
jamsttng359: rm -rf .bzr ; bzr init-repo .; bzr svn-import $SVN ?00:12
jama bit overzealous perhaps00:12
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sttng359jam: will existing bzr branches made against my current broken branch still work against a fresh svn import or will it look like a new bazaar branch?00:13
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maxbsttng359: I think there's a good chance they'll work fine, bzr-svn is supposed to be deterministic and repeatable. I'd say they'd definitely work, but I don't understand how your existing repository could be subtley broken in the way you describe01:37
sttng359maxb: well, it now looks like every branch I have under that shared repo believes the symlinks should be zero-length files and creating branches outside of that shared repo replicates that, but a fresh checkout using bzr from subversion correctly generates symlinks.01:46
sttng359I was using that originally to create a couple different test branches without cluttering up subversion, but I may have to recreate them all.01:47
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sttng359nope, existing bazaar repos don't recognize my new checkout.02:25
sttng359maybe it has to do with using a 1.4 subversion server.02:26
aaron01I'm getting "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 50: ordinal not in range(128)" when trying to bzr import a tarball. However, if I import the extracted contents of the tarball it works fine. Ideas?02:36
spivaaron01: sounds like a bug :/02:38
spivaaron01: please file a bug report02:38
spivOff the top of my head the tarball import code assumes all filenames are ascii, but the import from filesystem directory can use the system locale to guess filesystem encoding.02:39
spivI'm not sure if tarballs store filenames as bytes or in a defined encoding.  I suspect bytes... but if so, we could add an option to allow you to explicitly specify the filename encoding.02:40
fullermdI'd be astonished by anything other than bytes, if for no other reason than that tar predates encodings.  Well, unless you count EBCDIC, maybe...02:43
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spivfullermd: well, there have been occasional extensions to the format IIRC, but yes.02:46
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sttng359spiv: from what I understand, the USTAR format for filename is a byte field02:53
sttng359does bazaar attempt to convert filenames to UTF-8 for storage?02:53
fullermdWow, 8-current...02:53
spivWell, they are unicode in bzr's storage model.  The implementation happens to be UTF-8 IIRC, but that detail isn't particularly relevant here.03:01
aaron01I think it might be helpful if the traceback would be more verbose about what file it is failing on03:22
thumperBzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing referenced chk root keys: [StaticTuple('sha1:0fe7e46a367f403f3a2e51af8fa78962cba9f8d3',)]03:35
thumpergetting this with 2a merge directives03:35
spivthumper: hmm03:36
thumperspiv: probably has stacking issues too03:37
spivthumper: possibly the source repo needs the fix at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/613698 run on it03:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 613698 in Bazaar "need reconcile fixer for bug 522637 "missing referenced chk root keys" (affected: 3, heat: 18)" [High,Fix released]03:37
spivthumper: or possibly there's an issue specific to merge directives03:37
thumperspiv: bug 51712603:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 517126 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "BzrCheckError raised creating a merge proposal (affected: 1, heat: 0)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51712603:39
spivthumper: any chance of those "more details" getting filled in? :)03:40
spivthumper: like which branch?  or the contents of the merge directive?03:41
thumperspiv: possibly03:45
* spiv -> lunch03:49
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AfCIs there a "known" bug about Bazaar not expanding ~ in revision specs?04:01
fullermdbug 13878704:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 138787 in Bazaar "revspec paths don't interpret user refs (affected: 0, heat: 0)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13878704:02
AfCfullermd: yeah, that seems like it04:10
AfCso annoying04:11
AfCfullermd: I'm not sure "user refs" is really the right label for it04:11
AfCto me it's "tilda" and "home dir[ectory]"04:11
AfCfullermd: can I suggest04:12
AfC"revision specs don't expand ~ or ~user in paths"04:13
AfCor such?04:13
fullermdWell, ideally I'd suggest "fix released"   :p04:18
fullermd3 years in, it's hard to work up much expectation though.04:18
AfCbe nice04:23
AfCfullermd: I commented your bug with our use case; perhaps that'll up its google juice.04:30
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vilahi all !07:34
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Kamping_Kaiserhi all. i had a bzr branch <svn repo> drop out. is there a way to resume it? rerunning bzr branch or bzr up just error, in different ways12:34
Kamping_Kaiseri'd rather not redownload 1.8gb again :( (and still going)12:34
maxbWas the branch a standalone one or into a shared repo?12:37
maxbTry running 'bzr heads --dead' in the partial branch12:38
Kamping_Kaiserok. i'm just making a copy, i'll try it after that :)12:40
maxbWhy are you making a copy?12:41
Kamping_Kaiserbzr: ERROR: unknown command "heads"12:42
Kamping_Kaiserbecause i can't afford to download 1.8 gb again, so i don't want to break a copy12:42
maxbInstall bzrtools12:44
Kamping_Kaiserhm, i thought i had it. let me check12:44
Kamping_Kaiseri don't have it, branching it atm12:46
Kamping_Kaisermaxb: got it, it removed a commit. do i resume by branching again?12:50
maxb'bzr heads --dead' is a query command. it changes nothing12:50
Kamping_Kaiserah, hehe. the svn commit message contained a coment about removing stuff. guess i confused them12:51
maxbok, so bzr heads --dead showed one revision, the latest svn revision that actually got transferred12:52
maxbthe question now is how to convince bzr to pick up where it left off12:53
maxbDoes a .bzr/branch/ directory exist at all?12:53
Kamping_Kaiserno. there is a .bzr/branch-lock dir, but not branch12:54
maxb"bzr branch svnurl ." might work, if not we'll have to get more devious12:55
Kamping_Kaisersadly, 'bzr: ERROR: Target directory "freeciv" already exists.'12:56
maxbTry adding --use-existing-dir12:57
jelmer'bzr init && bzr pull <svn-url>' perhaps?12:58
jelmermaxb: I think that will still try to create the .bzr dir12:58
Kamping_Kaiserjelmer: thats trying to re-download it from scratch.13:00
Kamping_Kaisermaxb: that returns 'bzr: ERROR: Already a branch: "freeciv".'13:02
Kamping_Kaiserbut trying to pull in the dir i get 'not a branch :/13:02
maxbI am not so sure, I think jelmer's command would work (run in the directory with the existing .bzr from the first try)13:02
Kamping_Kaiserwonder whats going on13:04
maxbAny opinions on how long I should wait for potential dissent before copying bzr/proposed to bzr/ppa ?13:06
jelmermaxb: I would be surprised if resume worked in a standalone branch13:10
jelmermaxb: it's a known bug that it doesn't :)13:10
jelmermaxb: Was the pyrex issue fixed?13:10
jelmerin that case I'd say go for it13:11
vilamaxb: did we get feedback from people testing bzr/proposed ?13:11
jelmerit's working here, and the only other thing I've heard from others is the pyrex issue13:11
maxbThe only active feedback I'm aware of is the report of the pyrex issue13:11
maxbwe have tested that the archive as a whole is installable13:12
vilamaxb: then I agree with jelmer: go13:12
Kamping_Kaiserhm, perhaps jelmer was right. its only pulling 2000 revisions, so perhaps its pulling the remaining files13:15
Kamping_Kaiserwow... thank you maxb and jelmer, bzr is 'doing stuff' again :)13:22
* maxb bites the bullet and executes lp-promote.py bzr/proposed bzr/ppa13:24
bigjoolsis the non-compiled extension thing fixed?13:24
maxbwhee, look at all the little green cogs :-)13:26
* vila notes: always add green cogs13:31
Kamping_Kaiserhm. bzr appears not to handle its terminal getting resized down very wel :/ (unless its my old version, which it could well be)13:36
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jelmerjml: ?13:46
jmlI just had to type this:13:46
jmlbzr resolve src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex-pp-lib src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex-pp-lib/sample4 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex-pp-lib/sample4/products src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex-pp-products src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex-pp-products/more src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample1 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample1/sample11 src/zope/testi13:46
jmlr/testrunner-ex/sample1/sample13 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample1/sampletests src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample2 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample2/sample21 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample2/sample22 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample2/sample23 src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample2/sampletests src/zope/testing/testrunner/testrunner-ex/sample3 src/zope/testing/testrunner/13:46
jelmerI was wondering whether you couldn't find your livejournal window :-P13:46
jmlhah hah13:47
vilajml: were there all text conflicts ?13:47
vilajml: a bare 'bzr resolve' is supposed to resolve all "auto solvable" conflicts, but...13:48
jmlvila, no text conflicts.13:49
jelmerjml: Or, bzr resolved --all?13:49
jmlvila, this is the same old bug that I always complain about13:49
vilajelmer: vade retro satanas: never use that13:49
jmlgood grief13:49
vilajml: oh, the.pyc files ?13:49
jmlI've never heard anyone say that in Latin13:49
jmlvila, yes.13:49
vilajml: on top my conflicts TODO list... but ETOOMAYTODOLISTS13:50
vilajml: crystal ball predicting that it may be surface as soon as this week though...13:50
vilajml: oh, in the mean time, I think 'bzr clean-tree --detritus' helps14:04
jmlvila, thanks.14:04
Kamping_Kaisersheesh. bzr can hammer the cpu when it wants. guess its repacking 1.8gb of data though14:10
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kpettitI'm new to bzr and trying to figure out the best way to do something.  I have a main code repository that tends to have different code for each customer.  I need to have a main default repository then one for each customer, trying to keep code in sync.  95% of the code stays the same.14:40
kpettitI'm trying to figure out the best way to set this up. So I can have in a directory  "main" directory then directories for "customerA" "customerB" etc.14:41
maxbIt *sounds* like you want a "main" branch containing customer-agnostic code, each customer is a branch off main, main gets merged into customer branches when needed, but never the reverse14:50
maxbOn the occasion that a change on a customer branch is deemed applicable for main it gets cherrypick-merged14:51
rubbsis there any documentation on cherrypick-merges? as kpettit's question is very similar to something we will need here.14:52
kpettitrubbs: I'll see if I can find anythning on that  http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/CherryPick  is the first thing that comes up.14:53
rubbskpettit: thank you14:53
kpettitFor my project it's a web html/css/js thing.  Everything is the same except a couple of custom css and js files.  I won't have those in the main repository, but I want to have them in each of the individual customer branches.  So I want to be able to update customer brances with latest default code and also keep seperate customer css/js custom files in their own repository.14:55
maxbA cherrypick merge is a merge of a specific changeset *not* an entire branch of history. Of particular importance is to note that Bazaar does not track cherrypick merges at all in its own metadata.14:56
rubbsmaxb: good to know thank you.14:57
rubbskpettit: sounds similar to us.14:57
kpettitso there isn't a good default way to do what we're wanting then I guess?14:59
kpettitrubbs: Check this out http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/SharedRepositoryTutorial15:05
jmlUnable to load plugin 'pipeline'. It requested API version (2, 2, 0) of module <module 'bzrlib' from '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/__init__.pyc'> but the minimum exported version is (2, 1, 0), and the maximum is (2, 1, 1)15:12
rubbskpettit: yes, I did know about shared repos, and I"m looking into stacked branches.15:18
kpettitthat sounds promising.15:18
rubbsI've used bzr before, but always for personal stuff, so I never needed to know about many features, because I never needed them, but I'm having to (re)learn stuff for our company migration to bzr coming in a few months15:19
rubbsI'm trying to come up with a good migration plan15:19
kpettitbasically doing the same here.  All on SVN right now, but it's painful and doesn't do stuff like this15:19
kpettitIf this idea works it'd be nice to apply the same thing to linux config files.  Where you have a default and branches for customizaitons and such.15:20
rubbsRight as I was hired, my boss was talking about starting to use branches and thinking about merging down the line. Luckily he listened to me when I told him that multiple merges with svn was awful15:20
rubbskpettit: you may wish to look at etckeeper15:21
rubbsI'm working on a plan for that oo15:21
rubbsit can use hg,git, or bzr15:21
kpettit:)  I'll do what I can to avoid using cfengine15:21
kpettitetckeep is good for a individual system.  I was thinking for global where we have a default and clone to dozens/hundrends of systems then each of those have their own that can be checked in on a main system as seperate repositories.  Makes it easy to clone and develop individual custome systems that way15:22
rubbsright. I know a friend of mine is developing something that might fit your needs, but at this point it's not even up to alpha stage yet. He's going to call it Ranchero.15:24
rubbsI hope he gets something out soon.15:24
kpettitI'll keep my eyes out for it15:25
rubbsit could be a while, just a warning. He goes through spurts. Does a lot of work on it, then just lets it die for a while15:28
kpettitI'm the same way15:28
rubbsAm I correct in thinking that if you have a bound branch, unbind for a while, then rebind, that it will automatically sync revisions?15:30
rubbsat the bind?15:30
rubbskpettit: not sure if you saw this, but it may help: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.2/en/user-guide/adv_merging.html15:34
kpettitthanks, reading...15:36
kpettitI got etckeeper as well.  The docs say it uses git by default but on ubuntu the default etckeeper package uses bzr which is cool with me15:36
rubbssame here, you also use ubuntu for prod servers?15:37
kpettitI'm using rackspacecloud and mainly ubuntu 10.04 images15:38
kpettitwe do alot of windows stuff, but I try to ignore that as much as possible15:38
rubbsknow that feeling well ;)15:39
maxbjml: hmm?15:41
jmlmaxb, I just had to add a ppa, no big deal, just another hurdle.15:41
maxbjml: ok, but what combination of ppas did you have that produced the error in the first place?15:42
jmlmaxb, Lucid & the pipeline branch.15:42
jamhi vila, thanks for the reviews15:43
maxbOh, I see15:43
maxbjml: there's a lp:bzr-pipeline/2.115:43
jmlmaxb, too late now :)15:43
maxbrubbs, kpettit: shared repositories and stacked branches are all about avoiding wasted diskspace - they have no bearing on your development workflow15:43
vilahi jam15:43
kpettitmaxb: got ya.  Any suggestions?15:44
jamvila: 'saw' doesn't seem to have python-testtools installed. Did I do something wrong?15:44
vilajam: hmm, no, I use a private branch, let me check15:44
rubbsmaxb: right, I knew that. I'm the systems guy here, so I have to keep that in mind too, and in a way it will impact workflow as permissions to the central server will impact if I need to do stacked vs shared.15:44
maxbkpettit: Is there any reason you want your customer specific stuff in a separate *repository*? What did you think of my initial suggesting regarding branches?15:45
maxbrubbs: Ah, yes, that's a factor. I'd be interested to know what you end up with, I'm attempting to set up a fledgling bzr environment at my workplace too, in the hopes of wooing them away from svn15:45
rubbskpettit: you could keep things in a shared repo, and have separate branches for each client/customer.15:45
jamvila: I set something up using PYTHONPATH, but that is a bit clumsy15:45
vilajam: installing testtools and subunit15:46
jamvila: thansk15:46
rubbsmaxb: I'm still working on ideas, but if I come up with one, or at least come up with a preliminary plan I'll spam the mailing list. Maybe I can get some improvements on the ideas I have ;)15:46
kpettitmaxb: you were right on what I want.  The main branch I want copied to child brances.  They child brances will have files that aren't in the main branch that need to be versioned but they will not need to commit from the child to main branch15:46
maxbOh, whilst I have testtools and subunit-knowing folks here: should we be updating the ~bzr ppa to the latest upstream of those?15:46
viladamn, babune's xp slave is hosed :-/15:47
jammaxb: If you are willing to do the work, it would be great to get the updates :)15:48
rubbskpettit: yeah, I would suggest a shared repo for you then, (or stacked if you want to limit commit access to certain branches) and just merge from the main, into the customer branches.15:48
kpettitmaxb, rubbs: So I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that, shared repo's seem promosing but I'm still learning.15:48
rubbsLP uses stacked branches IIRC.15:48
maxbjam: work? what work? dget python-testtools/sid; for i in hardy jaunty karmic lucid; do bzrppa-backport -s -u bzr/proposed -D $i *.dsc; done15:49
maxbI really need to stick my handy scripts somewhere :-)15:49
kpettitrubbs: that sounds like the right way to go.  I've just setup some test for it so I'm going to play around and see if ti works like I'm expecting.15:49
maxbkpettit: the thing you need to understand is that shared repositories are merely a disk space / network io optimization. They don't affect the design of your workflow, really15:50
kpettitgot ya.  But I can merge from a parent repository to a child one and not overwrite or mess up and files that child has that the parent doesn't?15:51
rubbskpettit: what maxb just said, also adding that each branch will still be insular, by which I mean that even though you will be storing revisions in the same place, it will not automatically add revisions to branches you don't want them in15:51
rubbskpettit: I think you're confusing branches and repositories.15:52
kpettitI might be15:52
kpettit<-- new at this15:52
rubbsbranches are just an "order of revisions" in a sort of way. repos are just a place where revisions are stored.15:52
maxbrepository == an on disk store of revisions, nothing more. branch == a pointer to a revision that is tip of the branch (and implicitly all its ancestors)15:52
rubbsby default (stand alone branch without a shared repo) a branch is it's own repository because the only revisions needed in that repo are the same as the ones on the branch.15:53
rubbsin a shared repository, you can have many different branches.15:53
rubbsrevisions that are the same between branches are not duplicated.15:53
maxbs/ a branch is it's own repository / both branch and repository are co-located in the same .bzr directory /15:53
rubbsso if branch A has revisions 1,2,3 and branch B has 1,2,4 the shared repo will contain 1,2,3,415:54
rubbsthanks for that clarification maxb15:54
maxbFor clarity's sake, it's best to use a,b,c as placeholder names for revisions, since the integers can be confused with bzr revnos15:55
rubbsah, I will do that in the future15:56
kpettitso if my child directories I want them to all keep a up to date copy of main set of code.  but I need them to have files that will never be in the main set of code and keep version info.  So if my parent is a "repository" are my childs of this branches or other repositories sense they will never commit back to the parent?15:57
rubbsbest to think about repos as a bin to store all revisions in it. Each branch is just a list of revisions and their order. So in your case, you would make a shared repo, then put your "trunk" or "main" in it. Then you would make a branch, also in the same repo, for customerA.16:05
rubbsthen when you wanted to get changes from the trunk into customerA you just do a "bzr merge trunk" while inside the customerA branch.16:06
kpettitgot ya.  that's what I'm trying now.  thanks16:06
rubbsThis will pull changes from trunk in, but will NOT put changes from customerA into trunk.16:06
rbriggsatuiowais there anyway to pass a plugin directory to bzr?16:07
vilarbriggsatuiowa: there are several even :) see 'bzr help env-variables'16:09
vilarbriggsatuiowa: depending on your need you will use BZR_PLUGIN_PATH or BZR_PLUGINS_AT16:10
rbriggsatuiowavila: bawesome - thanks16:13
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rubbsis there any way to make a stacked-repo? By which I mean, if I want to have the trunk with read only permissions, can I create a shared repo for each user that is stacked off that main trunk?16:21
rubbsI'm looking for a roll your own poormans LP basically16:21
jamrubbs: stacking is done at the 'branch' level, not the repo level16:26
jmlI'm trying to use pipelines to split up a big branch that I've already done a fair bit of work on.16:26
jamyou *can* set up a default stacking policy16:26
jmlnever really used pipes in anger before16:26
rubbsjam: is there any docs on how to do that?16:27
jamjml: This is how I did it with regular branches, you could probably do something similar w/ pipelines16:27
jamI've never used bzr-pipeline myself16:27
jmlI guess if this were a loom, I'd make a trunk thread...16:27
jmljam: thanks.16:28
jamrubbs: not that I specifically know of, but I'm poking around looking now16:28
jamjml: the key is abuse of 'bzr revert' and 'bzr merge' to maintain history, while still splitting out the content into simplified diffs16:28
rubbsjam: thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it too. I'm currently re-digesting the official docs16:29
jmljam: :)16:29
vilapfew, backups are a blessing...16:29
jamrubbs: the file is .bzr/control.conf16:29
rubbsjam: ah thanks. I'll take a look at it16:29
jamyou can set 'default_stack_on = ...'16:30
rubbsis this per client? or on the server side16:30
jamrubbs: on the server side16:30
rubbsperfect. Thank you.16:30
jambasically, when creating a new branch we look up for a containing repo or just a .bzr directory16:31
jamif we find one with that set, then we'll create a stacked branch16:31
jamyou probably could create shared repos for each user16:31
jamand just put "echo ../central-repo > .bzr/control.conf"16:31
jamobviously, you'll want to test it :)16:31
jamfor the full commands:16:31
rubbsright. I have no intentions of putting this in place without some testing ;)16:32
jambzr init-repo --no-trees central; bzr init-repo --no-trees user1; echo "../central" > user1/.bzr/control.conf16:32
jamalthough... I think a branch has to be stacked on another branch16:32
jamso probably16:32
jamecho "../central/trunk"16:32
rubbsgreat thanks, I'm copying that out for reference thank you.16:33
jamthough you may also be able to do:16:33
jamecho -e "default_stack_on = ../central/trunk\ndefault_stack_on:policy=appendpath" depending on how you would use it16:33
rubbssounds good. I have some reading to do now ;)16:34
jamrubbs: I don't know about a lot of reading, vs just experimenting :)16:39
rubbshaha, true. I'm looking into several things at once. Trying to build up a migration plan. I still have to teach all the devs how to use bzr as well, so i'm reading all the docs so I can try to choose the best workflow to teach to them.16:40
rubbsI was told not to give them too many choices on workflows or they are going to run into trouble16:40
jamrubbs: good advice16:41
jamOne thing you can do is start of with the most simplistic model16:41
jamand they can adapt to something better as they are able16:41
jamI certainly have *my* preferred model, though16:41
rubbsright. I was thinking a happy medium between function and ease is bound branches, with their own server space. That way I can back it all up easy and they can have local stuff if needed.16:42
rubbsand I can help them along if they have any "customizations" to their workflow16:43
vilawindows hates me, I swear, it's not the opposite16:43
rubbsI'm in the weird position of going from dev to sysadmin, so I actually know bzr from the dev side fairly well. It's all this being a repo admin that's new to me. ;)16:43
jamrubbs: :), we'll try to ease your pain16:44
jamvila: I still love you16:44
jamwhat's going on with the XP vm?16:44
vilajam: no idea, I restored a first backup (known to work), it was broken too, then I went for an older one and it works16:45
vilanow, there was a vbox upgrade since then and at least one windows upgrade16:45
vilabut failing to login makes it hard to debug anything :-/16:46
vilaso I upgraded the vbox extensions on the older backup and I will cross my fingers when the xp update triggers...16:46
jml"bzr add-pipe --before foo" seems to make "foo" equivalent to the parent branch16:47
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jmlis "bzr merge -i" different from "bzr merge; bzr shelve" in any way other than negating the "y/n" choice?16:51
vilajml: that would greatly simplify the implementation :-P16:53
vilajml: sorry, no idea16:53
jmlvila, ok. related question: how can I tell if the thing I'm about to commit looks like a merge to bzr?16:55
vilabzr st will mention pending merges16:56
jmlvila, thanks :)16:57
jmlso the answer is "yes"16:57
jml"bzr merge -i" forgets the merge16:57
vilaoh, because it becomes a cherrypick probably16:58
vilajml: you're rewriting a too-big patch ?16:59
jmlvila, indeed I am.16:59
vilaI wish we had better tools for that...16:59
jmlvila, not as much as I do right now :)16:59
vilajml: almost, I was finishing one yesterday (from a branch to a loom but interrupted during 3 weeks)17:00
vilathe most annoying bit is that I always find a better way while rewriting those losing a base to compare...17:00
vilanot that I can imagine tools to help here...17:01
vilajml: in the end, one command I often use anyway is: 'bzr merge --preview <old_result>'17:01
vilawhich set submit_branch in branch.conf unfortunately...17:02
jmlI wish I knew how to stop receiving bzr review mail.17:14
mgzhey vila, do you have a branch up anywhere with all your leak bits that I can test locally?17:21
vilamgz: oh, I have several, I just put them up for review :)17:24
mgzI saw that, just wondering if for-babune or similar still has them all rolled up in one branch17:25
vilamgz: but lp:~vila/bzr/leaking-tests should contain everything17:25
jamjml: you're probably subscribed to the bzr.dev branch directly?17:26
vilamgz: there may still be some rough edges, but I'd like to get them landed first as they have been sitting there for far too long17:26
jmljam: no, not directly17:26
jamjml: are you in the bzr-core team?17:27
jmljam: I'm a member of bzr-core via canonical-bazaar17:27
jmljam: I wish to remain a member of canonical-bazaar.17:27
jamjml: then figure out how to design launchpad subscriptions so you can explicitly opt-out of stuff, I would like that ability myself :)17:30
jamor just set up your >/dev/null procmail filter17:30
mgzcan you filter based on the message at the end?17:30
mgzI think merge proposals have that right, though bugs don't17:31
jammgz: there are some launchpad specific headers you are supposed to use, but I haven't really figured them out17:31
jamX-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Reviewer17:31
jamX-Launchpad-Project: bzr17:31
mgzyup, same mechanism.17:31
jamX-Launchpad-Notification-Type: code-review17:31
jambut there isn't one defining the *target* of the merge, which is weird17:31
mgzgmail just doesn't let me filter on anything but a few common headers17:32
jamit also doesn't tell you that "you are requested to review" because the group you are in was requested17:32
jamversus a direct request of me17:32
jamwhich is something I should file a bug on17:32
mgzah, that's like the bugs bug then.17:32
SpamapSSomebody needs to extend IMAP to allow server side filters to be managed directly through IMAP.17:32
jamSpamapS: sieveshell17:32
jmlfwiw, we're doing this atm: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications17:33
jamfrom the Cyrus suite17:33
mgzthe bugs header doesn't tell you if you're directly subscribed to the bug if you're a member of a group that'd get email anyway17:33
SpamapSthere are tons of web interfaces17:33
SpamapSBut its hard to get imap admins to enable them. ;)17:33
mgzmerge proposals at least say something different when it's my merge proposal or one I'm reviewing17:34
* SpamapS puts it on his todo list for crazy ideas. :)17:34
jmljam: btw, thanks for the heads up re testtools tags.17:35
jamjml: np, I was trying to figure out what versions I had from 'bzr log'17:36
jmljam: I hate having to reinvent release procedures for every single project :\17:36
jamjml: well, there are some common pieces. I know 'bzr-builddeb' hooks into the tag code so that "bzr tag" can take a default tag name of the last entry in debian/changelog17:37
jamIt would be interesting to have a "bzr release" function, but so often there is a lot more than just 'export + tag"17:37
jam(changing the version strings, etc, etc)17:37
jmlhooks, perhaps17:37
jamjml: yeah, there have certainly been hooks requested for 'bzr export'17:38
jmlTwisted has a change-versions script used for its release17:38
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jml(as well as build-news, which takes file-per-news-entry and turns it into an actual news file)17:38
jmlI also never know which revision to tag.17:39
jamjml: approximate is better than nothing :)17:41
jmlyeah, I know.17:42
jmlbut uncertainty is a paralytic.17:42
jamlosa ping (about pqm)17:44
jmlhow do you undo "bzr tag"17:45
mthaddonjam: hi17:45
jammthaddon: hey, I submitted some stuff to pqm yesterday, which should have failed, but I didn't get a failure email17:45
dashjml: bzr tag --delete?17:45
jamI can submit it again today, but I figured I'd try to figure out what went wrong first17:45
jamdash: yeah, but --delete doesn't propagate well now17:46
jam(for now)17:46
jmldash, thanks. I was looking for "untag"17:46
bigjoolsheh, bzr tag help didn't do what I expected :)17:46
mthaddonjam: but it didn't succeed either? what time?17:46
jammthaddon: yesterday about 5 hours from now17:46
jam~2200 utc17:46
mthaddonit's a little hard to tell - there's one at 21:39, one at 22:3617:49
jammthaddon: the latter one is the one I care about17:49
mthaddonjam: https://pastebin.canonical.com/36209/17:49
kpettitI'm wanting to make bzr our standard VCS, but I have some .NET developers that use VisualStudio.  Are there any plugins and such that work with VisualStudio?  There was one on the 3rdParty page but it says discontinued and it's for a older version.17:50
jammthaddon: I see some warnings, but no real indications of anything, can you try the other?17:50
mthaddonjam: https://pastebin.canonical.com/36210/17:51
jammthaddon: well, that does help: smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused: (552, '5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit', 'pqm@bazaar-vcs.org')17:51
jamthough I don't know how to make it smaller...17:52
jammthaddon: ok, I'm submitting again now. Is there any way to grab the content of the output email in case it fails again?17:53
jam(I think my smtp host restricts to <10MB, but that should be plenty for these emails)17:53
mthaddononly way would be to send it to a logfile instead of emailing it17:53
mthaddonbut I think that's something PQM is doing rather than the cronjob that calls PQM if I recall correctly17:54
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rubbskpettit: not that I know of, I'm looking for something like that too18:21
kpettitrubbs: I'll let you know if I find anything.  Gotta make the Windows guys happy :)18:21
rubbskpettit: ditto ;)18:22
kpettitI'm happy with my bzr setup now and moved it to a production server.  The branches work, but the share repository seems to cause issue.18:48
kpettitWhen I go to base directory and do bzr status I get "No Working Tree" and it's looking for a .bzr/checkout18:48
kpettitI can go to the individual branches and bzr status works fine there.  Not sure what to do, the origional one I copied from still works fine18:49
beunokpettit, the shared repo does not have a working tree18:49
beunostatus is for working trees18:49
kpettitah ok.18:50
beunono need to apologize  :)18:52
beunoyou can use "bzr info" if you want to be assured everything is fine18:52
kpettitah wonderful.  thanks.  Just wanted to get my "it's ok" from it18:53
kpettittrying to see if trac works with it now18:53
kpettitwoo hoo trac was cake to setup.  love it18:57
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yann2is using paths like bzr+ssh supposed to work with bazaar explorer on windows? it seems to get very confused about it, works for some things, but sometimes it tries c:/bzr+ssh:// etc and fails20:39
* maxb knows nothing about windows20:46
maxbjames_w: Hi. lp:bzr-builder contains a plugins/builder symlink actually in the branch. Is it something you particularly want there? Because it confuses bzr multi-pull horribly.20:49
james_wmaxb: it can go away once we can use BZR_PLUGINS_AT to run the tests. mutli-pull should be fixed as well of course :-)21:29
Kaspiis there a way of using bazaar as subversion for beginers? I don't understand why I need to "commit" and then "send" or "push" or "merge" to make changes in the central branch for each dev22:52
Kaspii was following this tutorial: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.1/en/mini-tutorial/index.html but I got really confused after getting several errors22:53
Kaspiwhy the "commit" doesn't really commit changes?22:55
maxbCommit does commit changes23:00
maxbI suggest you move up from the mini-tutorial to the full tutorial, and especially read the "How DVCS is different" section23:01
jelmer'morning maxb23:02
maxbevening here :-)23:02
jelmeroh, here as well actually :-)23:02
jelmermaxb, Whereabouts are you based?23:02
jelmerI thought you were in Australasia for some reason.23:03
maxbhaha, no23:03
maxbI love my ridiculously low ping time to launchpad :-)23:03
maxb~ 5 ms23:03
sttng359I am having issues with files loosing their symlink status after certain operations23:10
sttng359This branch was imported originally with bzr-svn23:10
sttng359When I first did my checkout from svn, the files were symlinks23:11
sttng359I think did a remove-tree, and cloned the branch within a shared repo for actual work.23:11
sttng359I have since noticed that those symlinks are now zero-length files23:12
sttng359I did a checkout of the original branch and they are zero-lenth files as well.23:12
maxbThis sounds nigh-impossible to debug unless there's a way someone can reproduce the failure mode locally... is the svn public?23:14
sttng359maxb: no, but I can create a public svn repo for testing23:15
maxbI guess we should first eliminate the obvious... there's no possibility of a filesystem that does not support symlinks being involved?23:16
sttng359nope, only a local Ext3 filesystem.23:18
sttng359This time I even used a file:// URL for subversion instead of https://23:18
sttng359is there a possibility bzr-svn is creating a symlink, but not marking it as a symlink in the repo?23:19
maxbjelmer: still around?23:19
jelmersttng359, yes, there has been a bug like that in older versions of bzr-svn23:19
jelmersttng359, but in that case the issue would turn up in the original import23:20
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* maxb is attempting to comprehend the purpose of loom's record command.... is it just so the overall loom state can be pushed and pulled?23:21
Kaspimaxb: hmm a better one23:25
sttng359jelmer: is bzr-svn-1.0.2 too old by any chance?23:27
jelmersttng359, don't know, sorry23:27
maxb1.0.3 is out, you might as well use it23:27
sttng359is there any difference between using co and a svn+https:// or file:// URL vs. svn-import?23:27
jelmersttng359: I *think* it should be new enough23:28
jelmersttng359, no, that doesn't matter23:28
sttng359It's only 1 version old23:28
maxbthe difference between co and svn-import is whether you get one branch or all of them23:28
Kaspimaxb: is possible that bzr would "remember" password to a FTP or SFTP location?23:30
maxbTry this: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/user-reference/authentication-help.html23:31
maxbBasically you write the user and password into ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf23:31
Kaspimaxb: yeah.. thank you23:33
yann2are there any nice web frontends to bazaar, that allow to browse versions and diffs - and if possible do not require a db?23:35
maxbthere is loggerhead, which is what you see on launchpad.net23:35
yann2any demo somewhere?23:37
maxbthe url I just gave23:37
yann2oh right :)23:37
yann2I'll give it a try thanks23:37
maxbI have yet to find a *good* web interface for browsing a collection of multiple bzr branches23:38
thumperjam: ping23:39
yann2this one does only one branch? I'll see what I can do23:39
yann2fairly new to VCS and am trying to set a whole dev system up :)23:39
jamthumper: I'm not really around now, I expect to go at any time for family stuff, but if its quick I'll help :)23:42
thumperjam: can I get you to email me tomorrow morning your time about the branch revision work that you started and where it is at now?23:42
jamthumper: basically hasn't progressed anywhere. We got the BranchRevision object to be Stormified (so that you can use a multi-column primary key), but haven't tracked that through into actually removing the columns23:44
jamalso, I haven't done the sit-and-think-about-it to get something like bzr-history-db for your use cases23:45
jammost of which want a fast revision_id => branches mapping23:45
jamwhich isn't what bzr-history-db is about (yet)23:45
* thumper nods23:46
sttng359ok, I think I have a better idea what's going on here.23:47
sttng359Not all symlinks are being reset in bazaar, only those with a bad history.23:47
sttng359TortoiseSVN on Windows does not deal with symlinks properly, instead it creates a text file with the contents of the link, and on check-in, drops the svn:special property, even if that file was not modified.23:49
sttng359A user in the past did a checkout of a portion of the tree and later a commit.23:49
sttng359I since had to delete those symlinks and re-add them as symlinks.23:50
sttng359Other symlinks outside of the portion that the Windows user checked out are still symlinks.23:50

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