
=== nhandler is now known as Guest26812
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jelmerari-tczew: I'm also inclined to wait for beta5 to be released00:33
ari-tczewjelmer: do you know the date of beta5 release?00:35
ari-tczewis there any milestone final?00:35
jelmerari-tczew: vila is probably the right person to ask. That might not be until the new year though00:46
ari-tczewjelmer: personally I can wait, dunno how other Ubuntu developers.00:49
ari-tczewpropably it can stay until 3rd Jan when Canonical staff come back00:50
jelmerari-tczew: at this point we either need to fix those two remaining FTBFS issues that have come up or disable the test run during package build00:51
ari-tczewjelmer: maybe doko_ can do it00:51
jelmerari-tczew: do what?00:52
ari-tczewjelmer: fix FTBFS00:52
jelmerari-tczew: it's not a Python issue00:53
jelmerari-tczew: one of the bugs is also a known issue, we just don't have a fix for it yet00:53
=== michael is now known as Guest44275
pmceneryHi. Does anybody know where I can find the "Launchpad Buildd Administrators team"?09:44
pmceneryI've got a failed build of MySQL for hardy in my PPA, but the lpia built correctly, and I have no issues with sbuild... Who can I get more info from?09:45
wgrantpmcenery: Can you find the error in that log?10:42
tsimpsonwgrant: seems to be: mysql-test-run: *** ERROR: Could not create testcase server port: No such file or directory10:51
wgrantI know that.10:51
wgrantBut I was wondering if pmcenery did.10:52
tsimpsonah, ok :)10:52
pmcenerytsimpson: I found that error, and it looks like it couldnt open the port to run the test server.11:56
pmcenerySo... I thought I'd look at the lpia one which did build. Surprising... its got the same error! And it didnt end the build process.11:57
pmceneryNote... this package was simply taken from latest Debian, and a "backport" comment added in the changelog. Its not like something that I have put together myself...12:00
maxbpmcenery: A logical supposition, then, would be that it could be a race condition12:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
WasserDragoonHi there, I'm currently trying to create a new team, but after the form submit i just get "No REFERER Header". My browser doesn't block REFERER headers.13:35
WasserDragoonok seems to be browser specific, using google chrome works13:36
WasserDragoonmaybe any addon or something13:36
beunolifeless, ^   another one with the same problem13:38
beunoodd to have 2 people with the same issue so close together13:38
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=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
dangerouslyfluffwhere is the acutal url to the bazaar repository for any given branch?16:57
henningedangerouslyfluff: what do you mean by "actual url"?17:01
dangerouslyfluffI have a client that does not understand lp:branch URIs17:02
dangerouslyfluffI need an http:// or https:// or bzr:// link17:03
dangerouslyfluffI don't have write access17:04
dangerouslyfluffisn't +ssh only for write access?17:05
dangerouslyfluffhenninge: isn't bzr+ssh only for write access?17:09
henningedangerouslyfluff: have you tried https:// with that address?17:10
henningeIn the browser that takes me to the webinterface (loggerhead).17:10
dangerouslyfluffI thought http://17:11
henningeor that. works, too.17:11
henningein the browser17:11
dangerouslyfluffbut with a client?17:13
dangerouslyfluffhttps://dev.launchpad.net/Getting seems to indicate http://bazaar.launchpad.net17:15
henningedangerouslyfluff: yes, I think that should work. I just never use it much, so I was a bit unsure.17:18
maxbdangerouslyfluff: Launchpad, specifically, supports either http:// (read-only) or bzr+ssh:// (read-only OR read-write depending on your permissions for the branch in question).17:25
dangerouslyfluffgit-bzr: Remote is not a bazaar repository17:31
dangerouslyfluffdoes loggerhead make tarballs automatically?17:40
henningedangerouslyfluff: what url did you pass to git-bzr there?17:41
dangerouslyfluffwait, I think the problem is I need bzr first XD17:41
dangerouslyfluffI was hoping giz-bzr didn't include all of bazaar17:42
dangerouslyfluffI wound up using bzr explorer17:59
dangerouslyfluffyou know, bazaar should really have a batch/shortcut to it in the folder, I can't add desktop or start menu shortcuts on my work computer18:00
ari-tczewI received a ticker from RT. how can I use it?18:52
lifelessbeuno: perhaps ff 4 beta is turning it off, that or some addon has done a revision that disables referer19:56
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