
MJ94!spam | Maletor00:00
Maletor!asshole | MJ9400:00
RaymondCAn someone give me some help install freenx on my unbutu server.00:00
MJ94!wtf | Maletor00:00
ubottuMaletor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:00
KE1HAMaletor:  not a Ubuntu package, but a nice GUI LVM tool is the Fedora system-config-lvm app, use alien to conver to .deb and you can manage the LVM anyway you choose.00:00
Raymondatm im ssh to the server.00:00
MaletorKE1HA: I need to unmount /var however00:00
MaletorNo gui can do that00:00
KE1HAMaletor:  is /var in the LVM ?00:01
MaletorKE1HA: yes00:01
MJ94Daskreech: I did automatic and manual.00:01
KE1HAMaletor:  Bummer :-)\00:01
MaletorKE1HA: tell me about it00:01
KE1HAMaletor:  I've not moved /var before, let me see if I can figure it out.00:01
KE1HAMaletor:  it's a good challange fer the day00:01
Oerrename it00:02
RaymondHas anyone installed FreeNX before on ubuntu?00:02
DaskreechRaymond: where are you gettin the freeNX from?00:02
Subpoenaso, um... while running memtest86, "Pass" should probably be rising above 0% at some point, yeah?00:02
RaymondDask there offical site.00:02
aeon-ltdRaymond: how's it different?00:02
MJ94Can I be linked the dualbooting ubuntu and os x please?00:02
RaymondPeople, im connectinng using Putty atm00:02
Oeryes Subpoena00:02
MJ94!mac | MJ9400:02
ubottuMJ94, please see my private message00:02
RaymondI need freeNX working so i can connect using NXClient00:02
SubpoenaOer: welp.00:03
MaletorKE1HA: ya, well it's in a RAID too so I've been having troubling booting into the live cd and mounting and chrooting00:03
MJ94Can I be linked the dualbooting ubuntu and os x please?00:03
aeon-ltdMJ94: why can't you google it?00:03
MJ94I did00:03
DaskreechRaymond: they should have instructions on the install from there00:03
MJ94cant find the page00:03
RaymondDask it wont work.00:03
aeon-ltdMJ94: theres no official page00:03
DaskreechRaymond: Why not?00:03
RaymondLike resposity adding and etc.00:04
KE1HAMaletor:  See this page, not good Im affraid: http://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/UbuntuVarRun00:04
=== cellofellow is now known as eldercello
RaymondI just want to install apache, curl, mysql thats all00:04
Raymondonto my linux server00:04
KE1HAMaletor:  Find this line" f you started out without a separate /var filesystem and now want to move to one, apparently your life just .. .. "00:04
aeon-ltdMJ94: intel?00:04
MaletorWow my life does just suck.00:05
RaymondHope someone can help me.00:05
aeon-ltdMJ94: heres one for intel cpus Ubuntu00:05
aeon-ltdMJ94: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Intel_iMac00:05
MaletorKE1HA: Well, this is bad. I can't undo the LVM then.00:05
DaskreechRaymond: sudo apt-get install apache curl mysql00:05
aeon-ltdMJ94: more general one http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Triple_Boot_Mac_OS,_XP,_and_Linux_on_a_Mac00:05
mbrigdanHello, I have a question. If I migrate to an encrypted home directory, and I have a backup that runs when my machine starts (at most once a day), how can I make sure that it doesn't backup cleartext files?00:05
RaymondThats all?00:05
Raymond"sudo apt-get install apache curl mysql"00:05
DaskreechRaymond: yes00:06
RaymondWhat about configuring mysql and etc.00:06
MaletorKE1HA: Also, the real world problem I am trying to solve is ureadahead errors due to a separate /var 'lvm'00:06
DaskreechWould you like anything else installed?00:06
KE1HAMaletor:  Ahh, readahead is good, sometimes !!00:06
DaskreechRaymond: defaults are done on install the server is started so you'll have mysql and apache running as soon as it's done It will ask you for a password for mysql before starting00:06
RaymondSo I dont need GUI00:06
Raymondlike nxclient00:06
MaletorKE1HA: I read a bug report where they were fixing these problems for Maverick.00:06
RaymondIm not good with CLI00:06
DaskreechRaymond: Why would you? :)00:06
AzjoHi, i have a problem connecting to my wlan with ubuntu 10.04 live, from an usb. the router is a zyxel P-320W and i have tried all wlan settings on router that does not want an ip server for whatever. on ubuntu it just keeps telling me password is not correct.00:07
KE1HAMaletor:  Look at this one, may be possible: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=826237200:07
DaskreechCLI is maybe 20-30 times faster and uses less resources. Is more secure and makes forests smile00:07
MaletorKE1HA: but I still just want to ditch the LVM. Also I have 2TB of media in a RAID5. I can't easily put that somewhere temporary while I re-set up the RAID.00:07
MJ94There was a page that gave me exact instructions....00:07
DaskreechRaymond: It's worth it to be comfortable with it if you plan on doing any server work00:07
RaymondDask yeah00:08
RaymondI guess ill go for CLI00:08
MaletorKE1HA: never heard of cpio...00:08
KE1HAMaletor:  all descision / consideration to be made "before" building the server. I know this from personal experiences as well.00:08
lee_can some1 help me with the firefox language,, it coming up as German or something.. some English too tho00:08
MaletorKE1HA: exactly... however things change00:08
lee_I need english00:08
Maletorlife is hardly static00:08
KE1HAMaletor:  yep. you prbably best to do a complete migration to a new build.00:09
Jontygrub2 can't find my windows vista install (whereas grub found it fine.) It does find the windows recovery partition though. Any ideas?00:09
KE1HAFiguring out how to backup will be tricky, maybe Dual-layer DVD's or a Cheap NAS00:09
JontyI think I let grub install in my MBR, could that be an issue?00:10
MaletorKE1HA: ya because I can't even boot to live cd and mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda00:10
Jontyos-prober cant find it either00:10
KE1HAMaletor:  time for a re-write of the pan im affraid.00:10
AzjoWPA & WPA2 personal > WPA-PSK on router - these 2 should work together yes?00:10
MaletorKE1HA: and i sudo apt-get install mdadm just falls on its face trying to generate mdadm.conf00:10
slavik0329Hey, I'm having an issue with crontab not running my shell script, i cant figure out why, can someone help00:10
MaletorKE1HA: where do I offload 2TB to?00:10
Maletorya i will ahve to wait a while for that00:11
KE1HACheap NAS Box, 4x 1TB drives abt 400 buck total.00:11
Poul|RaiderAnyone who can help me with port forwarding, iptables. I got lan eth0 and wan eth1 and ptpp on ppp0. I wanna forward incoming requests from both eth1:4000 and ppp0:4000 to eth0
Poul|Raideri have done so far -  sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth1 --dport 4000 -j DNAT --to
Maletorthat's what i have now. 4x 1tb00:11
KE1HAMaletor:  or use any existing Box, and use it for a NAS, and just buy the drives.00:12
Maletorraid1 boot 100mb, raid1 swap 10gb, raid5 root the rest00:12
Maletordidn't bother to make /home00:12
KE1HAI've started doing that all all my builds, /home partition.00:13
thune3slavik0329: if you pastebin it, i'll take a look. Is this /etc/crontab, crontab -e, or ither?00:13
MaletorKE1HA: do you think it's really important to have root and /home separate, if only for the faster speeds of raid1 versus 5?00:13
KE1HAMaletor:  Yes00:13
MaletorKE1HA: whT?00:13
KE1HARAID-1 or 5 on /boot / root  RAID-5 /home /data00:14
SubpoenaOer: the problem persists after i swap out the RAM. is it more likely that i have 2 sets of bad RAM, or that there's some other problem?00:14
luka#ubuntu i have a problem with graphic crashes when I set higher res. any advice?00:14
Maletoryou can't raid5 boot00:14
slavik0329thune3: its /etc/crontab its just 4 * * * * /bin/sh /home/steve/syncfail.sh &>> /home/steve/synclog00:14
KE1HAMaletor:  Simple, recovery options.00:14
Maletoryou might as well just do raid1 root, raid5 home, raid1 swap00:14
Maletorboot would be included in root00:14
luka#ubuntu ofcourse it's ati vga00:14
thune3slavik0329: /etc/crontab needs user name to run script as, see the other entries that have "root".00:15
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KE1HAMaletor:  lots of way to do it, but keeping the /data portions, /home etc etc off the System File / Boot partitons gives you allot of flexability00:15
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OerSubpoena, i think too, some bad ram, experiment wich one by using 2 at the time00:15
lukaany adive?00:16
Maletorok i'm going to go examine my LVM and figure out the best way to make of this situation00:16
Maletoruntil i get access to a NAS00:16
Maletorin a month or so00:16
KE1HAMaletor:  Hardware RAID IMHO is the best solution, LVM is nice for non-enterprise setup, but if you want reliability and high availability HW-RAID all the way.00:16
slavik0329thune3: still not running00:16
MaletorKE1HA: HW raid = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$00:16
KE1HANot SATA00:17
KE1HASCSI = Yes :-)00:17
MaletorKE1HA: i can't find one controller i like on newegg00:17
slavik0329slavik0329: i set it to run a minute ago and i even restarted cron service, still nothing00:17
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KE1HAMaletor:  rr we're OT her so we can do PM or go to Off-Topic is ya want to continue.00:17
slavik0329thune3: ted cron service, still nothing00:17
MaletorKE1HA: i use sata00:17
KibaI believe that I am having problem with websockets00:18
KE1HA!hi | Kiba00:18
ubottuKiba: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:18
SmegzorIs it safe to delete everything in ~/.dbus/session-bus ?00:18
LorgonJortleWireless stopped working after the latest kernel update in 10.04 LTS x64 on my Dell Studio 17. I'm not sure what to do.00:18
Kibafor some reason, google chrome refuse to connect to my local websocket server00:18
thune3slavik0329: it's only set to run at 4 after every hour. how did you check it?00:19
slavik0329thune3: i changed it to the next minute coming up00:19
slavik0329thune3: and restarted cron00:20
thune3slavik0329: any error message in mail or "tail -n 10 /var/log/syslog"00:20
=== Subpoena is now known as Leighton
slavik0329thune3: Aug 21 19:16:01 steve-laptop CRON[31268]: (root) CMD (^I/bin/sh /home/steve/syncfail.sh &>> /home/steve/synclog)00:20
thune3slavik0329: you shell file is a dash shell file? or you want /bin/bash?00:22
sparkyo fix the flash player with ubuntu 10.4?00:22
ZykoticK9LorgonJortle, have you tested that it was the kernel update that did it?  ie have you booted the old kernel and does it work?  Hold down shift as computer is starting to get grub menu (if grub2).00:23
sparkyhas any one figured out how to fix flash on ubuntu 10.4 64 bit?00:23
Ludacriswhat are the differences between kubuntu and ubuntu other than gnome and kde?00:23
bastid_raZorwhen using ubuntu-bug to report suspend issues with the latest kernel.. ubuntu-bug linux-image   is the actual command or should i include the entire package name of th kernl i'm using?00:23
slavik0329thune3: /bin/bash00:23
slavik0329thune3: i have it set in the script00:23
LorgonJortleZykoticK9: I haven't. I'll do that now, thanks.00:23
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, i'd just use linux-image (the bug report will include the version info)00:24
thune3slavik0329: and what is that ^I? if you run /bin/sh, it interprets the script as dash, and bypasses the 'magic thingy'. (i think, i may be wrong)00:24
LeightonOer: how long should a memtest take?00:24
kkszysiuany good app to record screencasts?00:24
bastid_raZorZykoticK9: which is what i have done. i am reviewing the report and it states 'Package - linux-image *not installed*  .. this is the reason i'm asking.00:25
Ludacriswhat is Xubuntu00:25
OerLeighton, full test up to 24 hours, but when it has passed 2x i usually stop00:25
slavik0329thune3: that was just an extra space i took it out, still no luck. whats the magic thingy?00:25
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, in that case i guess you need the actual version...00:25
slavik0329thune3: the weird thing is the script runs fine when i manually run it exactly as it is in cron00:26
ZykoticK9!xubuntu | Ludacris00:26
ubottuLudacris: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels00:26
DaskreechLeighton: all night00:27
sparkyis it posoble to switch from 64 bit to 34 bit ubuntu and still have all the same content like could i save picts to a disk and re instull them on 34bit?00:27
Daskreechsparky: yes00:27
AlZIRLeighton: depends on how much mem your testing00:28
paul__64Alzir, thanks so much for your help00:28
meltingw1xcan anyone recommend a good terabyte harddrive that's compatible with ubuntu?00:28
meltingw1x(external harddrive)00:28
sparkydaskreech: is there a easy way to switch or just have to save content and deleat 64bitt and instull 34 bitt00:28
AlZIRpaul__64: np hope all is well00:28
thune3slavik0329: i'm saying that if you run /bin/sh script.sh, it does *not* use the #!/bin/bash in the script. You either need to make the script executable and run it directly, or run it with /bin/bash.00:28
Oer!opinion | meltingw1x00:29
ubottumeltingw1x: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:29
AlZIRLeighton: at least 2hrs then00:29
flughgreetings #ubuntu00:29
Leightonyeah, it's taken 10 minutes ish to do 2%00:29
Leightonlooks like its going to be running overnight00:29
Daskreechsparky: your data isn't in 64 or 32 bit. You could install a 32bit kernel and then install 32bit programs and it would all work on a reboot00:29
Daskreech!hi | flugh00:29
ubottuflugh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:29
AlZIRpaul__64: you can now even listen to you music files00:30
paul__64Alzir, yes all is well now I just copied them into my music folder on Linux, done deal, thanks again00:30
gizmobayAnyone know of a combo headphones microphone that work with ubuntu 10.04. Either usb or bluetooth00:30
DaskreechLeighton: if you are having troubles enough to run a memory test just let it run for 5-8 hours00:30
sparkydaskreech: so it would be pointless to save it all to a disk?00:30
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KE1HAsparky:  just mack sure you install ia32-libs fer 32 bit apps on 64bit system00:30
mbrigdanmeltingw1x, I haven't ever heard of a harddrive being incompatible with an operating system, as long as your motherboard supports it00:30
thune3slavik0329: also, the cron only uses the PATH in the /etc/crontab file, if you script requires something in the path you need to add it in the /etc/crontab file.00:30
ilyekkakaiI installed the out of date nicotine from the repositories (which crashes) and I also downloaded the current version from the sourceforge, which run ok, but I installed it to a different location in my home directory. How do I replace the old version with the new one?00:31
Daskreechif you have no errors then you are pretty sure it's not the memory if you let it run 1 hour then you could have just missed something like heat causing the problems under heavy loa00:31
Daskreechsparky: not pointless. backups are always good00:31
meltingw1xmbrigdan: i see. thanks!00:31
sparkyDaskreech: Ke1ha:what do you mean? see my problem is that Flash wont work on 64 bit00:31
Daskreechsparky: won't work easily00:32
KE1HAsparky:  ok, then install 32-bit flash / broswer00:32
ilyekkakaiHow do I replace the bad repository version of nicotine+ with the good current version from the nictone website?00:32
sparkyKE1ha: can i just instull 34bit fire fox and i work?00:32
sparkyand it work**00:32
KE1HAsparky:  for most folks, and by that I mean the general population, using 64-bit is more bother than benifit.00:32
aeon-ltdsparky: yeah especiallly falsh00:33
lxLeewhat is the ubuntu equivilant to sony vegas?00:33
KE1HAsparky:  very few desktop general purpose applications have use of the extend abilities 64-bit provides.00:33
mbrigdanOk, so I made a mistake, and accidentally set all files in my home folder to be executable, which is annoying when I try and open them. Anyone know how I can set the all back to normal, but leave the directories with the execute permission?00:33
DaskreechlxLee: Kdenlive00:34
AlZIRKE1HA: 64bit more bother?00:34
lxLeedaskreech: thank you00:34
Daskreechmbrigdan: mask out the d flag in a script?00:34
thune3slavik0329: you can simulate the environment of cron (sort of), by running /bin/sh, paste the two lines SHELL and PATH from the /etc/crontab, and then paste your command.00:34
aeon-ltdunless you have more than 3gb of ram there is no point in upgrading to 64bit yet, maybe in 6-24 months it'll start shifting00:34
ilovefairuzilyekkakai: why do you have to "replace" it? just uninstall the older version and use the newer one00:34
KE1HAAlZIR:  for most, yes, but if extensive encoding, MELAB apps, high computational needs are there, then yes 64-bit.reqirments00:35
sparkyKe1ha: dumb it down a little i dont get what your saying lol do i not have to uninstull 64 bit and just instull 34bit fire fox?00:35
slavik0329thune3: kk trying00:35
test34mbrigdan, find ./ -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;00:35
KE1HAsparky:  if you dont know if you need 64-bit or not, 99% chance you dont need it.00:35
AlZIRKE1HA: not sure if I agree   buy hey00:36
mbrigdantest34, Thanks00:36
AlZIRKE1HA: not sure if I agree   but* hey00:36
ilyekkakaiilovefairuz, I thot that way, if I replaced one with the other, I would not lose the menu item under the applications menu ;)00:36
sparkyKe1ha: oh ok i dont know my brother talked me through it to put it on my laptop he didnt know about the flash issue00:36
KE1HAAlZIR:  we can go to Off-Topic, as I'd lke to know what I need a 64-Bit system for if all im doing is gernal desktop work.00:36
ilovefairuzilyekkakai: install "alacarte" and create a new menu entry that points to the newer one00:36
kb9tuiAnyone have any recommendations of things to watch for on updating from 8.04 to 10.4? I have the "Clean upgrade" notes.00:36
hiexpokb9tui,  do a fresh00:37
AlZIRKE1HA: not looking for a flame war thanks :)00:37
Daskreechkb9tui: sounds00:37
kb9tuihiexpo: thanks, why do you say that?00:38
KE1HAAlZIR:  and I quote the Ubuntu Download Page: "Not recommended for daily desktop usage"00:38
ilovefairuzmbrigdan: chmod -R a-x ~; chmod u+x ~/bin  ~/.bash* ~/.profile      .. hopefully i'm not forgetting anything00:38
aeon-ltdkb9tui: reduce problems00:38
hiexpokb9tui,  less probs00:38
BiggFREEIs there a way to verify if my wireless connection is working without disconnecting my ethernet ?00:38
aeon-ltdBiggFREE: ping a site00:38
zox-streaming: "Senzations @ 64 kb/s cu Dj zoxu !! http://zox.cjb.net/listen.pls !! VA - Ibiza House Session 2009 Mixed By Jerome Noak And Marc Ozz (Z o X Radio )" .:64kbps|Stereo|1:25:.00:38
kb9tuiTo all: thanks I will do a resh install.00:39
thune3slavik0329: and by command i mean the stuff *after* root only00:39
AlZIRKE1HA: well all I can say is Ive been using it for over a year now   much faster than my old retired 32bit machines!00:39
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slavik0329thune3: ahh, i think i see the problem now00:40
slavik0329thune3: im gonna try executing from bash00:40
KE1HAAlZIR:  fare enough. It's on all mine as well, but I know I don't use 64-bit extension in daily usage fer sure.00:40
ilovefairuzBiggFREE: only one "internet" connection is usually turned on by network manager, but you could scan for networks with: iwlist scan00:40
hiexpo<AlZIR> 32 bit is great00:40
BiggFREEok :)00:41
slavik0329thune3: still not working, either that or its just not outputting to the log00:41
AlZIRhiexpo: 32bit   is well lets just say   ooold :P00:41
hiexpoAlZIR,  32 is better than 64 faster less boggy00:42
aeon-ltdi think hiexpo meant far less buggy00:42
hiexpo^ yup00:42
ATMSTopo28hello Linux land, I need some assistance with my new Lucid distribution00:43
nimbioticsI had a power outtage while using my ubuntu 10.04 desktop PC. Now, Once it shows the "Automatic Login: windows, it freezes and the "Caps Lock" and "Scroll Lock" start blinking. I can boot in Windows 7 w/o problems, but in recovery mode->root, it requests my "root password for maintenance", I type my sudo pwd but it keeps telling me its incorrect. I can eventually login, after trying the pwd...00:43
nimbiotics...many, many times. Need help, please. TIA!00:43
aeon-ltd!details | ATMSTopo2800:43
ubottuATMSTopo28: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:43
hiexpoATMSTopo28,  | ask00:43
KE1HANew, is certainly not always better. Just look at the bug counts, on anything new :-)00:43
AlZIRhiexpo: 32bit faster (does not compute ) boggy    well hehe00:43
aeon-ltdKE1HA: yeah but look at amount of bugs squashed from previous releases00:44
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aeon-ltdfede: hi00:44
hiexpoAlZIR,  loadsto much00:44
KE1HAThe cool think about Linux, is choice, and it's all free :-)00:44
thune3slavik0329: mabye try the normal redirection syntax?  >/home/steve/synclog 2>&100:44
fedehow do I access another machine in my home network that's using windows 7?00:44
ATMSTopo28I'm having a problem with the auto partitioning function of the Ubuntu installer  for Lucid Lynx and it throws a general error message when I select the option for running alongside my current OS00:45
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:45
ATMSTopo28I'm running an HP Pavilion dv600000:45
bazhanghiexpo, ?00:45
zish1hi room, hope you're all having a good weekend.00:45
hiexpobazhang,  yes sir00:45
bazhanghiexpo, /msg ubottu please00:45
KE1HAATMSTopo28:  what is the error it's throwing?00:45
thune3slavik0329: i'm seeing something that says "dash interprets the '&' as a background cmd" in talking about redirection00:46
ATMSTopo28a general error saying the partition resizing is being aborted00:46
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ATMSTopo28it's during the installation from the Live CD (in my case a USB drive)00:46
aeon-ltdATMSTopo28: you could explain more e.g. wording of the mesg00:47
=== Guest36585 is now known as deus_ex_machina
ATMSTopo28it was in a dialog box with a red circle saying "something went wrong action must be aborted" during the partitioning part of the Lucid download00:48
hiexpobazhang,  ok what you need me to do i am confused  ?00:48
slavik0329thune3: ahh, that must be it, ill know in a minute if it works00:49
hiexpobazhang,    /msg ubottu00:49
bazhanghiexpo, for general info, /msg ubottu windows (for example)00:49
KE1HAATMSTopo28:  are you using the Migration Option for installation?00:49
k1m3ut0nalguem sabe como escaneo meu hd atras de defeitos do tipo setores defeituosos, da pra fazer no ubuntu como se faz no WINDOWS?00:49
hiexpobazhang,  - oh ok np00:49
ZykoticK9hiexpo, i think bazhang was just wondering why you used !windows - and suggested if you are trying to see a factoid just use the private /msg ubottu method00:49
ilovefairuzhiexpo: as in, open a "pm" with ubottu00:49
Crazyguy!es | k1m3ut0n00:49
ubottuk1m3ut0n: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:49
CrazyguyI'm guessing that's spanish00:50
ATMSTopo28KE1HA, no I'm just installing from a USB drive that I booted it from00:50
ATMSTopo28using the "Install Ubuntu" icon on the desktop00:50
hiexpoZykoticK9,  no was passing it up to a person asking a windows  ?00:50
jm2#wicd /join00:51
lxLeei believe ubottu just said that he needs to speak english in this chat or go to #ubuntu-es for the spanish ubuntu chat00:51
hiexpo just didn't directit is all00:51
aeon-ltdjm2: err other way round00:52
KE1HAATMSTopo28:  On, this was native Win7 and your wanting to Dual-Boot or complete Ubuntu install, removing Windows?00:53
wersI want to test Maverick and am currently on Lucid. would installing the .iso be any "cleaner" than update-manager -d? My intention is to test GNOME Shell, Unity, and Firefox 4 beta. I have all of those installed, but GS isn't working properly00:53
ATMSTopo28@KE1HA yes that is correct00:53
Daskreechwers: #ubuntu=100:53
bazhangwers #ubuntu+1 for Maverick discussion00:53
Daskreechwers: #ubuntu+100:53
wersDaskreech, ok00:53
ZykoticK9!crosspost > wers00:54
nimbioticsI had a power outtage while using my ubuntu 10.04 PC. Now, Once it shows the "Automatic Login" windows, it freezes and Capsthe  & Scroll Lock lights start blinking. Windows 7 boos w/o problems, but in recovery mode->root, it requests my "root password for maintenance", I type my sudo pwd but it keeps telling me its incorrect. I can eventually login, after trying the pwd many, many times....00:54
ubottuwers, please see my private message00:54
nimbiotics...Please help. TIA!00:54
KE1HAATMSTopo28:  whaich one, Dual-Boot or Complete Install ?00:54
jm2can anyone here help with iwconfig commands? not connecting to AP00:55
netsavy006Hi all.00:55
netsavy006I have another question.00:55
Daskreechjm2: man doesn't help?00:55
Daskreechhi netsavy00600:56
netsavy006I'd like to know there are apps in the application menu that are no longer installed yet listed there.  How do I get rid of them?00:56
KE1HAATMSTopo28:  Ok, I dont knwo why it's throwing this specific error, but I'd recommend you follow this guide for your installation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot00:56
ilovefairuzjm2: what encryption does the router use? WEP or WPA00:56
hiexponetsavy006,  | ask00:56
ZykoticK9netsavy006, System / Preferences / Main Menu00:56
bazhanghiexpo, he did00:56
hiexpobazhang,  yahmissed it sorry00:57
valbaca!ask | bazhang00:57
ubottubazhang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:57
ATMSTopo28it has something to do with the partitions, there was leftover data on my machine from when I upgraded from windows Vista00:57
netsavy006Yea I have applications listed in my applications menu yet they are no longer installed (I removed them).  I'd like to know how to get rid of them from the Applications menu.00:57
Daskreechnetsavy006: edit the menu?00:57
slavik0329thune3: thanks for everything, working great now!00:57
bazhangvalbaca, no questions, but thanks00:57
thune3slavik0329: whew...cool00:57
DaskreechThere is a way to have it rebuild the appcache but I don't remember what that is00:57
jm2Daskreech: no  it doesn't. It sort of tries to connect, but I don't get an ip address. It seems as ubuntu doesn't want to connect00:58
ATMSTopo28and thanks for the help btw, I really need some assistance :)00:58
netsavy006worked.  Ok thank you Zykotick9.00:58
Daskreechjm2: you ran dhclient on the interface ?00:58
hiexpoATMSTopo28,  no problem00:58
jm2to the AP. I've been trying the wicd commands by hand, it won't connect there either. it stops at the AP00:58
netsavy006I've still not figured out the printer problem.00:58
netsavy006I know you guys suggested #windows but I can't seem to get over there cause I can't seem to get registered.00:59
=== cmdshftn_ is now known as cmdshftn
netsavy006(figures with windows)00:59
soreau! register | netsavy00600:59
ubottunetsavy006: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:59
ilovefairuzjm2: if the AP is WPA encrypted you can't connect by using iwconfig/ifconfig only00:59
ldleworkHi I just upgraded to Lucid and I seem to be having a wierd 'pause' between each gnome action. Like if I move a window around, when I drop it, everything will sorta pause, and then continue running normally. This happens when opening a new tab in gnome-terminal, or say using the gnome-panel menus, etc I really degrades the experience.00:59
ilovefairuz!hi | benhur01:00
ubottubenhur: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:00
benhuranyone can read me?01:00
jm2it's using WEP - i know not prefered. but at this point. I want to know why it is giving me such a problem.01:00
edbianbenhur, That's what we love to do.01:00
aeon-ltdbenhur: yeah01:00
netsavy006I don't remember the name of the terminal app you gave me to go into the #windows thing.01:00
benhurokayjust wanted to askhow i can get out of a man page? :D01:00
edbianbenhur, q01:01
edbianbenhur, :)01:01
edbianbenhur, Any more brain busters?01:01
Daskreechnetsavy006: irssi ?01:01
ilovefairuzjm2: after you set the ssid and the wep key, do you run: sudo dhclient wlan0 ?01:01
jm2ilovefiruz - curious what else do you need ? wicd?01:01
AlZIRedbian: hehe01:01
benhur:D thanks01:01
Poul|RaiderAnyone good at Iptables and can assist me in getting my portforwarding working01:01
edbianbenhur, I was extremely frustrated with something I was doing.  Thank you for that :)01:01
ilovefairuz!tab | jm201:01
ubottujm2: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:01
hiexpoilovefairuz,  evening01:01
ilovefairuzhello hiexpo01:02
edbianhiexpo, hello01:02
jm2ilovefariuz: yes i get  DHCPDISCOVER wlan0 to port 67 interval 3 , etc01:02
netsavy006It tells me not connected to a server.  How do I connect to one?01:02
hiexpoedbian,  hello :)01:02
ilovefairuzjm2: did it finish or still trying?01:02
BiggFREEMy wireless connection is not working. I think that some drivers are missing.01:02
AlZIRcaught me totally off guard as well    thank you benhur01:02
Gulahwhere should I find the file bootsect.lnx?01:03
BiggFREEndiswrapper related files are installed though.01:04
jm2ilovefariuz: it says NO DHCPOFFERS recieved. No working leases in persistant database - sleeping01:04
ilovefairuzGulah: what are you trying to accomplish ?01:04
jm2ilovefairuz: which leads me to believe it can't get to AP01:04
BiggFREEMy wireless connection is not working. I think that some drivers are missing.01:05
BiggFREEndiswrapper related files are installed though.01:05
NinoScripthello! I want to know what's all the differences between desktop and netbook editions. Do they get different default applications?01:05
Gulahilovefairuz: since I can-t still boot my pc, I-m trying to fix it01:05
edbianBiggFREE, Did you see my personal message?01:05
jm2ilovefariuz: it used to work fine before we changed from no security to WEP01:05
BiggFREEYes I tried :(01:05
edbianNinoScript, That is the difference.  The netbook edition has some software that runs instead of the typical desktop and panels.01:06
ZykoticK9NinoScript, the interface is the biggest change, some different applications as well.  If you can, I'd recommend desktop over netbook.01:06
hiexpoBiggFREE,  what kinda wireless01:06
NinoScriptZykoticK9, why? what's the thing you like better in desktop?01:06
Gulahilovefairuz: I tried to boot it through windows and so i ran this command:sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1, but I can-t find that file01:06
ilovefairuzjm2: correct, did you set the ssid correctly? sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && sudo iwconfig essid "YOUR_ROUTER_SSID" mode Managed key s:PASSWORD_HERE01:07
edbianGulah, Where was the terminal when you ran that command?  That's where the file would have been dropped.01:07
Shirleyi cannot get ethernet to work01:07
ZykoticK9NinoScript, recently Netbook version has become VERY locked down, unable to make changes... not the direction i wish it went... it's just my opinion though - you might like it just fine.  Good luck.01:07
AlZIRGulah: its in your root01:07
NinoScriptedbian, but, aside interface, are there any changes? like pidgin instead of empathy or something like that? where can I read about that?01:07
Shirleyatheros AR813201:07
ilovefairuzGulah: type: pwd01:08
edbianNinoScript, I don't know of any differences like that.  I don't know where you'd find that either.01:08
NinoScriptZykoticK9, What do you mean with locked down?01:08
Shirleyanyone know where i can grab the driver?01:08
ZykoticK9NinoScript, you can't make changes to the interface that used to be possible (i think working with GoogleOS influenced these decisions)01:08
Gulahhow can I acces my root01:09
ilovefairuzjm2: and then: sudo dhclient wlan001:09
ZykoticK9!noroot | Gulah01:09
ubottuGulah: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.01:09
ilovefairuzGulah: it's in the directory shown by: pwd  .. as in, the current directory01:09
jm2ilovefariuz:  you need the : after key?01:09
GulahI ran that command through my live cd01:09
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: he was referring to the root directory not the root user01:10
nimbioticsI had a power outage while using my ubuntu 10.04 PC. Now, Once it shows the "Automatic Login" windows, it freezes and Capsthe  & Scroll Lock lights start blinking. Windows 7 boos w/o problems, but in recovery mode->root, it requests my "root password for maintenance", I type my sudo pwd but it keeps telling me its incorrect. I can eventually login, after trying the pwd many, many times....01:10
nimbiotics...Please help. TIA!01:10
feenI can't decrypt a GPG email. I have tryied all email clients and methods suggested by the launchpad help, but I just can't work it out. Every method failed me...01:10
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, sorry Gulah my bad01:10
AlZIRGulah: its in your ubuntu home dir then01:10
Gulahubuntu@ubuntu:~$ pwd01:10
BiggFREEGulah: sudo su -01:10
Gulahthe thing is I canºt see it01:10
ilovefairuzjm2: not just ':' but 's:'  .. for example: 's:supersecret'01:10
edbiannimbiotics, Some of your ram is probably bad.  A portion that your windows hasn't touched yet.  I suggest testing all the ram.01:10
bazhangBiggFREE, please dont suggest that here. its sudo01:10
BiggFREESorry :(01:11
AlZIRGulah: use ls *.lnx01:11
Gulahls: cannot access *.lnx: No such file or directory01:11
lxLeehow do you install cinelerra on ubuntu 10.04?01:11
ilovefairuzGulah: pastebin the first command and it's output01:12
ubottuCinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu01:12
ilovefairuz!paste > Gulah01:12
ubottuGulah, please see my private message01:12
aaddccis talking about backtrack blasphemy here?01:12
ZykoticK9!backtrack | aaddcc01:12
ubottuaaddcc: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:12
edbianlxLee, sudo apt-get install cinelerra01:12
AlZIRaaddcc: possibly ;)01:12
nimbioticsedbian: How do I test RAM?01:12
user01how come dd doesnt work for making an audio cd image? :((((01:12
lxLeegulah: go to terminal and type in "sudo -s"01:13
T3hFlywhen does 11 come out?01:13
ZykoticK9nimbiotics, you can dest RAM from LiveCD if you want01:13
smallfoot-plz put php-gtk package in repo01:13
edbiannimbiotics, At the boot grub menu there is an option.  It is an exhaustive test and takes a long time.  Lower tech you can just take 1 stick out and see if the problem persists.  Then try with the other stick.01:13
Gulahok now i'm in root01:13
nimbioticsedbian: thanks a lot!01:14
ilovefairuzGulah: being root makes no difference, pastebin the output of the first command01:14
edbiannimbiotics, Good luck! :)01:14
hiexpoedbian,    < good guy01:14
Gulahilovefairuz: what command?01:14
ilovefairuzGulah: dd01:14
=== cmdshftn_ is now known as cmdshftn
edbianhiexpo, Awww shucks01:14
BiggFREEedbian: Any suggestions ?01:14
ilovefairuz!releases | T3hFly01:14
ubottuT3hFly: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases01:14
AlZIRhiexpo: whats kool?01:15
edbianhiexpo, Yes what was kool ??01:15
aaddcci've been trying to update my OS to ubuntu from kde3, but when i do I am unable to start my wireless or load any network manager, can anyone help?01:15
T3hFlyfyi second link is down01:15
user01i get dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error01:15
edbianaaddcc, kde3 and ubuntu are not mutually exclusive.  What do you mean?01:15
ilovefairuzuser01: is there a cd in there?01:15
edbianilovefairuz, :P01:16
ilovefairuzhad to ask...01:16
user01ilovefairuz: yes01:16
edbianilovefairuz, It was my first thought as well.01:16
Gulahilovefairuz: http://pastie.org/110685401:16
hiexpooh said in root01:16
T3hFlyApril!? i cant wait that long -cries-01:17
user01ilovefairuz: does dd work for you to create a cd image?01:17
aaddccebian, i am booted into kde3, so i added ubuntu repos and was able to boot into ubuntu6, everything worked, but when i upgraded to ubuntu 9 those files were deleted.01:17
hiexpou said u were in root i said kool01:17
user01audio cd01:17
ilovefairuzuser01: a) could be scratched/damaged b) the data cable could be faulty c) the drive could be dusty d) the drive might need replacement01:17
edbianT3hFly, There is one coming out in October.01:17
T3hFlyah meerkat01:17
ilovefairuzuser01: yes it does work01:17
T3hFlystill too far away -cries and throws tantrum-01:18
user01ilovefairuz: none of those because it works creating an iso with gnome tools01:18
edbianaaddcc, Why don't you upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 ??  How did you upgrade from 6 to 9?01:18
bazhangT3hFly, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic01:18
Gulahilovefairuz: so what do you think?01:18
user01this guy has the same problem: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/creating-an-iso-from-an-audio-cd-with-dd-670913/01:18
ilovefairuzuser01: no idea then, wodim may be finding its way around the error01:18
AlZIRdd is not really meant for that01:19
ZykoticK9user01, you technically cannot make an ISO out of an audio cd - you can create a disk image, just not an ISO01:19
ilovefairuzGulah: ls *.lnx01:19
edbianZykoticK9, What is the difference?01:19
user01ZykoticK9: well it wasnt making anything01:19
ilovefairuzAlZIR: but it actually works pretty well01:19
thune3nimbiotics: the memtest is progressive and each test checks all of memory (you don't have to let it run to completion to get good confidence levels). I would say 1 minute of testing gives 90% confidence, 2 minutes 99% and on.01:19
Gulahnow it finds it01:19
ZykoticK9edbian, ISO is a file system - audio cd don't use a "file system"01:19
edbianZykoticK9, That you.01:20
Gulahilovefairuz: it finds it now01:20
ilovefairuzGulah: so there you go01:20
AlZIRilovefairuz: as long as there no protections the sure it should work01:20
edbianZykoticK9, What extension is a file that is an image of a CD (bit for bit image?)01:20
AlZIRilovefairuz: as long as theres no protections then sure it should work01:20
ZykoticK9edbian, bin/cue for one01:21
Gulahilovefairuz: ok i'll see if the pc boots01:21
kishthe default gnome menus like the taskbar are all dark. almost black., but recently all my windows went white. its not aesthetic anymore01:21
AlZIRilovefairuz: but it was never meant for that!01:21
jm2ilovefairuz, i tried again and still no luck. any other suggestions?  I get a Listening on LPF/wlan0/MAc sending onLPF/wlan0/MAC sending on Socket/fallback01:21
ilovefairuzGulah: i don't think that command will just magically make the boot work, you'll have to give more details about your problem01:21
mr_mustardhow do I check the date a package was installed?01:22
thune3kish: meta(win-key)-m maybe?01:22
mr_mustardI'm getting segmentation fault (according to apache logs) when trying to open any PHP file in the browser...01:22
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: now i noticed "audio cd", wasn't in the original question though!01:22
Gulahilovefairuz: my grub2 always had my problems, from time to time I had to reinstall grub2 to boot the computer01:22
kishthune3, dunno01:22
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, really oops - sorry then I thought it was audio cd01:23
ilovefairuzGulah: running wubi ?01:23
kishi dont remember what its supposed to loook like01:23
thune3kish: i was suggesting you try it, are all colors "inverted"?01:23
kishthune3, no, just the windows are white01:23
ZykoticK9ilovefairuz, actually the link user01 gave was for an audio CD and they said it was the same...01:23
kishim working on it01:23
kishat is the name of the default 10.04 theme01:24
netsavy006Hi again.01:24
kishis it amibance or clearlooks01:24
ilovefairuzZykoticK9: i didn't mean it wasn't an audio only, but i only noticed when you mentioned it01:24
ZykoticK9kish, ambiance and radiance are the Light theme of Lucid01:24
Gulahilovefairuz: so I uninstalled grub2 and tryed to follow this site: http://en.andrenoel.com.br/2009/07/22/starting-linux-through-windows-xp-boot-list-boot-ini/     it didn't worked so i tried to install grub back, and now my pc won't boot01:25
kishwhat are the dark themes01:25
netsavy006I was able to get the test page printed by having my brother enable spooling and I didn't need to authenticate.  Now when I try to print off of Google Chrome Browser, I get the same authentication message I was getting before.01:25
Gulahilovefairuz: nop running a live cd01:25
kishi went to check on that "get more themes online" button but all they had were windows clones like vista win2k me01:25
nimbioticsthune3: Thanks, will start test un a couple of minutes01:25
kishno way do i want to go back to that ugliness01:25
kishambiance must be the dark theme01:26
DaskreechJordan_U: Doesn't seem to be working :(01:26
netsavy006I apologize for all of this but I'm very new as I said before to Linux.  Just started using it today.01:26
ilovefairuzGulah: i meant: is your ubuntu installation using wubi or on a normal partition ?01:27
AlZIRhey deadBit  looks like (from you sample)there trying to use Xor shifting01:27
kishor is it new wave? no idea01:27
Gulahilovefairuz: normal partition01:27
edbiannetsavy006, What was your question again?  I can't find it in the scroll back.01:28
ilovefairuzGulah: you shouldn't be having problems with grub2 them.. anyhow you could revert to grub legacy01:28
thune3nimbiotics: if there are errors, they are listed in the blank window area in the center (took me a while to figure out what a good indication was, years back)01:28
=== wlan0 is now known as McUbuntu
jinxzsi am installing to my laptop hp with my desktopiso the problem says I/O error I/O error reading boot CD01:28
=== McUbuntu is now known as McLinux
netsavy006I was able to do a test print by getting my brother to enable spooling on his printer settings.  Now when I try to print from the browser, I have to authenticate again.  I don't know what to do?01:28
edbianjinxzs, The CD is scratches and dust and such.01:28
ilovefairuzGulah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reverting%20to%20GRUB%20Legacy01:28
edbiannetsavy006, Sorry I don't know.  That's a difficult problem.01:29
AlZIRjinxzs: try burning it anew01:29
jinxzsok il be back later. thanks01:29
Gulahilovefairuz: I'll try to boot my pc again and then I'll try to use grub legacy01:29
netsavy006and it's not like I can go back to windows and do printing because I'm totally on linux as of today.01:29
netsavy006I switched myself over today.01:29
edbiannetsavy006, Awesome.  Linux is great.01:30
netsavy006From what I've been able to do with linux, I'm pretty happy with it.01:30
edbiannetsavy006, As a work around why don't you print to a pdf and then print the pdf with some other software.01:30
chosenhey guys how can i burn a ,dmg image01:30
edbiannetsavy006, Or take a screenshot and print the .jpg01:30
AlZIRnetsavy006: wellcome to choice :)01:30
edbiannetsavy006, You just wait.01:30
edbiannetsavy006, It is a depth of power and tools matched only by the endless caverns of the universe.01:31
jm2ilovefairuz,  checked /var/syslog .. getting address for wlan001:31
bazhangchosen, you can't01:31
AlZIRedbian: way to go!01:31
netsavy006with regards to the pdf idea, how would I make a webpage that I'm on a pdf that I'd print elsewhere.  I don't even know if I can print a document yet or anything that's non web yet other than the test page.01:31
choseni can convert it too iso?01:31
bazhangchosen, explain what you want to do01:32
ilovefairuzjm2: pastebin the commands and their output01:32
edbiannetsavy006, file print, then choose print to file01:32
edbiannetsavy006, in chrome ^^01:32
chosenburn a dmg image of osx01:32
edbiannetsavy006, What software printed the test page?01:32
jm2ilovefairuz,  i don't do much irc, how do i do pastebin01:32
bazhangchosen, that is not supported on this network nor this channel. Please dont ask again01:32
ilovefairuz!paste > jm201:32
ubottujm2, please see my private message01:32
netsavy006I don't know.01:32
chosenbozhang im doing it legaly01:33
bazhangchosen, please stop.01:33
feenI can't work a way to read a GPG email.01:33
edbiannetsavy006, You're new to linux you said?  Were you there when the printer was set up?01:33
ldleworkHi I just upgraded to Lucid and I seem to be having a wierd 'pause' between each gnome action. Like if I move a window around, when I drop it, everything will sorta pause, and then continue running normally. This happens when opening a new tab in gnome-terminal, or say using the gnome-panel menus, etc I really degrades the experience.01:34
netsavy006Yes, I had to set up the printer myself.01:34
chosenwell whatever the case i need someone to tell me how to burn a .dmg file01:34
ANowlinAnyone here have any experience with OpenNMS?  Nobody in #opennms is responding...01:34
netsavy006It's a HP All In One F4235 Printer.01:34
edbiannetsavy006, But you didn't print the test page and you don't know how to print it?01:34
AlZIRchosen: windoez is better for burning an dmgimage (ironacaly )01:34
edbiannetsavy006, Did you get chrome to print to a pdf yet?01:34
netsavy006I installed it as a HP Deskjet All In One 4200 Series Printer.01:34
netsavy006no not yet.01:34
lahwranwhoops sorry about the bot01:34
netsavy006haven't tried it yet.01:34
edbiannetsavy006, Well try it!  What are you waiting for? :P01:35
netsavy006can't print a pdf file either.\01:35
netsavy006asks to authenticate.01:35
edbiannetsavy006, Try a different browser.  Chrome is not very native on linux.  Does firefox print to pdf?01:36
netsavy006This is the pdf application it was using:  Document Viewer 2.30.301:36
ANowlinAnyone here have any experience with OpenNMS?  I'm having trouble getting it to start.  Log:  http://pastebin.com/N7pJKij501:36
ilovefairuzchosen: http://www.arsgeek.com/2007/01/23/ubuntu-quicktip-converting-max-dmg-images-into-iso-images/01:36
edbiannetsavy006, Wait soooo, you get chrome to print to a pdf and the document viewer couldn't print it?01:36
lukiinhashi am new to backtrack tava testing some tools anyone has a clue?01:36
bazhangilovefairuz, he's trying to pirate os x , please dont assist01:37
AlZIRedbian: ubuntu prints to pdf01:37
edbianlukiinhas, You're in the wrong channel01:37
netsavy006Chrome saved the pdf on the computer and then trying to print the saved file didn't work.01:37
bazhanglukiinhas, #backtrack-linux for support01:37
hiexpoask ^01:37
edbiannetsavy006, Ok.  At least you now have a pdf.  Bigger problem.  Printing.  I'm not nearly as good with that. I set up a cups server once.  I don't know if this is what you have going though.01:37
netsavy006I get the authentication when trying to print a page in firefox too.01:37
thune3ldlework: i would try disabling compiz (as a debug step), and see if that helps System->prefs->appearence tab=visual effects set to none.01:37
ANowlinAnyone here have any experience with OpenNMS?  I'm having trouble getting it to start.  Log:  http://pastebin.com/N7pJKij501:37
=== jtoy is now known as sudoer
edbiannetsavy006, Sounds like you're going to get that Auth problem no matter where you print from.01:38
netsavy006Firefox won't even let me install and use flash and I don't know why but that's a different subject for another day.01:38
edbiannetsavy006, I have an idea for a work around though.01:38
edbiannetsavy006, That I can actually help with! :)01:38
edbiannetsavy006, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:38
edbiannetsavy006, Then restart firefox.01:38
edbiannetsavy006, But yeah, try running firefox as root and printing.  In a term: "gksudo firefox"01:38
nimbioticsthune3: memtest has been running for 5 minutes. No errors are listed. Edibian: Do you think there might be some other reason for my problem?. TIA!01:38
ilovefairuzbazhang: as far as i know OS X itself doesn't ship as a "dmg"  s/he probably meant a single application which is often bundled as a dmg file for OS X users01:39
lukiinhasI'm from Brazil do not speak english very well .. um not found my channel + someone still has a hint about backtrack? already know some commands01:39
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bazhangilovefairuz, mind if I PM?01:39
AlZIRedbian: surely you dont need a flash plugin to print a pdf file?01:39
edbiannetsavy006, Be aware that running things as root should only be done when you have to.01:39
edbianAlZIR, un related issues.  :)01:39
netsavy006could I try printing as root?01:39
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bazhanglukiinhas, backtrack is not supported here01:39
netsavy006just as a test?01:39
edbiannetsavy006, yes.01:40
AlZIRedbian: ah ok   I miss understood01:40
edbiannetsavy006, Didn't i just suggest that?01:40
bazhanglukiinhas, /join #backtrack-linux01:40
ilovefairuzbazhang: go ahead01:40
ANowlin(4th try, not even an ofer of help): Anyone here have any experience with OpenNMS?  I'm having trouble getting it to start.  Log:  http://pastebin.com/N7pJKij501:40
netsavy006Yep.  In order to print I need to autenticate as root.01:41
lukiinhasok voi come out later I go I will find some more bye01:41
edbiannetsavy006, You need to change some setting in cups.  At least you have a work-around! :D01:41
lukiinhasok I'll leave later I go I will find some more bye01:41
NinoScriptwhat's the difference between Netbook Edition and Netbook Edition 2D?01:41
Poul|RaiderIm trying to debug using tcpdump, i can see incoming request package at port 4000, but dont look like the package are send to local pc which i should have set up my iptables01:41
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ANowlin(5th try, not even an ofer of help): Anyone here have any experience with OpenNMS?  I'm having trouble getting it to start.  Log:  http://pastebin.com/N7pJKij501:42
edbiannetsavy006, breakthrough!01:42
edbiannetsavy006, :)01:42
netsavy006but how can I set it so that it will always authenticate when I press print for anything so I don't have to manually type the information all the time.01:43
netsavy006I really don't mind going higher level to printe.01:43
ANowlin(6th try, not even an ofer of help): Anyone here have any experience with OpenNMS?  I'm having trouble getting it to start.  Log:  http://pastebin.com/N7pJKij501:43
edbiannetsavy006, It's a security flaw technically.  I don't know what info you're talking about?01:43
edbiannetsavy006, in a new firefox window type:
edbiannetsavy006, That's the cups server web-interface to configure things.  The setting is probably in there somewhere! :)01:44
andrew_708476dazhang are you there01:46
AlZIR_edbian: why does he have to authenticate to print a file      thats deff odd01:46
edbianAlZIR_, I'm assuming it's some cups setting01:46
edbiannetsavy006, did you get to the cups web thingy?01:46
netsavy006yes, but I don't know where I need to go from the main page.01:47
thune3nimbiotics: just to check, all the ram is listed by memtest? hmmmm...i have had rashes of badblocks on older hdd after power-outage. Is your hard drive click-click-clicking during those weird log in attempts?01:47
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AvonGenesisWhat other programs are there besides gimp for painting? Gimp is just too weird to be efficient.01:47
jk_edbian: does he have to belong to the "lpadmin" group?01:47
hiexpoandrew_708476,  maybe u mean bazhang     :)01:47
edbianjk_, I have no idea01:48
edbianjk_, He got into the interface01:48
edbiannetsavy006, Perhaps you need to be part of the lpadmin group?01:48
edbiannetsavy006, IDK man.01:48
netsavy006This is what I'm using to view and configure my printer system-config-printer 1.2.001:49
AlZIRedbian: ok sure depends on his particualr setup01:49
jk_edbian: I'm using xubuntu so the system menus are a bit different, but in my "user" dialog there's a list of actions that I'm permitted, and one of them is to use the printers.01:49
edbiannetsavy006, That gui just plays with the same file the web interface plays with.  The web interface is waaay more complete.01:49
edbiannetsavy006, Check System -> Admin -> Users and groups.  What groups are you in?  What are you allowed to do. there is a similar list.01:50
edbiannetsavy006, Remember that adding yourself to a group doesn't happen until you log out / back in.01:50
edbiannetsavy006, I really don't know what we're doing though or if this will solve the problem. :)01:50
edbianPerhaps I shouldn't be facilitating this meeting anymore?01:50
AlZIRedbian: he shouldnt really have to do that01:51
netsavy006I'm listed as a group member in the lpadmin group01:51
bazhang!cn | administratorzgx01:51
ubottuadministratorzgx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:51
nickoaIs it possible to read ubuntu mysql with a windows based program or not since it has different line types?01:51
Intnzem not able to open terminal.please help01:51
edbianAlZIR, He might.  It all has to do with how cups was set up.  It could be quite elaborate really.01:52
MTK358what do you mean "you can't open it"?01:52
edbianIntnz, Really?01:52
edbianIntnz, Be more explicit.  What happens if you try?  How do you typically open one?01:52
netsavy006What groups should I be in (in general).01:52
Intnzmtk358:it quits as i open01:53
MTK358how do you open it?01:53
nimbioticsthune3: no, I dont hear any unexpected noises01:53
well_laid_lawnnetsavy006: audio and video are good ones to be in01:53
AlZIRedbian: ok sure dont want to tread on your toes but I dont have cups asking me for any creditentails01:53
Intnzmtk358:i mean its not running01:53
ilovefairuz!who | MTK35801:53
ubottuMTK358: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:53
jm2ilovefairuz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/481682/ I hope I did it right01:53
edbianAlZIR, I don't have cups on this machine.  I did set it up once.  Pretty un-eventful really.01:53
jk_netsavvy006: In my user dialog, I checked ALL of the boxes for my account, just to be on the safe side.01:54
MTK358Intz: I'm asking what you do to try to open a terminal01:54
edbianAlZIR, Thanks for the courtesy though! :D01:54
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edbianIntnz, What?01:54
administratorzgxwhat can we do?01:54
edbianIntnz, What happens if you hit ctrl + alt + F1   ??01:54
bazhangadministratorzgx, /join #ubuntu-cn01:54
ilovefairuzjm2: sudo iwconfig key s:passwordhere01:54
MTK358Intnz: you mean by running the command "gnome-terminal"?01:54
Intnzmtk358:alt+f2 then gnome-terminal01:55
AlZIRedbian: np respect01:55
MTK358Maybe try opening it using the Applications menu?01:55
MTK358See if that works?01:55
edbianAlZIR, :)01:56
Intnzmtk358:no its not01:56
netsavy006I'm going to reboot my computer just to see what happens.  If I have further problems, I'll be back if, not have a good day/afternoon/evening/night.01:56
ezyhi all. Where is the configuration file that stores the location of your background image ?01:56
MTK358Intnz: maybe try running the command "xterm" using alt-f201:56
Intnzmtk358:same thing ..no change01:57
Intnzedbian :by alt+ctrl+f1 the gui goes01:57
nimbioticsthune3: this pc uses ubuntu 10.04. I cant find a 10.04 live cd but I do have 9.10. Can I use GParted to check and repair file system on my linux partition?01:57
edbianIntnz, And you get dropped to a terminal right?01:58
MTK358Intnz: xterm is a simpler terminal program that's not to do with GNOME. so you tried it and it doesn't work too?01:58
Intnzedbian :yes but i was talking bout the xterm01:58
MTK358i'm confused01:58
edbianIntnz, Just wanted to be sure it was the terminal emulator and not the actual terminal.01:58
Intnzedbian :ya its the emulator01:59
edbianMTK358, You meant xterm the program.  He meant xterm a graphical terminal emulator01:59
edbianIntnz, Does xterm work?01:59
edbianIntnz, Or the KDE one?01:59
ilovefairuzjm2: what's the result of this command?01:59
Intnzedbian :no01:59
edbianIntnz, None of them work?01:59
Intnzmtk358:it doesnt work too01:59
Intnzedbian :none of them01:59
alketWhere are the images of apps in tray located ?02:00
ezyhi all. Anyone know where the gdm configuration file that stores the location of your background image ?02:00
andrew_708476Bipolar why is your name that do you suffer from it02:00
AlZIRIntnz: so you cant open a terminal?02:00
MTK358Ininz: so you can open other programs but no terminals, including gnome-terminal, xterm, konsole, etc. ?02:00
Intnzalzir:xterm ya02:00
edbianIntnz, Hmmm.  Maybe you can somehow switch to tty1 and run "gnome-terminal" and specify the screen it should attach to...  Then you can see if there are error message.02:00
thune3nimbiotics: maybe check partition table consistency, i don't know what else. I wouldn't use 9.10 gparted for much since it has some serious problems. have you done fsck yet?02:01
cerenI'm having some trouble working out what the "installed / not installed?" state is of mysql on this little 8.04 box. I'm trying to install cacti from scratch.02:01
Intnzedbian :ill try02:01
MTK358Inintz: gnome-terminal -display :002:01
MTK358Post any error messages if they come up.02:02
nimbioticsthune3: no, can you please guide me?02:02
Intnzmtk358:nothing works with that command either02:02
AlZIRIntnz: what happens when you click the terminal icon02:02
Intnzalzir:it quits02:02
jm2ilovefairuz,  I got an set Encode (8b2a) error02:02
MTK358Inintz: Did you run in in a virtual terminal (i.e. no GUI whatsoever)?02:03
edbianMTK358, That's what tty1 is.02:03
AlZIRIntnz: what do dmesg | tail say?02:03
MTK358i know02:03
AlZIRIntnz: what does* dmesg | tail say?02:03
MTK358edebian: wasn't sure if Inintx knew that02:04
cerenhttp://pastie.org/1106916  <- conflicting info on mysql's installation status?02:04
ashley__hey does anyone know how to get msn02:04
chris______can someone please help me? I am trying to get pandora on my blackberry to go into my laptop and out to my usb speakers. I found something called jackEQ that looked promising but it doesnt seem to open02:04
cerenI'm trying to work out how to yank it out via aptitude and reinstall it as a dependency of cacti.02:04
well_laid_lawnashley__: try the app   amsn02:04
ashley__i can try02:05
well_laid_lawn!info amsn02:05
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 410 kB, installed size 1256 kB02:05
Intnzedbian:in ttyl its showing cpu clock throtled02:05
Intnzalzir it shows nothing02:05
pierreghz!info verbiste02:05
ubottuverbiste (source: verbiste): a French conjugation system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.28-1 (lucid), package size 77 kB, installed size 720 kB02:05
MTK358Intnz: i don't understand02:05
didozmeqCan somebody help me? I just got a new Dell Latitude E5510 and installed 10.04 on it. Plugging an external monitor freezes the laptop. Also dies on boot if external monitor is plugged in02:05
Intnzmtk358:neither do i thats y em seeking help from you02:06
didozmeqInstalled SUSE and does the same02:06
=== chris______ is now known as _pg_
MTK358Intnz: I have no clue what this is: "in ttyl its showing cpu clock throtled"02:06
Intnzmtk358:yes thats it and i cant even type anything02:07
edbianIntnz, Sounds like your cpu is overheating?  or is maxed out or something?02:07
MTK358what does it say exactly02:07
edbianIntnz, Wierd02:07
alketCan anybody help me ? where are the images of apps in tray icon located ?02:07
Intnzedbian:may be ,so should i restart or wat ?02:07
_pg_can someone please help me? I am trying to get pandora on my blackberry to go into my laptop and out to my usb speakers. I know you guys are the audio cable masters can someone tell me how to use jackEQ? that kinda looks like something I might find useful, but it doesnt seem to do anything when i try to open it...02:07
MTK358alket: depends on the app02:08
edbianIntnz, I don't know.  I was just guessing.02:08
valbacaalket, /usr/share/icons02:08
ashley__thank u well_laid_lawn02:08
well_laid_lawnnp :]02:08
edbian_pg_, Whey not just play pandora on the laptop?02:08
valbacadidozmeq, intel or nvidia graphics?02:08
edbian_pg_, How does the blackberry connect to the laptop?  bluetooth or something?02:08
AlZIRIntnz: run system monitor02:09
Oeralket search for it in gnome config, terminal: gconf-editor02:09
ilovefairuzjm2: try sudo iwconfig wlan0 key off && sudo iwconfig wlan0 key on && && sudo iwconfig wlan0 key open "s:password"02:09
_pg_edbian: its over the cell connection and im too cheap to pay for tethering02:09
_pg_edbian: double male headphone jack from bb into mic in port atm02:09
Intnzalzir :ya i ran now?02:09
Oeralket, i think in /usr/share02:09
_pg_edbian: not really doing anything though....02:09
_pg_edbian: any ideas?02:09
edbian_pg_, You can just turn up the volume on that I think.  I don't think you need any special software at all.02:09
AlZIRIntnz: so whats showing 100 cpu usage02:09
ashley__do u know how to get yahoo too02:10
valbacadidozmeq, does the fn+f* monitor switch button do anything?02:10
_pg_edbian: i cant get any sound from the bb coming out of the lappy at all. How can I proceed?02:10
Intnzalzir :nothing there is using 100 cpu usage02:10
Poul|Raideri did sudo echo blablabla > file   anyway to restore the original file ?02:10
AlZIRIntnz: so whats showing most usage then02:10
_pg_edbian: I have a sound applet-dont really know how to make the magic happen though....02:10
didozmeqwell , i tried the detect monitors utility - that frezes it , xrandr as well02:10
Intnzalzir :the system monitor itself :) 8202:10
didozmeqto me it looks like a hadrwarewith the  kernel IRQs02:11
AlZIRIntnz: well thats typical!02:11
Intnzalzir :actually updates are being installed can that be a problem02:11
edbian_pg_, Not really.  Other then to mess with all the sound setting guis you can find.  System -> Pref -> Sound02:11
edbian_pg_, Right click the applet icon.02:11
joesinany suggestions for intro to mysql tutorials and ebooks ?02:11
_pg_edbian: in "sound prefs" i have no input devices detected it seems02:11
edbian_pg_, I don't know a bunch about sound in linux.02:11
AlZIRIntnz: on mine its  onlt 15%02:12
edbian_pg_, Well that's a problem! :D02:12
AlZIRIntnz: on mine its  only 15%02:12
alketthank you MTK358 valbaca Oer02:12
valbacadidozmeq, you may want to look for a newer kernel that will support your graphic card02:12
jamboreeanyone using a dlink dns321 with ubuntu can answer a question for me? im tryign to access the web based ui02:12
Intnzalzir:thatmks for helping ,i got whats the problem02:12
didozmeqI am up to date. Are you seggesting precompiling the kernel? Which kernel ?02:12
Intnzalzir:thanks for helping ,i got whats the problem is02:12
AlZIRIntnz: what process was it?02:13
_pg_how can i play sound thru mic in in ubuntu?02:13
valbacajamboree, it's likely
* zox- broadcasting House Music !!!! http://zox.cjb.net/listen.pls02:13
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didozmeqThere is a bug submitted in the Ubuntu tracking ,  I hope they are working on it , but my whole office upgrades and to E5510s and this is un acceptable at this point02:13
jm2ilovefairuz, same error message .. could I be missing wlan_wep module? using 9.1002:13
valbacadidozmeq, you may want to try Maverick02:13
andrew_708476Can someone help Im trying to install Tor but it keeps on saying>Could not open file and Unable to lock the administration directory02:14
ashley__does anyone know how to open somethin once u install02:14
joesinor can anyone suggest a helpful irc on mysql?02:14
_pg_or how can I probe for things plugged into the mic in jack02:14
valbacadidozmeq, i'm going to look some stuff up, brb02:14
jamboreevalbaca: i just reset the dns321 and so i ahve to go through the "setup" - the default ip is but firefox just wont go into it02:14
Intnzalzir:actually this is the first time em updating my system,coz i recently installed ubuntu...thats the problem,it might be installing some terminal things ..em guessing that02:14
joesinjamboree: can you ping in?02:15
joesinand whats the output for ifconfig?02:15
AlZIRIntnz: well as long as it works!02:15
didozmeqso does anybody know if 10.04 will update  to 2.6.34 or should i try Maverick02:15
AlZIRIntnz: lat3r02:15
jamboreeim a newbie to ubuntu/linux, how do i ping? terminal?02:16
jm2jamboree,  ping localhost02:16
zamaraxheydemo, got a weird one, suddenly taking a screenshot has stopped working, this used to work, it doesn't even copy the image to the clipboard, when I check keyboard shortcuts it still set to the PRINT key, I have a feeling some other app must be taking that key binding, but when I try it, the print screen button, nothing happens at all02:16
zamaraxany ideas?02:16
jamboreethanks jm202:16
Intnzalzir:it will work after i restart02:16
jm2jamboree,  ping (ip address)02:16
AlZIRIntnz: np02:17
joesinterminal or network tools... founf in your toolbar under administration02:17
joesinjm2, why localhost... hes looking for a router, are you trying to see if his nic is broken?02:17
KE1HAjamboree:  10.04.1 latest is 2.6.32 so if you need 6.34 its from Mav or a custom compile, at least fer now.02:17
valbacadidozmeq, 10.04 won't go to .34. this might help you out with your intel card: http://tinyurl.com/2dsd4rf02:17
jamboreeKE1HA: wayy over my head02:18
joesinwhateva... I still need to talk to someone who can help with mysql02:18
Intnzalzir:can you help me for 1 more thing ?02:18
KE1HASRI, that's for didozmeq02:18
jm2joesin,  sorry I didn't follow whole discussion.. it should be ping (router ip). Ping localhost is your own pc02:18
jamboreeKE1HA: good to hear!02:18
joesinjamboree... did you open network tools02:18
terronhow can i get the available resolutions for my video card adapter from the command line?02:18
zamaraxheydemo, I got a weird one, suddenly taking a screenshot has stopped working, this used to work, it doesn't even copy the image to the clipboard, when I check keyboard shortcuts it still set to the PRINT key, I have a feeling some other app must be taking that key binding, but when I try it, the print screen button, nothing happens at all. Any idea's?02:18
joesinjm2: yeah, I got that, ty02:18
edbianterron, xrandr --info02:18
jamboreejoesin: nope, what does it do?02:18
AlZIRIntnz: shoot02:18
edbianterron, whoops.  I mean xrandr -q02:19
didozmeqthanks guys02:19
joesinjamboree: I got stuff to do... open the tool and try to ping the router... see if you are even connected...02:19
jm2ilovefairuz,  thanks for help... i have to go. I'll keep looking02:19
didozmeqwill compile the module first see waht happens.02:19
Intnzalzir:actually em not able to install ubuntu 10.04 ,while installing ,at the third stage my keyboard and mouse hangs?02:19
joesinwhy are you connected to two routers?02:19
ezyhi all. Anybody help me please locate the gdm configuration file that stores the background image information ?02:19
jamboreejoesin: what am i trying as default router ip? this thing an old dlink hubby, im not sure it even has a webui02:20
joesindo you have two nics?02:20
terronedbian: I'm running it in a console without X running02:20
joesingoto terminal...02:20
edbianterron, then IDK02:20
Intnzalzir:i have pentium dual core processor 2.8 ghz,02:20
joesintype ifconfig02:20
edbianterron, I thought xrandr would run anyway.02:20
joesinlook for the word gateway and then for the ip that follows02:20
AlZIRIntnz: sounds like a PM !02:20
joesinthen goto browser, and enter that ip02:21
joesinbest of lunk...02:21
terronedbian: xrandr -q =>Can't open display02:21
joesinnow anyone know anything about mysql?02:21
KE1HAdidozmeq:  This worked for me in testing, both standard and alternate methods: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile02:21
jamboreesays no command ipconfig  found02:21
edbianterron, Sorry :(02:21
joesinlinux is a bit different02:21
jamboreeseriously big ups for the patience02:21
joesinno worries dude02:22
joesingotta start somewhere...02:22
KE1HAdidozmeq:  There's also a Custom build based on 2.6.30 which may be newer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:22
joesinim gonna find another irc...02:23
jamboreeno gateway02:23
jamboreethere are three "results"02:23
jamboreeeth0, l0 and wlan002:23
joesinyou want eth002:23
jamboreewlan i spose?02:23
joesinare you wireless?02:24
jamboreeim running my nas through a hubby to this computer02:24
joesinthen go for that one02:24
jamboreeping wlan0 you mean?02:24
joesinno... wlan is your wireless nic02:24
joesinthat is you...02:25
jamboreesure yeah ok02:25
joesinif that is how you are connected...02:25
jamboreeit is yep02:25
ilovefairuz!enter | jamboree02:25
ubottujamboree: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:25
joesinif by cable... then it would b e eth002:25
joesinyou have been trolled by ubottu02:25
sweetandyWhat happened to this channel? It used to be completely illegible because text would scroll by so fast.02:25
joesini gotta get some answers for my shi* dude... google ifconfig and learn how to use it02:26
phraggAny reason why if i run sudo apt-get update it says failed to fetch?02:27
phraggThis was from running sudo apt-get install pgadmin3, and it replied E:\ Invalid Operation02:28
sweetandylol E:\02:29
phraggOn a Virtual Box.02:29
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phraggPerhaps not enough space?02:29
phraggwhat's the command to check disk size?02:29
KE1HAphragg:  Is you VBOX Nic set for NAT & shared and can you get to the Inet from it?02:29
sweetandydf -m, in megabytes02:29
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KE1HAdf -hT = nice readable output02:30
FreshPrincephragg, maybe u have to clean your cache02:30
phraggin terminal.02:30
phraggor VM02:31
FreshPrincewhat VM?02:31
Fudgehow do u get sys temp, thought acpi -t but even though acpi is installed it does nto return a temp02:31
KE1HAFreshPrince:  he said the fetch failed in the VM02:31
phraggit just stays at 0% [Connecting to at.archive.ubuntu.com]02:31
FreshPrincephragg, so in the VM then sudo apt-get clean02:32
phraggand says, perhaps you should update, and i try that02:32
FreshPrincei think u didnt have enough space left02:32
phraggUnable to lock the download directory O_o?02:33
FreshPrinceif u do sudo apt-get clean u get this output?02:34
FreshPrincephragg, du "sudo apt-get autoclean"02:35
phraggi'll try restarting the bm02:35
FreshPrincerestart your vm02:36
KE1HAcould it be he has another instance running or the package manager maybe? normally that errors a lock file issue though.02:37
FreshPrincephragg, maybe apt is running in the background and frozen up02:37
FreshPrincesudo pkill apt02:37
FreshPrincethen try again02:37
KE1HAwith the package manager running, you get: Unable to lock the administration directory   or shold get that anyways.02:40
phraggall good :]02:40
=== Guii is now known as kakoi
ezyHi. I tried gconftool-2 from terminal, ubuntu-tweak, gdm2setup but I can't get to change my logon screen background. Any help would be appreciated.02:45
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JohnTeddyI accidentally removed my volume from the panel. When I try to add panel, there is no volume or sound listed. How do I add it back?02:47
ZykoticK9JohnTeddy, indicator applet02:47
KE1HAezy:  are you wanting to change the GDM image or the Boot=Splash image ?02:48
xanguaJohnTeddy: add the indicator applet02:48
Intnzmy keyboard and mouse hangs during the installation of 10.04:em not able to install ubuntu 10.04 :please help02:48
Gnurduxhow do you make the gnome volume control use alsa instead of pulseaudio?  also, the login sound seems glitched with pulseaudio removed02:49
ezyKE1HA, splash image is whats its called ? I wanted to change the background image before you logon. its currently set to default and it doesnt change02:49
KE1HAezy:  well, in either case, this will help you change them: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-do-you-change-the-boot-splash-screen-image-for-10-04-lucid-lynx.html02:49
Niglophow do i delete a user?02:49
ezyKE1HA, will look into that one. thanks buddy.02:50
KE1HANiglop:  it's best to do though the User Manager: System Administration >> user and Groups02:50
NiglopKE1HA» when i do that, it just comes back02:51
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LinuxGuy2009Is it possible to enter a UUID for an sources.list entry? How would that look?02:52
FlannelLinuxGuy2009: What do you mean?02:52
KE1HANiglop:  do: sudo cat /et/passwd | grep [user_mane]  .. is it listed there?02:52
lookeveryone loves the word look02:52
KE1HASRI sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep user_name02:52
bazhanglook, ?02:52
NiglopKE1HA»  [adam@tux ~]$ sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep [user_mane] ..02:53
Niglop[adam@tux ~]$02:53
KE1HANiglop:  what is the user name you want to delete ?02:53
lookbazhang, got back to my computer to find every channel im in was hilighting me at first i lol'd but then FUUUUUUU02:54
bazhang!ot > look02:54
ubottulook, please see my private message02:54
LinuxGuy2009I have a folder on an external USB hard drive that I want to set as an apt source. Can I specify its UUID in sources.list? How would that look?02:54
Niglopyeah KE1HA it is there02:54
KE1HANiglop:  what is that username ?02:55
NiglopKE1HA»  kipx02:55
KE1HANiglop:   sudo userdel -r kipx   Unless if course that is you :-)02:55
NiglopKE1HA»  says i am currently logged in02:56
Niglopuserdel: user kipx is currently logged in02:56
Dr_WillisLinuxGuy2009:  i dont think it works that way. You can define a mount point based on UUID then use the mountpoint perhaps.02:56
Niglopthat is not the account i am logged into -.-02:56
KE1HANiglop:  su to a diffrent user02:56
Niglop[adam@tux ~]$ su adam02:56
Niglop[adam@tux ~]$ sudo userdel -r kipx02:57
Niglopuserdel: user kipx is currently logged in02:57
FloodBot3Niglop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:57
MajorAstrguys I managed to get my pc to post02:57
KE1HAok now: sudo userdel -r kipx02:57
andrew_708476can someone help me Im trying to install tor but can't get past first step installing tor it keeps giving me a message that could not open lock file and Unable to lock the administration directory02:57
Niglopi just did -.-02:57
Niglopread it02:57
Niglopit says its currently logged in lol02:57
ZykoticK9andrew_708476, close any synaptic (or USC) windows02:58
FlannelNiglop: log out of kipx, then log in as adam02:58
andrew_708476I tryed to re-start and that didnt help02:58
Niglophow do i logout02:58
KE1HANiglop:  get all the way out, reboot if you have too, then log in as your sudo user, then userdel -r kipx02:58
LinuxGuy2009Dr_Willis: My USB hard drives UUID=ef3fd978-a56f-462a-a452-93fcae1bdb86. So can I use that in the sources.list entry so it knows which external drive to use?02:58
ZykoticK9andrew_708476, are you using sudo?02:59
MajorAstrcan somebody tell me why my new motherboard only posted after clearing CMOS02:59
Niglopyes KE1HA  i am not even logged in kipx.. it is just saying i am02:59
FlannelLinuxGuy2009: you'll want to use apt-cdrom I think.  And that'll add it to your list automatically (I'm not sure how that works with a HDD)02:59
FlannelLinuxGuy2009: You might just add it into your apt-cache, and have it just be there, instead of in a separate "repository" location02:59
zamaraxmajoeastr yeah it had a bad config03:00
Dr_WillisLinuxGuy2009:  you MOUNT the drive to some location. then you can somehow add the location to your sources I belive.  you DONT use the uuid in the sources.list03:01
Dr_WillisLinuxGuy2009:  how much stuff is on the hd? You could just copy all the debs to /var/cache/apt/archives/03:02
Dr_Willisandrew_708476:  still fighting with Tor eh?03:02
ilovefairuzandrew_708476: any updates running in the background? check the icon in the upper right corner03:03
mattwj2002hi guys03:03
mattwj2002I need help03:03
LinuxGuy2009Dr_Willis: 5 DVD repo disks and the sixth one is the 5.0.5 update DVD.03:03
ilovefairuzandrew_708476: pastebin: ps aux03:03
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor andrew_708476 follow this guide03:03
Dr_WillisLinuxGuy2009:  so these are Opticel/dvd disks not a hard drive then? I would suggest checking out some guides on making your own repository then.03:03
mattwj2002anyone know of a good usb fax modem for ubuntu?03:03
bazhangandrew_708476, add the repos as suggested yesterday, not the link you pasted a moment ago03:04
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up03:04
FlannelLinuxGuy2009: You should try asking in #debian (their main channel is on oftc).  They are probably familiar with doing what you're trying to do, since they're the ones that use those repository disks regularly.03:04
KiraDoes anybody know of tools to explore the UEFI environment? (I don't know if rEFIt is supposed to work with UEFI systems other than Macs.)03:04
ilovefairuz!fishing > mattwj200203:04
ubottumattwj2002, please see my private message03:04
KiraMost importantly, I just want to know what version of UEFI a system is compliant to.03:05
andrew_708476apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb this is the code Im putting in but it telling me that I could not open lock file and Unable to lock the administration directory03:07
bazhangandrew_708476, use sudo03:07
RudyValenciaandrew_708476: run it with sudo03:07
RudyValenciaoh, bazhang beat me03:07
KE1HAKira:  that's pretty new technology, Intel has some good info on it, but it's pretty sparce atm.03:07
thune3question: i successfully put 10.04.1 iso on a flashdrive, and booted it using loopback with grub2. The only problem is that a shutdown left the ext2 formatted flashdrive in an "unclean" state? Does anyone know how to get a clean unmount at shutdown?03:07
paulitexi think this might be a pretty basic question, but I found a package listed on http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid but when i use apt-get install <package-name>  it says not found...03:07
ilovefairuzandrew_708476: pastebin: ps aux03:07
ilovefairuz!paste > andrew_70847603:07
ubottuandrew_708476, please see my private message03:07
paulitexis there some way to specify the source?03:07
ZykoticK9paulitex, what package?03:08
andrew_708476Package tor is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:08
andrew_708476This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:08
andrew_708476is only available from another source03:08
joeyrenoi'm about to deploy an ubuntu distribution for a web server, how do i determine what distribution to use?  Between hardy heron and lucid lynx?03:08
andrew_708476thats what I get03:09
bazhangandrew_708476, then you did not add the repos03:09
AlZIRIntnz: np hope that helped03:09
Dr_WillisTor is not in the default repositories. You must add a custom repository or ppa for Tor andrew_708476 .   The notes i posted earlier today showed how to do that.03:09
andrew_708476no I dont know how to do that03:09
tensorpuddingjoeyreno: use Lucid03:09
ZykoticK9perhaps libapache2-mod-shib2 is what your looking for?  there is certainly no package shibboleth-sp203:09
paulitexZykoticK9: I've also tried to component packages03:09
bazhangandrew_708476, follow the link given to you repeatedly03:10
paulitexya same effect.. :(03:10
tensorpuddingjoeyreno: Lucid is the current stable version and is also an LTS version03:10
paulitexE: Couldn't find package libapache2-mod-shib203:10
ilovefairuzandrew_708476: did you read the links you were given?03:10
andrew_708476do you know the sudo command03:10
ilovefairuz!terminal | andrew_70847603:10
ubottuandrew_708476: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:10
bazhangandrew_708476, you need to add the repos03:10
andrew_708476the sudo command helped03:10
ZykoticK9!info libapache2-mod-shib2 | paulitex03:10
ubottupaulitex: libapache2-mod-shib2 (source: shibboleth-sp2): Federated web single sign-on system (Apache module). In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.1+dfsg-1build1 (lucid), package size 223 kB, installed size 816 kB03:10
Dr_Willisandrew_708476:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/481446/   - exact commands and directions i did.03:10
Niglopwhen i am doing sudo userdel *user* it is saying i am logged into that user even though i am not........03:10
KE1HAYes Niglop03:11
Niglopwhen i am doing sudo userdel *user* it is saying i am logged into that user even though i am not........03:11
KE1HANiglop:  whar user did you log into the system with after reboot?03:12
NiglopKE1HA»  adam03:12
KE1HANiglop:  and your trying to remove kipx ?03:12
Niglopyes KE1HA03:12
KE1HANiglop:  well, now it interesting.03:13
ZykoticK9Niglop, if you run "who" in a terminal, does it show kipx as logged in?03:13
Niglop[adam@tux ~]$ who03:13
Niglopadam     tty7         2010-08-22 12:09 (:0)03:13
Niglopadam     pts/0        2010-08-22 12:13 (:0.0)03:13
paulitexZykoticK9: hmm ok, thanks. Though "sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-shib2" still gives me package not found, and this is a fresh 10.04, brand new install basically... is there some way I can verify the source list?03:13
FloodBot3Niglop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
AlZIRno deadBit you cant reverse it unless you uknow :P stop that!03:13
systmis their anyway to improve flash video playback?03:13
Niglopsystm»  use google chrome, flash works better in it then mozilla03:14
Dr_Willissystm:  on youtube. tell it to use html5 :)  other then that.. you are stuck with what adobe gives you03:14
KE1HAChromium is better than chrome, and no flash needed on u-tube :-)03:14
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systmKE1HA, using, where do i set html503:14
KE1HANiglop:  this is very odd, did you create any services ot have anything running with kipx ?03:15
Dr_Willissystm:  its a setting on the youtube web site. you check03:15
Niglopnop KE1HA03:15
ZykoticK9paulitex, i'd verify that you have an up-to-date apt database "sudo apt-get update" then try again... good luck man.03:15
paulitexthanks :)03:15
KE1HAsystm:  got to google it, and opt in to the beta, i's a click of a button, job done.03:15
KE1HANiglop:  Im at a loss on this one im affraid, not seen this behavior before.03:16
ZykoticK9systm, youtube.com/html5 for html5 option03:16
MeXTuXHello everyone! I'm using Lucid Lynx and want to enable Apache mod_rewrite but don't know how03:16
AlZIRdeadBit try top memory address as I said03:17
Niglopwow i just enabled html5, it actually made it better lol03:17
KE1HANiglop:  No Lag / Jittery vids anymore :-) it's cool.03:17
Niglopwhy didn't i know this earlier!!03:18
systmfound thanks guys03:18
KE1HANiglop:  IDK, but Im still looking into this user thing, it's very odd.03:18
andrew_708476Do I have to copy the commands from the Sources.list (/etc/apt) - gedit03:19
Niglopwell i deleted the home directories via cli, i will try logout and log back in03:19
rreyes1Hi all... question: what is the syntax for denying access to a port for all connections coming from a specific network card using UFW?03:19
rreyes1I want to allow only local access to a Tomcat instance03:20
NiglopKE1HA»  it is saying i am logged into 2 accounts at the same time lol03:20
Niglopis there a way to logout of one via cli03:20
KE1HANiglop:  elder fud says Vewy Vewy interesting03:21
Niglopelder fud? ;p03:21
KE1HANiglop:  NBugs Bunny NVM, Im searching fer any reported bugs on this one.03:22
andrew_708476its not downloading and finding the update for tor03:22
Niglopalright thanks KE1HA03:22
bazhangandrew_708476, pastebin your sources.list03:22
woahhey guys, is it normal for ubuntu server 10.04.1 to take a long time while trying to retrieve some packages on installation at 43%?03:22
edoardobuona sera a tutti03:22
woahits been like that for about 30mins now03:22
doctorZeuswoah no..doesn't sound normal at all03:23
andrew_708476so I put that in the command line03:23
tim_ubuntuhello, can anybody help me? in private, please?03:23
xanguawoah: did you add extra PPA's¿ maybe your country server is down, try the main server03:23
xangua!ask  tim_ubuntu03:23
bazhangandrew_708476, please pastebin your sources.list03:23
KE1HANiglop:  hre's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adduser/+bug/23906903:24
quantumelixirHow do I map Escape+W to Ctrl+W?03:24
woahdoctorZeus, hmm thats not cool03:24
andrew_708476I dont understand what you mean03:24
AlZIRtim_ubuntu: ?03:24
woahxangua, possible.. ill wait it a little more03:24
woahbut ofcourse if i reboot i have to start the installation all over right?03:24
denysoniquecan all packages that depend on mysql be installed to work with MariaDB?03:24
bazhangandrew_708476, paste.ubuntu.com  in a browser03:24
KE1HANiglop:  It seems to have re-appeared. That's an old bug, what version of Ubuntu you using?03:24
NiglopKE1HA»  1003:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:25
tim_ubuntui'm having a issue trying to install kaspersky03:25
andrew_708476its not helping03:25
denysoniquetim_ubuntu, you don't need it03:25
bazhangtim_ubuntu, what do you need that for?03:25
denysoniqueon ubuntu03:25
tim_ubuntuto clean a windows03:26
KE1HANiglop:  On the bottom of that bug, add what your seeing, and do what the last user did to show the results.03:26
AlZIRtim_ubuntu: kaspersky on linux?03:26
ZykoticK9tim_ubuntu, i highly doubt kaspersky will run under wine... i could be wrong03:26
tim_ubuntuso i'm having the following msg! License file (a file with .key extension) is your personal03:27
tim_ubuntulicense key. You need to install it to use the application.03:27
tim_ubuntuTo install it right now, just enter the path to the location of03:27
tim_ubuntuyour license file (enter an empty string to continue without key03:27
tim_ubuntufile installation):03:27
FloodBot3tim_ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:27
rreyes1Hi all... is there anyway to block a port for a specific network interface using ufw?03:27
AlZIRtim_ubuntu: kaspersky dosent install on linux (nor should it do )03:27
tim_ubuntuso.... it is bloking me to install other things..03:27
bazhangtim_ubuntu, /join #winehq and check the appdb03:27
tim_ubuntuit is not for wine...is for linux...03:28
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tim_ubuntuso it is blocking me...03:28
bazhangtim_ubuntu, that is a paid product03:29
tensorpuddingtim_ubuntu: read the install instructions you got when you bought kaspersky03:29
bazhangtim_ubuntu, check their support forums03:29
tensorpuddingtim_ubuntu: or read the instructions on the kaspersky website for installing on linux if they don't provide them03:29
tim_ubuntutks a lot :D03:29
KE1HANiglop:  also include on your report the output from : cat /etc/lsb-release03:29
tim_ubuntui'll try again!03:29
tim_ubuntuone more question...is there a playerr LIKE thekm player?03:30
bazhangtim_ubuntu, to play what? mplayer?03:30
ZykoticK9KE1HA, wow thanks - didn't know /etc/lsb-release existed - that's probably easier then the "lsb_release -a" command03:31
tim_ubuntuto player movies!03:31
bazhangtim_ubuntu, yes mplayer03:31
AlZIRpaul_64   so your sorted now?03:31
KE1HAZykoticK9:  Old school, new school is lsb_release -a03:31
itsux2bui know this is off topic but..  this command 'VBoxHeadless --startvm "ubuntu lamp"'  executed in  "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\"  generates these two errors: 'VRDP server failed to start.  VRDP server is inactive.'  anyone know why? i took it directly from the help file.03:31
NiglopZykoticK9»  lsb_release -a command is east :s ?03:32
bazhangitsux2bu, is that for windows?03:32
itsux2bubazhang, yes03:32
AlZIRpaul_64  glag I help you03:32
bazhang##windows itsux2bu03:32
KE1HAIt's from the same sources I think one is just prettier / mo-pretty :-)03:32
itsux2buCommand prompt03:32
tensorpuddingIn the Windows cmd.exe I don't think you can include the quotations like that, but I don't know03:32
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bsmith093does totem have any known bugs with hd cause im trying to watch a documentary and its jittery as hell skip freeze but the audio is fine03:34
itsux2butensorpudding, it executed or there wouldn't be vbox errors03:34
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timpsterwhat are yall talking about03:34
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Guest30443Hey everyone, I have a question then I'll be on my way.  Just installed 10.04 beside windows but it seems grub didn't install.  Windows boots up without offering me the option.  Not wubi install, real.  I looked for some tips on the google but they seem to be outdated, I think.03:35
=== DareDevil is now known as DareDevil0
bazhangitsux2bu, the connection to ubuntu is?03:35
bsmith093if it matters the file itself is 2.1GB mkv03:35
itsux2bubazhang, its a vm of ubuntu03:35
=== Guest30443 is now known as BubbaHotep
KE1HAitsux2bu:  but the problem is VBX03:36
bazhangitsux2bu, its a windows error. try #vbox or ##windows03:36
OrakioWhat's my root password?03:36
itsux2buand i've seen many vbox users in here03:36
bazhangOrakio, there is none03:36
bazhangitsux2bu, still off topic here03:36
BubbaHotepHey everyone, I have a question then I'll be on my way.  Just installed 10.04 beside windows but it seems grub didn't install.  Windows boots up without offering me the option.  Not wubi install, real.  I looked for some tips on the google but they seem to be outdated, I think.03:36
tensorpuddingGuest87834: you can try installing EasyBCD in Windows and booting into Ubuntu without GRUB, then installing GRUB by hand03:36
Orakioso, how can i access my system?03:36
bazhangOrakio, sudo03:36
KE1HAOrakio:  you don't have a root pw unless you set one.03:36
BubbaHotepEasyBCD then get install grub.  just sudo apt-get install grub and it'll set it up?03:37
Orakioffs ubuntu retards03:37
KE1HAExcuse me ?03:37
bazhangOrakio, watch the language03:37
Orakiodid they not think to maybe put this in the setup?03:37
BubbaHotepMy cousing sisters teachers plumbers kid is retarded :<03:37
jcastrodo "sudo -s" and use your user password03:37
jcastrothat will get you "root"03:37
KE1HAOrakio:  they do, it's a sudo system, as in RootSudo.03:37
Orakiothere isn't a user03:38
jcastroyou didn't create a user when you installed the system?03:38
Orakiono, i don't need any user accounts other than root03:38
tensorpuddinghow did you manage that?03:38
ZykoticK9!noroot | Orakio03:38
ubottuOrakio: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.03:38
BubbaHoteptensorpudding: Thanks, I'll try that.03:38
KE1HAThen i'd suggest you not use Ubuntu, as it's a RootSudo system.03:38
tensorpuddingBubbaHotep: Ubuntu uses GRUB 2, so it might be under a different name03:39
tensorpuddingBubbaHotep: grub-pc I think03:39
ryan__Hey guys. How can i downgrade to a previous version of Wine? I'm currently running 1.3, but I want 1.2 for better compatability for WoW. Thanks.03:39
Orakioyeh that's just retarded for server03:39
Orakioi wont, ill install debian instead03:39
bazhangOrakio, stop with the language03:39
timpsterHEY  let me know when i can ask a question03:40
ZykoticK9!ask | timpster03:40
ubottutimpster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:40
Flannelryan__: What version of Ubuntu are you using?03:40
timpsteri dont know what to ask03:40
elkytimpster, just describe your issue03:40
timpsteri think of something hold on03:40
ryan__Flannel: 10.0403:40
ZykoticK9!enter | timpster03:40
ubottutimpster: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:40
timpsterok i got it03:40
DareDevil0anybody here knows about virtualbox and creating the bridge i have a question03:40
timpsterhow to you get 3d windows on the desktop cube03:41
bazhangtimpster, you don't03:41
ZykoticK9DareDevil0, i'd ask your question - but you might want to ask in #vbox03:41
bazhangthere is no 3D timpster03:41
timpsterno 3d windows for the desktop cube????????03:42
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timpsteryou got to be kidding me03:42
itsux2buhe did..  nobody there answering questions03:42
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bazhangtimpster, you have the cube already?03:42
Flannelryan__: 10.04 has 1.2 in the official Ubuntu repositories.  You must have the winehq repositories (or some other third party repository) enabled.  Remove wine (and anything else that says *wine* in the package name), disable whatever repository it came from (`apt-cache policy wine` before you remove it will help you figure out where it came from) and then apt-get update, and install wine.03:43
DareDevil0ZykoticK9, already did it, the problem is that i am configuring ipcop over vbox and i know i need to create a bridge03:43
bazhangtimpster, so you want 3D on top of the already composited cube?03:43
DareDevil0but the problem is that the interface have to be promisc03:43
timpsteryeah  3d windows 4 the cube03:43
DareDevil0and that is insecure because the wan interface is going to listen all packets in the net03:43
bazhangtimpster, perhaps you are not clearly explaining this03:43
timpsteri want the windows to pop out when i rotate the cube with the mouse03:44
bazhangtimpster, #compiz03:44
timpsterthey look like there away from the cube03:44
timpsterok sorry03:44
timpsterhow do i change03:44
ZykoticK9timpster, ccsm - put a check in "3d Windows" perhaps?03:44
ryan__Flannel: My bad, I hadn't the brain the check my Wine version. Apparently I have version 1.1.42, through using the wine --version command.03:44
bazhang /join #compiz03:44
timpsterok ill try hold on03:45
timpsterhold on03:45
Flanneltimpster: http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Cube  Search for "z-axis" and you'll find the section ("3D Windows") that covers it03:45
ryan__Flannel: If I only want to update to version 1.3, what should I type?03:45
androidbruceis there any advantage to updating to .34 kernel when running 10.04?03:45
timpsteri dont have 3d cube03:45
bazhangandroidbruce, that kernel is from where?03:45
timpstersorrry i mean i dont have 3d windows03:45
androidbrucetimpster, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/03:46
timpstercopy that03:46
ZykoticK9timpster, are you using ccsm or simple-ccsm?03:46
timpsterum.. hold on03:46
bazhangandroidbruce, PPA are unsupported you realize03:46
KE1HAryan__:  you need the ppa for wine1.303:46
red2kicQuestion -- Is there a factorid or #channel for theme customization? (Ie -- How to make your own themes).03:46
androidbrucebazhang, well yes i suppose i do realize that03:46
Flannelryan__: Oh, that's a development version.  http://www.winehq.org/download/deb  Will tell you how to install it from a PPA (and there is wine1.3 in that PPA, apparently)03:46
ryan__KEIHA, Flannel: I have added the PPA to my list.03:47
FloodBot3timpster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
GBGamesF-Spot doesn't seem to let me export multiple pics to Flickr. I used to be able to do so. Did the UI change, or is it not possible anymore?03:48
KE1HAryan__:  after addint the ppa, apt:wine1.303:48
OncaOk, i give up, how do I enable development packages with ubuntu?03:48
KE1HApr click the link on that linky :-)03:48
andrew_708476I think Im on the way to successfully installing tor03:48
bazhangOnca, proposed or backports? could you clarify please?03:48
OncaI want ncurses-devel but it's not avail.03:49
timpsterhey androldbruce and Flannel   im going to try to go over to compiz thing03:49
androidbruceso is anyone running .34 with Lucid?03:49
KE1HAanders_office:  34 is in mav / dev03:49
KE1HAandroidbruce:  sri, that was fer you, gotta love the ole TAB03:50
mattwj2002hey guys03:50
Dr_Willisandrew_708476:  you have spent more time installing tor.. then i have installing and using.. and then deciding i dident like it so i Uninstalled... tor... :)03:50
mattwj2002I have a fax modem03:50
ryan__KE1HA: I've tried using apt-get install wine1.2 - but it says I have the latest version. However, when I wine --version, it says I have 1.1.4203:50
mattwj2002how do I send a fax with ubuntu?03:50
androidbruceKE1HA, what were you saying?03:50
timpsterhow do i go to compiz channels03:50
Dr_Willisis the latest as far as i know03:51
KE1HAryan__:  Yes, I know. to get wine1.3 go to that link, add the ppa then click on apt:wine1.3 button.03:51
Xearotype /join #compiz03:51
timpsterthx Xearo03:51
AlZIRok sure but Xoring is a last resort NO?03:51
KE1HAandroidbruce:  2.6.35 is in developemnt for maverick, not deployed yet for Lucid.03:51
KE1HA2.6.34 sri03:51
androidbruce.34 has some rc's for lucid03:52
KE1HArc's = dev03:52
Dr_Willisryan__:  here ya go..  development version -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/wine-131-released.html03:52
KE1HAandroidbruce:  you can custom build it, and try it.03:52
bazhang!who | AlZIR03:53
ubottuAlZIR: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:53
androidbruceKE1HA, thanks03:53
KE1HAryan__:  Follow the Yellow Brick Road :-): http://www.winehq.org/download/deb03:53
Masersudo cat /etc/shadow03:53
Maserwat for03:53
thune3question: i successfully put 10.04.1 iso file on a flashdrive, and booted it using loopback with grub2. The only problem is that a shutdown left the ext2 formatted flashdrive in an "unclean" state? Does anyone know how to get a clean unmount at shutdown?03:53
Maser!help shadow03:53
Dr_Willisthune3:  odd.. ive never noticed that issue with using grub2 to boot ISO files.03:54
Maser!sudo shadow03:54
bazhangMaser, /msg ubottu03:54
AlZIRbazhang: hey wrong place I agree sorry mistake03:54
thune3Dr_Willis: could i see your menuentry? (maybe you have secret sauce)03:55
timpstersorry but i dont think anyone is on compiz and i dont know how to use this program   and sorry for interrupitng ppls conversations03:55
timpsterso i think ill stay on here03:55
ryan__KE1HA:It's installing version 1.2 at the moment, thanks :) will I need to restart my laptop for the newer version to work?03:55
Dr_Willisthune3:  its not on this box.. but I do have links to the guides/examples at http://delicious.com/dr_willis/ under the grub2 tags I think03:55
thune3Dr_Willis: i'll take a look, thx03:55
timpsterhow do you get 3D winodows in CCSM   i dont have that option03:56
KE1HAryan__:  make sure you remove the files, or 1.2 will be back again :-)03:56
sacarlsonmattwj2002: try efax-gtk  your modem must be supported03:56
Dr_Willisthune3:  now if only all the disrto makers would follow the same standard to get grub2 booting them all. :)03:56
mattwj2002thannks sacarlson03:56
ryan__KE1HA: No no, it's 1.2 that I wanted initially.03:56
mattwj2002it is a us robotics so hopefully :)03:56
KE1HAryan__:  roger that.03:56
* scriptwarlock waves to all03:57
timpsterdoes anyone know how to get 3d windows in compiz   i dont have that option03:57
ZykoticK9timpster, you could see if it's part of compiz-fusion-plugins-extra03:58
timpsterok is that in synaptic03:58
ZykoticK9timpster, yes03:58
Lanteranhello all, I'm trying to install slackware on a dual boot and I don't have a spare dvd. I was wondering if its possible to install from iso file. The only other OS on the computer is 'buntu of course.03:58
timpsterZykoticKS that was fast03:58
ZykoticK9!tab > timpster03:59
ubottutimpster, please see my private message03:59
andrew_708476thanks for having the time to spare and help me guys03:59
sacarlsonLanteran: try system>administration>startup-disk-creator03:59
ironfoot495Can someone help me to boot the second HD it has 10.04 on it and it just wont boot. Right now it says press any key to start and goes back to the menu!03:59
timpsteranother question for some reason my synaptic looks like shit  i have ccsm enable04:00
bazhangLanteran, with grub2? boot or install04:00
bazhangtimpster, language please04:00
Lanteranone second04:00
KE1HALanteran:  if I recal, Slax uses Lilo, or atleasd it did, but I dont see why you can't use Grub2 as the bootloader, best to check wiht the slaware folks though.04:00
bazhanggrub2 can certainly boot an iso off the hdd04:01
greezmunkeyLanteran's issue is that he has the iso, but can't burn it cuz he's out of media.04:01
timpsterbazhang, can you help me   effects on or off doesnt help it still looks like poop04:01
Lanteranexactly greezmunkey04:01
bazhangLanteran, you have  a usb flash key?04:01
greezmunkeyLanteran: bazhang has it.04:02
Lanteranyes but it's not large enough, slackware iso is 4.1 GBs04:02
timpsterhaha thats funny04:02
bazhangunetbootin can do that with relative ease04:02
AlZIRno no no  If you set that bit it breaks    see bland_ones docs04:02
Lanteranremovable media is basically out04:02
bazhangAlZIR, who are you addressing?04:02
timpsterbazhang, y u stealin ppls flash drives man04:02
thune3Dr_Willis: too bad the relevant link Booting ISO files from GRUB 2 [Robert's Journal] http://rww.dreamwidth.org/3100.html is behind a sign in/up wall.04:02
KE1HAWhy do you need the DVD v.s. the standard ISO ?04:02
timpsterthats not cool04:03
Lanterandependency hunting's a bit of a pain so I like to get it all at once :)04:03
bazhangtimpster, please remain on topic04:03
ezyhi all. wanted to now the command for apt-get or aptitude or dpkg to give me a list of installed applications and packages.04:03
_F-117I'm done with Ubuntu , 2 many back doors04:03
ZykoticK9!clone | ezy04:03
ubottuezy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:03
KE1HALanteran:  ++ know that problem well :-)04:03
rwwezy: dpkg -l04:03
colskolirI'm on epic404:03
Lanteranor rather as much as I can get at once, the dvd is generous on installed software04:03
colskolirsomeone say my name i want to see if it highlights04:03
rwwcolskolir: no ;P04:04
=== lee_ is now known as _Lee28_
KE1HALanteran:  8GB USB Key if ya got one handy, else it's ISO04:04
rwwthune3: actually, it's friends-only right now. signing up/in is statistically unlikely to help much :)04:04
ezyrww...thanks...Also, I want to be able to manage my packages and applications using those tools. Which one do you recommend is the best ? Will they all be packaged into one application in the future ?04:05
LanteranI do have one handy, but I'm using that for non-software backups. Other than that, all of my fdrives are too small.04:05
KE1HALanteran:  well, that be the choices I think.04:05
Lanteranwell I've googled it and the only tutorials I can find assume windows is the OS you're installing from04:06
rwwezy: I like Synaptic on GUI and aptitude for command-line. Others would probably disagree with one or both of these choices :)04:06
KE1HALanteran:  http://happylinuxthoughts.blogspot.com/2007/11/making-ubuntu-and-slackware-play.html04:06
KE1HALanteran:  one other that may be of some use, dont know: http://ubuntuforums.org/tags.php?tag=slackware+dual+boot+grub04:07
colskolirsay my name someone please04:07
ezyrww, the ubuntu software center (GUI). It uses dpkg, apt-get, aptitude all of them right ?04:07
greezmunkeyLanteran: check into this: http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/Boot-an-ISO-via-Grub2.html04:07
Lanteranyeah the first one was irrelevant, I just install without bootloader then update-grub from 'buntu04:07
Lanteranthanks for the links04:07
thune3rww: good info, thx04:07
KE1HALanteran:  that's how I'd do it.04:08
ZykoticK9colskolir, rww already did ;)04:08
Lanterangreezmunkey: thanks, cursory glance suggests this is exactly what I'm looking for04:09
greezmunkeyLanteran: Thank bazhang, it was his idea :)04:10
bazhanggreezmunkey, nice find!04:10
timpsteryo yo yo its FLAVA FLAV04:10
KE1HAIndeed I didnt know you could do that with Grub204:10
timpsterhaha jus kidding04:10
bazhang!ot | timpster04:10
ubottutimpster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:10
Lanteranalright, thanks bazhang04:11
rwwezy: dpkg is the basic, user-unfriendly tool in Debian and Ubuntu for installing and removing package management. APT is both a set of libraries for interfacing with dpkg and some interfaces (like apt-get) that do that. aptitude, synaptic, and Ubuntu Software Center are also interfaces to APT libraries to various degrees.04:11
rwws/package management/packages/04:11
AlZIRbazhang: not addresing users in this place (god forbid )  we are totally sorry!04:13
rwwezy: basically, different people prefer different tools, so there's never going to be a merge of them all together. There will be (are), however, programs that attempt to do all of the stuff that existing programs do. Software Center is one recent example.04:13
KE1HAbazhang:  as that how too stats, that's a good recovery method.04:14
ezyrww, thanks for the explanation. I really appreciate it. clears up a lot.04:14
bazhangKE1HA, yes indeed04:14
BiggFREEHo do I reset my wired network connection to its default settings ?04:15
andrew_708476Im up to the part where Im downloading the CD for the installing04:15
marker_hey whats !ot ? ..04:15
ZykoticK9marker_, !ot = factoid for Off Topic04:15
marker_ohh ok04:16
BiggFREEHo do I reset my wired network connection to its default settings ?04:16
ilovefairuzBiggFREE: are you using network manager? right-click, edit connections, delete the entry for eth004:16
timpsterbazhang, how do you type the line like the "I"04:17
BiggFREEilovefairuz: Yes I do (I edited it and deleted eth0)04:17
bazhangtimpster, please clarify04:18
ilovefairuzBiggFREE: log out and back in04:18
BiggFREEilovefairuz: But my wireless connection is not working04:18
timpsterZykoticK9, are u still on here04:18
BiggFREEOk ty ... ilovefairuz04:18
ZykoticK9timpster, yes04:19
ilovefairuzBiggFREE: pastebin: lshw -C network04:19
timpsterZykoticK9, i install the ccsm extra package  dont remember exact name     but i still dont have 3d windows option04:19
ZykoticK9timpster, i have no idea then.  What version of ubuntu are you using?04:19
colskolirepic4 is hard04:20
colskoliri don't even see an epic4 channel04:20
timpsterZykoticK9, 10.04  compiz fusion plugins-extra  package is installed like u said  but i dont have 3d windows04:20
ZykoticK9timpster, i have no explanation - it's there on mine?04:21
tensorpuddingHuh, all of the sudden, I just noticed that my tilde/backtick key does not work at all04:21
timpsterZykoticK9, okay im trying to get 3d windows in compiz cube   but i dont have that as an option04:21
KE1HADr_Willis:  can I send you a quick PM ?04:22
ilovefairuztensorpudding: type: xev in a terminal and press the key04:22
greezmunkeyTry this in your Browser, then do a linux related search...serious, no games.04:22
ZykoticK9timpster, i understand your issue (i think), but i don't have any suggestions.  Good luck.04:22
scriptwarlocktimpster: may we know what vga chipset are you using?04:22
tensorpuddingWhen i say it does not work at all, I mean that xev doesn't pick it up either.04:22
BiggFREE *-network04:22
BiggFREE       description: Ethernet interface04:22
BiggFREE       product: nForce2 Ethernet Controller04:22
BiggFREE       vendor: nVidia Corporation04:22
BiggFREE       physical id: 404:22
FloodBot3BiggFREE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
BiggFREE       bus info: pci@0000:00:04.004:22
timpsterscriptwarlock, yeah sure  OLD haha 5500fx nvidia not that great04:22
ilovefairuz!paste > BiggFREE04:22
ubottuBiggFREE, please see my private message04:22
=== aaddcc_ is now known as aaddcc
tensorpuddingAlso, it seems that the Fn key doesn't work either.04:23
andrew_708476Hey How can I put an anti virus con Ubuntu04:23
timpsteri mean NVIDA is GREAT but the card SUCKS04:23
xangua!virus | andrew_70847604:23
ubottuandrew_708476: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:23
bazhangandrew_708476, no need04:23
aaddccI was on a tutorial that told me to install splashy and delete usplash... But now I want usplash back, but apt-get install usplash won't work.04:23
aaddccCan anyone help/04:23
ilovefairuzaaddcc: ubuntu uses neither usplash  nor splashy04:24
scriptwarlocktimpster: dont force too much on old hardware to drive an airplane though it has a workaround04:24
timpsterscriptwarlock, hey you still on04:24
bazhangaaddcc, is this for backtrack?04:24
ilovefairuzaaddcc: it's "plymouth"04:24
AlZIRdeadBit   not sure what to do now root is nearly there04:25
timpsterscriptwarlock, so your saying i might not be able to get 3d windows04:25
bazhangAlZIR, what?04:25
Dr_Willisandrew_708476:  theres clamav if you want to scan windows files for window virses04:25
UbuntuNoobHello all, I'm looking for help04:25
ZykoticK9!ask | UbuntuNoob04:26
ubottuUbuntuNoob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:26
timpsterscriptwarlock, ok i have 3d windows YEAH !!!!!!!  o yeah   i guess i didnt see it04:26
andrew_708476hey DR Willis can I add you and chat to you every now and again04:26
UbuntuNoobI have downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu and I am trying to install it to a USB so that I can boot my now useless laptop from it. Any suggestions?04:27
ilovefairuz!usb | UbuntuNoob04:27
ubottuUbuntuNoob: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:27
bazhangUbuntuNoob, use unetbootin for that04:27
AlZIRyeah he fishing04:27
UbuntuNoobThank you!04:28
nobarkinghow can i recover a truecypt file that was deleted from an NTFS parition?04:28
timpsterwhat else can i ask hmm......04:28
trelayneHi all I need to change some frames in a .mov file (black out certain spots). Any suggested software?04:28
andrew_708476another question I find it hard to Register anyone got any web pagers04:29
ZykoticK9!register > andrew_70847604:29
ubottuandrew_708476, please see my private message04:29
xanguatimpster: if you are just asking by asking, why not better read the !manual ¿04:29
=== Whtiger is now known as Tricia
scriptwarlocktimpster: wh not visit the #compiz04:29
timpstercause i dont know whrere that is     and i dont know how to find ppl on #compiz  it said no one was on there04:30
scriptwarlocktimpster: ok let me try help you04:30
timpsterok thx04:30
KE1HAnobarking:  not an easy endeavor it seems: http://www.truecrypt.org/faq04:31
Dr_Willisandrew_708476:  this is IRC not an IM client.. you dont 'add' me to anything really.. if im in this channel Im here.04:31
xangua!manual | timpster04:31
xanguathere are people on #compiz timpster04:31
ubottutimpster: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:31
soreautimpster: I banned you from #compiz for flooding the channel04:31
timpsterxangua, thx04:31
Dr_Willisandrew_708476:  unless you are using an IM client to IRC. :) then theres proberly a friends list or somthing.04:31
scriptwarlocktimpster: there you go timpster04:31
timpstersoreau, so thats what happened  shit  sorry about hat04:31
soreautimpster: And for calling names in there04:31
timpstersoreau, what04:31
bazhangtimpster, stop cursing04:31
* xangua has ubottu in his friend list :)04:31
scriptwarlock!patience timpster04:32
timpsterbazhang, can you get banned from that04:32
timpsterfor that04:32
bazhangtimpster, just stop it.04:32
scriptwarlocktimpster: if you keep talking it annoys the veterans here04:33
red2kicWhat is the command to rm everything but one file?04:33
andrew_708476How do you find out if your using an IM clinet04:33
timpsterbazhang, sorry04:33
marker_Its just ethics man.04:33
ZykoticK9andrew_708476, what are you using for IRC right now?04:33
Dr_Willisred2kic:  you would have to get creative with regular expressions I imagine04:33
red2kicandrew_708476: Are you using Pidgin or Empathy (at least).04:33
KE1HAred2kic:  mv the one file, then rm -rf ./*04:33
BiggFREEHow do I do a screenshot from a copy ?04:33
ZykoticK9andrew_708476, what program are you using for IRC right now?04:33
ilovefairuzBiggFREE: a "copy" of what?04:34
red2kicKE1HA: That could work -- but meh. I'm curious about that though.04:34
BiggFREEFor tinyurl04:34
TiKBiggFREE: hit print screen on your keyboard04:34
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.04:34
BiggFREEty :)04:34
KE1HAred2kic:  be careful with -rf though, it does what it says on the tin :-)04:35
UbuntuNoobim trying to boot a laptop that had a virus and will no longer start past the post screen with linux i just downloaded onto a usb drive and it still wont go past the post screen although i am booting from the usb drive. Any suggestions?04:35
TiKandrew_708476: no prgram like mIRC, irssi BitchX m icechat m xchat ect04:35
nobarkingdoes anyone know how to recovery a missing possibly over written partition?04:35
ZykoticK9nobarking, testdisk04:35
ilovefairuzUbuntuNoob: did you change the boot order in the BIOS?04:36
andrew_708476how can you find that out04:36
KE1HAnobarking:  overwritten how, with other data files of partition data?04:36
nobarkingZykoticK9: do you know if the parition can be appened to the current partition?04:36
ilovefairuz!undelete | nobarking04:36
ubottunobarking: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel04:36
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  perhaps reset the bios back to defaults.. but it sounds like a hardware failure to me04:36
TiKUbuntuNoob: you can get a copy of parte magic and wipe the drive (if its SMART)04:36
UbuntuNoobI changed the boot order and I went to boot menu and selected removable devices04:36
andrew_708476because I forgotten bad memorry04:36
ZykoticK9nobarking, no idea04:36
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  totally whipe the hd. or perhaps unplug it. and see if it boots from USB.04:36
UbuntuNoobi did reset bios defaults earlier04:36
nobarkingKE1HA: just over written the parition04:36
nobarkingKE1HA: the data might be there04:36
TiKDr_Willis: virus' cant cause hardware fialures :P04:37
xanguaandrew_708476: you are using pidgin.......you know, the purple pidgin!04:37
ilovefairuzTiK: rather unlikely but it could flash the bios, yes04:37
nobarkingcan ddrescue be used for a particular missing parition ?04:37
Dr_WillisTiK:  its not been proven that the virus did it.. and it could be a hardware failure unrelated to any virus.04:37
KE1HAnobarking:  if you re-formatted it, the partition table, not allot you can do, There are commercial solutins, but very costly $$$04:37
TiKDr_Willis: true04:37
Dr_WillisTiK:  and i have seen viruses in ages past that could do hardware damage. :)04:37
TiKDr_Willis: nope04:37
nobarkingKE1HA: haven't been over written, just parition tables written over it04:37
UbuntuNoobi also used unetbootin to move the iso file i downloaded to the usb drive04:38
ZykoticK9nobarking, try testdisk04:38
red2kicTiK: I have seen viruses in ages past that could make smiley faces. :)04:38
TiKDr_Willis: impossiable04:38
Dr_WillisTiK:  Yes - i have.    ive been messing with comptuers since the timex sinclare 1000 days..  it is possible04:38
TiKDr_Willis: wrong04:38
Dr_WillisTiK:  i never said it was the reason in this case.04:38
KE1HAnobarking:  I'd research that, but I would not be too hopefull.04:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:38
bazhangTiK, it is most certainly possible. lets move on please04:39
Dr_WillisTiK:  Tell that to the C64 drives ive seen trashed..04:39
our_ALZIRbazhang: HI again04:39
somethinginteresI just updated the kernal image on Lucid through the Update Manager and now my HDAV1.3 soundcard is not being recognised at all - any help would be super04:39
UbuntuNoobi think everything wenty right with copying it to the usb because when i plug it into the computer im on now it says install ubuntu as what is in the drive04:39
xanguasomethinginteres: does it work with a previous kernel¿04:40
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  you are on a windows machine right now?04:40
somethinginteresxangua: yes, I believe so. Before the update last night it was working. Admittedly with -some- minor issues but yeah it worked before the update04:40
UbuntuNoobyes i am04:41
nobarkingZykoticK9: KE1HA thanks04:41
ilovefairuzsomethinginteres: press shit at boot screen, boot the older kernel and file a bug report04:41
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  when you pop in a ubuntu cd/flash on a wndows box.. windows autoruns that silly WUBI installer.. thats proberly what you are seeing04:41
KE1HAnobarking:  Have a look at this: http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/storage/8257-how-to-recover-lost-files-after-you-accidentally-wipe-your-hard-drive04:41
somethinginteresilovefairuz: sorry, is that 'shift'?04:41
BiggFREEilovefairuz: I am unable to post my imagebin :( But I think that my problem is solved because I did read the result of your lshw command. Thanks.04:41
nobarkingKE1HA: thanks04:41
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: ok got it. For some reason the laptop that crashed cant seem to boot from it though04:42
ilovefairuzsomethinginteres: the SHIFT key04:42
BiggFREEilovefairuz: All I have now is to restart.04:42
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  ive see many pc's that are picky about what flash drives they can and can not boot from04:42
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  i got  1 pc that only wants to boot from One of the many flash drives i have..04:42
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: hmmm i would try it from a CD but i dont have any available that would hold all of the 700 megs04:43
ilovefairuzsomethinginteres: for some reason, i tend to miss that h, sorry ...04:43
KE1HAnobarking:  also, this one: http://www.data-recovery-linux.com/04:43
somethinginteresilovefairuz: just to confirm should I press it only once or repeatedly or hold it down? Also will that load the old kernel for good or just for that boot session? Thanks04:43
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  most cds do hold 700mb these days.04:43
ilovefairuzsomethinginteres: hold it down04:43
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: ill take a look around and see if i can find one then04:44
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  the sizes of files are  often 'confuseing' due to the use of MB vs MiB these days04:44
ilovefairuzsomethinginteres: it will display a list of installed kernels, select the older one04:44
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  ive not seen an older 640mb cd - in ages.04:44
somethinginteresilovefairuz: righto, will give it a shot. Cheers04:44
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: do you think my "picky pc" will boot from a CD with ubuntu if it will not from the usb?04:44
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  ive rarely had issues with pcs booting from cd/./ many issues in the past with usb.04:45
test34UbuntuNoob, it should boot from CD04:45
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: right on ill give it a try04:45
thune3UbuntuNoob: one rare possiblity is the flashdrive has cdfs partition like sandisk U3, which could cause boot problems. (If you fdisk -l the flash drive and the partition table looks normal, you are ok)04:46
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  yea. that U3 stuff is a real pain. I always remove it..  :) luckl;y the U3 stuff dosent seem as common these days as it used to be.04:46
Dr_WillisPerhaps everyone else has realized what a pain U3 is04:46
UbuntuNoobi didnt see one when i was working with this usb earlier04:47
bruenigsansa fuze is where it's at04:47
timpster1scriptwarlock, yo um you talkin to any1 right now04:47
UbuntuNoobi am going to write ubuntu to a cd though and try to boot off of that04:47
UbuntuNoobi think the virus i got was something that infected the system32 folder and corrupted the boot data04:47
still_our_ALZIRlet it time out04:48
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  You rarely see vieuses these days that affect the boot stuff.. (well not like in the old says of MBR viruses)04:48
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  if the HD is empty - the virus is gone. :)04:48
KE1HA:-) Indeed04:49
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  you could zero the hd if you want to be very very sure04:49
Fudgehi guys, does win8 have any kind of protected filesystem that prevents a side by side ubuntu install?04:49
Fudgewin7 oops04:49
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: hmm I wonder if it was installing something in the background then because i had to hard shut down when the pop ups overwhelmed me and when i restarted it wouldnt let me open any applications saying they were corrupted so i turned it off again and then would not restart past the post screen04:49
timpster1Dr_Willis, whats zero the hd mean04:49
Dr_WillisFudge:  Not that ive noticed.04:49
KE1HAFudge:  None that im aware of.04:49
Dr_Willistimpster1:  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/PICKAHDPARITITON bs=1024    then go take a coffee break.04:50
Fudgeomg im a tard i still cant figure this out04:50
timpster1in a terminal????04:50
BiggFREEilovefairuz: I am always learning.04:50
abhijitmy friend have 2gb ram. will it be ok if i dont create swapt space?04:50
Dr_Willistimpster1:  err.. where else are you going to type  command line commands? :) that command WILL erase a hard drive.04:50
timpster1haha nice104:51
timpster1someone took my name timpster04:51
timpster1im gonna see what this guy is up to04:51
timpster1timpster, why you stealin my name04:51
ilovefairuzBiggFREE: we all are. did it work?04:51
KE1HAFudge:  Have you read though this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot04:51
red2kictimpster: I'll buy your name for ten dollars. Agreed?04:51
IdleOnetimpster: the person using your nick is you04:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:51
BiggFREEilovefairuz: It is alright now. Thanks04:52
abhijittimpster1, there is a facility called 'nick protection' if you enable this then other cant take your nick. for more info how to do this ask in #freenode.04:52
Dr_Willistimpster1:  talk to your self often? :)04:52
somethinginteresilovefairuz: booted into the old kernel that is ' 2.6.32-16-generic' vs ' 2.6.32-24-generic' (I think) and sound works - how do I file a useful bug report on this?04:52
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
timpster1abhijit, thx04:52
ilovefairuzsomethinginteres: join #ubuntu-bugs and ask there04:52
Dr_Willistimpster1:  i would guess you have 2 irc clients open.04:53
somethinginteresilovefairuz: OK thanks again04:53
olskolircanyone using bitchx?04:53
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: I booted from the cd rom and  i got a purple ubuntu loading screen and now im back to a blank screen04:53
timpster1Dr_Willis, i say i have 1 Xchat open  idk04:53
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  let it sit for a while.. the cd can take a long time to load up..04:53
FudgeKE1HA  shall do04:53
KE1HAFudge:  If you ahve trouble, drop back in, lots of folks cna help.04:54
red2kicDr_Willis: Or two servers on one client. :-P04:54
Dr_Willisred2kic:  yep. thats possible..04:54
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: i will, i was just concerned because its the same exact lighting and black blank screen i would get when it wouldnt start from the hdd.04:54
Dr_Willisred2kic:  but then he should have 2 Ubuntu windows open.04:54
timpsterDr_Willis, yeah you were right04:54
Fudgethanx KE1HA04:54
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  is the cd still loading?04:55
marys"Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode" warning message on bootup after initial splash screen "You may need to update your configuration to solve this. "(EE) Logitech USB Receiver failed to initialize for relative axes." Does anyone have ANY ideas? or how to "update my configuration"?04:55
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: nope it is just a black screen with nothihng happening04:55
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  sounds like it may be hung.. id give it a few min.04:55
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: sure will thanks04:55
maheanuuIaOrana Hello to all04:55
timpsterscriptwarlock, are u still on04:55
timpsterbazhang, are u still on04:56
bazhangtimpster, yes04:57
scriptwarlocktimpster: yes04:57
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
=== Administrator is now known as Guest15660
scriptwarlocktimpster: check attendance? :)04:57
timpsterthx both scriptwarlock and bazhang04:58
bazhangtimpster, welcome04:58
timpsterbazhang, hold on04:58
scriptwarlocktimpster: what did i do? but yes no problem04:58
maheanuuI just switched from Lucid to Ubuntu Studio 10.04 and am finding that it is a lot better fit on this notebook than Lynx was04:58
timpsterscriptwarlock, is that the ting on the right04:58
timpsterbazhang, yo04:59
scriptwarlocktimpster: yes04:59
bazhangtimpster, what's your question04:59
jbuncherHey all, I'm trying to upgrade hardy to lucid, and the steps at http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade only seem to make me initiate the upgrade to 8.10.  Any suggestions?04:59
timpsterscriptwarlock, thx04:59
timpsterbazhang, do you know about ubuntu themes04:59
scriptwarlocktimpster: no problem04:59
bazhang!themes | timpster04:59
ubottutimpster: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:59
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: still the black screen like it tried to boot from the hdd04:59
KE1HAjbuncher:  wow, big step, may be better to Backup data and do a fresh-install.05:00
timpsterbazhang, who is ubuntu05:00
scriptwarlock!ubuntu | timpster05:00
ubottutimpster: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:00
bazhangtimpster, lets go to #ubuntu-offtopic for this please05:00
jbuncherKE1HA, data is already backed up, might as well try the upgrade05:00
timpsterok hold on05:00
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  sounds like deeper issues to me.. You could try the alternative cd. thats a text only installer.. or try to fiugure out some boot time options to disable the plymouth and other features to see some text/error messages.05:00
timpsterhow do i do tht05:00
timpsterjoin what05:01
KE1HAjbuncher:  Sure, its doable, but I'd go one level up first, then the next.05:01
bazhangtimpster, /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:01
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  id try some other linux lve cds also.. (i got a box of them) :) see if it affects all of them. Wha tis your video card anyway?05:01
scriptwarlocktimpster: if asking some info just type !andyourinfoto ask05:01
jbuncherKE1HA, well, how do I even get the option to go to Lucid?  Don't really want to do 3 download and upgrades05:01
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: where would i get the text only version, and im not exactly sure what the video card is. it was my dads laptop up until about a week or so ago05:02
Flanneljbuncher: You can upgrade straight from 8.04 to 10.04, that's supported and all good.05:02
KE1HAjbuncher:  well the liveCD should prompt you, asking if you would like to upgrade.05:02
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  ubuntu download pages have the alterntove- cd's05:02
maheanuuUbuntu Noob, did you set your bios for a CD boot, I don't mean to butt in and excuse me for asking if it's not cool05:02
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: the difference with this black screen is that the computer wont turn off when i just press the power button, so im not too sure05:02
Flanneljbuncher: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades05:03
jbuncherFlannel, how do I accomplish that via network upgrade?  steps at http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade make it try to pull down intrepid05:03
FlannelKE1HA, jbuncher: A liveCD is *not* a method of upgrading.05:03
Flanneljbuncher: Let me take a look at that page05:03
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  You  may also want to test out some non-ubuntu disrtos like tinycorelinux (10mb) and Puppylinux (120mb) to see if they work. if NONE of them work..  well lets hope one works..05:03
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: haha im with that05:03
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  i have also seen some weird laptops that defaulted to the external monitor on Linux. using the laptops fn-?? key to toggle the monitors helped on that weird problem.05:04
KE1HAFlannel:  Ok, which one is? one of them did mine, I thought it was LiveCD05:04
=== arjun___ is now known as arjun
KE1HAjbuncher:  info on 804 to 10.04: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:04
Milez-I have 2 servers running samba.  they can connect to eachother via ip, but they dont know eachother by their hostname - any ideas what i'm doing wrong?05:05
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: the toggle didnt do much, it worked pretty reliably for several years up until last night and that virus tore it apart05:05
jbuncherKE1HA, in my original post, I said that the steps there just make it want to go to intrepid, not lucid05:05
FlannelKE1HA, jbuncher: That ubuntu.com page seems strange to me.  But the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades  are what the norm is05:05
maheanuuI am quite new on Linux and so far I am really impressed with Ubuntu....   I have Puppy and simplymepis running on 2 other machines one a 32 bit tower (simply mepis) and an old notebook with puppy05:05
timpsterZykoticK9, do you know how i might be able to make my own themes for gnome05:06
FlannelKE1HA: Th alternate CD can be used to upgrade, the desktop CD is just an installer.05:06
jbuncherFlannel, I can click "Check" until I'm blue in the face, but it only ever wants to let me upgrade to Intrepid, not Lucid.05:06
Flanneljbuncher: Are you completely up to date currently?05:06
KE1HAjbuncher:  the page says, If you have a version of Ubuntu other than Ubuntu 8.04 LTS or Ubuntu 9.10, please see the upgrade notes for more information on how to upgrade. hence: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:06
FlannelKE1HA: We're past that :)05:07
KE1HAFlannel:  fare enough, i knew it was one of them.05:07
jbuncherKE1HA, I have the latest and greatest 8.04.05:07
jbuncherFlannel, Yes.  Aside from a skype package from skypes repo.05:07
rwwjbuncher: have you done "#05:07
rwwedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=lts "?05:07
Flanneljbuncher: Alright, go to software properties and... or do what rww says05:07
KE1HAjbuncher:  On the last link i sent, see the section, From 9.04 or 8.04 too 10.04 LTS05:08
cfgI was wondering if there is a way to encrypt the main system drive on a linux system using truecypt05:08
=== arjun__ is now known as arjun
UbuntuNoobhere goes tinycore05:09
jbuncherKE1HA, yes, I've seen that, it doesn't work.05:10
jbuncherrww , Flannel :  Thanks.  You'd think that'd be listed.  I'm surprised that Intrepid is even still available as an option, as it's not supported.05:10
KE1HAjbuncher:  and like my original recommendation, going 2x or 3x levels up is not the best path.05:10
UbuntuNooblooks like tinycore worked so far05:11
jbuncherKE1HA, we clearly are not communication well.05:11
rwwKE1HA: going from 8.04 to 10.04 is fine, tested, and supported.05:11
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: should i wipe the hd not that i have tinycore and then try to re-install ubuntu?05:12
KE1HArww Ok, i give up.05:12
abhijitmy friend have 2gb ram. will it be ok if i dont create swapt space?05:15
bazhangabhijit, better to have swap than not05:15
abhijitbazhang, 1gb will do? for 2gb ram? actually we are running short on my friends hdd space? thats why05:16
UbuntuNoobok so currently, ubuntu will not boot from a cd, the hd will not boot xp, and tinycore will boot from a cd, but cant connect to the network, and im downloading  puppylinux. where should i go from here?05:16
bazhangabhijit, laptop? wants to hibernate/suspend?05:17
abhijitbazhang, yes05:17
Milez-any idea how to get 2 samba servers to know their hostnames?05:17
bazhangUbuntuNoob, ask in a puppy support channel? was Ubuntu in there somewhere?05:17
Milez-my window pc can ping them by hostname, but not eachother05:17
jbuncherFlannel, rww : thanks, started the upgrade.05:17
bazhangabhijit, then need at least 2GB05:17
abhijitbazhang, ok. i wll. thanks. :)05:18
UbuntuNoobbazhang: it was one of the os that i couldnt boot, for some reason, from a cd05:18
rwwjbuncher: awesome. Good luck :)05:18
bazhangUbuntuNoob, then check their support channel here on freenode05:18
FlannelKE1HA: LTS to LTS (6.06 to 8.04, or 8.04 to 10.04) is supported.  All other versions can only upgrade to/from their previous version (six months out)05:19
jbuncherrww : thanks, ~ 2350 files to download....05:19
abhijitcan anyone using gnome-do test test this condition and after testing if it affects you can you please mark it affect me also?05:19
abhijitoh no05:19
UbuntuNoobbazhang: i thought this was the ubuntu support channel?05:19
bazhangUbuntuNoob, you are asking about tinycore and puppy I thought05:20
thune3bazhang: tinycore was part of the debug procedure DrWillis was leading him through05:20
UbuntuNoobbazhang: not particularly, i was more curious why ubuntu wouldnt boot from a cd that i just burned. im all around confused on what i should do05:20
bazhangUbuntuNoob, md5 the iso? burn at very low speed and do the disk integrity check? those are the likely culprits in these cases05:21
bazhangthune3, thanks for the clarification05:21
UbuntuNoobbazhang: how would i md5 it?05:22
bazhang!md5 | UbuntuNoob05:22
ubottuUbuntuNoob: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:22
_numberswhat is with mysql on ubuntu 10.04 64-bit? in several servers it has quit working. hangs on service start or stop05:22
Victor_Tgood night05:23
Victor_Tis some one wakeup?05:23
UbuntuNoobbazhang: download md5sum from md5summer.org?05:24
UbuntuNoobbazhang: nevermind, got it05:25
Demolitiosorry in advance to make anyone groan.. but anyone know any good MS SQL-compatible SQL managers I can use with Ubuntu?05:26
* scunizi groans05:27
scuniziDemolitio: sorry couldn't resist :)05:28
Demolitiohehe. sorry guys... work requirement :(05:28
UbuntuNoobbazhang: what should i do after the md5 finishes?05:28
Demolitioscunizi: believe me...  I groan louder when I work with the bloody software :P05:28
=== Lap_dragon is now known as cahl-hith
bazhangUbuntuNoob, if it matches, then burn to cd at lower speed, boot from the cd and do the disk integrity check.05:28
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=== cahl-lith is now known as lap_dragon
scuniziDemolitio: don't know how good it is but I found this.. http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqlcc/05:29
scuniziDemolitio: actually that's for windows.. :(05:29
Demolitiohmm.. well, works wit MySQL... just not MS's version :(05:29
Demolitioyeah... just noticed it;s a win32 binary.05:30
=== lap_dragon is now known as sleeping_dragon
UbuntuNoobbazhang: i clicked compare and it says the md5 checksums are different05:30
scuniziDemolitio: round 2.. check this out .. http://www.linux.com/directory/Software/A-2ER-2EM-2ES-3A-Online-multiserver-admin-GUI-for-MySql/details05:31
Victor_They, some one know if VIA fix the driver (or canonical) negociate with VIA for the driver of P4M900 in this decade?05:31
* scunizi could almost hear a pin drop in here tonight05:32
_numbersERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:33
Demolitioscunizi: unfortunatly, that's MySQL only, too.. arrgh. I wish I could influence my company to move to that or SQLlite.05:33
UbuntuNoobmy md5 result doesnt match the ones on the ubuntu hash page05:34
=== cfg is now known as lwizardl
umeshHI all i am not able to use my speaker on ubuntu 10.04 LTS i am using the Mercury MS-440 speakers with P4 machine 1.2GHZ05:34
scuniziDemolitio: do a little digging on www.google.com/linux .. an alternative search linux focused.05:34
Victor_Tumesh, go to a terminal05:35
kuttan_hi all05:35
Victor_Tand type sudo alsamixer05:35
Victor_Tyou will see a volume control05:36
dubliskHi, I modified my /etc/environment file, but when I reboot, the variables are still not set, is this not sourced automatically?05:36
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
jameswannabeHello all05:38
umeshVictor_T: when i typed sudo alsamixer it shows NO such file or directory05:38
Victor_Twell I am in karmic05:38
Victor_Ttry aptitude search alsamixer05:39
Demolitioscunizi: thanks... arrgh.05:39
jameswannabeummm i have a few questions about Ubuntu and Best guess software/hardware05:39
abhijit!ask | jameswannabe05:40
ubottujameswannabe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:40
scunizijameswannabe: ask away.. hopefully someone will know your answers05:40
jameswannabeThx Ubootu05:40
Demolitio!ask demolitio05:40
umeshVictor_T: 1) i get following two files p   alsamixergui                    - graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundca 2) p   gnome-alsamixer                 - ALSA sound mixer for GNOME05:40
jameswannabeubottu * i meant05:40
Demolitiocool. forgot that function existed.05:40
Blue1someone here good with bash scripts?05:40
kuttan_umesh , what is the make of your soundboard05:41
Fudgewhats the command to change back to using gnome?05:41
scunizijameswannabe: ubottu is a bot...05:41
thune3dublisk: that should work, could you pastebin the file? If a variable is getting set at a later stage (and not appended) it could overwrite what is in there. You can boot a termianl (ctrl-alt-f1) to check setting instead of reboot.05:41
umeshkuttan_: how i will be able to find that? i am new to ubuntu05:41
timpsterscriptwarlock,  will you be my "personal help bitch"   hahahah it was in the guidelines    how to ask a question05:41
Demolitiojameswannabe: just ask, we will try to help :D05:41
kuttan_Fudge: in gdm change session , or put exec gnome-session in .xinitrc ( home dir) 75505:41
dubliskis there something for ubuntu like fpaste?05:42
kuttan_<umesh> lspci -v >lspci.txt .. pastebin05:42
scunizidublisk: what's fpaste do?05:42
abhijit!pastebinit | dublisk05:42
ubottudublisk: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com05:42
dubliskyeah that05:42
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
kuttan_dublisk there is a nautilus addon , pls search05:42
DIguanaWhat's the best way to scan a hard disk with Ubuntu? Is there anything more extensive than the routine scanning that comes up every few reboots?05:42
jameswannabewhat do i need to get my Logitech Quick Cam webcam to work with Ubuntu 10 also im running CompiZ on Custom and want more eyecandy (ATI radeon X1650 PCI)05:43
abhijitdublisk, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit to install it.05:43
scunizidublisk: it's a cli tool.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit .. then to paste a text file .. pastebinit <textfile.txt>05:43
kuttan_sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:43
jameswannabewhat do i need to get my Logitech Quick Cam webcam to work with Ubuntu 10 also im running CompiZ on Custom and want more eyecandy (ATI radeon X1650 PCI)05:44
dubliskbut LD_LIBRARY_PATH was blank after I booted05:44
Fudgethanks kuttan_  ill try that05:44
coyote_method to ad dns primary in ubunto 3g?05:45
ezyhi everyone. whenever i run the command `sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart` I get `Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an05:45
ezyUpstart job...etc`. Any ideas ?05:45
jameswannabeOk once more ....what do i need to get my Logitech Quick Cam webcam to work with Ubuntu 10 also im running CompiZ on Custom and want more eyecandy (ATI radeon X1650 PCI)05:45
coyote_method to add dns primary in ubuntu 3g?05:45
scuniziezy: sudo service vsftpd restart .. is what they are referring to.. a different way of restaring the service05:46
coyote_ya kekun ki parle francais?05:46
umeshkuttan_: output of the above command is asic display modes:05:46
umesh-mmProduce machine-readable output (single -m for an obsolete format)05:46
umesh-tShow bus tree05:46
umeshDisplay options:05:46
umesh-vBe verbose (-vv for very verbose)05:46
FloodBot3umesh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
umesh-kShow kernel drivers handling each device05:46
Blue1ezy: I am lazy and do a sudo service vsftpd restart (of course I don't run standalone though)05:46
thune3dublisk: i added that line and it worked fine (logged into tty to check), it must be getting reset somehwere else05:46
scunizi!fr | coyote_05:46
ubottucoyote_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:46
coyote_method to add dns primary in ubuntu 3g?05:47
ezyscunizi, Blue1 I wish they kept restarting from /etc/init.d/. more intuitive05:47
abhijithow can i add a package to already exists aptoncd dvd iso?05:47
ezyscunizi, Blue1 thanks for help05:47
umeshsorry floodbot305:47
kuttan_umesh just do this on your prompt.   lspci -v >&audio.txt  and then put it on pastebin05:47
Blue1ezy: I think that means the script may be old, I dunno I have other issues atm05:48
ragsIam having problems during booting.05:48
abhijit!dns | coyote_05:48
ubottucoyote_: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html05:48
albech_For some reason my kernel has been compiled with the KVM extension. This means that I am no longer able to run my Virtual Box instances. I have not installed KVM. Can anyone tell me how to disable that within the kernel?05:48
ragsCan anyone please help me?05:48
Demolitiosuite... the bot speaks in french.05:48
abhijit!ask | rags05:48
ubotturags: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:48
scunizirags: more info is needed for anyone to help you.. describe your problem05:48
ragsI have installed the Wubi05:48
ragsand it fails during the boot itself.05:49
abhijithow to edit iso image?05:49
ragsso iam not able to debug as to what the problem is.05:49
UbuntuNoobcan anyone recommend a good irc for general computer help?05:49
kuttan_ubottu: You should do something so that your mesg appears to only offending party. Otherwise you yourself flood the screen05:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
abhijitUbuntuNoob, xchat05:49
Blue1albech_: pardon my dumbess, isn't KVM keyboard, video, mouse?05:49
coyote_i ask abiut method to add dns in lucid lynx?05:50
albech_Blue1, yes, but its also a virtual machine manager05:50
Fudgethere is a way you can choose the session manger, session-config or something? it brings up the options like gnome auto gnome manual etc05:50
umeshkuttan_: i have pasted the file at http://paste.ubuntu.com/481745/05:50
kuttan_abhijit: how can I ignore mesg from X user in gnome-xchat ..05:50
abhijitcoyote_, have you seen the link given by ubottu?05:50
Blue1albech_: aah didnt know that one...05:50
dubliska .so file on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH should get added to ld's cache after running ldconfig right?05:50
abhijitkuttan_, /ignore <nick>05:50
kuttan_abhijit Thanks mate for that05:51
kuttan_ /ignore ubottu05:51
andrew_708476It didn't work, I tryed installing tor but O well what can you do05:51
abhijitkuttan_, without space05:51
albech_guess i could switch to KVM instead of virtual box, but VB is so convenient and easy to run with.05:51
kuttan_ /ignoreubottu05:51
coyote_https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html thx 4 link.05:51
abhijitkuttan_, but ubottu is bot. why are you irnoring it?05:51
ragsI have installed the Wubi and it fails during the booting itself. Can anyone please help me debug this?05:51
abhijitkuttan_, oh i mean no space before '/' type this: /ignore ubottu05:51
bcbc2rags: what do you mean by 'it fails during the boot'. more details please05:52
kuttan_abhijit: Rectified the mistake , the bot floods the screen :(05:52
abhijitkuttan_, as you wish. :(05:52
kuttan_abhijit, bot's nsg should appear only to offending party logically ..05:53
nirvaana69hey how does one type hindi in word document?05:53
kuttan_umesh .: dude are you typing "lscpi -h" ..05:53
abhijitkuttan_, you can discuss bot related idea in #ubuntu-bots and/or #ubuntu-ops05:53
nirvaana69i mean in open office?05:53
abhijitnow see what happends05:53
abhijit!ibus | nirvaana6905:53
ubottunirvaana69: IBus is used to allow input of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters in !GUI applications - See also: !SCIM05:53
abhijitnow all come here and explain him that ibus not only used for chinese language05:54
nirvaana69what is i bus?05:54
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
umeshkuttan_: i typed lspci -v >lspci.txt .. pastebin05:54
ragsi had installed wubi and when i did a reboot, i get the Ubuntu OS to select and then i even get the Ubuntu initial screen (violet) and then it goes white..05:55
abhijitnirvaana69, ibus is............why i am wasting my time typing all thos long words?05:55
nirvaana69how do i make it wprk tell me the simplest way05:55
kuttan_umesh, please type here the exact command you are using .. w/0 any extra characters05:55
nirvaana69how does it work05:56
nirvaana69tell me05:56
abhijitnirvaana69, you need to wait till !ibus factoid is get updated. i wll not type all those long sentecess expalining you how to use ibus and what is ibus05:56
bcbc2rags: you rebooted and it installed OK, but after restarting it doesn't work? Have you tried running a live CD - does that work? What graphics card do you have?05:56
=== nezah is now known as rsinha
umeshlspci -v >lspci.txt .. pastebin05:58
nirvaana69the factoid has not updated yet!!!!!!05:58
nirvaana69tell me in short atleast05:59
abhijitnirvaana69, wait05:59
thune3dublisk: ldconfig man page does not indicate that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used for cache. I assume a uncached library just has to be linked at runtime without the benifit of the cache. Did you get the LD_LIBARAY_PATH variable sorted. These are the files that affect environment for my login (plus any you call): http://paste.ubuntu.com/481748/05:59
kuttan_umesh: 1st just run : lspci -v >&audio.txt05:59
kuttan_umesh: then next - pastebinit audio.txt06:00
UbuntuNoobi made another disk with ubuntu on it and i verified it while burning it and my laptop still wont boot from it. why?06:01
lwizardldoes your laptop support booting from cd's?06:01
UbuntuNoobyes i can boot from puppylinux and tinycore06:01
UbuntuNoobmy laptop got a virus and wont boot from the hd anymore but it will boot from other cdsa06:02
abhijitnirvaana69, first you have a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus if not understood then ask06:02
sacarlsonnirvaana69:  did you ever try google?  took me 10 secounds http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126079306:03
rwwnirvaana69: the revelation that abhijit has you waiting for is that ibus is not just for Chinese06:03
UbuntuNoobit sounds like its installing or something but its the same screen i get when it tries to boot from the hd and it doesnt go past the post screen06:03
rwwnirvaana69: also, that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus exists06:03
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
OlognWhen I go to System -> About Ubuntu, the yelp box that pops up for me in Meerkat does not say File Edit Bookmarks etc. on top but has some weird Unicode characters06:04
umeshkuttan_: when i ry to use the command pastebinit audio.txt i get the messgae The program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:06:04
umeshsudo apt-get install pastebinit06:04
OlognI wonder if that's just me or if it is broken06:04
kuttan_<umesh> , so do that please06:04
greezmunkeyyelp box...heh06:05
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
mernilioHi all!06:07
=== andregondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim
thune3UbuntuNoob: can you hit button (i use esc) right after bios to get a boot option screen? is monitor turning off? (maybe connect to external vga if possible) And be aware that it can take 3+ minutes to boot ubuntu livecd.06:08
umeshkuttan_: the output of pastebinit audio.txt is http://pastebin.com/RFZNgsbk06:08
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm06:08
UbuntuNoobthune3: i can get to a boot option screen and i picked bood from cd drive. the screen is not off i can see it lighted and its what happens when my laptop tries to boot from the hd. and when it first loads it loads the purple screen that says ubuntu but then it goes to this dead screen where nothing happebns06:09
mernilioBlack candy! As a white nerd, if you get it.. dont let it go! ZZ Top called it Tush :-)06:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:10
mark105any one using burg?06:10
OlognYou people with Meerkat - when you go to System -> About Ubuntu, does the window at top  say File/Edit/Go/Bookmarks or is it Unicode gobbeldygook?06:10
rwwOlogn: Maverick discussion in #ubuntu+1, not here.06:11
mernilioany interracial coples here? And i dont mean linux-windows...06:11
sinurgemernilio, how is that a topic in #ubuntu06:11
rwwubottu: ot | mernilio06:12
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:12
IdleOneOlogn: gobblygook and like rww said #ubuntu+106:12
Blue1methinks an update is inorder - the !cron lists http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm as a guide - it gets a 404 not found06:13
thune3UbuntuNoob: at that first purple screen with the two icons at the bottom, you can hit esc, then f6 (i think), then esc again to edit grub line. You might try one of the options listed here: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/06:13
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm06:13
Blue1rww: try clicking on the 2nd link06:13
mernilioim banned from off-topic-ubuntu .. strang as it may seem? Im just here for spite.06:13
kuttan_umesh check this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-409144.html06:14
kuttan_umesh you have a Yamaha sound card06:14
thune3UbuntuNoob: also try removing "quiet splash" from boot line, in addition06:14
rww!no, cron =~ s/CronHowto.*/CronHowto/06:14
=== arjun__ is now known as arjun
sinurgemernilio, keep your questions on ubuntu only and u wont get banned in #ubuntu06:14
greezmunkeyheh 10.10 to release 10-10-10, nice06:14
rwwmernilio: That isn't license to be offtopic in here.06:14
merniliorww: i did  not say so06:15
=== Chikin is now known as STiK
mernilioI only think that based on one single millinoaire Shuttleworth .. Ubuntu is on a very shaky trip!06:17
sinurgemernilio, again not a topic for discussion06:17
g0tchahey guys, how can i bring a network adapter down in bunut server?06:17
umeshkuttan_: actualy there are two card one inbuild on mother board and one put externally now the mother board sound card was having some problem so i installed the external one in windows which is working fine there06:18
UbuntuNoobthune3: i removed quiet splash from the boot line first and it seems to be working. i did not try any of the other options because im not experienced enough to know where to enter them or which graphics card i have because has not been my computer for some time.06:18
rawrlockAnyone else having webcam issues? I updated my kernel and now v4l does not see dev/video0 and v4l2 cannot identify it06:18
umeshkuttan_: do i need to do some thing extra06:18
UbuntuNoobthune3: it also just stopped the install and went back to that screen again -_-06:18
rawrlockg0tcha, ifconfig <adapter> down06:18
Blue1g0tcha: ifdown iirc06:18
mernilioand that his from africa and all that skit, "ubuntu means friendship" .. :-)06:18
terryAny youtube downloader for ubuntu?06:18
rawrlockterry yes. google pyhton youtube-dl06:19
Blue1terry: no but I do know the secret handshake priv. msg ok?06:19
kuttan_umesh: in that case I am assuimg that you disabled the onbaord audio card .. right06:19
greezmunkeyterry: Pytube ??06:19
terryWhat blue said?06:20
rawrlockwest side is da best06:20
umeshkuttan_: yes the vendor did that in windows06:20
Blue1terry: well I tried06:20
terryTried what?06:20
umeshkuttan_: i am not sure about the ubuntu here06:20
rawrlockanyways, i am having an issue with my webcam,. Any times on remeding it? My g/f is goingto skype me in an hour and i want to see tits06:20
Blue1terry: nvm06:20
merniliobut sorry, i do like ubuntu. reason i got here is they dont have any humour in #slackware... ;-)06:21
IdleOne!language | rawrlock06:21
ubotturawrlock: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:21
abhijitnirvaana69, hey you there?06:21
greezmunkeyyikes, me thinks the average age in here right now is about 14.06:21
rawrlockIdleOne, tits is a bad word?06:21
Blue1greezmunkey: that much?06:21
rawrlock!language | rawrlock06:22
ubotturawrlock, please see my private message06:22
IdleOnerawrlock: yes and don't say it again06:22
abhijit!ibus | nirvaana6906:22
ubottunirvaana69: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus06:22
airtonixseeking possibilities of running mono compiled projects that use System.Windows.Forms in ubuntu... what needs to be done in order for such binaries to run ?06:22
nirvaana69i did not get it06:22
merniliorawrlock: semi-bad word!06:22
rawrlockfuck this06:22
thune3UbuntuNoob: you're just trying to boot right? you add those options in the exact spot you removed "quiet splash". One of nvidia:nomodeset or xforcevesa ati:xforcevesa intel: i915.modeset=106:22
abhijitnirvaana69, factoid !Ibus is updated now. what you ddnt get ?06:22
nirvaana69i mean i want to use hindi only for open office and no othert program06:22
abhijitnirvaana69, which version of ubuntu?06:23
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:23
UbuntuNoobthune3: yeah my computer wont boot anymore so i just want to boot ubuntu so i can wipe the hd and install ubuntu on the hd but apparently that wont work either. ive started trying all of those options06:23
umeshkuttan_: in case of sound preference i get two devices 1) internal Audio Analog stereo and 2) SPC 700NC PC camera Analog Mono06:23
abhijitnirvaana69, brb in 3 min06:23
thune3UbuntuNoob: just choose boot first, you can run ubiquity from inside livecd or try again once you get the right settings.06:23
kuttan_umesh: just type "aplay -l" , w/o quotes06:24
kuttan_umesh: does YMF24F comes in the output06:24
abhijitnirvaana69, which version of ubuntu?06:25
thune3UbuntuNoob: do you have make/model# of computer?06:25
umeshKuttan_: card 2: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel ICH5]  Subdevices: 1/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 2: ICH5 [Intel ICH5], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel ICH5 - IEC958]  Subdevices: 1/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #006:25
abhijitnirvaana69, ok06:25
brijithmacHi .. Why empathy became  default chat client.. though pidgin is having lot more features ??06:25
Dr_Willisbrijithmac:  install pidgin then.. personally i hate both. :)06:26
abhijitnirvaana69, open your sources list and add this line there: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ibus-dev/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main06:26
kuttan_umesh: which version of ubuntu are you using06:26
UbuntuNoobthune3: it is a gateway 354506:26
umeshKuttan_: in case of putput i get only Internal Audio analog Stereo i am using ubuntu 10.04LTS06:26
brijithmacDr_Willis:Why you have both .. ?06:26
Dr_Willisbrijithmac:  i dont have both.. I dont use either one. :)06:27
brijithmacDr_Willis:then which one you use06:27
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: if you want to know my progress, puppylinux and tinycore both boot, but im still working on getting ubuntu to boot06:27
Dr_Willisbrijithmac:   I dont use either one. :)06:27
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  thats a good sign then. Could be some weird quirky issue with plymouth and the 10.04 release.  Ive seen that happen a lot. The altermative cd might let you install.06:28
brijithmacDr_Willis:do you use any other chat client ?06:28
Dr_Willisbrijithmac:  i hang on IRC - using WeeChat.. thats it for my 'chat' clients.06:28
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
thune3UbuntuNoob: dun, dun, daaahhhh: Intel® 855GM ! doh. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes06:29
brijithmacDr_Willis: ok .06:29
abhijitnirvaana69, done?06:29
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: i think it could be i think im going to download an older version of ubuntu and see if i can run that because i think thats better that running puppylinux, at least i think so for no reason at all lol06:29
KE1HAUbuntuNoob:  you could also look into xubuntu, it runs on my d400 i855.06:30
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  The big change in 10.04 that causes a LOT of issues is plymouth.   You may want to try an alternetive-installer cd..06:30
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  its possible other ubuntu variants may also have the same plymouth issue with your system.06:30
TiKI hate plymouth06:30
brijithmacHi all, is any one using BSNL Evdo with ubuntu ?06:30
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  what is your video card anyway?06:30
=== rudenstAm is now known as rudenstam
thune3UbuntuNoob: try i915.modeset=1 , you will need a more permanent solution as described on Lucidi8xxFreezes06:31
thune3Dr_Willis: UbuntuNoob has Intel® 855GM06:31
nirvaana69will this make me write hindi in open office or every where06:31
UbuntuNoobthune3: that was the first one i tried, but to no avail06:31
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  see what thune3  says.. proberly some boot option that may get it working.   my one intel machine is an AA006:31
hmmmmfor 1.3k users it's kinda quiet :p06:32
UbuntuNoobthune3: i will try it again though06:32
Vakmanhmmmm I agree.06:33
hmmmmsay i wanted to set up a school computer lab with ubuntu. what could i use to remotely administrate (i.e. install updates, install applications, disk quotas, etc. en masse) them all?06:33
AndorinNeither my flash drive nor my portable hard drive are auto-mounting on my desktop anymore. Both still work on my laptop (both with Lucid). What's happened?06:33
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: if this doesnt work then ill go find an older version of ubuntu i suppose06:33
kuttan_umesh: type " lsmod |grep snd-ymfpci"06:34
UbuntuNoobfor now i think i just want to find a way to boot something and wipe my hd and then from there ill work on installing something else, probably a version of ubuntu06:34
kuttan_umesh : is this module loaded ?06:34
umeshKuttan_: one inute let me try06:34
UbuntuNoobthune3: this attempt seems to be going a lot further than the previous ones06:35
thune3UbuntuNoob: i would try xforcevesa as a last ditch, if this one fails.06:35
UbuntuNoobthune3: whoa a desktop. who knew that came with ubuntu load disk06:36
UbuntuNoobi win06:36
UbuntuNoobwell, i guess you win in reality06:36
umeshkuttan_: when i type the command lsmod |grep snd-ymfpci i do not get any output06:37
thune3UbuntuNoob: i would like to see the output of "lspci | grep VGA", just to confirm chipset06:37
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  from what i gather from the news/sites - Intel sort of outsourced some of their chipsets to anotehr company. That company wrote the drivers and stuff for intel.. but Intel cant put the drivers under the GPL for Linux because the other company has the rights.. (seems like an Intel Lawyer dropped the ball) :) (tats how i hear the story at least)06:37
UbuntuNoobthune3: how do i do that?06:37
abhijithe let. :(06:37
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  so the whold fiasco with some chipsets is due to  the legal issues. :(06:37
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: wow lol of course something that trivial happens to me right?06:38
AndorinGuys, my USB drives are not automounting on one of my computers now. What's the usual cause for this?06:39
bazhang!automate | hmmmm06:39
ubottuhmmmm: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning06:39
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  its even worse for the 'meego' and some other devices that are using the chipsets affected  'Intel cant ship their own drivers' --->   http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2466306:39
hmmmmnot so much automation as remote administration06:40
thune3UbuntuNoob: Applications->Accessories->Terminal type or paste: lspci | grep VGA  and hit enter.06:40
hmmmmmass administration rather06:40
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: hahahaha they need to get on top of it06:40
abhijithmmmm, do you mean ubuntu server?06:40
tortoise7hi folks, a pointer please, as to the best method of moving LARGE files from a hfs/hfsplus drive onto the ubuntu machine.06:41
UbuntuNoobthune3: Intel 82852/855GM06:41
tortoise7no floppy, no dvd/cd....no bluetooth06:41
UbuntuNoobalso quick question, how do i wipe my hard drive from ubuntu so i can get rid of that nasty virus, install ubuntu to my hd, and finally use this laptop again06:42
umeshkuttan_: u there?06:42
thune3UbuntuNoob: 8xx intel chipsets and 10.04 are a bad combo! I'm not sure I would run 10.04 if I had one of those chipsets. There are potential fixes/workarounds in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes if you choose to install.06:42
abhijitUbuntuNoob, you can just format hdd? and then install ubutnu?06:42
hmmmmnevermind guys06:43
hmmmmone more question, is there anything like deep freeze for ubuntu?06:43
UbuntuNoob_thune3: ......ok apparently my connection was reset?06:44
abhijithmmmm, wait06:44
UbuntuNoob_thune3: also what is a good alternative?06:44
KE1HAtortoise7:  is the hfsplus drive going to be installed on the ubuntu machine, or do you need to remote access it?06:44
umeshHi all i having some problem with my sound card device the details of he system are at http://pastebin.com/RFZNgsbk please any one can help me in this the sound card is working properly on windows06:45
abhijithmmmm, does this have something for you? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/manage-multiple-linux-machines-through-one-linux-machine-howto-61521/06:45
hmmmmlol :) no06:45
hmmmmthanks anyway06:46
abhijithmmmm, this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12840806:46
MACscrok, docky seems to use to many resources (no idea why, maybe crappy video drivers), so i just removed it. How do i get the standard app window panels at the bottom?06:46
abhijit!panels | MACscr06:47
ubottuMACscr: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:47
W43372I just bought a new wireless router today and I can't get my laptop to work with the wireless.06:47
MACscrabhijit: wont that close all my current windows, etc?06:47
abhijitMACscr, dont know. never done that :P06:47
kuttan_umesh : ?06:47
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
umeshhi kuttan_: any help further06:48
abhijit!wifi | W4337206:48
ubottuW43372: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:48
adalalhey, i was wondering if there is a way to setup a gnome login that would automatically connect to a remote server06:48
MACscri have like 30 open, cant take the chance =P06:48
tortoise7KE1HA, the hfsplus is an external Tbyte drive.... ubuntu claims it is nearing failure if i access it from ubuntu.... when it is hooked to the imac g5 machine it shows no failure modes....for now i would like remote access.... eventually reformatting it to ext4      thoughts?06:48
UbuntuNoobmy connection kept getting reset >:(06:48
hmmmmyeah, that's somewhat helpful06:48
thune3UbuntuNoob_: the fixes might work for you "Install the 855gm PPA and the patched kernel modules" section of above seems to work, and there are other options. Hopefully, you just need to get by until Maverick.06:48
hmmmmbut seriously06:49
UbuntuNoobthune3: i probably wont install 10.04 if you dont recommend it06:49
hmmmmdeep freeze? anything like it?06:49
abhijithmmmm, i dont know what is deep freeze?06:49
UbuntuNoobthune3: what kind of alternative os should i look at, perhaps an older version of ubuntu?06:49
kuttan_umesh: Your card is not in the supported list, yet why dont you go thro these links thoroughly https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound06:49
hmmmmI'm not exactly sure myself, but i see it being used on windows workstations and kiosks all the time06:49
abhijithmmmm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17237406:50
psycho_oreosits a program for windows that would not restore the computer to its original state regardless of whatever the user changes06:50
hmmmmit basically reverses changes to the disk every X hours and every time there's been a logon06:50
=== cellofellow is now known as eldercello
hmmmmand the best part about it is that the user is able to have an administrator account06:50
aprilharehello. i am attempting to backup a ntfs partition using partimage. it keeps on saying ntfs support is experimental, then complains of segmentation fault - and fails. how do I backup my partition?06:50
hmmmmso they can install applications and use devices without any problems06:50
KE1HAtortoise7:  for remoting, just SSH to it, and rzync, curl, wget whatever is supported. Here's an article about mounting hfsplus you may find useful: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/mounting-hfs-volumes-under-linux-521189/06:50
hmmmmand that'd be great if they could temporarily install their own packages and what ever if they need or want to06:50
adminuseraprilhare, look into clonezilla06:50
abhijithmmmm, #ubuntu-server people may know something.06:51
carbonunitHi Everyone!  I am looking for a program or a tutorial that will tell me how to mux ac3 into an mp4 container.  Anyone know?  Thanks06:51
tortoise7KE1HA: Thank YOU!06:51
Weed37Mu guys ever heard of sopcast for windows i am looking for same thing for ubuntu please any help would be great06:51
KE1HAtortoise7:  in orhter words, you could pull the drive, put in the ub box, and file xfer allot fast that way.06:51
umeshKuttan_: is that mean i will have to change the sound card for ubuntu?06:51
hmmmmthere's a linux version06:51
hmmmmalthough it's not foss, so there's some licensing there06:52
abhijithmmmm, then? use it?06:52
KE1HAtortoise7:  welcome.06:52
hmmmmwell, it'd be great to get away with totally free software06:52
hmmmmamazing flexibility06:52
kuttan_umesh: No , but it may mean you may have to spend some more time to mae it work06:52
thune3UbuntuNoob: there are a lot of potential fixes that have popped up (as outlined in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes). there was a time 2-3 months ago where there were not good solutions. It's just a bit of a pain.06:52
kuttan_umesh, btw what is the make of your card06:52
hmmmmmy idea for a school computer lab is pretty 'out there'06:52
kuttan_ umesh,  sorry I meant make of your motherboad06:52
hmmmmbut it aims to minimize tco06:53
hmmmmso what i want to do is like build our own computers and save a ton that way06:53
hmmmmand use all foss software06:53
UbuntuNoobthune3: well im not too sure considering i dont really have any clure about what im doing, but if you think its an option, ill probably install 10.04 now, because i have the disk ready to go06:53
hmmmmsure it might seem like it's more work but shit, i'll do that06:53
abhijithmmmm, server people know more.06:53
Weed37u guys ever heard of sopcast for windows i am looking for same thing for ubuntu please any help would be great06:54
abhijit!details | Weed3706:54
ubottuWeed37: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:54
Weed37ubuntu 10.006:54
umeshKuttan_: my motherboard is that on intel06:55
Weed37sry latest distro06:55
kuttan_abhijit: Where can I get the cheatsheat for irc commands , like /ignore and all that thx06:55
kuttan_<umesh> can you be more specific abt it..06:55
W43372I just bought a new wireless router today and I can't get my laptop to work with the wireless.06:55
abhijit!irc | kuttan_06:55
ubottukuttan_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines06:55
Sanushey i have a question.  Apparently just like everybody else.06:55
khey Guys06:55
abhijit!freenode | kuttan_06:55
ubottukuttan_: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !guidelines06:55
kdoes anyone know a good world clock?06:56
Sanusjust a short one.06:56
abhijit!factoid > kuttan_06:56
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ubottukuttan_, please see my private message06:56
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=== Guest33122 is now known as kjoz
KE1HAWeed37:  is this what ur after: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/install-linux-sopcast-player-040-in.html06:56
abhijitkuttan_, which irc client you are using?06:56
umeshkuttan_: is there any command to find out that sorry to bother but am not very familiar to this06:56
kjozAlso, whats Ubuntu One?06:56
andres_anybody who knows something about java06:56
Weed37kejha thank you very much06:56
kuttan_abhijit, XChat-GNOME 0.2606:56
red2kic!ubuntuone | kjoz06:56
ubottukjoz: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone06:56
SanusCan i still access the PSN and play games online if i put ubuntu on my ps3?06:57
kjozThanks, appreciate it06:57
kuttan_umesh: lshw06:57
KE1HAWeed37:  welcom.06:57
kjozAlso, does anyone know a very good World Clock?06:57
Sanusor is there any way i could do this?06:57
abhijitkuttan_, then try #xchat and xchat web site for help because i think that /ignore is related to xchat you get some command from xchat help and other #ubuntu reladed in !factoid06:57
abhijitkuttan_, i am here06:58
kuttan_abhijit, thanks.. btw which client is being used by you ..06:58
abhijitkuttan_, same. xchat :)06:58
thune3UbuntuNoob: you can always bail later if it doesn't work out, just be aware you *will* need to perform workarounds and make changes from Lucidi8xxFreezes06:59
pietimehow do you change your buffer in samba?06:59
UbuntuNoobthune3: how bad will the workarounds be? things relatively simple that a guy who doesnt kno0w what hes doing (3g me) would be able to figure out or stuff that i should leave to the pros and i should find a different linux os?07:00
umeshKutan_: the details are at http://paste.ubuntu.com/481763/07:00
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kjozDoes anyone know a good World Clock Desktop Widget?07:00
abhijitkjoz, you can search in software cener?07:01
abhijit!hi | Sanus07:01
ubottuSanus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:01
Sanuskjoz, didja try google?07:01
kuttan_abhijit: thanks mate , gr8 pointers..07:01
=== andres_ is now known as Andy
abhijitkuttan_, yah welcome :)07:01
kjozYa tried.. Still searching.. Was hoping someone new a good one at the top of their heads07:01
=== Andy is now known as Guest53841
Sanuser, abhijit did i break a guidline?07:01
abhijitSanus, no07:01
abhijitkjoz, there is one gworldclock07:02
vegombreii need to gedit the wvdial.conf file and ubuntu wont let me saying i dont have permission, i went to users and made the user administrator but it still wont let me edit that file .. is there a way to access root or SU?07:02
KE1HApietime:  you on about the sbd / rcv buffers ?07:02
Sanusokay...  abhijit, do you have about three seconds to help me with somethin?07:02
Weed37KE1HA, dude thank you very much exactly what i was looking for ~+ 10 respect to  you m807:03
abhijitvegombrei, use gksudo gedit <pathtofile>07:03
abhijitSanus, you just ask in general. if i or anyone knows then we wll answer.07:03
pietimeKE1HA, what's that?07:03
SanusCan i still access the PSN and play games online if i put ubuntu on my ps3?07:03
TiKdoubt it07:03
Weed37no u cant07:03
TiKsanus: doubt it07:03
abhijit!ps3 | Sanus07:03
ubottuSanus: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )07:04
Weed37not if its on latest fw07:04
KE1HAWeed37:  no probs glad to help. pietime you wanted to increase your send / receive buffers in samba?07:04
abhijitSanus, i think you should try #ubuntu-ps307:04
pietimeKE1HA, yea07:04
MACscri have like 15 terminal windows open to different servers. Is there a way to save that list so they reopen when i reboot, etc?07:04
MACscri have ssh keys setup for all of them07:04
TiKMACscr: hmmm07:05
UbuntuNoobthune3: also im wondering if i should create 2 partitions of my hard drive, and run ubuntu on one and windows on the other, just because im familiar with windows and its easy enough for me.07:05
abhijitSanus, i think you should try #ubuntu-ps307:05
thune3UbuntuNoob: it's not too hard. boot with workaround you already used, and paste the first two lines in block from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes#GTT%20Incoherency%20Patch, reboot without workaround and paste the second set of blocked lines, and reboot.07:05
Sanusi did07:05
carbonunitim a big dummy face and I need to mux an ac3 audio file into a mp4 container with some avc video...  can anyone help me?07:06
Sanusnoone is there07:06
Weed37what fw is your ps3 on07:06
KE1HApietime:  have a look at SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF [ http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Foreilly.com%2Fcatalog%2Fsamba%2Fchapter%2Fbook%2Fappb.pdf&rct=j&q=Samba%20change%20buffer&ei=17xwTNjuA8mRnwex0JSGCA&usg=AFQjCNHIp7bzQQBCDRVqPdNZTLxkjJ6TkA&cad=rja ]07:06
thune3UbuntuNoob: dual boot makes sense to me07:06
carbonunitSanus if you have upgraded your firmware to the latest you cannot install a second operating system07:06
Weed37sanus what fw is ur ps3 using if it is latest u cant run linux07:06
Sanus3.4 something?07:07
Weed37u cant07:07
carbonunityou can't07:07
Sanuswhy not?07:07
Weed37just wait for ps3jb07:07
abhijit!who | Weed3707:07
ubottuWeed37: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:07
UbuntuNoobthune3: how do i create a partition from inside ubuntu before i install it to my hard drive?07:07
Weed37use gparted07:07
adalal!gparted | UbuntuNoob07:08
ubottuUbuntuNoob: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:08
carbonunitSanus because sony got rid of that07:08
thune3UbuntuNoob: the fix of course would be done *after* you installed. ^^^ but you should just create your partitions from livecd before installing.07:08
Weed37carbonunit, have u heard about this new exploit for ps3 its called psjb07:08
carbonuniti have now07:09
MACscris it normal for me to have to click on the top part of a window to switch to it? I swear i used to be able to click anywhere in the window07:09
Weed37lol read it up m8 see what u think07:09
pietimeKE1HA, thats some 300 page book07:09
badaiHowdy all.07:09
Weed37looking like it is the real deal07:09
Weed37but still to be confirmed07:09
KE1HApietime:  yes, but you only need a small portion of it :-)07:10
pietimewhat porition07:10
badaiany NVidia owners here?07:10
=== arjun_ is now known as arjun
umeshkuttan_ any help on sound card07:10
carbonunithmmmmm it's a jailbreak op07:11
carbonunitI have nvidia badai07:11
thune3UbuntuNoob: i gotta sleep. good luck.07:11
abhijit!nvidia | badai07:11
ubottubadai: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:11
UbuntuNoobthune3: thanks for all of your help! youre the man07:11
mas_quien me transfiere a un canal en español07:12
abhijit!es | mas_07:12
ubottumas_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:12
Weed37yeah carbonunit it is cant wait to see if it realy does what it says07:12
carbonunitHEYZEUS!  They want quite a bit for it don't they07:13
KE1HApietime:  actually, its only 17 pages though, not 300.07:13
swebmy numkeys doese not work07:13
duckx0rfor some reason when I push ctrl-alt-f2 i get an all black screen with some random colored dots at the top of the screen. is there any way to find out what's wrong?07:13
pietimewhy should it be 1707:13
pietimesweb, try numlock07:14
umeshhi any help on sound card please i have yamaha sound card which is not working on Ubuntu 10.04LTS the hardware deails are at http://paste.ubuntu.com/481763/07:14
swebpietime, are you kidding. both of style not work. no numbers no arrows and home page up and etc...07:14
carbonunitAnyone here know about muxers?07:15
carbonunitpretty please?07:15
carbonunitI'll say nice things about you07:15
KE1HApietime:  merely increasing the buffers does not always increase overall speed, you need to test files sizes against buffers to determine the optimum buffer settings.07:15
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KE1HApietime:  This page explains it a bit more: https://calomel.org/samba_optimize.html07:17
ilovefairuz!details | carbonunit07:17
ubottucarbonunit: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:17
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=== cfg1 is now known as lwizardl
Dr_Willisduckx0r:  sounds like a typical Framebuffer fighting with the video card ddrivers issue. I see it with some systems all the time. You could try disabling the framebuffer for the consoles. DO any of the consoles work?07:18
carbonunitI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am looking for a way to mux an AC3 audio file into an mp4 video file07:18
carbonuniteither a tutorial or a piece of software07:18
duckx0rDr_Willis, no, they don't07:18
UbuntuNoobhow do i run gparted on ubuntu to create a partition of my hard drive?07:18
Dr_Williscarbonunit:  your use of the term mux - is ... odd...  use ffmpeg, or mencover to join  the 2 - is one way07:18
Dr_Willisduckx0r:  and yoru video card is what?07:18
carbonunitmux is odd?07:18
Dr_Williscarbonunit:  yes.07:18
duckx0rDr_Willis, ATI, however it seems to be working fine in X with 3d acceleration and all07:19
Dr_Willismencoder, ffmpeg.07:19
umeshhi help needed on sound card i have yamaha sound card which is not working on Ubuntu 10.04LTS the hardware deails are at http://paste.ubuntu.com/481763/07:19
carbonunitthanks Doc07:19
Dr_Willisduckx0r:  You could try blacklisting the framebuffer module. that might   get it to behave.07:19
xanguahow can i create a usb start disk with multiple distros on it¿07:19
callmechewyThis may be a stupid question...but I haven't been able to find a good answer online - What makes advantages does linux have over Windows?07:19
Dr_Willisxangua:  thers some sites with scripts that do that automatically07:20
callmechewyjust wondering how much effort I should put into it to see if I like it07:20
Dr_Willisxangua:  check my links at http://delicious.com/dr_willis07:20
carbonunitcallmechewy: It's free07:20
Dr_Williscallmechewy:  free to install on 1 or 10000 pc's and no virus problems07:20
xanguathanks Dr_Willis07:20
carbonunitno virus problems07:20
callmechewywell, every OS has virus problems07:20
callmechewyeven linux07:20
carbonunitpain in the ass learning curve07:20
Dr_Willisxangua:  i forget the name of the script. but ive used them in teh past07:20
carbonunitI haven't had a virus problem yet07:20
duckx0rDr_Willis, not sure I know how to do that...07:20
carbonunitbeen running for 4 years07:21
Dr_Williscallmechewy:  i cant recall seeing one in  recent history..07:21
=== [keanu] is now known as keanu
UbuntuNoobcallmechewy: im making the switch right now07:21
hippiekiller81Does anyone know how to resolve the bug of Grub2 finding Windows 7 twice? Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda2  Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda307:21
callmechewyWell, I haven't had a virus in 5 years on windows either07:21
callmechewythat doesn't mean there's no viruses out there07:21
KE1HAxangua:  see if this helps: http://aronzak.wordpress.com/2008/09/06/multiple-linux-distros-on-one-usb-drive-msramdmp/07:21
callmechewyi'm just smarter than your average worm07:21
Dr_WillisWindows also has a pain learnign curve.. but  you have allready learned it..07:21
UbuntuNoobcallmechewy: stay on top of your game then i hadnt either and i got one yesterday because i got sloppy07:21
callmechewythat's true07:21
carbonunitthey don't write viruses for linux alot07:21
carbonunitbecause it's harder to propagate07:21
carbonunitnot as many machines out in the wild07:22
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Dr_WillisFriend at work learned to watch out for even 'legimate' web sites..07:22
callmechewyyeah, it's just like Apples07:22
=== LucidOne is now known as IdleOne_
callmechewythere's not much of a market for viruses vs windows07:22
callmechewybut there are viruses out there07:22
macocallmechewy: not recently07:22
UbuntuNoobhow to i wipe my hard drive in ubuntu07:22
macocallmechewy: hasnt been one in the wild for a couple years07:22
carbonunituse the setup disc07:22
umeshhi any help on sound card please i have yamaha sound card which is not working on Ubuntu 10.04LTS the hardware deails are at http://paste.ubuntu.com/481763/07:23
Dr_WillisIs an exploit that affects 1 disrto's version of One service.. truely a 'linux' virus :)07:23
KE1HAxangua:  another method: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/07:23
Dr_WillisBut the press likes to mess up all these terms.07:23
maconote that i do regard viruses as a specific type of malware, not as an umbrella term though07:23
sinistradcallmechewy, The reason you don't hear about virii on linux is that it's a bit pointless to write them. The filesystem permissions won't allow a normal user to run the virus in a way that can damage the system, take over it, etc. About the only thing it would be able to do is trash a home directory.07:23
xanguaKE1HA: the bad thing about that last one is that i need windows, or do you think it will work with wine¿07:23
macosinistrad: nice attempt at pretending to know latin, but it's viruses07:23
Dr_Willissinistrad:  and the users are good enough at doing that :)07:23
carbonunitThe other advantages is almost 100% of the software is free07:24
KE1HAxangua:  I dint read it fully.07:24
carbonunitStill... you better get used to learning your terminal07:24
hippiekiller81Does anyone know how to resolve the bug of Grub2 finding Windows 7 twice? Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda2  Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda307:24
Dr_Willishippiekiller81:  one is propberly your 'restore' partitiion so its not really a bug07:24
sinistradMaco, thanks for the lesson. I've heard it both ways over the past few decades07:24
carbonunitIt;s your restore partition07:25
carbonunitwhat the Doc said07:25
macosinistrad: the dictionary wins ;-)07:25
KE1HAxangua:  it just says FAT32  .. dont see where windows is involved.07:25
Dr_WillisI got a new laptop - and i cant even figure out HOW to boot its restore partition..07:25
sinistradmaco, =)07:25
Dr_Willisbut grub2 lets me boot it at least. :)07:25
xanguaRun MultiBootISOs-USB-Creator-v2.1.2.exe following the onscreen instructions < says KE1HA07:25
macocallmechewy: if you want an overview of linux security aimed at normal folks, have a look here http://www.slideshare.net/macoafi/security-448439407:25
hippiekiller81Thats what I thought but selecting either one of them takes me into Win707:26
hippiekiller81Now I just need to find out how to remove one. I07:26
hippiekiller81I'm ocd and it bothers me to hell07:26
KE1HAxangua:  you mean the install, sri, though you men a windows OS, I dont see why it wouldn't work. Try, can't hurt.07:26
Dr_Willishippiekiller81: learn to get over it..07:26
Dr_Willishippiekiller81:  and red teh grub wiki pages/docs/ grub2 guide in the forums :) you edit 2 files.07:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:27
KE1HAxangua:  10.04 is supported too :-)07:27
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts07:28
hippiekiller81Thanks. Thats what I've been reading for the past 2 hours. Nothing mentioned about multiple windows 7 options. Thats why i'm here07:28
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: how do i format my hard drive from ubuntu07:28
FavoriteSquirrelsorry wish i could help you07:28
abhijit!gparted | UbuntuNoob07:28
ubottuUbuntuNoob: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:28
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  you format a 'filesystem'  with the 'mkfs' command.. You partition a drive with fdisk into filesystems. (or gparted, or other tools)07:28
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  gparted can do it all :)07:29
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: i partitioned it into 2 partitions but did that wipe them? if not how to i make gparted wipe them07:29
Dr_Willishippiekiller81:  personally i copy the 'stanzas' for the windows setup  from /boot/grub/grub.cfg to /etc/grub.d/40_custom   edit them how i want.. then disable the /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober script07:30
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  if you repartition and reformat.. they are whiped..07:30
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  unless you want to go to extremes..07:30
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  for a new install you may want a / parittion, a /home parittion and a swap partition07:30
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: im not sure how extreme is necessary, all i want to do is make sure that virus is gone.07:31
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  if you formated its gone.07:31
carbonunitYeah... Formatiing = Gone07:31
carbonunitall gone07:31
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: honestly i have no idea what im doing all lol i did was delete everything there and create 2 partitions07:31
FavoriteSquirrelNOT THE GOAL07:32
FloodBot3FavoriteSquirrel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:32
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob:  the automated insaller cant auto partiion and format the 'whole drive'  and you dont have to worry about it07:32
Dr_Williserr 'can auto partition' :) not cant...07:32
carbonunitI would just run the auto installer07:32
carbonunitDoc is thinking ahead of me07:32
carbonuniti give up07:32
UbuntuNoob_my connection keeps getting reset07:36
UbuntuNoob_is it ok that they are both an ext2?07:36
carbonunitI would wipe the disc Noob07:36
UbuntuNoob_how would i do that?07:36
=== UbuntuNoob_ is now known as UbuntuNoob
carbonunitand let the Ubuntu installer do all the work07:36
carbonunitwhat are you using now?07:36
carbonunitwhat operating system07:37
UbuntuNooboff of the cd i havent installed it yet07:37
UbuntuNoobxp but i t wont boot because of a virus07:37
carbonunitim an ubuntu noob too07:37
carbonunitbut I wiped my discs07:37
UbuntuNoobthe only thing i can do is boot ubuntu from the cd07:37
UbuntuNoobi couldnt07:38
andrew_708476I want to ask a question Im trying to install some someware onto Ubuntu and its saying there no application installed for executable files can some help me out here07:38
UbuntuNoobvirus came at me07:38
xangua!wine | andrew_70847607:38
ubottuandrew_708476: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:38
carbonunitgo system07:38
carbonunitdisc utility07:38
andrew_708476ok thanks07:38
UbuntuNoobright on just got it07:39
carbonunitdelete the partitions you made07:39
carbonunitor delete the partitions on the disc07:39
carbonunitthen reboot and run the Live CD07:39
carbonunitthe rest is easy07:39
carbonunitand get ready to pull your hair out learning the terminal07:40
FavoriteSquirrelhi kim07:40
kim_hi mates07:40
FavoriteSquirrelhows it going?07:40
ChocodumI have a question: Is there a way to upgrade verwsions of fUbuntu that is stored on a flash drive?07:40
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=== _ is now known as devunt
ChocodumOh never mind. I'll just ask again another time. Bye.07:41
kim_its 8 o clock in the morning an i drank too much yesterday07:41
FavoriteSquirrelits quieter tonight, yes07:42
kuttan_abhijeet, are you there07:43
UbuntuNoobcarbonunit: the terminal seems like command prompt to me07:44
=== dm is now known as Delvien
abhinav_singhi am watching a video on youtube....can i see in on vlc media player07:45
kuttan_how can I list the services which are enabled to run at run time . [ command line ]07:45
GuilhermeCunhahow to resolve this problem ? E: Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for findutils, probably a dependency cycle.07:45
UbuntuNoobwhen installing ubuntu if i want 2 partitions, one for ubuntu and one for windows, which are the best types and what is the best mount point?07:46
abhinav_singhFavoriteSquirrel please help me07:46
carbonunityou need to install windows first Noob07:46
carbonunitThe terminal is a command prompt07:47
you-geniussomeone german here ??07:47
UbuntuNoobwell thats not gonna happen coz i dont have the disk yet07:47
carbonunitI would wait07:47
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:47
carbonunitIt is harder to install after the fact if you are new07:47
UbuntuNoobif i have to install windows first then im gonna just not make partitions07:47
you-geniusthx for inf07:47
UbuntuNoobill just only run ubuntu because i have this desktop with windows07:47
FavoriteSquirrelnever been asked for by name like so07:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:48
UbuntuNoobcan windows be installed after ubuntu or is it just crazy hard to do or its just impossible?07:48
kuttan_how can I list the services which are enabled to run at run time . [ command line ]07:48
EbanSoulsorry was looking for the command to help me learn to use irc07:48
UbuntuNoobEbanSoul: irc is very simple to use, what program are you using?07:49
=== august_ is now known as Guest21386
carbonunitIts not impossible07:49
carbonunitit's just more difficult07:49
carbonunitI would wait if I could07:49
UbuntuNoobcarbonunit: then ill make it work lol ill get back on here and have someone help me i had some pros earlier07:49
IdleOne!dualboot > UbuntuNoob07:49
ubottuUbuntuNoob, please see my private message07:49
EbanSoulbut need to be able to read the rules on the channels and sutch . so i need to know the commands07:50
UbuntuNoobhow do i view a private message?07:50
Guest21386which channel for kernel question ?07:50
FavoriteSquirreldepends on the client i guess07:50
walkerWhat's wrong with my network manager?; I can't connect via wireless.07:50
FavoriteSquirrelis the channel u want, Guest2138607:51
IdleOneEbanSoul: /topic will show you the topic for the channel you issue the command in and there usually are links to the channel rules and other info07:51
Guest74743hey folks, need some help....how do we video/audio chat in ubuntu....what application supports that ? Gmail doesn't seem to be working..07:51
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:51
SwedeMikeGuest74743: there is a linux plugin for google video chat now, it was released a few days back.07:51
macoGuest74743: empathy or pidgin can do it for google chat account07:51
carbonunitubottu he has windows07:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:51
EbanSoulThanks IdleOne =)07:52
Guest74743SwedeMike - what's that plugin ??07:52
carbonunitNoob when do you get yer disc?07:52
IdleOneEbanSoul: I would also suggest you read the xchat FAQ at xchat.org07:52
SwedeMikeGuest74743: I'd have to google to find it, I think you can do the same.07:53
Guest74743Maco - Apparently, empathy keep getting disconnected every now n then...:(07:53
rockhopperIs the channel quite or its my internet lag?07:53
IdleOnerockhopper: little slow right now07:53
quibblerGuest74743-> look here: http://digitizor.com/2010/08/20/install-gmail-video-chat-linux/07:53
Guest74743SwedeMike - well, I'll do it...thank you :)07:53
abhijitrockhopper, you can check your lag using /ping command07:53
walkerI can't connect via wireless; What's wrong with my network manager?07:54
SwedeMike!details | walker07:54
ubottuwalker: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:54
carbonunitLemme use my magic 8 ball walker... BRB07:54
walkerFunny, give me a sec.07:54
UbuntuNoobwhy does my connection to freenode keep getting reset?07:55
carbonunitNoob:  They lie ... it aint free07:55
IdleOnecarbonunit: Can we keep the comical/sarcastic remarks to a minimum please.07:56
kuttan_abhijit: how can I list the services which are enabled to run at run time . [ command line ]07:56
MarkSSI am trying to update from CLI in Ubuntu.  I keep getting this --> http://pastebin.com/pX0MaBmD07:56
IdleOnecarbonunit: you might enjoy #ubuntu-offtopic07:57
carbonunitI'll give it a go07:57
Guest21386hi I have question related to metacity crashing - I have downloaded a latest build kernel, and I want to know how to use - having already run sudo dpkg -i *.deb07:57
abhijitkuttan_, dont know.07:57
abhijit!startup | kuttan_07:57
ubottukuttan_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot07:57
kuttan_UbuntuNoob: is it happening for you too ? I thought my connection was flaky ..07:58
kuttan_but I do have a baad connection today :(07:58
Guest21386which is the right channel for me to goto, get sent away from #kernel07:58
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:59
Kahlua1Does anybody know a easy and lightweight editor in ubuntu to handle screenshots other than openoffice???08:01
metamemeticsis there a version\mod of the ambiance theme that displays properly when the main taskbar is left-oriented? I have a widescreen monitor so I always stick taskbars on the left instead of top08:01
walkerI have a router, I am dual booting(Ubuntu v.lucid 10.4, Windows 7), wireless works in Windows but not in Ubuntu. Network manager shows no wireless networks, it worked earlier today though, and i know beyond a doubt that there are wireless networks in my vicinity, and my other laptop running windows runs without mishap. This has been a problem for the past few days, i've scoured the web to no avail. Help please?08:02
flyguyis there a way to make my ubuntu partition smaller so i can use it for windows?08:03
FavoriteSquirrelwalker you might want to try a more generic wifi channel?08:03
Newawalker: what machine are you running on?08:04
walkerFavoriteSquirrel please elaborate?08:04
vegombreihi i need some help ... i just did a new install of the netbook edition on my sony vaio .. had a few issues but finally got it running .. i need to know if there's anything i need to update etc .. eg, apt-get or repositories like medibuntu etc .. i forgot most of the commands could someone help me out with this to get my pc upto speed08:04
NewaI got one such problem fixed by installing the correct closed wireless driver from system - administration - hardware drivers08:05
FavoriteSquirrelyou running drweb?08:05
FavoriteSquirrelnuke the site from orbit08:05
Newamy laptop was then connected to the wired network so it could fetch the wireless drivers08:05
=== arjun__ is now known as arjun
FavoriteSquirrelits the only way to be sure08:05
FavoriteSquirreljk dr web is great08:05
Newavegombrei: this has medibuntu install and others in a dialog fashion, so you don't have to remember commands: http://perfectbuntu.category5.tv/08:06
walkerNewa presario c700, laptop, Atheros 5000 network adapter08:07
vegombreiNewa: cool thanks ill look into it asap08:07
KE1HAvega:  here's another post install script, does allot of stuff for you, and you can select what you want: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20100820/maverick-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync08:09
KE1HASRI wrong Link: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-fresh-ubuntu-install.html08:10
RobertSaganek_hey does anyone know how to run blenders rendering threw the termanal08:10
Newawalker: if you type lsmod | grep ath5k from the terminal, do you get any lines?08:10
FavoriteSquirreldamn your links all do tht lol08:11
RobertSaganek_no newa08:11
RobertSaganek_hey does anyone know how to run blenders rendering threw the termanal08:11
KE1HAYeah, Im doing updates on mav, SRI abt that.08:12
RobertSaganek_hey does anyone know how to run blenders rendering threw the termanal08:12
walkerNewa: I will try, also, if it matters i noticed through ifconfig that my link encap: is ethernet for my wlan, is that bad or normal? p.s i'm connected via wired, which works fine08:12
Newawalker: you'll want to check iwconfig as well08:14
Newathe ethernet encapsulation sounds normal to me08:14
walkerNewa: yes, i got back some red ath5k's, and did a iwconfig already, what do you want from that?08:15
Newathat your card is in "infrastructure" mode08:15
walkerNewa: , no, managed08:16
Newathat's good too08:16
FavoriteSquirrellol but08:16
FlannelNewa: Please don't recommend that script here (or anywhere, for that matter).  It's dangerous and technically very unsound.  Thanks.08:16
rxdanyone wants to see my custom ubuntu?08:17
walkerNewa: haha, shucks. The fixable kind of not good?08:17
rxdnoone thanks hehe :)08:17
walkerNewa: oops, misread. I take that last statement back. Next step?08:18
Newawalker: reading though here, you might want to look too: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ath5k08:19
NewaFlannel: hmm? it does pretty much the same thing as KE1HA's link, and the fellow hosts a known technology show providing help for ubuntu, among other things08:21
FlannelNewa: It's dangerous, does things in stupid ways, and on top of that, tracks usernames and hostnames of everyone who uses it (and every time it's used).08:22
MuNgi am having trouble running gparted i get this message Failed to run /usr/sbin/gparted as user root.08:22
MuNgUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file, can anyone help08:22
=== deus_ex_machina is now known as deus-ex-machina
FavoriteSquirrelyeah ive been running as a free shell for weeks now08:22
FavoriteSquirreloh well found the source yaddayadda08:22
NewaFlannel: ok. but the ubuntu start script should be fine?08:23
FlannelNewa: Which ubuntu start script?08:24
Newathe one mentioned after my link: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-fresh-ubuntu-install.html08:24
andrew_708476does anyone get slow internet on Ubuntu08:24
rxdsure noone wants to see my custom ubuntu?08:24
rwwrxd: try #ubuntu-offtopic08:25
KE1HAHere Flannel http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-fresh-ubuntu-install.html   the script is toard the bottom. He tells you to review the code before running, as one should do.08:25
rwwNewa: not particularly, no08:25
rxdrww: ok official08:25
rwwNewa: as a general rule, script authors that aren't competent enough to know why "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes" is a bad idea should be avoided08:26
macough...it determines username from $HOME instead of $USER08:26
maco(they dont have to match)08:27
rwwI imagine there's a whole host of fun in there, I just googled for --force-yes.08:27
* rww applies trademarkbleach to brain08:27
Flannelrww: We're onto next script now, by the way.08:27
rwwFlannel: I'm aware08:27
rwwFlannel: they both do it.08:28
Flannelrww: Ah, I hadn't gotten that far yet08:28
rwwrxd: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support. "Look at my screenshot" is not Ubuntu support. Therefore, it doesn't belong here. It does, however, fit #ubuntu-offtopic, hence me pointing you there.08:29
onatshi everyone08:30
onatsanyone know how to setup RAID 1 on a desktop?08:30
onatsi have 2 fresh 500GB HDDs and I can't install 10.0408:30
soreau! raid08:30
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:30
tarvthe clock in xubuntu live is greyed out.  how can i set it?  i've updated the system time already.08:31
walker_Newa: I read through that page, I did not really fully understand the whole thing, but the bit titled "Eliminating `ath5k: unsupported jumbo` bug" was of particular interest because the net adapter used in the example is my network adapter.08:31
macoNewa: that one also looks really nasty... does questionably legal things like autoaccepting a proprietary license without first displaying it to the user too08:31
robertzaccourhey yall08:31
robertzaccourcan i send a video file with pidgin to another user using yahoo or skype?08:32
TiKwhy not jus use skype?08:32
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
maco!pm | MuNg08:33
ubottuMuNg: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:33
robertzaccourTiK, I don't know if skype or yahoo have file size limits. if skype has limits i'm down to trying yahoo to see08:34
robertzaccourTiK, thats why i mentioned yahoo08:34
TiKwhy not just run an apache2 server and give  them a weblink?08:34
walker_Newa: And thanks for your help so far.08:35
robertzaccourTiK, i don't know nothin about that stuff08:35
TiKrobertzaccour: sudo apt-get apache208:35
robertzaccourTiK, i'm basically just a bit more than a regular end user lol08:35
robertzaccourTiK, how does it work?08:35
TiKput the files in /var/www08:35
tarvopera has a built in file server that is very easy to use.08:35
robertzaccourTiK, i'm already confused lol sorry08:36
TiKit installs a webserver on your machine08:36
* prince_jammys giggles.08:36
UbuntuNoobhey i need a decent amount of help. i just installed ubuntu from a cd and i have an intel 855 video card i believe and there was some error starting the disk where i had to press a button and then enter i915.modeset=1 under some sort of command line and it would launch, but after i installed it there wasnt a way to enter that line before it tried to start and now my comp crashes every time...08:36
UbuntuNoob...it tries to start from the hard drive08:36
robertzaccourtarv, how do ya use it?08:36
TiKrobertzaccour: you don't know apt-get ?08:36
robertzaccourTiK, yes i do08:36
tarvdo you have opera already?08:36
rwwpython -m SimpleHTTPServer08:36
rwwI win.08:36
robertzaccourtarv, no but i can get it08:36
TiKrobertzaccour: apache2 s what you want then put the files in /var/www08:36
robertzaccourTiK, i don't know what you mean by put the files in /var/www08:37
tarvrobertzaccour, grab it and come back08:37
TiKrobertzaccour: the files you want too send...08:37
macorobertzaccour: /var/www is a directory...08:37
prince_jammysthen configure apache, make sure your firewall is set up, dodge any attacks, and you're set.08:37
UbuntuNoobDr_Willis: if you happen to be here could you help by any chance?08:38
prince_jammysthe easiest way of getting a file to somebody.08:38
robertzaccourtarv, does FF have that kind of extension?08:38
Guest21386hi which forum for metacity/ati problem08:38
TiKapache2 needs no real cofig you just have to forward  port and keep an eye on /var/log/apache2/access.log or whatever it is08:38
prince_jammysyeah, whatever.08:38
tarvrobertzaccour, not that i know of in ff.  if you try opera, look for the 'unite' features.  it's very simple.08:38
robertzaccouropera ain't in the repos. off to their website brb08:39
Newawalker_: trying to look at their bug list - I suppose you don't have an error message to use with searching, like anything from dmesg08:40
UbuntuNoobanyone have advice?08:40
vegombreihey guys how do i specify keyrings?08:41
rwwinstalling opera to send files to someone is kinda like buying a sheep to cut your grass08:41
Guest21386ubuntuone to send files08:41
tarvquestion about xubuntu from usb:  does the bios need to support boot from usb or is that a function of the usb drive?08:41
macotarv: bios08:41
UbuntuNoobtarv: i believe the bios needs to support it08:41
MACscrhow can i find out what port #'s processes are currently listening on? lsof is giving me responses like 'TCP *:submission (LISTEN)'. I want the actual numbers, etc08:41
rwwtarv: bios, though different types of USB mass storage device are supported to different degrees08:42
rwwMACscr: sudo netstat -np --inet08:42
tarvi read somewhere that some newer usb flash drives can be bootable without the bios supporting it, but i'm not sure how that would work or if it's even accurate info.08:42
robertzaccourok got opera now08:42
rwwMACscr: sudo is required to find out which program is using a port, -n stops it from resolving port numbers to service names, -p shows the program, --inet limits to just ports, not sockets.08:43
robertzaccourtarv, i've got opera now08:43
tarvrobertzaccour, do you see the 'unite' button on the left hand side?08:43
NewaUbuntuNoob: something like this? You can edit the kernel boot line at the first stages of booting in grub, press e http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2010/02/turning-off-kernel-mode-settin.html08:43
vegombreiit keeps telling me error fetching keyring whats that about mate?08:43
MACscrrww: it seems to only be listing ports that currently have a connection though. For example its not listing port 25, even though smtp is listening on it08:43
robertzaccoura Linux browser with an EULA? lol08:44
robertzaccourtarv, yes08:44
rwwMACscr: oh, duh, sorry. Throw -l on there too08:44
Newavegombrei: you can check the repositories that are referenced, their pages usually have keyring install command lines08:44
robertzaccourtarv, setting up unite right now08:45
tarvrobertzaccour, all of the server features are in the 'unite' section.  i think it's probably self explanatory.  if not, ask.08:45
walker_Newa: dmesg, that's something new to me, stuff comes up, a lot of stuff. I'll look for anything that looks error-message-esque08:45
Newait's not fatal but gives added security in knowing that the installed packages were made by the original software developer08:45
robertzaccourtarv, oh ok thanks08:45
MACscrrww: thanks for the info and explanations08:45
vegombreiNewa: dude that updates giving quite a few errors .. i think my sources or something mebbe messed up08:46
UbuntuNoobi tried pressing e it didnt do anything08:47
UbuntuNoobi also tried to type in the same command that let me boot on the cd and it didnt do anything08:47
vegombreiNewa: i just cancelled the update coz it kept failing some way .. i think i must update all my repositories first .. how do i do that?08:47
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: I'm not sure I never tried it but I noticed you can just right click any one in this room with pidgin and the menu drops with one that says send file to.  did anyone ever try that?  I never did.08:48
H0lyD4wgwhat is the easiest way to customize my keyboard layout? (specifically, i want to put something useful on numpad level 3).08:48
robertzaccouri've done it before just pictures though08:48
Newavegombrei: what kind of error messages did you get?08:48
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: so it has limits?08:49
robertzaccoursacarlson, i'm not sure08:49
roachcan anyone help me with configuring the ldap portion for the ubuntu server08:49
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: I just setup to send you an avi file it didn't complain08:49
abhijit!layout | H0lyD4wg08:51
ubottuH0lyD4wg: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts08:51
erkmanedHi everyone :)08:51
robertzaccoursacarlson, oh ok thanks. what is it?08:51
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: looks like it might work?08:52
H0lyD4wgabhijeet, that's only for switching to a layout that already exists. i want to customize my layout.08:52
erkmanedroach hi :) I've a question, concerning a command-shell ^^08:52
robertzaccoursacarlson, what movie is this?08:52
roachanyone know anything about the server edition08:52
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: it's avitar08:52
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: I"m not going to send you the whole file I just wanted to try it.08:52
=== pure|hate is now known as pure_hate
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: I'm sorry it's avitar the movie in avi format that can be played in totem or any other movie player08:53
Jointhey can someone assist me with this error http://pastebin.ca/192251808:53
Newavegombrei: for instance, if you got an error about apt.last.fm, you can surf to their page and import their gpg key with this: wget -q http://apt.last.fm/last.fm.repo.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -08:54
robertzaccouroh ok08:54
BlueEagleJoint: You have a version mismatch on your nVidia drivers.08:54
=== UbuntuNoob_ is now known as UbuntuNoob
JointBlueEagle, how can i remove one?08:54
Jointof the versions08:54
Jointperhaps 17308:54
BlueEagleJoint: synaptic, aptitude, apt-get08:55
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: did you cancel the transmision?  I was about to.08:55
BlueEagleJoint: Just try them and find your favorite package manager.08:55
JointBlueEagle, there was one version that it was the installer from the website08:55
Jointof nvidia08:55
Jointso that's why i want to remove that one08:55
=== Robbie is now known as Guest48780
Jointand i just installed it using it m-a08:55
Jointthis version i want to remove 173.14.2708:56
BlueEagleJoint: One o fthe main differences between Linux and Windows is that you rarely have to go to the vendors site to find drivers.08:56
Guest21386anyone know which irc channel discusses metacity/ui/driver issues ?08:56
erkmanedHere's my question: I try to re-encode all files in a directory, mp3 to mp3, by passing 192k bitrate. Here my command : ls -d *.mp3 | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.mp3/lame --decode "&" -o "\1.wav"; rm "&"; lame --cbr -q 2 -b 192 "\1.wav" -o "&"; rm "\1.wav"/' | sh08:56
JointBlueEagle, the other version was working fine,08:56
Jointso that's why08:57
erkmanedAny bestter idea ? :p08:57
vegombreiNewa: most of the errors are unable to lock to administrative directory08:57
Jointi want to used the  other version08:57
BlueEagleJoint: If you installed something that was not provided from the reposetory please read the instructions with the package you installed for information on how to remove it.08:57
robertzaccoursacarlson, yes haha08:57
Dr_Williserkmaned:  make a script that does it... so its easier to see what its doing, and debug.08:57
robertzaccoursacarlson, never cared to go watch avatar, looks pretty lame08:57
vegombreiNewa: you think its because i installed the netbook edition of ubuntu on my laptop08:57
sacarlsonrobertzaccour:  ok well if I didn't take it down I guess it could have even been restarted on failure08:57
Newashouldn't be. are you running synaptic or software sources at the same time?08:58
prince_jammyserkmaned: yep, a for loop.08:58
erkmanedDr_Willis :) yeah, sure, but in one command ? :)08:58
Jointit does not say nothing about removing it08:58
robertzaccoursacarlson, thanks though08:58
Dr_Williserkmaned:  why does that matter?08:58
prince_jammyserkmaned: for file in *.mp3; do ... whatever with "$file"; done08:58
erkmaned<prince_jammys> erkmaned: yep, a for loop. <=== I've tried, but it was wrong :(08:58
Dr_Williserkmaned:  i make scripts that generate script files i can then double check and run.08:58
robertzaccourtarv, how do i use unite?08:58
Dr_Williserkmaned:  parsing ls output is gernally not the best way to do that either. :)08:59
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: just that my list was listed alphabeticle and that was on top random pick.08:59
Jointi got it08:59
Jointthanks u08:59
erkmaned<prince_jammys> erkmaned: for file in *.mp3; do ... whatever with "$file"; done <=== :) hum, nice... so, the "in *.mp3" will scan all file in my directory, right? :)08:59
robertzaccoursacarlson, my favorite movie is a very rare one. netflix don't even have it haha08:59
prince_jammyserkmaned: for file in *.mp3;; do lame --decode "$file" -o "${file%.mp3}.wav" ... etc.08:59
prince_jammyserkmaned: yep. the sed thing is crazy.09:00
erkmaned<Joint> i got it09:00
erkmaned<Joint> thanks u09:00
erkmaned<Joint> ;)09:00
erkmaned* nucc1 (~fanen@ a rejoint #ubuntu09:00
erkmaned* aliceinwire_ (~aliceinwi@host215-113-dynamic.25-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) a rejoint #ubuntu09:00
FloodBot3erkmaned: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
erkmaned<erkmaned> <prince_jammys> erkmaned: for file in *.mp3; do ... whatever with "$file"; done <=== :) hum, nice... so, the "in *.mp3" will scan all file in my directory, right? :)09:00
prince_jammyserkmaned: correct. you'll have to change the extension to .wav as shown.09:00
tarvrobertzaccour, there's a button on the left hand side.  when you click it, the server/sharing features will show.  do you see that?09:01
vegombreiNewa: you wanna take a look? http://pastebin.com/cQBWkaWz09:01
erkmaned<prince_jammys> erkmaned: correct. you'll have to change the extension to .wav as shown. <=== ok. Nice ^^ thanks a lot ^^09:01
robertzaccourtarv, yes. is it supposed to work with avi?09:01
tarvthe file sharing section should work with any file, i think.09:02
robertzaccourtarv, not with this avi. tried it a few minutes ago09:02
prince_jammyserkmaned: welcome. #bash can assist you with details.09:02
erkmaned(sorry if I don't see all messages... I'm french, thanks for your attention :))09:03
tarvrobertzaccour, what happened?  any message?  also, double check if a password is set, or if file sharing is set to public.09:03
erkmanedprince_jammys :D Uh, really? #bash seems to be a nice helpful chan for my problem, right? :D09:03
robertzaccourtarv, i'm transferring with skype. its gonna take about 30 hours it says09:04
erkmanedprince_jammys (sorry for my `english', perhaps very bad, I'm french ><" !)09:04
robertzaccourare there any upload sites i can put a movie on? i'm pretty sure its too big for youtube haha09:04
prince_jammyserkmaned: your english is good. yes, #bash has useful stuff. go there and do a ''/topic''09:05
prince_jammysrobertzaccour: yeah, plenty, e.g. rapidshare.com, and others.09:05
prince_jammysthen you send your friend a link to the file.09:06
erkmanedprince_jammys sorry :-/ new at irc, what is a `/topic' ? :-O09:06
Newavegombrei: this should fix it. Close synaptic package manager and other programs related to installing software, such as software sources and try again: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-lock-varlibdpkglock-open-11-resource-temporarily-unavailable-error.html09:06
robertzaccourprince_jammys, whats e.g.?09:06
prince_jammyserkmaned: type it here: /topic09:06
prince_jammysrobertzaccour: for example\09:06
robertzaccourprince_jammys, oh ok thanks09:06
g0tchadoes ubuntu sever 10.4 has a firewall enabled by default?09:06
rwwubottu: firewall | g0tcha09:06
ubottug0tcha: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:06
rwwg0tcha: and no, it's not enabled by default09:06
prince_jammyserkmaned: it shows you the stuff in the irc channels 'topic' message, which is often useful links.09:07
robertzaccourprince_jammys, max is 500MB and mine is 4 times that size09:07
prince_jammysrobertzaccour: split it09:07
erkmanedprince_jammys ><" 'doesn't work: I need to be a op :-/09:07
g0tcharww, thanks for the links.. will keep them so i can refer to them later.. but how do i make sure there is no firewall running?09:08
tarvrobertzaccour, do you know how to create torrents?  that might be an easy solution.09:08
robertzaccourprince_jammys, how?09:08
prince_jammysrobertzaccour: split -b NUMBEROFBYTES yourfile09:08
robertzaccourprince_jammys, i'm confused already09:08
sacarlsong0tcha: no as far as I know the firewall is disabled in ubuntu 10.04 but your adsl router will probly be set to only allow outgoing initial conections.09:08
prince_jammysrobertzaccour: first, figure out how big you want each chunk to be.09:08
walker_Newa: I found no error code, and just to clarify again, it says disconnected under wireless networks.09:08
* erkmaned 私はIRCが好きです ^^09:09
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prince_jammysrobertzaccour: let's say 400000 bytes. so in a terminal ''split -b 400000 /path/to/your/file''09:09
walker_Newa: but no option to connect to anything09:10
robertzaccourhow do i make a torrent?09:10
ubuntu_lucidwhy this channel didnt work yesterday ?09:10
erkmanedprince_jammys :) so... I'm going to go out. Thanks for all ^^ have a nice day!09:10
prince_jammyserkmaned: welcome.09:11
prince_jammysubuntu_lucid: religious holiday.09:11
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: you can setup a torrent for send or recieve with vuze09:11
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: vuze is a program torrent client can be installed with apt-get install vuze09:12
robertzaccoursacarlson, oh ok thanks09:12
Newawalker_: did you see any "unsupported jumbo" messages there?09:13
robertzaccourwill vuze automatically give me the link?09:14
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: are you sending the file or is someone comeing to pick it up?  if the last then you will have to setup your router to nat forward to you local IP address.09:14
robertzaccoursacarlson, i'm sending a file09:15
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: just one file?09:15
robertzaccoursacarlson, yes just 1 4GB file09:15
walker_Newa: No, and I looked pretty thoroughly, is there not a search for the console, that would make it easier for me to say definitively.09:16
robertzaccourskype is transferring it at around 50kb/s now09:16
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: what was wrong with the first method just send it with pidgin?  what do they have on there side windows?09:16
robertzaccourand i have a 10MB connection09:16
robertzaccoursacarlson, for some reason i can't. the selection in the menu is grayed out09:16
robertzaccourthe send file i mean09:16
robertzaccouri tried drag and drop but nope09:16
Newawalker_: in system - administration - log file viewer there should be one09:17
g0tchasacarlson, hmm this is weird.. i installed Redmine and it requires port 3000, when i ssh to my ubuntu server and i use lynx to go to localhost:3000 it works fine, but on my pc's browser i get connection timed out09:17
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: we were using all the bandwidth I had when we tested it at 100kb/sec09:17
tarvrobertzaccour, 10mb is your down, what's the up?09:17
robertzaccourtarv, 1 or 209:17
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: oh I don't know what I have installed then that makes it work.  I'll take a look at my plugins09:18
abhihello there i am using ubuntu 10.04, after starting up & login sound, my system remains idle for 10-15 seconds then shows up the desktop. i am using only ubuntu, no other OSes. how to make it start faster?09:18
tarvrobertzaccour, if your service is any kind of normal, i wouldn't expect to maintain an upspeed anywhere near 1 or 2mb.09:18
abhiplease help09:18
mitioraany one know why when i try to send or receive files using pidgin, it failed in the middle of process?09:18
walker_Newa: No such error message in the log, even double checked.09:19
tarvmitiora, messengers haven't been very reliable for me with file sharing, especialy big fies.09:19
sacarlsong0tcha: are they on the same network?  both on local lan?09:20
abhihardware configuration is intel dual core, 1gb ram, 160 gb sata hdd09:20
robertzaccourtarv i know. i used to hae a 5MB connection but i realized when i upgraded to 10 that the higher it is the percentage of maximum is always higher09:20
g0tchasacarlson, yes, i ssh to the server from this pc to it fine09:20
sacarlsong0tcha: oh you need to put the address of your computer not local:3000 you need something like
robertzaccourtarv, for ex. 3.5/5MB is lower than 9.2/10MB (fairly accurate comparison)09:21
mitioratarv, oh, ok thanx09:21
g0tchasacarlson, yeah ofcourse, in my pc browser im using the ip of ubuntu server and port 300009:21
g0tchajust like you said09:21
sacarlsong0tcha: oh and you want to ssh?09:21
g0tchasacarlson, hmm no.. i want to open it from my pc browser using ubuntu ip:3000 but like i said i cant do that09:22
g0tchakeeps pinging out09:22
abhihello there i am using ubuntu 10.04, after starting up & login sound, my system remains idle for 10-15 seconds then shows up the desktop. i am using only ubuntu, no other OSes. how to make it start faster? hardware configuration is intel dual core, 1gb ram, 160 gb sata hdd, please help09:22
tarvrobertzaccour and g0tcha, someone here suggested apache earlier for file sharing.  if you put in a little time learning it, that's probably the best option out there.09:22
sacarlsong0tcha: I'm not familure with redmine.  is that like a web host like apache2?09:22
g0tchatarv, i dont know what does that got to do with me?09:23
sacarlsong0tcha: oh you can't even ping your ubuntu server from your pc?  ping ?09:23
g0tchasacarlson, its like a web interface09:23
g0tchai can ping it fine heheh09:24
Newawalker_: this looks like a solution, although it will require compiling a new wireless driver and possibly blacklisting your current ath5k09:24
g0tchai just said i can ssh to it..09:24
robertzaccourtarv, got a lot goin on much of the time. is it easy?09:24
Newabut I'd get a second opinion from a wireless support channel before doing the steps09:24
sacarlsong0tcha: well try apache2  that I can help you with.  it works very good for me to web host.09:24
abhiany help regarding this is very much appreciated09:25
g0tchasacarlson, dude, it has nothing to do with web hosting, Redmine uses Apache2 anyways, only difference is it uses its own port09:25
g0tchamy problem is not being able to access ubuntu server through a certain port09:25
walker_Newa: do know any good wireless support channels?09:25
g0tchawhen localy i can access that port fine09:25
tarvrobertzaccour, it's not brain surgery, but it's not 123.09:25
Dr_Willisabhi:  you mean after you login at teh GDM screen it takes 15+ sec for gnome to actually startup?09:26
sacarlsong0tcha: oh ok the pastbin me the /etc/apache2  config files09:26
robertzaccourtarv, installing now09:26
abhii see only startup screen and the mouse pointer only09:27
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abhifor 15 secs09:27
Dr_Willisabhi:  so... the issue is? :) ive never really counte how long this older pc takes.. Oh.. GNOME dosent actually start? or what exactly?09:27
abhiyes gnome starts up but takes more than the actual time09:27
g0tchasacarlson, dude, youre missing the point.. apache is not the problem :/09:28
robertzaccourtarv, where is it saved at by default?09:28
g0tchaapache is working fine09:28
Newawalker_: after a few links, this seems like up-to-date info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros09:28
sacarlsong0tcha: so you think redmine setup a firewall?09:28
g0tchasacarlson, do you mind if i private msg you?09:28
sacarlsong0tcha: sure09:29
abhii have upgraded the system to faster hardware, still it takes so long, ubuntu starts up quicker on my brother's laptop09:29
abhidr. willis: any help regarding this is appreciated09:29
Dr_Willisabhi:  other then disable some startuping up  things in gnome. no idea. Ive never really worried about the time it takes to boot up or startup. when i have 5+ week uptimes09:30
Newawalker_: try #linux-wireless09:31
tarvrobertzaccour, i'm a windoze user, lol, part time linuxer, i.e., i'm not the guy to be asking about apache in linux.09:31
=== bilalakhtar is now known as bilalakhtar_
walker_Newa: thanks, i'll give it a try, after i head over to that channel, thanks for the help!09:32
robertzaccourI honestly don't do much CLI. Repos is as deep as I usually wanna go haha09:32
abhijeetabhi: is your ubuntu fresh install? also check top09:33
robertzaccour.sh files are nice for themes09:33
mario_are the dependencies with ubuntu-xen-desktop broken in lucid?09:33
robertzaccourgot one that looks like Mac OS X09:33
robertzaccourprefer the default theme though09:33
abhidr. willis: i have recomended ubuntu to many sales professionals on their laptops bcoz it takes very short time to startup and shutdown, it is taking more time on my system itself, that is why i am concerned about this problem09:33
mario_i cant install it due to dependency problems09:33
abhiyes, it is a fresh installation09:33
baichrist, is it even possible to touch a running ubuntu system without breaking pulseaudio in some way?  who decided this shit was ready for prime time?09:33
linux_infernoSo I did something stupid. I set up a netboot machine and forgot the password. How can I change it? The grub trick obviously doesn't work because it is net booting.09:33
linux_infernoCan anyone assist?09:34
abhijeetabhi: try to find out which processes are currently running and if any of them if not needed then kill them and check the startup applications as mentioned by dr. willis.09:34
romankrvHi. What I can get folder structure. what comand is ?09:34
tarvlol @ bai - pulse09:34
coobrahello my ibm x60s gets hot with ubuntu what can i do to fix that ?09:34
baiI went through all the shit to make it work, and then an apt-get upgrade broke it all09:35
abhiabhijeet: yes i have done this task before as per advised by dr.willis09:35
* erkmaned has a solution to uninstall ubuntu =) !!! 2 step :) very quickly, without errors :D !!!09:35
abhijeetcoobra, have u tried lm-sensor to find out which component is getting hot?09:35
bainow it's bitching that it's getting "connection refused" errors even though pulseaudio is running09:35
coobraabhijeet:  hmms nice idea09:35
abhijeetcoobra, that will help u resolve the issue faster..09:36
abhiabhijeet: still it is taking time, process indicator of the cpu also doesnot blink during this time09:36
abhijeetabhi: is ur pc is stand alone or trying to get internet connection during the gnome setting?09:37
abhijeetabhi: oops..09:37
sebwolfi have a problem with mounting my hard disk09:38
abhii have internet connection but how can i see whether it is trying to connect to internet or not?09:38
sebwolfmaybe you can help me?09:38
* erkmaned first step: check if all partitions (e.g. jokers for boot) are avaiable :) run sudo fdisk on /dev/sda (or everyelse desk if isn't good)... Second step : run : sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/def/sda bs=404 count=1 !!! Just to replace the mbr by the first one (whih is the original mbr) :)09:38
abhijeetabhi: so when u boot u r machine it is automatically got connected or u have to manually connect it..09:39
abhiit doesnot show the booting processes, rather shows only the blank screen09:39
erkmanedwhat do you think 'bout my solution ? ^^09:39
abhiit gets connected automatically09:39
linux_infernoCan anyone help me salvage my install??!? I forgot the password. It's a net booting system and I have access to the root folder but when I try to chroot and use passwd I get an error09:39
abhii used wired broadband09:39
abhijeetabhi, can u just once turn of the broadband and try to boot.. it is just guess..09:40
abhijeetabhi, debugging such issue is just hit and trial...09:41
abhiabhijeet: yes sir, i have tried this option also but in vain..09:41
abhijeetabhi,  i have not seen such issue on ubuntu09:41
abhiabhijeet:i am also experiencing first time09:41
* erkmaned I've a solution to uninstall ubuntu properly :) (and grub) 1st step: check if all partitions (e.g. jokers for boot) are avaiable :) run sudo fdisk on /dev/sda (or everyelse desk if isn't good)... 2nd step : run : sudo dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/def/sda bs=404 count=1 !!! Just to replace the mbr by the first one (whih is the original mbr) :)09:42
erkmanedHow do you think 'bout my solution? :)09:42
Gneaerkmaned: who asked for it?09:42
Seveaserkmaned, didn't know syslinux shipped that mbr09:42
Seveasdecent solution09:42
Dr_WillisI wonder how it can legally ship a windows mbr...09:43
rwwjussi: oops, sorry, I left as you replied. Thanks.09:43
sacarlsonlinux_inferno: I guess I could try.  do you have any logins on that machine that you do know the password?09:43
* erkmaned one moment : AFK09:43
Gnea!afk | erkmaned09:43
ubottuerkmaned: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»09:43
rwwGnea: that message relates to automated away messages, which I doubt that was.09:44
jussirww: np09:44
erkmanedGnea :-/ sorry, new at irc...09:44
SeveasDr_Willis, iirc the "windows mbr" isn't really windows specific but a generic mbr that simply tries to boot from each disk in order. It may not even be (c)msft :)09:44
abhijeetabhi, this is the first time u are installing the 10.4 on this system?09:44
rwwubottu: tell abhijeet about u09:44
ubottuabhijeet, please see my private message09:44
erkmanedSeveas :) you didn't know 'bout what? (sorry, simple english please, I'm french)09:45
abhino, i have installed it before more than five times09:45
erkmanedubottu :-/ sorry, new at irc ('bout flood)09:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:45
* Gnea wishes his system would stop freezing09:45
abhii also have an error after booting that plymouth stopped unexpectedly09:46
abhi plymouth stopped unexpectedly09:46
Gneait always freezes during stupid things, like playing a game or watching a movie09:46
GneaI've checked the ram with memtest86+, it's fine. All fans are working, nothing is overheating.09:46
GneaI've looked over the motherboard, all circuits are intact, nothing has blown.09:47
Gneaand nothing ever gets logged09:47
SeveasGnea, sounds like video card (drivers) badness09:47
abhiafter starting up, system runs brilliantly fast, shutdown time is just 3 seconds09:47
GneaSeveas: it's a brand new nvidia fx 5600 with latest 10.04 drivers09:47
abhii have done all the workout from my side09:48
GneaI had to replace the previous video card as it had a dying fan that made it sound pretty bad09:48
Dr_Willisabhi:  heh - I got one old box here  for some reaon from power up/post to GRUB menu takes like 120+sec... never have figured out why,.09:48
Dr_Willisabhi:  and how long exactly does it take to go from GDM to GNOME ?09:48
SeveasDr_Willis, to learn to relax :)09:49
Dr_WillisSeveas:  i may be due to the 5+ HD's i got in the box. :)09:49
abhi15 seconds09:49
ouyeshi all how to adjust the time according to a standerd time system ?09:49
GneaSeveas: here's the funny thing - when it crashes, it hardlocks HARD - can't sysrq-B out of it, have to manually reset or power off/power on. on top of that, the 'caps lock' and 'scroll lock' LEDs blink consistantly.09:49
SeveasGnea, ok, that's kernel panic09:50
Gneathat much is obvious09:50
Gneabut WHY?!09:50
Seveasit panics because you scared it09:50
tensorpuddingmost kernel panics should give you a trace, shouldn't they09:50
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Seveastensorpudding, not if they already lost contact with the disks09:51
Gneais this a new feature I'm unaware of?09:51
billyGnea: how long did you run the mem test for?09:51
Seveas!info kerneloops09:51
ubottukerneloops (source: kerneloops): kernel oops tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12+git20090217-1ubuntu7 (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB09:51
Gneabilly: long enough.09:51
tensorpuddingthe only kernel panics that i've had after booting was complete were due to hardware instabilities, and that was a while ago09:51
abhiit is configured to sign in automatically, i had made it to ask password, after entering password, it used to take 15 seconds for showing the desktop up09:51
SeveasGnea, install that ---^ and see if you get something09:51
Gneawalked away for about an hour, came back, it was still scanning09:51
billyGnea: you mean more than 4 hours?09:51
SeveasGnea, one hour of memtest is nothing09:52
Seveastry leaving it running overnight09:52
GneaI could try that09:52
Gneabut I'll give this oops thing a shot09:52
tensorpuddingpanics are about as uncommon as the screen of death nowadays09:52
GneaI also found this...09:52
Gnea!info linux-crashdump09:52
ubottulinux-crashdump (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel crashdump setup for the latest generic kernel. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)09:52
rww"Only available for... all" :\09:53
GneaSeveas: I'm installing both of these09:53
abhidr. willis: i have seen ubuntu booting faster on a 1.6GHz pentium M processer while my system(2.6 dual core) takes longer! :-)09:53
ouyeshow to adjust my system time according to a network time system, so my time is precise09:58
rwwouyes: sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org09:58
rwwouyes: or, to have it done automatically every so often, sudo apt-get install ntp09:59
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abhidr. willis:, abhijeet: any way, sirs, i will fix this issue as soon as possible and inform you, thanks for your co-ordination and time, have a great time!10:00
Gneawell, it just did it again10:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:04
Gneafail-> http://paste.ubuntu.com/481806/10:05
ouyesrww, thanks10:05
colinjwanyone here?10:05
ouyesrww, is it automatically? how often?10:05
* Gnea proceeds to submit a bug10:06
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:06
rootEthit's an empty room colinjw10:06
ouyescolinjw, a lot of guys here10:06
ouyescolinjw, a lot of good guys10:06
rootEth1233 of us10:06
rwwouyes: no idea10:06
colinjwI have been looking around trying to find a way to get my plustek optibook 3600 working with Ubuntu 10.04.10:07
colinjwcan anyone help?10:07
ouyesjust install10:07
colinjwI have asked around but10:07
ravenanything like pastebin for images?10:07
brontoeeeraven, google for image bin10:08
Gnearaven: http://imgur.com10:08
colinjwcan't get ubuntu to recognise the scanner though10:08
colinjwthrough xsane10:09
ouyessudo apt-get install ntp, then the time will be automatically adjusted , but how often ?10:09
Dr_Willisouyes:  proberly set in a ntp config10:10
Dr_Willishow often are you n eeding it adjusted?10:11
ouyesDr_Willis,  every time I boot in to ubuntu10:11
Dr_Willisit may do that allready10:12
brontoeeeouyes, dead battery?10:12
Dr_Willisor whenever the service starts it should check teh time servers.10:12
colinjwdoesn anyone know about the optibook 3600?10:12
Dr_Willisor is that the ntpclient.. i forget now.10:12
ouyesbrontoeee, what you mean?10:12
ouyesDr_Willis, but how to know this for sure?10:13
Dr_Willisntpdate - client for setting system time from NTP servers10:13
Dr_Willisouyes:  check the ntpdate man pages/docs..10:13
ouyesbrontoeee, no the battery is as good as always10:13
Dr_Willisntp is a time SERVER i belive.10:13
Dr_Willisntp - Network Time Protocol daemon and utility programs10:13
Dr_WillisIf you want to just set your pc - it just needs the client.10:13
ouyesDr_Willis, that is it  thanks10:14
Dr_Willis!info ntpdate10:14
ubottuntpdate (source: ntp): client for setting system time from NTP servers. In component main, is important. Version 1:4.2.4p8+dfsg-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 66 kB, installed size 236 kB10:14
Dr_WillisI thought ntpdate was installed by default.  dosent the installer even ask to auto sync? i forget :)10:15
rwwntpdate is installed by default. ntp isn't.10:15
rwwin general, if you have persistant clock drift, you want ntp.10:15
Dr_WillisI had a laptop once where the clock ran like 10x faster then normal. :) the seconds would fly by...10:16
Dr_WillisA Bios update fixed that. :)10:16
ubuntu_luciddoes anyone know why i have to restart udev everytime i boot up lucid? if i dont restart, it use 20% of the cpu and when i restart udev the cpu is going straight away to 0. i checked top and before i restart udev there are app like udisk xorg volume control etc that use my cpu and just when i restart udev everything is going to 0.10:18
ubuntu_lucidis there any solution to it ?10:18
Dr_Willisother then restarting it in rc.local ? ;)10:18
rwwouyes: If your clock is wrong every time you start Ubuntu, it's probably because 1) you're dual booting with Windows, and Windows fails at knowing what UTC is, or 2) your CMOS battery (which doesn't equal your laptop battery) is dead.10:19
abhii am continuously getting a log-in message box when ever i am running firefox, persistently and a google search pointed that the particular port number is used by couchdb. the message is A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:33388. The site says: "administrator". any idea?10:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:19
ouyesrww,  1) you are so smart10:19
Dr_Willisdont forget differnt timezones..  Ive had that issue befor also.. windows was est, ubuntu was some other one.10:20
rwwouyes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple%20Boot%20Systems%20Time%20Conflicts10:20
Dr_WillisI live in Indiana - our Time Zones are total chaos.10:20
rwwDr_Willis: Ubuntu stores the system clock in UTC by default, like every other sane operating system out there. Guess which operating system doesn't.10:20
mirmanciao a tutti10:21
rwwubottu: it | mirman10:22
ubottumirman: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:22
ubuntu_lucid<Dr_Willis> <rww> it is  new laptop and the battery is not dead second yup i dual boot win 7 and lucid so how to sort it out ? i mean i dotn want to restart udev everytime i boot up10:23
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Dr_Willisubuntu_lucid:   it would be an interesting test to see if the issue also happens in 10.10 alphas - If it does. definatly file a bug on it.. proberly worth filing a bug on it anyway. (or checking for preexisting bugs reports)10:24
soupdragonwell will ubuntu work on  Mac Pro 1,1 early 2006 ?10:26
sacarlsonubuntu_lucid: does this same problem with udev also happen with a boot from a lucid install cd?10:27
soupdragonhow can I get it to work10:28
agusanyone can help me10:28
rwwubuntu_lucid: I wasn't sending that to you, hence your name not being at the front of the message :\10:29
studentnnel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) is released! | Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | Download: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu10:29
student* #ubuntu 的話題由 Pici 於 Thu Aug 19 03:01:26 2010 設定10:29
student-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService10:29
student* #ubuntu :http://www.ubuntu.com10:29
FloodBot3student: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:29
agusmy network manager cannot detect modem10:29
agusI used ubuntu 9.1010:30
ouyesis there any virtual machine tools  to recommend?10:31
GG__agus: you use ubuntu on vm?10:31
agussometimes I use usb_modeswitch, but I have to create new profile on modem broadband mobile10:31
sacarlsonouyes: I like virtualbox  works good for me on 10.0410:31
agusno, I use ubuntu installed on hard disk10:32
GG__agus: i use virtualbox with 10,04 and faced same problem then i did http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-network-manager-disabled-problem-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html10:33
GG__agus: you can give it a try10:33
agusI cannot installed ubuntu 10.04, my notebook does not support10:33
DasEiagus: kinda notebook ?10:34
agusI use notebook zyrex10:34
DasEiagus: zyrex I don't know, specs ?10:35
agusdual core, vga: sismedia10:35
nsawIs there a tool which is able to recursive shrink all pictures in a directory (including subdirs). (Filesize)10:35
DasEiagus: ic, did you try with the alternate installer ? which OS are you currently speaking from ?10:36
Gneaokay, report filed.10:36
erUSULnsaw: you can use shelll tools + convert of mogrify from imagemagik10:36
erUSULnsaw: shrink == resize?10:36
GneaSeveas: also, found a post that says to try turning off ACPI if it's not used (it's not) so I did, seeing if that will help10:36
dam_switchbonjour a tous, j'ai un souci sur le terminal ! gedit, fonctionne sudo gedit aussi, mais lorsque je suis en root (sudo -i) j'ai un message d erreur avec gtk-warning10:36
agusI have tried both live cd and alternate, screen doesnot work properly10:37
rwwubottu: fr | dam_switch10:37
ubottudam_switch: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:37
nsawerUSUL: yes i want all picturs to a size of 100kb10:37
erUSULnsaw: but how do you plan to do it? resizing them to say, half its high and width ?10:38
Quatar[it]awayI use ubuntu 10.04 i386, and the gnome-panel as usual. Gnome panel is not "extended", so it fills only the space which is needed by the icons. But it often forget to refresh (i.e. my clock is now showing the time of one hour ago), unless i open an other applications which affect (and enlarge) the notification area: when the panel has to change size, it finally refreshes. That "freezing" happens very often, but n10:38
Quatar[it]awayways. It happens with both my panels, and it happens since april. I have already tried with new panels, it always happens.10:38
erUSULnsaw: changing the image format?10:38
DasEiagus: so it installs, but you get problems with x just, tried to reconfigure graphics after a full upgrade ?10:38
nsawerUSUL: that is exactly my problem, my target is to reduce the filesize. I tried it with convert -geometry but not all pictures have the same resolution10:39
nsawso I shrink pictures again  which are already small .10:40
erUSULnsaw: convert/mogrify -resize 50% ?10:40
agusI dont want to take risk by installing ubuntu 10.04, because there are many application on my notebook10:40
erUSULnsaw: what format are the pictures? jpeg ?10:40
nsawi have some pics in raw format too but they are not important yes10:41
nsawi know that some websites are ables to shink pictures to a predefined filesize, but i dont know the algorythm behind that10:42
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ouyessacarlson, "The virtual machine window is optimized to work in 32 bit color mode but the virtual display is currently set to 16 bit."when I try to install windows xp 32-bit10:42
Quatar[it]awayflickr use imagemagick suite.10:42
nsawtherefor i thought that there are maybe tools which can do that10:43
ouyesouyes, how to know my ubuntu is not 64 bit ?10:43
sacarlsonouyes: I always just say ok to that10:43
erUSULnsaw: i do not know either...10:44
ouyessacarlson, non-bootable disk10:44
ouyessacarlson, "non-bootable disk"10:44
nsawi know imagemagick but I have no Idea how to do that what I want with it. Sure I can resize each picture until it matches the target but I am not gonna to do this 20000 times ;)10:44
nsawno problem10:44
sacarlsonouyes: so you using a real cd?10:44
nsawmaybe i need to script it then for my self10:44
ouyessacarlson, yes10:44
sacarlsonouyes: why no use the iso file?10:45
ouyessacarlson, how to use a iso file ?10:45
ouyessacarlson, I use the tool virtualbox ose10:46
sacarlsonouyes: in storage setup change cd to the iso file that you want to install in the machine you are creating10:46
sacarlsonouyes: I use the virtualbox deb install from the sun site.  not sure that would mater for this.10:47
ouyessacarlson, no that option in storage setup10:47
tarvi restarted xfce panel to update my clock, which worked, but  i got some error messages.  should i restart x instead?10:49
sacarlsonouyes: well this isn't the version I use but I found this http://www.flickr.com/photos/vincentt/416553085/10:50
haldoes anyone know where the setting is, that controls whether a running application appears on the panel?  What I want is to be able to move apps to different virtual desktops, and for them only to appear on that desktop's panel10:50
erUSULhal: is the window list. in its preferences you can configure wether you want all apps to appear in all desktops or viceversa10:52
tarvought oh, xfce disappeared.  now what?10:52
halerUSUL: thank you for the response, but where are those settings, please?10:53
Quatar[it]awayhave anyone of you ever managed with a freezing gnome-panel? i mean responsive, functioning, but not refreshing its graphics (the clock goes on, but always shows the same time as one hour ago, network manager works, but always shows it's disconnected...). It happens with not-extended panel, until i enlarge it (i.e. calling an application which notificates in the notification area)10:53
erUSULhal: right click on the left side window list10:54
Fudgeanyone know how to tell 'links' how to enter a username into an edit field? key-stroke?10:54
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halerUSUL: ok, I hate the preferences now. Thank you.  But I have "Show windows from current workspace" enabled, but this does not have any effect10:55
halerUSUL: sorry, I meant *have*!10:55
sacarlsonQuatar[it]away: I have had small parts of my screen turn black until I put something over it so it rewrote the pixals.  it was in the video driver.10:55
erUSULhal: Works Here (tm)10:55
Quatar[it]awaysacarlson: you fixed?10:56
halerUSUL: so when you change to another workspace, your panel is completely clear?10:56
sacarlsonQuatar[it]away: I think it was an old s3 video card.  I was able to make it work when I set it to run in vesa mode but that's slow for video10:56
erUSULhal: correct10:56
halhmm , that's really annoying - it doesn't work on mine  :(10:57
Quatar[it]awaysacarlson: thx anyway10:57
sacarlsonQuatar[it]away: I think I later went to the #s3 guys and they gave me some code that also made it better.10:57
ouyeshow to know my ubuntu is not 32 -bit?10:57
halerUSUL: ok, I changed the settings and then changed them back again, and now it works. I wonder if it will persist after a reboot10:58
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halthank you for your help erUSUL :)10:58
erUSULouyes: uname -m10:58
erUSULhal: no problem10:58
ouyeserUSUL, x86_6410:59
erUSULouyes: that's 64 bits10:59
ouyeserUSUL, what is the output for 32 bits?10:59
erUSULouyes: i68610:59
Fudgean 8kb kernel?10:59
ouyeshow to enable iso support for virtualbox ose?11:01
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sacarlsonouyes: so your sure it's not supported on ose?  then install the one from sun it's just a deb file11:03
sacarlsonouyes: I think I moved to the non ose for the samba support that seemed to be missing also in ose.11:03
ouyessacarlson, where is it ? give me a url will you?11:03
sacarlsonouyes: I guess oricle has it now. http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads11:04
ouyesI am so stupid,11:06
sacarlsonouyes: why do you say that?11:06
ouyesask stupid questions, just ask google  first , ask stupid questions will waste people's time , but not for google, google will always have time11:07
sacarlsonsometimes you get pointed in a total different direction if you ask 1300 people they might come up with a total different thought doesn't hurt to ask.11:08
MACscrum, there is a limit to ext3 to 32k files per folder, right? what happens if there are more?11:08
red2kicMACscr: The hard drive explodes!11:09
ibrahim-kasemhello amy11:09
MACscrwell i have one with 35k and im just curious if its going to cause performance issues because of that11:09
nisstyre65MACscr: I seriously doubt it would cause performance issues if it isn't already11:10
nisstyre65just don't go over the limit?11:10
MACscrwell there has to be somethign going on if there is a limit11:10
davide_giustizia privata11:10
MACscrits already over11:10
nisstyre65MACscr: I have no idea why that limit exists so...11:11
red2kicMACscr: Upgrade to ext4 at least?11:11
alex88i've to install libcupsys2 that's required by a deb that i have to install..it's provided virtually by libcups2, how can i say dpkg that it has to install libcups2?11:11
ouyessacarlson, you goto system tools and virtual machine manage?11:11
MACscrlol, you cant just upgrade to ext411:11
nisstyre65yeah MACscr is right11:11
red2kicnisstyre65: For long time, there always were limitations on file systems.11:12
erUSULMACscr: lots of files in a dir will allways have a performance hit.11:12
ceschi all. When you connect to a url, how can I see the middle websites that you are redirected to before reaching the final destination? Maybe from terminal window?11:12
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nisstyre65cesc: use a browser that doesn't follow http redirects?11:12
nisstyre65curl doesn't follow redirects11:12
sacarlsonouyes: let me check11:13
tarvi think i crashed x or gnome.  all i have now is this window.  alt-ctrl-backspace did not restart the window manager.  what can i do without restarting the system?11:13
nisstyre65tarv: try startx11:13
red2kictarv: ALT+F2 -- Something shows up?  Try typing "metacity --replace"11:14
cescnisstyre65, OK this is an option... but it must be a way to see those intermediate sites where you are redirected when trying to reach a website.11:14
nisstyre65cesc: your browser is designed to follow http redirects without you noticing...so you need something that doesn't follow it, or something to monitor http requests/responses and tell you11:15
sacarlsonouyes: after I create the machine I select it and goto storage and seteup ide find cd that is empty on mine to start and change that to be an iso file11:15
cescnisstyre65, thanks for your info.11:15
tarvnisstyre65, it spat an error.  red2kic, it wouldn't run.11:15
nisstyre65tarv: what was the error when you ran 'startx' ?11:16
tarvnisstyre65, 'server is already active for display 0'11:16
ouyessacarlson, how you goto from the menu?11:17
ouyessacarlson, you goto system tools and virtual machine manage?11:17
nisstyre65tarv: that means xorg is already running11:17
nisstyre65ps aux | grep xorg will give you the PIDs11:18
ibrahim-kasemwhat is the latest kernel realease for ubuntu 10.04 ?11:18
jribibrahim-kasem: packages.ubuntu.com can say11:18
tarvnisstyre65, what could be my problem here?  i restarted xfce-panel to get my clock to update, which caused my crash.11:18
red2kic!info linux-image | ibrahim-kasem11:18
ubottuibrahim-kasem: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)11:18
ibrahim-kasemjrib, thank you11:18
nisstyre65tarv: can you paste the output of 'ps aux' to pastebin.com and link it here?11:19
nisstyre65or is that not possible with just the terminal?11:19
tarvnisstyre65, if it is, i don't know how, lol.  i screwed the pooch.11:20
sacarlsonouyes: how to run virtualbox ?  yes Applications>system tools>oracle vm virtualbox11:20
nisstyre65tarv: might be able to do it, one sec11:21
wakavbox has no future i guess11:21
VPE: phpmyadmin: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1011:21
Milos__SDHi. Is there a way to run tvtime over ssh X forwarding?11:21
sacarlsonouyes: I don't see vitualmachine manage  you might have a new copy than me11:22
l_rwhat is the name of the application for recording the desktop while zooming part of it for example?11:22
wakai just removed  all vbox packages form my rig11:22
wakathe vbox-ose can't run a 64-bit guest11:22
aruntomarhi! the screen goes to power saving mode after i install the nvidia driver for my nvidia gt9400 card11:22
red2kic!screencasts | l_r11:22
ubottul_r: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:22
sint_holocould anyone recommend a very good tftp setup document?11:23
ikoniasint_holo: wiki.ubuntu.com has some solid guides on it11:23
ouyessacarlson, forget it  I will use my way to get through11:23
aruntomarsint_holo, u need tftp for pxe boot or for other purpose11:23
VPWas installing PHPMyadmin and MySql server.11:24
VPE: phpmyadmin: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1011:24
zap85using ubuntu version  10.04, the network-admin does not have connections tab11:25
sint_holofor pxe boot problem is if the pxe is up the internet connection will not give dhcp and internet connection to the ubuntu net install image11:25
zap85does anyone know where I can configure my wifi connections ?11:25
ikoniasint_holo: that's right yes, you cant pxe boot over your ISP11:25
VPIt was thru Synaptic11:26
VPPl help11:26
ikoniaVP: purge the package and re-install it11:27
nisstyre65tarv: not possible with pastebin, but might be with another paste site...11:27
Dr_Williszap85:  you dont need to instal lsome extra drivers for your wireless card do you?11:27
sint_holoikonia: so i need a full image to serve up not the net install11:27
aruntomarsint_holo, for pxe boot, basically u should should have 2 machines, 1 will be ur pxe boot/install server and other will be the machine that u want to install11:27
sacarlsonouyes: it's all setup in the gui in the Details tab select Storage  that brings up a window were I select the IDE Controller, select the  cd icon at the end of the CD/DVD device select the file icon to pick the iso file.11:27
ikoniasint_holo: you can use a net install, but you have to boot locally for that11:27
sint_holotwo machines check11:28
aruntomarsint_holo, install the tftpd-hpa and tftp-hpa packages from the repo on the server machine11:28
ouyessacarlson, I am now using the cd-rom to install it, what is host key?11:28
VPikonia: which to purge, phpmyadmin or mysql?11:28
aruntomarsint_holo, it'll create /var/lib/tftpboot directory11:28
ikoniaVP: the one that failed11:28
sacarlsonouyes: host key?  oh that's a window thing11:28
VPikonia: and how?11:29
aruntomarsint_holo, copy ur net install image to that tftpboot dir11:29
sint_holoarunto i have the packages its only when the net image tries to set up networking it fails11:29
ikoniaVP: open the package manager, search for the package, and click purge11:29
VPikonia: Thanx. Trying...11:29
aruntomarsint_holo, do you have a local dhcp server in ur network11:29
Dr_WillisI wonder if theres a virtualbox system image allready made up for pxe serving..11:29
zap85lspci | grep Network shows "02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)"11:29
ikoniasint_holo: what's the issue with just installing from the normal cd ?11:30
sint_holoyes dhcp311:30
zap85does this mean my network driver is working11:30
sacarlsonouyes:  I don't have any micrsoft windows keys sorry.11:30
tarvnisstyre65, http://pastebin.ca/192256311:30
Dr_Williszap85:   lspci showing a device.. does not mean its working..11:30
aruntomarsint_holo, i believe u r behind nat and u have a private network, if not, then u should have 2 lan card in ur machine, 1 for wan & 1 for lan access11:30
Dr_Williszap85:  did you run the 'hardware-drivers' tool in thye system menu yet?11:31
zap85Dr_Willis does that mean the drivers are correct11:31
ikoniaaruntomar: please talk in clear english, not text speak, like U R  and "ur card"11:31
sint_holoaruntu ohh noo 1 is laptop other is net top what about virtual interfaces11:31
nisstyre65tarv: okay sweet11:31
erUSULzap85: System>Admin...>Hardware drivers11:32
nisstyre65tarv: ubuntu    2693  0.0  0.7  69952 15432 ?        S    Aug19   0:20 xfdesktop11:32
nisstyre65that is probably the problem11:33
nisstyre65try doing "sudo kill -9 2693"11:33
nisstyre65and then 'startx'11:33
tarvnisstyre65, i'm running xubuntu live11:33
nisstyre65tarv: ah okay11:33
zap85erUSUL: thanks. will try that out.11:33
nisstyre65well, you said you killed xorg and were in a terminal11:34
aruntomarsint_holo, ok, tell me the steps you performed and till what steps you succeeded, kindly let us know the network structure also, so that we know, where things are getting stuck11:34
Fudgeanyone use mp3blaster?11:34
erUSULzap85: if that does not offer a driver for the wifi then do « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter » while connected to internet via wired11:34
erUSULzap85: and reboot11:34
ikoniasint_holo: whats the problem with just using the normal install CD ?11:34
tarvnisstyre65, 'no such process'11:35
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  i noticed on one of my laptops it offered the b43 and sta driver.. i installed the b43  and it dident work. becuse the driver was blacklisted.. Not sure why it was blacklisted. :)  Took me an hr+ to figure it out11:35
nisstyre65tarv: so xfdesktop is running, but you are not in the GUI?11:35
tarvi have xchat up, a terminal, and now a browser11:36
tarvnothing else11:36
erUSULDr_Willis: maybe you installed b43-fwcutter and that package blacklisted sta ?11:36
nisstyre65tarv: okay, but the desktop environment just isn't running right?11:36
nisstyre65ie: your desktop, panel, etc..11:36
sint_holoikonia : no cdrom drive i will just go for the usb boot option: the whole thing was too convoluted : a net top with a mangled hard drive and a belkin wireless interface11:36
tarvnisstyre65, right11:36
aruntomarerUSUL, in my experience with broadcom drivers the sta works fine11:37
nisstyre65tarv: try typing exec startxfce411:37
slowbroI'm a newbie in linux and ubuntu, so can i ask some questions?11:37
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  yes.. perhaps.. or perhaps i tried sta first.. and it dident work (but still blacklosted b43) so when i instelled b43 sfterwards I should of removed sta first..11:37
nisstyre65er, minus the exec11:37
nisstyre65you don't need it11:37
aleixoskhi all, i just bought a wireless pci card and it seems to be correctly installed but inactive... I hope this helps: http://pastebin.com/L2jHRkJW11:37
slowbroHow do i start any app?11:37
nisstyre65just 'startxfce4'11:37
slowbroi want to start GCC11:37
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  ive had a 'odd' time with sta and b43 :)11:37
Dr_Willisslowbro:  type 'gcc' at a terminal prompt.11:37
Dr_Willisslowbro:  you do realize gcc does not have a GUI.11:37
sint_holoikonia: i was trying to tft boot from the laptop with a cincident shared internet connection11:37
erUSULslowbro: gcc is a cli app. you run a in a terminal « gcc -o exescutable executable.c »11:37
erUSULDr_Willis: :)11:38
VPDr_Willis: how to install sta driver?11:38
Dr_WillisVP:  sudo apt-get install sta-????????11:38
Dr_WillisVP:  the hardware-drivers tool did it for me.11:38
erUSULaleixosk: tried network manager yet ? the network icon in the right up corner ?11:39
slowbrohow will i run it if in got no GUI? From terminal?11:39
Dr_Willisslowbro:  we just said run it from a terminal....11:39
Dr_Willisslowbro:  thats how it works.. it osent need a gui.11:39
tarvnisstyre65, startxfce4 - another session manager is already running11:39
Dr_Willis!manual | slowbro11:39
ubottuslowbro: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:39
VPerUSUL: Do u know how to install STA driver?11:39
ikoniaSTA ?11:39
slowbrook, thank you :311:39
erUSULVP: Dr_Willis just told you11:39
VPthe wireless communication driver11:40
Dr_WillisVP: apt-get does tab completion.. try apt-get install sta<tab> and see11:40
nisstyre65tarv: try doing 'sudo kill -9 2746' then startxfce4 again11:40
Dr_WillisVP:  or use the hareware-drivers tool11:40
VPerUSUL: ya, but he also added ?????11:40
nisstyre65or kill every process related to xfce and then do it again11:40
Dr_WillisVP:  Figure out the proper name...11:40
nisstyre65tarv: why are you going to this much trouble for a livecd btw?11:41
VPDr_Willis: Thanx. How to  start the hw drivers tool?11:41
Fudgeif i wanted to reinstall gnome or missing dependances what could i do with apt-get or aptitude?11:41
Dr_Willisbroadcom-sta-common - Common files for the Broadcom STA Wireless driver11:41
Dr_WillisVP:  its right there in the system menus,,,11:41
Dr_WillisVP:  or run jockey-gtk as root11:42
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wilharthello peeps, how do i enable 5.1 sound i got this in stereo now and can't hear my front center?11:42
* MowerRazor is away: Schnauze da unten.11:43
* MowerRazor is back (gone 00:00:03)11:43
ikoniaMowerRazor: please disable that11:43
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tarvnisstyre65, 'sudo kill -9 2746' then startxfce4' didn't work.  i'm trying to learn.11:44
zatanikonia is u miss or mr?11:44
nisstyre65tarv: well, I'm pretty sure the reason you can't start xfce is because it's already running11:44
ouyessacarlson, you have a apple? right?11:44
ikoniazatan: what does that matter ?11:44
Fudgetarv  could you startxfce4 :1 -- vt9 to start a second X serrver?11:44
nisstyre65so you can kill every process related to it, or you can just reboot11:44
ouyessacarlson, so there is no windows key11:44
zatanikonia,  its matter  a lot for me:)))11:45
sacarlsonouyes: no just a standard pc11:45
SwedeMike!ot | zatan11:45
ubottuzatan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:45
nisstyre65it shouldn't happen again tarv, really...11:45
sacarlsonouyes: no my install didn't ask for one11:45
ouyessacarlson, what you machine? a special booked machine>11:45
zatanubottu,  thanks :D11:45
ouyessacarlson, I got it11:46
ouyessacarlson, I will finish the installation on my virtual machine in 13 minutes11:46
tarvnisstyre65, fudge, hhttp://pastebin.ca/192256811:46
aleixoskhi all, i just bought a wireless pci card and it seems to be correctly installed but inactive... I hope this helps: http://pastebin.com/L2jHRkJW11:47
nisstyre65tarv: reboot is my recommendation11:48
erUSULaleixosk: you did not tell if network manager sees any network ?11:48
erUSULaleixosk: click on the network icon in the panel. does any network appear there11:48
Jon80Hi, I installed Ubuntu on my Netbook, and was completley taken by it, so now i've installed it on my desktop PC and there i ran into a problem with my Wireless card "D-link DWL-G520", Ubuntu doesn't seam to find the card. I'm new to ubuntu and linux, and don't know what to do. Anyone who knows what to do?11:49
tarvnisstyre65, thanks for the help.  i'll probably do that.11:49
aleixoskerUSUL, network manager doesn't detect anything11:49
bzrkaleixosk: missing firmware?11:49
erUSULaleixosk: in cli « sudo iwlist wlan0 scan » ?11:49
laurent_HEllo everybody11:49
aleixoskbzrk, i don't think so, did you read what I posted on pastebin?11:50
MintUserhow to avoid losing the clipboard after i close a program i have copied something from ?11:50
ikoniaMintUser: this channel is for ubuntu support only11:51
ikoniaMintUser: please don't ask for mint support11:51
MintUserwho said im asking for mint?11:51
bzrkaleixosk: did you install a firmware package?11:51
bzrkaleixosk: you can get to that state without having a firmware11:51
aleixoskerUSUL: wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down11:51
erUSULaleixosk: "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"11:52
bzrkJon80: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-install-and-configure-dlink-dwl-g-520-wireless-lan-pci-card.html11:52
aruntomaraleixosk, try to install hwinfo, then run hwinfo --wlan to check the driver that is configured for your wireless card11:53
wilharthow do i enable 5.1 sound i got this in stereo now and can't hear my front center?11:53
aleixoskSIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory11:53
erUSULaleixosk: what chip does that card use ?11:53
erUSULaleixosk: lspci | grep -i net11:53
nogowilhart: alsamixer?11:54
wilhartnogo: it's 100% front center11:54
oliver_it that good to run apt-get clean sometimes?11:55
nogoiirc, you can choose if downmix 5.1 to 2 channels11:55
wilhartnogo: i think my speakers are broken11:55
aleixoskerUSUL: 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)11:55
sacarlsonwilhart: maybe try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound11:56
erUSULaleixosk: sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b4311:56
erUSULaleixosk: you have to be connected to internet via wired11:56
aleixoskerUSUL, I'm not... I'll download the packages manually11:57
wilhartsacarlson: i dont use pulse11:59
erUSULaleixosk: wont work11:59
aleixoskerUSUL, i had b43-fwcutter already installed... I think it downloads the drivers, am I right?11:59
aleixoskerUSUL, yeah, that's it11:59
erUSULaleixosk: the package needs a connection to internet to download the firmware11:59
sacarlsonwilhart: alsa goes through pulse and 10.04 pulse is default.  are you sure?11:59
aleixoskerUSUL, that's what I thought, what ccan I do now?12:00
erUSULaleixosk: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#device_firmware_installation12:01
klayi got a question if i were to buy these xp discs for my dell gx270 could i use it within virtualbox?12:01
erUSULaleixosk: see the fedora 10 intructions. wget http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl- <<12:01
klayi think i may have to install it first then make a image of the distro?12:01
aleixoskerUSUL: thanks, I'll try it12:02
klayanyone have experience with virtualbox?12:02
nogoklay, if your xp recovery cds don't check the serial numbers in the bios12:03
Dr_Willisklay:  lots of us do.12:03
wilhartsacarlson: yep no pulse12:03
Dr_Willisklay:  and i doubt if those cd's would work12:03
wilhartsacarlson: i dont have alsa either12:03
klaylike if i were to install it12:03
sacarlsonwilhart: well it seems alsa supports it also http://alsa.opensrc.org/SurroundSound12:03
klayto a partition and make a image12:04
klayi know theirs some issue with bios serieals12:04
wilhartsacarlson: i dont have alsa12:04
sacarlsonwilhart: oh so maybe your not on ubuntu?12:04
klayive tried in the past dr willis to use  one dell disc to install to another machine and it would not do so12:05
wilhartsacarlson: §i have soundblaster drivers12:05
sacarlsonwilhart: so soundblaster some kind of propriatary driver that doesn't use alsa?12:06
nogoklay, there is no answer until you try it12:06
slowbroHow can i remove from folder root-only? I have download this folder and somehow made it root-only12:07
nogothe vbox-ose can't use amv-v to run a 64-bit guest12:07
oliver_is that good to run sudo apt-get clean sometimes? or is it bad?12:07
slowbroi am root12:07
aleixoskerUSUL, should I restart now?12:07
slowbroand i am not able to delete it12:07
nogoso, you can quit now12:07
nogoi just removed this shit12:07
Dr_Willissacarlson:  alsa is the core of the sound system . the card drivers use alsa  and then it goes to pulse audio  (normally)12:07
ikonianogo: control your language12:08
erUSULaleixosk: if you installed the firmware and copied the files then yes12:08
slowbroi have installed this folder from a bin file.12:08
rebecca_hi there im using ubuntu 10.0.4 i want to play wma and wmv files - any program i can use12:13
ikonia!codecs > rebecca_12:13
ubotturebecca_, please see my private message12:13
ikonia!dvd > rebecca_12:13
rebecca_yeah thanks12:14
rebecca_i installed mplayer but the program does not run12:14
ikoniadefine does not run12:14
erUSULrebecca_: for wm* you may beed w32codecs from medibuntu ( or w64codecs for 64 bit )12:14
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:15
ikoniaerUSUL: I don't use medibuntu, yet I'm playing wma files fine12:15
ikoniaI thought the standard windows plugins in the repos where enough12:15
fiermanproblem with a broken package, no idea how to fix it12:15
fierman# apt-get install libglib2.0-dev12:15
erUSULi stand corrected then :)12:15
fiermanThe following packages have unmet dependencies: libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.22.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.22.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed12:16
ikoniaerUSUL: no, it's a question more than a statment12:16
fiermanE: Broken packages12:16
rebecca_i just want to say thank you to the community you have always being very helpful - and this is a great support chanel12:16
ikoniafierman: the packages are broken, check if there is a bug logged, if not log one12:16
fiermanvanilla sources.list12:16
fiermanikonia: no buglogged..12:16
ikoniafierman: then I suggest you log one12:17
fiermano man...12:17
fiermanrunning a production machine here12:17
fiermanneed to go live today12:17
ikoniafierman: so ?12:17
ikoniafierman: then you should do proper planning12:17
fiermanyeah .. i know ' no guarantees'12:18
ikoniafierman: no, just proper planning and testing12:18
aleixoskerUSUL: I'm online, thanks for your time :DNetworkManger didn't seem to detect the network by itself, but I added it manually and now it works12:18
fiermanikonia: been testing and planning for 3 months12:18
ikoniafierman: then how do you not know the package is broken ?12:18
erUSUL!yay | aleixosk12:19
ubottualeixosk: Glad you made it! :-)12:19
fiermanikonia: it worked fine 3 weeks ago12:19
ikoniafierman: so you're deploying a machine on the day it's supposed to go live, that doesn't seem like a good plan12:19
ikoniafierman: also as you know ubuntu is updated on a regular basis, have you kept up with the package status for your deployment ?12:19
fiermanikonia:that is where it went wrong, i have not been at the machine for some weeks12:20
ikoniafierman: ok, so that's not planning12:21
fiermani know, i scored below average on my ITIL test12:21
ikoniafierman: log a bug for it12:21
fiermanwill do12:21
ikoniafierman: consider using LTS releases 10.04 for example for production use12:21
fiermanikonia: not that it might interest you, but i built a 9.10 machine in april, for use with my collegues in .nl.. it worked perfectly then. the 'plan' was to hold all updates and upgrades12:23
fiermani am working in congo now, and i need that machine today12:23
fiermanthe small joke is that someone DID in fact do an upgrade12:23
ikoniafierman: I know how you can get into that situation, it's not a critisism12:24
fiermannow trying to fix it...12:24
fiermanikonia: it does not feel as criticism , no worries12:24
fiermanyou are right12:24
fiermanbut i feel sort of desperate now12:24
Benwahisto, how can i change my password, even if my /home folder is encrypted ?12:24
ikoniafierman: if you can - get the contact details from the package maintainer on lauchpad and talk to him directly, explain your situation and it may move it along easier/quicker12:25
fiermanikonia: thanks!12:25
ikoniafierman: most of the maintainers are good guys, and have a sympathetic ear12:25
fiermanwill do12:25
Benwahisto, sorry, tab fail12:25
ikoniaBenwa: your password is not stored in your home dir12:26
Benwaikonia, i do know12:26
ikoniaBenwa: so what's the problem changing your password ?12:26
Benwabut if i change my password, i cannot encrypt my home folder12:26
ikoniaBenwa: why ?12:26
Benwabecause it's the same pass used for the login and the encryption, i changed the pass but just for the login and sudo, not for encrypted home folder12:27
ikoniaBenwa: ok ? still don't understand what the problem is12:28
Benwaif i change my user password, i cannot read my home folder anymore12:28
ikoniaBenwa: you need to change your encyption password then, the encyption shouldn't be read of your login passowrd12:28
raviepic3help | i am trying to create a .htaccess file to write a custom error document, and create a auth. I have a doubt whether the .htaccess file is being read cause even when i put junk in it theres no error thrown, please guide me hwo to resolve this12:29
Benwaok, where i have to do that ?12:29
ikoniadepends how you set up encryption12:29
Benwaduring the installation12:29
ikoniacome on ubottu12:30
flupkehi, I added a network share in /etc/samba/smb.conf, but there was no /etc/init.d/samba script to reload the configuration12:31
fiermanikonia: i solved the porblem temporarily by getting a newer version from the project page12:31
fiermanthanks for pointing me in that direction12:31
ikoniafierman: careful with that going forward12:32
flupkeso I installed the samba4 package, and now it gives errors on the smb.conf syntax. How am I supposed to add samba shares with 10.04 ?12:32
ikoniafierman: keep in mind your box is now out of sync with the repos12:32
fiermanikonia: yeap12:33
wilhartpulseaudio -D12:33
wilhartE: main.c: Daemon startup failed.12:33
erUSULflupke: samba uses upstart now /etc/init/smbd.conf and /etc/init/nmbd.conf12:34
erUSULflupke: so... « sudo restart smbd » and « sudo restart nmbd »12:35
dr0idI have virtualbox ose, now I run windows xp in it, and start IE 7, can I access my localhost/project from there? now project is a product(website) made by me on ubuntu12:35
dr0idknow what I mean ?12:35
meli_sha i installed ubuntu 10.04 to my dell laptop. i did all updates. everything works well. but sometimes after the grub ubuntu does not starts. after the grub a black screen is coming and it never goes. i click every button even the power button of laptop but it is not happening anything. can you please help me ?12:35
wilhartnobody help me12:36
abhijitwilhart, yah i also not getting help in #kubuntu. never12:36
aronaliagawhere are the spanish channel?12:37
wilhartwhere is finnish12:37
aeon-ltd!es | aronaliaga12:37
wilhartabhijit: amigo!12:37
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:37
flupkeerUSUL, ok thanks, I don't see any share though12:37
erUSULflupke: well my samba-fu is lacking... sorry12:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:38
meli_sha i installed ubuntu 10.04 to my dell laptop. i did all updates. everything works well. but sometimes after the grub ubuntu does not starts. after the grub a black screen is coming and it never goes. i click every button even the power button of laptop but it is not happening anything. can someone please help me ?12:38
dr0idI have virtualbox ose, now I run windows xp in it, and start IE 7, can I access my localhost/project from there? now project is a product(website) made by me on ubuntu12:39
Dr_Willisdr0id:  a machine in vbox can be set up as if it was another'real machine' on the lan. so it should be able to access the other pcs on the lan12:40
neyo@dr0id yes , you can access your website from withing virtualbox12:40
dr0idhow ?12:40
dr0idI tried http://localhost/project12:40
dr0idit didn't work12:40
yud1zyes, same12:40
Dr_Willisdr0id:  because its NOT localhost12:40
Dr_Willisits the ip of the machine you want to access12:40
flupkeerUSUL, yes I read that doc already (it's outdated btw)12:40
neyo@droid first you have to establish a network between host and virtual machine12:40
neyo@droid then you can access your website through the ip address of host machine12:41
flupkeerUSUL, I'll try ye good old reboot :)12:41
yud1zmaybe it will be enjoyable in vmware12:41
dmexdriod: virtualbox usually assigns the host with an ip address of, try from the guest12:41
itsux2buwhen i installed 32-bit ubuntu server i also installed OpenSSH. the installer asked me nothing about openssh. does the install process cause openshh to load automatically each time i boot ubuntu?12:42
ikoniaitsux2bu: yes12:42
neyo@droid i hope you can establish the lan network between the host and virtual machine12:43
meli_sha i installed ubuntu 10.04 to my dell laptop. i did all updates. everything works well. but sometimes after the grub ubuntu does not starts. after the grub a black screen is coming and it never goes. i click every button even the power button of laptop but it is not happening anything. can someone please help me ?12:43
yud1zmaybe you get trouble in NIC12:43
ikoniawhat ?12:43
yud1zgo, get in mbah google12:44
itsux2buikonia, thx..    ok.. so thats why i could use putty on my windows desktop.. putty being a ssh client12:44
flupkemeli_sha, it happens to me sometimes too since 10.04, but I have no solution other than reboot until it boots12:44
meli_shaflupke: the problem is from kernel right ?12:45
ikoniawhy is that a kernel problem ?12:45
yud1zno the driver maybe12:45
ikoniaor a driver problem ?12:45
yud1zkernel is allright12:45
flupkemeli_sha, it can be anything, but since the plymouth load screen you basically can't know what happens.12:45
ubuntu_lucidi have question i checked udev --monitor and the output what the ouput mean pls12:45
Renskihello all12:45
ikoniameli_sha: have you tried removing the splash screen to see if you get better information12:45
meli_shaflupke: have you ever look for "system log viewer" ?12:45
itsux2buright now i'm having a logon timeout problem with putty.. but since its a windows program.. not a problem anyone can help with here12:46
ubuntu_lucid#KERNEL[1282480902.009006] change   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host4/target4:0:0/4:0:0:0 (scsi)12:46
flupkemeli_sha, yes ?12:46
Arthur___is there an app in the repos that i can edit video and put a sound track to it?12:46
Arthur___edit audio and video?12:46
abhijitArthur___, try kdenlive?12:46
yud1zArthur : use kdenlive12:46
yud1zit very powerfull12:46
meli_sha flupke: i dont know maybe you will find something about problem. anyway. thank you!12:46
erUSULArthur___: pitivi? avidemux ? openshot? ....12:46
RenskiI want a quick and easy way of getting the md5 from a string, ive tried echo 'test' | md5sum but that creates the sum of 'test\n'12:46
meli_sha ikonia:  how to delete the splash sscreen ?12:47
yud1z#apt-get install kdenlive12:47
Renskihow I can I get it to compute the sum without the new line12:47
erUSULRenski: echo -n12:47
Renskiah, it was echos fault?12:47
Renskity erUSUL12:47
erUSULRenski: that makes echo do not output the newline12:47
ikoniameli_sha: use the "nosplash" boot option12:47
ikoniaI beleive that still works12:47
yud1zhu uh12:47
erUSULRenski: or use printf « printf "%s" 'test' | md5sum12:47
flupkemeli_sha, the problem is that the boot log is stored into a file, but that file is overwritten on the next boot ... so you can't see the log of failed boots ...12:48
Renskithanks erUSUL, thats giving me the result I expect now12:48
meli_shaflupke: i know that all logs are logging by date hour second... how to owerwrite them ? why we can not save them seperate ...12:48
meli_shaikonia: i will try it ... is there any - or -- characters before nosplash12:49
ikoniameli_sha: no12:49
yud1ztry http://toko.baliwae.com/product_info.php?products_id=206112:49
flupkemeli_sha, I would drop that whole plymouth thing if I could, but apparently you can't12:49
yud1zthis is linux distro indonesian made12:50
yud1zmore powerfull than ubuntu12:50
meli_shaflupke:  sorry for my english. i can not understand what you mean on your last sentence.12:51
Dr_Willistheres ways to sort of disable plymouth. One is the 'text' option. but that also defaults to turning off GDM also. :) but you could start gdm from rc.local i guess..12:51
flupkemeli_sha, ikonia, to remove the splash screen, you empty the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub12:51
flupkemeli_sha, plymouth is the "splash screen" you see at boot12:51
meli_shaflupke:  i know that we can edit the boot command at the grub . am i right ? we dont need to chage something from os now ?!12:52
flupkemeli_sha, yes you can change this setting in the grub screen at startup too12:53
ZolI'm having problem with Swedish locale and weechat12:54
glaucousHow do I restart hdparm? It seems like there isn't a file called hdparm in /etc/init.d/12:54
meli_shaflupke: i will do it now. thank you! i will not come back because we dont have other alternative solutions. thank you again!12:54
ZolI've set the charset to utf-8 and locale to sv_SE-utf8 both on ubuntu and my putty-client. But I still can't write the swedish letters, they end up as ??, ?? and ??.12:55
erUSULglaucous: hdparm is not a daemon.12:55
glaucouserUSUL: Oh I see.. when reading about configuring hdparm.conf they recommended restarting hdparm with init.d12:55
abhii am continuously getting a log-in message box when ever i am running firefox, persistently and a google search pointed that the particular port number is used by couchdb. the message is A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:33388. The site says: "administrator". any idea?12:55
abhijitZol, you can use ibus to write in your language?12:55
Zolabhijit: I can use the letters outside for weechat perfectly fine.12:56
Zolabhijit: I'm using terminal node btw.12:56
abhijitZol, no i dont kow.12:56
erUSULglaucous: hdparm is run once when the system boots. but it does not keep running after that12:56
glaucouserUSUL: Okay, got it12:57
erUSULglaucous: in modern systems hdparm should not be needed btw12:57
krysiamam problemy firefox nie otwiera stron...12:57
glaucouserUSUL: How come? What I want is to modify the spindown time12:57
brobinsondoes anyone use PulseAudio with HDMI cables?12:58
erUSULglaucous: many things that where configurable in the old ide drivers are no longer configurabble in sata/libata.12:58
flupkeI can see my samba shares in smb://mycompname/ in nautilus, but when I try to open one I get a "Unable to mount location -- failed to mount windows share" error12:58
erUSULglaucous: maybe spindown time is still something you can tweak dunno for sure12:58
glaucouserUSUL: I see. Tweaking spindown time is working very well though12:59
krysiajest ktos z Polski12:59
Dr_Willisflupke:  try entering the full path to the share. smb://server/sharename12:59
flupkeDr_Willis, it gives the same error ; here is the share definition in smb.conf: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/253100/13:00
yud1zdont use smb, use ssh to share file13:00
yud1zit more eficient13:00
flupkeyud1z, ssh doesn't work everywhere (e.g. in xmbc)13:01
yud1zwhat it like?13:02
flupkeit's a media player13:02
brobinsonxmbc is what Boxee is based on13:02
brobinsona full multimedia environment13:02
Arthur___i have another question i installed docky and deleted the bottom panel in gnome, i like docky but want the panel back, where it shows the open apps i have running,13:02
john_dophi ppl13:03
meli_shaflupke: i come back. i delete the "quiet splash" and i write "nosplash" it works. but it did not worked with "quiet nosplash" . so what is "quiete" on the boot ?13:03
erUSULmeli_sha: quiet makes the kernel not writte the full dmesg when booting13:04
flupkemeli_sha, quiet means don't write the log on screen13:04
brobinsonquestion: will be get brtfs in the next version13:04
meli_shaflupke: on the screen ? i never had saw any log on my screen ... ?!13:04
flupkemeli_sha, yes, because "quiet" is the default13:05
meli_shaerUSUL: so it is not importnat at least for me..13:05
flupkemeli_sha, you can try logging on screen to see what happens when the boot fails13:05
meli_shaflupke:  ah to do not log. ok im sorry. i get as "to log".13:05
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:06
ActionParsnipArthur___: ^13:06
meli_shaflupke: ok thank you! i have to leave..13:06
bazhangbrobinson, #ubuntu+1 for maverick support and discussion13:07
brobinsoncool thanks!13:07
Arthur___ok cool that did it! thanks!!13:08
linkin13os[Linux 2.6.32-24-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[4 x AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 3.41GHz] mem[Physical: 5.8GB, 80.5% free] disk[Total: 929.1GB, 98.6% free] video[nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB]13:08
bazhanglinkin13, disable that13:08
ActionParsniplinkin13: +1 for disable, nobody cares13:08
bazhanglinkin13, the sysinfo13:09
flupkeanyone could share a working smb.conf ?13:10
ActionParsnipflupke: sure13:10
ActionParsnipflupke: does this work: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/smb.conf?w=f7c0910e13:11
ActionParsnipflupke: if not, this will: http://pastie.org/110764013:11
liamsmithukhmm my gnome panel crashes randomly..... I have to do alt + printscreen + k and log back in to get it back......13:12
ActionParsnipliamsmithuk: try the panelfix command above to make it vanilla13:12
flupkeActionParsnip, thanks13:13
john_dopgot a question on ubuntu dual boot install w/ W7. After installing ubuntu on an ATA drive sdb, asked it to write the mbr info on SATA0, sda1, ubuntu loads fine from grub, however W7 didn't boot anymore, i tried grub-update and then lilo, (the latter never installed, mentioned wrong partition or smth like that, i went to W7 recovery and did fixmbr. now W7 is up, how do i restore linux? I had13:13
john_dopprevious versions installed this time this is a new setup (evga X58 mobo) and i had to choose advanced partitioning during install as linux install didn't offer to install on the IDE drive..13:13
yud1ztharaweh fisrt13:13
ActionParsnipflupke: did the first one work?13:13
ActionParsnipjohn_dop: try running: sudo update-grub13:14
yud1ztaraweh oi13:14
flupkeActionParsnip, no, I get a 403 saying I have to log in, even though I'm logged in13:14
john_dopParsnip: thanks, i did try that, i\m afraid i don't have access anymore to linux13:14
phawxI tried installing 32bit itunes under 64bit ubuntu using WINE, but it tells me the installation failed,  ive tried various times, and same result,  anyone run into this problem?13:15
ActionParsnipflupke: damn, trying dropbox links. oh well. Great way to backup my config :)13:15
ActionParsnipphawx: only some versions of itunes work with some versions of wine13:15
john_dopforgot yo mention, using 64bit version of both W7 and linux13:15
ActionParsnipphawx: check the appdb13:15
airtonixphawx, i have never run into this problem13:16
phawxIm running Wine 1.213:16
ActionParsnipphawx: i'd go for rhythmnbox instead13:16
phawxcan you sync apps with rythmbox?13:16
ActionParsnipphawx: 1.2 doiesnt mean much, itunes may run better under 1.113:16
ActionParsnipphawx: no idea, i dont use apples garbage13:17
airtonixActionParsnip, you're not supposed to directly abuse apple lol13:17
liamsmithukphawx: no but why would you need to, use the app store on your phone or ipod ;)13:17
ActionParsnipairtonix: but its SO easy13:17
airtonixrestrain yourself young one13:17
flupkeActionParsnip, can't access my shares from nautilus with your config... I wonder what's wrong this is a fresh lucid install13:18
ActionParsnipi'm 30 ;)13:18
liamsmithukstill young then13:18
ActionParsnipflupke: with my config you need to use the command: sudo smbpasswd -a name    replace name with your username (all on the server). You will need to remove mine and my girlfriends names and use your own13:18
ActionParsnipliamsmithuk: feel 20, so yep13:19
ugliefrogis ther a reset sound in the console?13:19
reggihelp people13:20
ActionParsnipugliefrog: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    then rerun the pulseaudio again in an ALT+F2 dialogue13:20
ActionParsnipugliefrog: or if you dont have a gui, start the service13:20
ugliefrogActionParsnip, ty ..ill try it now13:21
flupkeActionParsnip, girlfriendS :) ah forgot about smbpasswd... now I can login on non-guest ok shares, but still no luck on guest ok ones13:21
ugliefrogActionParsnip, ty sir...that did the trick13:21
ActionParsnipflupke: i've never used guest stuff. i like the control, see how the shares have allowed users and such, its good13:22
linkin13os[Linux 2.6.32-24-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[4 x AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 3.41GHz] mem[Physical: 5.8GB, 80.2% free] disk[Total: 929.1GB, 98.6% free] video[nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB]13:24
FloodBot3linkin13: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
TheSmokehi. how do i find the wireless connections on ubuntu 10.04?13:24
linkin13i test the commans of xsys plugin13:24
ActionParsniplinkin13: if you /msg ubottu   se'll listen to all your pointless scripts and never bored13:24
VPMySQL Error Nr. 201313:29
VPLost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 104 17:5613:29
VPpl help13:29
ActionParsnipVP: have you asked in #sql too13:30
VPActionParsnip: Ya bcause nobady is replying13:31
PseudoremoraI have a question if someone in able to answer13:31
VPActionParsnip: Actually I've asked in #mysql13:31
aeon-ltd!ask | Pseudoremora13:31
ubottuPseudoremora: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
PseudoremoraI shall.13:32
PseudoremoraMy question: Is there a way to change the default window's position to always show in the Middle?13:32
Dr_WillisPseudoremora:  what default window?13:32
Mimohi, the folder var/www is not mine (it's roots) but i want to use a group (with me included) to have read write acces. then i set the permissions on the folder var/www but i still don't have write acces13:33
Mimohow comes?13:33
PseudoremoraMeaning, anything I try to open should always open in the middle of my screen, not to left or the right or upper right/upper left13:33
aeon-ltdPseudoremora: not sure about gnome/metacity bit its definitely possible, you can do so in openbox13:33
Dr_WillisPseudoremora:  that would be annoying.. but compiz has some plugins that can proberly do it.13:33
PseudoremoraDr_Willis: Why would that be annoying?13:33
Dr_WillisPseudoremora:  dialogs popin up over your video and text editing stuff and otehr annoyances..13:34
Dr_Willisopen 2 file manager windows.. and then ya have to move them to actually use both...13:34
Dr_WillisI dont see the point. :)13:34
reggiding dong13:35
PseudoremoraDr_Willis: That's something I'm happy to deal with, what I hate more is the fact that if I even open more than 2+ applications/windows, they're not in the same position, but rather all over my screen13:35
PseudoremoraIt's annoying, because I'm going to move them to them middle anyways13:35
Dr_Williscompiz and othe rwindow managers have 'placement' settings for that stuff13:35
PseudoremoraI see13:35
Dr_Willisso basicallyt you dont use 1/2 of your monitor?13:35
Dr_WillisCompiz has some very fancy plugins for controlling window size and placement.13:36
PseudoremoraWell, the snap in plugin for Ubuntu isn't even as great as Windows 713:36
PseudoremoraSo even after enabling it, it's not very useful13:36
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: you can run devilspie to manage where windows open13:37
Dr_WillisI tend to fullscreen most everything these days.. or keep stuff on the 2nd monitor.13:37
PseudoremoraI definitely use my entire screen (24" monitor), but I like my windows to always show in the middle that's all13:37
pc_magasOh now Pseudoremora said Windows & how do u see the Microsoft's future?13:37
Dr_Willisdevilspie would be more windowmanager agnostic. :)13:37
pc_magasI've seen and a relative video in youtube with the hitles etc13:37
ActionParsnipit'd work though13:37
pc_magasposted in ubuntu-gr13:37
pc_magasa humoristic one13:37
Dr_Willismaximus can open them always maxamized if you like that Pseudoremora  thats in the middle.13:38
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Devilspie, is that something I can get via package manager?13:38
root_G'day all13:38
Dr_Willis!info devilspie13:38
ubottudevilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (lucid), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB13:38
PseudoremoraDr_Willis: lol, no I don't want them always maximized13:38
itsux2bugermans and humor?  aren't they mutally exclusive?13:38
Pseudoremorapc_magas: lol, the hilter spoofs are always hilarious13:39
* Dr_Willis recalls teh Gnome file manager browser vs Modal Mode :)13:39
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: well the HDD management, RAM management and RAM footprint of Linux is much better than Windows,I'd say the windows placement is quite trivial compared to the advantages in Linux with general system management and performance13:39
pc_magasBut it made me wonder hos ms going13:39
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: yes it's there, it'll take some confi and such but it can be  thing13:39
pseudomorphcan anyone tell me an easy command line way of telling the parent of a given process?13:39
pc_magasYeah i Agree I am a linux fan13:39
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: if you keep comments on the target rather than "windows blah blah" you'll get better support13:39
VPI'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and through Synaptic Package Manager I was13:39
VPinstalling phpmyadmin and mysql server for installing Joomla CMS.13:39
pc_magasbecause it can be customized to the max13:39
VPAfter completion of the downloading, the GUI for setting up the13:39
VPPHPMYADMIN password started. But even after filling the username and13:40
PseudoremoraListen, I'm not degrading Ubuntu, I use it more than I use Windows... however the Snap to feature in Windows is far greater, that's a fact.13:40
FloodBot3VP: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:40
VPpassword, the GUI was taking me to the screen of entering the password13:40
Dr_Willispseudomorph:  you may want to explore /proc/ it  has info on each process in a 'file' (or files) it may have that info13:40
VPagain and again. The tooltip reported the as the MySql database is not13:40
pseudomorphthanks Dr_Willis13:40
dekushrubdoes anyone know how to mount .vcd files? I'm trying to install a game and I'd rather not burn them all first13:40
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: maybe but it is significantly outweighed by the benefits of linux13:40
Dr_Willisa game on a vcd - thats odd.. I hought vcd was a 'video cd' from ages back.13:40
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Agreed. I only use Windows to game (STEAM and latest version of Adobe products) Otherwise, Linux is what I use on a daily basis for both home/work13:41
Dr_Willisdekushrub:  proverly fuseiso or fuseiso9660 can mount them.13:41
Dr_WillisPseudoremora:  and steam for linux is in the works i hear. :) *yes*13:41
dekushrubthanks Dr_Willis, I'll look into that13:41
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: there are open solutions to adobe products. Steam is coming to linux soon13:41
itsux2busteam is evil13:41
liamsmithukActionParsnip: I'd love ubuntu to take over Windows, but let's face it everyone has been brainwashed into using Windows already... it's too late :(13:41
PseudoremoraDr_Willis: Yea, i've heard as well... I'm hoping it's released soon... once it does, I'll dump Windows altogether13:41
ActionParsnipliamsmithuk: i see it as a tool for a job, both have advantages and disadvantages13:42
Dr_WillisI perfer to buy gamed on steam then to buy dvd/cd that have annoying DRM.13:42
dekushrubDr_Willis, after I install the packages, what do I do?13:42
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Open solutions... Gimp isn't as intuitive as PS13:42
pc_magas<Pseudoremora> But think about it s comy many technologies from Linux13:42
muneebcan anyone help me with shared library libssl error?13:42
pc_magasLike a meny for all connections13:42
Dr_Willisdekushrub:  read its docs? and man pages.. and fuseiso --help13:42
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: only becuase your adobe experience is so ingrained13:42
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: True13:43
muneebi've posted the thread in ubuntu forums in General Help13:43
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: That's my problem, but still I don't want to have to learn another new imaging program... when the one I'm using is the defacto standard13:43
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: its not the defacto standard at all13:43
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Says who13:44
Dr_WillisGimp is my standard. :)13:44
PseudoremoraDr_Willis: Yea... for Linux13:44
Dr_Willisand the old Amiga's Deluxe Paint.13:44
Dr_WillisI was so good with that one.13:44
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: do you know what that even means?13:44
Dr_Willis'standards are great - thers so many to choose from'13:45
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: product, or system that has achieved a dominant position by public acceptance or market forces13:45
Dr_Willisis there a Posix standard for Image editors?13:45
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: just because its used a lot doesn't make it defacto13:45
Newapseudomorph: category5.tv has episodes on using the gimp for image editing, you might find them to your liking13:46
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: I dare you to ask your friends which ones they're more familiar with, Gimp or PS...13:46
PseudoremoraActually, ask ANYONE13:46
Dr_WillisNewa:  thers also webcasts of 'using the gimp' i recall :)13:46
Dr_WillisPseudoremora:  mine are all more faimlier with Gimp.13:46
PseudoremoraExcuse me... not familiar, but which one they know13:46
NewaDr_Willis: yes, there's a dedicated webshow for that. It's good for advanced stuff when you know the basic usage13:46
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: they use non, I dont know any graphical editors. just because PS is more used doesn't make it defacto at all13:47
* Dr_Willis waits for the OT police.13:47
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: You can share that opinion, and I'll share mine.13:47
Dr_WillisNewa:  yea. some tools it takes a little video to figure out what they are actually for. :)13:47
lolcat93How do I reinstall apache2 with the default settings?13:47
Dr_Willislolcat93:  remove it with the purge option and reinstall13:47
lolcat93Dr_Willis: apt-get -purge apache2?13:47
Dr_Willispurge will remove customized configs right? or can it tell they have been edited? ive never noticed..13:48
muneebhelp somebody!13:48
iyoetany idea how to install google earth on lucid lynx??13:48
l3dxis there a guide for installing ubuntu on an ssd?13:48
PseudoremoraDr_Willis: Yes13:48
muneebi'm getting libssl error13:48
Dr_Willisiyoet:  ive seen it in the medibuntu ppa's i recall.. or you can download it from google13:48
magnetron!details | muneeb13:48
ubottumuneeb: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:48
iyoeti previously tried to unstall google earth on my lucid lynx... ut seems there;s a bug in it13:48
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: its not an opinion, defacto has latin roots for "fact", "Although his title was prime minister, hewas de facto president of the country" PS is a graphical package but MILLIONS of users use Gimp so making PS not defacto. It's not a fact at all13:48
muneebI'm getting this error13:49
muneebifyconnect: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:49
iyoet@Dr Willis: my previous lucid lynx crashed after i followed the isntruction using medibuntu repo13:49
muneebI have already installed openssl13:49
muneeband linked them13:50
iyoetthis is a new installation13:50
bastid_raZor!find libssl13:50
ubottuFound: libssl-dev, libssl0.9.8, libssl0.9.8-dbg, libcherokee-mod-libssl, libssl-ocaml (and 1 others)13:50
coz_muneeb,  try  sudo apt-get install libssl-dev13:50
Dr_Willisiyoet:  that would be odd.. medibuntu is proberly one of the most used 3rd party repos out there.13:50
oliver_is it good to run apt-get clean sometimes? or bad?13:50
Dr_Willisiyoet:  and google earth shouldent crash the whole system either.13:50
muneebi have already installed @coz_13:50
coz_muneeb,  oooo  ok13:50
Chousukeoliver_: It won't do anything bad.13:51
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Really? We're still at this? Honestly, If you were to ask most people which one they have played with or used, Photoshop would come up 8/10 times (probably all 10 actually, but whatever). Since the majority of people run either Windows, Photoshop would be easily one of the most recommended programs that people would use to edit images. That's a given. A sales person isn't going to mention Gimp, not unless they're tech13:51
magnetronIlluminatus: yes13:51
magnetronoliver_: yes13:51
bastid_raZoroliver_: it is good. it cleans out all the .deb13:51
iyoet@Dr Willis, yeahh.. it shouldn't be13:51
bastid_raZoroliver_: all the .debs your package manager has downloaded and installed13:51
iyoetbut that's what i experienced13:51
Dr_Willisiyoet:  could of been due to somthing else..its hard to prove one way or the other13:51
oliver_bastid_raZor: like .exe files in windows?13:51
iyoetin Karmic Koala, google earth works just fine, not like in Lcid Lynx13:52
ph8can i set a 'master password' on my gnome password manager/wallet? perhaps one that times out every half an hour or so13:52
muneebwhat should i do now @coz_13:52
Chousukeoliver_: at worst, if you clean out some .debs that apt will need later, it'll just redownload them.13:52
coz_muneeb,   not sure... checking  hold on13:52
muneebI'm using 64 bit ver13:52
bastid_raZoroliver_: no, .exe files are executables. and .deb files are installation files13:52
Dr_WillisFireing up google earth. - not used it in ages13:53
oliver_Chousuke: so it cannot happen any bad things?13:53
Pseudoremora.sh = .exe for Linux13:53
iyoet@Dr Willis: is there any screencast about google earth installation in lucid lynx???13:53
Chousukeoliver_: right.13:53
muneebif u want details i have posted logs on Ubuntu Forums->General Help13:53
oliver_bastid_raZor: alright thx :)13:53
terryHow to hide a folder while writing it to DVD i ubuntu?13:53
Chousukeoliver_: it just clears the download cache, nothing else.13:53
iyoet@Dr Willis: i've googled it since week ago.. but haven't found any screencast yet13:53
Dr_Willisiyoet:  i just enable the ppa, and sudo apt-get install it.. or download it from google and follow their directions. (run the .bin i recall) not much to installing it13:53
Chousukeoliver_: frees a bit of disk space13:53
bastid_raZoroliver_: i normally run apt-get clean once a week.13:54
Dr_WillisI dont see why it needs a video tutorial :)13:54
abc_I just updated my kubuntu 10.04 system with some security updates but my system doesn't boot up properly13:54
terryHow to hide a folder while writing it to DVD in ubuntu?13:54
abc_It says: XsSession: can't write to /tmp13:54
abc_It says: XSession: can't write to /tmp13:54
iyoet@Dr Willis: What ubuntu version r u using now??13:54
oliver_Chousuke: alright, but why ubuntu saves these files?13:54
coz_muneeb,   try   gksudo ln -s /usr/lib/libssl.so /usr/lib/libssl.so.4    enter your pasword and then try the program again13:54
Dr_WillisDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS13:55
oliver_bastid_raZor: ok, thx :)13:55
Chousukeoliver_: sometimes the installation might get aborted or you might need the package files again for other reasons13:55
abc_then another error occurs about "can't load /some/path/theme/oxygen13:55
terryHow to hide a folder while writing it to DVD in ubuntu???13:55
Chousukeoliver_: so they're cached to avoid having to redownload everything.13:55
abc_then command prompt appears13:55
iyoetOk, i'll try to install it again13:55
muneebok i'll try but i have already  linked them from cli13:55
Dr_Willisterry:  hide it from whom?13:55
abc_but I am able to log in with sudo startx13:55
PseudoremoraAre you guys spamming the same question?13:55
oliver_Chousuke: ok, thx :)13:55
cachedyeah. you only need to download me once13:55
terryfrom genal viewing!!13:55
aeon-ltdterry: you mean like a dot folder?13:55
abc_How can I solv this ?13:55
abc_Pseudoremora: me ?13:55
terryI mean hidden folders as in windows!!13:56
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository13:56
Pseudoremoraabc_: no, after you asked, someone else asked the same thing13:56
amokpauleHello i have 2 screens and an nvidia card.Monitors are in twinview. When i now maximize a window it gets streched over 2 screens ,how can i set it that it only gets  maximized over 1 screen but i can still move windows from one screen to another?13:56
abc_Pseudoremora: ok, so is there a solution ?13:56
Dr_Willisterry:  i dont recall windows ever actually hideing folders...   If your permissions on home are set right (or on the directory) other users cant access it or see its files.13:56
Pseudoremoraabc_: Well... so you want to hide a folder from the get go before writing it to a DVD?13:57
itsux2bufrom the questions i've seen asked in other generic *nix irc channels, all the other *nix distros should just stop generating new versions and bow to ubuntu as the winner and king of all distros..13:57
Dr_Willisamokpaule:  after enabling twinview. did you restart the X server?13:57
KomiaPoikahow can i make a vertical bar, an arobase an other special characters with an apple metal keyboard? i put it in gnome options, but it doesn't work13:57
Dr_Willisamokpaule:  or did you just hit 'apply' ?13:57
abc_Pseudoremora: no13:57
amokpauleDr_Willis: yes i did13:57
iyoet@Dr Willis: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/medibuntu-maintainers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found13:57
coz_muneeb,   ok if that doesnt work and no one else here has any suggestions  ... try the ##linux  channel13:57
abc_Pseudoremora: myquestion says that I am not able to boot in kubuntu 10.04 after I updated some security updates to ot13:58
iyoetany other ppa repo??13:58
amokpauleDr_Willis: rebooted aswell i mean13:58
Chousukeitsux2bu: Ubuntu would suffer if Debian didn't exist :P13:58
terryCan windows play the dvd I have written in ubuntu???13:58
muneebok @coz_13:58
Dr_Willisamokpaule:  i always enable it, then exit, and sudo service gdm restart.. double check that you saved the settings to the xorg.conf perhaps.13:58
Pseudoremoraabc_: Hmm... was this just a while ago?13:58
Dr_Willisterry:  if its a normal video dvd.. yes it should be able to13:58
abc_Pseudoremora: yes13:59
terryWhy what do u mean by normal?13:59
amokpauleDr_Willis: can you pat me your xorg.conf maybe? then i can chekc if i see any diffences to mine.13:59
abc_Pseudoremora: not the update but the question. I updated a day before yesterday13:59
abc_Pseudoremora: since then it says: XSession: can't write to /tmp13:59
Pseudoremoraabc_: And after updating, you're unable to boot your system?14:00
terryWhy what do u mean by normal?Dr_Willis?14:00
Dr_Willisterry:  how did you make it?14:00
abc_Pseudoremora: yes, it logs in to the shell(black screen)14:00
abhii am continuously getting a log-in message box when ever i am running firefox, persistently and a google search pointed that the particular port number is used by couchdb. the message is A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:33388. The site says: "administrator". any idea?14:00
abc_Pseudoremora: but I can login using sudo startx14:00
Dr_Willistarrant:  normal as in made for dvd players.. perhaps..14:00
Pseudoremoraabc_: Gotcha14:00
terryfrom cd/dvd creator in accessories!14:00
itsux2buChousuke, well ok debian can be allowed to exist.. or distros ubuntu is dependant on..14:00
Dr_Willisterry:  so you made a 'data' dvd ? windoss should be able to read the data on it.14:01
abc_Pseudoremora: ?14:01
Pseudoremoraabc_: Seems to me, GDM is corrupted or broken via the update you did last14:01
Pseudoremoraabc_: Yes?14:01
Dr_Willisamokpaule:  heres my xorg.conf. Not sure if its got twinview on or off -> http://pastebin.com/pc69EkgP14:01
abc_Pseudoremora: solution ?14:01
Strashniqcan someone help me ?14:01
amokpauleDr_Willis: ty14:01
Pseudoremoraabc_: Let me check something out14:01
terryBut how to hide some sensitive dsta?14:01
Dr_Willisterry:  theres vaious fuse encryption tools out there. or encrypt your whole home.14:02
Pseudoremoraabc_: In the mean time.. try relogging in and do this:: * /etc/init.d/gdm restart*14:02
Pseudoremora(without *)14:02
abc_Pseudoremora: ok14:02
Dr_Willis'sudo service gdm restart' may be more proper. :)14:02
Pseudoremoraabc_: Also, do this:: sudo apt-get clean14:03
terrylike what tools?14:03
fastaHow do I get the NetworkManager icon on the top-right of my screen? Or: what is the name of the GUI application that provides this?14:03
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems14:03
bastid_raZorfasta: nm-applet14:03
denysoniquefasta, nm-applet14:03
denysoniquebastid_raZor, you were fasta14:03
abc_Pseudoremora: just for reference, I get this error after Xsession one...Cannot open theme file /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/oxygen-air14:03
bastid_raZordenysonique: heh14:03
hunter86_bghello i need some help14:04
Pseudoremoraabc_: Oh shoot... you're using KDE -- okay14:04
hunter86_bgi am tottal newbie in linux but i`m interested to learn it14:04
fastabastid_raZor: ok, it appears that I do have that application, but for some reason it didn't start up at boot, which is the default, IIRC.14:04
Dr_Willis!manual | hunter86_bg14:04
DasEihunter86_bg: just ask14:04
ubottuhunter86_bg: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:04
abc_Pseudoremora: yes, kubuntu 10.0414:04
Pseudoremoraabc_: instead of gdm -- use kde14:04
hunter86_bgi don`t need the manual14:04
hunter86_bgi got an error while i install the ubuntu14:04
fastaabc_: he means kdm14:05
hunter86_bgvia the windows installer14:05
bastid_raZorfasta: there is normally a reason why it hasn't started. one being you installed WICD?14:05
Pseudoremoraabc_: the command you should type is this::: /etc/init.d/kdm restart14:05
bastid_raZorfasta: you could look ~/.xsession-errors  for reasons too.14:05
DasEihunter86_bg: more details ?14:05
Dr_Willishunter86_bg:  my advice - dont use  the windows/wubi thing.14:05
Dr_Willishunter86_bg:  i dont use wubi. so cant help with it.14:06
fastabastid_raZor: this is just a normal x86-64 Lucid installation.14:06
hunter86_bgwell i got no CD/DVD working14:06
hunter86_bgi can`t boot via USB14:06
hunter86_bgthis is the only way to install it ,right ?14:06
Dr_Willishunter86_bg:  I would say test it out in virtualbox.14:06
Dr_WillisI really really hate wubi. :)14:06
DasEihunter86_bg: you can mount iso in virtual clone drive14:06
hunter86_bgwell i know what linux is14:06
DasEihunter86_bg: but dualboot is nicer, in my eyes, too14:06
Pseudoremoraabc_: Also, for the other command... reboot into RECOVERY and type:: sudo apt-get clean14:06
hunter86_bgthat`s my idea14:07
Dr_WillisI would move the HD to a differnt machine to do an install  - instead of using wubi. :)14:07
hunter86_bgbut i can`t boot from CD14:07
aeon-ltdyeah dualbooting is much cleaner and in the long run better, even if you have to restore mbr14:07
DasEi..nor from usb, hmm14:07
hunter86_bgno other machine is available14:07
fastabastid_raZor: http://paste.debian.net/84971/14:07
hunter86_bgmy laptop is old14:07
BonnerI have a bit of a bizarre problem, I set up Ubuntu on my mum's laptop (I'm an Arch user) Network manager connects to our wireless network fine, we have signal and it all appears to be working. But there's no internet connection. I can't ping anything or open any webpages. Any ideas where to start looking?14:07
fastabastid_raZor: this is the contents of .xsession-errors14:07
abc_Pseudoremora: did second commnad. First command says: Usage: /etc/init.d/kdm COMMAND14:07
Pseudoremorahunter86_bg: You should check that your bios is set to boot the CD FIRST14:07
DasEihunter86_bg: no way to hook the hd to working box ?14:07
Dr_WillisBonner:  gateway and dns server setting.14:07
abc_Pseudoremora: sudo startc logs me in as root14:08
fastabastid_raZor: it does contain a bunch of things related to nm-applet, but I don't really see how someone could have broken such functionality.14:08
aeon-ltdBonner: proxy settings, firewall14:08
hunter86_bgoh my god14:08
abc_Pseudoremora: *sudo startx logs me in as root14:08
hunter86_bgcan someone open private channel14:08
Pseudoremoraabc_: Right, okay14:08
aeon-ltdhunter86_bg: why?14:08
BonnerAhh, it could be the DNS, that's a good point14:08
Pseudoremoraabc_: did auto-clean, clean stuff?14:08
=== bubble_ is now known as punjabibecks
peter__hello everyone14:08
hunter86_bgcause its difficult for me to read ,aeon-ltd14:08
peter__this is my first time14:08
Pseudoremoraabc_: type:: df -h and see if you're out of space anywher14:08
DasEi!hi | peter__14:09
ubottupeter__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:09
peter__df -h14:09
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: back from washing up. Does that make Windows the defacto OS then?14:09
peter__so     where r u all?14:09
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Well, considering the fact that Windows own 90% of the market. Yes.14:09
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: that is moot, again. Windows isn't the defacto OS14:10
DasEipeter__: mind joining #ubuntu-offtopic ?14:10
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: lol14:10
abc_Pseudoremora: my roor parition has 117 MB fre( 99% in use)14:10
=== punjabibecks is now known as bubble_
abc_Pseudoremora: auto clean removed some packages14:10
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: looks like it is. My sincere apologies: http://www.jfsowa.com/computer/standard.htm14:11
martinexhow large is your root partition?14:11
ActionParsnipinteresting stuff14:11
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: You keep telling yourself that. I have no reason to argue such futile point.14:11
martinexand how big hard disc do you have?14:11
Pseudoremorasuch a*14:11
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: anyhoo, is devilspie working out for you?14:11
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: I don't know... I'm helping someone else right now14:11
martinexdf -h in terminal14:11
martinexsudo apt-get autoremove for cleaning:)14:11
Pseudoremoraabc_: That's probably why then, too much space is being used up.14:11
muneebany 64 bit linux users IRC channel14:12
ActionParsnipPseudoremora: cool, i'm going to have a look at it myself, see what it can do14:12
PseudoremoraActionParsnip: Sounds good, I'll PM you later14:12
sivahi all14:12
fastabastid_raZor: problem solved. For some reason the whole panel containing the icons was gone...14:12
Pseudoremoraabc_: Read what martinex said.14:12
martinexI have 6GB partition for root and still I have free memory on it14:12
DasEimuneeb: for ubuntu it's here, in general they are not seperated 32/6414:12
sivai cant copy or delete anything in my flash memory, i think it got virus from windows14:13
DasEimuneeb: #linux;; which OS in use ?14:13
hunter86_bgI need help -I want to make a Dualboot/the linux to be on D:/,My CD/DVD drive is not working and i don`t have another PC ,please give some advices14:13
abc_Pseudoremora: martinex autoremove doesn't remove anything14:13
Pseudoremoraabc_: OKay that's fine14:13
muneebDasEi I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit14:13
muneebMy prob is not solved here14:13
DasEimuneeb: so you'r in the right channel :)14:13
martinexremove useless aplications14:13
muneebbut my prob is unsolved14:14
ChogyDanhunter86_bg: how about a usb drive?14:14
abc_martinex: ok, trying14:14
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, do you have a working windows partition?14:15
martinexhow much memory do you have on your hard disc drive?14:15
martinexdf -h in terminal14:15
DasEimuneeb: I haven't read it, what's the issue ?14:15
hunter86_bg I need help -I want to make a Dualboot/the linux to be on D:/,My CD/DVD drive is not working and i don`t have another PC ,please give some advices14:15
muneebDasEi,  I'm having problem with libssl14:15
martinexusb drive like pendrives:)14:15
DasEiwhats wrong with it ?, muneeb14:16
Junikszhello, linux has a free working sms sender software?or somebody know how can i send sms via pc for free?14:16
PseudoremoraJuniksz: You Google Voice14:16
muneebERROR is sifyconnect: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:16
muneebDasEi,  I've installed openssl14:16
DasEiJuniksz: not ubuntu-related, google free sms, several sites14:16
sivaone min i ll show command results14:16
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, is your windows partition working? in that case you can use unetbootin14:16
hunter86_bgItai_michaelson i got an error http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/1088/ubuntuwininstallererror.jpg14:17
hunter86_bgi don`t know what exactly it means14:17
hunter86_bgit was run as administrator14:17
muneebDasEi, I have done the symlinking also14:17
hunter86_bgtried to run the windows installer as win xp - same problem14:17
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, is this wubi or something ?14:18
muneebDasEi, if u want the logs I have posted them on Ubuntu Forums->General Help14:18
idlecoolthere is a problem with network-manager, when ever i connect my usb mobile broadband connection... i gets connected for a while and then quickly get disconnected14:18
adi_phwhere is the frontend for the file-roller?14:18
ChogyDanhunter86_bg: I recommend you get a usb drive that you can boot off of.  You will be glad you have it if anything goes wrong14:18
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, forget wubi.  back up all your important file to an external media and use unetbootin to install linux to your d drive14:19
MTK358adi_ph: file_roller IS the front-end!14:19
adi_phMTK358, where is it located?14:19
hunter86_bgitai_michaleson -yes i used wibi for installing ubuntu under windows14:19
sivahi all see this i cant delete anything in my flash pen drive 4 GB http://pastebin.com/BcwMLyzv14:19
MTK358adi_ph: file-roller is a GUI application that actually uses command-line tools "behind the scenes" to do the work.14:20
ActionParsnipJuniksz: http://linuxxu.com/sms-gateway-with-ubuntu-9-10.htm   maybe14:20
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, forget wubi...first try a USB install, if that doesnt work look for unetbootin (a software that runs on windows ,creates a cleaner install than wubi) but USB is your first option14:20
adi_phMTK358, :(14:20
adi_phMTK358, btw thanks for the info.14:20
sivahow to change the readonly file system14:20
JunikszActionParsnip, i'll see, thanks14:20
=== ubuntu is now known as nilsma
martinexmaybe your pendrive has a switch just like memory cards SD14:21
hunter86_bgitai_michaelson please give step by step guide- I guess i have to download the CD image, then to somehow copy it to my USB14:21
idlecoolthere is a problem with network-manager, when ever i connect my usb mobile broadband connection... it gets connected for a while and then quickly get disconnected.. any specific way to resolve it?14:21
MTK358adi_ph: so file-roller is the front-end while the command line tools like tar, zip, unzip, gz, etc. are the back-ends.14:21
sh4d3sl4y3r_is there a way to change the gdm login screen for 10.04?14:21
adi_phMTK358, yah got it.14:21
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, i will google a tutorial for you14:21
adi_phsh4d3sl4y3r_, install gdm2setup14:21
sh4d3sl4y3r_adi_ph: affirmative14:22
sivamartinex: no it doesnt have. it happene because i pluged into one  windows system14:22
adi_phsh4d3sl4y3r_, hmm???14:22
ActionParsniphunter86_bg: did you MD5 test the file you downloaded?14:22
sh4d3sl4y3r_adi_ph: where are you from?14:22
martinexon windows can you save in this pen?14:22
adi_phsh4d3sl4y3r_, are you shadslayer?14:22
hunter86_bgActionParnsnip well i tried several times with new downloads14:23
sh4d3sl4y3r_negative.. its one of my online alias names14:23
muneebDasEi, are u suggesting me anything to do14:23
fishcookerradio streaming14:23
sivano now i cant do anything in any OS14:23
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, which version of ubuntu you want to install ?14:23
martinexbackup your data and format this pendrive14:23
adi_phsh4d3sl4y3r_, same here. i am not me. this is my friends nick. i just installed ubuntu on his pc and now setting his ubuntu. guess who am i??? :D14:23
hunter86_bgwell , my Laptop is old and I don`t know if the latest Version of KUbuntu will work14:24
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, look here : http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/14:24
itsux2buwhat is the name of the desktop gui that ubuntu defaults to?14:25
adi_ph!gnome | itsux2bu14:25
ubottuitsux2bu: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.14:25
sh4d3sl4y3r_adi_ph: there is no gdm-setup in the repositories14:25
adi_phsh4d3sl4y3r_, yes there is no. you need to take it from their launchpad site14:25
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, if your laptop can run win7 then it can run ubuntu , i suppose...14:26
sivano now i cant do anything in any OS14:26
fishcookercan i handle radio streaming with mplayer, everyone... any pointer?14:26
hunter86_bgitai_michaelson the problem is that it CAN`T boot from USB and my CD/DVD Drive has fialed14:26
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, ok , in that case - go for unetbooti14:26
hunter86_bgis it possible just to copy the files and install some program to create a dualboot ?14:27
macbuntu0Will my Radeon x1600 work in Lucid with the proprietary drivers? I have been held in Ubuntu Hardy with the ATI drivers 9.3 because they wouldn't support recent versions of X.Org... Help appreciated!! I'm afraid of pressing the button "partial upgrade" in my Synaptic window... (macbuntu0)14:27
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, that program is called unetbootin14:27
itsux2buhunter86_bg  <<- itsux2bu14:27
=== toby is now known as Guest50830
hunter86_bgwell i will search the program and what i can do with it14:27
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, before you do anything - make usre you understand linux partitions and back up all your files14:28
=== Guest50830 is now known as cookie
martinexand BIOS of your motherboard must be supported booting from USB drive14:28
martinexold MB can't load from USB drives14:28
DasEimuneeb: sry,had to clean my desk so couldn't answer , you installed openssl, what went wromg ?14:28
hunter86_bgNO USB BOOT IS SUPPORTED!14:28
hunter86_bgi said it 15 times14:28
hunter86_bgsrry for the caps14:28
DasEihunter86_bg: but a second hd is supported by that lap as you said d: drive ??14:29
muneebDasEi, everything went well... but dont know application is unable to detect those14:29
itai_michaelsonhunter86_bg, look for a tutorial on dual booting, once unetbootin is installed , you reboot the computer and a menu apperas , this menu allows you to start an installation similar to installing from CD except it will download everything from the internet, you will need to understand how to dual boot, make sure you dont erase your windows partition!14:29
Oerhunter86_bg, no cd-rom drive, no bootable usb, no other pc to do netinstall, i do not have a solution14:29
DasEimuneeb: link to the forum or whole story here ?14:29
itai_michaelsonOer, unetbootin is the solution14:30
Strashniqwell if it wasn`t so bad i wouldnt join the #ubuntu14:30
DasEimuneeb: reading it ..14:30
Oeritai_michaelson, read : he cannot boot from usb14:30
itai_michaelsonOer, he doesnt need to14:31
itai_michaelsonOer,  unetbootin is a little like wubi except is creates its own partition14:31
StrashniqI just need to copy all files from the cd to the drive and create some solution to force my PC to dualboot14:31
Oeritai_michaelson, his hardware must be able, wich is not.14:32
DasEimuneeb: what is sifyconnect ? idk such paket14:32
itai_michaelsonOer, must be able to do what ?14:32
tarvany good open-source quest games?14:32
muneebit's my internet dialer14:32
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, what are you trying to do?14:32
Strashniqok ,Distribution set to Kubuntu ,what version to pick ?14:32
Strashniqits me -hunter86_bg14:33
bastid_raZortarv: like 'battle of wesnoth' ?14:33
macbuntu0Will my ATI Radeon x1600 work in Lucid with the proprietary drivers? I have been held in Ubuntu Hardy with the ATI drivers 9.3 because they wouldn't support recent versions of X.Org...Or do the open source drivers support 3D acceleration and dual monitors...? Help appreciated!! I'm afraid of pressing the button "partial upgrade" in my Synaptic window and ending up with the graphics screwed.. (macbuntu0)14:33
itai_michaelsonStrangeCharm, are you using unetbootin now?14:33
tarvbastid_razor, i'll try that one.  any others?14:33
ChogyDanmacbuntu0: I thought that the drivers got updated14:33
bastid_raZortarv: right off, that is all i can think of.14:33
macbuntu0ChogyDan: u mean the prop or the open?14:34
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, are you using unetbooting now? (you chose a difficult name)14:34
Strashniqitai_michaelson Its me hunter86_bg ,14:34
Strashniqyeah i have to set the version14:34
DasEimuneeb: no idea of it, do you connect via a modem , then username and password ?14:34
muneebDasEi, it was working on 32 bit os but now on 64 bit its not working14:34
bastid_raZortarv: if you look in the software center it will catagorize games14:34
ChogyDanmacbuntu0: I don't know.  I just thought in general the drivers were late to update, but would make it before release14:34
tarvbastid_razor, ok thanks.  i'll have a look.14:34
muneebit's not modem14:34
Strashniqitai_michaelson should i pick the NetInstall ?14:35
macbuntu0ChogyDan: do you have enay idea where I could find that info?14:35
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, i cant help you here cause i dont use kubuntu, just go for the latest version, yes net install14:35
muneebDasEi, it's PPPoE connection14:35
ChogyDanmacbuntu0: btw, a partial upgrade should not upgrade you to a later version.  It should just install new packages, like kernel updates14:35
ChogyDan!notes | macbuntu014:35
ubottumacbuntu0: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100414:35
DasEimuneeb: right, so a modem-like... does ifconfig show your eth0 ?14:35
Strashniqitai_michaelson should i choose Hard Disk type ?14:35
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, make sure you know how to part the disc BEFORE you start the installation14:36
muneebDasEi, yep14:36
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, yes hard disc14:36
macbuntu0ChogyDan: so u think my graphics will stay just the same after the partial upgrade?14:36
DasEimuneeb: try without that dialer, sudo pppoeconf14:36
Strashniqitai_michaelson well i plan to make it dualboot -its NTFS for now14:36
ChogyDanmacbuntu0: ya, but you can check for sure by using the command line: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:36
muneebi tried already but it doesnt work14:37
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, if you lose windows your and the install goes wrong your computer will be useless14:37
muneebDasEi, they told me to use their client14:37
DasEimuneeb: did you compile that driver from source again ?14:37
macbuntu0alright, thank you, I'll have a look at the release notes too14:37
Strashniqitai_michaelson so we have to do it the right way ...14:37
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, listen ,when you get to the partition part - choose "manual"14:37
muneebDasEi, it's just a binary file14:38
muneebDasEi, cant compile it14:38
Strashniqitai_michaelson how much space do i need to install the ubuntu ?14:38
DasEimuneeb: what do you get in pppoeconf ?14:38
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, listen very carefully - when you get to the partition option do not choose any "resize " option. understand?14:39
Strashniqitai_michaelson i`m still making space for the drive - how much space i should have ?14:39
Oer!cn | deng14:39
ubottudeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:39
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, once the install start , i cant help you, how many partitions do you have ? how big are they?14:39
muneebDasEi, idk the exact error but i read about ISP that they use My MAC and Static IP to encypt the traffic thro' their dialer14:40
itai_michaelsondeng 这里没人会中文14:40
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Strashniqitai_michaelson C:-20 gig D: 20 gig E: 10-15 gig14:40
DasEimuneeb: which ppoeconf wouldn't alter14:40
muneebDasEi, i'll tell u the error if u want in about 2 min14:41
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, i would go for the 20 gig D partition, remember that linux names them differently, do you know if C is the first partition on the disc?14:41
tarvbastid-razor, do you know of any game like 'myst' for linux?14:41
Guest30080pas de bluetooth sur xubuntu ?14:41
DasEimuneeb: sorry, can't help there as it seems to be a provider-specific app, you can try to install the 32 bit variant by getlibs14:41
kishdo i need bluez to run bluetooth??14:42
Strashniqitai_michaelson C: is the main , D: is encrypted ,won`t be accessible without the program i use14:42
kishdo i really need it?14:42
Dr_Willistarv:  a lot of the old dos games work in dosbox if you can find the dos versions of myst and so forth. :)14:42
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:42
bastid_raZortarv: no14:42
ChogyDantarv: try playdeb.net also14:42
Dr_Willistarv:  theres also the SCUMMVM for the old lucas arts type adventure games.14:42
muneebDasEi, ok no prob btw thanx for giving time14:42
ZykoticK9DasEi, i think a getlibs factoid would be a good idea14:42
DasEimuneeb: http://explore-ubuntu.blogspot.com/2010/04/getlibs.html14:43
tarvok, i'll check that stuff out.  thanks.14:43
DasEiZykoticK9: I will suggest14:43
itai_michaelsonStrashniq, E will be fine then , remeber that linux names them differently, when you start installing linux there will no more C. D and E, they will appear as HDA1, HDA2 HDA3 or SDA1 SDA2 or other combinations depending on how many discs you have14:43
Strashniqwon`t it be sda0 ?14:44
Strashniqits sata drive14:44
smwStrashniq, the number starts from 1. So sda114:44
Oer!hi | LightU14:48
ubottuLightU: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:48
LightUAnybody using a wireless ipw2100 module?14:49
itsux2busda is the first hard drive (drive c: in windows OS) .. is sdb 2nd hard drive? (drive d:)14:50
adi_phitsux2bu, no14:50
zakeI have problem with jquery :(14:50
itsux2buok.. if i have 2 hard drives.. how do i access the second one?14:51
LightUitsux2bu, dmesg14:51
aeon-ltditsux2bu: put it in fstab to mount at boot14:51
helloerHello, ubuntu 10.04 dont find my screen, why?(Samsung syncmaster 931bw)14:52
ZykoticK9helloer, you may be getting an error "no screen found" but it isn't directly related to your actual monitor (SyncMaster), it has something to do with Xorg and probably your graphics driver really.  Good luck.14:53
itsux2bulets say thats been done..  i mean.. things like  ls -al   and  cd /    in windows i do   dir c:    and   dir d:   or  cd c:  or cd d:14:53
aaaahey how is everone doing today14:53
helloerZykoticK9, i cant change resolution(max 1024)14:53
aaaacheck out www.usawirelessplans.com14:53
helloerAnd this dont work with geforce 6200 and gigabyte gtx46014:54
LightUitsux2bu, if you open a console and type "dmesg" in it14:54
ZykoticK9helloer, what graphics card are you using?  "lspci | grep -i vga" if you aren't sure.14:54
LightUcheck if you see that 2nd drive14:54
helloerZykoticK9, Tested on geforce 6200 and gtx 46014:54
LightUyou may need to type dmesg | more to see the whole output14:54
ZykoticK9helloer, for the geforce install nvidia driver perhaps.  Is the gtx460 an ATI card?14:55
ZykoticK9helloer, System / Admin / Hardware Drivers - install the recommended nvidia driver then...14:56
ali_hey everyone14:56
bryan_R59Hi, I use Gnome. They say GvidCap is for Gnome and/or GTK. So how do i use gvidcap?14:56
bryan_R59most i download the source and compile for myself?14:57
LightUi guess so14:57
ZykoticK9bryan_R59, what does gvidcap do?  if it's screencast software perhaps gtk-recordmydesktop would work?14:58
ali_I am developing a device, just for fun; a rubic cube saving your moves. I want to connect it to PC via USB cable, but I don't have any Idea about how to use USB port. Where can I get help? (about the port, for example how to get voltage from it, and how to read data using python,c++ or asm)14:59
ZykoticK9ali_, i don't have a suggestion of a channel for you (not a programmer myself), but your question is a bit offtopic for this channel... good luck man.15:00
muneebCan we find from a binary ELF file (by using some sort of reverse engg) that from where it is taking the source for libraries???15:01
ali_sorry, I know here is not the place, but if I could learn where to go, It would be much better15:01
erUSULali_: libusb? http://www.libusb.org/15:02
LightUVery plaisant Lubuntu 10.0415:03
muneeb@ALL Can we find from a binary ELF file (by using some sort of reverse engg) that from where it is taking the source for libraries???15:03
l3dxI'm trying to find a guide for installing ubuntu to an SSD drive, does anybody know of such a guide?15:03
ali_erUSUL: thanks for the link, it will probably be useful; but I dont know how to use the port :$15:03
LightUHello ubuntu15:03
adi_ph!hi | LightU15:04
ubottuLightU: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:04
erUSULali_: the better place to ask is probably the liux-usb kernel mailing list15:04
sivahi all see this i cant delete anything in my flash pen drive 4 GB http://pastebin.com/BcwMLyzv15:04
eliotn@?water elemental15:04
adi_ph:( my bad15:04
eliotnmy bad15:04
ali_erUSUL: thanks a lot, that's what I wanted15:04
ChogyDansiva: have you tried reformatting?15:05
sivachogydan: how to do so15:05
ZykoticK9siva, "read only filesystem" is your issue - is this a FAT/NTFS formatted drive?15:05
TiKsiva: it mounted read only15:05
TiKsiva: remount it15:06
sivazykotick9: ya i used this form windows, due to virus i became like this i think15:06
sivatik: how to remount15:06
ZykoticK9siva, mounting windows stuff is not something i can help with - hopefully someone else can.  Good luck.15:06
adi_ph!tab | siva15:06
ubottusiva: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:06
StevethepirateAnyone know of a decent proxy that allows load balancing, but also has support for squid for upstreams?15:06
sivaubottu, ok thanks15:07
TiKsiva: umount and remount it15:08
TiKsiva: eject it from gui he mount it15:08
ZykoticK9siva, FYI the mount command you use is crucial to getting read/write with Windows partitions15:08
sivaZykoticK9, i cant understand15:09
abc_Is there any significant difference between ubuntu netbook vs desktop eddition15:09
ZykoticK9siva, sorry, if you are using the GUI/Nautilus then it "should" be mounting with read/write.  I was thinking from cli or fstab15:09
ChogyDanabc_: the interface15:09
firstgearoneis there a command that will show all installed packages from within the console?15:10
abc_ChogyDan: and nothing else ?  I would still be able to use all s/w on it as I use on my desktop ?15:10
ZykoticK9abc_, Desktop you can do anything with, while Netbook is "locked down" these days... just opinion15:10
abc_ChogyDan: I have a laptop so would it be recommended to install netbook edii=tion ?15:10
ravenhow to create a symbolic link to a smb folder?15:10
ZykoticK9abc_, i'd recommend using desktop if you have the space (personal opinion though)15:11
sivaTiK, i have unmounted by right clicking and selecting eject. now how can i mount it15:11
ChogyDanabc_: ya, it is just the interface15:11
d3vic3firstgearone: dpkg --get-selections15:11
abc_ZykoticK9: didn't get you over "locked down" ?15:11
patrick_comment editer grub2 pour changer noyau15:11
TiKsiva: well i need some inforation first like is it fat32 and /dev/da?15:11
ZykoticK9abc_, you can't make changes to the Netbook interface that used to be possible15:11
ravenhow to create a symbolic link to a smb folder?15:12
firstgearonedevice: thanks15:12
TiKraven ln -s15:12
thomashcanyone know how to install gnocl on ubuntu?15:12
d3vic3patrick_: here you find your answer http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html15:13
sivaTiK, sorry i cant understand what u mean, wether i need to type any commands in terminal?15:13
gonzaloafhello, Iḿ trying to updgrade wine but i receive this error: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_1.2-0ubuntu1~jauntyppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack):15:13
gonzaloaf trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/wine.menu', which is also in package wine1.2 0:1.1.42-0ubuntu415:13
gonzaloaf, any clue to solve it?15:13
sinuxraven, run ln -s <target Folder> <destination Folder>15:13
TiKsiva: try this mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/RunTMUS15:13
ChogyDangonzaloaf: what version ubuntu are you running?15:13
TiKsiva: try this sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/RunTMUS15:13
sinuxraven, run the command as sudo in the terminal15:14
gonzaloafChogyDan, lucid15:14
ZykoticK9TiK, that won't work for Windows formatted drive siva15:14
TiKnot DOS formatted?15:14
ChogyDangonzaloaf: do you know how to manage your sources?15:14
TiKlike the default15:14
ZykoticK9TiK, FAT or NTFS15:14
ravensinux, link faulty15:14
TiKmy flash drive is fat15:15
TiKthey are all fat15:15
gonzaloafChogyDan, yep15:15
sinuxraven, wht15:15
sivaZykoticK9, ya this is windows formatted drive15:15
ravensinux link does not work15:15
ZykoticK9TiK, so "-t ext3" is incorrect15:15
TiKoh auto typig15:15
TiKsiva: try this sudo mount -t fat32 /dev/sdb1 /media/RunTMUS15:15
ChogyDangonzaloaf: remove the wine ppa that is listed for jaunty15:15
sinuxraven, Please tell me the command you ran15:16
sivaTiK, not working15:16
sivaTiK, it shows that "mount: mount point /media/RunTMUS does not exist"15:16
john_dophello there, can any1 help with a dual boot install of W7 and 10.04, both 64bit, after ubuntu install, no booting, it stops at verifying DMI pool15:16
TiKwhats the output it might not be/dev/sdb115:16
TiKsiva: sudo mkdir /fdrive15:16
ZykoticK9siva, TiK /media/RunTMUS would need to exist.15:16
ravensinux, sudo ln -s smb:// ~/Musik15:16
TiKsiva: try this sudo mount -t fat32 /dev/sdb1 /fdrive15:16
TiKZykoticK9: i thought it did :P15:17
josh1Hello, Pidgin starts automatically as ubuntu with GNOME session starts but I haven't added it in start programms. Do you know how to prevent pidgin's process at start ?15:17
LightUbye, see u15:17
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, sounds like a BIOS problem15:17
sinuxraven, you want create a SImlink across a network ?15:18
TiKsiva: if you are just removing everything reformat it...15:18
john_dopmichaelson: i guess u're right15:18
ravensinux, yes15:18
TiKsiva: with gparted15:18
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop,  did the installation go alright?15:18
mobalhi all15:18
john_dopmichaelson: it's a new install, evga X58 sli mobo15:18
john_dopi am confused at the sata/ata settings and how it boots15:18
ChogyDanjosh1: when did it start?15:18
sivaTiK, it says mount: unknown filesystem type 'fat32'15:18
sivamount: maybe you meant 'vfat'?15:18
john_dopmichaelson: W7 installed fine o nthe sata0 drive15:18
gonzaloafChogyDan, Thanks, it is solved15:19
sinuxraven, ok give me some time i'll get back to you15:19
ravensinux, ok15:19
TiKsiva: try me.. if yo are going to rm * just reformat15:19
phelix^Hey, new to ubuntu. Can i change the gnome terminal to a prettier one?15:19
mobali need help. my host os is ubuntu 10.04. i have a virtual win 2k3. so host is ubuntu and guest os is win2k3. i cannot ping host os. how can i troubleshoot my problem?15:19
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, did the linux install go okay?15:19
john_dopmichaelson: ubuntu installed fine too -- the first time -- on the ata drive, on reboot grub won't be able to start the W715:19
adi_phanyone knows any pet or bird related channel?15:19
ChogyDangonzaloaf: yw15:19
TiKmobal: you need to set it as bridged15:19
john_dopnothing helped, update-grub and alike, even lilo didn't want to install15:20
mobali set...15:20
john_dopso i fixed mbr from recovery disk on w715:20
sivaTiK,  from gparted i cant see this pendrive available in list15:20
ZykoticK9mobal, what software are you using for virtualization?  vbox or vmware, something else?15:20
john_dopmichaelson: then i tried to recover ubuntu with some ideas from the net, ntohing helped really, so i saiod, will just reinstall from scratch15:20
sivaTiK,  how can i reformat15:20
john_dopmichaelson: install wenbt fine, then on reboot nothing boots it stops at verifying DMI pool15:21
ZykoticK9siva, FYI reformatting will delete everything that's currently there!15:21
sivaZykoticK9, is FYI is a command?15:22
john_dopusing bios defaults, sata0 1.5tb and ubuntu was supposed to use a dedicated 300gb disk15:22
ZykoticK9siva, sorry (F)or (Y)our (I)nformation15:22
mobalim using vbox15:22
john_dopthat's what i chose in partition guide anyway15:22
mobalfrsh install from oracle's website15:22
ZykoticK9mobal, perhaps as in #vbox then?15:22
mobalyes, thanks15:23
StevethepirateAnyone know of a decent proxy that allows load balancing, but also has support for squid for upstreams?15:23
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, i will go for another install, most probably a faulty media or bad sectors on the disc , if possible i would go with the alternate CD rather than 'desktop' CD15:23
john_dopmichaelson: however it seems to me like the system is not very stable, i got several restarts just too easy, even in windows15:23
sivaZykoticK9, shall i expect command for reformatting from u... :(15:23
ZykoticK9Stevethepirate, as you didn't get an answer last time - you might want to ask in ##networking15:23
sinuxraven, your other PC is it windows or ubuntu15:23
ZykoticK9siva, from me?  no.15:24
john_dopmichaelson: what do u mean by alternate cd?15:24
john_dopmichaelson: btw, was using an usb live15:24
StevethepirateZykoticK9: ty, it's kinda late in the US right now so hoping some late night people might spot a post :)15:24
sivaTiK, how to reformat15:24
twigam trying to install a swl-2300u netopia usb wireless card using http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/94685-wireless-lan-linux.html, i have ndiswrapper installed and loaded with modprobe, lsusb,dmesg and ndiswrapper -l all show the device, but iwconfig so no wireless extensions.  i cant seem to find ne thing to get past this point, cany nebody point me in the right direction and/or help?15:24
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, when you download your Cd from ubuntu's website theree are several options , one is called alternate (teh default is 'desktop')15:24
twigerr..   10.04LTS15:24
john_dopok, i was surely using desktop15:25
john_dopok, will try thaT, TY15:25
emacs_noobwhere can i change $PATH for "sudo" prefixed commands?15:25
ZykoticK9Stevethepirate, ahh think your confused with what time(s) it is in North America - it's morning15:25
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, however i would suspect a hardware problem, maybe its bets to reinstall windows and go to the manufacturer15:25
bryan_R59no matter what i try. XVidcap will not record my audio. :(15:25
bryan_R59i just get weird noises15:26
ravensinux its a linux server15:26
muellisoftemacs_noob: dunno really but you might want to check /etc/sudoers.15:26
john_dopmichaelson: i see, i guess will stick then with w7 for a while and see how it behaves (it worked fine actually, until the dual boot moment)15:26
StevethepirateZykoticK9: oh sheesh. I'm in .za, haven't slept in 2 days, apology.15:27
ibrahim-kasemhow can i know if my cpu is 64bit capable15:27
knightragedoes anybody here have any familiarity with Wake-On-LAN functionality? i've done all the steps listed in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234588 ... i've configured it in my BIOS, configured it using ethtool.. verified that the magic packet is being sent properly by using wireshark, but the computer does not turn on either from completely shut off or in suspend mode. any ideas?15:27
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, cat /proc/cpuinfo15:27
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, thats probably the safest options, some manufacturers will give you a hard time if you install linux , the will refuse to accept the warranty15:28
john_dopmichaelson: but, what did you mean by alternate, in there there are a couple torrents alternatives for 10.04.115:28
muellisoftibrahim-kasem: probably read /proc/cpuinfo. I guess address sizes is the relevant informatino.15:28
itai_michaelsonjohn_dop, the alternate is a non-graphical install (a bit like XP's)15:28
ibrahim-kasemZykoticK9, please see the out put http://pastebin.com/Nb9m3Vjx15:28
ZykoticK9!alternate | john_dop15:28
ubottujohn_dop: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:28
john_dopitai_michaelson: thank you15:29
sinuxraven, this might help you friend http://superuser.com/questions/62587/mount-a-samba-share-and-create-symbolic-link15:29
john_dopgreat, thanks15:29
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, I believe (but could be wrong) that all the Intel Core 2 DUOs are 64bit - you'd need to confirm however15:29
bazhangZykoticK9, yep15:30
ibrahim-kasemZykoticK9, what should i do to make sure please ? is there anything that i can do ?15:30
bazhangcore duo's not core 2 are15:30
muellisoftibrahim-kasem: you could simply boot a 64bit Kernel.15:30
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, if bazhang agrees - you're good15:30
muellisoftbut yeah. all Core2duos are 64bit.15:30
ibrahim-kasemZykoticK9, bazhang ? what is this15:31
bazhangibrahim-kasem, core duo or core 2 duo15:31
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, who is that15:31
bastid_raZoribrahim-kasem: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i lm  ..if you get any results then you have a 64bit capable processor15:31
ibrahim-kasembastid_raZor, http://pastebin.com/G7QCp7G3  this is the output15:32
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, happen to know what lm stands for?  That's a cool test if it works.15:32
ibrahim-kasembazhang, core 2 duo in my laptop hp dv6 1045ee15:32
bazhangibrahim-kasem, 64bit as ZykoticK9 said15:32
ravensinux, ok tnx15:33
ibrahim-kasembazhang, but when i install the lucid 64bit I get a random freezing problems ! and the iso file is okay i used md515:33
bastid_raZorZykoticK9: this is what i used to reference lm.. it doesn't give a definition but gives a location where you can find flag identifiers. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/proc-cpuinfo-flag-lm-358563/15:34
sinuxraven, welcome15:34
BluesKajibrahim-kasem, ati graphics?15:34
bazhangibrahim-kasem, burned slowly and did the disk integrity check as well? if the problems persists after that try the alternate installer15:34
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, thanks15:34
bastid_raZoribrahim-kasem: yes, they are correct. you have a 64bbit capable processor15:34
ibrahim-kasemBluesKaj, no nvidia my friend15:34
RenatoSilvaI don't remember when and how but the sound it makes when you log in stopped working. What can I do?15:35
ibrahim-kasembazhang, what is the alternate installer ? I tried installing it using usb flash disc and a well burned compact disc but the result is the same15:36
ZykoticK9RenatoSilva, do you have Ubuntu-tweak installed?15:36
bazhangibrahim-kasem, text only installer15:36
bazhang!alternate | ibrahim-kasem15:36
ubottuibrahim-kasem: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:36
jellowinstalling grub where is hd0?15:36
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, i don't think you can use alternate cd on USB flash...15:36
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ibrahim-kasemZykoticK9, i will use the alternate disc it is not necessary to use a flash disc right ?15:37
jellowis hd0 the new installed system?15:37
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, i believe it will ONLY work from disc15:37
ZykoticK9ibrahim-kasem, s/disc/cd15:37
ibrahim-kasemZykoticK9, yeah no problem i will do that15:38
BluesKajibrahim-kasem, I used the altenate install on my older desktop and it worked , whereas the live cd couldn't read my HW15:38
ibrahim-kasemZykoticK9, bazhang, BluesKaj thank you very much guys15:38
ibrahim-kasemmuellisoft, thnx dude15:38
bazhangibrahim-kasem, welcome and good luck15:39
ragaxxW WINDOWS15:39
BluesKajibrahim-kasem, hope it works for you :)15:39
sbalerioave server15:40
ibrahim-kasemBluesKaj,  what is the HW please ?15:42
ibrahim-kasemBluesKaj, live cd couldn't read your HW15:43
cescI need an application to make a snapshot of a windows on ubuntu. Any recommendations?15:44
slimjimflimhi i've got 3 sound cards: 1 integrated, and 2 pci, and none of them are working15:44
slimjimflimi enabled all the controls through the mixer and turned up all the volumes15:45
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BluesKajHardware, my old ati graphics card or cdrom drive.Not sure which, but it wouldn't install15:45
sinuxcesc, like a screen capture software or do you want something to print screen15:45
Aquinacesc try dd and then zip it if < 2Gb or alse use tar.gz (tarball and compress).15:45
ibrahim-kasemcesc, application > accessories  > take snapshot15:45
slimjimflimit works fine when i boot from windows (dual boot)15:45
ibrahim-kasemcesc, you dont have to install anything15:45
Aquina<slimjimflim> running them all together wont work well! Choose one which is supported (ubuntuhcl.org) and then set it up.15:45
cescthanks ibrahim-kasem15:46
ibrahim-kasemcesc, your welcome15:46
slimjimflimAquina: ok15:46
jellowI installed grub to my usb stick and not my hd how can i fix this?15:47
bastid_raZorZykoticK9: possibly lm stands for long mode15:49
josh1Hello, Pidgin starts automatically as ubuntu with GNOME session starts but I haven't added it in start programms. How to prevent pidgin's process at start ?15:51
ge0_hi allll15:51
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ibrahim-kasemge0_, heyy15:52
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ge0_this is the 1st time i use irc15:52
magnetron!grub | jellow15:52
ubottujellow: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:52
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ge0_i just downloaded from ubuntu software center15:53
ibrahim-kasemge0_, nice15:53
adi_phi am unable to connect to my wireless. i am currently connected using eth0. and i can connect to that wifi from my windows. i am using lucid 64 bit. it continuesly asks for password.15:56
ZEknoxadi_ph: what type of encryption on the wifi?15:56
adi_phZEknox, wep15:57
ZEknoxadi_ph: and your certain you typed in the key correctly?  case-sensitive15:57
magnetronadi_ph: you are typing in the password in the wrong format, or you are typing in the wrong password15:57
adi_phZEknox, magnetron i can access my router from windows by typing but not from my this ubuntu? help?15:58
adi_phZEknox, magnetron password is correct15:58
magnetronadi_ph: you need to type in the password in the CORRECT FORMAT15:58
ZEknoxcan ubuntu ping
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, thanks!15:58
coobra 15:58
adi_phmagnetron, what is correct format?15:58
adi_phZEknox, no cant ping to
bastid_raZorZykoticK9: you peaked my interest and made me dig farther. thank you.15:59
magnetronadi_ph: you are currently using the wrong format15:59
magnetronadi_ph: try another format15:59
adi_phmagnetron, you mean wep and wpa personal?15:59
magnetronadi_ph: no.15:59
adi_phmagnetron, then?15:59
seisetepcwep is a best15:59
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, ;) - that a really handy test for the "does my cpu support 64" i must say - i'm certainly stealing your command.15:59
ZEknoxadi_ph: what is the ip address on eth0?15:59
magnetronadi_ph: i am talking about the format of the WEP key.15:59
adi_phZEknox, automatic15:59
marajais it possible to recover data from a partition when this message ocurs: the disk has no valid partition table ?????????????16:00
ZEknoxzeltak: it is on the 192.168.1/24 network? or does it get a 169.x.x.x?16:00
adi_phmagnetron, its 40/128 bit16:00
Mimohow to use windows users on samba?16:00
ZolHow can I search a man page for a word and retrieve the line where it's located?16:01
magnetronadi_ph: there's the hexadecimal format and another format16:01
adi_phmagnetron, i am sure that its not hex16:02
bastid_raZorZol: you could type /searchstring then press enter and it will highlight the searchstring. then you could copy/paste it16:02
magnetronadi_ph: there is no standard way of using non-hexadecimal keys in WEP. find the hexadecimal version of your key and type it in in Ubuntu, when the "hexadecimal" format is selected in the password dialog. then come back here16:03
twig_bastid_razor: im new to linux so im not sure but would grep <patter> <file> work for zol's question?16:03
adi_phmagnet, ok i wll try it now going offline from eth0 to try wireless16:03
twig_pattern that is16:03
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bastid_raZortwig_: yes, if he knows the exact location of the manpage file.16:04
wildc4rdafternoon all16:06
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bastid_raZortwig_: i tend to use grep -i   since -i will disregard case16:08
nshwhat is needed to be done after editing /etc/hosts for the changes to have effect?16:11
magnetronnsh: nothing16:11
DasEinsh: instantly16:11
twig_im trying to get a swl-2300u usb wireless card working on 10.04,  installed ndiswrapper, ran -m, installed the drivers, modprobe ndiswrapper, got the green light on the card, lsusb, ndiswrapper -l, and dmesg all show it there but i cant get iwconfig to see the wlan0, any suggestions?16:14
nshmagnetron, Dasda: adding an entry to /etc/hosts does not make it resolve for me16:16
nshroot@samsung:~# ( grep atmail.webmail.diasa.com.pa /etc/hosts && host atmail.webmail.diasa.com.pa || echo ' totally gheigh...' ) | tr '\n' '/' ; echo16:16
nsh207.218.158.12  atmail.webmail.diasa.com.pa atmail/Host atmail.webmail.diasa.com.pa not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)/Host atmail.webmail.diasa.com.pa not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)/ totally gheigh.../16:16
FloodBot3nsh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
* nsh kicks FloodBot1 in the balls16:16
nshis there another way of performing manual name resolution?16:17
glaucousI'm thinking about enabling AHCI on my computer. On Windows 7 I have to change a few things in registry and that should be it. Is there anything to think about in Linux/Ubuntu?16:18
slimjimflimhi i'm still having issues getting my pci sound card running16:20
fabiandonde estoy?16:20
slimjimflimfabian: estats aqui en #ubuntu :D16:20
slimjimflim...i think i have a conflict with my onboard sound card16:21
DasEiglaucous: no, just enable in bios and kernel will handle it16:21
slimjimflimbut i can't use the onboard one b/c the jack is broken16:21
vegombreii have this mts internet thingie ... i pay for an unlimited connection but unlimited according to mts is only 15gb a month after which my bandwidth drops to 1x  .. how i get around this?16:21
slimjimflimi'm looking at lsmod atm, but idk what to rm16:21
glaucousDasEi: And there are no issues I should be aware of?16:21
bastid_raZorvegombrei: get a new ISP.16:21
slimjimflimvegombrei: there's no such thing as unlimited16:22
slimjimflimvegombrei: get a t1 line16:22
DasEiglaucous: unless a very old bios (kernel then will turn ahci off itself) no, in first hand16:22
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vegombreiguys i live in a forest .. have only this usb wireless cdma thingie16:22
glaucousDasEi: Alright, great16:23
vegombreiif i had other options i would have ditched the isp long ago ... i get charged a fixed amt for an "unlimited" connection but it also says in their license agreement that unlimited = 15 gb per month then i have to pay and renew my connection for another month or ride the rest of the month at 1x speed16:25
twig_/proc/net/wireless doesnt show either....16:25
pigliti use open office and calc in Ubuntu is there a channel for these programs?16:25
macopiglit: just ask here16:25
macopiglit: and open office is the suite of programs of which calc is one. which other do you mean? impress (presentations) or writer (word processing) ?16:26
ZykoticK9is multitouch touchpads supported in 10.04?  I'm seeing some recent articles about this feature being added to 10.10.16:27
BelseruskHi. Would running GUFW + a router firewall cause a slower internet than just having a router firewall?16:27
slimjimflimvegombrei: you might be able to get a satellite feed16:27
vegombreislimjimflim: yep my tv is satellite based16:28
piglitmaco: i want to change the setting of one page in calc. to print in landscape and the other in portrait but when i change one sheet to landscape all the sheets change to landscape and i dont want that16:28
piglitmaco: and the same question for the scale i want one page to be scaled 50% when printing but the other page 100%16:29
adminewb1help! Q: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/481873/ ; not using any customizing of /etc/network/interfaces16:29
macopiglit: :-/ dont think you can. will have to print just certain pages one way, then change the setting and print the other pages. sorry16:30
slimjimflimi forget who just suggested that i disable one of the modules for the other sound card, but it worked16:31
slimjimflimtyvm whoever you are16:31
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  from what i read. its going to take some work to get to work 'well' - it may get backported.. but  i would be spurised at that,16:32
drumheadI'm having trouble getting JACK to recognize my FP10 in Ubuntu 10,4. Help?16:32
magnetron!details | drumhead16:33
ubottudrumhead: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:33
edbianadminewb1, Is the gateway (the compuer with the point to point connection to the net) a dhcp server?16:33
piglitmaco: i'll google some more then, it must be possible i think .....16:33
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, thanks for the input.  After a little more googling, i'm just gonna wait... too much effort for not enough return.16:33
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drumheadGetting error message: "firewire ERR: Error creating FFADO streaming device" when trying to start JACK using the "Firewire"/FFADO driver in Ubuntu 10.4 with FP1016:34
adminewb1edbian, no, WinXP ICS (simpler than Linux if about as cantankerous) wouldn't allow dynamic IP address assignments. So on Linux I'm maintaining consistency in assigning the same static addresses.16:36
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  the next big 'thang' :) that i proberly wont ever use.16:36
edbianadminewb1, Strange.  Well in any event if the client are static than they determine their own dns.  The default behavior is to ask the gateway which will usually forward requests.  You can change that but you have to change it on each client individually.16:37
ejcwebHi - can someone give me a command (presumably using rename) which removes the first 20 characters from a file name of all files in a folder?16:37
edbianejcweb, I can give you a script but I don't think that can be done on one line.16:38
edbianejcweb, It's  short script though!16:38
drumheadProblem trying to get JACK to start (Ubuntu 10.4, FP10, Firewire card), have installed libfreebob0, but am getting "jackd: unknown driver 'freebob'". I want JACKD to recognize the freebob driver.16:38
adminewb1edbian, correct, I'm expecting clients will either not specify any DNS or specify the same as the gateway,
edbianadminewb1, What are they doing?  Did I mis-understand the problem.16:39
ejcwebedbian: Okay, that would be great. I was trying to use a regex to do it, but was failing...16:39
edbianejcweb, That sounds like the hard way :)16:39
ZykoticK9drumhead, if you don't get an answer here, you might want to try in the #ubuntustudio channel, as I'd guess they may have more experience using jack.  Best of luck man.16:39
adminewb1edbian, still my question is, how to get the gateway to pass DNS requests through and not fumble them somehow (appears to be firewall issue)16:40
jribedbian, ejcweb: rename -n 's/.{20}//' *     no?16:40
drumheadZykoticK9, thanks.16:40
clpsi use conky. but this code : ${downspeed eth0} is not working for wireles. can we add another clock for wireles and if possible for other connections types ? . thanks!16:40
ubuntu_lucidI want to block DVD RW AD-7560S in ubuntu lucid how to do that?16:40
edbianadminewb1, Ohhh!  The gateway isn't passing DNS requests on?  I think perhaps you need to set up a DNS server and configure it.  Do you have one running already?16:40
edbianjrib, Well that was easy wasn't it.16:41
edbianjrib, I was gonna have to sit down and think about it.16:41
RenatoSilva My login sound stopped working somehow sometime. Settings seem ok. Any clue?16:41
ZykoticK9clps, eth0 is ethernet, perhaps you could change/test with wlan016:41
edbianubuntu_lucid, Take it out of the computer :)16:41
adminewb1edbian, no DNS local server, I just want as dumb a proxy as possible16:41
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jribedbian: yeah, the hardest part is always remembering when to escape special characters in regex... so I had to go create a file real quick :P16:42
edbianadminewb1, I'm not an expert but I would install a dns server on the gateway.  That's the only way I see how.  There probably is already one running!16:42
acalbazais there a way to speed up alt-tab when using metacity...16:42
edbianjrib, ha ha :)16:42
clpsZykoticK9: wlan is not working. :(16:43
adminewb1edbian, in Firestarter, there's a "forward service" section in the policy tab; set that up with a rule for passing DNS traffic. It doesn't appear to do anything16:43
ZykoticK9clps, sorry don't know then.  Good luck.16:43
ubuntu_lucid<edbian> cant do that its laptop and i use dvd in win 716:43
RenatoSilvawhere's sun-java6-plugin package???16:43
ubuntu_lucidit doesnt work in ubuntu16:44
ubuntu_lucidthere is some issue with udev16:44
ZykoticK9RenatoSilva, partner repo16:44
ZykoticK9!java > RenatoSilva16:44
ubuntu_lucidso i would like to switch it off16:44
ubottuRenatoSilva, please see my private message16:44
clpsZykoticK9: thank you!16:44
edbianadminewb1, You probably have to make a rule to forward the DNS packets from wlan0 to eth0 and then from eth0 to your DNS server on the internet.16:44
edbianejcweb, For future reference I found this: http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/string-manipulation.html16:45
edbianadminewb1, Not really sure though.  Never set up anything like that.16:46
ejcwebJrib: thanks. It says the files are renamed, but I can't see any changed filenames in the folder?16:46
adminewb1edbian, the rule says to forward service DNS (port 53) to (modem on eth0) same port16:46
jribejcweb: I always give rename commands with the -n :)  Check what that does in "man rename"16:46
ubuntu_lucidcome on people how to switch off DVD RW in lucid ? i want lucid not to see it the next time i boot up. how to do that ?16:46
RenatoSilvaZykoticK9: partner repository? can't see this on synaptic16:47
adminewb1when I statically configure a client to point DNS to that address, it works16:47
bastid_raZor!partner | RenatoSilva16:47
ubottuRenatoSilva: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:47
edbianadminewb1, Great.  How does eth0 know what to do with that packet?  Is there a DNS server running that listens on eth0?  The packet gets there and the port is "closed" because there is no service listening for DNS requests on that interface.16:47
jribedbian: neat, I wasn't aware of that syntax, it's like python!16:47
edbianjrib, It is :)16:47
edbianjrib, I LOVE python :)16:47
adminewb1edbian, yes the modem knows how to serve as DNS proxy16:47
edbianadminewb1, The modem?  What is eth0?16:48
Ari_LazarusWhat is the channel for getting opinions on software to use with Ubuntu?16:48
clpsi use conky. but this code : ${downspeed eth0} is not working for wireles. can we add another clock for wireles and if possible for other connections types ? . thanks!16:48
ZykoticK9RenatoSilva, if you want GUI steps see Blue Note at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/java16:48
adminewb1edbian eth0 is the ethernet point to point that talks to the modem16:48
jribedbian: aww, not in zsh16:48
bastid_raZorclps: for wireless you would need the wirless interface.. most likely wlan016:49
clpsadminewb1: which is for wireles ?16:49
Dr_Willisedbian:  ive had some laptosp where wireless is eth0, some where its wlan0, and even a few other odd ball names in teh past.16:49
RenatoSilvaGod, I jus want to know why the java plugin package disappeared and how to resotre it16:49
clpsbastid_raZor:  i try it but is not working on conky :(16:49
edbianadminewb1, I think you're confused about internet traffic.  Just because you forward some traffic from wlan0 to eth0 doesn't mean it will go to the modem.  Like I said before.  You're going to have to forward DNS packets from wlan0 to eth0 and then from eth0 to the IP of the DNS server on the net.16:49
Dr_Willisclps:  try ifconfig and see what it says it is.16:49
edbianjrib, Too bad :(  I didn't think it was bash specific!16:50
edbianDr_Willis, You can name them yourself! :)16:50
adminewb1edbian, probably I didn't explain well16:50
Dr_Willisedbian:  can i have EliteStuff0 ? :)16:50
clpsDr_Willis: i try it. it is not working on conky. but eth0 works for my connection on desktop. but im on laptop now.16:51
dubliskI compiled a program. If I run as my normal user it complains about it cant find a .so file, but it works if I am root. the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correct though, I cannot figure out why it is happening16:51
clpsDr_Willis: i have to find for wireles ...16:51
adminewb1edbian, eth0 thing but the modem, it's point to point, its default gateway is the modem16:51
edbianadminewb1, I'm not sure it will solve the problem but I see a def problem forwarding DNS traffic to an interface that doesn't have a DNS server (or forwarder) on it.16:51
adminewb1edbian, yes the modem knows how to proxy DNS16:51
jribedbian: yeah, I'm sure it can be done with some slightly different syntax but I hate it when it's different in zsh16:51
adminewb1edbian, that part works fine16:51
FeroyHas anyone gotten the different wallpaper on each workspace to work with ubuntu 10.04?16:52
edbianadminewb1, But eth0 is not the modem.  When you forward traffic to eth0 it is not going to the modem.16:52
DasEidublisk: normal user missing group membership or filepermission on that .so file ?16:52
adminewb1edbian, actually yes it does go to modem16:52
ZykoticK9Feroy, requires Compiz and you can no longer use desktop for icons/drives - still interested?16:52
dublisk-rwxr-xr-x 1 andrei andrei 20040 2010-04-15 05:08 /home/andrei/devel/ati-stream-sdk-v2.1-lnx64/lib/x86_64/libOpenCL.so16:52
edbianadminewb1, Well then I don't know :P16:53
dubliskthat should be ok no ?16:53
jribedbian: in case you care, $foo[1,3] in zsh is apparently like ${foo:1:3} in bash16:53
Feroythe CCSM doesnt have wallpaper plugin and in the cube option it doesnt allow wallpapers . . . has anyone gotten it to work in 10.04??16:53
edbianjrib, Even more like python!16:53
edbianFeroy, You have to install the extra plugin packages.  Search in synaptic for "compiz" you'll see them.16:53
ZykoticK9Feroy, add the compiz extra plugins then (yes i've had it working in 10.04)16:53
jribedbian: indeed though, I kept typing a ':' instead of a ',' and zsh yelled at me16:53
Feroyok thanks!16:54
edbianFeroy, You also have to turn off nautilus drawing the background.  Not sure if I remember how to do that.16:54
edbianjrib, Ha16:54
Feroyi did the nautilus allready, ive been following online guides all morning xD16:54
edbianFeroy, Then you just have to install some packages.16:54
adminewb1edbian, refer to my nested pastebin, it shows how the interfaces are set up; is gateway for eth0, even though it doesn't show that way in ifconfig output16:55
Feroykk i see a fusion package and . . . fusion plugins16:55
ZykoticK9Feroy, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra16:55
bastid_raZorclps: yes it does seem downspeed/upspeed has depreciated.16:56
Feroyshould i get fusion-bcop aswell or leavew that alone?16:56
adminewb1oops got to go16:56
clpsbastid_raZor: ? so ?16:56
edbianadminewb1, My only suggestion is to forward DNS requests from wlan0 to eth0 and then from eth0 to some DNS server on the net.  OR set up a DNS server on the wlan0, eth0 server.  I don't know besides that.16:56
edbianadminewb1, Good luck!16:57
edbianWas anybody else watching my convo with him?  Does anybody have any opinions?  I felt like he just didn't want to take my advice.  Was I wrong?16:57
Feroyok, i have desktop cube and cube rotate on, and ive put the images i want in the wallpaper's option, but i still only have one wallpaper, any ideas?16:58
bastid_raZorclps: try downspeedf and upspeedf16:59
ZykoticK9Feroy, do you see icons on your desktop?16:59
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Feroyi disabled naultis from gnome w/e w/e16:59
ZykoticK9Feroy, don't know then...  good luck.16:59
Feroyhaha ok16:59
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edbianFeroy, Is the background you see the one from nautilus or from compiz?17:00
clpsbastid_raZor:  not working :(17:00
Feroydoes nautilus have an option background? if so how do i disable it, cause i have one background on, and i added three to compz expecting my other 3 workspaces to be changed17:00
bastid_raZorclps: what does conky display when you use that?17:00
edbianFeroy, You have to turn the nautilus background completely off.  Compiz should draw all 4 backgrounds.17:01
edbianFeroy, I don't know how to turn it off.17:01
Feroyoh, ok17:01
ZykoticK9edbian, Feroy my steps for Muliple backgrounds at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/multiple-compiz-backgrounds17:01
clpsbastid_raZor: i have a small graph and a numeric value for down and up speed seperated...17:01
edbianZykoticK9, You wrote this?17:01
ZykoticK9edbian, alucidfs if mine ya17:02
edbianFeroy, The desktop should completely disappear (no image, just black) if compiz isn't on and nautilus isn't drawing it for you.17:02
Feroywell, i went to appearance and put it to the grey wallpaper thinking that might've been off but i dont think so17:03
edbianFeroy, Not quite :)  See ZykoticK9 instructions?  That's how to turn it off.  The show desktop key in gconf-editor17:03
bastid_raZorclps: i understand that. what i'm asking is what does conky display when you use ${downspeedf wlan0}? is it blank output on conky or does it show an error?17:04
Feroyyes i unticked that to turn it off17:04
edbianFeroy, And what color is the background?17:04
Feroycurrently grey, i have no background on right now17:04
edbianFeroy, Log out and log back in to restart the graphical components.17:04
worldsayshiA command line logical question: I'm about to use svn to check out from a repo: http:/path/to/repo, so I type svn co http://path/to/repo. But I want the checkout to end up in the current folder, not in a subfolder named repo. How do I do this?17:05
edbianFeroy, if it's grey that is a background.  Just a very plain one.17:05
Feroyok ill relogin to my ubuntu then17:05
bastid_raZorclps: there is a #conky if i'm unhelpful :)17:06
FeroyTHANK YOU17:06
Feroywhoever told me to relogin17:06
FloodBot3Feroy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
edbianFeroy, You got it to work I presume?17:07
Feroyyeah, jjust set the wallpapers you want and restart/relogin to enable it17:07
Feroyand the good new is17:07
clpsbastid_raZor:  Down ${downspeed  downspeedf} k/s ${alignr}Up ${upspeed eth0} k/s17:07
clps${downspeedgraph eth0 25,107} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 25,107}17:07
clpsTotal ${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}Total ${totalup eth0}17:07
Feroyin places, desktop still has all my folders and everything so i dont might not seeing them :D17:07
luckybunnyhi everyone. I had sound last night and now all of a sudden I don't. not even the icon on the top bar... completely unsure what to do17:08
luckybunnygoing to the sound option hangs at 'waiting for sound system to respond'17:08
edbianFeroy, Yep.  Linux is great huh?17:08
Divo_Ok, I set the login screen for ubuntu so it would automatically log me in to my only account. After restarting it still shows my account and asks for a password, but when I enter the correct password, my screen flashes and goes back to ask which user I want to log in as.17:08
Feroyyeah, thanks edbian!17:08
bastid_raZorclps: ${downspeed downspeedf} is incorrect. replace it with ${downspeedf eth0} or with wlan0  ..which ever interface you're trying to use.17:08
edbianFeroy, Glad I could help :)17:08
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bastid_raZorclps: and the same with upspeed replace it with upspeedf17:09
clpsbastid_raZor: dont look for first line. i m trying it now...17:10
Divo_If anyone knows the proper terminal command to require a login again, that may be useful. Perhaps I could undo the login settings, and go back to the way I had it17:10
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FastReadingI have got a problem with my wireless connection: iwconfig and ifconfig don't seem to be willing to work together. I have to configure the ethernet device with a static IP address. While ifconfig is running, with the manually assigned IP and the gateway correctly set, the wireless device is unable to connect (i.e. it remains forever in a 4-handshake + disconnect process). However, if I "ifconfig eth1 down" and the device is libera17:11
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FriarI keep trying to connect to a VPN with 10.04 and I get an error saying it fails to connect because vpn failed to start.17:12
Friaranyone have any ideas?17:13
JK3MPHmmm... for some reason in Xchat the only server it'll let me connect to is freenode. =(17:13
Dr_WillisDivo_:  stop gdm and login at onsole  and use startx command17:13
Divo_Dr_Willis: Trying now, thanks17:14
lapionanyone know how to activate an iwl2100 wifi card with a software power button ?17:15
Emilio77Hi everybody17:15
Divo_Dr_Willis: how do I stop gdm?17:15
Emilio77i know that this chat is all about ubuntu but io need another kinda help, somebody with free time to help me?17:15
Emilio77private please17:16
lapionDivo_, just do : sudo stop gdm17:16
luckybunnyit seems to think I don't have a sound card17:16
diego8792187Hi, I'm considering buying a netbook for college, I would be very thankful wth any suugestion, also I've got an eye with an acer aspire one D15017:16
diego8792187is that model good supported by ubuntu ?17:16
afrasto cercando apprendista stregone il film in italiano17:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:17
luckybunnyI watched a DVD and played several audio files last night on the very same laptop, so suddenly having no sound card is mighty strange17:17
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DasEiluckybunny: install alsamixergui and re-check17:18
happyhippyI just installed ubuntu 10.4, I have a monitor w/ speakers. I would like to know where the sound config stuff is at and a way to check what hardware is available to run sound through. any suggestions?17:18
hiexpoluckybunny,  i have had that happen reboot and see if it works17:18
DasEihappyhippy: lspci/lshw as root shows your hardware, basics on :17:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:19
DasEiluckybunny: ^17:19
StaRetjiHi folks, how would one repair casper-rw on a working stick. I'm receiving some errors and I was trying to repair usb stick FS with "e2fsck /dev/sda1" but I got "WARNING!!!  The filesystem is mounted.   If you continue you ***WILL*** cause ***SEVERE*** filesystem damage."17:19
happyhippyDasEi,  tyvm17:19
StaRetjiI remember that there was a procedure for this, but couldn't find it anywhere17:20
* luckybunny reboots and comes back.... I at least have the sound preferences back now17:20
DasEiStaRetji: unmount it first, then rescan17:20
javaman#join hack.pl17:20
StaRetjiDasEi: can unmount the stick it is running?17:20
DasEiStaRetji: oh, you run from the stick ( the OS) ?17:21
StaRetjiDasEi: I mean, the system is running on it17:21
StaRetjiDasEi: yes17:21
DasEiStaRetji: ic, no, need another sys if serious problems, or a live cd17:21
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luckybunnynope. no luck17:23
StaRetjiDasEi: so, I should plug it to another system in order to fix it? I was trying to avoid that, as I don't have another system :/17:23
DasEiStaRetji: have you got another stick or cd drive ?17:23
bastid_raZorclps: i assume with your lack of further response that solved it issue?17:24
luckybunnyI already had alsamixergui, and it appears to like it... but seems to be alone in that17:24
StaRetjiDasEi: oh, sorry, I will run live system from CD then17:24
StaRetjiDasEi: thx for the tips ;)17:24
clpsbastid_raZor: conky chanlle solved it. my connection is eth1. but we dont know why ?17:25
DasEiStaRetji: else use tune2fs to settle down the mount-count, and use it's automatic17:25
mikebeecham_guys...I have an epson inkjet printer attached to my Ubuntu machine...the printer is shared onto the network.  How can I find out what path I need, so that I can allow my windows 7 laptop to print to it?17:25
bastid_raZorclps: ahh, excellent. finding the right interface is always good :)17:25
sureshhi i just did a fresh install .. does anyone know that site where i could update and install all codecs etc ???17:26
StaRetjiDasEi: too much for my small brain mate :)17:26
edbianmikebeecham_, You have to set up a samba server to show the printer to the windows machines17:26
bastid_raZorsuresh: normally the package "ubuntu-restricted-extras" is all that is needed17:26
ZykoticK9suresh, install ubuntu-restricted-extras for starters if you need more add Medibuntu and install non-free-codecs17:27
mikebeecham_edbian, I already have samba set up on here17:27
dagny_taggartsuresh: this might help - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid17:27
nimbioticsHello all. I had a power surge yesterday and since then my PC halts before login and Scroll & Caps lock lights start blinking. All the details I could remember are at http://pastebin.com/qpKx6vxm. Please help. TIA!17:27
BullterdAfternoon All.17:27
BullterdThis is gonna be a simple one, hopefully :)17:27
newbiezi installed ubuntu today my computer has a ati x800 card, i installed the closed source drivers but it keeps saying "no ati graphics driver is installed" en when i start aticonfig it says no supported adapters detected17:27
DasEisuresh : http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx17:27
BullterdHow do I remove the current ubuntu server PAE kernel and replace it with a non PAE kernel?17:27
maconewbiez: that is a kernel panic. its like a blue screen of death17:27
clpscan we connect on two wireless connections from the same laptop at the same time ?17:27
edbianmikebeecham_, Read this: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing/sharing_with_windows.html17:27
newbiezmaco: can you help me out?17:28
DasEiBullterd: either by apt or synaptic, then run sudo update-grub17:28
newbiezi dont know how to fix this17:28
BullterdDasda: What would the apt command be?17:28
bastid_raZorBullterd: in synaptic search for linux-image .. you'll see a list of kernels. uninstall the PAE one and install a different one.17:28
maconewbiez: given you said power surge and given kernel panics tend to happen when something's going wrong at the hardware<->driver level....i'd be checking for hardware damage17:28
brandon__msg nickserv/ register molecule techgeekman@gmail.com17:28
newbiezmaco: your looking at the wrong nick :)17:29
bastid_raZorbrandon__: the / should have been on /msg17:29
ZykoticK9brandon__, time to change your password17:29
macobrandon__: the slash goes at the beginning17:29
DasEiStaRetji: live cd is fine, or you can manipulate the counter for e2fsck, that will come at boot automatically before filesystem is in write-mode17:29
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maconewbiez: bahh the other "n" person!17:29
maconimbiotics: read what i said to newbiez!17:29
Bullterdaha that was funny17:29
Bullterdso yeah, any ideas on the apt-get command?17:29
Bullterdapt-get remove *something*;apt-get install *something*17:30
DasEiBullterd: sudo apt-get remove linux.....17:30
DasEiBullterd: sudo apt-get install linux....17:30
macoBullterd: install linux-image-generic and remove linux-image-generic-pae17:30
DasEiBullterd: sudo apt-get autoremove17:30
bastid_raZorBullterd: i would suggest installing a new kernel before uninstalling the PAE17:30
Bullterdmaco: Ta :)17:30
edbianWhat is PAE anyway??17:30
DasEiBullterd: sudo update-grub17:30
the-ermI'd like a specific program to run every time I insert media.  Does anyone know how to set that up? Basically I want it to run the same time nautilus opens it browser when I insert media.17:31
macoedbian: physical address extensions17:31
DasEi!pae| edbian17:31
ubottuedbian: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info17:31
the-ermAnyone know how to do that?17:31
macoedbian: it lets a 32bit system see 4GB+ RAM17:31
bastid_raZorDasEi: apt-get will update grub automagically17:31
ZykoticK9edbian, extension that allows 32bit to address more then the 3.XGB of memory17:31
edbianDasEi, maco Brilliant!!!17:31
macoedbian: but only supported on newer CPUs (makes ones about 5 years old kernel panic)17:31
Bullterdapt-get install linux-image-generic; apt-get remove linux-image-generic-pae;apt-get autoremove;sudo update grub ?17:31
nimbioticsmaco: where?17:31
DasEibastid_raZor: fine, that was manual removal only then17:31
Bullterdthat line do it?17:31
maconimbiotics: you described a kernel panic (the flashing caps lock) which is like a BSOD on windows. i would check for hardware damage17:32
odiseoI´ve got two identical inboxes for the same account,how can I fix it?17:32
DasEiBullterd: yes, as bastid.. mentioned, last command isn't needed as apt takes  care of it (no harm , though)17:32
maconimbiotics: kernel panics happen when either the hardware or the driver is bad, and since it was triggered by a power surge, sounds like something got fried17:32
DasEiBullterd: that lines, can chain the commands by &&17:33
edbiannimbiotics, Did I suggest bad ram to you yesterday?  How did that go?17:33
nimbioticsmaco: how can I check for hardware issues? Is there a test I could probably run or should I go old fashiones way?17:33
maconimbiotics: old fashioned way17:34
maconimbiotics: well edbian just said ram17:34
maconimbiotics: there is a test for ram and one for hard disks17:34
maconimbiotics: but nothing for cpu/mobo/nic/etc17:34
edbiannimbiotics, You can tell you have bad hardware usually because your kernel panics ;)17:34
clpsfrom the same laptop at the same time can we connect two connection ?17:34
DasEimaco:there are17:34
edbianclps, No17:34
macoDasEi: oh?17:34
clpsedbian: ok thank you!17:35
edbianclps, I don't believe so.17:35
DasEimaco:ethtool and such , f.e. nic  or cpuburn f.e. cpu,  amongst others17:35
macoDasEi: ah good to know!17:35
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nimbioticsedbian , edbian: Yes I did check ram and hdds, all seemed OK17:36
appi_uppiHi, is there any software similar to Adobe Dreamweaver for Ubuntu?17:36
nimbioticsedbian, maco: Yes I did check ram and hdds, all seemed OK17:36
DasEimaco, nimbiotics: gnome-device-manager is nice for an overview17:36
macoDasEi: it wont boot :P17:36
nimbioticsDasEi: problem is I cannot login in GUI17:37
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwI am trying to ssh / vnc into my machine - I have a public IP yet there is a router configuration that is stopping me being able to. I cannot update this configuration (without resetting the box to defaults)17:37
edbiannimbiotics, Good luck finding the problem! :D17:37
sureshi went to the medibuntu site copied and paste the stuff there and got a lot of errors17:37
DasEinimbiotics: also have a look at conky,  ah I see, check /var/log/syslog and messages in same dir, re-configure gdm17:37
DBANERI have a proble I connected to ssh like that (ssh -D 8080 bla@blalba.com) and now I can stop it17:38
KE1HAmaco:  here's a list of tools for testing just about anything on the box: http://ltp.sourceforge.net/tooltable.php17:38
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwis there a way I can setup a reinvited connection, like skype does, or like a STUN server... can I ssh into a 3rd party server, and use that connection to ssh into my machine? (ssh out of machine A, to machine B, use machine C to communicate via machine B to A17:38
DasEinimbiotics: that box has internet and you can get to commandline ?17:38
appi_uppiHi people, is there any software similar to that of Adobe Dreamweaver for Ubuntu?17:38
DasEiuyegxiuhwjeoxijw: yes17:38
nimbioticsDasEi: yes17:38
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwDasEi, how would I do that?17:38
macoappi_uppi: kompozer?17:38
nimbioticsdasei, what is gdm?17:38
macoappi_uppi: thats the only WYIWYG web design thing i can think of17:39
maconimbiotics: the login screen17:39
DasEiuyegxiuhwjeoxijw: you ssh in another machine and from there on can ssh to the next17:39
macoappi_uppi: *WYSIWYG17:39
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwsetup some VPN? ipsec?17:39
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwDasEi, you failed to understand17:39
DBANERplease! I have a problem I connected to ssh like that (ssh -D 8080 bla@blalba.com) and even whan I closed session I can still use that server as proxy17:39
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwMachine A ||||||| Machine B and Machine C17:39
appi_uppimaco, oh cool, let me go through it.17:39
macoappi_uppi: its an updated version of the old web design app from mozilla17:40
DBANERhow to stop it???17:40
DasEiuyegxiuhwjeoxijw: seems so17:40
DasEinimbiotics: sudo apt-get install pastebinit (on the broken one)17:40
appi_uppimaco, I see.  I am going through the website, Thanks a lot maco :)17:41
nimbioticsDasEi: gotcha17:41
DasEiuyegxiuhwjeoxijw: why would you want to log in via ssh in a remote machine and from there back ?17:41
the-ermI know the feeling.17:41
DasEinimbiotics: pastebinit /var/log/syslog17:42
DasEinimbiotics: give resulting url here17:42
nimbioticsDasEi: need a moment, restarting17:43
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nimbioticsDasEi: syslog @ http://pastebin.com/fKDscDHx17:47
FastReadingmy wireless device only and only is able to associate to the Access Point when I do an "ifconfig eth1 down". Otherwise, it stays in the 4-way shake forever, what's the explanation behind this and what can be done?17:47
Sid123hey,i have recently tried to uninstall a theme pack.after that my ccsm various effects have been disabled(animations).can u tell me how to fix it?I have tried to click the effects but could not help17:48
DasEinimbiotics: nothing alerting in first glance, try  : sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm17:49
DasEinimbiotics: check also    df -h  , so your disk isn't filled up to bad17:49
DasEinimbiotics: did it work before ?17:50
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nimbioticsDasEi: did it work what?17:52
appi_uppihi everyone, if you anybody needs to learn on kompozer please go through this link http://www.joshthomas80.com17:52
DasEinimbiotics: could you login before ? fresh install ?17:52
JohnTeddyZykoticK9 I see. thanks a lot. I appreciate the help.17:53
nimbioticsDasEi: heres the full story: http://pastebin.com/qpKx6vxm17:53
edbiannimbiotics, Here's an idea.  Boot a live CD.  Does it still not work?17:53
nimbioticsedbian: i did that yesterday and it worked but theres more...17:54
edbiannimbiotics, I'm on the edge of my seat.  What else is there!17:54
FastReadingmy wireless device only and only is able to associate to the Access Point when I do an "ifconfig eth1 down". Otherwise, it stays in the 4-way shake forever, what's the explanation behind this and what can be done?17:55
nimbioticsedbian: I booted w/previous kernell and it worked!17:55
dakotaHello , I am having some boot error issues... Would someone assist me?17:55
|sysop|anyone know any utils to help with a memory leak ?17:55
edbiannimbiotics, Just boot the old kernel till the new one comes out.  Skip the current one entirely.17:56
edbian|sysop|, Are you developing the program that is leaking?17:56
DasEinimbiotics: oh yes, that looks like a kernel panic more then, and explains some stuff.. don't be afraid of the protary drivers, they are fine for nividia, first for now : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg && sudo reboot17:56
babu__is there yahoo messenger available for ubuntu17:56
|sysop|dealling with someone elses leak17:56
nimbioticsedbian: i reinstalled 10.04 and old kernel just disapearedf17:56
dschuettHey all, does anyone have a good tutorial on how to set up two nics on ubuntu 10.04 so i can set it up as a router/firewall?17:56
edbiannimbiotics, Well yeah you re-installed.17:57
dakotaMy system will only boot to CLI, USB driver error on start-up.17:57
edbiannimbiotics, You can install the old version by forcing the old version of it using synaptic.17:57
DasEinimbiotics: i'd like to test the cpu, maybe overheating17:57
|sysop|edbian, I have a program that eats up all my swap space and my box locks up or goes extremely slow on the way to locking up.17:57
enric_hola soy español y muy novato hay alguien mas por ahi17:57
miOwhi :> i have intel core i3 cpu, and 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' shows 1200MHz instead of 2933... any ideas why?17:58
DasEidschuett: man interfaces,  your file is /etc/network/interfaces17:58
nimbioticshow can i check cpu?17:58
|sysop|edbian, and since its not my code is there an existing util to kill/restart a process if it starts taking up too much mem?17:58
BullterdWhey, it worked :)17:58
BullterdCheers lads17:58
DasEinimbiotics: cpuburn17:58
dakotaMy CPU does thae same thing.17:58
edbian|sysop|, Not that I know of.17:58
DasEiBullterd: why shouldn't it ?17:58
dakotaits a Dual core AMD Athlon 2.66Ghz machine, but only shows "800Mhz" on both cores17:59
nimbioticsDasEi: u serious?17:59
|sysop|edbian, thanks. I can write a bash script to do it. I was hoping to find an exisitng util17:59
miOwheh, that's really strange17:59
edbian|sysop|, Have fun :)17:59
dakotaBut about my boot problem anyone?17:59
DasEinimbiotics: yes, first get the temps by lm-sensors, then look at it while stressing it,  same with thegraphics/glxgears18:00
|sysop|btw anyone use the swapspace program?18:00
nimbioticsDasEi: i d get command not found18:00
|sysop|it seems to have the ability to clean up the swap. but my swap space is fine right now so I havnt tested it yet.18:00
xanax`I heard about some projects that would let the user control the cursor with his webcam, moving the head. is that true ? can someone give me names of these projects ?18:00
BullterdWould anyone be able to tell me what the iptable line would look like to direct all traffic to one Ip down a certain interface?18:01
DasEinimbiotics: that was just informational, no cmd for the line18:01
dschuettDasEi: For my external network (the internet) Should I set my if to dhcp since I don't have a static ip from my isp?18:01
DasEidschuett: how do you connect ? router ?18:02
Sid123i have uninstalled a theme in lucid but doing so my ccsm animation effect does not seem to work properly.please help18:02
dschuettcable modem to a linksys router right now18:02
dakotaCan someone please direct me somewhere for assistance for my boot problem!? I can barely get to my desktop!18:02
dschuetti would like to run dhcp and iptables on my linux box so i can just use my linksys as an AP only18:02
DasEinimbiotics: let's try to get the login working first18:02
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nimbioticsDasEi: restarting18:02
babu__is yahoo messenger available for ubuntu18:03
abhijitbabu__, no18:03
IdleOnebabu__: use Empathy or install Pidgin18:03
iceroot!yahoo | babu__18:03
edbianxanax`, I know there is a program called xdotool that lets you move the mouse via cli.18:03
ubottubabu__: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.18:03
xanax`pidgin is good18:03
nimbioticsDasEi: bte, standard drivers didnt work for; they didnt identify 2nd display18:03
edbianxanax`, And there are "head mice" that move the course based on the angle of a persons head.18:03
dakotaYou have to use a generic program like Empathy IM Client, I don't think there an official Yahoo messenger for linux.18:03
DasEidschuett: will work that way, and can set it to dhcp and let the linky do dhcp , as you can use a static one in that range18:03
cylixHow do I change the policy kit checking for an action to be ignored?18:03
nimbioticsDasEi: froze again18:04
khairulhello chatters18:04
xanax`thanks edbian18:04
Nijverheidquestion - if I was silly enough to install something from source, how do I get rid of it?18:04
abhijit!hi | khairul18:04
ubottukhairul: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:04
edbianxanax`, Have fun!18:04
babu__is there any way to make call to phone at free of cost18:04
cylixor ignored for a single user...18:04
xanax`there are so many improvements these days for accessibility and user-friendly-ness..18:04
khairulhow i can make mu ubuntu run fast?18:04
babu__is there any way to make call to phone at free of cost18:05
dakotaI don't think so. VOIP is an option if you have fast INTERNET connection18:05
DasEikhairul: lots of things, start disabling stuff you don't need :18:05
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:05
LibertyZeromiOw: It shows your current cpu clock. Ubuntu throttles the cpu down if the speed is not needed.18:05
khairulhow DaesEi?18:05
DasEikhairul: decrease swapiness if enough ram ...  , read the above link about bum18:06
miOwLibertyZero: thanks for info =)18:06
dschuettDasEi: so if i'm using eth0 to my external (and have it set to DHCP) and have a static ip on eth1 (set to what would i put for a gateway since the linux box (eth0) is the gateway...?18:06
dakotaI need some help with my boot problem, theres an error that prevents me from booting concerning the USB drivers...18:06
skumarahow to create partition in ubuntu hdd?18:07
khairuli cant play .tp and ts video file18:07
magnetronHi, i'm using ubuntu 10.4. In mplayer, how do i set the color of subtitles? they are yellow but i'd like them to be white. using VDPAU.18:07
khairulthanks DasEi for the tips18:08
Divoanyone using screenlets?18:08
DasEidschuett: you don't need one  ;; the gateway option would be on another box in the internal lan and then
skumarai installed ubuntu in my hdd with 500gb space. i regret it. now i want to make a partion of 250gb out of this hdd. how?18:08
|sysop|btw does the % of mem usage in top include swap usage?18:08
dschuettok, perfect!18:08
IdleOne!gparted | skumara18:08
ubottuskumara: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:08
DasEiskumara: boot live cd, use gparted, edit fstab afterwards18:09
khairulhow can i play tp and ts file smoothly18:09
DasEi!blkid | skumara18:09
ubottuskumara: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)18:09
DasEi!fstab > skumara18:09
ubottuskumara, please see my private message18:09
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Nijverheidquestion - if I was silly enough to install something from source, how would I get rid of it?18:10
hotstewhello guys, I get an error when I want to install Ubuntu that my XP partition is corrupted or something18:10
dakotahow do I fix my USB error!?18:11
skumarathank you18:11
hotstewI can't remember but there was a handy command where it would repair on startup18:11
DasEinimbiotics: so still no boot to desk, you said it was a fresh install ?18:11
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nimbioticsDasEi: yes it is fresh18:12
DasEinimbiotics: pm you ?18:12
tony5what  is this forum18:12
IdleOne!hi | tony518:12
ubottutony5: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:12
nimbioticsDasEi: sure18:12
dakotaCould I just get some help here please?18:13
tony5what help do u need18:13
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KE1HANijverheid:  you could trying doing into the source tree and doing: make uninstall18:14
murlidhari have installed radiotray a few days back and it was working fine but now it doesn't start http://paste.ubuntu.com/481959/18:14
KE1HANijverheid:  otherwise, I think ya have to go huntinn /b /user/bin /user/sbin  etc.18:14
dakotaI have a USB boot error that preventing me from getting to my desktop, it usally takes me to the CLI login.18:15
murlidharthis pastebin says that some global gnome menu is missing18:15
murlidhari can't figure out what went missing :p18:15
khairulis there any codec to play tp file?18:15
kahnhola a todos, como estan?18:16
DBANERhow to close ssh session?18:17
babu__is there any way to make call to phone at free of cost18:17
babu__is there any way to make call to phone at free of cost18:17
babu__is there any way to make call to phone at free of cost18:17
FloodBot3babu__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:17
macobabu__: most voip providers charge18:17
MoryddRunning kubuntu: How can I make my external drive mount to a specific location? The problem I'm having is that if I have both my external USB drive and my phone mounted at the same time, I can't get at the one that was mounted second it seems.18:17
IdleOne!guidelines > babu__18:17
ubottubabu__, please see my private message18:17
beepanda22msg/ nickserv register <molecule> <techgeekman@gmail.com>18:17
DBANERplease how to stop ssh?18:18
funkeyDuderI am trying to modify a package and am stuck.  When I edit the source and build w/ debulid and it gives me an error about failing a test18:18
dakotaCould I get some help, it won't take long...18:18
IdleOnebeepanda22: the command is /msg and remove the <> also change the password because we all saw it , molecule18:18
cylixI need to override polkit over an ssh session so I can modify the gdm startup options... Frustration dealing with remote server...18:18
cylixIf anyone knows how please answer.18:19
cylixlucid btw.18:19
beepanda22sorry idleone18:19
funkeyDuderhehe it is quiet around here today18:19
IdleOnebeepanda22: no worries, happens a lot18:19
NijverheidKE1HA: thanks :)18:20
dakotaIs there a way to fix or get the OS to overlook this USB driver error?18:20
=== hannibal is now known as Guest52710
dakotaIts just annoying and my USB appears to work fine anyways...18:21
dakotaits just preventing a normal boot.18:21
murlidhari have installed radiotray a few days back and it was working fine but now it doesn't start http://paste.ubuntu.com/481959/18:21
babu__is there any way to make call to phone at less cost18:21
DasEi!gksudo > nimbiotics18:21
ubottunimbiotics, please see my private message18:21
IdleOnebabu__: try Skype, calls to land lines are not free.18:22
inguHas anybody used sleepd? not sure what value to use for the --tx-min and --rx-min after editing /etc/default/sleepd, i am connected to the internet using wifi. Man page says "Set a baseline transmit raffic rate in packets per second for network monitoring. Requires -N."18:22
AkranisI'm having problem installing Ubuntu server 10.04.1. About 75% into the installation, it suddenly stops recognising the cd, despite it being mounted at /cdrom/ like the prompt asks me.18:22
beepanda22i remember a tea timer panel applet for gnome on ubuntu 8.04 (gOS) and I wonder if that applet is available for ubuntu 10.04 Thanks in advance!18:23
IdleOneAkranis: how long did you wait?18:23
Daekdroombeepanda22, it is18:23
beepanda22daekdroom how do i install it18:23
AkranisIdleOne: Well it's a prompt, every time i hit <continue> it justs pops back up again18:23
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AkranisIdleOne: I did an ls on /cdrom/ and the files are there. Not sure how I debug it from here though.18:24
Daekdroombeepanda22, go to synaptic and install the teatime package18:24
IdleOneAkranis: sorry I never heard of that, try #ubuntu-server perhaps18:24
Daekdroombeepanda22, then add it to the GNOME Panel18:24
AkranisIdleOne: ok, thanks18:24
beepanda22so it is teatimer-applet, yes18:25
DBANERplease how to end ssh connection?18:25
IdleOnetype exit18:25
telitiHello. Can someone please help me out with a hint? I have a bcm4315 wireless network adapter in my lenovo s10e. Generally it should work, but it doesn't ... do you know a soure with a discussion where this problem has been solved?18:25
beepanda22thank you daekdroom18:25
DBANERI mean I used ssh as proxy and now its still working even when I closed it18:25
smwteliti, do you have more information?18:25
dakotaI am having a hard time gettin my machine to boot up properly, need assistance!18:26
smwteliti, have you tried the driver manager?18:26
telitiI installed the hardware drivers. first the b43 driver ... and it didnt work. After the STA driver and it still refuse to work18:26
muelliDBANER: press "<enter>~." in your SSH connection window18:26
telitithe card is displayed when "iwconfig"18:26
funkeyDuderanyone in here familar with using debuilder?18:26
DBANERwell I closed that window..18:27
telitibut e.g. scanning via "iwlist eth1 scan" does not work18:27
DBANERI mean Ii connected to server like that ssh -D 8080 blablabla@fdsfsdf.com18:27
muelliDBANER: then either end all active connections or simply pkill ssh.18:27
DBANERits working thx18:28
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwDasEi> uyegxiuhwjeoxijw: why would you want to log in via ssh in a remote machine and from there back ? JFC man, JFC, I cannot connect to machine A because of firewall, I can SSH OUT FROM MACHINE A TO B, What is the best thing to be able to connect back into machine A after18:28
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwlike, setting up a VPN or something... I have a machine behind a firewall, I want to SSH into it, WHAT NOW?18:28
evonhello i have a dual monitor setup with one monitor above the other.  I am having two problems: 1. The windows on the lower monitor keep maximizing passed the menu bar 2. whenever i fullscreen videos in my browser it fullsreens on the wrong monitor and it does not fullscreen all the way. please help18:28
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwJFC it is hard to explain simple things sometimes, I wonder if anyone ever does anything remotely interesting with their machines ever18:28
yaccI wonder what mechanism are there to handle two different default routes in Linux? (e.g. one default route for outgoing connections, one for incoming?)18:29
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, does ubuntu for netbooks support touchscreen?18:29
timpsterNICE question18:29
timpsterbut i can help you18:29
smwComradeHaz`, I believe so18:30
smwhad to try it :-)18:30
beepanda22how to install and use maximus on ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition netbook (install and configure) The netbook is not a unr netbook. Thanks in advance!18:30
DasEi!vpn | uyegxiuhwjeoxijw: I still don't understand, you are physicall on A, so why connect to it ?18:30
ubottuuyegxiuhwjeoxijw: I still don't understand, you are physicall on A, so why connect to it ?: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN18:30
edbianbeepanda22, maximus is installed and configured by default on UNR18:31
beepanda22edbian, the netbook does not have unr, it has desktop edition. thanks18:31
ComradeHaz`Hmm, thinking of using a little 8" or so disply and mounting on the wall in my kitchen for music, maybe even recipes or something18:31
funkeyDuderComradeHaz`: that sounds like a cool idea, have you considered using a table?18:32
edbianbeepanda22, sudo apt-get install maximus.18:32
funkeyDuderComradeHaz`: that sounds like a cool idea, have you considered using a tablet?18:32
edbianbeepanda22, Not sure if it can run alone or what.18:32
ComradeHaz`Nope funkeyDuder, but you make a bloody good point.18:32
beepanda22thanks edbian18:32
edbianbeepanda22, Have fun.18:33
ComradeHaz`might be an expensive way of doing it though18:33
beepanda22edbian, can you install it from ubuntu software center?18:33
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwDasEi, JFC JFC JFC, I am physicvally on A? I am physically on A? honestly? honestly? You never get up? HOW can you imagine, that even if I said I was on machine A, that I am always here, HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY be confused about if I am on a machine or not when the question is complety simple?18:33
murlidhari have installed radiotray a few days back and it was working fine but now it doesn't start http://paste.ubuntu.com/481959/18:33
funkeyDuderComradeHaz`:  ture,  tablets are a bit more expensive now18:33
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwDasEi, if you have no idea, please /ignore me and stop ubottu ing me stuff that I suggest, and /msg ubottu next time to stop noise in channel18:33
nruneAny video mode experts out there?  Having a problem with ubuntu 10.04 and a Nvidia DVI to HDMI out to a 720P tv18:33
edbianbeepanda22, I don't know if it's in there.18:35
edbianbeepanda22, It is definitely in synaptic package manager though.18:35
beepanda22let me check on my desktop edbian18:36
edbianbeepanda22, Why not check on the target machine?18:36
beepanda22ok just a minute18:36
funkeyDudergah, what is this test business that debuild uses.  anyone know?18:36
vibedigitalhi people how i can access a virtual machine on virtualbox (ubuntu server) through NAT on modem adls?18:37
duffydackI`m using tar to gzip my home folder over ssh, its encrypted (made during install). I need to know if just my home is enough or do I need the .ecryptfs folder in /home also ?18:37
murlidhari have installed radiotray a few days back and it was working fine but now it doesn't start http://paste.ubuntu.com/481959/18:38
murlidharanyone ? :(18:38
beepanda22edbian it is there on my netbook thank you very much18:38
timpsterZykoticK9, hey im trying to compile a theme   and it says i dont have GTK+-2.1218:38
timpsterthe theme is murrine18:38
timpsterubuntu 10.0418:39
beepanda22how can i encrypt my ubuntu one account before i upload my files? thank you in advance18:39
trismfunkeyDuder: lintian?18:39
MoryddRunning kubuntu: How can I make my external drive mount to a specific location? The problem I'm having is that if I have both my external USB drive and my phone mounted at the same time, I can't get at the one that was mounted second it seems.18:39
glickhey is there documentation on how to add users to ubuntu system without shell access?18:41
edbianbeepanda22, Excellent :)18:41
glickthe link in the ubuntu website points to a file on my system that doesnt exist18:41
beepanda22thank you edbian18:41
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edbianbeepanda22, No problem18:44
duliHow do edit Ubutu kernel boot line? I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I do not get a menu with a list a kernels18:44
collabraduli: i think you have to hit <shift> while booting18:45
CountDownAny thoughts on the quality of this tutorial?: http://workaround.org/ispmail/lenny  I'm hoping to use this for Lucid.18:45
d3s3rt3glWould anyone like to msg me? I'm looking for free online classes to learn linux.. TIA18:45
dulicollabra: hum, let me try18:45
dulicollabra: yes, it worked. tks18:46
collabranp duli18:46
skumarad3s3rt3gl, u r already in class?18:46
aeon-ltdd3s3rt3gl: you can't really "learn" linux, but you can start by learning basic command line functions18:46
funkeyDuderanyone here used debuilder before?18:47
aeon-ltdd3s3rt3gl: if you need help just ask in the channel :) and welcome to linux18:47
d3s3rt3gl@skumara no i'm not in class, i was looking for online material (free preferably) :)18:47
AliselynKE1HA: hey, you here?18:47
d3s3rt3gl@aeon-ltd are you saying i should learn hands on?18:47
rawlerwhat's the right channel for ubuntu packaging questions?18:47
d3s3rt3gl@aeon-ltd i would love to learn basic commands first!18:48
flyguyis there a way to change the subpartition of a primary partition to be unassigned or subpartition of another primary partition... I need this so i can extend the partition to another primary partiision?18:48
=== jan is now known as Guest41183
rawler(my question is if there is any good overview on how to maintain debian packages in git when I myself is "upstream")18:48
Guest41183notepad for ubuntu18:48
n4xusflyguy trip "Rip Linux"18:48
d3s3rt3gl@aeon-ltd thanks btw i'm about to install ubuntu netbook edition on my acer aspire one18:48
rawlerGuest41183: "gedit".. found under Accessories..18:49
Guest41183kann jeman deutsch18:49
aeon-ltd !de | Guest4118318:49
maco!de | Guest4118318:49
ubottuGuest41183: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:49
XanKriegorhi everyone18:49
skumaraGuest41183, Gwrite18:49
XanKriegoris anyone familiar with dnsmasq and its config file18:49
marceloubntu en español18:49
aeon-ltd!es | marcelo18:50
ubottumarcelo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:50
marceloquien habla en español18:50
maco!es | marcelo18:50
ZykoticK9timpster, i'm really not sure, but do you have "apt-cache policy libgtk2.0-cil-dev" installed?18:50
freddymxi need some help please. i have libusb and libusb-dev installed but i still get this error18:51
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwdoes anyone else have an idea, firewalled machine A, when I am NOT PHYSICALLY AT THE MACHINE (PROTIP, JFC) I want to SSH into it, it is firewalled, what solution exists? Should I VPN to a second machine (a server of mine) machine B, so I can always get back to Machine A by sshing to machine B from any other machine? But I want to VNC to it as well. So I need my own VPN from anywhere?18:51
uyegxiuhwjeoxijwany ideas?18:51
marcelocomo entro a ubuntu españa?18:52
macomarcelo: /join #ubuntu-es18:52
funkeyDuderanyone out here know about modifying packages?18:53
abhijitfunkeyDuder, people in #ubuntu-packaging or #ubuntu-motu might know18:54
funkeyDuderabhijit: oh cool, did not realize there was  a packaging chanel.  thx18:54
abhijitfunkeyDuder, welcome.18:54
dogmatic69i installed tweetdeck, but cant find it.. anyone know were it would be or how to start it18:55
murlidhari have installed radiotray a few days back and it was working fine but now it doesn't start http://paste.ubuntu.com/481959/18:56
murlidharanyone ? :(18:56
FloodBot3murlidhar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:57
murlidharlolz ok sorry18:57
blackn1ghtHey folks, having some trouble with nautlius hanging on login18:57
raviepic3how can i add apache to init scripts, a apache compiled from source18:57
skumaramy laptop got no sound. how do i install the driver?18:58
Aloneafor some reason my built in mic no longer seems to work in ubuntu. Is there some other settings I need to mess with besides the ones in Sound Preferences?18:58
blackn1ghtAlonea: have you tried looking in alsa-mixer in the terminal?18:59
IdleOnemurlidhar: check the depends on http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/radiotray and see if they match the versions you have installed. If so it should be just a question of installing the deb for radiotray and you should be good to go.18:59
blackn1ghtit could be muted in there18:59
abhijit!sound | skumara18:59
ubottuskumara: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:59
abhijithello m back!18:59
murlidharIdleOne: .. ok19:00
freddymxany idea on how to fix this? libusb-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:00
Feroyhi i has a question! i know how to run ubuntu side by side with windows, but i dont know how to do it vise versa, i mean like originally having ubuntu 100% installed and having windows side with IT :D any suggestions? :D19:00
Javi_Sepcould anyone help me with a broadcom wireless question?19:02
abhijit!broadcom | Javi_Sep19:02
ubottuJavi_Sep: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:02
Feroyi havnt just tried placing the windows install disc in though cause im afraid if it doesnt know how to partition itself :S19:02
Aloneablackn1ght: yeah, everything is turned up under alsamixer. I have had a lot of trouble with the audio is ubuntu. like, it doesn't switch from speakers to headphones if I plug them in.19:02
kalibHi there. How can I install skype on my ubuntu 10.04? I'm using x64. Can't find skype on my aptitude sources.19:02
Aloneakalib: you can get the installer from their site19:02
Javi_Sepabhijit, it's a specific question19:02
blackn1ghtAlonea: I have that problem too, the key is to have the headphones plugged in when you start ubuntu up :\19:03
abhijit!ask | Javi_Sep ask in general. not to me19:03
ubottuJavi_Sep ask in general. not to me: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:03
Aloneakalib: never seen it in the apt sources19:03
blackn1ghtAlonea: sometimes it does switch between speakers and earphones, othertimes it doesn't, but starting with the earphones plugged in usually works19:03
scunizikalib: I think it's also on the medibuntu site which also has restricted codecs for audio/video19:03
kalibscunizi: have a url where I can get the sources for apt?19:04
Aloneablackn1ght: very dumb. I just set the sound to headphones manually do it since I only use headphones sometimes. as for the mic though...it used to work, but with updates it stopped at one point19:04
Javi_Sepok, well: I've got a broadcom based card , bcm4312, and everybody is using the broadcom sta drivers from the hardware drivers window, but that driver doesn't work for me, instead of I'm using b43. Is it normal?19:04
duffydackJavi_Sep, its the other way around for me.. sta is flawless.19:05
Aloneakalib: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/post-download/19:05
Javi_Sepbut it doesn't work for me, I choose it and after reboot no wifi19:06
Aloneakalib: its a .deb so you just click it and it will install itself19:06
IdleOneJavi_Sep: if it is working, be happy :)19:06
scunizi!medibuntu | kalib19:06
ubottukalib: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:06
blackn1ghtAlonea: huge pain when things like that stop working on updates, I've had similar issues myself, but they've ended up sorting themselves out either with another update, or a distribution upgrade :\19:06
Quantum_IonI heard Ubuntu 64 was not for daily desktop usage ?19:06
Javi_SepIdle0ne: it's working at low speed, 1.5~2mpbs19:06
evonhello i have a dual monitor setup with one monitor above the other.  I am having two problems: 1. The windows on the lower monitor keep maximizing passed the menu bar 2. whenever i fullscreen videos in my browser it fullsreens on the wrong monitor and it does not fullscreen all the way. please help19:06
Aloneablackn1ght: in my case, the disto upgrade is what broke things.19:07
netsavy006Hi everyone.19:07
plaisthosis there an easy to check how many threads a specific programm uses19:07
pubuntuneed to save/export a large package before reinstalling ubuntu.  Don't want to download again19:07
IdleOneQuantum_Ion: 64 bit works fine here19:07
scuniziQuantum_Ion: been using it in the kubuntu version for a while .. no issues except with Citrix and an IDS client which most people don't need or use anyway19:07
netsavy006I have something simpler that might be easier to solve.19:07
blackn1ghtQuantum_Ion: Ubuntu x64 is fine on the desktop19:07
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Quantum_Ionokay thanks19:07
netsavy006I got java working on firefox, but I want java working on Google Chrome too.  How can I accomplish this?19:07
collabraQuantum_Ion: that's a myth,... I've been using the 64bit edition of kubuntu since release,... I don't know why they think they need that disclaimer19:08
blackn1ghtQuantum_Ion: there's no real reason to NOT use x64 unless your machine is pretty damn old19:08
awesomess3How could I check what filesystem (that is, reiser4 or ext2 or ext3) /dev/hda3 is?19:08
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perhamlinuxhi. I'm using rt2870sta for my SMC usb wireless card, and it works flawlessly with kernel 2.6.32-21 (which I'm running now) but whenever I boot using 2.6.32-24, the driver no longer scans for the networks, and essid does not change from "11n-AP" . this seems like a weird error.19:08
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netsavy006right click /hda3 and it should tell you I think.19:08
perhamlinuxI'm using rt2870sta for my SMC usb wireless card, and it works flawlessly with kernel 2.6.32-21 (which I'm running now) but whenever I boot using 2.6.32-24, the driver no longer scans for the networks, and essid does not change from "11n-AP" . this seems like a weird error.19:09
perhamlinuxI'm using rt2870sta for my SMC usb wireless card, and it works flawlessly with kernel 2.6.32-21 (which I'm running now) but whenever I boot using 2.6.32-24, the driver no longer scans for the networks, and essid does not change from "11n-AP" . how can I make this work with the newer kernel?19:10
Javi_Sepperhamlinux: if it works good with -21 kernel just use it instead of the other one19:11
Aloneaperhamlinux: welcome to kernel updates...19:11
Javi_Septhat's why you get19:11
netsavy006Is there a way to get Java working on other browsers besides Mozilla Firefox?19:11
perhamlinuxJavi_Sep: there would be no security problems if I use the older one?19:11
Aloneanetsavy006: yeah. I have no issue with java in chrome...19:12
awesomess3netsavy006: where do I right-click /hda3?  I don't have konqueror :(19:12
netsavy006because when I need java in firefox it works fine but when I try something that needs java in chrome it tells me I need java and it asks me if I want to go to download it.19:12
netsavy006I would do that but when it sent me to adobes site it doesn't have a deb file for ubuntu.19:13
Aloneanetsavy006: just download and install it then.19:13
Javi_Sepperhamlinux: I don't know, but it's better to use a older one that works, no?19:13
collabraperhamlinux: kernel updates are mainly for newer hardware,... very rarely does a kernel need to be updated for security.19:13
Aloneanetsavy006: its not a deb. you just install through terminal. its not hard19:13
Aloneanetsavy006: its a bin right?19:13
Javi_Sepnetsavy: have you tried adding --enable-plugins to the menu item?19:13
netsavy006but I can't seem to figure out how to install it so it will install to where chrome is installed.  I don't even know where chrome is installed.19:14
perhamlinuxcollabra: Javi_Sep: so it doesn;t even worth the try to fix it?19:14
collabraperhamlinux: I would use the older kernel until the next kernel update19:14
Aloneanetsavy006: the installer should do it for all browsers. its been a while since I have installed it. you sure you have java  enabled for chrome?19:14
DasEi collabra:depends on, remotely might be right, as they got patched then, but locally in multiuserenvironments, there are security issues19:15
Javi_Sepnetsavy try this on the terminal: chrome --enable-plugins and test19:15
ghostknifeI'm using the 9.10 live disc and installing some software. I might need a few reboots to fix this problem and don't wnat to keep redownloading the package lists and the package's .debs. I know the .debs are in /var/cache/apt/archive, but where is the package lists?19:15
collabraDasEi: so what would you recommend perhamlinux to do then?19:15
brandon_does ubuntu 10.04 come with the linux kernel 2.6.24 or later (fresh install)19:16
ghostknifebrandon_: 2.6.3219:16
valbacabrandon_, it comes with 2.6.3219:16
brandon_thank you ghostknife19:16
brandon_and valbaca19:16
netsavy006It doesn't even mention java in the settings, it mentions javascript and that's enabled but I know that java and javascript are 2 different things.19:16
tavishhi, xinput says my touchpad is 'ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse', i cant disable touchpad while typing because of this. can something be done about it? its an acer aspire one 532h19:16
ghostknifeWhere does apt store the package lists?19:16
ZykoticK9netsavy006, have you enabled Partner repo and installed java?19:17
Twilohello, I use ubuntu JeOS with lxde-core. how can I change the keyboard layout with the keyboard layout switcher applet in the task bar or is there another way to set the keyboard layout in the gui?19:17
brandon_does ubuntu 10.04 work out of the box with intel wireless 3945abg19:17
IdleOneghostknife: /etc/apt/sources.list19:17
LibertyZeroghostknife: /var/lib/apt/lists19:17
jamboreeim trying to mount my nas so that i wont have to whenever i restart, i've added this code to fstab (// /home/joshua/Storage cifs guest,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0) but it wont work, anyone have any suggestions? my nas is a dns32119:17
Javi_Sepnetsavy006 : have you tried --enable-plugins? ._.19:17
netsavy006First, I don't know what partner repo is.  What is it?19:17
collabraperhamlinux: I would just skip this kernel release and hope for a fix in the next one.19:17
valbacaghostknife, IdleOne is correct19:17
DasEicollabra, perhamlinux: you can get a newer kernel or ease it up with a tool like kernelcheck, that let you decide which modules to install, or just get the working config of the "good old" kernel19:18
ZykoticK9!partner | netsavy00619:18
ubottunetsavy006: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:18
DasEiperhamlinux: use this to build a new one19:18
ghostknifevalbaca: IdleOne: I'm not looking for the configuration. I'm looking for the actual downloadded lists, so I can just copy them onto the livecd when booted and not need to rerun "apt-get update"19:18
Aloneanetsavy006: ah ok, so just download your bin file. ./jdk-yadayada.bin19:18
KittyBootsHello.  I am attempting to install a key logger onto my system, but I am having no success.  I am trying both lkl and uberkey.  The forums are leading me to dead ends and I can't find anything in the repositories.  Do any of you have esperience with keylogging in Linux?  Suggestions please . . .19:18
Aloneanetsavy006: then follow onscreen instructions19:18
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collabraperhamlinux: If you have never compiled a kernel before,... I tell ya, it's a pain and somewhat confusing,.. but DasEi is right.... you could19:19
ghostknifeKittyBoots: what's the problem with lkl ?19:19
netsavy006How will I know if it was added?19:19
redwyrmfor some reason, I can't watch youtube videos in Lucid after installing flash19:19
valbacaghostknife, you'll need the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:19
abhijitis there any rythmbox channel?19:19
brandon_tavish i have a netbook aspire 532h and to disable touchpad press fn plus f7 to enable/disable. however there is no disable when typing support on ubuntu 10.04 check out the compatibility: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Acer%20Aspire%20One%20532h. Hope that helps.19:19
IdleOneghostknife: I am not sure I understand what it is you want to do. you want a list of already installed packages?19:19
ghostknifevalbaca: that's not all of them19:19
KittyBootsghostknife, I can't seem to find a package to install it.19:20
ghostknifeIdleOne: when you run apt-get update, it downloads the repository package lists19:20
redwyrmI tried downloading and installing the .deb package from adobe.com, but it complains about the wrong architecture (mine is amd64, the package is i386. Is this a dealbreaker, or can I get this to install and run?19:20
ghostknifeIdleOne: I want those, because this connection take 10 minutes to download them each time19:20
no_u0is there a way to permanantelyt set the niceness of a program19:20
netsavy006Ok.  The one you told me to add came up.  What do I do next.  I'm in the Ubuntu Software Centre.19:20
no_u0like i want to set firefox to always be -519:20
Aloneanetsavy006: know that what was added to where? I have always just installed the bin and been ok for all browsers19:20
ghostknifels /var/lib/apt and /etc/apt and /var/cache/apt is enough19:20
IdleOneghostknife: hmm not sure where that info would be stored19:20
no_u0i can renice it everytime it starts, but i would love to do that automatically19:20
mneptokredwyrm: may i PM?19:21
KittyBootsghostknife; no wait, that was the problem I had with uberkey.19:21
redwyrmno_u0: you could write a script to keep checking the process list and set the niceness of any "firefox" processes it finds19:21
redwyrmmneptok: yes19:21
netsavy006I just added the repository.  It shows up in the Ubuntu Software centre.19:21
netsavy006What do I do next.19:21
LibertyZeroghostknife: the package lists are stored in /var/lib/apt/lists as I mentioned above19:21
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ZykoticK9netsavy006, install sun-java-plugin (or similar name)19:21
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jmengHey there! I'm using ubuntu lucid. Now when I try installing kontact-related packages (kontact, korganizer, ...), apt-get complains that there are unresolved dependencies (kdepimlibs5 for example), which is not being installed. Any idea what that is about? Oh, it says E: brocken packages at the end, too.19:21
IdleOnesun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin19:22
ZykoticK9IdleOne, thanks (i'm in 10.10 right now so couldn't check easily)19:22
abhijitjmeng, go to system>administration>synaptic and fix broken packages19:22
netsavy006I get no package is selected.19:22
Aloneanetsavy006: then select the package19:23
ZykoticK9netsavy006, from terminal try "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin"19:23
netsavy006It's not there to select.19:23
IdleOnenetsavy006: in terminal type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin19:23
jmengabhijit, thanks alot :)19:23
pznwhich CCTV software do you recomment for using with ubuntu? zoneminder?19:23
grodii3kI have a web server with ssh access that does not have an FTP server set up. I don't want to set up an FTP server, but instead want to just pull in a zip file from another site using ssh, unzip it to a directory. I know this is common place to do, but I have not the foggiest idea how to do it. :s19:23
ghostknifeKittyBoots: ok19:23
ZykoticK9netsavy006, after adding partner you need to run "sudo apt-get update" first19:23
netsavy006Ok I will go to the terminal and try it that way.19:23
abhijitjmeng, solved? :-o19:23
ghostknifeKittyBoots: so have you tried downloading it from their web sites?19:23
IdleOnenetsavy006: it will asks you to accept the license, hit TAB 1 time and then ENTER. the TAB will select the ok at bottom of window.19:24
jmengabhijit, unfortunately, not it seems :/19:24
jmengsame error.19:24
abhijitjmeng, hae you fixed broken packages?19:25
ZykoticK9jmeng, "sudo apt-get -f install" to fix broken packeges19:25
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WiesshundAnyone have a t-mobile tap cel phone? wondering if there is any way to access it in ubuntu. tried installing the software in wine but it doesnt see any device to cennect to19:25
esvHi everyone. I'm in the middle of an install of Lucid (x86). My progress bar reached 64% (copying files) and stuck there for about half an hour. Then the entire Installing System window went white. It's been in that state for another half an hour or so. Should I be concerned? I've never run into this before.19:25
netsavy006Ok it's downloading stuff.  I'll let you know what happens when it's done installing.19:26
abhijitWiesshund, trry wammu19:26
erUSULgrodii3k: scp file.zip user@host:/remote/folder ; then ssh to the machine and unzip it there19:26
jmengabhijit and ZykoticK9, I did that and the synaptic way, both aren't working19:27
abhijitjmeng, arent working? do they give any error?19:27
guntbert!md5sum | esv did you check?19:27
ubottuesv did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:27
jmengabhijit, not at all19:27
jmengabhijit, synaptic told me it was successfull, too19:28
netsavy006Ok.  Java working on Chomr.19:28
esvguntbert/ubotu : didn't do a checksum on it. You think it's a broken ISO?19:28
abhijitjmeng, try doing sudo apt-get update in terminal19:28
grodii3kerUSUL: I feel like that's more compicated... I know theres a command, eg: when you have to manually install graphics drivers :s I fail at explaining.  I'll check out the manual for scp19:28
netsavy006Thanks everyone.19:28
Aloneanetsavy006: grats19:28
guntbertesv: maybe, please check the iso19:28
esvwill do. thanks all19:28
hitekhow can I completely remove a package I installed through apt-get? With all of the config files and everything!?19:29
BullterdWould anyone know the grep command to search the output of wget to find the speed?19:29
jmengabhijit, still not working19:29
grodii3khitek: sudo apt-get remove19:29
guntberthitek: sudo apt-get purge <package>19:29
abhijitjmeng, not working? error?19:29
collabrahitek: sudo apt-get purge19:29
grodii3kWhoops, yes purge, not remove19:29
hitekthanks everyone19:29
netsavy006Not that I dislike coming here for assistance but where are some good places I can go and learn about ubuntu so that I can get better at using it so that I will be able to do some things on my own so I don't have to constantly be here, not that I don't mind coming here for help.19:30
jmengabhijit, well, update does not give an error, but install korganizer gives the same broken package error19:30
abhijitjmeng, :(19:30
abhijit!details | jmeng19:30
ubottujmeng: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:30
grodii3knetsavy006: Ubuntu Forums, google19:30
* murlidhar is listening to One Way Road performed by John Butler Trio19:30
guntbert!manual | netsavy00619:30
ubottunetsavy006: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:30
netsavy006Ok I'm downloading it now.  Thanks everyone for all your help.19:31
netsavy006Have a good one.19:31
jmengabhijit, as I said, ubuntu lucid, "apt-get install korganizer" says http://pastebin.com/iznuJaB619:32
collabrajmeng: I've been sitting here thinking maybe your apt.conf list is somehow wrong or corrupted.19:33
ComradeHaz`Hi all, I'm interested in this article: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto but have a few questions. At present I use dnsmasq as my dhcp server so am unfamilliar with dhcp3. I am not averse to switching to dhcp3 but what the atricle does not mention is how I configure 'normal dhcp' behaviour for my existing machines. Is there anybody around here that would be happy to chat to19:33
ZykoticK9jmeng, you have a PPA that might be interfering there...19:34
abhijitjmeng, wait19:34
ComradeHaz`......me about how this stuff works?19:34
abhijitjmeng, see if this helps http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/123505-solved-broken-unmet-dependencies.html19:34
collabraZykoticK9: may be right too.19:34
ZykoticK9`RadioMan, way Off Topic19:35
KittyBootsghostknife; ok so I have lkl.  Now I have to figure out how to compile it.19:35
ComradeHaz`jmeng, sudo aptitude update & sudo aptitude install korganiser19:35
ComradeHaz`sorry, && not &19:36
dschuettanyone have any experience using two nics and using their ubutnu server as a router/firewall and dhcp server19:36
UbuntuNoobhello, i unstalled ubuntu yesterday night and everything was going fine, but this morning i cant access the internet although it says i am connected to my wireless network that i always use. suggestions?19:36
ComradeHaz`dschuett, I am doing so with a debian box....19:36
jmengComradeHaz`, that works, thanks.19:37
ComradeHaz`Sadly the best way of doing it has recently become a bad way as the software of choice is no longer supported.19:37
ComradeHaz`jmeng, aptitude is essentially replacement for apt-get.19:37
ComradeHaz`Use it instead.19:37
dschuettComradeHaz: ok, i am having all sorts of trouble getting my 2nd card to get it's static ip19:37
jmengabhijit, your link doesn't load here, sorry. but the problem seems to fixed now ;)19:38
jmengerr to be fixed19:38
ComradeHaz`dschuett, are you configuring you NI cards using /etc/network/interfaces?19:38
dschuetti have eth0 using dhcp to get its ip from my cable modem which is working...then i have configured my interface eth1 to use a static internal ip of, but it won't show that ip when i do an ipconfig19:39
ZykoticK9dschuett, ipconfig?  do you mean ifconfig?19:39
ComradeHaz`jmeng, also, don't forget you always must do aptitude (or if you insist apt-get) update before attempting an install or upgrade...19:39
dschuetthaha, right19:39
dschuettyes ifconfig19:39
jmengComradeHaz`, yep, thanks.19:39
ComradeHaz`dschuett, are you configuring you NI cards using /etc/network/interfaces?19:40
ComradeHaz`pastebin that file :)19:40
dschuettok just a sec19:40
UbuntuNoobnvm it fixed itself after a reboot19:41
n4xusComradehaz do you see your card when you do ifconfig -a19:41
`RadioMansry bout that, wrong room19:42
ComradeHaz`It would show, yeah19:42
dschuettComradeHaz: http://pastebin.com/SMqHTGg419:42
UbuntuNoobalso, is there a way to share my itunes playlist from windows desktop to rhythmbox on my ubuntu laptop like you could do from itunes to itunes?19:42
LxndrI am attempting to play City of Heroes on my computer, through WINE (without needing any extras, like Cedega). This used to work perfectly, and then I upgraded Ubuntu versions and had to reinstall a lot of things, including both WINE and City of Heroes. Now, the 'cohupdater.exe' program boots, but once I click 'next' to get to the game, I hang eternally on the loading screen. Has anyone encountered this before? How can I fix this?19:42
ComradeHaz`Line 719:42
n4xusDid you properly configure your /etc/network/interfaces firle19:43
ComradeHaz`You will kick yourself!19:43
ComradeHaz`He did not :D19:43
ZykoticK9dschuett, type on Line 7 as ComradeHaz` pointed out "auto eht1" should be eth119:43
SoulDewManHow can I configure Ubuntu to allow manual network connections?19:43
ZykoticK9dschuett, s/type/typo19:43
dschuettcrap...hold on. i'm sure i have typed it correctly at least one out of the 20 times i wrote the file19:43
dschuettbut let me see if it works19:44
guntbertbobi1024:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:44
n4xussouldewman you need to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file and set your interface to a static IP address19:44
bobi1024no, just here if I can help19:45
alketHow to install ubuntu maverick beta font in lucid ?19:45
macoalket: the PPA has lucid targets19:45
nilsmahow would i determine what version i have of moonlight (silverlight plugin equivalent)?19:45
ZykoticK9nilsma, about:config perhaps in Firefox?19:46
alketmaco can you show me a link19:46
ZykoticK9nilsma, sorry about:plugins19:46
bobi1024guntbert: Do you have an ubuntu support question?19:47
IdleOnenilsma: the email has the links and instructions19:47
macoalket: i think its still a closed beta. if you have access to the PPA, you'd know it because you'd have an email telling you that you have access and how to install stuff from it19:47
pznin karmic, how can I disable "gdm" from starting at boot? just know how to do sysV style... not upstart way.19:47
alketnilsma, open a silverlight video and right click , about19:47
IdleOneerr sorry nilsma, wrong person19:47
alketmaco , :S thank you19:47
adelle25i am in gparted, how can i check whether a partition is logical or primary?19:47
guntbertbobi1024: please stop those random comments19:47
nilsmaZykoticK9: indeed thanks :)19:48
bobi1024OK done and done19:48
nilsmaalket:  problem is i cant open them19:48
nilsmaIdleOne: nps :)19:48
ZykoticK9pzn, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/notes/gdm19:48
scottd70192does anyone know the key combo for 3d effects in ubuntu?19:48
IdleOnescottd70192: there are hundreds of possible key combos.19:49
adelle25i am in gparted, how can i check whether a partition is logical or primary?19:49
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collabrascottd70192: if your talking about the cube,... it's ctrl f1119:49
pznZykoticK9, thanks! solved!19:49
scottd70192is there one in particular for the spaces-like thing on ubuntu (if you can't tell I am very new to ubuntu)19:50
ZykoticK9pzn, glad to help19:50
IdleOnescottd70192: install compizconfig-settings-manager I believe it is called19:50
scottd70192oh thanks collabra19:50
collabrayou might check this out too19:50
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:50
LxndrI am attempting to play City of Heroes on my computer, through WINE (without needing any extras, like Cedega). This used to work perfectly, and then I upgraded Ubuntu versions and had to reinstall a lot of things, including both WINE and City of Heroes. Now, the 'cohupdater.exe' program boots, but once I click 'next' to get to the game, I hang eternally on the loading screen. Has anyone encountered this before? How can I fix this?19:50
scottd70192oh yea thats it thanks19:50
mary_Has anyone here used PinGuy OS?19:51
sureshhow do i ask wvdial to disconnect connection?19:51
beepanda22what is the best off site backup for ubuntu 10.0419:51
scottd70192just out of curiosity, is there a Dylan in this room?19:51
adelle25anyone has asus here?19:51
guntbert!ot | mary_19:51
ubottumary_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:51
Semitoneshi is anyone familiar with Grub? I want to edit the "howmany" section to display only 3 kernels. menu.lst says NOT to uncomment it, so after I change it to 3, what do I do?19:51
IdleOnemary_: this is #ubuntu, Ubuntu related support questions only19:51
BelseruskHi. Does anyone know of more Ubuntu menus besides GnoMenu, mintmenu and gnome menu?19:51
UbuntuNoobhow do i get my desktop to be 3d and have the feature to drag windows to other desktops br dragging to the end of the screen?19:51
beepanda22what is a good software for backing up your ubuntu 10.04 computer to a usb hard drive19:51
grodii3k@erUSL : scp is trash, but thank you for the idea :) Wound up saying eff it, and went with sshfs (which is wonderful, esp. since it's an encrypted connection)19:51
ZykoticK9Semitones, uninstall kernels you aren't using19:51
guntbertSemitones: are you using ubuntu 10.04?19:52
Semitonesum how do I check?19:52
beepanda22what is a good software for backing up your ubuntu 10.04 computer to a usb hard drive (from ubuntu software center) thanks in advance19:52
grodii3k@beepands : manually backing your data up always best. saves space, and you KNOW you get what you want.19:52
guntbertSemitones: ZykoticK9 has better advice - follow that please19:52
collabra!compiz | UbuntuNoob19:52
ZykoticK9Semitones, lsb_release -a to find version19:52
ubottuUbuntuNoob: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:52
beepanda22thanks grodii3k19:53
beepanda22that is what i am doing now19:53
wrektjetquick question regarding configirung a router: how do i determine the correct info for "gateway" and "dns server"?19:53
KoolShelp me plz19:53
Semitonesguntbert: k, ZykoticK9: it is 10.04. Should I still uninstall the kernels I don't use?19:53
ZykoticK9Semitones, yes19:53
beepanda22how to fsck an external usb device19:53
grodii3k@beepanda : if you're looking for an all in one sorta' dealio (literally making an image of your computer, hd states, parition laysouts etc etc) you should use a bootable disc like Acronis19:53
abhijit!ask | KoolS19:53
ubottuKoolS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:53
SemitonesZykoticK9, any particular reason?19:53
hhhsomeone, i need help with installing. pls hlp19:53
bobi1024guntbert: I will be back with some related questions, I promise19:53
sudipta_can someone tell me how to enable animation in ccsm in ubuntu?19:54
ZykoticK9Semitones, it's a good idea to keep 2 at all times current/known good19:54
UbuntuNoobshould i use compiz or lookingglass?19:54
guntbert!details | hhh19:54
ubottuhhh: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:54
ZykoticK9Semitones, that's how you remove it from Grub2 listing19:54
abhijit!compiz | sudipta_19:54
grodii3k@ubuntunoob: use what ever you want!19:54
ubottusudipta_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:54
KoolSabhijit thanx, when i try to extract a .rar file i got this:You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack Popeye.1x01.2009.SPANiSH.DVDRIP.XviD.[www.DescargasMIX.com].avi ! Z:\tucanfiles\Popeye.1x01.2009.SPANiSH.DVDRIP.XviD.[www.DescargasMIX.com].part2\Popeye.1x01.2009.SPANiSH.DVDRIP.XviD.[www.DescargasMIX.com].part2.rar: No files to extract19:54
sureshhow do i ask wvdial to disconnect connection?19:54
n4xushhh what going on buddy19:54
beepanda22no grodii3k i mean something like spidertree <i think>(for remote) and keep for usb19:54
SemitonesZykoticK9, ok. I'm still using grub1 though (maybe I should get around to changing it?)19:54
beepanda22how to extract a read only rar19:55
esvbeepanda - in line with grodii3k's comment. just making a bash script to copy the files you want to your usb drive and putting it in a cron directory for whatever frequency you desire is a decent solution. requires some basic bash scripting though19:55
abhijitKoolS, its seems that its not completly downloaded. also i dont know for sure.19:55
ZykoticK9Semitones, are you sure?  Was this a fresh Lucid install?19:55
collabraalotta compiz questions all of a sudden.19:55
beepanda22i will google on bash scripting19:55
grodii3k@beepanda22 : using something simple like a bash script to automatically sync a folder works well.19:55
sureshbeepanda22: change the permission i guess19:55
hhhthe installation cd (ubuntu 10) doesnt boot. i have 2 formatted drives. 1 ntfs and 1 ex419:55
SemitonesZykoticK9, no, I've had ubuntu since 6.06, i've just never gotten to be an expert :)19:55
n4xusWhat do you need help with19:56
grodii3klol esv19:56
KoolSabhijit yes completely from tucan19:56
sudipta_<abhijit>i know that.Actually while uninstalling a particular theme ,this effect got disabled but all other effects are working fine.Can u help me?19:56
nilsmaabout novell moonlight 2.2, i receive error message when trying to open a page using silverlight: "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/moonlight/plugin/libmoonloader.so" - any ideas what causes it and how i can fix it?19:56
ZykoticK9Semitones, LOL sorry i misread your original post - perhaps you are on grub1 still19:56
grodii3k@beepanda22 - or are you actually looking for remote b ackups?19:56
SemitonesZykoticK9, yeah, it is. i've read a few things about how grup2 is better, and I do want to install it eventually19:56
n4xushhh download a copy of RIP linux and repartion your drives. ubuntu should do that for you but Rip linux will help19:57
ZykoticK9Semitones, "don't fix what isn't broken" ;)19:57
getpwnamdoes anyone use either KWord or Abiword instead of Openoffice Writer, and if so how do they compare re: working with MS file formats?19:57
SemitonesZykoticK9, lol true :D19:57
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
hhhand what should i do with RIP linux? how would i run it?19:57
abhijitKoolS, cant help ask in general to channel19:57
esvif anyone's interested, i restarted my install, and it's going through without hanging19:58
wrektjethey wondering what the correct info for "gateway" is when configuring static ip address.19:58
abhijitsudipta_, which effect you want?19:58
collabraesv: nice :)19:58
abhijit!rip | hhh19:58
ubottuhhh: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar19:58
ZykoticK9wrektjet, "probably" the IP address of your router19:58
yashi-hi what is the trash file path?19:58
ZykoticK9!trash | yashi-19:58
ubottuyashi-: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:58
collabraesv: did you end up burning another copy?19:58
sureshbeepanda22: change the permission i guess19:58
sureshhow do i ask wvdial to disconnect connection?19:59
Thunderbolt93I have a problem with linux: my ubuntu does not ask for the keyring password anymore so my WLAN does not work (ubuntu 10.04)19:59
abhijit!wvdial | suresh19:59
yashi-ZykoticK9: thanks19:59
rI've been having a random crash freeze problem and saw that there was a 90 page thread on the forums. Could someone provide a hint so I don't have to read all 90 pages? I have Lucid.19:59
esvcollabra: restarted with same disc while i waited for the download (iso's on a machine in another building) and it's going off without a hitch. already past file copying stage19:59
grodii3khm, silly question.. cp is copy, right? Trying $ cp -v /murmur-admin /var/www is not doing what i think it should... copy 'murmur-admin' folder from the root (where i'md cd'd into) to /var/www.  What am I missing.. :P19:59
sudipta_<abhijit>i want all the animation plugin to be enabled19:59
guntbertn4xus: why do you recommend another distro?19:59
ZykoticK9grodii3k, sudo19:59
collabraesv: nice,... hope you enjoy it!20:00
hhhubottu: i dont have any OS installed. im trying to boot from the installation cd and it wont boot20:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:00
abhijitsudipta_, then check all!!!20:00
esvcollabra: not my first ubuntu install. I'm sure i will20:00
fnbhey I have a random question, so I have 10.04 LTS installed on my laptop and wanted to install the ubuntu-netobook environment, I did that and everything works(can login  etc) but when I open a program or software it loads and everything but it jumps to the back constantly anyone help?20:00
grodii3kZykotick9 : I am sudo, actually I'm root20:00
collabraesv: right on,..  :)20:00
guntberthhh: wait, the advice from n4xus was no good20:00
ZykoticK9grodii3k, can't help then, good luck20:00
nilsmaabout novell moonlight 2.2, i receive error message when trying to open a page using silverlight: "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/moonlight/plugin/libmoonloader.so" - any ideas what causes it and how i can fix it?20:00
SemitonesZykoticK9, followup question: right now grub is set default=14 (b/c this pc is mostly for games & windows is the 14th entry) but is there an option to edit the entries to make one default regardless of its position?20:00
n4xusgordii3k you might have to you the -r recursive command with cp to move or rename directories if they are full20:00
wrektjetZykoticK9, thnx20:00
beepanda22good ubuntu software center backup software for usb backups please tell me what is best (ubuntu 10.04 gnome)20:00
Thunderbolt93I have a problem with linux: my ubuntu does not ask for the keyring password anymore so my WLAN does not work (ubuntu 10.04)20:00
guntberthhh: does you system boot from any CD at all?20:00
guntbert!best | beepanda2220:01
ubottubeepanda22: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:01
ZykoticK9Semitones, i'm under the impression it's based on order - i'm unaware of another option20:01
fnbhey I have a random question, so I have 10.04 LTS installed on my laptop and wanted to install the ubuntu-netobook environment, I did that and everything works(can login  etc) but when I open a program or software it loads and everything but it jumps to the back constantly anyone help?20:01
grodii3kfigured it out20:01
beepanda22ubottu:sorry i wont ever ask again20:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:01
grodii3kno / before the folder to copy20:01
sudipta_<abhijit>no not the random effect.I want magic lamp, vacum effect.to be more particular20:01
ZykoticK9wrektjet, glad to help (i take it that worked?)20:01
abhijitsudipta_, then select them naa?20:02
nimbioticshow can i determni which driver is my wireless card using?20:02
sudipta_<abhijit>i have but none of them seem to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:02
SemitonesZykoticK9, there's an option called "savedefault" i think20:03
Andrew__Hello, I have been using Teamviewer as a remote assistance for my Ubuntu friends who need help, question is: Is there an opensource product out there that is as slick as Teamviewer? It is soooo easy to use....20:03
abhijitsudipta_, log out and login?20:03
SemitonesZykoticK9, but i'm confused as to how it works20:03
ZykoticK9Semitones, good to know thanks.  Good luck man.20:03
rAnyone have insight into the Lucid random carsh/freeze?20:03
guntberthhh: can you boot from any CD on your system?20:03
ZykoticK9Semitones, sorry i'm no help there...20:04
collabraAndrew__: sounds like an advertisment for Teamviewer,... lol20:04
SemitonesZykoticK9, no worries :020:04
sudipta_<abhijit>i have done that already but that did not work20:04
lolulalhello, I've installed ubuntu on a computer that ran Windows Vista. Then Vista got some problems and deleted itself so I made a new partition in ubuntu and Vista says that it cant install on dynamic disks. plz help..20:04
abhijitsudipta_, cant help. sorry :20:04
Andrew__Coolabra, its not, I'm being sincere..20:04
Semitonesanybody know how the 'savedefault' option in grub works?20:04
guntbertSemitones: savedefaults (on grub 1) tells grub to boot by default to the same OS you choose before20:05
collabraAndrew__: i dont20:05
ZykoticK9lolulal, if it's a Vista install issue please use ##windows20:05
rlolulal: you'll need to use gparted to reformat the drive20:05
IdleOnelolulal: ##windows for windows help, btw windows does not uninstall itself.20:05
collabra Andrew__: i don't doubt that.20:05
grodii3kto chmod x.txt to 777, it's $ chmod x.txt -777 right?20:05
lolulalidleone: well the repair CD did20:05
Semitonesguntbert, oh so if i boot from ubuntu one time, it will go to that next time, but if I boot from another kernel it will use that next time, etc?20:05
IdleOnea virus will do that though20:05
lolulalr: will ubuntu be deleted if I do that?20:05
rlolulal: yes20:06
DasEi!headers > nimbiotics20:06
ubottunimbiotics, please see my private message20:06
IdleOnelolulal: ask in ##windows20:06
lolulalr: is there a way to do it without deleting ubuntu?20:06
guntbertSemitones: exactly, but you should get the chance to choose otherwise every time20:06
Andrew__Another question: I see a new release is here 10.04.1  How do I upgrade to 10.04.1 from 10.04??? Or is it automatic via the regular updatyes???20:06
IdleOneAndre_Gondim: automatic20:06
Semitonesguntbert, oh wait I see something, let me pastebin it20:06
rlolulal: I don't think so. Do you intend on keeping windows?20:06
ZykoticK9Andrew__, use "lsb_realease -a" you probably already have it20:06
IdleOneAndrew__: automatic20:06
guntbertAndrew__: it it automatic, type lsb_release -a to see20:07
guntbert*it is20:07
kingxohow do i use iwconfig to connect to the internet using a wireless connection20:07
lolulalr: I want to be able to play a windows game that doesnt work on wine20:07
macokingxo: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys20:07
Semitonesguntbert, http://paste.ubuntu.com/481994/20:07
rlolulal: Have you tried it in a VM?20:07
nilsmaabout novell moonlight 2.2, i receive error message when trying to open a page using silverlight: "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/moonlight/plugin/libmoonloader.so" - any ideas what causes it and how i can fix it?20:07
IdleOne!windows | lolulal  r20:07
ubottulolulal  r: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:07
macokingxo: replace wlan0 with what yours is called if smething else and linksys with the name of your network20:07
SoulDewManWhenever I try to create a manual network connection, the "Apply" button is greyed out20:07
lolulalmy VM doesnt support 64-bit windows D:20:08
kingxomaco: ok but it doesnt work20:08
aftertafhey, anyone good with ATI cards ? cant use the ATI drivers anymore but need energy-saving capabilities to stop laptop from overheating20:08
macokingxo: is network manager running? it wont work if it is20:08
rAnyone have insight into Lucid's random crash/freeze problem?20:08
kingxomaco: network manager?20:08
SoulDewMankingxo:  Network Connections20:08
macokingxo: the thing in the panel that lets you choose networks...?20:08
collabrar: didn't know lucid had a random crash/freeze problem20:09
Andrew__lsb_realease -a - command not found??????20:09
kingxomaco: no20:09
macokingxo: it has a backed service you have to stop (called network-manager) before you can use iwconfig20:09
ecantohello guys20:09
SoulDewManWhenever I try to create a manual network connection, the "Apply" button is greyed out.   Can someone tell me why?20:09
rcollabra: There's a 90 page thread on it in the forums.20:09
guntbertSemitones: thats it :-) (there was some word of caution though, but I cannot really remember -- please see the docu)20:09
ecantomy evolution not save password pop and smtp account.20:09
ZykoticK9Andrew__, "lsb_release -a" typo20:09
alex88i've a canon pixmap mp160, how can i print on both front/back? If i set in the normal drivers it just print same way..20:09
ecantosomebody help?20:09
guntbertSemitones: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:09
kingxomaco: im not really using ubuntu hehe20:10
collabrar: really,... well it missed my computer,... must be specifice hardware not coded yet.20:10
rcollabra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1478787&highlight=lucid+crashing&page=9020:10
Strashniqi need some help -i can`t install the ubuntu20:10
Semitonesguntbert, thanks -- its been a long time and i'm a bit rusty in finding the right documentation lol20:10
SoulDewMan... Whenever I try to create a manual network connection, the "Apply" button is greyed out.   Can someone tell me why?20:10
macokingxo: er... then why do you ask in #ubuntu?20:10
Andrew__Here are the results: No LSB modules are available.20:10
Andrew__Distributor ID: Ubuntu20:10
Andrew__Description:    Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS20:10
Andrew__Release:        10.0420:10
Andrew__Codename:       lucid20:10
FloodBot3Andrew__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
ZykoticK9Andrew__, so you're already using 10.04.120:11
Strashniqwhat are the minimal requirements for the linux ?20:11
IdleOneAndrew__: Description:    Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS20:11
guntbertSemitones: no problem :) and you can always ask ubottu, she is very helpful20:11
guntbert!askthebot | Semitones20:11
ubottuSemitones: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:11
Semitonesyeah she is :D20:11
Strashniqubottu can you help me ?20:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
Strashniqyeah ,nice20:12
kingxomaco: sorry, but i cant join #linux20:12
guntbertSemitones: the relevant factoid was !grub20:12
Strashniqwell 50 000 people and no help20:12
guntbert!patience | Strashniq20:12
ubottuStrashniq: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:12
abhijitStrashniq, 50 000???20:12
Strashniqi was searching whole day20:12
maco!requirements | Strashniq20:12
ubottuStrashniq: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu20:12
nilsmaabout novell moonlight 2.2, i receive error message when trying to open a page using silverlight: "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/moonlight/plugin/libmoonloader.so" - any ideas what causes it and how i can fix it?20:13
Strashniqwell does anyone has Ubuntu 8.10 - because i made it work but 9.04 and latest versions don`t work20:14
collabrais moonlight included in the ubuntu repos?20:14
macoStrashniq: 8.10 is end-of-life20:14
duffydackStrashniq,  whats the problem20:14
timpsterhey can i interrupt20:14
Strashniqwell how should i make newer version to work on my old laptop ?20:15
timpsterum i guess not20:15
ezyhi. so its best not to bother about dpkg at all since it will be deprecated in the future ?20:15
Strashniqwhen i try to install -i boot and i see only flickering screen20:15
guntberttimpster:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:15
macotimpster: interrupt what?20:15
timpsterooo nice20:15
macotimpster: the only way youd be interrupting is if you pasted 30 lines of text and mashed up the chat20:15
Strashniqduffydack sadly when i boot - i can`t see anything even when i try command line install20:15
macotimpster: or started talking about goats or something otherwise off topic20:16
timpsterum i was wondering how to get a murrine theme installed    AND THEN make it transparent20:16
kingxomaco: so what should i do20:16
collabrai hear men stare at them20:16
Oer!Strashnig  what videokard is used in your laptop ? we need these details to determinate what could be wrong. also brand & type laptop is gooed info20:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:16
macokingxo: figure out why you're banned from #linux?20:16
kingxomaco: it must work pretty much the same in other linux distros, right¡20:16
timpsterdamit dont type really long msgs20:16
macotimpster: watch language20:17
timpsterwhere can i get a murrine theme that works  sry 4 the language20:17
kingxomaco: im not banned, im not registered and i havent received the email to complete the registration20:17
guntbertkingxo: for that ask in #freenode please20:18
duffydackStrashniq, like Oer said, we need info...20:18
macotimpster: to get transparent you need to have compositing enabled, so turn on desktop effects in system -> preferences -> appearance20:18
panitaliemomim trying to boot from a RIP linux cd and all i get is a black screen. i currently have NO OS installed. hard drives are empty.20:18
macopanitaliemom: rip linux??20:18
Strashniq0er Brand : Benq, CPU: Intel Celeron 1.7 ,Ram 1 gig, Video :SIS Series (not sure which one)20:18
kingxooh well, goodbye20:18
aftertafanyone good with ati ?20:18
StevethepirateCan anyone suggest a proxy server that supports *) Multiple upstreams *) Including SOCKS support.20:18
guntbertpanitaliemom: what has that to do with ubuntu support?20:18
timpsteryeah i just realized that its off   but i dont have any murrine themes to use it   ----------------20:18
ZykoticK9!anyone | aftertaf20:18
ubottuaftertaf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:18
macotimpster: gnome-look.org is the site to find themes20:18
timpsterand i dont know how to make it transparent20:19
sha1sumare there utilities included in 10.04 that allow for the *safe* resizing of partitions?20:19
macotimpster: if desktop effects are enabled window borders automatically become transparent20:19
aftertaf cant use the ATI drivers anymore but need energy-saving capabilities to stop laptop from overheating20:19
collabrasha1sum: gparted is okay20:19
panitaliemomim trying to install ubuntu, and it wont boot either.20:19
timpsteri really wan RGBA support20:19
guntbert!hi | jordanman20:19
ubottujordanman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:19
sha1sumOK, and I have another question... My laptop battery won't hold any charge, and with a thunderstorm, the power went out and so did my laptop. Now a lot of my gnome preferences and some of my application preferences have disappeared.20:20
sha1sumHow can I get them back, if at all?20:20
collabrasha1sum: actually gparted is a good program to safely resize partitions20:20
b00m_chefis there any way to split a linux ext4 partition into separate partitions for /home and / after install?20:20
sha1sumFor instance the entire theme is different for gnome, and my jEdit color scheme is not set any longer20:20
aftertafyes, via live cd20:20
aftertafb00m_chef:  ^20:20
d3s3rt3gl"bareword Pictures not allowed while strict sub in use at (eval 1) line 1"20:20
duffydackStrashniq, I know someone with SIS that works fine.   Did you use the LIVE cd or the alternate cd20:20
timpstermaco,  i want rgba support    do u know what that is20:20
OerStrashniq, what is the type of benQ ?20:20
dschuettcould anyone help me figure out why i can't reach the internet through my ubuntu linux 2 nic router i have set up?20:21
gurudrewHello all20:21
collabrasha1sum: other than re-preferencing,... I've got nothin20:21
sha1sumActually *all* of my jEdit preference has disappeared20:21
b00m_chefaftertaf: ahh good...I thought it might be through live CD, but didn't want to risk it without confirming here20:21
jordanmanubottu: do you have games here?20:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:21
Strashniqduffydack i tried them both - i guess my SIS VGA is very very old20:21
beepanda22how often should i reinstall ubuntu 10.0420:21
guntbertd3s3rt3gl: wrong window?20:21
timpsterscriptwarlock, do u know about rgba supprot20:21
IdleOne!language | sha1sum20:21
ubottusha1sum: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:21
b00m_chefaftertaf: can you recommend any docs?20:21
sha1summy abbreviations, macros, color scheme, everything I use every day to edit code is gone20:21
Strashniqduffydack i tried both latest and 9.04 version20:21
Strashniqboth desktop and20:21
aftertafnone i know of.. google maybe ;)20:21
RoastedHey guys. I was using some utilities to test my works security with wireless, but I have several "monitor" sessions open - or something? Ifconfig yields like 5 instances of "mon0, mon1, mon2" etc. How can I disable these?20:21
sha1sumIdleOne: yeah sorry about that. Word vomit. It's just very bad that I'm a web developer and all my code editor preferences are gone20:21
jordanmanubottu: hi20:21
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:22
duffydackStrashniq, did you try the extra options before booting it?  noapic etc20:22
beepanda22does ubuntu need to be defragmented20:22
gurudrewAfter an auto update fglrx is no longer working properly, both the radeon and fglrx are in modprobe, but when I run the ATI config suite it tells me the driver is not loaded or is not working properly20:22
collabrasha1sum: you edit code and your here asking what to do?20:22
timpsterEVERYBODY   C H I L L20:22
duffydackStrashniq, press a key when you boot the cd to get a menu, then (F6 I think) to get more options.20:22
guntbert!defrag | beepanda2220:22
ubottubeepanda22: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.20:22
sha1sumcollabra: yes. why is that so hard to believe? Most of the answers and skills I've acquired have been from nice people helping me out.20:22
ZykoticK9beepanda22, not usually.  EXT4 is bettern then ext3 in that regard20:22
Strashniqduffydack i will try and join later20:22
beepanda22thank you everybody20:22
panitaliemomim trying to install ubuntu, and the installation cd doesnt boot. i have no OS installed20:23
collabrasha1sum: i apologize,.... sincerely.20:23
sha1sumcollabra: I'm a web developer, not an app developer, first of all. Second of all, I've never seen app preferences just go away into the void like that.20:23
panitaliemomplz hlp!20:23
duffydackStrangeCharm, there are things to try like noapic, acpi off , safe gfx mode I dont know if its still there or not..20:23
IdleOnepanitaliemom: BIOS are cet to boot from CD?20:23
collabrasha1sum: neither have I.... you'd think ext4 would recover those bits20:23
gurudrewAnyone run into any issues after the most recent update with fglrx?20:23
ZykoticK9panitaliemom, use your BIOS's boot selection screen, or set boot order in BIOS20:23
sha1sumcollabra: how would I check the disk integrity?20:24
dschuettdoes anyone know how to route traffic coming in on eth1 to go out eth0?20:24
sha1sumCould it be that the filesystem is protecting some sectors or something?20:24
collabrasha1sum: to be honest,... I'm entry-level support,... I'd send you to tier two,... but it's just me here.... sorry :(20:24
pyTopherMy cursor is acting funny,  when I try to click inside a window it just grabs the window instead, why is it doing this?20:24
vol7ron/usr/bin/pgadmin3: relocation error: /usr/bin/pgadmin3: symbol _ZN21wxMemoryFSHandlerBase19AddFileWithMimeTypeERK8wxStringPKvmS2_, version WXU_2.8 not defined in file libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0 with link time reference20:25
collabrasha1sum: i'm sure someone here has the answer20:25
sha1sumLet's hope so. This sucks. heh20:25
sha1sumcollabra: thanks for the effort :)20:25
ZykoticK9pyTopher, could your ALT key be stuck down?20:25
Oer!ICS | dschuett20:25
ubottudschuett: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:25
sha1sumDo I have to drop to single user mode to fsck?20:26
pyTopherZykoticK9, thats wierd when I hold alt down it works fine20:26
user01hello i just purchased a WD 1TB USB drive should i format it it to win32 for ubuntu?  i think its ntfs by default20:26
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ZykoticK9pyTopher, so it's acting in reverse - sorry no idea how to fix that.  Good luck.20:27
beepanda22panitaliemom edit your boot order in your bios settings check out this ubuntu page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD20:27
pandluniumIdleOne: i got disconnected. BIOS is set to boot from a cd. it just gives me a black screen.20:27
guntbertsha1sum: best boot to a live CD20:27
gurudrewAnyone have a link for a guide to debugging graphics issues?20:27
gurudrewNewest auto update borked everything20:27
user01i was thinking of maybe putting a live cd on it though which might be cool20:27
user01live dvd20:27
user01custom live dvd might be cool too20:27
aftertafgurudrew: force older package in synaptic20:28
Oersha1sum, for fsck next boot, type in terminal > sudo touch /forcefsck20:28
user01but probably a lightweight version20:28
IdleOnepandlunium: did you md5sum before burning?20:28
user01would be better20:28
[thor]user01: this is only my opinion, but since ubuntu seems to handle NTFS with very few issues, it seems that leaving it as it's default formatting will provide the widest range of use20:28
gurudrewI'm not sure which package is broken20:28
beepanda22pandlunium download again and verify ( i dont know how) make sure that you burn the contents of the disc, not a single file. if you have another computer with an os installed, then you could check the cd contents20:28
wrektjetdoes anyone know how to move data from linux ext partitions into a a Virtual Box OS20:28
gurudrewall I know is I updated and now my ATI drivers aren't working properly20:28
[thor]user01: formatting to ext3 or 4 will prevent you from using it with windows and other legacy OS's20:29
user01[thor]: well this is a usb device so obviously ill want to use it on various operating systems20:29
beepanda22pandlunium is the black screen completely black or is there a prompt with a flashing line or text20:29
duffydackwrektjet, #vbox20:29
[thor]user01: exactly20:29
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user01[thor]: which is why i thought win32 would be best20:29
lxLeehow do you use letters in cinelerra?20:29
timpstermurrina themes20:30
timpsterrgba support20:30
ZykoticK9!enter | timpster20:30
ubottutimpster: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:30
pandluniumbeepanda22: there is a flashing '_' but its not a prompt. i cant write anything20:30
timpsterwhere can i get themes themes20:30
timpsternice 120:30
prince_jammys!themes > timpster20:30
ubottutimpster, please see my private message20:30
netsavy006Hi all.20:30
beepanda22oh, did you try the steps i posted previously20:31
netsavy006I have a major problem.20:31
ActionParsniplxLee: http://cinelerra.org/docs.php20:31
quizmehi, i want to log into my home computer using my public ip address (with ssh). Is it possible?20:31
ActionParsnip!theme | timpster20:31
ubottutimpster: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:31
netsavy006I installed a driver that messed up my ability to get ino my computer.20:31
timpsterthx man20:31
netsavy006It was an ati/amd driver.20:31
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ActionParsnipquizme: sure, just setup the port forward in your router20:31
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quizmeActionParsnip how do i do that? sorry i know it's a dumb question.20:31
ActionParsnipquizme: i recommend you set the PC running the ssh service to a static IP20:31
quizmeActionParsnip, yeah it's static i think.20:32
ActionParsnipquizme: it varies wildly between routers, you will have to rtfm20:32
TwiloI use ubuntu JeOS with lxde-core. how can I change the keyboard layout with the keyboard layout switcher applet in the task bar or is there another way to set the keyboard layout in the gui?20:32
Sid123can anyone tell me how to enable animation plugins in lucid?20:32
quizmeActionParsnip: i noticed that i can do nc -l 12345 | cat, and then curl <publicip>:12345 and it will show20:33
quizmethe curl is from my web server (external)20:33
ActionParsnipquizme: if you enter your routers internal IP into your borwser you will be in the routers config20:33
quizmeActionParsnip: i think my router is doing some kind of dynamic mapping... i forget what it's called20:33
=== surfer is now known as nilsma
erUSUL!ccsm | Sid12320:34
ubottuSid123: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:34
ActionParsnipquizme: its sometimes called port forwarding, its sometimes called virtual server20:34
=== Esat is now known as Esatk
=== Tyler is now known as Guest5263
pyTophermy alt key is acting as if its stuck down but neither of them are, can anyone help?20:34
W43372I just bought a new wireless router and I can't get my laptop to work with the wireless.20:35
Guest5263Hello, I just had a problem booting with the LiveCD. I tried to try it without installing. It acted like it was going to load, but then the screen filled with a bunch of these little horizontal bars, then it just went to a black screen and nothing happened.20:35
abhijitpyTopher, try in ##hardware20:35
beepanda22pandlunium if you want to download faster from ubuntu, try the torrent if you know how20:35
pyTopherabhijeet: ok20:35
quizmeActionParsnip: okay i am in.  I see "Cable", Gateway" "Wireless" Firewall, "Admin" and Info"20:35
quizmeActionParsnip: probably Firewall?20:35
ActionParsnipquizme: click around, see what you can find20:35
netsavy006I can't figure out how to fix my problem.  I went to system > administration > hardware drivers, and it mentioned of a driver for my ati driver for my computer that would allow me to have 3d settings since I was told by an app I didn't have that, I decided to activate the driver.  It installed it and told me I needed to reboot.  But after that I couldn't get into my computer.  I just see the Ubuntu name / logo and the 4 dots u20:35
sha1sumOkay well forcing an fsck worked to get my gnome preferences back, however, my code editor's preferences are all gone, including all plugin options.20:36
ActionParsnipGuest5263: did you md5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you check the CD for defects?20:36
guntbert!md5sum | Guest5263 did you check?20:36
ubottuGuest5263 did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:36
beepanda22guest5263 re download the iso from ubuntu.com and then verify it. burn the contents of the image, not just one file. then you can change your bios settings and boot from your cd you just burned20:36
W43372I just bought a new wireless router and I can't get my laptop to work with the wireless.20:36
beepanda22guest5263 you should also consider checking if all your hardware is known to work with ubuntu, if you havent done so already20:37
Guest5263Actionparsnit guntbert beepanda22: I burned and verified with ImgBurn. I've already used this disc to install it before, but I wanted to test it first this time. It installed fine last time.20:37
ActionParsnipW43372: if you run: sudo iwlist scan      do you see the routers SSID?20:37
beepanda22guest5263 is the cd ubuntu 10.0420:38
scriptwarlocktimpster: yo man what brings you here?20:38
Guest5263beepanda22: yes20:38
beepanda22perhaps redownload it20:38
guntbertGuest5263: please check the disk integrity from the CD menu20:38
W43372ActionParsnip: Yes. Yes, I do.20:38
Guest5263I've used it to install before, and it worked fine. It's just the Live thing that won't work20:38
beepanda22have you verified your hardware compatibility (maybe with google)20:38
ActionParsnipGuest5263: boot to the cd. when you see the stickman, press spacebar and select check cd fpr defects20:38
beepanda22guest5263 is the cd a live cd20:39
beepanda22guest5263 is the disc damaged20:39
ActionParsnipW43372: cool, then you should also find it in network manager,20:39
Guest5263beepanda22: Yes, it's a live CD. No, it's not damaged.20:39
netsavy006I can't figure out how to fix my problem. I went to system > administration > hardware drivers, and it mentioned of a driver for my ati driver for my computer that would allow me to have 3d settings since I was told by an app I didn't have that, I decided to activate the driver. It installed it and told me I needed to reboot. But after that I couldn't get into my computer. I just see the Ubuntu name / logo and the 4 dots under20:39
ActionParsnipGuest5263: only by running the self check, can you know that20:39
beepanda22do you know the cd works with the drive (dvd with a dvd drive, etc.) do you know the drive works20:39
Guest5263I could just skip testing and install it20:39
W43372ActionParsnip: I try to connect and it just cycles a few times and says you are now disconnected. When I try toconnect it doesn't even ask me for the psk it just tries to connect.20:40
Guest5263I'll do the cd frp defects thing20:40
elvis anyone having problem with alien and conversion to deb? it doesn't creates the deb file in the directory even if the terminal say the opposite.20:40
ActionParsnipGuest5263: if your CD has defects it will be a bad install20:40
beepanda22guest5263 no you should really test it. let me grab the lucid release notes to post for you to read.20:40
ActionParsnipW43372: frp == for (typo)20:40
guntbert!alien | elv20:40
ubottuelv: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:40
Guest5263I'm checking for defects now20:41
W43372ActionParsnip: What should I do?20:41
quizmeActionParsnip: can i do port forwarding using ssh ?20:41
ActionParsnipW43372: did your old router use the same SSID (if you had one before), or do you have a stored SSID which is the same>20:41
elvguntbert: yep i know but i need to convert a rpm but the problem is that alien doesn't creates the deb.20:41
sdtr443wAfter installing the ati restricted drivers, at the graphical login it has something like a virtual desktop that I can scroll over to the right, but it's all black.  It persists a little bit after logging in but stops.  My four workspaces however are sized like it's all still there.20:41
VCoolioelv: if there is no .deb compile the source with checkinstall20:42
sdtr443wAnd I can't move windows into that space even when it's active.  What is going on with it?20:42
W43372ActionParsnip: No.20:42
beepanda22guest5263 heres the release notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes20:42
beepanda22you can click on the link i posted20:42
elvVCoolio: yes but the source is in a rpm file too...incredible20:42
ActionParsnipquizme: you don't "do port forwarding via ssh". You log onto the router and configure a port on the router to be pushed through to your internal network.20:42
ddssi have no OS installed and the live cd only gives me a black screen. i cant even start the installation20:43
guntbertelv: sorry but alien is not supported here20:43
beepanda22ddss you could redownload the cd and burn it20:43
ActionParsnipW43372: good. do other PCs connect to it ok?20:43
guntbert!md5sum| ddss20:43
ubottuddss: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:43
ActionParsnipddss: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html20:43
beepanda22read the release notes link i posted above^^20:43
W43372ActionParsnip: Yes. My server is hardlined to the router and connects. My xbox is hardlined and connects and my moms computer in the other room connects to the wireless without error.20:43
beepanda22how can i share files with a windows 7 computer over a network20:44
beepanda22(i have ubuntu 10.0420:44
Guest5263This verification takes awhile, huh?20:44
ActionParsnipW43372: ok use those one to disable the encryption or switch to wep. Does it connect then?20:45
quizmeActionParsnip: okay. i'll try.20:45
ActionParsnipbeepanda22: use samba20:45
netsavy006Is there a way I can install an ATI driver while in try mode so I can overrite the driver I have installed on my current ubuntu so I don't have to do and reintall ubuntu a 2nd time?20:45
beepanda22actionparsnip ok20:45
beepanda22ddss do you have an os on another computer?20:45
W43372ActionParsnip: I have to disable my encryption?20:46
ActionParsnipW43372: just to test20:46
Guest5263Check finished: No errors found20:46
beepanda22ddss you could get a cd from ubuntu shipit instead20:46
ActionParsnipbeepanda22: you may need to use samba passwords due to win7 using a weird authentication in samba20:46
beepanda22perhaps ddss doesnt haveanother os20:46
quizmeActionParsnip: Translated Address Table?20:46
beepanda22thank you actionparsnip20:46
ActionParsnipquizme: not sure dude, what make / model is the router??20:47
addoshi, has anyone had problems in ubuntu 10.04 with the update-manager and software center starting and then immediately closing?20:47
Guest5263should I try to use "Try withoug installing" again?20:47
guntbertGuest5263: in that case I advise against installing anyway - if the live system doesn't work odd are that the installed system won't either20:47
ActionParsnipaddos: use http://pastie.org   to give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:47
Guest5263Guntbert: the odd thing is I actually installed Ubuntu with this disc on this laptop before20:47
beepanda22guest5263yes so you can go online and check out the links everyone has posted20:47
ActionParsnipGuest5263: sure, try it20:48
`RadioManburn it x16 or less20:48
dakota_I have been having some boot up issues..20:48
addosActionParsnip: I can't easily do that, since a friend of mine is the one having hte problems. I will see if I can get them to do it later today20:48
dakota_correction x4 or less20:48
beepanda22guest5263 download xubuntu or kubuntu and install gnome later if you want gnome20:48
quizmeactionParsnip: motorola, sbg900.... i think i found it.20:48
guntbert!enter | dakota_20:48
ubottudakota_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:48
collabrabeepanda22: if you have trouble setting up the samba server,... I've used system-config-samba with good results... it's has a GUI interface and is pretty easy to use.20:48
ddssbeepanda22: yes i do have another working computer20:48
quizmeactionParsnip: "Add new port forwarding entry"20:48
quizmeactionParsnip: "port start: 22, port end: 22, lan IP address:
beepanda22ddss: good so check out the links people have posted above on your second computer20:49
beepanda22I recommend you have another computer when installing ubuntu20:49
toniHeey , when im using skype , i can hear the other person , but they cant hear me , can someone PLEASE help me ?20:49
ActionParsnipquizme: sounds like a winner20:50
ActionParsniptoni: make sure your mic isnt muted20:50
toniit isnt20:50
quizmeActionparsnip: yeah sweet man thanks.20:50
nilsmaabout vinagre: how do i remote into a give ubuntu-pc as a specific user?20:50
ActionParsnipquizme: change the IP address thoug20:50
Guest5263It worked this time. I'm in as a Live user.20:51
ZykoticK9toni, can you use Sound Recorder successfully?20:51
liamsmithuktoni try the PulseAudio device chooser in the ubuntu software center, make sure the volume is turned up there and it's using the right audio device20:51
toniZykoticK9: i havent used that befor :O20:51
ActionParsnipGuest5263: sweet20:51
ZykoticK9toni, Application / Sound & Video / Sound Recorder and test then...20:51
guntbertGuest5263: hint: check if your CD drive is "unstable"20:52
ZykoticK9toni, be sure to follow liamsmithuk's suggestion20:52
grandmaWhat system file have a names of skripts that start with system?20:52
dakota_Ubuntu keeps giving me an error and the goes to CLI on start-up help please?20:52
tonithats what im doin20:52
quizmeActionParsnip: oh yeah i know...20:53
rhettNeed help with OpenOffice "The user interface language cannot be determined"20:53
Guest5263Hmm, Ubuntu isn't detecting my Wifi20:53
firstgearonewhat gui is ubuntu lts using?20:53
toniLiamsmithuk: i dont see the PluseAudio ..20:53
liamsmithukit's PulseAudio20:53
quizmeactionParsnip: is there a way to freeze my internal ip to something like
extraclassicI'm using Ubuntu 10.04, and my desktop effects aren't working....it's saying Error: Software Rasterizer in use, when I run compiz-check20:54
`RadioMantoni, try right clicking your spkr icon20:54
dakota_Ubuntu LTS is using the Gnome desktop environment.20:54
netsavy006Is there a way I could install or modify an ATI driver while I'm in try mode since I can't get into my computer?20:54
arslayerTrying to get Uplink to run, I made links from my libg(tk,dk,module,glib) to libg*-1.2.so.020:54
rhettUbuntu 10.04 Gnome problems with Openoffice.org installation20:54
arslayerand now I get the following error: symbol lookup error: /home/arslayer/.setup3161: undefined symbol: GTK_TYPE_SPIN_BUTTON_UPDATE_POLICY20:54
dakota_Well I can se noboby wants to be of any help here.20:55
scunizirhett: sudo apt-get install --reinstall openoffice20:55
guntbert!patience | dakota_20:55
netsavy006what's your issue dakota_20:55
ubottudakota_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:55
rhettscunizi I'll try but i've reinstalled twice now20:55
ComradeHaz`dakota_, you have failed to give us the error message.20:56
scunizirhett: openoffice?20:56
ComradeHaz`We cannot read minds, even your computers'20:56
rhettscunizi: couldn't find package openoffice20:56
dakota_Well I have been searching for the past 2 days on this USB driver boot error that stalls my boot up sequence and takes me to CLI, then I have to log in from there and start the GUI manually.20:56
grandmaWhat file consist skript names are running with system?20:56
kyle_anyone know what i need to mount a BIN file (vox if possibe)20:56
scunizirhett: other then the error that you wrote.. does openoffice actually open?20:56
blackarrayDoes anyone have any experience with setting up SVN on UbuntuServer? I've been having some difficulties with svn+ssh://20:56
hiexpopure_hate,  hola20:56
rhettscunizi: the flash screen shows up then error, no office20:57
ZykoticK9kyle_, bin files are typically Binary files - you'd typically run them, not mount them20:57
noob_Hey,I have been trying for ages to get the spell check to work in open office but to no avail, any suggestions?20:57
netsavy006I need help and I asked on the forums but no one is answering me.  I'd like to know can I install a new ATI driver or modify my exisiting one wile I'm in CD Try Mode?  (I'm using ATI HD Radeon 2600 PRO)20:57
scunizirhett: I don't know if this will work but from a terminal try soffice -en20:57
ZykoticK9netsavy006, proprietary drivers don't work on LiveCD20:57
kyle_ZykoticK9: i wanted to mount it as a vobx CD but it doesn't work.20:57
grandmaWhat file consist skript names are running with system?20:58
rhettscunizi: "the application cannot be started. The user interface language cannot be determined"20:58
ZykoticK9kyle_, i wouldn't think that it would.  What is it?20:58
rhettscunizi: again...20:58
nilsmaabout vinagre: how do i remote into a give ubuntu-pc as a specific user from terminal?20:58
kyle_A game CD. just wanted to skip a step of burning it first.20:58
XearoIn benchmarks the Open Source ATI drivers do better than the Catalyst drivers20:58
Guest5263Crap. I had to install a proprietary wireless driver, and it says I need to restart for it to work. I'm logged in a Live Session, if I reboot, will it install the driver in a Live Session?20:58
netsavy006no I have Ubuntu installed on my HD and I can't get into my computer.  But I want to install ATI driver on that, but I'm currently in LiveCD.  What can I do to get the Ati Drivers installed?20:58
Newadakota_: what's the error message in dmesg ?20:58
grandmaWhat file consist skript names are running with system?20:58
W43372ActionParsnip: You still there?20:58
scunizirhett: is your computer set to use a different language other than english?20:59
rhettscunizi: not that I can see20:59
ZykoticK9kyle_, ahh to it's a bin/cue i take it.  You'll probably need to burn it first.  FYI gaming in VBox is kinda limited.20:59
kyle_ZykoticK9: Oh and can anything on ubuntu burn BIN field. I also have .cue file20:59
NET||abusehmm, weird,, view jqtouch/preview/demo/main/ in google-chrome-beta, as apposed to the current google-chrome (on windows, don't know if i can side by side stable and beta on ubuntu) and the beta screws up massively20:59
MarkRichHello Everyone, I’m using Ubuntu 10.4 with Gnome 2.30.2.  I’d like to completely turn off all tooltips.  A bunch of articles I’ve seen mention that just launching gconf-editor & unchecking the tooltips option at apps /panel/global will do it.  But this only stops the ones for the applications at the top panel from appearing.  The ones on the bottom panel, such as for the running applications & for the workspace switcher s20:59
MarkRichtill appear.  I’ve tried adding the file ~/.gtk-2.0 with the contents gtk-enable-tooltips = 0 to my home directory & rebooting which didn’t do it.  It’s listed as a gnome-bug #84961 at one site.  And another site mentioned installing compiz & setting the tooltip transparency to zero.  Is this the only way to completely turn off these tooltips for the lower panel?  Thanks, Mark20:59
NET||abusenone of the list gradient backgrounds render.. how annoying.20:59
W43372ActionParsnip: I disabled the encryption and the wireless works on the laptop.20:59
rhettscunizi: i should not that I reinstalled a "functioning" openoffice suite because it would shut down every time I went to type anything20:59
Guest5263Crap. I had to install a proprietary wireless driver, and it says I need to restart for it to work. I'm logged in a Live Session, if I reboot, will it install the driver in a Live Session?21:00
netsavy006ZykoticK9:   no I have Ubuntu installed on my HD and I can't get into my computer.  But I want to install ATI driver on that, but I'm currently in LiveCD.  What can I do to get the Ati Drivers installed?21:00
ZykoticK9kyle_, i doubt Brasero can (but maybe?), sorry i don't know a cdburning software that will.21:00
tonii dont have a speaker icon :O21:00
rhettscunizi: the original openoffice with 10.04 was buggy21:00
ZykoticK9netsavy006, see the !grub2 factoid for chrooting to your actual install then21:00
kyle_ZykoticK9: it didn't come up with my img files..21:00
`RadioManlol toni, did it run away ?21:00
blackarrayDoes anyone have any experience with setting up SVN on UbuntuServer? I've been having some difficulties with svn+ssh:// setup and don't know enough about apache to set up svn with http:// access instead.21:00
W43372ActionParsnip: I disabled the encryption and the wireless works on the laptop.21:00
kyle_ZykoticK9: Thanks for your help.21:01
netsavy006ZykoticK9: What did all that mean?21:01
scunizirhett: open synaptic package manager and type openoffice in the search bar.. then on the left click the "Installed" option.. lets compare and see if you're missing anything.. are you running 10.04?21:01
Azjohi, WPA & WPA2 personal should work with WPA-PSK, right? I cannot get on the network.21:01
tonii dunno were it is tho .. im noew to linux... :/21:01
grandmaБлядь, тут кто-нибудь знает как заставить скрипт выполнятьтся при запуске системы?21:01
collabraGuest5263: no,.. simply21:01
hiexpopure_hate,  pm21:01
`RadioManits the little sound icon on your panel that you use for volume toni21:01
ZykoticK9netsavy006, if you chroot from the livecd to your physical HD then you can install software onto your HD install21:01
tonioh yea .. i no that..21:01
toniouuuhhh ....21:01
[thor]!ru > grandma21:01
ubottugrandma, please see my private message21:01
toniMAN i feel stupid riight now lol21:01
`RadioManits ok toni, i have those days 221:02
netsavy006ZykoticK9:  How do I accomplish this?  Does it start by the terminal window?21:02
tonihaha yay ! :D21:02
ZykoticK9!grub2 > netsavy00621:02
ubottunetsavy006, please see my private message21:02
Azjohi, WPA & WPA2 personal should work with WPA-PSK, right? I cannot get on the network.21:02
`RadioManur in toni, now fix it21:02
collabraSuest5263: you would have to install ubuntu and the install the driver, reboot and then... you can use your wireless21:02
tonibut how ?21:02
ZykoticK9netsavy006, it's just the chroot instruction from that factoid link you want - stop after chroot directions21:02
rhettscunizi: one moment21:02
Guest5263Crap. I had to install a proprietary wireless driver, and it says I need to restart for it to work. I'm logged in a Live Session, if I reboot, will it install the driver in a Live Session?21:02
scunizirhett: k21:02
grandma<ubottu> grandma, please see my private message21:02
`RadioManlol, go to prefs and make sure the mic is on21:03
ZykoticK9Guest5263, nope21:03
grandmaWhat file consist skript names are running with system?21:03
collabraGuest5263 : no21:03
ZykoticK9grandma, could you rephrase your question perhaps?21:03
tonihow can i get people to hear me , when im on skype ?21:03
netsavy006Why do I need to modify GURB?21:03
toniits not workin :/21:03
MarkRichHello, has anyone had trouble completely removing the tooltips for  Gnome  2.30.2?21:04
rhettscunizi: not seeing an "installed" option on left...21:04
`RadioManals toni  in a terminal type (alsamixer) and check the mic there21:04
toni:O ok21:04
ZykoticK9netsavy006, you don't!  it's just that it includes instructions to chroot.  Never mind, best of luck.21:04
rhettscunizi: Installed version 1:3.2.0-ubuntu4.121:04
toniwhat do i do now ?21:04
duffydackAzjo, it should.... using network manager?21:05
`RadioManunmute the mic, and turn it up21:05
rhettscunizi but thats the Ooffice installed version21:05
scunizirhett: are you in Synaptic Package manager or software center?21:05
itsux2buso there are man pages not just for commands but for their non-executing (non-binary) support files..?  ie.. i just read there is a man page for ssh-config ..21:05
netsavy006ZykoticK9:  Please don't just wish me luck.  I need a lot of help with this.21:05
rhettscunizi package manager21:05
netsavy006You can't just expect a 2nd day user of ubuntu to understand all this.21:05
scunizirhett: as in system>Admin>Synaptic Package Manager?21:05
rhettscunizi yes21:06
ZykoticK9netsavy006, i really can't help at all with ATI i'm affraid - was just trying to address how you can use the LiveCD to install stuff on your actuall installation.21:06
rhettscunizi: I see "sections" "status" "origin "custom filters" "search results"21:06
Guest5263Well, thanks guys, I got my wireless running :D Now I now how to do it when I install it.21:06
netsavy006Well then how do I chroot?21:06
scunizirhett: on the left pane you should have "All - Installed - Installed (local or obsolete) - Installed (manual) - etc...21:06
justmozzyhi guys21:06
Azjoi installed usb live on usb with unetbootin. isnt it possible to install files and have it saved so its still there when you restart?21:06
twig_guest5263: did i see you say that sometimes that liveCD works and sometimes it doesnt?21:06
scunizisheenobu: should be above the "Sections" part21:07
Guest5263twig_: it didn't work the first time, 2nd time it booted fine21:07
grandmaI watnt to run my script with starting system, i forget the name of file that consist names of scripts that run when system start21:07
duffydackAzjo, if you can use ubuntu to make the usb, then use startup disk creator21:07
twig_i had the same issues a few weeks back and it was because my opt drive was dying21:07
Guest5263twig_: thanks, I'll tell the owner of the laptop21:08
scunizirhett: should be above the "Sections" part21:08
duffydack!chroot | netsavy00621:08
ubottunetsavy006: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:08
twig_im stil kinda new to linux but once i put the new drive in i stopped having issues, although the old drive did burn a ring on the cd and i had to make a new one21:08
rhettscunizi: got it, it was under status tab21:08
Oergrandma, /etc/init.d/<scriptname> ??21:09
selofibuenas, que tal?21:09
timpsterubottu,   hey21:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:09
duffydacknetsavy006, how come you cant boot the os and install from there ?21:09
scunizirhett: ok.. I'm preping a pastebin of what I have.. unless otherwise noted all the names are prefaced with openoffice.org- .... hang on21:09
netsavy006I can't get into the OS.21:09
MarkRichHi, I have a question about Gnome.  Anyone there?21:09
Tyler_I forgot to ask something guys, if I'm somewhere with free wifi, how do I pick it up with Ubuntu?21:09
rhettscunizi: ok21:09
edbianMarkRich, You're in the rigth place.  Ask away!21:09
pure_hatehiexpo, sorry just saw tis. sure pm is fine21:10
elkcloneMarkrich: shoot21:10
AzjoMarkRich, dont ask to ask, just ask ;)21:10
netsavy006It just get's as far as the ubuntu and logo with the pupleish background and goes no further.21:10
RoastedHey guys. I was using some utilities to test my works security with wireless, but I have several "monitor" sessions open - or something? Ifconfig yields like 5 instances of "mon0, mon1, mon2" etc. How can I disable these?21:10
edbianTyler_, Using the cute little applet it in upper right hand corner21:10
itsux2budo i have a fellow newbie in here ?21:10
selofiubuntu en español?21:10
elkclonenetsavy006: sounds normal.21:10
Tyler_edbian: it'll just list the wireless networks that I can access?21:10
ZykoticK9!es | selofi21:10
ubottuselofi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:10
netsavy006I can't even do step 1.21:10
MarkRichOK, is question visible which I posted a few minutes ago?21:10
netsavy006Install the dchroot and debootstrap packages.21:10
elkcloneis there a menu bar in upper lft crnr .21:11
netsavy006apt-get install dchroot debootstrap21:11
netsavy006E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)21:11
netsavy006E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?21:11
Tyler_Also, is it okay to close the laptop and put it in standby while the Live Session is running?21:11
elkclonei see21:11
[thor]Roasted: killall mon0 && killall mon1 && killall mon221:11
edbianTyler_, You click the little icon and it lists all the ones that are available in the are.  You click on the one you want and it connects.21:11
`RadioManhey toni21:11
edbianMarkRich, What was it?  I missed it say it again.21:11
Roasted[thor], they are not processes. They're my wifi device in monitor mode.21:11
grandmaThanks much. Excuse me for my 'English'))21:11
scunizirhett: http://pastebin.com/uVDE7nA221:11
itsux2bunetsavy006, you know about sudo ?21:11
elkclonemarkrich: say it again. scroll is fast.21:11
toniRadioMan: Heey21:12
Tyler_Edbian: thanks, is it okay to close the laptop and put it in standby while the Live Session is running?21:12
netsavy006that's what I'm going to try now.21:12
MarkRichOK, here it is:21:12
andrew_708476I have another problem with Ubuntu can someone help me21:12
MarkRichI’m using Ubuntu 10.4 with Gnome 2.30.2.  I’d like to completely turn off all tooltips.  A bunch of articles I’ve seen mention that just launching gconf-editor & unchecking the tooltips option at apps /panel/global will do it.  But this only stops the ones for the applications at the top panel from appearing.  The ones on the bottom panel, such as for the running applications & for the workspace switcher still appear.  I21:12
MarkRich’ve tried adding the file ~/.gtk-2.0 with the contents gtk-enable-tooltips = 0 to my home directory & rebooting which didn’t do it.  It’s listed as a gnome-bug #84961 at one site.  And another site mentioned installing compiz & setting the tooltip transparency to zero.  Is this the only way to completely turn off these tooltips for the lower panel?21:12
FloodBot3MarkRich: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
edbianTyler_, It is ok.  Sometimes some laptops don't come out of standby mode easily and you have to hold the power button down and restart them.21:12
timpsterhow can i get rgba support for murrine themes  i.e. ambiance21:12
edbianTyler_, There really is only one way to find out though!21:12
elkcloneakk comp-iz21:12
Tyler_edbian: alright, thanks :D21:12
itsux2bunetsavy006, just about anything useful has to have sudo in front of it21:13
`RadioMantoni, alot of times its better for some systems just to use alsa, if you want to in terminal type (gstreamer-properties) and change it all to (alsa) then reboot, and make your normal settings21:13
netsavy006I need to install dchroot but I got this message from the terminal:  E: Couldn't find package dchroot21:13
=== me is now known as Guest37291
duffydacknetsavy006,  are you sure the ati driver will fix this problem ?21:13
netsavy006I'm not 100% sure, but that was the last thing I did on the computer .21:13
elkclonemarkrich: gnome has an admin panel that allows you to edit wm prefs.21:13
edbianMarkRich, Apparently.  If there is a bug for it than it's a bug!  Sounds like you know more than me.21:13
netsavy006before rebooting.[21:13
toniRadioMan: Alriighty, will do :) And what do you mean normal settings ;O21:13
timpsterbazhang, hey do you know about rgba supprot and murrine themes21:13
`RadioManmice spkrs etc21:13
elkclonemarkrich: try doing it all from gnome.21:13
duffydacknetsavy006, installed the ATI driver before rebooting?21:14
ZykoticK9netsavy006, see Method3 of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD21:14
rhettscunizi: I'm missing one of those21:14
`RadioManalso install aslamixergiu, itl have all the settings in one place for you toni21:14
elkclonemarkrich: try #bash as well.21:14
rhettscunizi: help-en-us21:14
netsavy006Are you asking me to reinstall my OS?21:14
tonialright thanks21:15
netsavy006because I don't want to do that if I don't have to.21:15
MarkRichOK, thanks for the responses.  Is that admin panel the same one that I mentioned?  If not do you know where it's located & how this option can be disabled?21:15
squarismive set up bind for domain "example.com"... ive used this tutorial : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dns-server-setup-using-bind-in-ubuntu.html ... my windows computer gives nice nslookup replies on all subdomain but not on root domain example.com itself... do i need to name the server itself somewhere?21:15
bindinetsavy006: no, he is not. only reinstalling GRUB21:15
scunizirhett: after installing that if it doesn't work then you might rename the .openoffice<somethin> in your home directory21:15
timpsterZykoticK9, hey do you know about rgba support murrine themes --- i.e.  the new ambiance theme21:15
netsavy006Oh ok.21:15
ZykoticK9timpster, nothing i'm affraid21:15
timpstermurrine themes21:15
duffydackZykoticK9, he gets as far as the ubuntu logo.. grub isnt the issue I dont think.21:16
duffydacknetsavy006, so all your problems came when you installed the ATI driver ?21:16
MarkRichWhat do you mean doing it all from Gnome?21:16
ZykoticK9duffydack, i was just trying to help with chroot - installing/updating/removing software from LiveCD (that is all)21:16
c3lwhere are the md5sums for ubntu 10.04.1?21:16
netsavy006I think it did.  I'm not 100% sure.  I'm hoping that that's the cause.21:17
netsavy006so that what we are doing will fix the problem21:17
collabraZykoticK9: video adapter having trouble initializing...?21:17
timpsterwhere is there no one on the gnome server21:17
rhettscunizi: yeah still no luck... what should i rename it to?21:17
ZykoticK9!md5sums | c3l21:17
ubottuc3l: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.21:17
timpsterwhy* is there.....21:17
ZykoticK9collabra, not me...21:17
c3lZykoticK9: 10.04.1 isnt there21:17
itsux2bui swear every *nix needs to come with an advanced instructor for new users.. i wish i knew a local expert.. "insert cd, open instructor package, just add water..'  poof.. someone to teach you all things *nix21:17
ZykoticK9c3l, very good point!21:17
scunizirhett: mv .openoff<whatever> .openoff<whatever>.backup21:17
duffydackitsux2bu,  find a LUG near you21:18
edbianitsux2bu, Like Microsoft Bob?!!?21:18
twig_itsux2bu: i havnt gone through much of it yet but INX appears to have a decent tutorial21:18
`RadioManlol itsux2bu21:18
collabraZykoticK9 : sorry to throw you i was trying to talk to netsavy00621:18
lxLeewhat is the fastest web browser for ubuntu?21:18
MarkRich<elkclone>, can you tell me where that is windows manger is located & how this option can be shutoff?21:18
freddymxhi! does anyone know how to install libusb 32 bit support on AMD64?21:18
edbianlxLee, Probably chromium21:19
collabranetsavy006 : have you tried the vesa driver in xorg21:19
edbianlxLee, Or swiftfox.21:19
freddymxlxLee: i will go with chomium21:19
`RadioMan4 me, seamonkey, still has older ff settings21:19
netsavy006not yet.21:19
rhettscunizi: mv .openoffice.org .openoffice.org.backup21:19
kolex59add server w-irc.com/876021:19
scunizirhett: that's fine21:19
itsux2bui finally got smart.. i have a win host os and guest ubuntu os using virtualbox21:19
ZykoticK9freddymx, if libusb is an installable DEB check out the getlibs script for installing 32bit libs on 64bit OS21:19
=== rudenstam is now known as rudenstAm
collabrai'm not sure just how to enable it,... but i've had video cards that just wouldn't work with anything else21:19
netsavy006I did have an ati driver installed.  Then I saw that ubuntu had a different one so I over-rote the one I had with the one from ubuntu and thats when I ran intro trouble.21:19
rhettscunizi it didn't give me a response so i'll assume it worked?21:20
scuniziitsux2bu: smart would be an ubuntu host and win guest :)21:20
Roasted[thor], they are not processes. They're my wifi device in monitor mode.21:20
scunizirhett: yes21:20
RoastedHey guys. I was using some utilities to test my works security with wireless, but I have several "monitor" sessions open - or something? Ifconfig yields like 5 instances of "mon0, mon1, mon2" etc. How can I disable these?21:20
FloodBot3Roasted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:20
rhettscunizi still isn't running21:20
collabraahhh,... does anyone know how to enable the vesa driver from grub?21:20
duffydacknetsavy006, is reinstalling an option? sometimes its more trouble to fix it with guides than its worth :)21:20
edbiannetsavy006, You over-wrote it?21:21
netsavy006That's what I think, because the it said activate and that's what I did.21:21
freddymxZykoticK9: thanks, i'm checking getlibs21:21
itsux2buscunizi, don't want to risk my pre-installed win.. be that might be the direction i go.. ubuntu host, win guest21:21
scunizirhett: well.. I gave it a shot.. the only other thing I can think of is java or icetea (another java implementation).. but perhaps you should also present this and what you've done so far on #openoffice.org.  Keep in mind that it can be a slow channel21:21
edbiannetsavy006, Oh, I thought you meant that you went into the folder with the terminal and started sudo rm  files or something.21:22
edbiannetsavy006, Are you unable to boot?21:22
scunizirhett: in the mean time if you need a word processor or spreadsheet try abiword and gnumeric21:22
collabraZykoticK9 : do you know how to enable the vesa driver from grub21:22
rhettscunizi thanks, do either of those open and edit .docs?21:22
ZykoticK9collabra, sorry no - i checked the grub2 page and didn't see it actually.21:22
scunizirhett: abiword is the word processor and it should21:22
duffydackedbian, he gets to the splash...21:22
netsavy006It won't let me mount the partition.21:22
rhettscunizi thanks again, i'll give it a shot21:22
scunizirhett: it's actually cleaner and faster than openoffice.. but not as many features..21:23
edbiannetsavy006, What about that silly "recovery mode" thingy in the grub menu?21:23
edbiannetsavy006, Does that boot?21:23
netsavy006keeps telling me, special device does not exist.21:23
rhettscunizi screw features :P21:23
rhettscunizi openoffice is so cluttered21:23
scunizirhett: :)  sometimes you just need it though..21:23
netsavy006I don't even know what that is or how to access it?21:23
collabranetsavy006: the recovery mode might just enable the vesa driver by default21:23
duffydackrhett, because its supposed to be an ms office replacement :)21:23
scunizi!who | netsavy00621:24
ubottunetsavy006: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:24
rhettscunizi duffydack yea thanks MS for reaching across the chasm between OS's21:24
edbiannetsavy006, Do you see the grub menu when you boot that asks you what OS to choose?  If not try booting while pressing the esc key.21:24
collabranetsavy006: no it's the <shift> key21:24
duffydackI press shift.. odd21:24
duffydack^ he said.21:25
edbiannetsavy006, Sorry, shift.21:25
rhettscunizi thanks again, see ya21:25
netsavy006does that mean I need to reboot my machine and then I hold shift while booting my pc as normal and it will bring up a menu?21:25
scunizirhett: np..:) .. hey one more thing.. open a terminal and type pidof soffice21:25
collabranetsavy006 : yeah21:25
pietimehow do you sshfs into a remote directory?21:26
collabranetsavy006 : it will give you an option to do a recovery boot.21:26
netsavy006oh ok.  I will give that a try.  Let me leave here and give that a try.  Whatever happens, I'll let you guys know.  Thanks for your help.21:26
trev_Is there someone who could help me with ProjectM perhaps? It's an ALSA thing...21:26
edbiannetsavy006, Don't just hold it down.  Press it sort of sporadically.  After the BIOS post.  Before the Ubuntu slash screen.21:26
edbiannetsavy006, If it boots you can get to a root terminal and fix whatever needs fixing.  I recommend putting the old driver back.21:27
ZykoticK9pietime, easiest method is Place / Connect to Server / SSH -- mind you that isn't really using sshfs21:27
W43372When I have my wireless router encrypted I can't connect to the wireless. But if I disable the encryption I have no problem. What gives?21:27
pietimeZykoticK9, I don't understand.21:27
scuniziW43372: maybe try a different version of encryption21:27
ZykoticK9W43372, some linux wireless drivers don't support encryption21:27
collabraW43372: yeah ,... what ^ he said21:28
W43372Zykotick9: So I either leave my network wide open or I don't get wireless?21:28
ZykoticK9pietime, if you have an SSH server that supports it - you can click Places menu, then "Connect to server" then select SSH and enter your details.21:28
collabraW43372: not necessarily,... try a different type of encryption21:28
scuniziW43372: option 3 .. get a wireless card / adaptor that support encryption21:28
ZykoticK9W43372, as a "work-around" you could setup MAC filtering on your Router, if ALL encryption schemes fail21:29
NeurotiquetteWhats the command to launch the filebrowser?21:29
collabranot that MAC addresses can't be spoofed21:29
toniit still doesnt work21:29
scuniziW43372: after doing MAC filtering you could also turn off ssid broadcasting.. at least you'll be invisable from your avg. user21:29
ZykoticK9Neurotiquette, "nautilus" if you are on Gnome21:29
NeurotiquetteW43372: If you do have to leave your network open turn off broadcasting... Won't fool everyone, but works most of the time.21:29
NeurotiquetteZykoticK9: Thank you. I am.21:30
toniRadioMan: it still doesnt work21:30
NeurotiquetteW43372: And by most of the time I mean 99.999999% of the time. Most people in this channel wouldn't know offhand how to find a network that has SSID broadcasting off.21:31
W43372Ok well I'm going to switch it over to WEP and see if that works.21:31
=== mike is now known as Guest1491
panfistwhen a user is added to an ubuntu system, where is the default gnome configuration pulled from?21:33
W43372ah screw it I'm not going to worry about encryption21:35
guntbertpanfist: /etc/skel21:35
ZykoticK9guntbert, i actually don't see any gnome stuff in /etc/skel21:35
pietimethanks ZykoticK921:36
pietimeHey, could anyone tell me what they think of this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155816521:36
collabraW43372: i would suggest turning off your ssid brodcast.... if you dont want your neighbors to be granted access21:36
W43372All my neighbors in range have their own shit.21:36
panfistguntbert /etc/skel contains nothing about gnome at all21:36
W43372oops, sorry about that21:36
guntbertZykoticK9: panfist sorry, then - but to my knowledge the complete home dir get copied from /etc/skel21:36
W43372i mean to say, they all have their own encrypted wireless.21:36
W43372My house is a bit out of the way so I'm not too concerned anyone finding my signal whilst wardriving21:37
ZykoticK9guntbert, that was my understanding as well - i was surprised not to see anything Gnome applicable there21:37
pietimeno one has anything to say about it?21:39
bjacksonHow can I change the default group my users belong to when they log into the system.  The net effect I want is that files created by users on my system result in having ownership of 'username:pentaho' for example.  Signifying that all users will be members of the group 'pentaho'.21:39
guntbertpietime: this is no discussion channel21:39
pietimeguntbert, i was looking for help21:39
pietimenot discussion21:39
AegNuddelI'm using the laptop I had at school that still had Windows on it previously but21:40
AegNuddelThe stain is now gone.  Vista has now been removed.  It's now Ubuntu.21:40
panfistbjackson you can change the default group for new users /etc/adduser.conf21:40
W43372So, is Lucid stable yet?21:40
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Diverdudeis there a program that works like grep, but also knows how to search words in pdf files, and also keeps an updated index at all times in order to give very fast search access to all files on the disk?21:40
scuniziW43372: yes21:40
netsavy006Well holding shift while booting didn't work but I found out that when you have the cd in and you hold shift and the right time, you can modify some boot options.21:40
netsavy006Is there a boot option that I can add that will make it use the generic vga over the ATI driver?21:40
collabraW43372: very stable21:40
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RichiieIm having trouble whit Firefox & sopcast That Firefox dont can handle sopcast links21:40
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Richiieassociation.. can someone help me ?21:41
bjacksonpanfist: How about existing users?  Is there a terminal command that will reassign the default groups of existing users, without deleting their existing group memberships?21:41
ZykoticK9netsavy006, you could try adding text to the boot parameters to boot to text only mode21:41
ZykoticK9!nox | netsavy00621:41
ubottunetsavy006: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:41
panfistbjackson i don't know but you might find the answer in here https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html21:41
panfistbjackson you might have to write a script21:41
panfistif you don't want to execute the same command manually for each user21:42
netsavy006Until the ati problem I was able to boot in graphical mode.21:42
pietimeis it possible that lubuntu has some configurations or settings that would cause audio files to skip on media that is not local?21:42
guntbert!here | pietime21:42
ubottupietime: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com21:42
netsavy006I don't think changing to text only boot is going to affect getting to the desktop21:42
pietimeguntbert, what the fsck are you talking about21:43
collabranetsavy006: you could swap the video driver while in text mode21:43
bjacksonpanfist: Currently I only have a handful of users.  Executing a command for each would not be prohibitive.21:43
guntbertpietime: if you want help then tell us what you need -- here -- at least give an overview21:44
collabranetsavy006: at least you would have a booted system,... more than you had before21:44
pietimeguntbert, i think you got me confused with someone else21:44
pietimeHey, could anyone tell me what they think of this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155816521:44
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guntbertpietime: no, you asked about opinions about a forum thread21:44
ZykoticK9pietime, the linking your forum post without explaining is what guntbert was refering to21:45
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pietimeohhh ok. sorry!21:45
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scunizipietime: samba is inherently slow at times21:45
Diverdudeis there a program that works like grep, but also knows how to search words in pdf files, and also keeps an updated index at all times in order to give very fast search access to all files on the disk?21:45
pietimescunizi, but i never had a problem with it before21:46
SeveasDiverdude, tracker21:46
collabranetsavy006 : you could potentially use tools like apt or aptitude to do it for you21:46
scunizipietime: sorry I don't have the answer21:46
justmozzyhi guys21:46
DiverdudeSeveas, is it better than google desktop?21:47
justmozzyI am having a huge problem. after I installed the proprietary ATI radeon driver my ubuntu (lucid) doesn't leave the plymouth splash screen at all21:47
pietimeHey, could anyone tell me what they think of this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1558165 I'm basically asking why my networked media wont play on Lubuntu but it will play on Ubuntu. is it possible that Lubuntu has some configurations or settings that would cause audio files to skip on media that is not local?21:47
SeveasDiverdude, no idea, I don't like either (I don't like the idea of a daemon constantly rattlying my harddisk)21:47
ZykoticK9pietime, do you mean on the exact same machine?  You dual boot ubuntu/lubuntu and ubuntu works fine?21:49
DiverdudeSeveas, well, its the only way to keep track of your files21:49
EckoOany application that i can use to easily do n/w in my home21:49
scuniziEckoO: what's n/w21:49
DiverdudeSeveas, i have loads of articles lying on my disk, and i need a way to quickly search them for a keyword21:49
SeveasDiverdude, good filenames and locate work for me21:49
SubCoolHey can someone help with x11vnc? i have receiving and error when tryin to connect. *** XOpenDisplay failed (:0)21:49
EckoOscunizi: networking21:50
pietimeZykoticK9, i had ubuntu on it before and the day i changed to lubuntu it stopped working.21:50
DiverdudeSeveas, filenames and location is not enough unfortunately21:50
pietimeZykoticK9, same machine21:50
scuniziEckoO: ok.. what aspect of networking do you need to do?  share from one machine to anther?21:50
ZykoticK9pietime, you might want to ask in #lubuntu and see if they have any suggestion (if you don't get some here first)21:51
SeveasDiverdude, then give tracker a try. It'll need some time to do the first indexing though, keep that in mind21:51
pietimeZykoticK9, there are very few people in lubuntu21:51
ZykoticK9pietime, it's not the size of the channel but the quality that matters ;)21:53
twig_does anyone know ho to get the wep key for a 2wire 2701hg-b (att/bellsouth dsl modem/router) their oage says it should be the 10 digit number on the router itself but the 2 laptops that are hooked to it only have 8 digits showing and wont let me show the numbers21:53
justmozzyis it anyway possible to boot ubuntu in command line mode or something? my guess is that X is failing to start21:53
ZykoticK9!nox | justmozzy21:53
ubottujustmozzy: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:53
EckoOscunizi: ya just want to share data b/w several pc and want settup to be fast n quick21:53
scunizitwig_: if there are leading zero's don't use them21:53
scuniziEckoO: mixed os's?21:53
pietimeZykoticK9, haha21:53
AegNuddelQuestion...on the front page espeak says it can speak in Danish but in the commands I find no commands for this voice.   Why not?21:53
edbianjustmozzy, Yeah.  While booting hit shift to enter the grub menu then choose recovery mode.  It has an option to drop to a root shell.21:53
twig_scunizi: negative on the zeros21:54
asdf_baronSo my msn doesn't work on pidgin, empathy, not even on the web messenger.  My internet connection seems fine, other than that.21:54
nerdy_kidpulseaudio crackles for a few seconds whenever my screen turns off, is there anything I can do about it?21:54
scunizitwig_: 2wire routers are .. blaaaa!  if this is a business line then ask att to replace with a motorola modem.. much better21:54
xanguaasdf_baron: update pidgin, works for me21:54
hiexpomy msn works fine on pidgen21:54
EckoOEckoO: all ubuntu or mint21:54
EckoOscunizi: all ubuntu or mint21:55
netsavy006I tried the boot options vga=771 didn't do anything.  Neither did nosplash.21:55
Seveasnerdy_kid, don't turn your screen off :)21:55
netsavy006didn't change the boot at all.21:55
twig_scunizi: its a home connect21:55
ZykoticK9netsavy006, if you are using Grub2 vga= no longer applies (nor does nosplash i believe)21:55
asdf_baronI have the latest version of pidgin.  I'm thinking somehow the connection is being blocked off by ubuntu?21:55
scuniziEckoO: then cifs, sshfs and others should work fine..21:55
AegNuddelwell looks like gespeaker has what I need anyway21:55
justmozzyedbian: I tried it but it didn't work. I tried esc and it gave me the option but it will also fire up plymouth and then just hang21:55
ZykoticK9netsavy006, s/Grub2/new kernels21:55
netsavy006I'm using whatever GRUB 10.04 installs by default so you'll have to tell me.21:55
edbianjustmozzy, What is plymouth?21:56
ZykoticK9netsavy006, ya vga= doesn't apply21:56
scunizitwig_: you'll lneed to give att/bellsouth a call.. they can access it remotely and tell you21:56
nerdy_kidSeveas the thing is that im on a laptop and I like closing the lid when I listen to music; thus it crackles.  also my multimedia buttons are on the edge of my case so i can press them when the lid is closed; causing more crackles.21:56
DennernHello everybody, new to ubuntu here.21:56
justmozzyedbian: I read that this is what they call the start up screen now?21:56
netsavy006ZykoticK9:  So what do I do now?21:56
EckoOscunizi: can u give link ....21:56
twig_scunizi: thanks21:56
edbianjustmozzy, Perhaps.  I don't know.21:56
hiexpoplynouth is taking over grub i see21:56
netsavy006I still want to override my ATI driver that I can get from ATI over the one that Ubuntu did.21:56
edbianjustmozzy, Try shift instead of esc21:56
justmozzyedbian: I tried... it wouldn't do anything21:57
ZykoticK9hiexpo, plymouth and grub are separate - plymouth replaces usplash21:57
edbianjustmozzy, Then IDK.  Sorry21:57
edbianZykoticK9, Thank you21:57
netsavy006shift didn't do anything for me when booting.21:57
netsavy006It was like I did nothing.21:57
justmozzynetsavy006: neither for me21:57
facelessloserhi guys21:57
edbiannetsavy006, How did you get to ubuntu recovery mode?21:57
netsavy006I didn't.21:57
hiexpoand has a dependency also21:57
Oerenter grub2 > left shift on boot21:58
justmozzyok... esc finally gave me a different screen21:58
ZykoticK9justmozzy, FYI if you get grub menu with ESC then you are using Grub121:58
guntbertnetsavy006: press the left <shift> key and only let go when the grub menu appears21:58
edbiannetsavy006, i see21:58
justmozzyZykoticK9: does grub use X?21:59
ZykoticK9justmozzy, no21:59
ZykoticK9justmozzy, grub is only a boot loader...21:59
netsavy006but how will using GRUB let me reinstall my ATI Driver.21:59
EckoOschatan: any links plz21:59
justmozzythis is confusing me now... seems that after 200x reboots my ubuntu finally started, however now in low graphics mode... grrrr...22:00
edbiannetsavy006, You have to get past grub.  It has a menu that it's hiding from you.  It typically chooses normal Ubuntu automatically.  We want to choose recovery mode because it boots Ubuntu with no graphics but give you a command line which you can use to fix the driver issue.22:00
timpsterwho wants rbga windows22:00
Richiiecan anyone help me please whit sopcast ?22:00
brad_This is the error my friend gets when trying to run software-center22:00
Richiiei cant get an association to it in firefox22:00
brad_does anyone know what may be causing that?22:00
netsavy006and when I get to that command line then what do I do?22:00
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facelesslosercould someone help me with some bash stuff22:01
TiKfor example?22:01
justmozzyok I think I can take it from here. thanks guys and sorry for the confusion22:01
EckoOany 1 gamer here22:01
edbiannetsavy006, remove the package for the driver you don't want.  Install the driver you do want.22:01
edbianfacelessloser, sure.22:01
EckoOusing steam on ubuntu22:01
scuniziEckoO: the programs are in the repositories.. as for docs.. check ubuntuforums.org22:02
netsavy006I don't know that the package I don't want is.22:02
facelessloserthanks edbian22:02
tacomaster1hey quick question if i have a pc with internet and one with out (usb internet) can i go to packet manager and download something and not install it and install on the other pc?22:02
facelessloserive just started to play around in bash but i want to know22:02
facelessloserdo i need to put \ befor each spae22:02
TiKtacomaster1: yes22:02
scunizifacelessloser: in filenames? easier to bracket spaced filenames with "22:03
edbianfacelessloser, It's an escape character.  space is used to separate options.22:03
SemitonesZykoticK9, hey, do you know what i should search in synaptic to find the kernels i need to uninstall?22:03
EckoOscunizi: dude are they easy enough for a noob to use ??22:03
netsavy006I actually have to copy the file that I downloaded from the internet to my local computer so that I can even install it at all.22:03
facelessloseryeah in file name scunizi22:03
EckoOscunizi: i want something that is easily configurable22:03
edbianfacelessloser, My friends names are betty ann and stacy22:03
edbianfacelessloser, Do I have two friends or 3?22:03
scuniziEckoO: probably .. but if you expect to install and forget and have it "just work" might not be the best approach.. read up22:04
scunizi!networking | EckoO22:04
facelessloseredbian 322:04
edbianfacelessloser, Or betty ann is one person22:04
edbianfacelessloser, See the problem?22:04
facelessloseroh i see22:04
ZykoticK9Semitones, linux-image22:04
edbianfacelessloser, betty/ ann and stacy22:05
EckoOscunizi: wat if these is some windows machine also in the setup22:05
facelessloseroh i get it now edbian22:05
edbianfacelessloser, good :)22:05
facelessloseredbian, what i want to know is there a way to get around using the \ befor the space22:05
netsavy006How do I copy a file I downloaded from my live CD to my local drive?22:05
edbianfacelessloser, "betty ann"22:05
DiverdudeSeveas, its indexing now....how long will it take?22:06
facelessloseredbian, got ya22:06
Renskihey all. My netbook wireless did not work when I first installed ubuntu. I then read a forum that told me to create an empty file /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat. This worked, but I want to know why.22:06
edbianfacelessloser, "/path/to/some file.txt"22:06
edbianfacelessloser, Yeeeeep22:06
scuniziEckoO: samba and smbfs22:06
facelessloseredbian, ive been using mplayer and its a blag putting in the track names22:06
SeveasDiverdude, depends on the amount of data of course :)22:06
frossi, I had some slow wifi problems last night which i fixed with installig a perticulare driver. Today when i left the house i had a file downloading to my server at 1.5mbps now I got home and it was going at 1-5 kbps. i cant seem to figure out why i lost my speed again. any ideas?22:06
EckoOscunizi: but its difficult :| ...tried it several times...no utility dat can setup everything easily ??22:07
edbianfacelessloser, It is annoying I bet!  You never really care about file names until you start using the terminal.22:07
nerdy_kidhow good is linux support for the Ralink RT3070 wireless chipset?22:07
scuniziEckoO: http://creatazine.com/linux/how-to-enable-personal-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04-lts/22:07
SemitonesZykoticK9, ok, i'm going to keep linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic, *-23, *-22, and remove all the lower numbered ones22:07
EckoOscunizi: kk reading will reply bak22:07
ZykoticK9Semitones, yup :)22:07
facelessloseredbian, yeah its weird so if i use " at the start and end i can get rid of the \ befor space22:07
SemitonesZykoticK9, should i search for headers and other related things to remove?22:07
edbianfacelessloser, yes22:08
hiexposup all22:09
facelessloseredbian, thanks you've been a big help22:09
Renskinerdy_kid, ive got a RT2860 which works very well, though not out of the box22:09
soeehi, can you tell me if there is some option to assign program to one of the desktops ?22:09
edbianfacelessloser, No problem.  Have fun!  Linux is great! :D22:09
edbiansoee, No but I think there should be!22:09
AegNuddelOnly miss a few thinbgs22:09
facelessloseredbian, it is when you have great people to help you out22:09
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edbianfacelessloser, ha ha ha.  Thanks22:09
AegNuddelbut Linux is better than windows22:09
DiverdudeSeveas, well yes, but i am asking about the time pr. mb speed22:10
linxehAegNuddel: subjective, and OT22:10
hiexpohola edbian22:10
* AegNuddel was looking at what you said to edbian 22:10
SeveasDiverdude, can't say I know.22:10
edbianhiexpo, Hello.  How are you!22:10
hiexpopeachy  :)22:11
edbianAegNuddel, Thanks.  Still off topic though :(22:11
nerdy_kidRenski good, i ordered a realtek rtl8187L wireless that was supposibly compatible with linux off of ebay; that was a joke.  so now im looking for one that works, how hard was installing the drivers?  a deb or compiling?22:11
glassresistorcan anyone remember a good window compositing manager thats not compiz22:12
EckoOscunizi: thanx22:12
EckoOscunizi: will do the needful atleast for time being22:12
edbianglassresistor, metacity22:12
soreauglassresistor: Thats like asking for a unicorn ;)22:12
edbianglassresistor, oops that's not compositing22:13
frossnerdy_kid: I just ordered soe D-Link dwa-556 cards, they are suppost to work out of the box22:13
soreauglassresistor: What is wrong with compiz?22:13
Semitonesshould I have Sun Java 6 Runtime and OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime installed concurrently?22:13
tacomasterif ubuntu auto detects my usb internet card and all i had to do was put in what carrier i had but lubuntu doesnt see the card at all is there anything i can do?22:13
Semitonesi don't know why they're both installed but they are22:13
glassresistoredbian: yeah im thinking like xompositer or something but cant remember remember the exact name22:13
SubCoolHey can someone help with x11vnc? i have receiving and error when tryin to connect. *** XOpenDisplay failed (:0)22:13
edbianglassresistor, never heard of it22:13
soreauglassresistor: xcompmgr ?22:13
glassresistorsoreau: this is netbook so not an option22:13
soreauglassresistor: Sure it is22:14
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Semitonesand if I remove linux-images, will apt automatically clean out related packages that aren't required anymore?22:14
soreauSubCool: Try prefixing the command with DISPLAY=:0 x11vnc blah blah22:14
glassresistorsoreau: how so my graphics card is some onboard lowlowest of the low compiz needs 3-d rendering22:14
ZykoticK9Semitones, yes - it may promto for "sudo apt-get autoremove"22:15
soreauglassresistor: Which gpu does the netbook have? lspci|grep VGA22:15
SemitonesZykoticK9, thanks, i'll make sure to run it when i see it22:15
glassresistorsoreau: whats the easy way to figure that out22:15
glassresistorits the new atom so i think its part of my cpu22:15
soreauglassresistor: The command I gave at the end of my last statement22:16
SubCoolsoreau, i have usr/local/bin/x11vnc -rfbauth /path/to/the/vnc/passwd -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -forever -bg -ssl SAVE22:16
SubCool in xsetup22:16
Renskinerdy_kid, no drivers update required. I just need to add this empty file. /etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat22:16
soreauSubCool: Try DISPLAY=:0 /usr/local/bin/x11vnc blah blah blah22:16
glassresistorsoreau: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller22:16
Renskinerdy_kid, though ive no idea why. Its still empty22:16
soreauglassresistor: Hm, yes they have had problems with the intel driver.. what happens if you try compiz --replace from your terminal?22:17
timpstero thx i was going to do that but didnt think about it thx22:17
glassresistorsoreau: its not installed nbr doesn't have effects as an option22:18
SubCoolsoreau, how do i refresh? reboot?22:18
duffydackglassresistor, mine does22:18
soreauglassresistor: So install compiz? Its in the repos, right?22:18
duffydackglassresistor, its not super quick but I have used compiz on my netbook22:19
glassresistorduffydack: really? i haven't treid but also not trying to give up system resources22:19
soreauSubCool: x11vnc is a server IIRC, so you run it and then vnc in from another machine22:19
glassresistorduffydack: what your gpu or system22:19
duffydackglassresistor, intel something gpu... dell mini 922:19
duffydackglassresistor, with reduced effects I can play quake live :)22:20
SubCoolsoreau, correct, but after changing the display settings on the boot file, how do i test it other than rebooting the box..? nvm- ill just reboot it22:20
soreauSubCool: What do you mean changing boot file settings? oO22:20
duffydackglassresistor, unity will make compiz redundant on my netbook22:20
soreauSubCool: You should be able to just run that command and done22:20
SubCoolsoreau, after i changed those settings in xsetup, i ran x11vnc still ran into the same error22:21
SubCoolsoreau, just tried again, same error22:22
duffydackglassresistor, the netbook interface, soon to be......22:22
soreauSubCool: well that was my only idea. Make sure you have an X session actually running on that machine on :0 display22:22
ezyhi everyone. after i make changes to a guest user in passwd file. do i have to restart the computer for changes to take effect ?22:22
pietimeHey, could anyone tell me what they think of this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1558165 I'm basically asking why my networked media wont play on Lubuntu but it will play on Ubuntu. is it possible that Lubuntu has some configurations or settings that would cause audio files to skip on media that is not local?22:23
SubCoolsoreau, how do i do that?22:23
soreauSubCool: ps ax|grep X22:23
SubCool 1584 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto X22:23
soreauSubCool: So you dont even have an X session running22:25
soreauSubCool: You need X running to use X11vnc22:25
SubCooli guess my settings didnt save over from gnome. ok- so then the file i created using the krunge.org didnt work?22:25
SubCoolthat file i pasted to u?22:25
SubCoolwell, the commnad (only command) in xsetup22:26
boobsbrI just migrated from karmic to lucid and I am truly impressed22:26
ezyhi everyone. after i make changes to a guest user in passwd file. do i have to restart the computer for changes to take effect ?22:26
edbianezy, Yeah22:27
edbianezy, Or maybe just log out and back in?22:27
boobsbreven my integrated ati graphics card, which was stuck with vesa on karmic, is working nicely with effects end everything22:27
edbianboobsbr, Great! :D22:27
ezyedbian, thanks. will try that22:27
panfisti have my computer configured to log in automatically on boot, so that i can still VNC into it if i have to reboot it remotely, but i still can't because it prompts for a password to "unlock login keyring" and i can't connect via VNC until this is dismissed22:28
boobsbredbian: just getting used to empathy.22:28
edbianboobsbr, I prefer pidgin22:28
macopanfist: change the keyring password to an empty string22:28
boobsbredbian: is it normal for empathy to play sounds only on the left channel?22:28
edbianboobsbr, No idea.  I don't use it.22:28
edbianboobsbr, Try playing music.22:28
boobsbredbian: I do too, but I thought about giving it a try22:29
boobsbredbian: music works flawlessly22:29
boobsbredbian: another thing that impressed me. karmic has some problems with sound on my integrated chipset22:29
edbianboobsbr, Well you at least know it's the app and not the sound server or speakers or something.22:29
[thor]what's the CLI command for changing the keyring pass?22:30
edbianboobsbr, 10.04 is a LTS release so it typically is gonna be more polished.22:30
SubCoolsoreau, so what do i do? this should be broke, i have used this many times before22:30
boobsbredbian: I am flabbergasted by lucid. If only I knew earlier how good it was.22:31
glassresistorsoreau: thanks works great and is pretty snappy22:31
edbianboobsbr, Ha22:31
soreauSubCool: So what did you do to break it? Are you sitting in front of this machine or sshd into it22:31
soreauglassresistor: Great, glad to hear it :)22:31
deevermy system halts booting with "ureadahead-other main process (XXXX) terminated with status 4". what's the matter here?22:31
iuryHi Everyone22:32
iuryIm newbie on linux22:32
boobsbrI'd like to know why System Monitor did not identify my AMD Phenom 2 X4 processor22:33
greezmunkeydeever: not much help here, but I've googed that one before and found way too many hits to be useful...22:33
iuryMy touchpad is freezing on lucid22:33
rmevo4can't get my wireless going22:33
iuryCould anyone help me?22:33
edbianiury, Do you have a question!  We love to help :)22:33
iuryThanks Edbian22:33
edbianiury, Well?  What's the question?22:34
hiexpo!help > iury22:34
ubottuiury, please see my private message22:34
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edbianhiexpo, :)22:34
rmevo4I've tried the fixes on the forums but after 3 hours nothing works22:34
iuryMy touchpad is freezing intermitent22:34
iuryon lucid22:34
Guest80617Anyone have big problems with todays kernel updates?22:34
edbianiury, After it freezes do you see anything in the output of dmesg in the terminal?22:34
iuryyeap, but i cant see it22:35
iuryits very fast22:35
edbianiury, Just look at the bottom.22:35
edbianiury, Look for stuff that is related to the touchpad.22:35
rmevo4Any help with getting wireless to work in bt4?22:35
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:36
iuryeve, when i restart the gnome the touch still freeze22:36
thune3deever: acording to ubuntu dev this is "normal". Meaning your problem is elsewhere: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ureadahead/+bug/484677/comments/522:36
greezmunkeythune3: exactly, I kind of forgot that pert, thanks! :)22:36
mintypuHi can anyone help me with this I am using ubuntu lucid lynx and to the top of my desktop window i get a red danger sign and when i click on it it gives me this error messageFailed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20100429)/dists/lucid/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs can anyone help me w22:37
mintypuith this22:37
ginbuntuis there a way to synchronize my desktop personal files incl. app settings, to my ubuntu laptop?22:38
SubCoolsoreau, i didnt do anything, i was just trying to remote into it today, and TADA- i am infront of it and SSH into it22:38
ginbuntunote that hardware of the laptop is not the same22:38
erUSULmintypu: do you want to use the cdrom ? if no disable it in system>Admin...>software sources first tab22:38
mintypuyes i want to use it22:39
mintyputo watch movies and play music22:39
mintypucan you tell me exactly what is happening22:40
jribginbuntu: ubuntu one maybe if you do not fear the cloud.  Personally, I use unison and I like it!  The other standard tool for this sort of thing is rsync, but I prefer unison.  However, I must leave to go fight the zerg22:40
novaricxohey what's the best way to update?22:40
jribnovaricxo: update manager of course!22:40
novaricxothanks :)22:41
danlock2novaricxo, update manager, unless you're doing it on the command line22:41
novaricxoyeah command line22:41
glassresistori managed to get workspaces in my nbr but how to i make those workspaces have two rows22:41
jrib!apt > novaricxo22:41
ubottunovaricxo, please see my private message22:41
dominicdinadaUgh I reinstalled   (l) AMP and mod_rewrite is not enabled running the command apache2ctl -l does not list mod_rewrite, i have looked for the correct way to re-enable mod rewrite and all i find are articles from 2006 and well they are useless and outdated. I don't have 10 years of my life to sift through 6.7 million google hits to find one that is from the last year or so22:41
soreauSubCool: ps ax|grep X|grep -v grep <-- this should show output if you have X running.22:41
novaricxothanks! :)22:41
thune3deever: the only question that pops up from that error: did you mess with fstab before boot problems began?22:41
jribdominicdinada: you tried a2enmod?22:41
novaricxohmm i thought running aptitude upgrade can break your system?22:41
danlock2dominicdinada: it should be like a2enmod rewrite22:42
danlock2or similar22:42
guntbertnovaricxo: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade22:42
danlock2novaricxo, i have yet to have it break anything22:42
novaricxoah thanks guntbert22:42
jribnovaricxo: it will always tell you it wants to do something stupid before it does it :)22:42
dominicdinadaok the command in the last article pointed out a outdated command let me look22:42
mundoes anyone know how I can load 'Display' under System/Preference? it doesn't seem to be there. I'm using Lucid.22:43
deeverthune3: no, just made updates22:43
iuryMy touchpad freezes on interment ways on ubuntu lucid. Even when I restart the gnome it still freezes. Could you help me?22:43
jribnovaricxo: I don't think safe-upgrade will pull in kernel upgrades though, full-upgrade more like what you get from update manager if I'm not mistaken22:43
gryghosthas anyone had any luck getting an ATI x1050 working in Lucid?22:43
olskolircwhere does the .vlc folder or the vlc config files live please?22:43
novaricxooh ok, i see22:43
novaricxoill do that then22:43
novaricxothanks again22:43
erUSULmun: run gnome-display-properties22:43
jribolskolirc: ~/.vlc ? why?22:43
thune3deever: i missed the backstory on your issue, sry. Was this kernel update? can you boot older kernel ok?22:44
olskolirci don't have it jrib22:44
jribolskolirc: maybe ~/.config/vlc/22:44
munI'm running gnome, could someone suggest a colour calibration tool?22:44
olskolirci uninstalled vlc b/c the tv display came out twisted jrib and i purge removed it and now i want to delete the config - thanks22:44
jribolskolirc: no problem22:44
OldSmokey_raid0 on ubuntu finally wahoo22:45
jrennerhey guys i just got a new wireless card (Zonet zew1642) and I can't get my wireless working. anyone wanna lend a hand?22:45
tacomaster1can java through web pages mess up your computer22:45
thune3OldSmokey_: i feel that enthusiasm will be amply countered when some problems appear.22:46
glassresistoris there a number of  rows entry in gconf for number of  rows or workspaces22:47
iuryhow does xchat work?22:47
iuryI would like ask help ?22:47
jrenneriury: I'm on wired at the moment22:47
=== jefinc_ is now known as jefinc
gryghosthas anyone had any luck getting an ATI x1050 working in Lucid?22:47
iuryMy touchpad freezes on interment ways on ubuntu lucid. Even when I restart the gnome it still freezes. Could you help me?22:47
iuryMy touchpad freezes on interment period  on ubuntu lucid. Even when I restart the gnome it still freezes. Could you help me?22:48
MaletorWould something like this make sense? 10GB root RAID0, 10GB swap RAID0, "the rest" /home RAID522:48
soreauglassresistor: If you want help setting up compiz, come to #compiz and we can help you there22:48
beepanda22jrenner type lspci into the terminal if your wireless card is a pci card or type lsusb if it is a usb card. Look for where it says wireless adapter, or something like that. Take note of the model number of your wireless card (output of either terminal command) and google it.22:48
MaletorAnd not do the whole LVM thing.22:48
glassresistorim not trying to setup compiz from what i can tell22:49
soreauglassresistor: The viewports are controlled by compiz while running it22:49
soreauglassresistor: Youll want ccsm installed but its easier to help in #compiz where its a bit quieter22:49
erUSULMaletor: raid 0 in root ? not wise.22:50
jrennerbeepanda22: didn't show up....22:50
beepanda22jrenner, check the connection.22:50
glassresistornm i set it up on compiz22:50
iuryHi guy22:50
iuryMy touchpad freezes on interment ways on ubuntu lucid. Even when I restart the gnome it still freezes. Could you help me?22:50
MaletorerUSUL: Can you explain?22:50
jrennerit looks to be in right... any reason why ubuntu wouldn't detect it?22:50
glassresistorsoreau: thanks for the round about advice, compiz always just used the settings i had setup in metacity22:51
erUSULMaletor: raid0 doubles the possibility of catastrofic failure. one disk goes bad whole system fsked22:51
jrennerit looks to be in right... any reason why ubuntu wouldn't detect it?22:51
MaletorerUSUL: I thought that was RAID1?22:51
jrenner(sorry bout the repeat)22:51
MaletorerUSUL: Oh.. I had them mixed up by 0 I meant 1: the redundancy.22:52
erUSULMaletor: no raid1 is the oposite.22:52
panfistwhen a user is added to an ubuntu system, where is the default gnome configuration pulled from? it's not in /etc/skel ...22:52
MaletorerUSUL: Well there is six drives so that 10GB sector and the 10GB swap would be mirrored exactly across all of them.22:52
MaletorerUSUL: the home partition would have one drive be parity22:52
OldSmokey_<thune3> ive done raid for years just had probs with ubuntu22:52
OldSmokey_quakelive runs great with it22:53
kaze258hey everyone22:53
jameswannabeI neede assistance getting my webcam to work with Ubuntu22:54
kaze258what can you use in ubuntu to use your ipod22:54
Maletorkaze258: rhythmbox22:54
HTT-Birdhey all22:54
iuryI need help22:54
erUSULMaletor: with 6 drives you may want to do raid5 or 1022:54
iuryMy touchpad freezes on interment ways on ubuntu lucid. Even when I restart the gnome it still freezes. Could you help me?22:54
kaze258thank you22:54
MaletorerUSUL: raid5 cannot boot22:54
beepanda22jrenner, your wireless adapter might not be supported. if you have a driver cd for linux, use that or check out the manufacturers website or google it22:54
jameswannabeI neede assistance getting my webcam to work with Ubuntu22:55
MaletorerUSUL: raid 1+0 is too much redundancy22:55
iuryI give up22:55
beepanda22kaze258, you can use rhythmbox or gtkpod to use your ipod22:55
HTT-Birdjrenner: what card do you have?22:55
soreau! webcam | jameswannabe22:55
ubottujameswannabe: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:55
kaze258where do you download it from22:55
beepanda22jameswannabe, get cheese and try it (from ubuntu software center)22:55
HTT-Birdbtw: does anyone know why a complaint about not being able to access the .ICEauthority file would show up upon login on a 10.04 box?  it's mode 600 and owned by the user in question, but can't be rm'ed (Permission denied)22:56
jrennerHTT-Bird: zonet zew164222:57
erUSULHTT-Bird: maybe the problem is in the parent dir ?22:57
HTT-Birdjrenner: let me look that card up on linuxwireless.org22:57
HTT-BirderUSUL: I'll check, but it's in the user's ~22:57
kaze258is there a way to view netflix thru ubuntu22:57
beepanda22kaze258 perhaps there is. go to the netflix website or google it (i dont know)22:58
HTT-BirderUSUL: which is 755 but owned by root, so I guess the problem is that I need to chown the user's ~ to himself22:58
erUSULHTT-Bird: correct ;)22:59
joepahow do you "middle-click" on a macbook in lucid?22:59
idlecoolthere is a problem with network-manager, when ever i connect my usb mobile broadband connection... it gets connected for a while and then quickly get disconnected.. any specific way to resolve it?23:00
erUSULjoepa: buying a *real* mouse with all three buttons ;P23:00
thune3HTT-Bird: That has happened to me when the filesystem has errors and was re-mounted read only.23:00
wick94_hey guys i have a problm23:00
HTT-Birdthune3: yeah, that'd do it too. :p23:00
SubCoolcould anyone help me troubleshoot my x11vnc, it got messed up somehow, and i cant seem to open a Session.  Someone was helping, but we ran into a wall.23:00
erUSULjoepa: i think it is some apple special key ( system? ) + click23:00
wick94_wen i start my laptop with ubuntu, the touchpad doesnt work for like a minute and aftr a minute it starts working again23:01
asdf_baronI can't connect to any secure connections here on wired ethernet.  Basically anything that's https:// fails to load.23:01
HTT-Birdjrenner: what chipset does your card use? (pastebin lspci -vvnn here if you're not sure)\23:01
beepanda22idlecool, open network manager and check out the connection details for your usb mobile broadband adapter, by clicking on the mobile broadband tab, and then click on your connection and click edit. ensure that your settings are correct. other than that, i cannot really help you, so google it. hope that helps23:01
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: port 443's open, right?23:02
beepanda22subcool, poweroff your computer and restart it (if you can). this will restart the x server, or you could close the x11vnc program and open it back up if you can. thats all the advice i have, hope it helps23:03
asdf_baronhow do i check if a port is open?23:03
idlecool<beepanda22>, seems to be a common problem.. as i have already connected it using wvdial over command line23:03
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: tcptraceroute might be helpful23:03
mintypuHi every one23:04
beepanda22wick94 i have a netbook with a touchpad, and i have had that problem, basically, log out, or power off then turn back on or log in to see if that fixes the problem, thats what i did, nothing extra, hope it helps!23:04
asdf_baronSo i just run tcptraceroute and do what?23:04
SubCoolbeepanda22, nope- paste that23:04
wick94_wen i start my laptop with ubuntu, the touchpad doesnt work for like a minute and aftr a minute it starts working again23:04
mintypucan any one tell me what is the ultimate tool to use to diagnose computer hardware and software problems23:04
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: run tcptraceroute over port 443 and see where the traceroute dies out at23:04
HTT-Birdmintypu: your gray matter. :D23:05
wick94_beepanda22 i did tht bt the problm returns the next time i turn my laptop on23:05
beepanda22wick94, try to use an external mouse,and tell me if that works.23:05
asdf_baronwhat's the syntax?  tcptraceroute 443 doesn't quite work23:05
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: read the man page :)23:06
asdf_baronlol aight23:06
jrennerHTT-Bird: Ralink Rt-306223:06
HTT-Birdjrenner: ah. what kernel are you on?23:06
beepanda22wick94, if what i said works, then it must not be a driver for linux. is your touchpad disabled with a hardware button. see if it is, otherwise i cannot help23:06
jrennerHTT-Bird: good question23:06
HTT-Birdjrenner: uname -r :)23:06
beepanda22wick94 does an external mouse work, if you have one?23:06
HTT-Birdjrenner: you may need a newer kernel23:07
jrennerah okay. what does that entail23:07
panfistwhen a user is added to an ubuntu system, where is the default gnome configuration pulled from? it's not in /etc/skel ...23:07
asdf_baronHTT-bird, what website should i specify?23:07
beepanda22wick94, you could perhaps run a terminal if you can get logged in, and type lspci for your internal mouse. paste the output on irc23:08
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: port 443 and pick a known good host (https://mail.google.com)23:08
jrennerHTT-Bird: If you could just link me to a guide or something that would be awesome.  Sounds a bit complicated for IRC23:09
HTT-Bird!ubottu kernel23:09
asdf_baronBad destination address: https://mail.google.com23:09
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: ouch.  it sounds like you have a DNS issue...23:09
guntbertasdf_baron: without the https://23:09
HTT-Birdthx guntbert, nvm what I last said asdf_baron23:10
guntbertHTT-Bird: :)23:10
BunixHello all, i'm sorry, but i need help23:10
jrennerHTT-Bird: !ubottu kernel?23:10
asdf_baronso now that it's running what am I waiting for?  I see outputs which don't mean very much to me.23:10
martyHi - excuse the intrusion but Linus could use some help: http://www.goedunews.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=123:11
HTT-Birdin any case, I need to log off and back on to test my fix on this box... guntbert, you wish to take a stab at getting jrenner's Ralink RT3062 going?23:11
guntbertHTT-Bird: Good luck :-)23:11
HTT-Birdasdf_baron: does it get all the way to the end of the line?23:11
macomarty: what does that link have to do with ubuntu tech support? cuz i dont see the connection23:11
asdf_baronthe command executed succesfully it seems23:11
HTT-Birdsounds weird, maybe your browser has trouble negotiating SSL?23:12
asdf_baronyeah maybe23:12
HTT-Birdlike I said tho, I need to relog on this box, o/23:12
asdf_baronkk sounds good23:12
asdf_baronI'll try reinstalling my browsers or something23:12
jrennerguntbert: wanna join me in my magical adventure to get my wireless card working :P23:12
martyIMHO the only influence on technology that BG has had is a NEGATIVE one... Please vote for Linus: http://www.goedunews.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=123:12
iuryHi everyone23:12
guntbertjrenner: sorry, I'm leaving right now, but did you update your system recently? that should give you 2.6.32-24-generic23:13
Liamis their no backtrack servers?23:13
macoLiam: this isnt a backtrack channel23:13
guntbert!bt | Liam23:13
iurytouchpad freezes23:13
martymaco: I assume most people here know who Linus is ?23:13
beepanda22what kernel is ubuntu 10.04 fresh install?23:13
guntbert!backtrack | Liam23:13
ubottuLiam: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:13
macomarty: that link wasnt related to linux or linus23:13
macomarty: that was a random homeschool webpage23:13
BunixI bought an Hp G62 laptop, all part worked well, but the sound have lot of problems (No sound on jack whit my headphone, and my internal speaker don't work, no sound on skype)23:13
jrennerguntbert I'm only on 32-21... and upgrade says it holds back linux-generic linux-headers and linux-image-generic23:14
martymaco eh? lemme check -  glipper may have glitched on me23:14
beepanda22what kernel does ubuntu 10.04 gnome come with fresh install23:14
martymaco: nope: see Poll on RH side of page : http://www.goedunews.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=123:15
macomarty: alright well go to -offtopic. this channel is for tech support only23:15
martymaco ok thanks for the advice - cheers!23:15
North_Italian69how to order by name all apps icons in 'Applications main menu'?23:15
guntbertjrenner: you should try to solve that "hold back" first - but please ask the channel again - I'm off (bedtime :-))23:15
beepanda22marty, it is there on the left of the page23:15
jrennerguntbert: okay thanks :) gnight23:16
erUSULmarty: i voted for "Sir Tim" thanks ;P23:16
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guntbertjrenner: Good luck :-)23:16
martybeepanda22 thanks - I'm off to offtopic - cya's23:16
SecretDreams /nick r3dbull23:16
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beepanda22i voted for linus!go gnu/linux23:16
North_Italian69i searched on web but i seems a very complicate question ...  ;)23:16
martyerUSUL Pfft! but it's a free vote ;)23:16
asdf_baronso my https:// worked for an instant after I just installed Midori.. I got in and signed into gmail and things were great.  And then I tried signing onto youtube, then everthing went to hell, gmail disconnected.  It's as if my browser is like blacklisted or something23:17
=== chuck__ is now known as chuckleees
tortoise7setting up kmail, come password time i get the 'kwallet' not found error....i have the kwallet manager but apparently no wallet.... pointer to the solution ,  please.23:18
erUSULtortoise7: probably more help in #kubuntu23:18
tortoise7does it matter that i am running ubuntu?23:19
erUSULtortoise7: well then why use kmail ?23:19
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beepanda22tortoise7 check your package manager to see if you have kwallet, try synaptic, if it has been installed, reinstall it. If it isnt installed, install it with synaptic, system>administration>synaptic23:20
coiaxDoes anyone know of a way to get GRUB to boot the system from the system on a LiveCD or a USB drive?23:20
North_Italian69Have you idea how to order by name all application icons in 'Applications main menu'?23:20
beepanda22coiax, no23:20
beepanda22coiax google it23:20
tortoise7thanks folks !23:21
beepanda22tortoise7, youre welcome23:21
guntbert!google | beepanda2223:21
ubottubeepanda22: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:21
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/23:21
gust4voBoa noite!!23:21
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:22
gust4voAlguém saberia e dizer um local de hospedagem de site gratuito?23:22
North_Italian69maybe i get more attention if i ask to #kde  ;) But I use gnome, the default one for Ubuntu23:22
Quantum_Ionhmmm Google does not provide a 64 bit version of Google Earth for Ubuntu Linux23:23
Quantum_Ionthat sucks23:23
beepanda22quantum-ion, check out synaptic (system>administration>synaptic), and search for google earth, it worked on ubuntu 8.04 for me.23:24
Quantum_Ionbeepanda22, I am using Ubuntu Linux 10.04 64 Bit now23:24
beepanda22quantum-ion, just check synaptic, it could be there (i will check). i am running 32 bit.23:25
erUSULQuantum_Ion: medibuntu offers googleearth23:25
erUSUL!medibuntu | Quantum_Ion23:25
ubottuQuantum_Ion: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:25
MelodistUh, I need help; my system locked with like, a screensaver? And then when I unlocked it the mouse wasnt responding23:26
MelodistNow even when I turn it on it doesnt respond23:26
Melodistand i cant login because, well, i cant click on the login thing23:26
Quantum_Ionbeepanda22, I tried the bin from Google directly and when I tried to install it said Google Earth 64 bit is not available for Ubuntu Linux23:26
beepanda22quantum-ion, it is there, in the form of googleearth-package. it is there for 32bit anyway. 32bit programs should? still work on 64bit23:26
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erUSULQuantum_Ion: medibuntu one will install ia32-libs for you and work (tm)23:26
beepanda22quantum-ion (in synaptic, not googles site23:26
North_Italian69PLEASE Have you idea how to order by name all application icons in 'Applications main menu'?23:28
netsavy006Well, ultimately I had to reinstall Ubuntu 10.04.23:28
netsavy006The ATI driver wasn't working, then somehow the boot partition stopped functioning.23:28
netsavy006All I want to know was the repository and info to get Java working for Chrome like I did before.23:28
Quantum_IonerUSUL, Okay I will check it out23:28
applecrumbleanyone know an IRC channel for discussing selling of old books and ISBN codes etc??23:28
erUSULapplecrumble: search channels with bookin the name --> /msg alis list *book*23:29
Quantum_Ionapplecrumble, selling used books is a hard thing to do but good luck23:30
netsavy006What are some good repositories to have added to Ubuntu 10.04 that won't break the system?23:31
duffydacknetsavy006,  you are back up and running then..23:31
netsavy006right now I am.23:32
Oermultivers univers restricted23:32
Quantum_IonI dont notice any difference from running 64 bit Linux vs 32 bit Linux23:32
timpsterdo i speed test23:32
timpsterlike get a stopwatch and time it23:32
Quantum_Iontimpster, lol23:32
duffydacknetsavy006, try chromium dev ppa...and the partner repo.. and install sun java23:32
timpsterfrom bios to login23:32
Quantum_Iontimpster, download speeds are the same23:33
timpsterand opening programs23:33
coz_Quantum_Ion,  well think of a milk shake with 32 straws and another with 64 straws23:33
Quantum_Ioncoz_, LOL23:33
collabraright on netsavy006 !!! I was thinkin bout you,... how'd you get up and runnin?23:33
timpsterno shit there THE SAME wow thats totally confusing23:33
larrylynx is cool23:33
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timpsterwhy would download speeds be faster23:33
timpsteroh i see what you mean23:33
timpsterno  not that speed test23:34
netsavy006collabra:  I had to reinstall because my /boot partiton died..  I couldn't even boot as far as getting to "Grub"23:34
timpsterlike with a stopwatch23:34
collabraawww,... sorry to hear that netsavy00623:34
netsavy006duffydack:  Thanks for the info, but I did ask a little quick cuz I did check and I can run java apps in Google Chrome for the moment.23:34
collabrabut at least you're up and runnin then,... :) that's good news23:35
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duffydacknetsavy006, well, (opinion) if you wanna test the latest chromes out, try dev.. its newer than stable but not as fresh as daily...23:35
netsavy006oh ok.  Thanks.23:35
duffydackdaily seems to break some stuff, because its daily.23:36
netsavy006In my sources area I see this line:  http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner  Do they have one that's not archive?23:37
duffydacknetsavy006, thats the partner repo23:38
duffydacknetsavy006, has sun java and flash etc.23:38
netsavy006So in the ubuntu software center I should check it off.23:38
netsavy006to enable it?23:38
duffydacknetsavy006, check it on to enable.23:38
basix-hello everyone23:38
duffydacknetsavy006, tick :)23:39
duffydacknetsavy006, its not enabled by default..23:39
basix-is there a GUI to openssh-server?23:39
netsavy006Ok.  I enabled it.23:39
duffydacknetsavy006, reload (apt-get update)23:39
DasEi!info hwinfo > nimbiotics23:40
netsavy006ok now how do I apt-get adobe flash and java for the internet?23:40
netsavy006I want to ensure I have it installed via all means.23:40
duffydacknetsavy006,  flashplugin-installer     and sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre23:40
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basix-why would one use apt-get in terminal opposed to the Unix Software Center?23:41
coz_basix-,  I am not sure and if no one here knows you could check with ##linux channel23:41
duffydacknetsavy006, apt/software centre/whatever23:41
basix-k thx coz23:41
nimbioticslol, and what is all that?23:41
coz_join #xchat23:41
netsavy006Ok.  It's all installed.23:42
netsavy006One more thing before I go.23:42
beepanda22netsavvy006, open up ubuntu software center, and search for flash and java, then click to install and enter your password and click ok, then it will install.when it is finished close ubuntu software center, and open firefox. you may want to read more about the software, so you could click more info and then install-free23:42
rockhopperhi, i accedentally deleted the lock files for apt-get while it was updating in the background. Now, if i try to install anything, it says that those lock files're not found23:43
netsavy006Can you give me the link to the manual again so that I can read it upon my leasure times,  I'm going to really need to master linux if I don't want to keep having so many "issues".23:43
beepanda22sorry netsavvy006, i see you did it with help from somebody else :)23:43
rockhopperDoes anyone know the solution?23:43
basix-why would one use apt-get in terminal opposed to the Unix Software Center?23:44
beepanda22rockhopper, have you used aptoncd and made a backup on cd23:44
duffydackI havent read the manual myself.. I just read the man manuals personally.23:44
netsavy006I was already in terminal so it made since to complete it in terminal.23:44
duffydackbasix-, to do more than just install..  and more than 1 program at a time23:44
twig_basix: i use apt-get cause the software center slows my machine down just by opening it23:44
rockhopperbeepanda22, nope!23:44
netsavy006Is it possible I could get the link to the manual so i could download it one more time?23:45
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
TemperingPicknetsavy006, the Ubuntu manual?23:45
netsavy006yea, that's it TemperingPick.23:45
beepanda22rockhopper, have you made any sort of backups? if you havent, insert your ubuntu cd that you installed ubuntu from (do not restart), and it will tell you there is software on the disc. dont click anything yet, somebody here should be able to tell you the rest. hope it helps.23:45
netsavy006Thank you very much.23:45
TemperingPickNo problem.23:46
netsavy006I'm going to be busy during the week, but I will definitely try to read the manual over the weekend next week.23:46
rockhopperbeepanda22, I haven't made any sort of backups unfortunately23:46
beepanda22netsavvy006, you should go to http://ubuntu-manual.org for a beginners manual to ubuntu23:46
netsavy006Thank you everyone for helping me get though the transition to Linux.23:46
duffydacknetsavy006, we're always here as well :)23:46
larryanyone know how to run xchat in a terminal23:46
beepanda22rockhopper, try to do the above steps if possible23:47
duffydackwell, some of us have jobs.23:47
coz_larry just type  xchat23:47
beepanda22if you havent, insert your ubuntu cd that you installed ubuntu from (do not restart), and it will tell you there is software on the disc. dont click anything yet, somebody here should be able to tell you the rest. hope it helps.23:47
netsavy006Well I have to go so I can relax a little and just do some basic things I can already do on linux for right now like browsing the web or email (stuff I know I won't break the system with).23:47
larryi did but it says hld on23:47
netsavy006Have a great day / night./23:47
larrygtk warning can't display23:48
lahwranis there a way to increase the maximum copy buffer size?23:48
beepanda22netsavy006, you are welcome! i hope you enjoy using linux, you should download the pdf @  you should go to http://ubuntu-manual.org for a beginners manual to ubuntu. i hope you enjoy the linux experience, i do!23:48
lahwranI need to dump about 1MB of log data from the console, it's irreproducable23:49
larrycoz_ it says gtk warning can't display23:49
Sasquatch7anyone used freebsd or opensolaris before? if so what are your thoughts?23:49
SubCoolsamba client?23:49
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SubCoolnvm bbl23:49
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Ludacrishey can any1 tell me y my browser is closing so slowly??(can it be because of Transmission?)23:51
TemperingPickSasquatch7: I've tried OpenSolaris before. It was okay. But I wouldn't use it now since Oracle is dumping it .23:51
Sasquatch7TemperingPick: thanks for the tip :)23:51
ikoniaLudacris: you'll get a better response if you talk in English "any one" - not "any1" and "why" not "y"23:52
rockhopperhello. Can anyone help me please!!23:52
ikoniarockhopper: ask the question23:52
rockhopperI accidentally deleted the lock files when the update's going on in the background23:52
rockhopperand now, nothing's installying23:52
MusicJunkieK1my compositing is acting strange. it was fine a couple of days ago, and now it suddenly stops working. when i log in, my compositing is disabled23:52
ikoniarockhopper: that shouldn't cause an issue23:52
Ludacrishey can anyone tell me why my browser is closing so slowly??(can it be because of Transmission?)23:53
ikoniarockhopper: if it's hung, you'll have to kill the client and restart it23:53
ikoniaLudacris: closing, do you mean the windows physcially closing, or do you mean loading ?23:53
Ludacrisafter i click the X in the corner23:53
ikoniaLudacris: possibly because something (transmission) is using your ram and disk IO up23:54
rockhopperikonia, No. When i try to install something, it searches the packages, and then it gives an error message saying, it cant fine those lock files in /var/ something.23:54
dominicdinadaHow is it that I mounted a remote filesystem and it shows up as being mounted but there is no path to the file system to reference a folder, for instance using netbeans, chose a remote server but when it is looking via sources folders there is nothing to select the remote filesystem23:54
ikoniarockhopper: you could try touching the lock file to recreate it23:54
TheMozartikonia, how do you touch a file?23:54
rockhopperwith nano or vi?23:54
ikoniaTheMozart: "touch" is the command23:54
Ludacrisokay, thanks because I was getting worried I might have a problem with my laptop23:54
TheMozartikonia, ah23:55
rockhopperdoes touch /directory does the job?23:55
ikoniaoverdub: no23:55
TheMozartrockhopper, we learned something new. how to touch a file :)23:55
MusicJunkieK1my compositing is disabled on login, why does this keep happening?23:55
ikoniarockhopper: no23:55
rockhopperLol themozart's being touched i guess :P23:56
Newbiezhi.. im new using ubuntu. i have problems here about missing ip config. may i ask in this channel ? i try to googling / wiki this, but not found any related case.23:57
MusicJunkieK1my compositing is disabled on login, why does this keep happening?23:57
rockhopperikonia, do i have to give any options while touching the file?23:57
ikoniarockhopper: nope23:57
rockhopperor default does it?23:57
ikoniarockhopper: don't know if this works, so it's a test23:58
rockhopperbrb, I'l try it23:58
merl15hi all. I want to install Lucid Lynx using the alternate installer on an Eee PC. I UNetbootin to move the iso files over to the flash drive but in the installer, I am repeatedly asked for a CD drive. This being an Eee PC, there is no CD drive and I don't currently have an external one at my disposal. Any suggestions?23:58
mernilioHow should i, a nerd be able to have sex?23:58
itsux2bu does a period in a filename have a meaning?23:58
MusicJunkieK1itsux2bu: it means that file is hidden23:59
itsux2buMusicJunkieK1, not in the begining23:59
panfistdoes anyone have experience using sabayon to configure gnome for users on the system>?23:59
Newbiezi added 20 ip address in eth0, its work about 10 hours. but now, when i type ifconfig so i just see 3 of 20 ip's. i missing 17 another ip's. any suggestion ?23:59
itsux2buin the middle23:59

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