
saganbytewthpr0: okay, thanks.. basically i logout of this live cd session and boot from the cd?00:00
saganbytewthpr0: ok, :)00:00
zhosteanybody know if there's a way to remove the bottom status bar from byobu?00:00
hiexpohola ubuntu00:02
angrymatterdw-: ??00:05
peregrine81sshing into a ubuntu server, when I use byobu its in black and white. Non-byobu terminal has full colors.00:05
prezidenthello people i can't find my menu.lst file every where i read its suppose to be in the /boot/grub/ directories but it's no where to be found am i not suppose to have this file?00:05
bgyHow to check if a package is installed ?00:05
bgyon cli00:05
Varc!hi | bgy00:05
angrymatterrebooted... still no wireless on my pavilion tx 1000 :(00:05
Dementiocan someone please help me, this is driving me nuts00:05
edbianprezident, That's the old grub.  there is a new grub now.  You don't edit menu.lst directly anymore00:05
edbian!grub2 | prezident00:05
ubottuprezident: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:05
zhosteprezident, i think ubuntu uses grub2, which doesn't use the menu.lst file.00:05
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:06
Dementiozhoste: correct, grub200:06
edbianzhoste, It has one.  It's in a different place, and you don't edit it directly anymore00:06
prezidentok thanx guys00:06
peregrine81anyone else have this issue>?00:06
bl4ckc00k1ehi, i was all day with this bug: i havent got good internet on my browser, only i can go to google and youtube... i cant enter in other sytes, all the browser tellme waiting....00:06
edbianbl4ckc00k1e, name a site you cannot access.00:07
kahbl4ckc00k1e: uhm, maybe it's a dns problem00:07
prezidentso is their a way i can change my boot menu picture ?00:07
bl4ckc00k1ein youtube i can see videos, etc, but i cant go to other palces, and hapen in all browser crome, lynx, firefox, etc00:07
Dementiogrub2 config is /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:07
bl4ckc00k1eedbian, all browsers00:07
edbianbl4ckc00k1e, name a SITE you cannot visit in it's entirety00:08
fiberHi, I have a question about screen that's been bugging me for a while.  I detatch/resume sessions on multiple computers with X forwarding and I constantly need to update the DISPLAY env variable for every window every time I do this... is there a binding or command I can run to set the enviroment variable for all windows in the current session (and subsequent windows)?00:08
peregrine81anyone else have SSH and Screen experience, where Screen has no colors?00:08
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: can you name a site you can't enter ?00:08
bl4ckc00k1eedbian, for example facebook00:08
bl4ckc00k1eits all places00:08
edbianbl4ckc00k1e, can you ping facebook ?00:08
prezidentthanx Dementio thats what i was looking for00:08
bl4ckc00k1eand resolve the ip00:08
bl4ckc00k1eand sen the packet get source00:08
bl4ckc00k1ethe web responding... and nothing...00:08
armenceHello all. I would like to download the ISO over ftp. How can I do that?00:09
bl4ckc00k1ebut google and youtube works perfect00:09
edbianBlazento, what do you mean 'and sen the packet get source, the web responding... and nothing...'  YOu're not making sense00:09
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: do you get a respons00:09
bl4ckc00k1ein my resolv.conf, its the ip of router, i change to other dns, and the problem still00:09
prezidenti have a dell xps one which comes with on screen buttons it worked when i was using windows is their a way i can get them to work in ubuntu00:09
edbianprezident, What are unscreen buttons?  Is this a touchscreen computer?00:10
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, yes, only the header00:10
edbianonly the header?00:11
bl4ckc00k1ethe header, some times..00:11
peregrine81is their anywhere else I can ask this question?00:11
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: do you get a respons from the ping ?00:11
edbianbl4ckc00k1e, What are you talking about?  The header of the packets?  The header of facebook?00:11
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, yes00:11
prezidenti meant onscreen buttons on the side of the screen is has buttons like eject play mute rewind their on the screen physically not in the computer ? if you know what i mean00:11
Dementioanyone good with snd configs?00:11
edbianprezident, Is it a touch screen computer?  Are they touchscreen buttons?00:11
angrymatterHow do I remove the Nut driver ? Its driving me nuts !00:12
prezidenti guess you can call them touchscreen buttons but its not an actual touchscreen computer just have the couple of touch screen buttons00:12
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: try wget facebook.com00:12
zulaxi have a bindserver at and dig example.com works from that machine -  but from other comp. in lan, it doesnt even see as a name server00:12
Dementioangrymatter: apply nutdriver-0.11.57-200:12
bl4ckc00k1ethe last packet that i send its with flag push to the website00:12
edbianprezident, Can you give me a picture from the internet or something?  I don't understand00:12
prezidentok hold on00:13
angrymatterDementio: LOL... I was running an old version. thanks :D00:13
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, Reusing existing connection to www.facebook.com:80. HTTP request sent, awaiting response...00:13
bl4ckc00k1eand before HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: http://www.facebook.com/common/browser.php [following]00:14
bl4ckc00k1ei cant put on pastebind... i cant enter there .S00:14
bl4ckc00k1eits strange...00:14
prezidentedbian did you get that00:14
gmgDoes anybody know why Rhythmbox stalls while playing online radio?00:14
wthpr0zulax: you know a coupter won't find a nameserver00:14
edwardteachwhat logs can i use to find out what caused my system to crash after a usb problem ? just transferring avi files from one to another ! anyone?00:15
Dementiogmg: stalls how? consistently? or just when starting?00:15
wthpr0you have to enter thte nameserver on the client comp00:15
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: did you get the site +00:15
zulaxwthpr0, right, my routers primary name server is and secondary is opendns00:15
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, nop, still waiting00:15
gmgWhilwe I am trying out some stations then all of a sudden it bombs out then I have to restart it again00:16
wthpr0witch dns dose have ?00:16
wthpr0ea. cat /etc/resolv.conf00:16
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: try traceroute facebook.com00:16
zulaxwthpr0, and then
zulaxwthpr0, i have limited knowledge but I have been struggling for days to make it work00:17
wthpr0zulax: so you have the router sat to and set to the router ?00:17
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, 30 jumps and close... i cant see the last jumps00:18
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: dose any of the have a very long time ?00:18
zulaxwthpr0, router's primary dns is 1.5,  and resolv.conf has 1.5 and 1.100:18
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, the jump 1600:18
bl4ckc00k1ebut no so much00:19
scutumhow can I protect my gf computer that is using kubuntu from keyloggers/viruses/worms00:19
bl4ckc00k1e166.612 ms00:19
edbianscutum, You don't have to do anything with linux :)00:19
zulaxscutum, have a user with no sudo privileges00:19
edbianscutum, Teach her not to install random programs from the Internet00:19
bl4ckc00k1enext the 16 ump all is like         * *   * to 30 jump00:19
zulaxedbian, noscript00:19
edwardteachscutum, install linux!00:19
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: that is normal00:19
scutumedbian, what about FTP?00:20
=== karl8824 is now known as LinuxLovaaaaaa
wthpr0zulax: what os do you have on the other comp ?00:20
Dementioso, uh, anyone wanna help me with my sound issue?00:20
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, maybe, but my problem isnt normal xD, its strange no?00:20
edbianscutum, FTP ??  What about it?  Is she using it?00:20
bezaoanyone knows a free linux/ubuntu program like plesk/cpanel?00:20
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: yes it is :P00:20
zulaxwthpr0, my pc is linux, the server(1.5) is linux00:20
zulaxall ubuntu00:20
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: can you test with any other computer ?00:20
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, i am thimkin in format....00:20
scutumwould be good00:20
* zulax <3 Ubuntu00:20
ZykoticK9scutum, FTP sends password in clear text - avoid it if you are concerned about security00:20
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, o yes! the virtualizacion works, and the other computer too00:21
LinuxLovaaaaaaSFTP is the secure way to transfer files00:21
scutumLinuxLovaaaaaa, a good program?00:21
wthpr0zulax:what do you get when you run nslookup youtube.com from the client com  ?00:21
wthpr0comp *00:21
zulaxscutum, if you are on linux box, useing ssh is safe as well00:21
brosHow can I from the command line, remotely, with no access to the hardware, tell if headphones are plugged in to the laptop?00:21
Dementioscp ftw00:21
bezaoanyone knows a free linux/ubuntu program like plesk/cpanel?00:21
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: dose youtube and those who work look quick ?00:22
jakendallhello all00:22
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, in youtube i can see videos, etc and google the same00:22
LinuxLovaaaaaascutum: try WinSCP -- http://winscp.net00:22
bl4ckc00k1eits like, only i can go to the webs of google!00:22
jakendallI have a simple question...in ubuntu 10.10 how can I add things to my path?00:22
zulaxwthpr0, http://pastebin.com/dDfFkbYa00:23
guampabl4ckc00k1e: msgd you at #ubuntu-es00:23
Dementiojakendall: ~/.profile00:23
bezaoanyone knows a free linux/ubuntu program like plesk/cpanel?00:23
zulaxbezao, webmin00:23
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: can you past the ip you get from pinging facebook00:23
zulaxwthpr0, is caching somewhere causeing the problem?00:24
bezaozulax it easy to configure? have any tutorials00:24
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, PING www.facebook.com (
wthpr0zulax: you just want it to use 1.5 as nameserver insted ?00:24
zulaxwthpr0, yes,00:24
jakendallDementio, export PATH=${PATH}:/home/dell/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/00:25
jakendalljust add that to ./profile correct?00:25
=== BrokenXhalo is now known as Azoriath
Tasteim having an error when installing teamspeak 3 ... it reads gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.00:25
TastePlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.00:25
TasteSelect a character encoding from the menu and try agai00:25
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: try past that into your browser insted00:25
zulaxwthpr0, in my homenetwork, i want to be able to do say, filez.hm and be able to go to server)00:25
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, the same result i did it00:25
wthpr0zulax: change /etc/reslov.conf00:25
zulaxwthpr0, in client?00:25
wthpr0zulax: yes00:26
=== root is now known as Guest50510
Dementiojakendall: PATH="/home/dell/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/:$PATH"00:26
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: hmm...00:26
xiackok1i bought a new laptop :) and its 64-bit, if i install ubuntu-64bit is it make different except perfomance? i mean 32bit packages or programs runs normal? sorry about bad english00:26
Dementiojakendall: add that to .profile00:26
scutumLinuxLovaaaaaa, that is for windows00:26
zulaxwthpr0, but <just hypothetical> i cant access my friends laptops00:26
jribxiackok1: main benefit of 64bit is the ability to address 4+ gb of ram00:27
wthpr0zulax: where is your frinds lapptop ?00:27
zulaxwthpr0, i was hoping bind9 would do the entire trick00:27
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, no ideas no? formating maybe its the best idea xD00:27
jakendallDementio: do I have to log out and back in for changes to take?00:27
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: i'm thinking00:27
TasteSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again00:27
Dementiojakendall: yeah00:27
Dementiotakes effect on login00:28
xiackok1jrib: i have 4 gib ram00:28
zulaxwthpr0, he has windows but I am hoping to be able to achieve this without affecting anybodys resolv.conc - if thats possible00:28
bl4ckc00k1ethanks wthpr000:28
=== JackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine-AFK
Tasteim donnloading the ts3 linux version and i get this error gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.00:28
TastePlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.00:28
TasteSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again00:28
jribxiackok1: I'd recommend 64bit then, it works great00:28
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: try go to https://www.facebook.com/00:28
jakendallok thank you very much for your help Dementio00:28
xiackok1jrib: ok thanks00:28
jakendallI appreciate it00:28
Dementioor you could run export PATH="/home/dell/android-sdk-linux_x86/tools/:$PATH"00:28
zulaxwthpr0, becasue all my friends pcs also go to router first and the router's primary dns is 1.500:28
ZykoticK9xiackok1, 64bit is for more advanced users.  2 hints: ia32-libs for general 32bit compatibility and 2) getlibs script for installing 32bit libraries00:28
wthpr0zulax: you will need to get your routers DHCP server to send out as the dns server00:29
m2mgxiackok1: you can run 64bit and 32 programs on 64bit OS and if you have more than 4GB ram and want to use it then go with 64bit00:29
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:29
melkorcan I turn off the update notifier?00:29
itaylor57there are lots more advantages to 64 bit than addressible ram00:29
bl4ckc00k1ewhat can be hapen??00:29
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: hm....00:29
melkorIf I uninstall it, then ubuntu-desktop is removed and that doesn't sound good.00:29
ZykoticK9itaylor57, "lots" really?  faster encoding of multimedia and?00:29
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: when you enterd google and youtube was it http:// or https://00:29
xanguamelkor: software center> edit> sources> updates00:29
Dementiomelkor: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package00:29
zulaxwthpr0, i thought i did that : my router has 2 dns fields and the primary is 1.5 and secondary is opendns (and client always uses opendns)00:30
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, http00:30
Dementiomelkor: it's safe to uninstall00:30
wthpr0zulax: set the secondary to 1.5 aswell00:30
itaylor57ZykoticK9: from a programming standpoint00:30
zulaxwthpr0, ok, will try that00:30
ZykoticK9itaylor57, true i guess (i'm not a programmer myself)00:30
melkorxangua: I don't know what the 'software center' is.  Is it in 10.04?00:31
xanguamelkor: software centre00:31
wthpr0zulax: and in the resolv.con on 1.5 set opendns or whatever you want00:31
itaylor57ZykoticK9: using java 64 vs 32 I can address exponentially larger arrays00:31
jakendallDementio: that didnt work00:31
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: this is wired00:32
jakendallthere is a program called ddms in ~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/ I am trying to run00:32
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, wired?00:32
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: what do you get when you run sudo iptables-save ?00:32
xiackok1and i have a one more question. if i install ubuntu 10.10 and one year later ubuntu relase 11 version i need reinstall my sistem or upgrade to the new version ?00:32
wn1zidon the applet indicator in 10.10, is it possible to not have the chat envelope there ?00:32
jakendallDementio: I added that to my path and ddms does not work00:32
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: weird*00:32
trismwn1zid: uninstall indicator-messages00:33
jobu1342I'm interested in using update-motd on an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installation, but contrary to the documentation, no 'update-motd' binary seems to exist.00:33
wn1zidok, nice, thanks00:33
Dementiojakendall: run echo $PATH00:33
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, private00:33
zulaxwthpr0, does the router cache? or 1.5 server? or my box?00:34
Dementiodoes your addiition show up?00:34
jobu1342I've done some searching on the internet & ubuntu forums, and found out that some people have had luck with it when they installed the landscape-common package, but I would like to avoid that if possible.00:34
bl4ckc00k1ei cant spam here :P00:34
jobu1342any ideas? How is update-motd supposed to work?00:34
jribjobu1342: read « man 5 update-motd »?00:34
jakendallDementio: yes as a matter of fact 3 times00:34
skyfirehow to memory test on ubuntu 10.1000:35
protieE: The package dcp1000lpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.00:35
protie any ides?00:35
jakendallDementio" ?00:36
melkorskyfire: do you have the option when you boot?00:36
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, i send you the command showś in a private00:36
jakendallDementio: ?00:36
itaylor57skyfire: System -> administration -> system testing00:36
ChilaquilesMy ubuntu keeps freezing and then restarting by itself which sucks!! is there any way to know why is it doing that?00:36
skyfiremelkor, there no option it boot at log in dialog00:36
jobu1342jrib: thanks for the reply! I did read the man page, and I've installed a script in the the update-motd.d folder, but it doesn't run on login00:36
wthpr0zulax: yes it dose00:36
melkorskyfire: are you using grub?00:36
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: and i responded there aswell :)00:37
skyfiremelkor, no it direct's on log in00:37
jobu1342I have verified the script does run properly.00:37
Jordan_Uskyfire: Hold shift during boot to get the grub menu.00:37
jribjobu1342: I have no experience with it, however are you sure it doesn't get executed (i.e. it's not a mistake in the script) and did you make it executable?00:37
skyfireJordan_U, ok thanks00:37
=== jakendall is now known as eleph
Jordan_Uskyfire: You're welcome.00:38
jobu1342jrib: Yes, I can run it using the ./ syntax without issue00:38
Dementioeleph: which walkthrough wre you following?00:38
jobu1342I thought it would be that simple too.00:38
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, i cant do the last command00:38
protiecan someone atleast tell me what dcp1000lpr is?00:38
Dementioit tell you to install eclipse?00:38
jribjobu1342: what if you copy an existing working script and rename it, does the output get duplicated?00:39
elephDementio: yes and eclipse is installed00:39
ChilaquilesMy ubuntu keeps freezing and then restarting by itself which sucks!! is there any way to know why is it doing that?00:39
wthpr0bl4ckc00k1e: ok but if you do iptables-save again dose it say anything ?00:39
jobu1342jrib: let me try that00:39
jribjobu1342: I actually wasn't aware of this so I'm going to be making some edits myself :)00:39
elephI just want to be able to open up a new term and run those commands00:39
TasteCan someone help me install TS3 im having an issue...00:39
bl4ckc00k1ewthpr0, private00:40
Dementioeleph: without installing it myself, i dunno00:40
edbianTaste, what is TS3 ?00:40
itaylor57eleph: what commands?00:40
jobu1342jrib: It didn't duplicate the output on my box. Some of the older documentation suggests you need to wait 10 minutes because the motd is updated via a cronjob00:40
jobu1342jrib: however, the newer documentation says that it is updated right away00:40
TasteTs3 is teamspeak 3 a VOip program but im having problems with the linux installer00:40
saganbytewthpr0: Hi there00:40
skyfirei have question, when i play games on facebook it's hang my computer, do you think my adobe flash is corrupt?00:40
zulaxwthpr0, in my zones/example.com.db I have this line"ns1INA192.168.1.500:40
Dementioitaylor57: he's tyrying to get teh android sdk working00:41
elephitaylor57: ddms....adb00:41
elephwell it works00:41
saganbyteI m still unable to install Ubuntu 10.10 side by side to Windows00:41
zulaxwthpr0, does that mean this is the primary server?00:41
saganbyteI just dont get that option00:41
edbianTaste, sure I'll give it a shot. What's the issue?  Can you give me a link so I can see the package here?00:41
jobu1342jrib: I don't know what to think, because the documentation seems to be out of date either way.00:41
elephI cant get the commands to run via a new opened term00:41
zulaxsaganbyte, did you try wubi?00:41
elephI have to nav to those dirs00:41
jribjobu1342: have you waited 10 minutes?00:41
saganbytezulax: do you mean the installation where ubuntu resides inside Windows?00:41
jobu1342jrib: since I initially wrote my script it's been several hours00:42
zulaxsaganbyte, yes00:42
saganbytezulax: I really want a separate installation.. i cud ve also used virtual box00:42
emorrishi, if I'm in the audio group, is it possible to remotely login through ssh then play a sound through the remote box's speakers?00:42
jribjobu1342: I can't actually find any cron entry for it00:42
Jordan_Usaganbyte: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?00:42
Dementioany sound gurus here?00:42
zulaxsaganbyte, but i think wubi does that as well (unless it doesnt now)00:42
saganbyteJordan_U: yes sure00:42
Jordan_U!anyone | Dementio00:42
ubottuDementio: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:42
gmgCan anyone tell me how to use a bluetooth stick as a "bluetooth earpiece" SOUNDS WIERD Not really, I did it with Windows. I would like to receive calls playing via my computer speakers00:42
siesonI am trying to set environment variables in a shell script, but when the script exits, no variable is set when running env! does anyone know why?00:43
jobu1342jrib: I know, which is weird, right?00:43
wthpr0zulax: how do you mean ?00:43
jribjobu1342: I created a new file and it worked for me immediately00:43
jobu1342jrib: do you have landscape-common installed?00:43
jobu1342jrib: I'm trying to get it to work without that package00:43
jribjobu1342: I do not00:44
wthpr0saganbyte: yes ?00:44
saganbyteJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/tK6nhW4400:44
elephitaylor57: any thoughts00:44
jobu1342jrib: that's so strange. All you did was apt-get install update-motd, right?00:44
wthpr0saganbyte: you sure you diden't download the live cd image ?00:44
Jordan_Usaganbyte: Are you familiar with the limit of only 4 primary partitions with an msdos partition table?00:44
ChilaquilesMy ubuntu keeps freezing and then restarting by itself which sucks!! is there any way to know why is it doing that?00:44
DementioJordan_U: i've asked the question several times, didn't want to spam it again00:45
saganbytewthpr0: Jordan_U yes, that kinda popped up a coupla times00:45
WaltherFIAnyone got Kindle and Ubuntu?00:45
induzhow to get back to normal default Desktop panel as i am losing colors00:45
saganbytewthpr0: do you think i hav the wrong cd?00:45
jribjobu1342: I didn't install anything, already had update-motd.  Created /etc/update-motd.d/15-jrib with "#!/bin/sh; echo; echo "jrib is awesome"" in it and then ran « ssh localhost »00:45
itaylor57eleph: I haven't worked with the android sdk, and using eclipse00:45
Dementioneed some help getting hdmi audio working. "aplay -D plughw:0,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" works. video card is nvidia gt 430. installed pulseaudio and it worked until i rebooted. i have to rerun the aplay line everytime to get sound working in X00:45
saganbytewthpr0: it does have the option to install or try00:45
zulaxwthpr0, well dont know exactly what I am asking for myself, my client is slow now doing nsloopup00:45
gmgDoes anyone know anything from bluetooth?00:45
wthpr0saganbyte: what happens when you try ?00:45
jribgmg: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:46
zulaxwthpr0, i have a feeling something is happening but not confident,00:46
zulaxwthpr0, so if its running fine then i could make google.com go to youtube.com in my home network right?00:46
gmgWhat do you mean?00:46
saganbytewthpr0: well i havent done that yet but when i fail to install, i end up in what try shud do, i end up in the Live mode where i m right now00:46
Jordan_UDementio: Asking "any sound gurus here?" is no less spam, but much less likely to get a usefull response. Just repeat your question (not too frequently of course).00:46
itaylor57eleph: I am looking at it to see if I can help00:46
jribgmg: suppose someone knows something about bluetooth, what would you ask then?00:46
wthpr0zulax: yes00:47
saganbyteJordan_U: do you think, i m not able to install coz there are already 4 partitions?00:47
elephok thanks00:47
jobu1342jrib: can you verify that you don't have landscape installed?00:47
Jordan_Usaganbyte: Yes.00:47
elephI have the /tools/ dir in my path00:47
elephbut even ddms will not run00:47
DementioJordan_U: lol, i know, asked again00:47
gmgI would like to receive calls playing via my computer speakers00:47
zulaxwthpr0, nice, for this do i edit the /etc/hosts file on 1.5 or i do everything in the example.com.db file in my zones00:47
jribjobu1342: aptitude search landscape-common returns: p   landscape-common                - The Landscape administration system clie00:47
saganbyteJordan_U: is there something i can do in order to install ubuntu separately, i really dont want it to be inside windows00:47
wthpr0saganbyte: don't you get any error ?00:47
protieGetting error - "E: The package dcp1000lpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." Can anyone help with this?00:47
saganbytewthpr0: i just dont get the option to 'install beside existing os'00:48
jribjobu1342: my guess from reading the man page is that this works together with pam00:48
saganbytewthpr0: and in gparted the new partition i creatd shows as unuseable00:48
Dementioi have to run aplay -D blah blah after reboot to get sound working on hdmi00:48
saganbytewthpr0: which I think Jordan_U pointed out that its more than the 4th partition00:48
zulaxsaganbyte, does deleting the partition and creating new and formatting help?00:48
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
Jordan_Usaganbyte: You can install to a different drive or delete one of the 4 primary partitions you currently have. Deciding which to delete can be difficult.00:48
itaylor57eleph: isn't there a plugin for android sdk?00:49
saganbyteJordan_U: zulax, I m not sure which one to delete00:49
saganbytethough that s a good idea00:49
jobu1342jrib: I'm a little fuzzy on how pam works; maybe something is screwed up there? I've never touched it on this system though.00:49
itaylor57eleph: isn't there a plugin for eclipse android sdk?00:49
jobu1342jrib: it's a pretty new install00:49
saganbyteJordan_U: this is a HP laptop, so its got this own shit on one of the partisitons, shall i delete that one00:49
gmg<jrib> Can you help with this bluetooth issue?00:50
saganbytei just hope it doesnt mess up th windoews.. this is not my computer00:50
jribjobu1342: if you want, you can pastebin a detailed terminal session of what you've done and how you are testing (including ls -l and cat where you think it's appropriate) and I'll check for something you might be missing :)00:50
zulaxsaganbyte, after booting in live cd, you can mount yours disks /dev/sda1.... like that and you can see where the windows installed -  so dont delete that partition00:50
jribgmg: I can't, no00:50
wthpr0zulax: you edit the named.conf.local00:50
StrangeCharmcan i use the startup disk creator to make usb disks other than ubuntu live/install disks?00:50
Jordan_Usaganbyte: Whatever you do, do *not* delete partition #1.00:50
saganbytezulax: I know th windows partition. so any other i delete, is that okay00:51
ZykoticK9StrangeCharm, use unetbootin instead for other distros00:51
jobu1342jrib: you *are* awesome. Hang on a min00:51
elephitaylor57: plugins?00:51
wthpr0zulax: you can try edit the host file i'm not sure what it will take first00:51
zulaxwthpr0, in the named.conf.local i only say that my zone is in zones/example.com.db00:51
zulaxwthpr0, i wish we studied these at school :(00:51
saganbyteJordan_U: what bout the last one, the one with fat3200:51
StrangeCharmthanks ZykoticK900:51
gmgCan someone point me the direction which software I should use for bluetooth audio...00:52
itaylor57eleph: if you are using eclipse to do android sdk you should download the adroid sdk plugin00:52
Jordan_Usaganbyte: That is most likely safe to delete, but I can't give any guarantee.00:52
zulaxsaganbyte, yes than that should be okay BUT BACKUP all your imp windows data first00:52
elephbut that will not allow me to run the commands via term00:52
wthpr0zulax: haha :P00:52
saganbytezulax: theres over 250 gb of crap there... i cant possibly backup.. though i wish i could00:52
wthpr0zulax: now when i think of it, i think you can only edit the host file00:52
zulaxsaganbyte, i mean imp files that you absolutely need00:52
elephitaylor57: and I just did that00:53
Jordan_Usaganbyte: I assume that you have permission to do this from whoever's computer it actually is?00:53
zulaxwthpr0, well i could edit the host file on mine and that woluld solve problem for my pc00:53
jobu1342jrib: Ok, I just uninstalled & reinstalled update-motd, and that's included in the following terminal output:00:53
jobu1342jrib: root@boxX:/etc/update-motd.d# sudo apt-get remove update-motd root@boxX:/etc/update-motd.d# sudo apt-get install update-motd root@boxX:/etc/update-motd.d# ls -l total 36 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  57 2010-04-23 02:45 00-header -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  57 2011-01-24 16:39 01-header -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 141 2011-01-24 15:01 06-raid-status -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 2010-04-23 02:45 10-help-text -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  65 2010-04-100:53
zulaxbut that defeats the purpose of bind9 server00:54
jribjobu1342: use paste.ubuntu.com please :)00:54
wthpr0zulax: sorry, what is your problem xD ?00:54
zulaxwthpr0, well basically i would like files.home to take to for all my clients in the lan00:55
jobu1342jrib: cool. Here's the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/557912/00:55
itaylor57eleph: I can't reproduce, I use open jdk and android sdk needs java sdk sorry00:55
jribjobu1342: your shebang line is wrong, should be: #!/bin/sh00:55
Some_PersonI ran "dd if=/dev/sdb of=~/ubuntu-backup" on an SD card containing an ubuntu install. Now I need to get a file out of this. What should I do? The drive had one ext4 partition00:56
zulaxwthpr0, it is working :) :) :) this is awesome , thank you for your patience00:56
zulaxand help00:56
itaylor57eleph: maybe this link can help http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html00:56
jobu1342jrib: you know what... wow00:56
wthpr0zulax: good :)00:56
induzhow can i get back to my Default icon and desktop00:57
induzGnome has changed by mistake00:57
Jordan_USome_Person: sudo kpartx -a ~/ubuntu-backup; sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0pN /mnt/00:57
induzI have got back the panel but colors are gone00:57
induzi want to get back to default what was with Lucid00:57
jobu1342jrib: update-motd must default to the default motd whenever there is a faulty script00:57
jribjobu1342: hmm, maybe00:58
jobu1342jrib: thanks for your eyes!00:58
jribjobu1342: no problem00:58
induzis there anyway i can get back to default colors and Panles01:00
gmgAny skills on bluetooth audio anyone?01:00
Some_PersonJordan_U: thanks, will try it01:00
Jordan_USome_Person: You're welcome.01:02
Some_PersonJordan_U: Not working: Is device-mapper driver missing from kernel? Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver. device mapper prerequisites not met01:02
jeeves_mossis there a benchmark tool to figure out how many users my FreeRADIUS server can support?01:02
Some_PersonJordan_U: forgot this line: /proc/misc: No entry for device-mapper found01:03
Jordan_USome_Person: What version of Ubuntu are you using?01:03
Some_PersonJordan_U: I'm actually on Debian, but got no answer in #debian01:04
ALmuhhnadHi !01:04
zulaxwthpr0, i am looking at "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236093" and where exactly do i put google.com -> IP= or smthg like that (my thought is in example.com.db)01:05
m2mgJordan_U: which computer I have Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04, and 10.10 plus Fedora 1401:05
induzhow to get default Panles for gnome01:05
Jordan_USome_Person: Try asking about that specific error in #debian.01:05
protienvm solved - error - "E: The package dcp1000lpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it"01:06
aeon-ltd!panels | induz01:06
ubottuinduz: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »01:06
Some_PersonJordan_U: all right, will do01:06
wthpr0insted of example.com01:06
induzaeon-ltd, what is that??01:07
Jordan_Um2mg: My question was not directed at you.01:07
wthpr0zulax: and where you see "www                       IN     A" is where you put the IP01:07
m2mgJordan_U: ok np01:07
induzI got the panel by inserting/typing those command on the terminal but my colors are gone01:07
zulaxwthpr0, like "google.home IN  A"01:08
Benkinoobyhi, booting ubuntu 10.10 requires me to permanently press a (any) key to keep the boot process running. i was not able to find any information about such a problem. any hints here to start?01:09
aeon-ltdinduz: yeah, its a full reset of panel configs01:09
induzubottu, I did that but my colors are different now01:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:09
PatrickC_Pixihow do I use the Ubuntu test it without a Live CD or a USB drive (like from WUBI)01:10
induzaeon-ltd, I did those command on terminal but my colors and looks look different now01:10
induz how to get back to Defaults01:10
elitedevis there any reason why nvidia-current is slower than not installing a driver at all? i have an older geforce 7000m. is there a better option for a driver? new update said they fixed nvidia-96 driver with xorg 1.9, would that be worth trying?01:10
AnthLeeelitedev, use sgfxi to install your graphics driver and see if that resolves the issues you are having01:12
aeon-ltdinduz: those are your defaults01:14
FloatingGoatokay when i click enable desktop effects it enables them but then when i close the appearance preferences its back to no effects. does anyone know what to do?01:14
induzaeon-ltd, but earlier they look different01:14
maria_zkcould sb please help with a noob q?01:15
aeon-ltdinduz: i've no idea, unless you have screenshots of before and after01:15
maria_zkI have root/pass for putty ssh01:15
bjhaidi just reinstalled ubuntu 10.04 on my pc after changing its bad processor and formating the hard-drive, now i detected some problems, the pc would not complete a restart, after i instaled the vga drivers the pc would not come on and with a whole new installation the screen dims and brightens by itself, please can anyone help01:15
m2mgFloatingGoat: what video card do u have01:15
maria_zkhow can i connect with sftp? using a 3rd party ?01:15
FloatingGoatNvidea M2mg. and im sure that it is able to handle the effects01:15
FloatingGoatdirect rendering: Yes01:16
FloatingGoatOpenGL renderer string: GeForce4 MX 420/AGP/SSE201:16
Jon30in VI, how do I "Replace current line" ?01:16
m2mgFloatingGoat: thats an old card and u will have to get the old drivers for that but yes it should work01:17
bjhaidi just reinstalled ubuntu 10.04 on my pc after changing itsbad processor and formating the hard-drive, now i detected some problems,the pc would not complete a restart, after i instaled the vga drivers the pcwould not come on and with a whole new installation the screen dims and brightens by itself, please can anyone help01:17
FloatingGoatm2mg, i have the newest driver01:18
m2mgFloatingGoat: I dont know if the newer drivers will work01:18
FloatingGoati got it from the Nvidea webstie01:18
mohamedi need a proxifier help please01:18
FloatingGoatwhy not? m2mg01:18
induzaeon-ltd, I dont have screenshot of earlier Desktop but...01:18
m2mgFloatingGoat: ok u went through the list and dl them ok01:19
zhostei broke my thumb drive. :(01:19
m2mgFloatingGoat: have u made your xconf file up?01:19
FloatingGoatm2mg no i installed it manually01:19
zhosteit went szzpop01:19
FloatingGoatwhat is that? m2mg01:19
edwardteachJon30,  install vim  then use the vimtutor to teach you the commands !01:19
m2mgFloatingGoat: do u have an icon under admin about nvida settings?01:20
zhosteanybody know how to get rid of the bottom statusbar in byobu? i don't have any status messages down there, and it's wasting space.01:20
FloatingGoatm2mg. no i do not01:21
bjhaidi just reinstalled ubuntu 10.04 on my pc after changing itsbad processor and formating the hard-drive, now i detected some problems,the pc would not complete a restart, after i instaled the vga drivers the pcwould not come on and with a whole new installation the screen dims and brightens by itself, please can anyone help01:21
m2mgFloatingGoat: ok let me look at some thing01:21
mohamedproxifier  anyone can help please ?01:21
FloatingGoatokay m2mg01:22
edwardteachJon30,  but i believe it could be shft r  then Esc01:22
|Long|can someone help me to remote support on grub2 menu issue, will palpal in return01:23
m2mgFloatingGoat: what ver of Ubuntu do u have01:24
=== mauricio is now known as Guest39000
FloatingGoat10.19 m2mg01:26
m2mgFloatingGoat: type this in your terminal and tell me if your nvida settings open up sudo nvidia-xconfig01:28
FloatingGoatUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".01:28
FloatingGoatBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'01:28
FloatingGoatNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'01:28
FloodBot3FloatingGoat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
FloatingGoati didnt bot01:29
|Long|i having issue on booting on grub2 can someone plz help01:30
m2mgFloatingGoat: ok that just read your nvida driver log out and log back in to see if you can apply you settings for windows01:31
Dementiotrying to find a tv tuner card, do i have to get one with ntsc if my apt complex has standard cable?01:31
FloatingGoatokay brb m2mg01:31
Dementiofound the answer somewhere once, but can't remember where01:32
m2mgFloatingGoat: ok01:32
john38Is there a video chat program i can use to chat with somebody using Skype?01:32
ZykoticK9john38, why not use skype?01:32
Dementiojohn38: yeah, skype01:32
emwhy does Ubuntu have a different nc than Debian?01:33
ZykoticK9john38, if you add the partner repo you can install it direct with apt01:33
john38ZykoticK9, didnt work so well when i attemped a chat01:33
Dementiomy 10 year old niece uses skype on ubuntu01:33
itaylor57john38: i video chatted with my daughter in australia just last night with skype01:33
john38ZykoticK9, i'm able to recognize webcam with ubuntu preferences but when i load skype it acts werid01:33
emskype probably makes sure it works on ubuntu i think they have a partnership with canonical.01:34
ZykoticK9john38, sorry - I've had good luck with webcams and ubuntu - so don't know what to suggest.  Good luck.01:34
john38itaylor57, maybe..maybe if i had a better webcam driver for my Quickcam pro 9000 but i cant find it01:34
shawnboyHow do I identify my serial ports? Preferably in CLI.01:35
itaylor57shawnboy: netstat?01:35
john38ZykoticK9, ubuntu installs UVC driver by default but i cant find proprietary driver for my webcam01:36
Aginorshawnboy: what do you mean by identify your serial ports?01:37
shawnboyitaylor57: i just tried that but don't think that's what I need.01:37
Aginorshawnboy: by default, serialports will be /dev/ttyS<number>01:37
ZykoticK9john38, sorry - I've had good luck with webcams and ubuntu - so don't know what to suggest.  Good luck.01:37
Weemshow do I restart the xserver ctrl-alt-backspace doesnt work01:37
ZykoticK9Weems, alt+sysrq+k01:38
john38does anybody know of a driver for Logitech Quickcam pro 900001:38
Weemsdont have that on my kbd01:38
ZykoticK9Weems, check the printscreen key01:38
shawnboyAginor: I'm using an adaptor plugged into what I think is serial port 1. I need to tell software whether it's /dev/ttyS01 or what.01:38
Aginorshawnboy: a usb to serial adapter?01:39
Weemsdoesnt work01:39
ZykoticK9!dontzap | Weems01:39
ubottuWeems: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap01:39
shawnboyAginor: is there something along lines of lspci that will give me info about what ports are what?01:39
shawnboyAginor: no.01:39
itaylor57shawnboy: lswh?01:40
shawnboyAginor: plain, old-school serial.01:40
itaylor57shawnboy: lshw?01:40
FloatingGoatm2mg i tried logging in then out but didnt work01:40
Aginorshawnboy: no, not like that, and there is no way of detecting if something is plugged in without actually trying to talk to it01:40
Aginorshawnboy: if it is serial port one, it ought to be /dev/ttyS0 that you plugged it into. Minicom is a great program if you want to be able to talk to the device directly and tune all of your settings01:41
m2mgFloatingGoat: type this in your terminal nvidia-settings01:41
FloatingGoatm2mg yes something came up. now what?01:41
emshawnboy: maybe: ls /dev/ttyS*01:42
m2mgFloatingGoat: do u get a window that pops up01:42
csgeekis there a simple way in unity to kill an application? or forcequit?01:42
shawnboyAginor: ok.01:42
ZykoticK9csgeek, xkill then click the window you want to kill01:42
emshawnboy: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO-4.html#ss4.101:42
m2mgFloatingGoat: ok that is your nvida settings and where you setup your video card and monitor01:43
Ploploploopcsgeek yes, a lot01:43
csgeekZykoticK9: thanks01:43
shawnboyitaylor57: that is useful... didn't know lshw, but not sure if it will give me what I need to know in this case.01:43
m2mgFloatingGoat: im here just typing01:43
FloatingGoatm2mg yes how do i get it so i can have desktop effects?01:43
shawnboyem: thanks01:43
csgeekwell. I usually do a kill -9 .. but trying to help a new user.. trying to think of a gui easy way01:43
Ploploploopkillall "name of application"01:43
csgeekxkill will work01:43
susurrationwhat's the best way to scale cpu speed at start?01:43
ZykoticK9csgeek, FYI i've found that xkill does not always work as well as kill or killall01:43
Ploploploopand there is that little thing in the worfba01:44
m2mgFloatingGoat: make your setting but i think you will have to run the as suso to save the changes01:44
csgeeksure.. but its a gui way that's easier to explain then ps -aux | grep "appname" ; get pid, then kill -9 pid... and pgrep can be dangerous if you use the wrong pattern01:44
itaylor57shawnboy: sorry new to this distro, I could tell you if it was a different os01:44
emshawnboy: this looks promising -- http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO-11.html#ss11.801:44
susurrationwhat's the best way to scale cpu speed at boot?01:44
m2mgFloatingGoat: you have to be root or sudo to change video settings01:45
shawnboyAginor: it's probably serial port 1 so I'll try ttyS001:45
xXHalfSliceXxhey guys. im having a problem with Samba01:45
shawnboyitaylor57: no probl. I appreciate the info.01:45
xXHalfSliceXxbefore the last major update. i was able to access my windows shared folders. but since then. i get an error01:45
m2mgFloatingGoat: here is a nice web site01:46
m2mgFloatingGoat: http://www.botskool.com/geeks/how-install-nvidia-driver-and-compiz-ubuntu-101001:46
john38I was using Logitech Quickcam pro 9000 with skype when i attempted a video chat sound was got weird i wasnt able to use microphone....What could that be bad Webcam driver ,skype, or sound driver???01:46
Aginorshawnboy: excellent. as I said, minicom is great for experimenting with the various settings of the serial port. To install, do "sudo aptitude install minicom" in a terminal01:46
Dementioanyone else using a Hauppauge HVR-2250? how hard was it to setup?01:47
xXHalfSliceXxactually not really samba. its just accessing shared folders over my network. i click on my windows shared folder. and a popup shows. Opening "DELL-DESKTOP" Click Cancel to stop this operation.01:47
xXHalfSliceXxafter a min or so01:47
m2mgFloatingGoat: did u get it set01:48
xXHalfSliceXxUnable to mount location. failed to retrieve share list from server01:48
shawnboyAginor: minicom sounds like a handy tool. will look at it.01:48
shawnboyThanks all.01:48
john38anybody help??01:48
emjohn38: what kind of computer is it?01:49
Aginorshawnboy: it's the best tool ever for hacking around with serial ports. I use it for most of my hardware projects whenever I need to speak over a serial or parallel port, or usb adapter for that01:49
john38em, custom machine01:49
SciBotjohn38: what sound drivers do you use01:50
john38SciBot, i think pulseaudio01:50
FloatingGoatm2mg that does not work for me :'901:50
m2mgFloatingGoat: what part saving the xconf file? or setting up the windows dressing01:51
SciBotjohn38 do you get audio output with gnome-volume-control01:52
VahidI have ubuntu server 8.04 (LTS) installed. Is possible to add 10.04 LTS to my sources.list so that I can upgrade a few of my packages? Is that even safe to do?01:53
SciBotif you are using gnome01:53
FloatingGoatm2mg i have already installed a driver manually01:53
Benkinoobyhi, is there a hotkey for opening the "Applications" menu of unitiy? i checkted my (default) hotkey settings and what comes cluse is Alt+F1 or Alt+F2 but if i press them, nothing happens.01:53
john38SciBot, when in skype microphone integrated camera losses functionality i cant get it to work either in Sound Preferences01:54
john38SciBot, my audio chipset is VIA VT1708S01:54
sacarlson Vahid: not a wise thing to do to mix versions,  you might try ppa that jumps you around upgrades01:54
susurrationwhat's the best way to scale cpu speed at boot?01:54
SciBotjohn38: run a "pulseaudio -vvvvvv" in a terminal (disable autospawning first by01:55
SciBotsetting autospawn=no in ~/.pulse/client.conf, and terminate the running PA01:55
SciBotinstance then by issuing pulseaudio -k), and paste the startup output this generates01:55
m2mgFloatingGoat: ok so u are saying you have setup your xconf file so are you trying to clcik the extra button at the bottom from your desktop?01:55
m2mgFloatingGoat: if so mine is not turned on there01:55
ericwneuI'm having trouble with Network-Manager. It was removed from my panel, and I've tried running the "nm-applet" but I get the following error messages: http://imgur.com/AEVAP01:55
Vahidsacarlson: darn. =/  thanks for the reply01:55
m2mgFloatingGoat: i do it under compix settings01:55
john38SciBot, woah ....hold on what will that do?01:56
shawnboyAginor: Woohoo! I can now remote control electrical devices from my ubuntu pc through a serial infrared device using Heyu. Thanks again for the tips.01:56
m2mgFloatingGoat: compiz*01:56
Aginorshawnboy: no worries at all, I'm happy to help01:56
m2mgFloatingGoat: the simple ones dont work with the drivers on mine so i install compiz01:57
sacarlsonVahid: take a look in ppa for what you might want to upgrade https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas01:57
Nexxusis there any way to play pc based games without wine or dual booting01:58
SciBotJohn38: here is a link for pulseaudio01:58
FloatingGoatm2mg okay ill try compiz01:58
SciBotit is just a sound server01:58
ericwneuDoes anyone have any ideas?01:58
john38SciBot, ok...i found linux driver for my audio chipset would that work??01:58
sacarlsonNexxus: probly not good for games but you can also run virtualbox with windows running inside ubuntu01:59
SciBotjohn38: it should. Give it a try01:59
m2mgFloatingGoat: are you trying to turn it on by the extra button under visual effects?01:59
VahidIs it possible to install two different versions of a package? Say I need two different versions of php5, each one supporting an application of its own. Are there options like "--prefix" when using apt?01:59
emjohn38: what version of Ubuntu are you using?01:59
john38SciBot, but its for Debian 4.001:59
Nexxussacarlson: i was going to ask about that, do you think that it would be able to run a game like star craft 2 reasonably well or would it not be worth my time to set one up01:59
john38SciBot, kernel01:59
GneaJordan_U: good evening to you, good sir.02:00
SciBotjohn38, what kernel are you on?02:00
emjohn38: I find this -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154529202:00
john38SciBot, im on Ubuntu 10.04 2.6.32-27-generic-pae02:00
Jordan_UGnea: Hi. Back to trying to get wubi booting again?02:01
sacarlsonVahid: I think you might be able to configure apache so that one virtualsite uses one php version and setup another virt site with the other,  but I've never done it02:01
SciBotjohn38, I am not sure if that driver will work for you02:02
GneaJordan_U: yeah, I downloaded 1.98s1 but haven't gien it a whirl yet - I think you mentioned that 1.99's release would be able to do it?02:02
john38SciBot, no?02:02
GneaJordan_U: *given02:02
john38SciBot, http://driverscollection.com/?H=VT1708&By=VIA&SS=Linux02:02
Jordan_UGnea: It will be able to, yes.02:03
Vahidsacarlson: I'll have to play around then. I'm just wondering how I can have two files of the same name residing on my system (mod_php.so).02:03
GneaJordan_U: awesome, is there a dev team that are looking for testers?02:03
Jordan_UGnea: Yes, me :)02:04
GneaJordan_U: I have time-sensitive material that I really have to access in Ubuntu :)02:04
GneaJordan_U: Alright, do you have something I could download to try?02:04
SciBotjohn38: check out this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams02:05
FloatingGoatm2mg yes02:05
sacarlsonVahid: when you compile another version I think it will all be in /usr/local appart from the packages as I have run multiple versions of firefox I just had different symbolic links to define what I wanted to run as default as the do with C compilers02:05
m2mgFloatingGoat: yes what it works02:05
john38SciBot, that driver wont work on my system02:06
SciBotjohn38, what are your audio setting in skype02:06
FloatingGoatm2mg when i click it it says that it has applied effects but it hasnt really02:06
susurrationwhat's the best way to scale cpu speed at boot; I need to have my system noo02:06
john38SciBot, its set to Pulseaudio...the only driver02:07
m2mgFloatingGoat: did u install compiz?02:07
susurrationwhat's the best way to scale cpu speed at boot; I need to have my system to boot in powersave mood?02:07
Jordan_UGnea: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/grub/wubi_rescue.iso02:07
m2mgFloatingGoat: if you di then u have your setting under the preferences folder02:07
SciBotjohn38, that is fine, it should be pulseaudio02:07
cdubyaanyone got audio working with xvidcap on lucid?02:08
john38SciBot, so i shouldnt install proprietary driver audio driver02:08
GneaJordan_U: Awesome, I'll let you know how it goes02:08
m2mgFloatingGoat: now you can change all your settings and have window dressing02:08
chicognuWhere are locate the files apt-get install download ?02:08
sacarlsonVahid: but If those *.so files link with the kernel maybe it would be more difficult than I imagin02:08
SciBotJohn38, I take that back02:08
itaylor57KM0201: o/02:08
KM0201itaylor57: o/02:08
SciBotaccording to this ubuntu link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams02:08
SciBotyour driver should be :uvcvideo02:09
itaylor57KM0201: had a broadcom problem earlier, where were you?02:09
KM0201itaylor57: uh oh....lol02:09
susurrationJohn38, your nick a bible quote?02:09
SciBotJohn38: i have to go budy02:10
SciBotGood luck02:10
john38SciBot, ok02:10
sacarlsonVahid: but I guess it's not imposible http://blog.dynom.nl/archives/Multiple-PHP-versions-on-one-webserver_20091103_53.html02:10
john38susurration, what nah02:10
rebirthhello, can someone help me fix my wifi?02:10
KM0201itaylor57: i had a wedding to attend, all over now.02:10
ereotavHow can I automaticly backup certain folders and files in ubuntu 10.10 to my external harddrive02:10
itaylor57KM0201: weddings, make me shudder02:10
KM0201itaylor57: me to to be truthful.. :).. but i survived02:11
Vahidsacarlson: hehe, thanks for the research02:11
rebirthI can't connect to a WPA secured network, I should have the drivers for my card02:11
sacarlsonrebirth: I don't know if you need the drivers for the card anymore if you use wpasuplicant02:12
SciBotjohn38, make sure that your driver is no pulseaudio (local)02:12
SciBotyour camera is not local02:13
john38SciBot, what are the steps again ??02:13
john38SciBot, or will it be disabled when i install audio chipset linux driver02:13
ralaranyone here ready for a question related to the installer?02:15
sam-_-!ask | ralar02:16
ubotturalar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:16
john38Anybody know if i can convert bz2 files into deb02:16
sam-_-john38: with some manual work. yes02:17
john38sam-_-, alien?02:18
xangua!compile | john3802:18
ubottujohn38: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:18
ralarwell, I'm attempting to install ubuntu using the alternate install disk with the primary partition being on a soft raid, also set up on the install dirk. It hangs in "Installing base system 73%" "Updating list of available packages"02:18
sam-_-john38: i don't think so. but why would you want to convert a bz2 to deb?02:18
john38sam-_-, so i can just click and easily install files02:19
m2mgFloatingGoat: are u there02:19
john38sam-_-, i guess i can just compile it02:19
sam-_-john38: deb is not meant to be used this way. i don't recommend it02:19
xanguajohn38: you can use checkinstall to make a deb of what you compile02:20
xanguait was checkinstall or check-install ¿¿02:20
erosswhere is this ubuntu one and how can i purchase music with it02:21
erossamazon mp3 loader is outdated with 3rd party boost library version 1.3402:21
=== Wolves is now known as Shaded
erossthis is more of a linux point, but why it isn't more mainstream02:21
sam-_-eross: rhythmbox plugin. should be installed and enabled by default02:22
john38sam-_-, i want to install proprietary audio driver for my pc which is alsa ...using pulseaudio02:22
xanguaeross: open rhythmbox to buy in the ubuntu one store, actually is seven store or something like that is calles; can't remember02:22
xanguabanshee also has a plugin for that02:22
erossrhythmbox, only see jamendo and magnatune. maybe need to reinstall02:22
sam-_-eross: sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store02:23
bangjamescan someone help me with something ?02:23
john38sam-_-, i have driver.bz2 , lib.bz2 and utils.bz2..... which do i install first???02:23
sam-_-john38: neither alsa nor pulseaudio are proprietary02:23
sam-_-john38: tell me your soundcards name02:23
sam-_-!ask | bangjames02:24
ubottubangjames: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:24
john38sam-_-, VIA VT1708S02:24
sacarlsonxangua: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall02:24
erossthanks sam-_-02:24
john38sam-_-, 8 channel02:24
erossubuntu1 - they go thru amazon or own retailer?02:25
murkyMurkupdate manager starts and finds updates but when i press 'update' fails to ask me for a password. I can apt-get upgrade normally - any ideas?02:26
ralaris it possible to set up a soft raid post-installation?02:26
bangjamesThis is my first time using ubuntu os and I want to ask if there is a way to install activex in firefox so that i can access and download things from the website02:27
ereotavAny reccomended automatic external backup programs for 10.1002:27
xanguabangjames: activex is only suported by explorer02:27
pookyHi, how do I get rid of the ubuntu one bar in metacity?02:27
sacarlsonralar: I've never tried it but I'm sure you could,  it might be hard to setup the boot from the raid after install but you could move home and other stuf to it after easy02:28
sam-_-john38: don't know. try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1191356#602:28
bangjamesyeah, so I  downloaded IE7 via playonlinux and it doesn't seem to be working properly02:29
ralarsacarlson: thanks, also, re: my earlier question. It would seem the problem is the CD drive, my google-fu was a little better this attempt.02:29
sacarlsonralar: I play with soft raid in virtualbox to figure it out without breaking things I need02:29
ralarsacarlson: sound advice02:30
itaylor57activex is a windoz thingee not just ie02:30
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
itaylor57activex does not play or work with linux02:31
sacarlsonralar: well if it's you cd that's the problem I do have a way to boot install from your hard drive by adding an entry in grub2 to loop mount the iso file02:31
bangjamesi understand, but isnt there a way to execute activex?02:31
bangjamesjust like using Wine program to execute exe files02:31
itaylor57bangjames: yes with wine or a vm02:32
murkyMurkbangjames: install XP under VirtualBox and you can play with activeX all day02:32
erossthis is weird.. it's downloading to ubuntu-1 storage. do i have to download again? can i localize the files?02:32
bangjamesokay that means i'll be having 2 operationg system?02:32
ralarsacarlson: i have another drive i'm going to try, but assuming that fails how would one go about doing that?02:32
murkyMurkbangjames: only if youwant to use activex which is MS onlytechnology02:33
murkyMurkbangjames: why DO you want to use activeX?02:33
sam-_-bangjames: activex is pure filth. even microsoft is abandoning it.02:33
bangjamesthere's this particular website that i've been using for a long time02:33
bangjameswhere you can download/upload files02:33
sam-_-bangjames: which one?02:34
bangjamesits korean site02:34
sacarlsonralar: it should install faster from the hard disk also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1288604   search in that page for menuentry "Ubuntu" {02:34
murkyMurkbangjames: specify your warezzzz02:34
murkyMurkbangjames: LOL and you trust it to run activeX controls on your box! no wonder you've fled the virus infected remains to use ubuntu02:35
ralarsacarlson: thanks alot, that should solve my problem02:35
sam-_-bangjames: murkyMurk speaks the truth. activex is a doorway for everything bad02:35
sam-_-bangjames: if you just want to upload single files there are lots of alternatives out there02:36
sam-_-bangjames: otherwise ftp/sftp/webdav is the way to go.02:36
sacarlsonralar:  there is a bit of a catch that you can't repartition the disk that you have the iso file mounted from,  but with a raid you should have at least 2 disks so worst case you have to partition each disk from booting from the other.02:37
bangjamesbut its the only site with korean movies,dramas :(02:37
bangjamesfor ppl residing in north america02:37
sam-_-bangjames: ah. so you use it for downloading mainly?02:37
moesbangjames, That website opens from firefox and ubuntu02:37
bangjamesyea it does, but i can't download things02:38
sam-_-moes: but not the service s/he is referring to02:38
bangjamesit seems like i've managed to install activex required by that website, however,02:38
swarleyman banjo02:39
swarleymanmy cat got on my keyboard...sorry guys.02:39
bangjamesi don't know why it wont work02:39
mogajMy head phones are not working on ubuntu 10.1002:40
murkyMurkbangjames: i doubt youhave installed activeX for Firefox - they don't support it http://support.mozilla.com/ga-IE/questions/69206202:40
sam-_-murkyMurk: s/he did say he also installed ie02:41
FroodleQuestion on virtual machines: is it possible to copy a file from host to guest?02:41
sam-_-murkyMurk: via playonLinux02:41
murkyMurksam-_-: sorry - missed that bit02:41
VarcQuestion: What is a CMake Binary ? (In Kdevelop)02:41
sam-_-!sound | mogaj02:42
ubottumogaj: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:42
bangjamesi did and when i go to that website via IE, the page doesn't even show up properly02:42
sam-_-Froodle: of course. the preferred method differs from vm to vm02:42
mogajubottu : evrything fine with sound .... when i plug in headphones ,sound is not coming from headphones but still system spaekers02:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:43
bangjamesso i guess virtualbox is the way to go?02:43
murkyMurkbangjames: that's what i use to access MS appa02:44
sam-_-mogaj: go into alsamixer and see if you can find sth. there02:44
george__000Hey I'm trying to boot up Gparted Live via USB stick and I can't cause GRUB gets in the way, any advice???02:44
erosshow do i get at the album i just purchased which went to some cloud in ubuntu one.. i have the desktop set up already with basic account i think02:44
murkyMurkupdate manager starts and finds updates but when i press 'update' fails to ask me for a password. I can apt-get upgrade normally - any ideas?02:45
bangjamesand just to clarify, is ubuntu a customized linux os?02:45
eselleanyone know how to reinstall the default fonts into ubuntu?02:45
bangjamesor ubuntu is distinct from linux?02:45
murkyMurkbangjames: based on Debian, yes02:45
erossbangjames - all distros are custom, more some than others02:45
sam-_-george__000: you have to tell your bios to voot via usb.02:45
george__000@bangjames: Ubuntu is derived from Debian02:45
bangjamesi see02:45
mogajsam-_-: nothing i found there :(02:46
george__000and Debian is a Linux Distro02:46
AginorVarc: having never used kdevelop, I might be wrong, but you can think of cmake as a makefile generator02:46
sam-_-mogaj: when you plug in your headphones. do your speakers still work?02:46
AginorVarc: it's kind of like configure02:46
george__000sam-_-: at bootup i select my USB Stick which is a  SanDisk Cruzer but grub comes up02:47
murkyMurkso both Ubuntu and Debian are linux distributions02:47
adelhello  evry b..........02:47
bangjameswell, what are the advantages of using ubuntu other than security issues? it lacks so much compatibality02:47
VarcAginor: But it's is a especific folder or what? the program need a CMake Binary02:48
sam-_-eselle: hmm i'm not sure. sudo defoma-reconfigure02:48
murkyMurkbangjames: only compatibility with MS products. Every I want to do I can do with linux except play games designed to run only under MS02:48
bangjamesyeah but almost every games run only under ms :(02:48
sam-_-george__000: the grub that is installed on your harddisk?02:48
AginorVarc: cmake is a package you can install using synaptics or aptitude or apt-get02:48
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
george__000sam-_-; yea02:48
AginorVarc: then I would assume that kdevelop will magically pick up on it02:49
george__000it tells me to boot either Ubuntu or my other distro02:49
bangjamesand also MS products are most popular for ppl..02:49
murkyMurkbangjames: true but I have no problem dual booting for a game i want to play - at least my main files are secure on the linux partition02:49
john38i downloaded audio driver version for my pc which is 1.0.18.....should i just upgrade to newer alsa version????02:49
VarcAginor: Can you tell me the name for the terminal? I say, the Package02:49
sam-_-george__000: then your usbstick may not be working02:49
sam-_-george__000: isn't correctly installed02:49
fadeinhow do I generate a list of all installed packages on my system?02:49
murkyMurkbangjames: but if you want to use MS please do02:49
AginorVarc: "sudo aptitude install cmake" in a terminal02:49
sam-_-mogaj: are you sure they aren't plugged into microphone then?02:50
george__000hmm ill keep trying, if not ill just remove grub temporarely02:50
sam-_-mogaj: try all the options of plugging them in02:50
=== JackyAlcine-AFK is now known as JackyAlcine
papashouhow are you folks today?02:50
VarcAginor: thanks you very much02:50
bangjamesokay thanks for the help, can i get virtual box from ubuntu software centre?02:50
mogajsam-_-: they are plugged into right sockts02:51
buckyfadein, dpkg -la02:51
sam-_-george__000: oh no. i wouldn't do that. and i see no way this should be necessary02:51
AginorVarc: no worries, happy to help02:51
murkyMurkfadein: dpkg --get-selections > installed-software02:51
fadeinbucky murkyMurk: thx02:51
esellethanks sam-_-02:51
sam-_-mogaj: maybe your mic and headphones are switched even though it says otherwise02:52
murkyMurkbangjames: yes virtual box 3.2 is in repro02:52
bangjamesokay! thanks a lot02:52
buckyvirtual box 4.0.2 is available02:53
GneaJordan_U: hm, I wrote it to a usb drive with unetbootin (in windows) and all I got was the 'default' and 'boot wubi' selections during boot and it didn't go anywhere02:53
murkyMurkbucky: yes but it's a manual install --- well a .deb install02:54
buckymurkyMurk, it's in a ppa02:54
Gneahowever, I was finally able to 'pause' the system at the point that the error message occured - "error: unknown command 'loadfont'"02:54
murkyMurkbucky: thanks02:56
murkyMurkjust me with the update-manager problem then?02:57
ChilaquilesMy ubuntu keeps freezing and then restarting by itself which sucks!! is there any way to know why is it doing that?02:57
kikayhow can I only display a line with a "+" in the first character in vim?02:57
bangjameshow much RAM should i allocate to virtual box? my ram is 2gb02:57
murkyMurkChilaquiles: that is usually a RAM problem02:58
murkyMurkChilaquiles: as in the physical hardware02:58
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: whats wrong with RAM?02:58
BlueFish_what is the command in defragfs to get the program to defrag hdd?02:58
murkyMurkbangjames: I allocated 512M dynamic I think02:58
murkyMurkChilaquiles: often that fault is caused by failing or incompatible RAM modules although it can also be a dying PSU.02:59
erossok guess i'll wait for rhythmbox to sync up with the cloud.02:59
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: is there any way to know for sure whats the problem?03:00
murkyMurkChilaquiles: if you have several sticks of RAM try them one at a time to see if the problem goes away03:00
murkyMurkChilaquiles: if it stops crashing then you've found your problemn03:00
murkyMurkChilaquiles: every time it's happened to me it's been RAM03:00
AginorChilaquiles: run memtest as well, or possibly before03:00
sam-_-Chilaquiles: do a memtest. it will take about 2-4 hours but then you will know for sure if your ram is faulty03:01
murkyMurkChilaquiles: although that will take a lot longer than just swapping out the chips03:01
ChilaquilesAginor: whats the command to run memtest?03:01
sam-_-murkyMurk: but you won't have clarity with just swapping out ram03:02
AginorChilaquiles: it should be in the grub menu, unless they've gotten rid of it in newer versions and I never noticed03:02
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: I just have 1 stick of memory, I have purchased another stick of the same ram, hopefully this will fit03:02
sam-_-Chilaquiles: you may have to hold shift while booting03:02
rodne2000_hello i was wondering if someone can help me setup nagios notifications on a ubuntu server?? thanks03:02
Chilaquilessam-_-: is that the only way to do it? or is there any command to run it?03:03
sam-_-Chilaquiles: this is the only way03:03
Chilaquilesok so I can't be working on something else while the process is running?03:04
AginorChilaquiles: it's like a tiny differnt operating system that's especially designed to test the memory in the computer, so you need to boot it like an operating system03:04
murkyMurkChilaquiles: no03:04
Chilaquileswell I guess that's how the test works03:04
murkyMurkChilaquiles: is it an Asus AMD motherboard BTW?03:05
Chilaquileslet me check03:05
rodne2000_can anyone help?03:06
jasonoHi. How do I run a tar.bz2 file?03:06
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: gigabyte GA-m68m-s203:06
sam-_-rodne2000_: ask in #nagios03:06
Aginorjasono: you don't, it's a compressed file, like a zip file03:06
rodne2000_i did no one is responding lol03:07
murkyMurkChilaquiles: thanks - it's just I have a history with Asus requiring a small memory voltage boost to be stable03:07
blakezGod damn this channel goes too fast for my iPhone03:07
Varc!ask | rodne200003:07
ubotturodne2000: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:07
jasonoAginor So extract? But how do I run-install it's contents?03:07
murkyMurkjasono: you don't really run it as it's like a zip file03:07
rodne2000_ok thanks03:07
Aginorjasono: you can open it in the archive manager or unzip it using "tar jxvf <file>" in the terminal03:08
BritmanHey ubuntu people, I need help and I'm running out of time! My ubuntu is not booting - I get: mounting /dev/disk/by......on /root failed: invalid argument.  mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory.  etc etc03:08
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: ok, well so I just have a last question do you think if I get another stick of memory and the other is good it will be having problems anyway because one is faulty?03:08
jasonoAginor Thanks.03:08
rodne2000_i have the following problem, notifications are not going to my assigned email address.  postfix is working correctly. any sugestions?03:08
Aginorubottu: !help03:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:08
=== Yoko is now known as Yohko
blakezBritman: Running out of time?03:08
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: when I say the other i refer to the new one03:08
Aginorubottu: !commands03:08
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:08
Britmanblakez I need it working in 4 hours time03:09
murkyMurkChilaquiles: I'd swap one of for the other and IF teh problem goes away then bin the faulty RAM03:09
DiamondciteBritman: Time is not of my concern, though on your actual problem, did you recently move the hard drive or re-partition?03:09
Yohkoanybody here know how to add more than 4 keyboard layouts to GNOME?03:09
BritmanDiamondcite nope03:09
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: well I suspect that there is something wrong going on on Linux though because I've used this stick of memory on Windows and nothing happen03:09
DiamondciteBritman: What was the last thing you did before it stopped working?03:10
Aginorubottu: !compiling | jasono03:10
ubottujasono: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:10
john38Can somebody help me03:10
BritmanDiamondcite I do also have Windows 7 installed.03:10
jasonoTHank you ubottu and Aginor03:10
Britmanbut thats been on there for a year now with ubuntu on there for the last few months or so03:10
DiamondciteBritman: It did work fine with both win7 and ubuntu installed at the same time before didn't it?03:10
Aginorjasono: you're welcome, feel free to ask if you have any followup questions03:11
john38im using alsa 1.0.18 which came with audio chipset should i just upgrade to 1.0.2303:11
murkyMurkChilaquiles: I think MS is less fussy concerning memory addressing - one of it';s 'features'03:11
DiamondciteBritman: Do you have a liveCD or liveUSB on hand?03:11
jasonoAginor sure03:11
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: I think Linux should do that as well, don't you think so?03:11
Britmanyea I do Diamondcite, I've tried various things with no luck. I'll boot up the liveUSB now03:11
sam-_-!ask | john3803:11
ubottujohn38: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:11
sam-_-!sound | john3803:11
ubottujohn38: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:11
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: is a hassle to loss all the data that you have been working on03:12
john38sam-_-, im using alsa 1.0.18 which came with audio chipset should i just upgrade to 1.0.23??03:12
bangjamesany must have software for linux beginners? i'll take any suggestions03:12
DiamondciteBritman: the /dev/disk-by/uuid is one of the methods of locating your partition with a fairly unique identifier.. sometimes this isn't stored properly and all you need to do is add it back or replace it.03:12
xangua!manual | bangjames03:12
ubottubangjames: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:12
murkyMurkChilaquiles: RAM management should be as it is under Linux, MS approach is sloppy and can lead to data loss all by itself03:13
rollmani got this error installing the dkms package for virtualbox and have no idea way i could have installed it wrong "E: oss4-dkms: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10"03:13
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: I was wondering if there was any kind of log in Linux that tells you what was the last thing that happened before it crashed, but I guess it doesn't have that03:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:13
DiamondciteBritman: I would suggest trying to look in /etc/fstab of your hard drive along with looking in /dev/disk-by/uuid to see if you can find a match.03:13
sam-_-john38: which version of ubuntu?03:13
john38sam-_-, 10.0403:13
murkyMurkChilaquiles: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-log-files-location-and-how-do-i-view-logs-files/03:13
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
BritmanDiamondcite ok, I'm just starting it up now03:14
sam-_-john38: if you really need the new version of alsa think about upgrading to 10.1003:14
ChilaquilesmurkyMurk: thanks for all the help man, I appreciate it03:15
LyukOhow do i delete iphone-set-info process?03:15
john38sam-_-, nah i dont want to use 10.1003:15
LyukOwhen i charge ipod tocuh, iphone-set-info process was get my cpu 100%03:15
sam-_-john38: are you sure you need the new alsa?03:15
murkyMurkLyukO: try typing  'man top' in a terminal03:16
LyukOÈ£Ãâ ÇÏ·Á¸é '!¾ÆÀÌÀ¯'¸¦ ÀÔ·Â ÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä.03:16
john38sam-_-, my motherboard manufacturer included 1.0.18 with my audio chipset03:16
sam-_-y. but you should really stick to the ubuntu version03:16
DiamondciteLyukO: You just said something in a non-english character set..03:16
tacotronhey guys.. im trying to compile alsa utils from source, when doing make install i get a line: /bin/bash: m: command not found, what is this command??03:17
john38can i get alsa 1.0.18 in .deb file?03:17
john38sam-_-, can i get alsa 1.0.18 in .deb file?03:17
murkyMurktacotron: maybe you left a space between m  and ake?03:17
tacotronmurkyMurk: i dont believe so.. cause it inializes the install, it goes thru and does it03:17
tacotronthe error comes up in the middle of install03:18
murkyMurktacotron: ahhh, so that'll be an ALSA scripting error03:18
macotacotron: sounds like a bug in whatever script you're running. ive never heard of an "m" command03:18
tacotroncrap.. tehn what should i do? i cant get my sound card working.. =(03:19
murkyMurktacotron: use OSS03:19
sacarlsonjohn38: that's even an older version that lucid uses http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/alsa-base  do you really want the older alsa?03:19
tacotronOSS is better and will work for Realtek ALC259?03:19
petersm0join #diaspora03:19
murkyMurktacotron: in my opinion OSS rocks - i always use it in preference to ALSA03:19
john38sacarlson, yeah thats the driver that was recommended for my audio chipset03:20
tacotronok, and wil it work with my sound card?03:20
=== senekis_ is now known as senekis
murkyMurktacotron: hang on - i'll check03:20
macotacotron: alsa and oss are both possible sound drivers / low-leel libraries. alsa has the upstream kernel's blessing, oss does not. they each support a wide range of hardware, but it is not an identical subset, so it's possible switching from one to the other can clear up an issue03:20
tacotronoh no! dont do that ill check i dont want to make u think u have to03:20
sacarlsonjohn38: so the new doesn't work for you is that what your saying?  it may have been recommended in the past but this is now03:21
murkyMurktacotron: LOL - yes OSS supprts pretty mucheverything03:21
john38sacarlson, no i use pulsoaudio i just want to switch to alsa03:21
john38sacarlson, stable version03:21
macotacotron: which ALC259 do you have? "lspci -vv | grep -A1 0403"03:21
CryptoSecI accidentally deleted the PPA package from my software sources... now i can't download, remove, and install ubantu software, including pidgin.... does anyone know how it can be fixed?03:22
murkyMurktacotron: i use the OSS v4 from opensound.com - read their very easy install guide ad you'll be done in 2 minutes03:22
murkyMurktacotron: although some things need changing from their ALSA default - it's al there in the OSS help & forums03:22
tacotronthanks murkyMurk, your awesome03:23
Britmanunable to mount filesystem. DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending03:23
tacotronmaco: that doesnt return anything03:23
BritmanI can't mount to get at my files from the liveUSB03:23
jetsaredimhow do I disconnect from a remote desktop session other than clicking on the close button?03:24
macotacotron: ok how about:  grep Subsystem /proc/asound/card*/codec*03:24
DiamondciteBritman: What happens when you try?03:24
macotacotron: hang on....given that new versions of alsa are packaged and in the repositories, why were you trying to compile it at all?03:25
BritmanI've found the files you refer to on the LiveUSB storage - I cant get at my old storage though. I get as above /\03:25
tacotronmaco: was following the snd-hda-intel guide for ubuntu03:25
DiamondciteBritman: Look in your Places on top, see if you see a "Filesystem" which is the same size as your /03:25
macotacotron: link please? i want to see who's recommending doing that when linux-backports-modules-alsa-maverick-generic exists03:26
murkyMurkjetsaredim: I haven't used vino for ages -wasn't it an option under the usual log off on the taskbar?  have you tried the vino manual?03:26
macotacotron: (and -karmic- and -lucid- )03:26
tacotronit may just be an outdated link. i just switched back to ubuntu from arch linux.. unfortunately i really dont have time to go find the link.. i need to get on homework.. im just gonna use oss, thanks tho03:26
BritmanDiamondcite I just see my LiveUSB, Windows and the Ubuntu 19gb storage which I am trying to access03:27
tacotronhonestly if you just google the codec: ALC259 no sound or no sound ubuntu it will be near the top i think03:27
DiamondciteBritman: And what happens you when pick that 19GB partition?03:27
jetsaredimmurkyMurk: yea - usually but i'm inside a vbox vm so any time i move my mouse inside the desktop the vinagre/vino thing grabs the cursor03:27
macotacotron: ALC259 is in no way specific03:27
tacotronthats my codec03:27
chaos2358hey guys i have a dilemma. I am running a dual boot laptop with ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I have my laptop connected to my 50" tv and with windows the laptop screen goes blank/turns off when connected to the tv and the lid is closed. with ubuntu however the laptop screen stays on when connected to the tv and the lid is closed. How can i remedy this?03:27
tacotronand thats what i used to search.. dunno what to tell u03:27
macotacotron: but things are fixed on individual hardware basis03:27
BritmanDiamondcite unable to mount filesystem. DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending03:27
bfallikHow do I modify the grub kernel args to boot into the initrd?  I recalled a casper= arg but I can't remember it now.03:28
macotacotron: thats why i asked for the Subsystem Id listed in the codec dump03:28
jetsaredimmurkyMurk: I thought there used to be a way to disconnect from within the viewer03:28
murkyMurkjetsaredim: ahh yes, i think the disconnect was one of the F buttons....can't remember now. Check the vino/vinagre manual?03:28
sacarlsonjohn38: maybe try the alsa you have by switching to alsa in gstreamer run command gstreamer-properties and try alsa03:28
tacotronmaco: your command didnt work, said the directory does not exist03:28
macotacotron: no /proc/asound? oooh well then... thats an interesting level of failure there03:29
macotacotron: well, unless you already removed alsa, in which case it makes sense03:29
john38sacarlson, for default output should i choose digital or analog03:29
chaos2358  anything guys?03:29
macotacotron: but alright, have fun with oss. if it doesnt work out, switch back to alsa before asking help in here as oss isnt supported in ubuntu03:29
tacotronyeah that must be why.. but i reinstalled alsa driver and lib, just not utils03:29
john38sacarlson, i use a webcam with integrated microphone03:29
tacotronmaco: alright, thanks03:30
sacarlsonjohn38: I assume you use an analog plugin speaker but not sure what you have03:30
john38sacarlson, tv speakers03:30
sacarlsonjohn38: try analog03:30
murkyMurksleep time03:31
chaos2358 hey guys i have a dilemma. I am running a dual boot laptop with ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I have my laptop connected to my 50" tv and with windows the laptop screen goes blank/turns off when connected to the tv and the lid is closed. with ubuntu however the laptop screen stays on when connected to the tv and the lid is closed. How can i remedy this?03:32
mellinEvening everyone how goes it?03:32
john38sacarlson, do i have to restart computer03:33
wooterchaos2358, windows power options03:33
wooteryou want ubuntu to switch off aswell chaos2358 ?03:33
mellinchaos2358: Well you mean that the screen goes blank in windows?03:33
sacarlsonjohn38: I don't think so03:33
ryanXdoes anyone know anything about intel drivers?03:33
sam-_-!ask | ryanX03:34
ubotturyanX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:34
chaos2358wooter, mellin the screen already blanks with windows. but i cant get it to do so with ubuntu03:34
sacarlsonjohn38: you will have to run applications through gstreamer03:34
john38sacarlson, where do i go to see if i am using alsa03:34
ryanXsorry, new at irc.03:34
sacarlsonjohn38: what application is it you plan to run?03:35
mellinchaos2358: Go to system power managment and drop down the option for blank screen. Do it for battery and plugged int03:35
john38sacarlson, i use skype but it still has pulseaudio as its default audio03:35
chaos2358mellin, its already set to blank screen03:36
ryanXokay, so i have an intel gm 965 express chipset, and i would like to upgrade its driver.03:36
sacarlsonjohn38: look in audio setup in skype you can select03:36
mellinchaos2358: Sorry system/preferences/then power management. Is it set that way for both battery power and ac power?03:36
ryanXi found a package called i965-va-driver that seems compatible, but im not sure if its the one im looking for.03:36
john38sacarlson, let me restart03:36
chaos2358mellin yes it is. though my batt is fried and i only use it on ac power03:37
mellinchaos2358: Ok then what you want to do is do Alt+F2 type gconf-editor and open it up.03:37
mellinLet me find the rest of the steps here...so you can see what the settings say for what it claims is already configured03:38
chaos2358mellin ok03:38
=== amh345_ is now known as amh345
mellinchaos2358: You are looking for apps > gnome-power-manager > buttons make sure it says lid_ac and lid_battery blank03:41
mellinchaos2358: NOT "Do Nothing"03:41
chaos2358mellin ok they say blank03:41
chaos2358mellin now what?03:42
mellinchaos2358: If those settings aren't wrong I have no idea other than possibly due to the battery being dead it is getting mixed up. That is what it should say. Is the battery removed?03:42
chaos2358ive tried with the battery in and out. and the battery isnt totally fried just wont sustain a charge more then half an hour03:43
chaos2358melli ^03:43
chaos2358mellin, ^^03:43
CryptoSecI accidentally deleted the PPA package from my software sources... now i can't download, remove, and install ubantu software, including pidgin.... does anyone know how it can be fixed?03:44
pienkiehi guys. is anyone able to help me with ALSA &  an "Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster", please?03:44
mellinchaos2358: Sorry then I'm still learning myself. Wait a bit then ask again if you don't get any response as the channel is active and some will surely miss your post03:44
john38sacarlson, everything is still set to use Pulseaudio(local)03:44
chaos2358mellin ok thanks for your help none the less.03:44
mellinchaos2358: Absolutely...I've been helped plenty myself03:45
phixxorhow can I find the IP addresses of other computers on my network?03:45
sacarlsonjohn38: I'm reading about skype 2.1 that I think you run and it is setup to use pulse audio as default  I'm looking for a workaround to enable alsa for it03:45
mellinphixxor: PM03:48
pienkieold ALSA bug, ubuntu, not working….. : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19307 … some help please?03:48
selig5phixxor: Use nmap03:49
sacarlsonjohn38: I'm reading this http://blogs.skype.com/linux/2009/09/some_explanations.html  and still can't find a way to switch,  but I do see that skype will run without pulseaudio03:49
horseatingweedsWhere might I find a php executable - so that I might specify it form Eclipse debugger?03:51
sacarlsonjohn38: I think I found it in that link I sent you To disable auto-spawn, edit or create the file ~/.pulse/client.conf and add a line containing "autospawn = no" there.03:52
mellinhorseatingweeds: Ummmm do what you need and chmod+x?03:52
sacarlsonjohn38: but maybe before you do that you should verify with another gstreamer application that alsa even works03:52
john38sacarlson, for default input do i choose alsa?03:53
horseatingweedsmellin, Eclipse says I need to specify a 'PHP Executable'. I've searched around but can't find it with Eclipe's search tool.03:53
sacarlsonjohn38: yes that's what you want to try alsa03:53
john38sacarlson, how do i open /.pulse/client.conf03:54
tbruff13can someone please tell me how to start a new x session (without genome) for world of warcraft03:54
mellinhorseatingweeds: I'v no idea, but do you know what the php executable is supposed to accomplish?03:54
sacarlsonjohn38: I would use gedit  my favorite text editor you use whatever standard editor you want like.. vi,  vim ....03:55
mellintbruff13: I'm guessing that perhaps Google would get you far03:55
horseatingweedsmellin, not really. I assume it give Eclipse something to run the php with. I don't know...03:55
haroldcomo entro en ubuntu-es+03:56
macohorseatingweeds: need to install php5-cli03:56
macohorseatingweeds: it wants the path to the executable that is run when you type "php" at a command line interface03:56
tbruff13acually ive been looking for this script all day i need a script03:56
KM0201!es | harold03:57
ubottuharold: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:57
horseatingweedsmaco, ok. Thanks.03:57
LtHummusWhere is Ubuntu's smb.conf? It appears the one in the usual place (/etc/samba/smb.conf) is a sample one.03:57
tbruff13people have told me that it was on a certain page I go to said page and i cannot find it so if someone can help me find the script i would appreciate it Ps. im googleing now03:57
mellinhorseatingweeds: Did you get the answer? If so would you please tell me so I will know in the future if I run across it?03:58
sacarlsonjohn38: but you sure you don't want to verify alsa works first? with like the vlc application?03:58
horseatingweedsmellin, marco said I need to install php5-cli.03:59
bcessahi there, I have a remote server using 10.04, today I update openssh and now I can't access the server, the last error msg I get while trying to start ssh was: "Failed to spawn ssh pre-start process: unable to set oom adjustment: Operation not permitted" any ideas on what may the problem be?03:59
horseatingweedsI'm doing that now.03:59
macomellin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/php5-cli/filelist   /usr/bin/php503:59
mellinhorseatingweeds: Ok cool thanks..I was just about to guess it was another package that enhances PHP03:59
mellinhorseatingweeds: Thanks for the answer!03:59
hurhello. are there alternatives to dvconnect to send a .dv file to a camcorder? because I'm not sure if I can get it to work, as it complains about video139404:01
clavin12What does one do, when upon booting, there are no top and bottom bars?04:02
tacotronmurkyMurk: just an FYI, OSS DOES NOT WORK with my sound card04:03
cornaljoeany1 know how to set repo to a specific folder?  It just dumps everything in my user folder04:03
sacarlsonhur: I have a sony cam and used firewire before but was only able to read in dv files from it,  I tried to send to it but failed,  If you get it to work I would love to hear about it.  this was back around year 2007 so things may have got better04:03
tacotronwhen OSS installed, my computer made a loud piercing hum and i could not control it, now whever ubuntu boots it makes that noise that changes pitch if i move the computer or close the clamshell.. can i disable oss from a live disc?04:04
tacotronneedless to say i will NEVER be using OSS again04:05
clavin12What does one do, when upon booting, there are no top or bottom bars in xfce?04:06
sam-_-tacotron: oss is long gone. apps use oss only trough alsa-oss04:06
john38sacarlson, i uninstalled pulseaudio now i dont have sound preferences04:07
sam-_-tacotron: *through04:07
tacotronseriously? Jeez.. you know i could have blown out my speakers it was so loud04:07
sacarlsonjohn38: I never told you to uninstall pulseaudio04:07
Tw|sTyeah.. OSS is kinda archaic now.  It seemed to have its heyday around 10 to 12 years ago, back when the Audigy chipset was newsk00l04:07
john38sacarlson, i'll just reinstall it04:08
sacarlsonjohn38: ok04:08
tacotronwell if murkyMurk comes back in.. im gonna tell him he almost blew my speakers out..04:08
john38sacarlson, ok installed04:08
tacotronrecommending that04:08
sacarlsonjohn38: you could also use the alsa mixer04:08
tacotronmaco: you said earlier that the latest Alsa stuff is in the repos?04:09
gusgMy wireless card, Intel 5300, has the capability of being a base station too (they call it MyWiFi PAN). How can I find out if I can do this in Ubuntu?04:09
Tw|sT"Your own milage may vary"  kinda applies here, eh?04:09
sacarlsonjohn38: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsamixer04:09
JackeyChanhi, I want to view the mysql query log. I added the log settings at /etc/mysql/my.cnf and then restart mysql service. But no happen when i query mysql. is someone add query log settings ? can give me some idear ?04:09
hursacar actually my laptop is running an older ubuntu i guess and I can cat or cp the .dv file to a file under /dev04:09
john38sacarlson, skype still using pulseaudio04:09
hurbut my main machine is coming up with /dev/fw0 and /dev/fw1 now, firewire ohci? something is different. plus, I never had much success with dvconnect04:10
john38sacarlson, i noticed that when i uninstalled pulaseaudio i was able to select Quickcam pro 9000 from options04:10
tacotronis there any way i can disable OSS using a live disc? i have sensitive data on my ubuntu install and id rathern ot have to reinstall the entire OS04:10
sacarlsonjohn38: yes as that link I gave you states you need to uninstall or stop pulseaudio to get skype to use alsa04:10
sacarlsonjohn38: ok well that sounds like progress then04:11
john38sacarlson, but then i couldnt load sound applet04:11
sacarlsonjohn38: sound applet is only for pulseaudio,  for alsa there are other mixers as the link above I gave you alsamixer04:12
john38sacarlson, gnome alsa mixer?04:13
sacarlsonjohn38: there are many that might work04:13
john38sacarlson, skype had so many options for default speakers mostly HD audio04:14
GneaJordan_U: got it fixed using the ubuntu livecd04:14
john38sacarlson, i just want to select my webcam's microphone to be used as default input04:15
sacarlsonjohn38: here are more alsa mixers take your pick,  there are even more. http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/AlsaMixers04:15
sacarlsonjohn38: so what's stoping you?04:15
Brictonecan anyone direct me where to find info on installing ubuntu on a USB drive?04:16
bastidrazor!usb | Brictone04:16
ubottuBrictone: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:16
john38sacarlson, i dont know how the hell to use alsa mixer doesnt allow me to test microphone04:16
Brictoneonto not from...04:16
bastidrazorBrictone: read the 2nd link04:17
Brictoneok thanks04:17
hursacarlson yes my laptop brings up /dev/dv1394/0 when I plug in my camera as a firewire connection. that's how I send .dv files to it (by copying it to that device file). my main machine does something different, with /dev/fw0 or /dev/fw104:17
sacarlsonjohn38: that's what vlc is for if you want another application to test your mic try record video with vlc http://www.scribd.com/doc/25400/Video-Recording-With-VLC04:17
sacarlsonhur: so does it work?04:18
hurwell I'm going to try again getting dv1394 module running on my main machine. it's using something more modern i think, some other module set04:18
sacarlsonhur: like I said I tried it and failed04:18
sacarlsonhur: well that's what I want to hear is if it works,  and what camera is it?  mine was a pc100 sony04:19
hurmine is a pretty recent sony hdv, dvcam unit04:20
phixxorcan I get some help with rsync? I'm trying to copy a big folder from one computer to another, and i just want to make sure my command is doing what I think it's doing?04:20
phixxorFrom my mac to my linux computer: rsync -r -a -v -e "ssh phix@phixtop-linux" --delete /Users/Shared/iTunes/iTunes\ Music/ /home/phix/music/iTunes\ Music04:21
sacarlsonhur: well as I said before I would LOVE to hear if it works to send video to the cam.04:22
gusgMy webcam works in "Cheese". How can I see how it is connected to my system? lsusb and lspci don't show it04:22
BrictoneThanks again for the link I'll probly be back with other easy questions later!04:24
Ramir00 cd /home/desktop/myfile???04:24
Ramir00is good?04:24
Ramir00 No existe el fichero o el directorio04:24
gpcRamir00: cd ~/Desktop/myfile04:25
BlueFish_is it necessary  to do a disc clean up on ubuntu if so how is this done04:26
gusgwhere is the kernel source located ? I don't have /usr/src but I thought I had installed the source.04:26
hursar well my dv1394 module works for /dev/dv1394/0 like i said, on my laptop. probably because the interface is a good one, which is 0c:04.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments PCIxx12 OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller04:27
hurdoes anyone know what to do with a more modern type though, onboard atx motherboard? dv1394 isn't quite loading and unloading cleanly. i get /dev/fw1 to come up which is the firewire_ohci module? the lspci spec is (sorry if this is a lot of into) 01:0a.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB23 IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link)04:28
phixxorhow to I tell my laptop that it's OK to allow SSH connections?04:29
hurphixxor after you install sshd just check some /etc/init.d and /etc/rc3.d type startup scripts04:30
KipMacyphixxor: do you have the package openssh-server installed ?04:30
phixxorlet me check these things, thanks :)04:30
phixxor1I'm installing openssh-server now04:33
Jordan_UGnea: Unetbootin doesn't work with Super GRUB2 Disk (yet).04:33
reddictguys need help with wireless module for thinkpad edge 13 under ubuntu (amd 64 bit)04:33
reddictworking off of an ethernet connection right now04:33
GneaJordan_U: okay, what method would you recommend via windows?04:34
reddictbut need to enable wireless. anyone has had experience installing wireless module on edge 13 under ubuntu 64 bit04:34
galamarcan any one tell me where i should go for "WOL"  help?04:34
al_nz1when someone talks about installing from maverick main - how do I do that?04:35
horseatingweedsphpinfo() and php -m say I have xdebug installed, but Eclipse php debugger says I need to check my php.ini file. What could this be?04:35
Jordan_UGnea: None currently. It's possible with dd for windows, but more difficult than it should be.04:36
hurgalamar did you research the etherwake utility you need to install that first, and also make sure your bios has one of the settings set for the lan to wake up04:36
GneaJordan_U: that sort of defeats the purpose of a rescue disk then04:36
HowardTheDuckhey.  how would desktop cube work with an extended desktop w/ 2 screens04:36
davemenningeri'm having a little trouble understanding a library i've installed...04:37
davemenningeraccording to this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=natty&arch=any&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=libmpfr.so.104:37
BlueBomber7HowardTheDuck: When I had my setup like that they were two different cubes.04:37
davemenningerthe file i need ( libmpfr.so.1 ) is provided by the packages libmpfr1ldbl04:37
galamarhur: i have turned it on in bios im just confused about all the address setup stuff.04:37
HowardTheDuckBlueBomber7, are you friggin kidding me?  2 cubes???04:38
davemenningerbut, i only have a libmpfr.so.404:38
BlueBomber7HowardTheDuck: IE the workspaces came in pairs, and changing one changed the other simultaneously.04:38
BlueBomber7HowardTheDuck: You're talking dual monitor?04:38
HowardTheDuckwell laptp + external monitor more specifically04:38
hurgalamar well if i understand you then you want to use etherwake and give it a mac address. you get the mac address from ifconfig04:38
phixxor1Is there an ext driver for windows 7?04:38
BlueBomber7OK, well, I had dual monitors.  I don't remember if I had it set to mirror or not, though :-s04:38
HowardTheDuckjust curious, my desktop has a cube but only 1 monitor...curious as to what it would do when i have 204:38
phixxor1(#ot, perhaps)04:38
BlueBomber7One cube per display is what I remember.04:39
Jordan_UGnea: You can write it to a CD with windows, and I hope unetbootin will support SG2D soon. The next version should also be possible to install via cygwin's grub2 package.04:39
HowardTheDuckso, 8 desktops?04:39
galamarhur: its more the correct port values im sorry for the mis-info04:39
BlueBomber7HowardTheDuck: Don't confuse displays, desktops, workspaces, and cubes ;-)04:39
GneaJordan_U: system doesn't have a cd/dvd drive, but usb flashdrives plug in just fine04:39
hurgalamar not sure about that. i've used the "magic packet" feature, which is a standard port if it's a port at all. i dunno, i haven't had to worry about it04:40
HowardTheDuckim not thats why im asking, 2 cubes would mean the need for 8 desktops right?04:40
BlueBomber7No, the cube is just a transition effect.04:40
BlueBomber7You can have as many workspaces as you want.04:40
galamarhur: like port forwarding in the network04:40
BlueBomber7And in whatever configuration (linear or two-dimensional)04:40
john38sacarlson, ok i got pulseaudio uninstalled to use webcam input in Skype04:40
HowardTheDuckgotcha, thanks04:40
amh345cp * is asking for that machines password. but everytime i enter the password it says permission denied, try again.  is there something im missing?  i know for a fact that the pw is right. i just ssh'd with it.04:41
Jordan_UGnea: Actually, if you select the "Floppy" option from the "Disk Image" drop down it should work.04:41
john38sacarlson, i dont understand the options before were set to Pulseaudio(local) for microphone, speakers, and everything..now im able to select quickcam pro 9000 from list04:42
john38sacarlson, it worked in pulseaudio but when i attempted to video chat microphone was non functional04:43
Jordan_UGnea: Except the current image is .6 MiB too large for a floppy image :(. If you'd like to discuss SG2D more we should probably move to #sgrub as it's gone offtopic for #ubuntu.04:43
GneaJordan_U: er, well I don't get that option, since I don't have a floppy drive either (it's a netbook) so the only things that are available are the hard drive and any usb drive that gets plugged in04:44
john38sacarlson, is it the same if i were using pulseaudio. the sound applet in preferences allowed to select Quickcam for default input04:44
Gneaamh345: cp * user@
john38sacarlson, you know what im saying04:44
hurSince the magic packet is only scanned for the string above, and not actually parsed by a full protocol stack, it may be sent as any network- and transport-layer protocol. It is typically sent as a UDP datagram to port 7 or 9, but actually it can be sent on any port.04:44
=== Vixie|kyukon is now known as Vixie
hur-- that was from the Wake-On-LAN wikipedia page04:45
Jordan_UGnea: It's not about writing to a floppy drive, but rather treating the image as a bootable floppy image (which it is) instead of a bootable CD image (which it also is).04:45
phixxorHey -- when I try to ssh into my computer, I get this prompt -- what am I doing wrong?: Permission denied (publickey,password)04:45
amh345Gnea: that line is just returning a usage map for cp04:46
zek152phixxor, i assume you set up an ssh server on your computer?04:46
GneaJordan_U: OIC, with the diskimage... hrm..04:46
overdubamh345, try scp04:47
Gneaamh345: then use scp, cp is local-only04:47
phixxorzek152, yes, and I tried logging in to localhost and it worked04:47
john38sacarlson, you there?04:47
Gneaamh345: the only way you can use cp across the network is with nfs or cifs04:47
phixxorzek152, i'm on my mac now, and the same user/password isn't working04:47
Jordan_UGnea: 1.98s1 should definitely work with that option, I'm not sure what will happen with the wubi_rescue.iso as it's slightly too large for a floppy.04:47
Gneaamh345: well, zfs could work too04:47
zek152phixxor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26726404:47
GneaJordan_U: I'll give it a try and see what happens04:48
amh345Gnea: scp worked.  but it didnt grab directories as well. only files located at the root of *.  hmm04:48
Gneaamh345: scp -r04:48
amh345scp * -r ?04:48
BlueBomber7amh345: man scp04:49
Gneaman scp  <-- will tell you the correct lineup04:49
phixxorzek152, alright, I'll try deleting the known_hosts04:49
jessiewho here is good with ubuntu install problems?04:49
amh345thank you04:49
Gneajessie: most of us04:49
horseatingweedsHow does php see the config files in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d?04:49
jessieok, im new to linux and im tryin to help my friend. he can run ubuntu 10.10 from cd just fine, but it wont run from HD... any suggestions?04:50
jessiei got mine to work just fine though, on this com and a laptop04:50
zek152phixxor, if that doesn't work i wouldn't be able to help anymore than just doing another google search for you.04:50
phixxoralright, thanks for your help :D04:50
jessieany suggestions on what would make it not run from HD?04:52
john38can somebody help me i have no sound there is no device detected in sound preferences04:52
wooterjessie, is the bios set to boot from hard drive04:52
BlueBomber7jessie: What happens when you try to install it?04:52
Gneajessie: my suggestion is to explain the problem in as much detail as possible.  vagueness doesn't solve problems, it creates problems.04:52
jessiesry, im trying to talk him into getting in the room here so he can explain it04:53
jessieim the delevery guy right now04:53
BlueBomber7jessie: I agree with Gnea.  More details, please.  We're asking more questions than you :P04:53
john38can somebody help me i have no sound there is no device detected in sound preferences??04:54
markosohi why dont my sound settings stay sometimes i have to goto prefs and change the output but it does not stik04:54
Gnea!sound | john3804:54
ubottujohn38: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:54
john38Gnea, i have no sound04:54
phixxorzek152, d'oh, I was trying to login using a nonexistant username04:54
Gneajohn38: see the troubleshooting url above.04:55
phixxorzek152, that's why it worked with localhost and not here04:55
OttifantSirQuick one: How do I start a graphical application from terminal, then be able to close the terminal without killing the app? Someone showed me once, but I don't remember04:55
Hansolzhow do i get my ubuntu to look like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC3UG4SwWNA04:55
zek152phixxor, that will do it. glad you got it figured out.04:55
phixxorOttifantSir, append && I believe -- but better get a second opinion04:55
jessieok here is what he says "everything goes ok then when I restart my computer it starts to load then a get a black screen instead of the ubuntu 10.10 screen my moniter says out of range then nothing happens I can hear ubuntu start up from my head phones but no images."04:56
GneaHansolz: your request is denied.04:56
OttifantSirphixxor: Thank you for quick response. Don't remember what it was, but it didn't include &&, that much I remember.04:57
Gneajessie: he will need to get into the grub boot menu when the system starts up and turn boot verbosity on04:57
Gnea!grub2 | jessie The following illustrates how to do this:04:57
ubottujessie The following illustrates how to do this:: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:57
Gneajessie: second URL04:58
jessieok, ill tell him04:58
jessiethanks you so much!04:58
phixxoris it redundant to use rsync with the switches -ravz ?04:58
Gneajessie: by turning verbosity on, he will be able to see the error message when it happens04:58
phixxori'm not sure if -a includes -r04:59
adlib8675309_does anybody know if dx works with wine for use with WOW or am i stuck with open gl04:59
jessiei was thinking it was something to do with graphics, but wasnt sure04:59
hursar I found a useful page that talks about switching between the old and new firewire stacks. my laptop had the old one (which works) so I'm setting up my main machine to use the old one as well. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FireWire04:59
rwwphixxor: -a includes -r. see the manpage.04:59
jessieit just wasnt making sense that the cd works but not off HD lol04:59
Gneajessie: well if he swapped the hard drive from one machine to another, there could be a video driver mismatch, yeah04:59
rwwphixxor: "-r     archive mode; equals -rlptgoD"05:00
jessiehe just said "I can only load of the cd if I chose F then select nomodeset05:00
rww-a **05:00
BlueBomber7-a does include -r (recursive)05:00
phixxorthanks rww!05:00
OttifantSirQuick one: How do I start a graphical application from terminal, then be able to close the terminal without killing the app? Someone showed me once, but I don't remember05:00
amh345does anyone know of a purely command line media app for ubuntu server?  something that functions with ps3 and xbox?  now that im getting ubuntu running nicely, i want to move over my old windoze machines.05:01
BlueBomber7OttifantSir: Start it in the background.05:01
victoryI am running maverick. I want to add "noatime" to a USB thumb drive when it is plugged in. Where is this sort of thing kept? What system is in charge of that? I hear things keep changing. Is it udev? HAL? or something else?05:01
BlueBomber7OttifantSir: example:05:01
BlueBomber7$ nautilus . &05:01
zek152OttifantSir, appending an "&" at the end of a command will background it. you can bring it back to the forground with the fg # command, where # is the job ID (printed to the console when you start the original application05:01
rwwOttifantSir: "command &" works fine for me. you may also be thinking of 'disown', which is another way of doing it.05:01
zek152lol.  i like how we all responded the same thing at pretty much the same time05:02
zek152we must be right :)05:02
BlueBomber7OttifantSir: By the way, nothing about what we're telling you has anything to do with the program being GUI or CLI05:02
phixxori thoguht it was && for some reason05:02
OttifantSirBlueBomber7 and rww: Thank you. Now remember where I saw what I thought of - Linux Journal Quick Tip05:02
BlueBomber7OttifantSir: Yup, just process management.05:02
sacarlsonjohn38: so audio in skype works fine in pulseaudio but not when run with video chat,  I'm not sure what your problem is,  sounds like a skype problem05:02
zek152&& will run the first command and then the second command.05:03
bastidrazorzek152: if the first command does not have errors05:03
BlueBomber7If the first command terminates normally, right?05:03
john38sacarlson, that could be it ...but i had to narrow it down05:03
zek152bastidrazor, yes, of course, good clarification.05:04
phixxorrww: can rsync be used with filepaths containing spaces? like /home/rww/foo\ bar kind of thing?05:04
bc81hello!  how can i get rid of this pink color that shows up in various parts of the theme?  see the pinkness: http://tinyurl.com/66gmxka and also http://tinyurl.com/5r5k3so there is no such pink in the Ambience theme!!05:04
disappearedng_Hey on my mac I am getting chromium 9 but then on my ubuntu it's still chromium 8 what is the deb entry I have to add to upgrade ?05:04
john38sacarlson, someone here told me they used skype fine...could be my webcam05:04
chdI plugged a hard drive in through a USB port and I want to mount it, how do I go about doing this?05:04
KB1JWQchd: man mount05:04
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:04
rwwphixxor: dunno. I'd imagine so...05:05
phixxorrww: it doesn't seem to work :( can I pastebin?05:06
rwwphixxor: sure05:06
OttifantSirBlueBomber7: Your way didn't work with avant-window-navigator.  Do I need that period before the & ?05:06
sacarlsonjohn38: I use skype v2.1  fine in ubuntu 10.04 and only one of my webcams works with it,  seems my old cam still uses v4l1 and skype now only likes v4l2,  skype has limited support being it's not open source05:06
phixxormy command is thus: rsync -avz --delete --exclude '.DS_Store' /Users/Shared/iTunes/iTunes\ Music patrick@phixtop-linux:/home/patrick/music/iTunes\ Music05:06
zek152OttifantSir, i dont think you need the "." before the "&"05:06
rwwphixxor: I've never used rsync remotely, at all. I suspect it's slightly more complicated than that, though?05:07
BlueBomber7OttifantSir: I don't think AWN takes a directory argument.  The full-stop (.) means the current directory.05:07
john38sacarlson, that could be it05:07
BlueBomber7OttifantSir: That was just an argument I passed to nautilus.05:07
phixxorrww, http://paste.ubuntu.com/557974/ i don't know :/ i hope its not05:07
john38sacarlson, i got another problem with another computer05:07
john38sacarlson, my sound is disabled05:07
chdhow do I found out the "path" to the drive I just plugged in? ie sda1 sdb...05:07
BlueBomber7chd: mount05:08
zek152OttifantSir, if you wanted to start firefox it would be ">> firefox &"05:08
needlezdoes anyone in here know how to make XIRC choose a different port on startup?? just wondering cuz my school blocks port 8001 which is my default for freenode05:08
BlueBomber7chd:  man mount05:08
OttifantSirzek152: I need to pipe it?05:08
overdubchd, fdisk -l05:09
zek152OttifantSir, no sorry the ">>" just meant your prompt.05:09
bastidrazorzek152:  $05:09
rwwphixxor: heh. two thoughts: 1) make sure /home/patrick/music/ already exists on the destination computer (and note case-sensitivity), 2) try using "/home/patrick/music/iTunes Music" (i.e., wrap it in quotes) instead.05:10
overdubphixxor, and use the IP number of the target machine instead of hostname in case that's the problem05:11
sacarlsonneedlez: if xirc is a client not sure why it uses port 8001,  if you need a client access from school then there are web irc sites05:11
dw-Unlisted link to NEW Zeitgeist: http://youtu.be/-Sii0X2p0J405:11
OttifantSirzek152, BlueBomber7, phixxor and rww: Again, thanks for your help. Shawn Powers of Linux Journal had a YouTube-video on bg and fg. I'll hunt that down because it was easy to do, just didn't remember it, but you reminded me of it, so I thank you even though "command &" don't work for AWN apparently05:11
phixxor1rww, ok -- i'm on the other compu  now, gonna try switchign source and dest05:11
chaos2358msg nickserv identify just4me05:11
phixxor1rww, heh, turns out music was Music05:12
needlezsacarlson, kk thanks05:12
rwwchaos2358: you may want to /msg nickserv set password newpassword after you identify ;)05:13
CryptoSecI accidentally deleted the PPA package from my software sources... now i can't download, remove, and install ubantu software, including pidgin.... does anyone know how it can be fixed?05:13
rollmanmy cdrom won't auto mount how do i get it back again?05:13
chaos2358im running a dual boot laptop. ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I also plug into my 50'' tv. win booted in windows if i close the lid while using tv as monitor the laptop screen goes blank. but when using ubuntu it does not it stays illuminated. i already have power management settings configured to blank screen but it doesnt work. can someone help me?05:14
chaos2358rww already did but thanks05:14
galamarok forget the wol stuff im over that.... how about a way to start vnc service at boot?05:14
phixxor1rww, it's working now :) does rsync go faster if -v is not enabled?05:15
needlezalso can someone explain to me how to use wget to get an image from a site like facebook? or can it even get images from these types of sites since the page uses javascript. Also I have Greasemonkey and have a addon  script for greasemonkey to do wget but it doesn't work or I don't understand it.05:15
rwwphixxor1: it seems to for me when I'm running it locally on small files05:15
maconeedlez: right click the image, copy image location.   wget *paste image location here*05:17
galamarneedlez: i think you  you would need the excact addr to picture you wanted to wget05:17
needlezmaco: ok I get that part but what if I want to get all images at once from a page??05:17
galamaryeah what he said to05:17
chaos2358rww what the hell man?05:18
maconeedlez: youd need all the URLs. i think personally i'd write a script in python with BeautifulSoup.py to grab the URLs of all the images in the album and spit them out / pass them to wget05:18
rwwchaos2358: sorry, I got ghost and release mixed up *shrugs*05:18
sacarlsongalamar: what I do is have my system autologin to my main account and if I want to vnc into it I ssh in first and enable vnc from ssh05:18
chaos2358meaning you were trying to hide my posts? whats the diff?05:19
rwwchaos2358: you should perhaps actually change your password.05:19
needlezmaco: ooo ok, was wondering if I'd have to write a script for this, thank you, I'll check into what you suggested thank you again05:19
chaos2358rww i did change my password but why were you trying to ghost me?05:19
maconeedlez: i suggest BeautifulSoup because it can make sense of even malformed HTML and get you a usable DOM tree05:19
galamarsacarlson: i dont know how to ssh tunnel nut i got it working without ssh.05:20
sacarlsongalamar: I use this command from my ssh session http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698105:20
sacarlsongalamar: I don't tunnel I just enable it05:20
chaos2358rww im waiting05:20
rwwphixxor1: not long. I was about to point it out ;)05:20
phixxor1haha ty05:20
needlezmaco: thank you for all your help, sounds like a pretty sweet thing this BeautifulSoup thing05:21
chaos2358rww im asking you why you were trying to ghost me05:21
undecimWhat's the easiest way to rip an ISO to an AVI via the command line?05:21
gpc!ot | chaos235805:21
ubottuchaos2358: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:21
undecimor any other movie format, really...05:21
galamarokay than i have only learned to ssh on local networks but i need to do it over internet if possible05:21
rwwchaos2358: to check whether you'd actually changed your password, which you apparently didn't.05:21
macochaos2358: i dont see rww saying for you to ghost at all, just to set a new password since you revealed yours05:21
undecimgalamar: YOu will need to forward ports from your router's configuration.05:22
macochaos2358: oh nevermind. i get it now.05:22
sacarlsonundecim: to start I guess mount loop your iso file then use ffmpg to convert it to whatever format you want05:22
chaos2358rww my password is changed (-NickServ- The password for Chaos2358 has been changed to05:22
undecimgalamar: Also, if possible, use a different incoming port than 22. Otherwise bots will hammer it like there's no tomorrow.05:23
gpcchaos2358: this is not Ubuntu related. Please take it elsewhere05:23
rwwchaos2358: huzzah. Mission accomplished!05:23
needlezmaco: one quick question with facebook it doesn't link back to html file or anything like that, its like a php file or something its really strange will it still be ok to do that?? also does it have html or xml only or can it handle java too??05:23
rwwbut yes, I think gpc has a valid point, so I'll go back to my ebook ;)05:23
undecimgalamar: Then go to wimi.com to find your IP05:23
maconeedlez: *ml's only05:24
chaos2358gpc it is related to why he booted me from channel if you dont like it i apologize scroll through it05:24
chaos2358im running a dual boot laptop. ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I also plug into my 50'' tv. win booted in windows if i close the lid while using tv as monitor the laptop screen goes blank. but when using ubuntu it does not it stays illuminated. i already have power management settings configured to blank screen but it doesnt work. can someone help me?05:24
needlezmaco: ok thank you05:24
undecimgalamar: Then you can SSH with "ssh -p Port you.home.ip.address" where Port is the incoming port you used, and your.home.ip.address is the IP you see at wimi.com05:24
gpcchaos2358: This is not Ubuntu related. Take it elsewhere or I will boot you from the channel.05:24
maconeedlez: i would expect there to be a correlation between thumbnail and full image url though...05:24
chaos2358im running a dual boot laptop. ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I also plug into my 50'' tv. win booted in windows if i close the lid while using tv as monitor the laptop screen goes blank. but when using ubuntu it does not it stays illuminated. i already have power management settings configured to blank screen but it doesnt work. can someone help me?05:24
chaos2358im running a dual boot laptop. ubuntu 10.10 and win xp. I also plug into my 50'' tv. win booted in windows if i close the lid while using tv as monitor the laptop screen goes blank. but when using ubuntu it does not it stays illuminated. i already have power management settings configured to blank screen but it doesnt work. can someone help me?05:24
FloodBot2chaos2358: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:24
rollmanwow somethings wrong with cdrom player i was playing music with rythembox now everytime i put in cd it doesn't read anything05:25
rollmanbut if i eject cd it shows the rom drive05:26
galamarsacarlson: okay and what vnc program can i start from terminal? right now i use x11vnc.05:26
Jubuntudoes anyone know how i can get the UINPUT module working on my ubuntu 10.10 installation ?  im doing modprobe uinput then lsmod|grep uinput, and its not showing that it is loaded05:26
sacarlsongalamar: the default is vino-server that ubuntu comes preinstalled  the link I gave you is for that05:27
sacarlsongalamar: x11vnc Is cool I use that too and it has it's advantages I just forget what they are05:28
=== windkids is now known as windAwy
undecimJubuntu: You get any output when you modprobe?05:34
Jubuntuundecim, nop, 005:34
undecimJubuntu: Try adding the -v flag when you modprove05:34
Jubuntuundecim, modprobe -v uinput  = still 0 output05:35
undecimJubuntu: Do you have the file /dev/input/uinput?05:36
Jubuntuundecim, no, but i have  /dev/uinput05:37
undecimJubuntu: Hmm... so do I05:37
undecimJubuntu: That means it's compiled into the kernel05:37
undecimJubuntu: So it's not a module05:38
Jubuntuundecim, if i do cat /dev/uinput it returns no such device,  im having the same problem as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161758105:38
buckyJubuntu, is this for  a trackpad mouse?05:39
undecimJubuntu: My guess is there needs to be an option passed to it...05:39
undecimJubuntu: Sorry, but I don't have experience with this :(05:39
Jubuntubucky, its for my g15 keyboard05:39
buckymodinfo uinput returns could not find module uinput ...  i think you need to install mouseemu05:39
buckyJubuntu, look at the description in synaptic05:40
john38sacarlson, you there05:41
Jubuntubucky, its not for a trackpad, its for my Logitech G110 Keyboard05:41
emIs there any prefered application available in Ubuntu for simple editing of webcam videos one might post on YouTube?05:43
tensorpuddingem: pitivi maybe?05:43
em!info pitivi05:44
ubottupitivi (source: pitivi): non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.5-1ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 276 kB, installed size 1820 kB05:44
emyes that could be one.05:44
DarkStar1what's the netstat switch that prints the ports processes are listening on?05:46
bonjoyeeDarkStar1: netstat -ltunp05:47
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rwwDarkStar1: -p will show which process is associated with a given line. you'll need to use sudo for it to work.05:47
DarkStar1bonjoyee: thanx05:48
DarkStar1rww: I'm logged in as root (not an ubuntu system)05:48
agent0rangeusanyone from ky? doubt it05:48
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DarkStar1bonjoyee: Didn't work. Although using -lnp shows the mysqld is listening05:49
rollmank rebooted my system and got cdrom back must be something with rythemplayer and what i had purged to get my sound back (dkms-oss4 package i think)05:49
john38how do i open gnome audio mixer for "Multimedia Systems Selector???05:49
rwwDarkStar1: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support, not help with other systems :\05:49
DarkStar1rww: I know, but most utils re the same across linux systems :)05:51
john38how do i open gnome audio mixer for "Multimedia Systems Selector???05:51
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pookyanyone know of any titlebar-less metacity themes? something like this-> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134382/Screenshot.png05:52
Griz64is there a command line installer for 10.04.1 LTS on the cd?05:52
pookylooking for something with a simple 1px border05:52
thauriswulfaQUESTION: If anybody here can help me with joomla on ubuntu?05:53
BlueBomber7pooky: That looks less like a metacity theme and more like a tiling window manager.05:55
ubutom_Griz64, I think you want to use the alternate cd for that,05:55
pookyBlueBomber7: I know, I like the functionality, but the rigid workspaces of things like awesome annoy me05:55
ubutom_!alternate | Griz6405:55
ubottuGriz64: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal05:55
BlueBomber7pooky: You could always disable the window decorator altogether.05:56
BlueBomber7Sometimes my DE starts up that way anyhow :-D05:56
Griz64ubutom_, Tanx. I'll look into that. Be Well.05:56
pookyBlueBomber7: haha, well, what I'd like most is to get a simple 1px border that highlights the focused window05:56
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BlueBomber7pooky: If you're leaning towards tiling, try Ratpoison or XMonad.  There was another one that was hybrid tiling/compositing.05:57
pookyBlueBomber7, oh, I also use the gnome global menu and such, so awesome kind of doesn't work there05:57
pookyI really like metacity, just need to tweak a theme05:57
BlueBomber7pooky: Checkout emerald.  It has limitless customization options.05:57
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pookyI can't run compositing05:57
buckythauriswulfa, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla05:57
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BlueBomber7Does emerald require compositing?05:57
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BlueBomber7Didn't know that ;)05:58
sacarlsonjohn38: to bring up alsa mixer Application>Sound & video>GNOME ALSA Mixer  this assumes you have already installed it05:58
pookyhaha, you people and your awesome machines05:58
pookyI run xcompmgr or turn on metacity compositing and I get artifacts everywhere05:58
BlueBomber7I don't know about metacity theming; I barely know about emerald skinning.  I usually grab the default theme and run with it for an hour or so, customizing.05:58
john38sacarlson, how do i test my microphone?05:58
pookyBlueBomber when I ran linux on my mac I used emerald, it's nice and fun to theme05:59
pookyI don't understand the metacity stuff much, and was just hoping someone might have something like what I wanted laying around05:59
pookywhat I have now works, I just every now and then think, man, those are some thick borders!05:59
sacarlsonjohn38: I would try record sound with qrecord or VLC05:59
FloatingGoathow do i get xubuntu in gnome ubuntu?05:59
pookyexcept then you'll have a lot of stuff you might not need...06:00
markosohow do i get gmate for gedit?06:01
john38sacarlson, since i dont have pulseaudio anymore and no sound applet...i just want to see if microphone is working06:01
FloatingGoatwhats better for old people. ubuntu or gentoo?06:01
bonjoyeepooky: one way to reduce the title bar size..is reduce the title bar font size!06:01
john38sacarlson, i dont want to record music06:01
pookyFloatingGoat: depends on how much you hate old people06:01
FloatingGoatpooky lolololol06:02
BlueBomber7FloatingGoat: My grandma uses Xubuntu on her decade-old Compaq.06:02
sacarlsonjohn38: sorry it's qarecord and with that you can record any source including your mic06:02
pookyFloatingGoat: I'd say ubuntu for ease of use, but that assumes computer illiteracy or desire06:02
FloatingGoatBlueBomber7: can she really use it?06:02
rwwYou're in #ubuntu, so unsurpringly, the consensus will be Ubuntu ;)06:03
BlueBomber7FloatingGoat: Do we exchange emails?  Yes.  Does the browse the internet?  Yes.  Has she her Mahjongg?  Yes.  Does she script with bash?  Not yet.06:03
sacarlsonjohn38: see http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/qarecord06:03
FloatingGoatif the hardest thing i've ever don in ubuntu was manually install a nvidea driver then is arch linux right for me?06:04
jessieok.... i need some help with installing ubuntu06:04
jessiei have a friend in here thats having the issue06:04
jessiei finally got him in here lol06:04
FloatingGoatjessie what is the issue?06:05
awhitehatterhey all, what's the best way to add a bash file to start applications?06:05
FloatingGoatubuntu you cant have that name06:05
bonjoyeepooky: make the title bar font 0...may be that'll help!06:05
jessiegoat my friend is going to tell you what the problem is06:05
rwwFloatingGoat: they can, actually06:05
bonjoyeepooky: size*06:05
john38sacarlson, wont record my voice06:05
pookybonjoyee: did you see the screenshot?06:05
connor_i need help06:05
john38sacarlson, i just need a way to tell ubuntu to use my microphone as default sound input06:05
pookybonjoyee: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134382/Screenshot.png06:05
ubuntuim haveing the one whos having the install probs06:05
sacarlsonjohn38: did you open the alsa mixer and unmute the mic?06:05
connor_i just installed ubuntu06:06
connor_and the sound hates me06:06
nit-witawhitehatter, browse to it through the manager command06:06
john38sacarlson, yeah its unmuted06:06
connor_ive tried everything i can find06:06
sacarlsonjohn38: also look in capture settings06:06
FloatingGoatubuntu what is the install problem? maybe people in here can help06:06
ubuntufloating goat im jessies friend06:06
awhitehatternit-wit, so are saying I can just add an entry of \path\my\script in start apps command?06:06
nit-witawhitehatter, no use the add then browse to the bash and double click.06:07
ubuntuI can only run ubuntu if I run from the cd and select my language, hit F6 and select nomodeset.  other wise I get a black screen and my moniter says no signal06:08
john38sacarlson, i think im supposed to be to open System>Preferences>Sound but i cant06:08
connor_please help?06:08
awhitehatternit-wit, thanks!!!06:08
john38sacarlson, i dont think thats normal06:08
ubuntuI tried to install but all i get is a black screen when I reboot06:08
nit-witawhitehatter, you were correct with the path this is just easier.06:09
sacarlsonjohn38: I assume you still have pulseaudio uninstalled that will only work in pulseaudio06:09
bonjoyeeubuntu: then add nomodeset to the kernel line on the installed system and try again06:09
john38sacarlson, yep06:09
sacarlsonjohn38: so you must then use alsa mixers06:09
DND2hi. should i format the disk to ext4 before raiding or not?06:09
connor_so.... yeah?06:09
john38sacarlson, but now computer doesnt know to use microphone as default input06:09
john38sacarlson, gnome alsa mixer doesnt help06:10
bonjoyeejohn38: try gstreamer-properties06:10
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ubuntuI tried it boots up but all I get a black screen and command lines06:10
sacarlsonjohn38: some applications will not apperate without pulseaudio or you will have to custom set them up to use it06:11
DND2hi. should i format the disk to ext4 before doing raid1 or its ok if not?06:11
sacarlsonjohn38: bonjoyee: good idea try gstreamer_properties as bonj* suggested06:12
sambagirli am wondering why all of a sudden my screen is going to screensaver yet i have steaming video playing. i have checked my power management and i am using ac plug and i set it to never go out yet it keeps fading after like 5 minutes and enters into screensaver mode. how can i resolve this dilema?06:12
john38sacarlson, in gstreamer-properties im able to test microphone by choosing alsa and usb audio for device06:12
thauriswulfabucky: thanx a lot you saved me frm trouble06:12
kvahello all06:13
sacarlsonjohn38: there mission acomplished06:13
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john38sacarlson, so thats all i need huh is gstreamer-properties06:13
kvawell, I need some help with black screen on latest snapshot of livecd06:13
sacarlsonjohn38: that's only for gstreamer applications but yes06:13
john38sacarlson, this stuff is a pain06:14
john38sacarlson, as long as i got sound and skype works06:14
sacarlsonjohn38: I don't think skype is a gstreamer application but I could be wrong06:15
tacotronmaco are you still there?06:15
kvaI don't think so06:15
john38sacarlson, skype sound options has my quickcam in dropdown list06:15
kvaabout skype06:15
sambagirl nevermind i resolved my issue.06:15
zeshoem Greetings .. would anyone have a minute to look over an Iptable port forwarding config that I cant seem to get working? http://pastebin.com/RPUigjWS06:15
sacarlsonjohn38: skype has a sound test if you want to know if your mic works on that06:16
john38sacarlson, yeah i tried it works06:16
sambagirlwhat is considered as idle in screensaver?06:16
sambagirldefine idle for screensaver someone.06:17
john38sacarlson, cant fully test it until i video chat06:17
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tacotronguess not.. ok.. i just reinstalled ubuntu 10.10.. i installed the alsa backports for maveric, yet i still dont have any audio, has anyone had any problems with this? i have an SND-HDA-Intel card, my system says the codec is ALC-25906:17
kvadon't touch keyboard and mouse... that's idle :-)06:17
bonjoyeesambagirl: no keyboard/mouse activity..i think06:17
sacarlsonjohn38: I hate to over complicate but skype isn't the only video chat software avalable06:17
sambagirlso streaming is not considered idle. ok thanks06:17
john38sacarlson, yeah i know but everyone i know uses skype06:18
amh345are there any commandline webbrowsers?06:18
kvastreaming isn't idle for screensaver06:18
kvaamh345: lynx06:18
sambagirlok thanks06:18
rwwamh345: w3m is included by default in ubuntu. there's also lynx, links2, etc.06:18
john38sacarlson, i mean unless i could use another video chat program to skype06:18
amh345thanks guys.06:19
FloatingGoatinstalling stuff without X running is kinda fun just sayin06:19
sacarlsonjohn38: no skype protocal is propriatary, no other software works with it except skype at this time06:19
john38sacarlson, but i think only skype to skype works06:19
connor_HEY!!!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! HLEP!!!! NO SOUND DV706:19
amh345wow. this is what commanline browsers look like ??  heh. i love it.06:19
kvawell, last pidgin supports text skype06:20
sambagirllynx is really really really old school06:20
kvawell, it works :-)06:20
FloatingGoathey samba girl are you actually a female?06:20
horseatingweedsIf I need to specify "Location" for Fire Fox, to specify it to Eclipse, what location am I looking for?06:21
maconot that its much of your business....06:21
bullgard4I forgot how I managed that my Ubuntu computer calls the 'most' command if I type 'man lsof' and shows the lsof manpage colorful. How to accomplish this?06:21
kvawell, location is where you are :-)06:21
=== FloatingGoat is now known as Motore
john38sacarlson, isnt the sound applet in Preferences the main configuration for sound input and ouput06:21
amh345do these browsers all look more or less like w3m?  is there a choice one?06:21
sambagirland i guess if your going to use lynx you might as well use vi :)06:21
connor_can we please help me06:21
jessie<FloatingGoat> are you good with install paroblems?06:21
connor_ive tried everything that i can find06:22
rwwbullgard4: set the $PAGER variable in your .bashrc06:22
kvaI won't blame vi for it's existence06:22
sambagirlvi is hidious06:22
kvaby the way emacs was used to get browser also, but it's for perverts :-)06:22
Motorejessie iu have installed ubuntu many times but I do not know much about your specific problem. I saw earlier that someone said to add it to the end of the command line, did that work?06:23
sacarlsonjohn38: it's only the default method in ubunu06:23
hyde_my ubuntu inside VirtualBox got hang after disk full for its VDI file, now disk space is available, but the mouse cursor is not responding anymore, any suggestions?06:23
john38sacarlson, gstreamer-properties is method for Alsa06:23
john38sacarlson, ?06:23
Ramir00Hello samba-3.5.6.tar.gz download and install it source3, but I do not see anything? that more needs to be done06:23
jessie<Motore> my buddy is in the room who is having the issues, his name is Ubuntu (he is the purple name)06:23
jessiehe cant change it lol06:24
sambagirlhyde_ that really is a virtualbox channle problem06:24
amh345is it too much to ask to be able to use a mouse with these textbased browsers?or can i install mouse drivers?06:24
jessiehes gona pm you06:24
Motorejessie i will be right back06:24
sacarlsonjohn38: gstreamer-properties is the method for gstreamer  that can connect to alsa, oss, pulse, jackd.....06:24
hyde_virtualbox now working fine, ubuntu is the one that is not working06:24
kvaamh345: no way06:25
sambagirland if your going to use lynx and vi you might as well use pine06:25
amh345kva: ok, no problem. i can nav easily with up/down06:25
kvasambagirl: you're too sarcastic :-)06:25
sambagirlhyde_ no ubuntu isnt working due to limits that were originally assigned to the ubuntu vm in reality.06:25
Ramir00the page where are the steps is to install samba is........http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163963606:25
amh345wow, i LOVE how fast 'back' works.  i wish ff was that fast.06:25
BlueBomber7I <3 Pine06:25
sambagirlkva :)06:25
GneaPine was good, mutt turned out better06:26
john38sacarlson, ok heres this if...i disable alsa in gstreamer-properties will i still be able to use microphone and speakers in skype06:26
sambagirlgnea what is mutt?06:26
kvayep, I agree Gnea06:26
kvalike pine but better06:26
sambagirli am installing it now06:26
hyde_sambagirl, that limit is gone now, shouldn't ubuntu adapt itself?06:26
sambagirli would think so but i would ask someone in #virtualbox about it to be perfectly honest with you. if i knew the solution i would sure tell you but i dont.06:27
Ramir00Hello download samba-3.5.6.tar.gz  and install it source3, but I do not see anything? that more needs to be done06:27
Gneasambagirl: you've got to be kidding me, it's 2011...06:27
KipMacypine is deprecated.  use alpine06:27
sambagirlgnea i just install it and it works!06:28
kvaanyway install emacs and you'll get it all in one package, mail, browser and chess and all in text mode :-)06:28
Gneasambagirl: I wouldn't recommend something that doesn't :)06:28
sacarlsonjohn38: we now know skype is not a gstreamer application so it maters not what you have gstreamer-properties set to see gstreamer applications that will be effected here: http://www.gstreamer.net/apps/06:28
Ramir00someone install samba-3.5.6.tar.gz? steps, page?????06:28
Gneaseriously, I was using mutt back in '9806:28
sambagirlgnea i just send myself a msg let me see if i get it brb06:29
Gneathe .muttrc makes things pretty nice once it's all setup the way you like it06:29
kvame too :-)06:29
sacarlsonRamir00: you should use the samba package instead of compile06:29
milamberRamir00: did you unzip and compile?06:29
sambagirlit worked gnea06:29
GneaRamir00: we don't recommend compiling, everything's all setup for you06:29
Gnea!samba | Ramir0006:30
ubottuRamir00: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:30
kvasure it worked :-)06:30
sacarlsonRamir00: try the command apt-get install samba06:30
sambagirlhyde_ if bad comes to worst just remake the vm again.06:30
bonjoyeesacarlson: audacity's not on that list..yet it depends on gstreamer-properties settings.....so theres more to it!06:30
sacarlsonbonjoyee: is skype effected then?06:31
john38sacarlson, obviously my computer is using my audio chipset driver because it recognizes it in skype options06:31
Ramir00sacarlson follows these steps..http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1639636.....just install source306:31
kvawell, you're really sure that you haven't muted your sound?06:31
john38sacarlson, only after i uninstall pulseaudio06:32
Ramir00samba of repository have bug with windows 706:32
Ramir00problem samba old with w706:32
bonjoyeesacarlson: it has to be...as far as i know ..gstreamer relates to encoding/decoding part..and gstreamer-properties takes care of audio sinks...06:32
john38sacarlson, but does it make a diffrence selecting pulseaudio or quickcam as option06:33
john38sacarlson, ?06:35
kieppiehi guys. is anyone here able to assist with a PulseAudio setup from the CLI, please? I think everyone @ the #PulseAudio room is either dead or asleep06:36
Ramir00ok,,,i go to sleep, bye06:36
bonjoyeesacarlson: john38: http://library.gnome.org/users/gstreamer-properties/stable/gstreamer-properties-usage.html.en06:36
Ramir00i have dream06:36
Descriptionedchmod: changing permissions of `/usr/share/themes/SlicknesS-black/Slickness-black.jpg': Operation not permitted06:37
Ramir003:36 am bye06:37
Descriptioned?? :S06:37
Descriptionedwhat  should i do ?06:37
kvakieppie: what's your problem?06:37
sacarlsonbonjoyee: as seen in this post (but might be old) There's currently no way to enable Skype sound through GStreamer. You  better disable GStreamer and use direct ALSA or OSS method described  above.  http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/support/user-guides/sound-setup-linux/06:37
sambagirli have to ask a question about mutt. if i send using mutt it doesnt give details about the sender. it just gives sambagirl@sambagirl and that is it.06:37
ActionParsnipDescriptioned: prepend the command with: sudo06:37
kieppiehi kva: thanks for the response.06:38
kieppieI'm running a *very* system (Lucid 64. only X; no windows manager or desktop), with XBMC & MPD. I've been pushing XBMC's audio out via the HDMI OK, & have now added a new PCI card, a Sound Blaster CA0106, that I want to pipe MPD to, that I am unable to get going on ALSA (loooong story), so now I'm using PA, since there's indications that PA handles it OK.06:38
sambagirlwith mutt you can send anonymous emails :D06:38
bonjoyeeDescriptioned: used sudo?06:38
Descriptionedyes working thants ActionParsnip06:39
kvawell, sambagirl you found a bit of happiness :-)06:39
ActionParsnipkieppie: creative cards can be a nightmare to get going06:39
sambagirlkva i found something very very good :)06:39
kieppiekva: I'd be happy if I could use ALSA (much less complicated or resource-overhead), but ALSA has trouble with the card (drive, I think)06:39
kvaa hint, there's simple "mail"06:39
Gneasambagirl: the smtp protocol requires that all headers be written with accurate information.06:39
connor_i hate all of you.06:40
sambagirlgnea but i cannot reply back to sambagirl@sambagirl06:40
connor_you assholes06:40
connor_didnt even try to help me06:40
connor_not even a fucking minimal effort06:40
sambagirlwhat is the problem conner_?06:40
Gneaconnor_: your presence is not required here with that attitude.06:40
kvasorry, kieppie, I can't help06:40
kieppieActionParsnip: it's the market standard. it realy should not be. the ALSA issue on this card looks like it goes back about 6 years, which is very telling re the hardware-support06:40
ActionParsnipDescriptioned: the file is outside $HOME. 9 times outta 10 if you want to manipulate these you will need sudo06:40
sambagirlactually i know how conner feels i feel exactly like that when i leave #sme-fr channel for sme server support ;)06:40
kieppiethanks for trying anyway, kva: I appreciate you taking the time.06:41
Gneasambagirl: but the IP is sent with it. surely you know a thing or two about spam?06:41
Johnuxanyone in here ever install gnome on a VPS?06:41
john38sacarlson, but does it make a diffrence selecting pulseaudio or quickcam as option?06:41
kvaenchante, sambagirl :-)06:41
sambagirlgnea but i sent email to gmail and details dont reveal anything.06:41
john38sacarlson, in skype06:41
Gneasambagirl: perhaps you didn't look close enough06:41
sambagirland gnea it wont let me reply to that address06:41
bullgard4rww: On the Ubuntu computer that shows 'man lsof' colorful: '~$ echo $PAGER' does not obtain any output and I cannot find in ~.bashrc a string 'PAGER'.  So I must have solved this task differently.06:41
kvasure it won't it's not a complete adress06:42
sacarlsonjohn38: you should know you can't select pulseaudio unless you install it06:42
sambagirlkva that is my point it is anonymous06:42
DescriptionedActionParsnip: on system pref>apereance> i get an error message,   "this theme will not look as intended because the required icon theme blac-white_2-Stule' is not installed.06:42
kvalooks like you haven't set up the domain name :-)06:42
sacarlsonjohn38: if in dought try it06:42
Gneasambagirl: next to 'reply' there is a down-arrow, click on it, then click on 'show original'06:42
kieppieActionParsnip & kva: where could I find assistance on the issue. It *really* should not be this difficult or complicated06:42
Gneasambagirl: in gmail06:42
ActionParsnipkieppie: where credible does it say they are any standard. Creative refuses to work with the community and will not make drivers. It is entirely Creative's fault06:43
rwwbullgard4: another option is "sudo update-alternatives --config pager"06:43
kvano idea, kieppie06:43
john38sacarlson, i know obviously i tried it with bad results but i havent tested it with new configuration06:43
john38sacarlson, just have to see and wait06:43
rwwbullgard4: (you'd run that and it sets the systemwide pager)06:43
asfjiohello, guys! i istalled xubuntu-desktop and now i want to remove it. is just "sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop" enough?06:43
sambagirlyep your right i see the ip address listed just fine.06:43
Us3r_Unfriendlyhow's everyone doing?06:44
bonjoyeeasfjio: no....06:44
kvaasfjio: nopt06:44
ActionParsnipDescriptioned: then the theme has a hole with a part of the desktop not getting themed06:44
bonjoyeeasfjio: its just a metapackage...you have to remove all packages that came with it!06:44
kvawell, it won't uninstall it all but it can broke your system06:44
kieppie ActionParsnip: I understand what you mean, but much the same could be said for ATI or nVidia. We *nix'ers have a long-running tradition of *making* things work for us, especially if it's such a dominant & historical market-leader as Creative06:44
DescriptionedActionParsnip: my theme changed... it says same error with all themes i try, but they change..06:45
Gneasambagirl: there's this philosophy that I live by: learn or burn. :)06:45
asfjiobonjoyee: how to do it?06:45
ActionParsnipkieppie: i'd moan at Creative06:45
sambagirlgnea i understand perfectly.06:45
Us3r_UnfriendlyGnea: How do you mean?06:45
bonjoyeeasfjio: its more complicated than it sounds!..06:45
asfjiokva: why is that? when i don't need the window manager why should i keep it?06:45
sambagirlgnea i could have made a big mistake06:45
GneaUs3r_Unfriendly: it's relative.06:45
Gneasambagirl: sure06:46
kvathen remove it06:46
Us3r_UnfriendlyGnea: no I mean what do you mean by learn or burn?06:46
ActionParsnipkieppie: nvidia have given flawless support the 10 years I've used Linux06:46
GneaUs3r_Unfriendly: it's a personal philosophy, only meant to reference it here. detailed explanations would be off-topic.06:46
asfjiokva: no i'm just asking if there is a reason why a package should broke something in the system.06:47
Us3r_Unfriendlyanyone know if there's a channel for terminal commands?06:47
Us3r_UnfriendlyGnea: okay cool06:47
sambagirlwhat he means is if you do something without learning what your doing first you could end up being burned by what you did because you did not learn before you burned.06:47
kvaasfjio: just don't try it, it's a joke "sudo rm -Rf /" is a way to remove it :-)06:47
asfjiobonjoyee: isn't there some dependencies rules to catch all the packages and don't hurt gnome?06:47
Gneayes, that is one interpretation.06:47
Us3r_Unfriendlysambagirl: that's why I like ubuntu and most distros that use have the man pages06:47
sambagirlgnea i know what you meant06:47
kvaseriously you can uninstall the meta-package, but it won't remove packages06:48
Us3r_Unfriendlykva: might have to remove them yourself06:48
asfjiokva: if i left, then probably i tried it (kidding) :)06:48
pratzhey guys i have lost the sound icon from my top menu bar, i am using gnome06:48
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bonjoyeeasfjio: you have to pin-point the part in the logs where you started the xfce install...you have synaptic?06:48
Gneasambagirl: teddy bears for you :)06:48
sambagirlus3r_unfriendly man is practically useless today in my opinion.06:48
pratzthat is the speaker icon06:48
sambagirlgoogle is faster06:48
ActionParsnipkieppie: you'll also find more users use realtek or intel sound chips due to onboard sound and netbooks. Making them easily the market leaders06:48
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YowzersI need some help with Ubuntu -__-06:48
sambagirli want money man06:48
Us3r_Unfriendly!info gnome-panel reset | pratz06:48
ubottupratz: 'reset' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable06:48
Gneaman works great when there is no internet connection06:49
Yowzersso i used it on Virtual machine..06:49
Yowzersand loved it and all06:49
Us3r_Unfriendlythat's not what i meant06:49
rww!panel-reset | pratz06:49
kvaYowzers: what's your problem?06:49
rww... huh.06:49
Yowzersbut now i wanna install it side by side to Windows cuz windows quite frankly eats my up 6GB of ram in an instant -__-06:49
Descriptionedhow i can download some extra effects>animations? for compiz ?06:49
rww!panelreset | pratz06:49
ubottupratz: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:49
asfjiobonjoyee: "Synaptic Package Manager", yes i do.06:49
Yowzersso i downloaded the desktop windows installer06:49
ActionParsnipYowzers: please use a single line to outline your issue06:49
Us3r_Unfriendlythanks rww06:49
sambagirlyowzers use that utility they have06:49
Yowzersand ran it, but after reboot when i select Ubuntu from the bootloader menu it says root not found :(06:50
sambagirlit runs in windows and creates some kind of bootable enviornment06:50
kieppieActionParsnip: well, I've put in a *lot* of hours & hard work getting my media center going. It is a *very* sad state of affairs if I need to consider running windows on this host because the (device) support I'm getting sucks so much.06:50
kieppieThis Creative card is the one I got, because it 's a pretty decent PCI card for the $$$. The next option up (also a Creative) is $100 more06:50
FloodBot2kieppie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:50
markosohi i installed gvim and its no where to be found any suggestions06:50
ActionParsnipYowzers: is the windows version wim7?06:50
Us3r_Unfriendlydoes anyone know if there's a bash channel on freenode...it's kinda related seeing that I'd be using it on Ubuntu06:50
YowzersYes, Windows 7 ultimate x6406:50
bonjoyeeasfjio: ok..then in synaptic theres a history section...use that to find all packages that were installed along with  xubuntu-desktop06:50
kvamarcoso like not in /usr/bin/gvim?06:51
ubutom_Us3r_Unfriendly, #bash06:51
asfjiobonjoyee: [http://www.linuxine.com/2008/07/howto-install-remove-gnome-kdexfc-in-ubuntu.html] they said "sudo apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop xfce" is it wrong?06:51
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YowzersI Installed it on an old 40GB IDE HDD... and i have no clue why it's not working. Should I reinstall and see what happens?06:51
sam-_-Us3r_Unfriendly: how about #sh06:51
Us3r_Unfriendlyasfjio: also look in /var/log/apt/history.log and there should be some more in there but as tar.gz files06:51
tuyethow to update oofice from 3.2 to 3.3 ?06:52
tuyetofcourse, in ubuntu06:52
Us3r_Unfriendlyasfjio: it's the same thing what bonjoyee was talking about.   cat /var/log/apt/history.log | less06:52
ActionParsnipkieppie: all i can suggest is moan at creative and search for the chip it uses, you may find guides. Others may be able to help if you ask a bit later06:52
Descriptionedhow i can download some extra effects>animations? for compiz ?06:52
markosoi see gvim in user bin06:52
Us3r_Unfriendlythanks ubutom_ and sam-_-06:52
GneaUs3r_Unfriendly: or #bash06:52
bonjoyeeasfjio: the way i suggested will ensure you removed all packages...that will be in history all under one timestamp06:53
sam-_-tuyet: is there any feature you are missing?06:53
=== windkids is now known as windAwy
ActionParsnipYowzers: win7 can resize its ow06:53
Yowzersits ow?06:53
Us3r_Unfriendlyi'll give it a shot...i mean i'm good with a terminal but there's so much that I believe you could learn something new each day06:53
kvaYowzers: you have problems with your bootloader06:53
ActionParsnipown partitions.06:53
tuyetwell, need the latest version06:53
YowzersYea but how should I go about this?06:53
tuyetand hope that it's better06:53
YowzersShould I install another bootloader?06:54
ActionParsnipYowzers: use that after verifyi06:54
kvaYowzers: you have 2HD?06:54
bullgard4rww: Yes, that's what I have done. Now it works on my Maverick computer also. --  Thank you very much for your help.06:54
Descriptionedguys how i can add animations on compiz fusion anyone could tell me? :P06:54
YowzersI have a bunch of HDDs but Win7 is on a different on from Ubuntu.06:54
Us3r_Unfriendlytuyet: if it's not in the repos you could try their website...i don't think they have a ppa but i could be wrong.  also don't do openoffice...check out go-oo openoffice which i believe ubuntu runs06:54
Yowzersnot even on different partitions, but rather completely separate HDDs.06:54
ActionParsnipYowzers: verifying your backups are good then install to the free space06:55
kvawell, change HD boot order for beginning06:55
sam-_-tuyet: but 3.3 isn't out yet, is it?06:55
tuyetalready out06:55
kvathen install bootloader on preferred one :-)06:55
markosogvim im not liking  gmate gedit is way better lol06:55
tuyetoopenoffice is soo so... badddd....06:55
himanshuYowzers: how will you do that? install different bootstrap loader... does tah mean installing ubuntu on any one of your hdd06:55
Us3r_Unfriendlytuyet: if you don't know this, go-oo supports more formats like .wps, openoffice does not as i've experienced06:55
himanshuthat doesn't have your win706:55
YowzersI meant i was gonna try BCD loader.06:55
ubutom_!ot |tuyet06:56
ubottutuyet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:56
big_tlooking for some documentation on alsa-base.conf hp dv7-3065dx no microphone un-muted in alsamixer ?06:56
ActionParsnipYowzers: as long as you have unpartitioned space its fine06:56
Us3r_UnfriendlyYowzers: what's the problem with your bootloader again??06:56
tuyetUs3r_Unfriendly, I want microsoft office 2010 :(((, that's the best thing that MS can give us :(06:56
tuyetusing Linux for 6 years, I still can not get away of windows because of .... ooffice :(06:56
YowzersOk, something weird also happ, I set the boot order to the 40GB Ubuntu HDD and when it boots using that it shows me a weird bootloader with a bunch of different OSes that i remember playing around with  a while back...06:56
kvalol @ tuyet06:57
YowzersI think i made the mistake of not formatting the HDD before installing Ubuntu :(06:57
Us3r_Unfriendlytuyet: i believe wine supports that, but i haven't used microsoft in a few years (thanks ubuntu!) so i'm fuzzy on microsoft office06:57
Descriptionedhow i can update my compiz? :S06:57
YowzersI'm going to format and reinstall.. see how that works out.. thx for the help guys, cheers.06:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyYowzers: ubuntu's installer would have formatted in a ext4 along with swap and something else i believe06:58
kvawell, vmware maybe?06:58
asfjiobonjoyee: http://pastebin.com/xNeF9tDS is that i'm looking for? its actually 5 lines and the "Install:" section is probably i want to remove every single package, right?06:58
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: what version of compiz are you running06:58
Descriptionedi dont know06:58
sam-_-tuyet: there is only a release candidate.06:58
Descriptioneda very old...06:58
sam-_-tuyet: http://download.openoffice.org/all_rc.html#untested-full06:58
bonjoyeeasfjio: looks like it....but also confirm in synaptic06:59
milambersam-_-: isn't ubuntu going the libreoffice route?06:59
kvaasfjio: what are you going to abtain exactly?06:59
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: type this in a terminal:    compiz --version06:59
asfjiobonjoyee: it seems that the history in synaptic is empty.06:59
Descriptionedcompiz --version07:00
asfjiokva: to remove xfce.07:00
bonjoyeeasfjio: looks like this was a command line before?07:00
tuyetwho supports ooffice ?07:00
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: the easiest way is going to synaptic and updating the compiz package from there07:00
Descriptionedhow i could there i should press anything?07:00
asfjiobonjoyee: actually yes, sorry if i mislead you.07:00
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: i'm on compiz 0.8.6 so your not so old :)07:01
bonjoyeeasfjio: and yeah..if you installed via command line...synaptic wont have the history..my bad07:01
sam-_-milamber: i don't know. sry07:01
Descriptioneddont know i have alot time ive installed this :P07:01
kvaasfjio: try update-alternatives07:01
DescriptionedUs3r_Unfriendly: how i can update from synaptic?07:02
asfjiobonjoyee: okay thank you for your time! i hope don't broke something.07:02
kvaor simply remove xfce07:02
milambertuyet: oracle i believe07:02
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned:  "  gksudo synaptic  "    then type in compiz and then it'll show your compiz and related packages, right click compiz -package- and then update07:02
bonjoyeeasfjio: i honestly feel a reinstall will be the best/fastest way to get rid of the DE,,,if thats feasible!07:02
Us3r_Unfriendlybonjoyee: your having trouble with your window manager?? right?07:02
tuyetfuck oracle !07:03
tuyetooffice is just like a slow, big sh*t07:03
milambertuyet: libreoffice is going to incorporate the Go-oo features and can be downloaded here: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/07:03
asfjioUs3r_Unfriendly: thank you too!07:03
DescriptionedUs3r_Unfriendly: the "mark for upgrade" selection its blank.07:03
bonjoyeeUs3r_Unfriendly: nope...infact i was helping someone:)07:03
Descriptionedcan't choose it.07:03
Us3r_Unfriendlytuyet: carefull with the language07:03
Us3r_Unfriendlywhat ubuntu are you running Descriptioned07:04
asfjiokva: will try to remove the packages getting them by the log file as bonjoyee told me. thank you!07:04
Descriptionedwhat i type to see it? :P07:04
tuyetwhat's good about libreoffice milamber ?07:04
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
tuyetI want a good presentation ;)07:04
Us3r_Unfriendlyasfjio: did that help?07:04
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: might have to manually upgrade it from a ppa or their website then07:05
bastidrazorDescriptioned: that is the kernel for 10.0407:05
milambertuyet: libreoffice is the fork of openoffice. still pretty much the same as oo. hopefully will soon take a turn for the better.07:05
asfjioUs3r_Unfriendly: yes, i found the line http://pastebin.com/xNeF9tDS . so now i will try to remove every single package as they told me.07:05
Descriptionedso im using the lastest? how i can upgrade my compiz now? :S07:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyasfjio: sounds good, i'm glad i helped atleast someone today :)07:06
DescriptionedYou’ll need to add a new repository that contains recent Compiz packages. Open System->Administration->Software Sources. Select the Third-Party Software tab and click Add. Paste in the line below and click Add Source.07:06
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
Descriptionedthird party software not exist..07:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: i'll check compiz site for a ppa07:06
=== FloatingGoat is now known as Motore
Descriptionedi already checked i get this message but i can't see third party software i google it for update but this could not help me dunno whats wrong.07:07
milambertuyet: http://www.informationweek.com/news/software/productivity_apps/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=229100117&cid=RSSfeed_IWK_All07:07
ahtmly2kHELP! my mic dont work.. WHAT do i do?07:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: so that i understand you can't add a ppa through software sources correct?07:09
royceremer_ahtmly2k: if you're using alsa, first check $ sudo alsamixer -V all07:09
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: do you already have the ppa??07:09
Descriptionedi dont know i not mess alot with ubuntu im new on linux,,07:10
royceremer_ahtmly2k: you can make sure it's detected and enabled from there. Also try various applications like google talk versus skype, etc.07:10
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: I believe this might help:   http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/upgrade-to-compiz-086-in-ubuntu-1004.html07:11
holeanyone got any opensuse experience noone in their channel ialks07:12
DescriptionedUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks im trying now.07:12
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: might i ask why do you want to update compiz?07:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyhole: i'll message you07:12
royceremer_hole: I've sued it for a few hours, just basic apache really - what's up?07:12
royceremer_hole: ^used .... dvorak07:13
DescriptionedUs3r_Unfriendly: i see on a video some "animations" i asked if someone knows where to download that animations and noone answered so i though maybe its the update..07:13
Descriptionedthats why no one bother to answer me.07:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: here's my vid on compiz.  I got some experience in that subject07:14
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHg5E3nh6Rs&hd=107:14
Descriptioned Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i386_Packages)07:14
DescriptionedW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems07:14
ahtmly2ki did.. and it DOESN'T work.. what do i do?07:15
DescriptionedUs3r_Unfriendly: did u read the error i got?07:16
DND2hi i have this error: Couldn't find package fsck.linux_raid_member07:16
Descriptionedim upgrading07:16
DND2how can i install it?07:16
Descriptionedand your vids looks really nice..07:17
DND2cannot find in apt07:17
Us3r_UnfriendlyDescriptioned: run the   -   sudo apt-get update   - to fix it07:17
Descriptionedi did it07:17
Descriptionedso now finished?07:17
royceremer_ahtmly2k: private msged you to collect more info07:17
tacotronhi guys.. i think i got closer to fixing my problem.. On my laptop, my Headphone jack will play audio, but my internal speakers will not, is there any fix to this?07:18
Descriptionedok upgraded07:18
Motoreokay. so this guy i know is having a proplem. he has to add nomodeset to the command line evertime he boots up, is there a way to permenantly fix it so he doesn't have to add it each time?07:20
shaimozwhoa at last07:21
shaimozok guz how do i get to know my version of ubuntu07:22
shai__Hello :) Now this never happened to me before... maybe someone can help. I have a directory called X and if I try to create a new file by that name, I can't. vim -> :sav X ; results in E17: "/root/X" is a directory. How can I create a new file by that name when there is a directory by that name as well?07:22
=== chris_ is now known as chris_bsd
=== chris_bsd is now known as chris_osx
rollmandoes the dkms package actually work i got an error on downloading it and as a result my sound quit i had to purge the package and had a music cd in the rom drive after purging it i went to rythembox and played cd after taking the cd out my cd would not show a boot a simple reboot fixed it though07:22
milamber!version | shaimoz07:22
ubottushaimoz: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »07:22
=== chris_osx is now known as chris_bsd
Jordan_UMotore: Add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub".07:22
rollman^dkms oss4 package i mean07:22
shaimozubotu i cant get anything from those commands07:25
milambershaimoz: what are you getting?07:25
anirvanaheya :) I am going to install ubuntu 64 bit basically for build purpose, is it not recommended to install it over windows(wubi) ?07:27
DND2how can i setup samba so that it is accessible by windows?07:27
sam-_-DND2: i recommend installing natilus-share07:28
sam-_-DND2: then right click on what ever you want to share. set the permissions. done.07:28
sam-_-DND2: another popular method is to use swat if you want sth. more advanced07:29
=== sresu is now known as sre-su
tarraschHello, I have problems with my network, but it worked fine before. Is there any way to reset the network manager settings?07:29
sam-_-anirvana: there are a few limitations. for example you can't upgrade.07:30
sam-_-anirvana: i had a wubi installation going corrupt because the system crashed. so i'm not a fan.07:30
sam-_-tarrasch: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager07:31
Motoreim using xubuntu right now. in a world where things are not legit... this is legit.07:31
anirvanasam_ , I have an existing ubuntu 64 (non wubi) can I upgrade it to 64bit ubuntu?07:31
sam-_-anirvana: i don't understand. the upgrade goes from where to where?07:32
anirvanasam_ err... I have 32 bit ubuntu, Is it possible to upgrade it to 64 bit?07:32
=== sburjan`` is now known as sburjan`
sam-_-anirvana: i'm afraid no07:33
anirvanaok :(07:33
markosoim getting used to the buttons on the left side didnt theink i would lol07:33
anirvanasam-_- :and for installing ubuntu I need to create one free drive on my system?07:34
magn3tshow much I normalize the volume across a set of avi files?07:34
sam-_-anirvana: doesn't have to be free. just needs to be xfs/ext2-4/reiserfs etc...07:34
sam-_-anirvana: and about 4gb07:35
sam-_-anirvana: of free space07:35
anirvanasam-_- :how do I check if it's xfs/ext2-4/reiserfs ?07:36
sam-_-anirvana: your existing install?07:36
tarraschsam-_-, what did 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure network-manager' do anyway? Didn't get any output from it07:36
anirvanasam_ , it's windows 707:37
sam-_-tarrasch: dunno if it did anything :-)07:37
tarraschsam-_-,  oh ok07:37
anirvanasam-_- :+ ubuntu 32 bit on wubi07:37
sam-_-tarrasch: but if sth. wents well there is usually no output07:37
chicognuhow to setup my time zone ?07:38
sam-_-anirvana: it's wubi? so then you can't install on this drive anyway.07:38
sam-_-anirvana: it's possible but rly. shouldn't be done07:39
Jordan_Uanirvana: As part of the install process Ubuntu's installer will offer to resize your existing windows partition to make space for Ubuntu.07:39
anirvanasam-_- ,Jordon_U , Just to make it clear, I am going to install ubuntu 64 from scratch, I'll do a boot time install and ubuntu would offer me to compress my existing drive and I wouldn't loose any data?07:41
sam-_-anirvana: correct07:41
sam-_-anirvana: backup your data though :-)07:41
sam-_-anirvana: also you can resize the windows partition in windows via computer manager07:42
=== brahem_ is now known as brahem
sam-_-anirvana: diskmgmt.msc07:42
Gneaanirvana: backing up your documents and settings folder would be a wise decision, at the very least07:42
sam-_-anirvana: some say it is a bit safer07:42
Gneaanirvana: or Users, OS-depending07:42
=== Thomas___ is now known as Ripp__
chicognu!don't zap07:44
chicognu!don't zapping07:44
Gneasam-_-: I used the livecd to resize a win7 partition last week, when I went to boot it, it wouldn't and I had to produce the win7 disk in order to make sure it was okay07:44
Flannel!dontzap | chicognu07:44
ubottuchicognu: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap07:44
sam-_-Gnea: so apparently some are correct :-)07:46
sam-_-!cn | feiling07:47
ubottufeiling: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:47
chicognufeiling,  u are from china ?07:47
fstxxipsec in ubuntu: i have been looking for docs about this. The ipsechowto on ubuntu.com is very basic07:47
chicognufeiling,  I'm trying to learn chines07:47
Jordan_U!u | chicognu07:47
ubottuchicognu: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.07:47
MehrzadI'm having trouble finding ati catalyst control center for ubuntu 10.04. does it have a linux version?07:50
sam-_-Mehrzad: what card are you using?07:51
Mehrzadati 4870 i think07:51
chicognuJordan_U, You are from ?07:51
pvl1does an smp server have to be on port 25 and can it send mail to any address?07:52
sam-_-Mehrzad: then there is the ati catalyst control center. have you installed the proprietary drivers yet?07:52
Jordan_U!ot | chicognu07:52
ubottuchicognu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:52
sam-_-pvl1: you can put it on any free port. but 25 is the default port07:53
Mehrzadsam-_-: i'm a new user and i just installed ubuntu, well, i dunno what you mean?07:53
Mehrzadproprietary drivers?07:54
sam-_-!ati | Mehrzad07:54
ubottuMehrzad: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:54
=== MeatballFlavoure is now known as Poshepocket
chicognuJordan_U, You are not in ubuntu offtopic07:54
chicognuJordan_U, I have a grammar question. On the page you show to me it says: While "U" might mean "You" in Dutch or Flemish, "it does not mean "You" in English." How is that ? I see that abbreviation from english  speakers all the time07:54
pvl1sam-_-, but in that case, of i send an email to somone at a gmail addr, will they recieve it?07:54
sam-_-pvl1: good question. i don't know :-)07:55
sam-_-pvl1: you may have to give the mail address as bla@bla.com:234307:56
=== Loongjiang is now known as well
=== well is now known as thanks
sam-_-pvl1: this would mean port 234307:56
pvl1sam-_-, im just too lazy to install a server and test that, cuz if it wont work itll b a waste of time07:56
sam-_-pvl1: why not just use the standard port then?07:57
pvl1sam-_-, yeah i know, bc verizon blocks ports 25 and 8007:57
sam-_-pvl1: wait a sec07:57
pvl1sam-_-, i guess im questioning of the outgoing port will then be the same as the incomming07:57
sam-_-pvl1: on a mobile network?07:57
pvl1sam-_-, like if i send from 90000 here, does it recieve it at 9000 there? should still be 25 right? and no not mobile07:58
sam-_-pvl1: are they allowed to do this? if so, why????07:58
Jordan_Uchicognu: It is a slang of sorts, and thus difficult for non-native english speakers. Since you are presumably using a computer will a full keyboard there is no need to use such abbreviations, and it is considerate not to when the person you are speaking to may not be a native english speaker.07:58
pvl1sam-_-,  well sure they are, its their service, and its to prevent ppl from holding servers without paying for business class internet07:59
=== thanks is now known as Loongjiang
Mehrzadsam-_-: i see it's more about linux!07:59
sam-_-pvl1: what about net neutrality????07:59
ar0m1x`!voice ar0m1x07:59
chicognuJordan_U, Now I feel like you are persecution me! see: <pvl1> sam-_-, im just too lazy to install a server and test that, cuz if it wont work itll b a waste of time. No !cuz to pvl1. Are  you bullying me or something ?08:00
sam-_-Mehrzad: didn't get it. have you read the page i sent you?08:00
=== Loongjiang is now known as Galaxy
=== Galaxy is now known as LongJ
pvl1sam-_-, welcome to the eral world i guess. i have to reroute to 81 for anyone to see my websrver outside of my vpn08:01
chicognuJordan_U, Just cuz I'm Brazilian, are you bullying me ? :( That is a shame :(08:01
pvl1cho_co, i dont think i used an abbreviation anywhere there08:01
pvl1chicognu, , i dont think i used an abbreviation anywhere there08:02
Mehrzadsam-_-: have you sent me a page?08:02
pvl1cho_co, srry bout that08:02
sam-_-chicognu: don't suggest someone is bullying you unless you have clear evidence.08:02
Jordan_Uchicognu: I am not persecuting you. If you wish to discuss the issue further please join #ubuntu-ops.08:02
sam-_-!ati | Mehrzad08:02
ubottuMehrzad: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:02
chicognupvl1,  cuz in the place of because08:02
Mehrzadsam-_-: ah, i was mistaken, sorry. yes, i read it08:03
chicognuI think it is a abbreviation08:03
chicognuJordan_U, just kidding, relax :D08:03
sam-_-Mehrzad: so... any questions?08:03
pvl1chicognu, tuche08:03
Mehrzadsam-_-: yea, i'd like to know can i find that driver in its cd?08:04
sam-_-Mehrzad: i don't think they are included in ubuntu.  i don't know for sure though08:04
Mehrzadsam-_-: ah, thx for your help :)08:06
Mehrzadso i must install the drivers next the ccc, right?08:07
addikshi, is there a posibillity to define exceptions for avahi? (e.g.: "*.abcdef.local" wont be resolved over multicast-dns)08:07
chris062689I'm having trouble installing hamachi, after I install the deb file located on the beta page, it says I have broken dependecies and then wants to install a ton of packages like qt4, alien, rpm, etc.  I'm not really sure, it says it requires the package logmein-hamachi depends on lsb (>= 3.0); however:08:08
sam-_-Mehrzad: y. install both.08:08
Mehrzadis there any underclocking tools without the need of installing the drivers?08:08
chris062689but then why I try to install lsb, it wants to install all of those crazy depencendies along with it (rpm, alien, etc etc)08:08
sam-_-Mehrzad: i think you can underclock with the opensource drivers.08:09
sam-_-Mehrzad: modinfo radeon will tell you more08:10
Mehrzadmodinfo radeon?08:10
sam-_-Mehrzad: it's a command. you can use gnome-terminal to execute it.08:12
chicognusam-_-, in time, I don't suggest anything, I ask.08:12
sheyI need a really fast fix please!?? Where did the Compiz ADD Helper go? I love that plug-in and now it gone. [insert really cool sad face here.]08:14
Mehrzadsam-_-: so i need to switch to ubuntu, thx for putting time again & bb!08:15
* LongJ staar2 hello08:16
markosodoes ubuntu come with a pdf reader?08:16
staar2you get Open Office also08:17
red2kicshey: Try installing extra plugins. Maybe it's there. I know this for fact with grid plugin.08:17
staar2i got question about RAID1, what are requirements for running hard disk as RAID system ?08:17
razz1what is the best way to remotely back up a system, like using clonezilla remotely. can I install clonezilla and ssh on the remote machine08:18
iinamehello, i am installing ubuntu 10.04 in a new computer, need some help specifying optimum values for root, swap, / etc08:18
boudiccasrazz1, rsnapshot08:18
Llamazhi, does anyone know anything about rsync?08:19
cfeddeLlamaz: do you have a specific question?08:19
red2kiciiname: Use autoprepare option if you don't know what you want or don't care how it is set up.08:19
iinamemy hard disk size is 120 gb, it is empty, I want to use 50 gb for ubuntu, how do i specify sizes in "create new partition" window during installation08:19
razz1boudiccas: lookin at rsnapshot, thank you08:19
staar2delete all the partitions, and start creating new ones08:20
iinamedear red2kic, i want to do this manually, because i want to sety this up in such a way that this tablet pc performs optimally08:20
Llamazcfedde:I've transferred my files from an external harddrive to my main computer, and I' would like to sync them in future08:20
iinamedear staar2, there are no partitions in the new hard disck at the moment08:20
staar2the start creating new ones,08:21
staar2make swamp and one for root /08:21
iinamei am on a window that says "create new partition" the optiobns are primary and locical08:21
staar2also you can make separate partition for /home08:21
Llamazcfedde: that is, I've already got files copied which are identical, however rsync does not overwrite them08:21
iinameobviously i need to chose primary08:21
Llamazcfedde: I mean skip08:22
iinamefrom out of 120 gb I will set 50 Gb and define the mout point as /08:22
iinameand this as a ext 4, primary?08:22
red2kiciiname: There are nothing performance-wise about setting up partitions in size, just the question of space. If you're going to use suspend/hibernate, you want to double your current RAM size for swap. Put 10GB for / (root).08:23
staar2iiname, right08:23
razz1boudiccas: looks like rsnapshot only does files not the whole disk and the partition table, etc, I want to back up my remote system and reformat the system and put a put the image back on? know any utility,08:23
staar2iiname, what are you doing with other 70 GB ?08:23
iinamethanks red2kic, I will put 10 gb, primary, ext 4 for mountpoint /08:23
red2kiciiname: And create a different partition /home -- to keep it seperate from your /root -- should you decide to use a different linux OS. You can preserve your personal and home files that way.08:23
iinamei will reserve it to try a solaris installation08:24
iinamedear red2kic, can you guide me step by step?08:24
red2kiciiname: If you don't care for seperate home parititon, then you could use 50GB in / (root). It'll put everything on one partition.08:24
iinameI am on the "create new partition window" in the installation08:24
iinameno i iwll have a separate home08:25
staar2red2kic, yeah the /home for different part is best option if you gonna have other linuxes08:25
whatevHey #ubuntu! Quick question -- any reason not to use the daily build version of Natty over Alpha 1?08:25
iinamethen I will use 10 gb primary ext 4 with the mount point / for a start?08:25
red2kiciiname: That is fine. You want to use ext2 for /boot. 100MB is sufficent.08:26
Jordan_Uiiname: I would make an extended partition and have / be a logical partition within that. It will make adding partitions later easier.08:26
iinamefirst category is  "/"  and after that there is a "/boot"08:28
nmvictorThe package ttf-umefont, Japanese truetype fonts, is a 48MB download in the Update manager list. Well I am not a japanese, do I need this package?08:30
nmvictorThe package ttf-umefont, Japanese truetype fonts, is a 48MB download in the Update manager list. Well I am not a japanese, do I need this package?08:31
SHOCKERcan i change each wallpaper  while using the cube in ubuntu 10.10? ive bben searching forever and cant find it08:32
SHOCKERdrivin me crazy! lol08:32
Jordan_Uiiname: Unless you know you have a buggy BIOS there is no need for a separate /boot partition.08:32
iinamefrom out of 50 gb, if i choose for "/"  as distinct from "/root",  ext 2 for /, 100 MB (is that sufficient?) how much for /root, what ext type, what partition type for /root, primary or secondary?08:33
iinameI am not sure about the bios08:33
iinameit is an experimental tablet pc08:33
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iinamethe bios looks pretty standard, but i am not sure08:34
matt_palmerdoes anyone have any experience with Ubuntu and rolling your own AWS EC2 AMI? I'm having a problem with it, in that even if I use the Amazon custom kernel the virtual machine doesnt start properly. It 'comes' up and you can see the console and boot msgs, but it looks like it is having probs with netdev,etc. - The same process works find if I use a standard Debian install and debootstrap.08:34
jetscreamerwtf i had sdb set to boot in bios and the installer overwrote my bootloader on sda WTF08:34
iinameso if it is safer to have a separate /boot partition, i should create a seaparate one08:34
* chris_bsd has got no BIOS08:34
alkethow to remove gnome-keyring completly because it started to annoy me to much08:34
razz1whats the best way to get full control of a remote system, I mean even before boot. I am thinking of getting a modem with wake on LAN function, any one got better options. Usually there is no one at the other end, thats why I need absolute control over the process. I really do not want to leave the system on all the time.08:34
jetscreamerthat's really irritating08:35
jetscreamernow where is the 'restore original bootlader that grub should not have overwritten' script08:35
jetscreameryeah right08:35
Jordan_Uiiname: Most modern (made in the last 5 years) BIOSs don't have the particular bug that requires you to have a separate /boot partition. I'd recommend not creating one.08:35
jetscreameralket: apt-get remove --purge <packagename>08:36
Gneajetscreamer: grub or grub2?08:36
jetscreamerdefault install08:36
Gneajetscreamer: what did it take out? windows?08:36
jetscreamerjsut the windows bootloader08:37
fstxxjordan_u, iiname: why not put everything in _one_ partition?08:37
Gneajetscreamer: yeah, that's something I noticed the other day - did the same thing, when it came time to write to the MBR, it defaulted to sda when it should have been sdb, since sdb is what the install device was, but it didn't, so I had to go back and manually say "put it on sdb"08:37
jetscreameryeh i always put it in one partition08:38
chris062689Anyone know why I'm having such a hard time installing Hamachi?  Running Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, saying it has an unmet dependency on lsb, then wants to install tons of dependencies (like rpm?!)08:38
Gneajetscreamer: I wouldn't worry about it - just make sure sdb is the first boot device and it should find and allow you to boot into windows, then you can just fixmbr08:38
jetscreamerGnea: hmm.. i even went to the trouble of having it boot from sdb so it would get written to the boot drive08:38
asfjioguys, i have a problem while playing mp3 files. i installed audacious to play mp3 files and now the quality is awful. should i install some codec?08:39
razz1chris062689: help says it needs LSB 3 or 4, install that first, after that it should work like a breeze. I am very impressed.08:39
Gneaasfjio: audacious *does* have an equalizer08:39
Gneaasfjio: and it *does* support winamp equalizer preset files08:39
jetscreamerGnea: i had go back and put it to boot from sda to even see a bootloader :)08:40
jetscreamerGnea: ok thanks08:40
chris062689I tried doing that razz1, "sudo apt-get install lsb" and then it wants to install stuff like qt4, rpm, and alien.08:40
Jordan_Ujetscreamer: Gnea: Believe it or not that's how the installer is intended to work. The idea being that the first disk is usually the one the BIOS will boot from. There is no reliable way to tell the BIOS boot order from within a booted OS, and while I would prefer that they always installed grub to the same drive the rest of Ubuntu was installed to but...08:40
Gneajetscreamer: oh wow, is it booting windows?08:40
jetscreameryeah it boots, just took out the loader08:40
jetscreamerand it's that new ms one that i don't know much about08:40
razz1chris062689: sorry, not sure why, I already had LSB installed with the 32 bit, did not have any issue running hamachi08:41
Gneajetscreamer: win7?08:41
Jordan_Ujetscreamer: The mbr portion of the Windows bootloader hasn't really changed since the DOS days. It still just chainloads the first partition marked "active".08:41
jetscreamerGnea: server2k8 but yeah iirc same thing08:41
Gneajetscreamer: well if it isn't even booting sdb, then you might as well keep it as is08:42
jetscreameryeh.. unless i wanna teke this drive out and put it in anothoer box08:43
jetscreamerit stays for now08:43
Gneajetscreamer: I would just google up how to restore the mbr on 2k8 and bookmark it08:43
jetscreameri've done it once, i think... doing this with xp would be trivial for me08:44
jetscreamerrepairing it i mean08:44
jetscreamernext time, it's 'physically disconnect hd' :)08:46
Gnealol that works08:46
Mehrzadokay, so i'm in ubuntu, used modinfo radeon. what now?08:46
jetscreamerhmmm.... seems ubuntu is the one that won't boot.. but it had to be able to read /boot/grub so ... hmmm...  fresh install first boot08:47
jetscreamerthe recovery kernel seems to work08:49
sam-_-Mehrzad: y?08:49
aleksandrтут все типа живы?08:49
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:50
=== marcelo is now known as Guest32972
amerHi, I compiled ethercat on kernel 2.6.32-27 and I want to copy it to another device with kernel 2.6.35-2308:50
amerwhat to change08:50
amerin the header files????08:50
aleksandrо значь как.....08:50
Mehrzadsam-_-: as i said i'm an amateur and i dunno what modinfo has to do with underclocking08:50
sam-_-Mehrzad: you are better off with installing the proprietary drivers then.08:51
sam-_-!ati | Mehrzad08:51
ubottuMehrzad: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:51
Mehrzadsam-_-: it's a little bit too big!08:51
daxrocMorning all08:52
daxrocHow do you give a user permissions to open a port on localhost ?08:52
sam-_-Mehrzad: well. can't you have someone download it for you?08:52
daxroc*ssh port forwarding08:52
Mehrzadsam-_-: i could download it tonight myself. but i need it now...08:53
Mehrzadsam-_-: anyway now i can't08:53
Mehrzadmaybe there is little a tool for that08:54
=== vikas_007sharma is now known as vikas007_sharma
=== vikas007_sharma is now known as vikas_007sharma
markosohow do i update python to 308:56
vikas_007sharmaQUESTION: Is ubuntu good for 512 mb ram08:56
markosovikas_007sharma:  xubuntu is08:56
markosoxubuntu is light and good for old machines08:57
sam-_-!requirements | vikas_007sharma08:57
ubottuvikas_007sharma: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu08:57
PoppaVicit's kind of just "nice", too - sans glitz08:57
markosognome will be slow on older machine ive done it08:57
sidhDoes the ubuntu-server distro use by default the same repos than the 10.04 LTS ? (I would like to set up a ubuntu desktop with lightweight OpenBox desktop, and use network with CLI only, fed up with all those networkmanager and co)08:57
brestahi winkey08:57
theTravhey, I've got a list of files I found using find . | grep apattern08:58
theTravI want to copy them all into ~/tmp08:58
theTravdo I just pipe it all to cp at the end?08:58
theTravor is there another command?08:58
jetscreamersidh: just remove them and edit /etc/network/interfaces08:58
jetscreamerauto eth0 works08:59
rumpe1theTrav, use the -exec parameter for find08:59
theTravmaybe cp `find . | grep mypattern` ~/tmp ?09:00
theTravoh, thanks rumpe109:00
sidhjetscreamer: ok thanks, but what about ubuntu-server repos ? they are the same as 10.04 LTS ?09:00
theTravhmm, I don't understand it09:01
rumpe1theTrav, like find . -type f -iname bla -exec cp {} ~/tmp \;09:01
theTravI need to pipe the output of find to grep to filter it09:01
jetscreamersidh: i do not know for sure, but i 'believe' that all repos are the same for all versions, just what packages got installed make it a server... but i'm not positive.09:02
rumpe1theTrav, but first use echo instead of cp to check, if its correct...09:02
sidhok I see, thanks you09:02
theTravoh, iname is the grep equivelent?09:02
rumpe1theTrav, what don't you understand?09:02
Mehrzadsam-_-: googling it may be helpful, otherwise i'll go about installing the driver :)09:03
sheepdawghello all09:03
sheepdawglinux n00b here09:03
sheepdawgin desperate need of assistance09:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:03
rumpe1theTrav, man find: "-iname :  Like  -name,  but the match is case insensitive.  For example, the patterns `fo*' and `F??' match the file names `Foo', `FOO', `foo', `fOo', etc.  "09:04
sheepdawgok i have win7 64 bit.  i dld ubuntu(cant remmeber 10.4 or 10.10).  it had updates to install.  i installed them.  unfortunately i made a dumb dumb move(GRUB) and installed it instead of skipping now my PC wont boot..and im having a eral hard time making a Live USB to boot from09:04
SHOCKERhow the heck do you change the size of the 3d cube?09:05
sheepdawgand even when i do make the USB..it seems liek my PC refuses to boot from it09:05
theTravthanks rumpe1, for some reason my web chat window isn't auto scrolling properly, I'll give it a shot09:05
_Rno_Hello, does someone know why my session is closed when I resume from suspend / hibernation?09:06
Jordan_Usheepdawg: What happens when you try to boot normally?09:06
=== axp2_ is now known as axp2
sheepdawgwhen i boot i get the error: no such device: <alphanumeric numbers>09:07
sheepdawggrub rescue >09:07
sheepdawgthere is no boot menu, no dual boot.  i think i accidentially installed Grub on C:(windows partition) when i wanted it on D(ubuntu)09:07
sheepdawgor to jsut skip it entirely(i think ive learned that from the past 2 hours of google)09:07
sidhI would have another question : a friend of mine discovered ubuntu with xubuntu distro, then he decided to install the package ubuntu-desktop because he found gnome attractive, but now he had 2 kind of sound system, 2 kind of file explorer, so if I tell him to 'aptitude remove --purge xubuntu-desktop', will it fix that ?09:08
Jordan_Usheepdawg: What is the output of "ls" at the grub rescue shell?09:08
Jordan_U!puregnome | sidh09:09
ubottusidh: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome09:09
sheepdawgill be honest with you..i do not understand what you mean.  once the system POSTS it goes to my Verify DMI pool data screen.."hangs" for about 10-15 secs.  then i get the error: no such device:09:09
sidhthank you Jordan_U09:09
sheepdawgi kno no codes to work with on this screen09:10
Jordan_Usidh: You're welcome.09:10
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Do you see a prompt like "rescue> " on the screen?09:10
sheepdawggrub rescue> _09:10
sheepdawgand yes it allows me to type09:10
sheepdawgbut i do not kno what commands to use09:10
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Type "ls" then hit enter.09:11
sheepdawg(hd0) (fd0)09:11
jetscreamera grub shell09:11
Mehrzadwhy does ubuntu overheat the gpu of my graphics card? :(09:11
jetscreamerand no grub.dfg at a guess09:12
jetscreamererr .cfg09:12
napsterI've installed tsclient but can't use VNC protocol. WHat are the additional requirements to use tsclient as a VNC viewer?09:12
sheepdawgthere were 250+ "updates"  so i assume i DL'd 10.4  but im not 100% sure09:12
sheepdawgit did most of the updates09:13
sheepdawgthen got to grub which said skip or inmstall.  i saw C but didnt think it meant disc C09:13
sheepdawgafter that it restarted and that error comes up09:13
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Does "insmod part_msdos" give any error message?09:14
sheepdawgerror: unknown filesystem09:14
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Ok, and "insmod part_gpt"?09:15
razz1Mehrzad: what GPU you got?09:15
Mehrzadaargh, is smelling like a burning gpu09:15
Mehrzad4870 ati09:15
sheepdawgsame error09:15
jetscreamerturn it off before you melt it?09:15
sheepdawgunknown filesystem09:15
Jordan_Usheepdawg: "insmod ext2"?09:17
razz1Mehrzad: except for Nvidia 8XXX card that can take advantage of vdpau, every other card has poor driver support, none of the ati drivers have good video acceleration09:17
Mehrzadswitched to windows, is getting cool now09:17
sheepdawgno error..just returns grub rescue> _09:17
razz1I got nvidia 7400 in my lappy, when I watch HD content in ubuntu it goes to 80C, in windows it stays at 60C09:18
Mehrzadi haven't installed the proprietary drivers yet, maybe that's beacouse of it razz1?09:18
Jordan_Usheepdawg: How did you install Ubuntu initially? How are you now trying to create the bootable USB, and what happens when you try to boot from it?09:18
sheepdawgi originally installed while in Win7 using the install in windows option.  The install worked fine.  PC rebooted.  Ubuntu was running.  Then i got the "updates", restarted and the error happened09:19
Mehrzad& I'm searching for an underclocker09:19
sheepdawgi used no CD or USB09:19
sheepdawgi would like to use my USB due to the CD burner being in the 'broken' PC09:19
razz1Mehrzad: don't get your hopes up, even the latest catalyst ones are bad for GPU intensive tasks, I think ATI implementation is called XvBA, doesn't hurt to try09:20
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Ahh, that explains the problem then. There is a very serious bug in Wubi when you try to keep the Ubuntu image in a different partition than "C:".09:20
sheepdawglike i said..its probablly very important(maybe?)  the install worked fine.  the updates all worked fine.  i think however i installed Grub(Linuxs MBR?) on the C:(windows7) partition09:21
sheepdawgi see09:21
=== vikas_007sharma is now known as vikas
razz1Mehrzad: is it a lappy?09:21
amiti have installed windows xp in virtual box.when i check ip adress through xp and ubuntu both shows differnt reult,why?09:21
jetscreamerhey Jordan_U so would root (hd0,1) and all that work for him from the rexcue prompt then configure grub when in linux?09:21
sheepdawgit was only after loading the Grub update, that the system bugged out.  the original install fom the in windows went off withouty a hitch09:21
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Do you have any bootable CDs of any kind?09:21
_Rno_no idea?09:22
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
sheepdawgno..which is why i was trying to make the Live USB.09:22
Mehrzadrazz1: lappy?09:22
amitno answer09:22
sheepdawgthe USB key has ubuntu 10.10 on it now09:22
sheepdawgusing the .exe program09:22
psycho_oreosamit, probably different network used09:22
razz1Mehrzad: laptop?09:22
vikasQUESTION: problems while installing tasksel in ubuntu 9.04 after removing  Package tasksel has no available version, but exists in the database.09:22
vikasThis typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list09:22
Mehrzadrazz1: ah, no09:22
Jordan_Ujetscreamer: No. He doesn't have the required modules to access any partitions at the moment :(09:22
Mehrzadrazz1: it's good when underclocking under windows09:23
vikasQUESTION: QUESTION: problems while installing tasksel in ubuntu 9.04 after removing09:23
Jordan_Uvikas: Ubuntu 9.04 is no longer supported. Please upgrade.09:24
Jordan_U!eol | vikas09:24
ubottuvikas: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:24
razz1Mehrzad: thats pretty bad for a desktop? nothing beats windows for video acceleration, bar vdpau09:24
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Do you know if your BIOS is at least supposed to support booting from USB? How did you create the bootable USB and what happens when you try to boot from it?09:24
sheepdawgim fairly certain it can.  the system is new.  Gigabyte am3 board with 955 P2 BE09:25
jetscreamervikas: you don't want tasksel anyway09:25
sheepdawgthere are a few options however09:25
jetscreamerwell probably not09:25
sheepdawglet me get those for you09:25
vikasjetscreamer:what you mean by sayin that i want tasksel but if  its necessary to upgrade i'll giv it a try09:26
sheepdawgusb-fdd, usb-cdrom- usb-hdd, usb-zip09:26
Mehrzadrazz1: dunno what it really is, the gpu runs crysis smooth when underclocking and doesn't overheat09:27
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Make sure you select usb-hdd.09:27
jetscreamervikas: i'm saying tasksel is old, deprecated i think, and just not needed09:27
sheepdawg1 sec09:27
razz1Mehrzad: what are the temp under windows09:28
jetscreamervikas: all it does is select packages for you based on a template09:28
puppyI have installed Docky and it appeared with some programs icon.Further I added some more but not opens any except those come with installation.How this09:28
nicofsI need a program to watch my DVB-T stick's analogue input... i tried me-tv, but it completely lacks this option...09:28
vikasjetscreamer: then plz tell some way to install lamp package09:28
jetscreamervikas: but they do say you should upgrade your version isn't supported anymore09:28
Jordan_Uvikas: You need to upgrade.09:28
jetscreamervikas: apt-get install <package> <package>09:29
jetscreamerwhatever you wanna09:29
jetscreamerapache2, sql, php..09:29
Mehrzadrazz1: from 50 (only windows) to ... (right now, after a overheating in ubuntu is 73)09:29
jetscreamerapt-cache search <searchterm>09:29
sheepdawgsymptoms still remain09:29
sheepdawgthe same error code09:29
Mehrzad*from 6009:29
sheepdawgand grub rescue09:29
puppyI have installed Docky and it appeared with some programs icon.Further I added some more but not opens any except those come with installation.How this09:30
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Jordan_Usheepdawg: Did you select the USB drive as a boot device? How did you make the bootable USB drive?09:30
sacarlsonsheepdawg: I think you might need to change the device boot order in bios so your usb-hdd boots first09:30
nicofsI need a program to watch my DVB-T stick's analogue input... i tried me-tv, but it completely lacks this option...09:31
sheepdawgUSB Storage Device : UT165   USB2FlashStorage0.00 is what it says above my IDE Channel 2 Master Disk HD SMART capability disabled09:31
sheepdawgi will get you the link09:31
sheepdawg1 second09:31
razz1Mehrzad: 50 is alright 75+ not so good, try cooling options, like adding a fan to GPU, sorry cannot help09:31
theTravrumpe1:  thanks, it worked09:31
puppyI have installed Docky and it appeared with some programs icon.Further I added some more but not opens any except those come with installation.How this09:32
Guest834987hi all09:32
EagleHi All :)09:32
sheepdawgoption 209:32
sheepdawgusing the included program09:32
sheepdawghowever it is VERY SLOW09:32
sheepdawgand im not sure why the extaction process is so fail09:32
Jordan_Usheepdawg: When you boot with the USB drive plugged in, is it listed in the output of "ls" at the grub rescue shell?09:33
Mehrzadrazz1: 58 now. okay, maybe it'll make it alright. but i don't see any problem with windows (maybe there's but i don't see), it's only ubuntu09:33
sheepdawg(hd0) (hd1) (fd0)...so i assume yes?  as before hd1 wasnt there?09:34
* Mehrzad leaves the desk09:34
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Good. Do you have a GNU/Linux system you can work from?09:34
sheepdawgi do not..not set up ATM anyway09:35
sheepdawgim on an XP machine09:35
kvaany livecd?09:35
razz1Mehrzad: it should be alright under ubuntu if you dont run any GPU intensive tasks, i guess09:35
sheepdawgi suppose technically i do have a liveCD...the USB no?  but im guessing it must stay in tehre?09:36
kvawell, only way is to check09:36
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Can you boot the LiveUSB from another computer?09:36
yrussHi i'm using 11.04 Natty and tried to run Vmware player but it demands to compile linux headers. Command uname -r shows 2.6.32-25-generic. I cant build-essentials through apt-get: Unable to locate package linux-headers-2.6.32-25-generic. But i can see that in usr/scr/ i have more newer version of linux-headers - 2.6.35-25. So the question is should i somehow update my linux-headers to a newer verion? If no - how what should i do to run wm09:36
yrussplayer? If yes - how can do it? thnx09:36
sabri_iconehello all09:38
sheepdawgwhen i inster the USB i just made into this working XP machine..it appears blank, and says it needs to be reformated09:38
Taravelhi I'm trying to backup my usb device in mu ub Hard drive in an USB.iso file. I used this commend   dd if=/media/2efce9c8-12d8-4e52-acef-b689bf1be235 of=/media/Urano\ 1500/USB.iso   but he give me an error...It tells me that /media/2e... is a directory09:38
puppyI have installed Docky and it appeared with some program icons.Further I added some more but not opens any except those come with installation.These programs opening from the application menu and adding to the dock as extra icons.how to solve this09:38
sabri_iconehow to attribute different permission for different user in different group in one command line09:38
kvaTaravel: use mount09:39
psycho_oreosTaravel, dd does not work like that, it works on raw blocks not mounted directories09:39
kvait's like dd if=/dev/sda or hda...09:39
psycho_oreosTaravel, also dd will not create an iso image file, it will create a raw dump which is known as .img format09:39
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Then something likely went wrong in creating it. Try using unetbootin.09:40
EagleHi can someone help me. Im experimenting with Wine, and im trying to get a windows aplication working, and when I dobble click on the EXE, it says this: is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit. ? Sorry im confused,09:40
Taravelmm ok so I first unmount the 2 devices and than use /dev/xxx ?  and not .iso but .img?09:40
psycho_oreosTaravel, even if you made the .img.. dd can dump it to whatever extension for the file you desire but the outputted format will always be the same09:41
sheepdawgok i will recreate it using unetbootin.  i DL the Windows version....and Ubuntu 10.10 client iso correct?09:41
_Rno_how I can debug a gnome session closed while resuming from suspend / hibernation?09:42
kvait should work09:42
yrussEagle- rmb on the icon-  properties - permissions - allow executing09:42
psycho_oreosI don't think its called client sheepdawg there's desktop, alternative and server09:42
puppyEagle: right click on the exe file and take properties09:42
Taravelok but how can I know what device under /dev are my hard disk and my usb drive?09:42
obscurant1sthow do i sinatll firefox 4 beta downloaded from firefox website? i want to replace it as the defaul webbrowser!09:42
psycho_oreosTaravel, before umounting you might want to check it with mount09:42
puppyeagel: look for "permissions" and check as executable.09:43
sheepdawgDistribution Ubuntu 10.04 Live(is the default it chose)09:43
sheepdawghere is where i am lost as i forget what version a used09:43
sheepdawg10.4 or 10.1009:43
sacarlsonsheepdawg: you might also do an md5sum of  your ubuntu??.iso file to verify it's validity09:43
puppyeagle: u there09:44
yrussHi i'm using 11.04 Natty and tried to run Vmware player but it demands to compile linux headers. Command uname -r shows 2.6.32-25-generic. I cant build-essentials through apt-get: Unable to locate package linux-headers-2.6.32-25-generic. But i can see that in usr/scr/ i have more newer version of linux-headers - 2.6.35-25. So the question is should i somehow update my linux-headers to a newer verion? If no - how what should i do to run wm09:44
yrussplayer? If yes - how can do it? thnx09:44
sheepdawgDiskimage ISO...not Floppy i assume.09:45
xmancan you help me i have a problem with sound in aa game?????????09:45
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Yes.09:45
TaravelI tryed mount and so I wrote this commend:   dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sdc1/USB-Ubuntu1010-Vanilla+Updates.img   is it correct?09:46
DJonesyruss: Can you ask your question in #ubuntu+1, thats the support chanell for Natty while its being developed, they should be able to help/advise you09:46
xmancan you help meplease ???09:46
shai__Hello :) Now this never happened to me before... maybe someone can help. I have a directory called X and if I try to create a new file by that name, I can't. vim -> :sav X ; results in E17: "/root/X" is a directory. How can I create a new file by that name when there is a directory by that name as well?09:46
puppyout of curiosity ,whether my text entering here?09:47
DJonesyruss: Just be aware, it can be a slow channel so it might take longer to get a response, but as the people there are most likely to be using natty, theres more chance of a version specific response09:47
stickyboyI know the USB Startup Disk Creator in 10.04/10.10 are incompatible, but can I make a 10.04 USB from 10.10 using UNetBootin?09:47
sheepdawgOK the unetbootin is made.  i am going to try to see if it will load off of it.  1 sec09:47
Jordan_Usheepdawg: You cannot have two files with the same name in the same directory. Directories are themselves files.09:48
llutz_shai__: you can't. a directory is just a special type of file, so X already exists09:48
Jordan_Ushai__: ^^09:48
elricsfateDear god does anyone here have any WHMCS experience???? I have been working nearly 4 hours to fix something09:48
syddrafHow can I flush my local DNS cache on Ubuntu 10.04?09:48
rumpe1shai__, you can't09:48
yrussDJones - thnx i'll try. But can you explain me please- does the version of linux-headers depends on what version of ubuntu u have?09:49
Jordan_Usyddraf: There is none by default in Ubuntu (though your browser may do some DNS caching itself).09:49
Jordan_U!anybody | elricsfate09:49
ubottuelricsfate: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:49
sacarlsonsyddraf: local dns on bind9?09:50
Taravelmmm when I unmount (from nautilus) the usb pen it was deleted from the /dev directory and dd command tells me that /dev/sdb1 doesn't exist09:50
=== Guest32972 is now known as marcelo-fr-br
DJonesyruss: Its not something I'm certain of, but I think that linux headers are specific to the kernel thats being used09:50
elricsfatehttp://www.havoxhosting.com/billing Can anyone tell me what is causing that? Thats the big question09:50
Eagleyruss:  puppy: Sorry for the delay, yes got it working thanks....09:50
syddrafsacarlson: I don't have bind9 installed. I'm trying to clear the about:dns page in Chromium, a friend instructed me that it was showing the system's local cache, so I've been digging around various places.09:50
syddrafelricsfate: The link to your CSS file is broken.09:52
yrussdjones - ok- try to get more information on this linux conception question. :)09:52
sheepdawgok i am back...nothing.  It is Deffinately first on the priortity list(BEFORE my HDD) and i still get the same error message.  does unet autoformat?  or shoudl i format the USBdrive to Fat32 then try unet again?09:52
Jordan_UTaravel: "eject" does more than just unmount the filesystem, it also shuts off the USB drive (you need to remove it and plug it back in to get it back).09:52
syddrafelricsfate: on line 6 of the HTML code, there is a space after the base href, remove it and it should work09:52
Jordan_Usheepdawg: Have you tried booting the USB drive on the computer you created it with?09:53
sheepdawg"ls" still shows hd0, hd1, and fd009:53
sheepdawghahah...i guess let me try that huh?09:53
sheepdawgfor some odd reason it doesnt show up as with info on it09:53
elricsfatesyddraf: Holy frikkin crap let me find that and try it. Thank you.09:54
sheepdawgits just called Removable Media G09:54
sheepdawgthen when u click says it needs to be formatted09:54
shai__llutz, rumpe1, Jordan_U: thanks :)09:56
Biharihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/558031/  can any one plz look at this problem my ubuntu 10.10 got some issue with update09:56
elricsfatesyddraf: Any way of knowing which file I need to modify? There are a CRAP ton.09:56
sheepdawgeverytime i format the USB key to Fat 32...unetbootin hangs on 151-33909:57
sheepdawghangs on files 151 of 33909:57
Jordan_Usheepdawg: There may be a problem with the flash drive, or with the iso image you downloaded.09:57
syddrafelricsfate: what system are you using to build the website?09:57
elricsfatethat you were looking at is whmcs09:57
sheepdawgflash drive was full earlier nothing corrupted09:58
elricsfatethe actual website is done by hand09:58
sheepdawglet me re d/l the ISO09:58
marcmarchi, my usb speakers stop working after suspend. How can I fix that ?09:58
syddrafelricsfate: is there an option anywhere for "system url"?10:00
elricsfatecome to think of it I think there is10:01
elricsfatein the cp for this10:01
elricsfatelet me try that10:01
elricsfateall that trouble10:01
elricsfateover ONE space10:01
elricsfatethank you SO much syddraf.10:01
elricsfateIf your ever in need of hosting10:02
elricsfatelet me know10:02
syddrafelricsfate: no problem10:02
elricsfatecan give you 10 percent discount or something10:02
syddrafelricsfate: i run my own server box, but thanks for the offer.10:02
elricsfateyour welcome10:02
sheepdawgi love how i have 50M down speed...but im currently Dling 10.10 @ 330 kb/s10:02
syddrafsheepdawg: change your mirror. MIT usually gets the best time for me10:04
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
sheepdawgi dont see any option for mirror sites10:05
sheepdawgim on ubuntu.com10:06
sheepdawglol, nvm...im an idiot.  torrent will work jsut fine10:09
sheepdawg3.2 Mbps10:09
IledenWhat could cause my system to be unbearably slow? This seems to most affect "window-intensive" operations. My graphics adapter is fast enough (as are compiz effects), I have enough RAM (1,5 GB IIRC) and my processor is good enough (2,5 GHz IIRC). What could be causing this? I think it has worsened as I've been using the system, but that could be just me growing annoyed... Any diagnostic help is appreciated!10:10
rumpe1Ileden, check for cpu-consuming processes (via top, htop) and check "dmesg"-output (or other relevant system protocolls)10:11
Iledenrumpe1: no cpu-consuming processes, nothing weird at dmesg (though not all that sure I'd spot it if there was...)10:12
red2kicIleden: Leaking memory, perhaps? Run "top" -- Look at %CPU %MEM -- What does it say at top of the list?10:12
sheepdawgthis is off topic but is it possible my router will reset itself if the DL speed is too fast?10:12
Mehrzaddo you know if rovclock is ok for ati radeon 4800 series?10:13
airtonixafter quitting cairodock it still leaves a invisible bar on the bottom of my screen10:13
rumpe1sheepdawg, many things are possible... maybe?10:13
IledenI recall having had similar trouble before and the sort-of solution was to delete stuff from some gnome configuration files. IIRC it did help a bit, for a while, but that doesn't seem like a valid fix....10:13
sheepdawghaha.  never had an issue before.  today i got the new net, and its gone down 3 times...oh well...back OT.  im making the USB key again..and will see if it will go on this PC...1 sec...thanks for the help guys, this is like a real bummer to not have my PC10:14
Mehrzadanyone know?10:14
Iledenred2kic: hmm, memory use seems pretty high? Mem:   2060952k total,  1924812k used,   136140k free,   410280k buffers10:14
red2kicI feel lucky not to have your PC.10:14
red2kicIleden: Look under the white line. What does CPU say?10:15
Iledenred2kic: xorg taking most of cpu, at around 5.010:16
rumpe1Ileden, high memory usage doesn't necessarily mean, it's not much free...  the kernel reserves some mem for caches. compare "free && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free"10:16
Iledenthis affects operations like switching a view in Thunderbird, creating a new tab in chrome, opening a web page in chrome...10:17
Iledenrumpe1: what do I look at from that output?10:18
sheepdawghangs at 151 of 33910:18
sheepdawgevery time10:18
red2kicIleden: Install htop to see colors. Might make things easier for you to read.10:18
Iledenrumpe1: also, bash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied10:18
rumpe1Ileden, the difference in respect to kernel cache .. also you have to use sudo10:19
Iledenred2kic: htop installed10:20
red2kicIleden: Run "htop" -- Take a look at it. See if anything seems to be too high or consume large % of CPU/MEM.10:21
Mehrzadwhen installing ubuntu didn't ask me for the root password. i gave it a password for admin account. is it the root password?10:21
drbobbI'm sure I used to know this, but I can't recall: is there a command-line util that you could pipe text into and have it appear in the X clipboard?10:21
sacarlsonsheepdawg: did you do an md5sum of the iso file?  maybe your usb flash drive is bad?10:21
Mehrzadlast time i tried that didn't work10:21
sheepdawgsorry scarlson..i saw you say that before.  i dont know what that means10:21
Iledenrumpe1: here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558044/10:21
sheepdawgit moved10:22
sheepdawgits moving10:22
FloodBot2sheepdawg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:22
red2kicdrbobb: xclip ?10:22
Jordan_Usheepdawg: It does sound like your flash drive is going bad.10:22
sheepdawgok my appologies.  habbit from Steam and Aim10:22
Iledenred2kic: no process over ~5% of use in either mem or cpu10:22
linux_hacksIs there JRE/JVM optmization's are done in Ubuntu?10:23
red2kicIleden: Well, are you experiencing slow right now?10:23
drbobbred2kic: yeah that's the one! thx :)10:23
red2kicIleden: When that happen, run "htop" and you can see it. :o10:23
red2kicdrbobb: No problem. :)10:23
sheepdawgbe right back10:23
Iledenred2kic: yes, it's pretty much constant. and it does only effect the "window-intensive" (in lack of better word) uses...10:23
red2kicIleden: I see. I don't know. :\10:24
dragonkeeperhey  how do i get 1 app to play sound through 1 sound device and another app through a different sound card10:24
red2kicIleden: Try using metacity instead of compiz and see if that still occurs.10:24
Mehrzadit's the most basic question could be asked... :|10:24
red2kicMehrzad: What is the question?10:24
Mehrzadwhen installing ubuntu didn't ask me for the root password. i gave it a password for admin account. is it the root password?10:24
Iledenred2kic: like, opening a new tab takes 1sec, displaying a web page (not loading, displaying) 2sec, opening a message/switching view in thunderbird, 2sec...10:25
rumpe1Mehrzad, ubuntu has no default root-account for higher security10:25
red2kicMehrzad: There are none.10:25
red2kic!root | Mehrzad10:25
ubottuMehrzad: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:25
DJonesMehrzad: Ubuntu doesn't use a root password, when it asks for an administrator password, it will normally be the password of the first user set up at installation time10:25
Iledenred2kic: and yes, 2sec is a huge delay in these sort of regular operations. e.g. even my netbook does stuff like that in ~0.2 sec or somthing10:26
red2kicMehrzad: You may have set an admin password for your user.10:26
Iledenred2kic: disabling compiz doesn't help, it only brings the problem even to switching from workplace to another...10:27
red2kicIleden: I see. I don't know what else to advise. Maybe you got one case of nasty bug. Something went wrong. Was it like this when you installed it or it start to occur recently?10:27
Mehrzadah, thanks a lot10:28
sheepdawgwell it doesnt work..so yea i guess my USB key is a fail.10:29
Iledenred2kic: I think it wasn't as bad when I installed, and that it's been growing... but I don't know, could be I'm just getting more and more annoyed at it. Can't trust my subjective feelings on this - too bad there's no way I can think of to measure this. :-/10:29
sheepdawgit shows it tho10:29
kapuI screwed up making a container file for encryption using dd by miscalculating. now I have a 1.8Tb binary file that I would like to trim by 193814752 512-blocks. The file is on a 2Tb drive.10:29
Iledenred2kic: hm, I guess I could start using a stopwatch to measure some regular operations.10:29
sheepdawga G:/ Install Ubuntu10:29
dragonkeeperhey  how do i get 1 app to play sound through 1 sound device and another app through a different sound card10:29
red2kicIleden: This is a hammer approach -- Do a "minimal gnome" install -- Then start installing packages as you do. I loathe ubuntu-desktop metapackage as it is too big and cumbersome.10:30
Iledenred2kic: but humans arent that good at measuring second-level things. hm, I could prehaps script operations and measure the time of execution... oh well.10:30
red2kicIleden: If it is out to get you, then you can do something about it, I suppose. :o10:30
jetscreamerfglrx is what i want for ati restricted drivers?10:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:31
sheepdawgso the USB 'works' in the sense that i can use it to install while IN windows...but its not helping me get a boot on the 'hurt' PC10:31
red2kicsheepdawg: What are you trying to do?10:32
Iledenred2kic: yeah, maybe some sort of minimal install could work, but I don't know ubuntu deep enough to know how to proceed with that.10:32
sheepdawgi have the dreaded errod> no such device> (alphanumeric valuse)  grub rescue10:33
drbobbI installed ubuntu 10.10 on an old laptop yesterday, and it was borked out of the box. Logging into gdm did not work. Turned out gnome-session was trying to launch compiz, and that was failing.10:33
red2kicIleden: Ubuntu-Mini.iso is only 12MB. :)  http://tinyurl.com/qp6np710:33
sacarlsonsheepdawg: did you ever check the boot sequence in bios?10:33
red2kicsheepdawg: You should try asking in #grub if you got no lucky here.10:33
sheepdawgyes.  i kno the USB key is set to boot BEFORE the HDD10:33
drbobbI couldn't figure out any easier workaround than uninstalling compiz, which forces gnome-session to fall back to metacity10:34
red2kicdrbobb: ALT+F2 --> "metacity --replace"10:34
Iledenred2kic: plus I really, really don't like the idea of reinstall. :(10:34
sacarlsonsheepdawg: then I guess you should test your usb flash disk with hwtest or other method10:34
drbobbred2kic: alt+f2 wasn't working either10:34
dragonkeepercan anyone help me ?10:34
red2kicdrbobb: You're on GNOME?10:34
drbobbred2kic: posotive10:35
userhi all.... is any soft for create virtual classroom? make teacher to control students pc?10:35
red2kicdrbobb: ALT+F2 bring up "Run" dialog.10:35
userfor interogatian with them?10:35
sacarlsonsheepdawg: I also assume you did an md5sum of the iso file before install to the usb flash10:35
jetscreamersheepdawg: what you need to do, and i can't walk you through it atm, is boot a grub prompt somehow with a diff medium, and hit c for a grub promt, then do the roo, kernel, and initrd , boot magic10:35
drbobbred2kic: I know it does that when it works -but it wasn't working10:35
jetscreamersheepdawg: then you have linux booted, you fix grub10:36
red2kicdrbobb: Check compiz plugin. See if gnome compatbility is at least enabled.10:36
sheepdawg::head explodes:: haha i sort of understand what you mean.  And no..md5sum10:37
red2kic!md5sum | sheepdawg10:37
ubottusheepdawg: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:37
drbobbred2kic: I don't know how to check that, and I don't really care. I just installed gnome-desktop, and discovered it was broken on that h/w10:38
dragonkeeperhey  how do i get 1 app to play sound through 1 sound device and another app through a different sound card10:38
drbobbred2kic: I don't even WANT compiz, never mind that it fails when 3d accel is unavailable, thereby providing you with a broken system10:39
red2kicdrbobb: Ah. metacity it is. You could run that in the terminal -- but I don't know if that's wise. I'm testing it right now with nohup.10:39
Bipul`hellow i have a problem with ubuntu10.1010:40
drbobbred2kic: you seem to miss the point. I had NO terminal available, no nothing.10:40
drbobbred2kic: all I could do was switch to a VC for a command line10:40
Bipul`when i have completed the installation and try to login i have been asked for ubuntu login as it boting in cli nor GUI10:41
red2kicdrbobb: Now I have no metacity running. Curses! Yeah, I can't replace it in VC either.10:41
drbobbred2kic: I can figure out how to work around such breakage, but by my estimate, 99.9% of all user's  couldn't10:42
red2kicdrbobb: How did it get broken?10:42
Bipul`i have install ubunu10.10 server in my computer but when i have restart and login i have been asked for ID and password in cli not in GUI10:42
drbobbred2kic: point is it did not get broken. It was already broken as installed10:42
red2kicdrbobb: Ah. I don't know about gnome-desktop.10:43
red2kicdrbobb: Since that's gnome-desktop metapackage (from Gnome).10:44
drbobbred2kic: my guess is the installer mistakenly took the graphics card for one that supports 3d accel, but I'm just pulling that out of my ass10:44
red2kicdrbobb: I think you want gnome-core. With Ubuntu flair.10:44
red2kicdrbobb: And "nohup metacity --replace" works if you run it in the terminal. Then close it. It won't stop it.10:44
drbobbred2kic: sorry, make that s/gnome-desktop/ubuntu-desktop/10:44
drbobbred2kic: but yes I see gnome-core would have been a better choice10:46
red2kicdrbobb: Probably if you want to go for minimal approach.10:46
red2kicWith GNOME.10:46
syn3rgyIs there a photo program that can batch resize photos. I heard Gimp can't do this?10:52
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: imagemagick10:52
llutz_syn3rgy: convert from package imagemagick10:53
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: gimp probably can do it, but much as with Photoshop it's more likely to be a total pain in the backside to do10:53
red2kicFrom the looks of it, Gimp can do it.10:53
syn3rgyIt can? I just spend like 20 min google'n and could not find a "howto"10:54
linux_hacksIs there JRE/JVM optmization's are done in Ubuntu?10:54
linux_hacksby default10:54
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: what to do is use a little bash one-liner to loop over your directory and call convert for every image10:54
Benkinoobyhi, could someboday have a look at my dmesg log from bootup http://pastebin.com/1mJDz80n (especially line 713)? I installed Ubuntu 10.10 yesterday and didn't do any system changes (exept for installing software from the repo and installing a prop. wireless driver). My problem: I have to constantly press a key to keep the boot process going. if i don't press anything for a minute or so, it will come up with a messeage "Gave up waiting10:55
Benkinooby for the root device" and fall back to the grub-shell (at least i think it is the grub shell). any advice where to start googling (i did it without of luck) is appreciated!10:55
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: I don't know; I would *guess* it can but that's such a backwards way to do it ;-)10:55
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: how big do you want your images to be?10:55
anirvanaheya, what is the ubuntu command to correct my system time :)10:56
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: you want a magic incantation like "for i in *.jpg; do convert $i -resize 320x240 smaller/$i; done;"10:56
Gneaanirvana: you can correct it by changing the date/time in the system->pref->date/time and set it to update via internet time servers10:57
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: that'll loop through all .jpg files in the current directory, make them 320x240 and save them in a sub-directory called "smaller" which you must make before you start10:57
syn3rgygordonjcp thanks that was really nice of you!10:57
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: if you're not used to command-line tools it looks a bit scary, but then you realise you can do mindblowingly complex things just by asking10:57
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: also, "man convert" for the manual, which will tell you more than you could possibly want to know about the options10:58
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: if you say "320x" instead of "320x240" it will make the image 320px on its longest side, whichever way up it is10:58
anirvanaGnea , Is there a command to make it sync from system everythime?10:58
syn3rgygordonjcp OK so I just need the plugin for imagemagic and then use cmd10:59
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: sudo aptitude install imagemagick10:59
gordonjcpor something similar10:59
Gneaanirvana: why would you want to do it that way?10:59
syn3rgygordonjcp OK I got it.11:00
syn3rgygordonjcp this is the same thing that is rendering my thumbnails on a CMS that I use. Cool11:01
drbobbgrub2 is a bitch - I couldn't figure out stuff that used to be real easy, like how to achieve what was done with 'savedefault' and 'default=saved' in old grub11:01
gordonjcpsyn3rgy: you can do all sorts of processing11:01
Gneaanirvana: systems themselves tend to fall into a skew of time by default, keeping them updates via the network tends to provide a more accurate and up-to-date account of real-time11:02
sheepdawgyes so its deff a liveCD..but it doesnt boot11:02
sheepdawgand yes11:02
coz_drbobb,  I understand the frustration...you may want to go to the #grub channel and get better explanations11:02
anirvanaGnea , I basically want it to sync time from internet servers, I am trying to install ntp from command line but it's failing11:03
Benkinoobyhi, could someboday have a look at my dmesg log from bootup http://pastebin.com/1mJDz80n (especially line 713)? I installed Ubuntu 10.10 yesterday and didn't do any system changes (exept for installing software from the repo and installing a prop. wireless driver). My problem: I have to constantly press a key to keep the boot process going. if i don't press anything for a minute or so, it will come up with a messeage "Gave up waiting11:03
Benkinoobyfor the root device" and fall back to the grub-shell (at least i think it is the grub shell). any advice where to start googling (i did it without of luck) is appreciated!11:03
Gneaanirvana: ntpdate is what you'll want11:03
sheepdawgi think i am going to head to #grub as well..thank you for all the help everyone...im sure i will be back11:03
drbobbcoz_: yeah I guess that's the place, I forget every piece of software has its own channel, except that in most of them nobody ever answers11:03
anirvanaGnea , ok, how do I install it?11:03
Gneaanirvana: just like you'd install any package:  sudo apt-get install ntpdate11:04
=== bubble_ is now known as bubbleone
coz_drbobb,   yep  I understand... you sometimes have to stay logged on long after you ask a question11:04
red2kicdrbobb: "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" --11:04
anirvanaGnea , thanks :) My system says it's already instaled11:04
red2kicdrbobb: I googled. :)11:04
drbobbcoz_: on top of that, I'm not sure how much this is a generic grub question, rather than having to do with how ubuntu configures grub11:04
Gneaanirvana: ah okay, so it's just a matter of making sure that it works correctly11:04
drbobbred2kic: yeah that was my first guess, but it has no effect11:05
coz_drbobb,  doesnt matter... if google doesnt answer it well then #grub channel should11:05
Gneaanirvana: /etc/ntp.conf is a good place to start looking11:05
coz_drbobb,  are you trying to update grub and then save it?11:05
red2kicdrbobb: You ran "sudo update-grub2" after you edit the file?11:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:06
drbobbcoz_: I'm trying to have grub default to the last booted system11:06
drbobbred2kic: sure I did11:06
anirvanaGnea , ok11:06
red2kicdrbobb: Meh. Paste /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg, plz.11:07
sheepdawgno bother with the #grub channel.  no one seems to be active there11:07
|Long|i have same problem stuck at grub promt screen11:08
sheepdawgi accidentiall wrote over my MBR11:08
gordonjcpsheepdawg: easy enough; reinstall grub ;-)11:08
Gneaanirvana: also, if you want to make sure the system has a solid base-time, you should reboot and change the time manually in the bios11:09
sheepdawgso im stuck there as well.  and even tho my USB key isnt corrupt and neither is the 10.10 i have on it, it wont boot for some reason...even with my bios set to check the USB-HDD first11:09
Gneasheepdawg: tried USB-FDD?11:10
sheepdawgi believe its the second option.  when i insert the USB into this machine it doesnt come up as install ubuntu...but says there are diff filetypes on the USB so it says preview pics, explore, etc11:10
sheepdawgbut if you go in to the USB key..the install is there, and will run properly11:11
Gneauh, okay11:11
red2kicsheepdawg: You're on Ubuntu right now? There is Startup Disk Creater. Something like that if you haven't tried it already.11:12
sheepdawgPC just does NOT want to boot from it, i used both unet and the include USB file from ubuntu.com11:12
sheepdawgive used both ubuntus method and unets method11:12
red2kicsheepdawg: You're trying to install Ubuntu on the netbook or fix grub?11:12
sheepdawgboth produce a valid USB with valid files...wont boot tho11:12
sheepdawgfixing grub11:12
sheepdawgquick recap.  installed in windows on D:(partition of the main HDD) restarted and it ran fine.  i updated.  didnt skip grub, installed it on C accidentially(it was the only option) and now i have no MBR11:13
sheepdawgi have a liveCD...in the form of a USB key...both the data and the key come back not corrupt11:14
gordonjcpsheepdawg: I found it impossible to boot Ubuntu from a USB key11:14
gordonjcpsheepdawg: copying the .iso to a USB stick didn't work11:15
gordonjcpso it's obviously not a hybrid .iso11:15
GneaI have found that the only sure fire way to make sure that ubuntu will boot is to be sure that the USB key is formatted to FAT16, not FAT3211:15
sheepdawgfat16 ey?11:15
red2kichttp://www.supergrubdisk.org/rescatux/ <--?11:15
GneaFAT32 is FTL11:15
sheepdawgi have been doing 32...let me try it this way11:15
gordonjcpsheepdawg: the only way I could get it to install was to set up qemu booting off the .iso image, and with the destination partition set as hda11:16
gordonjcpI'm sure there's an easier way11:16
Gneasheepdawg: I went through the same thing last week - it was so obvious, I could've had a V8 lol11:16
gordonjcpbut in general Ubuntu seems to be one of the hardest distros to get installed11:16
gordonjcpI don't know why there isn't a USB image11:16
sheepdawgi hav the option of FAT, FAT32, exFAt11:16
Gneasheepdawg: FAT11:16
sheepdawgi had it installed just fine, worked and all, no issues, untill i updated the files it asked me to lol then it took a poopie.  deffinately my fault, that i know, its jsut a PITA to get it going11:17
coz_gordonjcp,  I believe there is a usb image  let me check11:17
Gneagordonjcp: the cd image works just fine, it's a matter of making sure that the key is prepared properly11:17
sheepdawggnea: ok thank you...be right back  i will try both usbhdd and usb fdd as well11:17
gordonjcpGnea: but that's fiddly and unreliable at the best of times anyway11:18
Gneagordonjcp: what do you mean?11:18
rebellen_i wanna add windows server 2008 to GRUB, how do i do it?11:18
coz_gordonjcp,   several things to keep in mind  with  the cd ...download it and check the md5sum "before"  burning it , and then burn it at  1x  if possible...11:18
Gnearebellen_: grub or grub2?11:19
rebellen_Gnea, i think grub2, couse i have a  grub.cfg instead on menu.lst11:19
Gneacoz_: one doesn't 'burn' an iso to a USB key, fyi11:19
Gnearebellen_: indeed11:19
Gnea!grub2 | rebellen_11:19
ubotturebellen_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub211:19
Gnearebellen_: see the 2nd url11:20
coz_Gnea,   I am well aware ,,, but thanks11:20
rebellen_Gnea, okey, what exactly should i read?11:20
Gneacoz_: only mentioned it because your comment didn't seem to make sense, perhaps I was missing something11:20
gordonjcpcoz_: "burn it" to what?11:20
dragonkeeperhey  how do i get 1 app to play sound through 1 sound device and another app through a different sound card11:20
coz_Gnea,  it makes sense if you download the cd iso11:20
gordonjcpcoz_: I haven't owned a computer with a CD drive for about five years11:20
Gnearebellen_: well, the website, there's instructions there for windows11:20
coz_gordonjcp,   1x  burning speed11:21
coz_gordonjcp,  ah i see then nevermind11:21
gordonjcpcoz_: I don't even know where I'd get a CD drive any more11:21
red2kicgordonjcp: You don't need it! :)11:21
gordonjcpabsent a time machine to go back to 2004 when people used to use these funny shaving mirror things11:21
Gneacoz_: not it doesn't, I put the cd iso on a usb key and it worked. it only makes sense if your target media is an actual cdr or cdrw.11:21
coz_gordonjcp,   the is a pplication named    ubuntu imagewriter for writing to usb11:21
gordonjcpGnea: how did you put the cd iso onto the USB disk?11:21
Gneagordonjcp: unetbootin11:22
rebellen_Gnea, im gonna try update-grub at fist11:22
gordonjcpGnea: I tried that, and it didn't work well at all11:22
Gnearebellen_: okay11:22
rebellen_didnt find it11:22
Gneagordonjcp: they keep updating unetbootin, have you tried the latest version?11:22
gordonjcpyes, not sure of the exact version since I can't ssh home at the moment11:22
drbobbred2kic: I don't have that laptop with me here11:22
red2kicgordonjcp: One way is to use dd.11:22
gordonjcpGnea: whatever is current in Arch, considerably newer than the one in Ubuntu 10.0411:23
Gneagordonjcp: also, I downloaded the .iso file separately and handed it over to unetbootin that way instead of letting unetbootin download it for me11:23
gordonjcpred2kic: tried that, not bootable11:23
gordonjcpGnea: yeah, that's how I did it11:23
drbobbmeh unetbootin did not work at all last I tried11:23
red2kicdrbobb: Ah.11:23
Gneagordonjcp: ah, I was using XP at the time11:23
gordonjcpGnea: oh, no idea then11:23
Gneaunetbootin works sometimes and at other times it fails like a unicycle on thin ice11:24
gordonjcpGnea: I've got XP at work but I don't know if I can install unetbootin on it - I don't really know how to install things in Windows11:24
Gneagordonjcp: oh, that's the beauty of it, you see... you don't install it, you just download it and run the .exe11:24
gordonjcpGnea: o_O11:24
red2kicgordonjcp: I know. Me either. But I found a sureproof way to install Ubuntu on netbooks without hassle. zcat mini.whatever.img.gz > /dev/usbStick11:24
Gneayeah :)11:24
gordonjcpred2kic: I'll give that a go later11:25
gordonjcpGnea: I don't actually know what that means11:25
Gneagordonjcp: it means exactly what I said it means.11:25
coz_ gordonjcp   have you looked at this?  http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download11:25
* Gnea facepalms11:25
coz_gordonjcp,  it doesn explain installing to usb  even on windows11:25
gordonjcpGnea: I don't really know about Windows11:25
rebellen_Gnea, cant find anything about adding windows11:26
Gnearebellen_: nothing about chainloader +1?11:26
gordonjcpI've only been using it for a few months, and if it doesn't work I just get the IT pixies to come and fix it11:26
Gneagordonjcp: .exe[cutable], you just run it and it pops the window up right away, there's nothing to it11:26
rebellen_Gnea, one thing, " sample entry for chainloading to another GRUB bootloader."11:26
rebellen_what is it about that?11:27
gordonjcpoh okay11:27
gordonjcpGnea: tbh this computer seems a bit fragile and I'm not sure it can cope with USB disks11:27
Gnearebellen_: that's a bit different...11:27
rebellen_Gnea, .... okey?11:28
jimmy__hey, does anyone know how to fix the resolution/aspect ratio on my monitor?11:28
Gneagordonjcp: that's what PLoP is for.11:28
Gneagoogle it11:29
gordonjcpGnea: I will when I've got web access11:30
Gnearebellen_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Creating the Custom Menu   <-- bottom of that section11:30
rebellen_Gnea, thx11:30
gordonjcprebellen_: you can do some really odd things with grub11:30
jimmy__hey, does anyone know how to fix the resolution/aspect ratio on my monitor? under system>Preferences>Monitors it says it is "unknown"11:30
Gneagordonjcp: ah okay. best to do it like this then:  plop cd usb grub11:30
GreblakHello =)11:30
gordonjcprebellen_: boot grub from grub from grub from grub11:31
sagitdid anyone have problems with activating java under opera 11?11:31
gordonjcp... and so on11:31
gordonjcpthere is no sane reason for doing this, but it's a laugh11:31
GreblakI was wondering.. I recently installed Ubuntu (again) on my laptop for university use11:31
GneaGreblak: great choice11:32
GreblakAs I opened a project in Eclipse that was so-far developed in Windows I got some encoding issues11:32
dragonkeeperhey  how do i get 1 app to play sound through 1 sound device and another app through a different sound card11:32
GreblakHehe. Tried it before a few times but needed some programs that were previously unavailable in linux11:32
GreblakThe problem appears with the scandinavian characters æ ø å11:32
GreblakThey show up with wrong chars in both eclipse and in java.11:33
Gneacool, I can actually *see* those11:33
Benkinoobyhi, could someboday have a look at my dmesg log from bootup http://pastebin.com/1mJDz80n (especially line 713)? I installed Ubuntu 10.10 yesterday and didn't do any system changes (exept for installing software from the repo and installing a prop. wireless driver). My problem: I have to constantly press a key to keep the boot process going. if i don't press anything for a minute or so, it will come up with a messeage "Gave up waiting11:33
Benkinoobyfor the root device" and fall back to the grub-shell (at least i think it is the grub shell). any advice where to start googling (i did it without of luck) is appreciated!11:33
GreblakAt first only in linux, but when I rebuilt in Windows, the error stayed in Java11:33
sheepdawgok well still didnt work...however when i do USB-HDD it 'hangs' after Verifying DMI pool data.....and doesnt display the message...almost like it wants to do something, but cant11:33
GreblakNow it really looked... funky11:33
GneaGreblak: you probably need to make sure that eclipse is installed with the proper intl (international) support then11:33
PhonicUKhey all11:33
PhonicUKanyone know of a good application for drawing circuit diagrams?11:34
GreblakI'm using the right ISO in both workspace and project11:34
GreblakI tried interchanging and switching it up a bit with no good results :p11:34
GreblakThe strange thing is... Some characters are correct!11:34
sheepdawgi suppose the whole anti USB thing just isnt going to work for me tonight11:34
GreblakAnd I can hardcode the characters so they are right in Linux, they won't be in Windows...11:34
GreblakI'm suspecting the locale in the kernel11:35
Gnea!spam | JAVI11:35
Dwarghey guys anyone known with aircrack ???11:35
Gnea!ot | JAVI11:35
ubottuJAVI: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:35
GreblakI tried "locale" in terminal. Both me and a friend of mine recently switched. I'm running en_US, he's running no_NO. Both with UTF-811:35
GreblakAny way to change that to an ISO?11:35
GneaGreblak: not sure why you'd need to, UTF-8 ought to be good enough11:36
GneaJAVI: shut up!11:36
Dwargany one know how i change my ap to fit this: mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 611:36
GreblakUTF-8 keeps bugging with scandinavian chars11:36
GreblakEspecially when ported from ISO11:36
GreblakReturns a symbol looking like <?>11:36
LjLJAVI: callate11:36
jimmy__is anyone available to answer a question about video card/monitor issue?11:37
LjL!ops | JAVI11:37
ubottuJAVI: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:37
GneaBenkinooby: that's really weird, not seeing anything too abnormal in dmesg about it... did you change anything in your bios?11:37
Dwargany one know how i change my ap to fit this: mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 6                     ??????11:38
jimmy__hey, does anyone know how to fix the resolution/aspect ratio on my monitor? under system>Preferences>Monitors it says it is "unknown"11:38
badpenguin86I can't get the good-looking splash screen during boot, I get a really weird one. How to fix?11:38
GneaDwarg: -1 is not a valid wifi channel id11:38
Greblakbadpenguin86: Tried using usplash?11:38
Dwargfollowed a couple of guides but have no clue how to change it11:39
red2kicbadpenguin86: Turn it off. Let text scroll. It's far better than moot splash screen.11:39
=== anomie is now known as Guest96463
Dwargso if ya got any clue for me gnea i would be gratefull11:39
randy_How to use dhcp get address just as temp,not edit the configure?11:39
GneaDwarg: easy: don't try to use -111:39
edwardteachDwarg, man airmon-ng11:39
badpenguin86red2kic, How do I turn it off? Verbose would work for me11:39
Dwargwhat command woul du use then?11:39
badpenguin86Greblak, Does that work on 10.10?11:40
red2kicbadpenguin86: Something in "/etc/default/grub" I imagine. Then run "sudo update-grub2" after you fixed it. Take out "quiet splash"11:40
Dwargwhen i airmon start wlan0 it just go mon011:40
badpenguin86red2kic, That sounds like it. Thanks11:41
Dwargi suppouse im wrong in that area or what?11:41
GreblakI tried a quick apt-get of it but some dependencies failed so didn't pursure it11:41
red2kicbadpenguin86: http://tinyurl.com/4sbb75e11:41
edwardteachDwarg,  airmon-ng start interface channel11:41
Dwargcomes back and say run as root11:41
puppywhat is "Transport Error" in Ekiga voip phone11:42
randy_I konw a command that can let netcard use dhcp but not for ever,what is it?11:42
sveinseHow can I play a sound directly to alsa without pulseaudio? aplay seems to use pulseaudio anyways11:43
Dwargedwardtech im a nabble so trying some diff things just can't seem to get that one right only thing im missing :S11:43
jimmy__is anyone available to answer a question about video card/monitor issue?11:44
red2kicjimmy__: Yes. We are available. Next.11:44
jimmy__hey, does anyone know how to fix the resolution/aspect ratio on my monitor? under system>Preferences>Monitors it says it is "unknown"11:45
red2kicjimmy__: Ask real questions. :)11:45
sacarlsonsveinse: I'm not sure but I think you can setup use of alsa in gstreamer apps with gstreamer-properties11:45
red2kicjimmy__: You installed Ubuntu recently?11:45
Dwarganyone able to explain how to change my channel to 6 instead of -111:45
jimmy__that wasn't a real question?11:45
jimmy__yes, recently11:46
red2kicjimmy__: Okay. You need to enable drivers. System --> Pref/Admin --> Additional Drivers.11:46
red2kicjimmy__: That'll install closed source drivers such as nvidia drivers.11:46
jimmy__tried that, it said there are no proprietary drivers available11:47
Dwarganyone able to explain how to change my channel to 6 instead of -1   ???11:47
edwardteachjimmy__,  all my monitor settings are configured in my nvidia x settings11:47
red2kicjimmy__: Open a terminal (Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal). Run "lspci | grep VGA" -- What does it say?11:47
jimmy__it says: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)11:49
jimmy__the "VGA" is in red lol11:50
red2kicjimmy__: Yes. That's fine. I'm looking at your card information on google.11:50
jimmy__yea i tried to find linux drivers for it but results were inconclusive to me11:51
rebellen_Gnea, how do i know which (hdx,x) my windows is?11:51
falconicguys.. I have got an Acer 5745... the Atheros wifi was working some time back.. but now its suddenly stopped working11:51
falconicthe network manager shows the wireless option as greyed11:52
falconicand when I click FN+F3 the wireless doesnt get enabled..11:52
Dwarganyone able to explain how to change my channel to 6 instead of -1   ???11:52
Gnearebellen_: if you type it out like this:  root (hd0,<tabkey><tabkey>  it will list which filesystems they are11:53
ubu_conWhy is there a drop shadow on the box around conky?11:53
red2kicjimmy__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes11:53
rebellen_Gnea, so, in nano, i write: set root=(hd0,<tab><tab>11:54
rebellen_pressing tab button11:54
red2kicjimmy__: There are many workarounds -- Pros + Cons. It's up to you to decide what you need and what you want. :P11:54
rebellen_couse thats not gonna work11:54
Gnearebellen_: lol no - type grub at a prompt so you get the grub> prompt, then type it there - the <tabkey> is where you press the actual tab key and it shows you what's what11:55
ubu_conScratach that, does anyone know how to turn off drop shadows in Metacity compositing>11:55
rebellen_Gnea, i cant run grub cause there si no command11:56
jimmy__red2kic: thanks, i guess i didnt know what to search for11:56
RyugaI'm using computer pentium 4 CPU 1.8Ghz and 256mb of RAM, what I should using versi ubuntu ?11:56
rebellen_Gnea, just a bunch of grub-* commands11:56
GreblakBut anyone got an idea on how I can change the locale setup to ISO standard?11:57
Gnead'oh, that's right11:57
dragonkeeperhey  how do i get 1 app to play sound through 1 sound device and another app through a different sound card11:57
rebellen_Gnea, so now what?11:57
Gnearebellen_: you could try grub-probe11:58
Gneagrub-probe -d /dev/sda111:58
rebellen_Gnea, as root?11:59
Gnearebellen_: sudo11:59
rebellen_Gnea, just says ext212:00
Gnearebellen_: try the other partitions12:02
red2kicjimmy__: No problem. I think vesa is a good option in a long run. Not sure about how it'd looks on videos/flash.12:02
rebellen_Gnea, sda5 is ntfs, thats the windows server partition12:02
randy_when I compiled the kernel the compression mode which is the best,I want to boot fastest,I have 6GB RAM12:02
* dragonkeeper loves it when there is a help channel but when you ask for help none exists 12:03
rebellen_dragonkeeper, true, true12:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:04
* red2kic loves it when the people are asking for help in wrong channels.12:04
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:04
red2kicdragonkeeper: There are #alsa, there are #pulseaudio12:05
red2kicdragonkeeper: Whoops. :P12:05
Gnearebellen_: there you have it then12:05
stef_ciao a tutti12:05
=== windkids is now known as WindGone
rebellen_Gnea, hd0,5 that is?12:07
rebellen_Gnea, gonna try reboot it ;)12:08
rebellen_thx for the help12:08
ubu_conCan anyone tell me why Ubuntu is not detecting my sound cards? It just shows output to "Dummy Output"12:09
red2kicdragonkeeper: AWESOME! You got your sound working! :)12:11
edwardteachubu_con,  lspci   should list your sound cards !12:12
dragonkeeper2 hours searching and was installed on pc already  **rolls eyes**12:12
erUSULubu_con: lspci | grep -i audio12:12
ubu_conIt says 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)12:12
erUSULubu_con: lsmod | grep -i snd12:13
erUSULubu_con: paste in pastebin12:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:13
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto ubu_con12:14
DavidLLHey, should suspend/hibernate work with ubuntu on an SSD vertex 2?12:14
rebellen_Gnea, i copied grub.cfg to 40_custom and added a line in the 40_custom12:14
rebellen_Gnea, or should 40_custon ONLY contain the vustom menu entry?12:15
ubu_conerUSUL, it's at 55808412:15
erUSULubu_con: and alsamixer in a terminal window? does it show the sound card?12:16
falconicGuys.. any idea what might be causing the network manager to show the wireless enabled option as disabled ?12:16
ubu_conIt shows Card: HDA Intel12:16
bazhangfalconic, wireless hw toggle perhaps12:16
dragonkeeperfalconic .. that you already have it enabled :L ?12:17
bazhangfalconic, try ifconfig and see if there is anything other than lo and eth012:17
falconicwell I was also thinking the same.. so I put a USB wireless dongle from belkin12:17
falconicbut that is also disbled in the network manager12:17
falconicifconfig only shows l012:17
falconicand no wlan012:17
erUSULubu_con: check the volume levels of master pcm etc.12:18
bazhangfalconic, pastebin out put from lsusb and lspci please12:18
erUSULubu_con: also check that no channel is muted12:18
justin__I have an HP with beats audio but cannot get the good speakers to work, only uses fallback speakers. How can I fix that?12:18
ubu_conMaster: 19, Speaker: 100<>100, PCM: 100<>100, Front 100<>10012:18
falconicthe card is Atheros AR9928X wifi .. and uses the ath9k kernel module12:19
falconicit was working fine some time back12:19
matt_palmeranyone know what the correct aki and ari is for a 32bit squeeze running on EC2 in EU is?12:19
bazhangmatt_palmer, debian?12:19
falconicbazhang: any idea ?12:19
balt11ti installed unity on my netbook, but it refuses to load correctly, and it tried to go to that everytime i log on, so i have to drop into a root shell in order to start gnome correctly. how can i fix that?12:19
bazhangfalconic, what about sudo ifup wlan012:20
ubu_conbalt11t, before you log in, at the sessions menu at the bottom, select Ubuntu Desktop Edition12:20
falconicbazhang: says wlan0 interface not present12:20
matt_palmerbazhang:yup but building from a ubuntu kernel12:21
bazhangmatt_palmer, still better to ask in #debian as squeeze is debian12:21
matt_palmerI've rolled my own ami but it doesnt boot properly. the same process works fine if I use lenny12:21
balt11tis there anyway to force logout from unity? the thing is, i can only see the wallpaper. nothing else loads12:22
falconicbazhang: what to do ?12:22
mt1mmaI do not want the username@machine_name to appear in the terminal, How?12:22
skill_painHello, this bug is debain based bug, 'Unable to reserve MiMO region'12:23
ubu_conmt1mma, your prompt is stored in a variable called $PS112:23
primahello to all.. i am very happy to see that many peeps have questions like i do... make me feel less stupid lol12:23
skill_painSo far, haven't seen a fix to that bug.... That delays my bot time significantly12:24
bazhangfalconic, care to share those pastebin I asked for?12:24
* balt11t sighs.12:24
rebellen_Gnea, should i do something to grub.cfg? i added the entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom and rad update-grub212:24
mt1mmaubu_con, What do I add to .bashrc so that the change happens everytime?12:24
rebellen_the entry doesnt show up in update-grub2 though12:24
primabye all :)12:25
skill_painAs always, no one knows about it12:25
ubu_conmt1mma, just add PS1=[prompt data goes here]12:26
falconicone sec..12:26
ubu_conBut replace the [prompt data goes here] to whatever you want your prompt to be12:26
red2kicrebellen_: You're doing it wrong.12:26
rebellen_red2kic, what should i do?12:26
red2kicrebellen_: Edit what you want in /etc/default/grub -- then run "sudo update-grub2" it'll update /boot/grub/grub.cfg from there.12:26
organisehi i'm using docky as my panel but when i try to start it from the command line i get dbus not found fatal error, can anyone tell me what the problem is?12:27
rebellen_red2kic, what should i edit? i wanna add windows to grub12:28
boudiccasorganise, dbus is not in dterminal, please wait for de next dbus12:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:28
boudiccasorganise, or to put it seriously, i havent got a clue12:28
ubu_conmt1mma, if you need a guide, just read the "PROMPTING" section of the bash manpages12:28
red2kicrebellen_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:29
red2kicrebellen_: I don't have Windows so I really can't speak for myself.12:29
falconicbazhang: http://pastebin.com/ggXnTvh912:29
falconicbazhang: http://pastebin.com/TRbynFc312:29
falconichere u go.12:29
boudiccasred2kic, if you cant speak for yourself, who can you speak for?12:30
rebellen_red2kic, i guess i have to add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true12:30
red2kicboudiccas: For linux users. Not Window users. :)12:30
rebellen_gonna try, brb12:30
rebellen_oh okey?12:30
rebellen_it says "Enables/disables the os-prober check of other partitions for operating systems, including Windows, Linux, OSX and Hurd."12:30
red2kicrebellen_: That'd turn off probing the hard drive for possible OS.12:31
himanican nybody give me the hindi to english dictionary for ubuntu12:32
rebellen_red2kic, ehrm, what i understand is that it checks for other operating systems, for example the one i added in 40_custom, if i disable it12:32
himaniits very urgent12:32
bazhangfalconic, have you install the wireless backport modules for Maverick (or Lucid, if you are on that)12:32
red2kicrebellen_: 40_custom A template for adding custom menu entries which will be inserted into grub.cfg upon execution of the update-grub command. The contents of this file, below the "exec tail -n +3 $0" line and the default comments, are imported directly into /boot/grub/grub.cfg without any changes.12:33
himani can nybody give me the hindi to english dictionary for ubuntu12:33
himani can nybody give me the hindi to english dictionary for ubuntu12:33
rebellen_red2kic, so im doing it right then?12:33
bazhanghimani, patience, dont repeat every five seconds12:34
falconicbazhang: no12:34
red2kicrebellen_: Well. Not rly.12:34
falconicshd I install that ?12:34
rebellen_red2kic, why? what am i doing wrong?12:34
red2kicrebellen_: If you have OS on your hard drive, it'd be detected already.12:34
bazhangfalconic, from the ubuntuforums thread that is the fix12:34
falconiclet me try that12:34
FloodBot2wadeangel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:34
rebellen_red2kic, i have one hard drive, and i have windows on one partition, sda512:34
rebellen_why would it be defected?12:35
arunkumar413hi, i'm having problme setting the scale of of the openoffice writer. i want to set to pixels instead of centimeters12:35
wadeangelwheres women12:35
red2kicrebellen_: The OS-probe script may be defecit.12:35
bazhangwadeangel, wrong network, please stop12:36
rebellen_red2kic, and i have to do what?12:36
LjLwadeangel: not here, this is not a network made for hookups12:36
red2kicrebellen_: I guess 40_custom is what you want if it can't find it.12:36
red2kicrebellen_: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134118212:36
rebellen_red2kic, i added the entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:36
edwardteachhimani,  use synaptic or use google translate12:37
red2kicrebellen_: Then run "sudo update-grub2"12:37
red2kicrebellen_: That'll configure to /boot/grub/grub.cfg --12:37
rebellen_i have12:37
rebellen_but i guess i have wrote wrong in 40_custom12:38
red2kicrebellen_: Check that file -- see if your 40_custom showed up in it.12:38
red2kicrebellen_: Yes. That's possible too.12:38
arunkumar413hi i wanna know what is the point and pica in the openoffice writer ruler12:41
KevinBHello ubuntu world!12:42
tiimSorry aruk?12:42
red2kicrebellen_: What are you pasting in 40_custom?12:42
honeypotI didn't find ppa repositories in sources.list but they still exist... how to remove them plz12:42
KevinBIs Ssl enough for preventing an attack nowadays?12:42
rebellen_red2kic, this: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8408502&postcount=212:42
rebellen_but hd0,5 instead of hd0,112:42
red2kicrebellen_: And what is this 8e0446680446537f?12:43
rebellen_haha i dont know!12:43
red2kicrebellen_: "--set 8e0446680446537f"12:43
rebellen_i guess i can remove that12:43
EmpoyLayawHello Ubuntu-natics!12:43
psypher246hello all. please let me know is there an IRC channel just for natty? or could I ask for help here? I cannot install natty at all and there is no help on the net12:44
rebellen_red2kic, okey i have the exact same thing as the guy on that link except for that search-line12:44
bazhangpsypher246, #ubuntu+112:44
rebellen_and hd0,5 instead of hd0,112:44
EmpoyLayawpsypher... I am ran 10.10 installer then just downloaded the updates from the Update Manager. I think that should work12:44
EmpoyLayaw***I ran12:45
tiiimKevin: ssl should be ok for most purposes, your big vulnerabilities are going to be other things12:45
psypher246rebellen_: EmpoyLayaw thank i will try that12:45
euriskoarh... lost so much time because of the module kvm was not loaded12:45
tiiimKevin: why are you particularly concerned? As in, what are you trying to do12:45
gtludwighow do I check the version of an installed package?12:45
EmpoyLayawyou're welcome psypher24612:46
EmpoyLayawi have a question to chat app masters out there...12:46
red2kicrebellen_: http://pastebin.com/CGdzkp7e12:46
EmpoyLayawwhy can't linux IM apps run video chat smoothly?12:46
LjLgtludwig: apt-cache policy package12:47
EmpoyLayawis it because of protocols, packets, etc... ?12:47
red2kicrebellen_: Try that? Run "sudo update-grub2" after you added it.12:47
rebellen_im gonna try it12:47
gtludwigLjL, thanks12:47
red2kicEmpoyLayaw: There are Skype. :O12:48
rebellen_red2kic, nope, you can have a pastebin if you want12:48
EmpoyLayawred2kic ... yeah, I forgot to emphasize yahoo hahaha12:48
red2kicrebellen_: You tried that before?12:48
rebellen_red2kic, tried what?12:49
tiiimEmpoy: to troubleshoot, ask - can I record smooth video to my pc. If yes, its something to do with the app or your connection12:49
tiiimTry cheese to record video12:49
red2kicrebellen_: The code in my pastebin.12:49
rebellen_red2kic, i tried it now. http://pastebin.com/ds4BjvVZ12:49
tiiimIf its the app or the connection, find out if the app is saturating your upload12:49
red2kicrebellen_: Okay. Reboot and let me know?12:50
EmpoyLayawtiiim thanks for the tip. I did try cheese. It works awesome. I just can't figure why I get a blank screen on yahoo messenger. It's hard to teach my old folks new apps like skype, emphaty and pidgin12:50
EmpoyLayawthey run MS-Win on their machines12:50
tiiimEmpoy: yeah. Well in that case, is it saturating your upload?12:51
mt1mma ubu_con, Got it, thanks.12:51
EmpoyLayawif i teach them, automatically i become their tech support... you know :)12:51
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rebellen_red2kic, sure, but shouldn't it show up in update-grub2?12:51
kapcom01hi, is there any file that holds my pubilc ip?12:51
EmpoyLayawim really not sure tiiim12:51
red2kicrebellen_: I don't think so.12:51
rebellen_oh okey12:52
rebellen_brb then12:52
jpatota_I'm trying to build python. Is /usr/src the best place to unpack it?12:52
tiiimCos it could be that its using an old codec, or that your giving it high quality video and its trying to send that12:53
tiiimOr it could be something to do with the chat client12:53
tiiimIn which case... Swap out the chat client...12:53
tiiimWhy are you trying to build python?12:53
arunkumar413can anyone tell me what is the pica and point in the openoffice ruler? i want to set the scale to pixels instead of inches and centimeters12:53
EmpoyLayawhmmm... i'll play around with your ideas. Thanks!12:53
EmpoyLayaw@ tiiim12:53
tiiimJpatota: you can unpack and buld wherever, presuming your not doing something strange12:55
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bazhangarunkumar413, try #openoffice.org12:55
tiiimThat said, do you really need to build python12:55
tiiimFor instance, would you be better off installing it from a testing repo12:55
jpatota_tiiim: thank you...I'll look for one12:56
tiiimJpatota: debian experimental should be ok12:56
rebellen_red2kic, it show up, windows aint starting though, black screen with a _ blinking to the top left12:56
falconicbazhang: that didnt work :(12:57
tiiimJpatota: it'll only be days behind the svn12:57
red2kicrebellen_: Ah. I was thinking -- You tried few other codes -- but you never tried rebooting because you never knew that update-grub does not report anything? It just generate grub.cfg. I was wondering about that.12:57
himaniis there any software for hindi to english translator.. i have to use it in a java appliaction.. can nybody suggest something12:59
LjLhimani: not that i know about, but can't you use google translate's API?12:59
rebellen_red2kic, thats true13:00
ActionParsniphimani: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/15/english-to-spanish-dictionary-in-ubuntu-and-also-english-to-hindi/13:00
toumboHi!!!Can any tell me how to ununstall a program completly?not only from software center13:00
ActionParsniptoumbo: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename13:00
LjLtoumbo: uninstalling from software center uninstalls it completely. you may want to purge the config files, though.13:00
mo0n_sniperhow can i install the bce driver on ubuntu 10.10 for Broadcom NetXtreme II?13:01
himaniu mean google translator.. bt is there ny alternative??13:01
tiiimJpatota: it just occured to me: if you are going up a major python version it might make some things stop working. If you are going up a major version, you may need to have 2 versions of python on the system and run one in a fake root13:01
Gneahimani: not really13:01
tiiimIts unlikely but give it a thought13:02
ActionParsniphimani: did you check the link I gave?13:02
LjLActionParsnip: that's not a translator though, just a dictionary13:02
himanim checking13:02
=== WindGone is now known as shobo0
falconicbazhang: any idea what might be wrong ?13:03
falconicbazhang: I am installing the latest kernel image from proposed to see if that helps13:03
toumbowhat is the package name o super tux kart?13:03
tiiimToumbo: unless you made changes as root, the config files will be in a hidden folder in. Your home dir13:03
LjLtoumbo: you can find out by doing "apt-cache search super tux kart"13:03
tiiimStarting with a dot, i.e. .config13:04
himaniits nt downable13:04
ankguiHi! How do I install a .tar.gz package? Can somebody please direct me to a tutorial?13:04
Gneahimani: of course not, you use it by pasting to the page13:04
LjLankgui: a .tar.gz file is not a package, it's just a compressed bunch of files13:04
red2kicankgui: Name of the package?13:04
tiiimToumbo: don't use console like a mentalist, use aptitude13:04
LjLankgui: how you install it depends entirely on what's in it13:04
himanididnt get what u say13:05
momofarmany one know where is project unity's irc?13:05
elvan121i'm having trouble in compiling a module13:05
Gneahimani: perhaps you should ask in #ubuntu-in13:05
himanithere are just images on this page13:05
elvan121there is smb who could help me?13:05
ActionParsnipankgui: what is the filename you have?13:05
Pici!details | elvan12113:05
ubottuelvan121: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:06
fixxxermetHay everyone.  I've added a second video card to my box, so I have a previous nvidia card, and now an ATI card too.  Is it safe to apt-get install the fglrx driver for ati?  Will it override / delete the nvidia driver?13:06
himanibt no download location13:06
tiiimAnkgui - most a tar.gz is like a zip. It probably has a file called REaDME in it13:06
Picimomofarm: Are you looking for support or for developers?13:06
momofarmPici: well, I just want to try how is unity feel13:06
ankguiOops! Didn't know that. I am a novice. I want to install new version of empathy. And what I have downloaded from the website is a .tar.gz pack.13:07
himaniny other option??13:07
Picimomofarm: I'd ask in either #ubuntu+1 (Natty's channel, where unity is the default) or #ubuntu-offtopic13:07
rebellen_red2kic, tried the code on that link to ubuntuforums you gave me, and nothing changed13:08
rebellen_still black screen13:08
tiiimAnkgui - in ubuntu, updates and new programs are easy to install using the package manager13:08
rumpe1ankgui, especially for novices this might be a bad idea13:08
Pici!ask | dawajmalina13:08
ubottudawajmalina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:08
bad_machi all13:08
momofarmPici: thanks13:08
red2kicrebellen_: I guess you want to ask in #grub -- It's nowhere active as this channel. Dunno. Can't say anything more. :\13:08
rebellen_thx for the help13:08
mo0n_sniperhow can i install the bce driver on ubuntu 10.10 for Broadcom NetXtreme II?13:09
ankguiI am unable to see Google Talk contacts in the current version of Empathy. I haven't got any response at Empathy's channel. So, I thought to try out the newer version.13:09
ankguiCan you suggest me some solution for the base problem?13:10
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BluesKajHi folks13:10
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tiiimAnkgui: try a testing repo, pidgen definitely works13:11
tiiimIts another im client13:11
ankguiI gave a try to Pidgin too, but strangely FB chat is not working in that. :(13:12
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bazhangankgui, then install the plugin for it13:12
tiiimQuite a mess...13:12
ankguiAlthough I am unable to see gtalk contacts, I can still chat with online contacts13:12
luoluoluois there a channel for openoffice?13:13
bazhangluoluoluo, #openoffice.org13:13
organisehi i'm using docky as my panel but when i try to start it from the command line i get dbus not found fatal error, can anyone tell me what the problem is?13:13
ankguiAnd that is only possible if somebody messages me and I message back, or I manually type in the contact's name any start conversation13:13
tiiimAnk: then yeah, install the latest .deb or from testing repo13:13
luoluoluobazhang, thanks a lot13:14
tiiimCos sounds like they'd fix that13:14
ankguiAnd where would I get that? Any links? (I am novice)13:14
wisevoyagerluoluoluo: libreoffice.org13:14
ankguiI mean, where can I download the latest .deb from?13:14
AbhiJit!compile | ankgui13:14
ubottuankgui: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:14
tiiimAnyone wanna google it for him? I'm on a phone13:14
bazhangankgui, why do you need the latest13:15
tiiimGet it out of the debian experimental repo13:15
bazhangtiiim, thats not good advice13:15
luoluoluowisevoyager: is libreoffice better than openoffice?13:15
tiiimBazhang: ok.13:16
tiiimBazhang: it's what i'd do, so care to explain my error?13:16
ankguibazhang: Can't see GTalk contacts, although I can chat when somebody messages me. I thought the latest version wouldn't have that bug.13:16
bazhangtiiim, using debian stuff with Ubuntu is a non-starter; he could choose a PPA (fully unsupported, but preferable to using something from debian)13:17
ankguiubottu, Thank you! I am going to look through that link.13:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:17
falconicbazhang: installing the latest kernel from proposed repo did the tricl13:18
bazhangankgui, you've been told that pidgin works, and with the pidgin facebook plugin that works as well13:18
bazhangfalconic, good deal13:18
elvan121I have a problem in compiling a module ( http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/ ) for my webcam (Philips pcvc720k/40), I'm running Ubuntu version 10.10 2.6.35 . When i try to compile the module as explained, I get the following error: home/elvan121/Downloads/ov511-2.32/ov511_core.c:29: fatal error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory13:18
elvan121compilation terminated.13:18
elvan121make[2]: *** [/home/elvan121/Downloads/ov511-2.32/ov511_core.o] Error 113:18
elvan121make[1]: *** [_module_/home/elvan121/Downloads/ov511-2.32] Error 213:18
elvan121make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-24-generic-pae'13:18
FloodBot2elvan121: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
elvan121make: *** [default] Error 213:18
Repgahrollhello there. on the terminal, i can run a program with the line: "  cd /somefolder && python __init__.py   ". how can i add a graphical shortcut to run it? (the folder need to be changed). thanks13:19
ankguibazhang, I tried that, and strangely FB chat isn't working for me. I even tried it on Pidgin on Windows.13:19
bazhangankgui, installing the 'latest' will likely lead to other issues.13:20
elvan121I have a problem in compiling a module ( http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/ ) for my webcam (Philips pcvc720k/40), I'm running Ubuntu version 10.10 2.6.35 . When i try to compile the module as explained, I get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558103/13:20
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ankguibazhang, yes. You are right!13:20
dipseankgui: have you actually set up a facebook user name?13:21
ankguibazhang, I should wait for an update. Meanwhile, I'll try to learn how to use non .deb packs.13:21
ankguidipse, yes I had set my username, not my login ID13:21
Repgahrolli need to change folder and launch.13:21
vikasQUESTION: What is the difference between "aptitude" & "apt-get" in terminal?13:21
jribvikas: they are different programs used to install things in the repository13:22
bazhangvikas, not a heck of a lot; as of maverick you need to install aptitude though13:22
Gneavikas: they are 2 different programs that perform the same functions, but aptitude does a few more things that apt-get does not13:22
elvan121I have a problem in compiling a module ( http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/ ) for my webcam (Philips pcvc720k/40), I'm running Ubuntu version 10.10 2.6.35 . When i try to compile the module as explained, I get the following output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558103/13:22
jribvikas: think like firefox and chrome but for apt13:22
red2kicvikas: Front-end package maintainer. Think of empathy or pidgin.13:22
bazhang!repeat | elvan12113:22
ubottuelvan121: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:22
rwatis there a way to get the ubuntu server installer in pure text mode? Trying to use it via kvm over IP console and the graphics keep screwing.13:23
Idol_Minddo UUIDs of hard drives change and is it better to use the UUID vs /dev/sdX in fstab?13:24
ankguiThank you all, who answered my query.13:24
Idol_MindI do plan on moving my drives around soon13:24
vikasQuestion: How to decide that where to use apt-get and appitude?13:24
Goliathwhat is the command to see the devices of my audio card? like alsahw 0,1 0,2 etc13:24
jribIdol_Mind: use UUIDs then, they don't change unless you change them :P13:24
Goliathlike  mic, line in, audio out13:24
red2kicAh. How cool. Irssi with mouse support. I like that. :)13:25
jribvikas: apt-get is installed by default, aptitude is not.  So unless you know a reason you want to use aptitude specifically, use apt-get13:25
Idol_Mindjrib, thanx. Also, after looking at the blkid of my drives and my fstab, it shows my swap parition (seperate drive) is a different UUID, is this normal?13:25
Ge0how  to resize emacs window automatically from my .emacs file?13:25
jribIdol_Mind: yeah, UUIDs correspond to partitions, not drives13:25
bazhangGe0, try #emacs yet?13:25
Idol_Mindjrib, oh, ok... so I should probably update fstab then? :)13:26
Idol_Mindhow do I tell which swap partition I am currently using?13:26
jribIdol_Mind: yeah, you can check with « swapon -s » to see what's going on13:26
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Ge0not yet13:26
Idol_Mindjrib, oo... odd, it doesn't show anything..13:26
jribIdol_Mind: that makes sense if you had the wrong uuid in fstab13:27
Idol_Mindaight, lemme fix this and reboot... thanx for the quick and concise answers13:27
primahello all13:27
Ge0but i searched on the net and i didn't find anything13:27
primai have a problem with webcam under backtrack 2.6.35 with cheese the cam works fine but in skype and kopete remain black13:29
bazhangprima, ask in backtrack support13:29
bazhangprima, #backtrack-linux13:29
primaany one with solution ?13:29
primayes linux (ubuntu backtrack 2.6.3513:30
bazhangprima, not supported here13:30
bazhang!backtrack | prima13:30
ubottuprima: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:30
primabye all and thanks13:31
Gunnihey i have a problem with a laptop i have running ubuntu, i set a static ip on it, but after like an hour it changes to a dhcp address, all i need to do to restore the static ip is restart network-manager but can i make the static ip permanent?13:34
elvan121Gunny, you can solve your problem13:35
elvan121by editing a file13:35
elvan121and set there the address as static13:35
Gunninot server13:36
danst_Gunni: killall dhclient13:36
greenmang0guys i have mysql-server-5.1 installed ... using rcconf i disabled it from starting after reboot, but it still starts and i don't see any SXXmysql entry in any of the /etc/rc*/  directories ... what can be the reason?13:37
Gunniis it in /etc/init.d ?13:38
greenmang0Gunni: yes13:38
Gunnigreenmang0: there's your problem i belive13:38
greenmang0Gunni: oh... it points to upstart13:39
Gunnidont take my word for it tho13:39
greenmang0Gunni: it points to /lib/init/upstart-job13:39
jribgreenmang0: the reason is that mysql is started through upstart... /etc/init/mysql.conf13:39
greenmang0jrib: ok13:39
rwatis there a way to get the ubuntu server installer in pure text mode? Trying to use it via kvm over IP console and the graphics keep screwing. ISTR there used to be a really really basic text installer - or was that Debian?13:39
greenmang0jrib: the script says that "start on runlevel [2345]" .. so i believe removing 2 from it will serve my purpose13:40
jribgreenmang0: yeah, add it to the "stop on runlevel" as well13:41
greenmang0jrib: ok13:41
Gunnimy eth0 isn't even defined in /etc/network/interfaces13:41
Gunniwill that override network-manager if i define it?13:41
greenmang0jrib: but I will be able to start it manually in any runlevel, right?13:42
jribgreenmang0: yes13:42
greenmang0Gunni: jrib: thanks13:42
panosmrkkalimera mipos einai kanenas ellinas edo?13:43
LjL!gr | panosmrk13:43
ubottupanosmrk: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:43
panosmrka ok pao ekei13:43
LyukOhow can i use HotSANIC Ping Module?13:44
Gunnithanks for the help, it works13:46
AbhiJitwhere can i obtain c99 compiler?13:49
dipseAbhiJit: GCC?13:50
AbhiJitdipse, i think its not c9913:50
dipsethere are compiler flags to make it so I think13:50
AbhiJitok will check it13:50
sipiorAbhiJit: there's some support, depending on what you need. see here: http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.4/c99status.html13:51
ugaritI'm not at the console and need to ifdown and then ifup my eth.  How do I do that without losing contact?  I only need to change the network address13:51
AbhiJitsipior, ok13:51
PiciAbhiJit: Based on the package description for mcpp, it looks like that compiler supports C99 too13:51
AbhiJitPici, ok will check it13:51
bazzfor some reason, if i leave my laptop inactive for a bit, and then touch something, the brightness gets reduced.  i've checked all the power management settings i can find and nothing is set to do this.  is there some way i can figure out what's reducing the brightness?13:56
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AbhiJitbazz, are you using lucid?13:56
bazzAbhiJit: yes13:57
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AbhiJitbazz, and is your brightness setting in powermanagement is set to 0 i.e. lowest?13:57
bazzAbhiJit: umm, lemme check, but i think so13:58
bazzAbhiJit: ohh, wait, do you mean when i move something?  i'm not sure how low it goes, but it's pretty dim13:59
LyukOdid any one know how to use HotSanic mod_Ping?13:59
bazzAbhiJit: but "Dim display when idle" is definitely unchecked13:59
bonjoyeebazz: open gconf-editor and change power management settings in there...the gui has very limited options13:59
MehrinI can't install extra packages.The installer can't find a file on the cd.14:00
bazzbonjoyee: where are the power management keys?14:00
bonjoyeebazz: /apps/gnome-power-manager/14:00
AbhiJitbazz, if its set to lowest then it automatically goes to lowest when you wake pc up14:01
MehrinCan anybody help me?14:01
dipseAbhiJit: on unix /usr/bin/c99 invokes the c99 compiler for the system14:01
bazzAbhiJit: if what is set to lowest?14:01
FiReSTaRThey guys.. does anyone know how to force a slower network connection? let's say that for a one-time connection i don't wanna connect via gigabit but via 100Mbpse14:02
bonjoyeeFiReSTaRT: i think you need ethtool to do it..14:02
AbhiJitbazz, the brighness ofcourse! :D14:03
sipiorFiReSTaRT: we don't get many folks asking about making their network connection slower...14:03
AbhiJitdipse, i am using ubuntu linux!!! :P14:03
FiReSTaRTbonjoyee: thanks.. i'll read up on it :)14:03
bazzAbhiJit: well, my brightness in power management settings is set to 100%14:03
FiReSTaRTsipior: not too many people flash their networking equipment and generally, when flashing via tftp, gigabit = brick14:03
bonjoyee!find ethtool14:03
ubottuFound: ethtool14:03
dipseAbhiJit: it meant unix like :) still there on ubuntu14:04
AbhiJitbazz, oh. then it might be some kind of bug14:04
AbhiJitdipse, :D14:04
AbhiJitlet me check14:04
sipiorFiReSTaRT: that hasn't been my experience, but whatever works for you.14:04
bazzbonjoyee: any idea which keys might be relevant for me?  i've got brightness_ac:100, and idle_dim_ac is not checked14:04
AbhiJitdipse, gcc: no input files14:04
honeypot  libmp3lame-dev: Depends: libmp3lame0 (= 3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu3) but 3.98.4-0ubuntu1~ppa1~lucid1 is to be installed14:04
honeypotany solution for this plz14:05
FiReSTaRTsipior: it has been in my case.. eventually i found out the reason and the fix.. the fix involved soldering (fortunately i had a ca42 cable lying around)... i don't wanna try the fix again :D14:05
sipiorFiReSTaRT: i can imagine14:05
ugaritI use: ssh -i ~/.ssh/MY.pem user@host to successfully connect to the host, but how do I do this in sftp?14:05
bonjoyeebazz: idle_dim_battery idle_brightness?14:06
rethus!remove gnome14:06
rethus!delete ubuntu-desktop14:06
bazzbonjoyee: idle_dim_battery is checked, but i want that, i'm on ac power.  idle_brightness is 30, but again, i want that for when i'm on battery power14:06
sipiorugarit: have a look at the "-o" switch in the sftp man page14:06
rethuswhat was the command to remove all the gnome stuff, but keep the kubuntu-stuff?14:07
jrib!purekde | rethus14:07
ubotturethus: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:07
bonjoyeebazz: idle_dim_ac?14:07
bazzbonjoyee: unchecked14:07
dipseAbhiJit: looks like c99 is just a link to c99-gcc which is a script that just invokes gcc with the flag -std=c9914:08
AbhiJitdipse, yah14:08
rethusbut seems not to be the real thing.. only removed 64Kb but before tonns of software ?!14:08
MehrinWould anybody help me?14:09
rethusjrib: you have an idea why?14:09
AbhiJitMehrin, if you ask probably then somebody could help you?14:09
MehrinI cant install packages.14:09
jribrethus: "proceed to manual removal"14:09
Mehrinthe installer can't find a file on the cd14:10
rethusjrib: but here it is only till karmic, i use 10.10 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE14:10
PiciLyukO: Their website has some suggestions to fix their mod_ping, but you may want to look into using something that is actively supported, as it looks like that project is a bit dead.14:10
MehrinThe error is: Failed to fetch the cdrom ... file not found14:10
jribrethus: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde14:11
ugaritsipior I did and can't figure out which option I should use!14:11
sipiorugarit: "IdentityFile"14:11
van7huhi all,what about sound record in ubuntu ?14:11
sipiorugarit: see the entry in the ssh_config man page.14:12
dipsevan7hu: from microphone?14:12
ugaritsipior I get command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: IdentifyFile14:13
bonjoyeebazz: thats as far as gconf-editor can go i guess!14:13
sipiorugarit: and the command entered was?14:13
Piciugarit: You need to spell it correctly for it to work ;) Its IdentityFile (not IdentifyFile).14:14
sipiorPici: well-spotted, thank you.14:14
ugaritPici wow! thank you14:14
PiciI've made the same mistake a few times.14:14
ugaritsipior Pici now it works :-) thank you both14:15
MehrinWhat is the meaning of "Failed to fetch CDrom"?14:15
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bonjoyeeMehrin: in what context?14:17
thauriswulfaQUESTION: converted my ubuntu to xubuntu but i can't access my other drives from file manager need help14:17
Mehrinbonjoyee:Package installation.14:18
bonjoyeeMehrin: have you added any CDROM to your sources.list? apt is looking for it..14:19
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Mehrinbonjoyee:What is that list?14:19
edwardteachMehrin,  what are you installing? why ? etc more info would be helpful14:20
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thauriswulfaQUESTION: converted my ubuntu to xubuntu but i can't access my other drives from file manager need help (it says failed to mount in gparted)14:20
Mehrin_edwardteach:I wanna install g++.Because the shell doesn't realize it.14:22
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hilarieMy google-fu has failed me, is there a way to defrag a NTFS volume from ubuntu 10.10, all I can find is information regarding that ubuntu doesn't need defragging14:25
areelhi, i got a laptop wich im currently installing ubuntu-server-10.10, i have a wireless integrated for internet, how do i proceed to install the wireless? thanks.14:25
hilarieAreel, is yout your main machine? there is a decent chance ubuntu will just see it and make it work, it did for my hp dv714:26
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bazzbonjoyee: yeah, not sure what's going on.  anyway, thanks for trying to help!14:26
erUSULhilarie: no; there is not14:26
babaluHello there14:26
babalucan someone help me plz14:26
elitedevareel: majority of wireless devices will work automatically, type iwconfig and see if your wireless device is showing14:27
hilarieJust ask Babalu14:27
bonjoyeebazz: good luck:)14:27
hilarie@erUSUL ty :( wish me luck with BartPE14:27
erUSULhilarie: good luck ;P14:27
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hilarieFor some reason when I slipstreamed every storage driver known to internet kind, it crashed the PE :/14:28
ugaritI have two servers with identical iptables activated.  One get to the internet.  The other can only ping the gateway but cannot ping anything in the internet.  The only diff is the ip address .69 for working one and .70 for not working one.  .69 is a centos and .70 is an ubuntu.  what am I missing?14:29
Taksas027how i can enable two keyboard languages?14:29
areelhilarie: hi, it tried to make some dhcp configurations but i think that was only for wired internet. so i chose no network so far... Yout?14:29
babaluI have this bad corrupt image in wow img39.imageshack.us/img39/3788/screenshotsvk.png14:29
areelelitedev ok will do thanks :)14:30
bonjoyeeugarit: DNS working on ubunut?14:30
erUSULugarit: default gateaway in the no working one?14:30
philinuxTaksas027: System>prefs>keyboard>layout14:30
hilarie@areel Do you have access to ethernet? once your in, I would thing update would find your wireles drivers14:30
erUSULugarit: check « ip route » output in both cmputers14:30
ugariterUSUL: both point to the same gateway and same dns servers14:30
erUSULugarit: what is the exact error from ping when you try to ping utside lan ?14:31
ugaritbonjoyee: I don't think DNS is working because ssh into box takes a very long time and I can't nslookup anything.  but I can't ping internet ip addresses either.14:31
Taksas027philinux, how i can change languages?14:32
bonjoyeeugarit: try pinging ip address on the internet instead of the name..14:32
sebrockIm trying to get traffic forwarded though PPTP VPN on my ubuntu server but it does not work. Can anyone help me?14:33
sssHelp! I installed Ubuntu using Wubi into Windows XP. It asked me to install upgrades and then reboot and when the computer is turned on again it show "error:no such device ... grub rescue>" and I can't Use neither Windows nor Ubuntu! How do I restore Windows?14:34
sebrockannoying, I've forwarded ipv4 traffic14:34
ugaritbonjoyee: I am pinging (google.com) and ping just hangs, and I have to kill it.  I get 100% loss. I can ping the ip of gateway and ping the internal .69 CentOS ip address.14:34
areelhilarie how do i thing update? ;P14:34
bonjoyeeugarit: using interfaces file or network-manager on ubuntu?14:36
ugaritbonjoyee:  I can ssh from centos (.69) to ubuntu (.70) after a long wait period.  But I cannot ssh from ubuntu (.70) to centos (.69).  Centos .69 machine can ping anything in the internet14:36
ugaritbonjoyee: interfaces file14:36
bonjoyeeugarit: can you pastebin it?14:36
ugaritI can't release the ip addresses.  they are SBU.14:37
sssHelp! I installed Ubuntu using Wubi into Windows XP. It asked me to install upgrades and then reboot and when the computer is turned on again it show "error:no such device ... grub rescue>" and I can't Use neither Windows nor Ubuntu! How do I restore Windows?14:37
ugaritbut let me mask them a bit14:37
babalucan someone help me plz I have this graphic error in Wow http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/4271/screenshotma.png14:37
ugaritSBU=Sensitive But unclassified14:37
bonjoyeeugarit: for the slow ssh.. sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config...and then comment out "GSSAPIAuthentication" setting, restart sshd and try again14:39
Athenwhy is LibreOffice not in the repositories for 9.10 ?14:39
bonjoyeeugarit: thats on the ssh server ofcourse14:39
ugaritbonjoyee: ok, one min14:39
Taksas027philinux, found it, thanks anyway14:40
erUSUL!latest | Athen14:40
ubottuAthen: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:40
Taksas027do i need antivirus for ubuntu?14:40
erUSUL!virus | Taksas02714:40
ubottuTaksas027: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus14:40
erUSULAthen: you can try to see if libreoffice ppa has versions for 9.1014:40
philinuxTaksas027: Not really needed. See this. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security14:41
sssHelp! I installed Ubuntu using Wubi into Windows XP. It asked me to install upgrades and then reboot and when the computer is turned on again it show "error:no such device ... grub rescue>" and I can't Use neither Windows nor Ubuntu! How do I restore Windows?14:42
ugaritbonjoyee it's already commented out: #GSSAPIAuthentication no ::: but perhaps it defaults to yes?14:43
dubeyi am running ubuntu 10.04 and vbox 3. Now i have downloaded vbox4. trying to install using "dpkg -i vbox.xxx.deb" but getting error - http://pastebin.com/VVeeZEfs14:43
erUSUL!wubi | sss there are some troubleshootin and faq here14:44
ubottusss there are some troubleshootin and faq here: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe14:44
bonjoyeeugarit: uncomment and make it "no"...14:44
yggdrasilso is there anytihg like xmms now ?14:44
ActionParsnipdubey: remove the current virtualbox and then install the new14:44
mbeierldubey: I think it wants you to remove vbox 3 first14:44
ActionParsnip!xmms | yggdrasil14:45
ubottuyggdrasil: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead.14:45
sssWill running the Windows Recovery disk ooverwrite my files on windows?14:45
Gringohey guys just installed ubuntu and have no sound, noone could help me on ubuntu uk and send me here14:45
areelhow do i set up ethernet?14:45
yggdrasilxmms2 huh ill try that14:45
ActionParsnipsss: depends what activities you do14:45
areelif i plug it in now;P14:45
dubeyIf i remove vbox3, does my vm will be removed or get affected ?14:45
ActionParsnip!sound | Gringo14:45
ubottuGringo: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:45
AbhiJitsss, ##windows14:45
mbeierldubey: no.14:45
ugarithow does one reset a remote terminal?  I have mumbo jumbo on it.14:46
bonjoyeeGringo: output of "lspci | grep -i audio"14:46
mbeierlugarit: "reset" ?14:46
bonjoyeeugarit: any luck with ssh?14:46
mbeierlugarit: what I mean is there is a bash command called "reset" that should do it14:46
Rickardo1I have a dhcp3 server running on my ubuntu server. How can I list current ip loans?14:46
areelauto eth0 ?;P14:47
ugaritbonjoyee: no !!!!14:47
ActionParsnipRickardo1: maybe http://ftp.parisc-linux.org/cgi-bin/man/man2html?dhcpd.leases+514:47
bonjoyeeugarit: logins still slow?14:47
Taksas027if my account type is administrator, it means its root account? because i dont see option of root14:48
ugaritbonjoyee: yes, very14:48
ActionParsnip!info eclipse > ActionParsnip14:48
ugaritI even opened up the entire firewall and still slow!!!!14:48
bonjoyeeugarit: i assume you restarted sshd after making the change?14:48
ugarityes, I did: /etc/init.d/ssh restart14:48
philinuxTaksas027: Root account is disable. We use sudo and gksudo instead. See the link I gave you before.14:49
mbeierlugarit: sorry - coming in late to this conversation.  is it that remote ssh logins take a long time to complete?  I had a similar issue where it takes a long time to complete the login because sshd wanted to do a dns lookup of the ip address that I was coming in from and that took a long time.  could this be the case?14:49
ActionParsnipugarit: use the -C switch to enable compression14:50
ActionParsnipugarit: check www.lubuntu.net as there is a screencast on running a full desktop via ssh14:50
ugaritActionParsnip thanks14:51
philinuxTaksas027: See the first sticky in here. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33814:51
ugaritbonjoyee: there is GSSAPIAuthentication in ssh_config AND sshd_config!14:52
naftilos76is there an app that is designed for producing multipage products catalogues full of graphics and photos?14:52
paradflowAnother new user to linux :(14:52
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Picinaftilos76: scribus perhaps?14:53
paradflowFinding it a little hard going at the mo..14:53
naftilos76i have seen that, anything else?14:53
red2kicparadflow: You took the red pill. :)14:53
bonjoyeeugarit: ssh_config matters on the client and the other on server,,,14:53
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ActionParsnipnaftilos76: writer14:53
paradflowoooh yessss ;)14:53
Taksas027philinux, i dont need root, just made sure that im not root user so i wont ruin everything :)14:54
Gringobonjoyee i got this    00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)14:54
ActionParsnipparadflow: you'll learn with time14:54
philinuxTaksas027: Yes ubuntu runs as like a limited user.14:54
naftilos76ActionParsnip: openoffice?14:54
bonjoyeeGringo: did you check the audio levels in "alsamixer"?14:55
ActionParsnipTaksas027: if you log on as the first user you made you will be ok14:55
philinuxTaksas027: The system will ask for your password when root privileges are needed as you've probably found out.14:55
red2kicA blue pill that would return him to his old life, and a red pill that would allow him to learn the answers he seeks.14:55
ActionParsnipnaftilos76: yes, its a component of it14:55
red2kicparadflow swallows the red pill, and he abruptly finds himself using linux.14:55
Gringoalsamixer dont work14:55
raymonparadflow: Welcome to the dark side! :)14:55
Gringocannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument14:56
paradflowI used to use adobe premier, any program similar for ubuntu?14:56
paradflowwhy thnx ;)14:56
bonjoyeeGringo: please paste the output of "aplay -l" on pastebin14:56
naftilos76ActionParsnip: very slow for multipage and multigraphical content. Move something and all pages are screwed even if objects are locked.14:56
gordonjcpred2kic: I took both, and some co-codamol and now I can see all the matte lines round the edges of reality14:56
Gringolink to pastebin pls14:57
Gringosorry new to all this14:57
raymonparadflow: OpenShot or kdenlive are both good14:57
bonjoyeeGringo: http://pastebin.com14:57
naftilos76scribus is propably the best choice14:57
red2kicgordonjcp: :)14:57
ActionParsnipnaftilos76: abiword, googledocs, zoho desktop14:57
paradflowthey can be found in the repositories?14:57
raymonparadflow: Yes.14:58
paradflownice, I think I'm gonna like this ;)14:58
adrian_ubuntu espanol?14:58
rkhshmHi all .. while trying to install tcl8.5 I'm running into this error --> "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libnspr4-0d'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)"14:58
bonjoyeeGringo: brb..14:59
Gringook thanx14:59
rkhshmany ideas ?14:59
mbeierl!es | adrian_14:59
ubottuadrian_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:59
mec_hi, i'm trying to add my website files into usr/share/apache2 but it says i dont have rights to the destination......how do i change that?14:59
raymonparadflow: just type "sudo apt-get install openshot" or "sudo apt-get install kdenlive" in a terminal and off you go!14:59
bhaveshI accidently deleted my windows 7 MBR, and I dont have a windows CD/DVD. To fix the MBR i found this tutorial : http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/14:59
bhaveshis it safe to use it?14:59
FloodBot2bhavesh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
bhaveshand are there any other methods to fix that from ubutnu itself?15:00
raymonparadflow: Or by all means both! :)15:00
paradflowexcellent! thnx15:00
JyZyXELwhat does it mean when ubuntu installer only shows the background?15:02
JyZyXELand nothing happens after that15:02
mbeierlbhavesh: from what I can see that tutorial and the ms-sys program do support windows 7.  I've never used it so I can't say that it will definitively work.  Take note of the backup recommendation.15:04
bhaveshmbeierl, ok15:05
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JyZyXELwhat is the reasoning for having a different image for text based installer?15:06
BluesKaj!alternate | JyZyXEL15:07
red2kicJyZyXEL: Easier on the eyes. :)15:07
ubottuJyZyXEL: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:07
bonjoyeeGringo: still here?15:07
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JyZyXELand that didn't answer my question15:07
JyZyXELwhy isn't the text-mode installer included in the main image15:08
bonjoyeeGringo: can i pm?15:08
Gringoyes sure15:08
BluesKajJyZyXEL, space perhaps15:08
PiciJyZyXEL: Because space is at a premium and we're already using it as a LiveCD.15:08
JyZyXELncurses based installer takes that much space?15:09
red2kicJyZyXEL: Because it's not text-based installer.15:09
bitplaneis there a way to tell what package a file belongs to?15:09
red2kicJyZyXEL: It's DesktopCD, LiveCD.15:09
jribbitplane: dpkg -S15:09
BluesKajJyZyXEL, and It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD15:09
bitplanethanks jrib15:09
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JyZyXELBluesKaj: doesn't that just come from the fact that its ncurses based15:10
Syntrohi; I have another question: I can't find Sound Preferences in the "System" menu; where have my gnome-sound-preferences gone to?15:10
juniourcan ant one tell me where ths software install in ubuntu15:10
JyZyXELor it actually has more device drivers?15:10
PiciJyZyXEL: Because it doesn't need to load xwindows at all.15:10
JyZyXELso it has extra space for more drivers?15:10
jribJyZyXEL: the installers work differently.  With the desktop cd there's an image you can boot and somehow that becomes an install.  With the alternate cd, there are actually packages on the cd that get installed.  That's my understandig anyway15:11
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BluesKajJyZyXEL, it uses the modified debian installer15:11
Picijrib: Took the words right out of my mouth (fingers?)15:11
JyZyXELshould there be a boot menu when you burn ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso to a cd?15:12
paradflowhow can I view my system, like device manager for windows?15:12
pea_brainhi all, i just upgraded packages using aptitude and after system reboot, clamav-daemon stopped working properly giving error "ERROR: initgroups() failed." i am using "Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS". how do i downgrader the package using aptitude ?15:12
jribparadflow: lspci, lshw?  If you tell us why you want to, there may be a better way15:13
jribpea_brain: you can /try/ to downgrade by doing: aptitude install PACKAGE=VERSION, but if the version you have now is from the official repositories, why not look into the issue?15:14
s5subuntu - it's fast, it's easy and it's also crap15:14
psycho_oreos!offtopic| s5s15:14
TheFuzzballs5s: Why are you trolling?15:14
ubottus5s: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:14
PhoenixzHow can I test / debug a proxy server? I use ssh -D on my localhost as a proxy, but when configuring either FF or chrome to localhost:9999, I cant connect..15:14
Picis5s: Do you have a support question?15:14
bitplanetrolls, they're a idiot15:14
Picipsycho_oreos: We don't really want that attitude in our offtopic channel either :/15:15
s5sUbuntu is the first OS that has hung on me in the past 10 years. Yes, my question is what do I do so that ubuntu doesn't hang15:15
jribPhoenixz: you setup a SOCKS proxy in firefox preferences?15:15
jribparadflow: lspci, lshw?  If you tell us why you want to, there may be a better way15:15
psycho_oreosPici, at least its one way the user can be shown the exit door, or as a precautionary message15:15
sssJeruvy, hi15:15
s5sI suppose the only thing I can do is not use ubuntu15:15
Phoenixzjrib: Yeap, in FF and in chrome.. Both can not open any page when using the ssh -D proxy15:16
Jeruvysss :)15:16
pea_brainjrib: how do i know the previous version ?15:16
TheFuzzballs5s: yep.15:16
sssJeruvy, reading...15:17
paradflowI'm wanting to find my cpu make15:17
s5sAnd it doesn't even hang once and then nothing. It hangs periodically - about once a day or so...15:17
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jribpea_brain: apt-cache policy PACKAGE  lists available versions in the repositories.  If the older one isn't available anymore, you can check your /var/cache/apt/archives/.  But I really suggest that you try to resolve the problem instead of downgrading unless this is some clam package from unofficial repositories and you want to revert back to the version in the official ubuntu repositories15:17
jribs5s: define "hang"15:18
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areelhow do i save in vi?15:18
s5sjrib: doesn't work. Is that good enough. Mouse pointer stops moving, computer is not responding. I believe it's a memory leak...one of many15:19
sssJeruvy, command "ls" gives me "(hd0)", I have no idea what does it mean....15:19
jribs5s: can you get to a tty?15:19
psycho_oreosareel, :x15:19
psycho_oreosareel, correction I think its :s <filename>15:20
Jeruvysss, hd0 typically represents the first hard disk on the ide.15:20
bitplanes5s, what does "top" tell you?15:20
s5sjrib: non-responsive means I can't do anything incl. tty15:20
bitplanealso, can you get to a console?15:20
jribs5s: what video driver are you using?15:20
s5sbitplane: Do you really think I can get to a console if mouse pointer isn't moving.15:20
bobobohello, does someone knows how to change the tty color scheme? I want a white background and black fonts15:20
s5sjrib: the same I'm using in fedora, debian and they don't hang15:21
Jeruvysss, hd0,1 indicates the first partition on that disk.15:21
Phoenixzjrib: Since both FF and CH are failing, I suppose there is a problem with the proxy.. Is there any way I could test it?15:21
bitplanes5s, yes, ctrl+alt+f315:21
s5sbonjoyee: see google.15:21
bobobos5s: Alt+ctrl+F115:21
sssJeruvy, I have no idea what should I try to do. (well, I should try fix the computer ;-)15:21
bitplanectrl+alt+f8 to get back15:21
jribs5s: this isn't a proper answer...  If you want help, try to answer questions.  If you just want to waste people's time and whine, then just use a different distro.  Use what works for you instead of wasting people's time15:21
bonjoyees5s: ?15:21
s5ssorry meant bonobo :)15:22
s5sjrib: I'm using r506 which is for ati X140015:22
jribPhoenixz: have you ruled out the possibility that the server has a firewall or is preventing you from viewing the page by some other means?15:22
areelpsycho_oreos how do i :x?15:23
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s5salso what happened to ctrl-alt-backspace? I know they disabled it some 12 months ago but why?15:23
Picis5s: Because Xorg changed it upstream and we followed.15:23
areelhow do i do :w :x in vi?;P15:24
s5sthat was one of the best things in linux15:24
Phoenixzjrib: I can see any and all pages without proxy.. the ssh proxy, well, I have access to that remote server, and that remote server also can access any and all pages.. The ssh proxy is on my localhost, so that should not be blocked by any firewall as well.. and my laptop has no firewall running atm..15:24
Piciareel: press escape, then press those keys15:24
Ramir00anyone can tell me, how to install samba-3.5.6.tar.gz, the official website what steps do I follow?.,15:24
Ramir00there are many steps15:24
psycho_oreosareel, you have to press Esc once and then hold shift whilst pressing the :/; on the keyboard to bring up : on the bottom line of the vi screen, then you type x and hit enter15:24
s5sareel: #vim15:24
raymon_paradflow: Here is a link to some useful commands regarding hardware etc on your system: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/01/31/dig-up-system-information-using-the-terminal/15:24
jribPhoenixz: can you describe *exactly* the steps you take to set this up?15:24
YouKayRamir00: Doesn't the repository contain it?15:25
s5ssss: I want your name15:25
areelpsycho_oreos thx=)15:25
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paradflowexcellent! many thnx15:25
sssJeruvy, Are you there?15:26
psycho_oreosareel, vim is more intuitive than vi, I personally use vim and you can find cheat sheets all over the internet15:26
Ramir00the samba in the repository is old!!!! with bug15:26
garrydonnellyNano is even more intuitive15:26
Jeruvysss, I'm here.   Did you try the command summary to get grub to boot?15:26
jribareel: if you want to learn vim that's great but note you can just use nano to edit files in the terminal.  By the way « vimtutor » is a great resource for beginners who want to start using vim15:27
ActionParsnipRamir00: log a bug15:27
sssJeruvy, It says I need first to get the normal grub console15:27
ActionParsnip!ppa | Ramir0015:28
ubottuRamir00: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.15:28
garrydonnellyWhy would you choose vim ovet nano?15:28
Jeruvysss, yes the command summary will walk you through the process to get that.15:28
sssJeruvy, the "insmod" command says: "error: uunknown filesystem."15:29
Jeruvysss, full command?15:29
jribgarrydonnelly: well once you know vim, it's superior to nano :)15:29
sssinsmod linux15:29
sssJeruvy, both insmod /boot/grub/linux.mod  and  insmod linux  don't work15:30
genii-around"linux" is not a filesystem15:30
areelok, how do i get apt-get to search the internet, trying to apt-get15:30
garrydonnellyMore bulk operation commands kinds thing?15:31
sssJeruvy, How do I find the grub folder? don't semm to find it15:31
Jeruvysss can you cd into /boot/grub ?15:31
Piciareel: Use apt-cache, not apt-get... apt-cache search something15:31
areeljrib nice=)15:31
areelPici thanks=)15:32
sssJeruvy, it says "cd" in an Unknow command. I'm still on "grub rescue" mode if it matters15:32
aqeelQuestion: how can i make my display magnified like we have feature in windows7 for setting display 127% or 150% bigger. without disturbing resolution15:32
Jeruvysss, can you ls /boot ?15:32
aqeeli have ubuntu 10.1015:32
vikithakarUnable to start samba in Ubuntu 10.10, After installation when I try to share folder it says "Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory"15:32
sssJeruvy, unknown filesystem. If I only write ls it prints (hd0)15:33
bitplaneaqeel, get ubuntutweak, there's a setting in there to change font sizes. you can also do it from the system -> preferences -> appearance menu15:33
Jeruvysss.  what did you enter for step 3?15:34
aqeelbitplane, thanks. let me try15:34
Gringou there15:34
vikithakarUnable to start samba in Ubuntu 10.10, After installation. When I try to share folder it says "Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory"15:34
ActionParsnipRamir00: https://launchpad.net/~cosme/+archive/my-builds   has 3.5.6 for maverick15:34
sssJeruvy, What do you mean step 3? ("set" command gives me prefix=(hd0)/boot/grub root=hd0 )15:35
Jeruvysss, did you enter 'root=(loop0)' ?15:35
jribvikithakar: could start by checking if you have testparm15:35
Jeruvysss, ya you're using wubi remember.15:35
vikithakarjrib: how?15:35
jribvikithakar: try « hash -r; which testparm » in a shell15:36
chawxjwho can tell me how to remote windows 7 in ubuntu 10.10?15:36
rumpe1chawxj, teamviewer15:36
sssJeruvy, I set root to loop015:36
jribvikithakar: what was the output?15:37
Mehrin_when i wanna add a cdrom to synaptic package installer i get an error failed to mount.15:37
aqeelchawxj, install terminal windows client15:37
Jeruvysss continue those steps, remember to sub out step 7 also.15:37
aqeelterminal server client*15:37
Mehrin_installed ubuntu on VMWare.15:38
Mehrin_what is this error for?15:38
chawxjI have a try tsclient and rdesktop, they can't remote windows 7.15:38
vikithakarjrib: not found. Now what?15:38
aqeelhave u turned on remote connections in win7, its working for me15:39
ActionParsnipchawxj: did you enable remote desktop in Win7>15:39
jribvikithakar: well at this point you would use packages.ubuntu.com or apt-file to figure out what package provides testparm.  But I've already looked up that you need the "samba-common-bin" package.  Install that package15:39
ActionParsnipchawxj: does your firewall allow the traffic15:39
Mehrin_why that error?!15:39
jribvikithakar: it's weird that you wouldn't have it since it's a dependency of samba and samba-common15:39
pea_brainjrib:  thanks a lot. i resolved the issue by disabling apparmor15:40
jribpea_brain: cool15:40
vikithakarI have recently installed samba, using apt15:40
jribvikithakar: in a shell, type: sudo apt-get install samba-common-bin .  What is the result?15:41
vikithakarIt is getting installed15:41
sssJeruvy, should I read "Boot a Specific Kernel Manually"15:41
vikithakarjrib: It is getting installed15:41
metalfan_isnt zope3 in the ubuntu repositories?15:42
Jeruvysss, no you need to get the disk sorted out.15:42
nerdinneedhi. i want to install a second ubuntu system on my laptop. usually i place /boot on a separate partiton. can i install the /boot of mz new system over the /boot of my old system, without damaging the old system?15:42
sssJeruvy, where is it written in the website?15:42
bhaveshI need help again here, in gparted if I put the flag as "BOOT" will it be my only bootable partition? I am applying the "BOOT" flag on my partition which has installed win7, and my bootmgr is missing.15:43
Mehrin_would you help me with that?15:43
arcnewusshow do you add linux-source from cdrom15:43
jago25_98There  really should be  a refresh button on networkmanager....15:43
Jeruvysss, where you at?15:43
sssJeruvy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Rescue%20Mode15:43
Jeruvysss, did you boot?15:43
chawxjteamviewer , let me try15:44
bhaveshso will just applying the flag BOOT on the partition where I have installed win7 solve my problem?15:44
vikithakarjrib: Thanks, It worked.15:44
sssJeruvy, no. if you mean the command "boot" then it's an unknown command15:44
Mehrin_arcnewuss: Edit>add cd rom15:44
aqeelfrom where can i get ubuntutweak?15:44
Jeruvysss, just reboot ;)15:44
nerdinneedbhavesh no15:44
jribvikithakar: no problem15:45
bhaveshnerdinneed, then what do I need to do?15:45
sssJeruvy, back to "no such device"15:45
nerdinneedbhavesh: you need to do update-grub so that grub reconginzes windows and adds it to the boot entries15:45
bhaveshnerdinneed, I accidently formated the drive where win7's bootmgr was15:45
bentob0xHow do I mount my home folder on my network-connected laptop as my ~/Laptop folder on my desktop ?15:45
bitplaneaqeel: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/15:45
arcnewussi have the cdrom but cant find linux-source15:46
sssJeruvy, I need to go now.15:46
bhaveshand nerdinnerrd, when I do sudo update-grub2 it does not show me win7 in the list15:46
arcnewussi did apt-cdrom -m add15:46
nerdinneedbhavesh: hm... in that case i dont know further15:46
bhaveshok np15:46
Jeruvysss, try again later.15:46
xw4400how can i see what type of video card i got?15:47
chawxjaqeel: terminal windows client can support remote win7?15:47
aqeeli have tested it last night15:48
chawxjok, let me tyr15:48
chawxjok, let me try15:49
arcnewusswhen I add cdrom with apt-cdrom it compliains there is no lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages15:49
aqeelappname is tsclient15:49
xw4400is there a way to see the amount of RAM on my video card?15:50
aqeeluse protocol RDPv515:50
ActionParsnipRamir00: any good to you?15:50
salathey..could anyone recomend me a good xml editor...i have to view very large (4-5mb) xml files so a good code folding is essential..15:50
arcnewusson the cdrom that file is .gz  should I ungunzip and mount i dunno15:50
ActionParsnipsalat: gedit has highlighting15:50
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salatActionParsnip: jop, but no code folding (?)15:51
Encr9Hey guys how to check to see when something is using a drive or file? getting: device-mapper errors, Device or resource busy or command failed error when trying to mount a truecrypt file15:51
xw4400ah.. found it.. its an nvidia quadro nvs290, with 256m... I'd like to replace it with a better one, any tips?15:51
ActionParsnipsalat: bluefish maybe15:51
ActionParsnipxw4400: ask in ##hardware15:51
sipiorsalat: any modern editor should do what you need. vim and emacs both have modes for xml editing. and code-folding, come to that.15:52
chawxjaqeel: I just test tsclient, it can't remote15:52
drostin77I'm having some trouble with realtek drivesr (shocker i know...):  Specifically I appear to have the RealTek 8119 pci network card15:52
aqeelr u using IP address or hostname15:52
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aqeeltry with local IP15:52
speedStickhi, anyone know how to install mod_gzip in apache2 under ubuntu?15:52
speedStickI tried to compile it without success15:52
sipiornippo-z: something we can help you with?15:53
Encr9Hey guys how to check to see when something is using a drive or file? getting: device-mapper errors, Device or resource busy or command failed error when trying to mount a truecrypt file15:53
sipiorEncr9: have a look at "lsof"15:53
bitplanespeedStick: what error messages? you should probably ask in an apache-specific chat room rather than this high volume place15:53
paradflowjust a query; is there a 64 bit intel version?15:53
Encr9ok thanks sipior15:53
drostin77but the Realtek 8119 card appears not to have any driver's that work with it.  Anyone know if 8139 or 8169 drivers work with this? or if so if another driver works with this? googleing "realtek 8119" etc. is not coming up with much15:54
paradflow---->ubuntu that is.15:54
Jeruvyparadflow: amd64 will do.15:54
Piciparadflow: The AMD64 version will work on any processor that is EMT64 compatible.15:54
nerdinneedhi, can i have ubuntu installed witha separate /boot partition. if i install a second ubuntu, can i use the same partition or do i need an extra /boot partition for every linux i install?15:55
drostin77(specifically lspci gives me "Realtek Semiconductor Co Ltd. Device 8119 (rev 10)")15:55
paradflowI have an intel duo core15:55
mec_hi, i'm trying to add my website files into usr/share/apache2 but it says i dont have rights to the destination......how do i change that?15:55
Piciparadflow: Thats fine.15:55
callaghanHello, I am trying to use Ubuntu as my only OS, but I have problems with mounting DVD ISO's. When I right click and choose "Archive Mounter" an icon appears in nautilus but the DVD cannot be played, even VLC fails. I am looking for an application like Daemon Tools or VirtualCD in Windows, app-indicator support would be nice but is not essential. What are your recommendations? Thanks for your help.15:55
Jeruvynerdinneed: each os will have it's own bootloader, but you should have one boot manger.15:55
jribmec_: why /usr/share/apache2?  Don't you want /var/www/?15:55
paradflowexcellent....I will download that, getting rid of windows, this is far better ;)15:56
mec_i didnt know about that one. ty i thought /usr/share/apache2 cuz thats where the default page is at. but ok15:56
ActionParsnipparadflow: the 64bit will work on intel and amd 64bit CPUs. amd just hit desktop 64bit chips first15:57
nerdinneedJeruvy: so 2 ubuntu will give me 2 /boot partition (if i choose to have /boot for both of them on a extra partition) - but i can install grub always to the mbr of the hhd?15:57
ActionParsnipnerdinneed: why a seperate ubuntu?15:57
TheFuzzballmec_ or better yet, /srv/http15:57
paradflowI have an acer laptop15:57
jribmec_: /var/www/ is the default DocumentRoot.  But you still won't have permissions to that :)   You should setup a new group like www-editors for example, give that group the ability to write to /var/www and then add your user to that group (see ubottu)15:57
jrib!permissions > mec_15:57
ubottumec_, please see my private message15:57
devioshey all - i could really use some help here - I have an Ubuntu Intrepid server running inside of a colocation facility.  I want to upgrade it to current version.  Is it in any way possible to do remotely given Intrepid is EOL'd?15:57
ActionParsnipcallaghan: vlc can ply ISOs like files15:57
Jeruvynerdinneed: pretty much.15:58
Ramir00ActionParsnip to use instructions?, deb http:// ........   or read about installing, which I use to install?15:58
arcnewusshow do you install linux-source15:58
allu2Hello, i have Toshiba Satellite A200-SV1 and i noticed A200 seems to be ubuntu 10.10 certified ( http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200710-167 ) Well i tested a little and i've noticed that if i install or use even from live cd ubuntu 10.10 it heats up my computer dramaticly, fan spins all the time but still temperature rises on idle even up to 80°C(on stress up to 90°C! i shutdown it at that point), now i use 10.04 where 15:58
paradflowgot a hd radeon card on it 512k pretty nice for a lappy15:58
organisehi how can i change the boot splash screen in ubuntu 10.1015:58
nerdinneedActionParship i have a 10.04 install that is working more or less. now i want to try 10.1015:58
TheFuzzballdevios: /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade15:58
jribspeedStick: seems mod_deflate replaced mod_gzip in apache2, no?  And you should have mod_deflate :)15:58
ed15kCelebrate Epoch Day 15000 starting at midnight GMT: http://slashdot.org/submission/1454114/Unix-Epoch-Day-15000-starts-at-midnight-GMT15:58
arcnewusshow do you install linux-source without network access15:58
nerdinneedJeruvy: thank you!15:59
deviosTheFuzzball: where do I go to get the /etc/apt/sources.list file contents?15:59
Jeruvynerdinneed: your welcome.15:59
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callaghanActionParsnip: :O wow, you are right! Thanks, that helped a lot, I never tried that.15:59
awantiI am purchase nvidia ion nettop. So i want to confirm that Ubuntu will support or not?15:59
arcnewussdevios cat /etc/apt/source.list16:00
MuNk`anyone know a cli based download manager that supports megaupload?16:00
TheFuzzballdevios: do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and replace intrepid with maverick16:00
Jeruvyawanti: Why don't you burn a Desktop ISO and take that with you to the dealer and test it out?16:00
organisehi how can i change the boot splash screen in ubuntu 10.10?16:00
BluesKajnerdinneed, I had 10.10 on my elcheapo acer laptop and it ran very well.16:01
TheFuzzballdevios: but Intrepid is very old, I don't know how well it will work, upgrading over that many versions...16:01
jribMuNk`: tucan16:01
Ramir00ActionParsnip understand? my english is not good16:01
deviosTheFuzzball: ya this could get very ugly very fast, eh?16:01
awantithey might not allow me to do this. But they are told me windows 7 will work. But i don't want 716:01
salatActionParsnip: bluefish doesnt provide me code folding and nearly crashes when syntaxhiglighting my xml16:01
nerdinneednext time, the should ship a proper irc client with the live cd! empathy as irc client is horrible! i even dont get informed when some1 addresses me >)16:01
deviosTheFuzzball: since I cant keep Intrepid secure and up-to-date, what do I have to lose, right?16:01
Picinerdinneed: Its a known problem unfortunately. :/16:02
TheFuzzballdevios: are you doing this in a production environment?16:02
bitplaneit does suck as an IRC client, but I don't think ditching it is a good idea16:02
nerdinneedPici that can easily be solved... lets hope :D16:02
deviosTheFuzzball: sort of - nothing that cant be redeployed easily16:03
deviosTheFuzzball: backing up everything important now16:03
nerdinneedbitplane they dont have to ditch it... but xchat or something like that would be great16:03
TheFuzzballdevios: OK, do: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all instances of intrepid with maverick16:04
TheFuzzballdevios then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:04
ActionParsnipsalat: i don't code any outside simple bash scripts. Geany maybe16:04
deviosTheFuzzball: thx - gotta finish this backup first since it's hioghly likely this thing is gonna brick.16:04
TheFuzzballdevios: If anything fails do sudo apt-get -f install16:04
sarge1221Does anyone know of a good security advising channel or is this the channel to be asking?16:05
ActionParsnipRamir00: add the bold tex in your software centre16:05
bitplanesarge, what's the question about?16:05
GringoHey guys how do i install flash player and swfdec and gnash swf players from terminal?16:05
deviosTheFuzzball: I'll post the modified sources.list file to a pastebin before I do it16:05
ActionParsnipGringo: if you install them all they may fight16:05
sarge1221bitplane, I used rkhunter and I don't know how to interpret the logs. From what I can see it doesn't look good but i could be wrong.16:05
TheFuzzballdevios: I can't predict what will happen, dist-upgrade is usually fine from one release to another, but I've never done it across 4 releases...16:06
Gringowhen i go to certain website it asks me to install them but when i click on install it says something about broken packages but i need it as i cant see the website properly16:06
ActionParsnipGringo: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree gnash swfdec-player-0.8.0   possibly, use: apt-cache search something   to verify16:06
bhaveshI marked one of my partition as BOOT, it didnt work so I remove it16:06
bhaveshand now I lost my grub menu16:07
bhaveshI am logged in from ubuntu live CD16:07
bhaveshwhat should I do to get my grub menu back16:07
ActionParsnipGringo: ah then can you run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get --reinstall install nano; echo; lsb_release -a; uname -a16:07
jribdevios: don't upgrade from intrepid to maverick :/  follow ubottu's instructions on how to properly upgrade (or just do a fresh install)16:07
jrib!upgrade > devios16:07
ubottudevios, please see my private message16:07
bhaveshits a live USB16:07
ActionParsnipGringo: use: http://pastie.org   to give the output, thanks16:07
ActionParsnipdevios: clean install will be much quicker and give a cleaner OS16:07
sarge1221Is this the channel to be asking about rkhunter or should I try some place else?16:08
ActionParsnipsarge1221: its in theUbuntu repo so is supported if you use Ubuntu16:08
bhaveshisnt there any line in the terminal to restore my grub ? :(16:08
ActionParsnipsarge1221: supported here, that is16:08
ActionParsnipbhavesh: sudo update-grub16:09
bitplanesarge, got a log16:09
sarge1221ActionParsnip, No I have it installed. I want some help in figuring out exactly what the log is reporting.16:09
bhaveshActionParsnip, it gives me this : /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).16:09
ActionParsnipsarge1221: well you can ignore the 'ok' lines, if you pastebin the rest we may be able to comment16:09
bhaveshActionParsnip, I am on a live USB16:10
Ramir00Actionparsnip copy this line in a shell???? deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cosme/my-builds/ubuntu maverick main.16:10
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: it's in a remote datacenter.  physical access not an option.  the proper upgrade instructions say to go From 8.10 to 9.04, but to "Be sure that you have all updates applied to Ubuntu 8.10 before you upgrade. " which is not possible16:11
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: is it?16:11
jribdevios: it is possible, read the link ubottu sent you :)16:11
ActionParsnipRamir00: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:a.bono/samba3.5; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:11
Gringoi think its kinda worked i can see images but when i click on zoom to enlarge the image i cant see and it asks me to install flash again16:11
ActionParsnipbhavesh: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html16:12
blinkithey "playback" button in wireshark is missing with respect to RTP streams and VOIP. Is there a package that provides this functionality?16:12
ActionParsnipGringo: if you can give the output of the command I can get your packages square again16:12
HackeMatehello, i have a problem with webdav, i can see it from a mac but not from windows16:12
HackeMatewhen i try to add the http address it says is wrong, i must choose another one16:13
HackeMatewhat do i wrong16:13
Gringohow do i give you the output? sorry new to ubuntu16:14
deviosjrib: how do i update intrepid prior to going to juanty if intrepid is EOL?16:15
deviosjrib: i dont see that in the instructions...16:16
jribdevios: did you read the link I sent you?  It tells you about the old-releases repository: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Intrepid16:16
GanjaReeferdevios, backup everything you need and grab a 10.10 cd is your best option16:16
ActionParsnipGringo: use the link I gave, copy the page to the pastebin and hit the paste button. Copy the new address in the address bar and paste it here16:16
ActionParsnipGringo: pastebin is NOT ubuntu specific and can be used in any OS16:16
Gringoactionparsnip how do i give you output file16:16
deviosGanjaReefer: again, i dont have physical access to the machine :-)16:16
mec_i got my files in there thank you. but now when i view my website, its downloading my index.php instead of viewing it. is there something i need to change?16:17
bhaveshActionParsnip : if I change GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to GRUB_DEFAULT=1 grub will be set to default right?16:17
GanjaReeferdevios, well I don't think what you are planning is a good idea. Just saw ur last post not the part about no access.16:17
Gringonot sure what to type to give you the output16:17
ActionParsnipbhavesh: no, that is the number of the entry in the grub menu that wil be the default, 0 is the topmost entry, then as you read down the list increase the number, its a way of controlling what is highlighted by default, not set it to default16:18
bhaveshActionParsnip, ok16:18
ActionParsnipGringo: run the BIG command I gave, copy the tex, go to http://pastie.org and paste the text in the BIG box. Hit the paste button then wait. When the page has changed, copy the address in the address bar of your browser and paste it here16:19
tanGringo: please read above, the answer has been given already16:19
cal_upgraded to 10.10 and X crashes randomly using firefox clicking on links.. or I can get it to crash every time by bringing up an xterm and holding down the enter key.. after a couple pages of returns, X crashes to login screen. what would cause this, for just X apps and nothing else?16:20
ActionParsniptan: seems the packages are messed, the output will diagnose this16:20
cal_9.04 on same hardware was very stable.16:20
srslywhat does ubuntu use as its default battery monitor? i can't seem to google-fu it16:20
GanjaReefersrsly, gnome-power-manager ?16:21
ActionParsnipcal_: try a clean install, may help16:21
sarge1221ActionParsnip, Okay I have it ready. http://pastebin.com/cxxCE0a916:21
cal_ActionParsnip : this IS a clean install, lol16:21
srslythat wasn't obvious or anything16:22
srslyderp derp16:22
deviosGanjaReefer: its an AWFUL idea, but i've got no choice, lol.  thx for your concern!16:22
GanjaReefersrsly, np.16:22
deviosjrib: i found it thx!16:22
ActionParsnipcal_: ahh, you said it was an upgrade, implying a previous install then upgrading to16:22
GanjaReeferdevios, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do ;-P16:22
aetaswho #regexp16:23
cal_ActionParsnip : yeah, sorry. just meant that I had 9.04 on it before. but it was a clean wipe and install.16:23
aetasactually do you guys know if theres a regular expression channel?16:23
ActionParsnipGringo: ok your packages look fine16:23
cal_ActionParsnip : what log file do i look for errors? nothing in messages, or Xorg, or syslog files.16:23
GringoActionParsnip what do i do now?16:23
aetasor if anyone here knows regexp enough for a quick question ;)16:24
ActionParsnipGringo: ok what is the output of:  dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash     thanks16:24
ActionParsnipcal_: what video chip do you use?16:24
cal_ActionParsnip : have tried both geforce 7800 and geforce 7600. crashes when using either card.16:25
xw4400is it possible to play windows games on ubu? I got me a present (call of duty black ops)...16:25
ActionParsnipcal_: try removing the nouveau driver then rebooting to use the nv driver, then install the proprietary if needed16:25
cal_ActionParsnip : 9.04 using the 7600 did not crash.16:25
GanjaReeferxw4400, yes and no but mostly No. lol16:25
xw4400have 2 keep my dual boot then...16:26
cal_ActionParsnip : not sure how to go about doing that?16:26
ActionParsnipcal_: jaunty used a differnet xorg version16:26
GanjaReeferxw4400, If you play alot of games id recommend it.16:26
cal_ActionParsnip : also, why would it be a video card driver if it only crashes while interacting with it? X stays up all night long as long as i dont click on anything or push any keys. even had a movie playing for 2 hours.16:27
BluesKajcal_, I'm running the 7600gt here with the nvidia-current "recommended" driver ...are you ?16:27
cal_BluesKaj : how do i check?16:27
sarge1221ActionParsnip, Is it looking pretty bad or are most of those nothing to worry about?16:29
elikDuring the installation, there is a way to select the keyboard that I find really cool. I haven't been able to recall this feature after installation (press one of these keys on your keyboard, is there a X key on your keyboard, etc)16:29
ActionParsnipsarge1221: I'm not conversant with the app, sorry16:30
ActionParsnipGringo: seems you split the command up for some reason, the command would have outputted a LOT less, seems you don't have flash installed which is fine. Simply install flashplugin-nonfree and you are ok16:31
BluesKajcal_, system admin/hardware drivers16:31
nucc1ActionParsnip, the package is called 'flashplugin-installer' nowadays16:32
ActionParsnip!info flashplugin-nonfree natty16:32
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)16:32
ActionParsnip!info flashplugin-nonfree maverick16:32
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)16:32
nucc1!info flashplugin-installer maverick16:33
ActionParsnipnucc1: looks fine to me16:33
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)16:33
ActionParsnipnucc1: source: flashplugin-nonfree ;)16:33
nucc1ActionParsnip, it's just a transitional package.16:33
Phoenixzjrib: I can see any and all pages without proxy.. the ssh proxy, well, I have access to that remote server, and that remote server also can access any and all pages.. The ssh proxy is on my localhost, so that should not be blocked by any firewall as well.. and my laptop has no firewall running atm..16:34
jribPhoenixz: can you describe *exactly* the steps you take to set this up?16:34
khem_Anyone here use Ubuntu on a Macbook/ Mac? I would like to know how they have configured their keyboard, and use it.16:34
GringoWhats the command for the non free please16:34
sarge1221I take it no one is familiar with rkhunter?16:34
piegodGood afternoon. Is anybody here experienced with ebox?16:34
nucc1Gringo, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:35
elikIs there a way to use the installation keyboard layout chooser after installation?16:35
ActionParsnip!flash | Gringo16:35
ubottuGringo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:35
piegodOr more specifically the usersandgroups module, which causes a big error when I try to enable it :(16:35
Gringook done it but somehting didnt install http://pastie.org/149644716:36
ActionParsnipGringo: both will work16:36
ActionParsnipGringo: run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer16:37
ActionParsnipGringo: gives native 64bit flash rather than using nspluginwrapper nonsense16:37
sacarlsonGringo: you running a 64bit system?16:37
Gringomy processor is 64bit but i used wibi to installed ubuntu so not sure whichone it installed16:38
Gringoin future do i just type this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer16:38
sacarlsonanother good reason not to install 64bit?16:38
nucc1Gringo, for 64-bit Ubuntu, yes.16:39
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: backup to complete shortly - then gonna start the process of remotely upgrading from intrepid to jaunty, then jaunty to karmic, then karmic to lucid then lucid to maverick following the instructions at ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes ) and ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#Unsupported%20%28Obsolete%29%20Versions ) - will let you know if I am successful or n16:39
Gringoits worked guys thank you very much16:39
UltraParadigmI need some help with the traceroute command16:39
red2kicsacarlson: You don't have amd64 machine. That's a good reason. Anything else? Nope. :)16:39
GanjaReeferdevios, good luck >.<16:39
Gringo so just to make sure in future all i type is this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer  or do i need the non-free too?16:39
TheFuzzballUbuntu really should do a rolling release...16:40
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: thx you all for the help!16:40
TheFuzzballdevios: np16:40
red2kicTheFuzzball: It will.16:40
sacarlsonred2kic: I do have a amd64bit machine,  today I found that skype is still not 64bit16:40
nucc1Gringo, it always depends. in the future, you'll probably be more experienced, so you'll know what is appropriate, or you'll ask again16:40
ActionParsnipGringo: 64bit flash rocks hard16:40
deviosTheFuzzball: indeed - on debian systems, you can set up the sources.list file in such a way that it is release agnostic - just have to manually do dist-upgrade every one in a while.  it's awesome.16:40
UltraParadigmI am able to ping an address, but when I traceroute it, at the end I only get  "***"  for the final hops, and no "trace complete" message16:40
red2kicsacarlson: Yes. You only have to install 32bit libariries to get Skype working.16:41
sacarlsonred2kic: please tell that to the canon driver group16:41
ActionParsnipUltraParadigm: some systems block icmp16:41
Garzookai am back like I said16:42
TheFuzzballdevios: arch linux is best for rolling release16:42
UltraParadigmActionParsnip: Well, I guess that would explain it. :)16:42
ct529I often develop and compile mathematical programs on ubuntu. I would like to put some compilation flags by default, but I cannot find the configuration file for the compilers.16:42
sipiorActionParsnip: he did mention that he was able to ping the address.16:43
ct529for example, i would like to add -march=native and -O3, but cannot find the files where to add them16:43
nucc1ct529, are you not using makefiles?16:43
nucc1sipior, yes, but traceroute is quite different from ping.16:43
ct529nucc1: some times yes, some times no16:43
ct529nucc1: so I would rather have it at whole system level16:44
ActionParsnipsipior: true16:44
sipiornucc1: my point is that if the target system was blocking icmp, the ping would have failed.16:44
nucc1sipior, i don't know if gcc has a way of setting defaults16:44
piegoddoes anybody know how to get the ebox usersandgroups module to enable successfully?16:44
nucc1sipior, traceroute is like pinging every system through which the packet travels before it reaches its target16:44
killtillAnyone running Maverick @ a Mac ?16:45
ct529nucc1: I expected a general configuration file, like /etc/make or /etc/build ....16:45
sipiornucc1: see my previous statement.16:45
nucc1ct529, yes, i am not aware of that, but don't take my word for it. google, or find a gcc channel16:45
nucc1sipior, you are misunderstanding traceroute.16:45
nucc1sipior, ping is a command that is decoded only by the target host.16:46
sipiornucc1: i notice you do not deign to provide an explanation.16:46
Pici________xD: please don't do that.16:46
nucc1sipior, ok, let me explain.16:46
Garzookaif anyone wants 10 free .mp3s pm me for a link16:46
ct529nucc1: yes, i have already googled for a couple fo days that is why I came to the room16:46
killtillAnyone had problems after the Updates on Friday ?16:46
killtillKilled gdm.16:47
nucc1sipior, the traceroute program sends an ICMP package with a TTL of "1". The TTL value of packets is decremented at every router through which a packet passes, and dropped when it reaches zero.16:47
GanjaReeferGarzooka, flac owns mp316:47
sipiornucc1: yes, i know.16:47
nucc1ct529, look for the gcc or g++ channel.16:47
GarzookaGanjaReefer well theres  a site which gives you 10 of them for free16:48
GanjaReeferGarzooka, take that somewhere else not in #ubuntu16:48
oCeanGarzooka: how is that related to this support channel?16:48
piegoddoes anybody know how to get the ebox usersandgroups module to enable successfully?16:48
nucc1sipior, the first host gets the packet, decrements it, and finds TTL == 0, so it drops the packet, and sends back a message to the originator. The originator notes the host the warning is coming from, and sends out a new packet with TTL =2, which now goes up to two routers in the path16:48
sipiornucc1: i understand all of this already. could you come to the point, please?16:48
AbhiJithow to lock keyboard?16:49
oCean!cn | jiajunjie16:49
ubottujiajunjie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:49
jiajunjieis there any one who can speak Chinese?16:49
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nucc1sipior, the point is, if there are 18 hosts between you and your target, and one of those hosts blocks ICMP, then you will get blanks for that host.16:49
jrib!ch | jiajunjie16:50
ubottujiajunjie: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.16:50
sipiornucc1: yes.16:50
ct529nucc1: I do not seem to be able to post of gcc channel, it rejects my messages16:50
piegoddoes anybody know why ebox has a bug trying to enable the users and groups module?16:50
jrib!cn | jiajunjie16:50
ubottujiajunjie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:50
Jeruvy!register | ct52916:50
ubottuct529: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:50
nucc1nucc1, so being able to ping the target has nothing to do with the delivery boys not responding to ICMP.16:50
ct529nucc1: I also though that it was more a problem of how the distribution packed the compilers16:50
nucc1sipior, so being able to ping the target has nothing to do with the delivery boys not responding to ICMP.16:50
nucc1ct529, you need to register your nick. check www.freenode.net or so16:51
sipiornucc1: ping is also an ICMP packet.16:51
ct529nucc1: yes, I am already registered16:51
nucc1sipior, yes, ping is an ICMP packet, but it is addressed to your target.16:51
nucc1sipior, wheras, your traceroute sends out ICMP packets that are meant to be processed by the first, then the second, then the third and so on... hosts in the path between you and the target.16:52
sipiornucc1: yes, but the traceroute problem shows up at the end of the route. if the final host in the chain is blocking ICMP, the ping will fail and traceroute will show the "* * *" mentioned by the original question. that was all i said.16:53
nucc1sipior, was that clear enough?16:54
Garzookaholy s**t it works16:54
Aldr1g I'm experiencing very strange problems, irc works, but browsing through chrome or firefox does not. All browsers give me a 500 error and a bunch of code16:55
Aldr1gi switched to win7 but the same problem persists16:55
nucc1sipior, sorry, traceroute doesn't send ICMP packets. it sends normal packets.16:56
sipiornucc1: yes, but the time exceeded reply *is* an ICMP packet.16:56
Aldr1gcan anyone help?16:56
nucc1sipior, i suppose it's possible to ignore any ICMP messages other than the standard ping reply.16:56
GanjaReefernucc1, sipior can you take it to offtopic or something16:57
nucc1GanjaReefer, funny name. you can see the talk is winding down.16:57
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UltraParadigmnucc1, Sipior, I appreciate the explainations you guys!  I have learned alot16:58
GanjaReefernucc1, yea you two have been going at it politely for like 10 minutes.16:58
sacarlsonAldr1g:  what does ping google.com return?  does a ip address return?16:58
_Neytiri_i am having a issue getting a printer setup16:58
tjs_hello to everyone!i have a problem with my printer!when i click on print a msg appears telling that ink level is low!this is impossible because i changed it 3 days ago!i also try to print in my laptop with the same printer and works perfectly!any help/suggestion?16:58
nucc1!ask | _Neytiri_16:58
ubottu_Neytiri_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:58
sipiorGanjaReefer: this is a channel where we hash out this sort of question. if that bothers you, find somewhere else to play.16:58
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UltraParadigmThat's one reason I love this channel ^_^16:59
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GanjaReeferUltraParadigm, don't worry im not going to argue with him.16:59
UltraParadigmI can ask a question and other will argue about it untill there is a resolution, :-)16:59
_Neytiri_i have 1 printer configured and every time i try to print form the command line with lp i get this error lp: Error - no default destination available.17:00
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mec_every time i try to access my website from http://localhost or my dyndns address it downloads my index.php. how do i stop this?17:00
_Neytiri_mec_, sounds like php isnt setup17:00
oCeanmec_: if php is installed, then you may heb to enable it still: "sudo a2enmod php5" and restart apache217:01
Taosi have two similar directories I want to smash them together how17:01
mec_it says already enabled17:01
squidlyis there a way to have apt-get update a package if another version is already installed?17:01
UltraParadigmTaos, more specifically, do you wish to overwrite files with the same name, or keep the latest versions?17:02
tjs_ hello to everyone!i have a problem with my printer!when i click on print a msg appears telling that ink level is low!this is impossible because i changed it 3 days ago!i also try to print in my laptop with the same printer and works perfectly!any help/suggestion?17:02
Taoskeep the latest versions.17:02
GanjaReefersquidly, sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install packagename it will install if it is newer17:02
oCeanmec_: after enabling the php5, was apache restarted?17:02
needleztjs: what kind of printer??17:03
squidlyGanjaReefer: apt-get install will install the package if its not instlled either17:03
tjs_hp D166017:03
GanjaReefersquidly, you just want to update all of your packages ?17:03
squidlyGanjaReefer: no a couple of specific ones.17:03
mec_yes it was restarted17:04
GanjaReefersquidly, hrm. not sure I know sudo apt-get upgrade but that does them all.17:04
squidlythis is across about 100 VM's but I dont want to install the package if it's not installed17:04
_Neytiri_how do i configure a global default printer so the command lp <file> works17:04
tjs_@needlez do u know how i can fix it?17:05
oCeanmec_: create a file called phpinfo.php in your webserver root, with this contents: http://paste.ubuntu.com/, then browse to it, it should return php information17:05
* jrib bets mec_ 1 cookie it is his browser's cache17:05
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Dr_Willis_Neytiri_:  you can use the cups web interface, or the gnome cups interface.. or theres cups command line tools.17:05
needleztjs_: maybe not sure yet what kind of printer?? some printers require a second seperate set of drivers... alot of the HP's come to mind with what I mean17:06
mec_nah i cleared the cache and it still did that17:06
GanjaReefersquidly, well upgrade won't install anything new.. just upgrade EVERYTHING.17:06
=== q_a_z_steve1 is now known as q_a_z_steve
_Neytiri_i tried setting it in bups and it didnt wrok17:06
mec_@oCean the link for pastebin is empty17:06
tjs_@needlez but with my laptop works fine!17:07
oCeanmec_: I see, one moment17:07
UltraParadigmTaos: I think what you are looking for is rsync17:07
oCeanmec_: http://pastebin.com/Z3gEcJPy17:07
needleztjs_: ok, but are they both running linux?? or the same version of linux??17:07
nucc1mec_, try checking your log files to see what is happening17:07
JohnFluxHi all17:07
JohnFluxI have screen corruption now17:07
JohnFluxI didn't before17:07
JohnFluxI think the drivers were updated or something?17:07
Dr_Willis_Neytiri_:  check the cups.org docs. I recall it working last time i tried it.17:08
squidlyGanjaReefer: ok thanks17:08
anirvanahi :) how do I install xampp for 64 bit ubuntu? where is it available?17:08
GanjaReefersquidly, also --only-upgrade although its the same thing afaik.17:08
Pici!xampp | anirvana17:08
ubottuanirvana: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:08
UltraParadigmTaos: There is also a program called unison which helps maintain the sync between two directories, like for backup purposes, however it only works to maintain because it needs to monitor the directories.  Everything has to be "untangled" first.17:09
mec_i think i got this now......when i view it in localhost. it downloads it. but now if i view it in the dyndns address, it shows the page. so for some reason localhost is glitched17:10
VarcAnyone here know a program for work with Python but in software desing. I mind like Visual Studio for Windows but in Python and linux, where i program the code but the design too17:10
wlcaseyHello. I need help for a broken dependencie : libcsound-5.1. Anyone can help me please ?17:11
_Neytiri_wheni ran the commadn lpstat -p -d i got this output lpstat: No destinations added.17:11
_Neytiri_no system default destination17:11
nucc1Varc, there is no one solution in linux. You use Glade and any Ide of your choice, like Anjuta17:11
wlcaseyi need a earlier version of libcsound and i don't know how to install it17:12
wlcaseyanyone ?17:12
Dr_Willis!pin | wlcasey17:12
ubottuwlcasey: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:12
jpsmanHi.  What file can I modify to change which default Windows Manager will be used at startup?  System>Administration>Login Screen no longer controls this behavior.  I also can not use the ubuntu log in screen.  (there is a glitch with this rather old laptop) I'm using 10.0417:12
sacarlsonmec_: you modify the /etc/apache2 configs?17:12
=== jpsman is now known as JPSman
wildc4rdafternoon all17:12
Varcnuccl: Ok thanks you17:12
Dr_WillisJPSman:  if you are not using gdm. you can edit your .xinitrc file (make one) and run whatever window manager you want. and use 'startx' to launch it.17:12
Aldr1gstill nothing, maybe provider related ...17:12
wlcaseyubottu > yes but the version i want is not in the repository17:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:13
DevilHanneed serious help, I hate ubuntu TODAY17:13
sacarlsonAldr1g: I think so17:13
wlcaseybut the package i want is not in the repository17:13
AbhiJit!ask | DevilHan17:14
ubottuDevilHan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:14
jribwlcasey: why do you think you need an earlier version?  Pastebin exactly what you ran and the full output (that you alluded to in your first message)17:14
JPSmanDr_Willis: No I am using GDM (I dont know how to not)17:14
DevilHanon my laptop, ubuntu  hung, so I press the power button for 5 sec and shut it down now it boots up with mounting errors17:14
wlcaseybecause the sofware i want to install tell me that need it17:14
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DevilHanmounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory17:14
jribwlcasey: Pastebin exactly what you ran and the full output (that you alluded to in your first message)17:14
oCean_Neytiri_: use "sudo lpadmin -d printername" to set default destination17:14
DevilHanthis is just devastated!17:15
DevilHanand I can't get into the system17:15
Dr_WillisJPSman:  then it should be selecting what wm to use. It may be your .dmrc file is set to the wrong owner. (delete it and it will get remade)17:15
_Neytiri_lpoptions -d HP-LaserJet-410017:15
_Neytiri_lpoptions: Unknown printer or class!17:15
DevilHanmounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory, anyone knows how to fix that?17:15
oCean_Neytiri_: lpadmin17:15
_Neytiri_ah misread17:15
DevilHanI've googled around and none of the solution seems to be easy17:15
JPSmanDr_Willis: where is that file?  or any of these that handle WMers ?17:15
DevilHanmounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory when booting up, anyone knows a quick way to fix that?17:16
Dr_WillisJPSman:  its in your home dir. with all the other .Whatever files17:16
_Neytiri_lpadmin -d
_Neytiri_lpadmin: The printer or class was not found.17:16
wlcaseyok sorry. It a .deb file from launchpad. I try to install it with dpkg -i name_of_package and : name_of_the package need libcsound64-5.1 to be configured17:16
JPSmanDr_Willis: Thanks :OD17:16
_Neytiri_even tried hte naem17:16
_Neytiri_the name*17:16
Dr_WillisDevilHan:  there may not be a quick way.. the system crashed for a reason. You could start by booting a live cd and 'fscking' the filesystems.17:16
jribwlcasey: what .deb file *exactly*?17:16
oCean_Neytiri_: lpstat -p does not output anything?17:16
wlcaseyok i'm searching for it17:16
jribwlcasey: just pastebin what you ran in your terminal and the full output (paste.ubuntu.com)17:17
jrib!who | wlcasey17:17
ubottuwlcasey: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:17
wlcaseyit's smacher17:17
DevilHanDr_Willis, it crashed for no reason, :(  I wasn't doing anything17:17
DevilHanI closed the lid17:17
wlcaseyok ty i try17:17
_Neytiri_lpstat: No destinations added.17:17
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DevilHanand when I took the laptop out again, it is still running and hang17:17
Dr_WillisDevilHan:  there was a reason..  hopefully it was not a hd failure type reason...17:18
DevilHanit is not, this has happened to me quite frequently17:18
DevilHanlast time I had to do a reinstall17:18
Dr_WillisDevilHan: every time you close the lid?17:18
wlcaseyjrib it's smasher17:18
GanjaReeferDevilHan, in terminal type dmesg see any I/O errors ?17:18
sacarlsonDevilHan: hybernate with no swap?17:18
jribwlcasey: just pastebin what you ran in your terminal and the full output (paste.ubuntu.com) (this is the third time I ask for this information)17:18
Dr_WillisIf your ubuntu system is constantly 'crashing' and needing reinstalls.. that defaintaly sounds like a possible HD failing issue.17:18
DevilHanI did an install 3 weeks ago, after running for a week, it happened, I had to reinstall it17:18
DevilHanand now it happen again17:19
oCean_Neytiri_: lpstat -p did output that? It seems there are no printers configured17:19
DevilHanI mean one it is not stable, 2 it is very hard to recover, and I am not exactly a Unix newbie17:19
capootitrying to install postgres on a fresh ubuntu 10.10 box, getting an error when apt-get completes the installation and try to start the service17:19
_Neytiri_thats what i am tryign to fox17:19
GanjaReeferDevilHan, open a terminal and type dmesg any i/o errors ?17:19
DevilHanIt is most likely a power issue17:19
_Neytiri_i added one via cups webinterfce and it prints a test page17:19
capootiI can't find a solution17:19
capootithis is the error when starting the service17:20
Dr_WillisDevilHan:   i would keep an eye on the dmesg outputs, and watch that system carefully.. also you could test by installing to a flash drive. and see if it still exibits the same flakey bahavir.17:20
DevilHanI will try the dmesg command17:20
Dr_WillisDevilHan:  but for now. I would try a live cd and 'fsck' the filesystems17:20
capooti* Error: could not exec /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/pg_ctl /usr/lib/postgresql/8.4/bin/pg_ctl start -D /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main -l /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log -s -o  -c config_file="/etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf"17:20
DevilHanso I am assuming that upon the hard shut down17:20
sacarlsonDevilHan: well I would boot a live cd and at least look at /etc/fstab and see if I can mount all of those17:20
DevilHansomething was not unmounted gracefully17:20
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DevilHanok thanks17:20
GanjaReeferif you'r hard drive is dead dmesg will tell you DevilHan .........17:21
DevilHanso Dr_Willis, what would a fsck do in this case17:21
DevilHanum, I don't think it is dead, again it happened before and it just take another reinstall17:21
DevilHanit is more like if it doesn't shutdown gracefully17:21
GanjaReeferDevilHan, ok man :-)17:21
sipiorDevilHan: is the machine a dual-boot setup? if so, does the other installed OS experience similar crashing problems?17:21
DevilHanthen the /root/dev, /root/sys, among other things are unmounted incorrectly17:22
DevilHanthis is a macbook pro 1,1 running exclusively on Ubuntu17:22
DevilHanthat is how much I love Ubuntu17:22
sipiorDevilHan: have you tested the memory recently?17:22
DevilHanmemory is fine man, I mean it had no problem running in OSX for the longest time17:22
sipiorDevilHan: recently?17:23
Dr_WillisDevilHan:  verify the filesystem is not totally messed up.17:23
DevilHanI used it every day17:23
sacarlsonDevilHan: worst I've seen in most cases with bad shutdown is correpted superblock that can be fixed most the time17:23
DevilHanfor 10 hours17:23
Dr_Willishard drives seem to be the weakest link these days. If you have a spare laptop hard drive. You may want to try swapping it out.17:24
DevilHanhm I see17:24
Dr_Willisalso you may want to disable the sleep/hibernate/suspend features in the future17:24
red2kicDevilHan: You should do a YouTube clip of buying a Macbook Air, Package arrive. Open the box. Install linux on it without even booting up Mac. :)17:24
DevilHanbut I guess I still can't get over the fact that it runs perfectly on OSX, and on Ubuntu until there is a ungraceful shutdown17:24
Dr_WillisDevilHan:  if linux is installed to part of the HD thats going 'bad' that would explain a lot.17:25
sipiorDevilHan: how long ago did it run OS X?17:25
DevilHanI should :)17:25
Dr_WillisHD issues can cause all sorts of weirdness...17:25
DevilHan2 weeks ago it ran OSX17:25
GanjaReeferall he needs to do is type dmesg to see if it is dead.17:25
Dr_WillisGanjaReefer:  he cant even boot it at this time. :)17:25
red2kicDevilHan: Of course it ran perfectly on OSX. It was meant to work with that machine. Linux and Windows have to work with over thousand machines and new machines releasing every year. It's hard thing.17:26
sipiorDevilHan: when you made the machine exclusively ubuntu, did you delete any disk partitions?17:26
DevilHanI let Ubuntu take care of it, and yes it wipe the whole thing out17:26
GanjaReeferi'd run the manufacturers utility then, like seatools or whatever to see if it has bad blocks. or like Dr_Willis said go fsck it.... and dmesg while on live cd17:26
DevilHanthere is now a disk01 for 1MB, disk02 for 80GB, and a swap for 4GB17:26
DevilHanok thanks17:27
DevilHanwill try all those17:27
arcnewusslshw says network unclaimed for my two unboard network cards17:27
arcnewussonboard rather17:27
GanjaReeferif it is a seagate id almost bet its dead.17:27
ActionParsniparcnewuss: websearch the product lines to find guides17:27
ActionParsnipGanjaReefer: seagate rocks17:27
DevilHanI was tempted to replace it with a SSD17:27
GanjaReeferActionParsnip, just got a 1tb bad block DOA this week.....17:27
DevilHanbut this thing is so old that I don't want to put in any more money in it17:27
GanjaReeferActionParsnip, but lets not go that direction difference of opinions id say17:28
hp_Is it ok to simply create a swap file on SSDs?17:28
MaxkWhen i fullscreen a Flash video/stream on my second montior it opens on my main monitor, how to fix that?17:28
ActionParsnipGanjaReefer: true :)17:28
nucc1Maxk, i guess your second monitor is the smaller one?17:28
DevilHanI thought so, assuming u have the latest driver that deals with SSD write issues17:28
DevilHanI guess17:28
_Neytiri_how do i add a printr via commandline17:28
Maxknucc1 yes it has lower resulotion yes.17:28
GanjaReeferActionParsnip, all I will say is WD has served me well hoping the same for my replacement drive coming ;-) glad seagate works for you though.17:29
nucc1Maxk, i have the same problem, no solution, in fact, for me, i can no longer play flash videos fullscreen on any monitor.17:29
nucc1Maxk, i guess flash is not HW accelerated, so it can't handle higher resolutions.17:29
red2kic_Neytiri_: If you can -- http://machine-ip:631/17:30
nucc1Maxk, i go to my PS3 when it's time to watch flash video :p17:30
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Maxknucc1 okey thx for the help anyways :(17:30
Dr_Willishp_:  you can if you want.17:30
_Neytiri_been there it added it for cups but when i try lp there is no printer17:30
jribwlcasey: what version of ubuntu are you using17:31
arcnewussapt-get linux-source ->E: could't find package17:31
arcnewusscould i download it from somewhere17:32
wlcaseythe latest ubuntu studio17:32
needlezgregory: hi17:33
jribwlcasey: please put "jrib" in your reply when you are responding to me.  What does « lsb_release -r » return?17:33
ActionParsnipGanjaReefer: seagate rocks hard here but in general I just look at seek time ;)17:34
wlcaseyjrib ok i'm learning17:34
GanjaReeferActionParsnip, idk always had WD never had one fail just bought a brand new gigabyte i3 kit and the hd was dead in a week. seagate 1tb 32mbcache so I got a wd 1tb 64mb replacement for the same price.17:35
arcnewussmy network module shows 0 used by in lsmod is this normal17:35
hp_Dr_Willis: are you implying that it is a bad idea?17:36
arcnewussim trying to get network cards working but not sure how to go about it17:36
needlezarcnewuss: hi what is your wireless card17:36
Dr_Willis_Neytiri_:  the cups docs mention the commands to do it.. ive not dont it in ages..  also they got basic troubleshooting information. ( cups.org had online docs last i checked)17:37
needlezarcnewuss: what kind is it?? model make?? is it itergrated or usb?? what??17:37
arcnewussi have atheros ethernet and realtek wifi cards17:37
Dr_Willishp_:  I dont use sdd's so no idea.   You hear a lot of 'stuff' about proper ways to use sdd's to keep them from wearing out too soon. but given how new the tch is. Im not sure how much if it is valid vs rumors17:37
arcnewussonboard atheros ar8152 and realtek 817617:37
needlezarcnewuss: realtek wifi cards should be detected by default usually, so what your saying is that they aren't working??17:38
arcnewussyes no work17:38
needlezarcnewuss: ok what version of ubuntu and what kernel image??17:38
arcnewusslshw gives network - unclaimed for both cards17:38
ActionParsnip!wireless | arcnewuss17:38
ubottuarcnewuss: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:38
arcnewuss10.04 2.6.3217:38
needlez2.6.32- what??17:39
arcnewussthanks bot but i went through that already17:39
jribwlcasey: you'll have to build it from source then, you can't use that deb file17:39
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:39
jrib!compile > wlcasey17:39
ubottuwlcasey, please see my private message17:39
needlezarcnewuss: give me a min17:39
soreauarcnewuss: Try apt-get install linux-source17:39
soreau!info linux-source17:39
ubottulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)17:39
hp_Dr_Willis: thanks, yeah I'm don't much about it either. I dislike the slowness that comes with having swap on a HDD so I decided to try.17:40
arcnewussi dont know how to install linux source i get E:cant find package17:40
arcnewussis source on the cd or where can i download it17:41
wlcaseyjrib it will return the same error or not ?17:41
soreau! work | arcnewuss17:41
ubottuarcnewuss: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:41
needlezarcnewuss: I have a simple solution for the time while your looking for it have you tried to install the winxp drivers thru ndiskgtk??17:41
jribwlcasey: you can't use the .deb, you need to build the program from source (the .tar.gz).  Ubottu gave you some instructions on how to do that.  Or you can look for an alternative program that is in the repositories instead17:42
saliakI've got a netbook running ubuntu netbook remix setup as a controller for a hardware device.  i'd like a full screen launcher to pop up on boot that gives the user a nice, easy to use, selection of a few programs to run.  is there a good launcher anyone can suggest?  the screen you get when you click the ubuntu logo on UNR looks good, but it requires clicking on the logo and i'm not sure how to change it.17:42
needlezarcnewuss: you could install ndiskgtk and install the drivers from the cd they would be in the winxp part of the cd and theyll be .inf files17:42
arcnewussneedlez: no I have not17:42
needlezarcnewuss: I'd try that for right now cuz google isnt helping me much to find anything about your card... is it on a laptop?? and if so what model of laptop / brand??17:43
arcnewussneedlez but both cie offer native linux driver and i should use win driver with ndis17:43
wlcaseyjrib ok i'll try. thanx a lot. and thanx fot your patience17:43
ac3`fk this17:43
arcnewussneedlez me lappy is toshiba l65017:44
needlezarcnewuss: if both offer a native linux driver then how can you not get internet thru them??  strange, are you sure its not malfunctioning??17:44
arcnewussneedlez i installed both native driver downloaded from respective websites and load them both with modprobe without error17:45
needlezarcnewuss: what version of l650??17:45
Dr_Willishp_:  if you are actually using swap. best would be to get more ram. :) i guess on a sdd. would be the next best option17:45
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needlezarcnewuss: have you tried to do iwconfig wlan0 up??17:45
arcnewussneedlez psk1ec17:45
soreauarcnewuss: Does 'apt-get update && apt-cache search linux-source' show anything? If not, you need to fix your repositories17:46
arcnewusssoreau let me check17:46
kn100ubuntu is telling me my password is wrong and when I try passwd it tells me passwd:Authentication token manipulation error17:46
arcnewussneedlez yes i tried but get error no eth0=eth017:46
soreauneedlez: Please don't suggest ndiswrapper for cards that have fully working drivers in the kernel17:47
kn100what can I do?17:47
soreaukn100: What user are you trying to login as?17:47
kn100soreau, trying to gain fakeroot17:47
needlezsoreau: I wasn't but his cards aren't working even though they claim to be supported17:47
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: intrepid to jaunty upgrade process complete,,, rebooting... *crosees fingers and stops breathing*17:48
kn100soreau, before sudo <password> worked perfectly, now it's telling me my password is wrong17:48
soreauneedlez: That's what the work factoid is for. You never asked what part isn't working17:48
soreaukn100: Can you login as your normal user ok?17:48
kn100soreau, I have my system set to automatically log in17:49
kn100soreau, want me to try on a tty?17:49
jribdevios: only 3 more times!17:49
soreaukn100: No, I mean type 'sudo login' and login as your normal user17:49
sageb1i have a client reporting a issue re: install/remove being broken with mfc685cwlpr. apt-get remove and apt-get install -f does not resolve the issue.17:49
ActionParsnip!root | kn10017:50
ubottukn100: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:50
kn100soreau, It asked me or password for kn100 , gave it that, accepted it, then asked for DORIS password (name of machine)17:50
soreaujrib: You really have faith the upgrades will succeed? :)17:50
mec_where can i install SSH2 from? i can't find it in the package manager17:50
soreaukn100: I don't know what you did but that doesn't sound typical17:50
kn100soreau, wait, it let me log in17:51
nucc1mec_, openssh-server17:51
kn100soreau, unusual..probably just entered the password wrong once17:51
kn100but whenever I tried doing sudo xyz it would tell me it was wrong, and I'm sure I was typing it in right earlier17:51
kn100so apparently I'm logged in now soreau17:51
jribsoreau: well for me, since warty, I've only had one upgrade fail (and it only failed to start X and it was mentioned in the release notes but I didn't notice).  I think with stock systems, they usually work out fine...17:52
sageb1client reports "error message is same: Errors were encountered while processing:17:52
ActionParsnip!info dropbear | mec_17:52
ubottumec_: dropbear (source: dropbear): lightweight SSH2 server and client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.52-5 (maverick), package size 222 kB, installed size 604 kB17:52
sageb1E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"17:52
soreaujrib: I guess you don't use your ubuntu boxes too much then :P17:52
mec_ok. ty17:53
jribsoreau: heh, I stay away from 3rd party repositories.  Only have medibuntu and nice independent apps I know won't mess with the guts of my system17:53
arcnewusssoreau I too all out of repo exept for cdrom and i get error ign cdrom://  when searching for linux-source17:53
soreaujrib: I am prone to mess with the guts ;)17:53
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jribsoreau: vbox for that :)17:53
ActionParsnipmec_: you can search software-centre for that sort of stuff or use: apt-cache search17:54
soreaujrib: I mean just so that ubuntu doesn't drive me crazy17:54
jribsoreau: oh17:54
soreauSome of the defaults are retarded and not easily changable17:54
jribsoreau: like what out of curiousity?17:54
kn100soreau, it let me log in via sudo login, but refuses me at su17:54
ActionParsnipsoreau: snap17:55
Phong_hi anyone is available here?17:55
schnuffle1!ask | Phong_17:56
ubottuPhong_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:56
ActionParsnip!noroot | kn10017:56
ubottukn100: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:56
soreaujrib: I don't care for that ignorant 'keyring' password. Drives me insane. Then even after shutting that off, sometimes NetworkManager+nm-applet =phailsauce so I just chmod -x them and write my own scripts to run from rc.local17:56
kn100ActionParsnip, that is not the issue.17:56
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kn100ActionParsnip, the issue is I can't even use sudo because it just refuses my password17:56
ActionParsnipif you need a root shell use: sudo -i    easypeasy17:56
jribsoreau: ah, I don't bother with the default desktop stuff so maybe that's part of the reason I don't have too many issues17:57
soreaujrib: I am not clear on whether or not it would kick you off the internet just for loggin out of X (but it probably does which is not cool)17:57
jribsoreau: yes it does17:57
ActionParsnipkn100: then hold shift at boot and boot to root recovery mode, then you can run17:57
soreaujrib: What do you bother with instead of the default desktop stuff?17:57
ActionParsnipkn100: passwd foo    and set the pass for 'foo'17:57
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: success! doing next one...17:58
arcnewusssoreau: if i do apt-cdrom add i get W: skipping nonexistent ... main/.../Packages17:58
kn100I'll give that a try17:58
nofrillzmsg nickserv identify hacker4life17:58
jribsoreau: xmonad and handful of favorite apps (firefox and some terminals mostly)17:58
arcnewusssoreau: at that location on the cdrom is packages.gz17:58
jribpoor nofrillz17:59
sageb1thanks for your help.17:59
snimavatwhat is the difference between gnome and unity?17:59
snimavatgone desktop and unity ?17:59
arcnewusshow do you add cdrom to repository the technique on help.ubuntu.com dont work17:59
soreauarcnewuss: Why the heck are you trying to add repos from cd-rom? You should have a working internet connection so you can just use 'gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/software-properties-gtk.desktop /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk'17:59
BajK_How can I change the background of a tty console? On my developer kubuntu in virtualbox, the consoles are blue like the plymouth screen but how do I accomplish this on a normal installation?17:59
jribarcnewuss: are you using the alternate cd?  You can't do that with the desktop cd17:59
soreauarcnewuss: There you can uncheck the cdrom and make sure the official repos are enabled18:00
arcnewussjrib thanks18:00
Dr_WillisBajK_:  thats a framebuffer feature I belive.18:00
srslythanks, bitches.18:00
Dr_WillisBajK_:  i find using the framebuffer in the console. slows down the conosole greatly18:00
BajK_hm that's right18:01
arcnewusssoreau: I need linux-source and have no network card working18:01
BajK_I am glad that with the open source drivers I get my full screen resolution18:01
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soreaujrib: With me, I usually use a distro like arch to play god with my X session. On ubuntu, I'd like things to JustWork[TM]18:01
BajK_so 1920x1080 on a console just rocks :)18:01
soreauarcnewuss: Look here:18:01
soreau!info linux-source18:01
ubottulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)18:01
Dr_WillisBajK_:  it can also LAG...18:01
arcnewusssoreau: i have two net card with native linux support and both dont work18:01
soreauarcnewuss: It's in the *main* repo. So it *definitely* should be available18:01
soreau! work | arcnewuss18:01
ubottuarcnewuss: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.18:01
JPSmanWhat file can I modify to select my default Windows Manager?  System>Administration>Login Screen doesn't work any more.  using 10.0418:02
soreauarcnewuss: You don't need the linux kernel sources to make your cards work. But, the fact that this package is not available hints toward your system not being in correct working order18:02
soreauarcnewuss: Pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file to ubuntu.pastebin.com18:02
Dr_WillisJPSman:  you mean the default for all users?18:03
Dr_WillisJPSman:  or just your single users default?18:03
JPSmanDr_Willis: well, I am the only user so....yes? heh18:03
BajK_hm anybody have an idea why my wifi drops frequently on my notebook? It works when the notebook is right ontop of my wifi router but whenever I leave the room it drops18:03
Dr_WillisJPSman:  .dmrc controls it for the user youa re logged in as.. i dont see much point in setting the system default on a single user system18:03
BajK_and it doesnt recognize it. so the wifi symbol signals connected and full strength (or a bit lower, yes) but I can neither access webpages, nor ping the router nor does ICQ connect (I see that wifi drops when icq disconnects)18:04
Dr_WillisJPSman:  my .dmrc for gnome --> http://pastebin.com/KyX7WrHg18:04
JPSmanDr_Willis: I tried deleteing .dmrc and it booted into gnome again.  I want xfce or to TRY fluxbox (which is a harder wm to navigate)18:04
Dr_WillisJPSman:  and GDM is not showing those options in its menus?18:04
BajK_I don't think its the power settings which someone already said here since it works fine when the notebook is right here at the router18:04
ActionParsnipBajK_: when it drops, run:  dmesg | tail    see what is output as it will give clues18:05
Dr_WillisJPSman:  You installed xfce via 'sudo apt-get instasll xubuntu-desktop' ?18:05
tom866hey i just got a new battery for my laptop with windows 7. i am here for general pc support sorry. the new battery has just started charging, is it ok to use my pc while the battery charges?18:05
ActionParsnipJPSman: I wouldnt say fluxbox was harder, just different18:05
BajK_ActionParsnip: ok, I'll just go down to the living room and have a look thx18:05
Dr_Willistom866:  should be.18:05
tom866and when the battery is fully charged i don't have to take the AC power cable out, correct?18:06
soreautom866: Yes it's ok18:06
JPSmanDr_Willis, is GDM the start up screen?  because that simply won't show on this older laptop.  I have to boot into a WM directly without selecting a user.  I installed xfce from synaptic18:06
soreautom866: Not necessarily though you generally want to be more concerned with heat when using a laptop18:06
tom866i have a cooling matt18:06
soreautom866: Great18:07
Dr_WillisJPSman:  if you are not using gdm, then edit your .xinitrc and use 'startx'18:07
JPSmanActionParsnip: it uses keyboard commands to control is boxes that are not intuitive for a windows user.18:07
Dr_WillisJPSman:  make a .xinitrc18:07
tom866it is becayse of heat that i had to replace the battery funnily enough lol18:07
Dr_WillisJPSman:  it seems weird that GDM would not work. but X does..18:07
soreautom866: There you go.18:07
=== kn100 is now known as psycho-psych
arcnewusssoreau: i posted the content of my sources.list in ubuntu.pastebin.com/eaEjKju318:07
nofrillzanyone wanna help me with sound?18:08
tom866yeah i bought the cooling matt with the battery so i don't ever get the problem again18:08
aeon-ltd!sound | nofrillz18:08
ubottunofrillz: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:08
nofrillzaeon-ltd, I already did that18:08
nofrillzthats why im here18:08
JPSmanDr_Willis: I dont know if I am using gdm or not.  startx is a terminal command and I don't boot to a terminal.  yes, this is a very fickle old laptop (sporting only 250 meg o ram :O(18:08
nucc1nofrillz, don't ask to ask, Ask!18:08
Dr_WillisJPSman:  GDM is the first screen where you login..18:08
tom866anyway thanks for your help be seeing you18:09
Dr_WillisJPSman:  so if you are not booting to a terminal.. then i imagine you are using GDM....18:09
ColonelIngusOH HAI!18:09
nucc1!es | sero18:09
ubottusero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:09
m2mgI have a problem with wine (but not really wine) leaving entries in that when i go to properties of a file then go to open with tab i see entries for stuff from wine and i have un-installed wine18:09
soreauarcnewuss: Alright this is the problem. You need to get rid of the cd and use real repos. You have a working internet connection on this ubuntu box, right?18:09
Dr_WillisJPSman:  and it should have some menui  items that appear at the bottom once you enter your username18:09
aeon-ltdnofrillz: checked alsamixer?18:09
nofrillzi did18:09
nofrillzi dont have the soundcard loaded by alsa18:09
Dr_WillisJPSman:  with that low ram. You may want to be using the 'lubuntu-desktop' its best for low end systems18:09
JPSmanDr_Willis: hmm, ok that makes sense.  but GDM won't show.  if I boot directly into gnome or xfce it works.18:09
arosenAny idea what the lib Z development package is called in ubuntu ?18:09
nofrillztrying to figure out which one to load18:09
Dr_WillisJPSman:  and how are you booting 'directly' ?18:10
ActionParsnipJPSman: just because it doesn't use GUIs for config doesn't make it non-intuitive. The config files are VERY well documented with working examples all over18:10
aeon-ltdnofrillz: OSS? then i can't help you, i've no experience with OSS18:10
Man_of_Waxhi all, I've two identical partition, it is safe to copy my ubuntu installation from one to another and ugrading to natty in the newly copied partition?18:10
arcnewusssoreau: I have two network cards that do not work18:10
ColonelIngusWhere do I find drivers for my microwave so I can check my thunderbird email from the kitchen?18:10
soreauarcnewuss: That was not my question. There are other ways to connect to the internet other than wirelessly18:10
JPSmanDr_Willis: via System>Administration>Login Screen - which is no longer working btw18:10
Dr_WillisJPSman:  easiest way to take full controll. stop using GDM. make your .xinitrc run exactly what you want.18:10
arcnewusssoreau: sorry I have two network card with which i cant access the network18:10
soreauarcnewuss: So I assume you don't have another NIC like hard wire connection?18:11
ninjaiSSH Question: Is it possible to prevent password login (key only login) for ONLY ONE SSH user???18:11
arcnewusssoreau: i have two and only two and both cant access the network18:11
JPSmanDr_Willis: how do I stop using GDM then?18:11
ActionParsnip!nox | JPSman18:11
ubottuJPSman: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:11
Dr_WillisJPSman:  disable the gdm service. by renameing /etc/init/gdm.conf to be gdm.DONTRUN  (or similer)18:12
soreauarcnewuss: Ok, pastebin the output of 'iwconfig' or tell me if there is a wireless interface listed in the output18:12
arcnewusssoreau: yes i do have a nic with hard wire connection but i dont know how to have it connect to the network18:12
Dr_WillisJPSman:  or use the 'text' option, in your grub configs. edit /etc/default/grub and replace 'quiet splash' with 'text'18:12
zaxonspoxhello, someone compiled QT projects? need help18:12
Dr_WillisJPSman:  then rerun update-grub.18:12
soreauarcnewuss: If your router is configured for DHCP, it should justwork18:12
arcnewusssoreau: lo  no wireless extensions18:12
Dr_WillisJPSman:  for a 'test' you can just do a 'sudo service gdm stop' and that should get you to the console. You then edit .xinitrc as you want and run 'startx'18:12
=== Guest34014 is now known as ogra_
soreauarcnewuss: Ok great, now tell me the line in the output of 'lspci' for your atheros card18:13
ColonelIngusAnybody else here a huge fan of broadcom chipsets?18:13
soreauColonelIngus: nope.18:13
soreau! broadcom | ColonelIngus18:13
ubottuColonelIngus: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:13
ColonelIngusTalk about plug and play.. put your seatbelt on amirite!?18:13
soreauColonelIngus: nope.18:13
PiciColonelIngus: Do you have an on-topic support question?18:13
JPSmanDr_Willis: do I create the .xinitrc in the /home/user directory?18:14
BajK_ActionParsnip: so, it just dropped, no network, no pinging18:14
BajK_and now I am back here and everything's fine o.O18:14
BajK_but nothing on that dmesg | tail thing18:14
ActionParsnipBajK_: did the dmesg give any clues?18:14
arcnewusssoreau: atheros communications AR8152 v1.1 Fast Ethernet (rev c1)18:14
BajK_ActionParsnip: nope, just did some atkdb unknown key pressed things, lo: DIsabled Privacy extensions and some ext4 errors on start up18:15
BajK_but nothing changed when it droped18:15
arcnewusssoreau thats the line from lspci18:15
BajK_arcnewuss: ?18:15
arcnewussBajK: yes that is me18:15
ActionParsnipBajK_: do you use WPA Enterprise?18:16
BajK_arcnewuss: ah, sorry, misread something18:16
BajK_ActionParsnip: WPA Enterprise?18:16
Batesi realy need some help18:16
BajK_you mean encryption?18:16
ActionParsnipBajK_: for wireless security18:16
arcnewussBajK: sorry for the misunderstanding18:16
BajK_ActionParsnip: it says Encryption type: AUTO (TKIP/AES) and PSK, WPA/WPA218:16
Batesi cant connect to my wifi :(18:16
Batesvia ubuntu10.1018:17
ActionParsnipBajK_: try with just WEP, just to test18:17
sjamaanHi. I'm having trouble resetting my video resolution settings after accidentally messing them up. My display is currently unusable in graphics mode (Ubuntu 10.04.1)18:17
spid3rnetbqts configure you card18:17
spid3rnetbates configure you card18:17
ActionParsnipBates: run:  sudo lshw -C network      websearch for the product line to find guides18:17
arcnewusssoreau: its staff from my realtek card who told me to use their native linux driver and thats where all the rpoblem started18:17
sjamaanI tried to follow instructions I googled, but those instructions told me to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  There is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf on this system18:17
Jedrzej_sDoes ,anybody know LINUX DISTRO which doesn't be free anymore ?????????????18:18
spid3rnetor download kismet and install it18:18
arcnewusssoreau: the make install is looking for kernel source18:18
Pici!ot | Jedrzej_s18:18
ubottuJedrzej_s: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:18
soreauarcnewuss: Are you sure that's a wireless card? (the atheros output you showed)18:18
BajK_ActionParsnip: okay18:18
spid3rnetthe go to kismet/kismet.conf18:18
arcnewusssoreau: i never said it was wireless18:18
spid3rnetand configure your card18:18
m2mgJedrzej_s: Yes Magic OS18:18
saliakanyone noticed issues with the wifi in ubuntu 10.10 connecting to apple airport base stations (like in a timecapsule)?18:19
Jedrzej_subottu: ok, sorry18:19
arcnewusssoreau: and to my knowledge it is not a wireless card18:19
BajK_man this networkmanager thingie is just a mess18:19
Jedrzej_sm2mg: THX :)18:19
m2mgJedrzej_s: do u want a link18:19
ActionParsnipBajK_: there's also wicd and wifi-radar18:19
arcnewussBajK_: i like wicd18:19
soreauarcnewuss: Ok.. it probably just needs headers then. Try this: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)18:19
saganbytewhat is the appropriate place to install software using install.sh18:20
arcnewussi got that18:20
arcnewusssoreau: i got header18:20
zaxonspoxwho can help with compiling QT project?18:20
xangua!compile | zaxonspox18:20
ubottuzaxonspox: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:20
saganbytei mean should downloaded software go in /opt18:20
xanguasaganbyte: what do you want to install¿18:20
drew2121i'm having trouble with suspend/resume, i can get my laptop to suspend by using the SUSPEND_MODULES="xhci-hcd" but on resume i have no trackpoint, any ideas?18:20
soreauarcnewuss: You can download/install/extract the kernels sources from packages.ubuntu.com. Which version of ubuntu are you using?18:20
saganbytexangua, Komodo Edit18:20
BajK_ActionParsnip and arcnewuss: yep I definitly like wicd. but has it got a decent kde integration by now? SO does it work with the widget? or does ist still screw up kde's tray in 4.5/4.6?18:20
Batesanyone can help me with wifi problems?18:21
=== Dotoff is now known as Dotted
arcnewusssoreau: 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-2118:21
Batespleeeeeeeease  :)18:21
saganbytexangua, i knew the folder to install to but cant remember now :(18:21
soreauBates: Not unless you ask18:21
soreau! ask | Bates18:21
ubottuBates: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:21
BajK_ActionParsnip: with WEP it doesnt connect at all18:21
Batesook :)18:21
Dr_Willissaganbyte:  unofficial/weirs stuff.. in /opt/ is normal :)18:21
ActionParsnipBajK_: wicd is DE independant so will look the same on any DE18:21
ActionParsnipBajK_: ok (bit weird)18:21
Dr_Willissaganbyte:  'best' would be to just let the user keep it in their own home dir. if its for a single  user.18:22
BajK_and that's the bad thing about it^^18:22
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BajK_I want an integrated interface and nice usability, so networkmanager in kde definitly looks nice and has some good features18:22
saganbytexangua, ok, i think its opt/18:22
BajK_but NEtworkmanager is just a [swear here], it is so awful. Sometimes I think how anybody can really install this on a production environment^^18:22
saganbytexangua, ok, i think its opt/18:22
saganbytexangua, oops18:22
CalinouBajK_: me18:23
saganbyteDr_Willis, Ah... not sure of that.. there s only one user, me.. i think its /opt18:23
* Dr_Willis recalls the days befor we even had network-manager applications...18:23
ActionParsnipBajK_: there are options available as I said18:23
Dr_Willissaganbyte:  theres no real need to put it in /opt/ if you can put it in your /home/username/stuff dir..18:24
BajK_ActionParsnip: ?18:24
Bateswell...i installed ubuntu10.10 via windows and it works fine so far.but i have problem with my wifi.ubuntu finds my network(and other networks in range) im trying to connect to mine but after some seconds it says "disconected"(it never connects actualy) i can connect normaly to this network via windows18:24
Dr_Willissaganbyte:  what are you installing anyway>?18:24
saganbyteDr_Willis, komodo edit18:24
kvaifconfig and iwconfig could help :-)18:24
* ActionParsnip isn't THAT oldskool18:24
Dr_Willissaganbyte:  many apps can install either way.18:24
BajK_Calinou: so I doubt you have a smartphone with tethering capabilities or a network proxy that doesnt let you out or want to chose whether you want to go in via mobile, wifi or wired. so than NM is fine for you18:24
ActionParsnipBajK_: network manager isn't the only GUI solution to network management18:24
CalinouBajK_: on gnome.. there's no another think18:24
BajK_ActionParsnip: and I thought Linux finally arrived in 2011. I think I was wrong^^18:25
kvaterminal could help, Calinou18:25
Calinouwhy would NM be IN ubuntu...18:25
Calinouterminal sux for this kind of this18:25
Calinoui'm not a coder, lol18:25
BajK_indeed it does18:25
BajK_but networkmanager, well, it is not that good of a design18:25
Calinoui don't want to wrtie the SSID at each connection18:25
arcnewusssoreau: do i unpack the package with deb or just untar it in /usr/src18:25
Calinouthe only problem is that it asks to unlock "default"18:25
Calinou2 passwords18:25
Calinouone useless18:25
FloodBot1Calinou: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
BajK_Calinou: but I want to decide WHICH connection I want to use and not let networkmanger decide by random or hardcoded patterns18:25
drew2121problem solved =), nevermind18:25
Calinoui only have 1 wifi spot nearby :)18:26
ActionParsnipBajK_: no way, its been around for a long long time18:26
Gulfstreamhow do I start task manager?18:26
BajK_Calinou: eh, on KDE i created a second wallet called "WiFi" without password and said networkmanager to store its password there, so it automatically connets on startup18:26
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BajK_ActionParsnip: ?18:26
ActionParsnipBajK_: while you were probably looking forward to XP, I was installing Mandrake 7 :D18:26
soreauarcnewuss: Install the deb package (with dpkg -i or the gui utility) and then it will place a tarball in /usr/src (IIRC) so you can extract it there (with file-roller or tar -xf)18:26
ActionParsnipGulfstream: in which desktop?18:26
Bateswell...i installed ubuntu10.10 via windows and it works fine so far.but i have problem with my wifi.ubuntu finds my network(and other networks in range) im trying to connect to mine but after some seconds it says "disconected"(it never connects actualy) i can connect normaly to this network via windows18:26
arcnewusssoreau: perfect that is clear18:27
ActionParsnipBates: windows has different support so will act different18:27
BajK_ActionParsnip: the fact is: Networkmanager - at least its kde counterpart and I doubt it is any different on other platforms - doesnt let YOU decide which connection/device YOU want to use18:27
ActionParsnipBajK_: then use something else18:27
dj100500what brute use on *nix for brute md5 hash18:27
marcobiscaro2112!wifi | Bates18:27
ubottuBates: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:27
ejI would like to have a fail over server (DR), but at a completely different location18:28
dj100500what brute use on *nix for brute md5 hash18:28
jribBajK_: nm-connection-editor seems to allow that on gnome18:28
ejsomeone recommended that I use dyndns to redirect the domain to server2 if server1 goes down, is this correct?18:28
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: intrepid to jaunty and jaunty to karmic complete! great success!  doing karmic to lucid now, then hopefully lucid to maverick following the instructions at ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes ) and ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#Unsupported%20%28Obsolete%29%20Versions ) - so far so good... *crosses fingers again*18:30
=== maxpower is now known as Guest44667
jribdevios: by the way, why not just stay on lucid so you only need to upgrade every 2 years (hopping LTS -> LTS)18:30
BajK_jrib and ActionParsnip: you know, how to make networkmanager NOT use the wired connection? well, PLUG OUT the cable and that can't be the solution18:30
jribBajK_: I would uncheck "connect automatically" I suppose18:31
deviosjrib: that clearly makes way too much sense for my dumb ass...18:31
BajK_jrib: and where? there is no such option by default18:31
BajK_I would need to set up a manual wired connection18:31
BajK_and stil the "default" connection would stay18:31
jribBajK_: in the program I mentioned: nm-connection-editor.  I don't use kde though18:32
BajK_hm, I think kde has a similar counterpart, but I'll have a look at that18:32
erUSULBajK_: if you define the wired iface  in /etc/network/interfaces then NM will ignore it18:32
BajK_yeah, right, i will dig in config files.18:32
BajK_and what when I want to have it re-enabled?18:32
BajK_I need to undo the option?18:33
BajK_what is the purpose of listing all connections and have a DISCONNECT button if nm give a sh.. about this button :O18:33
dj100500than brute hashes under * nix18:33
dj100500help please18:33
GeekMani got a question i figure a good many of you use gmail whats the best way to set up my gmail so i can check it with evolution18:34
erUSULdj100500: rephrase the question; what are you trying to do?18:34
jribGeekMan: use imap18:34
erUSULGeekMan: ^18:34
xanguaGeekMan: imap18:34
soreauGeekMan: What do you mean the best way? Just use evolution setup gui wizard18:34
soreauI don't like mail clients anyway18:35
kpettithow do I get rid of the "beep" noise on ubuntu desktop when press "tab" key.  On the cli I use tab completion alot and it's freaking anoying to here that beep everytime I press tab18:36
erUSULkpettit: check gnome-terminal preferences18:36
=== Craig_Dem_ is now known as Craig_Dem
kpettiterUSUL, thanks!18:37
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: i actually have an edgy system that im gonna try to update all the way up too... lol18:37
ActionParsnipdj100500: you have been spamming the channel with the same question with no joy. Try outlining what you are trying to achieve and it may be clearer18:37
kpettitis there a way to globally turn off system sounds so I don't have to worry about it in other apps?18:37
aeon-ltdquickfire! whats the client in this image http://filer.crshd.cc/screenshots/2011-01-22_18-37.png ?18:37
RandBrittainI used to have Ubuntu and Windows 7 dual-booting from separate hard disks. But recently, for no reason I'm aware of, Windows 7 is no longer in GRUB's list of boot choices and update-grub2 doesn't find it. What should I do?18:37
=== Worldspice_Will is now known as ZenAdm1n
casahey me podrian ayudar con mi xubuntu?18:38
ActionParsnipkpettit: in the sounds, set the sound scheme to none, however sound apps and the like will make sounds, to kill those simply mute the volume as you expect18:38
jribdevios: you can try e -> f -> g -> h -> l  (you're on the worst releases, the ones right after LTS :P)18:38
soreau! es | casa18:38
ubottucasa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:38
casacan you help me with xubuntu18:38
kpettitActionParsnip, Close enough.  Thanks.18:38
soreauor is it itallian :P18:38
eXpL0dso Ubuntu is basically Debian kernel+ Gnome DE right?18:38
soreaucasa: Not unless you ask18:39
kpettitRandBrittain, You can manually edit the grub config if you know the disk info.18:39
soreau! ask | casa18:39
ubottucasa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:39
aeon-ltdeXpL0d: yes, with extensive docs aswell18:39
xanguaeXpL0d: what do you mean by debian kernel¿¿ :S18:39
kpettitI'd look for examples and go from there.  If it doesn't work you can go back and try again18:39
RandBrittainkpettit: I suppose that's true!18:39
RandBrittainNot sure what caused it to suddenly disappear when it was working fine.18:39
kpettitRandBrittain, sucks the GUI isn't working for you.  But at least you can CLI things for now18:40
arcnewussmy code compiled with sudo su ; make; make install but make; sudo make install dont work18:40
=== YeTr2_ is now known as YeTr2
PurplePeterarcnewuss: Is that a valid chronology? If you can make as root the first time, there could be files left over that make the second time wasn't able to read/modify.18:41
PurplePeterarcnewuss: I suspect, however, that the chronology you meant was: "I tried make; sudo make install, but that failed, so then I ran the whole thing as root.".18:42
ActionParsniparcnewuss: you should compile as user18:42
PurplePeterarcnewuss: If that's what you meant, then we need to know what you were compiling to help.18:42
ActionParsniparcnewuss: use: sudo -i  to gain a root terminal too18:42
arcnewussPurplePeter: yes thanks18:42
erUSULarcnewuss: you only use sudo with make install ...18:44
arcnewussPurplePeter: you explained what I meant better than I18:44
harshn_My HP Notebook is burning ... Help !!!18:44
PurplePeterarcnewuss: I unfortunately have to go catch a bus. Hopefully, you can get someone else here to help you with your specific compilation problem.18:44
* soreau hands harshn_ a fire extinguisher18:44
arcnewusserUSUL: that does not work18:44
ActionParsnipharshn_: what model is it?18:46
aeon-ltdharshn_: if it was it would have kernel panicked and shutdown, or the psu would just give18:46
harshn_HP G42 355 TU18:46
harshn_running 10.1018:46
harshn_cpu temp goes more than 85 degree C sometimes18:46
killownhow to do to change the ubuntu boot splash?18:47
ActionParsnipharshn_: do you have the latest BIOS?18:47
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.18:47
bonjoyeeharshn_: where are you reading the temps?18:48
aeon-ltdkillown: see above18:48
ActionParsnipkillown: there are plymouth themes in the repo18:48
killownaeon-ltd, thanks18:48
harshn_lol.. !! I am here18:48
arcnewusssoreau: thanks a lot the manufacturer driver works fine now that I got the linux-source18:48
killownActionParsnip, I am using the nvidia driver, so i think the plymouth will not works18:48
harshn_just noticed that I dont see any process using higher cpu18:48
harshn_xorg is max right now around 1 % or so18:49
killownaeon-ltd I was talking about boot splash and not gnome splash18:49
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soreauarcnewuss: That's great news! :)18:49
bonjoyeekillown: you need to install plymouth themes..18:50
bonjoyee!plymouth | killown18:50
ubottukillown: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »18:50
soreauarcnewuss: Now that you have the internet, I would recommend going to sys>prefs>main menu and enabling Software Sources in the Administration menu then in the real menu, go to sys>admin>software sources and get rid of cdrom and enable all the official repos then let it update18:50
ActionParsnipkillown: you can make it use the fb driver for the duration of the boot so plymouth shows18:50
killownbonjoyee works with nvidia driver?18:50
soreauwhy the hell they disabled 'software sources' by default is beyond me18:50
bonjoyeekillown: thats a different issue..what version of ubuntu?18:50
ActionParsnipkillown: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/18:50
arcnewusssoreau: of course, should I risk an upgrade as in apt-get upgrade18:51
bonjoyeekillown: does the current theme work?18:51
killownActionParsnip, bonjoyee thank you18:51
=== harshn_ is now known as kyafarthai
soreauarcnewuss: All's you want is to get rid of the cdrom 'repo' and add the official repos then do 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'18:51
killownbonjoyee, i installed kubuntu-desktop but after purge that it still keep the kubuntu boot splash18:51
Pici!plymouth | killown18:52
ubottukillown: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »18:52
xangua!puregnome | killown18:52
ubottukillown: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome18:52
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
bonjoyeekillown: you need to reset the plymouth theme...check above18:52
arcnewusssoreau: does dist-upgrade affect the install of the network card driver18:53
killownsudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop18:53
killownoutdated tutorial18:53
killownthere is no aptitude18:53
marcobiscaro2112killown: use apt-get18:53
soreauarcnewuss: Any kernel update/upgrade could be cause to rebuild/reinstall the driver. Hopefully this driver will be in a linux kernel coming soon (so it'll justwork and you wont have to mess with it)18:54
soreauarcnewuss: Since you built the driver *against* the kernel, you may need to reinstall it after any kernel change18:54
arcnewusssoreau: thanks is good to know18:55
kyafarthaicam MacOS be installed inside the virtual machine? Ubuntu being the host !18:55
antivirtelHi! How can I update to ubuntu-10.04.2, I have 10.04.1, but there are no upgrades... that is requirement of an anwser: http://askubuntu.com/questions/23116/randomly-displayed-flashing-lines-no-response-to-all-shrotcuts-just-power-off/23145#2314518:55
=== PotterSys is now known as Guest62635
soreauarcnewuss: Glad you got it working. Now fix your repos and update to the latest, then reboot into the new kernel and make sure the driver is working (you probably will have to rebuild it every kernel update until it's included with the kernel by default)18:56
kyafarthaiCan MacOS  be installed inside the virtual machine?? Ubuntu  being the host...!!!18:56
erUSULkyafarthai: not leagaly18:57
AgentCarmichaelDoes anyone here have experience with gparted conerning windows7?18:57
kyafarthaiI have a legal copy of Mac18:57
pradeepAgentCarmichael, meaning what???18:57
kyafarthaifrom my friend18:57
marcobiscaro2112antivirtel: the release 10.04.2 is just a cd with all updates applyied, if you install ubuntu 10.04 and upgrade it, you already have the same packages of 10.04.218:57
AgentCarmichaelIf I resize a partition (split in two) using gparted, will my windows 7 system still boot then?18:57
mbeierlkyafarthai: http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Vmware18:57
aeon-ltdkyafarthai: its not legal if they used it, although apple doesn't use serials its against policy to use on more than one machine18:58
j0nnymoekyafarthai: think you will find thats not legal18:58
marcobiscaro2112kyafarthai: if it's of your friend, it's not yours :)18:58
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pradeepAgentCarmichael, i dont think so man18:58
AgentCarmichaelYou don't think so, how come?18:58
bonjoyeeAgentCarmichael: if you mean resizing the windows..and then creating a new partition..its perfectly doable..18:59
antivirtelmarcobiscaro2112 I've just upgraded, but it still displays 10.04.1 when I choose a tty, is it correct?18:59
pradeepit might affect the bootloader18:59
AgentCarmichaelRight, because I have messed up a previous install trying to partition.18:59
bonjoyeeAgentCarmichael: just need to be extra careful..18:59
AgentCarmichaelAnd what is extra careful?19:00
marcobiscaro2112antivirtel: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/19:00
marcobiscaro2112antivirtel: the latest stable release of lucid is 10.04.1 (and not yet 10.04.2)19:00
antivirteloh marcobiscaro2112, the anwserer did a mistake, thanks :)19:01
bonjoyeeAgentCarmichael: the first part has to be windows...also backup all important files19:01
nerdinneedhi, i ran jockey to get a wireless driver for me, but now i have the choice between two of them. one states "fwcutter is a tool which can extract firmware from various source files.It's written for BCM43xx driver files." and the other is described with "These package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driverfor use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, andBCM4322-based hardware." is there any experience/preference or sugget19:01
AgentCarmichaelAnd then of course the unpredictable happens... my backup image is corrupt and irreperable.19:01
zaxonspoxdid anyone played around OMNET++ or INETMANET ?19:01
jribnerdinneed: I use STA19:02
soreau! broadcom | nerdinneed19:02
ubottunerdinneed: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:02
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AgentCarmichaelI'll look into it.19:02
nerdinneedsoreau: thank you for the link :D19:02
soreauI will be glad when broadcom finally allows an open driver19:02
nerdinneedjrib: did you base your decision on any knowledge or did you just randomly picked this one (btw. do you know what STA stands for)?19:03
pangaeasudo apt-get upgrade19:03
pangaeaoops wrong window19:03
dfenzanybody know how to get flash video to work after xubuntu upgrade19:04
soreau"No upgrades available for #ubuntu at this time."19:04
soreaudfenz: Install flashplugin-nonfree?19:04
soreaudfenz: Or try reinstalling it19:04
ActionParsnipsoreau: just buy products with chips supporting open drivers :)19:04
jondothi all, what are the option to manage Server through a GUI?19:05
marcobiscaro2112!flash | dfenz19:05
ubottudfenz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:05
ActionParsnipdfenz: remove all flash plugins and then reinstall flashplugin-nonfree only19:05
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soreauActionParsnip: I do. But I come across a helluva lot of those little broadcom chips (especially in this channel)19:05
dfenzthanks to all19:05
kyafarthaisuggest any utility like IDM in windows which will give an option to download videos from sites like utube19:05
dfenzanybody got a fix on a command that removes all flashplugins?19:05
armenceHello all. Is there any way to see if another user is currently logged in?19:06
kyafarthaii dont want want to use firefox plugins19:06
marcobiscaro2112armence: run 'who' at terminal19:06
genii-aroundjondot: ebox is the recommended option19:06
jondotgenii-around, thanks19:06
micahghow does one disable notify-osd temporarily?19:06
armencemarcobiscaro2112: Thanks19:07
aeon-ltdkyafarthai: heh if its embedded you can use wget (its cli btw), or use view source in firefox and save as19:07
nerdinneedIt would be interesting, if provinding open drivers would increase the sellings of their chips. that would be the only argument for those making the decisions...19:07
kyafarthaithanks aeon-ltd19:07
jondotgenii-around, zentyal?19:07
luneth95I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 to an external hard drive and I seem to be running into problems. is there any way I can installl ubuntu 10.10 to an external hard drive without partitionig?19:08
soreaunerdinneed: It is no longer moot. The linux community probably purchases more hardware than users of other OS19:08
azzorcistAnybody tried latest Pardus?19:09
john38Anybody here use Skype19:09
kyafarthaiI do19:09
soreauluneth95: Why would you not want to partition? That is a step in the installation process19:09
john38kyafarthai, do you use it with pulseaudio19:09
luneth95I tried but then I had problemz with it19:09
soreau! anybody | john38 and azzorcist19:10
ubottujohn38 and azzorcist: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:10
luneth95I did the partion thingy right but then when I booted up I got a gnome recovery19:10
brontoeeehow do i make sheduler appear in sbackup? http://imagebin.org/13436619:10
ks07Is it possible to enable password-less ssh for one account only?19:10
soreauCan't you do that with a pubkey?19:11
john38kyafarthai, when you configure sound device do you choose sound card microphone or pulseaudio19:11
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ks07thats what Im asking ;P19:11
luneth95and wubi doesnt work on external hard drives19:11
soreau! ssh | ks0719:11
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ubottuks07: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:11
=== astra05 is now known as astra-x
genii-aroundjondot: I am back and forth to my computer, so there may be periods of long lag19:12
azzorcistubottu: Does anybody tried the latest Pardus 2011? I'm having problem with my USB mobile modem in it.19:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:12
jondotgenii-around, sorry. i was wondering if zentyal is now the new ebox and if people commonly use it. i want to set up a home server that i can also develop and deploy to as tests.19:12
ks07but still, the question remains - can I enable that without it affecting other logins?19:13
kyafarthaiJOHN..it by default pulseaudio in my case, cant even change them in skype...19:13
azzorcistubottu: err19:13
nerdinneedsoreau:  jrib thank you both for you help. investigations  seems to enforce the use uf the STA driver due to its superior performance over b43.19:13
john38kyafarthai, yeah i know what kind of webcam do you use19:13
soreaunerdinneed: np19:13
marcobiscaro2112!sound | kyafarthai19:14
ubottukyafarthai: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:14
azzorcist Does anybody tried the latest Pardus 2011? I'm having problem with my USB mobile modem in it.19:14
genii-aroundjondot: They are different software, also for different kinds of puropse.19:14
kyafarthaiJohn | ?19:14
magellanSomeone still using csh here19:14
azzorcistThe same problem happen with Lucid's NetworkManager19:15
BajK_does anybody know if there is a good customer managing program? so where you can add customers, add appointmens, scan bills and faxes, print bills, etc? doesnt need to be for free but well is there any?19:15
john38kyafarthai, when i attempted video chat i lose microphone functionality19:15
jetscreamerBajK_: yes there is i don't remember names19:15
jetscreamercrm is the term19:16
jetscreameror so19:16
whyameyehow can I determine the native sampling  rate(s) of my sound card? I know its max is 48K but I am wondering if 44.1K is natively supported or there is resampling happening on some level...19:16
jetscreamerapt-cache search crm maybe19:16
magellanhow to perform addition and subtraction which value of variable is numbers in  csh not bash?19:16
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kyafarthaiJohn |  ohh I see.. did you check Video Devices in the OPTIONS in SKYPE???19:16
BajK_jetscreamer: crm114 - versatile classifier for e-amil and other data19:17
nerdinneedahhhh, so nice... jsut found out about irssi's ignore function :D makes stuff a lot better to read ;)19:17
kyafarthaiJohn ||I mean even AUDIO DEVICES19:17
john38kyafarthai, everything works fine when i check in options video device, sound devices, only when i start a chat everything goes haywire19:17
jetscreamerBajK_: try apt-cache search sugarcrm maybe19:17
kyafarthaiJOHN | just try sudo killall pulseaudio19:18
nabukadnezar43i had a question regarding security19:18
BajK_thx jetscreamer ill have a look at it19:18
nabukadnezar43when i visited a site on windows, nod32 warned of a virus in a .jar form19:18
nabukadnezar43is it possible to be affected by that virus on linux?19:18
jetscreamerBajK_: http://www.sugarforge.org/content/open-source/19:18
brontoeeehow do i make scheduler appear in simple backup? http://imagebin.org/13436619:18
jetscreamerBajK_: there are 50 billion others iirc19:19
john38kyafarthai, i disabled pulseaudio uninstall now just using alsa im able to select my webcam and sound card from options19:19
john38kyafarthai, in Skype19:19
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: if it is a multiplatform virus, yes19:19
john38kyafarthai, just have to test it19:19
nabukadnezar43how can it automatically run when visiting a site19:19
nabukadnezar43i didnt even click anything19:19
nabukadnezar43it just downloaded automatically19:20
aeon-ltdnabukadnezar43: scripts.19:20
BajK_jetscreamer: okay but well I dont wanna have a web application, I can program one myself and I doubt there is any that integrates to kde's plasma desktop and usesw digets and remote notifications and whatever19:20
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: some time ago a java virus infected some linux, windows and mac systems (but on linux and mac it was not persistent: after a reboot, the computer was clean again)19:20
nabukadnezar43what cautions can i take on ubuntu then?19:20
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: do not run applets or java programs (actually, any programs) that you do not trust19:21
nabukadnezar43i dont install av normally on linux19:21
aeon-ltdnabukadnezar43: firewall, train yourself to avoid sites like those19:21
john38Anybody know if you can use skype on linux to skype on windows??19:21
aeon-ltdjohn38: yes, it should work19:21
sageb1ok that split was s.l.o.w.19:21
nabukadnezar43marco as i said i didnt run any applets, it started itself automatically19:22
gordonjcpjohn38: yes, of course19:22
sageb1jscript is firefox's weak point like activex  for IE19:22
pradeepjohn38, yes it works well19:23
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: well, the program was runned by someone, sometime19:25
armenceIs there a good ddns -server- that runs on Ubuntu? I have several machines at home and would like to give them names since it's a pain to nmap then try to ssh every time I want to login to one of the machines19:25
sageb1a .jar that holds a trojan may affect a Linux machine as long as the java machine is running.19:25
armenceI have an Ubuntu server on which I would like to run that...19:25
wthpr0armence: bind919:25
nabukadnezar43so you say i had an applet running when i visited that particular site?19:26
mbeierlarmence: you're talking about dns for your own network?  Try dnsmasq (available in the repos)  It's a DHCP server with DNS for private networks19:26
nabukadnezar43that's possible because i was playing a java based poker on a site19:27
nabukadnezar43a trusted site19:27
sageb1nabukadnezar43: does what i explained about a .jar and java explain how a .jar can affect Linux help?19:27
sageb1a .jar could run a hidden applet in Linux, perhaps19:28
sageb1did u track down the .jar file?19:28
nabukadnezar43so if i have jre installed i cannot do anything about it?19:29
nabukadnezar43no i did not19:29
sageb1do u have an antivirus package to find said trojan in your windows partition?19:29
sageb1i.e. avast, avira etc19:30
nabukadnezar43yes nod32 reported it to me and quarantined it19:30
nabukadnezar43but i deleted it from nod3219:30
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: which virus was reported by nod32?19:30
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: do you remember the name?19:30
sageb1also the anti-malware from Microsoft19:30
nabukadnezar43no i cant it was something with .jar extension19:30
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: but the antivirus has a codename for each virus detected, I want to know this19:31
nabukadnezar43sorry i wish i didnt delete it19:31
sageb1ok, do u have clamav and its associated packages installed on your Ubuntu partition?19:31
john38Does is it matter if you use HDTV sound instead of desktop speakers when using Skype??19:31
Phong_hey guys, seriously, i have an interview like 3 weeks ago, i call and that person didn't pickup, is that a negative? should i call back and find out?19:32
sageb1john38: are you porting sound through your HDTV system?19:32
nabukadnezar43no i dont use av on ubuntu19:32
krgerDon't just call back.19:32
Phong_why ?19:32
krgerShow up again and follow the guy out to his car.19:32
Phong_dont you really need to know why?19:32
john38sageb1, yeah from line in on computer to TV19:32
krgerPeople really like that.19:32
Phong_oh shoot19:32
sageb1hm... nabukadnezqr42: and u didn't go to the poker site using Firefox on ubuntu??19:33
justin__what is the keyboard shortcut for minimizing a window?19:33
sageb1john38: does HDTV sound work now?19:33
nabukadnezar43that site was yahoo19:33
nabukadnezar43it was another site affected me19:33
nabukadnezar43but my point there was that an applet was already running for poker19:34
sageb1nabukadnezar, ok.  have u gone to the site in Ubuntu?19:34
john38sageb1, when i was on Skype i couldnt hear or use microphone i just wanted to narrow down if using HDTV or desktop speakers matter when video chatting19:34
nabukadnezar43sageb1: no i did not19:34
needlezarcnewuss: you still here sorry had to leave for a bit, im back19:34
Phong_why do you think the employer didn't call you back after the interview?19:34
Phong_or answring your calls????/19:35
sageb1it appears that your Ubuntu thinks it matters, john.19:35
marcobiscaro2112!offtopic | Phong_19:35
Phong_at least they call just said, u're not qualify19:35
ubottuPhong_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:35
Phong_ohh sorry man19:35
sageb1nabukadnezar, good. otherwise you'd need clamav &c :,)19:35
nabukadnezar43but how would i know if i didnt have an av on ubuntu19:35
nabukadnezar43guess i need an av on ubuntu too19:36
nabukadnezar43sageb1: so you recommend clamav?19:36
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: if you have caution, you don't19:36
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: but if you want a av, yes, I recommend clamav19:36
nabukadnezar43what do you mean by caution?19:37
nabukadnezar43you cant know all the sites on the web19:37
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: yep, but do not run untrusted programs (or java applets) and keep your system up to date19:38
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marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: i mean this by caution19:38
dortmouthhello everyone19:38
needleznabukadnezar43: I think he means only run code from trusted ppl or something along those lines. I don't have an AV on ubuntu at all, but I dont run programs / scripts unless theyre trusted or unless I helped write them19:38
needlezdortmouth: hey19:38
sageb1caution == fear and awe that trojans pwn without me doing more than surfing to unsafe websites. :p19:38
nabukadnezar43needlez: you have javascript option off on firefox?19:39
sageb1but me not going to said websites19:39
dortmouthhell needler19:39
needleznabukadnezar43: no why??19:39
nabukadnezar43because it was automatically activated by a script19:39
nabukadnezar43i did not run any programs or applets19:39
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: so, you have no virus on ubuntu19:40
sageb1nabukadnezar, that's safer than clamav but unwieldy on java sites for important productivity. :p19:40
nabukadnezar43no i dont marco19:40
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: so? I've missed the point19:40
nabukadnezar43i was curious what would happen if i was on ubuntu at that time19:41
sageb1nabuk, you had a script run on linux with java turned off? how about javascript off, which makes most websites had to use?19:41
nabukadnezar43because it was a java based virus19:41
marcobiscaro2112nabukadnezar43: if you don't run any applet or any program, nothing19:41
sageb1if using ubuntu, you don't surf to said site19:41
kanuusspls help me ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/558237/19:41
sageb1nabuk, only if it got into your mbr: you did run anti rootkit?19:42
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nabukadnezar43no sageb1, nod32 blocked it19:42
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nabukadnezar43so i'm not affected (i hope)19:43
sageb1avira and avast has anti rootkit. there is also a linux based anti rootkit for another antivirus company. i'll check my flash drive for the name...19:43
sageb1*searches through drawer for said drive*19:44
kanuusspls help me ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/558237/19:44
smiley2hey guys,is there any app in the software manager that will allow me to block websits useing the host file?19:44
matrixfoxanyone know a good tv tuner app?19:45
rumpe1smiley2, any editor can do that19:45
sageb1nabuk, if an applet ran on ubuntu, and you didn't make it do it, it might not be due to a window trojan19:45
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kanuusspls help me ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/558237/19:46
jtannenbaumsmiley2: sudo gedit /etc/hosts19:46
smiley2i know that,but in linux mint,there is a app called Mint Nanny....19:46
dzjitaruAny wifi software as an alternative for NetworkManager ?19:46
cal_ran a trace on all these X server crashes I am getting once updating to 10.10 (which takes me back to teh login screen) its failing in record/record.c ..?19:46
Jordan_U!gksudo | jtannenbaum smiley219:46
ubottujtannenbaum smiley2: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:46
sageb1the three anti rootkits i know of are: avirarkd   PAVARK and the drweblivecd which is linux-based19:46
kanuusspls help me ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/558237/19:47
jtannenbaumJordan_U: Been using Ubuntu for years and I did not know that19:47
soreaudzjitaru: iwconfig/wpa_supplicant19:47
soreaujtannenbaum: gksu also works19:47
nabukadnezar43ok sageb1 i'll use some av on ubuntu as well just to be sure i'm sage19:47
sageb1gksu gedit works for me19:48
kanuusspls help me ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/558237/19:48
sageb1nabuk, the ones i mentioned19:48
soreaukancerman: You have unofficial repos installed (which are not supported here). Get rid of the unofficial repos19:48
sageb1nabuk, specifically avirarkd   PAVARK and the drweblivecd19:49
nabukadnezar43ok i'll take a note of those19:49
soreauGod damn this channel19:49
soreaukanuuss: You have unofficial repos installed (which are not supported here). Get rid of the unofficial repos19:49
sageb1google is your friend, nabuk; all i am is its user19:49
smiley2well im a newbe to linux19:49
nabukadnezar43haha thanks19:49
kanuusshow can i install linaro-image-tools?19:49
nabukadnezar43sudo dpkg -P linaro-image-tools19:50
sageb1:o ma dieu?19:50
soreau!info naro-image-tools19:50
ubottuPackage naro-image-tools does not exist in maverick19:50
ohzieNautilus lost all of my ftp/sftp bookmarked locations last time I rebooted. Does anyone have any suggestions for where they might be stored? :319:50
soreau!info linaro-image-tools19:50
ubottulinaro-image-tools (source: linaro-image-tools): collection of tools to work with Linaro images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3 (maverick), package size 11 kB, installed size 68 kB19:50
kanuussi just followed the link19:50
ohzieand, if possible, if they're restore-able19:50
soreaukanuuss: Enable universe repo and apt-get install linaro-image-tools19:51
soreaukanuuss: And get rid of those ppa's before they break your system19:51
azzorcistdzjitaru: wicd, connman19:51
kanuuss1 min19:51
sageb1was there a question re: keyboard shortcut for window minimizing unanswered?19:51
sageb1If so, Alt-F9 in GNOME works.19:52
soreausaganbyte: You mean 'while using metacity'19:52
tsimpsonsageb1: they left19:52
soreaugnome is a DE, metacity and compiz are WM's (responsible for window manipulating shortcuts)19:53
kanuussi have enabled the universal repo..but i can't able to install linaro image tools19:53
smiley2oh well i guess i will boot back into linux mint...19:53
soreaukanuuss: That's probably because you have those ppa's still enables19:53
mbeierlsoreau: alt-f9 works in compiz too - so not just metacity...19:53
kanuussi want to install this many things sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools uboot-mkimage uuid-runtime realpath19:53
soreaumbeierl: That's just a coincidence. That binding can be changed19:54
mbeierlsoreau: ok19:54
deviosjrib: TheFuzzball: ActionParsnip: GanjaReefer: intrepid to jaunty, jaunty to karmic, and karmic to lucid done and working!  ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes ) and ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#Unsupported%20%28Obsolete%29%20Versions ) - thank you so much!19:54
beeriosnick avenge19:54
=== beerios is now known as avenge
kanuussno i have removed all ppa entries from there19:54
kanuussplease help19:54
soreaukanuuss: Run apt-get update19:54
solifugusHow can I find out where apt-get installed qt4-demos?19:55
solifugusapt-cache showpkg doesn't seem to show where the files were put..19:55
soreaukanuuss: Or better yet, pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools19:55
smiley2where are the wallpapers at in ubuntu ?19:55
kanuussya done..now it is ok..no errors.but wen i done sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools fails19:55
mbeierlsolifugus: dpkg -L  qt4-demos19:55
dfcnvtCan someone tell me which command do I use for changing my information such as my first and last name for username account? I looked up for the options in usermod & usergroup. I don't know if this is the right command for information to be changed.19:55
sageb1ctrl-alt-D appears to minimize ALL windows19:55
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djkanyone use mediaplayerconnectivity addon in firefox?19:56
soreausmiley2: /usr/share/backgrounds19:56
soreaukanuuss: Pastebin the output to ubuntu.pastebin.com19:56
dzjitaruazzorcist, & soreau thanks :)19:57
soreaukanuuss: Pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools'19:57
sageb1solifugus: in a terminal window, command is: sudo locate [name of your package]|grep deb19:57
JWayhow can I setup a ssh tunnel so whenever I connect to a ftp in filezilla, it actually is my proxy server connecting to it?19:57
khem_Is there any good mailserver that doesnt require SUID binarys to send / recv mail?19:57
soreausaganbyte: You don't need sudo to use locate19:57
kanuussthis is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/558245/19:57
solifugussageb1: except locate doesn't work until updatedb has run..19:57
solifuguscan't use it right after at apt-get install19:57
soreausageb1: You don't need sudo to use locate, only updatedb19:58
sageb1or, using the X, in nautilus, Go => Search for file and entering name of deb package19:58
soreau! who | kanuuss19:58
ubottukanuuss: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:58
sageb1soreau, Ubuntu Linux is set to use sudo now, for my installation anyway19:58
sageb1it's been like that since i upgraded to Lucid19:58
sageb1before Lucid, you are correct19:59
dfcnvtAm I on the right track? Does usermod command modify the information for user? I want to add my phone number, email and such for username.19:59
sjuxaxI have a cronjob that exits with status 30 and doesn't really do anything when run by cron. However, when I run the same command from the shell, there is no bad exit and teh job completes.19:59
kanuuss>ubottu> ok19:59
soreausageb1: What do you mean 'locate is set to use sudo'? If you're using the latest official ubuntu release, that menas you have permission issues because you've used sudo where you shouldn't have19:59
sjuxaxAny ideas on what needs to be fixed? It's just a single command to invoke a program.19:59
kanuuss    111111111111111111111111111119:59
kanuusssorry ..19:59
smiley2it wont let me delete the wallpaper...19:59
chikaвсем большой привет20:00
vikasQUESTION: I have just installed LAMP stack packages for joomla through terminal in ubuntu  8.04 as tasksel doesn't support... but now I want to add joomla to apache2, How can I do so?20:00
soreau! ru | chika20:01
ubottuchika: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:01
kanuuss@soreau > http://paste.ubuntu.com/558247/20:01
amh345is there a functioning apache chan?20:01
soreaukanuuss: You need to enable universe repo. 1) Go to sys>prefs>main menu>administration and enable software sources 2) Go to sys>admin>Software Sources and make sure universe is enabled in the first tab under 'downloadable from internet'20:01
chikaкак моя кодировка?20:02
sageb1soreau, it's set up in lucid like that20:02
smiley2why wont ubuntu let me delete wallpaper ?20:02
soreaukanuuss: 3) Let it update then close software sources and try 'sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools'20:02
sageb1that is the way the permissions were set for my installation20:02
lulzI know that 9.10 may not be supported, but I have blank screen with sound, and I just can't fix it.20:02
soreausmiley2: Why do you want to delete wallpaper?20:02
lulzAny help would be greatly appreciated20:02
soreausmiley2: Just set a new image and leave the default wallpapers where they are20:02
smiley2because i have my own wallpaper20:03
soreaululz: Pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to ubuntu.pastebin.com20:03
soreausmiley2: Right click on your desktop and select Change Background then add your background image there20:03
vikasQUESTION: I have just installed LAMP stack packages for joomla through terminal in ubuntu  8.04 as tasksel doesn't support... but now I want to add joomla to apache2, How can I do so?20:03
soreausmiley2: There is no reason to delete any of the default wallpapers to set your own20:04
marcobiscaro2112vikas: extract the joomla package to /var/www folder20:04
lulzsoreau, i am trying to boot it from the USB stick, CD comes out with input/output errors, I figured bad CD.20:04
chikaвсем большой приет20:04
kanuuss@soureau> all of them all enabled20:04
marcobiscaro2112!ru | chick20:04
ubottuchick: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:04
soreau! ru | chika20:04
ubottuchika: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:04
lulzit is 32bit desktop20:04
sageb1solifugus, did you find your package you installed? you can also search for the binary if one was installed with: sudo locate bin/[name of known binary command]20:05
soreaukanuuss: Which version of ubuntu are you using?20:05
arcnewussneedlez: thanks all working now20:05
kanuussubuntiu 9.1020:05
soreaukanuuss: Why?20:05
arcnewussneedlez: it was a compiling problem with the manufacturers card20:06
kanuussno specific reason20:06
soreaukanuuss: Why are you not using ubuntu 10.10? The package you want is in the default repos (for the latest official ubuntu release)20:06
solifugussageb1: The "dpkg -L  qt4-demos" nethod worked.  But you should know that the locate command searches a pre-cached database of your filesystem.  It won20:06
solifugusfind files right after being installed..20:06
sageb1!solifugus: tho this command will show you where  dpkg placed everything:  less $(sudo locate [package name].list|cut -d " " -f 1)20:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
kanuuss@soureau>how can i update from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.10 directly?20:06
solifugussageb1: ah yes.. ok.........interesting20:07
marcobiscaro2112kanuuss: you can not20:07
sageb1solifugus: thanks.20:07
pradeepkanuuss, do  fresh installation20:07
soreaukanuuss: You can't. You have to upgrade to 10.04 and then 10.1020:07
kanuussok how?20:07
kanuussam a newbie20:07
pradeepkanuuss, like i said just do a fresh installation20:08
sageb1solifugus: thanks, that saved my fingers20:08
BGM_Hi guys, so I discovered this awesome command called du; it tells me how much space stuff is taking on disk!20:08
sageb1hi BGM_, got a question?20:08
kanuussno man..that will destroy all my cross tool chain installation20:08
van7huhow hi all,has anyone used Elinks, can I change the background of web to black ?20:08
soreaukanuuss: I would also recommend a fresh clean installation to avoid potential upgrade problems (and the time it would take to upgrade020:08
solifugussageb1: thank you for trying to help...  I'm coding now.. so I'm good.20:08
BGM_I'm wondering how to use it efficiently; like, I know there's a way to get stuff in order20:08
sageb1BGM_, have u tried du -a and wondered why you can't find the file you want? :')20:09
pradeepnext time when do you a fresh installation try to make your /home partition different from /20:09
soreaukanuuss: linaro-image-tools is only available in 10.10 and later versions of ubuntu20:09
kanuuss@soreau> sorry: i can't able to do a clean installation..20:09
kanuussall my repos are in my 9.1020:09
kanuusspls help me20:09
sageb1BGM_, less helps with a pipe (|)20:09
soreaukanuuss: Help with what?20:09
BGM_sageb1: I just typed du and it spilled out a whole lot of stuff20:10
soreaukanuuss: You either upgrade or figure it out yourself20:10
sageb1gee, i can't do that20:10
kanuussi want instal this many things in my 9.10 ..sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools uboot-mkimage uuid-runtime realpath20:10
BGM_sageb1: like this? du | less20:10
soreauBGM_: What are you trying to do?20:10
sageb1BGM_, try suffixing it with  | less to make it page20:10
soreaukanuuss: Upgrade to 10.10. That is the solution.20:10
BGM_soreau: ultimately, delete stuff (cuz I'm over my quota)20:10
sageb1!BGM_ i.e.  du -a | less20:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
kanuusshow..can you give me the steps and timing details?20:11
BGM_sageb1: that's not helpful because I want it to be in order20:11
soreauBGM_: Ah well if it's of any help. du -hs /directory can tell you the size of that directory20:11
marcobiscaro2112kanuuss: go to system-> admin-> update manager20:11
pradeepkanuuss, you beginning to get everyone confused it is so simple upgrade or do a fresh installatiion period20:11
sageb1BGM_, r u looking for files to purge? start by compressing your video files :)20:12
soreaukanuuss: Try 'gksu update-manager'20:12
marcobiscaro2112kanuuss: apply all updates20:12
marcobiscaro2112kanuuss: then update your system to 10.0420:12
schnuffleBGM_: du | sort -n | less20:12
BGM_sageb1: naaaaah, I don't have any videos, this is my account at my college and it's not very big20:12
marcobiscaro2112kanuuss: do the same thing to upgrade to 10.1020:12
soreaukanuuss: After you get to 10.04, repeat the process to get to 10.1020:12
kanuussok ok20:12
sageb1BGM_, you need: du -a | sort|less20:12
kanuusswat abt the time ?20:13
BGM_but I think that they do something like the trash gets counted even when you emptied it which is stupid20:13
marcobiscaro2112!update | kanuuss20:13
ubottukanuuss: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:13
anirvanahi, I am getting this error: "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'zlib1g'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. "20:13
anirvanahow do I fix it? Please help20:13
sageb1BGM_, r u only in a text terminal, rather than shelling into the console from your desktop?20:13
kanuussok ..how much time it will take to upgrade frm 9.10 to 10.04?20:14
Kindari|workSimply as far as drivers go, for both mainboards and video cards, which brands offer the best compatibility? As in drivers are current, stable, and just work no issue. Im planning my next build and last time I had a headache with certain boards I picked.20:14
pradeepkanuuss, it depends on how fast your connection is man20:14
sageb1!anirvana: try: man 5 apt.conf20:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:14
BGM_sageb1: ummmmm, I'm at the university but there's a GUI too if that's what you mean20:14
kanuussok ok..any command to check my spped?20:15
soreaukanuuss: Speed of what?20:15
vikasQUESTION: I installed my-sql in ubuntu 9.04 but I'm unable to locate the installation as I want to paste joomla in it?20:15
kanuussmy internet ?20:15
soreaukanuuss: It would help us to help you better if you are more descriptive in asking your questions20:15
pradeepkanuuss, now you becoming a little bit funny what did you subscribe from your ISP20:15
sageb1BGM_, ok.  you must be in a virtual Ubuntu session under Xen...20:15
soreaukanuuss: Better questions will yield a better answer20:15
BGM_yeah that...20:15
BGM_I always forget how to delete it :(20:16
BGM_I know20:16
marcobiscaro2112vikas: I didn't understant your question20:16
BGM_I'll just rm it20:16
soreaukanuuss: http://speedtest.net/20:16
sageb1BGM_: use firefox to delete  your cache20:16
BGM_why can't I just rm it?20:16
soreau! enter | BGM_20:16
ubottuBGM_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:16
kanuussi want to  get my current internet speed , any commands other than installing some third party s/w?20:16
BGM_ubottu: k k sorry buddy20:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:16
soreaukanuuss: http://speedtest.net/20:16
sageb1BGM_: firefox then will know its cache is deleted20:17
kanuussok . i iwll chk and tel u20:17
mec_when playonlinux installs a windows game. where does it install it to?20:17
* soreau doesn't need to know anyones network speed :P20:17
vikasmarcobiscaro2112: How to put the joomla files into www folder I have zipped file of joomla on my desktop & already installed apcahe?20:18
sageb1rm is like cutting your finger off to spite your hand if you use it to delete a file in a cache that firefox made20:18
BGM_sageb1: ok but it's complicated :(20:18
soreaumec_: Does it use wine?20:18
sageb1BGM, you don't like firefox? ok then use rm20:18
soreaumec_: Try ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files20:19
vikasmarcobiscaro2112: oops sorry dude, I have downloaded wrong file...20:19
kanuuss@soreau > is it possible to do an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 via 10.04 cd?20:19
vikasmarcobiscaro2112: thanks for the help20:20
sageb1BGM, your quota is the total amount of userspace memory you're allowed per day, i assume. overnight maintenance may reset when it sees your trashbin is empty depending on whether it's cumulative.20:21
sageb1BGM, tho usually it refers to used memory20:21
BGM_sageb1: lol actually I was looking on the internets to try to find out how to delete my cache using firefox20:22
soreaukanuuss: No, when you do an upgrade, it uses the internet to get all the new packages20:22
BGM_I found this: http://www.ehow.com/how_6006318_delete-internet-cache-ubuntu.html, and it says rm :P20:22
BGM_and no I believe it is disk quota; it's stupid cuz some people have had trouble handing in assignments because of that :(20:23
kanuuss@soreau > y didn't they given theat cd upgade option ?20:23
kanuussfor a normal user having no interbet?20:23
kvaBGM_ actually you can remove your cache using firefox20:23
Alchimistahello, i'm having problems with my ubuntu 10.10, no sound, lazy grafics (provably cause of bad rendering) and now he is quite slow, CPU is almost at 100%. is there any tool to check if it's a config problem, that of cpu sage?20:23
soreaukanuuss: They do have a cd upgrade option. It's called clean install20:24
kanuusshow can i do that?20:24
sageb1in firefox, it is Edit => Advanced icon => Network :  at Offline Storage  and click on Clear now20:24
BajK_does anybody have experience with this open-pc? :)20:24
soreau! download | kanuuss20:24
ubottukanuuss: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!20:24
soreauBajK_: nope.20:25
kanuussclean install wont satisfy my needs20:25
kbrosnansageb1: no that is not the firefox cache20:25
kanuusssoory for the help20:25
soreau! anybody | BajK_20:25
ubottuBajK_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:25
kbrosnansageb1: tools > clear recent history20:25
BajK_soreau: wtf20:25
BGM_sageb1: I don't see any Edit => Advanced...20:25
kanuussi have all distributions sent by canonical ltd ,Milbank,UK20:25
binho_cwbhelp! maverick not showing usb removable drives for mounting. I have to mount it in the terminal everytime... I want to do it with a GUI, easily... anyone?20:25
soreaukanuuss: Why don't you have the internet working on your ubuntu?20:25
kanuussupto 10.1020:25
BajK_a question with "Does anybody" is a valid question. I see no point in telling me that this is not a "real question"20:25
kbrosnanBGM_: that was the wrong steps anyways20:25
BajK_and there is no way paraphrasing this question in another wa20:25
kvatry tools-preferences menu from firefox20:26
BajK_"Are there any expierneces concerning this open-pc" sounds even more retarde20:26
kbrosnanBGM_: tools > clear recent history20:26
kanuuss@soreau > yes it is working20:26
sageb1Alchimista: what is your video card make and model? is it agp, if so 4x or better?20:26
kanuussb'z in some schools it is not supposed to have internet connections20:26
soreaukanuuss: Then why do you want to use a cd to upgrade instead of just letting it do it through the internet?20:26
kanuusslike a country India20:27
BGM_kbrosnan: well the steps loof fine to me, and inside the cache folder is a whole LOT of HEX <320:27
kvakanuuss is right20:27
sageb1BGM, can you click on Help -> About in firefox? and tell me the version number?20:27
kanuuss@kva > thanks20:27
BGM_kbrosnan: aha, thanks20:27
BGM_it's gone!20:28
kvakanuuss: well, there's no dvd that I know about. sorry20:28
kanuussif we need to play an MP3 , we neet internet to download the package,,20:28
BGM_but I could have used rm, teehee!20:28
kanuuss\by default is is not getting upto 9.10 version20:28
vikasQUESTION: I'm unable to download joomla on ubuntu 9.04, How can I? please help20:28
sageb1BGM, rm would have taken too many cpu cycles20:28
soreauvikas: Why are you using such an old version of ubuntu?20:28
kvakanuuss: well, you can try to make image on your own20:28
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:28
=== meteor is now known as maesteroo
=== maesteroo is now known as maestero
kvajust install one using internet and duplicate it20:29
vikassoreau: I don't have latest one & have poor connection so also can't upgrade..20:29
soreaukva: I don't understand what he's trying to do but I guess you do20:29
kanuuss@kva: in open source world..no such word "YOU" its all "WE"20:29
jribBajK_: the issue is, you could just ask your next question as though someone says "yes" to your "does anyone have experience with X", so pretend someone said yes, and just ask your next question :)20:29
soreauvikas: Sucks to be you then :P20:30
sageb1alchemista, your video is slow because of bus limitations if agp.  if it is pci, then that's a given.20:30
kanuussam using GNU/Linux for the past 7 years20:30
kvawell, I did this for eeepc once20:30
kanuussand just now i tried ubuntu20:30
BajK_jrib: and if nobody has experience? :D20:30
BajK_like soreau did :D he said NOPE, not yes :D20:30
maesterohi all, how do i rename the default user for ubuntu, now it is peter i want it to be patrick. but i also want that all the sudo right work with the new name.20:31
jribBajK_: then answering your real question would accomplish the same thing20:31
jribBajK_: erm, s/answering/asking20:31
red2kicmaestero: Change your name to Peter.20:31
maesteroi m not doing it for myself.20:31
pradeepkanuuss, that sound Funny and you cant perform little task20:31
red2kicmaestero: Check out Users/Groups in System -->20:31
sageb1my answer for the cache is correct; kbrosnan's only clears history not the cache20:31
jribmaestero: the easy way is to just create a new user and give him admin rights.20:32
soreauBajK_: Yes, you should ask your question is as much detail as possible instead of trying to find 'anybody' with the same * as you that may not have the right answer you need anyway20:32
sageb1history is the lists of websites visited20:32
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
kbrosnansageb1: that is not the firefox cache that is the web storage cache20:32
vikasmarcobiscaro2112: How can I download joomla for ubuntu 9.04? please help I tried but got error saying "UNSUPPORTED SCHEME"20:32
BGM_soreau: ok thanks20:32
maesteroactually i want the home folder of peter to be owned by the new user from now on.20:32
red2kicThose Guest83232* something is really odd. I hope they're not testing the scripts for spamming. :\20:32
BajK_vikas: 9.04 isnt supported anymore20:33
kanuussnope .. i havn't done any thing to have some funny20:33
jrib!9.04 | vikas20:33
ubottuvikas: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:33
soreauBajK_: When you ask the channel, you might find 'anybody' but it's better to have details right upfront so as to avoid confusion and time wasted typing20:33
soreautyping useless text20:33
kbrosnansageb1: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/storage20:33
BajK_okay, paraphrased: Are the open-pcs good?20:33
soreau! best | BajK_20:33
ubottuBajK_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:33
pradeepkanuuss, you said you used liunx for 7 years doesn't sound true20:33
maesterored2kic, i actually want to rename the user..20:33
Aleiexhola, como hago para capturar pantalla, pero que no sea toda, solo la ventana que está encima20:33
Aleiexalguien sabe?20:33
sageb1BGM, after clear history, are there still files in the firefox cache?20:33
Wickedhello all. lirc was updated today and totally broke for me. How can i revert to the previous version of lirc?20:33
jribBajK_: well that's not an ubuntu question :/20:33
soreauBajK_: Indeed, how is that related to ubuntu?20:34
sageb1i.e. du -a .mozilla | sort|less20:34
aa11Grub problem: I removed a partition and resized the ubuntu partition to make use of the extra space. This changed the partition number from 7 to 5 which messed up grub. I was able to manually set root/prefix at grub recovery prompt and it booted fine. After reading about how to fix grub I booted on liveusb and ran grub-install --root-directory=/mountpoint/boot /dev/sda --- now I just get a blank screen after post. If I hold shift20:34
aa11, it will say "loading grub" then go to blank screen. Any ideas?20:34
kanuuss@pradeep:you can test me20:34
soreau! grub2 | aa1120:35
ubottuaa11: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:35
red2kicmaestero: You don't rename the user. It's more hassle, I think. Just create new user. Delete the old user.20:35
pradeepkanuuss, so what does this command do : chmod 777 kanuuss20:35
binho_cwbhelp! maverick not showing usb removable drives for mounting. I have to mount it in the terminal everytime... I want to do it with a GUI, easily... anyone??20:35
red2kicmaestero: Then log in. Personal files are in /home/$USER/20:35
kanuussit will change all permissins20:35
nit-witaa11, run this script and post the generated file in a pastebin. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/20:36
maesterored2kic, ok let me check .20:36
nit-witaa11, if you do this when you post it tab my nick so I see you have it posted.20:36
maesteroso i create a new user, add it to sudoers .20:36
jribmaestero: add it to "admin" group, you don't need to touch sudoers20:37
maesterodelete the old user and give ownership of the /home/$USER to the new user...20:37
TiCPUI need to share a tape drive using iSCSI on Ubuntu 10.10 Server (Maverick), I had problem with iscsitarget and I know the tape works pretty well with SCST, SCST does not seem to be available on Maverick, any ideas?20:37
Alchimistasageb1: How can i check the grafic card? I think it's an ATI Mobility Radeon X60020:38
sageb1thanks alchimista20:38
kanuuss@pradeep> gone?20:38
lostinlinuxGood afternoon20:38
Alchimistasageb1: aff, it's in front of me :s intel gma 90020:38
lostinlinuxAnyone feel like helping a noob for a min or two?20:38
DiverdudeWhat does the ! operator do in the terminal?20:38
PiciSorry for the noise.20:39
matrixfoxgood game20:39
sageb1alchimista, if it's a X600, then it's not a hardware issue per se. r u maxed to the ram? GT (>) 1GB?20:39
lostinlinuxanyone good with compiling/making firmware and able to help me troubleshoot?20:39
TiCPUDiverdude, completes the command with history20:39
Alchimistasageb1: didn't understood :S My RAM? 1.5 Gb20:40
sageb1Alchimista: how much ram onboard the X600?20:40
aa11nit-wit, http://pastebin.com/f0eX716b --- fwiw I manually changed /boot/grub/grub.cfg  (against its warning)-- s/msdos7/msdos6 -- because that was the parition number change, but the problem exists both before and after this change20:41
sageb1Alchemista: screen jitter occurs when a graphics intensive app is running at the same time as cpu intensive apps such as bittorrent app, and many other apps.20:41
DiverdudeTiCPU, what do you mean?20:42
sageb1the solution is to turn off bittorrent apps and other apps when using graphics intensive app20:42
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Alchimistasageb1: that i don't know, it occoours mainlly with browsers, i have crome and ff, so it should not be cause of them. But my memory and specially the CPU usage is quite used, currently cpu is at 99%, and memory at 60% :s20:43
sageb1alchemista: so, no you can't watch the graphics in that app at the same time you are downloading a large file. ;)20:43
Alchimistasageb1: but i don't make downloads :s20:43
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nit-witaa11, did you mount the sda6 the insy=tall to sda. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20220:43
anon33_Anyone here notice that Firefox 4b10 lacks hinting as compared to Google Chrome or any other Gnome program?20:43
nit-wit*then install20:44
sageb1chrome is tuff on memory; every tab is another daughter of chrome begat by the initial chrome instance.20:44
aa11nit-wit, yes it was mounted20:44
nit-witaa11, try again using the link.20:45
DiverdudeWhat does the ! operator do in the terminal ( what is meant with completes terminal with history? ) ?20:45
soreauDiverdude: Ask in #bash20:45
PiciDiverdude: Executes the prior command iirc.20:45
soreaubrianBTB: hello20:45
TheBraynI am running ubuntu-10.10 with the server profile in virtualbox, how can I access the files in /var/www externally over port 80?20:45
gobbeTheBrayn: installing apache20:46
Alchimistasageb1: yah, in deed closing crome memory usage drop 10%20:46
TheBraynit is already installed20:46
brianBTBis there anyway I can copy my hard disk from my Vista computer to a partiotion on my Ubuntu laptop over a network?20:46
gobbeTheBrayn: well, then it's more virtualbox settings to make it route your public network to virtual machine20:47
TheBraynI can access is over 192.168.x (whatever the number currently is) within my network20:47
sageb1alchemista: do u know how to add extension for the flashgot add-on via tools in Firefox?20:47
soreaubrianBTB: Yes20:47
Picisageb1: What does that have to do with a slow computer?20:47
TheBraynI am running it in bridged mode20:47
rinzaihello everyone20:47
brianBTBsoreau, how. lol20:47
rinzaiI'm trying to disable Ubuntu's 10.04 audio manager and use ALSA directly (if that makes sense)20:48
soreaubrianBTB: I would 1) Boot a ubuntu live cd on the vista machine 2) Get networking working 3) Use your favorite method to scp the files over20:48
Alchimistasageb1: i have it, and like i sad, it's not a question of downlads, since i rarely make a big download. Sometimes a pdf or so, but no quite big files20:48
rinzaiI want to use an audio app called Renoise, but whenever I start it (and other software is playing sounds) it complains ALSA is busy20:48
rinzaiand vice-versa20:48
rinzaican anyone help me?20:49
ravedogHi! Anyone here that have taken the ubuntu professional e-learning course that can answer a question?20:49
PiciAlchimista: Are there any drivers offererd in the Extra Drivers (I think thats what its called) entry in System>Administration ?20:49
=== unde is now known as _unde_
brianBTBsoreau, would that allow me to boot my partition I copy the files to? I would copy all of the files on the windows HDD20:49
sageb1pici: the alternative to watching a video via firefox is to download the video and use vlc to watch it.  the right solution would be to ensure vlc plugin can view all videos in firefox20:49
AlchimistaPici: checking it20:49
soreaubrianBTB: I would not count on being able to boot windows on a different machine20:49
Picisageb1: I didn't see Alchimista say anything about watching videos in firefox.20:50
soreaubrianBTB: But it's possible if the hardware is similar enough20:50
AlchimistaPici: just a modem one, but i don't use modem20:50
brianBTBsoreau, my laptop did have Vista on it in the past. both are 64 bit. and I have a driver disk for my laptop.20:51
sageb1alchemista: chrome is more graphics intensive than firefox20:51
soreaubrianBTB: In any event, that would be a question better suited for #windows. You might also ask in ##networking too20:51
nit-witaa11, hows it going?20:51
brianBTBsoreau, thanks!20:51
brianBTBsoreau, bye20:51
sageb1alchemista: epiphany-browser has least impact but no video access20:51
aa11nit-wit, working through the chroot option20:51
xorwhyI want to recordmydesktop at 60fps, but recordmydesktop limits me to 50fps. What do I do now?20:51
PiciAlchimista: Did I miss something, or is sageb1 correct about you wanting to watch videos?20:51
ravedogHi! Anyone here that have taken the ubuntu professional e-learning course that can answer a question regarding them? Please pm me, cheers! :)20:52
ubunis there a way to make a icon that you can click that will automatically run a wine program... or icon you can make to run a specific command20:52
sageb1xorwhy: can your machine handle 60fps (video card, motherboard)?20:52
osirisIs there a fix yet for the ugly boot screen once ATI Drivers are installed?20:52
AlchimistaPici, sageb1 the problem generally occours at any moment, i have another pc, so my lap is more to work, ff + crome, py and some more stuff. So nothing "hard work". And when i saw videos on browser, the only problems where plugin crash, not related to the problem20:52
sageb1ravedog: do we have to do your homework too? :p20:52
xorwhysageb1: certainly20:53
mirko__buonasera a tutti20:53
Pici!it | mirko__20:53
ubottumirko__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:53
PiciAlchimista: Hmm..20:53
karma_policeis there a way to burn a live image with preinstalled programs? ie.. chntpw20:53
ravedogsageb1:  hehe... no im thinking about puting some collegues of mine through them but i find the info quite short handed tbh20:53
AlchimistaPici sageb1 for example, only with openoffice or crome oppened, sometimes i can't see the words correctly, missing some parts like if there where sand over it20:53
PiciAlchimista: I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with issues surrounding Intel graphics cards, which is likely the main issue.20:53
sageb1pici, i agree with your assessment that it is a motherboard being underpowered for the video chipset20:54
=== osiris is now known as smittix
Picisageb1: No, I'm referring to a driver issue.20:54
Alchimistaat least with 10.04 was working fine, provably i'll be back to it20:54
smittixIs there a fix yet for the ugly boot screen once ATI Drivers are installed?20:54
xorwhykarma_police: Thom Yorke says aptonCD works good for that20:54
xorwhybut I've never taken his advice, ymmv20:54
anon33_Anyone else have a text blurriness in Firefox like I do? http://i.imgur.com/Kv6dH.png It's not respecting the hinting options I have set for Gnome.20:54
KeyserSozewhen I mount a .iso file with "mount -t iso9660", the filenames show up in 8.3 format.  However, when through the gui I browse to it with the archive manager, the correct longer filenames show up20:55
KeyserSozei tried typing 'mount' after the archive manager showed contents (to see how it mounted), but there was no entry there for the .iso file20:55
sageb1alchemista, yes, openoffice and chrome are not always great in rendering esp on a x600... it could be a glx/opengl issue needing xorg configuring20:55
karma_policei'm wanting to use a live cd to unlock a windoze password using chntpw....the computer has no internet access in order to download it.20:55
WeThePeoplewhat are the pros and cons of 64bit ubuntu20:55
ravedogWeThePeople: Runing multithreaded when possible :)20:56
xorwhyKeyserSoze: The unusual suspect would be archive manager, since it doesn't require mounting to view files within an ISO image20:56
nemoI'm trying to debug a crash in i965_dri.so - how do I ensure the app uses /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so ?20:56
nemospecifically, trying to convince the firefox 4 crash reporter to generate a useful stack when running through the webgl conformance test suite20:57
karma_policecan aptoncd save to a usb flash drive?20:57
ubunhow do you create desktop shortcut for running a command?20:57
KeyserSozexorwhy: do you know what archive manager would do differently than a mount command?  i tried "mount -t iso9660 -o joliet", and it didn't recognize "joliet".  does that mean the kernel was built without joliet support, and that I *cannot* mount the image and see the long filenames using mount?20:57
aaron01nit-wit: hey, was aa11. I got grub back using the chroot option. The windows partition is still missing, but that can wait :)20:58
sageb1alchemista: what does this command show: grep -i render /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:58
aaron01nit-wit: thanks for your help20:58
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karma_policewill AptOnCd save to a usb flash drive? or is there a program that will?20:59
Alchimistasageb1: (alch <>Imists20:59
nit-witaaron01, you might need a chkdsk run on the XP, does it show in gparted with any data.20:59
sageb1alchemista: it should show: (**) NVIDIA(0): Option "RenderAccel" "true"20:59
sageb1(**) NVIDIA(0): Enabling RENDER acceleration20:59
Alchimistasageb1: sorry, the nick is alchimista. it shows:20:59
Alchimista[    25.273] (II)         composite (RENDER acceleration)20:59
Alchimista[    25.304] (II) intel(0): direct rendering: DRI2 Enabled20:59
Alchimista[    25.304] (II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER20:59
FloodBot1Alchimista: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:59
nit-witaaron01, do you have a XP disc20:59
xorwhyKeyserSoze: Archive manager simply shows whats in the file, and gives you the option to extract it. Mounting the ISO image sets the data within the image accessible via a directory.20:59
PiciKeyserSoze: Try the utf8 or iocharset options instead.  Both of those reference 'Joliet' in the help I have here.20:59
Dmoleanyone know of an open source web conferencing software? (not counting dimdim)21:00
sageb1sorry alchimista: my spellcheck in my brain is always on! ;)21:00
Alchimistasageb1: :P21:00
xorwhyKeyserSoze: I've mounted an ISO image before, and all I had to type was mount filename.iso21:00
aaron01nit-wit: gparted is saying I need to run chkdsk. I probably have a CD around somewhere21:00
aaron01nit-wit: to be honest I won't be that disappointed if that partition is mucked ;)21:01
sageb1alchimista: your xorg configuration is set for dri2. this explains the low performance in rendering in openoffice and chrome21:01
xorwhywhy am I answering questions, this always happens when I come here asking questions21:01
Dmolelol so true21:02
coz_xorwhy,   :)  it's part of the sharing mindset  I am afraid :)21:02
BlueFish_Is there anyway to download A.I.M on linux?21:02
sageb1xorwhy: you're helpful!!21:02
jrib!cookie | xorwhy21:02
ubottuxorwhy: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:02
Dmolewe need an advanced chan. for non noob questions21:02
soreauxorwhy: Be thankful for the 50fps you get21:02
KeyserSozefound it:  mount -t udf, instead of mount -t iso966021:02
lazzI'm having trouble with rhythmbox.  I can't get it to play songs but all other sounds are working just fine.  Any suggestions?21:03
Alchimistasageb1: is it possible to configure it correctly?21:03
soreauxorwhy: Which graphics driver are you using?21:03
rmfritz_anyone know bzed? anyone seen him?21:03
jribrmfritz_: no21:03
Dmolelazz: use mplayer or vlc :)21:03
xorwhysoreau: Well I just used your script to install some experimental plugins, you wouldn't want that on youtube like that either21:03
lazzDmole: I want to use rhythmbox21:03
soreauxorwhy: !_!21:03
rmfritz_ok, thanks21:04
soreauxorwhy: What graphics driver are you using?21:04
sageb1OT: in buddhist training, there is a story that the Buddha stated to potential students that being of service and being helpful to others leads to peace of mind. this is why I am here helping solve Ubuntu issues...21:04
sageb1alchimista: let me think that one over21:04
Dmolelazz: if you play the file from a different player and/or look at the debug output it might give you some hints21:04
anon33_Anyone else have a text blurriness in Firefox like I do? http://i.imgur.com/Kv6dH.png It's not respecting the hinting options I have set for Gnome.21:05
xorwhysoreau: The 64 bit nvidia binary, 260.19.0621:05
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lazzDmole: How do you do that21:05
coz_anon33_,   I am not getting that at all and in all honesty  ,,, it must be "my" eyes ,,, I dont see blurry text there  sorry21:05
soreauxorwhy: Do you have vsync enabled in nvidia-settings? Do you have sync-to-vblank enabled in ccsm? What is the refresh rate of your monitor?21:05
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ugaritI'm doing via ssh: apt-get install ntp and I get this message: Media change: please insert the disc labeled 'Ubuntu-Server 10.04.1 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100816.2)'.  How do I disable the disc statement and go to the internet instead?21:05
Dmolelazz: run it from the CLI with a verbose option if it's not a menu option (it is in vlc)21:06
ubunis there a way to make a launcher that you can drag a file onto it and will execute the command to that file21:06
jribugarit: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list21:06
nemoanon33_: which version of firefox?21:06
chovynzHow do I upload a website to my private server via command line?21:06
lazzDmole: What21:06
jribubun: yes!21:06
nemoanon33_: also. nvidia?21:06
ubunjrib: do you know of any site i can get that info21:06
xorwhysoreau: I have those options enabled in CCSM and nvidia settings, except for "Vsync", I don't see that21:07
jribubun: freedesktop.org, i am searching, hold on21:07
Dmolelazz: do you know what a CLI/bash/terminal is?21:07
ubunjrib: thank you21:07
lazzDmole: I know what the terminal is.21:07
soreauxorwhy: I thought nvidia-settings had some vblank sync setting. What is the refresh rate for your resolution?21:07
anon33_nemo: Yes, nvidia and the latest nightly + all other versions.21:07
ixnariHi. I have a rather silly question. Via terminal, how do I find out whether my version is 32 or 64-bit?21:07
anon33_coz_: You don't see it in the screenshot? It's as if there's a shadow behind it.21:07
nemoanon33_: oh. also in FF3.6?21:08
botcityanon33_:  its like your using a different font or something!!21:08
xorwhysoreau: It does, I have it enabled. Refresh rate for my resolution is limited to 60fps by nvidia-settings, since thats my monitors maximum refresh rate21:08
jribubun: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html (%u or %f probably work)21:08
mikedotyI've lost the ability to get into X11.  I can't even get in with failsafeX.  Could someone help me reconfigure my X so that I can get into it again?21:08
sageb1alchemista: what does this command show: grep Identifier /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:09
BluesKajugarit, open /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # in front of the cdrom repository , then save the file21:09
mikedotyI was installing/uninstalling drivers and I believe I messed something up21:09
coz_anon33_,   let me see the link again21:09
soreauxorwhy: idk how rmd works but you could try disabling all vblank/vsync settings and restart X to see if it makes a difference21:09
ugaritare these the correct commands to update and upgrade my 10.04 to 10.10? apt-get update; apt-get upgrade ?21:09
ubunjrib: thanks im looking at it now...21:09
erUSULugarit: no21:10
Alchimistasageb1: file or directory don't exist (don't forget the -> i <- thing :P21:10
erUSUL!unpgrade | ugarit21:10
nemoanon33_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21030/font-rendering-in-firefox-is-blurry/21128 - related?21:10
anon33_botcity: I'm not, and nemo: yes.21:10
erUSUL!upgrade | ugarit21:10
ubottuugarit: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:10
soreauugarit: You have to 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade'21:10
xorwhysoreau: I'd rather have 50fps than 60 with tearing. I think I'll just look for some other desktop recording app21:10
nemoanon33_: in this case, dude said it was using different font21:10
sageb1ugarit: if you are running GNOME, clic on System: Administration: Software Sources21:10
anon33_nemo: I've read that and tried to implement it, but it's not working.21:10
Dmolelazz: sorry missed your answer21:10
anon33_nemo: And he doesn't really explain his solution.21:10
nemoanon33_: you mean how he forced "Regular"21:10
ugaritI am in an a remote ssh terminal.21:10
lazzDmole: Yes I know what the terminal is21:10
soreauxorwhy: It may just be the limit of speed for your cpu/gpu/drivers combo21:10
anon33_nemo: Yeah21:11
erUSULugarit: the commands only will upgrade your installed programs ( what the update manager does )21:11
sageb1Alchimista: ok now we are getting somewhere. I have to think some more...21:11
BluesKajno ugarit , those are depracated the new command is : sudo do-release-upgrade, but make sure any added ppas are either removed or commented with a #21:11
ugaritsoreau should I reboot after upgrade and before dist-upgrade?21:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:11
dwarixnari: uname -m would give you the version of the kernel21:11
soreauxorwhy: rmd is surprisingly taxing on some systems21:11
soreauugarit: no21:11
soreausmittix: That is a horrible factoid21:11
ugaritafter I did upgrade it system requires reboot21:11
nemoanon33_: my guess is he specified the full name in "font.name.serif.x-western"  - or whatever his default area is21:12
kermiti've been trying for hours to get i915 video working with 10.04LTS, any ideas?21:12
soreauIt makes the assumption that you must have a binary graphics driver for your graphics card21:12
ugaritafter I did upgrade it says system requires reboot21:12
nemoanon33_: the same one pointed to by font.language.group that is21:12
nemoanon33_: btw, you should perhaps ask irc://irc.mozilla.org/firefox21:12
katarnIs there any graphical front-end to update-alternatives ?21:12
GeekyAdamhey guys quick question. how do i make "find . -name desktop.ini" case INSENSITIVE? so desktop.ini and Desktop.ini both get returned?21:13
anon33_nemo: I have.21:13
nemokatarn: update-alternatives has a gtk gui21:13
anon33_nemo: Thanks.21:13
jribGeekyAdam: -iname21:13
GeekyAdamjrib: thx21:13
lazzDmole: What do I need to do?21:13
nemokatarn: erm. sorry, I'm getting it mixed up w/ another command I believe :)21:13
emI find that the edge for resizing a window is so thin it's extremely irritating in Ubuntu. Is there a way to thicken the resizing edge on a window?21:14
TiCPUI need to share a tape drive using iSCSI on Ubuntu 10.10 Server (Maverick), I had problem with iscsitarget and I know the tape works pretty well with SCST in pass-through mode, SCST does not seem to be available on Maverick, any ideas?21:14
mikedotyxserver-xorg is not installed, that can't be good21:14
nemoem: that should be theme dependent.  try installing one with thicker borders21:14
nemoor switching to one21:14
mikedotyI better install it I suppose21:14
WeThePeopleravedog, do you use 64bit21:14
emI like the look of the default Ubuntu theme. Why is the window edge for resizing two pixles wide? That seems like a bug then.21:14
mikedotyIt is kind of fun, I haven't used this lynx browser before21:14
bindaas_sorry for asking it here,what's the channel for apache web server?21:15
ubunjrib: .... i kinda got lost in all that... ill have to study that some more21:15
katarnnemo: thanks though. it probably doesn't exist .... yet 8)21:15
nemoem: well... you can only change part of the theme in customise - otherwise you'd have to edit the theme by hand or see if someone already made a variant21:15
nemoem: if you edit it by hand, probably best to make a new theme locally to avoid the change vanishing21:15
emdoes the theme consist of editable code or is it compiled binary?21:15
RoastedHas anybody set up freeradius on Ubuntu 10.04?21:15
Dmolelazz: so if you run the application from terminal you can get more information21:15
nemoem: there's a channel for the graphics guys on here, maybe you could ask them if someone has already done that21:15
nemoem: text files21:15
nemoit's the linux way ;)21:16
iflemaem: try the bottom right and left corners21:16
emnemo: the linux way is hardly the Ubuntu way. And that's a fact.21:16
smittixsoreau: Heh, I was trying to find out about the problem when installing ATI/NVidia drivers that corrupts plymouth and makes it look ugly.21:16
lazzDmole: How do you do that?21:16
nemoem: eh. sometimes...21:16
emlike where is xorg.conf? That's the linux way. Where is that in Ubuntu?21:16
nemoem: you can still use xorg.conf - is just X has been going for more autodetection lately21:17
katarnRoasted: My 10.04 server install came with a freerad (free radius) user account. Sorry I don't know more.21:17
nemoem: I use xorg.conf to specify the driver personally...21:17
Dmoleyou can type "man rhythmbox" to read the options (hit q to exit)21:17
sllidei accidently used the command: sudo dd if="kernel.bin" of="/dev/sda"21:17
Dmolelazz: you can type "man rhythmbox" to read the options (hit q to exit)21:17
WeThePeopleis java working for 64bit yet?21:17
sllidei used sudo grub-install /dev/sda after that21:18
BluesKajugarit, you can ssh back into the pc as you did previously21:18
sllidehow do i know it will work when i restart my pc?21:18
nemoem: actually, amusingly, I edited my theme to do the exact opposite21:18
Dmolelazz: "rhythmbox -d" should stat the app then try playing the file that fails, then put the output in a paste bin21:18
nemoem: was trying to increase real-estate on a small display so shrank all the button, scrollbars, etc21:18
guntbertsllide: it probably won't, you might have overwritten a lot more than the boot sector21:19
sllidethe file is 512b21:19
sllidei compiled it myself21:19
sllidewell, wrote it myself21:19
guntbert!enter | sllide21:19
ubottusllide: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:20
sageb1alchimista: install nvidia-settings. that will help to change settings for nvidia simply.21:20
sllidei know, i know21:20
popeyem: bug 16031121:20
soreausmittix: AFAIK, binary drivers have no support for KMS which plymouth relies on to function21:20
popeyem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/16031121:20
sllideill just restart my pc, if it doesnt work its fedora time :D21:20
keyboarddrummerhow can i set compiz as my default window manager?21:20
smittixsoreau: Yeah, I wouldnt install the binary drivers if it wasnt for my gpu fans staying on all the time draining my battery.21:21
swarleymankeyboarddrummer, run compiz --replace21:21
MetallicMonkHey, i need lotta help21:21
keyboarddrummerwhen i run that, it only works until i reboot my computer21:21
soreausmittix: What card is it?21:21
smittixRadeon Mobility 4 series21:22
swarleymanwierd. thay should replace it. did you run it in terminal or from the run prompt?21:22
soreausmittix: There is no proprietary driver that supports your card then (unless you're using an ancient version of ubuntu)21:22
Alchimistasageb1: installing them21:22
smittixsoreau: I'm using 10.1021:23
soreausmittix: Instead, you want to use the latest open radeon drivers with gallium support21:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:23
chris_bsdsoreau: what is gallium support?21:23
smittixsoreau: I just used the additional drivers tool to install the drivers im using21:23
lazzDmole: Ok it gave me a bunch of stuff I don't understand.  I did happen to find a few things where it said critical.21:23
decohow do i disable ipv6 ?21:24
MetallicMonkLol, iflema, don't expect any help here soon.21:24
=== zvrk is now known as xXx_hazard
MetallicMonkWhat do you need though?21:24
guntbertMetallicMonk: just ask your question21:24
keyboarddrummerswarleyman: i ran it from prompt...it may be because I set up my computer to use a second monitor through proprietary drivers (maybe it overwrote the X config files?)21:24
ParoniHey, anyone got iPod touch 4g to work in ubuntu 10.10?21:24
Dmolelazz: put it all here: http://pastebin.com/ and tell me the link21:24
MetallicMonkOkay, ubuntu will not allow me to connect to the internet, at all. it recognizes my card, and my router, but its acting as if i put in the wrong passcode.21:25
chris_bsdSAM__: hi sam21:25
guntbertMetallicMonk: wired or wireless?21:25
deviosI have an iptables rule: "-A INPUT -i ! lo -d -j REJECT" - im getting warning: "Using intrapositioned negation (`--option ! this`) is deprecated in favor of extrapositioned (`! --option this`)." - ne1 know how to rewrite my iptables rule so I don't get the warning?21:25
xangua!caps | SAM__21:26
ubottuSAM__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:26
guntbert!caps | SAM__21:26
WaltherFIAnyone using calibria?21:26
lazzDmole:  Do you want all of it or just the parts that read failed after them?21:26
FloodBot1SAM__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
SAM__hi sorry it really is stuck21:26
MetallicMonkLol, epic win on sam's part..21:26
sageb1alchmista: also see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1000955 and check if a driver is available with system:>administration:>Hardware drivers21:26
swarleymankeyboarddrummer, im not sure actually.21:26
soreausmittix: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to ubuntu.pastebin.com?21:27
kermitwhat controls screen blanking timeout in console mode?21:27
keyboarddrummerswarleyman: it's okay.  thanks anyway.21:27
sageb1devios: put the "!" before -i21:28
soreauchris_bsd: Gallium is a new way of writing drivers. It utilizes kms and the memory manager to take advantage of advanced gpu functionality21:28
jbraddocHi all. How does one keep ubuntu-desktop / gdm from starting on 10.10 ?21:28
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swarleymankeyboarddrummer, look at changing it thru the gconf-editor.21:28
deviossageb1: thx will test now21:28
SUFLEX_hi people . how can i link 2 windows in ubuntu. to move them together and to have general common shortcuts.21:28
guntbert!nox | jbraddoc21:28
ubottujbraddoc: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode21:28
chris_bsdsoreau: thanks for the info21:28
jribkermit: checkout setterm (my guess)21:28
soreauchris_bsd: In my case, gallium ups my OpenGL version from 1.5 to 2.121:28
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coz_remote,   you asked in #compiz about the windows7  snap the other day?21:28
kermitjrib: thats what i thought, but i dont see it in any file in /etc/ so how's it getting set21:28
lazzDmole: Here's the link http://pastebin.com/MEciM3VC21:29
jribkermit: maybe there's a default?21:29
SAM__can anyone help please my server is not showing php correctly it is on ubuntu 10.04 and lamp is installed http://unrealkillers.com/forum.php21:29
hazzhi guys i need help21:29
soreauSUFLEX_: Use compiz group plugin21:29
jbraddocguntbert, will NoMachine still be able to run? or will i beable to star x manually?21:29
MetallicMonksam, atleast you can connect to the internet..21:29
guntbert!repeat  | SAM__21:29
ubottuSAM__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:29
hazzi screw my ubuntu after an upgrade21:29
hazzi do not have the live cd21:29
deviossageb1: u da man.  thank you.21:29
SUFLEX_soreau how can i install that21:29
soreauSUFLEX_: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra simple-ccsm21:29
hazzi can just get to intramfs21:30
kermitjrib: huh, maybe.. if so its a new default21:30
RoastedWhat's the difference from daloradius to freeradius?21:30
MetallicMonkI'm about to shatter ubuntu. lol21:30
popeySAM__: its a dns issue21:30
guntbertjbraddoc: of course startx will still work, I don't really know about noMachine21:30
SUFLEX_soreau  thanx. i 'll try now21:30
hazzand the rescue mode it doesn't work21:30
MetallicMonkAnyone know how to get it to connect to the internet even though it refuses to take the passcode?21:30
popeySAM__: your website resolves as unrealkillers.com, but not as www.unrealkillers.com, and your site internally references www.unrealkillers.com in the source21:30
keyboarddrummerswarleyman: what would i change?  I see compiz but I don't see a way to set it as default21:30
SAM__poper dns issue? any ideas what and the troubleshooting steps i should take?21:30
soreauSUFLEX_: Then make sure 'Custom' is selected in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects then find group settings and bindings in ccsm (type ccsm in your terminal or find it in sys>prefs>)21:30
hazzthe normal mode hangs on Xsession that doesn't permit to me to do anything21:31
popeySAM__: yes, fix the www.unrealkillers.com dns entry21:31
jbraddocguntbert alright, if startx will work, then nomachine (freenx) will still work. Thank you, I appreciate it :-)21:31
popeySAM__: but this is offtopic for #ubuntu21:31
SAM__how is it offtopic? the site is hosted on a dedicated box on ubuntu 10.0321:31
jribkermit: check last comment here: http://superuser.com/questions/152347/change-linux-console-screen-blanking-behavior21:31
gpcSAM__: misconfiguration of your site is not an Ubuntu issue21:32
ubuntu2142424hy im new to ubuntu - i have a problem with my internet21:32
hazzhow can i chroot under intramfs?21:32
soreauubuntu2142424: Hi, how are you trying to connect?21:32
popeyhazz: dont think you can21:32
Alchimistasageb1: i have no hardware drivers option, or anything like that :s21:32
kermitjrib: thanks!21:32
ubuntu2142424soreau: wwan21:33
guntbertSAM__: not everything you carry in your car is covered by your car manufacturers guarantee :-)21:33
MetallicMonkyeah, same here, problem with internet..its wireless..21:33
nexeswindow 121:33
Alchimistasageb1: intel installed21:33
soreauubuntu2142424: What kind of wifi chip is it?21:33
sageb1alchimista: not under system : administration?21:33
ubuntu2142424soreau: ericsson f3507g21:33
SAM__well...some help would be appreciated...i mean if i have misconfigured then it would be nice if someone could point out my error as I have looked over before and found nothing21:33
hazzwhy there is that command ?21:33
SAM__could someone proof read my config?21:33
soreauubuntu2142424: Can you show the 'lspci' output line for it?21:34
smittixsoreau: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CPygXdKy21:34
popeySAM__: you shouldn't have full stops in the first column21:34
Alchimistasageb1: nops21:34
ubuntu2142424soreau: the what? -sry im new...21:34
popeySAM__: (at the end of the domain names)21:34
sageb1alchimista: what version of ubuntu you got?21:34
Alchimistasageb1: 10.1021:35
SAM__so remove and restart bind. will it need time to propogate?21:35
popeySAM__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558287/ is what it should look like21:35
popeySAM__: also update the timestamp21:35
SAM__time stamp?21:35
hazzany help?21:35
SAM__you meean ttl?21:36
MetallicMonkhazz, what do you need?21:36
hazzMetallicMonk: i need to restore my box running ubuntu but i do not own a live cd21:37
soreausmittix: Ah, it is an HD card. I was thrown by the 'mobility'21:37
popeySAM__: actually even my hastily edited version looks wrong21:37
hazzMetallicMonk: i just can run under intramfs21:37
soreauubuntu2142424: lspci is a command you run in your terminal that will output information about hardware on the pci bus21:37
soreauubuntu2142424: It should tell you exactly what kind of wifi card you have21:38
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smittixsoreau: Should I still use the Open drivers?21:38
MetallicMonkHazz, well, idk man, i personally dual boot just incase something like that were to happen.21:38
kermithow do i backport just the kernel?  i'm giving up on i915 video working in the LTS kernel.21:38
bluezoneI have a rather vague point to make, however i must make it,  the fact that now my wireless is fine, (i am getting 2.2 kbps download speeds). anyway I feel that flash is considerably slower on ubuntu that it would be on windows, are there any faster alternatives?21:38
MetallicMonki'm assuming you need some kid of CD or image or something.21:38
soreausmittix: Not if it's making your card run too hot. However if you haven't tried the latest drivers+gallium or asked in #radeon, I would ;)21:39
sliddyguntbert, i fixed it :D21:39
soreaukermit: What's wrong with the video?21:39
cptbloodif one lost his password, how do can one get it back?21:39
hazzMetallicMonk: how can i run in a commandline mode?21:40
guntbertsliddy: great!21:40
rwwcptblood: Ubuntu login password?21:40
empopey: that bug you linked to is from 2007 :(21:40
cptbloodrww: yeah21:40
soreaubluezone: Depends on what you're doing with falsh. If it's just watching videos, you can download them and play them in your local video player instead of using the crappy in-browser flash player21:40
popeyem: and?21:40
rww!password | cptblood21:40
ubottucptblood: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:40
ubuntu2142424soreau: i hope this helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558291/21:40
sliddynow i must go21:40
rwwcptblood: first link21:40
empopey: I guess 4 years for a problem to be taken seriously is better than nothing, even if it's not actually fixed yet.21:40
popeyem: stop trolling21:41
soreauubuntu2142424: Line 25 of that pastebin: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection21:41
emYeah. When someone says something that's true but unpleasant that's not the same thing as trolling.21:42
cptbloodrww: thx21:42
sageb1alchimista: we need to find the hardware drivers tool which got moved from system : adminstration in maverick21:42
soreauubuntu2142424: It should already be working afaik.. does 'iwconfig' show a wlan0 interface?21:42
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ubuntu2142424soreau: iwconfig shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558293/21:44
hazzif grub it's not working for single user mode what else can i do?21:44
Alchimistasageb1: i'll try this:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1185658 but i had installed the nvideo x server settings21:44
sageb1em: agreed. if someone says, "i can't find hardware driver in system: adminstration" and i have it in my sys:admin drop down picklist, then i know to ask what version of ubuntu they use.21:44
ubuntu2142424soreau: its working but not correct from time to time 5min to 20min the connection disapears21:45
Dmolelazz: and I'm back I'll read the paste now...21:45
soreauubuntu2142424: What do you mean by 'disappears'? What happens exactly?21:45
sageb1alchmista: i thought you had nvidia X600?21:45
Dmoledamn I missed him,21:46
ubuntu2142424soreau: there is no out or ingoing traffic possible21:46
ubuntu2142424soreau: so i have to reconnect then it works again in most cases21:46
dug__anyone using a laptop with nvidia optimus?  Mine started freezing up now and then even though I don't use the nvidia card21:47
soreauubuntu2142424: Sounds like a driver issue. I don't really know what to tell you other than to google for people with a similar problem and post a comment on that bug report or file a new bug report about the problem21:47
SAM__hi guys, i have an issue with my webserver on 10.04 and im not sure what is causing it....if someone could take a quick look id be most greatful http://unrealkillers.com/forum.php21:47
basholinaif i get:   cannot connect to channel ???21:48
basholinawhat does i mean ?21:48
basholinabeacuse of what ?21:48
Raydiationdoes the mainline kernil contain blobs?21:48
erUSULbasholina: best ask in #freenode21:48
sageb1alchimista: you can try system: preferences: appearance and clic on visual effects tab and choose normal21:48
erUSULRaydiation: define blob21:48
guntbertSAM__: that question really belongs in #ubuntu-server , and please don't crosspost21:49
basholinaok thx21:49
RaydiationerUSUL: i need radeon firmware for hd 5xxx series21:49
sageb1(assuming that maverick defaults to compiz being installed as compositor and windows manager)21:49
RaydiationerUSUL: apparently only 2.6.36 supports 5xxx21:50
Daekdroom!xorgedgers | Raydiation21:50
DaekdroomNot an actual factoid.21:50
=== Repgahroll is now known as repgahroll
RaydiationDaekdroom: i got this already installed for gnome-shell on my laptop :) dont i need a newer kernel?21:50
boldfilterhow do I install kde enviroment on my ubuntu box21:51
Raydiationboldfilter: kubuntu-desktop?21:51
DaekdroomRaydiation, yes, you need a newer kernel for HD5xxx21:51
boldfilterI have gnome now21:51
RaydiationDaekdroom: so xorgedgers + mainline should work?21:51
sageb1raydiation: what's your ubuntu version now?21:51
boldfilterDo I need to download kubutu?21:51
Raydiationsageb1: 10.1021:52
jrib!kde | boldfilter21:52
ubottuboldfilter: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.21:52
Raydiationboldfilter: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop should do it21:52
Raydiationfrom 3 years ago21:52
sageb1raydiation, stick to the official release of radeon from ubuntu. is xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd installed?21:52
ubuntu2142424soreau: ok thank you, but one question if there is a new firmware how can i make an update is this possible?21:52
boldfilterIs it bad to use both desktops in one install21:52
BluesKajboldfilter, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , is the quick method21:52
jribboldfilter: nope21:52
sageb1boldfilter: mmm i'm sure your computer doesn't mind.21:53
Raydiationboldfilter: you have a lot of apps21:53
Raydiationthats all21:53
RaymondHi all, I'm running Ubuntu  10.10 Netbook edition and want to know if there is a gui that will help me set up my network connections to my NAS. I can see all the shared drives via smb4k, but that's as far as I can get, when I try too connect I get the error "mount.cifs: permission denied: no match for /home/smb4k/THE-MATRIX/C$ found in /etc/fstab21:53
Raydiationsageb1: isnt this installed by default?21:53
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sageb1raymond: is the NAS server a Linux server?21:54
Raydiationsageb1: is not available21:54
Raydiationthe package21:54
BluesKajRaymond, use samba and ssh to your NAS21:54
sageb1C$ reminds me of samba21:54
Alchimistasageb1: i already used it :S i've tried to choose the simpler one, but my screen got crazy, the the image was inverted, like a mirror, and upsidedown21:54
Dmoleany one ever tried Openmeetings?21:55
RaydiationRaymond: take a look at http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Filesystems/Mounting_smbfs_Shares_Permanently.html21:55
sageb1alchimista, it looks like ubuntu does not have a driver for the x600 video and set for framebuffer and dri2.21:55
sageb1alchimista: this can't be fixed just yet21:56
Alchimistasageb1: what about the 10.04 version? never got this problems with it. is it a global problem, or just this version one?21:56
Raymondsageb1: Yes, it's an IcyBox 422021:57
DmoleRaydiation: might just need to do what you did as root21:57
sageb1alchemista: yes, the downgrade to Lucid will fix the video problem for now.21:57
Raydiationlucids fine except for the ubuntu specific gnomepanel plugins21:57
WoodWorkHi guys, I'm thinking of dualbooting a brand new laptop, vista & ubuntu.. does anyone know if this will void warranty?21:58
sageb1raymond, does Places: Network get to your NAS?21:58
RaydiationWoodWork: wont void warranty21:58
RaydiationWoodWork: if they say so, sue em^^21:58
WoodWorkDo I have a case if they will not fix something hardware related?21:58
genii-aroundWoodWork: Yes21:58
WoodWorkThanks for your help guys! ^^ ooh, sorry I'm lagged a little.21:59
WoodWorkLoving the new look with 10.10!21:59
RaydiationWoodWork: you can even open a pc without loosing warranty21:59
Raydiationto add a new card for instance21:59
Raydiationsoundcard etc21:59
chucheWhere do I find the Terminal program? Sorry I'm a Linux noob.21:59
RaydiationWoodWork: at least in europe^^21:59
kermitsoreau: if it doest boot blank, it often stays blank after any timed screen blanking21:59
WoodWorkWe'll I'm looking to either get a computer, or laptop within a £200-300 budget. I want a decent setup really.21:59
Raydiationchuche: accessoires -> terminal22:00
Raydiationchuche: or alt + f2 and type gnome-terminal22:00
sageb1WoodWork, no, have u dualbooted a Vista machine before?22:00
WoodWorkmy HP laptop currently overheats 101F!22:00
WoodWorkNope sageb1!22:00
RaydiationWoodWork: dollar? or euro22:00
WoodWorkI'm from the UK.22:00
sageb1Chuche: Applications: Accessories : Terminal22:00
chucheRaydiation, thx22:00
RaydiationWoodWork: thats 450€?22:00
Raydiationchuche: yw22:00
WoodWorkSomething like that, yes.22:01
WoodWorkI prefer it if I go into a shop to buy though, instead of ordering online.22:01
RaydiationWoodWork: you can build a pretty decent pc with amd cpu22:01
Raymondsageb1: I can;t seem to be able to find it in the Netbook version, I had it going OK under the standard desktop version, but what I did for that doesn't seem to work here.22:01
WoodWorkCurrently I have a 2GB RAM, and a 2Core processor, aroudn 3 years old.22:01
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.22:01
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »22:02
WoodWorkIt does tend to lag when playing minecraft though!22:02
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RaydiationWoodWork: thats normal, minecraft is java22:02
sageb1Raymond: let me think about that one.22:02
WoodWorkATM; I'm using virtualbox to install a test copy of ubuntu - to test all the applications I'm after. :)22:02
WoodWorkYeah, I'm running out of diskspace though. :|22:03
WoodWorkSomething has eaten it up, I don't know what!22:03
WoodWorkI've ran various progams, such as CCleaner - but it only frees up around 1GB at a time.22:03
RaydiationWoodWork: thats what i put together for a friend http://geizhals.at/?cat=WL-13352422:03
WoodWorkAFK - Will be back in 10-20 minutes.22:04
sageb1raymond: try suggestion at this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1169149&highlight=netbook+samba22:05
devioswhelp - thx all for the help today - much appreciated.22:05
bloodriverI have questions about Unity and Natty...anyone want to help/answer them?22:06
le0-has anyone ever tried to load ubuntu to a dell optiplex 740... i burn to cd. and loaded to usb and it wont boot for neither22:06
xangua!natty | bloodriver22:06
ubottubloodriver: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:06
Raydiationbloodriver: dont ask, just ask22:06
sageb1le0- did you burn it as ISO or data file?22:06
le0-i burn as iso22:06
sageb1wait sorry22:06
le0-i burn as image22:06
sageb1le0- your usb install didn't work?22:06
gpcbloodriver: Natty support in #ubuntu+122:07
le0-nope it hangs at a blinking underscore22:07
bloodriverOkay, I was wondering if there will be a way to auto-hide or remove the left dock...and22:07
sageb1le0-, mine either. even tried to burn a debian to flash22:07
le0-oh u tried too?22:07
clincherbloodriver, "Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1"22:07
bloodriverokay thanks u'all22:08
sageb1le0-, you might try alt-sysreq-R ... E ... I ... to get to a workable keyboard22:08
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sageb1le0-, what's your locale? france? or US?22:08
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kermitupdate-grub is only making menu.lst, but grup is using grub.cfg.. where do i edit boot parameters?22:10
sageb1le0-, it is a hard crash, then only a reboot works. the magic sysreq will help to get a console to use keyboard22:11
Raymondsageb1: I'll give it a go, thanks..22:11
le0-sageb1.. i dont have any OS installed on my harddrive22:11
le0-i need to install a fresh install.. but non seem to take me to the installation22:11
genii-aroundkermit: If update-grub is trying to make a menu.lst then it is grub1 on the machine you are running this on and not grub2 which uses the grub.cfg instead22:12
kermitgenii-around: only the changes i put in grub.cfg take effect though22:12
Raydiationkermit: /etc/grub or something like that22:12
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yankeefan67hi all22:14
genii-aroundkermit: Sounds like possibly you are multi-booting different linux versions, one of which installed grub2 which uses the grub.cfg but then trying to run update-grub from another linux which has grub122:14
kermitgenii-around: no, i just installed this on a new pc22:14
boldfilterok, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop installs kde. What if I wanted to uninstall it22:15
havockquit: fui..........22:15
iflema!puregnome | boldfilter22:16
ubottuboldfilter: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome22:16
genii-aroundkermit: /etc/default/grub        contains settings22:16
the_studentboldfilter: Then its remove, and a clean/autoclean should do it22:16
sageb1le0-, so it is running off a flash drive or livecd?22:16
kermitgenii-around: yeah.. and to apply those run update-grub, right?  update-grub just wants to make a menu.lst22:17
kermitgenii-around: which my grub doesnt care about22:17
genii-aroundkermit: Which is what makes me think you have grub1 ... grub2 doesn't care about menu.lst22:17
sageb1kermit: i am guessing you are customizing grub: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1664134&highlight=grub22:18
erebel55How can I move a file to a usr/include ? I tried via gui but it said permission denied. so I'm assuming i must do it via terminal. can anyone tell me how?22:18
DexterFanyone know how to patch vmware workstation 7 for 2.6.32 in 10.10?22:19
kermitgenii-around, sageb1: oh i know what i did.. ubuntu installed grub2, but grub2 isnt an update, its a different package, so when i copied my --get-selections over, it swwiched me to grub122:19
genii-aroundkermit: You might want to: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install grub222:19
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kermitgenii-around: yep :) thanks22:19
sageb1erebel: sudo it22:19
CrashOverrideWhat's that movie called where someone makes a fake actress / 3d model and pretend that she's real ?22:20
sageb1erebel: sudo cp pathofyourfile /usr/local/include22:20
repgahrollhey... i know it isn't the right place to ask, but i couldn't get much help anywhere... i'm using eclipse+pydev, and my program works fine from the editor, but when i try to run it from terminal, i get a lot of error. I've tried to reproduce the command that is called by pydev, but i doesn't work. can someone help e please?22:20
iflemaerebel55: alt + F2 then   gksudo nautilus    or    sudo in terminal    man mv   for move   and    amn cp     for copy...22:20
erebel55iflema: thanks22:21
cellardooris anyone here good with Skype?22:21
faryshtaHi. Can you please recommend me any download manager?22:21
Varc!skype | cellardoor22:21
ubottucellardoor: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga22:21
rww!crosspost | faryshta22:22
ubottufaryshta: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:22
sageb1repgahroll: what's the first error?22:22
iflemafaryshta: search the software centre??22:22
* Ahrotahntee peeks his head in22:22
Ahrotahnteedamn highlights22:22
faryshtaiflema, which software should I search?22:22
gfgfhi all, anything known about a bug in grub since yesterday's update, causing grub to get stuck in de rescue prompt?22:23
gordonjcpfaryshta: "download manager"?22:23
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:23
sageb1faryshta, r u downloading small files or extremely large ones?22:23
sanguisleftis there a way to install both php5.3 and php5.2 on the same machine via package manger and then tell a site to use the right php ini  file in the vhost file?22:23
repgahrollsageb1, the problem is that i can convert qstring to pystring like str(qstring), and it runs fine from eclipse, but it doesn't from terminal, to get this part working on terminal, i have to do str(qstring.toUtf8()).22:24
sageb1sanguis, the first one is a synaptic question; the second requires php skillz.22:24
faryshtasageb1, I am downloading small files from depositfile.com22:24
repgahrollsageb1, but this isn't the only problem. when i fix one another appears, and so on.22:24
bjhaid<erebel55> sudo mv <path>/file /usr/include22:25
sageb1sanguis, i will deal with 2: the directory for www php scripts is /home/www or something similar on the host server you ssh into22:25
DiverdudeI have a directory which is totally empty when i do ls mydir, but when i try to delete it using either rm -r mydir or rmdir i get the error:    rm: cannot remove directory `text-base': Directory not empty    or    rmdir: failed to remove `text-base/': Directory not empty       what am i doing wrong?22:25
sageb1repgahroll, sounds like you haven't printed out the program and gone over it with highlighter to see how it works.22:26
faryshtasageb1, can you recommend me any manager like jdownloader?22:26
sageb1repgahroll, hence the errors22:26
* Ahrotahntee peeks his head in22:27
Ahrotahnteedamn it!22:27
AhrotahnteeI should drop that highlight22:27
bluethundrI am trying to install nessus but it looks like the package isn't in my repos22:27
rwwyou should stop telling us every time you're higlighted ;P22:27
sageb1faryshta, does the filesharing site have a ftp address?22:27
bluethundrwhat repo can I use to find nessus?22:27
Diverdudebtw, text-base = mydir22:27
Ahrotahnteerww: if I have to peek in, people are damn well going to hear about it!22:28
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faryshtasageb1, Let me check but I don't think so.22:28
sageb1faryshta, if you know the complete path to the files, you can use wget or better yet, lftpget22:28
rwwAhrotahntee: feel free to tell #ubuntu-offtopic or something, then.22:28
CrashOverrideWhat's that movie called where someone makes a fake actress / 3d model and pretend that she's real22:28
rww!ot | CrashOverride22:28
ubottuCrashOverride: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:28
rwwbluethundr: it was removed from Ubuntu because it's "abandoned upstream, replaced by openvas".22:29
sageb1faryshta, however if the site uses javascript to make it hard to access a file directly, then i don't know of any java apps to do downloads easier22:29
repgahrollsageb1, what do you mean with "printed out the program"? thanks22:29
bluethundrrww ok thanks for the clarification22:30
gfgfWhat to do when grub says: grub rescue> after update? I'm stuck!22:30
sageb1faryshta, if u use firefox, the flashgot extension may help along with wget curl lftpget and other download managers that ubuntu provides22:31
repgahrollthe fact is that i have a long pyqt4 program that runs from pydev and doesn't run from command line :(22:31
sageb1repgahroll: the fact is, a printout hardcopy of a program helps alot in debugging the logical structure that may be broken by fixing on programming error in it22:32
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bloodriverhas anyone had trouble with gdm2setup w/burg?  I dual boot and when I try to set the default, it'll work w/o burg installed but won't when it is.  My error?22:33
faryshtaflashgot let me sear for it. Thanks sageb122:33
benedicthi there. i installe fluxbox on my ubuntu 10.04 minimal install. now, after login (via commandline, no display manger - i want it that way) i always have to tye startx. how can in automate that?22:33
WoodWorkRaydiation: That's pretty banging!22:33
sageb1repgahroll: how long is your pyqt4 program in # of lines?22:33
Anthony_Hey, when I boot up I gues a "Keyboard failure" error. Then after like a minute, another error displays "No boot device available - strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility"..... this started happening after I unplugged my phone (via usb) from the computer.  keyboard immediately stopped working so I hard to do a hard reboot22:33
soreauubuntu2142424: If there is an issue with firmware, the driver should output the problem in syslog (type 'dmesg' in your terminal or see sys>admin>log file viewer)22:34
sageb1repgahroll: you just need to print out the lines of the function where the error is.22:34
iflemabenedict: edit or cr[Aeate a file in ya home directory called .xinitrc   and add  exec fluxbox   if youmust create it put as first line  #!/bin/bash22:36
sageb1anthony_, reboot the affected computer again.22:36
Anthony_sageb1: I tried that already, but I'm rebooting agian right now22:36
sageb1anthony_, if error is still there, try to get into your bios22:37
iflema!fluxbox | benedict22:37
ubottubenedict: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox22:37
Anthony_sageb1: I can't do that without a keyboard though =\22:37
sageb1anthony, it cannot find your keyboard or your drive. you may have to open up the computer or get a laptop specialist to clear the cmos22:38
CJ23jetole:  http://gparted.org/features.php how come you said I need to use ntfs resize to shrink a partition? I am not trying to be rude I am just wondering if there's more to the checklist of what gparted  can and can't resize in certain situations?22:38
Anthony_sageb1: all of a sudden it can't find my drive?22:38
bloodriveri don't have a bios...it's a heteros22:39
sageb1anthony, if the cmos gets corrupted it forgets drive and keyboard22:39
Anthony_sageb1: I see. how could I 'refresh' the cmos?22:39
sageb1anthony, i dont know if your bios' flash is protected either. is it a recent motherboard? like made within the past 5 year?22:40
sageb1anthony, you pull out the power plug to the computer. you look for the cmos battery, you remove it22:40
Anthony_sageb1: I'm not sure really. It might be 6 hours old. It's a dell22:40
benedictiflema: i added startfluxbox to .xinitrc ... i will try the exec fluxbox way.... i allready read the fluxbox wiki article22:40
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Anthony_sageb1: alright, thank you. I will try that22:41
sageb1anthony, if there is a jumper near the battery, then you put the battery back in. then you either remove the jumper or place one there and start up the computer to bios setting. then shutdown. then remove or replace jumper for normal22:41
cellardoorVarc, I have tried everything, problem persists, whenever my machine does any decent hard drive read/write, skype locks up,22:42
sageb1anthony, the jumper clears the cmos but may require powering up22:42
CJ23jetole: be right back22:42
Anthony_sageb1: ok thank you!22:42
sageb1usually removing the battery clears cmos, but sometimes a power up tells the nand gate to clear the cmos22:43
benedicthm, didn't work22:43
sageb1alchimista: did the help solve your problem?22:43
iflemabenedict i dint read, done the old/debian way and it worked that was the only thingi did!22:43
sageb1benedict, problem?22:43
Alchimistasageb1: my ubuntu crashed completely after install the nvidia settings, it loads but shows only a black screen. before that the screen got crazy, it inversed the image horizontal and vertically :S22:44
sageb1repgahroll, have you discovered the logical error in your script?22:44
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benedictsageb1: iflema is already helping me to automatically start fluxbox after login. so far, entering the start command fro fluxbox into .xinitrc didn't help22:44
sageb1alchimista: ok, what nvidia driver did u install?22:45
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sageb1alchimista: sudo locate nvidia|grep deb22:45
sageb1benedict: ok. fluxbox is outside my skillset.22:46
iflemabenedict: i used no = sign  simply exec fluxbox   its the same for openbox22:46
Guest4385how to connect with freenode server on Xchat22:46
shareGuest4385: /Server chat.freenode.net 666722:46
iflemaGuest4385: look under file menu   or type     /connect irc.freenode.com22:46
benedictcat .xinitrc22:47
benedictexec startfluxbox iflema22:47
shareiflema: connect is for irssi22:47
benedicti will try with fluxbox only22:47
sageb1benedict: from cli: it'd be fluxbox22:47
benedictalthought they recommend 'startfluxbox'22:47
Alchimistasageb1: not sure, is it possible to acces it? After the main log screen, where ubuntu loads, i get only a black screen22:47
Goddardanyone setup a comcast smc router?22:47
sageb1if x was configured, then startx would start it22:48
benedictsageb1: i'll try fluxbox and report back iflema22:48
Alchimistasageb1: if it's hard to explaine, no problem, i had to install 10.04 anyway22:48
sageb1benedict: when you boot into linux, do u get a GUI or command line interface (cli)?22:48
sageb1benedict:  this works in .xinitrc: exec fluxbox22:49
kermithow do i backport a kernel to LTS?22:49
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drt49321Hi, I accidentally removed the sound launcer from the desktop panel, i want to add it back but i cant find it in the add to panel menu,  can someone tell me what the application is called?22:50
sageb1alchimista: how much ram was in that laptop?22:50
benedictiflema: didn't work :(22:50
Alchimistasageb1: 1.5 gb.22:50
iflemabenedict ill load a virtual machine and quickly install fluxbox and try my method22:50
iflemabenedict: what versionu on?22:50
sageb1alchimista: at black screen alt-sysreq-R .. E.. I.. S.. U22:51
benedictminimal isnstall22:51
benedictso no desktop manager22:51
repgahrollsageb1, sorry the delay. my program has 2k lines, i don't understand... if it runs fine from pydev, i think there should be no error. i just want to run it the same way outside pydev.22:51
iflemabenedict: fluxbox and minimal... you need debian22:51
sageb1alchimista: that gets to a console and keyboard prompt22:51
benedictiflema: i am aiming at it... but the fact that i am in this irc shows i'm not read for it ;)22:52
benedictat -> for22:52
sageb1repgahroll, ok that's a big program.  have you used pylint on it?22:52
Alchimistasageb1: i'm on another pc, but in some minutes i'll move to my lap and call u22:52
repgahrollsageb1, nope.22:52
tbruff13I need help runiing world of warcraft in a new x session I cannot find a script to do this that works can someone help me PLEASE22:52
sageb1benedict, give yourself 5 years to get it. :)22:52
sageb1alchimista. ok.22:53
dominicdinadawhat is the upstart command for mysql, i tried installing the pgsql drivers for php and instead of coexisting it mangled all my mysql services and setting22:53
sageb1alchimista: choose from the ubuntu menu: the single user option22:53
tbruff13does anyone have an idea to help me find that script22:54
SAM__can anyone help me with OS hardening and where to start please? maybe a tutorial?22:54
gordonjcpbenedict: don't worry about minimal GUIs22:54
theshiznitis this ubuntu?22:54
jribdominicdinada: sudo start mysql22:54
iflemabenedict: installing fluxbox now 2min22:54
jribtheshiznit: this is #ubuntu - support channel22:54
gordonjcpbenedict: people who really *use* their computers use Gnome or KDE, and earn enough to buy 1G of RAM ;-)22:54
benedictsageb1: i will measure if i am ready be the answers in debian irc ;) rtfm/"no idea"22:55
theshiznitdoes edubuntu use the same repositories as ubuntu?22:55
dominicdinadajrib: but will that add it to the list of services to boot at start22:55
sageb1dominicdinada, reinstall mysql to set the default settings and services22:55
jribdominicdinada: no, that's done automatically when you install mysql22:55
KM0201theshiznit: i believe so... all it is is ubuntu, w/ a different set of applications22:55
theshiznitok thanks22:55
sageb1SAM_, bastille and titan are your twin hardening tools, tho bastille only in ubuntu.22:55
jribdominicdinada: if you have /etc/init/mysql.conf, then it will start automatically22:56
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MHz128What init script should I modify to change my MAC address before Network Manager starts at bootup22:56
jribtbruff13: caps get you the *wrong* kind of attention...22:56
benedictgordonjcp: hm... repeat you statement at #fluxbox ;) - see, i like to understand things... and fluxbox is easier to understand than gnome22:56
dominicdinadasageb1: that isnt an option with how much data i have in there22:56
tbruff13i wont do it again :( lol22:56
guitar431YEAH I LOVE UBUNTU I just managed to compile my first test project with code::blocks after installing my nvidia graphic card what was kind of windows easy like THANKS GUYS for your great UBUNTU22:56
sageb1benedict: i measured it by being able to rtfm everytime everyone here was saying "ooooooo do not tell us your personal life inbetween helping people, just help people"22:57
sageb1benefit: so in here, i am also using my firefox to look at the help documented at ubuntuforums!22:57
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repgahrollsageb1, at the resulting command-line, there's a configuration called "The PYTHONPATH that will be used" maybe i need to reproduce this setting on terminal?22:58
sageb1dominic, you don't have enough hard drive resources to reinstall mysql??22:58
sageb1repgahroll, YES22:59
sageb1sorry, i mean benedict22:59
tbruff13let me try this again sorry for the caps (long day) does anyone know of a script that will let me run wow in a new x session. To get the most out of it the window manager needs to be off, but this is not a must or anything close I have spent a while on google looking for this script, but every one i find ends up leaving me with a blank screen, and i dont even have windows installed on my machine so i cant just switch over like most people23:00
benedictsageb1: from what i see now, you don't have too much time to tell your personal life between heling people23:00
repgahrollsageb1, ok. thank you. i'm gonna try to reproduce that setting.23:00
benedictnearly every second line is from you sageb123:00
sageb1guitar431: r u ready for composing music with ubuntu?23:00
sageb1benedict: of course not. :p23:00
iflemabenedict: ive only 11.04 in vm and itll only go by selecting i sessionsmenu using GDM23:01
sageb1repgahroll, yw23:01
glitchdcan someone tell me the best way to burn an iso in ubuntu 10.04??23:01
jribtbruff13: if you google "startx wine wow", you'll probably get some hits with other people doing the same.  But essentially, you just do « startx COMMAND ».  If you want to start a NEW session (keep your current one alive), you can do « startx COMMAND -- :1 »23:01
cellardoorso nobody else here has the problem have hard-drive activity causing skype to lock up?!23:01
guitar431yeah i use tuxguitar23:01
dominicdinadasageb1: i have plenty it is just not an option when only 5 lines were removed and it didnt do much other than disable the upstart23:01
drt4893can someone tell me, where is the wastebasket stored on the filesystem?23:02
tbruff13jrib, I know the issue is i cant get into wow until the new session is started23:02
benedictiflema: hm thank you 1000 times for your efforts... i'll got and sleep and maybe tomorrow i'll solve it... in case i'll ask at #fluxbox or so23:02
guitar431tuxguitar is quite good if you need an exotic chord23:02
iflemabenedict: sorry, no idea, under ubuntu23:02
sageb1glitchd, in nautilus right clic on the iso file and follow the directions it gives to burn on the blank disc in the burner drive23:02
tbruff13jrib,  until needs to be once oops lol23:02
sageb1cellardoor, laptop or desktop23:03
benedictsageb1: thank you for your time/support/patience ... i'll solve my task (atm it's far away from problem ;) ) tomorrow23:03
theclassycorsairhey ubuntu23:03
cellardoorsageb1, laptop. 10.1023:03
jribtbruff13: I don't understand23:04
benedictsageb1: iflema have a good time...23:04
theclassycorsairhow do I find all files in a directory with directories in it (i need to search those directories too) with the file extension *.part23:04
sageb1guitar431: you can use audacity to use the tracks recorded using your guitar to create songs.23:04
jribtheclassycorsair: find -name '*.part'23:04
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sageb1benedict, u too!ciao23:05
dholbertHow can I tell what caused a package to be installed? (i.e. if I installed it manually vs. if it was installed as a dependency of $FOO) ?23:06
sageb1i wonder how to get just the directories found by that statement, jrib23:06
jribsageb1: you want directories named '*.part'?23:07
sageb1classycorsair implied that in his request for help23:07
sageb1no, the directories in which files with "part" type are23:07
jribsageb1: take the output cut off the filenames at the end, sort, uniq23:08
sageb1i was considering cut but there should be a basename like command to give only the directory part for a given filename23:08
jribsageb1: dirname :P23:08
bluethundrhmm well is there any way to feed a list of IPs to open-vas client?23:09
dholbertah, answer to my question is "aptitude why [packagename]23:09
filo1234dholbert: apt-cache depends package_name23:09
glitchdsageb1, after i burn the iso, it should play in my dvd player, right?23:09
glitchdits an iso of the new movie the green hornet23:10
sageb1yes, glitchd23:10
glitchdsageb1, on thank you23:10
sageb1glitchd, yw23:10
induzhow can i upgrade wine on Lucid??23:11
induzWINE has MS office and few doc23:11
Vixiedefine "upgrade"23:11
xanguainduz: try the wine PPA23:11
Dementiodon't get me wrong, i love linux, have for many years, but i hate having to follow a 12 page guide to get a friggin tv tuner to work23:12
Dementiosup guys23:12
induzxangua, how23:12
sageb1ok the command, classycorsair, to find the directories containing files with file type "part" is: dirname "$(find -name '*.part')"23:12
rdw200169Dementio: a little off topic, but sure, why don't you contribute to the community a fancy PPA hosted script that narrows that 12 page instruction manual into a more manageable few lines?23:13
matthew_does anyone know of any virtualization software that works with x86_64 ?23:13
matthew_I don't know if virtualbox does23:13
brontoeeeDementio, tv is bas, so linux is your friend23:13
Vixieinduz: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa23:13
Dementiordw200169: that's actual;ly what i'm thinking of doing, but i need to actually have the card first23:13
rdw200169Dementio: heh, touche23:13
Dementiowas just looking for compatibility before i got it23:13
filo1234matthew_: vbox does it23:13
jribsageb1: that will only work if find returns a single directory though23:14
kermitif i upgrade kernels in 10.04LTS, will my screen come on after standby with an intel card (i915 driver)?23:14
Dementioanyone else using the hauppauge 2250?23:14
Dementioit's the one i'm probably getting23:15
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jribsageb1: here's how I would do it: find -name '*.part' -exec dirname '{}' \; 2> /dev/null | sort | uniq23:15
induzwhere are the files/doc on Wine and why can not i copy them?23:16
matthew_filo1234: thank you, I'll look into it23:16
matthew_filo1234: I thin kall ubuntu has in the repos is x86, and not x86_64 though23:16
joseeantoniorHi, anyone here?23:19
joseeantoniorCan anyone help me, please?23:19
joseeantoniorI'm having trouble with my screen resolution.23:20
induzVixie, Thanks23:20
Dementiojoseeantonior: details please23:20
induzWhere the MS Words on Wine stores its file as it shows as my documents which i dont see on Lucid??23:20
TasteI need some assistance Installing some sound drivers23:21
joseeantoniorMy screen resolution is set to 1024x768, and I can't change it. I need a 1280x1024 resolution.23:21
Dementiojoseeantonior: what video card?23:21
joseeantoniorIntel 845G23:22
erUSULinduz: ~/.wine/drive_c/23:22
Lantizia(same question) just out of curiosity does ubuntu have an official channel that can be connected to via xmpp?23:23
sageb1leo0- no sorry23:24
Dementiojoseeantonior: 845? or 82845?23:24
induzerUSUL, let me see if i can copy from that folder as i was saving on Mydocuments on WINE drive C: but was unable to locate the drive C from Lucid23:24
YANAwirohi guys.....23:24
YANAwirosomeany know to ANOM23:24
tbruff13jrib, Im so sorry had to eat23:24
theclassycorsairhow do I find all files in a directory with directories in it (i need to search those directories too) with the file extension *.part23:25
induzeruditehermit, is it .wine/dosdevices/c:23:25
Dementiojoseeantonior: 845? or 82845?23:25
erUSULtheclassycorsair: find dir/ -name '*.part' -print23:25
d4rkh4v0k1how can i see what devices I have plugged in?23:25
d4rkh4v0k1I'm trying to find the location of my gps in the /dev list23:26
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: sudo apt-get install lshw23:26
YANAwirosomeany know AIML???23:26
Dementiojoseeantonior: checking something23:26
TasteI need some help installing a sound driver... whats the command to chack for my soundcard? or hardware in general23:27
filo1234d4rkh4v0k1: plug it and type dmesg | tail23:27
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/lshw.1.html23:27
YANAwiroexcuse me speak little English...23:27
d4rkh4v0k1okay, thanks I'll give it a shot23:27
filo1234d4rkh4v0k1: and look by lsusb if it is in23:28
ejvd4rkh4v0k1 / filo1234: lshw is a far better tool than scrolling the kernel ring buffer, and more accurate imho23:28
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filo1234ejv: sure23:28
ejv!hello | piotr23:29
josh1does imagewriter work with iso's other than ubuntu iso's?23:30
piotrco tam słychać?23:30
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Vixiejosh1: should23:30
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d4rkh4v0k1lshw didn't list it23:30
ryanf109hey all. What is best practice for local IP addresses within a network, particularly within an organisation. At home I use 192.168.x.x23:30
basyi am looking for mp3 player with web front-end (something like amarok + webraok frontend) any solutions ?23:30
d4rkh4v0k1lsusb brought something up23:30
gpc!pl | piotr23:30
ubottupiotr: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.23:30
josh1I have been trying to run a linux mint fluxbox iso off of the usb drive and it wont boot23:30
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ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:31
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: all device assignment should come up via -businfo, but as long as you found it ;)23:31
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josh1I was asking here because I am using imagewriter in ubuntu23:31
d4rkh4v0k1I found Bus 003 Device 4 being my device23:31
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:32
erUSULryanf109: the options are 192.168.x.x and 10.x.x.x for private networks23:33
iflemaryanf109: the 10. 172. or 192. range23:33
d4rkh4v0k1that command didn't work :|23:33
ejvhmm might be in the multiverse repo23:33
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: `sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list` and uncomment the multiverse repo23:34
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: save changes then `sudo apt-get update`23:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:34
ejvthat's not the issue filo1234, his package manager doesn't see the precompiled binary via the repo :p23:35
filo1234ejv: you can use pastebin is better23:35
d4rkh4v0k1i don't have the multiverse repo listed23:35
d4rkh4v0k1i'm using backtrack23:35
ejvthe truth comes out23:35
d4rkh4v0k1but don't they have an ubuntu based system ?23:36
d4rkh4v0k1I could of sworn they were integrated23:36
kzmanhi, anyone can help to open udp ports?23:36
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: even if it's a debian based product (which im not sure it is) it doesn't mean its supported here :)23:36
filo1234!backtrack | d4rkh4v0k123:37
ubottud4rkh4v0k1: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition23:37
ryanf109iflema: would be acceptable?23:37
d4rkh4v0k1Okay, i'll give it a shot23:37
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: anyways, pastebinit was naturally a tool to help you send us what you're seeing, i was gonna have you send the output of `lshw` so i could look23:37
iflemaryanf109: erUSUL is right 192.168.x.x 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x-
d4rkh4v0k1they just don't respond fast23:37
filo1234ryanf109: 10.x.x.x used for big network23:37
DaGeek247how do i install .deb in command line?23:37
d4rkh4v0k1or ever23:38
iflemaryanf109: yes23:38
bastidrazorDaGeek247: sudo dpkg -i file.deb23:38
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: copy and paste the manual way if it's not too much trouble to paste.ubuntu.com23:38
filo1234d4rkh4v0k1: this not right channel for your support23:39
glitchdsageb1, funny how it works this time but when i did that before it jus wasted a dvd. thanks for the help again=)23:39
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: command would have been: `sudo lshw -businfo | pastebinit` :p23:39
lahwranare there any addons for metacity that allow aero-like edge triggers? for instance, where I could drag a window to the edge of the screen and it will be given half the screen23:39
ryanf109filo1234: so 172.16.x.x is presumably used for medium sized networks? and 192.168.x.x for smaller networks?23:39
jiohdimy login desktop changer is missing, how do I get it back23:39
TasteI would REally love some help getting my sound drivers...23:40
filo1234ryanf109: yeah presumably yes23:40
d4rkh4v0k1Well i got a list of stuff from it23:40
ejvryanf109: read your RFC specs, 172.16.* is reserved for private networks, as well as 192.168.* and 10.*/8, see RFC 1918 ;)23:41
ryanf109ok guys thanks a lot.23:41
erUSULiflema: it depends. go for 10.x.x.x it gives you more ip adresses subnets etc ...23:41
ejvyea if you're working for a large organization, best to use Single Class A,
iflemaerUSUL: its just i indicated the whole 172 range not 172.16-
ejvabout ~17mil addresses23:43
d4rkh4v0k1ejv I did paste it to pastebin if you care to see if not that's fine, I'm getting burnt out from this anyways23:43
ejvwhere is it d4rkh4v0k1 ?23:44
Tasteyou guys are helpfull...23:44
ejv!patience | Taste23:44
ubottuTaste: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:44
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joshmarshallHey guys -- anyone ever had df report available + used much less than size?23:44
ejvjoshmarshall: sure23:45
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ejvd4rkh4v0k1: so im not seeing anything resembling a GPS device... off the bat...23:45
joshmarshallKay, I've just never had that before -- does it indicate an issue or problem?23:45
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d4rkh4v0k1There was another command that listed it but not it's location23:46
magicianlordIs anyone familiar with the bug in ubuntu 10.40 where the sound indicator is muted and cannot be unmuted, and in this state, shutting down or restarting from the menu does not do so-it goes back to the login screen, and only restarting with sudo from cli does so.23:47
ejvjoshmarshall: not necessarily, is it wildly off?23:47
joshmarshallejv: About 30G on a 363G drive.23:48
joshmarshallejv: And my swap isn't THAT large. :)23:48
chaospsychexahoy fellow ubuntites23:48
pookyis there a way to alt-tab across workspaces?23:48
d4rkh4v0k1ejv here is what I had from lsusb  http://paste.ubuntu.com/558328/23:48
ejvjoshmarshall: so you have 330G free?23:48
nabukadnezar43hi guys23:48
d4rkh4v0k1control alt down then left and right arrows  pooky23:48
joshmarshallejv: Size: 363G, Used: 315G, Avail: 16G23:48
nabukadnezar43i partitioned my hdd during installation23:48
ejvpooky: ctrl + alt / [<-|->]23:48
ejv(those be cursors matey)23:49
nabukadnezar43but i cant copy files to one of the partition23:49
pookywell, that switches workspaces23:49
emDo any of you make videos which you successfuly post on YouTube with a camera you use with Ubuntu?23:49
joshmarshallejv: Before it was Size: 363G, Used: 330ishG, Avail: 0 (100% use)23:49
pookyI knew that, I wanted to alt tab through windows, across workspaces23:49
nabukadnezar43i tried defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 in fstab but it didnt mount the partition this time23:49
emOr, if you prefer, any of you know if the Flip video cameras work with Ubuntu23:49
joshmarshallejv: So I moved some stuff. :)23:49
pookyem: I use it and it works fine23:50
ejvpooky: ahhhh should have been more detailed ;) no idea23:50
emyeah? What format does the Flip record to?23:50
joshmarshallejv: If it's a normal "issue", then that's fine, I just was worried it indicated a hard disk issue or something.23:50
ejvjoshmarshall: yea that's strange, i've seen df report incorrectly sometimes but if you're really worried you can monitor SMART and dmesg for any i/o errors23:50
d4rkh4v0k1have  you enabled the cube pooky?23:51
VixieEvolution is segfaulting whenever I try subscribing to an RSS feed23:51
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: I don't use compiz23:51
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: or any compositing effects really23:51
magicianlordi do23:51
magicianlordi use the wobbly effect23:51
joshmarshallejv: Kay, I'll do that -- it's an old Hardy server so I'm a bit concerned about it anyway. :) Thanks for your help!23:51
ejvpooky: you try ctrl+alt+tab ?23:51
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: not really needed for my workflow, I just want to be able to alt-tab to a application window on another workspace23:51
magicianlordcompiz is the only reason i use ubuntu23:51
morphyeyshello all, where is the ubuntu grub file?23:51
empooky: when you record with the flip what is the file format?23:52
morphyeyswhere can I find grub file on ubuntu 10.1023:52
pookyejv: haha, I never had, and that is not the answer I seek, hehe23:52
nabukadnezar43http://pastebin.com/VtQpwjFY, my dev/sda3 doesnt load at startup, any help?23:52
pookyejv: that still only touches things on the first workspace23:52
ejvpooky: bummer23:52
d4rkh4v0k1pooky have you checked out eye candy?23:52
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: so garmin is your gps i imagine23:52
pookyem: ergh, I'd have to find it, but it played in VLC fine for me, I think it's an avi23:52
d4rkh4v0k1Yes :D23:52
chaospsychexwhat is 'compiz' ?23:52
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: what is eyecandy?23:52
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: please don't make rhetorical jokes at me, haha23:53
emis avi an open format?23:53
abaertowhat is love?23:53
jhaddadi'm trying to set up KVM on a fresh ubuntu 10.10 install.  do I need to configure a separate bridge interface for each VM I bring up?23:53
morphyeyswhere can I find grub file on ubuntu 10.1023:53
d4rkh4v0k1you can modify your machine to do many crazy things. Perhaps make your taskbar look like mac23:53
iflemapooky: ctrl + F1,F2,F3etc.23:53
magicianlordchaospsychex: it's the window compositor that allows for 3d effects in ubuntu23:53
chaospsychexmagicianlord: window compositor?23:54
d4rkh4v0k1you can install widgets to : ) which are super cool23:54
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: jhaddad if you haven't already: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking23:54
pookyiflema: that didn't do anything for me23:54
ejvsrry d4rkh4v0k1 that wasn't for you23:54
d4rkh4v0k1oh lol23:54
pookyI feel like I should just smart smacking the keyboard like a monkey :P23:54
brontoeeeem, no23:55
jiohdimy login desktop changer is missing, how do I get it back23:55
chaospsychexmagicianlord: neat, looks cool. how do i install it? 'sudo apt-get install compiz?23:55
d4rkh4v0k1no, don't do that pooky, are you using kde or gnome ?23:55
pookygnome, metacity23:55
magicianlordchaospsychex: it's already installed if you are using ubuntu23:55
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iflemapooky: oh yeah.. thats kde4, oops23:55
chaospsychexmagicianlord: really? i gotta check it out then23:55
d4rkh4v0k1try googling gnome eyecandy, if it doesn't help you could at least customize your pc some.23:55
magicianlordit's in appearance, special effects23:56
d4rkh4v0k1youtube linux eyecandy too !23:56
ejvd4rkh4v0k1: what's `sudo lshw -class multimedia` output?23:56
jhaddadejv: i read through that, but I didn't see anything about limitations on the number of vms that can share a bridge.23:56
ejvim assuming they'd group this usb gps under multimedia....23:56
TasteDoes someone know how to download Realtek drivers on linux23:56
magicianlorddoes anyone know why the sound indicator screws up in 10.04 and then restarting doesnt work either?23:57
jhaddadejv: not really my area of expertise.23:57
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: I will, I'm almost to an entirely keyboard based usage -> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/134382/Screenshot.png <- just need to figure out how to tab across workspaces23:57
magicianlordpooky: in ubuntu?23:57
pookymagicianlord: yes23:57
ejvTaste: you can download the vanilla kernel sources from http://www.kernel.org/23:57
d4rkh4v0k1ejv it's an high definition controller23:57
ejvTaste: if you *really* want to play with the committed realtek driver code...23:57
pookymagicianlord: just a custom theme, and running pywo for window management.23:58
magicianlordwhat is pywo?23:58
pookymagicianlord: it's a python script the resizes and tiles windows23:58
d4rkh4v0k1sorry pooky i don't know what else to mention23:58
pookynot super robust, but enough that it makes things useful23:58
morphyeysplease someone tell me where is the grub configuration file on my ubuntu 10.10? :(23:59
Cairohas anyone here been able to get IMosaic to work using mono?23:59
alfredanyone got a tutorials how to move website from a server to ubuntu server?23:59
pookyd4rkh4v0k1: no problem, just seems like an oversight though, right?23:59
magicianlordpooky: like the alt+f7 and 10 shortcuts in gnome23:59
ejvTaste: also naturally you can go to the vendor's website as well and look under Unix (Linux)23:59
magicianlordmorphyeys: it's in /boot23:59
pookymagicianlord: yes, in ways23:59
magicianlordok homie23:59
d4rkh4v0k1http://paste.ubuntu.com/558331/ here it is ejv23:59

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