
manishe_hello. It's any channel op there?00:08
Seeker`how can we help you?00:08
manishe_i realize today that i got banned from #ubuntu, by nick probably00:10
manishe_ I think it was because of lots of joins/leave00:10
manishe_ when my network goes unstable00:10
manishe_ normally i'm on irssi shell session, 24/700:10
manishe_nick manishe00:10
Seeker`@bansearch manishe_00:10
ubottuNo matches found for manishe_!~pioruns@ in any channel00:10
manishe_nick manishe00:11
manishe_i'm on alternate now.00:11
Seeker`@bansearch manishe00:11
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/shell/bshellz.net/* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Aug 07 2010 09:02:36 (ID: 27675)00:11
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/shell/bshellz.net/* by ikonia in #xubuntu on Aug 07 2010 07:46:34 (ID: 27673)00:11
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/shell/bshellz.net/* by ikonia in #kubuntu on Aug 07 2010 09:02:20 (ID: 27674)00:11
manishe_that's my shell00:11
manishe_do you have chat logs for that day?00:11
ikoniathat host is currently banned00:11
manishe_that host in public shell server00:11
manishe_i'm on it00:12
ikoniaand it has no rules or acceptable usage policy that fits with the ubuntu channel rules00:12
manishe_look please www.bshellz.net00:12
ikoniaI know what it is00:12
Seeker`I think the fact that it is a public shell server that is the problem00:12
Seeker`it is very open to abuse by trolls00:12
ikoniapeople have been using that public server to abuse the channel00:12
manishe_i have same problem with RizonNet IRC Network and they unbanned my host finally. Somebody plays very badly00:12
ikoniano, your provider hosts, don't police their server00:13
manishe_What can i do?00:13
ikoniaget a different shell host provider00:13
ikoniaor don't use a shell server00:13
nikoit's a telepathy upstream issue00:31
nikothe crap Serialk pasted00:31
nikonothing yet, a bug will be filled00:32
MaverickOnea fix and a forward to #ubuntu-read-topic would be good00:32
MaverickOnewhen available00:32
ubottuFreedesktop bug 30741 in idle "Does not properly validate UTF-8 received from the network." [Normal,New]00:38
nikofollow it00:39
Seeker`ikonia: discussing stuff?00:41
MaverickOneikonia: I am starting to see your point about misleading "gags/jokes"00:42
ikoniaSeeker`: yeah, he knows "why not" and if he has to ask "why can't I fish for passwords in a channel" then he doesn't need to speak00:43
Seeker`doesn't need to be in the channel either00:43
ikoniahe can see when it's released00:43
Seeker`niko: thanks00:44
nikoincoming bots if you are near to put or remove +/-r00:45
Seeker`you recommending +r for #u?00:46
ikoniago for it00:46
Seeker`bot just did00:46
Seeker`what is the bot channel again?00:46
MaverickOne+r is set00:47
ikoniahello kees00:59
* kees waves "hi"00:59
ikoniahow can we help you on this exciting day00:59
Seeker`oooh, its alomost 01:00:00 10/10/1001:00
ikoniayes it is01:00
keesjust looking around. was surprised I didn't have ops on ubuntu-release-party, and then realized I only had ops on ubuntu-hardened. then I read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements and popped in here, but I see it has a no-idle policy, so I should probably leave again. :)01:00
Seeker`and then it will be 01:00:01, 01:00:10, 01:00:11, 01:01:00,01:00
bazhang<anal_christ> rename yourself to anal_muhammad and join #ubuntu-women with me01:02
Seeker`he is in -women now01:03
bazhangarranging troll raid in ##linux01:03
Seeker`MaverickOne: ping01:03
bazhangis reisio there too?01:04
Seeker`not as yet01:04
bazhangthis is cryptopsy btw, well known serial troll01:05
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (anal_christ)01:08
bazhanganal_christ, hello01:09
anal_christwhy did he call me a cracker?01:09
bazhanganal_christ, who?01:09
tonyyarussoI don't know, but your retort was worse.01:09
anal_christthey were both racist01:09
anal_christbazhang: artofon i think01:10
anal_christi don't remember how it's spelled01:10
bazhangcracker is what some think of as hacker01:10
tonyyarussoanal_christ: I believe that he intended as in "a hacker with malicious intent", rather than the racial slur.01:10
anal_christhe knows the difference01:10
anal_christcmon, we were talking about exploits, not brute force01:10
tonyyarussoSince you were talking about kernel exploits and all.01:10
anal_christeveryone know s the difference01:10
bazhanganal_christ, at any rate, was there something else you needed to discuss here?01:10
anal_christnah i was just wondering what the safety concern was about, because i'd like to protect myself01:11
anal_christand then he wouldn't tell me01:11
bazhangokay then.01:11
anal_christi'm wondering ... how did he find ther eis an exploit in 10.10 in the first place?01:11
anal_christhe probably read it from a forum01:11
bazhangno idea.01:11
anal_christso why is he being such a jerk? all ubuntu ppl wants to be protected01:11
tsimpsoncracker as in someone who cracks security01:11
bazhanganal_christ, cryptopsy, right?01:11
anal_christyou can't crack security ...01:11
tsimpsonsome people use the term hacker01:11
anal_christbazhang: yes01:11
anal_christnah tsimpson , you're giving him the benefit of the doubt ...01:12
anal_christbazhang: they're just band-names01:12
Seeker`you know what, I don't think this is a discussion we need to be having01:12
tsimpsonno, I'm reading the context01:12
anal_christtsimpson: okay, fair enough01:12
AmaranthAre you guys talking about the local privilege escalation exploit on amd64 systems?01:12
tsimpsonyou were talking about an alleged security hole and asking for information01:12
anal_christi don't know amaranth, i was just asking what people thought of 10.1001:13
anal_christhe says apparently there is an exploit01:14
anal_christtsimpson: you're rewording that as if it was a bad thing, shame on you01:14
tsimpsonerm, what?01:14
tsimpsonall I said was that you asked for information, not that you wanted to exploit it01:15
ikoniais this really for -ops ?01:15
tsimpsonyou seem to have a problem understanding text-based communication01:15
anal_christbazhang: it was a misunderstanding, can i go back?01:15
Seeker`the point is, anal_christ called someone a nigger01:15
ikoniaright, so lets address that01:16
ikoniathis guy is a known troll and we appear to be wasting time debating security issues01:16
bazhanganal_christ, you seem to arranging trolls against other channels as well01:16
anal_christnah, ask elky to explain it to you01:16
bazhangno need01:16
anal_christreisio is a mod in #linux01:16
anal_christit's a joke i made with him because he was so interested in the name, but its just a band name01:17
anal_christlike cryptopsy, its a band name01:17
anal_christlook if i was serious i would have said the same thing in #freenode when that guy asked me about it01:17
anal_christthe russian guy01:18
bazhanganal_christ, I did not see any actual support questions from you01:18
bazhangjust "is 10.10 any good?'01:18
anal_christi was asking how 10.10 is, and whether its stable, whether new GUIs have been implemented01:18
bazhangyes it is.01:18
anal_christno "is 10.10 any good" is not all i said01:18
bazhangso offtopic chat01:18
Seeker`10.10 is not the current release, and therefore offtopic for #ubuntu01:18
elkyanal_christ, 10.10 is due out today, The beta you try now is going to be a fair indication of what GUIs it has.01:19
anal_christctrl+F for my name you will see all the lines that weer spoken01:19
anal_christelky: yes, it was supposed to be out today01:19
bazhangI was there.01:19
anal_christthere was lots of talk all night01:19
bazhangI know what was said.01:19
anal_christbazhang: you just said that the only thing i said was "is 10.10 any good"01:19
anal_christi asked about kernel graphics card switching during runtime01:19
AmaranthIt won't be out for some time01:19
bazhanganal_christ, offtopic-chat01:19
anal_christwhich was implemented in 6.35 kern i think01:20
anal_christuh ... not only 10.10 use .35 kerne01:20
bazhangthink we need to change the notes factoid01:20
anal_christi have to grab a beverage, i'm very thirsty01:20
anal_christbrb 40 seconds01:20
Seeker`so, the point of this conversation is...01:21
bazhangno idea01:21
Seeker`I mean, you could always take the trolls out to a restaurant01:21
bazhangthere are offtopic chat locations. I'm not in favor of lifting the ban (my two cents)01:21
Seeker`keep the ban, stop the inane chatter in here with him, imo01:22
Seeker`anal_christ: please don't idle in this channel01:22
Seeker`someone care to remove anal_christ ?01:24
anal_christok i'm back01:25
anal_christcmon man i wasn't idling01:25
Seeker`anal_christ: the ban in #ubuntu isn't being lifted at this time01:26
anal_christyou don't even know my gender bro01:26
Seeker`!ops | anal_christ01:26
ubottuanal_christ: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!01:26
ubottuSeeker` called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (anal_christ)01:26
elkywoo, now he nicks to "elkz"01:28
ikoniajust kick him01:28
ikoniahe's clearly trying to be an issue01:28
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-women (elkz this is not how ubuntu channel members behave, please remove)01:29
ubottuIn #ubuntu-release-party, macer2 said: !test is bottesting01:33
ubottuIn ubottu, l32007 said: !l32007 is awesome01:34
ubottusoreau called the ops in #ubuntu (|ntegra|)01:53
ikoniahello macer101:54
ikoniahow can we help you today ?01:55
macer1thanx, i am only testing :)01:55
ikoniatesting what ?01:55
macer1ubuntu channels :D01:55
ikoniaok, well this isn't a play chanel, it's only used for operator assistance,01:56
elkyYup, it's definitely release day.01:57
Seeker`it has that facedesk feeling all over it01:57
bazhangtime for +m in -party01:59
charlie-tcaI think this is the day I usually take off. It seems really hectic02:01
tsimpsonwait 8-10 hours... you'll loose faith in humanity02:11
MaverickOneyou might also consider switching to Fedora02:12
ikoniaI'm already there02:12
charlie-tcathat all sounds really exciting02:20
Seeker`he laughs at our pain :(02:20
MaverickOneI say we kick him02:20
MaverickOneikonia: would you do the honors :)02:20
highvoltagewin 3002:20
highvoltageI apologize profusely for all my fail02:21
charlie-tcaI'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh02:21
MaverickOnehighvoltage: forgiven02:21
charlie-tcaIt just seemed real funny. Maybe it is too late for me already02:21
MaverickOnecharlie-tca: we still wuv u02:22
charlie-tcaThanks and hugs to all02:22
highvoltageMaverickOne: thank you!!!! free forgiveness ftw!02:23
MaverickOnewho said anything about free? i'm in the car on the way to Sherbrooke02:24
MaverickOneget your atm card ready02:24
highvoltageI should've *knew* all these big churces had to come from somewhere!02:24
MaverickOneman ikonia took his vitamins today :)02:29
ikoniadon't forget to keep an eye in #ubuntu and +102:30
ikonialots of people in all 3 channels02:30
MaverickOneheh yeah02:30
Seeker`sorry, felt that +m was needed02:31
bazhangit was02:34
tonyyarussoIn case anyone else finds this useful, I just made this and pointed an irssi alias at it - http://files.tonyyarusso.com/outyet.sh02:55
Seeker`how did you point an alias at it?02:58
tonyyarussoI put that in my homedir, and did /alias oy exec -o ./outyet.sh02:59
Seeker`./outyet.sh: line 2: bc: command not found02:59
Seeker`./outyet.sh: line 2: echo: write error: Broken pipe02:59
Seeker`October 10th is 50 hours long when you take into account the entire world.  We are only % through the day by this measurement, so be patient.  Ubuntu 10.10 will be out before '@now Pacific/Pago_pago' reaches midnight on the tenth.02:59
MaverickOneError: Permission Denied.02:59
tonyyarussoCommand not found on bc?  Seeker` has a broken system.03:00
Seeker`tonyyarusso: don't blame me, its ubottu.com03:00
tonyyarussoit's a posix core utility...03:00
Ken8521omfg... do i have to break down everything i say?03:01
ikoniahello ken03:01
ikoniathank you for joining03:01
Ken8521ikonia: i have no intention of discussing this with you any further03:01
ikoniabut a user asked you not recommend something, you came down hard on him03:01
Ken8521i'm not there to intrepet the english language for you03:01
ikoniayou have then said you didn't say what he and I thought you said03:01
ikoniaif you can explain what you meant, as I've asked mulitple times, there will be no problem03:01
Ken8521well, and like i said, i didn't suggest anything... i'm not teaching english in there03:01
MaverickOneKen8521: drop the attitude please.03:02
Ken8521MaverickOne: he has the attitude, not me03:02
ikonia22:53 < Ken8521> maybe install the driver from nvidia' ssite?03:02
ikoniathat looks like your suggesting installing the nvidia drivers03:02
Ken8521ikonia: does that sound like a suggestion...?03:02
Ken8521ok, then me and you have a different idea on that being a suggestion, because it wasn't03:02
Seeker`Ken8521: what was it then?03:03
ikoniawhat was it meant to be then03:03
Ken8521MaverickOne: he's upset because i PM'd him earlier w/ a disparaging remark that was intended for another user... not that i care.. i mean, truth is truth03:03
ikoniaI'm not upset at at all03:03
Ken8521yeah right03:03
ikoniaI'm asking a question as I genuinly don't understand what it was meant to be03:03
Ken8521ikonia: it wa a QUESTION.. thats why there is a QUESTION MARK.03:03
ikoniathen what is the question03:04
ikoniaI don't actually see a question03:04
MaverickOneKen8521: that looks like a suggestion and not a question03:04
ikoniaapart from "maybe you should try installing the drivers from nvidias site"03:04
Ken8521well, then we apparently have different ideas on suggestions vs questions03:04
Ken8521like i said, ikonia's just running around that channel on a pwertrip, and thats that.. he's kciked numerous people just for asking is it out yet03:05
ikoniamaybe you should banned ?03:05
Ken8521i haven't done anything03:05
ikoniaKen8521: I suggest you just focus on your issue, the other users had history in other channels03:05
ikoniaKen8521: or was that another question that I'm reading as a suggestion ?03:05
Ken8521and even if i was suggesting to download the nvidia driver(which, i was not.. no matter how you read it)... if hte restricted driver isn't working.. then what are the other options?03:06
ikoniaKen8521: well, logging a bug is a good start, so ubuntu know about it03:06
MaverickOnetrouble shoot and find out why it isn't working03:06
Ken8521ikonia: logging a bug doesn't fix the problem....03:06
MaverickOnelog bug report03:06
Ken8521it just reports it03:06
ikoniaKen8521: does using the nvidia.com drivers fix it ?03:07
Ken8521ikonia: thats why i said... "???".. which you seemingly enjoy overlooking03:07
ikoniaI'm not overlooking it,03:07
Ken8521yes, you are.03:07
Ken8521you're trying to tell me i made a suggestion, when i made no such suggestion03:07
ikoniaKen8521: it reads as a suggestion, and you jumped down a users throat about it03:08
ikoniaI asked you to explain it, and you wouldn't so we ended up here03:08
Ken8521wel, i'm sorry you read it like a suggestion, it wasn't... period03:08
ikoniaI'm not overlooking it, I just asked you to explain it03:08
Ken8521and that was more or less exctly what i told the other user03:08
ikoniano it wasn't03:08
ikoniayou got an attitude on with him03:08
Ken8521and i don't have to explain myself... it wasn't a suggestion, period... it was a statement03:08
ikoniaKen8521: the only thing I was going to ask is that if you recommend the nvidia drivers as a possible resolution, just follow up with the warnings03:09
Ken8521ikonia: you didn't even give me a chance, and second, i wasn't even recommending it.03:09
Ken8521it was a STATEMENT>03:09
ikoniaI thought it was a question03:09
ikoniahence the question mark ?03:09
Ken8521therein lies the  problem03:09
ikoniathe one I was overlooking ?03:10
Ken8521ikonia: i was questioning if it would work, not suggesting it.03:10
Ken8521you're just twisting it to fit your side03:10
ikoniaKen8521: ok, but sending him down that route, nothing wrong with that, just please make sure you offer the warnings about what it will change03:10
tonyyarussowait, is this the "not discussing it with you further"?  Cuz my window keeps scrolling.03:10
MaverickOneKen8521: the sentence looks like it is a suggestions, no matter how you intended it.03:10
Seeker`maybe stop arguing over semantics?03:10
Ken8521i'm not twisting anything, i know what i said, i know how i said, and know exactly what i meant03:10
ikoniaKen8521: I wasn't twisting it, apologies, I was just showing how easy it can be to miss-read things03:10
Ken8521Seeker`: well, when eh's banning people because he didn't interpret it properly.. id' say thats what caused the argument03:11
Ken8521ikonia: well, it sure looks like you twisted it to me03:11
Seeker`Ken8521: that one was a suggestion. It really won't get you anywhere.03:11
ikoniaKen8521: I didn't ban you because I didn't interperate it, I banned you because I asked you to explain the statement/question and you refused, after you where rude to a user03:11
Ken8521ikonia: so what was i baned for, being rude, or not explaining myself?03:11
Ken8521it can't be both03:12
ikoniaKen8521: both03:12
ikoniaas I've just said03:12
Ken8521now see, again, you're just trying to slant what i said.03:12
ikoniaI'm sorry, I don't see how, you've just asked me why I banned you, and I've explained03:12
Ken8521there you go again..03:12
ikoniaok, I think this can't continue any futher03:13
Ken8521i already tried to explain it to you, and no matter what i say, you're going to twist it to fit some distorted view you hae of what i said.03:13
Ken8521all because you're irritated03:13
Ken8521i've never caused anybody problems in that room, ever03:13
Ken8521if anything, iv'e done my best to be helpful..03:13
MaverickOneKen8521: we know that03:14
ikoniaI'm actually trying to resolve this to remove the ban03:14
ikoniaall I was trying to say that if you suggest a possible resolution such as the nvidia.com drivers, just make the warnings clear03:14
Ken8521wel,l i can't repeat myself anymore... i was as clear as i could be03:14
ikoniaif someone miss-reads something, just explain it, don't jump down the users throat03:14
ikoniaespecially if the question is very close to a suggestion03:15
Ken8521ikonia: he didnjt' even give me a chance to explain anything, he immediately starts w/ this DO NOT EVER bla bla bla03:15
ikoniaKen8521: I apprieciate that, but I did give you a chance, multiple to explain that03:15
ikoniaKen8521: also you could have explained it once he'd finished03:15
Ken8521ikonia: you wanted me to explain my comment, you made no request to discuss wha ti said to the other user, or i'd have gladly explained that.03:15
ikoniaKen8521: I asked you to explain what you said, as like the other user and people in here, I read it as a statment03:16
ikoniayou refused03:16
ikoniaor as a suggestion even03:16
Ken8521i feel like i'm just constantly repeating myself for some reason.03:16
MaverickOneOK I think to point here is that we all understand that sometimes intent is not clear over IRC so we need to be clear when helping03:17
Ken8521well duh.03:17
MaverickOneKen8521: drop the attitude03:17
Ken8521ikonia: seems to think he has it all figured out03:17
MaverickOneI am trying to help you get back in there03:18
ikoniaKen8521: come back in 24 hours at least with your smart mouth03:18
ikoniaKen8521: you're not getting unbanned, MaverickOne was just trying to help03:18
Ken8521i didn't ask to be unbanned.. you asked me to come here, so i did03:18
ikoniano problem, please leave then03:18
ikoniawhat a surprise, ##club-ubuntu03:19
MaverickOnei tried, you tried. he just didn't want to understand03:19
ikoniaranting about it now03:20
MaverickOneI refuse to join there. went in once or twice, channel is not for me03:21
ikoniathere are some smart and interesting people, however there are others and they make up the majority of the channels content03:21
MaverickOneI can't really speak about the users of the channel but I know when I was there I didn't see anything but cursing and general trollish behavior. Like I said it just isn't for me03:22
Seeker`hmm, vorian in -r-p03:23
ikoniaI didn't know vorian was still an ubuntu member?03:24
MaverickOnehas the cloak03:26
tonyyarussoHe is on LP03:27
Seeker`ikonia: keeping an eye may be a good idea03:29
ikoniaI suspect no issue though03:29
Seeker`see his response to me?03:29
ikoniaI just did now03:31
ikoniaok, I'm wrong03:31
MaverickOnetold mikeru that if he mentions his channel again he is going to miss the announcement03:36
MaverickOnefor an ubuntu/member he is a bit of a jerk04:31
Seeker`there is a lot of history there04:31
tonyyarussowith mikeru?04:32
MaverickOnetonyyarusso: master/vorian04:32
MaverickOneI don't think I know him but ugh04:32
Seeker`he used to be staff too04:32
tonyyarussoIt's been a while since I've interacted with him04:32
wgrantOh, I didn't realise they were one and the same.04:37
MaverickOneyeah you got trolled04:37
* maco wonders now what happened04:42
macoapparently i got online a few minutes too late04:43
MaverickOnejust some passive aggressive former op/staff still member being not as nice as they could of been04:44
ikoniaI'm out - laters all04:47
macoMaverickOne: well yes i gathered that..and i know what he's like...04:50
MaverickOneoh, well nothing specific really04:50
bazhangmtw gnaa troll supreme05:09
MaverickOnehow did he get unbanned05:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, l32007 said: !yummy is apty05:11
Seeker`@bansearch MTW05:11
ubottuNo matches found for mtw!~npure@pool-98-114-203-209.phlapa.fios.verizon.net in any channel05:11
bazhangnext up he'll hit +105:23
MichealH-iPodI'd like to discuss my ban while my battery still can05:26
Seeker`you were constantly abusing the bot over the course of several hours05:26
MichealH-iPodSo if I suddenly disconnect then my battery died05:26
Seeker`there is enough traffic in there without you increasing it05:26
MTWyes hello05:27
bazhangMTW, hi05:27
MTWi feel my ban was rude and undeserved05:27
MichealH-iPodBut the part where I did get banned were 2 accidents I saw there were lots of people cooking of ISPs so I asked a question and the the missintrepreted it05:27
bazhangMTW, your actions were not warranted05:28
MTWyes, they were05:28
MTWremove my ban, thanks05:28
bazhangMTW, please read the guidelines and the code of conduct05:28
MTWplease -b05:28
MichealH-iPodThey were talking of the iso's so I asked05:28
bazhang!guidelines | MTW05:28
ubottuMTW: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:28
bazhang!coc > MTW05:28
ubottuMTW, please see my private message05:28
MTWplease remove the ban05:29
bazhangMTW, please read those05:29
MichealH-iPodI just wanna be there for tommorow tithe party05:29
MaverickOneMichealH-iPod: just hold a minute please05:29
MichealH-iPodOkay MaverickOne05:29
bazhangMTW, why were you banned from two channels like that05:30
MTWsome rude op banned me05:30
bazhangerr nope05:30
mneptokMTW: profanity is unwelcome.05:31
MaverickOneMichealH-iPod: may i PM you?05:31
macoMTW: ditto for slurs05:31
MichealH-iPodYeah maverickone05:31
bazhangprofane and abusive05:31
macoMTW: demanding will get you nowhere05:31
bazhangMTW, the ban will not be05:31
MichealH-iPodShall I part MaverickOne?05:31
mneptokthat was going nowhere05:31
MaverickOneMichealH-iPod: never mind we can speak here05:32
MaverickOneMichealH-iPod: you understand why you got banned?05:32
bazhanghe was in #freenode asking for a GNAA cloak earlier05:32
MichealH-iPodI do MaverickOne05:32
MichealH-iPodIt was because I had triggered the bots05:33
MaverickOneMichealH-iPod: exactly which was becoming spam and bot abuse05:33
MichealH-iPodWhich made many ops angry especially ikonia, who banned ms later05:33
MaverickOneWe aren't going to have a repeat right?05:33
Seeker`MichealH-iPod: will you be triggering the bots again?05:33
MaverickOneok. gimme a sec to lift the ban. Please enjoy the party and remember to follow the rules05:34
MichealH-iPodI will be good and try not to trigger the bots (which they seem to be a bit sensitie)05:34
Seeker`I removed it05:34
MaverickOnethey are sensitive sometimes05:34
Seeker`if i see you trigger the bots again, I will ban you again05:34
MaverickOnethanks Seeker`05:34
MichealH-iPodThanks slot05:34
MichealH-iPodSee you05:35
bazhangserial troll hfsplus in -ot05:40
Seeker`MaverickOne: banned because he was kicked for trolling with CAPS earlier05:44
MaverickOneSeeker`: until release I am not questioning any op actions :)05:44
MaverickOnethings are flying by to fast to keep track of everything05:45
Seeker`just letting you know05:45
Seeker`cause i'm off to bed soon05:45
MaverickOnethank you :)05:45
MaverickOnewell sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite05:46
Jordan_UThe topic in #ubuntu contains "IRC Guidelines: https://https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines" (https:// twice).06:20
MaverickOneit does?06:21
nhandlerJordan_U: Fixed06:22
MaverickOneoh it did06:22
MaverickOnenice catch Jordan_U06:22
Jordan_UMaverickOne: It was actually mentioned by someone else in #ubuntu, I juse brought it here :)06:23
ubottuIn ubottu, matematikaadit said: !hi is hello06:51
l32007Hi, is there a IRC team operator here?06:57
asmartgoatHi, i was kicked from the release party channel for invoking the bot abit too much, i am remoseful, could i please go back. Thanks.07:24
ubottum4t called the ops in #ubuntu-release-party ()07:39
macoMaverickOne: i just realised you're idle08:26
macokept wondering who the new op was08:27
MaverickOneshhh, I'm under cover08:28
tonyyarussoIt's a spy!08:29
asmartgoatmavrickone im sorry, can you like un ban me08:30
MaverickOneasmartgoat: I did08:30
MaverickOnelol forgot to tell you08:30
MaverickOnesorry :)08:30
MaverickOneseriously I forgot08:31
* tonyyarusso takes away MaverickOne's beer08:31
MaverickOnewish I had one08:31
ubottuIn ubottu, moiso said: ouch this is weird08:49
* mneptok is not going to be much help in moderating things on release day, being at a company meeting. sorry.09:14
wgrantmneptok: Ubuntu release day needs to be a global public holiday!09:20
jussieboyjr: hi, can we help?09:28
eboyjrjussi: No just leaving09:28
jussiargh... [11:30:26] <htorque> "honk if you hate windows"09:31
asmartgoatmalcious commands "dmatt 10/10/10 19:29:1009:32
asmartgoatsudo rm -rf /" on ubuntu-trivia09:32
asmartgoatplease have a talk to him09:32
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!09:47
gnomefreakok now it works :(09:48
wgrantAnd so it begins.10:03
knomeoh right, today is the day10:03
tonyyarussooh my, he announced a time.  Yikes.10:03
jussiMaverickOne: you need to update your aliases10:05
gnomefreakwhy was FromSdZ25 kicked? he posted a link to dvd image?10:05
wgrantgnomefreak: Yes.10:05
MaverickOnejussi: ?10:05
jussiMaverickOne: your gateway syntax fails10:05
* gnomefreak confused. posting a link for the dvd image isnt wrong is it?10:06
jussignomefreak: it is when its not released yet10:06
gnomefreakjussi: oh ok10:07
MaverickOnealso FromSd has a few clones in the channel10:07
wgrantIt's not just a webchat link that a few people are using? Like the incident last time?10:08
jussiwgrant: seems like that10:08
MaverickOnemay be10:08
wgrantThey're very different IPs.10:08
asmartgoatany reason why im kicked again, i left, and now i cant get back on #ubuntu-release-party10:08
MaverickOneDaviey: you rick rolled -r-p?10:10
DavieyMaverickOne: What, me? :)10:10
asmartgoatis ubuntu-release-party full?10:12
knomeDaviey, haha10:12
rwwHola. arunkumar's linking to pool URLs in #ubuntu.10:12
nikoperhaps you could put #ubuntu-release-party +F ?10:13
asmartgoatme, no10:13
rwwMaverickOne: ta10:14
ikoniachanserv lagging hard10:15
asmartgoatanyone know why am i banned on release party?10:15
Tm_Talmost recommending to keep hats on10:15
ikoniadid someone remove MichealH's ban10:15
Seeker`ikonia: yes10:16
Seeker`on the condition that if he triggers the bot again, he will be banned again10:16
ikoniarats, he was out for the day10:16
MaverickOneikonia: we spoke to him, he's been good for a couple hours now10:17
asmartgoatam i banned?10:17
`26MaverickOne: Fine, I got your point. Guess I assumed the channel atmosphere was the same as the other freenode channel I had in other tabs, while stricter content rules apply. Sorry.10:17
MaverickOne`26: I'm glad you understand. you can await the release in #ubuntu-release-announce.10:18
ikoniaI'm going to write an update for partybot for next time, everyone is muted until they enter a code that is in the channel topic10:20
ikoniathat way the "I didn't read the topic" excuse cuts no mustard10:20
knomeikonia, actually, you could use that in every channel at every time :P10:21
ikoniabetter idea10:21
`26Guess I'm not getting unbanned then. It would've been nice though, considering I didn't get a warning. Meh.10:21
tonyyarussoikonia: haha, love it10:21
rwwknome: I suspect that would make #ubuntu significantly quieter ;D10:21
* ikonia is writing10:22
MaverickOne`26: ban is lifted. Please follow the !guidelines. Enjoy the release.10:22
`26MaverickOne: Thank you.10:22
MaverickOneThank you10:22
xorgerhello flks, can somebody unban me please?10:23
xorgeri haven't done anything wrong asides saying that it is out :)10:23
xorgercausing mass hysteria, suicides and other social phenomena10:23
gnomefreakwhere and who banned you?10:35
xorgerin #ubuntu-release-party i think10:35
gnomefreakyou think?10:35
xorgeri was saying that it is out it it ous10:35
xorgeri chateed there10:35
gnomefreakit is not out10:35
gnomefreakchecking now10:37
ikoniagnomefreak: BT's not logging #u-r-p10:38
gnomefreakikonia: oh10:38
MaverickOnegnomefreak: he was probably just flooding with the is it out yet question and someone got annoyed10:38
gnomefreaki cnat find his ban in #u-r-p10:38
xorgerthanks though10:38
Seeker`@bansearch xorger10:38
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*$#ubuntu-proxy-users by IdleOne in #ubuntu on Oct 02 2010 15:14:11 (ID: 28992)10:39
ubottuMatch: %*!*@gateway/web/* by jussi in #ubuntu on Oct 04 2010 14:37:31 (ID: 29047)10:39
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. by tonyyarusso in #ubuntu on Oct 10 2010 08:56:34 (ID: 29288)10:39
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*$#kubuntu-proxy-users by ikonia in #kubuntu on Oct 02 2010 15:24:08 (ID: 28996)10:39
gnomefreakthats a first for me :)10:39
ikoniaxorger: you where spamming/flooding the channel10:39
ikoniaxorger: why where you doing that, as people told you to stop10:39
xorgerhmm i did not see them?10:39
xorgersince i am trying to fix a problem in my monitor as well10:39
ikoniaxorger: you also told people "it's out"10:39
tonyyarussoFor claiming it is out before that is true.10:40
xorgerguilty as charged10:40
ikoniaok, so you're out of the channel now10:40
xorgercan i haz cheezburgah back now10:40
xorgerbut why10:40
ikoniaplease check the website to find out when it's release10:40
gnomefreaki have one in #+1 that is fighting it10:40
xorgercome on10:40
xorgeri will be a nice puppy10:40
rwwgnomefreak: (xorger was removed by tonyyarusso, then autobanned by the floodbot for being a removed webchat user)10:40
gnomefreakrww: thanks10:41
ikoniaxorger: sorry, no. check the website for the update10:41
xorgerhmm yeah, ok, but, let's talk about this matt, will you10:41
ikoniaxorger: no10:41
ikoniait's not up for discussion10:41
xorgersuppose you unban me, and i don't say shit10:41
xorgerwill that satisfy your urges?10:41
ikoniayour language is unacceptable10:41
ikoniaxorger: you can join #ubuntu-release-announce10:41
ikoniaxorger: that channel is silent until the release10:41
xorgerthat is no fun though10:42
ikoniaxorger: that's all thats available to you10:42
xorgerlife is unacceptable too, but we accept it nonetheless10:42
ikoniawell, this discussions done now. Thats the status10:42
xorgerjeez, get a life dude10:42
xorgerif you ban that easily10:42
ikoniayou ?10:42
xorgeryou need to do something else imvho10:42
ikoniaxorger: please leave this channel now10:42
ikoniait's just a channel10:42
ikoniano big deal10:42
gnomefreakthe site is nto a great place to look since it is going through changes since there are a few more update but the MDSUM is showing new images according to someone else10:42
xorgerhave fun ikonia10:43
ikoniayou too10:43
xorgercut the political bs though, it is getting annoying10:43
gnomefreaki see why he was a problem ;)10:43
tonyyarussolol overkill o that last one10:44
tonyyarusso3 at once?  :P10:44
ikoniaidiots at the moment10:45
Tm_TI keep hat on as chanserv lag prevents my aliases working nicely ):10:47
tonyyarussoyeah, might have to do that soon10:48
Tm_Talso I'm steadily distracted due my other duties, so don't rely on me10:48
Tm_Tmacer2 prolly bandodger10:56
ikoniaI think it would be ammusing now to change a file in the iso's to punish the idiots hitting the servers early10:56
ikoniaTm_T: kick not a ban10:56
ikoniahi Jordan_U10:56
Tm_Tikonia: I see10:56
`26ikonia: I think limiting it to 100bytes/second based on User-Agent would be far more entertaining.11:00
ikonia`26: do you need anything more from the ops11:00
tonyyarussoikonia: make it a slackware ISO11:00
MaverickOne!idle | `2611:00
ubottu`26: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.11:00
`26Whoops, I suddenly feel unwanted.11:01
ikonia`26: sorry, didn't see you idling there11:01
ikonia`26: I'd have asked earlier,11:02
sms_Umm, hi. Any chance of unbanning me from the party channel? As I got banned by asking about the iso testing tracker.11:02
ikoniasms_: why did you post it11:02
sms_I was asking if it's up to date11:02
ikoniasms_: why would it be11:02
ikoniayou know its not out11:02
sms_No i know basically nothing about it11:03
tsimpsondid you see anyone announce the release?11:03
tsimpsonthen you can be pretty certain that it hasn't been released11:04
gnomefreakjoin #ubuntu-release-announce for update info on release11:05
sms_yeah I know that, I was just asking if the iso tracker is related to the release11:06
* gnomefreak only saw you asked to be unbanned and asking if it released yet11:07
gnomefreaksorry if i missed asking about tracker11:08
sms_Umm no I never asked if it was released yet11:08
ikoniasms_: please think about what your posting please11:08
ikoniasms_: I've removed the ban11:08
sms_Well thank you11:09
sms_doesn't look like it?11:10
tonyyarussoSOMEONE FIX PARTYBOT11:10
wgrantShould it be banned until it's fixed?11:11
wgrantAh, there.11:11
ikoniawhat's the issue with it11:12
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!11:12
gnomefreakthat is why :)11:12
Seeker`glad thats over for another 6 months11:13
sms_: | whatever I'll just log on with my phone11:13
gnomefreakand now all my channels are going to be annoying hates release time11:14
ikoniasms_: and you'll be reported to the network for dodging a ban11:14
ikoniasms_: if there is a problem we are trying to resolve it, but it is unacceptable to dodge a ban11:14
gnomefreakonce channel is fowarded is there a way to set it to let me in through invite :(11:16
ikoniamaybe drop all bans on u-r-p now, start a fresh11:16
gnomefreakwe have ~1week before devel starts11:17
gnomefreakthat isnt a bad idea11:17
sms_k, I said what I had to say, sorry if I was a problem or whatever, I'll go somewhere else now, i'm hungry too11:17
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:17
ikoniawhat's the flag to clear all bans11:17
tonyyarussono, download is <reply> Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:18
tsimpsonwe have variables11:18
tsimpson@config list plugins.Encyclopedia.curStable11:19
ubottuError: There don't seem to be any values in supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.curStable.11:19
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStable11:19
tonyyarussooooooh yeah11:19
ubottuLucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/11:19
gnomefreaki have officially reached 40 channels11:19
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStable Maverick11:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:19
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:19
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStableLong Maverick Meerkat11:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:19
tsimpson@config plugins.Encyclopedia.curStableNum 10.1011:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:19
ubottuLucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/11:19
tsimpsonsome factoids appear not to use them :(11:20
tsimpsonanyway, Maverick != maverick in URIs11:20
tonyyarussoI'll leave you to fix that one - I don't know how to use variables.11:20
tonyyarussoSo write a string_to_lower function!11:20
tsimpsonyou just put $nameOfVariable in the factoid11:21
jussiwe should probably have a command that list the variables for people11:22
tsimpsonso "!stable is <reply> the current stable release of Ubuntu is $curStableLong ($curStableNum)" would reply "the current stable release of Ubuntu is Maverick Meerkat (10.10)"11:22
tsimpsonthere is, on the bot wiki11:22
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:23
ikoniaforgot to announce it in #ubuntu-release-announce11:23
ubottudownload aliases: mirror, mirrors - added by Seveas on 2006-06-19 08:46:50 - last edited by tsimpson on 2009-11-06 22:59:0211:24
tsimpson!search lucid11:25
ubottuFound: lucid lynx, java, lucid, controls, currentissues*, torrents, controls-#ubuntu+1*, releasenotes, 10.0411:25
tonyyarussookeh?  No he didn't.11:25
tsimpsonlooks like the bot didn't register your edit11:25
tonyyarussowow, typing fail there.11:25
tonyyarussoikonia: he did announce it in both.11:25
tsimpsonyeah, no !11:25
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100411:25
ikoniatonyyarusso: I didn't see it11:26
ikoniaI still don't in my logs11:26
tonyyarussothen your client is broken11:26
tsimpson!no releasenotes is <reply> Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101011:27
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson11:27
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100411:27
ikoniaahh I did see it11:27
ubottu10.04 is <alias> lucid - added by Pici on 2009-09-21 11:46:1111:27
ikoniamy mistake11:27
ubottulucid aliases: lucid lynx, 10.04 - added by Amaranth on 2009-09-20 08:35:19 - last edited by tsimpson on 2010-05-01 23:16:3411:27
tsimpson!lucid ~= s/is the current/was the twelfth/11:29
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson11:29
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100411:29
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 10, 2010 - Maverick Release Candidate at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1010 , discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:29
ubottumaverick aliases: meerkat, 10.10 - added by Pici on 2010-04-02 11:18:59 - last edited by nhandler on 2010-10-01 02:35:3511:29
tsimpson!no maverick is <reply> Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101011:30
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson11:30
tsimpsonEncyclopedia needs to be smarter so I stop hating it so much11:30
tonyyarussookay, definitely sleep time11:31
gnomefreakEncyclopedia is !info?11:31
tsimpsonno, it's the factoid plugin11:32
tsimpson(!info and !find are actually a different plugin)11:32
elkyMy head hurts.11:32
ikoniaI can't do clear #ubuntu-release-party bans11:32
eboyjrCan we leave !isitoutyet the way it is?11:33
ikoniawhat does it currently say ?11:33
persiaProbably better to change it to something snarky meaning "Yes" for a few days first.11:33
eboyjr:) No, it is not out yet!11:33
eboyjrIt should be referring to 11.0411:33
ikoniain that case, no11:33
persia11.04 doesn't even exist yet (and won't for several days)11:34
wgrant11.04 won't exist for more than 6 months!11:34
eboyjrhrm well that still does mean it's not out yet11:34
persiawgrant, Right.  I should say "It won't be possible to even create an 11.04 milestone for a few more days"11:35
ikoniaeboyjr: it's going to be changed to "yes it's out" or words to that effect11:36
eboyjrAlright cool11:36
tsimpsonikonia: you need a special flag to to clear11:36
ikoniatsimpson: can you please clear ?11:36
tsimpsonalready done :)11:36
eboyjr"Yeah, it's out! Please stop asking finally."11:37
tsimpson!no isitout is <reply> Yes!11:38
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson11:38
eboyjrActually a download link would be useful11:38
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:39
eboyjrWell for !isitoutyet11:40
eboyjrTorrents still don't work though :/11:40
ubottuLucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/11:40
tsimpson!no torrents is <reply> $curStable can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/$curStableLower/desktop/ubuntu-$curStableNum-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/$curStableLower/server/ubuntu-$curStableNum-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/11:42
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson11:42
ubottuMaverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/11:42
tsimpsonvariables, now with 10% extra free11:42
eboyjrhttp://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ only has the rc11:43
tsimpsongive it time I guess11:43
Tm_Twe still don't have email announcement?11:44
wgrantTm_T: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-October/000139.html11:44
gnomefreakhell i cant get edubuntu or ubuntu shipit11:44
wgrant10/10/10 10:10:10 UTC11:44
ikoniawhy is the ubuntu web page now not only saying ubuntu 64bit is not safe for normal use, but it's now actually recommending 32bit in the download box11:44
gordits been saying that for a long time ikonia11:45
gordthere is a bug reported on launchpad about it11:45
wgrantWhere does it say it's not safe?11:45
ikoniaI know but it's a new page11:45
persiaikonia, New page, old content11:45
wgrantIt merely recommends 32-bit, and has done so prominently since at least Lucid.11:45
gordi think its about support issues, anyone that knows they want 64 bit will grab it, and one that doesn't gets a slightly easier to support 32-bit version11:46
Tm_Twgrant: thanks11:46
gnomefreakthat link torrent link is broken too i am having issues with web pages today it seems11:47
ikoniawgrant: sorry it says not recommended, not not safe11:47
ikonianot recommended for daily desktop use ?11:47
wgrantLucid's said that... but I can't see it on Maverick's.11:48
ikoniaahh it's cached11:49
ikoniathe new one just recommends 32bit (still don't see why)11:49
ikoniagoogle still lists the old cached link11:49
wgrantThere are still issues with Flash, and minimal benefits to amd64 for most users.11:50
ikoniaI'd have though the opposites with most desktops/laptops coming with more than 4GB of ram11:54
tsimpsonthat's why there's a PAE kernel I guess11:54
ikoniabut most people won't know about it11:54
ikoniain the same way there is no benifit for most people, most people won't know about pae11:55
gordmost people don't need to use more than 4gb ram on ubuntu, if they do, they will generally know to use 64bit11:56
bazhangI use 32 with the PAE11:56
bazhang4GB of ram11:57
ikoniait's a fair point, I just don't agree with recommending 32bit, because most people don't need 64bit, but then assuming that most people will know about pae11:58
ikoniacertainly not the end of the world11:59
ikoniavery happy the other warning has gone11:59
popeyyou dont need to know about pae12:00
popeyubiquity installs it automatically if you have more than 3.5GB RAM12:00
persiawgrant, Which remaining flash issues exist?  I thought it was all sorted with the ia32-libs dependency solution.12:01
ikoniadoes it really, I didn't know that, that's really good12:01
popeyhas done for a few releases now IIRC12:01
ikoniaI wonder why it didn't on my test laptop12:01
popeysome chipsets fail12:02
popeymy toshiba can't see more than 3GB even with pae and/or 64-bit12:02
ikoniathis dell does12:02
persiapopey, Does it see more with amd64?12:02
* persia failed at reading, and retracts12:03
* popey failed at reading also and retracts12:07
persiaAt reading or at writing?12:08
persiaOh, right.  Nevermind :)12:08
ikoniaat what point are we going to look at dripping off +1 into #ubuntu12:18
persiaOught do right soon, really.12:18
ikoniaI'll change the topic12:18
ikoniasee if people start to leave12:18
tsimpsonshould start by setting +if #ubuntu12:19
* mneptok has acces to do so, if needed12:20
tsimpsonwhy +s?12:21
mneptokand setting #ubuntu to +i would be a bad idea, IMO ;)12:21
mneptok(i kid because i love)12:22
persiamneptok, Turn around, face the past, and push the future there, not the other way about.12:23
gnomefreakikonia: we shouldnt drop +1 since toolchain should be uploaded in a week or so, i dont see a point in it12:51
gnomefreakthat is y opinion12:51
persiaWe almost always drop +1 until at least Alpha 112:52
persiaI think we ought continue, to encourage the expertise built in +1 to feed into #ubuntu as new questions are asked.12:52
gnomefreakpersia: normally 1 week after toolchain as i recall12:52
* persia doesn't remember the precise date12:53
ikonia+1 is normally open a week or so after toolchain13:12
ikoniagnomefreak: I didn't say drop one13:12
ikoniadrop +113:12
Tm_Tand toolchain comes around UDS?13:13
ikoniajust after normally13:13
ikoniathe tool chain is agreed at uds as I understood it the last few releases13:14
ikoniaor at least finalised13:14
persiaTm_T, Depends on the release, but usually within 1-3 weeks after archive open (depending on how much the toolchain folks have been playing out-of-archive).13:14
persiaThe final toolchain is usually confirmed sometime around the sprint, but yeah, it's always discussed at UDS.  The big point is to get the base set so that we can build packages, which has to happen from scratch before uploads can happen.13:15
tsimpson+1 is the support channel, so it should be unused until alpha1 anyway13:17
jussiI thought we werent going to drop it this time?  is there any real reason to do it?13:21
ikoniawhat's to be disussed in there at the moment /13:21
jussibut why bother? does it hurt for people to be left to idle? last time round we had complaints that people got kicked and then didnt know when it opened, why coant they just idle13:22
ikoniain that case why not have an #ubuntu-10.04 and an ubuntu-10.1013:23
tsimpsonso we can set it +imf #ubuntu :)13:23
ikoniabecause ubuntu is the official support channel13:23
tsimpsonas 10.10 is released, and discussion there is offtopic13:24
jussiI would say set th channel +m, but dont actually close it13:24
tsimpsonso we'll set it +m today13:27
persiaAnd change the /topic to something that explains why it's +m13:28
charlie-tcaLet's not forget, people will begin upgrading as soon as any package is available. They do not have to wait for alpha1 to begin using those new packages.13:42
tsimpsonyeah, but the number of people who upgrade pre-alpha1 will (hopefully) be small13:43
persiaSure, but anyone who does so before DIF gets to keep the pieces...13:44
charlie-tcaand don't need to talk to each other?13:44
wgrantIf you need to talk to someone, you shouldn't be upgrading that early.13:44
tsimpsonmost of the talk would probably be betting in -devel13:44
persiaOr -bugs13:45
charlie-tcathose who upgrade before alpha1 have always been able to discuss it in #ubuntu+1. They are not actually allowed to discuss their issues elsewhere.13:45
tsimpson+1 has always been closed after release13:46
ikoniayou'll regret sending bugabundo to -devel13:46
tsimpsonthe only thing different is that we aren't kicking users out this time13:46
charlie-tcauntil the tool chain is uploaded. Not until the first alpha comes out13:46
topyliikonia: he's an op at #cyanogen, i'm currently looking for alternative android roms :)13:55
topylispent friday night flooding the channel with chix pix13:55
topylithey're doing a great job defining the community as a group of 15yo boys13:56
elkyOh, I blinked and missed it.14:02
topylielky: "the channel" meaningn #cm14:04
elkyno, the release.14:05
ikoniatopyli: stands to reason14:09
elkytopyli, you're not the only one moving from CM because of bugabundo. Several others I know have done precisely that.14:10
gnomefreak+m is mute right? what do you have to do to not be muted?14:20
* gnomefreak would raqther not op if i can avoid it14:20
persiagnomefreak, +v14:21
persia(might have to op to grant yourself that: ask chanserv)14:21
tsimpson/msg ChanServ voice #channel14:21
gnomefreakthat doesnt work. looking it up now14:22
tsimpsonworked for me14:23
gnomefreakoh nevermind14:23
gnomefreaki used nickserv14:23
Picioh neat, its out already14:41
persiaPici, Of course.  The timing was foreordained :)14:42
jpdsMadura_hot_cam and cousin_mario are totally going down the wrong path.15:05
elkyWith a name that includes "hot" and "cam" I do find it difficult to be surprised.15:08
Seeker`elky: you could at least try! :P15:22
ikoniathe !upgrade factoid now pointes to pages that either has no info on 10.10 or still referes to 10.10 as a beta release and needs update-manager -d to install16:56
ikoniapoints even16:56
ikoniait's going to take a bit of work to get this updated16:57
ikoniaI thought the docs team would have had all this covered as part of the release16:57
popeyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes isnt a doc team page16:59
popeyits a wiki, anyone can edit/fix it16:59
ikoniaI know16:59
ikoniabut it's not been done16:59
* popey hands ikonia an edit button17:00
ikoniaI'm already doing it17:00
ikoniaalso points at the development notes17:00
popeythats website team, not doc team17:00
ikoniasorry, bad wording17:00
ikoniapretty crap17:01
* popey mentions in -website and files a bug17:01
popeythanks ikonia17:01
ikoniahow do you log a bug in launchpad without using the ubutnu bugs tool17:01
ikoniapopey: I'd like to see a list of critical "team" documents that need to be maintained as part of the release process also17:02
ikoniaby see a list, I mean "make" a list17:02
ikoniaso that this situation doesn't happen17:02
ikoniaChaos2358: yes17:02
Chaos2358can i get my ban lifted now?17:02
Chaos2358ok why not this time?17:03
ikoniasame reason as last night your attitude17:03
popeybug 657758 filed17:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657758 in Ubuntu Website "Release notes page points to beta, we're released now" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65775817:03
ikoniathe channel is muted at the moment anyway, so there is no ability to speak17:03
ikonia(due to the release being completed)17:04
Chaos2358you know when i logged on just now i already knew what you were foing to do17:04
ikoniaok, then there is no need to discuss it17:04
ikoniapopey: what's the best way to pull together a list of community/team documetnation thats important for releases, and has to be maintained prior to go live ?17:05
popeyI am sure there's already a wiki page with this on17:05
ikoniaok, I'll check17:05
Chaos2358yes there is. i have not flipped out and talked trash to anyone. even though i've been jerked around like a puppy on a leash. i'm a smart ass and there is no rule in here saying that i can not be a smart ass "i'll be back tomorrow for my next dose of op" so whats the problem?17:06
ubottuIn #ubuntu, russlar said: !me is suddenly hungry17:06
ikoniaChaos2358 you where in ##club-ubuntu last night calling operators and me all the names under the sun17:06
ikoniathats talking trash17:06
ikoniaChaos2358: I'm not lifting your ban as I think your attitude and smart mouth is terribel, so if another operator disagress and wants to lift it, I'll have no problem, but I wont' progress this any futher with you17:07
Chaos2358bs i never even heard of ##clubb-ubuntu and i swear that on my life17:07
ikoniaChaos2358: now your a liar too17:07
Chaos2358look you can say what you want but i'm no liar i'm a man of my word. when i flipped out before i admitted it. i've yet to deny any of my actions17:08
ikoniaChaos2358: so you deny sitting in club-ubuntu saying I was a fucking idiot and on a power trip ?17:08
Chaos2358i put that on my life and my childrens17:09
ikoniaright, your a liar and I watched you do it and I'm not progressing this any more,17:09
Chaos2358dude ok someone has to be able to figure out it was someone else who can do it because i'm serious man17:09
ikoniaChaos2358: it was you, I watched you join with the same nick and ip address 5 seconds after you left this channel17:10
ikoniaand you discussed the conversation we had in here17:10
ikoniait was you - your a liar and your wasting my times, so please leave the channel17:10
Chaos2358dude aparentlly i cannot win but it was not me17:10
Chaos2358i put that on everything i hold dear17:10
ikoniaenough, bye17:10
Chaos2358and'ive never even heard of club ubuntu17:11
Chaos2358ok who is your "boss"17:11
ikoniaI watched you join, so stop wasting my time with lies17:11
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.17:11
Chaos2358man you are going to stop disrespecting me calling me a liar17:11
ikoniacan you pelase leave the channel and follow the appeals process, this has wasted enough time17:11
Chaos2358i've done alot but i've yet to deny any of it17:12
Chaos2358and i will not deny any of it17:12
Chaos2358yes it has wasted enough time paste the log here if i was in there i want to see it17:12
Chaos2358you had no problem pasting any of my other communications paste those as well17:13
ikoniayou know that channel is not publicly logged17:13
ikoniahowever I'm sure it won't be hard to get the logs17:13
Chaos2358yea right it's bs dude17:13
Chaos2358i want the logs17:13
ikoniaChaos2358: wait17:13
ikoniaChaos2358: I owe you a very very humble apologiy17:13
ikoniaI'm getting you mixed up with another user from last night17:14
Chaos2358thank you17:14
ikoniamy sinceer apologies17:14
ikoniaI've just checked my own logs, %101 my mistake, and apologies17:14
Chaos2358as i said i have done alot but never lied about any of it17:14
ikonianope, that was my mistake and I'm totally at fault, public apologies,17:14
Chaos2358i was raised to be a man of my word and i've never lied about anything i've done17:14
Chaos2358now as i asked before can my ban be lifted?17:15
ikonianope, fully my fault, again apologies, that wasn't you last night, that was another user we where having an issue with17:15
ikoniaChaos2358: has 24 hours passed ?17:15
ikonia21:07 <+ikonia> @mark #ubuntu-ops Chaos2358 again told to come back in 24 hours to show he can follow17:16
ikoniatime is now17:16
Chaos2358though im not sure exactlly what time it was i spoke to you i know it was around noon my time17:16
Chaos2358ok well no it hasnt' i'm sorry i dont really keep track of the actual time17:16
ikoniaok, so if I remove the ban there will be no more problems17:17
ikoniagive me a minute - as you took my false and wrong characeter assination pretty solid there17:17
Chaos2358i mean look at this. you just repeatedly insulted my integrity and i didnt flip out on you did i?17:17
Chaos2358and thank you17:18
ikoniaChaos2358: can you try joining #ubuntu now please ?17:20
Chaos2358it still says i'm banned17:21
ikoniahang on17:21
ikoniatry now17:21
Chaos2358and thank you17:21
ikoniaChaos2358: there you go, apologiese for the wrong person17:21
ikoniathat was %100 my fault17:21
Chaos2358but for future refference " though i dont plan on speaking with you under the same circumstances" i'm a man of my word i do wrongs but i own them17:22
Chaos2358oh and what about off topic?17:23
ikonialets see how you get on in #ubuntu first please17:23
Chaos2358ok no prob17:23
Chaos2358no thank you17:23
ikoniaapologies to all - totally my fault17:24
ubottuIn ubottu, tavish said: loony is loony llama, codename for ubuntu 11.10 proposed bby tavish to nobody in particular17:24
erUSULhi ikonia17:26
erUSULthe problem is:17:26
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Natty Narwhal and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Natty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:26
ikoniathanks erUSUL struggling a bit, can you explain without the noise and lets see what we can do17:26
ikoniaooh, it's the varibles17:26
erUSULimho it should say Maverick for a few days17:26
ikoniaok, tsimpson ping, as I'm not sure how the varible system works with the bot17:27
erUSULmany people will be asking « if i installed Alpha/Beta/RC of 10.10 do i have the final version .... » for weeks to come17:27
tsimpsonikonia: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins#Variables17:28
ikoniatsimpson: help me out a little please, juggling a bit here17:28
tsimpsonif you want, just s/Devel/Stable/17:28
ubottufinal aliases: beta, already - added by LjL on 2007-04-19 18:02:54 - last edited by jussi on 2010-08-01 05:40:1817:28
tsimpsonwe can edit it again later17:28
tsimpson!final ~= s/Devel/Stable/17:29
ubottuI'll remember that tsimpson17:29
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Natty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:29
tsimpson!final ~= s/Devel/Stable/17:29
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:29
erUSULcheers; lightning quick ;) cu17:29
ikoniathanks tsimpson17:32
ikoniapopey: can you eyeball this as your active please17:42
popeyis that really a useful link on the page?17:43
popey"Detailed instructions in a blog post"17:43
ikoniajust check the upgrade stuff first please, I'm house keeping now17:44
popeyoh ok17:44
popeylooks sane17:44
ikoniaok, I'll fix the other page and get them up, then house keep17:44
ikonianeed a working guide first, before I polish17:44
ikoniapopey: where was that link ?17:50
ikoniaif someone could eyeball the parent page also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:52
ikoniajust check for sanity, then the docs should be usable17:52
MaverickOneikonia: page isn't loading for me but I think it has to do with the torrent seeding17:59
=== MaverickOne is now known as IdleOne
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: plis1 is <reply> Maverick Meerkat - ubuntu 10.10 is now released, #ubuntu+1 is temporarily closed. If you need support please use #ubuntu.20:45
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: plus1 is <reply> Maverick Meerkat - ubuntu 10.10 is now released, #ubuntu+1 is temporarily closed. If you need support please use #ubuntu.20:45
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: SoftSource is <reply> Looking for Software Sources? Right click on the Applications menu and click Edit Menus > Administration and check the box next to Software Sources to add it back to the menu.20:52
ikoniahow are people talking in +1, I thought it was set to mute21:01
IdleOneI don't see any talking in +121:02
IdleOnethe factoid I suggested was for people asking about +1 in #u21:02
ikoniaI'm an idiot, I was in -ot21:04
nhandlerikonia: Don't feel bad. I've gotten +1 and -ot mixed up a few times (as jussi will agree)21:05
tonyyarussosigh - I was hoping someone else would do it, b/c I'm feeling lazy21:05
IdleOnelol ikonia21:05
IdleOnecmon add my factoids, they are helpful :)21:06
tonyyarussoplus1 is <reply> !Maverick Meerkat - ubuntu 10.10 is now released, #ubuntu+1 is temporarily closed. If you need support please use #ubuntu.  It will re-open when the !Natty toolchain is uploaded.21:06
IdleOnespecially the SoftSource, we are going to get asked that a lot21:06
tonyyarussoExplain to me what that one's about?21:06
IdleOneSoftware Sources is not in the default menu anymore21:07
IdleOneit's hidden21:07
IdleOnebut can easily be added back21:07
IdleOneas mentioned above21:07
ikoniais it not in system->administration ?21:07
IdleOnenot on the default install21:08
IdleOnein fact it was hidden in a update21:08
ikoniaI my test machine is an update and it's there21:08
IdleOnegot hidden for me and others21:09
* persia suspects it depends on whether the user has previously customised the menu, having two machines with differing behaviour, both upgrades21:10
ikoniamy 10.04 was stock21:10
ikoniasoftware sources is not hidden in 10.04 so I didn't have to unhide it21:10
ikoniaupgraded and it was still there21:10
ikoniaI used it to change the release from lts to normal21:10
IdleOneyes, in 10.04 it is there but after the upgrade it is gone for some21:11
IdleOnenot sure why21:12
IdleOne!repeat | jpds21:24
ubottujpds: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com21:24
ubottuPunctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter21:25
jpds!10.10 is <reply>Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101021:26
ubottuBut 10.10 already means something else!21:26
jpds!no, 10.10 is <reply>Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101021:26
ubottuI'll remember that jpds21:26
MichealHHello I was wondering when +1 gets -m? Is it after UDS?21:39
MichealHOr after Alpha1?21:39
IdleOnein a bout a week21:42
IdleOneor so21:42
MichealHDo we _need_ to leave the channel?21:42
MichealHLike on +121:42
IdleOneyou can idle there but it is muted21:42
IdleOneso won't be able to talk21:43
MichealHIts good to stay there (So i dont forget incase i need it)21:43
IdleOneI guess so21:44
MichealHAnyway, Thanks (and a well done on today in #u-r-p - I wouldnt have handled that much pressure)21:44
MichealHAnd that many +b's :P21:44
IdleOnemost of us didn't handle the pressure either but we acted like we did21:44
* IdleOne speaks for self21:44
Tm_Twhat pressure?21:44
MichealHIdleOne: I could see like that you lot ser getting a little, twitchy...21:45
IdleOnedum dum dum dee dee dum dum21:45
IdleOneUnder Pressure21:45
topylican't touch this!21:45
MichealHOkies, I cant wait for the next party!21:46
* IdleOne slaps topyli with a large narwhal21:46
ubottu━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊21:46
MichealHI promise to be a good citizen in #u-r-p from now on :)21:46
MichealHtopyli: haha21:46
IdleOneMichealH: that is all we ask :)21:46
MichealHI used to love that command21:46
MichealHIdleOne: Yup :D21:46
IdleOnebe a good Ubuntu community member21:46
MichealHIm thinking of going for membership ~ January21:47
MichealHI have helped alot towards Maverick21:47
MichealHNore for natty :P21:47
topylithat's how its done! :)21:48
MichealHAnyway I will follow the topic and /part. Thanks for your company in #u-r-p! :D21:48
IdleOneleft it for you tonyyarusso had a feeling you were lurking about22:08
tonyyarussoI mean really, if you're going to insult people at least don't hilight them...22:09
IdleOnethey were looking for a ban22:09
AmaranthHmm, seems we don't really spike on release days anymore22:40
IdleOnethis release was not as BIG22:41
Seeker`possibly because of the timing?22:42
Seeker`10am on a sunday morning...22:42
Seeker`usually it is 2 or 3 on a weekday afternoon22:43
IdleOneI don't think the timing was an issue22:43
IdleOnejust seemed to me that it wasn't as hyped as 10.0422:43
nhandlerIdleOne: Mostly to do with jono if I had to guess. He was fairly silent about this release.22:44
persiaAlso helps that everyone's desktop didn't tell them they should update today.22:44
IdleOnenhandler: possibly, not placing blame on anybody just this release was not as talked about22:44
IdleOnepersia: +122:44
tonyyarussoYeah, we didn't come anywhere NEAR our channel records.22:44
IdleOneLTS is set to LTS only so that helped? some22:44
nhandlerIdleOne: I'm not blaming him. He just atracts very large crowds with his blog posts/tweets22:45
tonyyarusso#ubuntu is 600 shy, and -r-p was what, maybe a third the size?22:45
IdleOneoh I know nhandler, didn't mean to imply you were :)22:45
tonyyarussoWell, we always have the standard fallback - blamepopey.22:46
nhandlertonyyarusso: What did -party peak at this time? It peaked at over 1200 last time22:46
IdleOneright around there22:46
tonyyarussoit was 1519 last time22:46
Seeker`I think it was time-based22:46
Seeker`10am on a sunday is never particularly busy22:47
IdleOnebut like rww mentioned maybe the fact the the bots were setting +r at times made a difference22:47
IdleOneSeeker`: I know that at 6AM this morning I was more then beat and ready for sleep22:48
IdleOneso yeah the US was not as much of a factor22:49
IdleOnethe Americas rather22:49
tonyyarussoI think the release itself is a big factor though - I for one am planning to not upgrade, for the first time.22:50
tonyyarussoThere just isn't enough reason to for me.22:50
Tm_Tthere's nothing interesting new22:50
IdleOneI agree22:50
tonyyarussoThe supposedly faster Evolution would be nice, but I think that's about all that looked interesting in the release notes.22:51
tonyyarussoThey still haven't made Evolution properly minimize to the messaging menu, nor can your calendar be used to automatically set your IM availability status22:52
IdleOnedon't know what is so fast about Evolution. seems as slow as ever to me22:52
topylinor can you im or call people from the address book22:53
tonyyarusso^^ also this22:53
topylitelepathic evolution or doom!22:53
tonyyarussoIn short, all of the awesomeness that we were promised from telepathy years ago is still vaporware.22:54
tonyyarussoIt's just a different backend that does the exact same thing as before.22:54
topyliandroid and meego have all that already22:54
topylijust steal it dammit!22:54
topylitonyyarusso: telepathy awesomeness is real not vapor. eds just doesn't talk to it22:59
topylion desktop. on meego it does22:59
tonyyarussotopyli: *on ubuntu, I meant23:00
persiaSo, uh, this is fixable if someone wants to make it "just work", but it needs someone to go find out why it works/doesn't work, etc.23:07

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