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Jibehey guys, I'm having a problem installing Ubuntu onto my netbook, I'm trying to install it from a usb drive, but it seems like it doesn't recognize the hard drive in the netbook, anyone else have this problem? Or a potential solution?01:48
Jibeits an HP mini 1000 Intel Atom N270 processor, 512MB RAM, Inetl Graphics Media accelerator 95001:54
JibeI'm trying to put Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook edition on it01:55
paultagsec Jibe01:55
paultagJibe: I'm on the HP Mini 110 N270 right now01:56
paultagJibe: are you sure it's a mini 1000 ?01:56
paultagHumm, but I have a gig of RAM01:56
Jibeyeah, I might have pulled up the wrong specs, I just got it from a friend01:56
paultagJibe: are you on the USB stick now?01:56
Jibeno, I'm on a different computer01:57
paultagJibe: can you boot it up next to you?01:57
Jibebut it will boot perfectly from the stick01:57
paultagJibe: Just so we can start poking around01:57
paultagJibe: that's good :)01:57
paultagJibe: that means we can see if the drive is there or not according to the linux kernel01:57
Jibeyeah, its a start lol01:57
Jibehow would I go about doing that?01:58
paultagJibe: sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda01:58
paultagJibe: that will let us start looking at the hdd01:59
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Jibeok I did that02:00
Jibegot a whole bunch of options02:00
paultagwhat does it say02:00
paultagAre you sure they are options?02:01
paultagJibe: try sudo hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep Model02:01
paultagJibe: give me the first string02:01
Jibei.e. -a get/set fs readahead02:02
paultagare you sure you typed that accuratly Jibe ?02:02
Jibefirst line of that second command: hdparm - get/set hard disk parameters - version v9.1502:03
Jibeyeah, it's accurate02:05
paultagyou did -i /dev/sda ?02:05
Jibesudo hdparm -i/dev/sda02:06
paultagJibe: no02:06
paultagJibe: space02:06
paultagJibe: -i /dev/sda02:06
paultagJibe: copy commands verbatim :)02:06
Jibewell frak02:06
Jibeok now first line is: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Invalid exchange02:08
paultagOK, let's dig deeper02:08
paultagthat might be your usb disk02:09
paultagJibe: ls /dev/sd*02:09
paultagJibe: is there an sdb ?02:10
Jibeit gives me /dev/sda and /dev/sda102:10
paultagWell that's not fun02:10
paultagJibe: sudo lshw02:11
paultagJibe: there's going to be a lot there02:12
paultagJibe: find "storage", and tell me what the name of the drives are02:12
paultaglook for "-disk"02:12
Jibeok I found -disk02:14
paultagWhat's it's name02:14
Jibelogical name: /dev/sda02:15
paultag( description: )02:15
paultag( product: )02:15
paultag( vendor: )02:15
paultagthose are the 3 I'd like right now :)02:15
Jibedescription: SCSI Disk02:16
Jibebut I don't see a product or vendor02:16
paultagthat means it's a USB drive, I think02:17
Jibethere's a vendor under -volume which is in -disk, which is MSDOS5.002:17
paultagJibe: You might be SOL. I'd look into replacing the HDD inside the computer. If it's a mini 110, it's easy to change02:17
Jibeyeah, its size is only 7638Mb02:17
Jibeyeahhh, the thing is this is supposed to be the new hard drive >.>02:18
paultagJibe: I'd say an upgrade is in order -- a $50 netbook ain't too bad.02:18
paultagDoh :/02:18
Jibebut thanks for all the help!02:18
paultagJibe: sure. Sorry I could not help more :)02:18
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zkriesseHey DarkNemesis06:50
zkriesseHow goes it?06:51
zkriesseOr should I say, switchgirl06:51
=== DarkNemesis is now known as darknemesis
darknemesisit goes well07:03
zkriessevery nice07:04
zkriesseWhat happened to "switchgirl"07:04
zkriesseI liked it better07:04
zkriessehey hobgoblin07:32
zkriesseHow goes the war against Middle Earth?07:32
hobgoblinhow are you zkriesse - all well I trust07:41
zkriessedoing fine07:41
zkriesseExcited actually07:41
zkriesseGonna be dog sitting my grandparents dog for five days at their house while they go on a short trip07:42
hobgoblingot some holiday have you?07:42
zkriesseYeah it's gonna rock07:43
unclemacsbackAny ideas? HP deskjet 3930 printer- head moves like its prininting, just no ink- works OK on xp07:44
zkriesseWork out with the weights and the treadmill, computer stuff, run the block with Ozzie (the dog) and stuff07:44
hobgoblinunclemacsback: generally hp will work - have you tried reinstalling it07:46
unclemacsbackhobgoblin- it's usb and I just plugged it in - do you mean reinstall the drivers?07:49
hobgoblinif you just tried plugging it in, try going to sys- admin - printing and add it there07:54
unclemacsbackI've got 10.04 netbook - in system there is "printing" but no "admin" - I rightclick the printer icon but there dosn't seem to be any category for drivers. Under thecategory "hardware drivers" it states something like "there are no drivers installed for this computer"07:59
hobgoblinunclemacsback: then add printer - I shoudl think there is some way to do so in printing08:02
unclemacsbackYeah - that makes sense. I'll try it/thanks-mac08:03
unclemacHobgoblin - you there?08:15
hobgoblinjust about - first thing in the morning - sorting the day08:16
unclemacWhere are ya?08:16
unclemacLook, I just wanted to tell you it worked. I reinstalled and alls well- I've been workin at this a while. You've got a friend in San Diego/mac08:18
hobgoblinnice to get a reply and thanks08:23
hobgoblinmorning tenach08:31
tenachHello hobgoblin08:31
tenachHow goes it hobgoblin ?08:49
tenachHello swoody08:49
zkriessenot enough O's in that08:49
hobgoblinpretty good ty tenach - have a week at home :)08:49
hobgoblinmorning swoody08:49
tenachhobgoblin, That's pretty sweet08:50
swoodyheya hobgoblin :)08:50
swoodyhobgoblin: how's things going??08:50
hobgoblinyep - not had much time off since xmas08:50
swoodyheya zkriesse :)08:50
hobgoblingood swoody08:50
swoodyvery good to hear :)08:50
zkriesseswoody: you're up late08:51
zkriesseswoody: It's three am08:51
swoodyzkriesse: just got home from work :)08:51
zkriesseswoody: ah night shift?08:52
zkriesseswoody: got a router too eh?08:52
swoodyunwinding with a Guinness and reading the Free Software Supporter newsletter08:53
swoodyyeah, I have had one for a bit now, but when I seed torrents they like to lag and d/c my irssi :(08:53
swoodyzkriesse: 2nd shift, not 3rd. 5pm-1am08:53
zkriesseah ok08:54
zkriessewhere at?08:54
swoodyalthough if we go to the 12hr schedule I'll more than likely be working 8pm-8am08:54
swoodyzkriesse: www.singlehop.com08:54
swoodyvery cool server hosting company08:54
zkriesseOk gotta go do wiki08:54
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zkriesse!pastebin | zkriesse10:59
ubot2zkriesse, please see my private message10:59
Puck`hi zack11:00
Puck`you forgot to roundup where we are today (:11:00
Puck`you said yesterday, you'll go to bed, and when you come back you'll let me know about where this project is today, if we did advance in the past month or not11:07
zkriessePuck`: AH11:08
zkriessePuck`: pm me and we'll discuss it11:08
Puck`oh wrong channel i see, darn11:08
Puck`i thought we were on UY11:08
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darknemesishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DansGuardian i think i messed iptables up - can only get to google13:04
duanedesignhello darknemesis13:04
darknemesisalso any idea about how to ban files except bbc iplayer and youtube?13:05
darknemesisduanedesign,  hoi13:05
darknemesisduanedesign, ? no ideas13:06
hobgoblindarknemesis: do you not have backups of the files you edited?13:08
duanedesigndarknemesis: looking at the guide. If you take out the script that you created script in /etc/rc2.d,  S60iptables. Then restart you should get a clean iptable. Or if you want to leave it, make it unexecutable13:12
darknemesishttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=671604 i was following this13:13
hobgoblindarknemesis: can you not just work backwards then?13:15
hobgoblinnot actually able to help with dansguardian ...13:15
hobgoblinjust to make you feel worse I have nano set to always backup13:16
* darknemesis hates sudo nano13:17
darknemesismakes me shudder13:17
duanedesigndarknemesis: so adding sites to your whitelist is not allowing you to access them ?13:18
darknemesisi want to ban google13:19
darknemesisor rather http://google.com and want to make it go to https://13:19
darknemesisi want a https connection that bans as many risks of infection as i can13:20
paultagdarknemesis: haha bodhizazen ( they guy that wrote that ) is a member here13:21
darknemesisanyone seen bodhi?13:21
darknemesisie they used t be here i think13:22
darknemesisremember i asked yesto-day13:22
hobgoblindarknemesis: he comes and goes still13:24
darknemesison the forums ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=671604 <<i asked and showed you this yest-oday13:24
darknemesisgrr i forget to-day and yestoday13:25
darknemesisnot today13:25
hobgoblindarknemesis: so what do use to edit files? gedit used to auto backup unless you told it not too13:25
darknemesisim on 9.0413:26
hobgoblindid you check for nameofile~13:26
hobgoblinthey are backups13:26
hobgoblinmight be hidden though13:28
hobgoblinbut that is all beside the point you came here for13:28
darknemesisthere are none13:29
darknemesiscan xmpp do yahoo het?13:32
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darknemesisok would it be stupid to encrypt my ~ to aes?16:15
darknemesisand how to encyrpt my home drive to aes via trucrype?16:15
JibeOK, so I used this computer to install ubuntu onto another hard drive via usb (this hard drive was to go in another computer so it could boot Ubuntu), I figured I could just unplug the external hard drive then choose my Windows 7 main hard drive from the boot loader, but apparently thats not the case because not my computer is constantly looking for Ubuntu's boot loader on startup. Is there a way I can switch it back to the windows boot loader?16:44
SARCDoes Ubuntu have debconf-set-selections capability16:47
SARCDoes Ubuntu have debconf-set-selections capability16:59
Jibehow would I go about chainloading grub to point and boot my windows installation?17:07
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ankushwhen i was installing ubunu 10.04 LTS, suddenly the power went off and my ups was not working properly, so after sometime i tried again and resulted in 3 versions of ubuntu partially installed on my pc,now please tell me how to uninstall them...18:07
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ankushsomeone please help18:18
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[V13]AxelCan anyone tell me why 'dpkg --set-selections /host/package.selections' isn't working? the file 'package.selections' is my output file for 'get-selections.' I'm trying to upgrade without program or setting loss.23:32
[V13]AxelI get the error, "--set-selections takes no arguments". If that's so, how do I restore from a file?23:33
duanedesignhello [V13]Axel23:50
duanedesign[V13]Axel:   dpkg –get-selections > ~/installed.packages23:51
duanedesign[V13]Axel:    cat /etc/apt/sources.list > ~/savedsources.list23:51
duanedesign[V13]Axel: Then to reinstall23:52
duanedesign[V13]Axel: sudo cp ~/savedsources.list /etc/apt/sources.list23:52
duanedesigncat ~/installed.packages > dpkg –set-selections23:52
duanedesignsudo apt-get dselect-upgrade23:52
duanedesign[V13]Axel: and on newer installs there is a folder where some repository entries are made. You might want to save that.  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/23:54
duanedesign[V13]Axel: http://okiebuntu.homelinux.com/blog/?p=9623:55
[V13]Axelduanedesign: Do I type that entire line with the "cat" command exactly as you put it?23:58

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