
sabagjrib:recovery mode00:00
ardchoillePlease, let's not go down that road.. I'd much rather helps folks with Ubuntu stuff :)00:00
Guest95209so if I want to transfor some files from ubuntu to vista using my hard disc..if theere are windows viruses on ubuntu..they will efect my vista also??is this right00:00
jribsabag: try this, boot back in normal mode, and try ctrl-alt-f7, ctrl-alt-f8, ctrl-alt-f9 to see if you see gdm.  If not, check that you have a login window at ctrl-alt-f100:00
marc_Guest95209: only if the file is opened or used in vista00:00
LintGuest95209, not until you run it manually in Vista as administrator.00:00
NixGeekarbitrary2: My only suggestion is a diffrent flash drive, I g2g00:00
jribGuest95209: and in that case you probably have anti-virus on vista...00:00
arbitrary2I'm going to try this, then I'm going to use an ArchLive to see if it makes a difference.00:01
OY1Rafter a recommended Ubuntu update im having problems viewing youtube videos i get a message saying "an error occured, please try again later", also the audio volume controlls no longer modify the subwoofer on the laptop, im using 10.10.00:01
Guest95209yaaa..so inthat case is it advisable to have AV on linux too right?00:01
Clavin12Hi. Does anyone know what "SIOCGFFLAGS error: No such device" might mean in relation to my usb wireless card?00:01
=== jewhooker is now known as jewhooker2011
ink3dGuest95209: Won't hurt anything00:02
schnuffleGuest95209: From that point of view yes :) There is clamav anti virus00:02
benedicttwitch: are you still here?00:02
Guest95209ok buddy thanks for the info...00:02
Guest95209could u plz tell me how to install it..00:02
marc_Guest95209: no because antivirus on vista will take care of windows viruses and ubuntu doesn't suffer from virus only time you will need av on linux is to scan windows that doesn't have av00:03
schnuffleGuest95209: open software center and search for clamav00:03
marc_i use avast00:03
Guest95209ohh yaa u r right00:03
=== jewhooker2011 is now known as antogg
schnuffleGuest95209: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV00:04
benedictcan some1 help me to investigate my long boot times? my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/565607/ have a look at line 647 (mounting ext3 takes more than 100 seconds!!!) and line 713 and following (take me additional 20 sec). i allread did fsch.ext3 to my both partitons (/ ant /home) from my second ubuntu installed on the same hdd.00:04
Guest95209so my question is if i run my AV on vista..will it checks linux partition also..or not00:04
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mongyClavin12, I have seen that before with someone elses wifi, but unfortunately, I dont know what it means.  Sorry00:04
jribGuest95209: no00:04
pusherman2In narwhal there is a compiz plugin that allows you to drag a window to the side and it would then set that window to half the width of the screen does anyone know what it is called, thanks00:05
marc_Guest95209: no because windows cannot see linux partitions00:05
benedictGuest95209: no, because 1) win don't want to read ext2/3/4 partitions00:05
sabagjrib: back to failsafex, alt-ctrl-f... didn't work00:05
mongy+1 | pusherman200:06
jribsabag: I don't know then.  This might be some sort of strange wubi bug I haven't seen before.  Maybe try the channel again later00:06
psywipedhow do i add /home/user/checkipaddress to crone and run it every 5 mins?00:06
marc_Guest95209: most viruses are from sites that cater mostly for adult fantasy anyway or from email phreak attacks so don't worry too much about viruses00:06
Guest95209so..av program on windows will take care of the windows viruses if they are in those files which i transfer form ubuntu..right??00:06
jribpusherman2: might try #compiz00:06
benedictGuest95209: to maybe calm you  a bit: most windows viruse are not able to run under linux. so even if you have them on your linux (for whatever reason) i am 99% sure it can not be executed00:06
ardchoille!crontab | psywiped00:06
ubottupsywiped: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm00:06
benedictGuest95209: yes00:06
marc_Guest95209: if windows has a live antivirus it will detect them the moment they attempt to activate00:07
Guest95209yes bro..i have no doubt abt ubuntu..my problem is with windows here00:07
Guest95209yaa i agree00:07
marc_Guest95209: which you have already been told won't happen until you click on the infected file00:07
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OY1Rok then, how do i undo an update on Ubuntu 10.10 ??00:07
Guest95209coz I am new to UBUNTU platform..thats why am bothering u with questions :))00:08
antoggdoes reformating a computer constantly, like once a day, damage or hurt the hard drive in any way?00:08
OY1Rsomething like restore to older working setup ?00:08
sabagjrib:I installed the wubi 10.04 after half year ( that i forgot about windows xp) i upgraded in update manager00:08
marc_Guest95209, Thats ok00:08
benedictantogg: reformatting?! either way, it's no difference to normal writing so i'd say no00:09
Guest95209are there any side bar like vista in ubuntu00:09
OY1Rantogg: every harddrive has it's lifetime, but i dont think formating the harddrive kill's it any faster than regular usage does.00:09
ardchoilleGuest95209: you can add extra panels and place items in them00:10
marc_be a bit soon for him/her to start messing with win2-700:10
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antoggk thanks benedict and OY1R00:10
sabagjrib: thank's anyway00:11
User_007Hello Guys, i have some problem with gwibber-service... everytime it refresh it uses 100% of CPU for a while... like 30 seconds, and sometimes it freezes and only can be killed. Anyone have a clue to fiz it on Maveric? (Lucid solution don't work)00:12
benedictGuest95209: either follow ardchoille or.... have a look at KDE!!! it's a bit "fatter" than gnome but has more "eyecandy" and is more liberate with changing settings. some people like that some don't ;) - the general perception is, that KDE is a bit easier to use when coming from windows. if you are happy with gnome, keep it and llok at kde later, when you are confident with ubuntu/linux00:12
pusherman2Just in case anyone was interested, I found the plugin here, it is called compiz-snap http://www.mikesubuntu.com/2010/06/snap-windows-to-sides-like-windows-7-using-compiz/00:13
Guest95209oh ok00:13
Lintkde is a piece of buggy junk, it's much, much worse than Gnome.00:13
ardchoillebenedict: well said00:13
Guest95209but I like ubuntu for now..I will see KDE also..00:14
benedictthx for the flowers ardchoille00:14
schnuffleLint: that not true, maybe your opinion00:14
benedictGuest95209: first take your time with gnome ;)00:14
dyess002I use Dockey on the bottom and on the left to handle my hd mounts and I use Awn on the left for temp and weather and such.00:14
Lintschnuffle, it's my experience00:14
ardchoilleGuest95209: there's also desklets, screenlets and google gadgets.. they provide even more way to do things00:14
schnuffleLint: so state it like that00:15
dyess002Awn on the right  excuse me00:15
WilliamsHi! What's the command for mounting cd/dvd images in ubuntu ?00:15
icarus-cWilliams: mount00:15
Williamsicarus-c, the full command ?00:16
benedictcan some1 help me to investigate my long boot times? my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/565607/ have a look at line 647 (mounting ext3 takes more than 100 seconds!!!) and line 713 and following (take me additional 20 sec). i allread did fsch.ext3 to my both partitons (/ ant /home) from my second ubuntu installed on the same hdd.00:16
icarus-cWilliams: mount -t iso9660 blah.iso  /mnt/mountpoint00:16
Williamsicarus-c, thanks00:16
icarus-cWilliams: see man page for details00:16
Guest95209KDE is also looking nice00:17
ardchoillebenedict: how old is that hdd? Sounds like it might be having to circumvent bas blocks or something00:17
cannonfodderhey you guys...me and someone want to secure out irc chats....is this the way to do it? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL00:18
benedictardchoille: i bought that laptop 2 years ago. its a lenovo idepad s12. i am quite careful with it and rarely moved it when it was turned on. on the other hand i turned off/hinbernated it several times a day00:19
Abinadaiok, I've got Maverick almost tuned up...but I have one problem.  with my cable connection, windows7 and firefox...firefox loads pages lickity-split.  Firefox in Maverick takes an amazingly long time (sometimes up to 45 secs) to load same pages.  Can someone give me a clue why this is happening?00:19
VustomHow do I install a .run file so it goes in the Applications drop down box?00:20
Vustomlike a .deb file..00:20
benedictardchoille: as stated before fschk doesn't complain or something like that... do you know where/how to investigate fruther?00:20
benedictAbinadai: hm, i saw that firefox always did a IPv6 dns lookup before falling back to ipv4... that always takes time, but never 45 secs....00:21
ardchoillebenedict: I'm afraid I don't, but my first suspicion is a dying hdd. I don't know enough about hardware to get that deeply into it I'm afraid.00:21
benedictardchoille: hm... i don't want things to die... especially not my hdd...00:23
iflemaVustom ti depends on the .run, official packages are in the repos.... you could manually make a link i guess00:23
Abinadaibenedict, no kidding right.  I've done some tweaking to firefox, but it doesn't seem to help at all.  I'm open to *any* ideas right about now.00:23
ardchoillebenedict: I'm seeing an app called Disk Utility in System, have you tried to see if that would yield anything?00:23
ardchoilleAbinadai: open firefox, type in about:config, type "ipv6" (without quotes) into the textbox and see if ipv6 is enabled. I always disable ipv6 and it speeds up firefox tremendously00:25
benedictardchoille: my prob is that i use fluxbox on a minimal ubuntu install. i installed gnome-disk-utility what seems to be tha package for that thing in Systems. i was not able to launch it fomr command line in a way that it gives me any new results. can you run it and see how it's process is called so that i can fire it up from cmd-line?00:25
skullboymaco: toram does not work00:25
Vustomiflema: I have done it in terminal but it just puts a folder on my desktop, I can run it within the folder but It doesn't install like a .deb does, why not..? I want to be able to access it via Applications > Internet00:25
Abinadaiardchoille, ok I'll do that now.00:25
benedictAbinadai: put that in your .bashrc export MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=100:25
JunkyJamescan anyne help me add a subdomain to my server?00:26
icarus-cVustom: create a freedesktop menu entry for it?00:26
benedictAbinadai: the export thing helped me a lot00:26
VustomI'm new to Ubuntu, whats that00:26
skullboyhow do i inject ubuntu 10.10 to ram00:26
ardchoillebenedict: the command used to launch the app here is palimpsest00:26
User_007ty everyone00:26
icarus-cVustom: you are trying to make a menu entry for an application right?00:26
icarus-cVustom: in that case you could use System -> Preferences -> Main Menu    if i remember correctly00:26
icarus-cskullboy: what do you mean00:27
benedictardchoille: neat! ok got it running... first sight it says "disk is healthy" do you suggest further steps?00:27
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iflemaVustom if you try, in a terminal   ./runfile.run --help    you may see an option to set install directory etc.... most likely youll need to make a manual link from where its installed to the menu00:27
Announcementok iv tried like 5 different things im trying to install flash 10.2 on ubuntu 10.1000:27
ardchoillebenedict: Hmm, sounds like I may have been wrong to start with. If the disk reports as healthy in more than one app then I would assume the hdd is fine00:28
Abinadaiardchoille, I did that and that totally fixed the problem!!!00:28
ardchoillebenedict: That was my only suspicion I'm afraid00:28
skullboyicarus-c: run all the files off ram like in puppy linux or partition magic or backtrack ect00:28
ardchoilleAbinadai: Glad to hear it :)00:28
iflemaVustom you can right click on the menu bar you can edit and create/remove shortcuts00:28
VustomWhere do I get the icon for it though..00:29
benedictardchoille: i would have be very surprised if the hdd was damaged. it's slow (i guess it's a cheap/slow 5400 rpm hdd) but it cant account for mre than 100 sec in boot time ....00:29
Abinadaiardchoille, now how do I make sure that the setting stays on all the time, or is it just persistent once you disable it?00:29
skullboyicarus-c: run all the files off ram like in puppy linux or partition magic or backtrack ect00:29
iflemaVustom use another icon, use gimp to make one....00:29
ardchoillebenedict: I agree00:29
icarus-cskullboy: for an installed system?00:29
Jordan_Uskullboy: Add the "toram" kernel parameter.00:29
ardchoilleAbinadai: I tshould remain as you set it until you change it00:29
Abinadaiardchoille, outstanding!  thanks :)00:30
skullboyicarus-c: no live00:30
skullboyjordan_u: how00:30
benedictardchoille: let me benchmark it... could you do a read only benchmark too, so that we can compare?00:30
ardchoillebenedict: I have no idea how to do that00:31
benedictardchoille: use the disk utility00:31
icarus-cskullboy: just append  toram into kernel parameter when you are in boot menu00:31
Jordan_Uskullboy: Looking at the scrollback you said "toram does not work". What do you mean? What happens when you use the toram kernel parameter and how much RAM do you have?00:32
Announcementlink me?00:32
benedictardchoille: if you noavigate to your hdd you will see the benchamrk button00:32
ardchoilleAbinadai: here is more on how to tweak firefox http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/tips/00:32
benedictAbinadai: it will be permanet00:32
skullboyjordan_u: do u mean where u press tab to mod the paramaters00:32
Jordan_Uskullboy: Yes.00:33
skullboyjordan_u: 4gb00:33
ardchoillebenedict: starting benchmark00:33
malvwhy flash no work no more?00:33
benedictAbinadai: also try my export line i posted before. i disable the ipv6 thing too (this is where i first suspicion came from) and did the exort thing. the export pango thing will disable chinese symbols supprt or so... and it helped me a lot00:34
benedictardchoille: thank you00:34
psywipedwant to have your server update its ip address to twitter use this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/565625/00:34
w1n5tonRhythmbox will not start00:34
iflemaVustom there are many preinstalled to choose from and if worst comes to worst download an imge file and make an icon..... prob best to use apps from the repos anyway, for both security and compatability00:34
w1n5tonI try to start in in terminal I get this: GLib-ERROR **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.26.0/glib/gmem.c:405: overflow allocating 1702060387*4 bytes00:34
Abinadaibenedict, thanks.  do I just use gedit to edit the file you were talking about?00:35
skullboyjordan_u: so just add toram to the paramiters at the end00:35
Announcement:( Ubuntu10.1Flash10.2 broken?00:35
Jordan_Uskullboy: Yes.00:35
Abinadaiardchoille, thanks.  I'll have a look at that.00:35
benedictAbinadai: yes. you have to edit .bashrc in your home directory. dont forget about the "." infront of the name!00:35
skullboyjordan_u: i tryed that it still booted useing the usbflash00:36
ardchoillebenedict: benchmark done. Screenshot be best?00:36
nillerzHello #ubuntu00:36
benedictardchoille: min. read rate is 33.3MB/s max. read rate is 68.1 MB/s average read rate is 54MB/s average acces time is 18.3 ms00:36
Jordan_Uskullboy: What is the output of "mount" and "cat /proc/cmdline" when you do that?00:36
nillerzAnyone here have particular expertise in peripheral USB joypads?00:36
benedictardchoille: yes, a screenshot would be great!00:36
DarkLoadhello all! I'm running 10.10 on a laptop that has had some serious issues with overheating even before the install; now the fan isn't even running and I'm not sure where to start looking for the proper driver for it. Any suggestions as to where to start?00:38
Announcementthanks guys00:38
skullboyjordan_u: when i try to unmount it says the device is busy00:38
benedictAbinadai: the export line i gave you has to be in a won line. maybe you'll neet to re-login or even reboot... the best thing is, if you add it to your .bashrc and after next boot you try to notice if it makes a difference. if it does, keep it, if not remove it again ;)00:38
ardchoillebenedict:  http://ardchoille.nfshost.com/public/benchmark.jpg00:38
nillerzI am trying to get a USB joystick (originally made for Mac, apparently) to work.00:38
Jordan_Uskullboy: Please try doing it again and pastebin the output of "mount" and "cat /proc/cmdline".00:39
nillerzCurrently, the power button turns on, and if Ihold down the right analog stick and twiddle with the analog sticks it moves my mouse around.00:39
nillerzI can't locate it at /dev/input/js000:40
nillerzbut then again I'm no expert in this field00:40
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mickster04nillerz: maybe it isn't registering as a joystick?00:41
mickster04nillerz: hence why you won't find it in js000:41
ardchoillebenedict: looks like you should be getting better performance than I am.. which leaves me even more puzzled00:42
nillerzmickster04, how do I figure that out, and what do I do about that?00:42
benedictardchoille: i'm tying to paste my bench... one sec00:42
gogeta1ardchoille: preformance heh00:42
psywipedwhere is the twidge config file?00:43
gogeta1ardchoille: benchmarks are eh real preformance matter then what one progrma thinks00:43
mickster04uhm, there should be logs somewhere of when the device connects, and that would say where the new device is, but I have no idea elsewise00:43
mickster04I am mostly theoretical help :p00:43
nillerzI shall theoretically thank you. :p00:44
ardchoillegogeta1: perhaps you can help benedict with an hdd issue? I don't know enough to be able to help troubleshoot00:44
gogeta1mickster04: lspci shows names of everything connected to thew pc if it knoes it00:44
ardchoilleThat's what I get for building my own computers from parts that I already know work with Ubuntu, I never have problems so I can't help much with troubleshooting00:45
gogeta1ardchoille: hdd prefornace verys alot where on the platters the os is the fs types the rpm the cache speeds and so on00:45
Announcementcompiz or metacity compositor00:45
nillerzBus 002 Device 009: ID 2222:4020 MacAlly  <<< That is my gamepad as it shows up in lsusb00:46
ardchoilleAnnouncement: compiz has a lot more flexibility and otions00:46
benedicthttp://imagebin.org/137287 ardchoille00:46
gogeta1nillerz: then the os sees it thats good00:46
psywipeddo you have to have #!/bin/bash at the begining of a script?00:46
icarus-cAnnouncement: compiz offer cool effects and 3D desktop,  but slow and potentially buggy00:47
th0rpsywiped: yes00:47
benedicthttp://imagebin.org/137287 ardchoille gogeta100:47
th0rpsywiped: although I think !#/bin/sh will work also00:47
ardchoillebenedict: hmm.. I wonder why mine is more steady across the graph00:47
gogeta1icarus-c: compiz isnt slow on decent hardware or very buggy00:47
Myleshello can som1 help me?00:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:48
gogeta1icarus-c: but still unnedded00:48
ardchoilleicarus-c: compiz isn't slow or buggy here00:48
Announcementoh how switch back to compiz00:48
icarus-cgogeta1: try to run a 3D game with compiz on.   (oh you have unredirect fullscreen window,  but that often coz flickers)00:48
Announcementi accidently did the other oen00:48
bwallenFor some reason on my computer there is no longer a sudo or apt-get command, among others. I haven't rebooted it or done any configuring for a while. Any clues as to what could have happened?00:48
nillerzthe os recognizes that there is a device plugged into usb, but it doesn't do anything with it. Is it perhaps calling it a mouse or something? It lets me use the controller to do basic (very basic) mouse tricks, but I can't click.00:48
benedictardchoille: i also think about possible interpretations about my graph... but i expected it to be steady....00:49
gogeta1icarus-c: i wouldent being if i wanna game i whant all my video cards resources00:49
psywipedbwallen: whats it output when you enter "sudo su"?00:49
icarus-cardchoille: well but i seen compiz crash from time to time :S  with nvidia & official driver (which i guess is the best stack for 3D graphics)00:49
Mylesi have a bash script and its returning if/then as unknow tokens00:49
gogeta1benedict: ok thats a benchmark of your hdd being i dont knoe the specks on the drives i cant say bad or good00:49
bwallenpsywiped: bash: sudo: command not found00:49
KB1JWQbwallen: dpkg -l |grep sudo00:50
Announcementhow did you manage to screw your kernel?00:50
ardchoillebenedict: yeah, your graph just doesn't feel right to me. I wish I knew how to solve this issue00:50
schnuffleMyles: paste the script00:50
Myles1 sec00:50
psywipedMyles: in !pastebin00:50
bwallenKBlJWQ: This isn't good - "bash: dpkg: command not found"00:50
psywipedbwallen: can you gain root?00:51
Mylesjust type ! pastebin and paste the script00:51
gogeta1benedict: if your using btrfs its known to crawl on some things00:51
Jordan_Ubwallen: What is the output of "echo $PATH"?00:51
bwallenpsywiped: No, but fortunately I still have a root session open00:51
Lintwhy in 2011 MP3 playback stutters when I swith windows or sometimes when I just move the mouse??00:51
bwallenJordan_U: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin00:51
aeon-ltdLint: cpu lag? maxing out00:52
Lintwhy mouse movement would cause CPU load?00:52
aeon-ltdLint: no idea, but re rendering windows would00:53
schnuffleLint: because it generates interruts00:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:54
schnuffleMyles: any problem pasting?00:55
mikelCan anyone recommend a guide to setting up OpenLDAP on an Ubuntu server? Both the official server guide and the community documentation have led consistently to dead ends and I know I can't be the first one in history to attempt this.00:55
Mylesdoing so now00:55
Mylesthere u go00:55
benedictgogeta1: i use etx3 everywhere00:56
Mylesit worked on a previous install00:56
gogeta1benedict: odd your geting such a preforance falloff00:56
gogeta1benedict: hardware issue maybe00:56
benedictgogeta1: yes... odd thing is that even my worst result equals the best result of ardchoille00:57
gogeta1benedict: i got a desktop with a half dead drive and it crawls but i knoe the drive is dieing i have had to wack it a few time just for it to sttartup00:57
benedictardchoille: how mucht ime takes boot for you? do you boot into gnome?00:57
killownhow can I downgrade flash for 10.1? since ubuntu repositories have update flash for 10.2 I am having alot problem with that, it's very buggy, very very annoying bugs, please I can't use this buls***00:58
schnuffleMyles: if needs a test statement so your if line is totally messed up00:58
benedictgogeta1: my laptop is 2 years old... also during normal usage i see no probs... only during boot00:58
gogeta1benedict: laptop drives tend to be slow for heat reasions00:58
Mylesit worked as is the day b4 yesterday00:59
gogeta1benedict: they acully slow down if they start to get hot00:59
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ardchoillebenedict: I boot directly into gnome on Ubuntu 10.10 in under 30 seconds. I don't reboot unles there's a kernel update os it's not often00:59
benedictgogeta1: but how does that excuse more than 100 seconds for mounting during boot...  further one my partitions are not bigger than 30GB each, and all of them are less tha half full00:59
ShAnKs-r00ti need to help plase00:59
gogeta1benedict: wow 100 seconds are somethings wrong there01:00
ardchoillegogeta1: yeah, that was my concern too01:00
gogeta1benedict: if its saying ata error its new disk time01:00
benedictardchoille: hmmmm.... i am under 10.04 ... but your "boot" is a real boot or a resume from hibernation?01:00
ardchoillebenedict: real boot, no hibernation here01:00
cafuegoe: the slowest sofar was in the order of 1^0 seconds (ie: 1)01:01
gogeta1benedict: formatting might fix it for a wile but it probly would come back01:01
schnuffleMyles: s/>/&>/01:01
ardchoillebenedict: I don't own a laptop so that may be a difference01:01
benedictgogeta1: see my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/565607/01:01
benedictgogeta1: my install is pretty fresh01:01
schnufflereplace the first > with &> and test it01:01
schnuffleMyles: grep mythfrontend &> /dev/null01:02
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killownhow can I downgrade flashplayer  for 10.1? since ubuntu repositories have updated flash for 10.2 I am having alot problem with that, it's very buggy, very very annoying bugs, please I can't use this !#@$!@#$01:03
gogeta1benedict: ata1: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0x1810 irq 14 [    0.498578] ata2: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0x1818 irq 15 thats a slow mode01:03
Myleswhat does the &> do01:04
gogeta1benedict: some reasion the drives are set in a veryy slow  moode01:04
linux_noobanyone running ubuntu on a smartphone?01:04
schnuffle&> redirects bot stdout and stderr01:05
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nillerzCan anyone help me get my joypad working?01:05
Mylesweired that worked as-is 48 hours ago01:05
schnuffleMyles: and it works on my terminal, both if branches checked, so your problem is something else, the script is alright01:06
benedictgogeta1: hm... ok, that is at least a very good hint :D i'll go to bed now, but you helped me a lot with that staetment ... now i know where to go on! ardchoille thank you too so much01:07
benedictgogeta1: thank you 1000 times!01:07
Mylescan i re-install bash01:07
schnuffleMyles: try runing it with bash script.sh01:07
Mylesto fxit01:07
schnuffleMyles: Could that sh was replaced with something else01:08
Mylesi even specified #!/bin/bash01:08
gogeta1benedict: last time i had a drive set itself that way i had to format the entire thing to fix it01:08
Mylesin the file01:08
Mylesand no dice01:08
Announcementthats an annoying regex01:08
gogeta1benedict: sometime when windows gets a error on drives it sets em that way for some dammed reasion01:09
benedictgogeta1: !!!!!!!!!!!01:09
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researcher1while installing HP printer I get the error .No netowrk found.Im behind aproxy which is configured correctly and works with Synaptic01:09
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schnuffleMyles: hmmm01:09
BiPolahanyone care to give me a help with wget?01:09
benedictgogeta1: i have win xp on my laptop... triple-boot - 2 time ubuntu 10.04 1 time win xp01:09
Mylesis bash broken?01:09
schnuffleMyles: what did you change the last 48hours?01:09
schnuffleMyles: seems so01:10
gogeta1benedict: would benchmark the windows one and see if its just as bad01:10
Mylescomplete fresh install cli only01:10
gogeta1benedict: but according to that line they are both set for slow speeds01:10
Mylesstacked myth/flux ontop01:10
gogeta1benedict: but if they preferm fine in wondows its linux related01:10
benedictgogeta1: what you mean by "both"?01:11
researcher1while installing HP printer I get the error "No internet connection found" .I connect via a proxy which is configured correctly and works with Synaptic01:11
schnuffleMyles: what was the excat error given?01:11
Announcementyou know how theres all these packagase to make ubuntu to look like mac or win, i screwed one up, how do i revert it to defaults01:11
gogeta1benedict: heck maybe you got the wrong ide cable on there and not a ultrra dma cable01:12
Mad7Scientstbenedict, does smartctl --xall /dev/xhx show anything unusual?01:12
Mylesif then and mythfrontend were all rturned 'unknown token'01:12
Mad7Scientsthow fast does hdparm -t /dev/hdx show for this slow drive?01:12
gogeta1benedict: so many things can bring a hdd to a crawl its hard to relly trace it unless you knoe excaly when preformance fell off01:13
Mad7Scientsta 40 conductor cable will run at 33MB/sec01:13
dave_cave10-10hello all01:14
BiPolahCould anyone tell me why wget keeps telling me "--user:" is an unrecognised option? is it deprecated or am I doing it wrong?01:14
Mad7ScientstPIO mode 0 with no DMA is still a couple MB/sec01:14
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benedictMad7Scientst: thx for coming here. gogeta1 was the one with the good hints.  i'm about to install the prog to report back its output01:14
researcher1how to add large number of users in a group of Desktop users?01:14
gogeta1Mad7Scientst: yea hes getting around 11mb on one 3 on the other01:14
Guest99131what are the measures to take to make ubuntu secure01:15
Mad7ScientstI see01:15
Mad7ScientstIf DMA is turned off 8MB/sec is about all you get with 32 bit I/O turned on01:15
ardchoillegogeta1: Thanks for helping benedict with that01:15
Mad7Scientstresearcher1, edit the /etc/group file01:16
gogeta1Mad7Scientst: opr in a very slow dma it was reporting dma 10001:16
Mylesschnuffle any ideas?01:16
researcher1Mad7Scientst: ok01:16
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nillerzI've made an lshal file for my joypad.01:18
schnuffleMyles: hard if your're not able to test straight away01:18
researcher1Mad7Scientst: I cant understand what to edit.It show existing users with different privileges01:18
benedictsudo smartctl --all /dev/sda01:18
benedictsmartctl version 5.38 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen01:18
benedictHome page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/01:18
benedictDevice Model:     WDC WD1600BEVT-22ZCT001:18
FloodBot2benedict: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:18
jribresearcher1: hold on, there's a useful tool for what you want to do01:19
MalqartHello, I have an issue with my Nvidia graphical card: I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.10 on my samsung Q210 laptop, to get the system to install it at first, I had to use an external VGA screen (because the laptop screen just turns off after the boot of the installer)01:19
Myleswell i'll switch over and do a ls -l /bin/;bash01:19
jribresearcher1: check out "newusers"01:19
researcher1jrib:wher d i check it?01:20
azizLIGHTSis there user dirs for lighttpd01:20
jribresearcher1: you want to actually create a bunch of users right?01:20
researcher1Jrib yes01:20
gogeta1Malqart: use externel install nivida drivers maybe01:20
Malqartand now I have neither advanced video options (3D acceleration) nor sound from internal speakers (I get the sound on headphones though), since I'm using a dual boot, my windows seven too doesn't have sound anymore01:20
jribresearcher1: « man newusers »01:20
gogeta1Malqart: maybe that will fix it01:20
kalwindobry wieczor :)01:21
Malqartgogeta1, I just did install it, I don't get any video at all now, that's why I'm using X recovery mode01:21
researcher1jrib:that appear right 4 me01:21
gogeta1Malqart: if thats a hp thats a known defect the headphone switch become jammed01:21
Malqartgogeta1, and I'm using it again on the external VGA screen01:21
Malqartgogeta1, it's a samsung Q210 ..01:22
jribresearcher1: yeah, you might find pwgen helpful to create the passwords too01:22
gogeta1Malqart: go to hardware then you should see your nivida driver listed to install01:22
researcher1jrib how do i use pwgen01:22
gogeta1Malqart: maybe samsongs have the same defect01:22
gogeta1Malqart: sometimes unplugging and replugging the headphones quickly frees it01:22
benedictgogeta1: Mad7Scientst reading your former posts, let me remind you that i use a lenovo ideapad s12 laptop, that i never opened. i bouthg it new 2 years ago... here are the benchmarks of the hdd i posted before http://imagebin.org/137287 the right one is my benchmark...it looks odd01:23
Malqartgogeta1, I did that, but when I install the nvidia driver, the system stucks on gdm login (I think) and it only works again when I delete the xorg.conf01:23
jribresearcher1: read the man page :)  I used it like: $(pwgen -N 1) in a for loop to create the file that newusers read01:23
ehndei'm trying to restore backups off an external usb drive formatted in exfat...got the fuse-exfat driver installed, but i can't acess my stuff01:24
gogeta1Malqart: man i rember someone with that bug and forgot how i fixed it heh01:24
ehndefailed to get absolute path for `/dev/sdb1'01:24
benedictgogeta1: Mad7Scientst sudo hdparm -t /dev/sda resutls in Timing buffered disk reads:  192 MB in  3.01 seconds =  63.78 MB/sec01:24
gogeta1Malqart: its the video card thinking your ext is your primary monoter01:24
Malqartgogeta1, how can I check that ? and correct it01:24
gogeta1benedict: naybe the benchmark program is lieing to you01:25
benedictgogeta1: who knows ^^01:25
gogeta1Malqart: i guess in the configs after you install nivida driver01:25
gogeta1Malqart: it still should output to the ext01:25
Mad7Scientstbenedict, is the hard drive light on while it is stuck mounting it?01:25
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gogeta1Malqart: i just rember the bug not the fix heh01:26
benedictMad7Scientst: it blinks in an unforseeable way... like reading something but not with full speed01:26
Malqartgogeta1, any commands come to mind in order to correct that ?01:26
Malqartgogeta1, oh ok01:26
gogeta1Malqart: i think i had him kill gdm via command line and force the output to the labby01:26
Mad7Scientstbenedict, maybe a part of the drive is failing, the part that gets read during mount01:26
gogeta1Malqart: yea now i rember01:27
Malqartgogeta1, how to force the output ?01:27
gogeta1Malqart: restarting gdm correects it01:27
gogeta1Malqart: drop to command line service gdm restart01:27
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Malqartgogeta1, ?? I did that after installing the nvidia driver, still didn't work01:28
gogeta1Malqart: eh his was more random sometimes it whent ext sometimes to the labby01:28
benedictMad7Scientst: hm... but in that case fschk should be screaming like mad and also the ubuntu util shouldn't state that my hdd is fine. i also should come across constant readig problems... what is not the case01:28
gogeta1Malqart: have you tryed bypassing gdm?01:29
Malqartgogeta1, how ?01:29
gogeta1Malqart: service gdm stop01:29
gogeta1then startx01:29
MalqartI'll tr that01:29
gogeta1Malqart: if anything it will tell why it crashes01:29
mouseHow do I share files across my home network?01:30
benedictMad7Scientst: what REALLY puzzels me is the graph of my benchmark... it's contantly going down... max. read speed is 68MB/s min read speed is 33MB/s01:30
Announcementwell ubuntu one can show theme from anywhere but from home network uhm.. jus a sec01:31
benedictMad7Scientst: one thing i obeserved: when i press a key constantly during boot up the hdd lamp also starts to shine constantly01:32
benedictmaybe it speeds up the read process... what would be VERY weired01:32
brokendatapointHi all, have Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook on a HP Mini, Auto Eth0 works fine but the Wireless Connection just sits there as shows the connecting icon and does not work. Anyone else hear of issues with HP Mini?01:32
benedictbrokendatapoint: open a terminal and type "sudo jockey-gtk" to get a closed source driver...  if there is one for your wifi-card01:33
brokendatapointah k01:34
benedictbrokendatapoint: usually you'll have to restart after activating the driver01:35
brokendatapointbenedict: indeedy thank you01:36
benedictbrokendatapoint: if you have the choic between 2 driver, use the one that has a STA in it01:36
benedictbrokendatapoint: did it work?01:36
b33rHello how can I switch the sun java plugin to the iced tea one in firefox?01:37
brokendatapointbenedict: k, my Aspire One works fine with open source, is just a friend's HP that is fussy, waiting...01:37
gogeta1brokendatapoint: yea same for my eee fine with open drivers01:37
brokendatapointgogeta1: yep... Acer wins again01:38
gogeta1brokendatapoint: eee is auses01:38
brokendatapointgogeta1: brokendatapoint ducks and runs in shame01:39
brokendatapointbenedict: no, the jockey-gtk did not work01:39
gogeta1brokendatapoint: i guess you can just use the windows driver on the hp usind nids-wrapper01:40
pbacaNeed Help getting Operation not possible due to RF-Kill on Ubuntu 10.10 kernel 2.6.35-22 wifi Ralink rt3090sta but trying to use rt2860sta.01:40
Athenoni have a p4 that's showing up as 2 separate processors in cpuinfo (it's a single core)...any ideas why?  also, when i go to system monitor, it says cpu0 and cpu1...how can i tell my ACTUAL cpu usage...add them together and divide by 2?01:41
benedictbrokendatapoint: hm, now all i could do is send you the links to the ubuntu forums... they helped me to get my wifi-card up and running... just google ubuntu wireless or something like that and goo for the ubuntu and ubuntu-wiki sites... they offer a quite forward troubleshoot strategy01:41
psusiAthenon, because its a dual core... or pseudo dual core ( hyperthreading )01:41
benedictgogeta1: brokendatapoint nids-wrapper should be last resort...01:41
brokendatapointbenedict: thanks will do later, off into TRW ... gah01:41
gogeta1benedict: yea shure heh01:42
Athenonpsusi:  ok, so it's hyper threaded?  So...I can average the 2 usages to get my actual usage, then?01:42
psusiAthenon, if that is how you define actual usage, yes01:42
gogeta1psusi: my atom is hyperthreded heh doesent mean its a dule core01:43
psusigogeta1, hence the pseudo part01:43
Athenonpsusi:  to me, actual usage is 100% of all of my cpu power minus what's actually being used as a percentage.01:43
gogeta1psusi: my 64 bit amd dule core also hyperthreded leave my atom in the dust but pcs for diffrent uses01:44
pbacathank you but I've been trying for couple of days to get this Ralink card working according to the forums it should work and i've tried several things but nothing seems to work...01:44
psusigogeta1, hyperthreading is an intel thing.. amd didn't do it01:45
gogeta1psusi: tell that to my amd being it does it01:45
psusiamd just went for actual dual core01:45
brokendatapointwhat is the best way to get output of full system specs with Ubuntu? dmesg or something else?01:45
psusino, it actually has dual cores ;)01:45
gogeta1psusi: hes hyper threded dule core shows as 401:45
benedictpsusi: gogeta1 hyper-threading for intel, hyper-processing is amd - in the end it's pretty mucht he same thing, except for plitting up the processin in different ways01:46
benedictprocessin = processes01:46
psusiafaik, amd never did anything like hyperthreading, they just went to actual dual cores... none of my amd boxes ever had anything like that anyhow...01:47
gogeta1psusi: yea amd made there own version as he said but they tend not to boast it rather just make more real cores like the phenom 6 core01:47
benedictgogeta1: Mad7Scientst thank you both for your time and patience! it helped me a a good bit... i appreciate that01:48
* psusi fondly remembers his dual athlon MP 1.2 GHz of what? 10 years ago now?01:48
psusiof course that was two physical packages...01:48
gogeta1psusi: probly why the hyperporssing dule cores ddnt come around till like 2 years ago01:49
psusihyperthreading was a cheap gimick stop gap measure to get some of the benefits of multi core without actually making a whole second core... there's no reason to add it now01:50
gogeta1psusi: hey i just said they did i ddint say why01:50
denial_Hey, I have a problem regarding blue vertical flicker on my newly installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop, can anyone help me?01:50
psusigoofy... hrm... guess my athlon64 5000+ black edition was a little older than that01:50
gogeta1psusi: im running a ql-6501:51
gogeta1psusi: yea i wasent expecting it to have i assumed it didnt being it was amd they they tend to shoot for real cores01:54
frosteroanyone configured ubuntu/eclipse before?01:54
tweefariWhat's going on?01:55
mickster04tweefari: what's up?01:55
entityfrostero I use eclipse01:55
frosteroi just tried to connect with rse and it told me connection refused datastore daemon not running01:55
agu10^pring "( . )U( . )"01:56
frosteroim not very familiar with setting up connections between eclipse and linux servers01:56
mickster04agu10^: not cool01:56
agu10^mickster04, why not?01:56
mickster04agu10^: what's that about?01:56
agu10^it's a python program01:57
agu10^print "( . )U( . )"01:57
entitywhat is the significance of posting it in here? -jw01:57
frosteroso do i need to install sugar-datastore package for the daemon?01:58
denial_Hey, I have a problem regarding blue vertical flicker on my newly installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop, can anyone help me?01:58
entityand frostero, unfortunately I just use it locally so Idk :(01:58
mickster04agu10^: yeah not appropriate01:58
agu10^mickster04, when is a python program not appropriate?01:58
agu10^how bad could it be? it's not malware01:59
frosteroentity: my server is on my local and I could just set up a samba share for it but i want to get remote system in place01:59
mickster04agu10^: when it jhas nothing to do with ubuntu support, nor is it very family friendly01:59
lduroshello, is there a way from aptitude to know where the package will be installed?01:59
agu10^mickster04, depends who your family is...01:59
ldurosi'm talking about aptitude command line01:59
agu10^mickster04, yes, that runs on ubuntu, but first type python[enter]02:00
agu10^then type that02:00
mickster04agu10^: regardelss actually02:00
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:00
agu10^this is for all ages, friendly, for all cultures, etc02:00
mickster04agu10^: what does the program do? other than print a rather suggestive bit of ascii02:00
agu10^you said it well, mickster04 ... couldn't have explained it better02:01
mickster04agu10^: in which case that is definately not appropriate for this channel02:01
mickster04go to off-topic02:01
agu10^mickster04, ok. /me joins #ubuntu-offtopic02:01
mickster04how well does malware work in ubuntu?02:03
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airtonixmickster04: pebkac02:04
mickster04airtonix: well sure but still, how well is it likely to work? I know virus' have issues but I didn't think malware was limited to virus'02:04
razieliyoI've got a problem02:04
mickster04hey razieliyo02:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
razieliyomy hi mickster0402:05
razieliyothe question comes here02:05
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mickster04I guess that's why you're in #ubuntu rather than #ubuntu-offtopic02:05
razieliyowhen I boot my computer and select ubuntu as starting os, I get some initrfs prompt02:06
razieliyoI've googled it, but I can get it to work02:06
razieliyoI just wanted to save my files and reinstall the system02:06
razieliyodoes anyone knows a way to do this? I've tried to mount the filesystem with a live cd but doesn't work02:07
arbitraryOkay, so, something is fundamentally wrong. I cannot boot from a live CD and liveUSBs of two different distros fail to boot in EXACTLY the same way. All I have left is cygwin. I need to find my linux partition, decrypt it, and fsck it.02:07
twaggsanyone know how to reset the SMART data from ubuntu?02:07
mickster04razieliyo: what doesn't ork with the live cd, just g to places>drivehere>double-click02:08
razieliyomickster04, it says something about there's a job pending02:08
razieliyoI've tried several lives02:08
razieliyobut the problem seems to be something about the partition02:08
twaggsanyone know how to reset a drive's SMART data in ubuntu?02:09
razieliyoI can't mount it anyway02:09
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razieliyoI've tried console lives but nothing, the system keeps working and doesn't mount anything02:09
razieliyolike if it got stck02:10
razieliyodo you know any rescue tool for ext3 partitions? I just want some data02:11
razieliyoI don't really want to repair it, although if I could, it would be double nice02:11
geraldvHi..anyone knows how to return the network manager icon located in notification applet...I tried "nm-applet --sm-disable" but nothings happen02:13
richardcavellI've installed Maverick desktop.  I want to compile and link using gcc from the command line.  What packages do I need to install?02:13
DaGeek247i know how to reset the panel.02:13
DaGeek247it would fix the net manager icon.02:14
geraldvDaGeek247: How Sir?02:14
nybrasI was wondering if anyone can help me: I just got a Logitech G510 keyboard for my birthday, and I'm having problems configuring it...i installed the g15tools but its not reconising my keyboard02:14
geraldvI tried to add Notification applet but still no luck02:15
itaylor57how can i get my windows to look like openwindows?02:15
DaGeek247graldv itll be awhile. i cant copy and paste it. you might want to save your links  a folder before you reset. so here goes:02:15
DaGeek247gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel02:17
DaGeek247just log out and in to see it fixed.02:17
geraldvDaGeek247: so I will copy paste that command in the terminal?02:18
geraldvand what exactly this command do?02:18
DaGeek247yes then logout and in. it should fix it02:18
geraldvDaGeek247: You're really a geek! Thanks master02:18
hiexporesets the gnome panel02:18
DaGeek247it resets the the gnome panels to riginal state, and reloads them.02:19
geraldvthanks msters02:19
DaGeek247your welcome.02:19
hiexpono prob02:19
bastidrazorhiexpo: i thought you were abandoning Ubuntu..02:21
moesWhere can I find an example of the grub windows XP script02:22
hiexposoon when i get off my lazy and make the change and i don't mind helping out  bastidrazor  and i got till april when support for this one runs out02:23
richardcavellIf I'm coding from the command line in Ubuntu using gcc, where should I be in the directory structure?  Where should I store my code?02:23
Dex-Freudiidoes anyone know any virtualmachine that allows me to run a Windows installed in a disk partition?02:23
agu10^hola qué tal02:23
agu10^alguno puede ayudar?02:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:24
agu10^bueno, muchas gracias02:24
agu10^iré a ese canal aver qué tal02:24
hiexpono problemo02:24
Dex-Freudiiwe should change that message... should be "Si buscas ayuda..."02:25
arbitrary2Okay guys, I'm running Ubuntu in virtual machine. How do I locate my physical partition?02:25
Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: which vm are you using?02:25
mickster04richardcavell: there is a wiki and plenty of guides on using gcc etc on the web02:26
Dex-Freudiiufff... I need a vm that allows me to run an OS already installed in a physical partition02:26
mickster04moes I don't mean to be obvious but you should probably google it, that's what I would do02:26
Dex-Freudiidoes virtualbox supports that?02:26
arbitrary2According to the cygwin guys.02:26
arbitrary2I don't know how to do it, though.02:26
Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: df02:27
arbitrary2Dex-Freudii: df?02:27
ray_One of my xbox 360 wireless receivers gave out. I looked it up and the F1 fuse is likely to be burned out. Is there a way to have the maintainers of the code for xbox 360 wireless controllers and receivers of Ubuntu to have it so that instead of the fuse getting burned out it is detected ahead of time and turns off the receiver?02:27
DaGeek247ask in #vbox02:27
moesmickster04, Thanks but google doesn't give me the info02:27
ray_thank you02:27
mickster04moes where did you se it02:28
DaGeek247not ray_ :p02:28
philip___Hey I was wondering how well do Intel HD Graphics work with Ubuntu?02:28
nybrashello everyone, how ya doin tonight?02:28
Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: df is a command that tells you about your physical partitions02:28
mnainesHow do I make iptables settings persistent?  I am using a default Ubuntu install with only theme changes, but every time I restart my computer, all the iptables settings disappear02:29
skypcehi guys, can you helpme with this: i trying compile kernel : the error: dpkg-gencontrol: error: el paquete linux-image-2.6.37-custom-netbook no está en la información de control02:29
Dex-Freudiidoes anyone know any virtualmachine that allows me to run an OS already installed in a physical partition?02:30
Dex-Freudiiskypce: #ubuntu-es or translate it to english02:30
skypcecan you helpme with ubuntu error 255?02:31
arbitrary2I'm not seeing anything that looks quite like what I'm looking for from df.02:31
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Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: what exactly do you need?02:31
matrixhey guys is lubutnu as friendly as ubuntu???02:32
Gwar_Trollelubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE instealled by default02:32
Gwar_Trolleit;s as "firendly" as any other ubuntu02:32
arbitrary2Dex-Freudii: I need to give my virtualbox'd ubuntu access to my physical partition of ubuntu.02:32
arbitrary2It's encrypted, so it might show up weird. . .02:32
Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: I think you should do it through NFS02:33
Gwar_Trollearbitrary2: you need to just setup a shared folder. No idea how to do it from an Ubuntu VM though :(02:33
arbitrary2Dex-Freudii: NSF?02:33
matrixwhat are lubuntus requirements?===02:33
skypcecan you helpme with this please:dpkg-gencontrol: error: package linux-image-2.6.36-rc1-c+ not in control info02:33
skypcemake[2]: *** [debian/stamp/binary/linux-image-2.6.36-rc1-c+] Error 25502:33
Dex-Freudiiyour virtualbox is a machine and your physical machine is another machine02:33
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arbitrary2Gwar_Trolle: I have the issue of an encrypted ubuntu partition, and I need the virtual one to unencrypt it.02:33
MarkBWhat can I use to manage my iPod Touch 4G?02:33
Dex-Freudiiyou need to share a partition/folder/file, so you have to share it through the local network02:34
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arbitrary2Dex: Okay, I follow so far, but I don't even know how to find the partition from Windows.02:34
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mnainesWhat would cause iptables settings to disappear on reboot?02:35
matrixwhat are lubuntus system ram requirements???02:35
Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: do you have linux or windows ?02:35
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:35
arbitrary2Dex-Freudii: I'm running Windows7, which itself is running the Ubuntu VM02:35
izinucsconnect to server works like a champ in nautilus... :)02:35
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Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: and you want to?02:36
itaylor57how can i get my windows to look like openwindows?02:36
arbitrary2Get access to a physical linux partition from the VM Ubuntu.02:36
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Dex-Freudiiarbitrary2: I don't see how you can do it02:37
izinucsarbitrary2: what vm program are you using02:37
Dex-Freudiiyou have no physical access to your host02:37
arbitrary2izinucs: VirtualBox02:37
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slavyarbitrary2: does this not work? http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#settings-storage02:37
latagoreI can't seem to SSH into my desktop from anywhere except from itself, any solution to this?02:38
izinucsarbitrary2: close the vm and then in vbox highlight the vm and click the settings tab at the top.  in there is a "share" section.. navigate to the drive/directory you want to share and accept.. you might also click on mount at start.02:38
KrabbaNHi guys, I have a problem with my ssh-server I've set up on my Ubuntu 10.10 server. When ever I reboot the server I have to log on locally with my keyboard plugged into the server instead of just controlling it as usual through PuTTy. When I've logged on to it locally, it works just fine with the RSA-certificate again02:38
jribKrabbaN: your home is encrypted?02:39
KrabbaNYes, I assumed that was the problem02:39
jrib!ssh | KrabbaN02:39
ubottuKrabbaN: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:39
arbitrary2izinucs: I don't know where the partition would be located from Windows' perspective.02:39
jribKrabbaN: navigate to the disucssion on the wiki about ssh key authentication.  Workarounds for encrypted homes are discussed there02:39
matrixwhat are lubuntu ram requirements???02:39
jribKrabbaN: here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Troubleshooting02:40
mnaines!patience | matrix02:40
ubottumatrix: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:40
izinucsarbitrary2: after doing what I mentioned, in windows the share will show up in "My Computer".. your drives on the linux box are listed in /media02:40
edbianmatrix, IDK, probably like 256 or 512MB02:40
matrixonly have 12802:40
KrabbaNSweet, thanks alot!02:40
matrixdebian is working great as a live cd02:41
edbianmatrix, Just try it.  I bet it works fine :)02:41
DaGeek247matrix join #lubuntu.02:41
nybrashowdy all02:41
matrixhas any1 tried on an old cpui???02:41
woltermy computer is not reading the memory card, help02:42
nybrasi've got a couple of questions02:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:42
mickster04matrix: seriously you are pushing into offtopic area, you haven't actually got a problem02:42
mnainesmatrix, my advice:  If you have the money and your machine can support it, get 2GB of memory.  All variants of Ubuntu can run fine on 2GB of memory02:42
con-manjoin #compiz02:43
matrixcant buy02:43
edbianmatrix, Just try lubuntu on your machine02:43
nybras1st: I have another hard drive mounted at mnt/HD2 in that I have Videos and Pictures ... I'd like these folders to be accessed at /home, I can get it to be like that, untill i reboot...i'm looking for a more perminate solution02:43
mnainesmatrix, how much memory does your machine have right now?02:44
matrix128 mb ram02:44
robot682Hello, I am having some trouble with open-iscsi.  I can see drives under fdisk -l  ( /dev/dm-0 ) and create partitions, but they will not let me mkfs.  it says "device is mounted"  that being said, the device does not show up in the output of the mount command?  any help would be appreciated school project.02:44
matrixbut want a solid os not like puppy linux which i had02:44
DaGeek247nybras use a symlink.02:44
matrixtrying debian works great02:44
matrixbut veeery02:44
mnainesmatrix, I think you may be pushing it with Lubuntu.  You may have to upgrade to 512MB of memory02:45
matrixthats why i want either linux mint fluxbox or lubuntu02:45
DaGeek247and add the automount script to the startup02:45
mnainesmatrix, my advice for 128MB of RAM is go with Linux Mint.  Its small enough.02:45
latagoreI can't seem to SSH into my desktop from anywhere except from itself, any solution to this?02:46
jriblatagore: if you have a router, did you forward the ssh port correctly?02:46
mnaineslatagore, is your firewall stopping you?02:46
mnainesjrib, it may be his iptables, not his router02:46
jribit's always the router02:46
latagoremnaines: I wouldn't know how to check my firewall for Ubuntu02:46
syphirxalright, i think ubuntu messed itself up02:47
latagoremnaines: I checked my router and I cleared that part up02:47
syphirxit installed alright02:47
slavylatagore, are you trying to connect from within your network or outside?02:47
mnaineslatagore, if you haven't touched the firewall, then odds are it isn't even set02:47
latagoreslavy: Both02:47
syphirxthen it said it needed to restart02:47
ravelhey guys i asked this question in kubuntu its actually for that system my question but maybe someone may help me here02:48
raveldear god everythings going to hello, how are you guys doing? I am very sorry for popping up all the time asking annoying questions, If you can find it in your hearts to help one last time that will be so awesome. Here is my final problem hopefully, When i boot my computer and log-in through kdm my computer doesnt show any kind of widgets ie: all i have is a terminal and a background picture theres no splash, kmenu bar, widgets no nothing02:48
ravel<ravel> just the plain old wallpaper and a terminal window that i can type in. this is how i got xchat up but besides that its looking pretty bad.... I installed knetworkmanager and it uninstalled a bunch of stuff dont remember what but now im stuck here sorry guys. (Thank You for your help in advanced.)02:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:48
matrixare you sure that linux mint will be ok for 128 mb ram???02:48
nybrasok, i tried sudo ln -s /mnt/HD2/Videos /home/Videos .... didnt work02:48
syphirxits stuck at init: plymouth-splash main process terminated with status 102:48
gogeta1latagore: | !ufw02:48
slavylatagore, you are sure sshd is running, right?02:48
gogeta1!ufw | latagore02:49
ubottulatagore: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.02:49
gogeta1latagore: ufw makes it easy enough to manage it02:49
gogeta1latagore: just gotta open port 22 to the outside network for ssh02:50
jriblatagore: run « sudo iptables -L ».  That will tell you whether or not it's a firewall issue02:50
syphirxWhen Ubuntu boots up, why does it give a bunch of I/O errors but runs fine?02:51
gogeta1syphirx: bad iso02:51
edbiansyphirx, do you have a cd in the drive?02:51
skypcecan you helpme please with error 255 kernel compile?02:51
syphirxits just when i boot from the HDD02:51
gogeta1syphirx: dieing hdd or bad install02:51
con-manwhat do my windows appear like that of windows 3.1? compiz is on, I've chosen my theme02:51
edbiansyphirx, what device are they for?  sr0 ?02:51
con-manand I now have a sound scheme I never had before02:51
syphirxedbian: im a bit of a noob02:52
syphirxwhat do you mean?02:52
gogeta1syphirx: eyther the hdd has bad sectores or the install cd was bad02:52
IatagoreTurns out it was my firewall, thanks to all that helped02:53
edbiansyphirx, the error message?  What does it say exactly?  Usually it lists the device the I/O errors are on. (sr0 is the cd rom drive)  You can see the errors by pressing ctrl + alt + F1 and then ctrl + alt +F7 to get back to graphics  (and use shift+page up to scroll)02:53
robot682Hello, I am having some trouble with open-iscsi.  I can see drives under fdisk -l  ( /dev/dm-0 ) and create partitions, but they will not let me mkfs.  it says "device is mounted"  that being said, the device does not show up in the output of the mount command?  any help would be appreciated school project.02:53
syphirxhow can i tell if the hdd is bad or dying?02:53
gogeta1syphirx: run any number of tools to test it02:53
edbiansyphirx, use a live CD and run gparted and use the check button (easiest way)  but every 24 boots the system checks the hdd automatically for you02:54
gogeta1syphirx: i beleve unubtu has a tool that even tells you diskinfo or something like that02:54
MindWarperwhy 24 boots ?02:54
edbianMindWarper, IDK02:54
syphirxedbian: when i switch to command line it just asks me to long in02:55
gogeta1MindWarper: you can inbvoke it manuly anythime if you qish02:55
edbiansyphirx, apps -> system -> disk utility02:55
syphirxno error messages02:55
edbiansyphirx, switch to command line and try to scroll up using shift + page up02:55
MindWarperi just checked but my hardware isn't  certified02:55
gogeta1syphirx: yea thats the one it would eyther have a green light or a ornge saying bad sectors replace soon02:55
gogeta1syphirx: then you probly installed from a bad iso02:56
edbiansyphirx, mmmm,  odd.  What about in the disk utility thingy?02:56
syphirxi wrote the cd with imgburn and verified it02:56
syphirxand disk utility came back fine02:57
gogeta1syphirx: sometimes the isos themself are cruppt why we use md502:57
syphirxbut it was really quick02:57
syphirxgogeta1: ahh02:57
wolterhelp with sd card reader, its not working02:57
MindWarpercheck on smart status02:57
gerzelOk odd question here.  My school is looking at creating a min-cloud enviroment using Ubuntu cloud and some form of virtualization perhaps (virtualbox or vmware, or kvm).  We got a lab ful of core 2 duos and a douzen or so older machines that coudl be used as well as networking equipment to connect them over 10/100 ethernet.  The idea is more to get an experimental enviroment up and running to investigate for possable future classes on cl02:57
gerzeloud computing and/or virutalization.  Anyone here have any suggestions?02:57
syphirxsmart status says its healthy02:58
linuxman410anyone in here able to get ubuntu running on a emachine em250 netbook02:58
MindWarperuse paraleles02:58
gogeta1syphirx: yea sounds like a bad cd02:58
MindWarperparaleles virtualization is the best02:58
gerzelMindwrapper: Was that for me?02:58
edbiansyphirx, I think the drive is fine.  Next time you boot catch what the errors are regarding02:59
gogeta1linuxman410: install it find out02:59
MindWarperfor that sort of thing02:59
gogeta1linuxman410: didnt even knoe emachines made a netbook02:59
gerzelNot heard of paraleles virtualization but then again I am the student doing the initial research.  (googling unless you have a good site to goto)02:59
linuxman410yeah it is a em25003:00
wolterif I cancel an update and restart my computer, will the downloaded files remain, or will they need to be downloaded again?03:00
gogeta1linuxman410: didnt hp buy them so its probly just a knockoff hp mini built cheaper03:00
syphirxi really dont want to reinstall ubuntu again03:01
edbiansyphirx, If the only problem is vague I/O errors then just ignore them.03:01
xanguawolter: all will be fine meanwhile you don't turn off your pc unplugin it from the power source03:01
edbiansyphirx, does dmesg list any problems?03:02
wolterxangua, lol its a laptop03:02
MindWarpersyphirx: just jump foward and do dist upgrade03:02
linuxman410i think acer bought them03:02
xanguawolter: well it's the same, battery=power source03:02
wolterxangua, thanks though, the update is already at install stage, so I will let it continue03:02
KrabbaNThank you so much for the help, jrib!03:03
gogeta1linuxman410: i say other then maybe the wifi all netbooks are built the same so most everything if not everything should work03:03
linuxman410ok thanks03:03
syphirxedbian: somethings like "end_request: i/o error, dev sdb, sector 264"03:03
edbiansyphirx, there we go.  /dev/sdb is your harddrive.03:04
syphirxMindWarper: will that solve the problems03:04
edbiansyphirx, It's having trouble reading some sector (which is an area on a circle)03:04
syphirxedbian: so what do i do to fix that?03:05
sd7sd89asdhow to reset the panels?03:05
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:05
edbiansyphirx, I'm researching hang on03:05
gogeta1linuxman410: and being its a acer knocker off the aspire one works out of the box linux i assume the emachine uses the same base hardware03:05
sd7sd89asdtks bastidrazor03:05
linuxman410until i get screen replaced if i install with external monitor should not hurt nothing should it03:05
gogeta1linuxman410: lolk and its broken03:06
edbiansyphirx, Do you have 2 hdd?03:06
syphirxno, but i have an external03:06
linuxman410i am putting a screen in it tommorow ordered it03:06
gogeta1linuxman410: how mutch you pay for that broken emachine03:06
edbiansyphirx, this is an error on the external most likely.  Can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l03:06
linuxman41054 dollars03:06
MindWarperhattttt an machine03:07
gogeta1linuxman410: not to bad i guess but you can pick up referbed eee hab models for 150$ bucks03:07
syphirxsure, one sed03:07
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MindWarperwhats an emachine ?03:07
=== alhen is now known as Guest64713
linuxman410well it has a 250 gig harddrive and a gig off ram and a 1.6 atom proccessor03:08
gogeta1MindWarper: they used to be a brand of cheap pc and a good brand but they whent downhill then bought by acer03:08
skullboyhow do i get the ubuntu alternet installer to reconize the usb drive enstend of the cd rom03:08
gogeta1MindWarper: they still sell cheap pcs but i wouldent own one03:08
=== Guest64713 is now known as alondra
hilarieCan I get a pong please?03:09
gogeta1MindWarper: i had one of there orignal ones thow a cyrax 333mhz and that things still alive03:09
skullboyhow do i get the ubuntu alternet installer to reconize the usb drive enstend of the cd rom03:09
edbiansyphirx, That's the whole thing? /dev/sdb isn't listed there at all.  Is the external no longer plugged in?03:10
syphirxits encrypted and requires software to access03:10
sacarlsonskullboy: I guess you would need to change the boot sequence and settings in your bios if it supports usb boot03:10
syphirxso it was connected but not active03:11
edbiansyphirx, Ubuntu saw it on boot time.  Perhaps the encryption made Ubuntu think there was an error.  I'm not sure.03:11
JunkyJamesi have svn running on apache, how can i change it to run on a subdomain instead of /svn/03:11
syphirxshould i reboot with it unplugged?03:11
Keith_I'm having a problem. I have installed Ubuntu and everything was going well. Unfortunately, when I hooked up a wireless router, Ubuntu cannot find my wireless network. Any help? I'm in withdrawal03:11
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skullboyhow do i get the ubuntu alternet installer to reconize the usb drive enstend of the cd rom03:12
edbiansyphirx, see what happens03:12
edbiansyphirx, I almost guarantee the errors will go away03:13
KB1JWQ!wireless | Keith_03:13
ubottuKeith_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:13
nit-witskullboy, use the per session boot from key prompt look if the usb is there, f12 is common.03:13
syphirxedbian: okay, that fixed it03:13
syphirxbut im having driver issues03:14
skullboynit-wit: no i can boot up off the usb but it says can not mount cd rom03:14
syphirxubuntu told me about availble drivers03:14
edbiansyphirx, 'fixed it'  meaning that Ubuntu can't see the hdd that might have errors.03:14
nybrasgot it working, thanks to all that helped :D03:14
syphirxand downloaded and installed them03:14
gogeta1help help my servers are on fire03:14
edbiansyphirx, stop right now.  Besides Ubuntu suggesting drivers have you had any reason to switch drivers?03:15
syphirxwell, i like to keep them up to date for video games03:15
VeQheh If your servers are on fire and your first thought is to ask IRC for help, you have bigger issues. :P03:15
skullboynit-wit: no i can boot up off the usb but it says can not mount cd rom03:15
landingonwatergogeta1: dont panic.. if you pour beer on the servers the insurance wont cover03:15
joe_happyhey does anyone know what would be the equivalent on tracert in ubuntu?03:15
bastidrazorjoe_happy: mtr03:16
edbiansyphirx, alright then.  What driver is this all about?03:16
nit-witskullboy, I haven't had the pleasure of the alternate instal lfor awhile on a thumb just looking at google right now.03:16
joe_happythat goes in the terminal?03:16
bastidrazormy trace route03:16
syphirxgraphics driver03:16
edbiansyphirx, ati?03:16
JasonMSPhow does ubuntu know that my website (based on my ip) iis held in /var/www  Where is this declared?03:16
bastidrazormtr www.google.com .. will show you each hop to get to google and pings etc03:16
edbianJasonMSP, In the config files for apache03:16
gogeta1there hp racks they warrenty anything03:16
syphirxi know ati is awful with linux03:16
edbiansyphirx, That's fine.  what driver are you running right now?03:16
MindWarperati works great with linux03:17
syphirxnot exactly sure03:17
syphirxhow do i check03:17
edbiansyphirx, lsmod03:17
edbiansyphirx, be warned it's a messy output though!  :)03:17
jack_lsmod | grep fglrx03:17
JasonMSPedbian:  i have virtual hosts setup for websites in apache.  I don't actually declare my ip/website with the virtual host.  it is coming from somewhere else.03:17
hilarieHow can I set it so numlock is on by default?03:17
edbiansyphirx, use grep to to filter things03:17
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edbianJasonMSP, apache is the webserver.  It can't be coming from anywhere else unless you're running another webs server03:18
syphirxwhat should i be looking for03:18
mickster04hilarie: bios03:18
edbiansyphirx, there are two main drivers for ati, fgrlx and radeon03:19
edbiansyphirx, sorry, that's fglrx03:19
hilarie@mickster04 not an option there, vista does it for me though03:19
gogeta1hilarie: upgrade03:19
gogeta1hilarie: like right now03:19
mickster04hilarie: uhm.... have yu updated your bios recent;y, I am surprised you dn't have that option03:19
JasonMSPedbian:  yup your right.  there is a "default" setup that points it to that folder.03:19
icarus-chilarie: are you using GNOME?03:19
gogeta1hilarie: vista is a horrid os03:19
syphirxi get fglrx 2252898 3303:19
mickster04gogeta1: don't go there03:19
hilarie@gogetal that may be true, but wine isn't perfect03:20
syphirxand agpgart 32075 1 fglrx03:20
jack_who needs wine? just download linux software03:20
gogeta1hilarie: winds 7 is good03:20
gogeta1windows 703:20
hilarie@Gogetal @Mickset04 laptop is out of warranty, am not flashing my bios for nothin!03:20
jack_syhpirx you're using fglrx if it's listed03:20
JasonMSPI have my sites in srv/www/  are there any good reasons for separating the hosted sites and the default one in two locations?03:20
edbiansyphirx, yep, that's the proprietary closed source implementation03:20
mickster04hilarie: a bios flash is easy03:21
icarus-chilarie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock03:21
=== kitchen is now known as Guest10488
hilarie@mickster Can't a bio's fail to flash and brick the laptop?03:21
syphirxokay, now how can i get rid of the graphics glitches03:21
gogeta1hilarie: most pc makers offer some easy tools to do it03:21
jack_JasonMSP: i have 2 sites using apache. one points to /var/www/html and the other points to /var/www/linus. they're consider 2 compelelety different sites and you cant access content from one from the other03:21
gogeta1hilarie: i had to do my tosiba being my hotkeys didnt work in 7 simple download and click done03:22
icarus-cjack_: virtual host?03:22
syphirxedbian: so what now?03:22
mickster04hilarie: if you turn the power off half way thru? but just plug it in with a full battery and you'll be fine03:23
PingaR0xhi i having problems to start my X because my nvidia someone can give me a light to resolve this?03:23
edbiansyphirx, well I'm not sure.  Do you want to switch?  What is Ubuntu telling you?03:23
JasonMSPjack_:  thanks.  I host multiple sites out of /srv/www the one associated with our ip though is based out of /var/www would there be a good reason to split the website of the localhost to that separate folder?03:23
hilarie@mickster Good point03:23
jack_PingaR0x: which drivers are you using? the ones that are package with ubuntu? or the ones from nvidia.com?03:23
hilarieI will do it when my new laptop gets here in a week :)03:23
gogeta1hilarie: genrely a flash goes horrdly wrong if they downloaded the wrong bios03:23
sacarlsonJasonMSP: only if you make a reason i guess,  give me an example of what is a hosted site and what is a default site, like  me.com and here.me.com?03:23
syphirxedbian: what do you mean by switch?03:23
PingaR0xjack_: from ubuntu i just made a fresh install03:23
PingaR0xto my note03:23
nit-witskullboy, how did you load the thumb?03:23
mickster04hilarie: if you're getting a new laptop, that won't nee dflashing?03:24
jack_JasonMSP: the localhost? i wouldn't htink that would make a difference. its good to make that change if you're hosting 2 diff sites from 2 diff URLs but have hte same IP03:24
edbiansyphirx, You have a choice to use either the radeon driver (open source) or fglrx (proprietary).03:24
skullboynit-wit: unetbootin03:24
edbiansyphirx, Youc an switch between them ;)03:24
hilarie@Mickster04 and it will be under warrenty :)03:24
nit-witskullboy, strange shoul work.03:24
syphirxoh, i just want the one that works03:24
mickster04hilarie: you've heard of tab complete?03:24
syphirxbecause its late and i need sleep03:25
edbiansyphirx, then you have it03:25
jack_JasonMSP: for example, emotioncoaster.serveblog.net and linus.jack-server.com and hosted on the same box, but the apache sends them to diff locations. the files do not intersect at all. i cant access content from linus from emotion coaster or vise versa.03:25
edbiansyphirx, :)03:25
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:25
hilarie@mickster04 tab complete?03:25
mickster04see above03:25
syphirxedbian: but i havent fixed the graphical errors03:25
gogeta1mickster04: guess hes scared of flashing his bios guess thers still some risk to it but i did 2 labbys without issue one with a windows tool and one with a usb boot image03:25
edbiansyphirx, graphical errors?03:25
PingaR0xjack_: have any idea to solve this?03:25
syphirxglitchy menus03:25
mickster04gogeta1: they, not he03:26
jack_PingaR0x: what happens when you boot?03:26
skullboynit-wit: yea but it trys to install off the cd rom insted of the usb03:26
mickster04gogeta1: i have never had a problem flashing a bios03:26
edbiansyphirx, well that might be a bug in compiz, not the driver. But you can switch like this: sudo modprobe radeon     then restart the machine03:26
biker /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtGui /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtCore  why is this, both are installed.03:26
PingaR0xjack_: X doenst start...03:26
mickster04it's a bit more tense when you have a pc to flash03:26
syphirxbut it seems to only happen at the login screen and when i shutdown/startup03:26
JasonMSPjack_:  i only have one ip.  Im running virtualhost files i think in similar fashion which direct to seperate files which contain the websites.  They are somewhat chrooted so users can FTP into their folder but not get anywhere else.03:26
jack_PingaR0x: you just get a terminal prompt?03:26
gogeta1mickster04: oh i had a briked a nivida card once luckly was able to debrick03:26
PingaR0xjack_: yup03:26
nit-witskullboy, not sure how to fix oit03:26
jack_JasonMSP: ok. thats the same setup as mine.03:26
gogeta1mickster04: i think most newer pcs have protection agenst bad flashes older pca didnt03:27
jack_PingaR0x: what happens when you `startx`?03:27
JasonMSPim wondering why in the initial setup though that the URL locahost is directed to the var folder.03:27
PingaR0xjack_: w8 a sec i will do that again03:27
JasonMSP(using the default apache virtualhost filder)03:27
jack_JasonMSP: add a new VirtualHOst with servername 'localhost' and it will point where you want it to.03:27
gogeta1mickster04: so iv seen flashes go wrong heh03:27
PingaR0xjack_: say no screen found03:28
sacarlsonJasonMSP: at install apache config defaults to /var/www  you can change it03:28
jack_JasonMSP: but i think the defaults are higher in the config file03:28
jack_PingaR0x: what does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?03:28
syphirxedbian: i switched and its still bugging out03:28
skullboynit-wit: well do you know what config files to mod03:28
edbiansyphirx, confirm the switch by running lsmod again.03:28
gogeta1mickster04: my eee for example you can totaly brick the flash but it goes into a reflash mode if the bios fail so you can debrick03:29
JasonMSPsacarlson/jask_:  yeah your both right.  its in the sites-enabled folder called default.  the default virtualhost file is a little more complex than the others and directs it to the var folder.  I was just wondering if there really is a need to have them separate.03:29
mickster04gogeta1: odd, my eee flashed fine :P03:29
PingaR0xjack_: EE no devices detected, fatal error server no screens found03:29
syphirxedbian: still on fglrx03:29
jack_JasonMSP: I think that if the virtualhost is not matched, it goes to the default "DocumentRoot "/var/www/html""03:29
syphirxbut i executed the command fine03:29
edbiansyphirx, did you run modprobe radeon03:29
jack_PingaR0x: does `lspci` show your video card make and model?03:29
gogeta1mickster04: it did for me to i just knoe it has that protection03:29
syphirxno errors03:29
PingaR0xjack_: nvidia 310M its a dell vostro 330003:30
edbiansyphirx, did you restart?03:30
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:30
edbiansyphirx, sudo apt-get remove fglrx03:30
KB1JWQOops.  Sorry about that; I guess that cable was important.03:30
edbiansyphirx, we'll get rid of the package entirely03:30
gogeta1holy crap that was a huge split03:30
KB1JWQ52 people split out of over 1450, it's not that bad from where I sit.03:31
syphirxremoving it03:31
jack_PingaR0x: do you get anything when you type `lsmod | grep nvidia`?03:31
gogeta1normaly its only a few03:31
sacarlsonJasonMSP: It's like I can have 10 domain names with different sites on them all on the same ip with appache,  if the person comes in with the name show.com  he goes to my show site.  if they come in on my name domain boots.com site it sends him to another dir with total different site.03:31
PingaR0xjack_: yep...03:31
mickster04aaah, 4:30pm, time to crack open a cold one03:31
PingaR0xnvidia gt 218 [geforce 310m]03:32
jack_PingaR0x: it says that for lsmod?03:32
indecipherablemickster04: Nothing like a cold jolt cola.03:32
mickster04indecipherable: this is work, and that means beer :D03:32
syphirxedbian: alright03:32
syphirxits removed03:32
syphirxnow what?03:32
PingaR0xjack_: lspci03:32
PhreakishHello, I want to move to linux but Im not sure my hardware allows that. I have an ATI Radeon 5750 HD card, will I have a lot of trouble getting it to work?03:32
jack_PingaR0x: what about lsmod?03:32
JasonMSPsacarlson:  sure.  thats the point of using virtual hosts.  I think the answer is that apache default installs to the var/www folder and it really doesn't matter where on the directory i point each site to03:33
mickster04Phreakish: no, working well may be a different matter though03:33
PingaR0xjack_: let me check 1 min03:33
edbiansyphirx, restart03:33
eic-pctPhreakish: this is what the live CD is for - you can try it without installing03:33
jack_Phreakish: depends what you mean by work. ati drivers are pretty terrible, but you will get graphics. You may want to try wubi first to see how ubuntu works. if you like it you can switch.03:33
JasonMSPsacarlson: whereas when i setup my virtualhost files i pointed them all to /srv/www03:33
edbiansyphirx, sometimes fglrx is stubborn and you have to remove it03:33
Phreakishmickster04, so I will have problems getting hardware accelration working?03:33
JasonMSPdoesn't really matter for security issues or anything else where you place each individual site.03:34
gogeta1Phreakish: maybe03:34
syphirxedbian: i remember dealing with it in openSUSE03:34
syphirxit was a pain03:34
edbiansyphirx, :)03:34
edbianIt is a pain03:34
eic-pctPhreakish: just install it as a second OS and test - it will probably be fine - just stick with 10.4 and not 10.1003:34
jack_JasonMSP: you can point your directories anywhere. the url you type in will set where you end up. if you go to 'localhost' you'll probably end up somewhere different then typing '' or your FQDN03:34
PingaR0xjack_: video 22176 1 i915 and also have a line nvidia 10634091 003:34
edbianthe software sources gui app also seems to think that the updates are 3rd party software for some reason03:35
Phreakishwhy should I stick to 10.4?03:35
gogeta1Phreakish: 10.10 is fine03:35
jack_Phreakish: 10.04 is the LTS03:35
syphirxedbian: alright, now its trying to boot but its just a black screeb03:35
sacarlsonJasonMSP: I'm not sure it is posible that apparmor is setup on apache2 so if you move it to something outside /var/www you might also need to change apparmor settings. I would have to look at that to be sure03:35
edbiansyphirx, lsmod | grep radeon03:35
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edbianI'm guessing at this point that radeon doesn't like your card03:35
Jeffrey_I need help with a keyboard problem.03:36
gogeta1syphirx: wait till 11 and we all switch to kde couse of unity heh03:36
jack_PingaR0x: you can probably try switching to a generic driver. It used to be vesa but i dont know what it is these days. you may need to google it.03:36
syphirxedbian: i cant do anything03:36
gogeta1syphirx: my buddy is testing alpha and he says unity is totaly horrid03:36
jack_gogeta1: that could be because it's alpha :P03:36
Jeffrey_When I installed ubuntu I picked the wrong keyboard layout by accident.03:36
syphirxedbian: force restart?03:36
lahwranmy friend, who requested a pack of ubuntu cds a few years ago, wants to request a cd of the latest. he has a very low bandwidth cap and can't download the cds, but the site is saying he can't request any more03:37
PingaR0xjack_ im using failsafe to try find a clue!03:37
edbiansyphirx, can you log in?03:37
gogeta1jack_: naa its in 10.10 netbook its still horrid03:37
PingaR0xjack_ btw thanks03:37
jack_PingaR0x: why? what happens when you boot normally?03:37
jack_gogeta1: it's still an alpha :P03:37
syphirxedbian: just a black screen03:37
edbiansyphirx, oh, this might get ugly.  Yeah restart03:37
edbiansyphirx, ctrl + alt + F1 doesn't do anything?03:37
jack_gogeta1: it's been released for all of what, 2 releases? other desktop environements have been out for years03:37
Jeffrey_Does anyone know how to change the (default) keyboard layout in ubuntu?03:38
syphirxedbian: restarting03:38
jack_gogeta1: plus i believe they're hurting themselves by ditching gnome. now they have less developers working on a single project which hurts both paths.l03:38
syphirxnow its just a black terminal03:38
MindWarperwhat steering whelels ar supported by ubuntu ?03:38
edbiansyphirx, can you log in?03:38
syphirxasking me to log in03:38
icarus-cJeffrey_: System -> Prefereces -> Keyboard03:38
gogeta1jack_: unity was made couse they dont like gnome shell. and it is gnome still just with a diffrent ui stacked on it a bad one03:38
biker /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtGui /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtCore  why is this, both are installed. (NVM missing symbolic linkie from *.so.4 to *.so)03:38
syphirxroot or my account?03:38
icarus-cbiker: do you have qt installed?03:39
edbiansyphirx, at all03:39
edbiansyphirx, oh, log in as you03:39
Jeffrey_icarus-c is there a way to do it to where the core of ubuntu is using that layout and not just Gnome?03:39
jack_gogeta1: that's because canonical hasn't provided anything back to the upstream in years. they're one of the lowest contributors to open source :(03:39
MindWarperwhat brand of steering wheels are supported by ubuntu ?03:39
bikericarus-c, yep, i had to do ln -s libQtGui.so.4 to libQtGui.so03:39
Jeffrey_it keeps switching back on me.03:39
syphirxedbian: okay03:39
syphirxnow what?03:39
Jeffrey_And I can't delete the other layout.03:40
gogeta1jack_: they make debaion easy and thats a huge one03:40
edbiansyphirx, lsmod03:40
edbiansee which driver is running03:40
jack_gogeta1: that's true but if they keep that up they'll be the next apple in no time.03:40
gogeta1jack_: but there gnome ui replacment is bad at best03:40
JasonMSPsacarlson:  i don't think im running apparmor unless it is built into apache203:41
syphirxedbian: radeon03:41
edbiansyphirx, startx03:41
syphirxno screens found03:41
sacarlsonJasonMSP: it's built into ubuntu after 9.X or something like that and i checked and I see apache in apparmor but I'm not sure how it's configured03:41
hellyeahhow can i look what firmware installed on my computer for wireless03:42
edbianWhat is the difference between squeeze-updates and squeeze-proposed-updates  ?03:42
icarus-cJeffrey_: a little google search give me this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf03:42
edbiansyphirx, You should install fglrx and use that.  sudo apt-get install fglrx and restart the machine03:42
Smokerfor sheeezle my neeZle03:42
jack_sacarlson: really? wow.03:43
Jeffrey_icarus-c thanks man :)03:43
jack_hellyeah: isn't hte firmware on the card itself? if not, it'll be in the driver03:43
syphirxedbian: downloading. how do i restart from terminal?03:43
cannonfodderhey you guys... i want to my ccna certification; however, i don't know which book to read...any ideas?03:43
Guest10488edbian, sudo reboot03:43
jack_cannonfodder: wat.03:43
gogeta1jack_: personaly i use lxde these days. but i think with 11 where gonna see people move away from gnome couse of unity kde xfce lxde03:43
edbiansyphirx, sudo shutdown -r now03:43
richardcavellThe libc that is linked to by gcc within Ubuntu - is that also maintained by the GNU project?03:43
edbianGuest10488, thanks03:43
s_p_or_t_ohello, i'm trying to fix a problem i have with ffmpeg, i get "libx264.c:308: undefined reference to `x264_encoder_open_114'" when i run make install, i compile x264 my self, any thoughts?03:44
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jack_cannonfodder: I used the Sybex CCNA study guide03:44
syphirxedbian: alright, restarting03:44
edbiansyphirx, awesome03:44
jack_cannonfodder: ISBN: 978-0-470-11008-903:44
x43112609ediban distroy03:44
indecipherableI used WUBI and finally solved my MBR issue; forgetting my board doesn't detect SATA drives without drivers; so I needed to edit my MBR, format my partition and now I'm shrinking my Windows partition because it's on my SATA2 adapter and for one reason or another it's recognized as a USB disk. So after this long shrinking process I can reinstall with Wubi and finally have a stable ubuntu dual03:44
hellyeahjack_:  this is my concern03:45
hellyeahi try to install debian debian asks for additional firmware03:45
hellyeahand i put firmware into my usb03:45
syphirxedbian: still getting the graphics errors but i have a gui now03:45
hellyeahbut i dont know what firmware is really valid for me03:45
hellyeahi have atheros br9287 wireless card03:45
jack_hellyeah: what card are you using?03:45
cannonfodderjack_ thanks03:45
MindWarperwhat brand of steering wheels are supported by ubuntu ?03:46
en1gmasup all? i have a wusb600n wifi adapter and im just wondering why this isnt working with ubuntu live since it has been out for 2 years03:46
edbiansyphirx, We didn't change anything.  We removed fglrx, learned that radeon won't work, and put fglrx back in place.  I would say you're stuck with that grahpics driver03:46
hellyeahi need to learn that do you have a clue03:46
syphirxedbian: great... well, should i just try updating everything?03:46
gogeta1en1gma: they never relesed the drivers for it or nobody hacked up oss drivers however that card works fine with nids-wrapper03:46
hellyeahbt4 ?03:46
jack_hellyeah: http://wiki.debian.org/ath9k03:47
edbiansyphirx, yeah.  That's the best tactic.  Ubuntu has some bugs.  That's the con of having new and fun software :)03:47
hellyeahthanks thanks thanks03:47
jack_MindWarper: I dont' believe any specific brand of steering wheels are supported by ubuntu. i would search google and look for success stories03:47
hellyeahyou are number one03:47
en1gmagogeta1 if i boot my computer with ubuntu live dvd and i have no corded net what do i have to do to make it work03:47
syphirxedbian: how do i do that? i had the critical updates window before but now its gone03:47
jack_en1gma: you may need to enable the proprietary drivers if you haven't already.03:47
x43112609yes bt3 was on slax or slckware03:48
icarus-csyphirx: System->Administration -> Update manager03:48
en1gmayea im pretty sure i did03:48
LasivianI'm trying to run a jar file from .xinitrc in my home directory. it runs fine from terminal inside gnome but it won;t load automatically, any ideas what i'm missing?03:48
agu10^you make me feal good03:48
Successguys big problem03:48
edbiansyphirx, system -> admin -> update manager03:48
Successi broke the terminal03:48
jack_Success: dun dun dunnnnnnnnn03:48
satyahi guys03:48
Successhow do i revive it03:48
edbianSuccess, type reset, press enter03:48
gogeta1en1gma: the cd has nids wrapper on it with the gui. you ned to downlaod the drivers being the cd hides the nedded inf file. then install it03:48
jack_Success: hit ctrl+alt+f403:48
Successno i mean the terminal wont even open03:48
paytamKubuntu 10.10: how can i add French language pack to write a document in french?I installed the language pack but the language indicator doesn't show it,what should i do?03:48
syphirxedbian: worst comes to worst, i just reinstall03:48
satyai hav doubt regarding virtual hosts03:48
jack_Success: what did you do?03:48
satyai have doubt regarding virtual hosts03:49
edbiansyphirx, that might not fix the bugs :)03:49
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jack_satya: orly?03:49
edbianIf they're truely bugs it won't fix them ;)03:49
gogeta1en1gma: just brows the cd packgesges under n03:49
syphirxedbian: well i had these driver on my previous install and it worked fine03:49
en1gmathe boot cd?03:49
gogeta1en1gma: yep it doesent install but its on the disk so you can install it yourself03:49
en1gmai use the dvd i386 since its more compatible most of the time03:49
satyahow to create dns servers for namebased virtulahosts03:50
jack_satya: what do you mean?03:50
en1gmaso i need the inf file eventhough the drive is under n?03:50
edbiansyphirx, Yes, perhaps compiz is new in this release and compiz has the bugs.  There is more to the graphics than the grahpics driver you know03:50
Spirits-Sightwhat is the best way to access win ce 6 device? I just want access to interneal disk, I don't want sync anything  just make it should like thrumb drive03:50
icarus-csatya: note that apache and various web servers support virtualhosts03:50
EmuAlertHey, is there any way that I can be prompted for a password before booting all the way into the OS?03:50
syphirxedbian: very true03:51
gogeta1en1gma: nids wrapper is on the cd you need to download the windows driver for your wifi card you can install the nids wrapper gui to to make it easyer03:51
jack_EmuAlert: check your bios for a password option.03:51
syphirxwelk im gonna go to bed and let this update. ill catch you later03:51
jack_EmuAlert: i also believe you can put a password on grub... but i think its just to edit grub. look into that.03:51
syphirxthanks for the help!03:51
gogeta1en1gma | !wifi03:51
en1gmaahhh so the ndis wrapper is under N on the dvd? then when i run that i point it to the x86 driver?03:51
gogeta1i always do that backords03:51
gogeta1!wifi | en1gma03:51
ubottuen1gma: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
en1gmato bad it dont work right off the bat....its a pretty popular wifi adapter03:52
jack_satya: personally, i use godaddy's DNS to point to my server and then use apache to take it from there.03:52
en1gmait should work as soon as ubuntu boots up03:52
edbiansyphirx, :)03:52
x43112609having ubuntu for normal activities and bt4 for the otherones :)03:52
gogeta1en1gma: yea my brother has that card and i got a angry phone call abought it heh03:52
gogeta1en1gma: but once i got the driver installed it was fine03:53
sacarlsonsatya: you can use bind9 if you want to have different ip dependent on if seen from wan or lan, or just setup a dns server on the wan side03:53
en1gmayea but i run a live cd03:53
en1gmaall i really want is to put a live cd/dvd in everyonce in a while and boot and have it work03:53
gogeta1en1gma: yea wifi still can be a issue for some cards'03:54
Leman_Russhey there03:54
gogeta1en1gma: i see yea that probly whont work for you then03:54
jack_Leman_Russ: hi03:54
gogeta1en1gma: other then buying a wifi card you knoe works03:54
Leman_RussI have an ipod connected, and can see it when I do lsusb but it is not recognising in the file system03:55
jack_Leman_Russ: is it mounted?03:55
Leman_Russso I cant use rhythmbox with it03:55
Leman_Russhow do I check?03:55
en1gmayea thats why im disappointed....i always use ubuntu espicially for live cd stuff....i might have to buy a different wifi adapter03:55
jack_Leman_Russ: `mount -l`03:55
en1gmado you recommend a good N adaper?03:55
bluegene_I am new to IRC ..... looking up the current conversation...03:55
jack_Leman_Russ: it'll usually show up as an sd device03:55
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gogeta1en1gma: my athros on my eee is n works out of the box03:56
Leman_Russthere is a big list.  what do i need to look for?03:56
jack_en1gma: why livecd only? just install to your disk and get it working right.03:56
gogeta1en1gma: its more the chipset you gotta get then any brand03:56
sacarlsonsatya: if you want just outside wan there are free dns services like http://www.everydns.com that can also be updated for ddns if your not static03:56
en1gmamaybe i should just look for atheros cipsets03:56
dyess002what kind of errors can a bad battery create03:56
jack_Leman_Russ: an sd device thats mounted. usually under /media03:56
george__hi everyone n.n03:56
jack_hi george__03:56
jack_dyess002: powering off ones. :)03:57
george__umm is it possible to install a BSD OS in Virtualbox?03:57
gogeta1en1gma: ahtos raillink are some out of the box chipsets but im shure you can find a good list with rbands model numbers etc03:57
Leman_Russjack_ it is not mounted03:57
george__just curious03:57
Leman_Russhow can I mount it?03:57
jack_george__: it should be fine.03:57
jack_Leman_Russ: mount it!03:57
dyess002can it cause a IO error03:57
x43112609i'm always curious03:57
jack_dyess002: IO errors are related to storage03:57
george__cause I tried with DesktopBSD03:57
Leman_RussIt is plugged in03:57
george__and when i reboot vbox03:58
sacarlsongeorge__: if bsd runs on a pc the it probly will03:58
jack_Leman_Russ: type `mount /dev/sd*1 /mnt`03:58
jack_Leman_Russ: change * to the letter of hte ipod device03:58
en1gmaok thanks for the info03:58
george__it still tells me to choose between Installation, live system03:58
en1gmawill check it out03:58
psywipedhow do i have one command use the output of another command as its input?03:58
Leman_Russhow do I find the number?03:58
jack_george__: are you still booting from the cdrom?03:58
Leman_Russ(sorry for all the questions?)03:58
jack_psywiped: xargs03:58
george__hmm never thought to check that part out03:59
jack_psywiped: for example. ` find / | xargs grep` will bring back the line in /etc/hosts03:59
Successthat was very uncool03:59
Successwhoever told me to do ctrl alt f2..03:59
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satyaguys can u help me03:59
jack_Success: ? i told you to do ctrl+alt+f403:59
satyahow to create dns servers for namebased virtulahosts03:59
sacarlsonSuccess: just hit <ctl><alt> + f7 and you back04:00
jack_Success: to get back to the GUI its one of hte other F#s04:00
jack_satya: that doesn't make sense to me. you'll need to use BIND to setup a nameserver and apache to setup virtualhosts. is that what you're trying to do?04:00
satyai have 2 virualhosts04:01
sacarlsonsatya: for wan or lan?04:01
satyathose 2 are name based virtualhosts04:01
jack_Success: so you cant start gnome-terminal?  is it segfaulting?04:01
Leman_Russjack_: how do I find the number of the device?04:01
jack_Leman_Russ: if you just plugged it in it should be the newest device (i would image). do a `ll /dev/sd*`04:01
Spirits-Sightwhat is the best way to access win ce 6 device? I just want access like its a thrumb drive.  I don't want sync anything.04:01
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abhilashwireless in ubuntu 10.10 not working with dns, my mobile broadband, ethernet works. Please help, i can see the connections available in the network manager.04:02
jack_what is a 'win ce 6' device?04:02
jack_abhilash: hmmmm. you cant resolve hostnames on the internet?04:02
gogeta1Spirits-Sight: plug it in it should show as a mass storage04:02
hellyeahhow can i look dependencies of a package ?04:02
gogeta1jackl_: lol what is a win ce04:02
Spirits-Sightgogeta1: it does not show up like tha04:02
abhilashjack_: no i'm not able to connect itself, it loops and then stops.04:02
Leman_Russjack_: type in   ll /dev/sd*   ?  that doesnt work04:02
jack_hellyeah: apt-cache depends04:03
satyajack: i create dns server for one virtual host04:03
jack_Leman_Russ: $ ll /dev/sd*04:03
jack_brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8,  0 2011-01-31 02:07 /dev/sda04:03
jack_^works for me04:03
jack_maybe i setup an alias04:03
gogeta1Spirits-Sight: i dunno its windows maybe some sort of sharing needs to be tuned on04:03
abhilashjack_: sometimes my wireless will say connection established, but cannot browse......when i try rfkill block all option04:03
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jack_`ls -l /dev/sd*`04:03
hellyeahis it possible to download a package .deb into spesific path04:03
jack_abhilash: you are connecting to your home router?04:03
dyess002My laptop runs good for about 5 min and then my graphics locks up and I get like symbols for letters and then it finaly starts to shut down and then  this    end_request i o error dev sda04:04
jack_hellyeah: from the repo?04:04
satyajack: my client does not resolve the another virtual host04:04
abhilashjack_: yes its my office router.04:04
Jeffrey_So far I can seem to delete the screwy "USA International (with dead keys)" layout.04:04
Leman_Russjack_:  again, typing that is does nothing04:04
jack_dyess002: sounds like you're having harddisk troubles.04:04
hellyeahanyway forget that question04:04
jack_Leman_Russ: are you root?04:04
dyess002I  ahve checked the disk but no errors04:04
jack_Leman_Russ: i dont believe you! heh04:04
Leman_RussI typed in sudo su04:04
Leman_Russthat brings me to root?04:04
Jeffrey_And it keeps ruturning to that layout even though it doesn't say it in the drop down.04:04
sacarlsonsatya:  is you client on wan (world access network) ?04:05
jack_Leman_Russ: i didnt' know that worked. thats cool04:05
jack_Leman_Russ: what about if you do a 'cd /dev' does that work?04:05
satyasacarlson: no, in the lan only04:05
sacarlsonsatya: ok then you will need to apt-get install bind904:05
Leman_Russjack_: that takes me to dev # in terminal04:05
abhilashjack_: is there any process/setup to correct the dns resolve issue for wireless??04:05
Spirits-Sightjack_: its a device that is using ce as its foundation, then it has its own shell, in past under 10.04 I had it working a few times but can't seem to get it work in 10.10  all I want it to do is show up as mass storage device04:06
jack_Leman_Russ: type 'ls -l' do you see any sd* devices?04:06
satyasacarlson: i already install bind9 and apache204:06
jack_abhilash: once you're connected are you able to ping your nameserver?04:06
abhilashwhich ip address?? is it ip of router??04:06
sacarlsonsatya: ok now you will have to edit the configs in bind9 to point into you lan for your domains you should google bind9 or try #bind04:07
jack_abhilash: the iP of the nameserver.04:07
jack_abhilash: if you dont have a local nameserver, your ISP will provide you with it.04:07
Leman_Russjack_: it brings up a big list of stuff.  Cant see any devices there04:07
Rav3nis it safe to remove from ubuntu gnome manager and intall something like xfce?04:07
jack_Leman_Russ: is there anything that starts with sd:?04:07
jack_Rav3n: i think there is a meta group you can use to install xfce04:08
jack_abhilash: your name servers should be in /etc/resolv.conf04:08
abhilashjack_: nameserver? I've a static ip  for my router. should i check that?? sorry i don't know nameserver04:08
Leman_Russjack_: well stuff like sda sda1 sda2 sda5 sdb sdc sde etc04:08
abhilashjack_: i'll check it now.04:08
jack_Leman_Russ: ok, the last one of those is probably your ipod04:08
satyasacarlson: my doubt is i created host and nameserver one host and i have a another virtual host. now i need to connect the another virtual host from my client. what i have to do in the config files04:09
psywipedwhat am i doing wrong "uptime | xargs -t twidge update"04:09
jack_satya: are you using bind or apache?04:09
Leman_Russjack:_ the sd list goes down to sdg104:09
jack_psywiped: what are you trying to do?04:09
satyajack_: both04:09
jack_Leman_Russ: jesus man how many devices do you have? haha04:09
sacarlsonsatya: I have had 4 sites local on lan with bind9 works for me04:10
psywipeduse uptime as the input for twidge update to twitter04:10
jack_satya: ok. i will PM You an example of virtualhost setup.04:10
abhilashjack_: I saw two ip of nameservers now, those are generated by network manager. So when i connect to wireless, what should i do with nameservers?04:10
psywipedtwidge will take anything after update as the input for a post to twitter04:10
Leman_Russjack_: 4 drives, ipod plugged in, phone plugged in and thats about it04:10
Spirits-SightAnyone able to help me get my win ce 6 device to show up as mass storage?04:10
psywipedif you dont put anything after the update part you get a blank line to then put it in and have to then hit enter04:11
sacarlsonsatya: if you modified the /etc/hosts file it might overide the bind9 settings, is that what you mean?04:11
satyasacarlson: i specified both virtualhosts names in the /etc/hosts file04:12
jack_abhilash: try to ping both of them. see if you get a response.04:12
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jack_Leman_Russ: try to mount them under /mnt until you find your ipod :P `mount /dev/sdg1 /mnt`04:12
jack_then check in /mnt04:12
sacarlsonsatya: that will only work for that systems /etc/hosts it's not going to move to your clients hosts file04:12
jack_satya: if you're using /etc/hosts you dont need bind04:12
jack_my girlfriend REFUSES to let me get a monkey, even though she made me get her 2 dogs and a cat04:13
chalcedonyawww jack_04:14
satyasacarlson: i have one ip address, with that one ip address i created the host and virtual host04:14
abhilashjack_: Thats the nameserver ip of my mobile bradband, ping is working. I'll check for wireless now and get back!!04:14
satyajack_: i have one ip address, with that one ip address i created the host and virtual host04:14
chalcedonydoes anyone know what network protocol ubuntu uses for printers?04:14
jack_satya: ok. that sounds correct04:15
sacarlsonsatya: as far as I know apache is a virtualhost server so they are all virtualhost04:15
jack_sacarlson: that sounds right to me. :)04:16
sacarlsonsatya: maybe you need help setting up the apache2 configs for virtual host?  try ping the name of each of your domain and see if you get the same ip returned04:16
jack_chalcedony: i would think it was the standard printing protocall04:16
hellyeah is it possible to download some package from spesific repo into usb04:16
satyasacarlson: yes i get the same ip but the same host name of the bind server04:17
chalcedonyjack_, i did the commandline install, but it failed04:17
jack_hellyeah:  i believe there is an option in apt-get04:18
sacarlsonsatya: the dns server won't use a name it must be a number04:18
jack_satya: what exactly is the issue you are having?04:18
jack_satya: do your virtualhosts not work?04:19
jack_paste me your virtualhost lines from your apache conf file04:19
jack_*in a pm*04:19
satyajack_: i have two virtual hosts. i want to connect to the both virtula hosts from my clients04:19
jack_satya: ok, and that is not working?04:19
jack_jack12345: hello04:20
jack_(its like looking in a creepy mirror)04:20
jack12345I need help in upgrading from 10.04 to 10.1004:20
gogeta1jack_: isnt your face creppy enough04:20
jack12345getting a huge error when i click the upgrade button from the update-manager gui console04:20
jack_gogeta1: oooooooooooooooooooooh04:20
abhilashjack_: there is no nameservers in /etc/resolve.conf when i connect to wireless04:20
jack_abhilash: ok. put them in there04:21
satyajack_: but i connect to the one virtual host only. i cant connect to the other. i cretaed bind server for one virtual host04:21
jack12345can somebody help me doing this upgrade?04:21
jack_satya: what happens when you try to connect to the other? does it not resolve? do you get the incorrect content?04:21
jack_jack12345: not with generic descriptions like that. :P what kind of error?04:21
satyajack_:it does not resolve it04:21
jack_jack12345: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:22
abhilashjack_: there is no nameservers and ip adress in /etc/resolve.conf when i connect to wireless04:22
abhilashjack_: there is no nameservers and ip adress in /etc/resolve.conf when i connect to wireless04:22
sacarlsonsatya: if you ping both names from your client and it resolves the ip of your apache2 server then your problem is not dns at this time it's apache configs you need to work on.04:22
jack_abhilash: put them in there04:22
jack12345An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:04:22
jack12345E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.04:22
jack12345jack_ that is what i get04:22
abhilash_jack_: the dns server of router i should put??04:22
satyasacarlson: if i ping from the client i cant get response from the other virtualhost04:22
jack_abhilash: if this is the exact same network, use the ones you had when you were connect with the wired04:23
gogeta1jack12345: have you tryed pressing the check buttion then trying again04:23
jack_sacarlson: virtualhosts dont ping. they're virtual04:23
jack_satya: ^04:23
jack12345gogetal: I tried 1 restart, and 3 consecutive tries04:23
jack_satya:  virtualhosts dont ping. they're virtual04:23
abhilash_jack_: ok i'll try it. how do i restart network manager after i put the nameserver ip?04:23
jack_jack12345: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/59318-package-problem-broken-dependency-more.html04:23
gogeta1jack12345: did you press the check buttion heh04:23
jack_abhilash: you shouldn't have to restart it. make the change, then try to ping www.google.com to see if you get a response.04:24
gogeta1jack12345: sometimes it needs a refesh04:24
satyajack_: i created the internal.example.com and reviews.example.com sites04:24
abhilash_jack_: ok i'll do it, thanks buddy!!04:24
sacarlsonjack_: the ubuntu box should ping if the dns server points them to his ubuntu box that has the apache server running04:24
jack_jack12345: run this: apt-get clean & apt-get auto clean & apt-get update & apt-get upgrade & apt-get dist-upgrade04:24
jack12345gogetal: yes i pressed it thrice, and it didnt show me any new packages. Its after that that i clicked upgrade.04:24
jack_abhilash: that will only be a temp. fix04:25
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jack_abhilash: if your wireless card uses dhcp, your dhcp is not assignging your nameservers correctly04:25
gogeta1jack12345: k normaly thats what makes the update maage mess up guess not this time04:25
jack_satya: can you ping both sites?04:25
jack_satya: as in.. do you get returned packets when you type in 'ping site1' and 'ping site2'?04:25
jack12345@jack_ : it says unable to lock download directory04:26
jack_jack12345: thats probably cos they all ran at once. my bad. try running each part one at a time04:26
sacarlsonjack_: satya: the virtualhost part is just the header of the packet that points apache2 to the correct domain directory04:26
jack_satya: ^04:26
satyajack_: i get the response from reviews.example.com only04:27
gogeta1jack12345: you gotta close out everything else using apt that includes the updater and there sudo commands04:27
jack12345@jack_ : same error with the first one alone too04:27
jack_satya: what is the IP of the server?04:27
jack12345ah okay04:27
jack_jack12345: its probably still doing stuff in the background04:27
jack12345hmm, I closed all windows except IRC, firefox04:28
jack12345still the same error04:28
jack_satya: type this in your client terminal04:28
jack_satya: internal.example.com >> /etc/hosts04:29
gogeta1jack12345: do ps -A see whats using apt like if the updater is still running in  the backround and kill it04:29
jack_satya: then try to ping it again04:29
* jack_ takes the dogs outside. brb.04:29
satyai cant get the response after specifying in the /etc/hosts file also04:30
satyajack_: i cant get the response after specifying in the /etc/hosts file also04:30
gogeta1jack12345: or take the easy way and restart heh04:30
jack12345gogetal : tried that...doesnt seem to indicate any 'apt' named processes04:30
mefistosohello, how do I disable ubuntu sounds from apps?04:31
jack12345gogetal : I did do a restart and tried this upgrade again...04:31
gogeta1jack12345: genrely sysanptic and update-manager would be them and as i said they are sudo commands04:31
satyajack_: can we create bind server for the virtual hosts that holds the same ip address04:32
sacarlsonsatya: you said you could ping both domain name with the same return of,  so then pastebin the apache config file so we have an idea what the problem might be04:32
jack12345anything else that I could try?04:33
jack12345or skip the first apt-get clean?04:33
satyasacarlson: can we create bind server for the virtual hosts that holds the same ip address04:33
gogeta1jack12345: sudo apy-get clean04:33
sacarlsonsatya: yes04:33
jack_satya: yes04:33
jack_satya: something is wrong if you can ping but you cant ping
satyajack_: how to do it?04:34
gogeta1jack12345: if it doesent say anything it worked04:34
satyasacarlson: how to do it?04:34
jack_satya: i sent you a PM with a bind example.04:34
jack12345ok that looks like it worked. Was on a pause for a moment and then prompted the command again....should I continue to run the other ones the same way?04:34
sacarlson!pastebin | statya04:34
gogeta1jack12345: it just clears your downloads dir04:34
ubottustatya: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:34
con-manwhy do my windows appear like that of windows 3.1? compiz is on, I've chosen my theme04:34
con-manand I now have a sound scheme I never had before04:34
jack_con-man: haha04:34
gogeta1jack12345: yep it worked your good04:34
jack_con-man: send us a screenshot04:34
satyajack_: how to see the PM, i am new the channel04:35
jack_satya: it depends on your irc software.04:35
gogeta1jack12345: all those commands are sudo so dont forget that at eatch command04:35
fridgeratorI have an active tcp connection to an ip address.  I would like to block the connection without killing the process.  I can add the rule to deny the connection to the host in firestarter but this only works to stop the initial connection not if the connection is already active... any suggestions?04:35
satyajack_: mine is irssi04:35
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jack_fridgerator: iptables04:35
jack12345yep I got it...trying now04:35
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jack_satya: i think its is ctrl+#04:35
satyajack_: it is text based channel04:35
jack_or alt+#04:35
jack_so ctrl+2 or ctrl+304:36
jack12345its all done04:36
jack_jack12345: :D04:36
jack12345should I now try to upgrade using upgrade manager?04:36
k89anyone knows how to complete 'keep it up' in 59 sec tux racer ... :P04:36
jack_jack12345: sure if youw ant04:36
con-manjack_ uploading to tinypic now04:36
jack_con-man: w0rd04:36
raghavneonhello anyone worked with mooshak before?04:36
jack12345Calculating upgrade... Done04:36
jack123450 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:36
jack_if you see a faded sign at the side of the road04:36
jack12345ok, trying upgrade now...04:36
JoeyAHas anyone else gotten an upgrade notice immediately after installing 10.10 and opting for updates to be downloaded?04:37
con-manjack_ http://i56.tinypic.com/seaq7p.png04:37
raghavneonhas anyone used mooshak before??04:37
JoeyAIt says I have ~280 megabytes of updates04:37
jack_JoeyA: and you dont want updates?04:37
gogeta1JoeyA: dont you love updates04:38
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JoeyAI opted for updates on install04:38
jack_con-man: it looks like you have a theme applied04:38
gogeta1JoeyA: it only starts downloading them04:38
jack12345@jack_ @gogetal : same error again : An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:04:38
jack12345E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.04:38
con-manjacke_ nothing other than in apperance04:38
jack_JoeyA: Im not sure exactly how it works but if it says you have updates iw oudl suggest doing them04:38
JoeyA(meaning I opted for it to download and install updates on installation)04:38
JoeyAUnless they pushed 280 megabytes of updates less than an hour ago, it didn't quite work.04:39
abhilashjack_: I connected my wireless and added two nameservers, then ping says network is unreachable04:39
jack_con-man: change it to something else then change it back04:39
jack_abhilash: are you able to ping yoru default gateway on the wireless?04:39
gogeta1jack12345: umm you blacklist or remove a metapackage its looking for like ubuntu-desktop04:39
con-manjack_ tried that04:39
jack_con-man: i've had this issue before but i dont know how i resolved it04:39
jack12345how do i do that?04:39
abhilashjack_: i did not try it, i'll try and reply, gateway is
jack_con-man: are you using compiz?04:39
con-manjack_ yup04:40
gogeta1jack12345: dunno maybe you did at one point04:40
jack_con-man: try typing this:04:40
sacarlsonabhilash: maybe a route problem?  route | pastebinit04:40
jack_con-man: gtk-window-decorator --replace04:40
jack12345so is this like unsolvable problem?04:41
gogeta1jack12345: unfortanly if its not gonna upgrade your gonna have to just fresh install the new version04:41
jack_jack12345: have you tried upgrading from the terminal?04:41
gogeta1jack12345: well you gotta track down what your holding back or whats brakeing the upgrade04:41
jack12345no I havent tried that...04:41
jack_and i didn't run through those commands with you. did gogeta1 have you run all those commands i told you to run? heh04:41
eyceberghey. i am trying to use the get command in a ssh ftp and when i type the name get ****.rar it says bash:command not found04:41
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jack12345how do i try to upgrade a major release from terminal?04:41
jack_eyceberg: an ssh ftp? you mean sftp?04:42
jack_eyceberg: what application are you using to do that?04:42
jack12345@gogetal : i wish i was an expert :) wouldnt have been here ...04:42
eycebergsorry, sftp04:42
gogeta1jack12345: i dont deal with upgrades04:42
eycebergbut i used just plain ssh username@ip04:43
JoeyA@jack12345: apt-get dist-upgrade, if I'm not mistaken.  I personally haven't done it but maybe once, and it's probably wrought with caveats.04:43
jack_eyceberg: are you actually using sftp or did you just ssh to the server? if you're in a bash shell it sounds like plain ol' ssh to me04:43
jack_eyceberg: there you go. try this instead04:43
jack12345@gogetal : ok.04:43
gogeta1jack12345: i just format my netbook with only 4gb ssd i dont relly keep any data on it04:43
satyajack_: i created bind server for internal.example.com. how to add the reviews.example.com to the bind server?04:43
jack_eyceberg: scp <remote_ip>:/path/to/file/you/want.rar /path/to/local/directory04:43
satyasacarlson: i created bind server for internal.example.com. how to add the reviews.example.com to the bind server?04:43
jack_satya: just add a new line below the one you already have04:43
ahmadtwinhan1027 driver04:44
satyajack_: in the which file?04:44
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jack12345@JoeyA: tried that specific command line already, didnt do anything.04:44
eycebergok i will try that. thank you04:44
jack_satya: in your zones file04:44
sacarlsonsatya: I think that's a question for #bind  but since you already have ping working I would work on your apache config04:44
jack_jack12345: sudo do-release-upgrade04:44
satyajack_: no need to add anything in the forward or reverse files?04:45
jack12345@jack_ : ok, its running now...lets see how that goes04:45
jack_satya: if you're doing reverse lookups04:45
jack_jack12345: :)04:45
jack_satya: this is very hard without seeing your apache configuration and bind configuration files04:45
jack12345@jack_ : same error : An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:04:45
jack12345E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be04:45
jack12345caused by held packages.04:45
jack12345ont he terminal too....:(04:46
DaGeek247hai RobotCow!04:46
PredominantIs there a way to get Cacti installed without Apache?04:46
jack_jack12345: copy and paste this:04:46
jack_Predominant: i believe cacti's frontend is webbased04:46
sacarlsonjack12345:  sounds broken but you might try change the repository mirror site04:46
Predominantjack_: Its package depends on apache, for some reason.04:46
satyajack_: i created apache2 and bind server for internal.example.com. and it works fine04:46
Predominantjack_: Whereas, my environment uses nginx.04:46
jack_Predominant: thats because its front end is webbased.04:46
* Predominant smacks jack_04:47
petanikedelaihello all04:47
gogeta1sacarlson: lol i was thinkiing that but was like naa hes probly still on ofical ubuntu04:47
PredominantIs there any way to have it understand the nginx is being used, and that apache should not be a requirement.04:47
sacarlsonsatya: then it must not have pinged both domain?04:47
satyajack_: i can connected to the internal.example.com from my clents.04:47
jack_jack12345: runt his command. copy and paste it:    apt-get clean; apt-get auto clean; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo do-release-upgrade04:47
raghavneoni get a internal server error when my mooshak local page is getting redirected04:47
raghavneonany ideas?04:47
jack_jack12345: crap. you probably need to add sudo before each command04:47
jack_satya: i thought you said internal.example.com does not work?04:47
petanikedelaigod day all04:48
jack_raghavneon: did you screw up somethign with .htaccess?04:48
jack_hi petanikedelai04:48
YankDownUnderGod Day? Wow...and here I thought it was Friday...far out...04:48
petanikedelaihi jack_04:48
jack_Predominant: you could probably force the install but if its made to work with apache im unsure of what issues you might experience.04:48
jack12345ok, trying.................04:49
satyajack_: sorry, i created apache2 and bind server for reviews.example.com. and it works fine04:49
jack_satya: show me your zones file.04:49
petanikedelaisatya : good jobs04:49
ddd_HelpAnybody familiar with ddd, nasm, and ubuntu 10.10? I'm running into a couple bugs and I'm wondering if there is a fix.04:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:49
jack_satya: http://paste.ubuntu.com paste your zone file there04:50
satyajack_: i created virtual host for the internal.example.com.04:50
jack12345@jack_ : crapppy same error again04:50
abhilashjack_: ping says network unreachable for default gateway also in wireless.04:50
jack12345not sure what else ....04:50
jack_jack12345: copy your whole error to me04:51
jack_jack12345: http://paste.ubuntu.com04:51
satyajack_: now what i have to do to connect to the internal.example.com from my clients?04:51
jack_jack12345: copy and paste the terminal from where you ran those commands tillt he error04:51
suryahey any one knows how to test  the usb in ubuntu04:51
jack_satya: paste me your zones file04:51
petanikedelaii find indonesian people04:51
jack_surya: the usb ports? plug something in and if you can access it, it works04:51
jack_petanikedelai: sweet!04:51
jack12345I just pasted it!04:52
petanikedelaithankz jack04:52
airtonixsurya: lsusb tells you if the kernel can see the usb device04:52
jack_jack12345: you only get a 2 line error?04:52
suryajack-, i want to find out the usb speed?04:52
=== petanikedelai is now known as goesspoerr
abhilashjack_: network manager shows connection available, but will not connect. Other ubuntu laptops in my office is able to connect to wireless.04:53
airtonixsurya: then you use lshw > output.txt04:53
jack12345pasted wholeerror04:53
abhilashjack_: ping says network unreachable for default gateway also in wireless.04:53
jack_abhilash: you are unable to connect at all?04:53
suryajack-, can u see the below link http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/eihydaLW04:53
sacarlsonsurya: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/testing-disk-speed-the-dd-test-3106904:53
suryai struked some where i wrote in bottom of the site04:54
jack12345@jack_ : no i pasted the whole error...please confirm as you see it.04:54
goesspoerrjack_ where driver ati radeon x 1250  in ubuntu 10.1004:54
jack_i dont see it04:54
abhilashjack_: no i'm not able to connect, when i say shared computer in ipv4 settings-> then it just establises connection.04:54
jack_goesspoerr: check lsmod and then run a locate against it04:54
goesspoerri not see it04:54
=== arbitrary3 is now known as arbitrary
jack_abhilash: im nto sure waht that does04:55
abhilashjack_: what may be the problem?04:55
jack12345@jack_ :http://paste.ubuntu.com/565694/04:55
jack_goesspoerr: type 'lsmod | grep fglrx'. does it return anything?04:55
goesspoerrok jack thnx04:55
abhilashin my network manager connection available, when i connect, it just loops around and stops. Its not connecting.04:55
jack_jack12345: what does $ cat /etc/lsb-release  return?04:56
suryajack-, have u seen my link http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/eihydaLW tell me solution for this04:56
jack_abhilash: you mean the icon tries to connect but then fails?04:56
abhilashjack_: yes it tries and fails...04:56
jack12345DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS"04:57
FloodBot2jack12345: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
jack12345Sorry. my bad...new to all this stuff04:57
jack_surya: i am unfamilair with the usbtest script. sorry.04:57
jack_jack12345: hmmm04:58
sacarlsonabhilash: sounds like your gateway is not withit the mask of your local lan,  can you pastebin your route?  sudo route | pastebinit04:58
nininaI feel sad that I have to ask this question, but is there a way to install Ubuntu on a system and use the existing window boot loader rather then grub?04:58
suryajack-, ok for whom i want to contact to get the usbtest information?04:58
maconinina: wubi04:58
Jeffrey_Okay I fixed it to where it won't switch back. (turns out it's was a issue with GDM)04:58
jack_jack12345: "WARNING: Failed to read mirror file"04:58
hilarieAnyone Have any theories on how the internet could be down, I.E. pinging google is not possible, loading webpages impossible etc,04:58
hilarieAnd yet, you are reading this?04:59
jack_ninina: not with the ubuntu installer. i think there maybe 3rd party applications that will do it for you04:59
sacarlsonsurya: there are many ways to test the speed of a disk that's not the only method04:59
Jeffrey_Now I need to find out why my right Alt key isn't seen right.04:59
hilarieCan't even ping the modem, and yet, here I am04:59
hilarie"Gateway" sorry04:59
jack_hilarie: i would assume that you are not connected to the internet :)04:59
abhilashsacarlson: should i try this with my wireless?04:59
hilarieI offer you conclusive proof that I am!04:59
hilarie(That was the proof)04:59
jack_hilarie: :)05:00
jack_hilarie: how did you connect to freenode if you cant ping google? h05:00
Jeffrey_Does anyone know why it says ISO_L instead of ALT_R?05:00
sacarlsonabhilash: you do it from your terminal oh since you have no internet then route >file.txt05:00
abhilashsacarlson: I'll try it and manually paste in pastebin.......05:00
jack_hilarie: not all devices return pings.05:00
suryasacarlson, ok yaar give other methods links or procedures05:00
jack_hilarie: you can't ping ANYTHING? do you have a firewall blocking icmp?05:01
hilariepannaway.lan is unreachable05:01
hilarieunknown-00-0c-db-db-b2-40.lan is unreachable05:01
hilarie10.250.10.85 is unreachable05:01
hilarie206.223.192.10 is unreachable05:01
hilarie206.223.192.11 is unreachable05:01
hilariehilarie@ebilKitty:~$ sh pingit05:01
FloodBot2hilarie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:01
sacarlsonabhilash: or just route on a terminal?  not sure how we will be able to see it05:01
Jeffrey_Or more importantly how I fix it?05:01
jack12345@jack_ : that may not be the issue05:02
jack12345i ran the commands again05:02
sacarlsonsurya: I gave you many the last one about 4 min ago http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/testing-disk-speed-the-dd-test-3106905:02
DaGeek247hilarie, no!!!,05:02
jack_so you say you cant ping google?05:02
hilarieI can't ping anything05:03
jack_can you ping localhost?05:03
DaGeek247nvm, ithouht you had been devoiced..05:03
hilarieI can ping and nothing else05:03
rwwDaGeek247: they were05:03
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jack_hilarie: can you ping your own IP?05:03
jack_whats your ip address?05:03
hilarieI can ping 1 of 2 DNSs they have05:03
hilarieNo idea, I am behind a NAT05:04
hilarieAnd don't have the internet to look it up05:04
jack_hilarie: i meaned your NAT ip05:04
jack_hilarie: what is your main interface? eth0?05:04
hilarieNo, wifi one05:04
jack_hilarie: type ifconfig wlan0 and get the ip address05:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:04
jack_^Phantom^: hi05:04
Rav3ncan somebody explain how to set encryption un ubuntu?05:04
Rav3nfor /home folder05:05
jack_^Phantom^: you get you stuff working :)05:05
^Phantom^jack_, yep05:05
hilarie          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
jack_hilarie: can you ping
Jeffrey_Does anyone know how I can get ubuntu to recognize my right ALT key?05:05
hilarieThis issue is being replicated on a 2nd laptop with ubuntu, the same 2nd laptop in win705:06
hilarieIt's like my ISP isn't allowing new connections or something05:06
jack_hilarie: perhaps05:06
jack_hilarie: you can ping yoru gateway and yourslef though right?05:07
hilarieIt's freakin Crazy05:07
sacarlsonJeffrey_: it just works for me, how do you know your alt key isn't recognized?  might look at System>preference>keyboard05:07
hilarieI can ping myself, my router, my 2ndary DNS, but I can't ping my ISPs mailserver, or anything off my island05:07
hilarieAnd yet, here I am05:07
jack_hilarie: maybe somebody tripped over the cable connecting the two routers05:07
jack_hilarie: maybe you are connected through a local proxy?05:08
tucemiuxhilarie, ping could be blocked on whatever youre pinging05:08
sacarlsonhilarie: I guess it's a dns problem?  dig yahoo.com05:08
hilarieNot that I am aware of, its my DSL modem to router 1, from router 1 to router 205:08
jack12345any other suggestions guys?05:08
GeekyAdamhi all05:09
Jeffrey_sacarison: well for one none of the shortcut work with that key and also I clicked the show button on the layout and it shows up as ISO_L for some reason.05:09
hilarie;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached05:09
abhilashsacarlson: jack_ : http://pastebin.com/bPqbrRX4 here is my route for wireless, looks gateway is not there.......05:09
tucemiuxhilarie, sounds like somewhere along the way the ping is getting blocked, can you trace the ping?05:09
^Phantom^Linux OSes by default are unable to read .wma songs, right?05:09
sacarlsonabhilash: ok reading05:09
hilarieyou mean do tracert?05:09
jack_abhilash: if its not connected you wont have a gateway. if you are connected you can add the gateway with 'route add default gw' or w/e your gw is05:09
GeekyAdamim trying hard to get triple monitors working again with 10.10. i did it before but i cant for the life of me get it to work again. i was wondering if anyone here uses triple monitors and if so i could get a look at their xorg.conf file?05:10
DaGeek247Phantom yea05:10
jack_hilarie: i woudl assume that your DNS is down. how did you connect to freenode?05:10
Taffyhmmm i was watching and someone said wi-fi then dsl05:10
tucemiux^Phantom^, exactly05:10
sacarlsonabhilash: yup, you have no default gateway at all,  do you have it setup as static or with auto dhcp?05:10
^Phantom^DaGeek247, tucemiux, thank you05:10
hilarieJack this is what I want to know!05:10
abhilashsacarlson: i have done it auto dhcp, i can also do static, which is better to do?05:10
jack_hilarie: if you are unable to ping a nameserver that you should be able to ping i would assume that it is down.05:10
g_0_0hilarie, perhaps in dns cache?05:10
jack_hilarie: can you ping
hilarieWhat is DNS Cache, I would google it, but, you know...05:11
sacarlsonabhilash: well the dhcp should have returned you a gateway so try sudo dhclient wlan0  see what the dhcp give you05:11
hilarieI can ping that05:11
tucemiuxtroll?? o_O05:11
jack_local DNS servers will cache results so they dont have to keep asking their parents05:11
jack_hilarie: put it in your webbrowser05:12
^Phantom^jack_, you seem to be popular again lol05:12
jack_and try to navigate to it05:12
jack12345Last Call please....: any other suggestions by anyone on resolving my upgrade error?05:12
Jeffrey_Okay I think I've found a fix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127796605:12
jack_^Phantom^: im always popular :D05:12
Jeffrey_Thanks anyways.05:12
hilariegoogle! at
jack_jack12345: i'd hunt around on google for a bit.05:12
jack_hilarie: indeed. your DNS is borked.05:12
jack12345i tried google for an hour before i came to IRC :D05:12
g_0_0hilarie set your dns to open dns servers see if you have more luck -   
hilarieIf only my ISP had a person there after 5pm05:13
jack_jack12345: but you didn't try what i todl you to try right? that was the first result on google05:13
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10.  What is the cmd in terminal to restart ALSA?05:13
jack_hilarie: what island are you on?05:13
tucemiuxahhhh if you plan on having a funky setup with DSL server, router 1, router2, etc, you would be wise to read up on DNS05:13
hilarieRavillagagato (SP?) Ketchikan Alaska05:13
abhilashsacarlson: http://pastebin.com/CY6EjbPq here is the output for that05:13
jack_hilarie: just walk over to the other side of of the island and slap the snot out of the guy and be like 'what now bind?!'05:13
jack12345yea,....but anyways nothing worked yet....most threads ask to keep hitting check button and try again...05:13
GeekyAdamanyone using multiple monitors on ubuntu willing to let me see their xorg.conf file?05:13
jack_jack12345: yeah. its peculiar that you're hitting this.05:14
jack_the error doesn't give much insight on tot what hte issue is. maybe a logfile will? check in your /var/log directory to see if you get any more output05:14
jack_jack12345: ^05:14
hilarieWhat is an open DNS?05:14
jack_hilarie: its a DNS server that is public on the internets05:14
jack12345log dir has a bunch of files...which one should i look at?05:15
tucemiuxhilarie,, has 2 routers and doesnt know what open DNS is o_O05:15
hilariebetter reliability, or if my local DNS borks would I still be borked05:15
jack_jack12345: the most recently updated. do an 'ls -lart' the latest will be at the bottom05:15
abhilashjack_: sacarlson: http://pastebin.com/CY6EjbPq here is the output for sudo dhclient wlan005:15
Viru-Nhow to set the pathname?05:15
jack_hilarie: the ideal situtation is that your local dns gets fixed05:15
g_0_0hilarie set your dns to the ips I gave you05:15
hilarie@Tucemiux I just turned off the DHCP and made the IP on the 2nd router .2 vs .105:15
tucemiuxViru-N, typically in your .bashrc but I could be wrong, it depends on the shell that you use05:16
jack_abhilash: i think you're supposed to get a dhcp offer there05:16
hilariethose IP's are unreachable at this time, no ping05:16
Viru-Nis there any file named by .bash_profile?05:16
jack_tucemiux: i think he means on his island05:16
g_0_0hilarie - no ping, not just a dns problem then05:16
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sacarlsonabhilash: seems you dhcp server isn't responding05:16
GeekyAdamanyone using multiple monitors?05:16
hilarieI hate living in the middle of nowhere...05:17
jack_GeekyAdam: i use dual monitor on fedora if that helps.05:17
sacarlsonabhilash: is the wifi ap encryipted?05:17
Jeffrey_Well un checking R Alt under Keys to choose 3rd level and applying that system wide seemed to do the trick.05:17
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philip___hilarie , same here. But least I have wired DSL where I live...05:17
jack_GeekyAdam: i use the nvidida untility to setup dual monitors05:17
hilarieImma gonna go leave my ISP a nasty voicemail05:17
abhilashsacarlson: yes it has a password, not encrypted.05:17
GeekyAdamjack_: do you use seperate x screens?05:17
hilarie@philip I am wired, through a phone line right?05:17
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10.  What is the cmd in terminal to restart ALSA?05:17
jack_GeekyAdam: no. twinview05:17
sacarlsonabhilash: password means it's encryted,  with wep or wpa?05:18
lushousi want learn about the C/C++05:18
philip___I have no issues on my end.05:18
abhilashi'll try with the static ip and try setting with gateway........05:18
lushouscan you give me some advice?05:18
abhilashsacarlson: yes its wpa05:18
jack_lushous: buy a book05:18
Viru-Nwhere i wanted to set path name/05:18
cabbie-w7question: I'm installing Ubuntu from a thumb drive and want to allocate more space to it. I clicked 'advanced' after it booted it up and not sure how to proceed with giving Ubuntu the amount of space I want.05:18
sacarlsonabhilash: ok has it ever worked?05:18
GeekyAdamjack_: im trying to setup seperate x screens for each monitor. had it before but reinstalled now i cant figure it out.05:18
jack_Viru-N: wat05:18
jack_GeekyAdam: if you're using nvidida why not use the nvidia gui utility? :D05:19
philip___Might not be THEIR problem, it might be YOUR problem. Like wireing in your house, or possibly your modem <hilarie>05:19
abhilashsacarlson: It asks for password, i give it. It works from windows 705:19
vishalin ubuntu mysql is not working05:19
GeekyAdamjack_: tried. still not working right.05:19
jack_vishal: that sucks05:19
jack_GeekyAdam: be sure to run it with sudo and to save the xorg file before applying the settings05:19
AbhijiT!details | vishal05:19
ubottuvishal: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:19
lushoushow do i choose05:19
jack_i hate ubottu05:19
Viru-NAm trying to set the PATH environment variable but i don't no where it is present..05:19
vishalERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:19
vishalthis is the error m getting05:20
GeekyAdamhere's a good question: with seperate x screens, is it possible to drag windows to other monitors? because i used to be able to do that.05:20
cabbie-w7jack_: i was able to grab an external cdrom and restore my problematic netbook to wipe and restore XP and am booted up into the ubuntu install page :)05:20
jack_Viru-N: /etc/environments05:20
jack_cabbie-w7: sweet. :)05:20
macoGeekyAdam: 2 displays for 1 screen:  yes.   2 screens? no, you can run totally separate gdm sessions on each05:20
lushouswhat do you think about Eclipse?05:20
AbhijiTlushous, veery heavy05:20
vishalcan anybody help me regarding mysql05:20
hilarie@philip I refuse to accept that05:20
vishalit is not getting connecting05:21
jack_GeekyAdam: seperate x screens almost looks like 2 seperate machiens running. they're instances of the xserver05:21
lushousi am sorry05:21
GeekyAdammaco: is twinview the only possible way to drag windows between windows?05:21
jack_GeekyAdam: twinview makes 2 monitors act as one viewing plane and you can drag windows bakc and forth05:21
sacarlsonabhilash: well if it asks it must see the Access point why won't the dhcp respond?05:21
vishalcan anybody help me regarding mysql,it is not getting connecting05:21
jack_vishal: is it started?05:21
macoGeekyAdam: for nvidia users? maybe... its not what i use as an intel user. i just setup two displays with "xrandr --auto"05:22
cabbie-w7jack_: last time i went through the default install which made the ubuntu partition about 18 gigs. id like to give it about 40, i clicked into 'advanced' on the screen but not sure how to change it. When I click 'new partition table' it says it will wipe all partitions and I'm pretty sure thats not what i want to do.05:22
AbhijiTvishal, http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,9689,5688605:22
sacarlsonabhilash: lets see lspci to see what hardware we are playing with05:22
jack_cabbie-w7: nah you dont want a new partition table. you want to edit the existing05:22
jack12345@jack_ : getting worse....now my update manager is broken...on hitting "check" button, it throws that error.05:22
vishaljack_:when I am entering password it is gving me error like ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)05:22
jack_jack12345: wat which error?05:23
Viru-Ni wanted add one more path variable which is related to our project so where di put it?05:23
Starminncabbie-w7: Use something like GParted ot just edit your current would probably be easier. Gparted can be ofund on the Ubuntu LiveCD and in the Software Centre.05:23
GeekyAdamjack_: i know that i guess. i just know for a fact that i used to be able to drag across all three screens, and each screen had its own wallpaper. when i set up twinview on two of themonitors the wallpaper stretches across both.05:23
Viru-Ni wanted add one more path variable which is related to our project so where do i put it?05:23
jack_vishal: is the mysql-server service started?05:23
GeekyAdammaco: im unfamiliar with xrandr, what is it?05:23
jack_GeekyAdam: i think thats a bug05:23
AbhijiTvishal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31246005:23
jack_GeekyAdam: or a setting now05:23
GeekyAdamjack_: what do you mean? the wallpaper stretching?05:23
macoGeekyAdam: command line tool for dynamically configuring X.  nvidia's proprietary drivers don't support it though, iirc05:23
jack_GeekyAdam: yes05:23
jack_maco: i've used xrandr on my nvidia card (i think)05:24
vishaljack_:sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory , when i start service05:24
macojack_: with nvidia or nouveau drivers?05:24
jack12345@jack_ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/565698/05:24
jack_vishal: that means you're not in a directory. im not sure whats cuasing that05:24
cabbie-w7Under the device heading, i see /dev/sda then /dev/sda1 (type ntfs) /dev/sda2 (type: fat32) then /dev/sda3. Which is the one to edit?05:24
eycebergJack: my local directory starts with /home/eyceberg/ it outputs after i do the scp command. it shows /home/eyceberg/ is a directory05:24
lushousexcuse me!anyone understand the chinese? i am chinese!05:24
jack_maco: eeeeeeeeeeeh nvidia i think. i was fighitng with a boxee machine for a few weeks with svideo out05:24
GeekyAdamlast time i tried installing non-proprietary nvidia drivers, xserver wouldnt start and i was booted to tty1 console. had to delete xorg.conf to get back to x.05:25
jack_maybe it was nouveau05:25
vishaljack_: give me any solution so that i can do that05:25
Viru-Nreply to my query if anyone knows05:25
jack_vishal: how are you starting the service?05:25
cabbie-w7Starminn: Im on a winxp device and installing ubuntu. GParted can be used from within ubuntu to expand the partition?05:25
jack_Viru-N: you can add it to the end.05:25
vishaljack_:/etc/init.d/mysql resrtat05:25
AbhijiTvishal, have you looked at those link i gave?05:25
jack_cabbie-w7: gparted is a linux application05:25
maco!cn | lushous05:25
ubottulushous: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk05:26
jack_vishal: does 'service mysql restart' not work?05:26
Starminncabbie-w7: Yep. Launch the LiveCD to "trial" it and it's in System->Administration I believe05:26
cabbie-w7jack_: Starminn: guess i was a bit concerned since the native OS on this device is winXP and whether while in a ubuntu partition, i could use an ubuntu tool to take hard drive space away from XP. if that makes any sense05:27
steve_asherHow do I customize the Unity application search shortcuts?05:27
abhilashsacarlson: jack_ : So what should i do with my dhcp or gateway to work with wireless?? I'm so frustrated, you guys are helping a lot:)05:27
jack_cabbie-w7: gparted is a tool that can be used in ubuntu05:27
amageehey a while ago someone showed me how to add a "Host" section to ~/.ssh/config, so i can now go "ssh that_host" and automatically use those settings (IdentityFile etc).. can i use the same settings to copy files with scp?05:27
cabbie-w7jack_: alrighty, so do the normal install, grab gparted, then use that to expand space05:27
GeekyAdammaco: do you have multiple monitors?05:27
jack_abhilash: i think you're having driver issues with your card. if you are unable to connect at all. you could also try going into the settings and removing hte *saved* password and re-enteirng it manually when you try to connect05:28
abhilashI'd never had such a probelem with ubuntu from 2 years!! wireless......05:28
vishalAbhijit: M looking on that05:28
jack_cabbie-w7: i'd say make the changes befor ethe install.05:28
sacarlsonabhilash: you need to get your connection working I assume,  since your dhcp server fails to respond I think it's encrytped and data not making it to the ap05:28
jack_cabbie-w7: you can use the livecd05:28
macoGeekyAdam: not right now. i used to hook up my laptop to a larger screen at work05:28
amageeie, ssh my_host works, but when i say "scp myfile my_host", it thinks my_host is a filename05:28
vishaljack_: no it is not working05:28
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jack_vishal: i am unsure. :( sorry05:28
abhilashjack_: where is the password settting?05:28
GeekyAdamanyone here using 3 monitors?05:28
=== antilles is now known as Doyle
Starminncabbie-w7: You can but I'd suggest doing it from the LiveCD tha way the hard drive isn't being used (only the CD).05:28
jack_abhilash: eeeeh under network manager somewhere05:28
sacarlsonabhilash: you might try the wicd  wifi manager, or wpagui05:29
cabbie-w7jack_: thats what i want to do but not sure how to proceed from the 'allocate drive space' screen05:29
jack_GeekyAdam: you want to take a look at my config?05:29
GeekyAdamjack_: yeah sure05:29
jack_cabbie-w7: are you in gparted?05:29
abhilashsacarlson: wpagui, i'll give it a shot....thanks05:29
amageeoh, never mind.. "scp my_host:" works05:30
jack_GeekyAdam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/565705/05:30
cabbie-w7jack_: no, im freshly booted off the thumb drive with ubuntu on it, but haven't installed ubuntu yet. It asks me to choose of 3 options: (install alongside other operating systems), (erase and use the entire disk), and (specify partitions manually). From this link it seems that if I want to customize the space of how much ubuntu gets under step 4: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download I need to choose (specify partition05:31
jack_ok my girlfriend is choking me so i g2g. :D05:31
cabbie-w7lol have fun ;)05:32
jack_haha its a bad choking atm but maybe i can turn that around05:32
* jack_ works his magic05:32
cabbie-w7getcha some!05:32
* jack_ holds his now black eye. :(05:32
AdrianDoyleI just installed 10.10 via WUBI on my laptop (this machine), and am now experiencing trouble with my fan. It won't run at all, and it seems after running pwmconfig that I don't any pwm-capable sensor modules at all. I'm not in any current danger of overheating but I've got to keep an external fan pointed at this thing.05:32
eyceberghmm i am having trouble downloading this file off a plain ssh ftp program. i used ip /var/www/mix/mix.rar /home/eyceberg/Documents/05:32
eyceberg outputs no such directory?05:32
jack_eyceberg: it should look liek this 'scp /home/jack/Documents'05:33
AdrianDoylealso note that I'm a total linux noob and will ask idiot questions.05:33
jack_eyceberg: or in your case 'scp ip:/var/www/mix/mix.rar /home/eyceberg/Documents/'05:33
philip___Anybody know how good Intel HD4500 graphics are in Ubuntu I may be getting a laptop with that graphics chip.05:34
eycebergJack: hmm i thought i inputed that.05:34
hilarie_ISP reset the DNS :)05:34
=== MrHeavy_ is now known as mrheavy
eycebergdo i add the "'"05:35
steve_asheranyone know how to change the shortcuts that show up in unity search?05:35
cabbie-w7jack_: if your lovely lady can spare you for another minute, would you be able to speak to me previous concern:05:35
eycebergor was that  a typo ?05:35
cabbie-w7jack_: no, im freshly booted off the thumb drive with ubuntu on it, but haven't installed ubuntu yet. It asks me to choose of 3 options: (install alongside other operating systems), (erase and use the entire disk), and (specify partitions manually). From this link it seems that if I want to customize the space of how much ubuntu gets under step 4: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download I need to choose (specify partition05:35
FloodBot3cabbie-w7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
jack_cabbie-w7: thats the install. you need to open the gparted utility. you'll need to be in the 'try ubuntu' mode05:36
cabbie-w7excellent. thank you.05:36
hilarie_Floodbots fighting?05:36
steve_asher...like "Games".  I uninstalled all the games.  Now that shortcut is just taking up space.05:37
rwwhilarie_: They were, yes. I fixed them a couple of minutes ago.05:37
vnsitm_hey friends can u please  help me telling any good html editor for ubuntu?05:37
hilarie_@rww why have more then one?05:37
rwwhilarie_: they're more able to deal with flooding that way05:38
Starminnvnsitm_: For just HTML Gedit is pretty good (default)05:38
* mcawesomeville waves hello05:46
jsecThis is about the deadest I've ever seen this room.05:47
cabbie-w7how bout i liven it up :D just booted into the 'trial' netbook ubuntu. opening firefox and trying to go to any website closes the window.05:47
mcawesomevillehave you tried using other browser?05:49
cabbie-w7i tried to grab chrome. but then firefox just closed the window.05:49
Starminncabbie-w7: Try grabbing Chromium from the Software Centre05:50
philip___use Ubuntu softawre Center05:50
mcawesomevilleyeah try that05:50
dragkely> :):):):):):) holaaaaaa (:(:(:(:(:(:05:50
ubuntuserwhen is the online access going to be open? can't access via UbuntuOne at my work place. any other way to sync and access the tomboy online? especially on windows(7)05:51
ubuntuserto TomBoy05:51
ubuntuserwhen is the Tomboy online access going to be open? can't access via UbuntuOne at my work place. any other way to sync and access the tomboy online? especially on windows(7)05:51
cdbsdreamtraveler: Please stop that05:51
cabbie-w7hmm software center won't open. and even in firefox, clicking the pre-placed 'getting started' bookmarks closed it05:52
cdbsdreamtraveler: oops, sorry05:52
g_0_0cabbie-w7, try running firefox with debug from the terminal as - firefox --debug05:53
TanvirHello, how can I read and edit a .db file in Ubuntu?05:53
g_0_0cabbie-w7, when you arrive at gbd prompt type run05:53
cabbie-w7g_0_0: terminal doesnt open >8(05:55
cabbie-w7something is wrong here05:55
cabbie-w7i select it from applications, then right back to the home screen05:55
g_0_0cabbie-w7, try ctrl alt t - or alt f2 - then type gnome-terminal05:55
cabbie-w7neither commands respond05:56
cabbie-w7this is on a 'preview' version of ubuntu for netbooks fyi05:57
GeekyAdama lot of times when i restart my machine, it just keeps rebooting after it gets to orange ubuntu boot screen. but if i hard boot it down then back up a couple times, it usually comes up ok.05:57
g_0_0cabbie-w7, ok - try it just for fun :)05:57
cabbie-w7well what i want to do is install ubuntu but give it more hard drive space. jack recommended going into the trial version then using gparted to expand it? im not sure how to get from A to B05:58
g_0_0cabbie-w7, could you not just have booted from a gparted livecd?05:59
cabbie-w7on a thumb drive06:00
Starminncabbie-w7: Wait, wait, wait, so Ubuntu is not installed yet? (LiveCD = any portable media, basically)06:00
cabbie-w7i went from instructions from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download06:00
cabbie-w7no its not06:00
FloodBot3cabbie-w7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
winterweaverI was working in the terminal just now, and the keyboard characters suddenly changed to some weird language? I cannot type any commands etc. How can I fix this? Im in the middle of important work, and cannot afford to close and reopen the terminal06:01
cparkerAuto-mount CD/DVD drive to single, specific mount point every time? http://askubuntu.com/q/25759/218606:01
g_0_0cabbie-w7, I am bit lost as to why you went for the trial version first?06:01
EvilPhoenixcparker:  is that even a question?06:02
cabbie-w7g_0_0: i originally dualbooted into ubuntu with the standard install, but it only gave it 18-ish gigs. i had to wipe my netbook, and want to give ubuntu around 40 gigs of space. IIRC jack said to go into the trial version then use gparted. My goal is to get ubuntu installed with 40 gigs to play with.06:03
g_0_0cabbie-w7,  you mean boot from a livecd ( on a thumbdrive) when you say trial version ?06:05
eruditehermithey, how can I figure out of a filesystem is fat32 or fat16? df -T lists it as vfat06:08
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Starminncabbie-w7: jack_ said that because him (and I as well) were under the assumption that you had it installed already. SO what you want to do is just install Ubuntu normally "alongside another operating system" (if one exists) and drag the slider to "40GB".06:11
StarminnHey Vustom06:12
luxurymodehey all. im using OACurl to connect to buzz from a terminal and im trying to send some JSON data. Google says to http://pastebin.com/tGU0GJqe . Kinda confused about what im supposed to and what echo is here....06:12
Vustomi'm trying to download Dofus for Linux but when I click it, firefox opens the .run in another tab instead of downloading it06:12
Vustomit says to right click the download link and click Save link as... but it tries to save the .htm file instead of the .run06:13
TanvirHello, how can I read and edit a .db file in Ubuntu?06:13
Vustomthis is the download link.. http://dl.ak.ankama.com/games/dofus2/setup/DofusInstall.run06:13
Tanvir(asking again)06:14
Vustomnvm, got it! :D06:14
StarminnVustom: Again with answering your own questions! :)06:14
ubuntuserubottu: tomboy!06:14
AbhijiTTanvir, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75733406:15
Vustom:D hehe06:15
* mcawesomeville says hello!06:15
cdbsubuntuser: ?06:16
TanvirAbhijiT, they say, they want to know.. but that doesn't give the answer.06:16
ubuntusercdbs: I had some query on Tomboy notes. No one replied so I was trying to ask the ubuntu bot.06:17
cdbs!tomboy | ubuntuser06:17
cdbsubuntuser: could you repeat it?06:17
cdbsI mean the query06:17
TanvirOkay, thank you guys. :)06:18
ubuntusercdbs: however you have any idea when they are going to make tomboy-online open or is there any other way to sync and access tomboy via web except ubuntu-one? ubuntuone is blocked at work06:18
GaudiI am requesting some help06:18
Gaudiif possible06:18
Starminn!ask | Gaudi06:19
ubottuGaudi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:19
cdbsubuntuser: I can't think of any ways06:19
GaudiI just downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu for Desktop. When I am trying to install everything seems ok until I get the "Username" and "Name of computer" thingy, I get a message saying "Whenever the user is ready" and I have everything filled up but I can't click the "next" button06:20
ubuntusercdbs: hmmm.. looks like buying a hosting plan will be good. that way i can try things like this without waiting fir the people to come up with sth for public06:20
AntOggI'm new to Linux and I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04.  It's the only version I've used.  I love it, however, I would like to try other versions.  Does anyone have any opinions on which ones I should try.  It's for a personal computer.06:21
bullgardGaudi: You have not everything filles up.  --  Please give a more detailed description of your situation so that people can help you. Especially the exact error message.06:21
EvilPhoenixAntOgg:  Ubuntu 10.1106:21
StarminnGaudi: Hmm... Well the username needs to be all lower-case for one thing.06:22
x43112609sed "s///"06:23
Starminn!AntOgg: Have you tried some of the Ubuntu variations? Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu w/ Unity (such as the 11.04 alpha)06:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:23
Starminn!AntOgg: Alternatively, try scrolling down a bit and check the right-hand side for "Page Hit Ranking" here: http://distrowatch.com/06:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:25
StarminnAntOgg: Oops, I kept ptting a "!" in front of your name. Please make reference to my essages to "!AntOgg" :)06:25
Gaudithere's no thing as an error06:26
xs1can anyone help me get my mic working?06:26
Gaudiit just simply wont let me continue with the install06:26
nillerzhey, I have a USB gamepad that isn't broadcasting the fact that it is a gamepad, but input-events is telling me that it is outputting a signal and does, in theory, work. How do I make x.org realize it is a gamepad? I am in xorg.conf now, I just don't know what to do here.06:26
AntOggStarminn: Thanks, I will check those out.  :)06:27
rwwGaudi: make your username all lower-case06:28
x43112609+rwx for me :)06:28
Gaudiwill try and I'll tell you how it went06:28
StarminnAntOgg: Yep. I was going to list the common ones off the top of my head, but thought it may be frowned upon to 'advertise' other distros, perhaps. :) So that should give you a pretty all-inclusive list.06:28
=== cwhite is now known as mougoo
wiblewoble!info joystick06:30
ubottujoystick (source: joystick): set of testing and calibration tools for joysticks. In component universe, is extra. Version 20051019-12 (maverick), package size 35 kB, installed size 224 kB06:31
xs1anyone help me get mic working?06:31
IrreducibilisHow do package managers update things that are already running without disrupting anything?06:31
GeekyAdamanyone here use 3 monitors in ubuntu?06:32
wiblewoble!details | xs106:32
ubottuxs1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:32
* m00se sticks his tongue out06:32
xs1I have a problem with my mic, I'm using maverick. It wont detect input sound in several applications06:33
=== dave is now known as Guest55101
luxurymodeim looking at some sample command and one line begins with | what does that represent?06:34
luxurymodebecause an actual | doesnt seem to be working06:34
MrMookieis a continuation06:35
Gaudirww thanks for the help, was the lower case thingy06:35
abhilashjack__: sacarlson : thanks for all support!! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1645716 i referred here and installed ralink drivers for my wireless card, now wireless is working!!06:35
luxurymodeMrMookie: so what do i do? type that in or...? cuz im getting error06:35
abhilashbuzzinga to opensource!! ubuntu /m\ rocks!!06:35
x43112609viva les pipelinings06:36
MrMookieluxury what are you trying to do?06:36
ray_Someone answered my question:ray_: the maintainers can't do anything unless there's a temp sensor on it AND a way to get information from it06:36
Starminnluxurymode: No, the "|" is called a "pipe". You could try searching what pipes do in the shell, perhaps. Like what MrMookie said, it's a continuation.06:36
ray_which was about my xbox 360 wireless receiver and the F1 fuse burning out.06:36
ActionParsnipabhilash: most distros do ;)06:36
ray_Good bye06:36
luxurymodeMrMookie: i happen to be using OACurl to just send some json to the next REST call06:37
IrreducibilisHow do package managers update things that are already running without disrupting anything?06:37
luxurymodeso i guess pipe tells it to pipe the output from the previous command in the line into the next command06:37
x43112609ubuntu c'est trop la base pour commancer  avec un linux :)06:38
MrMookiecorrect luxury06:38
nillerzx43112609, je ne parlais francais pas.06:39
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:39
x43112609moi non plus :)06:39
nillerzx43112609, je ne parlais francais pas.06:39
nillerzhey, I have a USB gamepad that isn't broadcasting the fact that it is a gamepad, but input-events is telling me that it is outputting a signal and does, in theory, work. How do I make x.org realize it is a gamepad? I am in xorg.conf now, I just don't know what to do here.06:39
ActionParsnipIrreducibilis: simple. The current running app is in RAM. The files can be changed freely as the data is copied. Until you restart the app to read the new data you won't see the updated app06:39
x43112609ok, i'm talk in english :)06:39
luxurymodeMrMookie: i think im doing everything right, just getting eror that oacurl command not found. which is weird cuz ive been using it...06:39
IrreducibilisActionParsnip, oh okay, that makes sense.06:40
ActionParsnipnillerz: if you install jscalibrate does it see the device?06:41
luxurymodeMrMookie: ah ok, im an idiot. didnt set up the alias yet.06:41
=== derp is now known as herrp
raisin123anyone here?06:41
nillerzActionParsnip, no06:41
raisin123Does anyone know how to make ubuntu treat all the four workspaces as different desktops?06:42
alesanhi! how do I add a user to "wheel" or whatever it's called in ubuntu so that I can issue root commands with sudo?06:42
ActionParsnipRaisin123: you have see people converse since you joined so I'd say quite possibly yes06:42
GeekyAdamalesan: the user(s) need to be added to the sudoers file06:43
alesanGeekyAdam, thanks! where is such file please?06:43
_jesse_alesan: never heard of wheel, just run `visudo` from a terminal06:43
ActionParsnipRaisin123: in what se06:43
raisin123ActionParsnip_: alow internet. chat is coming in groups here. Didn't see any till I typed. Sorry though.06:43
alesan_jesse_, it's a concept used in freebsd or gentoo06:43
ActionParsnipRaisin123: sense do mean?06:43
_jesse_alesan: you shouldn't edit the file directly, use visudo06:43
x43112609all is possible, because you have sources :)06:44
_jesse_alesan: ah I see06:44
GeekyAdamalesan: /etc/sudoers06:44
alesandamn if I write visudo it opens "nano"06:44
Guest44579i'm having trouble getting anything to connect to my computer (ie. ssh sessions). My IP tables looks like this http://pastebin.com/VLUJxXhp (which may or may not be the cause of all this). any suggestions?06:44
GeekyAdamalesan: if you google "add user to sudoers file" you should have no problem06:44
ActionParsnipAlesan: nano rocks :)06:44
alesanwell in the sudoers file it says... member of the admin group may gain root privileges06:45
GeekyAdam<- nano user06:45
raisin123ActionParsnip_: In the sense that I can customise all the workspaces differently06:45
Irreducibilis"Real programmers use nano"06:45
_jesse_alesan: it opens whatever the default editor is set to ;) it's an env variable06:45
alesanI know but it's called visudo, not nanosudo :)06:45
_jesse_alesan: haha to be honest, I felt the same way the first time I ran it06:45
raisin123ActionParsnip_: For example -  How to keep different wallpapers for all four workspaces.06:46
_jesse_alesan: anyway just copy the line for root and change 'root' to the other user06:46
JoeyAI picked btrfs when I installed Ubuntu 10.10, but I keep reading on the Internet that btrfs wasn't going to be in 10.1006:46
JoeyAIn any case, it was a mistake.06:46
_jesse_alesan: if you want to let them run all sudo commands06:46
x43112609old programmers use vi :)06:46
JoeyAapt-get upgrade was taking a really long time while my disk galloped.06:46
alesanactually that does not seem the correct way06:47
ActionParsnipRaisin123: you can have different wallpaper on each cube side in Compiz if that's what you mean. This however means you will lose the ability to have desktop icons06:47
alesanI added my user to the admin group06:47
Guest44579i'm having trouble getting anything to connect to my computer (ie. ssh sessions). My IP tables looks like this http://pastebin.com/VLUJxXhp (which may or may not be the cause of all this). any suggestions?06:47
JoeyAso I aborted apt-get and hoped it would work when I restarted.  My system wouldn't start.06:47
wiblewoblexs1: have you tried the sound recorder and alsamixer for your sound levels06:47
JoeyANot even recoverymode06:47
_jesse_alesan: aaah I see, sorry I've never done it that way06:47
xs1not the alsamixer06:47
_jesse_might be a new option06:48
nillerzSo no help on how to add devices to xorg.conf?06:48
x43112609or kmix for kubuntu ?06:48
ActionParsnipJoeyA: boot to root recovery mode and run: sudo apt-get -f install06:48
JoeyAActionParsnip: Couldn't boot to recovery mode either.06:49
JoeyAI haven't gotten any scary output from dmesg06:49
raisin123ActionParsnip_: I didn't know how to do it from compiz. Hell I didn't know it was possible. I don't really care about the desktop icons. I have a dock for that. Could you please tell me how to do that using compiz?06:49
soreaunillerz: What device is not being auto-detected?06:49
ActionParsnipJoeyA: or boot to liveCD, chroot to the installed OS and run it there06:50
JoeyAI'll try that, thanks.06:50
xs1wiblewoble, not alsa06:50
soreauraisin123: To set a wallpaper for each viewport using gnome, disable Nautilus from drawing the desktop by setting the gconf key /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop to "false".06:50
nillerza usb gamepad, do you want the lshal readout or lsusb or something?06:51
wiblewoblexs1: type alsamixer in a terminal try to turn up the vol06:51
=== Anthraxium|Detac is now known as Anthraxium
soreauraisin123: Then you can use compiz wallpaper plugin in ccsm to set the images06:51
ActionParsnipRaisin123:it can be done and there are guides but I've never done it. It takes a bit of hacking but it's doable06:51
soreauActionParsnip: It doesn't take any hacking06:52
soreauJust disable show_desktop and set wallpapers in ccsm. Done06:52
xs1wiblewoble: master and pcm are both at 10006:53
ActionParsnipSoreau: i'd equate gconf-edit to registry editting in Windows as software should change it, not the user in my opinion06:53
stanman246hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu on a new hp 8100, but get stuck at automatic network configuration... If i cancel the install i get to the desktop and after manually configuring eth0 i have access to the network. I'm pretty sure the dhcp is working fine on the lan, but how can i check that?06:54
ActionParsnipstanman246: did you md5 test the iso you dow06:56
stanman246ehm... nope06:56
ActionParsnipstanman246: then how did you know it was complete and error free06:57
JoeyAIt'd be nice if hashes were visible in end-user interfaces.06:57
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:57
JoeyAe.g. Firefox's download menu should show the SHA256 hash under big links (or at least provide a way to get it that's easy).06:58
era878can anyone recommend a good incremental backup program?06:58
sacarlsonstanman246: you can try sudo dhclient eth0  to see if that gets your dhcp setings06:58
ActionParsnipJoeyA: +1 the 1-2-3 app from pendrivelinux downloads, md5 tests a06:58
x43112609abakus or some...06:58
ActionParsnipAnd puts the image on usb in one app06:59
stanman246ActionParsnip, i don't.... never had any issue before.... but i just checked and it's the same as in the md5sums file06:59
JoeyAIs anyone here using btrfs with Ubuntu 10.10?07:00
ActionParsnipGood. Data corruption can and does occur. Please check in future07:00
JoeyAAmen to that.07:01
sacarlsonera878: rync I guess and there are gui to add to it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incremental_backup07:02
* GeekyAdam looks at all the quits...07:02
sacarlsonera878: sorry mispell rsync07:02
almoxarifeera878: I use nsbackup , works for me07:03
x43112609btrfs is a kinda file sytem07:03
stanman246no dhcpoffers received on eth007:03
ron__what up07:05
foxjazzanyone install this on netbook?07:07
bullgard /boot/grub/grub.cfg says: "Do not edit." How to accomplish that from the line "linux   /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic root=UUID=7b2db282-52a4-4a4b-b1db-032334575de7 ro   quiet splash" will be removed 'quiet' und 'splash'?07:08
=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
cagriemerID 1262126207:09
Starminnfoxjazz: Install what on netbook? Ubuntu? There's Ubuntu netbook edition, specifically designed for Netbooks using the Unity interface as opposed to your typical GNOME (or KDE) environment.07:09
x43112609sudo or su root07:09
foxjazzStarminn: yes this is the second time I am trying to install. It's stuck07:09
robertzaccourdo 64 bit drivers work in ndisgtk?07:09
foxjazzStarminn: I have a 2015PEM asus netbook07:10
kwtmHi. What is the email client that is used in Ubuntu?  Is it Evolution?07:10
bullgardJoeyA: The word "use" has many meanings. What do you mean exactly?07:10
xs1Hi, I'm currently using maverick. I was messing around with ALSA while trying to make my mic detect sound, and now there is no sound from my speakers either07:10
Starminnkwtm: Yeah, Evolution is the default although I use Thunderbird.07:10
JoeyAUse as the root mountpoint ( / )07:10
bullgard!sond | xs107:11
bullgard!sound | xs107:11
ubottuxs1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:11
sacarlsonbullgard: I use the startup-manager to modify grub2 boot settings,  It's a gui for grub07:11
Starminnfoxjazz: What sucks about it?07:11
x43112609drole... i have asus 900 sdd07:11
xs1bulgard, went through it. I think all I have to do is reset alsa to default. I'm just not clear how to do that07:12
wiblewoblexs1: what did you do ?07:13
whatsupHello, how do i get into grub menu if ESC key isn't working? Somebody broke sth in grub and i need to fix it. however when slamming esc key - i dont get in07:13
kwtmStarminn: Thanks for info.  Tried Thunderbird --ran up against an error that is apparently documented and not fixed (can't remember exact message --"SSL record too long" or something") that renders it utterly useless.  WIll try Evolution.07:13
whatsupAny ideas, thanks?07:13
foxjazzStarminn: I didn't say suck, I said stuck (hangs07:14
xs1wiblewoble: i followed this until the ./configure near the end. It said command not found. I rebooted after that07:14
Starminnkwtm: Alright. I've not tried Evolution to be honest as I used Thunderbird before I switched to Linux as well, so I can't say good or bad about it. See how it goes. *shrug* best of luck.07:14
era878does anybody know any good wine configurations to get office 2007 running optimally07:15
x43112609why do not use directly the openofice... without wine07:15
Starminnfoxjazz: Ah, my mistake. :D Not sure what would do it, though.07:16
whatsupAnd yes btw thats 8.0407:16
whatsup(old, i know, but i must not upgrade it -.-)07:16
era878because openoffice doesnt have perfect compatibility with word docs and vise versa07:16
bullgardsacarlson: Ah! I did not know that there is a package »startupmanager«. I am hurrying to install it. --  Thank you.07:16
era878has anyone gotten burg manager to work?07:17
whatsupSo i am retrying.. brb07:17
bullgardera878: "burg"? Is this a typo?07:18
=== indradg is now known as stephdg
era878its a graphical boot manager for grub207:18
era878i cant get it to work though07:18
bullgardera878: I did not know.07:18
x43112609no need graphical for that... use vi or nano07:18
Starminnera878: For Office 2007 by the way you could try WINE. I hear it mostly works with a bit of tinkering07:19
wiblewoblexs1: so you did not complete the install?07:19
=== kevin__ is now known as pixme
era878what vi and/or nano??07:19
xs1wiblewoble: no07:19
=== wampire__ is now known as WamPIRe--
wiblewoblexs1: why ?  you stoped alsa to install that version thats why theres no sound. so you rebooted have you got sounnd?07:21
era878Does anybody have a working media sharing setup to stream to a local xbox 360?07:22
xs1wiblewoble: It wouldn't recognize the command for some reason. I didn't really have another option, and no I don't07:22
snapi have a problem whit installation of ubuntu server, when i try to modify the some file type /etc/fstab , i get the message filesystem read-only, if i try the command remount filesystem tell me filesystem is write-protected07:23
wiblewoblexs1: which command did you get stuck on?07:23
xs1./configure , 3 steps before reboot07:24
xs1near the end07:24
snapi have a problem whit installation of ubuntu server, when i try to modify the some file type /etc/fstab , i get the message filesystem read-only, if i try the command remount filesystem tell me filesystem is write-protected07:27
xs1wiblewoble: I think I reinstalled it. I tried reinstalling the ALSA drivers from a fresh kernal. I'll come back and let you know. Thanks a lot for the help.07:27
Da|Mummyanyone know how to get audacious to figure out the artists and title and all other info of physical cds?07:28
era878snap you can not remount a filesystem that your running07:29
snapera878: so what should I do?07:30
snapi must try whit live??07:31
linuxiushi! I like so start #!/bin/sh07:31
linuxius    cd /home/beni/moin-desktop07:31
linuxius    python wikiserver.py07:31
elfrannehow to change extension of files that contain unicode and space in CLI ?07:31
linuxiusand then firefox localhost... how can I do that?07:31
era878change the read/write permission for the files you are trying to modify you must be root to change permission on most things in the /etc folder07:31
snapera878: if i try whit user root i get filesystem read-only07:32
pvh_sahey there, i'm trying to connect to a Google Talk account with Empathy and it just comes back immediately saying "network error" - my net however is working fine. any ideas??07:33
stanman246well... i found out my prob, it was the (windows) dhcp server, i soo love linux...07:33
era878did you use sudo?07:33
grendal_primewerid there is no #ssh07:33
Dan_what is the command to view all of your running processes07:33
snapera878: if have tryied also sudo07:33
grendal_primehow difficult is it to sneek back through an establised ssh connection?07:34
snapera878: if have tried also sudo07:34
stanman246grendal_prime, try #openssh07:34
grendal_primelike say someone is sshed into my server.  Is it possible for me to ustilize that same tunnel to get to there machine?07:34
GrimmVarghey guys! Anyone had any success setting up exchange mail on linux, not using imap etc,,? :)07:34
snapera878: i have tried also sudo07:34
grendal_primeGrimmVarg,   sync it with your google account.  call it a night.07:34
pvh_saDan_: all of those that YOU are running or all ones on the box? ps ax to see everything running07:35
era878snap try: sudo gksudo nautilus07:35
GrimmVarggrendal_prime: haha, yeah. Well. ^^07:35
snapera878: ok i try07:35
grendal_primethen launch a hidden agenda to your ulterior motive. to get your company to switch to google apps and gmail..because...well because it frigging rocks.07:36
snapera878: but i'am in console, i can't access to gui ubuntu07:36
foofooeydoes chromium-browser has the same google tracking hack buillt in like the windows version. i read about it months back07:36
era878are you running server edition?07:36
grendal_primeGrimmVarg, you may just start a movement.07:36
foofooeyyea chicago07:37
snapera878: server 10.04.1 lucid07:37
foofooeyprotest for some free wifi here damnit07:37
YankDownUnderChicago is the next Detroit. Wouldn't bother.07:37
raghavneonhi can anyone help me with mooshak installation07:37
stanman246i've got an intel i5 machine, which supports kvm. would like to use it, but it's all new to me. Could i just install Ubu-desktop on it and then install and use kvm? anyone did this be4?07:38
foofooeyjust the deep southside07:38
foofooeyeverywhere else is pretty good07:38
foofooeyi been to detroit its a diff story there jeez07:38
snapera878: in phase of installation, i haven't configured the eth and then he did not install all packages07:38
foofooeyi bet the canadians just laugh at us when they cross the bridge over to the US, just to see burnt our buildings with windows broken, tall buildings with nowindows and graffiti all over once you cross over07:39
Da|Mummyi bet the mexicans the feel the same way07:40
elfrannerename m4v mp4 *.m4v07:41
elfranneBareword "m4v" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.07:41
foofooeyyea tons of mexicans there its weird07:41
elfranneany idea why i got that error ?07:41
Da|Mummydetroit is full of asian people07:41
LaibschI upgrade my vserver from hardy to lucid the other. upstart ran into a problem that I worked around, but now upstart does not seem to be running and I can't figure out how to restart it: http://paste.debian.net/107278/  Any ideas?07:41
Da|Mummyat least the airport is07:41
foofooeyno way07:41
foofooeyu srs07:41
kwtmelfranne: Are you trying to rename a file?  SHould you be using the "mv" command instead of "rename"?07:41
Dan_this may be off the topic but what is a good newsreader07:41
Da|Mummyi swear, 1 in 3 people at detroit airport was asian07:41
foofooeyi know theres a growing muslim community now07:41
foofooeyi bet the airport area is nice then]07:42
Da|Mummyi thought muslims were buying new york, not detroit07:42
foofooeymuslims everywhere07:42
kwtmelfranne: If you are using "rename", then instead of "m4v" you should be using a Perl-compatible substitute command (ie. /regex1/regex2/) or something.07:42
YankDownUnderDetroit, when I finally left in 92, was frightening enough. My mother went back last year for a school reunion - she WON'T be going back - ever again.07:42
foofooeyYankDownUnder,  which side07:42
greppyelfranne: what are you trying to do?07:43
Da|Mummytheres a good side to detroit?07:43
YankDownUnderfoofooey, East side.07:43
kwtmelfranne: What are you trying to do, specifically?  Rename all files ending in m4v to end in mp4?07:43
Da|Mummyanyone know how to get audacious to figure out the artists and title and all other info of physical cds?07:43
foofooeyi see, yea its no fun being the only whitey in hs07:43
YankDownUnderfoofooey, Just off Gratiot.07:43
YankDownUnderfoofooey, I went to school in DOWNTOWN...long ago when my school was right next to City Airport.07:44
greppy!ot YankDownUnder foofooey07:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:44
greppy!ot | YankDownUnder foofooey07:44
ubottuYankDownUnder foofooey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:44
grendal_prime my question is.. if i connect to an ssh server how difficult is it for the admin of that server to use that same tunnel i a reverse fashion?07:44
YankDownUnderNazi strike.07:44
grendal_primeYankDownUnder, ?07:44
grendal_primedude thats a funny phrase07:45
foofooeylast comment - detroitians are a bunch of anarchists, and burn their own city, bleh07:45
Da|Mummydetroit smells07:45
foofooeyespecially the amigos doing it now07:45
greppygrendal_prime: are you opening a tunnel, or just connecting to the server to get a shell?07:45
era878snap you could always boot from a live cd and change the fstab from there07:45
elfrannekwtm abd greppy : got hte solution rename 's/\.m4v/\.mp4/' *.m4v07:45
grendal_primegreppy, well in the case im worried about i will be sending a crapload of files.07:46
grendal_primeto a server07:46
* whatsup[damnNS] back with negative results07:46
michelanyone here used PinguyOS ?07:46
kwtmgrendal_prime: you mean you want to, or you want to try to prevent?  When I provide tech support for my relatives, they ssh into my server and open a tunnel (as I request); then I can ssh into their desktop via that tunnel and open my own tunnel.  But I can't unless they open a tunnel to me first.07:46
greppygrendal_prime: unless you open a tunnel, you don't need to worry about someone connecting back to your machine over your ssh connection.07:46
kwtmgrendal_prime: If the desktop just does "ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900" or something like that, there is no reverse tunnel for the server admin to "sneak" back into your computer, if that's what you're asking.07:47
grendal_primekwtm,  well i have a client that wants me to dump serveral files onto a file server they have behind an ssh server.   so for the most part im going to rsync via ssh to there server,  so i would be the client.07:48
greppygrendal_prime: that should be fine.07:48
grendal_primei want to prevent them from being able to get into my machine.07:48
kwtmgrendal_prime: Sorry, I still don't have the info I need to answer your question. Do you (client) want to prevent the server admin from tunnelling back into your client?  Or you want to facilitate the tunnel?07:49
kwtmgrendal_prime: Ah, I see.  THey won't get into your machine if you tunnel into theirs.07:49
grendal_primeok cool07:49
grendal_primeso ya im tunneling into there server, dropping some files, and then shutting down the connection07:50
grendal_prime60 second later doing it again with a new ssh connection.07:50
greppygrendal_prime: you're not really tunneling if you are copying files using ssh+rsync.07:50
whatsup[damnNS]Anyone interested to help? :\07:50
grendal_primeright.  because the true def of tunnel is two way.  but you get what im saying ..im encrypting the data via ssh.07:51
greppy!ask | whatsup[damnNS]07:51
ubottuwhatsup[damnNS]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:51
foofooeyi would but i dont have any exp with a xboxtu07:51
whatsup[damnNS]IBM Intellistation E Pro + grub 1.50 = no sc key working. i'm suspecting G*DDAMN legacy mode07:51
whatsup[damnNS]greppy: i asked, but nobody replied last time07:51
whatsup[damnNS]"DamnNS" stands for damn nickserv07:52
grendal_primeya damn it07:52
wiblewoblekwtm: greppy: what about X forwarding is that secure? i.e no back tunneling.07:53
whatsup[damnNS]x_: upper floor07:53
whatsup[damnNS]sorry, couldn't resist :P07:53
kwtmwiblewoble: u think so07:53
whatsup[damnNS]oh hes gone. whoops07:53
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kwtmwiblewoble: i think so07:53
greppywiblewoble: there is the potential for someone to be able to do something nefarious over an X11 tunnel back to your workstation.07:54
foofooeywhy not use grub2, i tried burg the other day and it looks great and easy to add iso's to boot.07:54
greppywiblewoble: that said, they would need root access to be able to do it.07:54
whatsup[damnNS]Shall i explain situation the wider angled? Sysadmin said "Fix this" and left. And if i wanna reset Bios i need keys to open that box. which are, of course, by Murphy, with sysadmin. Em.... About 80km away from here07:55
wiblewoblekwtm: greppy: i see thanks!07:55
whatsup[damnNS]so i cant open this intellistation e pro, cant reset bios, cant get into d@mn Grub... what else07:55
grendal_primegreppy...ya i always love these exploits i see pop up for nix systems that sound terrible and then like at the end of the exploit desc there is a note..."attacker will need root access to the box"07:55
grendal_primeits like...07:55
grendal_primewhy did someone go through all the trouble to write it up?07:55
foofooeywhatsup[damnNS],  you cant boot up a  cd?07:56
whatsup[damnNS]grendal_prime: because there STILL are stupid peepz running unknown scripts with sudo07:56
greppygrendal_prime: because there have been escalation exploits in other applications where a normal user could get root.07:56
whatsup[damnNS]foofooey: dont have one here :@07:56
whatsup[damnNS]give me 30secs, brb07:56
grendal_primesooo like a cron job that runs as root?  and some script that has sudo access to cron that also reads some config file that is world writeable?07:58
whatsup[damnNS]foofooey: if i had damn CD, i could already do it... But now i think theres no other way than with bios reset, so that Legacy mode goes boom, right?07:58
grendal_primethat sort of thing?07:58
foofooeywhere does it get stuck at07:59
grendal_primebut jesushchrist...we are supposed to safegarde from such crazyness?07:59
whatsup[damnNS]foofooey: i boot my computer. option a: i press f1 and i get into boot, nothing works (no keys reactions). or B) i continue boot and i get pass GRUB 1.5 dialogue (even if i slam ESC key) into login window (where all keys work)...08:00
foofooeyim not really sure whats the prob tho if its booting into *untu08:03
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whatsup[damnNS]foofooey: I need grub menu, thats it :\08:03
whatsup[damnNS]its booting wrong one. *nods*08:03
whatsup[damnNS]prakash: beer? :\08:05
kwtmWhen a GNOME program like Evolution says "save your email password", where is the password stored?  Is there some ~/.gnome-passwords directory?  (I've been using Kubuntu; switching to Evolution)08:05
prakashi am talking about ubuntu WINE08:05
whatsup[damnNS]prakash: oooooh. sorry :p08:06
prakashany expert in UBUNTU WINE08:06
greppy!ask | prakash08:07
ubottuprakash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:07
prakash"drives[driveIndex].unixpath = strdupA(targetpath);" meaning?08:09
gschweppprakash: this will set the targetpath to an driver (unix) path.08:10
prakashthank you gschwepp08:12
nibbleAnyone know how to drop changes with git? I don't want to commit, I want to go back to old commit08:13
greppynibble: take a look at the man page for git-revert08:14
richardjapengaquestion: i've got a dual boot of windows 7 and ubuntu, but now the disk size assigned to the ubuntu boot is all used, but i got enough space left on my HD, how can i assign extra disk space to the ubuntu installation?08:15
whatsup[damnNS]richardjapenga: use GParted to extend ubuntu instalation?08:16
richardjapengaWill take a look into that, thanks whatsup[damnNS]08:16
whatsup[damnNS]richardjapenga: no problem08:16
whatsup[damnNS]but dont really know if it works ok then08:16
whatsup[damnNS]so google first :)08:16
ephemeratrichardjapenga: as whatsup said use GParted but make sure you defrag your Windows partition first08:17
richardjapengawill take that in consideration ephemerat08:17
HanAnybody else running into this error while playing something with alsa? ao_alsa ERROR: Unrecognized channel name "garbage" in channel matrix08:17
whatsup[damnNS]If i get USB keyboard - could i grab into BIOS with legacy or is that less likely to happen anyways?08:20
whatsup[damnNS]i'll go and have a look08:21
unreturnedconfigure: error: *** GTK+ version 2.4.0 not found! How to solve?08:22
linux4helpIs there anything like pandora for ubuntu?08:24
unreturnedconfigure: error: *** GTK+ version 2.4.0 not found! How to solve?08:24
blaizeunreturned, install it?08:25
doorntjeHello, I've got a question. Someone here tries to install Ubuntu Server on a server. But after selecting the language and selecting to install he gets a message with server timeout etc.08:26
Starminnlinux4help: this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1555107 ?08:26
doorntjeThen the server doesn't respond...08:26
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  did he configure the server software?08:26
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  and how is he trying to access the server?08:27
doorntjeEvilPhoenix: He didn't install the server jet, he wants to08:27
whatsup[fakofNS]Woot, stuff is opened, but i'll reset bios when there's not that much crowd08:27
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  the fact the server isnt on explains a lot :P08:27
whatsup[fakofNS]it wasn't locked, i was opening it wrong way >.<08:27
doorntjeEvilPhoenix: The server is turned on when he tries to install ;)08:28
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  if they want web access, they need to install an HTTP daemon like apache.  If they want SSH, they need to install openssh (which should be installed by the installer).08:28
lithprHi, I have both KDE and GNOME desktop environments installed on Ubuntu 10.10. When I add the entry OnlyShowIn=GNOME; in a .desktop file, the application doesn't appear in the KDE menu.08:28
lithprHowever, when I add OnlyShowIn=KDE; the file still appears in the GNOME menu. Does anyone know why this isn't working? Does anyone have a workaround?08:28
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  otherwise there should be no reason for a timeout if he's at the machine itself after installation08:28
linux4helpPossibly Starminn, thanks =D08:28
whatsup[fakofNS]What would happen if i drag bios battery out NOW? :P08:29
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  so if he hasnt installed the server software yet, then that explains why there;s timeouts: there's nothing listening08:29
SlartibartI can use swedish characters in gnome-terminal, but if I run php -a, i.e. interactive commandline php, inside that gnome-terminal php still won't show the swedish characters. Anyone knows how to solve?08:29
Starminnlinux4help: I saw people mention Pithos in a few different places. See how that goes. I hope it works for you. :)08:29
doorntjeEvilPhoenix: The installation wasn't started, he only said it had to08:29
linux4helpI did a dumb thing, i installed macbuntu to see what it would feel like and i can't uninstall it.08:29
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  then the timeout part is because it might be trying to find updates...?08:30
laowangubuntu is very good system08:30
EvilPhoenixdoorntje:  server support is in #ubuntu-server, they know the server version better than this channel, but most of the people in -server are in here too08:30
snapfor install gui on server ubuntu what must digit08:31
doorntjeEvilPhoenix: ah, ok. I'll try there... Thanks for your help...08:31
snapif i do apt-get install gnome-desktop and when key tab i get data - enviroment - sharp2 what i must choose?08:32
snapif i do apt-get install gnome-desktop and when i press the key tab i get "data" , "enviroment" and "sharp2" what i must choose?08:33
whatsup[fakofNS]all? :p08:33
ratneshwhats this x chat08:33
Ve2What are you trying to achieve?08:33
snapno for gui of ubunu server08:33
Ve2Isn't there an "ubuntu-desktop" metapackage?08:33
ratneshwhats this x chat08:34
snapno there only gnome-desktop-data gnome-desktop-enviroment and gnome-desktop-sharp208:34
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Ve2No idea then. ubuntu-desktop is what the desktop edition uses. :/08:35
whatsup[fakofNS]snap: there means you already have gnome-desktop installed, no? :P08:35
gunndawggnome-desktop ftw08:35
snapif i try startx it's not go08:36
Ve2Have you tried "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"08:37
snapVe2: no if i do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and when i press key tab i get this result: gnome-desktop-data gnome-desktop-enviroment and gnome-desktop-sharp208:38
Ve2Don't press tab. :/08:38
snapi try only apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ???08:38
Ve2It's a metapackage08:38
Ve2it will install everything you need.08:38
nibbleAnyone knows how to add new fonts to photoshop that is running under wine? I tried adding fonts to windir/fonts, but it had no effect08:39
snapVe2: couldn't package ubuntu-desktop08:40
Ve2What error do you get?08:40
snapVe2: couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop08:40
ardchoillesnap: Which distro are you running right now?08:40
snap10.04.1 ubuntu server lucid08:41
ardchoillesnap: apt-cache search -n ubuntu-desktop08:42
ardchoilleyou should have it unless your sources are messed up08:42
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snapi'am doing the apt-get upgrade08:46
raavihi all08:46
snapwe cut the head of the bull08:46
nathicwhen i plug in  my  iphone it says "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" does  anybody know what could be the problem?08:46
AgentHeXquick question:  i'm trying to install mythtv backend on ubuntu server (hardy 8.04).  i'm getting package errors from aptitude.08:46
AgentHeXErrors were encountered while processing: libc6-dev libc6-i386 mythtv-common libc6-dev-i386 mythtv-transcode-utils libpaper1 x-ttcidfont-conf mythtv-backend mythtv-backend-master mythweb mythtv-database libgs8 libpaper-utils ghostscript08:46
novel_Howto get fade to (real) transparency with reflexion (ImageMagick) ?08:46
FloodBot3AgentHeX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:46
AgentHeXi tried cleaning the package cache, but i can't seem to get a fully-updated system.08:47
loltoadhey, so I'm modifying a makefile, and i need to enforce that this one shell command gets run FIRST since it generates a source file08:47
bullgard[Banshee 1.8.0] Why is /usr/bin/banshee a softlink to banshee-1?08:47
palhmbswhere does ubuntu-software-center get it's deb files from if it has been opened by a download in a browser?08:48
bullgardpalhmbs: From the Ubuntu repositories in the WWW.08:49
palhmbsnope -- it's trying to install wingIDE....08:49
palhmbsand can't for some reason...08:49
palhmbsI want to know where my Opera browser downloaded that .deb08:50
prakash(1 << (letter_to_index(drives[i].letter)) why 1<<....?08:50
prakashis it left shift?08:51
palhmbsnevermind - found it under .opera/temporary_downloads/ -- using find . | grep wing08:52
jlenormandI'm running make through emacs08:54
jlenormandbut it doesn't have the same environment as my shell08:54
jlenormandhow can I fix this?08:54
brokendatapointhi y'all, i have two working 10.10 Netbooks on an Acer Aspire and a HP Mini, both have functional Wireless but the cmd "sudo ifconfig -a" produces slightly different results. On the Acer, I get eth0, lo, wlan0. On the HP I get eth0, eth1, lo ... what is the go?08:56
brokendatapointbwt "cat /etc/network/interfaces" on both outputs exactly the same result08:57
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: its how the drivers/udev pickup the devices. You can mess with the OS to change it. afaik, network manager expects wlan0 but wicd is more flexible and allows you to specify the wireless interface name08:57
brokendatapointActionParsnip: so the different hardware (Acer/HP) makes this difference? as far as i can tell, both netbooks are running almost exactly the same motherboard/cpu08:58
tonysanWhy my .bashrc only works while I am root?08:59
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: the interfaces file will always output the same thing as interfaces will only define the loopback device, the rest is managed (by default) by network manager08:59
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: the board and cpu are moot, its the wireless hardware which makes the difference, and the driver running it, thereof08:59
brokendatapointActionParsnip: re /etc/network/interfaces => OK, ah the Acer runs an Atheros and the HP an Intel (I think)09:00
ActionParsnipTonyBurn: in your users home folder run:  sudo chown $USER:$USER /home/$USER/.bashrc09:00
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: that's the difference then ;)09:00
brokendatapointActionParsnip: thank you09:00
prakashwt is meaning of |=? is it assignment operator09:01
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: no worries dude09:01
ActionParsnipprakash: | is a pipe to pipe the output of one command to another09:01
brokendatapointActionParsnip: interesting nick btw ... parsnip hahaha09:01
prakashThank you09:02
Shaan7hey guys, my cousin uses ubuntu, but he is unable to use invisible mode either with pidgin or empathy.pidgin sets mode as invisible, but his chat list goes away. empathy sets busy instead of invisible. What can he use so that he can be invisible (except gmail) ?09:03
jlenormandhow do I export everything in my current environment?09:04
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: its a harry hill joke :)09:04
ActionParsnipjlenormand: how do you mean "environment"?09:04
jlenormandwhen I type env09:04
jlenormandand set09:04
ActionParsnipjlenormand: most of that stuff is set in ~/.bashrc09:06
simion314hi,on 64bit, i recived an updatenotification to update flash-installer, i made the update and now flash is not working, any idea what happen? my browser can't see the plugin.i tried opera and rekonq09:09
ActionParsnipjlenormand: you can always export it to a text file with:  env > ~/Desktop/stuff.txt  then add the word export to the start of lines, so won't be needed but bashrc deals with most stuff09:10
Ve2simion314, no idea. Downgrade the package?09:11
ActionParsnipsimion314: can you use http://pastie.org and give the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; echo; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf        thanks09:11
dagon666do You guys know any good ftp/http downloader with web interface which I could install on my server ?09:12
ActionParsnipdagon666: like a http based fileserver09:12
dagon666I expect some sort of www interface for wget09:13
dagon666or similar09:13
brokendatapointwhat is *the* definitive method to identify whether a package is available in the Ubuntu repos?09:13
ActionParsnipdagon666: most web browsers already do this09:14
simion314ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/2wxCsVDz   and thx09:14
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: there is no one way, you can use:  apt-cache policy packagename09:14
dagon666ActionParsnip: thats not the point. I need a tool able to schedule download task, provide a view of download progress etc.09:14
brokendatapointActionParsnip: k09:14
ActionParsnipsimion314: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree     then close all browsers and re-open should be ok09:15
dagon666ActionParsnip: and it should download to my server, not the client which I use to connect09:15
ActionParsnipdagon666: i see what you mean, let me hunt09:16
qrqdagon :D09:17
qrqWhat a nick09:17
dagon666qrq: may say the same about yours09:17
qrqdagon Del Toro is making "In The Mountains of Madness"09:18
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Ve2That is kind of awesome.09:19
simion314ActionParsnip: thx, it worked09:19
brokendatapointis LibreOffice available via apt-get or must I get the Linux Installer?09:19
qrqVe2 What exaclty?09:19
Ve2qrq, do you know when it is due to come out?09:19
Ve2Del Toro making Mountain of Madness. :/09:20
prakashresult |= (1 << (letter_to_index(drives[i].letter))); what is happening by this statement?09:20
ultrafluffyHow do I permanently change my DNS on all wireless networks I may connect to, to
DJonesbrokendatapoint: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOffice That lists a PPA so you can add a repository09:21
brokendatapointDJones: thank you, reading09:21
dagon666prakash: one is rotated x times, where x = drives[i].letter, the result, for examle 00100000 is ORed with the "result"09:22
Ve2ultrafluffy, you can go into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan009:22
Ve2and add a line that says DNS1=
Ve2That will set the default for your wireless adapter.09:22
qrqVe2 Did you get link?09:22
Ve2Do you want it to ONLY use that?09:22
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Ve2Yes, ta.09:23
qrqThank god he signed off from making The Hobbit09:23
novel_Howto get fade to (real) transparency with reflexion (ImageMagick) ?09:23
Ve2True that.09:23
Ve2Best left in Jacksons hands.09:23
qrqBecause LOTR movies were awful09:23
ActionParsnipdagon666: jdownloader has a web interface http://www.linoob.com/2010/08/best-ubuntu-download-managers-reviewed/09:24
Ve2LOTR is awful IMHO.09:24
ActionParsnipultrafluffy: you can define dns in network manager09:24
dagon666ActionParsnip: yeah, I considered it, but you know ... its Java :(09:24
qrqVe2 Well if the story would be about orks then it would be better :D09:24
ultrafluffyActionParsnip, It only seems to want to do it for each network individually -- I'd prefer if it were automatic for every new WLAN I connect to09:24
dagon666ActionParsnip: I'll take it if there is nothing else better09:25
Ve2Actually, if Del Toro did The Hobbit from the perspective of the dragon09:25
Ve2I would watch that, for sure. :D09:25
ActionParsnipdagon666: whats wrong with java?09:25
brokendatapointDJones: just removed Open Office, added the libreoffice/ppa, update, install libreoffice => generates a monster package install list, still.09:26
qrqVe2 I like when bad characters are main heroes :D09:26
frosteroanyone know anything about ofbiz09:26
Ve2Poor dragon gets all his treasure stolen, everyone crys at the end.09:27
DJonesbrokendatapoint: I guess it will, its probably a 200MB+ download, so must be a big list of packages09:27
Ve2Evil midgets messing with him09:27
greppy!ot | Ve209:27
ubottuVe2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:27
brokendatapointVe2: wtf?09:27
brokendatapointubottu: hear hear09:27
Ve2Pardon me.09:27
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qrqNo people shouting for help? :D09:32
nillerzWant me to start?09:32
qrqha ha :D09:32
th_hey i want help!09:32
qrqFew years ago I guess it was more usual09:33
drewbertARRRGGG I lost a ton of work and it looks like open office isn't even going to try to recover it.09:33
th_is it possible to make a bash script wich connects to server wich need an password?09:33
nillerzEssentially I have a plug-and-play came controller that isn't broadcasting that it is a game controller.09:33
nillerzErgo X.org doesn't detect it as such09:33
popeyth_: you can use keys instead of passwords.09:33
nillerzand even though input-events spits out a lot of positive feedback09:33
nillerzI need a way to have it recognized as a joypad.09:34
nillerzAny help?09:34
nillerzPlease help, I need to play Ape Escape!09:34
PL\I'need' ?09:35
nillerzyes, or else I shall surely be bored!09:35
nillerzand on top of that it is  my birthday!09:35
nillerzand I have no friends so I have to debug video-game controllers09:35
skorvmaybe you can help me here09:36
jenkaHi! I need help to setup citadel with multiple domain names. Is there a way of doing that?09:36
nillerzDon't expect so.09:37
nillerzPeople here don't help, but *I* help.09:37
nillerzWhat's your problems?09:37
nillerzexcept you, jenka, I have no idea there.09:37
skorvi have 2 wifi cards on my laptop (internal and usb)09:37
th_popey, emulate keys?09:37
skorvhow do I *hide* 1 from networkmanager09:37
nillerzoh. I haven't the faintest idea.09:38
nillerzI guess I'm not much use. :c09:38
nillerzyou could always disable that device, I guess.09:38
skorvlol... nvm nillerz... noone knows everything09:38
nillerzwhy can't you just unplug the USB one and use the internal one? Does it not work?09:39
popeyth_: no, ssh keys09:39
th_popey, im not following...09:39
skorvboth work... i'm using 1 for connections... the other one for kismet09:39
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts09:40
skorvI just wanted to *hide* the one kismet uses09:40
th_kshallid, is midday09:40
nillerzSkorv, I don't even know what kismet is, so you're way ahead of me.09:40
popeyth_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys -> Key-Based SSH Logins09:40
popeyth_: it's a global community, it's 09:40 here :)09:40
nillerzIn the mean-time, I'm following what the GENTOO wiki says on the subject of using xorg to change the buttons on my joypad...09:41
th_popey, nono. finlands time is official linux time09:41
kshallidth_: that's about timezone ;)09:41
th_kshallid, yes finlands timezone is +02 gmt this time of a year :)09:41
kshallid<kshallid> well any idea why ubuntu-server installer after change partition setup and itchange  my partition table with another headers and sectors ?09:42
kshallid<kshallid> xen 3.1.2 pv-domu and install via pypxeboot on virtual disk in image09:42
kshallid* Azrael_- has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)09:42
=== LanoX is now known as LanoX|away
kshallid<kshallid> Disk /srv/xen/x03-u02.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes09:42
kshallid<kshallid> 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders09:42
kshallid<kshallid> Disk /srv/xen/x03-u02.img: 0 MB, 0 bytes09:42
kshallid<kshallid> 149 heads, 8 sectors/track, 0 cylinders09:42
kshallid<kshallid> Units = cylinders of 1192 * 512 = 610304 bytes09:42
kshallid<kshallid> and this look after parttion setup09:42
FloodBot3kshallid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
deuteriumwhich tool do you use for installing programs from tar.gz archives/installers?09:42
kshallidFloodBot1: sorry09:42
ActionParsnipskorv: you could rmmod the module running the device you want to hide09:43
zeshoemIt was FloodBot3 actually.09:43
zeshoemnot to mention the "bot" part lol09:43
th_popey, server accepts passwords only09:43
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい09:43
kshalliddeuterium: network-installer wia pxeboot09:43
popeyth_: well thats rubbish :)09:43
jk__Someone will speak Chinese?09:43
jk__Someone will speak Chinese?09:43
ubottuDas Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.09:43
jk__Someone will speak Chinese?09:43
popey!cn | jk__09:43
ubottujk__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk09:43
th_lol ch is switzerland :D09:44
th_and austria is in europe09:44
nillerzI thought !cn would be Canadian... just in case you need help in Canadia.09:44
th_*trying to teach americans09:44
th_confederatio helvetica or something09:44
andy-at-homeguys, whats the easiest way to access my windows 7 shares on netbook edition?09:45
th_andy-at-home, shares?09:45
th_andy-at-home, you own stocks?09:45
deuteriumkshallid: i meant from within ubuntu.. i remember there were tools called "stow" or "alien"?09:45
Ve2alien turns rpm09:45
Ve2s  into deb09:45
ActionParsnipandy-at-home: use the connect to server in nautilus. bear in mind this: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/09:46
Ve2Not sure about stow09:46
deuteriumVe2: k, thx09:46
ActionParsnipandy-at-home: i suggest you read it if you use live messenger09:46
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kshalliddeuterium: oh sorry my reaction if offtopic, alien is tool for rebuild package09:47
ActionParsnipandy-at-home: it messes with samba and win7's revised samba which causes grief, its a pain, and microsoft's fault09:47
andy-at-homedoesnt surprise me09:47
deuteriumkshallid: ok, np09:47
* ActionParsnip nods09:48
rigveddeuterium: it is recommended that you do not use alien. most of the times it will not be able to create the right package. instead use debian packages09:48
andy-at-homeif other folk are having trouble i think i ll just move the files online09:48
ActionParsnipandy-at-home: its fixable, the doc shows how09:49
satyaafter installation and configuration openssl, if connect to the applications from browser it says 500 internal error09:49
andy-at-homeill give it a read, thanks09:49
deuteriumrigved: thing is, i might need to use eclipse, but the version of eclipse ubuntu ships with is pretty old and seems rather buggy. so i thought i'd better try the most current version downloadable from the eclipse site which comes as a .tar.gz09:49
satyaafter installation and configuration openssl, if connect to the applications from browser it says 500 internal error09:50
Ve2compile it from source, deuterium?09:50
sacarlson satya: so you seting up an https:// site now?09:50
satyayes sacarlson09:51
deuteriumVe2: sounds adventureous and time-consuming ;)09:51
sacarlsonsatya: what instructions have you followed so far?09:51
Ve2It's like three commands. :/09:51
ActionParsnip!ppa | deuterium09:51
ubottudeuterium: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:51
Ve2Also that.09:51
rethushow can i remove samba from initctl?09:52
deuteriumActionParsnip: thx for the hint, will check09:52
rigveddeuterium: so, when you untar it, it comes as a .rpm package?09:52
satyai just configured it from the blog of joe fallen09:52
whatsup[fakofNS]I got out batt for 1 min or such and i resetted bios. grub works now w/o prob.09:52
satyai just configured it from the blog of joe fallen instructions09:52
whatsup[fakofNS]thx anyways :p09:52
rethusnow its start on every starup09:52
rethusis there a command to remove it, or have i to delete the links in init.d manualy09:53
Ve2You want to stop smb from starting at startup?09:53
Ve2"chkconfig smb off"09:53
sacarlsonsatya: could you show us this link joe fallen?09:53
deuteriumrigved: hm.. the tgz basically just seems to contain a whole folder structure for eclipse.. so i might not even need to convert anything, perhaps just place it in /opt/09:54
rethusVe2: thanks09:54
satyathis is site  http://blog.joefallon.net/2010/08/configure-tls-and-ssl-in-ubuntu-10-04-lts/]09:54
Ve2deuterium, if you're not sure, look for a PPA for eclipse09:54
Ve2it will make it a lot easier.09:54
rigveddeuterium: ok. i remember now. it's just a folder. you need to place it in your home folder. then just run a file in that folder and it will start eclipse09:55
rigveddeuterium: no need to place it in /opt09:56
deuteriumrigved: yes, sounds pretty straight-forward, actually :)09:56
rigveddeuterium: :) all the best09:56
ActionParsnipdeuterium: finding a ppa with a newer version is much cleaner ;)09:56
rethusVe2: realy strange. if i enter this command i got "smb unknown service".09:56
ActionParsniprethus: it's smbd09:57
rethusbut if i do pas aus, i see:09:57
Ve2Pardon me.09:57
rethusahh, ok09:57
deuteriumrigved: thx ;)09:57
rethusthat works :D09:57
sacarlsonsatya: ok I going to read yours this is the one I had been reading http://library.linode.com/web-servers/apache/ssl-guides/using-ssl-ubuntu-10.10-maverick09:57
rigveddeuterium: np. your are welcome09:57
rethusActionParsnip: is winbind and the other smb-services with disabling smbd also off?09:57
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deuteriumActionParsnip: will try https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/debian-package if using the .tar.gz from the home folder fails.09:58
satyasacarlson: thank you09:58
sacarlsonsatya: ok I don't see anything badly wrong with that, so did you check sudo netstat -pant  to see if you have apache2 listen on port 443?10:00
satyasacarlson: no10:01
ActionParsnipdeuterium: looks good, it has a maverick repo :)10:03
ActionParsniprethus: not sure there, would make sense10:03
deuteriumActionParsnip: what's a maverick repo?10:03
sacarlsonsatya: did you check the /var/log/apache  log files to see any more detail about error 500?10:03
satyayeah, i saw it. but no more information for that error10:04
sacarlsonsatya: no errors seen at all?  and port 443 is ok?10:05
kwtmI asked this question earlier tonight but got cut off before I could check for responses (sorry): when a GNOME program like Evolution stores my password to log on to get email, in what file is the password stored?  Is it a ~/.config-for-all-gnome/  directory, or is it more a ~/.just_for_evolution  directory?10:05
ActionParsnipdeuterium: the repo only supports maverick, so if you don't use maverick it is of no use to you#10:06
sacarlsonsatya: you will find the more info you give us the better and quicker we can help you,  try to pastebin more of the info requested10:06
d-devilhello how to connect to free wifi from console ?10:06
asranielhi, there has been a adobe flash upgrade to 10.2, now firefox and chrome cannot use youtube anymore. any workaround known?10:06
ActionParsnipd-devil: you can use wicd in cli, or iwconfig10:06
d-devilubuntu 10.10 server10:06
satyasacarlson: kk.10:07
ActionParsnipasraniel: symlink the plugin into /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins10:07
ActionParsnipd-devil: wicd provides wicd-curses which gives a text/curses based gui to wifi10:07
kwtmd-devil: I am more familiar with iwconfig, but be aware that if you literally mean "Free Wifi", sometimes Windows laptops may offer to let you connect to them (their SSID is "Free Wifi") but it doesn't mean you'll be connected to the Internet at large, just to that one laptop.10:07
satyasacarlson: actually i disabled it from my server. thats why i couldnt able to post much. sorry for that10:08
ActionParsnipd-devil: like links2 is to X based web browsers10:08
brokendatapointon Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook, what is the correct term for the default menu on the left that has Firefox, Cheese Webcam etc in it?10:08
roccity_kwtm, I believe that it is the gnome-keyring10:08
sacarlsonsatya: disabled what?  pastebinit?10:08
satyai purge the openssl. and removed from my server.10:09
kwtmroccity_: I see.  Is it encrypted?  Or can any casual user on my laptop just "cat /path/to/gnome-keyring" and be able to read my password?10:09
skorvby changing the nm-system-settings.conf one can make a nic unmanaged by network-monitor but the nic still shows as device not managed... can you hide that?10:09
kwtmroccity_: I'm switching over to Evolution from Kmail.10:09
ljsoftnetbrokendatapoint i think its a addon on firefox10:10
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: i call it left panel, not sure. If you mean this: http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/img/2010/05/ubuntu-unity.png then it's called unity afaik10:10
stevomanuyo all have a major issue using ubuntu10.10 every time i connect my n900 it crashes my pc anybody any idea ?>?10:10
ljsoftnetActionParsnip brokendatapoint ah10:10
sacarlsonsatya: so why are you here asking us then?10:10
d-devilConsole program for wifi signal ?10:11
satyai want to install now. thats why and i want to know more about the error and why it is happened to me?10:12
SitFlyHi, I'm wondering if I can install Ubuntu 10.10 on my USB drive without having to reboot my computer?10:12
kwtmd-devil:"Console program for wifi signal ?"  Is that a question you are asking us?  Were the previous answers inadequate?10:12
StavaIs ubuntu 64bit preferred on a server with 4gb ram and 64bit cpu? :o10:13
d-devilkwtm: sorry my english is poor10:13
JNZstanman246: Over 32 bit? Yes.10:13
JNZer, bad tab.10:13
JNZThat was directed at Stava10:13
kwtmd-devil: Which language do you speak?  The answer to your question is: "wicd" and "iwconfig".10:13
brokendatapointljsoftnet: thanks but ActionParsnip was correct.10:13
brokendatapointActionParsnip: Unity => cool10:14
StavaJNZ, what would happen if i installed the 64 bit os on a 32bit machine? :O10:14
JNZYou would not be able to address all 4 GB of the memory.10:14
ActionParsnipbrokendatapoint: i find it clunky at first, it gets better with age. personally i prefer lxde10:14
sedulousStava: it would not work10:14
JNZYou would not be able to take advantage of specific optimizations for 64-bit operations10:14
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JNZStava: Ah, read it backwards.10:14
ljsoftnetbrokendatapoint my bad10:14
ActionParsnipJNZ: pae addresses (pun intended) the issue with more ram in 32bit10:14
JNZYeah, you can't install 64-bit on a 32-bit machine :p10:14
StavaJNZ, well i get what you're saying10:14
ljsoftnetbrokendatapoint no problem10:14
StavaSo with a 64 bit cpu i should always use a 64bit os, if available10:15
seduloushowever you can run 64 bit OSes in VMs on 32-bit machines10:15
brokendatapointActionParsnip: not a bad call, this is on a friend's netbook, he asked for Win 7 to disappear and he now has Gnome Netbook on, I use Xfce4.410:15
JNZsedulous: Which VM supports that?10:15
deuteriumActionParsnip: k, nice, i use maverick :)10:15
sedulousJNZ: VirtualBox10:15
stevomanudoes anybody know a -1 channel fix on ubuntu 10.10 have tryed the post at forum but that made things worse10:15
JNZsedulous: Not on Windows it doesn't.10:15
Stavasedulous, Is there any downside to that?10:15
JNZsedulous: It's virtualized, it's slow, all operations are down converted.10:15
sedulousStava: probably ^10:15
TopCatif i update smb.conf via dist-upgrade, will it overwrite my current smb.conf?10:15
JNZWow, too many S names.10:16
JNZIt's making auto-complete be mad10:16
Kingsycan I run rdesktop in verbose mode?10:16
d-devil./etc/init.d/network restart10:16
=== Stava is now known as Xstava
d-devilwlan0: unknown hardware address type 80310:16
d-devilwlan0: unknown hardware address type 80310:16
stanman246JNZ, righto ;-)10:16
FloodBot3d-devil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
ActionParsnipTopCat: i'd do a compare of the 2 files10:16
d-devilthis normal ?10:16
Xstavanow i'll be easier to tab-target!10:16
KingsyI try and connect and it just says Autoselected keyboard map en-gb and sticks10:16
KingsyI need to find out why10:16
sacarlsonStava: on a desktop it was not always a good idea to use 64bit , not as much was supported,  it has been improving so I'm not sure about today10:16
SitFlyI'd like to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my usb external HDD. What things should I expect about the installation? How does this differ from an installation on my inboard HDD?10:17
brokendatapointSitFly: in relation to your ?, I think No10:17
Xstavasacarlson, Alright, well im about to install ubuntu on a server (64bit cpu)10:17
ActionParsnipd-devil: use: sudo service networking restart10:17
seduloussacarlson: that used to be true but i can't think of any desktop application that would be more problematic on amd64, compared to x86_3210:17
d-devilI'm logged as root10:17
brokendatapointSitFly: have you downloaded the latest Ubuntu Netbook .iso?10:18
SitFlybrokendatapoint: I've downloaded the Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Edition .iso10:18
SitFlyyes its the latest10:18
TopCatit looks the sameish10:18
TopCatnothing really different10:18
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funabash1hello i bought a vps server with OpenVZ. ist possible then to encrypt my homedir?10:18
TopCatnew terms i suppose10:19
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sacarlsonsedulous: I ran ubuntu 8.04 I could count at least 4 big problems  1. canon printer drivers could run on 64 bit,  skype at the time (now fixed) didn't work, jackd didn't work not sure if it does now,  ruby firewatir didn't work still don't on 64 bit.....10:19
ActionParsnipTopCat: you could run: sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_1102201110:19
ActionParsnipTopCat: ;)10:19
newbieOnedoes anyone know about torrents???????10:19
TopCatgood idea10:20
ActionParsnip!torrents | newbieOne10:20
brokendatapointSitFly: I am not 100% sure but I think that the Netbook version is probably more approriate *if* you want to install. It probably has better support for onboard wireless/graphics adapters, Atom CPUs etc10:20
ubottunewbieOne: Maverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/10:20
seduloussacarlson: i take it that the canon printer drivers are closed source, correct?10:20
brokendatapointSitFly: what O/S and Ver you using now?10:20
sacarlsonsedulous: that correct and didn't compile them in 64 bit, same with skype closed didn't compile and still isn't compiled in 64 bit10:21
SitFlybrokendatapoint: well I'm using 10.04 right now10:22
newbieOneActionParsnip, yo, whats up10:22
SitFlybrokendatapoint: I have that on my desktops hdd on the same partition as my windows 710:22
SitFlybrokendatapoint: my goal is to seperate the drives completely10:22
seduloussacarlson: that shouldn't be a problem with proper ia32 compatibility libraries and skype has worked for me on amd64 Debian years ago already although I only use it very sporadically and never outside of virtual machines nowadays10:23
newbieOneCAN anyone help me on how to upload to Pirate Bay???10:23
ActionParsnipnewbieOne: nm, you ok?10:23
sedulous(so I can't really speak about that -- generally it's closed software that used to be problematic on amd64, like Flash (no 64-bit plugin for a long time))10:23
sedulousnewbieOne: that's completely off-topic in here10:24
sacarlsonsedulous: I spent hours with ia32 libs in 8.04 and still didn't get all to work, the canon I found I could run virtualbox system in 32 bit and shared it from there, but when I upgraded I am now on 32bit and loving it...  all works10:24
homeI have some problem here10:24
raghavneonno jacj10:24
homei'm lucid 64 bit user10:25
raghavneonno jack_10:25
raghavneonhelp me with mooshak installation10:25
raghavneonits throwing an internal server error10:25
brokendatapointanyone here rolled back from Unity to the old style netbook desktop?10:25
homeI hope this is support channel10:25
ActionParsniphome: please keep your explanation on one line10:25
ActionParsniphome: it is10:25
brokendatapointhome: i wish i was *lucid* ... haha10:26
newbieOnesedulous...I m usin Ubuntu and Vuze, so maybe its not too irrelavant10:26
raghavneonanyone has installed mooshak before?? it throws an internal server error..10:26
homeActionParsnip : Okay10:26
raghavneonplease help with my apache confgi10:26
newbieOneacheron, are you from Greece?10:26
ActionParsnipraghavneon: have you asked in #httpd10:26
XstavaIf I have a hdd at 30gb and i create 2 partitions, 10gb each. Will it be possible (and easy) to later expand one of the partitions to 20gb?10:26
raghavneonoh ok il ask there..thanks..10:27
sedulousnewbieOne: well, create a .torrent with Vuze, login in TPB, upload it — none of it is specific to Ubuntu however.10:27
ActionParsnipXstava: should be, yes10:27
brokendatapointhome: if you want to highlight a nick, type in the first or second character and use your Tab key to cycle through to correct nick, less chance for errors10:27
XstavaActionParsnip, without any data loss? :o10:27
ActionParsnipXstava: should be fine, your bacups should be made sufficiently recent though, just in case10:27
acheron92Im using maverick 64 and trying to get my m-audio delta 1010LT interface  set up with jack/ardour but i cant seem to get it to work or make sense of anything10:27
newbieOneare you from Greece?10:28
XstavaActionParsnip, yeah, thanks10:28
newbieOnewas the name of a river10:28
newbieOnethat Death sailed on10:28
newbieOnetransporting the dead souls10:28
acheron92i thought that was styx10:29
newbieOnein Greece it was Acheron10:29
ActionParsnipacheron92: ease up on the enter key dude10:29
acheron92okay then10:29
newbieOneI just dont type fast10:29
asranielActionParsnip: sorry for the delay. but i actually can't find the actual flash plugin where it is installed too. any idea?10:29
homeI've recursively copy inside /usr/lib into /usr/lib32..and now I've got the message "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/libjson-glib-1.0.so.0 is not symbolic link" can anybody help me to fix this""10:29
newbieOneand your attention span is short10:29
newbieOneI talked to you before and you didnt see it10:29
homeoh thats just one file, actually it's plentu missing link here10:30
blue112Hi here.10:30
blue112May I upgrade my ubuntu server from 8.04 next LTS, and then, how ?10:30
jrib!upgrade | blue112, yes10:30
ubottublue112, yes: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:30
blue112It's not a desktop ubuntu :/10:30
jribblue112: click the link10:31
* blue112 clicks10:31
newbieOneis it my idea, or 10.10 has issues?my firefox for example, crashes all the time10:31
acheron92anyway, back to my m-audio issue. I´ve got it working fine under XP so I know its all plugged in correctly. Iǘe also got the envy24 stuff installed and neither that or anything else is reading any sound in or out.10:31
ActionParsnipblue112: yes absolutely, its the fastest way to get upgraded10:32
qrqWho doesnt have facebook account?10:32
sacarlsonnewbieOne: you running 64bit?10:32
blue112ActionParsnip, ok, I've found the method on the link jrib gave me.10:32
ActionParsnipqrq: how is that ubuntu support related?10:32
asranielActionParsnip: problem solved with "sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer"10:32
brokendatapointi just noticed that there is not much info in the /docs regarding Netbook/Unity. Anyone got a good URL handy?10:33
qrqActionParsnip Its digression10:33
raghavneonhow to join #httpd..its telling to register with a person called nickserv..how should i do that10:33
sacarlsonnewbieOne: propriatary video drivers?  I had problems with flash at times10:33
jrib!register | raghavneon10:33
ubotturaghavneon: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:33
ActionParsnipnewbieOne: yuo could rename your firefox settings folder, see if vanilla profile makes it fly10:33
ActionParsnipqrq: this is support ONLY, discussion is in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:34
qrqActionParsnip Ok :)10:34
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sacarlsonActionParsnip: will a plain vanilla profile in firefox disable flash?10:35
sacarlsonI think I should make a profile in firefox that does disables flash if not10:36
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ActionParsnipsacarlson: depends how the plugin is implemented10:37
sacarlsonActionParsnip: I don't know I just used the restricted extra deb thing10:37
brokendatapointis Unity part of Ubuntu or a sub-project of Gnome?10:44
ardchoillebrokendatapoint: ubuntu10:44
ardchoille!unity | brokendatapoint10:46
ubottubrokendatapoint: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity10:46
brokendatapointubottu: you little ripper!10:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:48
brokendatapointi don't...10:48
mevvisyou do x]10:49
razdwahey, what is the current best way to add admin script to autostart in ubuntu?10:50
llutzrazdwa: add it to /etc/rc.local10:50
brokendatapointmevvis: haha10:50
jribrazdwa: what does your script do exactly?10:51
razdwallutz: can it be just commnad?10:51
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brokendatapointmight relogin to Unity rather than Xfce, Unity seems pretty damn sexy10:51
llutzrazdwa: it can, depends  on what it does10:51
razdwait's a keylogger ;)10:53
razdwalogkeys, it's in repo10:53
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SUFLEXafter file /etc/hosts(modified) replaces by default-file. why? how to fix?11:04
SUFLEXafter reboot11:04
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sacarlsonSUFLEX: that's not happening to me,  you sure you don't mean like /etc/resolv.conf ?11:05
SUFLEXno. /etc/hosts11:05
sacarlsonSUFLEX: you sure after edit you cat /etc/hosts  and it's modified?11:06
sacarlsonSUFLEX: oh or you are booting from a live cd or usb?11:06
kishi got a maverick minimal filesystem, that I use for OMAP3430..11:08
SUFLEXsacarlson: yeah. i write like this localhost mysite. after reboot mysite dissapears. and it is not available11:08
kishi want to install additional packages and i realized the minimal package does not have dpkg tool.11:08
SUFLEXnow it is available11:09
SUFLEXbefore reboot11:09
jribkish: are you sure?  That sounds strange11:09
sacarlsonSUFLEX: live cd boot?11:09
SUFLEXsacarlson:  no11:09
sacarlsonSUFLEX: what method of install did you use?11:11
SUFLEXsacarlson: i installed it on hdd.11:12
SUFLEXsacarlson: from disk11:12
sacarlsonSUFLEX: from disk like standard cd disk?  what iso file did you use?11:13
SUFLEXsacarlson: standar. ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso11:14
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sacarlsonSUFLEX: I could install from hard disk with a modified grub2 entry that could do what is happeining to you but I assume you used a cd to install?11:15
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SUFLEX sacarlson:  yeah11:16
mark_itrayd to setup ubuntu server 10.10 for irc11:16
mark_with ircd hybrid11:16
mark_need some help with installing that11:17
sacarlsonSUFLEX: oh ok so you installed from hard drive then you need to change your grub2 default to now boot your installed persistant boot11:17
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mark29itrayd to setup ubuntu server 10.10 for irc server11:19
mark29with ircd hybrid11:19
mark29need some help with installing that11:19
Mintywhat is the command to open termainl ('m setting up a keyboard shortcut)11:19
mevvisIf I start open office, my laptop cant switch of or reboot, logout under menu. only power button can halting system x]11:19
mevvisany ideas?11:20
SUFLEXsacarlson:  i installed from disk(i burnt iso to cd). and  i work with the Windows 7 and ubuntu on my machine.11:20
mevvisdmesg nothing new11:20
ColombianBootloamevvis ..what sort of hardware do you have??11:20
mevvissamsung x10plus11:21
Mintywhat is the command to open termainal? - i'm setting up a keyboard shortcut11:21
Ve2from memory11:21
Mintyi'm new - what would i type in the command section Ve211:21
sacarlsonSUFLEX: oh ok then lets take a look at sudo mount |pastebinit11:21
SUFLEXsacarlson:  i dont know  why that happens11:21
mevvisit is gnome-terminal11:21
ColombianBootloamevvis..but what about memory and processor...11:22
rgogunskiyMinty: ctrl+alt+t11:22
SUFLEXsacarlson: ok11:22
mevvisColombianBootloa, Intel Centrino 1.6; memory 2x25611:23
Mintyrgogunskiy: oh thanks!11:23
SUFLEXsacarlson: http://pastebin.com/9awkduae11:25
sacarlsonSUFLEX: wow that's looks like it's installed to disk,  I'm clueless,  if you touch a file in your home and reboot that file is still there?11:27
iDangerMouseGood day,11:27
iDangerMouseI have a question11:27
ActionParsniprgogunskiy: thats what I thought11:27
sacarlsonSUFLEX: you did pull the install cd out of the drive didn't you?11:28
SUFLEX sacarlson:  yeah. of course11:28
ActionParsnipiDangerMouse: ask away and keep it on one line, we will help if we can11:28
SUFLEXthere is no disk on drive11:28
sacarlsonSUFLEX: ok I'm totaly out of ideas,  I know of no program that would modify /etc/hosts11:28
tiagoola galera bom dia11:29
tiagoinstalei a ultima versao do ubuntu so q estou levando um baile para configurar a rede11:29
jribSUFLEX, sacarlson: probably network-manager (guessing)11:29
SUFLEX sacarlson: thanks anyway. it is so strange.11:29
tiagojá nao é a primeira vez q desisto de distribuições linux por nao conseguir configurar a rede11:30
tiagoalguem poderia me dar uma ajuda11:30
tiagopelo modo gráfico aparece as placas de rede so q elas ficam em branco tipow como tivessem desabilitadas11:30
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ActionParsnip!brazil | tiago11:31
ubottutiago: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:31
tiagoeu ja editei pelo gedit /etc/network/interfaces coloquei ip maskara e tudo salvei restartei depois e nada alguem poderia me da um help por favor11:31
SUFLEXjrib:  and? what should be done?11:31
tiagook valeu11:31
sacarlsonjrib: SUFLEX: well that's posible since I have network-manager disabled I could have missed ever seeing that before11:32
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iDangerMouseActionParsnip: Have you used VMware?11:32
iDangerMouseActionParsnip: Can't get the USB wireless on it working, running ubuntu11:33
satyahello guys11:33
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jribSUFLEX: my first suggestion would be to see if there's a way to accomplish what you are trying to do through network-manager's interface11:33
jribSUFLEX: here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/66339711:34
satyai configured openssl. if i connect to the virtualhost from my client it says you dont have permission to access on this server11:34
ActionParsnipiDangerMouse: i haven't but did you ask in #vmware for configuring the guest to use usb connectivity?11:34
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homewhen I run "sudo ldconfig", I get "/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5 is not a symbolic link". I've checked, and that's true -- it exists, but it's not a symlink. How should I fix that? Ubuntu 10.04 64bit11:34
v_how do i play 3gp file ?11:34
iDangerMouseActionParsnip: Yes no help there.11:35
iDangerMouseActionParsnip: Got them confused11:35
jribSUFLEX: that bug provides a workaround.  It's actually a doop of bug #659872, so read that one too.  It has the same workaround but more discussion.  You should follow the bug if you are interested11:35
ActionParsniphome: try:  sudo mv /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5_orig; sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.5_orig /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.511:35
jribdup? doop? :/11:35
ActionParsniphome: just entertains it by renaming the file, then symlinking the originial filename to the renamed file11:35
jribhome: well why did you recursively copy /usr/lib to /usr/lib32... sounds like you're just asking for things to break.11:36
SUFLEXjrib: thanks a lot mister )11:36
ActionParsniphome: just humours the app and won't affect anything else :)11:36
iDangerMouseOh well11:36
sacarlsonSUFLEX: I see other had that problem here and they say something about add something in networking tabs? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=372420  at the bottom11:36
* iDangerMouse is in class11:36
iDangerMouseActionParsnip: Thanks old chap ! be back later :)11:36
satyasacarlson: i configured openssl. if i connect to the virtualhost from my client it says you dont have permission to access on this server11:36
SUFLEXsacarlson: ok )11:37
sacarlsonsatya: cool getting closer,  what dir did you point your site to?  what permisions and owner is that dir?11:37
satyasacarlson: /var/www/ and permissions 40011:38
* jrib ponders when 400 on a directory would be appropriate...11:38
sacarlsonsatya: well 400 I think only root can read it then11:38
satyasacarlson: so i need to change to 66611:39
sacarlsonsatya: that might work a bit better11:39
jribsatya: you likely want execute permissions on directories11:39
satyasacarlson: kk11:40
sacarlsonsatya: jirb: I concure11:40
v_satya: how do i play 3gp files?11:40
ActionParsnipsatya: assuming root is the owner ;)11:40
homejrib, well I just follow some installation of some program called pcsx2...it says to copy all data from /usr/lib to /usr/lib32 in order to make it work in 64 bit environment, alas I've got my wine and printer sucks in the end11:40
v_ActionParsnip:how do i play 3gp files?11:41
ActionParsnipv_: install w32codecs, ubuntu-restrivted-extras, gnome-mplayer and vlc and you should be able to play anything11:41
jribhome: well that sounds kind of silly11:41
ActionParsniphome: you will need to manually pull down 32bit debs, extract them then put the .so file(s) in /usr/lib3211:42
homeActionParsnip, thanks mate..anyway the missing symlink is a lot here...could I do it manually one by one?11:42
Guest5435well mplayer has problems with mp4 in my experience - but that's the only thing I've found it had trouble with11:42
ActionParsniphome: i guess11:42
jribhome: you probably just need the ia32-* packages, none of this copying stuff11:43
websteriam webster11:43
homeowh man..what a long nite11:43
jribhello webster11:43
websteriam a engneer of it11:43
homejrib, so first I remove all data in /usr/lib32?11:43
jribhome: I'd undo whatever you did, I don't know if that's the same as removing all data in /usr/lib3211:44
websterC++ and c is my language11:44
acheron92hey i need some help with dualscreen and games with nvidia. I just booted up assaultcube and it was on both screens which I dont want. Any way to change this without disabling a monitor everytime?11:44
jrib!ot | webster11:44
ubottuwebster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:44
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websterubuntu system is good11:46
websteri like it11:46
websterubuntu system will be the best helper!11:47
Guest5435when do we expect to see afp support in ubuntu?11:47
Guest5435i.e. as afp client11:47
denohi there11:47
denoI'm modifying the Makefile.am of a project but even if I modify completely, if I execute make it compiles always the old things11:48
denoit's like the Makefile is not modified11:48
jribdeno: well don't you need to run automake?  #autotools can probably help you more11:48
ActionParsnipGuest5435: you can make an afp server alredy11:49
Guest5435if you're talking about the code at sourceforge - I've tried it11:49
OinsHi. Can anyone give me a hint how I can mount my ext4 FS with windows 7 (64bit).11:49
ActionParsnipGuest5435: just ditch afp and use more open standards like sftp or even samba11:49
ActionParsnipGuest5435: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130415411:49
denojrib, I read that it was enough to call make.. Do you know what is the command?11:50
jribdeno: make just runs Makefile.  I don't know much about autotools, but like I said, I believe you need to run « automake ».  Go to #autotools and ask there.  They have references in the topic you can read as well11:51
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denojrib, ok thx11:52
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Guest5435yeah I've followed that link and tried compiling the afp client software - but its not 64 bit clean and it dies with compilation errors11:52
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jribabcdefghijklmnoa: stop please11:52
andy-at-homeguys, when i try t o install or remove packages with apt-get i receive lots errors like 'error adding mozilla/somethinghere.crt'11:53
andy-at-homedpkg: error processing ca-certificates-java11:53
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satyasacarlson: what are the default permissions for /var/www/ directory11:53
* andy-at-home wonders why he cant copy and paste text from putty11:53
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satyasacarlson: what are the default permissions for /var/www/ directory11:56
sacarlsonsatya: I'm not sure about default mine are set to 775 at /var/www and the owner of most parts are not www-data but some parts needed to have www-data write priv for some of the software I run11:56
ActionParsnipandy-at-home: use CTRL+SHIFT+C11:56
satyasacarlson: okay11:56
skorvgot an NIC unmanaged in network-manager (edited nm-system-settings.conf) Any way to hide it (not shown on *device not managed)?11:58
alba-andyon a side note, is there a way to pipe output to clipboard?11:59
RobotCowjrib -> sorry about that11:59
ActionParsnipalba-andy: install xclip11:59
RobotCowjrib -> I was testing something and forgot it was being sent to other channels, sorry11:59
ActionParsnipalba-andy: you can then use:  pastebinit /etc/hosts > xclip12:00
ActionParsnipalba-andy: etc :)12:00
ActionParsnip!info xclip12:00
ubottuxclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-1 (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 92 kB12:00
alba-andyah cheers12:00
alba-andysame  install error coming up12:00
alba-andyall packages12:01
yuskhanzabanyone can help me how to get empathy webcam plug in?12:02
yuskhanzaban instant mesengger application12:03
ugaritwhere can I find the git-core package ?12:04
ActionParsnip!info git-core12:05
ubottugit-core (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (obsolete). In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.7.1-1.1ubuntu0.1 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB12:05
ActionParsnipugarit: it's in the main repo.....do you not see it when you run:  apt-cache policy git-core12:05
ugaritthis is embarassing. it's already installed :-)12:07
satyasacarlson: it says you dont have permission to access / on this server12:07
ActionParsnipugarit: you got the gold, so all is well12:07
ugaritActionParsnip: :-) what's the name of the web interface package?12:08
ActionParsnipugarit: not sure, i don't use git12:08
erUSUL!find gitweb12:09
ubottuFound: ticgitweb, gitweb12:09
hoseinhi,how to switch between installed lang's for typing?!12:09
satyaActionParsnip: i configured openssl. if i connect to the virtualhost from my client it says you dont have permission to access / on this server12:09
Andy-at-homelol, had to move to windows putty to copy and paste the error message12:09
Andy-at-homeim thinking its a problem with javav12:10
mevvishosein in menu >keyborad12:10
Andy-at-homebut i cant uninstall it since that error comes up12:10
hoseinwhere to find which lang has currently setted for typing?12:10
geraldvHi Guys anyone knows on how to return back my network manager icon in notification area?12:11
ewookhosein: go 'locale'12:11
ActionParsnipgeraldv: ALT+F2 and run: nm-applet12:11
ewookhosein: or how do you mean?12:11
geraldvtried several methods but to luck12:11
hoseinis there any shortcut? for switching?12:11
satyaActionParsnip: i configured openssl. if i connect to the virtualhost from my client it says you dont have permission to access / on this server12:11
geraldvmy network indicator on the top besides date/time, power shutdown icon is missing12:11
hoseinok thanks i found12:12
geraldvI tried nm-applet but nothings happen12:12
geraldvI tried this killall gconfd-212:12
geraldvrm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel12:12
geraldvkillall gnome-panel12:12
geraldvbut not working also12:12
Andy-at-homeanyone any thoughts on this error?> http://pastebin.com/NS5Fgtpb12:12
satyageraldv: i configured openssl. if i connect to the virtualhost from my client it says you dont have permission to access / on this server12:13
Guest5435why can't I remove the mail icon from the panel without also removing the volume control?12:13
geraldvtried this also gconftool – -recursive-unset /apps/panel12:13
geraldvrm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel12:13
geraldvpkill gnome-panel12:13
ActionParsnipGuest5435: do you need the mail icon at all?12:13
geraldvbut still not working for me12:13
satyaActionParsnip: i configured openssl. if i connect to the virtualhost from my client it says you dont have permission to access / on this server12:13
Guest5435I don't need the mail icon, but I want the volume control to remain12:13
geraldvNow I cant connect to any wireless network12:13
hoseinanyone to show me an antifilter for ububnu?12:14
ActionParsnipGuest5435: sudo apt-get --purge remove indicator-messages; killall gnome-panel12:14
ActionParsnipGuest5435: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147078612:14
Guest5435err okay - ta12:15
geraldvanyone canhelp me?12:16
Guest5435a simple right-click remove is desirable in this case12:17
suryayankee, u know usbtest?12:18
suryaguest5435, can u hav any idea on usbtest?12:18
ActionParsnipGuest5435: you could create a suggestion to have it more configurable on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com12:18
suryaActionparsnip,can u have any idea on usbtest?12:19
Guest5435dunno surya, what are you trying to do?12:19
suryaguest5435, i need usb binary files ?12:20
loculinuxte la meto12:20
loculinuxyo kiero follar con tigo12:20
suryaguest5435, i need usb binary files ? to test of usb?12:21
Guest5435lsusb will list usb devices12:21
ActionParsnipsurya: not sure12:21
ActionParsnipsurya: you can use fsck to test partition health12:21
suryaguest5435, yaa i know lsusb.but i need executable binary files of usb?to test the reliance set-top box12:22
suryaActionparsnip,how can i use  fsck tell me?12:23
ActionParsnipsurya: run:   man fsck   and read12:23
Guest5435sounds like you're trying to update a set-top box using a usb drive12:24
suryaActionparsnip,ok?but i need binary files of usb? to test the reliance set- top box?12:24
bc81i need help getting HTML code working in notify-send.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1411620 <--- that page there leads me to believe it's possible, but running the command, "notify-send "Test" "Testing <font size=16 color=blue><b><i>HTML</b></i></font>in<br>notify-send" -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/places/ubuntu-logo.svg"  only the <br> tag seems to be working.  any idears?12:25
zambawhat prerequisites do i need to be able to share a folder in ubuntu by right-clicking it?12:26
zambait's greyed out here12:26
jribbc81: http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/x161.html12:27
ActionParsnipzamba: samba and nautilus12:27
bc81jrib, thanks for that link.  either the font/color tags were removed, or never existed to begin with.  :-)  cheers12:28
mouseCan anyone tell me where I can go to check the compatibility of a wifi card with linux before I buy it?12:29
bc81jrib, still confused as to why the <br> tag works though12:29
LjLmouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported12:30
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:30
mouseLjL, Thank you.12:31
dr0idso touch basically creates a file ?12:31
dr0idin the existing directory12:31
denyok, this is my first time with KDE and konsole, before I was allways using gnome..My question is, why I cant bind shift + up or down for backward/forward history search. just to mention that this must be something with shortcut key of KDE, because in xterm history search works well..Any help how to solve this in konsole ?12:31
Guest5435touch creates the file if it didn't already exist12:32
Guest5435but it just sets the date of file access if the file already exists12:32
Driiperdo anyone know what would cause my webserver to return a 500 Internal server error instead of the actual PHP error thats in my script?12:34
harvideny: why do you need shift+up/down ??? I can browse history with up/down and dont need to change...12:35
SitFlyHi, I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop i386 onto my external HDD, but now when it goes to boot up it says file not found.12:35
zaggynlhi, I'm using dd_rescue from ubuntu 10.10 and it keeps scrolling my terminal instead of updating, what gives12:36
Guest5435need some more info SitFly12:36
SitFlyGuest5435: such as?12:36
ActionParsnipzaggynl: what dd_rescue command did you use?12:36
nybrasHi, I just got a Logitech G510 keyboard for my birthday. I installed the G15tools, but g15deamon wont run...says cant connect to valid g15 device...any help would be apreciated12:37
Guest5435at what point does it fail the boot process?12:37
zaggynlActionParsnip: just dd_rescue /dev/sdb /dev/sda -l logfile.txt12:37
ActionParsnipzaggynl: and does the destination partition have enough space and is it mounted writable?12:37
zaggynlafaik both of them _shouldn't_ be mounted12:37
heyguiseIs this right "sudo rename 's/.cybercom/' *.html Will convert all .cybercome files in a dir into .html files?12:37
ActionParsnipzaggynl: so you are cloning?12:38
zaggynltrying to rescue a broken hdd12:38
jribheyguise: no12:38
ActionParsnipzaggynl: backups would have save theneed for this you know...12:38
nybras"Unable to attach to the G15 Keyboard... exiting" is what i get12:38
zaggynluh yeah12:38
SitFlyGuest5435: Power On, Manufacturer's Screen, Black Screen with saying "error: file not found." then a grub> prompt12:38
zaggynlbut this isn't my hdd12:38
denyharvi, not that, I want history backward forward search..for example, if my bash history contain line with iwconfig wlan0 essid, i just type in bash iwconfig and pressing arrow up or down gives me all my previous phraze or commands binded for my first keyword12:38
zaggynlalso, folks only get angry if you tell that to their face12:38
ActionParsnipzaggynl: i suggest you educate the owner :)12:38
zaggynl"heehe, bad luck mate, reiamge done in 1h, have a nice day"12:39
zaggynlso about that scrolling window thing12:39
ActionParsnipzaggynl: you could use dd_rescue to make an image file like an ISO then pull data out that way. If the drive physically works you can just use foremost on the drive to pull files off12:39
ActionParsnipzaggynl: I tell them, people LOVE learning why backups are good the hardest way possible12:40
Guest5435SitFly I don't have anything come to mind, but you may want to learn about grub and explore the problem from there12:41
SitFlyGuest5435: do you have a suggestion on a good starting place to learn about grub?12:42
Paulo39do you know if unetbootin software can burn an image on a pen directly from a cd, or do i have to pass the iso to the computer first?12:42
heyguisecould any one help me. I need to batch change alot of file extensions but im unsure how to go about it12:42
zaggynlActionParsnip: well the problem isn't that dd_rescue isn't working, it's just that it updates the screen oddly, it scrolls like mad12:42
wonderworldheyguise: maybe try -> sudo apt-get install krename12:43
heyguisewonderowlrd thanks12:43
denyanyone here using KDE konsole?12:44
=== christian is now known as Guest45552
harvideny:....well I dont know how to config that, I use CTRL+R type for example "apt" and pressing CTRL+R show me next command that I type with apt. then CTRL+R next etc.12:45
Guest5435sitfly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:45
wonderworldafter your first search hit with CTRL-R you can use the cursor keys to cycle12:45
SitFlyGuest5435: thanks for the help. Have a great day12:45
ActionParsnipzaggynl: what does it say?12:47
ActionParsnipheyguise: or use a bash script12:47
zaggynlI/O error :<12:47
zaggynlno longer recognized12:48
ActionParsnipzaggynl: those are the bad bits in the drive12:48
DriiperAnyone with Apache Webserver/PHP experience here?12:48
wonderworldDriiper: what do you need to know?12:48
DriiperWhen im writing php scripts and manage to write and syntax error i get an 500 Internal server error instead of the usual "debug" screen in my browser.12:49
Giffordplease help, can't create a bootable live usb flash12:49
Driiperfor example writing eco "";   instead of  echo"";12:49
nybrasHi, I just got a Logitech G510 keyboard for my birthday. I installed the G15tools, but g15deamon wont run...it says "Unable to attach to the G15 Keyboard... exiting" when i run "g15daemon -d"12:50
wonderworldDriiper: hmm. check the error_reporting value in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini12:51
hoseinplease show me a link to download an anti filter.12:51
heyguisewonderworld, worked perfect thanks12:52
Driiperwonderworld: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED12:52
=== Carlos is now known as Guest99496
rokyronnieI need help with Timidity ( MIDI ) is someone here who use this ?12:52
rokyronniefor Guitar Pro12:52
Guest99496Alguien es español?12:53
FloodBot3Guest99496: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:53
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family12:53
welinuxPlease tell me what to use in Linux like X-lite to VoIP?12:54
wonderworldDriiper: hmm. check /var/log/apache2/error_log and see what is logged when that error happens12:54
hoseinany one knows a proxy app for internet surfing?12:54
wonderworldhosein: squid12:54
Driiper[Fri Feb 11 13:38:33 2011] [error] [client] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '"' in /var/www/test.php on line 912:55
welinuxhosein: Tor Browser privoxy etc12:55
ActionParsnipwelinux: could use ekiga or mumble12:57
smtxi was searching for a way to change the colors in the terminal (before the gui starts) but it seems i dont use the right search terms. i tried setterm but it had no effect12:57
hoseinwelinux: the tor is filtered and i could not to view and download!12:58
wonderworldDriiper: check php.ini for the display_errors option12:58
ActionParsniphosein: http://www.proxy4free.com/12:59
Driiperwonderworld: Thank you very much!.  the "display_errors" in php.ini have somehow changed to Off by default in the ubuntu package.  all sorted out now.12:59
wonderworldDriiper: nice :)12:59
welinuxActionParsnip: Ekiga has ABSOLUTELY ANOTHER FIELDS TO CONFIGER IN GUI than X-lite, this is a network  from another town, and my boss can't understand it's not easy. He wanna IP phone right now. I had configured openvpn now i need suitible voip app.13:00
wonderworldwelinux: i prefer twinkle in linux13:00
ActionParsnipwelinux: seems to run in wine: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=179713:01
welinuxActionParsnip: wget is downloading now this Xlite, thanks that you doesn't support hollywars13:01
ActionParsnipwelinux: just doesn't do video as far as the link states13:01
ActionParsnipwelinux: what is hollywars?13:02
welinuxbut there is *no* now x-lite*.tar.gz for linux?13:02
welinuxActionParsnip: not to use *in programs at all -this is a hollywar, but i need just working app, nothing else13:03
welinuxActionParsnip: thx13:03
ActionParsnipwelinux: the app is proprietary, so you are stuck13:03
induzwhat is good for thunderbird to work wit Izymail or yops??13:03
wonderworldwelinux: try twinkle. it works very well. better than ekiga imho13:03
welinuxwonderworld: +113:04
ActionParsnipinduz: what are you trying to achieve?13:05
welinuxwonderworld: It needs to be read and compiled but my ^boss^ wanna everything quickly. in Russia (yes, it is) our ^bosses^ always only know 1 question @how many time will it take?@ or @I will come tomorrow. So it must work@  For me their mind is _lol_13:06
wonderworldsudo apt-get install twinkle13:06
induzgetting my gmail and yahoo to thunderbird as well as hotmail to thunderbird13:06
EvilPhoenixgood luck with getting Yahoo to work, induz.  you'll need their premium mail subscription to get mail with thunderbird and similar programs.13:07
ActionParsnipinduz: http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et_free_yahoo.htm13:07
wonderworldinduz: you can have gmail pick up your yahoo and hotmail to gmail. after that access gmail with thunderbird via IMAP13:07
ActionParsnipinduz: http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et_free_hotmail.htm13:07
welinuxwonderworld: Thanks. I had `aptitude search phone` but there is a keyword about twinkle in repos not in english but in russin so i missed it ^)13:08
ActionParsnipwelinux: you do know you can stand up to your boss and site unreasonable timeframes13:08
ActionParsnipwelinux: if s/he is in any way credible or professional s/he will understand this13:08
induzActionParsnip, for yahoo, i have to install YOPs13:08
ayakaI'd like know about Sony PS emulator13:09
Bushman[PROBLEM] Bluetooth dongle dies every few minutes only when using BT mouse http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166807613:09
=== maverick is now known as GPE
lawn_jamI'm having a nightmare installing 10.10 on a new Sandy Bridge box - installer boots from USB key but then reboots before getting as far as the GUI13:10
ActionParsnipayaka: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-psx-emulator-on-ubuntu-amd64.html   you will need to legally acquire the BIOS images from YOUR playstation13:10
induzIzymail aslo fetch yahoo and hotmail to TB 3.113:10
ActionParsniplawn_jam: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?13:10
induzso the Q is what is better for TB, Izymail or Yops??13:10
lawn_jamActionParsnip: will now13:11
droopalHi, I just wondered, is there any way to change your username, for your log in?13:11
ayakaActionParsnip, biso is "free" in china13:11
=== Reid is now known as Guest18916
jribdroopal: it's easier to just create a new user and copy over your data13:12
welinuxActionParsnip: they asked me to install *in 08* so understand that they don't know about "honest linuxoid"13:12
=== Guest18916 is now known as Reidyaro
assteroïðèâåò âñåì13:12
ActionParsnipayaka: as long as it's legal13:12
droopaljrib: How do I do that? Wouldnt that mean using up a lot of the disc space, doubling up everything?13:13
lawn_jamActionParsnip: md5sum is fine13:13
ayakaActionParsnip, ok,of cource not legal13:13
jribdroopal: well, move instead of copy then (make sure you chown to the new user)13:13
ActionParsnipdroopal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82168513:13
jrib!permissions > droopal13:13
ubottudroopal, please see my private message13:13
droopalhi both, thank you, I will have a look at that now.13:14
welinuxHave  anybody installed Posterity Webmail?13:14
hoseinwonderworld: i downloaded squid,and ran this command in terminal: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid13:15
hoseinbut this error occurred: C++ compiler cannot create executables13:16
joshua__whats the most simple way to delete a file from the file system13:16
wonderworldhosein: don't compile it. install the package from the repos....13:16
wonderworldsudo apt-get install squid13:16
wonderworldsudo apt-get install squid313:17
kovjoshua__, rm filename13:17
ActionParsnipjoshua__: use nautilus13:17
lawn_jami tried deboostrapping the hdd and copying a different kernel and initrd to the installer USB - that got me as far as a login prompt but with a non-working keyboard :-|13:17
hoseinwonderworld: E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/13:18
wonderworldhosein: is another update running?13:18
hoseinis it because i am downloading some updates?13:18
hoseinyes it is13:18
hoseintoo downloads needed to have a usable linux system!13:19
hoseinall of them are in queue!13:19
ActionParsniphosein: only one app at a time can access the packages, this is to prevent corruption13:21
hoseini am very new to linux,very new! but i think something like vga drivers and mp3 codec's  should be installed by default.13:21
d0mHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my mac. I've installed rEFIt, configured my partition (ext3 on sda3 and swap on sda4), successfully installed ubuntu. I've installed GRUB on /dev/sda3 (my main partition). So when I boot, I see the rEFIt loader, I select my linux partition, and bang, Grub rescue error. However, if I boot from the live cd on /dev/sda3, it works well and I see grub.13:21
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
=== maverick is now known as gpe
hosein... if we want to make linux a world wide operation system.13:24
wonderworldit already is13:24
hosein...more than now13:24
wonderworldit's in every device you could imagine13:24
wonderworldjust not on the desktop13:25
induzhow can i remove few startup programs on Lucid?13:25
induzto make it run faster13:25
welinuxwonderworld: buuut in oficces it misses account programs like 1S in Russia but there is now thin client of 1S for linux13:25
brisingrhosein: the reason they are not included in ubuntu is that they are not free and open source; there are some distros which include them by default, notably linux mint (derivative of ubuntu)13:25
greppyhosein: there are licensing issues with including some drivers and mp3 libs.13:25
wonderworldi, personally don't want desktop linux to become a bigger success... all the virii, spam and annoyances will come to linux then13:26
wonderworldi like it the way it is13:26
wonderworldclean, fast, just working13:26
jack_wonderworld: that would only effect dumb users.13:27
shiftingcontrolis there any other way to find no of files in a directory other than ls -la |wc -l13:27
jack_shiftingcontrol: you could count them on the screen :D13:27
hoseinyes maybe we need such as this env.13:27
shiftingcontroljack_: ;P13:28
MagicJI downloaded the alternate CD for 10.10, I checksummed the image and it matches the documented value.  I went to places and right clicked on it and chose to write it to CD.  All appeared to go well, but when I run the checkdisk it tells me components are bad.  So, then I did:  dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=1 count=72628992, this latter number being what ls -l showed the image size to be.  The checksum...13:28
MagicJ...was not good.  repeated process on other computers with different CDs always the same.  What am I doing wrong13:28
MagicJthe checksum was bad - repeared on different computers, different CDs too.  Always the same problem13:28
ActionParsnipMagicJ: what speed do you burn at?13:29
hoseinwonderworld: but think about some edition's of linux for more popular use cases.13:29
=== KREDO is now known as Rasul
hoseinlike multimedia,gaming,etc13:30
llutzshiftingcontrol: " find targetdir -type f -follow  -maxdepth 1 | wc -l  "  different but not easier13:30
MagicJaction - tried burning at max and it selected 10x which should be ok since a 12x disk - but when that did not work also tried burning at 4x which is as slow as I can go13:30
wonderworldthey are already there.13:30
wonderworldthe PS3 OS for example13:30
ActionParsnipMagicj: if you boot to the cd you can run the self test13:30
=== Rasul is now known as KREDO
dabukalamI'm having problems running a windows installer in linux. When I wine it it tells me to use mono because it's .NET, and when i mono it, it says "contains native code that cannot be executed by Mono on this platform. The assembly was probably created using C++/CLI."13:30
jack_android is linux based13:31
wonderworldyeah another one...13:31
MagicJaction - do you mean the "check the disk"  If so, yes I can and it is bad13:31
jack_MagicJ: then its a hardware issue. or a windows issue. if the image you download is fine13:31
wieshkahey folks up here ..... does some one has idea where NetworkManager stores connection data (some .ini type file etc) if keyring is disabled13:32
wieshka* not disabled - password blank13:32
ActionParsnipMagicj: no idea short of a ram test. You've tested at every stage which is great :)13:32
MagicJnot using Windoze - did this on multiple machines, running different versions of Ubuntu - so I do not really see how it can be either a windows r a hardware issue13:32
jack_MagicJ: you think the disk image is bad? i've used it multiple times without problem.13:33
jack_maybe you're download is bad13:33
jack_run the md5sum against it13:33
wonderworldMagicJ: not sure if a burned CD has the same checksum as the image file it was burned from13:33
MagicJactionparsnip - ramtest on the writing machines I did not think of - will do that now - did do it on the machine I tried to install on and that was fine13:33
ActionParsnipMagicj: bad batch of CDs maybe13:33
wieshkahuh i found - it is in ~/.gnome2/keyring/default.keyring13:33
MagicJjack_ please see my comments above, the md5checksum is good13:33
histoMagicJ: what are you burning the iso with?13:33
histoMagicJ: no only you md5 of the download is good.  Not after the burn. You said the checksum doesn't match after burning the iso to disk.13:34
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jack_MagicJ: then your burn is bad.13:34
ActionParsnipMagicj: its harder now as you have verified the most common causes as ok13:34
MagicJhisto - again see my comments above, I agree the md5sum of what is written appears bad13:34
shiftingcontrolls -la |wc -l,will count fle named . and  ..,how to avoid it during counting13:34
histoMagicJ: then it's bad13:35
wonderworldIF the checksum should be the same with a burned CD it must be the batch of CD's if you tried with different machines13:35
histoMagicJ: there is no questionable md5sum it is either equal or bad13:35
MagicJaction and others - I just did the memtest on one of th writing machines and it is good13:35
MagicJyes histo - I agree what is written is bad - and what I downloaded appears good - so that is really the question13:35
histoMagicJ: I would suggest your media you are using is bad. Especially if you've written with different burners13:36
MagicJactionparsnup - you asked what I wrote with, whatever is the default when I right click on a file is my answer13:36
induzhow can i install Yops on ubuntu??13:36
induzwhat i got is an MS version13:37
induzI want my yahoo a/c to be integrated with Thunderbird 3.1.713:37
induzplease help me13:37
induzits crucial13:37
histoinduz: what is yops?13:37
MagicJto those helping me with the bad burn, assuming that is what it is - does the burn software not actually check what it writes, is there a way to have it do it ?13:38
induzhisto, i dont know13:38
histoinduz: can't you just configure thunderbird for a yahoo account?13:38
induzhisto, i guess NOt13:38
histoMagicJ: with some software you can have it verify what is written.13:38
induzhisto, how if u know it let me know too13:38
wonderworldMagicJ: maybe try burning with k3b. i had problems with brasero (the default ubuntu burner) from time to time13:39
induzi setup Gmail on TB but all my  job searching mails go to yahoo due to resume, i have to make this TB work with yahoo13:39
histoinduz: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-thunderbird-yahoo-mail-settings-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html13:39
MagicJwonderworld - does k3b allow me to validate13:39
induzhisto, i was reading this http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et_free_yahoo.htm13:40
greppyinduz: can you forward your yahoo mail to another account?13:40
induzgreppy, NO13:40
histoinduz: does yahoo not provide pop access or something?13:40
MagicJwonderworld - downloading k3b as I type this13:40
spanglesontoastanyone know why I get floating icons on my screen I've been using the macbuntu theme thing13:41
histoinduz: if it does you just need to enable pop or imap access in your yahoo account via webpage. Then you can configure thunderbird to use their servers.13:41
spanglesontoastas in dragged icons that stick on the screen not docky13:41
=== diego_ is now known as dbf
greppyinduz: have you looked at either "fetchyahoo - Retrieve mail from Yahoo!'s webmail service"?13:42
induzgreppy, how and where on yahoo?13:43
usr13histo: Yahoo provides pop access to premium customers (Paying customers).13:43
greppyinduz: it's a package that you could install using 'sudo apt-get install fetchyahoo'13:43
greppyinduz: I've never used it, but a quick search popped it up, it may work for you.13:43
histousr13: wow that sucks13:43
usr13whreas gmail provides pop to non-paying users13:44
induzgreppy, forwarding is allowed on yahooPLus with $ 2013:44
DJonesinduz: From yahoo's own website, have you looked at this http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/classic/mailplus/pop/pop-51.html13:45
induzmailPlus is $20, its not free13:45
ActionParsnipYahoo keep digging deeper13:46
induzplease read here http://overview.mail.yahoo.com/enhancements/mailplus13:48
induzwhat is goot webmail Yop or Izymail???13:49
Piciinduz: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?13:49
induzPici, I am trying to install Yop on Ubuntu for use with TB13:50
funabash1where do i rename interfaces ?13:51
funabash1i want my eth0 network card to be eth113:51
Piciinduz: Did you try the application that greppy suggested? 'fetchyahoo'13:52
erUSULfunabash1: check /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:52
induzPici, greppy has never used it so  i dont know why he is suggesting13:53
greppyinduz: because it says it downloads mail from yahoo and you can install it using apt-get/aptitude *shrug*13:53
armini have a problem with ubuntu13:54
Piciinduz: Hes suggesting it because the package description suggests it does what you want to do natively.13:54
armincan somebody help me13:54
induzI am sking about Yop and Izymail13:54
erUSUL!ask | armin13:54
ubottuarmin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:54
armini have just bought a asus a52f notebook13:55
usr13funabash1:  /etc/udev/rules.d/README13:55
induzlet me search google download  install and findout myself if that works with TB13:55
funabash1erUSUL: already helpt me13:55
arminand if i just test linux everything is fine13:55
arminbut after the installation i am only at the konsole13:56
usr13funabash1:  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:56
hoseinwonderworld: this command executed completely: sudo apt-get install squid313:56
hoseinnow how can i use squid?13:56
phoenix_hi! Do you speak Russian?13:57
Pici!ru | phoenix_13:57
ubottuphoenix_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:57
usr13hosein: You can use it to filter what you get from internet.13:57
wonderworldhosein: well you have to configure it. depends on what you want to do with it13:57
hoseinI want to see some sites that are  currently filtered by ISP.13:58
usr13hosein: I don't think squid will help you with that.  Not sure but don't think so.13:59
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:59
llutzhosein: you'll need a proxy in the "internet" to reach those sites, not a local one13:59
usr13hosein: What you probably need is vpn14:00
usr13hosein: ... and a host14:00
=== gord_ is now known as gord
hoseinis not there any firefox addon?!14:00
hoseinor any application?14:01
wonderworldhosein: yes, you need a proxy on the net. not on your machine in the blocked network14:01
droopalOk, been looking through the info on adding a new user, and its a bit complicated for me, I am afraid I might screw up. I just wondered, what about chaing the name of my home folder, can you do that?14:01
hoseinbut some app's like ultra surf did that in windows.14:01
greppydroopal: yes, using 'usermod' you can change the home directory.  'man usermod' in a terminal may help.14:02
arminif i am just testing ubuntu with the install cd everything works but if i install it i reach only the konsole14:02
llutzhosein: check google for open proxies14:02
usr13hummm oh yea, I suppose you can use someone elses proxy....14:02
usr13if you can find one...14:02
mia158hi ubuntuers14:02
mia158can someone help me with goobook for gmail contacts with mutt14:02
hoseindont you know anyone for linux?14:02
usr13good moring mia158, ask the questions you have and see...14:03
mia158i am running the goobook script and I get an error at line 114:03
llutzhosein: estimated 4mio vpn-provider out there. pick one, pay him, done14:03
jack__armenb: sounds like you have bad video driver selected or that it was selected incorrectly during install14:03
mia158"./goobook: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'"14:04
jack__mia158: thats line 214:04
_skplcan someone tell me how to get out of gnome-shell and back to metacity? i tried metacity --replace but i got an error about there already being a compositing window manager running on screen 014:04
newbeeanyone can help me on Asterisk???14:04
jack___skpl: that doesn't make any sense.14:04
mia158yeah I hashed out line 1 and the error moved to line 214:04
greppy!ask | newbee14:04
ubottunewbee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:04
Picinewbee: #asterisk would be the best place to get help.14:04
droopalok, thank you. :)14:05
jack__mia158: the script doesn't know what shell to run it. that should be the first line14:05
mia158ok so /usr/bin/sh okay?14:05
jack__mia158: it depends on the script14:05
arminmy x server does start can somebody help me14:05
mia158it's a py script14:05
jack__mia158: then no. :P /sh is shell14:06
bc81__skpl: you tried killall compiz first?14:06
mia158:-) okay14:06
llutzmia158: #!/usr/bin/python14:06
jolly_xenHey, I want to let some friends and their friends host a teamspeak server on my box, is chroot the best way to go?14:07
usr13jolly_xen: I dono, but just found a turorial:  http://www.teamspeak.com/index.php?page=tutorial_b14:09
wonderworldhosein: do you have another linux box at home? if so you can surf via that box14:09
wonderworldjolly_xen: i guess xen would be the best idea to seperate it completely from your stuff14:09
jolly_xenusr13: thanks but i want to secure the instance of teamspeak from the rest of my system14:10
bc81_hey guys, how do i lower the process priority of my script?  do i do it internally within the script, or is it in the way it's executed??14:10
usr13jolly_xen: o ... yea, the tutorial only covers getting it started.14:10
wonderworldbc81_: renice is the command you are looking for14:10
jolly_xenwonderworld: xen is cool, but in this case i don't have the mem to support xen, dom0, domU etc.14:11
bc81_wonderworld: thanks bro14:11
usr13jolly_xen: I suppose you could do it on an alias IP14:11
ActionParsnipBc81_: you can use 'nice' to set priority at ru14:11
jolly_xenSo i guess my question should be, excluding virtulization, whats the best way14:11
bc81_ActionParsnip: ok cool, so i'll have to choose now between renice and nice14:12
ActionParsnipBc81_: or renice to change it once running14:12
shiftingcontrol Write a one-line script that would take a backup copy of  names.txt in the  ~/cracktheshell/  folder and copy it to /var/ folder at 08.00 AM on Sunday, 13th February, 2011.i tried sudo cron 0 8 13 2 0 cp ~/names.txt ~/cracktheshell/ cp ~/names.txt /var/ is this correct ?14:12
wonderworldbc81_: with nice you can start your script dirctly with a priority ( i guess thats waht you want)14:13
wonderworldwith renice you can chnage the priority of a running process14:13
bc81_wonderworld: yea, i'll stick with nice for now, thanks14:13
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ActionParsnipBc81_: nice value of -20 will give near 100% cpu to the process. 20 will mean it will take backseat and only get time when the system is idle14:14
Sub_ZeroEver since updating to 10.10 the cross button to exit the window has become slightly misshapen. http://i.imgur.com/85eWf.png14:14
bc81_ActionParsnip: perfect that's just what it needs..this script has my laptop melting onto my legs! lol14:14
wonderworldyeah, the "nicer" a process behaves, the more CPU it gives to the other processes14:15
wonderworldpolite little script14:15
bc81_wonderworld: hehe good info14:15
Port-NineHi I need help with setup of Ubuntu Server in My VPS and to Setup The Perfect server for IRC Shell Hosting Business. Can Anyone Here Can Help me With That Please14:15
ActionParsnipBc81_: default is 0. Setting -10 to -15 is good if you need more power without14:15
ActionParsnipMaking the OS too weird14:16
Port-NineHi I need help with setup of Ubuntu Server in My VPS and to Setup The Perfect server for IRC Shell Hosting Business. Can Anyone Here Can Help me With That Please14:16
newbeegetting error at asterisk CLI (WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1') when use vicidial in predective mode.14:16
bc81_ActionParsnip: i'm going to try out maybe a 10 for starters14:16
wonderworldshiftingcontrol: names.txt is in ~/cracktheshell so you need to copy ~/cracktheshell/names.txt14:16
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:16
wonderworldcp ~/cracktheshell/names.txt /var14:17
newbeeWARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:17
ActionParsnipBc81_: 10 (positive) will still run it ok but it will be slower than the usual 014:17
newbeegetting error in vicidail WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:17
bc81_ActionParsnip: ok, thats should be fine..i'm going to test it out14:18
ActionParsnipwonderworld: try prefixing with sudo14:18
wonderworldnewbee: better ask in #asterisk thats a very specific problem14:18
newbeeno one in that channel14:19
Sub_ZeroEver since updating to 10.10 the cross button to exit the window has become slightly misshapen. http://i.imgur.com/85eWf.png14:19
newbeeVicidial error Help me...WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:20
NixGeeknewbee: there are 238 people in that channel, you did type "/join #asterisk" right?14:20
NixGeek!repeat | newbee14:20
ubottunewbee: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:20
ActionParsnipSub_Zero: in all themes?14:20
welinuxthanks for twinkle it works14:21
bc81_yea, 10 is still a little hot, so i'm going for 1914:21
bc81_but that made a HUGE difference already14:21
bc81_the fan didn't even kick in yet14:21
pythonedHi, does Rhythmbox have a support channel or issues are to be adresed here?14:21
Sub_ZeroActionParsnip No just in the Inverted, clearlooks and clearlooks classic window border stylesd14:21
wonderworldwelinux: nice :)14:22
bodisiw_anyone got a clue how to fix E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages?14:22
ActionParsnipBc81_: to renice a process which isn't owned by you, use sudo14:22
walkkennSound problems with 10.4 netbook remix and ASUS 1001pxd (Realtek ALC259)14:23
=== RobotCow is now known as TrickDadd
walkkennThe internal microphone is not recognized. When I plug in a mike and headset I have no sound at all. When I run the alsamixer there is no mute box below the PCM, Mike Boost and Capture fields. They are only on the first two fields (master and speaker). I used the sound guide that was posted on the website, but, honestly I'm afraid that I am just making the problem worse. I have looked through the different threads and nothing seems to14:23
walkkennbe working for me.14:23
FloodBot3walkkenn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:23
BluesKajHowdy folks14:23
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:24
bc81_ActionParsnip: ok.  my script is doing a lot of heavy batch image processing, so i execute it with 'nice -19 ./script' and let it do it's thing.  this is great because before i really thought the computer was going to ignite14:24
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ActionParsnipHi blueskaj14:24
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future_hellow all14:24
ActionParsnipBc81_: you are in control in Linux14:25
pythonedMy  Rhythmbox can not connect to my last.fm account even though I can connect to it from firefox. Why?14:25
BluesKajhey ActionParsnip , got a quick question about dnsmasq , do windows machines on the network have be congigured in some manner or are they even affected?14:25
bc81_ActionParsnip: the more i learn, the more i feel that way :-)14:25
newbeechannel for asterisk?14:26
BluesKajActionParsnip,correction :have to be configured14:26
ActionParsnipBc81_: its good to set low nice values for webbrowsers if they struggle14:26
AbhijiThow to 'undo' or remove the bulltes in libre office?14:26
Sub_ZeroActionParsnip Do you know anything about this exit button issue?14:27
mrhassellhi! :)14:27
Aikari learned something scary yesterday, dont try to run cat /proc/mounts in /etc/profile. it prevents you from logging into OS through GUI >_>14:27
newbeegetting error in vicidail WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:27
ActionParsnipBlueskaj: all i've done with dnsmasq is to tell it to listen to local requests14:27
AbhijiThey guys14:27
jpdsAikar: Why would you want to do that?14:28
newbeeHelp me on Asterisk14:28
newbeegetting error in vicidail WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:28
bc81_ActionParsnip: hmm..good call, because im constantly seeing FF turn all grey and become unresponsive.  probably due to inferior cpu, but i'll definitely be running some nice tests later14:28
AbhijiTin ms office there was an 'A' on clicking that A you got one wizard in that you can create fancy coulourfull texts titles!!! anyone knows hows to do that in Libre office/open office?14:28
BluesKajActionParsnip, ok thanks , gonna investigate further :)14:28
ActionParsnipBlueskaj: if you have setup a dns server then the other systems will need to be told to use it14:28
Aikarjpds: i was messing around with trying to get a truecrypt mount to mount on startup and someone had a script to check if its mounted first to put in ~/.profile, and since that file didnt work I was trying diff places and tried /etc/profile14:29
mh22mkhi! if have made an backup with tar how can i use tar to see what files is in the tar backup14:29
ikoniamh22mk: tar tvf $file14:29
Aikarif [ "$(cat /proc/mounts | grep mountpointname)" == ""]; then <mount>14:30
mh22mkikonia: is is tar tvf and the nthe dir namne?14:30
BluesKajActionParsnip, yes I see that in the tutorials I've been browsing , the documentation about windows pcs on a network with dnsmasq is scanty.14:30
ikoniamh22mk: no, it's tar tvf and then the tar file name14:30
erUSULAikar: you havfe a syntax error there14:30
AbhijiTin ms office there was an 'A' on clicking that A you got one wizard in that you can create fancy coulourfull texts titles!!! anyone knows hows to do that in Libre office/open office?14:30
AikarI just typed that out manually, it was meant to be psuedo :P14:31
erUSULAikar: why are you doing that kind of suttuff there? use fstab to mount things on startup14:31
ikoniaAbhijiT: we saw you the first time, you may want to try ##openoffice.org14:31
mh22mkikonia: ty very much14:31
ActionParsnipmh22mk: you can grep the output too to make it useful, or even pipe to less so it doesn't scoll like mad14:31
erUSULAikar: also useless use of cat14:31
AikarerUSUL: i took it out.. I was trying it and forgot it was there14:31
AbhijiTikonia, okay sir14:31
erUSULAikar: if grep -q mountpointname /proc/mounts; then ...; fi14:31
xelisterhow to geenerate initiall X.org config? I switched to nvidia card14:31
erUSULxelister: nvidia-xconfig14:32
erUSULxelister: if you use the privative nvidia driver14:32
craigsaboeHey all... running ubuntu 10.10 on a MBP 6,2 - coming out of suspend and shutting down puts up the standard dialogs but they're at a super-low resolution, and missing half the screen... works but looks terrible. Any ideas?14:32
ActionParsnipxelister: needs prefixing with sudo14:32
BluesKajI see OO is bring replaced by libreoffice in 11.04 Natty ...wonder how that will go over with OO users ?14:33
antisodacan I remove gpg key from keyserver.ubuntu.com?14:33
DaGeek247BluesKaj they'll install it manually.14:34
erUSULBluesKaj: ubuntu already used the OO-go derivaticve of openoffice that later became libroffice; so the change in ubuntu and other linux systems is not that great.14:34
AikarBluesKaj: "go over"? its just a fork isnt it, out of oracles grasp14:34
Aikarso it should make people happier14:34
newbee i am configuring vicidial for predective dialling...14:34
newbee<newbee> inbetween getting error14:34
newbee<newbee>  WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:34
newbee<newbee> manual working fine14:34
FloodBot3newbee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:34
newbee i am configuring vicidial for predective dialling...14:35
newbee inbetween getting error14:35
newbee  WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'14:35
newbee manual working fine14:35
FloodBot3newbee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:35
BluesKajAikar, some ppl maybe , not all ...I was testing natty for a while ..there was mixed reception14:36
xelisterNvidia does not work for me - error no screens found14:36
AikarBluesKaj: whats diff about LO vs OO?14:37
wonderworldi the desktop really gone with unity?14:38
newbee i am configuring vicidial for predective dialling... but getting error  [WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'] manual working fine14:38
Aikarwonderworld: was as i saw on my roommates netbook14:38
wonderworldi think i can't live with that14:38
Picinewbee: Like I said earlier, #asterisk is the best place to get that answered. We simply don't know enough about the program here.14:38
Aikarunity seems to be very disliked. thats the one thing my roommate doesnt like about ubuntu vs windows14:38
Aikarthat damn bar takes up too much room14:39
Aikarand he really just needs to open firefox14:39
newbeesorry man i tryed #asterisk no one is there...14:39
Aikarbut looks like 11.4 is fixing some of it14:39
vincent_Hi mates can u tell me if there is  netinstall for ubuntu server 10.04 lts ? like debian to create a bootable usb14:39
wonderworldnewbee: 239 users in asterisk14:39
Aikari read it only opens when you hit the ubuntu logo in top left in 11.414:39
wonderworldAikar: unity looks to me as if it were a kiosk computer somewhere14:40
wonderworldmaybe nice for tablets14:40
Aikarwonderworld: yeah thats what it really looks focused too14:40
wonderworldbut i guess it might make things more complicated for me on the desktop14:40
ikoniawonderworld: Aikar maybe take this to #ubuntu-offtopic looks a good conversation ?14:40
Aikari noticed menus seemed to auto close when you undid left click too, very weird14:40
th_what is the command to print a list of all the packages i have installed?14:40
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BluesKajAikar, dunno what the diffs are, I think it was just a cse of some not liking change no matter how small14:40
ikoniath_: dpkg -l14:40
Picith_: dpkg el14:40
Aikarikonia: its about ubuntu, whats so offtopic about it lol?14:40
th_ikonia Pici thanks14:40
Piciweird typo14:40
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ikoniaAikar: this is a support channel, so the offtopic channel may be a better place for a good discussion14:41
Aikaroh right14:41
newbee i am configuring vicidial for predective dialling... but getting error  [WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'] manual working fine14:41
Aikarwell i cant really say much about it i havent really 'used' it. i just know from glance it does eat alot of realesate and sucks it cant be hidden14:41
Picivincent_: Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server and network installations14:41
newbeeprovide me the Asterisk cahnnel full of people14:42
newbeeprovide me the Asterisk cahnnel full of peoples14:42
Picinewbee: #asterisk14:42
wonderworldAikar: yeah. hope the don't stop putting efforts into gnome. but i fear they will14:42
induzok I downloaded yops on /home/user/Downloads/ypops, now how can i install it on ubuntu by command line?14:42
newbeeno one is there..14:42
ikoniaAikar: wonderworld #ubuntu-offtopic please, iot looks a good discusison14:42
Picinewbee: #ubuntu is the largest channel on freenode, don't expect any other channel to be as busy as here.14:42
Picinewbee: you need to be identified to join.14:42
Pici!register | newbee14:42
ubottunewbee: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:42
wonderworldnewbee: you need to be registered with NickServ to join14:42
induzhow to install yop from command line froma folder: /home/user/Downloads/ypops14:43
ikoniainduz: what do the install instructions say ?14:43
tembhello all, can anyone help me? I'm having problems with internet in ubuntu 10.10 I keep getting time out's while browsing (when i boot into windows it works fine) and when I download with transmission other pc's in this network can't browse at all.14:44
openbeesnewbee: try #asterisk-dev14:44
mia158temb: sounds like you might be running in half duplex14:44
induzthere is no instalation guid in there14:45
openbeesnewbee :#asterisk have also 239 people14:45
akagi82_hi anyone tell me how to install a driver while offline, i have the file ready to go14:45
ikoniainduz: where did you get the file14:45
g_0_0akagi82_, which driver?14:45
craigbass1976I've got a software app made for windows.  It's written in java, so I don't know why I can't just run it full bore in linux, but whatever.  What do I need for wine packages to try and make it go?  THere are a few listed in synaptics.  Also, the company said there's a mac version, and that if I were to use a mac, I'd still run the exe file.  Sounds bogus...14:45
vincent_Pici thanks my usb drive available here is only 500mbś14:45
Picinewbee: No. #asterisk14:45
Picinewbee: you need to register with freenode to join.  See the message from ubottu above about it.14:46
akagi82_g_0_0 broadcom14:46
openbeesopenbee: follow pici14:46
induzfrom here http://sourceforge.net/projects/yahoopops/files/Source%20Code/
g_0_0akagi82_, what file do you have?14:47
openbeesraigbass1976: install from ubuntu software center14:47
tembmia158: where can i see if that's the case? or should i install ethtool to do so?14:47
ikoniainduz: unzip it and there should be a README and INSTALL file in it, explaining what to do14:47
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
induzthere is no Readme or install file...I have unzip it14:47
akagi82_g_0_0 fakeroot 1.14.4 1ubuntu i386.deb14:47
openbeesinduz: what about .sh file14:48
Piciinduz: Try the ypops/src/README.unix-linux file14:48
rubbsI've got a vps provider claiming that the 2.6.32-306-ec2 #11-Ubuntu SMP kernel handles memory different than the other distros they offer as a justification as to why my ram usage jumps from 100mb to 600mb after a kernel update. Can I call BS on this? (Note: this is a fresh install 100mb, then update&&upgrade all of the sudden 600mb, no packages installed)14:48
xelisterok works14:49
induzPici, I got it but its too complicated. what is source file ?14:51
mh22mkhod do i restor from a rsync?14:51
Piciinduz: Thats what you've downloaded.14:52
induz is there apt-get line for YPop?14:53
Piciinduz: I don't know, have you searched for it?14:53
stonemanis there any way to extract password from /etc/shadow without /etc/passwd file???14:53
induzI just want to read my emails from yahoo[simple acc] on ThunderBird14:53
induzI should not have given my yahoo account on my resume14:54
jribstoneman: passwords aren't stored, only hashes of passwords14:54
induzbut resumes are all gone, so i am finding it hard to get yahoo mail on TB14:54
stonemansorry !14:54
openbeesinduz: i have similer problem with yahoo mails in thunderbird14:54
stonemanto crack14:54
wonderworldinduz: why not let gmail pick up your yahoo mail and after that read gmail in thunderbird via imap?14:54
induzPici,  i have been searching since yesterday14:54
Piciinduz: Did you try the application that we suggested earlier?14:55
Fuchsstoneman: there are, but why would you need that?14:55
craigbass1976openbees, sorry, you missed the c in my name so I didn't see anything light up.  I don't have the software center; running lubuntu14:55
induzPici, which one14:55
ikoniainduz: I suggest just using the web site interface14:55
induzweb site interface??14:55
ikoniainduz: if you are not happy building an application, I would strongly advise against trying to intergrate it with thunderbird14:55
ikoniainduz: yahoo mail web interface14:56
jribstoneman: try john...14:56
stonemanFuchs it's a last hacking mission on hacking challenge site14:56
Piciinduz: fetchyahoo14:56
induzYahoo doesnt not alllow to forward mail14:56
ikoniastoneman: then don't ask us how to do it14:56
stonemani just ask for some hint14:56
openbeescraigbass1976: try to install via wine website14:56
induzPici, how can i install ftchyahoo?14:56
ikoniastoneman: research, we are not a channel to help you crack things14:56
ikoniainduz: use the yahoo mail web interface if you need your mails urgently14:57
openbeescraigbass1976:or try sudo apt-get install wine14:57
Piciinduz: Its in the repositories.14:57
qwebirc92833I am having problems with flash. it's using a lot of CPU and now there's a youtube ghost image in the background. what bug is this15:00
induzPici, I downloded it via synaptec manager but i dont know where is it located on my system15:00
qwebirc92833this happens after the last flash update15:00
raikonen_399how can i find the ppa s for latest stable version ? i need to update some program every stable versions... but i could not find them ppas15:00
ikoniaraikonen_399: they may not exist15:01
raikonen_399ikonia: why ? :(15:01
craigbass1976openbees, next question...  I've found out since my first question that there IS a mac version of the software; I'm now downloading a .jar file.  Any idea what I'll run into for problems running that?15:01
ikoniaraikonen_399: no one may have packaged them in a PPA15:01
raikonen_399why i can nt update all softwares on latest stable versions ... :(15:01
ikoniacraigbass1976: jar files are a java version15:01
ikoniaraikonen_399: because ubuntu has not packaged them15:02
lithprqwebirc92833, try this:15:02
lithprsudo mkdir /etc/adobe15:02
lithprmms_cfg=$(mktemp) && echo  "OverrideGPUValidation=true"  > $mms_cfg && sudo mv $mms_cfg /etc/adobe/mms.cfg15:02
qwebirc92833how can I downgrade flash version15:02
qwebirc92833lithpr: what does that do?15:02
lithprfixes flash15:02
xelisterubuntu stoped booting itself suddenly15:02
xelisterOut of disk.  grub error.15:02
xelisterfull disk encryotpion. ho to fix15:02
craigbass1976ikonia, right.  I'm just wondering if the installed version will be looking for things on a mac that might not be on my ubuntu box.  In theory, things should work, but I wonder...  There's another app I run here that was written in java that runs exactly the same in windows and linux; just wondering if mac / linux will work the same15:03
openbeescraigbass1976: no idea15:03
craigbass1976openbees, I'll hang on tight for the ride I guess...15:03
ikoniacraigbass1976: it's just java, it doesn't care about the OS15:03
itaylor57craigbass1976: which jre are you using open or sun?15:05
tembcan someone please help me? using ubuntu 10.10 and i cannot keep my data connection open. I do have internet connection, but no data. this is only when booted up in ubuntu. someone said it could be half duplex settings but i cannot download ethtool so how can i look this up?15:05
BluesKajtemb, route  and ifconfig15:06
craigbass1976itaylor57, looks like sun's15:06
CharlieSuI'm using Ubuntu Server edition.  How can I have 0conf work automattically so that I can access server.local?  Is there a package to install?15:06
walkkenn http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=d88af7e00befc9b4e7d5cc6555420e5bdee223d415:06
walkkennThe last one seems to indicate that there are no input devices listed, but I don't have the expertise to fix the problem.15:06
raikonen_399If i find all packages typing by "driver" on synaptic, and i install all these packages , my system will have many driver packages for any hardware ? ( i need support many drivers on the system because i use my ubuntu from usb and i use it on different hardwares...)15:06
FloodBot3walkkenn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
erUSULCharlieSu: avahi is the linux zeroconf implementation afaik15:07
ikoniaraikonen_399: you should not need additional drivers,15:07
erUSULCharlieSu: install the avahi daemon15:07
walkkennFloodBot3  Sorry, don't know why it's doing that15:07
ikoniaraikonen_399: the only really odd ones are nvidia/ati video cards and specific network cards15:07
tembBluesKaj: thank you, where should i see half duplex / duplex setting? :)15:07
droopalHi, I was on earlier about trying to change the name of the home folder. It was to do with sharing over the network. I seem to be getting this error 255, netshare add: failed to add share documents'. Error was Operation not permitted. Anybody have any ideas about how to get over this error?15:08
raikonen_399 ikonia: sorry .. what you mean ? i need support many drivers.. there is no rule for that... i am thinking to install all of them ... what you say about that ?15:08
ikoniaraikonen_399: I say that is a bad idea, and only install what you need15:08
mh22mkif i wanna restore with rsync is it like this, rsync /backup/shared15:08
lithprdroopal, my guess is that changing the name of the home folder is a bad idea15:09
droopalit was the same error before, so nothing changed in nthe name change.15:09
droopalIt seems it might be a permissions problem, but I cant work out why.15:10
raikonen_399ikonia: i know this is not good idea. but i told you: i use ubuntu on usb and i always use it on different laptops, different desktop pc and many many different hardwares... i can not say that i use on this and 2 other machines.. :( so ? what i will lose ? (except usb free space)15:10
qwebirc29557lithpr: what that flash setting does?15:10
ikoniaraikonen_399: ok, so if you know it's not a good idea, don't do it15:10
t3cki3Guys  i'm using backintime on my ubuntu 10.04 is there a way in which i can change the time of the backup as i need to run the backup job at 13:00 not 00:0015:10
PaytamHey,I just install kubuntu 10.10 on my HP-2190us laptop, The problem is when I plug the headphone to the jack, I could hear the voice from the speaker,too. what should I do to solve?15:10
raikonen_399 ikonia: i know it is bad idea because of free space... nothing else..15:11
raikonen_399 ikonia: i just need a answer :( please... why it is bad idea ?15:11
BluesKajraikonen_399, the kernel modules in the OS contain the necessary drivers to run the live-stick , it scans the HW on tha particular pc and loads the necessaryt drivers to operate the OS15:11
tembI can ping google, but when doing updates is says error hostname :|15:11
lithprqwebirc29557,  it just sets adobe flash to "OverrideGPUValidation"... which often fixes some of the wonkiness of flash on linux15:12
t3cki3is there a way to change the time of backup on backintime ??15:12
qwebirc29557temb, change update servers15:12
jpdstemb: Which archive server are you using?15:12
=== rubbs_ is now known as rubbs
PaytamHey,I just install kubuntu 10.10 on my HP-2190us laptop, when I plug the headphone to the jack, I could hear the voice from the speaker,too. what should I do to solve?15:14
Deathsbreedwhat just happened?15:15
PaytamHey,I just install kubuntu 10.10 on my HP-2190us laptop,when I plug the headphone to the jack, I could hear the voice from the speaker,too. what should I do to solve?15:15
Picigenii-around: ubottu :(15:16
genii-aroundPici: Ah, yes, I just noticed now15:16
Aikari run my laptop with an external monitor as a 2nd screen, but when i detach the monitor ubuntu still thinks its a valid screen and windows sometimes open there.15:17
Aikaris there a way i can get the windows to move to current screen instead of playingg grab ass guess and drag?15:17
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=== newbee is now known as 14WAAQXFM
superman097hi all15:22
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superman097can i ask to you about ubuntu ipv6?15:22
erUSUL!ipv6 | superman09715:22
ubottusuperman097: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv415:22
superman097can i ask to you about ubuntu in ipv6?15:22
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superman097yes ipv615:23
Jimbobachumanu( . )Y( . )15:23
superman097don't share like that dude15:23
BluesKajtemb, are you trying to get skype or voip os some such working?15:24
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BluesKajare we there yet ?15:24
superman097i i just wanna ask, is igmpv3 protocol default activated when we use ipv6 address in ubuntu?15:25
tembBluesKaj, no its a regular ubuntu 10.10 install. My data connection just keeps dying. while the connection keeps active.15:26
mparadise   15:28
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bluelfhey can anyone tell me how to update gcc from terminal15:28
erUSUL!latest | bluelf15:29
ubottubluelf: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:29
BluesKajtemb, sorry this duplexing thing is new to me altho i've been doing linux networking help for a while now ...is this an encrypted data stream over VPN or ssh or some such ?15:29
bluelfhow to update it to latest stable version15:29
mbeierltemb: sudo mii-tool eth0 will tell you.15:30
mbeierltemb: a better one (more readable) is ethtool: sudo apt-get install ethtool ; sudo ethtool eth015:30
mbeierlas in still netsplit?15:30
bluelferUSUL,  how to update it to latest stable version15:30
=== AndrewMC` is now known as AndrewMC
chang-li_how to setup an  icon command to start a web application then start browser -> localhost-url?15:30
erUSULbluelf: you can't, why do you need last version ?15:30
BluesKajbluelf, which version are you on?15:30
=== MonkeyDu1t is now known as MonkeyDust
goltoofi don't get find.. why does it take so long to do it's job and i get permission denied if i don't sudo?15:30
Picigoltoof: Because your user doesn't have the rights to access some paths.  You can use find /whatever 2>/dev/null to suppress those errors.15:31
tembBluesKaj, no its just my wireless network connection with the router, secured with wpa2 and mac adress filter. it's all properly configured...15:31
tembanyone know why ubuntu network connection does not send data and gives me time out when browsing?15:32
itaylor57bluelf: i believe that is the latest stable version15:32
14WAAQXFM i am configuring vicidial for predective dialling... but getting error  [WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'] manual working fine15:32
bluelfitaylor57, maybe I thought there must be a cmd using which I can update to latest stable version i tried update gcc it dint work ? is there any such command ?15:33
BluesKajtemb, , so basically your wifi is timing out ?15:33
tembBluesKaj, yes and when i reconnect it works for 1 second and then it times out again... :(15:34
BluesKajtemb, run, sudo dhcp, in the terminal15:34
tembBluesKaj, command not found15:35
kukuNuttemb: dhclient eth?15:36
BluesKajtemb, install dhclient15:36
BluesKajif possible15:36
itaylor57bluelf: the only way to update it is via the normal update command or using gui update manager15:37
tembBluesKaj, already had it installed, ran sudo dhclient eth115:37
14WAAQXFMhow to join #asterisk15:38
bluelfitaylor57, whats the update command?15:38
14WAAQXFMnot able to join that15:38
erUSUL14WAAQXFM: /join #asterisk15:38
14WAAQXFMhelp me how?15:38
tembBluesKaj, it says no dhcp offers received15:38
bluelfitaylor57, i tried update gcc it doesnt work15:38
BluesKajtemb,actually dhcp=eth0 then run sudo dhclient15:38
Encr9Hi, how would I run this every hour *AND* have it be a different file name with Time/Date each time? http://paste.ubuntu.com/565914/15:39
erUSUL14WAAQXFM: maybe you need to register?15:39
erUSUL!register | 115:39
ubottu1: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:39
erUSUL!register | 14WAAQXFM15:39
ubottu14WAAQXFM: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:39
zaggynlddrescue: input file disappeared: No such file or directory15:39
BluesKajtemb, for wifi dhcp=wlan0 , then sudo dhclient15:39
MtrPandaHi folks. I know this is really basic, I just installed Ubuntu, and want to copy from and external drive. it wont let me create a directory as it says I dont have permission. how can I log on as root to create a folder?15:39
erUSUL!sudo | MtrPanda15:39
ubottuMtrPanda: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:39
MtrPandaor should i create that inside a user area?15:39
erUSUL!permissions > MtrPanda15:40
ubottuMtrPanda, please see my private message15:40
winterweaverso, how do I know if I get a new laptop (Alienware M11X to be specific), that ubuntu will run things everything like it's supposed to. I remember in the past people complaining that it doesnt run the correct fan speeds on some laptops, and sometimes dont shut down hard drives correctly. I dont want to pay a lot of money on a laptop that I'm just gonna kill, cause I use Ubuntu everyday15:40
itaylor57bluelf: sudo apt-get update15:40
MtrPandawish i could see your pm erUSUL15:40
MtrPandausing xchat gnome15:41
erUSULMtrPanda: not mine; ubottu's15:41
tembBluesKaj, ran the dhcp=wlan0 && sudo dhclient. this time there was a dhcp offer and bound succesfull15:41
itaylor57bluelf: and sudo apt-get upgrade15:41
sanguisleftis there something up with the ubuntu site?15:42
BluesKajtemb, and you have a timeout of several thoiusand secs , I hope15:42
bluelfit updates everything i only want to update a specific thing is it possible?15:42
sanguisleftits slow15:42
teddybmy laptop doesnt seem to be hibernating right, it gives messages like irq: 17 nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option and ... disabling irq #1715:42
bluelfitaylor57, it updates everything i only want to update a specific thing is it possible?15:42
Encr9Hi, how would I run this every hour *AND* have it be a different file name with Time/Date each time? http://paste.ubuntu.com/565914/15:42
BluesKajsudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-ppa/backports, bluelf15:42
MtrPandathanks, also having to find my way around xchat ( used to MIRC)15:42
sanguisleftcan some one point me to a ligit sorce to get an iso torrent?15:42
14WAAQXFM i am configuring vicidial for predective dialling... but getting error  [WARNING[25394]: file.c:1292 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '-1'] manual working fine15:42
erUSUL!torrents > sanguisleft15:42
ubottusanguisleft, please see my private message15:42
tembBluesKaj, 850044801 seconds, yes :)15:43
BluesKajbluelf, then sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-ppa15:43
BluesKajbluelf, then update and upgrade15:43
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bluelfoki thanks BluesKaj15:43
erUSULEncr9: use cron and date15:43
BluesKajtemb, ok so you're surfing etc ok ?15:43
tinytoymldonkey can't start unless delete the .mldonkey folder15:44
erUSULEncr9: we had this conversation before; didn't we?15:44
Encr9erUSUL: cron uses % for new line, it doensnt allow it, I even tried escaping the "%", no luck15:44
Encr9yeah :( ive tried everything since that conversation15:44
erUSULEncr9: escaping it should work; if it does not work simply put the command in a script and call the script from cron15:45
tembBluesKaj, did a ping to google : succesfull :) then opened browser : time out.. then tried update command : timeout...15:45
Encr9erUSUL: I did that too15:45
madfoxtemb maybe http is being blocked for some reason?15:45
Cobra_Fast`hello, my server's got serious issues, whatever service or app i intend to start is failing with "address already in use" no difference if its localhost or somewhere else around the internet15:45
erUSULEncr9: and that failed becouse ...15:46
MtrPandalet me re phrase.. how do i sig on as root ?15:46
madfoxCobra_Fast, that means some other service is already using the same default port15:46
fredeliuQuestion: I did this stupid thing and changed /boot/grub/grub.cfg so that the graphics driver isn't loading the right way, the screen is black. If I can only get to command line I probably fix it, but I haven't found a way to not use the non-working graphics. I have reached <initramfs> but I have no idea how to reach any services or file system from there... ?15:46
Cobra_Fast`madfox: netstat says that this isnt the case15:46
tembmadfox, now the ping command is also not working. so guess it worked for 1 second after reconnecting. strange problem and i don't know what i can do to solve it15:46
marc_MtrPanda, you don't15:46
Encr9erUSUL: not sure lol, I used scripts from ubuntu forums (I can't script)15:47
NixGeekFreduli: boot into the recovery console15:47
madfoxCobra_Fast, and yet, thats what the error refers to.15:47
madfoxCobra_Fast, check it out with a different machine15:47
MtrPandathanks marc, guess will try using a sub directory15:47
Cobra_Fast`madfox: got no other machine in that datacenter15:47
madfoxCobra_Fast, then get one >.>15:47
marc_MtrPanda, what are you trying to do?15:48
teddybis there any way i can access the logs that ubuntu is making as my machine is failing to hibernate?15:48
Cobra_Fast`madfox: too expensive15:48
tembmadfox, i doubt http is blocked. its my data connection that stops working after 1 second. if i reconnect i can browse to 1 http adress, then it times out so.. :(15:48
erUSULEncr9: the script in your case is two lines 1) #!/bin/sh 2) wget http://bglive-a.bitgravity.com/twit/live/high --ignore-length -O output-"$(date +....)".flv15:48
fredeliuNixGeek: How do I get to that? recovery mode in grub seems to load the same faulty graphics.15:48
madfoxCobra_Fast, well you can connect to it now can't you? or you want SOME machine to connect to it right?15:48
BluesKajtemb, do , ifdown wlan0 , ifup wlano15:48
erUSULEncr9: sorry better  put /bin/date not just date15:48
Cobra_Fast`madfox: i can connect to the server but the server cant connect anywhere (including localhost)15:48
bluelfI want to install cmake how to do so ?15:49
NixGeekfredeliu: okay then, boot up a live cd or usb, mount your root partition and change the file15:49
Encr9 /bin/date?15:49
Anon7-2521Something very strange happened to me today. I woke up and all the colors on my system were like, inverted. I'm running 10.04 on a macbook pro 5,515:49
erUSULEncr9: yes the full path15:49
madfoxCobra_Fast, then use the computer your connecting with now to check out what ports you cans ee from the outside.15:49
erUSULEncr9: the same for wget bytw15:49
madfoxCobra_Fast, nmap does the trick15:49
marc_Anon7-2521, check your background/theme settings15:50
tembBluesKaj: ifdown: not configged, ifup: unknown interface15:50
fredeliuNixGeek: Yea, thought you would say that. LiveCd it is then. To bad there is none around. And I'm a bit uncertain booting from my external cdrom will be problem free...15:50
Encr9erUSUL: oh you mean put the script in /bin/date?15:50
steviemanI was wondering if there is anyone here that can help me with  socksify problem? When I try sockifying an app in gnome it crashes15:50
erUSULEncr9: noo15:50
teddybanybody? i really want my laptop to be able to hibernate15:51
erUSULEncr9: the script in your case is two lines 1) #!/bin/sh 2) /usr/bin/wget http://bglive-a.bitgravity.com/twit/live/high --ignore-length -O output-"$(/bin/date +....)".flv15:51
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mtkorbI'm trying to migrate my Ubuntu install to a flash drive. I've moved the system files and installed GRUB on the flash drive. Can anyone help me configure it to boot Ubuntu?15:51
NixGeekfredeliu: thats your best option, if you messed it up that bad.  you know, you should probably heed the "Do not edit this file" warning next time unless you know exactly what your doing@15:51
Anon7-2521marc_: That was the first thing I did, and it was not a theme issue.15:51
BluesKajtemb , do  ifdown wlan0 , then do ifconfig ,then do ifup wlan015:51
madfoxtemb, you sure if its anything to do with youreself? maybe its pure network problems. Tried seeing what a livecd or some other box does when you try to connect?15:52
marc_Anon7-2521, does it do that on boot?15:52
SNUPOao a jester-: poi alla fine sono riuscito ad installare ubuntu server ed ho installato anche l' interfaccia grafica15:52
erUSUL!it | SNUPO15:52
ubottuSNUPO: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:52
Anon7-2521marc_: No, when I rebooted it was normal. However, this is disconcerting. What could have caused this?15:52
induznow my yahoo an Tb are working good15:52
fredeliuNixGeek: Hm, yea... Thanks anyway15:52
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Smeker_on_Linuxpoz i sa ove scrpt ....15:53
tembmadfox, this pc is on same network and gives no problems, also the other pc gives no problems when i reboot into windows so its a problem with a fresh ubuntu install..15:53
tembmadfox, (i think :p)15:53
marc_Anon7-2521, could of been a miss-read sector on start-up15:53
induzhope i get some response from job applications....now how can i fax from ubuntu Lucid15:53
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induzI have roadrunner cable with wireless15:53
Anon7-2521marc_: It happened while the computer was already booted15:54
BluesKajinduz, setup your fax just like your printer15:54
induzi dont know if my system has fax modem15:54
madwillHi how can i make a whole folder recursicely writable to a group15:54
marc_Anon7-2521, is it a laptop or desktop15:54
induzBluesKaj, how15:54
madwilli want to make www-data able to write to var/www/ and every subfolder15:54
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madwillbut i want to group so i can add myself to it15:54
induzi want to Fax my resume but dont know if its possible from ubuntu15:55
erUSULmadwill: chgrp -R www-data dir && chmod g+w -R dir/15:55
BluesKajinduz, look in system ,the printer section15:55
tembBluesKaj: ifdown: not configged, ifup: unknown interface :(15:55
induzi see Application--Accessories--Print manage15:55
madfoxmadwill 'info chown'15:55
marc_Anon7-2531, could of been a clitch in the graphics adapter15:55
ikoniainduz: do you have a fax modem ?15:56
BluesKajtemb, did you run ifconfig ?15:56
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Cobra_Fast`madfox: http://pastebin.com/UGHLs9wv15:56
tembBluesKaj: same thing although it listed a slightly different ifconfig :)15:56
induzhow do i know if i have a fax modem on my system?15:56
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tembBluesKaj: yes i did15:56
induzis it possible from Roadrunner?15:56
ikoniainduz: no, you need a fax modem15:56
madfoxCobra_Fast, alright, and what services are you trying to start that wont work?15:56
induzikonia, can i find out from lshw/15:56
Encr9erUSUL: I'm still not having luck, it still records the file as 'high.18' http://paste.ubuntu.com/565928/15:57
ikoniainduz: possible, is this a laptop or a desktop15:57
zmullinsilly question, but is there a disk-defragment for ubuntu(im a bit of a noob from windows.)15:57
induzdesktop Dell dimesnison15:57
Cobra_Fast`madfox: binds rndc tells me that the address is already in use, wget tells me that, znc tells me that (whereever i wanna connect to)15:57
ikoniainduz: does it have a dial up modem connection on the back ?15:57
BluesKajtemb, ok , make sure nm-applet icon is available in the panel , is it ?15:57
maxyjjhi all15:57
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induzit has a NIC Lan card15:58
zmullinhi maxyjj :)15:58
ikoniainduz: no, I asked if it had a dial up modem in it15:58
induzikonia, i dont know what is inside of it15:58
zmullinwell, any computer built in the past 10 years would have it15:58
ikoniainduz: does it have a port on the back that you can connect a telephone (RJ11) to ?15:58
zmullinyou should see if you have it disabled15:58
ikoniazmullin: no it won't15:58
ikoniazmullin: yes, dells15:59
tembBluesKaj, yes it is available :)15:59
zmullinIm on a $100 dollar dell my dad got for buying windows15:59
BluesKajinduz, does the printer/fax have a keyboard15:59
zmullinit has it15:59
maxyjji got a wierd problem just finshed a fresh installtion and updated it and restarted it and now its coming up with a segmenatation fault15:59
ikoniazmullin: that doesn't mean someone elses does15:59
Smeker_on_Linuxpoz fans ! :D15:59
zmullinokay, sorry man15:59
induzikonia, the Tower is inside the cupboard and  i can not open that15:59
Cobra_Fast`madfox: pings are working well though16:00
induzPrinter is Hp and it has numbers on it like a keyboard16:00
ikoniainduz: is there a phone line going into the cupboard16:00
induzikonia, no...its connected va a wireless Dell USB adapter16:00
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ikoniainduz: ok, then it won't be able to send faces16:00
Cobra_Fast`madfox: and postfix cant connect to mysql on localhost although apache/php can16:00
BluesKajtemb, have you configured the nm-applet with the security wep or wpa the same as the settings on your wifi section of the router16:01
usr13there are ways to send fax without phoneline16:01
induzikonia, is there any s/w where i can find out if this system has a MOdem inbuilt?16:01
recon69_lapusr13: there are web fax services,16:01
induzikonia, I can not open it16:01
usr13induz: lspci16:02
ikoniainduz: if there is no phone line going into the cabinet, it's a pointless exercise16:02
usr13recon69_lap: Yes16:02
tembBluesKaj, yes i have, otherwise it would not be connected to the network, which it is.16:02
usr13recon69_lap: And there are VOIP services that support FAX16:02
induzikonia, its not possible vai Cable?...if i find out that the system has a Modem for fax i can run a tele cable16:03
oxmo /server irc.icq.com16:03
BluesKajtemb, which wifi chip ?16:03
induzwhy this guy want a fax in this time and age?16:03
ikoniainduz: ok, pastebin the output of lspci16:03
tembBluesKaj, ipw220016:03
bluelfwhen i try  "  apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0-dbg libgstreamer0.10-0  libgstreamer0.10-dev" it says unable to locate package libjpeg-prog ? what does this mean?16:03
ikoniainduz: ok, pastebin the output of lspci16:03
Encr9Mubarak stepped down O.o16:04
usr13induz: There are some companies that require documents to be faxed16:04
openbeesUser___2011shoot your question16:04
ikoniaEncr9: don't care, offtopic in this channel16:04
maxyjjboot args (cat /proc/cmdline  every time i boot up do any one know how to fix it16:04
induzikonia, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/565931/16:05
ikoniainduz: no fax modem there16:05
teddybok ive looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/hardware/C/pm-suspending.html but its not that helpfull, it just says to report a bug but im pretty sure this is not a bug16:05
induzwow this room has NO telephone cable or wall mount for telephone16:05
zarusI was wondering, how do I mkdir a dir that isn't read-only?16:05
NuxisHey, got a problem with my wireless card. It's soft blocked (rfkill shows me) but unblocking it doesn't work, anyone can suggest something?16:06
induzis it possible from my printer Hp16:06
ikoniainduz: no, as you need a phone line16:06
BluesKajtemb, you may need to connect to an ethernet connection then download and install from here ,http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php?fid=816:06
Googlewilllpayi wish mubarak will disapear while falling in the orcus like every dictator should16:06
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induzwow, i have to run to the library to get it faxed now16:07
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usr13induz: Do you have a scanner?16:07
kobmubarak dismissed !!!!16:07
induzi have a scanner16:07
usr13induz: Scan it and send via faxzero16:07
NuxisAnyone a clue on the rfkill problem?16:07
erUSULNuxis: what wifi chip ?16:08
usr13induz: http://faxzero.com/16:08
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induzthanks usr13 i have to scan it now16:08
usr13induz: scan the document and convert to pdf  convert document.jpg documnent.pdf16:08
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induzhow can i convert .jpg to .pdf ....16:09
apecatHello everyone. do i need to do something else than adding RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-c3 -m 0 -r" to /etc/default/rsyslog in order to receive syslog remotely on ubuntu 8.04?16:09
NuxiserUSUL: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)16:10
induzfaxzero has a option to copy ans patse , can i do that?16:10
usr13convert document.jpg document.pdf16:10
tembBluesKaj, i did update it if thats what you mean16:10
erUSULNuxis: and « sudo rfkill unblock all » does not work ?16:10
Nuxisstay's soft blocked16:10
induzikonia, i learnt that i need a phone line to fax...but we get phone via Roadrunner Time warner all in One16:10
NuxisIt appeared after the 10.10 updatre16:10
induzthe phone is cordless16:11
ikoniainduz: so ? you still need a phone line,16:11
ikoniainduz: we help with ubuntu issues here, that's all16:11
induzso there are no mounts on the walls16:11
usr13convert is a commandline tool.  Convert will connvert between  image formats as well as resize an image16:11
jribinduz: the base of the phone is likely connected to a phone wire16:11
NuxisNothing =(?16:11
induzjrib, yes...but I managed via faxzero...hope he gets the fax16:12
induzhope he doesnt reply by Fax16:12
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usr13convert filename.jpg filenale.pdf16:12
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induzusr13, I did that and copy and paste also16:13
usr13induz: You will get confirmation via email whether it succeeds or fails.16:13
usr13induz: Check your email.16:13
induzusr13, he got the fax it says but how he is going to reply16:14
induzThanks guys16:14
usr13via email16:14
induznow I have to figure out ubuntu with iPod touch 1st gen16:15
usr13induz: I can't help you there.  I don't do iStuff16:15
usr13induz: I only do linuxStuff16:16
induzusr13, Thanks for fxzero...16:16
Encr9ikonia: you truely are a cold hearted bitch, you can't tell me no one cares, this is a Revolution, something you dont see everyday! Do us a favor and suicide you worthless waste of air.16:17
induzok what should i download to chat online via my yahoo and gamil16:17
Cobra_Fast`"Cannot connect to localhost:6667, address already in use", I'm trying to connect a IRC client to the local irc server (same with bind9 rndc cant connect to bind on port 953 but no other process is connecting there)16:17
induzsomething like yahoo chat/messenger16:17
Logan_WPikonia: that was strange16:18
amiralulhello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10, but after selecting Install Ubuntu option from the CD, all I got is a blank screen. I tried with xforcevesa parameter, but there's no change16:18
veenenen 16:18
trippsas of the last update yesterday, now my system speeds up the horizontal mouse speed significantly if I add a second monitor (to the side; if I change the configuration to stack them vertically, it's the vertical mouse speed that accelerates instead). This is unwanted behavior. How do I get the old way back where the mouse speed is constant?16:18
BluesKajtemb, what settings do have in nm-applet , are they the same as your security and pw on the router ?16:19
Cobra_Fast`"Cannot connect to localhost:6667, address already in use", I'm trying to connect a IRC client to the local irc server (same with bind9 rndc cant connect to bind on port 953 but no other process is connecting there) why is that?16:20
ikoniaCobra_Fast`: how did you install the IRC server ?16:20
sacarlsonamiralul: maybe modeset? http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/16:21
Cobra_Fast`ikonia: everything worked for months until the datacenter rebooted my server two days ago16:21
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amiralulsacarlson: the card is ATI16:21
ikoniaCobra_Fast`: never mind, that's not what I asked, but you ignore my questions and help yoruself16:21
Cobra_Fast`ikonia: the irc server runs as a user on port 6666 and 666716:21
FloatingGoatthis is my desktop http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/1120/screenshot0209201104345.png16:22
ikoniaFloatingGoat: why are you sharing it ?16:22
prisonerofzHi, I am new to Ubuntu. Insalled KGet today and was downloading a large file with it. Had to shut down the comp due to a power failure and when I restarted, KGet would not start. The system manager shows that it is sleeping. How do I start it again?16:22
FloatingGoatikonia: sorry thought i was in off topic16:22
ikoniaFloatingGoat: no problem16:22
Smeker_on_Linuxod 9,2 ubrzava do 200 O.o16:24
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MalqartHello, I installed Ubuntu 10.10 but the laptop's screen is not working .. only extern VGA screen does16:24
maco!language | Googlewilllpay16:25
ubottuGooglewilllpay: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:25
sacarlsonamiralul: try the last one in this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31754516:25
MalqartI installed the Nvidia driver and still the same thing.. onl the extern screen is still working (and it's working perfectly fine, with 3D acceleration and everything)16:26
MalqartM laptop screen is not detected16:26
Malqarthelp would be most appreciated. Thank ou16:27
brendaCan someone help me with this: http://pastebin.com/GznCXpCJ?16:28
tomasm-i just downloaded the lastest ubuntu - anyone know what command i can run to write the iso image to a (new) usb flash drive (to boot from)? i am using RH right now so i dont have any gui tools to do it - maybe 'dd' would suffice?16:28
tembpls someone help me. when i start ubuntu it connects to my wireless network fine. then i start terminal and do ping google. this works fine the 1st time, sometimes a second time but after 1 or 2 mins it does not respond anymore. the browser behaves the same way. so ubuntu seems to keep the connection to the router, but loses the data connection? i got this problem only on ubuntu10.10 after clean install pls help16:28
Logan_WP!offtopic | Cradam16:28
ubottuCradam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:28
Logan_WPCradam: Please stop.16:29
Logan_WP!caps | Cradam16:29
ubottuCradam: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:29
Cradamlol sorry about the trolling it was an experiment to see how long it would be till !offtopic came up16:30
Logan_WP!please | brenda16:30
ubottubrenda: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:30
sacarlsontemb: you can still continue to ping the gateway (router) all the time?  dns problem?  how long or can you resolve an ip to ping yahoo.com16:30
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brendaubottu: Yea, understand that. Just really frustrating if you're searching for 4 hours and find nothing :(16:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:31
area51pilotwhat is a good program to make bootable USB's with?16:31
brendaGoddamn x)16:31
saliakanyone know wehere to find the keyring manager in xubuntu?  i'm trying to get rid of the password to unlock the keyring on login (login without password)16:31
psycho_oreosarea51pilot, unetbootin for most linux distros16:31
Cradamunetbootin area51pilot16:31
usr13saliak: That's a tough one...16:32
mongysaliak, seahorse16:32
brendaCan someone help me with this: http://pastebin.com/GznCXpCJ?16:32
saliakusr13 - getting rid of the pw?  or finding the keyring manager?16:32
MalqartI installed the Nvidia driver and still the same thing.. onl the extern screen is still working (and it's working perfectly fine, with 3D acceleration and everything)16:32
sacarlsontemb: try change the dns server to google dns   modify /etc/resolv.conf  to  top line of nameserver
area51pilotthx guys!  :)16:33
usr13saliak: Try this, look in the ~/.gnome2/keyrings directory, then delete the default.keyring file.16:33
usr13saliak: See:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38490516:33
sacarlsontemb: or test with dig @ yahoo.com16:33
mongysaliak, run seahorse, right click your keyring, change password, use blank password.  use at your own risk16:34
=== Cradam is now known as Sudodam
MalqartHello, I installed Ubuntu 10.10 but the laptop's screen is not working .. only extern VGA screen does. When I use the Monitor application, the laptop screen is not detected. Then I installed the nvidia driver, but same thing :s16:35
=== Sudodam is now known as Cradam
sacarlsonarea51pilot: there is the default built in for usb boot System>Administration>Startup disk creator16:35
saliakmongy - sweet, thanks! exactly what i was looking for16:36
pksadiq!fine kget16:36
pksadiq!find kget16:36
ubottuFound: kget16:36
pksadiq!info kget | prisonerofz16:36
ubottuprisonerofz: kget (source: kdenetwork): download manager for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2.1 (maverick), package size 1421 kB, installed size 4148 kB16:37
polhello, can some one help m,e??16:37
tembsacarlson, the gateway connection also quits (strange this does not happen with windows?) and works for a short while after reconnecting. did change the dns to :)16:37
recon69_lapanyone else having problems with flash not showing up in Netscape ?16:37
Logan_WP!ask | pol16:37
ubottupol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:37
heyguiseMubarak just stepped down. Its off topic but FUCK YEAH! sudo apt-get remove dictator16:37
sacarlsontemb: well if gateway pings quit it's probly not dns16:38
Logan_WP!offtopic | heyguise16:38
ubottuheyguise: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:38
gpc!language | heyguise16:38
ubottuheyguise: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:38
Picill heyguise 516:38
polcan some one help me16:38
Logan_WP!ask | pol16:38
ubottupol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:38
poli can not set my video16:38
brendaCan someone help me with this: http://pastebin.com/GznCXpCJ?16:38
bc81you know what would be really cool?  voice activated shortcuts..does something like that exist yet?  example, speak "firefox" into the mic and it opens16:38
Logan_WP!repeat | brenda16:38
ubottubrenda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:38
brendaSick of searching16:39
sacarlsontemb: now we need to see what hardware you might have  sudo lshw | pastebinit  for us to view what might be the problem16:39
mongybrenda, Unknown paste ID16:39
gpcmongy: remove the ? at the end16:39
brendaCan someone help me with this: http://pastebin.com/GznCXpCJ ?16:39
Picibrenda: you need to ask a full question, thats pastebin just just output from lspci/lshw.16:40
poli have a server hp ml110, and the graphic integrated is ATI Rage GL, I coul not make it work in 1024 only in 800 *600, now I purhcase a card trident td 9680P, i dont know how to set drivers ins ubunto16:40
* mongy screams into pillow16:40
bc81brenda, looks like you need to push the button to activate wireless16:40
brendaPici: indeed but it shows my problem nice. Rfkill just doesn't work and I have no clue what to do16:40
brendabc81: It's not hard blocked16:40
sacarlsonbc81: there is some voice recognition but last I tried it, it wasn't fully working yet.  please check it and tell me if it's improved16:40
brendaIt worked before the 10.10 update always perfect.16:41
recon69_lapSeems that flash frames are showing with incorrect sizes on cerian sites16:41
poli have a server hp ml110, and the graphic integrated is ATI Rage GL, I coul not make it work in 1024 only in 800 *600, now I purhcase a card trident td 9680P, i dont know how to set drivers ins ubunto16:41
Logan_WP!repeat | pol16:41
ubottupol: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:41
induzok, I got a .jpg attachement, i want to open it, How can i select a installed program GwenView or shotWel16:42
prisonerofzI am new to Ubuntu. Insalled KGet today and was downloading a large file with it. Had to shut down the comp due to a power failure and when I restarted, KGet would not start. The system manager shows that it is sleeping. How do I start it again?16:42
induzI dont want imageviewer to open my .jpg attachement16:42
tembsacarlson, can't install pastebinit or go to pastebin. I do know i have an ipw2200 wifi card inside, what else would you need to know?16:43
sacarlsontemb: something is better than nothing16:43
mongybrenda, is the driver blacklisted maybe?   or try unloading/reloading the module  (just plucking ideas from nowhere)16:44
bc81brenda: i had this sam prob a few weeks ago, it was some combination of hard and soft block..  http://pastebin.com/UE7nhfNa make that executable, add it to your startup applications, and reboot16:44
sacarlsontemb: is it encrypted wep or wpa?16:44
pksadiqinduz: right click on image > open with16:44
induzhello, how can I open .jpg with a program other than imageviewer...i have already installed Gnewview16:44
Logan_WP!repeat | induz16:45
ubottuinduz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:45
induzpksadiq, openwith takes me to a folder16:45
ikoniainduz: what do you want to open it with16:45
NooBoontooIs there a program for Ubuntu that lets you save an entire website?16:45
ikoniaNooBoontoo: wget can do it16:45
Logan_WPNooBoontoo: Firefox? O_o16:45
poli have a server hp ml110, and the graphic integrated is ATI Rage GL, I coul not make it work in 1024 only in 800 *600, now I purhcase a card trident td 9680P, i dont know how to set drivers ins ubunto16:45
greppyNooBoontoo: wget can do that.16:45
Logan_WP!repeat | pol16:45
ubottupol: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:45
pksadiqinduz: you must select the appropriate application16:45
ikoniapol: stop repeating16:45
tembsacarlson, wpa2 + mac filter16:45
induzshotwell or Gnewview which are installed on my system16:45
MtrPandaThanks guys, used my downloads directory to create a sub directory that I could use.16:46
sacarlsontemb: did you ever try unecnrypted?16:46
ikoniainduz: how did you install them ?16:46
induzwhen i select Open with it takes me to my home folder?16:46
NooBoontooI mean, I want to save the whole  aebsite so I can view it while offline16:46
induzikonia, via synaptec and they are listed on my Application--Graphics16:47
=== Calinou_ is now known as Calinou
prisonerofzI am new to Ubuntu. Insalled KGet today and was downloading a large file with it. Had to shut down the comp due to a power failure and when I restarted, KGet would not start. The system manager shows that it is sleeping. How do I start it again?16:47
ikoniainduz: ok, so when you select from the list, they should be in there16:47
Logan_WP!repeat | prisonerofz16:47
ubottuprisonerofz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:47
bc81sacarlson: i found gnome-voice-control, testing now16:47
tembsacarlson, no, it always worked great with ubuntu16:47
prisonerofzI am new to Ubuntu. Insalled KGet today and was downloading a large file with it. Had to shut down the comp due to a power failure and when I restarted, KGet would not start. The system manager shows that it is sleeping. How do I start it again?16:47
BluesKajprisonerofz, alt+f2 , type Kget16:47
sacarlsontemb: It would be good to know if the problem is in encryption of driver,  if you don't want to test then try wicd  and/or wpagui16:48
induzikonia, it takes me to Home folder16:48
goltoofis there an alternative to import?  (import foo.png)  not working right for me, keeps cutting off images, won't load in gimp, etc16:48
* Logan_WP hatest it when people keep repeating themselves16:48
pksadiqinduz: or you might right click on jpg file > properties and change the open with options16:48
ikoniainduz: so browse to where it is16:48
poli have a server hp ml110, and the graphic integrated is ATI Rage GL, I coul not make it work in 1024 only in 800 *600, now I purhcase a card trident td 9680P, i dont know how to set drivers ins ubunto16:48
Logan_WPpol: Stop it.16:48
polyes logan16:48
Logan_WPThank you.16:48
=== Me is now known as Guest36996
sacarlsontemb: always worked great with ubuntu?  8.04?  9.10?  it's not working now how can you say that?16:49
polho r u going to help me??16:49
pksadiq!ati | pol16:49
ubottupol: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:49
induzwhen i select .shotwell on my Home folder it does nothing there is no file16:49
Logan_WP!r | pol16:49
ikoniainduz: that's because the applications are in /usr/bin16:49
prisonerofzBlueskaj: Alt+F2 opens window. Typed kget and clicked run.16:49
polnho Ati is trident16:49
saliaki have this shell script that runs when i login, but i'm not sure where it's run from.  how would one back that out?16:49
Guest36996I have Ubuntu 10.10 on CD (installing to new partion on windows vista laptop -- dual boot).  When I click on "Install Ubuntu 10.0" nothing happens - can someone plz help?16:49
polwhat is that logan?16:49
prisonerofzBlueskaj: no response16:49
induzwhere the applicatuions should be then?16:49
ikoniainduz: where I have just told you16:50
induzthiose applications are listed on My Application---Graphics16:50
tembsacarlson, i would test it, but i don't have access to the router :( it worked fine untill 10.10, and since the last kernel update this morning the update command keeps timing out16:50
BluesKajprisonerofz, got to the site and DL the app again Kget should restart16:50
pksadiqprisonerofz: can you open kget?16:50
Guest36996Can someone tell me why nothing happens when I double click "Install Ubuntu 10.10" from the Live cd?16:50
thorbj0rnGuest36996: are you using Wubi, or are you booting the computer with the LiveCD in the drive, and using that installation dialog?16:50
Logan_WP!u | pol16:50
ubottupol: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.16:50
sacarlsontemb: oh then simple solution,  set grub to boot the last kernel before upgrade16:50
cookiesunshinexOn my Ubuntu 10.04 server, /mnt does not show up when I do a df -h16:50
prisonerofzBlueskaj: That means that I have lost all the data that I had downloaded; part of the big file I was dloading?16:51
thorbj0rnGuest36996: for best results, boot to the CD to install16:51
Guest36996I am booting from cd16:51
cookiesunshinexshould /mnt be showing up when I run $ df -h?16:51
prisonerofzpksadiq: no sir16:51
Picicookiesunshinex: /mnt is typicially not a separate partition, why would you expect to see it there?16:51
BluesKajprisonerofz,  it should resume16:51
Guest36996I see ubuntu 10.10 and i test it a little and like but when i click install nothing happens16:51
prisonerofzblueskaj: Thanks.Shall do16:52
pksadiqprisonerofz: then open terminal and type kget and press enter and say the response in a line here16:52
thorbj0rnGuest36996: when it fist starts, it asks you if you want to try, or install, or test memory, etc..16:52
sacarlsontemb: if you need help changeing grub2 boot default then we can help you setup that with a gui startup-manager to modify grub216:52
cookiesunshinexPici: I have another server that it shows up on.  But the other server was setup from a public AMI at Amazon.  The server in question is one that I setup from scratch.16:52
induzikonia, ok i selected the application from /usr/shared folder but there is some script error on that programs16:52
thorbj0rnGuest36996: install, don't load the live session.16:52
greyfiendUbuntu has just started trying to open .PDF files with kaffeine for some reason, how do I fix this (and why has it happened?)16:52
Guest36996i dont remember seeing this option - let me reboot laptop and see if it offer me this16:52
ikoniainduz: I didn't say it was in /usr/shared16:52
prisonerofzpksadiq: says kget is already running16:52
poli have thos mesage It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?16:52
tembsacarlson, that works fine (the updating anyway) but the internet still drops connection on that kernel (hoped updating would help) so the whole 10.10 version does not seem to work properly and i want to figure out how to resolve that16:52
thorbj0rnGuest36996: it will ask for language, then boot option16:53
pksadiqprisonerofz: and still you can't see kget?16:53
arandgreyfiend: I think you can right-clikc a .pdf in the file manager and find those settings in preferences...16:53
greyfiendarand: thanks I'll give that a go16:53
Guest36996i dont remember seeing that but i dont think i watched entire boot process either (why dont install work from when ubuntu running tho - i see link)16:53
polIt appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?16:53
pksadiqprisonerofz: then if you are sure that you are not downloading anything currently in kget , then in terminal do sudo killall kget   to kill kget16:53
sacarlsontemb: so it's the same state it was in old version?  why did you say it worked before?16:53
prisonerofzpksadiq: but the system manager says it is sleeping16:54
Picicookiesunshinex: I don't know enough about Amazon's AMIs to say if thats whats causing the difference.  The only other thing I could suggest to try is to use df -ha16:54
prisonerofzI was downloading a file 1 Gb size. do not want to lose what has been downloaded16:54
cookiesunshinexPici: it doesn't show up with a df -ha either.16:54
tembsacarlson, the updating and installing apps worked fine, the data connection still dropped quite a lot.16:55
cookiesunshinexPici: however, it is listed in /etc/fstab16:55
Logan_WP!seen encr916:55
ubottuI have no seen command16:55
prisonerofzpksadiq:was downloading file 1 gb size. do not want to lose all that i downloaded16:55
sacarlsontemb: well you can't test unecnrypted so I would try my other ideas wicd and wpagui16:55
Guest36996i am rebooting laptop with ubuntu 10.10 live cd and is not offering me any options like boot/install etc. is just booting16:55
Picicookiesunshinex: Is it currently mounted?16:55
pksadiqprisonerofz: have you checked the pannels that whether the app icon is shown anywhere?16:55
cookiesunshinexPici: yes, I can go to cd /mnt just fine.  I just wanted to see how big it was.16:55
induzikonia, thanks the apllications are on /usr/bin folder16:55
ikoniainduz: I know, I told you16:56
induzikonia, i thought earlier they r windows apllications so i deleted them some of them16:56
induzikonia, thanks16:56
Picicookiesunshinex: being able to go to cd /mnt is different than a filesystem being mounted on that mountpoint.16:56
ikoniawhat ?16:56
prisonerofzpksadiq: how do i know if it is still downloading the file? The app icon shows up under applications/internet16:56
=== drc is now known as ElderDryas
SlartibartIn apparmor "/tmp/** rw" covers for all of say /tmp/, /tmp/.state1/ and /tmp/.stat/354rgw. Right?16:57
prisonerofzpksadiq: i have also copied a shortcut to the desktop.16:57
pksadiqprisonerofz: try in terminal lsof | grep -i <filename>      where <filename> is the name of file you are downloading and see whether kget is shown16:58
Picicookiesunshinex: Anything thats listed in the output of `mount` should be listed in `df -a`16:58
goltoofis there an alternative to import?  (import foo.png)  not working right for me, keeps cutting off images, won't load in gimp, etc16:58
goltoofanyone know anything about import?16:58
sacarlsongoltoof: source a script16:59
goltoofsacarlson: :s16:59
=== Guest44016 is now known as LjL-Temp
Picigoltoof: If you're just looking for a cli screenshot tool, check out scrot.17:00
Guest36996why cant i install ubuntu 10.10?  I run live CD and it boots ubuntu it doesn't give me option of laungage/install etc?  And once it boots into ubuntu, clicking install don't work!17:00
sacarlsongoltoof: oh image gimp to move between image formats17:00
CoffeholikasAnyone knows how to track what program is doing, Example : sending password to adobe reader?17:00
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest26742
jenkaHi! I need help to setup multiple domain names in citadel mail server.. I cant figure it out and I cant find any tutorials.17:00
Guest36996plz anyone know why i can't install?17:00
=== nick is now known as Guest20387
MtrPandahow can I configuer a new server in Xchat?17:00
sacarlsongoltoof: oh won't load in gimp must be corupted17:00
Guest20387Anyone here willing to help me pick a video card for my htpc?17:01
prisonerofzpksadiq: do not know the exact name of the file17:01
=== phix_ is now known as phix
phixhi mate17:01
phixlets friend17:01
goltoofsacarlson: yeah images won't load properly in gimp, it gets an error, always been like this17:01
phixLjL: <317:01
pksadiqprisonerofz: so in the place of <filename> give a part of file name17:01
Picisacarlson: No, the 'import' binary is part of imagemagick, its for taking screenshots.17:01
h00kubottu: tell phix about !ot17:01
goltoofsacarlson:  also the thumbnail for the image saved has an "x" in it, for all imports.  what does this mean?17:02
Picijenka: Have you looked at the contents of citadel-doc?17:02
phixLjL: Lets meet up and hold hands17:02
sacarlsongoltoof: well gimp to me never fails,  if that's not reading it?  does anything?  even windows?17:02
h00kubottu: tell phix about ot17:02
=== Guest20387 is now known as cavillis
ubottuphix, please see my private message17:02
ikoniaphix: stop17:02
phixi ubottu17:02
ikoniaphix: you know the topic, enough17:02
phixi = hi17:02
goltoofsacarlson:  yea, it's a perfectly good image, except that it gets cut off, don't know if it's some kind of maximum pixel setting, idk17:02
bpgoldsbAnyone know of a tool that will assist in building a list of all security updates on an ubuntu-server and pushing them into a reporting tool? i.e. scrape apt for data and push it to a mysql server with a web frontend.17:02
cavillisDoes ATI provide a tool to fix overscan in ubuntu?17:03
Picigoltoof: Have you looked at the manpage for 'import', it describes how to save the image in another file format.17:03
cavillislike something included in the drivers17:03
induzikonia, how can i make this Gwenview as my default s/w to open .jpg file17:03
Guest36996When I put Ubutu 10 in drive, it automatically go to test ubuntu no menu choice to install (i dont even see menu it just boots into trial mode) how can i install?!17:03
jenkaHi! I need help to setup multiple domain names in citadel mail server.. I cant figure it out and I cant find any tutorials.17:03
goltoofsacarlson:  but if you do a import foo.png, and then open the image in gimp it gives a "offset that cause the layer to be positioned outside of image" error17:03
induzright now the default is imageviewer17:03
induzhow can i change it17:03
goltoofPici:  oh, so that's the problem? didn't think of that, lol17:03
Guest36996plz how i can install ubuntu since booting from cd works - brings me into ubuntu but i never get menu to try/or install17:04
sacarlsongoltoof: well if import at least gets more than the image you can always crop the rest17:04
marc_got a grub error17:04
=== b33r is now known as Guest87446
Piciinduz: I thought that ikonia already explained what to do.  What part of his instructions do you not understand?17:04
marc_var/lib/os-prober folder is empty17:04
goltoofsacarlson:  the problem is just the opposite, some of it gets cropped... anyway, saving as jpg works fine, but i do a lot of work with png17:04
induzPici, i managed to open that .jpg file follwing ikonia's instaructions, but now i want Gwenview as my default17:05
prisonerofzpksadiq:says bash:syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'17:06
Pici!default | induz17:06
ubottuinduz: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.17:06
sacarlsongoltoof: you can use nautilus right click and view image properties and find out why gimp is doing what it does17:06
goltoofPici:  not seeing an option to select a portion of the screen with scrot, i can select a whole window, etc, but not like import17:06
armadill0Hi, I can't upgrade my 10.04 LTS to 10.10.  When I do sudo do-release-upgrade I get an error: Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.'  I don't believe I have held packages, and I have commented non-official sources in my source.list.  Does anyone know what I can do to find out exactly why I cannot upgrade?  Thank you.17:07
marc_grub update won't pick up on windows 7 partition17:07
Picisacarlson: Likely because its a MIFF image that gimp may not support.17:07
pksadiqprisonerofz: the command is lsof | grep -i filename17:07
YohkoWhere is the config file for iptables located?17:08
sacarlsonPici: oh I didn't see the format very posible17:08
goltoofPici:  nevermind, i can select a portion with scrot.. and i don't get errors in gimp.  thanks mate!17:08
goltoofscrot -s foo.png17:09
usr13Yohko: There is not config file17:09
sacarlsonPici:  goltoof: only format I saw you say was png17:09
YohkoSo I'd have to make a startup script to re-implement the rules at boot?17:09
Picisacarlson: He did say png, but thats not how you specify that you actually want it to be a png with import.17:09
goltoofsacarlson:  that's what i use most, but you can specify any format you want17:09
usr13Yohko: firewall script17:09
Picisacarlson: Or rather, its not working properly.17:10
prisonerofzpksadiq: what is to be typed after lsof?17:10
goltoofPici: sacarlson  i've always had issues with png/gimp using import, but works fine with scrot17:10
pksadiqprisonerofz: lsof | grep -i filename        where filename is the file name or part of the file name you are downloading17:10
sacarlsongoltoof: must be a new bug, work for me,  maybe I'll never update, mine is perfect17:11
goltoofsacarlson:  interesting, i've always experienced that bug, in 10.04, 10.1117:12
sacarlsongoltoof: send me one of these files see if I can open it17:12
prisonerofzpksadiq: what key to be pressed after lsof? the forward slash?17:13
akostyuchenko /msg nickserv info alexvwan17:13
Clavin12Hey. I ran the update manager and it installed a newer linux image and now when I boot there are two options for the same os.17:13
Clavin12Updating grub has no effect17:14
cousteauwhy was Flash updated from 10.1 to 10.2? it was an undesirable update17:14
=== nuno__ is now known as slug
rycrprisonerofz: shift \ on my keyboard for a |17:14
xgt001hello ...can any body clarify my doubts... my bluetooth modem in cell is supported in linux 2.6.37 & 2.6.38 (ubuntu natty alpha1 and alpha2) but nt in maverick or lucid... if i install linux kernel 2.6.38 in maverick or lucid will my bluetooth modem be supported??? pls clarify17:14
cousteaualso, Ubuntu doesn't update versions on each release, only minor revisions17:14
prisonerofzrycr: thanks17:14
pksadiqprisonerofz: it is the pipe ; shift with \   , I think17:15
VCoolioClavin12: on your next kernel update you'll have three :), you can remove with synaptic, but be VERY SURE you remove the right (the lowest) versions17:15
Smeker_on_Linux^^Tina^^ :*** :)17:15
marc_never mind i know what i did wrong lol17:15
mkanyicyClavin12: grub2 or grub legacy?17:15
Clavin12iirc it was grub-pc17:15
prisonerofzpaksadiq: got it. am trying17:15
cousteauok, let's see if I'm able to 1) downgrade to flash 10.1 from repositories, 2) mark it to not upgrade anymore17:16
Clavin12so not grub217:16
mkanyicyClavin12: paste the output of 'update-grub -v'17:17
Clavin12grub-mkconfig (GRUB) 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu317:17
arandClavin12: grub-pc == grub2. You have two kernels listed in grub after installing a new one?17:17
prisonerofzpksadiq: Well that has generate a whole many lines of data17:18
mkanyicyClavin12: grub2 then17:18
cousteauIs there an old version of flashplugin-installer somewhere?17:18
mkanyicyClavin12: remove the older kernel17:18
Clavin12mkanyicy: ok17:18
xgt001will a newer kernel add support for more devices???17:18
xgt001natty testers pls join ubuntu+1 irc17:19
Otacon22I've just deleted for error a folder on a ext4 filesystem. Is it possibile to find and restore the inode of the folder and all files?17:19
pksadiqprisonerofz: check what you have typed   lsof | grep -i filename      and if you see your file name along with kget it means that kget is working with your file, if not some error might have happened :(17:19
arandxgt001: It may do so yes.17:20
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openbeesi have similer problem as clavin 12.....what i should do17:20
mkanyicyopenbees: similar is not the same17:21
xgt001arand: do you know the safest and easiest method to install a new kernel in a Ubuntu release??17:21
mkanyicyopenbees: how can we help you?17:21
prisonerofzpksadiq: Shows nothing with kget. Am giving up for today. have to leave now sir. Thanks for the help.17:21
openbeesshowing two kernals on my grub after upgrading older one....i am using 10.0417:21
mkanyicyxgt001: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:22
marc_sorted i managed to fix my mbr17:22
pksadiqprisonerofz: don't need to call me "Sir", I'm too a student17:22
mkanyicyopenbees: remove older kernels17:22
xgt001mkanyicy: tat will lead to upgrade of the complete distribution rite??17:22
g0thI use a current kubuntu system17:22
mkanyicyxgt001: no17:23
ubuntu_hi everyone17:23
g0thwhen I watch flash movies and I skip/jump ahead, then I hear the sound at that position but the video just freezes17:23
openbeesmkanyicy: how?17:23
mkanyicyxgt001: i do it everytime17:23
mkanyicyopenbees: synaptic17:23
g0thwith an earlier version of the flashplugin I didnt have this particular problem17:23
g0thdoes anyone else have similar problems? Does anyone know how to fix it?17:23
mkanyicyopenbees: type 'uname -r' to see your latest kernel version first on terminal17:24
Clavin12mkanyicy: Thanks, it's fixed.17:24
ubuntu_i just did a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04, how do i make a bootable back up cd?17:24
mkanyicyClavin12: no prob17:24
xgt001mkanyicy: will it lead to the installation of the kernel only??17:24
g0thThis is with firefox and the flash plugin installer17:24
mkanyicyxgt001: no not kernel only17:24
mkanyicyxgt001: kernel and anything needing upgrade17:24
mkanyicyxgt001: if any17:24
mkanyicyxgt001: if the kernel is up to date and you have no apps needing an upgrade, nothing will be done17:25
CoffeholikasHow to check what info program is sending to other program?17:25
nit-witubuntu_, your thinking in windows ubuntu has the ability to clone, the install cd is your best friend for fixing stuff17:25
xgt001mkanyicy: i dont have much bandwith and i cant be online on lucid or maverick ... can u tell me the method to upgrade the kernel offline??17:25
mkanyicyxgt001: from where?17:26
ikoniaxgt001: even offline you'll still have to download it, so it won't matter,17:26
arandxgt001: it is never ecommended, but one of the easier ways is through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds17:26
openbeesmkanyicy: what i should search for in synaptic. after hitting uname -r it showing 2.6.32-28 generic17:26
mkanyicyopenbees: 'linux image'17:26
ikoniaarand: what has that got to do with installing offline ?17:26
Logan_WP!specific | Coffeholikas17:26
mkanyicyopenbees: 'linux headers'17:26
xgt001mkanyicy: i ll download from my college internet center and install it on my home pc17:26
mkanyicyopenbees: and 'linux source'17:26
mkanyicyopenbees: dont remove the 'generic' ones that have no versions.17:27
arandikonia: xgt001: It allows to update the kernel only (to an untested, unsupported newer version).17:28
xgt001mkanyicy:dude u knw hw many dependencies will be ther for a kenel17:28
ikoniaarand: he didn't say he wanted that,17:28
mkanyicyxgt001: I dont know how many kernel dependencies are there17:28
xgt001i just need to test whether it is the kernel which supports my modem or something else17:29
ikoniaxgt001: it won't17:29
xgt001so that i can revert to lucid17:29
mkanyicyxgt001: I have heard about APTonCD17:29
arandxgt001: There are no extra dependencies except for the packages you download from the mainline repository.17:29
ikoniaxgt001: if you current kernel doesn't support it,17:29
xgt001the kernels in lucid and maverick wont support it ... so if i install the natty kernel also and boot using natty kernel will it be supported17:30
FloodBot3root_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
djugglerI'm running 8.04lts (I know... upgrade)... anyhow, I need to enable an ftp server so that I can get files from the box when I'm away from the house. Any recommended ftp server?17:31
root_sorry keyboard jam17:31
greppydjuggler: use scp and/or sftp instead.17:31
sacarlsondjuggler: openssh17:31
djugglergood call17:31
Logan_WP!ftpd | djuggler17:31
ubottudjuggler: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP17:31
root_does anyone know what happened to linux.org17:32
BIG_NEWBIEWhich dock is currently da best on ubuntu ?17:32
root_does anyone know what happened to linux.org17:32
Logan_WP!awn | BIG_NEWBIE17:33
ubottuBIG_NEWBIE: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.17:33
sacarlsonroot_: maybe moved to kernel.org?17:33
root_does anyone know what happened to linux.org17:33
mp__sorry, Cairo-dock17:33
Logan_WP!repeat | root_17:33
ubotturoot_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:33
sacarlsonroot_: what was on linux.org?17:33
io_errorHi, I want to determine which package an installed file came from. On a redhat system I can do this with e.g. rpm -ef /bin/bash, but is there an equivalent command for dpkg?17:33
io_errorer, rpm -qf17:33
BIG_NEWBIEWith cairo dock can I have mac style dock ?17:34
CoffeholikasHow to open PDF file protected by DRM file (.exe)?17:34
openbeesmkanyicy:there are three kernalswith versions  , 2.6.32-28.32 , 2.6.32-21.32 , 2.6.32-28.55 which one i should delete17:34
root_@sacarlson Good linux tutorials17:34
root_from basic to advanced17:34
osroHi! new on Ubuntu, seeking a bit of help installing catalyst control center on ubuntu 10.10 64. Have a radeon 6850 graphics card. And it is a b*tch trying to install the driver. found a thread on forum to install an older version of ccc, 10.10 namingly, but it doesn't really show up in "installed packages"17:34
mp__at io-error: dpkg --search _file_17:34
pksadiqio_error: here in this channel you can find it by !find filename17:34
BIG_NEWBIEWith cairo dock can I have mac style dock ?17:35
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xgt001BIG_NEWBIE: yeah u can ... but  i suggest u install docky17:35
io_error!find /usr/lib64/libMagickWand.so.3.0.017:35
ubottuPackage/file /usr/lib64/libMagickWand.so.3.0.0 does not exist in maverick17:35
io_errorLike that?17:35
pksadiq!find bash | io_error17:35
ubottuio_error: Found: bash, bash-completion, bash-doc, bash-builtins, bash-static17:35
io_errorpksadiq: NOt quite exactly what I was looking for17:35
io_errorpksadiq: I am trying to determine what package a file came from.17:36
pksadiqio_error: use file name only17:36
pksadiq!find libMagick17:36
ubottuFound: graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat, libmagick++-dev, libmagick++3, libmagickcore-dev, libmagickcore317:36
io_error!find libMagickWand.so.3.0.017:36
ubottuFile libMagickWand.so.3.0.0 found in imagemagick-dbg, libmagickwand317:36
Piciio_error: dpkg -S /path/to/file17:36
mp__io error; Try dpkg --search17:36
io_errorPici: Perfect, thanks :)17:36
=== diana is now known as Guest67289
io_errorPici: Er, maybe not17:37
mp__io error: it must be installed already.17:37
Piciio_error: That will only work if you have the package installed.  Otherwise, install apt-file and use apt-file search /path/to/file17:37
sacarlsonio_error:  you can try dpkg -S fileyourlookingfor17:37
io_errorOh, I see, dpkg -S doesn't like absolute pathnames17:37
=== Guest45581 is now known as lysek
io_errorWhich is kind of silly, makes it much harder to script17:38
Piciio_error: works for me.17:38
io_errorWell I found the info I was looking for, I just don't think it's designed very well :)17:38
openbeesi want to confess with you guys for firing some wrong statements about linux ...last day ...please forgive me ......coz i think we r in family and we all r member of this sociaty..17:39
mp__good day17:39
osrohello s'one want to help a noob?17:40
viriousI have my Ubuntu installed on my hdd and I wanted to create bootable pendrive which could run my ubuntu, could you help me? I used Unetbootin, but it didn't work17:40
sacarlsonio_error: you just wasn't there to help them design it,  your free to help them improve it anytime17:40
osroi have a run file on my desktop. Runned it a few times. Doesn't show up in my packages thingy.17:41
osrois incorrectly installed i guess17:41
io_errorsacarlson: Quite so...and maybe if I ever get some free time, I will :)17:41
xgt001my bluetooth modem in cell is supported in linux 2.6.37 & 2.6.38 (ubuntu natty alpha1 and alpha2) but nt in maverick or lucid... if i install linux kernel 2.6.38 in maverick or lucid will my bluetooth modem be supported??? pls clarify17:41
openbeesevery time when i am trying to update my system i am getting this error "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY EC7B7B7D4439DBD6"17:41
mp__osro: open up a terminal17:41
mp__and type in: chmod +x /path/to/.run17:42
sacarlsonio_error: we will be honerd to have you, any time17:42
mp__and then type: /path/to/.run17:42
StavaOops, I dropped out. Did anyone reply to my question?17:42
openbeesstava: what is your question?17:43
mkanyicyStava: no17:43
openbees mkanyicy:there are three kernalswith versions  , 2.6.32-28.32 , 2.6.32-21.32 , 2.6.32-28.55 which one i should delete17:44
StavaI'll type it again17:45
StavaHow do I share my mobile internet connection with my home network (mobile 3g -> wireless -> router -> everybody!17:45
StavaI'm on ubuntu desktop edition :o17:45
sacarlsonopenbees: keep the one you are now running uname -a  and at least the last one before that17:45
sacarlsonopenbees: I like one spare17:46
jgelii need help17:46
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StavaI've set the ipv4/method settings to shared with other computers, but that dont seem to do it17:46
jgeliI have a ZTE MF100 Broadband dongle that is not detected by Lucid17:47
openbeessacarlson: but ubuntu should do this work automaticaly after upgrade...whats the reason behind not doing so17:47
jenkaHi! I need help to setup multiple domain names in citadel mail server.. I cant figure it out and I cant find any tutorials. Anybody know how to do it?17:48
sacarlsonopenbees: auto delete after upgrade?  you ever see all the problems people have here after upgrade?  many times you need to go back one step17:48
Cyberfusionhey does anyone know which package of libavcodec supports mp3 transcoding on vlc?17:49
pksadiq!find libavcodec17:49
mkanyicyjgeli: google is your friend: http://www.penguintutor.com/blog/viewblog.php?blog=4082 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135941017:49
sacarlsonCyberfusion: not the codec but the package restricted extra should include it17:49
openbeessacarlson: i was just asking17:50
virioushello, how can I boot my Ubuntu which is installed on my HDD, from pendrive?17:50
mkanyicypksadiq: how can i help you?17:50
sacarlsonopenbees: I was just giving you my opinion as an answer17:50
gsp2009good morning folks. I would appreciate any help from anyone who knows a thing or two about hdparm. When I run hdparm /dev/sda the output shows IO_support = 0(default). I interpret this as my SATA drive running in 16 bit mode. Clearly if that is the case, then I am not getting best performance. Any suggestions?17:50
LinuxNoobwhat should my swap be?17:51
jgelivirius, there is a startup disk creator in Ubuntu. all you need is the Ubuntu ISO and a pendrive17:51
yhagerI am getting "phonon-backend-xine : Depends: libxine1 (>= 1.1.8) but it is not going to be installed" when I run 'apt-get remove libsmbclient'. Is it really broken? or does it require libsmbclient to function?17:51
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warlockI have an issue arise when i try and disable my on board video its give me a rom error is however when i set it to bios defaults everything is fine17:51
warlockAny ideas on how i can turn off my on board video17:51
ubottuFound: libavcodec-dev, libavcodec52, libavcodec-extra-52, libavcodec-unstripped-5217:51
AdreesHi, is ther anyway when i make a ubuntu live usb that i can save my settings so i dont need to change them everytime i boot from live usb?17:51
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Cyberfusionlinuxnoob depends on how much ram you have17:51
LinuxNoobcause my friend asked me and i said its 0% of 6.5GiB , he said "rlly?" and then he had to go17:51
sacarlsonLinuxNoob: it should be that thing you give your brother if he gives you something better17:51
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pksadiqmkanyicy: I was trying to help Cyberfusion , try to help him17:52
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viriousjgeli, so what filesystem should I choose when formatting my pendrive for that purpose?17:52
LinuxNoobwhich one?17:52
LinuxNoobto boot usb ?17:52
warlockI have an issue arise when i try and disable my on board video its give me a rom error is however wen i reset defaults everything is fine my issue is that its sharing the ram with my video card17:52
mkanyicypksadiq: ok then, let's hope he is covered now17:52
sacarlsonLinuxNoob: sorry my humor not so good,  just make it the size of you ram size17:52
__MidorI have switched from nvidia propriety driver to nouveau, but can NOT enable desktop effects anymore. any idea?17:52
LinuxNoobso 100%?17:52
Cyberfusionlinuxnoob for instance I have 8gb of ram, i made mine kind of large 10gb and i have never used the space17:53
Cyberfusionso i could get away with no swap space but its good to have at least 50 percent of your ram17:54
Abinadaican someone look at this and tell me what is going on:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/565979/.  Whenever I boot the system, it shows up just fine.  It's only when I'm actually logged in and plug it in that I get this error17:54
Smeker_on_LinuxAko ima neko da zna nesto o Linuxu Ubuntuu neka se javi na pvt....17:54
warlockNo you cannot if you set swappiness to zero it give and error17:54
warlocki would set it to like 1017:54
sacarlsonCyberfusion: it's good to have 100% of ram if you have any plan to use hybernate or other functions like that17:55
jack__warlock: does it? why would you want swappiness to be 0 anyway? that sounds bad17:55
pksadiq!bahasa | Abinadai17:55
jack__Cyberfusion: it all depends on your situation. if you have 16GB of ram you dont need 8GB of swap unless you're pusshing the system hard as hell17:55
Cyberfusionjack__ i agree its completly subjective17:55
soreauwarlock: swappiness? :)17:56
jack__soreau: its a kernel parameter17:56
soreaujack__: What i its purpose?17:56
localhost_Hey x)17:56
soreaujack__: What is its purpose?*17:56
danskubrin ubuntu 10.10, there is an anoying noise of a bell randomly sounding, how do i turn this off?17:56
jack__soreau: it adjusts how often... eeehh or more likely the kernel is to push memory to swap17:56
lamahhow can i remove this volume control from mixers: numid=31,iface=MIXER,name='Software Master' ?17:57
lamahlike amixer?17:57
warlockI have a  on board video issue is there anyone that might be able to help17:57
jack__danskubr: are you using evolution? that sounds like a calendar notification thing17:57
soreaujack__: Ah ok.. hence the name then I see :)17:57
SoulThere is a program out there that you download onto ubuntu, make whatever changes you want to ubuntu then save the changes using this program, it creates an iso for you with all the changes.17:57
SoulWhat's the name of that program?17:57
Adreesman there are so many people coming and going in this channel is there away to have that turned off?17:57
soreau! ask | warlock17:57
pksadiq!remaster | Soul17:57
ubottuwarlock: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:57
ubottuSoul: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility17:57
jack__Soul: i think thats called compiling your own iso. im nnot sure if there is an appliicationt o do that17:57
jack__Adrees: its clients pecific17:58
Adreesjack im on irssi17:58
SoulBut I'm sure there is an application for that, but I forget the name17:59
sacarlsonsoul: I'm not sure I see remastersys in that I see aleady above http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/17:59
kermitAdrees: there's a way in pidgin17:59
Smeker_on_Linuxnemam skriptu da valja....Nisam tu!17:59
Abinadaican't you do that with brasero?17:59
jack__Adrees: i have no idea. i use xchat17:59
pksadiqAdrees: /ignore #ubuntu +parts +quits +joins17:59
warlockwhen i set my on board video to share the least amount of ram it gives me a rom error on restart is there a way i can disable my on board video.So that i am not sharing the memory17:59
Adreesand how to turn it back on?18:00
bp0anyone else get "proxy error" at http://www.ubuntu.com/certification18:00
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sacarlsonwarlock: well you can disable the onboard video entirely in bios settings but I'm not sure that you want that18:00
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SoulOkay thanks sacarlson18:01
avisgave debian 6.0 squeeze my best shot.  back with ubuntu, yet again, i always go back to ubuntu18:01
mmcjii am looking for an application.  it would be web based document storage and management application with front end to allow the user to give the document being uploaded a title and select a storage folder then after upload return a url for the location of the document to the web interface.18:01
viriouswhen I will have my bootable pendrive with Ubuntu, will I be able to run Ubuntu which is installed in my HDD?18:01
soreauwarlock: Yea, see if there is a bios setting to disable the onboard video altogether18:01
mmcjii would prefer something i could install with apt-get18:02
mia158hi ubuntuers, yesterday I was working on adding scripts to ~/bin and then I modified my ~/.profile file to add the path18:02
danskubrjack__: nope, evolution isnt even open, nor any chat program18:02
mmcjirunning latest ubuntu server18:02
mia158i was able to execute the scripts in ~/bin from any dir yesterday but I cannot do that today18:02
soreaumia158: why not?18:02
sacarlsonmia158: echo $PATH18:02
warlock@soreau there is not an a ability to do this i can set primary graphics adapter to PCI express but when i move the shared memory it gives me a rom error.18:03
jack__danskubr: i dont think ubuntu is setup to have ringing bells by default so something must be running to cause that18:03
mia158~/bin is not there now18:03
schnufflemia158: check you path with echo $PATh18:03
MIH1406Hi, I want to archive files for store only in ZIP format18:03
jack__mia158: did you adjust your path?18:03
mia158no, does logout/in affect it?18:03
danskubrjack__: do you know anything about the firefox namoroka?18:03
soreauwarlock: Which onboard gpu is it?18:03
mia158how do I make it persistent18:03
jack__danskubr: i've never heard of namoroka18:03
schnuffleMIH1406: can you elaborate18:03
jack__mia158: you can put it in your rc.local file18:03
soreaujack__: Its a codename for the next version of FF18:04
danskubrme neighter, lol, im trying to help my gf, he likes to invovate, but then its me who have to fix stuff afterwards18:04
sacarlsonmia158: the account you are in effects it and so does ~./bashrc18:04
warlock@soreau 7500 series18:04
jack__soreau: danskubr: i use google chrome.18:04
soreauwarlock: You mean radeon? If so, ask in #radeon18:04
undecimhow is it that I'm able to run commands as root:root, but not root:othergroup or undecim:othergroup, no matter what I do?18:04
jack__undecim: what do you mean?18:05
mia158what do I need to do to add the path permanently?18:05
MIH1406schnuffle, I want to add files to a ZIP archive but without any compression level. Just for storing many files in a single file.18:05
jack__undecim: how are you running things as root:othergroup?18:05
chrisdprattHaving a weird issue in new ubuntu 10.10 install... Whenever I try to run something with "./" I get file not found... Any ideas?18:05
soreauwarlock: Also if the PCI-e card isnt radeon, cant you blacklist the radeon kernel module?18:05
jack__chrisdpratt: the file doesn't exist in yoru pwd18:05
jack__mia158: you can add it to your rc.local18:05
undecimjack_: Sudo, sudo with sudo, sudo with su....18:05
warlockit is radeon18:05
jack__mia158: also check /etc/environments18:06
yoyonedchrisdpratt: you need to be in the same directory as the file you are trying to run18:06
soreauwarlock: Oh well ask in #radeon then18:06
jack__undecim: what is the exact command you're running that is failing? and whats the failure message?18:06
Abinadaiok, I have a tricky little problem.  When I installed Maverick, I partioned a 50 GB partition for the OS (and other apps), I also created a (approximately) 244GB NTFS partition so that I could share files with windows 7.  I saw last night that whenever I save files to what I thought was that partion they were saved in my DropBox folder, which for some reason, resides in that 50GB partition.  Obviously, I can't even see that pa18:06
Abinadairtition and it's not mounted.  Can anyone help?18:06
genii-aroundchrisdpratt: Possibly the first line of the file you are trying to run contains a shebang with a file that is not on your system18:06
sacarlsonundecim: are you sure it due to the owner or is it becuase of the privs  ls -l filename to see priv settings18:06
MIH1406I want to add files to a ZIP archive but without any compression level. Just for storing many files in a single file.18:06
B45h_V|anyone any experiences with the Revodrive on Ubuntu?18:06
jack__Abinadai: stop saving files there :)18:07
chrisdprattBut it does... For example... If I were to do "sh somescript.sh" it works but "./somescript" does not18:07
undecimjack_: gahh.... it's on a VM and i didn't set up the guest additions for clipboard sharing... gimme a sec.18:07
jack__chrisdpratt: what if you type 'ls somescript' do you get anything back?18:07
genii-aroundchrisdpratt: I reiterate about the shebang18:07
jack__undecim: just tell me.18:07
undecimjack_: user root is not allowed to execute .... as root:regnum18:07
mia158rc.local is hashes out and it says this script does nothing18:07
yoyonedchrisdpratt: to ./ a file, it has to have execute permissions set18:08
schnuffleMIH1406: use --compression-method store or -018:08
jack__undecim: did you run a 'chmod +x scriptfile' against it?18:08
Abinadaijack_, I agree...thats why I need to know how to start accessing that unmounted (obviously) NTFS partition.18:08
undecimjack_: Yes.18:08
chrisdprattBut its everything i try to run and not scripts i personally created... Scripts that run fine on other computers18:08
undecimjack_: I can run the binary just fine, just not with the gid I want18:08
sacarlsonchrisdpratt: you might need to add at the top line something like #! /bin/sh18:08
jack__Abinadai: it hink ubuntu can moutn NTFS. do a `mount /dev/<device> /mnt`18:08
undecimjack_: And it's a GTK program, so it complains with the setgid bit18:08
wildc4rdevenin' all!18:08
chrisdprattFor example ./manage.py for django works on my mac... Not here though... No diffetence in files18:09
jack__chrisdpratt: where is manage.py?18:09
chrisdprattSeems to be some system wide setting im unaware of18:09
undecimjack_: It's a restriction on sudo... I'm trying to figure out why root can do anything on the system, except run a binary with a different GID18:09
Abinadaijack_How will I know what device to mount?  Is there some command I'm not aware of that will tell me what the size of the partitions are next to the device?18:10
chrisdprattIn project directory... Its not system level18:10
schnufflechrisdpratt: could it be that you have a partition mounted with noexec?18:10
jack__Abinadai: i bleieve the 'system' will say 'NTFS'18:10
mia158this is what I did yesterday - "mkdir ~/bin && . ~/.profile && echo $PATH"18:10
schnufflemia158: paste your .profile18:11
mia158and the path is returned with echo $PATH18:11
yoyonedchrisdpratt: post the output of ls -l  manage.py18:11
MtrPandahow do I configure a new server in Xchat ?18:11
AbhijiTi downloaded the emerello by using this code git clone git://git.gnome.org/emerillon but now there is no  ./configure file?18:11
AbhijiThelp pleasae18:11
chrisdprattPossible yes, but it would have been done by ubuntu install... All i have is the default ext4 and swap parts18:11
AbhijiThow should i get the ./configure?18:11
Abinadaijack_, I know that you're right but there are two NTF partitions on my dual boot system.18:11
jack__Abinadai: moutn them both18:11
AbhijiTMtrPanda, /newserver irc.newserver.org18:11
soreauMtrPanda: Jut use XChat>Network List then select the network you want to configure and select Edit18:11
pksadiqAbhijiT: can you do make config      ?18:11
sacarlsonAbhijiT: some code just compile with make18:11
MtrPandathanks AbhijiT18:12
jack__Abinadai: mkdir /mnt/ntfs1; mkdir /mnt/ntfs2; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs1; mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ntfs218:12
schnufflechrisdpratt: then it shouldn't be mounted with noexec, paste what yoyoned asked you18:12
jack__Abinadai: if your ntfs drivers were sda and sdb that is18:12
AbhijiTpksadiq, make: *** No rule to make target `config'.  Stop.18:12
Abinadaijack_!  that makes total sense. ;)18:12
schnuffleMIH1406: got the answer?18:12
cribbleHow to run x11vnc through ssh when that machine is locked and is running gnome18:12
AbhijiTsacarlson, in their install help file they have clearly mentionoed this traditional way confi make make install18:12
pksadiqAbhijiT: and so just do make         , I think it might be configured already18:13
sacarlsonAbhijiT: then you must be correct it's missing18:13
AbhijiTsacarlson, then hoow to get it now?18:13
chrisdprattyoyoned: Cant do direct paste... On iphone, but says: ": No such file or directory" after typing "./manage.py shell"18:13
AbhijiTsacarlson, pksadiq only make gives this make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.18:13
AbhijiTis there any emerillons channel?18:14
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sacarlsonAbhijiT: other posibility some code you don't compile from the top, you cd into some point before ./configure  and make18:14
chrisdpratt"python manage.py shell" from same dir works fine... But this is a global issue with the use of "./" anywhere on my system for anything18:14
AbhijiTsacarlson, ammm can you get that code so that you can tell me what to do? if thats possible?18:15
schnufflechrisdpratt: what gives ls -l manage.py?18:15
sacarlsonAbhijiT: no it's 1:15am here I"m not up to it18:15
AbhijiTsacarlson, nvm18:15
* DaGeek247 gives everyone here a cookie for being so helpfull18:16
schnuffle!paste | chrisdpratt:18:16
ubottuchrisdpratt:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:16
chrisdprattschnuffle: -rwxrwxrwx 1 cpratt cpratt 557 2011-02-08 10:44 manage.py18:17
AbhijiTsacarlson, what does this line means? The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create18:17
AbhijiT`configure' by a program called `autoconf'.18:17
AbhijiTpksadiq, ^^18:17
MIH1406schnuffle, no18:18
schnuffleMIH1406: use --compression-method store or -018:18
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MIH1406schnuffle, thanks18:19
genii-aroundchrisdpratt: Whats the last line of output from: tac manage.py                    ?18:19
Abinadaijack_ will looking at my fstab file tell me what drives there are and what kind of partition they are?18:19
schnuffleMIH1406: zip  --compression-method store archive.zip folder/*18:19
chrisdprattNever had this issue before which is why its so perplexing18:19
AbhijiTpksadiq, sacarlson there is ./configure.ac file how should i use autocon to make ./configure out of it? pleasse help18:19
chrisdprattgenii-around: Tac?18:19
slanim having trouble mounting my i phone and having it show up in the browser18:20
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
Picichrisdpratt: tac is cat backwards :)18:20
MagicJI have been having problems creating a CD from an iso s it was suggested here that I try using k3b .  How do I tell this to create the iso?18:21
AbhijiThelp sacarlson pksadiq autoconf configure.ac gives this error http://pastebin.com/yRFJVQ0618:22
schnufflechrisdpratt: what gives file manage.py?18:22
Abinadaican someone look at this and tell me what is going on:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/565979/.  Whenever I boot the system, it shows up just fine.  It's only when I'm actually logged in and plug it in that I get this error18:22
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AbhijiT:( help!18:23
IsakkIt's trying to mount, but can't because it needs root!18:23
IsakkThats whats going on, why it does it, I have no idea18:24
slanim having trouble getting my iphone to show up in the browser i have libimobiledevice and fuse installed. ive also tried :18:24
PiciIsakk: 'It'?18:25
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IsakkPici: what?18:25
schnuffleAbinadai: that means the script mounting you device is not executed as root18:25
MtrPandaI can create a newserver name, but it wont accept the actual server url. always defaults back to newserver/666718:25
slanim having trouble getting my iphone to show up in the browser i have libimobiledevice and fuse installed. ive also tried : idevicepair unpair18:25
MagicJi need a utility to burn and verify a cd from an iso - I have been using brassario but it does not verify and I do not trust what it has made18:25
slanidevicepair pair18:25
slanidevicepair validate18:26
MtrPandahow do I configure a new server in Xchat ?18:26
AbhijiTpksadiq, ??18:26
MtrPandaI can create a newserver name, but it wont accept the actual server url. always defaults back to newserver/666718:26
PiciIsakk: If you're responding to a person please prefix your response with their nick so that it doesn't look like you're asking a question.18:26
IsakkPici: Ah yes. I'm sorry. :)18:26
bc81MagicJ: brasero can verify, go to Tools >> Check Integrity18:26
chrisdprattgenii-around: Sorry got caught up: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56599018:26
Abinadaischnuffle, ok, do I just do su  -l to get to root and edit the file?18:26
dark_soulwhat is the default smtp soft for ubuntu 10.4?18:26
dark_soulfor sending emails18:27
erUSULMtrPanda: crtl + S to enter the server dialog. press the button add fill the blanks18:27
dark_souli come from rhel (sorry)18:27
Dr_WillisMtrPanda:  url?  what exactly are you entering as the server 'url' ?18:27
erUSULdark_soul: exim or postfix18:27
chrisdprattgenii-around: Not sure what that tells you though18:27
MagicJty bc81 - let me check that out18:27
schnuffledark_soul: postfix18:27
bc81_MagicJ: also you can enable the plugins for checksums18:27
MtrPandabondage .com18:27
dark_soulerUSUL:/schnuffle: thanks18:27
schnuffleAbinadai: do you mount the drive manualy?18:27
MagicJwhat u offered will work for me18:27
MtrPandaDr_Willis,  bondage.com18:28
Picichrisdpratt: Thats 'cat manage.py' genii-around asked for 'tac manage.py'18:28
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
MtrPandabut after i exit and return it changes it to newserver/666718:28
genii-aroundchrisdpratt: So you should add to python scripts a first line of: #!/usr/bin/python                   and to sh scripts a first line of: #!/bin/sh               if you want to run them in the way of:  ./scriptname18:28
Abinadaischnuffle, No, they are mounted automatically (if I have them plugged in) when I boot into the system and am logged in18:28
slanim having trouble getting my iphone to show up in the browser i have libimobiledevice and fuse installed. ive also tried : idevicepair unpair18:29
schnuffleAbinadai: So it's mounted by udev, did you write a udev rule?18:29
slanidevicepair pair18:29
slanidevicepair validate18:29
AbhijiTMtrPanda, http://abhijitnavale.blogspot.com/2010/10/howto-auto-join-channels-and-servers-on.html18:29
Abinadaischnuffle, no I didn't18:29
chrisdprattOh... Never used tac before... Sorry... Why not just first line of cat? Oh well... #!/usr/bin/env python18:30
Zephlitquestion about users in ubuntu: how do i remove users from a group and set primary group...18:30
AbhijiTslan, ask18:30
Pici!patience | slan18:31
ubottuslan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:31
slanim having trouble getting my iphone to show up in the browser i have libimobiledevice and fuse installed. ive also tried : idevicepair unpair18:31
schnufflechrisdpratt: what gives file manage.py?18:31
slanidevicepair pair 10:2518:31
slanidevicepair validate18:31
Zephlit!patience xCasualty18:31
Zephlitoops wrong channel18:31
JelouHello, i have 2 HD and ubuntu not always detects them in the same order (sda/sdb), how can i fix it?18:31
MtrPandaAbhijiT,  many thanks, have sort of fopund it. you have to enter in two servers and delete the last one18:31
chrisdprattIts not a file problem... Its a system problem... "./" doesn't work for anything anywhere, even on scripts that run fine with "./" on other systems18:31
lev_hi all18:31
AbhijiTMTecknology, yah18:32
AbhijiTMtrPanda, yeah18:32
llutzZephlit: deluser/usermod18:32
Dr_WillisJelou:  if you are mounting them via the fstab. you could use the UUIDs to identify them in fstab. not the /dev/sdXX type nam,eing scheme.18:32
soreauchrisdpratt: Try asking in #bash perhaps18:32
chrisdprattJust trying to figure out what could possibly cause that on a system-erode level in ubuntu18:32
Picichrisdpratt: Are you inside the path that you're trying to run that from?18:32
GeekyAdamtrying to get triple monitors to work. should i use nvidia proprietary driver or linux driver from nvidia.com?18:32
MtrPandaAbhijiT,   many thanks18:32
madsjI upgraded to 10.04 yesterday, and I don't have any sound18:33
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  the nvidia.com drivers are just newer properity drivers.  the  ones in the repos 'should' work.  but ive had issues in the past with 3 monitors and nvidia.18:33
soreauGeekyAdam: Ubuntu gets the proprietary driver from nvidia and makes sure its working then puts it in their repos18:33
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  best to stick with the drives in the repos.18:33
JelouDr_Willis, can i use LABEL also, right? have i to do somthing else after change /dev/sda1 to the label in fstab?18:33
Dr_WillisJelou:  you can use Label also.. ive done that in the past.18:33
astra-xso i am currently running hackintosh os x 10.6, and i want to migrate to Ubuntu. is there a way for ubuntu to easily read my time machine backup disk so that i can migrate my files easily?18:33
Dr_WillisJelou:  unmount/remount to see if it works.18:34
soreauGeekyAdam: The only way you can get 3 monitors to work on a cards with only 2 crtcs is by using two cards18:34
GeekyAdamDr_Willis: ahh. well can you give me some knowledges on getting 3 monitors up and working nicely?18:34
Dr_WillisJelou:  but the UUID is the most common way to do it.18:34
hidHi everybody. Can someone tell me what are the default fronts in ubuntu?18:34
madsjIt was the same under 9.04 which I came from, and I have tried the alsamixer, alsactl etc, but nothing works18:34
GeekyAdami have 2 cards18:34
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  not much more then to say 'good luck, you will need it' :)18:34
chrisdprattPici: Manage.py was just used as an example... Its everywhere and on every file, though... "./script" won't work but "program script" works... Like "sh somescript.sh"18:34
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  i got it working.. once.. but it never survived a reboot.. this was a year+ ago however..18:34
Picichrisdpratt: And whats the exact error that you get?18:34
=== tee is now known as t
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  You have a single nvidia card that has 3 outputs? or using 2 nvidia cards?18:35
JelouDr_Willis, i have /home in sda1, can i edit fstab and restart, does it work?18:35
GeekyAdami have 2 cards18:35
chrisdprattPici: no such file or directory18:35
Dr_WillisJelou:   if you edit fstab properly.. it should work.18:35
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soreauGeekyAdam: Then plug them up and get configuring. You can setup two x sessions (one with two monitors and one with the remaining one) or use xinerama (which means things like compi wont work due to the fact that xinerama disables compositing in the x server)18:35
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  issue to watch out for is that (in one case) the 2 cards COULD need different versions of the nvidia drivers.  (had that issue once)18:36
GeekyAdamdamn. was wondering why stuff wasnt working right18:36
undecimIs there some way for me to paste into a program that doesn't support paste? i.e., but simulating the keyboard strokes18:36
GeekyAdamDr_Willis: im 99% sure they use same driver. checked that yesterday.18:36
Dr_WillisTwinview works with compiz here.18:36
JelouDr_Willis, but do i have grub-update or similar after edit fstab, or not?18:36
Picichrisdpratt: No, I mean *exactly* like: "bash: ./foo: No such file or directory" ?18:36
Dr_WillisJelou:  grub dosent use fstab..18:36
soreauGeekyAdam: With two X sessions, the trick is that you cant move windows between X sessions, only the mouse cursor18:36
hidHi everybody. Can someone tell me what are the default fonts in ubuntu?18:36
GeekyAdamDr_Willis: yeah but twinview doesnt support three monitors right?18:36
Lasivianok, i'm trying to start a .jar file when X starts. when I put it inside gnome in the startup files section of the gui it works, but when I put the same commandline in .xinitrc it doesn't, any ideas why?18:36
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  it did here.18:36
Picihid: /usr/share/fonts/18:36
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  untill i rebooted.. this was a year+ ago...18:37
LasivianI mean "it works" this way, but I want to understand why it fails in the xinitrc file :)18:37
JelouDr_Willis, ah... ok, i will try it. Thank you!18:37
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  i had an onboard nvidia, and a extra nvidia card. so that may been an issue also.18:37
=== bc81__ is now known as bc81
Dr_WillisLasivian:  .xintirc is only ran when you start up X from either 'startx' or from GDM by one of the special sessions.18:38
poldonde es el sitio en espanol18:38
Pici!es | pol18:38
ubottupol: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:38
polhow ho /join #ubuntu-es18:38
GeekyAdamDr_Willis: ive gotten 2 monitors to work, now the issue is getting WoW at a high enough framerate to work nicely. i think xinerama is to blame for the crappy framerates.18:38
bc81hid, you mean what fonts and sizes etc?18:39
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  i use twinvuiew, rarely use xinerama18:39
Picipol:  Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:39
chrisdprattPici: It varies but always something about file not found18:39
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  the fact you are almost doubling the amount of pixles the game is having to spit out proberly izsent helping much either. :)18:39
hidPici: just to know the default fonts when you install ubuntu the 1st time.  Because I changed it to arial and calibri but it's horrible.18:39
LasivianDr_Willis: ahh haaa, thank you :)18:40
hidbc81 yes18:40
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  personally for such games.. i tend to have game on monitor 1. and web browser, or other 'tools' on monitor 2. I dont see much to gain by having a huge huge screen :)18:40
Picichrisdpratt: Can you pastebin the output of: mount   ?18:40
GeekyAdamDr_Willis: im the same way. i just want WoW on middle screen.18:40
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virioushello again, can I have a question about installing grub on my pendrive?18:41
schnufflehid: Sans18:41
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Dr_Willisvirious:  ask the question - see who can help18:42
polhello, i have an integraded video chip, ati rage xl, my resolution is only 800*600, i need 1024, i tried instructions from xorg, but i am new in ubunto, can some one help mE, thanks?18:42
GeekyAdamDr_Willis: so you used twinview for all three monitors and played a game in the middle and it work at one point?18:42
bc81i dont think i've changed mine but take this with a grain of salt:  http://img51.imageshack.us/i/screenshotappearancepren.png/18:42
chrisdprattPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566001/18:42
bc81hid, see above 2 lines18:43
viriousI have my pendrive seen as /dev/sdb1 and mounted in /media/PENDRIVE, so if I want install grub on it I write in terminal: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sdb1 /media/PENDRIVE ?18:43
Dr_WillisGeekyAdam:  i dont recall doing much gameing.. but i cant see why it wouldent work. ive spread games out across both monuitors also.18:44
MagicJwant to use braserio to copy an iso file to a cd and validate it, where is the valdate option18:44
clarsafter installing some strange Xdriver my gnome dont start - is there an fast way to step one step back and enable the setting frome before ?18:45
LasivianI'm thinking of upgrading my notebook to v10, but I want to backup the entire drive first. Suggestions on the best (software/commands) to do that? Thanks18:45
ApacheOmegaI'm Configuring my network but I'm stuck at the SSHD_config5    BSD File Formats Manual and I cant exit out the dag on thing how do I exit?18:45
Viper92ZAny idea about changing the SSH's banner message ? I've tried to a create a text and saved it, then from the .conf file I've written banner then the location of the txt but it's not working I see the same old banner msg.18:46
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Abinadai_can anyone tell me if there is a GUI app that will allow me to shrink or grow my partitions?18:47
pksadiq!info Gparted | Abinadai_18:47
macoAbinadai_: gparted, but do it from a live cd18:47
ubottuAbinadai_: Package Gparted does not exist in maverick18:47
viriousI have my pendrive seen as /dev/sdb1 and mounted in /media/PENDRIVE, so if I want install grub on it I write in terminal: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sdb1 /media/PENDRIVE ?18:47
Steve_NojobsAbinadai, Parted Magic18:47
macopksadiq: lowercase when using the info command18:47
LasivianAbinadai: Gparted boot cd - http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:48
Abinadai_Thanks everyone18:48
roger_padactorare there any good backup programs that I backup to a network drive?18:48
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:48
pksadiqmaco: bother lower and upper works18:49
pksadiq!Info bash18:49
Picichrisdpratt: Sorry, I'm not sure whats going on with that, perhaps someone else has a clue.18:49
Steve_NojobsAbinadai, Always keep a CD with PartedMagic around http://en.kioskea.net/download/download-508-parted-magic-livecd18:49
hotrodhi people, is there any software (on windows ) like active directory domain controler in linux ?18:49
schnufflehotrod: samba418:50
pksadiqmaco: it seems doesn't18:50
hotrodfirewall and access protocol for 200 client in hospital18:50
macopksadiq: bash isnt a package, but anyway.... it said GParted doesnt exist, but if you ask it about "gparted" (all lowercase, because package names are *always* lowercase) it gives info on it18:50
MagicJI need braserio to validate the CD it writes, where is the command to do that?18:50
maco!info gparted > pksadiq18:50
pksadiq!info gparted18:50
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 463 kB, installed size 1380 kB18:50
ApacheOmegahow do I exit out of the BSD Files Format Manual18:51
macoApacheOmega: hit q?18:51
nibblerhotrod, you can make a linux server an AD server or client... what is it you want?18:51
bc81MagicJ: go to braser, edit >> plugins >> enable checksums18:51
pksadiqmaco: does all packages is to be named as lower case?18:51
ApacheOmegamaco: Thanks18:51
macopksadiq: yes, always18:51
Dr_WillisApacheOmega:  the 'manual' is using 'more' or 'less' as its 'text pager' :) see man less for other key commands.18:52
MagicJit is already checked - should it be givng me a message that all is good then?18:52
pksadiqmaco: ok, I'll try, thanks for a nice tip18:52
MagicJbc81 - there is a checkmark by the option, should it report that all is good or a fail when done then?18:53
macopksadiq: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Source18:53
bc81MagicJ: i think it preforms the check after burning.  so either reburn, or create an MD5 file and load it into tool >> check integrity18:53
bc81MagicJ: i think if no message is reported, all went well18:54
MagicJbc81, I am going to do a new disk - ty18:54
bc81but i havent burned a disk in forever, so maybe someone else knows18:54
viriousI have my pendrive seen as /dev/sdb1 and mounted in /media/PENDRIVE, so if I want install grub on it I write in terminal: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/dev/sdb1 /media/PENDRIVE ?18:54
MagicJbc81 - in fact burning now - neither have I - I have used memory sticks for the longest time - but I have one machine that won't boot from them18:54
bc81ahh i see.  you burning an linux image, or some files?18:55
AbhijiTDr_Willis, autogen.sh giving this error http://pastebin.com/QqJZkaR7 which package to install to resolve this error?18:55
MagicJbc81 - attempting to burn a copy of the alternate cd18:55
Dr_Willisvirious:  i always use a command similer to --->  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint  /dev/sda --recheck18:55
Viper92ZAny idea about changing the SSH's banner message ? I've tried to a create a text and saved it, then from the .conf file I've written banner then the location of the txt but it's not working I see the same old banner msg.18:56
bc81MagicJ: when you boot the cd, there should be an option to check the disc18:56
na3saanany hackers here18:56
AbhijiTDr_Willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/566009/18:56
Dr_Willisvirious:  so i think you got it backwards18:56
macona3saan: which kind?18:56
Dr_Willisna3saan:  i hacked up some snow and ice the other day18:56
na3saanwireless networks18:56
bc81i hack at trees when i need firewood18:56
BluesKajMagicJ, is it an older pc , like 5 yrs old, if so the text based alternate install cd might be your best option18:56
iceroot_na3saan: sure but i think its time for you to read up what a hacker is18:56
AbhijiTwhat is the pakcage name for glib-gettext >= 2.2.018:56
undecimIs there any way I can paste form the clipboard into a program that doesn't support paste, i.e. by simulating keyboard events?18:56
macona3saan: if you're wanting to do some cracking, thats not to be discussed here18:56
macona3saan: if you're wanting to hack on a driver to improve it...18:57
BluesKaj!alternate | MagicJ18:57
ubottuMagicJ: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:57
MagicJbc81 - did that and it was bad, or at least the "check the integrity" was, so then I tested the checksum of the iage file I had, was good, and what was on the CD, his was bad, hence being here18:57
Viper92Zna3saan, you may find something else to do...18:57
Dr_WillisAbhijiT:  i would guess   glib-gettext-dev or some similarry named package18:57
polescribir en espanol18:57
pksadiq!find glib-gettext > AbhijiT18:58
bc81undecim: ctrl+v?18:58
hotrodnibbler: i work in hospital at IT department, we have almost 200 computer. we have 3 hospital and they all same. our company gives 200.000$ -250.000$ for licence and we have alternative for this, this is why i discovered linux and ubuntu. our hospital managament program works in linux with wine, and all stuff. i want to move all computers to ubuntu and make a server like active directory domain controler system as windows, does it possible ? which programs18:58
hotrodeasy to use ? and strong18:58
erUSUL!es | pol18:58
ubottupol: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:58
poldonde escribir un char en espanol?18:58
undecimbc81: The program does n't support paste18:58
mia158if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then18:58
mia158    # include .bashrc if it exists18:58
mia158    if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then18:58
mia158        . "$HOME/.bashrc"18:58
FloodBot2mia158: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
mia158    fi18:58
mia158my apologies18:59
mia158very sorry :-(18:59
undecimis there any way to get clipboard contents from the CLI? Then I could use xmacro, I suppose.18:59
tabula_rasai want to run a python script every time my ubuntu starts...any pointers??18:59
erUSULhotrod: domain controler you can samba + openldap?18:59
Viper92ZAny idea about changing the SSH's banner message ? I've tried to a create a text and saved it, then from the .conf file I've written banner then the location of the txt but it's not working I see the same old banner msg.18:59
macoundecim: yes18:59
hotroderUSUL: i am newbie at linux platform. but i learn strongly and quickly18:59
macoundecim: ive seen the command for it before...lemme look18:59
undecimmaco: awesome19:00
zookamia158: Don't worry about it just upload what you were trying to type to pastebin. Its just a bot so people don't spam.19:00
disappearedng_Hey when I do scp transfer on LOCAL, i can only go 500kb/s it's too slow, how can I debug this?19:00
MagicJbc81 - it burned the disk and said it was sucessful and ejected it - and the disk is bad19:00
tabula_rasai want to run a python script every time my ubuntu starts...any pointers??19:00
=== Guest80098 is now known as LjL-Temp
MagicJBluesKaj: that is why I am using the alternate CD19:01
Dr_Willisundecim:  i recall some cli tools for manageing the clipboard. you may watn to check the package maanger.19:01
BluesKaj!ubuntu-server | hotrod19:01
ubottuhotrod: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server19:01
AbhijiTDr_Willis, pksadiq i need to install libglib2.0-dev to have that gettext but while instaling libglib2.0 i get this error please help http://paste.ubuntu.com/566012/19:01
mia158I want to be able to run my scripts in ~/bin from any directory19:01
zookadisappearedng_: If you're on wireless that might just be your connection max19:01
Dr_Willistabula_rasa:  depends on what the script is supposed to be doing19:01
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest34505
gsrI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and Thunderbird 3.1.7.  I noticed that Exim is running (port 25), and when I tried to uninstall it, synaptic required the installation of postfix.  I'd rather not have any SMTP daemon running, do I need one installed, or can I force apt to remove exim without installing another mta?19:01
erUSULhotrod: there a re a few how to's over the net19:01
rshackleCranIf I compiled and installed a new version of libtool from source how would I go about uninstalling that?19:02
Dr_Willismia158:  if you have stuff in ~/bin and log out/back in.. it should add that to your default path.. so that will work19:02
BluesKajMagicJ,  alternate-cd is more than just a good alternative as the post says19:02
bc81MagicJ: you sure the image you downloaded is good?19:02
mia158echo $path19:02
pksadiqAbhijiT: might be you need to find libglib2.0-0 version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 manually and install19:02
hotrodits better to ask this channel cause of live users19:02
pksadiq!find libglib2.0-019:03
ubottuFound: libglib2.0-0, libglib2.0-0-dbg, libglib2.0-0-refdbg19:03
macoundecim: xclip19:03
AbhijiTpksadiq, ohhh thats getting more horrible. how to find that? :(19:03
MagicJbc81: see above - I checked the checksim - infact I even used qemu and booted from it19:03
rshackleCrantabula_rasa, You could go to System > Preferences > Start up Applications19:03
macoundecim: pipe stuff to xclip to copy it, and use "xclip -o" to paste19:03
pksadiq!info libglib2.0-0 > AbhijiT19:03
mia158it is not in my path now though19:03
undecimmaco: ty!19:03
bc81MagicJ: bad media then.  try gnomebaker19:03
bc81or somethin19:03
MagicJbc81 - if bad media then why did that verify not catch it19:04
MagicJbc81 - what is gnomebaker?19:04
bc81MagicJ: i dont know, sometimes when i used to buy cheap cd-r they would fail more often19:04
bc81gnomebaker is another burning program19:05
Dr_Willismia158:  try 'echo $PATH' and see what your path is. the default .bash* scripts add ~/bin to your default PATH if it exists.19:05
pksadiq!info gnomebaker | MagicJ19:05
ubottuMagicJ: gnomebaker (source: gnomebaker): application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 990 kB, installed size 2980 kB19:05
undecimmaco: Well, copy doesn't seem to work, but paste does, and thats all I need19:05
AbhijiTthat means i need to get it frojm maverick repo! sad! :(19:06
bc81do all the packages had !info listings, or just major ones?19:06
pksadiq!info libglib2.0-0 lucid19:06
ubottulibglib2.0-0 (source: glib2.0): The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is required. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1004 kB, installed size 2224 kB19:06
erUSULhotrod:  http://www.howtoforge.com/openldap-samba-domain-controller-ubuntu7.10 http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_domaincontroller_setup_ubuntu_6.10 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAP-Samba_PDC_%28for_Linux_and_Windows%2919:06
macoundecim: cat foo | xclip && xclip -o       worked for me19:07
bc81!info a2jmidid19:07
ubottua2jmidid (source: a2jmidid): daemon for exposing legacy ALSA MIDI in JACK MIDI systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 6-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 148 kB19:07
bc81!ihehe cool, didnt know that19:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:07
undecimmaco: hmm... it changed in the console, but not my GUI clipboard19:07
lestatsad, when i watch a flash video, i don't get the /tmp/FlashXX* file anymore :(19:07
undecimAnyone know of an easy way to convert a string into an xmacro, or do I have to brush up on my sed?19:08
macoundecim: maybe thats the "two paste buffers" thing? like you know how ctrl+v pastes whatever you ctrl+c while middle-click pastes what you highlight?19:08
d-devilHow to fix wifi driver TP-LINK WIN722N ubuntu 10.04 desktop19:08
undecimmaco: probably19:08
d-devil ath9k_hif_usb: probe of 1-1:1.0 failed with error -2219:08
undecimmaco: haha, yeah. Middle click pastes the xclip text19:08
ra2011hello all, how can I fix my X screen resolution ? I already checked my xorg.conf and it seems to be fine 1680x1050 and manually setup using Nvidia conf , but after every boot the screen resolution backs to 1280x1024!19:08
Dr_Willisundecim:   yea. one is the 'selection' buffer. other is the windows-style 'clipboard' there are ways to sync the 2 together.19:08
pksadiqra2011: did you try to use nvidia-settings ?19:09
Dr_Willisundecim:  some clipboard manager tools  can sync the 2.19:09
hoseinhi everyone! I have downloaded this: google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb19:09
ra2011pksadiq: I´m using it19:09
hoseinhow should I install chrome?19:09
Dr_Willishosein:  google has PPA's for chrome you probelry should be using.19:09
ra2011pksadiq: so, I saved my xorg.conf with it19:10
Dr_Willishosein:  sudo dpkg -i foo.deb  (is one way to install that)19:10
=== kgutteridge_ is now known as kgutteridge
pksadiqra2011: and saved the file as xorg.conf in /etc/X1119:10
ra2011pksadiq: but after a boot it backs to 1280x102419:10
mia158I am wondering why that ~/bin is not in my path19:10
ra2011pksadiq: yep19:10
Dr_Willismia158:  your .bashrc or .bash_profile or .profile either has the commands missing. or are not gettting read.19:10
undecimAwesome! I've got it handled. Ty maco!19:10
undecim!cookie | maco19:11
ubottumaco: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:11
macomia158: should get added if it exists at thre time thatr the shell is opened19:11
pksadiqra2011: save the modified file to desktop, backup the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and copy the modified file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and try reboot19:11
Dr_Willismia158:  its set in .profile here.19:11
Dr_Willis.profile:# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists19:12
pksadiqmaco: I think Dr_Willis is first, then might be you ;)19:12
ra2011pksadiq: ok, I will try ...19:12
entitySo ubuntu just decides to shut down randomly while I'm doing something..."Killed by term signal" flashes for an instant. I dont get a chance to read the rest of it... this is annoying.19:12
mia158Dr_Willis: did you see my data from pastebin?19:12
Dr_Willismia158:  never noticed.. and its my bed time. :)19:12
mia158ok thank you19:13
=== sergio_ is now known as Guest20431
SystemTyrantAnybody running ubuntu for cloud computing?19:13
Dr_Willisexport PATH=$PATH:/home/bubba/bin      to add it manually if you want..19:13
hoseinDr_Willis: thanks i am urning it now! very easy pleasant of you! what were PPA's?19:14
Dr_Willis!ppa | hiredgoon19:14
ubottuhiredgoon: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:14
Dr_Willisoops wrong nick. :)19:14
AbhijiTi leave it19:14
Dr_Willis!ppa | hosein19:14
ubottuhosein: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:14
AbhijiTnow trying merkaartor! pksadiq sacarlson19:15
Dr_WillisNight all.19:15
x-tracan any1 access TD or revTT ?19:15
pksadiqAbhijiT: sometime its harder to compile from source, try to get the compiled one19:15
AbhijiTpksadiq, compiled one are very old nad newest dont exits19:15
dajhornentity:  Start the Live CD and choose the 'memtest' option from the boot menu.  A random frequent crash with a signal often means bad memory or a bad cpu.19:16
pksadiqAbhijiT: then take time19:16
AbhijiTyeah now trying that markaartor lets see hows it19:16
entitydajhorn thanks. I think that may be it. when I start multitasking is when it seems to happen19:16
MagicJbc81 and others - thanks so much - opened a new pack of disks and now all is good - can not believe that all the disk in the previous pack weere bad and that Braserio did not tell me19:16
ra2011pksadiq: rebooting,  backing soon..19:17
entityI'll give memtest a try. does memtest offer a way to fix the problems that may exist?19:17
hoseinnow what i have used now? i am sorry! i didn't know many thing's about linux.19:17
=== dshin is now known as halpbatman
halpbatmanhey guys anyone dual booting with os X?19:18
bc81MagicJ: verbatim are a little more expensive than other brands, but i have yet to have a bad burn with one.19:18
dajhornentity: Memtest gives you a list of bad memory cells.  You can make an educated guess and replace a flakey DIMM.   If the CPU is bad, then memtest will just crash the computer.19:18
MagicJbc81 - I am cheap - and learning that this may not be a good choice - I actually am going to demand my money back at Wal-Mart :)19:18
bc81MagicJ: good call :-)19:19
MagicJbc81 - ty so much19:19
MagicJOK guys, like an idiot I accidentally emoved the volume control that is the default in the pannel - how do I get it back - I don;t like the one that shows up when I use the "add t Pannel" - for those that know me, you see I do really silly things, buying cheao disks and hitting wrong buttons :)19:20
pksadiq!resetpanel | MagicJ19:21
ubottuMagicJ: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:21
halpbatmandoes anyone have experience with OX S?19:22
brontoeeeMagicJ, i belive the default thingy is called 'indicator applet' - includes volume knob19:22
halpbatmani just installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS via bootcamp19:22
halpbatmanand it won't boot on osX19:22
bc81MagicJ: notification area perhaps19:22
hoseincan i save libraries downloaded for mp3 playing for later use on another installation of linux?19:23
bc81MagicJ: nevermind, brntoeee was right19:23
erUSUL!aptoncd | hosein19:23
ubottuhosein: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:23
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:24
AbhijiT gn guys bye19:24
MagicJbronoeee - yes- and how do I switch it back on - I have it installed19:24
AbhijiTbye pksadiq19:24
hosein !APTonCD19:24
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:24
brontoeeeMagicJ, rmb on panel and select 'add to panel', then find it and add it19:24
ra2011pksadiq: I tried that but it didn't fix the resolution....19:24
ra2011pksadiq: you can look at my xorg.conf at http://pastebin.com/U7EkFC2v19:25
hoseinnice tool! how to download it?19:26
=== xerox1_ is now known as xerox1
brontoeeehosein, ubuntu software center or synaptic ?19:26
bc81hosein: sudo apt-get install aptoncd19:27
pksadiqra2011: did you try changing modes to only the one you need and deleting all other? I haven't yet tested that, any way nvidia-settings was enough for me19:27
halpbatmanI used bootcamp to install ubuntu and now OS X won't boot.. can anyone help?19:27
=== Casper-v2 is now known as Casper_v2
erUSULhosein: with the ubuntu software center19:27
erUSUL!software | hosein19:28
ubottuhosein: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:28
brontoeeegeneral q: what thingy may i use for ocassional film script writing? specialized tool named celtx is way to slow19:28
battle_warriorhello im trying to partition my ubuntu 10.10 so i can make more room for my windows 7 partition... i have managed to unallocate 84.89 gb of space.. can someone tell me how i can put it on windows side?19:28
OY1Rhow can i see what ip's outside my lan are connected to my pc ?19:29
hoseinbc81: it is downloaded. can i ask how linux find its url on web? i only wrote its name!19:29
battle_warriorim using gparted as the software to partition it19:29
brontoeeelike is there a concept of gedit that have a concept of pages (like paper pages) and can use predetermined templates?19:29
battle_warriorisnt the command netstat?19:29
ra2011pksadiq: no I didn't but I may try that too19:29
PiciOY1R: netstat -tanp19:30
pksadiqra2011: any way I haven't tested that yet, and too here its 1:00 midnight, I'm sleepy19:30
brontoeee!repository | hosein19:31
ubottuhosein: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:31
hoseinthanks all of you! very exciting than windows!19:31
battle_warriori have managed to unallocate 84.89 gb of space from my ubuntu 10.10 with gparted.. how can i format that space to my windows 7 partition?19:31
OY1RPici, thanks19:32
erUSULbattle_warrior: use windows disk manager19:32
brontoeeebattle_warrior, add to windows partition or just format as new partition? the later is easier, gparted should be able to ntfs format i think19:33
pksadiqbattle_warrior: instead of formatting you can resize the windows partition, but that might make problems the Booting19:33
ra2011pksadiq: Ok, thanks and good night19:35
Voitaanyone who can help me solv a problem? Can not explore my folders... they are somehow opened i gedit?19:35
brontoeeeVoita, how do they look like in gedit?19:36
entityOk, I am on a netbook so I just ran the memtest from the bootloader... and it passed 1% and shut down.19:36
entityI hada heck of a time to get it to boot19:36
Voitagedit says /home/voita is a folder... can not open19:37
openbeeseach time when i start my gnome terminal ..i am getting a message “export: command not found",“export: command not found"19:37
bc81Voita: check in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list19:37
entityit still shuts down on me. what can I do about this bad memory error?19:37
openbeesanyone have solution for this problem19:37
Voitaty I will chek19:37
battle_warriorHi im back, someone mentioned i should use windows disk managemnet Im on it. but i dont know hwo to extend the partition to use the unallocated disk space19:38
openbeeseach time when i start my gnome terminal ..i am getting a message “export: command not found",“export: command not found" ..anyone have solution19:38
sairentosutokahey im new to ubuntu having some problems with the terminal anyone willing to help for a few minutes please pm me19:40
evilsushihow can I set grub to use another swap file in order to come back from hibernate?19:40
erUSULbattle_warrior: you can use gparted in ubuntu if you install ntfsprogs afaik19:41
evilsushisairentosutoka: sure what do you need, ask away.19:41
sairentosutokai have a copy of the linux version of minecraft and i dont know enough about terminal on how to install and play it19:41
evilsushisairentosutoka: what type of extension does it have?19:42
llutzevilsushi: edit /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume , add swaps UUID and run sudo mkinitramfs -u19:42
evilsushisairentosutoka: so a .jar is a zip file essentially19:43
battle_warriorerUSUL  will it allow me to extend the windows partition to use the unalocated disk space?19:43
openbeeseach time when i start my gnome terminal ..i am getting a message “export: command not found",“export: command not found" ..anyone have solution19:43
evilsushisairentosutoka: try unzip <filename>19:43
OY1Rhow do i block an IP on my system ?19:43
evilsushiOY1R: iptables --hell19:43
battle_warriorgo to your router system19:43
evilsushiOY1R: iptables --help19:43
erUSULbattle_warrior: if the free space is after the partition you try to resize yes; why not?19:43
battle_warriorits not after the system19:43
erUSULbattle_warrior: it all depends on the disk layout19:44
evilsushiopenbees: pastie your .bashrc or .profile19:44
Voitalooking for ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list... have swedish language in my puter... can you please help me find? Wich folder do I start with19:44
OY1Ri need to kill something here, something is sending 80Kb/s data here, according to bmon19:45
battle_warriorerUSUL http://tinypic.com/r/2ugl45f/719:46
sairentosutokahey evilsushi i pmed you is that okay?19:46
sparklinghi all19:46
evilsushino just ask here19:46
jacekowskisairentosutoka: you should ask before pming somebody19:46
jacekowskisairentosutoka: not after19:46
openbeesevilsushi: i am not getting what u are trying to say19:46
amitis there any way to make my pre installed  os to virtual os  and intall a fresh os in place of that/19:46
sairentosutokaokay well i torrented it to see if i liked it enough to buy it, and i honestly have no idea what im doing im a complete n00b at the terminal have absolutely no idea what im doing19:47
evilsushiopenbees: then I can't help you... Pasite your .bashrc or .profile19:47
sparklingi would like to create a simple script that open a text file, search a pre-determinated string, and ubstitute that string with another one....can someone illumnate me? thanks19:47
evilsushiopenbees: if you cant figure out how to do that, you may need to ask someone else for assistance.19:47
evilsushisparkling: so have a script that does cat filename.txt |grep "string"19:47
bc81Voita: ~/ is your home folder, so /home/Voita/.local/share/applications/19:47
llutz!paste | openbees19:47
ubottuopenbees: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:47
macosairentosutoka: we dont help with piracy here19:47
Voitaty bc81!19:48
battle_warriorerUSUL did you get the link? http://tinypic.com/r/2ugl45f/7  the unalocated diskspace isnt next to the windows partition19:48
sairentosutokamaco fair enough, i was just seein if i like it i have heard enough good stuff i just wanted to see what it was all about thanks for the help anyway19:48
sparklingevilsushi: where i insert the old_string and the new_string?19:48
amitis there any way to make tha install operating system as virtual operating system and installed a new one after replacing it ?19:48
erUSULyes looking now19:48
sairentosutokasorry to bother yall19:48
evilsushisparkling: you would use sed to insert,19:48
MtrPandaIn Xchat, how can I see who is in a room ?19:49
ra2011hi guys, is there any other file, in user context,  that may override /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?19:49
macosairentosutoka: given the level of addiction 3 of my neighbors have to minecraft (one had a minecraft birthday cake, she's a grownup) i guess it must be pretty fun19:49
entityok So I have a hardware issue. Idk if this is the place to ask, but I dont want my computer to keep shutting down at random. how do I fix it? it fails memtest quickly19:49
evilsushisparkling: sed -i 's/searchstring/change/g' ~/filename19:49
erUSULbattle_warrior: you want to grow the 211,93 partition ?19:49
openbeesevilsushi: u should check spelling of paste19:49
battle_warriori want to add the unalocated diskspace to the windows partition.. if thats what your asking19:49
sparklingevilsushi i tried sed but i have some problem: i mean the old_string is ['command']  the new string is ['/opt/bin/command']    when i use [ and ' i think it didn't work19:50
battle_warriordrive c:/19:50
brontoeeeany reported problems with latest flash? like black picture, is there a fix?19:50
erUSULbattle_warrior: which one is the windows partition ?19:50
sparklingbecouse sed use the same characters19:50
evilsushisparkling: can you pastie your script?19:50
battle_warriorthe one with 68.26 gb ntfs19:50
sparklingevilsushi sure wait19:50
erUSULbattle_warrior: the first one? C:? then you can't. you will have to create a new ntfs partition ( that will appear as D: in windows )19:50
Voitafinally find my mimeapp list. It says "inode/directory=gedit.desktop;" what should I change this to in order to be able to explore folders?19:50
sparklingevilsushi: that is the script i launch sed 's/['tesseract']/['/opt/bin/tessearct']/g' captcha.py19:51
amitcan any one  virtualize  pre installed os ,if yes how?19:51
MtrPandafound it :)19:51
evilsushiopenbees: you should check your eyes cause you apparently can't read -> http://pastie.org/19:51
nitansh i installed ubuntu using dvd 10.10 in nomodest mode as i use nvidia graphic card,,,  nw after everything worked out in install...i rebooted my system and when i select t]ubuntu or ubuntu fix from the boot menu black screen appears..2 hours no luck19:51
battle_warriorif i may ask why? my dad shrunk the c: one time and add linux ubuntu to it..19:51
bc81Voita: delete the entire line, and save.  leave it open and test browsing19:51
=== Dotted is now known as Dotoff
MtrPandabye all....19:52
Voitaty bc81 brb19:52
MtrPandacame wrongly configured out of the box19:52
erUSULbattle_warrior: well becouse the free space and the windows partition are not adjacent19:52
evilsushisparkling: is captcha.py the file you are trying to change text in?19:52
openbeesevilsushi: why are you behaving like an evil ....i am new on this channel19:52
sparklingevilsushi yes19:52
battle_warriorthat i can see... anyway i can make them adjacent?19:52
bc81Voita: also, i think you can just rename or delete that entire  file and it will reset to defaults.19:52
evilsushiopenbees: welcome to my ignore button19:53
nitanshi installed ubuntu using dvd 10.10 in nomodest mode as i use nvidia graphic card,,,  nw after everything worked out in install...i rebooted my system and when i select t]ubuntu or ubuntu fix from the boot menu black screen appears..2 hours no luck19:53
Voitabc81 you just saved me from several days of agony.... thank you very much!!!!19:53
nitanshi installed ubuntu using dvd 10.10 in nomodest mode as i use nvidia graphic card,,,  nw after everything worked out in install...i rebooted my system and when i select t]ubuntu or ubuntu fix from the boot menu black screen appears..2 hours no luck19:53
battle_warriorIm asking cause i wana add more games to windows side.. since i cant manage to run them on ubuntu...19:53
bc81Voita: you're welcome :-)19:53
evilsushisparkling: would you mind telling me exactly what you are trying to change?19:53
evilsushisparkling: as far as string19:54
sparklingevilsushi ahahah ok i try19:54
DaghdhaCan Ubuntu display HDD temps?19:54
=== bLuCiFeR is now known as blu
battle_warrioranyway ty for the help erUSUL19:54
evilsushisparkling: if it makes more sense to show me on pastie please do that19:54
openbeesevilsushi: i have no need for more than smarter  persons19:54
erUSULbattle_warrior: you could try to move all the partitions "to the right" one by one first the 211,93 one then the 7,45 to close the gap... then the next etc... untill the free space is next to the C: partition19:54
raisin123can anyone please tell me how to make ubuntu chage wallpapers every ten minutes??19:54
sparklingevilsushi into py file there are a lot of "tesseract", but i want to change only the string where tesseract is inside []19:54
erUSULbattle_warrior: but that will take a long time ant it will stress the disk quite a bit two factors for disaster if you ask me19:55
nitanshi installed ubuntu using dvd 10.10 in nomodest mode as i use nvidia graphic card,,,  nw after everything worked out in install...i rebooted my system and when i select t]ubuntu or ubuntu fix from the boot menu black screen appears..2 hours no luck19:55
nitanshi installed ubuntu using dvd 10.10 in nomodest mode as i use nvidia graphic card,,,  nw after everything worked out in install...i rebooted my system and when i select t]ubuntu or ubuntu fix from the boot menu black screen appears..2 hours no luck19:55
FloodBot2nitansh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
nitanshi installed ubuntu using dvd 10.10 in nomodest mode as i use nvidia graphic card,,,  nw after everything worked out in install...i rebooted my system and when i select t]ubuntu or ubuntu fix from the boot menu black screen appears..2 hours no luck19:55
openbeesevilsushi: dont be anger ......i was just kidding19:55
bc81raisin123: install desktop nova19:55
amitraisin123:desktopnova try this19:55
velcroshoozin a recent update or possibly by accident i have lost he volume icon in the tray .. how to get it back?19:55
dajhornDaghdha: System -> Administration -> Disk Utility19:55
bc81!info desktopnova | raisin12319:55
ubotturaisin123: desktopnova (source: desktopnova): utility that changes the wallpaper automatically. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1 (maverick), package size 78 kB, installed size 460 kB19:55
evilsushisparkling okay why do you need to sript this? does this need to be done dynmically, will a static one time change not help?19:55
amitnitansh:sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current try this19:56
erUSULvelcroshooz: make sure you have the indocator applet and that you have the soun-indicator package installed19:56
Daghdhayes dajhorn, i know. But i wanted them all 4 on display at the same time.19:56
raisin123how to install desktop nova? sudo apt-get install desktopnova??19:56
DaghdhaLooking into something called hddtemp now19:56
erUSULvelcroshooz: indicator-sound sorry19:56
amitraisin123:yes or simply go to s/w centre19:56
dajhornDaghdha: You'll probably need to write a script that polls `smartmonctl` or a similar utility.19:56
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sparklingevilsushi unfortunately py file is inside an open project on internet,daily i update the progect with hg mercurial...unfortunately that string works only for my particular situation..and project owners don't want to change it...so every time i update files i need to update that file before reboot my nas19:57
raisin123amit_: thanks. could you please also tell me how can I keep more then one desktop environments? like GNOME and KDE, etc19:57
DaghdhaNo dajhorn, i refuse to write scripts. It should exist. :)19:57
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* Daghdha googles more19:58
openbeesraisin123:just install kde and will tell u for choose a session during login19:58
ra2011hi guys, is there any other file, in user context,  that may override /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?19:58
amitraisin123:The absolute safest way to do that is to install it on a separate partition, but that's probably more work than you need.19:58
amitWhat I'd recommend is to install Kubuntu. I'm not sure if that's really what you meant when you said "KDE on top of an Ubuntu installation", but Kubuntu is little more than KDE+Ubuntu19:58
OY1Ri updated ubuntu 10.10 last night and after the update firefox is rather slow and most youtube videos wont play i just get "an error occured please try agin later". anyone know what's going on ?19:58
marc_Can someone tell me what is going on when i know i have 50GB filesystem with only ubuntu installed and its saying i have 10.2GB free space remaining19:59
jmgallowayanyone know why ubuntu hangs when I try to install?19:59
openbees evilsushi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566028/20:00
amitOYIr:just reinstal firefox also sure before installation that all the adobe plugins are uninstalled also firefox extentions.after then reinstall firefox20:00
raisin123That would be too much unnecessary work. Is there some way n which I could make the workspaces act as different desktops?20:00
Starminnjmgalloway: Which part?20:00
erUSULmarc_: check yourself with the aplications>utilities>disk use analizer ..20:00
bc81marc_: check you drive in Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab)20:00
jmgallowayat the language selection screen20:00
jmgallowayvery beginning20:00
erUSULmarc_: first thing to check is log spamming « sudo du -hs /var/ »20:01
Daghdhadajhorn: there's a gnome applet for using hddtemp :)20:01
bc81marc_: it could be something as simple as a full trash, to tons of logs20:01
dajhornDaghdha: What is the name of the package?  -- Post the solution so that it gets logged.20:01
velcroshoozis there a way to keep the indicator applet, and have sound but remove the icon for evolution20:01
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raisin123That would be too much unnecessary work. Is there some way n which I could make the workspaces act as different desktops?20:02
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=== Anthraxium is now known as Anthraxium|Detac
openbeeseach time when i start my gnome terminal ..i am getting a message “export: command not found",“export: command not found" ..anyone have solution20:03
jmgallowaymy computer is new, this is a fresh new install that hangs.20:03
Daghdhao_O ok.. the pakage is sensors-applet20:03
erUSULopenbees: you have something weird in your ~/.bashrc file20:03
openbeeseach time when i start my gnome terminal ..i am getting a message “export: command not found",“export: command not found" ..anyone have solution20:03
clbyhello ive been using linux on and off for several years i need a refresher course. any good sites for setting up nas/media station type server20:03
erUSULopenbees: check it20:04
llutz!repeat | openbees20:04
ubottuopenbees: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:04
bc81velcroshooz: see evolution-indicator20:04
marc_erUSUL, nope they are minor files less than 10mb20:04
openbeesubottu: ok captain20:04
raisin123can anyone please tell me how to keep different wallpapers for different workspaces?20:04
erUSULmarc_: well then use the disk use analizer to see where the space is wasted...20:04
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
bc81velcroshooz: actually, it's sudo apt-get remove indicator-me indicator-messages20:04
khamerI'm using a crappy VPN client which breaks my routing table; any suggestions on how to 'protect' it?20:04
erUSULmarc_: another usual culprit is xsession-errors. « du -hs ~/.xsession-errors »20:05
evilsushisparkling: ahhh gotcha, well it should be easy enough to change it with sed20:06
raisin123I have tried ubuntu. I want to try some other linux distro now. Which one should I try?20:06
marc_hmm nope20:07
sparklingevilsushi don't worry now...i'm trying another way...i will wait for nas reboot...20:07
erUSULraisin123: fedora imho. but that's a question for ##linux20:07
clbyraisin123, freebsd20:07
erUSULclby: freebsd is not linux20:07
clbyi know20:07
sparklingevilsushi thanks anyway...if i have problems after the tests i return here ;-)20:07
clbybut its a difference he should learn20:07
VoitaFirst time in this chat for me! I got help in a few minutes and I have been reading the chat for a while to come to the coclusion that you guys are GREAT! Thank you all! I will definately be back :)20:07
marc_says / 3.2GB 20 files the others are 2GB and mbs20:07
mongyI have my icon size in nautilus set to 150%, but I dont want the desktop icons to be any more than 100%, how can I do it20:07
evilsushisparkling: sed -i  is easy :)20:07
clbyand it has a package system not too diff than debian and ports not far from what macs use20:07
raisin123erUSUL_: I have heard fedora is big on security?20:07
erUSULclby: so... he asked specifically and i quote « try some other *linux* distro now » emphasys mine20:08
clbyi say let him try bsd20:08
raisin123esrusul: I don't really need a lot of security.20:08
openbeeserUSUL: i am not getting anything from .bashrc file20:08
psichashttp://learnpygtk.org/pygtktutorial/examples/spinner.py Who could help me with pyGTK learning ... worg are 34 and 12 lines :)20:08
raisin123erUSUL: Could you tell me some distro which plays multimedia better. Ubuntu kindov sucks in that department.20:08
clbyfine try straight debian, try fedora, try whichever but do you really need a new distro20:08
yabukwhat program cam recovery deleted sms from my mobile phone on ubuntu?20:08
erUSULraisin123: if ubuntu does it bad the others will be equal or worse...20:09
brimley_Join irc.gnome.org20:09
rebirtha package called ttf-mscorefonts-installer is trying to install and i'm not sure what it is20:09
marc_If the system does not have files to account for the space loss then what could cause it20:09
erUSULopenbees: paste it in a pastebin20:09
DaghdhaI don't see it though, installe dthe sensors-applet but it'snot listed20:09
rebirthit wants me  to accept an agreement20:09
rebirthis this safe?20:09
erUSULmarc_: sometimes filesystem corruption. next step is checking the partition with fsck ( or gparted ) from a livecd20:10
Starminnrebirth: mscorefonts is the default fonts on Microsoft systems20:10
Starminn"Microsoft Core Fonts."20:10
torrancewraisin123: what type of media issues are you having? you may just need more codecs installed...20:10
erUSULrebirth: fonts ( times new roman etc ) from microsoft20:10
raisin123erUSUL : multimedia in windows was better. Or may be I just don't have the right players.20:10
marc_erUSUL, ok will try that20:11
erUSULraisin123: i play everything i foind so far . combination of vlc and mplayer is enough for 99% of things20:11
Starminnraisin123: What exactly isn't playing? What formats? What's happening? Nobody can help you unless we know the particular issues you're having.20:11
raisin123torrancew_: video files get stuck in middle sometimes man. And sometimes, it makes the comp hang. Which is frustrating20:11
erUSULraisin123: make sure you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs from medibuntu ( or w64codecs )20:11
torrancewraisin123: ^^^20:12
llutzopenbees: correct the last 2 lines20:12
erUSULraisin123: windows gets your money and use it to ( get rich ) and pay royalties to all the patent holders of mp3 mpeg etc etc etc...20:12
llutzopenbees: like:             export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/jdk1.6/bin/java"20:12
raisin123erUSUL: where can I find these w32 codecs?20:13
erUSUL!medibuntu | raisin12320:13
ubotturaisin123: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:13
erUSULopenbees: drop the weird quotes " " in the last two lines20:14
raisin123erUSUL_: Thanks :) "windows gets your money and use it to ( get rich ) and pay royalties to all the patent holders of mp3 mpeg etc etc etc..."  Where do you read this stuff? I want to read too!!!20:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:15
openbeeserUSUL: thank you soooooooo much ...problem solved20:15
openbeeserUSUL: recently i installed jdk ....may be that was reason for this error20:16
erUSULopenbees: yep, may i ask why you installed it manually? there are packages aviable for it20:17
raisin123erUSUL_: not about the codecs da. But about the the windows thingy you wrote !!20:17
llutzopenbees: the reason was blindly copy/paste stuff from some websites/textfiles into your ~/.bashrc20:17
khamerAnyone know a way to prevent a crappy vpn client from breaking my routing table?20:18
erUSULraisin123: well is fact of life. windows can pay for using decoders/encoders- linux distributions can't that's why there is no mp3 support out of the box in linux and you have to install packages and add repos that are outside the US20:19
openbeeserUSUL: i was'nt know that......20:19
openbeesllutz: exactely20:19
erUSUL!java > openbees20:19
ubottuopenbees, please see my private message20:19
khamerI just need a way to make the routing table unchangeable by anyone but me20:19
khameror root or something20:19
llutzkhamer: you need to configure your vpn-client correctly20:20
khamerllutz, its some retarded juniper network connect client that has no configuration options20:20
khamerllutz, sweet, huh?20:20
raisin123erUSUL_: I don't get it. We have to install the same codecs in windows too. Where is the difference then...20:20
erUSULraisin123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats <<< there is a paragraph or two about it here20:20
openbeesubottu: no need for this now ....because jdk is working correctely20:20
erUSULraisin123: windows has mpr and mpeg and many formats support out of the box ( not to mention its own media formats like wmv and wma )20:21
khamerllutz, it just blindly adds a route to route all traffic through the VPN20:22
* hotrod is away: Gone away for now20:22
raisin123erUSUL_: ahh, Now, I get it. thanks for the info. I will look it up furthur myself.20:22
Daghdhadajhorn do you need me to do anything?20:22
DaghdhaI basically did this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto20:23
tonsofpcswin 2520:23
DaghdhaAnd i now has me 4 values in the appletbarthing at the bottom displaying HDD temps :)20:23
FCdllhey i need some help on Bitlbee20:25
DaGeek247!ask > FCdll20:26
ubottuFCdll, please see my private message20:26
FCdllok Sorry it's my first time connecting via Xchat20:27
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
f3xyis 10.04 lts based on testing or the testing release when it was initially released?20:29
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f3xyso now that squeeze is stable will lts start basing it's packages on wheezy?20:30
macof3xy: 10.04 is released already20:30
guntbertf3xy: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please20:30
Piciguntbert: Thats not offtopic.20:30
macof3xy: there wont be another lts for a year20:30
f3xydoes lts still do rolling updates?20:31
macof3xy: what do you mean "still"? it never has20:31
macof3xy: ubuntu is not a rolling release distro20:31
erUSULf3xy: it never has20:31
f3xyah ok20:31
f3xyso lts receives only security updates?20:31
macof3xy: and bugfixes20:31
f3xycool thanks for clarifying that20:32
maco!sru | f3xy for more information on what sort of updates are deemed acceptable in a stable release:20:32
ubottuf3xy for more information on what sort of updates are deemed acceptable in a stable release:: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates20:32
gahlbergi need help with a dvd that doesn't play. I guess that it is a codec thing, so I tried the install-css.sh script. Still no movie.. :(20:33
joe_9how do I clear my DNS?20:33
13WAA4RXZis there an alternate way to do "mplayer -af volume=-10 /ho  me/david/Music/Notify.wav"  it sounds awful on my computer20:33
nwillems90Hi there - I'm wondering how ubuntu is "linking" the apache tomcat docs to the webapps?20:34
marc_no joy lol no worries20:34
marc_i can resize the partition if i need more space20:34
Starminn!medibuntu | gahlberg20:35
ubottugahlberg: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:35
Starminn!codecs | gahlberg20:35
ubottugahlberg: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:35
hilarieDoes ubuntu have the 2038 problem?20:35
gahlbergubottu: thx, will do20:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:36
erUSULhilarie: 32 bit version does. one hopes that in 2038 there wont be any 32 bit only machine left20:36
gahlbergStarminn thx20:36
erUSULhilarie: after all there are no 16 bits pc machines left ;P20:36
DaGeek247except in museums20:37
hilarieintegrated hardware!20:37
marc_erUSUL, filesystem is clean20:37
EmuAlertWhat's the command for mounting a partition?20:37
erUSULhilarie: anyway the ipv4/ipv6 issue is more pressing now XXDD20:37
=== maxdemon is now known as MaxDeMon`
llutzEmuAlert: mount (man mount)20:37
hilarieYar my ISP still isn't compliant20:38
erUSULmarc_: force the fsck anyway? « man e2fsck »20:38
marc_erUSUL, on a live system?20:38
erUSULmarc_: yes. fsck wont let you ( it will after a big fat scary warning ) check a mounted filesystem ...20:38
marc_erUSUL, the one where it says you will break your system20:39
=== sirneo is now known as SirNeo
watermarkWhat version of apache is in the 10.10 repositories?20:41
linux4helpI added a plugin to firefox and now it won't start20:41
llutz!info apache220:41
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.16-1ubuntu3.1 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB20:41
watermarkthanks a bunch20:41
Starminnlinux4help: Open it in safe mode and remove the plugin?20:42
Zephlitrequesting help on setting up a chroot jail for sftp AND SOME ssh commands20:42
linux4helpi dont see an option to open it in safe mode20:43
marc_hmm whats a deleted inode has zero dtime?20:43
LilbitI just loaded Meerkat a couple of weeks ago and I am having a couple of problems. My display shifts up where I can't see the top menu bar when it goes into hibernation or shuts down. I can fix it by resetting the display settings and then switching back but it gets annoying.20:43
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nwillems90is there a way I can see exactly what a package installs? my special case tomcat6-docs20:44
girasquidIs there a way to downgrade my python install using apt-get? I need to go from 2.6.5 to 2.6.420:45
llutznwillems90: dpkg -L package20:45
jryan_Is it possible to use multiple application with the same webcam device?20:45
StarminnLilbit:  /path/to/firefox/firefox -safe-mode20:45
StarminnLilbit: Obviously that's not the actual file path. Replace it with yours20:45
marc_erUSUL, got a bunch of errors lol20:45
guestoHello guys20:46
Guest64870Help... I can't install ubuntu 10.10  if I put in disc and reboot it go straight to ubuntu demo -- click install icon inside ubuntu does nothing!  Reboot and hit f6 gets me the menu - I hit English then install... then Ubuntu brings up demo mode again!!!  Help!20:46
guestoAnyone have installed Photoshop CS5 on ubuntu ?20:47
Pici!appdb | guesto20:47
ubottuguesto: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:47
Guest64870plz help me installnig this ubuntu 10 (I've never had a program even an operating system not install?)20:47
Guest64870Help... I can't install ubuntu 10.10  if I put in disc and reboot it go straight to ubuntu demo -- click install icon inside ubuntu does nothing!  Reboot and hit f6 gets me the menu - I hit English then install... then Ubuntu brings up demo mode again!!!  Help!20:47
Starminn!patience | Guest6487020:48
ubottuGuest64870: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:48
Guest64870sorry :(20:48
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=== AndChat| is now known as smack
StarminnNot a prolem. :) I don't know what to say to help you though, but follow those links that ubottu gave you and see what you can find in the mean time.20:49
watermarkAnyone heard of an issue with apache 2.2.14/php 5.3.1 resetting connections prematurely?20:49
zeminow i know why people are using Linux20:49
battle_warriorOK this is either gona make you laugh or make you gringe...   I have a dell studio laptop.. i had linux ubuntu 10.10 on it... grub was a start up boot thing where i could chose whether windows or ubuntu.. Since i delted all partitions of linux  it says error : no such partition  grub rescue>  help plz?20:49
watermarkbattle_warrior: what version of windows?20:50
battle_warriorwin 7 home prem20:50
LilbitHow do I get my number lock to activate on startup? According to ubuntu there is a keyboard & mouse option in the administration menu but it's not there. Again, 10.10 Maverick Meerkat.20:50
guestoHey anyone know some software for streaming .mkv files and subtitles to XBOX360 ??????20:50
nwillems90llutz, just tried it for "tomcat6-docs" it says that there should be placed a file in /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/docs.xml but when looking in there, nothing20:50
torrancewguesto: you're limited to whatever codecs the XBox supports20:51
torrancewbut I've had good luck with Twonky and with ushare20:51
watermarkbattle_warrior: http://www.helyar.net/2010/fix-windows-7-mbr-after-grub/20:51
BiPolahThe 360 doesn't support .mkv20:51
BiPolahIt supports .avi and possibly .mp420:51
smackTrying to install 10.10, on a sony vaio pcv-rx560. Boots off the live cd, sees the hd, installs.  But on restart boot failure.  Any ideas?d20:51
guestoOn windows7 I use Tverstiy and it can play mkv20:52
BiPolahYou play it on Windows 7, or on the Xbox?20:52
guestoon xbox20:52
battle_warriorwatermark it say unknown command bootrec20:53
watermarkbattle_warrior: the link doesn't do a good job of saying so, but you need to boot to you windows dvd20:53
guestoTverstiy transcode the movie so I can watch it on xbox20:53
BiPolahWell I'm not sure how it manages that, the 360 doesn't support .mkv20:54
battle_warriorI dont have a windows dvd...20:54
BiPolahah, re encoding to avi or mp4 would work yeah20:54
watermarkbattle_warrior: if you cannot get ahold of one, then your only option is to reinstall linux20:54
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NowVoyagerTrying to use Ubuntu 10.10 on PPC Mac PowerBook. Boots fine but has no WiFi and mouse is mostly disabled. Any suggestions anyone? Thanks!20:55
torrancewBiPolah: Tversity transcodes the video on-demand, into a format the Xbox accepts20:55
php101ukURGENT: Guys, I need to recover around 100 files I have accidentally deleted from an ext4 file system - I'm desperate - can anyone help? :'(20:55
BiPolahTorrancew: So I understand now20:55
guestoBiPolah check this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ_uoLDIPpU20:55
craigbass1976I'm trying to run a java application.  I wnat to make sure everything is good on my end.  I've done sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre and was able to instlal the package ( java -jar file.jar ) but now I can't run it.  There are class path issues, and I'm just wondering if it's the problem of the programmers (though whatever class it's looking for IS in there, according to xarchiver) or me.20:56
howlymowlyhi poeple..   short question:  I update chromium browser from 8 to version 9 now my flash player isnt working anymore?20:56
torrancewBiPolah: sorry, missed that in the scrollback somehow20:56
joelmichaelwhy are packages recommended but not installed20:56
henningjansen_hallo zusammen20:56
torrancewjoelmichael: because they're not necessary, but could be useful20:56
LilbitNowVoyager: hold down ctrl key during bootup. The WiFi will probably be fixed in the first update package. Keep the computer running during the updates. The mouse thing will be fixed as well.20:56
NowVoyagerThank you Lilbit!!! Will do20:57
LilbitHad the same problem. No worries20:57
BiPolahGuesto: I don't know if ushare can transcode on the fly, but someone else could help you find another program. If not, you might have to transcode with another program to avi or mp4, then stream it20:57
watermark!info php-520:57
ubottuPackage php-5 does not exist in maverick20:57
[erk]hackeri new here20:57
sparklingevilsushi probably..after some tests i solved without editing script.... i added PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin before launch my script  .... tesseract is in /opt/bin but /opt/bin isn't in $PATH so i added it...now i try to reboot nas20:57
watermark!info php20:57
ubottuPackage php does not exist in maverick20:57
torrancewguesto: I'm fairly sure ushare doesn't transcode20:57
bindi!info php520:57
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 (maverick), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB20:57
[erk]hacker!info php20:58
JenkHow do I install gnumake/gmake ?20:58
[erk]hacker!info php520:58
watermark!info php5 lucid20:58
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.7 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB20:58
erUSULJenk: install built-essential it includes make20:58
torrancewguesto: also, it had a limitation on how many files or directories it could share, back when I was using it, and it made it hard to use the folder layout I had at the time20:58
NowVoyagerLilbit: Do I hold down the CTRL key AND the "C" key on bootup or, just the CTRL key?20:58
torrancewbbiab, lunch20:58
chriss_hello peeps can anyone pls help with accessing my windows files from ubuntu20:58
erUSULchriss_: Places>Computer || double click on the windows partition20:59
LilbitNowVoyager: just the ctrl key. It's more than likely because of the massive updates needed20:59
Zephlitis it okay to set up a group for /etc and /usr and then chmod o-rx ? and then allow users i want to be able to see those directories to be in that group20:59
Zephlitor will that cause a lot of problems?20:59
JenkerUSUL, You meant 'build-essential' I suppose. I have that installed. But gnumake/gmake ?20:59
michael99hey, is there any way to normalize any audio? i mean not at the separate application (if some app have it then that app normalize) but all the audio i mean im sick when i listen some online radio and that is very silent need to overvolume it manually cant make it auto? isnt that a nice idea?20:59
NowVoyagerLilbit: The reason I ask is because when I hold down just the CTRL key, it boots into Mac OS21:00
madohello to everyone21:00
chriss_no windows partition there21:00
Pumpkin-Jenk: make is going to be gmake.21:00
michael99the system would normalize all the audio that goes thru the master volume control21:00
LilbitNowVoyager: The ctrl key is to keep the usb loading in startup. After choosing to boot in Linux then hold the ctrl key.21:00
erUSULJenk: gnumke gmake is == make in linux machines. it is called gnumake gmake in bsd (macosx included ) machines becouse they have their own make21:01
EmuAlertmichael99: I don't have any programs to help you, but wouldn't that make silence into a buzz as loud as music, and make loud parts of music just as loud as the quiet parts?21:01
chriss_hey erUSUL I don't see a windows partition there21:01
JenkerUSUL, Oops !! Thanks a million ! I was wondering why 'sudo apt-get install gnumake' wasn't working....21:02
JenkPumpkin-, Got it ! Thanks !21:02
erUSULJenk: no problem21:02
ohsixwhat java are you supposed to use if you want to use the firefox plugin? i had been using java6-* but the sound output is hamstrung, theres no virtual that i can see that'll just pull in what i need21:02
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JenkerUSUL, :)21:02
Starminnmichael99: It does that already. The system has a level of audio, but various applications may be cranked up or down. For example, when I watch some YouTube videos if I had it loud last time it will be loud again. But unless you intend on making your system hack YouTube's memory of your last volume or something then....21:02
erUSULchriss_: you are sure? run  « sudo fdisk -l » in a terminal and paste the output in a pastebin21:02
brontoeeemichael99, what you are looking for is some sort of replaygain on live streams, it should be possible i guess, i'am not aware of any specs or actual implementation thought21:02
michael99EmuAlert: no there are apps that does it correctly like smplayer has normalize option i dunno how it works but is it working21:02
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NowVoyagerLilbit: To clarify - I hold down the "C" key to boot into Ubuntu LIVECD prompt. Then hold down the CTRL key to load the updates?21:03
erUSUL!paste | chriss_21:03
ubottuchriss_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:03
EmuAlertHow do I automatically mount a parition when I boot up? I go the "sudo mount -t ..." part working, but the startup applications only run before I've given my password.21:03
erUSUL!fstab | EmuAlert21:03
ubottuEmuAlert: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:03
chriss_when I run fdisk-1 says command not found21:05
LilbitNowVoyager: the ctrl key option is just to keep the usb open during startup. I had the same problem when I first loaded Ubuntu. During the updates the mouse is going to be pretty much useless because of the amount of updates needed. If you can type your password on startup then don't worry about the ctrl key on startup. Use the ctrl key to get your mouse back during the updates. Don't have to hold it down, just until the mouse21:05
Lilbit starts working again.21:05
NowVoyagerLilbit: Thank you for your patience. I am an absolute noob at this. I've been winging it. I appreciate your help.21:05
michael99im just talking about that i have like master volume set to 50% and some apps are very silent and some are loud, cant the system take control of it? normalize itto the same level21:05
erUSULchriss_: is "fdisk -l" note the space and that it is an  l ( L ) not a number 121:06
LilbitI am too. Any help I can give someone else is a pleasure.21:06
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NowVoyagerLilbit: Thanks so much! Going to give it a try now21:07
VilinyHello guys, i have some problems after installing ubuntu on my desktop. Now a majority of this problem revolves around windows 7 and i do realize this is a ubuntu channel - but the windows channel is of no help to me and i figured people here surely do dual boots so someone might be able to give me some help.21:07
Dcitemichael99: I don't know about a system wide normalizer.. but I beleive pulse audio lets you control the volume of each application actively using sound.21:07
VilinyI started installing ubuntu and messed up the manual partitioning by making my secondary physical hd have no filesystem instead of splitting it. this wasn't such a major issue since it wasn't the hd the windows OS was installed on so i continued with installing ubuntu and all that... had to change the hd to boot from in bios since ubuntu installed grub on the non-booting one.21:07
VilinyMy windows 7, as a result of all of this, became unable to standby. It shuts off the screens and then just lights up again at the login screen without ever actually going into any hardware standby. Whats wrong? and on top of that my ubuntu is now unusable because i installed nvidia drivers manually and X refuses to start on the account that my nvidia kernel module mismatches the installed...21:07
blackxoredis there a good chess interface better than pychess which has FICS support?21:07
Viliny...driver no matter how many times  i run the .run installer. Any ideas? i probably need to clean out the nvidia drivers or something but specifics would be great, Thank you in advance.21:07
Starminnmichael99: Ah, yes, I have that problem with such things as, say, SuperTuxKart. The sysem does adjust it but for some reason it's always louder than I think it should be. Not sure what to suggest, though, sadly. I just mute those apps, but I do understand what you're talking about now21:07
brontoeeeits not a normalizer that is needed, check replaygain.org for some theory 1st...21:08
chriss_ok sorry thanks21:09
guntbert!it | mergiani21:09
ubottumergiani: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:09
smackNeed some help... installing 10.10 on a sony viao pcv-rx650, live cd works great and installs on the hard drive.  But on reboot I get boot failure.  Ideas?21:09
Leelahi there. trying to run a win program with wine i get the error "There is no windows program cofigured to open this type of file"21:09
chriss_ok done I have a bunch of things come up usage and options21:09
Leelait's pdf files and i have pdf reader21:10
DciteLeela: Which type of file for which app? The error message is too generic.21:10
Starminnbrontooee: Thank you for that (Very interesting and a few albums I'd like to apply that to), but what of simple desktop apps? I.e. the infamous SuperTuxKart?21:10
michael99well im not sure how to name it, but it would be nice to have it, ive had problem on any system i was, windows / linux some apps silent some loud , system should check somehow what its volume and set it by % to some iso certify or i dunno21:10
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brontoeeeStarminn, curent theory cant apply to that afaik21:11
LeelaDcite, it's pdfs as far as i can see it. i have a pdf viewer. the app is Dartuso21:11
Dcitemichael99: It's not so much a standard as how loud something was at the time of recording.. so it's hard to set to some variable.. you usually have to adjust manually.21:11
philluminatiSay I have a ubuntu disk 1...in rescue mode with a shell open on my machine and I want I read-write access to an NTFS partition21:11
philluminatiwould I do that please?21:11
philluminatimount -o rw /dev/sda2 /tmp/mnt_point doesn't work21:11
brontoeeeDcite, thats what replaygain is for21:12
philluminatiit only mounts it read only21:12
DciteLeela: The built in Document Viewer(evince) or Acrobat reader can't handle your PDFs?21:12
erUSULphilluminati: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdxx /mount/point/21:12
Dcitebrontoeee: Replay gain doesn't help much for things too loud.. and has to be set for things that are too soft..21:12
Starminnbrontoeee: Ah.. That's unfortunate... Thank you anyway. :)21:12
LeelaDcite, i have another one. checking Acrobat reader - sec21:12
brontoeeeDcite, nope21:12
chriss_erUSUL I have a couple options here usage and options21:13
Starminn!pdf | Leela21:13
ubottuLeela: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)21:13
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StarminnLeela: .pdf viewing is enabled by default on Ubuntu..21:13
Dcitebrontoeee: Least.. my own personal impression of replay gain is value to amplify the output sound stream by..21:13
brontoeeeDcite, read the theory if you want a discussion, however this is bit offtopic for this channel21:13
LeelaStarminn, i know what pdf is but thanks21:13
halpbatmanI got it working!21:13
philluminatiThank you, erUSUL.21:13
erUSULchriss_: are you sure you typed it correctly ? just copy and paste what i type between the « », « sudo fdisk -l »21:13
erUSULphilluminati: no problem21:14
StarminnLeela: That was telling you what apps you can view them with. It wasn't to insult your intelligence (sorry if it came across that way) -- it was to point on Linux-based apps for it21:14
Starminnto point out*21:14
MojoWorkhi folks. we've got a new hire who's only got some AIX user experience, and we've got Maverick on her desktop, so i'm looking for some suggestions on starter linux books, perferably ubuntu specific21:14
brontoeeeDcite, amplify or decrease depending on an algoritm that simulates the way that human entity hears the sound - the loudness of the sound that is21:15
erUSULMojoWork: if he used AIX i dounbt he will have any problem with linux ...21:15
erUSUL!manual | MojoWork21:15
ubottuMojoWork: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:15
Eliarhi,  Someone is familiar with custom Makefile on Codeblocks with ubuntu?21:15
Leelait's fine Starminn just annoying that i am doing it just to tell someone else later (i dont want that thing at all)21:15
brontoeeeDcite, if you normalize 20HZ21:15
LordyHello back21:15
brontoeeeto 100% you will still hear nothing for example21:15
chriss_ok ok got it it says /dev/sdal ...................HPFS/NTFS21:15
LordyCan anyone suggest me some Java Develop Software like eclipse in windows ??21:16
Leelaok it still is not running. got Adobe reader21:16
Lordybut for ubuntu21:16
erUSULchriss_: ok; do « udisk --mount /dev/sda1 »21:16
MojoWorkerUSUL: well, not really, because it was strictly user based access21:16
MojoWorkand linux on the desktop is much more sysadmin stuff21:16
penthiefLordy: Eclipse works on Linux too...21:16
hilarieHow often does the time reset it self with a time server?21:16
LordyWithout wine ? :O21:16
Lordyor somehing like that21:17
Eliar Someone is familiar with custom Makefile on Codeblocks on ubuntu?21:17
LordyYeah something like codeblocks21:17
Lordycustom colors...21:17
hilarieIn time and Date, I had some servers selected, but when I disabled them and ran sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org I got 11 Feb 12:16:26 ntpdate[503]: adjust time server offset 0.046585 sec21:17
chriss_erUSUL sorry is that /sda1( numeric )21:18
erUSULMojoWork: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html || https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SystemAdministration21:18
Leelaoh now i get it... it's not pdf... but i can't find out what it is21:18
erUSULchriss_: yes; i figured ;)21:18
michael99Lordy: you can install eclipse thru synaptic - theres native port of eclipse for linux21:18
Lordywich one you suggest ? http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/21:19
guntbertLeela: in CLI type: file <nameOfYourFile> , that tells you the kind of file that is21:19
erUSULchriss_: did it worked? do you see something in Places>Computer?21:20
michael99Lordy: just type in terminal sudo apt-get install eclipse -- it should work for you auto21:20
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chriss_no says bad command21:20
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Leelaguntbert, on the desktop i have the exe i installed but i can't even cd until i get into whatever directory that "Datuos" is installed now21:21
Lordywhy i should put the -- ?21:21
erUSULchriss_: ok; do « sudo apt-get install ntfs-config »21:21
erUSULchriss_: when that finishes run « gksudo ntfs-config »21:22
michael99you shouldnt just it after the eclipse -- its just a comment which i gave to you21:22
guntbertLeela: you cannot run "exe" files under linux21:22
Lordy206 mo wow :p21:22
erUSULLeela: wine replicates windows file estructure in ~/.wine/drive_c/21:22
Leelaguntbert, i know... i installed the program and want to run it with wine21:22
genuxjust wondering if anyone has got the WNDA3200 netgear wireless to work  ? it is changing from a storage to a serial device.. but I think that the firmware is wrong for it ?21:22
erUSULLeela: so maybe you want to look in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/21:23
figure002hello. i want to create a passwordless ssh, so i ran "ssh-keygen -t dsa", then left the passphrase blank. but now whenever i login using ssh, i still can't login without a password. did i miss somthing?21:23
macofigure002: forget to copy the public key to the server's authorized_hosts file21:23
macofigure002: ?21:23
guntbertfigure002: use ssh-add to add that key to the ssh-agent21:23
chriss_erUSUL ok did all that21:24
BiPolahLeela: Is it marked as executable? Make sure it's being opened with WINE21:24
figure002maco: no, i did that21:24
StarminnLeela: So right-click the .exe and hit "Open with Windows Program Loader" (or whatever the exact phrasing is.) For whatever reason that's never worked for me so I have to hit in the Terminal "wine /path/to/file.exe" then it works without a hitch21:24
LeelaBiDOrD_, yes it is marked and it is opened with wine21:24
figure002guntbert: alright, will try that21:24
LeelaStarminn, everytime i do that i only get the instalwizard21:25
erUSULchriss_: enabled ntfs-support ? good21:25
BiDOrD_Leela: you mean BiPolah ? ;)21:25
Leelaoh yes, sorry21:25
BiDOrD_no prob ^^21:25
erUSULchriss_: then rerun « udisk --mount /dev/sda1 »21:25
Leelalol only hitting tab all the time BiDOrD_21:25
BiPolahLeela: So you've got an .exe to setup/install a program then, not to run it after installation21:26
NewUbuntuhi there21:26
LeelaBiPolah, but it is definitely installed now. I can access just when i want to run it, it's not working21:27
erf3d\join #pyqt21:27
erf3doups sorry21:27
figure002guntbert: when i run 'ssh-add', i get: "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent."21:27
LordyWhat do you think about egypt ? :p21:27
chriss_erUSUL it said done and then unable to locat package then I typed in gksudo ntfs-config but nothing happened21:27
NewUbuntui need to know how to install HUAWEI ZTE E153 on ubuntu 10.10 x32.. i tried checking all online resources and still has ended up zero21:27
NewUbuntuany answer is very much appreciated21:28
Lordy3g modem ?21:28
DaghdhaIs there any gui tool to set drives going to sleep? I tried smartctrl and gsmartctrl but it can't do it21:28
NewUbuntuyes yes21:28
NewUbuntuit's correct @Lordy21:28
Abinadaican someone tell me if I can take a snapshot of my maverick installation, save it to a usb drive, re-partition the drive...then reload the snapshot onto the new drive?21:29
lolcatnm-applet has dissapeared!21:30
Leelaif someone wrote to me, please query because for some reason i didn't get the message (only the beep lol)21:30
brontoeeeok, the solution for loudness mix between apps could be: RG scanner that runs on every output from the app and calculates the correction for the time the app was making sounds, that correction can than be used on 2nd run, but that would be cpu intensive....21:30
DaghdhaI see something called noflushd but it doesn't sound like it's normal, it says it prevents the disk from waking up from writes.21:31
lolcatHow do I get nm-applet back?!21:31
erUSULAbinadai: fsarchiver ?21:31
chriss_erUSUL ya still just waiting for next command21:31
AbinadaierUSUL, ok..that might work21:32
BiPolahlolcat: Has it just disappeared from your process list or have you removed it?21:32
Daghdha"This is noflushd, a daemon that spins down disks that have not been read from after a certain amount of time, and then prevents disk writes from spinning them back up."21:32
AbinadaiI'll try it on a VIrtualBox first.21:32
lolcatBiPolah: Neither, the process is running but the icon is gone21:33
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erUSULchriss_: « nautilus /media/ »21:33
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BiPolahLolcat: You mean on the top panel?21:33
lolcatOr any panel for that mather21:33
erUSULlolcat: alt + f2 run nm-applet21:33
lolcaterUSUL: No effect21:34
karanmenonI cant use my dell printer21:34
karanmenoni cant find the driver for Dell V313w21:34
erUSULlolcat: make sure you have a notification area in the panel21:34
BiPolahlolcat: re-add notification area to your panel21:34
chriss_erUSUL nothing there21:35
BiPolahAh, I see erusul beat me to it.21:35
karanmenonum... can someone help me with my dell printer problem21:35
lolcatAdded it like twelve times, only shows three small - ontop of eachother21:35
bdeskhi, my system->about says i'm running a narwal but i think i am running the ubuntu from october.  is there another way to check?21:35
erUSULchriss_: are you sure? « grep sda1 /proc/mounts »21:36
Starminnbdesk: Try System->Administration->System Monitor and hti the first tab21:36
lolcatBiPolah: I have added it several times, it only makes a new separation line21:36
bdeskStarminn: ok thanks, it says 10.10 (maverick)21:36
BiPolahlolcat: Which panel are you adding it to?21:37
lolcatthe one with the clock and such at the top21:37
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Starminnbdesk: No problem. :)21:37
erUSULlolcat: run it from a terminal and see if it throws any error¿?21:37
danifunkerhey can someone help me with MySql? it doesn't seem to be starting. This is a pretty new install of Ubuntu 10.10 Server.21:37
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lolcaterUSUL: ** (nm-applet:2685): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 021:38
iceroot_how to remove the ubuntu-logo from the left top corner so i can make the panel smaller?21:38
* erUSUL confused ...21:38
erUSULlolcat: sorry dunno what is happening ...21:38
iceroot_danifunker: errors?21:38
Starminniceroot_: If you really want less space you could Remove that and Add to Panel "Main Menu"21:38
MalqartHello, Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't recognise my laptop's monitor, but it works perfectly fine when I plug a VGA external screen >_< (Samsung Q210, nvidia GeForce 9200M GS)21:38
graziahi people21:39
lolcaterUSUL: dammit, I have some videos I have to upload :S21:39
graziai have a problem with sound21:39
danifunkerIt just dies, I'm not sure how to gather the error messages21:39
iceroot_Starminn: bringing the icon back21:39
erUSUL!sound | grazia21:39
ubottugrazia: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:39
chriss_erUSUL  still nothing21:39
jack__Malqart: are you sure? maybe you just have to switch which monitor yoru laptop is setup to use.21:39
jack__danifunker: what happens when you try to start it?21:40
danifunkerjack_: it says it started, but when I do a ps -a | grep mysql I don't see anything21:40
erUSULchriss_: lets do it the old way « sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/ && nautilus /mnt/ »21:40
iceroot_danifunker: /var/log/daemon.log21:40
jack__danifunker: what if you try to connect to it?21:40
Malqartjack__, I have tried the Fn+F4 (which should switch between screens) but nothing happens, only the external screen flickers for a second.21:40
danifunkericeroot_: terminated with status of 121:41
danifunkerjack_: It isn't running, the process is terminated.21:41
fenerhi all21:41
iceroot_danifunker: start if from the shell with debug-mode (or use strace)21:41
jack__danifunker: did you change the root password for mysql? i heard that causes issues if you dont21:41
Malqartjack__, when I saw the Monitor application and then NVIDIA X Server settings, they only show me the external monitor, and nothing happens when I ask it to check for other screens21:42
jack__im not sure if you have to get it started first orn ot though to do that21:42
graziaerUSUL, thank21:42
karanmenoni cant watch any flash related videos online, except from youtube.com21:42
jack__Malqart: im unsure what the issue is. thats peculiar.21:42
karanmenonI reinstalled the Flash Component21:42
erUSULgrazia: did the tips in the factoid fix your issue?21:42
Vitasoykaranmenon: which flash component did you install21:42
karanmenonAdobe flash21:42
Vitasoykaranmenon: what command did you use21:42
danifunkerjack_: I am using a changed password.21:42
karanmenonVitasoy: I did it online21:43
danifunkericeroot_: how do you start mysqld in debug mode?21:43
karanmenonVitasoy: from Adobe.com21:43
Malqartjack__, is there anything I can do to check the name of my internal laptop screen and maybe manually force video out to it?21:43
graziaerUSUL, i try now21:43
jack__Malqart: dmidecode might show something21:43
karanmenonVitasoy: except for the youtube flash player, all other flash players dont play21:43
Vitasoykaranmenon: are you running 32 bit or 6421:43
karanmenonVitasoy: i think 3221:43
iceroot_danifunker: mysql --help (dont have it installed here)21:44
penthiefIs youtube playing html 5 <video>?21:44
chriss_erUSUL ok something happened now back at command line21:44
iceroot_penthief: yes and its offtopic21:44
graziaerUSUL,  nothing21:44
penthiefThen no flash is working?21:44
Malqartjack__, shall I paste the dmidecode result somewhere for you to see ? if you can decipher something out of it ^^21:44
Jordan_Upenthief: Only if you opt in via http://youtube.com/html521:44
graziai have a hp dv5 with ubuntu 10.1021:45
iceroot_Starminn: for your info: gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons --type bool 021:45
karanmenonpenthief: except for youtube21:45
jack__Malqart: i can try21:45
erUSULgrazia: then you will have to describe your issue in more depth21:45
penthieficeroot_: Not off topic it is related to this persons problem!21:45
iceroot_penthief: youtube is using html5 and flash21:45
karanmenonpenthief: no other flash component or flash player works21:45
TheAnarchistIf I have a 160gb HD, how much should I use for root and swap?21:45
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Vitasoykaranmenon: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:46
iceroot_penthief: what type of format youtube is using is of course offtopic in an ubuntu support channel21:46
rwwTheAnarchist: how much RAM/memory do you have?21:46
Vitasoykaranmenon: sudo apt-get update21:46
karanmenonVitasoy: copy paste in terminal?21:46
Jordan_UTheAnarchist: As much swap as you have RAM (if you want to be able to hybernate), and the rest for '/'.21:46
Malqartjack__, http://paste.ubuntu.com/566065/21:46
Vitasoykaranmenon: yes21:46
BiPolahkaranmenon: It might be better to get restricted extras21:46
BiPolahkaramenon: Has java, flash, mp3, avi etc.21:47
penthieficeroot_: I am suggesting that YouTube is not playing flash for karanmenon, but playing HTML5.21:47
datacrusherhello. iv edited a video with kdenlive, and exported it to .vob so i can burn it. K3b gives me an error while i try to burn it with the vob into the video folder, how do i burn this so i can watch on a regular dvd player?21:47
VitasoyBiPolah: isn't the flash in that one for 64bit? =o21:47
victor_como entro al canal de ubuntu.es?21:47
VitasoyBiPolah: oh wait nevermind you're righty =]21:47
BiPolahVitasoy: I don't think so, I'm running 32bit and using it21:47
rwwvictor_: /join #ubuntu-es21:47
soreauWhat is with this small background scratching/hissing noise with pulseaudio? I assume that's what it is because it didn't used to happen before21:47
karanmenonVitasoy: Youtube is working but no other flash component is working21:47
graziaerUSUL,  i have a hp pavillion dv5 with ubuntu 10.10. other informations useful?21:47
TheAnarchistso I give it a 1gb swap?21:47
TheAnarchistif I have 1gb ram?21:47
Vitasoykaranmenon: i would follow BiPolah's advice and install the restriced extras21:48
erUSULgrazia: you do not get any sound ?21:48
BiPolahUbuntu Software Centre > search "ubuntu restricted extras", else try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"21:48
graziaerUSUL,  no, nothing21:48
karanmenonVitasoy: what are the restricted extras?21:48
Jordan_UTheAnarchist: Yes.21:48
erUSULgrazia: checked with « alsamixer » in a terminal? no muted channels ?21:48
Vitasoykaranmenon: sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:48
graziano file for alsamixer21:48
jack__Malqart: what type of laptop do you have?21:48
graziaerUSUL,  no file for alsamixer21:48
karanmenonVitasoy: its says unable to update package21:48
BiPolahkaranmenon: Gives you flash, java, avi, mpeg, mp3, truetype and a few other things21:49
Abinadaigrazia, I have an HP dv7-4177nr.  How do you like your laptop with Maverick installed on it?21:49
karanmenonBiPolah: I cant update it doesnt give me access21:49
Malqartjack__, Samsung Q21021:49
Vitasoykaranmenon: sudo apt-get purde ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:49
BiPolahkaranmenon: You need to sudo21:49
jack__Malqart: is this only after installation? can you boot and see it with a livecd?21:49
Vitasoykaranmenon: ^purde^purge21:49
erUSULgrazia: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel21:49
TheAnarchistI make the swap area logical right?21:49
BiPolahkaranmenon: Do them as separate commands, do "sudo apt-get update" then when it's finished do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras". Leave out the "s though21:50
erUSULgrazia: then retry alsamixer21:50
graziaAbinadai,  it's good, but after a upgrade the sound no work21:50
peaynesshow can i get dual boot to work?21:50
Malqartjack__, I have the same problem with live CD and USB stick21:50
soreaupeayness: What two OS'es do you have?21:50
peaynesswin7 64 ubuntu 6421:50
Abinadaigrazia, have you installed pulsaudio?21:50
karanmenonVitasoy: its says unable to locate the package21:50
graziaAbinadai, i think21:50
Vitasoykaranmenon: what version of ubuntu do you have21:51
peaynessthe latest21:51
TheAnarchistWait, so do I make it primary or logical? for SWAP21:51
graziaerUSUL, i have a problem with the first comand line21:51
karanmenonVitasoy: 10.1021:51
Malqartjack__, even though it used to work perfectly fine before with ubuntu 10.04, but now when I tried the old Ubuntu 10.04 CD it didn't work21:51
karanmenonVitasoy: Maverick21:51
peaynessfirst experience with liux21:51
chriss_erUSUL it says ntfs-3g failed to access volume /dev/sdal21:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:51
jack__Malqart: kk21:51
erUSULgrazia: what is the problem?21:51
soreaupeayness: install windows first then install ubuntu and let it automatically detect windows and add an entry for it next to ubuntu in your boot loader21:51
peaynessive had windows installed for a while21:51
peaynessjsut installed ubuntu last night21:51
erUSULchriss_: is with a 1 one not with a l (L)21:52
peaynessdoes that mean i need to reinstall21:52
graziaerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/566066/21:52
soreaupeayness: Ubuntu will automatically detect other OS on the machine and attempt to make an entry for it in the boot loader21:52
jack__Malqart: the old 10.04 livecd doesn't work?21:52
erUSULchriss_: really use a font that clearly differentiates a 1 from a l and a O from a 021:52
Abinadaigrazia, after you install pulsedio you will see the controls for it by looking in Applications>>Sound and Video21:52
peaynessi dont remember it doing that last night21:52
erUSULchriss_: like Deja Vu Mono21:52
mfaroukgi want to backup all the ubuntu current configurations and software which can used later if i reinstall the ubuntu21:53
soreaupeayness: In /boot/grub/grub.cfg file, do you see any entry for windows?21:53
erUSUL!clone | mfaroukg21:53
ubottumfaroukg: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:53
Malqartjack__, yes, the old 10.04 live CD doesn't work21:53
peaynesssoreau how would i enter that into terminal21:53
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soreaupeayness: What is the output from this command in your terminal? grep -i windows /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:53
Vitasoykaranmenon: go to this website: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine21:53
jack__Malqart: what about 9.10?21:53
Vitasoykaranmenon: and make sure your repository looks like that21:53
graziaAbinadai, but pulse audio don't work21:53
rr73so i installed ubuuntu on a harddrive, now i took it out and want to boot off of it through an enclosure. i have done this in the past but forgot how i got it to work21:53
erUSULmfaroukg: then backup your home folder and any file in /etc/ you may have tweaked21:54
jack__Malqart: its very strange that it used to work with livecd and now it doesn't. it makes me think its hardware related. if its just 10.10 i would say probably the xserver21:54
graziaAbinadai, pulseaudio "command no found"21:54
jack__Malqart: have you been mucking around in yoru bios recently? and by recently i mean like.. the past 12 months heh21:54
Jordan_Urr73: What happens when you try to boot from it as-is?21:54
karanmenonVitasoy: k21:54
karanmenonVitasoy: ty21:54
karanmenonVitasoy: thanks a lot21:54
Malqartjack__, nope21:54
Abinadaigrazia, I don''t know how to help you any more because Im still new too.  Just reinstall pulseaudio from the software center21:55
graziaAbinadai, pulseaudio E: pid.c: Daemon already running.21:55
graziaE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() non riuscita.21:55
rr73Jordan_U: booting up right now to get specific words21:55
Malqartjack__, what's weird though, is that my win7 dual boot works just fine21:55
jack__Malqart: if it used to work with the livecd and now it doesn't, it has to be hardware related. unless the spins get updated??21:55
Abinadaigrazia, that's wierd.21:55
mfaroukgerUSUL: thanks21:55
peaynesssoreau: i entered that into my terminal nothing happened21:55
graziaAbinadai, thank you21:55
jack__Malqart: im not saying its not an issue with ubuntu, but something had to have changed on the hardware side and now its being detected differently21:55
soreaupeayness: No output? Then that means it's not installed to your boot loader21:55
rr73Jordan_U: well as is nothing cause quiet and splash are enabled :-P let me get rid of quiet21:56
Abinadaigrazia, then you should see the server up on the area of the system tray an icon that lets you configure it.21:56
peaynessso do i need to reinstall ubuntu21:56
rr73Jordan_U: gave up on waiting for root device21:56
soreaupeayness: Try 'sudo update-grub2' and see if it detects windows21:56
graziaAbinadai, i wrong pulseaudio there is but when i run the command says E: pid.c: Daemon already running.21:56
graziaE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() non riuscita.21:56
Abinadai!sound | crazia21:56
ubottucrazia: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:56
rr73if i change root device to the external it gives me init script errors iirc21:56
Malqartjack__, can I do anything about it ? at least to diagnose what's happening with bios, or if I can change something so that it works fine again ??21:57
chriss_erUSUL still nothing does it matter if I cannot start windows21:57
peaynessfound linux image21:57
peaynessfound initrd image21:57
peaynessfound memtest86 image21:57
Jordan_U!pastebin | peayness21:57
ubottupeayness: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:57
soreaupeayness: You should be able to add an entry for 7 but with grub2, it's more complicated.21:57
Jordan_Upeayness: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?21:58
graziaAbinadai, there is a conflict, i think, with the daemon21:58
erUSULchriss_: i dunno; the nautilus window from the last command come empty?21:58
soreaupeayness: Maybe Jordan_U can help21:58
soreau! who | peayness21:58
ubottupeayness: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:58
Abinadai!sound | grazia21:58
ubottugrazia: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:58
jack__Malqart: unfortunetly i dont have an answer for you. :( i would google the hell out of it. both the laptop model and the 'how do i identify my monitor' it has to be somewehre21:58
graziaAbinadai, yes i understand, but what i do?21:59
rr73no init found21:59
Malqartjack__, well I spent the last couple of days doing that, and I didn't get any answer for it :(21:59
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graziain hardware, preference audio, there aren't hardware21:59
Malqartjack__, usually people have issues with refresh rate, or resolution, but not the screen not being detected at all21:59
Abinadaigrazia, just do some research like the bot says.  sound problems can be tricky to solve if you dont do the research22:00
Jordan_Urr73: Do you get a busybox shell?22:00
graziaAbinadai,  in hardware, preference audio, there aren't hardware22:00
erUSULgrazia: did you run « sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel » ?22:00
peaynessjordan_u: nothing happened22:00
v1ratiIs there a way to replace multiple characters with s/1/2 (I.E. s/\/:*?"<>|/_) ?22:00
graziaerUSUL, yes22:00
erUSULgrazia: still alsamixer fails ?22:00
rr73Jordan_U: yes22:01
graziaerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/566066/22:01
chriss_can't figure this out but I really need to get the files off my windows xp22:01
macov1rati: welcome to regular expressions22:01
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macov1rati: you want to replace / or : or * or ? or < or > or | with _     right?22:01
erUSULv1rati: there is a sed channel in this network22:01
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graziaerUSUL, yes alsamixer: file or directory not found22:01
Jordan_Uv1rati: Create a character class: s/[abc123\\:\?\//22:01
v1ratimaco: Exactly. I'm trying to get rid of all the "illegal" characters on my NTFS partition.22:01
erUSULgrazia: do « dmesg | tail -n 25 » and paste the output22:02
macov1rati: s/[\/:*?"<>|]/_/   try that22:02
Jordan_Uv1rati: Sorry, forgot the closing ']', s/[abc123\\:\?\/]/22:02
macov1rati: the [ and ] mean "or"22:02
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v1ratilol I'm definitely learning regex now. I've been meaning to do it for a while.22:02
rr73Jordan_U: target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init22:02
graziaerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/566072/22:02
wiggmpkis there a way to change the location of the notifications? like to the upper left hand corner?22:03
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macov1rati: taht was funny timing. i just had a coworker ask me how to do the regex he needed too...22:03
Jordan_Urr73: If you run "cat /proc/partitions" at the busybox shell are the partitions on the drive in question listed?22:03
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest4016
* v1rati is secretly maco's coworker.22:03
erUSULgrazia: did you tried to install alsa from source or something?22:03
andygraybealdoes anyone use openmeetings and gtkwiiwhiteboard ?22:04
rr73Jordan_U: yup22:04
rr73is root just /dev/sda or /dev/sda1?22:04
graziaerUSUL, no. how can i install alsa?22:04
Jordan_Urr73: If you mount the partition in question does it in fact have a /bin/init? What is the output of "cat /proc/cmdline"?22:04
erUSULgrazia: try this « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic »  and reboot22:05
rr73Jordan_U: im manaulling booting from grub by setting the root drive, linux kernal path appended with root= and then initrd22:05
victor_porfavor el comando para entrar en ubuntu .es22:06
chriss_ok erUSLU what do you think I should do next22:06
rwwvictor_: /join #ubuntu-es22:06
graziaerUSUL, ok i try it and reboot. i return after reboot. thank you22:06
Jordan_Urr73: You're probably passing the wrong root= argument. Why are you booting manually?22:07
erUSULgrazia: no problem22:07
bryan_alguen sabe como configurar vnc en ubuntu?22:08
v1ratimaco: It's only fixing the first illegal character it finds in the file. I'd have to run it multiple times if any of the files have multiple illegal chars. Do you know how to fix that? :\22:08
ktosiekHi! There is collision between nvidia-current an xorg in natty22:08
ktosiekis there any way around it?22:09
rr73Jordan_U: so u want me to boot with the entry in the menu for grub?22:09
Jordan_Urr73: Yes.22:09
ktosiekxserver-xorg-core : Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-8 <- what's going on?22:09
grazia_erUSUL, nothing. audio no work22:10
elgalineroHello people. I have troubles with conky and my wireless connection. I cannot get the signal's strength displayed.22:10
rwwktosiek: #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion, not here22:10
ktosiekrww: thanks22:10
erUSULgrazia_: « sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel » gives the same error ?22:11
rr73Jordan_U: booting manually so i dont get the disc with UID does not exist22:11
grazia_erUSUL, with the os restart there is a log: unkown snd-hda-inte22:12
Jordan_Urr73: If you are having a problem with the default menu entry then something is wrong (the drive in question is not seen by linux), and using a manual entry isn't going to fix it (but will make debugging more difficult).22:12
ecantosomebody use dell inspiron with hot keys?22:13
erUSULgrazia_: typo? missing final l22:13
grazia_erUSUL, yes the error is the same22:13
erUSULgrazia_: :/22:13
tuzloI have been trying to get Ubuntu installed on a Dell poweredge 1850, dual scsi drives but the cd which booted and ran on a PC doesnt get far, matter of fact, it seemd to freeze at a screen with UBUNTU and 5 dots below it, any ideas?22:13
rr73Jordan_U: i remember the menu default entry not working last time i did this but not sure how i fixed it. does the UUID change since i put it in the external enclosure?22:14
Jordan_Urr73: No. The point of UUIDs is that unlike static device names (/dev/sdXY) they do *not* change when hardware get's moved around.22:14
grazia_erUSUL, yes snd-hda-intel22:15
erUSULgrazia_: it looks like a missmatch between the kernel version and the sound modules version... but shouldn't happen if you did not messed with alsa drivers or something ...22:15
rr73Jordan_U: can i install grub again from another working ubuntu?22:15
red2kicrr73: Think VIN for vehicles. :)22:15
rr73red2kic: i had no idea what UUID did/does actually ;)22:16
Jordan_Urr73: This is not a problem with grub.22:16
rr73now i know22:16
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reavengreyHi, I'd like to biuld wine from source22:16
kgunpowderHey can I get some help? Trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 and I have the famous NVidia 6150 LE graphics problem, only the two install CDs I made don't work either.22:16
reavengreyOr otherwise, apply a patch to a deb before installig it22:16
xangua!compile | reavengrey22:16
ubottureavengrey: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:16
erUSULgrazia_: really dunno what is going on... do you have more than one kernel to choose from in grub menu? does an older kernel also fails ?22:17
jrib!source | reavengrey22:17
ubottureavengrey: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html22:17
reavengreyand I suppose I'd build the package after that22:17
reavengreyOr rather build a deb form it22:17
reavengreyThen I could keep that22:17
rr73Jordan_U: the UID is differeint iirc when plugging in the external to my desktop, could i try replacing the uuid with that one in the menu entry by 'e'?22:17
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!22:17
php101ukURGENT: Guys, I've  run extundelete, but getting the error: extundelete: failed to read-only open device /dev/sda122:17
grazia_erUSUL, yes. i can try an old kernel version22:17
kgunpowderHey can I get some help? Trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 and I have the famous NVidia 6150 LE graphics problem, only the two install CDs I made don't work either.22:18
jribreavengrey: follow ubottu's instructions on building a source package (so you create a deb), but before building the package, apply the patch and document your changes with « dch -i » (make sure you append something like "~reavengrey" to the package version).  If you want to use a proper patching system, see the !packaging documentation ubottu can tell you about22:18
Jordan_Urr73: UUID's do not change. They are stored in the filesystem and have no relation to how the drive containing that filesystem is connected.22:18
jribreavengrey: I meant to say "~reavengray1"22:18
macov1rati: s/1/2/g  g for global22:18
Jordan_Urr73: You need to chroot into the system and run "update-initramfs -c -k all". Are you familiar with how to use chroot?22:19
reavengreyjrib: Thanks, Reading th elink from ubottu now22:19
rr73from my desktop correct?22:19
macov1rati: i assume this is in sed. if its in vi, then you need to tell it "For every line" which means :%s/1/2/g22:19
jribreavengrey: note, read the !source link, not !compile22:19
Dynetrekkwhat should the group of a "standard" user with "sudo" rights be on ubuntu?22:19
kgunpowderI tried to install Ubuntu using Wubi, and made an AMD64 and i386 CD.  After using wubi, I tried the cd's, now instead of boot options, I just get the terminal, help?22:19
Dynetrekkthere was some sort of error during installation so the group name is equal to a username22:19
jribDynetrekk: if you want a user to be able to sudo, put him in the "admin" group22:19
galerienHi guys, does anyone has a step by step ati graphic card installation tutorial ? Cause I just reinstalled my ubuntu, thanks to various graphic bugs....22:19
rr73Jordan_U: root cant be found, i am not getting init issues while using the deafult menu22:19
Jordan_UDynetrekk: admin.22:19
Dynetrekkjrib: admin? ok22:19
v1ratimaco: rename command, it says 'perlexpr' so I guess perl.22:20
jribDynetrekk: the primary group of a user *is* the same as the username by default, there's nothing wrong there22:20
v1ratimaco: Global fixed it. :)22:20
Jordan_Urr73: You need to chroot into the system and run "update-initramfs -c -k all". Are you familiar with how to use chroot?22:20
rr73Jordan_U: okie, from the busy box terminal correct?22:21
kgunpowderCan anyone help me?22:21
jribkgunpowder: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:21
Jordan_Urr73: No. You need to boot from a LiveCD preferably.22:21
d-techneed to get pcmcia storage drivers into the boot process ... anyone got the experience to help guide me to that solution?22:21
kgunpowderWhat can I do to install Ubuntu 10.10 from the AMD64 CD?22:21
rr73Jordan_U: can i use an existing ubuntu?22:21
Dynetrekkjrib: it was a _different_ username... not the user's own name22:21
kgunpowderGraphics crap out after I get the keyboard and person logo.22:21
jribkgunpowder: put the cd in your computer, reboot22:22
php101ukGuys, I've ran extundelete, and getting the error: extundelete: failed to read-only open device /dev/sda122:22
jribDynetrekk: in that case, you should checksum the cd22:22
BiPolahkgunpowder: It should automatically boot from the CD unless you've changed your boot settings in your BIOS22:22
Jordan_Urr73: Yes, but the drive in question needs to be connected via USB at the time (so that update-initramfs will include USB drivers in the initramfs).22:22
kgunpowderjrib: After I boot the CD, all I get is a logo with a keyboard and person, after that I just reboot.  If I do ANYTHING.22:22
x20twelvehello all. quick question regarding a 10.10 install. i have a hard drive partitioned into 2 parts but using the second part as my backed up files. what do i format the 1st partition as?22:22
rr73Jordan_U: its an external enclosure ;)22:22
jribkgunpowder: run "check the cd for defects" from the cd's boot menu22:22
Dynetrekkjrib: it happened after installation, I think it must be something else. anyway,  it's a while since I installed, so no way to do the checksum22:22
galerienCan anyone link me a step by step ati graphic card installation tutorial for ubuntu 10.10? Cause I just reinstalled my ubuntu, due to various graphic bugs.... (and everything I found so far is for 9.10...)22:23
kgunpowderjrib: I don't get a boot menu, I just get thrown into the CD and it runs itself.22:23
x20twelvewhen yu see the keyboard with the person, just press any key...22:23
jribx20twelve: the installer will guide you.  You should install ubuntu on ext4.  You'll also likely want a small swap partition (about the size of the amount of ram you have)22:23
kgunpowderx20twelve: Thanks, I'll give it a shot.22:23
x20twelveno problem22:23
x20twelvebasically it shows the keyboard and person...meaning user input required22:24
jrib!ati | galerien22:24
ubottugalerien: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:24
rr73Jordan_U: quick refresher on chroot, been awhile22:24
x20twelveso can i get some 10.10 install help pls?22:24
jribx20twelve: just ask your question22:24
rr73does the drive have to be unmounted?22:24
BiPolahx20twelve: What do you need help with exactly?22:24
jribx20twelve: actually, I already answered your question above :/22:25
rr73Jordan_U: i get bash:/dev/null permission denied22:25
php101ukCan anyone help with extundelete22:25
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Jordan_Urr73: Yes. sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt; sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev; sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc; sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys; sudo mount --bind /dev/pts/ /mnt/dev/pts; sudo chroot /mnt/22:25
jribphp101uk: ask the actual question22:25
galerienjrib : thanks, i forgot about this ![command]22:25
rr73Jordan_U: thanks22:26
ragas_do i have to reinstall php to get gd libraries?22:26
Jordan_Urr73: You're welcome.22:26
jribragas_: no.  Just install the php5-gd package using APT22:26
graziaerUSUL, nothing i use now an old kernel but the soundo not work too22:26
ragas_apt-get install php-gd2 ?22:26
jribgalerien: no problem22:26
x20twelveso basically i am going to format to ext4 and set mount point as what? cuz i gotta go thru space allocation, and want to just format the fist partition22:26
php101ukI have ubuntu running from the installation cd and using extundelete to undelete files from an ext4 file system - Extundlete is giving me the following message : extundelete failed to read-only open device22:26
jribragas_: no.  "php5-gd2", not "php-gd2"22:26
chriss_erUSUL thanks for your help22:27
jribphp101uk: copy and paste actual errors instead of typing them22:27
BiPolahx20twelve: Mount point should be / for root partition22:27
erUSULchriss_: no problem22:27
jteeanyone here use sbackup?22:28
graziaerUSUL, what do i do?22:28
jribjtee: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:28
ragas_im using 5.2.. are you sure, jrib? E: Couldn't find package php5-gd222:28
jribragas_: what version of ubuntu is this?22:28
erUSULgrazia: try the « sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel » fails in the same way ?22:28
ragas_10.04; php5.222:28
chriss_can anyone else shed some lite on accessing my windows files through ubuntu I cannot get windowsxp to start22:28
php101ukextundelete: failed to read-only open device "/dev/sda1": error code 1322:29
jribragas_: sorry, I made a mistake.  It should be: "php5-gd" (no "2")22:29
jrib!ntfs | chriss_22:29
ubottuchriss_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:29
graziaerUSUL, nothing, same problem22:29
tuzloI have been trying to get Ubuntu installed on a Dell poweredge 1850, dual scsi drives but the cd which booted and ran on a PC doesnt get far, matter of fact, it seemd to freeze at a screen with UBUNTU and 5 dots below it, any ideas?22:29
ragas_awesome.  TY:)22:29
rr73Jordan_U: im getting no such file or director /dev/sda122:29
huijhi everybody. Does someone know a good radio player22:29
x20twelveok and is it in that same location i set up the swap or where do i do that?22:29
jribphp101uk: and what did you execute?22:30
jteewell... the actual question is... why does sbackup work fine on one machine and not on another - both have the same configuration... if someone is knowledeable about sbackup I'd love to chat off-channel about it22:30
{C}ronosi need help22:30
erUSULgrazia: :/ « lspci | grep -i audio » what gives?22:30
jribtuzlo: run "check the cd for defects"22:30
BiPolahhuij: Rhythmbox has a built-in radio player22:30
erUSUL!ask | {C}ronos22:30
ubottu{C}ronos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:30
tuzlojrib it worked on a PC22:30
Jordan_Urr73: Can you pastebin the output of "mount" and "sudo blkid"?22:30
jribtuzlo: doesn't matter.22:30
php101uk$ extundelete /dev/sda1 --restore-all22:30
* jtee has decided that rsync is cleaner and easier anyway22:30
{C}ronosmy computer is broekn and it wont let me browse for horse pornogrophay anymore22:30
jribjtee: you need to tell us exactly how it's not working22:30
{C}ronosmy operating system is a dell22:31
gpc!coc > {C}ronos22:31
ubottu{C}ronos, please see my private message22:31
graziaerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/566092/22:31
erUSUL!dontwork | {C}ronos22:31
ubottu{C}ronos: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:31
Jordan_U!ohmy | {C}ronos22:31
ubottu{C}ronos: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:31
jribphp101uk: you likely need to use "sudo".  You should read extundelete documentation before proceeding.22:31
jteejrib: it stalls ... apparently... according to the log files22:31
maco{C}ronos: the removal from -ot wasnt enough? keep it family-friendly or i'll help you leave22:31
jribjtee: this is too vague22:31
gpc{C}ronos: you have 1 chance and you used it up already. follow the rules or I will ban you.22:31
x20twelveor do i have to format as swap?22:31
{C}ronoshey maco, wanna see my testicles?22:32
tuzlojrib ok how exactly do I do that in linux?22:32
huijBiPolah, can you chose among a large list of radio stations?22:32
jribtuzlo: the cd should offer the option near the beginning22:32
jteejrib: i know... that is the problem.  if the log file was more specific, I wouldn't have a problem22:32
x20twelvetrying to edit the partition22:32
tuzlojrib it goes no where, brings up this screen then locks22:32
BiPolahhuij: I don't think it gives you a list, but if you go into Rhythmbox then right click "Radio" on the left-side menu, it allows you to add a new internet radio station22:32
php101ukWOOOOO HOOOOOO22:32
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jribjtee: pastebin the actual log file with the error22:32
BiPolahhuij: You'll probably have to find an actual list of them elsewhere22:32
jrib!verify | tuzlo22:32
ubottutuzlo: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:32
rr73Jordan_U: i am doing this on a previous install of ubuntu if that makes a difference22:33
erUSULgrazia: sorry dunno what is wrong here. you ay want to try in #alsa22:33
rr73the hd order is different22:33
jteejrib: there's no error... the log file just... stops... compared to the output of other installations. it should still be going :(22:33
Jordan_Urr73: And the output of "mount"?22:33
ragas_do i have to do anything else to activate the library, jrib?22:33
jribjtee: seeing where it stops may still be helpful22:34
jribragas_: I don't believe so22:34
x20twelveor when i format using ext4 and setting mount as / will it then ask me where i want to get the swap from?22:34
graziaerUSUL, in what sense?22:34
BiPolahhuij: Looking through the software centre, you can try using tunapie or radiotray. Although, Rhythmbox does have access to Last.FM as well22:34
tuzlojrib thats gonna be hard to do as the windows box that burnt it no longer exists22:34
jribx20twelve: depends what option you chose in the installer (guided or manual partitioning)22:34
erUSULgrazia: #alsa is a channel specialized in the sound drivers of linux22:34
x20twelvei had to choose manual22:34
BiPolahx20twelve: You have to define swap as another partition and set it's mount point as "swap"22:34
jribtuzlo: you can checksum the actual cd22:34
jribx20twelve: then you should create a partition for swap22:34
x20twelvebecause i didnt want the installer to delete both partitions22:35
graziaerUSUL, ok i try, thank you22:35
Jordan_Urr73: There was only one drive listed there that is not part of a FakeRAID array, and that is the one you're currently booted from.22:35
x20twelveso do i create the swap partition first?22:35
jteejrib: it's parsing through my home directories looking for excludes... it's not anywhere near the end of the directories... just stuck22:35
mib_mibhow do i make a script run at startup?22:35
jribx20twelve: the easy way is to just delete the first partition so you have unallocated space and then tell the installer to use the unallocated space22:35
erUSULmib_mib: call it from /etc/rc.local22:35
rr73im chrooted22:35
jteejrib: it's probably easier to make a cron job that invokes rsync anyway22:35
x20twelveand that will leave the 2nd partition alone right?22:35
x20twelvejust wanna be sure22:35
jribjtee: ok.  Note, I really like rsnapshot22:36
mib_miberUSUL: okay thanks22:36
mib_miberUSUL: does this get run as root or which user22:36
jteejrib: i'll take a look at it22:36
Jordan_Urr73: Can you pastebin the output of "mount" outside the chroot?22:36
erUSULmib_mib: root22:36
Abinadaican someone tell me if this is going to work or not....I am putting a partition onto a USB drive which will be a boot partition.  It will also have an NTFS partition.  Will I be able to see the NTFS partition?  Can I boot to that same drive when there is another USB hung on the box?22:36
jribx20twelve: the installer won't do anything without showing you what it wants to do and asking you if it's okay22:36
huijBiPolah, radiotray is limited because must to fill yourself the stations. I'm goin' to try tunapie22:37
Abinadai*USB drive22:37
rr73Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566097/22:37
jribAbinadai: I don't see why not, but I've never done that myself22:37
Jordan_UAbinadai: If you set everything up correctly, yes. But what is your actual end goal?22:37
x20twelveok ok. also on the screen im on right now, for formatting, it asks what i should format the partition as...ext4, ext3 etc..ntfs, also noticed an option called 'do not use partition'22:37
mib_miberUSUL: so if i wanted to run memcached upon starting up, i would just add this line straight in there? /usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u memcache -l
huijand rythmbox is interessant but I'd like a specialized software22:38
brucechi. I'm having problems with a startup script, apparently because the network isn't ready. I have $network $remote_fs and $syslog in Required-Start - anyone have any ideas?22:38
x20twelveif i used the 'do not use partition' option would that set it as unallocated space?22:38
Jordan_Urr73: Good. Now run "update-initramfs -c -k all" within the chroot.22:38
jribbrucec: you created an upstart style job or an old sysv init one?22:38
rr73Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/566098/22:39
erUSULmib_mib: that woud work yes... but if it is a daemon i would take the time to writte ainit script for it in /etc/init.d/22:39
jribx20twelve: no22:39
* jtee printing out rsnapshot manual now 22:39
x20twelveso what should i set it as?22:39
brucecjrib: it's a file in /etc/init.d - so old sysv init22:39
erUSULmib_mib: it is weird that memcached does not come with one ( maybe you can find one in the net )22:39
AbinadaiJordan_U, I'm retooling my Maverick installation because it cannot see a 244 GB NTFS partition on my internal drive.  So, I decided that i would just put the installation on a 1TB USB drive that I have.22:39
jribx20twelve: what is "it" in your sentence?22:39
x20twelveext4 and swap are among the options22:39
x20twelve'it' is referring to what the drive is going to be used as after the HD is formatted22:40
jribbrucec: well that just runs according to the numbering scheme you give it.  If you want to explicitly wait for things like network, then you want to create an upstart job.  If you don't want to create an upstart job, then you need to have your script start later (using a higher number)22:40
BiPolahx20twelve: ext4 is what you want to set your actual file system as, swap is what you set your swap partition as22:40
x20twelvewell after the partition is formatted22:40
Jordan_UAbinadai: What specifically "cannot see" it? How are you trying to access the partition?22:40
TheAnarchistGot an error, FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/... (added "..." because there is too much more to type)..... and now it says busybox v1.15.322:40
mib_miberUSUL: thanks!22:40
TheAnarchistWhile installing Netbook remix 10.10 on a NB205 Toshiba22:41
x20twelveyes i understand the significance of ext4 and swap. maybe i should just format as ntfs, then make 2 partitions out of it, then format one as ext4 and the other as swap22:41
Jordan_Urr73: That's odd. What is the output of "update-initramfs -c -k all; echo $?"?22:41
x20twelvejust thought there would have been a quicker way around it22:41
jribx20twelve: you format partitions, not drives.  You want to format a partition as ext4 and tell ubuntu to use it as /.  And have another partition for swap.  Whatever else you do on the drive, ubuntu doesn't care.  Like I said, if this is confusing just have unallocated space set aside for ubuntu and tell the installer to set itself up using the unallocated space22:41
rr73Jordan_U: '0'22:42
AbinadaiJordan_U, For some reason, Mavirick is seeing the boot drive of my (NTFS) Windows 7 partition, but not the empty NTFS partition that I set up for the use of data storage for windows 7 and maverick22:42
yabukhow do I run a command as root on startup?22:42
erUSULyabuk: /etc/rc.local22:42
TheAnarchistWhile installing Netbook remix 10.10 on a NB205 Toshiba I got an error.... any ideas?22:42
jribyabuk: what command?22:42
brucecjrib: ah ok. Thanks22:42
Jordan_UAbinadai: What specifically "cannot see" it? How are you trying to access the partition?22:42
jribTheAnarchist: run "check the cd for defects"22:42
x20twelveyu keep saying to have unallocated space set aside, but what is not being communicated is how i actually set that space aside22:42
BiPolahx20twelve: I could help you using something like Teamviewer if you don't understand22:42
TheAnarchistit's USB version22:43
TheAnarchistdownloaded straight from ubuntu.com22:43
Pumpkin-yabuk: several methods, but /etc/rc.local or @reboot in crontab are recommended.22:43
Jordan_Urr73: Then it hopefully has still worked. Try booting from the external again.22:43
x20twelvei dont think teamviewer would work to the livecd enviro22:43
TheAnarchistFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/... (added "..." because there is too much more to type)..... and now it says busybox v1.15.322:43
jribTheAnarchist: there should be an option when you first boot from the install media22:43
TheAnarchistIt also says gave up waiting for root device22:43
x20twelveor would it?22:43
rr73Jordan_U: i cant umount /mnt22:43
BiPolahWell, Remote Desktop Viewer might work, but22:43
TheAnarchistOkay, let me reboot to usb22:43
Jordan_Urr73: Just shut down. Everything will be properly unmounted when you shut down.22:44
AbinadaiJordan_U, Maverick, for some reason that I cannot fathom is not mounting that empty partition on bootup.  I also have the problem that because of that, DropBox is loading data onto my Maverick boot partiton.  I just discovered that last night.22:44
jribx20twelve: the same way you created your existing partition, delete it22:44
rr73Jordan_U: shutdown my desktop? :/22:44
jribx20twelve: if you're on the live cd, you could use gparted.  Or just do it manually, it's your choice.22:44
BiPolahx20twelve: Are you trying to install alongside another OS or are you using an entire drive?22:44
x20twelvei didnt create the partition. im installin ubuntu on a clients computer cuz im making them switch to ubuntu22:45
rr73Jordan_U: id im not booting from my desktop, im trying to boot from laptop22:45
TheAnarchistI don't see it jrib?22:45
tuzlojrib, where do I get the md5 checksum for the version im runnning?22:45
jrib!md5sum | tuzlo22:45
ubottutuzlo: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:45
Jordan_Urr73: Exit the chroot (with "exit") then run "sudo umount -a".22:45
jrib!md5sums | tuzlo22:45
ubottutuzlo: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.22:45
romistrubokay so I'm tired of searching google for this -- I have no idea what to search for! What does the < <( xxxxxx ) do to xxxxxx?22:45
romistruband what do I search to find information on that? lol22:46
rr73says all are busy22:46
x20twelvei have a drive thats partitioned into 2, of which the second partition is a backup of docs, pics, music etc. the first partition, needs to be formatted, and installed upon, while leaving the backup partition alone so i can access it after installation22:46
dextro_how do you check how much ram a ramdisk is using? du -sh /ramdisk reports the filesystem size but not actual ram usage, df -k doesnt show ramfs either just tmpfs22:46
rr73Jordan_U: okay ill restart22:46
Jordan_Urr73: Can you pastebin the exact error message?22:46
rr73Jordan_U: things are screwey22:46
romistruband PS: does anybody know if there are any tools on the web to search for syntax (i.e. special chars)?22:46
erUSULromistrub: it runs xxxxx and then creates a file with the output that is then redirected to some other command you omited22:46
tuzlook, checksum is right,22:46
Jordan_Urr73: No need, but if you want to do it that way it's fine.22:47
romistruberUSUL: thanks a bajillion, what are the keywords to search for in Google?22:47
tuzlodo I need different iso to put ubuntu on a dell poweredge 1850?22:47
jribromistrub: you can read about "Process Substitution" in bash documentation22:47
erUSULromistrub: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/ProcessSubstitution22:47
romistrubthank you!!!22:47
rr73Jordan_U: it says /var/run,/dev/shm/,/dev etc ... device is busy22:47
rr73Jordan_U: i hit ctrl-D instead of type exit is that okay?22:48
Jordan_Urr73: Yes, that's fine. And as long as /mnt/ is no longer mounted you should be fine removing it as well.22:48
jribromistrub: by the way, in the future, when you come across something like that, it's far easier to search a man page (man bash) for symbols than it is to google for them :)22:48
romistrubman bash ... sounds like fun :) ... thanks jrib22:48
yabukerUSUL, thank you. jrib: logkeys --start22:49
NewUbuntuwhat is this metasploit framework installed in my ubuntu? is this fine running on my machine?22:49
rr73Jordan_U: maybe the usb drivers werent installed in init/grub? is that what your thinking?22:49
jribyabuk: logkeys comes with /etc/init.d/logkeys.  It probably starts automatically, or has some easy configuration option to do so (in /etc/default/logkeys most likely)22:49
Jordan_Urr73: The USB drivers were not included in the initramfs.22:50
=== jkgjhgg is now known as LaMpiR
Jordan_Urr73: Which is neither init, nor grub.22:50
rr73Jordan_U: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/# does not exist22:50
rr73can i try to manually boot?22:51
jribTheAnarchist: there may be some button for "more boot options" or similar22:51
tuzlook, maybe im askin the wrong questions. I have a i386 distro of Ubuntu 10.10 will that install on a dell poweredge 1850 with dual scsi's22:51
jribtuzlo: you might try the alternate cd22:51
jrib!alternate | tuzlo22:51
ubottutuzlo: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal22:51
Jordan_Urr73: There is likely nothing you can do to manually boot.22:52
rr73Jordan_U: you were right :-P22:53
beachbum_Bobplease help22:53
SupertankerUh, Ubuntu Netbook Remix seems to really be dislikeing my IBM Thinkpad T43 with an ATI X300 in it. With modesetting on, it boots to a plain desktop (the "lense flares" and doesn't do anything else--mouse still works, contorl+alt+delete lets me shut down with the menu. With no modesetting, it alternates between the desktop and a really peculiar screen with a black blox about 1/4th of the screen in the upper left and an alternating sequence o22:53
SupertankerUm, should Ij ust stick with Ubuntu 1.10?22:54
Supertanker10.10 even22:54
beachbum_Bobhow do i get rid of winXP mbr so i can install U10.10  or  Ustudio from a Linux pendrive....PS even killdisk doesn't work22:56
v1ratiI want to run a command recursively in a folder. How do I do that?22:56
jribv1rati: use find with -exec.  What do you want to do exactly?22:56
tuzlook, since I am slapping this on a dell poweredge, will the i386 iso suffice?22:56
rr73Jordan_U: thanks for your help22:57
tarovenHaving an odd sound issue in a fairly fresh 10.10 install... My primary sound card is detected fine by alsa/pulse and pavucontrol indicates that sound is being played, but there's no audio at all. I've also got a USB headset, which works perfectly. Any ideas?22:57
jribbeachbum_Bob: when you install ubuntu, it will install grub22:57
v1ratijrib: Mass rename all the files on my external HD with22:57
v1ratijrib: with "rename -v 's/[\/:*?"<>|]/_/g' *"22:57
erUSULv1rati: only files?22:57
jribv1rati: you could use find with -exec.  Or you could use **/* instead of * (make sure you do that IN THE RIGHT DIRECTORY)22:58
tuzlojrib, since I am slapping this on a dell poweredge, will the i386 iso suffice?22:58
beachbum_Bobthanks  jrib....unable to boot pendrive22:58
jribtuzlo: sure, if that's the version you want22:58
v1ratierUSUL: Files and folders. I'm trying to get rid of the illegal characters that Windows is whining about. (|?:, etc.)22:58
erUSULv1rati: find dir/ -exec rename -v 's/[\/:*?"<>|]/_/g' {} +22:58
tuzlojrib, I want one running, not sure if thats the best fopr thathardware22:58
jribbeachbum_Bob: so your issue is that you can't actually boot the pen drive?22:58
beachbum_Bobyes jrib   thanks22:59
jribtuzlo: I'm not familiar with the hardware.  How much ram?22:59
tuzlobeen so long, I cant remember22:59
jribtuzlo: if you have 4gb+, you probably want the amd64 version, otherwise i386 is okay22:59
tuzloI think 1 Gb, dual 3 Ghz processors22:59
systmcan any one recommend a good lite weight text pad, with syntax highlighting?23:00
tuzlois 11.04 in testing?23:00
jribsystm: gedit23:00
jribtuzlo: 11.04 is still being developed23:00
tuzlothought so23:00
systmjrib: my bad, I didn't get that highlighting was the same as syntax, thank you!23:01
jribbeachbum_Bob: I guess that's usually something you setup in your bios23:01
tobiaszhi, new flash player 10.2 doesn't provide hardware acceleration as it was promised to do, and the performance went downhill, anyone know something?23:02
v1ratierUSUL: Perfect. Thanks. :)23:02
NewUbuntuwhat is this metasploit framework installed in my ubuntu? is this fine running on my machine?23:03
cokrailS.a :)23:03
jribNewUbuntu: well it's a piece of software you installed.  Not sure what you are asking23:03
beachbum_Bobi've changed bboot sequence in f2  and even tried to highlighting external feature of f1223:03
BiPolahNewUbuntu, it's a security penetration testing thing23:03
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NewUbuntui was not the one who installed, can some connect to my computer without me knowing?23:04
Pumpkin-or more worryingly, its a bit of software someone else installed23:04
jribNewUbuntu: that software isn't installed by default23:04
NewUbuntuyeah, because i payed someone to install ubuntu on my pc23:05
BiPolahNewUbuntu: just uninstall it23:05
NewUbuntuthen i saw this metassploit23:05
jribNewUbuntu: then ask this person about it23:05
BiPolahNewUbuntu: sudo apt-get remove w3af23:05
avinash_I am unable to use my head phones in my ubuntu. There is no sound in them. my laptop is dell inspiron. can any one help me with this23:05
erUSUL!intelhda | avinash_23:06
ubottuavinash_: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto23:06
BiPolahAvinash: Does your laptop have built-in speakers that are working?23:06
LasNotehiya, does anyone know how I install "spots-ebones"?23:06
nikhowbonsoir tout le monde23:07
LasNoteit's supposedly some java add-on but I don't see a package for it anywhere23:07
avinash_@Bipolah: yeah speakers are working23:07
erUSUL!fr | nikhow23:08
ubottunikhow: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:08
TheAnarchistIs something wrong with my HD I installed linux on?23:08
TheAnarchistI ran fdisk -i23:09
mparadise 23:09
TheAnarchistgot this: http://pastebin.com/Hf3kttMc23:09
FloodBot2mparadise: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:09
TheAnarchistfdisk -l I mean23:09
LasNoteThis: svn checkout http://java.net/projects/spots-ebones/svn/spots-ebones/trunk - is asking for options, and I can't figure out what options to give it, it looks right to me, ideas?23:10
avinash_BiPolah, only the built in speakers are working , head phones aren't working23:12
BiPolahLasNote: Are you running svn through terminal? use svn --help for options23:12
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LasNoteBiPolah, Actually I just want spot-ebones but I can;t figure out for the life of me how to get it into my macine, heh23:14
BiPolahavinash_: Perhaps you've disabled your line-out, or your drivers aren't working correctly23:14
avinash_BiPolah, How do i reinstall the drivers?23:14
iceroot_what is the common technologie for mounting a directory from another linux-pc in a lan (100mbit/s) sshfs, nfs, samba/cifs? maybe something other?23:15
erUSULnfs is the classic more performant file sharing for unix23:15
iceroot_erUSUL: but nfs doesnt support user-based auth?23:16
kgunpowderI'm back with another issue.23:16
erUSULiceroot_: it supports unix permissions23:16
kgunpowderHow do I start Ubuntu without using my NVidia 6150 LE card again?23:16
torrancewiceroot_: host-based auth, unix file perms, on nfs23:16
iceroot_erUSUL: on the other pc the uids are not the same23:16
kgunpowderI think it used to be --nomodeset23:16
erUSULiceroot_: yeah that's the classic problem... uid's have to be in sync between machines...23:17
erUSULiceroot_: go for cifs then?23:17
kgunpowderHow do I boot Ubuntu without relying on my graphics card? (Blank screen)23:18
iceroot_erUSUL: as i see nfs (version4) is supporting user based auth like cifs23:18
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LasNoteIs anyone here running Eagle PCB designer under Linux? thanks23:19
iceroot_LasNote: a windows-app?23:19
kgunpowderCan anyone help me boot Linux? I have an NVidia 6150 LE graphics card on my motherboard.23:19
g_0_0LasNote, I have done, not recently though23:19
Suit_Of_SablesI have a sansa fuze with rockbox installed. I can't seem to get write permission on the damn thing though so I can transfer some music over with rsync. I mount with 'sudo mount /dev/sdb -w /mnt/point'  I have chowned the mount point but I can't do it do the device's directories when mounted as it is vfat and doesn't use standard unix permissions. any ideas?23:19
ChrisWerethere's a program which is using up all my upload bandwidth but i don't know what it is, how do i find out?23:20
LasNoteice799, : it has a linux installer, and installs right, but cannot open any of the files it should be able too. I think it needs a library it's not getting but I can;t figure out how to get that library23:20
LasNotethe only info I find it "Spot-Ebones" but that makes no sense to me23:20
kgunpowderCan anyone help me boot ubuntu?23:20
BiPolahLasnote: you can get eagle through the software centre23:20
BiPolahLasNote: sudo apt-get install eagle23:20
milamber!ext3 | Suit_Of_Sables23:21
ubottuSuit_Of_Sables: ext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org23:21
ChrisWerewhat can i do?23:21
BiPolahkgunpowder: How exactly do you need help?23:21
g_0_0LasNote, have you already designed the board?23:21
kgunpowderBiPolah: I have an NVidia 6150 LE card, booting Ubuntu will give me a blank screen, can't recall what the change in code was.23:21
halvorhey, anyone has some knowledge about tcl/tk?23:21
g_0_0LasNote, are you using the free version - as there are limitation - two signal layers only, and board area is limited23:22
BiPolahkgunpowder: So it was working before? Have you tried booting in recovery mode?23:22
nejodekgunpowder: boot with the "nomodeset" kernel param23:22
LasNoteBiDOrD, : yeah, same problem with that version too23:23
ChrisWerehow do i find out which process is useing all my band width?23:23
Abinadaican someone tell me if GRUB 2 will recognize that I've installed a new Maverick installation automatically and add it to the list of OS's that I want to access?23:23
kgunpowdernejode: How exactly? I've put "--nomodeset" after quiet splash, on it, without the dashes, with the dashes on it.23:23
linuxdude21hey all need help with alias command: alias ip='ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}''23:23
LasNoteg_0_0, : yes, downloaded files, and the free version can open anything someone else made just not edit it23:23
th0rChrisWere: iftop?23:24
kgunpowderBiPolah: nejode: I know I've done it before, just don't remember the lines and where to put them.  nejode has the idea, but where in the boot code?23:24
nejodekgunpowder: erase quiet & splash and add nomodeset before de double dash... leaving a space23:24
nejodekgunpowder: xxx nomodeset --23:25
kgunpowdernejode: "de  quietsplash" = "de  --nomodeset"?23:25
kgunpowderAh, okay, will try.  If it doesn't work I won't be gone for long.23:25
brokendatapointhi, using U10.10, have multiple machines on home network, i can ssh from all machines to each other, yet can ping. why is this?23:25
g_0_0LasNote, if you start it from the terminal what error if any do you get?23:26
brokendatapointyet *cannot* ping?23:26
erUSULbrokendatapoint: firewall blocking pings? what error do you get from ping ?23:26
LasNoteg_0_0, : the program gives no errors, only opening brd and sch files, which are in invalid formats23:26
hellyeahhow to become chroot on ubuntu23:26
hellyeahwith gentoo way is it same23:26
variableDoes the "windows installer" install the linux-on-windows thing or does it install a dualboot ubuntu ?23:27
iceroot_hellyeah: mount the drive and use chroot . on the mounted drive23:27
brokendatapointerUSUL: internal, no firewalls => Destination Host Unreachable23:27
th0rbrokendatapoint: wifi network?23:27
erUSULbrokendatapoint: o.023:27
VustomHow do I install mesa-utils? PlayOnLinux is asked for it when I launch it23:27
erUSUL!software | Vustom23:27
ubottuVustom: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:28
__cdeclHi. Is checkinstall a good tool to create a package for my personal use?23:28
Blue1variable: NO IT does not install dual boot23:28
variableBlue1: what does it install ?23:28
erUSULbrokendatapoint: routing problem? « ip route » output may help23:28
computer13137Does anyone have any experience  traffic shaping with TCNG?  I'm attempting to configure it and I'm running into some issues... I could benefit from somebody who's used it before and knows a little of the syntax better than I do.23:29
Blue1Vustom: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils23:29
Blue1variable: it installs entirely under windows and runs entirely under windows23:29
__cdeclDo I have to ask stupid question here to get an attendtion?23:29
brokendatapointerUSUL: would not have thought so but hey, looking23:29
variableBlue1: what's the point? the software ?23:29
torrancewcomputer13137: TCNG? as in "tc next generation"?23:29
computer13137torrancew, yes.23:29
ChrisWerei can find tout what process is using all my bandwisth23:30
variable__cdecl: yes23:30
brokendatapoint__cdecl: you just did...23:30
Blue1variable: no risk linux - if you don't like it, simply uninstall it.23:30
ChrisWerei think ive got a virus23:30
torrancewcomputer13137: I've not used it, but I'm going to look into it ASAP - I don't feel like dealing with the chicken sacrifices that tc requires23:30
brokendatapointChrisWere: go to the doctor and stopping touching it....23:30
__cdeclbrokendatapoint a question about building own packages is stupid?23:30
computer13137torrancew, PM?23:30
variableChrisWere: did you run an anti-virus program? Also - what makes you think you have a virus. Did your computer suddenly get slow?23:30
brokendatapoint__cdecl: no, asking if you have to ask a stupid question is stupid .... ask you question23:31
__cdeclbrokendatapoint I've asked, are you blind?23:31
carldebian > ubuntu. deal with it.23:31
ChrisWerewell maybe an unknown process rather than a virus, but something is contant uploading something to somewhere and i can't find out which process it is23:31
variableBlue1: is the typical windows experience replaced? what would the user gain?  (I'm running a *nix installfest so I want to know what exactly this would be doing)23:31
brokendatapoint__cdecl: no but you are rude, did not see it23:31
__cdecl0:27:59 < __cdecl> Hi. Is checkinstall a good tool to create a package for my  personal use?23:31
Blue1variable: what are you trying to accomplish, maybe that is the more germain question?23:32
__cdeclHere you are. Thanks for the answer to this question in advance23:32
variablechrisdev: NetHogs ?23:32
13WAA4RXZhow do i play a wav file from command line.  how do i play audio from command line?23:32
th0r13WAA4RXZ: install sox...it includes the command line 'play' command23:33
slideDoes anyone know of a way to test upload/download bandwidth via console? (on a headless server)23:33
thev3rni tried to removed the bluetooth support in ubuntu 10.10 rebooted and now I have no wireless network.. any advise?23:33
variableBlue1: I have three disks to offer my users (a) PC-BSD x64 (b) PC-BSD x32 and (c) Ubuntu. I'm trying to figure out if the windows installer is a "less risky" version of windows that still gives one that experience23:33
variableslide: fetch? wget? curl?23:33
__cdeclbrokendatapoint I'm sorry for my missbehaviour, but I nearly never get an answer, because people are focused on something trivial like "how to turn the volume up"23:33
brokendatapoint__cdecl: if it is only for your use, and is *not* going out into the wider Ubuntu community, yes23:33
brokendatapoint__cdecl: is ok, i get your frustration23:33
slidevariable, i can use wget for down, but ive no idea how to test upload as I have no where to upload23:33
Blue1variable: I've no idea you'd have to make that determination for yourself.  the first 2 i've never heard of but that's just me.23:34
variableslide: ah - you might want to fix that ☺    also measuring upload/download speeds is a bad way to measure quality though23:34
Abinadaican someone tell me if GRUB 2 will recognize that I've installed a new Maverick installation automatically and add it to the list of OS's that I want to access?23:34
slideanyway thats not helpful at all...23:34
variableBlue1: I don't have a windows box to test on. and I think installing it under wine would be silly23:34
Blue1Abinadai: it should be there's a way to make it do that.23:34
__cdeclbrokendatapoint ok so it's a good tool to install my eg my own gcc build without f* up the packet managment system?23:34
torrancewAbinadai: try "update-grub2" as root23:35
variableslide: in order to test upload you need a place to upload to....23:35
Blue1variable: you don't install wubi under wine, you install wubi under windows23:35
slidewoah REALLY?!?!?!23:35
slide*head asplodes*23:35
Blue1variable: if you have no windows then wubi is moot23:35
__cdeclbrokendatapoint anyway thanks for your answer.23:35
variableBlue1: its not for *me*23:35
AbinadaiBlue1, what is the way to manually do it in case I try update-grub2?23:35
brokendatapointi think so but when you do a system wide update, your custom gcc might mess things up23:35
variableBlue1: I'm trying to figure out what sort of experience is provides so I might be able to offer it at the installfest I'm running23:36
variableso just because *I* don't own a box doesn't mean its moot23:36
Blue1Abinadai: http://pkill-9.com/?p=31423:36
__cdeclbrokendatapoint is it true that dist upgrade is dangerous?23:36
__cdeclbrokendatapoint ie I've heard that it can make a huge mess.23:36
AbinadaiBlue1, thanks23:36
Blue1variable: sorry I can't help you.  if your not using windows, then you'd have to deice on which *nix distro to try.23:37
brokendatapoint__cdecl: it can be, but is generally OK ... but as you know s**t happens sometimes23:37
milamberslide: google for iftop23:37
slidemilamber, thanks23:37
Blue1Abinadai: welcome23:37
variableBlue1: alright - thanks for your help otherwise. I'm perfectly fine with FreeBSD but I doubt that would be a good *first* choice.23:37
__cdeclbrokendatapoint that's why i want to build something myself, to delay the dist upgrade until summer holidays :)23:38
brokendatapoint__cdecl: personally unless you are doing a dist-upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, i'd grab another .iso of the target version and instal that, play it safe unless you know how to get around package brokiness23:38
brokendatapoint__cdecl: fair enough23:38
Blue1variable: why not give them a ubuntu live cd?  that's also risk free23:38
__cdeclbrokendatapoint i have 9.10, old but well...23:38
variableBlue1: hrm - that's smart - maybe I'll make a few of those.23:38
linuxdude21Hey all, can someone fix my alias command: alias ip='ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}''23:38
variablelinux_probe: don't use awk & grep - they can work together23:39
alpha7Is there anyway limit my download speed23:39
variableI mean linuxdude2123:39
torrancewlinuxdude21: you have 's inside of 's23:39
brokendatapoint__cdecl: if you do not mind the potential for ugliness, have time to give to recify and do not mind your system being out of action, dist-upgrade from there but be warned, it may go bad, it may not23:39
torranceweither switch one to "s23:39
torrancewor escape the inner set with \'23:39
milambervariable: you can order free cds from ubuntu (if you have enough time before your event)23:39
Blue1variable: they can try it without installing it, see how it works.  and if they don't like it simply remove the cd and reboot, and it;s gone.  otoh, if they want to install it,  they will have the option to do so.  and it lives peacefully alongside windows.23:39
__cdeclbrokendatapoint but what kind of things could happen, some packages boroken, broken config files, no kernel image, grub f* up?23:39
variablelinuxdude21: alias ip='ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | cut -d ' ' -f 2    or alias ip='ifconfig eth0 | awk " /inet/ {print $2}"'23:40
brokendatapoint__cdecl: yes, some of that, you never know, is half the fun23:40
variablemilamber: oh nice! where?  I have about 2 weeks - will that be enough time?23:40
reavengreyDone with the wine thing23:40
reavengreyThe game works nicely now, thanks23:40
milamber!shipit | variable23:40
ubottuvariable: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Maverick (10.10) CDs23:40
variableBlue1: does it do the dualboot automatically that's kind of cool?23:40
__cdeclbrokendatapoint what's what i dislike about ubuntu, the development discontinuity :)23:41
brokendatapoint__cdecl: i have bandwidth/cap to burn, i'd just get a 10.10.iso and do that but do what you feel happy with23:41
Blue1variable: the grub menu sill come if (assuming both os installed) and it let's you choose windows or linux23:41
brokendatapoint__cdecl: we are talking about Ubuntu, not Windows right?23:41
__cdeclbrokendatapoint yes, why?23:41
brokendatapointhaha, never mind23:41
variableBlue1: cool. - I mean does the installer do the re partitioning automatically or does one lose their data23:41
Blue1variable: it can automagically do the partitioning if directed to do so23:42
variableBlue1: nice!23:42
brokendatapointwhy did you say "development discontinuity"? Ubuntu rocks with it's development/support compared to most other GNU/Linux23:42
variablemilamber: is two weeks enough time?23:43
Blue1okay off to dinner23:43
variablethank you very much Blue123:43
zoraelAnyone here a wiz at optimizing an ext4 partition to reside on a non-lvm software raid0 stripe? Wondering about stride and stripe-width.23:43
variablehave fun with the food23:43
brokendatapointanyone know the quick way to add an Application Launcher into Unity?23:43
milambervariable: not sure. i used to get them in about that timeframe but i haven't had to order a mass quantity in a while. probably be better off asking someone associated w/ the service23:43
linuxdude21variable: but  ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}'    works the way i want23:43
linuxdude21variable: but need that in an alias23:44
__cdeclbrokendatapoint and with checkinstall as I udnestand, I can generate a deb file for something i.e. firefox and instal it with dpkg and it will perfectly substitiute the orginal one except for dependency checking?23:44
variablelinuxdude21: awk is too powerful for what you need. either remove the grep and use only awk; or replace awk with cut :-)23:44
__cdeclbrokendatapoint oaky thanks for everything and usefull advices.23:45
brokendatapoint__cdecl: as far as I understand, yes, goto23:45
linuxdude21variable: that may be.  so awk is what is giving me problems not the alias23:45
brokendatapoint__cdecl: http://www.asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/docs/README23:45
brokendatapoint__cdecl: urw23:45
Blue1variable: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6137810&l=a9c6e8b22a&id=58436774723:46
variablelinuxdude21: you could use the alias with the awk as torrancew told you above.23:46
variableI was giving you a different hint :-)23:46
romistrubDAE think that knowing how to use Google, IRC, man/vi, are probably the most important skills in learning linux? :P23:46
variableromistrub: vi is nice but not critical; Google and man are the most important23:46
linuxdude21variable: oh sorry i didn't see torrancew post23:47
variableBlue1: ☺23:47
fdsaseemslegitromistrub, You forgot asking questions.23:47
VixieI'd wager learning to use the keyboard more than the mouse helps...23:47
romistrubvariable: I only say "vi" to search man-pages haha23:47
variableromistrub: use less to use search the man pages23:47
variabletype '/' and then your query23:47
romistrubvariable: can you reword that? confused!23:47
variableromistrub: less (a pager) has built in search23:48
romistrubvariable: interesting!23:48
linuxdude21sorry i cant find torrancew message23:49
variable<torrancew> linuxdude21: you have 's inside of 's <torrancew> either switch one to "s<torrancew> or escape the inner set with \'23:49
variablelinuxdude21: either way I would switch the awk for cut though or replace the grep with awk23:49
brandon420heyy guys, my ram useage keeps going up with my uptime.......23:51
romistrubI honestly can't even imagine how people learned linux before the internet ...23:51
macobrucec: firefox open?23:51
macoromistrub: man man23:51
brandon420im not doing anything different, but when i check it, it keeps going up23:51
induzwhat is a good application to conver to MP3 on Ubuntu23:52
erUSULromistrub: books and included docs ;P23:52
erUSULinduz: from ?23:52
g_hi, i'm trying to use a specific font in an eps, but the font isn't showing up in evince. how do i fix this?23:52
induzI have banshee but it is just a player23:52
erUSULinduz: it has a cdextract plugin23:52
macoinduz: ffmpeg is hte usual for video & audio file conversions23:52
brokendatapointinduz: from what?23:52
erUSULinduz: i use soundjuicer though23:52
romistrubI heard there was some sort of paper internet and the internet boxes could fit *people*23:52
brokendatapointromistrub: hahaha23:53
induzto MP3 from a CD23:53
induzI want to play it on my MP3 player but I need a converter23:53
linuxdude21neither way works23:53
yohoHello, I'm trying to understand how NetworkManager obtains the nameserver23:53
linuxdude21 alias ip='ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  \' {print $2}' '23:54
torrancewyoho: if you don't understand, it's probably using DHCP23:54
erUSULyoho: either from the dhcp server if it offers it or from the user23:54
linuxdude21which i have tried23:54
romistruband people had to bring the internet *back* when they were done with it --- now that is strange23:54
variablebrandon420: free memory is wasted memory23:55
torrancewlinuxdude21: what was the failed alias again?23:55
torrancewthe scrollback is out of hand in here ;)23:55
variabletorrancew: grep :-23:56
erUSULromistrub: we all used rfc1149 back in the day23:56
erUSULromistrub: high latency23:56
BiPolahbrandon420: Perhaps something your running has a memory leak23:56
linuxdude21how use you write    ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  '{print $2}'  in an alias to get the same return as the command23:56
linuxdude21ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  \' {print $2}' failed23:56
erUSULhttp://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1149.html XXDD23:56
variablelinuxdude21: alias foo="ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  '{print $2}'"23:56
variableerUSUL: old news23:56
linuxdude21variable: i see grep with awk all the time23:56
torrancewya, you can definitely use them together23:56
nixboxi have ubuntu on an HTPC, it was working perfectly, i rebooted it and now it drops down to an initramfs shell, it shows me a kernel stack trace which occured during mount23:57
romistruberUSUL: ... that this exists has possibly made my day :D23:57
variablelinuxdude21: then you see bad all the time23:57
erUSULuse a function instead... also "ip a" output is more parseable23:57
variableromistrub: there are other funny ones as well23:57
linuxdude21variable: does not return the same why23:57
yohotorrancew: I think it's supposed to be DHCP, but it keeps putting the address of the LAN router in the resolv.conf23:57
variableromistrub: http://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/bjoff_bilder/index.html --> ping of RFC 114923:57
FCdllin order to install/use BitlBee i checked this document23:57
FCdllBut i faced a problem n the third part of the document; 3"Connect to BitlBee" his is what i get      http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/168347_151224651600651_100001393509885_309501_5598857_n.jpg23:57
FloodBot2FCdll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
variableromistrub: http://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/pinglogg.txt-> I meant this23:57
erUSULyoho: many routers ( mine for example ) can give out dns servers and act as caching dns servers23:58
variablelinuxdude21: ah - because "$0" is special23:58
variablelinuxdude21: alias foo='ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  "{print $2}"'23:58
variabletry that23:58
linuxdude21variable: stop i have never heard someone say "grep and awk dont work together"  in fact that what nawk is!23:58
variablelinuxdude21: alias foo='ifconfig eth0 | awk  "/inet/ {print $2}"' --> better23:58
romistrubvariable: lol @ "dropped: 0" -- I'm surprised23:58
erUSULlinuxdude21: use a function instead of an alias; also "ip a" output is more parseable23:58
variablelinuxdude21: grep and awk work perfectly fine together -- but its a plain waste23:59
variableeither use awk's own pattern matching23:59
variableor use cut23:59
romistrubvariable: needs redundancy :P23:59
linuxdude21variable: alias foo='ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  "{print $2}"' does not return the same as ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk  '{print $2}'23:59
brandon420guys should "gnome-panel" be using 121mb of ram?23:59
torrancewlinuxdude21: I'm seeing that as well23:59
torrancewI can offer an alternative, one sec23:59
linuxdude21variable: OHHHHH SORRY23:59

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