
czajkowskiI'm gonna regret tomorrow not going to bed!00:22
* JanC notes some peopel saying setting up VPN for the network at school is no problem with Ubuntu but a lot of work with Windows :-P00:43
JanC(using vpnc)00:43
JanCapparently has non-functional vpnc or such00:44
JanCapparently Win7 *00:44
JanCROFL, so, the VPN wizard requires internet access, otherwise it won't configure the vpnc00:47
JanCand of course there is no internet access until after a vpnc VPN is setup  :P00:48
nigelbabudid everyone who has to catch a flight catch one? akgraner ? pleia2 ?03:01
akgranerpleia2, was able too03:01
akgranerI am still in Chicago03:01
nigelbabuakgraner: oh, when is your connection?03:01
akgranernigelbabu, tomorrow 4:45pm03:02
ddecatorakgraner: having fun in the chilly windy city? =p03:02
akgranerhehe had a great dinner03:02
nigelbabuakgraner: so you'll miss aday?03:03
akgranerand it is windy - got off the plane and was greeted with 42 F degree with wind and rain03:03
nigelbabuoh, grr, tomorrow meaning sunday.....ok :)03:03
ddecatorakgraner: yah, it's really cold here this weekend...it was nice last week, you missed it03:04
akgranerso instead of getting there Sunday morning  - I'll get there Monday Morning03:04
nigelbabunot thta bad, except you'll be jet lagged on day 103:06
nigelbabuakgraner: any news if penny's got her flight?03:28
akgranerLast I heard it was delayed 90 minutes03:29
akgranerNCommander is on the same flight so if he made it out so did she :-)03:30
macoakgraner: dan's flight got a flat tire and had to turn back when it hit the ocean :P03:31
macoflat tire was during takeout03:31
akgraneroh wow03:31
macothey're putting on new tires right now03:31
nigelbabuakgraner: phew :)03:32
nigelbabumaco: oh, ouch03:32
nigelbabuakgraner: I'm off, have a nice journey :)03:38
akgranerthanks! laters03:38
czajkowskipen got her flight04:52
nigelbabunhandler: about?06:57
nigelbabujussi: on the way yet?09:30
jussiI leave at about 4.3009:31
jussiits now 11.3009:31
nigelbabuaah :)09:31
nigelbabuoh, grr, tomboy is misbehaving09:31
jussinigelbabu: if he comesback, we can deal with it.10:13
jussihe likely did it elsewhere also, and got a ticket off the network10:14
nigelbabujussi: great, thanks :)10:15
czajkowskialoha from brussels10:23
nigelbabuczajkowski: yaay! you got there :)10:24
nigelbabuczajkowski: who else made it there? penny? lyz?10:24
czajkowskinot yet10:25
czajkowskipens 4 hrs late10:25
nigelbabuoh, ouch10:25
JanC_Penelope's flight is marked as delayed on the Brussels Airport website10:27
czajkowskiit is delayed10:28
czajkowskiby 4 hrs10:28
JanC_pleia should com in around 12h local time10:28
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
nigelbabuin a few minutes then :)10:29
nigelbabuwonder what happened to dan though10:29
JanCseems like crimsun/dchen's flight got cancelled too10:30
jussiczajkowski: how was the trip from airport to hotel?10:30
czajkowskidoor tro door10:31
jussieasy to find?10:31
czajkowskiubuntu sign10:31
nigelbabuw00t, can't miss that one then10:31
JanCKenVanDine's flight was also cancelled?10:36
* JanC has to go now10:40
jussinigelbabu: are you going to uds?11:16
nigelbabujussi: nah, just remote participation for me11:16
bencrisfordnigelbabu: I'll even have trouble with that :(, I'll only get home in time for the last session of the day for most of the week11:17
nigelbabubencrisford: I'm on leave from work for the entire week :D11:18
bencrisfordnigelbabu: jealous :(11:18
* bencrisford cannot really get leave from school :P11:18
nigelbabuI'm changing jobs, so I can do as I please ;)11:19
bencrisfordfortunately, the school sysadmins are awesome enough to leave webchat.f.n unblocked :)11:19
nigelbabubencrisford: ssh into a sever11:20
nigelbabukeep irssi running on a screen and ssh into it with putty or kitty11:20
bencrisfordnigelbabu: neat idea :), but wont be easy...11:21
nigelbabubencrisford: it is if you can find a severe11:22
bencrisfordnigelbabu: theres no need anyway, webchat.f.n is unblocked11:22
bencrisfordthe only thing I cant access is icecast and gobby11:22
bencrisfordunless there is a windows version for gobby?11:23
nigelbabuicecast you can try with vlc11:23
bencrisfordvlc is portable?11:24
nigelbabuvlc is definitely on windows too11:25
bencrisfordyeah, but does it run without having to install?  i.e. can I stick it on a USB and run it11:26
bencrisfordlike I can with firefox11:26
nigelbabuah, that, checking11:27
nigelbabubencrisford: http://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/vlc_portable11:27
bencrisfordnigelbabu: yay :D11:27
* bencrisford finds a windows lappy under a pile of cds11:28
bencrisfordill test putty and vlc on it :)11:28
bencrisfordnigelbabu: ok, putty seems to work :D11:35
bencrisfordvlc is still installing on my usb11:35
nigelbabubencrisford: dont forget to get the keys set up right11:36
nigelbabuyou might also want to download puttygen11:36
bencrisfordnigelbabu: im pretty happy with webchat.f.n tbh11:36
bencrisfordI don't think ill bother setting it up for UDS11:36
bencrisfordbut its good to know that I *could* set it up11:36
nigelbabuyeah, its nice to have11:36
bencrisfordif I get time today I might check it out again11:37
bencrisfordbut I got a load of stuff to do today :(11:37
cjohnstonanyone else having any issues getting to brussels?12:52
nigelbabuso far, dan and gang are the least lucky12:54
nigelbabudan chen12:55
jussiat airport :D13:53
jussiplane leaves in about 50 mins13:53
bencrisfordjussi: :)13:53
nigelbabujussi: have a safe flight :)13:53
* jussi says a little prayer :)13:54
jussiI can has @!14:03
jussianyway, on to the plane now :)14:03
jussisee peoples when I get there14:03
nigelbabujussi: yaay! :)14:04
cjohnstongetting ready to head to the airport...14:34
AlanBellum, branding!14:39
nigelbabuAlanBell: whoa!14:40
nigelbabuAlanBell: the second picture is so copied14:40
bencrisfordAlanBell: :O15:20
cjohnston|cellakgraner: Leaving for the airport soon. Will do when there15:21
czajkowskigreetings from uds, sitting on the bed with pleia2 and Pendulum watching dr.who and having beer an d jellys16:26
nhandlerczajkowski: I am so jealous of you right now16:29
nigelbabuczajkowski: say hi to both from me :)16:33
Pendulumhiya nigelbabu16:33
nigelbabuand nice to know all of you folks got there :)16:33
nigelbabuheya Pendulum !16:33
qenseczajkowski: I'm in the hotel now, but I have no idea if I have to tell someone I'm here, when/where there will be dinner. etc. Is there something we should go to?16:58
qensejcastro? ^^  ;)17:00
JanCthey just told in the radio news that the Belgian airspace & airports are not going to close17:03
nigelbabux/ws 5617:14
qenseoff to the lobby!17:15
nigelbabuakgraner_n900: on the plane?17:23
akgraner_n900nope airport no wifi access from my computer though17:24
nigelbabuakgraner_n900: yaay, at least flight soon :)17:25
bencrisfordakgraner_n900: :)17:28
AlanBellsitting in St Pancras with popey waiting for the train17:33
AlanBellwe haz nachos17:33
nigelbabuAlanBell: w00t17:33
AlanBelland beer17:33
nigelbabuAlanBell: podcasting on train?17:33
nigelbabupopey: yaay!17:34
nigelbabupopey: pictures, please please please :)17:34
popeyi have a feeling AlanBell maybe posting a pic shortly17:34
bencrisfordpopey: AlanBell: If you need to kill time check if the WHSmith sells Ubuntu User :D, I always do when i'm bored in a shopping centre :)17:40
bencrisford(I know i'm sad ;))17:40
nigelbabubencrisford: btw, gobby is multiplatform, i.e. can work on windows :)17:41
bencrisfordnigelbabu: cool :D!  i'll see if I can get it portable for my USB later :)17:42
AlanBellbencrisford: good reminder, but I am going to look for PC live, which has a kind of interview with the #ubuntu-uk crowd in it17:45
bencrisfordAlanBell: cool :), I'll check PC live out next time im in the shop17:54
JanChm, the ATM listed as "nearest ATM" is 5km further than the one that's really nearest  :P18:32
nigelbabuJanC: canonical plots to have everyone have a good exercise :D18:34
JanCno, somebody has been putting info on that page thinking a Hotel in La Hulpe must be closest to La Hulpe, while the hotel is really closer to Hoeilaart  ;)18:35
JanCsame with the list of restaurants etc.18:37
akgranerScott Richie  - is at the airport now as well :-)18:38
JanCakgraner: you leaving soon?18:38
akgraner3 hours or so18:38
nigelbabuakgraner: there?18:40
akgraneryeah working on UWN18:41
akgranerwhat's up18:41
bencrisfordczajkowski: hey :), how was Dr Who :P?18:47
bencrisfordczajkowski: was it the vampire one?18:56
* bencrisford saw that yesterday :)18:56
macoczajkowski: you said you're at UDS already right? have any of the kubuntu folks arrived yet?19:55
nigelbabumaco: besides lyz and pendulum? ;)19:58
maconigelbabu: *k*ubuntu19:58
nigelbabumaco: bah, minority :D19:58
* nigelbabu runs19:58
macoscottk has apparently.  so agateau, riddell, rgreening...19:59
=== qense_ is now known as qense
bencrisford1nigelbabu: I think ive found a portable gobby :D21:03
nigelbabubencrisford1: w00t21:03
bencrisford1nigelbabu: its a development version21:04
bencrisford1made by the same website as the vlc one I think21:04
bencrisford1hopefully wont be too buggy21:04
bencrisford1and hopefully school sysadmins wont have blocked the ports it uses21:04
nigelbabutoo many hopefully there21:06
bencrisford1yeah, well our sysadmins seem to be kind of rubbish at school21:10
bencrisford1there is an "uninstall_flash_flayer.exe" in the resources for students folder :P21:10
bencrisford1google images is blocked, but webchat.freenode isnt21:11
bencrisford1or chat sites like zingled21:11
bencrisford1meebo is blocked I think21:12
bencrisford1thats for msn and stuff right?21:12
bencrisford1I think thats blocked21:12
nigelbabuhm :/21:13
bencrisford1the filter I think weights keywords, so the words "online games" and "chat" are weighted *NEGATIVE*21:13
bencrisford1a quick google of the software told me that21:13
bencrisford1not norton21:14
bencrisford1cant remember what its called21:14
bencrisford1id never heard of it21:14
qenseOur school filters everything with games and anonymous in it.21:15
qenseSo also the coverage of the Olympic Games.21:15
qenseEverything with Proxy as well.21:15
bencrisford1qense: yeah tell me about it :D21:16
bencrisford1the "stupidcensorship" proxies are also on https://21:16
bencrisford1and they seem to work21:16
qensehidemyass isn't filtered21:16
bencrisford1porkwallet(dot)com seems to work for me :)21:17
bencrisford1http:// or https://21:17
qenseFortunately I manage the iMac lab, so I have access to the wireless network uncensored. Not that I have a laptop. ;)21:17
bencrisford1qense: heh, nice :D21:18
bencrisford1porkwallet is parked :D21:18
bencrisford1whaaat :(21:18
qenseI see no reason to abuse it, there isn't anything I can't do on school without censorship that I cannot do with.21:18
qensebencrisford1: Proxies are expensive. ;)21:19
qenseMaybe the earn money by first getting popular and then parking the domain.21:19
bencrisford1qense: probably, pretty smart plan actually21:19
bencrisford1the only thing I want to get around the filter for is IM - ebuddy etc.21:20
bencrisford1I get it free on my nokia, but is not the same ;)21:20
JanCwhat gobby-version are we going to use?21:20
JanCas there is teh old protoco land the new one21:21
qenseJanC: The wiki still says we'll use the old version, but then the wiki texts haven't been updated in a while.21:21
qenseI've heard people talk about Etherpad, but I don't think that'll be used.21:21
JanCoh well, can always install at UDS  ☺21:21
qenseyeah, the wireless's not bad here.21:21
qenseJust some ports are blocked.21:22
qenseLike 800121:22
bencrisford1what port is gobby.ubuntu.com?21:22
JanCqense: WTF?21:22
qensegood one21:22
qenseJanC: I'm using 6667 right now.21:22
qenseJanC: Some people had trouble SSH'ing to their home machines.21:22
qensenot all21:22
qenseDefault Gobby port is 652221:23
qenseLets see if it works.21:23
bencrisford1not working21:23
qenseI'll bug jcastro right away.21:23
bencrisford1and my portable gobby is talking to me in dutch :/21:23
bencrisford1qense: can you translate please? :D21:23
qensebencrisford1: of course21:24
qenseBlast away21:24
bencrisford1geen datarecord van aangevraagd type21:24
qensebencrisford1: no datarecord of the requested type21:24
qenseI'll check downstarts for Jorge!21:24
bencrisford1ohhh, could it be that im not connected to the internet :P21:24
qensebencrisford1: You can always ask JanC21:24
qenseI am21:25
bencrisford1not having gobby dont make too much difference to me, for tommorrow it wont anyway21:25
bencrisford1the only time ill be able to get on IRC/Gobby is when everyone's at lunch :P21:26
JanCbencrisford1: you never know with geeks  ;)21:29
bencrisford1JanC: lol21:29
bencrisford1hmm, is there a list of the uds-irc-rooms anywhere?21:30
bencrisford1dw, got it :)21:30
JanCI remember chatting on IRC with people sitting next to me at the table on other events, so...21:30
JanCof course, other people (not local) were involved too, so that might be an excuse  ;)21:33
bencrisford1well I should be on about 1pm your time tommorrow :)21:34
bencrisford1i'll check out gobby and irc for whats been happening then :D21:34
bencrisford1until then, im gonna get some sleep ;)21:35
bencrisford1have a good first night everyone! :)21:35
nigelbabuthat vaguely reminds me its 2 am on sunday21:35
bencrisford1nigelbabu: you've got the week off :D, dont worry about it21:36
bencrisford1just fall asleep when you need to, your keyboard won't mind21:36
qensebencrisford1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/RemoteParticipation has a list of all IRC-rooms.21:36
nigelbabubencrisford1: sleeeping throuh uds isnt what i envisioned for this week though21:36
bencrisford1nigelbabu: thats why god invented caffeine ;)21:37
bencrisford1qense: ok, ty.  is it just #ubuntu-uds-ROOMNAME21:37
bencrisford1because the roomnames are on summit.u.c right?21:37
qensebencrisford1: yep21:39
bencrisford1night everyone :D21:39
bencrisford1speak at lunchtime ;)21:39
qensesleep well!21:40
nigelbabupopey: got there? :)22:09
nigelbabuAlanBell: where are the pics? :D22:09
popey:) i mean22:21
* JanC goes to sleep too, have to get up very early tomorrow to try to not get into peak hour traffic :-/22:35
czajkowskipopey: you are cracking myselg and pen up22:55
AlanBellyay, here and on the hotel wifi23:52
AlanBelljust me in my room at the moment23:52

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