
thanis1200does anyone know how FF can use 99-100% CPU ?00:01
unkmarthanis1200: sure, load up some flash video and wath it.00:02
thanis1200no flash usage at all00:02
jribthanis1200: javascript00:02
VCooliounkmar: that's what I said :) but ff spikes without that and removing .mozilla didn't help00:02
[thor]thanis1200: an out of control extension?00:02
unkmarI was afk so I didn't notice.00:03
kneauxif i ssh into a server with two machines, can i use the server to communicate between the two machines ssh'd into it?00:03
VCooliounkmar: it was in private chat, np00:03
thanis1200probably i cant say00:03
unkmarkneaux: yes, if you know what you are doing.00:03
sabayonuseri was about to install sabayon,got a strange error,and now when i try to login to my previous OS(OpenSuse) i get the grub command line (grub> ) please help!00:04
kneauxunkmar, let's say i don't, what would i do00:04
unkmarkneaux: define communicate.00:04
CharlieSuHow do i get rsyslog to listen on
unpersonslooksterpsv, I think I fixed my problem.00:06
kneauxunkmar: computers a and b can't be connected to remotely, server s can. i want to ssh to S with A and B, and be able to control A remotely, by proxy of S, with B, and vice versa00:06
kneauxwhich i hope makes sense to you, because it doesn't to me00:07
canonhead311hello everyone00:07
canonhead311can anyone give some help for a samba server issue00:08
cjaevesamenu.c32 not a com32r image? trying to make a ubuntu-server 10.04 usb disk on a 10.10 system is this a problem?00:08
unkmarkneaux: yeah it makes sense to me.00:09
cjaeusing usb cd creator00:10
=== snaggle is now known as snaggle2
Jordan_Ucjae: Yes, it's a known bug as there were incompatible changes to syslinux between 10.04 and 10.10. Let me try to find the bug report.00:10
scott___I'm having the problem referred to in this thread: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/468924.  Should I reopen this bug?  I'm not sure if perhaps it has been fixed and I'm simply missing something.00:11
canonhead311xp machine says access denied when accessing a samba share on ubuntu 9.04 server, but gets access when accessing share on 9.04 samba share in my home dir00:11
unkmarkneaux: from a, ssh server -R 1822:localhost:2200:12
unkmarkneaux: from b, ssh server -R 1922:localhost:2200:12
cjaeJordan_U: do you happen to know a work around, I thought id make on the virtual machine that had 10.04 but does not support usb afaik00:12
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lee-xhow do i install wxPython from source onto ubuntu10.10?00:12
kristianpaulHello, I'm running debian squeeze how i can create a ubuntu in my memory stick, (i already downloaded the ubuntu iso)00:12
unkmarnow from a while in server, you can, "ssh localhost -p 1922" to control b.00:12
kneauxare those (bear with me, i'm weak) standard ports or will i have to figure out my configuration00:12
Jordan_Ukristianpaul: Use unetbootin.00:13
kneauxahhhh i get it00:13
_genuser_guys, anyone got ideas about why the wifi stopped working all of a sudden?00:13
_genuser_the card isn't even active on boot.00:13
unkmarkneaux: I made up the 1822 and 1922 ports.  They are high enough not to require root.  22 is standard.00:13
kneauxunkmar, where can i go to read about those ranges00:13
unkmarkneaux: port ranges?00:14
Jordan_Ucjae: There is probably an "official" work around if I can find the bug report, but I would personally just install grub2 instead of syslinux. If you pastebin the syslinux configuration file from the USB Startup Disk Creator made I can give you a grub.cfg you can use to boot it, and tell you how to install grub2 to the external drive.00:14
unkmarkneaux: below 1024 requires root.  as far as know the rest of the standard ports.. you can look them up as needed through google.00:14
kneauxcool, thank you00:15
cjaeJordan_U: ok one sec00:15
Pentium3How do you JBOD in ubuntu?00:16
cjaeJordan_U: syslinux.cfg?00:17
_genuser_hmmm, no one familiar with wifi issues on ubuntu?00:17
slookDoes ubuntu use bzimage or squashfs or both?00:18
cjaeJordan_U: think I read something that you can downgrade syslinux to 10.04 version too00:19
unkmar_genuser_: it doesn't show up?00:19
canonhead311_cant access a samba share, says access denied00:19
shilowhas anyone figured out the  issue with   dpkg-reconfigure and cron  yet?00:19
shilowi just did the upgrade to 10.10 and i'm not able to  dpkg-reconfigure -a  due to it stopping when i hit cron00:19
Fezzlerdendrite>> here00:19
sweetpi!maverick | shilow00:20
ubottushilow: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:20
shilowoh okay thank you00:20
slookany linux gurus in here I can ask a question?00:21
canonhead311_how do i share files from another hdd with windows from server 9.0400:21
meh3anyone ehre tried the ubuntu installer for windows?00:21
meh3does it work like a VM or what exactly'00:21
aeon-ltd!samba | canonhead311_00:21
ubottucanonhead311_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:21
archernot working for me00:21
sandydmeh3 its not a virtual machine00:21
aeon-ltdmeh3: wubi?00:21
tensorpudding!wubi | meh300:21
ubottumeh3: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:21
RondoRavenwhat is the preferred driver for accelerated nvidia lately?00:21
sandydmeh3: its a virtual disc00:22
sandydmeh3: *its a virtual disk00:22
Pentium3How do i do JBOD in ubuntu?00:22
meh3so a VM is still better then that?00:22
sandydmeh3: its safter than wubi00:22
Tryptychmeh3 it boots fresh without windows involved00:23
tensorpuddingwhat is JBOD?00:23
tensorpuddingDo you want a single volume which spans all the disks?00:23
scott___Nobody responded to me, so II'm having the problem referred to in this thread: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/468924.  Should I reopen this bug?  I'm not sure if perhaps it has been fixed and I'm simply missing something.00:23
Pentium3tensorpudding:"Just A Bunch Of Disks" a form of softraid00:23
Pentium3tensorpudding: yes.00:24
xbonesxi have startupmanager installed but i have no options for changing the boot splash screens, is there another program that handles this type of stuff?00:24
tensorpuddingLVM allows you to mimic that.00:24
cjaeaptitude removed from 10.10?00:24
Pentium3tensorpudding: ok, and how is this achieved?  Does it work with SCSI?00:24
tensorpuddingYou can create a single partition on each device, and combine them into one volume group.00:24
archercjae, still in 101000:25
tensorpuddingIt should work fine with SCSI.00:25
Pentium3tensorpudding: ok.  and the tool is called "LVM"00:25
Flannelcjae: It's not installed by default, but it still exists.  If you have further questions about it #ubuntu+1 would be the place to ask00:25
Pentium3tensorpudding:  k thanks00:26
cjaeFlannel: right thats what I meant was not included on the disc00:26
sabayonuserSomethings wrong with me grub.Boot menu dissapeared and all i get when i boot is the grub cli (grub> ) please help me. http://pastebin.com/u0b801Mh00:26
tensorpuddingI believe lvm2 is provided in the base Ubuntu install.00:27
tensorpuddingBut if not, it's available in the software center.00:27
tensorpuddingThere's a graphical configuration tool for LVM too.00:28
Jordan_Ucjae: Sorry, I'm having connection issues right now.00:28
cjaeJordan_U: tis ok00:28
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scott___Am I breaking rules or something?  Why isn't anyone acknowledging me?00:29
tensorpuddingscott___: I guess everyone was busy at the time?00:30
scott___tensorpudding: Okay00:30
scott___tensorpudding: Should I just keep reposting my question?00:30
tensorpuddingThe last post on that thread said that if it is still an issue it should be reopened00:31
berniruyayuda no se cmo usar wine y lla e visto muhos tutoriales00:31
scott___tensorpudding: Right, but how do I do that?  I've never filed a bug before.  Also, I can't run the program described in the thread which is supposed to collect info automatically, because the bug is assigned to that particular person.00:32
berniruyqien me ayuda?00:32
xbonesxWas grub theming ever successful?00:32
tensorpudding!es | berniruy00:32
ubottuberniruy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:32
scott___tensorpudding: Do I just file a brand new bug, or is there a way to reopen that one?00:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:33
sabayonuserSomethings wrong with my grub.Boot menu dissapeared and all i get when i boot is the grub cli (grub> ) please help me. http://pastebin.com/u0b801Mh00:33
tensorpuddingscott___: are you using the right kernel version?00:34
xbonesxi have startupmanager installed but i have no options for changing the boot splash screens, is there another program that handles this type of stuff?00:34
scott___tensorpudding: I don't know.  My system is up-to-date according to the Update Manager.00:34
tacomasteris python better for a first language or is C?00:34
sandydscott_: ive reopened it for you00:34
tensorpuddingscott___: it says that the problem in the kernel will be fixed when 2.6.34 is included in Ubuntu, but that version isn't in Ubuntu 10.04.00:35
cjaeJordan_U: cant i just use dd?00:35
scott___tensorpudding: Okay, so what should I do?  Is that version of the kernel out yet?00:35
crucialhoaxI enabled usb autosuspend in powertop, umm, how do I undo that?00:35
scott___sandyd: Thanks00:35
sandydscott_: the kernel is in the mainline kernel builds -> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/00:36
sandydscott_: your welcome :)00:36
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scott___sandyd: Is it safe to install?  Can you explain why it's not included with Ubuntu 10.04, or why it hasn't been released as an update?00:37
sandydscott_: this one -> http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/ should do fine00:37
sandydits safe00:37
sandydscott__: if it doesn't work, just boot using original kernel00:38
xbonesxi have startupmanager installed but i have no options for changing the boot splash screens, is there another program that handles this type of stuff?00:38
scott___sandyd: Okay, but I'm not very experienced in doing this sort of thing.00:38
sandydscott___: Download all of the files in the directory first00:39
scott___sandyd: This wont break my existing configuration, right?00:39
sandydscott___: No, you are installing a seperate kernel00:39
xbonesxhttp://img178.imageshack.us/img178/8710/screenshotstartupmanage.png this is all that my startupmanager shows... :S00:40
canonhead311_i need help with a samba issue, i have it installed and have gotten it to work before but i not on my ubuntu server00:40
tacomasterwhat is better for a first language python or C?00:40
canonhead311_someone please help00:40
sandydtacomaster: python is easier for starters00:40
scott___sandyd: Why do I need to download everything?  tensor said it was in 2.6.34.  Don't I just need to install the latest one?00:41
tacomastersandyd, ok ty00:41
scott___sandyd: Why do I need to download everything?  tensor said it was in 2.6.34.  Don't I just need to install the latest one?00:41
sandydtacomaster: depends on which level programmer you are at once00:41
xbonesxcanonhead311_: whats up?00:41
sandydscott___ : You need to download the stuff in here ->  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/00:41
xbonesxcanonhead311_: oh sry i know nothing about samba sry...00:42
xbonesxhttp://img178.imageshack.us/img178/8710/screenshotstartupmanage.png this is all that my startupmanager shows... :S00:42
xbonesxi have startupmanager installed but i have no options for changing the boot splash screens, is there another program that handles this type of stuff?00:42
crucialhoaxI enabled usb autosuspend in powertop, umm, how do I undo that?00:42
sabayonuserSomethings wrong with my grub.Boot menu dissapeared and all i get when i boot is the grub cli (grub> ) please help me. http://pastebin.com/u0b801Mh00:42
scott___sandyd: Ah, okay.  And then I just dpkg -i which ones?00:43
sandydsabayonuser: post output of http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/00:43
scott___sandyd: I think I have an i386 machine.00:43
xbonesxsabayonuser: what grub are you using?00:44
sandydscott___: youll want to download the ia386 ones first00:44
canonhead311_anyone really good with samba???? or an alternative00:44
sandydscott___: then the linux-headers all thingy00:44
canonhead311_ive been trying to setup a windows share all day, im about to swith to a whs00:44
sandydscott___: I don't think you need the linux source unless your compiling the  kernel00:45
aemaethi changed my grub to boot into a text mode, and i need to find that same file to change it back for a session, anyone know where the grub2 would be?00:45
sandydcanonhead311_: use system-config-samba00:45
sandydaemaeth: /etc/default/grub00:46
sandydaemaeth: You need to change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"00:46
aemaeththank you sandyd00:47
sandydaemaeth: your welcome00:47
aemaethhow do i restart my system from console?00:47
sandydaemaeth: sudo shutdown 0 -r00:47
canonhead311how do i share a folder outside my home directory with windows???? samba is already setup.00:48
aemaethsandyd: excellent, thank you very much00:48
archeraemaeth, sudo reboot00:48
canonhead311i shared my /home/brandon/document folder fine00:48
canonhead311but when i try to share something outside of /home/brandon/ it doesnt work00:48
newshadeshello webpigeon :P00:48
sandydcanonhead311: use system-config-samba00:49
canonhead311sandyd is that another way of adminstering samba?00:49
sandydcanonhead311: other than text mode you mean? yes.00:49
scott___sandyd: So dpkg -i linux-image...i386 and dpkg -i linux-headers...all?00:50
|multipass|can anyone help me set up a grub?00:50
sandydscott___: sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb if your lazy. but in all, the same effect...00:51
canonhead311sandyd ok so its pretty straight forward from there... i am trying to share a folder thats on another hdd attached to my system00:51
sandydcanonhead311: whats your permissions on it00:51
sandydcanonhead311: for your regular user acct00:51
xbonesxi have startupmanager installed but i have no options for changing the boot splash screens, is there another program that handles this type of stuff?00:52
sandydcanonhead311: if the permissions are ok for your normal user acct, you can just set that as the guest account for samba00:52
scott___sandyd: But I don't want to install the 64-bit ones, right?00:52
|multipass|can anyone help me set up a grub? when I do this--$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda-- it dosnt do anything to my menu.lst00:52
ChogyDan!grub2 | |multipass|00:52
ubottu|multipass|: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:52
sandydscott___: no, but dpkg will prevent you from doing that ;)00:52
|multipass|im on that page right now ChogyDan D:00:52
Jordan_Ucjae: No.00:53
scott___sandyd: But I also don't want linux-source00:53
canonhead311sandyd i dont think i understand the ?, i have altered my fstab to auto mount the hdd, then i did chown and chmod 777 on the folder, i then share it but can access it from my xp machine00:53
sandydscott___: you only need that if your compiling a kernel00:53
ChogyDan|multipass|: ok.  menu.lst is a grub 1 thing.  Grub2 uses different config files00:53
scott___sandyd: Right, so I just need to install the two that I mentioned, right?00:53
sandydcanonhead311: then you don't need to do the guest acct. brb. im going to generate the smb.conf entry for ya00:54
sandydscott___: three.  linux-headers-2.6.34-020634-generic_2.6.34-020634_i386.deb linux-headers-2.6.34-020634_2.6.34-020634_all.deb  linux-image-2.6.34-020634-generic_2.6.34-020634_i386.deb00:54
mamece2hello , its me again, i would like to know how to make UNE a desktop version00:55
xbonesxi have startupmanager installed but i have no options for changing the boot splash screens, is there another program that handles this type of stuff?00:55
scott___sandyd: Oh, okay.  I didn't know I needed the all one too.00:55
ChogyDan!splash | xbonesx00:55
ubottuxbonesx: To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.00:55
unkmarI had to reinstall so... I'm installing debian.00:56
xbonesxChogyDan: ok that handles the splash for gnome but what about the grub2 splash?00:56
sadam-bohemianhell all00:56
sandydcanonhead311: http://pastebin.com/R3S7NKRm00:57
scott___sandyd: And after that, when I boot, will it automatically use the kernel I just installed?00:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:57
ChogyDanxbonesx: dunno, I would checke the grub2 page00:57
sandydscott___: it should00:57
|multipass|what is the option i need to change to enable grub? currently it dosnt even show up(i have diff OS's on diff hard drives)00:57
sandydscott___: you may have to press esc or shift to show the grub menu00:57
xbonesxChogyDan: did but there are only manual ways of doing it by that document, but what happened to startupmanager being able to do this...00:58
xbonesxhttp://img178.imageshack.us/img178/8710/screenshotstartupmanage.png this is all that my startupmanager shows... :S00:58
Jordan_Ucjae: Could you pastebin the isolinux/txt.cfg from your flash drive>00:58
canonhead311sandyd just backtracking a minute here, do i need to make the partition ntfs or will it work as ext400:58
bainitesay I want to kill a specific program like Amarok that quit working but won't halt the program, what command do I use in the prompt?   I looked at the man kill page but I didn't see anything that helped aside from using kill -l to look up processes, but the processes doesn't list the specific programs?00:58
|2exxDoes anyone know how I can edits my hosts file?00:58
neekersi installed bastille and now i can't ssh into my server. :/00:58
sandyd|multipass|: first, do "sudo grub-update" second, press shift/esc (I don't remember which one it is) to show brub menu00:58
edbian|2exx, gksudo gedit /etc/hosts00:58
ChogyDan|multipass|: you want to look at the Boot Display Behavior section00:58
cjaehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles Jordan_U00:59
sandydcanonhead311: II just did NTFS, cause the entry said ntfs, the share doesn't need to be on ntfs00:59
cjaesays you can use dd00:59
sandydcanonhead311: as long as its mounted properly at all times, it should be fine00:59
xaemonicanyone know the protocoll for gettin super karamba to work in gnome or an equiviliant?00:59
SeanInSeattleHey all.  How does one configure an Ubuntu system running 10.10 to where any directory that a user creates is one where that user is the owner by default?00:59
xaemonicplease pm answer01:00
ridinhow do i increase the quality of compiz's 3d cube01:00
mamece2hello , i would like to know how to make UNE a desktop version. how?01:00
|2exxedbian: is there a way I can just use sudo?01:00
Jordan_Ucjae: Do you have the .img file or the .iso file? For 11.04 they will likely be combined, but they currently aren't.01:00
|multipass|sandyd: command not found?01:00
edbian|2exx, Absolutely!  sudo nano /etc/hosts   :)01:01
|2exxedbian: E: Package gksudo has no installation candidate01:01
edbian|2exx, mmm, odd.  I'm not sure what package it's in.  All it does is sudo graphically01:01
Loshkibainite: run 'sudo ps ax' to find the process id, then run sudo kill -TERM <pid>. If that fails, run kill -9 <pid>01:01
sandyd|multipass|: oops should be update-grub01:01
bainitety Loshki01:01
Jordan_U|2exx: edbian: The package is "gksu"01:01
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as Lenin_Angle
scott___sandyd: Bah, the new kernel breaks my multitouch.01:02
|2exxgot it01:02
|2exxi'll try gksu01:02
sandydscott___: does the webcam work at least?01:02
|2exxhow do I exit nano?01:02
edbian|2exx, ctrl + x01:02
edbian|2exx, I think?01:03
mamece2does anyone can help me, i dont like UNE, i want a desktop interface, i just cant find how01:03
|2exxnano looks way more cooler than vi01:03
|multipass|sandyd: o cool that found my partitions, will that show the grub now?01:03
ChogyDanmamece2: I think you can install ubuntu-desktop, and remove the netbook-launcher or something01:03
sandyd|multipass|: yup01:03
edbian|2exx, It's much more intuitive01:03
mamece2some guy told me yesterday how to do it without uninstalling01:03
scott___sandyd: Kind of.  It's pretty buggy.  I'm using Cheese and it's not responding to my mouse inputs.  It doesn't show a live preview, but it did take a few pictures before lagging and failing to respond to my mouse inputs.01:03
sandydscott___: then if your feeling brave, upgrade to maverick01:04
Esathow can i put check icon to OpenOffice.org document?01:04
sandydscott___: mavericks got 2.6.3501:04
scottjI remember seeing a program like wmctrl but newer and with a few different features. anyone know the name?01:04
scott___sandyd: I'm not.  This isn't my system, so I don't want to have to be IT guy for the next few months.01:05
=== Lenin_Angle is now known as Lenin_Angle_Angl
|2exxedbian, when I try to write it gives me a second options index, do I Append?01:05
scott___sandyd: How can I uninstall the kernel I just installed?01:05
sandydscott___: sudo dpkg -r01:05
|multipass|sandyd: thanks01:06
edbian|2exx, You want to overwrite it.  Assuming the file looks how you want it.01:06
sandydscott___: wait until maverick comes out, then your webcam will definately work k?01:06
scott___sandyd: k01:06
scott___sandyd: So, just dpkg -r?  I don't need to refer to the things I installed?01:06
|2exxgot it01:06
|2exxthanks edbian01:06
Chotazanyone wanna help me with a Huawei E1750 USB dongle not working properly as a modem?01:06
edbian|2exx, yep01:07
sandydscott___: you need to add the names of the stuff you installed01:07
|2exxedbian, should I use netcat to xfer files from a windows host?01:07
bainiteis there another mp3 player anyone would recommend aside from amarok01:07
|multipass|can anyone point me in the right direction for a Foobar2000 like music player? so far i found dead beef, pretty good01:07
=== Lenin_Angle_Angl is now known as Lenin_Cat
antIPQuick question about backup to external drive in Ubuntu. What's the easiest method for syncing two drives? I have a secondary drive that I save my data on, and I'd like to sync it with me external USB drive so that it automatically backs up changes I make on my secondary internal drive.01:07
Chotazbainite vlc is good, for everything.01:07
edbian|2exx, IDK.  I'm a linux man (in a linux support channel ;) )01:08
mamece2doesanyone how to unable netbook launcher in UNE? i dont know how many packages i must uninstall01:08
|2exxedbian,  arrrrr matey!01:08
antIPedbian: hi mate.01:08
Ryenbainite: rhythmbox01:08
sandydmamece2: Just install ubuntu-desktop01:08
edbianantIP, What's up?!01:08
Loshki!players | bainite see if you like any of these01:09
ubottubainite see if you like any of these: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:09
antIPedbian: Doin' well. I'm trying to find a good method for syncing two drives.01:09
scott___sandyd: It says, "you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in".  But, I don't know their real names.01:09
antIPedbian: What's the easiest method for syncing two drives? I have a secondary drive that I save my data on, and I'd like to sync it with me external USB drive so that it automatically backs up changes I make on my secondary internal drive.01:09
edbianantIP, Raid, der01:09
mamece2sandyd thx01:09
sandydscott___: synaptic should be easier for this task.01:09
antIPedbian: right. I know about raid, but I've never done it.01:09
antIPadbian: I don't know the first thing about setting up a raid.01:10
dt_where could I find the setting to shorten the amount of time the notification balloons remain visible ?01:10
edbianantIP, There are many ways.  A cron job that runs dd, rsync, and this http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page  (which I just learned about the other day)01:10
antIPedbian: Although, I'd be willing to learn and set it up.01:10
mamece2sandyd if i install it, i can safely uninstall netbook, amirite?01:10
scott___sandyd: I don't know how to use synaptic.  How do I find the kernel I installed through synaptic?01:11
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Jordan_Ucjae: According to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382 The bug should already be fixed. Can you try updating to the latest usb-creator package?01:11
edbianantIP, You can't raid with an external hdd (sorry)01:11
Loshki!backups | antIP there's a lot to read...01:11
ubottuantIP there's a lot to read...: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:11
dt_where could I find the setting to shorten the amount of time the notification balloons remain visible ? for example when you connect to a wireless network and the balloon informs you that you're connected01:11
dt_I find it shows for too long01:11
scott___sandyd: nm, I found it through search01:12
antIPedbian: I know. I have two internal 500gb drives that I could raid. (I think)01:12
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ruif13hi, i've toshiba a660 17j with ubuntu 10.04 and fan cooler doesn't stop, anyone can help to solve that?01:12
canonhead311sandyd i did what you showed me, my laptop (running ubuntu 9.04 and setting the path to another folder in my filesystem) worked, but on my ubuntu 9.04 server (mounted to /media/Data1 (another internal hdd)) didnt work01:12
ChogyDandt_: there might not be a setting01:12
scott___sandyd: How stable is maverick?01:12
sandydscott___: sudo dpkg -r --force all linux-headers-2.6.34-020634-generic linux-headers-2.6.34-020634 linux-image-2.6.34-020634-generic01:12
cjaeJordan_U: I believe it is01:13
edbianantIP, Do you want some more one on one help or would you rather read all about it and learn on your own?01:13
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sandydscott___: theirs a list of issues, lemme pull em up01:13
dt_ChogyDan, of course there is01:13
antIPedbian: Interestingly, I'm not aiming to backup my home directory, but my secondary drive where I save my data. However, I suppose I could start using my home dir primarily and then backing up. I sort of like the idea of backing up to an image, which seems to be what partimage is doing.01:13
sandydscott___: here -> http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta#Known%20issues01:14
ChogyDanruif13: I would try a later kernel, and it that doesn't work, file a bug01:14
cjaeJordan_U:  im making the disk on a 10.10 the startup is 10.04 I think that bug is on 10.04 making a 10.10 startup01:14
edbianantIP, That's exactly what partimage does.01:14
antIPedbian: I'll probably do the reading myself. I was just hoping to get some advice from someone I trust. You know, get pointed in the right direction.01:14
Jordan_Ucjae: Ahh, I thought you were going the other way around.01:14
edbianantIP, rsync has the advantage that it is very flexible.01:15
antIPedbian: Partimage does not support ext401:15
sandydcanonhead311: hmm... interesting... it should be working if samba has access to the folder...01:15
edbianantIP, cron will automate it for you.  All of what I've talked about so far is manual backup.  There are packages in the repos that do backups all for you (with a gui to configure how it works)01:15
edbianantIP, oh then that's right out01:15
mamece2i must reboot to see changes01:15
mamece2see ya folks01:15
ezyhi all. I installed awn (avant window manager) and its not working. checked for the process ps -aef | grep awn and I don't see it. Any pointers ?01:16
cjaeJordan_U:    dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntuwhateverserver.iso of=/dev/sdX01:16
LoshkiantIP: the most space-efficient backups basically take a full dump periodically followed by incrementals. I'd look for a package that makes that process (and the restores) as easy as possible. The biggest mistake is to set up a backup system and then forget to test it periodically by attempting to restore a random file...01:16
Jordan_Ucjae: That will not work.01:16
cjaeJordan_U: ok01:17
canonhead311sandyd: from everything i have read it should be working, i am fairly new to linux ~1 year but i can get it to work on my laptop with ubuntu 9.04, however on my desktop ubuntu 9.04 server with 5 internal hdd i cant get it to share anything outside my home dir01:17
antIPLoshki: That makes sense. You have to test your back up to make sure you're not getting corrupted data.01:17
* cjae scratches head01:17
Jordan_Ucjae: Follow this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860401:17
Richie086canonhead311: can your ubuntu machine browse the windows network on your lan?01:18
LoshkiantIP: it's the step most people omit, and then they're shocked when they find their backup hasn't been working for some reason. And use ext3, 'cos *everything* works with ext3...01:19
sandydcanonhead311: oh. wait. I think I see what I missed...01:19
Pilif12pis this the right place to ask about Gwibber?01:20
dendritei need help reinstalling pulseaudio completely01:20
canonhead311Richie086: yes it can, i can access shares on my xp and my laptop01:20
cjaeJordan_U: thanks01:20
mobasherfor ssh to work do i have to send the public key to the client ?01:20
antIPLoshki: I'm using ext4 currently.01:20
Jordan_Ucjae: You're welcome.01:20
aemaethi think i locked myself out of the server by changing the login to not need a password, but by having a password on the user account, how do i fix this?01:20
ivan_hello, how can i configure to synaptics on ubuntu 10.04?01:20
sandydcanonhead311: I think I missed the browsable flag... try this again -> http://pastebin.com/S6NGpNvs01:20
mobasherivan_=}} synaptics comes preconfigured01:21
LoshkiantIP: that's not the end of the world, but if you ever need to run older versions of linux, ext3 is more versatile...01:21
sandydcanonhead311: and you will want it to remove the writable flag if you don't want it to be writable01:21
Jordan_U!password | aemaeth01:22
ubottuaemaeth: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords01:22
|2exxDoes anyone know how to mount a remote file system?01:22
tensorpudding|2exx: NFS, SSHFS, SMB?01:23
aemaethJordan_U: i didn't lose my password...will this still take me to the same config file? cause i only have text01:23
canonhead311sandyd: alright gimme a sec to try it out01:23
|2exxtensorpussing: I'm trying to link my Kubuntu VM with my windows host..  tried samba, edited my hosts file, the pings are green on both sides, just missing something01:24
Jordan_Uaemaeth: Yes, that first guide should get things working again, if I understand correctly what has happened.01:24
lee-xhow do i install wxPython onto a different python version than the pre-installed 2.6.6?01:24
tensorpudding|2exx: Virtualbox? VMware?01:24
|2exxtensorpudding, VBOX01:24
tensorpuddingThere are shared folders available using the guest extensions01:24
mamece2YAY i got desktop01:24
|2exxguest extensions?01:25
tripFantasticSuggestion for Linux dists; using /etc/shells as guide, we need etc/wm to list all installed x11 wm.01:25
canonhead311sandyd: same thing, still says its not accessible and to check my permission01:25
mamece2who knows here about amarok?01:25
tensorpuddingProbably easier than Samba, and unless you're bridging the network it will be the same difference01:26
tensorpuddingIf you want printer sharing though, I believe you'll need Samba.01:26
sandydcanonhead311: im out of ideas...01:26
aemaethi don't think that's going to help me with the startup screen, it tries to load the user gui and drops back into the login01:26
canonhead311sandyd: alright thanks anyways01:27
|2exxtensorpudding, okay, I added under the machine folders01:27
lee-xhow do i install wxPython on python2.7?01:27
noobuntuneed help on SupremeFX X-FI sound card that came with Maximus III Formula. Ubuntu seems to detect it but named "Duplex". Installed the driver for linux but now I got no sound and the hardware is no longer detected. Please help.01:28
elijahI am attempting to expand an EXT4 partition, I am booted up now with a Live CD, downloaded Gparted etc. I have one line that says 8 GB unallocated and when I go to resize my partition it won't let me use that unallocated space. Any ideas?/01:28
MooshiMuushiHey Everyone :D01:28
mattgyverelijah, probably a stupid question but is the filesystem mounted?01:29
mamece2how can i add a folder to amarok?01:30
chalcednyhow do i list the drives in a desktop machine on ubuntu 10.04?01:30
mattgyverchalcedny, you could list them (all with fdisk -l) or only mounted drives with df01:30
elijahmattgyver: No, nothing is mounted since I am using a live cd01:31
chalcednyty mattgyver01:31
canonhead311sandyd: this doesn't make any since (since i have had a few) but (in nautilus) i went to /media/Data (hdd i want to share) and change the sharing properties for the drive (not folder in the drive) and now it works01:31
sandydcanonhead311: i guess some things are unexplainable i guess...01:32
mattgyverelijah, yeah thats kinda what I thought ;( not sure why it would do that otherwise01:33
brandon420guys, whats the easiest way to set up a file serveron ubuntu 9.10?01:33
elijahmattgyver: I am wondering if it is something to do with permmissions01:33
uniqueim trying to apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev "The following packages have unmet dependencies: Depends: libkrb5-dev but it is not going to be installed or hurd but it is not installable"01:33
brandon420!pastebin | unique01:34
ubottuunique: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:34
brandon420sorry, i just wanted to do that.01:34
noobuntuneed help on SupremeFX X-FI sound card that came with Maximus III Formula. Ubuntu seems to detect it but named "Duplex". Installed the driver for linux but now I got no sound and the hardware is no longer detected. Please help.01:34
brandon420anyone know how to add user folders to apache?01:35
edbianCan I buy a TV tuner card that his coax in and coax out?01:35
uniquei pasted a single-line text01:35
aemaeththat didn't work Jordan_U, still when i click the name on startup screen, it starts to load but fails and drops back to login01:35
tensorpuddingbrandon420: mod_userdir01:35
brandon420tensorpudding, not to sound stupid or something, but wtf does that mean?01:36
mattgyverelijah, not sure cuz I am pretty sure your the root user in the live cd so it shouldnt be a perms issue really01:36
tensorpuddingbrandon420: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_userdir.html01:36
Jordan_Uaemaeth: Can you explain in more detail what you did that caused this?01:36
wabashHello. I've got Ubu dual head setup, with two different size monitors. The desktop, though, has lined them up along the top. Now, the smaller monitor lets the mouse cursor go all the way off th ebottom of the screen, until it lines up with the bottom of the bigger monitor.01:36
wabashHow do I make it understand following borders of the smaller monitor?01:37
wabashYeah, this will get very hard to use very quickly.01:37
aemaethJordan_U: if you go to users and groups, you will see "Password: Asked on login" i changed that to no password asked, but i think it didn't strip the password from the account, only took away option to enter password.  That's what i changed that i believe to have caused this01:37
brandon420wabash, what video card?01:38
wabashbrandon420: It's all laptop internal...01:38
dendritehow do i see the panel message01:38
postgresdbi have 64-bit lucid here, I installed 32-bit firefox 3.5 and had hard time enable java01:38
mattgyverwabash, you may need to check either in xorg or your video card's util (ie nvidia-settings) if the resolutions for both screens are identical01:39
wabashmattgyver: Ah, I see. Actually, they are not identical.01:39
wabashThe resolutions are set so that the actual pixels per inch are the same. The screens are different sizes though.01:39
postgresdbi need 3.5.11 32-bit for vmware01:39
Jordan_Uaemaeth: Ahh, OK. Can you log in as another user?01:40
mattgyverwabash, yeah im not sure if thats related or not, unfortunately you may have to tinker with it01:40
MooshiMuushiAnyone here knows any good video editor that can edit .h264 video codecs?01:40
aemaethJordan_U: no, but i can ssh into the machine, using my user/pass for the account i'm trying to save in gui01:40
mamece2amarok is the best linux have for music?01:40
postgresdbfirefox site does not provide 64-bit, otherwise I will stay 64-bit 3.5.1101:41
|multipass|dead beef is pretty good...01:41
aemaethi was actually able to log into root, but that was cause startx was acting less than i'm used to01:41
|multipass|for music01:41
wabashmattgyver: That would be fine with me. but conceptually, do you know if ubuntu or xwindow keeps track of edges of individual monitors?01:41
|multipass|very close to foobar200001:41
mattgyverwabash, that I am not aware of :(01:41
wabashmattgyver: Ok, thank you.01:41
MooshiMuushimamece2,  I use Rythmbox01:41
mamece2is there any player like winamp in ubutun?01:41
Jordan_Uaemaeth: Use "ssh -X" instead, then run "users-admin".01:41
mamece2mooshimuushi, can rythmbox scrobble?01:41
mattgyvermamece2, depends on the feature set you require but VLC is really good and a minimal gui like winamp01:42
=== Chotaz is now known as dchotas
MooshiMuushimamece2, scrobble? It can't shufle the music. Play Podcast. Play Radios and so on.01:42
MooshiMuushimamece2, Shuffle*01:42
mamece2i just want to scrobble with last.fm. like when i had winamp01:43
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mamece2i killed amarok, and now exaile is dead too.. i will try RB01:43
kneauxanybody on an eeepc01:43
trismmamece2: enable the last.fm plugin in Edit/Plugins01:44
mamece2in winamp i used to drag a folder to the playlist, in amarok is hell01:45
O__ohi guys, how to setup web server in ubuntu?  is it apache?01:45
indroramamece2, Welcome to Amarok. Are you using KDE?01:45
indroraO__o: Apache generally. run sudo tasksel and select "Web server"01:45
indrorathat'll get you going01:46
mamece2indrora, how can i know if im using KDE :$ im a noob sorry01:46
O__ois it sudo apt-get install apache? thats it?  what else i need to install?01:46
indroramamece2, Did you install Kubuntu?01:46
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indroraO__o: Generally, no...01:46
mamece2no, i installed ubuntu01:46
indroraO__o: Apache is generally installed through tasksel -- it consists of lots of things01:46
mamece2so no KDE for me01:46
O__odo i need mysql or php and all those stuffs?, indrora ?01:47
indroramamece2, then wh are you using Amarok?01:47
O__osudo apt-get install tasksel ?01:47
mamece2i read somewhere it was the best01:47
jribO__o: well what do you want to accomplish?01:47
indroraO__o, just run tasksel as root from a terminal01:47
indroraO__o, tasksel will give you lots of options on things you can install, one of them is Web Server. it will install Apache and PHP01:48
indroraYou don't have to use PHP, but its nice to have01:48
gartralhey guys, i cant get chrome to open any webpages, it says everything freezes, even www.google.com im on ubuntu 10.04 32bit01:48
indroragartral, are you using the one from the partner repo or Google's page?01:49
dionHow would I add a certain partition(sda5) to fstab?01:49
indrorathat is, did you install it through synaptic or Application-selector01:49
gartralindrora: neither, PPA01:49
mamece2so the best for ubuntu is rythmbox?01:49
indroragartral, then I dont know how to help01:49
adzyHello all!01:50
supercom32Does anyone know how to shrink the Ubuntu desktop size without changing the resolution?01:50
indroramamece2, I use mpd/pygmy, but Rhythmbox is nice and does what you want -- As will Audacious01:50
gartralindrora: my ubuntu is acting very oddly indeed.. i cant install anything, it just throws "bus error" and bounces back to prompt01:50
ChogyDangartral: I've been using the chromium daily for awhile now, haven't had to much trouble.  Any errors from the cli?01:50
O__odo i choose basic ubuntu server or DNS server ?01:50
LuisVhello folks, anybody knows what's happening with MindForge network? I know that is no a topic related to Ubuntu, but I will appreciate any information, thanks.01:50
indroraO__o, Scroll down more. Find "Web server"01:50
mamece2guys i installed a new kernel, now in the booting option it still appear the old one, is that a problem?01:50
O__oindrora, no web server option01:51
ChogyDanO__o: or, you can just `sudo apt-get install lamp-server^`              I like the ^ syntax  :)01:51
canonhead311why does xchat in ubuntu keep freezing on my01:51
edbianmamece2, not a problem.  Just an annoyance01:51
indroraO__o, Uhhh if its not there keep looking -- there should be /lots/ of them like "DNS Server" and "Mail Server"01:51
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edbianmamece2, figure the exact number of the old kernel and remove it's package using synaptic.01:51
edbianmamece2, Although some people leave the old kernels there in case something breaks and you need to fall back to it01:51
canonhead311does anyone here use ember media manager01:51
gartralChogyDan: [5379:5379:443300269237:ERROR:chrome/browser/process_singleton_linux.cc(304)] Failed to extract pid from path: /home/gareth/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock01:52
O__oyes i seen DNS server01:52
indroraO__o, Keep looking then.01:52
O__oalso lamp server, what is lamp server?01:52
mattgyversupercom32, im not sure theres any other way to do that.  If you dont mind, what are you trying to accomplish?01:52
dionWhat line do I neet to add to fstab to auto-mount a certain partition?01:52
indroraLAMP is Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP01:52
mamece2edbian that what i though, if the new one breaks... how can i know the new one is rotten? i wouldnt even boot , amirite?01:52
edbianmamece2, Yeah.01:52
O__oso should i choose lamp server?01:52
ChogyDangartral: maybe try deleting that file, or running with a different user directory01:52
ChogyDanO__o: yes01:52
xbonesxwhats the difference between GDM and GTK?01:53
indroraO__o, That'll get you the farthest.01:53
supercom32mattgyver: On my screen, which is an HDTV CRT, the ubuntu dekstop appears shifted to the left and parts of it end up in the overscan area. I'd like to resize the desktop and move it center.01:53
edbianmamece2, If the new one was "bad" in a way that mattered you would notice.  If you didn't notice then it wouldn't matter.  See my point?01:53
gartralChogyDan: that file doesnt exist.. at all01:53
mamece2edbian. ok fine, i feel like am leavin noobness01:53
mattgyverdion, you will actually add an entirely new line to /etc/fstab to specify the specifics of the drive01:53
jribO__o: if you want mysql and php in addition to apache, yes01:53
indroraxbonesx, GDM is a display manager, like KDM. GTK is a widget toolkit, like QT01:53
gartralChogyDan: there's a singleton socket.. but not singletonlock01:53
edbianxbonesx, gtk is a toolkit for creating gui.  gdm gnome display manager, handles the screens on a system and logging in01:53
ChogyDangartral: what is the bus error?  maybe that s the issue?01:53
mamece2now i want tweetdeck and utorrent and bye bye windows01:53
kelbizzleHello, could some one tell why the internet may not work after an install? I was able to connect via eth0 to my router. But FF didn't work, restricted drivers failed to download, and ping www.google.com produced nothing.01:53
supercom32mattgyver: XBMC handles overscanning great with drag and drop corners. But I'm not sure how to do it outside on the Gnome desktop.01:53
indroramamece2, Transmission is a nice replacement for uTorrent.01:54
dionmattgyver, and what would that line be? Obviously there are variables i need to put in01:54
gartralChogyDan: just "bus error" ive been trying to find someone that can help me with it for a month01:54
indroramamece2, as for Tweetdeck, Gwibber does a nice job.01:54
ChogyDangartral: wait, why are you running google chrome?  Why not chromium?01:54
mattgyversupercom32, yea im not sure exactly how you would go about that its probably something you have to adjust in xorg somehow01:54
indroraChogyDan, Chrome doesnt depend on SSE201:54
O__ois there a website or walk thru to set up apache server for www?01:54
indroraChogyDan, Chromium does.01:54
xbonesxAnyone know of a current up-to-date manager for gnome and grub splash images?01:54
gartralChogyDan: chromium is extreamly unstable in my experience..01:54
mamece2indrora, ty, u r of such a good aid here01:54
jribO__o: as soon as you install apache, it will serve /var/www/ as your DocumentRoot01:55
supercom32mattgyver: I would even settle for a simple X, Y adjustment. Many video games have this, but...01:55
fbianconidion: 'gksudo gedit /etc/fstab' read 'man fstab' in a terminal for guidance01:55
dt_where could I find the setting to shorten the amount of time the notification balloons remain visible ? for example when you connect to a wireless network and the balloon in the top right corner informs you that you're connected01:55
gartralChogyDan: we can take this to pm, if you want01:55
ChogyDangartral: well, not working at all is not exactly stable either  :(01:56
indroradt_, are you using notification-daemon or notify-osd (see: have you changed it from the default?)01:56
O__odone now what?01:56
gartralChogyDan: chrome screwing up is a new development01:56
Unirgyhi, sorry for offtopic, just wasn't sure where to ask, and maybe someone here knows.. if i'll open thinkpad's back panel, will it automatically void the warranty?01:56
dt_eodor    1648  0.0  0.1  18916  7236 ?        S    Sep22   0:00              \_ /usr/lib/gnome-disk-utility/gdu-notification-daemon01:56
xbonesxAnyone know of a current up-to-date manager for gnome and grub splash images?01:56
fbianconiO__o: you can lookup http://httpd.apache.org/ for documentation01:56
indroradt_, you01:57
indroradt_, you are using notify-osd then01:57
dt_mmm yeah01:57
dt_I see it01:57
indroradt_, Unfortunately, the only real way to modify the notify-osd stuff is to recompile...01:57
threadmetalDoes anyone know why bind9 would fail to start at boot (already checked the rc*.d symlinks), but load fine using /etc/init.d/bind9 or invoke-rc.d?01:57
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monokromeWhere does Ubuntu mount the CDRom drive?!01:57
macoindrora: someone made a modified version of it already in a ppa01:57
kelbizzleHello, could some one tell why the internet may not work after an install? I was able to connect via eth0 to my router. But FF didn't work, restricted drivers failed to download, and ping www.google.com produced nothing.01:57
dt_are you sure it isn't a gconf setting or something?01:57
indrorathreadmetal, what's it tell you?01:57
indroramaco, Really?01:57
macoindrora: yep01:57
indroradt_, I dont like notify-osd so I dont use it01:58
dt_i see01:58
macoindrora: i dont know which ppa...but i know there's a with-config-options version in existence01:58
indroramaco: You mean one that lets you /configure/ it?!?!01:58
ChogyDangartral: have you tried deleting *.bin in /var/cache/apt ?01:58
indroraUnheard of!01:58
xbonesxmonokrome: default is /media01:58
indroramonokrome, Generally, /media/cdrom01:58
gartralChogyDan: will that help with chrome?01:58
xbonesxAnyone know of a current up-to-date manager for gnome and grub splash images?01:58
threadmetalindrora, nothing -- no entries in /var/log from named, none mentioning bind; I'm guessing named isn't even being exec'd01:58
macoindrora: inorite, its just gonna confuse users if they have choices of things like colours, corners, operating systems...oh wait01:58
threadmetalrc.local doesn't work either01:58
ChogyDangartral: no, that is the apt-get bus error01:58
indrorathreadmetal, try /etc/init.d/bind9 start01:59
monokromexbonesx, indrora: I just realized my issue is that VMWare is taking over the CD drive01:59
threadmetalindrora, works01:59
mamece2wow i like rythmbox01:59
threadmetalindrora, but not at boot01:59
MooshiMuushiHey peeps, Is there a way to move a folder into a different place without placing it in another folder? I put the view on "list" so there's no empty space to put my mouse over and move the folder into the place. Not within another folder, that is at the place.01:59
xbonesxmonokrome: oh i didnt even know you were running from a virtual machine, lol01:59
indrorathreadmetal, something borked itself then... your links are messed up.01:59
gartralChogyDan: what do i do after renaming them?01:59
Myke_113Hi, I am trying to install Ubuntu, and I was able to get it to install with the nomodeset option,  now how do I get this nomodeset installed into grub?  The monitor won't turn on without that option, and I never see a grub screen appear, there is no Windows on this computer only Ubuntu01:59
indroraMooshiMuushi, What do you mean?02:00
threadmetalindrora, removed and freshly created with update-rc.d -- this one really has me stumped =)02:00
ChogyDangartral: I don't really know about chrome, I use chromium-daily myself02:00
xbonesxMyke_113: run the live cd and install grub02:00
ChogyDangartral: I guess sudo apt-get update, and try whatever02:00
indrorathreadmetal, Sounds like something awkward. I use debian-stable for bind and friends :v02:00
xbonesxMyke_113 | !grub202:00
indrora!grub2 | Myke_11302:01
ubottuMyke_113: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:01
Myke_113xbonesx: How do I get it to install from the live CD when Ubuntu is already installed?02:01
gartralChogyDan: Search pattern not terminated at (eval 1) line 1. is given when i try sudo rename ./pkgcache.bin ./pkgcache.bak02:01
Myke_113So install grub 1?02:01
indroraMyke_113, from a terminal run grub-install02:01
mattgyverMyke_113, you will need to edit /etc/default/grub add the nodemodeset option to GRUB_CMD_LINUX_DEFAULT option and run update-grub02:01
threadmetalindrora, no choices there -- it's a VPS. Guess it's time to deal with their &@#$ support..02:01
osmosisif CTRL-ALT-DEL isnt responding, are there any other hotkeys I can try?02:01
indrorathreadmetal, I was going to say, sounds like a problem with someone's layout02:01
mamece2now i got a question about ID3 tags for mp3. is there anyway i can write the cover of the album IN THE FILE so anywhere i open it i will see it?02:01
archangelpetroif i try to apt-get the source of a program but the program itself is already instlaled, getting the source aint gonna mess anything up, right?02:02
ChogyDangartral: try sudo mv ./pkgcache.bin ./pkgcache.bak                pretty sure rename is for multiple files...02:02
indroraosmosis, magic SysReq02:02
Myke_113so if I do that from the live CD it'll install it on to the hard driver?02:02
xbonesxindrora: thanks02:02
MooshiMuushiindrora, I'm trying to place "folder 1" into "place 1", but in "place 1" it is full of folders. The view is on "list". So place "folder 1" within "place 1" would be hard, because there is no empty space to put the mouse over.02:02
xbonesxAnyone know of a current up-to-date manager for gnome and grub splash images?02:02
trey__is it possible to update my intel video drivers? i'm running 10.04.102:02
gartralChogyDan: also, it's not just apt thats screwing up, all my system configs, and a few other apps, like firefox, all throw the same, indescrept "bus error" message02:02
indroraMooshiMuushi, mv "folder 1" "place 1"02:02
sweetpiarchangelpetro: it will just download the source for you02:02
threadmetalindrora, do you know if 'default' ubuntu is to install named in /usr/sbin ?02:02
mkquistMooshiMuushi: command line? in the terminal you can move it without your mouse02:02
mattgyverMyke_113, not without any lowel level file manipulation02:02
ChogyDanarchangelpetro: correct02:02
MooshiMuushiindrora, placing*02:03
indrorathreadmetal, Depends on the package.02:03
indroraWait, named?02:03
indroraAsk the package repo: packages.ubuntu.com02:03
mattgyversorry Myke_113 that low level statement was directed at mamece2 :X02:03
threadmetalindrora, thx, didn't think of that :-)02:03
indroraMooshiMuushi, So you have ../folder 1 and ../place 1 and you want ../folder 1/place 102:03
indroraMooshiMuushi, or have I got that reversed?02:04
ChogyDangartral: oh, then I dunno.  Maybe time to reinstall then, maybe it is a dbus error?02:04
MooshiMuushiindrora, mkquist, Using the terminal? Is there a key to press down, while using the mouse?02:04
JonathanYCHi! Has anyone has success with getting a Ximeta NDAS-powered drive to operate with ubuntu?02:04
indroraMooshiMuushi, you're using GNOME, right?02:04
mkquistMooshiMuushi: in the terminal your typing the command, not using the mouse02:04
MooshiMuushiindrora, Yes. It is simple.02:04
MooshiMuushiindrora, Yes.02:04
indroraMooshiMuushi, cut-paste.02:04
indroraMooshiMuushi, Select the folder you want to move. Right click-> cut.02:04
MooshiMuushimkquist, trying out mouse. :D02:04
indroraMooshiMuushi, go into the folder you want that folder to live in02:05
indroraMooshiMuushi, press Ctl-V02:05
Myke_113I even tried mounting the hard drive and chrooting into it but that wouldn't let me do it02:05
mkquistMooshiMuushi: whatever gets the job done02:05
archangelpetrosweetpi: ChogyDan where does source download to by default?02:05
elijahCan I have two bootable partitions on a USB drive? I have Ubuntu on 1 partition and I want to put Gparted LIVE on another? Is this possible?02:05
JonathanYCThe Ximeta drivers don't seem to work.02:05
mkquistMooshiMuushi: =)02:05
archangelpetrooh, i think i found out..02:05
MooshiMuushiindrora, That would place the "folder 1" into "place 1" without accidentally placing it into "Folder 2".02:05
archangelpetrocurreny directory?02:05
indroraMooshiMuushi, No, it wouldn't02:06
JonathanYCThey have a package which I assume is supposed to be the source, but I am unsure of how to compile, and their "instructions" are a edead link02:06
sweetpiarchangelpetro: should be /usr/src02:06
gartrali need better than ISDN speed xx02:06
mattgyverMyke_113, sorry, are you using grub1 or grub202:06
indroraMooshiMuushi, paste in Nautilus affects the folder VIEWED not SELECTED.02:06
ChogyDangartral: what does tail /var/log/messages report after a bus error?02:06
indroraMooshiMuushi, All else fails, use a cmd line.02:06
mamece2mattgyver, so any change of cover i do in any program is just to see in that particular programme02:06
Myke_113mattgyver: It's whatever Ubuntu 10.04 installed by default on a completely empty hard drive02:06
archangelpetrosweetpi: ? really? it downloaded to current directory here.02:06
mattgyvermamece2, yeah more or less.02:06
Myke_113damn nvidia cards causing problems and requiring nomodeset =)02:07
MooshiMuushiindrora, Ok then. Thank you :D02:07
gartralChogyDan: dunno, never did that02:07
MooshiMuushimkquist, Thank you as well :D02:07
mattgyverMyke_113, yeah so the directions I have given you are correct02:07
mkquistMooshiMuushi: get it done?02:07
sweetpiarchangelpetro: well then your right :)02:07
* indrora chugs some jolt02:07
MooshiMuushimkquist, Yeppers :D02:07
mattgyverMyke_113, its probably easiest to just reboot and manually enter the nomodeset option and then do it from there02:07
mkquistMooshiMuushi: your welcome02:07
mattgyverMyke_113, does that make sense?02:07
ChogyDangartral: one possibility that I'm seeing from google is a bad HDD  :(02:07
Myke_113Yeah but I can't get to any option that lets me into grub options02:07
Myke_113In the past when I installed with windows on it, I got a grub menu, there IS no grub menu this time02:08
indroraMyke_113, Wait... Hold on02:08
indroraMyke_113, was the pattern02:08
gartralChogyDan: ive done a fsck.. the drive seemed fine02:08
* xbonesx wishes someone knew how to change splash images for grub, or knew of a GUI for it... :(02:08
indrorainstall ubuntu -> install Windows?02:08
indroraor the other way around?02:08
gartralindrora: its a pain to do it the other way around02:09
Myke_113in the past I had windows installed but this computer had a completely new hard drive put into it and we chose not to reinstall windows, just Ubuntu02:09
indroragartral, Actually, its easier to install ubuntu AFTER.02:09
Myke_113but it needs the nomodeset and I can't get in to change that02:09
indroraMyke_113, Hold shift during boot.02:09
Myke_113ok let me try that02:09
indroraMyke_113, that pulls up GRUB2's page02:09
indrorahit e02:09
indrorathen proceed to edit the GRUB page02:09
Myke_113ok trying now02:10
indroraMyke_113, those will only affect the CURRENT boot02:10
O__ohow to sign up free domain redirection?02:10
elijahWill using Gparted's "Manage Flags" be good enough to make a partition bootable?02:10
osmosisindrora, i think that worked. SysReq ALT-B   got me a reboot02:11
Myke_113I got the grub screen thank you!02:11
JonathanYCNo one here has an NDAS disk? :(02:11
indroraosmosis, that should do it02:11
indroraMyke_113, Just remember you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO change the grub configuration file!02:11
indroraMyke_113, those changes are for THAT BOOT ONLY!02:11
rww!ot | O__o02:11
ubottuO__o: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:11
elijahnvm, it looks like only one partition can be bootable02:11
threadmetal!ot | threadmetal02:12
ubottuthreadmetal, please see my private message02:12
MooshiMuushiAnyone know how to edit .h264 video files on Ubuntu?02:13
Myke_113Yup I'm changing the grub file now02:13
gartralMooshiMuushi: i'de use jashaka02:13
MooshiMuushigartral, Jashaka?02:14
gartralChogyDan: i cant pastebin the error... can i pm you?02:14
ChogyDangartral: yes02:14
gartralMooshiMuushi: yea, it's a full-fledged profession (but open source and free) video editing/studio suit02:14
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Myke_113It's working, thank you so much! =)02:15
MooshiMuushigartral, That's news! Lemme have a look :)02:15
mamece2where can i find the shortcuts for ubuntu? change desktop, minimize apps, etc02:15
indroramamece2, you want the GNOME shortcuts.02:15
indroramamece2, changing workspaces is Ctl-Alt-[left right up down]02:16
indroramamece2, However many of them can just be configured using the gnome control center02:16
mamece2indrora, tyvm02:16
ChogyDangartral: have you tried smartmontools, or checking for bad blocks?02:17
gartralChogyDan: i cant download hem to check!02:17
xaemonicanyone know what the equiviliant of super karamba is for gnome02:18
indroraxaemonic, what's it do?02:18
mamece2indrora is there another app to monitor the system resources? temp, processors, network, ram02:18
ChogyDangartral: maybe check your mtab, see if the filesystem is mounted as rw or ro02:18
xaemonicsuper karamab is for makeing desktop applets02:18
xaemoniclike the sensors app02:19
indroraThe logical equivelant is Conky02:19
xaemonicthat shows u harddrive space and core temprature02:19
xaemonicconky is the gnome version of superkaramba?02:19
indroraIts DE-Agnostic02:19
mamece2so i must find conky?02:19
indroraIt just paints to the root window.02:19
indroramamece2, Its in the repos02:19
indrora!info conky02:19
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 68 kB02:19
xaemonickk if anyone knows pm me02:20
indroraxaemonic, We just told you.02:20
mamece2xaemonic is for gnome? ubuntu02:20
xaemonicthought u were talkin to someone else02:20
xaemonicubuntu yes02:20
xaemoniclooking for the apt get02:20
cedric_Bonsoir tout le monde02:20
indroraxaemonic, We gave that to you also02:20
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ChogyDangartral: well, it still looks like an HDD problem, of some sort.  http://superuser.com/questions/114675/external-hard-drive-is-no-longer-recognized-gives-buffer-i-o-errors                 Whatever the error is exactly doesn't matter, you still need to boot off another medium02:21
xaemonicok sorry thought u were answering someone elses question02:21
indroraxaemonic, I was answering both of your questions at once02:21
SystemParadoxanyone know what the deal is with ogre-contrib and plugin_cgprogrammanager.so? I can't find either of these02:21
indroraYou asked the same question.02:21
Yud_Zrocis there an uptodate repos for jre?02:22
mamece2indrora, i cannot find de-agnostics in sofware center02:22
xaemonicthanks lots guys02:22
xaemonicim installing it right now02:22
xaemoniccudos on the quick responce indrora02:22
xuekanmicrosoft is stupid.02:23
indroramamece2, No non on what I meant was that Conky is not dependant on a particular DE02:23
ChogyDanYud_Zroc: I just saw this: http://www.shermann.name/2010/09/sun-java6-packages.html02:23
indroraxuekan, Sometimes.02:23
Yud_Zrocxuekan: and a beer for that comment :D02:23
kneauxi'm trying to install ubuntu onto an eee pc from usb02:23
indroraAnyone here actually looked at WP7?02:23
indroraas a platform, its nice TBH.02:23
Yud_ZrocChogyDan: yes but that is jre6u1802:23
kneauxthe usb stick won't boot; i'm wondering if i can make a virtual machine within the eee pc's current linux, and install that way02:24
mamece2indrora, i have not tested 702:24
indroramamece2, Windows Phone 7.02:24
indroramamece2, new platform for developing mobile apps.02:24
Yud_ZrocChogyDan: i need jre6u2102:24
ChogyDankneaux: I think you have to hold f2 at boot or something02:24
mamece2indrora, oic, ive got a BB02:24
indroramamece2, You poor thing.02:24
kneauxchogydan, it's not about the boot order, the thing just won't boot. believe me, i've tried everything, it's perfect, the machine just won't boot it02:24
kmysti have a dell mini 9 and recently since updating it sporadically drops wireless, only a power off/on will restore it, eventually it starts dropping almost as soon as you login, and finally you can't even connect at all...anybody hear about this issue on 10.04??02:25
mamece2indrora wat do u think about android?02:25
ChogyDankneaux: how did you make it?02:25
ChogyDanYud_Zroc: I see 21 for maverick02:25
mashola me baje el smartcam (programa para usar la camara del celular en el computador via bluetooth) lo tengo funcionando perfecto pero no puedo usarla con programas como skype, msn02:25
xaemonichow do i edit prefrences of conky02:25
massolo con el que viene02:25
Yud_Zrocoh ok02:25
indroramamece2, Considering in Pre-2.0 stuff I have code in? its a nice platform on the outside but its hell to develop for.02:25
xaemonicand move it around?02:25
mamece2mas, no creo que alguien sepa español aqui02:25
indroraxaemonic, Everything is handled in ~/.conkyrc02:26
Cerebr0I use avast to scan files I download, I was wondering if there was a way to add it to the menu that pops up when i right click instead of having to go thru the menu and open  avast and select the folder02:26
xaemonicsorry im new02:26
* xbonesx wishes someone knew how to change splash images for grub, or knew of a GUI for it... :(02:26
xaemonici type .conkyrc to open menu?02:26
=== MaverickOne is now known as IdleOne
icarus-c!es | mamece202:26
ubottumamece2: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:26
xaemonicxbone i tryed that02:26
mamece2mas, pero pregunta en ingles que siempre hay alguien que ayuda02:26
xaemonicits hard02:26
xaemonicbut possable02:26
indroraxaemonic, you can also just use nano ~/.conkyrc02:26
xaemonictype that in consol?02:26
kneauxchogydan, i'd humour you about making the usb, but i've already gone through that whole process. it's exactly what it's supposed to be, and the machine isn't booting it.02:27
indroraxaemonic, Yeah02:27
ChogyDanxbonesx: I'm guessing the directions on the webpage is your best bet02:27
xbonesxxaemonic: how so, i always thought that startupmanager had options for it???02:27
mamece2my laptop is suffering scanning all my music from the external HD02:27
ChogyDankneaux: what happens?  are you using the usb-creator?02:27
xaemonicnaw its not that easy bones ask the pros02:27
indroramamece2, Cool.02:27
kneauxthe computer will recognize the disk with the current os, is there any way to install from within that environment02:27
xaemonici tryed for hours and gave up lol02:27
indroraI do custom grub splash screens all the time02:27
masSmartCam (program to use the cell phone camera into the computer via Bluetooth) I have it running perfect but I can not use programs like skype, msn.02:27
mamece2i can save the playlist in RB, rite?02:27
ChogyDankneaux: (I have a eee 1000HE btw)02:28
xbonesxindrora: ive seen typing in here for over an hour why didnt you say something?02:28
archangelpetrowhen using the 'pipe to' operator (>>)how do i pipe the standard error rather than standard output?02:28
indroraxbonesx, Really?02:28
xbonesxindrora: ya lol02:28
xbonesxcheck the logs02:28
mashello I downloaded the SmartCam (program to use the cell phone camera into the computer via bluetooth) I have it running perfect but I can not use programs like skype, msn02:28
xaemonicanyone know of a good tutorial on getting the mac bar to work on gnome?02:28
xaemonicubuntu 10.04?02:28
indroraxbonesx, http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Grub+splash+howto have some HOWTOs02:28
xbonesxxaemonic: you mean the dock thing?02:28
xaemonicthe rocket dock02:29
ChogyDanarchangelpetro: I think it is 2> or something, but you may want to ask in #bash02:29
indroraxaemonic, Cairo-dock.02:29
xbonesxindrora: ive only been searching google all night lol02:29
masxaemonic: or tey with docky02:29
masxaemonic: or tray with docky02:29
xbonesxxaemonic: its in synaptic02:29
kneauxchogydan: i've used usb-creator-gtk and unetbootin. i've tried it with w95 fat32 and w95 fat32 (lba). i have made sure my boot flag is set every time and reformatted the partition numerous times. the bios doesn't recognize it in any of the 3 usb ports and asks me to "reboot and select proper boot device/or insert boot media in selecte boot device and press a key", which is what it does when there's no boot device whatsoever.02:29
kneauxthis is why i'm asking a different question02:29
xbonesxkneaux: what are you trying to do?02:30
kneauxinstall from usb02:30
kneauxon an eee pc02:30
xbonesxtheres a program i use that you have to run from windows tho02:30
masxaemonic: there are many bars: docky, awn, cairo-dock,02:30
xbonesxkneaux: i can show you how02:30
mkquistkneaux: did you set to boot from usb?02:30
mkquistkneaux: in the bios?02:30
indroraxbonesx, let me google some fo you02:30
mamece2indrora, hey wat happened with the app for monitoring of resources? is there anyone small so i can put in the desktop and watch everytime02:31
gartralhow do i pause an apt-get download?02:31
xbonesxindrora: hahaha man im exhausted from googling lol02:31
xaemonicthanks guys02:31
xbonesxgartral: close the terminal and restat02:31
indroramamece2, in GNOME there's a few applets that are nice.02:31
mkquistgartral: crtl c02:31
mamece2i can find them in the software center?02:31
masgartral: press ctrl+c, this command stop the download02:31
ChogyDankneaux: so you want to install from windows?02:31
kneauxthe company says their sticks are bootable, as well02:32
kneauxtranscend jetflash, if anyone's interested02:32
kneaux_sorry about that02:32
indroraxbonesx, Go read http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Splashimages.html02:32
=== kneaux_ is now known as kneaux
kmystcan anybody help with a wireless issue on a dell mini 9? o02:32
gartralxbonesx: i dont want to stop it, i have basically dial-up speed, and dont want to wait for it to redownload everything. but my net's about to be turned off for the night.. x.x02:32
arrrghhhhey all, i'm trying to install ffmpeg multithreaded... i can't get from git!02:33
mamece2indrora .i can find the applets  in the software center?02:33
sandydgatral: the download will resume the next time you type the same command02:33
indroramamece2, right click the panel, at the top or bottom.02:33
xbonesxgartral: if you use synaptic to get them they will store a partial til you try to download again i belive02:33
indrorathere's an option for "Add Applets"02:33
indrorashould be one like System Load02:33
xbonesxindrora: TY ill read through02:34
sandydcan someone tell me how to make root gtk apps in kde look good?02:34
sweetpigartral: it will cancel the install, but any packages you downloaded should still be in your apt cache so you can basically resume02:34
xbonesxkneaux: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/02:34
krabadorhi people , how can i boot the live of 10.04 in failsafe mode?02:34
xbonesxkneaux: that program has an option for ubuntu iso's02:34
xbonesxkneaux: does all the work for you, but it has to be done from a windows OS02:35
xbonesxkneaux: its what i used, works fine02:35
nerdy_kidmy xorg has a memory leak that has been driving me crazy.  I have NVIDIA, KDE, chrome and flash.  KDE is not doing it; xrestop shows the pixmap count to be low.  could chrome be doing it?02:35
masgartral the download will continue with the same size when you stop the download (sorry by my english)02:36
nerdy_kidright now xorg is at 400mb02:36
supercom32Is there a way to resize your workspace in Ubuntu?02:36
krabadorhow can i run 10.04 live cd in failsafe mode?02:36
MooshiMuushigartral, Generally just closing the terminal while it's downloading will pause it, and it'll start downloading from where it left off next time.02:36
MooshiMuushiClosing the terminal while it's INSTALLING packages however, is not such a good idea.02:36
ChogyDangartral: use the -d option to just download02:36
xbonesxhow to do you tell what grub you have?02:37
nicolewhere can i go to find out if ubuntu 10.10 supports hybrid cross firing on ati02:37
mamece2indrora ok i added the cpu history, but what about memory and network?02:37
Jordan_Uxbonesx: grub-install --verison02:37
indroramamece2, for Memory and Network there's options in that applet Iirc02:38
indroramamece2, After that, I dont know02:38
xbonesxhahaha i thought i had grub 2 lol02:38
indroraI'm an XFCE guy02:38
indroraxbonesx, running old-school GRUB?02:38
Jordan_Uxbonesx: 1.98 is grub2, if that's what you have.02:38
MooshiMuushi<-- Annoyed.02:38
xbonesxGNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu7 <--- is that grub2?02:39
xbonesxoh ok02:39
MooshiMuushiDoes anyone know how to install Jahshaka?02:39
indroraxbonesx, Yes, logically.02:39
indroraxbonesx, It uses the same layout02:39
arrrghhhffmpeg-mt?  anyone installed/use it?02:40
Agent001Anyone familiar with what the policy tool is?02:40
mamece2indrora i reallyt like ubuntu02:40
alanhaggaiHi. I am using Ubuntu 10.04, and currently using the Gnome desktop environment. Used gconf-editor to toggle /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible, but it does not seem to have any effect. Volumes are always visible on desktop. Is there any way to hide those volumes? (Yes, I even tried toggling the setting and restarting the computer, just in case.)02:41
indroraalanhaggai, Have you dug through the control center to find the option?02:41
archer"application/x-mplayer2 how to enable this mime in firefox /ubuntu ?02:41
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alanhaggaiindrora, not yet. I will check it now.02:42
ubuntu__fuck you all'02:42
indroraalanhaggai, Dig through there before you try muking with gconf02:42
pho__Hey, I'm using a Macbook Pro 6,1 and have experienced a lot of problems with the trackpad, I have been unable to track down a solution online. If my finger is on the "button" part of the pad I can no longer use the rest of the pad, the mouse just freezes02:42
indroraubuntu__, Would you --02:42
indroraNever mind.02:42
alanhaggaiindrora, oh I see. Thanks.02:42
ubuntu__idleone is a dumbass02:43
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indroraubuntu__, Do you talk to your mother with those lips?02:43
IdleOneignore the trolls please02:43
dorkfaceHi all.  When running the "df" command, it should list  available swap partitions, correct?  However, when I do "swapon -s", it lists something that isn't shown in the df output.02:43
archernver mind02:43
arrrghhhyea just ignore them.  let the channel op take care of 'em.02:43
indroradorkface, it shouldn't show swap.02:44
dorkfaceoh, ok02:44
indroradorkface, Swap isn't a disk.02:44
indroraits not something you mount.02:44
indroraWell, its not something that has /usage/ as a /disk/02:44
indroradorkface, try 'free'02:44
arrrghhhdorkface, you can see swap in top02:44
arrrghhhthat too02:44
brandon420can someone give me a step by step on how to install some kinda ftp on ubuntu 9.10, or a tut that works?02:44
rwwor swapon -s, which is the best way and which they already knwo about ;)02:45
rwwknow **'02:45
brandon420more or less, config vsftpd02:45
nerdy_kidmy xorg has a memory leak that has been driving me crazy.  I have NVIDIA, KDE, chrome and flash.  KDE is not doing it; xrestop shows the pixmap count to be low.  could chrome be doing it?02:45
indrorabrandon420, an FTP daemon?02:45
gartral|pWho was I helping with jashaka?02:45
icarus-cdorkface, which means df shouldn't list swap partition02:45
dorkfaceicarus-c: gotcha :)02:46
arrrghhhbrandon420, do you have vsftpd installed?02:46
brandon420arrrghhh, yeah.02:46
dorkfacethanks all02:46
Chaos2358hey guys i just got ubuntu 10.04 a few days ago due to my overwhelming hate for windows and all things microsoft  is there anyone who might be able to help me with a few key things?02:46
arrrghhhbrandon420, ok, what's the problem?  having issues connecting?02:46
indrorabrandon420, Try http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-vsftpd-ftp-service-server/02:46
brandon420arrrghhh, i can login, but cant access my foles02:46
icarus-c!ask | Chaos235802:46
ubottuChaos2358: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:46
Chaos2358first off why is ubuntu taking up almost 50 gigs of my hard drive?02:47
krabadorhow can i run 10.04 live cd in failsafe mode?02:47
indroraChaos2358, Esqueese? What's df (in a terminal) say?02:47
aemaethJordan_U: nothing has worked so far :( i think it's doomed02:47
jbrouhardyou sure that is just ubuntu install itself, and not personal files ?02:47
icarus-cChaos2358, either you misunderstand something or you did something wrong. ubuntu fresh install should only take ~1GB02:47
Chaos2358its just ubuntu brand new hard drive formatted during install02:48
Jordan_Uaemaeth: What happened with "ssh -X" and "users-admin"?02:48
=== aarcane__ is now known as aarcane
aemaethJordan_U: it goes to a blank screen for a while then drops back02:48
Jordan_Uaemaeth: I don't think it's doomed.02:48
indroraChaos2358, what's `df` in a terminal say?02:48
Chaos2358all together im missing about 50 gigs02:48
icarus-cChaos2358, are you on that ubuntu system at the moment?02:48
aemaethJordan_U: true, i already backed up the files i think i'll want, so i can just re=install and then set everything up again02:48
Jordan_Uaemaeth: No error message? What OS are you ssh'ing in from?02:49
aemaethused my backup script to backup my backup script...02:49
Chaos2358Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on02:49
Chaos2358/dev/sda1            301747688  20772452 265647340   8% /02:49
Chaos2358none                   1022000       276   1021724   1% /dev02:49
Chaos2358none                   1026220       104   1026116   1% /dev/shm02:49
Chaos2358none                   1026220        84   1026136   1% /var/run02:49
FloodBot1Chaos2358: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
Chaos2358none                   1026220         0   1026220   0% /var/lock02:49
ChogyDanChaos2358: try dh -h02:49
aemaethi'm on the machine now, just through txt02:49
icarus-cChaos2358, it is just using 8% of your first partition02:49
indroraChaos2358, That's not 50 gigs.02:49
aemaethi forget the error the ssh -x threw at me, something about no protocol02:49
aemaethso i tried it on this side and no luck either02:50
aemaethwell, without ssh02:50
mamece2indrora, what is the irc client do u recommend, im using konversation coz the auto idenfity feature02:50
Chaos2358when it installed i set for no partition and it tells me i have two fifty something left out of 32002:50
melrockzgnokii seems to have trouble compiling... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3SAy6UXA02:50
Jordan_Uaemaeth: What happens when you log in as your user (*not* root) and run startx?02:50
arrrghhhbrandon420, so what do you see when you login?  nothing?02:50
indroramamece2, under GTK, I personally use Xchat. Its nice, well done and has a nice interface02:50
mamece2indrora GTK ?02:51
brandon420arrrghhh, nothing at all.02:51
aemaethJordan_U: user not authorized to run the x server aborting02:51
Jordan_Uaemaeth: (in the mean time I'm trying to find what config file users-admin actually modifies)02:51
indroramamece2, GNOME and its friends.02:51
elijahHow do I trim my BRUG menu. It is getting HUGE!02:51
Agent001What is your purpose helping other people with ubuntu issues?02:51
icarus-cChaos2358, can you pastebin the complete output of "df -h"  and  "sudo fdisk -l " # that's a small L02:51
Chaos2358ok hang on02:52
Jordan_Uelijah: Uninstall old kernels with apt-get / Software Center.02:52
elijahMy bad, caps off now02:52
melrockzCritical*** Ubuntu 10.04 boots into a blank screen. Video card: Intel 845GL.02:53
icarus-celijah, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:53
elijahJordan_U: Is there a master GRUB file somewhere that each install added to over time?02:53
arrrghhhbrandon420, hrm, have you setup your /etc/vsftpd.conf file?02:53
brandon420arrrghhh, kinda sorta, dont really know what to change and what not.02:53
Chaos2358sudoFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on02:53
Chaos2358/dev/sda1             288G   20G  254G   8% /02:53
Chaos2358none                  999M  276K  998M   1% /dev02:53
Chaos2358none                 1003M  104K 1003M   1% /dev/shm02:53
Chaos2358none                 1003M   84K 1003M   1% /var/run02:53
Chaos2358none                 1003M     0 1003M   0% /var/lock02:53
FloodBot1Chaos2358: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
brandon420pastebin buddy02:54
mkquisthow hard is pastebin to use?02:54
indrorapastebin.com = your best friend.02:54
arrrghhhChaos2358, you've been told several times to use pastebin...02:54
Jordan_Uelijah: No. If you want the gritty details, grub2 has a script, /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober, which in turn uses os-prober and linux-boot-prober to find all the other OSs (including all their kernels) and add them to the menu.02:54
Chaos2358what does that mean?02:54
mkquistChaos2358: subtle hints goint on here...02:54
arrrghhhbrandon420, did you read the man page at all?02:54
icarus-c<FloodBot1> Chaos2358: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
arrrghhhbrandon420, man 5 vsftpd.conf will show you examples in the config file.02:55
mkquistChaos2358: pastbin is an alternate place to post long posts, like yours, clik on the link, youll see... =)02:55
Chaos2358if im going about giving someone info the wrong way please tell me but im new to irc as well as linux02:55
elijahJordan_U: Is that what update-grub does?02:55
arrrghhhChaos2358, instead of pasting multi-line stuff directly into the channel, use the pastebin service.  go to that website.02:55
Jordan_Uelijah: Yes.02:55
brandon420ty good sirr02:55
Chaos2358ok got it thank you02:56
elijahJordan_U: K, so that will take care of quite a bit but there are 3 kernels for my existing install, are you saying I need to uninstall those kernels too, then do update-grub?02:56
icarus-cChaos2358, yes by pasting dozen lines of of text to a crowded irc channel would just disturb all users02:56
arrrghhhwith that out of the way, anyone know how to install ffmpeg-mt?02:56
melrockzCritical*** Ubuntu 10.04 boots into a blank screen. Video card: Intel 845GL.02:57
icarus-cChaos2358, obviously you are not doing that on purpose.  but anyway,  go http://paste.ubuntu.com   upload the text, then it will give you an URL, give us that URL02:57
Jordan_Uelijah: Yes (though update-grub will actually be run automatically when you uninstall the kernel packages).02:57
elijahJordan_U: Wow! That is slick02:57
elijahJordan_U: Someone said once to always keep the previous kernel, is that best practice?02:58
Jordan_Uelijah: Yes.02:58
icarus-celijah, yes. at least one previous kernel02:58
elijahJordan_U: K, off I go, thx02:58
Jordan_Uelijah: You're welcome.02:58
Chaos2358ok i found out my space issue but thank you for your help icarus02:59
icarus-cChaos2358, what is the cause? just out of curiosity02:59
Avoso i want to dualboot arch on my 2008 iMac. But I read somewhere that Linux can't manage the Mac SMC and therefore damages the processor because it can't manage the voltage correctly. Can anyone confirm/deny this?03:00
HaPK_PerCarhey people... the oddest thing happened... Amarok is gone! I don't know what happened to it. The executable seems to be lost, and I can't reinstall it... can somebody help me, please?03:00
xaemonicdoes anyone know how to host fserv with ubuntu's list of irc cliants?"03:00
xaemonicdo i need a special script?03:00
melrockzCritical*** Ubuntu 10.04 boots into a blank screen. Video card: Intel 845GL. Processor: P4 RAM: 1GB DDR (Sorry, no finances to upgrade :-()03:00
Chaos2358I didnt realize that my wife had already moved the 20 gigs of music and 8 gigs of pics to the new harddrive03:00
RyenHaPK_PerCar: Have you tried to uninstall it?03:00
HaPK_PerCarRyen, how can I do that?03:01
arrrghhhAvo, i don't think anybody can guarantee anything with ubuntu.  it's free dude... as in all at your own risk.03:01
elijahJordan_U: One last question, is there a way to set GRUB to 0 seconds and have a special key to access to boot to win when I want to?03:01
Jordan_UAvo: This may not be very helpfull, but I investigated that claim a while back and couldn't find a credible source for it.Though I couldn't find any refutation either.03:01
icarus-cAvo, isn't damage to cpu or can't handle voltage that i've heard.  but something about power management. that  any OS other than Mac OS X on Mac consume way more power03:01
Chaos2358instead of using the external like i asked her to she moved it to my laptop03:01
RyenHaPK_PerCar: sudo apt-get remove amarok03:01
Jordan_Uelijah: Yes, let me find you the docs for doing that.03:01
HaPK_PerCarRyen, I'll try that03:01
RyenHaPK_PerCar: After you remove it, try to reinstall it.03:02
icarus-cAvo, have friends that got macbook and say that  with Windows the battery drop by half03:02
icarus-cAvo, from 8 hours to like 2 hours?03:02
elijahJordan_U: I think I found it03:02
mamece2indrora, how do i make the panel bar wider?03:02
indroramamece2, its properties.03:02
HaPK_PerCarRyen, nope, it won't get removed because it says that it's not installed...03:02
Avoicarus-c, Jordan_U arrrghhh Risk is fine, but CPU damage is not acceptable. What do you think personally, Jordan_U? icarus-c, This is not a portable, and I'm not talking about battery life, I'm talking about damage to the processor.03:03
elijahJordan_U: Confusing though, so much to read. I will do that another time03:03
RyenHaPK_PerCar: Then try to install it "sudo apt-get install amarok"03:03
Chaos2358can you also tell me why im having trouble with dvd playback? ive installed the restricted software needed and the dvds play but are very very grainy and skip and freeze alot03:03
arrrghhhAvo, i seriously doubt ubuntu would cause that kind of hardware damage... but who knows?  it's not exactly made for your mac... but it's not exactly made for any computer in particular.03:03
antIPedbian: Can i get your help on something?03:03
HaPK_PerCarRyen, doesn't work, it says it can because of some unstable packages...03:04
melrockzCritical*** Ubuntu 10.04 boots into a blank screen. Video card: Intel 845GL. Processor: P4 RAM: 1GB DDR (Sorry, no finances to upgrade :-()03:04
melrockzCritical*** Ubuntu 10.04 boots into a blank screen. Video card: Intel 845GL. Processor: P4 RAM: 1GB DDR (Sorry, no finances to upgrade :-()03:04
Avoarrrghhh, Well it's not ubuntu that they were talking about. It's Linux in general. And yeah, that's what I was thinking03:04
icarus-cAvo, i doubt damage would be caused. but wouldn't expect it to work too good neither03:04
Avoicarus-c, Why's that?03:04
arrrghhhmelrockz, i don't think repeat spamming messages is going to get you help any faster...03:04
RyenHaPK_PerCar: Can you put the output of what is says in a pastebin?03:04
Ryen!pb | HaPK_PerCar03:04
ubottuHaPK_PerCar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:04
icarus-cAvo, but well. Linux kernel has got support for Mac hardware, so...03:04
edbianantIP, Yep03:05
arrrghhhAvo, hrm.  i'm not sure.  i'm not a fan of mac hardware, i'll just end it at that :D03:05
elijahmelrockz: Have you had it running successfully before?03:05
icarus-cAvo, you know, what can you expect from Apple towards other non-Apple software03:05
Avoicarus-c, Oh, really? Then surely there's not CPU damage if the kernel guys have build in support for that..03:05
antIPedbian: sweet - So, for right now, I just want to back up to my external drive....but, I have an issue.03:05
HaPK_PerCarRyen, it's in spanish... but I'll paste it03:05
Avoicarus-c, Well, no more than I can expect of Windows running hardware.03:05
arrrghhhAvo, but just like icarus-c said, the linux kernel supports a lot of architectures... and since apple uses intel procs now, i SERIOUSLY doubt that it would actually do physical damage to your proc.03:05
edbianantIP, which is?03:05
melrockzno. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 successfully now. But it's reaching end of life.03:06
Chaos2358can you also tell me why im having trouble with dvd playback? ive installed the restricted software needed and the dvds play but are very very grainy and skip and freeze alot03:06
Avoarrrghhh, :D This iMac was a gift, at a time when I had a lovefest with Apple. Oh how I wish I had gotten some parts to build my own in retrospect :)03:06
Jordan_UAvo: I think that if it were true there would be more people reporting actually encountering issues, and there would likely be a bug report as well. I've been running Ubuntu on my first generation macbook pro for years without problems, (often with less ventalation than I should :) and have had no problems. But it's supposedly newer macs that are more affected.03:06
antIPedbian: my external drive is almost full. the files on the drive are pretty much the same files on my secondary. but i've added/changed some files on my secondary drive over the last month. Anway...03:06
arrrghhhAvo, haha live & learn.03:06
sandydmelrockz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9600375&postcount=503:06
Avoarrrghhh, Got that right.03:06
HaPK_PerCarRyen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/501231/03:07
edbianantIP, can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l  It'll give me an idea of your system03:07
AvoJordan_U, Mhmm. The whole thing makes no sense to me on a technical level. Since when does the software OS manage the processor voltage anyhow..03:07
arrrghhhAvo, to save battery life or to increase performance...03:07
HaPK_PerCarRyen, it basicly says that it can't install because I'm using an unstable distribution, which I find odd, I'm on lucid03:07
antIPedbian: when I go to copy the files from my secondary onto the external I get an error saying that there is not enough room. Now, I know for a fact that there is enough room. the problem seems to be that the instead of overwriting the files that already exist nautilus is treating them like new files...does that make sense?03:08
RyenHaPK_PerCar: I can read it, and it is awkward. Let me look into it really fast.03:08
antIPantIP: Sure, if you can tell me how to use pastebin ;)03:08
edbianantIP, I think it's pretty straight forward  http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:09
Avoarrrghhh, But surely that can be mitigated to the lower level subsystem.. Whatever, it's closed source, so I guess we'll never know.03:09
RyenHaPK_PerCar: Please see my pm.03:09
elijahJordan_U: Worked awesome!03:10
arrrghhhAvo, basically.  i'm not that much of a guru in respect to what happens at that low of a level.03:10
melrockzSo, I think i'll have to ask in the forums. Btw, when does U 9.04 reach end of life? And what happens then? Repos will disappear?03:10
elijahJordan_U: Was I talking to you before about Gparted too?03:10
antIPedbian: So I just post the link to the pastebin?03:10
diablostem algum brasileiro ai?03:10
adamonline45melrockz: Oct. 23, and not sure :)03:10
diablostem algum brasileiro ai03:11
edbianantIP, You run the command.  Copy and paste the text into the "content" box and hit paste.  It creates a temp website with that text.  Give me the URL to that site.  Easy way for me to see a large block of text from your machine.03:11
diablosedbian -> hi03:11
antIPedbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501232/03:11
edbiandiablos, Hello ? :)03:11
wedwodiablosdiablos, /join #ubuntu-br03:11
antIPedbian: Yeah, I figured it out, i just didn't know if you wanted me to paste the link here.03:11
Jordan_Uelijah: No, but looking through the scrollback you probably just want to use grub2 to boot from an iso file, that way you can boot as many distros as you want with a single parition.03:11
sinmandoes anyone know if i need wine be install for cedega?03:11
edbianantIP, k. got your pastebin.  antIP, Are the files duplicates of one another or something?  Why would you expect them to be deleted.03:12
Jordan_Uelijah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860403:12
melrockzBtw, what happens when  Ubuntu 9.04 reach end of life? Repos will disappear?03:12
arrrghhhmelrockz, they'll be moved to the archive... why not just upgrade?03:12
Jordan_U!eol | melrockz03:12
ubottumelrockz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:12
tigrangI had found a forum post of what to use to compile Firefox in order to get better looking fonts. I can't seem to find it now, does anyone know what it is? Thanks03:13
antIPedbian: No, I don't expect them to be deleted.03:13
rwwmelrockz: Security updates stop being released, the archive is eventually removed from the mirrors and put on an old releases server, and as a consequence of the latter upgrading to a supported version becomes harder.03:13
melrockzarrrghhh: Sorry, I've to upgrade my whole PC first :-( Even windows 7 does not run... but no finances now.03:14
edbianantIP, Ok.  Explain the problem again.  I don't quite get it.  Try to explain it in a different way :)03:14
aemaethwell, Jordan_U any luck? otherwise i think i'll re-install, (except now my cdrom isn't being recognized)03:14
sinmandoes anyone know anything about cedega?03:15
aemaethplz pm me if you do, so i get the msg03:15
edbianantIP, Sorry to make you type a lot! :P03:15
arrrghhhmelrockz, why?  10.04 runs on a pretty meager system...03:16
icarus-csinman, a wine fork which cost money03:16
adamonline45So I'm having a weird issue.  I have a RAID 5 array.  Upon boot, my Disk Utility shows 2 instances of that array, neither of which can be used.  I have to stop them, then use mdadm -A -s to re-start it; then it works.  I only have one entry in my mdadm.conf.  Where else are RAID devices initialized?  Is this implicit or is my mdadm init getting run twice?  I'm at a loss :(03:16
melrockzrww: But the repos still exist so that we can install old soft, right?03:16
sinmanicarus-c: I know, but does wine needs to be installed along with cedega03:16
rwwmelrockz: they move to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ . I'd strongly, strongly recommend upgrading before it reaches that point.03:16
rwwNot getting security updates is a bad thing.03:16
icarus-csinman, no.  cedega is a wine fork, hence  cedega is "wine"03:17
antIPedbian: Here is the problem. Let's say i have to directories. Inside both directories is 100 files. Both sets are exactly the same. One directory can store 100 files, and the other directory can only store 150 files (because of the size of the drive). I should be able to copy the files from the first directory to the second directory because the files from the first directory will just sync with the files of the same name on the first dire03:17
antIPctory, right? However, for some reason nautilus is telling me that I can't copy the files because I only have room for 150 files! It's not understanding that the files are actually the same, and should just sync, and is, instead, treating the files as though they're not the same and acts as though I'm attempting to transfer 100 new files into the directory, for a total of 200 files. Does that make sense?03:17
elijahJordan_U: Interesting, thankx!03:17
sinmanicarus-c: k thanxs03:17
icarus-csinman, and cedega & wine shouldn't mix together03:17
Jordan_Uelijah: You're welcome.03:17
melrockzIt's my video card: Intel 845gl. Found a page called 'Lucidi8xxFreezes' but workaround don't seem to really work...03:17
sinmanicarus-c: k just wasn't sure about that03:17
arrrghhhmelrockz, huh, not sure what to tell you.  you could install 8.04 haha03:18
sinmanI tried everything that different websites had said to get runes of magic to work in wine, but never had any luck with it03:18
edbianantIP, Are you using the cp command or are you clicking and dragging?03:18
icarus-cantIP, if you want it like that,  why don't use just make one directory and make a symlink to it03:18
edbianicarus-c, The goal is to have everything on 1 hdd03:18
sdwrageHey all03:19
antIPedbian: It's kind of hard too explain. In windows if I tried to copy files that were the same, it would give me an option to copy and overwrite older files, or to copy and create duplicate files, or to skip copying the duplicate files all-together. That's what I'd like to do. I just want to copy the files over that DO NOT exist on the external drive. But nautulis doesn't seem to want to let me do that.03:19
sdwragehow do I install a microcode driver file?03:19
antIPedbian: I'm clicking and dragging.03:19
melrockzarrrghhh: hehe, 9.04 works just fine. Just trying to upgrade.03:19
Jordan_Uaemaeth: No, sorry.03:19
icarus-cantIP, when you have two same file,  they will both be stored on disk, (linux doesn't care they are the same or not)03:19
edbianantIP, Yeah it usually gives that sort of option too.  I suspect it's just creating fileName(2).file  type things.03:19
antIPicarus-c: Well, because I don't know what a symlink is ;-)03:20
sinmanwould anyone know a good site to get a game called runes of magic installed with wine03:20
icarus-cantIP, oh... you mean like overwriting?..03:20
arrrghhhmelrockz, i know it does, but you're losing support for it.  that's never a good situation to be in, unless you just don't mind not upgrading until you can afford a new rig.03:20
edbianantIP, in windows a symlink is called a shortcut03:20
sdwrageHow do you load a microcode driver? anyone?03:20
antIPedbian: Yeah, I want the newer of both files to overwrite the older.03:20
Jordan_Usinman: Have you checked appdb?03:20
sdwragetrying to get my wifi/wimax device setup and got the microcode (ucode) file but don't know how to load it03:20
icarus-cantIP, mkdir   folder1; touch folder1/blah; ln -s folder1 folder2 ;  ls folder2  # this would give you the file "blah"  in folder103:21
edbianantIP, mmmm, yeah.  Maybe we should try using rsync.  I'm not sure why nautilus isn't doing that for you.03:21
GoldenApeI'm trying to run the foolowing makefile under ubuntu: http://codepad.org/Ug9dE35h03:21
antIPedbian: Oh, yeah, symbolic link. Ok.03:21
GoldenApewhich generate the following error: http://codepad.org/KhQ5Dmvy03:21
sinmanJordan_U: yes done like people had said to get it done from winehq, but still unable to get it to work03:23
sinmanJordan_U: I think I'll just keeep at it, eventually I'll get this game to work. lol03:23
antIPedbian: I'm not sure, but I think that nautilus is not doing it because it's checking to see if the free space on the disk is smaller than the size of the files I'm copying first, before it checks to see if the files can sync. You know what I mean?03:23
arrrghhhffmpeg mutlithreaded anyone?  can't install it.03:23
ryyzyyHey I'm trying to set vlc as my default player for MP3s. I've tried Open With -> Other Application -> Vlc; With 'Set VLC as default program for opening MP# files"03:23
antIPedbian: So it's throwing an error saying that there isn't enough disk space. But if it would just give me an option to skip copying duplicate files first, before it copies, then i should have plenty of space.03:23
melrockzYa, that makes sense. Looks like support for i845 cards is long gone ;-) Thanks everyone.03:23
edbianantIP, rsync -u /path/to/source/* /path/to/destination03:23
edbianantIP, Yeah.03:23
edbianantIP, try rsync03:23
icarus-cantIP, i just did a little test and found that in nautilus, if you copy  and paste files to the same folder, duplicates will be renamed to  (Copy).  if you paste to different folder, it will ask you to replace/skip/cancel03:24
antIPedbian: Ok.03:24
mkquistarrrghhh: do you have the source?03:24
antIPicarus-c: Actually it wont give you that option if the drive you are copying to has less free space on it than the amount that you're copying.03:25
=== Cariyla is now known as Gerwin
zonylHi All.  Is it possible to create an SSH user keypair for a different machine?  I have an android phone that doesnt have ssh-keygen on it.03:25
arrrghhhmkquist, following a how-to that asks me to clone the git repo... but it fail.s03:25
ryyzyyHey I'm trying to set vlc as my default player for MP3s. I've tried Open With -> Other Application -> Vlc; With 'Set VLC as default program for opening MP3 files". Is there some terminal command I could use to do it?03:25
Cerebr0Does anyone have any experience with Avast on Ubuntu?03:25
wedwoGoldenApe, the format of 'Heap.o' is not recognized, but it doesn't say why03:25
dtcrshrmy cd got locked in the cdrom drive, i cant use the eject command, neither use the eject button in nautilus, it says i got another proccess using, but nothing more than web / irc is open03:25
arrrghhhCerebr0, why?  are you running a mailserver?03:25
jrib!defaultapp | ryyzyy03:25
ubotturyyzyy: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.03:25
dtcrshris there a way to force eject? i cant even use the fisical button on the drive03:25
Cerebr0no but downloading files that I share with windows computers03:26
arrrghhhdtcrshr, shutdown the pc.  every machine has a little pinhole to pop it out when the pc is off.03:26
antIPedbian: So how do I copy the contents of whole drives with rsync? Because I want to sync my secondary drive with my external usb drive.03:26
zonyldtcrshr: Did you try command line 'eject' ?  I think there is an option to force it03:26
dtcrshrarrrghhh, not a very polite solution, im ripping a bunch of cdroms, its the second time it happens, dont wanna reboot every time03:26
trismGoldenApe: you're trying to compile the Heap.h file, instead of the Heap.c file, also, you don't need to specify other object files when you are just compiling and not linking03:26
Cerebr0I want to figure out how I can add "Scan with Avast" to right click menu when i click on file or folder03:26
ryyzyyJrib. tried that. Doesn't work.03:26
aemaethJordan_U: ever find that thing i was looking for?03:27
dtcrshrzonyl, i wanna know this, how to force03:27
jribryyzyy: you clicke "Properties" right after right clicking?03:27
arrrghhhdtcrshr, well some process has a lock on it03:27
ryyzyyIt opens the file in VLC but doesn't change which program opens it by default03:27
Jordan_Uaemaeth: No, sorry.03:27
jribryyzyy: what you just said, makes no sense.03:27
aemaethkk, i'll look around some more, i can't risk doing another reboot because a system is backing itself up to this machine03:27
edbianantIP, rsync -r -u /path/to/source/* /path/to/destination   (the star means get everything in this folder) (the r means recursive or go into sub folders) (the u means update, only replace duplicate files with newer files)03:27
zonyldtcrshr: Try to force unmount it.  From terminal "umount -f /dev/cdrom""03:27
jribryyzyy: if you click Properties, the file would not open after you change the setting03:28
ryyzyyGood Job jrib. you get a gold star.03:29
dtcrshrit says its not mounted03:29
arrrghhhmkquist, following a how-to that asks me to clone the git repo... but it fails.  is there a better way?03:30
zonyldtcrshr: yah.. You need to find out the moint point.  probably /media/cdrom or something.  Do a 'mount' and look for it.03:30
zonyldtcrshr: I havent had a cdrom in so long I dont know where ubuntu puts it anymore03:30
sweetpizonyl: the keys shouldnt be generated on the target, if your just wanting to create separate keys, use ssh-keygen with -f to specify the output file, then put the public key in the targets authorized_keys03:31
antIPry edbian: Ok. Thanks for telling me what those commands are. I appreciate it. The question I suppose the device path is /media/secondary/ rather than something like /sdb1/. I still don't understand the different ways of naming drives. I know there's also some other name in fstab.03:31
dtcrshriv tryed sudo umount /media/cdrom/ -l03:31
dtcrshrand cdrom0, both told me they werent mounted03:32
mkquistarrrghhh: how long before it fails?03:32
edbianantIP, /dev/sdb  is how you talk about the physical device.  /dev/sdb1 is how you talk about a physical partition.  /media/secondary is how you talk about the files on a partition  UUID is another way to talk about partitions.03:32
arrrghhhmkquist, immediately.03:32
edbianantIP, You want to use /media/secondary with rsync because it deals with files / folders03:32
mkquistarrrghhh: give me a mo03:32
mamece2can i configure RythmBox to stop from a hotkey from any worstattion?03:32
edbianantIP, dd for example works below the file level (at the bit level) and therefore uses /dev/sdaX03:33
zonylsweetpi: sadly I dont have ssh-keygen on the source machine.  I was wondering if there was a way to surrogate the creation of the private/public user keys on a different machine that has it.03:33
arrrghhhmkquist, ok.  i can't find a current guide, so i may be going off old information...03:33
sweetpizonyl: yes, you can generate the keys on any computer03:33
antIPedbian: do you know about Grsync03:33
edbianantIP, nope03:33
antIPedbian: It's a gui for rsync.03:34
mkquistarrrghhh: yeah, git worked fine for me...03:34
edbianantIP, You're on your own with that one03:34
antIPedbian: It was on one of those ubuntu pages you linked to earlier today.03:34
arrrghhhmkquist, what command are you passing?  I'm doing a "git clone http://git.gitorious.org/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-mt.git"03:35
edbianantIP, oh yeah? Just goes to show I don't read everything I like03:35
antIPedbian: Yeah, I know.03:35
mkquistarrrghhh: git clone git://gitorious.org/~astrange/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-mt.git ffmpeg-mt03:35
sdwragesorry guys... networking issues here...03:35
antIPedbian: I don't mind using the command line, I just read that using rsync without knowing what you're doing can mess things up.03:35
arrrghhhmkquist, lol that's a little different.  is there an 'official' guide on this?03:36
edbianantIP, it can! :)03:36
edbianantIP, But the command I gave doesn't delete anything so I wasn't too worried03:36
sdwrageI was told to download a ucode file and insert it into lib/firmware to get my wireless card to work...03:36
sdwragehow do I load the firmware file?03:36
mkquistarrrghhh: not sure, I was just curious to see if it worked, at least you can get that.... what guide are you following?03:36
antIPedbian: I figured it was safe.03:36
antIPedbian: I didn't run it yet.03:37
edbianantIP, :)03:37
arrrghhhmkquist, just a random list of links... starting http://ps3mediaserver.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4253&hilit=howto+ubuntu - there basically.03:37
edbianantIP, I'm installing grsync to get a look03:37
mkquistarrrghhh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1049449 heres another in the ubuntu forums...03:37
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antIPedbian: It looks very straight forward. Basic options include: Ignore existing and Skip newer among others.03:38
arrrghhhmkquist, lol that's the one i was following... notice the git clone command?03:38
edbianantIP, Yeah.  The tooltips show you the cli flags as well.  I like it.  Use it! :)03:38
mkquistarrrghhh: oh, didnt actually look at that, took the one I used from git site.... =)03:39
arrrghhhmkquist, okie.  if that's the only bad command i'll forge on.  thanks!03:39
zonylsweetpi: You wouldnt know how to create a 'surrogate' user id would you?  I am assuming that the user key has the host signed into it as well, but I dont see a way to specify host in the ssh-keygen man page.  Or can I just create one with the current host and change the hostname in the file?03:39
mkquistarrrghhh: g/l03:40
arrrghhhmkquist, thanks... i think i'm going to need it on this one.03:40
sweetpizonyl: if were both on the same page, the host has nothing to do with it, just generate the private/public keys and put the public key on the target03:41
tigrangI had found a forum post of what to use to compile Firefox in order to get better looking fonts. I can't seem to find it now, does anyone know what it is? Thanks03:41
mamece2indrora i have tweetdeck, im almost set, i wanna thank you for all03:42
zonylsweetpi: Oh.  I see in the file that the user@hostname is in cleartext in the pub file and was thinking that it was linked to somehow.  Ill just try creating one and editing the file then.03:42
synackfinis there any program (text or gui) that lets me view CSV files in a readable way (freeze the top-row, and display columns) ?  I tried `cat my.csv | column -s, -t | less -#2 -N -S` which is _very_ close to what I want, but less can't freeze the top row03:42
sweetpizonyl: thats just the comment field, so you can tell what it belongs to03:43
zonylsweetpi: I see the light now ;)  Thanks03:43
sweetpizonyl: np :)03:44
xbonesxDoes gnome use .so files still?03:44
catdarko_Hello! I was wondering something. Can I install the boot loader "LILO" with the live cd of ubuntu?03:45
antIPedbian: thanks again for your help on this. You're great.03:45
aemaethJordan_U: maybe the gdm?03:45
edbianantIP, No prob.  Glad I could help!  You fixed it then I assume?03:45
igieanyone know how to fully install postfix on jaunty?? I've been following this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto) guide, but i'm stuck on the second setup test.03:45
antIPedbian: It's running right now. I'm going to run it again form the command line later so that I can experience and get used to doing it CLI.03:46
edbianantIP, Awesome.03:46
edbianantIP, Glad you're happy with linux :D03:47
=== rkthelegend is now known as RK
xbonesxis their a way to search for file extensions?03:47
antIPedbian: I'm very happy. My PC has been running for nearly 5 days without needing to be restarted. and it's running at 10% cpu usage right now. That's crazy compared to windows.03:48
macoantIP: i rebooted my server for a security update 2 days ago. it had been running 71 days03:48
antIPedbian: one more issue. I just noticed that Grsync says 0%. So, I'm not sure if it's actually running or not. hmm03:48
edbianantIP, My server has been up for 19 days03:48
macothats a disappointingly short uptime for a linux server in my mind though03:48
edbianantIP, Look at the folder.  Are files being moved?03:48
edbianmaco, True03:49
maco(on the other hand, ive only /had/ it for like 75 days)03:49
antIPmaco: nice. I've heard of servers running for a long, long time. I guess security fixes are pretty important so It's worth restarting for that sort of thing.03:49
antIPedbian: Nope.03:50
edbianantIP, You only have to restart for kernel updates (rather rare for some distros).  With ksplice you never have to restart.03:50
xbonesxis their a way to search for file extensions?03:50
Jordan_Uxbonesx: From the terminal, "locate '*.foo' ", from the GUI Places > Search for files.03:50
edbianantIP, odd.  I'm not sure.  Run rsync from the term and you'll get errors.03:50
macoedbian: eh there are a few things in userspace that require reboots to go into effect too, but theyre also "talk to hardware" type things03:50
macolike udev/hal maybe?03:50
edbianmaco, Never knewe that!03:50
antIPedbian: ok03:50
antIPedbian: that's weired because I ran a simulation first and it seemed to work fine.03:51
RKHie everyone03:52
edbianantIP, It probably should inform you if it isn't working03:52
macoRK: having problems?03:52
RKem new here03:52
RKhow to quit it03:52
macoRK: what program are you using?03:52
Jordan_URK: /quit03:52
emma_ok a newbie asking to help, this one is going to take time, anyone ?03:52
Jordan_Uemma_: Just ask.03:53
emma_I meant asking FOR help umm03:53
xbonesxI'm looking for the directory where the gnome <theme>.so would be located?03:53
rafaelsoaresbri cound't see from here. when will maverick be released?03:54
genoskillok where are the gedit filetypes03:54
emma_Jordan are you willing to help me ?03:54
antIPedbian: Will this command work? rsync -r -u -t /path/to/source* /path/to/destination03:54
antIPedbian: -t is for time.03:54
mobasheri'm trying to ssh to a windows xp machine on which i have ssh and i'm getting permission denied ? can someone help ?03:54
emmahi emma_03:54
antIPedbian: preserve time (I think). ha03:55
edbianantIP, /path/to/source/*   (you were missing the /) also through in the --progress flag to see the progress03:55
emmaemma_: is your name emma too?03:55
moistrothi emma03:55
xbonesxwhere would the gnome splash files be located?03:55
emma_hi Fezzzzler03:55
^Mike\bHow can I set up encryption on my $HOME after creating the user?03:55
=== moistrot is now known as emma__
emma__i'm emma too~03:55
edbianantIP, rsync -u -t --progress -r /path/to/source/* /path/to/destination03:55
emmaprobably most people should start being emmas03:55
genoskillWhere are the gedit filetypes?03:56
emma_well emma in not a common name nowadays03:56
antIPedbian: Oh yeah, I wanted to see the progress, thanks. One more question. I can't remember the proper syntax. If a drive name happens to have a space (in my case: FreeAgent Drive) do I use quotes or not?03:57
MrWiseany american pal here who can tell me if dexter has aired today or not?03:57
edbianantIP, Quotes or /path/name\ with\ spaces/to/folder03:57
teratosisNickServ indentify letmein03:57
Jordan_Uteratosis: Change your password quickly.03:58
xbonesxanyone know where the files for the gnome splash are located and the config files for it?03:58
teratosishaha yep was just thinking that03:58
emmaemma_: do you really think it's uncommon now?03:58
emmaemma is a germanic name that means "universal"03:58
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macowahh the emmas are the same colour in my irc client03:59
Roush427remma: Haha that's wierd I was just talking to my friend emma03:59
antIPedbian: well those backslashes (I guess the are escaping out) are a bit confusing. ;)03:59
edbianantIP, they are.  "/path/space name/" works too03:59
GHHwhich is the web cam software(image and video capture)?03:59
edbianantIP, be right back04:00
macoGHH: cheese04:00
emma_kool, mmmm i have an universal problems right now that is just out of my little knowledge04:00
GHHmaco, thanks04:00
adamonline45Weird, I have this RAID array called /dev/md_d127 that I didn't set up, yet it prevents me from using /dev/md_0 as set up in mdadm.conf.  I have to stop md_d127 before I can start md_0.  Any ideas?  I can't find any relevant solutions online, though there are a few instances of /similar/ problems.04:03
antIPedbian: You around?04:04
emma_Spent the day trying to start vbox . Have tried everything I have read in forums with no avail. The problem is when trying to start a vm get the message the vboxdrv is either not loaded or installed Tryed everything could get, completely lost an  frustrated04:04
d_vhi guys04:05
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teratosisi was trying to install better nvidia graphics i stop xserver and got the BSOD with no prompt. could someone please assist me in getting back into my system?04:06
teratosisive ben googling for hours04:07
Jordan_U!sysrq | teratosis04:07
ubottuteratosis: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key04:07
teratosisthanks going to try it04:08
GHHany good war dialing software?04:09
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to install this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome?content=6024904:09
mobasherI need some help with ssh ? please :)04:09
jfeolemobasher: whats up?04:09
d_vmobasher: "some help with ssh" may be not sufficient info about your problem ;)04:10
teratosisit says it has to be enabled?04:10
mobasherjfeole=}} i'm trying to connect to the windows xp machine where ssh is setup and i can't get to it04:10
mobasherjfeole=}} it says permission deined04:10
jfeolegonna go private chat04:10
teratosis@jordan or ubotte, it says that sysrq has to be enabled before it can be used, is that tru?04:11
GHHwhich is the war dialing software?04:11
mobasherd_v=}} jfeole -=>> http://pastebin.com/JkxPTR9a04:11
Cerebr0what is war dialing software?04:13
Cerebr0people still use modems?04:13
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to install this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome?content=6024904:13
sweetpiGHH: really? lol totally off-topic04:14
Chaos2358can someone tell me what i need in order to ssh into an iphone using ubuntu 10.04?04:14
GHHcheese say no web cam found?04:14
Cerebr0xbonesx that looks cool04:14
GHHsweetpi, lol04:14
rafaelsoaresbrCerebr0: Me04:14
xbonesxCerebr0: thats what i said hahah04:14
teratosisHow can i use sysreq if i cant get into the system to turn it on?04:15
Cerebr0where do you live rafaelsoaresbr04:15
teratosiscan i do that from a livecd?04:15
rafaelsoaresbrCerebr0: Brazil04:15
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Chaos2358can someone tell me what i need in order to ssh into an iphone using ubuntu 10.04?04:16
RKhey how can i install google voice nd video chat for orkut on linux ubuntu??04:16
Cerebr0Chaos you need to get rid of the iPhone :P jk04:16
GHHmaco, cheese say "no web cam found" i have the web cam in my laptop. Why this?04:16
aaronthis is my first time on irc. is this an open forum to ask questions04:16
RKi think so?04:16
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to install this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome?content=6024904:16
Cerebr0ubuntu related04:16
Chaos2358i know im working on getting the new samsung galaxy s but i still need to ssh this one until then04:17
Zelozelosxbonesx,  it looks like u just replace a file to me04:17
macoGHH: possibly unsupported hardware? or could be that your webcam uses the old way of drivers (cheese does the new way). try camorama to test that04:17
xbonesxZelozelos: cant find the file04:17
RKplz answer me04:17
Jordan_Uteratosis: How exactly did you install the nvidia drivers? (you shouldn't use the installer from nvidia's website).04:17
Cerebr0why do you need to ssh? i guess i'm a bit confused04:17
teratosisi was following instructions from an ubuntu forum04:17
aaronI am on ubuntu 10.04 and earlier it would not mount any of my partitions. I ended up reinstalling. this is a real pain. what could I have done differently04:18
teratosisit said first you have to stop xserver04:18
Chaos2358my iphone is jailbroken and i use ssh to change and modify strings04:18
GHHsweetpi, but that is just asking which software in Ubuntu for war dial04:18
Cerebr0@ aaron what format are you partions?04:18
RKNo Device Found error in Cheese04:19
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RKI hav webcam04:19
Jordan_Uteratosis: Hold shift during boot and select "recovery mode"04:19
RKand it worked perfect without drivers04:19
GHHRK, same with me?04:19
macoRK: same as i said to GHH:  possibly unsupported hardware? or could be that your webcam uses the old way of drivers (cheese does the new way). try camorama to test that04:19
Chaos2358so cerebr0 any input?04:20
sweetpiGHH: well ask away, I just think its funny your asking :)04:20
Cerebr0No sorry04:20
RKhey can u tell how to quote someone on IRSSI04:20
GHHmaco, camorama also saying "could not connect to video device"04:20
macoRK: just say their name...04:20
teratosisthanks jordan going to tr that04:20
Chaos2358ok is there anyone in here that knows what i need in order to ssh using 10.0404:21
RKokk thanks maco04:21
macoChaos2358: ssh in or out?04:21
Jordan_Uteratosis: Do you know how to get to the nvidia installer again if you can get to a terminal?04:21
icarus-cChaos2358, openssh04:21
aaronI am running standard gnome with all of the "studio" programs loaded. the battery died and when I turned it back on it said it could not load ICEauthorizations04:21
BluesKajChaos2358, ssh server and client04:21
macoChaos2358: for sshing out, ssh command is already installed. to ssh in, openssh-server04:21
Chaos2358ssh into another device from laptop04:21
x0rsgnome just needs to adopt avant-window-manager as their primary panel... the standard gnome-panel is WAY out dated04:21
Chaos2358other device is an iphone if that matters04:21
Cerebr0this may help http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7190704:21
GHHsweetpi, do you know about about it?04:21
macoChaos2358: dont need to install anything new.  the ssh command is included04:21
AbhiJitaaron, may be try in #ubuntu-studio04:21
bobstrox0rs:  avant is a bit much for some use.04:21
RKcant we connect to frnds IP and chat with them in private??04:22
Jordan_Uaaron: It's probably unrelated to the battery dieing. Have you been running graphical applications with sudo?04:22
bobstroRK:  instant messaging works for that, so yes.04:22
AbhiJitRK, use teamviwer04:22
macoRK: you can send private messages, yes, but thats not by IP...04:22
x0rsbobstro: for my workstation PC it's spectacular. Fully functional, the main menu is nicer, very fast, and aesthetically beautiful04:22
icarus-cChaos2358, first you have to make sure iphone ssh server is running. then you have network access to it (like network connection, firewall).04:22
AbhiJitmaco, then now?04:22
RKthanks maco04:22
AbhiJitmaco, how*04:22
GHHmaco, it say check connection04:22
joachimok i'm new04:22
macoAbhiJit: /msg nick hello04:22
AbhiJit!hi | joachim04:23
ubottujoachim: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:23
bobstrox0rs:  yes, but a launcher taking up so much screen real estate is a bit silly on a laptop or netbook, for example04:23
aaron@ Jordan U what do you mean? I am new to the Ubuntu scene04:23
Chaos2358everything else is in order just trying to figure out about ubuntu04:23
BluesKajopenssh  server and client for each machine, if you want to ssh back and forth, cho04:23
AbhiJitmaco, oh you are talking about irc private message? i thought that it was im communication between two remote pcs04:23
x0rsbobstro: you can make avant very small... for instance its only 24pxls tall on my pc right now04:23
bobstrox0rs:  not to mention it's annoying to get set right on a dual-head display. i like it, but only on a large screen.04:23
Chaos2358network exceptions set iphone ssh authorized used to do it on windows but new to ubuntu04:23
joachimthank !04:23
teratosisubuntu recovery mode04:23
bobstrox0rs:  well yes, you can make it as small as... the panel!04:23
RKi just want to chat in private as we can in cmd on windows04:23
Cerebr0@ Chaos did you check out that link?04:23
RKnot to remotely control pc04:24
teratosiscant reach it04:24
AbhiJitRK, yah i know telnet?04:24
macoAbhiJit: i thought RK was asking for irc help since before was asking about highlighting04:24
icarus-cChaos2358, so you have tried ssh to it on windows already?04:24
AbhiJitmaco, ok04:24
Chaos2358hang on cerebr0 didnt see it04:24
x0rsbobstro: =) i see what you're saying... the panel is just ugly, and it lacks versatility...04:24
icarus-cChaos2358, with the same configuration?04:24
Chaos2358no longer have windows04:24
GHHmaco, the cheese was worked before04:24
RKabhijit, yupp04:24
bobstrox0rs:  well.. not everyone wants to mimic an apple. best to have choices, and the panel is low resource.04:24
aaronI usually just watch movies with vlc I loaded studio because I was told I could do video editing04:24
Chaos2358i just needed the command string to open the ssh using ubuntu04:24
GHHmaco, why this problem?04:24
teratosisdoes it have to be turned on too heh?04:24
RKanyone havin orkut profile here?04:24
RKi guess everyone must hav04:25
RKor even FB04:25
icarus-cChaos2358, to use ssh client on ubuntu,  just  "ssh  -p <port_number>  <user>@<server ip address/domain> "04:25
sweetpiGHH: sure. but why would you want to in 2010? there are many things that are way more fun :)04:25
macoRK: this is a channel for ubuntu technical support04:25
maco!ot | rk04:25
ubotturk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:25
RKmaco, sorry04:25
Jordan_Uaaron: That error is usually caused by GUI applications being run as root improperly (using sudo instead of gksudo). Have you been starting applications via the terminal, and if so have you used "sudo" to start them as root?04:25
BluesKajChaos2358, ssh user@ipaddress04:25
Cerebr0Chaos go to places, connect to server, then select ssh from drop down menu04:25
antIPedbian: back yet?04:25
macoGHH: dont know. did you upgrade from one ubuntu version to another? install kernel updates? something like that?04:25
Chaos2358great thanks guys and the link has same info cerebr0 thank you04:25
aaronyes I used sudo to mount a network share04:26
GHHmaco, ok04:26
x0rsis there an application to scan my entire system and make sure everything is kosher through the operating system?04:26
RKcd command is not working with SUDO . . . help plz04:26
x0rslike no broken links, etc...?04:27
AbhiJitRK, you dont need sudo for cd04:27
icarus-cRK, sudo  cd /path/04:27
icarus-cand yea.. why sudo for cd04:27
Jordan_Uicarus-c: That won't work. cd is a shell builtin.04:27
RKis this the only thread to chat?? no chat threads like yahoo or orkut, etc.??04:28
icarus-cJordan_U, don't really know.  never ever did that  in fact :P04:28
mamece2  whats the best GMAIL notifier for ubuntu?04:28
froggymananyone here ever use keypass on ubuntu? when ever I use it it has a really annoying font that is difficult to read04:28
icarus-cRK, that depends on your IRC client04:28
RKso giv me the best IRC client04:28
deenai installed mediaplayer connectivity in firefox extension... when i try to uninstall it sits somewhere not clearly removed04:28
AbhiJitRK, it seems that ssh is telnet alternate for linux04:29
RKwith the procedure of installation04:29
deenacan anyone tell me how to wipe out fully04:29
icarus-cRK, that is just a matter of preference04:29
RKAbhiJit i think so04:29
RKIcarus can u giv me preferences?04:29
RKand can we change the theme??04:29
icarus-cRK, some multi-protocol clients  are pidgin, empathy04:29
RKhow to install them?04:30
RKare they packages?04:30
* icarus-c fell on the floor04:30
Jordan_URK: "cd" is a special type of command called a shell "builtin" command. It takes an understanding of how unix and environment variables to understand why, but "sudo cd" simply makes no sense, and cannot work.04:30
* AbhiJit gives hand to icarus-c 04:30
crawlnthat is a givin04:30
RKi tried it04:30
teratosiswhat is the command to restart xserver? if there is such a thing?04:31
aemaethJordan_U: I found a forum post about same problem, it was xfce issue, he had done same dumb mistake as I except he was easily able to get into xfce again04:31
icarus-cRK, could you tell us what you want to actually do? (say again please if you have already)04:31
RKicarus, can we change the theme of IRSSI??04:31
glebihan!x | teratosis04:32
ubottuteratosis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:32
=== aybabtu is now known as Guest35468
icarus-cRK, what sort of theme you expect from a command line program...04:32
icarus-cRK, but yes you can.04:32
RKicarus, i am askin if we can change its appearance?04:32
icarus-cRK, you could change colour04:33
RyenRK: http://www.irssi.org/themes04:33
icarus-cRK, and layout04:33
RKryen,thanks bro04:33
RyenRK: No problem.04:33
RyenRK: If you need help, I use IRSSI.04:33
RKryen, me too04:33
antIPedbian: what's up?04:34
RKcan anyone tell me wat destructive can we do using terminal?04:34
RKplz answer04:36
bobstroRK:  you can break your system04:36
aemaethdestructive how?04:36
ninjaboxHmm... I can't seem to get this soundblaster extigy to work =\04:36
RKbobstro, how?04:36
bobstroRK:  by doing foolish things, for one.04:36
RKi hav heard of BackTrack04:37
RKhas anyone used it?04:37
RKninjabox, can i get the procedure04:37
RKand wat is "Python"04:37
Ryen!ot | RK04:37
ubottuRK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:37
RKWats Python??04:38
ninjaboxRK: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=BackTrack04:38
ninjaboxRK: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Python04:38
RKninjabox, thanks04:38
brandon420can i haz ghetto computer of the day? lol04:39
rwwninjabox: Don't use lmgtfy links in #ubuntu, please. It's rather obnoxious.04:39
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:39
RKwat is google-fu?04:39
rwwRK: ability to use google well04:39
rwwbrandon420: #ubuntu-offtopic would probably be more likely to comment :)04:40
rwwRK: Backtrack has an IRC channel at #backtrack-linux on this server, btw.04:40
ninjaboxrww: lol, when I'm being trolled I try not to help too much =\04:40
RKand how can I  permanently make my nickname RK04:41
bobstroninjabox:  best tinyurl it first :)04:41
RKeven if i log out04:41
RKor quit04:41
FloodBot1RK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:41
AbhiJit!register | RK04:41
ubottuRK: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:41
rwwRK: you can't, because someone already registered it on nickserv.04:41
RKokk no probs04:42
bobstroRK:  you have interesting questions about linux. what are you trying to do?04:42
RKAnd where can i get all the rules and regulations of this chat server04:42
rww(you can PM nickserv with the command "info nicknamegoeshere" to see if a nickname is registered)04:42
RKinfo RK04:42
rww!guidelines | RK04:42
ubottuRK: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:42
rwwRK: try /msg nickserv info RK04:42
RKrww. nothin happened04:43
rwwRK: Which IRC client are you using?04:43
arrrghhhwhere are the logs for ffmpeg or mplayer?04:43
icarus-carrrghhh, on stdout ?04:43
rwwRK: there should be a new window somewhere with the reply from nickserv, then.04:44
icarus-carrrghhh, which means the terminal normally04:44
rwwRK: if you type /query nickserv, it'll go to it04:44
AbhiJitRK, try pressing alt 1/2/3 or 004:44
arrrghhhicarus-c, well ps3mediaserver is the thing that's running, it literally says "check the logs" in the output... i don't know what freakin logs to check, other than it says ffmpeg and mplayer exited with error codes04:44
AbhiJiti think #ubuntu-beginners would be better channel for him04:45
RKrww, okk leave it04:45
jukxbonesx: did you ask about splash image installation?04:45
RKwhich is the best media player to use for ubuntu??04:45
xbonesxjuk: ya04:45
glebihan!best | RK04:45
xbonesxa long time ago haha04:45
ubottuRK: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:45
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to install this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome?content=6024904:45
arrrghhhrk, highly loaded question.  i prefer vlc.04:45
icarus-cRK, again.. a matter of personal preference...   like  mplayer, vlc,  totem, xine04:46
=== b is now known as Guest68857
jukxbonesx: here tutorial http://tldp.org/LDP/LG/current/jayanth.html04:46
glebihanxbonesx: what version of ubuntu are you running ?04:46
xbonesxive been searching gnome wiki for like an hour now hahaha04:46
icarus-cRK, i personally think mplayer is the best though04:46
RKi used vlc..but when i changed its theme it then suddenly hanged and then never came back to perfectly work...every 1-2 sec it hanged04:46
ninjaboxsmplayer is a good front-end for mplayer for people who don't know how to use it`04:47
jukxbonesx: sorry, i was having lunch04:47
xbonesxjuk: so this will change that pruple loading screen.04:47
xbonesxglebihan: 10.0404:47
arrrghhhicarus-c, this is what i get - "Process ffmpeg has a return code of 134! Maybe an error occured... check the log file"04:47
MooshiMuushiJahshaka is annoying...04:47
RKreply me pl04:47
jukxbonesx: try, and tell me it will04:47
AbhiJitMooshiMuushi, who is he?04:47
glebihanxbonesx: in that case, I doubt you can install it, it looks like an usplash theme, and usplash is not used anymore04:47
Droneis there a GUI that allows me to surf my network drives?  Thunar seems to lack the ability to do so...04:48
icarus-cxbonesx, run "gconf-editor" , navigate to /apps/gnome-session/options  you will find splash_image and show_splash_screen04:48
MooshiMuushiAbhiJit, Jahshaka is a video editing program :P04:48
icarus-carrrghhh, is there anything look like the log in $HOME ?04:48
jukicarus-c: i tried gconf-editor didn't work04:48
xbonesxicarus-c: wow it was that easy04:48
MooshiMuushiAbhiJit, That can't be installed...04:48
xbonesxicarus-c: can you change the loading bar style too?04:48
RKin vlc we can increase the volume upto 400%....any other app that can do this??04:49
mamece2hello, can someone help me to set gmail with evolution?04:49
icarus-cRK, i would  "rm -rf ~/.config/vlc "  in that case04:49
AbhiJitMooshiMuushi, :D04:49
arrrghhhicarus-c, hrm... not for mplayer or ffmpeg.04:50
icarus-carrrghhh, i have no idea then04:50
icarus-carrrghhh, what about /tmp04:50
jukxbonesx: i worked?04:51
jukxbonesx: it worked?04:51
AbhiJitmamece2, what happen?04:51
Droneis there a GUI that allows me to surf my network drives?  Thunar seems to lack the ability to do so...04:51
arrrghhhicarus-c, not that i can tell... but perhaps at this point i don't know what i'm looking for.04:51
xbonesxjuk: still searching the directory where the image is lol04:51
jukxbonesx: ok04:51
RKany media player capable of increasing volume to 400%??04:52
icarus-cRK, why would you want to increase volume to 400%... sound quality would degrade04:52
Cerebr0Drone, Places > Network?04:52
Dronedoes not exist04:52
RKicarus, nah..i hav used it before..not big difference..and too my laptops sound s***s04:53
DroneCerebr0, does not exist04:54
Cerebr0are you connected to your network?04:54
RKreply me plz04:54
Cerebr0how are your network drives connected to the network?04:54
Droneyep.  I can view and share files via windows04:54
Dronebut I cant figure out how to browse network drives via linux04:55
glebihanarrrghhh: ffmpeg does not have a log file, maybe ps3mediaserver has one04:55
doobienhelp!!! - i removed my sound mixer from my panel by accident, and there are no volume controls in 'add to panel'.04:55
Cerebr0I have had no problems accessing my windows network through ubuntu04:55
Dronewhat programs you use?04:55
Cerebr0No special software needed04:55
DroneIt has a name, whatever it is you are using04:56
mamece2im back, i have problem setting my gmail to evolution04:56
RKem leavin now04:56
Cerebr0Places > Networks > Windows Network04:56
DroneI don't have a network option under places04:56
Cerebr0and as long as my other computers are turned on I can see and access them04:56
Droneso something needs toggled on04:56
Droneto enable the network option04:57
mamece2failed to mount04:57
arrrghhhglebihan, hrm.  why is ps3mediaserver telling me to check its own logs.  well i did check what i thought was the logs for that program, and i don't see anything.04:57
arrrghhhit was working perfectly fine until i found out it wasn't running my transcodes multi-threaded!04:57
glebihanarrrghhh: a quick google search indicates that ps3mediaserver has a debug.log file somewhere04:58
glebihanarrrghhh: seems to be /tmp/javaps3media/debug.log04:59
MooshiMuushiAnyone know how to install Jahshaka?04:59
arrrghhhglebihan, yes i've looked at the debug.log.  i don't see anything related to the issue, from what i can tell04:59
DronePlaces uses Thunar and Thunar's help file is quite a joke04:59
tigertv69hey guys i want to do multipart downloading through lftp.. how do i do that?05:00
Cerebr0Drone I'm sorry I am not familiar with Thunar.05:02
ubottumamece2, please see my private message05:02
DroneWhhen you click places, that is Thunar05:02
xbonesxall those directories in the gconf-editor, where are they loceated05:02
Ellisok guys last thing im coming to you for and only because im finding mixed reviews so to all of you 10.04 users. do i really need anti virus software?05:02
xbonesxim dumb when it comes to searching for shit in ubuntu05:02
icarus-cxbonesx, ~/.gconf05:03
icarus-cxbonesx, they are actually written in some xml files05:03
icarus-cxbonesx, you have "find" and "locate"05:03
Cerebr0I have Gnome and Nautilus is the file manager, not Thunar05:03
Dronegood lord, someone told ubuntu was supposed to be more user friendly, takes 2 days of research and screwing around to accomplish simple file sharing and I STILL cannot access shares FROM my linux box, but I can from Windows...go figure05:04
EllisCerebr0 thanks for the ssh help earlier05:04
Blue11Awayicarus-c: yes, but locate must be installed.05:04
icarus-cEllis, If you share file with Windows system, or run a email/file server, yes05:04
=== Blue11Away is now known as Blue1
Cerebr0NP you got it figured out then?05:04
icarus-cEllis, if no Windows system will be involved with ubuntu, No.05:04
Cerebr0Drone what version of Ubuntu are you using/05:04
Ellisok i dont share and no server i check my email but thats it05:04
DroneThank you cerebr0, why didn't you tell me it was Nautilus you were using in the first place05:05
DroneI'll replace Thunar with it05:05
icarus-cEllis, hence, the whole point of having anti-virus on Linux or whatever Unix-like OS  is just to protect Windows clients05:05
Ellisicarus- i do alot of bit torrents though05:05
Cerebr0Because Nautilus comes standard on Ubuntu 10.0405:05
Ellisok that answered my question thank you alot05:05
icarus-cEllis, doesn't matter. since even you are BT-ing virus,  they wouldn't affect Linux unless you intentionally run them05:05
Droneusing 10.10 here05:06
EllisCerebr0 yep got it all going smooth05:06
Cerebr0Ellis I use avast to scan MP3 files I download from the net05:06
cloudfreeNautilus steals some elements from thunar i think05:06
Ellisso i should have something to scan downloaded mp3 and mp4 files?05:06
icarus-ccloudfree, i wouldn't say steal. but all open source software get the good bits from others05:07
doobienanyone know how i can get the volume control on my panel?05:07
Cerebr0Ok Drone sorry about that, I am no expert by any stretch of the word, I just try to help when I can05:07
icarus-ccloudfree, Linux get good stuff from *BSD or any other OS too05:07
Ellisconfused now05:07
Ellisone says yes one says no05:07
icarus-cEllis, as i said, if you got Windows involved with your system. (say you may put those mp3 to Windows),  so yes.05:08
icarus-cEllis, or if you don't want to be a virus carrier, yes05:08
cloudfreeicarus-c: did linus know what the bsd is at that moment?05:08
Ellisokay thats where i got lost if i download it and play it it wont effect my system but it could effect any other systems i put it on?05:09
icarus-ccloudfree, who knows. but you are not only be able to get stuff BEFORE writing linux right?...05:09
aemaethscan with clamav before you put it on a windows system05:09
icarus-ccloudfree, say we have  ZFS  implementation too05:09
cloudfreeicarus-c: iirc, linus got ideas from minix05:09
sandGorgonhi guys... anyone know if openssl 1.0 has TSA (RFC 3161) built in. Previously, it needed the opentsa patch to be applied - but it is not available for Openssl 1.005:10
aemaethEllis: nix is good for ripping Sony cd's because of the rootkits they put on windows05:10
icarus-cEllis, those virus don't affect Linux (like 99.999%) and among those 0.000...1%, they won't affect Linux if you don't execute them by youself05:11
Pr3nt1c3I accidentally removed the volume control from my panel...05:11
icarus-cEllis, so when you run anti-virus on Linux, you are trying to protect Windows,  not Linux05:11
Pr3nt1c3any ideas how to get it back>05:11
icarus-cPr3nt1c3, right click -> Add to Panel -> search for volume05:12
Ellisok it took me a sec but i got it now05:12
cloudfreeicarus-c: is it possible to make a grub2-based virus now?05:12
tigertv69 anyone know?05:12
Pr3nt1c3already tried that05:12
Cerebr0anything is possible05:12
RyenPr3nt1c3: Add the notification area.05:12
lhxMaybe someone here could give me a suggestion: I need some sort of FOSS wiki / collaboration software for a small business. I'm currently using DokuWiki and it's working fine; but I'm looking for a better doc management system. Any ideas to throw out there? Need to be able to do page access at the user level.05:12
cloudfreeand easiler now05:12
Pr3nt1c3already done that also05:12
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
DouglasKHow do you set the default application for a file type?05:13
Pr3nt1c3and I've looked in 'sound and video', 'administration' and 'system tools'05:13
juk____where's grub's menu?05:13
* cloudfree put Pr3nt1c3 in a virus vm05:13
lhxjuk____: when you boot05:14
juk____where's grub's menu.list05:14
acuI am trying to use gtk-recordMyDesktop and the advanced button does not work - what is the solution ?05:14
icarus-cDouglasK, Right click on the file -> Properties -> Open with .  select the app you want to be default (make a dot in the circle)05:14
juk____where's grub's menu.list05:14
lhxjuk____:  "/boot"05:14
RyenPr3nt1c3: Type this into the terminal 'gnome-volume-control-applet'05:14
antIPedbian: You around?05:14
xbonesxthe %gconf.xml in the option folder for the splash image doesnt give the directory of the splash_image?05:14
Pr3nt1c3many thanks05:14
DouglasKicarus-c, cool, thanks05:14
RyenPr3nt1c3: Did it work?05:14
juk____lhx: nope, not in /boot05:14
icarus-cxbonesx, the directory for splash_image is for you to define05:14
xbonesxthen where is the original?05:15
xbonesxso i can replace it or back it up?05:15
lhxjuk____: then maybe /boot/grub?05:15
xbonesxim talking about the prurple one with the red dotted loading bar btw05:15
icarus-cxbonesx, is there /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/gnome-splash.png  ?  i'm not on ubuntu now05:15
xbonesxicarus-c: you know what im talking about when i say the purple background with the red dots loading right, i want to change that05:16
icarus-cxbonesx, not sure. but i expect you mean to change the gnome splash image05:16
juk____icarus-c: can you explain, please, splash image is it grub menu's background image at boot time, or running dots .... with purple background?05:17
xbonesxicarus-c: if that gets rid of the ugly purple background then yes05:17
juk____lhx: not there in there either05:17
icarus-cright.. xbonesx do you mean background of Grub, or plymouth splash (the graphical animated boot screen),  or gnome spash (you see when you login,  default disabled)05:18
xbonesxicarus-c: im talking about the purple one that has red dots.05:18
lhxjuk____: weird... must be the big difference with the new grub05:19
xbonesxicarus-c: ive changed the grub thats the only one05:19
glebihanxbonesx: I think you're talking about plymouth splash05:19
xbonesxicarus-c: can it be changed05:19
icarus-cxbonesx, that is something else.  http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome?content=60249    you've showed is for gnome05:19
glebihanxbonesx: if you want to change it, look for plymouth themes in the package manager05:20
juk____glebihan: i guess i am, plymouth splash, how do I change that thing, boot menu i don't have05:20
G33ku5Kh4Numm... what's "ubuntu one"?05:22
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone05:22
glebihanicarus-c: that link was in fact an usplash theme adapted from a gnome one, and it cannot be used anymore05:24
icarus-cjuk____, quick google give me this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html05:24
icarus-cxbonesx, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html05:24
DroneHow do I change my default file manager from Thunar to Nautilus in Xfce ?05:24
antIPCan I ask someone a question about rsync?05:24
icarus-cantIP, just ask05:24
juk____Drone: that in gcong-editor05:25
gartralanyone have a Coby Stick Player?05:26
lhxantIP: Shoot...05:26
glebihanjuk____, Drone : I may be wrong, but I don't think xfce uses gconf05:27
xbonesxicarus-c: so how would i use this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome?content=6024905:27
icarus-cxbonesx, you can't05:27
antIPicarus-c: Ok. Well, I started running rsync to sync about 400GB from my secondary to my external USB back up. I accidently set it to sync to the root of the drive rather than the "Back Up" folder which already contained about 300gb worth of data that I wanted to sync with. I'm not sure how to stop rsync so I'm just letting it run and I deleted the "back up" folder that I had originally wanted to sync to. However, nautilus doesn't seem to r05:27
antIPecognize that I deleted the Back Up folder because it still shows that I have over 300gb of data on the drive. Can I restart nautilus while rsync is running to get a proper read of the drive?05:27
FloodBot1antIP: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
IndiGodlulz ubuntu05:28
glebihanxbonesx: you cannot use that theme05:28
xbonesxicarus-c: why not?05:28
IndiGodlamest distro ever05:28
Cerebr0Doesn't Gnome come standard on 10.10 also?  Just curious why you would switch to Xfce from Gnome anyways05:28
IndiGodanyone that uses ubuntu might as well yell out to the world that they don't understand how linux works but wants to be a part of the "revolution"05:28
glebihanxbonesx: as I already told you, it's an usplash theme, and usplash is not used anumore05:28
Jordan_U!ops | IndiGod05:28
ubottuIndiGod: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!05:28
lhxantIP: did you take out the trash?05:28
xbonesxcould i extract the images from the .so file and use thme for plymouth?05:29
glebihanxbonesx: no05:29
Cerebr0I don't mind the plymouth splash screen, I think it looks pretty decent05:29
xbonesxglebihan: thats crappy its kool looking05:29
icarus-cCerebr0, i like solar theme most :P05:29
antIPlhx: No, I just sent it to trash. Do I have to do that? Empty the trash?05:30
Dronehow do you use gconf-editor in xfce?05:30
boys_blueholicwhats the meaning :05:30
boys_blueholicSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an05:30
boys_blueholicUpstart job, you may also use the restart(8) utility, e.g. restart gdm05:30
boys_blueholicrestart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.104" (uid=1000 pid=8060 comm="restart) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))05:30
FloodBot1boys_blueholic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
lhxantIP: if you want HDD space used to read accurately... yes05:30
Cerebr0Is that solar Eclipse?05:30
icarus-cantIP, just so you know, the Trash bin is actually  "~/.local/share/Trash"05:31
boys_blueholicplease help05:31
icarus-cCerebr0, http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=plymouth+solar05:31
MooshiMuushiAnyone know how to install Jahshaka?05:31
boys_blueholici want to  restart my gdm05:32
boys_blueholicbut still eror :((05:32
antIPicarus-c: Ok. Can I just right click on trash and empty the trash?05:33
DroneHow do I change my default file manager from Thunar to Nautilus in Xfce ?05:33
Cerebr0Fedora Redhat boo! :)05:33
glebihanboys_blueholic: sudo service gdm restart05:33
icarus-cantIP, i don't know. i wasn't following  :P05:33
Cerebr0Drone just currious why you are using Xfce instead of Gnome?05:33
antIPicarus-c I just want to empty my trash.05:33
Drone Why not?  It's what was available05:33
icarus-cantIP, in Nautilus, click Trash, empty it05:34
Cerebr0I thought Gnome came standard on ubuntu 10.1005:34
Drone./shrug no idea, I just know this is what I log into05:34
iflemaCerebr0: sound like you got Xubuntu....05:35
DroneHow would I go about using Gnome instead of Xfce05:35
DroneYes.  Xubuntu05:35
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome05:35
boys_blueholicstill eror :(05:35
boys_blueholicsudo service gdm restart05:36
boys_blueholicis still eror :(05:36
xbonesxicarus-c: why is my plymouth boot screen image in such a low resolution? i have a 1920x1200 screen...05:36
antIPlhx: I right clicked on the trash and selected 'empty trash' and a windows popped up that says "Emptying the Trash" and the progress bar isn't moving.05:36
iflemaDrone: install the package ubuntu-desktop05:36
antIPlhx: oh, never mind, it just started moving. Took it like 3 minutes to get started.05:37
Cerebr0xbonesx that happens when you install your new video drivers05:37
lhxantIP: yah... it'd take quite a few mins to erases mega gigs05:37
Cerebr0let me find a link to a good fix for it05:37
xbonesxCerebr0: thanks05:37
MooshiMuushiAnyone know a program that allows us to edit .h264 raw video files?05:38
bullgard4rww: Yesterday you denounced my using of the »~$ ...« prefix when I cite a command which I run. Why is this bad?05:38
icarus-cxbonesx, as far as i know, plymouth theme are made of a few small images and scripts control how to display & animate05:38
antIPlhx: thanks yo.05:39
xbonesxicarus-c: ok05:39
icarus-cxbonesx, and they don't use a image to fill the whole screen, so. why need such large resolution?05:39
rwwbullgard4: because it's not part of the actual command, so it ends up being confusing if you say you ran it...05:39
xbonesxicarus-c: doesnt look so pixilated05:39
icarus-cxbonesx, wouldn't be. those images are not zoomed or stretched05:42
jukicarus-c: worked http://ompldr.org/vNW5pcQ http://art.gnome.org/themes05:43
xbonesxicarus-c: think i figured it out05:43
Cerebr0I gave him a link to where he can fix his resolution problem, its very common when you switch to a proprietary video card driver05:43
jukicarus-c: not 100% original though05:43
icarus-cjuk, um what did you do? put the image to the plymouth splash?05:44
jukicarus-c: yes05:44
icarus-cjuk, you just have to replace the original image file with the new one right?05:44
jukicarus-c: no, I folowed tutorial you gave me, at ubuntugeek05:45
icarus-cjuk, lol i didn't really read through it05:45
jukicarus-c: thanks anyways05:46
brandon420guys, what kinda stuff can i do with a old p4?05:47
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lhxbrandon420: file server, voip server, irc gateway05:47
Cerebr0I use mine as a file server05:48
lhxbrandon420: folding, porno repository, silica refining05:48
brandon420thats what i was thinking about doing, but dumb question, how do i set up raid?05:48
brandon420raid0 i wanna say05:48
brandon420im not worried about data loss if i drive goes out.05:48
bullgard4rww: I see your point but I will not refrain from my habit in the future in IRC. Even the Debian Reference does prefix commands to run with '$'. But in a text file one has much more typographical freedom than I have in an IRC message.05:49
lucentI've discovered a serious data corruption issue after an upgrade to 10.10 Maverick, and the new firewire stack... what should I do about this?05:49
brandon4209.10 ftw!05:49
Cerebr010.04 ftw05:49
DouglasKlucent, what animal is Maverick?  (Just curious)05:50
brandon420i dont need lts, i have the ubuntu chan!05:50
rwwbullgard4: that's fine. I wasn't saying that you shouldn't do it, just (if memory serves) explaining what it meant to someone else and saying I wouldn't do it myself05:50
DouglasKmy mail server runs lts05:50
bullgard4lucent: i.) Discuss that in #ubuntu+1. ii.) File a bug in Launchpad.05:50
lucentDouglasK: Meerkat, or moose, I don't pay much attention sorry05:50
lucentthanks bullgard405:50
DouglasKlucent, no worries.  Thanks for an answer!05:51
Cerebr0Should have been Mangy Moose05:51
DouglasKCerebr0, I agree 100%05:51
lucentCerebr0: that's my favourite pub out here in Jackson WY usa05:51
ubuntuWho speak spanish? :P05:51
rww!es | ubuntu05:51
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:51
Cerebr0Ahh I live in WY too05:51
ubuntunecesito a ayuda xD05:51
kmysti'm using lucid and my wifi started dying randomly, eventually getting to the point of dying right after login then not working at all...this is happening since some updates, doesn't happen on a recent backup...anybody know why?05:51
Steristwhat's the best way to integrate ext4 into windows 7?05:52
seidos!es | ubuntu05:52
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:52
bullgard4rww: (*conciliatorily smiling*)05:53
lucentSterist: not aware of any way to use ext4 with Windows7, FYI05:53
LevanderWhat is the best ext3fs driver for Windows 7?05:53
Cerebr0Win7 can't read it can it?05:53
Levanderext4 isn't backwards compatible with ext2?  I know there are ext2 drivers.05:53
dospodjoin #infonomicon05:53
dospoddammit :/ i fail tonight05:53
mawstext2 works in Windows.05:54
mawstWith a driver05:54
lucentLevander: ext4 has features (sort of optional) that make it incompatible disk structures05:54
Levanderwhat's the best ext2 driver for windows?05:54
xanguaSterist: to read ext3/ext4 partitions with windows use 'ext2read'05:54
mawstI just use a terabyte drive in NTFS05:54
lhxhow's the write support for ext2 in M$?05:54
Steristxangua are you sure the ext2 drivers will read ext405:54
mawstPersonal files in OS folders, everything else on the dump drive.05:54
xanguaSterist: yes05:54
mawstext2 support is fine.05:54
icarus-cLevander, e2ifs.  but it comes with limitations and it is nasty i think05:55
mawstIf you use the driver05:55
root_so you told me05:55
icarus-cLevander, after all, that thing haven't been updated for a long while05:55
Levandericarus-c: IFS stands for "Installable File System"?  That's the one I'm looking at now.05:55
root_does anyone knows to configure a sniffer?05:55
Cerebr0If you need to share data between Win7 and Ubuntu why not use NTFS?05:55
icarus-cLevander, e2ifs doesn't official state that it support win705:56
icarus-cLevander, anyway, if you are looking to share files between win7 & ubuntu,  i would suggest to use NTFS,  or  FAT05:56
himiehey guys my usb headphones don't work anymore in ubuntu there's no sound is there anyway to reinstall the driver or something?05:57
Levandericarus-c: The partition I want to access is already EXT3.  I'll try to migrate it later to NTFS.05:57
v3nd3tta``icarus-c ntfs is better (faster) fat32 is a older system05:57
v3nd3tta``ah, it's Levander05:57
icarus-cxangua, ext4 got some features (e.g. extent) that break backward compatibility with ext2/ext305:57
icarus-cxangua, hence, a normal ext4 filesystem can NOT be accessed by ext2/ext3 driver05:57
Steristxangua would it happen to be possible to install windows onto ext? :P05:57
icarus-cxangua, but you could turn off those features when you make the ext4 file system though05:58
xanguaicarus-c: no, you can't install windows on ext fs05:58
icarus-cright you can't install Windows on anything other than FAT/NTFS05:58
himiethey used to work before..05:58
Steristwindows filesystems suck05:58
lucenticarus-c: not strictly the case but your point is correct05:59
icarus-cSterist, ooo don't blame Windows file system.  Windows itself is not good anyway05:59
lucentWindows thin client installs over iSCSI allow for a nu...  nevermind it's just easier to stick with what you said, I digress05:59
Levandericarus-c: ext2 IFS fails to install on Windows 7, says it only supports earlier versions of Windows ;(05:59
icarus-cLevander, not surprising..05:59
ireduxWhy does my window session restart after I give any random java applet permissions?05:59
Cerebr0err Fragmented06:00
Steristicarus-c no seriously lol fragmentation causes SO many problems06:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:00
lucentiredux: o_O  nice bug there06:00
root_im just new to this06:00
icarus-cSterist, that is about the driver, hence the kernel06:00
oktayselam turk olan var mı?06:00
hceasywho is boot06:00
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root_hate my name to be root ..s06:00
icarus-cSterist, i mean windows06:00
Steristpeople say fragmentation doesn't occur on the ext family but what about free-space fragmentation?06:01
Arsicwhat files exist on free space are there to be fragmented?06:02
Levandericarus-c: I found out how to install ext2ifs on Win7, you have to run it in compatible mode for Vista06:02
lucentLevander: I'll give you an example that maybe you will absorb more directly, D-Cinema Packages (that hollywood digital delivery system for major motion picture films) arrive on ext3 formatted FS in bare hard drives06:02
Guest73239arcis where are you from??06:03
lucentthat's what I do for work these days when I'm not snowboarding :)06:03
Levanderlucent, no idea what you're talking about06:03
lucentthe advantages to ext4 are lost when you want compatibility with other systems06:03
lucentif you need compatibility, my advice is to stick to ext306:04
Cerebr0If you are sharing data just use a NTFS partion, Ubuntu has no problems reading and writing to NTFS06:04
Arsicubuntu has trouble with NTFS with gparted. it happened a bunch of times today. I was resizing the partition and cancelled 2 seconds into the apply. the FS became dirty and I was unable to resize it. had to boot into windows to chkdsk it06:06
Arsicntfsfix didn't help much06:06
Levanderlucent, this is just a hack, i intend to migrate the drive fully to ntfs when i get a chance, thanks though06:06
MTecknologyArsic: you cancelled a resize that was in operation?06:08
MTecknologyArsic: I don't know if there's any easy way to recover from that..06:08
CharlieSuHas anyone ever setup rsyslog to backup files to S3?06:08
Guest73239adanos oradamısın06:08
Arsicit was preparing to resize, so nothing was actually resized06:08
Arsicnah it was fine after I ran chkdsk from Windows.06:08
zackIve got a lenovo laptop with switchable graphics so i can use my onboard graphics whenever im not gaming to save battery / power .. how do i enable this feature in ubuntu?06:09
MTecknologyCharlieSu: rsyslog is for logging06:09
CharlieSuMTecknology: yes.. i'd like to take the log files that are generated by rsyslog and store them to s3 for durability06:10
LoshkiArsic: clearly the fs *was* touched. Cancelling after applying on a mostly reverse-engineered filesystem seems like it's just asking for trouble...06:10
MTecknologyCharlieSu: you can just tell rsyslog to backup to that partition - but I'd suggesnt an rsync with cron instead - keep two copies06:10
icarus-cArsic, if you have read the ntfsfix man page, it clearly says that its function is very limited.06:11
icarus-cArsic, far from being able to repair a damaged ntfs06:11
CharlieSuMTecknology: how do i ensure that each file has a unique name?06:11
Arsickinda figured that after it didn't work. should have read the man page before using it06:11
MTecknologyCharlieSu: rsyslog handles keeping naming correct06:12
icarus-cArsic, http://xkcd.com/293/06:12
Cerebr0MAN Pages FTW!06:12
Steristanyone know how to fix the webcam displaying upside down06:12
icarus-cSterist, rotate the webcam upside down? B-)06:13
MTecknologyCharlieSu: with cron   sudo crontab -e   @daily rsync -a --delete /var/log /media/subdisk/06:13
lucentSterist: err... is it v4l or v4l2?06:13
MTecknologySterist: acer?06:13
Steristicarus-c i actually did turn my laptop upside down lol06:13
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Steristi don't know what that is06:13
lucentsometimes there's a "flip" setting in the v4l2 interface and you can control that setting with a utility06:13
Sterist10.04 fully up-to-date, whatever is default06:13
lucentSterist: what's the application you want to use the webcam with?06:14
LoshkiArsic: the biggest downside of ntfs is probably that you can get the FS into a state where only a windows system can fix it...06:14
lucentSterist: oh geeze, hrm06:14
Steristlol =/06:14
lucentflash last I checked had implemented V4l but not V4l206:14
zackIve got a lenovo laptop with switchable graphics so i can use my onboard graphics whenever im not gaming to save battery / power .. how do i enable this feature in ubuntu?06:14
MTecknology!repeat | zack06:14
ubottuzack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com06:14
wgrantzack: For now you will have to use the BIOS to switch between them.06:15
lucentso there is some kind of wacky pipeline I was able to construct once to get from a V4l2 camera device to export a dvcam firewire to V4L device with filters along the way06:15
ArsicLoshki: well, that was the moral of the story.06:15
zackokay wgrant ty06:15
kduboiswhere to go for help with cheese, the webcam app?06:15
lucentSterist: I'm thinking if someone has solved this, you would find out quicker by searching via Google "webcam upside down flash Ubuntu 9.04" or whichever06:15
wgrantzack: Lenovo hasn't disclosed how to switch, so it's taking a while to get it working in Linux.06:15
MTecknologyArsic: You could alternatively use this as a sign that it's time to just not use windows anymore! :P06:16
icarus-cSterist, http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=33109&start=006:17
G33ku5Kh4Nanyone able to point me in the direction as to how I go about upgrading a router's firmware from the cmdln?06:17
icarus-cSterist, "create a .conf file in etc/modprobe.d that will add the option "vflip=1" to uvcvideo"06:17
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geekuskhanthe router's interface / web-based admin seems to not have the option available06:17
geekuskhannetcomm told me to throw it out, but I'd prefer to just fix it myself06:18
icarus-cSterist, um ignore that quote06:18
bonez2046anyone have success running skype for linux, with video? is skype+linux+video there yet?06:18
Exavionbonez2046: I run it fine06:19
lucentbonez2046: I regularly video call with Skype06:19
Steristicarus-c i noticed lol06:19
lucentbonez2046: the Linux client is a bit janky, but that's more about some of my contacts can't search for me when I'm logged in. Most functions work06:19
Steristicarus-c "malicious command warning" :P06:20
Steristicarus-c pulled from a question, not an answer06:20
FusionXim getting thi error while booting up ubuntu 10.04 -> [drm:edid_is_valid] *ERROR* Raw EDID: but the ubuntu loads up and starts fine, but i'm facing alot of performance reduncy.06:20
lucentFusionX: I think EDID is from your display06:21
lucentinternal (laptop) or external display?06:21
bonez2046lucent: which version of skype? maybe my issue is setting up my cam06:21
FusionXlucent: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/536827 External!06:21
lxsysHey. I'm on another IRC server, and irssi is giving out my hostname which has my ip. Every now and then somebody is annoyed that I kicked them and they DoS my low bandwidth connection. How do I stop irssi giving out my hostname?06:22
lucentbonez2046: I've managed to install Skype (Beta) Version, which version is yours?06:22
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bonez2046lucent: I have that same version
lucentlxsys: unrelated to irssi, any client would be a connection to the IRC server which then exposes your IP / host06:23
xbonesxi think i messed up plymouth really good06:23
ABGDHey guys, i just bought a bare-bones box and it doesn't have a CD-drive, it allows booting over LAN, so I want to install ubuntu on it over my LAN but I am having trouble, i couldn't get DHCP configured on my Macbook Pro, nor on my ubuntu virtual, i really don't know what to do at this point... if somebody could help me that would be fucking awesome06:23
geekuskhanlxsys, you'll need to enable vhost for your user / op....06:23
geekuskhannot sure about the server itself06:23
lxsysgeekuskhan: ok, thanks06:23
icarus-cSterist, do you have "/sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip"  ?06:23
lucentnice find icarus-c06:24
geekuskhanand make sure you script your login so it's on evererytime you reconnect06:24
lucentbonez2046: um, privmsg w/ me we can talk about Skype, it's just a tad off topic here06:24
icarus-cSterist, if you do,  sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/video4linux/video0/vflip  should do.  but that exist only on some devices06:24
Steristicarus-c is that for external cameras?06:26
icarus-cSterist, i don't know. it came from a forum thread, issue appears on laptop06:27
cloudfreehi, have i missed something?06:28
Steristi don't see that file / folder in video006:28
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cloudfreeSterist: then you have no v4l06:29
xbonesxthe purple loading screen with red dots now is all pixilated and now there are what looks like two of them, i have the nvidia 8600m gt06:29
Steristcloudfree so what can i do06:29
cloudfreeenable it06:29
ethereticAnyone have experience with resolving iowait issues? My comp is semi paralyzed.06:29
cloudfreeit's time to search06:29
xbonesxits the plymouth i believe06:29
multipasshow do i set permission to put stuff in folders? im trying to put plugins into the gedit plugin folder but i dont have permission06:30
Steristcloudfree i read that its supposed to be included with ubuntu by default as of 9.04 or something06:30
cloudfreeSterist: indeed, at least, on my box06:30
cloudfreeSterist: have you installed a tv card?06:31
icarus-cSterist, don't worry, i have no vfilp file too06:32
mattgyvermultipass, thats a loaded question if your new to linux.  It may be easier to do it as root ;)06:32
HansGruberCan you use Netflix Que website in Linux, I can watch the actual streaming movies on my PS3?06:32
lucentmultipass: short answer, right click the thing and "properties"06:32
rwwHansGruber: you can add stuff to a Netflix Instant queue from Linux, yes06:32
multipassmattgyver: well i dont understand why it dosnt ask me for my password like when installing something.. it simply dosnt let me do it06:33
rwwyou just can't actually watch it on Linux06:33
Steristcloudfree how do i find out lol06:33
lucentyou must have access to change the permissions though, if you do not have access then it is a different question about how to get access06:33
HansGruberthank you, is ubuntu easy to use, I am not a computer expert, but I have grown extremely tired of the endless crashing of Vista?06:33
* cloudfree dies06:33
cloudfreeHansGruber: that means nothing06:34
cloudfreeHansGruber: you need more windows train06:34
uwafflesasagemy fucking windows train broke down06:34
coraxxHansGruber: Ubuntu is very easy...compared.06:34
uwafflesasagei can't just go out and buy a new one06:34
HansGruberawesome, I am going to download the ISO now06:35
uwafflesasagethis is of silly talk06:35
lucentHansGruber: I'm tired of computers being annoying, in general. Ubuntu is not exempt. It is slightly less awful than the alternatives in my needs06:35
ethereticCONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %06:35
bobstroABGD:  did you get an answer?06:35
Arsicubuntu takes a bit of getting used to if all you're used is windows. start by making the transition06:36
cloudfreeubuntu is an alternative of redhat or mandrake in old good days06:36
coraxxHansGruber: good idea... and you can "test drive" Ubuntu, before installing ...just by running it from the CD.  (are you named after the Die Hard villan ?)06:36
HansGruberoh, one other question, can you run quickbooks online with ubuntu and the latest firefox, it is not officially supported but I was wondering if it will run?  I have a windows box at the office to handle most things, but it is nice to be able to handle it at home as well? I have read conflicting reports, so I wanted to ask a live person, sorry if I am being a pain in the ass.06:36
bobstrolucent:  what are you finding annoying?06:36
cloudfreeand ubuntu channel is repeating things what happened on #debian in the past06:36
uwafflesasageubuntu cds can run in live mode06:36
uwafflesasagepop it into the drive and set the boot order to boot from that drive06:37
HansGrubercoraxx "I am going to count to three, there will not be a four." ;)06:37
lucentbobstro: it's a big list, we should discuss at a pub with plenty of napkins and ink06:37
coraxxHansGruber: "...the code please"....yup got it :-)06:37
HansGruberuwafflesasage that is a great idea, I will test out quickbooks on the live cd :)06:37
bobstrolucent:  well, maybe a short list we can try to help you with for the time being ?06:37
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bobstrolucent:  but yeah, computers aren't perfect just yet :)06:38
ethereticbobstro: at least the un-classified ones.06:39
lucentbobstro: I'm very angry about multitasking and clocked CPU operation, also RGB colourspace and the insanity that is the Ctrl key placement on us104 layouts06:39
bobstrolucent:  oh... so nothing specific about ubuntu at the moment?06:39
bobstroetheretic:  they will let you know when they're perfect. :)06:39
cloudfreelucent: so... invent your own computer since now?06:39
lucentcloudfree: pretty nice of me yah06:40
uwafflesasageh3'/ g@!z 1 50 r337 i uz3 n00b00n700!!106:40
ethereticbobstro: ...skynet!06:40
HansGruberI think I am going to try the windows installer and transition gradually.06:40
bobstrolucent:  i got over the ctrl key thing some time ago. my german keyboard had same placement, IIRC06:40
bobstrolucent:  anything related to ubuntu?06:41
lucentbobstro: Ubuntu's title bar design choice is awkward and awful, I have a preference for "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" to be minimize,menu:close06:41
RPG-MasterHow do I set my local IP address?06:41
* cloudfree puts the meta and macro keys back to lucent's keyboard06:41
uwafflesasageOnly protection against skynet is openbdsm but openbds suckz cuas its frnch06:41
RPG-MasterIn want my desktop to stick to xxx.xxx.10106:41
bobstrolucent:  you mean the new layout with buttons at left?06:41
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lucentyes, very disagreeable to that new layout06:41
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uwafflesasageubutnu is african06:42
bobstrolucent:  ah, well i agree. that is a 10 second fix though.06:42
ethereticbah. 80% iowait. and I can't analyze it because *ahem* someone bungling the latest kernel.06:42
uwafflesasageafrica has nasty water06:42
cloudfreeuwafflesasage: no, ubuntu is a rich man in south africa06:42
bobstrouwafflesasage:  there's gnarly water all over06:42
geekuskhanquick question... if I try: ssh admin@ and then enter the password when prompted, I should be able to browse my router's filesys, right?06:42
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cloudfreeuwafflesasage: in fact, he is an elite british06:42
Cerebr0Yea that is one of the first things I fix on Ubuntu :Minimize, Maximize, Close06:42
uwafflesasagei havnet heard of this rich man "UBUNTU" in south africa06:42
lucentit's 10 seconds that new users think "What the hell is this?" and walk away, unfortunately for anyone human enough to want to try Ubuntu the first time06:43
bobstrolucent:  only if they're insisting on it being something else. not like windows hasn't moved things around over the years.06:43
cloudfreethe apache helicapter is not invented by apache people06:43
cloudfreethis is same06:43
bobstrolucent:  there are distros that look disturbingly like windows, if that is the measure of success.06:44
uwafflesasageyeah, butt the bladesas were inspired by their axe grooves06:44
icarus-c!controls | lucent06:44
ubottulucent: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side06:44
icarus-cjust in case you didn't know yet06:44
icarus-cit is a one-line command to fix06:44
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bobstrolucent:  and that 'apple' interface seems to be gaining acceptance!06:44
uwafflesasageubutnut is like windows for free06:44
uwafflesasageeveryone know that06:44
geekuskhanwell, it's not working06:44
uwafflesasagewhy its great@06:44
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Cerebr0If I am not mistaken, Mark Shuttleworth is from South Africa.06:45
mamece2how do VM works?06:45
bobstrogeekuskhan:  what are you running on the router?06:45
uwafflesasagewindows is great and ubutnut is windows only free06:45
bobstroubuntu was the concept described by desmond tutu, no?06:45
bobstrogeekuskhan:  it really depends on how the router is configured.06:45
geekuskhanwell, in the web interface, I've only allowed ssh access aside from web-interface06:46
uwafflesasageubtunut is like widnows only with better cyqgwin utiltites right?06:46
mocha0rangebobstro: yeah, that's what it's named after06:46
bobstrouwafflesasage:  it's an alternative to windows. different.06:46
cordorcan  i have application maximum to multiple workspace?06:46
bobstrouwafflesasage:  cygwin lets you run linux apps on windows.06:46
uwafflesasagebut tit has better cyqgwin06:47
lucentbobstro: it's not a point to argue with me, you know. I'm expressing that I think it's a stupid design choice, but you are correct about the reasoning06:47
bobstrolucent:  not arguing, mostly agreeing. but glad that's such an easy fix!06:47
lucentcordor: not easily, mate06:47
Cerebr0Ubuntu http://blog.ted.com/2008/07/22/telling_stories/06:47
geekuskhansecondly it's running linux kernel 2.26...06:47
reggihey folks06:47
bobstrolucent:  believe me, i hate computers when they act stupid too.06:47
lucentcordor: I think you should re-think what you are trying to do06:47
bobstrolucent:  just hoping to help out.06:47
* lucent :)06:47
lucentand appreciated, thank you06:47
geekuskhanhmm, my bad, 2.406:47
uwafflesasageim tried!06:48
bobstrolucent:  i read that there's supposed to be something new up at the right at some point, so we shall see.06:48
cloudfreeif ubuntu is protos, mint is the dark templers06:48
lucentbobstro: overjoyed that the floppy disk is finally near its grave, too06:48
reggidoes anyone know if it's possible to subscribe and download pod casts in ubuntu?06:48
cordorlucent: oh, i thought about that many times, thanks. the question is not what i want, it's if that's possible.06:48
bobstrouwafflesasage:  cygwin is something else.06:48
uwafflesasagegoodniGHT BORTHER BEAR!!!06:48
jukHi, Im using awn panel, and I have added in launcher applet some apps, but letter i realised, i don't need some of 'em , how to undo launcher panel in original state?06:48
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geekuskhanit's a netcomm NB6+4W06:49
bobstrolucent:  i thought so too. then i had to update the bios on a motherboard without a floppy.06:49
cloudfreeuwafflesasage: what bear?06:49
lucentcordor: it would be possible if you uh... did everything by hand with configuration, and exactly I'm not sure if it is a simple matter of config files in Ubuntu anymore06:49
bobstrolucent:  just enough to haunt you.06:49
uwafflesasageBORTHER BEAR06:49
Cerebr0You can get podcast in Banshee06:49
jukdragging off, not works, they fall back06:49
bobstrolucent:  fortunately, creating a DOS ISO worked but it was frustrating.06:50
cloudfreehave you tried ubuntu one?06:50
uwafflesasageBANSHEES ARENT REAL06:50
jukcloudfree: yes06:50
bobstrouwafflesasage:  i've worked with some :)06:50
cordorlucent: i guess from a user point of view, the answer is no.06:50
cloudfreejuk,is it good?06:50
lucentcordor: starting with say something sane like a Debian Linux distribution, you could go minimal, and do some config file kung-fu, that depends on display drivers and X11...  wouldn't know if it can be done anymore or what has changed.  Right, probably No.06:50
mamece2how do VM works?06:50
uwafflesasageTHEY'RE MADE BY microsfot games06:50
Erqo1Anyone happen to know why cryptsetup (for LUKS) would not prompt for a passphrase upon a format attempt?06:50
bobstromamece2:  that is a complicated question.06:51
sweetpi!ot | uwafflesasage06:51
ubottuuwafflesasage: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:51
mamece2bobstro whats the best VM?06:51
icarus-cmamece2, i would research with search engine06:51
lucentcordor: one application over many virtual workspaces is possible if the window manager (say replace Metacity with something else but then it's not really "Ubuntu") would allow it06:51
bobstromamece2:  assuming you mean virtual machines06:51
uwafflesasagethank you my borther bear06:51
bobstromamece2:  no simple answer.06:51
mamece2bobstro yes, ive heard of VMware06:51
MTecknologyI'm trying to mount an xfs devide. In fstab I have this --> /dev/sda4 /opt xfs defaults,noatime,user,noauto,unhide 0 2 <-- When I try to run mount /opt, I get mount: unknown filesystem type 'xfs' ... Any ideas what I missed?06:51
uwafflesasageLIFE hgas bno simple asnwers06:52
bobstromamece2:  there are others. xen, the sun one (i always forget the name of).06:52
mamece2bobstro is WINE the same as Vmware?06:52
bobstromamece2:  i mostly deal with vmware because i encounter it at work.06:52
MTecknologyxfs is even listed in the man page as a valid type..06:52
bobstromamece2:  no, totally different approach.06:52
reggidoes anyone know if it's possible to subscribe and download pod casts in ubuntu?06:52
icarus-cmamece2, some popular general vm are Linux kvm, vmware, Linux Xen, virtualbox06:52
bobstroreggi:  yes06:52
jukcloudfree: yes, Im using ubuntu one cloud, for backing up some valuable configs, etc.06:52
uwafflesasagevmwear sucks, its property!06:52
bobstroreggi:  somebody mentioned banshee. i use miro.06:52
Cerebr0VirtualBox is cool06:52
bobstrouwafflesasage:  doesn't matter if that's what at's work.06:52
reggibobstro, thanks man06:52
mamece2bobstro is it better to run windows through VMware or WINE?06:52
jukHi, Im using awn panel, and I have added in launcher applet some apps, but letter i realised, i don't need some of 'em , how to undo launcher panel in original state?06:52
jukdragging off, not works, they fall back06:53
bobstrouwafflesasage:  i think you mean 'proprietary' too06:53
Arsicyou can't run windows through wine06:53
Arsicit's not a vm06:53
bobstrojuk:  try right-click->properties->task manager06:53
uwafflesasageits property too dude06:53
Cerebr0Juk right click go to applets06:53
bobstromamece2:  for just a few apps, wine perhaps. if you 'need windows', virtualization06:53
uwafflesasagewonders if stalmanns shares weed06:54
Cerebr0dock preferences > applets and drag off06:54
bobstrouwafflesasage:  so you're saying property is bad?06:54
jukCerebr0: so, next?06:54
reggibobstro, i'll check out miro :)06:54
uwafflesasageif thta is you're rel name06:54
bobstroreggi:  i quite like it. it's overkill for just podcasts, but nice for video stuff too.06:54
uwafflesasageyour offtopic06:54
bobstrouwafflesasage:  everbody uses their real names here.06:54
jukbobstro: thank you very much!06:55
mamece2bobstro i have a torrent dowloading in another partition with windows. could i run wine and end the dowloading?06:55
uwafflesasageiev seen this CALL before06:55
bobstrojuk:  it's not exactly intuitive, but it works.06:55
bobstromamece2:  probably not. let it finish.06:56
chittimamece2 sorry! dude06:56
cordorlucent: anyway, thanks. :)06:56
jukbobstro: yeah, I just didn't look at Task Manager06:56
mamece2bobstro can i searh for files in another partition from ubuntu?06:56
uwafflesasagegekroekst man on hes neet bar huoi06:56
FloodBot1uwafflesasage: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:56
bobstromamece2:  yes, but torrent software may not recognize the download that's partially finished.06:56
bobstronow who's OT?06:57
mamece2bobstro tyvm06:57
uwafflesasagewhy ahs nailbot silenced before?06:57
chittimamece2 What do u mean give clearly06:57
bobstroranting about bears perhaps?06:57
uwafflesasagebortha bear06:58
mamece2i want to fully migrate to ubuntu06:58
bobstromamece2:  a noble effort!06:58
uwafflesasagei wont some rahffeeoly is what i wont06:59
bobstromamece2:  what is stopping you?06:59
mamece2i try it enough with a 20 gigs partition06:59
bobstromamece2:  that is enough to play around with, yes.06:59
bobstromamece2:  if you have a lot of large files, you'll want more, of course.06:59
mamece2i have scrobbler, tweetdeck, and i see i can run torrents06:59
uwafflesasagethere was a man on here06:59
uwafflesasagehis name was bortha bear06:59
sweetpiuwafflesasage: Do you actually have a support question, or are you here to thrill us with your random chatter?06:59
uwafflesasagewhere is he?06:59
uwafflesasageim looking for bortha bear07:00
uwafflesasagehes impoertanr07:00
chittiif i upgrade my system then old installation will be there or not07:00
bobstrouwafflesasage:  look up 'whowas' in your irc client docs07:00
sweetpiright. ignore it is07:00
mamece2now i need to know if i can run a VM and boot backtrack 407:01
uwafflesasagei dont haev chatclients07:01
mattgyverchitti,  most of the time your okay, generally you might find that some configuration files were wiped07:01
Cerebr0yes, yes07:01
uwafflesasagewho was bortha bear07:01
bobstromamece2:  you could, yes.07:01
chitti if i upgrade my system then old installation will be there or not ....i mean installed software like players ...bug updates07:01
chittimattgyver: thank u ....07:02
bobstromamece2:  you could try vmware player07:02
ArsicVM+BT4 is okay. depends on what you want to do with it07:02
Cerebr0if you upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 you will not be able to downgrade...07:02
bobstromamece2:  there's a lot of interest in bt tonight. that's an interesting place to start learning about linux.07:02
chittik got it07:02
uwafflesasagebobstro kreik tuo waartstur fa bortha bear?07:03
mamece2first i tryed BT4 and i feel in love with linux07:03
Cerebr0Chitti yes all software and other customizatino will be there07:03
bobstromamece2:  most of those same tools will run on other distributions too07:03
bobstromamece2:  so it's just a question of picking which you prefer overall and tailoring it to suit your needs.07:03
mamece2i seee BT4 is based in ubuntu, amirite?07:03
Cerebr0Yes, BT4 is just a handy little package07:03
uwafflesasagekreik jemakt tuo waartstur fa bortha bear??07:04
Cerebr0how can you ignore a person in here?07:04
Arsicdo BT and Ubuntu still share the same repositories?07:04
mamece2lol that guy is a real troll07:04
uwafflesasagewhen i meat you i was but a lerner, bot now i am the master07:05
sweetpiCerebr0: /ignore nick07:05
mattgyverArsic, no07:05
bobstrouwafflesasage:  please don't meat me07:05
mattgyverArsic, im not even sure backtrack is built off debian07:05
uwafflesasagewghy hasnt bortha bear?07:05
mamece2uwafflesasage can i axe u a question?07:05
bobstromamece2:  ignore trolls07:05
mamece2y r u so annoying bra?07:06
Arsicbacktrack is debian based07:06
uwafflesasageim tryn to find my freind07:06
Flanneluwafflesasage: He's not here, please look elsewhere for him.07:06
uwafflesasagehe was on one of these things07:06
bobstrouwafflesasage:  he moved, left no forwarding address.07:06
bobstrouwafflesasage:  that name doesn't work anyhow07:06
mamece2BT and ubuntu are debian based rite?07:06
mattgyverArsic, learned something new then.  No i wouldnt use ubuntu repos on it just as you shouldnt for standard debian systems since they could be packaged differently07:06
uwafflesasagebortha bear ?07:06
uwafflesasageit had liek underscores in it07:06
=== ibrahim-kasem is now known as Syria
Flanneluwafflesasage: This channel is for Ubuntu support, please take non-support questions elsewhere, thanks.07:07
bobstrouwafflesasage:  found him for you - http://www.myspace.com/22946557307:07
uwafflesasagei need to fin my freind07:07
mamece2why should i stay with ubuntu and not going to the source DEBIAN?07:07
bobstrouwafflesasage:  that's him07:07
bobstromamece2:  packaging mostly07:07
cancuengthi. I had a problem (i dont know why) but had corrupted files. I know that something messed up because eth0 didn't up automatically etc after the fix of fsck. How do I check that all the installed software is correctly installed?07:08
bobstromamece2:  ubuntu is more convenient. both are excellent.07:08
Cerebr0because Ubuntu takes the best of Debian and improves it07:08
dr0idguys I am on KDE, deleting a simple file takes about 1-2 mins, it used to get deleted at the hit of the delete button fee weeks ago, but for the past 1-2 weeks, I am facing this issue, please help me07:08
mamece2i just dont go fully with BT coz i am new at this, and i need the easy installation and driver of ubuntu07:08
bobstromamece2:  there are pros and cons to both, but knowing one you'll know both pretty well.07:08
shubbarmamece2: ubuntu is updated more07:08
cancuengtI know that something else might be corrupted or missing something07:08
uwafflesasagethank you bobtro07:08
uwafflesasageglad someone understands this07:08
bobstrouwafflesasage:  enjoy the mustic.07:08
mattgyvermamece2, Plus its built off debian unstable which is generally cutting edge, unless you wanna run unstalbe which isnt exactly simple07:08
bobstrouwafflesasage:  er, music07:09
uwafflesasagegod bless you07:09
Cerebr0I'm assuming Ubuntu has more money backing it up. That's just a guess though07:09
mattgyverCerebr0, I think Shuttleworth is still the only guy funding Canonical if i remember right07:09
mamece2i love this chat, so many answers07:09
Cerebr0Well he has plenty of money07:09
bobstrointent is for canonical to be for-profit -- at least at some point -- no?07:09
mattgyverYeah, and hes been to space :(07:09
cloudfreea noble, in other word07:10
Cerebr0yea enough said lol07:10
dr0idguys I am on KDE, deleting a simple file takes about 1-2 mins, it used to get deleted at the hit of the delete button fee weeks ago, but for the past 1-2 weeks, I am facing this issue, please help me07:10
Arsicif you start with a penetration testing central distro such as BT, you might be overwhelmed with the amount of tools or programs. it might be better to start with something more standardized such as ubuntu. if you're doing penetration testing, then you can install some of the tools and learn them at your own pace07:10
mattgyverbobstro, yeah within the next 3 years, whatever that means07:10
mattgyvermaybe its 5, i dont remember the exact quote07:10
Arsiclike one at a time or something07:10
mamece2is there picasa for ubuntu?07:10
Cerebr0yea BT4 has way more tools than anyone would ever use, imo07:10
Kartagisdoes mencoder support transcoding to mp4/ev-s *and* embedding subtitles?07:11
bobstromamece2:  yes07:11
RudyValenciaHow do I open 7z files in Ubuntu?07:11
cancuengtdr0id: give "$ sudo touch /forcefsck" and then reboot to check if the filesystem is ok07:11
bobstromamece2:  not well integrated, but it works like windows07:11
blakkheimRudyValencia: aptitude -y install p7zip-full07:11
Cerebr0Rudy download it in software center07:11
dr0idcancuengt: whats "$ " for ?07:11
bobstromamece2:  the important thing to realize is that linux is linux. you can do just about anything with one as another.07:11
sunderwhat's the key combo to log out again?07:11
uwafflesasagebut tit has better cyqgwin07:11
mattgyversunder, it use to be crtl+alt+backspace, i dont know if it works anymore unless you enable it07:12
Cerebr0$ is like the : in dos07:12
cancuengtdr0id: $ is the terminal (konsole sign)07:12
dr0idcancuengt: ohh, did it, nothing happened, what is it meant to do ?07:12
RudyValenciaI've also installed rar (I have a license for it)07:12
dr0idshall I reboot my system now ?07:12
mamece2the difference btw ubuntu  xubuntu and lubuntu are the graphic interface?07:13
mattgyvermamece2, yeah.07:13
sunderi need to log out only using tge keyboard, using phone for irc right now07:13
cloudfreeis there lubuntu?07:13
dr0idcancuengt: deleting still takes same time :(07:13
cancuengtdr0id: is the promt that tells you that you are ready to input a command. if is $ it tells you that you are an user with no root privileges (secure) if ist # tells that you are an user with root privileges (danterous)07:13
mattgyveroh i dont know if theres a lubuntu i missed the l ;|07:13
cancuengtmamece2: mostly07:13
blakkheimRudyValencia: what do you mean you have a license for it?07:13
mattgyvermamece2, did you mean kubuntu?07:13
Cerebr0there is lubuntu07:14
RudyValenciaI bought a license for WinRAR, and can use the Linux version as a registered usre07:14
dr0idcancuengt: see PM07:14
cancuengtmamece2: The repositories are the same but most information you find for ubuntu and the gnome interface07:14
Cerebr0there are free programs that will extract from rar for linux07:14
mamece2u see i did a partition of 20 gigs and the rest is windows. can i revert this? get windows into the lil partition and ubuntu in the main big one07:14
Cerebr0mamece what version of windows are you using07:15
mattgyvermamece2, it can be done but its not easy at all.07:15
RudyValenciaI can create rar archives with the rar creation program too07:15
Cerebr0I think you could use a program like partition magic or partition  wizard that will allow you to resize them07:15
blakkheimRudyValencia: it's better to use open source archive formats like 7zip or tar, though07:16
mamece2i think theres Lubuntu too, not?07:16
mattgyvermamece2, yeah apparently i live in the dark and didnt know about it07:16
Cerebr0Mamece yes there is Lubuntu, light weight supposedly noever tried it07:16
geekuskhanif by l you are referring to lxde, then yes I guess07:16
MadCowzGamingHey guys, I have a little problem i can't seem to figure out. I am using the SwiftFox Web browser with Adobe Flash Player 10. When watching youtube videos i switch to full screen and my browser crashes immediately. Any ideas? Thanks!07:16
RudyValenciait was a one-time license charge07:16
Arsicthere's a rar tool in the software center for rars. you can also try peazip (http://peazip.sourceforge.net), pretty sure it supports 7z too.07:16
RudyValenciaso I want to get full use out of itr07:16
mamece2maybe this q is stupid but how can i go back in mozilla?07:17
RudyValenciait's okay I've got it all taken care of07:17
RudyValenciamamece2: alt-back arroe07:17
mamece2lubuntu is light ubuntu, but i think i meant kubuntu, u r rite07:17
mattgyvertheres like 200 freaking versions of ubuntu really...07:18
mattgyverYou start getting into crazy ones like religion distros, education distros...07:18
mamece2i could make Ñubuntu, ubuntu in spanish07:18
Cerebr0anyways this is #Ubuntu Support Channel so keep questions to the topic07:18
lucentmattgyver: Lesbian/GNU parody of Debian....  wasn't that the big publicity one?07:18
mattgyverlucent, maybe, i never heard of it07:19
mamece2if i reinstall ubutun i can make the partition bigger without losing files or any config done here?07:20
cancuengtmamece2: I really want localized versions for installs without inet connection and because for lang packs it must be inet connection or another cd with the packages07:20
cancuengthow can I check for corruption on an  installed package?07:20
Arsicmamece2: boot from a livecd and resize the partition using gparted. you won't lose any files. be sure to unmount any related file systems if it's on the extended or primary partitions07:21
mattgyvermamece2, probably the closest you could come is to backing up /home for application configurations and maybe /etc but /etc you might not want to fully restore07:21
mattgyverOh yeah Arsic is spot on if your not using the full disk07:22
lucentcancuengt: not answering your question exactly, but there's a way to reinstall it, is that helpful?07:22
Cerebr0Mamece yea don't install again, just boot into live cd and use Gparted07:22
mamece2mattgiver, arsic way to do it will work?07:22
Arsicwell if you use the live cd, you won't have to reinstall or backup any files07:23
mamece2so first i backup and delete everythingin windows to free space and then livecd and gpart the disk07:23
mattgyvermamece2, it will work willing that 1) Your Ubuntu Partition is behind your Windows Partitoin, 2) You have space left next to your Ubuntu partition07:24
cancuengtlucent: The problem is that I've recently checked my fs with fsck and founded a lot of troubles (and fixed). However i've founded also that later things has changed (eg. eth0 is not up by default on boot)07:24
mamece2mattgyver, the partition of windows and ubuntu are independent07:25
Cerebr0when ever resizing or messing with partitions it is always recommended to back up all important data07:26
kneauxhow do i connect to a reverse tunnel? currently computer A has a reverse tunnel with computer B, i need to connect to B, through A, with computer C07:26
DesmoThought I may as well ask here as it might be relevant, but has anyone had X/Ubuntu (xfce) playing silly games after install? No panel, no right click, no window functionality?07:26
DesmoIf I log in as root then itś A-OK, but logging in as root is bad, mmmḱay?07:26
mattgyvermamece2, correct you just need to be sure that your partition table is not |Ubuntu | Windows | Free Space.07:27
xerophytecould someone help me with nginx question : >how can i write root domain to sub folder for example   rewrite ^/(.*)$ http://domaintest01.com/site$1 permanent; that create loop07:27
cancuengtlucent: and I really don't want to reinstall all packages (for common sense) or the whole system again :)07:27
jg47hmif the computer stacks how to make it work again (something like ctrl+alt+del)07:27
lucentcancuengt: the common sense approach to this is backups and reinstallation of the OS, to be blunt07:27
mamece2no, it is windows ubuntu07:27
Cerebr0Remastersys Backup might be worth looking into07:28
Cerebr0Mamece2 you installed in windows? Wubi?07:28
jg47hm if the computer stacks how to make it work again ?(something like ctrl+alt+del)?07:28
Arsicjg47hm: crtl+alt+t to open a terminal then use top or ps aux to kill the offending process07:28
cancuengtlucent: I don't like what I'm reading...07:28
cancuengtlucent:  :(07:29
lucenttruth is sad sometimes07:29
Desmono one? :(07:29
* Bridge| cant count the number of fresh installs of ubuntu i've gone through07:29
cancuengtlucent: tough want to search for another solution than this one before doing something else next07:29
cancuengtlucent: or anyway, wait 'till the next distro version upgrade07:30
Bridge|90% of my earliest ones were due to Grub(2), hehe07:30
reggibobstro, I love you man! Miro is perfect! Now I can finally get all my trance and house music podcasts!!!!!! 8)07:30
mattgyverBridge|, your not alone.. it seems after each new release i end up having to do another fresh install.. it gets tiring07:30
xamanuHey, what is the name of the designer who made big parts of ubuntu's design. she is from argentina or venezuela.... anybody an idea?07:31
Desmosudo userls07:31
xamanui forgot the name. they told me some days ago07:31
Cerebr0i don't plan on upgrading from 10.04, after all it is supported for 3 years where as the 10.10 will only be supported for 18 months07:31
mamece2cerebr0 no, no wubi, i run the livecd from a pendrive and then installed07:31
Cerebr0Mamece but is it on its own partition or did you install under windows option?07:32
mamece2cerebr0 its under its own partition, i choose the option to make its own partition in the free space available07:32
mattgyvermamece2, you still have free space at the end of your drive?07:33
Cerebr0well to be honest 20gb is plenty for Ubuntu07:33
mamece2mattgyver i think07:33
gazhangwo shi xinshou07:34
jg47hmArsic: when im pressing ctrl+alt+t nothings happen?07:34
mamece2cerebr0 but i have another files in windows and i would like to get them07:34
* freshpet runs away07:34
ectospasm!cn | gazhang07:34
ubottugazhang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:34
Cerebr0you can mount your windows partition under ubuntu if i'm not mistaken07:34
_Magick3ow do I set the monitor settings per user? 10.0407:34
mamece2cerebr0 iono07:35
gazhangjoin #ubuntu-cn07:35
mattgyverjg47hm, if all else fails you can try to swtich to another tty with Crtl+alt+f2 (f3/f4/f5) and issue a; sudo shutdown -r now07:35
Arsicjg47hm: it's supposed to open a terminal, but if it's completely locked up you might be SOL. you can also try switching ttys with ctrl+alt+f2 (or any of the f keys)07:35
Cerebr0¿Hablas español?07:35
_Magick3How do I set the monitor settings per user? 10.0407:36
lucent_Magick3: I don't think you do.07:36
lucentthere's a Display Settings panel applet I use07:36
frybyegazhang - at the start of a line you must do a   /j #ubuntu-cn   ok?07:36
lucentit seems to forget between users or remembers when I don't want it to07:36
_Magick3I need to. There must be some per user settings for X.07:37
lucentIt's not X anymore though because the configuration is done via API mechanisms07:37
lucenti.e. you don't stuff X11 config files these days in Ubuntu, that I am aware of anyhow07:37
_Magick3I know that I can change settings with xorg.conf07:37
_Magick3what is the API settings file called?07:38
lucent_Magick3: what I am referring to is the complete lack of a settings file07:38
lucentit's all done with auto-configuration kung-fu07:38
_Magick3That is rather a stupid way to do it, as it does not work on my setup.07:39
ectospasmlucent: xorg.conf still works, it's still X07:39
ectospasmIt's just that the file doesn't exist by default.07:39
_Magick3xorg has no per user way of setting its setting?07:39
_Magick3or is there a per users file for xorg that I can make?07:40
Arsic_Magick3: I think some X settings used to be in ~/.xprofile. not sure it that was pre 9.10 or if it needs to be created07:40
lucenthey that sounds promising Arsic07:40
_Magick3I will give it a try.07:41
jg47hmwhat it means by  "switching ttys"07:41
mattgyverjg47hm, to switch your virtual terminal07:42
jg47hmand what virtual terminal means?07:42
Cerebr0ttys? talk to you soon?07:42
lucentTTY means your ... pretend there's say 8 number of screens you can look at from a computer, but it only has one actual physical display07:42
lucentso you have a mechanism to switch between which one you're looking at07:43
xbonesxcan someone help me fix the purple boat loader screen please?07:43
lucentThe pretty windows And Things (TM) point and click takes up one of those TTYs07:43
lucentthere's probably more, and when you switch to those, you can see what is on them (usually a bunch of text from some program like a login shell or kernel log output)07:44
HallajHi all07:44
Arsicxbonesx, you're asking about the plymouth logo screen? what's wrong with it?07:44
HallajIf I've set a cron.daily job but my computer is powered off and turned on right after the cron.daily's time, the cronjob wouldn't get performed right?07:45
vaibhav1How to add image on left side of notification from our code? am using libnotify.07:45
xbonesxArsic: well its not showing correct, the only way i can explain it is, you know when you cross your eyes while looking at one thing, it creates two of them, well its doing that plus its all pixilated07:45
Cerebr0Xbonesx you tried that link I gave you?07:46
xbonesxCerebr0: ya and had no luck...07:46
Cerebr0what did you set the resolution to?07:47
cancuengthas someone used readed or heard about debsums?07:47
xbonesxCerebr0: but i have also installed startupmanager and gnomesplash screen manager too, which i have uninstalled but i dont know if those changed anything...07:47
Arsicit does sound like a resolution problem07:47
HansGruberI am so glad Ubuntu is Deblian based, .deb files are much better organized and easy to install than RPM's were for the longest time07:47
xbonesxCerebr0: tried native tried one underneath it, tried all the available ones pretty much07:47
Cerebr0i know on this computer it is 1280x800 but i have problems if i set it that high I had to set it to 1024x768 for some reason07:48
Arsicxbonesx: I've messed with the resolution of my plymouth logo before, here's a link to how I changed it. (http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml) maybe if you set it to your monitor's native resolution or lower, it might help07:49
xbonesxCerebr0: i also have a 64bit system, make any difference?07:49
lucentHallaj: correct, only jobs which are scheduled during operation are executed, at least with cron daemons I know about07:49
lucentxbonesx: hope you've patched up07:49
xbonesxArsic: same link Cerebr0 gave me lol07:49
lucentsecurity holes abound for 64-bit Linux07:49
Hallajlucent: Thanks for your answer, so far there's no way to counter this right?07:49
Cerebr0Your problems may have been caused by the start up manager or boot manager, they may have changed some settings07:49
lucentHallaj: it's not exactly a problem though07:50
xbonesxCerebr0: thats what i was thinking but i dont know how to reverse anything they might have done...07:50
lucentHallaj: what you're talking about is not the purpose of most cron daemons07:50
xbonesxCerebr0: i thought about searching for where anyfiles may have been layed and deleting or modifing leftover files07:50
xbonesxCerebr0: i really would hate to have to reinstall cuz of something simple like this lol07:51
Hallajlucent: Well, eg: logrotate wouldn't work properly if the cron doesn't kick in right?07:51
Cerebr0are you sure you followed the direction on the link exactly? I would recommend tryign it again and setting the resolution to 1024x768 the two places it asks you to do so07:52
xbonesxbut its dumb and now it looks really crappy, as before it just was pixilated and i could still make out the picture07:52
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HallajOh yeah, is there a way to lower the limit of timeout for ESTABLISHED connections?07:52
xbonesxCerebr0: will give it another go07:52
Arsicxbonesx: oh no! you won't have to reinstall the whole OS. maybe if you just reinstalled grub207:52
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xbonesxCerebr0: also i have a 1920x1200 res hi-def screen07:52
xbonesxArsic: grub2 ???07:52
xbonesxi thought i had grub, cuz in that link you gave me had just "grub" commands in it...07:53
Arsicxbonesx: grub2 should be the bootloader. it should also set everything you've changed back to default07:53
xbonesxincuding stuff to do with plymouth??? cuz my bootmenu for choosing OS's works fine07:53
xbonesxits that stupid pruple screen07:53
Cerebr0thats the problem he may have changed some setting with start up manager and or boot up manager07:54
xbonesxthought plymouth and grub were two different things07:54
xbonesxCerebr0: i think thats the case as well07:54
Cerebr0i wonder if there is a command to reset everything to default?07:54
xbonesxCerebr0: i think im goign to reinstall them and find the file locations for them and check to see what might have been changed... what do you think?07:55
xbonesxCerebr0: referring to the startupmanager and gnome splash manager07:55
Cerebr0worth a shot, let me know what you find07:55
Arsicyeah, pretty sure. not sure if it's part of grub (i could be wrong), but it fixed my boot screen after installing burg07:55
icarus-c xbonesx plymouth has nothing to do with grub07:55
xbonesxicarus-c: didnt think so then why is everyone trying to get me to do changes to the grub??? lol07:56
xbonesxmy grub menu for switching OS's works fine07:56
icarus-cxbonesx, what they tell you to07:56
xbonesxicarus-c: its the purple loading screen thats buggy07:56
Arsicgrub controls some of the resolution settings of the plymouth logo07:56
icarus-cthat is plymouth.07:56
xbonesxArsic: you sure?07:57
icarus-cArsic, KMS does that07:57
mamatreeHi, I'm having trouble with mpd "can't connect on localhost" ... it's possibly a complication with pulse audio?  is this a known 10.04 bug?  it's driving me crazy07:57
xbonesxicarus-c: right but if you read through its all to do with grub commands07:57
icarus-cor uvesa when without a KMS capable video driver07:57
aSt3raLdoes ubuntu 10.4.1 server have a gui?07:57
xbonesxicarus-c: i have the nvidia driver for my 8600m gt card installed07:57
icarus-cxbonesx, maybe "quiet splash" ? and remove existing "vga=" option07:58
dugger5688_aSt3raL: not OOTB, but you can install any number. Including various web interfaces.07:58
xbonesxicarus-c: ya i did notice that those were included in the setup for the menu.list07:58
aSt3raLdugger5688, ok thanks07:58
xbonesxicarus-c: where is that file located btw?07:58
icarus-cxbonesx, that's all has to do with grub somehow (although they are just kernel options)07:59
icarus-cxbonesx, read this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html07:59
xbonesxicarus-c: i had win7 installed before ubuntu so the boatloader went to the win7 os right?07:59
icarus-cxbonesx, did you install plymouth theme with apt-get ?07:59
xbonesxno same thats default07:59
icarus-cxbonesx, if you installed windows before ubuntu, and you told ubuntu to install grub, it wouldn't go straight to windows loader08:00
xbonesxicarus-c: no but where would the menu.lst file be?08:01
xbonesxicarus-c: for the boot parameters?08:01
ChigginsHey, so I installed windows after ubuntu, and recovered grub using this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but now i cant boot into windows since it wont show up in grub... what can i do?08:02
preecheri kno i probly shouldnt have done but i dloaded the 10.10 beta--now my sound isnt right-when i go to a youtube my sound kinda like hangs and drags if that makes any sense-only thing i know is it says pulse audio---is they any way i can use the old sound whatever it was without havn to reformat and reinstall?08:03
Rishabhello world...08:03
ArsicChiggins: I just boot into live cd, open a terminal sudo -i, then mount /dev/sda5 /mnt (where sda5 contains the location of \boot or your ubuntu install), then grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda (note: not to be confused with /dev/sda5), then sudo update-grub08:03
mamatreefuck it, ubuntu is for nerds08:03
ayanall: once i've chosen to create an unecrypted home directory, is there an easy way to migrate it to an encrypted home?08:03
RishabPlease tell me if we have Nokia PC suit for ubuntu users ?08:03
icerootRishab: no08:04
ChigginsArsic - Ah, I guess I just needed to run update-grub ... thanks!08:05
Rishabmy requirement is to use the internet using nokia mobile ?08:05
icerootRishab: network-manager is doing that08:05
Rishabiceroot do we have any alternative08:05
icerootRishab: nm-aplet (network-manager)08:05
chittiguys i have java.sh file can any one tell me how can i install that08:06
makulkarUbuntu experts, I need to install latest ubuntu on my win7 64-bit machine. My HDD is point-sec protected which means boot time password checkup is present. how hard would it be to install ubuntu?08:06
icerootchitti: you want to install java?08:06
chittiyes in manual form with java.sh file08:07
iceroot!java | chitti08:07
ubottuchitti: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.08:07
icerootchitti: use the one from the repos08:07
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chittimakulkar remove the cmos battery08:09
preecheri dloaded the 10.10 beta--any way i can get my "old" sound back without having to do a re-install? now when i go to a youtube video the sound and even the video kinda hangs and drags kind of like a old record skipping and finally picks back up08:09
atudehey, apparently when I start my system, lxdm, gdm and kdm all start up.. How do I fix that?08:10
rwwpreecher: Discussion and support for Ubuntu Maverick is in #ubuntu+1 until it's released.08:11
preecherrww thx08:11
makulkarchitti, cmos battery? how would it help?08:11
Arsicatude: install sysv-rc-conf (is there a default one in ubuntu?), you can remove those services from startup per runlevel08:11
xbonesxHow could i debug startupmanager to see what its actually doing so that i know why it messed things up?08:12
chittijohn smith: system/preference/preferred appl08:12
chittiMr.Mahesh if u remove cmos then all the password will be erase at the bias08:12
xevHi, all.. I wanna ask for a little help. I want to connect to wireless router using bash.. command: iwconfig wlan0 key mypassword ..but I had an error.. "Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2a) : invalid argument "mypassword" .08:13
atudechitti: that is not where those settings exist.08:14
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chittisorry john i thought that it might be what u want08:15
DarkRedmanHi, I've a several problem, I'm on a LiveCD I try to recover encrypted date from my hard drive, I followed the specifications here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually and I did this command : ecryptfs-mount-private but I still have an error "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly".08:15
DarkRedmanI'm on this problem since few hours, It's unbearable. And I really need to fix it as soon as possible08:15
thune3makulkar: this sounds like a tricky enough situation to either consider running ubuntu in a VM or installing to a 2nd drive (being careful to put grub on the SECOND drive, using bios to select boot drive).08:15
makulkarthune3, you mean external USB drive?08:16
thune3makulkar: either a 2nd internal drive or external. sounds like point-sec needs to have something in the MBR, so any solution should probably NOT touch the MBR of the primary drive.08:17
makulkarthune3, true, no slot for another internal drive so sounds to me external :(08:17
thune3makulkar: there may be a way to do it on a single drive, but that would be advanced.08:17
makulkarthune3, thanks for your help!08:17
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makulkarthune3, ok. Do you know if I can install VM which can use 64 bit machine capabilities?08:18
thune3makulkar: be very very very careful if you install to external drive to make sure the MBR goes to the external drive (this is NOT the default on 10.04, but 10.04.1 has default in the right place but check anyway)08:19
thune3makulkar: i've never set up ubuntu in a VM, i assume 64-bit ubuntu on 64-bit windows is doable. Someone else here may have better info.08:20
mythioncan anyone help me with LIRC08:24
atudeeverytime GDM starts, the preferences menu opens and I have no idea how to stop that08:25
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makulkaris there a VMWare image of ubuntu 10.04 for 64bit machines? google did not help me much :(08:34
icerootmakulkar: not an official one08:35
ethereticanyone know how to resolve iowait issues?08:35
makulkariceroot, can you point me to unofficial image only? :)08:37
_rubenetheretic: buy faster disks08:37
icerootmakulkar: no sorry i dont know if there are images, so i would be using google only08:37
_rubendownloading a vmware image would probably take longer than downloading the install cd and run the installation :p08:38
icerootmakulkar: why not using the normal cd and create an image by our own? must faster then searching for an image + downloading it08:38
dhruvasagarHey, can I install a 32 bit binary on my 64 bit ubuntu by any means ?08:38
icerootdhruvasagar: sure08:38
dhruvasagaranyone here uses guitar pro ?08:39
dhruvasagariceroot: how ?08:39
_rubendhruvasagar: sure, but you'll need some compatibility libraries08:39
etheretic_ruben: a wd 1.5 tb elements isn't known to be slow, afaik. hdparm -Tt gives decent results.08:39
_rubenlike ia32-libs for starters08:39
icerootdhruvasagar: just installing it, the architectur doesnt matter (if you dont have dependencies on 64bit libs)08:39
_rubenetheretic: sounds like external disk, perhaps your usb is busted?08:39
dhruvasagar_ruben: ok08:39
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dhruvasagariceroot: just installing it ? often i've seen when I try to install a deb meant for 32 bit it says that the deb is for a different architecture and doesn't allow me08:40
lucenthey speaking of, I am curious does everyone enjoy tap-to-click feature on trackpad / laptop installs?08:40
dhruvasagariceroot: guitar pro 6 is available for ubuntu, but afaik its only for 32 bit, so I was thinking if I should buy or not...08:41
lucentI turned mine off in session preferences, but it's still active at GDM login screen and I'd rather it not08:41
makulkariceroot, I need vmware image for my windows7 64bit machine08:41
dhruvasagarlucent: how do you enable that !?08:41
makulkariceroot, im not sure whre what you mean by creating one with CD08:41
dhruvasagarmakulkar: afaik you can use an 'iso' image08:41
lucentdhruvasagar: with my setup the tap-to-click setting was on by default, I toggled it to disabled with the System | Preferences | Mouse08:41
icerootmakulkar: download the ubuntu-cd start it with vmware and create an ubuntu vmware-image08:41
lucentand then on the Trackpad tab or something like this08:42
etheretic_ruben: nope. ran smart diagnostic; 'tis fine.08:42
NotMyOwnHey, can anyone help me with a conky issue?08:42
makulkariceroot, ok I have ubuntu cd for 10.04. Let me try creating a image08:42
dhruvasagarlucent: ok, so why can't you revert the settings ?08:42
icerootmakulkar: just boot from the cd with vmware08:43
etheretic_ruben: running iotop, get error CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %08:43
dhruvasagaranyone on the guitar pro 6 thing ?08:43
dhruvasagarI already use tux guitar and its quite good, but guitar pro 6 is really a lot better ...08:43
lucentdhruvasagar: my settings are okay, except there is a bigger problem for me.  I don't understand how could I turn on/off tap-to-click in GDM login screen before I am logged into my session?08:44
_rubenetheretic: smart doesnt care about usb afaik, and i hardly ever (if ever at all) use iotop, usualyy just stick to iostat08:44
dhruvasagarlucent: Ohh...I don't think that would be possible08:44
SyriaHi, How can I make sure that my computer is malware free ?08:44
lucentinside the session on/off works to enable disable the tap-to-click, but not affecting GDM08:44
lucentSyria: turn it off, throw out the window?08:44
dhruvasagarlucent: lol08:45
NotMyOwnDoes anyone know why if I use own_window_type desktop with conky, it works but then it closes as soon as I click on the desktop?08:45
Syrialucent: Are we talking abut the same Malware!?08:45
terminhellhi all08:45
dhruvasagarSyria: do you mean ubuntu ? it's already malware free08:45
etheretic_ruben: just gives a snapshot, not dynamic updates?08:45
Syriadhruvasagar: You may catch Malwares even if you are using ubuntu.08:46
lucentSyria: I know of *no* secure desktop environment08:46
lucentso basically, you have a valid question and I replied a silly answer08:46
dhruvasagarSyria: not really...can you give an example ?08:46
freshpetespecailly, they are built-in08:46
freshpetbut you have choice to remove them08:46
lucentdhruvasagar: local root escalation exploit via lib32 ?08:46
Syriadhruvasagar: i can't but some ne in #ubuntu-offtopic told me.08:46
ethereticlucent: risc os?08:46
_rubenetheretic: it gives per-disk stats, not per-process .. you can specify the interval as a param, i tend to use: sudo iostat -m -x 2 (or 5 depending on detailed info i want)08:47
lucentetheretic: 16 million colors.  14.4kbs modem. hack the planet.08:47
dhruvasagarlucent: hmm don't know about that...08:47
dhruvasagaranybody here hacking on android ?08:47
lucentdhruvasagar: it's only the biggest embarassment I've ever seen from Linux Kernel release maintainers08:47
icerootdhruvasagar: #android08:47
* freshpet covers ears08:48
lucentI mean, besides Linus releasing the first draft of Linux08:48
lucentthat was scary.08:48
dhruvasagariceroot: well I meant more like hacking android from ubuntu...08:48
antIPLucent: root escalation is not the same as malware.08:48
icerootdhruvasagar: doesnt matter if you "hack" android with ubuntu, windows, mac os or something like that, so #android is the correct place08:48
antIPlucent: true, and it was patched like same day.08:49
dhruvasagariceroot: but I don't want to know how to hack android...08:49
lucentantIP: patched for whom?08:49
macodhruvasagar: there was a trojan posted to gnome-look.org some months back, so if you consider "the user trusted something they shouldnt have and manually installed it"... then yes, there is malware for linux based systems08:49
antIPlucent apparently not for you.08:49
dhruvasagariceroot: anyways i'll rephrase08:50
lucentantIP: no lib32 here ;)3208:50
Syria!info vim-tiny | dhruvasagar08:50
ubottudhruvasagar: vim-tiny (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version. In component main, is important. Version 2:7.2.330-1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 333 kB, installed size 724 kB08:50
freshpeti only care about malware which is signatured by canonical08:50
dhruvasagarSyria: what was that for ?08:50
lucentdhruvasagar: sport... I imagine.08:50
Syriadhruvasagar: Malware tool.08:50
lucento_O what08:50
dhruvasagarlucent: hmm08:51
lucentdhruvasagar: are we being trolled?08:51
dhruvasagarmaco: interesting08:51
dhruvasagarlucent: i wouldn't know :)08:51
lucentI just don't know anymore. Le sigh.08:51
macoSyria: malware tool? vim's a text editor...08:52
maco(though on the other hand, if i were going to write malware, i'd use vim...because if i'm going to write any code, i use vim)08:52
dhruvasagarmaco: he actually mentioned vim-tiny08:52
etheretic_ruben: avg cpu iowait is horrendous - oscillating between 20-80%.08:52
macodhruvasagar: which is just vim without any of the good features :P08:52
dhruvasagarmaco: i think ubottu didn't really describe vim-tiny08:53
lucentetheretic: any chance it's btrfs?08:53
dhruvasagarSyria: how is vim-tiny a malware ?08:53
macodhruvasagar: yeah it did...it gave the short description from the package08:53
lucentjust remember a blurb about btrfs being regression in performance due to corner case08:53
_rubenetheretic: in my experience that'd be related to broken disk and/or broken controller, or when "lucky": too much IO for the disk to be able to handle08:53
ethereticlucent: ext3.08:53
Syriadhruvasagar: I am asking the guy who told me this, one second please.08:53
icerootdhruvasagar: vim-tiny is not a malware of course08:54
maedoxI guess you could use vim to write some malware code :P08:54
dhruvasagarmaedox: or maybe you could write a vim script / plugin that could be a malware :P08:54
freshpeta nano is enough08:54
etheretic_ruben: don't think it's broken - "feels" right,  quite new.08:55
macomaedox: yeah thats what i said08:55
lucentdhruvasagar: you can also depress the accelerator pedal on a Toyota automobile and claim it did so against your will08:55
macoSyria: rww is just being silly08:55
Syriamaco: sure he is.08:55
macoSyria: you havent learned the ways of #ubuntu-offtopic yet08:55
dhruvasagarlucent: what ?08:55
_rubenetheretic: pastebin a few iostat samples (eg: iostat -m -x 2 and leave it running for 20 secs)08:56
lucentwhere do we just say, hey, user error. Enough of it.08:56
etheretic_ruben: too much io: basicaly amule. it doesn't demand 20mbs... ;08:56
Syriamaco: what ways dude?08:56
macoSyria: if you ask a technical question in that channel. you'll get a lie for an answer as punishment for asking there instead of here08:56
Syriamaco: I see. :(08:56
_rubenetheretic: bandwidth is the least common bottleneck for disks, lots of small IO per second are killer though08:56
dhruvasagarmaco: lol08:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:56
Syriamaco: I asked here first, but I heard about malware first time in that channel so i asked again there.08:57
dhruvasagarSyria: I think maybe you should get back to the original question ;)08:57
_joeyis there minimal iso netinstall?08:58
macoSyria: *puts on ubuntu developer hat* we check the stuff that goes into the repositories, so if its in the repos, you can generally trust its not out-and-out malware, and isn't doing anything too stupid (though code-auditing skills vary from dev to dev). when you get things from random places on the internet, however, you are taking a risk by installing them *takes off developer hat*08:58
maco!mini | _joey08:58
iceroot_joey: yes08:58
ubottu_joey: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:59
Syriadhruvasagar: I think I will start using suse because channel operators don't make such silly jokes.08:59
dhruvasagarSyria: oh that sounds like suse channel operators are boring :P08:59
rwwSyria: I'm not a channel operator.08:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:59
etheretic_ruben: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501348/09:00
antIPSyria: They have channel operators in Suse? Last time I was there it was a ghost town.09:00
lucentshould have been Levity Lynx09:00
SyriaantIP: it is not a ghost town.09:00
antIPSyria: Ok. I'm going there right now.09:01
lucentetheretic: delayed allocation might have something to do with ext3 problems in conjunction with large file transfers from multiple chunks...  ala BitTorrent or amule09:01
dhruvasagarhey guys, I just found this 'sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture Downloads/GuitarPro6-r7840.deb' so can anyone elaborate a little on the effects of the --force-architecture ?09:01
lucentetheretic: wild guessing sorry if I'm just noise09:01
icerootdhruvasagar: its just ignoring, that the package is for another architecture09:01
ethereticlucent: not just noise, b assured. :)09:02
dhruvasagariceroot: can you just have a look at this link - http://getsatisfaction.guitar-pro.com/arobas_music/topics/do_you_plan_to_release_a_64_bit_version_of_guitar_pro_6 ?09:02
lucentetheretic: I had some wild problems with Transmission BT and large (hundred gigabyte) torrent transfers09:02
icerootdhruvasagar: yes, that is the common way09:03
lucentthe fix was to allocate files beforehand, otherwise I/O was going high activity and preventing the system from functioning normally09:03
ethereticlucent: run amule temp/torrent incoming on two different external disks.09:03
dhruvasagariceroot: ok cool, thanks09:03
aSt3raLso i installed ubuntu server 10.4.109:03
aSt3raLand its been on 21% of wiping swap for 15 min now09:03
lucentyikes external interfaces?09:03
lucentaSt3raL: which filesystem?09:04
lasindiHi all, this is a real newbie VPN question. I want to connect to a VPN using Network Manager, but all I know about my connection is the gateway (I think). I've been connecting with Cisco's AnyConnect client in Windows, and I can't figure out what the "Group Name" for my connection is. Is there a simple way to do this?09:04
lasindi(I've also been looking for a .pcf file in Windows, but can't find it ...)09:04
lucentlasindi: good luck with that one09:05
aSt3raLi can reboot it?09:05
Strange_dejavuhi all09:05
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lucentlasindi: sounds like the same config questions I had last time messing with it09:05
aSt3raLthe (this could take a while) is a bit overdue for a % change09:05
* freshpet hides his elite pcf files09:05
lasindilucent, haha, is the group name a secret held by the admin? I'm trying to connect to my university.09:06
lucentaSt3raL: might be stuck, might just be in iowait hell09:06
stixHi guys. I have created a vpn-connection in System -> Prefs -> Network Connections - but where do I connect it?09:06
michelen français09:06
rww!fr | michel09:06
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ubottumichel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:06
lucentlasindi: I wish memory worked better in my brain, or I would share what I know09:06
aSt3raLlucent, hard reset aye09:06
lucentlasindi: it's not terribly bad to google search, let me try09:06
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lucentaSt3raL: try again mate with something well tested, say ext3 fs09:07
etheretic_ruben: what do you make of it?09:07
_rubenat5l: sdc is the "problematic" disk i assume? 114 reads/sec, that's pretty much the max you can expect from a sata disk, especially over usb09:07
lucentthe logical thing will be to try again and make a change.   If you just try again repeatedly changing nothing expecting a different result, see definition of "insanity"09:08
_rubenaverage request size is 8, so *something* is doing "a lot" of "small" IOs on the disk09:08
_rubenerr that was meant for etheretic, not at5l09:08
freshpet_ruben: a ram disk can require 10000+ iops, but my old box is still working without a delay09:09
colton__whois Oli``09:09
_rubenetheretic: iotop should be able to tell which process does the most io (no need for the percentages and stuff like that to work)09:09
dhruvasagarstix: if you click on the network connections icon you will have the VPN option as well, you can then click on the connection09:09
_rubenfreshpet: but it's not a ramdisk, its an usb disk ;)09:09
etheretic_ruben: gotcha. tweak number of amule connects, maybe?09:09
strange_kaskuserkok podo ngomong bahasa inggris kabeh iki09:10
stixdhruvasagar, yes and then what after I click the connection? There's no "connect" button?09:10
freshpet_ruben: so, the point is not there09:10
=== Morph3000|Gone is now known as |_337--5p33k
strange_kaskuserasuuuuuu heh jo ngomong inggris09:10
_rubenetheretic: that *might* help, i know nothing about emule's disk pattern09:11
_rubenetheretic: perhaps it has an option to use (more) memory caching?09:11
stixdhruvasagar, oh I see now, another icon09:11
dhruvasagarstix: I am talking about the icon in your notification area09:11
dhruvasagarstix: which you use to connect to your wifi etc09:11
stixyes I see now09:12
dhruvasagarstix: cool09:12
aSt3raLis there a dev channel?09:12
stixand the connection fails, but with absolutely no info about why09:12
glebihanaSt3raL: ubuntu dev channel ?09:12
dhruvasagarstix: hmmm09:13
aSt3raLbug with install09:13
glebihanaSt3raL: ask your question here09:13
freshpetwhat bug?09:13
paolobHi guys! I received a zip file from a windows user, the filenames have foreign characters, and file-roller doesn't extract them. Is there a workaround?09:14
ActionParsnippaolob: use terminal, unzip filenme   use tab to complete it09:14
aSt3raLinstalled latest version of ubuntu server.. 10.4.109:14
al1ashey guys09:14
aSt3raLit hung on wiping swap09:14
al1asneed some help with file type identification09:14
al1asCE.CEX: (format \235qK)09:14
aSt3raLhard reset.. wont boot09:14
ActionParsnipaSt3raL: is that during install or is the OS installed?09:15
bullgard4http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/power/basic-pm-debugging.txt: "freezer - test the freezing of processes. -- Failure at this level usually means that there is a problem with the tasks freezer subsystem that should be reported." Where can I find a description of the 'tasks freezer subsystem'?09:15
aSt3raLhang was wiping swap (21%) for 20 min09:15
etheretic_ruben: should maybe not expect blistering performance from an acer aspire 150 notebook.09:15
aSt3raLi did a hard reset and the box wouldnt boot09:15
ActionParsnippaolob: you will need to use the cd command to chnge directory for the one containing the file09:16
_rubenetheretic: that too, acer isn't known for high speed/quality/etc in my personal book09:16
* freshpet gives aSt3raL a screwdriver09:16
ActionParsnipaSt3raL: but did you get the OS installed ok and this is the first boot to it, or is this during install?09:16
ActionParsnip_ruben: +1 acer == cheap09:16
aSt3raLthe install didnt finish09:16
paolobActionParsnip, ?!? my problem is that I cannot decompress the zip file in which the filenames have non-ascii characters09:16
etheretic_ruben: asus eee better?09:16
thune3bullgard4: maybe http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/cgroups/freezer-subsystem.txt09:17
ActionParsnipaSt3raL: ok then did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you check the CD for defects once booted? Did you burn as slowly as possible?09:17
_rubenetheretic: solely based on gutfeeling: yes .. i have no hands-on experience with either09:17
ActionParsnippaolob: the terminal will still see it09:17
aSt3raLi verified the cd yeah09:17
ActionParsnippaolob: if you move the file to a folder on its own then pressing tab after the unzip command will type it for you as it is the only file available09:18
thune3bullgard4: or if you have kernel-source it is in ./Documentation/cgroups/freezer-subsystem.txt from root of source09:18
ethereticDoes anyone use blu-ray for backup?09:18
ActionParsnipaSt3raL: once you boot the CD and you see the stickman, press space and select check CD for defects, have you done this?09:18
ActionParsnip!anyone | etheretic09:19
ubottuetheretic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:19
bullgard4thune3: I am reading the articles which you suggested.09:19
ActionParsnippaolob: you could alternatively rename it in terminal then extract it as you do in gui09:19
ethereticActionParsnip: twas my secondq.09:19
ethereticActionParsnip: unrelated, even.09:20
freshpeti am curious. what character can't be held by utf-8?09:21
glebihanetheretic: the point is not that it was your first question, but that you should ask a precise question rather than just asking if someone is using something09:21
ethereticglebihan: what is the diff? a simple "yes" or "no", preferrably why, shuld suffice. Just want to ensure i'm not wasting a bundle on a blu-ray burner i can't use.09:23
etheretic(witout buying nero)09:24
bobthemilkmanIs there any way to "undelete" a file in reiserfs?09:24
Syriamaco: What should i do after installing tripwire please?09:24
thune3bullgard4: that might be a part of freezing-subsystem specific to cgroups, there is also Documentation/power/freezing-of-tasks.txt09:24
macoSyria: i think you leave it alone til it tells you "omg something changed!!!" and then you go figure out whether that thing that changed was a bad thing or a you-installed-updates thing09:25
blakkheimwhen i SSH in, i see the MOTD, but when i SFTP in, i don't - is there a way to show motd to sftp users too?09:25
glebihanetheretic: those are just general rules on how to ask questions in order to get useful answers, asking "is it possible to...", rather that "does anybody..." will generally help you get an answer09:25
ActionParsnipetheretic: a HDD to backup to will be alot more reliable and cheaper imho09:25
Syriamaco: Thnx again.09:26
expljoesionHello everyone09:26
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
Syriaexpljoesion: hello09:26
ethereticglebihan: would "does lucid support blu-ray burning?" pass?09:26
ActionParsnip!hi | expljoesion09:26
ubottuexpljoesion: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:26
glebihanetheretic: yes it would09:27
expljoesionI installed ubuntu 2 days ago09:27
expljoesionI must say, I'm really enjoying it09:27
xbonesxdoes anyone know how to tell what the vga="this number" is supposed to be?09:27
xbonesxmine is 77909:27
ethereticActionParsnip: want something which is impervious to emp.09:27
ActionParsnipetheretic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning09:28
glebihanetheretic: and don't take that kind of remarks as a reproach, it's just intended to help you09:28
ActionParsnipetheretic: do you have a lot of EMP?09:28
ethereticActionParsnip: othervise i'd concur $/mb-vise.09:28
baseemI need help09:28
ActionParsnip!details | baseem09:29
ubottubaseem: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:29
xbonesxActionParsnip: do you know what the different "vga=ox***" number mean?09:29
ethereticglebihan: s'okay.09:29
baseemproblem is with (i think) vga card driver09:29
ethereticActionParsnip: err. google "carrington event" .09:30
glebihan!details | baseem09:30
ubottubaseem: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:30
quibbleretheretic-> look here: http://theubuntunews.blogspot.com/2010/06/install-k3b-200-in-ubuntu-lucid.html09:30
seidosis the ext2/3/4 file systems a part of the linux kernel?09:30
baseemsince I can not get resolution above 960 x 60009:30
ActionParsnipxbonesx: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gensplash  75% of the way down, found it with bing.09:30
andialbrechthi, maybe that's a stupid question, but how can I change the screen on which the notification bubbles pop up?09:31
rwwseidos: yes09:31
glebihanbaseem: what's your graphics chip model ?09:31
ActionParsnipetheretic: wow thats a whole 300 years ago09:31
baseemproblem is with (i think) vga card driver since I can not get resolution above 960 x 600, running ubuntu 10.0409:31
baseemchip (i think ) is sis 96409:31
ActionParsnipbaseem: if you run: lspci | grep -i vga    you will b shown09:32
ethereticActionParsnip: more like 130-ish, afaicr.09:32
ActionParsnipetheretic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_storm_of_185909:32
ethereticspot on.09:32
=== Dini is now known as Dinius
=== Dinius is now known as Dininoi
baseem01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter09:33
ActionParsnipetheretic: you are also forgetting its the most powerful, EVER09:33
xbonesxActionParsnip: do you know what the 1920x1200x64 would be?09:33
maedoxxbonesx: where did you find that? It's a number to tell which resolution and color depth to set.09:33
ethereticActionParsnip: weren't any electrical systems to zap b4 then... 8)09:33
xbonesxmaedox: yes09:33
xbonesxwhen you boot from grub it presets this stuff for you but sometimes not at the correct one...09:34
baseem01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter09:34
xbonesxmine is set to 77909:34
ActionParsnipbaseem: you'll need an xorg.conf file. There is a sample one here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-571530.html    you can remove all the keyboard / mouse stuff09:34
baseemhow to remove?09:34
killer999any application that support metalinks downloads in ubuntu09:35
maedoxxbonesx: and that's not working? there is a command to find all those numbers but I can't remember it.09:35
ActionParsnipxbonesx: i use this: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/    you can just set the res you like uses the fb driver09:35
ActionParsnipbaseem: remove what?09:36
lucentmaedox: something to do with vde, I imagine09:36
lorenzocabriniwhy does ubuntu insist on removing me from the audio group every shutdown -r?09:36
lucentmy mistake wrong accronymn09:36
lucentlorenzocabrini: huh?09:36
lucentlorenzocabrini: are you uh... how are you adding yourself?09:37
baseemyou said at the end of last statement "  you can remove all the keyboard / mouse stuff"09:37
ActionParsniplorenzocabrini: i'm not in the 'audio' group: http://pastie.org/118391309:37
xbonesxActionParsnip: when i run the livecd it shows at its full res, and doesnt include the vga=0x*** line, should i remove it from the installed grub line to get full res?09:37
maedoxxbonesx: are you sure you need it? It should be deprecated in grub2 (karmic and up)09:37
lorenzocabrinilucent: usermod -aG09:37
ActionParsnipbaseem: It's text, copy the the xorg.conf then use the delete key on the keyboard to remove all the text relating to mouse and keyboard09:38
lorenzocabriniActionParsnip: if you use pulseaudio, you shouldn't be.09:38
xbonesxmaedox: ya it was auto set too 0x0779 but the res i get from that is less than if i ran the livecd, i want it to be a clear as the live cds boot09:38
lucentlorenzocabrini: try uh, groupadd username groupname09:38
lucentI think?09:38
lucentwait, messed up09:38
lorenzocabrinilucent: usermod -aG should work fine.09:39
=== Dininoi is now known as Dini
lucentlorenzocabrini: it's addgroup username groupname09:39
ActionParsniplorenzocabrini: doesnt seem to be running, guess the Lubuntu guys took it out :)09:39
maedoxuseradd user group09:39
lucentmaedox: you are right09:39
adv_is there a tool to enable/disable running services/daemons?09:39
baseemI do not know how to open my xorg.conf file09:39
lucentI'm just tired and bad at this09:39
=== Dini is now known as Dinodinis
xbonesxeven 1920x1200x32 would be fine09:39
lorenzocabriniActionParsnip: good for the lubuntu guys :)09:39
lucentadv_: "service" from command line is one09:39
xbonesxwhats the vga code for 1920x1200x32 ???09:40
adv_lucent, no i mean with a full list of running apps09:40
ActionParsnipxbonesx: not sure then, you'll need to take some action though to get it rocking. I use that guide to make mine run at a decent res and on nvidia based rigs (most of mine are) I have to use it or I get no boot splash09:40
lorenzocabrinihowever, I want to be part of the audio group, i add myself, but every time I reboot, I have to re-add myself.09:40
maedoxxbonesx: maybe this will help you: http://harrison3001.blogspot.com/2009/09/grub-2-graphical-boot-tips-to-set.html09:40
lucentadv_: task manager kind of thing?09:40
lorenzocabrinisurely I, not ubuntu, should decide which groups i am a part of.09:40
lucentin Gnome it'd be called System Monitor09:40
ActionParsnipxbonesx: there is no x32 afaik, 32bit in windows is 24 in linux09:41
lucentadv_: 'gnome-system-monitor'09:41
adv_lucent, but for startup. which daemons should be run on startup09:41
lucentlorenzocabrini: hush, try adduser 'username' 'group'09:41
lucentreboot, see if that worked09:41
lucentif it did not work, then we have a problem09:41
ActionParsnipxbonesx: just add it as a boot option in /etc/default/grub   you'll need the extra packages defined in that guide09:42
lorenzocabrinilucent: adduser adds a new user, i have a user already09:42
lucentlorenzocabrini: it alternately adds a user to a group09:42
baseemI do not know if I said the ubuntu I run is desktop not server09:42
lucentlorenzocabrini: manual page says so09:42
lorenzocabrinilucent: but i am a member of the group already, i want to make it permanent09:43
* lucent facepalms09:43
xbonesxActionParsnip: I did that in the file but it still doesnt show at 1920x1200, think it maxes at 1600x1200, but i also have already installed and uninstalled startupmanager that had a gui for setting to 1600x1200, so i think that think is overriding the res setting09:43
ActionParsnipbaseem: if you are talking about screen res, it is desktop09:43
xbonesxthink that thing*09:43
baseemnow how to open the xorg.conf file?09:43
ActionParsnipxbonesx: then I am unsure, did you install the extra packages the guide advises?09:43
ActionParsnipbaseem: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:44
james333jamesjoin #debian09:44
lorenzocabriniahother thing though, ubuntu keeps creating ~/Scrivania (~/Desktop) for me. But I rmdir:ed it because I don't want it.09:44
xbonesxi dont know what files the startupmanager was editing when changing the res's of the grub? does anyone know09:44
lorenzocabriniis there a place i can configure it to stop with this behavior.09:44
xbonesxActionParsnip: what guide again?09:44
lorenzocabrinii already have my own scripts to make sure my home directory looks the way i want, don't need ubuntu to poke in.09:45
lucentxbonesx: grub config is generated from and uses /etc/default/grub09:45
lucentI think09:45
ActionParsnipxbonesx: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/09:45
lucentafter that run 'update-grub'09:45
lucentyou can tag on extra kernel args that way09:45
maedoxlorenzocabrini: ~/Desktop is the folder where your desktop launchers reside. It will always be auto-created even if you don't have anything on the desktop.09:46
lorenzocabrinimaedox: that is silly, I don't need it.09:46
lorenzocabrinimaedox: i don't run any tool that draws icons on the root window09:47
xbonesxActionParsnip: yes i have followed that TUT, but like i said i think startupmanager files are overriding somewhere in the system...09:47
baseemok, now I copy/pasted the text (file) and deleted the keyboard and mouse sections, should I also remove the "WACOM" sections?09:47
maedoxlorenzocabrini: root? Are you logging in as root?09:47
lorenzocabrinino, i log in as myself.09:48
nunyaI made an ubuntu startup thumb drive using startup creator in 10.04, but I can't boot up a lie cd from it, just intall the whole os...09:48
lorenzocabrinimaedox: log in as myself. when i want x, startx.09:48
xbonesxActionParsnip: do you know the progress of the theming for grub2?09:49
ActionParsnipxbonesx: the files for grub will be used to determine grub's resolution09:49
xbonesxActionParsnip: last i heard it was still in development?09:49
xbonesxi will check again09:49
xbonesxActionParsnip: do you know the progress of the theming for grub2?09:49
xbonesxActionParsnip: last i heard it was still in development?09:49
ActionParsnipxbonesx: http://linux.aldeby.org/configure-grub2-options-and-background.html09:50
baseemok, now I copy/pasted the text (file) and deleted the keyboard and mouse sections, should I also remove the "WACOM" sections????09:50
ActionParsnipxbonesx: hardly worth it imho, the screen is only displayed for about 3 seconds09:50
ActionParsnipbaseem: sure, if you don't use tablets etc09:51
jatthow can I check the change log of the last package upgrade done on my system?09:52
hasibullahhi every body how to install drivers in ubuntu if a hardware is not installed09:52
jattthe changelog of each one of the packages upgraded?09:52
xbonesxActionParsnip: good point but its more about the eyecandy, not staring at the same lame screen all the time, a nice GUI makes everything better lmao09:53
adv_is there a tool that lets me setup which daemons i want to run on startup? with a current available list or smth?09:53
ActionParsnipxbonesx: your call09:53
ActionParsnipxbonesx: i guess if you have nothing better to tweak09:54
lucentadv_: No.09:54
baseemalso my monitor is Acer 713, should I change the name, and what other detailes?09:54
xbonesxActionParsnip: do you know of the project or where downloads are located for the themes of grub2?09:54
lucentadv_: The tool is you.09:54
adv_lucent, how can i do it then?09:54
lucentupstart is much simpler than you can possibly imagine.09:54
maedoxlorenzocabrini: « gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir true »09:54
misse-I would say it's more graphically pleasing to run burg than trying to theme upp grub2 :P09:54
ActionParsnipxbonesx: no idea, grub doesn't interest me as I single boot systems so I never have to see it09:54
ActionParsnipsure but burg is unofficial09:55
xbonesxActionParsnip: good point, i havent weened myself off of win7 yet lol09:55
ActionParsnipbut it can look nicer than grub209:55
baseemalso my monitor is Acer 713, should I change the name, and what other detailes?09:55
xbonesxActionParsnip: burg?09:55
xbonesxActionParsnip: is that the theme name?09:55
lucentadv_: in more clarity, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135150109:56
xbonesxActionParsnip: or project name?09:56
adv_thanks lucent09:56
Rickardo1Must php files have 644 or is it enough that www-data has read access? 60009:56
ActionParsnipxbonesx: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_BAyAclZ9g09:56
baseemActionParsnip: also my monitor is Acer 713, should I change the name, and what other detailes?09:56
ActionParsnipxbonesx: its GRUB backwards, it's an alternate (and unofficial) boot loader09:57
maedoxRickardo1: In a production environment they should most probably not be readable by everyone.09:57
Rickardo1maedox: ok, But everywhere ppl say 644 but I think 600 is better?09:57
ActionParsnipbaseem: if you like, if you change the identifier you MUST change the identifier in the other sections too or it won't work. It's only aesthetic so I wouldn't worry too much09:57
xbonesxActionParsnip: ah, i was speaking of the actual themes for grub2, one sec i get a link09:57
baseemActionParsnip: when I tried to save the file it said "Could not find the file /etc/x11/xorg.conf"09:59
lorenzocabrinimaedox: sorry, but i don't have nautilus running so why should it insist on creating a Desktop directory?09:59
maedoxRickardo1: yes, 600 should be fine as long as the owner is the webserver-user.09:59
baseemActionParsnip:Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.10:00
maedoxlorenzocabrini: I don't know.10:00
lorenzocabrinimaedox: ok, np.10:00
maedoxlorenzocabrini: It's not nautilus probably. I would guess gdm does all that.10:00
lorenzocabrinii'm fixing it with a [[ -d ~/Scrivania ]] && rmdir ~/Scrivania in ~/.zshrc10:00
lorenzocabrinimaedox: don't run gdm either. I startx when/if i need it.10:01
ActionParsnipbaseem: lucid doesn't come with one, when you populate the file it should then be saveable.10:01
maedoxlorenzocabrini: ok, then you will have to research it some more I guess.10:01
xbonesxActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501370/ <--- this is the contents of my grub.cfg10:01
lorenzocabrinimaedox: yes, but for the time being i did a bit of a workaround in ~/.zshrc10:02
xbonesxActionParsnip: look about right?10:02
baseemwhat is to populate a file?10:02
glebihanlorenzocabrini: it creates a desktop folder when you run startx ?10:02
baseemActionparsnip: what is to populate a file?10:02
ThrolkimOn an i686 arch, should I be using i386 or amd64 packages?10:02
lorenzocabriniglebihan: yes, it started recently, possibly because i modified .xinitrc to launch openbox-session instead of openbox10:02
Throlkimblakkheim: Thanks :)10:03
xbonesxActionParsnip: whats VBE?10:03
lorenzocabrinii'm suspecting some xdg autostart crap somewhere.10:03
maedoxbaseem: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:03
llacGood morning!10:04
baseemok, now I saved it. now how to get it to work?10:04
adv_how can i check what runlevel im currently in?10:04
ActionParsnipxbonesx: no, you havent read the page, You need this sort of thing in the grub file too: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset video=uvesafb:mode_option=1366x768-24,mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap"10:05
ActionParsnipbaseem: put text in, if you open a blank text file and put text in it, you are populating the file10:05
maedoxbaseem: not sure what you're trying to do, but if you changed xorg.conf you have to restart the X server or reboot.10:05
ActionParsnipxbonesx: change the res to what you desire10:05
ActionParsnipxbonesx: if you only read parts of guids, it WONT work10:05
dar__i need an advice, i have to find a FTP server applicaion that support both, FTP/FTPS +(SFTP?) + auth with MySQL + jailroot +secured (no knwon buffer overflow)10:05
dar__what do you adive me to take10:06
baseemok, I will reboot now, Thanx everybody for the help.10:06
xbonesxActionParsnip: hahaha i rly truly am sry i read right over that bit10:06
blakkheimdar__: vsftp works with ftp and ftps, but for sftp i'd just use the openssh package10:06
blakkheimdar__: although i am unsure about the mysql part10:07
Carbon`Sup niggers.10:07
glebihanlorenzocabrini: if you just want to get rid of the desktop folder, edit "~/.config/user-dirs.dirs " and replace the value of XDG_DESKTOP_DIR by $HOME10:07
Carbon`Ubuntu sucks.10:07
Carbon`Get a real distro.10:07
FloodBot1Carbon`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:07
lorenzocabriniglebihan: that sounds like a solution!10:07
xbonesxActionParsnip: brb going to test10:07
blinkizHi there. It seems like UFW is blocking when someone doing traceroute (udp). How can I allow this?10:07
remoteCTRL1hi guys! how do i find out my exct ubuntu version?10:09
glebihanlorenzocabrini: well this is a little workaround that will make xdg consider your home folder as your desktop, I don't think there is a solution to have no desktop folder at all, but at least you won't have a folder "~/Desktop"10:09
maedoxremoteCTRL1: lsb_release -a10:09
lorenzocabriniglebihan: i think it's ok since i don't use any "desktop icon-painting" app..10:10
obengdakoremoteCTLR1: lsb_release -a10:10
blinkizHi there. It seems like UFW is blocking inbound traceroute (udp) as default. How can I allow this?10:10
remoteCTRL1maedox: thanks dude!10:10
lorenzocabriniglebihan: i'm sure your solution will give me the results i want (no ~/Scrivania) so thanks!10:11
glebihanlorenzocabrini: you're welcome10:11
expljoesionHow would I go about opening multiple music files through the command line?10:12
blakkheimopening with what program?10:12
glebihanexpljoesion: depends on the player you're using10:12
expljoesionUsing gnome-open10:12
Tauhey, is it needed to be logged as root account to make updates in debian ?10:12
lorenzocabrininow over to my other little issue, I want to add my user to the audio group *after* all the boot magic. where is the best place to do this? /etc/rc.local?10:12
blakkheimTau: yes or you can use sudo10:13
adv_how can i check what runlevel im currently in?10:13
Taublakkheim: hum.10:13
Tauthank you.10:13
glebihanexpljoesion: with gnome-open, you should just have to list the files on the command-line10:13
* obengdako is taking a bath10:13
expljoesiondo I separate them with commas?10:13
blakkheimexpljoesion: command file1 file2 file310:13
glebihanexpljoesion: no, just spaces10:14
expljoesionwhat's a good music program to use?10:15
expljoesionpreferably something lightweight that can open multiple files10:15
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: mpd with sonata10:15
lorenzocabrinior mpc10:15
maedoxadv_: « runlevel »10:15
nothingspecialguayadeque aims to be full featured and lightweight10:16
glebihanexpljoesion: depends on your preference, do you want something with a library or a simple player10:16
expljoesioni'm installing sonata right now, thank you10:16
expljoesionhow do I reply to you guys? lol sorry I'm very new to irx10:17
expljoesionirc rather10:17
blakkheimexpljoesion: start typing a name and press tab10:17
expljoesionblakkheim: like this?10:17
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: but you need to have mpd installed as well.10:17
lorenzocabrinisonata is just an mpd client10:17
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: for sonata to work?10:17
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: yes, mpd is a server that plays music, sonata is a client to that server10:18
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: ok, i'm installing mpd right now10:18
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: how do I set it to my default player?10:19
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: not really sure. i assume you mean in gnome or kde, but i don't use those10:19
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: can you play files through the command line without a player?10:19
glebihanexpljoesion: System->Preferences->Preferred applications10:20
expljoesionglebihan: I'm trying my hardest to not use a desktop environment10:20
andrei_First time here10:20
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: mpg12310:21
glebihanexpljoesion: well then you should not use gnome-open10:21
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: or mplayer10:21
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: do I need to install that?10:21
glebihanexpljoesion: aplay also10:21
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: yes, anything you want to use needs to be installed10:21
kneauxi'm having some trouble setting up publickey authentication10:21
blakkheimkneaux: how so?10:21
andrei_Any french users in here ?10:21
ActionParsnip!fr | andrei_10:22
ubottuandrei_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:22
kneauxnamely that, i've done everything i've been told to, and the remote machine is still asking for my password.10:22
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: as for making mpd/sonata default i add mpd to my .zlogin, and a bind the S-s key to launch sonata10:22
nothingspecialexpljoesion: try cmus, cli ncurses music player, with library10:22
blakkheimkneaux: can you pastebin your /etc/ssh/sshd_config from the server?10:22
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: ok, I've installed mpg123, do I just /mpg123 file?10:22
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: wait, you want to launch from within irssi?10:23
lorenzocabrinithat i don't know anything about...10:23
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: no no, I'd just like the music to play without seeing a player10:23
lorenzocabriniyes, so launch mpg123 <mp3file> in a terminal10:23
ActionParsnipmplayer works in cli too :)10:24
nothingspecialexpljoesion: I have this in my ~/.bashrc that plays random music - alias ran='mplayer -quiet -shuffle -playlist <(find ~/Music -type f) 2> /dev/null'10:24
shesaidshewas18hi kids, can i haz some help?10:24
glebihan!ask | shesaidshewas1810:24
ubottushesaidshewas18: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:24
shesaidshewas18yeah, sure, thx10:24
expljoesionso which is better? mpg123 or mplayer?10:24
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: what is better an egg or a banana?10:25
blakkheimi would say mplayer10:25
nothingspecialto just play music, mplayer I would say10:25
expljoesionlorenzocabrini:  touche,10:25
glebihanexpljoesion: mplayer is much more complete but mpg123 will fill most needs10:25
shesaidshewas18well, problem is that i recently(after two years of win) installed new ubuntu lucid lynx and partitioned / = 10gb swap = 2gb /home =rest of my 160 gb disc10:25
ActionParsniplorenzocabrini: like it10:25
blakkheimlorenzocabrini: banana obviously10:25
shesaidshewas18wait, i will give you the outcome of df10:25
lorenzocabriniActionParsnip: thanks! :)10:25
shesaidshewas18Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on10:26
shesaidshewas18/dev/sda1             14419440   3265176  10421800  24% /10:26
shesaidshewas18none                    504248       300    503948   1% /dev10:26
shesaidshewas18none                    508468      1972    506496   1% /dev/shm10:26
shesaidshewas18none                    508468       124    508344   1% /var/run10:26
shesaidshewas18none                    508468         0    508468   0% /var/lock10:26
FloodBot1shesaidshewas18: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
lorenzocabriniblakkheim: so 2 fried bananas coming right up!10:26
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: sounds good to me, as long as you have 2Gb RAM in the system :)10:26
shesaidshewas18sry about that, i just dont use brain anymore :D10:26
shesaidshewas181 gb, i use suspend a lot10:27
shesaidshewas18but the problem is, /home only has 137 gb10:27
expljoesionok, one more question. my music files are all labeled "Artist - Trck# - Title - Album Year"10:27
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: sounds like a deal to me. 10Gb should be plenty for /10:27
shesaidshewas18im missing like 137+10+2=149 gb10:27
expljoesionIs there a shortcut to open all the tracks by replacing the track numbers with ??10:27
shesaidshewas18you dont get the point :D im missing like 11 gb of disk space :D10:27
shesaidshewas18and i cant really find it .... anywhere10:27
nothingspecialshesaidshewas18: looks ok to me, I`d have used less for / but it doesn`t matter10:28
shesaidshewas18im 100% sure i set the partitions correctly10:28
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: if you are using ext3 or ext4 then that will be the journal10:28
nothingspecialshesaidshewas18: You might be confusing the 2 sorts on GBs10:28
ranjanHi all10:28
shesaidshewas18i only set one primary (/) and one secondary (/home)10:28
ranjanis there any one who has the hp dv4-1241tx laptop?10:29
shesaidshewas18and wtf is that /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs about?10:29
ranjani want to make my laptops remote controller to work in ubuntu.10:29
ranjanany help?10:29
kneaux...okay how do i copy the contents of a file to the clipboard10:29
kneauxso as to pastebin them10:29
blakkheimkneaux: copy it from the terminal window10:29
ActionParsnipranjan: is it an infared thing?10:30
glebihanshesaidshewas18: a hard drive sold to be of 160GB is  in fact of only 149GB10:30
ranjanActionParsnip, yes10:30
ActionParsnipranjan: i'd look into lirc then10:30
nothingspecialglebihan: thats what I meant, 2 sorts of GBs10:30
ActionParsnipranjan: if you run: xev   in terminal and press buttons on the remote, does it make events?10:30
ranjanActionParsnip, i installed lirc. but the keys are not detected10:30
boilerhi all, i need some help with SVN. someone of you can help me?10:30
glebihannothingspecial: oh yeah, didn't see your message10:31
nothingspecialglebihan: :)10:31
ranjanActionParsnip, actually i didnt test like that.10:31
ranjanActionParsnip, is xev a separate package??10:31
ActionParsnipranjan: xev is a good test10:31
ActionParsnipranjan: its installed by default10:31
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ranjanActionParsnip, ok let me try that.10:31
ranjanActionParsnip, thank you10:31
shesaidshewas18mg, crash10:31
shesaidshewas18did i miss something?10:32
shesaidshewas18what did you said about that suspitions disk part?10:32
zanusis there a way to disable the screensaver while gstreamer is running10:32
shesaidshewas18you can disable screen saver for all10:32
zanusin other words... disable screensaver while video is playing10:32
shesaidshewas18at LCD displays there almost no need for a screen saver10:32
brijithmacCan any one tell me how can I use Curl to do some operation in Twitter with the help of twitter API10:33
glebihanshesaidshewas18: there 2 sorts of GB, a hard drive sold to be of 160GB contains 160*1000*1000*1000 bytes, which is only 149*1024*1024*1024 bytes10:33
zanusshesaidshewas18: yeah, but I'd rather not10:33
RedIronHi.... anyone available to answer a newbie question and very addicted ;)10:33
shesaidshewas18oh yeah, i forgot about that one :D10:33
lorenzocabrinibrijithmac: hm.. there was an ibm article on that some time ago...10:33
lorenzocabriniwould have to search my history10:33
tensorpudding!cn | shumeng10:34
ubottushumeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:34
shesaidshewas18ok then so im not missing any disk space, that a good news, but what about that /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs?10:34
ActionParsnipzanus: i think vlc does that10:34
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: mine's only 4Kb in size10:34
zanusvic, hmm... I'll have a google at that.. thx10:34
brijithmaclorenzocabrini: what u mean ?10:34
maco!cn| shumeng10:35
ubottushumeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:35
nothingspecialshesaidshewas18: gigabits and gigabytes. Thats why it says GB on the box, to confuse the customers10:35
shesaidshewas18none                  14419440   3265176  10421800  24% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs ......10:35
=== unix is now known as Guest8773
lorenzocabrinibrijithmac: you were asking for curl/twitter api, right?10:35
blakkheimnothingspecial: it's actually gibabytes and gigabytes10:35
brijithmaclorenzocabrini: yes10:35
shesaidshewas18well i forgot about that, somebody told me that a while ago10:35
lorenzocabriniand i said i had read somethigng on ibm.com a while ago10:35
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: use: du -h /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs10:35
nothingspecialblakkheim: how ever you spell it10:35
shesaidshewas18im a it guy, i do that for living and i dont know these basic shits....10:35
shesaidshewas18actionparsnip: what does that command do?10:36
brijithmaclorenzocabrini: ok10:36
tensorpuddinghmm, translate.google is really good with chinese10:36
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: du == disk usage  -h makes it (h)umanly readable10:36
shesaidshewas18w8 then10:36
expljoesionis there a facebook chat that works in terminal?10:36
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: yes you are an IT guy, but only windows right now10:36
shesaidshewas18shal i use sudo?10:36
expljoesionI found one for aim10:36
kneauxblakkheim - i'd like to be able to do it in one swath, how do you select all of the contents in, say, vim10:36
nothingspecialexpljoesion: I think you can do it in irssi with bitlbee10:37
shesaidshewas18yeah, what did you expect? customer says, customer has10:37
neekershow do i find all files that have a permission of 000?10:37
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: iirc, pidgin has a cli version10:37
RedIronCould anyone tell me any common reasons as to why you can't add a new user? Other than not being root...10:37
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: and pidgin supports fb chat10:37
Jigalhello ho can i straight from my console poste to for example code dump?10:37
shesaidshewas184.0k :D10:37
tensorpuddingneekers: find(1) has something which filters by permissions10:37
erUSULneekers: use "find"10:37
kneauxgot it, nvm10:37
blakkheimkneaux: ssh user@server cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config > /tmp/asdf.txt10:37
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: what's the cli version of pidgin called?10:37
tensorpuddingneekers: check out 'man find'10:37
shesaidshewas18thats perfect then10:37
ActionParsnipshesaidshewas18: who cares then ;)10:37
shesaidshewas18thank you so much guys, you were really helpful, i love you all10:38
blakkheimkneaux: or omit the > part and it will just print it to your terminal10:38
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: wish i could remember... :(10:38
shesaidshewas18wish me luck, at 2 pm i have exam from latin10:38
expljoesiondoes anyone know what the client version of pidgin is called?10:38
shesaidshewas18gods i hope i will make that one....10:38
Flannelexpljoesion: Facebook Chat is just jabber, so most (if not all) terminal chat clients support it.  Pidgin does have one, there's another called centerim.10:38
ActionParsnipRedIron: thats all I can think of, or exceeding the maximum user number10:38
blakkheimexpljoesion: aptitude show pidgin | grep -i version10:38
nothingspecialneekers: find -perm I think10:38
lorenzocabriniexpljoesion: i'm getting to old for this...10:38
shesaidshewas18anyone knows latin and can help me about PLPF active and PLPF passive? :D10:38
expljoesionlorenzocabrini: I'm sorry man : /10:38
Flannelexpljoesion: I believe it's called finch.10:39
kneauxblakkheim yeah i just cat'd it to terminal and then it let me scroll with mouse click and drag...then the dragons came... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/EmNbffNh10:39
expljoesionFlannel: finch is the aim client10:39
expljoesionFlannel: I think that is..10:39
shesaidshewas18duh, almost 1210:40
shesaidshewas18c u guys, have a nice day10:40
blakkheimkneaux: add the line "PasswordAuthentication no" or uncomment the one you have set to yes10:40
nothingspecialexpljoesion: http://wiki.bitlbee.org/HowtoFacebook10:40
expljoesionnothingspecial: thank you10:40
Jigalhello how can i send an error message from my console to pastebin?10:40
Flannelexpljoesion: internet says it does jabber as well (and MSN, and Yahoo and "other IM networks", whatever that means).  So I'm pretty sure it does everything pidgin does.10:40
YahudaMy /home directory has its own partition. When I install 10.10 and mount my /home directory is there any chance of data loss? Maybe overwriting new music, picture folder or something?10:41
llutz!pastebinit > Jigal10:41
ubottuJigal, please see my private message10:41
erUSUL!pastebinit | Jigal10:41
ubottuJigal: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com10:41
RedIronI always get useradd: unknown GID 100010:42
expljoesionFlannel: cool thanks10:42
RedIroneverytime I try to user useradd10:42
ActionParsnipYahuda: if you don't mark the partition for formatting it will survive, use custom partitioning though and tell the installer to mount the partition as /home as well as the file system it uses but do NOT tell it to format10:42
kneauxblakkheim - done, reboot?10:42
kneauxor reset sshd?10:43
blakkheimkneaux: just /etc/init.d/ssh restart10:43
YahudaThanks. What about username or computer name?10:43
kneauxstill asking me for a password10:43
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:43
macoshumeng: /join #ubuntu-cn10:44
blakkheimkneaux: if you have "PasswordAuthentication no" in the server's sshd_config and aren't explicitly using passwords in the client's config, i don't see how it could be asking for a pw10:44
blakkheimkneaux: you should also change your PermitRootLogin to no10:45
kneauxblakkheim: how did you know that's exactly the thing i didn't do10:46
kneauxhang on10:46
Jigalllutz, erUSUL I saw it but sometimes an error message appears in my console. The examples over there are to send a specific file. How can i send the error message?10:46
willinjahi i cant install and uninstalled any package from my lucid any idea why ?10:47
llutzJigal: redirect output to a file, paste that file then10:47
erUSULJigal: command_that_gives_messages | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com 2>&110:47
kneaux"Permission denied (publickey)."10:47
kneauxwe are not amused10:47
neekersshould crond.reboot have these permissions? ----------  1 root  root    0 Sep 27 02:05 crond.reboot10:48
jvmhi. using ubuntu 9.10: i want to capture sound that's outputted through my soundcard. my microphone is working perfectly with sound recorder, where i can choose as only option "Record from input: Capture". how would i use an output device as an input device?10:48
RedIron777If there is anyone around here that could spare a moment to help a newbie could you message me...10:48
maedox!details | RedIron77710:50
ubottuRedIron777: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:50
Jigalllutz, erUSUL tnx10:50
kneauxblakkheim, why would i be getting permission denied from my server? should i try regenerating the keys?10:51
SerafeimHallo to everybody! I have a pdf file that is a portfolio. That means than a single pdf file contains many pdf documents (for example my pdf portfolio has 130 pdf documents). When I open this portfolio with the evince programme I get this messange: For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later. I downloaded the Acrobat Reader and everything was ok. I could read the pdf documents. I am wonder10:51
zambain which file do i deactivate password for getting out the screensaver?10:51
blakkheimkneaux: tail /var/log/auth.log10:51
zambai know how to do it through the GUI, but i need to do it for a whole bunch of computers10:51
blakkheimkneaux: should give a bit of helpful info10:51
kneauxon the server?10:51
blakkheimkneaux: yeah10:51
ActionParsnipSerafeim: means evince doesnt have some of the features of the adobe app and that your requirements mean you need the proprietary app10:52
kneauxSep 27 09:44:28 sun sshd[2662]: Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/sgravn10:52
blakkheimthere's your problem then, your permissions aren't correct10:52
maedoxneekers: I'm pretty sure that file should not be there.10:52
=== liz is now known as Guest98938
Jigalllutz, erUSUL how can i force to send the entire message to pastebin and not stop somewhere in the middle10:53
SerafeimActonParsnip: Yes, i have tried Okular also. Okular could recognise the pdfs but couldn't open them directly10:53
ActionParsnipkneaux: then boot to root recovery mode and run:  cd /home; sudo chown -R sgravn:sgravn ./sgravn10:53
jvmkneaux, make sure to chmod both your home and .ssh directory with 700.10:53
kneauxahh. so the engine block is hooked up to the washer fluid10:53
saad_I wanna install gnome kubuntu10:53
ActionParsnipSerafeim: you could log a bug10:53
erUSULJigal: this ( i made a mistake earlier) --> command_that_gives_messages 2>&1 | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com10:53
saad_how can i install nome for kubuntu10:54
erUSULJigal: should sen all10:54
SerafeimActionParsip: Bugs is for crashes re general ideas?10:54
erUSULJigal: unless patebin has a limit in size that i do not know10:54
kneauxjvm, ActionParsnip, blakkheim: i didn't have to change my permissions to ssh before, do i have to in order to do key authentication?10:54
ActionParsnipSerafeim: just how you couldnt open the file in evince etc10:54
saad_HEELLLOOO??? how can i download gnome for kubuntu?10:54
Jigalok i will try10:54
saad_HEELLLOOO??? how can i download gnome for kubuntu?10:54
saad_HEELLLOOO??? how can i download gnome for kubuntu?10:54
ActionParsnipsaad_: install gdm   should do it10:54
kneauxsaad_, don't flood.10:55
JigalerUSUL, what means 2>&110:55
kneauxsaad_, if one of the transitional packages (gnome, gdm, gnome-desktop, whatever it's called. try searching in synaptic) doesn't work, you may have to change your repository settings. gnome has been having dependency issues lately.10:55
erUSULJigal: copy wha't is 2 and sen it where 1 is going 2 is stderr and 1 is stdout. so that should sen all of the command output to pastebin through the pipe10:55
mawstsudo install ubuntu-desktop is what you want I think saad10:56
kneauxsaad_, why do you want gnome for kubuntu anyway? as in, why are you trying to use gnome on the specifically KDE distribution?10:56
JigalerUSUL, well it does!!!!10:56
mawstsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop rather10:56
JigalerUSUL, tnx10:56
=== remczas is now known as remczas|off
maedoxneekers: I was wrong, crond.reboot should be there and have no permissions. It's used by crond to check if the system rebooted. The file will be deleted on bootup and created after a the @reboot cronjobs are run.10:56
erUSULJigal: no problem10:56
jvmkneaux, yeah. sshd won't do it if your home and ssh directory is not secured.10:56
ActionParsnipkneaux: gives choice on login, gets you used to multiple desktop envs.10:57
jacktheripperFirst time trying to package source code. I get all the files generated in debian/tmp but not in the deb file. Any ideas ?10:57
kneauxfair enough10:57
kneauxjvm: that's either weak or the opposite. i'll try it your way.10:57
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:58
kneauxjvm, still getting permission denied10:58
kneauxjvm, after running chmod 700 ~/ & chmod 700 ~/.ssh10:59
jacktheripperumm thing is, I'm doing this on scratchbox, a cross compiling suite for maemo. Checkinstall isn't available there.11:00
st__how to recreate fstab file?11:00
maedoxkneaux: man ssh   then type /permissions   use n or N to search back and forth.11:00
kneauxthanks maedox11:01
MooshiMuushiDoes anyone know how to trim/cut ".mkv" files? I'm trying to take out some ads.11:02
erUSULst__: by hand; i do not know of an automatic method11:02
maedoxst__: use sudo blkid to replace the UUID from my fstab: http://pastebin.org/122988511:03
Freeway92try it with openshot11:03
=== gui_ is now known as kryl
ngirardHi all. Are there any python 2.7 packages for ubuntu 10.04 ?11:04
alex_shello, everybody. I need help with gnotime. When I try get "Queried" report (Reports->Query) I have this:11:04
alex_sError 404 Not Found11:04
alex_sThe file Invoice was not found.11:04
ActionParsnipMooshiMuushi: kino / avidemux / pitivi not work?11:06
erUSUL!find python2.711:06
ubottuPackage/file python2.7 does not exist in lucid11:06
ngirarderUSUL: well that's a shame. Thanks for your help !11:07
Lollipop56if I wanna format my ipod, should I pick MBR, APM or GUID?11:07
Drue192Hey, On the four boxes on bottom right, Is there anyway so there will only be two?11:07
ActionParsnipDrue192: do you mean virtual desktops?11:09
maedoxDrue192: right-click and select preferences.11:09
Drue192maedox, Thanks!11:09
Ichatquestion about  an old pc,   -   i have a P4 pc  with   P4 celeron 1700mhz with 1gb ram  and  an Nvidia  Fx5600   -  when i insert the  ubuntu 10.4 cdrom,  the system boots, into grub,  and after that..   blacks  with my screen givving me  'unsupported   60 hz  / 80hz   auto of range.11:13
Ichatwhen i  us  nonomodset  - or use safe mode,  it still does...11:13
pLrIchat: you should boot with failsafe graphics11:13
IchatpLr:  -  i tried lookin for it on google but i only found   vga=79111:14
Ichatand that boot option does NOT work for me11:14
ActionParsnipIchat: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html11:15
ActionParsnipIchat: does the CD pass when you test the CD for defects?11:15
pLrIchat: once you see the boot menu press esc, then you can read carefully and find the option11:15
=== vijay is now known as vnbang
Ichataction -  on a dif pc yes its perfect11:16
hyphenexif I've done dd if=/dev/sdb of=/drivs bs=32768, that effectively means I'm creating a file and filling it with a heap of blank data right? I've screwed up hey (I'm trying to image a 32GB flash drive)?  Or have I just created a 32GB copy of the disk?11:16
MooshiMuushiActionParsnip, Kino takes some time to load a 720p video. Avidemux...trying it right now. Pitivi? Never heard :D11:17
Ichatto temporary fix it,  i chose to install   hardy on it (went just fine) -   so i wonder,     what will a dist-upgrade give me...         will i get the same problem  after the upgrade completes. ????11:17
Ichator should i  start from 10.4 with - these fixes?11:17
ActionParsnipIchat: press tab after typing that and it completes the nick and highlights the text11:18
ActionParsnipIchat: ok then I'd test the RAM for errors on the same screen you tested the cD with11:18
hemanthImportError: No module named nautilus, even after installing python-nautilus, any suggestions?11:18
ActionParsnipIchat: should be fine, you can upgrade lts to lts too :)11:19
thune3hyphenex: you just made a drive image11:19
Jigalcan someone help me with the problem on line 1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/501388/11:21
IchatActionParsnip:  -  it seems to me that, it has something to do with the default settings,  changed in 10.4  for better vga cards than mine ...  the 'fear'  i have with it, is that after upgrade i get the same,  'signal out of range'   error and have (virtually unbooteble system.11:21
hyphenexthune3: Thanks :)11:21
bobthemilkmanI recently did a data recovery on my /home partition, and would now like to search through the lost+found directory for an excel formatted file. Is there any easy (or difficult?) way to do this? google is being a bit tricky11:23
thune3hyphenex: of course mounting an image of a whole drive (as opposed to a partition image) requires some extra steps (i'd have to look it up). A partition image is easy to mount11:23
_joeyi installed minimal ubuntu in vmware11:23
_joeyI need to install gnome11:23
_joeyand latex11:24
_joeyhow do I do this?11:24
hyphenexthune3: I'm trying to run 'TestDisk' on the image I think11:24
IchatActionParsnip:  -   but if upgrading to 10.4 also updates the  nvidia 173 driver (to the same version  + settings, to the  10.4 's  system,  ) than id probably be safe   and upgrade should go without errors .... right?11:24
bobthemilkman_joey: sudo apt-get install vmware gnome xemacs doesn't do it?11:24
erUSUL_joey: only a minimal gnome? or the full ubuntu desktop?11:24
bobthemilkmanI thought vmware was proprietary, so it might not be in the repos...11:24
tensorpudding_joey: minimal being a no-X install?11:24
hyphenexthune3: it's a 32GB flash drive.. this is going to take time :P11:24
jvmhi. using ubuntu 9.10: i want to capture sound that's outputted through my soundcard. my microphone is working perfectly with sound recorder, where i can choose as only option "Record from input: Capture". how would i use an output device as an input device?11:25
_joeyI don't know what root password is11:25
thune3hyphenex: that seem right to have image of whole drive then, if the partition table is broken.11:25
_joeytensorpudding no X11:25
_joeyat the moment11:25
hyphenexthune3: :)11:25
tensorpudding_joey: The root account is locked, use sudo11:25
bobthemilkman_joey: Well, if I were you, I'd just reinstall with a normal installation.11:25
erUSUL!root | _joey11:25
ubottu_joey: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:25
bobthemilkmanIt'll be quicker to reinstall than get X working. IMO11:26
tensorpudding_joey: But installing Gnome over a minimal install mostly would negate the benefits of being minimal...11:26
lorenzocabrini_joey: sudo su and set the password with passwd fixes it11:26
_joeythat's another ridiculous way of doing things your own way11:26
ActionParsnipIchat: all i can say is try it, you could even plump for maverick too but its still beta11:26
bobthemilkman_joey: What tensorpudding said.11:26
_joeylorenzocabrini thanks11:26
thune3lorenzocabrini, _joey: setting root password is NOT recommended11:27
lorenzocabrinithune3: i have also set a root password. what could be wrong with it?11:27
lorenzocabriniI don't like sudo, don't use sudo.11:27
bobthemilkmanThere's no reason to set a root password when you can just do sudo -s.11:27
lorenzocabrini_joey: but if you still want to set a root password, my instructions work just fine.11:28
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bobthemilkmanThe default mindset should be to have as few doors into your system as possible, not as many as possible.11:28
leyusi have a prioblme11:28
leyusi was working on my ubuntu11:28
_joeythat's better11:28
leyuswhen my 1 year old son come11:28
thune3lorenzocabrini: ubuntu has a style, the style is sudo. it's like saying it is ok to install rpm packages, it is not in the manner and style of the system. run "sudo -i" to get a root shell when you need one. And please DON'T recommend setting a root password in #ubuntu11:28
bobthemilkmanThere's no reason to set a root password. Just do sudo -s.11:28
leyusand turn off power11:28
ubottuUsing !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)11:28
leyussince this system doesent start11:28
leyusand ubuntu installer dont want to reinstall system11:29
lorenzocabrinithune3: ok, fine, i hear you.11:29
_joeythey can shove their style in their private places11:29
leyusi got: mount: mounting dev/ on /root.dev failed no such file or directory11:29
lorenzocabrini_joey: i agree with you.11:29
tensorpudding_joey: but there is a gnome metapackage I believe11:29
leyusthe same aboyt /sys on /root/sys11:29
tensorpudding_joey: it's called gnome, so 'sudo aptitude install gnome' should grab it11:30
leyus/proc on /root/proc11:30
tensorpudding_joey: it'll probably take a good while11:30
leyustarget dilesystem doesnt have /sbin/init11:30
bobthemilkmantensorpudding: I'd think it'd be faster to reinstall the system than install gnome and X and get it working... but that's just my guess.11:30
leyusno init found, try passing innit=bootarg11:30
leyusanyone can help me?11:30
tensorpuddingInstalling the gnome package should do all that for you, I would assume.11:31
leyusi've tried to install ubuntu again11:31
leyusi put in USB installer11:31
bobthemilkmanI've never set up gnome in ubuntu (since it's pointless), but I've never had a fun time installing X. :(11:31
maedoxIf you don't set a root password you go straight into recovery with no password.11:31
leyusand choosed instal ubuntu on hard drive11:31
leyusand nothing...11:32
leyusit starts and do nothing, its not installing it shows ubuntu sign forever11:32
MooshiMuushiIs there a Notepad++ for linux?11:32
leyuscan anyone help me?11:32
bobthemilkmanMooshiMuushi: Try vim.11:32
maedoxMooshiMuushi: gedit is already included and it has a bunch of options and plugins.11:33
leyusis it hard drive destoyed? or just file system?11:33
erUSULMooshiMuushi: scite11:33
tensorpuddingMooshiMuushi: No, but Notepad++ can be run in WINE.11:33
leyushow cna i format it before ubuntu installation?11:33
tensorpuddingMooshiMuushi: Geany is vaguely functionally-similar to Notepad++11:33
erUSULleyus: what error do you get when the computer tries to boot up?11:33
MooshiMuushiThank you bobthemilkman, maedox, erUSUL, tensorpudding :)11:34
ActionParsnipleyus: formatting and partitioning a disk is part of the installation process11:35
erUSULMooshiMuushi: but now that you landed in unix/linux you should change your evil ways and just use emacs ;P. do not listen to those "even more evil than you" vi users ... ^.^11:35
_joeywhat is the name of the package to get compiler, header files and all building tools such make, automake, autoconf11:36
erUSULleyus: we need the exact error or symptons you are seeing... what does the computer says when it tries to boot11:36
tensorpudding_joey: build-essential11:36
der-eremit_joey build-essential11:36
erUSUL_joey: build essential11:36
ActionParsnip_joey: build-essential11:36
_joeythanks again11:36
MooshiMuushierUSUL, Evil ways?!11:36
tensorpuddingMooshiMuushi: People in Unix culture have a long history of factionalism and flamewars regarding text editors, especially the vi vs. emacs rivalry11:37
* erUSUL was joking in case it wasn't clear XD11:37
leyusActionParsnip: yes but it doesnt go so far11:37
ActionParsnipMooshiMuushi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editor_war11:38
leyuserUSUL: what it exactly says? thaty it cant mount /root/dev filed no such file or directory11:38
ActionParsnipleyus: then i suggest you grab the ultimate boot cd and use the manufacturers tool to test the drive physically11:38
Eryn_1983_FLhi peeps how do i get the  black theme off the netbook gnome11:38
ActionParsnipleyus: also make sure you test the CD for errors once first booted to11:38
Eryn_1983_FLmy panels  wont  change color..11:38
erUSULleyus: can you boot into the ubuntu livecd ? and take a look at the hard disk ?11:39
leyuserUSUL: no icant11:39
leyuserUSUL: the same problem as with installation process, stops on ubuntu logo11:39
ActionParsnipleyus: also test your ram using livecd also11:39
ActionParsnipleyus: do you get a blank screen when you boot?11:39
leyusActionParsnip: no11:40
leyusActionParsnip: i got (initramfs)11:40
kneauxI keep getting this error on my server - sudo: unable to resolve host sun11:40
kneauxEvery time I run sudo. What's wrong?11:40
ActionParsnipleyus: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?11:41
Drue192hey guys, I like to watch live streams it pegs out my cpu and after a few minutes it is unwatchable. I am using swiftfox and i know my hardware can handle streams because i dont have the issue on windows. Thanks!11:41
ActionParsnipkneaux: you changed your hostname in /etc/hostname  but not in /etc/hosts11:41
lorenzocabrinimy the ubuntu community has become unfriendly. i user *wants* to set a root password. That may be his/her personal preference, and I'm told not to help that user. I've had it. i'm going back to slackware or debian, both of which have friendly communities. way to go to help a userbase, thune311:41
ActionParsnipkneaux: you will need to boot to root recovery mode to do this as you cannot use sudo to get write access to the file11:41
leyusActionParsnip: no but i install ubuntu from it before and everything went well11:42
leyusActionParsnip: so i assume iso is ok,11:42
ActionParsnipleyus: ok then when you see the stickman screen, press space and select "Check CD for defects"11:42
asfjiohello guys, i want to rename file via terminal which contains some strange characters. i tried to do put backslashes in front of them, but the bash competiond didn't recognize the file. i can't type the name of the file. any suggestions?11:43
leyusits not cd its USB installer11:43
leyusActionParsnip: its not a cd its usb installer. shuld i do the same?11:43
erUSULlorenzocabrini: you and that user are free to set the root password. the helpers of this channel and ubuntu community are free to not support that kind of setup in this channel.11:43
jriblorenzocabrini: the point is that the vast majority of users that want a root password think they *need* one because they just haven't been informed about sudo.  So it's better to first inform about sudo and how setting a root password isn't necessary.  Then of course if the user understands these things and wants to ignore the information, it's their prerogative.  The best thing to do is just to use the11:43
jrib!root factoid which explains these things11:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:43
erUSULlorenzocabrini: we both have a choice and are free to do what we want11:43
ActionParsnipleyus: no, no need.Use the same screen to test the ram you have11:43
st__jrib no, because noone uses sudo except ubuntu11:44
lorenzocabrinijrib: your explanation is fine, thune3 flaming is not11:44
leyusActionParsnip: testing it right now11:44
lorenzocabrinicould have just given an explanation that's all11:44
st__they definitely has the reason to do so11:44
leyusActionParsnip: looks ok to me11:45
leyusActionParsnip: nothing suspicious in RAM testing11:45
ActionParsnipleyus: let a full test run, you may need boot options if a full scan passes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions11:45
bobthemilkmanOkay, I got my data all recovered up.  Now thunderbird won't start. :(11:46
leyusActionParsnip: there is one problem, this computer doesnt have cd11:46
bobthemilkmanTyping "thunderbird" into a terminal produces no output and the progam then suddenly closes.  Doing watch -n 0.01 pgrep thunderbird shows 2 instances launch and then close a split second later.11:47
ActionParsnipleyus: doesn'y matter, its all a block device to the kernel11:47
leyusActionParsnip: so i have to use usb to everything11:47
kneauxActionParsnip, I never changed my hostname, but I'll check those two files in a second. It's my remote server, can I e.g. su to get write access?11:47
ActionParsnipkneaux: they must matc, or you'll get that error11:47
leyusActionParsnip: so what should i use to check disk for defects? becasue i dont see that option in my usb 10.04 installer11:48
ActionParsnipleyus: no, you dont have to check the CD for defects as USB does checking on transfer. You may need some boot options in the link I gave to make it nice11:48
thune3lorenzocabrini: i apologize for the caps and the curtness. i thought that recommending root password to a new ubuntu user was a questionable steer that needed addressing. If i knew there were so many ops in the channel, i might have resonsidered.11:48
shariqanybody gpt issues with an upside down web cam while using flash player .. ie the browser ?11:49
shariqmore importantly u know a fix ? :)11:49
lorenzocabrinithune3: apology accepted. just remember that people may have reasons for wanting to do things there own way. that's why we all use linux.11:49
MooshiMuushiHey peeps, I'm using Pitivi to edit this ".mkv" movie. I did what I needed to do, but I have to re-render it. Is there a to not render. All I did was trim the video.11:49
ActionParsnipshariq: is it upside down in cheese?11:50
kneauxActionParsnip, my hostname isn't in the "hosts" file at all, only localhost, loopback etc. What should I put?11:50
shariqActionParsnip: its seems to work fine on cheese11:50
leyusActionParsnip: ok i will read that, but honestly? i think my hard drive is broken after my son unpluged it from power so rapidly11:51
ActionParsnipkneaux: http://pastie.org/118405511:51
shariqsome update is took for skype fixed it for skype ... but not for flashplayer11:51
ActionParsnipshariq: not sure then, you could flip it upside down so it works in flash I guess11:51
ActionParsnipkneaux: add those 2 lines to /etc/hosts11:51
jukleyusr: boot live session, go to disk utility, theres option check and repair filesystem11:51
shariqyep i did try that with Video4Linux software11:51
ActionParsnipkneaux: your OS can't resolve its own name to    those 2 lines will do it11:52
shariqbut flash player dont seem to care abt that flip11:52
shariqit flips the skype cam though11:52
lordcrchi, im having some weird problems with my ubuntu... all of a sudden i cant change the cpu scaling policy (via the cpu freq scaling monitor applet thingy), i dont have sound (hardware isnt listed) and when i try to shut down or restart i only get logged out... i need to run shutdown -h/-r manually11:52
lordcrcthis happened at the same time...11:52
shariqthe main cause i think is nobody is aware of the adobe flash player implementation11:52
_joeygnome-desktop-environment package is utterly ...bloated11:53
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leyusjuk: thank you but live session doesnt start as well11:53
leyusjuk: it stops on ubuntu logo11:53
jukleyus: using cd?11:53
kneauxActionParsnip, is there anything i should reset now that that's in my hosts file?11:53
lordcrcim running 10.04, and i think it happened after an update... i havent used my laptop in a few weeks but iirc the last thing i did was install some updates11:53
leyusjuk: using usb installer11:54
_joey is there a smaller package?11:54
neriukasdon't do update anymore11:54
ActionParsnipkneaux: could restart networking maybe, can't hurt11:54
jukleyus: check usb for integrity11:54
ActionParsnipneriukas: do you have a question?11:55
grouchygaijinHi I'm very new and am running Ubuntu in VM ware to try it out I have a question or two about software11:55
leyusjuk: done it's ok11:55
ActionParsnip!ask | grouchygaijin11:55
ubottugrouchygaijin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:55
zanusAssuming I have ~210GB of space to use..... what are the ideal partition size for /root and /boot?11:55
glaucousHow do I get/set automatic sleep with bash/sh?11:55
glaucousStandby, that is11:55
zanusI'm installing meerkat btw11:56
leyusjuk: i format it and installed everything again, scan it on win xp, everything is fine11:56
ActionParsnipzanus: i always say: 10Gb for /, 2xRAM (if you have less than 2Gb RAM) or 1xRAM (if you have 2Gb or more RAM) for swap and the rest for /home11:56
jukleyus: can you switch ttys(alt+1,2,3..) to see any messages11:56
ActionParsnip!10.10 | zanus11:56
ubottuzanus: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:56
neriukasactionparsnip i haven't questions i have a lot of books ;)11:56
leyusjuk: let me chechk11:57
zanusActionParsnip: what about /boot ?11:57
Kitar|sthttp://bigfatcook.com/ here is a site i made with my GF :)11:57
FloodBot1Kitar|st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:57
jukleyus: are you using unetbootin utility?11:57
grouchygaijinOK - I live in Europe but use a vpn called Anonizer to get an ip address in the US so I can watch TV from the US.  Is there anything like that for ubuntu?11:57
_joeywhat is the latest stable?11:57
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100411:58
leyusjuk: no reaction11:58
zanusor is /boot even necessary11:58
_joeynow, java would be good to have11:58
_joeyfrom Sun11:58
jvmhi. using ubuntu 9.10: i want to capture sound that's outputted through my soundcard. my microphone is working perfectly with sound recorder, where i can choose as only option "Record from input: Capture". how would i use an output device as an input device?11:58
_joeyand acrobatreader11:58
maedoxzanus: normally you don't have to make a separate part for /boot.11:58
ActionParsnipzanus: not really11:58
_joeyas well as ghostscript11:58
zanusawesome, thank you11:59
ActionParsnip!java | _joey11:59
ubottu_joey: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.11:59
_joeywhat's partner repoisotry?11:59
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_joeyand how it is enabled?11:59
ActionParsnip_joey: its  different server which isnt enabled by default which you can install java from11:59
tensorpudding!partner | _joey12:00
ubottu_joey: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »12:00
jukleyus: sorry, it's alt+F1... or ctrl+alt+F1... could you try12:00
leyusok guys thank you rof your time a specailly juk, ActionParsnip and erUSUL i will just open that laptop, i will try also install winxp to check is it possible to install it if not i will throw that laptop to bin12:00
xbonesxActionParsnip: you on still?12:00
leyusjuk: yes one second12:00
tensorpudding_joey: Acrobat Reader is available from the Partner repository, but I don't know why you want it.12:00
_joeyyou are very helpful here:)12:00
grouchygaijinIn Windows I have a program called AnyDVD that strips to copy protection and region encoding from DVDs so I can make copies that play here. Is there anything like that for Ubuntu?12:00
ppqgrouchygaijin, have a look at libdvdcss2, it a package in the medibuntu.org repository12:01
ppqgrouchygaijin, using this, you can play your protected dvds in ubuntu. but be careful: in some countries that's not legal!12:01
grouchygaijinthank you!12:02
_joeyI may stay a little while here12:02
maedoxjvm: Google is your friend. http://jordilin.wordpress.com/2006/07/28/howto-recording-audio-from-the-command-line/12:02
juk!recovery > juk12:02
ubottujuk, please see my private message12:02
leyusjuk: there is a reaction: console: switching to colour frame buffer device 160x5012:02
xbonesxppq: are you familiar with this http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml12:02
leyusehhh hes gone12:02
leyus juk: there is a reaction: console: switching to colour frame buffer device 160x5012:03
ppqxbonesx, no, sorry, plymouth is one of the things i 'apt-get purge' as first after installing ubuntu :) such as pulseaudio and other fragile stuff12:03
ActionParsnipxbonesx: sup?12:03
_joeyone question - how long it usually takes for a package to appear in repository once a newer version has been released by the author of the   application?12:03
xbonesxActionParsnip: alright this is what i have for you one sec12:03
_joey3-6 months?12:04
leyusjuk: thats what i have when i pressed alt+f1 while trying to start ubuntu form usb, during staying forever ubuntu log12:04
ActionParsnipleyus: just get a new hdd for it12:04
leyusActionParsnip: that's what im afraid of12:04
ActionParsnipleyus: new drive is cheaper than new lappy12:04
leyusActionParsnip: there is one more option, during power shutdown filesystem was destroyed, in here formating it12:04
ActionParsnip_joey: something like that12:05
leyusActionParsnip: might help12:05
ActionParsnip!latest | _joey12:05
ubottu_joey: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are  only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:05
leyusActionParsnip: yes but its really old one, 4 years old, wuthout cd and anything else12:05
tensorpudding_joey: Most packages don't track the latest stable releases of the upstream software, as far as I am aware.12:05
tensorpudding_joey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates12:05
tensorpuddingFor instance, the latest 10.04 kernel lags the latest stable by several months12:05
ActionParsnipleyus: if it does what it needs to do in an acceptable time, its fine12:05
xbonesxActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501414/12:06
xbonesxActionParsnip: thats my original12:06
leyusActionParsnip: i think its worth next to nothing anyway because half of keys from keybord are missing thanks to my children :D12:06
ActionParsnipleyus: you dont need a ferrari to drive round the corner to the shop  and back once a week12:06
ActionParsnipxbonesx: here's mine, I read the whole document: http://pastebin.com/dqYWQnsd12:07
xbonesxActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501415/12:07
xbonesxActionParsnip: thats the edited one12:07
leyusActionParsnip: on winxp it was impossible on this laptop to use skype and firefox att he same time, but i actualy used it every day. But on ubuntu it was working just fine12:07
ActionParsnipxbonesx: looks good12:07
xbonesxok i ran the echo command, letter for letter, so that part is good12:08
xbonesxi also did the modules one as well12:08
ActionParsnipxbonesx: cool. update grub and update initramfs and you are done12:09
leyusActionParsnip: speed was ok, it looked nice and all that stuff, my wife was happy that she can use skype and surf, now it's rubbis, thanks son12:09
xbonesxi ran update-grub and the other command like i was supposed too, but now i dont get a splash at all isntead i get the the listing of what oing on in the beginning12:09
xbonesxwhats going on*12:09
leyusActionParsnip: my little boy knows how to destroy computers :D my daughter destroyed dvd on that one when she was young, he destroyed hard drive :D12:09
ActionParsnipleyus: kids do that, my nephew has a game called "what does this fit in". He usually plays it with half chewed biscuits or sweets12:10
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX12:10
jukActionParsnip: do you know where I could edit to enable grub menu?12:10
leyusActionParsnip: :D12:10
ActionParsnipjuk: i'm not to conversant with grub12:10
juk!grub > juk12:11
ubottujuk, please see my private message12:11
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ActionParsnipxbonesx: did you run: sudo apt-get install v86d hwinfo12:11
leyusok guys thanks again12:11
leyusi will try this:12:11
leyusand a win xp installation12:12
xbonesxTUT didnt say to add hwinof on the end ????12:12
leyusif neither will work12:12
FloodBot2leyus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
leyusi will buy new hard drive12:12
xbonesxgetting hwinfo right now12:12
xbonesxActionParsnip: i ran hwinfo and cant find anything about a video card...12:15
guitar-maniacHey! Trying to add trashbin to my upper panel.. but can't find it on the add panel list...12:16
Leman_RussAnyone know how I can get an animated background with Conpiz, when I spin the 3D Desktop Cube?12:16
xbonesxActionParsnip: i had to run it with | less12:16
Leman_RussLooked all over Prefs but cant figure it ou12:16
jukActionParsnip: nevermind I don't really need that menu, I have live CD, to be on the safe side12:17
der-eremitxbonesx try lspci | grep -i vga12:18
mae_taepeople, how do i upgrade squid version 1.2.11 to version 1.3.7? if ever it is upgraded will it not overwrite the current configuration?12:18
maedoxmae_tae: normally upgrades will ask what to do with the config, but make a backup first to be sure.12:20
stuk_genhi all12:20
der-eremitxbonesx you can also use: hwinfo --gfxcard12:20
mae_taemaedox, ok so how will i upgrade it, will i just directly install the latest squid?12:20
xbonesx VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600M GT] (rev a1)12:21
maedoxmae_tae: if it's installed with a package manager just do « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade »12:21
stuk_geni've a ubuntu-server in my server pc, the pc is configured from another user, today pc is break, and i have to change the motherboard...now it work but i have some problem with the net. Before the accident the net is eth0 now is eth1 how can i configure it to use eth0?12:22
afancyHi, Could anybody help me? after I update the Ubuntu, I cannot boot. "Udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured"12:22
mae_taemaedox, problem the distro where our proxy is installed is fedora12:22
xbonesxder-eremit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501421/12:22
xbonesxwow he left12:23
afancyHi, I have two computers installed Ubuntu10.04, now both cannot boot12:23
maedoxmae_tae: ok, then it's yum. I don't know the specifics because I left fedora a long time ago. #fedora or something like that maybe...12:23
afancycould anybody help me? thanks12:23
maedox!details | afancy12:24
ubottuafancy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:24
afancyubottu: Ubuntu 10.0412:24
jukxbonesx: what are you doing?12:24
der-eremitxbonesx what's your exact problem. i guess i just missed the start of it12:24
xbonesxjuk: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml12:24
xbonesxjuk: but it doesnt work12:24
afancywhen it start xwindow, it stop there12:24
xbonesxder-eremit: refer to messages to juk12:25
oCeanstuk_gen: probably by editing /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. There is where the eth0 (or eth1) is linked to a mac address12:25
maedoxafancy: ubottu is a bot. We need error messages or other details as to what you did before if stopped working. exact dates for latest package upgrade etc. There are a million ways a box can not boot.12:25
jukxbonesx: comeon I did it today, folowing icarus-c link12:25
xbonesxthats my file12:25
maedoxafancy: what happens if you press ctrl-alt-f1 ? do you get a terminal?12:25
afancymaedox: I just did update a moment ago, not it propmts "Udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured"12:25
icarus-clol xbonesx you are doing this for the whole day :-o12:25
xbonesxsetup the right way12:25
xbonesxicarus-c: yep :p12:26
maedoxafancy: sounds bad. But I'm not sure.12:26
stuk_genoCean: ok i do it! now is correct but i cant ping the machine, there are some other to correct?12:26
afancymaedox: ctrl-alt-1 go into a prompt12:26
oCeanstuk_gen: you restarted the network?12:26
stuk_genoCean: yes i reboot the server12:26
icarus-cxbonesx, you should bother with grub and kernel parameters, since plymouth already working ( you see the purple dot animation screen)   all you want is just changing plymouth theme12:27
icarus-cxbonesx, i mean you shouldn't12:27
xbonesxicarus-c: id like to look at it though as im waiting for ubuntu to load12:27
oCeanstuk_gen: okay, then it's hard to tell why the server is not responding to ping. You're sure the interface eth0 is up?12:27
xbonesxicarus-c: plus the liveusb works just fine... ???12:28
BigWookiei've got a problem, my postfix seems to ignore the /etc/aliases file12:28
der-eremitstuk_gen additional to checking if the correct interface is up, you should also check if there's a default gateway bound to the interface12:29
maedoxafancy: ok, so it still works, but some X issues then. Someone should be able to help you. Maybe paste some log output to paste.ubuntu.com or pastebin.com.  /var/log/messages and /var/log/boot.log  perhaps. Also /var/log/apt/history.log might be of interest.12:29
icarus-cxbonesx, um you use nvidia right?12:29
maedox!paste | afancy12:29
ubottuafancy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:29
xbonesxicarus-c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501421/12:30
stuk_genfrom another pc i can connect to the server via ssh but not ping...maybe there is some rules to the server that can disable ping?12:30
xbonesxicarus-c: brb rebooting12:31
der-eremitstuk_gen yep, probably some ip-tables rules in the way12:31
dhruvasagarHey how do I find out what my sound card & video card is ?12:32
icarus-cdhruvasagar, lspci12:32
der-eremitdhruvasagar lcpci or hwinfo12:32
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
HakanDafter a boot failure, i repaired the boot partition with e2fsck command, now I can boot but none of the drivers are working, nvidia, touchpad etc, and i can only work on low graphics mode12:33
HakanDany ideas?12:33
oCeanBigWookie: your alias_maps file in the postfix config is set to /etc/aliases?12:33
BigWookiei found the problem, very strange12:34
maedoxdhruvasagar: « sudo apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo --sound --gfxcard »12:34
BigWookiein /etc/mailname was a wrong (but existent and valid ) domain12:34
dhruvasagarThanks icarus-c & der-eremit, der-eremit it's lspci12:34
icarus-cdhruvasagar, hardinfo is another tool. (GUI)12:35
oCeanBigWookie: ok. good thing you found it12:35
der-eremitdhruvasagar lspci is on board, hwinfo needs to be installed12:35
_joeythis is what I want to install texlive-full minus support for different languages12:35
BigWookieinteresting thing, it just ignored the aliases12:35
BigWookieno explanation12:35
dhruvasagaryea I figured that out :)12:35
xbonesxicarus-c: i swear it has something to do with startupmanager, but i have uninstalled it12:36
thune3HakanD: first i might look in /lost+found (need sudo or root) and see if any important files got put there.12:36
HakanDthune3, thanks i ll try that now12:37
dhruvasagaricarus-c: maedox der-eremit thanks a lot12:37
=== jason-- is now known as jasonwebb
manfredrastacan anybody help connecting my laptop with LUbuntu to mi wireless connection please?12:41
Propelanyone here play steam on ubuntu?12:41
manfredrastais there anybody here?12:41
=== jasonwebb is now known as jason
=== jason is now known as jason-
Propelhi manfredrasta12:41
pznCan you recommend some package for plotting a "csv" file? I need to see a graphic and zoom-in zoom-out interactively. openoffice is tooooo slow. I have about 40000 lines.12:41
coz_manfredrasta,  I am sure there are many here :)12:41
=== jason- is now known as Jason
manfredrastaPropel:  i need help12:42
BEAST_CSV frim what12:42
=== Jason is now known as Guest58745
Propellol i do too lol12:42
=== Guest58745 is now known as Jason-
der-eremitmanfredrasta just use the network-manager applet12:42
Pici!nickspam > Jason-12:42
ubottuJason-, please see my private message12:42
der-eremitmanfredrasta ALT+F2 nm-applet12:42
PropelI'm wondering if anyone uses STEAM on ubuntu12:42
coz_manfredrasta,  just tell us the problem12:42
Propeland how the gameplay is12:42
HakanDthune3, there is tons of foldes and files in lost+found, any idea on what to do with them12:43
manfredrastaI have to connect to the wireless with lubuntu12:43
nosrhey would anyone mind helping me with a simple tcp flag question?12:43
bhaveshvalai have issue of iowait12:43
manfredrastaI explain12:43
bhaveshvalawhich is currently 100%12:43
BEAST_nosr: ?12:43
manfredrastathe cabled connection works great12:43
maedoxPropel: I use it with Crossover Games and it works very good.12:43
PropelHi, maedox!12:44
PropelWhat software do you use to emulate STEAM on ubuntu?12:44
manfredrastaand I can insert a wireless connection easily12:44
bhaveshvalahow can i debug iowait issue12:44
thune3HakanD: can you ID any major folder? (since the root name of the folders will be broken)? otherwise i would install debsums package (if possible) and run "debsums -ac"12:44
manfredrastaI enter the ESSID and the password and give a name to the connection12:44
xbonesxicarus-c: come up with anything12:45
manfredrastabut now12:45
thune3HakanD: "sudo debsums -ac" will report files that differ from their installed versions and could allow you to identify packages than need reinstallation.12:45
xbonesxi noticed from tweaking with the grub.cfg file that i have to have vga=<something> for it to show up12:45
der-eremitmanfredrasta did you get an error or something?12:45
manfredrastathere is no wireless icon in the desktop as with the cabled connection12:45
HakanDthune3, thanks, trying that now12:45
xbonesxicarus-c: i noticed from tweaking with the grub.cfg file that i have to have vga=<something> for it to show up12:45
manfredrastaany errors12:46
der-eremitmanfredrasta check if the interface is up: ip addr show12:46
ben_qany expert here on unionfs-fuse? I'd like to know if there is a possibility to find out the real location of a file that I see in a unionfs-mounted directory.12:46
der-eremitmanfredrasta is there something like wlan0 with an assigned IP?12:46
manfredrastader-eremit: i'll see, just a minute12:47
maedoxPropel: I use Crossover, which is based on Wine. I currently play Counter-strike Source now and then. Been meaning to try Team Fortress 2 also, since I played that a while back on windows.12:47
xbonesxder-eremit: the problems is i cant get the plymouth boot loading screen to gotot the right res...12:47
manfredrastader-eremit: there is lo and eth012:47
PropelThe game play is smooth? No lag, glitchiness or any other issues?12:48
xbonesxder-eremit: works just fine with the liveusb12:48
der-eremitmanfredrasta okay, then your wifi interface isn't up12:48
der-eremitxbonesx uhm, i'm not that experienced with grub2 configuration - never mess around with grub2 ;)12:48
manfredrastader-eremit, what should i do then?12:48
maedoxPropel: please mention my nick it you are talking to me. Yes, the gameplay is good.12:49
* xbonesx wants to shoot himself :S12:49
BigWookiethis is driving me crazy, postfix is still ignoring /etc/aliases12:49
Propelsorry, maedox12:49
maedoxPropel: Crossover has a free trial you can try. You can also use Wine yourself but there's no guarantee it will work as well.12:49
* xbonesx invites BigWookie to his boat, has an extra oar12:49
manfredrastader-eremit: how do I set up my wifi interface?12:50
Propelmaedox, yeah, i heard wine wasn't very good emulating steam.12:50
BigWookiethanks :)12:50
sipiorBigWookie: you've run newaliases, i assume?12:50
xbonesxmanfredrasta: what card?12:50
maedoxPropel: Crossover has tweaked it a lot so it plays nice with Ubuntu.12:50
Propelmaedox, is it almost like you're playing on Windows, it's that good on Crossover?12:50
manfredrastaxbonesx, dont know. How do I check it?12:50
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Propelmaedox, like 100fps?12:50
xbonesxmanfredrasta: you working from ubuntu?12:51
maedoxPropel: I guess it depends on your setup, but I believe it is very close.12:51
manfredrastaxbonesx, lubuntu12:51
der-eremitmanfredrasta let's check if your wifi interface has been recognized: dmesg | less12:51
dhruvasagarPropel: I consider gameplay to be decent with steam although I haven't played extensively...i played on wine12:51
der-eremitmanfredrasta search for wlan12:51
Propelmaedox, what are your computer specs?12:51
xbonesxder-eremit: go for it12:51
maedoxPropel: Core i7 930, 6 GB RAM, old 8800 GTS gfxcard.12:51
Propeldhruvasagar, I haerd there was a noticeable difference in game play, like it wasn't the same.12:52
dhruvasagarPropel: I play a whole lot of games for that matter on wine and they work pretty well, like counter-strike, need for speed.12:52
sniperjo_does anyone know what the iwconfig mac equivalent is?12:52
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: sudo lshw -C network12:52
dhruvasagarPropel: I am sure there will be a noticeable difference compared to say steam on windows12:52
dhruvasagarPropel: but its still quite good12:52
Propelmaedox, I have core2Quad, 3GBs RAM and 8600GT12:52
maedoxPropel: been meaning to get a new gfxcard also but I play more and more on PS3 instead.12:52
nosrdoes anyone know an example where a normal tcp connection has the server send a packet with the syn=1 and ack=012:52
dhruvasagarPropel: especially if you don't wish to go back to windows12:52
maedoxPropel: that should work very well.12:52
dhruvasagarnosr: are you sure you are in the right channel ?12:53
PropelI really hate WIndows, but I don't really want to switch over to Ubuntu if I can't play STEAM well.12:53
Propelmaedox, is there a way to get Crossover (non trial) for free?12:53
manfredrastader-eremit, it too big file! how can I search for the word wlan?12:54
dhruvasagarPropel: I suppose, since you probably play quite a lot, perhaps you should play and judge for yourself12:54
der-eremitmanfredrasta hit '/' and enter wlan12:54
der-eremitmanfredrasta and then <RETURN> of course12:54
thune3sniperjo_: your question has a couple interpretations, can you restate it. what are you looking for/to-do?12:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:55
manfredrastader-eremit, pattern not found12:55
Propeldhruvasagar, yeah, it looks like I'll have to test it out myself12:55
der-eremitmanfredrasta ok just to be sure, try: lshw -C network12:55
sniperjo_Does anyone know a command, similar to iwconfig for OSX, where i can see the signal / link quality12:55
dhruvasagarPropel: good luck12:55
maedoxPropel: I don't think so. I got a 50 % discount in my email inbox after signing up for the trial. You should try that and just wait until the trial is over. A representative or auto-email might be sent giving you a discount. Or else you can send a nice email to them asking for a student discount or something like that.12:55
manfredrastader-eremit, how do I return to the terminal?12:56
manfredrastader-eremit, I am allready in the file12:56
der-eremitmanfredrasta q12:56
tasslehoffI'm trying to setup static IP on my Ubuntu Desktop, but Network Manager seems to intefere with my manual editing of /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf.12:56
dhruvasagarPropel: I used to dislike wine almost as much as I disliked Windows, but over the last few years, they've done well, I am now able to play a lot of my treasured games! So at least I am happy :)12:56
sniperjo_thune3:  any better?12:56
manfredrastader-eremit, I have to write the command with sudo isn'it?12:57
thune3sniperjo_: it's iwconfig in ubuntu too. is it not giving you the info you want? should see something like "Link Quality=96/100  Signal level:-32 dBm  Noise level=-69 dBm"12:57
der-eremitmanfredrasta not necessarily12:57
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.512:57
prowerhello :> there was a kernel update available this morning when i ran through upgrades for 10.04...having some problems with it since the change, however :< the most notable one is that it seems pulseaudio isn't working as a sound source any longer12:57
sniperjo_thune3:  ubuntu is giving me exactly what i want, OSX isnt !12:57
manfredrastader-eremit, ok without sudo it says:12:57
manfredrastader-eremit, marino@marino-laptop:~$ lshw -C network12:57
manfredrastaWARNING: you should run this program as super-user.12:57
manfredrasta  *-network12:57
manfredrasta       description: Ethernet interface12:57
manfredrasta       product: 82801BA/BAM/CA/CAM Ethernet Controller12:57
FloodBot2manfredrasta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:57
manfredrasta       vendor: Intel Corporation12:57
PropelThank you both dhruvasagar and maedox12:58
sniperjo_thune3: iwconfig doesnt exist in osx, are there any other linux commands that i may be able to use on my osx machine12:58
manfredrastader-eremit, can i talk?12:58
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep12:58
manfredrastader-eremit, do you read me?12:58
manfredrastader-eremit, I was scared...12:59
manfredrastader-eremit, so can you read what the command returned me?12:59
thune3sniperjo_: not really an ubuntu question! maybe http://osxdaily.com/2010/07/07/test-wireless-signal-strength-from-the-command-line/12:59
der-eremitmanfredrasta if the vendor line was the last one.. yes, otherwise it has been stripped by the flood bot12:59
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: either pastebin or just the line that starts with product in the wireless section13:00
Copernic_hi all, did anyone hear about the new new gallium3d directx10/11 library ?13:00
sniperjo_thune3:  thanks but unfortunately im not using the built in Wifi card, im using a stronger usb card13:00
der-eremitmanfredrasta BRB13:00
=== der-eremit is now known as der-eremit|AFK
Copernic_I wonder how they made this possible :o13:00
Copernic_oh wait I should go to #ubuntu-offtopic13:01
manfredrastader-eremit, there is not a wireless section13:01
manfredrastader-eremit, there is network section13:01
manfredrastader-eremit, what do you mean by BRB?13:01
thune3sniperjo_: i don't know13:01
sniperjo_is there a OSX channel on freenode?13:02
rwwsniperjo_: try ##apple13:02
rwwor ##mac13:02
guitar-maniacI can't seem to get into my compiz settings... i tried to install compiz config settings manager but it says that it cannot find the package. When i click my compuz fusion icon, nothing happens.13:03
sniperjo_rww: cheers13:03
ppqguitar-maniac, tried 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'?13:04
afancyhi, could anybody help me? I cannot start x-window http://dpaste.org/exWQ/13:04
manfredrastader-eremit|AFK, are you here?13:04
guitar-maniacppq: sudo apt-get install compiz config-settings-manager  this was the command yeah. i checked that i have the community maintained..... repo box checked13:05
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: it should say network, then description wireless interface, the next line that starts product is the one needed13:05
GhostlyI am trying to get the driver for Atheros AR8152 manually so that a laptop will have network support, currently it does not have any kind of network connection so i am kind of stuck andy advice.13:05
afancyHi, i failed to start xwindow http://dpaste.org/ujMj/13:05
coz_afancy,  sorry I cant help but stick around... somone will get to you :)13:05
manfredrastanothingspecial, in the section network, there is description: Ethernet interface13:06
ppqguitar-maniac, please show me what following command says: 'apt-cache policy compizconfig-settings-manager'13:06
manfredrastanothingspecial, no other description13:06
kaizenanyone know how to reduce the number of php processes spawned when apache is in mpm worker mode using fcgid?13:07
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Are you sure, have you tried scrolling up?13:07
kaizenit keeps spawning 9 even though i have limited maxprocess to 113:07
guitar-maniacppq: compizconfig-settings-manager:13:07
guitar-maniac  Asennettu: 0.8.2-0ubuntu113:07
guitar-maniac  Ehdokas: 0.8.2-0ubuntu113:07
guitar-maniac  Versiotaulukko:13:07
guitar-maniac *** 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 013:07
FloodBot2guitar-maniac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
afancyhi, could anybody help me_, I cannot start xwindow Ubuntu 10.04 http://dpaste.org/x87n/13:08
ZvezdaI am using Xubuntu 10.4, how can I make a certain program load automatically on start up?13:08
manfredrastanothingspecial, i cant scroll, there are just 10 or 11 lines13:08
guitar-maniacppq: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501438/ shows that it is installed. but nothing  happens when i try to launch it.13:08
ppqguitar-maniac, ok, then it is already installed. try executing 'ccsm'13:08
manfredrastanothingspecial, description, product, vendor...13:08
rwwZvezda: Settings -> Session and Startup -> Application Autostart -> Add13:09
rww(I'm not using Lucid's Xfce, names may be slightly different)13:09
guitar-maniacOk, that launched it. Don't seem to work from the menu button, but thanks! I was wondering what was the terminal command to the setting13:09
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: please do this - sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:09
manfredrastanothingspecial, what is this for?13:10
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Then sudo lshw -C network > net.txt && patebinit -i net.txt13:10
Zvezdarww - its not listed in the list, but there is a button where I can click ADD (to add the program)  how do I add it?13:10
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: So I can see it13:10
jvmhi. using ubuntu 9.10: i want to capture sound that's outputted through my soundcard. my microphone is working perfectly with sound recorder, where i can choose as only option "Record from input: Capture". how would i use an output device as an input device?13:10
rwwZvezda: Press Add and then type in a name and description, and then the command...13:11
maedox« lshw -C network | patebinit - »13:11
rwwZvezda: if you can't see the Add button, try resizing the window. It was cut off at the bottom for me at first.13:11
Zvezdarww - what is command?13:11
nothingspecialOr that13:11
rwwZvezda: whatever it is you want to run...13:11
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow @Sep 27 13:56:57 localhost kernel: [    2.950721] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table@13:12
=== der-eremit|AFK is now known as der-eremit
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Whichever way you need to post the url that the terminal gives you when it`s done13:12
der-eremitmanfredrasta re13:12
GhostlyI am trying to get the driver for Atheros AR8152 manually so that a laptop will have network support, currently it does not have any kind of network connection so i am kind of stuck any advice.13:12
manfredrastanothingspecial, ok13:12
manfredrastader-eremit, hi13:12
der-eremitmanfredrasta btw, which laptop do you use?13:13
manfredrastader-eremit, an old toshiba satellite pro 460013:13
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> Sep 27 13:56:57 localhost kernel: [    2.950721] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table13:13
manfredrastanothingspecial, ok i runned sudo lshw -C network > net.txt && pastebinit -i net.txt13:14
Demerzel_morning folks13:14
ppqafancy, this error hos nothing to do with x imho. please nopaste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:14
der-eremitmanfredrasta you haven't got a built-in wireless right? you're using a PCMCIA or am I wrong?13:14
Demerzel_anyone here know how to add startup items to gnome from the commandline?  preferably how to do that so anyone who logs in to the machine has those items starting up?13:14
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: What was the url?13:15
afancyppq: http://dpaste.org/xAMB/13:15
manfredrastader-eremit, yes it is built in wireless. Was advanced for those years13:15
manfredrastanothingspecial, http://pastebin.com/ASwan7Jf13:15
manfredrastanothingspecial, should i go there?13:16
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: no13:16
manfredrastanothingspecial, ok13:16
corecodesomehow my gnome-terminal behaves different than before the last reboot13:17
der-eremitmanfredrasta hm, no wireless there...13:17
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: You don`t have wireless. Are you using a usb thingy13:17
corecodei.e. the background isn't slightly transparent anymore, and i can't find the size setting for the windows13:17
manfredrastader-eremit, what do you mean? no wireless where?13:17
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> Sep 27 13:56:57 localhost kernel: [    2.950721] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table13:17
corecodeany idea what would be the case?13:17
manfredrastanothingspecial, it is built in13:18
der-eremitmanfredrasta either there's missing something in the dump or there's no recognized wireless chip13:18
manfredrastanothingspecial, der-eremit : i try to reboot the wireless card13:18
pokoko222how can i save this mp3`s? http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=190697828213:18
der-eremitmanfredrasta rebooting the wireless card?13:18
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : but how do you know it??? is for that url i sent you?13:18
grigoriadesi press right click on an .exe file and i try to open it with wine and nothing happens. What i should do?13:18
manfredrastader-eremit, i mean turn it off, and then on13:19
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep, it's a dump of all network devices13:19
manfredrastader-eremit, ok13:19
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: yes? there is no wireless detected by the kernel13:19
etrisnantohello all13:19
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:19
der-eremitmanfredrasta but there's only an ethernet interface13:19
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : i have turn it off and then on again13:19
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : maybe I have to disconect the ethernet?13:20
der-eremitmanfredrasta nope13:20
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : with XUbuntu I could see my wireless line13:20
grigoriadesi press right click on an .exe file and i try to open it with wine and nothing happens. What i should do?13:20
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : so i think my wireless card work good13:21
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: You using Lubuntu?13:21
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:21
manfredrastanothingspecial, yes, lubuntu13:21
ppqgrigoriades, look for a guide for the application you want to run at appdb.winehq.org13:21
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: It shouldn`t make a difference {X,L}ubuntu13:21
pokoko222how can i save this mp3`s? http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=190697828213:22
manfredrastanothingspecial, with xubuntu i could see the wifi menu graphickly13:22
der-eremitmanfredrasta LOL, you're suffering from that issue for some time now.. i've found your forum entry13:22
ppqgrigoriades, anyway, to see error messages, you have to run your program in a terminal-window: 'wine ~/.drive_c/Programs/YourProgram/foobar.exe'13:22
manfredrastader-eremit, XD13:22
der-eremitmanfredrasta the wifi stuff can be access via nm-applet13:23
n8wim havin a small issue, ive got one disk devided into two partitions(ntfs(win7),ext3(linux)) the problem is that i cant see some files on ntfs when im in linux...13:23
der-eremitmanfredrasta but i doubt that this will change anything as long as the chip isn't detected13:23
manfredrastader-eremit, so?13:23
n8wanyone havin an idea what could b the cause?13:23
der-eremitn8w probably hidden files - try ls -la13:23
pokoko222how can i save this mp3`s? http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=190697828213:23
n8wder-eremit:  hmm not rly, those r just regular docx files13:24
der-eremitn8w ok, was just a guess13:24
der-eremitmanfredrasta good question, i'm a bit cluesless right now13:24
n8wder-eremit:  ye thx for that anywai13:24
manfredrastader-eremit, xubuntu could detect it13:24
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:24
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:25
manfredrastanothingspecial, any suggestion?13:25
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Boot the Xubuntu cd then get the name o the card13:25
der-eremitmanfredrasta which xubuntu and which lubuntu?13:25
manfredrastanothingspecial, how do I get it?13:25
der-eremitmanfredrasta good idead by nothingspecial, and don't forget to checkout the module list13:26
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: I thought you might still have it13:26
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:26
der-eremitmanfredrasta probably the kernel module hasn't been loaded13:26
ashkan_join centos13:27
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial lubuntu 10.04 and xubuntu 9.0413:27
ashkan_join #centos13:27
bazhangashkan_, /join #channel13:27
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:27
manfredrastanothingspecial, wich command to see the name of the card?13:27
der-eremitmanfredrasta same as before lshw -C network13:27
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: same in xubuntu lshw -C network13:27
manfredrastader-eremit, wich command to check the module list?13:28
afancygrep erro /var/log/message : Sep 27 13:56:57 localhost kernel: [    2.950721] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table13:28
der-eremitmanfredrasta lsmod13:28
gratz|workWith Hal now deprecated (at least it seems to be.. no longer appearing in d-feet on Ubuntu 10.10 beta - meerkat), what is the best way to programmatically detect device inserts for things like usb devices? Before I could watch for a 'DeviceAdded' signal on Hal.Manager..13:28
pokoko222what do i need to play mp3 on ubuntu13:28
manfredrastanothingspecial, der-eremit :ok thanks13:28
bazhanggratz|work, #ubuntu+1 for 10.1013:28
manfredrastanothingspecial, der-eremit : wait for me please13:28
nothingspecialpokoko222: ubuntu-restricted-extras13:28
gratz|workok thanks13:28
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:28
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Can`t promise, sorry13:28
der-eremitmanfredrasta guess i'll be here then13:29
afancygrep erro /var/log/message : Sep 27 13:56:57 localhost kernel: [    2.950721] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table13:29
pokoko222nothingspecial how do install that13:29
llutzmanfredrasta: pastebin output of "lspci" please13:29
nothingspecialsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:30
=== karlo is now known as karlo94
afancygrep erro /var/log/message : Sep 27 13:56:57 localhost kernel: [    2.950721] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table13:30
afancyHi, could anybody help me? i cannot start my xwindow, and I got the error> (II) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/nouveau_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)13:30
mkanyicyafancy, what is xwindow?13:31
mkanyicyyou mean X Windows, afancy ?13:31
der-eremitmkanyicy i guess he means his xorg13:31
llutzmkanyicy: X window (no trailing s)13:31
afancymkanyicy: yes13:32
classical__how can i view what is in zip file without unziping it ?13:32
afancymkanyicy: i cannot start it13:33
AbhiJitclassical__, double click it13:33
afancymkanyicy: i have two computer Ubuntu 10.04, not both cannot start13:33
mkanyicyafancy, are you starting it manually or during the normal boot process13:33
der-eremitafancy https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/52959013:33
afancymkanyicy: normal boot process13:33
corecodehow do you change the default terminal size in lucid?  i vaguely remember having seen some configuration dialog13:33
classical__AbhiJit, i do not have a gui13:34
der-eremitafancy nouveau lacks of the 3d component. so no 3d acceleration -> no AIGLX13:34
maedoxcorecode: « gnome-terminal --geometry=140x35 »13:34
AbhiJitclassical__, ask in #ubuntu-server13:34
maedoxcorecode: for some idiotic reason it was removed in the latest gnome-terminal update.13:35
corecodemaedox: no, i saw a configuration dialog13:35
classical__AbhiJit, thx13:35
afancyder-eremit: so, how should i do now13:35
corecodemaedox: weh wah?13:35
corecodemaedox: like, some days ago?13:35
maedoxcorecode: at least I don't have it anymore, and I remember my gnome-terminal getting updated.13:35
maedoxcorecode: yes.13:35
corecodeoh gah.13:35
corecodeso i'm not going insane13:36
AbhiJit!enter | corecode13:36
ubottucorecode: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:36
maedoxcorecode: put the command with geometry in a script and use that as default terminal in System > prefs > preferred apps13:36
llutzcorecode: gnome-terminal 2.29.6 still has that menu-option13:36
corecodehow come lucid gets so many point updates?13:37
corecodeor even more13:37
lost_and_unfoundgreetings all. I am creating a pppoe account tester. I have a bash script that does a pon dialing. I have a web interface that passes the variables to the bash script to try and make the connection. I have added both my user:group to the dip group in /etc/groups. When i `su -l www-user` and run the script it runs correctly, but via the web interface it fails. I also notice the permissions does differ. Any suggestions how to 13:37
der-eremitafancy set AIGLX to off in your xorg (ServerFlags)13:37
bazhangcorecode, its lts13:37
OerHekscorecode you can turn updates off, if you don't want them.13:37
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial hi13:37
der-eremitmanfredrasta wb13:37
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : now I am running xubuntu from the live cd13:37
silasdavishello what is default ubuntu livecd user/pass?13:37
afancyder-eremit: where_13:38
bazhangsilasdavis, there is none13:38
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : how do I dump the things you need?13:38
corecodei like updates, just not those that drop useful behavior13:38
silasdavisbazhang: there is always a user13:38
afancyder-eremit: but there is no xorg13:38
afancyder-eremit: where is the xorg13:38
der-eremitafancy oh right, there's none anymore13:39
afancyder-eremit: i cannot find xorg file13:39
der-eremitafancy but you still can create one13:39
VCoolioafancy: Xorg -configure    will create /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then edit that13:40
der-eremitmanfredrasta you're currently running from the live cd?13:40
afancyVCoolio: cat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory13:40
manfredrastarunning lshw -C network, gives me one network with wireless interface13:40
manfredrastader-eremit, yes13:40
silasdaviscan anyone tell me the default ubuntu livecd username, I don't have it in front of me13:40
manfredrastader-eremit, and running lshw -C network, gives me one network with wireless interface13:40
der-eremityou can copy&paste it directly to pastebin13:40
manfredrastader-eremit, so xubuntu detects it13:41
afancyVCoolio: http://dpaste.org/srv3/13:41
afancyder-eremit: http://dpaste.org/srv3/13:41
jaredanyone having trouble with terminal crashing in xubuntu maverick?13:41
manfredrastanothingspecial, are you here?13:41
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep, let's check it in detail and compare it to the stuff that lubuntu says13:41
bazhangjared, #ubuntu+1 for 10.1013:42
Zvezdazww - the program is called TeamViewer, how do I add it in command?13:42
Bo|suI plugged an external monitor into a laptop an screwed up the graphics. The system is no longer bootable and grub is not accessible.  I extracted the drive, what is the file I'm looking to modify?13:42
jaredk thanks13:42
manfredrastader-eremit, now there are two networks. One ethernet an d one wireless13:42
manfredrastader-eremit, with lubuntu only gives me the ethernet13:42
der-eremitmanfredrasta sounds good13:42
quanruchina keboard is same to the usa keboard?"?13:42
VCoolioafancy: ok; ctrl+alt+f1 to get to console, 'sudo service gdm stop' to stop X, then 'sudo Xorg -configure' to create xorg.conf; then sudo service gdm start to get back to login13:42
der-eremitmanfredrasta what's the wireless card?13:43
pznI need a recommendation about a program to plot graphics from csv-file and zoom-in/out interactively. can you suggest a package name?13:43
manfredrastader-eremit, how do i know it? lsmod?13:44
afancyVCoolio: http://dpaste.org/THMS/13:44
llutzmanfredrasta: lspci13:44
der-eremitmanfredrasta from the lshw output13:44
silasdavispzn: gnuplot is what usually comes to mind, I'm not sure about interactive zoom with that package, though13:44
der-eremitmanfredrasta product: ... something13:44
ZvezdaAnyone - I am trying to autostart a program, but it says I need to add command.  what is command?13:45
VCoolioafancy: "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices." this one I don't know about; sorry13:45
manfredrastader-eremit, there is no line product:...13:45
rwwZvezda: which program are you trying to start?13:45
manfredrastader-eremit, there is description, phisicall id:,13:45
mark7845can anyone tell me why i get the following error from hunspell: Can't open affix or dictionary files for dictionary named "en_GB"13:45
afancyVCoolio: what13:45
manfredrastader-eremit, ...13:45
pznsilasdavis, ok, I'll try gnuplot13:45
manfredrastader-eremit, logical name,13:45
Zvezdazww - TeamViewer, its a remote access program13:45
Zvezdazww - I downloaded it13:46
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: hi13:46
manfredrastanothingspecial, hi13:46
rwwZvezda: how do you run it? is there an icon in your menu or do you have a command for it?13:46
VCoolioafancy: that's the problem in your paste; I don't know how to solve13:46
manfredrastanothingspecial, i am now with the live cd of xubuntu13:46
der-eremitmanfredrasta uhm, that's bad.13:47
ZvezdaI press APPLICATIONS, Networking, its "TeamViewer" in there13:47
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:47
rwwZvezda: I think Xubuntu comes with a menu editor, you could use that to find the command that Applications > Network > TeamViewer runs.13:48
rwwAs I said, I don't have Lucid Xfce installed, so...13:48
glaucousWhat's the Ubuntu 10.10's ppa? Apparently it got AMD/ATI 10.10 beta drivers which I need.13:48
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit -13:48
rwwif you haven't tried already, #xubuntu would know better.13:48
Zvezdarww - how do I do that?13:48
rwwZvezda: ask in #xubuntu, I don't remember how to run Xubuntu's menu editor13:49
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: back in a couple of minutes, aslong as you use my name I will see it13:49
lost_and_unfoundgreetings all. I am creating a pppoe account tester. I have a bash script that does a pon dialing. I have a web interface that passes the variables to the bash script to try and make the connection. I have added both my user:group to the dip group in /etc/groups. When i `su -l www-user` and run the script it runs correctly, but via the web interface it fails. I also notice the permissions does differ. Any suggestions how to 13:50
joey_I installed gnome13:50
VCoolioZvezda: if it's in the menu, there is probably a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications, check what the Exec= line says13:50
manfredrastanothingspecial, http://pastebin.com13:50
joey_how do I configure so that gnome start at boot rather than console logoin?13:51
forkupZvezda: the command for teamviewer in the menu is /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/5/bin/teamviewer13:51
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: I need the full url13:51
manfredrastanothingspecial, this is correct? sudo lshw -C network | pastebinit -13:51
manfredrastafinishes with -??13:52
MooshiMuushiAnyone know how to trim a video without re-encoding?13:52
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep, takes STDIN as input13:53
Propelmaedox, what version of CrossOver linux do you use?13:53
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Yep13:53
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : and why doesn't it gives me the complete url?13:53
corecodemaedox: some debian update took it out13:53
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : it only gives me http://pastebin.com13:54
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Try sudo lshw -C network > x.txt && pastebinit -i x.txt13:54
bazhangcorecode, debian?13:55
zetheroois there any application in Linux that will show you your motherboard model number?13:55
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : again only http://pastebin.com13:55
der-eremitmanfredrasta uhm.. then copy&paste it directly to pastebin13:56
zyt_  13:56
zyt_ 13:56
zyt_ 13:56
FloodBot2zyt_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:56
manfredrastader-eremit, what is pastebin?13:56
der-eremitmanfredrasta the website -> pastebin.com13:56
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: go here   http://pastebin.com and paste it in13:56
corecodebazhang: yes, debian13:56
dan__u can add me so that we can chat13:56
bazhangcorecode, you are running debian or ubuntu13:56
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : ok13:57
SeidrHeya - you might see this question alot but I've got to ask it anyway. Are there any known issues in with Ubuntu when using ISPConfig 3 and Jailkit (version 2.12, most recent version) - as I can't for the life of me get new users to be created jailed! :(13:57
cheesebearisnt ubuntu an operating system?13:57
bazhangcheesebear, yes13:57
corecodebazhang: do you even know what i am talking about?13:57
cheesebearhello baz13:58
cheesebearwe meet again mawhahaw13:58
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:58
bazhangcheesebear, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:58
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : done. I called it manfredrasta13:59
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : is that what you wanted?13:59
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
cheesebearoh i have come to chat about ubuntu14:00
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: need the url14:01
bazhangcheesebear, this not the channel for that14:01
der-eremitmanfredrasta can you give me the URL14:01
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : sorry, http://pastebin.com/qFhYEGSn14:01
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : is that what you want14:02
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep14:02
cheesebearis this  channel for  ubuntu tec suport?14:02
bazhangcheesebear, yes14:02
llutzmanfredrasta: "orinoco" is the driver you need for your wireless14:02
llutzmanfredrasta: ships with lucid14:02
der-eremitmanfredrasta hm, probably there was really missing the correct kernel module14:02
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
der-eremitmanfredrasta as llutz said, orinoco is the kernel module that needs to be loaded14:03
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: Yep the module is orinoco. It may not be in lubuntu 10.04`s kernel14:03
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial : llutz says that i need orinoco driver14:03
llutznothingspecial: it comes with lucid14:03
cheesebearwell is this the channel i wanna be at if i wanna know the configuration of the oper. sys.14:03
der-eremitmanfredrasta that's correct. so boot into your lubuntu and sudo modprobe orinoco14:04
manfredrastader-eremit, nothingspecial , llutz : so? how do i do it?14:04
moralesatakk Ddos14:04
llutzmanfredrasta: boot into you installation, run "sudo modprobe orinoco"14:04
der-eremitmanfredrasta if this works you can echo 'orinoco' >> /etc/modules14:04
billy_hi folks - i've got shutdown problems with zoiper sip client14:04
cheesebearor is it just strictly maintnence?14:04
manfredrastader-eremit, what???14:05
afiefWhat would happen if I dd in=/dev/sda of=/some/file/on/sda.img ?14:05
basy+j php14:05
der-eremitmanfredrasta 1) boot into lubuntu.14:05
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: I`ve just fire up my netbook, orinoco is there, in lubuntu14:05
manfredrastader-eremit, yep14:05
llutzafief: after a while you'd have an image of your /dev/sda14:05
der-eremitmanfredrasta 2) sudo modprobe orinoco14:05
EkipsAnti-floodbots I'm guessing14:05
der-eremitmanfredrasta if 2) works, you can add it to /etc/modules14:05
EkipsWith a funny nick :p14:05
der-eremitmanfredrasta then it get's automatically loaded14:05
Misteriocntrational: They protect channel against paste in channel14:05
manfredrastader-eremit, there nothingspecial says that there is in lubuntu14:06
afiefllutz: but I'm wiritng to it while reading it, wouldn't that end in some kind of infinite loop?14:06
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep, but probably it's not loaded automatically14:06
manfredrastader-eremit, ok14:06
NeKitis there somebody who uses Eee PC?14:06
manfredrastader-eremit, ill do what you say14:06
corecodeNeKit: i do14:06
manfredrastader-eremit, it is not clare  2) works, you can add it to /etc/modules14:07
maedoxcorecode: yes, it was an upstream update.14:07
NeKithow to get normal speed in 3D? I was following http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu:eeexubuntu:customization#direct_rendering14:07
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC . The Ubuntu EeePC Channel is #ubuntu-eeepc , main EeePC discussion in #eeepc14:07
=== morales is now known as kick
llutzafief: oh /some/file/on  is on /dev/sda? then its a stupid idea14:07
manfredrastader-eremit, how do i add it there?14:07
der-eremitmanfredrasta if you see your wlan interface after loading the kernel module14:07
corecodemaedox: ok, that recompile fixed it14:07
corecodenow what do i do with this14:07
der-eremitmanfredrasta then it was just missing on startup. to ensure that it gets loaded14:07
afiefllutz: thought so :-) thanks14:07
=== kick is now known as Guest14157
maedoxcorecode: alright, I didn't pay attention here for a little while.14:07
der-eremitmanfredrasta anytime you start your laptop add it to /etc/modules14:07
serp_I am missing "X11/extensions/XInput.h". how can I search for the packet that installs it?14:08
der-eremitmanfredrasta easiest way: sudo echo 'orinoco' >> /etc/modules14:08
erUSUL!find Input.h14:08
ubottuFound: language-support-input-hi14:08
der-eremitNeKit depends on the eee pc14:08
serp_!find XInput.h14:08
llutzder-eremit: you cann redirect using sudo14:08
ubottuFile XInput.h found in libxi-dev14:08
NeKitbut still it's about 160 fps in glxgears14:08
bazhang!ru | d4rke1f14:08
ubottud4rke1f: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:08
manfredrastader-eremit, ok , so 1)lubuntu and run sudo modprobe orinoco14:08
serp_erUSUL: is there a way to ask apt-get directly about that?14:08
NeKitEee PC 700 2G Surf14:09
manfredrastader-eremit, 2) if works, sudo echo 'orinoco' >> /etc/modules14:09
manfredrastader-eremit, isn't it?14:09
llutzder-eremit: manfredrasta: echo orinoco|sudo tee -a /etc/modules14:09
erUSULserp_: if you install apt-file afaik14:09
NeKitIntel GMA 91514:09
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep14:09
serp_erUSUL: I see14:09
der-eremitllutz yep, even better14:09
llutzder-eremit: not better, sudo echo foo > bar   won't work14:09
manfredrastader-eremit, so 2)echo orinoco|sudo tee -a /etc/modules14:09
iliver efnet14:10
der-eremitllutz ah shit, you're right14:10
der-eremitmanfredrasta yep, correct14:10
manfredrastader-eremit, ill try14:10
tflgen2anyone really familiar with clonezilla and able to tell me if i saved a disk img but only the first partition (hda1) was successful, can i restore that partition? or am i screwed?14:11
WazzzaaaHey, I try to run a java process to listen on port 843 as nonroot. I installed/configured authbind but it still doesn't work. Any suggestions?14:11
ShaulWazzzaaa: is authbind the ones that let you use ports below 1024 ?14:11
WazzzaaaThis is what I've done: http://pastebin.com/47vn6wcV14:11
WazzzaaaShaul, that is what the package description says...14:12
_DGM_Wazzzaaa: why not just stick to the standard and use another port instead?14:12
maedoxWazzzaaa: You could bind it to >1024 and use iptables to forward packets.14:12
cntrationalso I have a problem with my Wi-fi. Every few hours, the wi-fi disconnects and I need to restart the router to reconnect. Help?14:12
pozicCan I search in everything my terminal (gnome-terminal) has outputted using e.g. Emacs bindings? Or if not like that, in any other way?14:12
WazzzaaaBecause it isn't my code, and I THINK it must liston on 84314:12
_DGM_like maedox says you could always use iptables, or configure your NAT if you have one14:13
erUSULpozic: emcas bindings in bash only search history14:13
Shaulcheck if it is free14:13
WazzzaaaI know the other solutions, but I really want to listen on 843, because the client is some flash which I cannot modify14:13
Ekips843 TCP is used by flash by default yeah14:13
joey_what is your cool gnome desktop?14:14
_DGM_use iptables then.. or do you not have such access at all?14:14
VCooliopozic: try this http://github.com/muennich/urxvt-perls/raw/master/keyboard-select14:14
WazzzaaaIt is on mu localhost, I am root. _DGM_, what do you suggest?14:15
bazhangjoey_, no polling here please; #ubuntu-offtopic for that14:15
=== joey_ is now known as _joey
VCooliopozic: it's for urxvt terminal, there you can search output with this14:15
manfredrastallutz, nothingspecial , der-eremit : hi again14:15
NeKitif glxinfo says direct rendering then it's hardware accelerated for sure?14:16
der-eremitmanfredrasta re14:16
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: hi14:16
manfredrastallutz, der-eremit , nothingspecial : i typed sudo modeprobe orinoco, the he asked me the password for sudo, i typed it, and then [RETURN] and then nothing14:16
Wazzzaaa_DGM_, I can listen on a 1024+ port, and let iptables forward 843 to that port?14:16
der-eremitmanfredrasta that's ok14:16
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: that`s good no errors14:16
erUSULNeKit: direct rendering: Yes14:16
NeKitI think ~846 frames in 5.0 secons is still to less, even for Eee PC 70014:16
manfredrasta llutz, der-eremit , nothingspecial : ok14:16
der-eremitmanfredrasta as long as there isn't an error it's perfect14:16
llutzmanfredrasta: type "iwconfig"14:16
nothingspecialsudo service networking restart14:17
=== ukine_ is now known as ukine
_DGM_Wazzzaaa: yea you should be able to. If you're behind a router you can make your NAT do that too.. thats the easier way14:17
llutzmanfredrasta: is there any device with "wireless extension"?14:17
basyhow to be invited and join #php chanel?14:17
der-eremitmanfredrasta please say yes :D14:17
llutz!register > basy14:17
ubottubasy, please see my private message14:17
manfredrastader-eremit, llutz : no14:17
_DGM_basy try ##php14:17
WazzzaaaYeah, I'm aware of that. I see I can modify the server code so that is possible. Thnx14:17
nothingspeciallsmod | grep orinoco14:18
manfredrastader-eremit, llutz there is lo and eth0, none with wireless extension14:18
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: ^^14:18
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: You may have to restart networking14:19
manfredrastanothingspecial, der-eremit , llutz : lsmod | grep orinoco gives me two lines: 1)orinoco 62841 0  2)cfg80211              126485  1 orinoco14:19
manfredrastanothingspecial, i restart network14:19
llutzmanfredrasta: does "ifconfig -a" list more than lo/eth0?14:19
manfredrastallutz, there is etc0, 0 and lo14:20
der-eremitmanfredrasta what's the second 0?14:21
manfredrastallutz, sorry. there is eth0 and lo14:21
manfredrastader-eremit, a mistake14:21
manfredrastader-eremit, looked another oine, but is the end of a line of the eth014:21
skarhi, how do i make debuild build a package for only a  specific arch, say i386, and not i686 or amd64 etc?14:22
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: To restart networking sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:22
ikoniaskar: set in the description and definition14:22
skarikonia: thanks, will look into those files now :)14:22
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
manfredrastanothingspecial, it says Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. and then     [OK]14:24
manfredrastanothingspecial, now?14:24
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: iwconfig again and cross your fingers14:25
manfredrastanothingspecial, ok14:25
manfredrastanothingspecial, nothing14:25
manfredrastanothingspecial, :(14:25
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: :(14:25
manfredrastallutz, any suggestion?14:26
der-eremitmanfredrasta that really sucks :|14:26
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: I`ll find your forum post and if I dig anything up I`ll post there14:26
llutz_manfredrasta: not really, does your card need any firmware? "dmesg|grep -C1 -i firmware "14:26
manfredrastanothingspecial, thanks, its written by manfredrasta14:26
ShaulUhm, I installed postgresql 9 which came out few days ago, I'm wondering if there is a package for pgadmin3 1.12 version which supports psql 914:26
yellabshi there you all14:27
nothingspecialmanfredrasta: That was my guess :)14:27
makulkaris there a common package which installs all common dev tools like git, svn, vim etc14:27
Picimakulkar: No.14:27
yellabsfor ubuntu server questions should i go to an other channel?14:27
LjLyellabs: you can ask them here, but there is #ubuntu-server if you prefer14:28
manfredrastallutz, http://pastebin.com/wvFgtwXP14:28
manfredrastallutz, nothingspecial : but i see the line from xubuntu14:28
davzieCan anyone recommend something like SmoothWall or m0n0wall that will work on a Virtual Machine on Ubuntu?14:28
llutz_manfredrasta: nothing wifi related. no idea then, sorry14:29
blue_annaI got this error this morning runniing the update manager: http://nopaste.dk/p247614:29
yellabsfor setting up an ubuntu server , that will run virtual servers ( or more then one server ) , what would i need ?14:29
yellabson one srever14:29
der-eremitmanfredrasta dito, kinda cluesless right now14:29
yellabsserver *\14:29
manfredrastader-eremit, thanks anyway14:29
bazhangblue_anna, on maverick?14:29
der-eremitmanfredrasta u're welcome14:29
skarikonia: for eg, 'less' deb's dsc contains only "Binary: less", while glibc's contain a lot of pkgs to be built. i can chose to build just one by removing all else?14:30
geemeehey folks.. What would the command be to list folder sizes of users home folders?14:30
geemeedu ???14:30
der-eremitgeemee yep14:30
manfredrastader-eremit, llutz, nothingspecial : see you. i'll try in other moment14:30
der-eremitmanfredrasta see you too14:30
geemeeder-eremit: thanks... dont suppose you would know what switches to use?14:30
der-eremitgeemee du -hcs14:31
blue_annabazhang, it happens to be14:31
geemeeder-eremit: appreciated thanks14:31
der-eremitgeemee no problem14:31
bazhangblue_anna, please dont crosspost here for #ubuntu+1 issues14:31
blue_annabazhang, would the understanding of the problem be any different if it was an 10.04 package instad?14:33
blue_annaI dont think so14:33
bazhangblue_anna, maverick is offtopic here. Please ask those questions in #ubuntu+1 thank you14:33
LjLblue_anna: quite possibly, yes.14:33
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blue_annaLjL, yes, well thank you, I just prefer to look for help where people might know the answer :)14:34
LjLblue_anna: and in case someone tried to help you here, when were you intending to tell them you're on maverick after seeing their confusion about "wrong" package versions or errors they can't reproduce?14:35
redshirtsftw_join #wixi14:36
=== Seidr2 is now known as Seidr
OstepopI wanna encode a dvd to xvid with subtitles. Is it possible, in ubuntu ?14:38
blue_annaLjL, yes, I would have told them that as soon as possible, in order to avoid senseless argumentation like this :D14:38
Jigalcan someone help me with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/501388/14:40
VCoolioOstepop: dvdrip can do that or maybe ffmpeg or mencoder14:40
ppqOstepop, when you like easy gui programs, i can recommend OGMRip to to that14:41
Ostepopppq can it fix subtitles as well ?14:41
JustMozzyhi guys, I am having big problems with sound on my lucid lynx with pulseaudio...14:42
BluesKajOstepop, make sure you have the xvid/divx codecs , then try avidemux , I havent tried dvdrip lately ... like VCoolio says ffmpeg will work if you're familiar with the cli14:42
ppqOstepop, but you can't include the subtitles in .avi containers. you need to store the subtitles in .srt files located in the same directory as the .avi and with the same filename (not the ending). then the subtitles will be loaed automatically by hardware-players and software-players14:42
ppqOstepop, you have to rip the subtitles off the dvd with another tool14:43
Ostepopok thx, ppq14:43
OstepopWill try it out14:43
Strogg'lo 'lo14:43
Ostepopany tips for ripping out subs?14:44
=== sedulous is now known as solar_32kbps_pwn
=== solar_32kbps_pwn is now known as sedulous
StroggI'm a debian user that is building a .deb package.. the packages requirements are very low, so it should install with no problems onto an ubuntu system.  What's the easiest way to give the package to an new ubuntu user to have them install it? Does ubuntu have an established way of doing this?14:45
rusiviOstepop: regarding ripping subs may want to check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD%3A%3ARip14:45
VCoolioStrogg: give him the deb and teach him how to click it14:46
zedeeeis it possible for ubuntu 10.04 to hangup and show black blinking screen if cpu fans are not working??/ or rather can ubuntu 10.04 cause fans to stop working soemhows?14:46
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sipiorStrogg: sure is14:46
sipior!ppa > Strogg14:46
ubottuStrogg, please see my private message14:46
StroggVCoolio: Nice.  So the GUI will handle the sudo stuff and all that?14:46
krabadorhi, i would set apt-get , to download largest pakages before, in a molti package installation, or a big upgrade. can i do it someway?14:46
ppqOstepop, oh, ogmrip can rin subtitles, too. see http://ogmrip.sourceforge.net/en/manual.html#profiles_subp14:46
Ostepopppq, thx14:46
rusivizedeee: I would say yes if the computer overheats14:46
VCoolioStrogg: he'll be prompted with a gksu screen to enter the password, yes14:46
Stroggsipior: Thanks. I'll check that out too14:46
Jigalhow do i install java-6-openjdk via command line14:47
rusivikrabador: apt-get install pack1 pack2 pack3 pack4 pack514:47
VCoolioJigal: sudo apt-get install <package>   or aptitude install14:47
sanoop./configure error while compiling14:47
sanoopspecify build14:47
sanoopcan anyone help14:47
rusivippq: oh cool did not know about ogmrip ty14:47
StroggVCoolio: Cool. thanks.. I"ll give it a shot14:47
erUSUL!java | Jigal14:47
ubottuJigal: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:47
bobstrozedeee:  i'd say you could probably stop the fans using ubuntu (or any other distro) if you're playing around with some of the power management stuff, yes. stopping fans is not something ubuntu does routinely though.14:47
ppqOstepop, there you can also read what hardware players like when it comes to subtitles, encoding etc14:48
rquirogaHi everybody14:48
ppqrusivi, np14:48
krabadorrusivi, i type in that way, but apt-get dowload packages in the way it want14:48
bobstrozedeee:  were you trying out power management or something similar?14:48
rquirogaI need some help with Grub2 on Karmic, have to boot manually through rescue grub2 console commands14:48
rusivikrabador: Ahhhhh your looking to install but in a particular order?14:49
krabadorrusivi, yes :)14:49
sanoop./configure error while compiling specify build HELP PLEASE14:49
rusivikrabador: When you apt-get install do you order the packages in the order you want to install them?14:49
zedeee<rusivi>ok, i have xp and ubuntu 10.04 on same system but diff aprtitions, right now i am using xp and and fans are working ok, but when i try using ubuntu the os doesnt load..and this was alarming so i opened the cpu and the fans are not working...tried restarting 2-3 times but same issue...i tried starting with windows xp and the fans working14:49
zedeee<rusivi>ok, i have xp and ubuntu 10.04 on same system but diff aprtitions, right now i am using xp and and fans are working ok, but when i try using ubuntu the os doesnt load..and this was alarming so i opened the cpu and the fans are not working...tried restarting 2-3 times but same issue...i tried starting with windows xp and the fans working14:50
VCooliosanoop: dude, patience; can you paste the complete output to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link14:50
jacob_Hello everyone14:50
rusivizedeee: have you tried the Maverick Live CD?14:50
zedeeeearliar the ubuntu screen would go all black and blinking at random times and during random app usage14:50
rquirogaHi guys, I need some help with Grub2 on Karmic, have to boot manually through rescue grub2 console commands14:51
rusivizedeee: also do you have multi-desktop engaged?14:51
krabadorrusivi, when i do big upgrades or installation with a large number of dependencies, i look apt-get download the packages in a way that it wants14:51
sanoop./configure error while compiling specify build HELP PLEASE14:51
Picisanoop: stop.14:51
rusivirquiroga may want to search for grub2 config file(s) editing14:51
bobstrorquiroga:  you get it to boot ok when you do it manaully?14:51
rusivikrabador: ahhhh sounds like Canonical/Partners are doing it by efficiency algorithm to deliver the package that you asked for in the way convenient for them statistically and by resources available.14:52
rquirogaI have read up on grub2 config, my grub.cfg seems ok, and it has the same commands I am entering manually to boot succesfully, it just wont auto-boot14:52
bullgard4Why is it allowed to anybody to execute the file /usr/sbin/s2disk?14:52
rusivikrabador: there may be a switch to true force it but idk14:52
rusivikrabador: I would check man pages for aptitude14:53
krabadorrusivi, and if i type an order, apt-get do it in another order. understand me, it's all right, it's not a big problem, but sometimes i would download packeges from the biggest14:53
krabadorrusivi, yes14:53
rusivikrabador: yes it is understood.14:53
sanoopchecking build system type... /bin/bash: ./config.guess: No such file or directory14:53
sanoopconfigure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one14:53
bobstrorquiroga:  assuming it worked before, right? what are you having to change/enter manually?14:53
ppqbullgard4, because every user should be able to use the hibernate mode without typing their passwords14:54
sanoopchecking build system type... /bin/bash: ./config.guess: No such file or directory14:54
sanoopconfigure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one14:54
llutz_ppq: very intelligent on multiuser-systems :)14:54
rusivippq: is this requesting upon coming back from hibernate/standby no password prompted? If so outstanding bug for that.14:54
sipiorsanoop: how about pastebinning some *actual* information for us to look at? "help us to help you".14:54
bullgard4ppq: So a rank-and-file user can block the machine while another user is working on it. Is this desirable?14:54
alaingwhere can i find offical ubuntu 10.04 server guide to setup lampp14:55
bazhang!lamp | alaing try this14:55
ubottualaing try this: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:55
rquirogaThe problem started on upgrading to grub2 from legacy. This is a wubi installation, and I am trying to upgrade to grub2 so I can migrate the install to a ext4 partition. The commands I enter are: linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-19-generic root=/dev/sda5 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro14:55
BluesKajsanoop , do you build-essential installed ?14:55
rquirogainitrd /&boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-22-generic14:55
alaingthanks bazhang14:56
ppqbullgard4, the users are also able to shut down the system without a password.14:56
sanoopdont know14:56
rquirogasrry I mean 2.6.31-19-generic on initrd14:56
bobstrobullgard4:  this is on workstation, not server, right?14:56
rusivirquiroga: granted this should have happened. Updating grub from one type to another is getting cute, I would reinstall unless your interested in figuring it all out.14:56
bobstrorquiroga:  i'd check out fixing grub with a rescue disk. no need for a complete re-do.14:57
rusivibobstro: I'm lazy :p14:57
bobstrorusivi:  well, not a good idea if there's important stuff on there!14:57
zedeee<rusivi> zedeee: also do you have multi-desktop engaged?..........whats tht?14:57
sanoop"configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one" this is the error i am getting while typing ./configure14:57
rquirogarusivi: I thought it would be easy since there is a bug report, saying that overwriting wubldr file with a patched version, booting manually and then update-grub would fix the problem14:58
bobstrorusivi:  besides, that's so windows :)14:58
rusivibobstro: I would just backup -> reinstall14:58
rquirogadidn´t happen for me.14:58
bobstrorusivi:  that is a lot of work for a minor fix!14:58
rusivizedeee: if you have more than one monitor attached to your PC14:58
sipiorsanoop: yeah, we got that part.14:58
BluesKajsanoop, then install it , sudo aptitude install build-essential...make sure you look at the readme file and install file as well to carry out the compile procedure in the terminal14:58
rusivibobstro: I'm Windows by habit14:59
zedeee<rusivi> no, its just one monitor attached14:59
rusivibobstro: I'm slowly learning the Ubuntu way14:59
rusivibobstro: I provided the best fix I know. Better to provide something then nothing :D14:59
rquirogak guys thx anyways... guess Ill reinstall Ubuntu14:59
bobstrorusivi:  reinstalling is rarely required. lots of people do it, but there's usually a fix.14:59
rusivibobstro: agreed14:59
bobstrorquiroga:  read up on rescue disks to repair grub before you give up.14:59
rusivibobstro: if your not impatient15:00
pkkmHow to check my uid?15:00
bobstrorquiroga:  it's good to know how to fix these things, and your system is working once booted, right?15:00
sanoopBluesKaj. ok done whats next15:00
rquirogayes exactly15:00
deenai need to  install vlc 1.1.0 in ubuntu 10.04... anyone can help me out on this?15:00
llutz_pkkm: id15:00
pkkmllutz_, thanks15:01
bobstrorquiroga:  the fix is usually booting a cd, mounting your partition, chrooting to it and doing a grub-install. very quick process.15:01
erUSUL!ppa > deena15:01
ubottudeena, please see my private message15:01
rquirogaI have read up, and it seems the problem with grub2 is that it only reads 4 GB into a partition looking for boot files. That is supposed to be fixed with some patched wubldr file...15:01
sanoopBluesKaj. ok done whats next15:01
sanoopBluesKaj. Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "build-esseitial"15:01
rusivibobstro: Granted I am being very presumptuous in my suggestion. b/c install/fully update for Ubuntu wx.yz is 30 minutes on my connection.15:02
rusivibobstro: that would be an entire day in Windows Vista15:02
bobstrorusivi:  yes, but you must add the backup/restore time.15:02
rusivibobstro: good call15:02
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rusivibobstro: yes your correct15:02
bobstrorquiroga:  was it working at one time?15:02
rusivibobstro: being presump again b/c I have everything auto-backed up15:02
bastid_raZorsanoop: build-essential   you  have an incorrect spelling15:02
neekerscan you use rotatelogs inside of <VirtualHost> ?15:02
bobstrorusivi:  good for you!15:03
BluesKajsanoop, you don't need build-essential to install pidgin , it's in your package manager15:03
rusivibobstro: ty (blushing)15:03
bobstrorusivi:  i just worry that other users might have important stuff on their system that they forget, then lose.15:03
bobstrorquiroga:  you can certainly have larger partitions, if that's what you mean.15:04
bullgard4bobstro: This is on a workstation. Yes.15:04
rusivibobstro: your right on so many fronts. My suggestion is suboptimal15:04
rusivibobstro: it is a "fix" vs. a solution15:04
rusivideena: one sec checking15:05
bobstrorusivi:  no big deal. lot of people just reinstall. i'm just pointing out that it is not needed most of the time.15:05
rusivibobstro: ty for doing so, challenging the community to solve problems instead of avoiding them is a good thing. Please do so in the future.15:05
rquirogaactually, don´t need live CD, I can boot into my system just fine.... manually15:06
bobstrobullgard4:  i've not tried hibernating if other users are online. i know i get a prompt for password when rebooting if others are logged in.15:06
zedeeeany one knows about 'linux mint'?15:07
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:07
popey!mint | zedeee15:07
ubottuzedeee: please see above15:07
bobstrobullgard4:  i think the assumption/compromise is that the 'workstation' can be a laptop or other individual computer. for a multi-user system, you might want to get rid of some of those features, or use server.15:07
rusivideena: I'm a cheater and I download the unstable .deb files from Debian and frequently come across dependency problems. Disclaimer: this is a pandora's box suggestion http://packages.debian.org/unstable/video/vlc15:08
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!15:09
rusivideena: If you do not know how to resolve the dependencies you may petition VLC maintainers15:09
alaingHi I've run this sudo tasksel install lamp-server where are all the folders/files locations for my lamp setup?15:10
deenainstalled rusivi no problem thanks for your help15:10
rusivideena ubottu is correct15:10
erUSUL!lamp | alaing15:10
ubottualaing: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:10
rusiviubottu sorry ubottu I do feel comfortable giving best solutions despite sub-optimal scenario with caveats ;)15:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:11
rusiviubottu uh huh15:11
Misterio!bot > rusivi15:11
ubotturusivi, please see my private message15:11
rusiviMisterio !bot >>>>>> rusivi15:12
plittercan i use usb-creator-gtk to make live usb for fedora, debian and opensuse to?15:12
Misteriorusivi: What are you trying to do?15:13
alaingamy i right in thinking that this sudo tasksel install lamp-server would install the latest mysql,apache and php?15:13
rwwplitter: no, only Ubuntu15:13
plitterrww: k, thanks15:13
youngis there a body15:13
rusiviMisterio: Regarding?15:13
alaingerUSUL: I'm just trying to go through that guide15:13
oCeanalaing: no, not (always) latest15:13
genupulasare we able to build own databases with ubuntu15:14
youngoh no15:14
oCeangenupulas: what databases?15:14
erUSULalaing: it will install the versons aviable in the repos. that are known to work well together15:14
youngcan you give me something useful15:14
younghello is it ther15:14
WazzzaaaHey, I have redirected a port using iptables. It doesn't work for localhost:port, any ideas? This is the config: -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 843 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 884315:15
genupulasi have seen in slides while installing ubuntu as we can create our own databases15:15
youngfuck you15:15
babu__how to recover the ubuntu 10.04 grub after installing windows15:15
WazzzaaaIt does work when telnet from another host for example15:15
rwwyoung: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support. No cussing.15:15
erUSULWazzzaaa: localhost uses lo not eth0 ?15:15
sipioryoung: i think i hear your mother calling you.15:15
erUSUL!grub2 | babu__15:15
ubottubabu__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:15
WazzzaaaLol, thnx?15:15
josharianmorning. not sure if i'm in the right place for this (please point me elsewhere if not). i'm having stability problems with my graphics card, and am not sure where to start...15:15
rusivisipior / young cut it out.15:15
babu__i followed the procedure as in ubuntu help....but it doesn't helps15:15
sipiorrusivi: go away.15:15
alaingerUSUL: ok so where does it place the www folder and config files?15:16
joshariani'm doing gpgpu computing. and after cruising along for a while, the graphics card becomes completely unresponsive.15:16
jocrawfoanyone here have any experience with Bose USB speakers and Ubuntu?15:16
josharianthe syslog shows: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/u1xbAUtL15:16
Punkxanyone know how to configure a network scanner to xsane?15:16
josharianconsistently, each time15:16
jocrawfoI cannot get my system to even see they are plugged into the system when they are15:16
jocrawfoso I cannot choose the USB audio from the sound prefs15:16
joshariannot sure where to start looking...(complete linux newb)15:16
youngcould you help me15:16
erUSULalaing: the wiki page doe snot say where? /var/www/ holds html roots /etc/apache.../ for conf files15:16
youngi need some help15:16
Pici!ask | young15:16
ubottuyoung: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:16
oCeanyoung: you have to behave15:17
kevin_who know how to create DCP???15:17
bobstroWazzzaaa:  is that iptables on the same machine you're redirecting the port to (localhost)?15:17
WazzzaaaerUSUL, I added lo as interface, but that didn't help15:17
WazzzaaaYes bobstro15:17
ServerTechLaptopCould i make mozilla firefox use a certain internet connection itself when i have many connected to it?15:17
youngyou just need to install some tools15:17
babu__plese help me.....15:17
babu__ya young15:18
bobstroWazzzaaa:  the other hosts are hitting eth0. you're trying to redirect on the local machine?15:18
genupulasbabu__ whats up?15:18
youngoh ye s15:18
Jigalcan someone please help me and tell me whats wrong over here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/501504/ i tried to channel -discover pear.phpunit.de15:18
Wazzzaaabobstro: Yes15:18
erUSULWazzzaaa: so you added « -A PREROUTING -i lo -p tcp -m tcp --dport 843 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8843 » too ?15:18
youngjust search the net you will find the answers15:19
babu__i can't able to restore y grub2m15:19
babu__i can't able to restore y grub215:19
younggrub  2 how to use it15:19
WazzzaaaThis is my config atm:15:19
bobstrobabu__:  read up on rescue discs and fixing linux boot.15:19
oCeanyoung: "search the net" is not helpful advice15:19
tgywawhat is the official repository for Ubuntu 10.10 ??15:19
oCeantgywa: maverick discussion ins #ubuntu+1 please15:20
popeytgywa: same one for every release15:20
bobstrobabu__:  you will need a bootable cd. it is not difficult, but a good clear document will be easier to follow than instructions here.15:20
tgywaI want to get some packages from there ? kernel 2.6.3515:20
oCeantgywa: this is not 10.10 help channel15:20
popeyoCean: arguably he's not looking for 10.10 help, but help getting a package to 10.04 from 10.1015:21
tgywaoCean, is there a channel for 10-10 only?15:21
popeytgywa: is that right?15:21
=== Evil_Touqen is now known as fumanchu182
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perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how i install the old gdm so i can put a gdm theme?15:21
oCeantgywa: #ubuntu+1 is for maverick (=10.10) discussion/help etc15:21
tgywapopey, yes ... I have 10.04 and would like to install kenel 2.6.35 from 10.10.15:22
popeytgywa: there is a kernel ppa which might be better for you http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/15:22
bobstroperlsyntax:  there are some guides on changing the new gdm theme15:22
jocrawfoanyone here have any experience with Bose USB speakers and Ubuntu? I cannot get my system to even see they are plugged into the system when they are so I cannot choose the USB audio from the sound prefs15:22
bullgard4bobstro: Thank you for commenting and explaining and making me think about this matter from a new point of view.15:22
perlsyntaxbobstro,i beensearch on google.But is there links?15:23
jocrawfoI got the Companion 5 but searching Google is not helping me much, I found one paost but nothing that helps when ubuntu does not see the USB Audio plugged in :(15:23
rusivijocrawfo: what is your lsusb -v, lsusb w/ it plugged in, and lsusb without say?15:23
oCeanperlsyntax: this is howto change the login screen: http://somedom.com/?p=2115:23
bobstroperlsyntax:  i didn't save the link, sorry. it's out there though.15:23
VCooliotry gdm2setup https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup15:23
bobstrobullgard4:  good questions. you made me think too. :)15:23
VCoolioperlsyntax:  ^^15:23
BluesKajjocrawfo,  lsusb in the terminal , to see if it's listed15:24
bullgard4bobstro: :-)15:24
jocrawfomoment will do all those commands and put the output in pastebin15:25
jocrawfolsusb -v = http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/VtDVgJGB15:26
jocrawfoi do see this in the output: #15:27
jocrawfoBus 005 Device 002: ID 05a7:1020 Bose Corp.15:27
alainghow do i test what services are running particular php15:27
jocrawfoalaing, ps ax | grep php15:28
_joeywhat was the keyword for plugin?15:28
jocrawfops ax will return all processes running on the machine for any user, the grep says show me only the lines containing php15:28
Pici_joey: For what?15:28
Shaul!package pgadmin15:28
_joeythe bot was spewing something about plugins15:28
alaingjocrawfo: so if it returns something then it means its running correct?15:29
ilovefairuzalaing: "particular" as in what ?15:29
Shaul!package pgadmin315:29
jocrawfoalaing, yes15:29
_joey!package plugin15:29
Pici!info pgadmin3 | Shaul15:29
ubottuShaul: pgadmin3 (source: pgadmin3): graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10.2-1build1 (lucid), package size 2023 kB, installed size 6836 kB15:29
Jigalhello i have this error in ubuntu 10.04 which should be fixed already how can i make sure to updrade my system to where this is fixed?15:29
_joey!info plugin15:29
ubottuPackage plugin does not exist in lucid15:29
Pici_joey: I don't know which factoid that would be.  Please /msg ubottu15:29
_joey!info plugins15:29
ubottuPackage plugins does not exist in lucid15:29
Pici_joey: stop.15:29
oCean_joey: please stop. Search factoids at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi15:29
ShaulPici: looking for 1.12 :(15:29
ilovefairuz_joey: plugins of what?15:29
_joeywhat's factoids?15:30
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
ppqShaul, maybe you can find a trustworthy ppa15:30
oCean_joey: the info that ubottu holds15:30
jocrawfoJigal, you could try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;15:30
Shaulppq: haven't found any ppa that has it15:30
jocrawfoJigal, not sure if that will fix your issue but it will update all the packages on your system15:30
alainghmm  strange I created a test.php that has <?php phpinfo(); ?> now when I go to localhost/test.php it asks me to saves the attachment.15:30
jocrawfoalaing, your apache is not configured properly in that case15:31
Jigalhmmm ok15:31
jocrawfodid you install apache, php, mysql using packages or did you compile the source?15:31
alaingshould i be asking these questions here of php channel?15:31
ppqShaul, ok then build it by yourself using checkinstall, this way it's clean installed15:31
jocrawfoBluesKaj, any ideas on my bose issue?15:31
ilovefairuzalaing: what server are you running? and did you install the php packages?15:31
jocrawforusivi, any ideas either?15:31
Shaulppq: I haven't done it before ^15:31
rusivijocrawfo: After a search for BOSE in Ubuntu kernel,https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux?field.searchtext=bose&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omi15:32
rusivit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= looks like the BOSE sound system is an interesting bug for the community to tackle, anyone else agree/disagree?15:32
jocrawfoalaing, you should probably ask in ##php and #apache as it has to do with configuration15:32
BluesKajjocrawfo,  hang on , I'm searching15:32
jocrawfoBluesKaj, thanks, i tried searching and did not end up with much on my end :(15:32
alaingjocrawfo:  I used sudo tasksel install lamp-server15:32
Picialaing: sudo a2enmod php515:32
BluesKajrusivi, tiny.url is your friend15:32
jocrawfojust people saying choose usb audio but if it is not showing up i am not sure how15:33
rusiviBluesKaj What is that? :D15:33
ppqShaul, generally, building software is very easy. install package build-essential, geh the sources, extract, cd, ./configure, make, checkinstall.15:33
alaingwhat does sudo a2enmod php5 do?15:33
Shaulah, I see, now that is easy :D15:33
ppqShaul, checkinstall replaces the traditional 'make install'15:33
alaingsorry i'm usign to just using xampp15:33
BluesKajrusivi, www.tinyurl.com15:33
Shaulppq: what does checkinstall do then?15:33
jocrawfoalaing, sorry i am not sure what tasksel is, but if it is using packages then yes do a2enmod php5 then sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart15:33
ppqShaul, checkinstall will make you a .deb file which tit installs directly15:33
rusiviBluesKaj got it i'll check that out ty15:33
ppqby "tit" i mean "it" of course :)15:34
jocrawfoor sudo apache2ctl restart15:34
alaingwhat about mysql?15:34
Shaulcool, this makes it much easier15:34
Picialaing: What about it?15:34
alaingdoes it install is aswell?15:34
jocrawfoalaing, that should be fine, php handles the mysql stuff15:34
bobstrojocrawfo:  you saw this sort of info? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33907115:34
Picialaing: lamp-server?  Yes, it install apache, mysql and php5.15:34
jocrawfoalaing, i assume if you do lamp-server it would install mysql15:34
skarikonia: hi, i'm testing building from source using libc6, problem is it's building for too many archs like amd64, i686 etc. if i change the targets in the dsc file, debuild overwrites the dsc with a new one with all the archs in it again :(15:35
skarany way to make libc6 build just for i386 alone ?15:35
jocrawfobobstro, yes thats the thread I was able to find however in my sound prefs all that shows is the internal audio card, i have no option for selecting USB15:35
jocrawfowhich is why I am a bit at a loss15:35
Shaulppq: it can be then be uploaded to launchpad?15:35
jocrawfoI should probably also mention that this is a macbook pro, not sure it would matter since bose is not apple hardware15:35
alaingi tried a2enmod php5 it recons php5 module already enabled15:35
ppqShaul, btw, it's 'sudo checkinstall', it needs sudo15:36
zzzsshi there15:36
Shaulppq: I would find that out probably :)15:36
ppqShaul, no, unfortunately the builded package only works on your machine15:36
marc_uszzzss: Howdy15:36
zzzssWhy linux sucks???!!!15:36
Shaulppq: shame15:36
rusivijocrawfo: regarding the BOSE system I would bug it at the Terminal via the command: ubuntu-bug linux15:36
ShaulI need it one 2 machines15:37
alaingzzzss: cus its not windows? go ask bill15:37
rusiviZZZss: Why do you think so?15:37
zzzssPURE FREE SHIT15:37
bobstrozzzss:  it's all like that until you figure it out15:37
sipiorzzzss: can you find the door on your own?15:37
ppqShaul, and to get the requiered dev libs, you can do a 'sudo apt-get build-dep pgadmin3'15:37
rusiviZZZss: oh ok well the way to fix that is.....15:37
bobstrojocrawfo:  sorry, i missed that bit.15:37
Shaulppq: I need this on 2 machines15:37
alaingi tried a2enmod php5 it recons php5 module already enabled15:37
ppqShaul, well, you can try copying the .deb but i doubt that it works15:38
alaingbut its still asking me to download the php file15:38
Shaulppq: they are same practically15:38
Shaul64bit, ubuntu 10.0415:38
Arsicalaing, is this apache? try chmod -R 755 /var/www15:38
zzzssI LOVE MY WINDOWS 7 !!! happy ficking with LINUX!!! OLOLOLOLO!!! GET A LIFE LINUX-LOSERS!!!! OLOLOLO!!!!15:39
ppqShaul, ok, please report whether it worked or not :) i'm curious about it15:39
zzzssI LOVE MY WINDOWS 7 !!! happy ficking with LINUX!!! OLOLOLOLO!!! GET A LIFE LINUX-LOSERS!!!! OLOLOLO!!!!15:39
zzzssI LOVE MY WINDOWS 7 !!! happy ficking with LINUX!!! OLOLOLOLO!!! GET A LIFE LINUX-LOSERS!!!! OLOLOLO!!!!15:39
FloodBot2zzzss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
jimmy51_does lilo support failover?15:39
jimmy51_as in... the default boot entry fails to load, so it fails over to a secondary option?15:39
rusiviZZZss Windows 7 was my idea b/c.....15:39
alaingArsic: it is apache. I can open localhost and get the repsonse "its working"15:39
BluesKajjocrawfo, does the usb input show up in alsamixer ?15:39
Shaulwhy would someone spam windows, lol15:39
jocrawfoBluesKaj, alsamixer = sound prefs?15:40
alaingwhat does chmod -R 755 /var/www do?15:40
grigoriadesguys how to view my ip, subnet mask and gateway on ubuntu (something like ipconfic on windows)???15:40
jocrawfoIt does not show up in the Preferences -> Sound panel i know that15:40
bonez2046is there any way to refresh/reload/reactivate a sound device, which was workng and now is not and which will work definitely with a reboot, but I want to revive it without a reboot..15:40
=== Leif_ is now known as Leif
erUSUL!permissions | alaing15:40
richardjhgrigoriades: ifconfig15:40
ubottualaing: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:40
llutz_grigoriades:  fconfig15:40
tgywapopey, thanks ... am installing from that source now15:40
rob_palaing: Did you restart apache after enabling the module? ex: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"15:40
richardjhgrigoriades, : ifconfig (apologies for typo)15:40
Shaulppq: ask me later, I will build it on better computer15:40
Arsicalaing: it just changes the permissions so you can see the pages. sorry, I didn't hear you original question. you might have to add index.php to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default15:41
llutz_richardjh: it was my typo :)  my "i" got lost15:41
perlsyntaxHow do i get the themearea to install the theme in gdm2setup?15:41
ppqShaul, hint: when you have a dual-core you can use make -j215:41
richardjhllutz, : Your I got lost. I got lost !15:41
Shaulppq: both are15:41
wokits you15:41
brice451_I have a grub problem since this morning, with Ubuntu server 10.0415:41
ppqShaul, thats much faster. or make -j4 for a quadcore, make -j8 for quadcore with intel hyper threading15:42
brice451_error : the symbol grub_dl_load not found15:42
Shaulnot that rich15:42
Arsicalaing: correction, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf (just checked)15:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:42
* alaing is confused15:43
ylmfni hao15:43
ylmf 15:43
FloodBot2ylmf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
Arsicjust make sure index.php is on the DireectoryIndex line15:43
bonez2046sound? where's best place to get sound config help?15:44
alaingthere is already a index.html in /vars/www15:44
Arsicadd index.php to it15:44
Zain_I feel like removing windows and use Ubuntu15:45
alaingwhen i open localhost in firefox i get confirmation that apache is working15:45
sipiorfull moon today or something?15:45
BluesKajjocrawfo, have you looked here , I haven't read the whole page there's so much info, http://alsa.opensrc.org/Alsamixer15:45
Zain_Lymphocyte, you are dumv15:45
Zain_Lymphocyte, you are dumb15:45
Shaulkde != ubuntu15:45
Zain_Ubuntu wins Windows15:46
richardjhLymphocyte, : Thanks, I have now seen the light!15:46
PiciPlease ignore him.15:46
=== joey_ is now known as joeys
halvorsI get an error when try to use apt, and i try to run this: http://pastebin.com/AJn3S0Y915:46
Zain_who give a 2 shit about windows15:46
Zain_tell me15:46
PiciZain_: Stop.15:46
halvorsdpkg --configure -a15:46
alaingok i create a index.php and it did not ask me to download but the files has no content15:46
Zain_I hate windows so dont talk about it here ty15:46
richardjhZain_ : Leave it he is trolling.15:46
Arsicthat's because you don't have an index.php in /var/www. you can change the index.html to index.php and it should work15:47
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
joeysi just install ubuntu in my new x100e15:47
Zain_I mean guys seriously Ubuntu has come so far, it may not be very friendly but over time it does what it does best15:47
jocrawfoBluesKaj, I have not but will check it out, thanks15:47
Arsicmy dir.conf has this line DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml index.htm15:47
llutz_!ot > Zain_15:47
ubottuZain_, please see my private message15:47
tucemiuxanyone knows how to configure ubuntu so that it doesnt boot with GUI15:47
brice451_any idea about ubuntu server boot " error : the symbol "grub_dl_load" not found " please ?15:48
joeysand x100e work very well with ubuntu15:48
Zain_ok guys Im sorry ;)15:48
Shaulmissing .so file perhaps15:48
ppqtucemiux, boot without the options "quiet splash"15:48
richardjhtucemiux: Good thread here. http://serverfault.com/questions/137776/disable-gdm-in-ubuntu-10-0415:48
alaingmy dir.conf has those15:49
jimmy51_how can i install lilo on my usb flash drive i have plugged in and mounted as /dev/flashdisk15:49
richardjhtucemiux: remove quiet spash and add text to kernel options.15:49
alaingArsic can i msg u instead?15:49
=== jason is now known as Guest48407
halvorscan anyone help me?15:50
richardjhtucemiux: Sorry remove "quiet" remove "splash" and add "text" to kernel  boot options15:50
halvorsi get an error when try to use APT.15:50
ppqtucemiux, and maybe you have to add 'noplymouth'15:50
tucemiuxppq, richardjh i cant boot up my laptop, I think it has to do with the updates and the video drivers im using, I want to boot up into nonGUI mode so I can update my laptop, the GUI boots up to a frozen screen15:50
bonez2046sound? anyone?15:50
tucemiuxppq, it has something to do with plymouth, yes15:50
halvorsi have tryed "dpkg --configure -a" but it does not work: http://pastebin.com/AJn3S0Y915:50
richardjhtucemiux, when laptp starts to boot, hodl "shift" key until you see grub menu.15:51
Picihalvors: Are you using Maverick?15:51
richardjhEdit entry remove quiet, splash and add "text" to boot options and should boot to cli15:51
elvinahi... is it still possible to add in HDD to set up raid after everything has been installed on the main HD... i am using ubuntu server 10.0415:51
halvorsPici: Yes...15:51
Picihalvors: Support for Maverick is only in #ubuntu+1, Please see the topic there for information about your error.15:51
friendishanHi, I need help to install dual-boot of ubuntu 10.04 with windows 7 with windows 7 installed first, i have 3 partitions made by widows 7 partitioner and i would like to use the last one15:52
Weust`hi, i'm running ubuntu 10.04, my sound is gone, the soundcard does not get listed anymore, what can i do to figure out why ?15:52
jocrawfoack i keep getting timeout errors when trying to submit the bug lol15:52
jocrawfodamn launchpad :D15:52
llutz_friendishan: make the last one an extended one, holding logical drives for linux15:52
friendishanllutz_ i know nothing about it :P15:53
friendishanllutz_ i mean i donno anything about making partitions15:53
Petskullhey- how do I allow user access to my partition in ubuntu?15:53
Petskullright now only root can write to it15:54
Petskullfriendishan, apt-get install gparted15:54
=== phil is now known as Phil_Ewert
friendishanPetskull i don't have ubuntu installed, i have to do that in live demo cd?15:55
Weust`Petskull: what filesystem u use ?15:55
Petskullfat32 on that one15:55
Petskullmy bad15:55
PetskullI used to use fat 32, but it's much bigger now15:55
llutz_Petskull: chown/chmod are your friends, read man-pages15:55
Petskullnah- it's not chmod15:55
PetskullI think it's more to do with fstab15:56
Weust`Petskull: you could use uid=<userid>,gid=<groupid>  to mount it15:56
llutz_Petskull: ext3 is a unix-fs, no mount-option needed. use chown/chmod15:56
Weust`like: /dev/hda5      /windows      vfat      rw,noatime,uid=500,gid=500,user   0 015:56
Petskullthat's ok, I've done this before- looking it up again15:56
Weust`ok llutz_ then i'm wrong :x15:56
llutz_Weust`: thats vfat, a non-unix-fs15:56
Petskullthat's a good point, llu15:56
cookiemadCan I install Ubuntu on a USB stick in Windows without using PenDriveLinux?15:57
Weust`cookiemad: unetbootin?15:57
Gangrelanyone knows how to change bootsplash screen on ubuntu 10.04?15:57
Weust`llutz_: you perhaps have any idea how i can troubleshoot my soundcard dissapearance ?15:57
llutz_Weust`: no15:57
BluesKajjocrawfo, in the terminal run , gstreamer-properties... a dialog box will pop up , you may be able configure your usb device15:57
cerealI just changed my WiFi (WPA2) from TKIP to AES (so no its RSNA-CCMP) and now my Ubuntu 10.04 laptop will not connect to the network, does anyone have any ideas?15:58
area51pilotmy system wont shutoff .... goes to the shutdown screen and acts ike its shutting down but never does .... any clue where to start?15:58
friendishanHi, I need help to install dual-boot of ubuntu 10.04 with windows 7 with windows 7 installed first, i have 3 partitions made by widows 7 partitioner and i would like to use the last one15:58
Petskullwait- so I can just chmod this folder in the partition?15:58
Petskullthat seems too easy15:58
llutz_Petskull: thats it15:58
Petskullyay progess!15:59
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:59
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
Norbi905I recently purchased a micro ITX board which has a VIA chip on it, with the intensions of having Ubuntu server installed and using it to stream movies to my PS3.  I am under the assumption that this is possible through DLNA.  My question though, the movie that is being streamed from my Ubuntu box to the PS3 is that decoded stream?  I only have wifi b/g connection.  Sorry if this question does not belong here.15:59
kinkiguys, i need some help (careful, really a newbie on ubuntu)16:00
c3lkinki: !ask16:00
c3l!ask | kinki16:00
ubottukinki: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:00
tucemiuxppq, richardjh ok so I add "text noplymouth" and then press "Ctrl-X to boot??16:00
kinkiwell, ive installed ubuntu 10.04 on both my netbook and my laptop...16:00
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
bonez2046how can I get sound working without a reboot?16:00
AbhiJit!sound | bonez204616:01
ubottubonez2046: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:01
kinkieverything is going well so far, but i cannot share files between them...16:01
friendishanHi, I need help to install dual-boot of ubuntu 10.04 with windows 7 with windows 7 installed first, i have 3 partitions made by widows 7 partitioner and i would like to use the last one16:01
jocrawfoBluesKaj, trying now16:01
c3lkinki: id recommend you use ssh (scp)16:01
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:01
jocrawfoBluesKaj, you are amazing thank you that did it finally16:01
edbianfriendishan, Is that last partition ext4 or 3?16:02
jocrawfoi think anyway, I heard the test sound, not sure why it does not show the usb in system prefs for sound16:02
Petskullthis is too easy16:02
Petskullthere has to be a catch somewhere16:02
friendishanedbian not sure but i guess ext416:02
forkupkinki: or setup samba16:02
kinkiis it better than samba? cuz ive tryed everything on it16:02
richardjhtucemiux, sounds about right.16:02
AbhiJitkinki, try teamviwer16:02
jocrawfowait nope it only worked for the test sound16:02
kinkiwell, using samba the pcs see each other but they keep asking for a password16:03
jocrawfono other sounds work and it is not in sys prefs either :('16:03
edbianfriendishan, You're gonna need a swap partition as well.  so add that and when you're installing tell choose manual and tell Ubuntu to use that last partition as /16:03
AbhiJitkinki, try teamviwer16:03
forkupkinki: you don't have it setup correctly16:03
friendishanedbian the partition i want to use is sda416:03
edbianfriendishan, Great.  Then you have 4 primary partitions?16:04
edbianfriendishan, ?16:04
c3lkinki: I dont have alot of experience with samba, but I use ssh to share files (a lot) daily between my (linux) computers. you can mount the entire other computer, or a part of it, with sshd locally. meaning that you can get the other computer to appear as a local drive. do you know what ssh is?16:04
friendishanedbian yep it shows sda1,2,3,4 sda2 has windows 716:04
alainghow do i copy from terminal to pastebin?16:04
AbhiJitno one listenes to me! :(16:04
kinkic3l, no idea16:04
c3lkinki: if you want samba help, sorry, im not the guy16:04
AbhiJitalaing, use pastebinit16:04
AbhiJit!pastebinit | alaing16:04
ubottualaing: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:04
alaingok but how do i still just copy it?16:05
friendishanedbian maybe i can resize the last partition and take out 3-4 GB Space for my swap space?16:05
cchapmanis balance-rr or 802.3ad btter for bonding?  and cuold you explain to me why?16:05
forkupkinki: i can help with samba16:05
AbhiJitalaing, means? just copy? you need to paste some code in termianl in paste.ubuntu.com? right? then pastebinit is good problem16:05
jocrawfoBluesKaj, did you see above, does not set it system wide even when I sudo'd it16:05
kinkic3l, thanks, ill try to finish my samba septup, thx anyway16:05
AbhiJitalaing, good program*16:05
jocrawfono sound anywhere else other than in that dialog with the test button16:05
kinkiforkup: hi, can you help me?16:05
llutz_friendishan: you cannot have more than 4 primary partitions. so change /dev/sda4 into an extended partition, and create 2 logcial drives sda5 + sda6 int it, to hold swap and /16:06
kinkiim so stuck on my samba setup...16:06
forkupsee pm16:06
edbianfriendishan, sounds good.16:06
edbianfriendishan, You could also create a big chunk of empty space on the drive (in the place where you would want a partition) and tell Ubuntu "use the largest continuous free space" and it'll do all the partitioning for you.16:06
c3lkinki: if you want to connect to the other computer, from the first one, and run programs or do whatever, ssh is whats used too. meaning you get terminal access to the computer, actually you can even run X (gui) apps over ssh. but if you only want filesharing, and maybe to windows boxes too, samba might be a better choice16:06
friendishanllutz_ no idea on how to do that :(16:06
edbianfriendishan, Possibly that's the easiest option16:06
alaingi installed pastebinit now want?16:06
AbhiJitalaing, now e.g. do uname -a | pastebinit16:07
area51pilotmy system wont shutoff .... goes to the shutdown screen and acts ike its shutting down but never does .... any clue where to start?16:07
BluesKajjocrawfo, well I haven't any usb audio devices so i can't replicate , I'm afraid I've run out of ideas16:07
friendishanedbian how to create that big chunk of empty space? :P16:07
llutz_friendishan: you are running live-cd now?16:07
llutz_friendishan: and /dev/sda4 is empty?16:07
friendishanllutz_ nope on windows, should i go on a live cd?16:07
jocrawfo:( thanks for your assistance thus far16:07
edbianfriendishan, by deleting partitions.  it looks grey and is called "unallocated" in gparted16:08
friendishanllutz_ yep sda4 and sda3 both are empty16:08
llutz_friendishan:what about /dev/sda3? you want to use it with win7?16:08
nosrhey, can anyone help me answer a simple tcp flag question?16:08
friendishanllutz_ yep16:08
llutz_friendishan: sda4 is how big?16:08
friendishanllutz_ around 150 GB16:09
llutz_friendishan: more than enough:)16:09
c3lkinki: also, ssh allows for connections over the internet, iirc samba is only lan16:09
area51pilotmy system wont shutoff .... goes to the shutdown screen and acts ike its shutting down but never does .... any clue where to start?16:09
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Picinosr: ##networking would probably be a better place to ask, but you're welcome to ask here if its Ubuntu related.16:09
alaingAbhiJit: oh it gives me a url how do i copy that url16:09
llutz_friendishan: i cannot tell you how to create the partitions from windows, its easy from linux. the installer should do it for you too, but i never used it so i cannot help you.16:09
AbhiJitalaing, :o16:10
ththohhi. may i know what's the default encryption program ubuntu uses ?16:10
AbhiJitalaing, select it using mouse and then rihgt click mouse wheel here in this text box16:10
badjois there something like seenserv on this serv? :D16:10
AbhiJitbadjo, what do you want it to do?16:10
ththohI noticed that when I do a right click on a file, I could encrypt it. What program is this encryption using ?16:10
friendishanllutz_ and i got 100GB in sda3, i guess i require 50 GB to sda3 and rest all for ubuntu :P..... any idea on how to do that?16:10
badjoAbhiJit, to check when was a person last online? :D16:10
AbhiJitbadjo, /msg nickserv info <nick>16:11
badjocheers :)16:11
alaingAbhiJit: thanks It works perfectly....nice one16:11
AbhiJitbadjo, alaing welcome!16:11
llutz_friendishan: if sda3 and sda4 are empty, delete both from windows and create ONE new partition of 50GB16:11
shafiqSo... I accidentally formatted one of my external ext3 hard drives (i cried). Does anyone know of any programs that may help to restore some fot he information?16:11
jeremiahLaunchpad is throwing me a bzr error16:11
jeremiahbzr: ERROR: Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n'16:11
jeremiahHas anyone seen that before?16:11
llutz_friendishan: then you have the rest as unallocated space, which according to edbian the ubuntu-installer can use16:11
jeremiahbzr is version 1.516:12
edbianllutz_, Yep.  That's the easiest way IMHO16:12
friendishanllutz_ so all i gotta do is go into gparted in live cd, and delete sda3 and sda4 then make one partition with 50GB and install ubuntu? thanks ;)16:12
llutz_edbian: i never used the installer, so i have to trust you :)16:12
=== chuck_ is now known as cf0531
llutz_friendishan: you can do that from windows, no need for the gparted-cd16:13
edbianllutz_, trust away my friend16:13
edbianfriendishan, Really it's you who is trusting me :)16:13
friendishanllutz_ any idea how to do that?16:13
friendishanedbian thanks for that idea ;)16:13
Picijeremiah: You need to upgrade the repository format for your bzr repo, I forget what the command is, one moment.16:14
Agent001Anyone like the default ubuntu theme?16:14
llutz_friendishan: doesnt W7 has something like the drivemanager in XP, where you can create/delete/format partitions?16:14
edbianfriendishan, Technically this is Ubuntu support not windows support.  Don't expect us to know the windows partitioner.16:14
area51pilotmy system wont shutoff .... goes to the shutdown screen and acts ike its shutting down but never does .... any clue where to start?16:15
jocrawfoBluesKaj, ok so after I sudod that command and rebooted now I have Bose USB in my sound prefs and sound works16:15
jocrawfohowever it played the test beep sound through the boot up process so here's to hoping it does not do that EVERYTIME i reboot :)16:15
jocrawfobut sounds seem to be working great now16:15
BluesKajjocrawfo, good! :)16:15
jocrawfoso TY very much16:15
jeremiahPici: Ah, okay.16:16
friendishanllutz_ i'll look around ;) thanks, edbian: thanks ;)16:16
jeremiahThe thing is, I am trying to pull the Beagle kernel from Launchpad, so I don't control the format on Launchpad16:16
ththohhi. may i know what's the default encryption program ubuntu uses ?16:16
ththohI noticed that when I do a right click on a file, I could encrypt it. What program is this encryption using ?16:16
edbianfriendishan, yep16:16
area51pilotllutz_:yes W7 has a Disk Manager under Computer Management16:16
llutz_friendishan: see area51pilot16:16
jan_i hav installed my first ubuntu^^ it rocks!!16:16
Agent001Do people prefer ubuntu default instant messenger or Pidgin?16:16
alaingI'm hoping on locking this server up and connecting to it using putty and ftp files across. I setup a user called ftpuser (desktop user) can i create another folder like /vars/www anywhere without causing any security risks?16:16
Picijeremiah: I believe  that 'bzr upgrade' within your repo's root should fix it. If you have any specific questions about the differences between repo versions, #bzr would be the best place to ask.16:17
jocrawfogoing to reboot again now to see if the sound continues on boot :) brb16:17
Pici!best | Agent00116:17
ubottuAgent001: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:17
c3lAgent001: people often have bad taste, you should go with what you like :)16:17
jeremiahPici: Ah, okay, thanks a lot.16:17
area51pilotdoes anyone know how to check the shutdown logs for a system hang?16:17
friendishanllutz_ nope no clue why his system won't shut off :(16:17
Agent001The thing is, i like both default and ubuntu16:17
Agent001And I have a problem logging on both16:17
llutz_friendishan: <area51pilot> llutz_:yes W7 has a Disk Manager under Computer Management16:17
Agent001at the same time16:17
alaingarea51pilot: yes throw it out a window and time it to see how long it takes before it hits the floor16:18
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
arunehello, Ive created a soft raid1 with ubuntu disk utility, but it does not automatically start the raid device at reboot, I guess I need to use mdadm with the -auto parameter set somehow, can you help me?16:18
gartralwhat do you do for a disk that has bad sectors?16:18
newmansanhey guys, I need som help, I dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu, and windows 7 cannot boot. I was wondering if there is a way to sort of run checkdisk on my windows 7 partition through ubuntu.16:18
friendishanarea51pilot thanks, you know where it actually is?16:18
fishcookerwhy konqueror or epiphany cant handle facebook chat anymore16:19
=== j-rocha is now known as jrocha
c3lAgent001: in the free software world, there will always be loads of different programs with the same intention, everyone have different needs and like different styles of programs, you should try some, and see what fits you :)16:19
Agent001is c3l a bot?16:20
fishcookerdumb iceweasel i got16:20
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area51pilotfrienishan: right click on My Computer and select "Manage" you will then see a storage tree with "Disk management" as an item.16:20
c3lAgent001: no, ubottu is, he can tell you better16:20
c3l!best | Agent00116:20
ubottuAgent001: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:20
Agent001c3l I like the tone of your sentences16:20
jocrawfoBluesKaj, all working perfect thanks for the assistance today16:20
=== mark_ is now known as markben
friendishanarea51pilot: ah..thanks ;)16:21
alaingI'm hoping on locking this server up and connecting to it using putty and ftp files across. I setup a user called ftpuser (desktop user) can i create another folder like /vars/www anywhere without causing any security risks?16:21
jimmy51_how can i install lilo on my usb flash drive i have plugged in and mounted as /dev/flashdisk?16:22
aliveriushow can i run a program (+arguments) at startup?16:22
BluesKajjocrawfo, you're welcome ...enjoy :)16:22
gartraljimmy51_: why on EARTH are you using /dev/flashdisk?!?16:23
c3lAgent001: do I sound botish? :) for example my IM client would most people dislike, while others love it. im using irssi, a CLI based programs. Others might want a gui with buttons and flashy design. if you like gnome and all what that is. id recommend using what comes shipped with gnome to get a more unified experiense where everything is designed to work together16:23
=== jocrawfo_ is now known as jcrawford
jimmy51_gartral: sorry, i meant /media/flashdisk16:23
edbianaliverius, using system -> admin -> startup16:23
jimmy51_gartral: /dev/sdh1 is /media/flashdisk16:23
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
jcrawfordBluesKaj, all working perfect thanks for the assistance today16:23
gartraljimmy51_: yes, lilo /dev/sdh116:24
jcrawfordsaid that again in-case the last time did not go through as I had network issues :)16:24
jimmy51_gartral: ok, thanks16:24
gartraljimmy51_: read man lilo for more info16:24
BluesKajjocrawford, you're welcome ...enjoy :)16:24
Agent001c3l, I use ubuntu which I assume is gnome. So your suggestion is that I stay with ubuntu's default problem.16:24
Agent001default program*16:25
BluesKajerr jcrawford :)16:25
jcrawford:) yea my nick changed16:25
gartrali think i need a hdd x.x16:25
jimmy51_gartral: i specify the partition,. and it makes the drive bootable?16:26
c3lAgent001: well, yes. unless it really doesnt suit you. but you should not trust me :)16:26
aliveriusedbian: that is a graphical way right? i want it to be run before X (actually it is a headless setup)16:26
cf0531default problem?16:26
splashotehi, how do i get rid of the status-icons on file-icons that are created by dropbox?16:26
gartraljimmy51_: well, yes, but thats for computers who's BIOS dont support "fastbooting" a USB stick16:26
c3lcf0531: it was a typo, he ment program16:26
Agent001I trust you because intuitively, I like the default.16:27
gartraljimmy51_: as of right now, you should be able to select the boot order from bios16:27
edbianaliverius, yep.  If you want to run before X (and therefore before user login) you should use update-rc.d16:27
tucemiux I need to blacklist padlock_sha,  I am going to boot up to a live CD, anyone knows what file I need to edit so I can blacklist padlock_sha???16:27
jimmy51_gartral: i'm hoping to have it boot to the usb stick, and chainload to the HDD16:28
kinkiproblem solved!!16:28
edbianaliverius, This is out of date but still pretty good: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto16:28
aliveriusok edbian thanks16:29
llutz_tucemiux: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf  or create a local.conf and add it16:29
gartraljimmy51_: oww.. why?16:29
jimmy51_gartral: hmm, it's saying lilo isn't installed.  i apt-get installed it.  this isn't going to replace my system's bootloader is it?16:29
jimmy51_gartral: i want to boot to flash, attempt to chainload what's on the HDD, if it fails, have it fail over to the flash16:29
jimmy51_gartral: and... if the HDD dies completely, i want it to failover and keep booting from flash16:30
jimmy51_gartral: i've got an OS on both the HDD and flash... flash is for failover boots16:30
c3lAgent001: I'm glad. you trust your self :) thats actually one of the few cons in the short term with the huge variety of programs, although in the long term you realize that your happy about getting a program that meets all your needs, although it might have taken some time to find it :n16:30
llutz_tucemiux: /etc of your installation, not the live-cd  off course16:30
gartraljimmy51_: read up on man pages pal16:31
jimmy51_gartral: doh.  i left my decipher key at home :|16:31
axisyshow do I remove a gnome theme ?16:32
axisysi lost the border where minimize/maximize/close shows up16:32
c3laxisys: why do you want to remove one, you can change theme in: sustem -> preferences -> apperances16:33
axisysc3l: correct16:34
eriksson25Hi, need help. Want to login a graphical user thrue comand line. I am hocked up thrue ssh, and my grafical user was logged out so I cant use remote desktop. Is there a comand to relogin tha grafical user.16:34
tucemiuxllutz,  in what file do I blacklist the module??  go to "/etc/" and then what file should I edit and add the module??16:35
llutz_tucemiux: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf  or create a local.conf and add it16:35
llutz_tucemiux: /etc of your installation, not the live-cd  off course16:35
axisysaccording to the Ambiance theme I should have borders.. but as soon as I plugged it to my dock station .. the external monitor lost the window borders16:35
alaingI'm hoping on locking this server up and connecting to it using putty and ftp files across. I setup a user called ftpuser (desktop user) can i create another folder like /vars/www anywhere without causing any security risks?16:36
tucemiuxllutz_, ok let me try it16:37
newmansanI currently dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu. Windows 7 can't boot proeprly anymore, so is there a way to run ubuntu's version of chkdsk on the windows 7 partitions?16:38
eriksson25Hi, need help. Want to login a graphical user thrue comand line. I am hocked up thrue ssh, and my grafical user was logged out so I cant use remote desktop. Is there a comand to relogin tha grafical user.16:39
aliveriusedbian: is there an easier way to launch an app at startup, without touching the init scriptsbut just a file, like bashrc or something?16:39
llutz_aliverius: to start it once at boottime? /etc/rc.local16:39
edbianaliverius, There is some way to do what startup does but entirely cli.  I don't know the details16:39
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:40
JohnHeikkilaaliverius: Startup? of course. System-->Preferences-->Startup applications16:40
arunehm, how do I make ubuntu automount my raid1 array?16:40
jayeolaafternoon. when setting up postgresql on a new ubuntu box, does one have to create a user called "postgres"?16:41
edbianJohnHeikkila, headless16:41
bobstroarune:  is it coming up degraded?16:41
JohnHeikkilaedbian: Excuse me?16:41
arunebobstro: new installation, I did the config with disk utility but it does not start automatically16:42
bobstronewmansan:  are you getting an error when windows starts? i had similar problem last night, just ran repair on windows cd.16:42
aruneI have to use disk utility or mdadm to start the raud16:42
edbianJohnHeikkila, he can't use system -> admin -> startup because he's running a headless server.  No gui16:42
bobstroarune:  you have mdadm installed on booted linux?16:42
JohnHeikkilaedbian: Ohh, okay. Didn't know he was running a server.16:42
arunebobstro: its installed16:42
edbianJohnHeikkila, yep :)16:42
edbianaliverius, I have a few minutes.  Would you like some help with your startup script?16:43
arunebobstro: I can put the mdadm command to assemble in some init.d-script, or put config in mdadm.conf16:43
arunenot sure on what is best practise for ubuntu16:43
bobstroarune: is it showing as degraded in mdadm? if it came up without raid, it might have marked it as degraded. (i am NOT a raid expert, but fought with this recently.)16:44
bobstroarune:  you can add it in with mdadm with no problems, right?16:44
stifleris there anbody16:44
JohnHeikkila!hi | stifler16:44
ubottustifler: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:44
stiflerhi john16:44
arunebobstro: yes, running mdadm --assemble with the correct parameters and it starts with no complain16:44
stifleri am first time hire16:45
io_sera a tutti16:45
arunearune@srv1:~$ sudo mdadm --assemble --scan16:45
arunemdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically16:45
tensorpudding!it | io_16:45
ubottuio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:45
area51pilotmy system wont shutoff .... goes to the shutdown screen and acts ike its shutting down but never does .... any clue where to start?16:45
arunearea51pilot: is it an old computer?16:45
linuxy_السلام عليكم16:46
bobstroarune:  sudo in front doesn't change?16:46
linuxy_مافي احد عربي16:46
area51pilotarune: dell 1555 Studio laptop16:46
tensorpudding!ar | linuxy_16:46
ubottulinuxy_: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe16:46
Pici!sa | tensorpudding16:46
ubottutensorpudding: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:46
arunebobstro: sudo was in front16:46
JohnHeikkila!arabic | linuxy_16:46
ubottulinuxy_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:46
aliveriusedbian: it is just one command + args. i dont want to touch the init scripts atm16:46
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Where does it get stuck? Can you see a black screen?16:46
arunearea51pilot: sorry then I dont know16:46
newmansanbobstro: windows won't start at all. It tries to start, gives up and runs recover stuff16:46
area51pilotIt was working great ... like a 5 second shutdown ... then an update was interrupted and now it wont ever shutdown16:47
linuxy_اريد احد باللغة العربية16:47
axisysi guess my theme was broken.. restarting X did not help.. restarting the laptop fixed it..16:47
tucemiuxOK here goes again, how would I configure ubuntu to boot up into text mode only?16:47
area51pilotstays on the UBUNTU flash shutdown screen16:47
area51pilotkeeps scrolling16:47
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Okay. Try CTRL+ALT+DEL16:47
area51pilotit does it everytime though16:47
linuxy_الا يوجد احد عربي16:47
c3llinuxy_: noone here understands your languagu, join the channel that ubottu specified16:47
edbianaliverius, alright, but the scripts are the way to do that :)16:47
axisyshow do I move the min/max/close buttons to the right ?16:47
linuxy_شكرا جزيلا16:48
AndrewMC!Arabic | linuxy_16:48
ubottulinuxy_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:48
area51pilotaxisys: Appearence>Themes16:48
c3laxisys: you use a theme where the buttons are located to the right16:48
aliveriusedbian: it sure is the best way, but i need to do it quickly, i am leaving home and i need the services of my server and without that command i cant access them16:48
Kyoku‏ الا يوجد احد عربي16:49
axisysc3l, area51pilot : i am using Ambiance .. it shows button suppose to be on the right.. but mine  are on the left16:49
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Okay...let's see... Can you Force Halt your PC by holding down the power button. Do this if you weren't handling anything like credit card details16:49
edbianaliverius, It is the only way ;)16:49
llutz_aliverius: what should your command do?16:49
edbianaliverius, run sudo nano /etc/rc.local16:49
c3l!arabic | Kyoku16:49
ubottuKyoku: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية16:49
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: Yes....power button witll shutdown the laptop completely16:50
edbianaliverius, rc.local is run at startup (and so is any command you write in it.16:50
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: After you have shut the laptop, does it boot ordinarily?16:50
edbianaliverius, simply add your command before the exit 0 after everything else.  and it will be run when the computer starts16:50
computechAfter installing an update to ubuntu the computer won't start anymore. It reaches a black screen with only the mouse cursor on it. The cursos won't respond to any movement.16:50
c3laliverius: you could set an alias for a command in your ~/.bashrc but I dont know why you'd want to do that in this case16:50
computechDoes anyone have an idea what that could be?16:51
aliveriusedbian: , iwill do what you said, it seems pretty easy16:51
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: Yes starts normally .... seems a bit slower though16:51
aliveriusc3l: i will try what edbianadviced me 1st16:51
JohnHeikkilacomputech: Before ubuntu boots, press ESC or hold SHIFT to get to the Grub menu. There start from the safe mode.16:51
c3lcomputech: X probably crashed. can you go onto the console? klick ctrl + alt + F116:51
edbianaliverius, it is easy :)  worth a shot right?16:51
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: I think we should first view the error log.16:52
computechJohnHeikkila, thats what i'm doing right now, i did the repair package function so I'll wait till that's done16:52
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: Ok16:52
JohnHeikkilacomputech: Okay. Lets see what happens after the repair16:52
aliveriusedbian: certainly ;) i am rebooting right away16:52
computechc3l, I'll try that after the repair packages function is done.16:52
c3lcomputech: (your xsession is often located at ctrl + alt + F7 or F8) F1 - F6 is consoles. so you can swich around16:54
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot:  Try doing  sudo gedit /etc/modules16:54
c3l!hi | goon_16:54
ubottugoon_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:54
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: And then add a new line in the end "apm power_off=1"16:54
computechc3l, ah I see. So you can go back to your X by pressing that key combo?16:54
jalonso-23520Quick question how do I upgrade mysql-server to a newer version on ubuntu 10.04.16:55
_jesse_hey all I'm not sure how to word this any better, but I want to generate the control sequence for the down-arrow literally (I think it's something like ^[[B) in the terminal, but I can't remember what the key sequence I hit first is to interpret interpret the next key like that instead of of the terminal capturing it16:55
jalonso-23520I think the current vesion of mysql my have a bug.16:55
c3lcomputech: yap :) ctrl + alt + F7 or F816:55
goon_my first time on this @ c3l16:55
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: You may need to install "apmd" first. Install it via Synaptic, or apt-get "sudo apt-get install apmd"16:55
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: ok16:56
DexterLBI can't seem to make my ubuntu look good.. I tried radiance, but it's just too light.. tried ambience but it's insanely high contrast, really black stuff and really white stuff combined. I tried doing a bluish tint, i tried making the input boxes brownier, tried lots of colours but it still isn't easy enough on the eyes16:56
JohnHeikkilaDexterLB: Are you talking about themes?16:56
c3lgoon_: enjoy your stay! this channel is often quite busy as you can see. only ask or answer questions in here, no general chat or discussions. take that in #ubuntu-offtopic16:56
JohnHeikkilaDexterLB: you could install new themes16:56
DexterLBi know16:56
_jesse_nevermind, found it; it is ctrl+v16:57
JohnHeikkilaDexterLB: It's easy, you know? System->Preferences->Appearance Preferences16:57
tensorpuddingDexterLB: There's always Clearlooks.16:57
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: Done16:57
DexterLBor I tweak the more screwed settings with gconf16:57
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: What does this accomplish?16:57
pokoko222can i save these files http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=190697828216:58
pokoko222in karmic16:58
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: "apm" stands for "Advanced Power Management"16:58
aliverius_edbian: works like charm. another time when i return home i will make things tidier, with a custom script etc16:58
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: It means when you want to halt your PC, it will halt it with "apm"16:58
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: Gotcha ... thx!16:58
aliverius_edbian: thank you very much you saved me lots of time (that i dont have) :)16:58
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Try it. I am not sure if ubuntu's kernel supports "apm" but it's worth a try!16:58
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: What normally executes this process in linux?16:59
Mrokiihello. Does anybody know if there is a problem with Lernid on Ubuntu 10.04? I have tried to start it, but there are lots of error-messages printed on the Terminal, mainly with things like this "WARNING:root:Pid file does not contain int: '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n'    ERROR:root:Starting couchdb failed on try 4"16:59
mantizzhow do i install ubuntu Xfce on ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Edition gnome 64 bit16:59
edbianaliverius_, Yeah no problem.16:59
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: OK ... I will give it a try16:59
computechc3l, JohnHeikkila, When repairing the packages the screen turned black after a while, I don't know if that's normal?16:59
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: I am not sure. It may be >shutdown -h> or then another program16:59
JohnHeikkilacomputech: It really depends on which packages were broken16:59
computechIt was downloading about 400mb of new data17:00
JohnHeikkilacomputech: Ouch..17:00
computechDoes that mean every package was broken?17:00
JohnHeikkilacomputech: No. Just a lot17:00
JohnHeikkilacomputech: Or one big package17:00
computechIt was doing a lot of packages17:00
computechJohnHeikkila, can you see if the computer is doing anything?17:01
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computechJohnHeikkila, the hd led is broken so that doesn't show us anything.17:01
mantizzhow do i install ubuntu Xfce on ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Edition gnome 64 bit17:01
JohnHeikkilacomputech: I don't know. Never tried the "repair" function. I have usually gone into root console mode and done some commands17:01
llutz_mantizz: sudo install xubuntu-desktop17:01
c3lcomputech: no idea, it the repairer is doing something to X the screen will likely go black or similar, as xorg is whats controlling the graphical output to the screen17:02
mohan1111llutz_ Hi. is it possible to get a netbook ubuntu like that kubuntu-desktop?17:02
ynkhey guys. how do i access the usb through the terminal?17:02
llutz_mohan1111: idk17:02
mantizzllutz: it will install whole pack of ubuntu, i just want light weight GUI17:02
computechc3l, JohnHeikkila, I guess I'll wait a bit then.17:02
c3lcomputech: enter a console and chece with top if any process is still active17:02
JohnHeikkilaynk: Do you mean file management?17:03
mohan1111is it possible to get a netbook ubuntu inside ubuntu?17:03
llutz_mantizz: sudo install xfce417:03
mantizzllutz: can i PM you if you dont mind17:03
llutz_mantizz: yup17:03
ynkJohnHeikkila: i just want to be able to copy a file from my desktop to usb...17:03
JohnHeikkilaynk: It is possible. Are you in a console-only mode?17:04
mantizzllutz: what Xfce do17:04
ynkJohnHeikkila: yeah, unfortunately.17:04
JohnHeikkilaynk: It is possible. I think the first thing you need to do is find if the USB is mounted.17:04
JohnHeikkilaCan someone help me? What's the command to view mounted file storages?17:05
llutz_mantizz: xfce4 is the meta-package to install xfce, you'd check if it fits your needs17:05
c3lmohan1111: what do you mean? you can run another OS 'inside' your current one with virtualbox17:05
computechc3l, The repairer already worked in Console mode so I don't think X was being used yet.17:05
mohan1111c3l: No,17:05
JohnHeikkilaynk: So are you running the IRC client via another PC or do you have console IRC?17:05
llutz_mantizz: but i doubt that xfce4 it so much more "lightweight" than gnome17:05
mohan1111c3l: like kubuntu-desktop in synaptic, is there a netbook?17:06
computechc3l, but I think I can still hear a verry quiet sound of the hard disk, so it might be doing something.17:06
ynkJohnHeikkila: i am running the irc client on another pc.17:06
JohnHeikkilaynk: Do "mount" and then copy the output to paste.ubuntu.com, then give me the link please.17:06
arunebobstro: I solved it with a row in mdadm.conf17:06
bobstroarune:  ah good.17:07
c3lcomputech: oh, its entirely black? even the consoles? hmmm, well id let it be for some time that I estimate the repairer to take. and then reboot17:07
bobstroarune:  wonder why it didn't get written though.17:07
arunebobstro: yes, strange17:07
ynkJohnHeikkila: i got someone to help me here. thanks a lot! :]17:07
ynkJohnHeikkila: the command was the key17:07
computechc3l, Screen just came back, so I'm gonna reboot now.17:07
J11How can i make sure the wifi cardbus connection also becomes available for other users? They don't seem to get the network-manager applet, even wile i put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules and edited blacklist.conf and wpa_supplicant.conf17:07
JohnHeikkilaynk: Okay, see I hope I helped even a bit ;)17:07
mohan1111c3l: Do you understand my question? My native language is not English. :(17:08
JohnHeikkilamohan1111: What is your native language?17:08
computechc3l, JohnHeikkila, I just logged in into the console and when I type startx it says "no screens found", should I reboot?17:09
mohan1111JohnHeikkila: installing 'kubuntu-desktop' installs kubuntu inside my ubuntu... same for 'xubuntu-desktop'. similarly is there anything for netbook edition?17:09
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c3lmohan1111: ooh, yes I understand, unfortunately I dont think thats possible, as it modifies quite a lot it seems. its not only a theme.. but there should really be a solution without reinstalling, it might be more troublesome than like installing kde-desktop. I'm sorry, I don't know much about the netbook version17:09
JohnHeikkilamohan1111: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix17:10
c3lcomputech: yes, if the repairer isnt still running17:10
computechc3l, the repair said it completed.17:10
mohan1111c3l: thanks for replying17:10
c3lcomputech: then go reboot! :) good luck!17:10
JohnHeikkilacomputech: If you get a console mode, do "startx"17:10
mernilioHi all! :-)17:10
mohan1111JohnHeikkila: Thanks, installing now.17:10
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: APM did not affect the shutdown behavior.  Any other suggestions?17:11
c3lmohan1111: it seems it was really simple, aas JohnHeikkila says, just run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix17:11
mohan1111c3l: Yes,thanks, installing now,17:11
_joeyI remember there used to be an application for book collections. You give it an ISBN number and it will download all relevant information from Amazon and store it in databased17:11
_joeycan anyone recall such application17:11
mernilioThis might seem like a peculiar question.. but nerdy women. Are they fond of big sized guys?17:11
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Well, I am out of suggestions :/ I'm sorry. The last thing I could help you is to do "shutdown -P now"17:12
JohnHeikkila!offtopic | mernilio17:12
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:12
c3lmernilio: seems to be a question that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic17:12
mernilioubottu: sorry then! ;-)17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: What does the -P switch do?17:12
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: power off after shutdown17:12
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: "-h" would 'halt after shutdown'17:13
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: You can see the commands by doing "shutdown --help"17:13
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: where can I edit the command17:13
mernilioto be honest.. im banned from ubuntu-offtopic :-|17:13
J11i followed these instruction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG511_v3_Made_in_China  (although the forum link refered there seem to be gone)17:13
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Well, you just do "shutdown --help"17:13
computechJohnHeikkila, c3l, Well, ubuntu just started again, thanks for the help :).17:14
merniliothem fucks should be ashamed for doing that to me! :-)17:14
JohnHeikkilacomputech: No problem ;)17:14
J11mernilio: you went on topic there?17:14
tucemiuxit seems my video drivers are making my machine freeze after an update, how can I configure ubuntu so that it doesnt load the drivers and runs in text mode only?17:14
JohnHeikkilamernilio: You should really find another channel to talk into ;)17:14
IdleOne!language | mernilio17:14
ubottumernilio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:14
c3lcomputech: yay :D17:14
mernilioJohnHeikkila: im just being frienly! :-)17:14
plitterCan someone help me make a bug at launchpad? My mouse and mic is not working properly. I have a sony vpcf12s1e.17:14
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c3lmernilio: all we can do now is that you don't behave badly in here too. please only talk here if you have ubuntu related support questions17:15
andyccplitter: first, you need a Launchpad account.17:15
JohnHeikkilatucemiux: During your boot, press ESC or hold SHIFT to get to the Grub menu. There boot from the "recovery mode"17:15
area51pilotdoes anyone know where to edit the shutdown configuration command17:15
andyccplitter: second, #launchpad17:15
plitterandycc: i have that17:15
mernilioc3l: oki!17:15
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: You don't need to edit it.17:15
plitterandycc: that sounds like a good idea:P17:15
tucemiuxJohnHeikkila, but will that force the video drivers to not be loaded, I'm looking at a black screen with those lines, the last line says "composite sync not supported"17:16
andyccplitter: of course it does.17:16
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: You open Terminal,, and write 'shutdown -P now'17:16
JohnHeikkilatucemiux: That will boot your PC into Console mode only17:16
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: I know how to run the command from term, I want it to run from the shutdown menu17:16
andycctucemiux: isn't that the purpose of Recovery Mode?17:16
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: I am not sure if I understand you now :S17:16
mernilioJohnHeikkila: are you from finland?17:17
JohnHeikkilamernilio: whois.17:17
tucemiuxandycc, JohnHeikkila ok let me try recovery mode17:17
merniliowhois :-)17:17
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JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: What do you mean "shutdown menu"?17:17
mernilioim just curious17:17
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: I dont want to do this everytime I shutdown from term, I would like to use the shutdown menu as before17:17
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area51pilotJohnHeikkila: LogOut, shutdown,reboot, etc...17:17
JohnHeikkilaarea51pilot: Ahh, I don't know if you can do that. I can not help you with that, unfortunately17:18
area51pilot:P  OK17:18
area51pilotJohnHeikkila: I was just trying to fix what should work17:19
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j_ayen_greenI'm running 10.4, and have the default setup of LAMP. The only thing I remember configuring is hosts and some vhosts. Everything works fine, except when I hit a web site local to me (defined in hosts/vhosts) apache seems to take 30 seconds or more before it finds the site17:19
* dddw erep is back online17:19
mernilioi want to say dirty words!! Help me dont do it! :-)17:19
thx1138~[6~/window 217:20
merniliobut dont ban me!17:20
mernilioill shut up!17:20
c3lmernilio: we've already told you this is a support channel, not general chat, please read the guidelines for this channel if anything is unclear.17:21
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sinmangood afternoon or morning whatever the case is everyone17:22
chrisw2hi all, I need to see LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD for Apache, where's the "right" place to do this on Ubuntu?17:22
c3l!hi | sinman17:22
ubottusinman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:22
JohnHeikkilamernilio: Join #rantandswear for dirt language chat17:22
sinmanI need to know how to fix my login, for some reason when i start my computer, I get the login in at the command prompt17:23
hdguerrerochi, I need some help with cheese configuration17:23
JohnHeikkilasinistrad: Sounds like your Xorg server doesn't start.17:23
JohnHeikkilaoops, wrong person17:24
sinmanhow can i set my computer start with startx instead of putting my username/password in everytime and then type startx17:24
hdguerrerocanyone can help me please?17:24
vrakeshmy network manager icon isnt showing up but the background process is running... how to enable the networkmanager icon?17:24
JohnHeikkilasinman: Sounds like your Xorg server doesn't start17:24
c3lsinman: what version of ubuntu are you using? have you done any modifications do the login manager?17:24
sinmanI'm using 10.04 lucid17:24
JohnHeikkilavrakesh: try opening NetworkManager from the application list17:24
sinmanI didn't do any modifications that i know of17:25
c3lsinman: oh, well entering your password is strongly recommended at each boot17:25
vrakeshJohnHeikkila: its not showing up in application list17:25
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c3lsinman: then the system should be configured to boot into gdm (gnome desktop manager) was this not the case even directly after the install?17:26
sinmanc3l: right but I would prefer the graphical login instead of the command prompt login17:26
jocrawfohey guys is there a terminal command i can use to see my network settings on a machine?17:26
c3ljocrawfo: ifconfig perhaps17:26
jocrawfoi need to get the name servers, etc that are set for the network connection on my work computer17:26
llutz_sinman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm17:26
sinmanc3l: yes it was working up until couple days ago17:26
jocrawfobut am not at keyboard17:26
jocrawfoc3l, nope that just shows me the ip17:26
jocrawfoi need to see the network connection settings :)17:27
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JohnHeikkilavrakesh: open ALT+F2 and do "nm-applet"17:27
c3ljocrawfo: oh, netstat might be what you want17:27
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sinmanllutz: k i just done that, gonna restart and see what happens17:27
c3ljocrawfo: else I have no idea :)17:27
DatzHi, I was wondering what the lastest upgrades were;  linux-headers-2.6.32-25{a} from  linux-headers-2.6.32-24{u}?17:27
JohnHeikkilavrakesh: Or then just open your console and do "nm-applet"17:27
DatzI don't beleive there is a changelog entry17:28
PiciDatz: There was a long one.17:28
jocrawfoc3l, nope that just shows the connections to the machine17:28
vrakeshJohnHeikkila: thanks ....but its showing a weird icon now...im not able to add vpn or delete some networks17:28
DatzPici: ah, using aptitude, I couldn't find it17:28
DatzPici: mind pastebin?17:29
Datzor is there somewhere online I can view it?17:29
llutz_jocrawfo: what info do you look for?17:29
PiciDatz: Oh, see the changelog for linux-libc-dev17:29
Datzok, thanks Pici17:29
jocrawfoit was not setup manually so it's not in /etc/network/interfaces either.17:29
JohnHeikkilavrakesh: What do you mean "weird icon"? Could you take a screenshot (Press PrtSc on your keyboard) and post it into imageshack or some image hosting website so I can see this "weird icon"17:29
llutz_jocrawfo: look at networkmanager17:29
PiciDatz: The rest of the linux packages look to been abi bumped for that.  I guess.17:29
jocrawfollutz, I need to get my network settings from my computer @ work, I have static ip setup so i need to get the dns servers etc,17:30
jocrawfollutz, I am not at the keyboard :(17:30
jocrawfoonly ssh access right now17:30
JohnHeikkilajocrawfo: iwconfig?17:30
sinmank i done the reconfigured and restarted my computer, it's still going to the command prompt login17:30
llutz_jocrawfo: cat /etc/resolv.conf   for nameserver, "sudo route -n" for gateway/routes, "ifconfig" for ip/nm17:30
DatzPici: that is long, a restart will be needed after that upgrade?17:30
jocrawfoJohnHeikkila, nope it's not a wireless interface17:31
jocrawfollutz_, thanks i knew there was a command :)17:31
PiciDatz: I'm not sure, I'm not using the stock kernel on this server so I wasn't prompted.17:31
Ellishey two questions a how do i register my nickname?17:31
Pici!register > Ellis17:31
ubottuEllis, please see my private message17:31
hdguerrerocsomeone has been fixed with cheese17:31
DatzPici: ah, ok.. guess I should probably get the upgrades.. :|17:31
hdguerreroclibv4l2: error setting pixformat: Dispositivo ó recurso ocupado17:31
* Datz takes another look at what all was changed17:32
sinmanhow can i get the xorg derver to start back up on start up17:32
sinmanserver not derver17:32
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jocrawfook time to test, be back17:32
JohnHeikkilahdguerreroc: Try "GST_DEBUG=*cheese*:3 cheese -v"17:33
llutz_sinman: egrep -i 'text|single' /proc/cmdline17:33
Ellisok my second question is simple are mainstream computer games playable on linux?17:33
JohnHeikkilahdguerreroc: To debug cheese.17:33
DatzEllis: that is a question with many answers I think :p17:34
goon_guys how do i add channels17:34
JohnHeikkilaEllis: http://linux.sys-con.com/node/4409517:34
Ellisuh oh17:34
Datzgoon_: depends on your irc client17:34
Elliswow theres a link to everything linux17:34
hdguerrerocthanks, not work17:35
EllisJohnHeikkila thanks alot17:35
andyccgoon_: /join #channelname17:35
hdguerrerocI have intel core i5 64 bits ubuntu 10.1017:36
sinman_k great now I'm not seeing what wiondws i have open, for some reason it's missing in the bottom bar, how can i have show minimize windows in the bar so I can get back to the other irc17:36
andycc!es | hdguerreroc17:36
ubottuhdguerreroc: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:36
MTec007im trying to remember the name of a package that has a lot of configuration settings for the systm17:36
andycchdguerreroc: you are spanish, right?17:36
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JohnHeikkilasinman: Right-click on the dock/bar and "Add to Panel.."17:37
hdguerrerocbefore cheese worked well, but I update some libraries and stopped working17:37
sinman_nevermind i got it now17:37
JohnHeikkilasinman_: Right-click on the dock/bar and "Add to Panel.."17:37
MTec007is there any one who knows what package i am talking about17:37
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: What are you looking for?17:37
MTec007im trying to remember the name of a package that has a lot of configuration settings for the system17:37
andyccMTec007: what kind of configuration settings?17:38
MTec007like permissions for example, but more17:38
sinmanllutz: k i just done egrep -i 'text|single' /proc/cmdline, what do i neeed to do now17:38
llutz_sinman: any output?17:38
sinmanllutz: no17:38
MTec007i know its in the repository but i have no idea how to find it on this new version17:38
goon_what do i put that command17:38
llutz_sinman: ok, was just a guess17:39
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: What is the package?17:39
MTec007thats what i am trying to figure out17:39
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: What kind of settings and configurations does the package have?17:39
andyccMTec007: I don't think anyone on this channel knows the full list of Ubuntu packages plus description (except ubottu, that is)17:40
goon_how u direct message to a charter guys17:40
JohnHeikkilaandycc, MTec007, Perhaps Synaptic knows :D17:40
macoandycc: or anyone /anywhere/17:40
MTec007i know it has permissions, i was going to use it to have the network manager NOT ask me to unlock the keys17:40
sinmanllutz: i did notice this time on the restart i got the ubuntu logo then the screen blacked out and flash a few times and then showed the ubuntu splash again then into the command prompt login17:40
macoMTec007: policykit?17:40
andyccMTec007: gdm?17:41
andyccMTec007: pam?17:41
macoMTec007: seahorse and gnome-keyring work together on the keyring stuff... though if you set it to not have a password on the keyring, it wont ask (it also wont store any of your saved pw's as encrypted)17:41
MTec007maco, i know but i want them encrypted17:42
bullgard4 /etc/mc/filehighlight.ini seems to define and list those file categories that mc displays in different colors. What file determines what color mc actually uses? ~/.mc/filehighlight.ini does not exist.17:42
MTec007the package im trying to remember shows as something like system configuration or configuration or something i dont remember for sure17:43
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: I think you remember too general things. There are a lot of packages that have configurations17:43
sinmanJohnHeikkila: would you know how i can get startx to run again on system startup17:43
JohnHeikkilasinman: Do you mean when you start or after you have logged in?17:44
MTec007yeah but this one was an ace in the toolbox17:44
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: Ubuntu Tweak?17:44
sinmanJohnHeikkila: when i first turn on my computer17:44
JohnHeikkilasinman: I'm afraid, no.17:44
sinmanJohnHeikkila: k17:44
sinmandoes anyone else knows how I can get the graphical to start instead of going to the command prompt, to login/password then typing startx to get on my desktop17:46
glebihanMTec007: systemconfigurator ?17:46
andyccsinman: I'd say you have to modify /etc/inittab, but Ubuntu doesn't use that IIRC.17:46
driscollI have a weird problem. I'm running VMWare Server 1 on RHEL 5 (I don't have root, so I very well may not have many options on this front). Host is a 64-bit Xeon. I downloaded the 32-bit Ubuntu 10.04.1 desktop ISO, and boot from that as a live CD. When the VM is turning on, the screen flickers, and it drops me to a command prompt. If I 'startx', then I see that it's getting an Illegal Instruction.17:46
andycc!info systemconfigurator17:46
ubottusystemconfigurator (source: systemconfigurator): Unified Configuration API for Linux Installation. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.11-1 (lucid), package size 81 kB, installed size 576 kB17:46
sinmanandycc yeah and a few other things also17:47
pmjphello people17:47
JohnHeikkila!hi pmjp17:47
mkanyicyhi pmjp17:47
pmjpwhats up17:47
andycc!hi | pmjp17:47
ubottupmjp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:47
pmjpwhats new17:49
andyccnot much17:49
JohnHeikkilaWe could go to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat like this17:49
manfredrastahi all17:50
Kyle__An indirect ubuntu question: how do you install something off of getdeb.net using CLI only?17:50
Kyle__I don't see any way to download a .deb from there.17:50
manfredrastanothingspecial, hi ;)17:50
andyccKyle__: wget17:50
obuntoare there any programs that will wipe your ram?17:51
andyccKyle__: manually browse through the repositories with elinks17:51
Kyle__andycc: I end up with a tiny peice of html, with no .deb package, nor address to .deb package.17:51
andyccKyle__: does getdeb have repositories?17:51
manfredrastacan anybody please help me with my wi-fi connection on Lubuntu? It seems it does not detect the wireless interface. The thing is that with XUbuntu it does detect it.17:51
andyccKyle__: oh, now I see.17:51
Kyle__andycc: I don't know, but I've never heard of them before today, so I'm a bit leary of adding their whole repo into my system...17:52
andyccKyle__: well, it may be that I have Maverick, but the GetDeb site looks empty to me.17:52
andyccKyle__: oh, their repos are down17:53
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:53
Kyle__andycc: Heh.  I'm on lucid, but it still doesn't give me a nice way of grabbing their .debs17:53
manfredrastaI need help please. It's three days I fight with my computer17:53
Kyle__That could be...17:53
MTec007i guess this will teach me to remember things, eh? oh well17:53
obuntomanfredrasta, hi17:53
manfredrastaobunto, hi17:53
andyccJohnHeikkila: I'm not requesting Maverick help :)17:53
obuntomanfredrasta, try #lubuntu17:54
manfredrastaobunto, where?17:54
manfredrastaobunto: im new. How do I go there?17:54
andyccmanfredrasta: well, lubuntu seems to lack in drivers.17:54
andyccmanfredrasta: /join #lubuntu17:54
obuntomanfredrasta, type /join #lubuntu17:54
jbrouhardmanfredrasta, if you're trying #lubuntu type /join #lubuntu17:54
glebihanMTec007: wasn't systemconfigurator ?17:56
=== ABBEh is now known as ruby
manfredrastaandycc, obunto , jbrouhard : there is nobody there!17:56
MTec007no it wasnt in terminal17:56
MTec007it was a gui17:56
MTec007it also had a treeview17:57
obuntomanfredrasta, just idle17:57
obuntomanfredrasta, just wait a few hours17:57
obuntomanfredrasta, aren't there like 20 people there?17:57
Kyle__manfredrasta: Well, then did you try the obvious?  Plug into wired ethernet, update everything, see if it helps?  Write the mailing list, or as obunto suggested, idle there until someone wakes up :)17:57
manfredrastaobunto, what does idle mean?17:57
manfredrastaobunto, yes there are 2717:58
Kyle__To sit there, waiting.17:58
manfredrastaobunto, but nobody talks17:58
delinquentmeanyone know of any android / ubuntu interfacing programs .. like something that i could pop open my android and start up my computer .. transfer files then shut the sucker down .. all form my phone?17:58
Kyle__manfredrasta: Ask a question. someone will talk eventaully.17:58
manfredrastaKyle__, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158117017:58
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: gconf-editor17:58
delinquentmemanfredrasta, its it better to be quiet and be thought of as a fool .. than to open ones mouth and erase all doubt17:58
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: gconf-editor would be, righT?17:59
=== connie is now known as xpro
manfredrastadelinquentme, ???17:59
obunto!manners | delinquentme17:59
ubottudelinquentme: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:59
* Kyle__ shrugs17:59
obunto!polite | delinquentme18:00
ubottudelinquentme: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:00
delinquentmehaha im saying that why people are quiet!18:00
obuntoi dont know how to use bots18:00
* delinquentme overshares no more18:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:00
obuntoare there any programs that will wipe your ram?18:00
Flare183obunto: RAM stands for Read Only Memory18:01
Flare183you can't "wipe it", it is erased when power is lost to it18:01
macoFlare183: uhh thatd be ROM18:02
macoFlare183: RAM = Random Access Memory...18:02
Flare183maco: oops D:18:02
JohnHeikkilaobunto: secure_deletion toolkit has some memory deletion software18:02
* maco wonders when only got an A at the beginning of it18:02
obuntothanks JohnHeikkila18:02
MTec007JohnHeikkila, so close, but it doesnt show me what im looking for18:02
JohnHeikkilaMTec007: Okay. I'm sorry but I can't help you anymore :/18:03
MTec007thanks though18:03
jocrawfoah bummer BluesKaj is gone...18:03
mohamedhi ubuntu community18:04
Flare183!hi | mohamed18:04
ubottumohamed: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:04
JohnHeikkila!hi | mohamed18:04
mohamedi have problem with my laptop after installing xubuntu18:05
Flare183mohamed: Like?18:05
mohamedI don't have the whole screen18:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:05
bullgard4[mc 4.7.0-pre1]  /etc/mc/filehighlight.ini seems to define and list those file categories that mc displays in different colors. What file determines what colors mc actually uses? ~/.mc/filehighlight.ini does not exist.18:05
JohnHeikkilaPlease, go on, mohamed!18:05
sinmanhow can i set the runlevel to start the graphical login instead of the command prompt18:06
mohamedwhen i installed xubuntu it's on only the middle of my laptop screen18:06
deathoncityhello is anyone here with SEO knowledge?18:06
mohamedwhat can i do to solve the problem?18:07
Flare183!details | mohamed18:07
ubottumohamed: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:07
glebihan!anyone | deathoncity18:07
ubottudeathoncity: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:07
deathoncityi need SEO help please18:08
macodeathoncity: SEO is unrelated to ubuntu technical support18:08
bobstrodeathoncity:  that's a broad topic18:08
c3l!ask | deathoncity18:08
ubottudeathoncity: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:08
macoalso an /off/topic18:08
maco!ot | deathoncity18:08
ubottudeathoncity: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:08
=== karlo is now known as karlo94
intraderI have received a warning that a keylogger may be active in my ubuntu - how do I disable it?18:10
bobstromohamed:  so the display is a small box in middle of display?18:10
JohnHeikkilaI need some help with "systemconfigurator --runboot". It says "Error: None of the following bootloaders were successfully setup on your system: YaBoot,Iseries,EFI,Elilo,Lilo,Grub,Palo,Aboot,ZIPL,Kboot"18:10
sinmandoes anyone know how i can check the runlevel and what number it should be for the graphical startup18:10
JohnHeikkilaI obviously have Grub installed.18:10
mohamedyes bobstro18:10
erUSUL!runlevels | sinman18:11
ubottusinman: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.18:11
Flare183intrader: Can you show us the warning message?18:11
c3lintrader: how did you achive to get a keylogger installed? do you allow others access to your computer, or do you install much stuff from outside-repositories?18:11
bobstromohamed:  what sort of video card do you have? you may need a different driver loaded.18:11
lexxxxxxis there any one who uses bt418:11
c3l!anyone | lexxxxxx18:12
ubottulexxxxxx: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:12
WeZu can download bt4 lexxxxxx18:12
bobstrowhat is the connection between ubuntu and bt4?18:12
P1asmaster!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! P1asmaster Dr_Willis scupper SegFaultAX kkszysiu ah-berg lexxxxxx jOZe werd mdavidn nkn ks damufo kthomas aeon-ltd h4z|da intrader Fandekasp E8newallm phnom CadeSkywalker freaky[t] icepeda jocrawfo Zwei andrejpan pikku_rusakko oln Whitor maarten_ effj arthurrilke allguru jsurfer lux` era Lollipop56 karlo94 Flare183 Flamesman imcsk8 jemark Antty mohamed DeadLikeMe RambJ18:12
P1asmaster!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! Zonetti webus niteesh goshawk kyu20 ChogyDan1 janek mkanyicy janrsv jmichaelx Black_Prince Mikelevel incorrect Autonomiser erkan^ leagris g0bl1n tjcoder agentgasmask le0 patholio freebsd_fan JohnHeikkila rentruy DJ_HaMsTa hetii radioman-lt Kapli CosmiChaos gartral Ichat JohnFoo Vanadis murphy brendan` Tuxist xerox1 pw-toxic_ bsaibes sinman woulf grandziak aaron__ Marku18:12
P1asmaster!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! j_ayen_green Varox ubuntu ServerTechLaptop WinstonSmith lsp bsk26 thx1138 wazzup liamsmithuk andycc maedox ezraw Prez00 jeffisabelle wwarrior natschil argonaut sely vrakesh caravena ilker ][_CoRViNuS_][ howlymowly nisstyre65 smerz remoteCTRL3 KennethP Scunizi J11 SuBmUnDo Kasjopaja MaWaLe ruif13 komputes brandon420 geenna PsiloX tmfset carabobo antonpiatek AlanBell_ be18:12
P1asmaster!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! vincent_ alessiofachechi iceflatline thesheff17 dorade relachs5 Terminator DBO daedaluz guntbert DLange jayeola cdavis lollo64it chrowe Crshman pr0b0t edthix Acido- eriksson25 skar vagastorm_ funnylookinhat ImEmJay ldx ivan_ zachlr neriukas JFo haydoni lep-work jigal kUrld cellardoor Kyoku BlackBinary AaronCampbell benkevan arune s0 everythingdaniel prakriti visitor1 k18:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:12
andyccyay spam18:12
liamsmithukhighlight spam18:12
WeZlexxxxxx: tryin to be a h4x0r? hehehe....familiarizing with ubuntu distro is the first step to achieve the h4x0r level!18:12
lexxxxxxin msf after starting a server how to stop that sorry if this is a idiotic question18:13
bobstrolexxxxxx:  what are you trying to do with it? perhaps some of it is relevant to ubuntu.18:13
Flare183!don't feed the troll18:13
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.18:13
Lollipop56uhm, kick the spammer?18:13
WeZlearn pure coding rather script kiddies! ;)18:13
mohamedbobstro: I don't know18:14
mohamedbobstro: my laptop is toshiba Satellitte S 1800-42018:14
lexxxxxxno after an successful exploit now i want to turn off my http server but i don't know how18:14
intraderc3l, no, I don't allow access - How do I find out - there is nothing unusual about the source.list, but I don't recognize 'deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security multiverse'18:14
jimbo__anyone tell me what 'beam.smp' means when i do netstat  ?18:15
happydudehi, I'm trying to turn off screensaver feature in 10.04. I have disabled powermanagement and screensaver, but the screen still blacks out after about 10 minutes or so of inactivity. I want the screen to be on for till the sun devours the whole solarsystem. Please help!18:15
WeZbobstro: in this channel.... if u're looking for somethin not covered by the ubuntu repos...it means they're not obliged to answer! FAQ ! if u know how to read tho18:15
lexxxxxxwez ok but how can i do thaT18:15
jocrawfolol damn spammers18:15
sinmanerUSUL: I know that, I just need to know how to change the run level instead of it boot at the command prompt18:15
jocrawfoand its really not spam just rediculous text18:15
WeZbt4 are for lame wannabe! go join their channel....18:16
happydudehow do I stop screen from going black after a while?18:16
ninjaihow can I encrypt a folder with my private key (my ssh private key)18:16
Steve973is it valid to su - someuser in an init script?18:16
glebihansinman: your issue is not related to the runlevel, did you do anything special before it stopped working ?18:16
JohnHeikkilaI need some help with "systemconfigurator --runboot". It says "Error: None of the following bootloaders were successfully setup on your system: YaBoot,Iseries,EFI,Elilo,Lilo,Grub,Palo,Aboot,ZIPL,Kboot", but I obviously have Grub installed.18:16
jimbo__anyone know what beam.smp is ? dont think ive seen it before18:16
lexxxxxx& m gone18:17
Flare183jimbo__: that's couchDB18:17
c3l!caps | lexxxxxx:18:17
ubottulexxxxxx:: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:17
Flare183its part of ubuntu one, I think18:17
xangua!backtrack > lexxxxxx18:17
ubottulexxxxxx, please see my private message18:17
AbhiJit!backtrack | lexxxxxx18:17
ubottulexxxxxx: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:17
sinmanglebihan: not that i know off.18:17
AbhiJitxangua, oh sorry18:17
WeZgoogle is ur friendly source!18:17
jimbo__Flare183: should i get python pids with it too ?18:17
jimbo__dont think im running any python apps atm18:17
sinmanglebihan: how can i see what runlevel is set, to rule that out18:17
Anttyhi peeps :D18:17
nucc1hi, my keyboard layout is US International with dead keys, how do I type the british pound sign? its supposed to be up beside '$'18:18
JohnHeikkila!hi | Antty18:18
ubottuAntty: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:18
Steve973is it valid to "su - someuser" in an init script to run a process as a particular user?18:18
Flare183jimbo__: I'm not sure, but its possible18:18
AnttyThank you ubottu18:18
gregbairAntty, hi18:18
glebihansinman: you can see the runlevel by typing "runlevel", but once again your issue is not there18:18
obuntoJohnHeikkila, how do you run secure-delete? typing "secure-delete" in the command prompt does nothing.18:18
JohnHeikkilaAntty: ubottu is just a bot here at #ubuntu.18:18
jimbo__Flare183: is it nessasary to have couchdb running ?18:18
Dr_WillisSteve973:  check the su docs. theres a way to run a command as a given user. You normally dont 'su to' some user in a script.18:18
JohnHeikkilaobunto: secure-delete is just the package.18:18
AnttyThis is my first IRC, and this seems like a standard room. Also i was wondering why i got a quick response ;D18:19
glebihansinman: does "sudo service gdm start" work ?18:19
obuntoJohnHeikkila, how do I run the application then?18:19
jimbo__Flare183: and if not how do it turn it off ?18:19
intraderc3l, still there - I am reviewing the rest of sources.list - nothing else unusual. I list 85 tasks/daemons with root permissions.18:19
sinmanglebihan: runlevel 2 is what it says18:19
AnttyIs this chatroom where i can go for Ubuntu help?18:19
WeZlexxxxxx::: learn to code! learn how to make c/c++/c# or even asm programming! and if u learn those things....try to look back bt4! compare to what u've learn on plain programming! so pls stop asking things about BT4 in this channel! this is for ubuntu support! google BT4 channel....it's free of charge!18:19
glebihansinman: as it should be18:19
happydudeYou are the best techies in the world!!! I am a hot babe and everyone will be served! Also, how do I prevent the screen from going black after a while?18:19
andyccFlare183: CouchDB is necessary for some apps (Gwibber comes to mind).18:19
JohnHeikkilaobunto: there's "shred" and "srm"18:20
_joeyI need to install libtiff3, libtiff4 is in the repository18:20
_joeywhat do I do?18:20
glebihansinman: what about "sudo service gdm start" ?18:20
jimbo__ive used gwibber but not recently18:20
Dr_Willis_joey:  compile from source is one way18:20
Jordan_UAntty: Yes.18:20
c3lintrader: sorry, I have no experience of malicious code on linux, at all :O Id get scared enough to reinstall my system and wear a tinfoil hat from then on18:20
jimbo__is gwiber a python app ?18:20
macojimbo__: yes18:20
andyccjimbo__: there are others that use CouchDB.18:20
aeon-ltdhappydude: err its called 'sleep' its just to save power18:20
intraderc3l, do you know who can help?18:21
sinmanglebihan: I just done that, and it took me to the graphical login screen18:21
jimbo__oh well that might explain why im getting the pids on netstat18:21
happydudeaeon-ltd, I do not want to save power. I want screen to be on for ever.18:21
obuntoJohnHeikkila, how do i clear the ram?18:21
glebihansinman: ok so it works, it's only been disabled for some reason18:21
_joeyDr_Willis: what is the other way?18:21
jimbo__can it startup on it's own ?18:21
sinmanglebihan: k gonna reboot to see what happens, i'll be back18:22
glebihansinman: ok18:22
c3lintrader: unfortunately not, first time I hear of anyone getting malicious code on their linux box. just keep asking in here, someone's got to know18:22
ninjaihow can I encrypt a folder with my private key (my ssh private key)18:22
WeZhappydude: Preference>Power Management bet u can change it from there18:22
JohnHeikkilaobunto: You can't "clear" the RAM. Ram = Random Access Memory. RAM is emptied every time you shut down your PC18:22
aeon-ltdhappydude: it should be a setting (if your using gnome) in system>18:22
jimbo__i can kill the pids and soon as i reboot they are there again18:22
andyccninjai: man gpg18:22
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
jimbo__thats without running any apps18:22
happydudeWeZ, tried both powermanagement and screensaver. All is off!18:22
jimbo__on boot18:23
jimbo__maybe it's running in background18:23
ninjaiandycc: PGP is weak encryption.  I'm looking for something stronger.18:23
WeZhappydude: did u install compiz...or awn...or something same with the above mentioned?18:23
happydudeuninstalled compiz.18:23
intraderc3l, thanks, I will do that - unfortunately I did a `ps -ef |grep root|wc -l` while on sudo (asked for password), so whoever it is, they know my password18:23
andyccninjai: 8192-bit RSA PGP doesn't sound that weak to me18:24
andyccninjai: what would you use, if not pgp?18:24
tomaw|homeless!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! tomaw|homeless aliverius sinman Chiliblue d3v0 WiW xangua lungan bilalakhtar pingu Andycas ring0 himanshu nebogeo litel GillesM astrocub ghostcube kthomas_vh zloog Steve973 pLk nibbler_ Ralfi luis_lopez CyberGabber di_giorgio metaltux cUP sayanriju jimbo__ werd gregbair kondores The_SLain_MAn happydude window lazybug1 Strogg themill pipegeek Dr_Willis SegFaultAX kks18:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:24
WeZhappydude: try to check the settings in awn...sometimes it messes up! or try uninstalling AWN...then check back ur problem....if u solve it...then install awn back18:24
sinmanno it didn't work I still get the command prompt on startup18:24
andyccninjai: (also, I think you don't really understand the difference between PGP and encryption)18:24
ninjaiandycc: I'm not sure, that's why I ask.18:25
ninjaiandycc: I understand fully.  PGP is a way of encrypting data.18:25
intraderI have received a warning that a keylogger may be active in my ubuntu - how do I disable it - nothing unusual in my sources.list I need assistance detecting/removing keylogger.18:25
glebihansinman: could you check the content of /etc/X11/default-display-manager ?18:25
c3lintrader: that shouldn't be a problem. ps is a normal command. ps - report a snapshot of the current processes.18:25
WeZ*afk for an hour* be back later!18:25
jiffeany idea why when I pipe `php -i` through pipe I can no longer use the arrow keys?18:25
sinmanglebihan sure18:25
happydudeI want awn. Where in awn does it mess with screen, and why the f would awn even need to consider blacking the screen?!18:25
jiffeif I redirect `php -i` > o and then pipe `cat o` through less I can use the arrow keys18:26
jimbo__i have another question, i have installed jailkit and a user then logged in but when i try to start irssi in the jail i get this message18:26
intraderc3l, what I worry is that I did this with sudo, so they know my password.18:26
Dr_Willisjiffe:  more has support for arrow kwys.. not sure what you mean by 'through pipe'18:26
happydudeintrader, just change your password!18:27
sinmanglebihan: in gedit it just shows "/usr/sbin/gdm"18:27
jiffephp -i | less18:27
jiffeis what I mean18:27
glebihansinman: ok that's good18:27
ninjaiandycc: I also feel more comfortable with asymmetric encryption VS symmetric.  I'm encrypting data that will be handled and transported by people I don't know :)18:27
intraderhappydude, and how do I do this without letting them know it?18:27
Dr_WillisI dont even know what php -i does. :)18:27
happydudeintrader, secretly!18:28
jiffeit works on 8.0.4 with php 5.2.518:28
sinmanglebihan: k what next18:28
intraderhappydude, how?18:28
c3lintrader: oh sorry, im quite slow ;) yeah thats a real issue. and you cant change the password as theyll see that too. untill you get rid of it youre not safe. Id quickly backup my stuff, and reinstall. directly. to not risk anything.18:28
aemaethin byobu there is a red "6!" at the bottom of my screen, anyone familiar with what that is? and how i check it?18:28
c3lintrader: thats unfortunately all the advice I can give you :/18:28
glebihansinman: looking, you're not running in recovery mode, are you ?18:28
Dr_Willisaemaeth:  i think its the # of updates or somthing.18:28
trismaemaeth: that is the number of updates available to install18:28
jiffebut not on 10.04 with php 5.3.218:29
intraderc3l, thanks18:29
aemaethoh very good, that makes perfect sense, lol18:29
happydudeintrader, passwd. It is a commando to exadurate your problem.18:29
trismaemaeth: likewise, after you update today, you will probably see a blue (R), which means you need to reboot18:29
jiffeI'm not sure if its something different with the output of php -i or something different with the less configuration18:29
sinmanglebihan: not that i know of, Because i don't see the grub when i boot, because ubuntu is the only OS installed18:29
aemaeththank you trism and Dr_Willis.18:29
intraderhappydude, but, anything I type may be transmitted!18:29
agentgasmaskninjai: What make you say that GPG encryption is weak?18:30
happydudeso do it secretly, ie *******18:30
bobstrointrader:  unless it's a hardware keylogger, booting off a cd should allow you to remove it (assuming you know where it is).18:30
glebihansinman: just to be sure, could you check the output of "cat /proc/cmdline" ?18:30
bobstrointrader:  they may have installed a rootkit though, so you probably can't trust that installation. any idea how it happened?18:30
ninjaiagentgasmask: I think I was mistaken.  For a second I thought it was symmetric (I do not prefer to use symmetric cryptography), also I thought it was 64 bit lol18:31
sinmanglebihan: get "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic root=UUID=e18f959c-6dc9-43c1-a649-6dfe19052c1e ro quiet splash"18:31
JohnHeikkilaI need some help with "systemconfigurator --runboot". It says "Error: None of the following bootloaders were successfully setup on your system: YaBoot,Iseries,EFI,Elilo,Lilo,Grub,Palo,Aboot,ZIPL,Kboot", but I obviously have Grub installed.18:31
intraderbobstro, I have not been able to distinguish it. I have 85 daemons or task running as root. No idea - I suspect an Xchat session18:31
glebihansinman: that's ok too18:31
Dr_WillisJohnHeikkila:  it may be not set to handle 'grub2' thats the default in ubuntu now18:32
JohnHeikkilaDr_Willis: Oh well18:32
bobstrointrader:  to be safe, you might just boot off a cd (isolated), back up any critical data and do a fresh install from known-good media.18:32
agentgasmaskninjai: ha, Yeah, I was gona say...18:32
bobstrointrader:  are you running services open to public?18:32
sinmanglebihan: for some reason it's not starting X18:32
andyccJohnHeikkila: you have GRUB2 installed.18:32
glebihansinman: could you pastebin your /etc/init/gdm.conf ?18:32
JohnHeikkilaandycc: Dr_Willis: Yes, I got GRUB218:32
agentgasmaskninjai: am I wrong, or isn't the consept of pub-key encryption non-symmetric?18:32
ninjaiagentgasmask: :).  Any how many bits is GPG's key strength?18:32
bobstrointrader:  you might set up a sand box for irc if you're going to 'questionable' places.18:32
andyccninjai: you can set it from 1024 (I think) to 819218:33
sinmanglebihan: whats the url for pastebin18:33
ddelrio1986How do I make all folders in Nautilus open in the List view by default.18:33
wildc4rdevenin' all18:33
Dr_WillisJohnHeikkila:  and that program may not support grub2... Ive never used systemconfigurator18:33
macoagentgasmask: correct, it's asymmetric18:33
glebihan!paste | sinman18:33
ubottusinman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:33
JohnHeikkilaDr_Willis: Oh well. Thanks anyways18:33
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
intraderbobstro, I will do that. and yes I am running apache, and mySql, but they are password protected. How do I sandbox?18:33
philinuxsinman: open a terminal and use the command runlevel. Post back what it says18:33
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! vor1an Czus tsaknorris sailerboy RV8 cpf_ ddelrio1986 buzzard Exp1r3d askhl dankobum icepeda aemaeth cornflake schlaftier Carnage\ tjcoder willinja Arsic Mud dinya aliverius sinman Chiliblue d3v0 xangua lungan bilalakhtar pingu Andycas ring0 himanshu nebogeo litel GillesM astrocub ghostcube kthomas_vh zloog Steve973 pLk nibbler_ Ralfi luis_lopez CyberGabber di_giorgio metaltu18:34
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! themill pipegeek Dr_Willis SegFaultAX kkszysiu ah-berg jOZe mdavidn nkn damufo aeon-ltd h4z|da intrader Fandekasp E8newallm phnom CadeSkywalker freaky[t] jocrawfo Zwei andrejpan pikku_rusakko oln Whitor maarten_ effj arthurrilke jsurfer lux` Lollipop56 karlo94 Flare183 Flamesman imcsk8 jemark Antty mohamed tripps delarue Tigger__ spokest Stevethepirate regeya rohan obunto Zon18:34
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! Mikelevel incorrect Autonomiser erkan^ leagris g0bl1n agentgasmask patholio freebsd_fan JohnHeikkila rentruy DJ_HaMsTa radioman-lt Kapli CosmiChaos gartral Ichat JohnFoo Vanadis murphy brendan` Tuxist xerox1 pw-toxic_ bsaibes woulf aaron__ MarkusB plitter mrenouf DhulKarnain rizzuh cfairles IdleOne SamRastin zatan j_ayen_green Varox ubuntu ServerTechLaptop WinstonSmith lsp bs18:34
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! argonaut sely vrakesh caravena ilker howlymowly smerz remoteCTRL3 KennethP Scunizi J11 SuBmUnDo MaWaLe ruif13 komputes brandon420 geenna PsiloX carabobo antonpiatek benkong2 Copernic_ nucc1 |multipass| jalonso-23520 Snake goon_ Daekdroom vincent_ alessiofachechi iceflatline dorade relachs5 Terminator DBO daedaluz guntbert DLange cdavis lollo64it chrowe Crshman pr0b0t edthix A18:34
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! haydoni lep-work jigal kUrld cellardoor Kyoku AaronCampbell benkevan arune s0 everythingdaniel prakriti visitor1 kpettit dagny_taggart jeremiah badjo xxiao Ljungmann bergman mue mreh Afrix AbhiJit alex__c2022 oski cereal lundburgerr-TZM human_blip mkaay Weust`afk ganja rcaskey skyred boolean omgjoz sjm rfolco S_p_or_t_o cchapman jono jrolland-kubuntu quake_guy jimmy51_ wpots 18:34
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! ssureshot SuperL4g kubanc Biolunar pmcgowan Janhouse_ n2diy Tir_Eoghan vbabiy bodwick Rinsmaster avinashhm delinquentme Excelsior erk Gimped jiga ahox md-llyr trism engled ameetp hwilde chibameister neekers pkkm sabalaba erUSUL mikebeecham kdnewton flowerpow alaing jareth_ Scott_L Sylphid|work diverse_izzue Osagasu Frozenball OpenSourcedNick brianchidester wedwo ssam spGrob O18:34
vor1an!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! themetalgamer bttf Glebelg plainhao RandyRKelly _joey cesar_CR bffs ukine macode Darkion stbain chibihogoshino DavidLevin wng- pozic tflgen2 bentob0x wyclif FloodBot1 jefinc__ FloodBot4 FloodBot3 mbeierl iredux NeKit Shaul @FloodBot2 jamur2 dywi AaronMT renato etsi Visual` LXCC-Vincenzo sinistrad Synthead fumanchu182 esteeven bullgard4 enmand stoffepojken subzero2000 p4d4w4n 18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
agentgasmaskninjai: I think you can choose, up to 2048 I beleave.18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
ninjaiagentgasmask: exactly, it's public/private (asymmetric)18:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:34
bobstrointrader:  one thought is a virtual machine with little else BUT irc on it.18:34
ninjaiagentgasmask: exactly, it's public/private (asymmetric)18:34
glebihanphilinux: he already did, it's 2 as expected18:34
ninjaiandycc: thanks!18:34
garethsps2324Does anyone know how to get the modem on a lenovo laptop (t510) to work in Ubuntu/Linux  ?18:34
JohnHeikkilaWhat the..18:34
sinmanglebihan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/501646/18:34
macoJohnHeikkila: spam. just ignore it18:34
philinuxglebihan: ah ok. late to the party18:34
agentgasmaskandycc: Yeah, thanks :)18:35
intraderbobstro, what detects the keylogger and puts up that message?18:35
bobstrointrader:  you didn't run irc client as root, did you?18:35
AbhiJitgarethsps2324, you can take help from linmodems.org mailing list and their web site18:35
andyccagentgasmask, ninjai: you're welcome :D18:35
sinmanglebihan: i'll be right back18:35
bobstrointrader:  i'm not sure there.18:35
garethsps2324kk thanks18:35
bobstrointrader:  do you have a screen cap or more detail?18:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:35
bilalakhtarWait a minute18:35
bobstrointrader:  this was an ubuntu system, right?18:35
ddelrio1986How do I make all folders in Nautilus open in the List view by default.18:36
bilalakhtarddelrio1986: Set the setting in Edit->Preferences18:36
intraderbobstro, no, just as normal user. what is a screen cap It is ubuntu 10.04 which just updated to latest nvidia and kernel18:36
ddelrio1986bilalakhtar, Thanks!18:36
bilalakhtarddelrio1986: Got it?18:36
bilalakhtarddelrio1986: no problem, have fun using Ubuntu!18:37
marc_usCan anyone recommend a good walk-through for helping restore X and gnome to a really borked situation?  An fglrx update via the update-manager caused my system to leave me with a locked screen and keyboard.  I could only ssh into the box.  I first removed X windows and reinstalled but configuring X just executes and terminates with nothing happening.  Super thanks for any clues.18:37
ddelrio1986bilalakhtar, I am so far!18:37
sinmanglebihan: i'm back18:37
bobstrointrader: print screen key usually18:37
intraderbobstro, screen capture, thanks. I wil do so it it happens again, but who does it?18:37
RV8marc_us, perhaps.. sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop will put things right18:38
bobstrointrader:  i'm honestly not sure if anything does by default. are you running any rootkit checkers or th elike?18:38
Dr_Willismarc_us:  remove/reinstaslling rarely fixes things in linux.. Unless you want to remove the 'settings; that may have changed' then you want to use the 'purge' option to clear those out.18:38
aeon-ltdmarc_us: executing X (startx), create a .xinitrc file and put 'exec gnome-session' in it18:38
Dr_Willismarc_us:  so You cant even get to the GDM login screen?18:38
marc_usDr_Willis: I used the purge option18:38
bobstrointrader:  they key thing being, you probably can't trust that install any longer, no matter how much clean-up you attempt.18:38
glebihansinman: ok going to try something18:38
sinmanglebihan: k18:39
marc_usDr_Willis: No, Cntl-Alt f7 just shows the final things before X and GDM should start18:39
intraderbobstro, I don't know - just the normal security. What rootkit detector are you thinking of?18:39
marc_usaeon-ltd: I tried starting "X" manaualy but it cries that it does not have ATI VESA modules etc... I'm trying to see why.18:40
ManDayAny idea why when I enable the CLOCK applet in CAIRO DOCK Ubuntu crashes to the Login-Screen!?18:40
JohnHeikkilamarc_us: Did you do "startx"18:40
ActionParsnipManDay: maybe its a bug18:40
ManDayActionParsnip: I thought so18:40
marc_usJohnHeikkila: I believe so.  But will reverify18:40
bobstrointrader:  chkrootkit, rkhunter and the like.18:40
bobstrointrader:  is this message in the gui, or terminal?18:41
glebihansinman: try replacing the content of "/etc/init/gdm.conf" by this : http://pastebin.com/FGFxFBdN18:41
ActionParsnipmarc_us: if you websearch for the exact output error line it may bring guides18:41
marc_usRV8: I'll try to install the desktop.  Perhaps I missed that.18:41
ActionParsnipManDay: search the bugs, see if one exists. Maybe18:41
intraderbobstro, I will run those, the message is in the gui, while I was trying to type something in the terminal.18:42
ActionParsnipManDay: maybe there is an update for it18:42
ManDayActionParsnip: I tried, couldnt find anything helpful18:42
ManDayActionParsnip: The computer has the most recent version of evrything installed18:42
bobstrointrader:  it wasn't an ssh warning by any chance?18:42
sinmanglebihan: i did18:42
ActionParsnipManDay: so are you running maverick?18:42
bobstrointrader:  when you connect to another system?18:42
marc_usActionParsnip: I will do as you recommend, I tried last when it was late at night so I may have missed something useful18:43
glebihansinman: ok reboot and see if it works18:43
bobstrointrader:  something about 'man in the middle'?18:43
sinmanglebihan: k18:43
ActionParsnip!ati | marc_us18:43
ubottumarc_us: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:43
ActionParsnipmarc_us: that may have a step or 2 to run18:43
intraderbobstro, no, it was not an ssh warning, I tried vnc as client to an XO olpc - tbut that did not work.18:44
sebubaHello, I have /temp/test/teste.sql with the command tar-cj /temp/test/teste.sql -f /temp/teste/teste.sql.tar.bz2 it creates the folders within the file. tar.bz218:45
marc_usubottu: Thanks18:45
sebubahow do I compress only. tar.bz2 and not folders?18:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:45
intraderbobstro, I see a user 'rtkit' in my passwd file18:45
marc_usActionParsnip: Good, thanks....18:45
marc_usThis is the error I get and will head down the path to resolve these errors:18:45
marc_us(EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist, 0)18:46
bobstrointrader:  i'd quit using it, boot a live cd, backup everything and reinstall. also, don't trust any passwords you've had stored, change 'em etc.18:46
sinmanglebihan: still getting the command prompt for login18:46
marc_us(EE) Failed to load module "VESA" (module does not exist, 0)18:46
ActionParsnipmarc_us: that's provided by xserver-xorg-video-ati I believe18:46
marc_us(EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)18:46
marc_usand cries that it cant find a display18:46
ActionParsnipShould be part of a standard install...18:47
intraderbobstro, should I clear /home?18:47
ech0Asushow do i disable the networkmanager on lucid?18:47
glebihansinman: ok so change /etc/init/gdm.conf back, I'm trying to find something else18:47
ActionParsnipmarc_us: you may need an xorg.conf to define the monitor refresh rates etc18:47
bergmananyone know why wizard wont work with a CentOS live cd?18:47
marc_usI may have installed something wrong.  That's one of the reasons I'm looking at a step by step guide for numbskulls18:47
JohnHeikkilaech0Asus: You can download "wicd" if you want to use another network manager than "networkmanager"18:48
ActionParsnipech0Asus: sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager stop18:48
jukech0Asus: take it off in startup apps18:48
ActionParsnipbergman: centos isn't supported here18:48
marc_usActionParsnip: I may be in for a night of fun18:48
JohnHeikkilaor "sudo service network-manager stop"18:48
bergmanActionParsnip: yeah i know, thought18:48
bergmani could ask anyway*18:48
ech0Asusthank you action18:48
ShorTiehello, was wondering how to upgrade to a new kernel image, apt-get upgrade has linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic-pae along with the new headers but does not upgrade them with 'The following packages have been kept back:'18:49
glebihansinman: you may try reinstalling gdm18:49
ActionParsnipech0Asus: if you use a wired connection you can use /etc/netowrk/interfaces and remove all network managers. Makes the system boot faster and run leaner18:49
ActionParsnipShorTie: the packages are ready but the dependancies that it needs aren't, so they are kept back18:49
ActionParsnipShorTie: is your current kernel not doing what you need?18:50
ShorTieseems fine18:50
sinmanglebihan: when i went back in i notice something with the gdm.conf. when i pasted the change it put in 1. 2. 3. etc for each line going thru removing them, then I'm gonna try the reboot again afterward18:51
ShorTiejust stuff left over from a apt-get update/upgrade18:51
ActionParsnipShorTie: then why are you so urgent for a new kernel?18:51
glebihansinman: ok18:51
bobstrointrader:  just back up what you know you need. i wouldn't trust configs and such.18:51
ShorTienothing urgent, just thought there was stuff that wasn't upgraded to the latest is all18:52
ziarkaenWhich is the best method to convert 10.04 server ISO to a .img file I can put on USB.  Official instructions only apply to Windows, Mac and Existing Ubuntu.  I'm using another distro.18:52
intraderbobstro, I was dumb enough to use the same password in all my other systems including Windows18:52
Dr_Willisziarkaen:  use unetbootin to make a 'bootable' usb.. BUT i think the server edition does not work with Unetbootin, or the usb-disk-creator tool. You might try using Grub2 to boot the iso file. but that might not work either18:53
ActionParsnipShorTie: when the deps are sartisfied, it will come down. Your system is fine so its ok to let it bake. If the system was misbehaving or some hardware wasn't working then id understand but its not so its cool to let it be :)18:53
ActionParsnipintrader: don't worry, its common18:54
haseebhi i neeed some help regarding my broadcom wireless card i cant connect to the internet cause its saying on the wireless "device not ready"18:54
hydoAm I the only one that hosed his machine from the latest 10.04 kernel update?  First part of the error is complaining about a missing post-install hook.18:54
haseebany way i can fix that ?18:54
ActionParsniphydo: I got a new kernel today, seems fine18:54
ActionParsniphydo: can you boot the older kernel ok?18:54
ziarkaenDr_Willis, So you're saying there's no supported way to install Ubuntu Server from USB?  Would be easier for the developers to generate img files...18:54
intraderbobstro, ActionParsnip  - including tomboy notes with passwords for everything - dumber18:54
hydoActionParsnip: hrm... wonder what I did.  Ok, thanks!18:54
ShorTieok, thankz ActionParsnip18:55
ActionParsniphaseeb: is there a killswitch / key combo to turn the wifi off and on?18:55
haseebActionParsnip, i have it on basically i have 2 cards in my laptop18:55
haseebone intel and other broadcom18:55
ninjaiWhen I try to use GPG to encrypt a file, it always sys "no such user ID".  I list my key and attempt to encrypt it with it and it doesn't work.  "No such user ID" every time.18:55
haseebi need broadcom to connect18:55
erUSULninjai: you want to encrypt it with a simple password?18:56
bobstrointrader:  lesson learned. at least you caught it.18:56
ActionParsniphaseeb: if you run: sudo lshw -C network ,can you see the device? If so you can websearch for guides based on the product line18:56
erUSULninjai: you need « gpg -c file »18:56
haseebi can websearch from here18:56
haseebActionParsnip, i can see the device name and model18:56
ActionParsniphaseeb: broadcom wifi is frequent as they are cheap chips18:56
ninjaierUSUL: gpg: WARNING: recipients (-r) given without using public key encryption18:57
ninjaigpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session18:57
ActionParsniphaseeb: find guides based on the output. You'll find them18:57
Dr_Willisziarkaen:  ive never tried.. but i think it  dosent like the unetbootin, or usb-disk-creator tools.. it MIGHT work with Grub2. perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server18:57
haseebActionParsnip,  i know the model number broadcom BCM431218:57
ActionParsnip!broadcom | haseeb18:57
ubottuhaseeb: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:57
jimbo__haseeb: do you have the firmware ? i have a broadcom wifi card and a few distro dont have the firmware, ive never tried on ubuntu though18:57
ninjaierUSUL: I made an RSA key18:57
erUSULninjai: what are you trying to do? is asimple just password protect this file r are you signing/encrypting something to send it later? or what?18:58
ninjaierUSUL: encrypting a folder with my private key18:58
erkan^who speaked me?18:58
erUSULninjai: you want to have an encripted folder? one you can access normaly given the password? gpg is not the tool for that. use encfs or similar18:59
intraderbobstro, lots of work - thanks for your help and comments  - so far chkrootkit is hanging on checking 'aliens'.18:59
ninjaierUSUL: No this is a one time deal.  I'm encrypting something I want to be locked away so I can decrypt it later... not an encrypted accessible folder.19:00
boywonderwhat is a text file extension?19:00
macoboywonder: .txt19:00
erUSULninjai: then tar it up and do « gpg -c file.tar.gz » you enter a passphrase/password twice and that's it19:00
boywonderhmm so what would a gedit be maco?19:01
erUSULninjai: no need for a public/priv kaypair19:01
macoboywonder: its the name of the text editor in ubuntu, like notepad19:01
ninjaierUSUL: Do I have to tar it?19:02
sinmanglebihan: it still didn't work so i pasted the original back in19:02
erUSULninjai: if it is a folder yes.19:02
glebihansinman: ok try reinstalling gdm19:02
erUSULninjai: gpg only can handle files19:02
sinmanglebihan: k19:02
boywondermaco im trying to copy a file ,only the extension for gedit is unrecognised and it doesnt copy it as txt19:02
ninjaierUSUL Okay thanks19:03
erUSULninjai: see my previous comment about encfs19:03
macoboywonder: huh? copy how?19:03
ninjaierUSUL, im not looking to encrypt a filesystem19:03
ziarkaenDr_Willis, Thanks, didn't realise there was a separate channel for -server.19:03
intraderbobstro, a bunch of suspicious files listed under 'aliens'19:03
ActionParsnipziarkaen: server is supported here too. The server channel is just more precise19:04
Jibadeehawas struggling with my times table just then ... glad i made it here19:04
sinmanglebihan: went into synaptic I don't get the option to reinstall gdm just mark for removal and mark for complete removal19:04
ActionParsnipsinman: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm19:04
erUSULninjai: encfs encrypts folders19:04
glebihansinman: I would recommend doing it from command-line19:04
ninjaierUSUL: Okay I'll take a look then :)19:04
Piciboywonder: What does that have to do with gedit?19:04
glebihansinman: "sudo apt-get purge gdm" then "sudo apt-get install gdm"19:05
erUSULninjai: folders that you can mount clear to access them19:05
boywonderits ok i just changed the file extension19:05
KittymewHey ubuntu guys, is there a way to enable true wireless routing (wlan0 to wlan0) or split wlan0 into multiple virtual interfaces? I need to do some routing and I don't have wired access.19:06
sinmanglebihan: k done at the command liune19:06
ActionParsnipboywonder: file extensions don't mean much in linux (specially at command line)19:06
boywonderi thought the file extension for gedit would be .txt19:06
zafar_how can i install kdevelop in ubuntu19:06
^LestatI installed Lucid LTS and I am new to ubuntu. How do I get more options for my screen resolution?19:06
intraderbobstro, looks like in aliens, it is all related to java and eclipse - I guess I must discard workspace and save source files.19:06
glebihansinman: ok then reboot again19:06
ActionParsnipKittymew: sure you can create subinterfaces like in cisco routers19:06
boywonderActionParsnip, i just change the file to doc1.html and added that to the command line and it copied19:07
ActionParsnip^Lestat: what video chip?19:07
KittymewActionParsnip, sweet, is there any documentation for that? I haven't programmed a cisco in like 5 years.19:07
^LestatActionParsnip: Nvidia19:07
Jordan_U^Lestat: Have you tried System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?19:07
jigalcan someone please tell me how to solve this problem for ever: http://pastebin.com/SstTgW6919:08
ActionParsnipKittymew: you may need to use /etc/network/interfaces but its definately doable19:08
ActionParsnip!nvidia | ^Lestat19:08
ubottu^Lestat: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:08
Loshkininjai: should be relatively straightforward to tar and compress a directory, then encrypt it with gpg. I do this for small backups to adrive...19:08
ninjaiLoshki: that's what I'm working on right now :)19:08
aeon-ltdjigal: change the comments to // instead of #19:09
sinmanglebihan: still going to the command prompt to login19:09
KittymewActionParsnip, thanks, if anyone has any deeper insights, that'd be great, the less time I waste on this the better lol. Basically what I need to do is set up a wireless vlan that can see the internet, but with a custom security policy for my phones/robots/other strange devices.19:09
erUSULjigal: stop using comments starting with # in your php code ?19:09
^LestatActionParsnip: That looks like it will do. Thanks ;-)19:09
aeon-ltdjigal: or /* */ (open and closing respectively)19:09
jigalaeon-ltd: that is what I would do i have to do it manually but appearantly there is an ubuntu package update for this19:09
ActionParsnip^Lestat: if you have the nvidia driver in, you may need to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,to put refresh rates in your xorg.conf if your monitor doesn't report what it can do at boot19:09
jigalerUSUL: aeon-ltd please look at the filenames in my error19:10
Loshkininjai: want to see my backup shell script?19:10
jigalerUSUL: aeon-ltd please look at the filenames in my error obviously i didn't touch them19:10
ninjaiLoshki: Actually yes, I'm trying to find out how to make it use a passphrase so I dont have to manunally enter it19:10
intraderbobstro, ActionParsnip: is XChat suspect by any chance. Problems started when I installed XChat19:10
erUSULjigal: looks like a bug report would be the best action ?19:11
aeon-ltdjigal: report as a bug, then use the workarounds suggested in the mean time19:11
ActionParsnipintrader: suspected of what?19:11
glebihansinman: well thay's weird, I can't find any more ideas, I may have a little workaround though but it wouldn't be very clean19:11
bobstrointrader:  irc is a common source of unwanted attention, depending where you go19:11
ActionParsnipKittymew: http://www.wantlinux.net/2009/04/ubuntu-subinterfaces/19:11
sinmanglebihan: well I guess I'll just reinstall ubuntu 10.04 then19:11
intraderActionParsnip, introducing a key logger19:11
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
sinmanglebihan: thanxs for your help19:12
intraderbobstro, I see - which is the most secure of the irc programs?19:12
glebihansinman: you're welcome, sorry I couldn't find a solution19:12
sinmanglebihan: np, you did try to find a solution to this problem19:13
ActionParsnipintrader: its possible, not sure though. You could try cleaning you home folder, or make a new user which will then be clean. If you've been running the OS as user it shouldn't affect too much19:13
jigalerUSUL: and aeon-ltd please look over here http://www.asim.pk/2010/06/21/php-depreciated-errors-on-ubuntu-10-04-lts/ should'nt it be fixed already19:13
bobstrointrader:  i wouldn't say xchat is bad per se. but some channels will get you probes and tests from others, and they may find a vulnerability.19:13
wispursheya,  im havin a problem with my default settings reverting. Im new to linux and have been playing with little things like themes and customingzing the task bars etc, but everytime i turn my computer off and back on, the custom image i set to be used for the top and bottom task bars keep reverting back to defaults.  Is there anyway to fix this?19:13
ActionParsnipwispurs: make sure you are the owner of all of your home dir is a good start19:14
erUSULjigal: he only said it made a bug report. we do not know the state of said report19:14
wispursoh, ok, sweet. thank you19:14
Loshkininjai: here it is, all 5 lines of it: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/WYhapdcW19:14
ActionParsnipwispurs: also make sure the $HOME/.g* folders are writable19:14
bobstrointrader:  common is to be discussing security/hacking and get your system tested in ways you weren't expecting.19:14
ninjaiLoshki: thanks!19:14
ActionParsnipwispurs: and $HOME/.config19:15
wispursok, i will start looking into how to do that19:15
intraderActionParsnip, bobstro: do you know how to detect the key loggers?19:15
Loshkininjai: I recall it needs an interactively provided pass-phrase though...19:15
ActionParsnipwispurs: look into chown and chmod ;)19:15
bobstrointrader:  those programs (chkrootkit, etc.) are good, but if you are truly rooted, it can be very difficult.19:15
ninjaiLoshki: No I figured out how to do that.  --passphrase Sup3rPASSword19:16
ActionParsnipintrader: rthunter and the like scan stuff. You could also install clamav etc and scan the OS19:16
Loshkininjai: that's good, but note it's bad practice to leave a passphrase lying around where someone might discover it...19:16
wac_does chkrootkit scan windows partitions as well does anyone know?19:16
bzimmerlyI want to upgrade my system from 9.04 to 9.10, but am connected to the Internet through Hughesnet and I cannot download for 17 hours (!) which is what the software told me it would take to upgrade. My question is, can the upgrade be spread out over several nights?19:17
intraderActionParsnip, I will do so, chkrookit reported a bunch of java and eclipse files as suspicious19:17
ninjaiLoshki: I'm aware.. but this is on a local server which creates offsite backups which are mailed offsite.  So I'm not horribly worried19:17
aeon-ltdbzimmerly: don't think so, interrupptions during downloads causes problems, if you've got a external HDD, back up, and torrent the iso19:18
Loshkininjai: I just added a couple of lines to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/WYhapdcW with a reminder on how to decrypt it again later :-)19:18
ninjaiLoshki: haha, thanks19:18
ActionParsnipninjai: offsite backup ftw :)19:18
bzimmerlyThanks aeon-ltd ... I had a feeling that the only way I could accomplish this was to use a DVD.  :(19:18
losjeHi all\19:19
aeon-ltdbzimmerly: also you may want to wait for 10.1019:19
ninjaiActionParsnip: Indeed.  Better safe than sorry :)19:19
Loshkininjai: note that for bulk encryption, it's supposed to be much faster to use a symmetric key do encrypt/decrypt...19:19
bzimmerlyaeon-ltd: Thanks, I'll wait for 10.10 and get a DVD.  ;)19:19
ActionParsnipninjai: you get tonnes of people bleating "my FAT died and I can't get my important data" so I give them the backup rant19:19
ninjaiLoshki: Agreed, but I'm not encrypting that often :)19:19
wac_does chkrootkit scan windows partitions as well does anyone know?19:20
Loshkininjai: ok, just so you know, if you do it often, or there's a lot of data, switch to symmetric...19:20
LoshkiActionParsnip: quite right too...19:21
ActionParsnipwac_: possibly. If some kits are known to reside there I guess it could, there may be an option to tell the app to scan it irregardless19:21
ninjaiActionParsnip: Good :).  I love ranting haha19:21
SpawnI keep getting a metacity error: "metacity:ERROR:core/prefs.c:2495:meta_prefs_get_workspace_name: assertion failed: (workspace_names[i] != NULL)"19:21
losjeWow its a busy channel here19:21
wac_do you think it would fish our rootkits made for windows?19:21
aeon-ltdlosje: always is :)19:21
losjeHeheh lol19:21
iluminator101hi i get this error when i just booted up default gnome power manager setting is not correct???19:21
Piciwac_: Likely not.19:21
losjeIs everybody talking about technical difficulties?19:21
wac_I am building a windows tech cd to remove viruses from windows so har I have 5 antiviruses and 2 antispyware that all works on windows19:21
ActionParsnipwac_: douibtful but one may be able to, you'd have to check feature lists19:21
ninjaiLoshki: I know.  As it stands I have it hard-core scripted.  Plug in an external hard drive, then email notifications for when it starts and finishes for the win :D19:22
aeon-ltd!ontopic | losje19:22
ubottulosje: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:22
ActionParsniplosje: its the official channel for the fastest growing distro, so yep it gets busy ;)19:22
Loshkininjai: I do pretty much the same, but I upload the result to adrive as it's small. Better than no offsite backup at all!19:23
ActionParsnipninjai: I use a firewire drive + cron, dropbox for my config files and smallfry data19:23
aeon-ltdActionParsnip: if only it was the fastest bug reducing distro :)19:23
losjeIll be ontopic then :) Im having trouble with random freezes in my ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a AMD X2 laptop with ATI HD347019:23
KittymewActionParsnip, hmm, I've configured the subinterface, but I have no idea how to get it to broadcast out an SSID so it can accept connections. iwconfig setting an ssid for it does not seem to work.19:23
Loshkiwac_: may I PM you?19:24
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ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: yeah I've heard stuff. Its why a lot of folks dislike ubuntu19:24
aeon-ltdlosje: found any correlation between certain software and the freezes?19:24
losjeactually the problem is also in fedora releases and some bootable dvds19:24
ActionParsnipKittymew: you know as much as I do, sorry. You may have to find more guides or just hack away to see. What happens19:24
wac_yea please19:25
ninjaiActionParsnip: Cron? Yeah that's how I have mine set up.  Checks if the drive is connected every so often and when it finds it it mounts, copies, umounts, and emails when it starts and stops with a summary of the outcome of commands :)19:25
losjebut it started after I replaced my HDD with a WD blue scorpio19:25
aeon-ltdlosje: what kind of freeze?19:25
wac_loshki: yea19:25
Loshkiaeon-ltd: low bug count, new features, low price: pick any *two*...19:25
losjecomplete freeze - screen hangs mouse hangs fan keeps same speed etc19:26
iluminator101hi i get this error when i just booted up default gnome power manager setting is not correct???19:26
aeon-ltdLoshki: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... quite the conundrum19:26
jukKittymew: may that help:http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html19:26
jribLoshki: wait, what happens when I pick the first two?19:26
ActionParsnipninjai: drive is always connected. Copy starts 5am and finishes about half past. I don't have much stuff but its worth it :)19:26
aeon-ltdLoshki: lthough with more devs its possible to have 319:26
aeon-ltdjrib: use a bsd :)19:26
aeon-ltdjrib: and donate19:26
erUSULbsd and new features ? oxymoron19:27
aeon-ltderUSUL: bsd with ports :)19:27
Loshkiaeon-ltd: only if the devs volunteer their time. If you had to pay what it really costs for this kind of development, you'd be hurting...19:27
ninjaiActionParsnip: Yeah, scripting is fun. :)19:27
Kittymewjuk, when I set security to anything but WPA2 with a long password, it refuses to enable the create button.19:28
losjeaeon-ltd:thanks btw for helping :)19:28
aeon-ltdLoshki: meh, people are getting it for free so its a good compromise considering osx and windows users still suffer bugs in house and in third party software19:28
jukKittymew: use 42 keypass19:28
aeon-ltdLoshki: whats the full spec?19:28
aeon-ltdlosje: whats the full spec?19:29
aeon-ltdLoshki: wrong person sorry19:29
jukKittymew: it accepts 5 num key don't remeber exactly19:29
abstraktany suggestions for a decent program to monitor connections real time? I want to see how many hits per second/per minute I'm getting on apache19:29
unpersonJust tried to apt-get install the flashplugin-installer from the Ubuntu repos.  The .deb downloaded fine, but then during the config stage it gave a 404 error when it tried to download the actual plugin.  Anyone know what's going on?19:30
iluminator101hi i get this error when i just booted up default gnome power manager setting is not correct???19:30
Kittymewjuk, ah, I see, then switch back to unsecured and it will work. Bug. Anyway, that seems to work but the SSID isn't broadcast and it of course disables my wireless interface, which is useless for this purpose.19:30
dgtlhi, got a small questions. want to install ubuntu beside win7. problem is, that ubuntu doesnt show up the partition i've already created in win7.19:30
losjeaeon-ltd: Packard bell easynote AMD X2 WD BEKT500Gb ATI 347019:30
erUSULabstrakt: use an apache log viewer. logwatch19:30
aeon-ltddgtl: you can't create ext partitions in windows, it shows up as unallocated space19:31
jukKittymew: Bug?19:31
aeon-ltdlosje: how long until this happens?19:31
wac_unperson: try using the software center and installing the free community flash plug in19:31
losjedepends, sometimes nog for a couple of hours, sometimes even during install19:31
alazyworkaholicVirtualization question: I've been using VirtualBox, but it doesn't support audio input, only output. Does KVM support audio-in & does it have any of VirtualBox's nice features like Nested Paging & direct access to the video hardware?19:31
Kittymewjuk, I cannot create a network without security unless I first set security to wpa2, type in about 20 characters, then switch it back.19:32
KittymewThat sounds like a bug to me.19:32
losje@aeon-ltd win7 runs smooth btw19:32
aeon-ltdlosje: clean disks for the isos?19:32
abstrakterUSUL: ok I did an apt-get install logwatch19:32
abstrakterUSUL: but which logwatch doesn't return anything? what's the binary for that? where are the docs?19:32
jukKittymew: it's just for handyness you can generate 128 as well19:32
dgtlmy problem is, that the ubuntu installer & gparted doesnt show up the correct partition table - there are 2 partitions missing, that exist in win7 and are accessible there19:33
unpersonwac_, The thing is that I want the actual Adobe plugin, and clearly something with the ubuntu package is fubar.19:33
losjeaeon-ltd what do you mean?19:33
dchotasCan anyone suggest me a good UI-basedBt client for ubuntu 10.04?19:33
jukdchotas: Transmission19:33
unpersonwac_, I can probably download directly from adobe and install, but I'd much prefer to know what's going on with the official package.19:33
aeon-ltdlosje: physically clean, it could have stopped the cd drive from reading prperly19:33
erUSUL!bt | dchotas19:33
wac_dchotas: transmission19:33
erUSULdchotas: i use deluge19:34
unpersonwac_, What's weird is that a quick search didn't turn up any recent references to such a phenomenon.19:34
brycehJFo, mind triaging 649141 when you get a moment?19:34
losjeaeon-ltd I get it, but it does not need the disk anymore (im using the installation to talk with you right now)19:34
Krishnanduhow can I list partition table through terminal..?? fdisk -l is not working19:35
wac_try again19:35
wac_sudo apt-get remove flash19:35
Zykotic-K9Krishnandu, "sudo fdisk -l"19:35
wac_sudo apt-get auto clean19:35
sinmanglebihan: how can i see the startup log, maybe something there can tell me why X not starting on bootup why i get the command line on startup19:35
wac_sudo apt-get autoclean19:35
erUSULKrishnandu: sudo parted /dev/sdx print19:35
wac_sudo apt-get autoremove19:35
KrishnanduZykotic-K9, Thanx buddy..!!19:35
juk!torrent | dchotas19:35
ubottudchotas: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:35
wac_then reinstall19:35
intraderActionParsnip, rthunter only found 'Warnings' in chkconfig and prerequisites (both unexplained).19:35
aeon-ltdlosje: does any problems arise in windows similar to this, because right now i'd reccommended a memtest19:35
dgtlis there a parameter or sth. i have to pass, if win7 created a dynamic partition table on my disk_19:36
losjeaeon-ltd: Thats the thing, win7 runs without any flaws19:36
losjeaeon-ltd: except the usual windows crap :P19:36
erUSULabstrakt: http://www.debianadmin.com/realtime-apache-monitoring-with-apachetop.html19:36
abstrakterUSUL: thanks19:36
yitz_I'm trying to set up a preseeded installer. eg http://www.debian.org/releases/sarge/example-preseed.txt  But for the partitioning part, I want to drop back into the interactive interface. How would I go about doing that?19:36
KrishnanduerUSUL, Thanx buddy..!!19:37
erUSULKrishnandu: no problem19:37
aeon-ltdlosje: do the freezes end? or does it bsically kill the machine?19:37
sinmancan someone tell me how i can view the startup logs19:37
losjeaeon-ltd: kills the machine completely19:37
juksinman: less /var/log/boot ?19:37
intraderActionParsnip, rthunter with the log on, gives more information on warnings19:38
KrishnanduerUSUL, :)19:38
juksinman: less /var/log/boot.log19:38
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aeon-ltdlosje: does the hdd drive grind or any weird noises arise?19:38
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kantxxhey all.. anyone know of a good internal messanger/awareness system w/ ldap support thats open source?19:39
losjeaeon-ltd: nope, HDD is brand new as well. Also I replaced the Wifi card already because of this (no result)19:39
jukI discovered this in my boot log: init: ureadahead-other main process (757) terminated with status19:39
jukwhat that my be?19:39
ChogyDan1juk: is it like status 4?  it means you have your install on several partitions19:40
erUSULkantxx: internal messenger? a jabber server?19:40
kantxxerUSUL: can it manage contact lists(buddy lists).. its needed for more of a "whos on" type system19:41
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erUSULkantxx: jabber is what gtalk uses so draw your conclussions.19:41
losjeaeon-ltd: I get this message in my /var/log/messages: 19.017133] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.19:41
jukChogyDan1: yes, 3, and on extended19:41
jukChogyDan1: 3 more on extended partition19:42
KittymewHmm. Trying to install WICD, when it installs it says "Starting network connection manager wicd [fail]" and is unavailable.19:42
iluminator101hi i get this error when i just booted up default gnome power manager setting is not correct???19:42
aeon-ltdlosje: hmm maybe but highly likely a sound card causes the whole machine to freeze completely19:42
aeon-ltdlosje: *unlikely19:42
unpersonAh, my problem is exactly as described by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/616670, although I don't know if this is a new iteration of the problem.19:42
DizzoHow do I exit TTY??19:43
aeon-ltdlosje: is a there a specific time this happens? like 2hours post startup?19:43
ChogyDan1juk: there is a ureadahead process for each partition started, but if that partition doesn't have any files needed for boot, it just exits with a msg like that19:43
losjeaeon-ltd: is there something I can do to check?19:43
losjeaeon-ltd: No, it looks like it is random19:43
wac_unperson: haha19:44
aeon-ltdlosje: speculation, but there must be a software trigger somewhere19:44
s01jasome time ago i read some ubuntu-forum rules that sanctioned inline code posting, as it could contain 'sudo ./evil'. should i report such a post?19:44
wac_unperson: did you reproduce it with apt-get autoremove19:44
erUSULkantxx: http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/servers/19:44
aeon-ltdlosje: this may be a waste of time, but lets say you booted up and left it, just to test if it would freeze19:44
nothingspecials01ja: De3pends what it says19:44
losjeaeon-ltd: My soundcard: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia19:44
losjeaeon-ltd: Will try the "always on" tonight!19:45
s01jawget http://kanotix.com/files/fix/mplayer-vaapi-latest.txt && sudo bash ./mplayer-vaapi-latest.txt19:45
aeon-ltdlosje: there are probably better tests, like maybe stress tests but i'm not sure they exist for linux, someone else here may know19:46
KittymewNope, none of that crap works at all, I'm not going to waste any more time on it.19:46
wac_anyone know the command to change the resolution of the shell you are using?19:47
dchotasso I'm the only user on this ubuntu machine19:48
abstraktwac_: resolution? that doesn't make sense...19:48
s01jasomething tells me it was not a good idea to post the code here. please do not execute!19:48
dchotasyet the terminal tells me i dont own a folder, how can I get around this'19:48
Daniel1What was that?19:48
wac_size of the screen19:48
abstraktwac_: click and drag the bottom right corner of your terminal window?19:48
wac_no man I am not in xserver19:48
wac_I am only in a shell19:48
dchotasI'm the only user in this ubuntu box yet the terminal tells me i dont own a folder, how can I get around this?19:48
wac_hit ctrl+alt+f119:49
aeon-ltdwac_: tty?19:49
wac_yes tty19:49
aeon-ltdwac_: cause its a grub boot loader option vga=xxxnumber19:49
wac_theres no way to do it once you are in the shell?19:49
Daniel1what does mean, that badge on some users in this chat?19:50
unpersonwac_, I don't think you can do it on the fly.19:50
Loshkis01ja: it doesn't look evil per se, but I wish they'd separated out the parts which need root from the parts which don't....19:50
dchotasdespite being (root), my terminal tells me i dont have the ownership of a folder, ho can I change this?19:50
aeon-ltdwac_: look/google for how to change framebuffer resolution while in tty19:50
wac_thanks all will look into it19:50
Kyokuanyone know how to fix this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50170719:50
gverigRunning ubuntu 10.10, in tomboy notes, the panel plugin- note titles are invisible (I see note icons and can opten them but can't see the text title). Worked fine on Friday. Any thoughts?19:51
eTiger13how do i tell which version of openssh-server i have installed?19:51
Picigverig : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.19:51
losjeaeon-ltd: Thanks so far for the help19:51
gverigPici: thanks19:51
PicieTiger13: apt-cache policy openssh-server19:51
unpersonwac_, Regarding the flash thing, oddly if I try their code to reproduce it something else happens.  It then appears to install without errors, though flash doesn't actually work.19:52
losjeAnyone knows what the message means in my syslog:  hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.19:52
ppqzulax, i use dd for such things19:52
nothingspecials01ja: The code itself adds some repositories and downloads and runs some scripts. I haven`t looked at all the scripts but the original one does not seem maliscious at first glance. Don`t run it if you don`t fancy it.19:52
aeon-ltdlosje: sorry i couldn't solve it19:52
LoshkieTiger13: sshd -h will print the version19:52
unpersonwac_, What's even MORE bizarre about that is that flashplugin-nonfree is a transitional package, and I thought all it really goes is install flashplugin-installer, which is what I'd been doing.19:52
losjeaeon-ltd: no worries really thanks for the try19:53
dchotasdespite being (root), my terminal tells me i dont have the ownership of a folder, how can I change this?19:53
wac_unperson: you tried the apt-update they told you to I am assuming?19:53
s01jafound nothing on ubuntu.com to report this. sure this is legitimate, can someone with a ubuntu formum account contact the author and send him the guideline so she fixes the issue? without punishment!19:53
wac_unperson: did you enable the restricted repo in sources19:53
VCooliodchotas: to change owner:group do: chown username:groupname folder   groupname can be the same as user; for recursive ownership do chown -R19:54
aeon-ltddchotas: chmod +w maybe?19:54
jribdchotas: what exactly are you trying to do?  How exactly are you trying to do it?  And what exactly does the terminal tell you?  (use a pastebin)19:54
fullerHow can I call hcitool in a C program19:54
jribfuller: try ##c19:55
unpersonwac_, I did update.  But in any case I've updated apt far more recently than those bug posts.  restricted repo must be enabled otherwise it wouldn't find the package at all, right?19:56
=== ppq` is now known as ppq
s01janothingspecial:  Well its page 140 in a thread - but google knew about it. Maybe it is a bigger issue to protect simple minded users from malcious code from the forums.19:58
ppqzulax, use this: gunzip -c /mnt/temp/image.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda1 bs=10M19:58
nothingspecials01ja: I don`t think if is forbidden to post the code. It is a warning to watch out for code that contains it. Anyone who knows what they are doing can look at it and decide for themselves19:58
ShredMasterWhat will happen if there are many Leechers and Seeders in Bittorent?19:58
zulaxppq, should it be sda or sda1 ?19:58
noobie987hello! anybody knows how i can read out ubuntus current kernel config to use in an own compilation? cat /proc/config is not inbuilt in ubuntus kernel.19:58
ppqzulax, depending on your image. is it a partition or a whole disk?19:59
zulaxppq on /dev/ i see both sda and sda119:59
zulaxthen i guess the partition should be sda119:59
ppqzulax, btw, you should exactly know what you're doing20:00
ppqzulax, how did you create the image?20:00
s01jaso no reporting - thats good guidelines for a free society. just was concerned. no damage done20:01
zulaxthat makes sense20:01
ppqzulax, are you running a live system?20:01
KuprinHey guys, more weirdness (I was apparently on as Kittymew earlier) - decided to fix the problem in hardware, have a fresh DI-604 router here, but for some reason ubuntu cannot connect to the wired network when it's plugged into the router.20:02
ppqzulax, is ubuntu installed on the disk /dev/sda?20:02
zulaxppq, so it should be sda, i asked the guy who created the image20:02
nothingspecials01ja: You can report if you like, but it looks innocent to me ....at first glance and without going through the code of everything else it downloads20:02
zulaxppq, i guess i need to format the drive first? or does dd do it as it goes20:03
wac_unperson: yea I guess so20:03
nothingspecials01ja: But I wouldn`t waste the admins time20:03
ppqzulax, no, dd does byte-exact copying. the partition table is uncluded in your image.20:03
dchotasjrib terminal tells me this, "You do no own ./wine/ so the script won't run."20:03
unpersonwac_, I think I got to the bottom of the issue.20:03
ppqzulax, do you run ubuntu which is installed on sda?20:03
unpersonwac_, The mirror I was using seems to be out of date.20:04
jribdchotas: I need you to answer all three questions I asked so that I can help you20:04
Picizulax: Where is this img file located? On sda/sda1?20:04
unpersonwac_, When I set it to use the main US mirror everything works out.20:04
jrib!pastebin | dchotas20:04
ubottudchotas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:04
ppqzulax, in this case you have to boot another system which doesn't live on sda20:04
zulaxPici, its mounted on /mnt/temp/img.gz20:04
Picizulax: Okay, just making sure :)20:04
unpersonHow can I find out when I given mirror was last updated?20:04
wac_unperson: you changed the mirriors around? or do you not live in the US20:04
zulaxppq Pici thank you, hope its working, and glad to learn dd !20:04
ppqzulax, np, but are you running an ubuntu whoch is installed on sda?20:05
unpersonwac_, I changed mirrors to one that I get much faster speeds to.20:05
unpersonwac_, But it appears that mirror is out of date.20:05
wac_good idea!20:05
zulaxi booted of g4l disk20:05
zulaxand thru live cd20:06
ppqok, a live system, alright20:06
ppqgood luck :)20:06
Kyle__Is getdeb.net reputable enough to download and install packages from?20:07
Kuprinhahahaha nevermind, turns out it was a bad cable >_>20:08
unpersonwac_, Trying to figure out how I determine whent he mirror was last updated.  I guess I can probably look at the mod time for the packages file.20:08
jribKyle__: stick to official repositories whenever possible.  With things like getdeb and PPAs you are trusting the author directly20:08
IsraphelHi, i have a question about file permissions20:08
jribIsraphel: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:09
Israphelit's about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/646862?comments=all20:09
Israphelit's about ia32-libs on maverick20:09
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Israphelthe first workaround was removing the read permission to a file20:09
jribIsraphel: #ubuntu+1 for questions about maverick20:09
jribIsraphel: but try to not use enter so much20:10
IsraphelI better run from here now20:10
dajhornIsraphel: This bug was fixed today.  Just upgrade and try again.  Maverick questions go to #ubuntu+120:10
* Kyle__ nods20:10
Kyle__Is there a place to just dowload a .deb of xVideoServiceTheif?20:11
root____1just installed console-tools and it rendered my box unbootable, with ugly colorful line on top of screen20:11
Randolphhi all20:13
root____1suggestion how to get back my shiny desktop20:14
losjeGuys, anybody knows what this message in my syslog means? : hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj.20:14
=== WarrenC is now known as wac__
losjePooky5859 Hi!20:17
JavaAtomHowdy folks.20:17
Pooky5859i have problem with ubuntu to use USB modem - Huawei USB Modem E175020:18
Pooky5859has windows drivers and i dont have idea how make it work on ubuntu20:18
Pooky5859i try many tutorials bat i still dont get connect20:19
losjeooh good luck man...20:19
guntbert!enter | Pooky585920:19
ubottuPooky5859: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:19
JavaAtomUnder an upgraded Server 10.04 amd64 install, I have a multi-hard-drive LVM volume and it lost a hard drive due to SMART failure. I removed the offending drive, but now the LVM will not load. Where should I look for troubleshooting steps?20:19
dajhornJavaAtom: Did you have a raid configuration in MD, or a raid configuration in LVM?20:20
JavaAtomdajhorn: I went with (what I thought was) a JBOD-type configuration -- just lumping them all together. Software raid, if anything.20:21
dajhornJavaAtom: Your entire VG is probably hosed.20:21
JavaAtomdajhorn: meaning?20:21
dajhornJavaAtom: Restore from backup.20:21
JavaAtomdajhorn: Erm. You mean restore configurations from backup? Or the real *data* backup?20:22
guntbertJavaAtom: LVM has nothing to do with RAID - it needs all disks20:22
JavaAtomwell damn20:22
jbrouhardin my experience, LVM is only good if you have daily good backups20:22
JavaAtomguntbert: If I were to replace the dead drive with an uninitialized disk and add it to the VG, would that resurrect the mirror?20:22
jbrouhardotherwise you risk losing the whole array when one drive fails :(20:22
mbeierlJavaAtom: if you used straight striping-style "lump them all together" then the loss of one disk means the loss of them all20:22
dajhornJavaAtom: Both.  If you weren't doing raid in the MD layer, then you were doing something like raid0 or raid1 in the LVM layer, and any breakage there is usually fatal.20:22
JavaAtomdajhorn: Gotcha.20:23
JavaAtomWhat makes this funny is this is our backup server.20:23
mbeierlJavaAtom: you did not say it is a mirror.  therefore it cannot resurrect what does not exist :(20:23
guntbertJavaAtom: if it was "only" a SMART message you could try to put the disk back in, then move the data elsewhere...20:23
JavaAtomguntbert: Too many bad blocks -- the drive refused to be read from.20:23
jbrouhardguntbert, that's not a bad idea...20:23
guntbertJavaAtom: LVM is no mirror either20:23
jbrouhardi'd put the drive back in20:23
jbrouhardsee if you can'20:23
jbrouhardcan't copy/paste the data to another location20:24
JavaAtomjbrouhard: Thankfully, there was no data on that drive. -- But if the LVM is hosed, I can just reinitialize it.20:24
jbrouhardout of curiousity, guntbert, can a LVM array be read from.. say.. live CD ?20:24
dajhornJavaAtom: If you have lots of time, then try to recover the back disk with one of the ddrescue utilities.20:24
dajhornjbrouhard: The alternative Live CD has LVM, and you can install lvm with an Internet connection to the desktop Live CD.20:25
guntbertjbrouhard: yes, you only have to load the appropriate module20:25
jbrouhardWell i mean.. READING the local LVM to try to recover.20:25
JavaAtomI suppose I should ask whether or not having an LVM-ed server is a good idea for a backup.20:25
jbrouhardthat's an option to recover20:25
jbrouhardProbably not ;)20:25
hardiskhi, I have a very simple problem with ubuntu20:25
jbrouhardnot if you're prone to HDD failures20:25
JavaAtomjbrouhard: Damn. That's what this server is...20:25
hardiskI lost the name of a packet I really need to use20:25
hardiskThis is a program who type keys for you20:25
JavaAtomjbrouhard: We're not "prone to HDD failures," we just had one die.20:26
_RMoDHey, I have a quick question for your guys20:26
hardisksomething like that20:26
hardiskAnd the commands where like : xautotools key 1 , to spam key 120:26
_RMoDI go to boot up 10.04.1 and my video isn't working20:26
guntbert!enter | hardisk20:26
ubottuhardisk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:26
jbrouhardJavaAtom, what kind of hDD?  SATA , SCSI or IDE ?20:26
hardiskSorry, do you have an answer?20:26
_RMoDoops, I'll wait20:26
JavaAtomjbrouhard: These are plain SATA drives. 7200 RPM OTS drives.20:26
JavaAtomErr --- OTS = Off The Shelf.20:26
jbrouhardJavaAtom, i'd go out of my way to buy a SATA RAID controller in that case20:26
jbrouhardsave you some trouble long-term20:27
jbrouhardhardware RAID is, usually, easier to recover than software RAID20:27
jbrouhardANyone in here care to correct that if i'm horribly wrong ?20:27
hardiskI forgot the name of a package I need, it's like a robot that press keys for you, the name was something like "xautokey" "xautotools" and the syntax was like "xautotools key 1" to make it press the 1 key, any idea?20:27
VCoolio_RMoD: no video, as in, .avi not playing, or as in command line prompt?20:27
_RMoDI agree20:27
fratermjbrouhard: I think that's an apt assertion.20:27
JavaAtomjbrouhard: crap.20:28
rolandpishHi, what is the "aptitude" equivalent for the command apt-get autoremove?20:28
_RMoDVCoolio:  I go to boot, it shows the screen where you can press ESC to get to boot options, then it goes completely blank20:28
dajhornjbrouhard: If you buy a proprietary RAID controller, and it dies, then you'll need to have the same hardware for recovery.  Hugely annoying in a small shop.20:28
glebihanhardisk: there's an "autokey" package which looks like something like that20:28
_RMoDI need to use the safe video mode, but it's not in the F4 list for some reason20:28
jbrouharddajhorn, quite true20:28
fratermFirmware controllers may be dumbish, but they will slavishly rebuild their configuration and are less prone to human error that can muck up a software raid setup.20:29
* dajhorn shamefully uses ZFS20:29
hardiskglebihan,good tough, but it's not this one,the package I seek is in CLI20:29
fratermBUT with a well administered SW raid, you can get good reliability.20:29
_RMoDThe ISO was not corrupt, the MD5 hash was perfectly fine, but for some reason it doesn't look like I have all the boot options.20:29
fratermmore flexibly than HW raid.20:29
VCoolio_RMoD: does this sound like accurate? http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/20:30
snarkster_i have a rather large ext partition that is giving me trouble. when i boot the system it wants to repair it but fails. can someone give me the right parameters for fsck20:30
hardiskI forgot the name of a package I need, it's like a robot that press keys for you, the name was something like "xautokey" "xautotools" and the syntax was like "xautotools key 1" to make it press the 1 key, any idea?20:30
glebihanhardisk: xautomation ?20:31
_RMoDWhere's a pen when I need it...that sounds right20:31
glaucousI just installed Ubuntu 10.04 x64 (used Kubuntu before), and there seems to be some items missing in the top panel (sound mixer, network etc). I tried removing ~/gnome2/panel2, but still the same problem.20:31
hardisklets see20:31
dajhornsnarkster_: Make a backup.  If fsck is asking you questions about the repair, then the fix could make the problem worse.20:31
_RMoDI'll go try it and be back if it doesn't work20:31
antibodyhi I installed nvidia-bl-dkms and it's working, however i'm having problems of compat with the scripts..so I have low brightness and flickering :S where should I start to poke?20:31
snarkster_yah thats the main problem it is my backup drive on my server.20:31
flyguyanyone want to have netsex?20:31
aSt3raLim trying to install ubuntu server 10.4.120:32
DJones!ops | flyguy20:32
ubottuflyguy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!20:32
flyguyerr wrong channel20:32
aSt3raLand after the install the screen goes blank20:32
dajhornsnarkster_: From a terminal prompt through a Live CD:   fsck -f -v -C  /dev/MyDisk20:32
_RMoDWell, wait a moment, VCoolio, if I have a different chipset than those, would I need to modify my xorg.conf to use the correct driver for my video card?20:32
hardiskglebihan, not this one20:32
hardiskI forgot the name of a package I need, it's like a robot that press keys for you, the name was something like "xautokey" "xautotools" and the syntax was like "xautotools key 1" to make it press the 1 key, any idea?20:32
VCoolio_RMoD: if the livecd worked for you you should be ok with at least the low graphics mode20:33
_RMoDI don't know if the livecd worked or not, all I ever saw was a blank screen20:33
hardiskI forgot the name of a package I need, it's like a robot that press keys for you, the name was something like "xautokey" "xautotools" and the syntax was like "xautotools key 1" to make it press the 1 key, any idea? (Not autokey)20:33
_RMoDI want to install it, you see, but I'm having these problems and want to make sure I can fix it before I install20:34
hardiskI forgot the name of a package I need, it's like a robot that press keys for you, the name was something like "xautokey" "xautotools" and the syntax was like "xautotools key 1" to make it press the 1 key, any idea? (Not autokey and xautomation)20:34
=== ejcweb is now known as purple101
dajhornhardisk: apt-get install expect xautomation20:35
PeaceMakerIs it possible to tell the system not to upgrade kernel? I prepared a customized kernel with added drivers and I don't want the auto updates ruin it.20:35
snarkster_thank you20:35
dajhornhardisk: Or maybe expect-lite20:35
coz_PeaceMaker,  you might be able to go into synaptic package manager and "lock"  the kernel from there20:35
eTiger13im trying to setup chroot jail for a group but whenever i try to connect using sftp i get a "connection reset by peer" error. what could I be doing wrong? im following these directions: http://shapeshed.com/journal/chroot_sftp_users_on_ubuntu_intrepid/20:36
qoo1Whenever I install kernel updates, I get a message from Debconf saying 'What would you like to do about menu.lst?'. If I make it replace it with the new version, it looses the boot option for my Windows partition. What should I do? Thanks.20:36
PeaceMakerok, I am trying it now.20:36
coz_PeaceMaker,  rather "lock" the kernel package from there20:36
_RMoDAnyway, VCoolio, thank you for help, I'll hope that works correctly20:36
VCoolioPeaceMaker: kernels are installed alongside, they don't replace, so just make sure you keep the custom kernel default in grub20:36
VCoolio_RMoD: I'm looking for your issue in livecd, it's a frequent complaint with lucid20:36
uLinuxCan I disable avahi-daemon?20:37
PeaceMakerYeah, I know. But grub 2 seems always list the latest kernel as default.20:37
PeaceMakerI used to manually edit menu.lst in grub1.20:37
Jordan_Uqoo1: There were a lot of configuration ussues with grub legacy because of the way its configuration system worked. Could you try upgrading to grub2?20:38
qoo1Jordan_U: Is upgrading easy? Or at least, would you be able to tell me how?20:38
churlI installed xubuntu and now windows get s blue screen for half a second then reboots.  Ideas?20:40
max2hey all i'm having an issue with raid45 - i keep getting : "raid45" is not in the kernel - how can i fix this so my raid5 works? thanks20:40
Jordan_Uqoo1: Yes. First, what version of Ubuntu are you using?20:40
_RMoDIt did not work20:41
qoo1Jordan_U: 10.0420:41
_RMoDI saw all the drivers and stuff loading, then it went to a black screen again even with the xforcevesa boot option20:41
xbonesxwhat is the vga code for 1920x1200, this is what the vbeinfo outputs, 0x17d , but i need the vga=(***) for it20:41
_RMoDCould it be that my screen resolution is 1280x800 or something?20:42
max2hey all i'm having an issue with raid45 - i keep getting : "raid45" is not in the kernel - how can i fix this so my raid5 works? thanks - im running ubuntu server 10 amd6420:42
ppqxbonesx, 0x17d is 381 in decimal20:43
xbonesxppq: ok ill try that20:43
_RMoDThis is really annoying me that I can't even USE ubuntu, ANY help at all?20:44
_RMoDHello? :(20:45
Jordan_Uqoo1: Have a LiveCD on hand in case something goes wrong, then run "sudo apt-get install grub-pc".20:46
agrumanis it possible to have a (binary) file in bzr that there is only one version of (ex update will delete old one completely)?20:46
Piciagruman: #bzr would be the best place to ask this.20:46
agrumanPici, yeah i suppose :), thanks for the hint20:47
=== abountu1 is now known as abountu
bobstro_RMoD:  this is a livecd? normally, one of the safe modes should work. do you have unusual video?20:48
_RMoDbobstro:  If you're referring to the Video Safe Mode in the F4 menu, then it doesn't exist for me.  My video isn't extremely unusual, it's a widescreen 1280x800 display on an Intel HD Graphics (which is supposedly supported).20:49
PeaceMakerVCoolio,  I can lock any installed kernel images from upgrading. But I am afraid, new ones will be added when I do "apt-get upgrade"20:49
max2hey all i'm having an issue with raid45 - i keep getting : "raid45" is not in the kernel - how can i fix this so my raid5 works? thanks - im running ubuntu server 10 amd6420:49
VCooliothen lock the kernel package (something like linux-headers and such); you can do in synaptic20:50
qoo1Jordan_U: How do I 'click' the <Ok> button in the grub-pc configuration console? (in terminal)20:50
guntbertqoo1: usually you use the <tab> key to move the focus20:51
Jordan_Uqoo1: Use tab to select it (if it's not already selected) then press space bar.20:51
VCoolioPeaceMaker: or do sudo -i, then: echo packagename hold | dpkg –set-selections20:51
Jordan_Uqoo1: When asked what device to install grub to, make sure to select your hard drive ( like /dev/sda ) and *not* a partition ( like /dev/sda1 ).20:51
_RMoDFrustration with my ineptness is rising...20:52
VCoolioPeaceMaker: dpkg --set-selections that is, double --20:52
tsukiyomiHi guys is there anyone here that could help me with wireshark??20:52
qoo1Jordan_U: Um, it never asked me that?20:52
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
qoo1Jordan_U: It says its done, and is chainloading from grub.20:52
Lollipop56tsukiyomi, check my pm20:52
Jordan_Uqoo1: It only asks you that when you commit to using grub2 permanently. Right now you're still chainloading grub2 from grub legacy.20:53
bobstro_RMoD:  sorry, i can't think of anything to suggest. is there another video out it's grabbing perhaps?20:53
churlI installed xubuntu and now windows won't boot.  blue screen for half a second then reboots.  Ideas?20:53
PeaceMakerGot it, Thanks, VCoolio.20:54
Jordan_Uqoo1: Try rebooting to confirm that grub2 works, then run "sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy" to completely switch to grub2.20:54
qoo1Jordan_U: Ok, thanks. I'll test it out now. If it works, I can then commit to using it permanently, right?20:54
qoo1Jordan_U: Sure.20:54
abountuwhat is the file to edit to add new packages sources?20:55
captaincorkwatzups yalls20:55
guntbert!ot | captaincork20:55
ubottucaptaincork: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:55
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
abountuor what is the best way to add new packages source20:55
guntbertcaptaincork: stop that please20:56
captaincorkway daes not me debian pakcage work?20:56
max2hey all i'm having an issue with raid45 - i keep getting : "raid45" is not in the kernel - how can i fix this so my raid5 works? thanks - im running ubuntu server 10 amd6420:56
guntbertcaptaincork: this is the ubuntu support channel - not for debian - for ubuntu only20:57
captaincorkhay FloodBot1: SFTU!!!!!!20:57
tiz-just getting started with ubuntu, in freebsd there's the /etc/make.conf file to set global compiling settings, for ex: without_x11=true and it will compile all packages without x11... is there anything like this for ubuntu?20:57
captaincorkbut i try make debain package on ubutnut20:57
Flare183captaincork: Please quit it, or you will be asked to leave.20:58
Infra_HDCmax2, some like initrd ?20:58
max2<Infra_HDC> ? what20:58
captaincorkwhy daesont debain package for htop not work?20:58
max2<Infra_HDC> i need help getting my kernel to work with raid5 on my intel board20:58
Picicaptaincork: Are you running Ubuntu or Debian?20:59
Picicaptaincork: Whats wrong with the version of htop in the repositories?20:59
captaincorki try the ubutnut htop package and daesont work20:59
Flare183captaincork: works perfectly on here21:00
Picicaptaincork: How doesn't it work?21:00
captaincorkit daesnt launch21:00
xbonesxppq: how do you know that 0x17d was 381 in decimal?21:00
Flare183captaincork: its a CLI app21:00
captaincorki even go in /usr/bin/htop21:00
captaincorkand she doesnt work21:00
captaincorkno debug21:00
xbonesxppq: if you could i need the dec for 0x14a21:00
max2hey all i'm having an issue with raid45 - i keep getting : "raid45" is not in the kernel - how can i fix this so my raid5 works? thanks - im installing ubuntu server 10 amd6421:00
JavaAtomContinuing with the dumb questions: would putting a software raid-5 be a bad idea?21:01
Flare183captaincork: open a terminal and type in htop21:01
captaincorktype ./htop in /usr/bin21:01
Picimax2: you may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server if you aren't getting an answer here.21:01
captaincorki did21:01
ppqxbonesx, 0x14a is 33021:01
Picicaptaincork: And? Do you get an error?21:01
ppqxbonesx, just calculate it21:01
captaincorki open terminal type htop not work. i open terminal and cd /usr/bin/ and type ./htop and not work21:02
Picicaptaincork: Do you get an error?21:02
xbonesxppq: with what, i dont know how to calculate21:02
abountuor what is the best way to add new packages source?21:02
ppqxbonesx, 1*16²+4*16¹+a*16^0 for 0x14a21:02
captaincorkno, it just returns teh blannk line21:02
ppqxbonesx, a is 10, b is 11 and so on21:02
max2Pici: thanks21:03
captaincorkso i want debain or bsd package htop caus i here its better21:03
captaincorkbut they dont work21:03
Flare183captaincork: I've got a better idea21:03
xbonesxppq: TY21:03
Flare183!screenshot | captaincork21:03
ubottucaptaincork: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.21:03
Flare183Please screenshot it21:03
jbrouhardhmm.. desktop is all screwed up.. how do i get Ubuntu to reconfigure x?  i've tried nvidia-xconfig but that doesn't seem to work// is it xorg-xconfig ?21:03
ppqxbonesx, when you have hex longer then 0x00 then just continue with 16^3, 16^4 etc, from left to right21:03
bsod1how can I use two monitors wtih ubuntu 10.04? one different desktop for each monitor?21:04
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
captaincorki dont need to. ok you go in on terminal and "cd /usr/bin/" and type "./htop" and it doesn nothing21:04
captaincorkit is like typing lsd in a dir with no contnets21:04
dajhornmax2: modprobe raid456 and/or modprobe dm-raid45 (depending on what you need)21:05
captaincorkdaes  anyone have htop21:05
dajhornmax2: The required raid module can be named differently between different kernel versions too.21:05
jribcaptaincork: htop is in the repositories, use apt to install it21:05
kazagistarI want to remove the entire ubuntu desktop environment and everything with it, and revert to a ubuntu-minimal install... how can I do this?21:05
captaincorkkazagistar use arch21:06
captaincorkmy frein uses it21:06
Flare183kazagistar: Install Ubuntu Minmail21:06
dajhornkazagistar: apt-get autoremove --purge ubuntu-desktop  (and then manually prune after that)21:06
kazagistarcaptaincork: too much of a pain, I tried, and I like my premade debs21:06
captaincorkarch haes premeade packages21:07
jribcaptaincork: this channel is for ubuntu support...21:07
captaincorkall need to do is go into /et/mirros or something and choose your mirros21:07
jrib!purekde | kazagistar21:07
ubottukazagistar: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »21:07
dchotasSo if a motherboard is compatible with DDr3 Memory, does it mean it is also compatible with DDr2?21:07
kazagistarFlare183: I have to have wireless to be able to install minimal, and I can't get it working off the minimal cd21:07
dajhorndchotas: No.21:08
dchotasdajhorn thanks.21:08
dajhorndchotas: Welcome.21:08
Dewaynehowdy, I am having hard times trying to get gnome-shell working. can anyone help?21:08
kazagistardajhorn: I will give that a try, thanks21:08
jribDewayne: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)21:09
dchotasdajhorn, i was looking at this mobo to buy, and saw it was cmpatible with DDR3 1600--800 and my current memory is DDR2-800, hence the question.21:09
dajhorndchotas: Don't try to mix DDR2 and DDR3 parts.21:09
dchotasdajhorn, im not going to buy any RAM, thats why i needed to know if it was compatible, otherwise id just change my ram.21:10
aeporwiis it possible to install a 32bit OS on a 64bit machine?21:10
dchotasaeorwi yes21:11
dchotasaeporwi yes21:11
kazagistarjrib, dajhorn: problem, I dont have "ubuntu-desktop", because I have netbook remix installed21:11
dajhorndchotas: Look at this image (different physical specification): http://gamingpcguide.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/ddr3-vs-ddr2-ram.jpg21:11
SpinachHeadis there any official info on the best way to install 64 bit flash square?21:11
jribSpinachHead: put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins/21:12
blackmkfourcan you in place upgrade from x32 to x64?21:13
glebihanblackmkfour: no21:13
ManDayI freshly installed ubuntu 10.04, installed skype (displaying video worked)  and then ran all possible update (displaying video in skype stopped working) - may this be caused by ... what?21:13
ManDaymay it be that there is an inconsitency in the updates between 10.4 and 10.10 which cause that`21:14
dajhornManDay: Skype was broken in Maverick today, but is now fixed.  10.10 questions should go to #ubuntu+121:14
ManDaydajhorn: im on 10.04 as i said21:15
Dewaynecan anyone help with gnome-shell on 10.04 ubuntu?21:15
ManDayi dont even know whether im affected by anything 10.1021:15
jribDewayne: suppose someone said "yes", say what you would say next to them (on a single line)21:15
dajhornManDay: Why are you mentioning 10.10?21:15
ManDaydajhorn: i am not sure whether it has an influence on the updates for 10.04 dajhorn21:16
dajhornManDay: Nothing in 10.10 will be installed unless you ask for it, or acknowledge the upgrade.21:16
ManDaydajhorn: i just thought maybe an update for 10.04 was made by someone developing on 10.10 or so...21:17
ManDayi dont know what is possible21:17
fcuk112can i just say the elegant gnome theme is absolutely awesome21:17
Lollipop56yes you can xD21:17
ManDayi just thought there might be such an inconsitncey which caused skype to stop displayign video after normal updates21:17
intraderManDay, with all updates my Skype is Ok. Reinstall skype21:17
ManDayintrader: i did two times21:17
ManDaycheese and the others display video all fine21:17
fcuk112ManDay, does cheese work?21:18
ManDayits just skype which doesnt work21:18
fcuk112ManDay, ah ok.21:18
ManDayi get a distinct error tho21:18
ManDaythat is X Error: 138 Bad Alloc or so21:18
ManDay(wrong attributes)21:18
DewayneI'm already suspecting no quick fix which is why I ended with... great!21:18
ManDayone second ill get that errof for you21:18
intraderManDay, sorry to hear that. I have no advice.21:18
jribDewayne: no one knows what your actual issue is...21:18
fcuk112ManDay, upgrade to 10.10 :)21:18
mike8901What terminal do you guys recommend that supports searching and select all? (gnome-terminal doesn't)21:19
mike8901preferably not a KDE based one, since I don't want to blow 300mb of disk space on KDE libs21:19
ManDayThe error I get is:21:19
Dewaynethere was 3 solutions that I have tried and none worked. 1st one I believe had to do with firefox and to downgrade21:19
jribDewayne: you're being too vague.21:19
VCooliomike8901: urxvt  but you'll need a script to search output (or run screen or byobu inside any terminal21:20
ManDay >> X Error, request 132, minor 18, error 8 BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) <<<--- doesnt this look like the updates brought along an inconsitency?!?!21:20
mike8901VCoolio: I want something simple(no additional scripts).21:20
m_fulderI've installed ssh to my ubuntu comp .. and then I successfully connect to my comp using putt .. I enter the command : "x11vnc -ncache 10 -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0" ... and then try to connect through VNC (localhost:1) but fail to connect why is that?21:20
Dewaynedidn't know how to go about doing that and step 2 was only availabe if a certain repository was up and runnin, it wasn't, so was left with havin' to wait til avail21:21
VCooliomike8901: it's not that difficult; but try byobu then, it's sort of a screen manager for commandline, or tmux21:21
jribDewayne: everytime you reply I know less and less.  Stop.  Take two minutes to collect your thoughts and write a detailed description of your issue on one line while linking to a pastebin with relevant logs/errors/whatever21:21
mike8901VCoolio: I don't think you understand what I want. I'm looking for something like Terminal.app in Mac OS X, where search, select all, etc. is baked into the GUI -- I'm _NOT_ looking for emulation of these features inside of the shell.21:22
Dewayneit is that one file jxodisomethingorother.so that is giving the problem and as far as movin' to 10.10... dont like the idea of no separation of / or /home21:22
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jribDewayne: are you a bot or something?21:23
intraderDewayne, what do you mean no separation of / and /home.21:23
compaqDewayne, you can set your partitions manually21:24
WhiteDawnintrader, i think he means seperate mountpoints21:24
Dewayneif I read right, trying to unify or unite so looks like 1 drive system? rather that / or /home for new users...21:24
compaqActually guys, I was trying to do an install on one computer, and Ubuntu kept failing so I installed debian instead21:24
* dajhorn wonders whether Dewayne will pass the turing test21:24
Dewaynejus messin'21:25
glebihanto sum it up, Dewayne, you have a problem with something and you guess it's coming from some file...21:25
jribDewayne: don't do that please...21:25
Lollipop56how can I make show desktop in compiz work like in metacity?21:25
Dewaynewait one21:25
WhiteDawnDewayne, doesnt ubuntu install everything into / by default?21:25
bobstroDewayne:  you can certainly break your partitioning up however you like during install21:26
tomeodoes Ubuntu come pre-equipped with vnc-client-software?21:26
soreauLollipop56: What is different about it?21:26
Dewaynegood question, I never tried.21:26
bobstroWhiteDawn:  you have an option to set it up manually however you'd like21:26
WhiteDawntomeo,  I dont belive so, you can install it easly through the repos though21:26
tommy__http://pastesite.com/18972 How can I mount this encrypted partition, that the ubuntu alternative install disc formatted?21:26
tomeoWhiteDawn: not if Im not admin :)21:26
Lollipop56soreau, metacity's Show Desktop works like it does in Windoze, Compiz's doesn't, but I'm forced to use Compiz21:26
tomeoWhiteDawn: we use Ubuntu at school, cant install programs21:27
kapcom01hello, is it possible to boot from an lvm logical volume? i run grub-install /dev/VG/LV but i get an error...21:27
soreauLollipop56: You said that already. I'm asking in what way is it different?21:27
jribtomeo: see if vinagre is installed21:27
Lollipop56soreau, I can't explain, I dunno the terminology for it21:27
tomeojrib: is that the client?21:27
ganeshranHi I installed Apache just now but the var/www folder is not writable21:28
jrib!info vinagre | tomeo21:28
ubottutomeo: vinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 500 kB, installed size 5756 kB21:28
VCooliomike8901: Eterm at least has a search function in the menus21:28
jrib!permissions | ganeshran21:28
ubottuganeshran: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:28
soreauLollipop56: How do you expect anyone to help you then?21:28
glebihanLollipop56: in that case, there are lots of options for this with compiz, use "ccsm" till you find what you need21:28
Lollipop56ugh nvm21:28
m_fuldernoone knows what the problem is? :(21:28
Lollipop56glebihan, I did, can't find it21:28
jrib!helpme | m_fulder21:28
ubottum_fulder: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:28
mkanyicyganeshran, you can change the ownership to you or add yourself to the www-data group and make sure that /var/www is group-writable21:29
matrixOracleis there a program that allows me to create rota's and store / print them?21:29
soreauLollipop56: In ccsm, make sure Show Desktop is enabled. This plugin handles the animation of windows when show desktop happens21:29
Lollipop56ok I'll check again21:29
ganeshranHi all I am not able to modify permissions. It says I am not the owner :(21:29
embrikI'm trying to help a friend of mine rescuing data from a corrupted hd - have had gddrescue running for three days. And it has made an img-file on 32 gb - do you think I should try something else?21:29
ganeshranmkanyicy: can you point me to a link where this is shown. thanks21:29
Lollipop56soreau, I can't find that21:29
soreauLollipop56: In the upper left of ccsm, there is a Filter box. Type 'show desktop' there21:30
mkanyicyganeshran, i dont have a link21:30
Lollipop56I did21:30
mkanyicyganeshran, that should work21:30
Lollipop56doesn't match any items21:30
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ganeshranmkanyicy: is there a command or a GUI optionto do it21:30
soreauLollipop56: Do you have compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package installed?21:30
Lollipop56oo prob not21:31
Lollipop56Ill install that21:31
embrikis there an easier way to rescue data from a hd? Can I use clonezilla? Is there a way to tell clonezilla to just skip bac sectors?21:31
soreauLollipop56: After installing it, you will need to restart both compiz and ccsm21:31
Lollipop56does that mean I ahve to log out and back in?21:31
mkanyicyganeshran, 'sudo chown username:www-data /var/www'21:32
mkanyicyganeshran, and note I did not use -R option21:32
rahulkmrAnyone on ATI Radeon on 10.4? How do I know if the video memory is used? fglrx was causing troubles and now it's running without xorg.conf. lspci -vv shows the memory as disabled for my card21:32
dajhornembrik: Do a 'mount -o ro /dev/BadDisk /mnt' and use the tar option '--ignore-failed-read'.  Tar won't retry the failed reads, and you'll get a tarball with holes.21:32
dajhornembrik: Alternatively,  use ddrescue from the command line and set the retry count to zero or one.21:32
mkanyicyganeshran, my /var/www has these properties: drwxr-x---  6 mkanyicy www-data 4.0K 2010-09-13 20:24 www21:32
embrikdajhorn, thanks21:33
glebihanLollipop56: no just type "compiz --replace" after opening the execute dialog (Alt+F2)21:33
dajhornembrik: Welcome.21:33
mkanyicyhi Exxon21:33
Lollipop56glebihan and soreau, good news, I didn't restart Compiz, and CCSM shows me Show Desktop now21:33
mike8901VCoolio: I did sudo apt-get install eterm, but `eterm` doesn't work. Ideas?21:34
soreauLollipop56: compiz != ccsm. You should run compiz --replace like glebihan said21:34
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intraderActionParsnip, should I try ubuntu 10.10?21:34
jrib!away > masen-away21:34
ubottumasen-away, please see my private message21:34
jimmy51_is this feasible: have existing WinPE working on a partition. want to replace windows bootloader with lilo. can i do this?21:34
DrPoOhow can i see how much ram a particular process is consuming?21:34
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com21:34
erUSULDrPoO: ps21:34
VCooliomike8901: try Eterm, with capital E21:35
erUSULDrPoO: or top/htop21:35
intraderDrPoO, perhaps `top` will help you - or `htop`.21:35
mike8901VCoolio: that works(but damn is that stupid, going against convention)21:35
Jordan_Ukazaik: The install device should be something like /dev/sda (your /boot/ can be on LVM, but since it's not a real device a bootloader cannot be installed there).21:36
mike8901VCoolio: There's still no select all(or even copy!) commands.21:36
Lollipop56soreau, I didn't even have to enable it and it works now21:36
soreauLollipop56: great21:36
m_fulderI've installed ssh to my ubuntu comp .. and then I successfully connect to my comp using putt .. I enter the command : "x11vnc -ncache 10 -safer -localhost -nopw -once -display :0" ... and then try to connect through VNC (localhost:1) but fail to connect why is that?21:37
mike8901bah, screw it. I'm just SSHing in with Terminal.app21:37
DrPoOis there a package that can update sources.lst to the nearest mirror?21:37
Lollipop56thx for helping soreau21:37
VCooliomike8901: you can left click for begin, scroll, right click at end to select stuff, middle mouse will paste21:37
Lollipop56and glebihan21:37
intraderActionParsnip, sorry to ask again, I am downloading 10.10 beta, should I try ubuntu 10.10 beta?21:37
erUSULDrPoO: System>Admin>software sources21:37
DrPoOerUSUL, but from the command line?21:37
embrikdajhorn, can't find any options for retry count in gddrescue21:37
mike8901VCoolio: This all seems really hackish and not user friendly. Is there really no user-friendly terminal app for Linux?21:37
timposeyI am trying to fix a problem with xsane.. for some reason it will not scan error message says Failed to start scanner:  Error during device I/O  can anyone tell me where to start on this...21:37
erUSULDrPoO: no; i do not know of any21:37
VCooliomike8901: a lot, but you /need/ it all in the menus, I don't know about that21:38
jribmike8901: gnome-terminal is pretty user-friendly.  But it's a terminal, what do you really need?21:38
embrikdajhorn, or, well, could you please help with the tar-line - I'd rather try that21:38
mike8901jrib: Select all, and search. Those are really basic features.21:38
intraderDue to keylogger, I am forced to reinstall, I am downloading 10.10 beta, should I try ubuntu 10.10 beta?21:38
erUSULmike8901: i find all many of them; user-friendly. suporting search on what is in a terminal is a very weird requirement. what is the use for that feature?21:39
ClemensI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a windows machine. After a few seconds I get a black screen with a notification that the mount of the filesystem failed (or something like that). Anyone know what that could be ?21:39
dajhornembrik: Mount the bad disk read-only on /mnt, and then run something like `tar --verbose --create --file MyBackup.tar --ignore-failed-reads /mnt`21:39
mike8901erUSUL: Looking through build logs without having to pipe them to a file and grep through them.21:39
ganeshranmkanyicy: The command sudo chown <myusername> . worked21:39
ganeshranI executed it from var/www21:39
ganeshranNow am able to create new folders and files and am showing as the owner of the folder21:40
maedoxmike8901: try grep -r 'string' dir-name ;)21:40
erUSULmike8901: pipe to grep directly or to a pager21:40
dajhornembrik: The MyBackup.tar file will be large, so you'll probably want to put it on a second good disk.21:40
jribmike8901: gnome-terminal has select all21:40
e01hello, did somebody knows if totem in new ubuntu 10.10 will support subtitle options like moving in black border?21:40
erUSULmike8901: or pipe to grep then to the pager21:40
mkanyicyganeshran, that sounds great!21:40
intraderdajhorn, try installing from CD, not from windows. It will detect windows and allow you to dual boot.21:40
mike8901madeox: That is a pain. I just want to do ctrl+S and type in what I'm looking for!21:40
dajhornintrader: Not me.21:40
embrikdajhorn, so if I am on the second, healthy disk when i write this, the MyBackup file well be on that hd?21:40
ganeshranthanks mkanyicy and others. will come once i face next hurdle :)21:40
DanielThat tactic consists on simulate a brush guards with your own arms21:41
dajhornembrik: Yes, if you booted from that disk.21:41
intraderdajhorn, sorry21:41
mkanyicyganeshran, no prob21:41
maedoxmike8901: ctrl-s? I don't think a linux terminal is for you then. Learn to use the shell and you will see that it is more powerful than anything with a key combo.21:41
amtdcan a world of warcraft + ubuntu 10.04 user please help me21:41
nothingspecialmike8901: I`ve missed what you are trying to do but if you view a log with less, you can press /   then enter your search term - n for next occurance - p for previous21:41
mike8901nothingspecial: My workflow is like this: type make, then press ctrl+s to go back and search for failed files.21:42
mike8901Terminal.app does this just fine21:42
x0rsWhy would anyone NOT use linux? I mean Apple keeps all their future releases super secret and hidden from the public. Ubuntu releases all the information for their future developments as soon as they have them, and there are free applications that do everything!21:42
mike8901I don't want to pipe. I don't want funky temrinal commands. I just want my damn ctrl+s to work!21:42
maedoxctrl-s means save file!21:42
maedoxlol, sorry, but you were screaming :D21:43
mike8901sorry, ctrl+f21:43
erUSULmaedox: in bash is search forward in history ;P21:43
mkanyicyhow to re-view the previous file with vim when you have already typed :n for the next one?21:43
VCooliomike8901: if you need to do it the apple way, stay with apple; if you want to do it better, learn the shell way21:43
maedoxerUSUL: true :D21:43
erUSULmkanyicy: #vim21:43
dajhornmike8901: In Ubuntu,  that command is CTRL+SHIFT+F.   Linux is not Mac OS X, and you'll never get a 1-to-1 replacement for it.21:43
embrikdajhorn, No I didn't boot from that disk, then I have to give the whole path in fromt of MyaBackup.tar, like /media/newvolume/MyBackup.tar?21:43
jribmike8901: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78963 follow that I guess.  Though really you should just pipe to less or something21:43
dajhornembrik: Yes, do it that way.21:43
mkanyicyerUSUL, ok21:43
amtdi need help with wine1.221:43
SpinachHeadHmm, somehow using Ubuntu Tweak for square worked for Hulu, versus just placing it in the /plugins/ folder, must be Tweak configuring it21:45
nothingspecialmike8901: turn terminal logging on then search that file, just press arrow up key21:47
nothingspecialmike8901: to get last command21:47
mike8901I just ended up SSHing into my Ubuntu machine from Terminal.app. It's the workflow I'm used to.21:48
wpeckerHi, can someone tell me how to make pulseaudio server listen on localhost only?21:48
wpeckerand not
jribmike8901: well urxvt can search in the scrollback fine as I just discovered21:49
nothingspecialmike8901: Cool, but like i said, terminal logging, the script command will put all output in a file. make  -  less file.txt Just keep pressing the up arrows21:51
tommy__Where can I get new kernels for old ubuntu installs?21:51
mike8901nothingspecial: My main gripe with that is then I have to maintain a separate file. I don't want to have to explicitly deal with that.21:51
nothingspecialmike8901: ok, just trying to help :)21:52
nothingspecialmike8901: no problem21:52
erUSULmike8901: http://software.jessies.org/terminator/21:53
ppqtommy__, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/21:53
embrik2dajhorn, I wrote this: sudo tar --verbose --create --file /media/NewVolume/backup.tar --ignore-failed--reads /mnt21:54
embrik2and got this message: tar: unrecognized option `--ignore-failed--reads21:54
tensorpuddingprobably should be --ignore-failed-reads21:56
embrik2found it - not reads but read21:56
hdgchi, I have problems with cheese21:56
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat: Dispositivo ó recurso ocupado21:56
embrik2tensorpudding, yes, it was one - too much as well21:57
norlandI get NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN when trying to see my shares for samba4 using smbclient in Ubuntu 10.04 desktop.  Any Ideas?21:58
hdgcI have ubuntu 10.10 64 bits21:58
erUSULmike8901: is slow as hell ....21:58
Seppozhello, there was a sandbox edition of ubuntu, anybody remeber its name?21:59
kthomas_vhdo I have to be sent to unregged *EVERY* time my client joins before my identification has been completed?21:59
embrik2dajhorn, I guess it isn't possible to point out which folders to tar?21:59
tleeonlyanybody know how to print out cards from american greetings site using ubuntu 10.0421:59
jribkthomas_vh: tell your client not to try joining before it identifies21:59
wpeckercan someone tell me how to make pulseaudio server listen on localhost only and not
mccrase90what do you have to have to run flash on ubuntu?22:04
KindOnemccrase90: open terminal, type " sudo apt-get install flash-nonfree "22:04
ZarredFor a secondary Hard Drive in Ubuntu is it better to format it ext3 or ext4?22:05
KindOnemccrase90: that should install flash on ubuntu, its been awhile since i have done it22:05
naptasticHelp! I intended to uninstall and reinstall grub-pc package in attempt to fix my bootloader. Remove went fine, but now it won't install again! "grub-pc: Depends: grub-common (= 1.98-1ubuntu5) but 1.98-1ubuntu7 is to be installed"22:05
mccrase90KindOne: thanks, i'll try it out and see what happens22:05
lorenzocabriniZarred: I wonder if you would even notice the difference in most cases.22:05
jribnaptastic: run "sudo apt-get update" first22:05
Gogican anyone help me22:06
mccrase90i'll have to finish my upgrade first, if it doesn't work however i'll be back thanks kindone22:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:07
naptasticjrib, Okay, I did that and am still getting the same error.22:07
GogiCan anyone help me?22:07
CarkeyJayI cant figure out my desktop.  random things appear on it, and it won't let me delete them.  I just don't get it :\22:07
jribnaptastic: pastebin: apt-cache policy grub-common grup-pc   as well as your /etc/apt/sources.list*22:07
Zarredlorenzocabrini: ok thanks.22:07
tleeonlyI am trying to print an american greetings card in ubuntu it doesnt print why22:07
VCoolioCarkeyJay: define 'random things'22:08
_rubenGogi: how is anyone (however that might be) going to be able to help you without stating the problem?!22:08
naptasticjrib, brb22:09
CarkeyJayvcoolio: well just now an icon called factory image appeared there.  i think its a partition.22:09
Gogi@rubenI am trying to connect through desktop viewer to my win based pc.but it is not getting connect22:09
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VCoolioCarkeyJay: open gconf-editor, go to apps > nautilus > desktop and disable showing media or something like that, there are options there22:10
Gogiruben: I am trying to connect through desktop viewer to my win based pc.but it is not getting connect.what to do?22:10
ten10so does  ubuntu support me compiling my own video drivers? some tool in #fedora was a spaz and said I couldnt as fedora is a distro22:10
VCoolioCarkeyJay: maybe it's also in nautilus (the file manager), edit > preferences, not sure22:10
embrikdajhorn, ok, thanks it's running - I'll give it a night and a day - then we'll see22:10
tleeonlynever mind22:10
_rubenGogi: 3 common causes: you're using the wrong program (i dont know desktop viewer's abilities), or the windows machine doesnt have remote desktop enabled, or the windows machine has its firewall turned on22:10
CarkeyJayvcoolio: thank you very much22:11
VCoolioCarkeyJay: no problem22:11
jribten10: it's recommended you use the repositories as that's the whole point of using a distro.  You can do whatever you want of course (and can probably do whatever you want on fedora too).  But you should read ubottu's documentation and strongly consider just using what the distro provides22:11
naptasticjrib, http://fpaste.org/sSdt/22:11
jrib!nvidia > ten1022:11
ubottuten10, please see my private message22:11
naptasticjrib, I see that the other version is available. How do I tell apt-get to install that one"?22:12
Gogi_ruben:but i made windows to connect to remote computers.then also it is showing error as:connection was closed.22:12
jribnaptastic: you don't have the lucid-updates repository enabled.  You probably should (and then this problem will go away)22:12
ten10well, ubuntu answer was a bit more frindly than #fedora22:12
ten10friendly too22:13
ten10my specific thing is with intel i915 video drivers22:13
naptasticjrib, omg! I didn't realize that was off. Thank you!!!22:13
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat, when  I use cheese...\22:13
jribten10: there's probably not much point in compiling those unless you're being affected by some specific bug you know has been fixed very recently22:14
hdgcCan anyone help me?22:14
jribnaptastic: no problem22:14
ten10jrib hmm not sure.. i have dual display.. and I wanted to get my panels to display n the 2nd display22:15
ten10this is on fc13 tho22:15
Gogihow to enable my wifi hardware?22:15
ten10guessing this is more of a limitation of gnome22:15
jribten10: you should ask the #fedora channel how to setup dual displays with the intel driver they provide probably.  I don't know anything about it myself; I've only used dual displays with nvidia22:16
embrik2dajhorn, I get input/Output error - should I call it a day and toss the hd away?22:16
bobstroten10:  is it your primary display?22:16
ten10yeah unfortunately the company i work for doesnt have laptops with nvidia display in it22:16
Gogican anyone help me?22:17
Gogihow to enable my wifi hardware?22:17
ten10bobstro my laptop display is to the left, my lcd is tot her right.. each work fine, just want panels to be on the lcd and laptop22:17
bobstroten10:  same on both?22:17
wpeckercan someone tell me how to make pulseaudio server listen on localhost only and not
cowbudI am trying to setup preseed unattended install and when I first boot off of the ubuntu net install it asks me for a mirror and a http proxy. What can I append to my kernel line to get rid of this? Everything else is automatically selected.22:17
bobstroten10:  you can have one span, iirc.22:17
ten10bobstro no, not mirrored22:18
wpecker<<<<<< can someone tell me how to make pulseaudio server listen on localhost only and not >>>>>>22:18
jribwpecker: please don't do that22:18
wpeckerok sorry22:18
Gogican anyone tell me how to enable my wifi hardware?22:18
jrib!wifi > Gogi22:18
ubottuGogi, please see my private message22:18
tommy__How can I read ext4 partitions on Ubuntu hardy?22:18
ten10my video displays are different resolutuions (which is what I want).. just wish I could move primary panel to my lcd22:19
bobstroten10:  you can't just move it around? or create a new one?22:19
bobstroten10:  i'm able to drag mine between to differently sized displays.22:20
ten10bobstro no, which is why i'm having a overall crappy time in stupid fedora right about now22:20
ten10which window manager are you using?22:20
bobstroten10:  gnome22:20
bobstroten10:  with the compiz toys22:20
CarkeyJayawesome i found all these system tools that were hidden22:20
ten10yeah same, compwiz enabled22:21
bobstroten10:  you can't just drag it around?22:21
ten10nope, they are stuck :)22:21
jribten10: xrandr wiki claims you can alt-drag22:21
bobstroten10:  is 'expand' option set?22:22
ten10ahhh alt did it, tho a bit weird abotu it22:22
ten10it doesn't show it "shadowed" or greyed when moving22:22
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat, when  I use cheese...any idea??22:22
ten10so when I dragged it into lcd monitor it just plops down when i released22:23
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ten10normally i would expect to see an outline of the dragging bar for placement, weird22:23
xbonesxI know that usplash was replaced with plymouth, but can you remove plymouth and install usplash???22:23
ShogunOfHarlem1Any VPN and/or Upstart gurus for 10.04 in here? =)22:24
bobstroten10:  mine just moves22:24
ppqxbonesx, it's possible to remove plymouth, but it's recommended not to to that. it's a little risky22:24
ppqxbonesx, but i dont think its possible to install usplash22:25
ten10bobstro: who knows.. i'm not even sure which gnome release is on here22:25
ten10might be a subtle difference22:25
xbonesxppq: well im going to resort to refomatting and then trying this "http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml" before i install anykind of "startupmanager" or "gnomesplashmanager".22:26
xbonesxppq: i think that was the problem why this link isnt working22:27
mattishdaft question, ive added my ssh public key to both root and a unpriv user on a box, now i can ssh in as root with my priv key but as the user it still asks for a password22:27
mattishwhat am i overlooking ?22:28
ShogunOfHarlem1Anyone got a clue why with an Openvpn style vpn, I have to run "sudo ufw disable" every 10 minutes or so or I wind up getting sendmsg failed from ping over the VPN?22:28
jribmattish: probably a permissions issue or you didn't actually add the right key.  Check server logs and run the client with -vvv22:28
RooblyRooHello, I've got an old nVidia card (TNT) which seems to require the 71.*.* version of the proprietary graphics driver.  But the oldest version in the Lucid repository is 96.*.*.  Does anyone know if the 71 version is somewhere, and/or if it's supported in the latest version of Ubuntu?22:28
ten10i ran gnome-control-center and do not see any reference for panel layout either.. rather disconcerning22:28
mattishthe authorized_keys file is 600, owned by the user, ill try with verbose22:29
bobstromattgyver, jrib: don't authorized_keys permissions need to be 0600?22:30
bobstromattish:  wups - - you beat me to it.22:30
plitterhow can i upgrade the kernel and if it doesnt work go back to the old one? I've read on launchpad that one of my issues with my sony vaio might be cured with kernel 2.6.3422:30
ikoniaplitter: login to ubuntu and update manager will offer the new kernel as an update package22:31
ikoniaplitter: the old kernel will be kept on the system, you just use grub to select which one to boot22:31
mattishIm not sure what im looking at now :(22:32
hdgcplitter: apt-cache search linux-image, choose and install the package22:32
ppqplitter, for 2.6.34 ou need this http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/22:32
plitterppq: k, which one do i choose?22:33
plitterppq: i have 64 bit system22:33
ppqPlinker_, linux-image, amd64 version22:33
ppq* plitter22:33
ppqsorry, Plinker_22:33
plitterppq: headers too?22:34
ppqif you need to compile kernel modules or nvidia binary driver - yes22:34
plitterppq: i have nvidia but i havent installed the proprietary drivers yet22:35
ikoniaplitter: keep in mind if you install a kernel from a PPA your system will be unsupported22:35
mattishi dont see the line server accepts key .. maybe i just did put it in the authorized_keys file wrong22:35
ShogunOfHarlem1Anyone familiar with upstart? my upstart job doesn't seem to be run by the system, but if I "sudo start myjob" then it will run succesfully22:35
ppqplitter, if you plan to install the binary driver, you should install the headers, too22:35
plitterikonia: will it catch up or am i forever unsupported?22:36
ikoniaplitter: forever22:36
ikoniaplitter: PPA's are totally unsupported by anyone other than their vendor22:36
MrokiiHello. Can anybody recommend a good webDAV-client (preferably GUI-, not Terminal-driven)? I need something to upload some files to the gmx-mediacenter.22:37
erUSULMrokii: Places>Connect to Server does not work ?22:37
kakebukehi all22:38
plitterikonia: is there a way of doing it so that i dont become unsupported`22:38
kakebukei have a little problem, and i don't know if here is the place to ask22:38
ikoniaplitter: no22:38
MrokiierUSUL:  What do you mean? I tried to upload some images via their regular web-interface, but FF times out (I think it takes too long to upload the file(s).22:38
plitterikonia: and if i were unsupported what would that mean? would it just be that my kernel wouldnt update with ubuntu?22:38
ppqwell, removing the linux-image and headers packages and booting the ubuntu-kernel turns your ubuntu into an original ubuntu again. these kernel come from ubuntu kernel team, they don't contain any ubuntu-specific changes, they are called 'mainline'-kernel22:38
VCooliokakebuke: if it's about ubuntu this is the place, ask and wait for reply22:38
kakebukei have an ubuntu installation wich i have to use at school and at home, and at school suddenly it can't load Xwindows22:39
ppqbut it's right that your system becomes unsupported once you install it22:39
Gogimy finger print sensor is not working on ubuntu.what to do?22:39
ikoniaplitter: it means updates may not happen / be offered due to your kernel being out os sync, and it means asking for help with your OS will be not supported22:39
kakebukeis there any way to reconfigure de Xorg via terminal??22:39
erUSULMrokii: i ask if you tried the built in suport for webdav in nautilus ( the file manager)22:39
Jordan_Uplitter: If you install a 2.6.34 kernel then after 10.10 is released, if you upgrade to 10.10 it's kernel is 2.6.35 and so will be used. At that point you will be using a supported kernel again.22:39
MrokiierUSUL:  I didn't even know that Nautils has that, heh.22:39
erUSULMrokii: then go to Places>connect to server and try it22:40
ppqplitter, right, you wont get any kernel updates when you use the mainline one22:40
MrokiierUSUL:  Thank you, I will.22:40
jeremy04hey. My sys admin updated to 10.04. I need to also upgrade to ruby 1.9.2 from 1.8.7, but im worried that will kill all my gems installed 1.8.7.. is this true?22:40
ppqplitter, at least when you remove the ubuntu kernel. you dont have to do this.22:40
plitterJordan_U: ikonia: ppq: so if i just install a kernel from "scratch" then when i update it will go back to being supported?22:41
ikoniaplitter: no22:41
ikoniaplitter: it will never be suported22:41
Jordan_Uikonia: When 10.10 is released, if he upgrades to it he will then be using a supported kernel again.22:41
plitterikonia: aah, if i upgrade to 10.10 it will be supported22:42
kakebukei don't want to spam, but does somebody know how to reconfigure xwindows from terminal?22:42
Jordan_Uplitter: But 10.10 itself isn't supported yet :)22:42
ikoniaJordan_U: no, as it will still be the PPA kernel, not the stable one22:42
ikoniaplitter: it will not be supported22:42
Jordan_Uikonia: The kernel "ppa" isn't a real PPA. You just install individual packages.22:43
ikoniait is a PPA22:43
ikoniait has packages with dependenceis22:43
Jordan_Uikonia: But as far as I understand, it does not present itself as a package repository. i.e. you can't add it to your sources.list and get updates automatically.22:44
hdgckakebuke:  maybe you can do it: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:44
kakebukehdgc: yeah, i've tried, but it says that it's already installed and does nothing22:44
ChogyDankakebuke: what are you trying to do?22:45
ikoniaJordan_U: it will change teh dependcy requirements of his current system, which can and will effect the upgrade path and stability22:45
kakebukeand problem is that i cant uninstall and reinstall it, becouse internet isn't working22:45
Jordan_Uikonia: True.22:46
kakebukechogudan: i have a hard disk with ubuntu 10.04 installed and i use it at home with and old amd 3500+ with an ATI vga and a compuiter at school with an nvidia integrated graphics card22:46
kakebukeproblem is that at home it works, but suddenly, at school, xorg fails to load22:46
ZykoticK9kakebuke, to reconfigure xorg see my steps at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file22:46
Gogimy finger print scanner is not working on ubuntu.what to do?22:47
kakebukesoes 10.04 still uses xorg.conf file?22:47
ZykoticK9kakebuke, it will if you generate one22:47
kakebukecoz i've read that its no longer used or something like that22:47
plitterJordan_U: ikonia: ppq: i think i am going to upgrade the kernel, then just upgrade to 10.10 when it comes22:47
plitterits not far22:47
dmri have a lil prblem i just instaled ubuntu 10.04    and i can't  acces my data on the ather hdd where i have installed mandriva it says to me   "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "dmr"22:47
ChogyDankakebuke: you probably want to follow ZykoticK9's directions, and just swap xorg.confs as needed22:47
kakebukei will take a look at it22:47
kakebukethank you so much guys! i hope it works!22:48
ChogyDanplitter: i've installed various kernels and was fine.  Just leave a last known working one.22:48
kakebukeits my first time at irc since... 10 years ago? i had little hope in finding a solution here, so THANKS!22:48
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Jordan_Uplitter: Can you just wait 13 days (i.e. don't install a newer kernel manually at all)?22:48
mads-Hi. I am trying to run a program and it says "error while loading shared libraries: libglfw.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", Where does ubuntu normally look for this libglfw.so file, so I can make a symlink. Thanks22:49
Jigalhello my package manager says: the package information was updated 143 days ago and this while i did a few updates today and last week22:49
uvacavanyone else have any issues with wireless running very slow (downloading updates at 10kb/sec) on 10.10 beta rls22:49
sinmangot couple quetions, firstg question is why everytime i start my irc i been getting the #ubuntu-unregged first when i am registered22:49
plitterJordan_U: but thats 13 days of waiting:P22:49
Jordan_Uuvacav: #ubuntu+1 for 10.1022:49
ChesterXis there an alternative to macbuntu for ubuntu netbook?22:49
MrokiierUSUL:  I tried using the "connect to server"-menuentry, but Nautilus tells me that it can not resolve the hostname. (which, according to gmx is "https://mediacenter.gmx.net").22:49
uvacavJordan_U: thanks22:49
Jordan_Uuvacav: You're welcome.22:50
ZykoticK9sinman, for me - it depends on where i'm connecting from.  at home, i don't get the unregged channel, but from school i do???22:50
sweetpisinman: maybe your client is joining #ubuntu before you authenticate22:50
dmri have a little problem i just instaled ubuntu 10.04    and i can't  acces my data on the ather hdd where i have installed mandriva it says to me   "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "dmr"22:50
erUSULMrokii: :/ i get the same error; dunno what is wrong22:51
sinmanhow would i fix it so i can authenticate first then goto #ubuntu22:51
ZykoticK9dmr, are you using encryption, or LVM on the mandriva box?22:51
ChogyDan!identify | sinman22:51
ubottusinman: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.22:51
sinmanto avoid the #ubuntu-unregged22:51
ChogyDansinman: I think just plug it into your client as your password  (there is an option in pidgin)22:52
dmrZykoticK9, don't know really :(22:52
MrokiierUSUL:  Okay, thanks anyway, I will see if I can find something suitable in the repos.22:52
sinmani use smuxi22:52
erUSULMrokii: good luck22:52
ZykoticK9dmr, either "could" be an issue.  have you tried manually mounting from terminal (get any errors/output)?22:52
sinmanoh wow i forgot what my second question was now. lol22:53
dmrZykoticK9,  i have not tried manually cause i do not know how22:53
ZykoticK9dmr, do you know what device/partition eg SDA1 you want to mount?22:54
MrokiierUSUL:  Thanks, Though "DAVExplorer" (from the repos) doesn't seem to connect either. :/ Possibly a gmx-problem.22:55
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat, this happens when  I use cheese...any idea??22:55
ananse_ntontanhey all, I just wanted to ask really quick if there was any benefit right now in jumping in the 10.10 beta?22:55
kneauxcan someone help me straighten out an issue with a couple of scripts i've set up to connect a slave machine to a remote server automatically at startup, then reconnect when disconnected?22:55
ActionParsnip!maverick | ananse_ntontan22:56
ubottuananse_ntontan: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:56
ZykoticK9ananse_ntontan, 10.10 discussion in #ubuntu+122:56
dmrZykoticK9,  no man couse i do not payed atention when the install toked place, i was thinkin that's gonna be easy to acces the data :(22:56
ananse_ntontanthanks guys22:56
ActionParsnipkneaux: if they are bash based you'd be better asking in #bash as well22:56
kneauxk, will do22:57
detrix42What does it mean when memory is "unganged'  I see this reported in my bios.  I asked this question in ##hardware, but still no response.  thought I would get a faster answer her. sorry for being abit off topic.22:57
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat..., this happens when  I use cheese...anyone can help me???22:57
ZykoticK9dmr, how "easy" it is depends on how Mandriva does it's partitioning, and if you encrypted any folders (neither of which I know), best of luck man.22:57
quidnuncWhat is the default MTA in ubuntu?22:57
Braber01question how do I regester?22:57
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat..., this happens when  I use cheese...can anyone help me???22:57
bobstrodetrix42:  unmatched memory pair i think. i just added ram, and now i get that too.22:57
ZykoticK9!register > Braber0122:57
ubottuBraber01, please see my private message22:57
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA22:58
Braber01!register > Braber0122:58
erUSULquidnunc: postfix22:58
bobstrodetrix42:  did you add a pair of memory sticks recently?22:58
jeremy04hey any ruby uers on know if upgrading to 1.9.2 will force me to reinstall all my gems???22:58
detrix42bobstro: I just bought the pair, they should be matched22:58
bobstrodetrix42:  cheap stuff?22:58
Name141Is it possible to remove windows partitions with some tool?  my CD-RW went out and I can't run install it seems , so I can repartition the drive.22:58
Name141Maybe gpart?22:58
detrix42bobstro: they are the only two stick22:58
sinmani remeber the other question what other desktop are there beside gnome and kde, I would like to add another one or 2 along with my gnome22:59
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html22:59
bobstrodetrix42:  you have to be careful that they actuall specify they are paired. i can't think of the actual term now.22:59
ZykoticK9Braber01, if you want to see a factoid privately (ie doesn't show up in the channel), you can use "/msg ubottu !facotid"22:59
erUSULName141: use the partition editor22:59
erUSUL!gparted | Name14122:59
ubottuName141: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:59
ActionParsnipName141: boot to liveUSB and you can resize / repartition as you wish22:59
bobstrodetrix42:  they'll work fine, but you can get better performance (and pay more) for matched.22:59
dubsidedWhat is the current version of ubuntu's nickname? Ie intrepid22:59
ZykoticK9dubsided, lucid22:59
ActionParsnip!lucid | dubsided22:59
ubottudubsided: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100422:59
detrix42bobstro: great. I will look into that then.22:59
Name141ActionParsnip: It's a pre2000 machine22:59
dubsidedthank you22:59
Name141ActionParsnip: I don't think I could22:59
ActionParsnipName141: check in bios23:00
quidnuncdubsided: maverick is due to be released in the next few weeks23:00
Name141erUSUL: So I need gparted?23:00
dubsidedexcelent, I look forward to it. I am downloading lucid as we speak.23:00
Name141ActionParsnip: OK.23:00
dgtlhi again. still having problems with ubuntu installer not properly detecting my partitions for installation23:00
ActionParsnipName141: you can always borrow a PATA drive to attach but don't screw it in etc, just to get installed23:00
Name141ActionParsnip: actually, it will say "USB device" ?23:00
detrix42bobstro: do you consider Kingston to be cheap????23:00
erUSULName141: well it has gui; you can use fdisk or whatever other tool you like23:00
Jordan_Udgtl: Could you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "sudo fdisk -l"?23:01
Name141ActionParsnip: in BIOS that is ?23:01
dgtlgparted and the install just found one big drive with 250gb, the disc utility detects it correctly23:01
ZykoticK9dubsided, fyi the new ubuntu version comes out in 13 days (but isn't an LTS like lucid is)23:01
jimmshi all23:01
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html23:01
jimmscan someone help me on this please23:01
jimmsWARNING: You are currently running Anope as the root superuser. Anope does not23:01
jimms    require root privileges to run, and it is discouraged that you run Anope23:01
jimms    as the root superuser.23:01
FloodBot4jimms: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
jimmsoh sorry23:01
aeon-ltdjimms: run it without sudo23:01
jimmsi don't use sudo23:02
ZykoticK9!botabuse > Braber0123:02
ubottuBraber01, please see my private message23:02
jimmsi am trying to run ircd services23:02
erUSULjimms: how did you installed that software?23:02
jimmson shell23:02
ZykoticK9jimms, irc the relay chat, or irc infra-red control?23:02
jimmsircd services for irc relay chat23:02
Name141ActionParsnip: no, removable devices is only floppy23:02
jimmsall i have to do is type ./services for them to start23:03
Braber01I'm trying to figure out how to get it to show me in private messages23:03
dgtlJordan_U, parted just throws out an error, that /dev/sr0  has an unrecognized disk label {booted with the live cd}23:03
Name141no USB boot23:03
aeon-ltdBraber01: /query ubottu23:03
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat..., this happens when  I use cheese...can anyone help me???23:03
Jordan_Ujimms: What is the output of "whoami" in the same shell you're running ./services ?23:03
captaincorkhello all again23:04
aeon-ltdBraber01: then you can do it in private23:04
jimmsone sec plz23:04
aeon-ltd!ubottu > Braber0123:04
ubottuBraber01, please see my private message23:04
Jordan_Udgtl: What about "sudo parted -l /dev/sda" ?23:04
captaincorkBUH BUH BARABASS!23:04
sinmanquestion on partitions.. the partiton for / how big can i make it for a 1TB hdd, i think I might got it way to big23:04
ActionParsnipName141: then you'll have to borrow an optical drive, power off the system and attatch it, you can balance it on some books for the duration of the install.23:05
ActionParsnipsinman: 10Gb is plenty23:05
quidnuncWhat do I need to do to receive system mail?23:05
erUSULsinman: 10-15 GiB may suffice depending on the machine usage23:05
ActionParsnipsinman: make swap the same amount as your ram for 2Gb ram and more, or 2x ram if you have less, then use the rest for /home23:05
Jordan_UName141: You can setup grub2 to load Ubuntu from an iso file, setting it up so that Ubuntu copies the entire iso into RAM at boot so that everything can be unmounted23:05
ShogunOfHarlem1Hi Guys, Is there a known issue with 10.04 and having to do "sudo ufw disable" to be able to maintain a valid ping over the vpn connection?23:05
sinmanActionParsnip: thanxs, i do got way to big currently it's 155Gb23:05
jimmsguys i get this : root23:06
ActionParsnipsinman: yikes, dude my used has never been over 3Gb with any linux23:06
Jordan_Ujimms: Then you are at a root shell. You shouldn't be.23:06
sinmanActionParsnip: i have 2GB ram23:06
aeon-ltdShogunOfHarlem1: you may need to make exceptions for the vpn service in ufw23:06
scummoshey! is there kde 4.5.x packages available for ubuntu 10.10?23:06
sinmanActionParsnip: it's a learning expiernce for me23:06
jimmsJordan_U: how can i sort this please ?23:06
Name141I don't seem to be able to resize the current (in use) partition in gparted23:06
erUSULscummos: #ubuntu+123:06
ActionParsnipsinman: then make swap be 2Gb, / be 10Gb and home be the remaining 978Gb23:06
jimmsJordan_U: what is a solution to this please23:07
aeon-ltdShogunOfHarlem1: but i've never heard of firewalls "cripple" connections, i've only heard either connection or no connection23:07
scummoserUSUL: erm, what?23:07
Jordan_Ujimms: If you run "exit" does the terminal close or does the prompt just change?23:07
erUSULName141: you can not edit mounted partitions. use a livecd23:07
erUSULscummos: 10.10 issues go to that channel23:07
jimmsJordan_U: it will close the terminal23:07
Name141erUSUL: [04:57:45:PM] <Name141> Is it possible to remove windows partitions with some tool?  my CD-RW went out23:07
ActionParsnipsinman: you can even break up the /home so you have a partition for each type of media, like pics, vids etc. One big /home is no bad thing though. the ext4 specification allows it23:07
ShogunOfHarlem1Yea, Thanks aeon. I put in the exceptions necessary. without the firewall disabled I get "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted"23:07
sinmanActionParsnip: k that does sound good. but i'll make home smaller in case i want to dual boot in the future with a differnt distro23:07
Jordan_Ujimms: Have you logged in as root?23:08
jimmsJordan_U: yes23:08
ActionParsnipsinman: sounds cool, partition planning is good :)23:08
jimmsJordan_U: i would like to add a user but i don't know how to23:08
ShogunOfHarlem1Disabled it works fine for about 10 minutes, then after certain amount of idle time, I'll have to run "sudo ufw disable" again. =)23:08
aeon-ltdjimms: hence you automatically run things as root23:08
sinmanActionParsnip: i had always used the ext4 for home, is it good to use ext4 for / or should i use ext3 for it23:08
Braber01irssi question, how do i switch windows23:08
erUSULName141: well what partition is this ? can you umount it?23:08
jimmsaeon-ltd: yes but i would like to add a user so i can sort it out23:08
Poul|RaiderHey, anyone here know where i can find the source code of IntInf for sml, would like to see how its implementet23:08
mads-Hi. I am trying to run a program and it says "error while loading shared libraries: libglfw.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", Where does ubuntu normally look for this libglfw.so file, so I can make a symlink. Thanks23:09
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, sinman personally i install a bunch of games that reside under / and i use WAY more then 20GB with the games installed.23:09
erUSULmads-: /usr/lib/ ?23:09
Marine_i have been searching around to a solution for an error message that i have been receiving in regards to usb: unable to enumurate USB device23:09
hdgcI need help please,23:09
Braber01in irssi how do I switch windows, I happend to have nine of them open and have no clue how to switch between them :(23:09
aeon-ltdjimms: type "man useradd" in terminal23:10
hdgclibv4l2: error setting pixformat..., this happens when  I use cheese...can anyone help me???23:10
mads-erUSUL, OK - I'll try23:10
aeon-ltdBraber01: ctrl-p/n23:10
sinmanZykoticK9: that why i ask about the size of / because I do play games, like to get WoW or Runes of Magic to work under linux23:10
aeon-ltd!wine | sinman23:10
ubottusinman: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:10
dgtlJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/eAxg0NWk23:10
jimmsaeon-ltd: could you please make it simple for me: can you please tell me how to add username sys so i can just run them services please23:10
erUSULsinman: wine stores all files in you home23:11
MrokiierUSUL:  I found the problem (with Nautilus). Which was *my* problem. I didn't realize that I had to remove the "https://"-part when pasting the URL into the connection-window. Stupid me.23:11
aeon-ltdjimms: firstly, why are you root anyway?23:11
sinmanaeon-ltd: yes I know about wine to use to get windows game to play in linux23:11
erUSULMrokii: well i made the same mistake23:11
jimmsaeon-ltd: i don't have a clue man, i just pay for this, that's all23:11
ubuntu_madI was wondering how can i speed up my bug fix on launch pad23:12
MrokiierUSUL:  Another thing learned, heh.23:12
sinmanwhat about games that is ported to linux, are they installed in the / or home23:12
ZykoticK9sinman, Wow is wine so that will be in your home directory (partition in your case), but the size of / really depends on what you are installing and where it's all going.  you can subdivide the partitions as much as you want, separate /usr /opt etc etc, but personally i kinda like having one partition per drive (for the most part, i dual boot some systems) - it's all personal preferences/experience/needs that dictate these thing ;)  good luck m23:12
erUSULsinman: depends on the installer i guess. if you install with debs from repos they go to /23:12
aeon-ltdjimms: useradd -D username23:12
Jordan_UName141: You can setup grub2 to load Ubuntu from an iso file, setting it up so that Ubuntu copies the entire iso into RAM at boot so that everything can be unmounted (allowing you to repartition).23:13
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aeon-ltdjimms: that just creates the user (and a home dir i think)23:13
Jordan_Udgtl: Ask in #parted.23:13
aeon-ltdubuntu_mad: is it urgent?23:13
sinmank I'll just keep everything the way it is for now23:13
ActionParsnipubuntu_mad: add more (relevant) details23:13
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aeon-ltdubuntu_mad: i mean it depends heavily on what it is23:13
dominicdinadahow to initialize the git://git.videolan.org/x264.git repository23:13
ActionParsnipsinman: depends, some games install to /opt, some to $HOME23:14
ubuntu_madaeon-ltd: its only a graphics driver issue23:14
sinmanActionParsnip: k23:14
danthepianomananyone here familiar with nagios?23:14
ChogyDandominicdinada: git clone?   but you are probably going to need to know git better than that23:14
erUSULdominicdinada: get a clone to your pc? « git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264.git »23:14
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sinmanwhat are other desktop enviroment are there besides gnome and kde23:14
ActionParsnipsinman: if you like FPS, grab the penumbra demos (scary) or urbanterror (counterstrike like game)23:14
ubuntu_madActionParsnip: ive added what i think i can23:14
aeon-ltdubuntu_mad: minor? or like complete X failure?23:14
ActionParsnipsinman: lxde, e1723:15
dominicdinadafailed initializing repository  because it is not added :/23:15
erUSULsinman: xfce; lxde23:15
danthepianomanIf you know how to use Nagios on Ubuntu, please give me a message I need serious help23:15
sinmanActionParsnip: i use to be in fps in the past, but these days it's mostly mmo's and mmorpg's23:15
ubuntu_madNvidia drivers wont install23:15
ActionParsnipsinman: sugar is another23:15
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: do you have a link to the bug report?23:16
ubuntu_madhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 Dont know what else to add that may help23:16
dominicdinadaChogyDan: not trying to write a thesis on git repositories trying to follow instructions23:16
ActionParsnipsinman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment23:16
ActionParsnipsinman: 16 possibilities there :)23:16
sinmanActionParsnip: k checking it out now23:16
dominicdinadaerUSUL: failed initializing repository  because it is not added :/23:16
dgtlJordan_U, thx - i'll try it there23:16
Jordan_Udgtl: You're welcome.23:17
Ellishi can anyone tell me a good bittorrent site other then the piratebay and btjunkie?23:17
jimmsaeon-ltd: i did that? now what?23:17
dominicdinadaellis | !ot23:17
ActionParsnip!ot | ellis23:17
ubottuellis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:17
dominicdinada!wares | ellis23:17
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: did you write a fix for this bug?  or are you just experiencing it?  any error msg?23:18
ActionParsnipEllis: this is ubuntu support only, try asking in the offtopic channel23:18
aeon-ltdjimms: not sure how to allocate a specific service to a user then to relogin as another user, but why not just use the user you've created as your reguler login?23:18
dominicdinadaEllis: this is not a Peer 2 Peer file sharing channel that question has nothing to do with ubuntu23:18
Ellishow do i get there? i am new to ubuntu and when i load my irc it comes stright there23:18
aeon-ltdjimms: you can do this though (its posiible with the mpd daemon)23:18
Ellisi apologize if ive offended anyone just new here23:19
ActionParsnipEllis: its irc, not ubuntu specific. the command is: /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:19
erUSULEllis: /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:19
ubuntu_madChogyDan: experiencing it,think i gave you wrong link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-173/+bug/64644923:19
jimmsaeon-ltd: thats what i was looking for how to log in now with that other user23:19
aeon-ltdjimms: were you asked for a password? (for the new user)23:19
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: and what does the log say?23:20
ubuntu_madHow do I stop this channel scroolling up automatically in empathy23:20
kneauxdoes rhythmbox seriously not have an equalizer anywhere23:21
jimmsaeon-ltd: no i got loads of those23:21
ubuntu_madChogyDan: thats what i need help getting too,I dont have much knowledge with this23:21
jimmsi have to pastebin23:21
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: do you know pastebin.com?23:21
jimmsaeon-ltd: http://pastebin.ca/194996223:21
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: paste all your error messages there, and then post the link23:22
ubuntu_madChogyDan: yes23:22
ubuntu_madChogyDan: Did you see the bug report,is it not that??  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-173/+bug/64644923:23
aeon-ltdjimms: then 'useradd -p usernameyouwant' that should create a user and choose password23:23
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: ok, then can you pastebin /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-173/173.14.22/build/make.log?23:23
dominicdinadahow to initialize the git://git.videolan.org/x264.git repository when i keep getting a "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"23:24
Flare183dominicdinada: that means that the remote server can't process the request23:24
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: nm, I see it, my bad23:24
erUSULdominicdinada: works fine here23:24
dominicdinadaFlare183: ok what does that imply that it is a bad request ?23:24
dominicdinadaok then my second question is how i would add the repo :/ :(23:25
ubuntu_madChogyDan: no worries,that command gave no such file23:25
Flare183dominicdinada: Nah the server could be down23:25
slooksterpsvis there a wine specific chat on freenode?like I want to see if someone can help me get a program working in wine23:25
dominicdinadaFlare183: erUSUL has no problems reaching it23:25
aeon-ltdjimms: i'll be bach23:26
ubuntu_madChogyDan: also my screen stays blank after suspend,could it be related??23:26
Flare183dominicdinada: hmm then its your connection23:26
dominicdinadaor my firewall23:26
iromlidominicdinada: git clone worked here23:26
Flare183dominicdinada: that's doubtful23:26
erUSULdominicdinada: what version of ubuntu/git? may be too old?23:26
Shaulppq: here?23:27
Rods_TigerI?ve just installed a dual boot for someone but they refuse to use it because of the way that grub looks, it confuses them23:27
dominicdinadaerUSUL: 11.4build123:27
ubuntu_madRods_Tiger: lol23:28
ppqShaul, yep23:28
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: I really don't know.  I would check to make sure linux-headers-generic is installed...23:28
dominicdinadaugh no that is not it23:28
erUSUL!info git-core23:28
ubottugit-core (source: git-core): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (lucid), package size 5490 kB, installed size 11376 kB23:28
ubuntu_madChogyDan: tried that23:29
Shaulppq: ok, I'm now trying to build a package23:29
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: have you tried booting an earlier kernel?23:29
ShaulI have a configure error :/23:29
ubuntu_madChogyDan: how i do that?23:30
Braber01telnet/ssh/putty/etc. question I've tried to connect to my desktop today from a windows machine with telnet(and don't give me that use ssh/putty crap I know to use that) and I couldn't connect to my computer could it be something with my router or something with the school?23:30
qoo1I've upgraded to grub2, and have just run upgrade-from-grub-legacy. On the config screen it is listing 'GRUB install devices', which are /dev/sda, /dev/sda5, and /dev/mmcblk0, and wants me to check one or more. What should I do?23:30
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: hold shift at boot, then select the kernel23:30
Flare183Braber01: yup, it is you have to port forward port 22 for ssh23:30
TiKBraber01: you have to forward a port (22) on your router to your linux PC23:31
ubuntu_madChogyDan: ok ill try that,if its ok what should i do then?23:31
ChogyDanqoo1: /dev/sda if grub is the first thing you get at boot23:31
erUSULhe is using telnet so it has to redirect telnet port. i will call the 80's maybe they know what port it is23:31
qoo1ChogyDan: Thanks. I'll do that.23:31
Braber01what do you mean by forward a port?23:31
TiK80 is http://23:31
TiKBraber01: well its blocked by yor router23:32
Flare183erUSUL: Its port 23 for telnet23:32
ChogyDanubuntu_mad: you may also want the command : sudo /usr/lib/dkms/dkms_autoinstaller start `uname -r`23:32
TiKBraber01: you have to "open" it23:32
turtle_erUSUL, you can borrow my crank prank time phone if you want23:32
Braber01okay I'm not quite shure how to do that ..23:33
ubuntu_madChogyDan: do that now?23:33
Flare183Braber01: find your router's manual23:33
Braber01too much reading :(23:33
erUSULturtle_: thnaks; what was the phne of the guy in "War Games" again? hope he is ot using his 9800bps modem now23:33
vinc1Anyone know how I can log all HTTP traffic from my workstation to google.com?23:33
Braber01My aunt is coming into town though I can ask her23:33
edbianvinc1, using tcp dump? :)23:33
vinc1edbian: checking...23:34
Braber01well good bye every one nice chatting with you :)23:34
turtle_erUSUL, i think it was 555-1337-hacker , you didn't have to be quite so discrete back then23:34
turtle_war games, what a classic23:35
captaincorkBAH BAH/w23:35
ubuntu_madChoggyDan: can you PM me that sudo thanks23:36
jimmsaeon-ltd: i managed to add a user but now it wont let me go the folder that i wanted to run ./services23:36
jimmschmod: changing permissions of `Unreal3.2': Operation not permitted23:36
backerzive installed a SATA PCI card (sil3512) in an old P4 1.8ghz and have been a bit stumped with the drive speeds - less than my IDE drives in the same machine. Is that expected for a machine of that caliber?23:36
edbianjimms, sudo chmod   ;)23:36
edbianjimms, You might wanna sudo chown  it too23:36
aeon-ltdjimms: i think you need 'sudo chmod +x Unreal3.2'23:37
jimmssystem is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.23:37
edbianjimms, Are you not a sudoer on your own system?  Is this Ubuntu?23:37
jimmsnow i added system by doing useradd system23:37
jimmsi am everything but one program will not let me run it as root23:38
edbianjimms, You have to add him to the sudoers file or add him to the admin group (and restart x)23:38
jimmsi added system as user now it's saying that23:38
aeon-ltdjimms: ok log in as root again (sorry about the long process)23:39
jimmsaeon-ltd: no problem, appreciate your help23:40
aeon-ltdjimms: when you are in root run 'visudo'23:41
aeon-ltdjimms: in a terminal23:41
edbianaeon-ltd, Glad to see he's in good hands :)23:41
indroraI'm on a Dell Latitude C600 and I'm trying to get cpufreqd working on it. When I try and unload speedstep-smi and speedstep-lib (I'm on 10.04) I get a message saying that its builtin... how can i get Speedstep working with Cpufreqd?23:41
jimmsaeon-ltd: i did that i got # User_Alias ADMINS =23:42
Shaulppq: what is that command?23:42
ppqShaul, do you mean checkinstall?23:42
aeon-ltdjimms: if your in sudoers, add at the bottom (your username)   ALL=(ALL) ALL (without the brackets)23:43
Shaulppq: what package do I need?23:43
aeon-ltdjimms: but with the brackets around (AL)23:43
Shauldoesn't seem to be there23:43
ppqShaul, checkinstall is the name of the package, i think it's in universe23:44
ppqand of course build-essential23:44
jeeves_MossI know Ubuntu's ruby package is messed, but I can't remember the work around for this error.  anyone?  http://pastebin.ca/194997623:44
turtle_i keep getting an exclamation mark on the ..'system tray' which says 'put your password in to see error reports from your system' it seems a bit fishy :S23:44
Shaulppq: thanks, I got that one from before23:44
edbianturtle_, That is very odd...23:45
edbianturtle_, It says "put your password in"  ?23:45
edbianturtle_, Can you screenshot it?23:45
turtle_argh i just got rid of it23:45
jimmsaeon-ltd: Warning: unable to open log file services.log: Permission denied23:45
edbianturtle_, how?23:45
ActionParsnipturtle_: run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade    use http://pastie.org   to give the output23:46
Shaulbuilding package :]23:46
turtle_it says please enter your password to see error reports of your system services, well i put in a random password to see what would happen and it dissapeared, and didn't complain...23:46
edbianActionParsnip, What will that accomplish?  He'll still possibly have some rough software runni8ng23:46
aeon-ltdjimms: what? did you run visudo?23:46
edbianturtle_, Crazy!  Have you been installing / running mystery software?23:46
jeeves_MossI know Ubuntu's ruby package is messed, but I can't remember the work around for this error.  anyone?  http://pastebin.ca/194997623:47
jimmsno aeon-ltd: i gave permission to user system to go to the root folder23:47
aeon-ltdjimms: with visudo?23:47
turtle_only stuff from the standard ubuntu repo23:47
Jordan_Uturtle_: That means that a system service crashed.23:47
indroraAnyone able to figure out my problem?23:47
Jordan_Uturtle_: To debug the problem, and send a bug report, you need root priveleges.23:48
indroraI've been beating my head against this ever since I moved from Debian-stable23:48
edbianturtle_, It did seem fishy to me too...23:48
jimmsaeon-ltd: no i have vnc access to my box as well23:48
ActionParsnipedbian: just sees if the packages are square23:49
aeon-ltdjimms: i don't mean to be arroggant and assume i am correct, but please if you didn't intend to follow help please continue without it23:49
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turtle_lol, Jordan_U saves the day again23:49
Spaztic_OneI just updated kernel and a couple random other things and now X (I think) is acting up. I don't have my window controls or workspaces currently. What is wrong and how can I resolve it? I've already tried simply rebooting but to no avail.23:49
edbianSpaztic_One, Turn on the desktop effects23:50
ActionParsnipSpaztic_One: press ALT+F2  and run:  metacity --replace23:51
ABGDhey peeps! ^_^ .. just kidding.23:51
Spaztic_OneActionParsnip shortcuts aren't working23:52
ActionParsnipSpaztic_One: can you run a terminal?23:52
Spaztic_OneAlso, I can't move windows as they are starting up with the top portion off screen and they aren't listed in the dock/panel23:53
edbianSpaztic_One, Turn on the desktop effects ;)23:53
Wally__Anyone got time for a ??23:54
edbianSpaztic_One, the desktop effects tell metacity to draw the window border, and it creates virtual desktops on to of gnome23:54
edbianWally__, I do23:54
Spaztic_OneWould if I could, but its covered by the windows that I can't move23:54
Wally__edbian, Are you familiar with kdenlive?23:54
edbianWally__, no :(23:55
Spaztic_Oneso, uh, I guess I'll close the chat and log back on in a minute23:55
turtle_Spaztic_One, i had a similar problem when i had conflicts in compiz23:55
edbianSpaztic_One, do you have a terminal?  compiz --replace23:55
Spaztic_OneHmm, can I do this by switching to tty1-6?23:56
alex87is there a better way to sync two large video collections than unison? it needs to be bidirectional, and they are both ntfs23:56
vinc1edbian: it's working --> tcpdump -s 2048 -w test.pcap -i wlan0 tcp port 80, do the transaction with the browser, then go back and CTRL+C on tcpdump, and then do "strings test.pcap" -- shows cookies, GET/POST requests, responses, the works. Thanks!23:56
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, i don't think "compiz --replace" will work from a tty (i could be wrong)23:56
edbianSpaztic_One, Clever though.  There might be a way.  I don't know how to tell compiz what X server to effect though.  There is no X server on tty623:56
erUSULalex87: rsync?23:57
cristian_does anyone know a firewall solution in ubuntu? something like smoothwall?23:57
GriFF3nyea, thats what i was goin go to suggest23:57
edbianvinc1, I didn't even do anything!  Good job :)23:57

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