger gurus around? i just installed thinkfinger-tools and libpam-thinkfinger on the lucid rc and ran tf-tool --acquire and /usr/lib/pam-thinkfinger/pam-thinkfinger-enable ...now sudo/gksudo will use the fingerprint reader to auth, but i can't use it to login or unlock the screen...anybody know what i can do to fix that?22:44
_blackwater_bsmith093 sure if you have connectivity22:44
Losharinger: is somewhere in Brazil...22:45
snoflakecanozan: you would have to back your data up either on another drive or create enough space on your drive and make another partition to store the date on....22:45
bsmith093_blackwater_: i can see it in the list of possible network connections but if i connect to it i lose the wireless right22:45
ringerLosha, ok so looks like my router is under attack. Great :(22:45
snoflakecanozan: or else you would have to shrink whatever has the data, make a partition, copy data, and then carry on shrinking, growing and copying until your data is safe22:45
bsmith093i can't be on both at once right22:46
snoflakecanozan: and then you can carry out your operation and copy it all back22:46
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink
Losharinger: what kind of router?22:46
_blackwater_bsmith093 just so I'm clear, wired router you're actually using a home style wired router with switched ethernet ports and uplink port right?22:46
_blackwater_bsmith093 what is the wireless device/ap you are using22:47
bsmith093linksys wrt54g22:47
ringerLosha, a Belkin F5D7230-422:47
_blackwater_bsmith093 that's all in one device, i thought you meant separate.  uplink port will go to your ISP provided device.22:47
Losharinger: sorry, not familiar with them. Are you running any servers?22:47
fehrpsno: should not be22:48
bsmith093the router i plugged in to my laptop currently is a efah08w22:48
seth_gbsmith093, what are you trying to do? a thrown away wrt54g is probably a brick\22:48
xompis there anyway to find out what port mysql is running on?22:48
seth_gxomp, 3306 heh22:48
xompseth_g, really?22:49
bsmith093no ok my wrt54g is how im typing this to you right now22:49
seth_gxomp, usually22:49
eoeasxomp: netstat22:49
seth_gdo a port scan22:49
bsmith093the efah08w is the one im trying to get to work22:49
canozansnowflake, can you tell me more about this stuff, for eñemple hoe to do it once i have backed up my data22:49
seth_gyeah netstat'll do it\22:49
LaggerPgi All..22:49
icerootxpot: if not 3306 look at the mysql-config22:49
seth_gbsmith093, ok i dont know that one22:49
rdogghey guys , i have used alien -d [filename] and it extracted, how do i install now? i have folders named : debian etc lib opt usr22:50
icerootxpot: wrong nick22:50
_blackwater_bsmith093 so you do have two separate switched devices, wireless router and a wired router?  Wireless will go into ethernet ports on your wired router, wired router uplink to ISP, laptop into one of the ethernet ports.22:50
dotnet67hey all - Ive got Network Manager working fine with my RT2800 wirless card - I want to manage the connection without Network Manager, apart from editing /etc/networking/interfaces what else must be done?22:50
icerootrdogg: what package? isnt there a deb?22:50
bsmith093ok then so how do i check the wired router22:50
rdoggits Atis driver for xorg, having trouble with the card :@22:50
bsmith093is there a login page for it22:50
danh_any idea how i can get lxde, ubuntu, and sound for my laptop speakers and headphones working?  i have pulseaudio working.  ive tried running alsamixergui, and i cant raise the volume for my headphones.  this all works well in GNOME22:51
_blackwater_on the router22:51
_blackwater_er - for the router from your laptop.22:51
canozanNOTICE <snoflake> <can you tell me more about this stuff, what to do once i have baced up my data for exemple22:51
bsmith093thats the route connected to the internet right now22:51
benkevanwhen I run bzr launchpad-login <username> it says that I'm not registered in launchpad.. what's up with that?22:51
canozanNOTICE <snoflake> <can you tell me more about this stuff, what to do once i have baced up my data for exemple>22:51
xompunix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     113102660 /var/run/mysqld/mysq          ld.sock22:51
xompwhere is port mentioned?22:52
_blackwater_bsmith093 that's the default route for internal network, you want to get to the router and that's the web address to manage.22:52
bsmith093so can i get to the router that is pluged directly into my computer22:52
_blackwater_the WIRED router or WIRELESS router?22:52
powertool08xomp: try netstat -tlp | grep mysqld22:52
bsmith093as opposed to the one im getting internet throught right now or should i just use the wired connection im seeing22:53
seth_gxomp, unless you changed it from default it will be 330622:53
powertool08xomp: It should be the numbe in the 3rd column22:53
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xomppowertool08, tcp        0      0 localhost:mysql         *:*                     LISTEN      28315/mysqld22:53
bsmith093i am trying to connect to a wired router plugged into my laptop22:53
bsmith093do i need to get off the wireless network first22:53
JackWatbsmith093: no22:53
todd9Hi all.  Dumb question, but where I can find the 64 bit iso for version 9.04?  That's the latest version my RAID controller supports22:54
bsmith093i am currently seeing a eht0 connection that i am not connected to22:54
JackWatbsmith093: does eth0 have an ip address?22:54
bsmith093how do i check22:54
JackWatifconfig eth022:54
seth_gor 'ip addr'22:54
bastidrazortodd9: http://releases.ubuntu.com/22:54
powertool08xomp: Then its on the mysql default, otherwise it would have a number.22:54
bsmith093no it doesnt22:55
powertool08xomp: The last number, 28315, is the process id.22:55
JackWatbsmith093: use network manager to connect to it22:55
xompthanks a ton powertool08 :)22:55
powertool08xomp: np22:55
bsmith093ok then should work22:55
todd9bastridrazor: Thanks!22:55
JackWatbsmith093: what do you mean 'shoudl work'22:55
seth_gdoes nfs sharing have a gui component?22:55
JackWatif you're not connecting nothing is going to work22:55
rdoggguys, can i upgrade from linux mint to ubuntu directly? like if i change sources.list or something? maybe 'lubi'?22:56
JackWatrdogg: no22:56
bsmith093then if i connect to eth0 that ip should load the wired router right22:56
JackWatif you connect eth0 and its connected to yoru wired router, you should be able to access that router. yes.22:56
bsmith093ok then thank brb22:56
rdoggJackWat: what about if i use lubi? its a program to install other linuxes from "ubuntu"22:57
JackWatrdogg: i dont know lubi but taking a quick look it seems that it installed ubuntu instead of yoru current linux distro22:58
JackWatso you would have a dual booting situation22:58
rdoggJackWat: umm, what if i choose this partition?22:59
JackWatit will install ubuntu instead of your current linux distrobution*22:59
rdoggJackWat: no, it will install from a iso..22:59
rdoggJackWat:  any distro22:59
Loshardogg: are you trying to do a cd-less install?22:59
jeeveshow can I fix this pooched install of dovecot?  http://pastebin.com/9XvHM0Pp22:59
rdoggLosha: yes but i dont want to use Wubi23:00
JackWatrdogg: fine. it will install any distro into the current distro.23:02
JackWatrdogg: why do you not want to do a bare metal install of ubuntu?23:02
xompguys, should I upgrade to 10 when it comes out on my Linode server? Or should I do a new install? I run a popular Steam gaming community off it and can't really afford the downtime for a new install (nor even an upgrade really)23:02
JackWatxomp: i think its always better to do a fresh install but a distro upgrade will probably work23:02
xompJackWat, ok, I'm currently on 8.04 LTS23:03
JackWatxomp: things could break so make sure you have a backup23:03
JackWatyou may end up doing a fresh install anyway :P23:03
xompJackWat, hah ok23:03
=== jesse__ is now known as Guest14802
JackWatxomp: the best thing to do would be to send the traffic for your community to a mirror machine until your upgrade is complete23:03
JackWatnameiner: <323:04
Loshardogg: check out the 'frugal install' option in http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/23:04
Typos_Kingxomp:    yeah, back yourself up, try the upgrade, if it doesn't go, then at least you'll have a backup, if it does, then fine, use that :), otherwise I'd suggest a full-install, less likelyhood of issues23:04
=== DSC[ZzZz] is now known as DaveySC
Loshaxomp: if you don't want any downtime, you should wait at least a couple of months for 10.04 to stabilize before you consider upgrading....23:05
xompLosha, yeah that's what I may end up doing23:05
Typos_Kingxomp:    you can always schedule a 'downtime' 24hours or so ahead of time anyway, and do it when low traffic occurrs, usually at nite23:05
xompwas going to install ubuntu 9 to my external HDD today but since 10 is coming in 2 days I'm going to hold off23:05
Loshaxomp: there's another year of support on 8.04 I think. What's your hurry....23:05
Gangrelermm kai someone tell me how to add dual boot for ubuntu 9.10 and windows 7?23:06
xompLosha, haha23:06
alessandro_qualcuno parla utaliano?23:06
Loshaxomp: I wasn't joking...23:06
Losha!it | alessandro_23:06
ubottualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:06
csharperi got win7 and ubuntu 9.10 :)23:06
csharperjust installed grub23:06
csharperand it did everything :)23:06
mozillanerdLosha: good advice - I just spent a week messing around with 10.04 Beta, and finally gave up, and reinstalled 9.04. 9.04 runs very well on Dell Inspiron 820023:07
=== deus is now known as Guest68223
jribmozillanerd: well it is kind of an ancient machine :)23:07
CreativeChemistIve used ubuntu on this machine for a while... recently I had to wipe my drive. Reinstalled an old version of ubuntu then upgraded to most recent. For some reason it compiz will suddenly disapear and shortly after the computer will logg off completely and Ill have to type my pw again.23:07
Loshamozillanerd: the fetish for always instantly having to have the latest and shiniest is such a waste of time, especially when applied to software...23:08
CreativeChemistthis started AFTER installing custom desktop effects (spinning cube etc) but still continues after uninstalling23:08
CreativeChemistIll mail a chocolate chip cookie to anyone tht can help me!23:08
=== root is now known as Guest95817
jribCreativeChemist: what does "old version" mean?23:09
jeevesCreativeChemist, lol.  nice.  are they "special" cookies?23:09
CreativeChemistjrib,  intrepid23:09
Loshanaughty jeeves...23:09
=== Bodsda_ is now known as Bodsda
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jribCreativeChemist: you upgraded intrepid -> jaunty -> karmic?23:09
Guest95817any one know how install ubuntu 8.04 in ext4 file system23:09
jeevesLosha, lol, gotta see if it's worth my time!23:09
ywgx_hello everyone23:10
sebsebsebGuest95817: I think you can, but it won't be supported23:10
brontosaurusrexLosha: what kind of fetish is it, when you use older version of my own app, cos i can't be bothered to upgrade? :P23:10
Guest95817any one know how install ubuntu 8.04 in ext4 file system23:10
CreativeChemistjrib,  nope, followed the website for a direct upgrade to karmic... update-manager --dev version or whatever23:10
LoshaGuest95817: not supported, and probably doomed to failure....23:10
CreativeChemistnot karmic... whatever 10.04 is :P23:10
sebsebsebGuest95817: apparantly can get similar advantages to Ext4,  with XFS, but then you may also need a seperate Ext3 /boot partition for Grub23:10
Loshabrontosaurusrex: :-)23:10
Typos_KingGuest95817:     not even sure 8.04 offers ext4 as installation filesystem type23:10
jribCreativeChemist: erm, whatever website you followed advised you incorrectly.  You may have a broken install.  Why don't you just install karmic fresh?23:10
sebsebsebTypos_King: yes it doesn't23:10
CreativeChemistjrib,  ubuntu.com was the website :P23:11
jribCreativeChemist: I guarantee you it did not tell you to upgrade directly from intrepid to lucid23:11
Typos_KingGuest95817:     not to mention I've noticed no real advantage when using ext4 rather than ext3, I'm on ext323:11
CreativeChemistit did23:11
jribCreativeChemist: link?23:11
CreativeChemistonly site i trust23:11
LoshaTypos_King: heretic...23:11
CreativeChemistjust a sec23:11
BodsdaHi - what is the most elegant way of running a script based on an event, the event being 'lsusb' has 'Apple, Inc.' in the output23:11
Guest95817im interesting in the speed boot23:12
dotnet67after editing /etc/network/interfaces (added wpa-psk/wpa-ssid/address/gateway etc.) and running "/etc/init.d/networking restart" iwconfig still shows a blank SSID under ra0 (the interface im configuring) - what might I be doing wrong?23:12
CreativeChemistmight reboot again as i search23:12
Typos_KingGuest95817:     booting speed?   was the same with both, at least for me, was the same when running too23:12
Guest95817but in ubuntu 8.04 mi graphic card work best23:12
LoshaGuest95817: I don't think mixing 8.04 with ext4 will speed up anything, except perhaps a nervous breakdown...23:12
sebsebsebTypos_King: Guest95817  I did in 9.04, with the optional Ext4 support, that is not properly stable since kernel and such.  In 9.10 nah, except for the faster disk check after 23 or so boots.23:12
CreativeChemistjrib,  meh its freezing.. but thats where it said. Doesn't matter. I cant install the new one fresh because it breaks wireless23:13
duffydackDeleting a very large or a lot of small files versus ext3/4, its a lot faster in ext423:13
timi carnt get my wireless working but only on ethanet connection23:13
sebsebsebGuest95817: ok23:14
CreativeChemistjrib,  and I don't have a wired connection (tis in roommates room and dont want to sit in her room while I try to fix it)23:14
jribCreativeChemist: I am telling you it did not say that because that it isn't supported.  Anyway install 10.04 correctly if you want and then head over to #ubuntu+1 for support as it's still not released yet23:14
sebsebsebGuest95817: well you can try 10.04 released this Thursday,  however 8.04 also gets certain advantages over 10.04 really.  Also 8.04 is supported on the desktop untill  April next year.23:14
Typos_Kingduffydack:    heheh, I recall to have done so.... I don't recall noticing the 'a lot' speed between either23:15
sebsebsebGuest95817: plus 10.10 gets released in October, and there are other good distros out there as well.   Anyway which card?23:15
Guest95817yes, but the problem is y try whit beta version of ubntu 8.04 , but the graphic performance is low23:15
sebsebsebGuest95817: of 8.04, you mean 10.04?23:16
Guest95817sorry y try whit ubuntu 10.0423:16
sebsebsebGuest95817: ok what are you currently running?23:16
Guest95817backtrack 4 from usb23:16
HillshumGuest95817: The beta is pretty old.23:16
CreativeChemistjrib,  easier question, how do I switch to metacity then back to compiz?23:16
sebsebsebGuest95817: also there  was/is some sort of xorg issue in 10.04 that makes things slow, but that  will be fixed by the final.   As for Backtrack 4 that should only realy be used by security professioanls.23:16
CreativeChemistwhich might fix the issue23:17
sebsebsebGuest95817: it is not really a desktop/laptop OS, it's a special security  testing distro23:17
Guest95817yes but i just try it23:17
PiciIts not supported here as well.23:17
sebsebsebGuest95817: plus as Pici pointed out, Backtrack also isn't supported here23:17
LoshaGuest95817: time to answer sebsebseb's question about which graphics card you're using...23:19
Guest95817now just wait for 10.04 , whit fast or equal grapich perfomance23:19
sebsebsebGuest95817: that depends on the card23:19
Guest95817ati radeon express 200m23:19
Guest95817whit 512 of memory23:20
* wildbat dances~23:20
Guest95817y older version of ubuntu the performance is great , but from 9.10 an more the graphic permormance is low23:21
alketHi. I am from Kosovo and we want to be approved as Ubuntu Kosova LoCo Team ? I read the wiki but i want to conctant with someone23:21
Hariharakadanheh Guest95817 What's the odds I got the same onboard video to. I had to wait till Karmic came out before I could make use of it though. Somewhere between Karmic and a few versions down the proprietary drivers disappeared.23:21
d4nonwhy do I have same windows in taskbar on every desktop?23:21
alketthat approves23:21
d4nonthat's not how it should work23:21
d4nonI mean in KDE23:21
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Loshaalket: go to https://launchpad.net/~kosova, login and then you should be able to send email to the members23:23
dick-ric1ardsonhow do I find the aspect ratio of a media file at the command line?23:23
alketLosha: I am admin at Kosova and Albania team, but we want to get approved23:23
Guest95817i thinking in install ubuntu 8.04 in ext4 file system for boot speed and the propietary driver of mi graphic card are suported for this kerbel version23:23
brontosaurusrexdick-ric1ardson: mediainfo23:23
canozan_can anyone help me with merging a primary partition into an extended one23:24
brontosaurusrexdick-ric1ardson: possibly with ffmpeg and/or mplayer23:24
Loshaalket: sorry, that's all I know about the subject...23:24
rshartzHi! does any1 knows how to get an sis671/771 VGA 3D driver?23:24
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sebsebsebGuest95817: It seems 10.04, will get better open drivers for ATI and Nivida or something,  well  Thursday is the final, but the download servers will be packed,  downloading the ISO burning contents to CD (ideally checking for a good download first the md5sum/sha1sum)  and booting up computer from Live CD and trying, on Saturday, should be alright.23:24
dick-ric1ardsonbrontosaurusrex: mediainfo: command not found23:24
brontosaurusrexdick-ric1ardson: google23:24
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sebsebsebGuest95817: if you end up having to use 8.04,  or another distro though, so be it23:25
Guest95817ok , thank sebsebseb23:25
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dick-ric1ardsonbrontosaurusrex: had that worked, I wouldn't have bothered the room w/it23:25
Guest95817i will try23:25
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brontosaurusrexdick-ric1ardson: google for 'mediainfo'23:25
sebsebsebGuest95817: also I guess this link  will be useful  later on23:25
bastidrazordick-ric1ardson: file filename23:25
=== phantom is now known as Guest67083
sebsebseb!ati | Guest9581723:25
ubottuGuest95817: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:26
_blackwater_!google | brontosaurusrex23:26
ubottubrontosaurusrex: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:26
Loshadick-ric1ardson: what does apt-cache search mediainfo say?23:26
brontosaurusrexno, its not in the repos i think23:26
dick-ric1ardsonLosha: not in the repos23:26
bastidrazordick-ric1ardson: use: file filename.avi23:27
sebsebsebGuest95817: and I mentioned ISO checking, but never  got the bot to give you a link, it's a good thing to do, even though,  downloads will be fine 99% of the time.23:27
Guest67083ubottu : why i am always been a guest...always23:27
sebsebseb!md5sum | Guest9581723:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:27
ubottuGuest95817: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:27
sebsebsebGuest67083: Well good luck with your card on a Linux distro!23:27
Loshadick-ric1ardson: I got my mediainfo from a ppa. See also idvid from the tovid package...23:28
rolsworthchrome is so much faster than running firefox on this netbook23:28
Guest67083ywgx... English please...!23:28
LoshaGuest67083: have you tried to change your nick with /nick ?23:28
dick-ric1ardsonthat's enough to run with; thank you brontosaurusrex Losha bastidrazor!23:28
Guest67083will try that...23:29
rshartzcan I at least put an external screen on an sis671/771 on Ubuntu? I could only manage to place a copy...23:29
Typos_King /dcc send rolsworth opera10.deb23:29
* Typos_King ducks23:29
rolsworthnever liked the look of opera23:30
froggymanOpera is my preferred browser on desktops23:30
Typos_Kingrolsworth:    is skinnable :), but anyhow23:30
Losharolsworth: I found opera awkward to use...23:30
froggymanChrome on netbooks23:30
Typos_Kingawkward to whaaa?!23:30
sebsebseb!ot | rolsworth froggyman Typos_King  Losha23:31
Maxtor_111where can i get to watch free online movies...anyone..23:31
ubotturolsworth froggyman Typos_King  Losha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:31
rolsworthchrome is nice though especially for the netbook with smaller screen23:31
sebsebseb!ot | Maxtor_11123:31
ubottuMaxtor_111: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:31
Maxtor_111yes! understood..23:31
GerritHi, I have screen resolution problems. I have a BenQ G2420HD LCD and ATI Radeon HD 3450. I am unable to run at more than 1024x768. I have tried to add the higher resolution manually using instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution but in that case I get a black screen. I think I am presently using the opensource xserver-xorg-video-ati. Does this support higher resolutions ...23:32
Gerrit... than 1024x768?23:32
Guest95817sebsebseb// the problem whit the later versions of ubuntu are not suorted for the propietary driver of mi graphic card, in the link that you send me , can find information about to install it of anyway?23:32
Loshasebsebseb: browsers are ubuntu apps. It's not *entirely* off-topic...23:32
rwwLosha: yes, it is23:32
Losharww: it is?23:32
sebsebsebGuest95817: I actsauly prefer 8.04,  to 9.10 and 10.04 :)  however I won't use it anymore since...  well I guess i'll vm it again some time  just like 8.1023:33
h00kLosha: it isn't support related. This is a support channel23:33
Maxtor_111where can i get good themes for ubuntu 9.10 ?23:33
rwwubottu: themes23:33
rshartzDoes any one know how to suppress the nm-applet dialog "Wireless Network Authentication Required"?23:33
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:33
LoshaAn op has spoken. It's dropped...23:34
Typos_KingGerrit:  tried yet the dpkg-reconfigure bit to get a xorg.conf you can tweak about?23:34
rwwrshartz: is that the one that asks for your keychain password?23:34
sebsebsebMaxtor_111: be a bit careful though getting stuff from outside the Ubuntu repo's, because you might install malware.  For example there was a few months or so ago,  what was meant to be a screensaver on gnome look , but turned out to be some sort of malicious program instead.23:34
h00krshartz: do you have autologin enabled?23:35
Guest95817now y prefer 8.0423:35
rshartzI mean the one that presumes you entered the wrong password for the WEP/WPA key23:35
sebsebsebGuest95817: Why I prefer 8.04?23:35
vadi01_how many hours longer to wait for 10.04????23:35
sebsebsebvadi01_: over 2423:36
sebsebsebvadi01_: it's released on the 29th23:36
Typos_KingLosha:   am afraid it's, hehhe, since it'd be off addressing ongoing issues requiring a fix, it simply addresses oneself's preferences or inclinations :)23:36
sebsebsebGuest95817: that's off topic, but you can pm me, if you really want to know23:36
GerritTypos_King: I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure but it does not give me any xorg.conf23:36
ywgxhello everyone23:36
Typos_Kingvadi01_   go watch the English Patient 3 times, then go to bed, it'll be done by then :P~23:36
GerritTypos_King: At least not in /etc/X2223:36
Guest95817but the speed boot is fast many times and the performance of the siste is the best at direfence whit other ubuntu distributions  on mi laptop23:37
GerritI tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org', I'm running 10.0423:37
sebsebsebGuest95817: ok :)23:37
GerritI tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', I'm running 10.0423:37
sebsebsebGuest95817: well it's fine to still use 8.04, whilst it's still being supported, which it will be on the desktop untill April next year23:37
rshartzyes I have autologin enabled...23:37
Guest95817y try whit the other and xfce desktop, lxde  etc23:37
GerritHow do I reboot into recovery mode? I don't get any grub-opiton at boot23:37
Typos_KingGerrit:  and you rebooted after you issued it yet?23:37
GerritTypos_King: I rebooted just now to try to boot iton recovery mode, but didn't see any grub...23:38
Gerritmaybe I need to look harder23:38
rshartzthe problem is most of the time the note will be turned on but I wont be able to access it, only by ssh23:38
legend2440Gerrit: hold down Shift key at boot to get the grub menu23:39
Gerritlegend2440: Ok I'll try (I'm used to seeing a message "press ... for grub")23:40
rshartzmsg h00k yes23:41
LoshaGerrit: I think they 'improved' that message out of existence...23:41
GerritI held down the shift key, now I have an error message from my monitor "No cable connected" :(23:41
Typos_Kingmaybe is a hardware bios keybinding23:42
h00krshartz: as far as I know, if you are autologged in, you need to open your keyring with a password23:42
Gerritis there any other way to get into grub?23:43
nnysweet jesus does empathy always suck this much23:44
geeneeus84is used for what?23:44
nnytelepathy keeps crashing, can't register hald the time23:44
rwwubottu: register | geeneeus8423:44
ubottugeeneeus84: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode23:44
vilemaximanyone tried to pull data off a tape created by backup exec using ubuntu?23:45
nnyfirst question: what would cause empathy and telepathy to randomly crash or lock up? (New install, have MSN, yahoo and IRC setup so far)23:45
SvendJollyHi guys. Does anyone have any experience with activating the optical output (SPDIF) on my soundcard? Im a linux greenie. Please msg me, and i will tell you more about my problem23:45
Gerritleft shift or right shift?23:46
LoshaGerrit: you can probably edit the grub config. If it's grub2, someone else will have to help you...23:46
yaaarany thinkfinger gurus around? i just installed thinkfinger-tools and libpam-thinkfinger on the lucid rc and ran tf-tool --acquire and /usr/lib/pam-thinkfinger/pam-thinkfinger-enable ...now sudo/gksudo will use the fingerprint reader to auth, but i can't use it to login or unlock the screen. i've looked at the files in  /etc/pam.d and they all seem to include common-auth, which looks...23:46
yaaar...right....anybody know what else i should be checking?23:46
jeevesanyone want to take a shot @ this one?  http://pastebin.com/ScraKdfM23:46
plumis there any way to install ubuntu on ext3 partition?23:46
Piciplum: sure.23:46
rolsworthsince i installed ubuntu to my netbook i can barely look at anything on youtube. Is there some kind of flash update?23:47
plumPici: will it work to do that from the install usb?23:47
ConcreteRosewhat? is my nickname23:47
GerritIn it possible that grub is drying to display on a size that doesn't work for my monitor/videocard?23:47
pluminstall cd * (i'm  using usb livedisk)23:47
ZykoticK9jeeves, try stopping the dovecot service before uninstalling (as that's the first error)23:48
jeevesZykoticK9, did that, same thing23:48
Piciplum: It should.  Choose the manual partition method though, to ensure that it doesn't create paritions for you.23:48
* ywgx momo xcjc23:48
Piciplum: I personally use the alternate CD, which definitely allows you to do that.23:48
plumPici: what do you mean the alternate cd?23:49
=== ConcreteRose is now known as RDS101
theJKHEveryone excited for Thursday?23:49
plumtheJKH: what's happening thursday?23:49
GerritHow do I get into grub? I held down the right shift key during boot, but did not get any grub.23:49
Loshajeeves: you could try dpkg --remove --force=all dovecot* . At your own risk...23:49
Piciplum: The text-based installer.23:49
plumooh i see23:49
theJKHThe Ubuntu release! :)23:50
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Lucid release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseParties23:50
Typos_KingGerrit:  no,... .unfortunately, I know what you mean about autobooting into it and not showing the grub menu.... haven't found.... an answer yet, I know that changing the 'timeout' for it, doens't work, when there's only 1 boot option, only when there's more23:50
ZykoticK9Gerrit, try left SHIFT (you are using Grub2 right?)23:50
rolsworthi could never get excited abotu an ubuntu release. they all seem pretty much the same23:50
GerritZykoticK9: Probably, I'm using Kubuntu 10.0423:50
jeevesLosha, lol, @ this point, NOTHING I've tried to do with this PostfixAdmin install has worked.  I need to get the v-hosts setup soon though23:50
GerritI'll try left shift23:50
ZykoticK9Gerrit, fresh install or upgraded?23:50
Gerritnew computer23:50
sebsebsebrolsworth: oh 10.04 is quite differnet to previous versions, you'll see23:50
Typos_KingGerrit:  or can't be sure, I think it worked for me... can't recall, either way, I changed my Grub timing or 'timeout' in /etc/default/grub   to 30, and that's how long it waits till defaulting23:51
rolsworthi am using it right now23:51
addchild314hey all23:51
plumPici: on the ubuntu installer in partition manager (i think it's step 3 or 4) it automatically selects my internal harddrive unless i have free space on my secondary harddrive (which it then uses as ext4)23:51
ZykoticK9Gerrit, try holding Left Shift directly after seeing bios screen23:51
rolsworthjust a new theme. i don't see anything ground breaking23:51
RDS101What is the ubuntu network?23:51
plumis there any way i can specify which hard drive to install on?23:51
sebsebsebrolsworth: I tend to get bored of these more recent versions of Ubuntu, before the final is even out, since tested in development. Anyway off topic23:51
Piciplum: The last time I used the LiveCD, it had an option to partition the disks manually.23:51
Typos_Kingplum:    sure, on the install screen, choose 'manual'23:51
GerritZykoticK9: Just now I hav held down the left shift from initial boot all the way until I get the kdm login screen... no grub23:52
jeevesLosha, lol, your command didn't work.  :-(23:52
RDS101:) See23:52
plumokay, will do23:52
PiciRDS101: You mean which network is this irc channel on? This is freenode.23:52
ywgxfine day for friends23:52
plumi'll be back if i have issues, thanks guys23:52
ZykoticK9Gerrit, i don't know then.  Best of luck.23:52
ywgxso-so day for you23:52
rolsworthi notice with empathy when it marks you as away it does not change no matter what23:52
Piciywgx: do you have a support question?23:52
addchild314got a wubi/grub(2)/nVidia question for anyone so qualified23:52
RDS101Real, the network of ubuntu23:52
plumactually last question... is there any thing i will lose if i have ubuntu on ext3 instead of ext4?23:52
RDS101is that connected to the network of freenode23:52
ywgxI am first useing irc23:53
sebsebsebplum: depends on the version23:53
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
Gerritis there any other way to get into grub? Can I in some way change the configuration so that it shows the menu in any case?23:53
plumsebsebseb: it's 9.10 desktop23:53
PiciRDS101: irc.ubuntu.com is a pointer (cname) to chat.freenode.net23:53
RDS101Oh ok23:53
Typos_Kingplum:    'lose'?   like what?23:53
Piciywgx: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't have an Ubuntu support question.23:53
RDS101To know23:53
FloodBot1RDS101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:53
RDS101You mean water flood?23:53
sebsebsebplum: by default 9.10 is Ext4 for clean installs, same thing for 10.04, but  upgrades from 9.04 to 9.10 won't be Ext4.  Just like upgrades from 8.04 to 10.04 won't be.  and yeah 10.04 final is out this Thursday23:53
Typos_KingRDS101:    flood, as in 'too many too fast'23:54
vilemaximGerrit, grub1 is in /boot/grub/menu.lst I think23:54
plumTypos_King: like for example, if you move from NTFS to FAT you won't be able to change permissions anymore23:54
RDS101oh ok, am i fast?23:54
jeevesvilemaxim, yes, that's GRUB 123:54
PiciRDS101: If you don't have an Ubuntu support question, you may /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:54
=== jsidhu___ is now known as jsidhu1
Gerritvilemaxim: I don't have such a file. I guess I'm on GRUB 2, since I'm on Kubuntu 10.0423:54
RDS101Oh ok23:54
RDS101Great, so lets join it23:54
sebsebsebplum: then there was optional Ext4 support in 9.04, that really did make a difference, but also wasn't properly stable, since the kernel and such.   I tested 9.10 clean install with Ext3 and Ext4.  didn't make much differnect at all.  However for the automatic disk checking after 23 or so boots, with Ext4 much quicker than with Ext3.23:54
Typos_Kingplum:     I've used both, I saw no advantage to ext4 :|, I'm on ext323:54
sebsebsebplum: when I say tested, I mean the boot up and shut down23:55
plumsebsebseb: that's odd.. it doesn't seem to be too big a difference then23:55
addchild314On 10.04b2 wubi install with grub 2 (i think) and current nvidia drivers, boot progress screen graphics are extremely low-res. Any way to fix?23:55
=== geeneeus84 is now known as fumetsu
Piciaddchild314 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.04 support/discussion.23:55
vilemaximGerrit, maybe startupmanager will help.  aptitude install startupmanager23:55
sebsebsebplum: in 9.04 it did, espesailly with a nice text boot up, but yep doesn't seem so for 9.10 or 10.04.23:55
bsmith093i apparenlty just replaced a switch with a hub on my network to resolve appearantly random internet crashes was that a good idea23:56
plumif i get this all configured and everything, i'll be on 9.10... will i be able to cleanly upgrade to 10.04 when it gets released then?23:56
Piciplum: Sure.23:56
nnybsmith093: hubs are no good23:56
nnybsmith093: but temp fix sure23:56
vilemaximGerrit, it will appear in your System -> Administrator menu23:56
plumsounds great. thanks a lot everyone23:56
bsmith093why not23:56
sebsebsebplum: why did you do 9.10 with Ext3?23:56
nnybsmith093: a hub just blasts traffic to all ports, regardless of who it is intended for23:56
vilemaximGerrit, I think it will allow all kinds of modifications to grub. Hope that helps23:56
nnybsmith093: a switch sends packets based on the MAC of the device attached to it23:56
Gerritvilemaxim: ok, will try23:57
nnybsmith093: (or IP depending on layer switch)23:57
plumsebsebseb: my bootloader that allows me to run snow leopard and windows, only recognizes ext3. so i want to be able to boot all 323:57
nnybsmith093: basically hub = messy/busy23:57
plumwindows, mac, linux23:57
vilemaximGerrit, I have not played with grub2 too much. I've installed it a few times, but nothing broke yet so....23:57
Typos_Kingplum:    10.04 gets released tomorrow, why not just install it then? :P23:57
sebsebsebplum: hrm  on a real Mac?23:57
plumsebsebseb: nope, windows laptop23:57
sebsebsebTypos_King:  plum no it gets released on the 29th Thursday23:57
sebsebsebplum: ok  the way you done Mac uhmm23:57
bsmith093well i have talked extensively with time warner cable and they said the problem was the switch23:58
sebsebsebplum: not peroperly legal, if at all really23:58
Typos_Kingplum: so, 2 days... IMO better a full-install than an unnecessary upgrade23:58
nnybsmith093: what's between TW and your switch?!23:58
plumsebsebseb: you could be right there23:58
bsmith093a router linksys wrt54g23:58
sebsebsebplum: Is 9.10 on there yet?23:58
nny(btw I am starting to HATE empathy, someone tell me I am crazy, just got kicked for clicking the stupid green envelope)23:59
nnybsmith093: ok and a switch is connected to that?23:59
sebsebsebnny: oh23:59
plumsebsebseb: it is, but i can't boot it at the moment because the bootloader doesn't see ext423:59
nnybsmith093: (or hub)23:59
sebsebsebplum: uh which version of Grub?23:59
molqrhello all23:59
Gerritvilemaxim: I wonder if grub may be running but invisible due to monitor/display issues23:59
ywgxwhere are you from?23:59
nnybsmith093: well the switch could have been faulty, so the hub would have "resolved" the issue, but overall you'll want a switch connected.23:59
Gerrit(by running I mean showing itself)23:59
bsmith093internet to modem to router to stuff and hub to more stuff23:59

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